2 values
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] V8214 620 No chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on the parcel conveyed.5. No house or building shall be erected on any residential lot closer than 651 feet from the sidelineofthe road or highway on which the lot fronts, except where the lot is on a corner of two roads and insuch cases the house may be crected no closer than 50/ feet! from the sidel line oft the side road. No build-ing may be erected within 10, fcet ofa side line or rear line, and at least twenty per cent (20%) of'thewidth of the lot at the building line shall be devoted tos side yards. These restrictions pertaining to setback and side lines may be modifed when, in the judgment of the committee ori its representatives, asprovided for in Paragraph 7, a modifcation will be beneficial to the development of the sub-division.6. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential lot which has a frstRoor area, ccclusive of garage und porches, of less than 1400 square fect. Wo dwelling house shall beerected or suffered to remain on any residential lot unless the ridge oft the roofi is at least. 18 feet abovethe fnished frst foor. No garage, studio, or other attached building shall be erected or suffered tor re-main which has a foor area of less than 360 square feet or more than 800 square feet, and a guble orgambrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the finished Roor, and the design and materials uised7.. No building, structures, or fences or any additions thereto, or any alterations thereof, shall beerected, reconstructed, placed or suffered to remain upon said premises, unless or until the architecttherefor has recommended the size, location, type, materials of construction thereof, the grading planofthe tract, and the plans and specifcations of suid buildings and the structures and these shall havebeen approved in writing bya committee composed of Howard I. Green, Ernest J. Green and IrvingR. Lewis, or the survivor of them, or by a representative desifnated by a majority of the members ofsaid commiltee. The powers and duties of such committee and ofi its designated representative shallceuse on and after January 1, 1970. Thereafter, the approval described in this covenant shall not berequired unless, prior tos said date and effective thereon, a written instrument. shall be exrecuted by, thethen record owners ofa majority of the residential lots into which this property has been subdividedand said instrument kas been recorded appointinga representative or commiltee who shall thereafter8. The Grantors reserve the right to grant consents to, and to petition the Gas Companies, clectriclight companies, Municipal or County authorities for the extension of their respective services, which,'int the opinion ofthe Grantors are necessary in the highways upon which the premises herein describedshall front or abut, and the owner agrees to, and hereby consents to and airms all agrcements thatmay be entered into between the Grantors and above named partics with respect to binding the ouonerfor the proportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said premises herein described.9. The Grantors, their successors and assigns, reserve the right to waive, change or cancel anyand all the restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to any of the parcels within the abovedescribed premises ifi in their. judgment the purposes of said development can be better served. How-erer, before any waiver, change or cancellation of any restrictions contained in this instrument beeffective, the upproval ofsuch waiver, change o7 cancellations, of the Council of the Village of Brecks-10. No nuisance, advertising sifn, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed,ors suffered to remain upon said premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manu-factured or sold, whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises, No commercial oil or gas well11. Provisions for the disposal of sewage from any dwelling or building on said premises shalz be12. The Grantors, their sieccessors or assigns, hereby reserve casements and rights-of-way in,ouer, under and across the rear fve feet ofe cach parcel conveyed,, for the purpose ofi installing and main-tenance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserued portion along the18. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by anyperson or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy bec as owner, leasceord otherwise, excepb than this provision shall noto apply to thes servant or's servants ofa Caucasian occupier.14. The Grantors reserve and are hereby granted the right in casc of.any violation or breach ofanyof the restrictions, rights, veservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions in this deedcontained, to enter the property upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and tos summarilyabate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may beorexist thercon contrary to thei intent and meaning ofthe provisions hereofas interpreted by the Gran-tors, and the Grantors shall not, by reason thercof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass forsuch entry, abatement or removal, AI failure to endorse any of the restrictions, rights, reservations,limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions contained in this deed, shall in no event be con-strued, taken or held to be a waiver thereof or acquiescence in or consent to any further or succeed-15. Thel locationd ofany and alld driveways shall be and remain as nowe established upon said premises,or,ifnot now established, shall bec determined by the committee heretofore referred toi in writing atthetime of the approval of the plans and specifcations for said dwelling. No driveway shall be located,relocated or suffered to rémain upon said premises except as now located oT determined in writing by16.. The Grantors reserve, for the committee heretofore referred to, the sole and erclusive right toestablish grades and slopes on the premises hereby conveyed and tof fr the grade at which any buildingshall be hereafter erected or placed thereon, so that the same may conform to a general plan.17. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be occupied, leased, rented, conveyed or otherwisealienated nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another without the written consent of theGrantors or the committee, except that the Grantors or committee shall not withhold such consentand after a written request has been made to the Grantors or committee, to permit such occupation,leasing, renting, conveyance or alienation by a majority of the owners of the sublots which adjoin or shall harmonize with the dwelling. ercrcise the same powers previously exercised by the said committce. uille shall frst have been obtained.shall be drilled on said premises, acceptable to and approved by the county and municipal health authorities. side line of cach parcel, ing breach or violation therco/.the said committec.
V8214 620 No chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on the parcel conveyed.5. No house or building shall be erected on any residential lot closer than 651 feet from the sidelineofthe road or highway on which the lot fronts, except where the lot is on a corner of two roads and insuch cases the house may be crected no closer than 50/ feet! from the sidel line oft the side road. No build-ing may be erected within 10, fcet ofa side line or rear line, and at least twenty per cent (20%) of'thewidth of the lot at the building line shall be devoted tos side yards. These restrictions pertaining to setback and side lines may be modifed when, in the judgment of the committee ori its representatives, asprovided for in Paragraph 7, a modifcation will be beneficial to the development of the sub-division.6. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential lot which has a frstRoor area, ccclusive of garage und porches, of less than 1400 square fect. Wo dwelling house shall beerected or suffered to remain on any residential lot unless the ridge oft the roofi is at least. 18 feet abovethe fnished frst foor. No garage, studio, or other attached building shall be erected or suffered tor re-main which has a foor area of less than 360 square feet or more than 800 square feet, and a guble orgambrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the finished Roor, and the design and materials uised7.. No building, structures, or fences or any additions thereto, or any alterations thereof, shall beerected, reconstructed, placed or suffered to remain upon said premises, unless or until the architecttherefor has recommended the size, location, type, materials of construction thereof, the grading planofthe tract, and the plans and specifcations of suid buildings and the structures and these shall havebeen approved in writing bya committee composed of Howard I. Green, Ernest J. Green and IrvingR. Lewis, or the survivor of them, or by a representative desifnated by a majority of the members ofsaid commiltee. The powers and duties of such committee and ofi its designated representative shallceuse on and after January 1, 1970. Thereafter, the approval described in this covenant shall not berequired unless, prior tos said date and effective thereon, a written instrument. shall be exrecuted by, thethen record owners ofa majority of the residential lots into which this property has been subdividedand said instrument kas been recorded appointinga representative or commiltee who shall thereafter8. The Grantors reserve the right to grant consents to, and to petition the Gas Companies, clectriclight companies, Municipal or County authorities for the extension of their respective services, which,'int the opinion ofthe Grantors are necessary in the highways upon which the premises herein describedshall front or abut, and the owner agrees to, and hereby consents to and airms all agrcements thatmay be entered into between the Grantors and above named partics with respect to binding the ouonerfor the proportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said premises herein described.9. The Grantors, their successors and assigns, reserve the right to waive, change or cancel anyand all the restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to any of the parcels within the abovedescribed premises ifi in their. judgment the purposes of said development can be better served. How-erer, before any waiver, change or cancellation of any restrictions contained in this instrument beeffective, the upproval ofsuch waiver, change o7 cancellations, of the Council of the Village of Brecks-10. No nuisance, advertising sifn, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed,ors suffered to remain upon said premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manu-factured or sold, whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises, No commercial oil or gas well11. Provisions for the disposal of sewage from any dwelling or building on said premises shalz be12. The Grantors, their sieccessors or assigns, hereby reserve casements and rights-of-way in,ouer, under and across the rear fve feet ofe cach parcel conveyed,, for the purpose ofi installing and main-tenance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserued portion along the18. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by anyperson or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy bec as owner, leasceord otherwise, excepb than this provision shall noto apply to thes servant or's servants ofa Caucasian occupier.14. The Grantors reserve and are hereby granted the right in casc of.any violation or breach ofanyof the restrictions, rights, veservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions in this deedcontained, to enter the property upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and tos summarilyabate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may beorexist thercon contrary to thei intent and meaning ofthe provisions hereofas interpreted by the Gran-tors, and the Grantors shall not, by reason thercof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass forsuch entry, abatement or removal, AI failure to endorse any of the restrictions, rights, reservations,limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions contained in this deed, shall in no event be con-strued, taken or held to be a waiver thereof or acquiescence in or consent to any further or succeed-15. Thel locationd ofany and alld driveways shall be and remain as nowe established upon said premises,or,ifnot now established, shall bec determined by the committee heretofore referred toi in writing atthetime of the approval of the plans and specifcations for said dwelling. No driveway shall be located,relocated or suffered to rémain upon said premises except as now located oT determined in writing by16.. The Grantors reserve, for the committee heretofore referred to, the sole and erclusive right toestablish grades and slopes on the premises hereby conveyed and tof fr the grade at which any buildingshall be hereafter erected or placed thereon, so that the same may conform to a general plan.17. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be occupied, leased, rented, conveyed or otherwisealienated nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another without the written consent of theGrantors or the committee, except that the Grantors or committee shall not withhold such consentand after a written request has been made to the Grantors or committee, to permit such occupation,leasing, renting, conveyance or alienation by a majority of the owners of the sublots which adjoin or shall harmonize with the dwelling. ercrcise the same powers previously exercised by the said committce. uille shall frst have been obtained.shall be drilled on said premises, acceptable to and approved by the county and municipal health authorities. side line of cach parcel, ing breach or violation therco/.the said committec.
13. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasce orotherwise, except than this provision shallnot apply to thes servant orservants ofa Caucasian occupier.
13. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee or otherwise, except than this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]13. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasce orotherwise, except than this provision shallnot apply to thes servant orservants ofa Caucasian occupier. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]13. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee or otherwise, except than this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nV8214 620\nNo chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on the parcel conveyed.5. No house or building shall be erected on any residential lot closer than 651 feet from the sidelineofthe road or highway on which the lot fronts, except where the lot is on a corner of two roads and insuch cases the house may be crected no closer than 50/ feet! from the sidel line oft the side road. No build-ing may be erected within 10, fcet ofa side line or rear line, and at least twenty per cent (20%) of'thewidth of the lot at the building line shall be devoted tos side yards. These restrictions pertaining to setback and side lines may be modifed when, in the judgment of the committee ori its representatives, asprovided for in Paragraph 7, a modifcation will be beneficial to the development of the sub-division.6. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential lot which has a frstRoor area, ccclusive of garage und porches, of less than 1400 square fect. Wo dwelling house shall beerected or suffered to remain on any residential lot unless the ridge oft the roofi is at least. 18 feet abovethe fnished frst foor. No garage, studio, or other attached building shall be erected or suffered tor re-main which has a foor area of less than 360 square feet or more than 800 square feet, and a guble orgambrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the finished Roor, and the design and materials uised7.. No building, structures, or fences or any additions thereto, or any alterations thereof, shall beerected, reconstructed, placed or suffered to remain upon said premises, unless or until the architecttherefor has recommended the size, location, type, materials of construction thereof, the grading planofthe tract, and the plans and specifcations of suid buildings and the structures and these shall havebeen approved in writing bya committee composed of Howard I. Green, Ernest J. Green and IrvingR. Lewis, or the survivor of them, or by a representative desifnated by a majority of the members ofsaid commiltee. The powers and duties of such committee and ofi its designated representative shallceuse on and after January 1, 1970. Thereafter, the approval described in this covenant shall not berequired unless, prior tos said date and effective thereon, a written instrument. shall be exrecuted by, thethen record owners ofa majority of the residential lots into which this property has been subdividedand said instrument kas been recorded appointinga representative or commiltee who shall thereafter8. The Grantors reserve the right to grant consents to, and to petition the Gas Companies, clectriclight companies, Municipal or County authorities for the extension of their respective services, which,'int the opinion ofthe Grantors are necessary in the highways upon which the premises herein describedshall front or abut, and the owner agrees to, and hereby consents to and airms all agrcements thatmay be entered into between the Grantors and above named partics with respect to binding the ouonerfor the proportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said premises herein described.9. The Grantors, their successors and assigns, reserve the right to waive, change or cancel anyand all the restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to any of the parcels within the abovedescribed premises ifi in their. judgment the purposes of said development can be better served. How-erer, before any waiver, change or cancellation of any restrictions contained in this instrument beeffective, the upproval ofsuch waiver, change o7 cancellations, of the Council of the Village of Brecks-10. No nuisance, advertising sifn, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed,ors suffered to remain upon said premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manu-factured or sold, whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises, No commercial oil or gas well11. Provisions for the disposal of sewage from any dwelling or building on said premises shalz be12. The Grantors, their sieccessors or assigns, hereby reserve casements and rights-of-way in,ouer, under and across the rear fve feet ofe cach parcel conveyed,, for the purpose ofi installing and main-tenance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserued portion along the18. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by anyperson or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy bec as owner, leasceord otherwise, excepb than this provision shall noto apply to thes servant or's servants ofa Caucasian occupier.14. The Grantors reserve and are hereby granted the right in casc of.any violation or breach ofanyof the restrictions, rights, veservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions in this deedcontained, to enter the property upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and tos summarilyabate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may beorexist thercon contrary to thei intent and meaning ofthe provisions hereofas interpreted by the Gran-tors, and the Grantors shall not, by reason thercof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass forsuch entry, abatement or removal, AI failure to endorse any of the restrictions, rights, reservations,limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions contained in this deed, shall in no event be con-strued, taken or held to be a waiver thereof or acquiescence in or consent to any further or succeed-15. Thel locationd ofany and alld driveways shall be and remain as nowe established upon said premises,or,ifnot now established, shall bec determined by the committee heretofore referred toi in writing atthetime of the approval of the plans and specifcations for said dwelling. No driveway shall be located,relocated or suffered to rémain upon said premises except as now located oT determined in writing by16.. The Grantors reserve, for the committee heretofore referred to, the sole and erclusive right toestablish grades and slopes on the premises hereby conveyed and tof fr the grade at which any buildingshall be hereafter erected or placed thereon, so that the same may conform to a general plan.17. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be occupied, leased, rented, conveyed or otherwisealienated nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another without the written consent of theGrantors or the committee, except that the Grantors or committee shall not withhold such consentand after a written request has been made to the Grantors or committee, to permit such occupation,leasing, renting, conveyance or alienation by a majority of the owners of the sublots which adjoin or\nshall harmonize with the dwelling.\nercrcise the same powers previously exercised by the said committce.\nuille shall frst have been obtained.shall be drilled on said premises,\nacceptable to and approved by the county and municipal health authorities.\nside line of cach parcel,\ning breach or violation therco/.the said committec.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]13. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any\nperson or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasce\norotherwise, except than this provision shallnot apply to thes servant orservants ofa Caucasian occupier.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]13. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee or otherwise, except than this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL 417 PABE437 then owners of the said lots. Providing that the said sub- divider shall serve for a period of ei ghteen months from date hereof and as lons. thereafter until such time as a meeting celled by the subdivider of the then lot owners in the said subdivision whereby the majority of the said lot purchasers are present or duly represented by written proxy, at which meeting the said then lot owners may elect a committee of three persons above 21 years of age, who shall serve for 2 years each and continue to be chosen in the manner described herein during the entire term of these restrictions. Each committee named shall serve until their successors are elected in said manner. However, in the event there should be no committee successors are elected in said manner. However, in the event there should be no committee in existance, or the committee fails within 10 days to approve or disapprove such design or location, then such approval shall not be required provided, however, that such building shall con- form in harmony with existing structures on this tract. 9. Afranchise right is granted in the easements as shown on the map of the said subdivision, and is expressly reserved for the use and benefit of public utilities and utility companies.. 10. No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. 11. No person of any race other than the white or caucasien race shall use or occupy any building or any lot, except this COV- enant shall not prevent occupancy of domestic servants of a different rece domiciled with an owner or tenant. 12. These covenants and restrictions are to run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming under them until January 1, 1972 at which time said covenants shall be automat tically extended for successive periods of 10 years un- less by a majority of the then owners of the lots it is agreed to change said covenants in whole or part. 13. If the parties hereto or any of them, or their heirs or assigns shall violate or attempt to violate any of the covenants or re- strictions herein during the life thereof, it shall be lawful for any person or persons owning any other lots in. said development or subdivision to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to violate any such covenants or restrictions and either prevent him or them from so doing or to recover damages or other dues for such violation. 140 Invalidation of any. one of these covenants by judgment or. court order shell in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. 15. If through any error or oversight, or mistake between said owners and the owner or builder of any structure in ssid blocks covered in these restrictions, whether on the part of one or both, such structure shall not entirely confrom to all of the limitations here- in set forth, such non-fonformity shall in no way effect, or impair the limitations and restrictions as applying to any and all of the remainder of said blocks and delinquency of delay on the part of said owner in enforcing, the correction of any violation of any limitations or restrictions shall not operate as a waiver of such violation, or confer any implied right on any owner or holder of lot or lots in said blocks, to change, alter or violate any of said limitations. Deed Record 417 Page 437
VOL 417 PABE437 then owners of the said lots. Providing that the said sub- divider shall serve for a period of ei ghteen months from date hereof and as lons. thereafter until such time as a meeting celled by the subdivider of the then lot owners in the said subdivision whereby the majority of the said lot purchasers are present or duly represented by written proxy, at which meeting the said then lot owners may elect a committee of three persons above 21 years of age, who shall serve for 2 years each and continue to be chosen in the manner described herein during the entire term of these restrictions. Each committee named shall serve until their successors are elected in said manner. However, in the event there should be no committee successors are elected in said manner. However, in the event there should be no committee in existance, or the committee fails within 10 days to approve or disapprove such design or location, then such approval shall not be required provided, however, that such building shall con- form in harmony with existing structures on this tract. 9. Afranchise right is granted in the easements as shown on the map of the said subdivision, and is expressly reserved for the use and benefit of public utilities and utility companies.. 10. No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. 11. No person of any race other than the white or caucasien race shall use or occupy any building or any lot, except this COV- enant shall not prevent occupancy of domestic servants of a different rece domiciled with an owner or tenant. 12. These covenants and restrictions are to run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming under them until January 1, 1972 at which time said covenants shall be automat tically extended for successive periods of 10 years un- less by a majority of the then owners of the lots it is agreed to change said covenants in whole or part. 13. If the parties hereto or any of them, or their heirs or assigns shall violate or attempt to violate any of the covenants or re- strictions herein during the life thereof, it shall be lawful for any person or persons owning any other lots in. said development or subdivision to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to violate any such covenants or restrictions and either prevent him or them from so doing or to recover damages or other dues for such violation. 140 Invalidation of any. one of these covenants by judgment or. court order shell in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. 15. If through any error or oversight, or mistake between said owners and the owner or builder of any structure in ssid blocks covered in these restrictions, whether on the part of one or both, such structure shall not entirely confrom to all of the limitations here- in set forth, such non-fonformity shall in no way effect, or impair the limitations and restrictions as applying to any and all of the remainder of said blocks and delinquency of delay on the part of said owner in enforcing, the correction of any violation of any limitations or restrictions shall not operate as a waiver of such violation, or confer any implied right on any owner or holder of lot or lots in said blocks, to change, alter or violate any of said limitations. Deed Record 417 Page 437
11. No person of any race other than the white or caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot, except this COV- enant shall not prevent occupancy of domestic servants of a different rece a omiciled with an owner or tenant.
11. No person of any race other than the white or caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot, except this covenant shall not prevent occupancy of domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]11. No person of any race other than the white or caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot, except this COV- enant shall not prevent occupancy of domestic servants of a different rece a omiciled with an owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]11. No person of any race other than the white or caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot, except this covenant shall not prevent occupancy of domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL 417 PABE437\nthen owners of the said lots. Providing that the said sub-\ndivider shall serve for a period of ei ghteen months from date\nhereof and as lons. thereafter until such time as a meeting\ncelled by the subdivider of the then lot owners in the said\nsubdivision whereby the majority of the said lot purchasers are\npresent or duly represented by written proxy, at which meeting\nthe said then lot owners may elect a committee of three persons\nabove 21 years of age, who shall serve for 2 years each and\ncontinue to be chosen in the manner described herein during the\nentire term of these restrictions. Each committee named shall serve\nuntil their successors are elected in said manner. However, in\nthe event there should be no committee successors are elected in\nsaid manner. However, in the event there should be no committee\nin existance, or the committee fails within 10 days to approve\nor disapprove such design or location, then such approval shall\nnot be required provided, however, that such building shall con-\nform in harmony with existing structures on this tract.\n9. Afranchise right is granted in the easements as shown on the\nmap of the said subdivision, and is expressly reserved for the\nuse and benefit of public utilities and utility companies..\n10. No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot\nnor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an\nannoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.\n11. No person of any race other than the white or caucasien race\nshall use or occupy any building or any lot, except this COV-\nenant shall not prevent occupancy of domestic servants of a\ndifferent rece domiciled with an owner or tenant.\n12. These covenants and restrictions are to run with the land and\nshall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming under\nthem until January 1, 1972 at which time said covenants shall\nbe automat tically extended for successive periods of 10 years un-\nless by a majority of the then owners of the lots it is agreed\nto change said covenants in whole or part.\n13. If the parties hereto or any of them, or their heirs or assigns\nshall violate or attempt to violate any of the covenants or re-\nstrictions herein during the life thereof, it shall be lawful for\nany person or persons owning any other lots in. said development\nor subdivision to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity\nagainst the person or persons violating or attempting to violate\nany such covenants or restrictions and either prevent him or them\nfrom so doing or to recover damages or other dues for such violation.\n140 Invalidation of any. one of these covenants by judgment or. court\norder shell in no wise affect any of the other provisions which\nshall remain in full force and effect.\n15. If through any error or oversight, or mistake between said owners\nand the owner or builder of any structure in ssid blocks covered\nin these restrictions, whether on the part of one or both, such\nstructure shall not entirely confrom to all of the limitations here-\nin set forth, such non-fonformity shall in no way effect, or impair\nthe limitations and restrictions as applying to any and all of the\nremainder of said blocks and delinquency of delay on the part of\nsaid owner in enforcing, the correction of any violation of any\nlimitations or restrictions shall not operate as a waiver of such\nviolation, or confer any implied right on any owner or holder of\nlot or lots in said blocks, to change, alter or violate any of\nsaid limitations.\nDeed Record 417 Page 437", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]11. No person of any race other than the white or caucasian race\nshall use or occupy any building or any lot, except this COV-\nenant shall not prevent occupancy of domestic servants of a\ndifferent rece a omiciled with an owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]11. No person of any race other than the white or caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot, except this covenant shall not prevent occupancy of domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 473 State of Fenns;lvania, (ss.: Count: of Lasrence Cn the Tmentieth day of Decesber Anno Domini 1924, before ce, a Hotary Iublio in and for said stato and county, personally appeared te above named Hatther Gunton and Lynda D. Gunton, husband and mife, and in due form of lav aeknoriedged the above Indenture to be their act and deed, and desired the snne miht be recorded as euch. "itness ny hand and Hotarinl seal the day and sear nforesald. Biorcan A. Lartin Kotary lublic (.P.Seal) Ly commission exyires lar. 25, 1925. Deed This Indenture Robert L. Mallnce, etux. Fade the 15th day of Decenber, in the year One Thousand Hine Hundred and Fmenty-four. 7o Between Robert L. Wallaco and Edra C. Wallace, his vife, Ludvik Cikovic. of the City of les Caetle, Fennsylvanin, grantors, and Ludwik Cikovic, of Besserer, Lasrence County, lennaylvania, grantec. Entered Dec. 22, 1924. Witnesseth, That in consideration of One Dollar and other good and valuable corsiderations now paid, the reoeipt wheroof is hereby acknowledged, the eaid parties of the first part do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the second part,. hie heirs and aseigns, All that certain land and prerises situate and being in the Borough of Bessener, Lavrence County, lennsylvania, being lot or lots Hunber Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16) in plan of lots known as "Bessemer Terrace", as Surveyed and laid out in Larch,1922, by C. Fi. Zilholland, C.E., which said plan is duly recorded in the Recorder's office of Lavrence County, in Hlot Book Vol. 6, pare 35. And being part of a larger tract of land conveyed to the said Robert L. Mallace by deed from John Wallace and wife, deted lay 25th, 1922, and to be reoorded. Mith the appurtenarces: Po Have And to Hold the same unto and for the use of the said party of the second part, and the heirs end assigns thereof, forever. This said conveyance is made subject, however,to oil and Eas lease on said and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee promisos, herein, nor his assigns, nor sucoeseors in title, shall gell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to be in full force and effect until the year A.D.1935. And the said Darties of the first part, excepting as herein above provided, do hereby for therselves, their heirs, executors and administratore, oovenant with the gaid party of the second pert, and the heirs and assigns thereof, against all lavful claimants the same and every part thereof to varrant and defend. Vitness the hands end seals of the said parties of the first part. "itness: (I.R.S.) Robert L. Wallece (Seal) A.C. Shoaf ($1.00 ) Edna C. Wallace (Seal) Commonmealth of Tennsylvanis, (ss: County of Lavrence, On this 155h day o: December, A. D. 1924, before ne, a Hotary Fublic, in and for said County and State, care the above naned Robert L. Wallace and Bina C. Wallace, his wife, and ac'nowledged the foregoing indenture to be their act and deed to the end that it may be recorded they as such. itness ny hand and official seal. A. Clyde Shoaf Hotary Tublic (B.P.Seal) Ty comsiseion expires at end of next session of Senate. Deei This Deed of Conzezance, Olive 3. Liles, etal. Hade The trenty-second (22nd) day of Decenber A. D., 1924 7o Vitnesseth, that Olive 3. Hiles (widow) of the Firet Vard, City of len Castle, County of Larence, and State of Pennsylyania, and Andrew L. Saith, etux. Floyd A. Hanill and Sadie A. Fanill, his wife of the City of lierz Castle, County of Lgsrence and Stnte of kennsylvania, Grantors, the Entered Dec. 22, 1924. said Flod A. Hiamill and Sadie A. Fomill, Joining. in this deed for the purpose of quit-cléiming. any interests they might have under an erticle of agreement with 0live 3. Liles dated February 22, 1922. in erations to her paid by Andre: consideration L. of One Dollar (31.00) and other good and valuable consid- lorrence and State of Fennsylyania, Saith, and Beatrice of the 3. First Ward, City of Her. Castle, County of grant, bargain, sell and conves 'nto the said Andret Snith, L. Saith his and wife of the sane place, does Beatrice B. Smith, his wife, and their heirs and ae9isns,
473 State of Fenns;lvania, (ss.: Count: of Lasrence Cn the Tmentieth day of Decesber Anno Domini 1924, before ce, a Hotary Iublio in and for said stato and county, personally appeared te above named Hatther Gunton and Lynda D. Gunton, husband and mife, and in due form of lav aeknoriedged the above Indenture to be their act and deed, and desired the snne miht be recorded as euch. "itness ny hand and Hotarinl seal the day and sear nforesald. Biorcan A. Lartin Kotary lublic (.P.Seal) Ly commission exyires lar. 25, 1925. Deed This Indenture Robert L. Mallnce, etux. Fade the 15th day of Decenber, in the year One Thousand Hine Hundred and Fmenty-four. 7o Between Robert L. Wallaco and Edra C. Wallace, his vife, Ludvik Cikovic. of the City of les Caetle, Fennsylvanin, grantors, and Ludwik Cikovic, of Besserer, Lasrence County, lennaylvania, grantec. Entered Dec. 22, 1924. Witnesseth, That in consideration of One Dollar and other good and valuable corsiderations now paid, the reoeipt wheroof is hereby acknowledged, the eaid parties of the first part do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the second part,. hie heirs and aseigns, All that certain land and prerises situate and being in the Borough of Bessener, Lavrence County, lennsylvania, being lot or lots Hunber Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16) in plan of lots known as "Bessemer Terrace", as Surveyed and laid out in Larch,1922, by C. Fi. Zilholland, C.E., which said plan is duly recorded in the Recorder's office of Lavrence County, in Hlot Book Vol. 6, pare 35. And being part of a larger tract of land conveyed to the said Robert L. Mallace by deed from John Wallace and wife, deted lay 25th, 1922, and to be reoorded. Mith the appurtenarces: Po Have And to Hold the same unto and for the use of the said party of the second part, and the heirs end assigns thereof, forever. This said conveyance is made subject, however,to oil and Eas lease on said and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee promisos, herein, nor his assigns, nor sucoeseors in title, shall gell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to be in full force and effect until the year A.D.1935. And the said Darties of the first part, excepting as herein above provided, do hereby for therselves, their heirs, executors and administratore, oovenant with the gaid party of the second pert, and the heirs and assigns thereof, against all lavful claimants the same and every part thereof to varrant and defend. Vitness the hands end seals of the said parties of the first part. "itness: (I.R.S.) Robert L. Wallece (Seal) A.C. Shoaf ($1.00 ) Edna C. Wallace (Seal) Commonmealth of Tennsylvanis, (ss: County of Lavrence, On this 155h day o: December, A. D. 1924, before ne, a Hotary Fublic, in and for said County and State, care the above naned Robert L. Wallace and Bina C. Wallace, his wife, and ac'nowledged the foregoing indenture to be their act and deed to the end that it may be recorded they as such. itness ny hand and official seal. A. Clyde Shoaf Hotary Tublic (B.P.Seal) Ty comsiseion expires at end of next session of Senate. Deei This Deed of Conzezance, Olive 3. Liles, etal. Hade The trenty-second (22nd) day of Decenber A. D., 1924 7o Vitnesseth, that Olive 3. Hiles (widow) of the Firet Vard, City of len Castle, County of Larence, and State of Pennsylyania, and Andrew L. Saith, etux. Floyd A. Hanill and Sadie A. Fanill, his wife of the City of lierz Castle, County of Lgsrence and Stnte of kennsylvania, Grantors, the Entered Dec. 22, 1924. said Flod A. Hiamill and Sadie A. Fomill, Joining. in this deed for the purpose of quit-cléiming. any interests they might have under an erticle of agreement with 0live 3. Liles dated February 22, 1922. in erations to her paid by Andre: consideration L. of One Dollar (31.00) and other good and valuable consid- lorrence and State of Fennsylyania, Saith, and Beatrice of the 3. First Ward, City of Her. Castle, County of grant, bargain, sell and conves 'nto the said Andret Snith, L. Saith his and wife of the sane place, does Beatrice B. Smith, his wife, and their heirs and ae9isns,
This said conveyance is made subject, however,to oil and Eas lease on said and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee promisos, herein, nor his assigns, nor sucoeseors in title, shall gell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to be in full force and effect until the year A.D.1935.
This said conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to be in full force and effect until the year A.D. 1935.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]This said conveyance is made subject, however,to oil and Eas lease on said and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee promisos, herein, nor his assigns, nor sucoeseors in title, shall gell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to be in full force and effect until the year A.D.1935.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]This said conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to be in full force and effect until the year A.D. 1935.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n473\nState of Fenns;lvania,\n(ss.:\nCount: of Lasrence\nCn the Tmentieth day of Decesber Anno Domini 1924, before ce, a Hotary Iublio in and\nfor said stato and county, personally appeared te above named Hatther Gunton and Lynda D.\nGunton, husband and mife, and in due form of lav aeknoriedged the above Indenture to be their\nact and deed, and desired the snne miht be recorded as euch.\n\"itness ny hand and Hotarinl seal the day and sear nforesald.\nBiorcan A. Lartin\nKotary lublic\n(.P.Seal)\nLy commission exyires lar. 25, 1925.\nDeed\nThis Indenture\nRobert L. Mallnce, etux.\nFade the 15th day of Decenber, in the year One Thousand\nHine Hundred and Fmenty-four.\n7o\nBetween Robert L. Wallaco and Edra C. Wallace, his vife,\nLudvik Cikovic.\nof the City of les Caetle, Fennsylvanin, grantors, and Ludwik\nCikovic, of Besserer, Lasrence County, lennaylvania, grantec.\nEntered Dec. 22, 1924.\nWitnesseth, That in consideration of One Dollar and other\ngood and valuable corsiderations now paid, the reoeipt wheroof is\nhereby acknowledged, the eaid parties of the first part do hereby\ngrant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the second part,. hie heirs and aseigns,\nAll that certain land and prerises situate and being in the Borough of Bessener, Lavrence County,\nlennsylvania, being lot or lots Hunber Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16) in plan of lots known as\n\"Bessemer Terrace\", as Surveyed and laid out in Larch,1922, by C. Fi. Zilholland, C.E., which\nsaid plan is duly recorded in the Recorder's office of Lavrence County, in Hlot Book Vol. 6,\npare 35. And being part of a larger tract of land conveyed to the said Robert L. Mallace by deed\nfrom John Wallace and wife, deted lay 25th, 1922, and to be reoorded.\nMith the appurtenarces: Po Have And to Hold the same unto and for the use of the said\nparty of the second part, and the heirs end assigns thereof, forever.\nThis said conveyance is made subject, however,to oil and Eas lease on said\nand is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee promisos, herein,\nnor his assigns, nor sucoeseors in title, shall gell and convey the land herein described or any\npart thereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to\nbe in full force and effect until the year A.D.1935.\nAnd the said Darties of the first part, excepting as herein above provided, do hereby\nfor therselves, their heirs, executors and administratore, oovenant with the gaid party of the\nsecond pert, and the heirs and assigns thereof, against all lavful claimants the same and every\npart thereof to varrant and defend.\nVitness the hands end seals of the said parties of the first part.\n\"itness:\n(I.R.S.)\nRobert L. Wallece (Seal)\nA.C. Shoaf\n($1.00 )\nEdna C. Wallace\n(Seal)\nCommonmealth of Tennsylvanis,\n(ss:\nCounty of Lavrence,\nOn this 155h day o: December, A. D. 1924, before ne, a Hotary Fublic, in and for said\nCounty and State, care the above naned Robert L. Wallace and Bina C. Wallace, his wife, and\nac'nowledged the foregoing indenture to be their act and deed to the end that it may be recorded they\nas such.\nitness ny hand and official seal.\nA. Clyde Shoaf\nHotary Tublic\n(B.P.Seal)\nTy comsiseion expires at end of next session of\nSenate.\nDeei\nThis Deed of Conzezance,\nOlive 3. Liles, etal.\nHade The trenty-second (22nd) day of Decenber A. D., 1924\n7o\nVitnesseth, that Olive 3. Hiles (widow) of the Firet Vard,\nCity of len Castle, County of Larence, and State of Pennsylyania, and\nAndrew L. Saith, etux. Floyd A. Hanill and Sadie A. Fanill, his wife of the City of lierz\nCastle, County of Lgsrence and Stnte of kennsylvania, Grantors, the\nEntered Dec. 22, 1924. said Flod A. Hiamill and Sadie A. Fomill, Joining. in this deed for the\npurpose of quit-cléiming. any interests they might have under an\nerticle of agreement with 0live 3. Liles dated February 22, 1922. in\nerations to her paid by Andre: consideration L.\nof One Dollar (31.00) and other good and valuable consid-\nlorrence and State of Fennsylyania, Saith, and Beatrice of the 3. First Ward, City of Her. Castle, County of\ngrant, bargain, sell and conves 'nto the said Andret Snith, L. Saith his and wife of the sane place, does\nBeatrice B. Smith, his wife,\nand their heirs and ae9isns,", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]This said conveyance is made subject, however,to oil and Eas lease on said and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee promisos, herein, nor his assigns, nor sucoeseors in title, shall gell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to be in full force and effect until the year A.D.1935.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]This said conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to be in full force and effect until the year A.D. 1935.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 118 part, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, ALL that certain lot or parcel of land si tuate and being in the Township of Neshannock, County of Lawrence, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Bounded on the North by the center line of Oakwood Way one hundred (100) feet, and running back Southward therefrom of same even width between Lots Nos. 141 and 143 in the same plan of lots a distance of two hundred eighty-nine (289) feet to Lot No. 54 on the South, and containing six hundred sixty-three thousandths (.663) acres; said lot being Lot No. 142 in the Walmo Plan of Lots, which said Plan is duly recorded in the Recorder's Office of Lawrence County in Plot Book Volume 8, page 33. This deed is made expressly subject to the following condi tions, provisions, and reservations and the Grantees, by the acceptance of this conveyance, agree that said provisions shall consti tute a per- manent covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon them, their heirs, assigns and suct cessors in title and each and every of them to-wit: 1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any, part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1960. 2. This conveyance is made subject to the above recorded plot and the building lines and sert vice strips at the rear of each lot, thereon, and there is specifically reserved the right to place, erect, and construct electric service lines, water service lines, and pipes, telephone lines, wires and poles, gas lines and pipes, sewer pipes and all service equipment necessary and convenient for installing, erecting, constructing and maintaining the above mentioned services, that are now availt able or that may hereafter become available, in and upon any and all streets and the three (3) foot service strip at the rear of any and all lots. with the appurtenances: To have and to hold the same unto and for the use of the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns forever, And the said parties of the first part, for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrat tors covenant with the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend. Wit tness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. 863 Attest: Margaret A. Moser (SEAL) Sara J. Long Robert L. Wallace (SEAL) Commonweal th of Pennsylvania, L. May Wallace (SEAL) ss: County of LAWRENCE On this the 21st day of April, A. D. 1950, before me a Notary Public the undersigned officer, personally appeared MARGARET A. MOSER: and ROBERT L. WALLACE andL. MAY WALLACE, his wife, known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrut ment and acknowledged that theylexecuted the same for the purposes therein contained. In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. (N.P. SEAL) Mrs. Sara J. Long MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 7, 1951 NOTARY PUBLIC Certificate of Residence 309 Edgewood Ave. casus; Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. do hereby certify that Grantees' precise resi dence is/ Second Ward, New Wi tness my hand this 21st day of April 1950. Ralph F. Dixon For Grantees. Deed This Indenture Harold M. Leach, et. ux., et. al. Made the 20th day of April in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifty. To Between HAROLD M. LEACH and IRENE M. LEACH, his wife, David E. Fay, et. ux. of the Second Ward; RUSSELL J. KNIGHT and NELLIE M. KNIGHT, his wife, of the Third Ward, all of the City of New Castle, and DAVID E. Ent. April 21, 1950 Pennsylvania, parties of the first part Lawrence and MARY FAY, his wife, of 611 Canyon Street, New Castle, Pennsylvania, parties of the second part: Witnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar and other good and valuable considerations, to them now paid by the said parties of the second do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and as- part, signs, All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land si tuate, lying and being in Neshannock Township, County, Pennsylvania, more fully described as follows, tovit t: Lawrence Beginning on the northeast side of Katherine Street on the dividing line between lots Nos. 23 and 24 in the hereinafter mentioned plot; thence in a northeasterly direction along the line of lot No. 23, a distance of one hundred thirty (130) feet to an alley; thence in a northerly direction along the said alley a distance of sixty (60) feet to a point; thence in a southerly direction by
118 part, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, ALL that certain lot or parcel of land si tuate and being in the Township of Neshannock, County of Lawrence, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Bounded on the North by the center line of Oakwood Way one hundred (100) feet, and running back Southward therefrom of same even width between Lots Nos. 141 and 143 in the same plan of lots a distance of two hundred eighty-nine (289) feet to Lot No. 54 on the South, and containing six hundred sixty-three thousandths (.663) acres; said lot being Lot No. 142 in the Walmo Plan of Lots, which said Plan is duly recorded in the Recorder's Office of Lawrence County in Plot Book Volume 8, page 33. This deed is made expressly subject to the following condi tions, provisions, and reservations and the Grantees, by the acceptance of this conveyance, agree that said provisions shall consti tute a per- manent covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon them, their heirs, assigns and suct cessors in title and each and every of them to-wit: 1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any, part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1960. 2. This conveyance is made subject to the above recorded plot and the building lines and sert vice strips at the rear of each lot, thereon, and there is specifically reserved the right to place, erect, and construct electric service lines, water service lines, and pipes, telephone lines, wires and poles, gas lines and pipes, sewer pipes and all service equipment necessary and convenient for installing, erecting, constructing and maintaining the above mentioned services, that are now availt able or that may hereafter become available, in and upon any and all streets and the three (3) foot service strip at the rear of any and all lots. with the appurtenances: To have and to hold the same unto and for the use of the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns forever, And the said parties of the first part, for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrat tors covenant with the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend. Wit tness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. 863 Attest: Margaret A. Moser (SEAL) Sara J. Long Robert L. Wallace (SEAL) Commonweal th of Pennsylvania, L. May Wallace (SEAL) ss: County of LAWRENCE On this the 21st day of April, A. D. 1950, before me a Notary Public the undersigned officer, personally appeared MARGARET A. MOSER: and ROBERT L. WALLACE andL. MAY WALLACE, his wife, known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrut ment and acknowledged that theylexecuted the same for the purposes therein contained. In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. (N.P. SEAL) Mrs. Sara J. Long MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 7, 1951 NOTARY PUBLIC Certificate of Residence 309 Edgewood Ave. casus; Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. do hereby certify that Grantees' precise resi dence is/ Second Ward, New Wi tness my hand this 21st day of April 1950. Ralph F. Dixon For Grantees. Deed This Indenture Harold M. Leach, et. ux., et. al. Made the 20th day of April in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifty. To Between HAROLD M. LEACH and IRENE M. LEACH, his wife, David E. Fay, et. ux. of the Second Ward; RUSSELL J. KNIGHT and NELLIE M. KNIGHT, his wife, of the Third Ward, all of the City of New Castle, and DAVID E. Ent. April 21, 1950 Pennsylvania, parties of the first part Lawrence and MARY FAY, his wife, of 611 Canyon Street, New Castle, Pennsylvania, parties of the second part: Witnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar and other good and valuable considerations, to them now paid by the said parties of the second do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and as- part, signs, All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land si tuate, lying and being in Neshannock Township, County, Pennsylvania, more fully described as follows, tovit t: Lawrence Beginning on the northeast side of Katherine Street on the dividing line between lots Nos. 23 and 24 in the hereinafter mentioned plot; thence in a northeasterly direction along the line of lot No. 23, a distance of one hundred thirty (130) feet to an alley; thence in a northerly direction along the said alley a distance of sixty (60) feet to a point; thence in a southerly direction by
1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any, part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1960.
1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the Africa Race until after January 1, 1960.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any, part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1960.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the Africa Race until after January 1, 1960.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n118\npart, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and\nassigns,\nALL that certain lot or parcel of land si tuate and being in the Township of Neshannock, County\nof Lawrence, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit:\nBounded on the North by the center line of Oakwood Way one hundred (100) feet, and running\nback Southward therefrom of same even width between Lots Nos. 141 and 143 in the same plan of lots\na distance of two hundred eighty-nine (289) feet to Lot No. 54 on the South, and containing six\nhundred sixty-three thousandths (.663) acres; said lot being Lot No. 142 in the Walmo Plan of\nLots, which said Plan is duly recorded in the Recorder's Office of Lawrence County in Plot Book\nVolume 8, page 33.\nThis deed is made expressly subject to the following condi tions, provisions, and reservations and\nthe Grantees, by the acceptance of this conveyance, agree that said provisions shall consti tute a per-\nmanent covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon them, their heirs, assigns and suct\ncessors in title and each and every of them to-wit:\n1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any, part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented\nto any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1960.\n2. This conveyance is made subject to the above recorded plot and the building lines and sert\nvice strips at the rear of each lot, thereon, and there is specifically reserved the right to place,\nerect, and construct electric service lines, water service lines, and pipes, telephone lines, wires\nand poles, gas lines and pipes, sewer pipes and all service equipment necessary and convenient for\ninstalling, erecting, constructing and maintaining the above mentioned services, that are now availt\nable or that may hereafter become available, in and upon any and all streets and the three (3)\nfoot service strip at the rear of any and all lots.\nwith the appurtenances: To have and to hold the same unto and for the use of the said parties\nof the second part their heirs and assigns forever,\nAnd the said parties of the first part, for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrat\ntors covenant with the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful\nclaimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend.\nWit tness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part.\n863\nAttest:\nMargaret A. Moser\n(SEAL)\nSara J. Long\nRobert L. Wallace\n(SEAL)\nCommonweal th of Pennsylvania,\nL. May Wallace\n(SEAL)\nss:\nCounty of LAWRENCE\nOn this the 21st day of April, A. D. 1950, before me a Notary Public the undersigned officer,\npersonally appeared MARGARET A. MOSER: and ROBERT L. WALLACE andL. MAY WALLACE, his wife, known\nto me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrut\nment and acknowledged that theylexecuted the same for the purposes therein contained.\nIn Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.\n(N.P. SEAL)\nMrs. Sara J. Long\nMY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 7, 1951\nNOTARY PUBLIC\nCertificate of Residence\n309 Edgewood Ave.\ncasus; Lawrence County, Pennsylvania.\ndo hereby certify that Grantees' precise resi dence is/ Second Ward, New\nWi tness my hand this 21st day of April 1950.\nRalph F. Dixon\nFor Grantees.\nDeed\nThis Indenture\nHarold M. Leach, et. ux., et. al.\nMade the 20th day of April in the year of our Lord,\none thousand nine hundred and fifty.\nTo\nBetween HAROLD M. LEACH and IRENE M. LEACH, his wife,\nDavid E. Fay, et. ux.\nof the Second Ward; RUSSELL J. KNIGHT and NELLIE M. KNIGHT,\nhis wife, of the Third Ward, all of the City of New Castle,\nand DAVID E.\nEnt. April 21, 1950\nPennsylvania, parties of the first part\nLawrence\nand MARY FAY, his wife, of 611 Canyon\nStreet, New Castle, Pennsylvania, parties of the second\npart:\nWitnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar\nand other good and valuable considerations, to them now paid by the said parties of the second\ndo grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and as- part,\nsigns,\nAll that certain piece, parcel or lot of land si tuate, lying and being in Neshannock\nTownship,\nCounty, Pennsylvania, more fully described as follows, tovit t:\nLawrence\nBeginning on the northeast side of Katherine Street on the dividing line between lots Nos. 23\nand 24 in the hereinafter mentioned plot; thence in a northeasterly direction along the line of lot\nNo. 23, a distance of one hundred thirty (130) feet to an alley; thence in a northerly direction\nalong the said alley a distance of sixty (60) feet to a point; thence in a southerly direction by", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any, part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1960.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the Africa Race until after January 1, 1960.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 300 ATTEST:W.A. Eakin POElderT.J. McCulloughC.C. BoydW.J. EngleGrantee. (Seal of Lawrence Co.) Ihereby certify that my precise residence 1s Bessemer, Lawrence County, Penna., Box 123. ElectionD.G. Duff EstateToClarissa DuffEnt. November 13, 1931.of the terms of said will.Witnesses:Edna V. Matthews.State of Pennsylvania, :County of Lawrence, In Accordance with the Act of the General Assembly of theIn the matter of the estate of D.G. Duff deceased.To Charles W. Duff and Wylie McCaslin, Executors.You will please take notice, that I, Clarissa Duff, widow ofD.G. Duff deceased, do hereby elect to accept under the terms ofthe will of said decedent and desire that my share of the estate State of PennsylvaniaAPPROVED APRIL 21, A.D. 1911. aforesaid, mentioned in said will shall be distributed to me tn accordance with the provisions Witness my hand and seal this 23rd day of October A.D. 1931. Clarissa Duff (Seal.) :SS: Before me, the subscriber a Notary Public in and for said County personally appearedClarissa Duff, who in due form of law, acknowledged the foregoing election to be her act and deed,Witness my hand and official seal this 23rd day of October A.D. 1931. and desired the same might be recorded as such.Commission Expires Feb. 17, 1933 (N.P. Seal)DeedA.C. Shoaf, et uz.ToMetilda AfricEnt. November 14, 1931. Edna V. MatthewsNOTARY PUBLIC This Indenture Made the 30th. day of October,in the year One Thousand NineBETWEEN A,C. SHOAF and DAMA M. SHOAF, his wife, of the City ofNew Castle, Pennsylvania, grantors, and Metilda Afric of Bessemer,WITNESSETH, That in consideration of One Dollar and other goodand valuable considerations now paid, the receipt whereof is herebyacknowledged, the said parties of the first part do hereby grant,bargain; seli and convey unto the said party of the second part her Hundred and Thirty-one. Lawence County, Pennsylvania, grantee. heirs and assigns, All that certain land and premi'ses situate and being in the Borough of Bessemer, LawrenceCounty, Pennsylvania, being lot or lots Number Eighty-one (81) and Eighty-two (82) in plan of lotsknown as "FIRST ADDITION TO BESSEMER TERRACE," as surveyed and laid out in October, 1922, byC.H. Milholland, C.E., which said plan is duly recorded in the Recorder's office of Lewrencesaid A.C. Shoaf by deed from RaF: Anderson and wife, dated November 27th, 1922, and to be recorded.With the appurtenances: TO HAVE AND TO ECLD the same unto and for the use of the said partyThis said conveyance is made subjedt, however, to oil and gas lease on satd premises, and 1salso subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor hisassigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any partthereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be pinding and to be inAnd the said parties of the first part, excepting as herein above provided, do hereby forthemselves, their heirs, executors and administrators, covenant with the said party of the secondpart, and the heirs and assigns thereof, against all lawful claimants the same and every County, in Plot Book Vol. 6, 43. And being part of a larger tract of land conveyed to the of the second part, and the heirs and assigns thereof, forever. full force and effect until the year A.D. 1935. thereof part(Seal)(Seal) to warrant and defend.Witness:Edna V. Matthews WITNESS the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. AC ShoafDama M. Shoaf
300 ATTEST:W.A. Eakin POElderT.J. McCulloughC.C. BoydW.J. EngleGrantee. (Seal of Lawrence Co.) Ihereby certify that my precise residence 1s Bessemer, Lawrence County, Penna., Box 123. ElectionD.G. Duff EstateToClarissa DuffEnt. November 13, 1931.of the terms of said will.Witnesses:Edna V. Matthews.State of Pennsylvania, :County of Lawrence, In Accordance with the Act of the General Assembly of theIn the matter of the estate of D.G. Duff deceased.To Charles W. Duff and Wylie McCaslin, Executors.You will please take notice, that I, Clarissa Duff, widow ofD.G. Duff deceased, do hereby elect to accept under the terms ofthe will of said decedent and desire that my share of the estate State of PennsylvaniaAPPROVED APRIL 21, A.D. 1911. aforesaid, mentioned in said will shall be distributed to me tn accordance with the provisions Witness my hand and seal this 23rd day of October A.D. 1931. Clarissa Duff (Seal.) :SS: Before me, the subscriber a Notary Public in and for said County personally appearedClarissa Duff, who in due form of law, acknowledged the foregoing election to be her act and deed,Witness my hand and official seal this 23rd day of October A.D. 1931. and desired the same might be recorded as such.Commission Expires Feb. 17, 1933 (N.P. Seal)DeedA.C. Shoaf, et uz.ToMetilda AfricEnt. November 14, 1931. Edna V. MatthewsNOTARY PUBLIC This Indenture Made the 30th. day of October,in the year One Thousand NineBETWEEN A,C. SHOAF and DAMA M. SHOAF, his wife, of the City ofNew Castle, Pennsylvania, grantors, and Metilda Afric of Bessemer,WITNESSETH, That in consideration of One Dollar and other goodand valuable considerations now paid, the receipt whereof is herebyacknowledged, the said parties of the first part do hereby grant,bargain; seli and convey unto the said party of the second part her Hundred and Thirty-one. Lawence County, Pennsylvania, grantee. heirs and assigns, All that certain land and premi'ses situate and being in the Borough of Bessemer, LawrenceCounty, Pennsylvania, being lot or lots Number Eighty-one (81) and Eighty-two (82) in plan of lotsknown as "FIRST ADDITION TO BESSEMER TERRACE," as surveyed and laid out in October, 1922, byC.H. Milholland, C.E., which said plan is duly recorded in the Recorder's office of Lewrencesaid A.C. Shoaf by deed from RaF: Anderson and wife, dated November 27th, 1922, and to be recorded.With the appurtenances: TO HAVE AND TO ECLD the same unto and for the use of the said partyThis said conveyance is made subjedt, however, to oil and gas lease on satd premises, and 1salso subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor hisassigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any partthereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be pinding and to be inAnd the said parties of the first part, excepting as herein above provided, do hereby forthemselves, their heirs, executors and administrators, covenant with the said party of the secondpart, and the heirs and assigns thereof, against all lawful claimants the same and every County, in Plot Book Vol. 6, 43. And being part of a larger tract of land conveyed to the of the second part, and the heirs and assigns thereof, forever. full force and effect until the year A.D. 1935. thereof part(Seal)(Seal) to warrant and defend.Witness:Edna V. Matthews WITNESS the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. AC ShoafDama M. Shoaf
This said conveyance is made subjedt, however, to oil and gas lease on satd premises, and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to $71 onna be ona offoat a+47 pinding and 10ZE to be in
This said conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]This said conveyance is made subjedt, however, to oil and gas lease on satd premises, and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to $71 onna be ona offoat a+47 pinding and 10ZE to be in [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]This said conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n300\nATTEST:W.A. Eakin\nPOElderT.J. McCulloughC.C. BoydW.J. EngleGrantee.\n(Seal of Lawrence Co.)\nIhereby certify that my precise residence 1s Bessemer, Lawrence County, Penna., Box 123.\nElectionD.G. Duff EstateToClarissa DuffEnt. November 13, 1931.of the terms of said will.Witnesses:Edna V. Matthews.State of Pennsylvania, :County of Lawrence,\nIn Accordance with the Act of the General Assembly of theIn the matter of the estate of D.G. Duff deceased.To Charles W. Duff and Wylie McCaslin, Executors.You will please take notice, that I, Clarissa Duff, widow ofD.G. Duff deceased, do hereby elect to accept under the terms ofthe will of said decedent and desire that my share of the estate\nState of PennsylvaniaAPPROVED APRIL 21, A.D. 1911.\naforesaid, mentioned in said will shall be distributed to me tn accordance with the provisions\nWitness my hand and seal this 23rd day of October A.D. 1931.\nClarissa Duff\n(Seal.)\n:SS:\nBefore me, the subscriber a Notary Public in and for said County personally appearedClarissa Duff, who in due form of law, acknowledged the foregoing election to be her act and deed,Witness my hand and official seal this 23rd day of October A.D. 1931.\nand desired the same might be recorded as such.Commission Expires Feb. 17, 1933\n(N.P. Seal)DeedA.C. Shoaf, et uz.ToMetilda AfricEnt. November 14, 1931.\nEdna V. MatthewsNOTARY PUBLIC\nThis Indenture\nMade the 30th. day of October,in the year One Thousand NineBETWEEN A,C. SHOAF and DAMA M. SHOAF, his wife, of the City ofNew Castle, Pennsylvania, grantors, and Metilda Afric of Bessemer,WITNESSETH, That in consideration of One Dollar and other goodand valuable considerations now paid, the receipt whereof is herebyacknowledged, the said parties of the first part do hereby grant,bargain; seli and convey unto the said party of the second part her\nHundred and Thirty-one.\nLawence County, Pennsylvania, grantee.\nheirs and assigns,\nAll that certain land and premi'ses situate and being in the Borough of Bessemer, LawrenceCounty, Pennsylvania, being lot or lots Number Eighty-one (81) and Eighty-two (82) in plan of lotsknown as \"FIRST ADDITION TO BESSEMER TERRACE,\" as surveyed and laid out in October, 1922, byC.H. Milholland, C.E., which said plan is duly recorded in the Recorder's office of Lewrencesaid A.C. Shoaf by deed from RaF: Anderson and wife, dated November 27th, 1922, and to be recorded.With the appurtenances: TO HAVE AND TO ECLD the same unto and for the use of the said partyThis said conveyance is made subjedt, however, to oil and gas lease on satd premises, and 1salso subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor hisassigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any partthereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be pinding and to be inAnd the said parties of the first part, excepting as herein above provided, do hereby forthemselves, their heirs, executors and administrators, covenant with the said party of the secondpart, and the heirs and assigns thereof, against all lawful claimants the same and every\nCounty, in Plot Book Vol. 6,\n43. And being part of a larger tract of land conveyed to the\nof the second part, and the heirs and assigns thereof, forever.\nfull force and effect until the year A.D. 1935.\nthereof\npart(Seal)(Seal)\nto warrant and defend.Witness:Edna V. Matthews\nWITNESS the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part.\nAC ShoafDama M. Shoaf\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]This said conveyance is made subjedt, however, to oil and gas lease on satd premises, and is\nalso subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his\nassigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part\nthereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to\n$71 onna\nbe\nona offoat a+47\npinding and\n10ZE\nto be in\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]This said conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DRVOLOASAPAGE6IS VOL 454 PA8E615 STATE. OF TEXAS KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: : 1665 COUNTY OF DENTON THATI I,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (notj joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter described property is my separate estate andi is notr now, norh hasi ite ever been, any part ofmy residential or business homestead), for and inc consideration of the sum of DOLLARS SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY AND NO/100 ($750.00) tome paid ands securedt to be paid) by as follows: BIMER E. WIILIAMS and wife, LOTA WILLIAMS, ONE HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($100.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the exeçution and delivery by the said ELMER B. WILLIAMS and wife, LOTA WILLIAMS; of their First Vendor's Lien Note, of even date herewith, payable to the order of T. K. IRWIN in the principal sum of SIX HUNDRED FIFTY AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($650.00); said note being payable in monthiy intallments of not less than TEN AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($10.00) each, including interest at the rate of Six Per Cent (6%) per ànnum, payable monthly as it accrues on the unpaid principal balance; the first installment to become due and payable on or before the 15th day of May, 1958, and a like installment to become due and payable on or before the 15th day of each succeeding month thereafter until said note: is paid in ful1, together with interest thereon. This note is further secured by a Deed of Trust of even date herewith to T. K. IRWIN, JR., TRUSTEE. HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said ELMER E. WIIETAMS and wife, IOTA WILLIAMS, State of Texas, thef following tract. or parcel of land situated Denton County, in of the County of Dallas Texas, andd described as follows, to-wit: LOT TWENTY (20) in BLOCK ELEVEN (11), GARZA-LITTLE HIM IAKE ESTATES, an addition, in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof recorded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Records of penton County, Texas; conditions and reservations which are made.a part of the plat l recordedi the Map Records oi Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: is made subject tot the restrictive This a da in Paragraph toonesucht 16 herein, type hamet only in subdivision, except ma hereinafter purposes, spti and on-proft shall bee erected, - placed or to on any building ploto other than one detached single building anda occupy any lot, except that this covenants ghallr not prevent occupancy by do- person Pa ECtN othert the ucasian with any race teiter mEel all be d E tamy sanitary system S 5m CAPSD rs or Bl or State lots Departm must ment. be SErve bythe State Department of Health. A th tattes the SC ei FEont representatiy Te E E E Es be E propert A E gainst E Mlen is thereto, E orlther E hereir - E - e events oni E hall that n price feri operty EE al the property set herein. thes easement on nearerto e lots= ee e yard me lots dt from E mse line Front building ine25 FET lineor bee Piet lots No painted on trucutas outside shal!, be shie or 29 thereofis aterial Anisheda in and, iff frame Et BE brick, material, asbes- or offensive or trade aluminum or activity siding or shall roofing. be carried on any lot, nor shalia anything be done thereon which may be or become No dmasie garage, nuisance tent, tot shack neigh r ofat other No h: mA on thelot herein deseribed shall thatt atany trailers time may Ret 5 residence, provided The that floor area of any ES structure, nerein emeny miN WIA." and garages, shall be notlesst than 600 square feet. nor shall any struc plat of said all for utility and alleys are reserved as shown thel on the land jority e be6, ownerso time e E t hae Bidne rla Sa unless ws. then mtil claiming 2 shcn be in violate of the any of them, prt their or assigns, said See attempt. pment to subdivision covenants! herein, shallbe it Di attempting property ande eithert to CPADS from EE structures of any or Pae L to moved onto the for other the to such or any lott without thev written consent of the Seller or Developer. 1 - the written - e SE for the subdi division caused way Ats SP Sals Developer not be rains, - Block setout anda lots Blocks Land 2are reserved for business only, with the F shalli inn no wise affect anyo ofthe other provisions which shall remain Ehe SE in Block oft these covenants) by judgment as or ln that Btm: ctey 18. TOI HAVE AND TOI HOLD thea above described premises, together with all ands singular thez rights and appurtenances there- toin anywise belonging untot thes said EIMBR B. WILLIAMS and wife, LOTA WIILIAMS, their heirs and assigns forever andIdoh hereby bind myself, my! heirs, executors and administrators, to. Warrant and Forever De- fend, all ands singulart thes said premises unto thes said ELMER E. WILLIAMS and wife, IOTA WILLIAMS, their heirs anda assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or,to claim thes same, or any part thereof. Butitise expressly agreed ands stipulated that the Vendor's Lieni is retained are against the above described to property, and premises andi improvements, until above described note(s), and all interest thereon fully paid according the face tenor, effect and reading, when EM deed shall become absolute. of. 4April, 195.8 WITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 7th. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS aT BEFORE ME, the undersigned, Notary Public in and fors said. County and State, on this day personally IRWIN, knowin't tom met tob be the person whose nameis subscribed tothe foregoing instrument, and acknowledged met that Ke T. therein expressed. purposes same, for the and ARs GIVEN, UNDER My HAND AND SEAL OE OFFICE, this. RLsdey of. Batay County, Texas Public inandf for
DRVOLOASAPAGE6IS VOL 454 PA8E615 STATE. OF TEXAS KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: : 1665 COUNTY OF DENTON THATI I,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (notj joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter described property is my separate estate andi is notr now, norh hasi ite ever been, any part ofmy residential or business homestead), for and inc consideration of the sum of DOLLARS SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY AND NO/100 ($750.00) tome paid ands securedt to be paid) by as follows: BIMER E. WIILIAMS and wife, LOTA WILLIAMS, ONE HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($100.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the exeçution and delivery by the said ELMER B. WILLIAMS and wife, LOTA WILLIAMS; of their First Vendor's Lien Note, of even date herewith, payable to the order of T. K. IRWIN in the principal sum of SIX HUNDRED FIFTY AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($650.00); said note being payable in monthiy intallments of not less than TEN AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($10.00) each, including interest at the rate of Six Per Cent (6%) per ànnum, payable monthly as it accrues on the unpaid principal balance; the first installment to become due and payable on or before the 15th day of May, 1958, and a like installment to become due and payable on or before the 15th day of each succeeding month thereafter until said note: is paid in ful1, together with interest thereon. This note is further secured by a Deed of Trust of even date herewith to T. K. IRWIN, JR., TRUSTEE. HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said ELMER E. WIIETAMS and wife, IOTA WILLIAMS, State of Texas, thef following tract. or parcel of land situated Denton County, in of the County of Dallas Texas, andd described as follows, to-wit: LOT TWENTY (20) in BLOCK ELEVEN (11), GARZA-LITTLE HIM IAKE ESTATES, an addition, in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof recorded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Records of penton County, Texas; conditions and reservations which are made.a part of the plat l recordedi the Map Records oi Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: is made subject tot the restrictive This a da in Paragraph toonesucht 16 herein, type hamet only in subdivision, except ma hereinafter purposes, spti and on-proft shall bee erected, - placed or to on any building ploto other than one detached single building anda occupy any lot, except that this covenants ghallr not prevent occupancy by do- person Pa ECtN othert the ucasian with any race teiter mEel all be d E tamy sanitary system S 5m CAPSD rs or Bl or State lots Departm must ment. be SErve bythe State Department of Health. A th tattes the SC ei FEont representatiy Te E E E Es be E propert A E gainst E Mlen is thereto, E orlther E hereir - E - e events oni E hall that n price feri operty EE al the property set herein. thes easement on nearerto e lots= ee e yard me lots dt from E mse line Front building ine25 FET lineor bee Piet lots No painted on trucutas outside shal!, be shie or 29 thereofis aterial Anisheda in and, iff frame Et BE brick, material, asbes- or offensive or trade aluminum or activity siding or shall roofing. be carried on any lot, nor shalia anything be done thereon which may be or become No dmasie garage, nuisance tent, tot shack neigh r ofat other No h: mA on thelot herein deseribed shall thatt atany trailers time may Ret 5 residence, provided The that floor area of any ES structure, nerein emeny miN WIA." and garages, shall be notlesst than 600 square feet. nor shall any struc plat of said all for utility and alleys are reserved as shown thel on the land jority e be6, ownerso time e E t hae Bidne rla Sa unless ws. then mtil claiming 2 shcn be in violate of the any of them, prt their or assigns, said See attempt. pment to subdivision covenants! herein, shallbe it Di attempting property ande eithert to CPADS from EE structures of any or Pae L to moved onto the for other the to such or any lott without thev written consent of the Seller or Developer. 1 - the written - e SE for the subdi division caused way Ats SP Sals Developer not be rains, - Block setout anda lots Blocks Land 2are reserved for business only, with the F shalli inn no wise affect anyo ofthe other provisions which shall remain Ehe SE in Block oft these covenants) by judgment as or ln that Btm: ctey 18. TOI HAVE AND TOI HOLD thea above described premises, together with all ands singular thez rights and appurtenances there- toin anywise belonging untot thes said EIMBR B. WILLIAMS and wife, LOTA WIILIAMS, their heirs and assigns forever andIdoh hereby bind myself, my! heirs, executors and administrators, to. Warrant and Forever De- fend, all ands singulart thes said premises unto thes said ELMER E. WILLIAMS and wife, IOTA WILLIAMS, their heirs anda assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or,to claim thes same, or any part thereof. Butitise expressly agreed ands stipulated that the Vendor's Lieni is retained are against the above described to property, and premises andi improvements, until above described note(s), and all interest thereon fully paid according the face tenor, effect and reading, when EM deed shall become absolute. of. 4April, 195.8 WITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 7th. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS aT BEFORE ME, the undersigned, Notary Public in and fors said. County and State, on this day personally IRWIN, knowin't tom met tob be the person whose nameis subscribed tothe foregoing instrument, and acknowledged met that Ke T. therein expressed. purposes same, for the and ARs GIVEN, UNDER My HAND AND SEAL OE OFFICE, this. RLsdey of. Batay County, Texas Public inandf for
private garage ana/or AL4SS aw occupancy by do- shall prevent not 3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant. * Danton ay State Health
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]private garage ana/or AL4SS aw occupancy by do- shall prevent not 3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant. * Danton ay State Health[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDRVOLOASAPAGE6IS\nVOL 454 PA8E615\nSTATE. OF TEXAS\nKNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\n: 1665\nCOUNTY OF DENTON\nTHATI I,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (notj joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter described\nproperty is my separate estate andi is notr now, norh hasi ite ever been, any part ofmy residential or business homestead), for and\ninc consideration of the sum of\nDOLLARS\nSEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY AND NO/100\n($750.00)\ntome paid ands securedt to be paid) by\nas follows:\nBIMER E. WIILIAMS and wife, LOTA WILLIAMS,\nONE HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($100.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby\nacknowledged, and the exeçution and delivery by the said ELMER B. WILLIAMS and wife, LOTA\nWILLIAMS; of their First Vendor's Lien Note, of even date herewith, payable to the order of\nT. K. IRWIN in the principal sum of SIX HUNDRED FIFTY AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($650.00); said\nnote being payable in monthiy intallments of not less than TEN AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($10.00)\neach, including interest at the rate of Six Per Cent (6%) per ànnum, payable monthly as it\naccrues on the unpaid principal balance; the first installment to become due and payable\non or before the 15th day of May, 1958, and a like installment to become due and payable on\nor before the 15th day of each succeeding month thereafter until said note: is paid in ful1,\ntogether with interest thereon. This note is further secured by a Deed of Trust of even\ndate herewith to T. K. IRWIN, JR., TRUSTEE.\nHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said\nELMER E. WIIETAMS and wife, IOTA WILLIAMS,\nState of Texas, thef following tract. or parcel of land situated Denton County,\nin\nof the County of Dallas\nTexas, andd described as follows, to-wit:\nLOT TWENTY (20) in BLOCK ELEVEN (11), GARZA-LITTLE HIM\nIAKE ESTATES, an addition, in Denton County, Texas, according to the map\nthereof recorded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Records of\npenton County, Texas;\nconditions and reservations which are made.a part of\nthe plat l recordedi the Map Records oi Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:\nis made subject tot the restrictive\nThis\na\nda\nin Paragraph toonesucht 16 herein, type hamet only \n\nin subdivision, except ma hereinafter purposes, spti and\non-proft\nshall bee erected, - placed or to on any building ploto other than one detached single building anda\noccupy any lot, except that this covenants ghallr not prevent occupancy by do-\nperson Pa ECtN othert the ucasian with any race\nteiter mEel all be d E tamy sanitary system S 5m CAPSD rs or Bl\nor State lots Departm must ment. be SErve bythe State Department of Health. A th tattes the SC ei FEont representatiy Te\nE\n E\n\nE\nEs be\nE\npropert A\nE gainst E\nMlen is\n\nthereto,\n E orlther E hereir\n -\nE\n-\ne events oni\nE\nhall\nthat\nn\nprice\nferi operty\n\nEE al\nthe property set herein.\nthes\neasement\non nearerto e lots= ee e yard me lots dt\nfrom E mse\nline\nFront building ine25 FET\nlineor\nbee\nPiet\nlots\nNo painted on trucutas outside shal!, be shie or 29 thereofis aterial Anisheda in and, iff frame Et BE brick, material, asbes-\nor offensive or trade aluminum or activity siding or shall roofing. be carried on any lot, nor shalia anything be done thereon which may be or become\nNo dmasie garage, nuisance tent, tot shack neigh r ofat other\nNo\nh: mA on \nthelot herein deseribed shall thatt atany trailers time may\nRet\n5\nresidence,\nprovided The that floor area of any ES structure, nerein emeny miN WIA.\" and garages, shall be notlesst than 600 square feet.\nnor shall any struc\nplat of said all for utility\nand alleys are reserved as shown thel on the land\njority e be6, ownerso time e E \nt hae Bidne rla Sa unless ws. then mtil\nclaiming\n2 shcn be\n\nin violate of the\nany of them, prt their or assigns, said See attempt. pment to subdivision covenants! herein, shallbe\nit\nDi attempting property \nande eithert to CPADS from EE\nstructures of any or Pae L to moved onto the\nfor\nother the\nto\nsuch\nor any lott without thev written consent of the Seller or Developer.\n1 - the written - e SE\n for the subdi division caused way Ats SP\nSals Developer not be rains, \n-\nBlock setout anda lots Blocks Land 2are reserved for business only, with the\nF shalli inn no wise affect anyo ofthe other provisions which shall remain\nEhe SE in Block oft these covenants) by judgment as or\nln\nthat\nBtm: ctey\n18.\nTOI HAVE AND TOI HOLD thea above described premises, together with all ands singular thez rights and appurtenances there-\ntoin anywise belonging untot thes said EIMBR B. WILLIAMS and wife, LOTA WIILIAMS, their\nheirs and assigns forever andIdoh hereby bind myself, my! heirs, executors and administrators, to. Warrant and Forever De-\nfend, all ands singulart thes said premises unto thes said ELMER E. WILLIAMS and wife, IOTA WILLIAMS, their\nheirs anda assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or,to claim thes same, or any part thereof.\nButitise expressly agreed ands stipulated that the Vendor's Lieni is retained are against the above described to property, and premises\nandi improvements, until above described note(s), and all interest thereon fully paid according the face tenor,\neffect and reading, when EM deed shall become absolute.\nof. 4April,\n195.8\nWITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 7th.\nSTATE OF TEXAS\nCOUNTY OF DALLAS\naT\nBEFORE ME, the undersigned, Notary Public in and fors said. County and State, on this day personally\nIRWIN, knowin't tom met tob be the person whose nameis subscribed tothe foregoing instrument, and acknowledged met that Ke\nT.\ntherein expressed.\npurposes\nsame, for the\nand\nARs\nGIVEN, UNDER My HAND AND SEAL OE OFFICE, this. RLsdey of.\nBatay County, Texas\nPublic inandf for", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]private garage ana/or AL4SS aw\noccupancy by do-\nshall prevent\nnot\n3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that\nthis covenant\nmestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.\n* Danton ay State Health[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 394 aforesaid granted premises, or some part thereof, is situated, a notice of breach and election to sell required by Section 2924 of the Civil Code of this state as in force at the time of giving such notice and then trustee, its successors or assigns, by its duly aut thorized officer or agent on demand by beneficiary, or his assigns, shall sell the above-granted premises, or such part thereof as in its discretion it shall find necessary to sell, in order to accomplish the objects .of these trusts, in the following manner, namely: It shall first give notice of the tire and place of such sale in the ranner provided by the laws of this state in force at the time of giving such notice, and may fron time to time, postpone such sale by such advertisement, as it may deem reasonable, or without further advertisement, by proclamation made to the persons assembled at the tine and place previously appointed and advertised for such sale, and on the day of sale so advertised, or to which such sale may have been postponed, itmay sell the property so advertised or any portion thereof, at public auctian at the time and place specified in .the notice, in the county in which the property to be sold or some portion thereof is situated, to the highest case bidder. The beneficiary or the holder or holders of said promissory note may bid and purchase at such sale. Trustee, upon such sale, shall make (without warranty) execute and after due payment made, deliver to the purchaser or purchasers, his or their heirs or assigns, deed or deeds of the premises sa.dold, and shall apply the proceeds of the sale thereof, in payment, Firstly, of the expenses of such sale, together with the reason- able expenses of this trust, including therein counsel fees, in an amount equal to five per cent of the amunt secured hereby and remaining unpaid, which shall become due upon any default made by trustor in any of the payments aforesaid; and also such sums, if_any, as trustee or beneficiary shall have paid for procuring a Policy of Title Insurance or a search of the title to said premises, or any part thereof, subsequent to the execution of this deed of trust; and in payment, Secondly, of said promissory note or notes and of the amount of principal and interest thereon then remaining unpaid, and the amount of all other moneys with interest thereon herein agreed or provided to be paid by trustor, and lastly, the balance of such proceeds, if any,to the person legally entitled thereto upon written demand therefor and satisfactory evidence of the right thereto. In the event of a sale of said premises, or any part thereof, ard the execution of a deed or deeds therefor under these trusts, the recital therein of default, and of recording notice of breach and election of sale and of the elapsing of said three months period and of giving of notice of sale, and of a demand by beneficiary, his heirs or assigns, that such sale should be made, shall be conclusive proof of such default, record ing, election, elapsing of time and of the due giving of such notice, and that the sale was regularly and validly nade on due and proper deirand by bene- ficiary, his heirs and assigns; and any such deed or deeds, with such recitals therein, shall be effectual and conclusive against trustor, his heirs and assigns and all other persons; and the receipt for the purchase money recited or contained in any deed executed to the purchaser as aforesaid, shall be sufficient discharge to such purchaser from all obligation to see to the proper application of the purchase roney, according to the trusts aforesaid. Five: Said beneficiary may at any time. by instrument in writing appoint a successor or successors to, or discharge and appoint a new trustee in the place of any trustee named herein or acting hereunder, which instrument, executed and acknow- ledged by such beneficiary, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County or Counties where said lard is situated, shall be conclusive proof of the proper substitution of such successor or successors or nen trustee, who shall have all the estate, povers and duties of said trustee predecessor. Six: This deed of trust secures the paynent of all the indebtedness and the performance of all the obligations hereirbefore referred to, and in all its parts as herein otherwise provided, applies to, inures to the benefit of and bind. the heirs, administrators, executors, successors and essigns of all and each of the parties hereto. The words "trustor" "beneficiary" and "trustee" wherever used in this instru- ment, shall be construed to include the plural as well as the singular nunter, and any act to be done by the beneficiary ray be done by his assignee. IN WITNESS HEREOF, trustor has executed these presents the day and year first above written. Jessie Helen Ludwig STATE CF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ,SS On this 12th day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-two before ne, E.L. Vaxwell, a Notary Public in ard for said County of Santa Clara, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared Jessie Helen Ludwig known to me to be the person described in and whose nane is subseribed
394 aforesaid granted premises, or some part thereof, is situated, a notice of breach and election to sell required by Section 2924 of the Civil Code of this state as in force at the time of giving such notice and then trustee, its successors or assigns, by its duly aut thorized officer or agent on demand by beneficiary, or his assigns, shall sell the above-granted premises, or such part thereof as in its discretion it shall find necessary to sell, in order to accomplish the objects .of these trusts, in the following manner, namely: It shall first give notice of the tire and place of such sale in the ranner provided by the laws of this state in force at the time of giving such notice, and may fron time to time, postpone such sale by such advertisement, as it may deem reasonable, or without further advertisement, by proclamation made to the persons assembled at the tine and place previously appointed and advertised for such sale, and on the day of sale so advertised, or to which such sale may have been postponed, itmay sell the property so advertised or any portion thereof, at public auctian at the time and place specified in .the notice, in the county in which the property to be sold or some portion thereof is situated, to the highest case bidder. The beneficiary or the holder or holders of said promissory note may bid and purchase at such sale. Trustee, upon such sale, shall make (without warranty) execute and after due payment made, deliver to the purchaser or purchasers, his or their heirs or assigns, deed or deeds of the premises sa.dold, and shall apply the proceeds of the sale thereof, in payment, Firstly, of the expenses of such sale, together with the reason- able expenses of this trust, including therein counsel fees, in an amount equal to five per cent of the amunt secured hereby and remaining unpaid, which shall become due upon any default made by trustor in any of the payments aforesaid; and also such sums, if_any, as trustee or beneficiary shall have paid for procuring a Policy of Title Insurance or a search of the title to said premises, or any part thereof, subsequent to the execution of this deed of trust; and in payment, Secondly, of said promissory note or notes and of the amount of principal and interest thereon then remaining unpaid, and the amount of all other moneys with interest thereon herein agreed or provided to be paid by trustor, and lastly, the balance of such proceeds, if any,to the person legally entitled thereto upon written demand therefor and satisfactory evidence of the right thereto. In the event of a sale of said premises, or any part thereof, ard the execution of a deed or deeds therefor under these trusts, the recital therein of default, and of recording notice of breach and election of sale and of the elapsing of said three months period and of giving of notice of sale, and of a demand by beneficiary, his heirs or assigns, that such sale should be made, shall be conclusive proof of such default, record ing, election, elapsing of time and of the due giving of such notice, and that the sale was regularly and validly nade on due and proper deirand by bene- ficiary, his heirs and assigns; and any such deed or deeds, with such recitals therein, shall be effectual and conclusive against trustor, his heirs and assigns and all other persons; and the receipt for the purchase money recited or contained in any deed executed to the purchaser as aforesaid, shall be sufficient discharge to such purchaser from all obligation to see to the proper application of the purchase roney, according to the trusts aforesaid. Five: Said beneficiary may at any time. by instrument in writing appoint a successor or successors to, or discharge and appoint a new trustee in the place of any trustee named herein or acting hereunder, which instrument, executed and acknow- ledged by such beneficiary, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County or Counties where said lard is situated, shall be conclusive proof of the proper substitution of such successor or successors or nen trustee, who shall have all the estate, povers and duties of said trustee predecessor. Six: This deed of trust secures the paynent of all the indebtedness and the performance of all the obligations hereirbefore referred to, and in all its parts as herein otherwise provided, applies to, inures to the benefit of and bind. the heirs, administrators, executors, successors and essigns of all and each of the parties hereto. The words "trustor" "beneficiary" and "trustee" wherever used in this instru- ment, shall be construed to include the plural as well as the singular nunter, and any act to be done by the beneficiary ray be done by his assignee. IN WITNESS HEREOF, trustor has executed these presents the day and year first above written. Jessie Helen Ludwig STATE CF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ,SS On this 12th day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-two before ne, E.L. Vaxwell, a Notary Public in ard for said County of Santa Clara, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared Jessie Helen Ludwig known to me to be the person described in and whose nane is subseribed
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n394\naforesaid granted premises, or some part thereof, is situated, a notice of breach\nand election to sell required by Section 2924 of the Civil Code of this state as in\nforce at the time of giving such notice and then trustee, its successors or assigns,\nby its duly aut thorized officer or agent on demand by beneficiary, or his assigns,\nshall sell the above-granted premises, or such part thereof as in its discretion it\nshall find necessary to sell, in order to accomplish the objects .of these trusts,\nin the following manner, namely:\nIt shall first give notice of the tire and place of such sale in the ranner\nprovided by the laws of this state in force at the time of giving such notice, and\nmay fron time to time, postpone such sale by such advertisement, as it may deem\nreasonable, or without further advertisement, by proclamation made to the persons\nassembled at the tine and place previously appointed and advertised for such sale,\nand on the day of sale so advertised, or to which such sale may have been postponed,\nitmay sell the property so advertised or any portion thereof, at public auctian at the\ntime and place specified in .the notice, in the county in which the property to be sold\nor some portion thereof is situated, to the highest case bidder. The beneficiary or\nthe holder or holders of said promissory note may bid and purchase at such sale.\nTrustee, upon such sale, shall make (without warranty) execute and after due\npayment made, deliver to the purchaser or purchasers, his or their heirs or assigns,\ndeed or deeds of the premises sa.dold, and shall apply the proceeds of the sale\nthereof, in payment, Firstly, of the expenses of such sale, together with the reason-\nable expenses of this trust, including therein counsel fees, in an amount equal to five\nper cent of the amunt secured hereby and remaining unpaid, which shall become due\nupon any default made by trustor in any of the payments aforesaid; and also such sums,\nif_any, as trustee or beneficiary shall have paid for procuring a Policy of Title\nInsurance or a search of the title to said premises, or any part thereof, subsequent\nto the execution of this deed of trust; and in payment, Secondly, of said promissory\nnote or notes and of the amount of principal and interest thereon then remaining unpaid,\nand the amount of all other moneys with interest thereon herein agreed or provided to\nbe paid by trustor, and lastly, the balance of such proceeds, if any,to the person\nlegally entitled thereto upon written demand therefor and satisfactory evidence of the\nright thereto.\nIn the event of a sale of said premises, or any part thereof, ard the execution\nof a deed or deeds therefor under these trusts, the recital therein of default, and of\nrecording notice of breach and election of sale and of the elapsing of said three\nmonths period and of giving of notice of sale, and of a demand by beneficiary, his\nheirs or assigns, that such sale should be made, shall be conclusive proof of such\ndefault, record ing, election, elapsing of time and of the due giving of such notice,\nand that the sale was regularly and validly nade on due and proper deirand by bene-\nficiary, his heirs and assigns; and any such deed or deeds, with such recitals therein,\nshall be effectual and conclusive against trustor, his heirs and assigns and all\nother persons; and the receipt for the purchase money recited or contained in any deed\nexecuted to the purchaser as aforesaid, shall be sufficient discharge to such purchaser\nfrom all obligation to see to the proper application of the purchase roney, according\nto the trusts aforesaid.\nFive: Said beneficiary may at any time. by instrument in writing appoint a\nsuccessor or successors to, or discharge and appoint a new trustee in the place of\nany trustee named herein or acting hereunder, which instrument, executed and acknow-\nledged by such beneficiary, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the\nCounty or Counties where said lard is situated, shall be conclusive proof of the\nproper substitution of such successor or successors or nen trustee, who shall have\nall the estate, povers and duties of said trustee predecessor.\nSix: This deed of trust secures the paynent of all the indebtedness and the\nperformance of all the obligations hereirbefore referred to, and in all its parts as\nherein otherwise provided, applies to, inures to the benefit of and bind. the heirs,\nadministrators, executors, successors and essigns of all and each of the parties\nhereto.\nThe words \"trustor\" \"beneficiary\" and \"trustee\" wherever used in this instru-\nment, shall be construed to include the plural as well as the singular nunter, and any\nact to be done by the beneficiary ray be done by his assignee.\nIN WITNESS HEREOF, trustor has executed these presents the day and year first\nabove written.\nJessie Helen Ludwig\nSTATE CF CALIFORNIA )\nCOUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ,SS\nOn this 12th day of June in the year of our Lord\none thousand nine hundred and thirty-two before\nne, E.L. Vaxwell, a Notary Public in ard for said County of Santa Clara, State of\nCalifornia, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared Jessie\nHelen Ludwig known to me to be the person described in and whose nane is subseribed", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 2 PIFTH: In case said trustor shall puy caid firet mentioned note, with interestaccording to its terns, and also pey all additional loans hereuaier, with theinterest thereon, and also all other moneys he shsll be liable for hereunder, thenthese trusts shall cease and 3aid trustee or its succesaors, shell reconvey saidtrust property without any warrenty to Charles E.Laura and Anna Laura, his wife, atthe cost of such person.Any part of said property may be reconveyed at the requestwhich this Deed of frust is a security or in the performance of ay of the conditionsor covenants conteined in any conveyance under or through which said trustor claimsor dorives title, or if "iolation shall be made of any such conditions ar covenants,then or at uny time theroafter the beneficiary hereunder may consider said note, endall debte,moneys and dues secured hereby as immediately due and payable, and thetrustee or benoficiary shell record in the office of the Recorder of the Countywherein said property or some part thereof is situated, a notice of snch breechand of olection $o cause said property to be sold to satisfy said obligations.olepsed followingisaid recordation of said notice, said trustee without demend cnsaid trustor Bhall sell Baid property in whole or in part or parcels at the dis-cretion of the trustee, heving first given notice of the time end place af suohBale or sales in the menner und for the time as prescribed by the provisions ofSection 692 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of Celifornia, which aiehereby referred to and incorporated herein and mede a part d this Deed of Frust.of said property by pablishing anotice of postponement once a week in the semenowspaper in which the originai notice of sale wes published end by posting in thebe postponud, esld trusces mAy sell the property 80 advertised, or any part or por-tions thereof,at auction to the highest bidder for cabh in lawfal money of theUnited Statee, and any beneficiary borounder may become a purchaser at such sale, andupon such sale said trustes shall execute and after due payment made shell dsliverto tho purchaser a deed of the property 80 sold, but without covenant or xerrenty,express or implied, regarding tho title or enoubrances, and out of the proceedsthoreof ehall pay, firat the expenses of sale and of these trusts, including reegon-able compensation for its services, which is hereby fixed at the Bun of $200.00snd oost of cert ificate or abstrect of title to timo of sale, all to aocrue on anydefault by said truetor hereunder, next all amounts with interest due fron saidtrustor pursuant to paragraph Fourth of this instrument; then ell additionsl loans,with nterestyoutatenaiog under paragraph Seoona hareof; then the amount, incl:dingintorost unpaid upon firet mentioned note; and lastly the surplus if eny to the of_said beneficiery. SIXTH: If dofault shall be made in the performance d any oblipation for On written spplication of the beneficiary and after three months have Seid trustee may from time to time,postpone the sale df all or any portion places dosignated in Section 692 of the Code of Procedure. At the time and place of sele 80 adve.tised or to which such sale may personelegally entitled thereto. Io any deed executad under these trusts, the recital of amount df indsbtedness, default, raseraing.mppliontion of Bemariolaypatiop-pabliontion,mie,purohage price,. and af any other metters shall be conclusive proof of suoh indsbted-nase, default, reperding-pplicationtisgplatiem.ale.parshase prioe, andall other matters recited, and such deed shall be effeotual end conclusive afainstsaid truetor, and all persons, and shall entitle the purchaser to irmediate posseeeionof the property theraby conveyed and a reseipt therein for. the parchese money shell
2 PIFTH: In case said trustor shall puy caid firet mentioned note, with interestaccording to its terns, and also pey all additional loans hereuaier, with theinterest thereon, and also all other moneys he shsll be liable for hereunder, thenthese trusts shall cease and 3aid trustee or its succesaors, shell reconvey saidtrust property without any warrenty to Charles E.Laura and Anna Laura, his wife, atthe cost of such person.Any part of said property may be reconveyed at the requestwhich this Deed of frust is a security or in the performance of ay of the conditionsor covenants conteined in any conveyance under or through which said trustor claimsor dorives title, or if "iolation shall be made of any such conditions ar covenants,then or at uny time theroafter the beneficiary hereunder may consider said note, endall debte,moneys and dues secured hereby as immediately due and payable, and thetrustee or benoficiary shell record in the office of the Recorder of the Countywherein said property or some part thereof is situated, a notice of snch breechand of olection $o cause said property to be sold to satisfy said obligations.olepsed followingisaid recordation of said notice, said trustee without demend cnsaid trustor Bhall sell Baid property in whole or in part or parcels at the dis-cretion of the trustee, heving first given notice of the time end place af suohBale or sales in the menner und for the time as prescribed by the provisions ofSection 692 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of Celifornia, which aiehereby referred to and incorporated herein and mede a part d this Deed of Frust.of said property by pablishing anotice of postponement once a week in the semenowspaper in which the originai notice of sale wes published end by posting in thebe postponud, esld trusces mAy sell the property 80 advertised, or any part or por-tions thereof,at auction to the highest bidder for cabh in lawfal money of theUnited Statee, and any beneficiary borounder may become a purchaser at such sale, andupon such sale said trustes shall execute and after due payment made shell dsliverto tho purchaser a deed of the property 80 sold, but without covenant or xerrenty,express or implied, regarding tho title or enoubrances, and out of the proceedsthoreof ehall pay, firat the expenses of sale and of these trusts, including reegon-able compensation for its services, which is hereby fixed at the Bun of $200.00snd oost of cert ificate or abstrect of title to timo of sale, all to aocrue on anydefault by said truetor hereunder, next all amounts with interest due fron saidtrustor pursuant to paragraph Fourth of this instrument; then ell additionsl loans,with nterestyoutatenaiog under paragraph Seoona hareof; then the amount, incl:dingintorost unpaid upon firet mentioned note; and lastly the surplus if eny to the of_said beneficiery. SIXTH: If dofault shall be made in the performance d any oblipation for On written spplication of the beneficiary and after three months have Seid trustee may from time to time,postpone the sale df all or any portion places dosignated in Section 692 of the Code of Procedure. At the time and place of sele 80 adve.tised or to which such sale may personelegally entitled thereto. Io any deed executad under these trusts, the recital of amount df indsbtedness, default, raseraing.mppliontion of Bemariolaypatiop-pabliontion,mie,purohage price,. and af any other metters shall be conclusive proof of suoh indsbted-nase, default, reperding-pplicationtisgplatiem.ale.parshase prioe, andall other matters recited, and such deed shall be effeotual end conclusive afainstsaid truetor, and all persons, and shall entitle the purchaser to irmediate posseeeionof the property theraby conveyed and a reseipt therein for. the parchese money shell
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n2\nPIFTH: In case said trustor shall puy caid firet mentioned note, with interestaccording to its terns, and also pey all additional loans hereuaier, with theinterest thereon, and also all other moneys he shsll be liable for hereunder, thenthese trusts shall cease and 3aid trustee or its succesaors, shell reconvey saidtrust property without any warrenty to Charles E.Laura and Anna Laura, his wife, atthe cost of such person.Any part of said property may be reconveyed at the requestwhich this Deed of frust is a security or in the performance of ay of the conditionsor covenants conteined in any conveyance under or through which said trustor claimsor dorives title, or if \"iolation shall be made of any such conditions ar covenants,then or at uny time theroafter the beneficiary hereunder may consider said note, endall debte,moneys and dues secured hereby as immediately due and payable, and thetrustee or benoficiary shell record in the office of the Recorder of the Countywherein said property or some part thereof is situated, a notice of snch breechand of olection $o cause said property to be sold to satisfy said obligations.olepsed followingisaid recordation of said notice, said trustee without demend cnsaid trustor Bhall sell Baid property in whole or in part or parcels at the dis-cretion of the trustee, heving first given notice of the time end place af suohBale or sales in the menner und for the time as prescribed by the provisions ofSection 692 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of Celifornia, which aiehereby referred to and incorporated herein and mede a part d this Deed of Frust.of said property by pablishing anotice of postponement once a week in the semenowspaper in which the originai notice of sale wes published end by posting in thebe postponud, esld trusces mAy sell the property 80 advertised, or any part or por-tions thereof,at auction to the highest bidder for cabh in lawfal money of theUnited Statee, and any beneficiary borounder may become a purchaser at such sale, andupon such sale said trustes shall execute and after due payment made shell dsliverto tho purchaser a deed of the property 80 sold, but without covenant or xerrenty,express or implied, regarding tho title or enoubrances, and out of the proceedsthoreof ehall pay, firat the expenses of sale and of these trusts, including reegon-able compensation for its services, which is hereby fixed at the Bun of $200.00snd oost of cert ificate or abstrect of title to timo of sale, all to aocrue on anydefault by said truetor hereunder, next all amounts with interest due fron saidtrustor pursuant to paragraph Fourth of this instrument; then ell additionsl loans,with nterestyoutatenaiog under paragraph Seoona hareof; then the amount, incl:dingintorost unpaid upon firet mentioned note; and lastly the surplus if eny to the\nof_said beneficiery.\nSIXTH: If dofault shall be made in the performance d any oblipation for\nOn written spplication of the beneficiary and after three months have\nSeid trustee may from time to time,postpone the sale df all or any portion\nplaces dosignated in Section 692 of the Code of Procedure.\nAt the time and place of sele 80 adve.tised or to which such sale may\npersonelegally entitled thereto.\nIo any deed executad under these trusts, the recital of amount df\nindsbtedness, default, raseraing.mppliontion of Bemariolaypatiop-pabliontion,mie,purohage price,. and af any other metters shall be conclusive proof of suoh indsbted-nase, default, reperding-pplicationtisgplatiem.ale.parshase prioe, andall other matters recited, and such deed shall be effeotual end conclusive afainstsaid truetor, and all persons, and shall entitle the purchaser to irmediate posseeeionof the property theraby conveyed and a reseipt therein for. the parchese money shell\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL6663 PAGE191 his..heirs and assigns, in consideration of the And the Grantee does for.. himself. execution and delivery. of this deed, hereby covenant and agree with the Grantor, its successors and assigns to hold said real estate herein described upon the following terms: (a) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residence purposes and no structure shall be erected on any residential building plot other than one single family dwelling not to exceed two stories in. height and a one- or two-car garage. (b) No building shall be erected on any residential building plot nearer than thirty (30) feet to, nor farther than fifty (50) feet from the front Sub-Lot line, nor nearer than five (5) feet to any side Sub-Lot line, except on Sub-Lots where the topography of the land does not permit, in which event the building line will be established by Indian Hills Estates Co., or by the Committee referred to in paragraph (i) hereof. (c) No fence or wall exceeding three (3) feet in height shail be erected or maintained on any part of any Sub-Lot, nor shall any fence or wall be erected or maintained within forty (40) feet of the Street on which said Sub-Lot fronts. (d) None of said Sub-Lots shall be re-subdivided into building plots having an area less than shown on the plat of the subdivision as recorded in Volume 57, Page 12, of Cuyahoga County records of Maps. (e) No spirituous, vinous, nor fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either at wholesale or retail, on said premises. No noxious or offensiye trade shall be carried on upon any Sub-Lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. (f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif- ferent race, employed by owner or tenant. (g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, barn, or other outbuilding erected in the tract shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a temporary character be permitted. (h) No structure shall be moved onto any Sub-Lot unless it meets with the approval of the committee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee it shall conform to and be in har- mony with existing structures in the tract. (i) During the period in which Indian Hills Estates Co., or its successors, owns any of such Sub-Lots, no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot until the design and location thereof have been approved in writing by Indian Hills Estates Co., ora representative which it may appoint for that purpose, or its successors. After Indian Hills Estates Co., or its successor, ceases to be the owner of any such Sub-Lots, a committee of three (3) members elected by a majority of the owners of Sub-Lots, in said Re-subdivision shall pass upon designs and locations for buildings, and no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot until such committee. shall have in writing approved the design and location thereof. However, ine event Indian Hills Estates Co., its successors, or representative to whom is submitted for approval a design and location, fails to approve or disapprove such design or location within (30) days from the time of such submission, or in case approval is to be by committee as aforesaid and there is no such committee in existence, or if such committee fails to approve or disapprove a design or location within thirty (30) days from the time of such submission, then in each such event, such approval of design. and location will not be required, but no building shall be erected on any Sub- Lot, the design and location of which is not in conformity to, and in harmony with, existing struc- tures in the tract. In no case, whether the design and location of a dwelling has been approved or not under the foregoing provisions, shall any dwelling be permitted on any Sub-Lot in the tract, the cost of construction which is less than six thousand ($6,000.00) dollars and the ground floor area of which is less than seven hundred and fifty (750) square feet, in case of a one-story struc- ture or less than six hundred (600) square feet, in case of a one and one-half story or two-story structure. The above enumerated restrictions, agreements, covenants, and conditions shall be considered as covenants, and not as conditions hereof, and shall run with the'land, and shall bind the Grantee, heirs and assigns, until the first day of January his.. A.D. 1975, except that the above enumerated restrictions, agreements, covenants and conditions do not apply in any way to Sub-Lots one (1) to twelve (12) inclusive, and Sub-Lot one hundred and forty-four (144).
VOL6663 PAGE191 his..heirs and assigns, in consideration of the And the Grantee does for.. himself. execution and delivery. of this deed, hereby covenant and agree with the Grantor, its successors and assigns to hold said real estate herein described upon the following terms: (a) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residence purposes and no structure shall be erected on any residential building plot other than one single family dwelling not to exceed two stories in. height and a one- or two-car garage. (b) No building shall be erected on any residential building plot nearer than thirty (30) feet to, nor farther than fifty (50) feet from the front Sub-Lot line, nor nearer than five (5) feet to any side Sub-Lot line, except on Sub-Lots where the topography of the land does not permit, in which event the building line will be established by Indian Hills Estates Co., or by the Committee referred to in paragraph (i) hereof. (c) No fence or wall exceeding three (3) feet in height shail be erected or maintained on any part of any Sub-Lot, nor shall any fence or wall be erected or maintained within forty (40) feet of the Street on which said Sub-Lot fronts. (d) None of said Sub-Lots shall be re-subdivided into building plots having an area less than shown on the plat of the subdivision as recorded in Volume 57, Page 12, of Cuyahoga County records of Maps. (e) No spirituous, vinous, nor fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either at wholesale or retail, on said premises. No noxious or offensiye trade shall be carried on upon any Sub-Lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. (f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif- ferent race, employed by owner or tenant. (g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, barn, or other outbuilding erected in the tract shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a temporary character be permitted. (h) No structure shall be moved onto any Sub-Lot unless it meets with the approval of the committee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee it shall conform to and be in har- mony with existing structures in the tract. (i) During the period in which Indian Hills Estates Co., or its successors, owns any of such Sub-Lots, no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot until the design and location thereof have been approved in writing by Indian Hills Estates Co., ora representative which it may appoint for that purpose, or its successors. After Indian Hills Estates Co., or its successor, ceases to be the owner of any such Sub-Lots, a committee of three (3) members elected by a majority of the owners of Sub-Lots, in said Re-subdivision shall pass upon designs and locations for buildings, and no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot until such committee. shall have in writing approved the design and location thereof. However, ine event Indian Hills Estates Co., its successors, or representative to whom is submitted for approval a design and location, fails to approve or disapprove such design or location within (30) days from the time of such submission, or in case approval is to be by committee as aforesaid and there is no such committee in existence, or if such committee fails to approve or disapprove a design or location within thirty (30) days from the time of such submission, then in each such event, such approval of design. and location will not be required, but no building shall be erected on any Sub- Lot, the design and location of which is not in conformity to, and in harmony with, existing struc- tures in the tract. In no case, whether the design and location of a dwelling has been approved or not under the foregoing provisions, shall any dwelling be permitted on any Sub-Lot in the tract, the cost of construction which is less than six thousand ($6,000.00) dollars and the ground floor area of which is less than seven hundred and fifty (750) square feet, in case of a one-story struc- ture or less than six hundred (600) square feet, in case of a one and one-half story or two-story structure. The above enumerated restrictions, agreements, covenants, and conditions shall be considered as covenants, and not as conditions hereof, and shall run with the'land, and shall bind the Grantee, heirs and assigns, until the first day of January his.. A.D. 1975, except that the above enumerated restrictions, agreements, covenants and conditions do not apply in any way to Sub-Lots one (1) to twelve (12) inclusive, and Sub-Lot one hundred and forty-four (144).
(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif- ferent race, employed by owner or tenant.
(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race, employed by owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif- ferent race, employed by owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race, employed by owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL6663 PAGE191\nhis..heirs and assigns, in consideration of the\nAnd the Grantee does for.. himself.\nexecution and delivery. of this deed, hereby covenant and agree with the Grantor, its successors\nand assigns to hold said real estate herein described upon the following terms:\n(a) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residence purposes and no structure shall\nbe erected on any residential building plot other than one single family dwelling not to exceed\ntwo stories in. height and a one- or two-car garage.\n(b) No building shall be erected on any residential building plot nearer than thirty (30) feet\nto, nor farther than fifty (50) feet from the front Sub-Lot line, nor nearer than five (5) feet to any\nside Sub-Lot line, except on Sub-Lots where the topography of the land does not permit, in which\nevent the building line will be established by Indian Hills Estates Co., or by the Committee\nreferred to in paragraph (i) hereof.\n(c) No fence or wall exceeding three (3) feet in height shail be erected or maintained on any\npart of any Sub-Lot, nor shall any fence or wall be erected or maintained within forty (40) feet of\nthe Street on which said Sub-Lot fronts.\n(d) None of said Sub-Lots shall be re-subdivided into building plots having an area less\nthan shown on the plat of the subdivision as recorded in Volume 57, Page 12, of Cuyahoga County\nrecords of Maps.\n(e) No spirituous, vinous, nor fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either at\nwholesale or retail, on said premises. No noxious or offensiye trade shall be carried on upon any\nSub-Lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to\nthe neighborhood.\n(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on\nany Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif-\nferent race, employed by owner or tenant.\n(g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, barn, or other outbuilding erected in the tract shall\nat any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a\ntemporary character be permitted.\n(h) No structure shall be moved onto any Sub-Lot unless it meets with the approval of the\ncommittee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee it shall conform to and be in har-\nmony with existing structures in the tract.\n(i) During the period in which Indian Hills Estates Co., or its successors, owns any of such\nSub-Lots, no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot until the design and location thereof have\nbeen approved in writing by Indian Hills Estates Co.,\nora representative which it may appoint for that purpose, or its successors. After Indian Hills\nEstates Co., or its successor, ceases to be the owner of any such Sub-Lots, a committee of three\n(3) members elected by a majority of the owners of Sub-Lots, in said Re-subdivision shall pass\nupon designs and locations for buildings, and no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot until\nsuch committee. shall have in writing approved the design and location thereof. However, ine event\nIndian Hills Estates Co., its successors, or representative to whom is submitted for approval a\ndesign and location, fails to approve or disapprove such design or location within (30) days from\nthe time of such submission, or in case approval is to be by committee as aforesaid and there is\nno such committee in existence, or if such committee fails to approve or disapprove a design or\nlocation within thirty (30) days from the time of such submission, then in each such event, such\napproval of design. and location will not be required, but no building shall be erected on any Sub-\nLot, the design and location of which is not in conformity to, and in harmony with, existing struc-\ntures in the tract. In no case, whether the design and location of a dwelling has been approved or\nnot under the foregoing provisions, shall any dwelling be permitted on any Sub-Lot in the tract,\nthe cost of construction which is less than six thousand ($6,000.00) dollars and the ground floor\narea of which is less than seven hundred and fifty (750) square feet, in case of a one-story struc-\nture or less than six hundred (600) square feet, in case of a one and one-half story or two-story\nstructure.\nThe above enumerated restrictions, agreements, covenants, and conditions shall be considered\nas covenants, and not as conditions hereof, and shall run with the'land, and shall bind the Grantee,\nheirs and assigns, until the first day of January\nhis..\nA.D. 1975, except that the above enumerated restrictions, agreements, covenants and conditions\ndo not apply in any way to Sub-Lots one (1) to twelve (12) inclusive, and Sub-Lot one hundred\nand forty-four (144).", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on\nany Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif-\nferent race, employed by owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race, employed by owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DRI VOL00505 PAGE134KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 7865STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTON 1608DOLLARSsscfolgax THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and inc consideration oft the sum oftous paid ands secured to be paid by JAMES P. LYDE and wife, MARGA L. LYDE EIGHTEEN HUNDRED ($1800,00) AND NO/100 HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said JAMES P. LYDE and wife, MARGA L. LYDE of the County of DallasTexas, and described as follows, to-wit: State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,EIM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County, Texas, BEING LOTS TWENTY ONE (21) and TWENTY TWO (22) in BLOCK SIXTEENaccording to the Map thereof recorded in Volume 2, Rage 80 of the GARZA-LITTLEof (16) Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. This conveyance is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions reservationsthe plat recordedi in the Map Records ony Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: anddulod lodge Jots orf in for this subdivision, except as hereinafter excepted any origina deseribed lot is inNoshall beand/or boathouse and otheroftoiletsof Denton or State Heaith Department. gtetksaKRX which are made a part of daaEshall not prevent occupancy bydo-Denton or Statesyssline shown the recordedPtE brick, lumber, asbes- 16 herein, to be used only.type building,byt the altered, ASon placed or permitted to remainrace than domiciled the Caucasian with any race shall tenant. or occupy anyl lot, except thatt thisbepermitted ds this by septic and tank only sanitary any building plot other than one detached single building anda: one maH must CeaD system approved Bet erectedexcludedCANprovided thatTheat seloert jority thel 1P66, owners of thel lots aVer to change saidoeTeR persondamages or other dues for such violation.Noof kindashtornadoes, eavydrainageor erwise,understoodLots118. tot street GUBIXX DEKEXEthereot is completely used finished inr and, Hframe are 25 eet.Si m.e on sste ofcorner Line ths' above restrictions.)or asy bulding lines on interior lots buildingo on the with two occupied complete or used coats until 25 the material,inESthem untilperiods d Sbrmad years damlrs upist voteherein, it shall begande to prevent! E them fromacorisento of the Seller or Developer.for damagest to thes subdivision caused anytocreenot permission ofway n Acid SRSalerrein. 2are reserved for business only, with the excep- or nuisance or tot neighborhood. or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or becomeNo garage, shall tent, any structure or ofat other outbuilding racter Bet thelot! deseribeds shallatanyt time beu used asa residencereatrietions as set out are fully COPIRS "." residence, exceptt thatt trailers be used onStreets, ground easements floor and of alleys any are reserved structure, as on of the open recorded porches and of garages, shall ben not less than 600 feet.12. These restrictions bec covenants running the land shall plato be binding addition for utility purposes.13. lawful If fbe any parties other or or any of them, ort their heirs propertys or asgigng, situatedi shall violate part. tory violate any theBenc The structures or Developer shall are_to ber moved responsible onto the to subdivision or Iot thereof withoutt theton Ehis E Block mayb be EB Block as set 7and out all in in haibe t, extended for uponall partieswhole orii attempting tov any such EParuE A etc.Eint thes subdivision, without first A full force and stay of these covenants by judgment or court order shalli inr no wise affect any of the other provisions which shallr remainTOI HAVE AND TOI HOLD the above described premises, together with all ands singular the rights and appurtenances there-toina anywise belonging unto thes said JAMES P. LYDE and wife; MARGA L. LYDE, theirheirs and assigns forever and we dol hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-fend, alla and singulart the said premises unto thes said JAMES P. LYDE and wife, MARGA L. LYDE, theirheirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.Buti it is expressly agreed and stipulated that the Vendor's Lieni is retained againstandi improvements, until the above described note(s), and all interest theréon are fully the above described property, premisesWITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 19th. day of. effect and reading, when this deed shall become absolute. paid according to the face and tenor, 196.4. Bert IpiP2
DRI VOL00505 PAGE134KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 7865STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTON 1608DOLLARSsscfolgax THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and inc consideration oft the sum oftous paid ands secured to be paid by JAMES P. LYDE and wife, MARGA L. LYDE EIGHTEEN HUNDRED ($1800,00) AND NO/100 HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said JAMES P. LYDE and wife, MARGA L. LYDE of the County of DallasTexas, and described as follows, to-wit: State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,EIM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County, Texas, BEING LOTS TWENTY ONE (21) and TWENTY TWO (22) in BLOCK SIXTEENaccording to the Map thereof recorded in Volume 2, Rage 80 of the GARZA-LITTLEof (16) Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. This conveyance is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions reservationsthe plat recordedi in the Map Records ony Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: anddulod lodge Jots orf in for this subdivision, except as hereinafter excepted any origina deseribed lot is inNoshall beand/or boathouse and otheroftoiletsof Denton or State Heaith Department. gtetksaKRX which are made a part of daaEshall not prevent occupancy bydo-Denton or Statesyssline shown the recordedPtE brick, lumber, asbes- 16 herein, to be used only.type building,byt the altered, ASon placed or permitted to remainrace than domiciled the Caucasian with any race shall tenant. or occupy anyl lot, except thatt thisbepermitted ds this by septic and tank only sanitary any building plot other than one detached single building anda: one maH must CeaD system approved Bet erectedexcludedCANprovided thatTheat seloert jority thel 1P66, owners of thel lots aVer to change saidoeTeR persondamages or other dues for such violation.Noof kindashtornadoes, eavydrainageor erwise,understoodLots118. tot street GUBIXX DEKEXEthereot is completely used finished inr and, Hframe are 25 eet.Si m.e on sste ofcorner Line ths' above restrictions.)or asy bulding lines on interior lots buildingo on the with two occupied complete or used coats until 25 the material,inESthem untilperiods d Sbrmad years damlrs upist voteherein, it shall begande to prevent! E them fromacorisento of the Seller or Developer.for damagest to thes subdivision caused anytocreenot permission ofway n Acid SRSalerrein. 2are reserved for business only, with the excep- or nuisance or tot neighborhood. or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or becomeNo garage, shall tent, any structure or ofat other outbuilding racter Bet thelot! deseribeds shallatanyt time beu used asa residencereatrietions as set out are fully COPIRS "." residence, exceptt thatt trailers be used onStreets, ground easements floor and of alleys any are reserved structure, as on of the open recorded porches and of garages, shall ben not less than 600 feet.12. These restrictions bec covenants running the land shall plato be binding addition for utility purposes.13. lawful If fbe any parties other or or any of them, ort their heirs propertys or asgigng, situatedi shall violate part. tory violate any theBenc The structures or Developer shall are_to ber moved responsible onto the to subdivision or Iot thereof withoutt theton Ehis E Block mayb be EB Block as set 7and out all in in haibe t, extended for uponall partieswhole orii attempting tov any such EParuE A etc.Eint thes subdivision, without first A full force and stay of these covenants by judgment or court order shalli inr no wise affect any of the other provisions which shallr remainTOI HAVE AND TOI HOLD the above described premises, together with all ands singular the rights and appurtenances there-toina anywise belonging unto thes said JAMES P. LYDE and wife; MARGA L. LYDE, theirheirs and assigns forever and we dol hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-fend, alla and singulart the said premises unto thes said JAMES P. LYDE and wife, MARGA L. LYDE, theirheirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.Buti it is expressly agreed and stipulated that the Vendor's Lieni is retained againstandi improvements, until the above described note(s), and all interest theréon are fully the above described property, premisesWITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 19th. day of. effect and reading, when this deed shall become absolute. paid according to the face and tenor, 196.4. Bert IpiP2
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or mestic servants of a different race domiçiled with any owner or tenant. occupy any Iot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-
3. No person of any race other the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or mestic servants of a different race domiçiled with any owner or tenant. occupy any Iot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDRI VOL00505 PAGE134KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\n7865STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTON\n1608DOLLARSsscfolgax\nTHAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and inc consideration oft the sum oftous paid ands secured to be paid by JAMES P. LYDE and wife, MARGA L. LYDE\nEIGHTEEN HUNDRED ($1800,00) AND NO/100\nHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said\nJAMES P. LYDE and wife, MARGA L. LYDE\nof the County of DallasTexas, and described as follows, to-wit:\nState of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,EIM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County, Texas,\nBEING LOTS TWENTY ONE (21) and TWENTY TWO (22) in BLOCK SIXTEENaccording to the Map thereof recorded in Volume 2, Rage 80 of the\nGARZA-LITTLEof\n(16)\nMap or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas.\nThis conveyance is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions reservationsthe plat recordedi in the Map Records ony Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: anddulod lodge Jots orf in for this subdivision, except as hereinafter excepted any origina deseribed lot is inNoshall beand/or boathouse and otheroftoiletsof Denton or State Heaith Department. gtetksaKRX\nwhich are made a part of daaEshall not prevent occupancy bydo-Denton or Statesyssline shown the recordedPtE brick, lumber, asbes-\n16 herein, to be used only.type building,byt the\naltered,\nASon\nplaced or permitted to remainrace than domiciled the Caucasian with any race shall tenant. or occupy anyl lot, except thatt thisbepermitted ds this by septic and tank only sanitary\nany building plot other than one detached single building anda: one maH must CeaD system approved Bet\nerectedexcludedCANprovided thatTheat seloert jority thel 1P66, owners of thel lots aVer to change saidoeTeR persondamages or other dues for such violation.Noof kindashtornadoes, eavydrainageor erwise,understoodLots118.\ntot\nstreet GUBIXX DEKEXEthereot is completely used finished inr and, Hframe\nare 25 eet.Si m.e on sste ofcorner Line ths'\nabove restrictions.)or\nasy bulding lines on interior lots\nbuildingo on the with two occupied complete or used coats until 25 the\nmaterial,inESthem untilperiods d Sbrmad years damlrs upist voteherein, it shall begande to prevent! E them fromacorisento of the Seller or Developer.for damagest to thes subdivision caused anytocreenot permission ofway n Acid SRSalerrein. 2are reserved for business only, with the excep-\nor nuisance or tot neighborhood. or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or becomeNo garage, shall tent, any structure or ofat other outbuilding racter Bet thelot! deseribeds shallatanyt time beu used asa residencereatrietions as set out are fully COPIRS \".\" residence, exceptt thatt trailers be used onStreets, ground easements floor and of alleys any are reserved structure, as on of the open recorded porches and of garages, shall ben not less than 600 feet.12. These restrictions bec covenants running the land shall plato be binding addition for utility purposes.13. lawful If fbe any parties other or or any of them, ort their heirs propertys or asgigng, situatedi shall violate part. tory violate any theBenc The structures or Developer shall are_to ber moved responsible onto the to subdivision or Iot thereof withoutt theton Ehis E Block mayb be EB Block as set 7and out all in in\nhaibe t, extended for uponall partieswhole orii attempting tov any such EParuE A etc.Eint thes subdivision, without first\nA full force and stay of these covenants by judgment or court order shalli inr no wise affect any of the other provisions which shallr remainTOI HAVE AND TOI HOLD the above described premises, together with all ands singular the rights and appurtenances there-toina anywise belonging unto thes said JAMES P. LYDE and wife; MARGA L. LYDE, theirheirs and assigns forever and we dol hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-fend, alla and singulart the said premises unto thes said JAMES P. LYDE and wife, MARGA L. LYDE, theirheirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.Buti it is expressly agreed and stipulated that the Vendor's Lieni is retained againstandi improvements, until the above described note(s), and all interest theréon are fully the above described property, premisesWITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 19th. day of.\neffect and reading, when this deed shall become absolute.\npaid according to the face and tenor,\n196.4.\nBert\nIpiP2\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or\nmestic servants of a different race domiçiled with any owner or tenant. occupy any Iot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL 7835 PAE284 And the sald Grantee. S. for... .thair.. .heira and assigns in consideration of the execution and delivery of this Deed, hereby covenant.... and agree.... with the said Grantor, ite auccassors and assigns, to hold said real estate herein described upon Sa.o following said resery ations and restrictions part of gengral scheme mpplied parcels in Derbyshire Little Farms and said Granter, shall t a are hereby impoaed all the property known covenants that sEid D Derbyshire Liule Farms Warfeld and and to the of which shall Jcas o erected theroon to house more than he shallbe for dwelling purposes, and that no house Said familles. Nos single house ahall be erected, placed, or sulfered. remain. said premisen, the, thereon within seventy-fve (75) 5 T of front Dai Five Thousand Dollar ($5, 000.00), and not two-family or-double house, the cost of. of which shall be less than I nor within feta Clasd if the porch. be erected, placed or to nor shall fence or a: any shall be erected or maintained on part ot the premisen hereby conveyed. which shall approach of premises. the dwelling crected on the 13 thef front - line than the ar on eaid or on Any af the parcela In Derbyshire : residence prior. to the conatruetion of : permanent dyelling No any kind or nature However, temporary LItn erected Farme, which i the of storing must set back least (60) feet from the rear fthe Barna the housing of chickens a cow, must set back two Garages benttnched to the dwelling bameicthervisens (4) may feet from other. out buldinga, for machinery se front lot line. This applies to parcels not Mas system is installed building shall be allowed to be built or used rh sanitary sanitary chemical pr septic tank be built or used with until time svallable for No by aanitary. The bercin deseribed shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian The ralsing or maintaining of hog or on Emery Road. LAe s on the premises herein contained, goat or gosts, shall not be from the lot line and be constructed brick, stone or fre proof e maTs (50) foot construete thercon must pruperty Parcels as also set back Afty applie,to the construction of aresident buildin but building, constructed Avenue, numbering from 97_to 116 inelunive, are zoned for (9) Parcels having frontage t set-back Thia ffty thereon must set back fifty, (50) feet from the lot line and must be construeted of stone Are and Derlyahire (200) E the, front line Darcels No. 109, 110, tothe ction ofrerident EM-A Miles Avenue. The two privilexeof these Fve depth 61 these lota bo construed as frontage Derbyshire Drive and shall be used shall extend for residential purposes and are covered A reatrictions set forth above. All paregls fronting on Miles Avenue may be used for residential purposes where (10) Aare parcels fronting on Derbyshire Drive and Green Doad, with the excoption of parcel No. 12 fronting on Green Road, shall be used Grantee so' exclusively No reaid or building purposes, of kind whatsoever shall. be erected, maintained suffered. to remain any of the parcels in Derhyshire and then only e said plans have Little Farms. the architectural lans have not been Aled with the in herein by En offieer of the righta, restrictions, agreementa, ARI and conditions. shall be deemed as covenants limitations, E the as conditions hereof shall parcel_in Derbyshire Farms, except as the ssme restrictions, provisions and inure to hereinbefore ifled, shall to the ownere of'the parcels the benefit of parties owning land in the. same deed, by restrictions., may be whlch these restrictions apply, and bind the Grantee, his belrs and assigns, until the Ist day of January, 1970. or less but subject to all legal highways. be the same TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenanses thereunto belonging, unto the said Grantee3., their. heirs and assigas forever. And.. THARFI:I) TAID.PQMPAY tbe said Grantor, does for itself and its successors and assigns, covenant with the said Grantee..- their.heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, it is well seized of the above described premises, as a good and indeleasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and has good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, that the same are frec and clear from all incumbrances whatsoever. azmept_inraa-ma. aisesamenta.- bath. sanaral_and amclalfare-Jer 1951mma_thereafter which the Grantees assune and agree to pay, conditions and rebtrictions herein and zoning ordinances if an and that it will WARRANT. AND. DEFEND, said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, tot the said Grantee..., their. heirs and assigns forever, against all lawful claims and demands RELARAHTARLIOTN whatsoever.. In Witness Whereof, said corporation hereunto sets its hand and corporate sea!, by 1JOIS.. its. PSIDEIT and SECRETIRY E.J. GINFHR this its. of June. in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and.. fifty-three-. THVAPFIXD IAD.COIPAIY. 3 Signed and acknowledged inp presence o1 Secretary
VOL 7835 PAE284 And the sald Grantee. S. for... .thair.. .heira and assigns in consideration of the execution and delivery of this Deed, hereby covenant.... and agree.... with the said Grantor, ite auccassors and assigns, to hold said real estate herein described upon Sa.o following said resery ations and restrictions part of gengral scheme mpplied parcels in Derbyshire Little Farms and said Granter, shall t a are hereby impoaed all the property known covenants that sEid D Derbyshire Liule Farms Warfeld and and to the of which shall Jcas o erected theroon to house more than he shallbe for dwelling purposes, and that no house Said familles. Nos single house ahall be erected, placed, or sulfered. remain. said premisen, the, thereon within seventy-fve (75) 5 T of front Dai Five Thousand Dollar ($5, 000.00), and not two-family or-double house, the cost of. of which shall be less than I nor within feta Clasd if the porch. be erected, placed or to nor shall fence or a: any shall be erected or maintained on part ot the premisen hereby conveyed. which shall approach of premises. the dwelling crected on the 13 thef front - line than the ar on eaid or on Any af the parcela In Derbyshire : residence prior. to the conatruetion of : permanent dyelling No any kind or nature However, temporary LItn erected Farme, which i the of storing must set back least (60) feet from the rear fthe Barna the housing of chickens a cow, must set back two Garages benttnched to the dwelling bameicthervisens (4) may feet from other. out buldinga, for machinery se front lot line. This applies to parcels not Mas system is installed building shall be allowed to be built or used rh sanitary sanitary chemical pr septic tank be built or used with until time svallable for No by aanitary. The bercin deseribed shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian The ralsing or maintaining of hog or on Emery Road. LAe s on the premises herein contained, goat or gosts, shall not be from the lot line and be constructed brick, stone or fre proof e maTs (50) foot construete thercon must pruperty Parcels as also set back Afty applie,to the construction of aresident buildin but building, constructed Avenue, numbering from 97_to 116 inelunive, are zoned for (9) Parcels having frontage t set-back Thia ffty thereon must set back fifty, (50) feet from the lot line and must be construeted of stone Are and Derlyahire (200) E the, front line Darcels No. 109, 110, tothe ction ofrerident EM-A Miles Avenue. The two privilexeof these Fve depth 61 these lota bo construed as frontage Derbyshire Drive and shall be used shall extend for residential purposes and are covered A reatrictions set forth above. All paregls fronting on Miles Avenue may be used for residential purposes where (10) Aare parcels fronting on Derbyshire Drive and Green Doad, with the excoption of parcel No. 12 fronting on Green Road, shall be used Grantee so' exclusively No reaid or building purposes, of kind whatsoever shall. be erected, maintained suffered. to remain any of the parcels in Derhyshire and then only e said plans have Little Farms. the architectural lans have not been Aled with the in herein by En offieer of the righta, restrictions, agreementa, ARI and conditions. shall be deemed as covenants limitations, E the as conditions hereof shall parcel_in Derbyshire Farms, except as the ssme restrictions, provisions and inure to hereinbefore ifled, shall to the ownere of'the parcels the benefit of parties owning land in the. same deed, by restrictions., may be whlch these restrictions apply, and bind the Grantee, his belrs and assigns, until the Ist day of January, 1970. or less but subject to all legal highways. be the same TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenanses thereunto belonging, unto the said Grantee3., their. heirs and assigas forever. And.. THARFI:I) TAID.PQMPAY tbe said Grantor, does for itself and its successors and assigns, covenant with the said Grantee..- their.heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, it is well seized of the above described premises, as a good and indeleasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and has good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, that the same are frec and clear from all incumbrances whatsoever. azmept_inraa-ma. aisesamenta.- bath. sanaral_and amclalfare-Jer 1951mma_thereafter which the Grantees assune and agree to pay, conditions and rebtrictions herein and zoning ordinances if an and that it will WARRANT. AND. DEFEND, said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, tot the said Grantee..., their. heirs and assigns forever, against all lawful claims and demands RELARAHTARLIOTN whatsoever.. In Witness Whereof, said corporation hereunto sets its hand and corporate sea!, by 1JOIS.. its. PSIDEIT and SECRETIRY E.J. GINFHR this its. of June. in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and.. fifty-three-. THVAPFIXD IAD.COIPAIY. 3 Signed and acknowledged inp presence o1 Secretary
- (6) The premises berein deseribed shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
(6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]- (6) The premises berein deseribed shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL 7835 PAE284\nAnd the sald Grantee. S. for... .thair..\n.heira and assigns in consideration of the execution and\ndelivery of this Deed, hereby covenant.... and agree.... with the said Grantor, ite auccassors and assigns, to hold said real estate herein described\nupon Sa.o following said resery ations and restrictions part of gengral scheme mpplied\nparcels in Derbyshire Little Farms and said Granter,\nshall t a are hereby impoaed all the property known\ncovenants that sEid\nD Derbyshire Liule Farms\nWarfeld and\nand\nto the\nof which shall Jcas o\nerected theroon to house more than\nhe\nshallbe\nfor dwelling purposes, and that no house\nSaid\nfamilles. Nos single house ahall be erected, placed, or sulfered. remain. said premisen, the,\nthereon within seventy-fve (75) 5 T of front Dai\nFive Thousand Dollar ($5, 000.00), and not two-family or-double house, the cost of.\nof which shall be less than\nI nor within feta Clasd if the\nporch. be erected, placed or\nto\nnor shall\nfence or a: any shall be erected or maintained on part ot the premisen hereby conveyed. which shall approach\nof premises.\nthe dwelling crected on the 13\nthef front - line than the\nar on eaid\n\nor on Any af the parcela In Derbyshire\n: residence prior. to the conatruetion of : permanent dyelling\nNo\nany kind or nature\nHowever, temporary\nLItn erected\nFarme, which i\nthe of storing\nmust set back least (60) feet from the rear fthe\nBarna\nthe housing of chickens a cow, must set back two\nGarages benttnched to the dwelling bameicthervisens\n(4)\nmay\nfeet from\nother. out buldinga, for\nmachinery\nse front lot line.\nThis applies to parcels not Mas\nsystem is installed\nbuilding shall be allowed to be built or used rh sanitary\nsanitary chemical pr septic tank be built or used with\nuntil time\nsvallable for No\nby aanitary. The\nbercin deseribed shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of\nthe Caucasian The ralsing or maintaining of hog or\non Emery Road. LAe s\non the premises herein contained,\ngoat or gosts, shall not be\nfrom the lot line and be constructed brick, stone or fre proof e maTs (50) foot\nconstruete thercon must\npruperty\nParcels\nas\nalso\nset back Afty\napplie,to the construction of aresident buildin\nbut building, constructed\nAvenue, numbering from 97_to 116 inelunive, are zoned for\n(9) Parcels\nhaving frontage t\nset-back\nThia ffty\nthereon must set back fifty, (50) feet from the lot line and must be construeted of stone Are\nand Derlyahire\n(200) E the, front line\nDarcels No. 109, 110,\ntothe ction ofrerident\nEM-A Miles Avenue. The\ntwo\nprivilexeof these Fve\ndepth 61 these lota bo construed as frontage Derbyshire Drive and shall be used\nshall extend\nfor\nresidential\npurposes and are covered A reatrictions set forth above. All paregls fronting on Miles Avenue may be used for residential purposes where\n(10) Aare parcels fronting on Derbyshire Drive and Green Doad, with the excoption of parcel No. 12 fronting on Green Road, shall be used\nGrantee so'\nexclusively No reaid or building purposes, of kind whatsoever shall. be erected, maintained suffered. to remain any of the parcels in Derhyshire\nand then only e said plans have\nLittle Farms. the architectural lans\nhave not been Aled with the\nin herein by En offieer of the righta, restrictions, agreementa,\nARI\nand conditions. shall be deemed as covenants\nlimitations,\nE the\nas conditions hereof shall\nparcel_in Derbyshire Farms, except as\nthe\nssme restrictions, provisions and inure to\nhereinbefore ifled, shall\nto the ownere of'the parcels the\nbenefit of parties owning land in the. same\ndeed,\nby restrictions.,\nmay be\nwhlch these restrictions apply, and bind the Grantee, his belrs and assigns, until the Ist day of January, 1970.\nor less but subject to all legal highways.\nbe the same\nTO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenanses\nthereunto belonging, unto the said Grantee3., their. heirs and assigas forever. And..\nTHARFI:I) TAID.PQMPAY\ntbe\nsaid Grantor, does for itself and its successors and assigns, covenant with the said Grantee..-\ntheir.heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, it is well seized of\nthe above described premises, as a good and indeleasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and has good right to\nbargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, that the same are frec and clear\nfrom all incumbrances whatsoever. azmept_inraa-ma. aisesamenta.- bath. sanaral_and\namclalfare-Jer 1951mma_thereafter which the Grantees assune and\nagree to pay, conditions and rebtrictions herein and zoning ordinances if an\nand that it will WARRANT. AND. DEFEND, said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging,\ntot the said Grantee..., their. heirs and assigns forever, against all lawful claims and demands\nRELARAHTARLIOTN\nwhatsoever..\nIn Witness Whereof, said corporation hereunto sets its hand and corporate sea!, by\n1JOIS..\nits.\nPSIDEIT\nand\nSECRETIRY\nE.J. GINFHR\nthis\nits.\ of June.\nin the year of our Lord One Thousand\nNine Hundred and.. fifty-three-.\n\nTHVAPFIXD IAD.COIPAIY.\n3\nSigned and acknowledged inp presence o1\nSecretary", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]-\n(6) The premises berein deseribed shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of\nthe Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL6656 AGE538 corner of said parcel No. 19; thence North 890-17'-05" West along the Northerly line of said parcel No. 19, a distance of 495.83 feet to the Easterly line of land so con- veyed by August L. and Marie J. Madon to the Board of Park Commis-ioners; thence on a curved line deflecting to left, a distance of. 90.06 feet to the place of beginning, said curved line having a radius_of 2000.00 feet and a chord. which bears South 1°-31'-48" West 90.05 feet and containing 1.0268 acres of land according to the survey of George M. Garrett, Registered Surveyor, September 29, 1944, all as shown on Plat No. 1244. The above described premises are conveyed subject to the followi ing rostrictiunsi- (1). No nuisance shall be permitted to be erected, placed or suffered to roma in upon said premises, nor shall any bill board be permitted to be erected, placed or suffered to remai in thereon, nor shall such premises be.used in any way, or for the purpose which may endanger tho hoalth or unreasonably disturb the quiet of any owner of ad- joining land. (2) No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or illogally : sold either at wholenalo or retail upon suid premises. (3) No portion of the land lying directly in front of any dwelling house on tho within described premises shall be used. for any purpose other than that of a lawn; nothing herein contained horever, chall be'construed as preventing the use of such portion of said premises for walks and drives, the planting of trees or shrubbery, the growing of flowers or ornamental plants, or for statuary, fountai ins and similar ornamentations, for the purpose of beautifying said premises. (4) Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased, rented to or uned by_any person not of the Caucasian Race. (5) The herein enumerated restrictions, rights remervations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions shall be deemed as covenants and not as conditions hereof and shall run with the lands herein described and bind the granteo, his, her, or their heirs, exeçutors, administrators and assigns until the first day of January, 1964. be the sume more or less, bul subjeck to all legal highways. Ju ijave anà ta ijolb the above franted and barguined premises, with the appurlenances thereof, unto the said Grantee her heirs and assigns forever. And I Dorothy Emerman the said Grantor , do for myself heirs, e.ecutors and and my administralors, couenant wilh the suid Granlee , her heirs and assigns, thab at and ulil the ensealing of these presenis, Iam well seized of the above described premises, asa good and indefeasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above writlen, and that the same are frre front all inrmbranres whatsoeurr
VOL6656 AGE538 corner of said parcel No. 19; thence North 890-17'-05" West along the Northerly line of said parcel No. 19, a distance of 495.83 feet to the Easterly line of land so con- veyed by August L. and Marie J. Madon to the Board of Park Commis-ioners; thence on a curved line deflecting to left, a distance of. 90.06 feet to the place of beginning, said curved line having a radius_of 2000.00 feet and a chord. which bears South 1°-31'-48" West 90.05 feet and containing 1.0268 acres of land according to the survey of George M. Garrett, Registered Surveyor, September 29, 1944, all as shown on Plat No. 1244. The above described premises are conveyed subject to the followi ing rostrictiunsi- (1). No nuisance shall be permitted to be erected, placed or suffered to roma in upon said premises, nor shall any bill board be permitted to be erected, placed or suffered to remai in thereon, nor shall such premises be.used in any way, or for the purpose which may endanger tho hoalth or unreasonably disturb the quiet of any owner of ad- joining land. (2) No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or illogally : sold either at wholenalo or retail upon suid premises. (3) No portion of the land lying directly in front of any dwelling house on tho within described premises shall be used. for any purpose other than that of a lawn; nothing herein contained horever, chall be'construed as preventing the use of such portion of said premises for walks and drives, the planting of trees or shrubbery, the growing of flowers or ornamental plants, or for statuary, fountai ins and similar ornamentations, for the purpose of beautifying said premises. (4) Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased, rented to or uned by_any person not of the Caucasian Race. (5) The herein enumerated restrictions, rights remervations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions shall be deemed as covenants and not as conditions hereof and shall run with the lands herein described and bind the granteo, his, her, or their heirs, exeçutors, administrators and assigns until the first day of January, 1964. be the sume more or less, bul subjeck to all legal highways. Ju ijave anà ta ijolb the above franted and barguined premises, with the appurlenances thereof, unto the said Grantee her heirs and assigns forever. And I Dorothy Emerman the said Grantor , do for myself heirs, e.ecutors and and my administralors, couenant wilh the suid Granlee , her heirs and assigns, thab at and ulil the ensealing of these presenis, Iam well seized of the above described premises, asa good and indefeasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above writlen, and that the same are frre front all inrmbranres whatsoeurr
ornamentations, purpose (4) Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased, rented to or uned by_any person not of the Caucasian Race. rights limitations,
(4) Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased, rented to or used by any person not of the Caucasian Race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]ornamentations, purpose (4) Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased, rented to or uned by_any person not of the Caucasian Race. rights limitations,[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](4) Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased, rented to or used by any person not of the Caucasian Race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL6656 AGE538\ncorner of said parcel No. 19; thence North 890-17'-05\" West along the Northerly line\nof said parcel No. 19, a distance of 495.83 feet to the Easterly line of land so con-\nveyed by August L. and Marie J. Madon to the Board of Park Commis-ioners; thence on a\ncurved line deflecting to left, a distance of. 90.06 feet to the place of beginning,\nsaid curved line having a radius_of 2000.00 feet and a chord. which bears South\n1°-31'-48\" West 90.05 feet and containing 1.0268 acres of land according to the survey\nof George M. Garrett, Registered Surveyor, September 29, 1944, all as shown on Plat\nNo. 1244.\nThe above described premises are conveyed subject to the followi ing rostrictiunsi-\n(1). No nuisance shall be permitted to be erected, placed or suffered to roma in upon\nsaid premises, nor shall any bill board be permitted to be erected, placed or suffered\nto remai in thereon, nor shall such premises be.used in any way, or for the purpose\nwhich may endanger tho hoalth or unreasonably disturb the quiet of any owner of ad-\njoining land.\n(2) No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or illogally :\nsold either at wholenalo or retail upon suid premises.\n(3) No portion of the land lying directly in front of any dwelling house on tho\nwithin described premises shall be used. for any purpose other than that of a lawn;\nnothing herein contained horever, chall be'construed as preventing the use of such\nportion of said premises for walks and drives, the planting of trees or shrubbery,\nthe growing of flowers or ornamental plants, or for statuary, fountai ins and similar\nornamentations, for the purpose of beautifying said premises.\n(4) Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased, rented to or uned\nby_any person not of the Caucasian Race.\n(5) The herein enumerated restrictions, rights remervations, limitations, agreements,\ncovenants and conditions shall be deemed as covenants and not as conditions hereof\nand shall run with the lands herein described and bind the granteo, his, her, or their\nheirs, exeçutors, administrators and assigns until the first day of January, 1964.\nbe the sume more or less, bul subjeck to all legal highways.\nJu ijave anà ta ijolb the above franted and barguined premises, with the\nappurlenances thereof, unto the said Grantee\nher heirs and assigns forever.\nAnd I\nDorothy Emerman\nthe said Grantor , do for myself\nheirs, e.ecutors and\nand my\nadministralors, couenant wilh the suid Granlee , her heirs and assigns, thab\nat and ulil the ensealing of these presenis, Iam\nwell seized of the above described premises, asa good and indefeasible estate in FEE\nSIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as\nabove writlen, and that the same are frre front all inrmbranres whatsoeurr", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]ornamentations, purpose (4) Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased, rented to or uned by_any person not of the Caucasian Race. rights limitations,[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](4) Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased, rented to or used by any person not of the Caucasian Race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] va.299 M8E620 (6) Ho persons of any race other than those af the Caucaslan. rage shall use 0s occupy any baiding on ny lot An the entine subdixision, expept raçé Mat of this nationality goverant shall not prevent occupency wy donestic servante of a different. employed by an ovmer or tesant. (7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outhuilding or per erected on said premises shali at any time be used 8s a residence, temporarily manently, nor shall any residence of temporary cheracter be permitted. (8) No strueture shall be moved onto said premises unless it hereinafter meets with referred the ap- to, proval of The Broadlawn Corporation conforms and or be the in comrmittee harmony with existing structures or if there is no committee, it looated tpon adjoining lands. (9) No buiiding shall be erected upon said prenises unless the sise, location type, cost of and material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed" and details therefor said building on the lots and the plans and specifications or a com- shall have been approved in writing by The that Broadlawn in the event Sorporation that such a committee mittee appointed by it, provided, existence, however, fails to approve or disepprove such is not in existence, or being thirty in after, thereof, such approval will not design or location provided within the design days and location receipt on the lot conforn to and are in har- be mony required, with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or dvell- with- out the approval of said The Broadlawn Corporation or of said committee, and the no ing costing less than $6000.00 shall be permitted on said 600 premises, feet ground in the floor square foot area thereof shall not be less than square feet square in the case ofa case of a one story structure, or less than 500 one and one-half or two story structure. (10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur- A11 poses in connection vith dwellings erected on the above described premises. shall be of for sanitary provisions the requirements of the City of Parma complied with. expressly reserve the to. themselves, in case of their any vio- (11): The Broadlamn Vorporation heirs, administrators, assigns and are conditions, hereby granted or a breach right of any of the caven- lations of any of the herein restrictions contained, or to enter upon the property. upon or as to which ants and such agreements violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at the expense of the owmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be interpreted or exists thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the shall provisions not, by hereof, reason as thereof, be byit, and the of said any The manner Broadlawm of trespass Corporation for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail- deemed ure by guilty The Broadlawn Corporation or by any other person or party having the right to do s0, to enforce any of the provisions of this intrument shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. (12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or and court continue order shall in in no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain full force and effect. (13) If the parties hereto, or any of them, their heirs, or attempt ezecutors, to violate administrators any of or assigns, or successors and assigns, shall violate it shall be levful for The Broad- the provisions hereof before January and 1, assigns, 1980 or any assignee or transferee of lawn Corporation its successors proceedings at lav or in equity against the person these premises violating to prosecute or attempting any to violate any such provisions. or persons is hereby granted hereof the right to the to change, extent (14) The Broadlawn Corporation alter, supplement and modify any or all of the with provisions other adjacent and adjoining lands necessary to qualify said premises insurance together under the National Housing Act and Amendments now ovneà by it for mortgage thereto. (15) The herein enumerated restrictions, covenants conditions, and limitations, not conditions resérvations, hereof and covenants and agreements shall be binding be deemed upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors, shall run with and the land, or successors and assigne, and. any other person or administrators assigns, or under then until Jenuary 1, 1980 at which time persons shall claiming, terminate by, and thtough be of no further force and effect. they
va.299 M8E620 (6) Ho persons of any race other than those af the Caucaslan. rage shall use 0s occupy any baiding on ny lot An the entine subdixision, expept raçé Mat of this nationality goverant shall not prevent occupency wy donestic servante of a different. employed by an ovmer or tesant. (7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outhuilding or per erected on said premises shali at any time be used 8s a residence, temporarily manently, nor shall any residence of temporary cheracter be permitted. (8) No strueture shall be moved onto said premises unless it hereinafter meets with referred the ap- to, proval of The Broadlawn Corporation conforms and or be the in comrmittee harmony with existing structures or if there is no committee, it looated tpon adjoining lands. (9) No buiiding shall be erected upon said prenises unless the sise, location type, cost of and material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed" and details therefor said building on the lots and the plans and specifications or a com- shall have been approved in writing by The that Broadlawn in the event Sorporation that such a committee mittee appointed by it, provided, existence, however, fails to approve or disepprove such is not in existence, or being thirty in after, thereof, such approval will not design or location provided within the design days and location receipt on the lot conforn to and are in har- be mony required, with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or dvell- with- out the approval of said The Broadlawn Corporation or of said committee, and the no ing costing less than $6000.00 shall be permitted on said 600 premises, feet ground in the floor square foot area thereof shall not be less than square feet square in the case ofa case of a one story structure, or less than 500 one and one-half or two story structure. (10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur- A11 poses in connection vith dwellings erected on the above described premises. shall be of for sanitary provisions the requirements of the City of Parma complied with. expressly reserve the to. themselves, in case of their any vio- (11): The Broadlamn Vorporation heirs, administrators, assigns and are conditions, hereby granted or a breach right of any of the caven- lations of any of the herein restrictions contained, or to enter upon the property. upon or as to which ants and such agreements violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at the expense of the owmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be interpreted or exists thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the shall provisions not, by hereof, reason as thereof, be byit, and the of said any The manner Broadlawm of trespass Corporation for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail- deemed ure by guilty The Broadlawn Corporation or by any other person or party having the right to do s0, to enforce any of the provisions of this intrument shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. (12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or and court continue order shall in in no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain full force and effect. (13) If the parties hereto, or any of them, their heirs, or attempt ezecutors, to violate administrators any of or assigns, or successors and assigns, shall violate it shall be levful for The Broad- the provisions hereof before January and 1, assigns, 1980 or any assignee or transferee of lawn Corporation its successors proceedings at lav or in equity against the person these premises violating to prosecute or attempting any to violate any such provisions. or persons is hereby granted hereof the right to the to change, extent (14) The Broadlawn Corporation alter, supplement and modify any or all of the with provisions other adjacent and adjoining lands necessary to qualify said premises insurance together under the National Housing Act and Amendments now ovneà by it for mortgage thereto. (15) The herein enumerated restrictions, covenants conditions, and limitations, not conditions resérvations, hereof and covenants and agreements shall be binding be deemed upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors, shall run with and the land, or successors and assigne, and. any other person or administrators assigns, or under then until Jenuary 1, 1980 at which time persons shall claiming, terminate by, and thtough be of no further force and effect. they
va.299 M8E620 (6) Ho persons of any race other than those af the Caucaslan. rage shall use 0s occupy any baiding on ny lot An the entine subdixision, expept raçé Mat of this nationality goverant shall not prevent occupency wy donestic servante of a different. employed by an ovmer or tesant.
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed with an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]va.299 M8E620 (6) Ho persons of any race other than those af the Caucaslan. rage shall use 0s occupy any baiding on ny lot An the entine subdixision, expept raçé Mat of this nationality goverant shall not prevent occupency wy donestic servante of a different. employed by an ovmer or tesant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed with an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nva.299 M8E620\n(6) Ho persons of any race other than those af the Caucaslan. rage shall use 0s\noccupy any baiding on ny lot An the entine subdixision, expept raçé Mat of this nationality goverant\nshall not prevent occupency wy donestic servante of a different.\nemployed by an ovmer or tesant.\n(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outhuilding or per erected\non said premises shali at any time be used 8s a residence, temporarily\nmanently, nor shall any residence of temporary cheracter be permitted.\n(8) No strueture shall be moved onto said premises unless it hereinafter meets with referred the ap- to,\nproval of The Broadlawn Corporation conforms and or be the in comrmittee harmony with existing structures\nor if there is no committee, it\nlooated tpon adjoining lands.\n(9) No buiiding shall be erected upon said prenises unless the sise, location type, cost of\nand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed\" and details therefor\nsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications\nor a com-\nshall have been approved in writing by The that Broadlawn in the event Sorporation that such a committee\nmittee appointed by it, provided, existence, however, fails to approve or disepprove such\nis not in existence, or being thirty in after,\nthereof, such approval will not\ndesign or location provided within the design days and location receipt on the lot conforn to and are in har-\nbe mony required, with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or dvell- with-\nout the approval of said The Broadlawn Corporation or of said committee, and the no\ning costing less than $6000.00 shall be permitted on said 600 premises, feet ground in the\nfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than square feet square in the case ofa\ncase of a one story structure, or less than 500\none and one-half or two story structure.\n(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur- A11\nposes in connection vith dwellings erected on the above described premises. shall be of\nfor sanitary provisions\nthe requirements of the City of Parma\ncomplied with.\nexpressly reserve the to. themselves, in case of their any vio-\n(11): The Broadlamn Vorporation\nheirs, administrators, assigns and are conditions, hereby granted or a breach right of any of the caven-\nlations of any of the herein restrictions contained, or to enter upon the property. upon or as to\nwhich ants and such agreements violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at the\nexpense of the owmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be interpreted or exists\nthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the shall provisions not, by hereof, reason as thereof, be\nbyit, and the of said any The manner Broadlawm of trespass Corporation for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail-\ndeemed ure by guilty The Broadlawn Corporation\nor by any other person or party having\nthe right to do s0, to enforce any of the provisions of this intrument shall in no\nevent be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter.\n(12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or and court continue order shall\nin\nin no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain\nfull force and effect.\n(13) If the parties hereto, or any of them, their heirs, or attempt ezecutors, to violate administrators any of\nor assigns, or successors and assigns, shall violate it shall be levful for The Broad-\nthe provisions hereof before January and 1, assigns, 1980 or any assignee or transferee of\nlawn Corporation its successors proceedings at lav or in equity against the person\nthese premises violating to prosecute or attempting any to violate any such provisions.\nor persons\nis hereby granted hereof the right to the to change, extent\n(14) The Broadlawn Corporation\nalter, supplement and modify any or all of the with provisions other adjacent and adjoining lands\nnecessary to qualify said premises insurance together under the National Housing Act and Amendments\nnow ovneà by it for mortgage\nthereto.\n(15) The herein enumerated restrictions, covenants conditions, and limitations, not conditions resérvations, hereof and\ncovenants and agreements shall be binding be deemed upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,\nshall run with and the land, or successors and assigne, and. any other person or\nadministrators assigns, or under then until Jenuary 1, 1980 at which time\npersons shall claiming, terminate by, and thtough be of no further force and effect.\nthey", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]va.299 M8E620 (6) Ho persons of any race other than those af the Caucaslan. rage shall use 0s occupy any baiding on ny lot An the entine subdixision, expept raçé Mat of this nationality goverant shall not prevent occupency wy donestic servante of a different. employed by an ovmer or tesant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed with an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DRVOL00484F PAGE1 131 STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTON KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 6225 THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W.1 BASS, for andi in consideration of thes sum of FOUR HUNDRED FORTY NINE and no/100 ($449.00) DOLLARSax fatwx tous paid ands secured to be paid by PAUL J. HARKON HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said PAUL J. HARMON oft the County of DentonTexas, and deseribed asf follows, to-wit: State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, BEING LOTS FIFTY-TWO (52) and FIFTY-THREE (53) in BLOCK TWO (2)of CARZA-LITTIE ELM LAKE ESTATES, and Addition in the County ofDenton,, Texas as shown by the plat of said Addition duly re-corded in the Map Records of Denton County, Texas, to whichThis conveyance is mades subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of record reference is here made. the platr recordedi in the Map Records B Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: Cubalod Jots thisexcept as hereinafterfororDenton State Heatreg and deseribed in Paragraph 16 herein, be used onlypermitted. remain on any building plot other than detached single building anda lotis toonesuch type building, E da ifferent than the Caucasian any race owner or occupy any lot, exceptt thatt this covenant shall not prevento occupancy by_do-shall permitted dn L and. lany sanitary sewerage mppoyett b Cometn Dentono sSta Belt erectetrade orgarage, shall tent,thatprovidedtTheStreets, easements and alleys are reserved as onrestrictions shallel atjority Ipes ownerso lots agreed1.3! for any partiesofoinst therdamages other E such -No structures ofa anynaturaldrainageor therwise inMdra alidation dey oft18. dag nearer e stres Creet me hel S shma dha saitall, pied or until coats a: thereofis completely niheln and,if mES: unfinished material.,cther outbuilding erected Re theloth herein residence, except shall Pa be as used residencet on any lotin be carried on any lot, norWth."set out fully pledof open porches andrunning with ma shallbeb binding allshall_be mat sndssaid covenants wholeo orin part. beshall ber notlesstplat of said addition for utility purposes. which beo becomesquare feet.claiming pts ard rms years upiaten atl or assigns, situated grate attempt. tor violate AP 6 the covenants hereinit-ahall.beE S late as any such covenant, ande either to prevent Cy doing,the subdivision or any lot thereof without the written corsent of the Seller or Developer.or court order shall in no wise affect anyoftheo other provisions which shallr remain 15. The Seller Developer shall not neavy, responsible b Prden Aa heirs E for not as subdivision tsil ei Ar : Saleyfor business only, with the ton Ehae lotin Block2may ood that Lots through bya 6in_Biock as La y FES hei? are by
DRVOL00484F PAGE1 131 STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTON KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 6225 THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W.1 BASS, for andi in consideration of thes sum of FOUR HUNDRED FORTY NINE and no/100 ($449.00) DOLLARSax fatwx tous paid ands secured to be paid by PAUL J. HARKON HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said PAUL J. HARMON oft the County of DentonTexas, and deseribed asf follows, to-wit: State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, BEING LOTS FIFTY-TWO (52) and FIFTY-THREE (53) in BLOCK TWO (2)of CARZA-LITTIE ELM LAKE ESTATES, and Addition in the County ofDenton,, Texas as shown by the plat of said Addition duly re-corded in the Map Records of Denton County, Texas, to whichThis conveyance is mades subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of record reference is here made. the platr recordedi in the Map Records B Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: Cubalod Jots thisexcept as hereinafterfororDenton State Heatreg and deseribed in Paragraph 16 herein, be used onlypermitted. remain on any building plot other than detached single building anda lotis toonesuch type building, E da ifferent than the Caucasian any race owner or occupy any lot, exceptt thatt this covenant shall not prevento occupancy by_do-shall permitted dn L and. lany sanitary sewerage mppoyett b Cometn Dentono sSta Belt erectetrade orgarage, shall tent,thatprovidedtTheStreets, easements and alleys are reserved as onrestrictions shallel atjority Ipes ownerso lots agreed1.3! for any partiesofoinst therdamages other E such -No structures ofa anynaturaldrainageor therwise inMdra alidation dey oft18. dag nearer e stres Creet me hel S shma dha saitall, pied or until coats a: thereofis completely niheln and,if mES: unfinished material.,cther outbuilding erected Re theloth herein residence, except shall Pa be as used residencet on any lotin be carried on any lot, norWth."set out fully pledof open porches andrunning with ma shallbeb binding allshall_be mat sndssaid covenants wholeo orin part. beshall ber notlesstplat of said addition for utility purposes. which beo becomesquare feet.claiming pts ard rms years upiaten atl or assigns, situated grate attempt. tor violate AP 6 the covenants hereinit-ahall.beE S late as any such covenant, ande either to prevent Cy doing,the subdivision or any lot thereof without the written corsent of the Seller or Developer.or court order shall in no wise affect anyoftheo other provisions which shallr remain 15. The Seller Developer shall not neavy, responsible b Prden Aa heirs E for not as subdivision tsil ei Ar : Saleyfor business only, with the ton Ehae lotin Block2may ood that Lots through bya 6in_Biock as La y FES hei? are by
3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDRVOL00484F PAGE1 131\nSTATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTON\nKNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\n6225\nTHAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W.1 BASS, for andi in consideration of thes sum of\nFOUR HUNDRED FORTY NINE and no/100 ($449.00)\nDOLLARSax fatwx\ntous paid ands secured to be paid by PAUL J. HARKON\nHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said\nPAUL J. HARMON\noft the County of DentonTexas, and deseribed asf follows, to-wit:\nState of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,\nBEING LOTS FIFTY-TWO (52) and FIFTY-THREE (53) in BLOCK TWO (2)of CARZA-LITTIE ELM LAKE ESTATES, and Addition in the County ofDenton,, Texas as shown by the plat of said Addition duly re-corded in the Map Records of Denton County, Texas, to whichThis conveyance is mades subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of\nrecord reference is here made.\nthe platr recordedi in the Map Records B Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:\nCubalod Jots thisexcept as hereinafterfororDenton State Heatreg\nand deseribed in Paragraph 16 herein, be used onlypermitted. remain on any building plot other than detached single building anda\nlotis\ntoonesuch type building, E da\nifferent than the Caucasian any race owner or occupy any lot, exceptt thatt this covenant shall not prevento occupancy by_do-shall permitted dn L and. lany sanitary sewerage mppoyett b Cometn Dentono sSta Belt\nerectetrade orgarage, shall tent,thatprovidedtTheStreets, easements and alleys are reserved as onrestrictions shallel atjority Ipes ownerso lots agreed1.3! for any partiesofoinst therdamages other E such -No structures ofa anynaturaldrainageor therwise inMdra alidation dey oft18.\ndag nearer e stres Creet me hel S shma dha saitall, pied or until coats a: thereofis completely niheln and,if mES: unfinished material.,cther outbuilding erected Re theloth herein residence, except shall Pa be as used residencet on any lotin\nbe carried on any lot, norWth.\"set out fully pledof open porches andrunning with ma shallbeb binding allshall_be mat sndssaid covenants wholeo orin part.\nbeshall ber notlesstplat of said addition for utility purposes.\nwhich beo becomesquare feet.claiming\npts ard rms years upiaten atl\nor assigns, situated grate attempt. tor violate AP 6 the covenants hereinit-ahall.beE S late as any such covenant, ande either to prevent Cy doing,the subdivision or any lot thereof without the written corsent of the Seller or Developer.or court order shall in no wise affect anyoftheo other provisions which shallr remain\n15. The Seller Developer shall not neavy, responsible b Prden Aa heirs E for not as subdivision tsil ei Ar\n:\n Saleyfor business only, with the\nton Ehae lotin Block2may ood that Lots through bya 6in_Biock as La y FES hei? are\nby\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-\nmestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VGL6477 FAgE229 (6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupanoy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by ain ommer or tenant. (7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected on said premises shali at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per- manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted, (8) No atructure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap- proval of The Broadlavm Corporation or the committee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony vith éxisting structures located upon adjoining lands. (9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the sise, type, oost and material of construction, and the lot plen showing the proposed location of said building on the lote and the plans and specifications and details therefor shall have been approved in writing by The Broadlawn Corporation ora com- mittee appointed by 1t, provided, however, that in the event that such a committee is not in existence, or being in existence, faile to approve or disapprove such design or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill not be requirod, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har- mony vith existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with- out the approval of BaidThe Broadlavm Corporation or of said committee, no duell- ing coeting less than $6,000.00shall be permitted on said premises, and the ground floor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600 square feet in the case of a dne story structure, or less than 500 square feet in the case ofa one and one-half or two story structure. (10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur- poses in connection vith dwellings erected on the above described premises. All of for sanitary provisions shall be the requirements of the City of Parma complied vith. (11) The Broadlawn Corporation expressly reserve to themselves, their heirs, administrators, assigns and Are hereby granted the right in case of any vio- lations of any of the restrictions br conditions, or a breach of any of the caven- ants and agreements herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as to which such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at the expense of the ovmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or exists thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreted byit, and the saidThe Broadlavm Corporation shall not, by reason thereof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail- ure by The Broudlavm Corporation or by any other person or party having the right to do s0, to enforce any of the provisions of this intrument shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. (12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shall in_no vay affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in full force and effect. (13) If the parties hereto, or any of them, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, or successors and assigns, shali violate or attempt to violate any of the provisions hereof before January 1, 1980 it shall be lawful for The Broad- lawn Corporation its successors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of these premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions. (14) The Broadlavm Corporation is hereby granted the right to change, alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions hereof to the extent necessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining lands now ovmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Anendnents thereto. (15) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations, covenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof and shall run with the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or successors and aesigne, and. any other person or persons claiming, by, through or under them until January 1, 1980 at vhich time they shall terminate and be of no further force and effect.
VGL6477 FAgE229 (6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupanoy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by ain ommer or tenant. (7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected on said premises shali at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per- manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted, (8) No atructure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap- proval of The Broadlavm Corporation or the committee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony vith éxisting structures located upon adjoining lands. (9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the sise, type, oost and material of construction, and the lot plen showing the proposed location of said building on the lote and the plans and specifications and details therefor shall have been approved in writing by The Broadlawn Corporation ora com- mittee appointed by 1t, provided, however, that in the event that such a committee is not in existence, or being in existence, faile to approve or disapprove such design or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill not be requirod, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har- mony vith existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with- out the approval of BaidThe Broadlavm Corporation or of said committee, no duell- ing coeting less than $6,000.00shall be permitted on said premises, and the ground floor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600 square feet in the case of a dne story structure, or less than 500 square feet in the case ofa one and one-half or two story structure. (10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur- poses in connection vith dwellings erected on the above described premises. All of for sanitary provisions shall be the requirements of the City of Parma complied vith. (11) The Broadlawn Corporation expressly reserve to themselves, their heirs, administrators, assigns and Are hereby granted the right in case of any vio- lations of any of the restrictions br conditions, or a breach of any of the caven- ants and agreements herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as to which such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at the expense of the ovmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or exists thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreted byit, and the saidThe Broadlavm Corporation shall not, by reason thereof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail- ure by The Broudlavm Corporation or by any other person or party having the right to do s0, to enforce any of the provisions of this intrument shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. (12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shall in_no vay affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in full force and effect. (13) If the parties hereto, or any of them, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, or successors and assigns, shali violate or attempt to violate any of the provisions hereof before January 1, 1980 it shall be lawful for The Broad- lawn Corporation its successors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of these premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions. (14) The Broadlavm Corporation is hereby granted the right to change, alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions hereof to the extent necessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining lands now ovmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Anendnents thereto. (15) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations, covenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof and shall run with the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or successors and aesigne, and. any other person or persons claiming, by, through or under them until January 1, 1980 at vhich time they shall terminate and be of no further force and effect.
(6) No persons of any rage other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupanoy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by ai ovmer or tenant.
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any rage other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupanoy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by ai ovmer or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVGL6477 FAgE229\n(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or\noccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant\nshall not prevent occupanoy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality\nemployed by ain ommer or tenant.\n(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected\non said premises shali at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-\nmanently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted,\n(8) No atructure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-\nproval of The Broadlavm Corporation\nor the committee hereinafter referred to,\nor if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony vith éxisting structures\nlocated upon adjoining lands.\n(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the sise, type, oost\nand material of construction, and the lot plen showing the proposed location of\nsaid building on the lote and the plans and specifications and details therefor\nshall have been approved in writing by The Broadlawn Corporation\nora com-\nmittee appointed by 1t, provided, however, that in the event that such a committee\nis not in existence, or being in existence, faile to approve or disapprove such\ndesign or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill not\nbe requirod, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har-\nmony vith existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-\nout the approval of BaidThe Broadlavm Corporation or of said committee, no duell-\ning coeting less than $6,000.00shall be permitted on said premises, and the ground\nfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600\nsquare feet in the\ncase of a dne story structure, or less than 500\nsquare feet in the case ofa\none and one-half or two story structure.\n(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur-\nposes in connection vith dwellings erected on the above described premises. All of\nfor sanitary provisions shall be\nthe requirements of the City of Parma\ncomplied vith.\n(11) The Broadlawn Corporation\nexpressly reserve to themselves, their\nheirs, administrators, assigns and Are hereby granted the right in case of any vio-\nlations of any of the restrictions br conditions, or a breach of any of the caven-\nants and agreements herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as to\nwhich such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at the\nexpense of the ovmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or exists\nthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreted\nbyit, and the saidThe Broadlavm Corporation\nshall not, by reason thereof, be\ndeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail-\nure by The Broudlavm Corporation\nor by any other person or party having\nthe right to do s0, to enforce any of the provisions of this intrument shall in no\nevent be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter.\n(12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shall\nin_no vay affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in\nfull force and effect.\n(13) If the parties hereto, or any of them, their heirs, executors, administrators\nor assigns, or successors and assigns, shali violate or attempt to violate any of\nthe provisions hereof before January 1, 1980 it shall be lawful for The Broad-\nlawn Corporation its successors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of\nthese premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person\nor persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions.\n(14) The Broadlavm Corporation\nis hereby granted the right to change,\nalter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions hereof to the extent\nnecessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining lands\nnow ovmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Anendnents\nthereto.\n(15) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,\ncovenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof and\nshall run with the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,\nadministrators and assigns, or successors and aesigne, and. any other person or\npersons claiming, by, through or under them until January 1, 1980 at vhich time\nthey shall terminate and be of no further force and effect.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any rage other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or\noccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant\nshall not prevent occupanoy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality\nemployed by ai ovmer or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL7604 AGE359 No chickens or other fow! or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on the paroel conveyed.5. No house or building shall be erected on any residential lot closer than 65 feet from the sidelineof the road or hifhway on which the lot fronts, except where the Tot is on a corner of two roads and insuch cases the house may be erected no closer than 50feet from thes side line ofthe side road. No build-ing may be erected within 10 feet ofas side line or rear line, and at least twenty per cent (20%) of thewidth of the lot at the building line shall be devoted to side yards. These restrictions pertaining to setback and side lines may be modifed when, in thej judgment of the committee or its representatives, asprovided for in Paragraph 7,a modipcation will be benefcial to the development of the sub-division.6. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential lot which has a fretfoor area, exclusive of garage and porches, of less than 1400 square feet. Mo dwelling house shall beerected or suffered to remain on any residential lot unless the ridge of the roof is at least 13 feet abovethe fnished frst foor. No farage, studio, or other attached buildingshall be erected oT suffered tore-main which has a foor area ofless than 360 square feet or more than 800 square feet, anda fable orfambre! roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the fnished foor, and the design and materials used7. Wo building, structures, or fences or any additions thereto, or any alterations thereof, shall beerected, reconstructed, placed or suffered to remain upon said premises, unless or until the architecttherefor has recommended the size, location, type, materials of construction thereof, the grading planofthe tract, and the plans and apecifcations of said buildings and the structures and these shall havebeen approved in writing by a committee. composed of Howard H. Green, Ernest M. Green and IrvingR. Lewis, or the survivor of them, or bya representative designated bya majority of the members ofsaid committee. The powers and duties of such committee and of its designated representative shallcease on and after January 1, 1970. Thereafter, the approval described in this covenant shall not berequired unless, prior to said date and effective thereon, a written instrument shall be executed by thethen record owners ofa majority of the residential lots into which this property has been subdividedand said instrument has been recorded appointinga representative or committee who ahall thereafterlight companies, Municipal or County authorities for the extension of their respective services, which,intheopinion ofthe Grantors are necessary in the kighways uponz which the premises herein describedshall front or abut, and the owner agrees to, and hereby consents to and affirms all agreements thatmay be entered into between the Grantors and above named parties with respect to binding the ownerfor the proportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said premises herein described.and all the restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to any of the parcels within the abovedescribed premises ifin their judgment the purposes of said development can be better served. How-cver, before any waiver, change or cancellation of any, restrictions contained in this instrument beeffective, the approval ofsuch waiver, change or cancellations, of the Council of the Village of Brecks-10. No nuisance, advertising sifn, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed,or suffered to remain upon said premises. Wo spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manu-factured o7 sold, whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. No commercial oil or gas well11. Provisions for the disposal of sewage from any dwelling or building on said premises shall be12. The Grantors, their successors or assifns, hereby reserve easements and rights-of-way in,over, under and across the rear fve feet ofeach parcel conveyèd, for the purpose of installing and main-tenance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the18. No parcel of land herein described, o7 any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by anyperson or persons ofany race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy! beas owner, leaseeorotherwise, except than this provision shall not apply tot the servant orservants ofa Caucasian occupier.14. The Grantors reserve and are hereby granted the right in case of any violation or breach of anyof the restrictions, rifhts, reservations, limitations, afreements, covenants and conditions in this deedcontained, to enter the property upon or a8 to which such violation or. breach exists, and to summarilyabate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may beor exist thereon contrary to thei intent and meaning of the provisions hereofas interpreted by the Gran-tors, and the Grantors shall not, by reason thereof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass forsuch entry, abatement or removal. A failure to endorse any of the restrictions, rifhts, reseruations,limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions contained in this deed, shall in no event be con-strued, taken or held to bea waiver thereof or acquiescence in or consent to any further or succeed-15. Thelocation ofany and alld driveways shall bec and remain ae now established upon said premises,or,ifnot now established, shall bed determined by the committee heretofore referred to in writing at thetime of the approval of the plans and specifcations, for gaid dwelling. No driveway shall be located,relocated or suffered to remain upon said premises except as now located or determined in writing by16.. The Grantors reserve, for the committee heretofore referred to, the sole and exclusive right toestablish grades and slopes on the premises hereby conveyed and tof the grade at which any buildingshall be hereafter erected or placed thereon, 80 that the same may conform toa general plan.17. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be occupied, leased, rented, conveyed or otherwisealienated nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another without the written consent of theGrantors or the committee, ercept that the Grantors o7 committee shall not withhold such consentifand aftera written request has been made to the Grantors or committee, to permit such occupation,leasing, renting, conveyance or alienation by a majority of the owners of the sublots which adjoin or shall harmonize with the dwelling. exercise the same powers previously erercised by the said committee. 8. The Grantors the right to grant to, and to petition the Gas Companies, electric 9.. The Grantors, theirwille shall first have been obtained.shall be drilled on said premises. and assigns, reserve the right to waive, change or cancel any acceptable to and approved by the county and municipal health authorities. side line of each parcel. ing breach or violation thereof. the said
VOL7604 AGE359 No chickens or other fow! or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on the paroel conveyed.5. No house or building shall be erected on any residential lot closer than 65 feet from the sidelineof the road or hifhway on which the lot fronts, except where the Tot is on a corner of two roads and insuch cases the house may be erected no closer than 50feet from thes side line ofthe side road. No build-ing may be erected within 10 feet ofas side line or rear line, and at least twenty per cent (20%) of thewidth of the lot at the building line shall be devoted to side yards. These restrictions pertaining to setback and side lines may be modifed when, in thej judgment of the committee or its representatives, asprovided for in Paragraph 7,a modipcation will be benefcial to the development of the sub-division.6. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential lot which has a fretfoor area, exclusive of garage and porches, of less than 1400 square feet. Mo dwelling house shall beerected or suffered to remain on any residential lot unless the ridge of the roof is at least 13 feet abovethe fnished frst foor. No farage, studio, or other attached buildingshall be erected oT suffered tore-main which has a foor area ofless than 360 square feet or more than 800 square feet, anda fable orfambre! roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the fnished foor, and the design and materials used7. Wo building, structures, or fences or any additions thereto, or any alterations thereof, shall beerected, reconstructed, placed or suffered to remain upon said premises, unless or until the architecttherefor has recommended the size, location, type, materials of construction thereof, the grading planofthe tract, and the plans and apecifcations of said buildings and the structures and these shall havebeen approved in writing by a committee. composed of Howard H. Green, Ernest M. Green and IrvingR. Lewis, or the survivor of them, or bya representative designated bya majority of the members ofsaid committee. The powers and duties of such committee and of its designated representative shallcease on and after January 1, 1970. Thereafter, the approval described in this covenant shall not berequired unless, prior to said date and effective thereon, a written instrument shall be executed by thethen record owners ofa majority of the residential lots into which this property has been subdividedand said instrument has been recorded appointinga representative or committee who ahall thereafterlight companies, Municipal or County authorities for the extension of their respective services, which,intheopinion ofthe Grantors are necessary in the kighways uponz which the premises herein describedshall front or abut, and the owner agrees to, and hereby consents to and affirms all agreements thatmay be entered into between the Grantors and above named parties with respect to binding the ownerfor the proportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said premises herein described.and all the restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to any of the parcels within the abovedescribed premises ifin their judgment the purposes of said development can be better served. How-cver, before any waiver, change or cancellation of any, restrictions contained in this instrument beeffective, the approval ofsuch waiver, change or cancellations, of the Council of the Village of Brecks-10. No nuisance, advertising sifn, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed,or suffered to remain upon said premises. Wo spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manu-factured o7 sold, whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. No commercial oil or gas well11. Provisions for the disposal of sewage from any dwelling or building on said premises shall be12. The Grantors, their successors or assifns, hereby reserve easements and rights-of-way in,over, under and across the rear fve feet ofeach parcel conveyèd, for the purpose of installing and main-tenance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the18. No parcel of land herein described, o7 any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by anyperson or persons ofany race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy! beas owner, leaseeorotherwise, except than this provision shall not apply tot the servant orservants ofa Caucasian occupier.14. The Grantors reserve and are hereby granted the right in case of any violation or breach of anyof the restrictions, rifhts, reservations, limitations, afreements, covenants and conditions in this deedcontained, to enter the property upon or a8 to which such violation or. breach exists, and to summarilyabate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may beor exist thereon contrary to thei intent and meaning of the provisions hereofas interpreted by the Gran-tors, and the Grantors shall not, by reason thereof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass forsuch entry, abatement or removal. A failure to endorse any of the restrictions, rifhts, reseruations,limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions contained in this deed, shall in no event be con-strued, taken or held to bea waiver thereof or acquiescence in or consent to any further or succeed-15. Thelocation ofany and alld driveways shall bec and remain ae now established upon said premises,or,ifnot now established, shall bed determined by the committee heretofore referred to in writing at thetime of the approval of the plans and specifcations, for gaid dwelling. No driveway shall be located,relocated or suffered to remain upon said premises except as now located or determined in writing by16.. The Grantors reserve, for the committee heretofore referred to, the sole and exclusive right toestablish grades and slopes on the premises hereby conveyed and tof the grade at which any buildingshall be hereafter erected or placed thereon, 80 that the same may conform toa general plan.17. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be occupied, leased, rented, conveyed or otherwisealienated nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another without the written consent of theGrantors or the committee, ercept that the Grantors o7 committee shall not withhold such consentifand aftera written request has been made to the Grantors or committee, to permit such occupation,leasing, renting, conveyance or alienation by a majority of the owners of the sublots which adjoin or shall harmonize with the dwelling. exercise the same powers previously erercised by the said committee. 8. The Grantors the right to grant to, and to petition the Gas Companies, electric 9.. The Grantors, theirwille shall first have been obtained.shall be drilled on said premises. and assigns, reserve the right to waive, change or cancel any acceptable to and approved by the county and municipal health authorities. side line of each parcel. ing breach or violation thereof. the said
18. Wo parcel of land herein described, o7 any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, Leasee orotherwise, ercept than this prouisionshallnot apply to hceruntorsernt: ofa Caucasian occupier.
13. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servants of a Caucasian occupier.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]18. Wo parcel of land herein described, o7 any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, Leasee orotherwise, ercept than this prouisionshallnot apply to hceruntorsernt: ofa Caucasian occupier. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]13. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servants of a Caucasian occupier.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL7604 AGE359\nNo chickens or other fow! or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on the paroel conveyed.5. No house or building shall be erected on any residential lot closer than 65 feet from the sidelineof the road or hifhway on which the lot fronts, except where the Tot is on a corner of two roads and insuch cases the house may be erected no closer than 50feet from thes side line ofthe side road. No build-ing may be erected within 10 feet ofas side line or rear line, and at least twenty per cent (20%) of thewidth of the lot at the building line shall be devoted to side yards. These restrictions pertaining to setback and side lines may be modifed when, in thej judgment of the committee or its representatives, asprovided for in Paragraph 7,a modipcation will be benefcial to the development of the sub-division.6. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential lot which has a fretfoor area, exclusive of garage and porches, of less than 1400 square feet. Mo dwelling house shall beerected or suffered to remain on any residential lot unless the ridge of the roof is at least 13 feet abovethe fnished frst foor. No farage, studio, or other attached buildingshall be erected oT suffered tore-main which has a foor area ofless than 360 square feet or more than 800 square feet, anda fable orfambre! roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the fnished foor, and the design and materials used7. Wo building, structures, or fences or any additions thereto, or any alterations thereof, shall beerected, reconstructed, placed or suffered to remain upon said premises, unless or until the architecttherefor has recommended the size, location, type, materials of construction thereof, the grading planofthe tract, and the plans and apecifcations of said buildings and the structures and these shall havebeen approved in writing by a committee. composed of Howard H. Green, Ernest M. Green and IrvingR. Lewis, or the survivor of them, or bya representative designated bya majority of the members ofsaid committee. The powers and duties of such committee and of its designated representative shallcease on and after January 1, 1970. Thereafter, the approval described in this covenant shall not berequired unless, prior to said date and effective thereon, a written instrument shall be executed by thethen record owners ofa majority of the residential lots into which this property has been subdividedand said instrument has been recorded appointinga representative or committee who ahall thereafterlight companies, Municipal or County authorities for the extension of their respective services, which,intheopinion ofthe Grantors are necessary in the kighways uponz which the premises herein describedshall front or abut, and the owner agrees to, and hereby consents to and affirms all agreements thatmay be entered into between the Grantors and above named parties with respect to binding the ownerfor the proportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said premises herein described.and all the restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to any of the parcels within the abovedescribed premises ifin their judgment the purposes of said development can be better served. How-cver, before any waiver, change or cancellation of any, restrictions contained in this instrument beeffective, the approval ofsuch waiver, change or cancellations, of the Council of the Village of Brecks-10. No nuisance, advertising sifn, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed,or suffered to remain upon said premises. Wo spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manu-factured o7 sold, whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. No commercial oil or gas well11. Provisions for the disposal of sewage from any dwelling or building on said premises shall be12. The Grantors, their successors or assifns, hereby reserve easements and rights-of-way in,over, under and across the rear fve feet ofeach parcel conveyèd, for the purpose of installing and main-tenance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the18. No parcel of land herein described, o7 any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by anyperson or persons ofany race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy! beas owner, leaseeorotherwise, except than this provision shall not apply tot the servant orservants ofa Caucasian occupier.14. The Grantors reserve and are hereby granted the right in case of any violation or breach of anyof the restrictions, rifhts, reservations, limitations, afreements, covenants and conditions in this deedcontained, to enter the property upon or a8 to which such violation or. breach exists, and to summarilyabate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may beor exist thereon contrary to thei intent and meaning of the provisions hereofas interpreted by the Gran-tors, and the Grantors shall not, by reason thereof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass forsuch entry, abatement or removal. A failure to endorse any of the restrictions, rifhts, reseruations,limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions contained in this deed, shall in no event be con-strued, taken or held to bea waiver thereof or acquiescence in or consent to any further or succeed-15. Thelocation ofany and alld driveways shall bec and remain ae now established upon said premises,or,ifnot now established, shall bed determined by the committee heretofore referred to in writing at thetime of the approval of the plans and specifcations, for gaid dwelling. No driveway shall be located,relocated or suffered to remain upon said premises except as now located or determined in writing by16.. The Grantors reserve, for the committee heretofore referred to, the sole and exclusive right toestablish grades and slopes on the premises hereby conveyed and tof the grade at which any buildingshall be hereafter erected or placed thereon, 80 that the same may conform toa general plan.17. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be occupied, leased, rented, conveyed or otherwisealienated nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another without the written consent of theGrantors or the committee, ercept that the Grantors o7 committee shall not withhold such consentifand aftera written request has been made to the Grantors or committee, to permit such occupation,leasing, renting, conveyance or alienation by a majority of the owners of the sublots which adjoin or\nshall harmonize with the dwelling.\nexercise the same powers previously erercised by the said committee.\n8. The Grantors\nthe right to grant\nto, and to petition the Gas Companies, electric\n9.. The Grantors, theirwille shall first have been obtained.shall be drilled on said premises.\nand assigns, reserve the right to waive, change or cancel any\nacceptable to and approved by the county and municipal health authorities.\nside line of each parcel.\ning breach or violation thereof.\nthe said\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]18. Wo parcel of land herein described, o7 any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any\nperson or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, Leasee\norotherwise, ercept than this prouisionshallnot apply to hceruntorsernt: ofa Caucasian occupier.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]13. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servants of a Caucasian occupier.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL7007 FAGE 42 The above land is subject to the folloring restrictions, con- ditions and limitations, rhich shall run rith theland, to-mit: The land herein described and conveyed shall be used solely and exclusively for private residence purposes and no house or building of any kind shall De erected, placed or suffered to remain upon said prenises unless plans and specifications for same are first submitted to ani approved by Eliner De Fogie, his personal representatives or successors and assigns, vho are hereby tranted the exclusive rirht to grant consents and approvals for the ouilding of such houses or ouildingp. A copy of such plans and specificat ions shall have peen deposited per- menently rith said Elmer De Fogie or his personal representatives. The hereinabove described land shall not oe sold, lat or leased to any one of any race other than the Caucasian. Any interest in the property hereoy conveyed shall not be assigned, occupied, leased,rented, conveyed or otherwise alienatéd nor shall the title or purchase thereof pass to anot ther rithout the consent of said Elmer De Fogie, or his per- sonal representatives, except that said Elmer De Fogie may not rithhold such consent if and after a written request has been made to him to peruit such aseignment, occupation, leasing, renting, conveying or alienation by five (5) of the orners of the sub-lots rhich are sucject to the Same restrictions aS are adjoining and aoutting said premises concernins rhich consent is requested. It is understood, however, that in the vent the ornership nna control of the rights hereby reserved pans fron the hands of Elmer De Fogie, the rights hereby reserved and provided for in these restric- tions shall pass to a majority of the Owners of the suo-lots included in Eluer De ogie's Proposed Brooxside Supdivision. be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.
VOL7007 FAGE 42 The above land is subject to the folloring restrictions, con- ditions and limitations, rhich shall run rith theland, to-mit: The land herein described and conveyed shall be used solely and exclusively for private residence purposes and no house or building of any kind shall De erected, placed or suffered to remain upon said prenises unless plans and specifications for same are first submitted to ani approved by Eliner De Fogie, his personal representatives or successors and assigns, vho are hereby tranted the exclusive rirht to grant consents and approvals for the ouilding of such houses or ouildingp. A copy of such plans and specificat ions shall have peen deposited per- menently rith said Elmer De Fogie or his personal representatives. The hereinabove described land shall not oe sold, lat or leased to any one of any race other than the Caucasian. Any interest in the property hereoy conveyed shall not be assigned, occupied, leased,rented, conveyed or otherwise alienatéd nor shall the title or purchase thereof pass to anot ther rithout the consent of said Elmer De Fogie, or his per- sonal representatives, except that said Elmer De Fogie may not rithhold such consent if and after a written request has been made to him to peruit such aseignment, occupation, leasing, renting, conveying or alienation by five (5) of the orners of the sub-lots rhich are sucject to the Same restrictions aS are adjoining and aoutting said premises concernins rhich consent is requested. It is understood, however, that in the vent the ornership nna control of the rights hereby reserved pans fron the hands of Elmer De Fogie, the rights hereby reserved and provided for in these restric- tions shall pass to a majority of the Owners of the suo-lots included in Eluer De ogie's Proposed Brooxside Supdivision. be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.
The hereinabove described land shall not oe sold, 1t or leased to any one of any race other than the Caucasian. Any interest in the
The hereinabove described land shall not be sold, let or leased to any one of any race other than the Caucasian.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]The hereinabove described land shall not oe sold, 1t or leased to any one of any race other than the Caucasian. Any interest in the[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]The hereinabove described land shall not be sold, let or leased to any one of any race other than the Caucasian.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL7007 FAGE 42\nThe above land is subject to the folloring restrictions, con-\nditions and limitations, rhich shall run rith theland, to-mit:\nThe land herein described and conveyed shall be used solely\nand exclusively for private residence purposes and no house or building\nof any kind shall De erected, placed or suffered to remain upon said\nprenises unless plans and specifications for same are first submitted\nto ani approved by Eliner De Fogie, his personal representatives or\nsuccessors and assigns, vho are hereby tranted the exclusive rirht to\ngrant consents and approvals for the ouilding of such houses or ouildingp.\nA copy of such plans and specificat ions shall have peen deposited per-\nmenently rith said Elmer De Fogie or his personal representatives.\nThe hereinabove described land shall not oe sold, lat or leased\nto any one of any race other than the Caucasian. Any interest in the\nproperty hereoy conveyed shall not be assigned, occupied, leased,rented,\nconveyed or otherwise alienatéd nor shall the title or purchase thereof\npass to anot ther rithout the consent of said Elmer De Fogie, or his per-\nsonal representatives, except that said Elmer De Fogie may not rithhold\nsuch consent if and after a written request has been made to him to\nperuit such aseignment, occupation, leasing, renting, conveying or\nalienation by five (5) of the orners of the sub-lots rhich are sucject\nto the Same restrictions aS are adjoining and aoutting said premises\nconcernins rhich consent is requested.\nIt is understood, however, that in the vent the ornership\nnna control of the rights hereby reserved pans fron the hands of Elmer\nDe Fogie, the rights hereby reserved and provided for in these restric-\ntions shall pass to a majority of the Owners of the suo-lots included\nin Eluer De ogie's Proposed Brooxside Supdivision.\nbe the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]The hereinabove described land shall not oe sold, 1t or leased\nto any one of any race other than the Caucasian. Any interest in the[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]The hereinabove described land shall not be sold, let or leased to any one of any race other than the Caucasian.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 587 STATE STAMPS $4.00, FEDERAL $2.20 MADGE MAYS BLAKETHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,COUNTY OF GREENWOOD. TOTITLE TO REAL ESTATE JAMES M. HOLLOWAY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, Made Mays Blake, of the County of Greenwood, inthe State aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of Eighteen Hundred Fifty ($1850.00)Dollars, to me in hand paid at and before the sealing of these presents, by James M. Holloway,of the County of Greenwood, in the State aforesaid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,have granted, bargained, sold and released, and by these Presents do grant, bargain, sell andrelease unto the said James M. Holloway, the following described property, to wit:All those certain pieces, parcels and lots of land, situate, lying. andbeing, in the City of Greenwood, County of Greenwood, State of South Carolina,constituting the Eastern part of Lot No. 15, all of Lot No. 16, a part of LotNo. 17, and a part of Lot No. 18, as shown on a plat of E. H. Blake DevelopmentNo. 3, which plat appears of record in the Office of the Clerk of Court forGreenwood County in Plat Book 2, at Page 59. The said lots and parts of lots,when taken together, commence at a point representing the center of a drainditch, which is the division line between the property hereby conveyed and pro-perty now or formerly of J. E. Edwards, and from the said center of the drainditch on the Northern side of Melrose Terrace extends in a Westerly directionalong Melrose Terrace for a distance of 158.5 feet, more or less, and extendsback therefrom in a Northerly direction for an Eastern boundary following thecenter of the said drain ditch, and being a line common to the property herebyconveyed and the property of J. E. Edwards, for a distance of 217 feet, moreor less, to the property of Edgewood Cemetery, and extends back therefrom in aNortherly direction for a Western boundary along the property now or formerlyof Milford and Watkins for a distance of 214 feet, more or less, and measures143 feet, more or less, in the rear. Said lots and parts of lots are boundedon the North by Edgewood Cemetery, on the East by property of J. E. Edwards,on the South by Melrose Terrace, and on the West by property of Milford &r Watkins.This is a part of the property that was conveyed to Madge Mays Blake bya deed of E. H. Blake, which deed appears of record in the Office of the ClerkThis conveyance is made subject in all respects to the condi tions andTOGETHER with all and singular the Rights, Members, Heredi taments and Appurte-TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and Singular the said Premises before mentioned untoAnd I do hereby bind myself and my Heirs. Executors and Administrators, to war-WITNESS my Hand and Seal this 18th day of June in the year of our Lord one thou- of Court for Greenwood County in Deed Book 62, at Page 466.restrictions annexed hereto and constitutes a part hereof. nances to the said Premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertaining. the said James M. Holloway, his Heirs and Assigns forever. rant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said James M, Holloway, hisHeirs and Assigns, against me and my Heirs and all other persons whomsoever lawfully claiming,sand nine hundred and forty-six and in the one hundred and seventieth year of the Sovereignty or to claim the same, or any part thereof.and Independence of the United States of America. Signed, Sealed and Deliveredin the Presence ofAnne RiddickW. D. TinsleyTHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,COUNTY OF GREENWOOD. (L.S.) blganlaypll Personally appeared before me Anne Riddick and made oath that she was present and saw the within named Madge Mays Blake Sign, Seal and as her Act and deed deliver the wi thin deed, and that she, with W. D. Tinsley wi tnessed the execution thereof. SWORN to before me this the 18thday of June A. D. 1946.W.D. TinsleyNotary Public for South Carolina. (L.S.) Anne Riddick RENUNCIATION OF DOWER NOT NECESSARY GRANTOR A WOMAN REBPRICRIOIS This conveyance is made subject to the following condi tic ons and restrictions, namely:"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased, or otherwise disposedof for the use of occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or cor-poration owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control fifty(50%), per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, except, however, servants who may be"B" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or other-wise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling static ons, restaurant orany other of such business enterprises; that the saia property shall be used and enjoyed exclu-sively for residential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on eachof the two lots, except that an apartment house may be erected thereon provided itisofa sin- privileged to. live upon the premises of their employers. gle structure and constitutes not more than two (2) stories.
587 STATE STAMPS $4.00, FEDERAL $2.20 MADGE MAYS BLAKETHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,COUNTY OF GREENWOOD. TOTITLE TO REAL ESTATE JAMES M. HOLLOWAY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, Made Mays Blake, of the County of Greenwood, inthe State aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of Eighteen Hundred Fifty ($1850.00)Dollars, to me in hand paid at and before the sealing of these presents, by James M. Holloway,of the County of Greenwood, in the State aforesaid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,have granted, bargained, sold and released, and by these Presents do grant, bargain, sell andrelease unto the said James M. Holloway, the following described property, to wit:All those certain pieces, parcels and lots of land, situate, lying. andbeing, in the City of Greenwood, County of Greenwood, State of South Carolina,constituting the Eastern part of Lot No. 15, all of Lot No. 16, a part of LotNo. 17, and a part of Lot No. 18, as shown on a plat of E. H. Blake DevelopmentNo. 3, which plat appears of record in the Office of the Clerk of Court forGreenwood County in Plat Book 2, at Page 59. The said lots and parts of lots,when taken together, commence at a point representing the center of a drainditch, which is the division line between the property hereby conveyed and pro-perty now or formerly of J. E. Edwards, and from the said center of the drainditch on the Northern side of Melrose Terrace extends in a Westerly directionalong Melrose Terrace for a distance of 158.5 feet, more or less, and extendsback therefrom in a Northerly direction for an Eastern boundary following thecenter of the said drain ditch, and being a line common to the property herebyconveyed and the property of J. E. Edwards, for a distance of 217 feet, moreor less, to the property of Edgewood Cemetery, and extends back therefrom in aNortherly direction for a Western boundary along the property now or formerlyof Milford and Watkins for a distance of 214 feet, more or less, and measures143 feet, more or less, in the rear. Said lots and parts of lots are boundedon the North by Edgewood Cemetery, on the East by property of J. E. Edwards,on the South by Melrose Terrace, and on the West by property of Milford &r Watkins.This is a part of the property that was conveyed to Madge Mays Blake bya deed of E. H. Blake, which deed appears of record in the Office of the ClerkThis conveyance is made subject in all respects to the condi tions andTOGETHER with all and singular the Rights, Members, Heredi taments and Appurte-TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and Singular the said Premises before mentioned untoAnd I do hereby bind myself and my Heirs. Executors and Administrators, to war-WITNESS my Hand and Seal this 18th day of June in the year of our Lord one thou- of Court for Greenwood County in Deed Book 62, at Page 466.restrictions annexed hereto and constitutes a part hereof. nances to the said Premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertaining. the said James M. Holloway, his Heirs and Assigns forever. rant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said James M, Holloway, hisHeirs and Assigns, against me and my Heirs and all other persons whomsoever lawfully claiming,sand nine hundred and forty-six and in the one hundred and seventieth year of the Sovereignty or to claim the same, or any part thereof.and Independence of the United States of America. Signed, Sealed and Deliveredin the Presence ofAnne RiddickW. D. TinsleyTHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,COUNTY OF GREENWOOD. (L.S.) blganlaypll Personally appeared before me Anne Riddick and made oath that she was present and saw the within named Madge Mays Blake Sign, Seal and as her Act and deed deliver the wi thin deed, and that she, with W. D. Tinsley wi tnessed the execution thereof. SWORN to before me this the 18thday of June A. D. 1946.W.D. TinsleyNotary Public for South Carolina. (L.S.) Anne Riddick RENUNCIATION OF DOWER NOT NECESSARY GRANTOR A WOMAN REBPRICRIOIS This conveyance is made subject to the following condi tic ons and restrictions, namely:"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased, or otherwise disposedof for the use of occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or cor-poration owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control fifty(50%), per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, except, however, servants who may be"B" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or other-wise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling static ons, restaurant orany other of such business enterprises; that the saia property shall be used and enjoyed exclu-sively for residential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on eachof the two lots, except that an apartment house may be erected thereon provided itisofa sin- privileged to. live upon the premises of their employers. gle structure and constitutes not more than two (2) stories.
"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of for the use of occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or cor poration owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control fifty (50%) per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, except, however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.
"A'" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of for the use of occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control fifty (50%) per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, except, however, servants who may be priviledged to live upon the premises of their employers.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of for the use of occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or cor poration owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control fifty (50%) per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, except, however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]"A'" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of for the use of occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control fifty (50%) per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, except, however, servants who may be priviledged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n587\nSTATE STAMPS $4.00, FEDERAL $2.20\nMADGE MAYS BLAKETHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,COUNTY OF GREENWOOD.\nTOTITLE TO REAL ESTATE\nJAMES M. HOLLOWAY\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, Made Mays Blake, of the County of Greenwood, inthe State aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of Eighteen Hundred Fifty ($1850.00)Dollars, to me in hand paid at and before the sealing of these presents, by James M. Holloway,of the County of Greenwood, in the State aforesaid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,have granted, bargained, sold and released, and by these Presents do grant, bargain, sell andrelease unto the said James M. Holloway, the following described property, to wit:All those certain pieces, parcels and lots of land, situate, lying. andbeing, in the City of Greenwood, County of Greenwood, State of South Carolina,constituting the Eastern part of Lot No. 15, all of Lot No. 16, a part of LotNo. 17, and a part of Lot No. 18, as shown on a plat of E. H. Blake DevelopmentNo. 3, which plat appears of record in the Office of the Clerk of Court forGreenwood County in Plat Book 2, at Page 59. The said lots and parts of lots,when taken together, commence at a point representing the center of a drainditch, which is the division line between the property hereby conveyed and pro-perty now or formerly of J. E. Edwards, and from the said center of the drainditch on the Northern side of Melrose Terrace extends in a Westerly directionalong Melrose Terrace for a distance of 158.5 feet, more or less, and extendsback therefrom in a Northerly direction for an Eastern boundary following thecenter of the said drain ditch, and being a line common to the property herebyconveyed and the property of J. E. Edwards, for a distance of 217 feet, moreor less, to the property of Edgewood Cemetery, and extends back therefrom in aNortherly direction for a Western boundary along the property now or formerlyof Milford and Watkins for a distance of 214 feet, more or less, and measures143 feet, more or less, in the rear. Said lots and parts of lots are boundedon the North by Edgewood Cemetery, on the East by property of J. E. Edwards,on the South by Melrose Terrace, and on the West by property of Milford &r Watkins.This is a part of the property that was conveyed to Madge Mays Blake bya deed of E. H. Blake, which deed appears of record in the Office of the ClerkThis conveyance is made subject in all respects to the condi tions andTOGETHER with all and singular the Rights, Members, Heredi taments and Appurte-TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and Singular the said Premises before mentioned untoAnd I do hereby bind myself and my Heirs. Executors and Administrators, to war-WITNESS my Hand and Seal this 18th day of June in the year of our Lord one thou-\nof Court for Greenwood County in Deed Book 62, at Page 466.restrictions annexed hereto and constitutes a part hereof.\nnances to the said Premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertaining.\nthe said James M. Holloway, his Heirs and Assigns forever.\nrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said James M, Holloway, hisHeirs and Assigns, against me and my Heirs and all other persons whomsoever lawfully claiming,sand nine hundred and forty-six and in the one hundred and seventieth year of the Sovereignty\nor to claim the same, or any part thereof.and Independence of the United States of America.\nSigned, Sealed and Deliveredin the Presence ofAnne RiddickW. D. TinsleyTHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,COUNTY OF GREENWOOD.\n(L.S.)\nblganlaypll\nPersonally appeared before me Anne Riddick and made oath that she was present\nand saw the within named Madge Mays Blake Sign, Seal and as her Act and deed deliver the wi thin\ndeed, and that she, with W. D. Tinsley wi tnessed the execution thereof.\nSWORN to before me this the 18thday of June A. D. 1946.W.D. TinsleyNotary Public for South Carolina.\n(L.S.)\nAnne Riddick\nRENUNCIATION OF DOWER NOT NECESSARY GRANTOR A WOMAN\nREBPRICRIOIS\nThis conveyance is made subject to the following condi tic ons and restrictions, namely:\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased, or otherwise disposedof for the use of occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or cor-poration owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control fifty(50%), per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, except, however, servants who may be\"B\" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or other-wise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling static ons, restaurant orany other of such business enterprises; that the saia property shall be used and enjoyed exclu-sively for residential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on eachof the two lots, except that an apartment house may be erected thereon provided itisofa sin-\nprivileged to. live upon the premises of their employers.\ngle structure and constitutes not more than two (2) stories.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased, or otherwise disposed\nof for the use of occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or cor\nporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control fifty\n(50%) per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, except, however, servants who may be\nprivileged to live upon the premises of their employers.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]\"A'\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of for the use of occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control fifty (50%) per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, except, however, servants who may be priviledged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL7044 PA6E347 RESTRICTIONS And the said Grantee. for.. themselves. and.. their heirs and assigns in consideration of the execution and delivery of this Deed, hereby covenant... and agree... with the said Grantor, its and assigns, tol hold said real estate herein described upon the following terms. The said reservations and restrictions are part of a general scheme applied to all parcels in Settlement Acres No. 3 and said Grantor, Brook Park Land Co., covenants that said restrictions and reservations shall be and are hereby im- posed upon all the said property known as Settlement Acres No. 3 now belonging to the Grantor. (1) Said premises shall be used" exclusively for dwelling house purposes, and that no house shal! be erected thereon house more than two families. No single house shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain on said premises, the cost s construction of which shall be less than BTENSN and no two-family or double house, the cost of construction of which shall be less CTNE nor shall such house, excluding porch, feet of either of the side lines G said premises. FERT house 53466 .55.5 house 10,000. lot line, within ag-3) three be erected, placed, or Buffered remain thereon (2) Nof fence or wall of any kind shall be erected or maintained on any part of the premises hereby conveyed, which shall approach nearer the front lot line than the rear of the dwelling erected on the above described premises. (3). No temporary building of any kind or nature shall be erected or maintained on said premises, or on any of the parcels in Settlement Acres No. 3, which is to be used asa residence prior to the construction ofa permanent dwelling thereon. However, temporary structure may be erected on the rearof the premises for the use of storing farm machin- ery and garden tools. (4) Garages may be attached to the dwelling house; otherwise garage must set back at least (50), feet from the rear of the house. Barns and other out buildings, used for storing farm machinery andt tools, the housing of chickens ora cow, must set back two hundred (200) feet from the front lot line. (5), A sanitary chemical toilet or septic tank must be built or used with each residence until such time as a sewerage Bystem is installed and available for use. No separate building shall be allowed to be built or used for sanitary conveni- ence. This applies to parcels not now serviced by sanitary sewers. (6). The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucusian race. (7) The raising or maintaining ofa hog or hogs, a goat or gosts, shal! not be permitted on the premises herein contained. (8), Parcels No. 4 and 5, fronting, on West 130th Street, are restricted for business, purposes, but any building con- structed thereon must set-back Afty (50), feet from the front lot line, and must be constructed of brick, Btone or fireproof material. This fifty (50) foot set-back also applies to the construction of a residence building. (9) All parcels fronting on West 130th Street, numbering from one to eight inclusive, must set back fifty (50) feet from the front lot line. (10) No residence or building, of any kind whatsoever shall be erected, maintained or suffered to remain on any of the parçels in Settlement Acres No. 3, the architectural plans for which have not. been filed with the Grantor herein, and then only after said plans have been approved in writing by an offiçer of the Said company. The herein enumerated rights, restrictions, agreements, covenants, limitations, reservations and conditions, shall be deemed. as covenants and not as conditions hereof and Bhall run with the land, and ench and every parcel in Settlement Acres No, 3,, except as hereinbefore specified, shall be subject to the same restrictions, and each deed except as hereinbe- fore specified, shall contain the same restrictions, provisions and inure to the benefit of all parties owning land in the same vicinity which may be. affected by these restrictions, and especially to the owners of the parcels to which these re- strictions apply, and shall bind the Grantee, his heirs and assigns, until the ist day of January, 1970. be the same more or less but subject to all legal highways. TO HAVE AND' TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said Grantesheir .heirs and assigns forever. And.. BROOK PARK LAND CO. the said Grantor, does for itself and its successors and assigns, covenant with the said Grantee.s... their heir and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, it is well seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefcasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and has good rightto bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, that the same are free and clear from all incumbrances whatsoever except restrictions as set forth above and Zoning ordinances, if any and taxes for. the year 1949_and thereafter and that it will WARRANT AND DEFEND said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, their heirs and assigns forever, against all lauful claims and demands tot the said Grantee.s whatsoever ercept as set forth hm-maborHLRiN
VOL7044 PA6E347 RESTRICTIONS And the said Grantee. for.. themselves. and.. their heirs and assigns in consideration of the execution and delivery of this Deed, hereby covenant... and agree... with the said Grantor, its and assigns, tol hold said real estate herein described upon the following terms. The said reservations and restrictions are part of a general scheme applied to all parcels in Settlement Acres No. 3 and said Grantor, Brook Park Land Co., covenants that said restrictions and reservations shall be and are hereby im- posed upon all the said property known as Settlement Acres No. 3 now belonging to the Grantor. (1) Said premises shall be used" exclusively for dwelling house purposes, and that no house shal! be erected thereon house more than two families. No single house shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain on said premises, the cost s construction of which shall be less than BTENSN and no two-family or double house, the cost of construction of which shall be less CTNE nor shall such house, excluding porch, feet of either of the side lines G said premises. FERT house 53466 .55.5 house 10,000. lot line, within ag-3) three be erected, placed, or Buffered remain thereon (2) Nof fence or wall of any kind shall be erected or maintained on any part of the premises hereby conveyed, which shall approach nearer the front lot line than the rear of the dwelling erected on the above described premises. (3). No temporary building of any kind or nature shall be erected or maintained on said premises, or on any of the parcels in Settlement Acres No. 3, which is to be used asa residence prior to the construction ofa permanent dwelling thereon. However, temporary structure may be erected on the rearof the premises for the use of storing farm machin- ery and garden tools. (4) Garages may be attached to the dwelling house; otherwise garage must set back at least (50), feet from the rear of the house. Barns and other out buildings, used for storing farm machinery andt tools, the housing of chickens ora cow, must set back two hundred (200) feet from the front lot line. (5), A sanitary chemical toilet or septic tank must be built or used with each residence until such time as a sewerage Bystem is installed and available for use. No separate building shall be allowed to be built or used for sanitary conveni- ence. This applies to parcels not now serviced by sanitary sewers. (6). The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucusian race. (7) The raising or maintaining ofa hog or hogs, a goat or gosts, shal! not be permitted on the premises herein contained. (8), Parcels No. 4 and 5, fronting, on West 130th Street, are restricted for business, purposes, but any building con- structed thereon must set-back Afty (50), feet from the front lot line, and must be constructed of brick, Btone or fireproof material. This fifty (50) foot set-back also applies to the construction of a residence building. (9) All parcels fronting on West 130th Street, numbering from one to eight inclusive, must set back fifty (50) feet from the front lot line. (10) No residence or building, of any kind whatsoever shall be erected, maintained or suffered to remain on any of the parçels in Settlement Acres No. 3, the architectural plans for which have not. been filed with the Grantor herein, and then only after said plans have been approved in writing by an offiçer of the Said company. The herein enumerated rights, restrictions, agreements, covenants, limitations, reservations and conditions, shall be deemed. as covenants and not as conditions hereof and Bhall run with the land, and ench and every parcel in Settlement Acres No, 3,, except as hereinbefore specified, shall be subject to the same restrictions, and each deed except as hereinbe- fore specified, shall contain the same restrictions, provisions and inure to the benefit of all parties owning land in the same vicinity which may be. affected by these restrictions, and especially to the owners of the parcels to which these re- strictions apply, and shall bind the Grantee, his heirs and assigns, until the ist day of January, 1970. be the same more or less but subject to all legal highways. TO HAVE AND' TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said Grantesheir .heirs and assigns forever. And.. BROOK PARK LAND CO. the said Grantor, does for itself and its successors and assigns, covenant with the said Grantee.s... their heir and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, it is well seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefcasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and has good rightto bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, that the same are free and clear from all incumbrances whatsoever except restrictions as set forth above and Zoning ordinances, if any and taxes for. the year 1949_and thereafter and that it will WARRANT AND DEFEND said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, their heirs and assigns forever, against all lauful claims and demands tot the said Grantee.s whatsoever ercept as set forth hm-maborHLRiN
(6) The premises herein described Bhall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucusian race.
(6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](6) The premises herein described Bhall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucusian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL7044 PA6E347\nRESTRICTIONS\nAnd the said Grantee. for.. themselves. and.. their\nheirs and assigns in consideration of the\nexecution and delivery of this Deed, hereby covenant... and agree... with the said Grantor, its\nand assigns,\ntol hold said real estate herein described upon the following terms.\nThe said reservations and restrictions are part of a general scheme applied to all parcels in Settlement Acres No. 3\nand said Grantor, Brook Park Land Co., covenants that said restrictions and reservations shall be and are hereby im-\nposed upon all the said property known as Settlement Acres No. 3 now belonging to the Grantor.\n(1) Said premises shall be used\" exclusively for dwelling house purposes, and that no house shal! be erected thereon\nhouse more than two families. No single house shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain on said premises, the cost\ns construction of which shall be less than BTENSN and no two-family or double house, the\ncost of construction of which shall be less CTNE nor shall such house, excluding porch,\nfeet of either of the side lines G said premises. FERT house 53466 .55.5 house 10,000.\nlot line, within ag-3) three\nbe erected, placed, or Buffered remain thereon\n(2) Nof fence or wall of any kind shall be erected or maintained on any part of the premises hereby conveyed, which\nshall approach nearer the front lot line than the rear of the dwelling erected on the above described premises.\n(3). No temporary building of any kind or nature shall be erected or maintained on said premises, or on any of the\nparcels in Settlement Acres No. 3, which is to be used asa residence prior to the construction ofa permanent dwelling\nthereon. However, temporary structure may be erected on the rearof the premises for the use of storing farm machin-\nery and garden tools.\n(4) Garages may be attached to the dwelling house; otherwise garage must set back at least (50), feet from the rear\nof the house. Barns and other out buildings, used for storing farm machinery andt tools, the housing of chickens ora cow,\nmust set back two hundred (200) feet from the front lot line.\n(5), A sanitary chemical toilet or septic tank must be built or used with each residence until such time as a sewerage\nBystem is installed and available for use. No separate building shall be allowed to be built or used for sanitary conveni-\nence. This applies to parcels not now serviced by sanitary sewers.\n(6). The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons\nnot of the pure blood of the Caucusian race.\n(7) The raising or maintaining ofa hog or hogs, a goat or gosts, shal! not be permitted on the premises herein\ncontained.\n(8), Parcels No. 4 and 5, fronting, on West 130th Street, are restricted for business, purposes, but any building con-\nstructed thereon must set-back Afty (50), feet from the front lot line, and must be constructed of brick, Btone or fireproof\nmaterial. This fifty (50) foot set-back also applies to the construction of a residence building.\n(9) All parcels fronting on West 130th Street, numbering from one to eight inclusive, must set back fifty (50) feet\nfrom the front lot line.\n(10) No residence or building, of any kind whatsoever shall be erected, maintained or suffered to remain on any of\nthe parçels in Settlement Acres No. 3, the architectural plans for which have not. been filed with the Grantor herein, and\nthen only after said plans have been approved in writing by an offiçer of the Said company.\nThe herein enumerated rights, restrictions, agreements, covenants, limitations, reservations and conditions, shall be\ndeemed. as covenants and not as conditions hereof and Bhall run with the land, and ench and every parcel in Settlement\nAcres No, 3,, except as hereinbefore specified, shall be subject to the same restrictions, and each deed except as hereinbe-\nfore specified, shall contain the same restrictions, provisions and inure to the benefit of all parties owning land in the\nsame vicinity which may be. affected by these restrictions, and especially to the owners of the parcels to which these re-\nstrictions apply, and shall bind the Grantee, his heirs and assigns, until the ist day of January, 1970.\nbe the same more or less but subject to all legal highways.\nTO HAVE AND' TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances\nthereunto belonging, unto the said Grantesheir .heirs and assigns forever. And..\nBROOK PARK LAND CO.\nthe\nsaid Grantor, does for itself and its successors and assigns, covenant with the said Grantee.s...\ntheir\nheir and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, it is well seized of\nthe above described premises, as a good and indefcasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and has good rightto\nbargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, that the same are free and clear\nfrom all incumbrances whatsoever except restrictions as set forth above and Zoning ordinances, if any\nand taxes for. the year 1949_and thereafter\nand that it will WARRANT AND DEFEND said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging,\ntheir heirs and assigns forever, against all lauful claims and demands\ntot the said Grantee.s\nwhatsoever ercept as set forth hm-maborHLRiN", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](6) The premises herein described Bhall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons\nnot of the pure blood of the Caucusian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 186 GRANTEE Sm-n-rt O INDEX 9 DATE OF RECORD Docket Vol. Page Month Day Year LOCATION GRANTOR GRANTEE 186. New Castl le Traction Co 91 436 Aug 36 18995 Ward N C William M Brovn ux New Castle Traction Co 93 33 Aug 36 1899 Shenango Tp Lawrence Land Co Agrt 9 492. Dec 3 1899Rel ease New Castle Traction Co William Bockius 98 242 Dec 1 1900/Shenango Tp New Castle Traction Co New Castle Land Co New Castle Traction Co 98 480: Feb 3 1901 Shenango Tp Thomas F Morehead ux NCElectric St Rwy Co New Castle Traction Co 118 160: Oct 13 1903Shenango Tp 118 163 Oct 13 19035 Ward N C New Castle Land Co New Castle Traction Co ux 118 165! Oct 13 1903 5 Ward N C William M Brown New Castle Traction Co ux 118 167 Oct 13 19035 Ward N C John B Brown New Castle Traction Co ux 118 169! Oct 13 1903/5 Ward N C Lee R Gordon New Castle Traction Co al 118 173! Oct 13 1903 5 Ward N C New Castle Traction Co New Castle Land Co Alexander H Patterson New Castle Traction Co 118 184 Oct 13 1903 Shenango Tp ux 118 186 Oct 13 1903/5 Ward N C Richard R Quay Newz Castle Traction Co Trus 77 78 Oct 29 1896/1 Ward N C New Castle Electric St Rwy Co By JA Hainer ux Agrt 9 43/Nov 3 1896Decl of Trust New Cast le Electric St Rwy Co DeWitt Dilworth 75_128 Dec 12 1896/5 Ward N C New Castle Electric St Rwy Co Adella Neel By Com 76 161 Apr 13 1897 1 Ward N C. New Castle Electric St Rwy Co DeWitt Dilworth ux 53 373 Apr 17 1897 R of Way New Castle Electric St Fwy Co Elvira J Kirkwood al 53 375 Apr 17 1897R of Way New Castle Electric St Rwy Co Edward H Weatherby al 76 200 May 18 1897 Shenango Tp New Castle Electric St Rwy Co George. G Weinschenk ux 102 6Jun 37 1901 Shenango Tp New Castle Electric St Rwy Co Harriet E Merchant al 118 178 Oct 13 1903 Shenango Tp New Castle Electric St Rwy Co SW Cumningham ux) 118 183 Oct 13,19031 Ward N C' New Castle Electric St Rwy Co DeWitt Dilworth Agrt 15 178 Jun 23 1911 Extension New Castle Electric St Rwy Co Penna Commonwealth al Agrt 18 319Jun 26 1917/Cert of Pub Con &c New Castle Electric St Rwy Co al Lawrence Co Agrt 19 163 Oct 24 1917 Cert of Pub Conv New Castle Electric St Rwy Co al Penna. Public Service Com 8 18 Apr 18 1859 Charter New Castle & N W Plank Rd Co Penna State Gov 27 360 iJul 19 1876 New Castle New Castle African M E Zion Ch John T Phillips ux Agrt 4 337 Nov 5 1877 Agrt New Castle African M E Zion Ch Richard Jones 33 61 Dec 318791 Ward N C New Castle African M E Zion Ch Richard Jones ux; 8105 Jun 3 1859 Release Wealthy D Griswold New Castle Baptist Ch 8 103 Jun 2 1859 New Castle Edward C Gri swold Est New Castle Baptist Ch 8101 Jun 3 1859 New Castle New Castle Baptist Ch James T Robison ux 8 99 Jun 2 1859 New Castle GO Griswold New Castle Baptist Ch ux 52 255 Nov 19 1888 2 Ward N C Geo M Book New Castle Baptist Ch ux Alliance-NC 97 324 Oct 10 1900/6 Ward N C New Castle Christian Missionary Edward Cavender ux Alliance al 110 294 Oct 20 1903 s New Castle New Castle Christian Missionary Frank G Marley
186 GRANTEE Sm-n-rt O INDEX 9 DATE OF RECORD Docket Vol. Page Month Day Year LOCATION GRANTOR GRANTEE 186. New Castl le Traction Co 91 436 Aug 36 18995 Ward N C William M Brovn ux New Castle Traction Co 93 33 Aug 36 1899 Shenango Tp Lawrence Land Co Agrt 9 492. Dec 3 1899Rel ease New Castle Traction Co William Bockius 98 242 Dec 1 1900/Shenango Tp New Castle Traction Co New Castle Land Co New Castle Traction Co 98 480: Feb 3 1901 Shenango Tp Thomas F Morehead ux NCElectric St Rwy Co New Castle Traction Co 118 160: Oct 13 1903Shenango Tp 118 163 Oct 13 19035 Ward N C New Castle Land Co New Castle Traction Co ux 118 165! Oct 13 1903 5 Ward N C William M Brown New Castle Traction Co ux 118 167 Oct 13 19035 Ward N C John B Brown New Castle Traction Co ux 118 169! Oct 13 1903/5 Ward N C Lee R Gordon New Castle Traction Co al 118 173! Oct 13 1903 5 Ward N C New Castle Traction Co New Castle Land Co Alexander H Patterson New Castle Traction Co 118 184 Oct 13 1903 Shenango Tp ux 118 186 Oct 13 1903/5 Ward N C Richard R Quay Newz Castle Traction Co Trus 77 78 Oct 29 1896/1 Ward N C New Castle Electric St Rwy Co By JA Hainer ux Agrt 9 43/Nov 3 1896Decl of Trust New Cast le Electric St Rwy Co DeWitt Dilworth 75_128 Dec 12 1896/5 Ward N C New Castle Electric St Rwy Co Adella Neel By Com 76 161 Apr 13 1897 1 Ward N C. New Castle Electric St Rwy Co DeWitt Dilworth ux 53 373 Apr 17 1897 R of Way New Castle Electric St Fwy Co Elvira J Kirkwood al 53 375 Apr 17 1897R of Way New Castle Electric St Rwy Co Edward H Weatherby al 76 200 May 18 1897 Shenango Tp New Castle Electric St Rwy Co George. G Weinschenk ux 102 6Jun 37 1901 Shenango Tp New Castle Electric St Rwy Co Harriet E Merchant al 118 178 Oct 13 1903 Shenango Tp New Castle Electric St Rwy Co SW Cumningham ux) 118 183 Oct 13,19031 Ward N C' New Castle Electric St Rwy Co DeWitt Dilworth Agrt 15 178 Jun 23 1911 Extension New Castle Electric St Rwy Co Penna Commonwealth al Agrt 18 319Jun 26 1917/Cert of Pub Con &c New Castle Electric St Rwy Co al Lawrence Co Agrt 19 163 Oct 24 1917 Cert of Pub Conv New Castle Electric St Rwy Co al Penna. Public Service Com 8 18 Apr 18 1859 Charter New Castle & N W Plank Rd Co Penna State Gov 27 360 iJul 19 1876 New Castle New Castle African M E Zion Ch John T Phillips ux Agrt 4 337 Nov 5 1877 Agrt New Castle African M E Zion Ch Richard Jones 33 61 Dec 318791 Ward N C New Castle African M E Zion Ch Richard Jones ux; 8105 Jun 3 1859 Release Wealthy D Griswold New Castle Baptist Ch 8 103 Jun 2 1859 New Castle Edward C Gri swold Est New Castle Baptist Ch 8101 Jun 3 1859 New Castle New Castle Baptist Ch James T Robison ux 8 99 Jun 2 1859 New Castle GO Griswold New Castle Baptist Ch ux 52 255 Nov 19 1888 2 Ward N C Geo M Book New Castle Baptist Ch ux Alliance-NC 97 324 Oct 10 1900/6 Ward N C New Castle Christian Missionary Edward Cavender ux Alliance al 110 294 Oct 20 1903 s New Castle New Castle Christian Missionary Frank G Marley
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n186\nGRANTEE Sm-n-rt O INDEX\n9\nDATE OF RECORD\nDocket Vol. Page Month Day Year LOCATION\nGRANTOR\nGRANTEE\n186.\nNew Castl le Traction Co\n91 436 Aug 36 18995 Ward N C\nWilliam M Brovn\nux\nNew Castle Traction Co\n93 33 Aug 36 1899 Shenango Tp\nLawrence Land Co\nAgrt 9 492. Dec 3 1899Rel ease\nNew Castle Traction Co\nWilliam Bockius\n98 242 Dec 1 1900/Shenango Tp\nNew Castle Traction Co\nNew Castle Land Co\nNew Castle Traction Co\n98 480: Feb 3 1901 Shenango Tp\nThomas F Morehead\nux\nNCElectric St Rwy Co\nNew Castle Traction Co\n118 160: Oct 13 1903Shenango Tp\n118 163 Oct 13 19035 Ward N C\nNew Castle Land Co\nNew Castle Traction Co\nux 118 165! Oct 13 1903 5 Ward N C\nWilliam M Brown\nNew Castle Traction Co\nux 118 167 Oct 13 19035 Ward N C\nJohn B Brown\nNew Castle Traction Co\nux 118 169! Oct 13 1903/5 Ward N C\nLee R Gordon\nNew Castle Traction Co\nal 118 173! Oct 13 1903 5 Ward N C\nNew Castle Traction Co\nNew Castle Land Co\nAlexander H Patterson\nNew Castle Traction Co\n118 184 Oct 13 1903 Shenango Tp\nux 118 186 Oct 13 1903/5 Ward N C\nRichard R Quay\nNewz Castle Traction Co\nTrus\n77 78 Oct 29 1896/1 Ward N C\nNew Castle Electric St Rwy Co By JA Hainer\nux\nAgrt 9 43/Nov 3 1896Decl of Trust\nNew Cast le Electric St Rwy Co DeWitt Dilworth\n75_128 Dec 12 1896/5 Ward N C\nNew Castle Electric St Rwy Co Adella Neel By Com\n76 161 Apr 13 1897 1 Ward N C.\nNew Castle Electric St Rwy Co DeWitt Dilworth\nux\n53 373 Apr 17 1897 R of Way\nNew Castle Electric St Fwy Co Elvira J Kirkwood\nal\n53 375 Apr 17 1897R of Way\nNew Castle Electric St Rwy Co Edward H Weatherby\nal\n76 200 May 18 1897 Shenango Tp\nNew Castle Electric St Rwy Co George. G Weinschenk\nux\n102 6Jun 37 1901 Shenango Tp\nNew Castle Electric St Rwy Co Harriet E Merchant\nal 118 178 Oct 13 1903 Shenango Tp\nNew Castle Electric St Rwy Co SW Cumningham\nux) 118 183 Oct 13,19031 Ward N C'\nNew Castle Electric St Rwy Co DeWitt Dilworth\nAgrt 15 178 Jun 23 1911 Extension\nNew Castle Electric St Rwy Co Penna Commonwealth\nal Agrt 18 319Jun 26 1917/Cert of Pub Con &c\nNew Castle Electric St Rwy Co al Lawrence Co\nAgrt 19 163 Oct 24 1917 Cert of Pub Conv\nNew Castle Electric St Rwy Co al Penna. Public Service Com\n8 18 Apr 18 1859 Charter\nNew Castle & N W Plank Rd Co Penna State Gov\n27 360 iJul 19 1876 New Castle\nNew Castle African M E Zion Ch John T Phillips\nux\nAgrt 4 337 Nov 5 1877 Agrt\nNew Castle African M E Zion Ch Richard Jones\n33 61 Dec 318791 Ward N C\nNew Castle African M E Zion Ch Richard Jones\nux;\n8105 Jun 3 1859 Release\nWealthy D Griswold\nNew Castle Baptist Ch\n8 103 Jun 2 1859 New Castle\nEdward C Gri swold Est\nNew Castle Baptist Ch\n8101 Jun 3 1859 New Castle\nNew Castle Baptist Ch\nJames T Robison\nux\n8 99 Jun 2 1859 New Castle\nGO Griswold\nNew Castle Baptist Ch\nux\n52 255 Nov 19 1888 2 Ward N C\nGeo M Book\nNew Castle Baptist Ch\nux\nAlliance-NC\n97 324 Oct 10 1900/6 Ward N C\nNew Castle Christian Missionary Edward Cavender\nux\nAlliance\nal 110 294 Oct 20 1903 s New Castle\nNew Castle Christian Missionary Frank G Marley", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VaL6443 AG464 jof East 146th street in this allotment single houses shall cost not less than Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3,500), double and two-family houses not less than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000). Any building erected on Sublots facing Dunham Road, shall not be used for manu- facturing purposes. Any building erected thereon shall cost at least spiritous, vinous, or fermented liquor shall be manufactured or sold either $5,000. No at whole- sale or retail on said premises. No nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other edvertising devices shall be permitted, erected, placed or suffered to remain upon any lot in this allotment, ezcept vendors' sale signs, nor shall the premises be used in any purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the way or for any quiet of any holder of adjoing land. No lot, piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove described pr leased to anyone of any race other than the Caucasian, and by shall be sold, let agreement under this condition the Grantee is understood to varrant accepting this that race and that he assents to such condition and agrees to be bound that he is of thereby. Itis Further Agreed that the Grantee hereby further covenants and agrees that allof the above described property lying in front of the building described shall be used for ornamental purposes and that nothing shall line be hereinabove placed thereon other than trees and shrubs and ornamental fences, (not in height), and of such character as not to obstruct the view. exceeding three foet These restrictions are subject to any other restrictions lots by any Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Maple Heights. placed upon the above IMPROVEMENTS: Grantor agrees that it will lay a five foot stone walk and will grade the street in front of each lot and pay for same or cement side- of except on Dunham Road. Grantor further agrees that it will apply to the the installation by assessment of city water mains and storm Village and Maple Heights for sanitary severs. It is further agreed and understood that the parties of the first part reserve. an. easement to enter upan and construct light,. power. or.talaphone linas hereby along the rear three feet of any or all lots in Orchard Villas Allotment. The foregoing restrictions, conditions, and obligations, are to be considered as covenants running with the land herein conveyed, and are equally binding upon the Grantee his heirs, executors, administrators, or successors, and assigns. be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.
VaL6443 AG464 jof East 146th street in this allotment single houses shall cost not less than Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3,500), double and two-family houses not less than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000). Any building erected on Sublots facing Dunham Road, shall not be used for manu- facturing purposes. Any building erected thereon shall cost at least spiritous, vinous, or fermented liquor shall be manufactured or sold either $5,000. No at whole- sale or retail on said premises. No nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other edvertising devices shall be permitted, erected, placed or suffered to remain upon any lot in this allotment, ezcept vendors' sale signs, nor shall the premises be used in any purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the way or for any quiet of any holder of adjoing land. No lot, piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove described pr leased to anyone of any race other than the Caucasian, and by shall be sold, let agreement under this condition the Grantee is understood to varrant accepting this that race and that he assents to such condition and agrees to be bound that he is of thereby. Itis Further Agreed that the Grantee hereby further covenants and agrees that allof the above described property lying in front of the building described shall be used for ornamental purposes and that nothing shall line be hereinabove placed thereon other than trees and shrubs and ornamental fences, (not in height), and of such character as not to obstruct the view. exceeding three foet These restrictions are subject to any other restrictions lots by any Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Maple Heights. placed upon the above IMPROVEMENTS: Grantor agrees that it will lay a five foot stone walk and will grade the street in front of each lot and pay for same or cement side- of except on Dunham Road. Grantor further agrees that it will apply to the the installation by assessment of city water mains and storm Village and Maple Heights for sanitary severs. It is further agreed and understood that the parties of the first part reserve. an. easement to enter upan and construct light,. power. or.talaphone linas hereby along the rear three feet of any or all lots in Orchard Villas Allotment. The foregoing restrictions, conditions, and obligations, are to be considered as covenants running with the land herein conveyed, and are equally binding upon the Grantee his heirs, executors, administrators, or successors, and assigns. be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.
No lot, piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove described shall be sold, let pr leased to anyone of any race other than the Caucasian, and by accepting this agreement under this condition the Grantee is understood to varrant that he is of that race and that he assents to such condition and agrees to be bound thereby.
No lot, piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove described shall be sold, let or leased to any race other than the Caucasian, and by accepting this agreement under this condition the Grantee is understood to warrant that he is of that race and that he assents to such condition and agrees to be bound thereby.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]No lot, piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove described shall be sold, let pr leased to anyone of any race other than the Caucasian, and by accepting this agreement under this condition the Grantee is understood to varrant that he is of that race and that he assents to such condition and agrees to be bound thereby.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]No lot, piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove described shall be sold, let or leased to any race other than the Caucasian, and by accepting this agreement under this condition the Grantee is understood to warrant that he is of that race and that he assents to such condition and agrees to be bound thereby.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVaL6443 AG464\njof East 146th street in this allotment single houses shall cost not less\nthan Three\nThousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3,500), double and two-family houses\nnot less than\nFive Thousand Dollars ($5,000).\nAny building erected on Sublots facing Dunham Road, shall not be used\nfor manu-\nfacturing purposes. Any building erected thereon shall cost at least\nspiritous, vinous, or fermented liquor shall be manufactured or sold either $5,000. No\nat whole-\nsale or retail on said premises.\nNo nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other edvertising devices\nshall be\npermitted, erected, placed or suffered to remain upon any lot in this\nallotment,\nezcept vendors' sale signs, nor shall the premises be used in any\npurpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the way or for any\nquiet of any\nholder of adjoing land.\nNo lot, piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove described\npr leased to anyone of any race other than the Caucasian, and by shall be sold, let\nagreement under this condition the Grantee is understood to varrant accepting this\nthat race and that he assents to such condition and agrees to be bound that he is of\nthereby.\nItis Further Agreed that the Grantee hereby further covenants and\nagrees that\nallof the above described property lying in front of the building\ndescribed shall be used for ornamental purposes and that nothing shall line be hereinabove\nplaced\nthereon other than trees and shrubs and ornamental fences, (not\nin height), and of such character as not to obstruct the view. exceeding three foet\nThese restrictions are subject to any other restrictions\nlots by any Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Maple Heights. placed upon the above\nIMPROVEMENTS: Grantor agrees that it will lay a five foot stone\nwalk and will grade the street in front of each lot and pay for same or cement side-\nof except on Dunham\nRoad. Grantor further agrees that it will apply to the\nthe installation by assessment of city water mains and storm Village and Maple Heights for\nsanitary severs.\nIt is further agreed and understood that the parties of the first part\nreserve. an. easement to enter upan and construct light,. power. or.talaphone linas hereby\nalong the rear three feet of any or all lots in Orchard Villas Allotment.\nThe foregoing restrictions, conditions, and obligations, are to be considered\nas\ncovenants running with the land herein conveyed, and are\nequally binding upon the\nGrantee his heirs, executors, administrators, or\nsuccessors, and assigns.\nbe the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]No lot, piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove described\nshall be sold, let\npr leased to anyone of any race other than the\nCaucasian, and\nby accepting this\nagreement under this condition the Grantee is understood\nto varrant that\nhe is of\nthat race and that he assents to such condition and\nagrees to be bound thereby.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]No lot, piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove described shall be sold, let or leased to any race other than the Caucasian, and by accepting this agreement under this condition the Grantee is understood to warrant that he is of that race and that he assents to such condition and agrees to be bound thereby.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 42 egeinst all le-ful cleinants the sare and every pert, thereof bo Vorrant And Defend. Witness the hards and scals of the said parties of the first pert. Vennetl. ise (senl) I.illian Fise (seel) Attest: Rohert L. "Tgllace (I.P.Starps *.50' Cossonsealth of Pennsylvenis. ( 3s. Rounty of I-aarence Gn this 10th jay of April A.B. 131, before se a Vctery Public in cni for said County AnJ State care the above narei "enneth. Fise and L11lian "ise, lis wife, and acknozledges the foregriny injenture t b- their act anu deea, to the end thet it may be recerded as suck:. Witness my hand and Noterial seal. 9.y MAIAiy Hotary Public (N.P.Seal) My Corission Fxpires oners 23. 135 Deed M Tlis Indenture Msde the 7th day of April in the sear Ine rhouseni Pobert L. Wallece,etux Mine Hundred and Paenty-four (1924) To Betxeen Pobert L. allnce and rdn6 C. Kallece, his Alexander Belen Entered April 11, 124 vife, of the City of New Costle, Fennsylvanit, rantors, sna Alexander Eelam of Bessemer, l-asrence Count,, Fennsyl- vania, grantee. Kitnesseth, fuat in censideration of Cne Lcller snd other -ocC bnd vel-ble considerations nos pciu, the receipt whereof is hereb, ckneledsei, Li.e Sbid parties of the first part do herety grant, bargein, sell anj convey unto the Saii party of thesecond party kis heirs and E3signs, All thet certain leni und frerises situste and being in the Forou-. of Bessemer, Lezrene. County, Pennsylvenis, being lot or lots Nunber 31aty-tzo (62) inplan of lots knosn 6s "Be ssener Terroce", As surveyeJ and laid out in March, 122, hyc.H. Hillollend, C. F., shich s6ii plan is July recorued in the Pecorser's office of Lazrence County, in Plot Book Vol. 6, pue 35, and teing purt of A lurger tract of land conveyed tothe said Robert L.. La llace by deed fror. Jdi.n Sallace end aife, dated :ay 25Lh, 1922 und to be recorded. With: the appurtenances: Fo linve and to Hold the Shre unto anj for the use of the said party of the second part, and the heirs and assigns Ehereof, forever. This said conveyance is made subject * loxever,to oil and ges leuse on building, said premises, and 1s also subJect toall/ linés shozn on said plan and neither the grentee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in Litle, shall sell and convey the land herein deseribes or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race. Fhis provision to be binding and to be in full force and effect until the yeer A.D. 1955. And the sald partlesof bhe first part, excepting 6s herein ebove provided, do herehy for thenselves, their heirs, ezecutors And Ndinistrators, covenant itht.e saidparty of the second part, 6nd the heirs and assigns therect, against ell lewful clatmants the Same And every part thereof to rarrunt and defend. Witness the hends and senls of the said perties of the first part.
42 egeinst all le-ful cleinants the sare and every pert, thereof bo Vorrant And Defend. Witness the hards and scals of the said parties of the first pert. Vennetl. ise (senl) I.illian Fise (seel) Attest: Rohert L. "Tgllace (I.P.Starps *.50' Cossonsealth of Pennsylvenis. ( 3s. Rounty of I-aarence Gn this 10th jay of April A.B. 131, before se a Vctery Public in cni for said County AnJ State care the above narei "enneth. Fise and L11lian "ise, lis wife, and acknozledges the foregriny injenture t b- their act anu deea, to the end thet it may be recerded as suck:. Witness my hand and Noterial seal. 9.y MAIAiy Hotary Public (N.P.Seal) My Corission Fxpires oners 23. 135 Deed M Tlis Indenture Msde the 7th day of April in the sear Ine rhouseni Pobert L. Wallece,etux Mine Hundred and Paenty-four (1924) To Betxeen Pobert L. allnce and rdn6 C. Kallece, his Alexander Belen Entered April 11, 124 vife, of the City of New Costle, Fennsylvanit, rantors, sna Alexander Eelam of Bessemer, l-asrence Count,, Fennsyl- vania, grantee. Kitnesseth, fuat in censideration of Cne Lcller snd other -ocC bnd vel-ble considerations nos pciu, the receipt whereof is hereb, ckneledsei, Li.e Sbid parties of the first part do herety grant, bargein, sell anj convey unto the Saii party of thesecond party kis heirs and E3signs, All thet certain leni und frerises situste and being in the Forou-. of Bessemer, Lezrene. County, Pennsylvenis, being lot or lots Nunber 31aty-tzo (62) inplan of lots knosn 6s "Be ssener Terroce", As surveyeJ and laid out in March, 122, hyc.H. Hillollend, C. F., shich s6ii plan is July recorued in the Pecorser's office of Lazrence County, in Plot Book Vol. 6, pue 35, and teing purt of A lurger tract of land conveyed tothe said Robert L.. La llace by deed fror. Jdi.n Sallace end aife, dated :ay 25Lh, 1922 und to be recorded. With: the appurtenances: Fo linve and to Hold the Shre unto anj for the use of the said party of the second part, and the heirs and assigns Ehereof, forever. This said conveyance is made subject * loxever,to oil and ges leuse on building, said premises, and 1s also subJect toall/ linés shozn on said plan and neither the grentee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in Litle, shall sell and convey the land herein deseribes or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race. Fhis provision to be binding and to be in full force and effect until the yeer A.D. 1955. And the sald partlesof bhe first part, excepting 6s herein ebove provided, do herehy for thenselves, their heirs, ezecutors And Ndinistrators, covenant itht.e saidparty of the second part, 6nd the heirs and assigns therect, against ell lewful clatmants the Same And every part thereof to rarrunt and defend. Witness the hends and senls of the said perties of the first part.
plan neither the grentee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in Litle, shall sell and convey the land herein deseribes or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race. Fhis provision to be binding and to be in full force and effect until
shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]plan neither the grentee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in Litle, shall sell and convey the land herein deseribes or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race. Fhis provision to be binding and to be in full force and effect until[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n42\negeinst all le-ful cleinants the sare and every pert, thereof bo Vorrant And Defend.\nWitness the hards and scals of the said parties of the first pert.\nVennetl. ise\n(senl)\nI.illian Fise\n(seel)\nAttest:\nRohert L. \"Tgllace\n(I.P.Starps *.50'\nCossonsealth of Pennsylvenis. (\n3s.\nRounty of I-aarence\nGn this 10th jay of April A.B. 131, before se a Vctery Public in cni\nfor said County AnJ State care the above narei \"enneth. Fise and L11lian \"ise, lis\nwife, and acknozledges the foregriny injenture t b- their act anu deea, to the end\nthet it may be recerded as suck:.\nWitness my hand and Noterial seal.\n9.y MAIAiy\nHotary Public (N.P.Seal)\nMy Corission Fxpires oners 23. 135\nDeed M\nTlis Indenture\nMsde the 7th day of April in the sear Ine rhouseni\nPobert L. Wallece,etux\nMine Hundred and Paenty-four (1924)\nTo\nBetxeen Pobert L. allnce and rdn6 C. Kallece, his\nAlexander Belen\nEntered April 11, 124\nvife, of the City of New Costle, Fennsylvanit, rantors,\nsna Alexander Eelam of Bessemer, l-asrence Count,, Fennsyl-\nvania, grantee.\nKitnesseth, fuat in censideration of Cne Lcller snd other -ocC bnd vel-ble\nconsiderations nos pciu, the receipt whereof is hereb, ckneledsei, Li.e Sbid\nparties of the first part do herety grant, bargein, sell anj convey unto the Saii\nparty of thesecond party kis heirs and E3signs,\nAll thet certain leni und frerises situste and being in the Forou-. of\nBessemer, Lezrene. County, Pennsylvenis, being lot or lots Nunber 31aty-tzo (62)\ninplan of lots knosn 6s \"Be ssener Terroce\", As surveyeJ and laid out in March, 122,\nhyc.H. Hillollend, C. F., shich s6ii plan is July recorued in the Pecorser's office\nof Lazrence County, in Plot Book Vol. 6, pue 35, and teing purt of A lurger tract\nof land conveyed tothe said Robert L.. La llace by deed fror. Jdi.n Sallace end aife,\ndated :ay 25Lh, 1922 und to be recorded.\nWith: the appurtenances: Fo linve and to Hold the Shre unto anj for the use\nof the said party of the second part, and the heirs and assigns Ehereof, forever.\nThis said conveyance is made subject * loxever,to oil and ges leuse on\nbuilding,\nsaid premises, and 1s also subJect toall/ linés shozn on said plan and\nneither the grentee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in Litle, shall sell and\nconvey the land herein deseribes or any part thereof to any person or persons of the\nAfrican race. Fhis provision to be binding and to be in full force and effect until\nthe yeer A.D. 1955.\nAnd the sald partlesof bhe first part, excepting 6s herein ebove provided,\ndo herehy for thenselves, their heirs, ezecutors And Ndinistrators, covenant itht.e\nsaidparty of the second part, 6nd the heirs and assigns therect, against ell lewful\nclatmants the Same And every part thereof to rarrunt and defend.\nWitness the hends and senls of the said perties of the first part.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]plan neither the grentee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in Litle, shall sell and convey the land herein deseribes or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race. Fhis provision to be binding and to be in full force and effect until[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 18 hundred dollars ($2500.00). CLAUSE NO. VIII: LIMITATION. OF OWNERSHIPCLAUSE NO. IX: MODIFICATION OF RESTRICTIONSCLAUSE NO.X: VIOLATION OF RESTRICTIONS No person of African, Japanese, Chinese or of any Mongolian descent shallbe allowed to. purchase, own or lease said real property or any part thereof, orto occupy, except as servants, said real property or any part thereof.Any of the-restriotions, conditions, covenants, charges and agreementsconteined in this Declaration may be annulled, waived, changed or modified by writtenconsent duly reoorded of the owners of three-fourths of the area of said tract,Violation of any of the restrictions or conditions or breach of any of thecovenants or agreenents herein contained shall give to each and every owner of landin said Beverly Place, the right to enter upon the property upon or as to which suchviolation or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove, at the expensè ofthe owner thereof, any erection, thing, or condition that may be or exist thereoncontrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof and shall not therebybe deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal.The result of every act or omission whereby any restriction, condition,covenant, or agreement herein conteined is violated in whole or in part is herebydeclared to be and constitute a nuisance, and ezery remedy allowed by law against anuisance, either public or private shall be applicable against every such resultand may be exeroised by any owner of land in said Beverly Place. Such remedyThe provisions contained in this Declaration shall bind and inure to thebenefit of and be enforceable by the owner or owners of any property shown on saidmap, their and each of their legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns,and failure by any property owner or his or her legal representatives, heirs,successors or assigns, to enforce any of such restrictions, conditions, covenantsand agreements herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right exclusive of streets. shall be deemed cumulative and not exclusive.CLAUSE NO. XI: RIGHT TO ENFORCE to do so thereafter.year first hereinabove written.(CORPORATE SBAL)STATE OF CALIFORNIA )COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) SS IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed these presents the day and SAN JOSE ABSTRACT & TITLE INSURANCE cO.By L. P. Edwards, PresidentBy T. C. Edwards, Secretary On this 6th day of July in the year one thousandnine hundred and thirty eight, before me, F. W. Hilton, a Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clera, State of California,residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared L. P. Edwardsand T. C. Edvards, known to me to be the President and Sscretary, respectively,of the corporation desoribed in and' that executed theswithin instrument and alsoknown to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of thecorporation therein named, and aoknowledged to me that such corporation executed theIN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official sealin the County of Santa Çlara, the day and year in this certificate first above same.written. (NOTARIAL SEAL) F.W. Hilton, Notary Public in and for theCounty of Santa Clara, State of California My commission expires April 14th 1940Jul 15 1938 at 24 min past 4 O'clook P. M.Fee 2.00 17fCompared Doc ARELTOriginal FILING NO, 136800CHARLES A. PAYNE RECORDERW. EmlenCompared Book Achulh Filed for reoord at the request of Sen Jose Abstract and Title Insurance Co. Deputy Recorder BBSEESBEBESEBEIEESYESR BEBEBEBEB BEBEBEBEB EBEBEBSBEEEBEEB IN THE JUSTICE'S COURT OF SAN JOSE TOWNSHIPCOUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIAGrandin H. Miller, JusticePlaintiffDefendant Merchants Assooiation of San Jose, Ltd. ) SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT AND RELEASE OF VS. ABSTRACT#7061 Joseph D. Blabon, KNOW ALL MEN. BY THESE PRESENTS, that the Merchants Association of San Jose, Ltd.a oorporation of the State of California, hereby certifies and declares that a certainjudgment bearing date of May 15, 1935, entered in the Justice Court of Grandin H.Miller, Justice of Peace of San Jose Township, County of Santa Clara, State ofCalifornia, against Joséph D. Blabon, in favor of the Merchants Association of San:oss,
18 hundred dollars ($2500.00). CLAUSE NO. VIII: LIMITATION. OF OWNERSHIPCLAUSE NO. IX: MODIFICATION OF RESTRICTIONSCLAUSE NO.X: VIOLATION OF RESTRICTIONS No person of African, Japanese, Chinese or of any Mongolian descent shallbe allowed to. purchase, own or lease said real property or any part thereof, orto occupy, except as servants, said real property or any part thereof.Any of the-restriotions, conditions, covenants, charges and agreementsconteined in this Declaration may be annulled, waived, changed or modified by writtenconsent duly reoorded of the owners of three-fourths of the area of said tract,Violation of any of the restrictions or conditions or breach of any of thecovenants or agreenents herein contained shall give to each and every owner of landin said Beverly Place, the right to enter upon the property upon or as to which suchviolation or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove, at the expensè ofthe owner thereof, any erection, thing, or condition that may be or exist thereoncontrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof and shall not therebybe deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal.The result of every act or omission whereby any restriction, condition,covenant, or agreement herein conteined is violated in whole or in part is herebydeclared to be and constitute a nuisance, and ezery remedy allowed by law against anuisance, either public or private shall be applicable against every such resultand may be exeroised by any owner of land in said Beverly Place. Such remedyThe provisions contained in this Declaration shall bind and inure to thebenefit of and be enforceable by the owner or owners of any property shown on saidmap, their and each of their legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns,and failure by any property owner or his or her legal representatives, heirs,successors or assigns, to enforce any of such restrictions, conditions, covenantsand agreements herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right exclusive of streets. shall be deemed cumulative and not exclusive.CLAUSE NO. XI: RIGHT TO ENFORCE to do so thereafter.year first hereinabove written.(CORPORATE SBAL)STATE OF CALIFORNIA )COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) SS IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed these presents the day and SAN JOSE ABSTRACT & TITLE INSURANCE cO.By L. P. Edwards, PresidentBy T. C. Edwards, Secretary On this 6th day of July in the year one thousandnine hundred and thirty eight, before me, F. W. Hilton, a Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clera, State of California,residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared L. P. Edwardsand T. C. Edvards, known to me to be the President and Sscretary, respectively,of the corporation desoribed in and' that executed theswithin instrument and alsoknown to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of thecorporation therein named, and aoknowledged to me that such corporation executed theIN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official sealin the County of Santa Çlara, the day and year in this certificate first above same.written. (NOTARIAL SEAL) F.W. Hilton, Notary Public in and for theCounty of Santa Clara, State of California My commission expires April 14th 1940Jul 15 1938 at 24 min past 4 O'clook P. M.Fee 2.00 17fCompared Doc ARELTOriginal FILING NO, 136800CHARLES A. PAYNE RECORDERW. EmlenCompared Book Achulh Filed for reoord at the request of Sen Jose Abstract and Title Insurance Co. Deputy Recorder BBSEESBEBESEBEIEESYESR BEBEBEBEB BEBEBEBEB EBEBEBSBEEEBEEB IN THE JUSTICE'S COURT OF SAN JOSE TOWNSHIPCOUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIAGrandin H. Miller, JusticePlaintiffDefendant Merchants Assooiation of San Jose, Ltd. ) SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT AND RELEASE OF VS. ABSTRACT#7061 Joseph D. Blabon, KNOW ALL MEN. BY THESE PRESENTS, that the Merchants Association of San Jose, Ltd.a oorporation of the State of California, hereby certifies and declares that a certainjudgment bearing date of May 15, 1935, entered in the Justice Court of Grandin H.Miller, Justice of Peace of San Jose Township, County of Santa Clara, State ofCalifornia, against Joséph D. Blabon, in favor of the Merchants Association of San:oss,
No person of African, Japanese, Chinese or of any Mongolian descent shall be allowed to purchase, own or lease said real property or any part thereof, or to occupy, except as servants, said real property or any part thereof.
No person of African, Japanese, Chinese or of any Mongolian descent shall be allowed to purchase, own or lease said real property or any part thereof, or to occupy, except as servants, said real property or any part thereof.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]No person of African, Japanese, Chinese or of any Mongolian descent shall be allowed to purchase, own or lease said real property or any part thereof, or to occupy, except as servants, said real property or any part thereof.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]No person of African, Japanese, Chinese or of any Mongolian descent shall be allowed to purchase, own or lease said real property or any part thereof, or to occupy, except as servants, said real property or any part thereof.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n18\nhundred dollars ($2500.00).\nCLAUSE NO. VIII: LIMITATION. OF OWNERSHIPCLAUSE NO. IX: MODIFICATION OF RESTRICTIONSCLAUSE NO.X: VIOLATION OF RESTRICTIONS\nNo person of African, Japanese, Chinese or of any Mongolian descent shallbe allowed to. purchase, own or lease said real property or any part thereof, orto occupy, except as servants, said real property or any part thereof.Any of the-restriotions, conditions, covenants, charges and agreementsconteined in this Declaration may be annulled, waived, changed or modified by writtenconsent duly reoorded of the owners of three-fourths of the area of said tract,Violation of any of the restrictions or conditions or breach of any of thecovenants or agreenents herein contained shall give to each and every owner of landin said Beverly Place, the right to enter upon the property upon or as to which suchviolation or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove, at the expensè ofthe owner thereof, any erection, thing, or condition that may be or exist thereoncontrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof and shall not therebybe deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal.The result of every act or omission whereby any restriction, condition,covenant, or agreement herein conteined is violated in whole or in part is herebydeclared to be and constitute a nuisance, and ezery remedy allowed by law against anuisance, either public or private shall be applicable against every such resultand may be exeroised by any owner of land in said Beverly Place. Such remedyThe provisions contained in this Declaration shall bind and inure to thebenefit of and be enforceable by the owner or owners of any property shown on saidmap, their and each of their legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns,and failure by any property owner or his or her legal representatives, heirs,successors or assigns, to enforce any of such restrictions, conditions, covenantsand agreements herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right\nexclusive of streets.\nshall be deemed cumulative and not exclusive.CLAUSE NO. XI: RIGHT TO ENFORCE\nto do so thereafter.year first hereinabove written.(CORPORATE SBAL)STATE OF CALIFORNIA )COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) SS\nIN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed these presents the day and\nSAN JOSE ABSTRACT & TITLE INSURANCE cO.By L. P. Edwards, PresidentBy T. C. Edwards, Secretary\nOn this 6th day of July in the year one thousandnine hundred and thirty eight, before me, F. W.\nHilton, a Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clera, State of California,residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared L. P. Edwardsand T. C. Edvards, known to me to be the President and Sscretary, respectively,of the corporation desoribed in and' that executed theswithin instrument and alsoknown to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of thecorporation therein named, and aoknowledged to me that such corporation executed theIN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official sealin the County of Santa Çlara, the day and year in this certificate first above\nsame.written.\n(NOTARIAL SEAL)\nF.W. Hilton, Notary Public in and for theCounty of Santa Clara, State of California\nMy commission expires April 14th 1940Jul 15 1938 at 24 min past 4 O'clook P. M.Fee 2.00 17fCompared Doc ARELTOriginal\nFILING NO, 136800CHARLES A. PAYNE RECORDERW. EmlenCompared Book Achulh\nFiled for reoord at the request of Sen Jose Abstract and Title Insurance Co.\nDeputy Recorder\nBBSEESBEBESEBEIEESYESR BEBEBEBEB BEBEBEBEB\nEBEBEBSBEEEBEEB\nIN THE JUSTICE'S COURT OF SAN JOSE TOWNSHIPCOUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIAGrandin H. Miller, JusticePlaintiffDefendant\nMerchants Assooiation of San Jose, Ltd. )\nSATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT AND RELEASE OF\nVS.\nABSTRACT#7061\nJoseph D. Blabon,\nKNOW ALL MEN. BY THESE PRESENTS, that the Merchants Association of San Jose, Ltd.a oorporation of the State of California, hereby certifies and declares that a certainjudgment bearing date of May 15, 1935, entered in the Justice Court of Grandin H.Miller, Justice of Peace of San Jose Township, County of Santa Clara, State ofCalifornia, against Joséph D. Blabon, in favor of the Merchants Association of San:oss,\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]No person of African, Japanese, Chinese or of any Mongolian descent shall be allowed to purchase, own or lease said real property or any part thereof, or to occupy, except as servants, said real property or any part thereof.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]No person of African, Japanese, Chinese or of any Mongolian descent shall be allowed to purchase, own or lease said real property or any part thereof, or to occupy, except as servants, said real property or any part thereof.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DR VOL00604 PAGE299 VOL. 604 #299 A4758STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTON KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of 5723-DOLLARSasfollexk FIFTEEN HUNDRED ($1500,00)AND NO/100. tou us paid and secured to be paid by MARY A. KRAEMER, a single woman 49- HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said MARY A. KRAEMER, a single woman of the County of DALLASTexas, and described as follows, to-wit: State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, BEING LOTS FOUR (4) and FIVE (5) in BLOCK ELEVEN (11) of GARZA-LITTLEEIM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County, Texas, according to themap thereof recorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. the plat This recorded conveyance in is the made Map subject Records ory Denton to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part ofSlal lodge Jots or in, for this non-profc subdivision, or recreational except as hereinafter and excepted any original and described is in Paragraph to 16 herein, to be used only residence,mestic No persono of ofad any race other race than domiciled the Caucasian any race shall or occupy any lot, exceptt that this covenant shallr not prevent County, Texas, and are as follows: 2. No structures shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain loti on restricted anyNo dry toilets cesspools shall be permitted owner or tenant. and sanitary such type building, except 8sbuilding plot other than one detached single building anda aaaoccupancy by do- private garage and/or and other outbuildings. permittedt State thereo B dd EEZ septic lank: on sewerage one or approved lots by the have Countyot the system Denton approved or State bythe Health - No building shallNobuildingshall painted on the shall. be two occupied (2) or used coats untiltile,shingles, concrete or aluminum siding orNoprovided sanitaryThe12. TheseJanuary, 1965, at which. said covenantsjorityof t then14. No structures of any kindM drainage such as hurricanes,orexpressly understood that Lots18. the front EXOEOXO lineo or nearer EKLEKIMNIK to XEKR street line the are line26 from Kboe EmMe lines on e: sfes corner lots= 15 feet. Side building yard setback interior on theTritbe used asa residencetEclaiming under themuntil ma-80 doing,-or intertere d thereof is SEA fnished and, if frameexcept that may be on any lot inshall be not lesst than 600 aquare feet.all partiesor ande subdivision either to 6 prevent! proseçute himnot toSe d paint. exterior material used in structure bebrick, lumber, material, asbes- or nuisance or offensive to ther trade or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, shall anything be done thereon which may be or become No garage, basément nor shall tent, any structure shack or other ofa outbuilding temporary character erected get thelot herein described shall at11, Streets, ground easements floor and alleys any are main reserved structure, as exclusive shown on of open porches andoF to recover damages the or person other 3 for such violation, or attempting t any such as herein set out fully area of be covenants running with the land the recorded and shall plat be of said addition for utility purposes.of tms lotsi itis change covenantsi extended in whole ori suçcessive in part, periods d Ebyuss years unless by binding forE E tbe any parties other hereto, person or or any persons of them, owning or their heirs real property or assigns, shall insaid violate or attempt, to violate any the covenants herein, it shallbeThe Seller or Developers shall aret not to be be moved responsible the Purchaser, subdivision or any lot thereof without thev written corisent of the Seller or Developer.lon I: any lotin Block2 may be occupied bya 5in_Block iler, as set 7and out lpts_in Paragraph Blocks 91 herein. 1 and 2 are reserved for business only, with the excep-HPvalati force and saye one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall inr no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remainTOI HAVE. AND' TO1 HOLD the above deseribed premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there-heirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim thes same, or any part thereof. heavy rains, oods, droughts, te. Purchaser for damagest to thes subdivision çaused by any Act of system, natural'o otherwise,in the subdivision, E obtaining the written permission 1through toi in anywise belonging unto the said MARY A, KRAEMER,, herfend, alls and singular thes said premises unto the said MARY A. KRAEMER, her SMESSNS dasiggbuispgy hoedes ERgpAptrxppemiserExanxtengsB6X1970 Eccluts WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 18t JuneBert BassVera W. Bass AML / SckyZhi 2
DR VOL00604 PAGE299 VOL. 604 #299 A4758STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTON KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of 5723-DOLLARSasfollexk FIFTEEN HUNDRED ($1500,00)AND NO/100. tou us paid and secured to be paid by MARY A. KRAEMER, a single woman 49- HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said MARY A. KRAEMER, a single woman of the County of DALLASTexas, and described as follows, to-wit: State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, BEING LOTS FOUR (4) and FIVE (5) in BLOCK ELEVEN (11) of GARZA-LITTLEEIM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County, Texas, according to themap thereof recorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. the plat This recorded conveyance in is the made Map subject Records ory Denton to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part ofSlal lodge Jots or in, for this non-profc subdivision, or recreational except as hereinafter and excepted any original and described is in Paragraph to 16 herein, to be used only residence,mestic No persono of ofad any race other race than domiciled the Caucasian any race shall or occupy any lot, exceptt that this covenant shallr not prevent County, Texas, and are as follows: 2. No structures shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain loti on restricted anyNo dry toilets cesspools shall be permitted owner or tenant. and sanitary such type building, except 8sbuilding plot other than one detached single building anda aaaoccupancy by do- private garage and/or and other outbuildings. permittedt State thereo B dd EEZ septic lank: on sewerage one or approved lots by the have Countyot the system Denton approved or State bythe Health - No building shallNobuildingshall painted on the shall. be two occupied (2) or used coats untiltile,shingles, concrete or aluminum siding orNoprovided sanitaryThe12. TheseJanuary, 1965, at which. said covenantsjorityof t then14. No structures of any kindM drainage such as hurricanes,orexpressly understood that Lots18. the front EXOEOXO lineo or nearer EKLEKIMNIK to XEKR street line the are line26 from Kboe EmMe lines on e: sfes corner lots= 15 feet. Side building yard setback interior on theTritbe used asa residencetEclaiming under themuntil ma-80 doing,-or intertere d thereof is SEA fnished and, if frameexcept that may be on any lot inshall be not lesst than 600 aquare feet.all partiesor ande subdivision either to 6 prevent! proseçute himnot toSe d paint. exterior material used in structure bebrick, lumber, material, asbes- or nuisance or offensive to ther trade or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, shall anything be done thereon which may be or become No garage, basément nor shall tent, any structure shack or other ofa outbuilding temporary character erected get thelot herein described shall at11, Streets, ground easements floor and alleys any are main reserved structure, as exclusive shown on of open porches andoF to recover damages the or person other 3 for such violation, or attempting t any such as herein set out fully area of be covenants running with the land the recorded and shall plat be of said addition for utility purposes.of tms lotsi itis change covenantsi extended in whole ori suçcessive in part, periods d Ebyuss years unless by binding forE E tbe any parties other hereto, person or or any persons of them, owning or their heirs real property or assigns, shall insaid violate or attempt, to violate any the covenants herein, it shallbeThe Seller or Developers shall aret not to be be moved responsible the Purchaser, subdivision or any lot thereof without thev written corisent of the Seller or Developer.lon I: any lotin Block2 may be occupied bya 5in_Block iler, as set 7and out lpts_in Paragraph Blocks 91 herein. 1 and 2 are reserved for business only, with the excep-HPvalati force and saye one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall inr no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remainTOI HAVE. AND' TO1 HOLD the above deseribed premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there-heirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim thes same, or any part thereof. heavy rains, oods, droughts, te. Purchaser for damagest to thes subdivision çaused by any Act of system, natural'o otherwise,in the subdivision, E obtaining the written permission 1through toi in anywise belonging unto the said MARY A, KRAEMER,, herfend, alls and singular thes said premises unto the said MARY A. KRAEMER, her SMESSNS dasiggbuispgy hoedes ERgpAptrxppemiserExanxtengsB6X1970 Eccluts WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 18t JuneBert BassVera W. Bass AML / SckyZhi 2
3. mestic No person of any race other than the Cauçasian race shall use servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant. or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3. mestic No person of any race other than the Cauçasian race shall use servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant. or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDR VOL00604 PAGE299\nVOL. 604 #299\nA4758STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTON\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE\nPRESENTS:\nTHAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of\n5723-DOLLARSasfollexk\nFIFTEEN HUNDRED ($1500,00)AND NO/100.\ntou us paid and secured to be paid by MARY A. KRAEMER, a\nsingle woman\n49-\nHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said\nMARY A. KRAEMER, a single woman\nof the County of DALLASTexas, and described as follows, to-wit:\nState of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,\nBEING LOTS FOUR (4) and FIVE (5) in BLOCK ELEVEN (11) of GARZA-LITTLEEIM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County, Texas, according to themap thereof recorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of the Map or Plat Records\nof Denton County, Texas.\nthe plat This recorded conveyance in is the made Map subject Records ory Denton to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part ofSlal lodge Jots or in, for this non-profc subdivision, or recreational except as hereinafter and excepted any original and described is in Paragraph to 16 herein, to be used only residence,mestic No persono of ofad any race other race than domiciled the Caucasian any race shall or occupy any lot, exceptt that this covenant shallr not prevent\nCounty, Texas, and are as follows:\n2. No structures shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain loti on restricted anyNo dry toilets cesspools shall be permitted owner or tenant. and sanitary\nsuch type building, except 8sbuilding plot other than one detached single building anda\naaaoccupancy by do-\nprivate garage and/or\nand other\noutbuildings.\npermittedt State thereo B dd EEZ septic lank: on sewerage one or approved lots by the have Countyot the system Denton approved or State bythe Health\n- No building shallNobuildingshall painted on the shall. be two occupied (2) or used coats untiltile,shingles, concrete or aluminum siding orNoprovided sanitaryThe12. TheseJanuary, 1965, at which. said covenantsjorityof t then14. No structures of any kindM drainage such as hurricanes,orexpressly understood that Lots18.\nthe front EXOEOXO lineo or nearer EKLEKIMNIK to XEKR street line the\nare line26 from Kboe EmMe lines on e: sfes corner lots= 15 feet. Side building yard setback\ninterior on theTritbe used asa residencetEclaiming under themuntil ma-80 doing,-or intertere d\n\nthereof is SEA\nfnished and, if frameexcept that may be on any lot inshall be not lesst than 600 aquare feet.all partiesor ande subdivision either to 6 prevent! proseçute himnot toSe\nd paint. exterior material used in structure bebrick, lumber, material, asbes-\nor nuisance or offensive to ther trade or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, shall anything be done thereon which may be or become\nNo garage, basément nor shall tent, any structure shack or other ofa outbuilding temporary character erected get thelot herein described shall at11, Streets, ground easements floor and alleys any are main reserved structure, as exclusive shown on of open porches andoF to recover damages the or person other 3 for such violation, or attempting t any such\nas herein set out fully\narea of\nbe covenants running with the land the recorded and shall plat be of said addition for utility purposes.of tms lotsi itis change covenantsi extended in whole ori suçcessive in part, periods d Ebyuss years unless by\nbinding forE \nE tbe any parties other hereto, person or or any persons of them, owning or their heirs real property or assigns, shall insaid violate or attempt, to violate any the covenants herein, it shallbeThe Seller or Developers shall aret not to be be moved responsible the Purchaser, subdivision or any lot thereof without thev written corisent of the Seller or Developer.lon I: any lotin Block2 may be occupied bya 5in_Block iler, as set 7and out lpts_in Paragraph Blocks 91 herein. 1 and 2 are reserved for business only, with the excep-HPvalati force and saye one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall inr no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remainTOI HAVE. AND' TO1 HOLD the above deseribed premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there-heirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim thes same, or any part thereof.\nheavy rains, oods, droughts, te. Purchaser for damagest to thes subdivision çaused by any Act of\nsystem, natural'o otherwise,in the subdivision, E obtaining the written permission\n1through\ntoi in anywise belonging unto the said MARY A, KRAEMER,, herfend, alls and singular thes said premises unto the said MARY A. KRAEMER, her\nSMESSNS\ndasiggbuispgy hoedes\nERgpAptrxppemiserExanxtengsB6X1970\nEccluts\nWITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 18t\nJuneBert BassVera W. Bass\nAML / SckyZhi 2\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3. mestic No person of any race other than the Cauçasian race shall use\nservants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant. or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DRVOL00476PAGE10 vaz 476 PAEE 10 STATE COUNTY OF OF TEXAS DENTON KNOW ALLI MEN: BY THESE PRESENTS: 9975 THAT I,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter deseribed property ismys separate estate and is not now, nor hasi ite ever been, any part of my residential or business homestead), for and inc consideration of thes sum of ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100 ($1,500.00) DOLLARS .to me paid and secured tol be paid by SAM HOUSTON HUFFMAN and wife, FLORENCE MARGARET HUFFMAN, as follows: THREE HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($300.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which hereby acknowledged, and the execution and delivery by the said SAM HOUSTON HUFFMAN is and wife, FLORENCE MARGARET HUFFMAN, of their First Vendor's Lien Note, of even date to the order of T.. K. IRWIN, in the principal sum of ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED herewith, payable DOLIARS ($1,200.00); said: note being payable in quarterly installments of ONE AND HUNDRED NO/100 AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($100.00) each, plus interest at the rate of Six Per Cent (6%) payable. quatterly as it accrues on the unpaid principal balance; the first per annum, ment being due and payable on October 15, 1961, and a like installment quarterly install- being due and payable on the 15th day of each third month thereafter until said note interest thereon. The above described note is further secured is by paid a Deed in full, Trust together with of even of date herewith to T.. K. IRWIN, JR., TRUSTEE. HAVE GRANTED; SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto thes said SAM HOUSTON HUFFMAN and wife, FLORENCE MARGARET HUFFMAN, oft the County of Dallas State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, Texas, andd described asf follows, to-wit: IOT TEN (10)- in BLOCK FIFTEEN (15), GARZA-LITTIE EIM LAKE addition in. Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof recorded ESTATES, in an Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. the plat This recorded in is the made Map Records subject oryt to Denton the restrictive County, Texas, convenants, and are conditions asf follows: and reservations which are made part of L. in_this subdivision, n-profit Phs as hereinafter urposes, excepted original and deseribed lot is in - ES au sucht herein, type only shall bee erected, altered, permitted placed or to on any building ploto other than oned private and/or single building anda and cstlor Caucagian with any shall useo or occupy any lot, thatt thise covenants shall not prevent by do- No dryt toilets re cesspools thereon shall permittea ad dgt biet my: sanitary PEEN S Comkets system approved Bl Denton or - or State Health Department. A A E E assigns, too ora br be approved water organization by_the State Department of Health. time_tle the S hel ths ecin R E is" e mnea oos smen Seller - that in E s - thereof building ons - 5 inf - hed Plat lots are lnclade E above restrietions.) gr thes une m Bunt building lines on serdal thes shall be-erected thefr nearer street lineshown yard ors Eueta outside shall. be two occupiedo (2)C or used until orr roofing. 2533 material used in structures E Erame lumber, thereofi is-completely finished, and,ifframe - tile, concrete or ance or or offensive tot the trade iy shall be carried on upon anyl lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may beor become No garage, that shall tent, any or other erected gt used deseribeds shallatany.t time be-useda residencet trailers may_be Ba on lotin Deae anitary restrictions as out fully WEh." Streets, ground floor area and of any main' are reserved structure, as exclusive on ofopen recorded porches platof and garages, shall ber for utility less than 600 square feet. all parties purposes. claiming them 12n These e restrictions tpes el covenants said running at. land mati shall beb o ownersoE E lotsi is to said al bms years unless ofa atI E whole orin E fbe any other hereto, person or of gr their heirs assigns, shall insaid violate &eve attempt,t to violate the A ande either e DES CAIEE from doing, hereinits Guer such ot tot gainst Nos structures ofa any kind are_to moved be be or any lot thereof ssigns, for the written ofthe Seller or Developer. ash natural' con otherwise, the b F E hcls taining the written ser not 15. Seller caused way AtS SRe Hon Eba ET Block lerstood may that Lots through bya inE trailer, Block as set 7a and Al lots_in Blocks end2 are reserved for Saler business only, with the excep- Mvaldetioa effey one of thesec covenants by judgment shalli inr no wisea affect anyofthe other provisions which shall remain 18. The following is hereby added to Paragraph "6" above: Lots 9 and 10 in Block 15, orLots 8, 9 and 10 in Block 15, may be considered as a single unit for the building restrictions if a single residence or other outbuilding is built on purpose both Lots of 9and 10, or on the three lots, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 15, hereinabove described. TOHAVE AND' TOI HOLDt thea above deseribed premises, together with alla ands singular thez rights and appurtenances there- toina anywise belonging unto the said SAM HOUSTON HUFFMAN and wife, FLORENCE MARGARET HUFFMAN, their heirs and assigns forever andI Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fEry ands singular the said premises untot thes said SAM HOUSTON HUFFMAN and wife,FLORENCE MARGARET HUFFMAN, /heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim thes same, or any part thereof. andi improvements, But iti is expressly until agreed thea above and described stipulated note(s), that the and Vendor's all interest Lieni is retained are against the above described fully paid according to the propeiy. and tenor, premises effect and reading, when this deed shall become absolute, WITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. Ist 19.61. Iune rwin
DRVOL00476PAGE10 vaz 476 PAEE 10 STATE COUNTY OF OF TEXAS DENTON KNOW ALLI MEN: BY THESE PRESENTS: 9975 THAT I,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter deseribed property ismys separate estate and is not now, nor hasi ite ever been, any part of my residential or business homestead), for and inc consideration of thes sum of ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100 ($1,500.00) DOLLARS .to me paid and secured tol be paid by SAM HOUSTON HUFFMAN and wife, FLORENCE MARGARET HUFFMAN, as follows: THREE HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($300.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which hereby acknowledged, and the execution and delivery by the said SAM HOUSTON HUFFMAN is and wife, FLORENCE MARGARET HUFFMAN, of their First Vendor's Lien Note, of even date to the order of T.. K. IRWIN, in the principal sum of ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED herewith, payable DOLIARS ($1,200.00); said: note being payable in quarterly installments of ONE AND HUNDRED NO/100 AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($100.00) each, plus interest at the rate of Six Per Cent (6%) payable. quatterly as it accrues on the unpaid principal balance; the first per annum, ment being due and payable on October 15, 1961, and a like installment quarterly install- being due and payable on the 15th day of each third month thereafter until said note interest thereon. The above described note is further secured is by paid a Deed in full, Trust together with of even of date herewith to T.. K. IRWIN, JR., TRUSTEE. HAVE GRANTED; SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto thes said SAM HOUSTON HUFFMAN and wife, FLORENCE MARGARET HUFFMAN, oft the County of Dallas State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, Texas, andd described asf follows, to-wit: IOT TEN (10)- in BLOCK FIFTEEN (15), GARZA-LITTIE EIM LAKE addition in. Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof recorded ESTATES, in an Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. the plat This recorded in is the made Map Records subject oryt to Denton the restrictive County, Texas, convenants, and are conditions asf follows: and reservations which are made part of L. in_this subdivision, n-profit Phs as hereinafter urposes, excepted original and deseribed lot is in - ES au sucht herein, type only shall bee erected, altered, permitted placed or to on any building ploto other than oned private and/or single building anda and cstlor Caucagian with any shall useo or occupy any lot, thatt thise covenants shall not prevent by do- No dryt toilets re cesspools thereon shall permittea ad dgt biet my: sanitary PEEN S Comkets system approved Bl Denton or - or State Health Department. A A E E assigns, too ora br be approved water organization by_the State Department of Health. time_tle the S hel ths ecin R E is" e mnea oos smen Seller - that in E s - thereof building ons - 5 inf - hed Plat lots are lnclade E above restrietions.) gr thes une m Bunt building lines on serdal thes shall be-erected thefr nearer street lineshown yard ors Eueta outside shall. be two occupiedo (2)C or used until orr roofing. 2533 material used in structures E Erame lumber, thereofi is-completely finished, and,ifframe - tile, concrete or ance or or offensive tot the trade iy shall be carried on upon anyl lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may beor become No garage, that shall tent, any or other erected gt used deseribeds shallatany.t time be-useda residencet trailers may_be Ba on lotin Deae anitary restrictions as out fully WEh." Streets, ground floor area and of any main' are reserved structure, as exclusive on ofopen recorded porches platof and garages, shall ber for utility less than 600 square feet. all parties purposes. claiming them 12n These e restrictions tpes el covenants said running at. land mati shall beb o ownersoE E lotsi is to said al bms years unless ofa atI E whole orin E fbe any other hereto, person or of gr their heirs assigns, shall insaid violate &eve attempt,t to violate the A ande either e DES CAIEE from doing, hereinits Guer such ot tot gainst Nos structures ofa any kind are_to moved be be or any lot thereof ssigns, for the written ofthe Seller or Developer. ash natural' con otherwise, the b F E hcls taining the written ser not 15. Seller caused way AtS SRe Hon Eba ET Block lerstood may that Lots through bya inE trailer, Block as set 7a and Al lots_in Blocks end2 are reserved for Saler business only, with the excep- Mvaldetioa effey one of thesec covenants by judgment shalli inr no wisea affect anyofthe other provisions which shall remain 18. The following is hereby added to Paragraph "6" above: Lots 9 and 10 in Block 15, orLots 8, 9 and 10 in Block 15, may be considered as a single unit for the building restrictions if a single residence or other outbuilding is built on purpose both Lots of 9and 10, or on the three lots, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 15, hereinabove described. TOHAVE AND' TOI HOLDt thea above deseribed premises, together with alla ands singular thez rights and appurtenances there- toina anywise belonging unto the said SAM HOUSTON HUFFMAN and wife, FLORENCE MARGARET HUFFMAN, their heirs and assigns forever andI Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fEry ands singular the said premises untot thes said SAM HOUSTON HUFFMAN and wife,FLORENCE MARGARET HUFFMAN, /heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim thes same, or any part thereof. andi improvements, But iti is expressly until agreed thea above and described stipulated note(s), that the and Vendor's all interest Lieni is retained are against the above described fully paid according to the propeiy. and tenor, premises effect and reading, when this deed shall become absolute, WITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. Ist 19.61. Iune rwin
3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any except that lot, this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any except that lot, this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDRVOL00476PAGE10\nvaz 476 PAEE 10\nSTATE COUNTY OF OF TEXAS DENTON\nKNOW ALLI MEN: BY THESE PRESENTS:\n9975\nTHAT I,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter deseribed\nproperty ismys separate estate and is not now, nor hasi ite ever been, any part of my residential or business homestead),\nfor and\ninc consideration of thes sum of\nONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100\n($1,500.00)\nDOLLARS\ me paid and secured tol be paid by\nSAM HOUSTON HUFFMAN and wife, FLORENCE MARGARET HUFFMAN,\nas follows:\nTHREE HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($300.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which\nhereby acknowledged, and the execution and delivery by the said SAM HOUSTON HUFFMAN is\nand wife,\nFLORENCE MARGARET HUFFMAN, of their First Vendor's Lien Note, of even date\nto the order of T.. K. IRWIN, in the principal sum of ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED herewith, payable\nDOLIARS ($1,200.00); said: note being payable in quarterly installments of ONE AND HUNDRED NO/100\nAND\nNO/100 DOLIARS ($100.00) each, plus interest at the rate of Six Per Cent (6%)\npayable. quatterly as it accrues on the unpaid principal balance; the first per annum,\nment being due and payable on October 15, 1961, and a like installment quarterly install-\nbeing due and payable\non the 15th day of each third month thereafter until said note\ninterest thereon. The above described note is further secured is by paid a Deed in full, Trust together with\nof even\nof\ndate herewith to T.. K. IRWIN, JR., TRUSTEE.\nHAVE GRANTED; SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto thes said\nSAM HOUSTON HUFFMAN and wife, FLORENCE MARGARET HUFFMAN,\noft the County of\nDallas State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton\nCounty,\nTexas, andd described asf follows, to-wit:\nIOT TEN (10)- in BLOCK FIFTEEN (15), GARZA-LITTIE EIM LAKE\naddition in. Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof recorded ESTATES, in an Volume\n2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas.\nthe plat This recorded in is the made Map Records subject oryt to Denton the restrictive County, Texas, convenants, and are conditions asf follows: and reservations which are made part of\nL. in_this subdivision, n-profit\n Phs\nas hereinafter urposes, excepted original and deseribed lot is in\n- ES au\nsucht herein, type\nonly\nshall bee erected, altered,\npermitted\nplaced or\nto\non any building ploto other than oned\nprivate and/or\nsingle building anda\nand\ncstlor\nCaucagian with any shall useo or occupy any lot, thatt thise covenants shall not prevent\nby do-\nNo dryt toilets re cesspools thereon shall permittea ad dgt biet my: sanitary\nPEEN S Comkets system approved Bl\nDenton or\n-\nor State Health Department.\nA\nA\n\n E E\nassigns, too ora br be approved water organization by_the State Department of Health. time_tle the S hel\nths ecin R\nE is\"\n e\nmnea oos smen\n\n Seller - that in\nE\ns\n\n-\nthereof\nbuilding ons\n- 5\ninf\n\n-\nhed\nPlat lots are lnclade E above restrietions.) gr thes une m Bunt building lines on serdal\nthes\nshall be-erected\nthefr\nnearer\nstreet\nlineshown\nyard\nors Eueta outside shall. be two occupiedo (2)C or used until\norr roofing. 2533 material used in structures E Erame lumber, \nthereofi is-completely finished, and,ifframe\n- tile, concrete or\nance or or offensive tot the trade iy shall be carried on upon anyl lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may beor become\nNo garage, that shall tent, any or other\nerected gt used\ndeseribeds shallatany.t time be-useda residencet\ntrailers may_be Ba on lotin\nDeae anitary restrictions as out fully\nWEh.\"\nStreets, ground floor area and of any main' are reserved structure, as exclusive on ofopen recorded porches platof and garages, shall ber for utility less than 600 square feet.\nall parties purposes. claiming them\n12n These e restrictions tpes el covenants said running at. land mati shall beb\no ownersoE E lotsi is to said\nal bms years unless ofa atI\nE\nwhole orin\nE fbe any other hereto, person or of gr their heirs assigns, shall insaid violate &eve attempt,t to violate the\nA\nande either e DES CAIEE from doing,\nhereinits\nGuer such ot\ntot gainst\nNos structures ofa any kind are_to\nmoved\nbe be\nor any lot thereof ssigns, for the written ofthe Seller or Developer.\nash natural' con otherwise, the b F E hcls taining the written ser not\n15. Seller\ncaused way AtS SRe\nHon Eba ET Block lerstood may that Lots through bya inE trailer, Block as set 7a and Al lots_in Blocks end2 are reserved for Saler business only, with the excep-\nMvaldetioa effey one of thesec covenants by judgment\nshalli inr no wisea affect anyofthe other provisions which shall remain\n18. The following is hereby added to Paragraph \"6\" above: Lots 9 and 10 in Block\n15,\norLots 8, 9 and 10 in Block 15, may be considered as a single unit for the\nbuilding restrictions if a single residence or other outbuilding is built on purpose both Lots of\n9and 10, or on the three lots, 8, 9 and 10, in Block 15, hereinabove described.\nTOHAVE AND' TOI HOLDt thea above deseribed premises, together with alla ands singular thez rights and appurtenances there-\ntoina anywise belonging unto the said SAM HOUSTON HUFFMAN and wife, FLORENCE MARGARET HUFFMAN, their\nheirs and assigns forever andI Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-\nfEry ands singular the said premises untot thes said SAM HOUSTON HUFFMAN and wife,FLORENCE MARGARET\nHUFFMAN,\n/heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim thes same, or any part thereof.\nandi improvements, But iti is expressly until agreed thea above and described stipulated note(s), that the and Vendor's all interest Lieni is retained are against the above described\nfully paid according to the propeiy. and tenor,\npremises\neffect and reading, when this deed shall become absolute,\nWITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. Ist\n19.61.\nIune\nrwin", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any except that\nlot,\nthis covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-\nmestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 17 Certificate As To Residence. The undersigned hereby certifies that the precise residence of the grantee_ herein namedis/are as follows: Paul J. Perry and Mary M. Perry, Second Ward, New Castle, Lawrence County,Pennsylvania, W. Clayton' Bryan and Helen E. Bryan, Fourth Ward, City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. Marshall G. MathenyAttorney for GranteesBUILDING RESTRICTIONSFOR Building RestrictionsforForest Hills PlanFrank G. Smith,et. ux.,OwnersEnt. Dec. 3, 1941 FOREST HILLS PLAN OF LOTS OF THE FIFTH WARD, BOROUGH OFELLWOOD CITY, LAWRENCE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIAWHEREAS, there is being recorded herewith a certain plot orplan of lots sit tuate, lying and being in the Fifth Ward of theBorough of Ellwood City, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, and knownand designated as the Forest Hills Plan, the same being enteredof record in the Recorder's Office of Lawrence County in Plot Book Volume 10, page 39. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that FRANK G. SMITH, joined herein by Bessie E. Smith,his wife,the owner of said tract of land 1 which the Forest Hills Plan is a part, do hereby çcove-nant and agree with KENNETH E. FOX, Trustee, for the benefit of future owners of lots includedwithin said plan, their heirs' and assigns; that all conveyances of lots within said Forest HillsPlan shall be under and subject to the following building restrictions,as fully and effectuallyas though the same may be actually included in the said deeds of conveyance. It being the in-tention that the said restrictions herein set forth shall to all intents and purposes be and be-come a part of the deed of conveyance conveying each and every numbered lot designat ted upon thesaid recorded plan, and that in each instance the delivery of any such deed of conveyance is underwiand subject to the several restrictions herein enumberated, as follows, namely:-1. These restrictions shall be binding upon all persons until January 1, 1966, and all theprovisions herein contained shall bind and inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by theoriginal Grantor and by any of his successors in title in said allotment or allotments, theirlegal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns for the enforcement of which all remedies in2. Sald Réal Estate shall be used exclusively, for private dwelling purposes and no buildingshall be erected upon any building lot except one detached dwelling and necessary garage whichshall correspond in construction and materials to the dwelling house; and no business or occupation.for gain shall be conductèd or carried on any. lot or part of lot within said plan or in any room orfpart of any building thereon erected, except in that part, of the plen designated for commercial3. No lot désignated upon said plan may be subdivided in such manner as shall have the effectof reducing the area- of a lot intended. for residence purposes; subdivision, however, is a per-4. Ownership and occupancy of any lot or part of lot designated in the said plan shall belimited to members of pure Caucasian Races, this restriction, however, shall not be deemed to mean5. No building shall be set nearer the street line than the building line indicated upon theblan, which restriction shall extend to and include enolosed porches or other projections whichpbstruct the neighborhood view; nor shall any structure be erected nearer to the property line than6. No temporary structure of any kind shall be erected or maintained upon the premises or any ofothem, or may any structure other than the contemplated dwelling house be used or maintained fortemporary residence purposes; and all restrictions herein contained relating 'to construction andmaintenance shall be deemed to extend to yand to include the removal of buildings or structures froms7. No billboards or advertising signs of any description shall be permitted upon said premisessor upon any street, highway, land or easement included within the boundary or boundaries of saidplans,, which restriction shall be perpetual and shall not expire by limitation of time.8. No dwelling costing less than four thousand ($4000.00) dollars shall be erected within said9.The herein enumerated restrictions and limitations shall be deemed to be covenants running10. No fence, hedge or anything in the nature thereof higher than three feet from the groundshall be maintained beside, back of, in front of or along the property line or lines of any of said11. No building or other structure shall be commenced, erected or maintained, or any additionattached thereto, or alteration made therein, until the plans and specifications, showing the naturekind, design and location of same upon the lot, be exhibited to the original grantor or thetrustee herein named, his successors or assigns, and the erection or construction of such structureor improvement may not be made if the same is disapproved by any municipal authority having controlof such buildings, and if there be no such authority then by the majority of the owners of lots,12. The. minimum floor space for dwellings erected on said plan shall be as follows: law or equity shall be available. purposes, which restriction shall not be deemed to meanhousehold employees.missable where the resultingparts are to be added to other full sized lots. lomestic servants or other bona fide household employees. five feet distant location to another. plan. with the land and not as conditions thereto. lots. residing on said immediate plan, or their duly constituted committee.
17 Certificate As To Residence. The undersigned hereby certifies that the precise residence of the grantee_ herein namedis/are as follows: Paul J. Perry and Mary M. Perry, Second Ward, New Castle, Lawrence County,Pennsylvania, W. Clayton' Bryan and Helen E. Bryan, Fourth Ward, City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. Marshall G. MathenyAttorney for GranteesBUILDING RESTRICTIONSFOR Building RestrictionsforForest Hills PlanFrank G. Smith,et. ux.,OwnersEnt. Dec. 3, 1941 FOREST HILLS PLAN OF LOTS OF THE FIFTH WARD, BOROUGH OFELLWOOD CITY, LAWRENCE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIAWHEREAS, there is being recorded herewith a certain plot orplan of lots sit tuate, lying and being in the Fifth Ward of theBorough of Ellwood City, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, and knownand designated as the Forest Hills Plan, the same being enteredof record in the Recorder's Office of Lawrence County in Plot Book Volume 10, page 39. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that FRANK G. SMITH, joined herein by Bessie E. Smith,his wife,the owner of said tract of land 1 which the Forest Hills Plan is a part, do hereby çcove-nant and agree with KENNETH E. FOX, Trustee, for the benefit of future owners of lots includedwithin said plan, their heirs' and assigns; that all conveyances of lots within said Forest HillsPlan shall be under and subject to the following building restrictions,as fully and effectuallyas though the same may be actually included in the said deeds of conveyance. It being the in-tention that the said restrictions herein set forth shall to all intents and purposes be and be-come a part of the deed of conveyance conveying each and every numbered lot designat ted upon thesaid recorded plan, and that in each instance the delivery of any such deed of conveyance is underwiand subject to the several restrictions herein enumberated, as follows, namely:-1. These restrictions shall be binding upon all persons until January 1, 1966, and all theprovisions herein contained shall bind and inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by theoriginal Grantor and by any of his successors in title in said allotment or allotments, theirlegal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns for the enforcement of which all remedies in2. Sald Réal Estate shall be used exclusively, for private dwelling purposes and no buildingshall be erected upon any building lot except one detached dwelling and necessary garage whichshall correspond in construction and materials to the dwelling house; and no business or occupation.for gain shall be conductèd or carried on any. lot or part of lot within said plan or in any room orfpart of any building thereon erected, except in that part, of the plen designated for commercial3. No lot désignated upon said plan may be subdivided in such manner as shall have the effectof reducing the area- of a lot intended. for residence purposes; subdivision, however, is a per-4. Ownership and occupancy of any lot or part of lot designated in the said plan shall belimited to members of pure Caucasian Races, this restriction, however, shall not be deemed to mean5. No building shall be set nearer the street line than the building line indicated upon theblan, which restriction shall extend to and include enolosed porches or other projections whichpbstruct the neighborhood view; nor shall any structure be erected nearer to the property line than6. No temporary structure of any kind shall be erected or maintained upon the premises or any ofothem, or may any structure other than the contemplated dwelling house be used or maintained fortemporary residence purposes; and all restrictions herein contained relating 'to construction andmaintenance shall be deemed to extend to yand to include the removal of buildings or structures froms7. No billboards or advertising signs of any description shall be permitted upon said premisessor upon any street, highway, land or easement included within the boundary or boundaries of saidplans,, which restriction shall be perpetual and shall not expire by limitation of time.8. No dwelling costing less than four thousand ($4000.00) dollars shall be erected within said9.The herein enumerated restrictions and limitations shall be deemed to be covenants running10. No fence, hedge or anything in the nature thereof higher than three feet from the groundshall be maintained beside, back of, in front of or along the property line or lines of any of said11. No building or other structure shall be commenced, erected or maintained, or any additionattached thereto, or alteration made therein, until the plans and specifications, showing the naturekind, design and location of same upon the lot, be exhibited to the original grantor or thetrustee herein named, his successors or assigns, and the erection or construction of such structureor improvement may not be made if the same is disapproved by any municipal authority having controlof such buildings, and if there be no such authority then by the majority of the owners of lots,12. The. minimum floor space for dwellings erected on said plan shall be as follows: law or equity shall be available. purposes, which restriction shall not be deemed to meanhousehold employees.missable where the resultingparts are to be added to other full sized lots. lomestic servants or other bona fide household employees. five feet distant location to another. plan. with the land and not as conditions thereto. lots. residing on said immediate plan, or their duly constituted committee.
4. Ownership and occupancy of any lot or part of lot designated in the said plan shall be imited to members of pure Caucasian Races, this restriction, however, shall not be deemed to mean domestic servants or other bona fide household employees.
4. Ownership and occupancy of any lot or part of lot designated in the said plan shall be limited to members of pure Caucasian Race, this restriction, however, shall not be deemed to mean domestic servants or other bona fide household employees.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]4. Ownership and occupancy of any lot or part of lot designated in the said plan shall be imited to members of pure Caucasian Races, this restriction, however, shall not be deemed to mean domestic servants or other bona fide household employees. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]4. Ownership and occupancy of any lot or part of lot designated in the said plan shall be limited to members of pure Caucasian Race, this restriction, however, shall not be deemed to mean domestic servants or other bona fide household employees.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n17\nCertificate As To Residence.\nThe undersigned hereby certifies that the precise residence of the grantee_ herein namedis/are as follows: Paul J. Perry and Mary M. Perry, Second Ward, New Castle, Lawrence County,Pennsylvania, W. Clayton' Bryan and Helen E. Bryan, Fourth Ward, City of New Castle, Lawrence\nCounty, Pennsylvania.\nMarshall G. MathenyAttorney for GranteesBUILDING RESTRICTIONSFOR\nBuilding RestrictionsforForest Hills PlanFrank G. Smith,et. ux.,OwnersEnt. Dec. 3, 1941\nFOREST HILLS PLAN OF LOTS OF THE FIFTH WARD, BOROUGH OFELLWOOD CITY, LAWRENCE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIAWHEREAS, there is being recorded herewith a certain plot orplan of lots sit tuate, lying and being in the Fifth Ward of theBorough of Ellwood City, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, and knownand designated as the Forest Hills Plan, the same being enteredof record in the Recorder's Office of Lawrence County in Plot\nBook Volume 10, page 39.\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that FRANK G. SMITH, joined herein by Bessie E. Smith,his wife,the owner of said tract of land 1 which the Forest Hills Plan is a part, do hereby çcove-nant and agree with KENNETH E. FOX, Trustee, for the benefit of future owners of lots includedwithin said plan, their heirs' and assigns; that all conveyances of lots within said Forest HillsPlan shall be under and subject to the following building restrictions,as fully and effectuallyas though the same may be actually included in the said deeds of conveyance. It being the in-tention that the said restrictions herein set forth shall to all intents and purposes be and be-come a part of the deed of conveyance conveying each and every numbered lot designat ted upon thesaid recorded plan, and that in each instance the delivery of any such deed of conveyance is underwiand subject to the several restrictions herein enumberated, as follows, namely:-1. These restrictions shall be binding upon all persons until January 1, 1966, and all theprovisions herein contained shall bind and inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by theoriginal Grantor and by any of his successors in title in said allotment or allotments, theirlegal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns for the enforcement of which all remedies in2. Sald Réal Estate shall be used exclusively, for private dwelling purposes and no buildingshall be erected upon any building lot except one detached dwelling and necessary garage whichshall correspond in construction and materials to the dwelling house; and no business or occupation.for gain shall be conductèd or carried on any. lot or part of lot within said plan or in any room orfpart of any building thereon erected, except in that part, of the plen designated for commercial3. No lot désignated upon said plan may be subdivided in such manner as shall have the effectof reducing the area- of a lot intended. for residence purposes; subdivision, however, is a per-4. Ownership and occupancy of any lot or part of lot designated in the said plan shall belimited to members of pure Caucasian Races, this restriction, however, shall not be deemed to mean5. No building shall be set nearer the street line than the building line indicated upon theblan, which restriction shall extend to and include enolosed porches or other projections whichpbstruct the neighborhood view; nor shall any structure be erected nearer to the property line than6. No temporary structure of any kind shall be erected or maintained upon the premises or any ofothem, or may any structure other than the contemplated dwelling house be used or maintained fortemporary residence purposes; and all restrictions herein contained relating 'to construction andmaintenance shall be deemed to extend to yand to include the removal of buildings or structures froms7. No billboards or advertising signs of any description shall be permitted upon said premisessor upon any street, highway, land or easement included within the boundary or boundaries of saidplans,, which restriction shall be perpetual and shall not expire by limitation of time.8. No dwelling costing less than four thousand ($4000.00) dollars shall be erected within said9.The herein enumerated restrictions and limitations shall be deemed to be covenants running10. No fence, hedge or anything in the nature thereof higher than three feet from the groundshall be maintained beside, back of, in front of or along the property line or lines of any of said11. No building or other structure shall be commenced, erected or maintained, or any additionattached thereto, or alteration made therein, until the plans and specifications, showing the naturekind, design and location of same upon the lot, be exhibited to the original grantor or thetrustee herein named, his successors or assigns, and the erection or construction of such structureor improvement may not be made if the same is disapproved by any municipal authority having controlof such buildings, and if there be no such authority then by the majority of the owners of lots,12. The. minimum floor space for dwellings erected on said plan shall be as follows:\nlaw or equity shall be available.\npurposes, which restriction shall not be deemed to meanhousehold employees.missable where the resultingparts are to be added to other full sized lots.\nlomestic servants or other bona fide household employees.\nfive feet distant location to another.\nplan.\nwith the land and not as conditions thereto.\nlots.\nresiding on said immediate plan, or their duly constituted committee.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]4. Ownership and occupancy of any lot or part of lot designated in the said plan shall be\nimited to members of pure Caucasian Races, this restriction, however, shall not be deemed to mean\ndomestic servants or other bona fide household employees.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]4. Ownership and occupancy of any lot or part of lot designated in the said plan shall be limited to members of pure Caucasian Race, this restriction, however, shall not be deemed to mean domestic servants or other bona fide household employees.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL8046 PAG:5-18 ation of Corning Place to the parcel of land eighty (80) foet long by forty (40) feet wide situated upon the shore of Lake Erie, shown upon said plat; nor nearer than seventy-five (75) feet from said parcel eighty (80) feet by forty (40) feet situated upon the shore of Lake Erie. (Covenants and restrictions anplying to all of said lots) 11. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either at wholesale or retail, upon said prenises. 12. No barn in which horses, cowS or other animals are to be kept shall be erected or maintained upon said premises. 13. No nuisance, advertising sign, bill board or other advertisement or advertising device, except signs for the sale of said property, shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain unon said premnises. 14. The undivided one-twenty-fourth (1/24) interest in the Said parcel on Lake Erie and in the ten (10) foot strip leading thereto from Corning Place, which parcel and strip are more particulerly described as Parcel "B" in the description hereof shall not, nor shall any part thereof be sold separate and anart from said part of sublot No. 14 described as Parcel "A" hereof, except to other Owners of lots in The Standard Land Comoany's Subdivision; nor shall any of the property con- veyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person or persons not of a Caucasian race. 15. The Grantee agrees to share prorata with other owners in common of the ten (10) foot strip and of the parcel eighty (80) feet long by forty (40) feet wide situated on the shore of Lake Erie, in the expense of protecting and maintaining the same in paying any taxes or assessments levied thereon, 16. The Grantee agrees to permit the Grantor to enter upon any portion of the premises above described for the purpose of installing 7
VOL8046 PAG:5-18 ation of Corning Place to the parcel of land eighty (80) foet long by forty (40) feet wide situated upon the shore of Lake Erie, shown upon said plat; nor nearer than seventy-five (75) feet from said parcel eighty (80) feet by forty (40) feet situated upon the shore of Lake Erie. (Covenants and restrictions anplying to all of said lots) 11. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either at wholesale or retail, upon said prenises. 12. No barn in which horses, cowS or other animals are to be kept shall be erected or maintained upon said premises. 13. No nuisance, advertising sign, bill board or other advertisement or advertising device, except signs for the sale of said property, shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain unon said premnises. 14. The undivided one-twenty-fourth (1/24) interest in the Said parcel on Lake Erie and in the ten (10) foot strip leading thereto from Corning Place, which parcel and strip are more particulerly described as Parcel "B" in the description hereof shall not, nor shall any part thereof be sold separate and anart from said part of sublot No. 14 described as Parcel "A" hereof, except to other Owners of lots in The Standard Land Comoany's Subdivision; nor shall any of the property con- veyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person or persons not of a Caucasian race. 15. The Grantee agrees to share prorata with other owners in common of the ten (10) foot strip and of the parcel eighty (80) feet long by forty (40) feet wide situated on the shore of Lake Erie, in the expense of protecting and maintaining the same in paying any taxes or assessments levied thereon, 16. The Grantee agrees to permit the Grantor to enter upon any portion of the premises above described for the purpose of installing 7
Standard Land Company's Subdivision; nor shall any of the property con- veyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person or persons not of a Caucasian race.
nor shall any of the property conveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person or persons not of a Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]Standard Land Company's Subdivision; nor shall any of the property con- veyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person or persons not of a Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]nor shall any of the property conveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person or persons not of a Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL8046 PAG:5-18\nation of Corning Place to the parcel of land eighty (80) foet long by\nforty (40) feet wide situated upon the shore of Lake Erie, shown upon\nsaid plat; nor nearer than seventy-five (75) feet from said parcel\neighty (80) feet by forty (40) feet situated upon the shore of Lake\nErie.\n(Covenants and restrictions anplying\nto all of said lots)\n11. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured\nor sold, either at wholesale or retail, upon said prenises.\n12. No barn in which horses, cowS or other animals are to be kept\nshall be erected or maintained upon said premises.\n13. No nuisance, advertising sign, bill board or other advertisement\nor advertising device, except signs for the sale of said property, shall\nbe erected, placed or suffered to remain unon said premnises.\n14. The undivided one-twenty-fourth (1/24) interest in the Said\nparcel on Lake Erie and in the ten (10) foot strip leading thereto\nfrom Corning Place, which parcel and strip are more particulerly described\nas Parcel \"B\" in the description hereof shall not, nor shall any part\nthereof be sold separate and anart from said part of sublot No. 14\ndescribed as Parcel \"A\" hereof, except to other Owners of lots in The\nStandard Land Comoany's Subdivision; nor shall any of the property con-\nveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person\nor persons not of a Caucasian race.\n15. The Grantee agrees to share prorata with other owners in common\nof the ten (10) foot strip and of the parcel eighty (80) feet long\nby forty (40) feet wide situated on the shore of Lake Erie, in the\nexpense of protecting and maintaining the same in paying any taxes or\nassessments levied thereon,\n16. The Grantee agrees to permit the Grantor to enter upon any\nportion of the premises above described for the purpose of installing\n7", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]Standard Land Company's Subdivision; nor shall any of the property con-\nveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person\nor persons not of a Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]nor shall any of the property conveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person or persons not of a Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] va8279 PAGE 82 1. Said premises shall be used for private residence purposes only. 2. Not more than one single dvelling house or residence shall occupy any one sublot. 3. Any sublot shall not be subdivided. 4. No dwelling house or residence shall be erected upon any sublot which shall have a ground floor area of less than 840 square feet, exclusive of garage. 5. The style af architecture, including materials and their treatment, and the plans and specifications for any dwelling house or residence, including any and all contracts and sub-contracts therefor, shall first have the written approval of the grantor, his heirs, executors, administrâtors and assi gns, or his or their duly aut thorized agent. The architectural design shall include an attached garage, but such garage shall be con- sidered as being attached to the min dwelling provided it is connected by a so-called Breeze-ay. Should the grantor herein, or his heirs, executors, adinistrators and assigns, or his or their duly author ized agent, fail to either approve or disapprove. said style of architecture and the said plans and spe cifications within thi irty (30) days after submission of the same by the grantees, their hei rs, executors, adninistra- tors and assigns, then such approval shall be obtained from a majority of the lot owners in said development. 6. No dwelling house, residence or cher structure shall be located or placed upon the premises herein conveyed within 100 feet of the center road line or nearer th an 10 feet of either side line. 7. No livestock or fovl shall be housed for commercial purposes. 8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that of the caucasian race. 9. The several covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphs numbered fram 1 to 8, inclusive, is' a part of a general plan for the improvement af said Devel op- ment, shall run with the land, and shall be binding upon the grantees, their heirs, executors, administrators and assi gns, until the 1st day of January, 1996, and if the grantees herein, or their heirs or assigns, shall violate, or attempt to violate, any one or more of the aforementi oned covenants and agreements, prior to the said Ist day of January, 1996, any other person or persons awning any other lot or lots in said Develo opment shall have the right to prosecute any proceeding at law or in equity against the person or per rsons found violating, or attempting to violate, any one or more of the same, either to prevent him or then from so doing or to recover any dama ges resulting therefrom. 10. The invalidation of any one or more af the afarementioned, co venants and agreements by court arder, or othervise, shall not in any way affect the remaining provisions which shall remain in full farce and effect. be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Jo jave anà fn Bjolb the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantees their heirs and assigns forever. .And I, "illiam L. Gall, married the said Grantor , do for myself and my .heirs, executors and administrators, covenant with the said Grantees their heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, I am well seized of the aboue described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, and that the same are frre front all imumbrances whutsorurr
va8279 PAGE 82 1. Said premises shall be used for private residence purposes only. 2. Not more than one single dvelling house or residence shall occupy any one sublot. 3. Any sublot shall not be subdivided. 4. No dwelling house or residence shall be erected upon any sublot which shall have a ground floor area of less than 840 square feet, exclusive of garage. 5. The style af architecture, including materials and their treatment, and the plans and specifications for any dwelling house or residence, including any and all contracts and sub-contracts therefor, shall first have the written approval of the grantor, his heirs, executors, administrâtors and assi gns, or his or their duly aut thorized agent. The architectural design shall include an attached garage, but such garage shall be con- sidered as being attached to the min dwelling provided it is connected by a so-called Breeze-ay. Should the grantor herein, or his heirs, executors, adinistrators and assigns, or his or their duly author ized agent, fail to either approve or disapprove. said style of architecture and the said plans and spe cifications within thi irty (30) days after submission of the same by the grantees, their hei rs, executors, adninistra- tors and assigns, then such approval shall be obtained from a majority of the lot owners in said development. 6. No dwelling house, residence or cher structure shall be located or placed upon the premises herein conveyed within 100 feet of the center road line or nearer th an 10 feet of either side line. 7. No livestock or fovl shall be housed for commercial purposes. 8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that of the caucasian race. 9. The several covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphs numbered fram 1 to 8, inclusive, is' a part of a general plan for the improvement af said Devel op- ment, shall run with the land, and shall be binding upon the grantees, their heirs, executors, administrators and assi gns, until the 1st day of January, 1996, and if the grantees herein, or their heirs or assigns, shall violate, or attempt to violate, any one or more of the aforementi oned covenants and agreements, prior to the said Ist day of January, 1996, any other person or persons awning any other lot or lots in said Develo opment shall have the right to prosecute any proceeding at law or in equity against the person or per rsons found violating, or attempting to violate, any one or more of the same, either to prevent him or then from so doing or to recover any dama ges resulting therefrom. 10. The invalidation of any one or more af the afarementioned, co venants and agreements by court arder, or othervise, shall not in any way affect the remaining provisions which shall remain in full farce and effect. be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Jo jave anà fn Bjolb the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantees their heirs and assigns forever. .And I, "illiam L. Gall, married the said Grantor , do for myself and my .heirs, executors and administrators, covenant with the said Grantees their heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, I am well seized of the aboue described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, and that the same are frre front all imumbrances whutsorurr
8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any pe: rson other than th at of the caucasian race.
8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that of the caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any pe: rson other than th at of the caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that of the caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nva8279 PAGE 82\n1. Said premises shall be used for private residence purposes only.\n2. Not more than one single dvelling house or residence shall occupy any one sublot.\n3. Any sublot shall not be subdivided.\n4. No dwelling house or residence shall be erected upon any sublot which shall have a\nground floor area of less than 840 square feet, exclusive of garage.\n5. The style af architecture, including materials and their treatment, and the plans\nand specifications for any dwelling house or residence, including any and all contracts\nand sub-contracts therefor, shall first have the written approval of the grantor, his\nheirs, executors, administrâtors and assi gns, or his or their duly aut thorized agent.\nThe architectural design shall include an attached garage, but such garage shall be con-\nsidered as being attached to the min dwelling provided it is connected by a so-called\nBreeze-ay. Should the grantor herein, or his heirs, executors, adinistrators and\nassigns, or his or their duly author ized agent, fail to either approve or disapprove.\nsaid style of architecture and the said plans and spe cifications within thi irty (30)\ndays after submission of the same by the grantees, their hei rs, executors, adninistra-\ntors and assigns, then such approval shall be obtained from a majority of the lot owners\nin said development.\n6. No dwelling house, residence or cher structure shall be located or placed upon the\npremises herein conveyed within 100 feet of the center road line or nearer th an 10 feet\nof either side line.\n7. No livestock or fovl shall be housed for commercial purposes.\n8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall\nnot be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that\nof the caucasian race.\n9. The several covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphs numbered\nfram 1 to 8, inclusive, is' a part of a general plan for the improvement af said Devel op-\nment, shall run with the land, and shall be binding upon the grantees, their heirs,\nexecutors, administrators and assi gns, until the 1st day of January, 1996, and if the\ngrantees herein, or their heirs or assigns, shall violate, or attempt to violate, any\none or more of the aforementi oned covenants and agreements, prior to the said Ist day\nof January, 1996, any other person or persons awning any other lot or lots in said\nDevelo opment shall have the right to prosecute any proceeding at law or in equity\nagainst the person or per rsons found violating, or attempting to violate, any one or\nmore of the same, either to prevent him or then from so doing or to recover any dama ges\nresulting therefrom.\n10. The invalidation of any one or more af the afarementioned, co venants and agreements\nby court arder, or othervise, shall not in any way affect the remaining provisions\nwhich shall remain in full farce and effect.\nbe the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.\nJo jave anà fn Bjolb the above granted and bargained premises, with the\nappurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantees their heirs and assigns forever.\n.And I, \"illiam L. Gall, married\nthe said Grantor , do for myself\nand my\n.heirs, executors and\nadministrators, covenant with the said Grantees their heirs and assigns, that\nat and until the ensealing of these presents, I am\nwell seized of the aboue described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE\nSIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as\nabove written, and that the same are frre front all imumbrances whutsorurr", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall\nnot be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any pe: rson other than th at\nof the caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that of the caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 63 fees;. thenee at right angles Hortherly and. parallel. with Bixth street, sorty. nve foattans teninche; thenoe at right angles Basteriy and prallel with St. Jaes, Street One Fundred andthirty ven and 92/00 feet to the place of. begiming. Being the middle one third of Iot 4ses thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. This deed 1s made for the purpose ofGiving the correct name of one of the grintorsin a forser Deed from Primrilla Van Pelt svansetvir, to Sophia B. Iong dated Jan. 31st. 1906, and of record in Vol. 302 of. Deeds, page 541,mppurtenences, unto the Baid pirty of the second part, and. to. her heirs and assigns forever. in. Block 3 Range 6. North of the Base line in said dity of San Jose. TOGETHER with. al ant singular the tenements, heredi taments: ad appurtenan- in Santa Clara., county, Californin records. TO: HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular. the said premi Bés, together wit th theIN WITNBES WHEREOT, the aid parties of the first part hare hereunto met their hands the day and year. first ajpve written.Bigned, Bxeouted and Delivered in the. presence of Premrells Van Pelt Evans.Geo.. Mans, Geo, D. SmithaSTATE oF CAJII JORNIACOUNTY 07 BANTA CLARA as. ON this 29th. day. ofMay. in the. year one thousandnine hundred and. eight, before m, George D. Saith,- Notary Public in and for said- County of Santa, Olara, residing therein, duly comi B-sioned and evorn, personally mppeared Premrella Van Pelt Svans and George. Evans,. hethusband,kpow to ine to be the permns deBcribed in whose nameB are subscribed to, ant #ho executedsvithin instrument, and- they acknowedged to me. that they executed the same. WITNESS N7 hand and official seal at ay office in the Baid: County of Sinta Gara, the day. and year first above written.. George, D. Smith, Hotary Public. in and' for BantaGara oounty, State of. California Hotarial. Senl. Reoorded at the request of Grantee, Hov. 5, 1908, at 57 min. past 11 o'elock A. K. Dantel J. Flamery, County Réoorder BYE.A. Fatjo, Deputy. KLAJOR GBCILIA DOUGHERTY TO HUGH SHRRLOCK TIS IMTURE, made the seventh day of Auguet in, the Jear ef. eur Iord, nine tess bundred and. eignt, betveen, neanor Cecilia Dougherty C fese aole) of the dounty efSanta aua, state of Californin, the party of the firet part, and Ragh Serlock, eftheoaty of Santa Clara, state of Californis, the party of the acond. part; F. THAT the mia part'et tha fir: part, fer ans in sentderatien a T f10) Dailere, gela ecia ct ths Uited States ef Amerien, se aer ia hadpese w Ghe ai Party et tae asond part, the receipt Maroef is herele meknoneages, dessà &os soess ent, Basain, sell, cvay - cenfin uite the said ty ef the seccne aisaere and astigns arover, a these certaia lete, pieees er paroels ef suete, zytas 1 ia te ot ef Sats eare, Bate ef Calitsta, a b oe - many sibet ss ailovs, tus; (9) ivisen of lt aress et à a -e ef ae ses, ano a ase a
63 fees;. thenee at right angles Hortherly and. parallel. with Bixth street, sorty. nve foattans teninche; thenoe at right angles Basteriy and prallel with St. Jaes, Street One Fundred andthirty ven and 92/00 feet to the place of. begiming. Being the middle one third of Iot 4ses thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. This deed 1s made for the purpose ofGiving the correct name of one of the grintorsin a forser Deed from Primrilla Van Pelt svansetvir, to Sophia B. Iong dated Jan. 31st. 1906, and of record in Vol. 302 of. Deeds, page 541,mppurtenences, unto the Baid pirty of the second part, and. to. her heirs and assigns forever. in. Block 3 Range 6. North of the Base line in said dity of San Jose. TOGETHER with. al ant singular the tenements, heredi taments: ad appurtenan- in Santa Clara., county, Californin records. TO: HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular. the said premi Bés, together wit th theIN WITNBES WHEREOT, the aid parties of the first part hare hereunto met their hands the day and year. first ajpve written.Bigned, Bxeouted and Delivered in the. presence of Premrells Van Pelt Evans.Geo.. Mans, Geo, D. SmithaSTATE oF CAJII JORNIACOUNTY 07 BANTA CLARA as. ON this 29th. day. ofMay. in the. year one thousandnine hundred and. eight, before m, George D. Saith,- Notary Public in and for said- County of Santa, Olara, residing therein, duly comi B-sioned and evorn, personally mppeared Premrella Van Pelt Svans and George. Evans,. hethusband,kpow to ine to be the permns deBcribed in whose nameB are subscribed to, ant #ho executedsvithin instrument, and- they acknowedged to me. that they executed the same. WITNESS N7 hand and official seal at ay office in the Baid: County of Sinta Gara, the day. and year first above written.. George, D. Smith, Hotary Public. in and' for BantaGara oounty, State of. California Hotarial. Senl. Reoorded at the request of Grantee, Hov. 5, 1908, at 57 min. past 11 o'elock A. K. Dantel J. Flamery, County Réoorder BYE.A. Fatjo, Deputy. KLAJOR GBCILIA DOUGHERTY TO HUGH SHRRLOCK TIS IMTURE, made the seventh day of Auguet in, the Jear ef. eur Iord, nine tess bundred and. eignt, betveen, neanor Cecilia Dougherty C fese aole) of the dounty efSanta aua, state of Californin, the party of the firet part, and Ragh Serlock, eftheoaty of Santa Clara, state of Californis, the party of the acond. part; F. THAT the mia part'et tha fir: part, fer ans in sentderatien a T f10) Dailere, gela ecia ct ths Uited States ef Amerien, se aer ia hadpese w Ghe ai Party et tae asond part, the receipt Maroef is herele meknoneages, dessà &os soess ent, Basain, sell, cvay - cenfin uite the said ty ef the seccne aisaere and astigns arover, a these certaia lete, pieees er paroels ef suete, zytas 1 ia te ot ef Sats eare, Bate ef Calitsta, a b oe - many sibet ss ailovs, tus; (9) ivisen of lt aress et à a -e ef ae ses, ano a ase a
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n63\nfees;. thenee at right angles Hortherly and. parallel. with Bixth street, sorty. nve foattans teninche; thenoe at right angles Basteriy and prallel with St. Jaes, Street One Fundred andthirty ven and 92/00 feet to the place of. begiming. Being the middle one third of Iot 4ses thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. This deed 1s made for the purpose ofGiving the correct name of one of the grintorsin a forser Deed from Primrilla Van Pelt svansetvir, to Sophia B. Iong dated Jan. 31st. 1906, and of record in Vol. 302 of. Deeds, page 541,mppurtenences, unto the Baid pirty of the second part, and. to. her heirs and assigns forever.\nin. Block 3 Range 6. North of the Base line in said dity of San Jose.\nTOGETHER with. al ant singular the tenements, heredi taments: ad appurtenan-\nin Santa Clara., county, Californin records.\nTO: HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular. the said premi Bés, together wit th theIN WITNBES WHEREOT, the aid parties of the first part hare hereunto met\ntheir hands the day and year. first ajpve written.Bigned, Bxeouted and Delivered in the. presence of\nPremrells Van Pelt Evans.Geo.. Mans,\nGeo, D. SmithaSTATE oF CAJII JORNIACOUNTY 07 BANTA CLARA as.\nON this 29th. day. ofMay. in the. year one thousandnine hundred and. eight, before m, George D.\nSaith,- Notary Public in and for said- County of Santa, Olara, residing therein, duly comi B-sioned and evorn, personally mppeared Premrella Van Pelt Svans and George. Evans,. hethusband,kpow to ine to be the permns deBcribed in whose nameB are subscribed to, ant #ho executedsvithin instrument, and- they acknowedged to me. that they executed the same.\nWITNESS N7 hand and official seal at ay office in the Baid: County of Sinta\nGara, the day. and year first above written..\nGeorge, D. Smith, Hotary Public. in and' for BantaGara oounty, State of. California\nHotarial. Senl.\nReoorded at the request of Grantee, Hov. 5, 1908, at 57 min. past 11 o'elock A. K.\nDantel J. Flamery, County Réoorder\nBYE.A. Fatjo,\nDeputy.\nKLAJOR GBCILIA DOUGHERTY\nTO\nHUGH SHRRLOCK\nTIS IMTURE, made the seventh day of Auguet in, the Jear ef. eur Iord, nine\ntess bundred and. eignt, betveen, neanor Cecilia Dougherty C fese aole) of the dounty efSanta aua, state of Californin, the party of the firet part, and Ragh Serlock, eftheoaty of Santa Clara, state of Californis, the party of the acond. part;\nF. THAT the mia part'et tha fir: part, fer ans in sentderatien\na T f10) Dailere, gela ecia ct ths Uited States ef Amerien, se aer ia hadpese w Ghe ai Party et tae asond part, the receipt Maroef is herele meknoneages, dessà &os soess ent, Basain, sell, cvay - cenfin uite the said ty ef the seccne\n\naisaere and astigns arover, a these certaia lete, pieees er paroels ef\nsuete, zytas 1\nia te ot ef Sats eare, Bate ef Calitsta, a b oe\n- many sibet ss ailovs, tus;\n(9) ivisen of lt aress et à\na\n-e ef ae ses, ano a ase a\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 15416 A382 (6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building, on any lot in the entire sibdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servênts of a different race or nationality employed by an ovmer or tenant. (7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected on said prenises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per- manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted, (8) No structuré shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap- proval of Sunnyside Orchards or the committee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harnony with existing structures located upon adjoining lands. (9) No buiiding shall be erected upon said premises unless the sise, type, cost and material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location of said. building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details therefor shall have been approved in writing by. Sunnyside Orchards or a com- mittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committee isnot in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove such design or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill not be required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har- mony vith existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with- out the approval of said Sunnyside Orchards or of said committee, no dwell- ing costing less than $4500.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the ground floor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600 square feet in the case of & one story structure, or less than 500 square feet in the case of a one and ono-half or tvo story structure. (10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sénitation pur- poses in connection vith dwellings erected on the above described premises. All of the requirements of the City of Parma for sanitary provisions shall be complied vith. (11) expressly reserve to themselves, their Sunnyside Orchards heirs, administrators, assigns and are heroby granted the right in case of any vio- lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the coven- ants and agreenents herein contained, to enter upon the property. upon or as to which such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at the expense of the ovmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may bo or exists thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreted shall not, by reason thereof, be by it, and the said Sunnyside Orchards deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail- ure_by Sunnyside Orchards or by any other person or party having the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this irstrument shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. (12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shall in,no vay affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in fuil force and effect. (13) If the parties hereto, or any of then, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, or successors and aesigns, shali violate or attempt to violate any of the provisions hereof before January 1, 1975 it shall be lawful for Sunnyside its succeesors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of Orchards these premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions, (14) Sunnyside Orchards is hereby granted the right to change, alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions horeof to the extent necessery to qualify said premises togother with other adjacent and adjoining lands now ovmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendments thereto. (15) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations, covenants end agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof and shall run with the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or suçcessors and aesigne, and. any other person or persons claining, by, through or under them until January 1, 1975 at which time they shall torminate and be of no further foroe and effect. (15) Whorevor Poforenco is mado horein to Sunnyside Orchards, it is meant to refer to Robert S. Copolin and Sanuel 1. Cohen doin- business as Sunnysido Orchards.
15416 A382 (6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building, on any lot in the entire sibdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servênts of a different race or nationality employed by an ovmer or tenant. (7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected on said prenises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per- manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted, (8) No structuré shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap- proval of Sunnyside Orchards or the committee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harnony with existing structures located upon adjoining lands. (9) No buiiding shall be erected upon said premises unless the sise, type, cost and material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location of said. building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details therefor shall have been approved in writing by. Sunnyside Orchards or a com- mittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committee isnot in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove such design or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill not be required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har- mony vith existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with- out the approval of said Sunnyside Orchards or of said committee, no dwell- ing costing less than $4500.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the ground floor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600 square feet in the case of & one story structure, or less than 500 square feet in the case of a one and ono-half or tvo story structure. (10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sénitation pur- poses in connection vith dwellings erected on the above described premises. All of the requirements of the City of Parma for sanitary provisions shall be complied vith. (11) expressly reserve to themselves, their Sunnyside Orchards heirs, administrators, assigns and are heroby granted the right in case of any vio- lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the coven- ants and agreenents herein contained, to enter upon the property. upon or as to which such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at the expense of the ovmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may bo or exists thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreted shall not, by reason thereof, be by it, and the said Sunnyside Orchards deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail- ure_by Sunnyside Orchards or by any other person or party having the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this irstrument shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. (12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shall in,no vay affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in fuil force and effect. (13) If the parties hereto, or any of then, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, or successors and aesigns, shali violate or attempt to violate any of the provisions hereof before January 1, 1975 it shall be lawful for Sunnyside its succeesors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of Orchards these premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions, (14) Sunnyside Orchards is hereby granted the right to change, alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions horeof to the extent necessery to qualify said premises togother with other adjacent and adjoining lands now ovmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendments thereto. (15) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations, covenants end agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof and shall run with the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or suçcessors and aesigne, and. any other person or persons claining, by, through or under them until January 1, 1975 at which time they shall torminate and be of no further foroe and effect. (15) Whorevor Poforenco is mado horein to Sunnyside Orchards, it is meant to refer to Robert S. Copolin and Sanuel 1. Cohen doin- business as Sunnysido Orchards.
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building, on any lot in the entire ubdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an ovmer or tenant.
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building, on any lot in the entire ubdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an ovmer or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n15416 A382\n(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or\noccupy any building, on any lot in the entire sibdivision, except that this covenant\nshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servênts of a different race or nationality\nemployed by an ovmer or tenant.\n(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected\non said prenises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-\nmanently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted,\n(8) No structuré shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-\nproval of Sunnyside Orchards\nor the committee hereinafter referred to,\nor if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harnony with existing structures\nlocated upon adjoining lands.\n(9) No buiiding shall be erected upon said premises unless the sise, type, cost\nand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location of\nsaid. building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details therefor\nshall have been approved in writing by. Sunnyside Orchards\nor a com-\nmittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committee\nisnot in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove such\ndesign or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill not\nbe required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har-\nmony vith existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-\nout the approval of said Sunnyside Orchards\nor of said committee, no dwell-\ning costing less than $4500.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the ground\nfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600\nsquare feet in the\ncase of & one story structure, or less than 500 square feet in the case of a\none and ono-half or tvo story structure.\n(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sénitation pur-\nposes in connection vith dwellings erected on the above described premises. All of\nthe requirements of the City of Parma\nfor sanitary provisions shall be\ncomplied vith.\n(11)\nexpressly reserve to themselves, their\nSunnyside Orchards\nheirs, administrators, assigns and are heroby granted the right in case of any vio-\nlations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the coven-\nants and agreenents herein contained, to enter upon the property. upon or as to\nwhich such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at the\nexpense of the ovmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may bo or exists\nthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreted\nshall not, by reason thereof, be\nby it, and the said Sunnyside Orchards\ndeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail-\nure_by Sunnyside Orchards\nor by any other person or party having\nthe right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this irstrument shall in no\nevent be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter.\n(12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shall\nin,no vay affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in\nfuil force and effect.\n(13) If the parties hereto, or any of then, their heirs, executors, administrators\nor assigns, or successors and aesigns, shali violate or attempt to violate any of\nthe provisions hereof before January 1, 1975 it shall be lawful for Sunnyside\nits succeesors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of\nOrchards\nthese premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person\nor persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions,\n(14) Sunnyside Orchards\nis hereby granted the right to change,\nalter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions horeof to the extent\nnecessery to qualify said premises togother with other adjacent and adjoining lands\nnow ovmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendments\nthereto.\n(15) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,\ncovenants end agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof and\nshall run with the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,\nadministrators and assigns, or suçcessors and aesigne, and. any other person or\npersons claining, by, through or under them until January 1, 1975 at which time\nthey shall torminate and be of no further foroe and effect.\n(15) Whorevor Poforenco is mado horein to Sunnyside Orchards, it is meant to refer\nto Robert S. Copolin and Sanuel 1. Cohen doin- business as Sunnysido Orchards.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or\noccupy any building, on any lot in the entire ubdivision, except that this covenant\nshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality\nemployed by an ovmer or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 585 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA SS: COUNTY OF LAWRENCE On this the 23rd day of July, A. D. 1943, before me, Orville Potter, the undersigned officer, personally appeared W. R. Walton, Geo. E. Bolinger and Joseph F. Travers, County Commissioners of the County, of Lawrence, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylyania, known to me to be the persons described in the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same in the capacity therein stated and for the purposes therein contained. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. (Rec. Seal) Orville Potter My Comm. Expires 1st. Mon. in January, 1946 Recorder CERTIFICATE OF RESIDENCE I hereby certify that the precise residence addressof the within grantee is 520 East Leasure Avenue, New Castle, Second Ward, Lawrence County, Pemmsylvania. Marshall G. Matheny Attorney for Grantee Deed This Deed Enanuel Shenkan, et. uz. Made the 9th day of Augusty in the year Nineteen Hundred and forty-three To Between EMANUEL SHENKAN and FLORENCE M. SHENKAN, his wife, (The) Bethél African M. E. of Second Ward, City of. New Castle, County of Lawrence and Church Trustees State of Pennsylvania, AND THE TRUSTEES OF THE BETHEL AFRICAN M.E. CHURCH, of the First Ward, City of New Castle, County of Ent Aug. 10, 1943 Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania. Witnesseth, That in consideration of one ($1.00) Dollar and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said grantors do hereby grant and convey to the said grantees, their successors and assigns All that certain piece and parcel of land situate, lying and being in the First Ward, New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Bounded on the North by a twenty (20) foot Alley; on the East by a sixteen (16) foot alley; on the South by land now or late of Henry F. Engs, etal.; and on the West by Green Street, fronting 50 feet, more or less, on Green Street, and extending back a distance of 120 feet to said last mentioned alley, designated as Lot No. 105 in Section. 34 of the Official City Survey and being the same land conveyed to one of the aforesaid grantors, Emanuel Shenkan, by deed of W. R. Walton, George H. Bolinger and Joseph F. Travers, County Commissioners,, in and for Lawrence County, Pa., said deed bearing date of July 23, 1943, and to be recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Lawrence County, Pa. And the said grantors, do hereby warrant generally the property hereby conveyed, IN WITNESS WHEREOF said grantors have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered (LS) Emanuel Shenkan in the Presence of (LS) Florence M. Shenkan Marshall G. Matheny Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, : ss: County of LAWRENCE On this 9th day August, A. D. 43, before me a Notary Public in and for said Commonwealth and County came the above named Emanuel Shenkan and Florence M. Shenkan, his wife, and acknowledged the foregoing Deed to be their act and deed, and desired the same to be recorded as such. Wit tness my hand and notarial seal the day and year aforesaid. (N. P. Seal) Marshall G. Matheny My Commission Expires May 11, 1944. Notary Public I, Hereby Certify, that the precise address of the grantee herein 1s First Ward, New Castle, Lawrence County, Pa. G. D. Choice Pastor
585 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA SS: COUNTY OF LAWRENCE On this the 23rd day of July, A. D. 1943, before me, Orville Potter, the undersigned officer, personally appeared W. R. Walton, Geo. E. Bolinger and Joseph F. Travers, County Commissioners of the County, of Lawrence, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylyania, known to me to be the persons described in the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same in the capacity therein stated and for the purposes therein contained. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. (Rec. Seal) Orville Potter My Comm. Expires 1st. Mon. in January, 1946 Recorder CERTIFICATE OF RESIDENCE I hereby certify that the precise residence addressof the within grantee is 520 East Leasure Avenue, New Castle, Second Ward, Lawrence County, Pemmsylvania. Marshall G. Matheny Attorney for Grantee Deed This Deed Enanuel Shenkan, et. uz. Made the 9th day of Augusty in the year Nineteen Hundred and forty-three To Between EMANUEL SHENKAN and FLORENCE M. SHENKAN, his wife, (The) Bethél African M. E. of Second Ward, City of. New Castle, County of Lawrence and Church Trustees State of Pennsylvania, AND THE TRUSTEES OF THE BETHEL AFRICAN M.E. CHURCH, of the First Ward, City of New Castle, County of Ent Aug. 10, 1943 Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania. Witnesseth, That in consideration of one ($1.00) Dollar and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said grantors do hereby grant and convey to the said grantees, their successors and assigns All that certain piece and parcel of land situate, lying and being in the First Ward, New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Bounded on the North by a twenty (20) foot Alley; on the East by a sixteen (16) foot alley; on the South by land now or late of Henry F. Engs, etal.; and on the West by Green Street, fronting 50 feet, more or less, on Green Street, and extending back a distance of 120 feet to said last mentioned alley, designated as Lot No. 105 in Section. 34 of the Official City Survey and being the same land conveyed to one of the aforesaid grantors, Emanuel Shenkan, by deed of W. R. Walton, George H. Bolinger and Joseph F. Travers, County Commissioners,, in and for Lawrence County, Pa., said deed bearing date of July 23, 1943, and to be recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Lawrence County, Pa. And the said grantors, do hereby warrant generally the property hereby conveyed, IN WITNESS WHEREOF said grantors have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered (LS) Emanuel Shenkan in the Presence of (LS) Florence M. Shenkan Marshall G. Matheny Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, : ss: County of LAWRENCE On this 9th day August, A. D. 43, before me a Notary Public in and for said Commonwealth and County came the above named Emanuel Shenkan and Florence M. Shenkan, his wife, and acknowledged the foregoing Deed to be their act and deed, and desired the same to be recorded as such. Wit tness my hand and notarial seal the day and year aforesaid. (N. P. Seal) Marshall G. Matheny My Commission Expires May 11, 1944. Notary Public I, Hereby Certify, that the precise address of the grantee herein 1s First Ward, New Castle, Lawrence County, Pa. G. D. Choice Pastor
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n585\nCOMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA\nSS:\nCOUNTY OF LAWRENCE\nOn this the 23rd day of July, A. D. 1943, before me, Orville Potter, the undersigned officer,\npersonally appeared W. R. Walton, Geo. E. Bolinger and Joseph F. Travers, County Commissioners of\nthe County, of Lawrence, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylyania, known to me to be the persons\ndescribed in the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same in the\ncapacity therein stated and for the purposes therein contained.\nIN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.\n(Rec. Seal)\nOrville Potter\nMy Comm. Expires 1st. Mon. in January, 1946\nRecorder\nCERTIFICATE OF RESIDENCE\nI hereby certify that the precise residence addressof the within grantee is 520 East Leasure\nAvenue, New Castle, Second Ward, Lawrence County, Pemmsylvania.\nMarshall G. Matheny\nAttorney for Grantee\nDeed\nThis Deed\nEnanuel Shenkan, et. uz.\nMade the 9th day of Augusty in the year Nineteen Hundred\nand forty-three\nTo\nBetween EMANUEL SHENKAN and FLORENCE M. SHENKAN, his wife,\n(The) Bethél African M. E.\nof Second Ward, City of. New Castle, County of Lawrence and\nChurch Trustees\nState of Pennsylvania, AND THE TRUSTEES OF THE BETHEL AFRICAN\nM.E. CHURCH, of the First Ward, City of New Castle, County of\nEnt Aug. 10, 1943\nLawrence and State of Pennsylvania.\nWitnesseth, That in consideration of one ($1.00) Dollar\nand other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, the\nreceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said grantors do hereby grant and convey to the said\ngrantees, their successors and assigns\nAll that certain piece and parcel of land situate, lying and being in the First Ward, New\nCastle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows:\nBounded on the North by a twenty (20) foot Alley; on the East by a sixteen (16) foot alley; on\nthe South by land now or late of Henry F. Engs, etal.; and on the West by Green Street, fronting\n50 feet, more or less, on Green Street, and extending back a distance of 120 feet to said last\nmentioned alley, designated as Lot No. 105 in Section. 34 of the Official City Survey and being the\nsame land conveyed to one of the aforesaid grantors, Emanuel Shenkan, by deed of W. R. Walton,\nGeorge H. Bolinger and Joseph F. Travers, County Commissioners,, in and for Lawrence County, Pa.,\nsaid deed bearing date of July 23, 1943, and to be recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds\nin and for Lawrence County, Pa.\nAnd the said grantors, do hereby warrant generally the property hereby conveyed,\nIN WITNESS WHEREOF said grantors have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year\nfirst above written.\nSigned, Sealed and Delivered\n(LS)\nEmanuel Shenkan\nin the Presence of\n(LS)\nFlorence M. Shenkan\nMarshall G. Matheny\nCommonwealth of Pennsylvania, :\nss:\nCounty of LAWRENCE\nOn this 9th day August, A. D. 43, before me a Notary Public in and for said Commonwealth and\nCounty came the above named Emanuel Shenkan and Florence M. Shenkan, his wife, and acknowledged\nthe foregoing Deed to be their act and deed, and desired the same to be recorded as such.\nWit tness my hand and notarial seal the day and year aforesaid.\n(N. P. Seal)\nMarshall G. Matheny\nMy Commission Expires May 11, 1944.\nNotary Public\nI, Hereby Certify, that the precise address of the grantee herein 1s First Ward, New Castle,\nLawrence County, Pa.\nG. D. Choice Pastor", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 438 35 and runni ng thenoe alang the centerline of Belleoourtaroad. 50feet wide and 8 sbown on said map S. 11° 13' W. 2.612 chs. S.7-94.1.69 chs. ad $.3.37 W.0.24 ohs. to a pipe sot at the point of intersoction of the centerl: ine of said road with the centerlins of Baid road with the centerline bet tween 2 rows of prune trees thenoe leaving said road and Iunning along the centerline between Baid 2rows of fruit trees H. 89° 48' K. 2.757 chs. to a stake m rked D. 1 standing at the point of intersection of the centerline be twee en said 2 rowsof prune trees with the center line between 2 rows of prune trees running in a general nor therly direction thence along the center line bet twe en the 2 last mentioned rows of prune trees N. 012' w. 2.864 chs. to the point of intersection of said can terl ine between sai ia 2 rows of prune trees wit th the centerline of the old Saratoga and Los Gatos roa à 40 feet vide, which said line is the 80 called konument line on the a bove mntioned map ani thence along said monument line N. 470 18' W. 2.72 chs. to the place of begi iming. Can- taining 0.952 aores of which area 0.082 acres is contained in the 20 feet strip lying be teen the Monument line and the northline of the 15 ft. strip deoded by G. W. Hume Co. to the County of Sant ta Clara by deed of April 30th 1913 and being part of the fraotional Sec. 7T.8s. R. 1W. M. D. M. and also a part of lot 12 of the above menti ioned map No. 1 of the Glen Una Ranch. Courses true. Ver. 180 E. Surveyed May 14th by Chas. Herrmenn of Herrmann Bros. Surveyors and C. E.'s San Jose, Californie, subjeot to the 1919 fruit contract affecting the Glen Una Rench and excepting from the herein desoribed proper ty all lad within the boundary of any and all road ds adjoining it, which roads the grantor has dedicated or will ded- icate to said Santa Clara County, to be used for road purposes, and further subject tot the following conditions, whioh for the purpose of binding the heirs or assigns of the respeotive part ties hereto, are made a part he reof. lst. No house to be erected on the. land here in des sor ibed shall cost less then $3,000. 2nd. No house from any looation other thin those already on The Glen Una Ranch shall be moved on the land herein described. 3rd. The extrema front line of sny house to be erected shellnot be leas than 60 feet from the center of any Avenue and nesrer than 25 feet from any sido bonndary, except that any building now standing may be rebuilt in its present location. 4th. Any barn, garage or out-house to be erected shall be in the rear of the dwelling. 5th. Whe land herein desoribed shall not be used for other manresidence or agrioultural parposes priar to 1950. 6th. In the event of 8. breaoh by the party of the seconi part, her heirs or assigns thereof, of any of the foregoing terms and conditions, then ard in that event the eetate hereby created in the part ty of the section part, in the above des- cribed property, shall at once terminate and beoome void, and said land and premises shell revert to the par ty of the first, her heirs or assigns. TOGETHER with all and Birgular the tenements, hered it emnts, and appur- tenanoes hereunto bel anging or in anywise appertaining, sub ject tp 1919-1920 taxes. IN WITNESS WEEREOF, the said part ty of the first pert has hereunto sAt her hand and seal the day and year first ebove written. H..B. Finch (Seal) Sigmd, Executed a.d Dolivered in the Presence of K. B. Donovan
438 35 and runni ng thenoe alang the centerline of Belleoourtaroad. 50feet wide and 8 sbown on said map S. 11° 13' W. 2.612 chs. S.7-94.1.69 chs. ad $.3.37 W.0.24 ohs. to a pipe sot at the point of intersoction of the centerl: ine of said road with the centerlins of Baid road with the centerline bet tween 2 rows of prune trees thenoe leaving said road and Iunning along the centerline between Baid 2rows of fruit trees H. 89° 48' K. 2.757 chs. to a stake m rked D. 1 standing at the point of intersection of the centerline be twee en said 2 rowsof prune trees with the center line between 2 rows of prune trees running in a general nor therly direction thence along the center line bet twe en the 2 last mentioned rows of prune trees N. 012' w. 2.864 chs. to the point of intersection of said can terl ine between sai ia 2 rows of prune trees wit th the centerline of the old Saratoga and Los Gatos roa à 40 feet vide, which said line is the 80 called konument line on the a bove mntioned map ani thence along said monument line N. 470 18' W. 2.72 chs. to the place of begi iming. Can- taining 0.952 aores of which area 0.082 acres is contained in the 20 feet strip lying be teen the Monument line and the northline of the 15 ft. strip deoded by G. W. Hume Co. to the County of Sant ta Clara by deed of April 30th 1913 and being part of the fraotional Sec. 7T.8s. R. 1W. M. D. M. and also a part of lot 12 of the above menti ioned map No. 1 of the Glen Una Ranch. Courses true. Ver. 180 E. Surveyed May 14th by Chas. Herrmenn of Herrmann Bros. Surveyors and C. E.'s San Jose, Californie, subjeot to the 1919 fruit contract affecting the Glen Una Rench and excepting from the herein desoribed proper ty all lad within the boundary of any and all road ds adjoining it, which roads the grantor has dedicated or will ded- icate to said Santa Clara County, to be used for road purposes, and further subject tot the following conditions, whioh for the purpose of binding the heirs or assigns of the respeotive part ties hereto, are made a part he reof. lst. No house to be erected on the. land here in des sor ibed shall cost less then $3,000. 2nd. No house from any looation other thin those already on The Glen Una Ranch shall be moved on the land herein described. 3rd. The extrema front line of sny house to be erected shellnot be leas than 60 feet from the center of any Avenue and nesrer than 25 feet from any sido bonndary, except that any building now standing may be rebuilt in its present location. 4th. Any barn, garage or out-house to be erected shall be in the rear of the dwelling. 5th. Whe land herein desoribed shall not be used for other manresidence or agrioultural parposes priar to 1950. 6th. In the event of 8. breaoh by the party of the seconi part, her heirs or assigns thereof, of any of the foregoing terms and conditions, then ard in that event the eetate hereby created in the part ty of the section part, in the above des- cribed property, shall at once terminate and beoome void, and said land and premises shell revert to the par ty of the first, her heirs or assigns. TOGETHER with all and Birgular the tenements, hered it emnts, and appur- tenanoes hereunto bel anging or in anywise appertaining, sub ject tp 1919-1920 taxes. IN WITNESS WEEREOF, the said part ty of the first pert has hereunto sAt her hand and seal the day and year first ebove written. H..B. Finch (Seal) Sigmd, Executed a.d Dolivered in the Presence of K. B. Donovan
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n438\n35 and runni ng thenoe alang the centerline of Belleoourtaroad. 50feet wide and 8\nsbown on said map S. 11° 13' W. 2.612 chs. S.7-94.1.69 chs. ad $.3.37\nW.0.24 ohs. to a pipe sot at the point of intersoction of the centerl: ine of said\nroad with the centerlins of Baid road with the centerline bet tween 2 rows of prune trees\nthenoe leaving said road and Iunning along the centerline between Baid 2rows of\nfruit trees H. 89° 48' K. 2.757 chs. to a stake m rked D. 1 standing at the point\nof intersection of the centerline be twee en said 2 rowsof prune trees with the center\nline between 2 rows of prune trees running in a general nor therly direction thence\nalong the center line bet twe en the 2 last mentioned rows of prune trees N. 012' w.\n2.864 chs. to the point of intersection of said can terl ine between sai ia 2 rows of\nprune trees wit th the centerline of the old Saratoga and Los Gatos roa à 40 feet vide,\nwhich said line is the 80 called konument line on the a bove mntioned map ani thence\nalong said monument line N. 470 18' W. 2.72 chs. to the place of begi iming. Can-\ntaining 0.952 aores of which area 0.082 acres is contained in the 20 feet strip\nlying be teen the Monument line and the northline of the 15 ft. strip deoded\nby G. W. Hume Co. to the County of Sant ta Clara by deed of April 30th 1913 and being\npart of the fraotional Sec. 7T.8s. R. 1W. M. D. M. and also a part of lot 12\nof the above menti ioned map No. 1 of the Glen Una Ranch. Courses true. Ver. 180 E.\nSurveyed May 14th by Chas. Herrmenn of Herrmann Bros. Surveyors and C. E.'s San\nJose, Californie, subjeot to the 1919 fruit contract affecting the Glen Una Rench\nand excepting from the herein desoribed proper ty all lad within the boundary of\nany and all road ds adjoining it, which roads the grantor has dedicated or will ded-\nicate to said Santa Clara County, to be used for road purposes, and further subject\ntot the following conditions, whioh for the purpose of binding the heirs or assigns\nof the respeotive part ties hereto, are made a part he reof.\nlst. No house to be erected on the. land here in des sor ibed shall cost\nless then $3,000.\n2nd. No house from any looation other thin those already on The Glen\nUna Ranch shall be moved on the land herein described.\n3rd. The extrema front line of sny house to be erected shellnot be\nleas than 60 feet from the center of any Avenue and nesrer than 25 feet from any\nsido bonndary, except that any building now standing may be rebuilt in its present\nlocation.\n4th. Any barn, garage or out-house to be erected shall be in the rear\nof the dwelling.\n5th. Whe land herein desoribed shall not be used for other manresidence\nor agrioultural parposes priar to 1950.\n6th. In the event of 8. breaoh by the party of the seconi part, her heirs\nor assigns thereof, of any of the foregoing terms and conditions, then ard in that\nevent the eetate hereby created in the part ty of the section part, in the above des-\ncribed property, shall at once terminate and beoome void, and said land and premises\nshell revert to the par ty of the first, her heirs or assigns.\nTOGETHER with all and Birgular the tenements, hered it emnts, and appur-\ntenanoes hereunto bel anging or in anywise appertaining, sub ject tp 1919-1920 taxes.\nIN WITNESS WEEREOF, the said part ty of the first pert has hereunto sAt\nher hand and seal the day and year first ebove written.\nH..B. Finch (Seal)\nSigmd, Executed a.d Dolivered in the Presence of K. B. Donovan", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DR VOL00502PAGE483 2638 STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DENTON THAT I,T.K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the 10922 hereinafter described property is my separate estate and is not now, nor has it ever been, any part of my residential or business homestead), for and inc consideration oft thes sum of SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 ($795.00) DOLLARS tome paid and secured to be paid by RALPH L. GAULT and wife, LILLIAN M. GAULT, as follows: SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($795.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknwoeldged; HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said RALPH I, GAULT and wife, LILLIAN M. GAULT, of the County of DALLAS State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, Texas, and described as follows, to-wit: LOT THIRTY-SIX (36) in BLOCK TEN (10), GARZA-LITTIE ELM LAKE ESTATES; an addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof re- corded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Rgcords of Denton County, Texas. the This plat recorded in the is made Map subject Records only of Denton to the restrictive County, Texas, convenants, and are conditions as follows: and reservations which are made a part of bul or in for this non-profit subdivision, recreational except as hereinafter and excepted any and deseribed lot is in Paragraph toone 16 herein, type tobe only residence, s E a hereinafter 2. No structures shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to utbuildings. remain on any building plot other than one detached single building anda private garage and/or and other Er of a race race than domiciled the Caucasian with any race shall use or occupy any lot, except thatt this shallr not prevent occupancy by do- E dry toilets will be or be permitted aa B ET septic and my: sanitary on sewerage one or mtE Bonth by the County the of Denton or State Denton or St.te Health - Sue: supply to or more public priv: be ate approved water by the Texas ause State to_be Department constructed of Health. main At the in time the Ee BnT - - Ers Fay easement EV byor of_the herein described and a Mien thereon an theyeto, shall" PBE foot shall mechanic ie said demand, said and inferior events ther restrictions! property herein set wa furnish Purchaser and main the A the streetor ofa cond other TheSeler building E herein that upon price roperty. property ass ment infull for. easement the herein. B Front Business building lines2b prsi Side yard E lines on of'corner linet building shall m BsM bn Et thefront nearer side street on the exeluded are from the above LANO building painted. ons structure the with be (2) or letd coats until of_paint. the S exterior thereof is material completely finished inmain and, ifframe unfinished material, SPEELAECN lumber, asbes- E - minum roofing. No obnoxious or nuisance or to the or ghbor activity shall be on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become No garage, basement, nor_shall tent, any shack or other. outbuilding erected get used thelot deseribeds shall atany time be used asa residence may be used on any AT provided M nitary restrictions as set out are fully complied FA The floor area of any main structure, exclusive ofopen and shall benot less than 600 square for utility purposes. feet. Streets, easements and alleys as shown on the recorded platof E7 owners of the lots agreed e T which shall B covenants rumning at, the arld syas years unless umicie vote shall extended be binding suçcessive upon all parties claiming them until said inv orin 13.I lawfulf fbe any other. or any of them, or their real assigns, situ shall violate to violate Apy of the covenants herein, its shalbe any such and either to prevent prosecute him ah them proceeding from so doing, to damages orother person dues for such violation. the 15. Nos The structures Seller Developer of kinda shall not to ber be onto the Purchaser, subdivision his or heirs Iot thereof for the written of the Seller or Developer. heavy, rains, dote the Sae way or interfere : cissesy caused by anyAct not_to tothe rainage natural otherwise,in subdivision, first idence such as hurric the written lon this 5 any Block erstood may that be Lots occupied trailer, 5in Block as set outin all lots Paragraph9 Blocks herein. 2are reserved for business only, with the excep- B force and cteyo of these covenants by judgment or court order shalli in no affect any ofthe other provisions which shall remain 18. WATER ASSESSMENT HAS BEEN PAID IN FULL. TOI HAVE AND TOI HOLD the above described premises, together with all and. singular the rights and appurtenances there- toin anywise belonging unto the said RALPH L. GAULT and wife, LILLIAN M. GAULT, their heirs and assigns forever andI Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, all ands singular the said premises unto the said RALPH L. GAULT and wife, LILLIAN M. GAULT, their heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. Butitise expressly agréed and stipulated that the Vendor's Lien is retained against the abové and effect improvements, until the above described note(s), and all interest thereon are fully paid according described to the property, face and premises tenor, and reading, when this deed shall become absolute. ai WITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this.. 1lth
DR VOL00502PAGE483 2638 STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DENTON THAT I,T.K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the 10922 hereinafter described property is my separate estate and is not now, nor has it ever been, any part of my residential or business homestead), for and inc consideration oft thes sum of SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 ($795.00) DOLLARS tome paid and secured to be paid by RALPH L. GAULT and wife, LILLIAN M. GAULT, as follows: SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($795.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknwoeldged; HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said RALPH I, GAULT and wife, LILLIAN M. GAULT, of the County of DALLAS State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, Texas, and described as follows, to-wit: LOT THIRTY-SIX (36) in BLOCK TEN (10), GARZA-LITTIE ELM LAKE ESTATES; an addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof re- corded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Rgcords of Denton County, Texas. the This plat recorded in the is made Map subject Records only of Denton to the restrictive County, Texas, convenants, and are conditions as follows: and reservations which are made a part of bul or in for this non-profit subdivision, recreational except as hereinafter and excepted any and deseribed lot is in Paragraph toone 16 herein, type tobe only residence, s E a hereinafter 2. No structures shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to utbuildings. remain on any building plot other than one detached single building anda private garage and/or and other Er of a race race than domiciled the Caucasian with any race shall use or occupy any lot, except thatt this shallr not prevent occupancy by do- E dry toilets will be or be permitted aa B ET septic and my: sanitary on sewerage one or mtE Bonth by the County the of Denton or State Denton or St.te Health - Sue: supply to or more public priv: be ate approved water by the Texas ause State to_be Department constructed of Health. main At the in time the Ee BnT - - Ers Fay easement EV byor of_the herein described and a Mien thereon an theyeto, shall" PBE foot shall mechanic ie said demand, said and inferior events ther restrictions! property herein set wa furnish Purchaser and main the A the streetor ofa cond other TheSeler building E herein that upon price roperty. property ass ment infull for. easement the herein. B Front Business building lines2b prsi Side yard E lines on of'corner linet building shall m BsM bn Et thefront nearer side street on the exeluded are from the above LANO building painted. ons structure the with be (2) or letd coats until of_paint. the S exterior thereof is material completely finished inmain and, ifframe unfinished material, SPEELAECN lumber, asbes- E - minum roofing. No obnoxious or nuisance or to the or ghbor activity shall be on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become No garage, basement, nor_shall tent, any shack or other. outbuilding erected get used thelot deseribeds shall atany time be used asa residence may be used on any AT provided M nitary restrictions as set out are fully complied FA The floor area of any main structure, exclusive ofopen and shall benot less than 600 square for utility purposes. feet. Streets, easements and alleys as shown on the recorded platof E7 owners of the lots agreed e T which shall B covenants rumning at, the arld syas years unless umicie vote shall extended be binding suçcessive upon all parties claiming them until said inv orin 13.I lawfulf fbe any other. or any of them, or their real assigns, situ shall violate to violate Apy of the covenants herein, its shalbe any such and either to prevent prosecute him ah them proceeding from so doing, to damages orother person dues for such violation. the 15. Nos The structures Seller Developer of kinda shall not to ber be onto the Purchaser, subdivision his or heirs Iot thereof for the written of the Seller or Developer. heavy, rains, dote the Sae way or interfere : cissesy caused by anyAct not_to tothe rainage natural otherwise,in subdivision, first idence such as hurric the written lon this 5 any Block erstood may that be Lots occupied trailer, 5in Block as set outin all lots Paragraph9 Blocks herein. 2are reserved for business only, with the excep- B force and cteyo of these covenants by judgment or court order shalli in no affect any ofthe other provisions which shall remain 18. WATER ASSESSMENT HAS BEEN PAID IN FULL. TOI HAVE AND TOI HOLD the above described premises, together with all and. singular the rights and appurtenances there- toin anywise belonging unto the said RALPH L. GAULT and wife, LILLIAN M. GAULT, their heirs and assigns forever andI Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, all ands singular the said premises unto the said RALPH L. GAULT and wife, LILLIAN M. GAULT, their heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. Butitise expressly agréed and stipulated that the Vendor's Lien is retained against the abové and effect improvements, until the above described note(s), and all interest thereon are fully paid according described to the property, face and premises tenor, and reading, when this deed shall become absolute. ai WITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this.. 1lth
3. No person of any race other than the. Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
3. No person of any race other the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any race other than the. Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDR VOL00502PAGE483\n2638\nSTATE OF TEXAS\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\nCOUNTY OF DENTON\nTHAT I,T.K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the 10922 hereinafter described\nproperty is my separate estate and is not now, nor has it ever been, any part of my residential or business homestead), for and\ninc consideration oft thes sum of\nSEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 ($795.00)\nDOLLARS\ntome paid and secured to be paid by\nRALPH L. GAULT and wife, LILLIAN M. GAULT,\nas follows:\nSEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($795.00) cash in hand\npaid,\nthe receipt of which is hereby acknwoeldged;\nHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said\nRALPH I, GAULT and wife, LILLIAN M. GAULT,\nof the County of DALLAS\nState of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,\nTexas, and described as follows, to-wit:\nLOT THIRTY-SIX (36) in BLOCK TEN (10), GARZA-LITTIE ELM LAKE ESTATES;\nan addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof re-\ncorded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Rgcords of Denton\nCounty, Texas.\nthe This plat recorded in the is made Map subject Records only of Denton to the restrictive County, Texas, convenants, and are conditions as follows: and reservations which are made a part of\nbul or in for this non-profit subdivision, recreational except as hereinafter and excepted any and deseribed lot is in Paragraph toone 16 herein, type tobe only residence,\ns E\na\nhereinafter\n2. No structures shall be erected,\naltered, placed or permitted to\nutbuildings. remain on any building plot other than one detached single building anda\nprivate garage and/or\nand other\nEr of a race race than domiciled the Caucasian with any race shall use or occupy any lot, except thatt this\nshallr not prevent occupancy by do-\nE\ndry toilets will be or be permitted aa\nB ET\nseptic and my: sanitary on sewerage one or\nmtE\nBonth\nby the County the of Denton or State\nDenton or St.te Health\n-\n\nSue:\nsupply to or more public priv: be ate approved water by the Texas ause State to_be Department constructed of Health. main At the in time the Ee\nBnT\n-\n\n-\nErs\nFay\n\neasement\nEV\nbyor of_the\nherein described and\na Mien thereon\nan\ntheyeto,\nshall\" PBE\n\nfoot shall\nmechanic ie\nsaid\ndemand,\nsaid\nand inferior events\n\nther restrictions! property herein set wa furnish Purchaser and main the A the streetor ofa\ncond\nother TheSeler building E herein that upon\nprice\nroperty.\n property ass\nment infull for.\neasement\nthe\nherein.\nB\nFront Business building lines2b prsi Side yard E lines on of'corner linet\nbuilding shall\nm\nBsM bn Et\nthefront\nnearer side street\non the\nexeluded\nare\nfrom the above\nLANO building painted. ons structure the with be (2) or letd coats until of_paint. the S exterior thereof is material completely finished inmain and, ifframe unfinished material,\nSPEELAECN lumber, asbes-\nE\n- minum\nroofing.\nNo obnoxious or nuisance or to the or ghbor activity shall be on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become\nNo garage, basement, nor_shall tent, any shack or other. outbuilding erected get used thelot deseribeds shall atany time be used asa residence\nmay be used on any AT\nprovided M nitary restrictions as set out are fully complied FA\nThe floor area of any main structure, exclusive ofopen and\nshall benot less than 600 square\nfor utility purposes. feet.\nStreets, easements and alleys\nas shown on the recorded platof\nE7 owners of the lots agreed\n\ne T which shall B covenants rumning at, the\narld syas years unless umicie vote\nshall extended be binding suçcessive upon all parties\nclaiming them until\nsaid\ninv orin\n13.I\nlawfulf fbe any other. or any of them, or their real assigns, situ shall violate\nto violate Apy of the covenants herein, its\nshalbe\nany such and either to prevent prosecute him ah them proceeding from so doing,\nto damages orother person dues for such violation.\nthe\n15. Nos The structures Seller Developer of kinda shall not to ber be onto the Purchaser, subdivision his or heirs Iot thereof for the written of the Seller or Developer.\nheavy, rains, dote\n the Sae way or interfere :\ncissesy\ncaused by anyAct\nnot_to tothe\nrainage natural otherwise,in subdivision, first\nidence such as hurric\nthe written\nlon this 5 any Block erstood may that be Lots occupied trailer, 5in Block as set outin all lots Paragraph9 Blocks herein. 2are reserved for business only, with the excep-\nB force and cteyo of these covenants by judgment or court order shalli in no affect any ofthe other provisions which shall remain\n18. WATER ASSESSMENT HAS BEEN PAID IN FULL.\nTOI HAVE AND TOI HOLD the above described premises, together with all and. singular the rights and appurtenances there-\ntoin anywise belonging unto the said RALPH L. GAULT and wife, LILLIAN M. GAULT, their\nheirs and assigns forever andI Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-\nfend, all ands singular the said premises unto the said RALPH L. GAULT and wife, LILLIAN M. GAULT, their\nheirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.\nButitise expressly agréed and stipulated that the Vendor's Lien is retained against the abové\nand effect improvements, until the above described note(s), and all interest thereon are fully paid according described to the property, face and premises tenor,\nand reading, when this deed shall become absolute.\nai\nWITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this.. 1lth", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any race other than the. Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall\nnot prevent occupancy by do-\nmestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 415) in anywise belonging unto the said N. B. Hamilton, his heirs and assigns forever; and I, w. R.Ellis do hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and ForeverDefend all and singular the said premises unto the said N. B. Hamilton heirs and assigns,against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same or any part thereof.Witness my hand at Port Aransas, Nueces County, Texas, this 7 day of February A. D. 1942. w. R. Ellis THE STATE OF TEXAS 0COUNTY OF NUECES 9 BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County, Texas, on this day personally appeared W. R. Ellis known to me to be the person whose name issubscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same forthe purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this 7day of Feby., A. D. 1942.(Nueces Co., Tex. L. s.) R.M. Gaulding,Notery Public,Nueces Co., Texas. ENDORSED: Warranty Deed, Filed for Record at 9:57 O'clock A. M. Feb. 21, 1942, Mrs. Henry E.RECORDED: The 4th day of Mar. 1942 at 9 O'clock A. M. Vol. 277, Pages 414-415, Mrs. Henry E. Gouger Clerk, County Court, Nueces County, Texas, By L. P. Fritz, Deputy. Gouger, County Clerk, By Ba Jnisun Deputy. 00000000x No. 172942STATE OF TEXAS 9COUNTY OF NUECES KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, Joe Glasberg and Leon Glasberg, of Bexar County, Texas, do hereby make and publish the limitations and restrictionswhich are to apply to and become a part of all contracts of sale, deeds and other legalinstruments whereby title of possession in_divested out of the present owners and investedin other persons, to all and any tract, block or lot, contained in Tom Price Addition, aresubdivision of Lot No. Four (4), Block No. "B-1", Center View Addition, Nueces County, Texas.1. All lots in this subdivision shall be known and described as residential lots. Each lotshall be restricted to one story, single family dwellings. 2. No building shall pe constructedon any lot nearer any street line than as shown by building lines on the map or plat of thissubdivision. No building shall be erected on any lot neared than four (4) feet from any sideline of such lot. No. building shall be erected in an easement.73. No dwelling shall bepermitted on any lot in this subdivision which shall cost, or reasonably be worth less than$500.00 based on the cost of labor and materials as of this date.>4. All buildings of frameconstruction or stucco, and all fences, service buildings, or other buildings of whatevernature shall be painted with not less than two coats of exterior paint at the time of con-struction. All wood shingle roofs shall be painted or stained an attractive colors 5. Nonoxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall any thing be donethereon which may be or become a nuisance or annoyance to the neighborhood.6. No person of"the Negro or African race shall use or occupy any building or lot, except that this shall notapply to domestis servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant77. A franchiseright or easement of five (5) feet off each tract, as shown on the map of this subdivision, isexpressly reserved for the use and benefit of public utilities and utility companies, theright of ingress, and egress to lay, change, remove and repair utilities in said easement beingexpressly provided for. No house or building of any kind shall be built on said reservation.)8. No signs, billboards or other advertising devises, except those needed in the sale of thisproperty shall be placed on any tract, lot, block, porch, parking, street or building in TomPrice addition.9. If through any error or oversight, or mistake, between the owners of TomPrice Addition, and the owners or builders of any structure inTom Price Addition: whether
415) in anywise belonging unto the said N. B. Hamilton, his heirs and assigns forever; and I, w. R.Ellis do hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and ForeverDefend all and singular the said premises unto the said N. B. Hamilton heirs and assigns,against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same or any part thereof.Witness my hand at Port Aransas, Nueces County, Texas, this 7 day of February A. D. 1942. w. R. Ellis THE STATE OF TEXAS 0COUNTY OF NUECES 9 BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County, Texas, on this day personally appeared W. R. Ellis known to me to be the person whose name issubscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same forthe purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this 7day of Feby., A. D. 1942.(Nueces Co., Tex. L. s.) R.M. Gaulding,Notery Public,Nueces Co., Texas. ENDORSED: Warranty Deed, Filed for Record at 9:57 O'clock A. M. Feb. 21, 1942, Mrs. Henry E.RECORDED: The 4th day of Mar. 1942 at 9 O'clock A. M. Vol. 277, Pages 414-415, Mrs. Henry E. Gouger Clerk, County Court, Nueces County, Texas, By L. P. Fritz, Deputy. Gouger, County Clerk, By Ba Jnisun Deputy. 00000000x No. 172942STATE OF TEXAS 9COUNTY OF NUECES KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, Joe Glasberg and Leon Glasberg, of Bexar County, Texas, do hereby make and publish the limitations and restrictionswhich are to apply to and become a part of all contracts of sale, deeds and other legalinstruments whereby title of possession in_divested out of the present owners and investedin other persons, to all and any tract, block or lot, contained in Tom Price Addition, aresubdivision of Lot No. Four (4), Block No. "B-1", Center View Addition, Nueces County, Texas.1. All lots in this subdivision shall be known and described as residential lots. Each lotshall be restricted to one story, single family dwellings. 2. No building shall pe constructedon any lot nearer any street line than as shown by building lines on the map or plat of thissubdivision. No building shall be erected on any lot neared than four (4) feet from any sideline of such lot. No. building shall be erected in an easement.73. No dwelling shall bepermitted on any lot in this subdivision which shall cost, or reasonably be worth less than$500.00 based on the cost of labor and materials as of this date.>4. All buildings of frameconstruction or stucco, and all fences, service buildings, or other buildings of whatevernature shall be painted with not less than two coats of exterior paint at the time of con-struction. All wood shingle roofs shall be painted or stained an attractive colors 5. Nonoxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall any thing be donethereon which may be or become a nuisance or annoyance to the neighborhood.6. No person of"the Negro or African race shall use or occupy any building or lot, except that this shall notapply to domestis servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant77. A franchiseright or easement of five (5) feet off each tract, as shown on the map of this subdivision, isexpressly reserved for the use and benefit of public utilities and utility companies, theright of ingress, and egress to lay, change, remove and repair utilities in said easement beingexpressly provided for. No house or building of any kind shall be built on said reservation.)8. No signs, billboards or other advertising devises, except those needed in the sale of thisproperty shall be placed on any tract, lot, block, porch, parking, street or building in TomPrice addition.9. If through any error or oversight, or mistake, between the owners of TomPrice Addition, and the owners or builders of any structure inTom Price Addition: whether
thereon which may be or become a nuisance or annoyance to the neighborhood.6. No person of" the Negro or African race shall use or :. occupy any building or lot, except that this shall not apply to domestis servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant. 7. A franchi
6. No person of the Negro or African race shall use or occupy any building or lot, except that this shall not apply to domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]thereon which may be or become a nuisance or annoyance to the neighborhood.6. No person of" the Negro or African race shall use or :. occupy any building or lot, except that this shall not apply to domestis servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant. 7. A franchi [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]6. No person of the Negro or African race shall use or occupy any building or lot, except that this shall not apply to domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n415)\nin anywise belonging unto the said N. B. Hamilton, his heirs and assigns forever; and I, w. R.Ellis do hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and ForeverDefend all and singular the said premises unto the said N. B. Hamilton heirs and assigns,against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same or any part thereof.Witness my hand at Port Aransas, Nueces County, Texas, this 7 day of February A. D. 1942.\nw. R. Ellis\nTHE STATE OF TEXAS 0COUNTY OF NUECES\n9\nBEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County,\nTexas, on this day personally appeared W. R. Ellis known to me to be the person whose name issubscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same forthe purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this\n7day of Feby., A. D. 1942.(Nueces Co., Tex. L. s.)\nR.M. Gaulding,Notery Public,Nueces Co., Texas.\nENDORSED: Warranty Deed, Filed for Record at 9:57 O'clock A. M. Feb. 21, 1942, Mrs. Henry E.RECORDED: The 4th day of Mar. 1942 at 9 O'clock A. M. Vol. 277, Pages 414-415, Mrs. Henry E.\nGouger Clerk, County Court, Nueces County, Texas, By L. P. Fritz, Deputy.\nGouger, County Clerk, By Ba Jnisun\nDeputy.\n00000000x\nNo. 172942STATE OF TEXAS 9COUNTY OF NUECES\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, Joe Glasberg and Leon\nGlasberg, of Bexar County, Texas, do hereby make and publish the limitations and restrictionswhich are to apply to and become a part of all contracts of sale, deeds and other legalinstruments whereby title of possession in_divested out of the present owners and investedin other persons, to all and any tract, block or lot, contained in Tom Price Addition, aresubdivision of Lot No. Four (4), Block No. \"B-1\", Center View Addition, Nueces County, Texas.1. All lots in this subdivision shall be known and described as residential lots. Each lotshall be restricted to one story, single family dwellings. 2. No building shall pe constructedon any lot nearer any street line than as shown by building lines on the map or plat of thissubdivision. No building shall be erected on any lot neared than four (4) feet from any sideline of such lot. No. building shall be erected in an easement.73. No dwelling shall bepermitted on any lot in this subdivision which shall cost, or reasonably be worth less than$500.00 based on the cost of labor and materials as of this date.>4. All buildings of frameconstruction or stucco, and all fences, service buildings, or other buildings of whatevernature shall be painted with not less than two coats of exterior paint at the time of con-struction. All wood shingle roofs shall be painted or stained an attractive colors 5. Nonoxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall any thing be donethereon which may be or become a nuisance or annoyance to the neighborhood.6. No person of\"the Negro or African race shall use or occupy any building or lot, except that this shall notapply to domestis servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant77. A franchiseright or easement of five (5) feet off each tract, as shown on the map of this subdivision, isexpressly reserved for the use and benefit of public utilities and utility companies, theright of ingress, and egress to lay, change, remove and repair utilities in said easement beingexpressly provided for. No house or building of any kind shall be built on said reservation.)8. No signs, billboards or other advertising devises, except those needed in the sale of thisproperty shall be placed on any tract, lot, block, porch, parking, street or building in TomPrice addition.9. If through any error or oversight, or mistake, between the owners of TomPrice Addition, and the owners or builders of any structure inTom Price Addition: whether\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]thereon which may be or become a nuisance or annoyance to the neighborhood.6. No person of\"\nthe Negro or African race shall use or :. occupy any building or lot, except that this shall not\napply to domestis servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant. 7. A franchi\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]6. No person of the Negro or African race shall use or occupy any building or lot, except that this shall not apply to domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DRVOL00493 PAGE279 -STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTONin consideration of the sum oftomep paid ands secured tol be paid by KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 3524 THATI,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter deseribedproperty is my separate estate andi is not now, nor hasi it ever been, any parto of myz residential or business homestead), for andONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($1290.00) cash in hand paid, theHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY AND NO/100 ($1290.00)HILTON P. STANDIFER and wife, JENELL STANDIFERreceipt of which is hereby acknowledged; DOLLARSas follows: HILTON P. STANDIFER and wife, JEWELL STANDIFER,State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, of the County of DallasTexas, and described as follows, to-wit: LOTS TWENTY-THREE (23) and TWENTY-FOUR (24) in BLOCK EIGHT (8),GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County,Texas, according to the Map thereof recorded in Volume 2, page80, of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, made subject to thez restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made part of ThisNoshallbeBe No person snyd FReP.C enther chaom EN with anyoNo dry telE or Epei shall do gNS amk:GD or St.te Health Department.5. Water or tooneor ablic lots must be approved water orga by Texas State tobnea theerumning back Payesecond lont iale events tonint fullforthe propertyNopuildingarelotsors Srcata (2)shingles,htDereeTThe ground floor any12. shall limeleleal B1B3 Ee any parties otheriodrainagessystem, the plat recorded in the Map Records of Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: uAle int for this non-profit subdivision, recreational except as hereinafter EE original and restricted in Paragraph E such only except asingle building andaoccupy anyl lot, except that thisshall noty prevent occupancy, by do-mBpcyat lots bes CametD Denton or Sa by:HeleAt t time street Seller, along the Eonerein deseribed when lien thereon madethereto, er.EESE ESMARE residençehereinset out, furnishathes-aEdjoiningt theass set out! rEFfronttostreetlines on on the Tetord rtEss thesiding or done thereon may beor becomeset outRealfully mpid MEh."andplat of saidshall_be withthel lotsitweor any lott thereof without theoft the Seller or Developer.any Act SPeorfor business only, with the excep- altered, or permitted to on any building plot other than one (Front LAT - FES Side ed n ms a e sed uine hee eeobnoxious or or offensive tot or activity shall be earried on upon any lot, norStreets, easements and alleys are reserved as shown on thedamages Pae E - such mipia E to14. Nos structures of any aret to ber moved onto thelene The SE Developer shall not heavy, rains, floods, to Purchaser, his ire, heirs etc. e Ff for damages notlon Ihae S Block may_be that 6inBlock7 as in sin18. Len for only the Water Assessment is retained. a erins thereof is completely finished and, ifframe bets unfinished lumber, shalll ben notl less than 600s feet.for purposes.ady shallb tended be E all parties of_ten srotar claiming them.untilsuche covenant, either preventh S CAE 50 E No garage, asmcta tent, shack or other outbuilding erected 9 thelot herein eseribeds shall a time md: asa residence on lotin agreed. to changes said' covenants inv whole ori inpart. of them, or their heirs assigns ituated shall A geva stemet violate any e the prose covenants herein, jtshall.bethe subdivision, without first taining thew written permission oft S-ler" and are Hu fullf Invalidation efyo one of these covenants byj judgment or court order innov wise affect any of the other provisions shall remainTOI HAVE AND TO HOLD thea above described premises, together with alla ands singular the rights and appurtenances there-toin anywise belonging untot thes said HILTON P. STANDIFER and wife, JEWELL STANDIFER, theirheirs and assigns forever andI Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-fend, all ands singular the said premises unto the said HILTON P. STANDIFER and wife, JEWELL STANDIFER, theirheirs anda assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, ort to claim the same, or any part thereof.Butiti is expressly agreed and stipulated that the Vendor's Lieni is retained against the above described property, premisesandi improvements, until thea above described note(s), and alli interest thereon are fully paid according to the face and tenor, effect and reading, whent this deed shall become absolute. WITNESS MYI HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this..2 2lth prilIrwin 1953.
DRVOL00493 PAGE279 -STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTONin consideration of the sum oftomep paid ands secured tol be paid by KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 3524 THATI,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter deseribedproperty is my separate estate andi is not now, nor hasi it ever been, any parto of myz residential or business homestead), for andONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($1290.00) cash in hand paid, theHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY AND NO/100 ($1290.00)HILTON P. STANDIFER and wife, JENELL STANDIFERreceipt of which is hereby acknowledged; DOLLARSas follows: HILTON P. STANDIFER and wife, JEWELL STANDIFER,State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, of the County of DallasTexas, and described as follows, to-wit: LOTS TWENTY-THREE (23) and TWENTY-FOUR (24) in BLOCK EIGHT (8),GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County,Texas, according to the Map thereof recorded in Volume 2, page80, of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, made subject to thez restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made part of ThisNoshallbeBe No person snyd FReP.C enther chaom EN with anyoNo dry telE or Epei shall do gNS amk:GD or St.te Health Department.5. Water or tooneor ablic lots must be approved water orga by Texas State tobnea theerumning back Payesecond lont iale events tonint fullforthe propertyNopuildingarelotsors Srcata (2)shingles,htDereeTThe ground floor any12. shall limeleleal B1B3 Ee any parties otheriodrainagessystem, the plat recorded in the Map Records of Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: uAle int for this non-profit subdivision, recreational except as hereinafter EE original and restricted in Paragraph E such only except asingle building andaoccupy anyl lot, except that thisshall noty prevent occupancy, by do-mBpcyat lots bes CametD Denton or Sa by:HeleAt t time street Seller, along the Eonerein deseribed when lien thereon madethereto, er.EESE ESMARE residençehereinset out, furnishathes-aEdjoiningt theass set out! rEFfronttostreetlines on on the Tetord rtEss thesiding or done thereon may beor becomeset outRealfully mpid MEh."andplat of saidshall_be withthel lotsitweor any lott thereof without theoft the Seller or Developer.any Act SPeorfor business only, with the excep- altered, or permitted to on any building plot other than one (Front LAT - FES Side ed n ms a e sed uine hee eeobnoxious or or offensive tot or activity shall be earried on upon any lot, norStreets, easements and alleys are reserved as shown on thedamages Pae E - such mipia E to14. Nos structures of any aret to ber moved onto thelene The SE Developer shall not heavy, rains, floods, to Purchaser, his ire, heirs etc. e Ff for damages notlon Ihae S Block may_be that 6inBlock7 as in sin18. Len for only the Water Assessment is retained. a erins thereof is completely finished and, ifframe bets unfinished lumber, shalll ben notl less than 600s feet.for purposes.ady shallb tended be E all parties of_ten srotar claiming them.untilsuche covenant, either preventh S CAE 50 E No garage, asmcta tent, shack or other outbuilding erected 9 thelot herein eseribeds shall a time md: asa residence on lotin agreed. to changes said' covenants inv whole ori inpart. of them, or their heirs assigns ituated shall A geva stemet violate any e the prose covenants herein, jtshall.bethe subdivision, without first taining thew written permission oft S-ler" and are Hu fullf Invalidation efyo one of these covenants byj judgment or court order innov wise affect any of the other provisions shall remainTOI HAVE AND TO HOLD thea above described premises, together with alla ands singular the rights and appurtenances there-toin anywise belonging untot thes said HILTON P. STANDIFER and wife, JEWELL STANDIFER, theirheirs and assigns forever andI Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-fend, all ands singular the said premises unto the said HILTON P. STANDIFER and wife, JEWELL STANDIFER, theirheirs anda assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, ort to claim the same, or any part thereof.Butiti is expressly agreed and stipulated that the Vendor's Lieni is retained against the above described property, premisesandi improvements, until thea above described note(s), and alli interest thereon are fully paid according to the face and tenor, effect and reading, whent this deed shall become absolute. WITNESS MYI HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this..2 2lth prilIrwin 1953.
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy, by do- mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy, by do- mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDRVOL00493 PAGE279\n-STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTONin consideration of the sum oftomep paid ands secured tol be paid by\nKNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\n3524\nTHATI,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter deseribedproperty is my separate estate andi is not now, nor hasi it ever been, any parto of myz residential or business homestead), for andONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($1290.00) cash in hand paid, theHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said\nONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY AND NO/100 ($1290.00)HILTON P. STANDIFER and wife, JENELL STANDIFERreceipt of which is hereby acknowledged;\nDOLLARSas follows:\nHILTON P. STANDIFER and wife, JEWELL STANDIFER,State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,\nof the County of DallasTexas, and described as follows, to-wit:\nLOTS TWENTY-THREE (23) and TWENTY-FOUR (24) in BLOCK EIGHT (8),GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County,Texas, according to the Map thereof recorded in Volume 2, page80, of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, made subject to thez restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made part of\nThisNoshallbeBe No person snyd FReP.C enther chaom EN with anyoNo dry telE or Epei shall do gNS amk:GD or St.te Health Department.5. Water or tooneor ablic lots must be approved water orga by Texas State tobnea theerumning back Payesecond lont iale events tonint fullforthe propertyNopuildingarelotsors Srcata (2)shingles,htDereeTThe ground floor any12. shall limeleleal B1B3 Ee any parties otheriodrainagessystem,\nthe plat recorded in the Map Records of Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:\nuAle int for this non-profit subdivision, recreational except as hereinafter EE original and restricted in Paragraph E such only except \nasingle building andaoccupy anyl lot, except that thisshall noty prevent occupancy, by do-mBpcyat lots bes CametD Denton or Sa by:HeleAt t time street Seller, along the Eonerein deseribed when lien thereon madethereto, er.EESE ESMARE residençehereinset out, furnishathes-aEdjoiningt theass set out! rEFfronttostreetlines on on the Tetord rtEss thesiding or done thereon may beor becomeset outRealfully mpid MEh.\"andplat of saidshall_be withthel lotsitweor any lott thereof without theoft the Seller or Developer.any Act SPeorfor business only, with the excep-\naltered, or permitted to on any building plot other than one\n(Front LAT - FES Side ed n ms a e sed uine hee eeobnoxious or or offensive tot or activity shall be earried on upon any lot, norStreets, easements and alleys are reserved as shown on thedamages Pae E - such mipia E to14. Nos structures of any aret to ber moved onto thelene The SE Developer shall not heavy, rains, floods, to Purchaser, his ire, heirs etc. e Ff for damages notlon Ihae S Block may_be that 6inBlock7 as in sin18. Len for only the Water Assessment is retained.\na erins thereof is completely finished and, ifframe bets unfinished lumber, shalll ben notl less than 600s feet.for purposes.ady shallb tended be E all parties of_ten srotar claiming them.untilsuche covenant, either preventh S CAE 50 E\nNo garage, asmcta tent, shack or other outbuilding erected 9 thelot herein eseribeds shall a time md: asa residence on lotin\nagreed. to changes said' covenants inv whole ori inpart.\nof them, or their heirs assigns ituated shall A geva stemet violate any e the prose covenants herein, jtshall.bethe subdivision, without first taining thew written permission oft S-ler\"\nand are\nHu fullf Invalidation efyo one of these covenants byj judgment or court order innov wise affect any of the other provisions shall remainTOI HAVE AND TO HOLD thea above described premises, together with alla ands singular the rights and appurtenances there-toin anywise belonging untot thes said HILTON P. STANDIFER and wife, JEWELL STANDIFER, theirheirs and assigns forever andI Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-fend, all ands singular the said premises unto the said HILTON P. STANDIFER and wife, JEWELL STANDIFER, theirheirs anda assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, ort to claim the same, or any part thereof.Butiti is expressly agreed and stipulated that the Vendor's Lieni is retained against the above described property, premisesandi improvements, until thea above described note(s), and alli interest thereon are fully paid according to the face and tenor,\neffect and reading, whent this deed shall become absolute.\nWITNESS MYI HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this..2 2lth\nprilIrwin\n1953.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy, by do-\nmestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL8023 PAGE368 any holder of an adjoining or neighboring property. 9. No dwelling house shall be erected or maintained upon said premises, or upon any subdivision of the same, the cost of construction of which shall be less than Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000). 10. No duelling house or building erected or maintained upon said premises nearer than Fifty (50) feet or upon any subdivision thereof, shall be from the northerly lines of lots Hos. 2 and 23; nor nearer than twenty-five (25) feet from the strip or parcel of land ten (10) feet in width extending in a northerly direction from the termination of Corning Place to the parcel of land eighty (80) feet long by forty (40) feet wide situated upon the shore of Lake Erie, shown upon said plat; nor nearer than seventy-five (75) feet from said parcel eighty (80) feet by forty (40) feet situated upon the shore of Lake Erie. (Covenants and restrictions applying to all of said lots) 11. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. 12. No barn in which horses, cows or other animals are to be kept shall be erected or maintained upon said premises. 13. Ro nuisance, advertising sign, bill board or other advertisement or advertising device, except signs for the sale of said property, shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain upon said premises. 14. The undivided one-twenty-fourth (1/24) interest in the said parcel on Lake Erie and in the ten (10) foot strip leading thereto from Corning Place, which parcel and strip are more particularly described as Parcel "B in the description hereof shall not, nor shall any part thereof be sold separate and apart from said part of sublot No. 11 described as Parcel "A" hereof, except to other owners of lots in The Standard Land Company's Subdivision; nor shall any of the property conveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person. or persons not of a Caucasian race. 15. The Grantee agrees to share prorata with the other owners in common of the ten (10) foot strip and of the parcel eighty (80) feet long by forty (40) feet wide situated on the shore of Lake Erie, in the expense of protecting and maintaining the same in paying any taxes or assessments levied thereon.
VOL8023 PAGE368 any holder of an adjoining or neighboring property. 9. No dwelling house shall be erected or maintained upon said premises, or upon any subdivision of the same, the cost of construction of which shall be less than Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000). 10. No duelling house or building erected or maintained upon said premises nearer than Fifty (50) feet or upon any subdivision thereof, shall be from the northerly lines of lots Hos. 2 and 23; nor nearer than twenty-five (25) feet from the strip or parcel of land ten (10) feet in width extending in a northerly direction from the termination of Corning Place to the parcel of land eighty (80) feet long by forty (40) feet wide situated upon the shore of Lake Erie, shown upon said plat; nor nearer than seventy-five (75) feet from said parcel eighty (80) feet by forty (40) feet situated upon the shore of Lake Erie. (Covenants and restrictions applying to all of said lots) 11. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. 12. No barn in which horses, cows or other animals are to be kept shall be erected or maintained upon said premises. 13. Ro nuisance, advertising sign, bill board or other advertisement or advertising device, except signs for the sale of said property, shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain upon said premises. 14. The undivided one-twenty-fourth (1/24) interest in the said parcel on Lake Erie and in the ten (10) foot strip leading thereto from Corning Place, which parcel and strip are more particularly described as Parcel "B in the description hereof shall not, nor shall any part thereof be sold separate and apart from said part of sublot No. 11 described as Parcel "A" hereof, except to other owners of lots in The Standard Land Company's Subdivision; nor shall any of the property conveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person. or persons not of a Caucasian race. 15. The Grantee agrees to share prorata with the other owners in common of the ten (10) foot strip and of the parcel eighty (80) feet long by forty (40) feet wide situated on the shore of Lake Erie, in the expense of protecting and maintaining the same in paying any taxes or assessments levied thereon.
lots in The Standard Land Company's Subdivision; nor shall any of the property conveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person. or persons not of a Caucasian race.
nor shall any of the property conveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person or persons not of a Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]lots in The Standard Land Company's Subdivision; nor shall any of the property conveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person. or persons not of a Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]nor shall any of the property conveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person or persons not of a Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL8023 PAGE368\nany holder of an adjoining or neighboring property.\n9. No dwelling house shall be erected or maintained upon said premises, or\nupon any subdivision of the same, the cost of construction of which shall be less\nthan Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000).\n10. No duelling house or building erected or maintained upon said premises\nnearer than Fifty (50) feet\nor upon any subdivision thereof, shall be\nfrom the northerly lines of lots Hos. 2 and 23; nor nearer than twenty-five (25)\nfeet from the strip or parcel of land ten (10) feet in width extending in a northerly\ndirection from the termination of Corning Place to the parcel of land eighty (80)\nfeet long by forty (40) feet wide situated upon the shore of Lake Erie, shown upon\nsaid plat; nor nearer than seventy-five (75) feet from said parcel eighty (80) feet\nby forty (40) feet situated upon the shore of Lake Erie.\n(Covenants and restrictions applying\nto all of said lots)\n11. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold,\neither at wholesale or retail, upon said premises.\n12. No barn in which horses, cows or other animals are to be kept shall be\nerected or maintained upon said premises.\n13. Ro nuisance, advertising sign, bill board or other advertisement or\nadvertising device, except signs for the sale of said property, shall be erected,\nplaced or suffered to remain upon said premises.\n14. The undivided one-twenty-fourth (1/24) interest in the said parcel on\nLake Erie and in the ten (10) foot strip leading thereto from Corning Place, which\nparcel and strip are more particularly described as Parcel \"B in the description\nhereof shall not, nor shall any part thereof be sold separate and apart from said\npart of sublot No. 11 described as Parcel \"A\" hereof, except to other owners of\nlots in The Standard Land Company's Subdivision; nor shall any of the property\nconveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person. or\npersons not of a Caucasian race.\n15. The Grantee agrees to share prorata with the other owners in common of\nthe ten (10) foot strip and of the parcel eighty (80) feet long by forty (40)\nfeet wide situated on the shore of Lake Erie, in the expense of protecting and\nmaintaining the same in paying any taxes or assessments levied thereon.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]lots in The Standard Land Company's Subdivision; nor shall any of the property\nconveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person. or\npersons not of a Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]nor shall any of the property conveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person or persons not of a Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DRVOLO0AB8PAGES 54 6389 STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DENTON E 9645 THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W.1 BASS, for andi in consideration oft the sum of NINE HUNDRED FORTY NINE (8949.00) AND NO/100 -DOLLARS tous paid and secured to be paid by JAITS E. MANES and wife, ALIIE MANES sEsdellense HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by't these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said State of Texas, vifeat following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, JAMES E. MANES and ALLIE MANES -oft the County of DALIAS Texas, and describeda as follows, to-wit: BEING LOTS THIRTY-NINE (39), FORTY (40), FORTY-ONE (41) and FORTY-TWO (42), in BLOCK THO (2) of GARZA-LITTLE EIM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in the County of Denton, Texas as shown by the plat of said Addition duly recorded in the Map Records of Denton County, Texas, to which record reference is here made: the Map Records B Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: This recorded conveyance in is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and which are made a part of the plat cublod lots in this except as hereinatter excepted and deseribed in Parasraph 16 herein, to_be. only : reidence, aaa on any building such other type than building, one No be tered, placed or penitted detached singleb bullding and plot garage owner shall tenant. any lot, thatt this covenant shall not prevent oceupaney by do- nts a Yel by must Coa Dentonors ES B No dry this Egty and. lank sanitary SId yard ma line m srdrt with costs dpa : thereof is completely in AMAPSPNE brick, lumber, material, asbes- tr he activity shall be carried on upon lot, nor shall anything be done thereon may beor become temt shack or other. outbuilding character Be residence, shall a tieme! bud: B Tam as y are PPIR "eh." any lotin The floor of main exclusive of open porches shall ber notl 600 feet. reserved as shown on the recorded plat of for utility purposes. the vners of EL to Baid aL Ems wis wntil ons the land ai, claiming them upon all of m their ha or assigng, shall violate deve Asempt: to any g the pros covenants herein, for any other. or person other 27 Lorau Ci preventh BIES s from so doine, covenant, andre to 14. 16. No The of any kind. shall are to ber thes or any lot thereof without the corsent oft the Seller or Developer. subdivision caused by AAS MR: not ber roughts, B 1 E subdivision, the permission SL first Lots_1 led in Block as all lotsin Blocks L? are reserved for buiness only, with the excep- Hon 7 PVeléatio force and cte one of these covenants by judgmento orc courto order shalli in no wise affect anyo oft the other provisions which shall remain TOE HAVEA AND' TO HOLDt the above described premises, together with all ands singular the rights and appurtenances there- toina anywise belonging unto thes said JAMES E. MANES and wife, ALLIE MANES, their heirs and assigns forever andv we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors anda administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, all ands singular the said premises untot thes said JAMES E. MANES and wife, ALLIE MANES, their heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any partt thereof. pulateds thatd tshse oripeb bI Aa2 day of Decenber WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 5th 70 ARa W.Bass Vera SMM U MVI, BEFORE ME, theu undersigned, Notary Public, a COUNTY OF. Dallas and for said County, Texas, on this day personally appeared Bert H. Bass. Vera.. Wa. Bass. his wife, both known to me to be the persons whose are subacribedt to thet foregoing instrument, and acknowledged tor me thatt they each executed the same fort the purposes and consideration therein expressed, andt the said. Vera. W.. Bass wife of the said.. Bert. H. Bass. having been examined by me privily and apart from her husband, and! having the same fully explained to her, she, the said.. Vera W, Bass.. acknowledged such instrument to bel hers act and deed, ands declared that she had Wilingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she not wish to retracti it. GIVEN. UNDER. MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This.. .5th.. day of... Decenber.. A.D.19.62. A2,B14y 2pchl No+ary Pablic in and for DallesCounty, (L.S.). AE Texas
DRVOLO0AB8PAGES 54 6389 STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DENTON E 9645 THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W.1 BASS, for andi in consideration oft the sum of NINE HUNDRED FORTY NINE (8949.00) AND NO/100 -DOLLARS tous paid and secured to be paid by JAITS E. MANES and wife, ALIIE MANES sEsdellense HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by't these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said State of Texas, vifeat following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, JAMES E. MANES and ALLIE MANES -oft the County of DALIAS Texas, and describeda as follows, to-wit: BEING LOTS THIRTY-NINE (39), FORTY (40), FORTY-ONE (41) and FORTY-TWO (42), in BLOCK THO (2) of GARZA-LITTLE EIM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in the County of Denton, Texas as shown by the plat of said Addition duly recorded in the Map Records of Denton County, Texas, to which record reference is here made: the Map Records B Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: This recorded conveyance in is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and which are made a part of the plat cublod lots in this except as hereinatter excepted and deseribed in Parasraph 16 herein, to_be. only : reidence, aaa on any building such other type than building, one No be tered, placed or penitted detached singleb bullding and plot garage owner shall tenant. any lot, thatt this covenant shall not prevent oceupaney by do- nts a Yel by must Coa Dentonors ES B No dry this Egty and. lank sanitary SId yard ma line m srdrt with costs dpa : thereof is completely in AMAPSPNE brick, lumber, material, asbes- tr he activity shall be carried on upon lot, nor shall anything be done thereon may beor become temt shack or other. outbuilding character Be residence, shall a tieme! bud: B Tam as y are PPIR "eh." any lotin The floor of main exclusive of open porches shall ber notl 600 feet. reserved as shown on the recorded plat of for utility purposes. the vners of EL to Baid aL Ems wis wntil ons the land ai, claiming them upon all of m their ha or assigng, shall violate deve Asempt: to any g the pros covenants herein, for any other. or person other 27 Lorau Ci preventh BIES s from so doine, covenant, andre to 14. 16. No The of any kind. shall are to ber thes or any lot thereof without the corsent oft the Seller or Developer. subdivision caused by AAS MR: not ber roughts, B 1 E subdivision, the permission SL first Lots_1 led in Block as all lotsin Blocks L? are reserved for buiness only, with the excep- Hon 7 PVeléatio force and cte one of these covenants by judgmento orc courto order shalli in no wise affect anyo oft the other provisions which shall remain TOE HAVEA AND' TO HOLDt the above described premises, together with all ands singular the rights and appurtenances there- toina anywise belonging unto thes said JAMES E. MANES and wife, ALLIE MANES, their heirs and assigns forever andv we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors anda administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, all ands singular the said premises untot thes said JAMES E. MANES and wife, ALLIE MANES, their heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any partt thereof. pulateds thatd tshse oripeb bI Aa2 day of Decenber WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 5th 70 ARa W.Bass Vera SMM U MVI, BEFORE ME, theu undersigned, Notary Public, a COUNTY OF. Dallas and for said County, Texas, on this day personally appeared Bert H. Bass. Vera.. Wa. Bass. his wife, both known to me to be the persons whose are subacribedt to thet foregoing instrument, and acknowledged tor me thatt they each executed the same fort the purposes and consideration therein expressed, andt the said. Vera. W.. Bass wife of the said.. Bert. H. Bass. having been examined by me privily and apart from her husband, and! having the same fully explained to her, she, the said.. Vera W, Bass.. acknowledged such instrument to bel hers act and deed, ands declared that she had Wilingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she not wish to retracti it. GIVEN. UNDER. MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This.. .5th.. day of... Decenber.. A.D.19.62. A2,B14y 2pchl No+ary Pablic in and for DallesCounty, (L.S.). AE Texas
8. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiçiled with any owner or tenant.
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]8. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiçiled with any owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDRVOLO0AB8PAGES 54\n6389\nSTATE OF TEXAS\nKNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\nCOUNTY OF DENTON\nE 9645\nTHAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W.1 BASS, for andi in consideration oft the sum of\nNINE HUNDRED FORTY NINE (8949.00) AND NO/100\n-DOLLARS\ntous paid and secured to be paid by JAITS E. MANES and wife, ALIIE MANES\nsEsdellense\nHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by't these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said\nState of Texas, vifeat following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,\nJAMES E. MANES and\nALLIE MANES\n-oft the County of DALIAS\nTexas, and describeda as follows, to-wit:\nBEING LOTS THIRTY-NINE (39), FORTY (40), FORTY-ONE (41) and FORTY-TWO (42),\nin BLOCK THO (2) of GARZA-LITTLE EIM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in the County\nof Denton, Texas as shown by the plat of said Addition duly recorded in the\nMap Records of Denton County, Texas, to which record reference is here made:\nthe Map Records B Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:\nThis recorded conveyance in is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and\nwhich are made a\npart of\nthe plat\ncublod lots in this\nexcept as hereinatter excepted and deseribed in Parasraph 16 herein, to_be. only : reidence,\naaa\non any building such other type than building, one\nNo\nbe\ntered, placed or penitted\ndetached singleb bullding and\nplot\ngarage\nowner shall tenant. any lot, thatt this covenant shall not prevent oceupaney by do-\nnts a\n \nYel by must Coa Dentonors ES B\nNo dry\nthis Egty and. lank sanitary\n\n SId yard ma line m srdrt\nwith costs dpa : thereof is completely in AMAPSPNE brick, lumber, material, asbes-\ntr he activity shall be carried on upon lot, nor shall anything be done thereon may beor become\ntemt shack or other. outbuilding character Be\nresidence, shall a tieme! bud:\nB\nTam\nas y are PPIR \"eh.\"\nany lotin\nThe\nfloor of main\nexclusive of open porches\nshall ber notl\n600 feet.\nreserved as shown on the recorded plat of\nfor utility purposes.\n the vners of EL to Baid\naL Ems wis wntil\nons\nthe land ai,\nclaiming them\nupon all\nof m their ha or assigng, shall violate deve Asempt: to any g the pros covenants herein,\nfor any other.\n or person other 27 Lorau Ci\npreventh BIES s from so doine,\ncovenant, andre\nto\n14. 16. No The\nof any kind. shall are to ber\nthes\nor any lot thereof without the corsent oft the Seller or Developer.\nsubdivision caused by AAS MR:\nnot ber\nroughts, B\n1 E subdivision,\nthe permission SL\nfirst\nLots_1 led in Block as all lotsin Blocks L? are reserved for buiness only, with the excep-\nHon 7\nPVeléatio force and cte one of these covenants by judgmento orc courto order shalli in no wise affect anyo oft the other provisions which shall remain\nTOE HAVEA AND' TO HOLDt the above described premises, together with all ands singular the rights and appurtenances there-\ntoina anywise belonging unto thes said JAMES E. MANES and wife, ALLIE MANES, their\nheirs and assigns forever andv we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors anda administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-\nfend, all ands singular the said premises untot thes said JAMES E. MANES and wife, ALLIE MANES, their\nheirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any partt thereof.\npulateds thatd\ntshse oripeb\nbI\nAa2\nday of Decenber\nWITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 5th\n70 ARa\nW.Bass\nVera\n SMM U MVI,\nBEFORE ME, theu\nundersigned, Notary Public,\na\nCOUNTY OF. Dallas\nand for said County, Texas, on this day personally appeared\nBert H. Bass.\nVera.. Wa. Bass.\nhis wife, both known to me to be the persons whose\nare subacribedt to thet foregoing instrument, and acknowledged\ntor me thatt they each executed the same fort the purposes and consideration therein expressed, andt the said.\nVera. W.. Bass\nwife of the said.. Bert. H. Bass.\nhaving been\nexamined by me privily and apart from her husband, and! having the same fully explained to her, she, the said..\nVera W, Bass..\n\nacknowledged such instrument to bel hers act and deed, ands declared that\nshe had Wilingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she not wish to\nretracti it.\nGIVEN. UNDER. MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This.. .5th.. day of... Decenber.. A.D.19.62.\nA2,B14y 2pchl\nNo+ary Pablic in and for DallesCounty,\n(L.S.).\nAE\nTexas", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]8. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not\nprevent occupancy by do-\nmestic servants of a different race domiçiled with any owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL6420 FAGE507 (6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian ràçe shall use oroccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenantshall not prevent occupanay by domestic servants of a different race or nationality(7) .No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erectedon said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted.(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony vith existing structures(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the size, type, costand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details thereformittee appointed by it, provided, hovever, that in the event that such a committeeisnot in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or location vithin thirty days after receipt thereof, guch approval vill notbe required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har-mony vith existing structures on adjoining lands.. In any case, either vith or with-ing costing less than $4500.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the ground(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur-.poses in connection with dwellings erected on the above described premises. All ofheirs, administrators, assigne and are Hereby granted the right in case of any vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the caven-ants and agreements herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at theexpense of the owmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreteddeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail-the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this intrument shall. in no(12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shallin no way affect any of the other provisions vhich shall remain and continue in(13) If the parties hereto, or any of them, their heirs, executors, administratorsor assigns, or successors and assigns, shali violate or attempt to violate any ofthe provisions hereof before January 1, 1980 it shall be lawful for Pleasatthese premises to prosecute any proceodings at law or in equity against the personalter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions horeof to the extentnecessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining landsnow ovmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendments(15) The heroin enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,covenants and agroements shall bo deemed covenants and not conditions hereof andshall run with the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, or suçcessors and aesigns, and, any other person orpersons claiming, by, through or under them until January 1, 1980they shall torminate and be of no further force and effect. employed by an ovmer or tenant. proval of Pleasant View Acreslocated upon adjoining lande. or the committee hereinafter referred to, shall have been approved in writing by. Pleasant Viey Acres or a com- out the approval of said Ploasant Viow cresfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600case of a one story structure, or less than 500one and ono-half or two story structure.the requirements of the City of Parmacomplied with.(11) Pleasant View Acres or of said committee, no dvell-square feet in the case of afor sanitary provisions shall be square feet in the expressly reserve to themselves, their byit, and the said Pleasant View Acrosure by Ploasant View Acrosfull force and effoct. shall not, by reason thereof, beor by any other person or party having event be deemed a vaiver of the right to do so thereafter. View Acros its succeesors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of or persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions. (14) Pleasant Viow Acres is hereby granted the right to change, thereto. at which time
VOL6420 FAGE507 (6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian ràçe shall use oroccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenantshall not prevent occupanay by domestic servants of a different race or nationality(7) .No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erectedon said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted.(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony vith existing structures(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the size, type, costand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details thereformittee appointed by it, provided, hovever, that in the event that such a committeeisnot in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or location vithin thirty days after receipt thereof, guch approval vill notbe required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har-mony vith existing structures on adjoining lands.. In any case, either vith or with-ing costing less than $4500.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the ground(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur-.poses in connection with dwellings erected on the above described premises. All ofheirs, administrators, assigne and are Hereby granted the right in case of any vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the caven-ants and agreements herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at theexpense of the owmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreteddeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail-the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this intrument shall. in no(12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shallin no way affect any of the other provisions vhich shall remain and continue in(13) If the parties hereto, or any of them, their heirs, executors, administratorsor assigns, or successors and assigns, shali violate or attempt to violate any ofthe provisions hereof before January 1, 1980 it shall be lawful for Pleasatthese premises to prosecute any proceodings at law or in equity against the personalter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions horeof to the extentnecessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining landsnow ovmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendments(15) The heroin enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,covenants and agroements shall bo deemed covenants and not conditions hereof andshall run with the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, or suçcessors and aesigns, and, any other person orpersons claiming, by, through or under them until January 1, 1980they shall torminate and be of no further force and effect. employed by an ovmer or tenant. proval of Pleasant View Acreslocated upon adjoining lande. or the committee hereinafter referred to, shall have been approved in writing by. Pleasant Viey Acres or a com- out the approval of said Ploasant Viow cresfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600case of a one story structure, or less than 500one and ono-half or two story structure.the requirements of the City of Parmacomplied with.(11) Pleasant View Acres or of said committee, no dvell-square feet in the case of afor sanitary provisions shall be square feet in the expressly reserve to themselves, their byit, and the said Pleasant View Acrosure by Ploasant View Acrosfull force and effoct. shall not, by reason thereof, beor by any other person or party having event be deemed a vaiver of the right to do so thereafter. View Acros its succeesors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of or persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions. (14) Pleasant Viow Acres is hereby granted the right to change, thereto. at which time
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian raçe shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupanoy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an ovmer or tenant.
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian raçe shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupanoy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an ovmer or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL6420 FAGE507\n(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian ràçe shall use oroccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenantshall not prevent occupanay by domestic servants of a different race or nationality(7) .No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erectedon said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted.(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony vith existing structures(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the size, type, costand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details thereformittee appointed by it, provided, hovever, that in the event that such a committeeisnot in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or location vithin thirty days after receipt thereof, guch approval vill notbe required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har-mony vith existing structures on adjoining lands.. In any case, either vith or with-ing costing less than $4500.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the ground(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur-.poses in connection with dwellings erected on the above described premises. All ofheirs, administrators, assigne and are Hereby granted the right in case of any vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the caven-ants and agreements herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at theexpense of the owmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreteddeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail-the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this intrument shall. in no(12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shallin no way affect any of the other provisions vhich shall remain and continue in(13) If the parties hereto, or any of them, their heirs, executors, administratorsor assigns, or successors and assigns, shali violate or attempt to violate any ofthe provisions hereof before January 1, 1980 it shall be lawful for Pleasatthese premises to prosecute any proceodings at law or in equity against the personalter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions horeof to the extentnecessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining landsnow ovmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendments(15) The heroin enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,covenants and agroements shall bo deemed covenants and not conditions hereof andshall run with the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, or suçcessors and aesigns, and, any other person orpersons claiming, by, through or under them until January 1, 1980they shall torminate and be of no further force and effect.\nemployed by an ovmer or tenant.\nproval of Pleasant View Acreslocated upon adjoining lande.\nor the committee hereinafter referred to,\nshall have been approved in writing by. Pleasant Viey Acres\nor a com-\nout the approval of said Ploasant Viow cresfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600case of a one story structure, or less than 500one and ono-half or two story structure.the requirements of the City of Parmacomplied with.(11) Pleasant View Acres\nor of said committee, no dvell-square feet in the case of afor sanitary provisions shall be\nsquare feet in the\nexpressly reserve to themselves, their\nbyit, and the said Pleasant View Acrosure by Ploasant View Acrosfull force and effoct.\nshall not, by reason thereof, beor by any other person or party having\nevent be deemed a vaiver of the right to do so thereafter.\nView Acros\nits succeesors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of\nor persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions.\n(14) Pleasant Viow Acres\nis hereby granted the right to change,\nthereto.\nat which time\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian raçe shall use or\noccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant\nshall not prevent occupanoy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality\nemployed by an ovmer or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL7462 9G167 Caucasian. (g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected in the tract shall at any time be used as a residence temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of. a temporary character be permitted. (h) No building shail be erected on any lot until the design and location thereof have been approved in writing by a committee appointed. .by Harold Hamblin, or by a majority of the owners of lots in said Subdivision. However, in the event such committee is not in existence or fails to approve or disapprove such design or location within 60 days then such approval will not be required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in harmony with existing structures in the tract. In case either with or without the approval of the committee no dwelling costing less than $4500.00 shall be permitted on any lot in the tract and the ground floor. square foot area thereof shall not be less than 500 squarc feet. (1) No structure shall be moved onto any lot unless it meets with the approyal of the committee. hereinafter referred to or if there is no committee it shall. conforn to and be in harmony with existing structures in the tract. (3) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations, covenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof and shall run with the land and be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors, administrators or successors and assigns and any other person or persons claiming by through or under them until July 1, 1972. (k) If the parties hereto or any of thén' 'or theit heirs or assigns shali'violaté or attempt to violate any of the covenants or restrictions herein before July 1, 1972, it shall be lawful for any other person or persons owning any other lands in said develop- ment or subdivision to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to violate any such covenant or restriction and either to prevent him or then from so doing or to recover damages or other dues for such violation. (1) Invalidation of any one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise effect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. be the sume more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Ca jave anà ta Sjolb the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances thercof, unto the said Grantees their heirs and assigns forever. .And I Harold M. Hamblin, married the said Grantor do for myself my .heirs, executors and and administrators, covenant with the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, I am well seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, and that the sane are frre front all ucumbrares whtsaruer, save and except taxes and assessments, restrictions and limitations of r ecord, including zoning or other ordinances of the municipality in which said premises are located,
VOL7462 9G167 Caucasian. (g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected in the tract shall at any time be used as a residence temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of. a temporary character be permitted. (h) No building shail be erected on any lot until the design and location thereof have been approved in writing by a committee appointed. .by Harold Hamblin, or by a majority of the owners of lots in said Subdivision. However, in the event such committee is not in existence or fails to approve or disapprove such design or location within 60 days then such approval will not be required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in harmony with existing structures in the tract. In case either with or without the approval of the committee no dwelling costing less than $4500.00 shall be permitted on any lot in the tract and the ground floor. square foot area thereof shall not be less than 500 squarc feet. (1) No structure shall be moved onto any lot unless it meets with the approyal of the committee. hereinafter referred to or if there is no committee it shall. conforn to and be in harmony with existing structures in the tract. (3) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations, covenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof and shall run with the land and be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors, administrators or successors and assigns and any other person or persons claiming by through or under them until July 1, 1972. (k) If the parties hereto or any of thén' 'or theit heirs or assigns shali'violaté or attempt to violate any of the covenants or restrictions herein before July 1, 1972, it shall be lawful for any other person or persons owning any other lands in said develop- ment or subdivision to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to violate any such covenant or restriction and either to prevent him or then from so doing or to recover damages or other dues for such violation. (1) Invalidation of any one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise effect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. be the sume more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Ca jave anà ta Sjolb the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances thercof, unto the said Grantees their heirs and assigns forever. .And I Harold M. Hamblin, married the said Grantor do for myself my .heirs, executors and and administrators, covenant with the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, I am well seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, and that the sane are frre front all ucumbrares whtsaruer, save and except taxes and assessments, restrictions and limitations of r ecord, including zoning or other ordinances of the municipality in which said premises are located,
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL7462 9G167\nCaucasian.\n(g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected in\nthe tract shall at any time be used as a residence temporarily or permanently, nor\nshall any residence of. a temporary character be permitted.\n(h) No building shail be erected on any lot until the design and location thereof\nhave been approved in writing by a committee appointed. .by Harold Hamblin, or by a\nmajority of the owners of lots in said Subdivision. However, in the event such committee\nis not in existence or fails to approve or disapprove such design or location within\n60 days then such approval will not be required, provided the design and location on the\nlot conform to and are in harmony with existing structures in the tract. In case either\nwith or without the approval of the committee no dwelling costing less than $4500.00\nshall be permitted on any lot in the tract and the ground floor. square foot area thereof\nshall not be less than 500 squarc feet.\n(1) No structure shall be moved onto any lot unless it meets with the approyal of the\ncommittee. hereinafter referred to or if there is no committee it shall. conforn to and\nbe in harmony with existing structures in the tract.\n(3) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,\ncovenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof and shall\nrun with the land and be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,\nadministrators or successors and assigns and any other person or persons claiming by\nthrough or under them until July 1, 1972.\n(k) If the parties hereto or any of thén' 'or theit heirs or assigns shali'violaté or\nattempt to violate any of the covenants or restrictions herein before July 1, 1972, it\nshall be lawful for any other person or persons owning any other lands in said develop-\nment or subdivision to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person\nor persons violating or attempting to violate any such covenant or restriction and either\nto prevent him or then from so doing or to recover damages or other dues for such\nviolation.\n(1) Invalidation of any one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no\nwise effect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect.\nbe the sume more or less, but subject to all legal highways.\nCa jave anà ta Sjolb the above granted and bargained premises, with the\nappurtenances thercof, unto the said Grantees their heirs and assigns forever.\n.And I\nHarold M. Hamblin, married\nthe said Grantor do for myself\nmy .heirs, executors and\nand\nadministrators, covenant with the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns, that\nat and until the ensealing of these presents, I am\nwell seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE\nSIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as\nabove written, and that the sane are frre front all ucumbrares whtsaruer, save and\nexcept taxes and assessments, restrictions and limitations of r ecord, including\nzoning or other ordinances of the municipality in which said premises are located,", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]Caucasian.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]Caucasian.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL6288E215 the State or Local Health Authorities. The effluent from septic tanks shall not be permitted to discharge directly into a storm sewer, stream, open ditch, or open drain. No out-buildings shall be allowed for this purpose. 7. No parcel or any portion thereof shall be occupied or leased, rented or otherwise alienated to nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another wi thout- the written consent of either Crestwood Farms, Inc.,. or of a majority of the owners of the five nearest parcels in the subdivision. Except that said property may be mortgaged or subject to judicial sale. 8. No parcel or any portion thereof shall be occupied by or conveyed to any person not of the Caucasian race; but this para- graph shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of the owner or person in possession of the parcel or portion so occupied. 9. Each provision of the foregoing eight paragraphs shall be a separate restriction and the holding of any restriction inval- id for any cause shall not affect the validity of any other. Each provision shall be a covenant running with the land, shall bind the grantee and grantees' heirs, successors and assigns, and shall be enforcible at the suit of the Crestwood Farms, Inc., its successors and assigns, or any. other owner or lawful occupant of any parcel thereof of this subdivision, or of any person damaged or prejudiced by breach of such provision. Said provisions shall remain in force until January 1, 1975. Thereafter the restrictions may be extended as written or can be changed by the vote of the majority of the property owners of this subdivision. RESERVATION. And excepting and reserving unto the said Grantor, its successors and assigns, the right to use, draw off and dispense to other lot owners of Crestwood Farms Subdivision, any surplus water from any well located on said premises; andto drill and operate for water, and to lay all pipes necessary for the production and transportation of water taken from said premises. Surplus water shall be considered to be all water in said well more than six inches above the upper outer casing of grantee's intake pipe. Also reserving unto the said Grantor, its successors and assigns the right to construct a completely sealed concrete reservoir for the purpose of storing such surplus water, provided, however, that any such reservoir, with its pumping station and other equipment, if located on thepremises above described shall be built underground and properly landscaped; and excepting and reserving to the grantor, its successors and assigns, the right to lay andinstall and main- tain in and across said premises, water pipes for the use and bene- fit of adjacent and neighboring lots in Crestwood Farms Subdivision, together with the right to enter upon said premises for the purpose of laying, installing, repairing, relaying and maintaining the same, provided, however, that every such pipe shall be laid at least beneath the frost line. EASEMENT. Grantor, for itself and its successors and assigns hereby grants to the grantee, her hei irs and assigns, a right of way over "South Lane" and "Crestwood prive" of said Crestwood Farms Subdi- vision (proposed) for ingress from and egress to Chagrin Boulevard, and such right of way easement to run until such time as the "South Lane" and "Crestwood Drive" are dedicated to the public use and accepted by the proper public authority. IN ITNISS WHEREOF, said corporation hereunto sets its -4-
VOL6288E215 the State or Local Health Authorities. The effluent from septic tanks shall not be permitted to discharge directly into a storm sewer, stream, open ditch, or open drain. No out-buildings shall be allowed for this purpose. 7. No parcel or any portion thereof shall be occupied or leased, rented or otherwise alienated to nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another wi thout- the written consent of either Crestwood Farms, Inc.,. or of a majority of the owners of the five nearest parcels in the subdivision. Except that said property may be mortgaged or subject to judicial sale. 8. No parcel or any portion thereof shall be occupied by or conveyed to any person not of the Caucasian race; but this para- graph shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of the owner or person in possession of the parcel or portion so occupied. 9. Each provision of the foregoing eight paragraphs shall be a separate restriction and the holding of any restriction inval- id for any cause shall not affect the validity of any other. Each provision shall be a covenant running with the land, shall bind the grantee and grantees' heirs, successors and assigns, and shall be enforcible at the suit of the Crestwood Farms, Inc., its successors and assigns, or any. other owner or lawful occupant of any parcel thereof of this subdivision, or of any person damaged or prejudiced by breach of such provision. Said provisions shall remain in force until January 1, 1975. Thereafter the restrictions may be extended as written or can be changed by the vote of the majority of the property owners of this subdivision. RESERVATION. And excepting and reserving unto the said Grantor, its successors and assigns, the right to use, draw off and dispense to other lot owners of Crestwood Farms Subdivision, any surplus water from any well located on said premises; andto drill and operate for water, and to lay all pipes necessary for the production and transportation of water taken from said premises. Surplus water shall be considered to be all water in said well more than six inches above the upper outer casing of grantee's intake pipe. Also reserving unto the said Grantor, its successors and assigns the right to construct a completely sealed concrete reservoir for the purpose of storing such surplus water, provided, however, that any such reservoir, with its pumping station and other equipment, if located on thepremises above described shall be built underground and properly landscaped; and excepting and reserving to the grantor, its successors and assigns, the right to lay andinstall and main- tain in and across said premises, water pipes for the use and bene- fit of adjacent and neighboring lots in Crestwood Farms Subdivision, together with the right to enter upon said premises for the purpose of laying, installing, repairing, relaying and maintaining the same, provided, however, that every such pipe shall be laid at least beneath the frost line. EASEMENT. Grantor, for itself and its successors and assigns hereby grants to the grantee, her hei irs and assigns, a right of way over "South Lane" and "Crestwood prive" of said Crestwood Farms Subdi- vision (proposed) for ingress from and egress to Chagrin Boulevard, and such right of way easement to run until such time as the "South Lane" and "Crestwood Drive" are dedicated to the public use and accepted by the proper public authority. IN ITNISS WHEREOF, said corporation hereunto sets its -4-
8. No parcel or any portion thereof shall be occupied by or conveyed to any person not of the Caucasian race; but this para- graph shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of the owner or person in possession of the parcel or portion so occupied.
8. No parcel or any portion thereof shall be occupied by or conveyed to any person not of the Caucasian race; but this paragraph shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of the owner or person in possession of the parcel or portion so occupied.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]8. No parcel or any portion thereof shall be occupied by or conveyed to any person not of the Caucasian race; but this para- graph shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of the owner or person in possession of the parcel or portion so occupied.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]8. No parcel or any portion thereof shall be occupied by or conveyed to any person not of the Caucasian race; but this paragraph shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of the owner or person in possession of the parcel or portion so occupied.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL6288E215\nthe State or Local Health Authorities. The effluent from septic\ntanks shall not be permitted to discharge directly into a storm\nsewer, stream, open ditch, or open drain. No out-buildings shall be\nallowed for this purpose.\n7. No parcel or any portion thereof shall be occupied or\nleased, rented or otherwise alienated to nor shall the title or\npossession thereof pass to another wi thout- the written consent of\neither Crestwood Farms, Inc.,. or of a majority of the owners of\nthe five nearest parcels in the subdivision. Except that said\nproperty may be mortgaged or subject to judicial sale.\n8. No parcel or any portion thereof shall be occupied by\nor conveyed to any person not of the Caucasian race; but this para-\ngraph shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of the owner\nor person in possession of the parcel or portion so occupied.\n9. Each provision of the foregoing eight paragraphs shall\nbe a separate restriction and the holding of any restriction inval-\nid for any cause shall not affect the validity of any other. Each\nprovision shall be a covenant running with the land, shall bind the\ngrantee and grantees' heirs, successors and assigns, and shall be\nenforcible at the suit of the Crestwood Farms, Inc., its successors\nand assigns, or any. other owner or lawful occupant of any parcel\nthereof of this subdivision, or of any person damaged or prejudiced\nby breach of such provision. Said provisions shall remain in force\nuntil January 1, 1975. Thereafter the restrictions may be extended\nas written or can be changed by the vote of the majority of the\nproperty owners of this subdivision.\nRESERVATION.\nAnd excepting and reserving unto the said Grantor, its\nsuccessors and assigns, the right to use, draw off and dispense to\nother lot owners of Crestwood Farms Subdivision, any surplus water\nfrom any well located on said premises; andto drill and operate\nfor water, and to lay all pipes necessary for the production and\ntransportation of water taken from said premises. Surplus water\nshall be considered to be all water in said well more than six\ninches above the upper outer casing of grantee's intake pipe. Also\nreserving unto the said Grantor, its successors and assigns the\nright to construct a completely sealed concrete reservoir for the\npurpose of storing such surplus water, provided, however, that any\nsuch reservoir, with its pumping station and other equipment, if\nlocated on thepremises above described shall be built underground\nand properly landscaped; and excepting and reserving to the grantor,\nits successors and assigns, the right to lay andinstall and main-\ntain in and across said premises, water pipes for the use and bene-\nfit of adjacent and neighboring lots in Crestwood Farms Subdivision,\ntogether with the right to enter upon said premises for the purpose\nof laying, installing, repairing, relaying and maintaining the\nsame, provided, however, that every such pipe shall be laid at\nleast beneath the frost line.\nEASEMENT.\nGrantor, for itself and its successors and assigns hereby\ngrants to the grantee, her hei irs and assigns, a right of way over\n\"South Lane\" and \"Crestwood prive\" of said Crestwood Farms Subdi-\nvision (proposed) for ingress from and egress to Chagrin Boulevard,\nand such right of way easement to run until such time as the \"South\nLane\" and \"Crestwood Drive\" are dedicated to the public use and\naccepted by the proper public authority.\nIN ITNISS WHEREOF, said corporation hereunto sets its\n-4-", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]8. No parcel or any portion thereof shall be occupied by or conveyed to any person not of the Caucasian race; but this para- graph shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of the owner or person in possession of the parcel or portion so occupied.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]8. No parcel or any portion thereof shall be occupied by or conveyed to any person not of the Caucasian race; but this paragraph shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of the owner or person in possession of the parcel or portion so occupied.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DR VOL00622 PAGE 131 VOL 622P6:131 V A5868 STATE OF TEXAS KNOW. ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS! COUNTY OF DENTON 6616 THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of- TEN ($10,00)and no/100 DOLLARS to aps. B.pther.d se99d 8nd ahapbie considerations, CHESTER A KEYES and wife, BESSIE E. KEYES asdfatlens HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said CHESTER A. KEYES and wife, BESSIE E. KEYES of the County of Dallas State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Dénton County, Texas, and described as follows, to-wit: BEING LOT THIRTY-FIVE (35) in BLOCK FIVE (5) of GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof recorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. This conveyançe is made subject only to-the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of the plat recorded in the Map Records of Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: BMl or for non-profic or recreational purposes, and any original lot is restricted to one such type E lots in this subdivision, except Bs hereinafter excepted and deseribed in Paragraph 16 herein, used only as residence, church, stated. except as private No structures shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single bullding and a 2.. garage and/or boathouse and other necessary outbuildings. 3.Nor mestic person of ofa any differentr race other race than domiciled the Caucasian with any race shall or use or occupy any lot, exceptt that this covenant shallr notp prevent occupancy by do- ownero tenant. Bl Department 4. -No dry toilets willl be or permitted cesgpools shall be Sewerage permitted and on disposal this property by septic and. Lamy: sanitary system on one or approved more lots by must the, have County the of system Denton approved or State by Department, of Denton State opE building shall be erected building line: =25 Rey the yard butiany lines on e C lots= 16feet, Side yard building lines on interior lots: =4 to the front line or to than, the on the Ret lots are excluded from above restrictions.) 7._No shall_be building on structure shall, with be two occupied (2) complete or used until ofpaint. the :: thereo! is completely finished in and, structure if frame shall or other beb brick, lumber, material, asbes- tile, orsaluminum siding or roofing. No obnoxious or or offensive to the trade neighborhood. or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become may be used on any lot in No garage, basement, tent, shack or other outbuilding erected thelot herein' described shall at any time be used as residence provided erman ently, that norghall sanitary restrictions structure as ofat herein temporary set out are character fully complied Be asa with. residence, except that 10. The ground floor area of any main structure, exclusive of open porches ands garages, shall ber not lesst than 600 square feet. 11. Streets, and alleys are reserved as shown on the recorded plat of said addition for utility purposes. 1965, at time said covenants SiL. 12. These restrictions shall be covenants running the land and shall be binding upon all parties and all personsc claiming them periods often years unless. under by vote until jority I then owners thel lots itis agreed to change said covenants in whole ori in part, ical extended. for (10) ofa ma- EE equity Ebe parties any other hereto, or or of them, or their heirs or assigns, shall violate or attempt. to violate of the covenants herein, It shall be DAPE the person. persons owning real property situatedin said development or subdivision to proseçute to any covenant, and either to prevent him Gr them from 80 doing, g8-a at-law t recover damages or other Se fors such violation. or 14. No structures of any kind are to be moved onto the subdivision or any lot thereof without the written corisent of the Seller or Developer. heavy, floode, oughts A etc, The 15. The Seller or Developer shall, not be responsible to) Purchaser, heirsor PR: In way ATFAt for damagest to_the subdivision caused subdivision, without obtaining the written permission of S-er idence such as hurricanes, not drainage Bystem, natural or in the lon Bs expressly any loti in Block 2 may that be Lots occupied 1through bya 6inBlock trailer, as set 7and. out all in lots Paragraph in Blocks 9herein. 1 and 2 are reserved for business only, with the excep- In Palitm: ofany effect. one of thesec by judgment or court order shalli in no wise affect any oft the other provisions which shall remain 18. TO HAVE AND TOI HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there- toi in anywise belonging unto the said CHESTER A. KEYES and wife, BESSIE E. KEYES, their heirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, all and singular the said premises unto thes said CHESTER A, KEYES and wife, BESSIE E. KEYES,their heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, ort to claim the same, or any part thereof. pipak ebaxpaoeesMDERK t*eseeetoyS PONRIMN MAEN ESARR2Z WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this.. 17th May 44 dZA Bass Vera W. Bass
DR VOL00622 PAGE 131 VOL 622P6:131 V A5868 STATE OF TEXAS KNOW. ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS! COUNTY OF DENTON 6616 THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of- TEN ($10,00)and no/100 DOLLARS to aps. B.pther.d se99d 8nd ahapbie considerations, CHESTER A KEYES and wife, BESSIE E. KEYES asdfatlens HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said CHESTER A. KEYES and wife, BESSIE E. KEYES of the County of Dallas State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Dénton County, Texas, and described as follows, to-wit: BEING LOT THIRTY-FIVE (35) in BLOCK FIVE (5) of GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof recorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. This conveyançe is made subject only to-the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of the plat recorded in the Map Records of Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: BMl or for non-profic or recreational purposes, and any original lot is restricted to one such type E lots in this subdivision, except Bs hereinafter excepted and deseribed in Paragraph 16 herein, used only as residence, church, stated. except as private No structures shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single bullding and a 2.. garage and/or boathouse and other necessary outbuildings. 3.Nor mestic person of ofa any differentr race other race than domiciled the Caucasian with any race shall or use or occupy any lot, exceptt that this covenant shallr notp prevent occupancy by do- ownero tenant. Bl Department 4. -No dry toilets willl be or permitted cesgpools shall be Sewerage permitted and on disposal this property by septic and. Lamy: sanitary system on one or approved more lots by must the, have County the of system Denton approved or State by Department, of Denton State opE building shall be erected building line: =25 Rey the yard butiany lines on e C lots= 16feet, Side yard building lines on interior lots: =4 to the front line or to than, the on the Ret lots are excluded from above restrictions.) 7._No shall_be building on structure shall, with be two occupied (2) complete or used until ofpaint. the :: thereo! is completely finished in and, structure if frame shall or other beb brick, lumber, material, asbes- tile, orsaluminum siding or roofing. No obnoxious or or offensive to the trade neighborhood. or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become may be used on any lot in No garage, basement, tent, shack or other outbuilding erected thelot herein' described shall at any time be used as residence provided erman ently, that norghall sanitary restrictions structure as ofat herein temporary set out are character fully complied Be asa with. residence, except that 10. The ground floor area of any main structure, exclusive of open porches ands garages, shall ber not lesst than 600 square feet. 11. Streets, and alleys are reserved as shown on the recorded plat of said addition for utility purposes. 1965, at time said covenants SiL. 12. These restrictions shall be covenants running the land and shall be binding upon all parties and all personsc claiming them periods often years unless. under by vote until jority I then owners thel lots itis agreed to change said covenants in whole ori in part, ical extended. for (10) ofa ma- EE equity Ebe parties any other hereto, or or of them, or their heirs or assigns, shall violate or attempt. to violate of the covenants herein, It shall be DAPE the person. persons owning real property situatedin said development or subdivision to proseçute to any covenant, and either to prevent him Gr them from 80 doing, g8-a at-law t recover damages or other Se fors such violation. or 14. No structures of any kind are to be moved onto the subdivision or any lot thereof without the written corisent of the Seller or Developer. heavy, floode, oughts A etc, The 15. The Seller or Developer shall, not be responsible to) Purchaser, heirsor PR: In way ATFAt for damagest to_the subdivision caused subdivision, without obtaining the written permission of S-er idence such as hurricanes, not drainage Bystem, natural or in the lon Bs expressly any loti in Block 2 may that be Lots occupied 1through bya 6inBlock trailer, as set 7and. out all in lots Paragraph in Blocks 9herein. 1 and 2 are reserved for business only, with the excep- In Palitm: ofany effect. one of thesec by judgment or court order shalli in no wise affect any oft the other provisions which shall remain 18. TO HAVE AND TOI HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there- toi in anywise belonging unto the said CHESTER A. KEYES and wife, BESSIE E. KEYES, their heirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, all and singular the said premises unto thes said CHESTER A, KEYES and wife, BESSIE E. KEYES,their heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, ort to claim the same, or any part thereof. pipak ebaxpaoeesMDERK t*eseeetoyS PONRIMN MAEN ESARR2Z WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this.. 17th May 44 dZA Bass Vera W. Bass
3. No person of any race other than the. Caucasian race sha!l use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of & different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any race other than the. Caucasian race sha!l use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of & different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDR VOL00622 PAGE 131\nVOL 622P6:131 V\nA5868\nSTATE OF TEXAS\nKNOW. ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS!\nCOUNTY OF DENTON\n6616\nTHAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of-\nTEN ($10,00)and no/100\nDOLLARS\nto aps. B.pther.d se99d 8nd ahapbie\nconsiderations,\nCHESTER A KEYES and wife, BESSIE E. KEYES\nasdfatlens\nHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said\nCHESTER A. KEYES and wife, BESSIE E. KEYES\nof the County of Dallas\nState of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Dénton County,\nTexas, and described as follows, to-wit:\nBEING LOT THIRTY-FIVE (35) in BLOCK FIVE (5) of GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE\nESTATES, an Addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map\nthereof recorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of the Map or Plat Records of\nDenton County, Texas.\nThis conveyançe is made subject only to-the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of\nthe plat recorded in the Map Records of Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:\nBMl or for non-profic or recreational purposes, and any original lot is restricted to one such type\nE\nlots in this subdivision, except Bs hereinafter excepted and deseribed in Paragraph 16 herein, used only as residence, church,\nstated.\nexcept as\nprivate No structures shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single bullding and a\n2..\ngarage and/or boathouse and other necessary outbuildings.\n3.Nor mestic person of ofa any differentr race other race than domiciled the Caucasian with any race shall or use or occupy any lot, exceptt that this covenant shallr notp prevent occupancy by do-\nownero tenant.\nBl\nDepartment 4. -No dry toilets willl be or permitted cesgpools shall be Sewerage permitted and on disposal this property by septic and. Lamy: sanitary system on one or approved more lots by must the, have County the of system Denton approved or State by\nDepartment,\nof Denton State\nopE\nbuilding shall be erected\nbuilding line: =25 Rey the yard butiany lines on e C lots= 16feet, Side yard building lines on interior lots: =4\nto the front line or\nto\nthan, the\non the\nRet\nlots are excluded from above restrictions.)\n7._No shall_be building on structure shall, with be two occupied (2) complete or used until ofpaint. the :: thereo! is completely finished in and, structure if frame shall or other beb brick, lumber, material, asbes-\ntile,\norsaluminum siding or roofing.\nNo obnoxious or or offensive to the trade neighborhood. or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become\nmay be used on any lot in\nNo garage, basement, tent, shack or other outbuilding erected thelot herein' described shall at any time be used as residence\nprovided erman ently, that norghall sanitary restrictions structure as ofat herein temporary set out are character fully complied Be asa with. residence, except that\n10. The ground floor area of any main structure, exclusive of open porches ands garages, shall ber not lesst than 600 square feet.\n11. Streets,\nand alleys are reserved as shown on the recorded plat of said addition for utility purposes.\n1965, at time said covenants SiL.\n12. These restrictions shall be covenants running the land and shall be binding upon all parties and all personsc claiming them\nperiods often years unless. under by vote until\njority I then owners thel lots itis agreed to change said covenants in whole ori in part,\nical extended. for\n(10)\nofa ma-\nEE equity\nEbe parties any other hereto, or or of them, or their heirs or assigns, shall violate or attempt. to violate of the covenants herein, It shall be\nDAPE\nthe person. persons owning real property situatedin said development or subdivision to proseçute\nto any covenant, and either to prevent him Gr them from 80 doing,\ng8-a at-law\nt recover damages or other Se fors such violation.\nor\n14. No structures of any kind are to be moved onto the subdivision or any lot thereof without the written corisent of the Seller or Developer.\nheavy, floode, oughts A etc, The \n15. The Seller or Developer shall, not be responsible to) Purchaser, heirsor\nPR:\nIn way ATFAt\nfor damagest to_the subdivision caused\nsubdivision, without obtaining the written permission of S-er\nidence such as hurricanes,\nnot\ndrainage Bystem, natural or\nin the\nlon Bs expressly any loti in Block 2 may that be Lots occupied 1through bya 6inBlock trailer, as set 7and. out all in lots Paragraph in Blocks 9herein. 1 and 2 are reserved for business only, with the excep-\nIn Palitm: ofany effect. one of thesec\nby judgment or court order shalli in no wise affect any oft the other provisions which shall remain\n18.\nTO HAVE AND TOI HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there-\ntoi in anywise belonging unto the said CHESTER A. KEYES and wife, BESSIE E. KEYES, their\nheirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-\nfend, all and singular the said premises unto thes said CHESTER A, KEYES and wife, BESSIE E. KEYES,their\nheirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, ort to claim the same, or any part thereof.\npipak ebaxpaoeesMDERK\nt*eseeetoyS\nPONRIMN MAEN\nESARR2Z\nWITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this.. 17th\nMay\n44\ndZA Bass\nVera W. Bass", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any race other than the. Caucasian race sha!l use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-\nmestic servants of & different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] va:8612 FAG:135 No chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on the parcel conveyed.5. No house or building shall be erected on any residential lot closer than 66 feet from the sidelineof the road or highway on which the lot fronts, ercept where the lot is on a corner of two roads and insuch cases the house may be erected no closer than 50fcet from the side line of thes side road. Wo build-ing may be erected within 101 feet of a side line or rear line, and at least twenty per cent (20%) ofthewidth of the lot at the building lines shall be devoted tos side yards. These restrictions pertaining tos setback and side lines may be modifed when, in the judgment of the committee or its representatives, asprovided for in Paragruph 7,a7 modifcation will be beneficial to the development of the sub-division.6. Wo dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential lot which has a) frstfoor area, erclusive of garage and porches, of less than 1400 square feet. No dwelling house shall beerected ors suffered to remain on any residential lot unless the ridge of the roofis at least 18fect abovethe Anished first foor, No garage, studio, or otherattached building shall be erected or suffered to re-main which has ai foor area of less than 360 square feet or more than 800 square feet, anda gable orfumbrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the finished foor, and the design and materials used7. Wo building, structures, or fences or any additions thereto, or any alterations thercof, shall beerected, reconstructed, placed or suffcred. to remain upon said premises, unless or until thc architecttherefor has recommended the size, location, typc, materials of construction thercof, the grading planof the tract, and the plans and speciflcations of said buildings and thc structures and these shall havebeen approved in writing by, a committee composed of Howard H. Green, Ernest . Green and IrvingR.Leuis, or thes survivor of them, or by a representative designated. by a majority of the members ofsaid committee. The powers and duties of such committee and of its designated representative shallcease on and after January 1, 1970. Thereafler, the approval described in this couenant shall not berequired unless, prior tos said date and effective thereon, a written instrument. shall be executed by thethen record owners ofa majority of the residential lots into which this property has been subdividedand said instrument has bcen recorded appointing, a representative or committee who shall thereafter8. The Grantors reserue the right to grant consents to, and to pctition the Gas Companies, electriclight companics, Municipal or County authoritics for the extension of their respective services, which,in theopinion ofthe Grantors are necessury in the highways upon which the premises herein describedshall front or abut, and the owner agrees to, and hereby consents to and affirms all agreements thatmuy bee entered into between the Grantors and above named parties with respect to binding the ownerfor thc proportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said premises herein described.3. The Grantors, their successors and assifns, reserve the rifht to waive, change or cancel anyund all the restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to any of the parcels uithin the abouedescribed premises ifin their judgment the purposcs of said development can bc better served. How-ever, before any waiver, change or. cancellation of any, restrictions contained in this instrument be.fectine, the approval ofsuch waiver, change or cancellations, of the Council of the Vlage of Brecks-10, No nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed,or suffered to remain upon said premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manu-factured or sold, whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premiscs. Wo commercial oil or gas well11. Provisions for the disposal of sewage from any dwelling or building on said premises shall be18. The Grantors, their successors or assifns, hereby reserve casements and rights-of-way in,over, under and ucross the rear fve feet ofeach parcel conveyed, for the purpose of installing and main-tenance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the1S. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by anyperson or persons ofany race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasceor otherwise, except than this provision shall. not apply to thes servant or servants ofa Caucasian occupier.14. The Grantors feseruc and are hercby franted the right in case of any violation or breach ofanyof the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions in this deedcontained, to enter the property upon or as to which such violution or breach exists, and to summarilyabate and remoue, at the expense of the owner thercof, any erection, thing or condition. that may beor exist thercon contrary, to thei intent and mcaning ofthe provisions hereof as interpreted by the Gran-tors, und the Grantors shall not, by reason thercof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass forsuch entry, abatement or removal. A failure to cndorse any of the restrictions, rights, rescrvations,limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions contained in this deed, shall in no cuent be con-strued, taken or held to be a waiver thercof or acquiescence in o7 consent to any further or succeed-15. Thel location ofanyand alldrivewayss shall bcand remain as nowo established upon said premises,or,ifn not now established, shall be determined by the committee heretofore referred to in writing at theLime of the approval of the plans and specifcations for said dwelling. .o driveway shall be located,relocated or suffered to remain upon said premises except as now located or determined in16.. The Grantors reserve, for the committee heretofore referred to, the sole and crclusive righttoestablish grades and slopes on the premises hereby conveyed and to fx the frade at which any buildingshall be hereafter erected or placed thercon, s0 that the same may conform toa general plan.17. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be occupied, leased, rented, conveyed or otherwisealienated nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another without the written consent of theGrantors or thc committec, ercept that the Grantors or committce shall not withhold such consentifand after a written request has been made to the Grantors or committee, to permit such occupation,leasing, renting, conveyance or alienation by a majority of the owners of the sublots which adjoin or shall harmonize with the dwelling. exercise thes sume powers previously exercised by the said committce. ville shall first have been obtuined.shall be drilled on suid premises. acceptable to and approved by the county and municipal heallh authoritics. sidel line of each parcel. ing breach or violation thercof. bywriting saidthecommittec.
va:8612 FAG:135 No chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on the parcel conveyed.5. No house or building shall be erected on any residential lot closer than 66 feet from the sidelineof the road or highway on which the lot fronts, ercept where the lot is on a corner of two roads and insuch cases the house may be erected no closer than 50fcet from the side line of thes side road. Wo build-ing may be erected within 101 feet of a side line or rear line, and at least twenty per cent (20%) ofthewidth of the lot at the building lines shall be devoted tos side yards. These restrictions pertaining tos setback and side lines may be modifed when, in the judgment of the committee or its representatives, asprovided for in Paragruph 7,a7 modifcation will be beneficial to the development of the sub-division.6. Wo dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential lot which has a) frstfoor area, erclusive of garage and porches, of less than 1400 square feet. No dwelling house shall beerected ors suffered to remain on any residential lot unless the ridge of the roofis at least 18fect abovethe Anished first foor, No garage, studio, or otherattached building shall be erected or suffered to re-main which has ai foor area of less than 360 square feet or more than 800 square feet, anda gable orfumbrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the finished foor, and the design and materials used7. Wo building, structures, or fences or any additions thereto, or any alterations thercof, shall beerected, reconstructed, placed or suffcred. to remain upon said premises, unless or until thc architecttherefor has recommended the size, location, typc, materials of construction thercof, the grading planof the tract, and the plans and speciflcations of said buildings and thc structures and these shall havebeen approved in writing by, a committee composed of Howard H. Green, Ernest . Green and IrvingR.Leuis, or thes survivor of them, or by a representative designated. by a majority of the members ofsaid committee. The powers and duties of such committee and of its designated representative shallcease on and after January 1, 1970. Thereafler, the approval described in this couenant shall not berequired unless, prior tos said date and effective thereon, a written instrument. shall be executed by thethen record owners ofa majority of the residential lots into which this property has been subdividedand said instrument has bcen recorded appointing, a representative or committee who shall thereafter8. The Grantors reserue the right to grant consents to, and to pctition the Gas Companies, electriclight companics, Municipal or County authoritics for the extension of their respective services, which,in theopinion ofthe Grantors are necessury in the highways upon which the premises herein describedshall front or abut, and the owner agrees to, and hereby consents to and affirms all agreements thatmuy bee entered into between the Grantors and above named parties with respect to binding the ownerfor thc proportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said premises herein described.3. The Grantors, their successors and assifns, reserve the rifht to waive, change or cancel anyund all the restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to any of the parcels uithin the abouedescribed premises ifin their judgment the purposcs of said development can bc better served. How-ever, before any waiver, change or. cancellation of any, restrictions contained in this instrument be.fectine, the approval ofsuch waiver, change or cancellations, of the Council of the Vlage of Brecks-10, No nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed,or suffered to remain upon said premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manu-factured or sold, whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premiscs. Wo commercial oil or gas well11. Provisions for the disposal of sewage from any dwelling or building on said premises shall be18. The Grantors, their successors or assifns, hereby reserve casements and rights-of-way in,over, under and ucross the rear fve feet ofeach parcel conveyed, for the purpose of installing and main-tenance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the1S. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by anyperson or persons ofany race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasceor otherwise, except than this provision shall. not apply to thes servant or servants ofa Caucasian occupier.14. The Grantors feseruc and are hercby franted the right in case of any violation or breach ofanyof the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions in this deedcontained, to enter the property upon or as to which such violution or breach exists, and to summarilyabate and remoue, at the expense of the owner thercof, any erection, thing or condition. that may beor exist thercon contrary, to thei intent and mcaning ofthe provisions hereof as interpreted by the Gran-tors, und the Grantors shall not, by reason thercof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass forsuch entry, abatement or removal. A failure to cndorse any of the restrictions, rights, rescrvations,limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions contained in this deed, shall in no cuent be con-strued, taken or held to be a waiver thercof or acquiescence in o7 consent to any further or succeed-15. Thel location ofanyand alldrivewayss shall bcand remain as nowo established upon said premises,or,ifn not now established, shall be determined by the committee heretofore referred to in writing at theLime of the approval of the plans and specifcations for said dwelling. .o driveway shall be located,relocated or suffered to remain upon said premises except as now located or determined in16.. The Grantors reserve, for the committee heretofore referred to, the sole and crclusive righttoestablish grades and slopes on the premises hereby conveyed and to fx the frade at which any buildingshall be hereafter erected or placed thercon, s0 that the same may conform toa general plan.17. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be occupied, leased, rented, conveyed or otherwisealienated nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another without the written consent of theGrantors or thc committec, ercept that the Grantors or committce shall not withhold such consentifand after a written request has been made to the Grantors or committee, to permit such occupation,leasing, renting, conveyance or alienation by a majority of the owners of the sublots which adjoin or shall harmonize with the dwelling. exercise thes sume powers previously exercised by the said committce. ville shall first have been obtuined.shall be drilled on suid premises. acceptable to and approved by the county and municipal heallh authoritics. sidel line of each parcel. ing breach or violation thercof. bywriting saidthecommittec.
18. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thercof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Cuucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as ouner, leasce orotherwise, except than this provision shall not apply to theservant or servants of a Caucasian occupier,
13. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]18. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thercof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Cuucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as ouner, leasce orotherwise, except than this provision shall not apply to theservant or servants of a Caucasian occupier, [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]13. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nva:8612 FAG:135\nNo chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on the parcel conveyed.5. No house or building shall be erected on any residential lot closer than 66 feet from the sidelineof the road or highway on which the lot fronts, ercept where the lot is on a corner of two roads and insuch cases the house may be erected no closer than 50fcet from the side line of thes side road. Wo build-ing may be erected within 101 feet of a side line or rear line, and at least twenty per cent (20%) ofthewidth of the lot at the building lines shall be devoted tos side yards. These restrictions pertaining tos setback and side lines may be modifed when, in the judgment of the committee or its representatives, asprovided for in Paragruph 7,a7 modifcation will be beneficial to the development of the sub-division.6. Wo dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential lot which has a) frstfoor area, erclusive of garage and porches, of less than 1400 square feet. No dwelling house shall beerected ors suffered to remain on any residential lot unless the ridge of the roofis at least 18fect abovethe Anished first foor, No garage, studio, or otherattached building shall be erected or suffered to re-main which has ai foor area of less than 360 square feet or more than 800 square feet, anda gable orfumbrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the finished foor, and the design and materials used7. Wo building, structures, or fences or any additions thereto, or any alterations thercof, shall beerected, reconstructed, placed or suffcred. to remain upon said premises, unless or until thc architecttherefor has recommended the size, location, typc, materials of construction thercof, the grading planof the tract, and the plans and speciflcations of said buildings and thc structures and these shall havebeen approved in writing by, a committee composed of Howard H. Green, Ernest . Green and IrvingR.Leuis, or thes survivor of them, or by a representative designated. by a majority of the members ofsaid committee. The powers and duties of such committee and of its designated representative shallcease on and after January 1, 1970. Thereafler, the approval described in this couenant shall not berequired unless, prior tos said date and effective thereon, a written instrument. shall be executed by thethen record owners ofa majority of the residential lots into which this property has been subdividedand said instrument has bcen recorded appointing, a representative or committee who shall thereafter8. The Grantors reserue the right to grant consents to, and to pctition the Gas Companies, electriclight companics, Municipal or County authoritics for the extension of their respective services, which,in theopinion ofthe Grantors are necessury in the highways upon which the premises herein describedshall front or abut, and the owner agrees to, and hereby consents to and affirms all agreements thatmuy bee entered into between the Grantors and above named parties with respect to binding the ownerfor thc proportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said premises herein described.3. The Grantors, their successors and assifns, reserve the rifht to waive, change or cancel anyund all the restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to any of the parcels uithin the abouedescribed premises ifin their judgment the purposcs of said development can bc better served. How-ever, before any waiver, change or. cancellation of any, restrictions contained in this instrument be.fectine, the approval ofsuch waiver, change or cancellations, of the Council of the Vlage of Brecks-10, No nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed,or suffered to remain upon said premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manu-factured or sold, whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premiscs. Wo commercial oil or gas well11. Provisions for the disposal of sewage from any dwelling or building on said premises shall be18. The Grantors, their successors or assifns, hereby reserve casements and rights-of-way in,over, under and ucross the rear fve feet ofeach parcel conveyed, for the purpose of installing and main-tenance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the1S. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by anyperson or persons ofany race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasceor otherwise, except than this provision shall. not apply to thes servant or servants ofa Caucasian occupier.14. The Grantors feseruc and are hercby franted the right in case of any violation or breach ofanyof the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions in this deedcontained, to enter the property upon or as to which such violution or breach exists, and to summarilyabate and remoue, at the expense of the owner thercof, any erection, thing or condition. that may beor exist thercon contrary, to thei intent and mcaning ofthe provisions hereof as interpreted by the Gran-tors, und the Grantors shall not, by reason thercof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass forsuch entry, abatement or removal. A failure to cndorse any of the restrictions, rights, rescrvations,limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions contained in this deed, shall in no cuent be con-strued, taken or held to be a waiver thercof or acquiescence in o7 consent to any further or succeed-15. Thel location ofanyand alldrivewayss shall bcand remain as nowo established upon said premises,or,ifn not now established, shall be determined by the committee heretofore referred to in writing at theLime of the approval of the plans and specifcations for said dwelling. .o driveway shall be located,relocated or suffered to remain upon said premises except as now located or determined in16.. The Grantors reserve, for the committee heretofore referred to, the sole and crclusive righttoestablish grades and slopes on the premises hereby conveyed and to fx the frade at which any buildingshall be hereafter erected or placed thercon, s0 that the same may conform toa general plan.17. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be occupied, leased, rented, conveyed or otherwisealienated nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another without the written consent of theGrantors or thc committec, ercept that the Grantors or committce shall not withhold such consentifand after a written request has been made to the Grantors or committee, to permit such occupation,leasing, renting, conveyance or alienation by a majority of the owners of the sublots which adjoin or\nshall harmonize with the dwelling.\nexercise thes sume powers previously exercised by the said committce.\nville shall first have been obtuined.shall be drilled on suid premises.\nacceptable to and approved by the county and municipal heallh authoritics.\nsidel line of each parcel.\ning breach or violation thercof.\nbywriting\nsaidthecommittec.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]18. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thercof shall be used or occupied by any\nperson or persons of any race other than Cuucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as ouner, leasce\norotherwise, except than this provision shall not apply to theservant or servants of a Caucasian occupier,\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]13. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 587 STATE STAMPS $1.00, FEDERAL STAMPS $0.50 HERMAN A. MOORETHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,COUNTY OF GREENWOOD. TOTITLE TO REAL ESTATE HENRY N. MCKINNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, Herman A. Moore, in the State aforesaid for andin consideration of the sum of Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) - Dollars, to me in hand paid atand before the. sealing of these presents, by Henry N. McKinney in the State aforesaid the re-ceipt whereof is hereby. acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold and released,. and by theseA11 those pieces, parcels and lots of land, situate, lying and being in LaurelHill Development, Greenwood County, State of South Carolina, fronting on BriggsStreet for a distance of One Hundred (100) feet, and running back on the Easternside for a distance of One Hundred Fifty (150) feet, on the Western side for adistance of One Hundred Fifty (150) feet and being One Hundreà (100) feet widein the rear. Bounded on the North by Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), andFour (4) in Block "B", on the East by Lot Number Forty-nine (49), on the Southby Briggs Street, and on the West by Harper Street, and being known as LotsForty-five (45), Forty-six (46), Forty-seven (47), and Forty-eight (48) inBlock "B" of the Laurel Hill Subdivision as is more fully shown by referencetoa plat of the Laurel Hill Subdivision made for Herman A. Moore by Pickell&Pickell, Engineers, bearing date December 10, 1938, which will be recordedThe above lots being a part of the property formerly owned by Brs. Rennie P.Johns which was conveyeà by E. Sauvain, Executor of the Estate of Mirs. Rennie P.Johns, et al. to Herman A. Moore by deed bearing date September 26, 1938 andrecorded October 31, 1938 in Clerk of Court's Office for Greenwood County inDeed Book 59 at Page 515. The Conveyance of these lots is subject to the re-The grantor is contemplating, running a water line throufh the Laurel Hill Deve-lopment. In the event this is done, the grantee herein, his heirs, executors,administrators, or assigns is hereby given the right to tap and connect to thesaid water line upon the compliance with such conditions and requisites as theCity of Greenwood may require for connections, tappings, service charges or.otherwise. The privilege unto the grantee to connect with the said water lineis_specifically restricted to the use and enjoyment of the property hereinTOGETHER with' all and singulàr the Rights, Members, Hereditaments and Appurtenances toTO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said Premises before mentioned unto the saidAnd I do hereby bind myself and my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, to warrant andforever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Henry N. McKinney, his Heirsand Assigns, against me and my Heirs and all other persons whomsoever lawfully claiming, or toWITNESS my Hand and Seal this 19th day of December in the year of our Lord one thou-sand nine hundred and Thirty-eight and in the one hundred and Sixty-third year of the Sovereignty Presents do grant bargain, sell and release unto the said Henry N. McKinney: in the Clerk of Court's Office for Greenwood.County.strictions marked Exhibit "A" annexed hereto. conveyed. the said Premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertaining. Henry N. McKinney, his Heirs and Assigns forever.claim the same, or any part thereof.Signed, Sealed and Deliveredin the Presence ofHelen A. ScottChas. A. Young and Independence of the United States of America. Herman A. Moore (L.S.) EXHIBIT "A"REBEAIBTIDNE This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely:"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or othersise dispos-ed of for the use or occupancy, to. any person or persons of African descent, or"P! That no part of the said property shall be used rented, sold, leased or other-wise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, r estaurant"C! That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or about the premises."D" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or"T" That the residence or residences to be erected on the said lots Number Forty-five (45), Forty-six (46), Forty-seven (47), and Forty-eight (48) in Block corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or controlFifty (50%) per cent. df the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who mayor any, other of such business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyedthe sides of the property herein conveyed, such a fence may. be erected on the rear or back ex-tremi ty of the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or"B" shall be at least Twenty-five (25) feet from the front property line, provided that in as-certaining the distance from the front property line steps and projecting eaves shall not beincluded; that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected on the said lots Number Forty-five (45), Forty-six (46), Forty-seven (47), and Forty-eight (48) shall not be less than FifteenHundred ($1500.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of labor and materials. be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers. exclusively for residential purposes. fences, if any, shall be of a wire construction and without barbs. SEE NEXT PAGE
587 STATE STAMPS $1.00, FEDERAL STAMPS $0.50 HERMAN A. MOORETHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,COUNTY OF GREENWOOD. TOTITLE TO REAL ESTATE HENRY N. MCKINNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, Herman A. Moore, in the State aforesaid for andin consideration of the sum of Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) - Dollars, to me in hand paid atand before the. sealing of these presents, by Henry N. McKinney in the State aforesaid the re-ceipt whereof is hereby. acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold and released,. and by theseA11 those pieces, parcels and lots of land, situate, lying and being in LaurelHill Development, Greenwood County, State of South Carolina, fronting on BriggsStreet for a distance of One Hundred (100) feet, and running back on the Easternside for a distance of One Hundred Fifty (150) feet, on the Western side for adistance of One Hundred Fifty (150) feet and being One Hundreà (100) feet widein the rear. Bounded on the North by Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), andFour (4) in Block "B", on the East by Lot Number Forty-nine (49), on the Southby Briggs Street, and on the West by Harper Street, and being known as LotsForty-five (45), Forty-six (46), Forty-seven (47), and Forty-eight (48) inBlock "B" of the Laurel Hill Subdivision as is more fully shown by referencetoa plat of the Laurel Hill Subdivision made for Herman A. Moore by Pickell&Pickell, Engineers, bearing date December 10, 1938, which will be recordedThe above lots being a part of the property formerly owned by Brs. Rennie P.Johns which was conveyeà by E. Sauvain, Executor of the Estate of Mirs. Rennie P.Johns, et al. to Herman A. Moore by deed bearing date September 26, 1938 andrecorded October 31, 1938 in Clerk of Court's Office for Greenwood County inDeed Book 59 at Page 515. The Conveyance of these lots is subject to the re-The grantor is contemplating, running a water line throufh the Laurel Hill Deve-lopment. In the event this is done, the grantee herein, his heirs, executors,administrators, or assigns is hereby given the right to tap and connect to thesaid water line upon the compliance with such conditions and requisites as theCity of Greenwood may require for connections, tappings, service charges or.otherwise. The privilege unto the grantee to connect with the said water lineis_specifically restricted to the use and enjoyment of the property hereinTOGETHER with' all and singulàr the Rights, Members, Hereditaments and Appurtenances toTO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said Premises before mentioned unto the saidAnd I do hereby bind myself and my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, to warrant andforever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Henry N. McKinney, his Heirsand Assigns, against me and my Heirs and all other persons whomsoever lawfully claiming, or toWITNESS my Hand and Seal this 19th day of December in the year of our Lord one thou-sand nine hundred and Thirty-eight and in the one hundred and Sixty-third year of the Sovereignty Presents do grant bargain, sell and release unto the said Henry N. McKinney: in the Clerk of Court's Office for Greenwood.County.strictions marked Exhibit "A" annexed hereto. conveyed. the said Premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertaining. Henry N. McKinney, his Heirs and Assigns forever.claim the same, or any part thereof.Signed, Sealed and Deliveredin the Presence ofHelen A. ScottChas. A. Young and Independence of the United States of America. Herman A. Moore (L.S.) EXHIBIT "A"REBEAIBTIDNE This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely:"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or othersise dispos-ed of for the use or occupancy, to. any person or persons of African descent, or"P! That no part of the said property shall be used rented, sold, leased or other-wise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, r estaurant"C! That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or about the premises."D" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or"T" That the residence or residences to be erected on the said lots Number Forty-five (45), Forty-six (46), Forty-seven (47), and Forty-eight (48) in Block corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or controlFifty (50%) per cent. df the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who mayor any, other of such business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyedthe sides of the property herein conveyed, such a fence may. be erected on the rear or back ex-tremi ty of the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or"B" shall be at least Twenty-five (25) feet from the front property line, provided that in as-certaining the distance from the front property line steps and projecting eaves shall not beincluded; that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected on the said lots Number Forty-five (45), Forty-six (46), Forty-seven (47), and Forty-eight (48) shall not be less than FifteenHundred ($1500.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of labor and materials. be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers. exclusively for residential purposes. fences, if any, shall be of a wire construction and without barbs. SEE NEXT PAGE
"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or othersise dispos- ed of for the use or occupancy to, any person or persons of Airican descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent. pff the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.
"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent. of the capital stock of such corporation, except ,however servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or othersise dispos- ed of for the use or occupancy to, any person or persons of Airican descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent. pff the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent. of the capital stock of such corporation, except ,however servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n587\nSTATE STAMPS $1.00, FEDERAL STAMPS $0.50\nHERMAN A. MOORETHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,COUNTY OF GREENWOOD.\nTOTITLE TO REAL ESTATE\nHENRY N. MCKINNEY\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, Herman A. Moore, in the State aforesaid for andin consideration of the sum of Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) - Dollars, to me in hand paid atand before the. sealing of these presents, by Henry N. McKinney in the State aforesaid the re-ceipt whereof is hereby. acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold and released,. and by theseA11 those pieces, parcels and lots of land, situate, lying and being in LaurelHill Development, Greenwood County, State of South Carolina, fronting on BriggsStreet for a distance of One Hundred (100) feet, and running back on the Easternside for a distance of One Hundred Fifty (150) feet, on the Western side for adistance of One Hundred Fifty (150) feet and being One Hundreà (100) feet widein the rear. Bounded on the North by Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), andFour (4) in Block \"B\", on the East by Lot Number Forty-nine (49), on the Southby Briggs Street, and on the West by Harper Street, and being known as LotsForty-five (45), Forty-six (46), Forty-seven (47), and Forty-eight (48) inBlock \"B\" of the Laurel Hill Subdivision as is more fully shown by referencetoa plat of the Laurel Hill Subdivision made for Herman A. Moore by Pickell&Pickell, Engineers, bearing date December 10, 1938, which will be recordedThe above lots being a part of the property formerly owned by Brs. Rennie P.Johns which was conveyeà by E. Sauvain, Executor of the Estate of Mirs. Rennie P.Johns, et al. to Herman A. Moore by deed bearing date September 26, 1938 andrecorded October 31, 1938 in Clerk of Court's Office for Greenwood County inDeed Book 59 at Page 515. The Conveyance of these lots is subject to the re-The grantor is contemplating, running a water line throufh the Laurel Hill Deve-lopment. In the event this is done, the grantee herein, his heirs, executors,administrators, or assigns is hereby given the right to tap and connect to thesaid water line upon the compliance with such conditions and requisites as theCity of Greenwood may require for connections, tappings, service charges or.otherwise. The privilege unto the grantee to connect with the said water lineis_specifically restricted to the use and enjoyment of the property hereinTOGETHER with' all and singulàr the Rights, Members, Hereditaments and Appurtenances toTO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said Premises before mentioned unto the saidAnd I do hereby bind myself and my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, to warrant andforever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Henry N. McKinney, his Heirsand Assigns, against me and my Heirs and all other persons whomsoever lawfully claiming, or toWITNESS my Hand and Seal this 19th day of December in the year of our Lord one thou-sand nine hundred and Thirty-eight and in the one hundred and Sixty-third year of the Sovereignty\nPresents do grant bargain, sell and release unto the said Henry N. McKinney:\nin the Clerk of Court's Office for Greenwood.County.strictions marked Exhibit \"A\" annexed hereto.\nconveyed.\nthe said Premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertaining.\nHenry N. McKinney, his Heirs and Assigns forever.claim the same, or any part thereof.Signed, Sealed and Deliveredin the Presence ofHelen A. ScottChas. A. Young\nand Independence of the United States of America.\nHerman A. Moore\n(L.S.)\nEXHIBIT \"A\"REBEAIBTIDNE\nThis conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely:\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or othersise dispos-ed of for the use or occupancy, to. any person or persons of African descent, or\"P! That no part of the said property shall be used rented, sold, leased or other-wise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, r estaurant\"C! That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or about the premises.\"D\" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or\"T\" That the residence or residences to be erected on the said lots Number Forty-five (45), Forty-six (46), Forty-seven (47), and Forty-eight (48) in Block\ncorporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or controlFifty (50%) per cent. df the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who mayor any, other of such business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyedthe sides of the property herein conveyed, such a fence may. be erected on the rear or back ex-tremi ty of the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or\"B\" shall be at least Twenty-five (25) feet from the front property line, provided that in as-certaining the distance from the front property line steps and projecting eaves shall not beincluded; that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected on the said lots Number Forty-five (45), Forty-six (46), Forty-seven (47), and Forty-eight (48) shall not be less than FifteenHundred ($1500.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of labor and materials.\nbe privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.\nexclusively for residential purposes.\nfences, if any, shall be of a wire construction and without barbs.\nSEE NEXT PAGE\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or othersise dispos-\ned of for the use or occupancy to, any person or persons of Airican descent, or\ncorporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control\nFifty (50%) per cent. pff the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may\nbe privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent. of the capital stock of such corporation, except ,however servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL7037 a321 O'NSsaid premisen, theand And the said Grante+.... ter.himself..upon the The Dowing ac vations restrictions part offrmilies. Five No ($5, sha!l ererted, placed or suffered. .and.. :. his..sebeme alsof premies.the use of storing farm- .beirs and assigns in consideration ot the execution andparcel in Derbysbire Little Farma and sald Grantor,le a hereby imposed upon all the said property known delivery of this Deed, bereby covenant.a. and agree. 8. with the sald Grantor. its successon and assigni, to hold said real estate herein deseribedDerbyshire premises sha!) now belonging exelusively to the dwelling purposes. and that no house shall be erected thereon to bouse more thanpor Dollars ball sueh 000.00), house, E and porch, erected, or the to remain truction of whicl within h, sha!l seventy-ave be less (75) Seven feet of the frontthe front line fenee than B the rear any of kind, thed E twel ling be - or the maintained above a on part of the premise hereby conveyed, which shall appronch nearerLittle Farms, which b E ofany a or. nature to the construction or of permanent dyelling aaid thereon. or However,. an of the temporary parrel structure in Derbyahireavallable for aanitar ose. No ebemical separate toilet butlding septic ki most be built be or used or with fah. residence convenience. until such time This applies to parcels system l installed serviced andParcels raising fronting or maintaining on Fmery Road, afh hog or hogs, gont to32 or gosts, shall: mot be permitted businees on the premises but any hereln buildine contained. constructed thereonmust set back fronting Afty (50) Mt fest Avenne, from the numbering lot and from 115 m brick. are soned stone for business fre proof property, material. bat This Afty beilding (50) construeted sot-back(10) All parcela fronting on Derbyhire Drive and Green Boad. with the exception of parcel No. 12' fronting on Green Road, shall be used M Company,Mh3)Ebee erectedonando other out baildings. maythe frontbyset back afty (60)soims the construetion ofDrive, theof Mile Avenue. privilegeof Theand covered soBmLittlethese E atrictions construction of shall be less efrom back the two bundred of the (200) bouse. feet eight (8). of ither sidedu &E mayBers storiog to the farm dwelling machinery tools, the bousing must of set back at least the Caucas (6) The premiscs hereln deseribed shall not be sold, conveyed. given away, leased or used, by any or not of the pure blood of the front lot line and must be constructed f brick, stone or dre proof materlal. This Afty (60) foot set-back Ldepth dve these for lota shall be constrned a extend on Derbyahire Drive and bundred, shall be (200) feet from_the for front - residentinl line building.of roident building. On 1Faod 110, 111and 112. having . frontage on Avenue and hireerected, maintained or suffered. to remain anyot the parcels inlimitations, reservations and conditions. shall beuntil the lst day of set forth above. parcels fronting on be used Erand then only after saidLittle purposc whereDerbyshirebeenss covenantsepreifed, antofche and exclasivel (11) N resid caidential. dence or and sny kind whatsoeverherein enumerated. and rishts, restrictions, asreements. inwriting Farms. by an the of the said plans company. for which have not been : with the Grantor and every parcel in Es benefit of partie the aame restrictiona, int and the, each same deed, except as hereinbefore may be apecifed, by shall coutain the. especially restrietions, to shall bind the Grantes. bi beirs and 1970. bet the same more or less but subject to all legal highways. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenancesthereunto belonging, unto the said Grantec.., his heirs and assigns forever. And..said Grantor, does for itself and its successors and assigus, covenant with the said Grantec..the above described premises, as a good and indeleasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and has good right tobargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, that the same are free and clearfrom all incumbrances wbatsoever. except taxes and assessments, both general. andspecial for the year 1950 and thereafter, which the Grantee assumes andagrees to pay, restrictions herein, and zoning ordinances if anyand that it will ARRANTAND! DEFEND said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, THE_MARFIELD. LAND. COMPANY the his heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, it is well seized of tot the said Grantee.. his heirs and assigns forever, against all lawful claims and demands whatsoever.. except as above set forth In Witness Whereof, said corporation hereunto sets its band and corporate seal, by LKIONS.R.EJGIIHRR22nd its.its.. PRESIDENT.SEDRETARY. andthis day of. June. in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and.. fifty THE. MARFIELD LAND. COMPANY. Sigued and acknowledged inj preseace o:3Alu PRISIDENTSECRETARY
VOL7037 a321 O'NSsaid premisen, theand And the said Grante+.... ter.himself..upon the The Dowing ac vations restrictions part offrmilies. Five No ($5, sha!l ererted, placed or suffered. .and.. :. his..sebeme alsof premies.the use of storing farm- .beirs and assigns in consideration ot the execution andparcel in Derbysbire Little Farma and sald Grantor,le a hereby imposed upon all the said property known delivery of this Deed, bereby covenant.a. and agree. 8. with the sald Grantor. its successon and assigni, to hold said real estate herein deseribedDerbyshire premises sha!) now belonging exelusively to the dwelling purposes. and that no house shall be erected thereon to bouse more thanpor Dollars ball sueh 000.00), house, E and porch, erected, or the to remain truction of whicl within h, sha!l seventy-ave be less (75) Seven feet of the frontthe front line fenee than B the rear any of kind, thed E twel ling be - or the maintained above a on part of the premise hereby conveyed, which shall appronch nearerLittle Farms, which b E ofany a or. nature to the construction or of permanent dyelling aaid thereon. or However,. an of the temporary parrel structure in Derbyahireavallable for aanitar ose. No ebemical separate toilet butlding septic ki most be built be or used or with fah. residence convenience. until such time This applies to parcels system l installed serviced andParcels raising fronting or maintaining on Fmery Road, afh hog or hogs, gont to32 or gosts, shall: mot be permitted businees on the premises but any hereln buildine contained. constructed thereonmust set back fronting Afty (50) Mt fest Avenne, from the numbering lot and from 115 m brick. are soned stone for business fre proof property, material. bat This Afty beilding (50) construeted sot-back(10) All parcela fronting on Derbyhire Drive and Green Boad. with the exception of parcel No. 12' fronting on Green Road, shall be used M Company,Mh3)Ebee erectedonando other out baildings. maythe frontbyset back afty (60)soims the construetion ofDrive, theof Mile Avenue. privilegeof Theand covered soBmLittlethese E atrictions construction of shall be less efrom back the two bundred of the (200) bouse. feet eight (8). of ither sidedu &E mayBers storiog to the farm dwelling machinery tools, the bousing must of set back at least the Caucas (6) The premiscs hereln deseribed shall not be sold, conveyed. given away, leased or used, by any or not of the pure blood of the front lot line and must be constructed f brick, stone or dre proof materlal. This Afty (60) foot set-back Ldepth dve these for lota shall be constrned a extend on Derbyahire Drive and bundred, shall be (200) feet from_the for front - residentinl line building.of roident building. On 1Faod 110, 111and 112. having . frontage on Avenue and hireerected, maintained or suffered. to remain anyot the parcels inlimitations, reservations and conditions. shall beuntil the lst day of set forth above. parcels fronting on be used Erand then only after saidLittle purposc whereDerbyshirebeenss covenantsepreifed, antofche and exclasivel (11) N resid caidential. dence or and sny kind whatsoeverherein enumerated. and rishts, restrictions, asreements. inwriting Farms. by an the of the said plans company. for which have not been : with the Grantor and every parcel in Es benefit of partie the aame restrictiona, int and the, each same deed, except as hereinbefore may be apecifed, by shall coutain the. especially restrietions, to shall bind the Grantes. bi beirs and 1970. bet the same more or less but subject to all legal highways. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenancesthereunto belonging, unto the said Grantec.., his heirs and assigns forever. And..said Grantor, does for itself and its successors and assigus, covenant with the said Grantec..the above described premises, as a good and indeleasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and has good right tobargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, that the same are free and clearfrom all incumbrances wbatsoever. except taxes and assessments, both general. andspecial for the year 1950 and thereafter, which the Grantee assumes andagrees to pay, restrictions herein, and zoning ordinances if anyand that it will ARRANTAND! DEFEND said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, THE_MARFIELD. LAND. COMPANY the his heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, it is well seized of tot the said Grantee.. his heirs and assigns forever, against all lawful claims and demands whatsoever.. except as above set forth In Witness Whereof, said corporation hereunto sets its band and corporate seal, by LKIONS.R.EJGIIHRR22nd its.its.. PRESIDENT.SEDRETARY. andthis day of. June. in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and.. fifty THE. MARFIELD LAND. COMPANY. Sigued and acknowledged inj preseace o:3Alu PRISIDENTSECRETARY
(6) The premiscs hereln described shall not be sold, conveyed. given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
(6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](6) The premiscs hereln described shall not be sold, conveyed. given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL7037 a321\nO'NSsaid premisen, theand\nAnd the said Grante+.... ter.himself..upon the The Dowing ac vations restrictions part offrmilies. Five No ($5, sha!l ererted, placed or suffered.\n.and.. :. his..sebeme alsof premies.the use of storing farm-\n.beirs and assigns in consideration ot the execution andparcel in Derbysbire Little Farma and sald Grantor,le a hereby imposed upon all the said property known\ndelivery of this Deed, bereby covenant.a. and agree. 8. with the sald Grantor. its successon and assigni, to hold said real estate herein deseribedDerbyshire premises sha!) now belonging exelusively to the dwelling purposes. and that no house shall be erected thereon to bouse more thanpor Dollars ball sueh 000.00), house, E and porch, erected, or the to remain truction of whicl within h, sha!l seventy-ave be less (75) Seven feet of the frontthe front line fenee than B the rear any of kind, thed E twel ling be - or the maintained above a on part of the premise hereby conveyed, which shall appronch nearerLittle Farms, which b E ofany a or. nature to the construction or of permanent dyelling aaid thereon. or However,. an of the temporary parrel structure in Derbyahireavallable for aanitar ose. No ebemical separate toilet butlding septic ki most be built be or used or with fah. residence convenience. until such time This applies to parcels system l installed serviced andParcels raising fronting or maintaining on Fmery Road, afh hog or hogs, gont to32 or gosts, shall: mot be permitted businees on the premises but any hereln buildine contained. constructed thereonmust set back fronting Afty (50) Mt fest Avenne, from the numbering lot and from 115 m brick. are soned stone for business fre proof property, material. bat This Afty beilding (50) construeted sot-back(10) All parcela fronting on Derbyhire Drive and Green Boad. with the exception of parcel No. 12' fronting on Green Road, shall be used\nM Company,Mh3)Ebee erectedonando other out baildings. maythe frontbyset back afty (60)soims the construetion ofDrive, theof Mile Avenue. privilegeof Theand covered soBmLittlethese\nE atrictions\nconstruction of shall be less efrom back the two bundred of the (200) bouse. feet\neight (8). of ither sidedu &E\n\nmayBers\nstoriog to the farm dwelling machinery tools, the bousing must of set back at least\nthe Caucas (6) The premiscs hereln deseribed shall not be sold, conveyed. given away, leased or used, by any or\nnot of the pure blood of\nthe front lot line and must be constructed f brick, stone or dre proof materlal. This Afty (60) foot set-back Ldepth dve these for lota shall be constrned a extend on Derbyahire Drive and bundred, shall be (200) feet from_the for front - residentinl line\nbuilding.of roident building. On 1Faod\n110, 111and 112. having . frontage on Avenue and hireerected, maintained or suffered. to remain anyot the parcels inlimitations, reservations and conditions. shall beuntil the lst day of\n\nset forth above. parcels fronting on\nbe used Erand then only after saidLittle\npurposc whereDerbyshirebeenss covenantsepreifed, antofche and\nexclasivel (11) N resid caidential. dence or and sny kind whatsoeverherein enumerated. and rishts, restrictions, asreements.\ninwriting Farms. by an the of the said plans company. for which have not been : with the Grantor\nand\nevery parcel in\nEs benefit of partie the aame restrictiona, int and the, each same deed, except as hereinbefore may be apecifed, by shall coutain the. especially restrietions, to\nshall bind the Grantes. bi beirs and\n1970.\nbet the same more or less but subject to all legal highways.\nTO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenancesthereunto belonging, unto the said Grantec.., his heirs and assigns forever. And..said Grantor, does for itself and its successors and assigus, covenant with the said Grantec..the above described premises, as a good and indeleasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and has good right tobargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, that the same are free and clearfrom all incumbrances wbatsoever. except taxes and assessments, both general. andspecial for the year 1950 and thereafter, which the Grantee assumes andagrees to pay, restrictions herein, and zoning ordinances if anyand that it will ARRANTAND! DEFEND said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging,\nTHE_MARFIELD. LAND. COMPANY\nthe\nhis\nheirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, it is well seized of\ntot the said Grantee..\nhis\nheirs and assigns forever, against all lawful claims and demands\nwhatsoever.. except as above set forth\nIn Witness Whereof, said corporation hereunto sets its band and corporate seal, by\nLKIONS.R.EJGIIHRR22nd\nits.its..\nPRESIDENT.SEDRETARY.\nandthis\nday of.\nJune.\nin the year of our Lord One Thousand\nNine Hundred and.. fifty\nTHE. MARFIELD LAND. COMPANY.\nSigued and acknowledged inj preseace o:3Alu\nPRISIDENTSECRETARY\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](6) The premiscs hereln described shall not be sold, conveyed. given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of\nthe Caucasian race.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] have GRANTED, SOLD and CONVEYED, and by these presents do GRANT, SELL and CONVEY unto John APayne and wife, Frances L. Payne oft the County of State of Texas, the following described Bexar 33 "real.e estate, together with alli improvementsthereon, situated int the County of Bexar, State of Texas, being more particularly described as follows,t to-wit: A tract of land out ofa 41.004 acre. tract out of the South" part out of Tract No. Four "(4), of the Subdivision of the Anton Sultenfiss Tract out of the. N.: Montaya Survey No. Twenty-one (21), Bexar County, Texas; the herein described tract being more particulrly described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit:- BEGINNI ING at a. point on the East side of the W. W. White Road at the intersection of the East line of said W. w. White Road with the South line of the above mentioned Tract No. Four (4) of the Subdivision of the Anton Sultenfuss tract; THENCE South 89 deg. 45 min. 15 sec. Bast along and with the South line of said Trect No. Four (4) of the subdivision of the Anton Sultenfuss trect 230 feet to a point, and the Southeast corner of this tract; THENCE North 0 deg.. 20 min. Bast along and with a line parellel to the East line of tho V. w. White Road, 130.4 feet, to an iron stake set at the Northeast corner cf this tract; THENCE North 89 deg. 45 min. 15 soc. West 230 feet more or less to the East line of the W. W. White Road, the Northwest corner oft this tract; THENCE South 0 deg. 2min. west along the East line of the w. w. White.oad tc the place of beginning. This conveyance is made, however, subject to the cond ition that no person of the Mezican or negro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property; and, also, this ccn- veyance is made, hoever, subject to easements contained in instruments recorded in Volume 877, page 103, Volume 787, page 606, and Volume 1107, page 469 of the Deed Records of Bexer Tezas, and subject to the further condition that the grentees herein, their heirs or assigns County, shall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall use and erect a septic tank on said property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described real estate and premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereunto in anywise belonging, unto thes said Grantees * their heirs or assigns, forever. And we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns TO WARRANT AND: FOREVER DEFEND: all and singular the said real estate and premises unto the said granted herein,t their heirs and assigns against every person whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same, or any part thercof. dayof November, A.D., 1947 EXECUTED this the 18th Cho fibe h Otto Jupe Ida Jupe STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF BEXAR. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, ont this day personally appeared 11 Otto Jupe and Ida Jupe known tor me tob bet the person whose name sare subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to met that t hey executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein ex- pressed. And the said Ida Jupe wifeof thes said Otto Jupe having been examined by me privily and apart from her said husband, and having the same by me fully explained to her, she, the said acknowledged suchi instrument tol bel her act and deed : : Ida. Jupe and declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein ex- M g 4.0.,198 pressed, and, that's She,did not wish to retract it. - GIVEN, UNDER,MYHAND: and seal of office, thist the day of Haue Bptl Notary Public, in aud for Bexar County, Texas. 1948,at HAgO'CLoCK PM. Filed for record Oma Recorded_ moy B 7 946,64:2cpdot PM. FRED BUNTRESS, County Clerk,Bezer County,Tezas Pames mempalb Deputy
have GRANTED, SOLD and CONVEYED, and by these presents do GRANT, SELL and CONVEY unto John APayne and wife, Frances L. Payne oft the County of State of Texas, the following described Bexar 33 "real.e estate, together with alli improvementsthereon, situated int the County of Bexar, State of Texas, being more particularly described as follows,t to-wit: A tract of land out ofa 41.004 acre. tract out of the South" part out of Tract No. Four "(4), of the Subdivision of the Anton Sultenfiss Tract out of the. N.: Montaya Survey No. Twenty-one (21), Bexar County, Texas; the herein described tract being more particulrly described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit:- BEGINNI ING at a. point on the East side of the W. W. White Road at the intersection of the East line of said W. w. White Road with the South line of the above mentioned Tract No. Four (4) of the Subdivision of the Anton Sultenfuss tract; THENCE South 89 deg. 45 min. 15 sec. Bast along and with the South line of said Trect No. Four (4) of the subdivision of the Anton Sultenfuss trect 230 feet to a point, and the Southeast corner of this tract; THENCE North 0 deg.. 20 min. Bast along and with a line parellel to the East line of tho V. w. White Road, 130.4 feet, to an iron stake set at the Northeast corner cf this tract; THENCE North 89 deg. 45 min. 15 soc. West 230 feet more or less to the East line of the W. W. White Road, the Northwest corner oft this tract; THENCE South 0 deg. 2min. west along the East line of the w. w. White.oad tc the place of beginning. This conveyance is made, however, subject to the cond ition that no person of the Mezican or negro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property; and, also, this ccn- veyance is made, hoever, subject to easements contained in instruments recorded in Volume 877, page 103, Volume 787, page 606, and Volume 1107, page 469 of the Deed Records of Bexer Tezas, and subject to the further condition that the grentees herein, their heirs or assigns County, shall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall use and erect a septic tank on said property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described real estate and premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereunto in anywise belonging, unto thes said Grantees * their heirs or assigns, forever. And we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns TO WARRANT AND: FOREVER DEFEND: all and singular the said real estate and premises unto the said granted herein,t their heirs and assigns against every person whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same, or any part thercof. dayof November, A.D., 1947 EXECUTED this the 18th Cho fibe h Otto Jupe Ida Jupe STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF BEXAR. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, ont this day personally appeared 11 Otto Jupe and Ida Jupe known tor me tob bet the person whose name sare subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to met that t hey executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein ex- pressed. And the said Ida Jupe wifeof thes said Otto Jupe having been examined by me privily and apart from her said husband, and having the same by me fully explained to her, she, the said acknowledged suchi instrument tol bel her act and deed : : Ida. Jupe and declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein ex- M g 4.0.,198 pressed, and, that's She,did not wish to retract it. - GIVEN, UNDER,MYHAND: and seal of office, thist the day of Haue Bptl Notary Public, in aud for Bexar County, Texas. 1948,at HAgO'CLoCK PM. Filed for record Oma Recorded_ moy B 7 946,64:2cpdot PM. FRED BUNTRESS, County Clerk,Bezer County,Tezas Pames mempalb Deputy
This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition that no person of the Mezican or negro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property; and, also, this ccn- veyance is made, hovever, subject to easements contained in instruments recorded in Volume 877 page 103, Volume 787, page 606, and Volume 1107, page 469 of the Deed Records of Bexer County, Tezas, and subject to the further condition that the grentees herein, their heirs or assigns shall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall use and erect a septic tank on said property.
This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition that no person of the Mexican or negro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property: and, also, this conveyance is made, however, subject to easements contained in instruments recorded in Volume 877, page 103, Volume 787, page 606, and Volume 1107, page 469 of the Deed Records of Bexar County, Texas, and subject to the further condition that the grantees herein, their heirs or assigns shall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall use and erect a septic tank on said property.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition that no person of the Mezican or negro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property; and, also, this ccn- veyance is made, hovever, subject to easements contained in instruments recorded in Volume 877 page 103, Volume 787, page 606, and Volume 1107, page 469 of the Deed Records of Bexer County, Tezas, and subject to the further condition that the grentees herein, their heirs or assigns shall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall use and erect a septic tank on said property.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition that no person of the Mexican or negro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property: and, also, this conveyance is made, however, subject to easements contained in instruments recorded in Volume 877, page 103, Volume 787, page 606, and Volume 1107, page 469 of the Deed Records of Bexar County, Texas, and subject to the further condition that the grantees herein, their heirs or assigns shall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall use and erect a septic tank on said property.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nhave GRANTED, SOLD and CONVEYED, and by these presents do GRANT, SELL and CONVEY unto\nJohn APayne and wife, Frances L. Payne\noft the County of\nState of Texas, the following described\nBexar 33\n\"real.e estate, together with alli improvementsthereon, situated int the County of Bexar, State of Texas, being\nmore particularly described as follows,t to-wit: A tract of land out ofa 41.004 acre. tract out of\nthe South\" part out of Tract No. Four \"(4), of the Subdivision of the Anton Sultenfiss Tract out\nof the. N.: Montaya Survey No. Twenty-one (21), Bexar County, Texas; the herein described tract\nbeing more particulrly described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit:-\nBEGINNI ING at a. point on the East side of the W. W. White Road at the intersection of the East\nline of said W. w. White Road with the South line of the above mentioned Tract No. Four (4) of the\nSubdivision of the Anton Sultenfuss tract;\nTHENCE South 89 deg. 45 min. 15 sec. Bast along and with the South line of said Trect No. Four\n(4) of the subdivision of the Anton Sultenfuss trect 230 feet to a point, and the Southeast\ncorner of this tract;\nTHENCE North 0 deg.. 20 min. Bast along and with a line parellel to the East line of tho V. w. White\nRoad, 130.4 feet, to an iron stake set at the Northeast corner cf this tract;\nTHENCE North 89 deg. 45 min. 15 soc. West 230 feet more or less to the East line of the W. W.\nWhite Road, the Northwest corner oft this tract;\nTHENCE South 0 deg. 2min. west along the East line of the w. w. White.oad tc the place of\nbeginning.\nThis conveyance is made, however, subject to the cond ition that no person of the Mezican or\nnegro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property; and, also, this ccn-\nveyance is made, hoever, subject to easements contained in instruments recorded in Volume 877,\npage 103, Volume 787, page 606, and Volume 1107, page 469 of the Deed Records of Bexer\nTezas, and subject to the further condition that the grentees herein, their heirs or assigns County,\nshall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall use and erect a septic tank on said\nproperty.\nTO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described real estate and premises, together with all and\nsingular the rights and appurtenances thereunto in anywise belonging, unto thes said Grantees * their\nheirs or assigns, forever. And we do hereby bind ourselves, our\nheirs,\nexecutors, administrators, and assigns TO WARRANT AND: FOREVER DEFEND: all and singular the\nsaid real estate and premises unto the said granted herein,t their\nheirs and\nassigns against every person whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same, or any part thercof.\ndayof November, A.D., 1947\nEXECUTED this the 18th\nCho\nfibe\nh\nOtto Jupe\nIda Jupe\nSTATE OF TEXAS,\nCOUNTY OF BEXAR. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, ont this day personally appeared\n 11\nOtto Jupe and Ida Jupe\nknown tor me tob bet the person whose name sare\nsubscribed to the foregoing instrument, and\nacknowledged to met that t hey executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein ex-\npressed. And the said Ida Jupe\nwifeof thes said\nOtto Jupe\nhaving been examined by me privily and apart from\nher said husband, and having the same by me fully explained to her, she, the said\nacknowledged suchi instrument tol bel her act and deed\n: : Ida. Jupe\nand declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein ex-\nM g 4.0.,198\npressed, and, that's She,did not wish to retract it.\n-\nGIVEN, UNDER,MYHAND: and seal of office, thist the\nday of\nHaue Bptl\nNotary Public, in aud for Bexar County, Texas.\n1948,at HAgO'CLoCK PM.\nFiled for record Oma\nRecorded_ moy B 7\n946,64:2cpdot PM.\nFRED BUNTRESS, County Clerk,Bezer County,Tezas\nPames mempalb Deputy", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition that no person of the Mezican or\nnegro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property; and, also, this ccn-\nveyance is made, hovever, subject to easements contained in instruments recorded in Volume 877\npage 103, Volume 787, page 606, and Volume 1107, page 469 of the Deed Records of Bexer County,\nTezas, and subject to the further condition that the grentees herein, their heirs or assigns\nshall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall use and erect a septic tank on said\nproperty.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition that no person of the Mexican or negro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property: and, also, this conveyance is made, however, subject to easements contained in instruments recorded in Volume 877, page 103, Volume 787, page 606, and Volume 1107, page 469 of the Deed Records of Bexar County, Texas, and subject to the further condition that the grantees herein, their heirs or assigns shall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall use and erect a septic tank on said property.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL 6431 PAG:432 (6) No persons of any raçe other than those of the Caucasian race shall use oroccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that" this covenantshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erectedonsaid premises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted.(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony vith existing structures(9) No building shall De erected upon said premises unless the sise, type, costand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details thereformittee appointed by it,provided, however, that in the event that such a committeeis not in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill notbe'required, provided the design and location on the lot conforn to and are in har-mony with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-ing costing less than $6,500.00shall be permitted on said premises, and the ground(10) lo outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur-poses in connection vith dwellings erected on the above described premises. All ofthe requirements of the Village of North Olmsted for sanitary provisions shall beheirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the caven-ants and agreenents herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at theexpense of the ovner thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreteddeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement. or removal. Fail-the right to || | of || | || ~ || | || | | | | | || | | | / | | | | i | | |/| | || || | ||| | | Il| | I | , | | | | ||| ||~| || ||| | | | | || | | | || or persons violating attempting | | | provisions.alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions horeof to the extentnecessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining landsnow ovmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendments(15) The herein enumorated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,covenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof andshall run with the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, or successors and assigns, and. any other person orpersons claiming, by, through or under them until Janiary 1, 1980 at which" time employed by an ormer or tenant. proval of Lorain Ridge Gardenslocated upon adjoining lands. or the committee hereinafter referred to, shall have been approved in writing by Lorain Ridge Gardens ora com- out the approval of said Lorain Ridge Gardensfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600case of e one story structure, or less than 500one and ono-half or tvo story structure. or of said committee, no dyell-square feet in the case of a square feet in the complied with.(11) Lorain Ridge Gardens expressly reserve to themselves, their byit, and the said Lorain Ridge Gardensure by Lorain Ridge Gardens | ||| shall not, by reason thereof, beor by any other person or party having ||| |||| || | | | | | | (14) Lorain Ridge Gardens ||| I | | | | | | 1s hereby granted the right to change, thereto. they shall terminate and be of no further force and effect.
VOL 6431 PAG:432 (6) No persons of any raçe other than those of the Caucasian race shall use oroccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that" this covenantshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erectedonsaid premises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted.(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony vith existing structures(9) No building shall De erected upon said premises unless the sise, type, costand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details thereformittee appointed by it,provided, however, that in the event that such a committeeis not in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill notbe'required, provided the design and location on the lot conforn to and are in har-mony with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-ing costing less than $6,500.00shall be permitted on said premises, and the ground(10) lo outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur-poses in connection vith dwellings erected on the above described premises. All ofthe requirements of the Village of North Olmsted for sanitary provisions shall beheirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the caven-ants and agreenents herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at theexpense of the ovner thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreteddeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement. or removal. Fail-the right to || | of || | || ~ || | || | | | | | || | | | / | | | | i | | |/| | || || | ||| | | Il| | I | , | | | | ||| ||~| || ||| | | | | || | | | || or persons violating attempting | | | provisions.alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions horeof to the extentnecessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining landsnow ovmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendments(15) The herein enumorated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,covenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof andshall run with the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, or successors and assigns, and. any other person orpersons claiming, by, through or under them until Janiary 1, 1980 at which" time employed by an ormer or tenant. proval of Lorain Ridge Gardenslocated upon adjoining lands. or the committee hereinafter referred to, shall have been approved in writing by Lorain Ridge Gardens ora com- out the approval of said Lorain Ridge Gardensfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600case of e one story structure, or less than 500one and ono-half or tvo story structure. or of said committee, no dyell-square feet in the case of a square feet in the complied with.(11) Lorain Ridge Gardens expressly reserve to themselves, their byit, and the said Lorain Ridge Gardensure by Lorain Ridge Gardens | ||| shall not, by reason thereof, beor by any other person or party having ||| |||| || | | | | | | (14) Lorain Ridge Gardens ||| I | | | | | | 1s hereby granted the right to change, thereto. they shall terminate and be of no further force and effect.
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Cauçasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that'this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an ormer or tenant.
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Cauçasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that'this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an ormer or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL 6431 PAG:432\n(6) No persons of any raçe other than those of the Caucasian race shall use oroccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that\" this covenantshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erectedonsaid premises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted.(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony vith existing structures(9) No building shall De erected upon said premises unless the sise, type, costand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details thereformittee appointed by it,provided, however, that in the event that such a committeeis not in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill notbe'required, provided the design and location on the lot conforn to and are in har-mony with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-ing costing less than $6,500.00shall be permitted on said premises, and the ground(10) lo outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur-poses in connection vith dwellings erected on the above described premises. All ofthe requirements of the Village of North Olmsted for sanitary provisions shall beheirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the caven-ants and agreenents herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at theexpense of the ovner thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreteddeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement. or removal. Fail-the right to || | of || | || ~ || | || | | | | | || | | | / | | | | i | | |/| | || || | ||| | | Il| | I | , | | | | ||| ||~| || ||| | | | | || | | | || or persons violating attempting | | | provisions.alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions horeof to the extentnecessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining landsnow ovmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendments(15) The herein enumorated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,covenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof andshall run with the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, or successors and assigns, and. any other person orpersons claiming, by, through or under them until Janiary 1, 1980 at which\" time\nemployed by an ormer or tenant.\nproval of Lorain Ridge Gardenslocated upon adjoining lands.\nor the committee hereinafter referred to,\nshall have been approved in writing by Lorain Ridge Gardens\nora com-\nout the approval of said Lorain Ridge Gardensfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600case of e one story structure, or less than 500one and ono-half or tvo story structure.\nor of said committee, no dyell-square feet in the case of a\nsquare feet in the\ncomplied with.(11) Lorain Ridge Gardens\nexpressly reserve to themselves, their\nbyit, and the said Lorain Ridge Gardensure by Lorain Ridge Gardens | |||\nshall not, by reason thereof, beor by any other person or party having\n||| |||| || | | | | | |\n (14) Lorain Ridge Gardens\n||| I | | | | | |\n1s hereby granted the right to change,\nthereto.\nthey shall terminate and be of no further force and effect.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Cauçasian race shall use or\noccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that'this covenant\nshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality\nemployed by an ormer or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] Filed forii record.Recorded. PM, Piinach 1948,at 2Rovclock aM FRED HUNTRESS, gewntyclerk,pe County Texe Deputy vo2505 PE566STATÉ OF TEXAS, )COUNTY OF BEKAR. 536125 KNOW ALL MEN. BY THESE PHESENTS: THAT I, THOS. S. GARRETT, of Bexar County, Texas, the omer of thatcertain tract of 22.9 acres of land, more or less, oescribed as Farcel I in theaeed from Charles Terrell Bartlett to me, dated liay 14, 1946, reçorded in Volume2272, pages 275-79, of the Deed Records of Bexar County, Texas, said tract of22.9 acres, nore or less, being a part of Original Tracts 36, 37, 59, 60, and 62ofa subiivision known as Terrell Hills, in Boxar County, Texas, according to theplat thereof made by Louis Folk and recorded in Volune 218, page 418, of the DeedRecords of said County, and which said tract of 22.9 acres, more or less, hasbeen included in and made a part of that certain subdivision designated as SuffolkEstates, in Terrell Hills, in Bexar County, Texas, accoriing to plat recorded inVolume 2222, page 194, of the Plat Records of said County, for und in considera-tion of the benefits to accrue to ne from having my lots in said Suffolk Estatesuniformly restricted, do hereby impose upon said lots the following restrictive covenants: 1. All of my lots in Said Suflolk Estates shali be resiuential lots2. Not more than one residence buil lding shall be erected on any onelot, and no structure shail be erected, altered, placed, or pernitted to remainon any building plot or lot otner than a detached single-fumily dweliing not. toexcecd two and one-half stories in height and a private garage for not more thanthree cars and servants' quarters. No noxious or offensive trade or activityshall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything cver ue usea on any lot asaresidence, temporarily or permanently, except a detached single-family dyellingas herein defined, and except also that appropriate servants' quarters may be oc-3. The ground floor area of any one-story residence builuing erected onany of Lots 2, 3, 6, and 7, in County Block 5888, and Lots 2 and 3, in CounvyElock 5890, in said Suffolk Estates, shall be not less than two thousand (2,000)square feet, exclusive of open porches andi garages; anu the sround fLoor area ofany one and one-half, two, or two and one-half story resicience building erected onany of said Lots 2, 3, 6, and 7, in County Block 5888, and Lots 2 and 3, in CountyBlock 5890, shall be not less than one thousand (1,000) square feet, exclusive ofopen porches and garages. The ground floor area of any one-story residence build-ing erected on any of my other lots in said Suffolk Estates shall be not less tnansixteen hundred (1,600) square feet, exclusive of open porches and garages; anci theground floor area of any one and one-half, two, or two and one-half story residencebuilding erected on any of my other said lots in said Suifolk Estates shal). be notlessthan eight hundred fifty (350) square feet, exclusive of open porches and4. The outer walls of the main residence building constructed on any ofmy said lots in Suifolk Estates shall be of not less than fifty per cent (50%)masonry construction, and the outer walls of the garage (and servants' cuarters),when attached to the main residence, shail be of the sane construction as the Outervalls of such residence. All foundations, footings and piers of the main residence and shall be used for private residence purposes only. cupied by the servants of the ovner or lessee. garages. shall be of concrete or masonry construction. 5. All driveways, whether full length or ribbon, shall be surfaced with- 6. Any wall, hedge, or ience erected or planted on any side prepertyline shall not be over three (3) feet in height between the residence and the front'7. None of nry said lots in Suffolk Estates, nor any part thereof, shallever be sold, leased,. or rented to. any person of any race other than the white race,and no person of any race other than the white race shall ever own, use, or occuoyany of said lots, or any building thereon, except that donestic servants of the ovmeror tenant may oçcupy appropriate serv.ants" quarters on the premises, even though such concrete or asphalt.lot line. domestiç servants may not be of the white race.
Filed forii record.Recorded. PM, Piinach 1948,at 2Rovclock aM FRED HUNTRESS, gewntyclerk,pe County Texe Deputy vo2505 PE566STATÉ OF TEXAS, )COUNTY OF BEKAR. 536125 KNOW ALL MEN. BY THESE PHESENTS: THAT I, THOS. S. GARRETT, of Bexar County, Texas, the omer of thatcertain tract of 22.9 acres of land, more or less, oescribed as Farcel I in theaeed from Charles Terrell Bartlett to me, dated liay 14, 1946, reçorded in Volume2272, pages 275-79, of the Deed Records of Bexar County, Texas, said tract of22.9 acres, nore or less, being a part of Original Tracts 36, 37, 59, 60, and 62ofa subiivision known as Terrell Hills, in Boxar County, Texas, according to theplat thereof made by Louis Folk and recorded in Volune 218, page 418, of the DeedRecords of said County, and which said tract of 22.9 acres, more or less, hasbeen included in and made a part of that certain subdivision designated as SuffolkEstates, in Terrell Hills, in Bexar County, Texas, accoriing to plat recorded inVolume 2222, page 194, of the Plat Records of said County, for und in considera-tion of the benefits to accrue to ne from having my lots in said Suffolk Estatesuniformly restricted, do hereby impose upon said lots the following restrictive covenants: 1. All of my lots in Said Suflolk Estates shali be resiuential lots2. Not more than one residence buil lding shall be erected on any onelot, and no structure shail be erected, altered, placed, or pernitted to remainon any building plot or lot otner than a detached single-fumily dweliing not. toexcecd two and one-half stories in height and a private garage for not more thanthree cars and servants' quarters. No noxious or offensive trade or activityshall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything cver ue usea on any lot asaresidence, temporarily or permanently, except a detached single-family dyellingas herein defined, and except also that appropriate servants' quarters may be oc-3. The ground floor area of any one-story residence builuing erected onany of Lots 2, 3, 6, and 7, in County Block 5888, and Lots 2 and 3, in CounvyElock 5890, in said Suffolk Estates, shall be not less than two thousand (2,000)square feet, exclusive of open porches andi garages; anu the sround fLoor area ofany one and one-half, two, or two and one-half story resicience building erected onany of said Lots 2, 3, 6, and 7, in County Block 5888, and Lots 2 and 3, in CountyBlock 5890, shall be not less than one thousand (1,000) square feet, exclusive ofopen porches and garages. The ground floor area of any one-story residence build-ing erected on any of my other lots in said Suffolk Estates shall be not less tnansixteen hundred (1,600) square feet, exclusive of open porches and garages; anci theground floor area of any one and one-half, two, or two and one-half story residencebuilding erected on any of my other said lots in said Suifolk Estates shal). be notlessthan eight hundred fifty (350) square feet, exclusive of open porches and4. The outer walls of the main residence building constructed on any ofmy said lots in Suifolk Estates shall be of not less than fifty per cent (50%)masonry construction, and the outer walls of the garage (and servants' cuarters),when attached to the main residence, shail be of the sane construction as the Outervalls of such residence. All foundations, footings and piers of the main residence and shall be used for private residence purposes only. cupied by the servants of the ovner or lessee. garages. shall be of concrete or masonry construction. 5. All driveways, whether full length or ribbon, shall be surfaced with- 6. Any wall, hedge, or ience erected or planted on any side prepertyline shall not be over three (3) feet in height between the residence and the front'7. None of nry said lots in Suffolk Estates, nor any part thereof, shallever be sold, leased,. or rented to. any person of any race other than the white race,and no person of any race other than the white race shall ever own, use, or occuoyany of said lots, or any building thereon, except that donestic servants of the ovmeror tenant may oçcupy appropriate serv.ants" quarters on the premises, even though such concrete or asphalt.lot line. domestiç servants may not be of the white race.
'7. None of nry said lots in Suffolk Estates, nor any part thereof, shall ever be sold, leased,. or rented to.any person of any race other than the white race, and no person of any race other than the white race shal.l ever own, use, or occuoy any of said lots, or any building thereon, except that domestic servants of the. ovmer or tenant may occupy appropriate serv.ants' quarters on the premises, even thougn such domestic servants may not be of the white race.
7. None of my said lots in Suffolk Estates, nor any part thereof, shall ever be sold, leased, or rented to any race other than the white race, and no person of any race other than the white race shall ever own , use, or occupy any of said lots, or any building thereon, except that domestic servants of the owner or tenant may occupy appropriate servants' quarters on the premises, even though such domestic servants may be of the white race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]'7. None of nry said lots in Suffolk Estates, nor any part thereof, shall ever be sold, leased,. or rented to.any person of any race other than the white race, and no person of any race other than the white race shal.l ever own, use, or occuoy any of said lots, or any building thereon, except that domestic servants of the. ovmer or tenant may occupy appropriate serv.ants' quarters on the premises, even thougn such domestic servants may not be of the white race. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]7. None of my said lots in Suffolk Estates, nor any part thereof, shall ever be sold, leased, or rented to any race other than the white race, and no person of any race other than the white race shall ever own , use, or occupy any of said lots, or any building thereon, except that domestic servants of the owner or tenant may occupy appropriate servants' quarters on the premises, even though such domestic servants may be of the white race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nFiled forii record.Recorded.\nPM,\nPiinach\n1948,at 2Rovclock aM\nFRED HUNTRESS, gewntyclerk,pe County Texe\nDeputy\nvo2505 PE566STATÉ OF TEXAS, )COUNTY OF BEKAR.\n536125\nKNOW ALL MEN. BY THESE PHESENTS:\nTHAT I, THOS. S. GARRETT, of Bexar County, Texas, the omer of thatcertain tract of 22.9 acres of land, more or less, oescribed as Farcel I in theaeed from Charles Terrell Bartlett to me, dated liay 14, 1946, reçorded in Volume2272, pages 275-79, of the Deed Records of Bexar County, Texas, said tract of22.9 acres, nore or less, being a part of Original Tracts 36, 37, 59, 60, and 62ofa subiivision known as Terrell Hills, in Boxar County, Texas, according to theplat thereof made by Louis Folk and recorded in Volune 218, page 418, of the DeedRecords of said County, and which said tract of 22.9 acres, more or less, hasbeen included in and made a part of that certain subdivision designated as SuffolkEstates, in Terrell Hills, in Bexar County, Texas, accoriing to plat recorded inVolume 2222, page 194, of the Plat Records of said County, for und in considera-tion of the benefits to accrue to ne from having my lots in said Suffolk Estatesuniformly restricted, do hereby impose upon said lots the following restrictive\ncovenants:\n1. All of my lots in Said Suflolk Estates shali be resiuential lots2. Not more than one residence buil lding shall be erected on any onelot, and no structure shail be erected, altered, placed, or pernitted to remainon any building plot or lot otner than a detached single-fumily dweliing not. toexcecd two and one-half stories in height and a private garage for not more thanthree cars and servants' quarters. No noxious or offensive trade or activityshall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything cver ue usea on any lot asaresidence, temporarily or permanently, except a detached single-family dyellingas herein defined, and except also that appropriate servants' quarters may be oc-3. The ground floor area of any one-story residence builuing erected onany of Lots 2, 3, 6, and 7, in County Block 5888, and Lots 2 and 3, in CounvyElock 5890, in said Suffolk Estates, shall be not less than two thousand (2,000)square feet, exclusive of open porches andi garages; anu the sround fLoor area ofany one and one-half, two, or two and one-half story resicience building erected onany of said Lots 2, 3, 6, and 7, in County Block 5888, and Lots 2 and 3, in CountyBlock 5890, shall be not less than one thousand (1,000) square feet, exclusive ofopen porches and garages. The ground floor area of any one-story residence build-ing erected on any of my other lots in said Suffolk Estates shall be not less tnansixteen hundred (1,600) square feet, exclusive of open porches and garages; anci theground floor area of any one and one-half, two, or two and one-half story residencebuilding erected on any of my other said lots in said Suifolk Estates shal). be notlessthan eight hundred fifty (350) square feet, exclusive of open porches and4. The outer walls of the main residence building constructed on any ofmy said lots in Suifolk Estates shall be of not less than fifty per cent (50%)masonry construction, and the outer walls of the garage (and servants' cuarters),when attached to the main residence, shail be of the sane construction as the Outervalls of such residence. All foundations, footings and piers of the main residence\nand shall be used for private residence purposes only.\ncupied by the servants of the ovner or lessee.\ngarages.\nshall be of concrete or masonry construction.\n5. All driveways, whether full length or ribbon, shall be surfaced with- 6. Any wall, hedge, or ience erected or planted on any side prepertyline shall not be over three (3) feet in height between the residence and the front'7. None of nry said lots in Suffolk Estates, nor any part thereof, shallever be sold, leased,. or rented to. any person of any race other than the white race,and no person of any race other than the white race shall ever own, use, or occuoyany of said lots, or any building thereon, except that donestic servants of the ovmeror tenant may oçcupy appropriate serv.ants\" quarters on the premises, even though such\nconcrete or asphalt.lot line.\ndomestiç servants may not be of the white race.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]'7. None of nry said lots in Suffolk Estates, nor any part thereof, shall\never be sold, leased,. or rented to.any person of any race other than the white race,\nand no person of any race other than the white race shal.l ever own, use, or occuoy\nany of said lots, or any building thereon, except that domestic servants of the. ovmer\nor tenant may occupy appropriate serv.ants' quarters on the premises, even thougn such\ndomestic servants may not be of the white race.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]7. None of my said lots in Suffolk Estates, nor any part thereof, shall ever be sold, leased, or rented to any race other than the white race, and no person of any race other than the white race shall ever own , use, or occupy any of said lots, or any building thereon, except that domestic servants of the owner or tenant may occupy appropriate servants' quarters on the premises, even though such domestic servants may be of the white race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL7075 PAGE364 The above describod premises are boing convayed subject to the follouin restrictions: (1) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residential, small farm and gardening purposes, and no struoture shall be erected thereon other than one detached single family dwelling, not to excoed two stories in height, necessary outbuildings and a one or two car garage, either attached to or detached from said structure on oach parcel. (2) No dwelling shall be erected on said premises nearor to the center line of the road upon which it facos than 85 nor nearer than 10 feet to any side lot line. (3) Said premises shall not be resubdivided into building lots having less thar55,000 square feet of area or a width of less than 100 feet each, nor shall any building be erected on any plot having an area of less thun 35,000 square feet or a frontage of less than 100 feet. The restric- tions, rights reservations, limitations, agreements, oovenants and condi- tions herein contained shall apply to each of the parcels into which said premises may bo s0 subdivided. (4). No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold either at wholosale or retail upon said premises, and no plaçe of public entertainment or resort of any character shall be established, conducted, or. suffered to remain on said premises. : (5) No obnoxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot nor shall anything-ba done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. No nuisance or gas, or oil derrick, advertis- ing sign, billboard. or other, advertising device shall be built,, placed, permitted or. suffered to remain upon any. of the said paroels, nor shall any such parcels be used in, whole or part for. business or in any way for,. any purposeiwhioh may. endanger the health or unrensonably disturb the quiet of any, holder.of, adjoining land. Any,animals kept by the owners for their use or pleasure shall not be permitted to run at large and shall be_kept in pens or enclosures so designed and located so as to be inoffen- aive to other owners and so as. not to become a nuisance. No outbuildings shall be allowed for sewage disposal. No pigs. or, other, obnoxious animals shall be kept on. said premises. (6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any, building on any lot in the, entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent oocupancy by domestic servants of a' different race, or nationality. employed by an owner or, tenant.,. (7), No. trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding" erected on' 'said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, ter.por- arily or permanently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted. : (8) No structure shall be moyar onto' said premises unless it mests with the approval of. Broadviev Orohard/or the committee hereinafter referred to,, or if there 1's no committee, 'it 'conforms 'and 'be in harmony with existing structuras located upon adjoining lands. "i (9). No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the size, type, oost and material of" construction, and the lot plan Bhowing the proposed location of said building on the lots and the plans and. specifications and details therefor shall have been approved in writing by Broadviow Orchardland or a.committes appointed by. it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committee is not In existence, 'or being in oxistence, fails to approve or disapprove such design or location within thirty days after re- ceipt thereof, such required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to' and' arè in harmony with existing struotures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or without the approval of said Broadviow Orohardland or of said committee, no dwelling costing less than $10,000.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the ground floor square foot area thereof shall not be less than square foet in the case of a one story structure, or less than square feet in the case of a one and one-half or two story struoture..
VOL7075 PAGE364 The above describod premises are boing convayed subject to the follouin restrictions: (1) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residential, small farm and gardening purposes, and no struoture shall be erected thereon other than one detached single family dwelling, not to excoed two stories in height, necessary outbuildings and a one or two car garage, either attached to or detached from said structure on oach parcel. (2) No dwelling shall be erected on said premises nearor to the center line of the road upon which it facos than 85 nor nearer than 10 feet to any side lot line. (3) Said premises shall not be resubdivided into building lots having less thar55,000 square feet of area or a width of less than 100 feet each, nor shall any building be erected on any plot having an area of less thun 35,000 square feet or a frontage of less than 100 feet. The restric- tions, rights reservations, limitations, agreements, oovenants and condi- tions herein contained shall apply to each of the parcels into which said premises may bo s0 subdivided. (4). No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold either at wholosale or retail upon said premises, and no plaçe of public entertainment or resort of any character shall be established, conducted, or. suffered to remain on said premises. : (5) No obnoxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot nor shall anything-ba done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. No nuisance or gas, or oil derrick, advertis- ing sign, billboard. or other, advertising device shall be built,, placed, permitted or. suffered to remain upon any. of the said paroels, nor shall any such parcels be used in, whole or part for. business or in any way for,. any purposeiwhioh may. endanger the health or unrensonably disturb the quiet of any, holder.of, adjoining land. Any,animals kept by the owners for their use or pleasure shall not be permitted to run at large and shall be_kept in pens or enclosures so designed and located so as to be inoffen- aive to other owners and so as. not to become a nuisance. No outbuildings shall be allowed for sewage disposal. No pigs. or, other, obnoxious animals shall be kept on. said premises. (6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any, building on any lot in the, entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent oocupancy by domestic servants of a' different race, or nationality. employed by an owner or, tenant.,. (7), No. trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding" erected on' 'said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, ter.por- arily or permanently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted. : (8) No structure shall be moyar onto' said premises unless it mests with the approval of. Broadviev Orohard/or the committee hereinafter referred to,, or if there 1's no committee, 'it 'conforms 'and 'be in harmony with existing structuras located upon adjoining lands. "i (9). No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the size, type, oost and material of" construction, and the lot plan Bhowing the proposed location of said building on the lots and the plans and. specifications and details therefor shall have been approved in writing by Broadviow Orchardland or a.committes appointed by. it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committee is not In existence, 'or being in oxistence, fails to approve or disapprove such design or location within thirty days after re- ceipt thereof, such required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to' and' arè in harmony with existing struotures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or without the approval of said Broadviow Orohardland or of said committee, no dwelling costing less than $10,000.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the ground floor square foot area thereof shall not be less than square foet in the case of a one story structure, or less than square feet in the case of a one and one-half or two story struoture..
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any, building on any lot in the, entire subdivision, except that this cov.enant shall not prevent ooqupancy by domestic servants of a different race. Qr nationality. employed by n owner or, tenant.,
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any, building on any lot in the, entire subdivision, except that this cov.enant shall not prevent ooqupancy by domestic servants of a different race. Qr nationality. employed by n owner or, tenant.,[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL7075 PAGE364\nThe above describod premises are boing convayed subject to the follouin\nrestrictions:\n(1) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residential, small farm\nand gardening purposes, and no struoture shall be erected thereon other\nthan one detached single family dwelling, not to excoed two stories in\nheight, necessary outbuildings and a one or two car garage, either attached\nto or detached from said structure on oach parcel.\n(2) No dwelling shall be erected on said premises nearor to the center\nline of the road upon which it facos than 85 nor nearer than 10\nfeet to any side lot line.\n(3) Said premises shall not be resubdivided into building lots having\nless thar55,000 square feet of area or a width of less than 100 feet each,\nnor shall any building be erected on any plot having an area of less thun\n35,000 square feet or a frontage of less than 100 feet. The restric-\ntions, rights reservations, limitations, agreements, oovenants and condi-\ntions herein contained shall apply to each of the parcels into which said\npremises may bo s0 subdivided.\n(4). No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or\nsold either at wholosale or retail upon said premises, and no plaçe of\npublic entertainment or resort of any character shall be established,\nconducted, or. suffered to remain on said premises.\n:\n(5) No obnoxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot nor\nshall anything-ba done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or\nnuisance to the neighborhood. No nuisance or gas, or oil derrick, advertis-\ning sign, billboard. or other, advertising device shall be built,, placed,\npermitted or. suffered to remain upon any. of the said paroels, nor shall\nany such parcels be used in, whole or part for. business or in any way for,.\nany purposeiwhioh may. endanger the health or unrensonably disturb the\nquiet of any, holder.of, adjoining land. Any,animals kept by the owners\nfor their use or pleasure shall not be permitted to run at large and shall\nbe_kept in pens or enclosures so designed and located so as to be inoffen-\naive to other owners and so as. not to become a nuisance. No outbuildings\nshall be allowed for sewage disposal. No pigs. or, other, obnoxious animals\nshall be kept on. said premises.\n(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall\nuse or occupy any, building on any lot in the, entire subdivision, except\nthat this covenant shall not prevent oocupancy by domestic servants of a'\ndifferent race, or nationality. employed by an owner or, tenant.,.\n(7), No. trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding\"\nerected on' 'said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, ter.por-\narily or permanently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be\npermitted.\n:\n(8) No structure shall be moyar onto' said premises unless it mests with the\napproval of. Broadviev Orohard/or the committee hereinafter referred to,, or\nif there 1's no committee, 'it 'conforms 'and 'be in harmony with existing\nstructuras located upon adjoining lands.\n\n\"i\n(9). No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the size, type,\noost and material of\" construction, and the lot plan Bhowing the proposed\nlocation of said building on the lots and the plans and. specifications and\ndetails therefor shall have been approved in writing by Broadviow Orchardland\nor a.committes appointed by. it, provided, however, that in the event\nthat such a committee is not In existence, 'or being in oxistence, fails to\napprove or disapprove such design or location within thirty days after re-\nceipt thereof, such required, provided the design and\nlocation on the lot conform to' and' arè in harmony with existing struotures\non adjoining lands. In any case, either with or without the approval of\nsaid Broadviow Orohardland\nor of said committee, no dwelling\ncosting less than $10,000.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and\nthe ground floor square foot area thereof shall not be less than\nsquare foet in the case of a one story structure, or less than\nsquare\nfeet in the case of a one and one-half or two story struoture..", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall\nuse or occupy any, building on any lot in the, entire subdivision, except\nthat this cov.enant shall not prevent ooqupancy by domestic servants of a\ndifferent race. Qr nationality. employed by n owner or, tenant.,[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL6874 FAGE 53 successors And the Grantee does for.. themselves. their. heirs and assigns, in consideration of theexecution and delivery of this deed, hereby covenant and agree with the Grantor, its successorsand assigns to hold said real estatel herein described upon the following terms:(a) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residence purposes and no structure shallbe erected on any residential building plot other than one single family dwelling not to exceed(b) No building shall be erected on any residential building plot nearer than thirty (30) feetto, nor farther than fifty (50) feet from thei front Sub-Lot line, nor nearer than five (5) feet to anyside Sub-Lot line, except on Sub-Lots where the topography of the land does not permit, in whichevent the building line will be established by Indian Hills Estates Co., or by the Committee(c) No fence or wall exceeding three (3) feet inl height shall be erected or maintained on anypart of any Sub-Lot, nor shall any fence or walll be erected or maintained within forty (40) feet of(d) None of said Sub-Lots shall be re-subdivided into building plots having an area lessthan shown ont the plat oft the subdivision as recorded in Volume 57, Page 12, of Cuyahoga(e) No spirituous, vinous, nor fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either atwholesale or retail, on said premises. No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon anySub-Lot. nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building onany Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif-(g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, barn, or other outbuilding erected in the tract shallat any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a(h) No structure shall be moved onto any Sub-Lot unless it mects with the approval of thecommittee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committce it shall conform to and be in har-(i) During the period in which Indian Hills Estates Co., or its successors, owns any of suchSub-Lots. no building shall be crected on any Sub-Lot until the design and location thereof haveora representative which it may appoint for that purpose, or its successors. After Indian HillsEstates Co., or its successor. ceases tol be the owner of any such Sub-Lots, a committee of threc(3) members elected by a majority of the owners of Sub-Lots, in said Re-subdivision shallupon designs and locations for buildings, and no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot until passsuch committee shall have in writing approved the design and location thereof. However, in eventIndian Hills Estates Co., its successors, or representative to whom is submitted for approvaldesign and location, fails to approve or disapprove such design or Iocation within (30) days from athe time of such submission, or in case approval ist to be by committee as aforesaid and there isno such committee in existence, or if such committee fails to approve or disapprove a designlocation within thirty (30) days from the time of such submission, then in cach such event, such orapproval of design and location will not be required, but no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot, the design and location of which is not in conformity to, and in! harmony with, existings struc-tures int the tract. In no case, whether the design and location of a dwelling has beennot under the: foregoing provisions, shall any dwelling be permitted on any Sub-Lot in approved the tract,the cost of construction which is less than six thousand ($6,000.00) dollars and the ground floorarea of which is less than seven hundred and fifty (750) square fect, in case ofature or less than six hundred (600) square feet, in case of a one and one-half story one-story or two-story two stories in height and a one- or two-car garage. referred toi in paragraph (i) hereof.the Street on which said Sub-Lot fronts. records of Maps.the neighborhood. County ferent race, employed by owner or tenant.temporary character be permitted.mony with existing structures in the tract. been approved in writing by Indian Hills Estates Co., orstruc- structure.
VOL6874 FAGE 53 successors And the Grantee does for.. themselves. their. heirs and assigns, in consideration of theexecution and delivery of this deed, hereby covenant and agree with the Grantor, its successorsand assigns to hold said real estatel herein described upon the following terms:(a) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residence purposes and no structure shallbe erected on any residential building plot other than one single family dwelling not to exceed(b) No building shall be erected on any residential building plot nearer than thirty (30) feetto, nor farther than fifty (50) feet from thei front Sub-Lot line, nor nearer than five (5) feet to anyside Sub-Lot line, except on Sub-Lots where the topography of the land does not permit, in whichevent the building line will be established by Indian Hills Estates Co., or by the Committee(c) No fence or wall exceeding three (3) feet inl height shall be erected or maintained on anypart of any Sub-Lot, nor shall any fence or walll be erected or maintained within forty (40) feet of(d) None of said Sub-Lots shall be re-subdivided into building plots having an area lessthan shown ont the plat oft the subdivision as recorded in Volume 57, Page 12, of Cuyahoga(e) No spirituous, vinous, nor fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either atwholesale or retail, on said premises. No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon anySub-Lot. nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building onany Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif-(g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, barn, or other outbuilding erected in the tract shallat any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a(h) No structure shall be moved onto any Sub-Lot unless it mects with the approval of thecommittee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committce it shall conform to and be in har-(i) During the period in which Indian Hills Estates Co., or its successors, owns any of suchSub-Lots. no building shall be crected on any Sub-Lot until the design and location thereof haveora representative which it may appoint for that purpose, or its successors. After Indian HillsEstates Co., or its successor. ceases tol be the owner of any such Sub-Lots, a committee of threc(3) members elected by a majority of the owners of Sub-Lots, in said Re-subdivision shallupon designs and locations for buildings, and no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot until passsuch committee shall have in writing approved the design and location thereof. However, in eventIndian Hills Estates Co., its successors, or representative to whom is submitted for approvaldesign and location, fails to approve or disapprove such design or Iocation within (30) days from athe time of such submission, or in case approval ist to be by committee as aforesaid and there isno such committee in existence, or if such committee fails to approve or disapprove a designlocation within thirty (30) days from the time of such submission, then in cach such event, such orapproval of design and location will not be required, but no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot, the design and location of which is not in conformity to, and in! harmony with, existings struc-tures int the tract. In no case, whether the design and location of a dwelling has beennot under the: foregoing provisions, shall any dwelling be permitted on any Sub-Lot in approved the tract,the cost of construction which is less than six thousand ($6,000.00) dollars and the ground floorarea of which is less than seven hundred and fifty (750) square fect, in case ofature or less than six hundred (600) square feet, in case of a one and one-half story one-story or two-story two stories in height and a one- or two-car garage. referred toi in paragraph (i) hereof.the Street on which said Sub-Lot fronts. records of Maps.the neighborhood. County ferent race, employed by owner or tenant.temporary character be permitted.mony with existing structures in the tract. been approved in writing by Indian Hills Estates Co., orstruc- structure.
(f) No race o1 nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif- ferent race, employed by owner or tenant.
(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race, employed by owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](f) No race o1 nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif- ferent race, employed by owner or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race, employed by owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL6874 FAGE 53\nsuccessors\nAnd the Grantee does for.. themselves. their. heirs and assigns, in consideration of theexecution and delivery of this deed, hereby covenant and agree with the Grantor, its successorsand assigns to hold said real estatel herein described upon the following terms:(a) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residence purposes and no structure shallbe erected on any residential building plot other than one single family dwelling not to exceed(b) No building shall be erected on any residential building plot nearer than thirty (30) feetto, nor farther than fifty (50) feet from thei front Sub-Lot line, nor nearer than five (5) feet to anyside Sub-Lot line, except on Sub-Lots where the topography of the land does not permit, in whichevent the building line will be established by Indian Hills Estates Co., or by the Committee(c) No fence or wall exceeding three (3) feet inl height shall be erected or maintained on anypart of any Sub-Lot, nor shall any fence or walll be erected or maintained within forty (40) feet of(d) None of said Sub-Lots shall be re-subdivided into building plots having an area lessthan shown ont the plat oft the subdivision as recorded in Volume 57, Page 12, of Cuyahoga(e) No spirituous, vinous, nor fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either atwholesale or retail, on said premises. No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon anySub-Lot. nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building onany Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif-(g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, barn, or other outbuilding erected in the tract shallat any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a(h) No structure shall be moved onto any Sub-Lot unless it mects with the approval of thecommittee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committce it shall conform to and be in har-(i) During the period in which Indian Hills Estates Co., or its successors, owns any of suchSub-Lots. no building shall be crected on any Sub-Lot until the design and location thereof haveora representative which it may appoint for that purpose, or its successors. After Indian HillsEstates Co., or its successor. ceases tol be the owner of any such Sub-Lots, a committee of threc(3) members elected by a majority of the owners of Sub-Lots, in said Re-subdivision shallupon designs and locations for buildings, and no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot until passsuch committee shall have in writing approved the design and location thereof. However, in eventIndian Hills Estates Co., its successors, or representative to whom is submitted for approvaldesign and location, fails to approve or disapprove such design or Iocation within (30) days from athe time of such submission, or in case approval ist to be by committee as aforesaid and there isno such committee in existence, or if such committee fails to approve or disapprove a designlocation within thirty (30) days from the time of such submission, then in cach such event, such orapproval of design and location will not be required, but no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot, the design and location of which is not in conformity to, and in! harmony with, existings struc-tures int the tract. In no case, whether the design and location of a dwelling has beennot under the: foregoing provisions, shall any dwelling be permitted on any Sub-Lot in approved the tract,the cost of construction which is less than six thousand ($6,000.00) dollars and the ground floorarea of which is less than seven hundred and fifty (750) square fect, in case ofature or less than six hundred (600) square feet, in case of a one and one-half story one-story or two-story\ntwo stories in height and a one- or two-car garage.\nreferred toi in paragraph (i) hereof.the Street on which said Sub-Lot fronts.\nrecords of Maps.the neighborhood.\nCounty\nferent race, employed by owner or tenant.temporary character be permitted.mony with existing structures in the tract.\nbeen approved in writing by Indian Hills Estates Co.,\norstruc-\nstructure.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](f) No race o1 nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on\nany Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif-\nferent race, employed by owner or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race, employed by owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 331 Witnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of One dollarAll that certain lot or parcel of land situate and being in the Township of Neshannook, and other good and valuable considerations, to them now paid by the said party of the seoond part,do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the seoond part, her heirs and assigns,County of Lawrence and State of Fennsylvan ia and being lot No. One hundred nine (109) in the planof "Walmo", Baid plan being duly, recorded in the Recorder's Office of Lawrenoe County in PlanBook 6, page 48. Said lot front ing on the center line of said Wilmington Avenue Extension onehundred fifty-seven and eight-tenths (157.8) feet and extending backalong the north line thereof,said north line being the center line of Orchard Way as shown on said plan, a distance of threehundred eight and. seven-tenths (308.7) feet to a point on said center line, and extending backalong the south line thereof from the oenter line of said Wilmington Avenue extension a distanceof_three hundred (300) feet, and being eighty-Five (85) feet in width at the rear end thereof, and containing .86 aores striot measure. And being part of the same land 00 nveyed to George F. Moser and Robert L. Wallace byThis said conveyance is made subjeot to the following restriotions, to-wit: That no deed from David B. Reynolds et. al., said geed being duly recorded. buildings shall be erected or construoted on any of said land within fifty (50) feet of the eastside of Wilmington Avenue Extension, this restriotion, however, not to apply to porches, balconies,nor roof projections,, and subjeot to the further restriotion that no dwélling house shall beereoted or construoted on said lots to cost less than Three thousand dollars ($3,000); that nobill boards nor sign boarda shall be ereoted or construoted on said land, and no part of saidland shall be sold or conveyed to any person of the African or Italian races. These saidrestriotions shall be taken as covenants running with the land and shall be binding upon the partyof the seco ond part, her heirs or assigns, or sucoessors in- title, until after the year 1935. With the appurtenan.ces: To Have and to Hold the same unto and for the use of said partyAnd the sai d parties of the first part, for themselves, their heirs, executors andWitness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. of the second part, her heirs and assi gns forever, administrators covenant with the said party of the second part, her heirs and assigns against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend. Attest:A.C. Shoaf George F. MoserAlioe M. Mos serRobert L. Wallace (Seal)Edna C. Wallace (Seal)(Seal)(Seal) Commonweal th of Pennsylvania,County of Lawrence SS. On this 24th day of April, A. D. 1926, before me a Notary, Fublic in and for said County and State came the above named George F. Moser and Alioe M. Moser, his wife, Robert L. Wallaceand-Edna C. Wallace, his wife, an acknowledged the forgoing Indenture to be their act and deed, tothe eni that it may be recorded as such. Witness my hand and notarial seal. A. Clyde ShoafNotary PublicMy Commission Expires Jan. 23,27. (N.P.Seal)DeedWilbur T. Carson, etux.,etal.,ToGiro Fazzone, etux.Entered. July 1, 1926. This Indenture, Made the Tenth day of June A. D. one thousand nineWitnesseth, That Wilbur T. Carson and Lela Carson, hundred and twenty-six. his wife, of San Diego, California, Clair L. Carson andAdelaide S. Carson, his wife, of Akron, Ohio, and Minta D.Buchanan and Luther M. Buchanan, her husband, of New Castle,Pemnaylvania, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar andother valuable considerations to them paid by Giro Fazzone andMary Fazzone, his wife, of the Fifth Ward, City of New Castle, County of Lawrenee and State of Pennsylvan ia, do grant, bargain, eell and convey unto the saidWard, City of New Castle, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvanis, and being known anddesi gnated as lot No. 10 in the plan of lots as laid out by Leander Carson in said Ward, whichplan is recorded in Flot Book Vol. 3, at page 35, bounded and desoribed as follows:11_in said plan, a distanoe of One Hundred Fifty-seven (157) feet, On the South by Long Avenue,adistanceof Forty-one (41) feet, and onthe West by Lot number 9 in said plan, a distance OneHundred Fifty-seven (157) feet, being, part of the land of_which A. Nevin Carson died, seized, oftestate and which was by his will devised to his wife, Harriett Carson, and she having diedprevious to his death, wi thout having issue, the title thereto became vested in the said WilburT. Carson, Clair L. Carson and Minta D. Buchanan as his only heirs at law. And being asame property that was conveyed to A. Nevin Carson by deed of partition of Leander Carson's part ofdated Ootober 16, 1902, recorded in Deed Book Vol. 110, page 271, to which reference is hereby heirs,ments now being in- prooess and under construction, which the said grantees property, sai id improve- Giro Fazzone and Mary Fazzone, his wife, and their heirs and assigns, All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, situate, lying and being in the FourthOn the North by an alley, a di stance of Forty-one (41) feet, On the East by lot number made,. It_is expressly understood and agreed that this deed is made sub ject to all street paving, grading, sewers and city liens that may be assessed against the hereby assume and agree to pay. by acoepting this deed
331 Witnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of One dollarAll that certain lot or parcel of land situate and being in the Township of Neshannook, and other good and valuable considerations, to them now paid by the said party of the seoond part,do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the seoond part, her heirs and assigns,County of Lawrence and State of Fennsylvan ia and being lot No. One hundred nine (109) in the planof "Walmo", Baid plan being duly, recorded in the Recorder's Office of Lawrenoe County in PlanBook 6, page 48. Said lot front ing on the center line of said Wilmington Avenue Extension onehundred fifty-seven and eight-tenths (157.8) feet and extending backalong the north line thereof,said north line being the center line of Orchard Way as shown on said plan, a distance of threehundred eight and. seven-tenths (308.7) feet to a point on said center line, and extending backalong the south line thereof from the oenter line of said Wilmington Avenue extension a distanceof_three hundred (300) feet, and being eighty-Five (85) feet in width at the rear end thereof, and containing .86 aores striot measure. And being part of the same land 00 nveyed to George F. Moser and Robert L. Wallace byThis said conveyance is made subjeot to the following restriotions, to-wit: That no deed from David B. Reynolds et. al., said geed being duly recorded. buildings shall be erected or construoted on any of said land within fifty (50) feet of the eastside of Wilmington Avenue Extension, this restriotion, however, not to apply to porches, balconies,nor roof projections,, and subjeot to the further restriotion that no dwélling house shall beereoted or construoted on said lots to cost less than Three thousand dollars ($3,000); that nobill boards nor sign boarda shall be ereoted or construoted on said land, and no part of saidland shall be sold or conveyed to any person of the African or Italian races. These saidrestriotions shall be taken as covenants running with the land and shall be binding upon the partyof the seco ond part, her heirs or assigns, or sucoessors in- title, until after the year 1935. With the appurtenan.ces: To Have and to Hold the same unto and for the use of said partyAnd the sai d parties of the first part, for themselves, their heirs, executors andWitness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. of the second part, her heirs and assi gns forever, administrators covenant with the said party of the second part, her heirs and assigns against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend. Attest:A.C. Shoaf George F. MoserAlioe M. Mos serRobert L. Wallace (Seal)Edna C. Wallace (Seal)(Seal)(Seal) Commonweal th of Pennsylvania,County of Lawrence SS. On this 24th day of April, A. D. 1926, before me a Notary, Fublic in and for said County and State came the above named George F. Moser and Alioe M. Moser, his wife, Robert L. Wallaceand-Edna C. Wallace, his wife, an acknowledged the forgoing Indenture to be their act and deed, tothe eni that it may be recorded as such. Witness my hand and notarial seal. A. Clyde ShoafNotary PublicMy Commission Expires Jan. 23,27. (N.P.Seal)DeedWilbur T. Carson, etux.,etal.,ToGiro Fazzone, etux.Entered. July 1, 1926. This Indenture, Made the Tenth day of June A. D. one thousand nineWitnesseth, That Wilbur T. Carson and Lela Carson, hundred and twenty-six. his wife, of San Diego, California, Clair L. Carson andAdelaide S. Carson, his wife, of Akron, Ohio, and Minta D.Buchanan and Luther M. Buchanan, her husband, of New Castle,Pemnaylvania, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar andother valuable considerations to them paid by Giro Fazzone andMary Fazzone, his wife, of the Fifth Ward, City of New Castle, County of Lawrenee and State of Pennsylvan ia, do grant, bargain, eell and convey unto the saidWard, City of New Castle, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvanis, and being known anddesi gnated as lot No. 10 in the plan of lots as laid out by Leander Carson in said Ward, whichplan is recorded in Flot Book Vol. 3, at page 35, bounded and desoribed as follows:11_in said plan, a distanoe of One Hundred Fifty-seven (157) feet, On the South by Long Avenue,adistanceof Forty-one (41) feet, and onthe West by Lot number 9 in said plan, a distance OneHundred Fifty-seven (157) feet, being, part of the land of_which A. Nevin Carson died, seized, oftestate and which was by his will devised to his wife, Harriett Carson, and she having diedprevious to his death, wi thout having issue, the title thereto became vested in the said WilburT. Carson, Clair L. Carson and Minta D. Buchanan as his only heirs at law. And being asame property that was conveyed to A. Nevin Carson by deed of partition of Leander Carson's part ofdated Ootober 16, 1902, recorded in Deed Book Vol. 110, page 271, to which reference is hereby heirs,ments now being in- prooess and under construction, which the said grantees property, sai id improve- Giro Fazzone and Mary Fazzone, his wife, and their heirs and assigns, All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, situate, lying and being in the FourthOn the North by an alley, a di stance of Forty-one (41) feet, On the East by lot number made,. It_is expressly understood and agreed that this deed is made sub ject to all street paving, grading, sewers and city liens that may be assessed against the hereby assume and agree to pay. by acoepting this deed
ereoted or construoted on said lots to cost less than Three thousand dollars ($3,000); that no bill boards nor sign boarda shall be ereoted or construoted on said land, and no part of said land shall be sold or conveyed to anyperson of the African or Italian races. These said
that no bill boards nor sign boards shall be erected or constructed on said land, and no part of said land shall be sold or conveyed to any person of the African or Italian races.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]ereoted or construoted on said lots to cost less than Three thousand dollars ($3,000); that no bill boards nor sign boarda shall be ereoted or construoted on said land, and no part of said land shall be sold or conveyed to anyperson of the African or Italian races. These said [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]that no bill boards nor sign boards shall be erected or constructed on said land, and no part of said land shall be sold or conveyed to any person of the African or Italian races.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n331\nWitnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of One dollarAll that certain lot or parcel of land situate and being in the Township of Neshannook,\nand other good and valuable considerations, to them now paid by the said party of the seoond part,do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the seoond part, her heirs and assigns,County of Lawrence and State of Fennsylvan ia and being lot No. One hundred nine (109) in the planof \"Walmo\", Baid plan being duly, recorded in the Recorder's Office of Lawrenoe County in PlanBook 6, page 48. Said lot front ing on the center line of said Wilmington Avenue Extension onehundred fifty-seven and eight-tenths (157.8) feet and extending backalong the north line thereof,said north line being the center line of Orchard Way as shown on said plan, a distance of threehundred eight and. seven-tenths (308.7) feet to a point on said center line, and extending backalong the south line thereof from the oenter line of said Wilmington Avenue extension a distanceof_three hundred (300) feet, and being eighty-Five (85) feet in width at the rear end thereof,\nand containing .86 aores striot measure.\nAnd being part of the same land 00 nveyed to George F. Moser and Robert L. Wallace byThis said conveyance is made subjeot to the following restriotions, to-wit: That no\ndeed from David B. Reynolds et. al., said geed being duly recorded.\nbuildings shall be erected or construoted on any of said land within fifty (50) feet of the eastside of Wilmington Avenue Extension, this restriotion, however, not to apply to porches, balconies,nor roof projections,, and subjeot to the further restriotion that no dwélling house shall beereoted or construoted on said lots to cost less than Three thousand dollars ($3,000); that nobill boards nor sign boarda shall be ereoted or construoted on said land, and no part of saidland shall be sold or conveyed to any person of the African or Italian races. These saidrestriotions shall be taken as covenants running with the land and shall be binding upon the partyof the seco ond part, her heirs or assigns, or sucoessors in- title, until after the year 1935.\nWith the appurtenan.ces: To Have and to Hold the same unto and for the use of said partyAnd the sai d parties of the first part, for themselves, their heirs, executors andWitness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part.\nof the second part, her heirs and assi gns forever,\nadministrators covenant with the said party of the second part, her heirs and assigns against all\nlawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend.\nAttest:A.C. Shoaf\nGeorge F. MoserAlioe M. Mos serRobert L. Wallace (Seal)Edna C. Wallace\n(Seal)(Seal)(Seal)\nCommonweal th of Pennsylvania,County of Lawrence\nSS.\nOn this 24th day of April, A. D. 1926, before me a Notary, Fublic in and for said County\nand State came the above named George F. Moser and Alioe M. Moser, his wife, Robert L. Wallaceand-Edna C. Wallace, his wife, an acknowledged the forgoing Indenture to be their act and deed,\ntothe eni that it may be recorded as such.\nWitness my hand and notarial seal.\nA. Clyde ShoafNotary PublicMy Commission Expires Jan. 23,27.\n(N.P.Seal)DeedWilbur T. Carson, etux.,etal.,ToGiro Fazzone, etux.Entered. July 1, 1926.\nThis Indenture,\nMade the Tenth day of June A. D. one thousand nineWitnesseth, That Wilbur T. Carson and Lela Carson,\nhundred and twenty-six.\nhis wife, of San Diego, California, Clair L. Carson andAdelaide S. Carson, his wife, of Akron, Ohio, and Minta D.Buchanan and Luther M. Buchanan, her husband, of New Castle,Pemnaylvania, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar andother valuable considerations to them paid by Giro Fazzone andMary Fazzone, his wife, of the Fifth Ward, City of New Castle,\nCounty of Lawrenee and State of Pennsylvan ia, do grant, bargain, eell and convey unto the saidWard, City of New Castle, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvanis, and being known anddesi gnated as lot No. 10 in the plan of lots as laid out by Leander Carson in said Ward, whichplan is recorded in Flot Book Vol. 3, at page 35, bounded and desoribed as follows:11_in said plan, a distanoe of One Hundred Fifty-seven (157) feet, On the South by Long Avenue,adistanceof Forty-one (41) feet, and onthe West by Lot number 9 in said plan, a distance OneHundred Fifty-seven (157) feet, being, part of the land of_which A. Nevin Carson died, seized, oftestate and which was by his will devised to his wife, Harriett Carson, and she having diedprevious to his death, wi thout having issue, the title thereto became vested in the said WilburT. Carson, Clair L. Carson and Minta D. Buchanan as his only heirs at law. And being asame property that was conveyed to A. Nevin Carson by deed of partition of Leander Carson's part ofdated Ootober 16, 1902, recorded in Deed Book Vol. 110, page 271, to which reference is hereby heirs,ments now being in- prooess and under construction, which the said grantees property, sai id improve-\nGiro Fazzone and Mary Fazzone, his wife, and their heirs and assigns,\nAll that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, situate, lying and being in the FourthOn the North by an alley, a di stance of Forty-one (41) feet, On the East by lot number\nmade,.\nIt_is expressly understood and agreed that this deed is made sub ject to all street\npaving, grading, sewers and city liens that may be assessed against the\nhereby assume and agree to pay.\nby acoepting this deed\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]ereoted or construoted on said lots to cost less than Three thousand dollars ($3,000); that no\nbill boards nor sign boarda shall be ereoted or construoted on said land, and no part of said\nland shall be sold or conveyed to anyperson of the African or Italian races. These said\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]that no bill boards nor sign boards shall be erected or constructed on said land, and no part of said land shall be sold or conveyed to any person of the African or Italian races.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 56651 MG494 shall be stactured or soldbe carried on upoh any lot nor shall any-placed, permitted or suffered to remain upon busi- (4) No spirituous, vinous, or fermented eaid premises, liquors and no plabe of gublio suffered. entertain-either at vholosale or retail upon shall be established, conducted, or(5) No obnoslous or offensive trade be or shall Decome an annoyançe oF nuisance to the neigh-thing be done thereon which may or oil derrick, advertising pign. billboard or other anyadvertising device shall be built, such parcels be used in, Vole orpart forof the said parcele, nor shall any which mey endenger the health ar unreasonsbly ovmersness or in any vay for any holder purpose of adjoining land. Any Animals kept by shall the be keptdisturb the quiet of any shall not be permitted to run at lagge and to otherfor their use or pleasure so designed and loçated so as to he inoffensive allowed forin pens or enclosures to become a nuisance. No outbulldings shall be on said premises.(6) No persons of. any rage other than these of the Caucasian race shall use oroccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenantshall not prevent occupency by donestic servants of a different race or nationality(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erectedoneaid premises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted.(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the sise, type, costand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details thereforshall have been approved in writing by The Broadlawn Corporationmittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committeeis not in existence, or Deing in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or loçation within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill in har- notbe required, provided the design and location on the lot cenforn to and aremony with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-out the approval of said The Broadlawn Corporation or of said committee, no dvell-ing costing less than $6500.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the groundfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600case of a one story structure, or less than 500one and one-half or two story structure.(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur-poses in connection with dwellings erected on the above described premises. A11 ofthe requirements of the City of Farmacomplied with.(11) The Broadlewm Corporationheirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any coven- vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of theants and agreements hèrein conbained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at theexpense of the owmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreted beby it, and the said The Broadlewn Corporation shall not, abatement by reason or removal. thereof, Fail-(12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shallin no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in(13) If the parties hereto, or any of shali them, their violate heirs, or attempt executors, to violate administrators any ofor assigns, or successors hereof before and assigns, 1, 1980 it shall be levful for The Broad-the lavm provisions Corporation 1ts succeesors January and assigns, or any assignee or transferee ofthese premises to prosecute any proveedings at- lav or in equity against the personor persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions.alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions other adjacent and adjoining landsnecessary to qualify it for mortgage said premises insuranoe together under with the National Housing Act and Amendmente(15) The herein enumerated restriotions, covenants conditions, and limitations, not conditions reservations, hereof andcovenants and agreements shall be deemed all parties hereto, their heire, exsoutors,administrators and by, aseigns, through or or under then until sasigne, January 1, 1980 at which time to ment or resort of any characterremain on said prenises.Dorhood. No nuisance or gas ovners and so as notsewage disposal, No pigs oremployed by an ovner or tenant. other obnoxious animals are to be kept proval of The Broadlawn Corporationlocated upon adjoining lande. or the committee hereinafter referred to, ora com- square feet in thesquare foet in the case ofafor sanitary provisions shall be expressly reserve to themselves, their deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, otherure by The Broadlewn Corporationthe right to do s0, to enforce any of theevent be deemed a waiver of the right to do 80 thereafter.full force and effect. or having provisions or by any of this person instrument party shall in no (14) The Broadlawn Corporationnow owned. bythereto. is hereby granted hereof the right to the to extent change, shall run with the land, be binding sugcessors upon andthey persons shell claiming, terminate and be of no further foroe and effeot, and, any other person or 141 U
56651 MG494 shall be stactured or soldbe carried on upoh any lot nor shall any-placed, permitted or suffered to remain upon busi- (4) No spirituous, vinous, or fermented eaid premises, liquors and no plabe of gublio suffered. entertain-either at vholosale or retail upon shall be established, conducted, or(5) No obnoslous or offensive trade be or shall Decome an annoyançe oF nuisance to the neigh-thing be done thereon which may or oil derrick, advertising pign. billboard or other anyadvertising device shall be built, such parcels be used in, Vole orpart forof the said parcele, nor shall any which mey endenger the health ar unreasonsbly ovmersness or in any vay for any holder purpose of adjoining land. Any Animals kept by shall the be keptdisturb the quiet of any shall not be permitted to run at lagge and to otherfor their use or pleasure so designed and loçated so as to he inoffensive allowed forin pens or enclosures to become a nuisance. No outbulldings shall be on said premises.(6) No persons of. any rage other than these of the Caucasian race shall use oroccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenantshall not prevent occupency by donestic servants of a different race or nationality(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erectedoneaid premises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted.(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the sise, type, costand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details thereforshall have been approved in writing by The Broadlawn Corporationmittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committeeis not in existence, or Deing in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or loçation within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill in har- notbe required, provided the design and location on the lot cenforn to and aremony with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-out the approval of said The Broadlawn Corporation or of said committee, no dvell-ing costing less than $6500.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the groundfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600case of a one story structure, or less than 500one and one-half or two story structure.(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur-poses in connection with dwellings erected on the above described premises. A11 ofthe requirements of the City of Farmacomplied with.(11) The Broadlewm Corporationheirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any coven- vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of theants and agreements hèrein conbained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at theexpense of the owmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreted beby it, and the said The Broadlewn Corporation shall not, abatement by reason or removal. thereof, Fail-(12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shallin no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in(13) If the parties hereto, or any of shali them, their violate heirs, or attempt executors, to violate administrators any ofor assigns, or successors hereof before and assigns, 1, 1980 it shall be levful for The Broad-the lavm provisions Corporation 1ts succeesors January and assigns, or any assignee or transferee ofthese premises to prosecute any proveedings at- lav or in equity against the personor persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions.alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions other adjacent and adjoining landsnecessary to qualify it for mortgage said premises insuranoe together under with the National Housing Act and Amendmente(15) The herein enumerated restriotions, covenants conditions, and limitations, not conditions reservations, hereof andcovenants and agreements shall be deemed all parties hereto, their heire, exsoutors,administrators and by, aseigns, through or or under then until sasigne, January 1, 1980 at which time to ment or resort of any characterremain on said prenises.Dorhood. No nuisance or gas ovners and so as notsewage disposal, No pigs oremployed by an ovner or tenant. other obnoxious animals are to be kept proval of The Broadlawn Corporationlocated upon adjoining lande. or the committee hereinafter referred to, ora com- square feet in thesquare foet in the case ofafor sanitary provisions shall be expressly reserve to themselves, their deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, otherure by The Broadlewn Corporationthe right to do s0, to enforce any of theevent be deemed a waiver of the right to do 80 thereafter.full force and effect. or having provisions or by any of this person instrument party shall in no (14) The Broadlawn Corporationnow owned. bythereto. is hereby granted hereof the right to the to extent change, shall run with the land, be binding sugcessors upon andthey persons shell claiming, terminate and be of no further foroe and effeot, and, any other person or 141 U
(6) No persons of. any rage other than these of the Caucasian race thall use oz C occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent ocoupengy by domestic servants of & different race ot nationality employed by an ovner or tenant.
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of. any rage other than these of the Caucasian race thall use oz C occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent ocoupengy by domestic servants of & different race ot nationality employed by an ovner or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n56651 MG494\nshall be stactured or soldbe carried on upoh any lot nor shall any-placed, permitted or suffered to remain upon busi-\n(4) No spirituous, vinous, or fermented eaid premises, liquors and no plabe of gublio suffered. entertain-either at vholosale or retail upon shall be established, conducted, or(5) No obnoslous or offensive trade be or shall Decome an annoyançe oF nuisance to the neigh-thing be done thereon which may or oil derrick, advertising pign. billboard or other anyadvertising device shall be built, such parcels be used in, Vole orpart forof the said parcele, nor shall any which mey endenger the health ar unreasonsbly ovmersness or in any vay for any holder purpose of adjoining land. Any Animals kept by shall the be keptdisturb the quiet of any shall not be permitted to run at lagge and to otherfor their use or pleasure so designed and loçated so as to he inoffensive allowed forin pens or enclosures to become a nuisance. No outbulldings shall be on said premises.(6) No persons of. any rage other than these of the Caucasian race shall use oroccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenantshall not prevent occupency by donestic servants of a different race or nationality(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erectedoneaid premises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted.(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the sise, type, costand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details thereforshall have been approved in writing by The Broadlawn Corporationmittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committeeis not in existence, or Deing in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or loçation within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill in har- notbe required, provided the design and location on the lot cenforn to and aremony with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-out the approval of said The Broadlawn Corporation or of said committee, no dvell-ing costing less than $6500.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the groundfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600case of a one story structure, or less than 500one and one-half or two story structure.(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur-poses in connection with dwellings erected on the above described premises. A11 ofthe requirements of the City of Farmacomplied with.(11) The Broadlewm Corporationheirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any coven- vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of theants and agreements hèrein conbained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at theexpense of the owmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreted beby it, and the said The Broadlewn Corporation shall not, abatement by reason or removal. thereof, Fail-(12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shallin no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in(13) If the parties hereto, or any of shali them, their violate heirs, or attempt executors, to violate administrators any ofor assigns, or successors hereof before and assigns, 1, 1980 it shall be levful for The Broad-the lavm provisions Corporation 1ts succeesors January and assigns, or any assignee or transferee ofthese premises to prosecute any proveedings at- lav or in equity against the personor persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions.alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions other adjacent and adjoining landsnecessary to qualify it for mortgage said premises insuranoe together under with the National Housing Act and Amendmente(15) The herein enumerated restriotions, covenants conditions, and limitations, not conditions reservations, hereof andcovenants and agreements shall be deemed all parties hereto, their heire, exsoutors,administrators and by, aseigns, through or or under then until sasigne, January 1, 1980 at which time\nto\nment or resort of any characterremain on said prenises.Dorhood. No nuisance or gas\novners and so as notsewage disposal, No pigs oremployed by an ovner or tenant.\nother obnoxious animals are to be kept\nproval of The Broadlawn Corporationlocated upon adjoining lande.\nor the committee hereinafter referred to,\nora com-\nsquare feet in thesquare foet in the case ofafor sanitary provisions shall be\nexpressly reserve to themselves, their\ndeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, otherure by The Broadlewn Corporationthe right to do s0, to enforce any of theevent be deemed a waiver of the right to do 80 thereafter.full force and effect.\nor\nhaving\nprovisions or by any of this person instrument party shall in no\n(14) The Broadlawn Corporationnow owned. bythereto.\nis hereby granted hereof the right to the to extent change,\nshall run with the land, be binding sugcessors upon andthey persons shell claiming, terminate and be of no further foroe and effeot,\nand, any other person or\n141\nU\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of. any rage other than these of the Caucasian race thall use oz\nC\noccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant\nshall not prevent ocoupengy by domestic servants of & different race ot nationality\nemployed by an ovner or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 575 whereby the security of the Mortgagee is or shall be impaired,and such default in any of theserespects exists for a period of thirty (30) days, then and in such case the unpaid balance of the loanincluding advances and unpald intereat shall, at the option of the Mortgagee, become due and payable.immediately, and payment of said unpaid balance of the loan, advances and interest thereon, and otherpayments herein agreed to be made by the Mortgagor, may be enforced and recovered at once, anythinghervin contained to the contrary notwithetanding; and a writ or writs of Scire Facias may be issuedand prosecuted to Judgment and execution and sale to recover the unpaid balance of the loan,. alladditional advances made by the Mortgagee, all interest thereon remaining unpaid, together with allfees, costs, and expenses of collecting theasame, including an attorneyle commission of five perAnd all errors in Baid proceedings, together with stay of execution or extension of time nowby law allowed or which may hereafter be given, are hereby waived and released. All the covenantsherein contained on the part of the Mortgagor shall be and are hereby agreed as binding upon theWitness the hand and seal of thé Mortgagor the day and year first above written. centum, anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.Mortgagor and the heirs and assigns of said Mortgagor. Sighed, Sealed and Deliveredin the Presence ofErma L. ThompsonCommonwealth of Penneylvania,County of Lawrencethatend(N. P. Seal)y Frank Copple (SEAL) 88. Before me, a Notary Public, inend for said County and State, .onl this 6th day of August, A.D.1945, came Itne above named Frank Copple and acknowledged this to be his act and deed, to be theThompson it may be recorded as such.Witness my hand and notarial seal.commission expires Jan. 27-1949 Miss Emra L.Notary Public- Certificate of Residence As attorneys for Mortgagee we do hereby certify its principal place of bueiness to be 10 East Street, in the Second Ward, City of New Castle, Lawrence County, PeAnsylvania. CALDWELL AND MCFATEAttorney for Mortgagee. This Mortgage MortgegeTo Made the 20th day of December in the year of our Lord, one Robert C. Black, et. ux.BETWEIN: ROBERT C. BLACK AND ELEANORA BLACK, his wife,, of theThird* Wèra;"City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, George T. Weingartner andGUORGL T. WKINGARTNER AND ANNA H. WEINGARINER, his wife, of Ent. DecemberBhenango Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, mortgagees, wit-Whereas, the said Robert C. Black and El eanora Black, his their bond of even date herewith, stand bound unto said mortge-gees in a certain penal sum, conditioned for the payment of Four J, 1S23 DAY opku A. 0.Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00) to be paia in four (4) years from the/19.531 HEREEY ACKNOWLEDGE THEdate hereof together with interest at the rate of five (5) per cent RECEFT IN FULL OF THE DEBT, INTERESTper annum, interest to be computed and arrested semi-ennually, perino COSTS OF THE WITHIN MORTGAGEies of the first part to have the privilege of making paymentson in sums not less than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) end,, all herlRDpremiums and charges for such insurence on the mortgaged DAICIDeMEEAISEEN OF RECORD. WITNESSas shall from time to time be taken out by the mortgagees, their My HA) ANO SEAL THE DAY ANDENSheirs or assigns, to bêtter secure the said debt and interest and ABOVE WRITTEN,all taxes and municipal claims againist the mortgaged premises, assoon as payable, penalties and costs, which if paid by the mortga-including an attorney's commi ssion of 5per centum.dollar to them paid by the said mortgagees, and for securing paymentand performance as aforesaid, do grant, bargain, sell, and conveyunto the said mortgagees, their hei rs and assignsAll that certain tract or parcel of land si tuate, lying, endbeing in the Township of Neshannock, County of Lawrence, and Stateof Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit:Beginning at an iron pin in the center line of the Harbor andCoaltown public road, said road also being known es Mitland Lene,said point being on the West line of lands of R.A. Walker: thenceSouth one degree. forty-five minutes East (s. 10_45' E.) four, hund!red fifteen and two-tenths (415.2) feet by the West line of landof said Walker to a stake; thence South eighty-eight degrees fif-teen minutes West (S. 880 15' W.), One Hundred four and ei ghty-fivehundredths (104.85) feet; thence North one degree forty-five minutesWest (N. 1° 45'w.) by other lands of Roy B. Beals, et uz, Four Hund-red fifteen and four tenths (415.4) feet to the center line of saidpublic road first mentioned; thence North eighty-eight degrees fif-teen minutes East (N. 88° 15' E.) by the center line of said public thou sand nine hundred and forty-six. mortgagors, ton'esseth: Anna H. Weingartner, his wifeHour: 11:48 A.M. 194621i CIRCIT THE RECORDER TO MARK THE 1953 A heirsgees theirin case of default, allNow Therefore .alsaipast.usgaySumriosny MepaMayddy or assigns, may be added to said real debt andthe said mortgagprs,in consideretion of one and expenses apakt fees, costs, of collection,
575 whereby the security of the Mortgagee is or shall be impaired,and such default in any of theserespects exists for a period of thirty (30) days, then and in such case the unpaid balance of the loanincluding advances and unpald intereat shall, at the option of the Mortgagee, become due and payable.immediately, and payment of said unpaid balance of the loan, advances and interest thereon, and otherpayments herein agreed to be made by the Mortgagor, may be enforced and recovered at once, anythinghervin contained to the contrary notwithetanding; and a writ or writs of Scire Facias may be issuedand prosecuted to Judgment and execution and sale to recover the unpaid balance of the loan,. alladditional advances made by the Mortgagee, all interest thereon remaining unpaid, together with allfees, costs, and expenses of collecting theasame, including an attorneyle commission of five perAnd all errors in Baid proceedings, together with stay of execution or extension of time nowby law allowed or which may hereafter be given, are hereby waived and released. All the covenantsherein contained on the part of the Mortgagor shall be and are hereby agreed as binding upon theWitness the hand and seal of thé Mortgagor the day and year first above written. centum, anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.Mortgagor and the heirs and assigns of said Mortgagor. Sighed, Sealed and Deliveredin the Presence ofErma L. ThompsonCommonwealth of Penneylvania,County of Lawrencethatend(N. P. Seal)y Frank Copple (SEAL) 88. Before me, a Notary Public, inend for said County and State, .onl this 6th day of August, A.D.1945, came Itne above named Frank Copple and acknowledged this to be his act and deed, to be theThompson it may be recorded as such.Witness my hand and notarial seal.commission expires Jan. 27-1949 Miss Emra L.Notary Public- Certificate of Residence As attorneys for Mortgagee we do hereby certify its principal place of bueiness to be 10 East Street, in the Second Ward, City of New Castle, Lawrence County, PeAnsylvania. CALDWELL AND MCFATEAttorney for Mortgagee. This Mortgage MortgegeTo Made the 20th day of December in the year of our Lord, one Robert C. Black, et. ux.BETWEIN: ROBERT C. BLACK AND ELEANORA BLACK, his wife,, of theThird* Wèra;"City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, George T. Weingartner andGUORGL T. WKINGARTNER AND ANNA H. WEINGARINER, his wife, of Ent. DecemberBhenango Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, mortgagees, wit-Whereas, the said Robert C. Black and El eanora Black, his their bond of even date herewith, stand bound unto said mortge-gees in a certain penal sum, conditioned for the payment of Four J, 1S23 DAY opku A. 0.Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00) to be paia in four (4) years from the/19.531 HEREEY ACKNOWLEDGE THEdate hereof together with interest at the rate of five (5) per cent RECEFT IN FULL OF THE DEBT, INTERESTper annum, interest to be computed and arrested semi-ennually, perino COSTS OF THE WITHIN MORTGAGEies of the first part to have the privilege of making paymentson in sums not less than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) end,, all herlRDpremiums and charges for such insurence on the mortgaged DAICIDeMEEAISEEN OF RECORD. WITNESSas shall from time to time be taken out by the mortgagees, their My HA) ANO SEAL THE DAY ANDENSheirs or assigns, to bêtter secure the said debt and interest and ABOVE WRITTEN,all taxes and municipal claims againist the mortgaged premises, assoon as payable, penalties and costs, which if paid by the mortga-including an attorney's commi ssion of 5per centum.dollar to them paid by the said mortgagees, and for securing paymentand performance as aforesaid, do grant, bargain, sell, and conveyunto the said mortgagees, their hei rs and assignsAll that certain tract or parcel of land si tuate, lying, endbeing in the Township of Neshannock, County of Lawrence, and Stateof Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit:Beginning at an iron pin in the center line of the Harbor andCoaltown public road, said road also being known es Mitland Lene,said point being on the West line of lands of R.A. Walker: thenceSouth one degree. forty-five minutes East (s. 10_45' E.) four, hund!red fifteen and two-tenths (415.2) feet by the West line of landof said Walker to a stake; thence South eighty-eight degrees fif-teen minutes West (S. 880 15' W.), One Hundred four and ei ghty-fivehundredths (104.85) feet; thence North one degree forty-five minutesWest (N. 1° 45'w.) by other lands of Roy B. Beals, et uz, Four Hund-red fifteen and four tenths (415.4) feet to the center line of saidpublic road first mentioned; thence North eighty-eight degrees fif-teen minutes East (N. 88° 15' E.) by the center line of said public thou sand nine hundred and forty-six. mortgagors, ton'esseth: Anna H. Weingartner, his wifeHour: 11:48 A.M. 194621i CIRCIT THE RECORDER TO MARK THE 1953 A heirsgees theirin case of default, allNow Therefore .alsaipast.usgaySumriosny MepaMayddy or assigns, may be added to said real debt andthe said mortgagprs,in consideretion of one and expenses apakt fees, costs, of collection,
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n575\nwhereby the security of the Mortgagee is or shall be impaired,and such default in any of theserespects exists for a period of thirty (30) days, then and in such case the unpaid balance of the loanincluding advances and unpald intereat shall, at the option of the Mortgagee, become due and payable.immediately, and payment of said unpaid balance of the loan, advances and interest thereon, and otherpayments herein agreed to be made by the Mortgagor, may be enforced and recovered at once, anythinghervin contained to the contrary notwithetanding; and a writ or writs of Scire Facias may be issuedand prosecuted to Judgment and execution and sale to recover the unpaid balance of the loan,. alladditional advances made by the Mortgagee, all interest thereon remaining unpaid, together with allfees, costs, and expenses of collecting theasame, including an attorneyle commission of five perAnd all errors in Baid proceedings, together with stay of execution or extension of time nowby law allowed or which may hereafter be given, are hereby waived and released. All the covenantsherein contained on the part of the Mortgagor shall be and are hereby agreed as binding upon theWitness the hand and seal of thé Mortgagor the day and year first above written.\ncentum, anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.Mortgagor and the heirs and assigns of said Mortgagor.\nSighed, Sealed and Deliveredin the Presence ofErma L. ThompsonCommonwealth of Penneylvania,County of Lawrencethatend(N. P. Seal)y\nFrank Copple (SEAL)\n88.\nBefore me, a Notary Public, inend for said County and State, .onl this 6th day of August, A.D.1945, came Itne above named Frank Copple and acknowledged this to be his act and deed, to be\ntheThompson\nit may be recorded as such.Witness my hand and notarial seal.commission expires Jan. 27-1949\nMiss Emra L.Notary Public-\nCertificate of Residence\nAs attorneys for Mortgagee we do hereby certify its principal place of bueiness to be 10 East\nStreet, in the Second Ward, City of New Castle, Lawrence County, PeAnsylvania.\nCALDWELL AND MCFATEAttorney for Mortgagee.\nThis Mortgage\nMortgegeTo\nMade the 20th day of December in the year of our Lord, one Robert C. Black, et. ux.BETWEIN: ROBERT C. BLACK AND ELEANORA BLACK, his wife,, of theThird* Wèra;\"City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, George T. Weingartner andGUORGL T. WKINGARTNER AND ANNA H. WEINGARINER, his wife, of Ent. DecemberBhenango Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, mortgagees, wit-Whereas, the said Robert C. Black and El eanora Black, his their bond of even date herewith, stand bound unto said mortge-gees in a certain penal sum, conditioned for the payment of Four J, 1S23 DAY opku A. 0.Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00) to be paia in four (4) years from the/19.531 HEREEY ACKNOWLEDGE THEdate hereof together with interest at the rate of five (5) per cent RECEFT IN FULL OF THE DEBT, INTERESTper annum, interest to be computed and arrested semi-ennually, perino COSTS OF THE WITHIN MORTGAGEies of the first part to have the privilege of making paymentson in sums not less than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) end,, all herlRDpremiums and charges for such insurence on the mortgaged DAICIDeMEEAISEEN OF RECORD. WITNESSas shall from time to time be taken out by the mortgagees, their My HA) ANO SEAL THE DAY ANDENSheirs or assigns, to bêtter secure the said debt and interest and ABOVE WRITTEN,all taxes and municipal claims againist the mortgaged premises, assoon as payable, penalties and costs, which if paid by the mortga-including an attorney's commi ssion of 5per centum.dollar to them paid by the said mortgagees, and for securing paymentand performance as aforesaid, do grant, bargain, sell, and conveyunto the said mortgagees, their hei rs and assignsAll that certain tract or parcel of land si tuate, lying, endbeing in the Township of Neshannock, County of Lawrence, and Stateof Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit:Beginning at an iron pin in the center line of the Harbor andCoaltown public road, said road also being known es Mitland Lene,said point being on the West line of lands of R.A. Walker: thenceSouth one degree. forty-five minutes East (s. 10_45' E.) four, hund!red fifteen and two-tenths (415.2) feet by the West line of landof said Walker to a stake; thence South eighty-eight degrees fif-teen minutes West (S. 880 15' W.), One Hundred four and ei ghty-fivehundredths (104.85) feet; thence North one degree forty-five minutesWest (N. 1° 45'w.) by other lands of Roy B. Beals, et uz, Four Hund-red fifteen and four tenths (415.4) feet to the center line of saidpublic road first mentioned; thence North eighty-eight degrees fif-teen minutes East (N. 88° 15' E.) by the center line of said public\nthou sand nine hundred and forty-six.\nmortgagors, ton'esseth:\nAnna H. Weingartner, his wifeHour: 11:48 A.M.\n194621i\nCIRCIT THE\nRECORDER TO MARK THE\n1953 A\nheirsgees theirin case of default, allNow Therefore\n.alsaipast.usgaySumriosny MepaMayddy\nor assigns, may be added to said real debt andthe said mortgagprs,in consideretion of one\nand expenses\napakt\nfees, costs,\nof collection,\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] FA1E696 va.6871 RESTRICTIONS the said Grantee_ for himself and his heirs and assigns in consideratien And execution anddelivery of this Deed, hereby covenants and agrees with the said of the assigns, to hold said real eetate herein described upon the Grantor, its successors and following terms. and restrictions are part of a general scheme applied to all par- "The said reservations Little Farms and said Grantor, The Warfield Land Company, covenants cels in Derbyshire and reservations shall be and are hereby imposed upon all the that said restrictions Derbyshire Little Farms now belonging to the Grantor. said property known as shall be used exclusively for dwelling house purposes, and that (1) Said premises thereon to house more than two families. No single house shall no house shall be erected suffered to remain on said premises,the cost of construction of be erected,placed or than Five Thousand Dollars ($5000.00), and no two family or double which shall be less construction of which shall be less than Seven Thousand Dollars house, the cost of porch, be erected, placed or suffered to re- (87000.00),nor shall such house, excluding feet (75) of the front lot line, nor within eight (8) main thereon within Beventy-five feet of either of the side lines of said shall premises. be erected or maintained on any part of the (2'No fence or wall of any kind approach nearer the front lot line than the rear premis ses hereby conveyed, which shall premises. of the dwelling erected on the above described kind or nature shall be erected or maintained on (3)No temporary dwelling of any in Derbyshire Little Farms, which is to be used said premises, or on any of the parcele dwelling thereon. However, a asa residence prior to the construction of a permanent the for the use of storing temporary structure may be erected on the rear of premises farm machinery and garden be attached tools. to the dwelling house; otherwise must set back at (4)Garages may Barns and other out buildingp, used for least (50) feet from the rear of the house, chickens or a cow, mst set back two storing farm machinery and tools, the housing of hundred (200) feet from the front toilet lot line. tank must be built or used with each res- or septic is installed and available for use. No sep- (5)A sanitary chemical idence until such time as a sewerage be system built or used for sanitary convenience. This arate buildings shall be allowed to applies to parcels not now serviced by sanitary sewers. be away, leased (6)The premises herein described shall not sold, conveyed,siven or used,by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian shall race. not be (7)The raising or maintaining of a hog or hogs,a goat or goats, permitted on the premises herein described. 13 to 32 inclusive, are zoned as (8)Parcels fronting on Emery Road,mumberins constructed thereon must set back fifty (50) feet business property, but any and building must be constructed of brick, stone or fireproof material. from the front lot line set-back also applies to the construction of a residence building. This fifty (50) foot on Miles Avenue, mumbering from 111 to 139 inclusive, amy be (9)Parcels fronting but building constructed thereon must set back fifty (50) used for business purposes, line and any must be constructed of brick,stone or fireproof mater- feet from the front (50) lot foot set-back also upplies to the construction of a residence build.. ial. This fifty ing. (10)A11 parcels fronting on Derbyshire Drive and Green Road, with the exception of parcel No.12 fronting on Green Foad, shall be used for residential and farm maintained purposes. (11)No residence or building of any kind whateoever shall be erected, the architecturu) or suffered to remain on any of the parcels in Derbyshire Iittle and Farms, then only ufter said plans for which have not been filed with the Grantor herein, plans have been approved in writing by an officer of the said company. covenants, linitation: (12)The herein emmerated rights, deemed restrictions, as covenants, agreements, andnot us conditions hereof reservations and conditions, shall and each be and every parcel in Derbyshire Little Farms, excey' and shall run with the land, shall be subject to the same restrictions, and each deed, 01- as hereinbefore specified, shall contain the same restrictions, provisions and inur. cept as hereinbefore all specified, owning land in the same vicinity which may be affected by to the benefit of and parties especially to the owners of the parcels to which these restricti these restrictions, and shall bind the Grantee, his heirs and assigns, until the first dey of Jamary apply, 1970. be the same more or less but subject to all legal highways.
FA1E696 va.6871 RESTRICTIONS the said Grantee_ for himself and his heirs and assigns in consideratien And execution anddelivery of this Deed, hereby covenants and agrees with the said of the assigns, to hold said real eetate herein described upon the Grantor, its successors and following terms. and restrictions are part of a general scheme applied to all par- "The said reservations Little Farms and said Grantor, The Warfield Land Company, covenants cels in Derbyshire and reservations shall be and are hereby imposed upon all the that said restrictions Derbyshire Little Farms now belonging to the Grantor. said property known as shall be used exclusively for dwelling house purposes, and that (1) Said premises thereon to house more than two families. No single house shall no house shall be erected suffered to remain on said premises,the cost of construction of be erected,placed or than Five Thousand Dollars ($5000.00), and no two family or double which shall be less construction of which shall be less than Seven Thousand Dollars house, the cost of porch, be erected, placed or suffered to re- (87000.00),nor shall such house, excluding feet (75) of the front lot line, nor within eight (8) main thereon within Beventy-five feet of either of the side lines of said shall premises. be erected or maintained on any part of the (2'No fence or wall of any kind approach nearer the front lot line than the rear premis ses hereby conveyed, which shall premises. of the dwelling erected on the above described kind or nature shall be erected or maintained on (3)No temporary dwelling of any in Derbyshire Little Farms, which is to be used said premises, or on any of the parcele dwelling thereon. However, a asa residence prior to the construction of a permanent the for the use of storing temporary structure may be erected on the rear of premises farm machinery and garden be attached tools. to the dwelling house; otherwise must set back at (4)Garages may Barns and other out buildingp, used for least (50) feet from the rear of the house, chickens or a cow, mst set back two storing farm machinery and tools, the housing of hundred (200) feet from the front toilet lot line. tank must be built or used with each res- or septic is installed and available for use. No sep- (5)A sanitary chemical idence until such time as a sewerage be system built or used for sanitary convenience. This arate buildings shall be allowed to applies to parcels not now serviced by sanitary sewers. be away, leased (6)The premises herein described shall not sold, conveyed,siven or used,by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian shall race. not be (7)The raising or maintaining of a hog or hogs,a goat or goats, permitted on the premises herein described. 13 to 32 inclusive, are zoned as (8)Parcels fronting on Emery Road,mumberins constructed thereon must set back fifty (50) feet business property, but any and building must be constructed of brick, stone or fireproof material. from the front lot line set-back also applies to the construction of a residence building. This fifty (50) foot on Miles Avenue, mumbering from 111 to 139 inclusive, amy be (9)Parcels fronting but building constructed thereon must set back fifty (50) used for business purposes, line and any must be constructed of brick,stone or fireproof mater- feet from the front (50) lot foot set-back also upplies to the construction of a residence build.. ial. This fifty ing. (10)A11 parcels fronting on Derbyshire Drive and Green Road, with the exception of parcel No.12 fronting on Green Foad, shall be used for residential and farm maintained purposes. (11)No residence or building of any kind whateoever shall be erected, the architecturu) or suffered to remain on any of the parcels in Derbyshire Iittle and Farms, then only ufter said plans for which have not been filed with the Grantor herein, plans have been approved in writing by an officer of the said company. covenants, linitation: (12)The herein emmerated rights, deemed restrictions, as covenants, agreements, andnot us conditions hereof reservations and conditions, shall and each be and every parcel in Derbyshire Little Farms, excey' and shall run with the land, shall be subject to the same restrictions, and each deed, 01- as hereinbefore specified, shall contain the same restrictions, provisions and inur. cept as hereinbefore all specified, owning land in the same vicinity which may be affected by to the benefit of and parties especially to the owners of the parcels to which these restricti these restrictions, and shall bind the Grantee, his heirs and assigns, until the first dey of Jamary apply, 1970. be the same more or less but subject to all legal highways.
applies to parcels not now serviced by sanitary sewers. leased herein described shall not be sold, conveyed,siven away, (6)The premises not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race. or used,by any person or persons hnaar hocs. a poat or goats, shall not be
(6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used , by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]applies to parcels not now serviced by sanitary sewers. leased herein described shall not be sold, conveyed,siven away, (6)The premises not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race. or used,by any person or persons hnaar hocs. a poat or goats, shall not be[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used , by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nFA1E696\nva.6871\nRESTRICTIONS\nthe said Grantee_ for himself and his heirs and assigns in consideratien\nAnd execution anddelivery of this Deed, hereby covenants and agrees with the said\nof the\nassigns, to hold said real eetate herein described upon the\nGrantor, its successors and\nfollowing terms.\nand restrictions are part of a general scheme applied to all par-\n\"The said reservations Little Farms and said Grantor, The Warfield Land Company, covenants\ncels in Derbyshire and reservations shall be and are hereby imposed upon all the\nthat said restrictions Derbyshire Little Farms now belonging to the Grantor.\nsaid property known as shall be used exclusively for dwelling house purposes, and that\n(1) Said premises thereon to house more than two families. No single house shall\nno house shall be erected suffered to remain on said premises,the cost of construction of\nbe erected,placed or than Five Thousand Dollars ($5000.00), and no two family or double\nwhich shall be less construction of which shall be less than Seven Thousand Dollars\nhouse, the cost of\nporch, be erected, placed or suffered to re-\n(87000.00),nor shall such house, excluding feet (75) of the front lot line, nor within eight (8)\nmain thereon within Beventy-five\nfeet of either of the side lines of said shall premises. be erected or maintained on any part of the\n(2'No fence or wall of any kind approach nearer the front lot line than the rear\npremis ses hereby conveyed, which shall\npremises.\nof the dwelling erected on the above described kind or nature shall be erected or maintained on\n(3)No temporary dwelling of any in Derbyshire Little Farms, which is to be used\nsaid premises, or on any of the parcele\ndwelling thereon. However, a\nasa residence prior to the construction of a permanent the\nfor the use of storing\ntemporary structure may be erected on the rear of premises\nfarm machinery and garden be attached tools. to the dwelling house; otherwise must set back at\n(4)Garages may\nBarns and other out buildingp, used for\nleast (50) feet from the rear of the house,\nchickens or a cow, mst set back two\nstoring farm machinery and tools, the housing of\nhundred (200) feet from the front toilet lot line. tank must be built or used with each res-\nor septic is installed and available for use. No sep-\n(5)A sanitary chemical\nidence until such time as a sewerage be system built or used for sanitary convenience. This\narate buildings shall be allowed to\napplies to parcels not now serviced by sanitary sewers. be\naway, leased\n(6)The premises herein described shall not sold, conveyed,siven\nor used,by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian shall race. not be\n(7)The raising or maintaining of a hog or hogs,a goat or goats,\npermitted on the premises herein described.\n13 to 32 inclusive, are zoned as\n(8)Parcels fronting on Emery Road,mumberins constructed thereon must set back fifty (50) feet\nbusiness property, but any and building must be constructed of brick, stone or fireproof material.\nfrom the front lot line set-back also applies to the construction of a residence building.\nThis fifty (50) foot\non Miles Avenue, mumbering from 111 to 139 inclusive, amy be\n(9)Parcels fronting but\nbuilding constructed thereon must set back fifty (50)\nused for business purposes, line and any must be constructed of brick,stone or fireproof mater-\nfeet from the front (50) lot foot set-back also upplies to the construction of a residence build..\nial. This fifty\ning. (10)A11 parcels fronting on Derbyshire Drive and Green Road, with the exception\nof parcel No.12 fronting on Green Foad, shall be used for residential and farm maintained purposes.\n(11)No residence or building of any kind whateoever shall be erected, the architecturu)\nor suffered to remain on any of the parcels in Derbyshire Iittle and Farms, then only ufter said\nplans for which have not been filed with the Grantor herein,\nplans have been approved in writing by an officer of the said company. covenants, linitation:\n(12)The herein emmerated rights, deemed restrictions, as covenants, agreements, andnot us conditions hereof\nreservations and conditions, shall and each be and every parcel in Derbyshire Little Farms, excey'\nand shall run with the land, shall be subject to the same restrictions, and each deed, 01-\nas hereinbefore specified,\nshall contain the same restrictions, provisions and inur.\ncept as hereinbefore all specified, owning land in the same vicinity which may be affected by\nto the benefit of and parties especially to the owners of the parcels to which these restricti\nthese restrictions, and shall bind the Grantee, his heirs and assigns, until the first dey of Jamary\napply,\n1970.\nbe the same more or less but subject to all legal highways.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]applies to parcels not now serviced by sanitary sewers.\nleased\nherein described shall not be sold, conveyed,siven away,\n(6)The premises\nnot of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.\nor used,by any person or persons\nhnaar hocs. a poat or goats, shall not be[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used , by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL8095 AG:147 1. Said premises shall be used far private residence purposes only. 2. Not more than one single dwelling house or residence shall occupy.any one sublot. 3. Any sublot shall not be subdivided. 4. No dwelling house or residence shall be erected upon any sublot which shall have a ground floor area of less than 840 square feet, exclusi ve of garage. 5. The style of architecture, including materials and their treatment, and the plans and specifications for any dwelling house or residence, including any and all contracts and sub-contracts therefor, shall first have the written approval of the grantor, his heirs, executors, adninistrators and assigns, or his or their daly authorized agent. The architectural design shall include an attached garage, but such garage sha all be con- sidered as being attached to the main dwelling provided it is connected by a so-cal led Breeze-May. Should the grantor herein, or his heirs, executors, adninistrators and assi gns, or his or their duly authorized agent, fail to either approve or dis approvè said style of architecture and the said plans and specifications within thirty (30) days after submission of the same by the grantees, their heirs, executors, administra- tors and assig gns, then such approval shali be obtained from a majority of the lot owners in said devel opment. 6. No dwel ling house, residence or dher structure shall be located or plaçed upon the premises herein conveyed within 100 feet of the center ro ad line or nearer th an 10 feet of eit ther side line. 7. No livestock or fowl shall be housed for comercial purposes. 8. Said premises shall be restri cted fcr members of the Caucasia an race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to ar occupied by any person other tha an that oft the caucasian race. 9. The several. covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphs numbered from 1 to 8, inclusive, is a part of a general plan for the improvenent of said Develop- ment, shall run with the land, and shall be binding upon the grantees, the ir heirs, executors, administrators and assigns,. until the Ist day of January, 1996, and if the grantees herein, or their heirs or assi Ens, shail violate, or attempt to violate, any one or more of the aforemert. ioned covenants and agreements, prior to the said 1st day of January, 1996, any other person or persons aining my other lot or lots in said Development shall have the right to prosecute any proceeding at law or in equity against the person or persons found violating, or attempting to violate, any one or more of the same, either to prevent him or them from so doing or to reçover any damages resulting therefrom. 10. The invalidation of sny one or more of the aforement: ioned covenants and apreements bycourt order, or ctherise, shall not in any way affect the remaining provisions which shall renain in full force and effect. be the sume more or less, bub subject to all legal highways. Co jaur anb to jolb the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantees , their heirs and assigns forever. And I William M. Gall, married the said Grantor , do for myself and my heirs, executors and aministrators, covenant wilh the said Grantees , their heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, Im well seized of the aboue described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, and that the same are frre front all immbranres whatsocurr
VOL8095 AG:147 1. Said premises shall be used far private residence purposes only. 2. Not more than one single dwelling house or residence shall occupy.any one sublot. 3. Any sublot shall not be subdivided. 4. No dwelling house or residence shall be erected upon any sublot which shall have a ground floor area of less than 840 square feet, exclusi ve of garage. 5. The style of architecture, including materials and their treatment, and the plans and specifications for any dwelling house or residence, including any and all contracts and sub-contracts therefor, shall first have the written approval of the grantor, his heirs, executors, adninistrators and assigns, or his or their daly authorized agent. The architectural design shall include an attached garage, but such garage sha all be con- sidered as being attached to the main dwelling provided it is connected by a so-cal led Breeze-May. Should the grantor herein, or his heirs, executors, adninistrators and assi gns, or his or their duly authorized agent, fail to either approve or dis approvè said style of architecture and the said plans and specifications within thirty (30) days after submission of the same by the grantees, their heirs, executors, administra- tors and assig gns, then such approval shali be obtained from a majority of the lot owners in said devel opment. 6. No dwel ling house, residence or dher structure shall be located or plaçed upon the premises herein conveyed within 100 feet of the center ro ad line or nearer th an 10 feet of eit ther side line. 7. No livestock or fowl shall be housed for comercial purposes. 8. Said premises shall be restri cted fcr members of the Caucasia an race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to ar occupied by any person other tha an that oft the caucasian race. 9. The several. covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphs numbered from 1 to 8, inclusive, is a part of a general plan for the improvenent of said Develop- ment, shall run with the land, and shall be binding upon the grantees, the ir heirs, executors, administrators and assigns,. until the Ist day of January, 1996, and if the grantees herein, or their heirs or assi Ens, shail violate, or attempt to violate, any one or more of the aforemert. ioned covenants and agreements, prior to the said 1st day of January, 1996, any other person or persons aining my other lot or lots in said Development shall have the right to prosecute any proceeding at law or in equity against the person or persons found violating, or attempting to violate, any one or more of the same, either to prevent him or them from so doing or to reçover any damages resulting therefrom. 10. The invalidation of sny one or more of the aforement: ioned covenants and apreements bycourt order, or ctherise, shall not in any way affect the remaining provisions which shall renain in full force and effect. be the sume more or less, bub subject to all legal highways. Co jaur anb to jolb the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantees , their heirs and assigns forever. And I William M. Gall, married the said Grantor , do for myself and my heirs, executors and aministrators, covenant wilh the said Grantees , their heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, Im well seized of the aboue described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, and that the same are frre front all immbranres whatsocurr
8. Said premises shall be restricted fcr members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other th an that of the caucasian race.
8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that of the caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]8. Said premises shall be restricted fcr members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other th an that of the caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that of the caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL8095 AG:147\n1. Said premises shall be used far private residence purposes only.\n2. Not more than one single dwelling house or residence shall occupy.any one sublot.\n3. Any sublot shall not be subdivided.\n4. No dwelling house or residence shall be erected upon any sublot which shall have a\nground floor area of less than 840 square feet, exclusi ve of garage.\n5. The style of architecture, including materials and their treatment, and the plans\nand specifications for any dwelling house or residence, including any and all contracts\nand sub-contracts therefor, shall first have the written approval of the grantor, his\nheirs, executors, adninistrators and assigns, or his or their daly authorized agent.\nThe architectural design shall include an attached garage, but such garage sha all be con-\nsidered as being attached to the main dwelling provided it is connected by a so-cal led\nBreeze-May. Should the grantor herein, or his heirs, executors, adninistrators and\nassi gns, or his or their duly authorized agent, fail to either approve or dis approvè\nsaid style of architecture and the said plans and specifications within thirty (30)\ndays after submission of the same by the grantees, their heirs, executors, administra-\ntors and assig gns, then such approval shali be obtained from a majority of the lot owners\nin said devel opment.\n6. No dwel ling house, residence or dher structure shall be located or plaçed upon the\npremises herein conveyed within 100 feet of the center ro ad line or nearer th an 10 feet\nof eit ther side line.\n7. No livestock or fowl shall be housed for comercial purposes.\n8. Said premises shall be restri cted fcr members of the Caucasia an race only and shall\nnot be sold, rented, leased or transferred to ar occupied by any person other tha an that\noft the caucasian race.\n9. The several. covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphs numbered\nfrom 1 to 8, inclusive, is a part of a general plan for the improvenent of said Develop-\nment, shall run with the land, and shall be binding upon the grantees, the ir heirs,\nexecutors, administrators and assigns,. until the Ist day of January, 1996, and if the\ngrantees herein, or their heirs or assi Ens, shail violate, or attempt to violate, any\none or more of the aforemert. ioned covenants and agreements, prior to the said 1st day\nof January, 1996, any other person or persons aining my other lot or lots in said\nDevelopment shall have the right to prosecute any proceeding at law or in equity\nagainst the person or persons found violating, or attempting to violate, any one or\nmore of the same, either to prevent him or them from so doing or to reçover any damages\nresulting therefrom.\n10. The invalidation of sny one or more of the aforement: ioned covenants and apreements\nbycourt order, or ctherise, shall not in any way affect the remaining provisions\nwhich shall renain in full force and effect.\nbe the sume more or less, bub subject to all legal highways.\nCo jaur anb to jolb the above granted and bargained premises, with the\nappurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantees , their heirs and assigns forever.\nAnd I William M. Gall, married\nthe said Grantor , do for myself\nand my\nheirs, executors and\naministrators, covenant wilh the said Grantees , their heirs and assigns, that\nat and until the ensealing of these presents, Im\nwell seized of the aboue described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE\nSIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as\nabove written, and that the same are frre front all immbranres whatsocurr", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]8. Said premises shall be restricted fcr members of the Caucasian race only and shall\nnot be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other th an that\nof the caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that of the caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL6846 FAG341 4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given, leased or rented to, or used by_any person not of the pure blood of the caucasian race. 5. No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be sold whether at wholesale or retail upon said premises, and illegally no nuisance, advertising or manufactured sign, billboatd, place of public entertainment or resort of trade shall be esteblashed, conducted, or suffered to remain any upon character, said premises. or noxious 6. No trailer,qtent, basement, shack, garage; barn or other out-building erected upon said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, either permanent, nor shall any residense of a temperary character be permitted. temporary or 7. The Grantor hereby reserves, and is hereby granted the supplement, or modify any or all of the provisions hereof right change, alter, to in the event the develop- ment or lack of development of adjoining or adjacent cation to be necessary or advisable, or in order to qualify property the indicates premises such for modifi- F. H. A. Hortsaga-Insurance. 8. The herein enumerated restriction, rights, msematiom,SMa limitatigna: which are hereby imposed as a part of a general plan to develop lands now and conditions the grantor herein, shall be deemed as covenants and not as conditions owned by and shall run with the land herein described- and bind the Granteg, their hereof, heirs or assigns until the first day of May, 1975. be the same more or less, bub subject to all legal highays. Cu jaur anà to Ijolb the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantee", thier heirs and assigns forever. Albert W. Kirbus and Eleanor Kirbus And the said Grantors, do for ourselves and our heirs, e.recutors and administrators, covenant with the said Grantee thier heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, we are well seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above writlen, and that the same are free front all immbranrs whatsorurr K Except, astriatiom,smaitio:, limitations, rights, eresata,pearvation. right of ways, and easements of record, and zoning restrictions, if any, which may have been imposed thereon.
VOL6846 FAG341 4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given, leased or rented to, or used by_any person not of the pure blood of the caucasian race. 5. No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be sold whether at wholesale or retail upon said premises, and illegally no nuisance, advertising or manufactured sign, billboatd, place of public entertainment or resort of trade shall be esteblashed, conducted, or suffered to remain any upon character, said premises. or noxious 6. No trailer,qtent, basement, shack, garage; barn or other out-building erected upon said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, either permanent, nor shall any residense of a temperary character be permitted. temporary or 7. The Grantor hereby reserves, and is hereby granted the supplement, or modify any or all of the provisions hereof right change, alter, to in the event the develop- ment or lack of development of adjoining or adjacent cation to be necessary or advisable, or in order to qualify property the indicates premises such for modifi- F. H. A. Hortsaga-Insurance. 8. The herein enumerated restriction, rights, msematiom,SMa limitatigna: which are hereby imposed as a part of a general plan to develop lands now and conditions the grantor herein, shall be deemed as covenants and not as conditions owned by and shall run with the land herein described- and bind the Granteg, their hereof, heirs or assigns until the first day of May, 1975. be the same more or less, bub subject to all legal highays. Cu jaur anà to Ijolb the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantee", thier heirs and assigns forever. Albert W. Kirbus and Eleanor Kirbus And the said Grantors, do for ourselves and our heirs, e.recutors and administrators, covenant with the said Grantee thier heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, we are well seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above writlen, and that the same are free front all immbranrs whatsorurr K Except, astriatiom,smaitio:, limitations, rights, eresata,pearvation. right of ways, and easements of record, and zoning restrictions, if any, which may have been imposed thereon.
4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given, leased or rented to, or used by_any person not of the pure blood of the caucasian race. 5. No spirituous,
4.Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or rented to, or used by any person not of the pure blood of the caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given, leased or rented to, or used by_any person not of the pure blood of the caucasian race. 5. No spirituous,[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]4.Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or rented to, or used by any person not of the pure blood of the caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL6846 FAG341\n4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given, leased or rented to, or used\nby_any person not of the pure blood of the caucasian race.\n5. No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be\nsold whether at wholesale or retail upon said premises, and illegally no nuisance, advertising or\nmanufactured\nsign, billboatd, place of public entertainment or resort of\ntrade shall be esteblashed, conducted, or suffered to remain any upon character, said premises. or noxious\n6. No trailer,qtent, basement, shack, garage; barn or other out-building erected\nupon said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, either\npermanent, nor shall any residense of a temperary character be permitted. temporary or\n7. The Grantor hereby reserves, and is hereby granted the\nsupplement, or modify any or all of the provisions hereof right change, alter,\nto\nin the event the develop-\nment or lack of development of adjoining or adjacent\ncation to be necessary or advisable, or in order to qualify property the indicates premises such for modifi- F. H.\nA.\nHortsaga-Insurance.\n8. The herein enumerated restriction, rights, msematiom,SMa limitatigna:\nwhich are hereby imposed as a part of a general plan to develop lands now and conditions\nthe grantor herein, shall be deemed as covenants and not as conditions owned by\nand shall run with the land herein described- and bind the Granteg, their hereof, heirs\nor\nassigns until the first day of May, 1975.\nbe the same more or less, bub subject to all legal highays.\nCu jaur anà to Ijolb the above granted and bargained premises, with the\nappurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantee\", thier heirs and assigns forever.\nAlbert W. Kirbus and Eleanor Kirbus\nAnd\nthe said Grantors, do for ourselves\nand our\nheirs, e.recutors and\nadministrators, covenant with the said Grantee thier heirs and assigns, that\nat and until the ensealing of these presents, we are\nwell seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE\nSIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as\nabove writlen, and that the same are free front all immbranrs whatsorurr K\nExcept, astriatiom,smaitio:, limitations, rights, eresata,pearvation.\nright of ways, and easements of record, and zoning restrictions, if any, which\nmay have been imposed thereon.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given, leased or rented to, or used by_any person not of the pure blood of the caucasian race. 5. No spirituous,[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]4.Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or rented to, or used by any person not of the pure blood of the caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] V9L6826 PAGE 63 271444Ten- nour ali fien hy these frenents, That Indian Hills Estates Co., a Corporation, incorporated ander the lavus of the state of Indiana, the Grantor, for the consideration no/100 Dollars ($.10.00---), received to its full satisfaction of William: H. s Grace Rust Frick19730 Seminole Rd. Euclid 17 Ohio the Grantee.s,heirs and does give, grant, bargain, sell and convey anto the said Grantee..s., their.. assigns, the following described premises: Situated in the City of Euclid, Cuyahoya County, Ohio, known as beingAPAMAPAIRXPANACAXAIRAEDBAGIOINAATNELNNTESLNOAAXBAXAX4A9AORAZIANDPACIEVAEPpRARACOMRPAEAXKSIGANTAARAAXATAAPATANESAETNTANENOAAENAMMIADAyAEAIERAMORANUAEZEPMAIAZANAIEIAARALRAALONXIPRENL SKEHXXXXXXXX. the Westerly 25 feet front and 74.19 feet rear of Sub Lot No. 156, in aRe-Subdivision of the Indian Hills Estates Section No. 1 of part of OriginalEuclid Tovmship Lots Nos. 17 and 50, Tract No. 11, and Lot No. 9 Gore Tract,as shown by the recorded plat in Volume 57 of Maps, Page 12 of CuyahogaCounty Records, and being 25 feet front on the Southerly side of Seminole Road,and extending back 364.50 feet deep on the Westerly line, about 311.92 feet deepon the Easterly line, and being 74.19 feet in the rear, as appears by said plat,be ahe same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. And the Grantee does for.. themselyes. their. heirs and assigns, in consideration of the execution and delivery of this deed, hereby covenant and agree with the Grantor, its successorsand assigns to hold said real estate herein described upon the following terms:(a) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residence purposes and no structure shallbe erected on any residential building plot other than one single family dwelling not to exceed(b) No building shall be erected on any residential building plot nearer than thirty (30) feetto, nor farther than fifty (50) feet from the: front Sub-Lot line, nor nearer than five (5) feet to anyside Sub-Lot line, except on Sub-Lots where the topography of the land does not permit, in. -whichevent the building line will be established by Indian Hills Estates Co., or by the Committee(c) No fence or wall exceeding three (3) feet in height shall be erected or maintained on anypart of any Sub-Lot, nor shall any fence or wall be erected pr maintained within forty (40) feet of(a) None of said Sub-Lots shall be re-subdivided into building plots having an area lessthan shown on the plat of the subdivision as recorded in Volume 57, Page 12, of Cuyahoga County(e) No spirituous, vinous, nor fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either atwholesale or retail, on said premises. No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon anySub-Lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building onany Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif-(g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, barn, or other outbuilding erected in the tract shallat any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a(h) No structure shall be moved onto any Sub-Lot unless it meets with the àpproval of thecommittee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee it shall conform to and be in har-(i) During the period in which Indian Hills Estates Co., or its successors, owns any of suchSub-Lots, no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot until the design and location thereof have two stories in height and a one- or two-car garage. referred to in paragraph (i) hereof.the Street on which said Sub-Lot fronts. records of Maps.the neighborhood. ferent race, employed by owner or tenant.temporary character be permitted.mony with existing structures in the tract.
V9L6826 PAGE 63 271444Ten- nour ali fien hy these frenents, That Indian Hills Estates Co., a Corporation, incorporated ander the lavus of the state of Indiana, the Grantor, for the consideration no/100 Dollars ($.10.00---), received to its full satisfaction of William: H. s Grace Rust Frick19730 Seminole Rd. Euclid 17 Ohio the Grantee.s,heirs and does give, grant, bargain, sell and convey anto the said Grantee..s., their.. assigns, the following described premises: Situated in the City of Euclid, Cuyahoya County, Ohio, known as beingAPAMAPAIRXPANACAXAIRAEDBAGIOINAATNELNNTESLNOAAXBAXAX4A9AORAZIANDPACIEVAEPpRARACOMRPAEAXKSIGANTAARAAXATAAPATANESAETNTANENOAAENAMMIADAyAEAIERAMORANUAEZEPMAIAZANAIEIAARALRAALONXIPRENL SKEHXXXXXXXX. the Westerly 25 feet front and 74.19 feet rear of Sub Lot No. 156, in aRe-Subdivision of the Indian Hills Estates Section No. 1 of part of OriginalEuclid Tovmship Lots Nos. 17 and 50, Tract No. 11, and Lot No. 9 Gore Tract,as shown by the recorded plat in Volume 57 of Maps, Page 12 of CuyahogaCounty Records, and being 25 feet front on the Southerly side of Seminole Road,and extending back 364.50 feet deep on the Westerly line, about 311.92 feet deepon the Easterly line, and being 74.19 feet in the rear, as appears by said plat,be ahe same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. And the Grantee does for.. themselyes. their. heirs and assigns, in consideration of the execution and delivery of this deed, hereby covenant and agree with the Grantor, its successorsand assigns to hold said real estate herein described upon the following terms:(a) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residence purposes and no structure shallbe erected on any residential building plot other than one single family dwelling not to exceed(b) No building shall be erected on any residential building plot nearer than thirty (30) feetto, nor farther than fifty (50) feet from the: front Sub-Lot line, nor nearer than five (5) feet to anyside Sub-Lot line, except on Sub-Lots where the topography of the land does not permit, in. -whichevent the building line will be established by Indian Hills Estates Co., or by the Committee(c) No fence or wall exceeding three (3) feet in height shall be erected or maintained on anypart of any Sub-Lot, nor shall any fence or wall be erected pr maintained within forty (40) feet of(a) None of said Sub-Lots shall be re-subdivided into building plots having an area lessthan shown on the plat of the subdivision as recorded in Volume 57, Page 12, of Cuyahoga County(e) No spirituous, vinous, nor fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either atwholesale or retail, on said premises. No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon anySub-Lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building onany Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif-(g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, barn, or other outbuilding erected in the tract shallat any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a(h) No structure shall be moved onto any Sub-Lot unless it meets with the àpproval of thecommittee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee it shall conform to and be in har-(i) During the period in which Indian Hills Estates Co., or its successors, owns any of suchSub-Lots, no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot until the design and location thereof have two stories in height and a one- or two-car garage. referred to in paragraph (i) hereof.the Street on which said Sub-Lot fronts. records of Maps.the neighborhood. ferent race, employed by owner or tenant.temporary character be permitted.mony with existing structures in the tract.
(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif- ferent race, employed by owner or tenant.
(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race, employed by owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif- ferent race, employed by owner or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race, employed by owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nV9L6826 PAGE 63\n271444Ten-\nnour ali fien hy these frenents, That Indian Hills Estates Co., a Corporation, incorporated\nander the lavus of the state of Indiana, the Grantor, for the consideration\nno/100\nDollars ($.10.00---), received to its full satisfaction of\nWilliam: H. s Grace Rust Frick19730 Seminole Rd. Euclid 17 Ohio\nthe Grantee.s,heirs and\ndoes give, grant, bargain, sell and convey anto the said Grantee..s., their..\nassigns, the following described premises:\nSituated in the City of Euclid, Cuyahoya County, Ohio, known as beingAPAMAPAIRXPANACAXAIRAEDBAGIOINAATNELNNTESLNOAAXBAXAX4A9AORAZIANDPACIEVAEPpRARACOMRPAEAXKSIGANTAARAAXATAAPATANESAETNTANENOAAENAMMIADAyAEAIERAMORANUAEZEPMAIAZANAIEIAARALRAALONXIPRENL\nSKEHXXXXXXXX.\nthe Westerly 25 feet front and 74.19 feet rear of Sub Lot No. 156, in aRe-Subdivision of the Indian Hills Estates Section No. 1 of part of OriginalEuclid Tovmship Lots Nos. 17 and 50, Tract No. 11, and Lot No. 9 Gore Tract,as shown by the recorded plat in Volume 57 of Maps, Page 12 of CuyahogaCounty Records, and being 25 feet front on the Southerly side of Seminole Road,and extending back 364.50 feet deep on the Westerly line, about 311.92 feet deepon the Easterly line, and being 74.19 feet in the rear, as appears by said plat,be ahe same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.\nAnd the Grantee does for.. themselyes.\ntheir. heirs and assigns, in consideration of the\nexecution and delivery of this deed, hereby covenant and agree with the Grantor, its successorsand assigns to hold said real estate herein described upon the following terms:(a) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residence purposes and no structure shallbe erected on any residential building plot other than one single family dwelling not to exceed(b) No building shall be erected on any residential building plot nearer than thirty (30) feetto, nor farther than fifty (50) feet from the: front Sub-Lot line, nor nearer than five (5) feet to anyside Sub-Lot line, except on Sub-Lots where the topography of the land does not permit, in. -whichevent the building line will be established by Indian Hills Estates Co., or by the Committee(c) No fence or wall exceeding three (3) feet in height shall be erected or maintained on anypart of any Sub-Lot, nor shall any fence or wall be erected pr maintained within forty (40) feet of(a) None of said Sub-Lots shall be re-subdivided into building plots having an area lessthan shown on the plat of the subdivision as recorded in Volume 57, Page 12, of Cuyahoga County(e) No spirituous, vinous, nor fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either atwholesale or retail, on said premises. No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon anySub-Lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building onany Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif-(g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, barn, or other outbuilding erected in the tract shallat any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a(h) No structure shall be moved onto any Sub-Lot unless it meets with the àpproval of thecommittee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee it shall conform to and be in har-(i) During the period in which Indian Hills Estates Co., or its successors, owns any of suchSub-Lots, no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot until the design and location thereof have\ntwo stories in height and a one- or two-car garage.\nreferred to in paragraph (i) hereof.the Street on which said Sub-Lot fronts.\nrecords of Maps.the neighborhood.\nferent race, employed by owner or tenant.temporary character be permitted.mony with existing structures in the tract.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on\nany Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif-\nferent race, employed by owner or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race, employed by owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] vaI 7867 a214Corporation, the Grantor, WARRANTY DEED-686374 104B) Bnoto all pen bp tDese presents, That.WALNUT HILLS HGMESTEADS, INC. for the consideration of. One Dollar and other valnable considerations xEntosthe Grantee.s.Couaty af ($_1.00 received toi its fall satisfaction of. Frank Charek and Laura Charek 4898 Richmond Road, Warrensville Heights, OhioJowing described premises, situated in the.. Village does give, grant, bargain, sell and coavey unto the said Grantee.s, their heirs and assigns, the of.. Orange. Ouyahoga and State ofOhio: And known as being part of Original Orange Township Lot No. 1,Beginning at the Southorest terly corner of said Original Iot No. 1;thence South 87° 45' East alang the Southerly line of said Original LotNo. 1, and along the center line of Harvard Road (60 feet wide), 1126.28feet to the Westerly line of land conveyed to Louis Filer, by deed datedFebruary 2, 1878 and reçorded in Volume 288, Page 456 of Cuyahoga CountyRecorda; thence North 2°15' East along said Westerly line, 430 feet tothe principal place of begiming of the gremises herein intended to bedescribed; thence contiming North 2015' East along said Hesterly line,150 feet; thence North 87° 45' West 567.92 feet to the centerline ofWalmut Hills Avemue, proposed, (60 feet wide); thence South 2° 15' Westalong said center line 150 feet; thence South 87° 45' East 567.92 feetto the principal place of beginning and being further knom as SublotNo.7 in Walmt H4lls Homesteade Subdivision Proposed of part of OriginalOrange Township Lot No. 1, Tract 4, as appears by the survey of TheAccurate Survey Company, dated November 2, 1945, be the same more or less,The said Grantess, for themselves, their heirs and assigns, inconsideration of the execution and delivery of this instrument, herebycovenant, promise and agree with and for the benefit of the said Grantor,its successors, and all other owners of lots in this Subdivision who shallacquire title thereto to hold the premises hereby sold upon the following1. Each of said sublots shall be used exclusively for residentialpurposes, and no building shall be ereçted, moved or suffered to remainthereon other than one single family drelling, necessary outbuildings andan attached or detached garage, guch buildings to be constructed in conformity2. No building shall be erected, moved or suffered to remain onsaid sublot nearer than 130 feet from the center line of Harvard Road and130 feet from the center line of extension (Proposed) of Walnut Hills Road.3. Said lots shall not be sald, conveyed, given, leased or rentedto or be used by any person not of pure blood of the Caucasian race.4. No spiritnous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be mamufacturedor sold whether at wholesale ar retail upon said premises and no muisance,advertising signs, billboards, place of public entertainment or resort of anycharacter or notorious trade shall be established, conducted or suffered to5. No trailers, tents,. basements, shacks, garages, barns or otheroutbuilding erected upon said premises shall at any time be used as a residenceeither temporary ar permanent nor shall any residence of temporary character be6. No fence ar wall of any kind shall be erected, placed or maintainedan any part of the premises hereby conveyed which shall approach nearer to thestreet line than the rear of the drelling erected on the above described property Tract No. 4, bounded and described as follows: but subject to all legal highways. terms and conditions: with Village Zoning Ordinances. remain upon said premises. permitted. nor shall, such fence exceed 3 feet in height at any point.
vaI 7867 a214Corporation, the Grantor, WARRANTY DEED-686374 104B) Bnoto all pen bp tDese presents, That.WALNUT HILLS HGMESTEADS, INC. for the consideration of. One Dollar and other valnable considerations xEntosthe Grantee.s.Couaty af ($_1.00 received toi its fall satisfaction of. Frank Charek and Laura Charek 4898 Richmond Road, Warrensville Heights, OhioJowing described premises, situated in the.. Village does give, grant, bargain, sell and coavey unto the said Grantee.s, their heirs and assigns, the of.. Orange. Ouyahoga and State ofOhio: And known as being part of Original Orange Township Lot No. 1,Beginning at the Southorest terly corner of said Original Iot No. 1;thence South 87° 45' East alang the Southerly line of said Original LotNo. 1, and along the center line of Harvard Road (60 feet wide), 1126.28feet to the Westerly line of land conveyed to Louis Filer, by deed datedFebruary 2, 1878 and reçorded in Volume 288, Page 456 of Cuyahoga CountyRecorda; thence North 2°15' East along said Westerly line, 430 feet tothe principal place of begiming of the gremises herein intended to bedescribed; thence contiming North 2015' East along said Hesterly line,150 feet; thence North 87° 45' West 567.92 feet to the centerline ofWalmut Hills Avemue, proposed, (60 feet wide); thence South 2° 15' Westalong said center line 150 feet; thence South 87° 45' East 567.92 feetto the principal place of beginning and being further knom as SublotNo.7 in Walmt H4lls Homesteade Subdivision Proposed of part of OriginalOrange Township Lot No. 1, Tract 4, as appears by the survey of TheAccurate Survey Company, dated November 2, 1945, be the same more or less,The said Grantess, for themselves, their heirs and assigns, inconsideration of the execution and delivery of this instrument, herebycovenant, promise and agree with and for the benefit of the said Grantor,its successors, and all other owners of lots in this Subdivision who shallacquire title thereto to hold the premises hereby sold upon the following1. Each of said sublots shall be used exclusively for residentialpurposes, and no building shall be ereçted, moved or suffered to remainthereon other than one single family drelling, necessary outbuildings andan attached or detached garage, guch buildings to be constructed in conformity2. No building shall be erected, moved or suffered to remain onsaid sublot nearer than 130 feet from the center line of Harvard Road and130 feet from the center line of extension (Proposed) of Walnut Hills Road.3. Said lots shall not be sald, conveyed, given, leased or rentedto or be used by any person not of pure blood of the Caucasian race.4. No spiritnous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be mamufacturedor sold whether at wholesale ar retail upon said premises and no muisance,advertising signs, billboards, place of public entertainment or resort of anycharacter or notorious trade shall be established, conducted or suffered to5. No trailers, tents,. basements, shacks, garages, barns or otheroutbuilding erected upon said premises shall at any time be used as a residenceeither temporary ar permanent nor shall any residence of temporary character be6. No fence ar wall of any kind shall be erected, placed or maintainedan any part of the premises hereby conveyed which shall approach nearer to thestreet line than the rear of the drelling erected on the above described property Tract No. 4, bounded and described as follows: but subject to all legal highways. terms and conditions: with Village Zoning Ordinances. remain upon said premises. permitted. nor shall, such fence exceed 3 feet in height at any point.
3. Said lots shall not be sold, oonveyed, given, leased or rented to or be used by any person not of pure blood of the Caucasian race.
3. Said lots shall not be sold, conveyed, given, leased or rented to or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3. Said lots shall not be sold, oonveyed, given, leased or rented to or be used by any person not of pure blood of the Caucasian race. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. Said lots shall not be sold, conveyed, given, leased or rented to or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nvaI 7867 a214Corporation, the Grantor,\nWARRANTY DEED-686374\n104B)\nBnoto all pen bp tDese presents, That.WALNUT HILLS HGMESTEADS, INC.\nfor the consideration of. One Dollar and other valnable considerations\nxEntosthe Grantee.s.Couaty af\n($_1.00\nreceived toi its fall satisfaction of. Frank Charek and Laura Charek\n4898 Richmond Road, Warrensville Heights, OhioJowing described premises, situated in the.. Village\ndoes give, grant, bargain, sell and coavey unto the said Grantee.s, their heirs and assigns, the\nof.. Orange.\nOuyahoga\nand State ofOhio:\nAnd known as being part of Original Orange Township Lot No. 1,Beginning at the Southorest terly corner of said Original Iot No. 1;thence South 87° 45' East alang the Southerly line of said Original LotNo. 1, and along the center line of Harvard Road (60 feet wide), 1126.28feet to the Westerly line of land conveyed to Louis Filer, by deed datedFebruary 2, 1878 and reçorded in Volume 288, Page 456 of Cuyahoga CountyRecorda; thence North 2°15' East along said Westerly line, 430 feet tothe principal place of begiming of the gremises herein intended to bedescribed; thence contiming North 2015' East along said Hesterly line,150 feet; thence North 87° 45' West 567.92 feet to the centerline ofWalmut Hills Avemue, proposed, (60 feet wide); thence South 2° 15' Westalong said center line 150 feet; thence South 87° 45' East 567.92 feetto the principal place of beginning and being further knom as SublotNo.7 in Walmt H4lls Homesteade Subdivision Proposed of part of OriginalOrange Township Lot No. 1, Tract 4, as appears by the survey of TheAccurate Survey Company, dated November 2, 1945, be the same more or less,The said Grantess, for themselves, their heirs and assigns, inconsideration of the execution and delivery of this instrument, herebycovenant, promise and agree with and for the benefit of the said Grantor,its successors, and all other owners of lots in this Subdivision who shallacquire title thereto to hold the premises hereby sold upon the following1. Each of said sublots shall be used exclusively for residentialpurposes, and no building shall be ereçted, moved or suffered to remainthereon other than one single family drelling, necessary outbuildings andan attached or detached garage, guch buildings to be constructed in conformity2. No building shall be erected, moved or suffered to remain onsaid sublot nearer than 130 feet from the center line of Harvard Road and130 feet from the center line of extension (Proposed) of Walnut Hills Road.3. Said lots shall not be sald, conveyed, given, leased or rentedto or be used by any person not of pure blood of the Caucasian race.4. No spiritnous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be mamufacturedor sold whether at wholesale ar retail upon said premises and no muisance,advertising signs, billboards, place of public entertainment or resort of anycharacter or notorious trade shall be established, conducted or suffered to5. No trailers, tents,. basements, shacks, garages, barns or otheroutbuilding erected upon said premises shall at any time be used as a residenceeither temporary ar permanent nor shall any residence of temporary character be6. No fence ar wall of any kind shall be erected, placed or maintainedan any part of the premises hereby conveyed which shall approach nearer to thestreet line than the rear of the drelling erected on the above described property\nTract No. 4, bounded and described as follows:\nbut subject to all legal highways.\nterms and conditions:\nwith Village Zoning Ordinances.\nremain upon said premises.\npermitted.\nnor shall, such fence exceed 3 feet in height at any point.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3. Said lots shall not be sold, oonveyed, given, leased or rented\nto or be used by any person not of pure blood of the Caucasian race.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. Said lots shall not be sold, conveyed, given, leased or rented to or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 452 day and yosr Aaeisaartiriaat, first sbove written. M.A.Bell, rosayy Public in end for the County of wotarisl Besl.oiclock A. X. sents Clara, state of Californib. Filed for record st the request of A.K, Witton, Feb. 3, A.D. 1908, st 36. min. pest 10 Daniel J. Flannery, Recorder.M.A. Spengler, Deputy Réçorder. BRARR RRI KILEN DEACIE TO W.W. DIXON. BARGAIN AND SALE DEED. THIS INDENTURE, mde the thirty firet dsy of December ninetoen hundred and six,WITNESSETH: THAT the Beid party of the first part, for snd in considerstion of between Ellen.Desgle,: : widow, of the County-of Sante dlara, Stwlwur-catiromis, the party ofthe first part, snd W. W. Dixon, of the stste of Californis, the party of the second pert;the sum of Ten (10), Dollers, gold coin of the United states of. Americe, to her in hand paid bythe seid perty of the second pert, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledgsd, does by. thesepresents grant, bargain snd pell, convey and confirn, unto the Baid party of the socond part,aadtto his heirs and assigns forever, a11 thit certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situste,lying, snd being in thé County of Sents Clara, state of Californis, and bounded and perticuisr-hundred and elghty three (183) feet norherly from the intersection of the Northerly line ofJulisn street with the Westerly line of Montgomery street and running thence Westerly slong theNortherly line. af an alleywwy ( now called Cottege Lane), two hundred (200) fést to & stakesnd sn, wlley, wy; thence Northerly along the Essterly side of irid alley way one hundred (100)foet to & ateke; thence st right angles Eesterly ninety five (95) feet; thence at right snglesSoutherly snd parallel to the said westerly line cf oitgomery street thirty three and & third(35 1/5) feet, thence at right angles Basterly. one hundred and five (105) feet to said West-erly line of Montgomery Street; thence st right ngles Southerly and slong. said westerly lineof Montgomery Street sixty six and two-thirds (66 2/3) feet to the plsce of commencement, sndbeing iot numbered twenty four. (24) and pert of lot numbered. twenty, one (21) of Bradlee'sBlock in Polhemus Addition, sccerding to s mp. on file in the office of the County Recorder ofthereunto. belonging or In sny wise spperteining; and the reversion snd reversions; rem inderpurtenences, unto. the said. perty of the sécond part, and to his heirs snd sasigns forever.. ly described 6s follows, to wit; Comencing at & stske on the Westerly line of Hontgomery Street, distant. one ssid County of Sents Clsre. TOGETHER with. s11 snd singular the tenements, hereditiments and sppurtenances,TO HAVE AND TO. HOLD, all and singular the Beid premises, together with the sp-IN: WITNESS WHEREOF, the aid perty. of the. first: part hes hereunto set her hand snd remsinders, rents, issues and profits thereof. snd B681 tha Asy and: yesr first sbove written. Bllen- Descle; (Ses1) STATR OF CALIFORNIAÇOUNTY. OF SANTA CLARA j6s. ON. this 31st. day of December in theteen hundred and six, before m, John P. Fitz- yesr nine- gerald; - wotary Public in and for suid County, residing therein; duly commissioned and sworn, Mareoall
452 day and yosr Aaeisaartiriaat, first sbove written. M.A.Bell, rosayy Public in end for the County of wotarisl Besl.oiclock A. X. sents Clara, state of Californib. Filed for record st the request of A.K, Witton, Feb. 3, A.D. 1908, st 36. min. pest 10 Daniel J. Flannery, Recorder.M.A. Spengler, Deputy Réçorder. BRARR RRI KILEN DEACIE TO W.W. DIXON. BARGAIN AND SALE DEED. THIS INDENTURE, mde the thirty firet dsy of December ninetoen hundred and six,WITNESSETH: THAT the Beid party of the first part, for snd in considerstion of between Ellen.Desgle,: : widow, of the County-of Sante dlara, Stwlwur-catiromis, the party ofthe first part, snd W. W. Dixon, of the stste of Californis, the party of the second pert;the sum of Ten (10), Dollers, gold coin of the United states of. Americe, to her in hand paid bythe seid perty of the second pert, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledgsd, does by. thesepresents grant, bargain snd pell, convey and confirn, unto the Baid party of the socond part,aadtto his heirs and assigns forever, a11 thit certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situste,lying, snd being in thé County of Sents Clara, state of Californis, and bounded and perticuisr-hundred and elghty three (183) feet norherly from the intersection of the Northerly line ofJulisn street with the Westerly line of Montgomery street and running thence Westerly slong theNortherly line. af an alleywwy ( now called Cottege Lane), two hundred (200) fést to & stakesnd sn, wlley, wy; thence Northerly along the Essterly side of irid alley way one hundred (100)foet to & ateke; thence st right angles Eesterly ninety five (95) feet; thence at right snglesSoutherly snd parallel to the said westerly line cf oitgomery street thirty three and & third(35 1/5) feet, thence at right angles Basterly. one hundred and five (105) feet to said West-erly line of Montgomery Street; thence st right ngles Southerly and slong. said westerly lineof Montgomery Street sixty six and two-thirds (66 2/3) feet to the plsce of commencement, sndbeing iot numbered twenty four. (24) and pert of lot numbered. twenty, one (21) of Bradlee'sBlock in Polhemus Addition, sccerding to s mp. on file in the office of the County Recorder ofthereunto. belonging or In sny wise spperteining; and the reversion snd reversions; rem inderpurtenences, unto. the said. perty of the sécond part, and to his heirs snd sasigns forever.. ly described 6s follows, to wit; Comencing at & stske on the Westerly line of Hontgomery Street, distant. one ssid County of Sents Clsre. TOGETHER with. s11 snd singular the tenements, hereditiments and sppurtenances,TO HAVE AND TO. HOLD, all and singular the Beid premises, together with the sp-IN: WITNESS WHEREOF, the aid perty. of the. first: part hes hereunto set her hand snd remsinders, rents, issues and profits thereof. snd B681 tha Asy and: yesr first sbove written. Bllen- Descle; (Ses1) STATR OF CALIFORNIAÇOUNTY. OF SANTA CLARA j6s. ON. this 31st. day of December in theteen hundred and six, before m, John P. Fitz- yesr nine- gerald; - wotary Public in and for suid County, residing therein; duly commissioned and sworn, Mareoall
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n452\nday and yosr Aaeisaartiriaat, first sbove written.\nM.A.Bell, rosayy Public in end for the County of\nwotarisl Besl.oiclock A. X.\nsents Clara, state of Californib.\nFiled for record st the request of A.K, Witton, Feb. 3, A.D. 1908, st 36. min. pest 10\nDaniel J. Flannery, Recorder.M.A. Spengler, Deputy Réçorder.\nBRARR\nRRI\nKILEN DEACIE\nTO\nW.W. DIXON.\nBARGAIN AND SALE DEED.\nTHIS INDENTURE, mde the thirty firet dsy of December ninetoen hundred and six,WITNESSETH: THAT the Beid party of the first part, for snd in considerstion of\nbetween Ellen.Desgle,: : widow, of the County-of Sante dlara, Stwlwur-catiromis, the party ofthe first part, snd W. W. Dixon, of the stste of Californis, the party of the second pert;the sum of Ten (10), Dollers, gold coin of the United states of. Americe, to her in hand paid bythe seid perty of the second pert, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledgsd, does by. thesepresents grant, bargain snd pell, convey and confirn, unto the Baid party of the socond part,aadtto his heirs and assigns forever, a11 thit certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situste,lying, snd being in thé County of Sents Clara, state of Californis, and bounded and perticuisr-hundred and elghty three (183) feet norherly from the intersection of the Northerly line ofJulisn street with the Westerly line of Montgomery street and running thence Westerly slong theNortherly line. af an alleywwy ( now called Cottege Lane), two hundred (200) fést to & stakesnd sn, wlley, wy; thence Northerly along the Essterly side of irid alley way one hundred (100)foet to & ateke; thence st right angles Eesterly ninety five (95) feet; thence at right snglesSoutherly snd parallel to the said westerly line cf oitgomery street thirty three and & third(35 1/5) feet, thence at right angles Basterly. one hundred and five (105) feet to said West-erly line of Montgomery Street; thence st right ngles Southerly and slong. said westerly lineof Montgomery Street sixty six and two-thirds (66 2/3) feet to the plsce of commencement, sndbeing iot numbered twenty four. (24) and pert of lot numbered. twenty, one (21) of Bradlee'sBlock in Polhemus Addition, sccerding to s mp. on file in the office of the County Recorder ofthereunto. belonging or In sny wise spperteining; and the reversion snd reversions; rem inderpurtenences, unto. the said. perty of the sécond part, and to his heirs snd sasigns forever..\nly described 6s follows, to wit;\nComencing at & stske on the Westerly line of Hontgomery Street, distant. one\nssid County of Sents Clsre.\nTOGETHER with. s11 snd singular the tenements, hereditiments and sppurtenances,TO HAVE AND TO. HOLD, all and singular the Beid premises, together with the sp-IN: WITNESS WHEREOF, the aid perty. of the. first: part hes hereunto set her hand\nsnd remsinders, rents, issues and profits thereof.\nsnd B681 tha Asy and: yesr first sbove written.\nBllen- Descle;\n(Ses1)\nSTATR OF CALIFORNIAÇOUNTY. OF SANTA CLARA\nj6s.\nON. this 31st. day of December in theteen hundred and six, before m, John P. Fitz-\nyesr nine-\ngerald; - wotary Public in and for suid County, residing therein; duly commissioned and sworn,\nMareoall\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL62807 PAGE675 by_any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race. 7.: The intent of this covenant is that said premises shall be used exclusively for private residence purposes, and for no other purpose whatsoever, whether of the kind specified in this paragraph or otherwise, the enumeration herein of certain prohibited uses of said premises being in addition to, and not exclusive of, any use thereof other than for purely residence purposes. The several covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphs numbered from 1 to 7 inclusive shall run with the land hereby conveyed and shali be binding upon the Grantee, her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, until the 1st day of January, 1997. I WITIESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands alkw oheyy int the year of one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven. Signed and acimovledged in presence of: Ephb A .MaMe RDIENM ELLIS ARYMONO D. WARREN Mum m. ilm Beprstese HELEN M DIEMM WARREN STATE OF OHIO SS: CUYAHOGA COUITT 3efore me, a notary public, in und for said county and state, personally appeured the above naned Rayond D. arren and Carolyns. Varren, who acknovledgda that they did sign the foregoin; instrument and that the sume is their free act and deed. I TESTILO.Y HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at Cleveland, Ohio, telBilay hey 1947. Elhik FLLIS DIENM. R. iotary Puhlic.
VOL62807 PAGE675 by_any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race. 7.: The intent of this covenant is that said premises shall be used exclusively for private residence purposes, and for no other purpose whatsoever, whether of the kind specified in this paragraph or otherwise, the enumeration herein of certain prohibited uses of said premises being in addition to, and not exclusive of, any use thereof other than for purely residence purposes. The several covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphs numbered from 1 to 7 inclusive shall run with the land hereby conveyed and shali be binding upon the Grantee, her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, until the 1st day of January, 1997. I WITIESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands alkw oheyy int the year of one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven. Signed and acimovledged in presence of: Ephb A .MaMe RDIENM ELLIS ARYMONO D. WARREN Mum m. ilm Beprstese HELEN M DIEMM WARREN STATE OF OHIO SS: CUYAHOGA COUITT 3efore me, a notary public, in und for said county and state, personally appeured the above naned Rayond D. arren and Carolyns. Varren, who acknovledgda that they did sign the foregoin; instrument and that the sume is their free act and deed. I TESTILO.Y HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at Cleveland, Ohio, telBilay hey 1947. Elhik FLLIS DIENM. R. iotary Puhlic.
by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL62807 PAGE675\nby_any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.\n7.: The intent of this covenant is that said premises shall be used\nexclusively for private residence purposes, and for no other purpose whatsoever,\nwhether of the kind specified in this paragraph or otherwise, the enumeration\nherein of certain prohibited uses of said premises being in addition to, and\nnot exclusive of, any use thereof other than for purely residence purposes.\nThe several covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphs\nnumbered from 1 to 7 inclusive shall run with the land hereby conveyed and shali\nbe binding upon the Grantee, her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns,\nuntil the 1st day of January, 1997.\nI WITIESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands alkw\noheyy\nint the year of one thousand\nnine hundred and forty-seven.\nSigned and acimovledged in\npresence of:\nEphb\nA\n.MaMe\nRDIENM\nELLIS\nARYMONO D. WARREN\nMum m. ilm\nBeprstese\nHELEN M DIEMM\nWARREN\nSTATE OF OHIO\nSS:\nCUYAHOGA COUITT\n3efore me, a notary public, in und for said county and state, personally\nappeured the above naned Rayond D. arren and Carolyns. Varren, who acknovledgda\nthat they did sign the foregoin; instrument and that the sume is their free\nact and deed.\nI TESTILO.Y HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at\nCleveland, Ohio, telBilay hey 1947.\nElhik\nFLLIS DIENM.\nR.\niotary Puhlic.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 368 369 Jaula Erare, Maig faiiinunk shuili Ruo ceise ai Rari mar aniti aii vich cutain buubhsberui aiand sinifying Rai auc hnneii, hasticisn avenid ad ak Rueh salv Rais bygiaa. anflaiy sie Rani Sutg bania Cioa puere heh, Oreinger, scame ds burcheus guic. 6. hie laiypn fatniat inhjsidnies iga auii mme - guhmnbuik huniaihn batiiat, dnmhifw wi Rumi L ac ailrn, to owik: Bi5hri gaii Soin gu lnaiMke,ent Drhuee, farik bort ipmin Sooni tkx Wuenin Bhd bwney turk onth chr hesh iy sk iphatenb ivsh biden au d caid Aum RI chi Suenb ufpuntent Vhiem 150. liy iyhuiant hul sum hif fm hseainal Tguis cril aik anb surguiay Ka lineui, hvditab ad . asdand hmaitn harticuiark durvis. di Aari Bouh A rbmbraes aMthinty mri dis and b bk cli dii ust larh dib h. ahvil /k: 1902.accpt paif bil gaid difp miais bguin oric aib Pariloark che thinto hhngry Ac emd loah ad ari Ruli v Aaik w bput bsmait dirilg to dh pasd part ch geened horh fn a auys onis abberhainiy unto Kk pehpckant Darib horh Lha anld lauyt Çmever BA Ami Cur 25156v0 As big Hhunyant Suas, se Aailajain 17 brah difa chi ISck dary Aahini.daly guires ouaku ank eutn Bagun Vhg,d dke gce fush hparhas adminishoty din Cmprning pard. Ral aub dih Ennay auce to h sycntfaue PRhunt pritk droil aupfg Q oa harhy puend Amhaudyewty 9 orhikinely ACmfn as afnuais, das husint au hi han ard gsk rka sl gche. ais day sale Medig sin di ghi gcke bousky Ruemely. A Banh guish abme mitti Sas y Clarne t oih rhek bount sh lanj. Rolhss pituat. mckas. Keh (Baal) g4-iaehal. arclir Q Cmkinatim u mA. pubas Aaminishatn orith dk oii nend paij Recmdist Ayiv aui Mfuuftaans oadi o aunepg Rd astnh Q frhblahan, diceseg acha dus du Manw auyneyth Aaidl.Koeh. adm Sak A lalfnuk hushkuome bactim dadbd.dyn bpdad ch 35s aful sin dhc yar ovintun ludubian hi grib ueyg gchs astatego aarijok Obaban wahyt s, befne onk, gut bansil, a davasad, as afmsarg.tkr & chi fusthardh wawhbi pubhisin audfaaid Ehp 4444 laskafmead s.lhsaif fun tniha Landga aud. Lm ody b5g Jaute Clare, bnmunimifank rkng Ruly Fratn cral E d aus pck utat 9 BPdhhud cidnatim gch Run 7 #ID.m. ch iph ethnd 3rch Rurn ta.c hbdah ie ackum un adys audi acendanc Srith d bid goad part gcke RL emd perk sach fn Aorid upurty aud. siraredane ce orith dhi paidns bd orhne mee is Rubcnlag to d dud. as puchade prar sis Dalu Min as afmraig, lau gtl, Lagandn inistatn onitl eiis aupdand to Ge. dhil as neyde audly dhse kusuk doe andtgaiyt RLL pach adminichatin wid Surik aupfl apefik Bame slb jauh tmty sta. sh Raig gch Ruend hakbfki SShitre rng. Bhane hnunto Rik landandaakakn a ay ay Pivk 7 dar gae, Bahghat Mht lal assigus faratk chi ighh dustatga aae hpbein Anmcda day Pedyian in ths atfik frash abere uniz hisdiath als lonly atk dinpu.ktis gu. Hbanelly Potay Ribkiii thah aidshhhy piatim bedgneadbang, A Hauta Plagn Aht d Baly asibnh msasy have aegusn L than ainu addi to agcttata, ndgakik Rgisk Aha diath Lh pri E34.0 912, Ih.celn a Kap Ni
368 369 Jaula Erare, Maig faiiinunk shuili Ruo ceise ai Rari mar aniti aii vich cutain buubhsberui aiand sinifying Rai auc hnneii, hasticisn avenid ad ak Rueh salv Rais bygiaa. anflaiy sie Rani Sutg bania Cioa puere heh, Oreinger, scame ds burcheus guic. 6. hie laiypn fatniat inhjsidnies iga auii mme - guhmnbuik huniaihn batiiat, dnmhifw wi Rumi L ac ailrn, to owik: Bi5hri gaii Soin gu lnaiMke,ent Drhuee, farik bort ipmin Sooni tkx Wuenin Bhd bwney turk onth chr hesh iy sk iphatenb ivsh biden au d caid Aum RI chi Suenb ufpuntent Vhiem 150. liy iyhuiant hul sum hif fm hseainal Tguis cril aik anb surguiay Ka lineui, hvditab ad . asdand hmaitn harticuiark durvis. di Aari Bouh A rbmbraes aMthinty mri dis and b bk cli dii ust larh dib h. ahvil /k: 1902.accpt paif bil gaid difp miais bguin oric aib Pariloark che thinto hhngry Ac emd loah ad ari Ruli v Aaik w bput bsmait dirilg to dh pasd part ch geened horh fn a auys onis abberhainiy unto Kk pehpckant Darib horh Lha anld lauyt Çmever BA Ami Cur 25156v0 As big Hhunyant Suas, se Aailajain 17 brah difa chi ISck dary Aahini.daly guires ouaku ank eutn Bagun Vhg,d dke gce fush hparhas adminishoty din Cmprning pard. Ral aub dih Ennay auce to h sycntfaue PRhunt pritk droil aupfg Q oa harhy puend Amhaudyewty 9 orhikinely ACmfn as afnuais, das husint au hi han ard gsk rka sl gche. ais day sale Medig sin di ghi gcke bousky Ruemely. A Banh guish abme mitti Sas y Clarne t oih rhek bount sh lanj. Rolhss pituat. mckas. Keh (Baal) g4-iaehal. arclir Q Cmkinatim u mA. pubas Aaminishatn orith dk oii nend paij Recmdist Ayiv aui Mfuuftaans oadi o aunepg Rd astnh Q frhblahan, diceseg acha dus du Manw auyneyth Aaidl.Koeh. adm Sak A lalfnuk hushkuome bactim dadbd.dyn bpdad ch 35s aful sin dhc yar ovintun ludubian hi grib ueyg gchs astatego aarijok Obaban wahyt s, befne onk, gut bansil, a davasad, as afmsarg.tkr & chi fusthardh wawhbi pubhisin audfaaid Ehp 4444 laskafmead s.lhsaif fun tniha Landga aud. Lm ody b5g Jaute Clare, bnmunimifank rkng Ruly Fratn cral E d aus pck utat 9 BPdhhud cidnatim gch Run 7 #ID.m. ch iph ethnd 3rch Rurn ta.c hbdah ie ackum un adys audi acendanc Srith d bid goad part gcke RL emd perk sach fn Aorid upurty aud. siraredane ce orith dhi paidns bd orhne mee is Rubcnlag to d dud. as puchade prar sis Dalu Min as afmraig, lau gtl, Lagandn inistatn onitl eiis aupdand to Ge. dhil as neyde audly dhse kusuk doe andtgaiyt RLL pach adminichatin wid Surik aupfl apefik Bame slb jauh tmty sta. sh Raig gch Ruend hakbfki SShitre rng. Bhane hnunto Rik landandaakakn a ay ay Pivk 7 dar gae, Bahghat Mht lal assigus faratk chi ighh dustatga aae hpbein Anmcda day Pedyian in ths atfik frash abere uniz hisdiath als lonly atk dinpu.ktis gu. Hbanelly Potay Ribkiii thah aidshhhy piatim bedgneadbang, A Hauta Plagn Aht d Baly asibnh msasy have aegusn L than ainu addi to agcttata, ndgakik Rgisk Aha diath Lh pri E34.0 912, Ih.celn a Kap Ni
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n368\n369\nJaula Erare, Maig faiiinunk shuili Ruo ceise ai Rari mar\naniti aii vich cutain buubhsberui aiand sinifying\nRai auc hnneii, hasticisn avenid ad ak Rueh salv Rais\nbygiaa.\nanflaiy sie Rani\nSutg\nbania Cioa\npuere heh, Oreinger, scame ds burcheus guic.\n6.\n hie\nlaiypn\nfatniat inhjsidnies\niga\nauii mme\n-\nguhmnbuik huniaihn batiiat, dnmhifw wi Rumi\nL\nac ailrn, to owik:\n Bi5hri gaii Soin gu lnaiMke,ent Drhuee, farik bort\nipmin Sooni tkx Wuenin Bhd\nbwney turk\nonth chr\nhesh iy sk iphatenb ivsh biden au d caid Aum RI\nchi Suenb\nufpuntent Vhiem\n150. liy iyhuiant hul sum hif fm hseainal\nTguis cril aik anb surguiay Ka lineui, hvditab ad\n\n. asdand hmaitn harticuiark durvis. di Aari Bouh A\nrbmbraes\n\naMthinty\nmri\ndis and b bk cli\ndii ust\nlarh dib h. ahvil /k: 1902.accpt paif bil\ngaid\ndifp\nmiais bguin oric aib\nPariloark che\nthinto hhngry\nAc emd loah ad\nari\nRuli v Aaik\nw\nbput bsmait dirilg to dh pasd part ch geened horh fn\n a auys onis abberhainiy unto Kk\npehpckant\nDarib\nhorh Lha anld lauyt Çmever\nBA\nAmi Cur 25156v0 As\nbig Hhunyant Suas, se Aailajain\n17\nbrah difa chi ISck dary Aahini.daly guires ouaku ank eutn\nBagun Vhg,d dke\ngce fush hparhas adminishoty\ndin Cmprning pard. Ral aub dih Ennay auce to h sycntfaue\nPRhunt\npritk droil aupfg\nQ oa\nharhy puend Amhaudyewty 9 orhikinely ACmfn\nas afnuais, das husint au hi han ard gsk rka sl\ngche.\nais\nday\nsale Medig sin di ghi gcke bousky Ruemely. A Banh\nguish abme mitti\nSas\ny\nClarne t oih rhek bount sh lanj. Rolhss pituat. mckas.\nKeh\n(Baal)\ng4-iaehal. arclir Q Cmkinatim u mA. pubas\nAaminishatn orith dk oii\nnend paij Recmdist Ayiv aui Mfuuftaans oadi o\naunepg Rd astnh Q frhblahan, diceseg\nacha dus du Manw auyneyth Aaidl.Koeh. adm\nSak A lalfnuk hushkuome bactim dadbd.dyn\nbpdad ch 35s aful sin dhc yar ovintun ludubian\nhi grib ueyg gchs astatego aarijok Obaban\nwahyt\ns, befne onk, gut bansil, a\ndavasad, as afmsarg.tkr\n& chi fusthardh wawhbi\npubhisin audfaaid\nEhp\n4444\nlaskafmead s.lhsaif fun tniha Landga aud. Lm\nody\nb5g Jaute Clare,\nbnmunimifank\nrkng Ruly\nFratn cral E d aus pck utat 9 BPdhhud\ncidnatim\ngch Run 7 #ID.m. ch iph\nethnd\n3rch Rurn ta.c\nhbdah\nie\nackum\nun\nadys audi acendanc Srith d bid goad part gcke RL emd\nperk sach fn Aorid upurty aud. siraredane ce orith dhi paidns\n\nbd orhne mee is Rubcnlag to d\ndud. as puchade\nprar sis Dalu Min as afmraig, lau gtl, Lagandn\ninistatn onitl eiis aupdand\nto Ge. dhil as\nneyde audly dhse kusuk doe andtgaiyt RLL\npach adminichatin wid Surik aupfl apefik Bame\nslb\njauh tmty sta. sh Raig\ngch Ruend hakbfki\nSShitre rng. Bhane hnunto Rik landandaakakn a ay\nay\nPivk 7 dar gae, Bahghat Mht lal\nassigus faratk chi ighh\ndustatga\naae\nhpbein\nAnmcda day Pedyian in ths atfik frash abere uniz\nhisdiath als\nlonly\natk dinpu.ktis\ngu. Hbanelly Potay Ribkiii\nthah aidshhhy piatim\nbedgneadbang, A Hauta Plagn Aht d Baly\nasibnh msasy have aegusn L than ainu addi to\nagcttata,\nndgakik Rgisk\nAha diath\nLh pri E34.0 912,\nIh.celn\na\nKap\nNi", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DR VOL00552 PAGE6 694 .VOL 552 PAGE 694 DALLASACCT.5]4852DOLLARSxcolouex STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY DENTONOFTHAT WE, BERT BASS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: H. and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration oft the sum ofof 10647 GOODNIGHT LANE, CARROLLION, TEXAS FOUR HUNDRED ($400.00) AND NO/100 to us paid and secured to be paid by CARL L. MITCHELL and wife CAROL MITCHELL HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED,, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said CARL L. MITCHELL and wife, CAROL MITCHELL of the County of DallasTexas, and described as follows, to-wit: State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, BEING LOT TWO (2) BLOCK TEN (10) of GARZA-LITTIE ELM LAKE ESTATES,an Addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereofrécorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas This conveyance is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part ofAll Jots in this subdivision, except as hereinatter excepted and described in Paragraph 16 herein, to be used. only asa, residence,Cubsl lodge or for non-profic or recreational purposes, and any original lot is restricted one type building, except asprivate 2. No structures and/or shall boathouse be erected, and aitered, placed or permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building anda3. No of anyrace other than the_Caueasian shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shallNo artment dry toilets will be or permitted cesgpools shall be Sewerage permitted and on disposal this Egrte septic and m: system sanitary on sewerage one or approved more lots by must the Countyof have the Denton or State by the plat recorded in the Map Records on Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: dursBle garagenecessarymesticdomiciled any owner or tenant.DentonHcalthDepartmentXPXXXXU not prevent occupancy by do- (Front. - shall E erected 25 eaesia le the yard building lot Hne lines or on nearer to e ofcorner side street lots=15 line than feet. theBg building painted or structures the outside shal! with be two occupied (2) do or until ofpaint. the exterior All thereot is material completely used finished in main and, it frame11. Streets, easements and alleys are reserved as shown on the recorded plat of said addition for atility purposes. setback building line lines shown on on the recordedinterior lots-4unfinished material,brick, lumber,SFEEbe used on any lot in Block R Business lots are excluded from the above restrictions.)tos shingles, tile, concrete or aluminum or No obnoxious oF offensive to the tradeor activity shall be carrièd on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or becomeNo garage, basement, shall tent, shack or other outbuilding erected thelot herein deseribeds shall ata any time be useds residence temporarilyE jorityo of 1 1BEb owners a E lotsi said, itis covenants shallbe to automati extended in for orin suçcessive part. periods 'a (10) years unless by vote ofa ma-EE fbe hereto, or or any persons of or heirs real property or assigns, situatedi shall in violate said dévelopment or attempt to or violate subdivision any of to the covenants herein, it shallbe at-las14. No structures of any kind are tobet moved onto the subdivision or any lot thereof without the written corisent of the Seller or Developer.15. The such Seller ash Developer shall not_be rains, foods, to Purchaser, his heirsor etc. The assigns, Purchaser for damagest not tothe to subdivision caused way ori by interfere any Actlen B: expressly any lotin understood Block 2 that Lots1 through bya 5in trailer, Block as set 7and out lots Paragraph in Blocks 9h herein. Land 2are reserved for business only, with the excep-Mt ln: force and ofany effect, one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remainTOI HAVE AND TO HOLD thes above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there-toina anywise belonging unto the said CARL L. MITCHELL and wife, CAROL MITCHELL, theirheirs and assigns forever and we dol hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-fend, alls and singular the said premises unto the said CARL L. MITCHELL and wife, GAROL MITCHELL,theirheirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.kesESSNSts BomET htThese restrictions at shallOF B againstt damages the person any structure as herein temporary set are fully complied B used as. with. residence, exceptt that 10. The grolnd fdor drea of any structure, exclusive of open porches and shall be not less than 600 square feet. running, with the land and shall be binding upon all parties persons claiming under them untitRS attempting to violate any such covenant, and either to prevent CPL proceedi or other SFr such violation. PN from 50 doing,S: drainage system, natural or otherwise, in the subdivision, without R obtaining fhe written permission Ste 18. xc: WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas. County, Texas, this. 230d UNEBertH.BassVera W.1 Bass 196.7 RLpaPhzZae
DR VOL00552 PAGE6 694 .VOL 552 PAGE 694 DALLASACCT.5]4852DOLLARSxcolouex STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY DENTONOFTHAT WE, BERT BASS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: H. and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration oft the sum ofof 10647 GOODNIGHT LANE, CARROLLION, TEXAS FOUR HUNDRED ($400.00) AND NO/100 to us paid and secured to be paid by CARL L. MITCHELL and wife CAROL MITCHELL HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED,, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said CARL L. MITCHELL and wife, CAROL MITCHELL of the County of DallasTexas, and described as follows, to-wit: State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, BEING LOT TWO (2) BLOCK TEN (10) of GARZA-LITTIE ELM LAKE ESTATES,an Addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereofrécorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas This conveyance is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part ofAll Jots in this subdivision, except as hereinatter excepted and described in Paragraph 16 herein, to be used. only asa, residence,Cubsl lodge or for non-profic or recreational purposes, and any original lot is restricted one type building, except asprivate 2. No structures and/or shall boathouse be erected, and aitered, placed or permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building anda3. No of anyrace other than the_Caueasian shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shallNo artment dry toilets will be or permitted cesgpools shall be Sewerage permitted and on disposal this Egrte septic and m: system sanitary on sewerage one or approved more lots by must the Countyof have the Denton or State by the plat recorded in the Map Records on Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: dursBle garagenecessarymesticdomiciled any owner or tenant.DentonHcalthDepartmentXPXXXXU not prevent occupancy by do- (Front. - shall E erected 25 eaesia le the yard building lot Hne lines or on nearer to e ofcorner side street lots=15 line than feet. theBg building painted or structures the outside shal! with be two occupied (2) do or until ofpaint. the exterior All thereot is material completely used finished in main and, it frame11. Streets, easements and alleys are reserved as shown on the recorded plat of said addition for atility purposes. setback building line lines shown on on the recordedinterior lots-4unfinished material,brick, lumber,SFEEbe used on any lot in Block R Business lots are excluded from the above restrictions.)tos shingles, tile, concrete or aluminum or No obnoxious oF offensive to the tradeor activity shall be carrièd on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or becomeNo garage, basement, shall tent, shack or other outbuilding erected thelot herein deseribeds shall ata any time be useds residence temporarilyE jorityo of 1 1BEb owners a E lotsi said, itis covenants shallbe to automati extended in for orin suçcessive part. periods 'a (10) years unless by vote ofa ma-EE fbe hereto, or or any persons of or heirs real property or assigns, situatedi shall in violate said dévelopment or attempt to or violate subdivision any of to the covenants herein, it shallbe at-las14. No structures of any kind are tobet moved onto the subdivision or any lot thereof without the written corisent of the Seller or Developer.15. The such Seller ash Developer shall not_be rains, foods, to Purchaser, his heirsor etc. The assigns, Purchaser for damagest not tothe to subdivision caused way ori by interfere any Actlen B: expressly any lotin understood Block 2 that Lots1 through bya 5in trailer, Block as set 7and out lots Paragraph in Blocks 9h herein. Land 2are reserved for business only, with the excep-Mt ln: force and ofany effect, one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remainTOI HAVE AND TO HOLD thes above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there-toina anywise belonging unto the said CARL L. MITCHELL and wife, CAROL MITCHELL, theirheirs and assigns forever and we dol hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-fend, alls and singular the said premises unto the said CARL L. MITCHELL and wife, GAROL MITCHELL,theirheirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.kesESSNSts BomET htThese restrictions at shallOF B againstt damages the person any structure as herein temporary set are fully complied B used as. with. residence, exceptt that 10. The grolnd fdor drea of any structure, exclusive of open porches and shall be not less than 600 square feet. running, with the land and shall be binding upon all parties persons claiming under them untitRS attempting to violate any such covenant, and either to prevent CPL proceedi or other SFr such violation. PN from 50 doing,S: drainage system, natural or otherwise, in the subdivision, without R obtaining fhe written permission Ste 18. xc: WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas. County, Texas, this. 230d UNEBertH.BassVera W.1 Bass 196.7 RLpaPhzZae
3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiçiled with any owner or tenant.
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiçiled with any owner or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDR VOL00552 PAGE6 694\n.VOL 552 PAGE 694\nDALLASACCT.5]4852DOLLARSxcolouex\nSTATE OF TEXASCOUNTY DENTONOFTHAT WE, BERT BASS\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\nH.\nand wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration oft the sum ofof 10647 GOODNIGHT LANE, CARROLLION, TEXAS\nFOUR HUNDRED ($400.00) AND NO/100\nto us paid and secured to be paid by CARL L. MITCHELL and wife CAROL MITCHELL\nHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED,, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said\nCARL L. MITCHELL and wife, CAROL MITCHELL\nof the County of DallasTexas, and described as follows, to-wit:\nState of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,\nBEING LOT TWO (2) BLOCK TEN (10) of GARZA-LITTIE ELM LAKE ESTATES,an Addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereofrécorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of the Map or Plat Records of\nDenton County, Texas\nThis conveyance is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part ofAll Jots in this subdivision, except as hereinatter excepted and described in Paragraph 16 herein, to be used. only asa, residence,Cubsl lodge or for non-profic or recreational purposes, and any original lot is restricted one type building, except asprivate 2. No structures and/or shall boathouse be erected, and aitered, placed or permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building anda3. No of anyrace other than the_Caueasian shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shallNo artment dry toilets will be or permitted cesgpools shall be Sewerage permitted and on disposal this Egrte septic and m: system sanitary on sewerage one or approved more lots by must the Countyof have the Denton or State by\nthe plat recorded in the Map Records on Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:\ndursBle\ngaragenecessarymesticdomiciled any owner or tenant.DentonHcalthDepartmentXPXXXXU\nnot prevent occupancy by do-\n(Front. - shall E erected 25 eaesia le the yard building lot Hne lines or on nearer to e ofcorner side street lots=15 line than feet. theBg building painted or structures the outside shal! with be two occupied (2) do or until ofpaint. the exterior All thereot is material completely used finished in main and, it frame11. Streets, easements and alleys are reserved as shown on the recorded plat of said addition for atility purposes.\nsetback building line lines shown on on the recordedinterior lots-4unfinished material,brick, lumber,SFEEbe used on any lot in Block\nR Business lots are excluded from the above restrictions.)tos shingles, tile, concrete or aluminum or\n\nNo obnoxious oF offensive to the tradeor activity shall be carrièd on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or becomeNo garage, basement, shall tent, shack or other outbuilding erected thelot herein deseribeds shall ata any time be useds residence temporarilyE jorityo of 1 1BEb owners a E lotsi said, itis covenants shallbe to automati extended in for orin suçcessive part. periods 'a (10) years unless by vote ofa ma-EE fbe hereto, or or any persons of or heirs real property or assigns, situatedi shall in violate said dévelopment or attempt to or violate subdivision any of to the covenants herein, it shallbe at-las14. No structures of any kind are tobet moved onto the subdivision or any lot thereof without the written corisent of the Seller or Developer.15. The such Seller ash Developer shall not_be rains, foods, to Purchaser, his heirsor etc. The assigns, Purchaser for damagest not tothe to subdivision caused way ori by interfere any Actlen B: expressly any lotin understood Block 2 that Lots1 through bya 5in trailer, Block as set 7and out lots Paragraph in Blocks 9h herein. Land 2are reserved for business only, with the excep-Mt ln: force and ofany effect, one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remainTOI HAVE AND TO HOLD thes above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there-toina anywise belonging unto the said CARL L. MITCHELL and wife, CAROL MITCHELL, theirheirs and assigns forever and we dol hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-fend, alls and singular the said premises unto the said CARL L. MITCHELL and wife, GAROL MITCHELL,theirheirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.kesESSNSts\nBomET htThese restrictions at shallOF B againstt damages the person\nany structure as herein temporary set are fully complied B used as. with. residence, exceptt that\n10. The grolnd fdor drea of any structure, exclusive of open porches and\nshall be not less than 600 square feet.\nrunning, with the land and shall be binding upon all parties persons claiming under them untitRS attempting to violate any such covenant, and either to prevent CPL proceedi\nor other SFr such violation.\nPN\nfrom 50 doing,S:\ndrainage system, natural or otherwise, in the subdivision, without\nR obtaining fhe written permission Ste\n18.\nxc:\nWITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas. County, Texas, this.\n230d\nUNEBertH.BassVera W.1 Bass\n196.7\nRLpaPhzZae\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-\nmestic servants of a different race domiçiled with any owner or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 847 STATE STAMPS $1.00, FEDERAL STAMPS $0.50 WHARTON REALTY COMPANY, INC. TO ALICE MCKELLAR LAWRENCE THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, TITLE TO REAL ESTATE COUNTY OF GREENWOOD. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Wharton Realty, Company, Inc. in the State afore- said for and in consideration of the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, to it in hand paid at and before the sealing of these presents, by Alice McKellar Lawrence in the State aforesaid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargai ned, sold and re- leased, and by these Presents do grant bargain, sell and release unto the said Alice McKellar Lawrence, her Heirs and Assigns, the following described property, to-wit: All that certain piece, parcel and lot of land situate, lying and being, just North of the City Limits of the City of Greenwood, and being Iocated within the County of Greenwood, the State of South Carolina, and being more particularly known and designated as Lot No. Twenty-five (25) of Block "B" as shown on a plat of Gracemont Terrace made for the Wharton Realty. Company, Inc. by A. V. Blankenship, C. E., of Charlotte, North Carolina, and an additional survey thereto made by Jack Wier, C. E., of date the 18th df February, 1938, both of which said plats having been duly recorded in the R. M. C. Office for Green- wood County. The said Lot No. Twenty-five (25) of Block "B" fronts and meas- ures on the Northern side of Jane Way for a distance of Seventy-five (75) feet, more or less, and extends back on its Eastern boundary line a distance of two hundred twenty-two and 2/10ths (222.2.) feet, more or less, and on its Western boundary line a distance of one hundred ninety-six and 3/10ths (196.3) feet, more or less, and is eighty-five (85) feet, more or less, wide in the rear. The said lot is bounded on the North by parts of lots Nos. Ten (10) and Eleven (11) of Block "B", on the East by Lot No. Twenty-six (26) of Block "B", on the South by Jane Way, and on the West by Lot No. Twenty-four (24), of Block "B". All of which said delineations, boundaries and measurements will be more fully reflected by referecne to the aforesaid plats. It is understood and agreed that the Wjarton Realty Company, Inc. has made available water and sewerage lines or conduits along and upon Jane Way, the street on which the within lot fronts, the use and enjoyment of which is hereby given and granted unto the grantee herein, her heirs, executors, admin- istrators or assigns upon the compliance with such conditions and requisites as the City of Greenwood may require for connections, tappings, service charges or otherwise, with the expressed understanding that the use and enjoyment shall be restricted to the lot herein conveyed. This conveyance is made subject to the conditions and restrictions annexed here- to marked Exhibit "A", which constitutes a part hereof. TOGETHER with all and singular the Rights, Members, Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the said Premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertai ning. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said Premises before mentioned unto the said Alice McKellar Lawrence, her Heirs and Assigns forever. And it does hereby bind itself and its Successors, Executors and Administrators, to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Alice McKellar Lawerence, her Heirs and Assigns, against it and its Successors and all other persons whomso- ever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. WITNESS its Hand and Seal this 29th day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thrity-eight and in the one hundred and sixty-second Jear of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America. WHARTON REALTY COMPANY, INC. Signed, Sealed and Delivered By C. C. Wharton in the Presence of (L.S. President. Ella Proctor ATTEST: W. D. McGowan Pearle D. Wharton Secretary. ATRICTIOIS This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely: "A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise dis- posed of for. the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers. "B" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or other- wise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, restaurant or any other of such business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for residential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lot, except that an apartment house may be erected thereon provided it is of a single structure and constituted not more than two (2) stories. "C" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or about the premises. "D" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the sides of the property herein conveyed; such a fence may be erected on the rear or back extremity of the property with the exception. of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences, if any, shall be of a wire construction and without barbs. "E" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, except "For Sale", or "For Rent" signs which shall not exceed two by three (2x 3) feet.
847 STATE STAMPS $1.00, FEDERAL STAMPS $0.50 WHARTON REALTY COMPANY, INC. TO ALICE MCKELLAR LAWRENCE THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, TITLE TO REAL ESTATE COUNTY OF GREENWOOD. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Wharton Realty, Company, Inc. in the State afore- said for and in consideration of the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, to it in hand paid at and before the sealing of these presents, by Alice McKellar Lawrence in the State aforesaid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargai ned, sold and re- leased, and by these Presents do grant bargain, sell and release unto the said Alice McKellar Lawrence, her Heirs and Assigns, the following described property, to-wit: All that certain piece, parcel and lot of land situate, lying and being, just North of the City Limits of the City of Greenwood, and being Iocated within the County of Greenwood, the State of South Carolina, and being more particularly known and designated as Lot No. Twenty-five (25) of Block "B" as shown on a plat of Gracemont Terrace made for the Wharton Realty. Company, Inc. by A. V. Blankenship, C. E., of Charlotte, North Carolina, and an additional survey thereto made by Jack Wier, C. E., of date the 18th df February, 1938, both of which said plats having been duly recorded in the R. M. C. Office for Green- wood County. The said Lot No. Twenty-five (25) of Block "B" fronts and meas- ures on the Northern side of Jane Way for a distance of Seventy-five (75) feet, more or less, and extends back on its Eastern boundary line a distance of two hundred twenty-two and 2/10ths (222.2.) feet, more or less, and on its Western boundary line a distance of one hundred ninety-six and 3/10ths (196.3) feet, more or less, and is eighty-five (85) feet, more or less, wide in the rear. The said lot is bounded on the North by parts of lots Nos. Ten (10) and Eleven (11) of Block "B", on the East by Lot No. Twenty-six (26) of Block "B", on the South by Jane Way, and on the West by Lot No. Twenty-four (24), of Block "B". All of which said delineations, boundaries and measurements will be more fully reflected by referecne to the aforesaid plats. It is understood and agreed that the Wjarton Realty Company, Inc. has made available water and sewerage lines or conduits along and upon Jane Way, the street on which the within lot fronts, the use and enjoyment of which is hereby given and granted unto the grantee herein, her heirs, executors, admin- istrators or assigns upon the compliance with such conditions and requisites as the City of Greenwood may require for connections, tappings, service charges or otherwise, with the expressed understanding that the use and enjoyment shall be restricted to the lot herein conveyed. This conveyance is made subject to the conditions and restrictions annexed here- to marked Exhibit "A", which constitutes a part hereof. TOGETHER with all and singular the Rights, Members, Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the said Premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertai ning. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said Premises before mentioned unto the said Alice McKellar Lawrence, her Heirs and Assigns forever. And it does hereby bind itself and its Successors, Executors and Administrators, to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Alice McKellar Lawerence, her Heirs and Assigns, against it and its Successors and all other persons whomso- ever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. WITNESS its Hand and Seal this 29th day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thrity-eight and in the one hundred and sixty-second Jear of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America. WHARTON REALTY COMPANY, INC. Signed, Sealed and Delivered By C. C. Wharton in the Presence of (L.S. President. Ella Proctor ATTEST: W. D. McGowan Pearle D. Wharton Secretary. ATRICTIOIS This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely: "A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise dis- posed of for. the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers. "B" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or other- wise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, restaurant or any other of such business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for residential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lot, except that an apartment house may be erected thereon provided it is of a single structure and constituted not more than two (2) stories. "C" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or about the premises. "D" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the sides of the property herein conveyed; such a fence may be erected on the rear or back extremity of the property with the exception. of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences, if any, shall be of a wire construction and without barbs. "E" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, except "For Sale", or "For Rent" signs which shall not exceed two by three (2x 3) feet.
namely: "A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise dis- posed of for. the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.
"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]namely: "A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise dis- posed of for. the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n847\nSTATE STAMPS $1.00, FEDERAL STAMPS $0.50\nWHARTON REALTY COMPANY, INC.\nTO\nALICE MCKELLAR LAWRENCE\nTHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,\nTITLE TO REAL ESTATE\nCOUNTY OF GREENWOOD.\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Wharton Realty, Company, Inc. in the State afore-\nsaid for and in consideration of the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, to it in hand\npaid at and before the sealing of these presents, by Alice McKellar Lawrence in the State\naforesaid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargai ned, sold and re-\nleased, and by these Presents do grant bargain, sell and release unto the said Alice McKellar\nLawrence, her Heirs and Assigns, the following described property, to-wit:\nAll that certain piece, parcel and lot of land situate, lying and being, just\nNorth of the City Limits of the City of Greenwood, and being Iocated within the\nCounty of Greenwood, the State of South Carolina, and being more particularly\nknown and designated as Lot No. Twenty-five (25) of Block \"B\" as shown on a\nplat of Gracemont Terrace made for the Wharton Realty. Company, Inc. by A. V.\nBlankenship, C. E., of Charlotte, North Carolina, and an additional survey\nthereto made by Jack Wier, C. E., of date the 18th df February, 1938, both of\nwhich said plats having been duly recorded in the R. M. C. Office for Green-\nwood County. The said Lot No. Twenty-five (25) of Block \"B\" fronts and meas-\nures on the Northern side of Jane Way for a distance of Seventy-five (75)\nfeet, more or less, and extends back on its Eastern boundary line a distance\nof two hundred twenty-two and 2/10ths (222.2.) feet, more or less, and on its\nWestern boundary line a distance of one hundred ninety-six and 3/10ths (196.3)\nfeet, more or less, and is eighty-five (85) feet, more or less, wide in the\nrear. The said lot is bounded on the North by parts of lots Nos. Ten (10)\nand Eleven (11) of Block \"B\", on the East by Lot No. Twenty-six (26) of Block\n\"B\", on the South by Jane Way, and on the West by Lot No. Twenty-four (24), of\nBlock \"B\". All of which said delineations, boundaries and measurements will\nbe more fully reflected by referecne to the aforesaid plats.\nIt is understood and agreed that the Wjarton Realty Company, Inc. has made\navailable water and sewerage lines or conduits along and upon Jane Way, the\nstreet on which the within lot fronts, the use and enjoyment of which is\nhereby given and granted unto the grantee herein, her heirs, executors, admin-\nistrators or assigns upon the compliance with such conditions and requisites\nas the City of Greenwood may require for connections, tappings, service charges\nor otherwise, with the expressed understanding that the use and enjoyment shall\nbe restricted to the lot herein conveyed.\nThis conveyance is made subject to the conditions and restrictions annexed here-\nto marked Exhibit \"A\", which constitutes a part hereof.\nTOGETHER with all and singular the Rights, Members, Hereditaments and Appurtenances\nto the said Premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertai ning.\nTO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said Premises before mentioned unto the said\nAlice McKellar Lawrence, her Heirs and Assigns forever.\nAnd it does hereby bind itself and its Successors, Executors and Administrators, to\nwarrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Alice McKellar\nLawerence, her Heirs and Assigns, against it and its Successors and all other persons whomso-\never lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.\nWITNESS its Hand and Seal this 29th day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand\nnine hundred and thrity-eight and in the one hundred and sixty-second Jear of the Sovereignty\nand Independence of the United States of America.\nWHARTON REALTY COMPANY, INC.\nSigned, Sealed and Delivered\nBy C. C. Wharton\nin the Presence of\n(L.S.\nPresident.\nElla Proctor\nATTEST:\nW. D. McGowan\nPearle D. Wharton\nSecretary.\nATRICTIOIS\nThis conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions,\nnamely:\n\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise dis-\nposed of for. the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation\nowned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%)\nper cent of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be privileged\nto live upon the premises of their employers.\n\"B\" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or other-\nwise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, restaurant or any other of\nsuch business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for\nresidential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lot,\nexcept that an apartment house may be erected thereon provided it is of a single structure and\nconstituted not more than two (2) stories.\n\"C\" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or about the premises.\n\"D\" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or\nthe sides of the property herein conveyed; such a fence may be erected on the rear or back\nextremity of the property with the exception. of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or\nfences, if any, shall be of a wire construction and without barbs.\n\"E\" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises,\nexcept \"For Sale\", or \"For Rent\" signs which shall not exceed two by three (2x 3) feet.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]namely: \"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise dis- posed of for. the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 20 has granted, bargained ani sold,oonveyad and confirmed, and by these presents does raat,bargals.sell.emt convey end coniirm unto the seid party of the second part, and to her heirs and assigns forever, all that certain lot,piese or parcel of lend situate, lying and being in Palo Alto (formerly kuosn as University Park) County oi Senta Clars,State of California, and described as follovs; Comzencing at a point on the Horthresterly lie af Fawthorne Avene, distant thereon One Eundred (100) feet soathresterly from the intersection of the Southrestorly line of Comper Street, with the Hortiwesterly line of Eawthorne Avenue;runninr thence Soutkwesterls along the Horthwesterly line of Fawthorne hyenue Fifty (so) feet;thence at right angles sothwesterly end perallel with Comper Street One Hundrei snd Forty (140) feet;theuce at right angles Horthessterly and parallel rith Hawthorne Avenue 7ifty (50) feet;thence at right angles Southeasterly and parellel with Cowper Street One Eundred and Porty (14C) feet to the point of beginnine. The same being part of Lot Bo.4(4) of Block Thirty-three: Reference-being hereby mede for 8 more complete description of said prerises to map of University Perk(now known eg Palo Alto) recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the said County of Sents Clara, in Fook "D" of Heps, at pege 69. And being the same premises that were conveyed to the said Ketthias M.Van Etten by J.C.Diehl and Rose M.Diehl, his wife, by deed dsted December the serenth 1906 ani recorded in the Reco_ders office of Santa Clara County in Vol of Deeds, nunber 306 at page 338 et seq., TOGETEER with all end singular the tenements hereditenents and sppartenences thereunto belonging a in enywise appertsining, and the reversion or reversions, remain- der and rezainiers, rents, issues and profits thereof. 70 EKVE AID TO HOID all and singular the seid preaisas,topether rith the appurtenences, unto the Baid party of the second part, and to ker heirs and assipns forever. PROVIDED AIHEYS, end this indenture is made upon cond ition, thet the said perty of the second part, her heirs or essigns, shall not at eny time menufacture or seil to be tised es de beverage, ans intozicating liruor or pernit the eare to be done, on the prenises hereby conzeyei; and provided also, anj this indenture is mede apon further condition, tkat if the said party of the second part, her heirs or assirne. shell violate the prozision and coniition of aforesaid, or pernit eny violat ion theroof. then this indenture ehall be void, erd said preises shell revert to and becore the absolute property of the Beid perty of the first pert, his heirs, or assigns who may entor into posest ion thereof, ani resove the said psrty of the gecond part, her heirs or 8Birne, end sny person holding under her. IK HITJESS WHER307, the said party of the first pert hes hereunto Bet Lis hand and Beal the daz and year firet above written. Ketthies W.Van Etten (Seal) STATE 07 CALIZRHIA Ga this 21st dey of May in ths yeer one thousand nine COUNIT 0z SANTA CLARA) hundred and tmenty before me, Dioy A.Beuph, a Hotery Pablic in anj for Baid Sante Clern County, rociding trorein,duly comnissiones and exorn.perscnally appeered Matthise M.Van Etten (marriod) knosn to mo to te the nereon described in, whozo nare is subecribod tc, and who executed the within instrument ani he scknemledges to 70 thot ho ezecuted the 8a16.
20 has granted, bargained ani sold,oonveyad and confirmed, and by these presents does raat,bargals.sell.emt convey end coniirm unto the seid party of the second part, and to her heirs and assigns forever, all that certain lot,piese or parcel of lend situate, lying and being in Palo Alto (formerly kuosn as University Park) County oi Senta Clars,State of California, and described as follovs; Comzencing at a point on the Horthresterly lie af Fawthorne Avene, distant thereon One Eundred (100) feet soathresterly from the intersection of the Southrestorly line of Comper Street, with the Hortiwesterly line of Eawthorne Avenue;runninr thence Soutkwesterls along the Horthwesterly line of Fawthorne hyenue Fifty (so) feet;thence at right angles sothwesterly end perallel with Comper Street One Hundrei snd Forty (140) feet;theuce at right angles Horthessterly and parallel rith Hawthorne Avenue 7ifty (50) feet;thence at right angles Southeasterly and parellel with Cowper Street One Eundred and Porty (14C) feet to the point of beginnine. The same being part of Lot Bo.4(4) of Block Thirty-three: Reference-being hereby mede for 8 more complete description of said prerises to map of University Perk(now known eg Palo Alto) recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the said County of Sents Clara, in Fook "D" of Heps, at pege 69. And being the same premises that were conveyed to the said Ketthias M.Van Etten by J.C.Diehl and Rose M.Diehl, his wife, by deed dsted December the serenth 1906 ani recorded in the Reco_ders office of Santa Clara County in Vol of Deeds, nunber 306 at page 338 et seq., TOGETEER with all end singular the tenements hereditenents and sppartenences thereunto belonging a in enywise appertsining, and the reversion or reversions, remain- der and rezainiers, rents, issues and profits thereof. 70 EKVE AID TO HOID all and singular the seid preaisas,topether rith the appurtenences, unto the Baid party of the second part, and to ker heirs and assipns forever. PROVIDED AIHEYS, end this indenture is made upon cond ition, thet the said perty of the second part, her heirs or essigns, shall not at eny time menufacture or seil to be tised es de beverage, ans intozicating liruor or pernit the eare to be done, on the prenises hereby conzeyei; and provided also, anj this indenture is mede apon further condition, tkat if the said party of the second part, her heirs or assirne. shell violate the prozision and coniition of aforesaid, or pernit eny violat ion theroof. then this indenture ehall be void, erd said preises shell revert to and becore the absolute property of the Beid perty of the first pert, his heirs, or assigns who may entor into posest ion thereof, ani resove the said psrty of the gecond part, her heirs or 8Birne, end sny person holding under her. IK HITJESS WHER307, the said party of the first pert hes hereunto Bet Lis hand and Beal the daz and year firet above written. Ketthies W.Van Etten (Seal) STATE 07 CALIZRHIA Ga this 21st dey of May in ths yeer one thousand nine COUNIT 0z SANTA CLARA) hundred and tmenty before me, Dioy A.Beuph, a Hotery Pablic in anj for Baid Sante Clern County, rociding trorein,duly comnissiones and exorn.perscnally appeered Matthise M.Van Etten (marriod) knosn to mo to te the nereon described in, whozo nare is subecribod tc, and who executed the within instrument ani he scknemledges to 70 thot ho ezecuted the 8a16.
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n20\nhas granted, bargained ani sold,oonveyad and confirmed, and by these presents does\nraat,bargals.sell.emt convey end coniirm unto the seid party of the second part, and\nto her heirs and assigns forever, all that certain lot,piese or parcel of lend situate,\nlying and being in Palo Alto (formerly kuosn as University Park) County oi Senta\nClars,State of California, and described as follovs;\nComzencing at a point on the Horthresterly lie af Fawthorne Avene, distant\nthereon One Eundred (100) feet soathresterly from the intersection of the Southrestorly\nline of Comper Street, with the Hortiwesterly line of Eawthorne Avenue;runninr thence\nSoutkwesterls along the Horthwesterly line of Fawthorne hyenue Fifty (so) feet;thence\nat right angles sothwesterly end perallel with Comper Street One Hundrei snd Forty\n(140) feet;theuce at right angles Horthessterly and parallel rith Hawthorne Avenue\n7ifty (50) feet;thence at right angles Southeasterly and parellel with Cowper Street\nOne Eundred and Porty (14C) feet to the point of beginnine. The same being part of\nLot Bo.4(4) of Block Thirty-three: Reference-being hereby mede for 8 more complete\ndescription of said prerises to map of University Perk(now known eg Palo Alto) recorded\nin the office of the County Recorder of the said County of Sents Clara, in Fook \"D\"\nof Heps, at pege 69. And being the same premises that were conveyed to the said\nKetthias M.Van Etten by J.C.Diehl and Rose M.Diehl, his wife, by deed dsted December\nthe serenth 1906 ani recorded in the Reco_ders office of Santa Clara County in\nVol of Deeds, nunber 306 at page 338 et seq.,\nTOGETEER with all end singular the tenements hereditenents and sppartenences\nthereunto belonging a in enywise appertsining, and the reversion or reversions, remain-\nder and rezainiers, rents, issues and profits thereof.\n70 EKVE AID TO HOID all and singular the seid preaisas,topether rith the\nappurtenences, unto the Baid party of the second part, and to ker heirs and assipns\nforever.\nPROVIDED AIHEYS, end this indenture is made upon cond ition, thet the said\nperty of the second part, her heirs or essigns, shall not at eny time menufacture or seil\nto be tised es de beverage, ans intozicating liruor or pernit the eare to be done, on\nthe prenises hereby conzeyei; and provided also, anj this indenture is mede apon further\ncondition, tkat if the said party of the second part, her heirs or assirne. shell\nviolate the prozision and coniition of aforesaid, or pernit eny violat ion theroof. then\nthis indenture ehall be void, erd said preises shell revert to and becore the absolute\nproperty of the Beid perty of the first pert, his heirs, or assigns who may entor into\nposest ion thereof, ani resove the said psrty of the gecond part, her heirs or 8Birne,\nend sny person holding under her.\nIK HITJESS WHER307, the said party of the first pert hes hereunto Bet Lis\nhand and Beal the daz and year firet above written.\nKetthies W.Van Etten (Seal)\nSTATE 07 CALIZRHIA\nGa this 21st dey of May in ths yeer one thousand nine\nCOUNIT 0z SANTA CLARA)\nhundred and tmenty before me, Dioy A.Beuph, a Hotery\nPablic in anj for Baid Sante Clern County, rociding trorein,duly comnissiones and\nexorn.perscnally appeered Matthise M.Van Etten (marriod) knosn to mo to te the nereon\ndescribed in, whozo nare is subecribod tc, and who executed the within instrument ani\nhe scknemledges to 70 thot ho ezecuted the 8a16.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 499 498 dPCB HENRY ÇASE AI. TR. JUSTICE BTUX by, sat the request of said Fdward Norton, and of the SAN JOSR SAFE DEPOSIT BANK OF SAVINGSthe corporation beneficiary, in waid Deed of Trust, and in consideration of $1500.00 paidto said corporation, upon the. indebtedness as secured by said Deed of Trust, grant and re-convey unto said Baward Norton, his heirs and assigns, all. the right, title and interestderived by us in and by saia Deed of Trust, in and to the following: described portion ofBeginning at the corner to Sections 11 14 127.8S.R. T3along the section line between said Sections 13 and 145.11/20 E. 21,75 chains to a4"_x6" redwood stake marked "1/8S" standing at the scuth west. corner of the N. 1/2 of theN.W.1/4 of said Section 13, T. 8s. R. 2W. thence along the south line of said N. 1/2of the N.W. 1/4 of said Section 13, N. 89 1/2° E. 18.04 chains to a stake marked "N. s."thence N. 100 E. 10.12 chains to a stake marked "N. s. 2" 'starding on the northerly side ofthe road leading to the Cohen premises in the S. 1/2 of the N. W. 1/4 of said Section13; thence N. 32 1/2° E. 7.28 chains to stake marked "N. S.3&w. P. H. M. 1" standingin the south line of the 13.63 acre tract, deeded by J. c. Hutchinson, and wife, to Wn.Ricé by deed dated July 30th 1877; thence along the south line of said 13.63 acre tract,N. 81° W. 0.55 to its south west corner in center of the main' creek running in anorth westerly direction through lands of B. Norton ata stake marked "H. M. 1" being alsothe southernuost corner of the 14.92 acre tract deeded by J. C. Hutchinson, to Ashley J.Smith and H. S. Ashley, by deed 6f May 8th 1884, recorded in Book 75 of Deeds, page 311,Records of Santa Clara County; thence along the southerly and westerly line of said 14.92acre tract N. 370 9'w. 3.30 chains, -N. 48 1/20 W. 1.17 chains and N. g 5' E. 1.56 chainstoa stake "N. S. 4" anà an iron bar: standing in the center line of the NortonRoad and at the s. B. corner of the 65 acre tract by B.. Norton to E. M. Herrick,by deed dated April 2, 1888, and recorded in Liber. 105, of Deeds, page 578, Records ofSanta Clara County; thence along the south line of said 65 acre tract and lineSections 12 and 13 .T. 8S. R. 2W., N. 88 1/20 W. 21.62 chains to the place of beginning;containing 44.40 acres, and being a part of the N. 1/2 of the N.w.1/4 OE Section 13.T.8S. R. 2W. Mt. Diablo Base and Meridian; Courses True Mag. var. 16. 3/40 E.Reserving and excepting fron the above described tract of land right of way25 feet wide, the center line of which is described as follows; Béginning at point dis-tant N. 88 1/20 w. 30 links from stake "N. s. 4" as above aentioned, and running thencealong the center line of the present travelled road to the Cohen place with the followingcourses and distances; s. 7 3/4° w. 1,60 chs; S. 20* 20 W. 1.94 chs; S. 51* 35' w. 2.35chs; S. 11* 20' E. 1.75 cha; S. 7° 10' w. 1.70 chs., s. 180 20' 7. 1.65 chs., W. 4 E.3.62 chs., N. 72° 20* E. 0.65 chs., N. 33* 5' K. 2.33 chs and N. 73° 5'B. 0.44 chs tostake "N. S. 2" as above mentioned, the terminys of said rght of way, courses true Mag.Specially preserving the effect and operation of said Deed of. Trust as toWITNESS our hands and seal_ this dth day of April A. D. 1905. WHBREAS, the indebtedness secured to be paid by the Deed of Trust, executedby Robert Justice and Minnie Justice, to Henry Case anà Chas. E. Howes, as Trustees, datedJanuary 16th 1905, and recorded in the County Recorder's office of the County of SantaClara, State of California, in Liber 11 of Trust Deeds, at page 486, and follows, has beenNOW THERRFORE, we Henry Case and Chas. E. Hoves, Trustees do hereby grant,remise, release and reconvey unto Robert Justice, and Minnia Justice their heirs and assignswithout any warranty, all. the estate and interest derived to the said Henry Case, andChas. B. Howes, by or through said Deed of Trust, in the land situated in the County ofSanta Clara, State of California, and therein described, together with the appurtenances.Special reference being hereby made to said Deed of Trust, and the record thereof for aparticular description of said lands.TO HAVE AND TO HOID, the same witaout any warranty unto the saià RobertJustice and Minnie Justice their heirs and assigns, forever.IN WITNESS WHERROF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 5th day the trust premises viz:--- 2W. and running thence fully paid. of April A. D. 1905. Henry Case, Trustee, Seal.Chas. B. Howes, Trustee, Seal. H. Christmas. STATE OF CALIFORNIACOUNTY OF SANTA CIARA SS. ON this 5th day of April A. D. one thousand ninehundred and five, before me, N. V. Greene, a Notary Public in and forsaid County, and residing therein, dulypersonally appeared, Henry Case, and Chas. E. Howes, whase names are subscribed to theannexed and foregoing instrument as parties thereto, personally kaom to me to be the per-sons described as Trustees in,and who as Trustees, executed the said instrument and theyseverally acknowledged that they executed the Bame, and as Trustees as therein set forth.IN WITNRSS WHERROF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal,atmy office in said County of santa Clara, the day and year in this certificate first and sworn, written.Notarial Seal.o'clock A. M.13R N.V. Greene, Notary Public in and for theCounty of santa Clara, state of 20thePrwilliaus çounty Recorder. U Recorded at the request of A. . pree, on 5 day 'of Apr. 1905, min. past 11 Var. 16 3/4. all of the residue of the premises therein described. RERBEREHARAPAEEREDWARD NORTON. J.E. Auzerais, Trustee, Seal.J.'F. Brooke, trustee, Seal.ON this 5th day of April A. D. 1905, before se,D.M. Burnett, Kotary Public in and: for the. B. AUEERAIS ET AL TR. STATE OF CATIFORNIACOUITY OF SANTA CIARA SS. KNOV AIE. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT we Auzerais, and J. F. Brooke,Trustees, under that certain Deed of Trust, executed to us as -Trustees, by Edward Norton,dated October 29th A. D. 1900, and of record in Book T of Trust Deeds, page 408, et seq.,in the ointy Recorder'. office, of the county of santa Clara, State of California, do here- County of Santa Clara, State of California, personally appeared, J.B. Auserais and J.F.Brooke, know to me to be the persons whose nanes are suhacribod to the instrument,as Trustee as therein stated, and acknowledged that they ezecuted the same as oueh Trustee.
499 498 dPCB HENRY ÇASE AI. TR. JUSTICE BTUX by, sat the request of said Fdward Norton, and of the SAN JOSR SAFE DEPOSIT BANK OF SAVINGSthe corporation beneficiary, in waid Deed of Trust, and in consideration of $1500.00 paidto said corporation, upon the. indebtedness as secured by said Deed of Trust, grant and re-convey unto said Baward Norton, his heirs and assigns, all. the right, title and interestderived by us in and by saia Deed of Trust, in and to the following: described portion ofBeginning at the corner to Sections 11 14 127.8S.R. T3along the section line between said Sections 13 and 145.11/20 E. 21,75 chains to a4"_x6" redwood stake marked "1/8S" standing at the scuth west. corner of the N. 1/2 of theN.W.1/4 of said Section 13, T. 8s. R. 2W. thence along the south line of said N. 1/2of the N.W. 1/4 of said Section 13, N. 89 1/2° E. 18.04 chains to a stake marked "N. s."thence N. 100 E. 10.12 chains to a stake marked "N. s. 2" 'starding on the northerly side ofthe road leading to the Cohen premises in the S. 1/2 of the N. W. 1/4 of said Section13; thence N. 32 1/2° E. 7.28 chains to stake marked "N. S.3&w. P. H. M. 1" standingin the south line of the 13.63 acre tract, deeded by J. c. Hutchinson, and wife, to Wn.Ricé by deed dated July 30th 1877; thence along the south line of said 13.63 acre tract,N. 81° W. 0.55 to its south west corner in center of the main' creek running in anorth westerly direction through lands of B. Norton ata stake marked "H. M. 1" being alsothe southernuost corner of the 14.92 acre tract deeded by J. C. Hutchinson, to Ashley J.Smith and H. S. Ashley, by deed 6f May 8th 1884, recorded in Book 75 of Deeds, page 311,Records of Santa Clara County; thence along the southerly and westerly line of said 14.92acre tract N. 370 9'w. 3.30 chains, -N. 48 1/20 W. 1.17 chains and N. g 5' E. 1.56 chainstoa stake "N. S. 4" anà an iron bar: standing in the center line of the NortonRoad and at the s. B. corner of the 65 acre tract by B.. Norton to E. M. Herrick,by deed dated April 2, 1888, and recorded in Liber. 105, of Deeds, page 578, Records ofSanta Clara County; thence along the south line of said 65 acre tract and lineSections 12 and 13 .T. 8S. R. 2W., N. 88 1/20 W. 21.62 chains to the place of beginning;containing 44.40 acres, and being a part of the N. 1/2 of the N.w.1/4 OE Section 13.T.8S. R. 2W. Mt. Diablo Base and Meridian; Courses True Mag. var. 16. 3/40 E.Reserving and excepting fron the above described tract of land right of way25 feet wide, the center line of which is described as follows; Béginning at point dis-tant N. 88 1/20 w. 30 links from stake "N. s. 4" as above aentioned, and running thencealong the center line of the present travelled road to the Cohen place with the followingcourses and distances; s. 7 3/4° w. 1,60 chs; S. 20* 20 W. 1.94 chs; S. 51* 35' w. 2.35chs; S. 11* 20' E. 1.75 cha; S. 7° 10' w. 1.70 chs., s. 180 20' 7. 1.65 chs., W. 4 E.3.62 chs., N. 72° 20* E. 0.65 chs., N. 33* 5' K. 2.33 chs and N. 73° 5'B. 0.44 chs tostake "N. S. 2" as above mentioned, the terminys of said rght of way, courses true Mag.Specially preserving the effect and operation of said Deed of. Trust as toWITNESS our hands and seal_ this dth day of April A. D. 1905. WHBREAS, the indebtedness secured to be paid by the Deed of Trust, executedby Robert Justice and Minnie Justice, to Henry Case anà Chas. E. Howes, as Trustees, datedJanuary 16th 1905, and recorded in the County Recorder's office of the County of SantaClara, State of California, in Liber 11 of Trust Deeds, at page 486, and follows, has beenNOW THERRFORE, we Henry Case and Chas. E. Hoves, Trustees do hereby grant,remise, release and reconvey unto Robert Justice, and Minnia Justice their heirs and assignswithout any warranty, all. the estate and interest derived to the said Henry Case, andChas. B. Howes, by or through said Deed of Trust, in the land situated in the County ofSanta Clara, State of California, and therein described, together with the appurtenances.Special reference being hereby made to said Deed of Trust, and the record thereof for aparticular description of said lands.TO HAVE AND TO HOID, the same witaout any warranty unto the saià RobertJustice and Minnie Justice their heirs and assigns, forever.IN WITNESS WHERROF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 5th day the trust premises viz:--- 2W. and running thence fully paid. of April A. D. 1905. Henry Case, Trustee, Seal.Chas. B. Howes, Trustee, Seal. H. Christmas. STATE OF CALIFORNIACOUNTY OF SANTA CIARA SS. ON this 5th day of April A. D. one thousand ninehundred and five, before me, N. V. Greene, a Notary Public in and forsaid County, and residing therein, dulypersonally appeared, Henry Case, and Chas. E. Howes, whase names are subscribed to theannexed and foregoing instrument as parties thereto, personally kaom to me to be the per-sons described as Trustees in,and who as Trustees, executed the said instrument and theyseverally acknowledged that they executed the Bame, and as Trustees as therein set forth.IN WITNRSS WHERROF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal,atmy office in said County of santa Clara, the day and year in this certificate first and sworn, written.Notarial Seal.o'clock A. M.13R N.V. Greene, Notary Public in and for theCounty of santa Clara, state of 20thePrwilliaus çounty Recorder. U Recorded at the request of A. . pree, on 5 day 'of Apr. 1905, min. past 11 Var. 16 3/4. all of the residue of the premises therein described. RERBEREHARAPAEEREDWARD NORTON. J.E. Auzerais, Trustee, Seal.J.'F. Brooke, trustee, Seal.ON this 5th day of April A. D. 1905, before se,D.M. Burnett, Kotary Public in and: for the. B. AUEERAIS ET AL TR. STATE OF CATIFORNIACOUITY OF SANTA CIARA SS. KNOV AIE. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT we Auzerais, and J. F. Brooke,Trustees, under that certain Deed of Trust, executed to us as -Trustees, by Edward Norton,dated October 29th A. D. 1900, and of record in Book T of Trust Deeds, page 408, et seq.,in the ointy Recorder'. office, of the county of santa Clara, State of California, do here- County of Santa Clara, State of California, personally appeared, J.B. Auserais and J.F.Brooke, know to me to be the persons whose nanes are suhacribod to the instrument,as Trustee as therein stated, and acknowledged that they ezecuted the same as oueh Trustee.
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n499\n498\ndPCB\nHENRY ÇASE AI. TR.\nJUSTICE BTUX\nby, sat the request of said Fdward Norton, and of the SAN JOSR SAFE DEPOSIT BANK OF SAVINGSthe corporation beneficiary, in waid Deed of Trust, and in consideration of $1500.00 paidto said corporation, upon the. indebtedness as secured by said Deed of Trust, grant and re-convey unto said Baward Norton, his heirs and assigns, all. the right, title and interestderived by us in and by saia Deed of Trust, in and to the following: described portion ofBeginning at the corner to Sections 11 14 127.8S.R. T3along the section line between said Sections 13 and 145.11/20 E. 21,75 chains to a4\"_x6\" redwood stake marked \"1/8S\" standing at the scuth west. corner of the N. 1/2 of theN.W.1/4 of said Section 13, T. 8s. R. 2W. thence along the south line of said N. 1/2of the N.W. 1/4 of said Section 13, N. 89 1/2° E. 18.04 chains to a stake marked \"N. s.\"thence N. 100 E. 10.12 chains to a stake marked \"N. s. 2\" 'starding on the northerly side ofthe road leading to the Cohen premises in the S. 1/2 of the N. W. 1/4 of said Section13; thence N. 32 1/2° E. 7.28 chains to stake marked \"N. S.3&w. P. H. M. 1\" standingin the south line of the 13.63 acre tract, deeded by J. c. Hutchinson, and wife, to Wn.Ricé by deed dated July 30th 1877; thence along the south line of said 13.63 acre tract,N. 81° W. 0.55 to its south west corner in center of the main' creek running in anorth westerly direction through lands of B. Norton ata stake marked \"H. M. 1\" being alsothe southernuost corner of the 14.92 acre tract deeded by J. C. Hutchinson, to Ashley J.Smith and H. S. Ashley, by deed 6f May 8th 1884, recorded in Book 75 of Deeds, page 311,Records of Santa Clara County; thence along the southerly and westerly line of said 14.92acre tract N. 370 9'w. 3.30 chains, -N. 48 1/20 W. 1.17 chains and N. g 5' E. 1.56 chainstoa stake \"N. S. 4\" anà an iron bar: standing in the center line of the NortonRoad and at the s. B. corner of the 65 acre tract by B.. Norton to E. M. Herrick,by deed dated April 2, 1888, and recorded in Liber. 105, of Deeds, page 578, Records ofSanta Clara County; thence along the south line of said 65 acre tract and lineSections 12 and 13 .T. 8S. R. 2W., N. 88 1/20 W. 21.62 chains to the place of beginning;containing 44.40 acres, and being a part of the N. 1/2 of the N.w.1/4 OE Section 13.T.8S. R. 2W. Mt. Diablo Base and Meridian; Courses True Mag. var. 16. 3/40 E.Reserving and excepting fron the above described tract of land right of way25 feet wide, the center line of which is described as follows; Béginning at point dis-tant N. 88 1/20 w. 30 links from stake \"N. s. 4\" as above aentioned, and running thencealong the center line of the present travelled road to the Cohen place with the followingcourses and distances; s. 7 3/4° w. 1,60 chs; S. 20* 20 W. 1.94 chs; S. 51* 35' w. 2.35chs; S. 11* 20' E. 1.75 cha; S. 7° 10' w. 1.70 chs., s. 180 20' 7. 1.65 chs., W. 4 E.3.62 chs., N. 72° 20* E. 0.65 chs., N. 33* 5' K. 2.33 chs and N. 73° 5'B. 0.44 chs tostake \"N. S. 2\" as above mentioned, the terminys of said rght of way, courses true Mag.Specially preserving the effect and operation of said Deed of. Trust as toWITNESS our hands and seal_ this dth day of April A. D. 1905.\nWHBREAS, the indebtedness secured to be paid by the Deed of Trust, executedby Robert Justice and Minnie Justice, to Henry Case anà Chas. E. Howes, as Trustees, datedJanuary 16th 1905, and recorded in the County Recorder's office of the County of SantaClara, State of California, in Liber 11 of Trust Deeds, at page 486, and follows, has beenNOW THERRFORE, we Henry Case and Chas. E. Hoves, Trustees do hereby grant,remise, release and reconvey unto Robert Justice, and Minnia Justice their heirs and assignswithout any warranty, all. the estate and interest derived to the said Henry Case, andChas. B. Howes, by or through said Deed of Trust, in the land situated in the County ofSanta Clara, State of California, and therein described, together with the appurtenances.Special reference being hereby made to said Deed of Trust, and the record thereof for aparticular description of said lands.TO HAVE AND TO HOID, the same witaout any warranty unto the saià RobertJustice and Minnie Justice their heirs and assigns, forever.IN WITNESS WHERROF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 5th day\nthe trust premises viz:---\n2W. and running thence\nfully paid.\nof April A. D. 1905.\nHenry Case, Trustee, Seal.Chas. B. Howes, Trustee, Seal.\nH. Christmas.\nSTATE OF CALIFORNIACOUNTY OF SANTA CIARA SS.\nON this 5th day of April A. D. one thousand ninehundred and five, before me, N. V. Greene, a\nNotary Public in and forsaid County, and residing therein, dulypersonally appeared, Henry Case, and Chas. E. Howes, whase names are subscribed to theannexed and foregoing instrument as parties thereto, personally kaom to me to be the per-sons described as Trustees in,and who as Trustees, executed the said instrument and theyseverally acknowledged that they executed the Bame, and as Trustees as therein set forth.IN WITNRSS WHERROF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal,atmy office in said County of santa Clara, the day and year in this certificate first\nand sworn,\nwritten.Notarial Seal.o'clock A. M.13R\nN.V. Greene, Notary Public in and for theCounty of santa Clara, state of 20thePrwilliaus çounty Recorder.\nU\nRecorded at the request of A. . pree, on 5 day 'of Apr. 1905, min. past 11\nVar. 16 3/4.\nall of the residue of the premises therein described.\nRERBEREHARAPAEEREDWARD NORTON.\nJ.E. Auzerais, Trustee, Seal.J.'F. Brooke, trustee, Seal.ON this 5th day of April A. D. 1905, before se,D.M. Burnett, Kotary Public in and: for the.\nB. AUEERAIS ET AL TR.\nSTATE OF CATIFORNIACOUITY OF SANTA CIARA SS.\nKNOV AIE. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT we Auzerais, and J. F. Brooke,Trustees, under that certain Deed of Trust, executed to us as -Trustees, by Edward Norton,dated October 29th A. D. 1900, and of record in Book T of Trust Deeds, page 408, et seq.,in the ointy Recorder'. office, of the county of santa Clara, State of California, do here-\nCounty of Santa Clara, State of California, personally appeared, J.B. Auserais and J.F.Brooke, know to me to be the persons whose nanes are suhacribod to the instrument,as Trustee as therein stated, and acknowledged that they ezecuted the same as oueh Trustee.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL7662 8727 And the vaid Grantee. S. for.... Maa-aaE and assigns in consideration of the execution snddelivery of this Deed. hereby covenant... and agree... the said Grantor, its snceessors and assigns, to hold aaid real estate herein describedfamilles. aingle shall be, used erected, erelualvely placed for or dwelling suffered. house to remain and premise, that Do bouse shall cost be erected. of which to house shall more be than othe frant (2), E fence the wall a kind be erected maintained. A part of the premises hereby conveyed, which ahall approsch nearerL Garages beattached 5 - to E the dwe E of storing farm wise machinery and must gardep back toola. (50) feet from the rear of house. Barnsvailable GR No separate toilet bullding ar septle shall tank be allowed must be to ONt built orused or with used for sanitary convenience. such applies to parcela system not is now installedthe Caucasian (6) The race. berein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not ot the pure blood ofDrive. of Miles the Avenue. using these these lots for business ourposcs shall extend back not more than two hundred frontage (200) feet from the front lotecans A reaidential fronting farm on Derbysbire Drive and Green Rond, with the exception of parcel No. 12 fronting on Green Road, shall be usedLitte N the residence architoctural or bullaing any which kind, whatsoever not : erected, the maintained herein, suffered and to remain only anyof the parcels, in Derbyshirein writing by officer of the sufd ghta, company, agreements. covenanta, limitations. reservations and conditions. ehall be deemed as upon the ollowln said. Ing rese terms, and restrictions are part general seheme applled all parcela in Derbyahire Little and eaidupon all Farms the said property Grantor,ar on of the pareela in DerbyhireHowever, temporary structurea cow, set two hundred the (200) feet fromproof112, havingand phall be used.retrictiona, the The Wirdel Company cov renants that restrietions shall te and are hereby as Derbyahire Said Little Farms nowThouaandEerected Farms, which rear bs aby sanitarAever.183 The fronting orset back Aftyapplies, thereon Parcels thealso tothe conatruetion ofpurposrs are covered in theGrantes,not subjeet to the BeT: aame retrietions. and shall runbenefit of all parties owningwhich these to theLE imposed ($5.0 00), and no two-femily double the construction whict sha!l less than Seven Thonsandch (8) of either side be lines erected. of enid or suffered to remain thereon seventy-fve (75) of Ba (3) Ko temporary rear of_any the dwelling or erected. nature shall the Sre maintained premises. on saida front other lot line, balldings. used for storing farm machinery and tools, the housing of priorto onstruction Ct permanent dwelling Mnd ofa hog or hoga,, goator shall not be permitted on the premises herein contained.from on tbe front - line numbering and must to be constructed inclusive, brick, soned ae business or property. proof materia). but any huilding This- Afty (60) foot thereon set-back must aleorestrictions set above. parcela fronting on Miles Avenue may used for residentinl purposes where ML bullding. numbering from 97_to 115 inelusive. soned for business but building, constructedAftyon Miles Avenue and Derbyshire set-backfor must set back arty feet f lot lineand of brick, stoneon - building. OnNo 108, 100, 110,shall be construed asforthAllamevicinitybe land, except and as each and every specified, parcel in Derbyahire Little the Parms, ezcept As bereinbefore specifled. aaI toof_the tbe restrictions apply, ar blnd the Grantee, L E and until the let day of January, 1970, be the same more or less but subject to all legal highways. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenancesthereunto belonging, unto the said Grantee.. S, their heirs and assigns forever. And.. THA. MARFIELD. LAYD.COMPAY. the said Grantor, does for itself and its successors and assigns, covenant with the said Grantec.8,their. heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, it is well seized ofthe above described premises, as a good and indeleasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and has good righttobargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, that the same are free and clearfrom all incumbrances whatsoever $A69LaxRmd-asnaamata.lata. general.and special for t.year_1952_and.thersafter which the Grantees assumeand agree to pay, conditions and restrictions he rein and zoning ordinancesand that it will WARRANTAND! DEFEND said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, if any to the said Grantee.5l, their. heirs and assigus forever, against all lawful claims and demands whatsoerer.except. as above. set. forth In Witness Whereof, said corporation hereunto sets its hand and corporate seal, by HIOS.R.F.I..GITHR24th. --dayof Noxember. its.its.. Prenident..Secratary. andthis in the, year of our. Lord Oue Thousand Ning'fundred and.. fifty-tvo 03 THE WAREIKID. LAND COMPANY. Signed and acknowledged in presence 01EAREhHh k. PresidentEthaSecretary
VOL7662 8727 And the vaid Grantee. S. for.... Maa-aaE and assigns in consideration of the execution snddelivery of this Deed. hereby covenant... and agree... the said Grantor, its snceessors and assigns, to hold aaid real estate herein describedfamilles. aingle shall be, used erected, erelualvely placed for or dwelling suffered. house to remain and premise, that Do bouse shall cost be erected. of which to house shall more be than othe frant (2), E fence the wall a kind be erected maintained. A part of the premises hereby conveyed, which ahall approsch nearerL Garages beattached 5 - to E the dwe E of storing farm wise machinery and must gardep back toola. (50) feet from the rear of house. Barnsvailable GR No separate toilet bullding ar septle shall tank be allowed must be to ONt built orused or with used for sanitary convenience. such applies to parcela system not is now installedthe Caucasian (6) The race. berein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not ot the pure blood ofDrive. of Miles the Avenue. using these these lots for business ourposcs shall extend back not more than two hundred frontage (200) feet from the front lotecans A reaidential fronting farm on Derbysbire Drive and Green Rond, with the exception of parcel No. 12 fronting on Green Road, shall be usedLitte N the residence architoctural or bullaing any which kind, whatsoever not : erected, the maintained herein, suffered and to remain only anyof the parcels, in Derbyshirein writing by officer of the sufd ghta, company, agreements. covenanta, limitations. reservations and conditions. ehall be deemed as upon the ollowln said. Ing rese terms, and restrictions are part general seheme applled all parcela in Derbyahire Little and eaidupon all Farms the said property Grantor,ar on of the pareela in DerbyhireHowever, temporary structurea cow, set two hundred the (200) feet fromproof112, havingand phall be used.retrictiona, the The Wirdel Company cov renants that restrietions shall te and are hereby as Derbyahire Said Little Farms nowThouaandEerected Farms, which rear bs aby sanitarAever.183 The fronting orset back Aftyapplies, thereon Parcels thealso tothe conatruetion ofpurposrs are covered in theGrantes,not subjeet to the BeT: aame retrietions. and shall runbenefit of all parties owningwhich these to theLE imposed ($5.0 00), and no two-femily double the construction whict sha!l less than Seven Thonsandch (8) of either side be lines erected. of enid or suffered to remain thereon seventy-fve (75) of Ba (3) Ko temporary rear of_any the dwelling or erected. nature shall the Sre maintained premises. on saida front other lot line, balldings. used for storing farm machinery and tools, the housing of priorto onstruction Ct permanent dwelling Mnd ofa hog or hoga,, goator shall not be permitted on the premises herein contained.from on tbe front - line numbering and must to be constructed inclusive, brick, soned ae business or property. proof materia). but any huilding This- Afty (60) foot thereon set-back must aleorestrictions set above. parcela fronting on Miles Avenue may used for residentinl purposes where ML bullding. numbering from 97_to 115 inelusive. soned for business but building, constructedAftyon Miles Avenue and Derbyshire set-backfor must set back arty feet f lot lineand of brick, stoneon - building. OnNo 108, 100, 110,shall be construed asforthAllamevicinitybe land, except and as each and every specified, parcel in Derbyahire Little the Parms, ezcept As bereinbefore specifled. aaI toof_the tbe restrictions apply, ar blnd the Grantee, L E and until the let day of January, 1970, be the same more or less but subject to all legal highways. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenancesthereunto belonging, unto the said Grantee.. S, their heirs and assigns forever. And.. THA. MARFIELD. LAYD.COMPAY. the said Grantor, does for itself and its successors and assigns, covenant with the said Grantec.8,their. heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, it is well seized ofthe above described premises, as a good and indeleasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and has good righttobargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, that the same are free and clearfrom all incumbrances whatsoever $A69LaxRmd-asnaamata.lata. general.and special for t.year_1952_and.thersafter which the Grantees assumeand agree to pay, conditions and restrictions he rein and zoning ordinancesand that it will WARRANTAND! DEFEND said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, if any to the said Grantee.5l, their. heirs and assigus forever, against all lawful claims and demands whatsoerer.except. as above. set. forth In Witness Whereof, said corporation hereunto sets its hand and corporate seal, by HIOS.R.F.I..GITHR24th. --dayof Noxember. its.its.. Prenident..Secratary. andthis in the, year of our. Lord Oue Thousand Ning'fundred and.. fifty-tvo 03 THE WAREIKID. LAND COMPANY. Signed and acknowledged in presence 01EAREhHh k. PresidentEthaSecretary
cu (C) The premises berein described sha!l not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any penson or peraons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
(6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE] cu (C) The premises berein described sha!l not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any penson or peraons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL7662 8727\nAnd the vaid Grantee. S. for.... Maa-aaE and assigns in consideration of the execution snddelivery of this Deed. hereby covenant... and agree... the said Grantor, its snceessors and assigns, to hold aaid real estate herein describedfamilles. aingle shall be, used erected, erelualvely placed for or dwelling suffered. house to remain and premise, that Do bouse shall cost be erected. of which to house shall more be than othe frant (2), E fence the wall a kind be erected maintained. A part of the premises hereby conveyed, which ahall approsch nearerL Garages beattached 5 - to E the dwe E of storing farm wise machinery and must gardep back toola. (50) feet from the rear of house. Barnsvailable GR No separate toilet bullding ar septle shall tank be allowed must be to ONt built orused or with used for sanitary convenience. such applies to parcela system not is now installedthe Caucasian (6) The race. berein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not ot the pure blood ofDrive. of Miles the Avenue. using these these lots for business ourposcs shall extend back not more than two hundred frontage (200) feet from the front lotecans A reaidential fronting farm on Derbysbire Drive and Green Rond, with the exception of parcel No. 12 fronting on Green Road, shall be usedLitte N the residence architoctural or bullaing any which kind, whatsoever not : erected, the maintained herein, suffered and to remain only anyof the parcels, in Derbyshirein writing by officer of the sufd ghta, company, agreements. covenanta, limitations. reservations and conditions. ehall be deemed as\nupon the ollowln said. Ing rese terms, and restrictions are part general seheme applled all parcela in Derbyahire Little\nand eaidupon all Farms the said property Grantor,ar on of the pareela in DerbyhireHowever, temporary structurea cow, set two hundred the (200) feet fromproof112, havingand phall be used.retrictiona, the\nThe Wirdel Company cov renants that restrietions\nshall te and are hereby\nas Derbyahire Said Little Farms nowThouaandEerected Farms, which rear bs aby sanitarAever.183 The fronting orset back Aftyapplies, thereon Parcels thealso tothe conatruetion ofpurposrs are covered in theGrantes,not subjeet to the BeT: aame retrietions. and shall runbenefit of all parties owningwhich these\nto theLE\nimposed\n($5.0 00), and no two-femily double the construction whict sha!l less than Seven Thonsandch (8) of either side be lines erected. of enid or suffered to remain thereon seventy-fve (75) of Ba\n(3) Ko temporary rear of_any the dwelling or erected. nature shall the Sre maintained premises. on saida front other lot line, balldings. used for storing farm machinery and tools, the housing of\npriorto onstruction Ct permanent dwelling\nMnd\nofa hog or hoga,, goator shall not be permitted on the premises herein contained.from on tbe front - line numbering and must to be constructed inclusive, brick, soned ae business or property. proof materia). but any huilding This- Afty (60) foot thereon set-back must aleorestrictions set above. parcela fronting on Miles Avenue may used for residentinl purposes where\nML bullding. numbering from 97_to 115 inelusive. soned for business\nbut building, constructedAftyon Miles Avenue and Derbyshire set-backfor\nmust set back arty feet f lot lineand\nof brick, stoneon\n-\nbuilding. OnNo 108, 100, 110,shall be construed asforthAllamevicinitybe\nland, except and as each and every specified, parcel in Derbyahire Little the Parms, ezcept As bereinbefore specifled. aaI\ntoof_the tbe\nrestrictions apply, ar blnd the Grantee, L E and\nuntil the let day of January, 1970,\nbe the same more or less but subject to all legal highways.\nTO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenancesthereunto belonging, unto the said Grantee.. S, their heirs and assigns forever. And..\nTHA. MARFIELD. LAYD.COMPAY.\nthe\nsaid Grantor, does for itself and its successors and assigns, covenant with the said Grantec.8,their. heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, it is well seized ofthe above described premises, as a good and indeleasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and has good righttobargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, that the same are free and clearfrom all incumbrances whatsoever $A69LaxRmd-asnaamata.lata. general.and special for t.year_1952_and.thersafter which the Grantees assumeand agree to pay, conditions and restrictions he rein and zoning ordinancesand that it will WARRANTAND! DEFEND said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, if any\nto the said Grantee.5l, their.\nheirs and assigus forever, against all lawful claims and demands\nwhatsoerer.except. as above. set. forth\nIn Witness Whereof, said corporation hereunto sets its hand and corporate seal, by\nHIOS.R.F.I..GITHR24th. --dayof Noxember.\nits.its..\nPrenident..Secratary.\nandthis\nin the, year of our. Lord Oue Thousand\nNing'fundred and.. fifty-tvo\n03\nTHE WAREIKID. LAND COMPANY.\nSigned and acknowledged in presence 01EAREhHh\n k.\nPresidentEthaSecretary\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]\ncu\n(C) The premises berein described sha!l not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any penson or peraons not of the pure blood of\nthe Caucasian race.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL6454 PAGE 69 Lega/ Co. Spis WARHANTY DEED-Na. 102A finitllathplies srits 4113 Ciat. I, L.l.Gundersen the Grantor for the comsidcration. of Ten and xo/100 dollars ($10.00) and other vul luable C onsidera- tion XXXXXXXXXXXhalauaik.ssaxt received to my full satisfaction of Aussmrkngsugpian: Hermina Krupansky (Married) whose TAX MAILING ADDRESS will be 2529 Berkshire Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio the Grantee s, do Oipr. (Grant. Matain, Srll anà Cauvey unto the said Grantees, kkRix her of heirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the City and State of Ohio: Cleveland Heights , County of Cuyahoga PA and known as being a part of S.L. No. 12, in the Shaker Heights Land Company's, sion of part of original Warrensville Township Lots Nos. 11-12-13-22-23-24, and" oound- Park Blvd.(60 ft. wide) at the easterly line of S.L. No. RAZ northerly along Beginning at a point on_the therly line of liorth ed and doscribed as follows: said casterly line of S.L. No. 12, 510.40 ft. to the northerly line of said S.L. lio.12; Thence vesterly alons said northerly line of S.L. No. 12, 100 ft.; Thence southerly, parullel with said easterly line of S.L. lio. 12, 310.-12 ft. to suid no: therly line of lorth Park Clvd.; Thence easterly, along said northorly line of North Park Blvd.Be tha same 1re or less but subject to all legul highwuys. IBPF+ to His piacir beginning and Subject to the following rostrictions, rights, easements, to-wit: 1. Each suhlot in said subdivision shall be used solely and exclusively for single prit vate dwelling purposes, and only ono such dwelling house, inclusive of an attached garage er remi-attsched garaje comected to such dwellins by a porch or logsia or covered passage shall be erected, Flaced or suffered to remai in on any one sublot. If such attached or emi-attached garage shell open toward a roadway, the interior thereof shall be finished. 2. :o such dwelling house, inclusivo of sarase, porches, verandas, porte cocheres and other similar projections or other buildings of any character whatsoever, shall be erected placed or suffcred to remain on any sublot within 15 ft, of any side line thereof, nor within 100 ft. of lorth Park Blvd. and 20 feet of East Fairfax Road of the front line thereof. 3. so delling hou. e shull be erected, ple.ced or suffered to romai in on any sublot unlebs the main section thereof shall be two stories in height, a minimum of 19 ft. fron joist to ridgo line. 4. lo dweliing house shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain on any sublot hav- J ing a sq. ft. area of less than 800 sq. ft. exclusive of sarage, open or enclosed porches, - or storage rooms and said dvelling house shall have a front dimension of not less than 52' which mar. include an attached Garage, except tho corner lot on which tho frontage Lecomes a minimum of 32', exclusive of garage, on the Korth Park frontage. Said dvelling houso frontage may include such attuched or somi-attachod garage excopt as above noted, but shall e oxclusive of a jorch, loggia or covered passage which may connect such somi- attached guraje to such dvelling house, and further shall be exclusive of porches, porte - cohcres, losuias and similar projections. 5. lio icrson of any race othor than tho caucasian shall use or occupy any buil-ing or jeny lot, ex ept that th's covenent shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race doniciled with an owner or tonant. 9 6. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufoctured, sol or offered for sule, nor shall any. industry, business, trude, occupation o: profevsion of any kind be ane. intainsd or permitted within said suodivision. 7. lo dvelling house or building of any kind, driveways or additions thereto, or altert ations thereof shall Le urectod, placed or suffcrà to remain on any sublot unless and until the external design, dimensions, location and appurtenances slopes and grades thereof shall have first been approved in witing by L.M-Cundersen, his successors or assigns and a true copy of the pluns and specifications thereof and the plot plan of tho cublot upon vhich same is to be erccted or placed shall have been lodged permanently ith, his successors or assigns. 8. The requirements with respect to side line setbacks srecified in peragraph 2, above named may be modified as to any sublot by written consent of L-li.Gundersen hereinafter provided for, if the enforcement of such requirement vould work an undue hardship and if such modifications would not in-1 L-l-Cundersen's judgement result in material' damage to any other sublot. 9. An easement is hereby reserved for all utility installations and maintenance over and under any part of the sublot they may occur. 10. Failure to enforce any of the foregoing restrictions, rights or easements shall in no event be construed, taken or held to be a waiver thereof or to be an acquiescence in or a consent to any further succeeding breach or violation thereof, and the said L.M.Gundersen shall at any time and at all times have the right to enforce same. 11. These covenants shall run with the land and shall be binding on all par- ties and all persons claiming under them until January 1, 1971.
VOL6454 PAGE 69 Lega/ Co. Spis WARHANTY DEED-Na. 102A finitllathplies srits 4113 Ciat. I, L.l.Gundersen the Grantor for the comsidcration. of Ten and xo/100 dollars ($10.00) and other vul luable C onsidera- tion XXXXXXXXXXXhalauaik.ssaxt received to my full satisfaction of Aussmrkngsugpian: Hermina Krupansky (Married) whose TAX MAILING ADDRESS will be 2529 Berkshire Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio the Grantee s, do Oipr. (Grant. Matain, Srll anà Cauvey unto the said Grantees, kkRix her of heirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the City and State of Ohio: Cleveland Heights , County of Cuyahoga PA and known as being a part of S.L. No. 12, in the Shaker Heights Land Company's, sion of part of original Warrensville Township Lots Nos. 11-12-13-22-23-24, and" oound- Park Blvd.(60 ft. wide) at the easterly line of S.L. No. RAZ northerly along Beginning at a point on_the therly line of liorth ed and doscribed as follows: said casterly line of S.L. No. 12, 510.40 ft. to the northerly line of said S.L. lio.12; Thence vesterly alons said northerly line of S.L. No. 12, 100 ft.; Thence southerly, parullel with said easterly line of S.L. lio. 12, 310.-12 ft. to suid no: therly line of lorth Park Clvd.; Thence easterly, along said northorly line of North Park Blvd.Be tha same 1re or less but subject to all legul highwuys. IBPF+ to His piacir beginning and Subject to the following rostrictions, rights, easements, to-wit: 1. Each suhlot in said subdivision shall be used solely and exclusively for single prit vate dwelling purposes, and only ono such dwelling house, inclusive of an attached garage er remi-attsched garaje comected to such dwellins by a porch or logsia or covered passage shall be erected, Flaced or suffered to remai in on any one sublot. If such attached or emi-attached garage shell open toward a roadway, the interior thereof shall be finished. 2. :o such dwelling house, inclusivo of sarase, porches, verandas, porte cocheres and other similar projections or other buildings of any character whatsoever, shall be erected placed or suffcred to remain on any sublot within 15 ft, of any side line thereof, nor within 100 ft. of lorth Park Blvd. and 20 feet of East Fairfax Road of the front line thereof. 3. so delling hou. e shull be erected, ple.ced or suffered to romai in on any sublot unlebs the main section thereof shall be two stories in height, a minimum of 19 ft. fron joist to ridgo line. 4. lo dweliing house shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain on any sublot hav- J ing a sq. ft. area of less than 800 sq. ft. exclusive of sarage, open or enclosed porches, - or storage rooms and said dvelling house shall have a front dimension of not less than 52' which mar. include an attached Garage, except tho corner lot on which tho frontage Lecomes a minimum of 32', exclusive of garage, on the Korth Park frontage. Said dvelling houso frontage may include such attuched or somi-attachod garage excopt as above noted, but shall e oxclusive of a jorch, loggia or covered passage which may connect such somi- attached guraje to such dvelling house, and further shall be exclusive of porches, porte - cohcres, losuias and similar projections. 5. lio icrson of any race othor than tho caucasian shall use or occupy any buil-ing or jeny lot, ex ept that th's covenent shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race doniciled with an owner or tonant. 9 6. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufoctured, sol or offered for sule, nor shall any. industry, business, trude, occupation o: profevsion of any kind be ane. intainsd or permitted within said suodivision. 7. lo dvelling house or building of any kind, driveways or additions thereto, or altert ations thereof shall Le urectod, placed or suffcrà to remain on any sublot unless and until the external design, dimensions, location and appurtenances slopes and grades thereof shall have first been approved in witing by L.M-Cundersen, his successors or assigns and a true copy of the pluns and specifications thereof and the plot plan of tho cublot upon vhich same is to be erccted or placed shall have been lodged permanently ith, his successors or assigns. 8. The requirements with respect to side line setbacks srecified in peragraph 2, above named may be modified as to any sublot by written consent of L-li.Gundersen hereinafter provided for, if the enforcement of such requirement vould work an undue hardship and if such modifications would not in-1 L-l-Cundersen's judgement result in material' damage to any other sublot. 9. An easement is hereby reserved for all utility installations and maintenance over and under any part of the sublot they may occur. 10. Failure to enforce any of the foregoing restrictions, rights or easements shall in no event be construed, taken or held to be a waiver thereof or to be an acquiescence in or a consent to any further succeeding breach or violation thereof, and the said L.M.Gundersen shall at any time and at all times have the right to enforce same. 11. These covenants shall run with the land and shall be binding on all par- ties and all persons claiming under them until January 1, 1971.
5. lo crson of any race othor than tho caucasian shall use or occupy any buil-ing or any lot, ex ept that th's covenent shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race doniciled with an owner or tenant.
5. No person of any race other than the caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]5. lo crson of any race othor than tho caucasian shall use or occupy any buil-ing or any lot, ex ept that th's covenent shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race doniciled with an owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]5. No person of any race other than the caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL6454 PAGE 69\nLega/ Co. Spis\nWARHANTY DEED-Na. 102A\nfinitllathplies srits\n4113\nCiat. I, L.l.Gundersen\nthe Grantor\nfor the comsidcration. of Ten and xo/100 dollars ($10.00) and other vul luable C onsidera-\ntion XXXXXXXXXXXhalauaik.ssaxt received to my full satisfaction of\nAussmrkngsugpian: Hermina Krupansky (Married) whose TAX MAILING\nADDRESS will be 2529 Berkshire Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio\nthe Grantee s, do\nOipr. (Grant. Matain, Srll anà Cauvey unto the said Grantees, kkRix her\nof\nheirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the City\nand State of Ohio:\nCleveland Heights , County of\nCuyahoga\nPA\nand known as being a part of S.L. No. 12, in the Shaker Heights Land Company's,\nsion of part of original Warrensville Township Lots Nos. 11-12-13-22-23-24, and\" oound-\nPark Blvd.(60 ft. wide) at the easterly line of S.L. No. RAZ northerly along\nBeginning at a point on_the therly line of liorth\ned and doscribed as follows:\nsaid casterly line of S.L. No. 12, 510.40 ft. to the northerly line of said S.L. lio.12;\nThence vesterly alons said northerly line of S.L. No. 12, 100 ft.; Thence southerly,\nparullel with said easterly line of S.L. lio. 12, 310.-12 ft. to suid no: therly line of\nlorth Park Clvd.; Thence easterly, along said northorly line of North Park Blvd.Be\ntha same 1re or less but subject to all legul highwuys. IBPF+ to His piacir beginning\nand Subject to the following rostrictions, rights, easements, to-wit:\n1. Each suhlot in said subdivision shall be used solely and exclusively for single prit\nvate dwelling purposes, and only ono such dwelling house, inclusive of an attached garage\ner remi-attsched garaje comected to such dwellins by a porch or logsia or covered passage\nshall be erected, Flaced or suffered to remai in on any one sublot. If such attached or\nemi-attached garage shell open toward a roadway, the interior thereof shall be finished.\n2. :o such dwelling house, inclusivo of sarase, porches, verandas, porte cocheres and\nother similar projections or other buildings of any character whatsoever, shall be erected\nplaced or suffcred to remain on any sublot within 15 ft, of any side line thereof, nor\nwithin 100 ft. of lorth Park Blvd. and 20 feet of East Fairfax Road of the front line\nthereof.\n3. so delling hou. e shull be erected, ple.ced or suffered to romai in on any sublot unlebs\nthe main section thereof shall be two stories in height, a minimum of 19 ft. fron joist\nto ridgo line.\n4. lo dweliing house shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain on any sublot hav-\nJ ing a sq. ft. area of less than 800 sq. ft. exclusive of sarage, open or enclosed porches,\n- or storage rooms and said dvelling house shall have a front dimension of not less than\n52' which mar. include an attached Garage, except tho corner lot on which tho frontage\nLecomes a minimum of 32', exclusive of garage, on the Korth Park frontage. Said dvelling\nhouso frontage may include such attuched or somi-attachod garage excopt as above noted,\nbut shall e oxclusive of a jorch, loggia or covered passage which may connect such somi-\nattached guraje to such dvelling house, and further shall be exclusive of porches, porte\n- cohcres, losuias and similar projections.\n5. lio icrson of any race othor than tho caucasian shall use or occupy any buil-ing or\njeny lot, ex ept that th's covenent shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of\ndifferent race doniciled with an owner or tonant.\n9\n6. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufoctured, sol or offered for\nsule, nor shall any. industry, business, trude, occupation o: profevsion of any kind be\nane. intainsd or permitted within said suodivision.\n7. lo dvelling house or building of any kind, driveways or additions thereto, or altert\nations thereof shall Le urectod, placed or suffcrà to remain on any sublot unless and\nuntil the external design, dimensions, location and appurtenances slopes and grades\nthereof shall have first been approved in witing by L.M-Cundersen, his successors or\nassigns and a true copy of the pluns and specifications thereof and the plot plan of\ntho cublot upon vhich same is to be erccted or placed shall have been lodged permanently\nith, his successors or assigns.\n8. The requirements with respect to side line setbacks srecified in peragraph 2, above\nnamed may be modified as to any sublot by written consent of L-li.Gundersen hereinafter\nprovided for, if the enforcement of such requirement vould work an undue hardship and\nif such modifications would not in-1 L-l-Cundersen's judgement result in material' damage\nto any other sublot.\n9. An easement is hereby reserved for all utility installations and maintenance\nover and under any part of the sublot they may occur.\n10. Failure to enforce any of the foregoing restrictions, rights or easements\nshall in no event be construed, taken or held to be a waiver thereof or to be\nan acquiescence in or a consent to any further succeeding breach or violation\nthereof, and the said L.M.Gundersen shall at any time and at all times have\nthe right to enforce same.\n11. These covenants shall run with the land and shall be binding on all par-\nties and all persons claiming under them until January 1, 1971.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]5. lo crson of any race othor than tho caucasian shall use or occupy any buil-ing or\nany lot, ex ept that th's covenent shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of\ndifferent race doniciled with an owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]5. No person of any race other than the caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 350 forty-eight (148) feet to the place of beginning, said lot containing one and one hundredth (1.01)acres, and being lot number nine (9) in plan of "Walmo," as surveyed and laid out for George F.Moser and Robert L. Wallace by George B. Zahniser, C. E., in February, 1920,said plan beingThis/conveyance is made subject to a fifty (50) foot building line on said Wilmington AvenueExtension and to the further restriction that no dwelling houses shall be erected or constructedthereon to cost less than Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.00) each, and neither the purchaserhereof, nor his successors in title, shall place advertising signs or bill boards on said lot,nor permit any other person to so do, and néither the purchaser hereof, nor his successors intitle, shall sell or convey said lot or any part thereof to any person or persons of the Africanor Italian raoe. These said restriotions shall oontinue in forae and be binding on the owner,Being the same land that George F. Moser and Alice M. Moser, his wife, by indenture dated the14th day of August, 1920, and recorded in Lawrence County, Pennsylvania in Deed Book Vol. 225, atpage 243, ete., did grant and convey unto R. C. Carson and Caroline Carson, his wife. The saidR.C. Carson, husband of the above named Caroline Carson, died on the 18th day of October, 1926,This deed is made subject, however, to the undisturbed use and occupancy by the said grantorwith the appurtenances, To have and to hold the same unto and for the use and benefit ofAnd the said grantor; for herself and her heirs, covenant_ with the said grantee and hisheirs and assigns, unto him and his heirs and assigns, against all lawful claimants, the withindescribed piece, parcel or lot of land, the same and every part thereof to warrant and defend.In Witness Whereof, the said grantor has hereunto subscribed her name and affixed her seal recorded in Plot Book Vol. No. 1 at page said his heirs and assigns, until the first day of Januery, the Township of Neshannock, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. for and during the term of her natural iife.said grantee and his heirs and assigns. the date above first mentioned.AttestGlénn Berry(S.R.S..)($0.55)State of PENNSYLVANIA )County of LAWRENCE Caroline Carson (SEAL) s: On the Twentieth day. of June one thousand, nine hundred thirty-six (1936), before me, thesubscriber, a Notary Public, in and for said state and county, and having my office in the Cityof New Castle, Pa., personally appeared the above named Caroline Carson, a widow, who subscribedthe foregoing deed of conveyance, and acknowledged the same to be her act and deed for the pur- poses therein stated, and desired that it should be so recorded.Witness my signature and official seal the date above stated. (N. P. Seal) J Glenn BerryNotary PublicJ Glenn BerryAttorney for Grantee.This Deed My commission will expire on March 2, 1939.Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. I hereby certify that the preoise residence of the within named Grantee is Second Ward, New DeedMatthew Myers et ux.ToC.A. Stewart et uz.Ent. September 30, 1936. Made the 26th. day of September in the year Nineteen HundredBetween Matthew Myers and Mabel Myers, his wife, of theBorough of Bessemer, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania,grantors, AND C. A. Stewart, of North Beaver Township, LawrenceCounty, Pennsylvania, and Margaret E. Stewart, his wife, of theWitnesseth, That in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) andother valuable considerations, in hand paid, the receipt whereof ishereby aoknowledged, the said grantors do hereby grant and convey and Thirty-six. same place, as tenants by the said grantees, their heirs and assigns, All that certain lot and parcel of land situate in the Borough of Bessemer, County of LawrenceOn the North by the south line of Stewart Avenue when extended west from Main Street; on theEast by_ Main Street, a fifty-six (56) foot street; on the South by lot No. 5 in said plot; andon the West by lot No. 1 in said plot; and being lot No. '6 in H. W. Lindsay's Addition No. 1 toBessemer, as per unrecorded plot of lots made by The Thomas A. Gilkey Company, Civil Engineers;and being the same premises conveyed to the grantors herein by H. W. Lindsay, et uz, by deeddated February 24, 1925, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Lawrence County in Deed BookAnd the said grantors, do hereby warrant generally the property hereby conveyed, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and deseribed as follows, to-wit: Vol. Page
350 forty-eight (148) feet to the place of beginning, said lot containing one and one hundredth (1.01)acres, and being lot number nine (9) in plan of "Walmo," as surveyed and laid out for George F.Moser and Robert L. Wallace by George B. Zahniser, C. E., in February, 1920,said plan beingThis/conveyance is made subject to a fifty (50) foot building line on said Wilmington AvenueExtension and to the further restriction that no dwelling houses shall be erected or constructedthereon to cost less than Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.00) each, and neither the purchaserhereof, nor his successors in title, shall place advertising signs or bill boards on said lot,nor permit any other person to so do, and néither the purchaser hereof, nor his successors intitle, shall sell or convey said lot or any part thereof to any person or persons of the Africanor Italian raoe. These said restriotions shall oontinue in forae and be binding on the owner,Being the same land that George F. Moser and Alice M. Moser, his wife, by indenture dated the14th day of August, 1920, and recorded in Lawrence County, Pennsylvania in Deed Book Vol. 225, atpage 243, ete., did grant and convey unto R. C. Carson and Caroline Carson, his wife. The saidR.C. Carson, husband of the above named Caroline Carson, died on the 18th day of October, 1926,This deed is made subject, however, to the undisturbed use and occupancy by the said grantorwith the appurtenances, To have and to hold the same unto and for the use and benefit ofAnd the said grantor; for herself and her heirs, covenant_ with the said grantee and hisheirs and assigns, unto him and his heirs and assigns, against all lawful claimants, the withindescribed piece, parcel or lot of land, the same and every part thereof to warrant and defend.In Witness Whereof, the said grantor has hereunto subscribed her name and affixed her seal recorded in Plot Book Vol. No. 1 at page said his heirs and assigns, until the first day of Januery, the Township of Neshannock, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. for and during the term of her natural iife.said grantee and his heirs and assigns. the date above first mentioned.AttestGlénn Berry(S.R.S..)($0.55)State of PENNSYLVANIA )County of LAWRENCE Caroline Carson (SEAL) s: On the Twentieth day. of June one thousand, nine hundred thirty-six (1936), before me, thesubscriber, a Notary Public, in and for said state and county, and having my office in the Cityof New Castle, Pa., personally appeared the above named Caroline Carson, a widow, who subscribedthe foregoing deed of conveyance, and acknowledged the same to be her act and deed for the pur- poses therein stated, and desired that it should be so recorded.Witness my signature and official seal the date above stated. (N. P. Seal) J Glenn BerryNotary PublicJ Glenn BerryAttorney for Grantee.This Deed My commission will expire on March 2, 1939.Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. I hereby certify that the preoise residence of the within named Grantee is Second Ward, New DeedMatthew Myers et ux.ToC.A. Stewart et uz.Ent. September 30, 1936. Made the 26th. day of September in the year Nineteen HundredBetween Matthew Myers and Mabel Myers, his wife, of theBorough of Bessemer, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania,grantors, AND C. A. Stewart, of North Beaver Township, LawrenceCounty, Pennsylvania, and Margaret E. Stewart, his wife, of theWitnesseth, That in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) andother valuable considerations, in hand paid, the receipt whereof ishereby aoknowledged, the said grantors do hereby grant and convey and Thirty-six. same place, as tenants by the said grantees, their heirs and assigns, All that certain lot and parcel of land situate in the Borough of Bessemer, County of LawrenceOn the North by the south line of Stewart Avenue when extended west from Main Street; on theEast by_ Main Street, a fifty-six (56) foot street; on the South by lot No. 5 in said plot; andon the West by lot No. 1 in said plot; and being lot No. '6 in H. W. Lindsay's Addition No. 1 toBessemer, as per unrecorded plot of lots made by The Thomas A. Gilkey Company, Civil Engineers;and being the same premises conveyed to the grantors herein by H. W. Lindsay, et uz, by deeddated February 24, 1925, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Lawrence County in Deed BookAnd the said grantors, do hereby warrant generally the property hereby conveyed, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and deseribed as follows, to-wit: Vol. Page
said Tnis/conveyance is made subject to a fifty (50) foot building line on said Wilmington Avenue Extension and to the further restriction that no dwelling houses shall be erected or constructed thereon to cost less than Fifteen Hundred Dollars (#1500.00) each, and neither the purchaser hereof, nor his successors in title, shall place advertising signs or bill boards on said lot, nor permit any other person to so do, and néither the purchaser hereof, nor his successors in title, shall sell or convey said lot or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African or Italian raoe. These said restriotions shall oontinue in foroe and be binding on the owner, his heirs and assigns, until the first day of Januery, 1930.
This/conveyance is made subject to a fifty (50) foot building line on said Wilmington Avenue Extension and to the further restriction that no dwelling house shall be erected or constructed thereon to cost less than Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.00) each, and neither the purchaser hereof, nor his successors in title, shall place advertising signs or bill boards on said lot, title, shall sell or convey said lot or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African or Italian race. These said restrictions shall continue in force and be binding on the owner, his heirs and assigns, until the first of January, 1930.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]said Tnis/conveyance is made subject to a fifty (50) foot building line on said Wilmington Avenue Extension and to the further restriction that no dwelling houses shall be erected or constructed thereon to cost less than Fifteen Hundred Dollars (#1500.00) each, and neither the purchaser hereof, nor his successors in title, shall place advertising signs or bill boards on said lot, nor permit any other person to so do, and néither the purchaser hereof, nor his successors in title, shall sell or convey said lot or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African or Italian raoe. These said restriotions shall oontinue in foroe and be binding on the owner, his heirs and assigns, until the first day of Januery, 1930. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]This/conveyance is made subject to a fifty (50) foot building line on said Wilmington Avenue Extension and to the further restriction that no dwelling house shall be erected or constructed thereon to cost less than Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.00) each, and neither the purchaser hereof, nor his successors in title, shall place advertising signs or bill boards on said lot, title, shall sell or convey said lot or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African or Italian race. These said restrictions shall continue in force and be binding on the owner, his heirs and assigns, until the first of January, 1930.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n350\nforty-eight (148) feet to the place of beginning, said lot containing one and one hundredth (1.01)acres, and being lot number nine (9) in plan of \"Walmo,\" as surveyed and laid out for George F.Moser and Robert L. Wallace by George B. Zahniser, C. E., in February, 1920,said plan beingThis/conveyance is made subject to a fifty (50) foot building line on said Wilmington AvenueExtension and to the further restriction that no dwelling houses shall be erected or constructedthereon to cost less than Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.00) each, and neither the purchaserhereof, nor his successors in title, shall place advertising signs or bill boards on said lot,nor permit any other person to so do, and néither the purchaser hereof, nor his successors intitle, shall sell or convey said lot or any part thereof to any person or persons of the Africanor Italian raoe. These said restriotions shall oontinue in forae and be binding on the owner,Being the same land that George F. Moser and Alice M. Moser, his wife, by indenture dated the14th day of August, 1920, and recorded in Lawrence County, Pennsylvania in Deed Book Vol. 225, atpage 243, ete., did grant and convey unto R. C. Carson and Caroline Carson, his wife. The saidR.C. Carson, husband of the above named Caroline Carson, died on the 18th day of October, 1926,This deed is made subject, however, to the undisturbed use and occupancy by the said grantorwith the appurtenances, To have and to hold the same unto and for the use and benefit ofAnd the said grantor; for herself and her heirs, covenant_ with the said grantee and hisheirs and assigns, unto him and his heirs and assigns, against all lawful claimants, the withindescribed piece, parcel or lot of land, the same and every part thereof to warrant and defend.In Witness Whereof, the said grantor has hereunto subscribed her name and affixed her seal\nrecorded in Plot Book Vol. No. 1 at page\nsaid\nhis heirs and assigns, until the first day of Januery, the Township of Neshannock, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania.\nfor and during the term of her natural iife.said grantee and his heirs and assigns.\nthe date above first mentioned.AttestGlénn Berry(S.R.S..)($0.55)State of PENNSYLVANIA )County of LAWRENCE\nCaroline Carson\n(SEAL)\ns:\nOn the Twentieth day. of June one thousand, nine hundred thirty-six (1936), before me, thesubscriber, a Notary Public, in and for said state and county, and having my office in the Cityof New Castle, Pa., personally appeared the above named Caroline Carson, a widow, who subscribedthe foregoing deed of conveyance, and acknowledged the same to be her act and deed for the pur-\nposes therein stated, and desired that it should be so recorded.Witness my signature and official seal the date above stated.\n(N. P. Seal)\nJ Glenn BerryNotary PublicJ Glenn BerryAttorney for Grantee.This Deed\nMy commission will expire on March 2, 1939.Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania.\nI hereby certify that the preoise residence of the within named Grantee is Second Ward, New\nDeedMatthew Myers et ux.ToC.A. Stewart et uz.Ent. September 30, 1936.\nMade the 26th. day of September in the year Nineteen HundredBetween Matthew Myers and Mabel Myers, his wife, of theBorough of Bessemer, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania,grantors, AND C. A. Stewart, of North Beaver Township, LawrenceCounty, Pennsylvania, and Margaret E. Stewart, his wife, of theWitnesseth, That in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) andother valuable considerations, in hand paid, the receipt whereof ishereby aoknowledged, the said grantors do hereby grant and convey\nand Thirty-six.\nsame place, as tenants by the said grantees, their heirs and assigns,\nAll that certain lot and parcel of land situate in the Borough of Bessemer, County of LawrenceOn the North by the south line of Stewart Avenue when extended west from Main Street; on theEast by_ Main Street, a fifty-six (56) foot street; on the South by lot No. 5 in said plot; andon the West by lot No. 1 in said plot; and being lot No. '6 in H. W. Lindsay's Addition No. 1 toBessemer, as per unrecorded plot of lots made by The Thomas A. Gilkey Company, Civil Engineers;and being the same premises conveyed to the grantors herein by H. W. Lindsay, et uz, by deeddated February 24, 1925, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Lawrence County in Deed BookAnd the said grantors, do hereby warrant generally the property hereby conveyed,\nand State of Pennsylvania, bounded and deseribed as follows, to-wit:\nVol. Page\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]said\nTnis/conveyance is made subject to a fifty (50) foot building line on said Wilmington Avenue\nExtension and to the further restriction that no dwelling houses shall be erected or constructed\nthereon to cost less than Fifteen Hundred Dollars (#1500.00) each, and neither the purchaser\nhereof, nor his successors in title, shall place advertising signs or bill boards on said lot,\nnor permit any other person to so do, and néither the purchaser hereof, nor his successors in\ntitle, shall sell or convey said lot or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African\nor Italian raoe. These said restriotions shall oontinue in foroe and be binding on the owner,\nhis heirs and assigns, until the first day of Januery, 1930.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]This/conveyance is made subject to a fifty (50) foot building line on said Wilmington Avenue Extension and to the further restriction that no dwelling house shall be erected or constructed thereon to cost less than Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.00) each, and neither the purchaser hereof, nor his successors in title, shall place advertising signs or bill boards on said lot, title, shall sell or convey said lot or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African or Italian race. These said restrictions shall continue in force and be binding on the owner, his heirs and assigns, until the first of January, 1930.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] va8602 E:461 No chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on the parcel conveyed.5. No house or building shall be erected on any residential lot closer than 65 feet from thes sideline andofthe road or highway on which the lot fronts, except where the lotis on a corner of two roads insuch cases the house may be erected noo closer than 50feet from the side line of thes side road. No build-ing may be crected within 10 feet ofa side line or rear line, and at least twenty per cent (20%) of thewidth of the lot at the building lines shall be devoted to side yards. These restrictions pertaining to setback and side lines may be modifed when, in thej judfment of the committee 07 its representatives, sub-division. asprovided for in Paragraph 7,a modifcation will be beneficial tot the development of the6. No dwelling house shall be erected o7 suffered to remain on any residential lot which has a frstfoor ared, exclusive of farage and porches, of less than 1400 squure feet. No dwelling house shall beerected or suffered tor remain on any residential lot unless the ridge of the roof is at least 18 feet abovethe finished first floor. Jo garage, studio, or other attached building shall be erected or suffered tore-main which has a floor area of less than 360 square fect or more than 800 square feet, and a fable orfambrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the fnished foor, and the design and materials used7.. o building, structures, or fences or any additions thereto, or any alterations thercof, shall beerected, reconstructed, placed or suffered to remain upon said premises, unless or until the architecttherefor has recommended the size, location, type, materials of construction thereof, the grading plan haveof the tract, and the plans and specifcations of said buildings and the structures and these shallbeen approved in writing by. a committee composed of Howard H. Green, Ernest M. Green and IrvingK. Lewis, or the survivor of them, or by a representative designated by a majority of the members ofsaid committee. The powers and duties of such committee and of its designated representative shall shallccase on and afler January; 1, 1970. Thereafter, the approval described in this covenant not berequired unless, prior to said dute and effective thereon, a written instrument shall be executed by theund suid instrument has been recorded appointinga representative or committce who shall thereafter8. The Grantors reserve the right to grant consents to, and to petition the Gas Companies, electric which,light companies, Municipal or County authorities, for the extension of their respective services,in thec opinion ofthe Grantors are necessary in the hifhways uponz which the premises herein described thatshall front or abut, and the owner agrees to, and hereby consents to and affirms all agreementsmay be entered into between the Grantors and aboue named parties with respect to binding the owner9. The Grantors, their successors and assifns, reserve the rifht to waive, change oT cancel anyand all thc restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to any of the parcels within the abovcdescribed premiscs ifin their, judgment the purposes of said development can be better instrument scrued. Hou-ever, before any waiver, change or. cancellation of any restrictions contained in thiseffective, the approval ofsuch waiver, change or cancellations, of the Council of the Village of Brecks-.10. No nuisance, advertising sifn, billboard or other advertising device shall be crected, placed,ors suffered to remain upon said premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be mant-factured or sold, whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. No commercial oil or gas well11. Provisions for the disposal of sewage from any dwelling or building on said premises shall be12. The Grantors, their successors or assifns, hereby reserve easements and rifhts-of-way in,over, under and across the rear fve feet ofeach parcel conveyed, for the purpose ofinstalling and main-tenunce of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the18. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by anyperson or persons ofany race other than Cuucasian, whether such use and occupancy bec as ouner, leasceor otherwise, cxcept than this provision shall not apply tot thes servant or servants ofa Caucasian occupier.14. The Grantors reserve and are hereby franted the right in case of any violation or breach ofany deedof the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions in thiscontained, to enter the property upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and to summarilyabate and removc, at. the expense of the owner thercof, any erection, thing or condition that may beor exist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof as interpreted by the Gran-tors, und the Grantors shall not, by reason thereof, be deemed fuilty of any manner of trespass forsuch entry, abatement or removal. A failure to endorse any of the. restrictions, rights, reservations,limitations, afreements, covenants and conditions contained in this deed, shall in no cvent be con-strued, taken or held to be a waiver thereof or acquicscence in or consent to any further or succeed-15. Thel location ofanyand alldriveways: shall bec and remain as now established upons said premises,or,ifnot now established, shall be determined by the committee heretofore referred to in writingat thetime of the approval of the plans and specifcations for said dwelling. No driveway shall be located,relocated or suffered to remain upon said premises" except as how located oT determined in writing by16. The Grantors reserve, for the committee heretofore referred to, the sole and exclusive right toestablish grades and slopes on the premises hereby conveyed and to fr the grade at which any buildingshall be hereafter erected or placed thercon, so that the same may conform toa general plan.17. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be occupied, leased, rented, conveyed or otherwisealienated nor shall the title or possession thercof pass to another without the written consent of theGruntors or the committee, except that the Grantors or committee shall not withhold such consentifand aftera wrilten request has been made to the Grantors or committee, tor permit such occupation,leasing, renting, conveyance or alienation bya majority of the owners of the sublots which adjoin or shall harmonize with the dwelling. then record ofa majority of the residential lots into which this property has been subdivided exrercise the same powers previously exercised by the said committee. for the proportionate cost of saidville shall frst huve becn obtained.shall be drilled on suid premises, as applied to said premises herein described. be acceptable to and approved by the county and municipal health authorities. side line of each parcel. ing breach or violation thereof.the said committee.
va8602 E:461 No chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on the parcel conveyed.5. No house or building shall be erected on any residential lot closer than 65 feet from thes sideline andofthe road or highway on which the lot fronts, except where the lotis on a corner of two roads insuch cases the house may be erected noo closer than 50feet from the side line of thes side road. No build-ing may be crected within 10 feet ofa side line or rear line, and at least twenty per cent (20%) of thewidth of the lot at the building lines shall be devoted to side yards. These restrictions pertaining to setback and side lines may be modifed when, in thej judfment of the committee 07 its representatives, sub-division. asprovided for in Paragraph 7,a modifcation will be beneficial tot the development of the6. No dwelling house shall be erected o7 suffered to remain on any residential lot which has a frstfoor ared, exclusive of farage and porches, of less than 1400 squure feet. No dwelling house shall beerected or suffered tor remain on any residential lot unless the ridge of the roof is at least 18 feet abovethe finished first floor. Jo garage, studio, or other attached building shall be erected or suffered tore-main which has a floor area of less than 360 square fect or more than 800 square feet, and a fable orfambrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the fnished foor, and the design and materials used7.. o building, structures, or fences or any additions thereto, or any alterations thercof, shall beerected, reconstructed, placed or suffered to remain upon said premises, unless or until the architecttherefor has recommended the size, location, type, materials of construction thereof, the grading plan haveof the tract, and the plans and specifcations of said buildings and the structures and these shallbeen approved in writing by. a committee composed of Howard H. Green, Ernest M. Green and IrvingK. Lewis, or the survivor of them, or by a representative designated by a majority of the members ofsaid committee. The powers and duties of such committee and of its designated representative shall shallccase on and afler January; 1, 1970. Thereafter, the approval described in this covenant not berequired unless, prior to said dute and effective thereon, a written instrument shall be executed by theund suid instrument has been recorded appointinga representative or committce who shall thereafter8. The Grantors reserve the right to grant consents to, and to petition the Gas Companies, electric which,light companies, Municipal or County authorities, for the extension of their respective services,in thec opinion ofthe Grantors are necessary in the hifhways uponz which the premises herein described thatshall front or abut, and the owner agrees to, and hereby consents to and affirms all agreementsmay be entered into between the Grantors and aboue named parties with respect to binding the owner9. The Grantors, their successors and assifns, reserve the rifht to waive, change oT cancel anyand all thc restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to any of the parcels within the abovcdescribed premiscs ifin their, judgment the purposes of said development can be better instrument scrued. Hou-ever, before any waiver, change or. cancellation of any restrictions contained in thiseffective, the approval ofsuch waiver, change or cancellations, of the Council of the Village of Brecks-.10. No nuisance, advertising sifn, billboard or other advertising device shall be crected, placed,ors suffered to remain upon said premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be mant-factured or sold, whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. No commercial oil or gas well11. Provisions for the disposal of sewage from any dwelling or building on said premises shall be12. The Grantors, their successors or assifns, hereby reserve easements and rifhts-of-way in,over, under and across the rear fve feet ofeach parcel conveyed, for the purpose ofinstalling and main-tenunce of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the18. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by anyperson or persons ofany race other than Cuucasian, whether such use and occupancy bec as ouner, leasceor otherwise, cxcept than this provision shall not apply tot thes servant or servants ofa Caucasian occupier.14. The Grantors reserve and are hereby franted the right in case of any violation or breach ofany deedof the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions in thiscontained, to enter the property upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and to summarilyabate and removc, at. the expense of the owner thercof, any erection, thing or condition that may beor exist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof as interpreted by the Gran-tors, und the Grantors shall not, by reason thereof, be deemed fuilty of any manner of trespass forsuch entry, abatement or removal. A failure to endorse any of the. restrictions, rights, reservations,limitations, afreements, covenants and conditions contained in this deed, shall in no cvent be con-strued, taken or held to be a waiver thereof or acquicscence in or consent to any further or succeed-15. Thel location ofanyand alldriveways: shall bec and remain as now established upons said premises,or,ifnot now established, shall be determined by the committee heretofore referred to in writingat thetime of the approval of the plans and specifcations for said dwelling. No driveway shall be located,relocated or suffered to remain upon said premises" except as how located oT determined in writing by16. The Grantors reserve, for the committee heretofore referred to, the sole and exclusive right toestablish grades and slopes on the premises hereby conveyed and to fr the grade at which any buildingshall be hereafter erected or placed thercon, so that the same may conform toa general plan.17. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be occupied, leased, rented, conveyed or otherwisealienated nor shall the title or possession thercof pass to another without the written consent of theGruntors or the committee, except that the Grantors or committee shall not withhold such consentifand aftera wrilten request has been made to the Grantors or committee, tor permit such occupation,leasing, renting, conveyance or alienation bya majority of the owners of the sublots which adjoin or shall harmonize with the dwelling. then record ofa majority of the residential lots into which this property has been subdivided exrercise the same powers previously exercised by the said committee. for the proportionate cost of saidville shall frst huve becn obtained.shall be drilled on suid premises, as applied to said premises herein described. be acceptable to and approved by the county and municipal health authorities. side line of each parcel. ing breach or violation thereof.the said committee.
18. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thercof shall be used Or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Curcasian, whethersuch use and occupancy bc as ouuner, leasee or otherwise, except than this provisions shall not apply to theservant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.
13. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee or otherwise, except than this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]18. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thercof shall be used Or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Curcasian, whethersuch use and occupancy bc as ouuner, leasee or otherwise, except than this provisions shall not apply to theservant or servants of a Caucasian occupier. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]13. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee or otherwise, except than this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nva8602 E:461\nNo chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on the parcel conveyed.5. No house or building shall be erected on any residential lot closer than 65 feet from thes sideline andofthe road or highway on which the lot fronts, except where the lotis on a corner of two roads insuch cases the house may be erected noo closer than 50feet from the side line of thes side road. No build-ing may be crected within 10 feet ofa side line or rear line, and at least twenty per cent (20%) of thewidth of the lot at the building lines shall be devoted to side yards. These restrictions pertaining to setback and side lines may be modifed when, in thej judfment of the committee 07 its representatives, sub-division. asprovided for in Paragraph 7,a modifcation will be beneficial tot the development of the6. No dwelling house shall be erected o7 suffered to remain on any residential lot which has a frstfoor ared, exclusive of farage and porches, of less than 1400 squure feet. No dwelling house shall beerected or suffered tor remain on any residential lot unless the ridge of the roof is at least 18 feet abovethe finished first floor. Jo garage, studio, or other attached building shall be erected or suffered tore-main which has a floor area of less than 360 square fect or more than 800 square feet, and a fable orfambrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the fnished foor, and the design and materials used7.. o building, structures, or fences or any additions thereto, or any alterations thercof, shall beerected, reconstructed, placed or suffered to remain upon said premises, unless or until the architecttherefor has recommended the size, location, type, materials of construction thereof, the grading plan haveof the tract, and the plans and specifcations of said buildings and the structures and these shallbeen approved in writing by. a committee composed of Howard H. Green, Ernest M. Green and IrvingK. Lewis, or the survivor of them, or by a representative designated by a majority of the members ofsaid committee. The powers and duties of such committee and of its designated representative shall shallccase on and afler January; 1, 1970. Thereafter, the approval described in this covenant not berequired unless, prior to said dute and effective thereon, a written instrument shall be executed by theund suid instrument has been recorded appointinga representative or committce who shall thereafter8. The Grantors reserve the right to grant consents to, and to petition the Gas Companies, electric which,light companies, Municipal or County authorities, for the extension of their respective services,in thec opinion ofthe Grantors are necessary in the hifhways uponz which the premises herein described thatshall front or abut, and the owner agrees to, and hereby consents to and affirms all agreementsmay be entered into between the Grantors and aboue named parties with respect to binding the owner9. The Grantors, their successors and assifns, reserve the rifht to waive, change oT cancel anyand all thc restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to any of the parcels within the abovcdescribed premiscs ifin their, judgment the purposes of said development can be better instrument scrued. Hou-ever, before any waiver, change or. cancellation of any restrictions contained in thiseffective, the approval ofsuch waiver, change or cancellations, of the Council of the Village of Brecks-.10. No nuisance, advertising sifn, billboard or other advertising device shall be crected, placed,ors suffered to remain upon said premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be mant-factured or sold, whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. No commercial oil or gas well11. Provisions for the disposal of sewage from any dwelling or building on said premises shall be12. The Grantors, their successors or assifns, hereby reserve easements and rifhts-of-way in,over, under and across the rear fve feet ofeach parcel conveyed, for the purpose ofinstalling and main-tenunce of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the18. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by anyperson or persons ofany race other than Cuucasian, whether such use and occupancy bec as ouner, leasceor otherwise, cxcept than this provision shall not apply tot thes servant or servants ofa Caucasian occupier.14. The Grantors reserve and are hereby franted the right in case of any violation or breach ofany deedof the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions in thiscontained, to enter the property upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and to summarilyabate and removc, at. the expense of the owner thercof, any erection, thing or condition that may beor exist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof as interpreted by the Gran-tors, und the Grantors shall not, by reason thereof, be deemed fuilty of any manner of trespass forsuch entry, abatement or removal. A failure to endorse any of the. restrictions, rights, reservations,limitations, afreements, covenants and conditions contained in this deed, shall in no cvent be con-strued, taken or held to be a waiver thereof or acquicscence in or consent to any further or succeed-15. Thel location ofanyand alldriveways: shall bec and remain as now established upons said premises,or,ifnot now established, shall be determined by the committee heretofore referred to in writingat thetime of the approval of the plans and specifcations for said dwelling. No driveway shall be located,relocated or suffered to remain upon said premises\" except as how located oT determined in writing by16. The Grantors reserve, for the committee heretofore referred to, the sole and exclusive right toestablish grades and slopes on the premises hereby conveyed and to fr the grade at which any buildingshall be hereafter erected or placed thercon, so that the same may conform toa general plan.17. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be occupied, leased, rented, conveyed or otherwisealienated nor shall the title or possession thercof pass to another without the written consent of theGruntors or the committee, except that the Grantors or committee shall not withhold such consentifand aftera wrilten request has been made to the Grantors or committee, tor permit such occupation,leasing, renting, conveyance or alienation bya majority of the owners of the sublots which adjoin or\nshall harmonize with the dwelling.\nthen record\nofa majority of the residential lots into which this property has been subdivided\nexrercise the same powers previously exercised by the said committee.\nfor the proportionate cost of saidville shall frst huve becn obtained.shall be drilled on suid premises,\nas applied to said premises herein described.\nbe\nacceptable to and approved by the county and municipal health authorities.\nside line of each parcel.\ning breach or violation thereof.the said committee.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]18. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thercof shall be used Or occupied by any\nperson or persons of any race other than Curcasian, whethersuch use and occupancy bc as ouuner, leasee\nor otherwise, except than this provisions shall not apply to theservant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]13. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee or otherwise, except than this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 13 EXHIBIT "E" ESTRICRIONS This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely: "A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent. of the capi- tal stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers. "B" that no part of the said property shall. be used, rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, restaurant or any other of such business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for residen- tial purposes. and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lots_No.29, 30 &31 - Block "D" Gracemont Terrace except that an apartment house may be erected thereon, pro- vided It is of a single Structure and constitutes not more than two (2) stories. "Ç" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or about the premises. "D" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the sides of the property herein conveyed, such a fence may be erected on the rear or back extremity of the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences, 1f any, shall be of a wire construction and without barbs. "E! That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, except "For Sale," or "For Rent" signs which shall not exceed two by three (2X3) feet. "p" That the residence to be erected on the said lots No. 29, 30 & 31 Block "D" - Grace- mont Terrace shall be at least Forty (40) feet from the front property line provided that in as- certaining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches, and projecting eaves shall not be included; that the cost of the residence of dwelling to be erected on the said lots No. 29, 30& 31 Block "D" Gracemont Terrace shall not be less than Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of labor materials. "G" That no outside or open toilets will be permitted on the property herein conveyed. "H" That a perpetual easement is reserved over the rear five (5) feet of these lots No. 29,30 31 - Block "D" Gracemont Terrace for utility installation and maintenance. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the conditions and restrictions shall be appurtenant to and run with the said lot or lots; that in the event of the violation of any conditions or re- strictions that the said Wharton Realty Company, Inc.,, its Successors and Assigns or any person or persons owning a lot in the subdivision of which this conveyance is a part, shall have and are hereby given the right of abat tement of such violation or violatic Lons and shall have and are hereby given the right to enforce compliance by injunction or any other appropriate action with- out incurring any liability for damages. EXHIBIT "p! EESPRIOTIOIS This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely: "A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the. use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent. of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers. "B" That no part of the said property shgll be used, rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, rest taurant or any other of such business enterprises; that the said property. shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for resi- dential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lots No. 15, 16817 - Block "A" - Gracemont Terrace except. that an apartment house may be erected thereon, provided it is ofa single structure and consti tutes not more than two (2) stories. "C" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or about the premises. "D" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the sides of the property herein conveyed, such a fence may be erected on the rear or back extremity of the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences, if any, shall be of a wire cons truction and without barbs. "E" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, except "For Sale", or "For Rent" sig gns which shall not exceed two by three ( 2x3) feet. "p" That the residence to be erected on the said lots No. 15, 16 & 17 - Block "A" Gracemont Terrace shall be at least Thirty-five (35) feet from the front property line provided that in ascertaining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches, and projecting eaves shall not be included; that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected on the said lots No. 15,16817 Block "A"- Gracemont Terrace shall not be less than Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of Iabor and materials. "G" That no outside or open toilets will be permitted on the property herein conveyed. "H! That a perpetual easement is reserved over the rear five (5) feet of these lots No. 15, 16817 Block "A" - Gracemont Terrace for utility installation and maintenance. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the conditions and restrictions shall be appurtenant to and run with the said lot or lots; that in the event of the violation of any conditions or re- strictions that the said Wharton Realty, Company, Inc.,. its Successors and Assigns or any person or persons owning a lot in the subdivision of which this conveyance. is a part, shall have and are hereby given the right of abatement of such violation or violations and shall have and are hereby given the right to enforce compliance by injunction or any other appropriate action with- out incurring any liability for damages. RECORDED THIS THE 29th day of October, 1942, 11.30 A. M. ahyP -
13 EXHIBIT "E" ESTRICRIONS This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely: "A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent. of the capi- tal stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers. "B" that no part of the said property shall. be used, rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, restaurant or any other of such business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for residen- tial purposes. and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lots_No.29, 30 &31 - Block "D" Gracemont Terrace except that an apartment house may be erected thereon, pro- vided It is of a single Structure and constitutes not more than two (2) stories. "Ç" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or about the premises. "D" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the sides of the property herein conveyed, such a fence may be erected on the rear or back extremity of the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences, 1f any, shall be of a wire construction and without barbs. "E! That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, except "For Sale," or "For Rent" signs which shall not exceed two by three (2X3) feet. "p" That the residence to be erected on the said lots No. 29, 30 & 31 Block "D" - Grace- mont Terrace shall be at least Forty (40) feet from the front property line provided that in as- certaining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches, and projecting eaves shall not be included; that the cost of the residence of dwelling to be erected on the said lots No. 29, 30& 31 Block "D" Gracemont Terrace shall not be less than Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of labor materials. "G" That no outside or open toilets will be permitted on the property herein conveyed. "H" That a perpetual easement is reserved over the rear five (5) feet of these lots No. 29,30 31 - Block "D" Gracemont Terrace for utility installation and maintenance. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the conditions and restrictions shall be appurtenant to and run with the said lot or lots; that in the event of the violation of any conditions or re- strictions that the said Wharton Realty Company, Inc.,, its Successors and Assigns or any person or persons owning a lot in the subdivision of which this conveyance is a part, shall have and are hereby given the right of abat tement of such violation or violatic Lons and shall have and are hereby given the right to enforce compliance by injunction or any other appropriate action with- out incurring any liability for damages. EXHIBIT "p! EESPRIOTIOIS This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely: "A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the. use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent. of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers. "B" That no part of the said property shgll be used, rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, rest taurant or any other of such business enterprises; that the said property. shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for resi- dential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lots No. 15, 16817 - Block "A" - Gracemont Terrace except. that an apartment house may be erected thereon, provided it is ofa single structure and consti tutes not more than two (2) stories. "C" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or about the premises. "D" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the sides of the property herein conveyed, such a fence may be erected on the rear or back extremity of the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences, if any, shall be of a wire cons truction and without barbs. "E" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, except "For Sale", or "For Rent" sig gns which shall not exceed two by three ( 2x3) feet. "p" That the residence to be erected on the said lots No. 15, 16 & 17 - Block "A" Gracemont Terrace shall be at least Thirty-five (35) feet from the front property line provided that in ascertaining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches, and projecting eaves shall not be included; that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected on the said lots No. 15,16817 Block "A"- Gracemont Terrace shall not be less than Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of Iabor and materials. "G" That no outside or open toilets will be permitted on the property herein conveyed. "H! That a perpetual easement is reserved over the rear five (5) feet of these lots No. 15, 16817 Block "A" - Gracemont Terrace for utility installation and maintenance. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the conditions and restrictions shall be appurtenant to and run with the said lot or lots; that in the event of the violation of any conditions or re- strictions that the said Wharton Realty, Company, Inc.,. its Successors and Assigns or any person or persons owning a lot in the subdivision of which this conveyance. is a part, shall have and are hereby given the right of abatement of such violation or violations and shall have and are hereby given the right to enforce compliance by injunction or any other appropriate action with- out incurring any liability for damages. RECORDED THIS THE 29th day of October, 1942, 11.30 A. M. ahyP -
"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent. of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.
"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent. of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premise of their employers.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent. of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent. of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premise of their employers.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n13\nEXHIBIT \"E\"\nESTRICRIONS\nThis conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely:\n\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of\nfor the use or occupancy to any person or persons descent, or corporation owned or controlled\nby persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent. of the capi-\ntal stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the\npremises of their employers.\n\"B\" that no part of the said property shall. be used, rented, sold, leased or otherwise\ndisposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, restaurant or any other of such\nbusiness enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for residen-\ntial purposes. and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lots_No.29, 30\n&31 - Block \"D\" Gracemont Terrace except that an apartment house may be erected thereon, pro-\nvided It is of a single Structure and constitutes not more than two (2) stories.\n\"Ç\" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or about the premises.\n\"D\" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the sides\nof the property herein conveyed, such a fence may be erected on the rear or back extremity of\nthe property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences, 1f any,\nshall be of a wire construction and without barbs.\n\"E! That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, except\n\"For Sale,\" or \"For Rent\" signs which shall not exceed two by three (2X3) feet.\n\"p\" That the residence to be erected on the said lots No. 29, 30 & 31 Block \"D\" - Grace-\nmont Terrace shall be at least Forty (40) feet from the front property line provided that in as-\ncertaining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches, and projecting\neaves shall not be included; that the cost of the residence of dwelling to be erected on the\nsaid lots No. 29, 30& 31 Block \"D\" Gracemont Terrace shall not be less than Three Thousand\n($3,000.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of labor materials.\n\"G\" That no outside or open toilets will be permitted on the property herein conveyed.\n\"H\" That a perpetual easement is reserved over the rear five (5) feet of these lots No.\n29,30 31 - Block \"D\" Gracemont Terrace for utility installation and maintenance.\nIT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the conditions and restrictions shall be appurtenant to\nand run with the said lot or lots; that in the event of the violation of any conditions or re-\nstrictions that the said Wharton Realty Company, Inc.,, its Successors and Assigns or any person\nor persons owning a lot in the subdivision of which this conveyance is a part, shall have and\nare hereby given the right of abat tement of such violation or violatic Lons and shall have and are\nhereby given the right to enforce compliance by injunction or any other appropriate action with-\nout incurring any liability for damages.\nEXHIBIT \"p!\nEESPRIOTIOIS\nThis conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely:\n\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of\nfor the. use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or\ncontrolled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent.\nof the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to\nlive upon the premises of their employers.\n\"B\" That no part of the said property shgll be used, rented, sold, leased or otherwise\ndisposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, rest taurant or any other of such\nbusiness enterprises; that the said property. shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for resi-\ndential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lots No. 15,\n16817 - Block \"A\" - Gracemont Terrace except. that an apartment house may be erected thereon,\nprovided it is ofa single structure and consti tutes not more than two (2) stories.\n\"C\" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or about the premises.\n\"D\" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the\nsides of the property herein conveyed, such a fence may be erected on the rear or back extremity\nof the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences, if\nany, shall be of a wire cons truction and without barbs.\n\"E\" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, except\n\"For Sale\", or \"For Rent\" sig gns which shall not exceed two by three ( 2x3) feet.\n\"p\" That the residence to be erected on the said lots No. 15, 16 & 17 - Block \"A\"\nGracemont Terrace shall be at least Thirty-five (35) feet from the front property line provided\nthat in ascertaining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches, and\nprojecting eaves shall not be included; that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected\non the said lots No. 15,16817 Block \"A\"- Gracemont Terrace shall not be less than Three\nThousand ($3,000.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of Iabor and materials.\n\"G\" That no outside or open toilets will be permitted on the property herein conveyed.\n\"H! That a perpetual easement is reserved over the rear five (5) feet of these lots No. 15,\n16817 Block \"A\" - Gracemont Terrace for utility installation and maintenance.\nIT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the conditions and restrictions shall be appurtenant to\nand run with the said lot or lots; that in the event of the violation of any conditions or re-\nstrictions that the said Wharton Realty, Company, Inc.,. its Successors and Assigns or any person\nor persons owning a lot in the subdivision of which this conveyance. is a part, shall have and\nare hereby given the right of abatement of such violation or violations and shall have and are\nhereby given the right to enforce compliance by injunction or any other appropriate action with-\nout incurring any liability for damages.\nRECORDED THIS THE 29th day of October, 1942, 11.30 A. M.\nahyP\n-", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of\nfor the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or\ncontrolled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent.\nof the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to\nlive upon the premises of their employers.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent. of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premise of their employers.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 0,6409 PAGE276 96178 nou all flien hy thpse rebents, That Indian Hills Estates Co., a Corporation,under the lazes of the state of Indiana, the Grantor, for the consideration sw-halw.anérs incorporatedthe Grantee.S.,hcirs und and..srby.L.. n:/100---- Dollars ($1,250..)-m). veceived to its full sutisfaction of 3nd.LA.sA Rhusl does give. grent, bargain, sell and convey anto the said Grentee.s.., their. assigns, the following described premises: Silated in the City of Enclid, Cugahogu County. Ohio, knoun aS beinyin Indin Hills Estutes Co.'s Re-Subdivision of Indian Hills Estubes SectionOne, us shown by the recorded plut in Volume 57, Puye 18. of CughoguCountyy Records of Maps, to auhick reference is hereby made for the sizeund boundaries of suid Sub-Lot. be lhe same norC or lews. bnk sibjech Woall legal kighaveys. Also subject to the zoning Ordinances of the Cily Sub-Lot.. No. 163. Euclid und to all restriclions of record. of 9454 a And the Grantee does for.ta.mrelys iheirs and assigns, in consideration of theexecution and delivery of this deed, hercby covenant and agree with the Grantor, its successorsand assigns tol hold said real estate herein described upon the following terms:(a) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residence purposes and no structure shallbe crected on any residential building plot other than one single family dwelling not to exceed(b) No building shall be crected on any residential building plot nearer than thirty (30) feetto, nor farther than fifty (50) feet from the front Sub-Lot line, nor nearer than five (5) feet to: anyside Sub-Lot line, except on Sub-Lots where the topography of the land does not permit, in whichevent the building line will be established by Indian Hills Estates Co., or by the Committee(c) No fence or wall exceeding three (3) fect in height shall be crected or maintained on anypart of any Sub-Lot, nor shall any fence or wall be erected or maintained within forty (40) fect of(d) None of said Sub-Lots shall be re-subdivided into building plots having an area lessthan shown on the plat of the subdivision as recorded in Volume 57. Page 12, of Cuyahoga County(e) No spirituous. vinous, nor fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either atwholesale or retail, on said premises. No noxious or offensive trade shall bc carried on upon anySub-Lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building onany Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy hy domestic servants of a dif-(g) No trailer, hasement, tent, shack, barn, or other outbuilding crected in the tract shallat any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a(h) No structure shall be moved onto any Sub-Lot unless it mects with the approval of thecommittee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee it shall conform to: and be in har-(i) During the period in which Indian Hills Estates Co.. or its successors, owns any of suchSub-Lots, no building shall be crected on any Sul-Lot until the design and location therçof.haye two stories in height and a one- or two-car garage. referred to in paragraph (i) hercof.the Street on which said Sub-Lot fronts. records of Maps.the neighborhood. ferent race, employed by owner or tenant.temporary character be permitted.mony with existing structures in the tract.
0,6409 PAGE276 96178 nou all flien hy thpse rebents, That Indian Hills Estates Co., a Corporation,under the lazes of the state of Indiana, the Grantor, for the consideration sw-halw.anérs incorporatedthe Grantee.S.,hcirs und and..srby.L.. n:/100---- Dollars ($1,250..)-m). veceived to its full sutisfaction of 3nd.LA.sA Rhusl does give. grent, bargain, sell and convey anto the said Grentee.s.., their. assigns, the following described premises: Silated in the City of Enclid, Cugahogu County. Ohio, knoun aS beinyin Indin Hills Estutes Co.'s Re-Subdivision of Indian Hills Estubes SectionOne, us shown by the recorded plut in Volume 57, Puye 18. of CughoguCountyy Records of Maps, to auhick reference is hereby made for the sizeund boundaries of suid Sub-Lot. be lhe same norC or lews. bnk sibjech Woall legal kighaveys. Also subject to the zoning Ordinances of the Cily Sub-Lot.. No. 163. Euclid und to all restriclions of record. of 9454 a And the Grantee does for.ta.mrelys iheirs and assigns, in consideration of theexecution and delivery of this deed, hercby covenant and agree with the Grantor, its successorsand assigns tol hold said real estate herein described upon the following terms:(a) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residence purposes and no structure shallbe crected on any residential building plot other than one single family dwelling not to exceed(b) No building shall be crected on any residential building plot nearer than thirty (30) feetto, nor farther than fifty (50) feet from the front Sub-Lot line, nor nearer than five (5) feet to: anyside Sub-Lot line, except on Sub-Lots where the topography of the land does not permit, in whichevent the building line will be established by Indian Hills Estates Co., or by the Committee(c) No fence or wall exceeding three (3) fect in height shall be crected or maintained on anypart of any Sub-Lot, nor shall any fence or wall be erected or maintained within forty (40) fect of(d) None of said Sub-Lots shall be re-subdivided into building plots having an area lessthan shown on the plat of the subdivision as recorded in Volume 57. Page 12, of Cuyahoga County(e) No spirituous. vinous, nor fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either atwholesale or retail, on said premises. No noxious or offensive trade shall bc carried on upon anySub-Lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building onany Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy hy domestic servants of a dif-(g) No trailer, hasement, tent, shack, barn, or other outbuilding crected in the tract shallat any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a(h) No structure shall be moved onto any Sub-Lot unless it mects with the approval of thecommittee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee it shall conform to: and be in har-(i) During the period in which Indian Hills Estates Co.. or its successors, owns any of suchSub-Lots, no building shall be crected on any Sul-Lot until the design and location therçof.haye two stories in height and a one- or two-car garage. referred to in paragraph (i) hercof.the Street on which said Sub-Lot fronts. records of Maps.the neighborhood. ferent race, employed by owner or tenant.temporary character be permitted.mony with existing structures in the tract.
(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif- ferent race, employed by owner or tenant.
(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race, employed by owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif- ferent race, employed by owner or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race, employed by owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n0,6409 PAGE276\n\n96178\nnou all flien hy thpse rebents, That Indian Hills Estates Co., a Corporation,under the lazes of the state of Indiana, the Grantor, for the consideration sw-halw.anérs\nincorporatedthe Grantee.S.,hcirs und\nand..srby.L..\nn:/100---- Dollars ($1,250..)-m). veceived to its full sutisfaction of\n3nd.LA.sA\nRhusl\ndoes give. grent, bargain, sell and convey anto the said Grentee.s.., their.\nassigns, the following described premises:\nSilated in the City of Enclid, Cugahogu County. Ohio, knoun aS beinyin Indin Hills Estutes Co.'s Re-Subdivision of Indian Hills Estubes SectionOne, us shown by the recorded plut in Volume 57, Puye 18. of CughoguCountyy Records of Maps, to auhick reference is hereby made for the sizeund boundaries of suid Sub-Lot. be lhe same norC or lews. bnk sibjech Woall legal kighaveys. Also subject to the zoning Ordinances of the Cily\nSub-Lot.. No. 163.\nEuclid und to all restriclions of record.\nof\n9454 a\nAnd the Grantee does for.ta.mrelys iheirs and assigns, in consideration of theexecution and delivery of this deed, hercby covenant and agree with the Grantor, its successorsand assigns tol hold said real estate herein described upon the following terms:(a) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residence purposes and no structure shallbe crected on any residential building plot other than one single family dwelling not to exceed(b) No building shall be crected on any residential building plot nearer than thirty (30) feetto, nor farther than fifty (50) feet from the front Sub-Lot line, nor nearer than five (5) feet to: anyside Sub-Lot line, except on Sub-Lots where the topography of the land does not permit, in whichevent the building line will be established by Indian Hills Estates Co., or by the Committee(c) No fence or wall exceeding three (3) fect in height shall be crected or maintained on anypart of any Sub-Lot, nor shall any fence or wall be erected or maintained within forty (40) fect of(d) None of said Sub-Lots shall be re-subdivided into building plots having an area lessthan shown on the plat of the subdivision as recorded in Volume 57. Page 12, of Cuyahoga County(e) No spirituous. vinous, nor fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either atwholesale or retail, on said premises. No noxious or offensive trade shall bc carried on upon anySub-Lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building onany Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy hy domestic servants of a dif-(g) No trailer, hasement, tent, shack, barn, or other outbuilding crected in the tract shallat any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a(h) No structure shall be moved onto any Sub-Lot unless it mects with the approval of thecommittee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee it shall conform to: and be in har-(i) During the period in which Indian Hills Estates Co.. or its successors, owns any of suchSub-Lots, no building shall be crected on any Sul-Lot until the design and location therçof.haye\ntwo stories in height and a one- or two-car garage.\nreferred to in paragraph (i) hercof.the Street on which said Sub-Lot fronts.\nrecords of Maps.the neighborhood.\nferent race, employed by owner or tenant.temporary character be permitted.mony with existing structures in the tract.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on\nany Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif-\nferent race, employed by owner or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race, employed by owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] V0L7289 PAG:6 650 9. W. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply tof family servants employed by the occupant of said premises. 10. W. No portion of the premises hereby conveyed shall be occupied, leased, rented, con- veyed, or otherwise alienated, nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another, without the written consent of GRANTORS: except that said GRANTORS may not withhold such con- sent, if and after a written request has been made to GRANTORS, to permit such occupation, leasing, renting, conveying, or alienation, by the owner or owners of the legal title of a majority ofall of the following sublots of said mw:.2.. 12,95,96, 102,103 The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply tot transfers of title by way of devise or inheritance, in which case the devisee or heir shall take such property subject to the restrictions herein imposed. 11.. No nuisance, gas or oil derrick, advertising sign, billboard, or other advertising device, factory, machine shop, saw mill or other manufacturing, establishment, nor any business, profes- sional or commercial enterprise whatsoever. hospital, school, place of worship, library, museum, or any type of eleemosynary, institution, or any like institutions, or any iron clad building, or a building with a tin roof, shall be constructed, erected, placed or operated or suffered to remain upon said premises, nor shall the premises be used in any way for noxious or offensive trade or any, purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the holders of the adjoin- ing, land. No place of public entertainment, apartment house, flat, boarding house, nor building designed for the residence of more than one family, and no hotel, tavern, dance hall or any other form of community dwelling shall be established, conducted, maintained or suffered to remain upon said premises. No chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored upon snid premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold upon said premises. The provisions of this paragraph or of any of the other restrictions herein contained shall not prevent the construction and maintenance by GRANTORS of suitable and appropriate structures. for the conduct of the business of developing and improving this sub- division. 12. N. No heating apparatus in or for any dwelling shall be operated by any but smoke free fuel unless such apparatus is equipped, operated and maintained with some device which will prevent smoke. All dwellings shall be equipped with either an enclosed incineratororan electric garbage disposal unit. No ferces or wall of any kind for any purposes shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain upon said premises without the written consent of GRANTORS. 13. Y4. GRANTORS hereby reserve and except an easement and/or right-of-way upon said premises for the erection, construction and. maintenance of poles, wires, and conduits, and the necessary or proper attachments in connection therewith for the transmission of electricity and for telephone and other purposes; for the construction and maintenance of storm water drains, land drains, public and private sewers, pipe lines for supplying gas, water and heat; and for any, other public or quasi-public utility or function; some of such easements and rights-of-way are located upon the plat of said allotment above referred to, and except as otherwise indicated thereon or specified herein, shall be confined to the rear ten feet of all lots, and at the side of lots where indicated on the plat or herein specified; no dwelling house or garage, fence, wall, hedge or other structure shall be built upon the locations affected by said easements and rights of way and said locations shall be at all times open to such as may have the right to use said easements, and to GRANTORS, who shall have the right of ingress and egress thereto and there- from, and the right, privilege and easement of doing whatever may be necessary in, under and upon said locations for the carrying out of any of the purposes for which said easements and rights of way are hereby reserved. GRANTORS further reserve the right to: assign the use of said easements and rights of way to any person, firm or corporation furnishing any one or more of the aforesaid facilities. 1h. W GRANTORS also expressly reserve the sole and exclusive right to establish grades and slopes on the land hereby conveyed and to fix the grade at which any dwelling shall be hereafter erected or placed thereon, so that the same may conform to a general plan. 15. y. GRANTORS expressly reserve, and are hereby granted, the right, in case of any viola- tion of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of. any of the covenants and agreements herein contained, to enter the property, upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing or con- dition that may be or exist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof asi interpreted by GRANTORS, and GRANTORSshal!: not, by reason thereof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Failure by GRANTORS to enforce any of the restrictions of this conveyance shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do sot thereafter.
V0L7289 PAG:6 650 9. W. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply tof family servants employed by the occupant of said premises. 10. W. No portion of the premises hereby conveyed shall be occupied, leased, rented, con- veyed, or otherwise alienated, nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another, without the written consent of GRANTORS: except that said GRANTORS may not withhold such con- sent, if and after a written request has been made to GRANTORS, to permit such occupation, leasing, renting, conveying, or alienation, by the owner or owners of the legal title of a majority ofall of the following sublots of said mw:.2.. 12,95,96, 102,103 The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply tot transfers of title by way of devise or inheritance, in which case the devisee or heir shall take such property subject to the restrictions herein imposed. 11.. No nuisance, gas or oil derrick, advertising sign, billboard, or other advertising device, factory, machine shop, saw mill or other manufacturing, establishment, nor any business, profes- sional or commercial enterprise whatsoever. hospital, school, place of worship, library, museum, or any type of eleemosynary, institution, or any like institutions, or any iron clad building, or a building with a tin roof, shall be constructed, erected, placed or operated or suffered to remain upon said premises, nor shall the premises be used in any way for noxious or offensive trade or any, purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the holders of the adjoin- ing, land. No place of public entertainment, apartment house, flat, boarding house, nor building designed for the residence of more than one family, and no hotel, tavern, dance hall or any other form of community dwelling shall be established, conducted, maintained or suffered to remain upon said premises. No chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored upon snid premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold upon said premises. The provisions of this paragraph or of any of the other restrictions herein contained shall not prevent the construction and maintenance by GRANTORS of suitable and appropriate structures. for the conduct of the business of developing and improving this sub- division. 12. N. No heating apparatus in or for any dwelling shall be operated by any but smoke free fuel unless such apparatus is equipped, operated and maintained with some device which will prevent smoke. All dwellings shall be equipped with either an enclosed incineratororan electric garbage disposal unit. No ferces or wall of any kind for any purposes shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain upon said premises without the written consent of GRANTORS. 13. Y4. GRANTORS hereby reserve and except an easement and/or right-of-way upon said premises for the erection, construction and. maintenance of poles, wires, and conduits, and the necessary or proper attachments in connection therewith for the transmission of electricity and for telephone and other purposes; for the construction and maintenance of storm water drains, land drains, public and private sewers, pipe lines for supplying gas, water and heat; and for any, other public or quasi-public utility or function; some of such easements and rights-of-way are located upon the plat of said allotment above referred to, and except as otherwise indicated thereon or specified herein, shall be confined to the rear ten feet of all lots, and at the side of lots where indicated on the plat or herein specified; no dwelling house or garage, fence, wall, hedge or other structure shall be built upon the locations affected by said easements and rights of way and said locations shall be at all times open to such as may have the right to use said easements, and to GRANTORS, who shall have the right of ingress and egress thereto and there- from, and the right, privilege and easement of doing whatever may be necessary in, under and upon said locations for the carrying out of any of the purposes for which said easements and rights of way are hereby reserved. GRANTORS further reserve the right to: assign the use of said easements and rights of way to any person, firm or corporation furnishing any one or more of the aforesaid facilities. 1h. W GRANTORS also expressly reserve the sole and exclusive right to establish grades and slopes on the land hereby conveyed and to fix the grade at which any dwelling shall be hereafter erected or placed thereon, so that the same may conform to a general plan. 15. y. GRANTORS expressly reserve, and are hereby granted, the right, in case of any viola- tion of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of. any of the covenants and agreements herein contained, to enter the property, upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing or con- dition that may be or exist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof asi interpreted by GRANTORS, and GRANTORSshal!: not, by reason thereof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Failure by GRANTORS to enforce any of the restrictions of this conveyance shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do sot thereafter.
9. y! No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.
9. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]9. y! No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]9. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nV0L7289 PAG:6 650\n9. W. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used\nexcept by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply\ntof family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.\n10. W. No portion of the premises hereby conveyed shall be occupied, leased, rented, con-\nveyed, or otherwise alienated, nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another, without\nthe written consent of GRANTORS: except that said GRANTORS may not withhold such con-\nsent, if and after a written request has been made to GRANTORS, to permit such occupation,\nleasing, renting, conveying, or alienation, by the owner or owners of the legal title of a majority\nofall of the following sublots of said mw:.2..\n12,95,96, 102,103\nThe provisions of this paragraph shall not apply\ntot transfers of title by way of devise or inheritance, in which case the devisee or heir shall take\nsuch property subject to the restrictions herein imposed.\n11.. No nuisance, gas or oil derrick, advertising sign, billboard, or other advertising device,\nfactory, machine shop, saw mill or other manufacturing, establishment, nor any business, profes-\nsional or commercial enterprise whatsoever. hospital, school, place of worship, library, museum,\nor any type of eleemosynary, institution, or any like institutions, or any iron clad building, or a\nbuilding with a tin roof, shall be constructed, erected, placed or operated or suffered to remain\nupon said premises, nor shall the premises be used in any way for noxious or offensive trade or\nany, purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the holders of the adjoin-\ning, land. No place of public entertainment, apartment house, flat, boarding house, nor building\ndesigned for the residence of more than one family, and no hotel, tavern, dance hall or any\nother form of community dwelling shall be established, conducted, maintained or suffered to\nremain upon said premises. No chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or\nharbored upon snid premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured\nor sold upon said premises. The provisions of this paragraph or of any of the other restrictions\nherein contained shall not prevent the construction and maintenance by GRANTORS of suitable\nand appropriate structures. for the conduct of the business of developing and improving this sub-\ndivision.\n12. N. No heating apparatus in or for any dwelling shall be operated by any but smoke free\nfuel unless such apparatus is equipped, operated and maintained with some device which will\nprevent smoke. All dwellings shall be equipped with either an enclosed incineratororan electric\ngarbage disposal unit. No ferces or wall of any kind for any purposes shall be erected, placed\nor suffered to remain upon said premises without the written consent of GRANTORS.\n13. Y4. GRANTORS hereby reserve and except an easement and/or right-of-way upon said\npremises for the erection, construction and. maintenance of poles, wires, and conduits, and the\nnecessary or proper attachments in connection therewith for the transmission of electricity and\nfor telephone and other purposes; for the construction and maintenance of storm water drains,\nland drains, public and private sewers, pipe lines for supplying gas, water and heat; and for\nany, other public or quasi-public utility or function; some of such easements and rights-of-way\nare located upon the plat of said allotment above referred to, and except as otherwise indicated\nthereon or specified herein, shall be confined to the rear ten feet of all lots, and at the side of\nlots where indicated on the plat or herein specified; no dwelling house or garage, fence, wall,\nhedge or other structure shall be built upon the locations affected by said easements and rights\nof way and said locations shall be at all times open to such as may have the right to use said\neasements, and to GRANTORS, who shall have the right of ingress and egress thereto and there-\nfrom, and the right, privilege and easement of doing whatever may be necessary in, under and\nupon said locations for the carrying out of any of the purposes for which said easements and\nrights of way are hereby reserved. GRANTORS further reserve the right to: assign the use of said\neasements and rights of way to any person, firm or corporation furnishing any one or more of the\naforesaid facilities.\n1h. W GRANTORS also expressly reserve the sole and exclusive right to establish grades and\nslopes on the land hereby conveyed and to fix the grade at which any dwelling shall be hereafter\nerected or placed thereon, so that the same may conform to a general plan.\n15. y. GRANTORS expressly reserve, and are hereby granted, the right, in case of any viola-\ntion of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of. any of the covenants and agreements\nherein contained, to enter the property, upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and\nto summarily abate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing or con-\ndition that may be or exist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof\nasi interpreted by GRANTORS, and GRANTORSshal!: not, by reason thereof, be deemed guilty of\nany manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Failure by GRANTORS to enforce\nany of the restrictions of this conveyance shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do\nsot thereafter.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]9. y! No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used\nexcept by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply\nto family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]9. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] GRANTOR INDEX MIrO 1840 1 Pa 3099-A) :: : All Names contained in this section are arranged in these columns. The number follow- 1840 ing a name indicates the page of this section where all entries of that name may be found. R Acker A M&Co 1 Armour & Co 1 Adrian Realty Co 1 African M ECh 1 RECORDED DATE OF RECORD LOCATION GRANTOR Docket Vol. Page Month Year 283 208 Jun 28 1932 Mahoning Tp Acker AM&Co (TT) By Shff al Federal Land Bk of Baltimore Armour & Co Delaware 323 414 Sep 27 1943 4 Wd NG Armour & Co Illinois 258 402 Apr 17 1926 Shenango Tp Adrian Realty Co Mfrs Light & Heat Co 261 170 Aug 16 1926 New Castle Adrian Realty Co Penn Coal & Supply Co 257 516 Feb 7 1927 Shenango Tp Adrian Realty Co National Radiator Co ux 336 32 Jun 9 19458WdNC Adrian Realty Co Frank Fomka 321 584 Aug 10 19431WaNG African M E Ch By Comrs Emamuel Shenkan
GRANTOR INDEX MIrO 1840 1 Pa 3099-A) :: : All Names contained in this section are arranged in these columns. The number follow- 1840 ing a name indicates the page of this section where all entries of that name may be found. R Acker A M&Co 1 Armour & Co 1 Adrian Realty Co 1 African M ECh 1 RECORDED DATE OF RECORD LOCATION GRANTOR Docket Vol. Page Month Year 283 208 Jun 28 1932 Mahoning Tp Acker AM&Co (TT) By Shff al Federal Land Bk of Baltimore Armour & Co Delaware 323 414 Sep 27 1943 4 Wd NG Armour & Co Illinois 258 402 Apr 17 1926 Shenango Tp Adrian Realty Co Mfrs Light & Heat Co 261 170 Aug 16 1926 New Castle Adrian Realty Co Penn Coal & Supply Co 257 516 Feb 7 1927 Shenango Tp Adrian Realty Co National Radiator Co ux 336 32 Jun 9 19458WdNC Adrian Realty Co Frank Fomka 321 584 Aug 10 19431WaNG African M E Ch By Comrs Emamuel Shenkan
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nGRANTOR INDEX MIrO\n1840\n1\nPa 3099-A)\n:: :\nAll Names contained in this section are arranged in these columns. The number follow-\n1840\ning a name indicates the page of this section where all entries of that name may be found.\nR\nAcker A M&Co\n1\nArmour & Co\n1\nAdrian Realty Co\n1\nAfrican M ECh\n1\nRECORDED DATE OF RECORD LOCATION\nGRANTOR\nDocket Vol. Page Month Year\n283 208 Jun 28 1932 Mahoning Tp\nAcker AM&Co (TT) By Shff al Federal Land Bk of Baltimore\nArmour & Co Delaware\n323 414 Sep 27 1943 4 Wd NG\nArmour & Co Illinois\n258 402 Apr 17 1926 Shenango Tp\nAdrian Realty Co\nMfrs Light & Heat Co\n261 170 Aug 16 1926 New Castle\nAdrian Realty Co\nPenn Coal & Supply Co\n257 516 Feb 7 1927 Shenango Tp\nAdrian Realty Co\nNational Radiator Co\nux 336 32 Jun 9 19458WdNC\nAdrian Realty Co\nFrank Fomka\n321 584 Aug 10 19431WaNG\nAfrican M E Ch By Comrs\nEmamuel Shenkan", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 172 #3.607 F. BIDILE ET UX PO E.E. YATES THIS INIEYTURE, Hade the Twenty-ninth day of Deoember in the jear of our Lora, nineteen hundred and nineteon between J. F. Biddle and Ruth Bidale (his wife) of the County of San Luis Obispo,. State of California, the parties of the firet part, and E. B. Yates of the County of Santa Glara, State of Oalifornia, the party of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the sai d parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and no/100 Dollars Lewful Money of the United States of America, to them in hand paid by the said party of the seoond part, the reoeipt whereof is hereby aoknowledged, do by these presents grant, bargain, sell, conyey and confirm unto the said party of the second part, and to hie heirs and assigns forever all that certain lot, piece or paroel of land, situate, lying and being in the City of San Jose, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and bounded and partioularly described as follows, to-wit: Lot Number len (10) in Block Number three (3) as the same 1s des- oribed and delinsated on a certain Map entitled "Map of Shottenhamer Subdivision No. 2, in the County. of Santa Clara, State of California. Surveyed Hardh 1913 byH, B. Fisher, Surveyor and 0. B., San Jose, Cal.". and recorded on the 18th day of March, A. D. 1913, in Book 0 of Maps, at page 27, in the office of the County Recorder of said County of Santa Clara, State of Oelifornia. 'This deed is made and aocepted upon the express sonditions that if the party of the second part shall build upon the above desoribed premises he will erect a residence to cost not less than Pwo Phousand ($2000.00) Dollars to be placeà on the said premises at a distance not less than 20 feet from the lot line of said property hereby conveyed as shown on Baia map and to be plaoeà parallel with the divisional lines between lots on said block; and that he will not erect or maintain any store, saloon, leundry, bill board, wood-yard, or other place of business anywhere on said property, or any portion thereof; and that if a barn, garage or outhouse be erected or maintained upon said property it Bhall not be erected or maintained adjaoent to any sidowalk, but it ahall be placed in that portion of said land furtherest remored from the nearest street or highway; that he will not moye any house or structure upon said property or any part thereof from any plece outside of the Shottenhamer Sybdivision No. B, as deseribed on the map above set forth; and further, that he will not sell or convey the whole or any part of the said premises or ans interest therein except by deed or oonveyance containing the conditions and restriotions and forfeitures herein set forth, and that in case of the breach of or failure to oarry out any of the provisions or conditions herein contained, either by the party of the second part or his heirs, administrators, exeoutors, assigns or successors in interest, then this deed and conveyenoe shall become null and void, and said granted premises and each and every part thereof Bhell revert without notion or sotion of anybody to the perty of the first part, his heirs and asBigns. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenanges thereunto belonging or in enywise appertaining together with the rents, issues, and profits thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and gingular the said premises, together with the appurtenanoes, unto the said party of the sooond part, and to his heirs
172 #3.607 F. BIDILE ET UX PO E.E. YATES THIS INIEYTURE, Hade the Twenty-ninth day of Deoember in the jear of our Lora, nineteen hundred and nineteon between J. F. Biddle and Ruth Bidale (his wife) of the County of San Luis Obispo,. State of California, the parties of the firet part, and E. B. Yates of the County of Santa Glara, State of Oalifornia, the party of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the sai d parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and no/100 Dollars Lewful Money of the United States of America, to them in hand paid by the said party of the seoond part, the reoeipt whereof is hereby aoknowledged, do by these presents grant, bargain, sell, conyey and confirm unto the said party of the second part, and to hie heirs and assigns forever all that certain lot, piece or paroel of land, situate, lying and being in the City of San Jose, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and bounded and partioularly described as follows, to-wit: Lot Number len (10) in Block Number three (3) as the same 1s des- oribed and delinsated on a certain Map entitled "Map of Shottenhamer Subdivision No. 2, in the County. of Santa Clara, State of California. Surveyed Hardh 1913 byH, B. Fisher, Surveyor and 0. B., San Jose, Cal.". and recorded on the 18th day of March, A. D. 1913, in Book 0 of Maps, at page 27, in the office of the County Recorder of said County of Santa Clara, State of Oelifornia. 'This deed is made and aocepted upon the express sonditions that if the party of the second part shall build upon the above desoribed premises he will erect a residence to cost not less than Pwo Phousand ($2000.00) Dollars to be placeà on the said premises at a distance not less than 20 feet from the lot line of said property hereby conveyed as shown on Baia map and to be plaoeà parallel with the divisional lines between lots on said block; and that he will not erect or maintain any store, saloon, leundry, bill board, wood-yard, or other place of business anywhere on said property, or any portion thereof; and that if a barn, garage or outhouse be erected or maintained upon said property it Bhall not be erected or maintained adjaoent to any sidowalk, but it ahall be placed in that portion of said land furtherest remored from the nearest street or highway; that he will not moye any house or structure upon said property or any part thereof from any plece outside of the Shottenhamer Sybdivision No. B, as deseribed on the map above set forth; and further, that he will not sell or convey the whole or any part of the said premises or ans interest therein except by deed or oonveyance containing the conditions and restriotions and forfeitures herein set forth, and that in case of the breach of or failure to oarry out any of the provisions or conditions herein contained, either by the party of the second part or his heirs, administrators, exeoutors, assigns or successors in interest, then this deed and conveyenoe shall become null and void, and said granted premises and each and every part thereof Bhell revert without notion or sotion of anybody to the perty of the first part, his heirs and asBigns. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenanges thereunto belonging or in enywise appertaining together with the rents, issues, and profits thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and gingular the said premises, together with the appurtenanoes, unto the said party of the sooond part, and to his heirs
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n172\n#3.607\nF. BIDILE ET UX\nPO\nE.E. YATES\nTHIS INIEYTURE, Hade the Twenty-ninth day of Deoember in the jear of\nour Lora, nineteen hundred and nineteon between J. F. Biddle and Ruth Bidale (his\nwife) of the County of San Luis Obispo,. State of California, the parties of the\nfiret part, and E. B. Yates of the County of Santa Glara, State of Oalifornia, the\nparty of the second part,\nWITNESSETH, That the sai d parties of the first part, for and in\nconsideration of the sum of Ten and no/100 Dollars Lewful Money of the United\nStates of America, to them in hand paid by the said party of the seoond part, the\nreoeipt whereof is hereby aoknowledged, do by these presents grant, bargain, sell,\nconyey and confirm unto the said party of the second part, and to hie heirs and\nassigns forever all that certain lot, piece or paroel of land, situate, lying\nand being in the City of San Jose, County of Santa Clara, State of California,\nand bounded and partioularly described as follows, to-wit:\nLot Number len (10) in Block Number three (3) as the same 1s des-\noribed and delinsated on a certain Map entitled \"Map of Shottenhamer Subdivision\nNo. 2, in the County. of Santa Clara, State of California. Surveyed Hardh 1913\nbyH, B. Fisher, Surveyor and 0. B., San Jose, Cal.\". and recorded on the 18th\nday of March, A. D. 1913, in Book 0 of Maps, at page 27, in the office of the\nCounty Recorder of said County of Santa Clara, State of Oelifornia.\n'This deed is made and aocepted upon the express sonditions that\nif the party of the second part shall build upon the above desoribed premises he\nwill erect a residence to cost not less than Pwo Phousand ($2000.00) Dollars to\nbe placeà on the said premises at a distance not less than 20 feet from the lot\nline of said property hereby conveyed as shown on Baia map and to be plaoeà\nparallel with the divisional lines between lots on said block; and that he will\nnot erect or maintain any store, saloon, leundry, bill board, wood-yard, or\nother place of business anywhere on said property, or any portion thereof; and\nthat if a barn, garage or outhouse be erected or maintained upon said property\nit Bhall not be erected or maintained adjaoent to any sidowalk, but it ahall be\nplaced in that portion of said land furtherest remored from the nearest street\nor highway; that he will not moye any house or structure upon said property or\nany part thereof from any plece outside of the Shottenhamer Sybdivision No. B,\nas deseribed on the map above set forth; and further, that he will not sell or\nconvey the whole or any part of the said premises or ans interest therein except\nby deed or oonveyance containing the conditions and restriotions and forfeitures\nherein set forth, and that in case of the breach of or failure to oarry out any\nof the provisions or conditions herein contained, either by the party of the\nsecond part or his heirs, administrators, exeoutors, assigns or successors in\ninterest, then this deed and conveyenoe shall become null and void, and said\ngranted premises and each and every part thereof Bhell revert without notion or\nsotion of anybody to the perty of the first part, his heirs and asBigns.\nTogether with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and\nappurtenanges thereunto belonging or in enywise appertaining together with the\nrents, issues, and profits thereof.\nTO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and gingular the said premises, together\nwith the appurtenanoes, unto the said party of the sooond part, and to his heirs", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DR VOL00648 PAGE473 VOL 648 PABE473 CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT. THE STATE: OF TEXAS, ÇOUNTY OF..I DENTON. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, in and for said County," Texas, on this day personally appeared.... SENNETT KIRK, III whose name is Vice subscribed President. to the foregoing and.. instrument Trust. FIRSTASTATE BANK OF DENTON, TEXAS and PEfisgEa to me that the same was be they the person act of and the officer said known tor met tol rtefratiom.aa fhat he executed the same as the act of such corporation for the purposes and consideration therein ssed, and. in't the capacity therein stated. GIVPN UNDER MK HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This 14th, June Chsankan A.D.1972. Notary Public, Denton. .County, Texas MARTIN, GGVV Co.; Dallas My Commission Expires June 1,19.. EXHIBIT "A" Lot 40, Block9, of the GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE J.W. RAGLAND AND R. P. HARDIN ESTATES, G. EMBERLIN, SURVEYS, DENTON, COUNTY, TEXAS. the land This and contract binding is subject to the following restrictions, coyenants ministrators, to-wit: upon the Purchaser or Purchasers of said above and property reservations, and to their which shall be covenants running with heirs, assigns, successors and ad- dud lodge orfor non-profit or lots in this subdivision, except private atructures shall be crected, EEREmaN altered, purposes, placed or and any original lot is restricted Paragreph to onc 18 type to be used only as reaidence, hereinafter excepted and described in Shrbs 2.. No building, one except as hereinafter a garage and/or permitted 8, No pergon ot boathouse and other necessary outbuildings. to remain on any building plot other than detached single building anda 4. No dry toilcts aNs or cesspools race shall domiciled be with any owner or tenant. occupy any lot, except that thisc coverant shall notp prevent mestic servânts race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupaney by do- County Department of will be permitted thereon, Sewerage permitted this property and only sanifary 5. Water Denton or State Health Department. o disposal by septic tank on sewerage or approved more lots by the Çounty of Denton or Stato must have the syatem approved Bu by succ çeosors supply assigns, to one or a or morel lots must be approved by the Texas State finen the foot.s easement shall mmediately Dirs by C private the water organization herein described cnuse to_be Department constructed of Health, main At the. int the timot tho Seller, its representatives, econd inferiori in all run a against, Baid and when water is made availuble street along the front ment for property eyents herein sioni payable demand, thereto, an esesment Er6 te reatrictions P Pur archaser and Ia thereot on liens and a lien said E asseeament compliancoy with property. - the building agrees that herein seto out, ofA residence E Business lots are excluded" E from the above building, Jines on atreet Bide of corner etreet line than building petback property Jines shown on out herein, aspinert thef front lot1 furnish lino or water main int thes strect or easement adjoining other building.s No fFront building shall becrected 4v as herein as set nearer to side tho line-25 lota=16 Side yard building lines on the recorded yard restrictions.) 7,_No bullding structure shall be shallbep painted on theo outside with two occupied (2) or used unt!l interior lota: =4 A shinglcs, tile, concrete or aluminum siding complete or coats exterior completely fnished and, if frame or other thereofi is unfinished, in main structure shall bo brick, lumbor, material, material used obnoxious or offensive trade or"activity roofing. 8. No 9. No annoyançe garage, or nuisance to the neighborhood. shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thercon which may boc or become 2, permanently, basement, nor ghall tent, structure shack or other ofat outbuilding erected thelot herein provided that sAnitary restrictions as herein temporary set character ge uned deaeribed shall at any time be as vd: P out are fully complied PA xeidence, except that trailers may used residence on any lot 10. The ground fioor area of any main in Btructure, exclusive of open 11. Streets, casements and 12. These restrictions shall alleys be covenants are reserved as shown on the recorded porches plat and of garages, said addition shall be for notl less than 6000 square feet. January jority of l then 1065, owners at which enid ovenants running shall_be with the utomatically land and shall be binding upon all utility purposce. periods partics often and all peraons years claiming under them until parties hereto, of thel iis agreed to changes said covenants extended in whole for E any other person or or any ai them, or their heirs or aapigns, phall (10) unless by vote ofa ma- oriny part, owning any or xeal property situatedins violate said ttempt. to violate any the covenants S OF to equity against the person herein,t ohallbe gubdivision damages or other dues attempting tov violate any for such violation. Pata: force and segye one oft these covenants by judzment or court order shall in no any and top prevent him or them progeedingigtlnw from 8O doing, such covenant, either wise affect any of theo other provisions which ahair rémain 15. No atructures of any kind are to be moved onto the subdivision or any lot thereot withoutt 16. The Seller Developer snall nôt be thev written such ns hurricanes, tornadocs, respongible rains, to Purchaser, his heirs or assigns, of the Seller or Developer. natural or otherwise, heavy in thes subdivision, Aoode, droughts, etc. The Purchnser for damagest agrees to thes to subdivision by any Actot the drainage Hon the syet of default of any of said payments as provided without Ants obtnining the written permissiono change oft the way or intorfere Pas Sae claye that hole CM payments due, and contained, in the then E shall breach hct AS terms conditions of contract or Pe to ST sni contract restrictions herein Be said M es viola- made by the Purchaser and E all notice andt the Scller may at once addressed upon to the said Purchnser the contract ove-mentioned cancelled, 45 entirety and declarçs the full amount due te shall maila. letter of said letter of cancellation Baid is E liquidated damages for breach oft this improvements covenant and placed as rental or built thereon by ehter shallbek property kept and and take thereof addrees and nt retained Eale not asa penalty Iaat any lotin expressly Block understood 2 Iis that Lots through 5 in Block charges for the above property. 19. The Rollowing lots are may expreasly be bccupièd s trailer, asset out in Paragraph all lote l herein, Blocks land are reserved for businoss only, with the exception excepted, Lots reserved and in no way made a part' of these through through 7in Block "A"in Block lu known through as Block 61 ,Bba ini E 16i 5; through 10 Block Block 17and known as Block "B."). FILED FOR RECORD: RINEDAY OF_ unA.D.1972 at 913o'clocka. 28th DAY OF_ AREA.D.1972 at Ho&o'clock, M. RECORDED: BY B.Mensiel THETA PARKER, COUNTY CLERK DEPUTY DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS
DR VOL00648 PAGE473 VOL 648 PABE473 CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT. THE STATE: OF TEXAS, ÇOUNTY OF..I DENTON. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, in and for said County," Texas, on this day personally appeared.... SENNETT KIRK, III whose name is Vice subscribed President. to the foregoing and.. instrument Trust. FIRSTASTATE BANK OF DENTON, TEXAS and PEfisgEa to me that the same was be they the person act of and the officer said known tor met tol rtefratiom.aa fhat he executed the same as the act of such corporation for the purposes and consideration therein ssed, and. in't the capacity therein stated. GIVPN UNDER MK HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This 14th, June Chsankan A.D.1972. Notary Public, Denton. .County, Texas MARTIN, GGVV Co.; Dallas My Commission Expires June 1,19.. EXHIBIT "A" Lot 40, Block9, of the GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE J.W. RAGLAND AND R. P. HARDIN ESTATES, G. EMBERLIN, SURVEYS, DENTON, COUNTY, TEXAS. the land This and contract binding is subject to the following restrictions, coyenants ministrators, to-wit: upon the Purchaser or Purchasers of said above and property reservations, and to their which shall be covenants running with heirs, assigns, successors and ad- dud lodge orfor non-profit or lots in this subdivision, except private atructures shall be crected, EEREmaN altered, purposes, placed or and any original lot is restricted Paragreph to onc 18 type to be used only as reaidence, hereinafter excepted and described in Shrbs 2.. No building, one except as hereinafter a garage and/or permitted 8, No pergon ot boathouse and other necessary outbuildings. to remain on any building plot other than detached single building anda 4. No dry toilcts aNs or cesspools race shall domiciled be with any owner or tenant. occupy any lot, except that thisc coverant shall notp prevent mestic servânts race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupaney by do- County Department of will be permitted thereon, Sewerage permitted this property and only sanifary 5. Water Denton or State Health Department. o disposal by septic tank on sewerage or approved more lots by the Çounty of Denton or Stato must have the syatem approved Bu by succ çeosors supply assigns, to one or a or morel lots must be approved by the Texas State finen the foot.s easement shall mmediately Dirs by C private the water organization herein described cnuse to_be Department constructed of Health, main At the. int the timot tho Seller, its representatives, econd inferiori in all run a against, Baid and when water is made availuble street along the front ment for property eyents herein sioni payable demand, thereto, an esesment Er6 te reatrictions P Pur archaser and Ia thereot on liens and a lien said E asseeament compliancoy with property. - the building agrees that herein seto out, ofA residence E Business lots are excluded" E from the above building, Jines on atreet Bide of corner etreet line than building petback property Jines shown on out herein, aspinert thef front lot1 furnish lino or water main int thes strect or easement adjoining other building.s No fFront building shall becrected 4v as herein as set nearer to side tho line-25 lota=16 Side yard building lines on the recorded yard restrictions.) 7,_No bullding structure shall be shallbep painted on theo outside with two occupied (2) or used unt!l interior lota: =4 A shinglcs, tile, concrete or aluminum siding complete or coats exterior completely fnished and, if frame or other thereofi is unfinished, in main structure shall bo brick, lumbor, material, material used obnoxious or offensive trade or"activity roofing. 8. No 9. No annoyançe garage, or nuisance to the neighborhood. shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thercon which may boc or become 2, permanently, basement, nor ghall tent, structure shack or other ofat outbuilding erected thelot herein provided that sAnitary restrictions as herein temporary set character ge uned deaeribed shall at any time be as vd: P out are fully complied PA xeidence, except that trailers may used residence on any lot 10. The ground fioor area of any main in Btructure, exclusive of open 11. Streets, casements and 12. These restrictions shall alleys be covenants are reserved as shown on the recorded porches plat and of garages, said addition shall be for notl less than 6000 square feet. January jority of l then 1065, owners at which enid ovenants running shall_be with the utomatically land and shall be binding upon all utility purposce. periods partics often and all peraons years claiming under them until parties hereto, of thel iis agreed to changes said covenants extended in whole for E any other person or or any ai them, or their heirs or aapigns, phall (10) unless by vote ofa ma- oriny part, owning any or xeal property situatedins violate said ttempt. to violate any the covenants S OF to equity against the person herein,t ohallbe gubdivision damages or other dues attempting tov violate any for such violation. Pata: force and segye one oft these covenants by judzment or court order shall in no any and top prevent him or them progeedingigtlnw from 8O doing, such covenant, either wise affect any of theo other provisions which ahair rémain 15. No atructures of any kind are to be moved onto the subdivision or any lot thereot withoutt 16. The Seller Developer snall nôt be thev written such ns hurricanes, tornadocs, respongible rains, to Purchaser, his heirs or assigns, of the Seller or Developer. natural or otherwise, heavy in thes subdivision, Aoode, droughts, etc. The Purchnser for damagest agrees to thes to subdivision by any Actot the drainage Hon the syet of default of any of said payments as provided without Ants obtnining the written permissiono change oft the way or intorfere Pas Sae claye that hole CM payments due, and contained, in the then E shall breach hct AS terms conditions of contract or Pe to ST sni contract restrictions herein Be said M es viola- made by the Purchaser and E all notice andt the Scller may at once addressed upon to the said Purchnser the contract ove-mentioned cancelled, 45 entirety and declarçs the full amount due te shall maila. letter of said letter of cancellation Baid is E liquidated damages for breach oft this improvements covenant and placed as rental or built thereon by ehter shallbek property kept and and take thereof addrees and nt retained Eale not asa penalty Iaat any lotin expressly Block understood 2 Iis that Lots through 5 in Block charges for the above property. 19. The Rollowing lots are may expreasly be bccupièd s trailer, asset out in Paragraph all lote l herein, Blocks land are reserved for businoss only, with the exception excepted, Lots reserved and in no way made a part' of these through through 7in Block "A"in Block lu known through as Block 61 ,Bba ini E 16i 5; through 10 Block Block 17and known as Block "B."). FILED FOR RECORD: RINEDAY OF_ unA.D.1972 at 913o'clocka. 28th DAY OF_ AREA.D.1972 at Ho&o'clock, M. RECORDED: BY B.Mensiel THETA PARKER, COUNTY CLERK DEPUTY DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS
3, No person of waa ouner neccssary outbuildings. V44 any pusaing piot other than PKVeu. one detached single building and a any, race other than the Caucasinn race shall use mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or or occupy any lot, except that this coverant 4. No dry toilets shall not prevent occupancy by do- Department 111 or cesspools shall be permitted_on thic nu tenant.
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3, No person of waa ouner neccssary outbuildings. V44 any pusaing piot other than PKVeu. one detached single building and a any, race other than the Caucasinn race shall use mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or or occupy any lot, except that this coverant 4. No dry toilets shall not prevent occupancy by do- Department 111 or cesspools shall be permitted_on thic nu tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDR VOL00648 PAGE473\nVOL 648 PABE473\nCORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT.\nTHE STATE: OF TEXAS,\nÇOUNTY OF..I DENTON.\nBEFORE ME, the undersigned authority,\nin and for said County,\" Texas, on this day personally appeared.... SENNETT KIRK, III\nwhose name is Vice subscribed President. to the foregoing and.. instrument Trust.\nFIRSTASTATE BANK OF DENTON, TEXAS and PEfisgEa to me that the same was be they the person act of and the officer said\nknown tor met tol\nrtefratiom.aa fhat he executed the same as the act of such corporation\nfor the purposes and consideration therein\nssed, and. in't the capacity therein stated.\nGIVPN UNDER MK HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This 14th,\nJune\nChsankan\nA.D.1972.\nNotary Public, Denton.\n.County, Texas\nMARTIN, GGVV Co.; Dallas\nMy Commission Expires June 1,19..\nEXHIBIT \"A\"\nLot 40, Block9, of the GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE\nJ.W. RAGLAND AND R. P. HARDIN\nESTATES, G. EMBERLIN,\nSURVEYS, DENTON, COUNTY, TEXAS.\nthe land This and contract binding is subject to the following restrictions, coyenants\nministrators, to-wit: upon the Purchaser or Purchasers of said above and property reservations, and to their which shall be covenants running with\nheirs, assigns,\nsuccessors and ad-\ndud lodge orfor non-profit or\nlots in this subdivision, except\nprivate atructures shall be crected, EEREmaN altered, purposes, placed or and any original lot is restricted Paragreph to onc 18 type to be used only as reaidence,\nhereinafter excepted and described in\nShrbs\n2.. No\nbuilding, one except as hereinafter a\ngarage and/or\npermitted\n8, No pergon ot boathouse and other necessary outbuildings. to remain on any building plot\nother than detached single building anda\n4. No dry toilcts aNs or cesspools race shall domiciled be with any owner or tenant. occupy any lot, except that thisc coverant shall notp prevent\nmestic servânts race other than the Caucasian race shall use or\noccupaney by do-\nCounty Department of will be permitted thereon, Sewerage permitted this property and only sanifary\n5. Water Denton or State Health Department. o disposal by septic tank\non sewerage or approved more lots by the Çounty of Denton or Stato\nmust have the syatem approved Bu by\nsucc çeosors supply assigns, to one or a or morel lots must be approved by the Texas State\nfinen the foot.s easement shall mmediately Dirs by C private the water organization herein described cnuse to_be Department constructed of Health, main At the. int the timot tho Seller, its representatives,\necond inferiori in all run a against, Baid\nand when water is made availuble street along the front\n\nment for property eyents herein sioni\npayable demand, thereto, an esesment Er6\n\nte reatrictions P Pur archaser and Ia thereot on \nliens and a lien\n\nsaid\nE\nasseeament\ncompliancoy with\nproperty.\n-\nthe building\nagrees that\nherein seto out,\nofA residence\nE Business lots are excluded\" E from the above building, Jines on atreet Bide of corner etreet line than building petback property Jines shown on out herein,\naspinert\nthef front lot1 furnish lino or water main int thes strect or easement adjoining other\nbuilding.s\nNo\nfFront building shall becrected\n4v\nas herein\nas set\nnearer to side\ntho\nline-25\nlota=16 Side yard building lines on the recorded\nyard\nrestrictions.)\n7,_No bullding structure shall be\nshallbep painted on theo outside with two occupied (2) or used unt!l\ninterior lota: =4\nA\nshinglcs, tile, concrete or aluminum siding complete or coats exterior completely fnished and, if frame or other\nthereofi is\nunfinished,\nin main structure shall bo brick, lumbor, material,\nmaterial used\nobnoxious or offensive trade or\"activity roofing.\n8. No\n9. No annoyançe garage, or nuisance to the neighborhood. shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thercon\nwhich may boc or become\n2, permanently, basement, nor ghall tent, structure shack or other ofat outbuilding erected thelot herein\nprovided that sAnitary restrictions as herein temporary set character ge uned\ndeaeribed shall at any time be as\nvd:\nP\nout are fully complied PA xeidence, except that trailers may used residence on any lot\n10. The ground fioor area of any main\nin\nBtructure,\nexclusive of open\n11.\nStreets, casements and\n12. These restrictions shall alleys be covenants are reserved as shown on the recorded porches plat and of garages, said addition shall be for notl less than 6000 square feet.\nJanuary jority of l then 1065, owners at which enid ovenants running shall_be with the utomatically land and shall be binding upon all utility purposce.\nperiods partics often and all peraons years claiming under them until\nparties hereto, of thel iis agreed to changes said covenants extended in whole for\nE any other person or or any ai them, or their heirs or aapigns, phall\n(10) unless by vote ofa ma-\noriny part,\n\nowning any or xeal property situatedins violate said ttempt. to violate any the covenants\nS\nOF to equity against the person\nherein,t ohallbe\ngubdivision\ndamages or other dues\nattempting tov violate any\nfor such violation.\nPata: force and segye one oft these covenants by judzment or court order shall in no\nany\nand top prevent him or them progeedingigtlnw from 8O doing,\nsuch covenant, either\nwise affect any of theo other provisions which\nahair rémain\n15. No atructures of any kind are to be moved onto\nthe subdivision or any lot thereot withoutt\n16. The Seller Developer snall nôt be\nthev written\nsuch ns hurricanes, tornadocs, respongible rains, to Purchaser, his heirs or assigns,\nof the Seller or Developer.\nnatural or otherwise, heavy in thes subdivision, Aoode, droughts, etc. The Purchnser for damagest agrees to thes to subdivision by any Actot\nthe drainage\nHon the syet of default of any of said payments as provided without Ants obtnining the written permissiono change oft the\nway or intorfere Pas\nSae\n\nclaye that hole CM payments due, and contained, in the then\nE\nshall breach hct AS terms conditions of contract or\nPe to ST sni contract\nrestrictions herein\nBe said\nM\nes\nviola-\nmade by the Purchaser and E all notice andt the Scller may at once addressed upon to the said Purchnser the contract ove-mentioned cancelled, 45\nentirety and\ndeclarçs the full amount due\nte\nshall maila. letter of\nsaid letter of\ncancellation\nBaid\nis\nE liquidated damages for breach oft this improvements covenant and placed as rental or built thereon by ehter shallbek property kept and and take\nthereof addrees and\nnt\nretained Eale not asa penalty\nIaat any lotin expressly Block understood 2\nIis\nthat Lots through 5 in Block charges for the above property.\n19. The Rollowing lots are may expreasly be bccupièd s trailer, asset out in Paragraph all lote l herein, Blocks land are reserved for businoss only, with the exception\nexcepted, Lots reserved and in no way made a part' of these\nthrough through 7in Block\n\"A\"in Block lu known through as Block 61\n,Bba\nini E 16i\n5;\nthrough 10\nBlock Block 17and\nknown as Block \"B.\").\nFILED FOR RECORD: RINEDAY OF_ unA.D.1972 at 913o'clocka.\n28th DAY OF_ AREA.D.1972 at Ho&o'clock, M.\nRECORDED:\nBY B.Mensiel\nTHETA PARKER, COUNTY CLERK\nDEPUTY\nDENTON COUNTY, TEXAS", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3, No person of\nwaa ouner neccssary outbuildings.\nV44 any pusaing piot other than\nPKVeu.\none detached\nsingle building and a\nany, race other than the\nCaucasinn race shall use\nmestic\nservants\nof a different\nrace domiciled with any owner or or occupy any lot, except that this coverant\n4. No dry toilets\nshall not prevent occupancy by do-\nDepartment 111 or cesspools shall be permitted_on thic nu tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 640109 Mm2789 2351 39 STATE. OF TEXAS ICOUNTY OF. BEXAR I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS WHEREAS, GEORGE H. GUERDRUM, MRS. ALFHILD S. GUERDRUM, JOSEPHW. HUNTRESS,. MRS. JEAN. A HUNTRESS, GERALD. M. CLUGSTON, MRS. INGRIDLot'5, Biock 2; New City Block 7841 and the West 14 feetof the South 229 feet of Tract Number 2, Kendall-Addition,as recorded in Vol. 521, Page 590 of the Deed Records ofBexar County, Texas, being within the corporate limits ofNow, therefore, the above mentioned owners acting herein by andthrough their representative HARALD S. GUERDRUM, heby virtue of power of attorney vested in him, for and duly in considerationof the benefits to accrue to then by having the property above describeduniformly restricted, do hereby impose upon their property the follow-ing covenants and restrictions which shall run with. the land as follows:1. Property above described shall be used for private residential2. No other than detached single family dwellingsinot to exceedone stors in height and a private garage for not more thantwo cars and servants quarters shall be erected. No garageand servants quarters nor any other structure may exceed onestory in height. No residence together withits gerage and.servants quarters shall be erected on a. lot containing less3. The ground flocr area of any residénce, exclusive of openporches, breezeways, and garages, shali be not less than4. No. building shall be erected on any lot nearer than 25 feetto the front lot line cr nearer than 10 feet to any sidestreet line or nearer than 3 fect to any side lot line.5. Any wall, hedge or fence erected or planted onside propertyline shall not be over 3 feet in height between the residence6.No person of any race other than the Caucasian Race shallown or occupy any building or lot except that this restrictionshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a pro-hibited race domiciled on the presises with owner or tenant.7. No. part of said premises shall be used' for illegal or immoralpurposes and shall not be used for keeping ortreating forprofit persons. afflicted with tuberculoses or diseases 'thatare contagious or infectious. Nor shell any noxious oroffensive. activity be carried on upon any lot nor shall any-thing be done therecn which may be or become en annoyance ornuisance to the neighborhood. No trailer, basement, tent,.shack, garage, barn or other outbuildings erected in thetract shall-et any time be used as a residence temporery orpermently, except for servants, nor shall any structure of atemporary. character be used as a residence.8.No sign of any kind sha.ll be displayed to the public view onany Jot except one professional sign of not more than one.square foot, one sign of not more than five sguare feetadvertising the property for sale or rent, or signs uséd bya builder to advertise the property during the construction CLUGSTON AND HARALD.S. GUERDRUM are the. owners.of: San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas authorized. purposes only. than 6800 squaré feet of area.. 600 square feet. and the front lot line. and sales period.
640109 Mm2789 2351 39 STATE. OF TEXAS ICOUNTY OF. BEXAR I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS WHEREAS, GEORGE H. GUERDRUM, MRS. ALFHILD S. GUERDRUM, JOSEPHW. HUNTRESS,. MRS. JEAN. A HUNTRESS, GERALD. M. CLUGSTON, MRS. INGRIDLot'5, Biock 2; New City Block 7841 and the West 14 feetof the South 229 feet of Tract Number 2, Kendall-Addition,as recorded in Vol. 521, Page 590 of the Deed Records ofBexar County, Texas, being within the corporate limits ofNow, therefore, the above mentioned owners acting herein by andthrough their representative HARALD S. GUERDRUM, heby virtue of power of attorney vested in him, for and duly in considerationof the benefits to accrue to then by having the property above describeduniformly restricted, do hereby impose upon their property the follow-ing covenants and restrictions which shall run with. the land as follows:1. Property above described shall be used for private residential2. No other than detached single family dwellingsinot to exceedone stors in height and a private garage for not more thantwo cars and servants quarters shall be erected. No garageand servants quarters nor any other structure may exceed onestory in height. No residence together withits gerage and.servants quarters shall be erected on a. lot containing less3. The ground flocr area of any residénce, exclusive of openporches, breezeways, and garages, shali be not less than4. No. building shall be erected on any lot nearer than 25 feetto the front lot line cr nearer than 10 feet to any sidestreet line or nearer than 3 fect to any side lot line.5. Any wall, hedge or fence erected or planted onside propertyline shall not be over 3 feet in height between the residence6.No person of any race other than the Caucasian Race shallown or occupy any building or lot except that this restrictionshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a pro-hibited race domiciled on the presises with owner or tenant.7. No. part of said premises shall be used' for illegal or immoralpurposes and shall not be used for keeping ortreating forprofit persons. afflicted with tuberculoses or diseases 'thatare contagious or infectious. Nor shell any noxious oroffensive. activity be carried on upon any lot nor shall any-thing be done therecn which may be or become en annoyance ornuisance to the neighborhood. No trailer, basement, tent,.shack, garage, barn or other outbuildings erected in thetract shall-et any time be used as a residence temporery orpermently, except for servants, nor shall any structure of atemporary. character be used as a residence.8.No sign of any kind sha.ll be displayed to the public view onany Jot except one professional sign of not more than one.square foot, one sign of not more than five sguare feetadvertising the property for sale or rent, or signs uséd bya builder to advertise the property during the construction CLUGSTON AND HARALD.S. GUERDRUM are the. owners.of: San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas authorized. purposes only. than 6800 squaré feet of area.. 600 square feet. and the front lot line. and sales period.
6. No person of any race other than the Caucasian. Race shall own or occupy any building or lot except that this restriction shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a. pro- hibited race domiciled on the presises with owner or tenant.
6. No person of any race other than the Caucasian Race shall own or occupy any building or lot except that this restriction shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a prohibited race domiciled on the premises with owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]6. No person of any race other than the Caucasian. Race shall own or occupy any building or lot except that this restriction shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a. pro- hibited race domiciled on the presises with owner or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]6. No person of any race other than the Caucasian Race shall own or occupy any building or lot except that this restriction shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a prohibited race domiciled on the premises with owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n640109\nMm2789 2351 39\nSTATE. OF TEXAS ICOUNTY OF. BEXAR I\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS\nWHEREAS, GEORGE H. GUERDRUM, MRS. ALFHILD S. GUERDRUM, JOSEPHW. HUNTRESS,. MRS. JEAN. A HUNTRESS, GERALD. M. CLUGSTON, MRS. INGRIDLot'5, Biock 2; New City Block 7841 and the West 14 feetof the South 229 feet of Tract Number 2, Kendall-Addition,as recorded in Vol. 521, Page 590 of the Deed Records ofBexar County, Texas, being within the corporate limits ofNow, therefore, the above mentioned owners acting herein by andthrough their representative HARALD S. GUERDRUM, heby virtue of power of attorney vested in him, for and duly in considerationof the benefits to accrue to then by having the property above describeduniformly restricted, do hereby impose upon their property the follow-ing covenants and restrictions which shall run with. the land as follows:1. Property above described shall be used for private residential2. No other than detached single family dwellingsinot to exceedone stors in height and a private garage for not more thantwo cars and servants quarters shall be erected. No garageand servants quarters nor any other structure may exceed onestory in height. No residence together withits gerage and.servants quarters shall be erected on a. lot containing less3. The ground flocr area of any residénce, exclusive of openporches, breezeways, and garages, shali be not less than4. No. building shall be erected on any lot nearer than 25 feetto the front lot line cr nearer than 10 feet to any sidestreet line or nearer than 3 fect to any side lot line.5. Any wall, hedge or fence erected or planted onside propertyline shall not be over 3 feet in height between the residence6.No person of any race other than the Caucasian Race shallown or occupy any building or lot except that this restrictionshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a pro-hibited race domiciled on the presises with owner or tenant.7. No. part of said premises shall be used' for illegal or immoralpurposes and shall not be used for keeping ortreating forprofit persons. afflicted with tuberculoses or diseases 'thatare contagious or infectious. Nor shell any noxious oroffensive. activity be carried on upon any lot nor shall any-thing be done therecn which may be or become en annoyance ornuisance to the neighborhood. No trailer, basement, tent,.shack, garage, barn or other outbuildings erected in thetract shall-et any time be used as a residence temporery orpermently, except for servants, nor shall any structure of atemporary. character be used as a residence.8.No sign of any kind sha.ll be displayed to the public view onany Jot except one professional sign of not more than one.square foot, one sign of not more than five sguare feetadvertising the property for sale or rent, or signs uséd bya builder to advertise the property during the construction\nCLUGSTON AND HARALD.S. GUERDRUM are the. owners.of:\nSan Antonio, Bexar County, Texas\nauthorized.\npurposes only.\nthan 6800 squaré feet of area..\n600 square feet.\nand the front lot line.\nand sales period.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]6. No person of any race other than the Caucasian. Race shall\nown or occupy any building or lot except that this restriction\nshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a. pro-\nhibited race domiciled on the presises with owner or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]6. No person of any race other than the Caucasian Race shall own or occupy any building or lot except that this restriction shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a prohibited race domiciled on the premises with owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 392 STATE OF CALIFORIIA CITY AND COUNTY OF SAI FRANCISCO jss. On this Fourteenth day of July in the year one thousard nine hundred and nine, before me, Chas. T. Stanley, a Hotary Public in and for the said City and County, residing therein, duly com missioned and sworn, personally appeared James R. Kelly, known to me to be the President of THE HIBERNIA SAVINGS AND LOAJI SOCIETY, the corporation, that executed the within and foragoing instrument and acknowledgad to me that such corporation executed the Bame. IN WITNESS WHERFOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in the said City and County of San Francisto, the day and year last above written. Chas. T. Stanley, Notary Public in and for the City and (NOTARIAL SBAL) County of San Francisco, State of california. Filed for record at the request of Grantee, July 17 A. D. 1909 at 14 min. past 9o'clock, A. M. DANIEL J.FLANERY, Recorder. E.A. Ratjo, Deputy Recorder. DRDRDRDRPRDRDRDRIRD:TRIRDRORIRIRDAERCADRIRDRIRDRIR RR TRERRERURIRTRURIRIRTRIRIRIRIRE GRACE R. COOKE ET AL TO PETER MULLEN ET UX THIS INDENTURE made this 31st day of March in the year of our Iord one thousand nine hundred and nine, between Peter Mullen and Mamie Hullen, his wife, of the town of Palo Alto County of Santa Clara,State of Califorpia, the parties of the farst part and Gr ace B.C Cooke (a widow) and Helen E. Bushnell (a femme sole) of the County and State, the parties of the second part; WITNESSETH that the Baid parties of the first partifor and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) dollars gold coin of the United States of America, to then in hand paid by the said parties of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents grant, bargain, and sell, convey and confirm unto the said parties of the second part, and to their heirs and assigns forever all that certain piece or parcel of Land Bituate, lying and being in the town of Pglo Alto (formerly known as University Park) County of Santa Clara, State of California, particularly described as follows, to-wit: COMMENCING at a point on the northwesterly lipe of Iytton Avenue distant thereon one hundred (100) feet soubhyesterly from the intersection of the southwesterly liné of Bryant street with said northwsterly line of Lytton Avenue, running thence southwesterly along said northwesterly line of Lytton Avenue sixty-two (62) feet, thence at right angles northwesterly and parallel with Bryant street one hundred twenty-five (125) feet; thence. at right angles northeasterly and parallel with Tytton avenue sixty-t two (62) feet; thence atright anglessoutheaterlyparallelmitn Bryant street one hundred twenty- five (125) feet to the point ofbeginning, the same being all of subdivi sions numbered thirtyeight (38) and thirty nine (39) and parts of subdivisions numbered thirty-seyeh (37) forty-four (44) and sixty-eight (68) of block numbered fourteen (14) of said tom, as laid down and delineated on map of the Subdivision of said Block of said town, recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said County of Santa Clara, in Pook "@" of Maps at page 9. TOGETHER with all and singular the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belogning or in anywi 80 appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issuos and profits thereof. Excapting hot wever, from the operation of this conveyanoe the barn on said premi BeB, which is to remain the property of said first parties and itiis agread that tha first parties shall have and they are hersby granted six (6) months from the date of this deod to remo ve same from Baid premi BOB.
392 STATE OF CALIFORIIA CITY AND COUNTY OF SAI FRANCISCO jss. On this Fourteenth day of July in the year one thousard nine hundred and nine, before me, Chas. T. Stanley, a Hotary Public in and for the said City and County, residing therein, duly com missioned and sworn, personally appeared James R. Kelly, known to me to be the President of THE HIBERNIA SAVINGS AND LOAJI SOCIETY, the corporation, that executed the within and foragoing instrument and acknowledgad to me that such corporation executed the Bame. IN WITNESS WHERFOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in the said City and County of San Francisto, the day and year last above written. Chas. T. Stanley, Notary Public in and for the City and (NOTARIAL SBAL) County of San Francisco, State of california. Filed for record at the request of Grantee, July 17 A. D. 1909 at 14 min. past 9o'clock, A. M. DANIEL J.FLANERY, Recorder. E.A. Ratjo, Deputy Recorder. DRDRDRDRPRDRDRDRIRD:TRIRDRORIRIRDAERCADRIRDRIRDRIR RR TRERRERURIRTRURIRIRTRIRIRIRIRE GRACE R. COOKE ET AL TO PETER MULLEN ET UX THIS INDENTURE made this 31st day of March in the year of our Iord one thousand nine hundred and nine, between Peter Mullen and Mamie Hullen, his wife, of the town of Palo Alto County of Santa Clara,State of Califorpia, the parties of the farst part and Gr ace B.C Cooke (a widow) and Helen E. Bushnell (a femme sole) of the County and State, the parties of the second part; WITNESSETH that the Baid parties of the first partifor and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) dollars gold coin of the United States of America, to then in hand paid by the said parties of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents grant, bargain, and sell, convey and confirm unto the said parties of the second part, and to their heirs and assigns forever all that certain piece or parcel of Land Bituate, lying and being in the town of Pglo Alto (formerly known as University Park) County of Santa Clara, State of California, particularly described as follows, to-wit: COMMENCING at a point on the northwesterly lipe of Iytton Avenue distant thereon one hundred (100) feet soubhyesterly from the intersection of the southwesterly liné of Bryant street with said northwsterly line of Lytton Avenue, running thence southwesterly along said northwesterly line of Lytton Avenue sixty-two (62) feet, thence at right angles northwesterly and parallel with Bryant street one hundred twenty-five (125) feet; thence. at right angles northeasterly and parallel with Tytton avenue sixty-t two (62) feet; thence atright anglessoutheaterlyparallelmitn Bryant street one hundred twenty- five (125) feet to the point ofbeginning, the same being all of subdivi sions numbered thirtyeight (38) and thirty nine (39) and parts of subdivisions numbered thirty-seyeh (37) forty-four (44) and sixty-eight (68) of block numbered fourteen (14) of said tom, as laid down and delineated on map of the Subdivision of said Block of said town, recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said County of Santa Clara, in Pook "@" of Maps at page 9. TOGETHER with all and singular the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belogning or in anywi 80 appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issuos and profits thereof. Excapting hot wever, from the operation of this conveyanoe the barn on said premi BeB, which is to remain the property of said first parties and itiis agread that tha first parties shall have and they are hersby granted six (6) months from the date of this deod to remo ve same from Baid premi BOB.
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n392\nSTATE OF CALIFORIIA\nCITY AND COUNTY OF SAI FRANCISCO jss.\nOn this Fourteenth day of July in the year one\nthousard nine hundred and nine, before me, Chas.\nT. Stanley, a Hotary Public in and for the said City and County, residing therein, duly com\nmissioned and sworn, personally appeared James R. Kelly, known to me to be the President of\nTHE HIBERNIA SAVINGS AND LOAJI SOCIETY, the corporation, that executed the within and foragoing\ninstrument and acknowledgad to me that such corporation executed the Bame.\nIN WITNESS WHERFOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my\noffice in the said City and County of San Francisto, the day and year last above written.\nChas. T. Stanley, Notary Public in and for the City and\n(NOTARIAL SBAL)\nCounty of San Francisco, State of california.\nFiled for record at the request of Grantee, July 17 A. D. 1909 at 14 min. past\n9o'clock, A. M.\nDANIEL J.FLANERY, Recorder.\nE.A. Ratjo, Deputy Recorder.\nDRDRDRDRPRDRDRDRIRD:TRIRDRORIRIRDAERCADRIRDRIRDRIR RR TRERRERURIRTRURIRIRTRIRIRIRIRE\nGRACE R. COOKE ET AL\nTO\nPETER MULLEN ET UX\nTHIS INDENTURE made this 31st day of March in the year of our Iord one thousand nine\nhundred and nine, between Peter Mullen and Mamie Hullen, his wife, of the town of Palo Alto\nCounty of Santa Clara,State of Califorpia, the parties of the farst part and Gr ace B.C Cooke\n(a widow) and Helen E. Bushnell (a femme sole) of the\nCounty and State, the parties of\nthe second part;\nWITNESSETH that the Baid parties of the first partifor and in consideration of the\nsum of Ten ($10.00) dollars gold coin of the United States of America, to then in hand paid\nby the said parties of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do by\nthese presents grant, bargain, and sell, convey and confirm unto the said parties of the\nsecond part, and to their heirs and assigns forever all that certain piece or parcel of Land\nBituate, lying and being in the town of Pglo Alto (formerly known as University Park) County\nof Santa Clara, State of California, particularly described as follows, to-wit:\nCOMMENCING at a point on the northwesterly lipe of Iytton Avenue distant thereon\none hundred (100) feet soubhyesterly from the intersection of the southwesterly liné of\nBryant street with said northwsterly line of Lytton Avenue, running thence southwesterly\nalong said northwesterly line of Lytton Avenue sixty-two (62) feet, thence at right angles\nnorthwesterly and parallel with Bryant street one hundred twenty-five (125) feet; thence. at\nright angles northeasterly and parallel with Tytton avenue sixty-t two (62) feet; thence atright\nanglessoutheaterlyparallelmitn Bryant street one hundred twenty- five (125) feet to the point\nofbeginning, the same being all of subdivi sions numbered thirtyeight (38) and thirty nine\n(39) and parts of subdivisions numbered thirty-seyeh (37) forty-four (44) and sixty-eight\n(68) of block numbered fourteen (14) of said tom, as laid down and delineated on map\nof the Subdivision of said Block of said town, recorded in the office of the County Recorder\nof said County of Santa Clara, in Pook \"@\" of Maps at page 9.\nTOGETHER with all and singular the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances\nthereunto belogning or in anywi 80 appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder\nand remainders, rents, issuos and profits thereof. Excapting hot wever, from the operation of\nthis conveyanoe the barn on said premi BeB, which is to remain the property of said first\nparties and itiis agread that tha first parties shall have and they are hersby granted six\n(6) months from the date of this deod to remo ve same from Baid premi BOB.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 662 6258 BidyWn4 Cht, I, Mollie, J. Wright, married, the Grantor Page who claim title by or through instrument recorded in Volume County Recorder's Ofice, for the consideration of TEN Dollars (8 10.00 received to my full satisfaction of Joseph Hrdlicka and Gizella Hrdlicka, husband anu wire, 1320 Curyl Dr., Bedrord, Ohio the Grantees, whose TAX MAILING ADDRESS will be 1320 Caryl Dr., Bedford, Ohio do Give. Grant, Bargain, Sell an ousey unto the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the City of and State of Ohio: County of Cuyahoga Beuford sila known as the Southerly one-half or Sublot No. 37 in the South Broadway Subdivision of. Original Bedtord Township Loy No. 67, 3€ recoraed in Vol. 91, Puge 10 or Cuyahoga County Map, Records; descripea us follows: Said onè-half of Sublot No. 37 having a frontage of 22.50 feet on the Westerly side or Caryl Drive (50 ft. wide) and extending buck between parallel lines 120.00 ft. Restrictions: It is expressly understood and made a part of this conveyance that no building shall be placed nearer than 20.00 feet from the side line of Caryl Drive; and that the porch shall be con- sidered a part or said building; It is also expressly understood and made a part of this conveyance that no dwelling shall be- constructed. on said parcel of land which shall cost less than $3,000.00 to build; It is also expressly unaerstood and made a part of this conveyance that thc above describea premises shall never be sold to transferred to or occupied by anyone/B'the pure Caucasian race. It is also expressly understood and made a pert of this conveyance hhat no garage, trailer or any temporary building shall be used for temporary dwelling purposes on the above described parcel of Bi land. be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.
662 6258 BidyWn4 Cht, I, Mollie, J. Wright, married, the Grantor Page who claim title by or through instrument recorded in Volume County Recorder's Ofice, for the consideration of TEN Dollars (8 10.00 received to my full satisfaction of Joseph Hrdlicka and Gizella Hrdlicka, husband anu wire, 1320 Curyl Dr., Bedrord, Ohio the Grantees, whose TAX MAILING ADDRESS will be 1320 Caryl Dr., Bedford, Ohio do Give. Grant, Bargain, Sell an ousey unto the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the City of and State of Ohio: County of Cuyahoga Beuford sila known as the Southerly one-half or Sublot No. 37 in the South Broadway Subdivision of. Original Bedtord Township Loy No. 67, 3€ recoraed in Vol. 91, Puge 10 or Cuyahoga County Map, Records; descripea us follows: Said onè-half of Sublot No. 37 having a frontage of 22.50 feet on the Westerly side or Caryl Drive (50 ft. wide) and extending buck between parallel lines 120.00 ft. Restrictions: It is expressly understood and made a part of this conveyance that no building shall be placed nearer than 20.00 feet from the side line of Caryl Drive; and that the porch shall be con- sidered a part or said building; It is also expressly understood and made a part of this conveyance that no dwelling shall be- constructed. on said parcel of land which shall cost less than $3,000.00 to build; It is also expressly unaerstood and made a part of this conveyance that thc above describea premises shall never be sold to transferred to or occupied by anyone/B'the pure Caucasian race. It is also expressly understood and made a pert of this conveyance hhat no garage, trailer or any temporary building shall be used for temporary dwelling purposes on the above described parcel of Bi land. be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.
It is also expressly unaerstood and made a part of this conveyance that thc above describea premises shall never be sold to transferred to or occupied by anyone/B'the pure Caucasian race.
It is also expressly understood and made a part of this conveyance that the above described premises shall never be sold to transferred to or occupied by anyone not of the pure Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]It is also expressly unaerstood and made a part of this conveyance that thc above describea premises shall never be sold to transferred to or occupied by anyone/B'the pure Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]It is also expressly understood and made a part of this conveyance that the above described premises shall never be sold to transferred to or occupied by anyone not of the pure Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n662 6258\nBidyWn4\nCht, I, Mollie, J. Wright, married,\nthe Grantor\nPage\nwho claim title by or through instrument recorded in Volume\nCounty Recorder's Ofice, for the consideration of TEN\nDollars (8 10.00\nreceived to my full satisfaction of Joseph Hrdlicka and Gizella\nHrdlicka, husband anu wire, 1320 Curyl Dr., Bedrord, Ohio\nthe Grantees,\nwhose TAX MAILING ADDRESS will be 1320 Caryl Dr., Bedford, Ohio\ndo\nGive. Grant, Bargain, Sell an ousey unto the said Grantees, their\nheirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the City of\nand State of Ohio:\nCounty of\nCuyahoga\nBeuford\nsila known as the Southerly one-half or Sublot No. 37 in the South\nBroadway Subdivision of. Original Bedtord Township Loy No. 67, 3€\nrecoraed in Vol. 91, Puge 10 or Cuyahoga County Map, Records;\ndescripea us follows:\nSaid onè-half of Sublot No. 37 having a frontage of 22.50\nfeet on the Westerly side or Caryl Drive (50 ft. wide) and extending\nbuck between parallel lines 120.00 ft.\nRestrictions:\nIt is expressly understood and made a part of this\nconveyance that no building shall be placed nearer than 20.00 feet\nfrom the side line of Caryl Drive; and that the porch shall be con-\nsidered a part or said building;\nIt is also expressly understood and made a part of this\nconveyance that no dwelling shall be- constructed. on said parcel of\nland which shall cost less than $3,000.00 to build;\nIt is also expressly unaerstood and made a part of this\nconveyance that thc above describea premises shall never be sold to\ntransferred to or occupied by anyone/B'the pure Caucasian race.\nIt is also expressly understood and made a pert of this\nconveyance hhat no garage, trailer or any temporary building shall be\nused for temporary dwelling purposes on the above described parcel of\nBi\nland.\nbe the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]It is also expressly unaerstood and made a part of this conveyance that thc above describea premises shall never be sold to transferred to or occupied by anyone/B'the pure Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]It is also expressly understood and made a part of this conveyance that the above described premises shall never be sold to transferred to or occupied by anyone not of the pure Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 39 long as the property of Grantor Which is situated on the north side of Moody Avenue is used for resident purposes and there shall be but one dwelling house constructed thereon, fronting on Moody Avenue and built of brick or stone at least two stories high, and to cost not less than nine thousand ($9,000.00) Dollars. No building to be constructed on said lot nearer to Moody avenue than the other dwellings now constructed on said south side of loody Avenue between Carlisle Street and Highland Avenue and the building erected thereon must face on Moody Avenue. the urantees, their heirs and assigns, shall not lease, convey or demise said premises or any portion thereof to parsons of Italian or African descent. It being expressly understood and agreed that the foregoing are express covenants and run with the land herein conveyed and binding on the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns. logether with all and singular, the landhmprovements, ways, waters, Water courses, rights, liberties, privi leges, hereditaments and appurtenances what tsoever thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversions and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demand whatsoever,of the said party of the first part in law, equity or otherwise howsoever, of, in and to the same and every part thereof, To Have and To Hold the said lands heredi taments and premises hereby granted or mentioned and intended so to be, with the appurtenances, unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, to and for the only proper use and behoof of the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, Forever. And the said party of the first part for herself, her heirs, executors and administra- tors, does by these presents, covenant, grant and agree to and with the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, that she the said party of the first part, her heirs, all and singular the hereditaments and premi ses hereinabove describedand granted or mentioned and intended so to be, with the appurtenances, unto the Said parties of the secondpart, their heirs and assigns against her the said party of the first part - and her heirs, and against all and every other person or persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same, or any part thereof, Phall and will Warrant and Forever Defend. In witness Whereof, the said party of the first part has to these presents set her hand and Sual. Dated the day and year first above written. Grace Phillips ohnson (seal) Pealed and Delivered in the resence of Carl c. Hall (I. R. Stamps 43.00) Commonv.calth of Penssylvania, ( SS: "ounty of Lawrence On this 9th day of June A. D. 1925, before me a Notary Fublic, in and for said state and county, came the above named Urace Phillips Johnson, Widow, and acknowledged the foregoing Indenture to be her act and deed, and desired the same to be recorded as such. Witness my hand and Not arial seal the day and year aforesaid. Lila V. Henshaw (seal) Notary Public (N.P. Soal) MyComission expires Larch 6, 1927 now residing in Lawrence' *County Deed his Deed Sarah M. Blackwood hade the third aay of December in the year Mineteen Hundred and Wwenty-three. o Between Sarah M. Blackwood, widow, of the City of New Vastle, Jemima C. Poster,etal. County of Lawrence and State of Pemsylvania and hereinafter called the grantor and Jemima C. Poster of the Vity of New Castle, County Entered June 9, 1925. and State aforesaid and liargaret B. Hanna of the Borough of Vandergrift, County of West loreland and State of Fennsylvania and hereinafter called the grantees Witnesseth, That in consideration of One and no/100 ($1.00) and other valuable considera- tions pollars, in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hcreby acknowledged, the said grantor does hereby grant and convey to the said grantees, their heirs and assigns A1l that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Shenango lownship, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit:- Bounded on the North by lands now or formerly of George Urigsby and Scott litchell; on the Bast by lands nor or formerly of George 7. Weingartner and J.A. Weingartner, formerly owned by the widow HamiIton; on the South by land now or formerly of Adolphus Phillips and on the "est by dands now or formerly of Samuel Gibson and ueorge uibson, excepting, however, from the land above described all that certain piece or parcel of land conveyed by thomas J. Blackwood et ux, to Thomas J. Hami iton by deed aated march 8, 1915 and recorded in the Recorder's Vifice of Lawrence County in Deed Book 160, page 249, and bounded on the South by the center of the New Castle and Butler State Road; on the dast by land of George 7. and J. A. Weingartner and on the North by lands of George T. Weingertner, containing about two (2). Acres and being the Same landof which Thomes J. Blackwood died seized intestate and conveyed to the said Sarah M. Blackwood by his heirs at law by deed dated October 16, 1923 and to be recorded herewith.
39 long as the property of Grantor Which is situated on the north side of Moody Avenue is used for resident purposes and there shall be but one dwelling house constructed thereon, fronting on Moody Avenue and built of brick or stone at least two stories high, and to cost not less than nine thousand ($9,000.00) Dollars. No building to be constructed on said lot nearer to Moody avenue than the other dwellings now constructed on said south side of loody Avenue between Carlisle Street and Highland Avenue and the building erected thereon must face on Moody Avenue. the urantees, their heirs and assigns, shall not lease, convey or demise said premises or any portion thereof to parsons of Italian or African descent. It being expressly understood and agreed that the foregoing are express covenants and run with the land herein conveyed and binding on the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns. logether with all and singular, the landhmprovements, ways, waters, Water courses, rights, liberties, privi leges, hereditaments and appurtenances what tsoever thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversions and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demand whatsoever,of the said party of the first part in law, equity or otherwise howsoever, of, in and to the same and every part thereof, To Have and To Hold the said lands heredi taments and premises hereby granted or mentioned and intended so to be, with the appurtenances, unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, to and for the only proper use and behoof of the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, Forever. And the said party of the first part for herself, her heirs, executors and administra- tors, does by these presents, covenant, grant and agree to and with the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, that she the said party of the first part, her heirs, all and singular the hereditaments and premi ses hereinabove describedand granted or mentioned and intended so to be, with the appurtenances, unto the Said parties of the secondpart, their heirs and assigns against her the said party of the first part - and her heirs, and against all and every other person or persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same, or any part thereof, Phall and will Warrant and Forever Defend. In witness Whereof, the said party of the first part has to these presents set her hand and Sual. Dated the day and year first above written. Grace Phillips ohnson (seal) Pealed and Delivered in the resence of Carl c. Hall (I. R. Stamps 43.00) Commonv.calth of Penssylvania, ( SS: "ounty of Lawrence On this 9th day of June A. D. 1925, before me a Notary Fublic, in and for said state and county, came the above named Urace Phillips Johnson, Widow, and acknowledged the foregoing Indenture to be her act and deed, and desired the same to be recorded as such. Witness my hand and Not arial seal the day and year aforesaid. Lila V. Henshaw (seal) Notary Public (N.P. Soal) MyComission expires Larch 6, 1927 now residing in Lawrence' *County Deed his Deed Sarah M. Blackwood hade the third aay of December in the year Mineteen Hundred and Wwenty-three. o Between Sarah M. Blackwood, widow, of the City of New Vastle, Jemima C. Poster,etal. County of Lawrence and State of Pemsylvania and hereinafter called the grantor and Jemima C. Poster of the Vity of New Castle, County Entered June 9, 1925. and State aforesaid and liargaret B. Hanna of the Borough of Vandergrift, County of West loreland and State of Fennsylvania and hereinafter called the grantees Witnesseth, That in consideration of One and no/100 ($1.00) and other valuable considera- tions pollars, in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hcreby acknowledged, the said grantor does hereby grant and convey to the said grantees, their heirs and assigns A1l that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Shenango lownship, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit:- Bounded on the North by lands now or formerly of George Urigsby and Scott litchell; on the Bast by lands nor or formerly of George 7. Weingartner and J.A. Weingartner, formerly owned by the widow HamiIton; on the South by land now or formerly of Adolphus Phillips and on the "est by dands now or formerly of Samuel Gibson and ueorge uibson, excepting, however, from the land above described all that certain piece or parcel of land conveyed by thomas J. Blackwood et ux, to Thomas J. Hami iton by deed aated march 8, 1915 and recorded in the Recorder's Vifice of Lawrence County in Deed Book 160, page 249, and bounded on the South by the center of the New Castle and Butler State Road; on the dast by land of George 7. and J. A. Weingartner and on the North by lands of George T. Weingertner, containing about two (2). Acres and being the Same landof which Thomes J. Blackwood died seized intestate and conveyed to the said Sarah M. Blackwood by his heirs at law by deed dated October 16, 1923 and to be recorded herewith.
Avenue. he Urantees, their heirs and assigns, shall not lease, convey or demise said premises or - any portion thereof to parsons of Italian or African descent. It being expressly understood
The Grantees, their heirs and assigns, shall not lease, convey or demise said premises or any portions thereof to persons of Italian or African descent.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]Avenue. he Urantees, their heirs and assigns, shall not lease, convey or demise said premises or - any portion thereof to parsons of Italian or African descent. It being expressly understood[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]The Grantees, their heirs and assigns, shall not lease, convey or demise said premises or any portions thereof to persons of Italian or African descent.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n39\nlong as the property of Grantor Which is situated on the north side of Moody Avenue is used for\nresident purposes and there shall be but one dwelling house constructed thereon, fronting\non Moody Avenue and built of brick or stone at least two stories high, and to cost not less\nthan nine thousand ($9,000.00) Dollars. No building to be constructed on said lot nearer to\nMoody avenue than the other dwellings now constructed on said south side of loody Avenue\nbetween Carlisle Street and Highland Avenue and the building erected thereon must face on Moody\nAvenue. the urantees, their heirs and assigns, shall not lease, convey or demise said premises\nor any portion thereof to parsons of Italian or African descent. It being expressly understood\nand agreed that the foregoing are express covenants and run with the land herein conveyed and\nbinding on the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns.\nlogether with all and singular, the landhmprovements, ways, waters, Water courses, rights,\nliberties, privi leges, hereditaments and appurtenances what tsoever thereunto belonging, or in\nanywise appertaining, and the reversions and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and\nall the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demand whatsoever,of the said party\nof the first part in law, equity or otherwise howsoever, of, in and to the same and every part\nthereof,\nTo Have and To Hold the said lands heredi taments and premises hereby granted or mentioned\nand intended so to be, with the appurtenances, unto the said parties of the second part, their\nheirs and assigns, to and for the only proper use and behoof of the said parties of the second\npart, their heirs and assigns, Forever.\nAnd the said party of the first part for herself, her heirs, executors and administra-\ntors, does by these presents, covenant, grant and agree to and with the said parties of the\nsecond part, their heirs and assigns, that she the said party of the first part, her heirs, all\nand singular the hereditaments and premi ses hereinabove describedand granted or mentioned and\nintended so to be, with the appurtenances, unto the Said parties of the secondpart, their heirs\nand assigns against her the said party of the first part - and her heirs, and against all and\nevery other person or persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same, or any part\nthereof, Phall and will Warrant and Forever Defend.\nIn witness Whereof, the said party of the first part has to these presents set her hand\nand Sual. Dated the day and year first above written.\nGrace Phillips ohnson (seal)\nPealed and Delivered in the resence of\nCarl c. Hall\n(I. R. Stamps 43.00)\nCommonv.calth of Penssylvania, (\nSS:\n\"ounty of Lawrence\nOn this 9th day of June A. D. 1925, before me a Notary Fublic, in and for said state and\ncounty, came the above named Urace Phillips Johnson, Widow, and acknowledged the foregoing\nIndenture to be her act and deed, and desired the same to be recorded as such.\nWitness my hand and Not arial seal the day and year aforesaid.\nLila V. Henshaw (seal)\nNotary Public (N.P. Soal)\nMyComission expires Larch 6, 1927\nnow residing in Lawrence' *County\nDeed\nhis Deed\nSarah M. Blackwood\nhade the third aay of December in the year Mineteen Hundred\nand Wwenty-three.\no\nBetween Sarah M. Blackwood, widow, of the City of New Vastle,\nJemima C. Poster,etal.\nCounty of Lawrence and State of Pemsylvania and hereinafter called\nthe grantor and Jemima C. Poster of the Vity of New Castle, County\nEntered June 9, 1925.\nand State aforesaid and liargaret B. Hanna of the Borough of\nVandergrift, County of West loreland and State of Fennsylvania and\nhereinafter called the grantees\nWitnesseth, That in consideration of One and no/100 ($1.00) and other valuable considera-\ntions pollars, in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hcreby acknowledged, the said grantor does\nhereby grant and convey to the said grantees, their heirs and assigns\nA1l that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Shenango lownship, Lawrence County,\nPennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit:-\nBounded on the North by lands now or formerly of George Urigsby and Scott litchell;\non the Bast by lands nor or formerly of George 7. Weingartner and J.A. Weingartner, formerly\nowned by the widow HamiIton; on the South by land now or formerly of Adolphus Phillips and on the\n\"est by dands now or formerly of Samuel Gibson and ueorge uibson, excepting, however, from the\nland above described all that certain piece or parcel of land conveyed by thomas J. Blackwood\net ux, to Thomas J. Hami iton by deed aated march 8, 1915 and recorded in the Recorder's Vifice\nof Lawrence County in Deed Book 160, page 249, and bounded on the South by the center of the\nNew Castle and Butler State Road; on the dast by land of George 7. and J. A. Weingartner and\non the North by lands of George T. Weingertner, containing about two (2). Acres and being the\nSame landof which Thomes J. Blackwood died seized intestate and conveyed to the said Sarah M.\nBlackwood by his heirs at law by deed dated October 16, 1923 and to be recorded herewith.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]Avenue. he Urantees, their heirs and assigns, shall not lease, convey or demise said premises\nor - any portion thereof to parsons of Italian or African descent. It being expressly understood[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]The Grantees, their heirs and assigns, shall not lease, convey or demise said premises or any portions thereof to persons of Italian or African descent.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 548 STATE STAMPS $4.00, FEDERAL STAMPS $2.00 JENNIE S. ÇORK, Trustee for W.N. CORK TO Loretta Culp STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, TITLE TO REAL ESTATE WHEREAS, Mrs. Jennie S. Cork, Committe for Loretta Culp, non compos mentis, has been authorized by order of Hon. A. L. Gaston, resident judge of the Sixth Circuit, dated January 29, 1938, in the action of Mrs. Jennie S. Cork, Committee, against Loretta Culp, n.c.m., in Court of Common Pleas for York County, to purchase real estate as an investment for the estate of said Loretta Culp, taking title in the name of Jennie S. Cork, Trustee for Loretta Culp, Now Therefore, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, W. N. Cork, of the City of Columbia, County of Richland, in the State aforesaid, for and in consideration of the sum of One Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty and no/100 ($1,950.00) Dollars to me paid by Jennie S. Cork, Trustee for Loretta Culp, of the City of Columbia, Richland County, in the State aforesaid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold and released, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and release unto the said JENNIE S. CORK, Trustee for Loretta Culp: All that piece, parcel and lot of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the Town of Ware Shoals, County of Greenwood, State of South Carolina, shown and delineated on a plat of the lands of W. N. Cork made by Thomas C. Anderson September 17, 1936, as lot number seven (7), measuring on its northern and southern boundaries sixty feet (60') and on its eastern and western boundaries two hundred feet (200'), and bounded as follows: on the north by other lands of W. N. Bork, on the east by lot #8 on said plat, on the south by road sep- Street) arating property of W. N. Cork and J. C. Cork (mow known as and on the west by lot #6 on said plat, being part of the tract of land conveyed subject to the following conditions and to_w. N. Cork by covenants which shall run with the land and constitute restrictions upon the said premises and the use thereof: 1. That the said lot or any part thereof shall not be rented, sold or otherwise disposed of to any. person or persons of African descent except that servants of occupants may live on such lot. 2. That the said lot shall be used for residential purposes only, and no use thereof shall be made which would constitute a nuisance or injure the value of the neighboring lots. And it is understood and agreed that the said conditions and restrictions shall be appurtenant to and run with the said lot; that in the event of the violation of any of the conditions and restrictions the title to the said lot shall revert to the grantor herein, W. N.. Cork, subject, however, to. the rights of lien creditors attaching prior to such violations, and that the said w. N. Cork shall have the right of abatement and the right. to. enforce compliance by injunction or any other appropriate action wit thout any liability for damage. TOGETHER with all and singular, the rights, members, heredi taments and appurtenances to the said premises belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO. HOLD all and singular the premises before menti oned unto the said Jennie S. Cork, Trustee for Loretta Culp, her successors and Assigns forever. And I do hereby, bind myself, my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, to warrant and for- ever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Jennie S. Cork, Trustee for Loretta Culp, her successors and Assigns, against myself and my Heirs and against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim, the same or any part thereof. day of November in the year of our Lord one thou- WITNESS my Hand and Seal this sand nine hundred and thirty-eight andin the one hundred and sixty-second year of the Sover- eignty and Independence of the United States of America. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED. IN THE PRESENCE OF W.N. Cork (SEAL) John F. Moore Jas. C. Dozier STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF RICHLAND. PERSONALLY appeared before me Jas. C. Dozier and made oath that he saw the within named W. N. Cork sign, seal. and, as his act and deed, deliver the within written Deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and that he, with John F. Moore witnessed the execution thereof. SWORN to before me this 17th 1938. day of November, (L.S.) Jas. C. Dozier kel) G.C. Cooper, Jr. Notary Public for S. C. RENUNCIATION OF DOWER. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, RICHLAND COUNTY. do hereby certify unto all whom it may concern, that I, Mrs. Jennie S. Cork the wife of the within named W. N. Cork did this day appear before me, and upon being privately and separately examined by me, did declare that she does freely, voluntarily and without any. compulsion, dread, or fear of any. person or persons whomsoever, renounce, release and forever relinquish unto the within named Jennie S. Cork, Trustee for Loretta Culp, her heirs and assigns, all her interest and estate,. and also all her right and claim of Dower of, in or to all and singular the premises within mentioned and released. GIVEN under my Hand and Seal, this day of November, Anno Domini 1938. Jennie S. Cork )G.C. Coop er, Jr. (L.s.) Notary Public for S.C. RECORDED this the 21st day of November, 1938, 8 A. M. A. L. MILLING, C. C. C. P.
548 STATE STAMPS $4.00, FEDERAL STAMPS $2.00 JENNIE S. ÇORK, Trustee for W.N. CORK TO Loretta Culp STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, TITLE TO REAL ESTATE WHEREAS, Mrs. Jennie S. Cork, Committe for Loretta Culp, non compos mentis, has been authorized by order of Hon. A. L. Gaston, resident judge of the Sixth Circuit, dated January 29, 1938, in the action of Mrs. Jennie S. Cork, Committee, against Loretta Culp, n.c.m., in Court of Common Pleas for York County, to purchase real estate as an investment for the estate of said Loretta Culp, taking title in the name of Jennie S. Cork, Trustee for Loretta Culp, Now Therefore, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, W. N. Cork, of the City of Columbia, County of Richland, in the State aforesaid, for and in consideration of the sum of One Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty and no/100 ($1,950.00) Dollars to me paid by Jennie S. Cork, Trustee for Loretta Culp, of the City of Columbia, Richland County, in the State aforesaid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold and released, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and release unto the said JENNIE S. CORK, Trustee for Loretta Culp: All that piece, parcel and lot of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the Town of Ware Shoals, County of Greenwood, State of South Carolina, shown and delineated on a plat of the lands of W. N. Cork made by Thomas C. Anderson September 17, 1936, as lot number seven (7), measuring on its northern and southern boundaries sixty feet (60') and on its eastern and western boundaries two hundred feet (200'), and bounded as follows: on the north by other lands of W. N. Bork, on the east by lot #8 on said plat, on the south by road sep- Street) arating property of W. N. Cork and J. C. Cork (mow known as and on the west by lot #6 on said plat, being part of the tract of land conveyed subject to the following conditions and to_w. N. Cork by covenants which shall run with the land and constitute restrictions upon the said premises and the use thereof: 1. That the said lot or any part thereof shall not be rented, sold or otherwise disposed of to any. person or persons of African descent except that servants of occupants may live on such lot. 2. That the said lot shall be used for residential purposes only, and no use thereof shall be made which would constitute a nuisance or injure the value of the neighboring lots. And it is understood and agreed that the said conditions and restrictions shall be appurtenant to and run with the said lot; that in the event of the violation of any of the conditions and restrictions the title to the said lot shall revert to the grantor herein, W. N.. Cork, subject, however, to. the rights of lien creditors attaching prior to such violations, and that the said w. N. Cork shall have the right of abatement and the right. to. enforce compliance by injunction or any other appropriate action wit thout any liability for damage. TOGETHER with all and singular, the rights, members, heredi taments and appurtenances to the said premises belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO. HOLD all and singular the premises before menti oned unto the said Jennie S. Cork, Trustee for Loretta Culp, her successors and Assigns forever. And I do hereby, bind myself, my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, to warrant and for- ever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Jennie S. Cork, Trustee for Loretta Culp, her successors and Assigns, against myself and my Heirs and against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim, the same or any part thereof. day of November in the year of our Lord one thou- WITNESS my Hand and Seal this sand nine hundred and thirty-eight andin the one hundred and sixty-second year of the Sover- eignty and Independence of the United States of America. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED. IN THE PRESENCE OF W.N. Cork (SEAL) John F. Moore Jas. C. Dozier STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF RICHLAND. PERSONALLY appeared before me Jas. C. Dozier and made oath that he saw the within named W. N. Cork sign, seal. and, as his act and deed, deliver the within written Deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and that he, with John F. Moore witnessed the execution thereof. SWORN to before me this 17th 1938. day of November, (L.S.) Jas. C. Dozier kel) G.C. Cooper, Jr. Notary Public for S. C. RENUNCIATION OF DOWER. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, RICHLAND COUNTY. do hereby certify unto all whom it may concern, that I, Mrs. Jennie S. Cork the wife of the within named W. N. Cork did this day appear before me, and upon being privately and separately examined by me, did declare that she does freely, voluntarily and without any. compulsion, dread, or fear of any. person or persons whomsoever, renounce, release and forever relinquish unto the within named Jennie S. Cork, Trustee for Loretta Culp, her heirs and assigns, all her interest and estate,. and also all her right and claim of Dower of, in or to all and singular the premises within mentioned and released. GIVEN under my Hand and Seal, this day of November, Anno Domini 1938. Jennie S. Cork )G.C. Coop er, Jr. (L.s.) Notary Public for S.C. RECORDED this the 21st day of November, 1938, 8 A. M. A. L. MILLING, C. C. C. P.
1. That the said lot or any part thereof shall not be rented, sold or otherwise disposed of to any. person or persons of African descent except that servants of occupants may live on such lot.
1. That the said lot or any part thereof shall not be rented, sold or otherwise disposed of to any person or persons of African descent except that servants of occupants may live on such lot.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]1. That the said lot or any part thereof shall not be rented, sold or otherwise disposed of to any. person or persons of African descent except that servants of occupants may live on such lot.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]1. That the said lot or any part thereof shall not be rented, sold or otherwise disposed of to any person or persons of African descent except that servants of occupants may live on such lot.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n548\nSTATE STAMPS $4.00, FEDERAL STAMPS $2.00\nJENNIE S. ÇORK, Trustee for\nW.N. CORK\nTO\nLoretta Culp\nSTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,\nTITLE TO REAL ESTATE\nWHEREAS, Mrs. Jennie S. Cork, Committe for Loretta Culp, non compos mentis, has been\nauthorized by order of Hon. A. L. Gaston, resident judge of the Sixth Circuit, dated January\n29, 1938, in the action of Mrs. Jennie S. Cork, Committee, against Loretta Culp, n.c.m., in\nCourt of Common Pleas for York County, to purchase real estate as an investment for the estate\nof said Loretta Culp, taking title in the name of Jennie S. Cork, Trustee for Loretta Culp,\nNow Therefore,\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, W. N. Cork, of the City of Columbia, County of\nRichland, in the State aforesaid, for and in consideration of the sum of One Thousand Nine\nHundred Fifty and no/100 ($1,950.00) Dollars to me paid by Jennie S. Cork, Trustee for Loretta\nCulp, of the City of Columbia, Richland County, in the State aforesaid, receipt whereof is\nhereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold and released, and by these presents do grant,\nbargain, sell and release unto the said\nJENNIE S. CORK, Trustee for Loretta Culp:\nAll that piece, parcel and lot of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon,\nsituate, lying and being in the Town of Ware Shoals, County of Greenwood, State of\nSouth Carolina, shown and delineated on a plat of the lands of W. N. Cork made by\nThomas C. Anderson September 17, 1936, as lot number seven (7), measuring on its\nnorthern and southern boundaries sixty feet (60') and on its eastern and western\nboundaries two hundred feet (200'), and bounded as follows: on the north by other\nlands of W. N. Bork, on the east by lot #8 on said plat, on the south by road sep-\nStreet)\narating property of W. N. Cork and J. C. Cork (mow known as\nand on the west by lot #6 on said plat, being part of the tract of land conveyed\nsubject to the following conditions and\nto_w. N. Cork by\ncovenants which shall run with the land and constitute restrictions upon the said\npremises and the use thereof:\n1. That the said lot or any part thereof shall not be rented, sold or otherwise\ndisposed of to any. person or persons of African descent except that servants\nof occupants may live on such lot.\n2. That the said lot shall be used for residential purposes only, and no use\nthereof shall be made which would constitute a nuisance or injure the value\nof the neighboring lots.\nAnd it is understood and agreed that the said conditions and restrictions shall\nbe appurtenant to and run with the said lot; that in the event of the violation of\nany of the conditions and restrictions the title to the said lot shall revert to\nthe grantor herein, W. N.. Cork, subject, however, to. the rights of lien creditors\nattaching prior to such violations, and that the said w. N. Cork shall have the\nright of abatement and the right. to. enforce compliance by injunction or any other\nappropriate action wit thout any liability for damage.\nTOGETHER with all and singular, the rights, members, heredi taments and appurtenances to\nthe said premises belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining.\nTO HAVE AND TO. HOLD all and singular the premises before menti oned unto the said Jennie\nS. Cork, Trustee for Loretta Culp, her successors and Assigns forever.\nAnd I do hereby, bind myself, my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, to warrant and for-\never defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Jennie S. Cork, Trustee for\nLoretta Culp, her successors and Assigns, against myself and my Heirs and against every person\nwhomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim, the same or any part thereof.\nday of November in the year of our Lord one thou-\nWITNESS my Hand and Seal this\nsand nine hundred and thirty-eight andin the one hundred and sixty-second year of the Sover-\neignty and Independence of the United States of America.\nSIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED.\nIN THE PRESENCE OF\nW.N. Cork (SEAL)\nJohn F. Moore\nJas. C. Dozier\nSTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,\nCOUNTY OF RICHLAND.\nPERSONALLY appeared before me Jas. C. Dozier and made oath that he saw the within named\nW. N. Cork sign, seal. and, as his act and deed, deliver the within written Deed for the uses and\npurposes therein mentioned, and that he, with John F. Moore witnessed the execution thereof.\nSWORN to before me this 17th\n1938.\nday of November,\n(L.S.)\nJas. C. Dozier\nkel) G.C. Cooper, Jr.\nNotary Public for S. C.\nRENUNCIATION OF DOWER.\nSTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,\nRICHLAND COUNTY.\ndo hereby certify unto all whom it may concern, that\nI,\nMrs. Jennie S. Cork the wife of the within named W. N. Cork did this day appear before me, and\nupon being privately and separately examined by me, did declare that she does freely, voluntarily\nand without any. compulsion, dread, or fear of any. person or persons whomsoever, renounce, release\nand forever relinquish unto the within named Jennie S. Cork, Trustee for Loretta Culp, her heirs\nand assigns, all her interest and estate,. and also all her right and claim of Dower of, in or to\nall and singular the premises within mentioned and released.\nGIVEN under my Hand and Seal, this\nday of November, Anno Domini 1938.\nJennie S. Cork\n)G.C. Coop er, Jr.\n(L.s.)\nNotary Public for S.C.\nRECORDED this the 21st day of November, 1938, 8 A. M.\nA. L. MILLING, C. C. C. P.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]1. That the said lot or any part thereof shall not be rented, sold or otherwise disposed of to any. person or persons of African descent except that servants of occupants may live on such lot.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]1. That the said lot or any part thereof shall not be rented, sold or otherwise disposed of to any person or persons of African descent except that servants of occupants may live on such lot.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] a7275 PAGE 728 3 5. No dwelling shall be erected, reconstructed, placed or suffered to remain upon said! premises unless the plans and specifications for any dwelling or any additions thereto, or any; alterations thereof, shall) have been prepared by an architect registered for the practice of archi-1 tecture in the State of Ohio at the time such plans and specifications have been prepared; and] junless said plans and specifications shall have been submitted to GRANTORS for their approval as to the size, type, style of architecture, cost, materials of construction, color scheme, and lot plans showing the proposed location of said dwelling and drive upon the premises; and unless such plans, details thereof, and specifications shall have been approved in writing by GRANTORS. A copy of such submitted plans and specifications, signed by the architect, shall be lodged per. manently with GRANTORS and upon completion of the work said registered architect. shall certify in writing to GRANTORS that, to the best of! his knowledge and belief,the work was com- pleted in accordance with said plans and specifications first approved in writing by GRANTORS, jand in accordance with the provisions of the building codes of the Governmental authorities having jurisdiction thereof. .67. The dwelling shall be 80 planned and s0 placed upon said premises that the width of thefront elevation thereof, which shall be toward the highway upon which the premises herein conveyed abut, shall be greater than the. depth of said dwelling, except that if the entire available building space between the side lines of said loth be occupied by the front of said dwell- ing the foregoing restrictions as to depth of said dwelling shall not apply. Enclosed vestibules, bays, open front entrance porches and chimneys may not encroach on front and side building each dwelling lines without the written consent of GRANTORS, The éswhich may shall be not less than 1600 square feet, AKE/yshyEbf, jinclude garage. 74 No portion of the within described premises, nearer to any highway than the building lines as hereinbefore fixed, shall be used for any purposes other than that of a lawn, nothing herein contained, however, shall be construed as preventing the use of such portion of said premises for walks and drives, the planting of trees and shrubbery, the growing of flowers or ornamental plants for the purposes of beautifying, said premises, but no vegetables so-called, nor grains of ordinary garden or field variety shall be grown upon such portion thereof. and no weeds, underbrush or other unsightly objects shall be placed or suffered to remain on any por- tion of said premises. 8 $. No servants' quarters, outbuildings nor garages shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain upon said premises unless. the same be an integral part of the dwelling, and unless the same shall be of the same materials, construction and design and treatment as the main part of the dwelling. The entrance doors of such garage shall not face the highway, excepting on corner lots where garage doors may face the sideline streets. 9 yy: No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used! except_by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply] to family servants employed by the occupant of said premises. 10.y. No portion of the premises hereby. conveyed shall be occupied, leased, rented, con-I veyed, or otherwise alienated, nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another, without! the written consent of GRANTORS: except that said GRANTORS may not withhold such con-I sent, if and after a written request has been made to GRANTORS, to permit such occupation, leasing, renting, conveying, or alienation, by the owner or owners of the legal title ofa majority of all of thc following sublots of said subdivision: The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to transfers of title by way of devise or inheritance, in which case the devisee or heir shall take such property subject to the restrictions herein imposed. 11.4. No nuisance, gas or oil derrick, advertising sign, billboard, or other advertising device, factory, machine shop, saw mill or other manufacturing, establishment, nor any business, profes-, sional or commercial enterprise whatsoever, hospital, school, place of worship, library, museum,! or any type of eleemosynary, institution, or any like institutions, or any iron clad building, or a. building with a tin roof, shall be constructed, erected, placed or operated or suffered to remain! upon said premises, nor shall the premises be used in any way for noxious or offensive trade or any, purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the holders of the adjoin- ing land. No place of public entertainment, apartment house, flat, boarding house, nor building designed for the residence of more than one family, and no hotel, tavern, dance hall or any other form of community dwelling, shall be established, conducted, maintained or suffered toj remain upon said premises. No chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored upon said premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold upon. said premises. The provisions of this paragraph or of any of the other restrictions herein contained shall not prevent the construction and maintenance by GRANTORS of suitable and appropriate structures: for the conduct of the business of developing and improving this sub- division. 12. 1. No heating apparatus in or for any dwelling shall be operated by any but smoke free fuel unless such apparatus is equipped, operated and maintained with some device which will prevent smoke. All dwellings shall be equipped with either an enclosed incinerator or an electric garbage disposal unit. No fences or. wall of any kind for any purposes shall be erected, placed ors suffered to remain upon said premises without the written consent of GRANTORS.
a7275 PAGE 728 3 5. No dwelling shall be erected, reconstructed, placed or suffered to remain upon said! premises unless the plans and specifications for any dwelling or any additions thereto, or any; alterations thereof, shall) have been prepared by an architect registered for the practice of archi-1 tecture in the State of Ohio at the time such plans and specifications have been prepared; and] junless said plans and specifications shall have been submitted to GRANTORS for their approval as to the size, type, style of architecture, cost, materials of construction, color scheme, and lot plans showing the proposed location of said dwelling and drive upon the premises; and unless such plans, details thereof, and specifications shall have been approved in writing by GRANTORS. A copy of such submitted plans and specifications, signed by the architect, shall be lodged per. manently with GRANTORS and upon completion of the work said registered architect. shall certify in writing to GRANTORS that, to the best of! his knowledge and belief,the work was com- pleted in accordance with said plans and specifications first approved in writing by GRANTORS, jand in accordance with the provisions of the building codes of the Governmental authorities having jurisdiction thereof. .67. The dwelling shall be 80 planned and s0 placed upon said premises that the width of thefront elevation thereof, which shall be toward the highway upon which the premises herein conveyed abut, shall be greater than the. depth of said dwelling, except that if the entire available building space between the side lines of said loth be occupied by the front of said dwell- ing the foregoing restrictions as to depth of said dwelling shall not apply. Enclosed vestibules, bays, open front entrance porches and chimneys may not encroach on front and side building each dwelling lines without the written consent of GRANTORS, The éswhich may shall be not less than 1600 square feet, AKE/yshyEbf, jinclude garage. 74 No portion of the within described premises, nearer to any highway than the building lines as hereinbefore fixed, shall be used for any purposes other than that of a lawn, nothing herein contained, however, shall be construed as preventing the use of such portion of said premises for walks and drives, the planting of trees and shrubbery, the growing of flowers or ornamental plants for the purposes of beautifying, said premises, but no vegetables so-called, nor grains of ordinary garden or field variety shall be grown upon such portion thereof. and no weeds, underbrush or other unsightly objects shall be placed or suffered to remain on any por- tion of said premises. 8 $. No servants' quarters, outbuildings nor garages shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain upon said premises unless. the same be an integral part of the dwelling, and unless the same shall be of the same materials, construction and design and treatment as the main part of the dwelling. The entrance doors of such garage shall not face the highway, excepting on corner lots where garage doors may face the sideline streets. 9 yy: No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used! except_by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply] to family servants employed by the occupant of said premises. 10.y. No portion of the premises hereby. conveyed shall be occupied, leased, rented, con-I veyed, or otherwise alienated, nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another, without! the written consent of GRANTORS: except that said GRANTORS may not withhold such con-I sent, if and after a written request has been made to GRANTORS, to permit such occupation, leasing, renting, conveying, or alienation, by the owner or owners of the legal title ofa majority of all of thc following sublots of said subdivision: The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to transfers of title by way of devise or inheritance, in which case the devisee or heir shall take such property subject to the restrictions herein imposed. 11.4. No nuisance, gas or oil derrick, advertising sign, billboard, or other advertising device, factory, machine shop, saw mill or other manufacturing, establishment, nor any business, profes-, sional or commercial enterprise whatsoever, hospital, school, place of worship, library, museum,! or any type of eleemosynary, institution, or any like institutions, or any iron clad building, or a. building with a tin roof, shall be constructed, erected, placed or operated or suffered to remain! upon said premises, nor shall the premises be used in any way for noxious or offensive trade or any, purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the holders of the adjoin- ing land. No place of public entertainment, apartment house, flat, boarding house, nor building designed for the residence of more than one family, and no hotel, tavern, dance hall or any other form of community dwelling, shall be established, conducted, maintained or suffered toj remain upon said premises. No chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored upon said premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold upon. said premises. The provisions of this paragraph or of any of the other restrictions herein contained shall not prevent the construction and maintenance by GRANTORS of suitable and appropriate structures: for the conduct of the business of developing and improving this sub- division. 12. 1. No heating apparatus in or for any dwelling shall be operated by any but smoke free fuel unless such apparatus is equipped, operated and maintained with some device which will prevent smoke. All dwellings shall be equipped with either an enclosed incinerator or an electric garbage disposal unit. No fences or. wall of any kind for any purposes shall be erected, placed ors suffered to remain upon said premises without the written consent of GRANTORS.
9 Wy: No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply tofamily servants employed by the occupant of said premises.
9. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]9 Wy: No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply tofamily servants employed by the occupant of said premises.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]9. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\na7275 PAGE 728\n3\n5. No dwelling shall be erected, reconstructed, placed or suffered to remain upon said!\npremises unless the plans and specifications for any dwelling or any additions thereto, or any;\nalterations thereof, shall) have been prepared by an architect registered for the practice of archi-1\ntecture in the State of Ohio at the time such plans and specifications have been prepared; and]\njunless said plans and specifications shall have been submitted to GRANTORS for their approval\nas to the size, type, style of architecture, cost, materials of construction, color scheme, and lot\nplans showing the proposed location of said dwelling and drive upon the premises; and unless\nsuch plans, details thereof, and specifications shall have been approved in writing by GRANTORS.\nA copy of such submitted plans and specifications, signed by the architect, shall be lodged per.\nmanently with GRANTORS and upon completion of the work said registered architect. shall\ncertify in writing to GRANTORS that, to the best of! his knowledge and belief,the work was com-\npleted in accordance with said plans and specifications first approved in writing by GRANTORS,\njand in accordance with the provisions of the building codes of the Governmental authorities\nhaving jurisdiction thereof.\n.67. The dwelling shall be 80 planned and s0 placed upon said premises that the width of\nthefront elevation thereof, which shall be toward the highway upon which the premises herein\nconveyed abut, shall be greater than the. depth of said dwelling, except that if the entire\navailable building space between the side lines of said loth be occupied by the front of said dwell-\ning the foregoing restrictions as to depth of said dwelling shall not apply. Enclosed vestibules,\nbays, open front entrance porches and chimneys may not encroach on front and side building\neach dwelling\nlines without the written consent of GRANTORS, The\néswhich may\nshall be not less than 1600 square feet, AKE/yshyEbf,\njinclude garage.\n74 No portion of the within described premises, nearer to any highway than the building\nlines as hereinbefore fixed, shall be used for any purposes other than that of a lawn, nothing\nherein contained, however, shall be construed as preventing the use of such portion of said\npremises for walks and drives, the planting of trees and shrubbery, the growing of flowers or\nornamental plants for the purposes of beautifying, said premises, but no vegetables so-called,\nnor grains of ordinary garden or field variety shall be grown upon such portion thereof. and no\nweeds, underbrush or other unsightly objects shall be placed or suffered to remain on any por-\ntion of said premises.\n8 $. No servants' quarters, outbuildings nor garages shall be erected, placed or suffered to\nremain upon said premises unless. the same be an integral part of the dwelling, and unless the\nsame shall be of the same materials, construction and design and treatment as the main part of\nthe dwelling. The entrance doors of such garage shall not face the highway, excepting on corner\nlots where garage doors may face the sideline streets.\n9 yy: No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used!\nexcept_by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply]\nto family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.\n10.y. No portion of the premises hereby. conveyed shall be occupied, leased, rented, con-I\nveyed, or otherwise alienated, nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another, without!\nthe written consent of GRANTORS: except that said GRANTORS may not withhold such con-I\nsent, if and after a written request has been made to GRANTORS, to permit such occupation,\nleasing, renting, conveying, or alienation, by the owner or owners of the legal title ofa majority\nof all of thc following sublots of said subdivision:\nThe provisions of this paragraph shall not apply\nto transfers of title by way of devise or inheritance, in which case the devisee or heir shall take\nsuch property subject to the restrictions herein imposed.\n11.4. No nuisance, gas or oil derrick, advertising sign, billboard, or other advertising device,\nfactory, machine shop, saw mill or other manufacturing, establishment, nor any business, profes-,\nsional or commercial enterprise whatsoever, hospital, school, place of worship, library, museum,!\nor any type of eleemosynary, institution, or any like institutions, or any iron clad building, or a.\nbuilding with a tin roof, shall be constructed, erected, placed or operated or suffered to remain!\nupon said premises, nor shall the premises be used in any way for noxious or offensive trade or\nany, purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the holders of the adjoin-\ning land. No place of public entertainment, apartment house, flat, boarding house, nor building\ndesigned for the residence of more than one family, and no hotel, tavern, dance hall or any\nother form of community dwelling, shall be established, conducted, maintained or suffered toj\nremain upon said premises. No chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or\nharbored upon said premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured\nor sold upon. said premises. The provisions of this paragraph or of any of the other restrictions\nherein contained shall not prevent the construction and maintenance by GRANTORS of suitable\nand appropriate structures: for the conduct of the business of developing and improving this sub-\ndivision.\n12. 1. No heating apparatus in or for any dwelling shall be operated by any but smoke free\nfuel unless such apparatus is equipped, operated and maintained with some device which will\nprevent smoke. All dwellings shall be equipped with either an enclosed incinerator or an electric\ngarbage disposal unit. No fences or. wall of any kind for any purposes shall be erected, placed\nors suffered to remain upon said premises without the written consent of GRANTORS.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]9 Wy: No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used\nexcept by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply\ntofamily servants employed by the occupant of said premises.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]9. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DR VOL00602 PAGE315 STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 4211 COUNTY OF DENTON THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN ($10,00) AND NO/100 DOLLARS to us paid and Taup.s secured to copFAderations, and other WILLIAM THEO PHILLIPS, a single man aBfellgs HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said WILLIAM THEO PHILLIPS, a single man of the County of Denton State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, Texas, and described as follows, to-wit: BEING LOT FIFTY-SIX (56) in BLOCK EIGHT (8) of GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof recorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. the plat recorded in the Map Records Ty Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: This conveyançe is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of Salal lodge lots or in. for this non-profic subdivision, or recreational except as hereinafter and excepted any original and described lot is restricted in Paragraph to one 16 such herein, type to be only except as as a hereinafter residence, bhael da No structures be. private garage and/or shall boathouse erected, and. altered, other placed essary or outbuildings. permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building and a 2. 3. mestic No servants person of ofad any, different race other race than the Caucasian with any race owner sha!l or use tenant. or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- 4.--No dry toilets or cesspools shall be permitted on this property and sanitary sewerage approved by the County of Denton or Coun yof Denton be permitted State thereon Department. Sewerage and disposal by my: one or more lots must have the system approved State Health by the fne CNCE TsgSts B Aert XX7Xa Fi 6.. Nobuilding (Front building shall be line: F = FeErs se the yard front building lot lineor lines on nearer street to side the corner line = than 15 the Side building setback line shown on the recorded de lots feet. yard building lines on interior lots =4 Busihess excluded from the above restrictions.) B building painted on structure the shall with be two occupied (2) or used coats until of the paint. exterior All thereof is completely finished and, if frame or other unfnished shall be brick, lumber, material, exterior material uséd in main tos shingles, tile, or aluminum siding or roofing. an No obnoxious or nuisance or offensive to the trade or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become 9. 2, No permanently, garage, basement, nor shall tent, any. shack or ofa other temporary outbuilding character erected on the! used lot herein described shall at time be used residence temporarily except that trailers may be on any lot in Block provided that sanitary restrictions as herein out are fully complied with. 10. 11. Streets, The ground easements foor area of any main structure, exclusive of open porches and shall be not less than 600 square feet. and alleys are reserved as shown on the recorded plat of said addition for utility 12. These restrictions 1965, at which shall be time covenants said running shall_be the land shall be binding upon all parties and purposes. all persons claiming under them until jority et then owners of the lotsitis to change said extended in whole for or suçce in periods of_ten (10) years unless by vote ofa ma- 13. lawful If Ebe any parties other. hereto, or or any of them, owning or their any real heirs property or assigns, situated shall violate said attempt part. to violate. any of the covenants herein, it shall be or or to recover equity damages the or person other dues or peraons for violating violation. or attempting to violate in such development covenant, or and subdivision either to prevent to him BP from 80 doing, E 14. structures of any kind aret to be moved the subdivision or any lot thereof without the No written corisent of the Seller or Developer. 15. The Seller, or Developer shall not be responsible Purchaser, his tornadoes, rains, floods, droughts, heirsor etc. The pisas. for damages not tothe subdivision caused by any Act natural or otherwise, in the subdivision, without R obtaining the written permission tochange of Seller. any way or interfere SEe with idence such as drainage lon Ibis that expressly any lot in understood Block may that be Lots occupied 1 vh 5in railer, Block Rs set 7and out A lotsin Paragraph Blocks_ 91 herein. and 2 are reserved the for business only, with the excep- Hm force and ofany effect. one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain TO HAVE. AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there- toi in anywise belonging unto the said WILLIAM THEO PHILLIPS, his heirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, all and singular the said premises unto the said WILLIAM THEO PHILLIPS, his heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. A82 WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this.. Kth. Mery. 19670... Vera W. Bass JOINT ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public, COUNTY OF.. Dallas. in and for said County, Texas, on this day personally appeared Bert H. Bass. .and.. Vera-Wa.. Bass. his wife, hoth me to be the persons whose names are subseribed tot the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and the said. Vera. W. Bass wife of the said. Bert. HA. Bass having been exàmined bxmg privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said.. : enaW, Bass.. acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that "she had/ willingly, signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, that she did not wish to and retract it. 6 GIVEN UNDEE-MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This.. Ath. day of.. Mey. A.D.19.70 Rlaknp 3° No+ary Publi in and for Dallas County, GFSALLS.S Texas
DR VOL00602 PAGE315 STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 4211 COUNTY OF DENTON THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN ($10,00) AND NO/100 DOLLARS to us paid and Taup.s secured to copFAderations, and other WILLIAM THEO PHILLIPS, a single man aBfellgs HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said WILLIAM THEO PHILLIPS, a single man of the County of Denton State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, Texas, and described as follows, to-wit: BEING LOT FIFTY-SIX (56) in BLOCK EIGHT (8) of GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof recorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. the plat recorded in the Map Records Ty Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: This conveyançe is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of Salal lodge lots or in. for this non-profic subdivision, or recreational except as hereinafter and excepted any original and described lot is restricted in Paragraph to one 16 such herein, type to be only except as as a hereinafter residence, bhael da No structures be. private garage and/or shall boathouse erected, and. altered, other placed essary or outbuildings. permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building and a 2. 3. mestic No servants person of ofad any, different race other race than the Caucasian with any race owner sha!l or use tenant. or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- 4.--No dry toilets or cesspools shall be permitted on this property and sanitary sewerage approved by the County of Denton or Coun yof Denton be permitted State thereon Department. Sewerage and disposal by my: one or more lots must have the system approved State Health by the fne CNCE TsgSts B Aert XX7Xa Fi 6.. Nobuilding (Front building shall be line: F = FeErs se the yard front building lot lineor lines on nearer street to side the corner line = than 15 the Side building setback line shown on the recorded de lots feet. yard building lines on interior lots =4 Busihess excluded from the above restrictions.) B building painted on structure the shall with be two occupied (2) or used coats until of the paint. exterior All thereof is completely finished and, if frame or other unfnished shall be brick, lumber, material, exterior material uséd in main tos shingles, tile, or aluminum siding or roofing. an No obnoxious or nuisance or offensive to the trade or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become 9. 2, No permanently, garage, basement, nor shall tent, any. shack or ofa other temporary outbuilding character erected on the! used lot herein described shall at time be used residence temporarily except that trailers may be on any lot in Block provided that sanitary restrictions as herein out are fully complied with. 10. 11. Streets, The ground easements foor area of any main structure, exclusive of open porches and shall be not less than 600 square feet. and alleys are reserved as shown on the recorded plat of said addition for utility 12. These restrictions 1965, at which shall be time covenants said running shall_be the land shall be binding upon all parties and purposes. all persons claiming under them until jority et then owners of the lotsitis to change said extended in whole for or suçce in periods of_ten (10) years unless by vote ofa ma- 13. lawful If Ebe any parties other. hereto, or or any of them, owning or their any real heirs property or assigns, situated shall violate said attempt part. to violate. any of the covenants herein, it shall be or or to recover equity damages the or person other dues or peraons for violating violation. or attempting to violate in such development covenant, or and subdivision either to prevent to him BP from 80 doing, E 14. structures of any kind aret to be moved the subdivision or any lot thereof without the No written corisent of the Seller or Developer. 15. The Seller, or Developer shall not be responsible Purchaser, his tornadoes, rains, floods, droughts, heirsor etc. The pisas. for damages not tothe subdivision caused by any Act natural or otherwise, in the subdivision, without R obtaining the written permission tochange of Seller. any way or interfere SEe with idence such as drainage lon Ibis that expressly any lot in understood Block may that be Lots occupied 1 vh 5in railer, Block Rs set 7and out A lotsin Paragraph Blocks_ 91 herein. and 2 are reserved the for business only, with the excep- Hm force and ofany effect. one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain TO HAVE. AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there- toi in anywise belonging unto the said WILLIAM THEO PHILLIPS, his heirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, all and singular the said premises unto the said WILLIAM THEO PHILLIPS, his heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. A82 WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this.. Kth. Mery. 19670... Vera W. Bass JOINT ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public, COUNTY OF.. Dallas. in and for said County, Texas, on this day personally appeared Bert H. Bass. .and.. Vera-Wa.. Bass. his wife, hoth me to be the persons whose names are subseribed tot the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and the said. Vera. W. Bass wife of the said. Bert. HA. Bass having been exàmined bxmg privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said.. : enaW, Bass.. acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that "she had/ willingly, signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, that she did not wish to and retract it. 6 GIVEN UNDEE-MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This.. Ath. day of.. Mey. A.D.19.70 Rlaknp 3° No+ary Publi in and for Dallas County, GFSALLS.S Texas
3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race sha!l use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiçiled with any owner or tenant.
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race sha!l use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiçiled with any owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDR VOL00602 PAGE315\nSTATE OF TEXAS\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\n4211\nCOUNTY OF DENTON\nTHAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of\nTEN ($10,00) AND NO/100\nDOLLARS\nto us paid and Taup.s secured to copFAderations,\nand other\nWILLIAM THEO PHILLIPS, a single man\naBfellgs\nHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said\nWILLIAM THEO PHILLIPS, a single man\nof the County of Denton\nState of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,\nTexas, and described as follows, to-wit:\nBEING LOT FIFTY-SIX (56) in BLOCK EIGHT (8) of GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE\nESTATES, an Addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map\nthereof recorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of the Map or Plat Records of\nDenton County, Texas.\nthe plat recorded in the Map Records Ty Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:\nThis conveyançe is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made\na part of\nSalal lodge lots or in. for this non-profic subdivision, or recreational except as hereinafter and excepted any original and described lot is restricted in Paragraph to one 16 such herein, type to be only except as as a hereinafter residence,\nbhael\nda\nNo structures be.\nprivate garage and/or shall boathouse erected, and. altered, other placed essary or outbuildings. permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building and a\n2.\n3. mestic No servants person of ofad any, different race other race than the Caucasian with any race owner sha!l or use tenant. or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-\n4.--No dry toilets or cesspools shall be permitted on this property and sanitary sewerage approved by the County of Denton or\nCoun yof Denton be permitted State thereon Department. Sewerage and disposal by my:\none or more lots must have the system approved State Health by the\nfne CNCE TsgSts\nB\nAert XX7Xa\nFi 6.. Nobuilding (Front building shall be line: F = FeErs se the yard front building lot lineor lines on nearer street to side the corner line = than 15 the Side building setback line shown on the recorded\nde lots feet. yard building lines on interior lots =4\nBusihess\nexcluded from the above restrictions.)\nB building painted on structure the shall with be two occupied (2) or used coats until of the paint. exterior All thereof is completely finished and, if frame or other unfnished\nshall be brick, lumber, material,\nexterior material uséd in main\ntos shingles, tile,\nor aluminum siding or roofing.\nan No obnoxious or nuisance or offensive to the trade or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become\n9. 2, No permanently, garage, basement, nor shall tent, any. shack or ofa other temporary outbuilding character erected on the! used lot herein described shall at time be used residence temporarily\nexcept that trailers may be on any lot in Block\nprovided that sanitary restrictions as herein out are fully complied with.\n10. 11. Streets, The ground easements foor area of any main structure, exclusive of open porches and\nshall be not less than 600\nsquare feet.\nand alleys are reserved as shown on the recorded plat of said addition for utility\n12. These restrictions 1965, at which shall be time covenants said running shall_be the land shall be binding upon all parties and purposes. all persons claiming under them until\n jority et then owners of the lotsitis to change said extended in whole for or suçce in periods of_ten (10) years unless by vote ofa ma-\n13. lawful If Ebe any parties other. hereto, or or any of them, owning or their any real heirs property or assigns, situated shall violate said attempt part. to violate. any of the covenants herein, it shall be\nor or to recover equity damages the or person other dues or peraons for violating violation. or attempting to violate in such development covenant, or and subdivision either to prevent to him BP from 80 doing,\nE\n14. structures of any kind aret to be moved the subdivision or any lot thereof without the\nNo\nwritten corisent of the Seller or Developer.\n15. The Seller, or Developer shall not be responsible Purchaser, his\ntornadoes, rains, floods, droughts, heirsor etc. The pisas. for damages not tothe subdivision caused by any Act\nnatural or otherwise, in the subdivision, without R obtaining the written permission tochange of Seller. any way or interfere SEe with\nidence such as\ndrainage\nlon Ibis that expressly any lot in understood Block may that be Lots occupied 1 vh 5in railer, Block Rs set 7and out A lotsin Paragraph Blocks_ 91 herein. and 2 are reserved the for business only, with the excep-\nHm force and ofany effect. one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain\nTO HAVE. AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there-\ntoi in anywise belonging unto the said WILLIAM THEO PHILLIPS, his\nheirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-\nfend, all and singular the said premises unto the said WILLIAM THEO PHILLIPS, his\nheirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.\nA82\nWITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this.. Kth.\nMery.\n19670...\nVera W. Bass\nJOINT ACKNOWLEDGMENT\nTHE STATE OF TEXAS,\nBEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public,\nCOUNTY OF.. Dallas.\nin and for said County, Texas, on this day personally appeared\nBert H. Bass.\n.and.. Vera-Wa.. Bass.\nhis wife, hoth me to be the persons whose names are subseribed tot the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged\nto me that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and the said.\nVera. W. Bass\nwife of the said. Bert. HA. Bass\nhaving been\nexàmined bxmg privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said..\n:\nenaW, Bass..\nacknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that\n\"she had/ willingly, signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, that she did not wish to\nand\nretract it.\n6\nGIVEN UNDEE-MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This.. Ath. day of.. Mey.\nA.D.19.70\nRlaknp\n3°\nNo+ary Publi in and for Dallas County,\nGFSALLS.S\nTexas", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race sha!l use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not\nprevent occupancy by do-\nmestic servants of a different race domiçiled with any owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DRVOL00434F PAGE37 6390 STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DENTON THAT I,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County,' Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter described property is my separate estate andi is not now, norh hasi it ever been, any parto of my residential or business homestead), for and in consideration of thes sumo of FIVE HUNDRED NINETI-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($595.00)- tome paid ands securedt tol be paid by as follows: J. E. GOCHRAN, JR. and wife, ANN COCHRAN, FIVE HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($595.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is, hereby acknowledged, HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said J. E. COCHRAN, JR. and wife, ANN COCHRAN, State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, oft the County of Dallas Texas, and deseribed as follows, to-wit: IOT 29 in BLOCK TEN (10), GARZA-LITTLE EIM LAKE ESTATES, an addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof recorded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. This conveyance is mades subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of the plat recorded in the Map Records onl Denton County, Texas, and are asf follows: type E: dre purposes, E original erhe in Paragraph 16 herein, this subdivision, dutlod for hereinafter only and one detached single building anda shall be erected, and altered, placed aEmts to remain on any building plot Bale anyd fferent than the Caucasian ith any race shall Ce aroceupy any lot, except thatt this covenants shall noti prevent occupancy by do- Beer Nod nent toilets willbe ermitted cesspools T be permitted a Ett ank: sanitarys system PPEE: one sMsiN PrS OAPKD system approved or Bel State Health Department. Coun.y - must be organization by the State Department Health. AL9 th tinat S3e ei H Water too ora E E fands shall E E EZ S E sment ES VE - asses 3 E K E E E CeNE E dioin oining property ass set - available thereto, Fnea 6e inall E purchase thereof t agrees! E T eyents herein herein E A excluded E - ms F Jipeor on se F lots= line_t thant bulding mRe Trist buildings BEAE Marecte Plet lots are restrictic AMAN structure if_frame EEEPLE matstal Fhals or ra shallbe two occupied (2) or until 2E te: exterior material or aluminum siding oe roofing. tile, trade or shall bec carried on any lot, nors shall anything be done thereon which may beor become afentr neighbor AS bavs ue on any P temfor asement shall shack or outbuilding erected thelotherein residence,t get No shall time os oat. aref fully DId VE. any notl than 600 square feet. of ofopen porches ande ground Streets, easements and reserved as shown on the recorded platof saida addition for utility purposes. hes CHn ners ts lotate grid change tamat covenar ntsi ande s part. . periods La de claiming them shall çovenants running umtl ind shall be binding vpensll hic ity oE the pNe sid such E ande PPEAESNESS C from E E Ee herein, it shall be If Ebe parties any of them, own pr heirs real or assigns, shall violate deve o lamages or for E E persor in tol ber onto the subdivision or any lott thereof without the written consent of the Seller or Developer. Nos structures ofa any eavy rains, onsib Purchaser, heirs e E for damagesto os 16. The SelE Developers caused way ArS SPe witho E obtaining the permission Saler natural Cmis herwise, in the lon Ehe: . Bhegtan that be, Lots_1 ryueh Eals as nd g Blocks rend are for business only, witht the excep- by judgmento orc court order shall inr no wise affect any the other provisions which shall remain and ctay one oft these I 18. TOHAVEA AND TOI HOLD the above described premises, together with all ands singular the rights ands appurtenances there- toins anywise belonging intot thes said J. E. COCHRAN, JR. and wife, ANN COCHRAN, their heirs anda assigns forever and Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, all ands singulart thes said premises unto the said J. E. COCHRAN, JR. and wife, ANN COCHRAN, their heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, orto claim thes same, or any part thereof. X8XXXXXXXXXXS WITNESS MYI HAND at Dallas, Dallas County,' Texas, this.
DRVOL00434F PAGE37 6390 STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DENTON THAT I,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County,' Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter described property is my separate estate andi is not now, norh hasi it ever been, any parto of my residential or business homestead), for and in consideration of thes sumo of FIVE HUNDRED NINETI-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($595.00)- tome paid ands securedt tol be paid by as follows: J. E. GOCHRAN, JR. and wife, ANN COCHRAN, FIVE HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($595.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is, hereby acknowledged, HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said J. E. COCHRAN, JR. and wife, ANN COCHRAN, State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, oft the County of Dallas Texas, and deseribed as follows, to-wit: IOT 29 in BLOCK TEN (10), GARZA-LITTLE EIM LAKE ESTATES, an addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof recorded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. This conveyance is mades subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of the plat recorded in the Map Records onl Denton County, Texas, and are asf follows: type E: dre purposes, E original erhe in Paragraph 16 herein, this subdivision, dutlod for hereinafter only and one detached single building anda shall be erected, and altered, placed aEmts to remain on any building plot Bale anyd fferent than the Caucasian ith any race shall Ce aroceupy any lot, except thatt this covenants shall noti prevent occupancy by do- Beer Nod nent toilets willbe ermitted cesspools T be permitted a Ett ank: sanitarys system PPEE: one sMsiN PrS OAPKD system approved or Bel State Health Department. Coun.y - must be organization by the State Department Health. AL9 th tinat S3e ei H Water too ora E E fands shall E E EZ S E sment ES VE - asses 3 E K E E E CeNE E dioin oining property ass set - available thereto, Fnea 6e inall E purchase thereof t agrees! E T eyents herein herein E A excluded E - ms F Jipeor on se F lots= line_t thant bulding mRe Trist buildings BEAE Marecte Plet lots are restrictic AMAN structure if_frame EEEPLE matstal Fhals or ra shallbe two occupied (2) or until 2E te: exterior material or aluminum siding oe roofing. tile, trade or shall bec carried on any lot, nors shall anything be done thereon which may beor become afentr neighbor AS bavs ue on any P temfor asement shall shack or outbuilding erected thelotherein residence,t get No shall time os oat. aref fully DId VE. any notl than 600 square feet. of ofopen porches ande ground Streets, easements and reserved as shown on the recorded platof saida addition for utility purposes. hes CHn ners ts lotate grid change tamat covenar ntsi ande s part. . periods La de claiming them shall çovenants running umtl ind shall be binding vpensll hic ity oE the pNe sid such E ande PPEAESNESS C from E E Ee herein, it shall be If Ebe parties any of them, own pr heirs real or assigns, shall violate deve o lamages or for E E persor in tol ber onto the subdivision or any lott thereof without the written consent of the Seller or Developer. Nos structures ofa any eavy rains, onsib Purchaser, heirs e E for damagesto os 16. The SelE Developers caused way ArS SPe witho E obtaining the permission Saler natural Cmis herwise, in the lon Ehe: . Bhegtan that be, Lots_1 ryueh Eals as nd g Blocks rend are for business only, witht the excep- by judgmento orc court order shall inr no wise affect any the other provisions which shall remain and ctay one oft these I 18. TOHAVEA AND TOI HOLD the above described premises, together with all ands singular the rights ands appurtenances there- toins anywise belonging intot thes said J. E. COCHRAN, JR. and wife, ANN COCHRAN, their heirs anda assigns forever and Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, all ands singulart thes said premises unto the said J. E. COCHRAN, JR. and wife, ANN COCHRAN, their heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, orto claim thes same, or any part thereof. X8XXXXXXXXXXS WITNESS MYI HAND at Dallas, Dallas County,' Texas, this.
3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any Iot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any Iot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDRVOL00434F PAGE37\n6390\nSTATE OF TEXAS\nKNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\nCOUNTY OF DENTON\nTHAT I,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County,' Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter described\nproperty is my separate estate andi is not now, norh hasi it ever been, any parto of my residential or business homestead), for and\nin consideration of thes sumo of\nFIVE HUNDRED NINETI-FIVE AND NO/100\nDOLLARS\n($595.00)-\ntome paid ands securedt tol be paid by\nas follows:\nJ. E. GOCHRAN, JR. and wife, ANN COCHRAN,\nFIVE HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($595.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of\nwhich is, hereby acknowledged,\nHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said\nJ. E. COCHRAN, JR. and wife, ANN COCHRAN,\nState of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,\noft the County of Dallas\nTexas, and deseribed as follows, to-wit:\nIOT 29 in BLOCK TEN (10), GARZA-LITTLE EIM LAKE ESTATES,\nan addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map\nthereof recorded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat\nRecords of Denton County, Texas.\nThis conveyance is mades subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of\nthe plat recorded in the Map Records onl Denton County, Texas, and are asf follows:\ntype E: dre\npurposes, E original erhe\nin Paragraph 16 herein,\nthis subdivision,\ndutlod for\nhereinafter\nonly\nand\none detached single building anda\nshall be erected, and altered, placed aEmts to remain on any building plot\nBale\nanyd fferent than the Caucasian ith any race shall Ce aroceupy any lot, except thatt this covenants shall noti prevent occupancy by do-\nBeer\nNod nent toilets willbe ermitted cesspools T be permitted a Ett ank: sanitarys system PPEE: one sMsiN PrS OAPKD system approved or Bel\nState Health Department.\nCoun.y\n-\nmust be organization by the State Department Health. AL9 th tinat S3e ei H\nWater too ora\nE\nE\nfands shall E E EZ S \n E\nsment ES\nVE - asses\n 3 E K E E E CeNE E dioin oining property ass set -\navailable thereto,\nFnea\n6e\ninall E purchase\nthereof t agrees!\nE T\neyents\nherein\nherein\nE\nA excluded E - ms\n\nF Jipeor on se F lots= line_t thant\nbulding mRe Trist\nbuildings BEAE Marecte\nPlet\nlots are\nrestrictic\n\nAMAN\nstructure if_frame EEEPLE matstal\nFhals or ra shallbe two occupied (2) or until 2E te: exterior material\nor aluminum siding oe roofing.\ntile,\ntrade or shall bec carried on any lot, nors shall anything be done thereon which may beor become\nafentr neighbor\nAS bavs ue on any \nP temfor\nasement shall shack or outbuilding erected thelotherein\nresidence,t\nget\nNo\nshall time\n\nos\noat. aref fully DId VE.\nany\nnotl than 600 square feet.\nof\nofopen porches ande\nground\nStreets, easements and\nreserved as shown on the recorded platof saida addition for utility purposes.\nhes CHn ners ts lotate grid change tamat covenar ntsi ande s part.\n.\nperiods La de\nclaiming them\nshall çovenants running\numtl\nind shall be binding vpensll\nhic\nity oE\nthe\npNe sid such E ande PPEAESNESS C from E E\nEe\nherein, it shall be\nIf Ebe parties\nany of them, own pr heirs real or assigns, shall violate deve\no\nlamages or\nfor E \nE persor\nin\ntol ber onto the subdivision or any lott thereof without the written consent of the Seller or Developer.\nNos structures ofa any\neavy rains, onsib Purchaser, heirs e E for damagesto os\n16. The SelE Developers\ncaused way ArS SPe\nwitho E obtaining the permission Saler\nnatural Cmis herwise, in the\nlon Ehe: . Bhegtan that be, Lots_1 ryueh Eals as nd g Blocks rend are\nfor business only, witht the excep-\nby judgmento orc court order shall inr no wise affect any the other provisions which shall remain\nand ctay one oft these\nI\n18.\nTOHAVEA AND TOI HOLD the above described premises, together with all ands singular the rights ands appurtenances there-\ntoins anywise belonging intot thes said J. E. COCHRAN, JR. and wife, ANN COCHRAN, their\nheirs anda assigns forever and Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-\nfend, all ands singulart thes said premises unto the said J. E. COCHRAN, JR. and wife, ANN COCHRAN, their\nheirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, orto claim thes same, or any part thereof.\nX8XXXXXXXXXXS\n\nWITNESS MYI HAND at Dallas, Dallas County,' Texas, this.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any Iot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-\nmestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 271 This land 1s further conveyed upon the following express conditions: 1. The lands within described shall be used for. residential purposes only.2. No building shall be erected thereon nearer than sixty (60) feet to the cent er line3. No dwelling shall be erected thereon to cost less than three thousand ($3,000.00)4. Said land nor no part thereof shall be sold to any person of the African or Italian of the Harbor Bridge and Coaltown Public Road. dollar_.races. The aforesaid conditions to be 1n full force and effect until December 31, 1963.To Have and To Hold the same unto, and for the use of the said Edward H. Garner and ThelmaM. Garner, his wife, parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns forever,And the said Andrew Kahrer and Margaret Kahrer, his wife, and John R. Frazier, and Pearle A.Frazier, his wife, for themselves, their heirs, executors and adminletrators oovenant with theBaid parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful claimants the same and with the appurtenances; every part thereof to Warrant and Defend. Witness the hands and seals of the- said parties of the first part. hisAndrew X KahrermarkMargaret KahrerJohn R FrazierPearle A. Frazier Attest:James E OhambersEdwin S. Smith (Seal)(Seal)(Seal)(Seal) (I.R.S.)($-55) Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, :County of LAWRENCE Bs! On this seventeenth day of September, A. D. 1940, before me A Notary Publio in and for saidCounty and State, came the above named Andrew Kahrer and Margaret Kahrer, his wife, and JohnR. Frazier and Pearle A. Frazier, his wife, and they acknowledged the foregoing Indenture to be their act and deed, to the end that 1t may be recorded as such. Witness my hand and Notarial seal.My commission expires March 19,1943. (N. P. Seal) James E Chambers Certificate As To Residence. The undersigned hereby certifies that the precise residence of the grantee_herein named is/are as follows: Neshannock Township Lawrence Co. Pa_ Roy W Hazen DeedW.I. Kerr, et ux.To.William A. Morgan,et ux.Ent. October 2, 1940 This Deed Made the 9th day of September in the year Nineteen Hundred andBetween W. L. Kerr and Dora B. Kerr, his wife, of PulaskiTownship, Lawrence County, Penneylvania, grantors, AND William A.Morgan and Rose M. Morgan, his wife, of Portage County State ofWitnesseth, That in conslderation of One Dollar ($1.00) inhand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowle Ledged, the saidgrantors do hereby grant and convey to the said grantees, their Forty. Ohio, grantees.heirs and assigns, All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in Pulaski Township,Beginning at the northwest corner thereof at a stone in the Public Road leading from Pulaski; thence by lande of Sample, Kenkedy and Mitchell North eighty-eight and three-fourths(88 3/4) degrees East, two hundred sixty-three and eight-tenths (263.8) perches to a Lynn tree;thence by lands of Cosel and McConahy Heirs, South one (1) degree East, sixty-six and five-tenths(66.5) perches to a post;. thence by lands now or formerly of John Heasley heirs South eighty-eightland three-fourths (88 3/4) degrees West, two hundred nineteen and seven-tenths (219.7) perohes,more or less, to land of Lawrence Byers; thence North one-fourth (1/4) degree West by said land ofByers, a distance of thirty and five-tenth_ (30.5) perches to the center of the Public Road; thencein a westerly direction by the center of said road a distance of forty-seven and fiye-tenths (47-5)perches to a Public Road leading from Edenburg to Pulaski; thence North one-fourth (1/4) degreeWest by Bald last mentioned road, a distance of thirty-siz and five-tenths (36.5) perches, more orleas, to the place of beginning; containing ninety-eight (98) acres and one hundred thirty-seven(137) perches, more or less; being the same premises conveyed to W. I. Kerr, one of the grantorsherein, by deed of F. Elmer Welker, et ux, dated March 1, 1919, and recorded in the Recorder'sThis canveyance 1s made subject to the provisions of that certain agreement of the grantorsherein, with John Abvanovich, dated May' 8, 1924, and recorded in Lawrence County Agreement Book,Volume 23, Page 472, and any and all reversionary rights contained in the sald agreement are hereby Lawrence County, Penneylvanla, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Office of-Lawrence County in Deed: Book Vol. 208, page 30.conveye ed to the grantees herein, their heire and assigns.
271 This land 1s further conveyed upon the following express conditions: 1. The lands within described shall be used for. residential purposes only.2. No building shall be erected thereon nearer than sixty (60) feet to the cent er line3. No dwelling shall be erected thereon to cost less than three thousand ($3,000.00)4. Said land nor no part thereof shall be sold to any person of the African or Italian of the Harbor Bridge and Coaltown Public Road. dollar_.races. The aforesaid conditions to be 1n full force and effect until December 31, 1963.To Have and To Hold the same unto, and for the use of the said Edward H. Garner and ThelmaM. Garner, his wife, parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns forever,And the said Andrew Kahrer and Margaret Kahrer, his wife, and John R. Frazier, and Pearle A.Frazier, his wife, for themselves, their heirs, executors and adminletrators oovenant with theBaid parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful claimants the same and with the appurtenances; every part thereof to Warrant and Defend. Witness the hands and seals of the- said parties of the first part. hisAndrew X KahrermarkMargaret KahrerJohn R FrazierPearle A. Frazier Attest:James E OhambersEdwin S. Smith (Seal)(Seal)(Seal)(Seal) (I.R.S.)($-55) Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, :County of LAWRENCE Bs! On this seventeenth day of September, A. D. 1940, before me A Notary Publio in and for saidCounty and State, came the above named Andrew Kahrer and Margaret Kahrer, his wife, and JohnR. Frazier and Pearle A. Frazier, his wife, and they acknowledged the foregoing Indenture to be their act and deed, to the end that 1t may be recorded as such. Witness my hand and Notarial seal.My commission expires March 19,1943. (N. P. Seal) James E Chambers Certificate As To Residence. The undersigned hereby certifies that the precise residence of the grantee_herein named is/are as follows: Neshannock Township Lawrence Co. Pa_ Roy W Hazen DeedW.I. Kerr, et ux.To.William A. Morgan,et ux.Ent. October 2, 1940 This Deed Made the 9th day of September in the year Nineteen Hundred andBetween W. L. Kerr and Dora B. Kerr, his wife, of PulaskiTownship, Lawrence County, Penneylvania, grantors, AND William A.Morgan and Rose M. Morgan, his wife, of Portage County State ofWitnesseth, That in conslderation of One Dollar ($1.00) inhand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowle Ledged, the saidgrantors do hereby grant and convey to the said grantees, their Forty. Ohio, grantees.heirs and assigns, All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in Pulaski Township,Beginning at the northwest corner thereof at a stone in the Public Road leading from Pulaski; thence by lande of Sample, Kenkedy and Mitchell North eighty-eight and three-fourths(88 3/4) degrees East, two hundred sixty-three and eight-tenths (263.8) perches to a Lynn tree;thence by lands of Cosel and McConahy Heirs, South one (1) degree East, sixty-six and five-tenths(66.5) perches to a post;. thence by lands now or formerly of John Heasley heirs South eighty-eightland three-fourths (88 3/4) degrees West, two hundred nineteen and seven-tenths (219.7) perohes,more or less, to land of Lawrence Byers; thence North one-fourth (1/4) degree West by said land ofByers, a distance of thirty and five-tenth_ (30.5) perches to the center of the Public Road; thencein a westerly direction by the center of said road a distance of forty-seven and fiye-tenths (47-5)perches to a Public Road leading from Edenburg to Pulaski; thence North one-fourth (1/4) degreeWest by Bald last mentioned road, a distance of thirty-siz and five-tenths (36.5) perches, more orleas, to the place of beginning; containing ninety-eight (98) acres and one hundred thirty-seven(137) perches, more or less; being the same premises conveyed to W. I. Kerr, one of the grantorsherein, by deed of F. Elmer Welker, et ux, dated March 1, 1919, and recorded in the Recorder'sThis canveyance 1s made subject to the provisions of that certain agreement of the grantorsherein, with John Abvanovich, dated May' 8, 1924, and recorded in Lawrence County Agreement Book,Volume 23, Page 472, and any and all reversionary rights contained in the sald agreement are hereby Lawrence County, Penneylvanla, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Office of-Lawrence County in Deed: Book Vol. 208, page 30.conveye ed to the grantees herein, their heire and assigns.
-4. Said land nor no part thereof shall be sold to any person of the African or Italian races.
4. Said land nor no part thereof shall be sold to any person of the African or Italian races.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]-4. Said land nor no part thereof shall be sold to any person of the African or Italian races. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]4. Said land nor no part thereof shall be sold to any person of the African or Italian races.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n271\nThis land 1s further conveyed upon the following express conditions:\n1. The lands within described shall be used for. residential purposes only.2. No building shall be erected thereon nearer than sixty (60) feet to the cent er line3. No dwelling shall be erected thereon to cost less than three thousand ($3,000.00)4. Said land nor no part thereof shall be sold to any person of the African or Italian\nof the Harbor Bridge and Coaltown Public Road.\ndollar_.races.\nThe aforesaid conditions to be 1n full force and effect until December 31, 1963.To Have and To Hold the same unto, and for the use of the said Edward H. Garner and ThelmaM. Garner, his wife, parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns forever,And the said Andrew Kahrer and Margaret Kahrer, his wife, and John R. Frazier, and Pearle A.Frazier, his wife, for themselves, their heirs, executors and adminletrators oovenant with theBaid parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful claimants the same and\nwith the appurtenances;\nevery part thereof to Warrant and Defend.\nWitness the hands and seals of the- said parties of the first part.\nhisAndrew X KahrermarkMargaret KahrerJohn R FrazierPearle A. Frazier\nAttest:James E OhambersEdwin S. Smith\n(Seal)(Seal)(Seal)(Seal)\n(I.R.S.)($-55)\nCommonwealth of Pennsylvania, :County of LAWRENCE\nBs!\nOn this seventeenth day of September, A. D. 1940, before me A Notary Publio in and for saidCounty and State, came the above named Andrew Kahrer and Margaret Kahrer, his wife, and JohnR. Frazier and Pearle A. Frazier, his wife, and they acknowledged the foregoing Indenture to be\ntheir act and deed, to the end that 1t may be recorded as such.\nWitness my hand and Notarial seal.My commission expires March 19,1943.\n(N. P. Seal)\nJames E Chambers\nCertificate As To Residence.\nThe undersigned hereby certifies that the precise residence of the grantee_herein named\nis/are as follows: Neshannock Township Lawrence Co. Pa_\nRoy W Hazen\nDeedW.I. Kerr, et ux.To.William A. Morgan,et ux.Ent. October 2, 1940\nThis Deed\nMade the 9th day of September in the year Nineteen Hundred andBetween W. L. Kerr and Dora B. Kerr, his wife, of PulaskiTownship, Lawrence County, Penneylvania, grantors, AND William A.Morgan and Rose M. Morgan, his wife, of Portage County State ofWitnesseth, That in conslderation of One Dollar ($1.00) inhand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowle Ledged, the saidgrantors do hereby grant and convey to the said grantees, their\nForty.\nOhio, grantees.heirs and assigns,\nAll that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in Pulaski Township,Beginning at the northwest corner thereof at a stone in the Public Road leading from Pulaski; thence by lande of Sample, Kenkedy and Mitchell North eighty-eight and three-fourths(88 3/4) degrees East, two hundred sixty-three and eight-tenths (263.8) perches to a Lynn tree;thence by lands of Cosel and McConahy Heirs, South one (1) degree East, sixty-six and five-tenths(66.5) perches to a post;. thence by lands now or formerly of John Heasley heirs South eighty-eightland three-fourths (88 3/4) degrees West, two hundred nineteen and seven-tenths (219.7) perohes,more or less, to land of Lawrence Byers; thence North one-fourth (1/4) degree West by said land ofByers, a distance of thirty and five-tenth_ (30.5) perches to the center of the Public Road; thencein a westerly direction by the center of said road a distance of forty-seven and fiye-tenths (47-5)perches to a Public Road leading from Edenburg to Pulaski; thence North one-fourth (1/4) degreeWest by Bald last mentioned road, a distance of thirty-siz and five-tenths (36.5) perches, more orleas, to the place of beginning; containing ninety-eight (98) acres and one hundred thirty-seven(137) perches, more or less; being the same premises conveyed to W. I. Kerr, one of the grantorsherein, by deed of F. Elmer Welker, et ux, dated March 1, 1919, and recorded in the Recorder'sThis canveyance 1s made subject to the provisions of that certain agreement of the grantorsherein, with John Abvanovich, dated May' 8, 1924, and recorded in Lawrence County Agreement Book,Volume 23, Page 472, and any and all reversionary rights contained in the sald agreement are hereby\nLawrence County, Penneylvanla, bounded and described as follows, to-wit:\nOffice of-Lawrence County in Deed: Book Vol. 208, page 30.conveye ed to the grantees herein, their heire and assigns.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]-4. Said land nor no part thereof shall be sold to any person of the African or Italian\nraces.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]4. Said land nor no part thereof shall be sold to any person of the African or Italian races.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DRI VOL00573 PAGE 247 VOL 573-:247 A2731STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTON KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 9144 THAT I, JEWEL PARKER IFWIN, individually and as Independent Executrix of the Estate of Thomas Kirk Irwin, Deceased, of Dallas County, Texas, for andin consideration of the sum of ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HJNDEBD NINETY FIVE DOLLARS ($1895.00) to me paid as follows: ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUJNDRED NINETY FIVE DOILARS ($1895.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby achnowledges HAVE GRANTED, SOLD ANDCONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Eonveynunto M. B. ANDREWSof the Cbunty of Dallas, State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of landsituated in Denton County, Texas, and described as follows. towit: LOT Two (2) in BLOCK FOURIEEN (14), GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES,according to the map thereof recorded in Volumn 2 Page80 of theThis conveyance is made subject only to the restrictive convenants Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. and reservations which are made a part of the plat recorded in the Map Recordsthis subdivision, except as hereinafter excepted and deseribed lot is in Paragraph to one 16 such herein, type to be used only as as hereinafterLLS for non-profic be erected, or recreational purposes, placed or permitted any to remain on restricted any building plot other than one detached single building andamestic 4. No servants dry toilets or cesspools shall be permitted on this property septic and only sanitary on sewerage one or approved. lots by must the have County the of system Denton or State5. Water or supply tooneo ora or public lots privat ate approved water organization cause tob be constructeda." water is made main available thereto, along assessment the front EES $2.00 line of Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:2. private No structures garage and/or shall boathouse and altered, other necessary outbuildings. useo or3. No person of ofad any, race other race than domiciled the Caucasian with any race owner or tenant. occupy and originalthereon.andbywill bep permitteltewerage disposalBoiayb Couny0: State Health more Department. must betaesrunning byor of and theFnea foot shall immediately runsecond andin all eventsinferioriherein, Ement inf fullfor the propertythehereincomplianceVNoFlas building BE8. obnoxious org that11. Streets,shallThese restrictionscovenants said,, running,atcovenantss5Bpartiesanyorowning.E Be other.oF B equity against't damages herserso or person other for such violation.aslon! Ihs lotin Block 2may beInvalidation ofany one of these covenants by judgmentM full force and effect. dBllumber, asbes- lot, except this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- that-ofa residençe or other building as tank systemand upon the by the' Texas State Department of Health. At the the Seller, its representatives, said described and thereon payable demand, price me property liens and o renewals thereofl - furnish a water main in street or easement said assessmont shall P6eproperty. Seller agrees. that uponthe property as set 1 herein.line shown on theshallbynasto changei shall bee Peeres Side to the yard front lot line or on nearer street tot side the of side corner street lots line = than 15 Side building yard setback building lines on interior serist lots feet. building lots are structure excluded shal! be occupied the above or restrictions.) used until the9. No garage, basement, nor shall structure ofa temporary character Be used thereofi is completely finished and, if frame or other be brick, unfinished material, B painted ons the outside with 2) complete. ofpaint. exterior material used in main tos No tile, concrete or offensive or aluminum trade or activity siding or shall xoofing. be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become to tent, the shack or other outbuilding erected thel lot! herein described shall. at any be used asa residencerestrictions main as herein set exclusive are fully of open complied porches MER and garages, shall be not less than 600s square feet.any of them, or their any heirs real property or assigns, situated, in said attempt, or subdivisionor tornadoes, in the subdivision, without obtaining the written permission of the Se except that ml may be on any lot mperek inperiods of ten years by vote ofa ma- 10. The ground easements floor area and of alleys any are reserved structure, as shown on the recorded plat of said addition for utility purposes.E jority e then owners h E lots itis agreed to changes said covenants shall in violate ede GrEces ori part. to violate any of the14. Nos structures of any kind are to be moved onto the subdivision heirsora for damages to the subdivision caused by any Actdrainage system, expressly understood otherwise, that Lots 1 through 5in Block and all lots in Blocks_1 1 and 2 are reserved for the land shall be binding upon all parties and all, claiming undert them untilherein, it shall bedings-at-lawori interfere SFe withonly, with the excep- et extended,orders atbms, or persons persons violating or attemptingt tov violate such covenant, and either to prevent! him arn them from so doing, or any lot thereof without the written consent of the Seller or Developer. 15. The Seller, or Developer shall not heavy be responsible rains, floods, to Purchaser, droughts, etc, The assigns, Purchaser bya trailer, as or set court out in Paragraph shall in no 91 herein." wise affect any of the other provisions whichs shall remain
DRI VOL00573 PAGE 247 VOL 573-:247 A2731STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTON KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 9144 THAT I, JEWEL PARKER IFWIN, individually and as Independent Executrix of the Estate of Thomas Kirk Irwin, Deceased, of Dallas County, Texas, for andin consideration of the sum of ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HJNDEBD NINETY FIVE DOLLARS ($1895.00) to me paid as follows: ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUJNDRED NINETY FIVE DOILARS ($1895.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby achnowledges HAVE GRANTED, SOLD ANDCONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Eonveynunto M. B. ANDREWSof the Cbunty of Dallas, State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of landsituated in Denton County, Texas, and described as follows. towit: LOT Two (2) in BLOCK FOURIEEN (14), GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES,according to the map thereof recorded in Volumn 2 Page80 of theThis conveyance is made subject only to the restrictive convenants Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. and reservations which are made a part of the plat recorded in the Map Recordsthis subdivision, except as hereinafter excepted and deseribed lot is in Paragraph to one 16 such herein, type to be used only as as hereinafterLLS for non-profic be erected, or recreational purposes, placed or permitted any to remain on restricted any building plot other than one detached single building andamestic 4. No servants dry toilets or cesspools shall be permitted on this property septic and only sanitary on sewerage one or approved. lots by must the have County the of system Denton or State5. Water or supply tooneo ora or public lots privat ate approved water organization cause tob be constructeda." water is made main available thereto, along assessment the front EES $2.00 line of Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:2. private No structures garage and/or shall boathouse and altered, other necessary outbuildings. useo or3. No person of ofad any, race other race than domiciled the Caucasian with any race owner or tenant. occupy and originalthereon.andbywill bep permitteltewerage disposalBoiayb Couny0: State Health more Department. must betaesrunning byor of and theFnea foot shall immediately runsecond andin all eventsinferioriherein, Ement inf fullfor the propertythehereincomplianceVNoFlas building BE8. obnoxious org that11. Streets,shallThese restrictionscovenants said,, running,atcovenantss5Bpartiesanyorowning.E Be other.oF B equity against't damages herserso or person other for such violation.aslon! Ihs lotin Block 2may beInvalidation ofany one of these covenants by judgmentM full force and effect. dBllumber, asbes- lot, except this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- that-ofa residençe or other building as tank systemand upon the by the' Texas State Department of Health. At the the Seller, its representatives, said described and thereon payable demand, price me property liens and o renewals thereofl - furnish a water main in street or easement said assessmont shall P6eproperty. Seller agrees. that uponthe property as set 1 herein.line shown on theshallbynasto changei shall bee Peeres Side to the yard front lot line or on nearer street tot side the of side corner street lots line = than 15 Side building yard setback building lines on interior serist lots feet. building lots are structure excluded shal! be occupied the above or restrictions.) used until the9. No garage, basement, nor shall structure ofa temporary character Be used thereofi is completely finished and, if frame or other be brick, unfinished material, B painted ons the outside with 2) complete. ofpaint. exterior material used in main tos No tile, concrete or offensive or aluminum trade or activity siding or shall xoofing. be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become to tent, the shack or other outbuilding erected thel lot! herein described shall. at any be used asa residencerestrictions main as herein set exclusive are fully of open complied porches MER and garages, shall be not less than 600s square feet.any of them, or their any heirs real property or assigns, situated, in said attempt, or subdivisionor tornadoes, in the subdivision, without obtaining the written permission of the Se except that ml may be on any lot mperek inperiods of ten years by vote ofa ma- 10. The ground easements floor area and of alleys any are reserved structure, as shown on the recorded plat of said addition for utility purposes.E jority e then owners h E lots itis agreed to changes said covenants shall in violate ede GrEces ori part. to violate any of the14. Nos structures of any kind are to be moved onto the subdivision heirsora for damages to the subdivision caused by any Actdrainage system, expressly understood otherwise, that Lots 1 through 5in Block and all lots in Blocks_1 1 and 2 are reserved for the land shall be binding upon all parties and all, claiming undert them untilherein, it shall bedings-at-lawori interfere SFe withonly, with the excep- et extended,orders atbms, or persons persons violating or attemptingt tov violate such covenant, and either to prevent! him arn them from so doing, or any lot thereof without the written consent of the Seller or Developer. 15. The Seller, or Developer shall not heavy be responsible rains, floods, to Purchaser, droughts, etc, The assigns, Purchaser bya trailer, as or set court out in Paragraph shall in no 91 herein." wise affect any of the other provisions whichs shall remain
private garage and/or boathouse and other necessars 04W445 except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- 3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any Iot, mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant. onlsanitary_sewerageapproved by the County of Denton or State Health
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]private garage and/or boathouse and other necessars 04W445 except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- 3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any Iot, mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant. onlsanitary_sewerageapproved by the County of Denton or State Health [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDRI VOL00573 PAGE 247\nVOL 573-:247\nA2731STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTON\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\n9144\nTHAT I, JEWEL PARKER IFWIN, individually and as Independent Executrix\nof the Estate of Thomas Kirk Irwin, Deceased, of Dallas County, Texas, for andin consideration of the sum of ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HJNDEBD NINETY FIVE DOLLARS\n($1895.00) to me paid as follows:\nONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUJNDRED NINETY FIVE DOILARS ($1895.00) cash in\nhand paid, the receipt of which is hereby achnowledges HAVE GRANTED, SOLD ANDCONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Eonveynunto M. B. ANDREWSof the Cbunty of Dallas, State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of landsituated in Denton County, Texas, and described as follows. towit:\nLOT Two (2) in BLOCK FOURIEEN (14), GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES,according to the map thereof recorded in Volumn 2 Page80 of theThis conveyance is made subject only to the restrictive convenants\nMap or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas.\nand reservations which are made a part of the plat recorded in the Map Recordsthis subdivision, except as hereinafter excepted and deseribed lot is in Paragraph to one 16 such herein, type to be used only as as hereinafterLLS for non-profic be erected, or recreational purposes, placed or permitted any to remain on restricted any building plot other than one detached single building andamestic 4. No servants dry toilets or cesspools shall be permitted on this property septic and only sanitary on sewerage one or approved. lots by must the have County the of system Denton or State5. Water or supply tooneo ora or public lots privat ate approved water organization cause tob be constructeda.\" water is made main available thereto, along assessment the front EES $2.00 line\nof Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:2. private No structures garage and/or shall boathouse and altered, other necessary outbuildings. useo or3. No person of ofad any, race other race than domiciled the Caucasian with any race owner or tenant. occupy\nand originalthereon.andbywill bep permitteltewerage disposalBoiayb Couny0: State Health more Department. must betaesrunning byor of and theFnea foot shall immediately runsecond andin all eventsinferioriherein, Ement inf fullfor the propertythehereincomplianceVNoFlas building BE8. obnoxious org that11. Streets,shallThese restrictionscovenants said,, running,atcovenantss5Bpartiesanyorowning.E Be other.oF B equity against't damages herserso or person other for such violation.aslon! Ihs lotin Block 2may beInvalidation ofany one of these covenants by judgmentM full force and effect.\ndBllumber, asbes-\nlot, except this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-\nthat-ofa residençe or other building as\ntank systemand upon the\nby the' Texas State Department of Health. At the the Seller, its representatives,\nsaid described and thereon payable demand, price me property liens and o renewals thereofl - furnish a water main in street or easement\nsaid assessmont shall P6eproperty. Seller agrees. that uponthe property as set 1 herein.line shown on theshallbynasto changei\nshall bee Peeres Side to the yard front lot line or on nearer street tot side the of side corner street lots line = than 15 Side building yard setback building lines on interior serist lots\nfeet. building lots are structure excluded shal! be occupied the above or restrictions.) used until the9. No garage, basement, nor shall structure ofa temporary character Be used\nthereofi is completely finished and, if frame or other be brick, unfinished material,\nB painted ons the outside with 2) complete. ofpaint. exterior material used in main\ntos No tile, concrete or offensive or aluminum trade or activity siding or shall xoofing. be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become\nto tent, the shack or other outbuilding erected thel lot! herein described shall. at any be used asa residencerestrictions main as herein set exclusive are fully of open complied porches MER and garages, shall be not less than 600s square feet.any of them, or their any heirs real property or assigns, situated, in said attempt, or subdivisionor tornadoes, in the subdivision, without obtaining the written permission of the Se\nexcept that ml may be on any lot mperek inperiods of ten years by vote ofa ma-\n10. The ground easements floor area and of alleys any are reserved structure, as shown on the recorded plat of said addition for utility purposes.E jority e then owners h E lots itis agreed to changes said covenants shall in violate ede GrEces ori part. to violate any of the14. Nos structures of any kind are to be moved onto the subdivision heirsora for damages to the subdivision caused by any Actdrainage system, expressly understood otherwise, that Lots 1 through 5in Block and all lots in Blocks_1 1 and 2 are reserved for\nthe land shall be binding upon all parties and all,\nclaiming undert them untilherein, it shall bedings-at-lawori interfere SFe withonly, with the excep-\net extended,orders\natbms,\nor persons persons violating or attemptingt tov violate such covenant, and either to prevent! him arn them from so doing,\nor any lot thereof without the written consent of the Seller or Developer.\n15. The Seller, or Developer shall not heavy be responsible rains, floods, to Purchaser, droughts, etc, The assigns, Purchaser\nbya trailer, as or set court out in Paragraph shall in no 91 herein.\" wise affect any of the other provisions whichs shall remain\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]private garage and/or boathouse and other necessars 04W445\nexcept that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-\n3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any Iot,\nmestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant. onlsanitary_sewerageapproved by the County of Denton or State Health\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 235 designated as lot number 332 on sheet 42 of the offioial survey of the City of New Castle, Fa.and being the same land conveyed by George R. McKee and Charles Gibson et ux. to John L. Myland,by deed bearing date December 30th. 1892 and entered of record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for Lawrence County in deed book Vol. 58, page 608.part_ of the second party his heirs and assigns forever, With the appurtenances: To Have and to Hold the same unto and for the use of saidAnd the said parties of the first part for the emselves, their heirs, executors andWitness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. administratars oovenant with the said party, of the second part his heirs and and assigns against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend. Attest:Edna V. MatthewsWm. J. Moffatt John L. MylandEvelyn M. Myland (Seal) (Seal) Commonwealth of Fennsylvania, )County of Lawrenoe SS. On this 5th day of May A. D. 1926, before me a Notary Publio in and for said oame the above named John L. Myland and Evelyn M. Myland, his wife and aoknowledged the Foregoing Indenture to be their act and deed, to the end that it may be reoorded as suoh. Witness my hand and Notarial seal. Eana V. MatthewsNotary Fublio (N.P.Seal) Commiesion Expires Feb. 17th, 1929. DeedA.C. Shoaf, etux.,ToFrank Frostovioh, etux.Entered May 5, 1926. This Indenture Made the 26th day of April in the year One Thousand NineBetween A. C. Shoaf and Dama M. Shoaf, his wife, of theWitnesseth, That in consideration of One Dollar and other Hundred and Twenty-sixvania, grantee. City of New Castle, Pennsylvania, grantors, and Frank Frostovich andKrstena Prostovioh, his wife, of Bessemer, Lawrence County, Pennsyl-good. and valuable considerations now paid, the reoeipt whereof is hereby aoknowledged, the said parties of the first part do hereby grant, bargain, sell and coneLawrence County, Fennsylvania, being lot or lots Number Two hundred twenty-six and twenty-seven(226-227) in plan of lots known as "First Addition to Bessemer Terrace,"as surveyed and laid outin Oatober 1922, by C.H. Milholland, C.E., which said plan is duly recorded in the Recorder'soffice of Lawrence County, in Plot Book Vol. 6, page 43. And being part of a larger traot ofland conveyed to the said A. C. Shoaf by deed from N. P. Anderson and wife, dated November 27th, vey unto the said party of the seoond part their heirs and assigns, All that certain land and premises situate and being in the Borough of Bessemer, 1922, and to be recorded. With the appurtenances: To Have and To Hold the same unto and for the use of the saidThis said conveyance is made sub ject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises,And the said parties of the first part, exoepting as herein above provided, do hereby party of the second part, and the heirs and assigns thereof, forever. and is also eubjeot to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee here in,nor his assigns, nor sucoessors in title, shall sell and oonvey the land herein desoribed or anypart thereof to any person or persons of the African raoe. This provision to be binding and tofor themselves, their heirs, executors and admini strators, covenant with the said party of thesecond part, and the heirs and assigns thereof, against all lawful clai imants the same and bein full foroe and effect until the year A. D. 1935. part thereof to warrant and defend. every Witness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. Witness: A.C. ShoafDama M. Shoaf (Seal)(Seal) Edna V. MatthewsCommonwealth of Pennsylvania, )County of Lawrence, SS: On this 26th day of April A. D. 1926, before me, a Notary Fublic, in and for said County and State, came the above named A. C. Shoaf and Dama M. Shoaf, his wife, andledged the foregoing indenture to be their act and deed to the end that it may be recorded they as such. acknow- Witness my hand and official seal. Edna V. MatthewsNotary Public (N.F.Seal) Commission expires Feb. 17th, 1929.
235 designated as lot number 332 on sheet 42 of the offioial survey of the City of New Castle, Fa.and being the same land conveyed by George R. McKee and Charles Gibson et ux. to John L. Myland,by deed bearing date December 30th. 1892 and entered of record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for Lawrence County in deed book Vol. 58, page 608.part_ of the second party his heirs and assigns forever, With the appurtenances: To Have and to Hold the same unto and for the use of saidAnd the said parties of the first part for the emselves, their heirs, executors andWitness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. administratars oovenant with the said party, of the second part his heirs and and assigns against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend. Attest:Edna V. MatthewsWm. J. Moffatt John L. MylandEvelyn M. Myland (Seal) (Seal) Commonwealth of Fennsylvania, )County of Lawrenoe SS. On this 5th day of May A. D. 1926, before me a Notary Publio in and for said oame the above named John L. Myland and Evelyn M. Myland, his wife and aoknowledged the Foregoing Indenture to be their act and deed, to the end that it may be reoorded as suoh. Witness my hand and Notarial seal. Eana V. MatthewsNotary Fublio (N.P.Seal) Commiesion Expires Feb. 17th, 1929. DeedA.C. Shoaf, etux.,ToFrank Frostovioh, etux.Entered May 5, 1926. This Indenture Made the 26th day of April in the year One Thousand NineBetween A. C. Shoaf and Dama M. Shoaf, his wife, of theWitnesseth, That in consideration of One Dollar and other Hundred and Twenty-sixvania, grantee. City of New Castle, Pennsylvania, grantors, and Frank Frostovich andKrstena Prostovioh, his wife, of Bessemer, Lawrence County, Pennsyl-good. and valuable considerations now paid, the reoeipt whereof is hereby aoknowledged, the said parties of the first part do hereby grant, bargain, sell and coneLawrence County, Fennsylvania, being lot or lots Number Two hundred twenty-six and twenty-seven(226-227) in plan of lots known as "First Addition to Bessemer Terrace,"as surveyed and laid outin Oatober 1922, by C.H. Milholland, C.E., which said plan is duly recorded in the Recorder'soffice of Lawrence County, in Plot Book Vol. 6, page 43. And being part of a larger traot ofland conveyed to the said A. C. Shoaf by deed from N. P. Anderson and wife, dated November 27th, vey unto the said party of the seoond part their heirs and assigns, All that certain land and premises situate and being in the Borough of Bessemer, 1922, and to be recorded. With the appurtenances: To Have and To Hold the same unto and for the use of the saidThis said conveyance is made sub ject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises,And the said parties of the first part, exoepting as herein above provided, do hereby party of the second part, and the heirs and assigns thereof, forever. and is also eubjeot to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee here in,nor his assigns, nor sucoessors in title, shall sell and oonvey the land herein desoribed or anypart thereof to any person or persons of the African raoe. This provision to be binding and tofor themselves, their heirs, executors and admini strators, covenant with the said party of thesecond part, and the heirs and assigns thereof, against all lawful clai imants the same and bein full foroe and effect until the year A. D. 1935. part thereof to warrant and defend. every Witness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. Witness: A.C. ShoafDama M. Shoaf (Seal)(Seal) Edna V. MatthewsCommonwealth of Pennsylvania, )County of Lawrence, SS: On this 26th day of April A. D. 1926, before me, a Notary Fublic, in and for said County and State, came the above named A. C. Shoaf and Dama M. Shoaf, his wife, andledged the foregoing indenture to be their act and deed to the end that it may be recorded they as such. acknow- Witness my hand and official seal. Edna V. MatthewsNotary Public (N.F.Seal) Commission expires Feb. 17th, 1929.
This said conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and is also aubjeot to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee here in, nor his assigns, nor sucoessors in title, shall sell and oonvey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to
This said conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and is also subject to all building lined of said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]This said conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and is also aubjeot to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee here in, nor his assigns, nor sucoessors in title, shall sell and oonvey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]This said conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and is also subject to all building lined of said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n235\ndesignated as lot number 332 on sheet 42 of the offioial survey of the City of New Castle, Fa.and being the same land conveyed by George R. McKee and Charles Gibson et ux. to John L. Myland,by deed bearing date December 30th. 1892 and entered of record in the office of the Recorder of\nDeeds for Lawrence County in deed book Vol. 58, page 608.part_ of the second party his heirs and assigns forever,\nWith the appurtenances: To Have and to Hold the same unto and for the use of saidAnd the said parties of the first part for the emselves, their heirs, executors andWitness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part.\nadministratars oovenant with the said party, of the second part his heirs and and assigns against\nall lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend.\nAttest:Edna V. MatthewsWm. J. Moffatt\nJohn L. MylandEvelyn M. Myland (Seal)\n(Seal)\nCommonwealth of Fennsylvania, )County of Lawrenoe\nSS.\nOn this 5th day of May A. D. 1926, before me a Notary Publio in and for said\noame the above named John L. Myland and Evelyn M. Myland, his wife and aoknowledged the Foregoing\nIndenture to be their act and deed, to the end that it may be reoorded as suoh.\nWitness my hand and Notarial seal.\nEana V. MatthewsNotary Fublio\n(N.P.Seal)\nCommiesion Expires Feb. 17th, 1929.\nDeedA.C. Shoaf, etux.,ToFrank Frostovioh, etux.Entered May 5, 1926.\nThis Indenture\nMade the 26th day of April in the year One Thousand NineBetween A. C. Shoaf and Dama M. Shoaf, his wife, of theWitnesseth, That in consideration of One Dollar and other\nHundred and Twenty-sixvania, grantee.\nCity of New Castle, Pennsylvania, grantors, and Frank Frostovich andKrstena Prostovioh, his wife, of Bessemer, Lawrence County, Pennsyl-good. and valuable considerations now paid, the reoeipt whereof is\nhereby aoknowledged, the said parties of the first part do hereby grant, bargain, sell and coneLawrence County, Fennsylvania, being lot or lots Number Two hundred twenty-six and twenty-seven(226-227) in plan of lots known as \"First Addition to Bessemer Terrace,\"as surveyed and laid outin Oatober 1922, by C.H. Milholland, C.E., which said plan is duly recorded in the Recorder'soffice of Lawrence County, in Plot Book Vol. 6, page 43. And being part of a larger traot ofland conveyed to the said A. C. Shoaf by deed from N. P. Anderson and wife, dated November 27th,\nvey unto the said party of the seoond part their heirs and assigns,\nAll that certain land and premises situate and being in the Borough of Bessemer,\n1922, and to be recorded.\nWith the appurtenances: To Have and To Hold the same unto and for the use of the saidThis said conveyance is made sub ject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises,And the said parties of the first part, exoepting as herein above provided, do hereby\nparty of the second part, and the heirs and assigns thereof, forever.\nand is also eubjeot to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee here in,nor his assigns, nor sucoessors in title, shall sell and oonvey the land herein desoribed or anypart thereof to any person or persons of the African raoe. This provision to be binding and tofor themselves, their heirs, executors and admini strators, covenant with the said party of thesecond part, and the heirs and assigns thereof, against all lawful clai imants the same and\nbein full foroe and effect until the year A. D. 1935.\npart thereof to warrant and defend.\nevery\nWitness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part.\nWitness:\nA.C. ShoafDama M. Shoaf\n(Seal)(Seal)\nEdna V. MatthewsCommonwealth of Pennsylvania, )County of Lawrence,\nSS:\nOn this 26th day of April A. D. 1926, before me, a Notary Fublic, in and for said\nCounty and State, came the above named A. C. Shoaf and Dama M. Shoaf, his wife, andledged the foregoing indenture to be their act and deed to the end that it may be recorded they as such.\nacknow-\nWitness my hand and official seal.\nEdna V. MatthewsNotary Public\n(N.F.Seal)\nCommission expires Feb. 17th, 1929.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]This said conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises,\nand is also aubjeot to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee here in,\nnor his assigns, nor sucoessors in title, shall sell and oonvey the land herein described or any\npart thereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]This said conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and is also subject to all building lined of said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his assigns,\nnor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VaL7207 PAG:175 Ohio Legal Blank Co. Clereland 89a. OUrr-C Rnom all gen bp tbese Presents That ROBERT S. COPELIN and SAMUEL M. COHEN d.b.a. LORAIN RIDGE GARDENS the Grantor.-, for divers good causes and considerations thereunto moving, and especially for the sum of One Dollar und other considerations Dollars received to- their full satisfaction of ($_1.00. Clark.. D. Eyans.. and Minnie. Ma Evans, Whose. Taz. Meiling. Address.will be 209 Alcott Lane, Berea Homes Ext., Berea, Ohio the Grantec.s, have given, granted, remised, released and forever quit-claimed, and do by these presents absolutely give, grant, remise, release and forever quit claim unto the said grantee.s their. heirs and assigns, forever, all such right and title as. their the said grantors, have or ought to have in the following described, picce or parcel ofland, situated in the Village of_North. OImsted. of County af Cuynhoga. and State of Ohio: and known as being part of Originel Olmsted Township Lot No. 22, Tract No. 6, and bounded and described as follows:- Beginning on the center line of Whitethom Avenue, 50 feet wide, at a point distant North 00 degrees 27' 00" West 455.96 feet measured along said center line from its inter- section with the Northerly line of land conveyed to Bartholomev J. Lucey, by Deed dated May 27, 1930 and recorded in Volume 3997, Page 169 of Cuyahoga County Records; thence South 00 degrees 27' 00" East, along the center line of Whitethor Avenue 81.40 feet; thence North 89 degrees 33' 00" Fast, 534.70 fhet; thence North 00 degraes 8' 00" East, 81.40 feet; thence South 89 degrees 331 00" West, 535.53 feet to the place of beginning, and being further known as Sub Lot No. 25, in Lorain Ridge Gardens, proposed, according to a survey dated April 1948, and made by Charles W. Root, Registered Professional Engineer, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. The purpose of this Deed is to release the above Grentees from Covenant No. 6 of the restrictions imposed on above described lands in Deed from Suburban Land Corporation to Clark D. Evans and Minnie M. Evans dated June 28, 1950 and recorded in Volume 7032 Page 402 of Cuyahoga County Records which Covenant reads as follows: "No persons of any race other then those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire Sub- division, except that this Covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servents of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant."
VaL7207 PAG:175 Ohio Legal Blank Co. Clereland 89a. OUrr-C Rnom all gen bp tbese Presents That ROBERT S. COPELIN and SAMUEL M. COHEN d.b.a. LORAIN RIDGE GARDENS the Grantor.-, for divers good causes and considerations thereunto moving, and especially for the sum of One Dollar und other considerations Dollars received to- their full satisfaction of ($_1.00. Clark.. D. Eyans.. and Minnie. Ma Evans, Whose. Taz. Meiling. Address.will be 209 Alcott Lane, Berea Homes Ext., Berea, Ohio the Grantec.s, have given, granted, remised, released and forever quit-claimed, and do by these presents absolutely give, grant, remise, release and forever quit claim unto the said grantee.s their. heirs and assigns, forever, all such right and title as. their the said grantors, have or ought to have in the following described, picce or parcel ofland, situated in the Village of_North. OImsted. of County af Cuynhoga. and State of Ohio: and known as being part of Originel Olmsted Township Lot No. 22, Tract No. 6, and bounded and described as follows:- Beginning on the center line of Whitethom Avenue, 50 feet wide, at a point distant North 00 degrees 27' 00" West 455.96 feet measured along said center line from its inter- section with the Northerly line of land conveyed to Bartholomev J. Lucey, by Deed dated May 27, 1930 and recorded in Volume 3997, Page 169 of Cuyahoga County Records; thence South 00 degrees 27' 00" East, along the center line of Whitethor Avenue 81.40 feet; thence North 89 degrees 33' 00" Fast, 534.70 fhet; thence North 00 degraes 8' 00" East, 81.40 feet; thence South 89 degrees 331 00" West, 535.53 feet to the place of beginning, and being further known as Sub Lot No. 25, in Lorain Ridge Gardens, proposed, according to a survey dated April 1948, and made by Charles W. Root, Registered Professional Engineer, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. The purpose of this Deed is to release the above Grentees from Covenant No. 6 of the restrictions imposed on above described lands in Deed from Suburban Land Corporation to Clark D. Evans and Minnie M. Evans dated June 28, 1950 and recorded in Volume 7032 Page 402 of Cuyahoga County Records which Covenant reads as follows: "No persons of any race other then those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire Sub- division, except that this Covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servents of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant."
"No persons of any race other then those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire Sub- division, except that this Covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servents of à different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant."
"No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire Subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant."
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]"No persons of any race other then those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire Sub- division, except that this Covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servents of à different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant."[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]"No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire Subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant."[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVaL7207 PAG:175\nOhio Legal Blank Co. Clereland\n89a.\nOUrr-C\n\nRnom all gen bp tbese Presents That ROBERT S. COPELIN and SAMUEL M. COHEN\nd.b.a. LORAIN RIDGE GARDENS\nthe Grantor.-, for divers good causes and considerations thereunto moving, and especially\nfor the sum of One Dollar und other considerations\nDollars\nreceived to- their full satisfaction of\n($_1.00.\nClark.. D. Eyans.. and Minnie. Ma Evans, Whose. Taz. Meiling. Address.will be\n209 Alcott Lane, Berea Homes Ext., Berea, Ohio\nthe Grantec.s,\nhave given, granted, remised, released and forever quit-claimed, and do by these presents\nabsolutely give, grant, remise, release and forever quit claim unto the said grantee.s\ntheir. heirs and assigns, forever, all such right and title as. their the said grantors,\nhave or ought to have in the following described, picce or parcel ofland, situated in the\nVillage of_North. OImsted. of\nCounty af\nCuynhoga.\nand State of Ohio:\nand known as being part of Originel Olmsted Township Lot\nNo. 22, Tract No. 6, and bounded and described as follows:-\nBeginning on the center line of Whitethom Avenue, 50 feet\nwide, at a point distant North 00 degrees 27' 00\" West\n455.96 feet measured along said center line from its inter-\nsection with the Northerly line of land conveyed to Bartholomev J.\nLucey, by Deed dated May 27, 1930 and recorded in Volume 3997,\nPage 169 of Cuyahoga County Records; thence South 00 degrees\n27' 00\" East, along the center line of Whitethor Avenue 81.40\nfeet; thence North 89 degrees 33' 00\" Fast, 534.70 fhet; thence\nNorth 00 degraes 8' 00\" East, 81.40 feet; thence South 89 degrees\n331 00\" West, 535.53 feet to the place of beginning, and being\nfurther known as Sub Lot No. 25, in Lorain Ridge Gardens,\nproposed, according to a survey dated April 1948, and made by\nCharles W. Root, Registered Professional Engineer, be the same\nmore or less, but subject to all legal highways.\nThe purpose of this Deed is to release the above Grentees from\nCovenant No. 6 of the restrictions imposed on above described\nlands in Deed from Suburban Land Corporation to Clark D. Evans\nand Minnie M. Evans dated June 28, 1950 and recorded in Volume\n7032 Page 402 of Cuyahoga County Records which Covenant reads\nas follows:\n\"No persons of any race other then those of the Caucasian race\nshall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire Sub-\ndivision, except that this Covenant shall not prevent occupancy\nby domestic servents of a different race or nationality employed\nby an owner or tenant.\"", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]\"No persons of any race other then those of the Caucasian race\nshall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire Sub-\ndivision, except that this Covenant shall not prevent occupancy\nby domestic servents of à different race or nationality employed\nby an owner or tenant.\"[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]\"No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire Subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.\"[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DRVOLO040PAGE 14ENOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: VOL 440 PAGE 14STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTONinc consideration oft thes sum ofFOUR HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100tome paid ands secured tol be paidb by 4736 THATI I,T.K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter describedproperty is my separate estate andi is notn now, nor has ite ever been, any part ofn my residential or business homestead), for and ($495.00) DOLLARSas follows: CYRIL S. MARBK and CYRILL B. SVRCEK FORTY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($45.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is herebyacknowledged, and the execution and delivery by the said CYRIL s. MAREK and CYRILL B. SVRCEKof their First Vendorts Lien Note, of even date herewith, payable to the order of T. K. IRWINin the principal sum pf FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($450.00); said note beingpayable in monthly installments of TWENTY AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($20.00) each, including interestat the rate of Six Per Cent (6%) per annum, payable monthly as it accrues on the unpaidprincipal balance, the first installment to become due and payable on or before the 22ndday of October, 1957, and a 1ike installment to become due and payable on or before the 22ndday of each succeeding month thereafter until said note is paid in full, together withinterest thereon. This note is further secured by a Deed of Trust of even date herewithHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said toT. K. IRWIN, JR., TRUSTBE.oft the County. of DallasTexas, and described as follows, to-wit: CYRIL S. MAREK and CYRILL B. SVRCEK State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, LOT 46 in BLOCK SEVEN (7), GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES,an addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the mapthereof recorded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, the Map Records o Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: This conveyance is made subject to the restrictivethe platatlods lots this subdivision, except asprivate structures boathouse beerected, and altered, otherBesi etany toone ormust be approved bythe Texasof Health. Att the time. theoraEorganiis main in the_stret Saer theFnayrunthereto, anDrBE.Eassessment shall'besecondandi infull inferior inpurchasepchani liensthereof onSellerEEEThthe-propertynEin GMAnE the streetor ofa residençe adjoiningt or other thep property as bd setSNobuiinslineor nearer tolinelinesPetlineso onBusinessmSlots areBfrom the abovemexcluded"Erestrictions.)mhabe bpilins ors the shall with be orofpaint. theexterior is completely usedi finished in mains and,if structure frame beb brick, unfinished haterial, asbes-tostile, or roofing. SEE lumber,provided restrictions as hereinfullyemty.shall benotl less than 600 feet.1.are reserved as shown on the recorded platfor utility purposes.Bbs These restrictions 1965, at shall whichjority of tl then oftotme a4 agreed changes said covenantsin inv wholeo -md esa n tl1au fbes anyor or any persons of them, owning ort heirs or assigns, shall violate &va orye the covenants herein, ceedings it shall.beequityt Eon personaPheme from so gs-at-law doing,or otherpSdamagesviolation.3theconsent of the Seller or Developer.s thes subdivision way ori by any Actinterfere:nission at hels Saleythat18. conditions and which are made a part of andany excepted original loti restricted" in Paragraph to ones 16 such herein, type to_be building, used except only CAR residence, aor ES to on any building plot other than one detached single building andaCaucasian any owner shall tenant. occupy any lot, except that this covenants shallr not prevent occupancy by do- No deyt telts. shall hered ld disposal this mpetep and my: sanitary or EN more by btes County ot Denton approved or State Bolte - LE - Fe a E ther ictions set K 7 Eurnish PerS s yard E lines street obnoxious or or nuisance offensive tot the trade.o neighborhood, or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may beor becomeNo garage, basement, nors shall any structure shack or other outbuilding character erected Bet thelot herein describeds shall that ata any trailers time be may used be used residence on any lot_in P" The ground floor area of any main's structure, exclusive ofopen porchesa ands14. Nos structures ofany kind aret tob ber moved ontot thes subdivision lot thereoflenc The such Seller as DeE shall not be rains, s F his fordrainage system, natural' Qr otherwise, the livision, without firat Shallbe witht thel aly shall be binding for all periods parties arleald claiming unless viola E 1 covenant, ande ton BS E3 TT mayb be Lots occupied 1through bya 5inBlock trailer, as set 7and out ln E Blocks herein. 1and are reserved for business only, with the"TOF HAVE AND TOI HOLD thea above described premises, together with all and singular the rights anda appurtenances there-toina anywise belonging. unto thes said CYRIL S. MAREK and CYRILL B. SVRCEK, theirheirs anda assigns forever andI Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-fend, all ands singular the said premises untot the said CYRIL S. MAREK and CYRILL B. SVRCEK, theirheirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim thes same, or any partt thereof.Buti it is expressly agreed and stipulated that the Vendor's Lienis retained against the above described F ande cte one of these by judgment or court orders shalli inr no wise affect anyo of theo other provisions whichs shall remain andi improvements, until the above note(s), and all interest thereon are: fully according to the property, premises effect and reading, when this deed shall become absolute. paid face and tenor,195.7 WITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 22nd Irinf STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on. this day personally appeared T.IRWIN, knownt to to be the person whose. name is subscribed tothef foregoing instrument, anda acknowledged to met that K executed the same Tort the purposes and expressed. MY HAND-AND-S SEAL OF OFFICE this.m 22nd day of. September,. A.D. 195-7. asyun! usingll Publici in and forDa7 County, Texasat 1Go FILED FOR RECORD:W_day 9 o'clookN. REQGRDER: OJ,day Wptts: mAa4.D.1858 at 2:45 olclocku. A.J. Barnett, Clerk County Court,Denton County, Teras. hyt Deputy.
DRVOLO040PAGE 14ENOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: VOL 440 PAGE 14STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTONinc consideration oft thes sum ofFOUR HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100tome paid ands secured tol be paidb by 4736 THATI I,T.K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter describedproperty is my separate estate andi is notn now, nor has ite ever been, any part ofn my residential or business homestead), for and ($495.00) DOLLARSas follows: CYRIL S. MARBK and CYRILL B. SVRCEK FORTY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($45.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is herebyacknowledged, and the execution and delivery by the said CYRIL s. MAREK and CYRILL B. SVRCEKof their First Vendorts Lien Note, of even date herewith, payable to the order of T. K. IRWINin the principal sum pf FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($450.00); said note beingpayable in monthly installments of TWENTY AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($20.00) each, including interestat the rate of Six Per Cent (6%) per annum, payable monthly as it accrues on the unpaidprincipal balance, the first installment to become due and payable on or before the 22ndday of October, 1957, and a 1ike installment to become due and payable on or before the 22ndday of each succeeding month thereafter until said note is paid in full, together withinterest thereon. This note is further secured by a Deed of Trust of even date herewithHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said toT. K. IRWIN, JR., TRUSTBE.oft the County. of DallasTexas, and described as follows, to-wit: CYRIL S. MAREK and CYRILL B. SVRCEK State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, LOT 46 in BLOCK SEVEN (7), GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES,an addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the mapthereof recorded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, the Map Records o Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: This conveyance is made subject to the restrictivethe platatlods lots this subdivision, except asprivate structures boathouse beerected, and altered, otherBesi etany toone ormust be approved bythe Texasof Health. Att the time. theoraEorganiis main in the_stret Saer theFnayrunthereto, anDrBE.Eassessment shall'besecondandi infull inferior inpurchasepchani liensthereof onSellerEEEThthe-propertynEin GMAnE the streetor ofa residençe adjoiningt or other thep property as bd setSNobuiinslineor nearer tolinelinesPetlineso onBusinessmSlots areBfrom the abovemexcluded"Erestrictions.)mhabe bpilins ors the shall with be orofpaint. theexterior is completely usedi finished in mains and,if structure frame beb brick, unfinished haterial, asbes-tostile, or roofing. SEE lumber,provided restrictions as hereinfullyemty.shall benotl less than 600 feet.1.are reserved as shown on the recorded platfor utility purposes.Bbs These restrictions 1965, at shall whichjority of tl then oftotme a4 agreed changes said covenantsin inv wholeo -md esa n tl1au fbes anyor or any persons of them, owning ort heirs or assigns, shall violate &va orye the covenants herein, ceedings it shall.beequityt Eon personaPheme from so gs-at-law doing,or otherpSdamagesviolation.3theconsent of the Seller or Developer.s thes subdivision way ori by any Actinterfere:nission at hels Saleythat18. conditions and which are made a part of andany excepted original loti restricted" in Paragraph to ones 16 such herein, type to_be building, used except only CAR residence, aor ES to on any building plot other than one detached single building andaCaucasian any owner shall tenant. occupy any lot, except that this covenants shallr not prevent occupancy by do- No deyt telts. shall hered ld disposal this mpetep and my: sanitary or EN more by btes County ot Denton approved or State Bolte - LE - Fe a E ther ictions set K 7 Eurnish PerS s yard E lines street obnoxious or or nuisance offensive tot the trade.o neighborhood, or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may beor becomeNo garage, basement, nors shall any structure shack or other outbuilding character erected Bet thelot herein describeds shall that ata any trailers time be may used be used residence on any lot_in P" The ground floor area of any main's structure, exclusive ofopen porchesa ands14. Nos structures ofany kind aret tob ber moved ontot thes subdivision lot thereoflenc The such Seller as DeE shall not be rains, s F his fordrainage system, natural' Qr otherwise, the livision, without firat Shallbe witht thel aly shall be binding for all periods parties arleald claiming unless viola E 1 covenant, ande ton BS E3 TT mayb be Lots occupied 1through bya 5inBlock trailer, as set 7and out ln E Blocks herein. 1and are reserved for business only, with the"TOF HAVE AND TOI HOLD thea above described premises, together with all and singular the rights anda appurtenances there-toina anywise belonging. unto thes said CYRIL S. MAREK and CYRILL B. SVRCEK, theirheirs anda assigns forever andI Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-fend, all ands singular the said premises untot the said CYRIL S. MAREK and CYRILL B. SVRCEK, theirheirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim thes same, or any partt thereof.Buti it is expressly agreed and stipulated that the Vendor's Lienis retained against the above described F ande cte one of these by judgment or court orders shalli inr no wise affect anyo of theo other provisions whichs shall remain andi improvements, until the above note(s), and all interest thereon are: fully according to the property, premises effect and reading, when this deed shall become absolute. paid face and tenor,195.7 WITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 22nd Irinf STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on. this day personally appeared T.IRWIN, knownt to to be the person whose. name is subscribed tothef foregoing instrument, anda acknowledged to met that K executed the same Tort the purposes and expressed. MY HAND-AND-S SEAL OF OFFICE this.m 22nd day of. September,. A.D. 195-7. asyun! usingll Publici in and forDa7 County, Texasat 1Go FILED FOR RECORD:W_day 9 o'clookN. REQGRDER: OJ,day Wptts: mAa4.D.1858 at 2:45 olclocku. A.J. Barnett, Clerk County Court,Denton County, Teras. hyt Deputy.
3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDRVOLO040PAGE 14ENOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\nVOL 440 PAGE 14STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTONinc consideration oft thes sum ofFOUR HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100tome paid ands secured tol be paidb by\n4736\nTHATI I,T.K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter describedproperty is my separate estate andi is notn now, nor has ite ever been, any part ofn my residential or business homestead), for and\n($495.00)\nDOLLARSas follows:\nCYRIL S. MARBK and CYRILL B. SVRCEK\nFORTY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($45.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is herebyacknowledged, and the execution and delivery by the said CYRIL s. MAREK and CYRILL B. SVRCEKof their First Vendorts Lien Note, of even date herewith, payable to the order of T. K. IRWINin the principal sum pf FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($450.00); said note beingpayable in monthly installments of TWENTY AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($20.00) each, including interestat the rate of Six Per Cent (6%) per annum, payable monthly as it accrues on the unpaidprincipal balance, the first installment to become due and payable on or before the 22ndday of October, 1957, and a 1ike installment to become due and payable on or before the 22ndday of each succeeding month thereafter until said note is paid in full, together withinterest thereon. This note is further secured by a Deed of Trust of even date herewithHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said\ntoT. K. IRWIN, JR., TRUSTBE.oft the County. of DallasTexas, and described as follows, to-wit:\nCYRIL S. MAREK and CYRILL B. SVRCEK\nState of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,\nLOT 46 in BLOCK SEVEN (7), GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES,an addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the mapthereof recorded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat\nRecords of Denton County, the Map Records o Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:\nThis conveyance is made subject to the restrictivethe platatlods lots this subdivision, except asprivate structures boathouse beerected, and altered, otherBesi etany toone ormust be approved bythe Texasof Health. Att the time. theoraEorganiis main in the_stret Saer theFnayrunthereto, anDrBE.Eassessment shall'besecondandi infull inferior inpurchasepchani liensthereof onSellerEEEThthe-propertynEin GMAnE the streetor ofa residençe adjoiningt or other thep property as bd setSNobuiinslineor nearer tolinelinesPetlineso onBusinessmSlots areBfrom the abovemexcluded\"Erestrictions.)mhabe bpilins ors the shall with be orofpaint. theexterior is completely usedi finished in mains and,if structure frame beb brick, unfinished haterial, asbes-tostile, or roofing. SEE lumber,provided restrictions as hereinfullyemty.shall benotl less than 600 feet.1.are reserved as shown on the recorded platfor utility purposes.Bbs These restrictions 1965, at shall whichjority of tl then oftotme a4 agreed changes said covenantsin inv wholeo -md esa n tl1au fbes anyor or any persons of them, owning ort heirs or assigns, shall violate &va orye the covenants herein, ceedings it shall.beequityt Eon personaPheme from so gs-at-law doing,or otherpSdamagesviolation.3theconsent of the Seller or Developer.s thes subdivision way ori by any Actinterfere:nission at hels Saleythat18.\nconditions and\nwhich are made a part of\nandany excepted original loti restricted\" in Paragraph to ones 16 such herein, type to_be building, used except only CAR residence, aor ES to on any building plot other than one detached single building andaCaucasian any owner shall tenant. occupy any lot, except that this covenants shallr not prevent occupancy by do-\nNo deyt telts. shall hered ld disposal this mpetep and my: sanitary or EN more by btes County ot Denton approved or State Bolte\n- LE - Fe a E\nther ictions set K 7 Eurnish PerS s yard E lines street \nobnoxious or or nuisance offensive tot the trade.o neighborhood, or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may beor becomeNo garage, basement, nors shall any structure shack or other outbuilding character erected Bet thelot herein describeds shall that ata any trailers time be may used be used residence on any lot_in\nP\"\nThe ground floor area of any main's structure, exclusive ofopen porchesa ands14. Nos structures ofany kind aret tob ber moved ontot thes subdivision lot thereoflenc The such Seller as DeE shall not be rains, s F his fordrainage system, natural' Qr otherwise, the livision, without firat\nShallbe witht thel aly shall be binding for all periods parties arleald claiming unless\nviola E 1 covenant, ande\n \nton BS E3 TT mayb be Lots occupied 1through bya 5inBlock trailer, as set 7and out ln E Blocks herein. 1and are reserved for business only, with the\"TOF HAVE AND TOI HOLD thea above described premises, together with all and singular the rights anda appurtenances there-toina anywise belonging. unto thes said CYRIL S. MAREK and CYRILL B. SVRCEK, theirheirs anda assigns forever andI Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-fend, all ands singular the said premises untot the said CYRIL S. MAREK and CYRILL B. SVRCEK, theirheirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim thes same, or any partt thereof.Buti it is expressly agreed and stipulated that the Vendor's Lienis retained against the above described\nF ande cte one of these\nby judgment or court orders shalli inr no wise affect anyo of theo other provisions whichs shall remain\nandi improvements, until the above\nnote(s), and all interest thereon are: fully according to the property, premises\neffect and reading, when this deed shall become absolute.\npaid\nface and tenor,195.7\nWITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 22nd\nIrinf\nSTATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF\nBEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on. this day personally appeared T.IRWIN, knownt to to be the person whose. name is subscribed tothef foregoing instrument, anda acknowledged to met that K\nexecuted the same Tort the purposes and\nexpressed.\nMY HAND-AND-S SEAL OF OFFICE this.m 22nd day of. September,. A.D. 195-7.\nasyun! usingll\nPublici in and forDa7 County, Texasat 1Go\nFILED FOR RECORD:W_day\n9\no'clookN.\nREQGRDER:\nOJ,day\nWptts:\nmAa4.D.1858 at 2:45 olclocku.\nA.J. Barnett, Clerk County Court,Denton County, Teras.\nhyt Deputy.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-\nmestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] v06273 PACE 20 1 D WARRANTY65 Corporation-(No. 104a) The Ohio Legal Blank Co., Cleveland Bnoto al tlen bp these resents:That. The. Holton. Realty Company a Corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of. Ohio.received to its full satisfaction of. John Ross and Eulalia Ross, the Grantor, for the consideration of... other valuaile considerations. & Ten : Dollars (.10.00.etc.)the Grantee.-, does give, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said grantee.s, sheir..heirs. andassigns, the following described premises, situated in the. Tonship. of. BedfordBedford Pommship Lot Io. 19, bounded and described as f'olldvs:Begiuning in the Northeasterly line of Aurora Road (60 feet vide) at its inter-section rith the Easterly line of hrie Street (40 feet wide); thence South 57°31' 30" Zast along the Northeasterly line of said Aurora Road 95.55 feet; thenceKorth 529 28' 3g". East, 235 feet; thence Horth 13° 561 30" Vest, 37.39 feet;thence South 89° 12' 30" Test, 200.26 feet to the Basterly line of saiu -rie Street;thence South 8° 47' 30" Bast along said Eastcrly line, 180.50 feet to the placeof beginning and being further known as Sublot No. 69 in 1. Helper & Sons, Inc.proposed City Farm liomes No. 7 Subdivision of part of original Bedf'ord TomshipLot :o. 19, as arpears by the survey of Frenk B. Krause Jr., Registered Surveyor,Restrictions as to agove property This lot may be used for business purposesbut Shall not be used for an auto wrecking business. Any guilding constructed on thisproposed Sublot must have a set back of 25 feet from the front lot line. This prppertyshall not be sold, let or leased by any other than the Caucasian race. County of.- Cuyahora.. and State of Ohio: and knom es being pert of original dated October 1945, a
v06273 PACE 20 1 D WARRANTY65 Corporation-(No. 104a) The Ohio Legal Blank Co., Cleveland Bnoto al tlen bp these resents:That. The. Holton. Realty Company a Corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of. Ohio.received to its full satisfaction of. John Ross and Eulalia Ross, the Grantor, for the consideration of... other valuaile considerations. & Ten : Dollars (.10.00.etc.)the Grantee.-, does give, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said grantee.s, sheir..heirs. andassigns, the following described premises, situated in the. Tonship. of. BedfordBedford Pommship Lot Io. 19, bounded and described as f'olldvs:Begiuning in the Northeasterly line of Aurora Road (60 feet vide) at its inter-section rith the Easterly line of hrie Street (40 feet wide); thence South 57°31' 30" Zast along the Northeasterly line of said Aurora Road 95.55 feet; thenceKorth 529 28' 3g". East, 235 feet; thence Horth 13° 561 30" Vest, 37.39 feet;thence South 89° 12' 30" Test, 200.26 feet to the Basterly line of saiu -rie Street;thence South 8° 47' 30" Bast along said Eastcrly line, 180.50 feet to the placeof beginning and being further known as Sublot No. 69 in 1. Helper & Sons, Inc.proposed City Farm liomes No. 7 Subdivision of part of original Bedf'ord TomshipLot :o. 19, as arpears by the survey of Frenk B. Krause Jr., Registered Surveyor,Restrictions as to agove property This lot may be used for business purposesbut Shall not be used for an auto wrecking business. Any guilding constructed on thisproposed Sublot must have a set back of 25 feet from the front lot line. This prppertyshall not be sold, let or leased by any other than the Caucasian race. County of.- Cuyahora.. and State of Ohio: and knom es being pert of original dated October 1945, a
proposed Sublot must have a set back of 25 feet f'rom the front lot line. This prpperty shall not be sold, let or leased by any other than the Caucasian race.
This property shall not be sold, let or leased by any other than the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]proposed Sublot must have a set back of 25 feet f'rom the front lot line. This prpperty shall not be sold, let or leased by any other than the Caucasian race. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]This property shall not be sold, let or leased by any other than the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nv06273 PACE 20\n1\n\nD\nWARRANTY65\nCorporation-(No. 104a)\nThe Ohio Legal Blank Co., Cleveland\nBnoto al tlen bp these resents:That. The. Holton. Realty Company\na Corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of. Ohio.received to its full satisfaction of. John Ross and Eulalia Ross,\nthe Grantor,\nfor the consideration of... other valuaile considerations. & Ten : Dollars (.10.00.etc.)the Grantee.-, does give, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said grantee.s, sheir..heirs. andassigns, the following described premises, situated in the. Tonship. of. BedfordBedford Pommship Lot Io. 19, bounded and described as f'olldvs:Begiuning in the Northeasterly line of Aurora Road (60 feet vide) at its inter-section rith the Easterly line of hrie Street (40 feet wide); thence South 57°31' 30\" Zast along the Northeasterly line of said Aurora Road 95.55 feet; thenceKorth 529 28' 3g\". East, 235 feet; thence Horth 13° 561 30\" Vest, 37.39 feet;thence South 89° 12' 30\" Test, 200.26 feet to the Basterly line of saiu -rie Street;thence South 8° 47' 30\" Bast along said Eastcrly line, 180.50 feet to the placeof beginning and being further known as Sublot No. 69 in 1. Helper & Sons, Inc.proposed City Farm liomes No. 7 Subdivision of part of original Bedf'ord TomshipLot :o. 19, as arpears by the survey of Frenk B. Krause Jr., Registered Surveyor,Restrictions as to agove property This lot may be used for business purposesbut Shall not be used for an auto wrecking business. Any guilding constructed on thisproposed Sublot must have a set back of 25 feet from the front lot line. This prppertyshall not be sold, let or leased by any other than the Caucasian race.\nCounty of.- Cuyahora..\nand State of Ohio: and knom es being pert of original\ndated October 1945,\na\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]proposed Sublot must have a set back of 25 feet f'rom the front lot line. This prpperty\nshall not be sold, let or leased by any other than the Caucasian race.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]This property shall not be sold, let or leased by any other than the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 203 STATE STAMPS $12.00, Federal Stamps $6.00 TO NEOLA D. JENKINS AND J. G. JENKINS WHARTON REALTY COMPANY, INC. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, TITLE TO REAL ESTATE COUNTY OF GREENWOOD KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Wharton Realty Company, Inc. in the State aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of Five Thousand Six Hundred ($5,600.00) Dollars, to itin hand paid at and before the sealing of these presents, by Neola D. Jenkins. and J. G. Jenkins of the County of Greenwood in the State aforesaid - - the réceipt whe reof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold and released, and by these Presents do grant bargain, sell and re- lease unto the said Neola D. Jenkins and J. G. Jenkins the following described property, to-wit: All that cértain piece, parcel or lot of land, toget ther with such improvements thereon, situate,. lying and being just North of the City Limits of the City of Greénwood, and within the County of Greenwood, the State aforesaid, and bei ing more particularly. known. and designated as Lot No. Fourteen (14) in Block "B" as shown on a subdivision of Gracemont Terrace made far Whar rton Realty Company, Inc. by A. V. Bla ankenship, CE, of date the 8th day of May,, 1937. The said lot is Iocated on the Southern side of Laurel Street whereon it fronts One Hundred (100) feet, more or Iess, and extends back along its East tern boundary line a distance of One Hundred Seventy-three and: 86/100ths (173.86) feet, more or less, and" along its Western boundary line a distance One Hundred Sixty-one and 43/100ths (161.43) feet, more. or less, and being One Hundred and 65/100ths (100.65) feet, more or less, wide in the rear. The said lot is bounded on' the North by Laurei Street; on the East by lot No. Thirteen (13) of Block "B"; on the South by pro- perty now or formerly of Wharton Realty Company, Inc., and on the West by Lot No. Fifteen (15) of Block "B", all of which said delineations and measurements will be more fuily shown by reference to the above plat which was duly recorded inthe R. M. C. office for Greenwood County in Plat Book No. 2 at page 5. This is a part of the piece, parcel and tract of land that was conveyed unto the Wharton Realty Corpany, Inc. by the Board. of Foreign Missions of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church and the Bank of Greenwood, as Trustee for the Board of Foreign Missions of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church by their deed of date the 28th day of May, 1937, which said deed was entered of record as of the 11th day of June, 1937 in Deed Book 54 at page 676. TOGETHER with all and singular the Rights, Members, Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the said Premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said Premises before mentioned unto the said Neola D. Jenkins and J, G. Jenkins, their Heirs and Assigns forever. And it does hereby bind itself, its Successons Executors and Adminiatrators, to warrant gnd forever defend a1l and singular the said premises unto the said Neola D. Jenkins and J. G. Jenkins, their Heirs and Assigns, against it and its Successors and all other persons whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part the reof. WITNESS its Hand and Seal this 27th day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven and in the one hundred and sixty-gecond year of the Sovereignty and Ipdependence of the United States of America. WHARTON FEALTY COMPANY, INC. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of (L.S.) BY C. C.Wharton President. W. D. McGowan ATTEST: Ella Proctor (L.S.) Pearle D. Wharton Secretary AAIRICIIO This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely: "A* That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwige disposed of for the use or occupancy to any peraon or persons of African descent, or corpora-. tion owned or controlled by. persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty, (50$) per sent of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be priviledg- edto live upon the premises of their employers. "B" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leaged or otherwise disposed of for mercantile purposes, store, filling stati ons, restaurant or any other of such business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for résidential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lot, except that an apartment houae, may be erected thereon provided it is of a single structure and constitutes not more than two (2) stories. "Ç" That no hogs or piga shall at any time be kept on or about the premises. "D" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the sides of the property herein conveyed; suo ch a fence may be erected on the rear or back extremity of the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences, if any, shall be of a wire construction and wi thout barbs. "g" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be èrected or maintained on the premises, except "For Sale", or "For Rent" signs which shall not exceed two by three (2x3) feet. "p" That the residence to be erected on the said lot Number No. 14 Block *B" shall be at least Thirty-five feet from the front property line, provided that in ascertaining the dis- tance from the front property line steps and projecting eaves shall not be included; that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected on the said lot Mumber No.14 shali not be Less that Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of labor and materials. SeemAge
203 STATE STAMPS $12.00, Federal Stamps $6.00 TO NEOLA D. JENKINS AND J. G. JENKINS WHARTON REALTY COMPANY, INC. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, TITLE TO REAL ESTATE COUNTY OF GREENWOOD KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Wharton Realty Company, Inc. in the State aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of Five Thousand Six Hundred ($5,600.00) Dollars, to itin hand paid at and before the sealing of these presents, by Neola D. Jenkins. and J. G. Jenkins of the County of Greenwood in the State aforesaid - - the réceipt whe reof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold and released, and by these Presents do grant bargain, sell and re- lease unto the said Neola D. Jenkins and J. G. Jenkins the following described property, to-wit: All that cértain piece, parcel or lot of land, toget ther with such improvements thereon, situate,. lying and being just North of the City Limits of the City of Greénwood, and within the County of Greenwood, the State aforesaid, and bei ing more particularly. known. and designated as Lot No. Fourteen (14) in Block "B" as shown on a subdivision of Gracemont Terrace made far Whar rton Realty Company, Inc. by A. V. Bla ankenship, CE, of date the 8th day of May,, 1937. The said lot is Iocated on the Southern side of Laurel Street whereon it fronts One Hundred (100) feet, more or Iess, and extends back along its East tern boundary line a distance of One Hundred Seventy-three and: 86/100ths (173.86) feet, more or less, and" along its Western boundary line a distance One Hundred Sixty-one and 43/100ths (161.43) feet, more. or less, and being One Hundred and 65/100ths (100.65) feet, more or less, wide in the rear. The said lot is bounded on' the North by Laurei Street; on the East by lot No. Thirteen (13) of Block "B"; on the South by pro- perty now or formerly of Wharton Realty Company, Inc., and on the West by Lot No. Fifteen (15) of Block "B", all of which said delineations and measurements will be more fuily shown by reference to the above plat which was duly recorded inthe R. M. C. office for Greenwood County in Plat Book No. 2 at page 5. This is a part of the piece, parcel and tract of land that was conveyed unto the Wharton Realty Corpany, Inc. by the Board. of Foreign Missions of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church and the Bank of Greenwood, as Trustee for the Board of Foreign Missions of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church by their deed of date the 28th day of May, 1937, which said deed was entered of record as of the 11th day of June, 1937 in Deed Book 54 at page 676. TOGETHER with all and singular the Rights, Members, Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the said Premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said Premises before mentioned unto the said Neola D. Jenkins and J, G. Jenkins, their Heirs and Assigns forever. And it does hereby bind itself, its Successons Executors and Adminiatrators, to warrant gnd forever defend a1l and singular the said premises unto the said Neola D. Jenkins and J. G. Jenkins, their Heirs and Assigns, against it and its Successors and all other persons whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part the reof. WITNESS its Hand and Seal this 27th day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven and in the one hundred and sixty-gecond year of the Sovereignty and Ipdependence of the United States of America. WHARTON FEALTY COMPANY, INC. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of (L.S.) BY C. C.Wharton President. W. D. McGowan ATTEST: Ella Proctor (L.S.) Pearle D. Wharton Secretary AAIRICIIO This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely: "A* That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwige disposed of for the use or occupancy to any peraon or persons of African descent, or corpora-. tion owned or controlled by. persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty, (50$) per sent of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be priviledg- edto live upon the premises of their employers. "B" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leaged or otherwise disposed of for mercantile purposes, store, filling stati ons, restaurant or any other of such business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for résidential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lot, except that an apartment houae, may be erected thereon provided it is of a single structure and constitutes not more than two (2) stories. "Ç" That no hogs or piga shall at any time be kept on or about the premises. "D" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the sides of the property herein conveyed; suo ch a fence may be erected on the rear or back extremity of the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences, if any, shall be of a wire construction and wi thout barbs. "g" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be èrected or maintained on the premises, except "For Sale", or "For Rent" signs which shall not exceed two by three (2x3) feet. "p" That the residence to be erected on the said lot Number No. 14 Block *B" shall be at least Thirty-five feet from the front property line, provided that in ascertaining the dis- tance from the front property line steps and projecting eaves shall not be included; that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected on the said lot Mumber No.14 shali not be Less that Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of labor and materials. SeemAge
"A* That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwige disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corpora- tion owne d or controlled by. persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50$) per sent of the çapital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be priviledg- ed to live upon the premises of their employers.
"A” That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African decent, or corporation owed or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per sent of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be priviledged to live upon the premises of their employers.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]"A* That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwige disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corpora- tion owne d or controlled by. persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50$) per sent of the çapital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be priviledg- ed to live upon the premises of their employers.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]"A” That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African decent, or corporation owed or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per sent of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be priviledged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n203\nSTATE STAMPS $12.00, Federal Stamps $6.00\nTO\nNEOLA D. JENKINS AND J. G. JENKINS\nWHARTON REALTY COMPANY, INC.\nTHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,\nTITLE TO REAL ESTATE\nCOUNTY OF GREENWOOD\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Wharton Realty Company, Inc. in the State aforesaid\nfor and in consideration of the sum of Five Thousand Six Hundred ($5,600.00) Dollars, to itin\nhand paid at and before the sealing of these presents, by Neola D. Jenkins. and J. G. Jenkins\nof the County of Greenwood in the State aforesaid - - the réceipt whe reof is hereby acknowledged,\nhave granted, bargained, sold and released, and by these Presents do grant bargain, sell and re-\nlease unto the said Neola D. Jenkins and J. G. Jenkins the following described property, to-wit:\nAll that cértain piece, parcel or lot of land, toget ther with such improvements\nthereon, situate,. lying and being just North of the City Limits of the City of\nGreénwood, and within the County of Greenwood, the State aforesaid, and bei ing\nmore particularly. known. and designated as Lot No. Fourteen (14) in Block \"B\"\nas shown on a subdivision of Gracemont Terrace made far Whar rton Realty Company,\nInc. by A. V. Bla ankenship, CE, of date the 8th day of May,, 1937. The said lot\nis Iocated on the Southern side of Laurel Street whereon it fronts One Hundred\n(100) feet, more or Iess, and extends back along its East tern boundary line a\ndistance of One Hundred Seventy-three and: 86/100ths (173.86) feet, more or less,\nand\" along its Western boundary line a distance One Hundred Sixty-one and 43/100ths\n(161.43) feet, more. or less, and being One Hundred and 65/100ths (100.65) feet,\nmore or less, wide in the rear. The said lot is bounded on' the North by Laurei\nStreet; on the East by lot No. Thirteen (13) of Block \"B\"; on the South by pro-\nperty now or formerly of Wharton Realty Company, Inc., and on the West by Lot\nNo. Fifteen (15) of Block \"B\", all of which said delineations and measurements\nwill be more fuily shown by reference to the above plat which was duly recorded\ninthe R. M. C. office for Greenwood County in Plat Book No. 2 at page 5.\nThis is a part of the piece, parcel and tract of land that was conveyed unto the\nWharton Realty Corpany, Inc. by the Board. of Foreign Missions of the Associate\nReformed Presbyterian Church and the Bank of Greenwood, as Trustee for the Board\nof Foreign Missions of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church by their deed\nof date the 28th day of May, 1937, which said deed was entered of record as of\nthe 11th day of June, 1937 in Deed Book 54 at page 676.\nTOGETHER with all and singular the Rights, Members, Hereditaments and Appurtenances to\nthe said Premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertaining.\nTO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said Premises before mentioned unto the said\nNeola D. Jenkins and J, G. Jenkins, their Heirs and Assigns forever.\nAnd it does hereby bind itself, its Successons Executors and Adminiatrators, to warrant\ngnd forever defend a1l and singular the said premises unto the said Neola D. Jenkins and J. G.\nJenkins, their Heirs and Assigns, against it and its Successors and all other persons whomsoever\nlawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part the reof.\nWITNESS its Hand and Seal this 27th day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand\nnine hundred and thirty-seven and in the one hundred and sixty-gecond year of the Sovereignty\nand Ipdependence of the United States of America.\nWHARTON FEALTY COMPANY, INC.\nSigned, Sealed and Delivered in\nthe Presence of\n(L.S.)\nBY C. C.Wharton\nPresident.\nW. D. McGowan\nATTEST:\nElla Proctor\n(L.S.)\nPearle D. Wharton\nSecretary\nAAIRICIIO\nThis conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely:\n\"A* That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwige disposed of\nfor the use or occupancy to any peraon or persons of African descent, or corpora-.\ntion owned or controlled by. persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty, (50$)\nper sent of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be priviledg-\nedto live upon the premises of their employers.\n\"B\" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leaged or otherwise\ndisposed of for mercantile purposes, store, filling stati ons, restaurant or any\nother of such business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively\nfor résidential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lot,\nexcept that an apartment houae, may be erected thereon provided it is of a single structure and\nconstitutes not more than two (2) stories.\n\"Ç\" That no hogs or piga shall at any time be kept on or about the premises.\n\"D\" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the\nsides of the property herein conveyed; suo ch a fence may be erected on the rear or back extremity\nof the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences, if\nany, shall be of a wire construction and wi thout barbs.\n\"g\" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be èrected or maintained on the premises, except\n\"For Sale\", or \"For Rent\" signs which shall not exceed two by three (2x3) feet.\n\"p\" That the residence to be erected on the said lot Number No. 14 Block *B\" shall be\nat least Thirty-five feet from the front property line, provided that in ascertaining the dis-\ntance from the front property line steps and projecting eaves shall not be included; that the\ncost of the residence or dwelling to be erected on the said lot Mumber No.14 shali not be\nLess that Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of labor and\nmaterials.\nSeemAge", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]\"A* That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwige disposed of\nfor the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corpora-\ntion owne d or controlled by. persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50$)\nper sent of the çapital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be priviledg-\ned to live upon the premises of their employers.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]\"A” That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African decent, or corporation owed or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per sent of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be priviledged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] V06271 PAGE 120 12. The Fairview Golflands Co. reserves also theright to grant consents to, and to petition the Gas Com- panies and Electric Light Companies for the extension of their respective service mains, which, in the opinion oft the Company, are necessary in the highways upon which the premises hereby conveyed shall front or abut, and the Grantee heirs, administrators, legal representatives and assigns agree s to and doetereby sent to and affirm all agreements that may be entered into between The Fairview Golflands Co. and the con- said Gas Companies and/or said Electric Light Companies, with respect to binding the Grantee heirs, adminis- trators, legal representatives and assigns for the proportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said premises hereby conveyed. 13. The restrictions imposed by this instrument upon the use of the premises hereby not bel held to prevent the use of adjoining and adjacent lands by The Fairview Golflands Co., conveyed, or its shall ors or assigns, for such other purposes or in such other manner as will not, in its judgment, adversely success- affect the premises hereby conveyed, to a material degree; and such use of such other lands shall not be held as relieving the Grantee hereunder from the restrictions imposed upon the premises hereby conveyed. 14. The Fairview Golflands Co. reserves the right to waive, change or cancel and tions contained in this deed or in any other deed givenby The Fairview Golflands Co.inr any respect all of to the sublots restric- parcels within The Fairview Golflands Company's! Subdivisions, if, in its judgment, the development or lack or of development warrants the same, or if, in its judgment, the ends and purposes of said Subdivisions would be better served. 15. The herein enumerated restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions shall be deemed as covenants and not as conditions hereof, and shall run with the land, bind the Grantee heirs. administrators, legal representatives and assigns until the first of and shall shall day have been January. 1978, in any event: and continucusly thereafter, unless and until any proposed proved in writing by the owers of the legal title to all of the land on both sides charge of the within ap- block in which is located the property, the use of which is sought to be altered by said proposed highway the the Grantee heirs, administrators, legal representatives and assigns agree to require. that these change; and tions be recited at length or by reference in all future instruments conveying said premises or restric- any portion thereof. 16. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be sold to, occupied or inhabited other than by a per- son or persons of the Caucasian race. 17. THE FAIRVIEW GOLFLANDS CO. AGREES TO INSTALL OR CAUSE TO BE INSTALL- EDINTO AND UPONTHE! STREET UPON WHICH SAID SUBLOT ABUTS STORM AND SANI- TARY SEWERS, WATER MAINS, SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND PAVING FREE OF EXPENSE THE GRANTEE AND ALL TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE AUTHORITIES OF FAIRVIEW TO VILLAGE. TO HAVE ANDTO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances there- unto belonging. unto the said grantee its gRta assigns forever. And the said grantor does for it- self and its successors and assigns covenant with said grantee its SuccssgDT and assigns, that at and un- tilt the ensealing of these presents itis well seized of the above described premises as a good and indefeasible estate in fee simple, and has good right to bargain and sell and convey the same in manner and form as above written; that the same are free and clear from all incumbrances whatsoever except restrictions and condit ions of record and as herein set forth, zoning ordinanoes, if any, and all taxes and as8essment: s now due and hereafter becoming due, which the grantee assumos and agrees to pay, and that it will warrant and defend said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, to the said grantee .its suogossia acs assigns, forever, against all lawful claims and demands whatsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF said THE FAIRVIEW GOLFLANDS COM- PANY has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and these presents to be signed and acknowledged in its name and behalf by its President and ocrsterx this 18th day of March V. Pres. A.D. 1947. Signed and acknowledgedin, gE2 THE FAIRVIEW GOLFLANDS CO. PCe presence of By President/ And . S. Rais Em. Socxotury Vice Presidont THE STATE OF OHIO BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, per- SS. CUYAHOGA COUNTY sonally appeared the above named. T.D. Auble and H. S. Huxtable V. Pres. President and Syocesocy, respectively, of said The Fairview Golflands Company. the corporation which exe- cuted the foregoing instrument, who acknowledged that they did sign and seal the foregoing instrument and on behalf of said corporation, and that the same is their free act and deed as such officers. and the free for and corporate act and deed of said The Fairview Golflands Company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF Ihavel hereunto setmy hand and official seal at Cleveland, Ohio, this 18th P day of March A.D. Ninteen Hundred and Forty-seven. Public. Myo
V06271 PAGE 120 12. The Fairview Golflands Co. reserves also theright to grant consents to, and to petition the Gas Com- panies and Electric Light Companies for the extension of their respective service mains, which, in the opinion oft the Company, are necessary in the highways upon which the premises hereby conveyed shall front or abut, and the Grantee heirs, administrators, legal representatives and assigns agree s to and doetereby sent to and affirm all agreements that may be entered into between The Fairview Golflands Co. and the con- said Gas Companies and/or said Electric Light Companies, with respect to binding the Grantee heirs, adminis- trators, legal representatives and assigns for the proportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said premises hereby conveyed. 13. The restrictions imposed by this instrument upon the use of the premises hereby not bel held to prevent the use of adjoining and adjacent lands by The Fairview Golflands Co., conveyed, or its shall ors or assigns, for such other purposes or in such other manner as will not, in its judgment, adversely success- affect the premises hereby conveyed, to a material degree; and such use of such other lands shall not be held as relieving the Grantee hereunder from the restrictions imposed upon the premises hereby conveyed. 14. The Fairview Golflands Co. reserves the right to waive, change or cancel and tions contained in this deed or in any other deed givenby The Fairview Golflands Co.inr any respect all of to the sublots restric- parcels within The Fairview Golflands Company's! Subdivisions, if, in its judgment, the development or lack or of development warrants the same, or if, in its judgment, the ends and purposes of said Subdivisions would be better served. 15. The herein enumerated restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions shall be deemed as covenants and not as conditions hereof, and shall run with the land, bind the Grantee heirs. administrators, legal representatives and assigns until the first of and shall shall day have been January. 1978, in any event: and continucusly thereafter, unless and until any proposed proved in writing by the owers of the legal title to all of the land on both sides charge of the within ap- block in which is located the property, the use of which is sought to be altered by said proposed highway the the Grantee heirs, administrators, legal representatives and assigns agree to require. that these change; and tions be recited at length or by reference in all future instruments conveying said premises or restric- any portion thereof. 16. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be sold to, occupied or inhabited other than by a per- son or persons of the Caucasian race. 17. THE FAIRVIEW GOLFLANDS CO. AGREES TO INSTALL OR CAUSE TO BE INSTALL- EDINTO AND UPONTHE! STREET UPON WHICH SAID SUBLOT ABUTS STORM AND SANI- TARY SEWERS, WATER MAINS, SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND PAVING FREE OF EXPENSE THE GRANTEE AND ALL TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE AUTHORITIES OF FAIRVIEW TO VILLAGE. TO HAVE ANDTO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances there- unto belonging. unto the said grantee its gRta assigns forever. And the said grantor does for it- self and its successors and assigns covenant with said grantee its SuccssgDT and assigns, that at and un- tilt the ensealing of these presents itis well seized of the above described premises as a good and indefeasible estate in fee simple, and has good right to bargain and sell and convey the same in manner and form as above written; that the same are free and clear from all incumbrances whatsoever except restrictions and condit ions of record and as herein set forth, zoning ordinanoes, if any, and all taxes and as8essment: s now due and hereafter becoming due, which the grantee assumos and agrees to pay, and that it will warrant and defend said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, to the said grantee .its suogossia acs assigns, forever, against all lawful claims and demands whatsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF said THE FAIRVIEW GOLFLANDS COM- PANY has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and these presents to be signed and acknowledged in its name and behalf by its President and ocrsterx this 18th day of March V. Pres. A.D. 1947. Signed and acknowledgedin, gE2 THE FAIRVIEW GOLFLANDS CO. PCe presence of By President/ And . S. Rais Em. Socxotury Vice Presidont THE STATE OF OHIO BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, per- SS. CUYAHOGA COUNTY sonally appeared the above named. T.D. Auble and H. S. Huxtable V. Pres. President and Syocesocy, respectively, of said The Fairview Golflands Company. the corporation which exe- cuted the foregoing instrument, who acknowledged that they did sign and seal the foregoing instrument and on behalf of said corporation, and that the same is their free act and deed as such officers. and the free for and corporate act and deed of said The Fairview Golflands Company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF Ihavel hereunto setmy hand and official seal at Cleveland, Ohio, this 18th P day of March A.D. Ninteen Hundred and Forty-seven. Public. Myo
16. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be sold to, occupied or inhabited by other than a per- son or persons of the Caucasian race.
16. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be sold to, occupied or inhabited by other than a person or persons of the Caucasian race .
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]16. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be sold to, occupied or inhabited by other than a per- son or persons of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]16. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be sold to, occupied or inhabited by other than a person or persons of the Caucasian race .[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nV06271 PAGE 120\n12. The Fairview Golflands Co. reserves also theright to grant consents to, and to petition the Gas Com-\npanies and Electric Light Companies for the extension of their respective service mains, which, in the opinion\noft the Company, are necessary in the highways upon which the premises hereby conveyed shall front or abut,\nand the Grantee heirs, administrators, legal representatives and assigns agree s to and doetereby\nsent to and affirm all agreements that may be entered into between The Fairview Golflands Co. and the con- said\nGas Companies and/or said Electric Light Companies, with respect to binding the Grantee heirs, adminis-\ntrators, legal representatives and assigns for the proportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said\npremises hereby conveyed.\n13. The restrictions imposed by this instrument upon the use of the premises hereby\nnot bel held to prevent the use of adjoining and adjacent lands by The Fairview Golflands Co., conveyed, or its shall\nors or assigns, for such other purposes or in such other manner as will not, in its judgment, adversely success- affect\nthe premises hereby conveyed, to a material degree; and such use of such other lands shall not be held as\nrelieving the Grantee hereunder from the restrictions imposed upon the premises hereby conveyed.\n14. The Fairview Golflands Co. reserves the right to waive, change or cancel and\ntions contained in this deed or in any other deed givenby The Fairview Golflands Co.inr any respect all of to the sublots restric-\nparcels within The Fairview Golflands Company's! Subdivisions, if, in its judgment, the development or lack or\nof development warrants the same, or if, in its judgment, the ends and purposes of said Subdivisions would\nbe better served.\n15. The herein enumerated restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants\nand\nconditions shall be deemed as covenants and not as conditions hereof, and shall run with the land,\nbind the Grantee heirs. administrators, legal representatives and assigns until the first of and shall\nshall day have been January.\n1978, in any event: and continucusly thereafter, unless and until any proposed\nproved in writing by the owers of the legal title to all of the land on both sides charge of the\nwithin ap-\nblock in which is located the property, the use of which is sought to be altered by said proposed highway\nthe\nthe Grantee heirs, administrators, legal representatives and assigns agree to require. that these change; and\ntions be recited at length or by reference in all future instruments conveying said premises or restric-\nany portion\nthereof.\n16. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be sold to, occupied or inhabited other than\nby\na per-\nson or persons of the Caucasian race.\n17. THE FAIRVIEW GOLFLANDS CO. AGREES TO INSTALL OR CAUSE TO BE INSTALL-\nEDINTO AND UPONTHE! STREET UPON WHICH SAID SUBLOT ABUTS STORM AND SANI-\nTARY SEWERS, WATER MAINS, SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND PAVING FREE OF EXPENSE\nTHE GRANTEE AND ALL TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE AUTHORITIES OF FAIRVIEW TO\nVILLAGE.\nTO HAVE ANDTO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances there-\nunto belonging. unto the said grantee its gRta assigns forever. And the said grantor does for it-\nself and its successors and assigns covenant with said grantee its SuccssgDT and assigns, that at and un-\ntilt the ensealing of these presents itis well seized of the above described premises as a good and indefeasible\nestate in fee simple, and has good right to bargain and sell and convey the same in manner and form as\nabove written; that the same are free and clear from all incumbrances whatsoever except restrictions\nand condit ions of record and as herein set forth, zoning ordinanoes, if any, and all\ntaxes and as8essment: s now due and hereafter becoming due, which the grantee assumos\nand agrees to pay,\nand that it will warrant and defend said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, to the said\ngrantee .its suogossia acs assigns, forever, against all lawful claims and demands whatsoever.\nIN WITNESS WHEREOF said THE FAIRVIEW GOLFLANDS COM-\nPANY has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and these presents to be\nsigned and acknowledged in its name and behalf by its President and ocrsterx this\n18th day of March\nV. Pres.\nA.D. 1947.\nSigned and acknowledgedin,\ngE2\nTHE FAIRVIEW GOLFLANDS CO.\nPCe\npresence of\nBy\nPresident/\nAnd . S. Rais\nEm.\nSocxotury Vice Presidont\nTHE STATE OF OHIO\nBEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for said County and State,\nper-\nSS.\nCUYAHOGA COUNTY\nsonally appeared the above named. T.D. Auble\nand\nH. S. Huxtable\nV. Pres.\nPresident and Syocesocy, respectively, of said The Fairview Golflands Company. the corporation which exe-\ncuted the foregoing instrument, who acknowledged that they did sign and seal the foregoing instrument\nand on behalf of said corporation, and that the same is their free act and deed as such officers. and the free for\nand corporate act and deed of said The Fairview Golflands Company.\nIN WITNESS WHEREOF Ihavel hereunto setmy hand and official seal at Cleveland, Ohio, this 18th\nP\nday of March\nA.D. Ninteen Hundred and Forty-seven.\nPublic.\nMyo", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]16. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be sold to, occupied or inhabited\nby\nother than a\nper-\nson or\npersons of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]16. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be sold to, occupied or inhabited by other than a person or persons of the Caucasian race .[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 352 STATE CF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY oF SANTA CLARA ) SS. On this 15th day of July, 1930, before me, R.K. Bartle, a Notary Publio in and for said County, personally appeared M. E. Lennon, single, known to me to be the person whose name is subsaribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official Seal. (NOTARIAL SEAL) R..Bartle, Notary Publio in and for the County of. Santa Clara, State of California. FILING NO I-14758 Filed for reoord at the request of San Jose Abstraot and Title Insurance Co. Jul 21 1930 at 58 min. past 2 o'olock P.M. MAY E. FLANNERY AECORDER Phil A. Cor. . Députy Reoorder fee 1,00 9f oompared book 6 o compared doc. A Bht hyppnARhpperspspASPSAMRARpERR M.B. LENNON TO MILDRED A. BARRETT GRANT DERD I, M. E. Lennon, single, in consideration of. Ten ($10) Dollers to me in hand paid, the reoeipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby. grant to Mildred A. Barrett, all that real property situate in Chemeketa Park, County of Senta Clara, State of California, desoribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the Ogallala War Path: Whence the SE Cor of the NRE of the swt of Sec. 9, 795, RIW, MIB& bears S. 85* 04' E. 1603.9 ft; thence N. 52* 50' w. 118.6 ft. along the said ogallala War Path; thence N. 80* 23' E. 113 ft. along the property line of a parcel of land deeded by Violet M. Orr, formerly Violet M. Balcomb, to R.L. Meyers and Helen Graham Heyers, his wife, July 2, 1928, to a point on the Arapahoe Trail; thence S. 50* E. 46 ft. along the said Arapahoe Trail; thence S. 410 19' W. 80 ft. along the property line of a parcel of land deeded by Violet M. Orr, formerly Vioàet M. Balcomb, to W.J. Abbott, and Louise B. Abbott, his wife, July 2, 1928, to place of beginning, on the said Ogallala War Path, containing .17 acres, more or less; reservimg'tneretre: a strip of land ten feet in width for purpose of ingress and egress, and for use as a public road or trail along the west and southwest line thereof, known as the Ogallala War Path, and along the east and north- east line thereof, known as the Arapahoe Trail; excepting therefrom all tanks, water-pipes, springs, wells, creeks, and other appurtenances pertaining to the water supply system for the use of the community as a whole; also, the buyer agrees to somply with all sanitary regulations, including the installation of a septio tank, and to keep all water courses free from oontaniration; together with full riparian rights $n and to the waters of the Los Gatos Croek, Moody Creek or Gulch, and the waters of the springs situate on the traot of land conveyed by W. Bucholtz, and Mabel F. Buoholtz, his wife, to J. B. Baloomb and Rose G. Balcomb, his wife, by deed recorded February 2nd, 1926, in the office of the County Reoorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 211 of Offioial Records, page 475. Being a portion of that certain tract of land as desoribed in a deed from w. Buoholtz et al to J. B. Balcomb et al as recorded in the office of the Count ty Recorder, February 2, 1926, in Book 211, Page 475 of Official Reoords, of said Santa Clara County. Also the right of ingress and egress in common with the publ ic over and upon that certain tract of land as desoribed in. deed from Violet M. Orr, formerly Violet M. Balcomb, to Grace Soules, recorded in Bock 274 of Orfioial Records, en page 415, of Santa Clara County Reoords; Subjeot to the following: It is understood and agreed by and between the partios hereto that shis property is to be deeded tocor used by persons of the white race only, and that when the seller shall have sold or entered into oontraots for the sale of the entirety of the lots in said subdivision, all obligations on the part of the seller for the upkeep or maintenanos of any roads, trails or water conduits which the seller may heve installed on cain prenises prior thereto shall cease and the obligation for suoh upkeep and meintenanoe shall devolve upon the omers and purohasgrs of said lots as a oommunity undertaking or 1n such manner as they shall determine. TO HAVE AND TO HOID to the said grantee, her heirs and assigns.
352 STATE CF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY oF SANTA CLARA ) SS. On this 15th day of July, 1930, before me, R.K. Bartle, a Notary Publio in and for said County, personally appeared M. E. Lennon, single, known to me to be the person whose name is subsaribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official Seal. (NOTARIAL SEAL) R..Bartle, Notary Publio in and for the County of. Santa Clara, State of California. FILING NO I-14758 Filed for reoord at the request of San Jose Abstraot and Title Insurance Co. Jul 21 1930 at 58 min. past 2 o'olock P.M. MAY E. FLANNERY AECORDER Phil A. Cor. . Députy Reoorder fee 1,00 9f oompared book 6 o compared doc. A Bht hyppnARhpperspspASPSAMRARpERR M.B. LENNON TO MILDRED A. BARRETT GRANT DERD I, M. E. Lennon, single, in consideration of. Ten ($10) Dollers to me in hand paid, the reoeipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby. grant to Mildred A. Barrett, all that real property situate in Chemeketa Park, County of Senta Clara, State of California, desoribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the Ogallala War Path: Whence the SE Cor of the NRE of the swt of Sec. 9, 795, RIW, MIB& bears S. 85* 04' E. 1603.9 ft; thence N. 52* 50' w. 118.6 ft. along the said ogallala War Path; thence N. 80* 23' E. 113 ft. along the property line of a parcel of land deeded by Violet M. Orr, formerly Violet M. Balcomb, to R.L. Meyers and Helen Graham Heyers, his wife, July 2, 1928, to a point on the Arapahoe Trail; thence S. 50* E. 46 ft. along the said Arapahoe Trail; thence S. 410 19' W. 80 ft. along the property line of a parcel of land deeded by Violet M. Orr, formerly Vioàet M. Balcomb, to W.J. Abbott, and Louise B. Abbott, his wife, July 2, 1928, to place of beginning, on the said Ogallala War Path, containing .17 acres, more or less; reservimg'tneretre: a strip of land ten feet in width for purpose of ingress and egress, and for use as a public road or trail along the west and southwest line thereof, known as the Ogallala War Path, and along the east and north- east line thereof, known as the Arapahoe Trail; excepting therefrom all tanks, water-pipes, springs, wells, creeks, and other appurtenances pertaining to the water supply system for the use of the community as a whole; also, the buyer agrees to somply with all sanitary regulations, including the installation of a septio tank, and to keep all water courses free from oontaniration; together with full riparian rights $n and to the waters of the Los Gatos Croek, Moody Creek or Gulch, and the waters of the springs situate on the traot of land conveyed by W. Bucholtz, and Mabel F. Buoholtz, his wife, to J. B. Baloomb and Rose G. Balcomb, his wife, by deed recorded February 2nd, 1926, in the office of the County Reoorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 211 of Offioial Records, page 475. Being a portion of that certain tract of land as desoribed in a deed from w. Buoholtz et al to J. B. Balcomb et al as recorded in the office of the Count ty Recorder, February 2, 1926, in Book 211, Page 475 of Official Reoords, of said Santa Clara County. Also the right of ingress and egress in common with the publ ic over and upon that certain tract of land as desoribed in. deed from Violet M. Orr, formerly Violet M. Balcomb, to Grace Soules, recorded in Bock 274 of Orfioial Records, en page 415, of Santa Clara County Reoords; Subjeot to the following: It is understood and agreed by and between the partios hereto that shis property is to be deeded tocor used by persons of the white race only, and that when the seller shall have sold or entered into oontraots for the sale of the entirety of the lots in said subdivision, all obligations on the part of the seller for the upkeep or maintenanos of any roads, trails or water conduits which the seller may heve installed on cain prenises prior thereto shall cease and the obligation for suoh upkeep and meintenanoe shall devolve upon the omers and purohasgrs of said lots as a oommunity undertaking or 1n such manner as they shall determine. TO HAVE AND TO HOID to the said grantee, her heirs and assigns.
Subject to the following: It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that this property is to be deeded to or used by persons of the white race only, and that when the seller shall have sold or entered into contracts for sale of entirety lots in said subdivision all obligations on part seller upkeep maintain roads trails water conduits which he may have installed on same prior thereto shall cease devolve upon owners purchasers said lots as community undertaking manner they determine.
It is understood and agreed by and between parties hereto that this property is to be deeded to or used by persons of white race only,
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]Subject to the following: It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that this property is to be deeded to or used by persons of the white race only, and that when the seller shall have sold or entered into contracts for sale of entirety lots in said subdivision all obligations on part seller upkeep maintain roads trails water conduits which he may have installed on same prior thereto shall cease devolve upon owners purchasers said lots as community undertaking manner they determine.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]It is understood and agreed by and between parties hereto that this property is to be deeded to or used by persons of white race only,[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n352\nSTATE CF CALIFORNIA )\nCOUNTY oF SANTA CLARA ) SS.\nOn this 15th day of July, 1930,\nbefore me, R.K. Bartle, a Notary Publio\nin and for said County, personally appeared M. E. Lennon, single, known to me to be\nthe person whose name is subsaribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged\nthat she executed the same.\nWITNESS my hand and official Seal.\n(NOTARIAL SEAL)\nR..Bartle, Notary Publio in and for the\nCounty of. Santa Clara, State of California.\nFILING NO I-14758\nFiled for reoord at the request of San Jose Abstraot and Title\nInsurance Co. Jul 21 1930 at 58 min. past 2 o'olock P.M.\nMAY E. FLANNERY AECORDER\nPhil A. Cor. . Députy Reoorder\nfee 1,00\n9f\noompared book 6 o\ncompared doc. A Bht\nhyppnARhpperspspASPSAMRARpERR\nM.B. LENNON\nTO\nMILDRED A. BARRETT\nGRANT DERD\nI, M. E. Lennon, single, in consideration of. Ten ($10) Dollers\nto me in hand paid, the reoeipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby. grant to\nMildred A. Barrett, all that real property situate in Chemeketa Park, County of\nSenta Clara, State of California, desoribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the\nOgallala War Path: Whence the SE Cor of the NRE of the swt of Sec. 9, 795, RIW,\nMIB& bears S. 85* 04' E. 1603.9 ft; thence N. 52* 50' w. 118.6 ft. along the said\nogallala War Path; thence N. 80* 23' E. 113 ft. along the property line of\na parcel of land deeded by Violet M. Orr, formerly Violet M. Balcomb, to R.L.\nMeyers and Helen Graham Heyers, his wife, July 2, 1928, to a point on the Arapahoe\nTrail; thence S. 50* E. 46 ft. along the said Arapahoe Trail; thence S. 410 19' W.\n80 ft. along the property line of a parcel of land deeded by Violet M. Orr, formerly\nVioàet M. Balcomb, to W.J. Abbott, and Louise B. Abbott, his wife, July 2, 1928,\nto place of beginning, on the said Ogallala War Path, containing .17 acres, more\nor less; reservimg'tneretre: a strip of land ten feet in width for purpose of\ningress and egress, and for use as a public road or trail along the west and\nsouthwest line thereof, known as the Ogallala War Path, and along the east and north-\neast line thereof, known as the Arapahoe Trail; excepting therefrom all tanks,\nwater-pipes, springs, wells, creeks, and other appurtenances pertaining to the\nwater supply system for the use of the community as a whole; also, the buyer agrees\nto somply with all sanitary regulations, including the installation of a septio\ntank, and to keep all water courses free from oontaniration; together with full\nriparian rights $n and to the waters of the Los Gatos Croek, Moody Creek or Gulch,\nand the waters of the springs situate on the traot of land conveyed by W. Bucholtz,\nand Mabel F. Buoholtz, his wife, to J. B. Baloomb and Rose G. Balcomb, his wife, by\ndeed recorded February 2nd, 1926, in the office of the County Reoorder of the County\nof Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 211 of Offioial Records, page 475.\nBeing a portion of that certain tract of land as desoribed in a deed\nfrom w. Buoholtz et al to J. B. Balcomb et al as recorded in the office of the\nCount ty Recorder, February 2, 1926, in Book 211, Page 475 of Official Reoords, of\nsaid Santa Clara County.\nAlso the right of ingress and egress in common with the publ ic over\nand upon that certain tract of land as desoribed in. deed from Violet M. Orr, formerly\nViolet M. Balcomb, to Grace Soules, recorded in Bock 274 of Orfioial Records, en\npage 415, of Santa Clara County Reoords;\nSubjeot to the following: It is understood and agreed by and between\nthe partios hereto that shis property is to be deeded tocor used by persons of the\nwhite race only, and that when the seller shall have sold or entered into oontraots\nfor the sale of the entirety of the lots in said subdivision, all obligations on\nthe part of the seller for the upkeep or maintenanos of any roads, trails or water\nconduits which the seller may heve installed on cain prenises prior thereto shall\ncease and the obligation for suoh upkeep and meintenanoe shall devolve upon the\nomers and purohasgrs of said lots as a oommunity undertaking or 1n such manner\nas they shall determine.\nTO HAVE AND TO HOID to the said grantee, her heirs and assigns.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]Subject to the following: It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that this property is to be deeded to or used by persons of the white race only, and that when the seller shall have sold or entered into contracts for sale of entirety lots in said subdivision all obligations on part seller upkeep maintain roads trails water conduits which he may have installed on same prior thereto shall cease devolve upon owners purchasers said lots as community undertaking manner they determine.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]It is understood and agreed by and between parties hereto that this property is to be deeded to or used by persons of white race only,[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] BeSSDX" VOL6684 PAGE 85 239151. Knour all flen by thpse respits, That Indian Hills Estates Co., a Corporation, incorporated ander the lanus of the state of Indiana, the Grantor, for the consideration of. -no/100--mm Dollars ($.10.00-- received to its full satisfaction of AYPISHOP.CHAPIN. the Grantee... --, does give, grant, bargain, sell and convey aunto the said Grantce..-, her. heirs and assigns, the folloning described premises: Situated in the City of Euclid, Cayahoya County, Ohio, known as being Sub-Lot.s... No. 1h7.and.1h9. in Indian Hills Estates Co.'s Re-Subdivision of Indian Hills Estutes Section One, as shozon by the recorded plat in Volne 57, Page 12, of Cugahogu Connty Records of Maps, to ahich reference is hereby made for the size and boundaries of said Sub-Lot, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal kighavays. Also subject to the zoning Ordinunces of the City of Euclid and to all restrictions of record. NEXTFRECLOING Kconing PG. 165 VOL.- 16.56 REC. NOOR CASE NO THROUGH WHICH GRANTOR CLA AIMS Tyf. her. heirs and assigns, in consideration of the And the Grantee does for... herself. execution and delivery of this deed, hereby covenant and agree with the Grantor, its successors and assigns to hold said real estate herein described upon the following terms: (a) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residence purposes and no structure shall be erected on any. residential building plot other than one single family dwelling not to exceed two stories in height and a one- or two-car garage. (b) No building shall be erected on any residential building plot nearer than thirty (30) feet to, nor farther than fifty (50) feet from the front Sub-Lot line, nor nearer than five (5) feet to any side Sub-Lot line, except on Sub-Lots where the topography of the land does not permit, in which event the building line will be established by Indian Hills Estates Co., or by the Committee referred to in paragraph (i) hereof. (c) No fence or wall exceeding three (3) feet in height shall be erected or maintained on any part of any Sub-Lot, nor shall any fence or wall be erected or maintained within forty (40) feet of the Street on which said Sub-Lot fronts. (d) None of said Sub-Lots shall be re-subdivided into building plots having an area less than shown on the plat of the subdivision as recorded in Volume 57, Page 12, of Cuyahoga County records of Maps. (e) No spirituous, vinous, nor fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either at wholesale or retail, on said premises. No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any Sub-Lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. (f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif- ferent race, employed by owner or tenant. (g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, barn, or other outbuilding erected in the tract shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a temporary character be permitted. (h) No structure shall be moved onto any Sub-Lot unless it meets with the approval of the committee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee it shall conform to and be in har- mony with existing structures in the tract. (i) During the period in which Indian Hills Estates Co., or its successors, owns any of such Sub-Lots, no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot until the design and location thereof have
BeSSDX" VOL6684 PAGE 85 239151. Knour all flen by thpse respits, That Indian Hills Estates Co., a Corporation, incorporated ander the lanus of the state of Indiana, the Grantor, for the consideration of. -no/100--mm Dollars ($.10.00-- received to its full satisfaction of AYPISHOP.CHAPIN. the Grantee... --, does give, grant, bargain, sell and convey aunto the said Grantce..-, her. heirs and assigns, the folloning described premises: Situated in the City of Euclid, Cayahoya County, Ohio, known as being Sub-Lot.s... No. 1h7.and.1h9. in Indian Hills Estates Co.'s Re-Subdivision of Indian Hills Estutes Section One, as shozon by the recorded plat in Volne 57, Page 12, of Cugahogu Connty Records of Maps, to ahich reference is hereby made for the size and boundaries of said Sub-Lot, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal kighavays. Also subject to the zoning Ordinunces of the City of Euclid and to all restrictions of record. NEXTFRECLOING Kconing PG. 165 VOL.- 16.56 REC. NOOR CASE NO THROUGH WHICH GRANTOR CLA AIMS Tyf. her. heirs and assigns, in consideration of the And the Grantee does for... herself. execution and delivery of this deed, hereby covenant and agree with the Grantor, its successors and assigns to hold said real estate herein described upon the following terms: (a) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residence purposes and no structure shall be erected on any. residential building plot other than one single family dwelling not to exceed two stories in height and a one- or two-car garage. (b) No building shall be erected on any residential building plot nearer than thirty (30) feet to, nor farther than fifty (50) feet from the front Sub-Lot line, nor nearer than five (5) feet to any side Sub-Lot line, except on Sub-Lots where the topography of the land does not permit, in which event the building line will be established by Indian Hills Estates Co., or by the Committee referred to in paragraph (i) hereof. (c) No fence or wall exceeding three (3) feet in height shall be erected or maintained on any part of any Sub-Lot, nor shall any fence or wall be erected or maintained within forty (40) feet of the Street on which said Sub-Lot fronts. (d) None of said Sub-Lots shall be re-subdivided into building plots having an area less than shown on the plat of the subdivision as recorded in Volume 57, Page 12, of Cuyahoga County records of Maps. (e) No spirituous, vinous, nor fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either at wholesale or retail, on said premises. No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any Sub-Lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. (f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif- ferent race, employed by owner or tenant. (g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, barn, or other outbuilding erected in the tract shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a temporary character be permitted. (h) No structure shall be moved onto any Sub-Lot unless it meets with the approval of the committee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee it shall conform to and be in har- mony with existing structures in the tract. (i) During the period in which Indian Hills Estates Co., or its successors, owns any of such Sub-Lots, no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot until the design and location thereof have
(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif- ferent race, employed by owner o1 tenant.
(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race, employed by owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif- ferent race, employed by owner o1 tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race, employed by owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nBeSSDX\"\nVOL6684 PAGE 85\n239151.\nKnour all flen by thpse respits, That Indian Hills Estates Co., a Corporation, incorporated\nander the lanus of the state of Indiana, the Grantor, for the consideration of.\n-no/100--mm Dollars ($.10.00-- received to its full satisfaction of\nAYPISHOP.CHAPIN.\nthe Grantee... --,\ndoes give, grant, bargain, sell and convey aunto the said Grantce..-, her.\nheirs and\nassigns, the folloning described premises:\nSituated in the City of Euclid, Cayahoya County, Ohio, known as being\nSub-Lot.s... No. 1h7.and.1h9.\nin Indian Hills Estates Co.'s Re-Subdivision of Indian Hills Estutes Section\nOne, as shozon by the recorded plat in Volne 57, Page 12, of Cugahogu\nConnty Records of Maps, to ahich reference is hereby made for the size\nand boundaries of said Sub-Lot, be the same more or less, but subject to\nall legal kighavays. Also subject to the zoning Ordinunces of the City of\nEuclid and to all restrictions of record.\nNEXTFRECLOING Kconing\nPG. 165\nVOL.- 16.56\nREC. NOOR CASE NO\nTHROUGH WHICH GRANTOR CLA AIMS Tyf.\nher. heirs and assigns, in consideration of the\nAnd the Grantee does for... herself.\nexecution and delivery of this deed, hereby covenant and agree with the Grantor, its successors\nand assigns to hold said real estate herein described upon the following terms:\n(a) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residence purposes and no structure shall\nbe erected on any. residential building plot other than one single family dwelling not to exceed\ntwo stories in height and a one- or two-car garage.\n(b) No building shall be erected on any residential building plot nearer than thirty (30) feet\nto, nor farther than fifty (50) feet from the front Sub-Lot line, nor nearer than five (5) feet to any\nside Sub-Lot line, except on Sub-Lots where the topography of the land does not permit, in which\nevent the building line will be established by Indian Hills Estates Co., or by the Committee\nreferred to in paragraph (i) hereof.\n(c) No fence or wall exceeding three (3) feet in height shall be erected or maintained on any\npart of any Sub-Lot, nor shall any fence or wall be erected or maintained within forty (40) feet of\nthe Street on which said Sub-Lot fronts.\n(d) None of said Sub-Lots shall be re-subdivided into building plots having an area less\nthan shown on the plat of the subdivision as recorded in Volume 57, Page 12, of Cuyahoga County\nrecords of Maps.\n(e) No spirituous, vinous, nor fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either at\nwholesale or retail, on said premises. No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any\nSub-Lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to\nthe neighborhood.\n(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on\nany Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif-\nferent race, employed by owner or tenant.\n(g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, barn, or other outbuilding erected in the tract shall\nat any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a\ntemporary character be permitted.\n(h) No structure shall be moved onto any Sub-Lot unless it meets with the approval of the\ncommittee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee it shall conform to and be in har-\nmony with existing structures in the tract.\n(i) During the period in which Indian Hills Estates Co., or its successors, owns any of such\nSub-Lots, no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot until the design and location thereof have", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on\nany Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif-\nferent race, employed by owner o1 tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race, employed by owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 71 together with the appurtenences, unto the Baid parties of the second part and to their heirs and assigns forever. Provided alweye, that this conveyance is made and aocepted upon the following express conditions, to-wit: that the said parties of the second part, their heire, executore, administrators or assigns, shall not at any time manufacture or Bell, to be used as 8 beverage, any intorioating liquor or permit the same to be done on the premises hereby conveyed; that no store, publio wood-yard, laundry or other business house Bhall be erected or maintained on said premises; that no Bignboerd or other advertising device which shall exceed two feet in width and six feet in length shall be ploced or maintained on said premises; that if a dwelling house is erected on said premises the same shall not cost less than one thousand dollare, and shall be placed on said premises at a distance of not less than twenty feet from the front line of said property to the front poroh line of said dwelling house; that for 8 poriod of fifty years from the date hereof the parties of the second part, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall not oonvey, transfer, or lease Baid property or any part thereof, to any person or persons of the Mongolian or Afrioan raoe or desoent; end provided further, that this oonveyance is made and aocepted upon the further conditions, that in the event ofoviolation by the parties of the seoond part,. or their heirs, ezecutors, admin- istrators or aseigne, or eit ther or any of them, of any of the above conditions, then, and in that event, and without previous or any notice or demand, the estate hereby oreated in the parties of the seoond part, their heirs, exeoutors, adminis- trators and sesi gns, in the above described property, or any part thereof which may be affeoted by such violetion, shall at onoe terminate and become void, and the Baid londs end premises shall revert to the party of the first part, its suocessors and assigns, in fee simple absolute, without eny claim, right, title, or interest therein or thereto, in favor of the parties of the second part, their heirs, exeoutors, administrators or assigns. INWITHESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has caused these prements to be executed and its gorporate seal to be hereunto affixed by its Secretary thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first hereinebove written. (CORPORATE SEAL) SAN ANTONIO LAND COMPANY By Ray L. Wilbur, President J. E. McDowell, Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) OOUNTY OF SANTA ULARA ) SS. On this 18th day of September in the year nineteen hundred and sixteen, before me, W. D.. Wasson, a Notary Publio in and for the said County of Santa Clara, State of Cal- ifornia, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Ray L. Wilbur, known to me to be the President and J. B. MoDowell, known to me to be the Seoretary of the San Antonio Land Company, the corporation that exeouted the within inatrument and aoknowledged to me that Buch gorporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHBREOT, I have hereunto set ny hand snd affixed my official seal at my offica in the Oounty of Santa Clara, the day and yesr in this oertif- icate firat above written. (TOTARIAL SEAL) w.D. Wasson, Botery Public in and for the County of Santa Olara, State of California Reoorded et the request of San Jose Abstraot Company Sept 20 1916 at .
71 together with the appurtenences, unto the Baid parties of the second part and to their heirs and assigns forever. Provided alweye, that this conveyance is made and aocepted upon the following express conditions, to-wit: that the said parties of the second part, their heire, executore, administrators or assigns, shall not at any time manufacture or Bell, to be used as 8 beverage, any intorioating liquor or permit the same to be done on the premises hereby conveyed; that no store, publio wood-yard, laundry or other business house Bhall be erected or maintained on said premises; that no Bignboerd or other advertising device which shall exceed two feet in width and six feet in length shall be ploced or maintained on said premises; that if a dwelling house is erected on said premises the same shall not cost less than one thousand dollare, and shall be placed on said premises at a distance of not less than twenty feet from the front line of said property to the front poroh line of said dwelling house; that for 8 poriod of fifty years from the date hereof the parties of the second part, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall not oonvey, transfer, or lease Baid property or any part thereof, to any person or persons of the Mongolian or Afrioan raoe or desoent; end provided further, that this oonveyance is made and aocepted upon the further conditions, that in the event ofoviolation by the parties of the seoond part,. or their heirs, ezecutors, admin- istrators or aseigne, or eit ther or any of them, of any of the above conditions, then, and in that event, and without previous or any notice or demand, the estate hereby oreated in the parties of the seoond part, their heirs, exeoutors, adminis- trators and sesi gns, in the above described property, or any part thereof which may be affeoted by such violetion, shall at onoe terminate and become void, and the Baid londs end premises shall revert to the party of the first part, its suocessors and assigns, in fee simple absolute, without eny claim, right, title, or interest therein or thereto, in favor of the parties of the second part, their heirs, exeoutors, administrators or assigns. INWITHESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has caused these prements to be executed and its gorporate seal to be hereunto affixed by its Secretary thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first hereinebove written. (CORPORATE SEAL) SAN ANTONIO LAND COMPANY By Ray L. Wilbur, President J. E. McDowell, Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) OOUNTY OF SANTA ULARA ) SS. On this 18th day of September in the year nineteen hundred and sixteen, before me, W. D.. Wasson, a Notary Publio in and for the said County of Santa Clara, State of Cal- ifornia, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Ray L. Wilbur, known to me to be the President and J. B. MoDowell, known to me to be the Seoretary of the San Antonio Land Company, the corporation that exeouted the within inatrument and aoknowledged to me that Buch gorporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHBREOT, I have hereunto set ny hand snd affixed my official seal at my offica in the Oounty of Santa Clara, the day and yesr in this oertif- icate firat above written. (TOTARIAL SEAL) w.D. Wasson, Botery Public in and for the County of Santa Olara, State of California Reoorded et the request of San Jose Abstraot Company Sept 20 1916 at .
This conveyance is made and accepted upon the further conditions, that in the event of a violation by the parties of the second part, or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, or either or any of them, of any of the above conditions, then, and in that event, and without previous or any notice or demand, the state hereby created in the parties of the Second part, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, in the above described property, or any part thereof which may be affected by such violation, shall at once terminate and become void, and the said lands and premises shall revert to the party of the first part, its successors and assigns, in fee simple absolute, without any claim, right, title, or interest therein or thereto, in favor of the parties of the second part, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns.
This conveyance is made and accepted upon the further conditions, that in the event of a violation by the parties of the second part, or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, or either or any of them, of any of the above conditions, then, and in that event, and without previous or any notice or demand, the state hereby created in the parties of the Second part, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, in the above described property, or any part thereof which may be affected by such violation, shall at once terminate and become void, and the said lands and premises shall revert to the party of the first part, its successors and assigns, in fee simple absolute, without any claim, right, title, or interest therein or thereto, in favor of the parties of the second part, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]This conveyance is made and accepted upon the further conditions, that in the event of a violation by the parties of the second part, or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, or either or any of them, of any of the above conditions, then, and in that event, and without previous or any notice or demand, the state hereby created in the parties of the Second part, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, in the above described property, or any part thereof which may be affected by such violation, shall at once terminate and become void, and the said lands and premises shall revert to the party of the first part, its successors and assigns, in fee simple absolute, without any claim, right, title, or interest therein or thereto, in favor of the parties of the second part, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]This conveyance is made and accepted upon the further conditions, that in the event of a violation by the parties of the second part, or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, or either or any of them, of any of the above conditions, then, and in that event, and without previous or any notice or demand, the state hereby created in the parties of the Second part, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, in the above described property, or any part thereof which may be affected by such violation, shall at once terminate and become void, and the said lands and premises shall revert to the party of the first part, its successors and assigns, in fee simple absolute, without any claim, right, title, or interest therein or thereto, in favor of the parties of the second part, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n71\ntogether with the appurtenences, unto the Baid parties of the second part and to\ntheir heirs and assigns forever.\nProvided alweye, that this conveyance is made and aocepted upon the\nfollowing express conditions, to-wit: that the said parties of the second part,\ntheir heire, executore, administrators or assigns, shall not at any time manufacture\nor Bell, to be used as 8 beverage, any intorioating liquor or permit the same to\nbe done on the premises hereby conveyed; that no store, publio wood-yard, laundry\nor other business house Bhall be erected or maintained on said premises; that no\nBignboerd or other advertising device which shall exceed two feet in width and six\nfeet in length shall be ploced or maintained on said premises; that if a dwelling\nhouse is erected on said premises the same shall not cost less than one thousand\ndollare, and shall be placed on said premises at a distance of not less than\ntwenty feet from the front line of said property to the front poroh line of said\ndwelling house; that for 8 poriod of fifty years from the date hereof the parties\nof the second part, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall not\noonvey, transfer, or lease Baid property or any part thereof, to any person or\npersons of the Mongolian or Afrioan raoe or desoent; end provided further, that\nthis oonveyance is made and aocepted upon the further conditions, that in the event\nofoviolation by the parties of the seoond part,. or their heirs, ezecutors, admin-\nistrators or aseigne, or eit ther or any of them, of any of the above conditions,\nthen, and in that event, and without previous or any notice or demand, the estate\nhereby oreated in the parties of the seoond part, their heirs, exeoutors, adminis-\ntrators and sesi gns, in the above described property, or any part thereof which\nmay be affeoted by such violetion, shall at onoe terminate and become void, and\nthe Baid londs end premises shall revert to the party of the first part, its\nsuocessors and assigns, in fee simple absolute, without eny claim, right, title,\nor interest therein or thereto, in favor of the parties of the second part, their\nheirs, exeoutors, administrators or assigns.\nINWITHESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has caused these\nprements to be executed and its gorporate seal to be hereunto affixed by its\nSecretary thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first hereinebove written.\n(CORPORATE SEAL)\nSAN ANTONIO LAND COMPANY\nBy Ray L. Wilbur, President\nJ. E. McDowell, Secretary\nSTATE OF CALIFORNIA )\nOOUNTY OF SANTA ULARA ) SS.\nOn this 18th day of September in the year\nnineteen hundred and sixteen, before me, W. D..\nWasson, a Notary Publio in and for the said County of Santa Clara, State of Cal-\nifornia, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Ray\nL. Wilbur, known to me to be the President and J. B. MoDowell, known to me to be\nthe Seoretary of the San Antonio Land Company, the corporation that exeouted the\nwithin inatrument and aoknowledged to me that Buch gorporation executed the same.\nIN WITNESS WHBREOT, I have hereunto set ny hand snd affixed my official\nseal at my offica in the Oounty of Santa Clara, the day and yesr in this oertif-\nicate firat above written.\n(TOTARIAL SEAL)\nw.D. Wasson, Botery Public in and for the\nCounty of Santa Olara, State of California\nReoorded et the request of San Jose Abstraot Company Sept 20 1916 at\n.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]This conveyance is made and accepted upon the further conditions, that in the event of a violation by the parties of the second part, or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, or either or any of them, of any of the above conditions, then, and in that event, and without previous or any notice or demand, the state hereby created in the parties of the Second part, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, in the above described property, or any part thereof which may be affected by such violation, shall at once terminate and become void, and the said lands and premises shall revert to the party of the first part, its successors and assigns, in fee simple absolute, without any claim, right, title, or interest therein or thereto, in favor of the parties of the second part, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]This conveyance is made and accepted upon the further conditions, that in the event of a violation by the parties of the second part, or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, or either or any of them, of any of the above conditions, then, and in that event, and without previous or any notice or demand, the state hereby created in the parties of the Second part, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, in the above described property, or any part thereof which may be affected by such violation, shall at once terminate and become void, and the said lands and premises shall revert to the party of the first part, its successors and assigns, in fee simple absolute, without any claim, right, title, or interest therein or thereto, in favor of the parties of the second part, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VL7286 PAGE 687. building be erected on any residential building. plot having an area af less than 16,000 square feet and a frontage of not less than 80 feet. (d) No noxious or offensive trade shail be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance ora nuisance to the neighborhood, nor shall there be any drilling for oil or gas thereon. (e) No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either at wholesale or retail, upon said premises and no place of public entertain- ment or resort of any character shall be established, conducted or suffered to remair on said premises. (f). At no time shall any part of said premises or any building erected thereon be sold, occupied, let or leased, used or given away to any one of any race other than the Caucasian. (g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected in the tract shall at any time be used as a residence temporarily or perm- anently, nor shall any residence of a temporary character be permitted. (h) No building shall be erected on any lot until the design and location there- of have been approved in writing by a committee appointed by Harold Hamblin, or by a majority of the owners of lots in said Subdi vision. However, in the event such committee is not in existence or fails to approve or disapprove such design or location within 60 days, then such approval will not be required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in harmony with existing structures in the tract. In case either with or without the approval of the committee, no dwelling costing less than $4500.00 shall be pernitted on any lot in the tract and the ground floor square feet area thereof, shall not be less than 500 square feet. (i) No structure shall be moved onto any lot unless it neets with the anproval of the comrittee hereinafter referred to or if there is no committee it shall conform to and be in harmony with existing structures in the tract. (3) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations, covenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof and shall run with the land and be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors, atministrators or successors and assigs and any other person or persons claiming by, through or under them until July 1, 1972, (k) If the parties hereto or any of them or their heirs or assigns shall violate orattempt to violate any of the covenants or restrictions herein before July 1, 1972, it shall be lawful for any other person or persons. owning any other lands in said development or subdivision to prosecure any proceedings at law or in equity against the nerson or persons violating or attempting to violate any such covenant or restriction and either to prevent him or them from so doing or to recover damages or other dues for such violation. (1) Invalidation of any one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full f'orce and effect. be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Co tavr ano ta Bjolb the above granted and barguined premises, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantee his heirs and assigns forever. Harold M. Hamblin .And I the said Grantor do for myself and my .heirs, e.xecutors and administrators, covenant with the said Grantee , his heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, Iam well seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell. the same in manner and form as above written, and that the same are frre front all inmmbranres wlatsurur, except save and except taxes and assessments, restrictions and limitations of record, including zoning or other ordinances of the municipality in which said premises are located,
VL7286 PAGE 687. building be erected on any residential building. plot having an area af less than 16,000 square feet and a frontage of not less than 80 feet. (d) No noxious or offensive trade shail be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance ora nuisance to the neighborhood, nor shall there be any drilling for oil or gas thereon. (e) No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either at wholesale or retail, upon said premises and no place of public entertain- ment or resort of any character shall be established, conducted or suffered to remair on said premises. (f). At no time shall any part of said premises or any building erected thereon be sold, occupied, let or leased, used or given away to any one of any race other than the Caucasian. (g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected in the tract shall at any time be used as a residence temporarily or perm- anently, nor shall any residence of a temporary character be permitted. (h) No building shall be erected on any lot until the design and location there- of have been approved in writing by a committee appointed by Harold Hamblin, or by a majority of the owners of lots in said Subdi vision. However, in the event such committee is not in existence or fails to approve or disapprove such design or location within 60 days, then such approval will not be required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in harmony with existing structures in the tract. In case either with or without the approval of the committee, no dwelling costing less than $4500.00 shall be pernitted on any lot in the tract and the ground floor square feet area thereof, shall not be less than 500 square feet. (i) No structure shall be moved onto any lot unless it neets with the anproval of the comrittee hereinafter referred to or if there is no committee it shall conform to and be in harmony with existing structures in the tract. (3) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations, covenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof and shall run with the land and be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors, atministrators or successors and assigs and any other person or persons claiming by, through or under them until July 1, 1972, (k) If the parties hereto or any of them or their heirs or assigns shall violate orattempt to violate any of the covenants or restrictions herein before July 1, 1972, it shall be lawful for any other person or persons. owning any other lands in said development or subdivision to prosecure any proceedings at law or in equity against the nerson or persons violating or attempting to violate any such covenant or restriction and either to prevent him or them from so doing or to recover damages or other dues for such violation. (1) Invalidation of any one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full f'orce and effect. be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Co tavr ano ta Bjolb the above granted and barguined premises, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantee his heirs and assigns forever. Harold M. Hamblin .And I the said Grantor do for myself and my .heirs, e.xecutors and administrators, covenant with the said Grantee , his heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, Iam well seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell. the same in manner and form as above written, and that the same are frre front all inmmbranres wlatsurur, except save and except taxes and assessments, restrictions and limitations of record, including zoning or other ordinances of the municipality in which said premises are located,
(f) At no time shall any part of said premises or any building erected thereon be sold, occupied, let or leased, used or given away to any one of any race other than the Cauçasian.
(f) At no time shall any part of said premises or any building erected thereon be sold, occupied, let or leased, used or given away to any one of any race other than the Caucasian.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](f) At no time shall any part of said premises or any building erected thereon be sold, occupied, let or leased, used or given away to any one of any race other than the Cauçasian.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](f) At no time shall any part of said premises or any building erected thereon be sold, occupied, let or leased, used or given away to any one of any race other than the Caucasian.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVL7286 PAGE 687.\nbuilding be erected on any residential building. plot having an area af less than\n16,000 square feet and a frontage of not less than 80 feet.\n(d) No noxious or offensive trade shail be carried on upon any lot, nor shall\nanything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance ora nuisance to the\nneighborhood, nor shall there be any drilling for oil or gas thereon.\n(e) No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold,\neither at wholesale or retail, upon said premises and no place of public entertain-\nment or resort of any character shall be established, conducted or suffered to remair\non said premises.\n(f). At no time shall any part of said premises or any building erected thereon\nbe sold, occupied, let or leased, used or given away to any one of any race other\nthan the Caucasian.\n(g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding\nerected in the tract shall at any time be used as a residence temporarily or perm-\nanently, nor shall any residence of a temporary character be permitted.\n(h) No building shall be erected on any lot until the design and location there-\nof have been approved in writing by a committee appointed by Harold Hamblin, or by\na majority of the owners of lots in said Subdi vision. However, in the event such\ncommittee is not in existence or fails to approve or disapprove such design or\nlocation within 60 days, then such approval will not be required, provided the\ndesign and location on the lot conform to and are in harmony with existing structures\nin the tract. In case either with or without the approval of the committee, no\ndwelling costing less than $4500.00 shall be pernitted on any lot in the tract and\nthe ground floor square feet area thereof, shall not be less than 500 square feet.\n(i) No structure shall be moved onto any lot unless it neets with the anproval\nof the comrittee hereinafter referred to or if there is no committee it shall\nconform to and be in harmony with existing structures in the tract.\n(3) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,\ncovenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof and\nshall run with the land and be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs,\nexecutors, atministrators or successors and assigs and any other person or persons\nclaiming by, through or under them until July 1, 1972,\n(k) If the parties hereto or any of them or their heirs or assigns shall violate\norattempt to violate any of the covenants or restrictions herein before July 1,\n1972, it shall be lawful for any other person or persons. owning any other lands in\nsaid development or subdivision to prosecure any proceedings at law or in equity\nagainst the nerson or persons violating or attempting to violate any such covenant\nor restriction and either to prevent him or them from so doing or to recover\ndamages or other dues for such violation.\n(1) Invalidation of any one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall\nin no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full f'orce and\neffect.\nbe the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.\nCo tavr ano ta Bjolb the above granted and barguined premises, with the\nappurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantee\nhis heirs and assigns forever.\nHarold M. Hamblin\n.And I\nthe said Grantor do for myself\nand\nmy .heirs, e.xecutors and\nadministrators, covenant with the said Grantee , his heirs and assigns, that\nat and until the ensealing of these presents, Iam\nwell seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE\nSIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell. the same in manner and form as\nabove written, and that the same are frre front all inmmbranres wlatsurur, except\nsave and except taxes and assessments, restrictions and limitations of record,\nincluding zoning or other ordinances of the municipality in which said premises are\nlocated,", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](f) At no time shall any part of said premises or any building erected thereon\nbe sold, occupied, let or leased, used or given away to any one of any race other\nthan the Cauçasian.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](f) At no time shall any part of said premises or any building erected thereon be sold, occupied, let or leased, used or given away to any one of\nany race other than the Caucasian.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 450 4513 i ang Awri usahh Laig latifni jerphons Mice piney si eiin Cas stuiln LSne. ani Eask ivis GAnis Rumdgotak Ruguta a Bhasif hoths. gay S.0Lh55 1 Eatany Rt 4.0as'Sh. H. de. to si piac 9.gutur Sanb aud hiy wk Omting frlin puin. lpash Héciek A. m. 4 quhculdincim ehas. Pdu, Remer, akw atctak dE Cner 3 Rt mmi d 9 gmislir Smchian Mhe Romne afpheare wbr vi Aig oat jalvs ik 7 6 Bmogus Qubdirisim gus R miblmbar Taliy Oitehu, Dift, Bah, JMro, pabdanti Plam bruty. Baif stake ctaday ik sh li phnm wprw Ki maprhag emefai Ank B3, R Plabe Wbpda Cumi basnvska. Soi Sypie 6, Oren aha forihditant do'al.tfea. furm ik 2 Shs Sdutue,lade thi duif day $ Piay 4.0. 1912, Reisnun fria Bakay lisk 14 Jinns Buuk Rrga auf Mumins shie aiay alkan gl Subhluhska Enunt, guta da, phkp P- Abslrayww. 16.76 che. haknh enr genig 844 pfna sk batis gck fuid hahas fud 1 tk ayghaku bagals wh K.. e 3 Rayaha ctake ptanday ii wh ceutli Dahy luk; bhisu alny th ctr 1 parid Cukarfsutiy ak & bhnada,skh pas dk auen8 fab LN. gi findl hab - di ensiiliratim a che Run 8 Jw baw fasig Bt ho. 3n.Wit.wwde; 1.9535:1.4.37 eke. aB T.164 Pin pdluigrtta 4 dunce, to dhis di Rang adkk 45'.s.7ehen tshi 9.Y Cnuer gaaig Rtaleins alas. ik d) M. Crin dpmk fahikneup prhngir luky RAN4A paid tach ahe atake chhty kiv sk. eeutr ganik luki anganas d eng, enmeypiha auk 4 dan parilg witk gint Crunse 9.97242.14c ta stake ais E imfin ni Pmifpetgue hagaianfaul. cwin mitli Vhene ah dh d.E. vaha erues AAnid Rtlank bory h liv 3 pueng thadhp. 5 L Phasuelng kk eeuts liis A pail Suiln Qamda.iael. all shss eutaulle jax dhn3 1222 Aubdinsim gda. emickn 2 ih. Barin btiny Euk Aplau ivsk Dawtgbake pucs ans pitunk, kuno 10.32 acs. Clamer Mhgely dgy hatakly luribfar f-einso,toiti ahik Anah lal onun 3 Alagak Quklirum guk oitln E wpm wh afnisarg ouaf sag. sehattonk euiguler AhLhy Sad queng 44 fhonio Dalls Suilvuhu, as phnn a ds Ssf th ativan c lhsb falngiy paiv ase budyad M iy shuc alay sk lie th lusag.u4e Aaifo oublnin gaaid Bubdaniim Mendig siv Ank BA Lo, Rumde Quall. nreraim -Siih. 7 cr lata, aus baat drag. Sfbmangts deres, adlank Agterik bd Crer 4 AaidAHISay oltsd .5920 /6. .yochi b. i Bihk Sh paatpal oriti ah fhutuaapad ahi Aard ft dE Sruh enmer A Aaig Rh3) Draha stake dades vk cut gui Balalaye EE pecoa forh amdta Ris Ruag Ouhafletily l eaid RkHs.tisu alay shi cutn A Qaif wksg gruren mn Sihuse SAg,druilfati. udaly liv Bais Pd.hiaa. Mawoayhar fahlnefusst pk thiin faudue adpaalw ah dayand sn anittin WsM.s.sreh. to a stake Sashug A.Lsin kh eutr A Aais erksgictig Segs. Sulgsylalmfant chsnc Bhi baslm hgaafbets dre hay cahenh (ng aBaa harorifsit di e basbn A- m. hith. pinekiny is Pimiluawls- gtake oneskrh& Bly hakg lalifnuin) Cuths Shird. day 6 ay ik sh yarn msa Mhi cuks Mulir srhih atakue mtn utelhn ssomie lalig Rud Mu fnke Oue on Anineng hark 881'36w MRgta
450 4513 i ang Awri usahh Laig latifni jerphons Mice piney si eiin Cas stuiln LSne. ani Eask ivis GAnis Rumdgotak Ruguta a Bhasif hoths. gay S.0Lh55 1 Eatany Rt 4.0as'Sh. H. de. to si piac 9.gutur Sanb aud hiy wk Omting frlin puin. lpash Héciek A. m. 4 quhculdincim ehas. Pdu, Remer, akw atctak dE Cner 3 Rt mmi d 9 gmislir Smchian Mhe Romne afpheare wbr vi Aig oat jalvs ik 7 6 Bmogus Qubdirisim gus R miblmbar Taliy Oitehu, Dift, Bah, JMro, pabdanti Plam bruty. Baif stake ctaday ik sh li phnm wprw Ki maprhag emefai Ank B3, R Plabe Wbpda Cumi basnvska. Soi Sypie 6, Oren aha forihditant do'al.tfea. furm ik 2 Shs Sdutue,lade thi duif day $ Piay 4.0. 1912, Reisnun fria Bakay lisk 14 Jinns Buuk Rrga auf Mumins shie aiay alkan gl Subhluhska Enunt, guta da, phkp P- Abslrayww. 16.76 che. haknh enr genig 844 pfna sk batis gck fuid hahas fud 1 tk ayghaku bagals wh K.. e 3 Rayaha ctake ptanday ii wh ceutli Dahy luk; bhisu alny th ctr 1 parid Cukarfsutiy ak & bhnada,skh pas dk auen8 fab LN. gi findl hab - di ensiiliratim a che Run 8 Jw baw fasig Bt ho. 3n.Wit.wwde; 1.9535:1.4.37 eke. aB T.164 Pin pdluigrtta 4 dunce, to dhis di Rang adkk 45'.s.7ehen tshi 9.Y Cnuer gaaig Rtaleins alas. ik d) M. Crin dpmk fahikneup prhngir luky RAN4A paid tach ahe atake chhty kiv sk. eeutr ganik luki anganas d eng, enmeypiha auk 4 dan parilg witk gint Crunse 9.97242.14c ta stake ais E imfin ni Pmifpetgue hagaianfaul. cwin mitli Vhene ah dh d.E. vaha erues AAnid Rtlank bory h liv 3 pueng thadhp. 5 L Phasuelng kk eeuts liis A pail Suiln Qamda.iael. all shss eutaulle jax dhn3 1222 Aubdinsim gda. emickn 2 ih. Barin btiny Euk Aplau ivsk Dawtgbake pucs ans pitunk, kuno 10.32 acs. Clamer Mhgely dgy hatakly luribfar f-einso,toiti ahik Anah lal onun 3 Alagak Quklirum guk oitln E wpm wh afnisarg ouaf sag. sehattonk euiguler AhLhy Sad queng 44 fhonio Dalls Suilvuhu, as phnn a ds Ssf th ativan c lhsb falngiy paiv ase budyad M iy shuc alay sk lie th lusag.u4e Aaifo oublnin gaaid Bubdaniim Mendig siv Ank BA Lo, Rumde Quall. nreraim -Siih. 7 cr lata, aus baat drag. Sfbmangts deres, adlank Agterik bd Crer 4 AaidAHISay oltsd .5920 /6. .yochi b. i Bihk Sh paatpal oriti ah fhutuaapad ahi Aard ft dE Sruh enmer A Aaig Rh3) Draha stake dades vk cut gui Balalaye EE pecoa forh amdta Ris Ruag Ouhafletily l eaid RkHs.tisu alay shi cutn A Qaif wksg gruren mn Sihuse SAg,druilfati. udaly liv Bais Pd.hiaa. Mawoayhar fahlnefusst pk thiin faudue adpaalw ah dayand sn anittin WsM.s.sreh. to a stake Sashug A.Lsin kh eutr A Aais erksgictig Segs. Sulgsylalmfant chsnc Bhi baslm hgaafbets dre hay cahenh (ng aBaa harorifsit di e basbn A- m. hith. pinekiny is Pimiluawls- gtake oneskrh& Bly hakg lalifnuin) Cuths Shird. day 6 ay ik sh yarn msa Mhi cuks Mulir srhih atakue mtn utelhn ssomie lalig Rud Mu fnke Oue on Anineng hark 881'36w MRgta
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n450\n4513\ni ang Awri usahh Laig latifni\njerphons Mice piney si eiin Cas stuiln LSne. ani Eask ivis GAnis\nRumdgotak Ruguta a Bhasif hoths. gay S.0Lh55\n1\nEatany\nRt 4.0as'Sh. H. de. to si piac\n9.gutur\nSanb aud hiy wk Omting frlin\npuin. lpash Héciek\nA. m.\n4 quhculdincim\nehas. Pdu, Remer,\nakw atctak dE Cner 3 Rt mmi \nd 9 gmislir Smchian Mhe Romne afpheare wbr vi Aig oat\njalvs ik 7 6 Bmogus Qubdirisim gus R miblmbar\n Taliy Oitehu, Dift,\nBah, JMro,\npabdanti Plam bruty. Baif stake ctaday ik sh li\nphnm wprw Ki maprhag emefai Ank B3, R Plabe Wbpda\nCumi basnvska.\nSoi Sypie\n6,\n Oren aha forihditant do'al.tfea. furm ik 2\nShs Sdutue,lade thi duif day $ Piay 4.0. 1912, Reisnun fria Bakay\nlisk 14 Jinns Buuk Rrga auf Mumins shie aiay alkan\n\ngl Subhluhska Enunt, guta da, phkp P-\nAbslrayww. 16.76 che. haknh enr genig 844\npfna sk batis gck fuid hahas fud\n1 tk ayghaku\nbagals wh K.. e 3 Rayaha ctake ptanday ii wh ceutli\nDahy luk; bhisu alny th ctr 1 parid Cukarfsutiy\nak & bhnada,skh pas dk auen8 fab\nLN. gi findl hab - di ensiiliratim a che Run 8 Jw\nbaw fasig Bt ho. 3n.Wit.wwde; 1.9535:1.4.37 eke. aB T.164\n\nPin pdluigrtta 4 dunce, to dhis di Rang adkk\n45'.s.7ehen tshi 9.Y Cnuer gaaig Rtaleins alas. ik d) M. Crin\ndpmk fahikneup prhngir luky\nRAN4A paid tach ahe atake chhty kiv sk. eeutr ganik luki\nanganas d eng, enmeypiha auk 4\ndan parilg witk gint Crunse 9.97242.14c ta stake ais\nE\nimfin ni Pmifpetgue\nhagaianfaul.\n cwin mitli Vhene ah dh d.E.\nvaha\nerues AAnid Rtlank\nbory\nh\nliv 3\npueng thadhp.\n5\nL\nPhasuelng\nkk eeuts liis A pail Suiln Qamda.iael.\nall shss eutaulle\njax dhn3 1222 Aubdinsim gda. emickn 2 ih. Barin\nbtiny\nEuk Aplau \nivsk Dawtgbake\npucs\nans pitunk,\nkuno\n10.32 acs.\nClamer Mhgely\ndgy hatakly luribfar f-einso,toiti\n\nahik Anah lal onun 3 Alagak Quklirum guk oitln\nE\nwpm wh afnisarg ouaf sag.\nsehattonk\neuiguler AhLhy\nSad\nqueng 44 fhonio Dalls Suilvuhu, as phnn a ds Ssf\nth\n\nativan c lhsb falngiy paiv ase\nbudyad M iy shuc alay sk lie th lusag.u4e Aaifo oublnin\ngaaid Bubdaniim Mendig siv Ank BA\nLo, Rumde Quall.\nnreraim -Siih. 7 cr lata,\naus baat drag. Sfbmangts deres, adlank Agterik bd\nCrer 4 AaidAHISay oltsd\n.5920 /6. .yochi b. i Bihk Sh\npaatpal oriti ah fhutuaapad ahi Aard ft dE\nSruh enmer A Aaig Rh3) Draha stake dades vk cut gui Balalaye\nEE\npecoa forh amdta Ris Ruag\nOuhafletily l eaid RkHs.tisu alay shi cutn A Qaif wksg\ngruren\nmn Sihuse SAg,druilfati.\nudaly liv Bais Pd.hiaa. Mawoayhar\nfahlnefusst pk\nthiin faudue adpaalw ah dayand sn\nanittin\nWsM.s.sreh. to a stake Sashug A.Lsin kh eutr A Aais erksgictig\nSegs. Sulgsylalmfant chsnc\nBhi baslm\nhgaafbets dre hay cahenh\n(ng\naBaa harorifsit\ndi\ne basbn\nA- m. hith.\npinekiny is Pimiluawls- gtake oneskrh&\nBly\nhakg lalifnuin) Cuths Shird. day 6 ay ik sh yarn msa\nMhi cuks Mulir\n srhih atakue mtn\nutelhn ssomie lalig Rud Mu fnke Oue on\nAnineng hark 881'36w\nMRgta", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 74 EST.I. H. IEITCH DEC'D. 7O ANNIE IEITCH IN THE SUPERIOH COURT OP SANTA CLARA COUNTY CALIFOHNIA. INTHE YATTER OF THE ESTATE OF I. H. JEITCH, DECEASED. WHEREAS the inven tory and apprai sement of the property of the estate af the above nemed decedent has been heretofore dily returned and filed herein; and whereas it ap- peared therefrom that the whole estate of said deceased did.not exceed in value the suk of fifteen hundred dollars; and whereas it appeared that the. deoedent left a surviving wi dow; and whereas thereupon this Court issued its order requiring all persons interested in said es- tate to appear and show case why the whole estate thould not be assi gned to said surviving widow,and said matter coming on regularly for hearing this day; and it appearingthat the facts above recited are true, and it being proven that due and legal notice of this proceeding has been given to all persons interested in said estate, and no sufficient cause being shown why said property should not be 80 assigned, and it appearing that the decedent left awi dow and no minor children; and it appearing that the expenses of the last illness of deceased, all funeral charges, and all expenses of administration are paid; ITIS ORDERED. that the whole of the estate of said decedent be aseigned to Annie Leitch, the survi ving widowof said deceased and that no further administration be had upon the same. The following is a description of mid estate hereby assi gned to said surviving widow. Iots One (1), Two (2), three (3), eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), four- teen (14), fifteen (15) and sixteen (16) in Block numbered One hundred and fifty two (152) of the Town of Alviso, in Santa Clara County,. State of Cali fornia. Dated Feb. 3, 1905. M.H. Hyland, Judge of the superior Court: ENDORSED: FIJ.ED. FEB. 6, 1905. Henty A. Pfister, Clerk BY A..B. Fcley, Deputy STATE OF CAJIFOHNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ss I, Henry A. Pister,/County Clerk of the. county of Santa Clara,State of California, and Clerk of the superior Court in and for said county, do herely certify thelamexed to be a true, full and correct copy of the original Decree Aseigning the whole of the estate to the wi dow In the Matter- of the Eetate of I. H. lei tch deceased now of recora and on file in saia Court. IN WITNESS WHERBOP, I have hereunto metmy hand and affized the seal of the guperior Court, thia 6th day of Feb. A. D. 3905. Henry A. Pfister, Clerk. OOURT. SEAL. BY A.B. Foley, peputy Clerk Piled for record at the. request of Mies 1.. Jeitch, Veb. 24, A. D. 1910, at 40 min.past 2 orclock P. V. Daniel J. Mannery, Recorder D E.G. Emerson, Deputy Recorder EARAIGRAZRERCNEN NENENGRURORZAARER REREREREREHEHRKARERERE
74 EST.I. H. IEITCH DEC'D. 7O ANNIE IEITCH IN THE SUPERIOH COURT OP SANTA CLARA COUNTY CALIFOHNIA. INTHE YATTER OF THE ESTATE OF I. H. JEITCH, DECEASED. WHEREAS the inven tory and apprai sement of the property of the estate af the above nemed decedent has been heretofore dily returned and filed herein; and whereas it ap- peared therefrom that the whole estate of said deceased did.not exceed in value the suk of fifteen hundred dollars; and whereas it appeared that the. deoedent left a surviving wi dow; and whereas thereupon this Court issued its order requiring all persons interested in said es- tate to appear and show case why the whole estate thould not be assi gned to said surviving widow,and said matter coming on regularly for hearing this day; and it appearingthat the facts above recited are true, and it being proven that due and legal notice of this proceeding has been given to all persons interested in said estate, and no sufficient cause being shown why said property should not be 80 assigned, and it appearing that the decedent left awi dow and no minor children; and it appearing that the expenses of the last illness of deceased, all funeral charges, and all expenses of administration are paid; ITIS ORDERED. that the whole of the estate of said decedent be aseigned to Annie Leitch, the survi ving widowof said deceased and that no further administration be had upon the same. The following is a description of mid estate hereby assi gned to said surviving widow. Iots One (1), Two (2), three (3), eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), four- teen (14), fifteen (15) and sixteen (16) in Block numbered One hundred and fifty two (152) of the Town of Alviso, in Santa Clara County,. State of Cali fornia. Dated Feb. 3, 1905. M.H. Hyland, Judge of the superior Court: ENDORSED: FIJ.ED. FEB. 6, 1905. Henty A. Pfister, Clerk BY A..B. Fcley, Deputy STATE OF CAJIFOHNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ss I, Henry A. Pister,/County Clerk of the. county of Santa Clara,State of California, and Clerk of the superior Court in and for said county, do herely certify thelamexed to be a true, full and correct copy of the original Decree Aseigning the whole of the estate to the wi dow In the Matter- of the Eetate of I. H. lei tch deceased now of recora and on file in saia Court. IN WITNESS WHERBOP, I have hereunto metmy hand and affized the seal of the guperior Court, thia 6th day of Feb. A. D. 3905. Henry A. Pfister, Clerk. OOURT. SEAL. BY A.B. Foley, peputy Clerk Piled for record at the. request of Mies 1.. Jeitch, Veb. 24, A. D. 1910, at 40 min.past 2 orclock P. V. Daniel J. Mannery, Recorder D E.G. Emerson, Deputy Recorder EARAIGRAZRERCNEN NENENGRURORZAARER REREREREREHEHRKARERERE
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n74\nEST.I. H. IEITCH DEC'D.\n7O\nANNIE IEITCH\nIN THE SUPERIOH COURT OP SANTA CLARA COUNTY\nCALIFOHNIA.\nINTHE YATTER OF THE ESTATE OF\nI. H. JEITCH, DECEASED.\nWHEREAS the inven tory and apprai sement of the property of the estate af the\nabove nemed decedent has been heretofore dily returned and filed herein; and whereas it ap-\npeared therefrom that the whole estate of said deceased did.not exceed in value the suk of\nfifteen hundred dollars; and whereas it appeared that the. deoedent left a surviving wi dow;\nand whereas thereupon this Court issued its order requiring all persons interested in said es-\ntate to appear and show case why the whole estate thould not be assi gned to said surviving\nwidow,and said matter coming on regularly for hearing this day; and it appearingthat the facts\nabove recited are true, and it being proven that due and legal notice of this proceeding has\nbeen given to all persons interested in said estate, and no sufficient cause being shown why\nsaid property should not be 80 assigned, and it appearing that the decedent left awi dow and\nno minor children; and it appearing that the expenses of the last illness of deceased, all\nfuneral charges, and all expenses of administration are paid;\nITIS ORDERED. that the whole of the estate of said decedent be aseigned to\nAnnie Leitch, the survi ving widowof said deceased and that no further administration be had\nupon the same. The following is a description of mid estate hereby assi gned to said surviving\nwidow.\nIots One (1), Two (2), three (3), eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), four-\nteen (14), fifteen (15) and sixteen (16) in Block numbered One hundred and fifty two (152)\nof the Town of Alviso, in Santa Clara County,. State of Cali fornia.\nDated Feb. 3, 1905.\nM.H. Hyland, Judge of the superior Court:\nENDORSED: FIJ.ED. FEB. 6, 1905.\nHenty A. Pfister, Clerk\nBY A..B. Fcley, Deputy\nSTATE OF CAJIFOHNIA\nCOUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ss\nI, Henry A. Pister,/County Clerk of the. county of\nSanta Clara,State of California, and Clerk of the\nsuperior Court in and for said county, do herely certify thelamexed to be a true, full and\ncorrect copy of the original Decree Aseigning the whole of the estate to the wi dow In the\nMatter- of the Eetate of I. H. lei tch deceased now of recora and on file in saia Court.\nIN WITNESS WHERBOP, I have hereunto metmy hand and affized the seal of the\nguperior Court, thia 6th day of Feb. A. D. 3905.\nHenry A. Pfister, Clerk.\nOOURT. SEAL.\nBY A.B. Foley, peputy Clerk\nPiled for record at the. request of Mies 1.. Jeitch, Veb. 24, A. D. 1910, at 40 min.past 2\norclock P. V.\nDaniel J. Mannery,\nRecorder\nD\nE.G. Emerson,\nDeputy Recorder\nEARAIGRAZRERCNEN\nNENENGRURORZAARER\nREREREREREHEHRKARERERE", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] va7297 PAC:671 In accepting this conveyance, and as a part consideration there-for, and in consideration of 1ike covenants restricting other sub-lots in accordance vith the restrictions hereinafter stated, in theconveyance of other sublots in said Subaivision, the Grantees, fortherselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns,hereby cover.ants and arees to anc. with the Grantor, its sucessorsand assiens, that the above described premises shali be subject tothe restrictions and reservations hereinafter contained, except asthe same may be supplemented oy zoniné restrictions;. the Grantorhovever reserving the right to change these restrictions in specialcases without vaiving or changing then in other cases, when, in 1tsoninion, the change 411 not reduce or detract from the general planof development of said subdivision. These restrictions shall bedeemed as covenants, and shall run vith the land, and shall bind theGrantees, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns untilThe only lots to whi ch these restrictions do not apply, are::o. One (1) a. the corner of onticello Eouleverà and Trebisky Focd,and :o. Scventeen (17) at the corner of Trebisy Foac and Ammon Rord.,vhich t"o sublote are unrestrictet, but subject to zonins restrictions.All other lots in .onticello Acres Suidivision are restricted tosin:le-fomily dwelling houses. :o two-farily houses, apartment houses,or multiole fenily arellings perritte".. Dut nothinc herein s':all. beconstrued. rs nreventing the use of saic lots for gerdening, orchards, the first day of January, A.D. 1990. and allied uses. he round floor area, exclusive of porches, of a one story or onecnJ a half story dellin house sha1 be at lecst 680 scuare feet, andof to story d-ellin: house at lenst 480 sounre feet, round floorarea. The construction cost of any drelling shall be not less thenThe set back line from the strect line to the front bosemert lineof the house shall be 50 feet on lots fronting on Trebisky Foad, AonRoad, lonticello Poulevard, an" the iuture public street designated onthe Flat as Elock "A". Ho ereLe or oter building shall be builtnearer the street line than the front brsement line of the nouse, nor"ithin tive feet of any other lot line. All Crives shall cnter fromthe east or south side o" the lots. All houses shal' be built at least:o srirituous liquors shall be manufectured or soli on the pre-rises. lo nuisance or bill-boards shall be erected, placed, or suf-fered to rerein on tic premises. 1o tents, shacks, trailers, barns,cara: es, or oti.or outbuildings shall be used as a residence temor-Said remises shall not ibe occupied, let, or leased by personsSaid piemi ses shall not be divided or re-sublivided into lotshaving an aren of less than 6000 square foct, or of a width of lessThe foreroins restrictive covenants arc for the benefit of anyand. all owners of lots in said "onticel.lo Acres" Subd1vision, andare enforceable at lau or in equity açainst anyone violating or at-In accordance "ith the provisions contpined in the recordedplat of sai subdivision, a permanent easement for a future oublicstreet, desirnated on saia plat as Block "A", and consisting of allof sublot :o. Ten (10), anc the southerly sixty feet of sublotsnumbered Tuenty (20) to Thirty-one (31), both inclusive, has beencreated and reserved in the City of South Suclid. Said Block "A"shell become a public street uhen tho vesterly terminus of saidPlock "A" connects to another street. This reservation and erse-ment is to be considereà a coverant running wit' the land for thebenefit of and enforceable by the City of South Euclid, or anyo"er of lanc fected by tiis easement ond reservation. 5000.00, cased on 1943 construction costs. five fect fro:: the nearest side lot lines.arily or nermanently on sais premises.other than those of the Caucasian race.than 8 feet at the front building line. tempting to violate then. beshesamemor-orlerlarbatmbealegshhghway.
va7297 PAC:671 In accepting this conveyance, and as a part consideration there-for, and in consideration of 1ike covenants restricting other sub-lots in accordance vith the restrictions hereinafter stated, in theconveyance of other sublots in said Subaivision, the Grantees, fortherselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns,hereby cover.ants and arees to anc. with the Grantor, its sucessorsand assiens, that the above described premises shali be subject tothe restrictions and reservations hereinafter contained, except asthe same may be supplemented oy zoniné restrictions;. the Grantorhovever reserving the right to change these restrictions in specialcases without vaiving or changing then in other cases, when, in 1tsoninion, the change 411 not reduce or detract from the general planof development of said subdivision. These restrictions shall bedeemed as covenants, and shall run vith the land, and shall bind theGrantees, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns untilThe only lots to whi ch these restrictions do not apply, are::o. One (1) a. the corner of onticello Eouleverà and Trebisky Focd,and :o. Scventeen (17) at the corner of Trebisy Foac and Ammon Rord.,vhich t"o sublote are unrestrictet, but subject to zonins restrictions.All other lots in .onticello Acres Suidivision are restricted tosin:le-fomily dwelling houses. :o two-farily houses, apartment houses,or multiole fenily arellings perritte".. Dut nothinc herein s':all. beconstrued. rs nreventing the use of saic lots for gerdening, orchards, the first day of January, A.D. 1990. and allied uses. he round floor area, exclusive of porches, of a one story or onecnJ a half story dellin house sha1 be at lecst 680 scuare feet, andof to story d-ellin: house at lenst 480 sounre feet, round floorarea. The construction cost of any drelling shall be not less thenThe set back line from the strect line to the front bosemert lineof the house shall be 50 feet on lots fronting on Trebisky Foad, AonRoad, lonticello Poulevard, an" the iuture public street designated onthe Flat as Elock "A". Ho ereLe or oter building shall be builtnearer the street line than the front brsement line of the nouse, nor"ithin tive feet of any other lot line. All Crives shall cnter fromthe east or south side o" the lots. All houses shal' be built at least:o srirituous liquors shall be manufectured or soli on the pre-rises. lo nuisance or bill-boards shall be erected, placed, or suf-fered to rerein on tic premises. 1o tents, shacks, trailers, barns,cara: es, or oti.or outbuildings shall be used as a residence temor-Said remises shall not ibe occupied, let, or leased by personsSaid piemi ses shall not be divided or re-sublivided into lotshaving an aren of less than 6000 square foct, or of a width of lessThe foreroins restrictive covenants arc for the benefit of anyand. all owners of lots in said "onticel.lo Acres" Subd1vision, andare enforceable at lau or in equity açainst anyone violating or at-In accordance "ith the provisions contpined in the recordedplat of sai subdivision, a permanent easement for a future oublicstreet, desirnated on saia plat as Block "A", and consisting of allof sublot :o. Ten (10), anc the southerly sixty feet of sublotsnumbered Tuenty (20) to Thirty-one (31), both inclusive, has beencreated and reserved in the City of South Suclid. Said Block "A"shell become a public street uhen tho vesterly terminus of saidPlock "A" connects to another street. This reservation and erse-ment is to be considereà a coverant running wit' the land for thebenefit of and enforceable by the City of South Euclid, or anyo"er of lanc fected by tiis easement ond reservation. 5000.00, cased on 1943 construction costs. five fect fro:: the nearest side lot lines.arily or nermanently on sais premises.other than those of the Caucasian race.than 8 feet at the front building line. tempting to violate then. beshesamemor-orlerlarbatmbealegshhghway.
Said remises shall not be occupi ed, let, or leased by persons other than those of the Caucasian race.
Said premises shall not be occupied, let, or leased by persons other than those of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]Said remises shall not be occupi ed, let, or leased by persons other than those of the Caucasian race. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]Said premises shall not be occupied, let, or leased by persons other than those of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nva7297 PAC:671\nIn accepting this conveyance, and as a part consideration there-for, and in consideration of 1ike covenants restricting other sub-lots in accordance vith the restrictions hereinafter stated, in theconveyance of other sublots in said Subaivision, the Grantees, fortherselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns,hereby cover.ants and arees to anc. with the Grantor, its sucessorsand assiens, that the above described premises shali be subject tothe restrictions and reservations hereinafter contained, except asthe same may be supplemented oy zoniné restrictions;. the Grantorhovever reserving the right to change these restrictions in specialcases without vaiving or changing then in other cases, when, in 1tsoninion, the change 411 not reduce or detract from the general planof development of said subdivision. These restrictions shall bedeemed as covenants, and shall run vith the land, and shall bind theGrantees, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns untilThe only lots to whi ch these restrictions do not apply, are::o. One (1) a. the corner of onticello Eouleverà and Trebisky Focd,and :o. Scventeen (17) at the corner of Trebisy Foac and Ammon Rord.,vhich t\"o sublote are unrestrictet, but subject to zonins restrictions.All other lots in .onticello Acres Suidivision are restricted tosin:le-fomily dwelling houses. :o two-farily houses, apartment houses,or multiole fenily arellings perritte\".. Dut nothinc herein s':all. beconstrued. rs nreventing the use of saic lots for gerdening, orchards,\nthe first day of January, A.D. 1990.\nand allied uses.\nhe round floor area, exclusive of porches, of a one story or onecnJ a half story dellin house sha1 be at lecst 680 scuare feet, andof to story d-ellin: house at lenst 480 sounre feet, round floorarea. The construction cost of any drelling shall be not less thenThe set back line from the strect line to the front bosemert lineof the house shall be 50 feet on lots fronting on Trebisky Foad, AonRoad, lonticello Poulevard, an\" the iuture public street designated onthe Flat as Elock \"A\". Ho ereLe or oter building shall be builtnearer the street line than the front brsement line of the nouse, nor\"ithin tive feet of any other lot line. All Crives shall cnter fromthe east or south side o\" the lots. All houses shal' be built at least:o srirituous liquors shall be manufectured or soli on the pre-rises. lo nuisance or bill-boards shall be erected, placed, or suf-fered to rerein on tic premises. 1o tents, shacks, trailers, barns,cara: es, or oti.or outbuildings shall be used as a residence temor-Said remises shall not ibe occupied, let, or leased by personsSaid piemi ses shall not be divided or re-sublivided into lotshaving an aren of less than 6000 square foct, or of a width of lessThe foreroins restrictive covenants arc for the benefit of anyand. all owners of lots in said \"onticel.lo Acres\" Subd1vision, andare enforceable at lau or in equity açainst anyone violating or at-In accordance \"ith the provisions contpined in the recordedplat of sai subdivision, a permanent easement for a future oublicstreet, desirnated on saia plat as Block \"A\", and consisting of allof sublot :o. Ten (10), anc the southerly sixty feet of sublotsnumbered Tuenty (20) to Thirty-one (31), both inclusive, has beencreated and reserved in the City of South Suclid. Said Block \"A\"shell become a public street uhen tho vesterly terminus of saidPlock \"A\" connects to another street. This reservation and erse-ment is to be considereà a coverant running wit' the land for thebenefit of and enforceable by the City of South Euclid, or anyo\"er of lanc fected by tiis easement ond reservation.\n5000.00, cased on 1943 construction costs.\nfive fect fro:: the nearest side lot lines.arily or nermanently on sais premises.other than those of the Caucasian race.than 8 feet at the front building line.\ntempting to violate then.\nbeshesamemor-orlerlarbatmbealegshhghway.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]Said remises shall not be occupi ed, let, or leased by persons\nother than those of the Caucasian race.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]Said premises shall not be occupied, let, or leased by persons other than those of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] ym.8252 PAGE 207 1. Said premises shall be used for private residence purposes only. 2. Not more than one single dwelling house or residence shall occupy any one sublot. 3. Any sublot shall not be subdivided. 4. No dvelling house or residence shall be erected upon any sublot which shall have a ground floor area of less than 840 square feet, exclusive of garage. 5. The style of architecture, including materials and their treatment, and the plans and specifications for any dwelling house or residence, including any and all contracts and sub-contracts therefor, shall first have the written approval of the grantor, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or his or their duly authorized agent. The architectural design shall include an attached garage, but such garage shall be con- sidered as being attached to the main dwelling provided it is connected by a so-called Breeze-ay. Should the grantor herein, or his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or his or their duly authorized agent, fail to either approve or disapprove said style of architecture and the said plans and specifications within thirty (30) days after submission of the same by the grantee, her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, then such approval shall be obtained from a majority of the lot owners in said development. 6. No dwelling house, residence or other structure shall be located or placed upon the premises herein conveyed vit thin 100 feet of the center road line or nearer than 10 feet of either side line. 7. No livestock or fowl shall be housed for commercial purposes. 8. Said premises shall be restricted franr members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that oft the caucasian race. 9. The several covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphs numbered from 1 to 8, inclusi ve, is a part of a general plan for the improvement of said Develop ment, shall run with the land, and shall be binding upon the grantee, her heirs, execu- tors, administrators and assigns, until the 1st day of January, 1996, and if the grantee herein, or her heirs or assigs, shall violate, or attempt to violate, any one or more of the aforementioned covenants and agreements, prior to the said Ist day of January, 1996, any other person or persons owning any other lot or lots in said Develop- ment shall have the right to prosecute any proceedins at law or in equity against the person or persons found violating, or attempting to violate, any one or more of the same, either to prevent him or them from so doing or to recover any damages resulting therefrom. 10. The invalidation of any one or more of the aforementioned covenants and agreenents by court order, or othervise, shall not in any way affect the remaining provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. be the same more or less, bub subject to all legal highways. Co ljave anà tn jolb the above granted and barguined premises, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantee , her heirs and assigns forever. .And I, Milliam M. Gall, married the said Grantor - do for myself .heirs, executors and and my administrators, covenant with Lhe said Granlee : her heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, Iam well seized of the above described premises, as a food and indefeasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as aboue written, and that the same-are frre front all inmmbrurs whutsorurr
ym.8252 PAGE 207 1. Said premises shall be used for private residence purposes only. 2. Not more than one single dwelling house or residence shall occupy any one sublot. 3. Any sublot shall not be subdivided. 4. No dvelling house or residence shall be erected upon any sublot which shall have a ground floor area of less than 840 square feet, exclusive of garage. 5. The style of architecture, including materials and their treatment, and the plans and specifications for any dwelling house or residence, including any and all contracts and sub-contracts therefor, shall first have the written approval of the grantor, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or his or their duly authorized agent. The architectural design shall include an attached garage, but such garage shall be con- sidered as being attached to the main dwelling provided it is connected by a so-called Breeze-ay. Should the grantor herein, or his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or his or their duly authorized agent, fail to either approve or disapprove said style of architecture and the said plans and specifications within thirty (30) days after submission of the same by the grantee, her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, then such approval shall be obtained from a majority of the lot owners in said development. 6. No dwelling house, residence or other structure shall be located or placed upon the premises herein conveyed vit thin 100 feet of the center road line or nearer than 10 feet of either side line. 7. No livestock or fowl shall be housed for commercial purposes. 8. Said premises shall be restricted franr members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that oft the caucasian race. 9. The several covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphs numbered from 1 to 8, inclusi ve, is a part of a general plan for the improvement of said Develop ment, shall run with the land, and shall be binding upon the grantee, her heirs, execu- tors, administrators and assigns, until the 1st day of January, 1996, and if the grantee herein, or her heirs or assigs, shall violate, or attempt to violate, any one or more of the aforementioned covenants and agreements, prior to the said Ist day of January, 1996, any other person or persons owning any other lot or lots in said Develop- ment shall have the right to prosecute any proceedins at law or in equity against the person or persons found violating, or attempting to violate, any one or more of the same, either to prevent him or them from so doing or to recover any damages resulting therefrom. 10. The invalidation of any one or more of the aforementioned covenants and agreenents by court order, or othervise, shall not in any way affect the remaining provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. be the same more or less, bub subject to all legal highways. Co ljave anà tn jolb the above granted and barguined premises, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantee , her heirs and assigns forever. .And I, Milliam M. Gall, married the said Grantor - do for myself .heirs, executors and and my administrators, covenant with Lhe said Granlee : her heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, Iam well seized of the above described premises, as a food and indefeasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as aboue written, and that the same-are frre front all inmmbrurs whutsorurr
8. Said premises shall be restricted fram members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that oft the caucasian race.
8. Said premises shall be restricted from members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that of the caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]8. Said premises shall be restricted fram members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that oft the caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]8. Said premises shall be restricted from members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that of the caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nym.8252 PAGE 207\n1. Said premises shall be used for private residence purposes only.\n2. Not more than one single dwelling house or residence shall occupy any one sublot.\n3. Any sublot shall not be subdivided.\n4. No dvelling house or residence shall be erected upon any sublot which shall have a\nground floor area of less than 840 square feet, exclusive of garage.\n5. The style of architecture, including materials and their treatment, and the plans\nand specifications for any dwelling house or residence, including any and all contracts\nand sub-contracts therefor, shall first have the written approval of the grantor, his\nheirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or his or their duly authorized agent.\nThe architectural design shall include an attached garage, but such garage shall be con-\nsidered as being attached to the main dwelling provided it is connected by a so-called\nBreeze-ay. Should the grantor herein, or his heirs, executors, administrators and\nassigns, or his or their duly authorized agent, fail to either approve or disapprove\nsaid style of architecture and the said plans and specifications within thirty (30)\ndays after submission of the same by the grantee, her heirs, executors, administrators\nand assigns, then such approval shall be obtained from a majority of the lot owners in\nsaid development.\n6. No dwelling house, residence or other structure shall be located or placed upon the\npremises herein conveyed vit thin 100 feet of the center road line or nearer than 10 feet\nof either side line.\n7. No livestock or fowl shall be housed for commercial purposes.\n8. Said premises shall be restricted franr members of the Caucasian race only and shall\nnot be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that\noft the caucasian race.\n9. The several covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphs numbered\nfrom 1 to 8, inclusi ve, is a part of a general plan for the improvement of said Develop\nment, shall run with the land, and shall be binding upon the grantee, her heirs, execu-\ntors, administrators and assigns, until the 1st day of January, 1996, and if the\ngrantee herein, or her heirs or assigs, shall violate, or attempt to violate, any one\nor more of the aforementioned covenants and agreements, prior to the said Ist day of\nJanuary, 1996, any other person or persons owning any other lot or lots in said Develop-\nment shall have the right to prosecute any proceedins at law or in equity against the\nperson or persons found violating, or attempting to violate, any one or more of the\nsame, either to prevent him or them from so doing or to recover any damages resulting\ntherefrom.\n10. The invalidation of any one or more of the aforementioned covenants and agreenents\nby court order, or othervise, shall not in any way affect the remaining provisions\nwhich shall remain in full force and effect.\nbe the same more or less, bub subject to all legal highways.\nCo ljave anà tn jolb the above granted and barguined premises, with the\nappurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantee , her heirs and assigns forever.\n.And I, Milliam M. Gall, married\nthe said Grantor - do for myself\n.heirs, executors and\nand my\nadministrators, covenant with Lhe said Granlee : her heirs and assigns, that\nat and until the ensealing of these presents, Iam\nwell seized of the above described premises, as a food and indefeasible estate in FEE\nSIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as\naboue written, and that the same-are frre front all inmmbrurs whutsorurr", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]8. Said premises shall be restricted fram members of the Caucasian race only and shall\nnot be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that\noft the caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]8. Said premises shall be restricted from members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that of the caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 191 STATE STAMPS $2.00, FEDERAL STAMPS $1.00 ELIZABETH K. OUZTS TO WHARTON REALTY COMPANY, INC. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, TITLE TO REAL ESTATE COUNTY OF GREENWOOD. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Wharton Realty Company, Inc. in the State afore- said for and in considerati on of the sum of SIX HUNDRED ($600.00) Dollars, to it in hand paid at and before the sealing of these presents, by Elizabeth K. Ouzts in the State aforesaid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold and released, and by these Presents do grant bargain, sell and release unto the said Elizabeth K. Ouzts: All that certain piece, parcel and lot of land situate, lying and being just North of the City Limits of the City of Greenwood, and being located on the Southern side of Laurel Street and being more particularly known and desig- nated as Lot Number One (1) of Block "C" as shown on a plat of Gracemont Terrace made for the Wharton Realty gompany, Inc. by Jack Wier, C. E., of date the 18th of February, 1938, which is recorded in the Clerk of Court's Office for Greenwood County in Plat Book #2 at page 41. The said lot Number One (1) in Block "C" fronts and measures on Laurel Street a distance of One Hundred and 1/10th (100.1) feet, more or less, and extends back on its Eastern boundary line a distance of One Hundred Forty (140) feet, more or less, on its Western boundary line a distance of One Hundred Forty (140) feet, more or less, and being One Hundred and 1/10th (100.1) feet, more or less wide in the rear, being bounded on the North by Laurei Street; on the East by Glenwood Street, on the South by Lot Twelve (12). and Lot marked OUT; and on the West by Lot Number Two (2), all of which being more fully shown by reference to the plat hereinbefore referred to. This is a part of the piece, parcel and tract of land that was conveyed unto the Wharton Reallty Company, Inc. by the Board of Foreign Missions of the Associ- ate Reformed Presbyterian Church and the Bank of Greenwood, as Trustee for the Board of Foreign Missions of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church by their deed of date the 28th day of May, 1937, which said deed Was entered of record as pf the 1lth day of June, 1937, in Deed Book 54 at Page 676. It is understood and agreed that the Wharton Realty Company, Inc. has made available water and sewerage line or conduits along and upon Laurel Street, the street on which the within lot fronts, the use and enjoyment of which is hereby given and granted unto the grantee herein, her heirs, executors, ad- ministrators or assigns upon the compliance with such conditions and requisites as the City of Greenwood may require for connections, tappings, service charges or otherwise. The privilege unto the grantee to connect with the said water and sewerage lines is specifically restricted to the use and enjoyment of the property, herein conveyed. This conveyance is subject to bestrictions marked Exhibit "A" annexed hereto. TOGETHER with all and singular the Rights, Members, Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the said Premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises before mentioned unto the said Elizabeth K. Ouzts, her Heirs and Assigns forever. And Wharton Realty Company, Inc. does hereby bind itself and its Successors and Assigns, to Warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Elizabeth K. Ouzts, her Heirs and Assigns, against it and its Successors or Assig gns and all other persons whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WHARTON REALTY COMPANY, INC. HAS HEREUNTO CAUSED ITS CORPORATE NAME TO BE SIGNED AND SEAL AFFIXED this 27th day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and Thirty-nine and in the one hundred and Sixty-third year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America. Signed, Sealed and Delivered WHARTON REALTY COMPANY, INC. in the Presence of BY A4m PRESIDENT. Helen A. Scott ATTEST: RahAllak Chas. A. Young Secretary. EXHIBIT "A" RESFRIOTIOIS This conveyance is made subject to the following condit tions and restrictions, namely: "A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or cor- poration owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Pifty, (50%). of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers. "B" That no part of the said property shall be used rented, sold, leased of otherwise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, restaurant or any other of such business enterprises; that the said property shqll be used and enjoyed exclu- sively for residential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lot, except that an apartment house may be erected thereon provided it is of a single structure not more than two (2) stories. "C" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be fept on or about the premises. "D" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the
191 STATE STAMPS $2.00, FEDERAL STAMPS $1.00 ELIZABETH K. OUZTS TO WHARTON REALTY COMPANY, INC. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, TITLE TO REAL ESTATE COUNTY OF GREENWOOD. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Wharton Realty Company, Inc. in the State afore- said for and in considerati on of the sum of SIX HUNDRED ($600.00) Dollars, to it in hand paid at and before the sealing of these presents, by Elizabeth K. Ouzts in the State aforesaid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold and released, and by these Presents do grant bargain, sell and release unto the said Elizabeth K. Ouzts: All that certain piece, parcel and lot of land situate, lying and being just North of the City Limits of the City of Greenwood, and being located on the Southern side of Laurel Street and being more particularly known and desig- nated as Lot Number One (1) of Block "C" as shown on a plat of Gracemont Terrace made for the Wharton Realty gompany, Inc. by Jack Wier, C. E., of date the 18th of February, 1938, which is recorded in the Clerk of Court's Office for Greenwood County in Plat Book #2 at page 41. The said lot Number One (1) in Block "C" fronts and measures on Laurel Street a distance of One Hundred and 1/10th (100.1) feet, more or less, and extends back on its Eastern boundary line a distance of One Hundred Forty (140) feet, more or less, on its Western boundary line a distance of One Hundred Forty (140) feet, more or less, and being One Hundred and 1/10th (100.1) feet, more or less wide in the rear, being bounded on the North by Laurei Street; on the East by Glenwood Street, on the South by Lot Twelve (12). and Lot marked OUT; and on the West by Lot Number Two (2), all of which being more fully shown by reference to the plat hereinbefore referred to. This is a part of the piece, parcel and tract of land that was conveyed unto the Wharton Reallty Company, Inc. by the Board of Foreign Missions of the Associ- ate Reformed Presbyterian Church and the Bank of Greenwood, as Trustee for the Board of Foreign Missions of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church by their deed of date the 28th day of May, 1937, which said deed Was entered of record as pf the 1lth day of June, 1937, in Deed Book 54 at Page 676. It is understood and agreed that the Wharton Realty Company, Inc. has made available water and sewerage line or conduits along and upon Laurel Street, the street on which the within lot fronts, the use and enjoyment of which is hereby given and granted unto the grantee herein, her heirs, executors, ad- ministrators or assigns upon the compliance with such conditions and requisites as the City of Greenwood may require for connections, tappings, service charges or otherwise. The privilege unto the grantee to connect with the said water and sewerage lines is specifically restricted to the use and enjoyment of the property, herein conveyed. This conveyance is subject to bestrictions marked Exhibit "A" annexed hereto. TOGETHER with all and singular the Rights, Members, Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the said Premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises before mentioned unto the said Elizabeth K. Ouzts, her Heirs and Assigns forever. And Wharton Realty Company, Inc. does hereby bind itself and its Successors and Assigns, to Warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Elizabeth K. Ouzts, her Heirs and Assigns, against it and its Successors or Assig gns and all other persons whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WHARTON REALTY COMPANY, INC. HAS HEREUNTO CAUSED ITS CORPORATE NAME TO BE SIGNED AND SEAL AFFIXED this 27th day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and Thirty-nine and in the one hundred and Sixty-third year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America. Signed, Sealed and Delivered WHARTON REALTY COMPANY, INC. in the Presence of BY A4m PRESIDENT. Helen A. Scott ATTEST: RahAllak Chas. A. Young Secretary. EXHIBIT "A" RESFRIOTIOIS This conveyance is made subject to the following condit tions and restrictions, namely: "A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or cor- poration owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Pifty, (50%). of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers. "B" That no part of the said property shall be used rented, sold, leased of otherwise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, restaurant or any other of such business enterprises; that the said property shqll be used and enjoyed exclu- sively for residential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lot, except that an apartment house may be erected thereon provided it is of a single structure not more than two (2) stories. "C" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be fept on or about the premises. "D" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the
"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupançy to any person or persons of African descent, or cor- poration owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.
"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent, who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupançy to any person or persons of African descent, or cor- poration owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent, who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n191\nSTATE STAMPS $2.00, FEDERAL STAMPS $1.00\nELIZABETH K. OUZTS\nTO\nWHARTON REALTY COMPANY, INC.\nTHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,\nTITLE TO REAL ESTATE\nCOUNTY OF GREENWOOD.\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Wharton Realty Company, Inc. in the State afore-\nsaid for and in considerati on of the sum of SIX HUNDRED ($600.00) Dollars, to it in hand paid\nat and before the sealing of these presents, by Elizabeth K. Ouzts in the State aforesaid the\nreceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold and released, and by\nthese Presents do grant bargain, sell and release unto the said Elizabeth K. Ouzts:\nAll that certain piece, parcel and lot of land situate, lying and being just\nNorth of the City Limits of the City of Greenwood, and being located on the\nSouthern side of Laurel Street and being more particularly known and desig-\nnated as Lot Number One (1) of Block \"C\" as shown on a plat of Gracemont Terrace\nmade for the Wharton Realty gompany, Inc. by Jack Wier, C. E., of date the\n18th of February, 1938, which is recorded in the Clerk of Court's Office for\nGreenwood County in Plat Book #2 at page 41. The said lot Number One (1) in\nBlock \"C\" fronts and measures on Laurel Street a distance of One Hundred and\n1/10th (100.1) feet, more or less, and extends back on its Eastern boundary\nline a distance of One Hundred Forty (140) feet, more or less, on its Western\nboundary line a distance of One Hundred Forty (140) feet, more or less, and\nbeing One Hundred and 1/10th (100.1) feet, more or less wide in the rear,\nbeing bounded on the North by Laurei Street; on the East by Glenwood Street,\non the South by Lot Twelve (12). and Lot marked OUT; and on the West by Lot\nNumber Two (2), all of which being more fully shown by reference to the plat\nhereinbefore referred to.\nThis is a part of the piece, parcel and tract of land that was conveyed unto\nthe Wharton Reallty Company, Inc. by the Board of Foreign Missions of the Associ-\nate Reformed Presbyterian Church and the Bank of Greenwood, as Trustee for the\nBoard of Foreign Missions of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church by their\ndeed of date the 28th day of May, 1937, which said deed Was entered of record\nas pf the 1lth day of June, 1937, in Deed Book 54 at Page 676.\nIt is understood and agreed that the Wharton Realty Company, Inc. has made\navailable water and sewerage line or conduits along and upon Laurel Street,\nthe street on which the within lot fronts, the use and enjoyment of which is\nhereby given and granted unto the grantee herein, her heirs, executors, ad-\nministrators or assigns upon the compliance with such conditions and requisites\nas the City of Greenwood may require for connections, tappings, service\ncharges or otherwise. The privilege unto the grantee to connect with the said\nwater and sewerage lines is specifically restricted to the use and enjoyment\nof the property, herein conveyed. This conveyance is subject to bestrictions\nmarked Exhibit \"A\" annexed hereto.\nTOGETHER with all and singular the Rights, Members, Hereditaments and Appurtenances to\nthe said Premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertaining.\nTO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises before mentioned unto the said\nElizabeth K. Ouzts, her Heirs and Assigns forever.\nAnd Wharton Realty Company, Inc. does hereby bind itself and its Successors and Assigns,\nto Warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Elizabeth K.\nOuzts, her Heirs and Assigns, against it and its Successors or Assig gns and all other persons\nwhomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.\nIN WITNESS WHEREOF WHARTON REALTY COMPANY, INC. HAS HEREUNTO CAUSED ITS CORPORATE NAME\nTO BE SIGNED AND SEAL AFFIXED this 27th day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand nine\nhundred and Thirty-nine and in the one hundred and Sixty-third year of the Sovereignty and\nIndependence of the United States of America.\nSigned, Sealed and Delivered\nWHARTON REALTY COMPANY, INC.\nin the Presence of\nBY A4m\nPRESIDENT.\nHelen A. Scott\nATTEST: RahAllak\nChas. A. Young\nSecretary.\nEXHIBIT \"A\"\nRESFRIOTIOIS\nThis conveyance is made subject to the following condit tions and restrictions, namely:\n\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed\nof for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or cor-\nporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control\nPifty, (50%). of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be\nprivileged to live upon the premises of their employers.\n\"B\" That no part of the said property shall be used rented, sold, leased of otherwise\ndisposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, restaurant or any\nother of such business enterprises; that the said property shqll be used and enjoyed exclu-\nsively for residential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the\nsaid lot, except that an apartment house may be erected thereon provided it is of a single\nstructure not more than two (2) stories.\n\"C\" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be fept on or about the premises.\n\"D\" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed\nof for the use or occupançy to any person or persons of African descent, or cor-\nporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control\nFifty (50%) of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be\nprivileged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent, who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) of the capital stock of such corporation, except however servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL7815 FAG:309 subdivision thereof, nor shall said premises be used for any purpose or in any way which may endanger the health or wreasonably distrub the quiet of any holder of adjoining or neighboring property. 9. No dwelling house shall be erected or maintained upon said premises, or upon any subdivision of the same, the cost of constructionaf which shall be less than Fifteen Thousand Dollers ($15,000.00). 10. No dvelling house or building erected or maintained upon said premises or upon any subaivision thereof, shall be constructed nearer than fifty (50) feet from the northerly lines of lots Nos. 2 and 23; nor nearer than twenty-five (25) feet from the strip or parcel of land ten (10) feet in width extending in a northerly direction from the termination of Corning Plece to the parcel of land eighty (80) feet long by forty (40) feet wide situated upon the shore of Lake Erie, shown upon said plat; nor nearer than seventy-five (75) feet from said parcel eighty (80) feet by forty (40) feet situated upon the shore of Lake Erie. (Covenants and restrictions applying to all of said lots) 11. No spiritous, vinous or f ermented liquors shall be menufactured or sold, either at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. 12. No barn in which ho/rses, coMs or other animals are to be kept shall be erected or maintained upon said premises. 13. No nuisance, advertising sign, bill board or other advertisement or ad- vertising device, except signs for the sale of said property, shall be erected, pleced or suffered to remain upon said premises. 14. The undivided one-bmenty-fourth (1/24) interest in the said parcel on Lake Eri e and in the ten (10) foot strip leading thereto from Corning Place, which parcel and strip are more particulerly described as Parcel "B" in the description hereof, shall not, nor shall any part thereof be sold separate and apart from said part of sublot No. 17 described as Parcel "A" hereof, except to other owners of lots in The Standard Lund Company's Subdivision; nor shall any of the property conveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person or persons not of a. Caucasian raçe. 15. The Grantees agree to share prorato-with the other owners in common of the ten (10) foot strip and of the percel eighty (80) feet long by forty (40) feet wide situated on the shore of Lake Erie, in the expenss of protecting and maintain- ing the same and in paying any taxes or assessments levied thereon. 8 -5-
VOL7815 FAG:309 subdivision thereof, nor shall said premises be used for any purpose or in any way which may endanger the health or wreasonably distrub the quiet of any holder of adjoining or neighboring property. 9. No dwelling house shall be erected or maintained upon said premises, or upon any subdivision of the same, the cost of constructionaf which shall be less than Fifteen Thousand Dollers ($15,000.00). 10. No dvelling house or building erected or maintained upon said premises or upon any subaivision thereof, shall be constructed nearer than fifty (50) feet from the northerly lines of lots Nos. 2 and 23; nor nearer than twenty-five (25) feet from the strip or parcel of land ten (10) feet in width extending in a northerly direction from the termination of Corning Plece to the parcel of land eighty (80) feet long by forty (40) feet wide situated upon the shore of Lake Erie, shown upon said plat; nor nearer than seventy-five (75) feet from said parcel eighty (80) feet by forty (40) feet situated upon the shore of Lake Erie. (Covenants and restrictions applying to all of said lots) 11. No spiritous, vinous or f ermented liquors shall be menufactured or sold, either at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. 12. No barn in which ho/rses, coMs or other animals are to be kept shall be erected or maintained upon said premises. 13. No nuisance, advertising sign, bill board or other advertisement or ad- vertising device, except signs for the sale of said property, shall be erected, pleced or suffered to remain upon said premises. 14. The undivided one-bmenty-fourth (1/24) interest in the said parcel on Lake Eri e and in the ten (10) foot strip leading thereto from Corning Place, which parcel and strip are more particulerly described as Parcel "B" in the description hereof, shall not, nor shall any part thereof be sold separate and apart from said part of sublot No. 17 described as Parcel "A" hereof, except to other owners of lots in The Standard Lund Company's Subdivision; nor shall any of the property conveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person or persons not of a. Caucasian raçe. 15. The Grantees agree to share prorato-with the other owners in common of the ten (10) foot strip and of the percel eighty (80) feet long by forty (40) feet wide situated on the shore of Lake Erie, in the expenss of protecting and maintain- ing the same and in paying any taxes or assessments levied thereon. 8 -5-
lots in The Standard Land Company's Subdivision; nor shall any of the property conveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person or persons not of a. Caucasian race.
nor shall any of the property conveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person or persons not of Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]lots in The Standard Land Company's Subdivision; nor shall any of the property conveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person or persons not of a. Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]nor shall any of the property conveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person or persons not of Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL7815 FAG:309\nsubdivision thereof, nor shall said premises be used for any purpose or in any way\nwhich may endanger the health or wreasonably distrub the quiet of any holder of\nadjoining or neighboring property.\n9. No dwelling house shall be erected or maintained upon said premises, or\nupon any subdivision of the same, the cost of constructionaf which shall be less\nthan Fifteen Thousand Dollers ($15,000.00).\n10. No dvelling house or building erected or maintained upon said premises\nor upon any subaivision thereof, shall be constructed nearer than fifty (50) feet\nfrom the northerly lines of lots Nos. 2 and 23; nor nearer than twenty-five (25)\nfeet from the strip or parcel of land ten (10) feet in width extending in a northerly\ndirection from the termination of Corning Plece to the parcel of land eighty (80)\nfeet long by forty (40) feet wide situated upon the shore of Lake Erie, shown upon\nsaid plat; nor nearer than seventy-five (75) feet from said parcel eighty (80)\nfeet by forty (40) feet situated upon the shore of Lake Erie.\n(Covenants and restrictions applying\nto all of said lots)\n11. No spiritous, vinous or f ermented liquors shall be menufactured or sold,\neither at wholesale or retail, upon said premises.\n12. No barn in which ho/rses, coMs or other animals are to be kept shall be\nerected or maintained upon said premises.\n13. No nuisance, advertising sign, bill board or other advertisement or ad-\nvertising device, except signs for the sale of said property, shall be erected,\npleced or suffered to remain upon said premises.\n14. The undivided one-bmenty-fourth (1/24) interest in the said parcel on\nLake Eri e and in the ten (10) foot strip leading thereto from Corning Place, which\nparcel and strip are more particulerly described as Parcel \"B\" in the description\nhereof, shall not, nor shall any part thereof be sold separate and apart from said\npart of sublot No. 17 described as Parcel \"A\" hereof, except to other owners of\nlots in The Standard Lund Company's Subdivision; nor shall any of the property\nconveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person or\npersons not of a. Caucasian raçe.\n15. The Grantees agree to share prorato-with the other owners in common of\nthe ten (10) foot strip and of the percel eighty (80) feet long by forty (40) feet\nwide situated on the shore of Lake Erie, in the expenss of protecting and maintain-\ning the same and in paying any taxes or assessments levied thereon.\n8\n-5-", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]lots in The Standard Land Company's Subdivision; nor shall any of the\nproperty\nconveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or\nany person or\npersons not of a. Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]nor shall any of the property conveyed hereby be sold or rented to or occupied by Hebrews, or any person or persons not of Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]