2 values
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] ARs-7AR-671 VOL6834 PAGE719 WARRANTY DEED-Pmm-Camasw. (No. 104B) Onieletal Blane Ca. 278897 Bnow all pen bp tbese presents, That THEWARFIRID. LAND. COMPANY. Corporation, the Grantor, for the consideration of.T.E..N.. Dollars (S.-1Q.00-- ) received toi its full satisfaction of. GEORGE. Ha. TIPLING., 18585 Parkland Driea.. Shukerlaichia.pmta. the Grantee.. does give, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said Grantec..-, his --heirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the.. Village. of.North. Randall. Countyof Cwyahoga. and State of Ohio: PARCEL NO.114 and known as being part of Original Varrensville Township Lot No. 97, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning in the center line of Miles Rd. (86 ft. wide) at a point distant Southeasterly as measured along said road line 1049.34 feet from the intersec- tion of the center line of Miles Rd. and the center line of Northfield Rd. (100 ft. wide); Thence North 580 35' East being at right angles to the center line of Miles Rd. and along the center line of Derbyshire Drive proposed, (60 ft. wide) 243.00 ft. to a point; Thence North 31° 25' West 635.00 feet to the Princi pul Place of Beginning of the following des- cribed parcel of land: Thence South 30°, 59' 30" West 313.31 feet as measured to an iron pin set in the Northeasterly line of Miles Roud aforesaid - saia iron pin being Southeasterly as measured along the Northeasterly line of Miles Road, an arc distance of 156.21 feet from the intersection of the Northeasterly line of Miles Koad with the Westerly property line of lands conveyed to The Warfield Land Company by deed recorded in Voiume 5884, Page 17 of Cuyahoga County Records; Thence continuing Southeasterly along the Hortheasterly line of Miles Road un arc distance of 60.00 feet, the radius of said arc being 1043.00 feet, the chord of saia arc bearing South 520 01' 12" 59.99 feet to sn iron pin set; Thence North 33° 17' 10" Last 283.72 feet to an iron pin set; Thence North 31° 25' West 80.00 feet to the Principal Place of 3eginning. And the said Grantee.... forhimse.lf.. "-hid."-w .heirs and assigns in consideration of the dellvery of this Deed, herehy covenant.. S execution and and agree.. .S with the Baid Grantor, ite successors and assigns, to hold real upont thefollowing terms. in Derbyshire Little said herein dewcribed Derbyshire The Warfield Land Company, and venants that are said part ofa general and scheme reservations mas be and are hereby ises shalllre, exclusively Crcton for all, upon Farms and said Grantor. Farms now impoaed all the said housand - (85. shall 000.00). and erected, no two-family duersh remain DuPDOSES, and that no house shall of be const truct thereon to house than the famile" known house E line, e within nor eight (8) feet house, of scluding. either of aide erected, double place! house, ors sutfered coet of. to construction remain of be E Seven. EE Dollars EAe shal! be B thereon seventy-fve (75) feet the lot said premises. the front No (3) temporary the oY the dwelling crected the maintained on - line than of the premises hereby conveyed, which shall approach any kind or nature be nresidence shall be erected maintained said. premises, any of the Little Farms, IS premises ty the for the use storing machinery C and permunent garden dwelling thereon. beerected on the parcele in Derbyahire Garazes. temporary structure may used storing farm machinery and tools, the housing must of chickens back a least cow, (50) fuet set from back the rear the house. Barns available E sanitary a front dwelliny tools. house!o other buildings, garage MSE (200) feet weparute shall shi mt to be built s residence until such septic be built or rah sanitary "ma applics to parcels : now laans bysanitary the Caucasian Theveni installed (G) premises herein described shall notbe sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any or 4E 37 The raising maintnininy hogor not of the pure blood of set back Parcels (60). fronting on the front Ra and EL inclusive goats, shall not zoned be AB permitted on the or fronting Miles LE herein contained. must be constructed ar brick, stone business or fire uperty but huildi proof This ffty B6r st Bet-back thereon also appliesto the constructiono of resident must (0) thereon applies must tothe Bet construction (50) feet A the numbering Jot from 97 to 116 inelusive, of E On parcels Nos 108, 109. . for business ds but fire material., This (50) foot constructed privilekeof using afresident 110.111and Drive two ME Avenue from the Derbyshire Jot line back shall back 112, purposes are covered in the restrietions 6 these set lots forth shall be construeas frontage on business for of venue. B The remaininy depth and may used f purposes for residential where Grantee 8o. desires shall be above. All parcels fronting 0) All parcéls frunting on Derbyshire Drive and Green Road, with the exception of parcel No. 12 fronting on Green Road, shall be used exclusively (11) No or and building farm DurposeE. ofanykind Little in writing Farms, by the an officer architectural of the said plans company, for have whatsoever not been m: erected, with the Grantor herein, or suffered. to on anyof the in Derbyshire then said have been approved The E to.the Bame restrictions. and shall run each thel deed, and each and every Jimitations, parcel in ted restrictions, agreements. except hereinbefore Decifled, EEAiL Farms, except as hereinbefore eovenants Little and be deemed AS AR neftof all restrictions apply, and shal! Grantee, his heirs may be and affected assigns. by these the restrictions, Ist day of restrictions, the owners SrA parcels tot the int the the same vicinity which which these January, Me be the same more or less but subject to all legal highways.
ARs-7AR-671 VOL6834 PAGE719 WARRANTY DEED-Pmm-Camasw. (No. 104B) Onieletal Blane Ca. 278897 Bnow all pen bp tbese presents, That THEWARFIRID. LAND. COMPANY. Corporation, the Grantor, for the consideration of.T.E..N.. Dollars (S.-1Q.00-- ) received toi its full satisfaction of. GEORGE. Ha. TIPLING., 18585 Parkland Driea.. Shukerlaichia.pmta. the Grantee.. does give, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said Grantec..-, his --heirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the.. Village. of.North. Randall. Countyof Cwyahoga. and State of Ohio: PARCEL NO.114 and known as being part of Original Varrensville Township Lot No. 97, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning in the center line of Miles Rd. (86 ft. wide) at a point distant Southeasterly as measured along said road line 1049.34 feet from the intersec- tion of the center line of Miles Rd. and the center line of Northfield Rd. (100 ft. wide); Thence North 580 35' East being at right angles to the center line of Miles Rd. and along the center line of Derbyshire Drive proposed, (60 ft. wide) 243.00 ft. to a point; Thence North 31° 25' West 635.00 feet to the Princi pul Place of Beginning of the following des- cribed parcel of land: Thence South 30°, 59' 30" West 313.31 feet as measured to an iron pin set in the Northeasterly line of Miles Roud aforesaid - saia iron pin being Southeasterly as measured along the Northeasterly line of Miles Road, an arc distance of 156.21 feet from the intersection of the Northeasterly line of Miles Koad with the Westerly property line of lands conveyed to The Warfield Land Company by deed recorded in Voiume 5884, Page 17 of Cuyahoga County Records; Thence continuing Southeasterly along the Hortheasterly line of Miles Road un arc distance of 60.00 feet, the radius of said arc being 1043.00 feet, the chord of saia arc bearing South 520 01' 12" 59.99 feet to sn iron pin set; Thence North 33° 17' 10" Last 283.72 feet to an iron pin set; Thence North 31° 25' West 80.00 feet to the Principal Place of 3eginning. And the said Grantee.... forhimse.lf.. "-hid."-w .heirs and assigns in consideration of the dellvery of this Deed, herehy covenant.. S execution and and agree.. .S with the Baid Grantor, ite successors and assigns, to hold real upont thefollowing terms. in Derbyshire Little said herein dewcribed Derbyshire The Warfield Land Company, and venants that are said part ofa general and scheme reservations mas be and are hereby ises shalllre, exclusively Crcton for all, upon Farms and said Grantor. Farms now impoaed all the said housand - (85. shall 000.00). and erected, no two-family duersh remain DuPDOSES, and that no house shall of be const truct thereon to house than the famile" known house E line, e within nor eight (8) feet house, of scluding. either of aide erected, double place! house, ors sutfered coet of. to construction remain of be E Seven. EE Dollars EAe shal! be B thereon seventy-fve (75) feet the lot said premises. the front No (3) temporary the oY the dwelling crected the maintained on - line than of the premises hereby conveyed, which shall approach any kind or nature be nresidence shall be erected maintained said. premises, any of the Little Farms, IS premises ty the for the use storing machinery C and permunent garden dwelling thereon. beerected on the parcele in Derbyahire Garazes. temporary structure may used storing farm machinery and tools, the housing must of chickens back a least cow, (50) fuet set from back the rear the house. Barns available E sanitary a front dwelliny tools. house!o other buildings, garage MSE (200) feet weparute shall shi mt to be built s residence until such septic be built or rah sanitary "ma applics to parcels : now laans bysanitary the Caucasian Theveni installed (G) premises herein described shall notbe sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any or 4E 37 The raising maintnininy hogor not of the pure blood of set back Parcels (60). fronting on the front Ra and EL inclusive goats, shall not zoned be AB permitted on the or fronting Miles LE herein contained. must be constructed ar brick, stone business or fire uperty but huildi proof This ffty B6r st Bet-back thereon also appliesto the constructiono of resident must (0) thereon applies must tothe Bet construction (50) feet A the numbering Jot from 97 to 116 inelusive, of E On parcels Nos 108, 109. . for business ds but fire material., This (50) foot constructed privilekeof using afresident 110.111and Drive two ME Avenue from the Derbyshire Jot line back shall back 112, purposes are covered in the restrietions 6 these set lots forth shall be construeas frontage on business for of venue. B The remaininy depth and may used f purposes for residential where Grantee 8o. desires shall be above. All parcels fronting 0) All parcéls frunting on Derbyshire Drive and Green Road, with the exception of parcel No. 12 fronting on Green Road, shall be used exclusively (11) No or and building farm DurposeE. ofanykind Little in writing Farms, by the an officer architectural of the said plans company, for have whatsoever not been m: erected, with the Grantor herein, or suffered. to on anyof the in Derbyshire then said have been approved The E to.the Bame restrictions. and shall run each thel deed, and each and every Jimitations, parcel in ted restrictions, agreements. except hereinbefore Decifled, EEAiL Farms, except as hereinbefore eovenants Little and be deemed AS AR neftof all restrictions apply, and shal! Grantee, his heirs may be and affected assigns. by these the restrictions, Ist day of restrictions, the owners SrA parcels tot the int the the same vicinity which which these January, Me be the same more or less but subject to all legal highways.
sor sunitary convenience, This applies to parcels : (G) The premises herein not now serviced described shail not be sold, the Caucasian conveyed, given awny, leased or used, by any person racu. or persons not of the pure blood of (7) The raising or maintaining of a hogor hoos
(6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]sor sunitary convenience, This applies to parcels : (G) The premises herein not now serviced described shail not be sold, the Caucasian conveyed, given awny, leased or used, by any person racu. or persons not of the pure blood of (7) The raising or maintaining of a hogor hoos[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nARs-7AR-671\nVOL6834 PAGE719\nWARRANTY DEED-Pmm-Camasw. (No. 104B)\nOnieletal Blane Ca.\n278897\nBnow all pen bp tbese presents, That THEWARFIRID. LAND. COMPANY.\n2.3.0.34...Cevslama.0na.-\nCorporation, the Grantor,\nfor the consideration of.T.E..N..\nDollars\n(S.-1Q.00-- ) received toi its full satisfaction of. GEORGE. Ha. TIPLING.,\n18585 Parkland Driea.. Shukerlaichia.pmta.\nthe Grantee..\ndoes give, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said Grantec..-, his --heirs and assigns, the\nfollowing described premises, situated in the.. Village. of.North. Randall.\nCountyof\nCwyahoga.\nand State of Ohio:\nPARCEL NO.114\nand known as being part of Original Varrensville\nTownship Lot No. 97, and bounded and described\nas follows:\nBeginning in the center line of Miles Rd. (86 ft.\nwide) at a point distant Southeasterly as measured\nalong said road line 1049.34 feet from the intersec-\ntion of the center line of Miles Rd. and the center\nline of Northfield Rd. (100 ft. wide);\nThence North 580 35' East being at right angles to\nthe center line of Miles Rd. and along the center\nline of Derbyshire Drive proposed, (60 ft. wide)\n243.00 ft. to a point;\nThence North 31° 25' West 635.00 feet to the\nPrinci pul Place of Beginning of the following des-\ncribed parcel of land:\nThence South 30°, 59' 30\" West 313.31 feet as measured\nto an iron pin set in the Northeasterly line of Miles\nRoud aforesaid - saia iron pin being Southeasterly as\nmeasured along the Northeasterly line of Miles Road,\nan arc distance of 156.21 feet from the intersection\nof the Northeasterly line of Miles Koad with the\nWesterly property line of lands conveyed to The Warfield Land\nCompany by deed recorded in Voiume 5884, Page 17 of Cuyahoga County\nRecords;\nThence continuing Southeasterly along the Hortheasterly\nline of Miles Road un arc distance of 60.00 feet, the\nradius of said arc being 1043.00 feet, the chord of\nsaia arc bearing South 520 01' 12\" 59.99 feet to\nsn iron pin set;\nThence North 33° 17' 10\" Last 283.72 feet to an iron\npin set;\nThence North 31° 25' West 80.00 feet to the Principal\nPlace of 3eginning.\nAnd the said Grantee.... forhimse.lf..\n\"-hid.\"-w .heirs and assigns in consideration of the\ndellvery of this Deed, herehy covenant.. S\nexecution and\nand agree.. .S with the Baid Grantor, ite successors and assigns, to hold real\nupont thefollowing terms.\nin Derbyshire Little said\nherein dewcribed\nDerbyshire The Warfield Land Company, and venants that are said part ofa general and scheme\nreservations mas be and are hereby\nises shalllre, exclusively Crcton for\nall,\nupon Farms and said Grantor.\nFarms now\nimpoaed all the said\nhousand - (85. shall 000.00). and erected, no two-family duersh remain DuPDOSES, and that no house shall of be const truct thereon to house than\nthe\nfamile\"\nknown\nhouse\nE line, e within nor eight (8) feet house, of scluding. either of aide erected, double place! house, ors sutfered coet of. to construction remain of\nbe E Seven. EE Dollars EAe\nshal! be\nB\n\nthereon seventy-fve (75) feet the lot\nsaid premises.\nthe front No\n(3) temporary the oY the dwelling crected the maintained on\n-\n\nline than\nof the premises hereby conveyed, which shall\napproach\n\nany kind or nature\nbe nresidence shall be erected maintained said. premises, any of the\nLittle Farms,\nIS\npremises ty the for the use storing machinery C and permunent garden dwelling thereon.\nbeerected on the\nparcele in Derbyahire\nGarazes.\ntemporary structure may\nused storing farm machinery and tools, the housing must of chickens back a least cow, (50) fuet set from back the rear the house. Barns\navailable E sanitary\na front\ndwelliny\ntools.\nhouse!o\nother\nbuildings,\ngarage\nMSE (200) feet\nweparute shall shi mt to be built s residence until such\nseptic\nbe built or\nrah sanitary\n\"ma applics to parcels : now laans\nbysanitary\nthe Caucasian Theveni\ninstalled\n(G)\npremises herein\ndescribed shall notbe sold, conveyed, given away, leased or\nused, by any or\n4E\n37 The raising maintnininy hogor\nnot of the pure blood of\nset back Parcels (60). fronting on the front Ra and EL inclusive goats, shall not zoned be AB permitted on the\nor\nfronting Miles LE\nherein contained.\nmust be constructed ar brick, stone business or fire uperty but huildi\nproof This ffty B6r st Bet-back thereon also\nappliesto the constructiono of resident\nmust\n(0)\nthereon applies must tothe Bet construction (50) feet A the numbering Jot from 97 to 116 inelusive, of\nE\nOn parcels Nos 108, 109. .\nfor business\nds\nbut\nfire material., This (50) foot constructed\nprivilekeof using afresident\n110.111and\n Drive two ME Avenue from the Derbyshire Jot line\nback\nshall back 112,\npurposes are covered in the restrietions 6 these set lots forth shall be construeas frontage on\nbusiness\nfor\nof venue.\nB\nThe remaininy depth\nand\nmay used f purposes for residential where\nGrantee 8o. desires\nshall be\nabove. All\nparcels fronting\n0) All parcéls frunting on Derbyshire Drive and\nGreen Road, with the exception of parcel No. 12 fronting on Green Road, shall be used\nexclusively (11) No\nor and building farm DurposeE. ofanykind\nLittle in writing Farms, by the an officer architectural of the said plans company, for have whatsoever not been m: erected, with the Grantor herein, or suffered. to on anyof the in Derbyshire\nthen\nsaid have been approved\nThe\nE to.the Bame restrictions. and shall run each thel deed, and each and every Jimitations, parcel in\nted restrictions, agreements.\nexcept hereinbefore Decifled, EEAiL Farms, except as hereinbefore eovenants\nLittle and\nbe deemed AS\nAR\nneftof all\nrestrictions apply, and shal! Grantee, his heirs may be and affected assigns. by these the restrictions, Ist day of restrictions, the owners SrA parcels tot the\nint the\nthe same\nvicinity which\nwhich these\nJanuary, Me\nbe the same more or less but subject to all legal highways.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]sor sunitary convenience, This applies to parcels\n:\n(G) The premises herein\nnot now serviced\ndescribed shail not be sold,\nthe Caucasian\nconveyed, given awny, leased or used, by any person\nracu.\nor persons not of the pure blood of\n(7) The raising or maintaining of a hogor hoos[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VoL7688 FA415 3. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other out4. None of the parcels described herein may be subdivided into5. No noxious or offensive use shall be made of any lot nor shall buildings shall be erected within 400 feet of the said center line of said Rich-mond Road to be used at any time as either a permanent or temporary dwelling.any thing be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance tothe neighborhood, and no gas or oil derrick, advertising sign,. billboard or otheradvertising device, except a proper sign advertising the premises for rent orsale, shall be built, placed, permitted or suffered to remain upon any of saidparcels nor shall any parcel be used in whole or in part for any business ormanufacturing purposes. No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquor shall beor acquired by, nor shall the same be used by any person not of the Caucasian Raceprevent the bona fide employment by an owner or tenant of domestic servants of smaller units or parcels. manufactured or sold upon any parcel.or any undesirable person.a different race or nationality. 6. The said premises granted herein may not be sold, transferred Provided, however, that this covenant shall not 7. AI perpetual easement is reserved over the rear five feet of each8. These covenants and restrictions are to run with the land and shall9. If the parties hereto, or any of them, or their heirs or assigns lot for utility installation and maintenance. be binding on all the parties and all persons claiming under them until January1,1 1975 at which time covenants and restrictions shall terminate.shall violate or attempt to violate any of the covenants or restrictions herein be-fore January 1, 1975, it shall be lawful for the First Party or any other personsowning any other parcels in said development or subdivision to prosecute anyproceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating orattempting to violate any such covenant or restrictions and either to. prevent himor them from so doing or to recover damages or other dues for such violation.order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in 10. The invalidation of any one of these covenants by judgment or court full force and effect. Co Bjavr anà to Bjolb the above franted and bargained premises, with theappurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantees , their heirs and assigns forever. And we Conrad J. Pravda and Mary Pravda, the said Grantors, do for ourselves and our .heirs, e.eculors and administrators, covenant wilh the said Grantees, their heirs and assifns, thatwell seized, of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEESIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form asabove writien, and that the same are frre front all immbranrs whatsorurr except at and until the ensealing of these presents, we are
VoL7688 FA415 3. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other out4. None of the parcels described herein may be subdivided into5. No noxious or offensive use shall be made of any lot nor shall buildings shall be erected within 400 feet of the said center line of said Rich-mond Road to be used at any time as either a permanent or temporary dwelling.any thing be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance tothe neighborhood, and no gas or oil derrick, advertising sign,. billboard or otheradvertising device, except a proper sign advertising the premises for rent orsale, shall be built, placed, permitted or suffered to remain upon any of saidparcels nor shall any parcel be used in whole or in part for any business ormanufacturing purposes. No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquor shall beor acquired by, nor shall the same be used by any person not of the Caucasian Raceprevent the bona fide employment by an owner or tenant of domestic servants of smaller units or parcels. manufactured or sold upon any parcel.or any undesirable person.a different race or nationality. 6. The said premises granted herein may not be sold, transferred Provided, however, that this covenant shall not 7. AI perpetual easement is reserved over the rear five feet of each8. These covenants and restrictions are to run with the land and shall9. If the parties hereto, or any of them, or their heirs or assigns lot for utility installation and maintenance. be binding on all the parties and all persons claiming under them until January1,1 1975 at which time covenants and restrictions shall terminate.shall violate or attempt to violate any of the covenants or restrictions herein be-fore January 1, 1975, it shall be lawful for the First Party or any other personsowning any other parcels in said development or subdivision to prosecute anyproceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating orattempting to violate any such covenant or restrictions and either to. prevent himor them from so doing or to recover damages or other dues for such violation.order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in 10. The invalidation of any one of these covenants by judgment or court full force and effect. Co Bjavr anà to Bjolb the above franted and bargained premises, with theappurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantees , their heirs and assigns forever. And we Conrad J. Pravda and Mary Pravda, the said Grantors, do for ourselves and our .heirs, e.eculors and administrators, covenant wilh the said Grantees, their heirs and assifns, thatwell seized, of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEESIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form asabove writien, and that the same are frre front all immbranrs whatsorurr except at and until the ensealing of these presents, we are
6. The said premises granted herein may not be sold, transferred or acquired by, nor shall the same be used by any person not of the Caucasian Race or any undesirable person. Provided, however, that this covenant shall not
6.The said premises granted herein may not be sold, transferred, or acquired by, nor shall the same be used by any person not of the Caucasian Race or any undesirable person.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]6. The said premises granted herein may not be sold, transferred or acquired by, nor shall the same be used by any person not of the Caucasian Race or any undesirable person. Provided, however, that this covenant shall not [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]6.The said premises granted herein may not be sold, transferred, or acquired by, nor shall the same be used by any person not of the Caucasian Race or any undesirable person.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVoL7688 FA415\n3. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other out4. None of the parcels described herein may be subdivided into5. No noxious or offensive use shall be made of any lot nor shall\nbuildings shall be erected within 400 feet of the said center line of said Rich-mond Road to be used at any time as either a permanent or temporary dwelling.any thing be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance tothe neighborhood, and no gas or oil derrick, advertising sign,. billboard or otheradvertising device, except a proper sign advertising the premises for rent orsale, shall be built, placed, permitted or suffered to remain upon any of saidparcels nor shall any parcel be used in whole or in part for any business ormanufacturing purposes. No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquor shall beor acquired by, nor shall the same be used by any person not of the Caucasian Raceprevent the bona fide employment by an owner or tenant of domestic servants of\nsmaller units or parcels.\nmanufactured or sold upon any parcel.or any undesirable person.a different race or nationality.\n6. The said premises granted herein may not be sold, transferred\nProvided, however, that this covenant shall not\n7. AI perpetual easement is reserved over the rear five feet of each8. These covenants and restrictions are to run with the land and shall9. If the parties hereto, or any of them, or their heirs or assigns\nlot for utility installation and maintenance.\nbe binding on all the parties and all persons claiming under them until January1,1 1975 at which time covenants and restrictions shall terminate.shall violate or attempt to violate any of the covenants or restrictions herein be-fore January 1, 1975, it shall be lawful for the First Party or any other personsowning any other parcels in said development or subdivision to prosecute anyproceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating orattempting to violate any such covenant or restrictions and either to. prevent himor them from so doing or to recover damages or other dues for such violation.order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in\n10. The invalidation of any one of these covenants by judgment or court\nfull force and effect.\nCo Bjavr anà to Bjolb the above franted and bargained premises, with theappurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantees , their heirs and assigns forever.\nAnd we\nConrad J. Pravda and Mary Pravda,\nthe said Grantors, do for\nourselves\nand our .heirs, e.eculors and\nadministrators, covenant wilh the said Grantees, their heirs and assifns, thatwell seized, of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEESIMPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form asabove writien, and that the same are frre front all immbranrs whatsorurr except\nat and until the ensealing of these presents, we are\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]6. The said premises granted herein may not be sold, transferred\nor acquired by, nor shall the same be used by any person not of the Caucasian Race\nor any undesirable person.\nProvided, however, that this covenant shall not\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]6.The said premises granted herein may not be sold, transferred, or acquired by, nor shall the same be used by any person not of the Caucasian Race or any undesirable person.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL7237 PAGE514 RESTRICTIONS CONTINUED (6-A) An easement of 10 feet on the entire Northerly side is(7) No dwelling shall be permitted on any lot in the tract wherethe ground floor area of the main structure, exolusive of one storyopen porches and garage, shall be not less than 700 square feet, inthe case of a one story or a one and one half story structure, norless than 600 square feet in the case of a two etory structure.(8) An easement is reserved over the rear five feet of each lotfor utility installation and maintenance should the same be required(9) This property shall not be occupied or used, by other thanthe Caucasian race except this covenant shall not prevent occupancyby domestio servants of a different race or nationality employed by(10) The driveway shall be placed on the North side of thestructure on lots on Miner, Lander and proposed Straight Road, andon the East side of the structures on lots on North Road.These oovenants are to run with the land and shall be binding onall parties and all persons claiming under them until July 1, 1970,at which time said covenante shall be automatically extended forsuccesBive periode of ten years unless by vote of a majority of thethen owners of the lots, 1t is agreed to change said covenants inIf the parties hereto, or any of them, or their heirs or assigns,shall violate or attempt to violate any of the covenants herein, itshall be lawful for any other person or persons omming real estatesituated in said development or subdivision to prosecute any pro-ceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violatingor attempting to violate any such covenante and either to preventhim or them from 80 doing or to recover damages or other dues forInvalidation of any one of these covenants by judgments or courtorder shall in no wise effect any of the other provisione which shall reserved for public utilities. or practicable.the owner or tenant. whole or part. such violation. remain in full force and effect. END
VOL7237 PAGE514 RESTRICTIONS CONTINUED (6-A) An easement of 10 feet on the entire Northerly side is(7) No dwelling shall be permitted on any lot in the tract wherethe ground floor area of the main structure, exolusive of one storyopen porches and garage, shall be not less than 700 square feet, inthe case of a one story or a one and one half story structure, norless than 600 square feet in the case of a two etory structure.(8) An easement is reserved over the rear five feet of each lotfor utility installation and maintenance should the same be required(9) This property shall not be occupied or used, by other thanthe Caucasian race except this covenant shall not prevent occupancyby domestio servants of a different race or nationality employed by(10) The driveway shall be placed on the North side of thestructure on lots on Miner, Lander and proposed Straight Road, andon the East side of the structures on lots on North Road.These oovenants are to run with the land and shall be binding onall parties and all persons claiming under them until July 1, 1970,at which time said covenante shall be automatically extended forsuccesBive periode of ten years unless by vote of a majority of thethen owners of the lots, 1t is agreed to change said covenants inIf the parties hereto, or any of them, or their heirs or assigns,shall violate or attempt to violate any of the covenants herein, itshall be lawful for any other person or persons omming real estatesituated in said development or subdivision to prosecute any pro-ceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violatingor attempting to violate any such covenante and either to preventhim or them from 80 doing or to recover damages or other dues forInvalidation of any one of these covenants by judgments or courtorder shall in no wise effect any of the other provisione which shall reserved for public utilities. or practicable.the owner or tenant. whole or part. such violation. remain in full force and effect. END
(9) This property shall not be occupied or used, by other than the Cauoasian race except this covenant shall not prevent occupanoy by domestio servants of a different race or nationality employed by the owner or tenant.
(9) This property shall not be occupied or used, by other than the Caucasian race except this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a difference race or nationality employed by the owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](9) This property shall not be occupied or used, by other than the Cauoasian race except this covenant shall not prevent occupanoy by domestio servants of a different race or nationality employed by the owner or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](9) This property shall not be occupied or used, by other than the Caucasian race except this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a difference race or nationality employed by the owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL7237 PAGE514\nRESTRICTIONS CONTINUED\n(6-A) An easement of 10 feet on the entire Northerly side is(7) No dwelling shall be permitted on any lot in the tract wherethe ground floor area of the main structure, exolusive of one storyopen porches and garage, shall be not less than 700 square feet, inthe case of a one story or a one and one half story structure, norless than 600 square feet in the case of a two etory structure.(8) An easement is reserved over the rear five feet of each lotfor utility installation and maintenance should the same be required(9) This property shall not be occupied or used, by other thanthe Caucasian race except this covenant shall not prevent occupancyby domestio servants of a different race or nationality employed by(10) The driveway shall be placed on the North side of thestructure on lots on Miner, Lander and proposed Straight Road, andon the East side of the structures on lots on North Road.These oovenants are to run with the land and shall be binding onall parties and all persons claiming under them until July 1, 1970,at which time said covenante shall be automatically extended forsuccesBive periode of ten years unless by vote of a majority of thethen owners of the lots, 1t is agreed to change said covenants inIf the parties hereto, or any of them, or their heirs or assigns,shall violate or attempt to violate any of the covenants herein, itshall be lawful for any other person or persons omming real estatesituated in said development or subdivision to prosecute any pro-ceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violatingor attempting to violate any such covenante and either to preventhim or them from 80 doing or to recover damages or other dues forInvalidation of any one of these covenants by judgments or courtorder shall in no wise effect any of the other provisione which shall\nreserved for public utilities.\nor practicable.the owner or tenant.\nwhole or part.\nsuch violation.\nremain in full force and effect.\nEND\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](9) This property shall not be occupied or used, by other than\nthe Cauoasian race except this covenant shall not prevent occupanoy\nby domestio servants of a different race or nationality employed by\nthe owner or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](9) This property shall not be occupied or used, by other than the Caucasian race except this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a difference race or nationality employed by the owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] V0L6840 PAG447 are being The above described premises will-be convayed subjéot tothe. following restrictions: (1) Said premises shall be used exolusively for residential, small farm and gardening purposes, and no structure shall be ereoted" 'thereon other than one detached single family dwelling not to exceed two stories in height, necessary outbuildings and a one or two car garage, either attached to or detached from said structure on each parcel. (2) No dwelling shall be erected on said premises nearer to the 'center : line of the road upon which it faces than 115 nor nearer than 5 feet to 'any side lot line. (3) 'Said premises shall not be resubdivided into building lots. having less than20,000square feet of area or a width of less than 80 feet each, nor shall any building be erected on any plot having an area of less than 20,000 square feet or a frontage of less 'than 80'. féeti.' The-restric- tions, rights reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and oondi- tions herein contained shall apply to each of the parcels into which said premises may be s0 subdivided. (4) No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold either at wholesale or retail upon said premises, and no place of public entertainment or resort" of any character shall be established, conducted, or suffered to remain on said premises. (5). No obnoxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any. Iot nor shall anything be done thereon which may be -or become an annoyance-or nuisance to the neighborhood. No nuisancé or gas "or oil derrick, advertis- ing.sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be builty"placed, 3 permitted or suffered to remain upon any of the said' paroels, nor. shall any such parcels be used in whole or part for business or in any way for any purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the quiet of any holder of adjoining land. Any animals kept by the owners for their use or pleasure shall not be permitted "to run' 'at- -Iarge and shall be kept in pens or enclosures so designea and loçated so as. to be. inoffen- sive to other owners and 50 as not to become a nuisance. No outbuildings shall be allowed for sewage disposal. No pigs or other obnoxious animals shall be. kept on said premises. 5, (6) No persons of.any race other than those of the Caucasian race-shall, : use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent oocupancy by domestic seryants. of- ac different race or nationality employed'by an owner or tenant. (7); No trailér; tent;" basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected on said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, tempor- arily or permanently, nor "shall any residence of temporary character be permitted. (8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the approval oflonsimRidgs Gardensor the committee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures r-h- located upon adjoining lands., .i ci, : :. (9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the size, type, cost and material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location of said,building. on the. lots. and, the, plans and specificAtions and details therefor shall have been approved in writing by Lorain dens or a. committee. appointed. by ik.provided,; howeyer.thabyin. Ridge the Gar- that such a committee is not in existence, or being in existence, fails event to approve -or disapprove, ohdatipser.oation within thiptydays afterre ceipt thereof; such approval will not be required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and. are in harmony with existing structures, on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or without the approval of said Lorain Ridge- Gardens or of said committee, no dwellig costing less ithan 8600.00rxemershall berpermitted on said premises, and the ground floor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600 square feet in: :the case of a. one story. strueture,-or less than 500 square feet in the case of a one and one-half or two story structure.
V0L6840 PAG447 are being The above described premises will-be convayed subjéot tothe. following restrictions: (1) Said premises shall be used exolusively for residential, small farm and gardening purposes, and no structure shall be ereoted" 'thereon other than one detached single family dwelling not to exceed two stories in height, necessary outbuildings and a one or two car garage, either attached to or detached from said structure on each parcel. (2) No dwelling shall be erected on said premises nearer to the 'center : line of the road upon which it faces than 115 nor nearer than 5 feet to 'any side lot line. (3) 'Said premises shall not be resubdivided into building lots. having less than20,000square feet of area or a width of less than 80 feet each, nor shall any building be erected on any plot having an area of less than 20,000 square feet or a frontage of less 'than 80'. féeti.' The-restric- tions, rights reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and oondi- tions herein contained shall apply to each of the parcels into which said premises may be s0 subdivided. (4) No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold either at wholesale or retail upon said premises, and no place of public entertainment or resort" of any character shall be established, conducted, or suffered to remain on said premises. (5). No obnoxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any. Iot nor shall anything be done thereon which may be -or become an annoyance-or nuisance to the neighborhood. No nuisancé or gas "or oil derrick, advertis- ing.sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be builty"placed, 3 permitted or suffered to remain upon any of the said' paroels, nor. shall any such parcels be used in whole or part for business or in any way for any purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the quiet of any holder of adjoining land. Any animals kept by the owners for their use or pleasure shall not be permitted "to run' 'at- -Iarge and shall be kept in pens or enclosures so designea and loçated so as. to be. inoffen- sive to other owners and 50 as not to become a nuisance. No outbuildings shall be allowed for sewage disposal. No pigs or other obnoxious animals shall be. kept on said premises. 5, (6) No persons of.any race other than those of the Caucasian race-shall, : use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent oocupancy by domestic seryants. of- ac different race or nationality employed'by an owner or tenant. (7); No trailér; tent;" basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected on said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, tempor- arily or permanently, nor "shall any residence of temporary character be permitted. (8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the approval oflonsimRidgs Gardensor the committee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures r-h- located upon adjoining lands., .i ci, : :. (9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the size, type, cost and material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location of said,building. on the. lots. and, the, plans and specificAtions and details therefor shall have been approved in writing by Lorain dens or a. committee. appointed. by ik.provided,; howeyer.thabyin. Ridge the Gar- that such a committee is not in existence, or being in existence, fails event to approve -or disapprove, ohdatipser.oation within thiptydays afterre ceipt thereof; such approval will not be required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and. are in harmony with existing structures, on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or without the approval of said Lorain Ridge- Gardens or of said committee, no dwellig costing less ithan 8600.00rxemershall berpermitted on said premises, and the ground floor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600 square feet in: :the case of a. one story. strueture,-or less than 500 square feet in the case of a one and one-half or two story structure.
(6) No persons of,, any race other than those of the Caucasian race-shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenart shall not prevent oocupancy by domestic seryants-of'e different race or nationality employed'by an owner or tenant.
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of,, any race other than those of the Caucasian race-shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenart shall not prevent oocupancy by domestic seryants-of'e different race or nationality employed'by an owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nV0L6840 PAG447\nare being\nThe above described premises will-be convayed subjéot tothe. following\nrestrictions:\n(1) Said premises shall be used exolusively for residential, small farm\nand gardening purposes, and no structure shall be ereoted\" 'thereon other\nthan one detached single family dwelling not to exceed two stories in\nheight, necessary outbuildings and a one or two car garage, either attached\nto or detached from said structure on each parcel.\n(2) No dwelling shall be erected on said premises nearer to the 'center :\nline of the road upon which it faces than 115 nor nearer than 5\nfeet to 'any side lot line.\n(3) 'Said premises shall not be resubdivided into building lots. having\nless than20,000square feet of area or a width of less than 80 feet each,\nnor shall any building be erected on any plot having an area of less than\n20,000 square feet or a frontage of less 'than 80'. féeti.' The-restric-\ntions, rights reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and oondi-\ntions herein contained shall apply to each of the parcels into which said\npremises may be s0 subdivided.\n(4) No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or\nsold either at wholesale or retail upon said premises, and no place of\npublic entertainment or resort\" of any character shall be established,\nconducted, or suffered to remain on said premises.\n(5). No obnoxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any. Iot nor\nshall anything be done thereon which may be -or become an annoyance-or\nnuisance to the neighborhood. No nuisancé or gas \"or oil derrick, advertis-\ning.sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be builty\"placed, 3\npermitted or suffered to remain upon any of the said' paroels, nor. shall\nany such parcels be used in whole or part for business or in any way for\nany purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the\nquiet of any holder of adjoining land. Any animals kept by the owners\nfor their use or pleasure shall not be permitted \"to run' 'at- -Iarge and shall\nbe kept in pens or enclosures so designea and loçated so as. to be. inoffen-\nsive to other owners and 50 as not to become a nuisance. No outbuildings\nshall be allowed for sewage disposal. No pigs or other obnoxious animals\nshall be. kept on said premises.\n5,\n(6) No persons of.any race other than those of the Caucasian race-shall, :\nuse or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except\nthat this covenant shall not prevent oocupancy by domestic seryants. of- ac\ndifferent race or nationality employed'by an owner or tenant.\n(7); No trailér; tent;\" basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding\nerected on said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, tempor-\narily or permanently, nor \"shall any residence of temporary character be\npermitted.\n(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the\napproval oflonsimRidgs Gardensor the committee hereinafter referred to, or\nif there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing\nstructures r-h- located upon adjoining lands., .i\nci,\n: :.\n(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the size, type,\ncost and material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed\nlocation of said,building. on the. lots. and, the, plans and specificAtions and\ndetails therefor shall have been approved in writing by Lorain\ndens or a. committee. appointed. by ik.provided,; howeyer.thabyin. Ridge the\nGar-\nthat such a committee is not in existence, or being in existence, fails event to\napprove -or disapprove, ohdatipser.oation within thiptydays afterre\nceipt thereof; such approval will not be required, provided the design and\nlocation on the lot conform to and. are in harmony with existing structures,\non adjoining lands. In any case, either with or without the approval of\nsaid Lorain Ridge- Gardens\nor of said committee, no dwellig\ncosting less ithan 8600.00rxemershall berpermitted on said premises, and\nthe ground floor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600\nsquare feet in: :the case of a. one story. strueture,-or less than 500 square\nfeet in the case of a one and one-half or two story structure.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of,, any race other than those of the Caucasian race-shall\nuse or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except\nthat this covenart shall not prevent oocupancy by domestic seryants-of'e\ndifferent race or nationality employed'by an owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] voL6414 PAG:675 5. Said premises shall not be used for any purpose or in any way which may endanger the health or reasonably disturb the quiet of any occupant of adjacent or neig ghboring premises. No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be menufactured or sold, either at wholesale or at retail,. on said premises, nor shall said premises be used for any mercantile, mechanical or manufacturing purposes. 6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race. 7. The intent of this covenant is that said premises shall be used exclusively for private residence purposes, and for no other purpose whatsoever, whether of the kind specified in this paragraph or otherwise, the enumeration herein of certain prohibited uses of said premises being in addition to, and not exclusive of, any use thereof other than for purely residence purposes. The several covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphs numbered from 1 to 7 inclusive shall run with the land hereby conveyed and shall be binding upon the grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, until the 1st day of January, 1997. INT WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands thelz-day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven. Signed and acknowledged in presenoe of; bAn Oblerhky Raymond D. Warren SECkS Candslam H. D. Cain L Carolyms. arren STATE OF OHIO SS: CUYAHOGA COUNTY Before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, personally appeared the above named Raymond D. Warren and Carolyn S. Warren, who acknowledged that they did sign the foregoing instrument and that the same is their free act and deed. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at Clévolend Ohio, this2y"rday of August, A. D. 1947. Mhki Notary Fublic . .Asty rubit Mrtil uiw.sh19So
voL6414 PAG:675 5. Said premises shall not be used for any purpose or in any way which may endanger the health or reasonably disturb the quiet of any occupant of adjacent or neig ghboring premises. No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be menufactured or sold, either at wholesale or at retail,. on said premises, nor shall said premises be used for any mercantile, mechanical or manufacturing purposes. 6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race. 7. The intent of this covenant is that said premises shall be used exclusively for private residence purposes, and for no other purpose whatsoever, whether of the kind specified in this paragraph or otherwise, the enumeration herein of certain prohibited uses of said premises being in addition to, and not exclusive of, any use thereof other than for purely residence purposes. The several covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphs numbered from 1 to 7 inclusive shall run with the land hereby conveyed and shall be binding upon the grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, until the 1st day of January, 1997. INT WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands thelz-day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven. Signed and acknowledged in presenoe of; bAn Oblerhky Raymond D. Warren SECkS Candslam H. D. Cain L Carolyms. arren STATE OF OHIO SS: CUYAHOGA COUNTY Before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, personally appeared the above named Raymond D. Warren and Carolyn S. Warren, who acknowledged that they did sign the foregoing instrument and that the same is their free act and deed. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at Clévolend Ohio, this2y"rday of August, A. D. 1947. Mhki Notary Fublic . .Asty rubit Mrtil uiw.sh19So
6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nvoL6414 PAG:675\n5. Said premises shall not be used for any purpose or in any way\nwhich may endanger the health or reasonably disturb the quiet of any occupant\nof adjacent or neig ghboring premises. No spirituous, vinous or fermented\nliquors shall be menufactured or sold, either at wholesale or at retail,. on\nsaid premises, nor shall said premises be used for any mercantile, mechanical\nor manufacturing purposes.\n6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased\nor used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.\n7. The intent of this covenant is that said premises shall be used\nexclusively for private residence purposes, and for no other purpose whatsoever,\nwhether of the kind specified in this paragraph or otherwise, the enumeration\nherein of certain prohibited uses of said premises being in addition to, and\nnot exclusive of, any use thereof other than for purely residence purposes.\nThe several covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphs\nnumbered from 1 to 7 inclusive shall run with the land hereby conveyed and\nshall be binding upon the grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and\nassigns, until the 1st day of January, 1997.\nINT WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands thelz-day of\nAugust, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven.\nSigned and acknowledged in\npresenoe of;\nbAn\nOblerhky\nRaymond D. Warren\nSECkS\nCandslam\nH. D. Cain L\nCarolyms. arren\nSTATE OF OHIO\nSS:\nCUYAHOGA COUNTY\nBefore me, a notary public in and for said county and state,\npersonally appeared the above named Raymond D. Warren and Carolyn S. Warren,\nwho acknowledged that they did sign the foregoing instrument and that the\nsame is their free act and deed.\nIN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal\nat Clévolend Ohio, this2y\"rday of August, A. D. 1947.\nMhki\nNotary Fublic\n. .Asty rubit\nMrtil uiw.sh19So", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] v1372 PEE215 For the protection and benefit of the entire tract of landdescribed in D. B. 1178, page 605, Recorder's Office, Franklin County,Ohio, of which the abové premises are a part, and for the mutualadvantage of the present and future owners of any part thereof, andas part of the consideration for this conveyance, said grantee doeshereby covenant and agree with said grantor, its successors and assignsFirst: That sald premises shall be used together with thepremises located north thereof for residence purposes only and not forany business or trade; that no building shall be erected upon saidpremises hereby conveyed except one building which shall only be usedasa private garage for the accommodation of not more than two carsand that such building shall be used only as such private garage andSecond: That neither the whole of said premises nor any partthereof shall ever be sold, leased, rented, mortgaged, pledged, givenaway or otherwise disposed of, in any way, shape,, or form, to anyperson other than of the Caucasian race; nor shail said premises, orany part thereof, ever be rented to or used or occupied by any personor persons other than of the Caucasian race, except such person be aservant working for the Caucasian. family occupying said premises.That the foregoing covenants and agreements, and each and everyone of them, shall always be held and considered as running with theland hereby conveyed, and shall be made a part of all deeds, and otherinstruments for transfer of any interest in said property that may behereafter made, except however, it is agreed that the provisions ofparagraph "Two" above shall expire on January 1st, 1995. as follows: shall be used for no other purpose. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said premises, with all the privileges end appurtenances thereunto belonging, to the said Grantee,sxXheirs and assigns forever. herAnd the said Grantor for itself and its successors, doth hereby covenant with the said Grantee,** heirs and assigns, that it is lawfully seized of the premises aforesaid;that the said premises are FREE AND CLEAR FROM ALL ENCUMBRANCES WHATSOEVER;excepting the taxes payable in December 1946 and thereafter, her
v1372 PEE215 For the protection and benefit of the entire tract of landdescribed in D. B. 1178, page 605, Recorder's Office, Franklin County,Ohio, of which the abové premises are a part, and for the mutualadvantage of the present and future owners of any part thereof, andas part of the consideration for this conveyance, said grantee doeshereby covenant and agree with said grantor, its successors and assignsFirst: That sald premises shall be used together with thepremises located north thereof for residence purposes only and not forany business or trade; that no building shall be erected upon saidpremises hereby conveyed except one building which shall only be usedasa private garage for the accommodation of not more than two carsand that such building shall be used only as such private garage andSecond: That neither the whole of said premises nor any partthereof shall ever be sold, leased, rented, mortgaged, pledged, givenaway or otherwise disposed of, in any way, shape,, or form, to anyperson other than of the Caucasian race; nor shail said premises, orany part thereof, ever be rented to or used or occupied by any personor persons other than of the Caucasian race, except such person be aservant working for the Caucasian. family occupying said premises.That the foregoing covenants and agreements, and each and everyone of them, shall always be held and considered as running with theland hereby conveyed, and shall be made a part of all deeds, and otherinstruments for transfer of any interest in said property that may behereafter made, except however, it is agreed that the provisions ofparagraph "Two" above shall expire on January 1st, 1995. as follows: shall be used for no other purpose. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said premises, with all the privileges end appurtenances thereunto belonging, to the said Grantee,sxXheirs and assigns forever. herAnd the said Grantor for itself and its successors, doth hereby covenant with the said Grantee,** heirs and assigns, that it is lawfully seized of the premises aforesaid;that the said premises are FREE AND CLEAR FROM ALL ENCUMBRANCES WHATSOEVER;excepting the taxes payable in December 1946 and thereafter, her
Second: That neither the whole of said premises nor any part thereof shall ever be sold, leased, rented, mortgaged, pledged, given away or otherwise disposed of, in any way, shape,. or form, to any person other than of the Cauçasian race; nor shail said premises, or any part thereof, ever be rented to or used or occupied by any person or persons other than of the Caucasian race, except such person be a servant working for the Caucasian, family occupying said premises.
Second: That neither the whole of said premises nor any part thereof shall be sold, leased, rented, mortgaged, pledged, given away or otherwise disposed of, in any way, shape, or form, to any person other than of the Caucasian race; nor shall said premises, or any part thereof, ever be rented to or used or occupied by any person or persons other than of the Caucasian race, except such person be a servant working for the Caucasian family occupying said premises.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]Second: That neither the whole of said premises nor any part thereof shall ever be sold, leased, rented, mortgaged, pledged, given away or otherwise disposed of, in any way, shape,. or form, to any person other than of the Cauçasian race; nor shail said premises, or any part thereof, ever be rented to or used or occupied by any person or persons other than of the Caucasian race, except such person be a servant working for the Caucasian, family occupying said premises. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]Second: That neither the whole of said premises nor any part thereof shall be sold, leased, rented, mortgaged, pledged, given away or otherwise disposed of, in any way, shape, or form, to any person other than of the Caucasian race; nor shall said premises, or any part thereof, ever be rented to or used or occupied by any person or persons other than of the Caucasian race, except such person be a servant working for the Caucasian family occupying said premises.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nv1372 PEE215\nFor the protection and benefit of the entire tract of landdescribed in D. B. 1178, page 605, Recorder's Office, Franklin County,Ohio, of which the abové premises are a part, and for the mutualadvantage of the present and future owners of any part thereof, andas part of the consideration for this conveyance, said grantee doeshereby covenant and agree with said grantor, its successors and assignsFirst: That sald premises shall be used together with thepremises located north thereof for residence purposes only and not forany business or trade; that no building shall be erected upon saidpremises hereby conveyed except one building which shall only be usedasa private garage for the accommodation of not more than two carsand that such building shall be used only as such private garage andSecond: That neither the whole of said premises nor any partthereof shall ever be sold, leased, rented, mortgaged, pledged, givenaway or otherwise disposed of, in any way, shape,, or form, to anyperson other than of the Caucasian race; nor shail said premises, orany part thereof, ever be rented to or used or occupied by any personor persons other than of the Caucasian race, except such person be aservant working for the Caucasian. family occupying said premises.That the foregoing covenants and agreements, and each and everyone of them, shall always be held and considered as running with theland hereby conveyed, and shall be made a part of all deeds, and otherinstruments for transfer of any interest in said property that may behereafter made, except however, it is agreed that the provisions ofparagraph \"Two\" above shall expire on January 1st, 1995.\nas follows:\nshall be used for no other purpose.\nTO HAVE AND TO HOLD said premises, with all the privileges end appurtenances\nthereunto belonging, to the said Grantee,sxXheirs and assigns forever.\nherAnd the said\nGrantor\nfor itself and its successors, doth hereby covenant with the said Grantee,** heirs and assigns, that it is lawfully seized of the premises aforesaid;that the said premises are FREE AND CLEAR FROM ALL ENCUMBRANCES WHATSOEVER;excepting the taxes payable in December 1946 and thereafter,\nher\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]Second: That neither the whole of said premises nor any part\nthereof shall ever be sold, leased, rented, mortgaged, pledged, given\naway or otherwise disposed of, in any way, shape,. or form, to any\nperson other than of the Cauçasian race; nor shail said premises, or\nany part thereof, ever be rented to or used or occupied by any person\nor persons other than of the Caucasian race, except such person be a\nservant working for the Caucasian, family occupying said premises.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]Second: That neither the whole of said premises nor any part thereof shall be sold, leased, rented, mortgaged, pledged, given away or otherwise disposed of, in any way, shape, or form, to any person other than of the Caucasian race; nor shall said premises, or any part thereof, ever be rented to or used or occupied by any person or persons other than of the Caucasian race, except such person be a servant working for the Caucasian family occupying said premises.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL4923 PAG:525 (Parcel No.5) Situated in the Village of breksville,County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio and known as being part of original Brecksville lowmship Lot No.24 and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Mill koad (as now established) with the Westerly line of the sec- cnd parcel of land conveyed to Ethel Johnson by deed dated Jan.7,1933 and recorded in Vol.4347,Page 50 of Cuyahoga County Records; from vhich point an iron monument bears South 32° 11' 00" West, 32.20 feet; thence South 360 30' 50" East,100 feet along the said center line of Mi:l Road to a point from whtch an iron monument bears South 340 31' 40" liest 31.72 feet; thence South 340 31' 40" West 481.15 feet to an iron monument in the Southerly line of land so conveyed to Ethel Johnson; thence'north 840 09' 40" liest 82 feet along the southerly line of lend so çonveyed to Ethel Johnson to an iron monu- nent at the Southwesterly corner thersof; thence lorth 32° 11' 00" East 553.47 feet along the West- erly line of land so conveyed" to Ethel Johnson to the place of beginning and containing 0.989 Acres of land according to a survey made Sept.1938 by Cleveland Surveys,Ie-,tivil Engineers & Surveyors, be the seme more or less,but subject to all legal highways and wnterways. And the Grantee, for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators or successors and assigns, in con- sideration of the execution and delivery of this instrument hereby covenants, promises and agrees to hold the premises above described upon the following terns: 1.A All of the above described lots shall be known and described as residential lots, aud no struçture shall be erected on any residentinl building plot other then one detached single-femily dwelling not to exceed- two stories in height and a one or two car zarage either attached or detached. 2. lio building shall be erected on any residential building plot nearer than 60 feet from the front lot line, nor farther than the top of the slope to Chippewa Creek, nor nearer than 8 feet to any side lot line. The side line restriction shall not apply to e garage located on the rear one-querter of a lot, or to side streets, there being no side streets in this trast. 3. No residential lot shall be resubdivided into building plots having less than 20,000 square feet of area or a width of less than 90 feet, each,nor shall eny building be erected on any residential buildingplot havingan area of less than 20,000 square feet or a frontage of less than 90 feet. 4. No noxious or offensive trade shell be carried on upcn any lot, nor shall anything be done there- on which mey be or become an annoyance or nuisence to the neighborhood. 5. lo person of a race other than Caucasian shall use or ovcupy any building on eny lot,except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationelity employed ty an owmer or tenant. 6. No trailer, basenent, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilaings erected on any of the above described lots shall et eny time be used as a residence temporarily or pormenently, nor shall any residence of any temporary character be permitted. 7. No structure shall be mJved onto any lot unless it mects with the approval of the comnittee here- inafter referred to, or if there is no comrittee, it shall conforn to end be in harmony with exist- ing structures in the tract. 6.lio building shall be erected on any lot until the design and location thereof have been approved in writing by a committee appointed by C.A.clllen, or electei by a majority of the owners of said lots. however, in the event that such committee is not in existence or fails to approve or dissaprove such design or locatior. within 30 days after receipt t.ereof, then such approval will not be requir- ed, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in harnony with existing struc- tures in said trect. In any case either with or without snproval of the committee, no dvelling cost- ing less than $4,500. shall be permitted on any of seid lots, and the ground floor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 750 square feet in the. case of a one-story structure nor less. than 600 square feet in the case of a one and one half or two-story structure. 9.A perpetual easerent is reserved of 5 feet of. each lot in the rear along the top of the slope a- bove Chippewa Creek for utility installation and maintai nance. 10. Until such time as a senitary sewer system shall have been constructed for said lots, a sanitary septic tank constructed in accordance with the code of the State of Ohio shall be installed for each dvelling house erected on said premises, end no other sanitary provision or device shall be permitted to remain thereon. The effluent from septic tanks shall not be permitted to discharge directly into storm sewer, stream, open ditch or drain, but shall be discharged into an approved absorption field. 11. If the parties hereto, or any of them, or their heirs or assigns, shall violate or attempt to violate any of the covenants or restrictions herein before January 1, 1975, it shall be lawful for any other person or persons owning any other lots in said development or subdivision to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to vio- late any such covenant or restriction and either to prevent him or them fron so doing or to re- cover danages or other dues for such violation. 12. Invalidation of any one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. 13. These covenants and restrictions are to run with the land and shall be binding on the Grantee and all persons claiming under him until January 1, 1975, at which time said covenants and restrictions shall terminate. bet the-same more-or less but subjeet lo- aH-H legal- -highwveye- -and. suéjoek de restriclions, -condilions,- Himilalions,-ease menlsy and-reservalions efreeord-fanys and- sening- -eslrieliens- feny sohich may hase been impesed-thereon
VOL4923 PAG:525 (Parcel No.5) Situated in the Village of breksville,County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio and known as being part of original Brecksville lowmship Lot No.24 and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Mill koad (as now established) with the Westerly line of the sec- cnd parcel of land conveyed to Ethel Johnson by deed dated Jan.7,1933 and recorded in Vol.4347,Page 50 of Cuyahoga County Records; from vhich point an iron monument bears South 32° 11' 00" West, 32.20 feet; thence South 360 30' 50" East,100 feet along the said center line of Mi:l Road to a point from whtch an iron monument bears South 340 31' 40" liest 31.72 feet; thence South 340 31' 40" West 481.15 feet to an iron monument in the Southerly line of land so conveyed to Ethel Johnson; thence'north 840 09' 40" liest 82 feet along the southerly line of lend so çonveyed to Ethel Johnson to an iron monu- nent at the Southwesterly corner thersof; thence lorth 32° 11' 00" East 553.47 feet along the West- erly line of land so conveyed" to Ethel Johnson to the place of beginning and containing 0.989 Acres of land according to a survey made Sept.1938 by Cleveland Surveys,Ie-,tivil Engineers & Surveyors, be the seme more or less,but subject to all legal highways and wnterways. And the Grantee, for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators or successors and assigns, in con- sideration of the execution and delivery of this instrument hereby covenants, promises and agrees to hold the premises above described upon the following terns: 1.A All of the above described lots shall be known and described as residential lots, aud no struçture shall be erected on any residentinl building plot other then one detached single-femily dwelling not to exceed- two stories in height and a one or two car zarage either attached or detached. 2. lio building shall be erected on any residential building plot nearer than 60 feet from the front lot line, nor farther than the top of the slope to Chippewa Creek, nor nearer than 8 feet to any side lot line. The side line restriction shall not apply to e garage located on the rear one-querter of a lot, or to side streets, there being no side streets in this trast. 3. No residential lot shall be resubdivided into building plots having less than 20,000 square feet of area or a width of less than 90 feet, each,nor shall eny building be erected on any residential buildingplot havingan area of less than 20,000 square feet or a frontage of less than 90 feet. 4. No noxious or offensive trade shell be carried on upcn any lot, nor shall anything be done there- on which mey be or become an annoyance or nuisence to the neighborhood. 5. lo person of a race other than Caucasian shall use or ovcupy any building on eny lot,except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationelity employed ty an owmer or tenant. 6. No trailer, basenent, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilaings erected on any of the above described lots shall et eny time be used as a residence temporarily or pormenently, nor shall any residence of any temporary character be permitted. 7. No structure shall be mJved onto any lot unless it mects with the approval of the comnittee here- inafter referred to, or if there is no comrittee, it shall conforn to end be in harmony with exist- ing structures in the tract. 6.lio building shall be erected on any lot until the design and location thereof have been approved in writing by a committee appointed by C.A.clllen, or electei by a majority of the owners of said lots. however, in the event that such committee is not in existence or fails to approve or dissaprove such design or locatior. within 30 days after receipt t.ereof, then such approval will not be requir- ed, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in harnony with existing struc- tures in said trect. In any case either with or without snproval of the committee, no dvelling cost- ing less than $4,500. shall be permitted on any of seid lots, and the ground floor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 750 square feet in the. case of a one-story structure nor less. than 600 square feet in the case of a one and one half or two-story structure. 9.A perpetual easerent is reserved of 5 feet of. each lot in the rear along the top of the slope a- bove Chippewa Creek for utility installation and maintai nance. 10. Until such time as a senitary sewer system shall have been constructed for said lots, a sanitary septic tank constructed in accordance with the code of the State of Ohio shall be installed for each dvelling house erected on said premises, end no other sanitary provision or device shall be permitted to remain thereon. The effluent from septic tanks shall not be permitted to discharge directly into storm sewer, stream, open ditch or drain, but shall be discharged into an approved absorption field. 11. If the parties hereto, or any of them, or their heirs or assigns, shall violate or attempt to violate any of the covenants or restrictions herein before January 1, 1975, it shall be lawful for any other person or persons owning any other lots in said development or subdivision to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to vio- late any such covenant or restriction and either to prevent him or them fron so doing or to re- cover danages or other dues for such violation. 12. Invalidation of any one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. 13. These covenants and restrictions are to run with the land and shall be binding on the Grantee and all persons claiming under him until January 1, 1975, at which time said covenants and restrictions shall terminate. bet the-same more-or less but subjeet lo- aH-H legal- -highwveye- -and. suéjoek de restriclions, -condilions,- Himilalions,-ease menlsy and-reservalions efreeord-fanys and- sening- -eslrieliens- feny sohich may hase been impesed-thereon
5. No person of a race other than Caucasian shall use or o'cupy any building on eny lot,except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationelity employed Ly an owner or tenant.
5. No person of a race other then Caucasian Shall use or occupy any building on any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]5. No person of a race other than Caucasian shall use or o'cupy any building on eny lot,except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationelity employed Ly an owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]5. No person of a race other then Caucasian Shall use or occupy any building on any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL4923 PAG:525\n(Parcel No.5)\nSituated in the Village of breksville,County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio and known as being part\nof original Brecksville lowmship Lot No.24 and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the\nintersection of the center line of Mill koad (as now established) with the Westerly line of the sec-\ncnd parcel of land conveyed to Ethel Johnson by deed dated Jan.7,1933 and recorded in Vol.4347,Page\n50 of Cuyahoga County Records; from vhich point an iron monument bears South 32° 11' 00\" West, 32.20\nfeet; thence South 360 30' 50\" East,100 feet along the said center line of Mi:l Road to a point from\nwhtch an iron monument bears South 340 31' 40\" liest 31.72 feet; thence South 340 31' 40\" West 481.15\nfeet to an iron monument in the Southerly line of land so conveyed to Ethel Johnson; thence'north 840\n09' 40\" liest 82 feet along the southerly line of lend so çonveyed to Ethel Johnson to an iron monu-\nnent at the Southwesterly corner thersof; thence lorth 32° 11' 00\" East 553.47 feet along the West-\nerly line of land so conveyed\" to Ethel Johnson to the place of beginning and containing 0.989 Acres\nof land according to a survey made Sept.1938 by Cleveland Surveys,Ie-,tivil Engineers & Surveyors,\nbe the seme more or less,but subject to all legal highways and wnterways.\nAnd the Grantee, for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators or successors and assigns, in con-\nsideration of the execution and delivery of this instrument hereby covenants, promises and agrees to\nhold the premises above described upon the following terns:\n1.A All of the above described lots shall be known and described as residential lots, aud no struçture\nshall be erected on any residentinl building plot other then one detached single-femily dwelling not\nto exceed- two stories in height and a one or two car zarage either attached or detached.\n2. lio building shall be erected on any residential building plot nearer than 60 feet from the front\nlot line, nor farther than the top of the slope to Chippewa Creek, nor nearer than 8 feet to any side\nlot line. The side line restriction shall not apply to e garage located on the rear one-querter of a\nlot, or to side streets, there being no side streets in this trast.\n3. No residential lot shall be resubdivided into building plots having less than 20,000 square feet\nof area or a width of less than 90 feet, each,nor shall eny building be erected on any residential\nbuildingplot havingan area of less than 20,000 square feet or a frontage of less than 90 feet.\n4. No noxious or offensive trade shell be carried on upcn any lot, nor shall anything be done there-\non which mey be or become an annoyance or nuisence to the neighborhood.\n5. lo person of a race other than Caucasian shall use or ovcupy any building on eny lot,except that\nthis covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationelity\nemployed ty an owmer or tenant.\n6. No trailer, basenent, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilaings erected on any of the above\ndescribed lots shall et eny time be used as a residence temporarily or pormenently, nor shall any\nresidence of any temporary character be permitted.\n7. No structure shall be mJved onto any lot unless it mects with the approval of the comnittee here-\ninafter referred to, or if there is no comrittee, it shall conforn to end be in harmony with exist-\ning structures in the tract.\n6.lio building shall be erected on any lot until the design and location thereof have been approved\nin writing by a committee appointed by C.A.clllen, or electei by a majority of the owners of said\nlots. however, in the event that such committee is not in existence or fails to approve or dissaprove\nsuch design or locatior. within 30 days after receipt t.ereof, then such approval will not be requir-\ned, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in harnony with existing struc-\ntures in said trect. In any case either with or without snproval of the committee, no dvelling cost-\ning less than $4,500. shall be permitted on any of seid lots, and the ground floor square foot area\nthereof shall not be less than 750 square feet in the. case of a one-story structure nor less. than\n600 square feet in the case of a one and one half or two-story structure.\n9.A perpetual easerent is reserved of 5 feet of. each lot in the rear along the top of the slope a-\nbove Chippewa Creek for utility installation and maintai nance.\n10. Until such time as a senitary sewer system shall have been constructed for said lots, a sanitary\nseptic tank constructed in accordance with the code of the State of Ohio shall be installed for each\ndvelling house erected on said premises, end no other sanitary provision or device shall be permitted\nto remain thereon. The effluent from septic tanks shall not be permitted to discharge directly into\nstorm sewer, stream, open ditch or drain, but shall be discharged into an approved absorption field.\n11. If the parties hereto, or any of them, or their heirs or assigns, shall violate or attempt to\nviolate any of the covenants or restrictions herein before January 1, 1975, it shall be lawful for\nany other person or persons owning any other lots in said development or subdivision to prosecute\nany proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to vio-\nlate any such covenant or restriction and either to prevent him or them fron so doing or to re-\ncover danages or other dues for such violation.\n12. Invalidation of any one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any\nof the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect.\n13. These covenants and restrictions are to run with the land and shall be binding on the Grantee and\nall persons claiming under him until January 1, 1975, at which time said covenants and restrictions\nshall terminate.\nbet the-same more-or less but subjeet lo- aH-H legal- -highwveye- -and. suéjoek de restriclions, -condilions,- Himilalions,-ease\nmenlsy and-reservalions efreeord-fanys and- sening- -eslrieliens- feny sohich may hase been impesed-thereon", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]5. No person of a race other than Caucasian shall use or o'cupy any building on eny lot,except that\nthis covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationelity\nemployed Ly an owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]5. No person of a race other then Caucasian Shall use or occupy any building on any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] Ghal Che Cis Cut Compangy coipordtionduly authorized inthe premises, "e GRANTOR, forhéICONSIDERAand other valudble consideration received to'its full: satiafactjonjofg the GRANTEES, does hereby GIVE, GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto the said GRANIEES, theirSituated in the Village of Strongsville, County of Cayahege ad Sbate of Ohio andknown as being part of Original Strongsville Townahtp Lot Ruber/54 and bounded andBeginning on the center line of Paarl Road, (Formerly Wooster Pike), 66, feet wide,at the Northwesterly corner of a paroel of land conveyed to J.G. Clyne by deed datedMay 6, 1907 and recorded in Volume 1485, Page 352 of Cuyahoga County Records; thenceSouth 2° 41' 00" West 808.13 feet along the said center line of Pearl Road. to a pointfor the principal place of beginning; thence South 20 41' 00" West 100 feet alongthe said center line of Pearl Road to a point; thence North 86° 51' 25" East 1000feet to a point; thence North 2° 41 00" East 95.18 feet to a point in the Southerlyline of a parcel of land conveyed to The Board of Park Commissioners of the ClevelandMetropolitan Park District by Deed dated April 4, 1934 and recorded in Volume 4345,Page 537 of Cuyahoga County Records; thence North 80° 48' 25" West 96.31 feet alongthe Southerly line of land 80 conveyed to The Board of Park Commiasioners of theCleveland Metropolitan Park District to an angle therein; thence North 86° 53' 55"West 222.27 feet along the Southerly line of land so conveyed to The Board of ParkCommissioners of the Cleveland Metropolitan Park Distriot to an angle therein,thence South 63° 13' 15" West 99.66 feet to a point; thence South 86°. 51' 25" West593.17 feet to the place of beginning and containing 2.479 Acres of land, accordingtoa survey made June, 1949 by Cleveland Surveys, Civil Engineers and Surveyors, beAnd the Grantees herein for and on behalf oft themselves, their heirs, executors, thisadministrators and assigns in consideration of the execution and delivery ofinstrument, hereby covenant, promise and agree, with and for the benefit of thesaid Grantor, its successors and assigns, and all other ownérs of adjacent landswho shall acquire title thereto fPom the Grantor, to hold the premises hereinabove1. Said premises shall be used exclusively for residential, small farm and garden-ing purposes, and no building shall' be erected, moved or suffered to remain thereonother than one single family dwelling, necessary outbuildings and attached or detachedgarage and such dwelling shall have a reasonable value of not less than $5,000.00based upon Cleveland, Ohio buildings costs as of January lst, 1947.2. No building shall be erected, moved or suffered to remain on said premi ses untilthe size, type, cost and nature of oonstruotion, the lot plan showing the thereof proposedlocation thereon upon the lot, and plans and specifications and detailsshall have first been approved inwriting by The Cleveland Trust Company or its assignee3. Until such time as a sanitary sewer system shall have been installed in thestreet upon which said premises front, a sanitary septic tank constructed in accardancewith the code of the State of Ohio, and the municipality in which said premises aresituated shall be installed in or for each dwelling housé erected thereon, and noother sanitary provision or device shall be permitted to discharge directly into astorm sewer, stream, open ditch or drain but shall be diegharged into an approved4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased to or used by heirs, and assigns, the following described phemises: described as follows: 3and the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. described subject to the following terms: of this power of approval. absorption field. any person not of the pure blood of the. Caucasian race.
Ghal Che Cis Cut Compangy coipordtionduly authorized inthe premises, "e GRANTOR, forhéICONSIDERAand other valudble consideration received to'its full: satiafactjonjofg the GRANTEES, does hereby GIVE, GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto the said GRANIEES, theirSituated in the Village of Strongsville, County of Cayahege ad Sbate of Ohio andknown as being part of Original Strongsville Townahtp Lot Ruber/54 and bounded andBeginning on the center line of Paarl Road, (Formerly Wooster Pike), 66, feet wide,at the Northwesterly corner of a paroel of land conveyed to J.G. Clyne by deed datedMay 6, 1907 and recorded in Volume 1485, Page 352 of Cuyahoga County Records; thenceSouth 2° 41' 00" West 808.13 feet along the said center line of Pearl Road. to a pointfor the principal place of beginning; thence South 20 41' 00" West 100 feet alongthe said center line of Pearl Road to a point; thence North 86° 51' 25" East 1000feet to a point; thence North 2° 41 00" East 95.18 feet to a point in the Southerlyline of a parcel of land conveyed to The Board of Park Commissioners of the ClevelandMetropolitan Park District by Deed dated April 4, 1934 and recorded in Volume 4345,Page 537 of Cuyahoga County Records; thence North 80° 48' 25" West 96.31 feet alongthe Southerly line of land 80 conveyed to The Board of Park Commiasioners of theCleveland Metropolitan Park District to an angle therein; thence North 86° 53' 55"West 222.27 feet along the Southerly line of land so conveyed to The Board of ParkCommissioners of the Cleveland Metropolitan Park Distriot to an angle therein,thence South 63° 13' 15" West 99.66 feet to a point; thence South 86°. 51' 25" West593.17 feet to the place of beginning and containing 2.479 Acres of land, accordingtoa survey made June, 1949 by Cleveland Surveys, Civil Engineers and Surveyors, beAnd the Grantees herein for and on behalf oft themselves, their heirs, executors, thisadministrators and assigns in consideration of the execution and delivery ofinstrument, hereby covenant, promise and agree, with and for the benefit of thesaid Grantor, its successors and assigns, and all other ownérs of adjacent landswho shall acquire title thereto fPom the Grantor, to hold the premises hereinabove1. Said premises shall be used exclusively for residential, small farm and garden-ing purposes, and no building shall' be erected, moved or suffered to remain thereonother than one single family dwelling, necessary outbuildings and attached or detachedgarage and such dwelling shall have a reasonable value of not less than $5,000.00based upon Cleveland, Ohio buildings costs as of January lst, 1947.2. No building shall be erected, moved or suffered to remain on said premi ses untilthe size, type, cost and nature of oonstruotion, the lot plan showing the thereof proposedlocation thereon upon the lot, and plans and specifications and detailsshall have first been approved inwriting by The Cleveland Trust Company or its assignee3. Until such time as a sanitary sewer system shall have been installed in thestreet upon which said premises front, a sanitary septic tank constructed in accardancewith the code of the State of Ohio, and the municipality in which said premises aresituated shall be installed in or for each dwelling housé erected thereon, and noother sanitary provision or device shall be permitted to discharge directly into astorm sewer, stream, open ditch or drain but shall be diegharged into an approved4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased to or used by heirs, and assigns, the following described phemises: described as follows: 3and the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. described subject to the following terms: of this power of approval. absorption field. any person not of the pure blood of the. Caucasian race.
4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased to or used by any person not of the pure blood of the. Caucasian race.
4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased to or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased to or used by any person not of the pure blood of the. Caucasian race. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased to or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nGhal Che Cis Cut Compangy coipordtionduly authorized inthe premises, \"e GRANTOR, forhéICONSIDERAand other valudble consideration received to'its full: satiafactjonjofg\nthe GRANTEES, does hereby GIVE, GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto the said GRANIEES, theirSituated in the Village of Strongsville, County of Cayahege ad Sbate of Ohio andknown as being part of Original Strongsville Townahtp Lot Ruber/54 and bounded andBeginning on the center line of Paarl Road, (Formerly Wooster Pike), 66, feet wide,at the Northwesterly corner of a paroel of land conveyed to J.G. Clyne by deed datedMay 6, 1907 and recorded in Volume 1485, Page 352 of Cuyahoga County Records; thenceSouth 2° 41' 00\" West 808.13 feet along the said center line of Pearl Road. to a pointfor the principal place of beginning; thence South 20 41' 00\" West 100 feet alongthe said center line of Pearl Road to a point; thence North 86° 51' 25\" East 1000feet to a point; thence North 2° 41 00\" East 95.18 feet to a point in the Southerlyline of a parcel of land conveyed to The Board of Park Commissioners of the ClevelandMetropolitan Park District by Deed dated April 4, 1934 and recorded in Volume 4345,Page 537 of Cuyahoga County Records; thence North 80° 48' 25\" West 96.31 feet alongthe Southerly line of land 80 conveyed to The Board of Park Commiasioners of theCleveland Metropolitan Park District to an angle therein; thence North 86° 53' 55\"West 222.27 feet along the Southerly line of land so conveyed to The Board of ParkCommissioners of the Cleveland Metropolitan Park Distriot to an angle therein,thence South 63° 13' 15\" West 99.66 feet to a point; thence South 86°. 51' 25\" West593.17 feet to the place of beginning and containing 2.479 Acres of land, accordingtoa survey made June, 1949 by Cleveland Surveys, Civil Engineers and Surveyors, beAnd the Grantees herein for and on behalf oft themselves, their heirs, executors, thisadministrators and assigns in consideration of the execution and delivery ofinstrument, hereby covenant, promise and agree, with and for the benefit of thesaid Grantor, its successors and assigns, and all other ownérs of adjacent landswho shall acquire title thereto fPom the Grantor, to hold the premises hereinabove1. Said premises shall be used exclusively for residential, small farm and garden-ing purposes, and no building shall' be erected, moved or suffered to remain thereonother than one single family dwelling, necessary outbuildings and attached or detachedgarage and such dwelling shall have a reasonable value of not less than $5,000.00based upon Cleveland, Ohio buildings costs as of January lst, 1947.2. No building shall be erected, moved or suffered to remain on said premi ses untilthe size, type, cost and nature of oonstruotion, the lot plan showing the thereof proposedlocation thereon upon the lot, and plans and specifications and detailsshall have first been approved inwriting by The Cleveland Trust Company or its assignee3. Until such time as a sanitary sewer system shall have been installed in thestreet upon which said premises front, a sanitary septic tank constructed in accardancewith the code of the State of Ohio, and the municipality in which said premises aresituated shall be installed in or for each dwelling housé erected thereon, and noother sanitary provision or device shall be permitted to discharge directly into astorm sewer, stream, open ditch or drain but shall be diegharged into an approved4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased to or used by\nheirs, and assigns, the following described phemises:\ndescribed as follows:\n3and\nthe same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.\ndescribed subject to the following terms:\nof this power of approval.\nabsorption field.\nany person not of the pure blood of the. Caucasian race.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased to or used by\nany person not of the pure blood of the. Caucasian race.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased to or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 376 of California, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to-wit:Glen Orohard ract, situated in the Narvaez Rancho,Santa Clara County,Calif."and which Map was filed for reoord in the office of the County Recorder ofSanta Clara vounty,valifornia, on June 1, 1927 in Book W of Liaps, page l,recordsappurtenanoes thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the reversionand raversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof.together with the appurtenanoes, unto the said parties of the second part,theirthat the parties of the second part shall not, nor shall their heirs, executors,administrators or assigns, place, ereot, or maintain any store, salom,laundry,soodyard, or any other place of business or nuisance anywhere upon said property or anyportion thereof; except lots 1, 5, 53, 61 and 103, which are hereby specially reservedfcr business purposes; that if a barn or garage be ereoted, placed or permittedupon said property it shall not be so erected, placed or permitted within sixty. (60)feet of eny public stroet or highway; provided, hovever, that if said property iscorner lot in whole or in part such barn or garage shall not be erected, placedpermitted thereon within twenty-five (25) foct 01 any public street or highvay; orthat no fence shall be erected, placed or permitted upon said property withintienty (20) foet of the front property line, and that no such fence shall be morethan six (6) feet in height; that if & dwelling house be ereoted, placed or permittedupon said proporty or any part thereof, the same shall cost, and be reasonably worthnot less than Twenty-rive Hundred-- ($2500.00) Jollars, if said property has aon either Cristina or Vernon Avenues; or Thirty-rive liundred (#3500.00) Dollars, frontagesaid property has a frontege on pird avenue; or, ii such property has a Trontage ifon Minessota avenue, suoh dwelling house shall cost and be reasonably worth not lessthan Five Thousand 1$5000.00) vollars; that such dwelling house shall not be ereoted,placed or permitted within twenty (20) feet of the front sidewalk line; that oldhouse or structure shall be moved upon said property or any part thereof, irom no anyplace outside of said inillow Glen Orchard Traot, as above described, and that saidproperty, nor any part thereof, be oocupied by anyone not of the Caucasian raoe,heirs, exeoutors, administrtors or assigns, or oither or any of then, of eny theabove and foregoipg oonditions, then, and in that event, and without previous ofnote or demand, the estate hereby created in the parties of the second part, their or anyheirs, executors, administrators and assigns, in and to the above described propertyshall at onoe terninate and becone void, and the said lands and premises shall revertto the said party of the first part, his heirs and assigns, in fee simple,without any olain,. right, title or interest therein or thereto in favor of the absolute,parties of the socond part, their heirs, executors, adninistrators or assigns.STATE OF CALIFQNIA )ss. On this 15th day of àpril,A.D. nineteen hundred andcommissioned and sworn, personally appeared Thomas H.Herschbeoh, known to re duly to bethe person whose nare 1s subsoribed to the within instrument and acknowleigedSeal in the said County of Santa Clara the day and year in this certifipate first Lot No.liine (9) as shown upon a Map entitled "Map of Willow of said County. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments andTO HAVE AID TO HOLD all and singular the above desoribed property,/ THIS COIVEYANCE is made and accepted upon the express conditions heirs and assigns forever. except in the capacity of a servant. In the event of a breach by the parties of the seoond part, or their IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand the day and year first above written. Thomas H.Herschbach COUNTY OF SAITA CLARA)that he exeouted tho sane.above written.(NOTARIAL SEAL) nins, before me, Gerald L.Cloke, a Notary Public in twenty-- andfor said Santa Clara County, residing therein, to me IN WITNESS RHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed ny Official Gerald L.Cloke Notary Fublio in and fur thesaid County of santa Clara,State of California. FILING 1O H-9377MAY 5. FLANEKYFhil A.Coxoompared bcok 40 Filed for record at tho request of San Joss Abstract and Title Insuranoe Co. àpr 26 1929 at 45 min. past 2 o'olock P.B. RECOKDFKDeputy RecorderKA Fee 1.75 12f compared doo. PHHuk MosssAAbaNwS5ommsAaSapsgusaaN HP
376 of California, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to-wit:Glen Orohard ract, situated in the Narvaez Rancho,Santa Clara County,Calif."and which Map was filed for reoord in the office of the County Recorder ofSanta Clara vounty,valifornia, on June 1, 1927 in Book W of Liaps, page l,recordsappurtenanoes thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the reversionand raversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof.together with the appurtenanoes, unto the said parties of the second part,theirthat the parties of the second part shall not, nor shall their heirs, executors,administrators or assigns, place, ereot, or maintain any store, salom,laundry,soodyard, or any other place of business or nuisance anywhere upon said property or anyportion thereof; except lots 1, 5, 53, 61 and 103, which are hereby specially reservedfcr business purposes; that if a barn or garage be ereoted, placed or permittedupon said property it shall not be so erected, placed or permitted within sixty. (60)feet of eny public stroet or highway; provided, hovever, that if said property iscorner lot in whole or in part such barn or garage shall not be erected, placedpermitted thereon within twenty-five (25) foct 01 any public street or highvay; orthat no fence shall be erected, placed or permitted upon said property withintienty (20) foet of the front property line, and that no such fence shall be morethan six (6) feet in height; that if & dwelling house be ereoted, placed or permittedupon said proporty or any part thereof, the same shall cost, and be reasonably worthnot less than Twenty-rive Hundred-- ($2500.00) Jollars, if said property has aon either Cristina or Vernon Avenues; or Thirty-rive liundred (#3500.00) Dollars, frontagesaid property has a frontege on pird avenue; or, ii such property has a Trontage ifon Minessota avenue, suoh dwelling house shall cost and be reasonably worth not lessthan Five Thousand 1$5000.00) vollars; that such dwelling house shall not be ereoted,placed or permitted within twenty (20) feet of the front sidewalk line; that oldhouse or structure shall be moved upon said property or any part thereof, irom no anyplace outside of said inillow Glen Orchard Traot, as above described, and that saidproperty, nor any part thereof, be oocupied by anyone not of the Caucasian raoe,heirs, exeoutors, administrtors or assigns, or oither or any of then, of eny theabove and foregoipg oonditions, then, and in that event, and without previous ofnote or demand, the estate hereby created in the parties of the second part, their or anyheirs, executors, administrators and assigns, in and to the above described propertyshall at onoe terninate and becone void, and the said lands and premises shall revertto the said party of the first part, his heirs and assigns, in fee simple,without any olain,. right, title or interest therein or thereto in favor of the absolute,parties of the socond part, their heirs, executors, adninistrators or assigns.STATE OF CALIFQNIA )ss. On this 15th day of àpril,A.D. nineteen hundred andcommissioned and sworn, personally appeared Thomas H.Herschbeoh, known to re duly to bethe person whose nare 1s subsoribed to the within instrument and acknowleigedSeal in the said County of Santa Clara the day and year in this certifipate first Lot No.liine (9) as shown upon a Map entitled "Map of Willow of said County. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments andTO HAVE AID TO HOLD all and singular the above desoribed property,/ THIS COIVEYANCE is made and accepted upon the express conditions heirs and assigns forever. except in the capacity of a servant. In the event of a breach by the parties of the seoond part, or their IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand the day and year first above written. Thomas H.Herschbach COUNTY OF SAITA CLARA)that he exeouted tho sane.above written.(NOTARIAL SEAL) nins, before me, Gerald L.Cloke, a Notary Public in twenty-- andfor said Santa Clara County, residing therein, to me IN WITNESS RHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed ny Official Gerald L.Cloke Notary Fublio in and fur thesaid County of santa Clara,State of California. FILING 1O H-9377MAY 5. FLANEKYFhil A.Coxoompared bcok 40 Filed for record at tho request of San Joss Abstract and Title Insuranoe Co. àpr 26 1929 at 45 min. past 2 o'olock P.B. RECOKDFKDeputy RecorderKA Fee 1.75 12f compared doo. PHHuk MosssAAbaNwS5ommsAaSapsgusaaN HP
that no old house or structure shall be moved upon said property or any part thereof, from any place outside of said willow Glen Orchard Tract, as above described, and that said property, nor any part thereof, be occupied by anyone not of the Gaucasian race, except in the capacity of a servant.
that no old house or structure shall be moved upon said property or any part thereof, from any place outside of said willow Glen Orchard Tract, as above described, and that said property, nor any part thereof, be occupied by anyone not of the Gaucasian race, except in the capacity of a servant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]that no old house or structure shall be moved upon said property or any part thereof, from any place outside of said willow Glen Orchard Tract, as above described, and that said property, nor any part thereof, be occupied by anyone not of the Gaucasian race, except in the capacity of a servant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]that no old house or structure shall be moved upon said property or any part thereof, from any place outside of said willow Glen Orchard Tract, as above described, and that said property, nor any part thereof, be occupied by anyone not of the Gaucasian race, except in the capacity of a servant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n376\nof California, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to-wit:Glen Orohard ract, situated in the Narvaez Rancho,Santa Clara County,Calif.\"and which Map was filed for reoord in the office of the County Recorder ofSanta Clara vounty,valifornia, on June 1, 1927 in Book W of Liaps, page l,recordsappurtenanoes thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the reversionand raversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof.together with the appurtenanoes, unto the said parties of the second part,theirthat the parties of the second part shall not, nor shall their heirs, executors,administrators or assigns, place, ereot, or maintain any store, salom,laundry,soodyard, or any other place of business or nuisance anywhere upon said property or anyportion thereof; except lots 1, 5, 53, 61 and 103, which are hereby specially reservedfcr business purposes; that if a barn or garage be ereoted, placed or permittedupon said property it shall not be so erected, placed or permitted within sixty. (60)feet of eny public stroet or highway; provided, hovever, that if said property iscorner lot in whole or in part such barn or garage shall not be erected, placedpermitted thereon within twenty-five (25) foct 01 any public street or highvay; orthat no fence shall be erected, placed or permitted upon said property withintienty (20) foet of the front property line, and that no such fence shall be morethan six (6) feet in height; that if & dwelling house be ereoted, placed or permittedupon said proporty or any part thereof, the same shall cost, and be reasonably worthnot less than Twenty-rive Hundred-- ($2500.00) Jollars, if said property has aon either Cristina or Vernon Avenues; or Thirty-rive liundred (#3500.00) Dollars, frontagesaid property has a frontege on pird avenue; or, ii such property has a Trontage ifon Minessota avenue, suoh dwelling house shall cost and be reasonably worth not lessthan Five Thousand 1$5000.00) vollars; that such dwelling house shall not be ereoted,placed or permitted within twenty (20) feet of the front sidewalk line; that oldhouse or structure shall be moved upon said property or any part thereof, irom no anyplace outside of said inillow Glen Orchard Traot, as above described, and that saidproperty, nor any part thereof, be oocupied by anyone not of the Caucasian raoe,heirs, exeoutors, administrtors or assigns, or oither or any of then, of eny theabove and foregoipg oonditions, then, and in that event, and without previous ofnote or demand, the estate hereby created in the parties of the second part, their or anyheirs, executors, administrators and assigns, in and to the above described propertyshall at onoe terninate and becone void, and the said lands and premises shall revertto the said party of the first part, his heirs and assigns, in fee simple,without any olain,. right, title or interest therein or thereto in favor of the absolute,parties of the socond part, their heirs, executors, adninistrators or assigns.STATE OF CALIFQNIA )ss. On this 15th day of àpril,A.D. nineteen hundred andcommissioned and sworn, personally appeared Thomas H.Herschbeoh, known to re duly to bethe person whose nare 1s subsoribed to the within instrument and acknowleigedSeal in the said County of Santa Clara the day and year in this certifipate first\nLot No.liine (9) as shown upon a Map entitled \"Map of Willow\nof said County.\nTogether with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments andTO HAVE AID TO HOLD all and singular the above desoribed property,/ THIS COIVEYANCE is made and accepted upon the express conditions\nheirs and assigns forever.\nexcept in the capacity of a servant.\nIn the event of a breach by the parties of the seoond part, or their\nIN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has hereunto\nset his hand the day and year first above written.\nThomas H.Herschbach\nCOUNTY OF SAITA CLARA)that he exeouted tho sane.above written.(NOTARIAL SEAL)\nnins, before me, Gerald L.Cloke, a Notary Public in twenty-- andfor said Santa Clara County, residing therein,\nto me\nIN WITNESS RHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed ny Official\nGerald L.Cloke Notary Fublio in and fur thesaid County of santa Clara,State of California.\nFILING 1O H-9377MAY 5. FLANEKYFhil A.Coxoompared bcok 40\nFiled for record at tho request of San Joss Abstract and Title\nInsuranoe Co. àpr 26 1929 at 45 min. past 2 o'olock P.B.\nRECOKDFKDeputy RecorderKA\nFee 1.75\n12f\ncompared doo. PHHuk\nMosssAAbaNwS5ommsAaSapsgusaaN HP\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]that no old house or structure shall be moved upon said property or any part thereof, from any place outside of said willow Glen Orchard Tract, as above described, and that said property, nor any part thereof, be occupied by anyone not of the Gaucasian race, except in the capacity of a servant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]that no old house or structure shall be moved upon said property or any part thereof, from any place outside of said willow Glen Orchard Tract, as above described, and that said property, nor any part thereof, be occupied by anyone not of the Gaucasian race, except in the capacity of a servant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 161 160 t a Povehn nin 444 bepmant pir kari aduihaiy as s hiny baiiy sis, ailna aud afkre and hal-u A hae in E adminia, ashali Bong dudyah fniyir Aartintary druilded dists 3 aunui auy nkr avberk sh grv lunm dtmh orhi cnay A jorhg Lgitiv tie sfatuent fanih dibnsemb aark mw. uipanfkaif satuut ik cu ua/salndiy to beasit dsi a sir orheh ak Bailuhk mcy fame auy k Bhondan ik brymk ufui Hin aie afkinek tny jnsh iye ank s hant si huiy diihibutie as pein to orit: ds srhr ad treny hah Huy to daik Yhary 9ns Bufne - k Bok; dsi thi is Buly als alinrk 5 Ki Bourh di dum Meli Tumam ir igual ahans Ye fnsine MT g4515 fn aybruee and Meus PAail adminiitaiy 9 pcke paik nedw paniahi fn aaka E Sodane 4 hin au surk administatn de Rave laty der 3 orhil diitibtin i grw orcld as sfnumifidu ir dbew bnhacgtfky Aaid efndan di lin Comm. pasine as abmvichatr'p Ran whini Meh Haz B als w Konik pc adifalir. afis mekiy ail dh. debuctina as 9CHslan ut foner gait Brh Eelon fmisss.s3. Canmiany si aiinh. sy ho Brush sh Aunn. 1860.60 Commusind sani afne ah atahut Hmt17H.S4. Ganiy snk 7 BuTabmey fme ashah E hui is also luh aeind t Vailiam arnr E serew Suk Brin anb EARhy 54 #I5.6. pcialant fn1a49.11 uheileny Lm. saidad dmimataim d aur 96.360.00 asat. floooo. laim dis zh ftinnny kuem ak fituinyn ak oneyp fuvai saifhi, all 3 chik.e ail Aume, to miki dh me cupfur finy LBatly pine,l joui, ouk biro. Rrue #50.M0A0A8 afmisait pllmdt Railadminek Cs Aus Aenen 1gnknu Runm-faek Arli Cmfark plns pati fndan d Dussa to. aiffr lavmr, 1 cutliveln, 4. cutto dobl barmere, Aadhmaleng frhn bahonand. dk Baif u 0 7 fumitune, N 9 Imid suil, oa Bayuilut ki Apantimbsmh. Bosiss A enwr, & ig chickuh mdt Ohiliann Rmeden ap allaney fm Daik adminichatna ansuly olhito t faidly shi Aait mibat-ejant to ry. rliv, nu.tay shs si potal. hlavilis, agnhil fparh Tpttufhtb to Hiay dyuinyfusuhtig dins 6355.55 sir skisen puh fmkauk duribilin dhi sine Luy Aaidutab B arh pck avsy sx lf. sal arlavi sak auhak siluak ir eLp affoviy thelalldanin osd aa dmnii atin Rioden had ih ars 7 baufe Clarminskk 9 Baufnih, heny luls orbevade Ri auddibt. agarist Aarid diveclul and ail tays b Aaid estat aub. ad tiglhsi Hork liveut 7 Rude Aasitin Lreyphajae ok diki, you afelargen imsns are bu Butly Jhs a dhaaii baw gme, erg? dante dlan, at uady fodikakn it du sachareis loar Meab. estak beriy ar udinidik drak 3 Caefni dhal. d sir emditun ko b coxda ah Aaid Ploas Cunass diid au- Riyth strhsin it oal, frny aud. aip a Hak mumebir ststat sivh lt 7 hmuliyn Kby Bnhanys hen E jpurarng as hithpig biand hin ah laue hs. bschisn bf 3 Bait Rudadditim to di Bail Omimn CmMihny A lany.dRchlpe aud Keti Dimann srih 97 orhns arknast pm .ABmpdg pek dupuinLub h a sa and Mal-AnidPlangy ehal Eudmad, Bar A Nelnel pfufaconh fodain ad dimicn Kati Diemann auL stthsk vrhrle Duh dut Danidutak. FaVpAN a % Bis a Hfnndalas dued thL pask Talin eluk aifedanss Ptan be sdl shlamy cornat 74 ESleit Dikigg Ck
161 160 t a Povehn nin 444 bepmant pir kari aduihaiy as s hiny baiiy sis, ailna aud afkre and hal-u A hae in E adminia, ashali Bong dudyah fniyir Aartintary druilded dists 3 aunui auy nkr avberk sh grv lunm dtmh orhi cnay A jorhg Lgitiv tie sfatuent fanih dibnsemb aark mw. uipanfkaif satuut ik cu ua/salndiy to beasit dsi a sir orheh ak Bailuhk mcy fame auy k Bhondan ik brymk ufui Hin aie afkinek tny jnsh iye ank s hant si huiy diihibutie as pein to orit: ds srhr ad treny hah Huy to daik Yhary 9ns Bufne - k Bok; dsi thi is Buly als alinrk 5 Ki Bourh di dum Meli Tumam ir igual ahans Ye fnsine MT g4515 fn aybruee and Meus PAail adminiitaiy 9 pcke paik nedw paniahi fn aaka E Sodane 4 hin au surk administatn de Rave laty der 3 orhil diitibtin i grw orcld as sfnumifidu ir dbew bnhacgtfky Aaid efndan di lin Comm. pasine as abmvichatr'p Ran whini Meh Haz B als w Konik pc adifalir. afis mekiy ail dh. debuctina as 9CHslan ut foner gait Brh Eelon fmisss.s3. Canmiany si aiinh. sy ho Brush sh Aunn. 1860.60 Commusind sani afne ah atahut Hmt17H.S4. Ganiy snk 7 BuTabmey fme ashah E hui is also luh aeind t Vailiam arnr E serew Suk Brin anb EARhy 54 #I5.6. pcialant fn1a49.11 uheileny Lm. saidad dmimataim d aur 96.360.00 asat. floooo. laim dis zh ftinnny kuem ak fituinyn ak oneyp fuvai saifhi, all 3 chik.e ail Aume, to miki dh me cupfur finy LBatly pine,l joui, ouk biro. Rrue #50.M0A0A8 afmisait pllmdt Railadminek Cs Aus Aenen 1gnknu Runm-faek Arli Cmfark plns pati fndan d Dussa to. aiffr lavmr, 1 cutliveln, 4. cutto dobl barmere, Aadhmaleng frhn bahonand. dk Baif u 0 7 fumitune, N 9 Imid suil, oa Bayuilut ki Apantimbsmh. Bosiss A enwr, & ig chickuh mdt Ohiliann Rmeden ap allaney fm Daik adminichatna ansuly olhito t faidly shi Aait mibat-ejant to ry. rliv, nu.tay shs si potal. hlavilis, agnhil fparh Tpttufhtb to Hiay dyuinyfusuhtig dins 6355.55 sir skisen puh fmkauk duribilin dhi sine Luy Aaidutab B arh pck avsy sx lf. sal arlavi sak auhak siluak ir eLp affoviy thelalldanin osd aa dmnii atin Rioden had ih ars 7 baufe Clarminskk 9 Baufnih, heny luls orbevade Ri auddibt. agarist Aarid diveclul and ail tays b Aaid estat aub. ad tiglhsi Hork liveut 7 Rude Aasitin Lreyphajae ok diki, you afelargen imsns are bu Butly Jhs a dhaaii baw gme, erg? dante dlan, at uady fodikakn it du sachareis loar Meab. estak beriy ar udinidik drak 3 Caefni dhal. d sir emditun ko b coxda ah Aaid Ploas Cunass diid au- Riyth strhsin it oal, frny aud. aip a Hak mumebir ststat sivh lt 7 hmuliyn Kby Bnhanys hen E jpurarng as hithpig biand hin ah laue hs. bschisn bf 3 Bait Rudadditim to di Bail Omimn CmMihny A lany.dRchlpe aud Keti Dimann srih 97 orhns arknast pm .ABmpdg pek dupuinLub h a sa and Mal-AnidPlangy ehal Eudmad, Bar A Nelnel pfufaconh fodain ad dimicn Kati Diemann auL stthsk vrhrle Duh dut Danidutak. FaVpAN a % Bis a Hfnndalas dued thL pask Talin eluk aifedanss Ptan be sdl shlamy cornat 74 ESleit Dikigg Ck
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n161\n160\nt a Povehn\nnin 444 bepmant pir\nkari aduihaiy as\ns hiny baiiy sis, ailna aud afkre and hal-u A\nhae in\nE adminia,\nashali Bong dudyah fniyir Aartintary druilded\ndists 3\naunui\nauy nkr avberk sh grv lunm dtmh orhi cnay\nA\njorhg Lgitiv tie sfatuent fanih dibnsemb aark mw.\n uipanfkaif satuut ik cu ua/salndiy\nto beasit dsi a sir orheh ak Bailuhk mcy fame auy\nk Bhondan ik brymk ufui Hin aie afkinek tny\njnsh iye ank s hant si huiy diihibutie as pein to orit:\nds srhr ad treny hah Huy to daik Yhary 9ns Bufne -\nk Bok; dsi thi is Buly als alinrk 5 Ki Bourh di dum\nMeli Tumam ir igual ahans Ye fnsine MT\ng4515 fn aybruee and Meus PAail adminiitaiy 9\npcke paik nedw paniahi fn aaka\nE\nSodane 4 hin au surk administatn de Rave laty\nder 3 orhil diitibtin i grw orcld as sfnumifidu\nir dbew bnhacgtfky Aaid efndan di lin Comm.\npasine as abmvichatr'p Ran whini Meh Haz B als\n\nw Konik pc adifalir. afis mekiy ail dh. debuctina as\n9CHslan ut foner gait\nBrh Eelon\nfmisss.s3. Canmiany si\naiinh. sy ho Brush sh Aunn. 1860.60 Commusind\nsani afne ah\natahut Hmt17H.S4. Ganiy snk 7 BuTabmey fme\nashah E hui is also luh aeind t Vailiam arnr\nE\nserew\nSuk Brin anb EARhy\n54\n#I5.6.\npcialant fn1a49.11\nuheileny Lm. saidad dmimataim d aur 96.360.00 asat.\nfloooo. laim\ndis zh ftinnny kuem ak fituinyn ak\noneyp fuvai saifhi, all 3 chik.e ail Aume, to miki dh\n\nme cupfur finy LBatly pine,l\njoui, ouk biro. Rrue\n#50.M0A0A8 afmisait pllmdt Railadminek\nCs Aus\nAenen 1gnknu Runm-faek\nArli Cmfark plns\npati fndan \nd Dussa to. aiffr\nlavmr, 1 cutliveln, 4. cutto dobl barmere, Aadhmaleng\nfrhn bahonand. dk Baif u 0\n7 fumitune, N 9 Imid suil, oa Bayuilut ki\nApantimbsmh. Bosiss A enwr, & ig chickuh\nmdt Ohiliann Rmeden ap allaney fm Daik adminichatna\nansuly olhito t faidly shi Aait mibat-ejant to\nry. rliv, nu.tay shs si potal. hlavilis, agnhil\nfparh Tpttufhtb to Hiay dyuinyfusuhtig\ndins\n6355.55 sir skisen\npuh fmkauk duribilin dhi sine Luy Aaidutab\nB\narh pck\navsy\nsx\nlf.\nsal arlavi sak auhak siluak ir eLp\naffoviy thelalldanin\nosd aa dmnii atin Rioden had ih\nars 7 baufe Clarminskk 9 Baufnih, heny luls orbevade Ri\nauddibt. agarist Aarid diveclul and ail tays b Aaid estat aub.\nad tiglhsi Hork liveut 7 Rude Aasitin Lreyphajae\nok diki, you afelargen imsns\nare bu Butly\n\nJhs a dhaaii baw gme, erg? dante dlan,\nat uady fodikakn\nit\ndu sachareis\nloar\nMeab. estak beriy ar udinidik\ndrak 3 Caefni dhal.\nd sir emditun ko b coxda ah Aaid Ploas Cunass diid\nau- Riyth strhsin it oal, frny aud. aip a Hak mumebir\nststat sivh lt 7 hmuliyn Kby Bnhanys hen\nE\njpurarng as hithpig biand hin ah laue hs. bschisn\nbf 3 Bait Rudadditim to di Bail\nOmimn CmMihny\nA lany.dRchlpe aud Keti Dimann srih 97 orhns arknast\npm\n.ABmpdg pek dupuinLub\nh a\nsa and Mal-AnidPlangy ehal\nEudmad, Bar A Nelnel pfufaconh fodain ad dimicn\nKati Diemann auL stthsk vrhrle Duh dut Danidutak.\nFaVpAN a %\nBis a Hfnndalas\ndued thL pask\nTalin eluk\naifedanss Ptan be sdl shlamy\ncornat\n74 ESleit Dikigg Ck", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DRVOL005561 PAGE 344 VGL 556 PAG344 A1579 STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 7225 COUNTY OF DENTON THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration oft the sum of SEVEN HUNDRED ($700.00) AND NO/100 DOLLARS tous paid and secured to be paid by FRED T. GRESHAM and vife, GRAGE L, GRESHAM aafstigsx HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said FRED T. GRESHAM and wife, GRACE L. GRESHAM of the County of Denton State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, Texas, and described as follows, to-wit: BEING LOT EIGHT (8) in BLOCK TWELVE (12) of GARZA-LITTIE ELM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County,Texas, according to the map thereof recorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. This conveyançe is made subject only to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of the plat recorded in the Map Records of Denton County, Texas, and are as: follows: hLes lodge or for as hereinafter excepted and described in Paragraph 16 herein, tobe used only asa residence, church, in, this subdivision, and any original lot is restricted to such type building, except as recreational stated. No structures shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building anda and other necessary private garage and/or other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shallr not prevent occupancy by do- No of different race domiciled with any or tenant. Bl ewerage and dpperte by septic tank shall be and only sanitary sewerage approyed by the County of Denton or State No dry, toilets or on on or lots must have the syBtem approved Department. Stute Health Denton ge gk XK KKSCHIMAIEKAXEX SECKRKBODNS oxnX soXXXXXSXXXXXX CNdROAe KeXIApKEK building =25 ie yard building, lines on e ofc corner Side yard bulding lines on interior soorist Nob building shall be erected feet. nearer the front lot lineor nearer to side street than, building setback line shown on the lots plat. feet. from lots are excluded the above : No building or structure shall, be occupied or used until the exterior thereof is completely finished and, it frame or other unfinished material, used in main structure shall be brick, lumber, asbes- painted on the two (2) complete. coats of paint. All exterior tile, concrete or aluminum siding or roofing. tos No obnoxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become annoyance or tot the No garage, basement, tent, shack or other outbuilding erected thelot herein described shall at any time be used asar residence temporarily Be used residence, except that trailers may be used on any lot in Block EDm provided at sanitary as herein set out are fully complied VA." nor shall restrictions structure ofat temporary 10. The ground floor area of any main structure, exclusive of open porches and garages, shall be not lesst than 600 square feet. 11. Streets, easements and alleys are reserved as shown on the recorded plat of Baid addition for utility purposes. A7 5L automati s EGyotarS These restrictions shall be covenants running the land shall be binding upon all parties andall claiming undert them until E tl then owners of the lotsi itis ma- 1965, at which. time often years unless by vote ofa for su to change said covenants whole or inpart. jority E B other property situated in said development or voa & parties hereto, or any of them, or their heirs or assigns, shall violate or the covenants herein, it shall be to violate - or in to equity against Eend dsE Crat attempting to violate any such covenant, and eithert to prevent! aPh them from 8o doing, or persons owning dues fors violation. recover damages or other such 14. Nos structures of any kind are tober moved onto the subdivision or lot thereof without the written corisent of the Seller or Developer. SE such as hurricanes, tornadoes, heavy rains, floods, droughts, fre, atc. The .fe agrees not to 15. The Seller, or Developer shall not be xesponsible to Purchaser, bis helrsor for damagest tothe subdivision caused by any_A Act e in way or interfere or otherwise, int the written without first the system, lon any loti in Block 2 may be occupied bya trailer, as set out in Paragraph 9 herein. ILis expressly und derstood that Lots 1 through 5in Block 7and all lots in Blocks and 2 are reserved for business only, with the excep- En: force and of_any effect. one of these covenants by judgment or courto order shall in no wise affect anyo of the other provisions which shallr remain 18. TOE HAVE AND' TO HOLD thes above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there- toi in anywise belonging unto the said FRED T. GRESHAM and wife, GRACE L. GRESHAM, their heirs and assigns forever and we dol hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, all and singular the said prémises unto the said FRED T. GRESHAM and wife, GRACE L. GRESHAM,their heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. oebmgmad WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 13th day of. September. 196.7. EwN Frek Teu 2Haes Bert H. Bass Vera W.Bass
DRVOL005561 PAGE 344 VGL 556 PAG344 A1579 STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 7225 COUNTY OF DENTON THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration oft the sum of SEVEN HUNDRED ($700.00) AND NO/100 DOLLARS tous paid and secured to be paid by FRED T. GRESHAM and vife, GRAGE L, GRESHAM aafstigsx HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said FRED T. GRESHAM and wife, GRACE L. GRESHAM of the County of Denton State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, Texas, and described as follows, to-wit: BEING LOT EIGHT (8) in BLOCK TWELVE (12) of GARZA-LITTIE ELM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County,Texas, according to the map thereof recorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. This conveyançe is made subject only to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of the plat recorded in the Map Records of Denton County, Texas, and are as: follows: hLes lodge or for as hereinafter excepted and described in Paragraph 16 herein, tobe used only asa residence, church, in, this subdivision, and any original lot is restricted to such type building, except as recreational stated. No structures shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building anda and other necessary private garage and/or other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shallr not prevent occupancy by do- No of different race domiciled with any or tenant. Bl ewerage and dpperte by septic tank shall be and only sanitary sewerage approyed by the County of Denton or State No dry, toilets or on on or lots must have the syBtem approved Department. Stute Health Denton ge gk XK KKSCHIMAIEKAXEX SECKRKBODNS oxnX soXXXXXSXXXXXX CNdROAe KeXIApKEK building =25 ie yard building, lines on e ofc corner Side yard bulding lines on interior soorist Nob building shall be erected feet. nearer the front lot lineor nearer to side street than, building setback line shown on the lots plat. feet. from lots are excluded the above : No building or structure shall, be occupied or used until the exterior thereof is completely finished and, it frame or other unfinished material, used in main structure shall be brick, lumber, asbes- painted on the two (2) complete. coats of paint. All exterior tile, concrete or aluminum siding or roofing. tos No obnoxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become annoyance or tot the No garage, basement, tent, shack or other outbuilding erected thelot herein described shall at any time be used asar residence temporarily Be used residence, except that trailers may be used on any lot in Block EDm provided at sanitary as herein set out are fully complied VA." nor shall restrictions structure ofat temporary 10. The ground floor area of any main structure, exclusive of open porches and garages, shall be not lesst than 600 square feet. 11. Streets, easements and alleys are reserved as shown on the recorded plat of Baid addition for utility purposes. A7 5L automati s EGyotarS These restrictions shall be covenants running the land shall be binding upon all parties andall claiming undert them until E tl then owners of the lotsi itis ma- 1965, at which. time often years unless by vote ofa for su to change said covenants whole or inpart. jority E B other property situated in said development or voa & parties hereto, or any of them, or their heirs or assigns, shall violate or the covenants herein, it shall be to violate - or in to equity against Eend dsE Crat attempting to violate any such covenant, and eithert to prevent! aPh them from 8o doing, or persons owning dues fors violation. recover damages or other such 14. Nos structures of any kind are tober moved onto the subdivision or lot thereof without the written corisent of the Seller or Developer. SE such as hurricanes, tornadoes, heavy rains, floods, droughts, fre, atc. The .fe agrees not to 15. The Seller, or Developer shall not be xesponsible to Purchaser, bis helrsor for damagest tothe subdivision caused by any_A Act e in way or interfere or otherwise, int the written without first the system, lon any loti in Block 2 may be occupied bya trailer, as set out in Paragraph 9 herein. ILis expressly und derstood that Lots 1 through 5in Block 7and all lots in Blocks and 2 are reserved for business only, with the excep- En: force and of_any effect. one of these covenants by judgment or courto order shall in no wise affect anyo of the other provisions which shallr remain 18. TOE HAVE AND' TO HOLD thes above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there- toi in anywise belonging unto the said FRED T. GRESHAM and wife, GRACE L. GRESHAM, their heirs and assigns forever and we dol hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, all and singular the said prémises unto the said FRED T. GRESHAM and wife, GRACE L. GRESHAM,their heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. oebmgmad WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 13th day of. September. 196.7. EwN Frek Teu 2Haes Bert H. Bass Vera W.Bass
and other necessary private garage and/or other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shallr not prevent occupancy by do- No of different race domiciled with any or tenant. Bl dpperte shall be and only sanitary sewerage approyed by the County of Denton or State No dry, toilets or on
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]and other necessary private garage and/or other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shallr not prevent occupancy by do- No of different race domiciled with any or tenant. Bl dpperte shall be and only sanitary sewerage approyed by the County of Denton or State No dry, toilets or on[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDRVOL005561 PAGE 344\nVGL 556 PAG344\nA1579\nSTATE OF TEXAS\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\n7225\nCOUNTY OF DENTON\nTHAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration oft the sum of\nSEVEN HUNDRED ($700.00) AND NO/100\nDOLLARS\ntous paid and secured to be paid by FRED T. GRESHAM and vife, GRAGE L, GRESHAM\naafstigsx\nHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said\nFRED T. GRESHAM and wife, GRACE L. GRESHAM\nof the County of Denton\nState of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,\nTexas, and described as follows, to-wit:\nBEING LOT EIGHT (8) in BLOCK TWELVE (12) of GARZA-LITTIE ELM LAKE\nESTATES, an Addition in Denton County,Texas, according to the map\nthereof recorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of the Map or Plat Records of\nDenton County, Texas.\nThis conveyançe is made subject only to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of\nthe plat recorded in the Map Records of Denton County, Texas, and are as: follows:\nhLes lodge or for\nas hereinafter excepted and described in Paragraph 16 herein, tobe used only asa residence, church,\nin, this subdivision,\nand any original lot is restricted to such type building, except as\nrecreational\nstated.\nNo structures shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building anda\nand other necessary\nprivate garage and/or\nother than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shallr not prevent occupancy by do-\nNo\nof\ndifferent race domiciled with any or tenant.\nBl\newerage and dpperte by septic tank\nshall be\nand only sanitary sewerage approyed by the County of Denton or State\nNo dry, toilets or\non\non or lots must have the syBtem approved\nDepartment.\nStute Health\nDenton\nge\ngk\nXK\nKKSCHIMAIEKAXEX SECKRKBODNS oxnX soXXXXXSXXXXXX\nCNdROAe KeXIApKEK\nbuilding =25 ie yard building, lines on e ofc corner Side yard bulding lines on interior\nsoorist\nNob building shall be erected feet. nearer the front lot lineor nearer to side street than, building setback line shown on the\nlots\nplat.\nfeet.\nfrom\nlots are excluded the above\n: No building or structure shall, be occupied or used until the exterior thereof is completely finished and, it frame or other unfinished material,\nused in main structure shall be brick, lumber, asbes-\npainted on the\ntwo (2) complete. coats of paint. All exterior\ntile, concrete or aluminum siding or roofing.\ntos\nNo obnoxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become\nannoyance or\ntot the\nNo garage, basement, tent, shack or other outbuilding erected thelot herein described shall at any time be used asar residence temporarily\nBe used residence, except that trailers may be used on any lot in Block\nEDm provided at sanitary\nas herein set out are fully complied VA.\"\nnor shall restrictions structure ofat temporary\n10. The ground floor area of any main structure, exclusive of open porches and garages, shall be not lesst than 600 square feet.\n11. Streets, easements and alleys are reserved as shown on the recorded plat of Baid addition for utility purposes.\nA7\n5L automati s\nEGyotarS\nThese restrictions shall be covenants running the land shall be binding upon all parties andall\nclaiming undert them until\nE\ntl then owners of the lotsi itis\nma-\n1965, at which. time\noften years unless by vote ofa\nfor su\nto change said covenants whole or inpart.\njority\nE B other\nproperty situated in said development or voa &\nparties hereto, or any of them, or their heirs or assigns, shall violate or\nthe covenants herein, it shall be\nto violate\n-\nor in to equity against Eend\ndsE Crat attempting to violate any such covenant, and eithert to prevent! aPh them from 8o doing,\nor persons owning\ndues fors violation.\nrecover\ndamages\nor other\nsuch\n14. Nos structures of any kind are tober moved onto the subdivision or lot thereof without the written corisent of the Seller or Developer.\nSE\nsuch as hurricanes, tornadoes, heavy rains, floods, droughts, fre, atc. The .fe agrees not to\n15. The Seller, or Developer shall not be xesponsible to Purchaser, bis helrsor\nfor damagest tothe subdivision caused by any_A Act\n e\nin way or interfere\nor otherwise, int the\nwritten\nwithout first\nthe\nsystem,\nlon any loti in Block 2 may be occupied bya trailer, as set out in Paragraph 9 herein.\nILis expressly und derstood that Lots 1 through 5in Block 7and all lots in Blocks and 2 are reserved for business only, with the excep-\nEn: force and\nof_any effect. one of these covenants by judgment or courto order shall in no wise affect anyo of the other provisions which shallr remain\n18.\nTOE HAVE AND' TO HOLD thes above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there-\ntoi in anywise belonging unto the said FRED T. GRESHAM and wife, GRACE L. GRESHAM, their\nheirs and assigns forever and we dol hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-\nfend, all and singular the said prémises unto the said FRED T. GRESHAM and wife, GRACE L. GRESHAM,their\nheirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.\noebmgmad\nWITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 13th day of. September.\n196.7.\nEwN Frek\nTeu 2Haes\nBert H. Bass\nVera W.Bass", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]and other necessary private garage and/or other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shallr not prevent occupancy by do- No of different race domiciled with any or tenant. Bl dpperte shall be and only sanitary sewerage approyed by the County of Denton or State No dry, toilets or on[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 45 (42') feet to the place of beginning; said lands having a frontage of forty-two (421) feet onEuclid Avenue and extending back therefrom of even width a distance of One Hundred Eighty Six(186') feet more or less to lands of Berger, and being the same lands conveyed to the said J.Clyde Gilfillan by J. Crawford White et ux. Arthur C. White, single, Pearl White Lyon andGeorge L. Lyon, her husband, by deed of even date herewith and to be recorded.With the appurtenances: To Have and to Hold the same unto and for the use of the saidAnd the said J. Clyde Gilfillan and Mary Sloane Gilfillan, his wife for themselves, theirheirs, executors and administrators covenant with the said parties of the second part theirheirs and assigns against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and parties of the second part their heirs and assigns forever. Defend.Attest:Mary E. ChambersHarold M. LeachCommonwealth of Pennsylvania,County of Lawrencerecorded as such. Witness the hands and seals of the said parties of tne first part. J. Clyde GilfillanMary Sloane Gilfillan (Seal)(Seal) ss: On this 26th day of November A. D. 1926, befoye me A Notary Public in and for said Countyand State, came the above named J. Clyde Gilfillan and Mary Sloane Gilfillan, his wife, andthey acknowledged the foregoing Indenture to be their act and deed, to the end that it may be Witness my hand and Notarial seal.My Commission Expires Jan. 19, 1930. Harold M. LeachNotary Public (N. P. Seal) DeedTo This Indenture (Nona M. Vaughn)Nona V. Vaughn et al.S. Mead Cook et uxEnt. Nov. 27, 1926 Made the Tenth day of July, in the year of Our Lord one thous-Between Nona V. Vaughn, also known as Nona M. Vaughn, formerlyNona V. Moser, and Lewis F. Vaughn, her husband, of the Second Ward,City. of New Castle, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania,parties of the first part and s. Mead Çook and Carrie E. Cook, hiswife, of the Fifth Ward, City of New Castle, County of Lawrenceand State of Pennsylvania, parties of the second part:Witnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in con-sideration of One dollar and other good and valuable considerations,.to them now paid by the said parties of the second part, do grant, and nine hundred and twenty-six. bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns,All that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Township of Nesha-nnock, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit:Beginning at an iron pin in the center line of the Harbor and Coaltown publio road, saidroad also being know as Maitland Lane, said point being, on the west line of lands of R. A.Walker; thence south one degree (10) forty-five minutes (45') east, four hundred fifteen andtwo-tenths (415.2), feet to the west line of land of said Walker to a stake; thence south eighty-eight degrees (880) fifteen minutes (15) west, one hundred four and eighty-five hundredths(104.85) feet; thence north, one degree (10). forty-five minutes (45') west by other lands offirst parties,four hundred fifteen and four-tenths (415.4) feet to the center line of said publicroad first mentioned; thence north eighty-eight degrees (880) fifteen minutes (15) east by thecenter line of gaid public road, one hundred four and eighty-five hundredths (104.85) feet toAnd being a part of the same lands conveyed to the party of the first part ,the Nona: V.Moser, who has since married and is now Nona V. Vaughn, also known as Nona M. Vaughn, by deedfrom David B. Reynolds and Mary Reynolds, his wife, dated July 15th, 1919 and recorded in theThis said conveyance is made subject to the following restrictions, to-wit: That nobuilding shall. belerected or constructed within thirty (30) feet of the south line of saidpublicroad, thictestriction however not to apply to verandas, porches or roaf projections, alsothat no sign boards or bill boards shall be erected or constructed on said land, or any partthereof; also that the grantees herein and their successors in title shall not sell said lot,nor any part thereof, to any person or persons of the African or Italian races. These saidrestrictions to be covenants running with the land and to be binding upon the grantees, theirWith the appurtenances: To Have and to Hold the same unto and for the use of said partiesAnd the said parties of the first part, for themselves, their heirs, executors and administ-rators covenant with the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns against all the place of beginning, and containing one(1) acre of land, strict measure.Recorder's Office of Lawrence County in Deed Book Vol. 210, page 105. successors in title, their heirs and assigns, until after the year 1940. of the second part, their heirs and assigns forever,
45 (42') feet to the place of beginning; said lands having a frontage of forty-two (421) feet onEuclid Avenue and extending back therefrom of even width a distance of One Hundred Eighty Six(186') feet more or less to lands of Berger, and being the same lands conveyed to the said J.Clyde Gilfillan by J. Crawford White et ux. Arthur C. White, single, Pearl White Lyon andGeorge L. Lyon, her husband, by deed of even date herewith and to be recorded.With the appurtenances: To Have and to Hold the same unto and for the use of the saidAnd the said J. Clyde Gilfillan and Mary Sloane Gilfillan, his wife for themselves, theirheirs, executors and administrators covenant with the said parties of the second part theirheirs and assigns against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and parties of the second part their heirs and assigns forever. Defend.Attest:Mary E. ChambersHarold M. LeachCommonwealth of Pennsylvania,County of Lawrencerecorded as such. Witness the hands and seals of the said parties of tne first part. J. Clyde GilfillanMary Sloane Gilfillan (Seal)(Seal) ss: On this 26th day of November A. D. 1926, befoye me A Notary Public in and for said Countyand State, came the above named J. Clyde Gilfillan and Mary Sloane Gilfillan, his wife, andthey acknowledged the foregoing Indenture to be their act and deed, to the end that it may be Witness my hand and Notarial seal.My Commission Expires Jan. 19, 1930. Harold M. LeachNotary Public (N. P. Seal) DeedTo This Indenture (Nona M. Vaughn)Nona V. Vaughn et al.S. Mead Cook et uxEnt. Nov. 27, 1926 Made the Tenth day of July, in the year of Our Lord one thous-Between Nona V. Vaughn, also known as Nona M. Vaughn, formerlyNona V. Moser, and Lewis F. Vaughn, her husband, of the Second Ward,City. of New Castle, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania,parties of the first part and s. Mead Çook and Carrie E. Cook, hiswife, of the Fifth Ward, City of New Castle, County of Lawrenceand State of Pennsylvania, parties of the second part:Witnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in con-sideration of One dollar and other good and valuable considerations,.to them now paid by the said parties of the second part, do grant, and nine hundred and twenty-six. bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns,All that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Township of Nesha-nnock, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit:Beginning at an iron pin in the center line of the Harbor and Coaltown publio road, saidroad also being know as Maitland Lane, said point being, on the west line of lands of R. A.Walker; thence south one degree (10) forty-five minutes (45') east, four hundred fifteen andtwo-tenths (415.2), feet to the west line of land of said Walker to a stake; thence south eighty-eight degrees (880) fifteen minutes (15) west, one hundred four and eighty-five hundredths(104.85) feet; thence north, one degree (10). forty-five minutes (45') west by other lands offirst parties,four hundred fifteen and four-tenths (415.4) feet to the center line of said publicroad first mentioned; thence north eighty-eight degrees (880) fifteen minutes (15) east by thecenter line of gaid public road, one hundred four and eighty-five hundredths (104.85) feet toAnd being a part of the same lands conveyed to the party of the first part ,the Nona: V.Moser, who has since married and is now Nona V. Vaughn, also known as Nona M. Vaughn, by deedfrom David B. Reynolds and Mary Reynolds, his wife, dated July 15th, 1919 and recorded in theThis said conveyance is made subject to the following restrictions, to-wit: That nobuilding shall. belerected or constructed within thirty (30) feet of the south line of saidpublicroad, thictestriction however not to apply to verandas, porches or roaf projections, alsothat no sign boards or bill boards shall be erected or constructed on said land, or any partthereof; also that the grantees herein and their successors in title shall not sell said lot,nor any part thereof, to any person or persons of the African or Italian races. These saidrestrictions to be covenants running with the land and to be binding upon the grantees, theirWith the appurtenances: To Have and to Hold the same unto and for the use of said partiesAnd the said parties of the first part, for themselves, their heirs, executors and administ-rators covenant with the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns against all the place of beginning, and containing one(1) acre of land, strict measure.Recorder's Office of Lawrence County in Deed Book Vol. 210, page 105. successors in title, their heirs and assigns, until after the year 1940. of the second part, their heirs and assigns forever,
thereof; also that the grantees herein and their successors in title shall not sell said lot, nor any part thereof, to any person or persons of the African or Italian races. These said
also that the grantees herein and their successors in the title shall not sell said lot, nor any part thereof, to any person or persons of the African or Italian races.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]thereof; also that the grantees herein and their successors in title shall not sell said lot, nor any part thereof, to any person or persons of the African or Italian races. These said [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]also that the grantees herein and their successors in the title shall not sell said lot, nor any part thereof, to any person or persons of the African or Italian races.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n45\n(42') feet to the place of beginning; said lands having a frontage of forty-two (421) feet onEuclid Avenue and extending back therefrom of even width a distance of One Hundred Eighty Six(186') feet more or less to lands of Berger, and being the same lands conveyed to the said J.Clyde Gilfillan by J. Crawford White et ux. Arthur C. White, single, Pearl White Lyon andGeorge L. Lyon, her husband, by deed of even date herewith and to be recorded.With the appurtenances: To Have and to Hold the same unto and for the use of the saidAnd the said J. Clyde Gilfillan and Mary Sloane Gilfillan, his wife for themselves, theirheirs, executors and administrators covenant with the said parties of the second part theirheirs and assigns against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and\nparties of the second part their heirs and assigns forever.\nDefend.Attest:Mary E. ChambersHarold M. LeachCommonwealth of Pennsylvania,County of Lawrencerecorded as such.\nWitness the hands and seals of the said parties of tne first part.\nJ. Clyde GilfillanMary Sloane Gilfillan\n(Seal)(Seal)\nss:\nOn this 26th day of November A. D. 1926, befoye me A Notary Public in and for said Countyand State, came the above named J. Clyde Gilfillan and Mary Sloane Gilfillan, his wife, andthey acknowledged the foregoing Indenture to be their act and deed, to the end that it may be\nWitness my hand and Notarial seal.My Commission Expires Jan. 19, 1930.\nHarold M. LeachNotary Public (N. P. Seal)\nDeedTo\nThis Indenture\n(Nona M. Vaughn)Nona V. Vaughn et al.S. Mead Cook et uxEnt. Nov. 27, 1926\nMade the Tenth day of July, in the year of Our Lord one thous-Between Nona V. Vaughn, also known as Nona M. Vaughn, formerlyNona V. Moser, and Lewis F. Vaughn, her husband, of the Second Ward,City. of New Castle, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania,parties of the first part and s. Mead Çook and Carrie E. Cook, hiswife, of the Fifth Ward, City of New Castle, County of Lawrenceand State of Pennsylvania, parties of the second part:Witnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in con-sideration of One dollar and other good and valuable considerations,.to them now paid by the said parties of the second part, do grant,\nand nine hundred and twenty-six.\nbargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns,All that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Township of Nesha-nnock, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit:Beginning at an iron pin in the center line of the Harbor and Coaltown publio road, saidroad also being know as Maitland Lane, said point being, on the west line of lands of R. A.Walker; thence south one degree (10) forty-five minutes (45') east, four hundred fifteen andtwo-tenths (415.2), feet to the west line of land of said Walker to a stake; thence south eighty-eight degrees (880) fifteen minutes (15) west, one hundred four and eighty-five hundredths(104.85) feet; thence north, one degree (10). forty-five minutes (45') west by other lands offirst parties,four hundred fifteen and four-tenths (415.4) feet to the center line of said publicroad first mentioned; thence north eighty-eight degrees (880) fifteen minutes (15) east by thecenter line of gaid public road, one hundred four and eighty-five hundredths (104.85) feet toAnd being a part of the same lands conveyed to the party of the first part ,the Nona: V.Moser, who has since married and is now Nona V. Vaughn, also known as Nona M. Vaughn, by deedfrom David B. Reynolds and Mary Reynolds, his wife, dated July 15th, 1919 and recorded in theThis said conveyance is made subject to the following restrictions, to-wit: That nobuilding shall. belerected or constructed within thirty (30) feet of the south line of saidpublicroad, thictestriction however not to apply to verandas, porches or roaf projections, alsothat no sign boards or bill boards shall be erected or constructed on said land, or any partthereof; also that the grantees herein and their successors in title shall not sell said lot,nor any part thereof, to any person or persons of the African or Italian races. These saidrestrictions to be covenants running with the land and to be binding upon the grantees, theirWith the appurtenances: To Have and to Hold the same unto and for the use of said partiesAnd the said parties of the first part, for themselves, their heirs, executors and administ-rators covenant with the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns against all\nthe place of beginning, and containing one(1) acre of land, strict measure.Recorder's Office of Lawrence County in Deed Book Vol. 210, page 105.\nsuccessors in title, their heirs and assigns, until after the year 1940.\nof the second part, their heirs and assigns forever,\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]thereof; also that the grantees herein and their successors in title shall not sell said lot,\nnor any part thereof, to any person or persons of the African or Italian races. These said\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]also that the grantees herein and their successors in the title shall not sell said lot, nor any part thereof, to any person or persons of the African or Italian races.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] va7297 PAC:671 In accepting this conveyance, and as a part consideration there- for, and in consideration of 1ike covenants restricting other sub- lots in accordance vith the restrictions hereinafter stated, in the conveyance of other sublots in said Subaivision, the Grantees, for therselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, hereby cover.ants and arees to anc. with the Grantor, its sucessors and assiens, that the above described premises shali be subject to the restrictions and reservations hereinafter contained, except as the same may be supplemented oy zoniné restrictions;. the Grantor hovever reserving the right to change these restrictions in special cases without vaiving or changing then in other cases, when, in 1ts oninion, the change 411 not reduce or detract from the general plan of development of said subdivision. These restrictions shall be deemed as covenants, and shall run vith the land, and shall bind the Grantees, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns until the first day of January, A.D. 1990. The only lots to whi ch these restrictions do not apply, are: :o. One (1) a. the corner of onticello Eouleverà and Trebisky Focd, and :o. Scventeen (17) at the corner of Trebisy Foac and Ammon Rord., vhich t"o sublote are unrestrictet, but subject to zonins restrictions. All other lots in .onticello Acres Suidivision are restricted to sin:le-fomily dwelling houses. :o two-farily houses, apartment houses, or multiole fenily arellings perritte".. Dut nothinc herein s':all. be construed. rs nreventing the use of saic lots for gerdening, orchards, and allied uses. he round floor area, exclusive of porches, of a one story or one cnJ a half story dellin house sha1 be at lecst 680 scuare feet, and of to story d-ellin: house at lenst 480 sounre feet, round floor area. The construction cost of any drelling shall be not less then 5000.00, cased on 1943 construction costs. The set back line from the strect line to the front bosemert line of the house shall be 50 feet on lots fronting on Trebisky Foad, Aon Road, lonticello Poulevard, an" the iuture public street designated on the Flat as Elock "A". Ho ereLe or oter building shall be built nearer the street line than the front brsement line of the nouse, nor "ithin tive feet of any other lot line. All Crives shall cnter from the east or south side o" the lots. All houses shal' be built at least five fect fro:: the nearest side lot lines. :o srirituous liquors shall be manufectured or soli on the pre- rises. lo nuisance or bill-boards shall be erected, placed, or suf- fered to rerein on tic premises. 1o tents, shacks, trailers, barns, cara: es, or oti.or outbuildings shall be used as a residence temor- arily or nermanently on sais premises. Said remises shall not ibe occupied, let, or leased by persons other than those of the Caucasian race. Said piemi ses shall not be divided or re-sublivided into lots having an aren of less than 6000 square foct, or of a width of less than 8 feet at the front building line. The foreroins restrictive covenants arc for the benefit of any and. all owners of lots in said "onticel.lo Acres" Subd1vision, and are enforceable at lau or in equity açainst anyone violating or at- tempting to violate then. In accordance "ith the provisions contpined in the recorded plat of sai subdivision, a permanent easement for a future oublic street, desirnated on saia plat as Block "A", and consisting of all of sublot :o. Ten (10), anc the southerly sixty feet of sublots numbered Tuenty (20) to Thirty-one (31), both inclusive, has been created and reserved in the City of South Suclid. Said Block "A" shell become a public street uhen tho vesterly terminus of said Plock "A" connects to another street. This reservation and erse- ment is to be considereà a coverant running wit' the land for the benefit of and enforceable by the City of South Euclid, or any o"er of lanc fected by tiis easement ond reservation. beshesamemor-orlerlarbatmbealegshhghway.
va7297 PAC:671 In accepting this conveyance, and as a part consideration there- for, and in consideration of 1ike covenants restricting other sub- lots in accordance vith the restrictions hereinafter stated, in the conveyance of other sublots in said Subaivision, the Grantees, for therselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, hereby cover.ants and arees to anc. with the Grantor, its sucessors and assiens, that the above described premises shali be subject to the restrictions and reservations hereinafter contained, except as the same may be supplemented oy zoniné restrictions;. the Grantor hovever reserving the right to change these restrictions in special cases without vaiving or changing then in other cases, when, in 1ts oninion, the change 411 not reduce or detract from the general plan of development of said subdivision. These restrictions shall be deemed as covenants, and shall run vith the land, and shall bind the Grantees, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns until the first day of January, A.D. 1990. The only lots to whi ch these restrictions do not apply, are: :o. One (1) a. the corner of onticello Eouleverà and Trebisky Focd, and :o. Scventeen (17) at the corner of Trebisy Foac and Ammon Rord., vhich t"o sublote are unrestrictet, but subject to zonins restrictions. All other lots in .onticello Acres Suidivision are restricted to sin:le-fomily dwelling houses. :o two-farily houses, apartment houses, or multiole fenily arellings perritte".. Dut nothinc herein s':all. be construed. rs nreventing the use of saic lots for gerdening, orchards, and allied uses. he round floor area, exclusive of porches, of a one story or one cnJ a half story dellin house sha1 be at lecst 680 scuare feet, and of to story d-ellin: house at lenst 480 sounre feet, round floor area. The construction cost of any drelling shall be not less then 5000.00, cased on 1943 construction costs. The set back line from the strect line to the front bosemert line of the house shall be 50 feet on lots fronting on Trebisky Foad, Aon Road, lonticello Poulevard, an" the iuture public street designated on the Flat as Elock "A". Ho ereLe or oter building shall be built nearer the street line than the front brsement line of the nouse, nor "ithin tive feet of any other lot line. All Crives shall cnter from the east or south side o" the lots. All houses shal' be built at least five fect fro:: the nearest side lot lines. :o srirituous liquors shall be manufectured or soli on the pre- rises. lo nuisance or bill-boards shall be erected, placed, or suf- fered to rerein on tic premises. 1o tents, shacks, trailers, barns, cara: es, or oti.or outbuildings shall be used as a residence temor- arily or nermanently on sais premises. Said remises shall not ibe occupied, let, or leased by persons other than those of the Caucasian race. Said piemi ses shall not be divided or re-sublivided into lots having an aren of less than 6000 square foct, or of a width of less than 8 feet at the front building line. The foreroins restrictive covenants arc for the benefit of any and. all owners of lots in said "onticel.lo Acres" Subd1vision, and are enforceable at lau or in equity açainst anyone violating or at- tempting to violate then. In accordance "ith the provisions contpined in the recorded plat of sai subdivision, a permanent easement for a future oublic street, desirnated on saia plat as Block "A", and consisting of all of sublot :o. Ten (10), anc the southerly sixty feet of sublots numbered Tuenty (20) to Thirty-one (31), both inclusive, has been created and reserved in the City of South Suclid. Said Block "A" shell become a public street uhen tho vesterly terminus of said Plock "A" connects to another street. This reservation and erse- ment is to be considereà a coverant running wit' the land for the benefit of and enforceable by the City of South Euclid, or any o"er of lanc fected by tiis easement ond reservation. beshesamemor-orlerlarbatmbealegshhghway.
Said remises shall not be occupi ed, let, or leased by persons other than those of the Caucasian race.
Said premises shall not be occupied, let, or leased by persons other than those of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]Said remises shall not be occupi ed, let, or leased by persons other than those of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]Said premises shall not be occupied, let, or leased by persons other than those of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nva7297 PAC:671\nIn accepting this conveyance, and as a part consideration there-\nfor, and in consideration of 1ike covenants restricting other sub-\nlots in accordance vith the restrictions hereinafter stated, in the\nconveyance of other sublots in said Subaivision, the Grantees, for\ntherselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns,\nhereby cover.ants and arees to anc. with the Grantor, its sucessors\nand assiens, that the above described premises shali be subject to\nthe restrictions and reservations hereinafter contained, except as\nthe same may be supplemented oy zoniné restrictions;. the Grantor\nhovever reserving the right to change these restrictions in special\ncases without vaiving or changing then in other cases, when, in 1ts\noninion, the change 411 not reduce or detract from the general plan\nof development of said subdivision. These restrictions shall be\ndeemed as covenants, and shall run vith the land, and shall bind the\nGrantees, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns until\nthe first day of January, A.D. 1990.\nThe only lots to whi ch these restrictions do not apply, are:\n:o. One (1) a. the corner of onticello Eouleverà and Trebisky Focd,\nand :o. Scventeen (17) at the corner of Trebisy Foac and Ammon Rord.,\nvhich t\"o sublote are unrestrictet, but subject to zonins restrictions.\nAll other lots in .onticello Acres Suidivision are restricted to\nsin:le-fomily dwelling houses. :o two-farily houses, apartment houses,\nor multiole fenily arellings perritte\".. Dut nothinc herein s':all. be\nconstrued. rs nreventing the use of saic lots for gerdening, orchards,\nand allied uses.\nhe round floor area, exclusive of porches, of a one story or one\ncnJ a half story dellin house sha1 be at lecst 680 scuare feet, and\nof to story d-ellin: house at lenst 480 sounre feet, round floor\narea. The construction cost of any drelling shall be not less then\n5000.00, cased on 1943 construction costs.\nThe set back line from the strect line to the front bosemert line\nof the house shall be 50 feet on lots fronting on Trebisky Foad, Aon\nRoad, lonticello Poulevard, an\" the iuture public street designated on\nthe Flat as Elock \"A\". Ho ereLe or oter building shall be built\nnearer the street line than the front brsement line of the nouse, nor\n\"ithin tive feet of any other lot line. All Crives shall cnter from\nthe east or south side o\" the lots. All houses shal' be built at least\nfive fect fro:: the nearest side lot lines.\n:o srirituous liquors shall be manufectured or soli on the pre-\nrises. lo nuisance or bill-boards shall be erected, placed, or suf-\nfered to rerein on tic premises. 1o tents, shacks, trailers, barns,\ncara: es, or oti.or outbuildings shall be used as a residence temor-\narily or nermanently on sais premises.\nSaid remises shall not ibe occupied, let, or leased by persons\nother than those of the Caucasian race.\nSaid piemi ses shall not be divided or re-sublivided into lots\nhaving an aren of less than 6000 square foct, or of a width of less\nthan 8 feet at the front building line.\nThe foreroins restrictive covenants arc for the benefit of any\nand. all owners of lots in said \"onticel.lo Acres\" Subd1vision, and\nare enforceable at lau or in equity açainst anyone violating or at-\ntempting to violate then.\nIn accordance \"ith the provisions contpined in the recorded\nplat of sai subdivision, a permanent easement for a future oublic\nstreet, desirnated on saia plat as Block \"A\", and consisting of all\nof sublot :o. Ten (10), anc the southerly sixty feet of sublots\nnumbered Tuenty (20) to Thirty-one (31), both inclusive, has been\ncreated and reserved in the City of South Suclid. Said Block \"A\"\nshell become a public street uhen tho vesterly terminus of said\nPlock \"A\" connects to another street. This reservation and erse-\nment is to be considereà a coverant running wit' the land for the\nbenefit of and enforceable by the City of South Euclid, or any\no\"er of lanc fected by tiis easement ond reservation.\nbeshesamemor-orlerlarbatmbealegshhghway.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]Said remises shall not be occupi ed, let, or leased by persons\nother than those of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]Said premises shall not be occupied, let, or leased by persons other than those of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 486 duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Verne B. Towner and Hazel B. Tonner, his wife, known to ne to be the persons whose names. aressubsoribed to the within instrument, and aoknowledged to me that they have exeouted the same. IN WITNESS WHERBOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in the said County of Santa Clara, the day and year in this certificate first above written. Gerald L. Cloke, Kotary Public in and for the (NOTARIAL SEAL) County of Santa Clara, State of California. FILING NO I-16676 Filed for record at the request of San Jose Abstract and Title Insuranoe Co. Aug 19 1950 at 38 min. past 4 O'olock P.M, C MAY B. FLANNERY RECORDER fee 3.00 Phil A. Cox Deputy Reoorder compared book a compared doc. IPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIEEPFFPFPIPPPPEETPI FRANK J. VOLTA ET UX TO WENDELL C. THOMAS ETUX GRANT DEED Joint Tenancy We, Wendell C. Thomes and Edythe A. Thomas, husband and wife, parties of the first part, in cons ideration of Ten Dollars to us in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to Frank J.Volta and Nell D. Volta, husband and wife, parties of the second part, as joint tenants, all that real property situate in the County cf Santa Cruz, State of California, deseribed as follows: Lot Numbered 35 as shown upon Map entitled "Forest Springs,Unit Two, Santa Cruz County, California," filed Ootober 25, 1923, in Book 18 of Maps, at page 42, in the office of the County Recorder of the County d Santa Cruz, State of California. This indenture is made, erecuted and delivered and accepted subjeot to the following conditions and oovenants, which are covenants running with lands hereby conveyed; and in the event that any thereof shall not be fully observed and complied with by the parties of the second part, and their heirs and assigns, then and in that event the real property hereby conveyed, and the title thereto, shall become reinvested in the said parties of the first part, their heirs or assigns, and the said parties of the second part, and their heirs and assigns, shall forfeit eny and all of the rights to said premises hereby conveyed, and the improvements placed thereupon, the oonditions and covenants herein referred to are as follows,viz: ::: No intotioating liquors shall be sold or manufaotured upon the within described prenises, or any part thereof, prior to January 1, 1940; neither shall said premises be occupied by Afrioans, Mongolians, or Asiatios, except as employees of residents thereon, prior to said date. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD to the said grantaes, in juint tenanoy, WITNRSS our hands this 1lth day of August, 1930. Wendell C. Thomas Edythe A. Thomas STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) On this 18th day of August, 1930, before:me, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) R.M. Bartle, a Notary Public in and for said oounty, personally appeared Wendell C. Thonas and Edythe A. Thomas, husband and wife, known to me to be the persons whose names are subsoribed to the foregoing instrument, and aeknowkedged that they executed the same. WITNESS: my hend and offioial Seal. R.K. Bartle, Notary Public in and for the (NOTARIAL SEAL) County of Santa Olara, State of California. FILING NO I-16774 Filed for recoré at the request of Frank J. Volta Aug 21 1930 "at 55 min. past 11 o'olock A.M. MAY E. FLANNERY RECORDER F oompared dost J.H. Thomas Daputy Reoorder fee 1.25 compered book 2
486 duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Verne B. Towner and Hazel B. Tonner, his wife, known to ne to be the persons whose names. aressubsoribed to the within instrument, and aoknowledged to me that they have exeouted the same. IN WITNESS WHERBOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in the said County of Santa Clara, the day and year in this certificate first above written. Gerald L. Cloke, Kotary Public in and for the (NOTARIAL SEAL) County of Santa Clara, State of California. FILING NO I-16676 Filed for record at the request of San Jose Abstract and Title Insuranoe Co. Aug 19 1950 at 38 min. past 4 O'olock P.M, C MAY B. FLANNERY RECORDER fee 3.00 Phil A. Cox Deputy Reoorder compared book a compared doc. IPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIEEPFFPFPIPPPPEETPI FRANK J. VOLTA ET UX TO WENDELL C. THOMAS ETUX GRANT DEED Joint Tenancy We, Wendell C. Thomes and Edythe A. Thomas, husband and wife, parties of the first part, in cons ideration of Ten Dollars to us in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to Frank J.Volta and Nell D. Volta, husband and wife, parties of the second part, as joint tenants, all that real property situate in the County cf Santa Cruz, State of California, deseribed as follows: Lot Numbered 35 as shown upon Map entitled "Forest Springs,Unit Two, Santa Cruz County, California," filed Ootober 25, 1923, in Book 18 of Maps, at page 42, in the office of the County Recorder of the County d Santa Cruz, State of California. This indenture is made, erecuted and delivered and accepted subjeot to the following conditions and oovenants, which are covenants running with lands hereby conveyed; and in the event that any thereof shall not be fully observed and complied with by the parties of the second part, and their heirs and assigns, then and in that event the real property hereby conveyed, and the title thereto, shall become reinvested in the said parties of the first part, their heirs or assigns, and the said parties of the second part, and their heirs and assigns, shall forfeit eny and all of the rights to said premises hereby conveyed, and the improvements placed thereupon, the oonditions and covenants herein referred to are as follows,viz: ::: No intotioating liquors shall be sold or manufaotured upon the within described prenises, or any part thereof, prior to January 1, 1940; neither shall said premises be occupied by Afrioans, Mongolians, or Asiatios, except as employees of residents thereon, prior to said date. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD to the said grantaes, in juint tenanoy, WITNRSS our hands this 1lth day of August, 1930. Wendell C. Thomas Edythe A. Thomas STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) On this 18th day of August, 1930, before:me, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) R.M. Bartle, a Notary Public in and for said oounty, personally appeared Wendell C. Thonas and Edythe A. Thomas, husband and wife, known to me to be the persons whose names are subsoribed to the foregoing instrument, and aeknowkedged that they executed the same. WITNESS: my hend and offioial Seal. R.K. Bartle, Notary Public in and for the (NOTARIAL SEAL) County of Santa Olara, State of California. FILING NO I-16774 Filed for recoré at the request of Frank J. Volta Aug 21 1930 "at 55 min. past 11 o'olock A.M. MAY E. FLANNERY RECORDER F oompared dost J.H. Thomas Daputy Reoorder fee 1.25 compered book 2
prior to January 1, 1940; neither shall said premises be occupied by Africans, Mongolians, or Asiatics, except as employees of residents thereon, prior to said date.
prior to January 1, 1940; neither shall said premises be occupied by Africans, Mongolians, or Asiatics, except as employees of residents thereon, prior to said date.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]prior to January 1, 1940; neither shall said premises be occupied by Africans, Mongolians, or Asiatics, except as employees of residents thereon, prior to said date.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]prior to January 1, 1940; neither shall said premises be occupied by Africans, Mongolians, or Asiatics, except as employees of residents thereon, prior to said date.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n486\nduly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Verne B. Towner and Hazel B.\nTonner, his wife, known to ne to be the persons whose names. aressubsoribed to\nthe within instrument, and aoknowledged to me that they have exeouted the same.\nIN WITNESS WHERBOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my\nofficial seal at my office in the said County of Santa Clara, the day and year\nin this certificate first above written.\nGerald L. Cloke, Kotary Public in and for the\n(NOTARIAL SEAL)\nCounty of Santa Clara, State of California.\nFILING NO I-16676\nFiled for record at the request of San Jose Abstract and Title\nInsuranoe Co. Aug 19 1950 at 38 min. past 4 O'olock P.M,\nC\nMAY B. FLANNERY\nRECORDER\nfee 3.00\nPhil A. Cox\nDeputy Reoorder\ncompared book a\ncompared doc.\nIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIPIEEPFFPFPIPPPPEETPI\nFRANK J. VOLTA ET UX\nTO\nWENDELL C. THOMAS ETUX\nGRANT DEED\nJoint Tenancy\nWe, Wendell C. Thomes and Edythe A. Thomas, husband and wife,\nparties of the first part, in cons ideration of Ten Dollars to us in hand paid,\nthe receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to Frank J.Volta\nand Nell D. Volta, husband and wife, parties of the second part, as joint tenants,\nall that real property situate in the County cf Santa Cruz, State of California,\ndeseribed as follows:\nLot Numbered 35 as shown upon Map entitled \"Forest Springs,Unit\nTwo, Santa Cruz County, California,\" filed Ootober 25, 1923, in Book 18 of Maps,\nat page 42, in the office of the County Recorder of the County d Santa Cruz,\nState of California.\nThis indenture is made, erecuted and delivered and accepted subjeot\nto the following conditions and oovenants, which are covenants running with lands\nhereby conveyed; and in the event that any thereof shall not be fully observed and\ncomplied with by the parties of the second part, and their heirs and assigns, then\nand in that event the real property hereby conveyed, and the title thereto, shall\nbecome reinvested in the said parties of the first part, their heirs or assigns,\nand the said parties of the second part, and their heirs and assigns, shall forfeit\neny and all of the rights to said premises hereby conveyed, and the improvements\nplaced thereupon, the oonditions and covenants herein referred to are as follows,viz: :::\nNo intotioating liquors shall be sold or manufaotured upon the within\ndescribed prenises, or any part thereof, prior to January 1, 1940; neither shall\nsaid premises be occupied by Afrioans, Mongolians, or Asiatios, except as employees\nof residents thereon, prior to said date.\nTO HAVE AND TO HOLD to the said grantaes, in juint tenanoy,\nWITNRSS our hands this 1lth day of August, 1930.\nWendell C. Thomas\nEdythe A. Thomas\nSTATE OF CALIFORNIA )\nOn this 18th day of August, 1930, before:me,\nCOUNTY OF SANTA CLARA )\nR.M. Bartle, a Notary Public in and for said\noounty, personally appeared Wendell C. Thonas and Edythe A. Thomas, husband and wife,\nknown to me to be the persons whose names are subsoribed to the foregoing instrument,\nand aeknowkedged that they executed the same.\nWITNESS: my hend and offioial Seal.\nR.K. Bartle, Notary Public in and for the\n(NOTARIAL SEAL)\nCounty of Santa Olara, State of California.\nFILING NO I-16774\nFiled for recoré at the request of Frank J. Volta Aug 21 1930\n\"at 55 min. past 11 o'olock A.M.\nMAY E. FLANNERY\nRECORDER\nF oompared dost\nJ.H. Thomas\nDaputy Reoorder\nfee 1.25\ncompered book 2", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]prior to January 1, 1940; neither shall said premises be occupied by Africans, Mongolians, or Asiatics, except as employees of residents thereon, prior to said date.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]prior to January 1, 1940; neither shall said premises be occupied by Africans, Mongolians, or Asiatics, except as employees of residents thereon, prior to said date.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] AEE2 269 5.7044 style architecture, including materials and their treatment, and the of The 5. plans and specifications for any dwelling house or revidence, including any and all contracts and sub-contracts therefor, shall first have the wPittéh.mpprpvg of the grantor, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns;, ofhis.or their duly auth- orized" agent. The architectural design shall include an attached garage, but such garage shall be considered as being attacneu to tne main dwelling providing it is con- nected Dy a so-called Breeze-nay. Should tne grantor herein, or his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or nis or tneir duly authorizéd agent, fail to either ap- prove or disapprove said style of arcnitecture and tne said plans and specifications vithin'tnirty (30) days after submission of the same by the grantees, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, then sucn approval shall be obtained fram a majority of the lot owners in said Development. b. No dwelling house, residence or other structure snall be located or placed upon the premises nerein conveyed within 100 f'eet of tne center road line or nearer than 10 feet of either side line. 7. No livestock or fowl snall be noused for commercial purposes. 8. Said premises snall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that of the Caucusian race. 9. The several covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphs numbered from 1 to 8, inclusive, is a part of a general plan for the improvement of said Development, shall run witn tne land, and shall be binding upon the grantees, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, until the 1st day of January, 1996,, and if the grantees herein, or their heirs or assigns, snall violate, or attempt to violate, any one or more of the aforementioned covenants and agreements, pricr to the said Ist day of January, 1446,. any other person cr persons owing any other lot or lots! in said Development shall-have the rignt to prosecute any proceeding at law or in equity against the person or persons found violating, or attempting to violate, any one' or more of the same, either to prevent him or them from so doing or-to. recover any damages resulting therefrom. 10. the invalidation of any one or more of the aforementioned covenants and agree- ments by court order, or otherwise, shall not in any way affect. the remaining provisions which shall remain in full. f'orce and erfect. be the same more or less, bub subjeck to all legal highways. Lu Baur ano ta Bjolb the above granled and barguined premises, with the appurtenances thereo!, unto the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns forever. And I William M. Gall, married .heirs, e.recutors and the said Grantor do for myself and my administrators, covenanb with the said Grantees , their heirs and assigns, thab : at and until the ensealing of these presents, I am well seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE SIMIPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above wrilten, and that the same are fre front all inrumbrars whatsorurr except taxes and assessments, both general and special, for the last half of the year 1949,. and thereafter; except conditions and restricticns of record, if any, together witn the restrictions hereinabove set forth; except easenents and ripht-of-ways of record, if any; and except zoning laws of either the Tounship of Bedford or the Countyof Çuyahoga; Ohio,.
AEE2 269 5.7044 style architecture, including materials and their treatment, and the of The 5. plans and specifications for any dwelling house or revidence, including any and all contracts and sub-contracts therefor, shall first have the wPittéh.mpprpvg of the grantor, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns;, ofhis.or their duly auth- orized" agent. The architectural design shall include an attached garage, but such garage shall be considered as being attacneu to tne main dwelling providing it is con- nected Dy a so-called Breeze-nay. Should tne grantor herein, or his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or nis or tneir duly authorizéd agent, fail to either ap- prove or disapprove said style of arcnitecture and tne said plans and specifications vithin'tnirty (30) days after submission of the same by the grantees, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, then sucn approval shall be obtained fram a majority of the lot owners in said Development. b. No dwelling house, residence or other structure snall be located or placed upon the premises nerein conveyed within 100 f'eet of tne center road line or nearer than 10 feet of either side line. 7. No livestock or fowl snall be noused for commercial purposes. 8. Said premises snall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that of the Caucusian race. 9. The several covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphs numbered from 1 to 8, inclusive, is a part of a general plan for the improvement of said Development, shall run witn tne land, and shall be binding upon the grantees, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, until the 1st day of January, 1996,, and if the grantees herein, or their heirs or assigns, snall violate, or attempt to violate, any one or more of the aforementioned covenants and agreements, pricr to the said Ist day of January, 1446,. any other person cr persons owing any other lot or lots! in said Development shall-have the rignt to prosecute any proceeding at law or in equity against the person or persons found violating, or attempting to violate, any one' or more of the same, either to prevent him or them from so doing or-to. recover any damages resulting therefrom. 10. the invalidation of any one or more of the aforementioned covenants and agree- ments by court order, or otherwise, shall not in any way affect. the remaining provisions which shall remain in full. f'orce and erfect. be the same more or less, bub subjeck to all legal highways. Lu Baur ano ta Bjolb the above granled and barguined premises, with the appurtenances thereo!, unto the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns forever. And I William M. Gall, married .heirs, e.recutors and the said Grantor do for myself and my administrators, covenanb with the said Grantees , their heirs and assigns, thab : at and until the ensealing of these presents, I am well seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE SIMIPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above wrilten, and that the same are fre front all inrumbrars whatsorurr except taxes and assessments, both general and special, for the last half of the year 1949,. and thereafter; except conditions and restricticns of record, if any, together witn the restrictions hereinabove set forth; except easenents and ripht-of-ways of record, if any; and except zoning laws of either the Tounship of Bedford or the Countyof Çuyahoga; Ohio,.
8. Said premises snall be restricted for mempers of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transterred to or occupied by any person other than that of the Caucasian race.
8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]8. Said premises snall be restricted for mempers of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transterred to or occupied by any person other than that of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nAEE2 269\n5.7044\nstyle architecture, including materials and their treatment, and the\nof\nThe\n5.\nplans and specifications for any dwelling house or revidence, including any and all\ncontracts and sub-contracts therefor, shall first have the wPittéh.mpprpvg of the\ngrantor, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns;, ofhis.or their duly auth-\norized\" agent. The architectural design shall include an attached garage, but such\ngarage shall be considered as being attacneu to tne main dwelling providing it is con-\nnected Dy a so-called Breeze-nay. Should tne grantor herein, or his heirs, executors,\nadministrators and assigns, or nis or tneir duly authorizéd agent, fail to either ap-\nprove or disapprove said style of arcnitecture and tne said plans and specifications\nvithin'tnirty (30) days after submission of the same by the grantees, their heirs,\nexecutors, administrators and assigns, then sucn approval shall be obtained fram a\nmajority of the lot owners in said Development.\nb. No dwelling house, residence or other structure snall be located or placed\nupon the premises nerein conveyed within 100 f'eet of tne center road line or nearer\nthan 10 feet of either side line.\n7. No livestock or fowl snall be noused for commercial purposes.\n8. Said premises snall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and\nshall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other\nthan that of the Caucusian race.\n9. The several covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphs\nnumbered from 1 to 8, inclusive, is a part of a general plan for the improvement of\nsaid Development, shall run witn tne land, and shall be binding upon the grantees,\ntheir heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, until the 1st day of January, 1996,,\nand if the grantees herein, or their heirs or assigns, snall violate, or attempt to\nviolate, any one or more of the aforementioned covenants and agreements, pricr to the\nsaid Ist day of January, 1446,. any other person cr persons owing any other lot or lots!\nin said Development shall-have the rignt to prosecute any proceeding at law or in\nequity against the person or persons found violating, or attempting to violate, any one'\nor more of the same, either to prevent him or them from so doing or-to. recover any\ndamages resulting therefrom.\n10. the invalidation of any one or more of the aforementioned covenants and agree-\nments by court order, or otherwise, shall not in any way affect. the remaining provisions\nwhich shall remain in full. f'orce and erfect.\nbe the same more or less, bub subjeck to all legal highways.\nLu Baur ano ta Bjolb the above granled and barguined premises, with the\nappurtenances thereo!, unto the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns forever.\nAnd I\nWilliam M. Gall, married\n.heirs, e.recutors and\nthe said Grantor do for myself\nand my\nadministrators, covenanb with the said Grantees , their heirs and assigns, thab\n:\nat and until the ensealing of these presents, I am\nwell seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE\nSIMIPLE, and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as\nabove wrilten, and that the same are fre front all inrumbrars whatsorurr\nexcept taxes and assessments, both general and special, for the last half of the year\n1949,. and thereafter; except conditions and restricticns of record, if any, together\nwitn the restrictions hereinabove set forth; except easenents and ripht-of-ways of\nrecord, if any; and except zoning laws of either the Tounship of Bedford or the\nCountyof Çuyahoga; Ohio,.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]8. Said premises snall be restricted for mempers of the Caucasian race only and\nshall not be sold, rented, leased or transterred to or occupied by any person other\nthan that of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 409 1lot 14/320 Garfield Avenue 40 x 150 feet, Bounded on North by Garfield Ave. East, South andWest by Ostendorf. the said E. L. Ostendorf having a rightful interest therein to hold thesame for the use and benefit of the true and lawful owners of said property, it being the trueintention of this conveyance to re-invest the title of said property in the rightful and legalowners thereof, free and discharged of the claims of the School District and for such interestonly. as said School District has therein as aforesaid, by virtue of said deed to it as aboveIn Witness Whereof, the said School District of the City of New Castle, has caused thesepresents to be signed by the President of the Board of Diredtors and its common and corpirateSeal to be hereto affixed, attested by the Secretary of the Board of Directors, this g"day of recited.Jany A. D. 1927.Attest:H.M. MarquisSecretary.State of PennsylvaniaCounty of Lawrenceas such. James K. LovePresident. (Corporate Seal) SS:- Before me personally came H. M. Marauis Secretary of the Board of Directors of saidSchool District, and acknowledged the foregoing Indenture as and for the act and deedof said School District, for the purposes therein mentioned, to the end that it may be recorded Witness my hand and Official seal this 8 day of January 1927. L. C. MantzAlderman (Alderman's Seal) My Commission expires Jan. 1928 DeedA.C. Shoaf,etuz.ToPeter TomeselloEntered January 20, 1927. This Indenture Made the eighth day of May in the year One Thousand NineBetween A. C. Shoaf and Dama M. Shoaf, his wife, of theCity of New Castle, Pennsylvania, grantors, and PeterPomesello of Bessemer, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, grantee.Witnesseth, That in consideration of One Dollar and othergood and valuable considerations now paid, the receipt whereofis hereby acknowledged, the said parties of the first part dohereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of Hundred and Twenty-siz the second part his heirs and assigns, all that certain land and premises situate and being in the Borough of Bessemer,Lawrence County, Pennsylvanie, being lot or lots Number two hundred thirty-three & thirty-four(233-234) in plan of lots known as "First Addition to Bessemer Terrace," as surveyed and laid outin Ootober, 1922, by C. H. kilholland, C. E., which said plan is duly recorded in the Recorder'soffice of Bawrence County, in Plot Bodk Vol.6, page 43. And being part of a larget tract of landconveyed to the said A. C. Shoaf by èeed from N. P. Anderson and wife, dated November 27th, 1922, and to be recorded. With the appurtenances: TO Have and to Hold the same unto and for the use of the saidThis said conveyanoe is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises,and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein,nor his assigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or anypart thereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and toAnd the said parties of the first part, excepting as herein above provided, do herebyfor themselves, their heirs, exedutors and administrators,. covenant with the said party of thesecond part, and the heirs and assigns thereof, against ail lawful claimants the same and every party of the second part, and the heirs and assigns thereof, forever. bein full force and effect until the year A. D.1935. part thereof to warrant and defend. Witness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. A. C. ShoafDama M. Shoaf (Seal)(Seal) Witness;Edna V. MatthewsCommonwealth of Pennsylvanis,County of lawrence, SS; On this eighth day of May A. D. 1926, before me, a No tary Public, in and for said County and State, came the above named A. C. Shoaf and Dama M. Shoaf, his wife, and they acknowledgedthe foregoing indenture to be their act and deed to the end that it may be recorded as such. Witness my hand and official Beal.
409 1lot 14/320 Garfield Avenue 40 x 150 feet, Bounded on North by Garfield Ave. East, South andWest by Ostendorf. the said E. L. Ostendorf having a rightful interest therein to hold thesame for the use and benefit of the true and lawful owners of said property, it being the trueintention of this conveyance to re-invest the title of said property in the rightful and legalowners thereof, free and discharged of the claims of the School District and for such interestonly. as said School District has therein as aforesaid, by virtue of said deed to it as aboveIn Witness Whereof, the said School District of the City of New Castle, has caused thesepresents to be signed by the President of the Board of Diredtors and its common and corpirateSeal to be hereto affixed, attested by the Secretary of the Board of Directors, this g"day of recited.Jany A. D. 1927.Attest:H.M. MarquisSecretary.State of PennsylvaniaCounty of Lawrenceas such. James K. LovePresident. (Corporate Seal) SS:- Before me personally came H. M. Marauis Secretary of the Board of Directors of saidSchool District, and acknowledged the foregoing Indenture as and for the act and deedof said School District, for the purposes therein mentioned, to the end that it may be recorded Witness my hand and Official seal this 8 day of January 1927. L. C. MantzAlderman (Alderman's Seal) My Commission expires Jan. 1928 DeedA.C. Shoaf,etuz.ToPeter TomeselloEntered January 20, 1927. This Indenture Made the eighth day of May in the year One Thousand NineBetween A. C. Shoaf and Dama M. Shoaf, his wife, of theCity of New Castle, Pennsylvania, grantors, and PeterPomesello of Bessemer, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, grantee.Witnesseth, That in consideration of One Dollar and othergood and valuable considerations now paid, the receipt whereofis hereby acknowledged, the said parties of the first part dohereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of Hundred and Twenty-siz the second part his heirs and assigns, all that certain land and premises situate and being in the Borough of Bessemer,Lawrence County, Pennsylvanie, being lot or lots Number two hundred thirty-three & thirty-four(233-234) in plan of lots known as "First Addition to Bessemer Terrace," as surveyed and laid outin Ootober, 1922, by C. H. kilholland, C. E., which said plan is duly recorded in the Recorder'soffice of Bawrence County, in Plot Bodk Vol.6, page 43. And being part of a larget tract of landconveyed to the said A. C. Shoaf by èeed from N. P. Anderson and wife, dated November 27th, 1922, and to be recorded. With the appurtenances: TO Have and to Hold the same unto and for the use of the saidThis said conveyanoe is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises,and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein,nor his assigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or anypart thereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and toAnd the said parties of the first part, excepting as herein above provided, do herebyfor themselves, their heirs, exedutors and administrators,. covenant with the said party of thesecond part, and the heirs and assigns thereof, against ail lawful claimants the same and every party of the second part, and the heirs and assigns thereof, forever. bein full force and effect until the year A. D.1935. part thereof to warrant and defend. Witness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. A. C. ShoafDama M. Shoaf (Seal)(Seal) Witness;Edna V. MatthewsCommonwealth of Pennsylvanis,County of lawrence, SS; On this eighth day of May A. D. 1926, before me, a No tary Public, in and for said County and State, came the above named A. C. Shoaf and Dama M. Shoaf, his wife, and they acknowledgedthe foregoing indenture to be their act and deed to the end that it may be recorded as such. Witness my hand and official Beal.
This said conveyanoe is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land berein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to
This said conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and is also subject to all buildings, lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, or his assigns ,nor successors in title, shall sell or convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]This said conveyanoe is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land berein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]This said conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and is also subject to all buildings, lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, or his assigns ,nor successors in title, shall sell or convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n409\n1lot 14/320 Garfield Avenue 40 x 150 feet, Bounded on North by Garfield Ave. East, South andWest by Ostendorf. the said E. L. Ostendorf having a rightful interest therein to hold thesame for the use and benefit of the true and lawful owners of said property, it being the trueintention of this conveyance to re-invest the title of said property in the rightful and legalowners thereof, free and discharged of the claims of the School District and for such interestonly. as said School District has therein as aforesaid, by virtue of said deed to it as aboveIn Witness Whereof, the said School District of the City of New Castle, has caused thesepresents to be signed by the President of the Board of Diredtors and its common and corpirateSeal to be hereto affixed, attested by the Secretary of the Board of Directors, this g\"day of\nrecited.Jany A. D. 1927.Attest:H.M. MarquisSecretary.State of PennsylvaniaCounty of Lawrenceas such.\nJames K. LovePresident.\n(Corporate Seal)\nSS:-\nBefore me personally came H. M. Marauis Secretary of the Board of Directors of saidSchool District, and acknowledged the foregoing Indenture as and for the act and deedof said School District, for the purposes therein mentioned, to the end that it may be recorded\nWitness my hand and Official seal this 8 day of January 1927.\nL. C. MantzAlderman (Alderman's Seal)\nMy Commission expires Jan. 1928\nDeedA.C. Shoaf,etuz.ToPeter TomeselloEntered January 20, 1927.\nThis Indenture\nMade the eighth day of May in the year One Thousand NineBetween A. C. Shoaf and Dama M. Shoaf, his wife, of theCity of New Castle, Pennsylvania, grantors, and PeterPomesello of Bessemer, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, grantee.Witnesseth, That in consideration of One Dollar and othergood and valuable considerations now paid, the receipt whereofis hereby acknowledged, the said parties of the first part dohereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of\nHundred and Twenty-siz\nthe second part his heirs and assigns,\nall that certain land and premises situate and being in the Borough of Bessemer,Lawrence County, Pennsylvanie, being lot or lots Number two hundred thirty-three & thirty-four(233-234) in plan of lots known as \"First Addition to Bessemer Terrace,\" as surveyed and laid outin Ootober, 1922, by C. H. kilholland, C. E., which said plan is duly recorded in the Recorder'soffice of Bawrence County, in Plot Bodk Vol.6, page 43. And being part of a larget tract of landconveyed to the said A. C. Shoaf by èeed from N. P. Anderson and wife, dated November 27th, 1922,\nand to be recorded.\nWith the appurtenances: TO Have and to Hold the same unto and for the use of the saidThis said conveyanoe is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises,and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein,nor his assigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or anypart thereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and toAnd the said parties of the first part, excepting as herein above provided, do herebyfor themselves, their heirs, exedutors and administrators,. covenant with the said party of thesecond part, and the heirs and assigns thereof, against ail lawful claimants the same and every\nparty of the second part, and the heirs and assigns thereof, forever.\nbein full force and effect until the year A. D.1935.\npart thereof to warrant and defend.\nWitness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part.\nA. C. ShoafDama M. Shoaf\n(Seal)(Seal)\nWitness;Edna V. MatthewsCommonwealth of Pennsylvanis,County of lawrence,\nSS;\nOn this eighth day of May A. D. 1926, before me, a No tary Public, in and for said County\nand State, came the above named A. C. Shoaf and Dama M. Shoaf, his wife, and they acknowledgedthe foregoing indenture to be their act and deed to the end that it may be recorded as such.\nWitness my hand and official Beal.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]This said conveyanoe is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises,\nand is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein,\nnor his assigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land berein described or any\npart thereof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]This said conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and is also subject to all buildings, lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, or his assigns ,nor successors in title, shall sell or convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 434 Witness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. Josephine Dawson (SEAL) Attest: (SEAL) J.W. Rhodes Joseph Dawson Ruth Glenn Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, : SS. County of LAWRENCE On this the twekfth day of June, A.D. 1946, before me the undersigned offioer, personally appeared JOSEPHINE DAWSON and JOSEPH DAWSON, her husbamd known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and aoknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein oontained. In Witness Whereof I hereunto set my hand and official seal. J.C. Kennedy (N. P. Seal) NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 5th 1947 Hew Castle, Pennsylvania Certifioate As To Residence The undersigned hereby, certifies that the precise residence of the grantees herein named is as follows: Boz 305, East Llverpool, Ohio. J.W. Rhodes Attorney for Grantees Deed Deed This Indenture, Made the twelfth day of June in the year of our Josephine Dawson Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-siz To Between JOSEPHINE DAWSON and JOSEPH DAWSON, her husband, of the Firth Ward of the City of East L,verpool, Ohio parties of the first John Dawson et.ux. part, and JOHN DAWSON and MAY DAWSON, his wife, of the Fourth Ward of_the City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania parties of Ent. June 12, 1946 the second part; Witnesseth, That the said parties of the flrst part in consideration of One and 00/100 ($1.00) Doller_and other good gnd valuable oonsiderati ons not herein expressed to them now paid by the said parties of the second part, do grant, bargein, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, forever: ALL that certain piece, parcel and lot of land situate, lying and being in the Sixth Ward of the City of New Castle, Lawrenoe County, Pennsylvania, bounded and deseribed as follows: On the north by Rebecca Street two hundred four (204) feet; on the east by other lands of Grantors three hundred nineteen and seven-tenths (319.7) feet; on the south by lands of J. W. Pattison two hundred four (204) feet; and on the west by lands of the heirs of I. M, Minteer, Deceased, three hundred nineteen and Seven-tenths (319.7) feet, and being a portion of the same property that was conveyed to Josephine Dawson by Daniel L. Murphy, Single,, by deed dated May 2, 1944 and recorded in the Recorder's Office d Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, in Deed Book Voli. 329, page 323. It 1s hereby expressly understood and agreed that as part consi deration for this transfer from the Grantors herein to the Grantees, that the said Grantees, for themselves, their heirs and assigns, covenant, promise and agree sith the said Grantors their heirs and assigns, that the herein described premises ar any portica thereof shall not hereafter be sold, transferred, leased or demised to colored people or persons of African descent. with the appurtenances: To Have and To Hold the same unto, and for the use of the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns forever, And the said Parties of the First Part for themselves, their heirs, exeoutors and administre tors covenant with the said parties of the seoond part their heirs and assigns against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend. Witness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. 83 Josephine Dawson (SEAL) Attest: J.W. Rhodes (SEAL) Joseph Dawson Ruth Glenn Commonwealth of Pennsylvgnie, : Ss. County of LAWRENCE On this the twelfth day of June, A.D. 1946, before me the undersigned officer, personally, appeared JOSEPHINE DAWSON and JOSEPH DAWSON, her husband known to me, (or satisfactorily proven) to be the persons whose names are subseribed tothe within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein contained. In Witness Whereof I hereunto set my hand and official seal. (N. P. Seal) J.C. Kennedy MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 5th, 1947 NOTARY PUBLIC Certifioate As To Residence. The undersigned hereby certifies that the precise residence of the grantees herein named is
434 Witness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. Josephine Dawson (SEAL) Attest: (SEAL) J.W. Rhodes Joseph Dawson Ruth Glenn Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, : SS. County of LAWRENCE On this the twekfth day of June, A.D. 1946, before me the undersigned offioer, personally appeared JOSEPHINE DAWSON and JOSEPH DAWSON, her husbamd known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and aoknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein oontained. In Witness Whereof I hereunto set my hand and official seal. J.C. Kennedy (N. P. Seal) NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 5th 1947 Hew Castle, Pennsylvania Certifioate As To Residence The undersigned hereby, certifies that the precise residence of the grantees herein named is as follows: Boz 305, East Llverpool, Ohio. J.W. Rhodes Attorney for Grantees Deed Deed This Indenture, Made the twelfth day of June in the year of our Josephine Dawson Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-siz To Between JOSEPHINE DAWSON and JOSEPH DAWSON, her husband, of the Firth Ward of the City of East L,verpool, Ohio parties of the first John Dawson et.ux. part, and JOHN DAWSON and MAY DAWSON, his wife, of the Fourth Ward of_the City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania parties of Ent. June 12, 1946 the second part; Witnesseth, That the said parties of the flrst part in consideration of One and 00/100 ($1.00) Doller_and other good gnd valuable oonsiderati ons not herein expressed to them now paid by the said parties of the second part, do grant, bargein, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, forever: ALL that certain piece, parcel and lot of land situate, lying and being in the Sixth Ward of the City of New Castle, Lawrenoe County, Pennsylvania, bounded and deseribed as follows: On the north by Rebecca Street two hundred four (204) feet; on the east by other lands of Grantors three hundred nineteen and seven-tenths (319.7) feet; on the south by lands of J. W. Pattison two hundred four (204) feet; and on the west by lands of the heirs of I. M, Minteer, Deceased, three hundred nineteen and Seven-tenths (319.7) feet, and being a portion of the same property that was conveyed to Josephine Dawson by Daniel L. Murphy, Single,, by deed dated May 2, 1944 and recorded in the Recorder's Office d Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, in Deed Book Voli. 329, page 323. It 1s hereby expressly understood and agreed that as part consi deration for this transfer from the Grantors herein to the Grantees, that the said Grantees, for themselves, their heirs and assigns, covenant, promise and agree sith the said Grantors their heirs and assigns, that the herein described premises ar any portica thereof shall not hereafter be sold, transferred, leased or demised to colored people or persons of African descent. with the appurtenances: To Have and To Hold the same unto, and for the use of the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns forever, And the said Parties of the First Part for themselves, their heirs, exeoutors and administre tors covenant with the said parties of the seoond part their heirs and assigns against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend. Witness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. 83 Josephine Dawson (SEAL) Attest: J.W. Rhodes (SEAL) Joseph Dawson Ruth Glenn Commonwealth of Pennsylvgnie, : Ss. County of LAWRENCE On this the twelfth day of June, A.D. 1946, before me the undersigned officer, personally, appeared JOSEPHINE DAWSON and JOSEPH DAWSON, her husband known to me, (or satisfactorily proven) to be the persons whose names are subseribed tothe within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein contained. In Witness Whereof I hereunto set my hand and official seal. (N. P. Seal) J.C. Kennedy MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 5th, 1947 NOTARY PUBLIC Certifioate As To Residence. The undersigned hereby certifies that the precise residence of the grantees herein named is
It 1s hereby expressly understood and agreed that as part consideration for this transfer from the Grantors herein to the Grantees, that the said Grantees, for themselves, their heirs and assigns, covenant, promise and agree sith the said Grantors their heirs and assigns, that the herein described premises ar any Bortica thereof shall not hereafter be sold, transferred, leased or demised to colored people or persons of Afrioan descent.
It is hereby expressly understood and agreed that as part consideration for this transfer from the Grantors herein to the Grantees, that the said Grantees, for themselves, their heirs and assigns, covenant, promise and agree with the said Grantors their heirs and assigns, that the herein described premises or any portion thereof shall not hereafter be sold, transferred, leased or demised to colored people or persons of African descent.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]It 1s hereby expressly understood and agreed that as part consideration for this transfer from the Grantors herein to the Grantees, that the said Grantees, for themselves, their heirs and assigns, covenant, promise and agree sith the said Grantors their heirs and assigns, that the herein described premises ar any Bortica thereof shall not hereafter be sold, transferred, leased or demised to colored people or persons of Afrioan descent.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]It is hereby expressly understood and agreed that as part consideration for this transfer from the Grantors herein to the Grantees, that the said Grantees, for themselves, their heirs and assigns, covenant, promise and agree with the said Grantors their heirs and assigns, that the herein described premises or any portion thereof shall not hereafter be sold, transferred, leased or demised to colored people or persons of African descent.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n434\nWitness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part.\nJosephine Dawson (SEAL)\nAttest:\n(SEAL)\nJ.W. Rhodes\nJoseph Dawson\nRuth Glenn\nCommonwealth of Pennsylvania, :\nSS.\nCounty of LAWRENCE\nOn this the twekfth day of June, A.D. 1946, before me the undersigned offioer, personally\nappeared JOSEPHINE DAWSON and JOSEPH DAWSON, her husbamd known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to\nbe the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and aoknowledged that they\nexecuted the same for the purposes therein oontained.\nIn Witness Whereof I hereunto set my hand and official seal.\nJ.C. Kennedy\n(N. P. Seal)\nNOTARY PUBLIC\nMY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 5th 1947\nHew Castle, Pennsylvania\nCertifioate As To Residence\nThe undersigned hereby, certifies that the precise residence of the grantees herein named is\nas follows: Boz 305, East Llverpool, Ohio.\nJ.W. Rhodes\nAttorney for Grantees\nDeed\nDeed\nThis Indenture, Made the twelfth day of June in the year of our\nJosephine Dawson\nLord one thousand nine hundred and forty-siz\nTo\nBetween JOSEPHINE DAWSON and JOSEPH DAWSON, her husband, of the\nFirth Ward of the City of East L,verpool, Ohio parties of the first\nJohn Dawson et.ux.\npart, and JOHN DAWSON and MAY DAWSON, his wife, of the Fourth Ward\nof_the City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania parties of\nEnt. June 12, 1946\nthe second part;\nWitnesseth, That the said parties of the flrst part in consideration of One and 00/100 ($1.00)\nDoller_and other good gnd valuable oonsiderati ons not herein expressed to them now paid by the\nsaid parties of the second part, do grant, bargein, sell and convey unto the said parties of the\nsecond part, their heirs and assigns, forever:\nALL that certain piece, parcel and lot of land situate, lying and being in the Sixth Ward of\nthe City of New Castle, Lawrenoe County, Pennsylvania, bounded and deseribed as follows: On the\nnorth by Rebecca Street two hundred four (204) feet; on the east by other lands of Grantors three\nhundred nineteen and seven-tenths (319.7) feet; on the south by lands of J. W. Pattison two hundred\nfour (204) feet; and on the west by lands of the heirs of I. M, Minteer, Deceased, three hundred\nnineteen and Seven-tenths (319.7) feet, and being a portion of the same property that was conveyed\nto Josephine Dawson by Daniel L. Murphy, Single,, by deed dated May 2, 1944 and recorded in the\nRecorder's Office d Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, in Deed Book Voli. 329, page 323.\nIt 1s hereby expressly understood and agreed that as part consi deration for this transfer from\nthe Grantors herein to the Grantees, that the said Grantees, for themselves, their heirs and\nassigns, covenant, promise and agree sith the said Grantors their heirs and assigns, that the\nherein described premises ar any portica thereof shall not hereafter be sold, transferred, leased\nor demised to colored people or persons of African descent.\nwith the appurtenances:\nTo Have and To Hold the same unto, and for the use of the said parties of the second part,\ntheir heirs and assigns forever,\nAnd the said Parties of the First Part for themselves, their heirs, exeoutors and administre\ntors covenant with the said parties of the seoond part their heirs and assigns against all lawful\nclaimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend.\nWitness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part.\n83\nJosephine Dawson\n(SEAL)\nAttest:\nJ.W. Rhodes\n(SEAL)\nJoseph Dawson\nRuth Glenn\nCommonwealth of Pennsylvgnie, :\nSs.\nCounty of LAWRENCE\nOn this the twelfth day of June, A.D. 1946, before me the undersigned officer, personally,\nappeared JOSEPHINE DAWSON and JOSEPH DAWSON, her husband known to me, (or satisfactorily proven)\nto be the persons whose names are subseribed tothe within instrument and acknowledged that they\nexecuted the same for the purposes therein contained.\nIn Witness Whereof I hereunto set my hand and official seal.\n(N. P. Seal)\nJ.C. Kennedy\nMY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 5th, 1947\nNOTARY PUBLIC\nCertifioate As To Residence.\nThe undersigned hereby certifies that the precise residence of the grantees herein named is", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]It 1s hereby expressly understood and agreed that as part consideration for this transfer from\nthe Grantors herein to the Grantees, that the said Grantees, for themselves, their heirs and\nassigns, covenant, promise and agree sith the said Grantors their heirs and assigns, that the\nherein described premises ar any Bortica thereof shall not hereafter be sold, transferred, leased\nor demised to colored people or persons of Afrioan descent.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]It is hereby expressly understood and agreed that as part consideration for this transfer from the Grantors herein to the Grantees, that the said Grantees, for themselves, their heirs and assigns, covenant, promise and agree with the said Grantors their heirs and assigns, that the herein described premises or any portion thereof shall not hereafter be sold, transferred, leased or demised to colored people or persons of African descent.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL6695 PAGE711 (6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian raçe shall use oroccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenantshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erectedon said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted,(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the sise, type, costand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details thereformittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committee1s not in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill notbe required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har-mony vith existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-ing costing less than $6500.CO shall be permitted on said premises, and the groundfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600 square feet in the(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur-poses in connection vith dwellings erected an the above described premises. Allofthe requirements of the Village of North Olmsted for sanitary provisions shall beheiro, administratora, assigna and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the coven-ants and agreements herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at theexpense of the ovmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreteddeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail-the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this instrument shall in no(12) Invelidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shallin_no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in(13) If the parties hereto, or any of them, their heirs, executors, administratorsor assigns, or successors and assigns, shali violate or attempt to violate any ofthe provisions hereof before Jenuery 1, 1980 it shall be lawful for Lorainthese premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the personor persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions.alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions hereof to the extentnecessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining landsnow ovned by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendments(15) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,covenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof andshall run vith the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, or suçcessors and aesigns, and, any other person orpersons claiming, by, through or under then until January 1, 1980 at which timeWherever reference is made herein to Lorain Ridge Gardens, it is meant to refer toRobert S. Copelin and Samel 1. Cohen, doing business as Lorain Ridge Gardens. employed by an ovmer or tenant. proval of Lorain Ridge Gardenslocated upon adjaining lands. or the committee hereinafter referred to, shall have been approved in writing by Lorain Ridge Gardens ora com- out the approval of said Lorain Ridge Gardenscase of a one story structure, or less than 500one and one-half or tvo story structure. or of said committee, no dell-square foet in the case of a complied with,(11) Lorain Ridge Gardens expressly reserve to themselves, their byit, and the said Lorain Ridge Gardens shall not, by reason thereof, beor by any other person or party having ure by event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. full force and effect. Ridge Gardens its successors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of (14) Lorain Ridge Gardens 1s hereby granted the right to change, thereto. they shall terminate and be of no further foroe and effect.
VOL6695 PAGE711 (6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian raçe shall use oroccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenantshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erectedon said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted,(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the sise, type, costand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details thereformittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committee1s not in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill notbe required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har-mony vith existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-ing costing less than $6500.CO shall be permitted on said premises, and the groundfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600 square feet in the(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur-poses in connection vith dwellings erected an the above described premises. Allofthe requirements of the Village of North Olmsted for sanitary provisions shall beheiro, administratora, assigna and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the coven-ants and agreements herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at theexpense of the ovmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreteddeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail-the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this instrument shall in no(12) Invelidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shallin_no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in(13) If the parties hereto, or any of them, their heirs, executors, administratorsor assigns, or successors and assigns, shali violate or attempt to violate any ofthe provisions hereof before Jenuery 1, 1980 it shall be lawful for Lorainthese premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the personor persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions.alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions hereof to the extentnecessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining landsnow ovned by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendments(15) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,covenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof andshall run vith the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, or suçcessors and aesigns, and, any other person orpersons claiming, by, through or under then until January 1, 1980 at which timeWherever reference is made herein to Lorain Ridge Gardens, it is meant to refer toRobert S. Copelin and Samel 1. Cohen, doing business as Lorain Ridge Gardens. employed by an ovmer or tenant. proval of Lorain Ridge Gardenslocated upon adjaining lands. or the committee hereinafter referred to, shall have been approved in writing by Lorain Ridge Gardens ora com- out the approval of said Lorain Ridge Gardenscase of a one story structure, or less than 500one and one-half or tvo story structure. or of said committee, no dell-square foet in the case of a complied with,(11) Lorain Ridge Gardens expressly reserve to themselves, their byit, and the said Lorain Ridge Gardens shall not, by reason thereof, beor by any other person or party having ure by event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. full force and effect. Ridge Gardens its successors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of (14) Lorain Ridge Gardens 1s hereby granted the right to change, thereto. they shall terminate and be of no further foroe and effect.
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an omer or tenant.
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an omer or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL6695 PAGE711\n(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian raçe shall use oroccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenantshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erectedon said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted,(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the sise, type, costand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details thereformittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committee1s not in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill notbe required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har-mony vith existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-ing costing less than $6500.CO shall be permitted on said premises, and the groundfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600 square feet in the(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur-poses in connection vith dwellings erected an the above described premises. Allofthe requirements of the Village of North Olmsted for sanitary provisions shall beheiro, administratora, assigna and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the coven-ants and agreements herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at theexpense of the ovmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreteddeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail-the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this instrument shall in no(12) Invelidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shallin_no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in(13) If the parties hereto, or any of them, their heirs, executors, administratorsor assigns, or successors and assigns, shali violate or attempt to violate any ofthe provisions hereof before Jenuery 1, 1980 it shall be lawful for Lorainthese premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the personor persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions.alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions hereof to the extentnecessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining landsnow ovned by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendments(15) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,covenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof andshall run vith the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, or suçcessors and aesigns, and, any other person orpersons claiming, by, through or under then until January 1, 1980 at which timeWherever reference is made herein to Lorain Ridge Gardens, it is meant to refer toRobert S. Copelin and Samel 1. Cohen, doing business as Lorain Ridge Gardens.\nemployed by an ovmer or tenant.\nproval of Lorain Ridge Gardenslocated upon adjaining lands.\nor the committee hereinafter referred to,\nshall have been approved in writing by Lorain Ridge Gardens\nora com-\nout the approval of said Lorain Ridge Gardenscase of a one story structure, or less than 500one and one-half or tvo story structure.\nor of said committee, no dell-square foet in the case of a\ncomplied with,(11) Lorain Ridge Gardens\nexpressly reserve to themselves, their\nbyit, and the said Lorain Ridge Gardens\nshall not, by reason thereof, beor by any other person or party having\nure by\nevent be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter.\nfull force and effect.\nRidge Gardens\nits successors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of\n(14) Lorain Ridge Gardens\n1s hereby granted the right to change,\nthereto.\nthey shall terminate and be of no further foroe and effect.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or\noccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant\nshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality\nemployed by an omer or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VR:8261 9AG:603 .Vo chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on the parcel conveyed. 5. No house or building shall be erected on any residential. lot closcr than 65 feet from the sideline ofthe road or liglay on tchich the lot fronts, ercept wherc the lot is on a corner of two roads and in such cases the house may be crected no closer than 50 fect from thes side line of the side road. No build- ing may be erected within 10, feet ofa side line or rear line, and at least twenty per cent (20%) of the width of the lot at the building line shall be devoted to side yards. These restrictions pertaining to set backe and side lines may be modified when, in the judgment of the committee or its representatives, as provided for in Paragraph 7, a modifcation will be beneficial to the development of the sub-division. 6. Jo dwelling house shall be erected 07 suffercd to remain 01 any residential lot which las a first foor area, erclusive of farage and porches, of less than 1400 square fect. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential lot unless the ridge of the roof is at least 13 feet above the finished first foor. .o farage, studio, or other attached building shall be erected or suffered to re- main which has a foor area of less than 860 square feet or more than 800 square fect, anda gable or fambrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the Anished foor, and the desifn and materials used shall harmonire zith the dwelling. 7.. No building, structures, or fences or any additions thereto, or any alterations thereof, shall be erected, reconstructed, placed or suffered to remain upon. said premises, unless or until the architect therefor has recommended the size, location, type, materials of construction thereof, the grading plan of the tract, and the pluns and specifcations of said buildings and the structures and these shall have been approved in weriting by a committee composed of Howard H. Green, Ernest M. Green and Irving L. Lewis, or the survivor of them, or by a representative designated. bya majority of the members of suid committee. The powers and duties of such committee and of its designated representative shall cease on and ufter January 1, 1970. Thereafter, the approval described in this covenanb shall not bc required unless, prior tos said date and cfective thereon, a written instrument shall be executed by. the thez record ovners ofa mujority of the residential lots into which this property has been subdivided and said instrument has becn recorded appointing. a representative or committee who shall thereafter exercise the sume powers preriously exercised by the said committee. 8. The Grantors reserve the right to grant consents to, and to petition the Gas Companies, electric light companies, Municipal or County authorities for the ertension of their respective services, which, int theopinion ofthe Grantors are necessary in the highways upon which the premises herein described shall front or abut, and the ouer agrees to, and hereby consents to and a/irms all agreements that may be entered into betucen the Grantors and ubove named parties with respect to binding the owner for the proportionate cost of said exrtensions as applied to said premiscs herein described. 9. The Grantors, their successors and assigns, reserve the right to waive, change or cancel any and all the restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to uny of the purcels within the above described premiscs ifin their, judgment the purposes of said development can be better served. How- ever, before any waiver, changc or cancellation of unyy restrictions contained in this instrument be efective, the upproval ofs such vaiver, change or cancellations, of the Council of the Village of Brecks- ville shall first have been obtained. 10. Wo nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed, or suffered to remain upon said premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be mant- fuctured or sold, whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. No commercial oil or gas well shall be drilled on said premises. 11. Provisions for the disposal of sewage from any dwelling or building on said premises shall be acceptable to and approved by the county and municipal health authorities. 19. The Grantors, their successors or assifns, hercby reserve easements and rights-of-way in, over, under and across the rear fve feet ofeach parcel conveyed, for the purpose of installing and main- tenance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the side line of each parcel. 13. .o parcel of land kerein described, or any portion thercof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons ofany race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee or otkerwise, except than this provision shall not upply to the servant ors servants ofa Caucasian occupier. 14. The Grantors reserve and are hereby granted the right in case of any violation or breach ofany ofthe restrictions, rights, reseruations, limitutions, afreements, covenants and conditions in this deed contuined, to enter the property upon or as to which such violation or breach erists, and to summarily abate and removc, at the crpense of the owner thereof, any ercction, thing or condition that may be or exist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning ofthe provisions hereofas interpreted by the Gran- tors. and the Gruntors shall not, by rcason thercof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. .4 failure to endorse uny of the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions contained in this deed, shall in no euent be con- strued, taken or held Lo be a waiver thercof or acquiescence in oT consent to any further or succeed- ing breach or violation thercof. 15. Thel location ofany and alldriveways. shall bed and remain as nowestablished upon said premises, or,ifnot now established, shall be determined by the committee heretofore referred toi in writing at the time of the approval of the plans and specijications for said dwelling. No driveway shall be located, relocated or suffered to remain upon said premises except as now located or determined in writing by the said commiliec. 16. The Grantors reserve. for the committec heretofore referred to, the sole and exclusive right to establish grades and slopes on the premises hereby conveyed und to, fx the grade at which any building shall be hereafter erected or pluced thercon, so that the same may conform to a general plun. 17. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be occupied. leased, rented, conveyed or otherwise alienated nor shall the title or possession thercof pass to another without the written consent of the Grantors or the committee, except that the Grantors or committce shall not withhold such consent ifand aftera writlen request has been madc to the Grantors or committee, to permit such occupation, lcusing, renting, conveyance or alienation by a majority of the owners of the sublots which adjoin or
VR:8261 9AG:603 .Vo chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on the parcel conveyed. 5. No house or building shall be erected on any residential. lot closcr than 65 feet from the sideline ofthe road or liglay on tchich the lot fronts, ercept wherc the lot is on a corner of two roads and in such cases the house may be crected no closer than 50 fect from thes side line of the side road. No build- ing may be erected within 10, feet ofa side line or rear line, and at least twenty per cent (20%) of the width of the lot at the building line shall be devoted to side yards. These restrictions pertaining to set backe and side lines may be modified when, in the judgment of the committee or its representatives, as provided for in Paragraph 7, a modifcation will be beneficial to the development of the sub-division. 6. Jo dwelling house shall be erected 07 suffercd to remain 01 any residential lot which las a first foor area, erclusive of farage and porches, of less than 1400 square fect. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential lot unless the ridge of the roof is at least 13 feet above the finished first foor. .o farage, studio, or other attached building shall be erected or suffered to re- main which has a foor area of less than 860 square feet or more than 800 square fect, anda gable or fambrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the Anished foor, and the desifn and materials used shall harmonire zith the dwelling. 7.. No building, structures, or fences or any additions thereto, or any alterations thereof, shall be erected, reconstructed, placed or suffered to remain upon. said premises, unless or until the architect therefor has recommended the size, location, type, materials of construction thereof, the grading plan of the tract, and the pluns and specifcations of said buildings and the structures and these shall have been approved in weriting by a committee composed of Howard H. Green, Ernest M. Green and Irving L. Lewis, or the survivor of them, or by a representative designated. bya majority of the members of suid committee. The powers and duties of such committee and of its designated representative shall cease on and ufter January 1, 1970. Thereafter, the approval described in this covenanb shall not bc required unless, prior tos said date and cfective thereon, a written instrument shall be executed by. the thez record ovners ofa mujority of the residential lots into which this property has been subdivided and said instrument has becn recorded appointing. a representative or committee who shall thereafter exercise the sume powers preriously exercised by the said committee. 8. The Grantors reserve the right to grant consents to, and to petition the Gas Companies, electric light companies, Municipal or County authorities for the ertension of their respective services, which, int theopinion ofthe Grantors are necessary in the highways upon which the premises herein described shall front or abut, and the ouer agrees to, and hereby consents to and a/irms all agreements that may be entered into betucen the Grantors and ubove named parties with respect to binding the owner for the proportionate cost of said exrtensions as applied to said premiscs herein described. 9. The Grantors, their successors and assigns, reserve the right to waive, change or cancel any and all the restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to uny of the purcels within the above described premiscs ifin their, judgment the purposes of said development can be better served. How- ever, before any waiver, changc or cancellation of unyy restrictions contained in this instrument be efective, the upproval ofs such vaiver, change or cancellations, of the Council of the Village of Brecks- ville shall first have been obtained. 10. Wo nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed, or suffered to remain upon said premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be mant- fuctured or sold, whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. No commercial oil or gas well shall be drilled on said premises. 11. Provisions for the disposal of sewage from any dwelling or building on said premises shall be acceptable to and approved by the county and municipal health authorities. 19. The Grantors, their successors or assifns, hercby reserve easements and rights-of-way in, over, under and across the rear fve feet ofeach parcel conveyed, for the purpose of installing and main- tenance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the side line of each parcel. 13. .o parcel of land kerein described, or any portion thercof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons ofany race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee or otkerwise, except than this provision shall not upply to the servant ors servants ofa Caucasian occupier. 14. The Grantors reserve and are hereby granted the right in case of any violation or breach ofany ofthe restrictions, rights, reseruations, limitutions, afreements, covenants and conditions in this deed contuined, to enter the property upon or as to which such violation or breach erists, and to summarily abate and removc, at the crpense of the owner thereof, any ercction, thing or condition that may be or exist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning ofthe provisions hereofas interpreted by the Gran- tors. and the Gruntors shall not, by rcason thercof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. .4 failure to endorse uny of the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions contained in this deed, shall in no euent be con- strued, taken or held Lo be a waiver thercof or acquiescence in oT consent to any further or succeed- ing breach or violation thercof. 15. Thel location ofany and alldriveways. shall bed and remain as nowestablished upon said premises, or,ifnot now established, shall be determined by the committee heretofore referred toi in writing at the time of the approval of the plans and specijications for said dwelling. No driveway shall be located, relocated or suffered to remain upon said premises except as now located or determined in writing by the said commiliec. 16. The Grantors reserve. for the committec heretofore referred to, the sole and exclusive right to establish grades and slopes on the premises hereby conveyed und to, fx the grade at which any building shall be hereafter erected or pluced thercon, so that the same may conform to a general plun. 17. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be occupied. leased, rented, conveyed or otherwise alienated nor shall the title or possession thercof pass to another without the written consent of the Grantors or the committee, except that the Grantors or committce shall not withhold such consent ifand aftera writlen request has been madc to the Grantors or committee, to permit such occupation, lcusing, renting, conveyance or alienation by a majority of the owners of the sublots which adjoin or
13. .o parcel of land herein described, o7 any portion thereof shall be used o7 occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee orotlerwise, except than this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants ofa Caucasian occupier.
13. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]13. .o parcel of land herein described, o7 any portion thereof shall be used o7 occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee orotlerwise, except than this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants ofa Caucasian occupier.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]13. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVR:8261 9AG:603\n.Vo chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on the parcel conveyed.\n5. No house or building shall be erected on any residential. lot closcr than 65 feet from the sideline\nofthe road or liglay on tchich the lot fronts, ercept wherc the lot is on a corner of two roads and in\nsuch cases the house may be crected no closer than 50 fect from thes side line of the side road. No build-\ning may be erected within 10, feet ofa side line or rear line, and at least twenty per cent (20%) of the\nwidth of the lot at the building line shall be devoted to side yards. These restrictions pertaining to set\nbacke and side lines may be modified when, in the judgment of the committee or its representatives, as\nprovided for in Paragraph 7, a modifcation will be beneficial to the development of the sub-division.\n6. Jo dwelling house shall be erected 07 suffercd to remain 01 any residential lot which las a first\nfoor area, erclusive of farage and porches, of less than 1400 square fect. No dwelling house shall be\nerected or suffered to remain on any residential lot unless the ridge of the roof is at least 13 feet above\nthe finished first foor. .o farage, studio, or other attached building shall be erected or suffered to re-\nmain which has a foor area of less than 860 square feet or more than 800 square fect, anda gable or\nfambrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the Anished foor, and the desifn and materials used\nshall harmonire zith the dwelling.\n7.. No building, structures, or fences or any additions thereto, or any alterations thereof, shall be\nerected, reconstructed, placed or suffered to remain upon. said premises, unless or until the architect\ntherefor has recommended the size, location, type, materials of construction thereof, the grading plan\nof the tract, and the pluns and specifcations of said buildings and the structures and these shall have\nbeen approved in weriting by a committee composed of Howard H. Green, Ernest M. Green and Irving\nL. Lewis, or the survivor of them, or by a representative designated. bya majority of the members of\nsuid committee. The powers and duties of such committee and of its designated representative shall\ncease on and ufter January 1, 1970. Thereafter, the approval described in this covenanb shall not bc\nrequired unless, prior tos said date and cfective thereon, a written instrument shall be executed by. the\nthez record ovners ofa mujority of the residential lots into which this property has been subdivided\nand said instrument has becn recorded appointing. a representative or committee who shall thereafter\nexercise the sume powers preriously exercised by the said committee.\n8. The Grantors reserve the right to grant consents to, and to petition the Gas Companies, electric\nlight companies, Municipal or County authorities for the ertension of their respective services, which,\nint theopinion ofthe Grantors are necessary in the highways upon which the premises herein described\nshall front or abut, and the ouer agrees to, and hereby consents to and a/irms all agreements that\nmay be entered into betucen the Grantors and ubove named parties with respect to binding the owner\nfor the proportionate cost of said exrtensions as applied to said premiscs herein described.\n9. The Grantors, their successors and assigns, reserve the right to waive, change or cancel any\nand all the restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to uny of the purcels within the above\ndescribed premiscs ifin their, judgment the purposes of said development can be better served. How-\never, before any waiver, changc or cancellation of unyy restrictions contained in this instrument be\nefective, the upproval ofs such vaiver, change or cancellations, of the Council of the Village of Brecks-\nville shall first have been obtained.\n10. Wo nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed,\nor suffered to remain upon said premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be mant-\nfuctured or sold, whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. No commercial oil or gas well\nshall be drilled on said premises.\n11. Provisions for the disposal of sewage from any dwelling or building on said premises shall be\nacceptable to and approved by the county and municipal health authorities.\n19. The Grantors, their successors or assifns, hercby reserve easements and rights-of-way in,\nover, under and across the rear fve feet ofeach parcel conveyed, for the purpose of installing and main-\ntenance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the\nside line of each parcel.\n13. .o parcel of land kerein described, or any portion thercof shall be used or occupied by any\nperson or persons ofany race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee\nor otkerwise, except than this provision shall not upply to the servant ors servants ofa Caucasian occupier.\n14. The Grantors reserve and are hereby granted the right in case of any violation or breach ofany\nofthe restrictions, rights, reseruations, limitutions, afreements, covenants and conditions in this deed\ncontuined, to enter the property upon or as to which such violation or breach erists, and to summarily\nabate and removc, at the crpense of the owner thereof, any ercction, thing or condition that may be\nor exist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning ofthe provisions hereofas interpreted by the Gran-\ntors. and the Gruntors shall not, by rcason thercof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for\nsuch entry, abatement or removal. .4 failure to endorse uny of the restrictions, rights, reservations,\nlimitations, agreements, covenants and conditions contained in this deed, shall in no euent be con-\nstrued, taken or held Lo be a waiver thercof or acquiescence in oT consent to any further or succeed-\ning breach or violation thercof.\n15. Thel location ofany and alldriveways. shall bed and remain as nowestablished upon said premises,\nor,ifnot now established, shall be determined by the committee heretofore referred toi in writing at the\ntime of the approval of the plans and specijications for said dwelling. No driveway shall be located,\nrelocated or suffered to remain upon said premises except as now located or determined in writing by\nthe said commiliec.\n16. The Grantors reserve. for the committec heretofore referred to, the sole and exclusive right to\nestablish grades and slopes on the premises hereby conveyed und to, fx the grade at which any building\nshall be hereafter erected or pluced thercon, so that the same may conform to a general plun.\n17. The premises hereby conveyed shall not be occupied. leased, rented, conveyed or otherwise\nalienated nor shall the title or possession thercof pass to another without the written consent of the\nGrantors or the committee, except that the Grantors or committce shall not withhold such consent\nifand aftera writlen request has been madc to the Grantors or committee, to permit such occupation,\nlcusing, renting, conveyance or alienation by a majority of the owners of the sublots which adjoin or", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]13. .o parcel of land herein described, o7 any portion thereof shall be used o7 occupied by any\nperson or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee\norotlerwise, except than this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants ofa Caucasian occupier.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]13. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 232 plents, telephone, telegraph, electric lights, street railway, sewerage system and other public utilities, with the understanding that the same shall' be donated to the municipal corporation of San Jose when incorporated; the Terrell Well Company reserving forever the right to the free use of said utilities for the benefit of the one hunàred acres, on which the Terrell Well is located, and for the hotel, bath house and other improvements and build- ings erected by said :Company thereon. 13. Should any contract holder fail to make all pay ments as agreed, his contract shall be forfeited after he is given thirty days notice.'In case of such forfeiture any and all amounts that shall have been paid on his contract shall be helà by the Terrell Well Company as liquidated damages, and the contract may be cancel- ed at the option of the Terrell Well Company. 14. Five per cent aiscount will be allowed from the entire amount if paid in cash at the time the contract is executed, OT on pay- ments not yet due at any time the full amount is paid, provided remittance is sent direct to the Terrell Well Company at San Antonio, Texas, by post office or express money order, St.Louis, Chicago, San Antonio, or New York exchange. 15. The Terrell Well Company reser- ves the right to deed lots before the opening sale to contract holders who will place there- on a reasonable improvenent so as to enhance the value of the entire property. Deeds so is- sued shall be in entire satisfaction of all interest vested in the contract holder who. accepts same. 16. The Terrell Well Company guarantees the statements made in their authoriz- ed printed matter to be true in every respect but will not be responsible. for,any verbal representation not contained therein. 17. The Terrell Well Company guarantees that San Jose will be connected with San Antonio by railvay, giving reasonable service, by the time of the opening sale 18. This contract is not binding until accepted by the Terrell Well Company, and the party of the seconà pert so notified. Filed for record Dec. 31,1910; at 4:20 o'clock P.M. Recorded January 6,1911 at 2:40 o'clock P. M. Frank R.Newton, County Clerk, Bexar Co., Tezas, by Aug E.Huppertz, Deputy. 000 No. 12124 PARKE R LONGWORTH WARRAITY DEED E.0.MATHEWS THE STATE OF TEXAS. KNOW ALL MEH BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, Parke R.Longworth, of the COUNTY OF BEXAR. County of McLean, State of Illinois, for and in consideration of the sum of Six Hundred ($600.00) and no/100 DOLLARS, paid and secured to be paid by H.0.Methews as follovs: $300.00- Dollers in cash. and one note of even date herewith.for $300.00 Dollars, payable in One year and three months from date hereof, without interest, in monthly installments of Twenty (20) Dollars each, the first installment being due in one month from date hereof, and providing that the whole series of note installments, peyable monthly; may at the option of the holder thereof, be dcclared due and payable upon the default in payment of any one.of said install- ments, and providing 8 per centum per annum after maturity until paid, and also for 10. per -all- centum as attorney's fees on all the principal and,interest to accrue thereon shoulà the promissory vendor's lien note, evidencing the said deferred payments, be placed in the 'hands of an attorney for collection after, maturity, or be collecteà by or through the Probate Courts; have GRANTED, SOLD AHD CONVEYED, and by. these presents do GRANT, SELL, AND' CONVEY unto the saià E.0.Mathews of. the County of Bexar, and State of Texas, all that certain lots eighteen (18 ) and mineteen (19) Block Thirty One (31) Edgevood Addition to San An- tonio, Texas. It is expressly agreed and and between the Grantor and Grantée, however, that no person of African blood shall acquire any interest in the saià land; that no barn nor outbuilding nor residence constructed at a cost less than $1000 shall be erect- ed within 100 feet of the street-line; that right-of-vey for irrigation anà drainage are reserved to the several owners; that the Grantee shall pay the cost of irrigating the land
232 plents, telephone, telegraph, electric lights, street railway, sewerage system and other public utilities, with the understanding that the same shall' be donated to the municipal corporation of San Jose when incorporated; the Terrell Well Company reserving forever the right to the free use of said utilities for the benefit of the one hunàred acres, on which the Terrell Well is located, and for the hotel, bath house and other improvements and build- ings erected by said :Company thereon. 13. Should any contract holder fail to make all pay ments as agreed, his contract shall be forfeited after he is given thirty days notice.'In case of such forfeiture any and all amounts that shall have been paid on his contract shall be helà by the Terrell Well Company as liquidated damages, and the contract may be cancel- ed at the option of the Terrell Well Company. 14. Five per cent aiscount will be allowed from the entire amount if paid in cash at the time the contract is executed, OT on pay- ments not yet due at any time the full amount is paid, provided remittance is sent direct to the Terrell Well Company at San Antonio, Texas, by post office or express money order, St.Louis, Chicago, San Antonio, or New York exchange. 15. The Terrell Well Company reser- ves the right to deed lots before the opening sale to contract holders who will place there- on a reasonable improvenent so as to enhance the value of the entire property. Deeds so is- sued shall be in entire satisfaction of all interest vested in the contract holder who. accepts same. 16. The Terrell Well Company guarantees the statements made in their authoriz- ed printed matter to be true in every respect but will not be responsible. for,any verbal representation not contained therein. 17. The Terrell Well Company guarantees that San Jose will be connected with San Antonio by railvay, giving reasonable service, by the time of the opening sale 18. This contract is not binding until accepted by the Terrell Well Company, and the party of the seconà pert so notified. Filed for record Dec. 31,1910; at 4:20 o'clock P.M. Recorded January 6,1911 at 2:40 o'clock P. M. Frank R.Newton, County Clerk, Bexar Co., Tezas, by Aug E.Huppertz, Deputy. 000 No. 12124 PARKE R LONGWORTH WARRAITY DEED E.0.MATHEWS THE STATE OF TEXAS. KNOW ALL MEH BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, Parke R.Longworth, of the COUNTY OF BEXAR. County of McLean, State of Illinois, for and in consideration of the sum of Six Hundred ($600.00) and no/100 DOLLARS, paid and secured to be paid by H.0.Methews as follovs: $300.00- Dollers in cash. and one note of even date herewith.for $300.00 Dollars, payable in One year and three months from date hereof, without interest, in monthly installments of Twenty (20) Dollars each, the first installment being due in one month from date hereof, and providing that the whole series of note installments, peyable monthly; may at the option of the holder thereof, be dcclared due and payable upon the default in payment of any one.of said install- ments, and providing 8 per centum per annum after maturity until paid, and also for 10. per -all- centum as attorney's fees on all the principal and,interest to accrue thereon shoulà the promissory vendor's lien note, evidencing the said deferred payments, be placed in the 'hands of an attorney for collection after, maturity, or be collecteà by or through the Probate Courts; have GRANTED, SOLD AHD CONVEYED, and by. these presents do GRANT, SELL, AND' CONVEY unto the saià E.0.Mathews of. the County of Bexar, and State of Texas, all that certain lots eighteen (18 ) and mineteen (19) Block Thirty One (31) Edgevood Addition to San An- tonio, Texas. It is expressly agreed and and between the Grantor and Grantée, however, that no person of African blood shall acquire any interest in the saià land; that no barn nor outbuilding nor residence constructed at a cost less than $1000 shall be erect- ed within 100 feet of the street-line; that right-of-vey for irrigation anà drainage are reserved to the several owners; that the Grantee shall pay the cost of irrigating the land
tonio, Texas. It is expressly agreed and and between the Grantor and Grantée, however, that no person of African blood shall acquire any interest in the saià land; that
It is expressly agreed and covenanted by and between the Grantor and Grantee, however, that no person of African blood shall acquire any interest in the said land;
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]tonio, Texas. It is expressly agreed and and between the Grantor and Grantée, however, that no person of African blood shall acquire any interest in the saià land; that[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]It is expressly agreed and covenanted by and between the Grantor and Grantee, however, that no person of African blood shall acquire any interest in the said land;[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n232\nplents, telephone, telegraph, electric lights, street railway, sewerage system and other\npublic utilities, with the understanding that the same shall' be donated to the municipal\ncorporation of San Jose when incorporated; the Terrell Well Company reserving forever the\nright to the free use of said utilities for the benefit of the one hunàred acres, on which\nthe Terrell Well is located, and for the hotel, bath house and other improvements and build-\nings erected by said :Company thereon. 13. Should any contract holder fail to make all pay\nments as agreed, his contract shall be forfeited after he is given thirty days notice.'In\ncase of such forfeiture any and all amounts that shall have been paid on his contract shall\nbe helà by the Terrell Well Company as liquidated damages, and the contract may be cancel-\ned at the option of the Terrell Well Company. 14. Five per cent aiscount will be allowed\nfrom the entire amount if paid in cash at the time the contract is executed, OT on pay-\nments not yet due at any time the full amount is paid, provided remittance is sent direct\nto the Terrell Well Company at San Antonio, Texas, by post office or express money order,\nSt.Louis, Chicago, San Antonio, or New York exchange. 15. The Terrell Well Company reser-\nves the right to deed lots before the opening sale to contract holders who will place there-\non a reasonable improvenent so as to enhance the value of the entire property. Deeds so is-\nsued shall be in entire satisfaction of all interest vested in the contract holder who.\naccepts same. 16. The Terrell Well Company guarantees the statements made in their authoriz-\ned printed matter to be true in every respect but will not be responsible. for,any verbal\nrepresentation not contained therein. 17. The Terrell Well Company guarantees that\nSan Jose will be connected with San Antonio by railvay, giving reasonable service, by the\ntime of the opening sale 18. This contract is not binding until accepted by the Terrell\nWell Company, and the party of the seconà pert so notified.\nFiled for record Dec. 31,1910; at 4:20 o'clock P.M.\nRecorded January 6,1911 at 2:40 o'clock P. M.\nFrank R.Newton, County Clerk, Bexar Co., Tezas, by Aug E.Huppertz, Deputy.\n000\nNo. 12124\nPARKE R LONGWORTH\nWARRAITY DEED\nE.0.MATHEWS\nTHE STATE OF TEXAS.\nKNOW ALL MEH BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, Parke R.Longworth, of the\nCOUNTY OF BEXAR.\nCounty of McLean, State of Illinois, for and in consideration of the sum of Six Hundred\n($600.00) and no/100 DOLLARS, paid and secured to be paid by H.0.Methews as follovs: $300.00-\nDollers in cash. and one note of even date herewith.for $300.00 Dollars, payable in One year\nand three months from date hereof, without interest, in monthly installments of Twenty (20)\nDollars each, the first installment being due in one month from date hereof, and providing\nthat the whole series of note installments, peyable monthly; may at the option of the holder\nthereof, be dcclared due and payable upon the default in payment of any one.of said install-\nments, and providing 8 per centum per annum after maturity until paid, and also for 10. per\n-all-\ncentum as attorney's fees on all the principal and,interest to accrue thereon shoulà the\npromissory vendor's lien note, evidencing the said deferred payments, be placed in the 'hands\nof an attorney for collection after, maturity, or be collecteà by or through the Probate\nCourts; have GRANTED, SOLD AHD CONVEYED, and by. these presents do GRANT, SELL, AND' CONVEY\nunto the saià E.0.Mathews of. the County of Bexar, and State of Texas, all that certain\nlots eighteen (18 ) and mineteen (19) Block Thirty One (31) Edgevood Addition to San An-\ntonio, Texas. It is expressly agreed and and between the Grantor and Grantée,\nhowever, that no person of African blood shall acquire any interest in the saià land; that\nno barn nor outbuilding nor residence constructed at a cost less than $1000 shall be erect-\ned within 100 feet of the street-line; that right-of-vey for irrigation anà drainage are\nreserved to the several owners; that the Grantee shall pay the cost of irrigating the land", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]tonio, Texas. It is expressly agreed and and between the Grantor and Grantée, however, that no person of African blood shall acquire any interest in the saià land; that[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]It is expressly agreed and covenanted by and between the Grantor and Grantee, however, that no person of African blood shall acquire any interest in the said land;[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 474 STATE STAMPS $2.00, FEDERAL STAMPS $1.10 THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,COUNTY OF GREENWOOD. TITLE TO REAL ESTATE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, Madge Mays Blake, of the County of Greenwood,in the State aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty ($750.00)Dollars, to me in hand paid at and before the sealing of these presents, by E. W. Milford andW. P. Watkins, of the County of Greenwood in the State aforesaid the receipt whereof is herebyacknowledged,, have granted, bargained, sold and released, and by these Presents do grant, bar-gain, sell and release unto the said E. W. Milford and W. P. Watkins, as tenants in common,All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and being on theSouthern side of Grace Terrace, in the City of Greenwood, County of Greenwood,State of South Carolina, and being bounded on the North sixty (60) feet byGrace Terrace, on the East one hundred seventy (170) feet by the home site of.Mrs. Verena Peterson Monroe, on the South sixty (60) feet by lands of Ben Franklin,and on the West one hundred seventy (170) feet by other property of Mrs. Madge MaysBlake. The said lot hereby conveyed consists of the Western twenty (30) feet ofLot No. Forty-ei ght (48), all of Lot No. Forty-nine (49), and the Eastern fifteen,(15) feet of Lot No. Fifty (50), as more fully shown on plat of Development No.Three (3) of E. H. Blake Property, which said plat is recorded in Plat Book 2at Page 59 in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Greenwood County.Also all that certain lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being on theNorthern side of Melrose Terrace in the City of Greenwood, County of Greenwood,State of South Carolina, being bounded on the South sixty (60). feet by MelroseTerrace, on the West two hundred fourteen (214) feet by home site of Dannie 0.Ouzts, on the North sixty (60) feet by Edgewood Cemetery Company, and on theEast two hundred fourteen 214) feet by other property of Mrs. Madge Mays Blake.Said lot consists of all of Lot No. Fourteen (14) and part of Lot No. Fifteen(15) as shown on plat of E. H. Blake Development No. Three (3) which said platAlso, all that certain lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being on theSouthern side of Melrose Terrace, in the City of Greenwood, County of Greenwood,State of South Carolina, and being bounded on the North sixty (60) feet by MelroseTerrace, on the West one hundred seventy (170) feet by property of Milford &Watkins, by property of Dr. C. L. Mosley, and others, on the South sixty (60)feet by property of Mrs. R. D. Steer, and on the East one hundred seventy (170)feet by other property of Mrs. Madge Mays Blake. The said lot consists of all ofLots Nos. Eighty-eight (88). and Elghty-seven (87), and a ten (10) foot strip onthe West side of Lot No. Eighty-six (86) as shown on plat of E. H. Blake Develop-ment No. Three (3) which plat is recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 59.The conveyance in all respects is made subject to the conditions and restrictionsannexed hereto, marked Exhibit "A" which is by reference made a part and parcelTOGETHER with all and singular the Rights, Members, Hereditaments and AppurtenancesTO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and Singular the said Premises before mentioned unto the saidE.W. Milford & W. P. Watkins, as tenants in common, in equal shares, their Heirs and AssignsAnd I do hereby bind myself and my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, to warrant andforever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said E. W. Milford & W. P. Watkins,as tenants in common, in equal shares, their Heirs and Assigns, against me and my Heirs andall other persons whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.WITNESS my Hand and Seal this 31st day of December in the year of our Lord one thousandnine hundred and forty-one and in the one hundred and sixty-sixth year of the Sovereignty and in equal shares, the following described property, to wit: is recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 59. hereof. to the said Premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertaining. forever. Independence of the United States of America.Signed, Sealed and Deliveredin the Presence ofw.D. TinsleyMcGowanW. D. Dluyp Blabe (L.S. pdge EXHIBIT "A" This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely:"A" That no part of the said lots shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposedof for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation ownedor controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control fifty (50%) percent of the capital stock of such corporation, except, however, servants who may be privile-"B" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or other-wise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, restaurant or any otherof such business enterprises; tijat the said property, shall be used and enjoyed exclusivelyfor residential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the saidlots except that an apartment house may be erected thereon, provided it is of a single struc-"C" That no hogs or pigs or cattle shall at any time be kept on or about the premises."D" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected upon the property"E" That no Bill Board or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, except ged to live upon the premises of their employers.ture and constitutes not more than two stories. hereby conveyed. "For Sale" or "For Rent" signs which shall not exceed two by three feet.
474 STATE STAMPS $2.00, FEDERAL STAMPS $1.10 THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,COUNTY OF GREENWOOD. TITLE TO REAL ESTATE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, Madge Mays Blake, of the County of Greenwood,in the State aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty ($750.00)Dollars, to me in hand paid at and before the sealing of these presents, by E. W. Milford andW. P. Watkins, of the County of Greenwood in the State aforesaid the receipt whereof is herebyacknowledged,, have granted, bargained, sold and released, and by these Presents do grant, bar-gain, sell and release unto the said E. W. Milford and W. P. Watkins, as tenants in common,All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and being on theSouthern side of Grace Terrace, in the City of Greenwood, County of Greenwood,State of South Carolina, and being bounded on the North sixty (60) feet byGrace Terrace, on the East one hundred seventy (170) feet by the home site of.Mrs. Verena Peterson Monroe, on the South sixty (60) feet by lands of Ben Franklin,and on the West one hundred seventy (170) feet by other property of Mrs. Madge MaysBlake. The said lot hereby conveyed consists of the Western twenty (30) feet ofLot No. Forty-ei ght (48), all of Lot No. Forty-nine (49), and the Eastern fifteen,(15) feet of Lot No. Fifty (50), as more fully shown on plat of Development No.Three (3) of E. H. Blake Property, which said plat is recorded in Plat Book 2at Page 59 in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Greenwood County.Also all that certain lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being on theNorthern side of Melrose Terrace in the City of Greenwood, County of Greenwood,State of South Carolina, being bounded on the South sixty (60). feet by MelroseTerrace, on the West two hundred fourteen (214) feet by home site of Dannie 0.Ouzts, on the North sixty (60) feet by Edgewood Cemetery Company, and on theEast two hundred fourteen 214) feet by other property of Mrs. Madge Mays Blake.Said lot consists of all of Lot No. Fourteen (14) and part of Lot No. Fifteen(15) as shown on plat of E. H. Blake Development No. Three (3) which said platAlso, all that certain lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being on theSouthern side of Melrose Terrace, in the City of Greenwood, County of Greenwood,State of South Carolina, and being bounded on the North sixty (60) feet by MelroseTerrace, on the West one hundred seventy (170) feet by property of Milford &Watkins, by property of Dr. C. L. Mosley, and others, on the South sixty (60)feet by property of Mrs. R. D. Steer, and on the East one hundred seventy (170)feet by other property of Mrs. Madge Mays Blake. The said lot consists of all ofLots Nos. Eighty-eight (88). and Elghty-seven (87), and a ten (10) foot strip onthe West side of Lot No. Eighty-six (86) as shown on plat of E. H. Blake Develop-ment No. Three (3) which plat is recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 59.The conveyance in all respects is made subject to the conditions and restrictionsannexed hereto, marked Exhibit "A" which is by reference made a part and parcelTOGETHER with all and singular the Rights, Members, Hereditaments and AppurtenancesTO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and Singular the said Premises before mentioned unto the saidE.W. Milford & W. P. Watkins, as tenants in common, in equal shares, their Heirs and AssignsAnd I do hereby bind myself and my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, to warrant andforever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said E. W. Milford & W. P. Watkins,as tenants in common, in equal shares, their Heirs and Assigns, against me and my Heirs andall other persons whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.WITNESS my Hand and Seal this 31st day of December in the year of our Lord one thousandnine hundred and forty-one and in the one hundred and sixty-sixth year of the Sovereignty and in equal shares, the following described property, to wit: is recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 59. hereof. to the said Premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertaining. forever. Independence of the United States of America.Signed, Sealed and Deliveredin the Presence ofw.D. TinsleyMcGowanW. D. Dluyp Blabe (L.S. pdge EXHIBIT "A" This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely:"A" That no part of the said lots shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposedof for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation ownedor controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control fifty (50%) percent of the capital stock of such corporation, except, however, servants who may be privile-"B" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or other-wise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, restaurant or any otherof such business enterprises; tijat the said property, shall be used and enjoyed exclusivelyfor residential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the saidlots except that an apartment house may be erected thereon, provided it is of a single struc-"C" That no hogs or pigs or cattle shall at any time be kept on or about the premises."D" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected upon the property"E" That no Bill Board or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, except ged to live upon the premises of their employers.ture and constitutes not more than two stories. hereby conveyed. "For Sale" or "For Rent" signs which shall not exceed two by three feet.
"A" That no part of the said lots shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control fifty (50%) per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, except, however, servants who may be privile- ged to live upon the premises of their employers.
"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any persons of African, descent or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control fifty (50%) per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, expect, however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]"A" That no part of the said lots shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control fifty (50%) per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, except, however, servants who may be privile- ged to live upon the premises of their employers. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any persons of African, descent or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control fifty (50%) per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, expect, however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n474\nSTATE STAMPS $2.00, FEDERAL STAMPS $1.10\nTHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,COUNTY OF GREENWOOD.\nTITLE TO REAL ESTATE\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, Madge Mays Blake, of the County of Greenwood,in the State aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty ($750.00)Dollars, to me in hand paid at and before the sealing of these presents, by E. W. Milford andW. P. Watkins, of the County of Greenwood in the State aforesaid the receipt whereof is herebyacknowledged,, have granted, bargained, sold and released, and by these Presents do grant, bar-gain, sell and release unto the said E. W. Milford and W. P. Watkins, as tenants in common,All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and being on theSouthern side of Grace Terrace, in the City of Greenwood, County of Greenwood,State of South Carolina, and being bounded on the North sixty (60) feet byGrace Terrace, on the East one hundred seventy (170) feet by the home site of.Mrs. Verena Peterson Monroe, on the South sixty (60) feet by lands of Ben Franklin,and on the West one hundred seventy (170) feet by other property of Mrs. Madge MaysBlake. The said lot hereby conveyed consists of the Western twenty (30) feet ofLot No. Forty-ei ght (48), all of Lot No. Forty-nine (49), and the Eastern fifteen,(15) feet of Lot No. Fifty (50), as more fully shown on plat of Development No.Three (3) of E. H. Blake Property, which said plat is recorded in Plat Book 2at Page 59 in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Greenwood County.Also all that certain lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being on theNorthern side of Melrose Terrace in the City of Greenwood, County of Greenwood,State of South Carolina, being bounded on the South sixty (60). feet by MelroseTerrace, on the West two hundred fourteen (214) feet by home site of Dannie 0.Ouzts, on the North sixty (60) feet by Edgewood Cemetery Company, and on theEast two hundred fourteen 214) feet by other property of Mrs. Madge Mays Blake.Said lot consists of all of Lot No. Fourteen (14) and part of Lot No. Fifteen(15) as shown on plat of E. H. Blake Development No. Three (3) which said platAlso, all that certain lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being on theSouthern side of Melrose Terrace, in the City of Greenwood, County of Greenwood,State of South Carolina, and being bounded on the North sixty (60) feet by MelroseTerrace, on the West one hundred seventy (170) feet by property of Milford &Watkins, by property of Dr. C. L. Mosley, and others, on the South sixty (60)feet by property of Mrs. R. D. Steer, and on the East one hundred seventy (170)feet by other property of Mrs. Madge Mays Blake. The said lot consists of all ofLots Nos. Eighty-eight (88). and Elghty-seven (87), and a ten (10) foot strip onthe West side of Lot No. Eighty-six (86) as shown on plat of E. H. Blake Develop-ment No. Three (3) which plat is recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 59.The conveyance in all respects is made subject to the conditions and restrictionsannexed hereto, marked Exhibit \"A\" which is by reference made a part and parcelTOGETHER with all and singular the Rights, Members, Hereditaments and AppurtenancesTO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and Singular the said Premises before mentioned unto the saidE.W. Milford & W. P. Watkins, as tenants in common, in equal shares, their Heirs and AssignsAnd I do hereby bind myself and my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, to warrant andforever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said E. W. Milford & W. P. Watkins,as tenants in common, in equal shares, their Heirs and Assigns, against me and my Heirs andall other persons whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.WITNESS my Hand and Seal this 31st day of December in the year of our Lord one thousandnine hundred and forty-one and in the one hundred and sixty-sixth year of the Sovereignty and\nin equal shares, the following described property, to wit:\nis recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 59.\nhereof.\nto the said Premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertaining.\nforever.\nIndependence of the United States of America.Signed, Sealed and Deliveredin the Presence ofw.D. TinsleyMcGowanW. D.\nDluyp Blabe (L.S.\npdge\nEXHIBIT \"A\"\nThis conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely:\"A\" That no part of the said lots shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposedof for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation ownedor controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control fifty (50%) percent of the capital stock of such corporation, except, however, servants who may be privile-\"B\" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or other-wise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, restaurant or any otherof such business enterprises; tijat the said property, shall be used and enjoyed exclusivelyfor residential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the saidlots except that an apartment house may be erected thereon, provided it is of a single struc-\"C\" That no hogs or pigs or cattle shall at any time be kept on or about the premises.\"D\" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected upon the property\"E\" That no Bill Board or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, except\nged to live upon the premises of their employers.ture and constitutes not more than two stories.\nhereby conveyed.\n\"For Sale\" or \"For Rent\" signs which shall not exceed two by three feet.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]\"A\" That no part of the said lots shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed\nof for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned\nor controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control fifty (50%) per\ncent of the capital stock of such corporation, except, however, servants who may be privile-\nged to live upon the premises of their employers.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any persons of African, descent or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control fifty (50%) per cent of the capital stock of such corporation, expect, however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 191 H.43-44'5.140.00 feet to the point of beginning. Being a portion of Lot 2, as saia Lot is delineated and so designated on that certain map entitled "Mep d Los Altos Coantry Club Properties.loyola, Santa Clara Comnty.Callomie," filed for record January 21,1924, in Book "R" of Kaps, page 50, Santa Clara County,Records. Granting also an easemant and right of way for road purposes over a strip of land 40 feet in width, the center line of which is described es follors,to-wit; Beginning at a poin: on the center line of Ioyola Drive, distent thereon 101.24 feet southresterly from the most northerly corner of Lot 1, as said Drive end Lot are delineated and so designated on the here inbefore mentioned map (the bearine of the northeasterly line of said Lot 1 being called N.46°16'W. for purposes of this descrip- tion) and ranning thence S.30964'3.149.94 feet to a point on a line dravn parallel to end distant 140.00 feet southresterly (measured at right angles) from the Hortheaster'y line of said Lot l;distent thereon H.46-16'W.218.25 feet from the southeasteri; 3 line of sais Lot 1;thence parallel to said Mortheasterly line of said Lot 1, S.46°16'E. 341.85 feet; thence 401.15 feet soatheasterly on the arc of a curve to the ripht, tangènt to last said course, the radius of which curve is 499.30 feet;thence $.0°14' E.298.08 feet to a point from which e point on the southvesterly line d Lot 3, as said lot is delineated and so designated on said mep distant thereon S.47-08/E.647.64 feet from the essterly line of Terrace Drive, as seid Drive is delineated (continued on the ennexed, which is made a part hereof) The follow ing is attached to and by this reference made a pert of that cer- tain deed deted January 12,1926, from Los Altos Coun try Club Properties, Inc., to Vartha H.Delesky, conveying a portion df Lot 2, Los Altos Country Club Properties, comsonly known es Lot A.7. and 80 designated on said map bears S.0014/2.276.97 feet thence $.89°46' W.20.00 feet;thence 135.40 feet westerly on the arc of a curve to tre riçht. tangent to last seid course, the radius of which curve is 180.00 feet to a point on a line drawn paraliel to and distant 140.00 feet northeesterly (measured at ripht enelee) fro the southwesterly line of said Lot 3;thence parellel to lest said line N.47°08'W. 289.38 feet;thence 111.76 feet northzesterly oasthe arc of a curve to the left, tengent to last said couree, the radius of shich carve is 200,00 feet;thence M.79°0917.4.95 feet to a point on the center line of gaid Terrece Drize, distant thereon 130.62 feet northerly ircn the sost westerlz corner of Lot 3. Reserving, howerer, from said first above Jescribed parcel en eesement end right of #sy for road purposes over e1l thet portion of above described strip of land 40 feet in width. 7OGETHZ2 with 811 and singuler the tenements hereditezents end eppu.tenancas thereuato belonging ar in anywice appertaining and tho reversion and reversions, reneinder and rezainders, rents, issues and profits thereof. 70 HATE AND TO FOLD all end einguler the BAld promiees, vith the eppartenences, anto the 89id party of the seconi part, and to her heirs and psaipne forever, subject to the following cozenents, conditions end ssrements 98 toepch and eysry of a11 the lots end parcels forring a part of and embraoees In sRid abova des- sribed proporty. (a) The ebove jencrioed property ehnl1 not he tranaferrod to Any pr'on or persone not of the Gaucesien rece. This onzenant shall be Ard inon onstitite A covennnt real rmaing with the leni und nach and overy port thereof, Ar onetitutes an onsoment appurtenant to eaoh snj every portion thereof.
191 H.43-44'5.140.00 feet to the point of beginning. Being a portion of Lot 2, as saia Lot is delineated and so designated on that certain map entitled "Mep d Los Altos Coantry Club Properties.loyola, Santa Clara Comnty.Callomie," filed for record January 21,1924, in Book "R" of Kaps, page 50, Santa Clara County,Records. Granting also an easemant and right of way for road purposes over a strip of land 40 feet in width, the center line of which is described es follors,to-wit; Beginning at a poin: on the center line of Ioyola Drive, distent thereon 101.24 feet southresterly from the most northerly corner of Lot 1, as said Drive end Lot are delineated and so designated on the here inbefore mentioned map (the bearine of the northeasterly line of said Lot 1 being called N.46°16'W. for purposes of this descrip- tion) and ranning thence S.30964'3.149.94 feet to a point on a line dravn parallel to end distant 140.00 feet southresterly (measured at right angles) from the Hortheaster'y line of said Lot l;distent thereon H.46-16'W.218.25 feet from the southeasteri; 3 line of sais Lot 1;thence parallel to said Mortheasterly line of said Lot 1, S.46°16'E. 341.85 feet; thence 401.15 feet soatheasterly on the arc of a curve to the ripht, tangènt to last said course, the radius of which curve is 499.30 feet;thence $.0°14' E.298.08 feet to a point from which e point on the southvesterly line d Lot 3, as said lot is delineated and so designated on said mep distant thereon S.47-08/E.647.64 feet from the essterly line of Terrace Drive, as seid Drive is delineated (continued on the ennexed, which is made a part hereof) The follow ing is attached to and by this reference made a pert of that cer- tain deed deted January 12,1926, from Los Altos Coun try Club Properties, Inc., to Vartha H.Delesky, conveying a portion df Lot 2, Los Altos Country Club Properties, comsonly known es Lot A.7. and 80 designated on said map bears S.0014/2.276.97 feet thence $.89°46' W.20.00 feet;thence 135.40 feet westerly on the arc of a curve to tre riçht. tangent to last seid course, the radius of which curve is 180.00 feet to a point on a line drawn paraliel to and distant 140.00 feet northeesterly (measured at ripht enelee) fro the southwesterly line of said Lot 3;thence parellel to lest said line N.47°08'W. 289.38 feet;thence 111.76 feet northzesterly oasthe arc of a curve to the left, tengent to last said couree, the radius of shich carve is 200,00 feet;thence M.79°0917.4.95 feet to a point on the center line of gaid Terrece Drize, distant thereon 130.62 feet northerly ircn the sost westerlz corner of Lot 3. Reserving, howerer, from said first above Jescribed parcel en eesement end right of #sy for road purposes over e1l thet portion of above described strip of land 40 feet in width. 7OGETHZ2 with 811 and singuler the tenements hereditezents end eppu.tenancas thereuato belonging ar in anywice appertaining and tho reversion and reversions, reneinder and rezainders, rents, issues and profits thereof. 70 HATE AND TO FOLD all end einguler the BAld promiees, vith the eppartenences, anto the 89id party of the seconi part, and to her heirs and psaipne forever, subject to the following cozenents, conditions end ssrements 98 toepch and eysry of a11 the lots end parcels forring a part of and embraoees In sRid abova des- sribed proporty. (a) The ebove jencrioed property ehnl1 not he tranaferrod to Any pr'on or persone not of the Gaucesien rece. This onzenant shall be Ard inon onstitite A covennnt real rmaing with the leni und nach and overy port thereof, Ar onetitutes an onsoment appurtenant to eaoh snj every portion thereof.
(a) The above described property shall not be transferred to any person or persons not of the Caucasian race. This covenant shall be and remain in full force and effect with the land and all buildings thereon, and every portion thereof, and appurtenant thereto.
(a) The above described property shall not be transferred to any person or persons not of the Caucasian race. This covenant shall be and remain in full force and effect with the land and all buildings thereon, and every portion thereof, and appurtenant thereto.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](a) The above described property shall not be transferred to any person or persons not of the Caucasian race. This covenant shall be and remain in full force and effect with the land and all buildings thereon, and every portion thereof, and appurtenant thereto.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](a) The above described property shall not be transferred to any person or persons not of the Caucasian race. This covenant shall be and remain in full force and effect with the land and all buildings thereon, and every portion thereof, and appurtenant thereto.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n191\nH.43-44'5.140.00 feet to the point of beginning. Being a portion of Lot 2, as saia\nLot is delineated and so designated on that certain map entitled \"Mep d Los Altos\nCoantry Club Properties.loyola, Santa Clara Comnty.Callomie,\" filed for record\nJanuary 21,1924, in Book \"R\" of Kaps, page 50, Santa Clara County,Records.\nGranting also an easemant and right of way for road purposes over a\nstrip of land 40 feet in width, the center line of which is described es follors,to-wit;\nBeginning at a poin: on the center line of Ioyola Drive, distent thereon 101.24 feet\nsouthresterly from the most northerly corner of Lot 1, as said Drive end Lot are\ndelineated and so designated on the here inbefore mentioned map (the bearine of the\nnortheasterly line of said Lot 1 being called N.46°16'W. for purposes of this descrip-\ntion) and ranning thence S.30964'3.149.94 feet to a point on a line dravn parallel to\nend distant 140.00 feet southresterly (measured at right angles) from the Hortheaster'y\nline of said Lot l;distent thereon H.46-16'W.218.25 feet from the southeasteri; 3 line\nof sais Lot 1;thence parallel to said Mortheasterly line of said Lot 1, S.46°16'E.\n341.85 feet; thence 401.15 feet soatheasterly on the arc of a curve to the ripht,\ntangènt to last said course, the radius of which curve is 499.30 feet;thence $.0°14'\nE.298.08 feet to a point from which e point on the southvesterly line d Lot 3, as\nsaid lot is delineated and so designated on said mep distant thereon S.47-08/E.647.64\nfeet from the essterly line of Terrace Drive, as seid Drive is delineated\n(continued on the ennexed, which is made a part hereof)\nThe follow ing is attached to and by this reference made a pert of that cer-\ntain deed deted January 12,1926, from Los Altos Coun try Club Properties, Inc., to\nVartha H.Delesky, conveying a portion df Lot 2, Los Altos Country Club Properties,\ncomsonly known es Lot A.7.\nand 80 designated on said map bears S.0014/2.276.97 feet thence $.89°46'\nW.20.00 feet;thence 135.40 feet westerly on the arc of a curve to tre riçht. tangent\nto last seid course, the radius of which curve is 180.00 feet to a point on a line\ndrawn paraliel to and distant 140.00 feet northeesterly (measured at ripht enelee)\nfro the southwesterly line of said Lot 3;thence parellel to lest said line N.47°08'W.\n289.38 feet;thence 111.76 feet northzesterly oasthe arc of a curve to the left, tengent\nto last said couree, the radius of shich carve is 200,00 feet;thence M.79°0917.4.95\nfeet to a point on the center line of gaid Terrece Drize, distant thereon 130.62 feet\nnortherly ircn the sost westerlz corner of Lot 3.\nReserving, howerer, from said first above Jescribed parcel en eesement end\nright of #sy for road purposes over e1l thet portion of above described strip of land\n40 feet in width.\n7OGETHZ2 with 811 and singuler the tenements hereditezents end eppu.tenancas\nthereuato belonging ar in anywice appertaining and tho reversion and reversions,\nreneinder and rezainders, rents, issues and profits thereof.\n70 HATE AND TO FOLD all end einguler the BAld promiees, vith the\neppartenences, anto the 89id party of the seconi part, and to her heirs and psaipne\nforever, subject to the following cozenents, conditions end ssrements 98 toepch and\neysry of a11 the lots end parcels forring a part of and embraoees In sRid abova des-\nsribed proporty.\n(a) The ebove jencrioed property ehnl1 not he tranaferrod to Any pr'on or\npersone not of the Gaucesien rece. This onzenant shall be Ard inon onstitite A covennnt\nreal rmaing with the leni und nach and overy port thereof, Ar onetitutes an onsoment\nappurtenant to eaoh snj every portion thereof.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](a) The above described property shall not be transferred to any person or persons not of the Caucasian race. This covenant shall be and remain in full force and effect with the land and all buildings thereon, and every portion thereof, and appurtenant thereto.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](a) The above described property shall not be transferred to any person or persons not of the Caucasian race. This covenant shall be and remain in full force and effect with the land and all buildings thereon, and every portion thereof, and appurtenant thereto.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL7015 MGE 77 XTo ubova dangribed praminan ure baing oonvayod aubjoot to the follouint(1) Snid premlaga ahall ba uned oxoluaively for reoidential, small farmand gardoning purponea, and no struoture shall bo erected thereon otherthan one dotached aingle family dwolling not to exceed two stories inheight, necessary outbuildings and a onu or two oar garage, either attached(2) No dwelling shall be erected on said premises nearer to the centerline of the road upon which it facos than 85 nor nearer than 10(3) Said pramises shall not be resubdivided into building lots havingless than 35,000square feet of area or a width of less than 100 feet each,nor shall any building be erected on any plot having an area of less thun35,000 square feet or a frontage of less than 100 feet. The restric-tions, rights reservations, limitations, agreements, oovenants and condi-tions herein contained shall apply to each of the parcels into which said(4), No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be manufactured orsold either at wholesale or retail upon said premises, and no place ofpublic entertainment or resort of any character shall be established,(5) No obnoxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot norshall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance ornuisance to the neighborhood. No nuisance or gas or oil derrick,: advertis-ing sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be built, placed,permitted or suffered to remain upon any of the said parcels, nor shallany such parcels be used in whole or part for business or in any way forany purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb thequiet of any holder of adjoining land. Any animals kept by the ownersfor their use or pleasure shall not be permitted to run at large and shallbe kept in pens or enclosures s designed and located so as to be inoffen-sive to' other owners and so as not to -become a nuisance.-- No outbuildingsshall be allowed for sewage disposal. No pigs or other obnoxious animals(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shalluse or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, exceptthat this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of adifferent race. or nationality employed by an owner or. tenant.(7), No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outh buiidingerected on said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, ter.por-arily or permanently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with theapproval ofBroadview Orchardlandr the committee hereinafter referred to, orif there is no committ tee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the size, type,cost and material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposedlocation of said building on the lots and the plans and specifications anddetails therefor shall have been approved in writing by Broadview Orchard-land or a committee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the eventthat such a committeé is not in éxistence; or being in existence, fails toapprove or disapprove such design or location within thirty days after re-ceipt thereof, such approval wili" not be required, provided the design andlocation on thé lot conforn to and are in harmony with,existing structureson adjoining lands. In any case, either with or without the approval ofcosting less than $10,000.00 shall be permitted on said premises, andthe ground floor square foot area thereof shall not be less thansquare feet in the case of a one story structure, or less thanfeet in the case' of a one and one-half or two story structure. rostriotional to or detached from said structure on each paroal. feet to any side lot line. premises may be so subdivided. conducted, or suffered to remain on said premises. shall be kept on said premises. permitted. structures located upon adjoining lands. said Broadview Orchardland or of said committee, no dwelling square
VOL7015 MGE 77 XTo ubova dangribed praminan ure baing oonvayod aubjoot to the follouint(1) Snid premlaga ahall ba uned oxoluaively for reoidential, small farmand gardoning purponea, and no struoture shall bo erected thereon otherthan one dotached aingle family dwolling not to exceed two stories inheight, necessary outbuildings and a onu or two oar garage, either attached(2) No dwelling shall be erected on said premises nearer to the centerline of the road upon which it facos than 85 nor nearer than 10(3) Said pramises shall not be resubdivided into building lots havingless than 35,000square feet of area or a width of less than 100 feet each,nor shall any building be erected on any plot having an area of less thun35,000 square feet or a frontage of less than 100 feet. The restric-tions, rights reservations, limitations, agreements, oovenants and condi-tions herein contained shall apply to each of the parcels into which said(4), No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be manufactured orsold either at wholesale or retail upon said premises, and no place ofpublic entertainment or resort of any character shall be established,(5) No obnoxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot norshall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance ornuisance to the neighborhood. No nuisance or gas or oil derrick,: advertis-ing sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be built, placed,permitted or suffered to remain upon any of the said parcels, nor shallany such parcels be used in whole or part for business or in any way forany purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb thequiet of any holder of adjoining land. Any animals kept by the ownersfor their use or pleasure shall not be permitted to run at large and shallbe kept in pens or enclosures s designed and located so as to be inoffen-sive to' other owners and so as not to -become a nuisance.-- No outbuildingsshall be allowed for sewage disposal. No pigs or other obnoxious animals(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shalluse or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, exceptthat this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of adifferent race. or nationality employed by an owner or. tenant.(7), No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outh buiidingerected on said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, ter.por-arily or permanently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with theapproval ofBroadview Orchardlandr the committee hereinafter referred to, orif there is no committ tee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the size, type,cost and material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposedlocation of said building on the lots and the plans and specifications anddetails therefor shall have been approved in writing by Broadview Orchard-land or a committee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the eventthat such a committeé is not in éxistence; or being in existence, fails toapprove or disapprove such design or location within thirty days after re-ceipt thereof, such approval wili" not be required, provided the design andlocation on thé lot conforn to and are in harmony with,existing structureson adjoining lands. In any case, either with or without the approval ofcosting less than $10,000.00 shall be permitted on said premises, andthe ground floor square foot area thereof shall not be less thansquare feet in the case of a one story structure, or less thanfeet in the case' of a one and one-half or two story structure. rostriotional to or detached from said structure on each paroal. feet to any side lot line. premises may be so subdivided. conducted, or suffered to remain on said premises. shall be kept on said premises. permitted. structures located upon adjoining lands. said Broadview Orchardland or of said committee, no dwelling square
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race. or nationality employed by an owner or.tenant.
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race. or nationality employed by an owner or.tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL7015 MGE 77\nXTo ubova dangribed praminan ure baing oonvayod aubjoot to the follouint(1) Snid premlaga ahall ba uned oxoluaively for reoidential, small farmand gardoning purponea, and no struoture shall bo erected thereon otherthan one dotached aingle family dwolling not to exceed two stories inheight, necessary outbuildings and a onu or two oar garage, either attached(2) No dwelling shall be erected on said premises nearer to the centerline of the road upon which it facos than 85 nor nearer than 10(3) Said pramises shall not be resubdivided into building lots havingless than 35,000square feet of area or a width of less than 100 feet each,nor shall any building be erected on any plot having an area of less thun35,000 square feet or a frontage of less than 100 feet. The restric-tions, rights reservations, limitations, agreements, oovenants and condi-tions herein contained shall apply to each of the parcels into which said(4), No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be manufactured orsold either at wholesale or retail upon said premises, and no place ofpublic entertainment or resort of any character shall be established,(5) No obnoxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot norshall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance ornuisance to the neighborhood. No nuisance or gas or oil derrick,: advertis-ing sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be built, placed,permitted or suffered to remain upon any of the said parcels, nor shallany such parcels be used in whole or part for business or in any way forany purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb thequiet of any holder of adjoining land. Any animals kept by the ownersfor their use or pleasure shall not be permitted to run at large and shallbe kept in pens or enclosures s designed and located so as to be inoffen-sive to' other owners and so as not to -become a nuisance.-- No outbuildingsshall be allowed for sewage disposal. No pigs or other obnoxious animals(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shalluse or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, exceptthat this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of adifferent race. or nationality employed by an owner or. tenant.(7), No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outh buiidingerected on said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, ter.por-arily or permanently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with theapproval ofBroadview Orchardlandr the committee hereinafter referred to, orif there is no committ tee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the size, type,cost and material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposedlocation of said building on the lots and the plans and specifications anddetails therefor shall have been approved in writing by Broadview Orchard-land or a committee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the eventthat such a committeé is not in éxistence; or being in existence, fails toapprove or disapprove such design or location within thirty days after re-ceipt thereof, such approval wili\" not be required, provided the design andlocation on thé lot conforn to and are in harmony with,existing structureson adjoining lands. In any case, either with or without the approval ofcosting less than $10,000.00 shall be permitted on said premises, andthe ground floor square foot area thereof shall not be less thansquare feet in the case of a one story structure, or less thanfeet in the case' of a one and one-half or two story structure.\nrostriotional\nto or detached from said structure on each paroal.\nfeet to any side lot line.\npremises may be so subdivided.\nconducted, or suffered to remain on said premises.\nshall be kept on said premises.\npermitted.\nstructures located upon adjoining lands.\nsaid Broadview Orchardland\nor of said committee, no dwelling\nsquare\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall\nuse or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except\nthat this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a\ndifferent race. or nationality employed by an owner or.tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] hkLOOATIONDEED11-A 145640 3bbUNIT VOL6467 PAGE 25The Cleveland Trus Company KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That Ebe Clebelanb Crust Companp, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Ohio, by its officersduly authorized int the premises, the GRANTOR, for the CONSIDERATION of Ten and no/100 Dollars-and other valuable consideration received to its full satisfaction of Frank J. Gurko and Evelyn S. Gurko559. East 102nd StreetCloveland, Ohio the GRANTEE 8, does hereby GIVE, GRANT, BARGAIN. SELL, AND CONVEY unto the said GRANTEES theirSituated in the Village of Richmond Heights, County of Cuyahoga and State ofknown as being part of Original Euclid Township Lot No. 66, Tract No. 12 and Ohio, boundedBeginning at the intersection of the Westerly line of Harris Road (50 feet wide) with theSoutherly line of a parcel of land conveyed to Frederick H. Jaokson by deed dated Sept-ember 7, 1915, and recorded in Volume 1712, Page 255 of Cuyahoga County Records; thenceNorth 0°14'20" East 240 feet along the said Westerly line of Harris Road to athe principal placo of beginning; thence North 0°14120" East 80 feet along the point saidHesterly line of Harris Road to a point; thence North 89059145" West 400 feet to athence South 0°14120" West 80 feet to a point; thence/89859145" East 400 foet to the point;made September, 1946 by Cleveland Surveys, Inc., Civil Engineers according and Surveyors, 'survey be theGrantor claims title by and through instrument recorded in Volume5o 61And the said Grantees, for themselvés, their heirs and assigns, in consideration of theexecution and delivery of this instrument, hereby covenant promise and agree, with andfor the benefit of the said Grantor, its successors and assigns, and all other owners ofadjacent lands who shall acquire title thereto from the Grantor, to hold the1. Said premises shall be used exclusively for residential, small farm andpurposes, and no building shall be erected, moved, or suffered to remain thereon gardening otherthan one detached single family dwelling, necessary outbuildings and either an attachedor detached garage, any such dwelling exclusive of the garage to have a reasonable valueof not less than $4,800.00 based upon Cleveland, Ohio building costs as of Liay 1, 1943.2. No building shall be erected, moved, or suffered to remain on said premises nearerto the side line of the street or road on which said premises front than 75 feet nornearer to the side line of said premises than 10 feet, nor unless or until thetype, cost and material of construction, the lot plan showing the proposed location size, there-of upon the lot, and the plans and specifications and details therefor shall have firstbeen approved in writing by The Cleveland Trust Company or its assignes of this powerof approval. The side line restrictions shall not apply to a detached3. Until such time as a sanitary sewer system shall have been constructed in the streetor road on which said premises front a sanitary septic tank constructed in accordancewith the code of the State of Ohio shall be installed in or for any dvelling houseerected on said premises and no other sanitary provision or device shall be4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, riven, leased or rented to, or used by5. No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be illegally manufactured soldwhether at wholesale or retail upon said premises, and no nuisance, advertising or sign,billboard, place of public entertainment or resort of any character, nor noxious tradeshall be established, conducted, or suffered to remain upon said prenises.6. No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected uponsaid premises shall at any time be used as a residence, either temporarynor shall any residence of a temporary character be permittéd.7. The Grantor hereby reserves, and is hereby granted the right to change, alter, 2OHRADARA heirs. and assigns, the following described premises: andandfor described as follows:- principal place of beginning and containing 0.734 Acre of landsame more or less, but subject to all legal highways. to a of Cuyahoga Pago30spremises County Records. above described hereby sold upon the following terms:- the rear one quarter of said premises. garage upon remain thereon. permitted to any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian Race. or permanent,
hkLOOATIONDEED11-A 145640 3bbUNIT VOL6467 PAGE 25The Cleveland Trus Company KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That Ebe Clebelanb Crust Companp, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Ohio, by its officersduly authorized int the premises, the GRANTOR, for the CONSIDERATION of Ten and no/100 Dollars-and other valuable consideration received to its full satisfaction of Frank J. Gurko and Evelyn S. Gurko559. East 102nd StreetCloveland, Ohio the GRANTEE 8, does hereby GIVE, GRANT, BARGAIN. SELL, AND CONVEY unto the said GRANTEES theirSituated in the Village of Richmond Heights, County of Cuyahoga and State ofknown as being part of Original Euclid Township Lot No. 66, Tract No. 12 and Ohio, boundedBeginning at the intersection of the Westerly line of Harris Road (50 feet wide) with theSoutherly line of a parcel of land conveyed to Frederick H. Jaokson by deed dated Sept-ember 7, 1915, and recorded in Volume 1712, Page 255 of Cuyahoga County Records; thenceNorth 0°14'20" East 240 feet along the said Westerly line of Harris Road to athe principal placo of beginning; thence North 0°14120" East 80 feet along the point saidHesterly line of Harris Road to a point; thence North 89059145" West 400 feet to athence South 0°14120" West 80 feet to a point; thence/89859145" East 400 foet to the point;made September, 1946 by Cleveland Surveys, Inc., Civil Engineers according and Surveyors, 'survey be theGrantor claims title by and through instrument recorded in Volume5o 61And the said Grantees, for themselvés, their heirs and assigns, in consideration of theexecution and delivery of this instrument, hereby covenant promise and agree, with andfor the benefit of the said Grantor, its successors and assigns, and all other owners ofadjacent lands who shall acquire title thereto from the Grantor, to hold the1. Said premises shall be used exclusively for residential, small farm andpurposes, and no building shall be erected, moved, or suffered to remain thereon gardening otherthan one detached single family dwelling, necessary outbuildings and either an attachedor detached garage, any such dwelling exclusive of the garage to have a reasonable valueof not less than $4,800.00 based upon Cleveland, Ohio building costs as of Liay 1, 1943.2. No building shall be erected, moved, or suffered to remain on said premises nearerto the side line of the street or road on which said premises front than 75 feet nornearer to the side line of said premises than 10 feet, nor unless or until thetype, cost and material of construction, the lot plan showing the proposed location size, there-of upon the lot, and the plans and specifications and details therefor shall have firstbeen approved in writing by The Cleveland Trust Company or its assignes of this powerof approval. The side line restrictions shall not apply to a detached3. Until such time as a sanitary sewer system shall have been constructed in the streetor road on which said premises front a sanitary septic tank constructed in accordancewith the code of the State of Ohio shall be installed in or for any dvelling houseerected on said premises and no other sanitary provision or device shall be4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, riven, leased or rented to, or used by5. No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be illegally manufactured soldwhether at wholesale or retail upon said premises, and no nuisance, advertising or sign,billboard, place of public entertainment or resort of any character, nor noxious tradeshall be established, conducted, or suffered to remain upon said prenises.6. No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected uponsaid premises shall at any time be used as a residence, either temporarynor shall any residence of a temporary character be permittéd.7. The Grantor hereby reserves, and is hereby granted the right to change, alter, 2OHRADARA heirs. and assigns, the following described premises: andandfor described as follows:- principal place of beginning and containing 0.734 Acre of landsame more or less, but subject to all legal highways. to a of Cuyahoga Pago30spremises County Records. above described hereby sold upon the following terms:- the rear one quarter of said premises. garage upon remain thereon. permitted to any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian Race. or permanent,
4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, riven, leased or rented to, or used any person not of by the pure blood of the Caucasian Race.
4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given, leased or rented to , or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian Race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, riven, leased or rented to, or used any person not of by the pure blood of the Caucasian Race. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given, leased or rented to , or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian Race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nhkLOOATIONDEED11-A 145640\n3bbUNIT\nVOL6467 PAGE 25The Cleveland Trus Company\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS\nThat Ebe Clebelanb Crust Companp, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Ohio, by its officersduly authorized int the premises, the GRANTOR, for the CONSIDERATION of Ten and no/100 Dollars-and other valuable consideration received to its full satisfaction of Frank J. Gurko and\nEvelyn S. Gurko559. East 102nd StreetCloveland, Ohio\nthe GRANTEE 8, does hereby GIVE, GRANT, BARGAIN. SELL, AND CONVEY unto the said GRANTEES theirSituated in the Village of Richmond Heights, County of Cuyahoga and State ofknown as being part of Original Euclid Township Lot No. 66, Tract No. 12 and Ohio, boundedBeginning at the intersection of the Westerly line of Harris Road (50 feet wide) with theSoutherly line of a parcel of land conveyed to Frederick H. Jaokson by deed dated Sept-ember 7, 1915, and recorded in Volume 1712, Page 255 of Cuyahoga County Records; thenceNorth 0°14'20\" East 240 feet along the said Westerly line of Harris Road to athe principal placo of beginning; thence North 0°14120\" East 80 feet along the point saidHesterly line of Harris Road to a point; thence North 89059145\" West 400 feet to athence South 0°14120\" West 80 feet to a point; thence/89859145\" East 400 foet to the point;made September, 1946 by Cleveland Surveys, Inc., Civil Engineers according and Surveyors, 'survey be theGrantor claims title by and through instrument recorded in Volume5o 61And the said Grantees, for themselvés, their heirs and assigns, in consideration of theexecution and delivery of this instrument, hereby covenant promise and agree, with andfor the benefit of the said Grantor, its successors and assigns, and all other owners ofadjacent lands who shall acquire title thereto from the Grantor, to hold the1. Said premises shall be used exclusively for residential, small farm andpurposes, and no building shall be erected, moved, or suffered to remain thereon gardening otherthan one detached single family dwelling, necessary outbuildings and either an attachedor detached garage, any such dwelling exclusive of the garage to have a reasonable valueof not less than $4,800.00 based upon Cleveland, Ohio building costs as of Liay 1, 1943.2. No building shall be erected, moved, or suffered to remain on said premises nearerto the side line of the street or road on which said premises front than 75 feet nornearer to the side line of said premises than 10 feet, nor unless or until thetype, cost and material of construction, the lot plan showing the proposed location size, there-of upon the lot, and the plans and specifications and details therefor shall have firstbeen approved in writing by The Cleveland Trust Company or its assignes of this powerof approval. The side line restrictions shall not apply to a detached3. Until such time as a sanitary sewer system shall have been constructed in the streetor road on which said premises front a sanitary septic tank constructed in accordancewith the code of the State of Ohio shall be installed in or for any dvelling houseerected on said premises and no other sanitary provision or device shall be4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, riven, leased or rented to, or used by5. No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be illegally manufactured soldwhether at wholesale or retail upon said premises, and no nuisance, advertising or sign,billboard, place of public entertainment or resort of any character, nor noxious tradeshall be established, conducted, or suffered to remain upon said prenises.6. No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected uponsaid premises shall at any time be used as a residence, either temporarynor shall any residence of a temporary character be permittéd.7. The Grantor hereby reserves, and is hereby granted the right to change, alter,\n2OHRADARA heirs. and assigns, the following described premises:\nandandfor\ndescribed as follows:-\nprincipal place of beginning and containing 0.734 Acre of landsame more or less, but subject to all legal highways.\nto a\nof\nCuyahoga\nPago30spremises\nCounty Records.\nabove described hereby sold upon the following terms:-\nthe\nrear one quarter of said premises.\ngarage upon\nremain thereon.\npermitted to\nany person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian Race.\nor permanent,\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, riven, leased or rented to, or used\nany person not of\nby\nthe pure blood of the Caucasian Race.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given, leased or rented to , or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian Race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 434 (a) No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot, now shall enything be done(e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood, shall useor occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by(F) No trailer, basement, garage, barn or other outbuildings erected in the tract shall at anytime be used as a residence temporariiy or permanently, now shall any residence of a temporary(g) No structure shall be moved on to any lot unless it meets with the approval of thecommittee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee, it shall conform to and be in(n) No building shall be erected on any lot on the said plan untilthe design and locationthereof has been apprèved in writing by. the municipal authority having control of such buildings,if any, and if there be no such authority, then by consent of a majority of the owners of lotsresiding on the said plan of lots. However, in the event that such residents on the said planfail to approve or disapprove such design or location within a reasonable time, then such approva.will not be tequired, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in harmonywith similar structures on the said plan; such dwelling shall have ground square feet area of notless than 850 square feet in the dase of one story structures, or 500 square feet in the case of(i) The covenants and restrictions are to run with the land and shall be binding on all theparties and all persons claiming under them until Jamuary 1, 1962, at whfich time said covenants(3).If the parties hereto, or any of them, or their heirs or assigns, shall violate or attemptto violate any of the covenants or restrictions herein before Jamary 1, 1962, it shall be lawfulfor any other person or persons owning any other lots in the said development or sub-division toprosecute any proceeding at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attemptingto violate any such covenant or restriction, and eit ther to prevent him a them fraso doing, or toTo Have and To Hold the same unto, and for the use of the said parties of the secondAnd the said parties of the first part for themselves, their heirs, executors and administra-tors covenant with the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful thereon which may be or become a nuisance to the neighborhood.domestic servants of a different race or nationality. character be permitted. harmony with similar structures in the tract. one and one-half or two story structures.and restrictions shall terminate. recover damages or other dues for such violation. with the appurtenances;heirs and assigns forever, their part, claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend.Witness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. Attest:M.D. NickolsCommonwealth of Pennsylvania, :County of Lawrence B.63ss: Cecil C Johnston (Seal)Belle N. Johnston (Seal) On this 27" day of November A. D. 1939, before me Notary Public in and for said County andState, came the above named Cecil C. Johnston and Belle N. Johnston and they acknowledged theforegoing Indenture to be their act and deed,to the end that it may be recorded as such. Witness my hand and Notarial seal.My commission expires Jan 24 1941 (N. P. Seal) Jos. W Humphrey Certificate As To Residence. The undersigned hereby certifies that the precise, residence of the grantee_ herein namedis/are as follows: Johnston Drive Fifth Ward Ellwood City, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. Allen D KellerAtty for Grantee_ PHV DeedHarold. M. Leach, et.x., Memme, et. ux.Ent. Dec. 15, 1939 Deed This Indenture, Made the Eighth day of December in theof our Lord one thousand nine hundred and Thirty-nineBetween Harold M. Leach and Irene M. Leach, his wife,ofthé Second Ward of the City of New Castle, Lawrence County,Pennsylvania, and Ralph J. Shaffer and Margaret R. Shaffer,his wife; of the Second Ward, City of New Castle, LawrenceCounty, Pennsylvania, parties of the first part, and John Memmeand Mary Memme, his wife,of the Fourth Ward of the City ofNew Castle, Lawrence County, Pemmylvania,parties of the secona 1as593F part; Witnesseth, That the said parties of the first part in consideration of One ($1.00)Dollarand other good and valuable consideration to them now paid by the said parties of the second do grant,assigns, forever: sell part, bargain, and convey unto the said parties of the second part, theirheirs and
434 (a) No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot, now shall enything be done(e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood, shall useor occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by(F) No trailer, basement, garage, barn or other outbuildings erected in the tract shall at anytime be used as a residence temporariiy or permanently, now shall any residence of a temporary(g) No structure shall be moved on to any lot unless it meets with the approval of thecommittee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee, it shall conform to and be in(n) No building shall be erected on any lot on the said plan untilthe design and locationthereof has been apprèved in writing by. the municipal authority having control of such buildings,if any, and if there be no such authority, then by consent of a majority of the owners of lotsresiding on the said plan of lots. However, in the event that such residents on the said planfail to approve or disapprove such design or location within a reasonable time, then such approva.will not be tequired, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in harmonywith similar structures on the said plan; such dwelling shall have ground square feet area of notless than 850 square feet in the dase of one story structures, or 500 square feet in the case of(i) The covenants and restrictions are to run with the land and shall be binding on all theparties and all persons claiming under them until Jamuary 1, 1962, at whfich time said covenants(3).If the parties hereto, or any of them, or their heirs or assigns, shall violate or attemptto violate any of the covenants or restrictions herein before Jamary 1, 1962, it shall be lawfulfor any other person or persons owning any other lots in the said development or sub-division toprosecute any proceeding at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attemptingto violate any such covenant or restriction, and eit ther to prevent him a them fraso doing, or toTo Have and To Hold the same unto, and for the use of the said parties of the secondAnd the said parties of the first part for themselves, their heirs, executors and administra-tors covenant with the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful thereon which may be or become a nuisance to the neighborhood.domestic servants of a different race or nationality. character be permitted. harmony with similar structures in the tract. one and one-half or two story structures.and restrictions shall terminate. recover damages or other dues for such violation. with the appurtenances;heirs and assigns forever, their part, claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend.Witness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. Attest:M.D. NickolsCommonwealth of Pennsylvania, :County of Lawrence B.63ss: Cecil C Johnston (Seal)Belle N. Johnston (Seal) On this 27" day of November A. D. 1939, before me Notary Public in and for said County andState, came the above named Cecil C. Johnston and Belle N. Johnston and they acknowledged theforegoing Indenture to be their act and deed,to the end that it may be recorded as such. Witness my hand and Notarial seal.My commission expires Jan 24 1941 (N. P. Seal) Jos. W Humphrey Certificate As To Residence. The undersigned hereby certifies that the precise, residence of the grantee_ herein namedis/are as follows: Johnston Drive Fifth Ward Ellwood City, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. Allen D KellerAtty for Grantee_ PHV DeedHarold. M. Leach, et.x., Memme, et. ux.Ent. Dec. 15, 1939 Deed This Indenture, Made the Eighth day of December in theof our Lord one thousand nine hundred and Thirty-nineBetween Harold M. Leach and Irene M. Leach, his wife,ofthé Second Ward of the City of New Castle, Lawrence County,Pennsylvania, and Ralph J. Shaffer and Margaret R. Shaffer,his wife; of the Second Ward, City of New Castle, LawrenceCounty, Pennsylvania, parties of the first part, and John Memmeand Mary Memme, his wife,of the Fourth Ward of the City ofNew Castle, Lawrence County, Pemmylvania,parties of the secona 1as593F part; Witnesseth, That the said parties of the first part in consideration of One ($1.00)Dollarand other good and valuable consideration to them now paid by the said parties of the second do grant,assigns, forever: sell part, bargain, and convey unto the said parties of the second part, theirheirs and
(e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood, shall use or occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality.
(e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood, shall use or occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race or nationality.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood, shall use or occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood, shall use or occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race or nationality.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n434\n(a) No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot, now shall enything be done(e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood, shall useor occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by(F) No trailer, basement, garage, barn or other outbuildings erected in the tract shall at anytime be used as a residence temporariiy or permanently, now shall any residence of a temporary(g) No structure shall be moved on to any lot unless it meets with the approval of thecommittee hereinafter referred to, or if there is no committee, it shall conform to and be in(n) No building shall be erected on any lot on the said plan untilthe design and locationthereof has been apprèved in writing by. the municipal authority having control of such buildings,if any, and if there be no such authority, then by consent of a majority of the owners of lotsresiding on the said plan of lots. However, in the event that such residents on the said planfail to approve or disapprove such design or location within a reasonable time, then such approva.will not be tequired, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in harmonywith similar structures on the said plan; such dwelling shall have ground square feet area of notless than 850 square feet in the dase of one story structures, or 500 square feet in the case of(i) The covenants and restrictions are to run with the land and shall be binding on all theparties and all persons claiming under them until Jamuary 1, 1962, at whfich time said covenants(3).If the parties hereto, or any of them, or their heirs or assigns, shall violate or attemptto violate any of the covenants or restrictions herein before Jamary 1, 1962, it shall be lawfulfor any other person or persons owning any other lots in the said development or sub-division toprosecute any proceeding at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attemptingto violate any such covenant or restriction, and eit ther to prevent him a them fraso doing, or toTo Have and To Hold the same unto, and for the use of the said parties of the secondAnd the said parties of the first part for themselves, their heirs, executors and administra-tors covenant with the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful\nthereon which may be or become a nuisance to the neighborhood.domestic servants of a different race or nationality.\ncharacter be permitted.\nharmony with similar structures in the tract.\none and one-half or two story structures.and restrictions shall terminate.\nrecover damages or other dues for such violation.\nwith the appurtenances;heirs and assigns forever,\ntheir\npart,\nclaimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend.Witness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part.\nAttest:M.D. NickolsCommonwealth of Pennsylvania, :County of Lawrence\nB.63ss:\nCecil C Johnston (Seal)Belle N. Johnston (Seal)\nOn this 27\" day of November A. D. 1939, before me Notary Public in and for said County andState, came the above named Cecil C. Johnston and Belle N. Johnston and they acknowledged theforegoing Indenture to be their act and deed,to the end that it may be recorded as such.\nWitness my hand and Notarial seal.My commission expires Jan 24 1941\n(N. P. Seal)\nJos. W Humphrey\nCertificate As To Residence.\nThe undersigned hereby certifies that the precise, residence of the grantee_ herein namedis/are as follows: Johnston Drive Fifth Ward Ellwood City, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania.\nAllen D KellerAtty for Grantee_ PHV\nDeedHarold. M. Leach, et.x., Memme, et. ux.Ent. Dec. 15, 1939\nDeed\nThis Indenture, Made the Eighth day of December in theof our Lord one thousand nine hundred and Thirty-nineBetween Harold M. Leach and Irene M. Leach, his wife,ofthé Second Ward of the City of New Castle, Lawrence County,Pennsylvania, and Ralph J. Shaffer and Margaret R. Shaffer,his wife; of the Second Ward, City of New Castle, LawrenceCounty, Pennsylvania, parties of the first part, and John Memmeand Mary Memme, his wife,of the Fourth Ward of the City ofNew Castle, Lawrence County, Pemmylvania,parties of the secona\n1as593F\npart;\nWitnesseth, That the said parties of the first part in consideration of One ($1.00)Dollarand other good and valuable consideration to them now paid by the said parties of the second\ndo grant,assigns, forever:\nsell\npart,\nbargain,\nand convey unto the said parties of the second part, theirheirs and\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood, shall use\nor occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by\ndomestic servants of a different race or nationality.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood, shall use or occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race or nationality.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DRVOL00531 PAGE46KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: STATE COUNTY OF OF TEXAS DENTONtou us paid and 10917DOLLARSasfolews: THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY ($790.00) AND NO/100 to be paid by JOHN TERRY PERRYMAN and wife, RUBI STENART PERRYMANJOHN TERRY PERRYMAN and wife, RUBY STEWART PERRYMAN HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said of the County of DallasTexas, and described as follows, to-wit: State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, BEING LOTS THIRTY-ONE (31), THIRTY-TWO (32), THIRTY-THREE (33), and THIRTY-FOUR(34) in BLOCK ONE (1) of GARZA-LITTIE FIM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in the Countyof Denton, Texas, as shown by the plat of said Addition duly recorded in Volunethe plat This recorded conveyance in the is made Map subject Records Denton to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part ofestic servants person different the_Caucasian with any race own shall ner use tenant. any lot, except thatt this covenant shall not prevent occupancy bydo-Denton ETtES Health Department. E m: SMEEE mratH byte Comgstlding e-25 Peare ide buildi e on street 3 Sm yard 2, Page 80 of the Map Records of Denton County, Texas oyshall be erected,and County, Texas, and are as follows:permitted to on any too such type ni: Baesd inthis subdiviion, except a8 hereinafter any andNodry, or cesspools shell permitted a in Paragraph 16 herein,t only asa resijence,Denton or Stateshown on thelines on interior Tooriei: used on than 600 or AY the covenants herein, it shallbethe written corisent of themgttoch i881 Cbe way ATYA:t SEeeinr no wise aflect any ofthe other aBel BNe garage utbuildings.i omk:t building plot than one detached single builing anda shalstructures the tside shal!No obnoxious or oroffensive tradeorNopemaer sanitary12. restricinlidation18. theft frontlot EXw!k foxnis nearer to CECAEEESas 7. set with. the B used until a e thereofis exterior material completely finishedand, in main structure #frame shall bE SmrLE lumber, material, carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become norshall any tructure or other ofat outbuilding erected eet theloth herein residence, described except shall. that atany trailers time be may asa residence, The ground easements floor and of alleys any structure, exclusive of open porches and garages, shall be13. I! foe any other. hereto, or any of them, owning pr their heirs or_assigns, situated. in_said violateinst the or Poe 3 iy -14. Nos structures of any kind are to be moved theien as hurricanes, or Developer tornadoes,h shall not be Bioce droughts, Purchaser, his heirs Thes s for damagestdrainages natural' other pabdPe and ctey one of these covenants by judgment or running as shown with the on land the and shall plat beb of binding said addition all for utility purposes. jority Ise ERES aty l of E oa itis cover shall to change Said covenants in whole for ori in_part. periods parties a Smd claiming unless umieu them aIlon EMe understood Block be Lots_1 aT 5inE Block as set out 4 Blocks herein. 2are reserved for business only, with the excep-TOI HAVE AND! TO HOLD thes above described premises, together with all ands singular the rights and appurtenances there-to in anywise belonging unto the said JOHN TERRY PERRYIAN and RUBY STEWART PERRYIAN, theirheirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind durselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-fend, all and singular the said premises unto the said JOHN TERRY PERRYMAN and RUBY STEWART PERRYMAN,and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. tov violate any such E covenant, eithert to E prevent S from 8O t-law or lot thereofwithout FttheFs caused or Developer.Saletwhich shall remain that heirs theirxtERSCATULLADOE,196.5 S shaik xabsohte. WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 23rd of.. November.BahrheBertTkn Vera W. Bass
DRVOL00531 PAGE46KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: STATE COUNTY OF OF TEXAS DENTONtou us paid and 10917DOLLARSasfolews: THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY ($790.00) AND NO/100 to be paid by JOHN TERRY PERRYMAN and wife, RUBI STENART PERRYMANJOHN TERRY PERRYMAN and wife, RUBY STEWART PERRYMAN HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said of the County of DallasTexas, and described as follows, to-wit: State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, BEING LOTS THIRTY-ONE (31), THIRTY-TWO (32), THIRTY-THREE (33), and THIRTY-FOUR(34) in BLOCK ONE (1) of GARZA-LITTIE FIM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in the Countyof Denton, Texas, as shown by the plat of said Addition duly recorded in Volunethe plat This recorded conveyance in the is made Map subject Records Denton to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part ofestic servants person different the_Caucasian with any race own shall ner use tenant. any lot, except thatt this covenant shall not prevent occupancy bydo-Denton ETtES Health Department. E m: SMEEE mratH byte Comgstlding e-25 Peare ide buildi e on street 3 Sm yard 2, Page 80 of the Map Records of Denton County, Texas oyshall be erected,and County, Texas, and are as follows:permitted to on any too such type ni: Baesd inthis subdiviion, except a8 hereinafter any andNodry, or cesspools shell permitted a in Paragraph 16 herein,t only asa resijence,Denton or Stateshown on thelines on interior Tooriei: used on than 600 or AY the covenants herein, it shallbethe written corisent of themgttoch i881 Cbe way ATYA:t SEeeinr no wise aflect any ofthe other aBel BNe garage utbuildings.i omk:t building plot than one detached single builing anda shalstructures the tside shal!No obnoxious or oroffensive tradeorNopemaer sanitary12. restricinlidation18. theft frontlot EXw!k foxnis nearer to CECAEEESas 7. set with. the B used until a e thereofis exterior material completely finishedand, in main structure #frame shall bE SmrLE lumber, material, carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become norshall any tructure or other ofat outbuilding erected eet theloth herein residence, described except shall. that atany trailers time be may asa residence, The ground easements floor and of alleys any structure, exclusive of open porches and garages, shall be13. I! foe any other. hereto, or any of them, owning pr their heirs or_assigns, situated. in_said violateinst the or Poe 3 iy -14. Nos structures of any kind are to be moved theien as hurricanes, or Developer tornadoes,h shall not be Bioce droughts, Purchaser, his heirs Thes s for damagestdrainages natural' other pabdPe and ctey one of these covenants by judgment or running as shown with the on land the and shall plat beb of binding said addition all for utility purposes. jority Ise ERES aty l of E oa itis cover shall to change Said covenants in whole for ori in_part. periods parties a Smd claiming unless umieu them aIlon EMe understood Block be Lots_1 aT 5inE Block as set out 4 Blocks herein. 2are reserved for business only, with the excep-TOI HAVE AND! TO HOLD thes above described premises, together with all ands singular the rights and appurtenances there-to in anywise belonging unto the said JOHN TERRY PERRYIAN and RUBY STEWART PERRYIAN, theirheirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind durselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-fend, all and singular the said premises unto the said JOHN TERRY PERRYMAN and RUBY STEWART PERRYMAN,and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. tov violate any such E covenant, eithert to E prevent S from 8O t-law or lot thereofwithout FttheFs caused or Developer.Saletwhich shall remain that heirs theirxtERSCATULLADOE,196.5 S shaik xabsohte. WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 23rd of.. November.BahrheBertTkn Vera W. Bass
3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any except that covenant mestic servants of & different race domiciled with any owner or tenant. lot, this shall not prevent occupancy by do-
3. No person of any race other the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any except that covenant mestic servants of & different race domiciled with any owner or tenant. lot, this shall not prevent occupancy by do- [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDRVOL00531 PAGE46KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\nSTATE COUNTY OF OF TEXAS DENTONtou us paid and\n10917DOLLARSasfolews:\nTHAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of\nSEVEN HUNDRED NINETY ($790.00) AND NO/100\nto be paid by JOHN TERRY PERRYMAN and wife, RUBI STENART PERRYMANJOHN TERRY PERRYMAN and wife, RUBY STEWART PERRYMAN\nHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said\nof the County of DallasTexas, and described as follows, to-wit:\nState of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,\nBEING LOTS THIRTY-ONE (31), THIRTY-TWO (32), THIRTY-THREE (33), and THIRTY-FOUR(34) in BLOCK ONE (1) of GARZA-LITTIE FIM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition in the Countyof Denton, Texas, as shown by the plat of said Addition duly recorded in Volunethe plat This recorded conveyance in the is made Map subject Records Denton to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part ofestic servants person different the_Caucasian with any race own shall ner use tenant. any lot, except thatt this covenant shall not prevent occupancy bydo-Denton ETtES Health Department. E m: SMEEE mratH byte Comgstlding e-25 Peare ide buildi e on street 3 Sm yard\n2, Page 80 of the Map Records of Denton County, Texas\noyshall be erected,and\nCounty, Texas, and are as follows:permitted to on any too such type ni:\nBaesd inthis subdiviion, except a8 hereinafter any andNodry, or cesspools shell permitted a\nin Paragraph 16 herein,t\nonly asa resijence,Denton or Stateshown on thelines on interior Tooriei: used on than 600 or AY the covenants herein, it shallbethe written corisent of themgttoch i881 Cbe way ATYA:t SEeeinr no wise aflect any ofthe other\naBel\nBNe garage\nutbuildings.i omk:t\nbuilding plot than one detached single builing anda\nshalstructures the tside shal!No obnoxious or oroffensive tradeorNopemaer sanitary12. restricinlidation18.\ntheft frontlot EXw!k foxnis nearer to CECAEEESas 7. set with.\nthe\nB\nused until a e thereofis exterior material completely finishedand, in main structure #frame shall bE SmrLE lumber, material, carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become\nnorshall any tructure or other ofat outbuilding erected eet theloth herein residence, described except shall. that atany trailers time be may asa residence,\nThe ground easements floor and of alleys any structure, exclusive of open porches and garages, shall be13. I! foe any other. hereto, or any of them, owning pr their heirs or_assigns, situated. in_said violateinst the or Poe 3 iy -14. Nos structures of any kind are to be moved theien as hurricanes, or Developer tornadoes,h shall not be Bioce droughts, Purchaser, his heirs Thes s for damagestdrainages natural' other pabdPe and ctey one of these covenants by judgment or\nrunning as shown with the on land the and shall plat beb of binding said addition all for utility purposes.\n jority Ise ERES aty l of E oa itis cover shall to change Said covenants in whole for ori in_part. periods parties a Smd claiming unless umieu them aIlon EMe understood Block be Lots_1 aT 5inE Block as set out 4 Blocks herein. 2are reserved for business only, with the excep-TOI HAVE AND! TO HOLD thes above described premises, together with all ands singular the rights and appurtenances there-to in anywise belonging unto the said JOHN TERRY PERRYIAN and RUBY STEWART PERRYIAN, theirheirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind durselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-fend, all and singular the said premises unto the said JOHN TERRY PERRYMAN and RUBY STEWART PERRYMAN,and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.\ntov violate any such E covenant, eithert to E prevent S from 8O t-law\nor lot thereofwithout FttheFs\ncaused or Developer.Saletwhich shall remain\nthat\nheirs\ntheirxtERSCATULLADOE,196.5\nS\nshaik\nxabsohte.\nWITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 23rd\nof.. November.BahrheBertTkn Vera W. Bass\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any except that covenant\nmestic servants of & different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.\nlot,\nthis\nshall not prevent occupancy by do-\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 607 interest as aforesaid, on the day and time hereinbefore mentioned and appointed for the payment thereof, without. any fraud or further delay, and wit thout any deduction, defalcation or abatement to be made for or in respect of any taxes, charges or assessments whatso- ever, then and from thenceforth, as ell this present Indenture, and the estate hereby granted, as the said recited obligation, shali bet come void and of no effect, anything hereinbefore contained to the contrary thereof, in any wise notwi thstanding. But Provided further, Also, That in case default be- made, in the payment of said principal debt or sum, or of any installment of interest, or charges, or premiums of insurance or of any part, theret of, or in payment of any and all taxes, municipal assessments. or charges assessed against or upon the mortgaged premises, when due and payable respectively, by the terms and conditions of said ob- ligations, for the period of thirty days after the same shall become due and payable, as aforesaid, the whole of the said principal debt or sum, and interest then unpaid, shall thereupon become due and payable, and a writ of Scire Facias may, be issued forthwi th on this Mortgage,, and prosecuted to judgment, and execution and sale, for the collection of the whole amount of the said principal debt, and interest thereon, remaining unpaid, together with all premiums of insurance, fees, costs and expenses of such proceedings, in- cluding an attorney's commi ssion of five per centum for the collection of the same. And all errors in said proceedings, together wit th stay of, or exception from execution, or extension of time of payment which may be given by any Act or Acts of Assembly, now in force, or which may be enacted hereafter, are hereby forever waived and released. The Taylor Realty and Construction, Inc. doth hereby constitute and appoint James J. Vessella to be its attorney for it, and in its name and as and for its corporate act and deed to acknowledge this Mortgage, before any person having authority by the laws of thp Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to take such acknowledgment, to the intent that the same may be duls recorded. This Mortgage is made under and by virtue of a resolution of the Board of Directors of the grantor, duly passed at a regular meeting thereof" held on the 9th day of May A. D. 1951, a full quorum being present, authorizing and di recting the same to be made! and done. In Wi tness Wiereof, The said Corporation, party of the first part, has caused its common and corporate seal to be affixed to these presents by the hand of its President, and the same to be duly attested by its Secretary. Dated the day and year first abovel written. Attest: TAYLOR REALTY AND CONSTRUCTION, INC. Aldo R. Galmarini By Jas J Vessella President (Corp.Seal) Secretary. Commonwealth 6f. Pennsyl vania, ss. County of Lawrence hereby certify that on this 1lth day of May A. D. 1951, before me, the subscriber, a Notary Public in and for the County of Lawrence, and Commonwealth-of Pennsflvania, personally came James J. Vessella the attorney named in the foregoing mortgage and by virtue and in pursuance of the authorit ty therein conferred upon him, acknowledged said mortgage to be the act'and deed of the said Taylor Realty and Construction, Inc. and desired that the samel might be recorded as such. Wit tness my hand and notarial seal the day and year aforesaid. (N. P. Seal), Beulah M. McGaffic My Commission expires Feb. 1, 1953. Notary Public. Certificate of Residence I, do hereby certify that Mortgagee's precise residence is 900 East Ohio Street, Pittsburgh 12 Pennsylvania Wi tness my hand this day of May 1951_ Frank 0 Moretti This Indenture. Mortgage Made the 29th day of May in the year of our Lord, one thousandHarry J. Fire et ux. nine hundred and fifty-one (1951) To Between HARRY J. FIRE and JULIA FIRE, his wife, of Neshannock Pomnship,lawrence County, Pennsylvania, parties of the first part, Peoples Bank of Lawrence County AND PEOPLES BANK OF LAWRENCE COUNTY, a Corporation or body politic created by and existing under the laws of the State of Pennsyl- Ent. May 29, 1951 vania having. its domicile in the City of New Castle County of Lawrence Commonwealth of Pennsylvania party of the second part: Hour: 2:48 P. M. Whereas, the said parties of the first part, in and by their obligation, or writing obligatory, under their hands and sealsy VRTUE OF POWER OF ATTORNEY TO ME duly executed, bearing even date herewit th, stand bound unto saidiRE! ÇTED. RECORDED INE LETTER OF ATTORNEY Corporation in the penal sum of Twelve Thousand ($12,000.00). BOOK VOL.21 PAGE 4ro Dollars, lawful money of the United States of America,. conditionPtby D:RECT THE RLCORDER OF DEEOS TO E for the payment of Six, Thousand ($6,000.00) Dollars, iike THE WITHIN MORTGGE SATISFIED OF money as aforesaid: Seventy-five ($75.00) Dollars or more in from the date hereof, and the sum of Seventy-five ($75.00)! BECORD. month amount of Six Thousand ($6,000.00) Dollars with interest at theADOF SAGAHAEPADS D. 19 Dollars or more each and every month thereafter until the fuliwITNESS SEAL THIS 26 wy reuealou KESEAL Dus Storvey
607 interest as aforesaid, on the day and time hereinbefore mentioned and appointed for the payment thereof, without. any fraud or further delay, and wit thout any deduction, defalcation or abatement to be made for or in respect of any taxes, charges or assessments whatso- ever, then and from thenceforth, as ell this present Indenture, and the estate hereby granted, as the said recited obligation, shali bet come void and of no effect, anything hereinbefore contained to the contrary thereof, in any wise notwi thstanding. But Provided further, Also, That in case default be- made, in the payment of said principal debt or sum, or of any installment of interest, or charges, or premiums of insurance or of any part, theret of, or in payment of any and all taxes, municipal assessments. or charges assessed against or upon the mortgaged premises, when due and payable respectively, by the terms and conditions of said ob- ligations, for the period of thirty days after the same shall become due and payable, as aforesaid, the whole of the said principal debt or sum, and interest then unpaid, shall thereupon become due and payable, and a writ of Scire Facias may, be issued forthwi th on this Mortgage,, and prosecuted to judgment, and execution and sale, for the collection of the whole amount of the said principal debt, and interest thereon, remaining unpaid, together with all premiums of insurance, fees, costs and expenses of such proceedings, in- cluding an attorney's commi ssion of five per centum for the collection of the same. And all errors in said proceedings, together wit th stay of, or exception from execution, or extension of time of payment which may be given by any Act or Acts of Assembly, now in force, or which may be enacted hereafter, are hereby forever waived and released. The Taylor Realty and Construction, Inc. doth hereby constitute and appoint James J. Vessella to be its attorney for it, and in its name and as and for its corporate act and deed to acknowledge this Mortgage, before any person having authority by the laws of thp Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to take such acknowledgment, to the intent that the same may be duls recorded. This Mortgage is made under and by virtue of a resolution of the Board of Directors of the grantor, duly passed at a regular meeting thereof" held on the 9th day of May A. D. 1951, a full quorum being present, authorizing and di recting the same to be made! and done. In Wi tness Wiereof, The said Corporation, party of the first part, has caused its common and corporate seal to be affixed to these presents by the hand of its President, and the same to be duly attested by its Secretary. Dated the day and year first abovel written. Attest: TAYLOR REALTY AND CONSTRUCTION, INC. Aldo R. Galmarini By Jas J Vessella President (Corp.Seal) Secretary. Commonwealth 6f. Pennsyl vania, ss. County of Lawrence hereby certify that on this 1lth day of May A. D. 1951, before me, the subscriber, a Notary Public in and for the County of Lawrence, and Commonwealth-of Pennsflvania, personally came James J. Vessella the attorney named in the foregoing mortgage and by virtue and in pursuance of the authorit ty therein conferred upon him, acknowledged said mortgage to be the act'and deed of the said Taylor Realty and Construction, Inc. and desired that the samel might be recorded as such. Wit tness my hand and notarial seal the day and year aforesaid. (N. P. Seal), Beulah M. McGaffic My Commission expires Feb. 1, 1953. Notary Public. Certificate of Residence I, do hereby certify that Mortgagee's precise residence is 900 East Ohio Street, Pittsburgh 12 Pennsylvania Wi tness my hand this day of May 1951_ Frank 0 Moretti This Indenture. Mortgage Made the 29th day of May in the year of our Lord, one thousandHarry J. Fire et ux. nine hundred and fifty-one (1951) To Between HARRY J. FIRE and JULIA FIRE, his wife, of Neshannock Pomnship,lawrence County, Pennsylvania, parties of the first part, Peoples Bank of Lawrence County AND PEOPLES BANK OF LAWRENCE COUNTY, a Corporation or body politic created by and existing under the laws of the State of Pennsyl- Ent. May 29, 1951 vania having. its domicile in the City of New Castle County of Lawrence Commonwealth of Pennsylvania party of the second part: Hour: 2:48 P. M. Whereas, the said parties of the first part, in and by their obligation, or writing obligatory, under their hands and sealsy VRTUE OF POWER OF ATTORNEY TO ME duly executed, bearing even date herewit th, stand bound unto saidiRE! ÇTED. RECORDED INE LETTER OF ATTORNEY Corporation in the penal sum of Twelve Thousand ($12,000.00). BOOK VOL.21 PAGE 4ro Dollars, lawful money of the United States of America,. conditionPtby D:RECT THE RLCORDER OF DEEOS TO E for the payment of Six, Thousand ($6,000.00) Dollars, iike THE WITHIN MORTGGE SATISFIED OF money as aforesaid: Seventy-five ($75.00) Dollars or more in from the date hereof, and the sum of Seventy-five ($75.00)! BECORD. month amount of Six Thousand ($6,000.00) Dollars with interest at theADOF SAGAHAEPADS D. 19 Dollars or more each and every month thereafter until the fuliwITNESS SEAL THIS 26 wy reuealou KESEAL Dus Storvey
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n607\ninterest as aforesaid, on the day and time hereinbefore mentioned\nand appointed for the payment thereof, without. any fraud or further\ndelay, and wit thout any deduction, defalcation or abatement to be\nmade for or in respect of any taxes, charges or assessments whatso-\never, then and from thenceforth, as ell this present Indenture, and\nthe estate hereby granted, as the said recited obligation, shali bet\ncome void and of no effect, anything hereinbefore contained to the\ncontrary thereof, in any wise notwi thstanding.\nBut Provided further, Also, That in case default be- made, in the\npayment of said principal debt or sum, or of any installment of\ninterest, or charges, or premiums of insurance or of any part, theret\nof, or in payment of any and all taxes, municipal assessments. or\ncharges assessed against or upon the mortgaged premises, when due\nand payable respectively, by the terms and conditions of said ob-\nligations, for the period of thirty days after the same shall become\ndue and payable, as aforesaid, the whole of the said principal debt\nor sum, and interest then unpaid, shall thereupon become due and payable, and a writ of Scire\nFacias may, be issued forthwi th on this Mortgage,, and prosecuted to judgment, and execution and sale,\nfor the collection of the whole amount of the said principal debt, and interest thereon, remaining\nunpaid, together with all premiums of insurance, fees, costs and expenses of such proceedings, in-\ncluding an attorney's commi ssion of five per centum for the collection of the same.\nAnd all errors in said proceedings, together wit th stay of, or exception from execution, or\nextension of time of payment which may be given by any Act or Acts of Assembly, now in force, or\nwhich may be enacted hereafter, are hereby forever waived and released.\nThe Taylor Realty and Construction, Inc. doth hereby constitute and appoint James J. Vessella\nto be its attorney for it, and in its name and as and for its corporate act and deed to acknowledge\nthis Mortgage, before any person having authority by the laws of thp Commonwealth of Pennsylvania\nto take such acknowledgment, to the intent that the same may be duls recorded.\nThis Mortgage is made under and by virtue of a resolution of the Board of Directors of the\ngrantor, duly passed at a regular meeting thereof\" held on the 9th day of May A. D. 1951, a full\nquorum being present, authorizing and di recting the same to be made! and done.\nIn Wi tness Wiereof, The said Corporation, party of the first part, has caused its common and\ncorporate seal to be affixed to these presents by the hand of its President, and the same to be\nduly attested by its Secretary. Dated the day and year first abovel written.\nAttest:\nTAYLOR REALTY AND CONSTRUCTION, INC.\nAldo R. Galmarini\nBy Jas J Vessella\nPresident\n(Corp.Seal)\nSecretary.\nCommonwealth 6f. Pennsyl vania,\nss.\nCounty of Lawrence\nhereby certify that on this 1lth day of May A. D. 1951, before me, the subscriber, a Notary\nPublic in and for the County of Lawrence, and Commonwealth-of Pennsflvania, personally came James\nJ. Vessella the attorney named in the foregoing mortgage and by virtue and in pursuance of the\nauthorit ty therein conferred upon him, acknowledged said mortgage to be the act'and deed of the\nsaid Taylor Realty and Construction, Inc. and desired that the samel might be recorded as such.\nWit tness my hand and notarial seal the day and year aforesaid.\n(N. P. Seal),\nBeulah M. McGaffic\nMy Commission expires Feb. 1, 1953.\nNotary Public.\nCertificate of Residence\nI, do hereby certify that Mortgagee's precise residence is 900 East Ohio Street, Pittsburgh 12\nPennsylvania\nWi tness my hand this day of May 1951_\nFrank 0 Moretti\nThis Indenture.\nMortgage\nMade the 29th day of May in the year of our Lord, one thousandHarry J. Fire et ux.\nnine hundred and fifty-one (1951)\nTo\nBetween HARRY J. FIRE and JULIA FIRE, his wife, of Neshannock\nPomnship,lawrence County, Pennsylvania, parties of the first part, Peoples Bank of Lawrence County\nAND PEOPLES BANK OF LAWRENCE COUNTY, a Corporation or body politic\ncreated by and existing under the laws of the State of Pennsyl- Ent. May 29, 1951\nvania having. its domicile in the City of New Castle County of\nLawrence Commonwealth of Pennsylvania party of the second part: Hour: 2:48 P. M.\nWhereas, the said parties of the first part, in and by their\nobligation, or writing obligatory, under their hands and sealsy VRTUE OF POWER OF ATTORNEY TO ME\nduly executed, bearing even date herewit th, stand bound unto saidiRE! ÇTED. RECORDED INE LETTER OF ATTORNEY\nCorporation in the penal sum of Twelve Thousand ($12,000.00). BOOK VOL.21\nPAGE 4ro\nDollars, lawful money of the United States of America,. conditionPtby\nD:RECT THE RLCORDER OF DEEOS TO\nE\nfor the payment of Six, Thousand ($6,000.00) Dollars, iike\nTHE WITHIN MORTGGE SATISFIED OF\nmoney as aforesaid: Seventy-five ($75.00) Dollars or more in\nfrom the date hereof, and the sum of Seventy-five ($75.00)! BECORD.\nmonth\namount of Six Thousand ($6,000.00) Dollars with interest at theADOF SAGAHAEPADS D. 19\nDollars or more each and every month thereafter until the fuliwITNESS\nSEAL THIS 26\nwy reuealou KESEAL\nDus\nStorvey", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DR VOL00527 PAGE207 LVOL 527 PAGE 207 QU29STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTONinconsideration of thes sum oftome paid ands secured to be paid byMRS. JEWELL VIVIAN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 7730 THAT I,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter describedproperty is my separate estate andi is notr now, nor hasi it ever been, any part of my residential or business homestead), for and EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 ($895.00)receipt of which is hereby acknwoledged; DOLLARSas follows:paid, the EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($895.00) cash in hand HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said MRS. JEWELL VIVIAN of the County of DALLASTexas, and described as follows, to-wit: State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, LOT SEVEN (7) in BLOCK THIRTEEN (13), GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES,An addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereofrecorded in Volume 2, page 80 of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. This conveyançe is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a ofdulod Jots for this subdivision, or except as hereinafter purposes, and any lot in Paragraph one 16 herein, to_be used except only residence,private garage and/or erected, PlEe necesary permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building anda the plat recorded in the Map Records o Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:No servants of nyd difterent other race than SN the with any race shall use tenant. or occupy any lot, that thisssors or supply too one-or public lots must be approved water by the Texas State to Department of Health. At the time parthereinafterashall not) prevent occupancy by do-epresentatiyes,:SuNe hethereto,EMien bteassessment Drps shall be rchaser property. howevs agrees thatbuilding-other buildingmainin theseasement adjoiningas hereinnearer tothe property as_setstreet, line thansetback lineshown lines on on interior theE buildingE1brick, material,beL lumber, asbes-claiming No structures shall beplaced orBab Nod dry, eile or ppeh i Da be AELe thistherunning by_or ARc PF foots oi asice onE against, ment aropertyhereinNobuilding shallF(Front-are 1 from the above restrictions.)E on structuye two (2) iedshingles, tile, concrete or aluminum or roofing.provided ataThe groundStreets, easements and alleysor 1thep or person other Su ersons for such violation. or14. No The structures of any kind aret to_beBDeveloper shall not be respon rains, tonatural'in thesotherwise,fsin rtms offecy of theseby and omk: system on : one E bm CAMRPD Denton ystem approved or State Fl FK PE aer on street de lots- feet, the until a er:: thereofi is-completely material used fnishedmml,frme, in mainas on the recorded plat of said addition for utility purposes. No obnoxious offensive or activity shall be carried on upon anyl lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or becomeB2 tmel tbeh ners tis lotsitis covenants in whole or in_part. 2' : years w vote at13. wful If Ebe parties other. hereto, person any ersons of them, pr their heirs or assigns, situated, shall in violate dev attempt oy violate subdivision any E the covenants herein, it-shall belon Ihs E B 2may be Lotsthrough bya 6in Block as setout 7and. lots_in Paragraph Blocks_1 91 and2are reserved for business only, with the excep- No garage, 5 nor tent, shack or ofat outbuilding a thelot herein residence, deseribeds exceptThese restrictions at be covenants said covenantss running with the E land shall be binding upon all parties mpay. fully mpl wA." aES limel h: may ma on any IE lotinand either prevent F Et from so doing, ofa any main structure, exclusive of open porches garages, be than 600 square feet. anyfirstor the subdivision or any lot thereof without the written of the Seller or Developer.his heirs usmafer damagest grees not tothes subdivisi caused way bythe written permission Saleshalli inno wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain apeAS TOI HAVE AND' TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there-heirs and assigns forever and Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.and improvements, untn 2Ed above described note(s),and all interest thereon are fully paidWITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this.. 16th toin anywise belonging unto thes said MRS. JEWELL VIVIAN, her fend, all ands singular the said premises unto the said MRS. JEWELL VIVIAN, her Buti itis expresslyeffect and reading, and stipulated that the Vendor's Lien is retained against the abeyé described toand premises tenor,gecordingdppety19665 yhent this deed shall become absolute. - A
DR VOL00527 PAGE207 LVOL 527 PAGE 207 QU29STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTONinconsideration of thes sum oftome paid ands secured to be paid byMRS. JEWELL VIVIAN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 7730 THAT I,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter describedproperty is my separate estate andi is notr now, nor hasi it ever been, any part of my residential or business homestead), for and EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 ($895.00)receipt of which is hereby acknwoledged; DOLLARSas follows:paid, the EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($895.00) cash in hand HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said MRS. JEWELL VIVIAN of the County of DALLASTexas, and described as follows, to-wit: State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, LOT SEVEN (7) in BLOCK THIRTEEN (13), GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES,An addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereofrecorded in Volume 2, page 80 of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. This conveyançe is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a ofdulod Jots for this subdivision, or except as hereinafter purposes, and any lot in Paragraph one 16 herein, to_be used except only residence,private garage and/or erected, PlEe necesary permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building anda the plat recorded in the Map Records o Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:No servants of nyd difterent other race than SN the with any race shall use tenant. or occupy any lot, that thisssors or supply too one-or public lots must be approved water by the Texas State to Department of Health. At the time parthereinafterashall not) prevent occupancy by do-epresentatiyes,:SuNe hethereto,EMien bteassessment Drps shall be rchaser property. howevs agrees thatbuilding-other buildingmainin theseasement adjoiningas hereinnearer tothe property as_setstreet, line thansetback lineshown lines on on interior theE buildingE1brick, material,beL lumber, asbes-claiming No structures shall beplaced orBab Nod dry, eile or ppeh i Da be AELe thistherunning by_or ARc PF foots oi asice onE against, ment aropertyhereinNobuilding shallF(Front-are 1 from the above restrictions.)E on structuye two (2) iedshingles, tile, concrete or aluminum or roofing.provided ataThe groundStreets, easements and alleysor 1thep or person other Su ersons for such violation. or14. No The structures of any kind aret to_beBDeveloper shall not be respon rains, tonatural'in thesotherwise,fsin rtms offecy of theseby and omk: system on : one E bm CAMRPD Denton ystem approved or State Fl FK PE aer on street de lots- feet, the until a er:: thereofi is-completely material used fnishedmml,frme, in mainas on the recorded plat of said addition for utility purposes. No obnoxious offensive or activity shall be carried on upon anyl lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or becomeB2 tmel tbeh ners tis lotsitis covenants in whole or in_part. 2' : years w vote at13. wful If Ebe parties other. hereto, person any ersons of them, pr their heirs or assigns, situated, shall in violate dev attempt oy violate subdivision any E the covenants herein, it-shall belon Ihs E B 2may be Lotsthrough bya 6in Block as setout 7and. lots_in Paragraph Blocks_1 91 and2are reserved for business only, with the excep- No garage, 5 nor tent, shack or ofat outbuilding a thelot herein residence, deseribeds exceptThese restrictions at be covenants said covenantss running with the E land shall be binding upon all parties mpay. fully mpl wA." aES limel h: may ma on any IE lotinand either prevent F Et from so doing, ofa any main structure, exclusive of open porches garages, be than 600 square feet. anyfirstor the subdivision or any lot thereof without the written of the Seller or Developer.his heirs usmafer damagest grees not tothes subdivisi caused way bythe written permission Saleshalli inno wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain apeAS TOI HAVE AND' TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there-heirs and assigns forever and Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.and improvements, untn 2Ed above described note(s),and all interest thereon are fully paidWITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this.. 16th toin anywise belonging unto thes said MRS. JEWELL VIVIAN, her fend, all ands singular the said premises unto the said MRS. JEWELL VIVIAN, her Buti itis expresslyeffect and reading, and stipulated that the Vendor's Lien is retained against the abeyé described toand premises tenor,gecordingdppety19665 yhent this deed shall become absolute. - A
3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent mestic servants do- of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant. occupancy by
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant .
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent mestic servants do- of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant. occupancy by [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant .[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDR VOL00527 PAGE207\nLVOL 527 PAGE 207\nQU29STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTONinconsideration of thes sum oftome paid ands secured to be paid byMRS. JEWELL VIVIAN\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\n7730\nTHAT I,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter describedproperty is my separate estate andi is notr now, nor hasi it ever been, any part of my residential or business homestead), for and\nEIGHT HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 ($895.00)receipt of which is hereby acknwoledged;\nDOLLARSas follows:paid, the\nEIGHT HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($895.00) cash in hand\nHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said\nMRS. JEWELL VIVIAN\nof the County of DALLASTexas, and described as follows, to-wit:\nState of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,\nLOT SEVEN (7) in BLOCK THIRTEEN (13), GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES,An addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereofrecorded in Volume 2, page 80 of the Map or Plat Records of Denton\nCounty, Texas.\nThis conveyançe is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a ofdulod Jots for this subdivision, or except as hereinafter purposes, and any lot in Paragraph one 16 herein, to_be used except only residence,private garage and/or erected, PlEe necesary permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building anda\nthe plat recorded in the Map Records o Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:No servants of nyd difterent other race than SN the with any race shall use tenant. or occupy any lot, that thisssors or supply too one-or public lots must be approved water by the Texas State to Department of Health. At the time\nparthereinafterashall not) prevent occupancy by do-epresentatiyes,:SuNe hethereto,EMien bteassessment Drps shall be rchaser property. howevs agrees thatbuilding-other buildingmainin theseasement adjoiningas hereinnearer tothe property as_setstreet, line thansetback lineshown lines on on interior theE buildingE1brick, material,beL lumber, asbes-claiming\nNo structures shall beplaced orBab Nod dry, eile or ppeh i Da be AELe thistherunning by_or ARc PF foots oi asice onE against, ment aropertyhereinNobuilding shallF(Front-are 1 from the above restrictions.)E on structuye two (2) iedshingles, tile, concrete or aluminum or roofing.provided ataThe groundStreets, easements and alleysor 1thep or person other Su ersons for such violation. or14. No The structures of any kind aret to_beBDeveloper shall not be respon rains, tonatural'in thesotherwise,fsin rtms offecy of theseby\nand omk: system on : one E bm CAMRPD Denton ystem approved or State Fl\nFK PE aer on street de lots- feet, the\nuntil a er:: thereofi is-completely material used fnishedmml,frme, in mainas on the recorded plat of said addition for utility purposes.\nNo obnoxious offensive or activity shall be carried on upon anyl lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or becomeB2 tmel tbeh ners tis lotsitis covenants in whole or in_part. 2' : years w vote at13. wful If Ebe parties other. hereto, person any ersons of them, pr their heirs or assigns, situated, shall in violate dev attempt oy violate subdivision any E the covenants herein, it-shall belon Ihs E B 2may be Lotsthrough bya 6in Block as setout 7and. lots_in Paragraph Blocks_1 91 and2are reserved for business only, with the excep-\nNo garage, 5 nor tent, shack or ofat outbuilding a thelot herein residence, deseribeds exceptThese restrictions at be covenants said covenantss running with the E land shall be binding upon all parties\nmpay. fully mpl wA.\"\naES limel h: may ma on any IE lotinand either prevent F Et from so doing,\nofa any main structure, exclusive of open porches garages, be than 600 square feet.\nanyfirstor\nthe subdivision or any lot thereof without the written of the Seller or Developer.his heirs usmafer damagest grees not tothes subdivisi caused way bythe written permission Saleshalli inno wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain\napeAS\nTOI HAVE AND' TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there-heirs and assigns forever and Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.and improvements, untn 2Ed above described note(s),and all interest thereon are fully paidWITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this.. 16th\ntoin anywise belonging unto thes said MRS. JEWELL VIVIAN, her\nfend, all ands singular the said premises unto the said\nMRS. JEWELL VIVIAN, her\nButi itis expresslyeffect and reading,\nand stipulated that the Vendor's Lien is retained against the abeyé described\ntoand premises tenor,gecordingdppety19665\nyhent this deed shall become absolute.\n-\nA\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent\nmestic servants\ndo-\nof a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.\noccupancy by\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant .[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 428 hand peid. by the saia party of the second part, the receipt whereof 1s hereby ac- knowledged, does by these presents, grant, bargain, and sell unto the said party of the second part, and to her heirs and assigns forever, all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, and bounded and described as follows, to-wit: ("Eot No. 9") Block Ko. iventy-three (23) of the Seale Addition No. 2(two) to the Pown of Palo Alto, California, as the same is laid down and delin- eated on that certain Map filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on the 15th day of May, 1905, in the Map Book No. K, page 75, and having endorsed thereon "Map NO. 2 of the Seale Addition to the Town of Palo Alto". Together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Baid premises, together with the appurtenences unto the said party of the second part, and to her heirs and assi gns forever. IN WITNESS VHEREOF, the said party of the first part, has hereunto set her hand the dey and year first above written. Emily M. Hollman Signed and Delivered in the Presence of F. W. Hollman, Sr. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, CITY ) 88. On this 25th day of October, A. D. One thousand AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO.) nine hundred and Seventeen, before me, A. J. Henry, a. Notary Public, in and for said City and County, residing therein, duly com- missioned and sworn, personally appeared Emily M. Hollman (unmarried), known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offic- ial seal at my office in the City and County of San Francisco, the dey and year in this certificate first above written. (HOTARIAL SEAL) A.J. Henry, Notary Public in and for the City and County of San Francisco, State of California. 1y commission expires September 25th, 1919. Filed for Record at the Request of C. F. Wright, Nov. 13, 1917, at 39_min. past 4 O'clock, P. M. D.J. FLANHERY RECORDER ByE. G. Emerson Deputy Recorder CHARLES W. GREENE ET UX TO SARAH BECK THIS INDENTURE, Made the Sirth day of November in the year. of our Iord, nineteen hundred and Seventeen, between Charles w. Greene and Hary J. Greene, his wife, of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, the parties of the firat part, and Sarah Beck, of the County of Sants Clara, State of California, the party of the second part; WITNESSETH, That the said parties of the first part, for and in consid- eration of the ena of Ten (#10.00) Dollars lawful money of the United States of America to then in hand paid by the said party of the seeond part, the reseipt whereof is
428 hand peid. by the saia party of the second part, the receipt whereof 1s hereby ac- knowledged, does by these presents, grant, bargain, and sell unto the said party of the second part, and to her heirs and assigns forever, all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, and bounded and described as follows, to-wit: ("Eot No. 9") Block Ko. iventy-three (23) of the Seale Addition No. 2(two) to the Pown of Palo Alto, California, as the same is laid down and delin- eated on that certain Map filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on the 15th day of May, 1905, in the Map Book No. K, page 75, and having endorsed thereon "Map NO. 2 of the Seale Addition to the Town of Palo Alto". Together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Baid premises, together with the appurtenences unto the said party of the second part, and to her heirs and assi gns forever. IN WITNESS VHEREOF, the said party of the first part, has hereunto set her hand the dey and year first above written. Emily M. Hollman Signed and Delivered in the Presence of F. W. Hollman, Sr. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, CITY ) 88. On this 25th day of October, A. D. One thousand AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO.) nine hundred and Seventeen, before me, A. J. Henry, a. Notary Public, in and for said City and County, residing therein, duly com- missioned and sworn, personally appeared Emily M. Hollman (unmarried), known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offic- ial seal at my office in the City and County of San Francisco, the dey and year in this certificate first above written. (HOTARIAL SEAL) A.J. Henry, Notary Public in and for the City and County of San Francisco, State of California. 1y commission expires September 25th, 1919. Filed for Record at the Request of C. F. Wright, Nov. 13, 1917, at 39_min. past 4 O'clock, P. M. D.J. FLANHERY RECORDER ByE. G. Emerson Deputy Recorder CHARLES W. GREENE ET UX TO SARAH BECK THIS INDENTURE, Made the Sirth day of November in the year. of our Iord, nineteen hundred and Seventeen, between Charles w. Greene and Hary J. Greene, his wife, of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, the parties of the firat part, and Sarah Beck, of the County of Sants Clara, State of California, the party of the second part; WITNESSETH, That the said parties of the first part, for and in consid- eration of the ena of Ten (#10.00) Dollars lawful money of the United States of America to then in hand paid by the said party of the seeond part, the reseipt whereof is
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n428\nhand peid. by the saia party of the second part, the receipt whereof 1s hereby ac-\nknowledged, does by these presents, grant, bargain, and sell unto the said party of\nthe second part, and to her heirs and assigns forever, all that certain lot, piece\nor parcel of land situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, and\nbounded and described as follows, to-wit:\n(\"Eot No. 9\") Block Ko. iventy-three (23) of the Seale Addition No.\n2(two) to the Pown of Palo Alto, California, as the same is laid down and delin-\neated on that certain Map filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County\nof Santa Clara, State of California, on the 15th day of May, 1905, in the Map Book\nNo. K, page 75, and having endorsed thereon \"Map NO. 2 of the Seale Addition to the\nTown of Palo Alto\".\nTogether with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto\nbelonging or appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders,\nrents, issues and profits thereof.\nTO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Baid premises, together with the appurtenences\nunto the said party of the second part, and to her heirs and assi gns forever.\nIN WITNESS VHEREOF, the said party of the first part, has hereunto\nset her hand the dey and year first above written.\nEmily M. Hollman\nSigned and Delivered in the Presence of F. W. Hollman, Sr.\nSTATE OF CALIFORNIA, CITY )\n88. On this 25th day of October, A. D. One thousand\nAND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO.)\nnine hundred and Seventeen, before me, A. J.\nHenry, a. Notary Public, in and for said City and County, residing therein, duly com-\nmissioned and sworn, personally appeared Emily M. Hollman (unmarried), known to me\nto be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged\nto me that she executed the same.\nIN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offic-\nial seal at my office in the City and County of San Francisco, the dey and year in\nthis certificate first above written.\n(HOTARIAL SEAL)\nA.J. Henry, Notary Public in and for the City\nand County of San Francisco, State of California.\n1y commission expires September 25th, 1919.\nFiled for Record at the Request of C. F. Wright, Nov. 13, 1917, at\n39_min. past 4 O'clock, P. M.\nD.J. FLANHERY\nRECORDER\nByE. G. Emerson\nDeputy Recorder\nCHARLES W. GREENE ET UX\nTO\nSARAH BECK\nTHIS INDENTURE, Made the Sirth day of November in the year. of our\nIord, nineteen hundred and Seventeen, between Charles w. Greene and Hary J. Greene,\nhis wife, of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, the parties of the\nfirat part, and Sarah Beck, of the County of Sants Clara, State of California, the\nparty of the second part;\nWITNESSETH, That the said parties of the first part, for and in consid-\neration of the ena of Ten (#10.00) Dollars lawful money of the United States of America\nto then in hand paid by the said party of the seeond part, the reseipt whereof is", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL6407 PAC529 (6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use oroccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenantshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erectedon said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted.(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the size, type, costand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and spécifications and details thereformittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committeeis not in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval will notbe required, provided the design and location on the lot çonform to and are in har-mony with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-ing costing less than $4500.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the groundfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600 square feet in the(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur-poses in connection with dwellings erected on the above described premises. A11 ofthe requirements of the Village of North Olmsted for sanitary provisions shall beheirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the coven-ants and agreements herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at theexpense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreteddeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail-the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this instrument shall in no(12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shallin no. way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in(13) If the parties hereto,, or any of them, their heirs, executors, administratorsor assigns, or successors and assigns, shall violate or attempt to violate any ofthe provisions hereof before January 1, 1980 it shall be lawful for Mestlakethese premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the personor persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions.alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions hereof to the extentnecessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining landsnow ownéd by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amend-(15) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,covenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof andshall run with the land, he binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,administretors and assigns, or successors and assigns, end any other person orpersons claining by, through or under then until January 1, 1980thoy shall terninato and be of no further force and effcct.Wherever rofcronce is nado herein to Westlake Gardensit is moant to refer to Sadie Copelin and Ann E. Cohen employed by an owner or tenant. proval of Westlake Gardenslocated upon adjoining lands. or the committee hereinafter referred to, shall, have been approved in writing by Westlake Gardens or a com-. out the approval of said Westlake Gardenscase of a one story structure, or less thanone and one-half or two story structure. or of said committee, no dwell-500 square feet in the case of a complied with.(11) Wostlake Gardens expressly reserve to themselves, their by it, and the said Hostlake Gardensure by Westlake Gardensfull force and effect. shall not, by reason thereof, beor by any other person or party having event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. Gardens its successors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of (14) Westlake Gardensments thereto. is hereby granted the right to change, at which timodoing busincss as Westlake Gardens
VOL6407 PAC529 (6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use oroccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenantshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erectedon said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted.(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the size, type, costand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and spécifications and details thereformittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committeeis not in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval will notbe required, provided the design and location on the lot çonform to and are in har-mony with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-ing costing less than $4500.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the groundfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600 square feet in the(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur-poses in connection with dwellings erected on the above described premises. A11 ofthe requirements of the Village of North Olmsted for sanitary provisions shall beheirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the coven-ants and agreements herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at theexpense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreteddeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail-the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this instrument shall in no(12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shallin no. way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in(13) If the parties hereto,, or any of them, their heirs, executors, administratorsor assigns, or successors and assigns, shall violate or attempt to violate any ofthe provisions hereof before January 1, 1980 it shall be lawful for Mestlakethese premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the personor persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions.alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions hereof to the extentnecessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining landsnow ownéd by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amend-(15) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,covenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof andshall run with the land, he binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,administretors and assigns, or successors and assigns, end any other person orpersons claining by, through or under then until January 1, 1980thoy shall terninato and be of no further force and effcct.Wherever rofcronce is nado herein to Westlake Gardensit is moant to refer to Sadie Copelin and Ann E. Cohen employed by an owner or tenant. proval of Westlake Gardenslocated upon adjoining lands. or the committee hereinafter referred to, shall, have been approved in writing by Westlake Gardens or a com-. out the approval of said Westlake Gardenscase of a one story structure, or less thanone and one-half or two story structure. or of said committee, no dwell-500 square feet in the case of a complied with.(11) Wostlake Gardens expressly reserve to themselves, their by it, and the said Hostlake Gardensure by Westlake Gardensfull force and effect. shall not, by reason thereof, beor by any other person or party having event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. Gardens its successors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of (14) Westlake Gardensments thereto. is hereby granted the right to change, at which timodoing busincss as Westlake Gardens
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL6407 PAC529\n(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use oroccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenantshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erectedon said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted.(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the size, type, costand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and spécifications and details thereformittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committeeis not in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval will notbe required, provided the design and location on the lot çonform to and are in har-mony with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-ing costing less than $4500.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the groundfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600 square feet in the(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur-poses in connection with dwellings erected on the above described premises. A11 ofthe requirements of the Village of North Olmsted for sanitary provisions shall beheirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the coven-ants and agreements herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at theexpense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreteddeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail-the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this instrument shall in no(12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shallin no. way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in(13) If the parties hereto,, or any of them, their heirs, executors, administratorsor assigns, or successors and assigns, shall violate or attempt to violate any ofthe provisions hereof before January 1, 1980 it shall be lawful for Mestlakethese premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the personor persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions.alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions hereof to the extentnecessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining landsnow ownéd by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amend-(15) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,covenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof andshall run with the land, he binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,administretors and assigns, or successors and assigns, end any other person orpersons claining by, through or under then until January 1, 1980thoy shall terninato and be of no further force and effcct.Wherever rofcronce is nado herein to Westlake Gardensit is moant to refer to Sadie Copelin and Ann E. Cohen\nemployed by an owner or tenant.\nproval of Westlake Gardenslocated upon adjoining lands.\nor the committee hereinafter referred to,\nshall, have been approved in writing by Westlake Gardens\nor a com-.\nout the approval of said Westlake Gardenscase of a one story structure, or less thanone and one-half or two story structure.\nor of said committee, no dwell-500 square feet in the case of a\ncomplied with.(11) Wostlake Gardens\nexpressly reserve to themselves, their\nby it, and the said Hostlake Gardensure by Westlake Gardensfull force and effect.\nshall not, by reason thereof, beor by any other person or party having\nevent be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter.\nGardens\nits successors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of\n(14) Westlake Gardensments thereto.\nis hereby granted the right to change,\nat which timodoing busincss as\nWestlake Gardens\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or\noccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant\nshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality\nemployed by an owner or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] AG:497 va.7638 10NS her. And the sald Grantee... for. I) rself.. .beirs and assigns in eensideration of the exscution and delivery of this hereby covenant. G. and agree. e with the said Grantor, ita ruceason and assirns, to bold said rea! estate herein decribed upon foilowing ET applie all parcels in Derbyahire Little Farms and said Grantor, ahall le and are hereby imposed upon all the said property known restrictions are of . seneral reser Land that asid rictions and Derbyshire Little nov belonring to tbe Grantor. which E Bo tobouse than. (1) Said premises shall be used exclusively for dwellins bouse purposes, and that no shall be Thouand Dollars. (5. 000.00). and not - or families. toremin on said prembe. the pi - to remaln thereon within seventy-fve (75) S the shall be less than construction of B nor a of either the gide exeluding, porch. be nor ahal! (2) fence walio : premines. E be erected maintained on part ot the premies bereby conveyed, which ihall approach nesrer the e the rear - M dwelling ont the, above premises line than in Derbyahire of the shall be erected maintained an said or No buildingof any kindor bee Little Farms, hich js to. be used a residenee prior to the construetion of :5 permanent dweling thereon. However, temporary structure Sars ages the tached'to premises for the the dwelling use af house: heryise must garden back tools. at (50) feet from the resr pche bouse. Barns the housing of chickens or cow, muat set two hundred (200) feet tme other out buildings, used for storing machinery front lot sanitary This applies to parcels not at syster i installed bullding i be allowed to be balle or used sh until toilet tank must be built or used with avallable for No by premines berein deseribed shall not be sold, conveyed, given sway, leased or uxed, by any person or person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian B The B frontin on Fmery Road, numbering to2inelmive berein contained. or maintainine of hog or hogs, : EDRL,T soats, shall not be on the brick, stone or fre proof mar (60) foot set-back also construeted thereon must beck afty from lot and be applss the construction of resident Miles bailding. oumbering from 97_to inelusive,, are for business but any. bailding, constructed slap thereon applies must tothe set back eonstruction bfty 150) ofresident feet from the beilding. Jot lineand be No. 108, 109,110. 111and 112, having fire . proof Miles Afty Avenue (50)foo and two Aueler feet from the, lot line Drive. the privilegeof using these fve lots for business purposes shall these lots shall exelusiyely for residential and covered - restrictions set forth above. All parcels may be used fe residential purposes where of Mile on Derbvshire snd as The B so desires. on (10) A parcels. fronting on Derbyshire Drive and Green Road, with the exception of parcel No. 12 fronting on Green Road, shall be used exelusivels fo residence ar building purposes. any kind whatsoever not been m: with in Derbyshire maintained or suffered, to remain on any af. the bercin, and, then only after said plana been approved Little Farms. the architectural in. writins berein byan enumerated. officer of the rights, company, rostrictions, agreementi. limitations, reservations and conditiona. ahall be deemed as covenant. and p: aubject the restrictions. and deed, except : sha!l Little a the and each and every parcel in and Inure of the parcela tho -the restrictions, heneflt of led, inthe same vicinity, afferted by these restrictions. and the Ist day of January. 1970. apply, and shall bind the Grantee, his heirs which thae be the same more or less but subject to all legal highways. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said Grantee..-, her heirs and assigns forever. And.. the ILD L. CUINV said Grantor, does for itself and its successors and- assigns, covenant with the said Grantec.. har heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, it is well seized of the above described premises, as a good and indelasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and has good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, that the same are free and clear from all incumbrances whatsoevervzee.t taes alh sosesBuentE.. boti naT nnd. cuecial. for tne year 1952mi thereafter. hich tie Grantee HSS.138 nd asrues to puy, conuitions anu rostrictions hurein, -nu soniny oruinances if and that it will WARRANT. AND DEFEND said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, any her. heirs and assigns forever, against all lawful claims and demands tot the said Grantee.. exceut. as above. set forth whatsoever. In Witneas Whereof, said. corporation hereunto sets its hand yEIE, by O. 3ID.T its. and F.JAITLE SIV this its.. in the yearof our Lord One Thousand. 20th -dayof. Surteber Nine Hundred and.. fiftv-To Rrs h Signed and acknowledged: inj presence oI
AG:497 va.7638 10NS her. And the sald Grantee... for. I) rself.. .beirs and assigns in eensideration of the exscution and delivery of this hereby covenant. G. and agree. e with the said Grantor, ita ruceason and assirns, to bold said rea! estate herein decribed upon foilowing ET applie all parcels in Derbyahire Little Farms and said Grantor, ahall le and are hereby imposed upon all the said property known restrictions are of . seneral reser Land that asid rictions and Derbyshire Little nov belonring to tbe Grantor. which E Bo tobouse than. (1) Said premises shall be used exclusively for dwellins bouse purposes, and that no shall be Thouand Dollars. (5. 000.00). and not - or families. toremin on said prembe. the pi - to remaln thereon within seventy-fve (75) S the shall be less than construction of B nor a of either the gide exeluding, porch. be nor ahal! (2) fence walio : premines. E be erected maintained on part ot the premies bereby conveyed, which ihall approach nesrer the e the rear - M dwelling ont the, above premises line than in Derbyahire of the shall be erected maintained an said or No buildingof any kindor bee Little Farms, hich js to. be used a residenee prior to the construetion of :5 permanent dweling thereon. However, temporary structure Sars ages the tached'to premises for the the dwelling use af house: heryise must garden back tools. at (50) feet from the resr pche bouse. Barns the housing of chickens or cow, muat set two hundred (200) feet tme other out buildings, used for storing machinery front lot sanitary This applies to parcels not at syster i installed bullding i be allowed to be balle or used sh until toilet tank must be built or used with avallable for No by premines berein deseribed shall not be sold, conveyed, given sway, leased or uxed, by any person or person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian B The B frontin on Fmery Road, numbering to2inelmive berein contained. or maintainine of hog or hogs, : EDRL,T soats, shall not be on the brick, stone or fre proof mar (60) foot set-back also construeted thereon must beck afty from lot and be applss the construction of resident Miles bailding. oumbering from 97_to inelusive,, are for business but any. bailding, constructed slap thereon applies must tothe set back eonstruction bfty 150) ofresident feet from the beilding. Jot lineand be No. 108, 109,110. 111and 112, having fire . proof Miles Afty Avenue (50)foo and two Aueler feet from the, lot line Drive. the privilegeof using these fve lots for business purposes shall these lots shall exelusiyely for residential and covered - restrictions set forth above. All parcels may be used fe residential purposes where of Mile on Derbvshire snd as The B so desires. on (10) A parcels. fronting on Derbyshire Drive and Green Road, with the exception of parcel No. 12 fronting on Green Road, shall be used exelusivels fo residence ar building purposes. any kind whatsoever not been m: with in Derbyshire maintained or suffered, to remain on any af. the bercin, and, then only after said plana been approved Little Farms. the architectural in. writins berein byan enumerated. officer of the rights, company, rostrictions, agreementi. limitations, reservations and conditiona. ahall be deemed as covenant. and p: aubject the restrictions. and deed, except : sha!l Little a the and each and every parcel in and Inure of the parcela tho -the restrictions, heneflt of led, inthe same vicinity, afferted by these restrictions. and the Ist day of January. 1970. apply, and shall bind the Grantee, his heirs which thae be the same more or less but subject to all legal highways. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said Grantee..-, her heirs and assigns forever. And.. the ILD L. CUINV said Grantor, does for itself and its successors and- assigns, covenant with the said Grantec.. har heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, it is well seized of the above described premises, as a good and indelasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and has good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, that the same are free and clear from all incumbrances whatsoevervzee.t taes alh sosesBuentE.. boti naT nnd. cuecial. for tne year 1952mi thereafter. hich tie Grantee HSS.138 nd asrues to puy, conuitions anu rostrictions hurein, -nu soniny oruinances if and that it will WARRANT. AND DEFEND said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, any her. heirs and assigns forever, against all lawful claims and demands tot the said Grantee.. exceut. as above. set forth whatsoever. In Witneas Whereof, said. corporation hereunto sets its hand yEIE, by O. 3ID.T its. and F.JAITLE SIV this its.. in the yearof our Lord One Thousand. 20th -dayof. Surteber Nine Hundred and.. fiftv-To Rrs h Signed and acknowledged: inj presence oI
9y banuar PEEE. (6) The premises berein deseribed shall not be sold, conveyed, given Bway, leased or used, by any person or personn pot of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
(6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]9y banuar PEEE. (6) The premises berein deseribed shall not be sold, conveyed, given Bway, leased or used, by any person or personn pot of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nAG:497\nva.7638\n10NS\nher.\nAnd the sald Grantee... for. I) rself..\n.beirs and assigns in eensideration of the exscution and\ndelivery of this hereby covenant. G. and agree. e with the said Grantor, ita ruceason and assirns, to bold said rea! estate herein decribed\nupon foilowing\nET\napplie all parcels in Derbyahire Little Farms and said Grantor,\nahall le and are hereby imposed upon all the said property known\nrestrictions are of . seneral\nreser\nLand\nthat asid rictions and\nDerbyshire Little\nnov belonring to tbe Grantor.\nwhich E Bo\ntobouse than.\n(1) Said premises shall be used exclusively for dwellins bouse purposes, and that no shall be\nThouand Dollars. (5. 000.00). and not - or\nfamilies.\ntoremin on said prembe. the\npi - to remaln thereon within seventy-fve (75) S the \nshall\nbe less than\nconstruction of\n\nB nor\na of either the gide\nexeluding, porch. be\nnor ahal!\n(2) fence walio :\npremines.\nE be erected maintained on part ot the premies bereby conveyed, which ihall approach nesrer\nthe e\nthe rear - M dwelling\nont the, above premises\nline than\nin Derbyahire\nof the\nshall be erected maintained an said\nor\nNo\nbuildingof any kindor\nbee Little Farms, hich js to. be used a residenee prior to the construetion of :5 permanent dweling thereon. However, temporary structure\nSars ages the tached'to premises for the the dwelling use af house: heryise\nmust garden back tools. at (50) feet from the resr pche bouse. Barns\nthe housing of chickens or cow, muat set two hundred (200) feet\ntme other out buildings, used for storing machinery\nfront lot sanitary\nThis applies to parcels not at\nsyster i installed\nbullding i be allowed to be balle or used sh\nuntil\ntoilet\ntank must be built or used with\navallable for No\nby\npremines berein deseribed shall not be sold, conveyed, given sway, leased or uxed, by any person or person not of the pure blood of\nthe Caucasian B The\nB frontin on Fmery Road, numbering to2inelmive\nberein contained.\nor maintainine of hog or hogs, : EDRL,T soats, shall not be\non the\n brick, stone or fre proof mar (60) foot set-back also\nconstrueted thereon must\nbeck afty\nfrom\nlot and be\napplss the construction of resident Miles bailding. oumbering from 97_to inelusive,, are for business\nbut any. bailding, constructed\nslap thereon applies must tothe set back eonstruction bfty 150) ofresident feet from the beilding. Jot lineand be No. 108, 109,110. 111and 112, having fire . proof Miles Afty Avenue (50)foo and\ntwo Aueler feet from the, lot line\nDrive. the privilegeof using these fve lots for business purposes shall\n these lots shall\nexelusiyely for residential\nand covered - restrictions set forth above. All parcels\nmay be used fe residential purposes where\nof Mile\non Derbvshire snd\nas\nThe\nB so desires.\non\n(10) A parcels. fronting on Derbyshire Drive and Green Road, with the exception of parcel No. 12 fronting on Green Road, shall be used\nexelusivels fo residence ar building purposes. any kind whatsoever\nnot been m: with\nin Derbyshire\nmaintained or suffered, to remain on any af. the\nbercin, and, then only after said plana been approved\nLittle Farms. the architectural\nin. writins berein byan enumerated. officer of the rights, company, rostrictions, agreementi.\nlimitations, reservations and conditiona. ahall be deemed as covenant. and\np: aubject the restrictions. and deed, except :\nsha!l\nLittle\na\nthe and each and every parcel in\nand\nInure\nof the parcela tho\n-the restrictions,\nheneflt of \nled,\ninthe same vicinity,\nafferted by these restrictions. and\nthe\nIst day of January. 1970.\napply, and shall bind the Grantee, his heirs\nwhich thae\nbe the same more or less but subject to all legal highways.\nTO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurtenances\nthereunto belonging, unto the said Grantee..-, her heirs and assigns forever. And..\nthe\nILD L. CUINV\nsaid Grantor, does for itself and its successors and- assigns, covenant with the said Grantec..\nhar heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, it is well seized of\nthe above described premises, as a good and indelasible estate in FEE SIMPLE, and has good right to\nbargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written, that the same are free and clear\nfrom all incumbrances whatsoevervzee.t taes alh sosesBuentE.. boti naT nnd.\ncuecial. for tne year 1952mi thereafter. hich tie Grantee HSS.138 nd\nasrues to puy, conuitions anu rostrictions hurein, -nu soniny oruinances if\nand that it will WARRANT. AND DEFEND said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, any\nher.\nheirs and assigns forever, against all lawful claims and demands\ntot the said Grantee..\nexceut. as above. set forth\nwhatsoever.\nIn Witneas Whereof, said. corporation hereunto sets its hand yEIE, by\nO.\n3ID.T\nits.\nand\nF.JAITLE\nSIV\nthis\nits..\nin the yearof our Lord One Thousand.\n20th -dayof. Surteber\nNine Hundred and.. fiftv-To\nRrs\n\nh\nSigned and acknowledged: inj presence oI", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]9y banuar PEEE.\n(6) The premises berein deseribed shall not be sold, conveyed, given Bway, leased or used, by any person or personn pot of the pure blood of\nthe Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 355 Attest:. (I.R. Stamps $1.00) Harry H. Byrer Secretary. State of West Virginis County of Harrison On the 8 day of Hay Anno Domini 1924 before me, the subscriber a Notary Fublic in and for said County and State personally appeared la. C. Talbot, Fresident of the Said Fair Grounds Land Company, who being duly Sworn according to law says that he was personally present at the ezecution of the within Indenture and saw the common or corporate seal of the said Cororation duly affixed thereto; that the seal so aifixed thereto is the common or corporate seal of the said corporation; that the Indenture was duly, sealed and delivered by the President of the said corporation, as and for the act and deed of the said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and that the names of this affiant as Fresident and of Harry H. Byrer as Secretary of the said corporation subsèribed to the: within Indenture in attest tation of its due execution and delivery, are of their and each of their respective handwritings. M. C. Talbot Sworn and Subscribed before me, the day and year aforesaid. Wit tness my hand and official seal. C.R. Poling Notary Public aforesaid (N.P. Seal) Hy commi ssion expires Nov 19- 1933 Deed This Deed Amanda White Linderman,etal. Miade the First day of April in the year Nineteen Hundred and twenty-siz (1926) 7o Between Amanda White Linderman and Louis Linderman, Perry Le Reeher,etal. her husband, of the Second Verd, City of New Castle, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, Urantors, And Entered April 8, 1926. Perry L.Reeher, and S. Helen Reeher, of the Seventh Wara, City of New Castle, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, Grantee, Witnesseth, That in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar and other gooà and valuable consideration in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said grantors do hereby grant and convey to the Said grantee, their heirs and assigns, All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situated, lying and being in the Second Verd, City of New Castle, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, being known as lot numbered seventy (70) on the plot of Kenmar the Fair Grounds Land Company's Addition to the Second Ward, which Plot is recorded in the Recorder's Office in Plot Book, Page.., said lot being more particularly bounded and described as follows:- Bounded on the North by Garffeld Avenue; on the East by lot numbered seventy-one (71); on the South by lot numbered ninety-four (94); on the West by lot numbered sixty-nine 169); saidlot fronting for forty (40) feet on Garfield Avenue and extend ing back of uniform width a distanceof one hundred fifty (150) feet, and being the same premises conveyed to the above named Grantors by the Pair Grounds Land Company by deed dated the 6th dayof Hay, 1924, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Lawrence County in Deed Book Volume :. Page... And the said grantors, do hereby Warrant Generally the property hereby conveyed, In Witness Whereof, saia grantors have hereunto set their hand and seal the day and year first above written. Amanda White Linderman (LS) Signed, Sealed and Delivered In the Presence of (LS) Louis Linderman E. F. Connelly Ethel R. Anderson. State of Pennsylvania SS.: Gounty of Lawrence On this 1st day of April A. D. 1926, before me A Notary Pub lic in and for Said County and State came the above named Amanda White Linderman and Louis Linderman, her husband, and acknowledged the foregoing Deed to be their act and deed, and desired the. same to be recorded as Suchy. Witness my hand and Notarial seal the day and year aforesaid. E. F. Connelly Notary Public (N.P. Seal) Diy Commission Expires April 28, 1927
355 Attest:. (I.R. Stamps $1.00) Harry H. Byrer Secretary. State of West Virginis County of Harrison On the 8 day of Hay Anno Domini 1924 before me, the subscriber a Notary Fublic in and for said County and State personally appeared la. C. Talbot, Fresident of the Said Fair Grounds Land Company, who being duly Sworn according to law says that he was personally present at the ezecution of the within Indenture and saw the common or corporate seal of the said Cororation duly affixed thereto; that the seal so aifixed thereto is the common or corporate seal of the said corporation; that the Indenture was duly, sealed and delivered by the President of the said corporation, as and for the act and deed of the said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and that the names of this affiant as Fresident and of Harry H. Byrer as Secretary of the said corporation subsèribed to the: within Indenture in attest tation of its due execution and delivery, are of their and each of their respective handwritings. M. C. Talbot Sworn and Subscribed before me, the day and year aforesaid. Wit tness my hand and official seal. C.R. Poling Notary Public aforesaid (N.P. Seal) Hy commi ssion expires Nov 19- 1933 Deed This Deed Amanda White Linderman,etal. Miade the First day of April in the year Nineteen Hundred and twenty-siz (1926) 7o Between Amanda White Linderman and Louis Linderman, Perry Le Reeher,etal. her husband, of the Second Verd, City of New Castle, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, Urantors, And Entered April 8, 1926. Perry L.Reeher, and S. Helen Reeher, of the Seventh Wara, City of New Castle, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, Grantee, Witnesseth, That in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar and other gooà and valuable consideration in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said grantors do hereby grant and convey to the Said grantee, their heirs and assigns, All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situated, lying and being in the Second Verd, City of New Castle, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, being known as lot numbered seventy (70) on the plot of Kenmar the Fair Grounds Land Company's Addition to the Second Ward, which Plot is recorded in the Recorder's Office in Plot Book, Page.., said lot being more particularly bounded and described as follows:- Bounded on the North by Garffeld Avenue; on the East by lot numbered seventy-one (71); on the South by lot numbered ninety-four (94); on the West by lot numbered sixty-nine 169); saidlot fronting for forty (40) feet on Garfield Avenue and extend ing back of uniform width a distanceof one hundred fifty (150) feet, and being the same premises conveyed to the above named Grantors by the Pair Grounds Land Company by deed dated the 6th dayof Hay, 1924, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Lawrence County in Deed Book Volume :. Page... And the said grantors, do hereby Warrant Generally the property hereby conveyed, In Witness Whereof, saia grantors have hereunto set their hand and seal the day and year first above written. Amanda White Linderman (LS) Signed, Sealed and Delivered In the Presence of (LS) Louis Linderman E. F. Connelly Ethel R. Anderson. State of Pennsylvania SS.: Gounty of Lawrence On this 1st day of April A. D. 1926, before me A Notary Pub lic in and for Said County and State came the above named Amanda White Linderman and Louis Linderman, her husband, and acknowledged the foregoing Deed to be their act and deed, and desired the. same to be recorded as Suchy. Witness my hand and Notarial seal the day and year aforesaid. E. F. Connelly Notary Public (N.P. Seal) Diy Commission Expires April 28, 1927
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n355\nAttest:.\n(I.R. Stamps $1.00)\nHarry H. Byrer\nSecretary.\nState of West Virginis\nCounty of Harrison\nOn the 8 day of Hay Anno Domini 1924 before me, the subscriber a Notary Fublic in and for\nsaid County and State personally appeared la. C. Talbot, Fresident of the Said Fair Grounds Land\nCompany, who being duly Sworn according to law says that he was personally present at the\nezecution of the within Indenture and saw the common or corporate seal of the said Cororation\nduly affixed thereto; that the seal so aifixed thereto is the common or corporate seal of the\nsaid corporation; that the Indenture was duly, sealed and delivered by the President of the said\ncorporation, as and for the act and deed of the said corporation for the uses and purposes\ntherein mentioned, and that the names of this affiant as Fresident and of Harry H. Byrer as\nSecretary of the said corporation subsèribed to the: within Indenture in attest tation of its due\nexecution and delivery, are of their and each of their respective handwritings.\nM. C. Talbot\nSworn and Subscribed before me, the day and year aforesaid.\nWit tness my hand and official seal.\nC.R. Poling\nNotary Public aforesaid (N.P. Seal)\nHy commi ssion expires Nov 19- 1933\nDeed\nThis Deed\nAmanda White Linderman,etal.\nMiade the First day of April in the year Nineteen\nHundred and twenty-siz (1926)\n7o\nBetween Amanda White Linderman and Louis Linderman,\nPerry Le Reeher,etal.\nher husband, of the Second Verd, City of New Castle, County\nof Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, Urantors, And\nEntered April 8, 1926.\nPerry L.Reeher, and S. Helen Reeher, of the Seventh Wara,\nCity of New Castle, County of Lawrence and State of\nPennsylvania, Grantee,\nWitnesseth, That in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar and other gooà and valuable\nconsideration in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said grantors do\nhereby grant and convey to the Said grantee, their heirs and assigns,\nAll that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situated, lying and being in the Second\nVerd, City of New Castle, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, being known as lot\nnumbered seventy (70) on the plot of Kenmar the Fair Grounds Land Company's Addition to the\nSecond Ward, which Plot is recorded in the Recorder's Office in Plot Book, Page.., said lot\nbeing\nmore\nparticularly bounded and described as follows:-\nBounded on the North by Garffeld Avenue; on the East by lot numbered seventy-one (71);\non the South by lot numbered ninety-four (94); on the West by lot numbered sixty-nine 169);\nsaidlot fronting for forty (40) feet on Garfield Avenue and extend ing back of uniform width a\ndistanceof one hundred fifty (150) feet, and being the same premises conveyed to the above named\nGrantors by the Pair Grounds Land Company by deed dated the 6th dayof Hay, 1924, and recorded\nin the Recorder's Office of Lawrence County in Deed Book Volume :. Page...\nAnd the said grantors, do hereby Warrant Generally the property hereby conveyed,\nIn Witness Whereof, saia grantors have hereunto set their hand and seal the day and\nyear first above written.\nAmanda White Linderman (LS)\nSigned, Sealed and Delivered\nIn the Presence of\n(LS)\nLouis Linderman\nE. F. Connelly\nEthel R. Anderson.\nState of Pennsylvania\nSS.:\nGounty of Lawrence\nOn this 1st day of April A. D. 1926, before me A Notary Pub lic in and for Said County\nand State came the above named Amanda White Linderman and Louis Linderman, her husband, and\nacknowledged the foregoing Deed to be their act and deed, and desired the. same to be recorded\nas Suchy.\nWitness my hand and Notarial seal the day and year aforesaid.\nE. F. Connelly\nNotary Public (N.P. Seal)\nDiy Commission Expires April 28, 1927", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 506 first part, its successors and. assigns, all. and. singular the hereditaments and premises hereinabove described and granted, or mentioned and intended s0 to be with the appurtenances, unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns against said Corporation, the said party of the first part, and its successors and assigns, and against all and every other person or persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same, or any part thereof, subject to the provisions of the Lease with Haney Furniture Company dated July 1, 1947, Shall and Will Warrant and Forever Defend. This deed is made under and by virtue of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Grantor duly passed at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 19th day of June, A.D. 1952, a full quorum being present, authorizing and direct-; ing the Same to be made and done. In Witness Whereof, The said Corporation, party of the first part, has caused its common and corporate seal to be affixed to these presents by the hand of its President, and the same to be duly attested by its Secretary thel day and year first above written. (CORPORATE SEAL) (I.R.S.) (R.T.T.) CRAFT MOTOR CO., INC. ($82.50) ($750.00) By Quentin K. Craft President. Attest: James D. Beadel Secretary. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania SS: County of LAWRENCE On the 4th day of August, 1952, before me, the subscriber, a Notary Public, in and for the County of Lawrence, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, personally appeared JAMES D. BEADEL, Secretary of the said CRAFT MOTOR CO., INC. Grantor, who being duly sworn according to law, says that he was personally present at the execution of the above indenture and saw the common or corporate seal of the said corporation duly. affixed thereto; that the seal so affixed thereto is the common or corporate seal of the said corporation; that the said indenture was duly sealed and delivered by QUENTIN K. CRAFT, President of said corporation, as and for the act and Deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned in pursuance of a Resolution duly passed by the Board of Directors and that the names of this deponent, JAMES D. BEADEL as Secretary, and of QUENTIN K. CRAFT as President of said corporation, grantor, signed thereto in at- testation of its due execution and delivery, are of their and each of their respective hendwritings. James D. Beadel Secretary. Sworn and Subscribed before me the day and year aforesaid. Witness my hand and notarial seal. Charles Matthews Jr. (N. P. Seal) My commission expires March 6, 1955. Notary Public CERTIFICATE OF RESIDENCE I hereby certify that the precise residence of the granteee_ herein is First Ward, New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. Caldwell & McFate Attorney_for Grantee_ This Indenture Deed Made the 10th day of April in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hund- Margaret A. Moser, et. al. red and fifty-two (1952)_ To Between MARGARET A. MOSER, single, of Neshannock Township; ROBERT L. WALLACE and L. MAY WALLACE, his wife, of the Second Ward, New Castle, all of Lawrence Harvey E. Hickling, et. ux. County, Pennsylvania, parties of the first part and HARVEY E. HICKLING and EDNA Ent. August 11, 1952 L. HICKLING, his wife, of the City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, parties of the second part: Witnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of One ($1.00). Dollar to them now paid by the said parties of the second part, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, ALL that certain lot or parcel of land situate and being in Neshannock Township, Lawrencé County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Being one-half (1/2) of Lot No. 33 in thé Plan of Walmo, which said Plen is duly recorded in the Recorder's Office of Lawrence County in Plot Book Volume 8, page 33, and fronting fifty (50) feet on the center line of Oakwood Way, and running back Northwardly therefron of same even width along the West line of Lot No. 34 and by the other one-half of said Lot No. 33 a distance of two hundred forty-one (241) feet; and being the Eastern one-half of said lot No. 33; and containing .02765 acres. The actual consideration for the above described property is $300.00. This deed is made expressly subject to the following conditions, provisions, and reservations, and the Grantees, by the acceptance of this conveyance, agree that said provisions shall constitute a permanent covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon them, their heirs, assigns, and successors in title and each and every of them, to-wit: 1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1950. 2. This conveyance is made subject to the above recorded plot and the building lines and service strips at the rear of each lot thereon, 'and there is specifically reserved the right to place, erect, and construct electric service lines, water service lines and pipes, telephone lines, wires and poles, gas lines and pipes, sewer pipes, and all service equipment necessary. and convenient for installing, erecting, constructing and maintaining the above mentioned services that are now available or that may hereafter become available, in and upon any and all streets and the three (3) foot service strip at the rear of any and all lots.
506 first part, its successors and. assigns, all. and. singular the hereditaments and premises hereinabove described and granted, or mentioned and intended s0 to be with the appurtenances, unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns against said Corporation, the said party of the first part, and its successors and assigns, and against all and every other person or persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same, or any part thereof, subject to the provisions of the Lease with Haney Furniture Company dated July 1, 1947, Shall and Will Warrant and Forever Defend. This deed is made under and by virtue of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Grantor duly passed at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 19th day of June, A.D. 1952, a full quorum being present, authorizing and direct-; ing the Same to be made and done. In Witness Whereof, The said Corporation, party of the first part, has caused its common and corporate seal to be affixed to these presents by the hand of its President, and the same to be duly attested by its Secretary thel day and year first above written. (CORPORATE SEAL) (I.R.S.) (R.T.T.) CRAFT MOTOR CO., INC. ($82.50) ($750.00) By Quentin K. Craft President. Attest: James D. Beadel Secretary. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania SS: County of LAWRENCE On the 4th day of August, 1952, before me, the subscriber, a Notary Public, in and for the County of Lawrence, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, personally appeared JAMES D. BEADEL, Secretary of the said CRAFT MOTOR CO., INC. Grantor, who being duly sworn according to law, says that he was personally present at the execution of the above indenture and saw the common or corporate seal of the said corporation duly. affixed thereto; that the seal so affixed thereto is the common or corporate seal of the said corporation; that the said indenture was duly sealed and delivered by QUENTIN K. CRAFT, President of said corporation, as and for the act and Deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned in pursuance of a Resolution duly passed by the Board of Directors and that the names of this deponent, JAMES D. BEADEL as Secretary, and of QUENTIN K. CRAFT as President of said corporation, grantor, signed thereto in at- testation of its due execution and delivery, are of their and each of their respective hendwritings. James D. Beadel Secretary. Sworn and Subscribed before me the day and year aforesaid. Witness my hand and notarial seal. Charles Matthews Jr. (N. P. Seal) My commission expires March 6, 1955. Notary Public CERTIFICATE OF RESIDENCE I hereby certify that the precise residence of the granteee_ herein is First Ward, New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. Caldwell & McFate Attorney_for Grantee_ This Indenture Deed Made the 10th day of April in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hund- Margaret A. Moser, et. al. red and fifty-two (1952)_ To Between MARGARET A. MOSER, single, of Neshannock Township; ROBERT L. WALLACE and L. MAY WALLACE, his wife, of the Second Ward, New Castle, all of Lawrence Harvey E. Hickling, et. ux. County, Pennsylvania, parties of the first part and HARVEY E. HICKLING and EDNA Ent. August 11, 1952 L. HICKLING, his wife, of the City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, parties of the second part: Witnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of One ($1.00). Dollar to them now paid by the said parties of the second part, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, ALL that certain lot or parcel of land situate and being in Neshannock Township, Lawrencé County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Being one-half (1/2) of Lot No. 33 in thé Plan of Walmo, which said Plen is duly recorded in the Recorder's Office of Lawrence County in Plot Book Volume 8, page 33, and fronting fifty (50) feet on the center line of Oakwood Way, and running back Northwardly therefron of same even width along the West line of Lot No. 34 and by the other one-half of said Lot No. 33 a distance of two hundred forty-one (241) feet; and being the Eastern one-half of said lot No. 33; and containing .02765 acres. The actual consideration for the above described property is $300.00. This deed is made expressly subject to the following conditions, provisions, and reservations, and the Grantees, by the acceptance of this conveyance, agree that said provisions shall constitute a permanent covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon them, their heirs, assigns, and successors in title and each and every of them, to-wit: 1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1950. 2. This conveyance is made subject to the above recorded plot and the building lines and service strips at the rear of each lot thereon, 'and there is specifically reserved the right to place, erect, and construct electric service lines, water service lines and pipes, telephone lines, wires and poles, gas lines and pipes, sewer pipes, and all service equipment necessary. and convenient for installing, erecting, constructing and maintaining the above mentioned services that are now available or that may hereafter become available, in and upon any and all streets and the three (3) foot service strip at the rear of any and all lots.
1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1950.
1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1950.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1950.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1950.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n506\nfirst part, its successors and. assigns, all. and. singular the hereditaments and premises hereinabove described and\ngranted, or mentioned and intended s0 to be with the appurtenances, unto the said parties of the second part, their\nheirs and assigns against said Corporation, the said party of the first part, and its successors and assigns, and\nagainst all and every other person or persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same, or any part thereof,\nsubject to the provisions of the Lease with Haney Furniture Company dated July 1, 1947, Shall and Will Warrant and\nForever Defend.\nThis deed is made under and by virtue of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Grantor duly passed at a\nregular meeting thereof, held on the 19th day of June, A.D. 1952, a full quorum being present, authorizing and direct-;\ning the Same to be made and done.\nIn Witness Whereof, The said Corporation, party of the first part, has caused its common and corporate seal to be\naffixed to these presents by the hand of its President, and the same to be duly attested by its Secretary thel day and\nyear first above written.\n(CORPORATE SEAL) (I.R.S.) (R.T.T.)\nCRAFT MOTOR CO., INC.\n($82.50) ($750.00)\nBy Quentin K. Craft\nPresident.\nAttest:\nJames D. Beadel\nSecretary.\nCommonwealth of Pennsylvania\nSS:\nCounty of LAWRENCE\nOn the 4th day of August, 1952, before me, the subscriber, a Notary Public, in and for the County of Lawrence,\nCommonwealth of Pennsylvania, personally appeared JAMES D. BEADEL, Secretary of the said CRAFT MOTOR CO., INC. Grantor,\nwho being duly sworn according to law, says that he was personally present at the execution of the above indenture and\nsaw the common or corporate seal of the said corporation duly. affixed thereto; that the seal so affixed thereto is the\ncommon or corporate seal of the said corporation; that the said indenture was duly sealed and delivered by QUENTIN K.\nCRAFT, President of said corporation, as and for the act and Deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein\nmentioned in pursuance of a Resolution duly passed by the Board of Directors and that the names of this deponent,\nJAMES D. BEADEL as Secretary, and of QUENTIN K. CRAFT as President of said corporation, grantor, signed thereto in at-\ntestation of its due execution and delivery, are of their and each of their respective hendwritings.\nJames D. Beadel\nSecretary.\nSworn and Subscribed before me the day and year aforesaid. Witness my hand and notarial seal.\nCharles Matthews Jr.\n(N. P. Seal)\nMy commission expires March 6, 1955.\nNotary Public\nCERTIFICATE OF RESIDENCE\nI hereby certify that the precise residence of the granteee_ herein is First Ward, New Castle, Lawrence County,\nPennsylvania.\nCaldwell & McFate\nAttorney_for Grantee_\nThis Indenture\nDeed\nMade the 10th day of April in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hund-\nMargaret A. Moser, et. al.\nred and fifty-two (1952)_\nTo\nBetween MARGARET A. MOSER, single, of Neshannock Township; ROBERT L. WALLACE\nand L. MAY WALLACE, his wife, of the Second Ward, New Castle, all of Lawrence\nHarvey E. Hickling, et. ux.\nCounty, Pennsylvania, parties of the first part and HARVEY E. HICKLING and EDNA\nEnt. August 11, 1952\nL. HICKLING, his wife, of the City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania,\nparties of the second part:\nWitnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of\nOne ($1.00). Dollar to them now paid by the said parties of the second part, do\ngrant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part, their\nheirs and assigns,\nALL that certain lot or parcel of land situate and being in Neshannock Township, Lawrencé County, Pennsylvania,\nbounded and described as follows, to-wit:\nBeing one-half (1/2) of Lot No. 33 in thé Plan of Walmo, which said Plen is duly recorded in the Recorder's\nOffice of Lawrence County in Plot Book Volume 8, page 33, and fronting fifty (50) feet on the center line of Oakwood\nWay, and running back Northwardly therefron of same even width along the West line of Lot No. 34 and by the other\none-half of said Lot No. 33 a distance of two hundred forty-one (241) feet; and being the Eastern one-half of said lot\nNo. 33; and containing .02765 acres.\nThe actual consideration for the above described property is $300.00.\nThis deed is made expressly subject to the following conditions, provisions, and reservations, and the Grantees,\nby the acceptance of this conveyance, agree that said provisions shall constitute a permanent covenant running with\nthe land and shall be binding upon them, their heirs, assigns, and successors in title and each and every of them,\nto-wit:\n1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or\npersons of the African Race until after January 1, 1950.\n2. This conveyance is made subject to the above recorded plot and the building lines and service strips at the\nrear of each lot thereon, 'and there is specifically reserved the right to place, erect, and construct electric service\nlines, water service lines and pipes, telephone lines, wires and poles, gas lines and pipes, sewer pipes, and all\nservice equipment necessary. and convenient for installing, erecting, constructing and maintaining the above mentioned\nservices that are now available or that may hereafter become available, in and upon any and all streets and the three\n(3) foot service strip at the rear of any and all lots.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1950.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1950.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 324 On this 12th day of Meroh A.D. one thousand STATE OF CALIFORNIA (ss COUNTY oF sA GIARA ( nine hundred and twentyeeight, before me, H.L. Roberts, a Hotary Pablic in and for said County, and residing therein, duly commissione and swora, personally appeared C.F.Hassher, whose nase is subsoribed to the annexed and foregoing instrument as party thereto, perscnally known to me tebe the person deseribed as trastee in, and who, as trastee, ekeouted the said instrument, and he aoknowledged to me that he executed ths sane, ani as trustee as therein set forth. IWITESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed ay official acal, at my office in said County of Santa Clara, the day and year in this certificats first above written. (HOTARIAL SKAL) H,L.Roberts, Hotary Pablic in and for the County of Santa Clara, State of Califa-nie FILING TO. G-6026 Piled for record at the request of The First Hational Bank of San Jose Mar 1s 1928 at 29 min. past 9 o'olock A.X. MAY E, FLAHERY RECORDER Syl C.fully Deputy Recorder R B fee .75 4f compared doe comppred book IBIRIBIBIBIRSTATEIBIRSIBED: IBBIBIRIBIBIEIBIIRIRESIBIBLELEEELBKE TE E7SF FAF'L BK OF LOS GAYOS 70 E.H.SFAFLER CCtr ("(" ("("("( ASSIGHIENT OF TRUST DEED KOW ALL MEH BY THESE PRESEKTS, That the underaigned The First Hational Bank of Los Gatos, of the County of Santa Clara, State of Califarnia, for value received therefor, hereby grant, bargain, sell, assign and transfer unto E.H. Statler, of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, the promissory note, and all and every demand and indebtedness secured to be paid by the Deed of frust bearing date the seventh day of January A.D. 1328, sade by Carmen Schauapg and Karry E. Schauaburg, her husband, as trustors, to C.P.Hansher, as trastee, and the undereigned as beneficiary, and recorded on the 28th day of Jamary A.D. 1928, ia Yolnae 359 of Official Records, at page 547 6t the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California. TOGETHER with all and singular the rights, powers and privileges of the uniersigned in, to and under said Deed of Trust, inolwding all right, Mitle ank interest of the undersigned, at law as well as in eguity, in and te th lani and property subjeet to said Deed of frast. IF WITHES3 WHZREOP, the unleraigned has hereunto set its hand this 9th day of March A,D. 1928. (CORFORA?E SEAL) HE PIRST JATIOFAL BARK OF LOS GA70S By C.7.Hemsher, :
324 On this 12th day of Meroh A.D. one thousand STATE OF CALIFORNIA (ss COUNTY oF sA GIARA ( nine hundred and twentyeeight, before me, H.L. Roberts, a Hotary Pablic in and for said County, and residing therein, duly commissione and swora, personally appeared C.F.Hassher, whose nase is subsoribed to the annexed and foregoing instrument as party thereto, perscnally known to me tebe the person deseribed as trastee in, and who, as trastee, ekeouted the said instrument, and he aoknowledged to me that he executed ths sane, ani as trustee as therein set forth. IWITESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed ay official acal, at my office in said County of Santa Clara, the day and year in this certificats first above written. (HOTARIAL SKAL) H,L.Roberts, Hotary Pablic in and for the County of Santa Clara, State of Califa-nie FILING TO. G-6026 Piled for record at the request of The First Hational Bank of San Jose Mar 1s 1928 at 29 min. past 9 o'olock A.X. MAY E, FLAHERY RECORDER Syl C.fully Deputy Recorder R B fee .75 4f compared doe comppred book IBIRIBIBIBIRSTATEIBIRSIBED: IBBIBIRIBIBIEIBIIRIRESIBIBLELEEELBKE TE E7SF FAF'L BK OF LOS GAYOS 70 E.H.SFAFLER CCtr ("(" ("("("( ASSIGHIENT OF TRUST DEED KOW ALL MEH BY THESE PRESEKTS, That the underaigned The First Hational Bank of Los Gatos, of the County of Santa Clara, State of Califarnia, for value received therefor, hereby grant, bargain, sell, assign and transfer unto E.H. Statler, of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, the promissory note, and all and every demand and indebtedness secured to be paid by the Deed of frust bearing date the seventh day of January A.D. 1328, sade by Carmen Schauapg and Karry E. Schauaburg, her husband, as trustors, to C.P.Hansher, as trastee, and the undereigned as beneficiary, and recorded on the 28th day of Jamary A.D. 1928, ia Yolnae 359 of Official Records, at page 547 6t the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California. TOGETHER with all and singular the rights, powers and privileges of the uniersigned in, to and under said Deed of Trust, inolwding all right, Mitle ank interest of the undersigned, at law as well as in eguity, in and te th lani and property subjeet to said Deed of frast. IF WITHES3 WHZREOP, the unleraigned has hereunto set its hand this 9th day of March A,D. 1928. (CORFORA?E SEAL) HE PIRST JATIOFAL BARK OF LOS GA70S By C.7.Hemsher, :
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n324\nOn this 12th day of Meroh A.D. one thousand\nSTATE OF CALIFORNIA\n(ss\nCOUNTY oF sA GIARA (\nnine hundred and twentyeeight, before me, H.L.\nRoberts, a Hotary Pablic in and for said County, and residing therein, duly\ncommissione and swora, personally appeared C.F.Hassher, whose nase is subsoribed\nto the annexed and foregoing instrument as party thereto, perscnally known to me\ntebe the person deseribed as trastee in, and who, as trastee, ekeouted the said\ninstrument, and he aoknowledged to me that he executed ths sane, ani as trustee\nas therein set forth.\nIWITESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed\nay official acal, at my office in said County of Santa Clara, the day and year\nin this certificats first above written.\n(HOTARIAL SKAL)\nH,L.Roberts, Hotary Pablic in and for the County\nof Santa Clara, State of Califa-nie\nFILING TO. G-6026\nPiled for record at the request of The First Hational Bank\nof San Jose Mar 1s 1928 at 29 min. past 9 o'olock A.X.\nMAY E, FLAHERY\nRECORDER\nSyl C.fully\nDeputy Recorder\nR\nB\nfee .75\n4f\ncompared doe\ncomppred book\nIBIRIBIBIBIRSTATEIBIRSIBED: IBBIBIRIBIBIEIBIIRIRESIBIBLELEEELBKE\nTE E7SF FAF'L BK OF LOS GAYOS\n70\nE.H.SFAFLER\nCCtr\n(\"(\" (\"(\"(\"(\nASSIGHIENT OF TRUST DEED\nKOW ALL MEH BY THESE PRESEKTS, That the underaigned The First\nHational Bank of Los Gatos, of the County of Santa Clara, State of Califarnia, for\nvalue received therefor, hereby grant, bargain, sell, assign and transfer unto E.H.\nStatler, of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, the promissory note,\nand all and every demand and indebtedness secured to be paid by the Deed of frust\nbearing date the seventh day of January A.D. 1328, sade by Carmen Schauapg and\nKarry E. Schauaburg, her husband, as trustors, to C.P.Hansher, as trastee, and\nthe undereigned as beneficiary, and recorded on the 28th day of Jamary A.D. 1928,\nia Yolnae 359 of Official Records, at page 547 6t the office of the County\nRecorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California.\nTOGETHER with all and singular the rights, powers and privileges\nof the uniersigned in, to and under said Deed of Trust, inolwding all right, Mitle\nank interest of the undersigned, at law as well as in eguity, in and te th lani\nand property subjeet to said Deed of frast.\nIF WITHES3 WHZREOP, the unleraigned has hereunto set its hand\nthis 9th day of March A,D. 1928.\n(CORFORA?E SEAL)\nHE PIRST JATIOFAL BARK OF LOS GA70S\nBy C.7.Hemsher, :", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 41500m324 larranty Deph Genl Code, Sees. B5B3.1.11.15,16 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That James W. Rea and Kathryn Rea, his wire, Countyof of Columbus of the City Franklin in consideration of the sum of and State of Ohio, One ($1.00) Dollar and other valusble considerations to then paid by Gladys McCormick Brinkman, who resides at 3573 - BTweedy Boulevard, of the City of South Gate County of anà State of California, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL and CONVEY to the saia do Gladys KcCormick Brinkman, her heirs and assigns forever, the Following REAL ESTATE, situated in in the State of and in the the County of Franklin, Ohio, of and bounded and described as follows: Township Franklin Being Lots Nucber Seventy-five (75) urd Seventy-siz (76) of Woodrow Place, as the saie are numbered and delineated upor the recurded plat therecr, o1 record in Flat Book Ho. 5, page 378, Recoser's Orf'ce, Franklin County, Chio. Grantor Janes N. Rea accuired the above described pverises by D.B. 1177, paye 407 and D. 3. 1924, paee 44E, Recorger's Crrlce, Franklin County, Ohio, and the last KrowI address 01 the gruntee herein is 3575 - BTweedy Bouleverd, South Gute, Califoriu. The foregoing property is sold upon the express coniitiuns anJ aspart of the consideration hereof that the buyer, her heirs, executors) administryters and assirs or any one holiing or ciai ining under then or either of thena shall never himselr, herself oT thenselves or any. one of them, manufacture or sell upon saia premises or pernit or authorize any one else to manufacture or sell upon seid prerises, or ary part thereof, any spiritous, alcoholic, er intoxicating linuor of any kind or deacripticn whatever, or any ale, beer or malt liquor of any 'kind or jescription what- ever or to carry on or allow others to carry on upon said preises, any slaughter house, tantery, fertilizer, bone or SOAR factcry; or sell, lease nortgage, pledge, give or otherwise dispose of in any Way, shupe or for, the property herein purchased by them, or any paztithereur, to uny colored person or persons other than the hite or Caucasian race. "the purcase.s bind themselves, their heirs, execubors, a dministystors and assiçus, in- cluding corporstions and assigns in any capacity, never to rent or lease said premises to any colored person or persons other than the white or Caucasian race, or peruit such person or persons to use or occupy the suid premises, or any part thereci, except as a seivent working for the owners thereof. Said purchasers further agree that any perarent house that they construct shall be located not less than twerty-five (25) feet nor more than twenty-six (36) feet, exclusive of porches, bay-windcws, etc., from the front lot line cf the prémises upon which it is located; that any such house when constructed shall be upon a continuous and solid foundai tion, which shall be at least 16 inches in height above the existing ground level,
41500m324 larranty Deph Genl Code, Sees. B5B3.1.11.15,16 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That James W. Rea and Kathryn Rea, his wire, Countyof of Columbus of the City Franklin in consideration of the sum of and State of Ohio, One ($1.00) Dollar and other valusble considerations to then paid by Gladys McCormick Brinkman, who resides at 3573 - BTweedy Boulevard, of the City of South Gate County of anà State of California, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL and CONVEY to the saia do Gladys KcCormick Brinkman, her heirs and assigns forever, the Following REAL ESTATE, situated in in the State of and in the the County of Franklin, Ohio, of and bounded and described as follows: Township Franklin Being Lots Nucber Seventy-five (75) urd Seventy-siz (76) of Woodrow Place, as the saie are numbered and delineated upor the recurded plat therecr, o1 record in Flat Book Ho. 5, page 378, Recoser's Orf'ce, Franklin County, Chio. Grantor Janes N. Rea accuired the above described pverises by D.B. 1177, paye 407 and D. 3. 1924, paee 44E, Recorger's Crrlce, Franklin County, Ohio, and the last KrowI address 01 the gruntee herein is 3575 - BTweedy Bouleverd, South Gute, Califoriu. The foregoing property is sold upon the express coniitiuns anJ aspart of the consideration hereof that the buyer, her heirs, executors) administryters and assirs or any one holiing or ciai ining under then or either of thena shall never himselr, herself oT thenselves or any. one of them, manufacture or sell upon saia premises or pernit or authorize any one else to manufacture or sell upon seid prerises, or ary part thereof, any spiritous, alcoholic, er intoxicating linuor of any kind or deacripticn whatever, or any ale, beer or malt liquor of any 'kind or jescription what- ever or to carry on or allow others to carry on upon said preises, any slaughter house, tantery, fertilizer, bone or SOAR factcry; or sell, lease nortgage, pledge, give or otherwise dispose of in any Way, shupe or for, the property herein purchased by them, or any paztithereur, to uny colored person or persons other than the hite or Caucasian race. "the purcase.s bind themselves, their heirs, execubors, a dministystors and assiçus, in- cluding corporstions and assigns in any capacity, never to rent or lease said premises to any colored person or persons other than the white or Caucasian race, or peruit such person or persons to use or occupy the suid premises, or any part thereci, except as a seivent working for the owners thereof. Said purchasers further agree that any perarent house that they construct shall be located not less than twerty-five (25) feet nor more than twenty-six (36) feet, exclusive of porches, bay-windcws, etc., from the front lot line cf the prémises upon which it is located; that any such house when constructed shall be upon a continuous and solid foundai tion, which shall be at least 16 inches in height above the existing ground level,
the property herein purcuased Dy them, or any pazt thereul, to uny colored person or persons othez than the hite or Caucasian race. the purciase.s bind themseives, their heirs, execubors, a amnistaLors and assicns, in- cluaing corporstions and assigns in any capacity, never to rent or lease said premises to any coiored person o1 persons other than the white or Caucasian race, or penit such person or persons to use or occupy the said premises, Or any part thereci, except as a servant working ror the owners thereof.
the property herein purchased by them, or any part thereof, to any colored person or persons other than the white or Caucasian race. The purchasers bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, including corporations and assigns in any capacity, never to rent or lease said premises to any colored person or persons other than the white on Caucasian race, or permit such person or persons to use or occupy the said premises, or any part thereof, except as a servant working for the owners thereof.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]the property herein purcuased Dy them, or any pazt thereul, to uny colored person or persons othez than the hite or Caucasian race. the purciase.s bind themseives, their heirs, execubors, a amnistaLors and assicns, in- cluaing corporstions and assigns in any capacity, never to rent or lease said premises to any coiored person o1 persons other than the white or Caucasian race, or penit such person or persons to use or occupy the said premises, Or any part thereci, except as a servant working ror the owners thereof.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]the property herein purchased by them, or any part thereof, to any colored person or persons other than the white or Caucasian race. The purchasers bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, including corporations and assigns in any capacity, never to rent or lease said premises to any colored person or persons other than the white on Caucasian race, or permit such person or persons to use or occupy the said premises, or any part thereof, except as a servant working for the owners thereof.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n41500m324\nlarranty Deph\nGenl Code, Sees. B5B3.1.11.15,16\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That James W. Rea and Kathryn\nRea, his wire,\nCountyof\nof Columbus\nof the City\nFranklin\nin consideration of the sum of\nand State of\nOhio,\nOne ($1.00) Dollar and other valusble considerations\nto then\npaid by\nGladys McCormick Brinkman, who resides at\n3573 - BTweedy Boulevard,\nof the City\nof South Gate\nCounty of\nanà State of California,\nthe receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,\nhereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL and CONVEY to the saia\ndo\nGladys KcCormick Brinkman,\nher heirs and assigns forever, the Following REAL ESTATE, situated in\nin the State of\nand in the\nthe County of Franklin,\nOhio,\nof\nand bounded and described as follows:\nTownship\nFranklin\nBeing Lots Nucber Seventy-five (75) urd Seventy-siz (76)\nof Woodrow Place, as the saie are numbered and delineated\nupor the recurded plat therecr, o1 record in Flat Book\nHo. 5, page 378, Recoser's Orf'ce, Franklin County, Chio.\nGrantor Janes N. Rea accuired the above described pverises by\nD.B. 1177, paye 407 and D. 3. 1924, paee 44E, Recorger's Crrlce,\nFranklin County, Ohio, and the last KrowI address 01 the gruntee\nherein is 3575 - BTweedy Bouleverd, South Gute, Califoriu.\nThe foregoing property is sold upon the express coniitiuns anJ\naspart of the consideration hereof that the buyer, her heirs, executors)\nadministryters and assirs or any one holiing or ciai ining under then or\neither of thena shall never himselr, herself oT thenselves or any. one of\nthem, manufacture or sell upon saia premises or pernit or authorize any\none else to manufacture or sell upon seid prerises, or ary part thereof,\nany spiritous, alcoholic, er intoxicating linuor of any kind or deacripticn\nwhatever, or any ale, beer or malt liquor of any 'kind or jescription what-\never or to carry on or allow others to carry on upon said preises, any\nslaughter house, tantery, fertilizer, bone or SOAR factcry; or sell, lease\nnortgage, pledge, give or otherwise dispose of in any Way, shupe or for,\nthe property herein purchased by them, or any paztithereur, to uny colored\nperson or persons other than the hite or Caucasian race. \"the purcase.s\nbind themselves, their heirs, execubors, a dministystors and assiçus, in-\ncluding corporstions and assigns in any capacity, never to rent or lease\nsaid premises to any colored person or persons other than the white or\nCaucasian race, or peruit such person or persons to use or occupy the suid\npremises, or any part thereci, except as a seivent working for the owners\nthereof.\nSaid purchasers further agree that any perarent house that they\nconstruct shall be located not less than twerty-five (25) feet nor more\nthan twenty-six (36) feet, exclusive of porches, bay-windcws, etc., from\nthe front lot line cf the prémises upon which it is located; that any such\nhouse when constructed shall be upon a continuous and solid foundai tion,\nwhich shall be at least 16 inches in height above the existing ground level,", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]the property herein purcuased Dy them, or any pazt thereul, to uny colored\nperson or persons othez than the hite or Caucasian race. the purciase.s\nbind themseives, their heirs, execubors, a amnistaLors and assicns, in-\ncluaing corporstions and assigns in any capacity, never to rent or lease\nsaid premises to any coiored person o1 persons other than the white or\nCaucasian race, or penit such person or persons to use or occupy the said\npremises, Or any part thereci, except as a servant working ror the owners\nthereof.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]the property herein purchased by them, or any part thereof, to any colored person or persons other than the white or Caucasian race. The purchasers bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, including corporations and assigns in any capacity, never to rent or lease said premises to any colored person or persons other than the white on Caucasian race, or permit such person or persons to use or occupy the said premises, or any part thereof, except as a servant working for the owners thereof.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL6292 AG:320 .9.. No dvelling house shall be erected, placed romain on saia premises, of a" construction cost and or suffered toNo dvelling house shall be erected, placed or suffered1s remain on sald. premises, the ground floor square foot orea of which toloss then 1400 square feet in the case_of one storyless than 1000 foet in the case- of a one and one-half structures twoNo building shall be erected on any lot untillocation therepf have boen approved in writing by: a committee the. design andof appointed lots. in seid by the subdivider or electod" by a majority of the. ovnerscormittee 1s not subdivision. in existenèe Honever, in the event that suchdesign br location within 30 days, or feils then to such approve approval or disapprove suchvequired provided thè désign and: iocation on the lot will not beare in harmony with existing structures in the tract. conform to andUpon, making epplioation to the proper municipal autherity for_building pernit for eny building,the owner of. said premisesat once notify Grentor or such party as shall hereafter beby the Grantor, in.waiting, that such" applicetion has been designeted made.10. A perpetual easement is reserved over that portion of thepremi 303 ebove described which lies back of theabove esteblished for utility installation and mai building intenance. lires. herein-11. No one of said Sublots nor any part of them o" eny of themshall, at any time bofore January 1st, 1975, be occupied or usedany persons or person whatsoever not of tne Caucesien race,, except bywhole only thet negroes or persons of negro or Africen descent either in-or or in part may be employed as servents by any of the ownersoccupants of said respective properties and as and while somay resido on the- prémises ocoupied by their respective employers, employeanor shall. any sale, lease, disposition or trensfer of said sublotsany of then be made or operete otherwise then subject to the foresaig orrestrictiens as to and upon use. and occupancy.12, Grantor expressly reserves the right uhtil Jenueryto petition the proper public euthorities for any end eli Ist, street, 1975,sever, and water improvements, which in her opinion. ere necessaryBEEASoach and all sublot owners hereby consent to and affi rn enythat may. be entered into botween the Grantor end the public. agroement authoritidswith reapeot: to the instellation of any of said improvements andrespect to bird ing the sublot owners and the land horein describod withthe payment of tho cost of such improvement or Improvemonte, and forand all sublot owners heraby waive all notice with reference to egchsuch peltion and consent to all other acts and things thetnecessery in tho mattor, and hereby authorize end. affirn and mayalt such agreements. ond acts on the part of the Grantor in. regerd ratifyThe Gra ntor expressly reaerves, the right until1975, to. petition the Eloctric Light ompany, andthe Telophone Janueryfor extensions of thoir respective service lines in and upon the Gophny!stroets upon which the land hérein. conveyed shall abut, andthe sub-lot owners hereby consent to and affirm any Egreement that meyentered into between the Grantor and the said Electric Light Gompany beIf at any, time prior to January lat, 1975, the Grentor is notviced in the two paragraphs next preceding, such companies power to petition pro-shall pass to and may be exercised by the majority of the owners of value of less then $7500.00. fair complotedor norstory, strueture. shall be enylst, thereto. or Telephone Company in regard thereto.available to petition the proper authorities andsublots in the Teelewn Colony Allotmont. as /4
VOL6292 AG:320 .9.. No dvelling house shall be erected, placed romain on saia premises, of a" construction cost and or suffered toNo dvelling house shall be erected, placed or suffered1s remain on sald. premises, the ground floor square foot orea of which toloss then 1400 square feet in the case_of one storyless than 1000 foet in the case- of a one and one-half structures twoNo building shall be erected on any lot untillocation therepf have boen approved in writing by: a committee the. design andof appointed lots. in seid by the subdivider or electod" by a majority of the. ovnerscormittee 1s not subdivision. in existenèe Honever, in the event that suchdesign br location within 30 days, or feils then to such approve approval or disapprove suchvequired provided thè désign and: iocation on the lot will not beare in harmony with existing structures in the tract. conform to andUpon, making epplioation to the proper municipal autherity for_building pernit for eny building,the owner of. said premisesat once notify Grentor or such party as shall hereafter beby the Grantor, in.waiting, that such" applicetion has been designeted made.10. A perpetual easement is reserved over that portion of thepremi 303 ebove described which lies back of theabove esteblished for utility installation and mai building intenance. lires. herein-11. No one of said Sublots nor any part of them o" eny of themshall, at any time bofore January 1st, 1975, be occupied or usedany persons or person whatsoever not of tne Caucesien race,, except bywhole only thet negroes or persons of negro or Africen descent either in-or or in part may be employed as servents by any of the ownersoccupants of said respective properties and as and while somay resido on the- prémises ocoupied by their respective employers, employeanor shall. any sale, lease, disposition or trensfer of said sublotsany of then be made or operete otherwise then subject to the foresaig orrestrictiens as to and upon use. and occupancy.12, Grantor expressly reserves the right uhtil Jenueryto petition the proper public euthorities for any end eli Ist, street, 1975,sever, and water improvements, which in her opinion. ere necessaryBEEASoach and all sublot owners hereby consent to and affi rn enythat may. be entered into botween the Grantor end the public. agroement authoritidswith reapeot: to the instellation of any of said improvements andrespect to bird ing the sublot owners and the land horein describod withthe payment of tho cost of such improvement or Improvemonte, and forand all sublot owners heraby waive all notice with reference to egchsuch peltion and consent to all other acts and things thetnecessery in tho mattor, and hereby authorize end. affirn and mayalt such agreements. ond acts on the part of the Grantor in. regerd ratifyThe Gra ntor expressly reaerves, the right until1975, to. petition the Eloctric Light ompany, andthe Telophone Janueryfor extensions of thoir respective service lines in and upon the Gophny!stroets upon which the land hérein. conveyed shall abut, andthe sub-lot owners hereby consent to and affirm any Egreement that meyentered into between the Grantor and the said Electric Light Gompany beIf at any, time prior to January lat, 1975, the Grentor is notviced in the two paragraphs next preceding, such companies power to petition pro-shall pass to and may be exercised by the majority of the owners of value of less then $7500.00. fair complotedor norstory, strueture. shall be enylst, thereto. or Telephone Company in regard thereto.available to petition the proper authorities andsublots in the Teelewn Colony Allotmont. as /4
11. No one of said Sublots nor any part -of them o. eny of them shall, at.any time before January 1st, 1975, be occupied or used any persons or person whatsoover not of tne Caucasien by only that negroes or persons of negro or Africen descent race, except whole or in part may be employed as servants by any of the either owners in- or occupants of said respective properties and as and while so may resido on the premises ocoupied by their respective employed nor shall. any sale, lease, disposition or trensfer of said employers, sublots or any of then be made or operete otherwise than subject to the restrictiens as to and upon use.a aind occupancy. foresaid
11. No one of said Sublots nor any part of them or any of them shall, at any time before January 1st, 1975, be occupied or used by any persons or person whatsoever not of the Caucasian race, except only that negroes or persons of negro or African descent either in whole or in part may be employed as servants by any of the owners or occupants of said respective properties and as and while so employed may reside on the premises occupied by their respective employers, nor shall any sale, lease, disposition or transfer of said sublots or restrictions as to and upon use and occupancy.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]11. No one of said Sublots nor any part -of them o. eny of them shall, at.any time before January 1st, 1975, be occupied or used any persons or person whatsoover not of tne Caucasien by only that negroes or persons of negro or Africen descent race, except whole or in part may be employed as servants by any of the either owners in- or occupants of said respective properties and as and while so may resido on the premises ocoupied by their respective employed nor shall. any sale, lease, disposition or trensfer of said employers, sublots or any of then be made or operete otherwise than subject to the restrictiens as to and upon use.a aind occupancy. foresaid [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]11. No one of said Sublots nor any part of them or any of them shall, at any time before January 1st, 1975, be occupied or used by any persons or person whatsoever not of the Caucasian race, except only that negroes or persons of negro or African descent either in whole or in part may be employed as servants by any of the owners or occupants of said respective properties and as and while so employed may reside on the premises occupied by their respective employers, nor shall any sale, lease, disposition or transfer of said sublots or restrictions as to and upon use and occupancy.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL6292 AG:320\n.9.. No dvelling house shall be erected, placed\nromain on saia premises, of a\" construction cost and or suffered toNo dvelling house shall be erected, placed or suffered1s remain on sald. premises, the ground floor square foot orea of which toloss then 1400 square feet in the case_of one storyless than 1000 foet in the case- of a one and one-half structures twoNo building shall be erected on any lot untillocation therepf have boen approved in writing by: a committee the. design andof appointed lots. in seid by the subdivider or electod\" by a majority of the. ovnerscormittee 1s not subdivision. in existenèe Honever, in the event that suchdesign br location within 30 days, or feils then to such approve approval or disapprove suchvequired provided thè désign and: iocation on the lot will not beare in harmony with existing structures in the tract. conform to andUpon, making epplioation to the proper municipal autherity for_building pernit for eny building,the owner of. said premisesat once notify Grentor or such party as shall hereafter beby the Grantor, in.waiting, that such\" applicetion has been designeted made.10. A perpetual easement is reserved over that portion of thepremi 303 ebove described which lies back of theabove esteblished for utility installation and mai building intenance. lires. herein-11. No one of said Sublots nor any part of them o\" eny of themshall, at any time bofore January 1st, 1975, be occupied or usedany persons or person whatsoever not of tne Caucesien race,, except bywhole only thet negroes or persons of negro or Africen descent either in-or or in part may be employed as servents by any of the ownersoccupants of said respective properties and as and while somay resido on the- prémises ocoupied by their respective employers, employeanor shall. any sale, lease, disposition or trensfer of said sublotsany of then be made or operete otherwise then subject to the foresaig orrestrictiens as to and upon use. and occupancy.12, Grantor expressly reserves the right uhtil Jenueryto petition the proper public euthorities for any end eli Ist, street, 1975,sever, and water improvements, which in her opinion. ere necessaryBEEASoach and all sublot owners hereby consent to and affi rn enythat may. be entered into botween the Grantor end the public. agroement authoritidswith reapeot: to the instellation of any of said improvements andrespect to bird ing the sublot owners and the land horein describod withthe payment of tho cost of such improvement or Improvemonte, and forand all sublot owners heraby waive all notice with reference to egchsuch peltion and consent to all other acts and things thetnecessery in tho mattor, and hereby authorize end. affirn and mayalt such agreements. ond acts on the part of the Grantor in. regerd ratifyThe Gra ntor expressly reaerves, the right until1975, to. petition the Eloctric Light ompany, andthe Telophone Janueryfor extensions of thoir respective service lines in and upon the Gophny!stroets upon which the land hérein. conveyed shall abut, andthe sub-lot owners hereby consent to and affirm any Egreement that meyentered into between the Grantor and the said Electric Light Gompany beIf at any, time prior to January lat, 1975, the Grentor is notviced in the two paragraphs next preceding, such companies power to petition pro-shall pass to and may be exercised by the majority of the owners of\nvalue of less then $7500.00.\nfair complotedor\nnorstory,\nstrueture.\nshall\nbe enylst,\nthereto.\nor Telephone Company in regard thereto.available to petition the proper authorities andsublots in the Teelewn Colony Allotmont.\nas\n/4\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]11.\nNo one of said Sublots nor any part -of them o. eny of them\nshall, at.any time before January 1st, 1975, be occupied or used\nany persons or person whatsoover not of tne Caucasien\nby\nonly that negroes or persons of negro or Africen descent race, except\nwhole or in part may be employed as servants by any of the either owners in-\nor occupants of said respective properties and as and while so\nmay resido on the premises ocoupied by their respective\nemployed\nnor shall. any sale, lease, disposition or trensfer of said employers, sublots or\nany of then be made or operete otherwise than subject to the\nrestrictiens as to and upon use.a aind occupancy.\nforesaid\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]11. No one of said Sublots nor any part of them or any of them shall, at any time before January 1st, 1975, be occupied or used by any persons or person whatsoever not of the Caucasian race, except only that negroes or persons of negro or African descent either in whole or in part may be employed as servants by any of the owners or occupants of said respective properties and as and while so employed may reside on the premises occupied by their respective employers, nor shall any sale, lease, disposition or transfer of said sublots or restrictions as to and upon use and occupancy.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] A tingi by S couittee couposed of have boen pproy u and Pranslin d. Scott, or t the memberi, or Vosignatien he feiming seber or of any Mport mebers shall havephe thority, to f1ll the vacaney or filard efi smid comittee vaoanoies, Inthe a orits K*X. Miapprove such plane within thirty, day aitor Hitasion ta it; the and located so to'be "nd: fn conforiity with the and driveways designed buildingt. gradepla exieting. busidings gradeni. jandeeaping. and driveways int the remaindor of sfd sdidiong and conforming to the other provisions herein set forth, my be erected without such approyal, povia ABP-URE-. regardlont of the action or. inctign.oE gne coittee or its representa- tive, no building shill beérected, placed or-muffered bo remain on the said premi seks uless it, including the garage, has a construotion cost 6f 4ot Toss than $8,000.00. 7. No trailer, basement, tent, garage or other structure of any kind, other than a dwelling house, erected in accordance with the provisions hereof, shall be uaed as. a residence, temporarily or permanently. 8. No stone lying under said premises shall be quarried taken or sold from said premises. 9. No intoxionting liquor shall be manufactured or sold. upon said premi sos. 10. No chickens or like fowl or stock of any kinds shalll be kept or harbored on said. promises. No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon said premises, nor shall anything, be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. 11. No gas nor oil derrick, advertising sign, billboard. or other advertising device shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain on said premises, provided, however, that this provision shall not be held to prevent the erection and maintenance of a sign advertising the availability for sale or rental of the premis ses upon which said sign is erected. 12. No person, other than a member of the Caucasian race, may hold titlo to or occupy said premis ses, except that this provision shall not prevent ocoupancy by domestic servants, of whatever race, domioiled with an owner or tonants. 13. No trees or shrubbery of a variety which has heavy foliage and which attaina a height of more than four feet, shall be planted or maintained at the rear of any lot in aaid premises which adjoins the property of the Cleveland Motropoliten Perk Board in such manner that the same constitute a hedge or fence so as to obstruct or impair the general view of the Park from the remainder of the premises. 14. Nothing herein contained shall procludo the erection and maintenance of one residenoe and attached garage located partly on each of two adjoining and commonly owned lota. 15. If the parties hereto, or any of them, or their heira or-assigns shallyiolate, or attempt to violato, any of the proviaions hereof, it shall be lawful for any person or persons owning any of the lots in said subdivi sion to
A tingi by S couittee couposed of have boen pproy u and Pranslin d. Scott, or t the memberi, or Vosignatien he feiming seber or of any Mport mebers shall havephe thority, to f1ll the vacaney or filard efi smid comittee vaoanoies, Inthe a orits K*X. Miapprove such plane within thirty, day aitor Hitasion ta it; the and located so to'be "nd: fn conforiity with the and driveways designed buildingt. gradepla exieting. busidings gradeni. jandeeaping. and driveways int the remaindor of sfd sdidiong and conforming to the other provisions herein set forth, my be erected without such approyal, povia ABP-URE-. regardlont of the action or. inctign.oE gne coittee or its representa- tive, no building shill beérected, placed or-muffered bo remain on the said premi seks uless it, including the garage, has a construotion cost 6f 4ot Toss than $8,000.00. 7. No trailer, basement, tent, garage or other structure of any kind, other than a dwelling house, erected in accordance with the provisions hereof, shall be uaed as. a residence, temporarily or permanently. 8. No stone lying under said premises shall be quarried taken or sold from said premises. 9. No intoxionting liquor shall be manufactured or sold. upon said premi sos. 10. No chickens or like fowl or stock of any kinds shalll be kept or harbored on said. promises. No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon said premises, nor shall anything, be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. 11. No gas nor oil derrick, advertising sign, billboard. or other advertising device shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain on said premises, provided, however, that this provision shall not be held to prevent the erection and maintenance of a sign advertising the availability for sale or rental of the premis ses upon which said sign is erected. 12. No person, other than a member of the Caucasian race, may hold titlo to or occupy said premis ses, except that this provision shall not prevent ocoupancy by domestic servants, of whatever race, domioiled with an owner or tonants. 13. No trees or shrubbery of a variety which has heavy foliage and which attaina a height of more than four feet, shall be planted or maintained at the rear of any lot in aaid premises which adjoins the property of the Cleveland Motropoliten Perk Board in such manner that the same constitute a hedge or fence so as to obstruct or impair the general view of the Park from the remainder of the premises. 14. Nothing herein contained shall procludo the erection and maintenance of one residenoe and attached garage located partly on each of two adjoining and commonly owned lota. 15. If the parties hereto, or any of them, or their heira or-assigns shallyiolate, or attempt to violato, any of the proviaions hereof, it shall be lawful for any person or persons owning any of the lots in said subdivi sion to
12. No person, other than a member of the Caucasian race, may hold title to or occupy said premi ses, except that this provision shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servant's, of whatever race, domioiled with an owner or tenants.
12. No person, other than a member of the Caucasian race, may hold title to or occupy said premises, except that this provision shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants, of whatever race, domiciled with an owner or tenants.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]12. No person, other than a member of the Caucasian race, may hold title to or occupy said premi ses, except that this provision shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servant's, of whatever race, domioiled with an owner or tenants.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]12. No person, other than a member of the Caucasian race, may hold title to or occupy said premises, except that this provision shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants, of whatever race, domiciled with an owner or tenants.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nA\ntingi by S couittee couposed of\nhave boen pproy\nu and Pranslin d. Scott, or\nt the memberi,\nor Vosignatien\nhe feiming seber or\nof any Mport\nmebers shall havephe thority, to f1ll the vacaney or\nfilard efi smid comittee\nvaoanoies, Inthe a\norits K*X. Miapprove such plane\nwithin thirty, day aitor Hitasion ta it; the\nand located so to'be \"nd: fn conforiity with the\nand driveways designed\nbuildingt. gradepla\nexieting. busidings gradeni. jandeeaping. and driveways\nint the remaindor of sfd sdidiong and conforming to the\nother provisions herein set forth, my be erected without\nsuch approyal, povia ABP-URE-. regardlont\nof the action or. inctign.oE gne coittee or its representa-\ntive, no building shill beérected, placed or-muffered bo\nremain on the said premi seks uless it, including the garage,\nhas a construotion cost 6f 4ot Toss than $8,000.00.\n7. No trailer, basement, tent, garage or other structure\nof any kind, other than a dwelling house, erected in\naccordance with the provisions hereof, shall be uaed as. a\nresidence, temporarily or permanently.\n8. No stone lying under said premises shall be quarried\ntaken or sold from said premises.\n9. No intoxionting liquor shall be manufactured or sold.\nupon said premi sos.\n10. No chickens or like fowl or stock of any kinds shalll\nbe kept or harbored on said. promises. No noxious or offensive\ntrade or activity shall be carried on upon said premises,\nnor shall anything, be done thereon which may be or become\nan annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.\n11. No gas nor oil derrick, advertising sign, billboard.\nor other advertising device shall be erected, placed or\nsuffered to remain on said premises, provided, however, that\nthis provision shall not be held to prevent the erection\nand maintenance of a sign advertising the availability for\nsale or rental of the premis ses upon which said sign is\nerected.\n12. No person, other than a member of the Caucasian\nrace, may hold titlo to or occupy said premis ses, except that\nthis provision shall not prevent ocoupancy by domestic\nservants, of whatever race, domioiled with an owner or tonants.\n13. No trees or shrubbery of a variety which has heavy\nfoliage and which attaina a height of more than four feet,\nshall be planted or maintained at the rear of any lot in\naaid premises which adjoins the property of the Cleveland\nMotropoliten Perk Board in such manner that the same\nconstitute a hedge or fence so as to obstruct or impair the\ngeneral view of the Park from the remainder of the premises.\n14. Nothing herein contained shall procludo the erection\nand maintenance of one residenoe and attached garage\nlocated partly on each of two adjoining and commonly owned\nlota.\n15. If the parties hereto, or any of them, or their\nheira or-assigns shallyiolate, or attempt to violato, any\nof the proviaions hereof, it shall be lawful for any person\nor persons owning any of the lots in said subdivi sion to", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]12. No person, other than a member of the Caucasian\nrace, may hold title to or occupy said premi ses, except that\nthis provision shall not prevent occupancy by domestic\nservant's, of whatever race, domioiled with an owner or tenants.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]12. No person, other than a member of the Caucasian race, may hold title to or occupy said premises, except that this provision shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants, of whatever race, domiciled with an owner or tenants.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DRVOL00496F PAGE573 7/53 STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 6234 COUNTY OF DENTON THATI I,T.K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter described property is mys separate estate andi is notr now, nor! hasi it ever been, any part of my residential or business homestead), for and in consideration of thes sum of SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 ($795.00) DOLLARS tomep paid ands secured to be paid by R. B. HURLEY and wife, ERNA E. HURLEY, -as follows: SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($795.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said R. B. HURLEY and wife, ERNA E. HURLEY, State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, oft the County of DALLAS Texas, and described as follows, to-wit: LOT FIFTY-ONE (51) in BLOCK SEVEN (7), GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES, an addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof recorded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. the plat recordedi in the Map Records i Denton County, Texas, anda are as follows: This conveyance is made subject to the convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of loti is in 16 herein, to be_used only hereinafter resience, due BdL in this as hereinafter and excepted anyo private No structures and/or boathouse be erected, ando altered, placed or outbuildings. permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building anda Be enet of any, Eerhe race than the_Caucagian with any race owner or use tenant. or occupy anyl lot, except thatt this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- s No tL bepe or shall d Ee bys os my: : one Comgat sS mTV Bele system or ADe Counyof Denton or Stte I E ES Water ORECET lots bc smpovel organization byt the cause State to Department constructed of Health. water mainin, Att the time thestreet the Seller, along ne E E property and a Me E available thereto, an Fnen shall immedi and hereof on a - that residence ement E or building the - herein set L out herein. pay mempdarain alleyents C said compliance the TES E K lE main Feet. A lots are E from A M on E yard Fomtet m on street : ofcorner side street lots-16feet. line_ than the Side buildings setback 6. No shall thef nearer to interior the estrictions.) SrEs3 shall_be No painted ons tctEa outside shallb with be two or used until ofpaint. the All thereofi is used in main structure if_frame unfnished, material, tos tile, No obnoxious or oro tot the activity or shall be carried on any lot, nors shall anything be done thereon which may be or become a garage, ently, basement, nor shall tent, any structure shack or other outbuilding erected pet thelot herein residence, deseribeds except shall that ime beused be asa residence mpy wth. any vided that as are 11. ground floor of any main' structure, exclusive of open porchesa and shall be not less than 600 feet. Streets, easements alleys are reserved as shown on the recorded plat of said for utility purposes. te lBeh ownerso oft thel agreed to said covenantsir in wholeo ori inpart. Jan uary These T shall vhich Ps mtl coven running aibe the automat and shall be binding upon all'parties L Eyoss years claiming them BB fbe parties hereto, or of them, owning ecover damages oro Pe E for such attempting E property or assigns, tuated. Mones attempt to any 6 the covenants herein, it-shallbe to prevent FS GPADTS trolns sod sbE in quity No to the subdivision or any lot without the written consent of the Seller or Developer. AS Developer SPse rchaser, his etc.The assigns, for nott pern ission Saet rains, wayo the the vithout or 2may_be that E 5in trailer, Block setout anda n EE herein." 2 are reserved for business only, with the excep- lon thae Hatn Cfayo oneo oft these covenants by shalli in nov affect any oft the other provisions which shall remain or 18. Water Assessment is paid in full. TOF HAVEA AND' TO HOLD the above deseribed premises, together with all ands singular the rights and appurtenances there- toin anywise belonging unto thes said R. B. HURLEY and wife, ERNA E. HURLEY, their heirs and assigns forever and Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, all ands singular thes said premises untot thes said R. B. HURLEY and wife, ERNA E. HURLEY, their heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or toc claim thes same, or any partt thereof. Butiti is expressly agreed and stipulated that the Vendor's Lieni isr retained against the above described property, premises andi improvements, until the above note(s), and alli interest thereon are fully paid according to the face and tenor, effect and reading, when this deed shall become absolute. Eht WITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this.. 15th uly 1963.
DRVOL00496F PAGE573 7/53 STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 6234 COUNTY OF DENTON THATI I,T.K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter described property is mys separate estate andi is notr now, nor! hasi it ever been, any part of my residential or business homestead), for and in consideration of thes sum of SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 ($795.00) DOLLARS tomep paid ands secured to be paid by R. B. HURLEY and wife, ERNA E. HURLEY, -as follows: SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($795.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said R. B. HURLEY and wife, ERNA E. HURLEY, State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, oft the County of DALLAS Texas, and described as follows, to-wit: LOT FIFTY-ONE (51) in BLOCK SEVEN (7), GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES, an addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof recorded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. the plat recordedi in the Map Records i Denton County, Texas, anda are as follows: This conveyance is made subject to the convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of loti is in 16 herein, to be_used only hereinafter resience, due BdL in this as hereinafter and excepted anyo private No structures and/or boathouse be erected, ando altered, placed or outbuildings. permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building anda Be enet of any, Eerhe race than the_Caucagian with any race owner or use tenant. or occupy anyl lot, except thatt this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- s No tL bepe or shall d Ee bys os my: : one Comgat sS mTV Bele system or ADe Counyof Denton or Stte I E ES Water ORECET lots bc smpovel organization byt the cause State to Department constructed of Health. water mainin, Att the time thestreet the Seller, along ne E E property and a Me E available thereto, an Fnen shall immedi and hereof on a - that residence ement E or building the - herein set L out herein. pay mempdarain alleyents C said compliance the TES E K lE main Feet. A lots are E from A M on E yard Fomtet m on street : ofcorner side street lots-16feet. line_ than the Side buildings setback 6. No shall thef nearer to interior the estrictions.) SrEs3 shall_be No painted ons tctEa outside shallb with be two or used until ofpaint. the All thereofi is used in main structure if_frame unfnished, material, tos tile, No obnoxious or oro tot the activity or shall be carried on any lot, nors shall anything be done thereon which may be or become a garage, ently, basement, nor shall tent, any structure shack or other outbuilding erected pet thelot herein residence, deseribeds except shall that ime beused be asa residence mpy wth. any vided that as are 11. ground floor of any main' structure, exclusive of open porchesa and shall be not less than 600 feet. Streets, easements alleys are reserved as shown on the recorded plat of said for utility purposes. te lBeh ownerso oft thel agreed to said covenantsir in wholeo ori inpart. Jan uary These T shall vhich Ps mtl coven running aibe the automat and shall be binding upon all'parties L Eyoss years claiming them BB fbe parties hereto, or of them, owning ecover damages oro Pe E for such attempting E property or assigns, tuated. Mones attempt to any 6 the covenants herein, it-shallbe to prevent FS GPADTS trolns sod sbE in quity No to the subdivision or any lot without the written consent of the Seller or Developer. AS Developer SPse rchaser, his etc.The assigns, for nott pern ission Saet rains, wayo the the vithout or 2may_be that E 5in trailer, Block setout anda n EE herein." 2 are reserved for business only, with the excep- lon thae Hatn Cfayo oneo oft these covenants by shalli in nov affect any oft the other provisions which shall remain or 18. Water Assessment is paid in full. TOF HAVEA AND' TO HOLD the above deseribed premises, together with all ands singular the rights and appurtenances there- toin anywise belonging unto thes said R. B. HURLEY and wife, ERNA E. HURLEY, their heirs and assigns forever and Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, all ands singular thes said premises untot thes said R. B. HURLEY and wife, ERNA E. HURLEY, their heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or toc claim thes same, or any partt thereof. Butiti is expressly agreed and stipulated that the Vendor's Lieni isr retained against the above described property, premises andi improvements, until the above note(s), and alli interest thereon are fully paid according to the face and tenor, effect and reading, when this deed shall become absolute. Eht WITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this.. 15th uly 1963.
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiçiled with any owner or tenant.
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiçiled with any owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDRVOL00496F PAGE573\n7/53\nSTATE OF TEXAS\nKNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\n6234\nCOUNTY OF DENTON\nTHATI I,T.K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter described\nproperty is mys separate estate andi is notr now, nor! hasi it ever been, any part of my residential or business homestead), for and\nin consideration of thes sum of\nSEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 ($795.00)\nDOLLARS\ntomep paid ands secured to be paid by\nR. B. HURLEY and wife, ERNA E. HURLEY,\n-as follows:\nSEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($795.00) cash in hand paid,\nthe receipt of which is hereby acknowledged;\nHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said\nR. B. HURLEY and wife, ERNA E. HURLEY,\nState of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,\noft the County of DALLAS\nTexas, and described as follows, to-wit:\nLOT FIFTY-ONE (51) in BLOCK SEVEN (7), GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE\nESTATES, an addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the\nmap thereof recorded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat\nRecords of Denton County, Texas.\nthe plat recordedi in the Map Records i Denton County, Texas, anda are as follows:\nThis conveyance is made subject to the\nconvenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of\nloti is in 16 herein, to be_used only hereinafter resience, due\nBdL in this\nas hereinafter and excepted anyo\nprivate No structures and/or boathouse be erected, ando altered, placed or outbuildings. permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building anda\nBe enet of any, Eerhe race than the_Caucagian with any race owner or use tenant. or occupy anyl lot, except thatt this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-\ns No tL bepe or shall d Ee bys os my: : one\n\nComgat\nsS\nmTV\nBele\nsystem or\nADe\nCounyof\n\nDenton\nor Stte\n \nI\nE ES\nWater\nORECET lots bc smpovel organization byt the cause State to Department constructed of Health. water mainin, Att the time thestreet the Seller, along ne\n\n\nE E property and a Me\nE\navailable thereto, an\nFnen shall immedi\nand\nhereof on a - that\nresidence ement E or building the - herein set L out herein. pay\nmempdarain alleyents C\n\nsaid\n\ncompliance the TES E K\nlE main\nFeet. A lots are E from\nA M\non E\nyard Fomtet m on street : ofcorner side street lots-16feet. line_ than the Side buildings setback\n6. No\nshall\nthef\nnearer to\ninterior the\nestrictions.)\nSrEs3\nshall_be No painted ons tctEa outside shallb with be two or used until ofpaint. the All thereofi is used in main structure if_frame\nunfnished, material,\ntos\ntile,\nNo obnoxious or oro tot the activity or shall be carried on any lot, nors shall anything be done thereon which may be or become\na\ngarage, ently, basement, nor shall tent, any structure shack or other outbuilding erected pet thelot herein residence, deseribeds except shall that ime beused be asa residence\nmpy\nwth.\nany\nvided that\nas\nare\n11. ground floor of any main' structure, exclusive of open porchesa and\nshall be not less than 600 feet.\nStreets, easements alleys are reserved as shown on the recorded plat of said\nfor utility purposes.\nte lBeh ownerso oft thel agreed to said covenantsir in wholeo ori inpart.\nJan uary These T shall vhich\nPs mtl\ncoven running aibe the automat and shall be binding upon all'parties L Eyoss years claiming them\nBB fbe parties hereto, or of them, owning\necover damages oro Pe E for such attempting\nE\nproperty or assigns, tuated. Mones attempt to any 6 the covenants herein, it-shallbe\nto prevent FS GPADTS trolns sod sbE\nin quity\nNo\nto\nthe subdivision or any lot without the written consent of the Seller or Developer.\nAS\nDeveloper\nSPse\nrchaser, his etc.The assigns, for nott\npern ission Saet\n\nrains,\nwayo\nthe\nthe\nvithout\nor\n2may_be that E 5in trailer, Block setout anda n EE herein.\" 2 are reserved for business only, with the excep-\nlon thae\nHatn Cfayo oneo oft these covenants by\nshalli in nov affect any oft the other provisions which shall remain\nor\n18. Water Assessment is paid in full.\nTOF HAVEA AND' TO HOLD the above deseribed premises, together with all ands singular the rights and appurtenances there-\ntoin anywise belonging unto thes said R. B. HURLEY and wife, ERNA E. HURLEY, their\nheirs and assigns forever and Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-\nfend, all ands singular thes said premises untot thes said R. B. HURLEY and wife, ERNA E. HURLEY, their\nheirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or toc claim thes same, or any partt thereof.\nButiti is expressly agreed and stipulated that the Vendor's Lieni isr retained against the above described property, premises\nandi improvements, until the above\nnote(s), and alli interest thereon are fully paid according to the face and tenor,\neffect and reading, when this deed shall become absolute.\nEht\nWITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this.. 15th\nuly\n1963.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-\nmestic servants of a different race domiçiled with any owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 166 19 min past 4 o'clock P. V.Compared by CheRERERHRERERANARARINGRERIRERERALUCILE L. BARNGROVER D.3. FLAINERYSyl C.Tullyand Otio R RECORDERDeputy Recorder $16.00 70 ANDREN L. HASCALL ET UX THIS IHDENTURE made this 20th day of August A-14,aialaelleTITHESSETI: That the ssid party of the first part, for and in L. Barngrover, e single wonan, the party of the first part, and Andrew L. Hascallconsideration of sun of Ten Dollars ($10.00) Dollars, lewful money of the Unit tedStates of America, to her in hand paid by the said perties of the second part,theèreceipt hereof is hereby ackno: wledged, does by these pregents grant,bargain,sell, convey and confins unto the said parties of the second part, and to theirheirs and assigns forever, all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situateiying and being in the Connty of Sant ta Clara, State of California, and boundedthe ilameda with the Bortherly line of Hagnolia Avenue; running thence along theMesterly line of the Alameda H. 44 N. One Hundred 7hirty-one (131.00) feet tothe Southerly line of Hester Park; thence aiong the Southerly line of Hester ParkS. 470 E1' W. One Hnndred Thirty-seven and 50/100 (137.50) feet; thence parallelto the Alaneda S. 440E. One Hundred Thirty-one (131.00) feet to the Hortherlyline of Magnolia Avenue and thence aiong the Hortherly line of Kagnolia AvenueI. 47 El' E. One Hundred Thirty-sezen and 50/1c0 (137.50) feet to the point ofbeginning and being the Easterly One Hanired Thirty-seven and 50/100 (137.50)feet of Lots Humbered Bighty-four (84) and Eighty-five (85) 85 laid dom, desig-nated and delineated upon that certain Hap entitled "Hap of the Schiele SabdivisionJo. 2" recorded Hay 26th, 1890, in Book "Z" of Vape, pages 8 and 9, San ta Clera eni Habel M. Hascall, his wife, the parties of the second part. and particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the point of intersection of the Westerly line of County Records. Subject to the lien of all tazes and assessments. This çonzeyanoe is nade and accepted upon the follosing express conditiona, that the parties of the second part shali not, nor shall their heireezecutors, edainistratos or aBBigns, erect or maintain eny store, saloon,laundry, woodyari or other place of busineas anyzhere upon said property or anyportion thereof; that 1f a tarn, garage or oatbuilding be erected or maintainedupon said property it ghall not te erected or zéintained adjacent to any sidewalk,but it ehall be placed in that portion of a:id land furtheet renoved from anypublic street or highway; thet if a dwelling house be erectes upon gaid premisesthe esna shall be placed in that portion of Baid land ferthest removed from shypublic street or highzay; thas if a dyelling honee bo ocected upon soid premisesthe esne chail coat not leae then three thousand five hurdred dollere (€3,E00.CO)that no old hosse or structure ghall be mozei upsn anid proporty or anz partthereof from any place outside of tho property aboze deeeribed; that geid propertyshall not bo Occupied by any one not of the Caucaeian race, except in tho capacity ofa Bervart.
166 19 min past 4 o'clock P. V.Compared by CheRERERHRERERANARARINGRERIRERERALUCILE L. BARNGROVER D.3. FLAINERYSyl C.Tullyand Otio R RECORDERDeputy Recorder $16.00 70 ANDREN L. HASCALL ET UX THIS IHDENTURE made this 20th day of August A-14,aialaelleTITHESSETI: That the ssid party of the first part, for and in L. Barngrover, e single wonan, the party of the first part, and Andrew L. Hascallconsideration of sun of Ten Dollars ($10.00) Dollars, lewful money of the Unit tedStates of America, to her in hand paid by the said perties of the second part,theèreceipt hereof is hereby ackno: wledged, does by these pregents grant,bargain,sell, convey and confins unto the said parties of the second part, and to theirheirs and assigns forever, all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situateiying and being in the Connty of Sant ta Clara, State of California, and boundedthe ilameda with the Bortherly line of Hagnolia Avenue; running thence along theMesterly line of the Alameda H. 44 N. One Hundred 7hirty-one (131.00) feet tothe Southerly line of Hester Park; thence aiong the Southerly line of Hester ParkS. 470 E1' W. One Hnndred Thirty-seven and 50/100 (137.50) feet; thence parallelto the Alaneda S. 440E. One Hundred Thirty-one (131.00) feet to the Hortherlyline of Magnolia Avenue and thence aiong the Hortherly line of Kagnolia AvenueI. 47 El' E. One Hundred Thirty-sezen and 50/1c0 (137.50) feet to the point ofbeginning and being the Easterly One Hanired Thirty-seven and 50/100 (137.50)feet of Lots Humbered Bighty-four (84) and Eighty-five (85) 85 laid dom, desig-nated and delineated upon that certain Hap entitled "Hap of the Schiele SabdivisionJo. 2" recorded Hay 26th, 1890, in Book "Z" of Vape, pages 8 and 9, San ta Clera eni Habel M. Hascall, his wife, the parties of the second part. and particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the point of intersection of the Westerly line of County Records. Subject to the lien of all tazes and assessments. This çonzeyanoe is nade and accepted upon the follosing express conditiona, that the parties of the second part shali not, nor shall their heireezecutors, edainistratos or aBBigns, erect or maintain eny store, saloon,laundry, woodyari or other place of busineas anyzhere upon said property or anyportion thereof; that 1f a tarn, garage or oatbuilding be erected or maintainedupon said property it ghall not te erected or zéintained adjacent to any sidewalk,but it ehall be placed in that portion of a:id land furtheet renoved from anypublic street or highway; thet if a dwelling house be erectes upon gaid premisesthe esna shall be placed in that portion of Baid land ferthest removed from shypublic street or highzay; thas if a dyelling honee bo ocected upon soid premisesthe esne chail coat not leae then three thousand five hurdred dollere (€3,E00.CO)that no old hosse or structure ghall be mozei upsn anid proporty or anz partthereof from any place outside of tho property aboze deeeribed; that geid propertyshall not bo Occupied by any one not of the Caucaeian race, except in tho capacity ofa Bervart.
that no 2nd house or structure shall be moved upon said property or any part thereof from any place outside of the property above described; that said property shall not be occupied by any one not of the Caucasian race, except in the capacity of a servant.
that no 2nd house or structure shall be moved upon said property or any part thereof from any place outside of the property above described; that said property shall not be occupied by any one not of the Caucasian race, except in the capacity of a servant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]that no 2nd house or structure shall be moved upon said property or any part thereof from any place outside of the property above described; that said property shall not be occupied by any one not of the Caucasian race, except in the capacity of a servant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]that no 2nd house or structure shall be moved upon said property or any part thereof from any place outside of the property above described; that said property shall not be occupied by any one not of the Caucasian race, except in the capacity of a servant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n166\n19 min past 4 o'clock P. V.Compared by CheRERERHRERERANARARINGRERIRERERALUCILE L. BARNGROVER\nD.3. FLAINERYSyl C.Tullyand Otio R\nRECORDERDeputy Recorder\n$16.00\n70\nANDREN L. HASCALL ET UX\nTHIS IHDENTURE made this 20th day of August A-14,aialaelleTITHESSETI: That the ssid party of the first part, for and in\nL. Barngrover, e single wonan, the party of the first part, and Andrew L. Hascallconsideration of sun of Ten Dollars ($10.00) Dollars, lewful money of the Unit tedStates of America, to her in hand paid by the said perties of the second part,theèreceipt hereof is hereby ackno: wledged, does by these pregents grant,bargain,sell, convey and confins unto the said parties of the second part, and to theirheirs and assigns forever, all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situateiying and being in the Connty of Sant ta Clara, State of California, and boundedthe ilameda with the Bortherly line of Hagnolia Avenue; running thence along theMesterly line of the Alameda H. 44 N. One Hundred 7hirty-one (131.00) feet tothe Southerly line of Hester Park; thence aiong the Southerly line of Hester ParkS. 470 E1' W. One Hnndred Thirty-seven and 50/100 (137.50) feet; thence parallelto the Alaneda S. 440E. One Hundred Thirty-one (131.00) feet to the Hortherlyline of Magnolia Avenue and thence aiong the Hortherly line of Kagnolia AvenueI. 47 El' E. One Hundred Thirty-sezen and 50/1c0 (137.50) feet to the point ofbeginning and being the Easterly One Hanired Thirty-seven and 50/100 (137.50)feet of Lots Humbered Bighty-four (84) and Eighty-five (85) 85 laid dom, desig-nated and delineated upon that certain Hap entitled \"Hap of the Schiele SabdivisionJo. 2\" recorded Hay 26th, 1890, in Book \"Z\" of Vape, pages 8 and 9, San ta Clera\neni Habel M. Hascall, his wife, the parties of the second part.\nand particularly described as follows, to wit:\nBeginning at the point of intersection of the Westerly line of\nCounty Records.\nSubject to the lien of all tazes and assessments.\nThis çonzeyanoe is nade and accepted upon the follosing express\nconditiona, that the parties of the second part shali not, nor shall their heireezecutors, edainistratos or aBBigns, erect or maintain eny store, saloon,laundry, woodyari or other place of busineas anyzhere upon said property or anyportion thereof; that 1f a tarn, garage or oatbuilding be erected or maintainedupon said property it ghall not te erected or zéintained adjacent to any sidewalk,but it ehall be placed in that portion of a:id land furtheet renoved from anypublic street or highway; thet if a dwelling house be erectes upon gaid premisesthe esna shall be placed in that portion of Baid land ferthest removed from shypublic street or highzay; thas if a dyelling honee bo ocected upon soid premisesthe esne chail coat not leae then three thousand five hurdred dollere (€3,E00.CO)that no old hosse or structure ghall be mozei upsn anid proporty or anz partthereof from any place outside of tho property aboze deeeribed; that geid propertyshall not bo Occupied by any one not of the Caucaeian race, except in tho capacity\nofa Bervart.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]that no 2nd house or structure shall be moved upon said property or any part thereof from any place outside of the property above described; that said property shall not be occupied by any one not of the Caucasian race, except in the capacity of a servant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]that no 2nd house or structure shall be moved upon said property or any part thereof from any place outside of the property above described; that said property shall not be occupied by any one not of the Caucasian race, except in the capacity of a servant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] va6132 P394 dwelling shall be so planned and so placed upon said premises that the width of the front elevation thereof, which shall bet toward the highway upon which the premises herein conveyed abut, shall be greater than the depth of said dwelling, except that if the entire available building space between the side lines ofs said lot be occupied by the front of said dwell- ing the foregoing restrictions as to depth of said dwelling shall not apply. Enclosed vestibules, bays, open front entrance porches and chimneys may not encroach on front and side building lines without the written consent of GRANTORS. The total ground floor area of each dwelling shall be not less than 1600 square feet, exclusive of the garage and open terraces. 8. No portion of the within described premises, nearer to any highway than the building lines as hereinbefore fixed, shall be used for any purposes. other than that of a lawn, nothing herein contained, however, shall be construed as preventing the use of such portion of said premises for walks and drives, the planting of trees and shrubbery, the growing of flowers or ornamental plants for the. purposes of beautifying, said premises, but no vegetables nor grains of ordinary garden or field variety shall be grown upon such portion thereof, so-called, and no weeds, underbrush or other unsightly objects shall be placed or suffered to remain on any por- tion of said premises. 9. No servants' quarters, outbuildings nor garages shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain upon said premises unless the same be an integral part of the dwelling, and unless the same shall be of the same materials, construction and design and treatment as the main part of the dwelling. The entrance doors of such garage shall not face the highway, excepting on corner -here garage doors may face thes sideline streets. 10. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply family servants employed by the occupant of said premises. to 11. No portion of the premises hereby conveyed. shall be occupied, leased, rented, con- veyed, or otherwise alienated, nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another, without the written consent of GRANTORS: except that said GRANTORS may not withhold such con- sent, if and after a written request has been made to GRANTORS, to permit such occupation, leasing, renting, conveying, or alienation, by the owner or owners of the legal title of a majority ofa all of the following sublots of said subdivision: The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply tot transfers oftitle by way ofdevise or inheritance, in which case the devisee or heir shall take such property subject to the restrictions herein imposed. 12. No nuisance, gas or oil derrick, advertising sign, billboard, or other advertising device, factory, machine shop, saw mill or other manufacturing, establishment, nor any business, profes- sional or commercial enterprise whatsoever, hospital, school, place of worship, library, museum, ora any type of eleemosynary institution, or any like institutions, or any iron clad building, or a building with a tin roof, shall be constructed, erected, placed or operated or suffered to remain upon said premises, nor shall the premises be used in any way for noxious or offensive trade or any, purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the holders of the adjoin- ing land. No place of public entertainment, apartment house, flat, boarding house, nor building designed for the residence of more than one family, and no hotel, tavern, dance hall or any other form of community dwelling shall be established, conducted, maintained or suffered to remain upon said premises. No chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored upon said premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold upon said premises. The provisions of this paragraph or of any of the other restrictions herein contained shall not prevent the construction and maintenance by GRANTORS of suitable and appropriate structures for the conduct of the business of developing and improving this sub- division. 13. No heating apparatus in or for any dwelling shall be operated by any but smoke free fuel unless such apparatus is equipped, operated and maintained with some device which will prevent smoke. All dwellings shall be equipped with either an enclosed incinerator oran electric garbage disposal unit. No fences or. wall of any kind for any purposes shall be erected, placed ors suffered to remain upon said premises without the written consent of GRANTORS. 14. GRANTORS hereby reserve and except an easement and/or right-of-way upon said premises for the erection, construction and. maintenance of poles, wires, and conduits, and the necessary or proper attachments in connection therewith for the transmission of electricity and for telephone and other purposes; for the construction and maintenance of storm water drains, land drains, public and private sewers, pipe lines for supplying gas, water and heat; and for any other public or quasi-public utility or function; some of such easements and rights-of-way are located upon the plat of said allotment above referred to, and except as otherwise indicated thereon or specified herein, shall be confined to the rear ten feet of all lots, and at the side of lots where indicated on the plat or herein specified; no dwelling house or garage, fence, wall, hedge or other structure shall be built upon the locations affected by said easements and rights of way and said locations shall be at all times open to such as may have the right to use said easements, and to GRANTORS, who shall have the right of ingress and egress thereto and there- from, and the right, privilege and easement of doing whatever may be necessary in, under and upon said locations for the carrying out of any of the purposes for which said easements and rights of way are hereby reserved. GRANTORSfurther reserve the right to assignt the use of said easements and rights of way to any person, firm or corporation furnishing any one or more of the aforesaid facilities. 15. GRANTORS also expressly reserve the sole and exclusive right to establish grades and slopes ont the land hereby conveyed and to fix the grade at which any dwelling shall be hereafter erected or placed thereon, so that the same may conform to a general plan. 16. GRANTORS expressly reserve, and are hereby granted, the right, in case of any viola- tion of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the covenants and agreements herein contained, to enter the property, upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing or con- dition that may be or exist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof asi interpreted by GRANTORS, and GRANTORSshall not, by reason thereof, be deemed any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Failure by GRANTORS to guilty enforce of any of the restrictions of this conveyance shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter.
va6132 P394 dwelling shall be so planned and so placed upon said premises that the width of the front elevation thereof, which shall bet toward the highway upon which the premises herein conveyed abut, shall be greater than the depth of said dwelling, except that if the entire available building space between the side lines ofs said lot be occupied by the front of said dwell- ing the foregoing restrictions as to depth of said dwelling shall not apply. Enclosed vestibules, bays, open front entrance porches and chimneys may not encroach on front and side building lines without the written consent of GRANTORS. The total ground floor area of each dwelling shall be not less than 1600 square feet, exclusive of the garage and open terraces. 8. No portion of the within described premises, nearer to any highway than the building lines as hereinbefore fixed, shall be used for any purposes. other than that of a lawn, nothing herein contained, however, shall be construed as preventing the use of such portion of said premises for walks and drives, the planting of trees and shrubbery, the growing of flowers or ornamental plants for the. purposes of beautifying, said premises, but no vegetables nor grains of ordinary garden or field variety shall be grown upon such portion thereof, so-called, and no weeds, underbrush or other unsightly objects shall be placed or suffered to remain on any por- tion of said premises. 9. No servants' quarters, outbuildings nor garages shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain upon said premises unless the same be an integral part of the dwelling, and unless the same shall be of the same materials, construction and design and treatment as the main part of the dwelling. The entrance doors of such garage shall not face the highway, excepting on corner -here garage doors may face thes sideline streets. 10. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply family servants employed by the occupant of said premises. to 11. No portion of the premises hereby conveyed. shall be occupied, leased, rented, con- veyed, or otherwise alienated, nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another, without the written consent of GRANTORS: except that said GRANTORS may not withhold such con- sent, if and after a written request has been made to GRANTORS, to permit such occupation, leasing, renting, conveying, or alienation, by the owner or owners of the legal title of a majority ofa all of the following sublots of said subdivision: The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply tot transfers oftitle by way ofdevise or inheritance, in which case the devisee or heir shall take such property subject to the restrictions herein imposed. 12. No nuisance, gas or oil derrick, advertising sign, billboard, or other advertising device, factory, machine shop, saw mill or other manufacturing, establishment, nor any business, profes- sional or commercial enterprise whatsoever, hospital, school, place of worship, library, museum, ora any type of eleemosynary institution, or any like institutions, or any iron clad building, or a building with a tin roof, shall be constructed, erected, placed or operated or suffered to remain upon said premises, nor shall the premises be used in any way for noxious or offensive trade or any, purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the holders of the adjoin- ing land. No place of public entertainment, apartment house, flat, boarding house, nor building designed for the residence of more than one family, and no hotel, tavern, dance hall or any other form of community dwelling shall be established, conducted, maintained or suffered to remain upon said premises. No chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored upon said premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold upon said premises. The provisions of this paragraph or of any of the other restrictions herein contained shall not prevent the construction and maintenance by GRANTORS of suitable and appropriate structures for the conduct of the business of developing and improving this sub- division. 13. No heating apparatus in or for any dwelling shall be operated by any but smoke free fuel unless such apparatus is equipped, operated and maintained with some device which will prevent smoke. All dwellings shall be equipped with either an enclosed incinerator oran electric garbage disposal unit. No fences or. wall of any kind for any purposes shall be erected, placed ors suffered to remain upon said premises without the written consent of GRANTORS. 14. GRANTORS hereby reserve and except an easement and/or right-of-way upon said premises for the erection, construction and. maintenance of poles, wires, and conduits, and the necessary or proper attachments in connection therewith for the transmission of electricity and for telephone and other purposes; for the construction and maintenance of storm water drains, land drains, public and private sewers, pipe lines for supplying gas, water and heat; and for any other public or quasi-public utility or function; some of such easements and rights-of-way are located upon the plat of said allotment above referred to, and except as otherwise indicated thereon or specified herein, shall be confined to the rear ten feet of all lots, and at the side of lots where indicated on the plat or herein specified; no dwelling house or garage, fence, wall, hedge or other structure shall be built upon the locations affected by said easements and rights of way and said locations shall be at all times open to such as may have the right to use said easements, and to GRANTORS, who shall have the right of ingress and egress thereto and there- from, and the right, privilege and easement of doing whatever may be necessary in, under and upon said locations for the carrying out of any of the purposes for which said easements and rights of way are hereby reserved. GRANTORSfurther reserve the right to assignt the use of said easements and rights of way to any person, firm or corporation furnishing any one or more of the aforesaid facilities. 15. GRANTORS also expressly reserve the sole and exclusive right to establish grades and slopes ont the land hereby conveyed and to fix the grade at which any dwelling shall be hereafter erected or placed thereon, so that the same may conform to a general plan. 16. GRANTORS expressly reserve, and are hereby granted, the right, in case of any viola- tion of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the covenants and agreements herein contained, to enter the property, upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing or con- dition that may be or exist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof asi interpreted by GRANTORS, and GRANTORSshall not, by reason thereof, be deemed any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Failure by GRANTORS to guilty enforce of any of the restrictions of this conveyance shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter.
10. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.
10. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]10. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]10. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nva6132\nP394\ndwelling shall be so planned and so\nplaced upon said premises that the width\nof\nthe front elevation thereof, which shall bet toward the highway upon which the premises herein\nconveyed abut, shall be greater than the depth of said dwelling, except that if the entire\navailable building space between the side lines ofs said lot be occupied by the front of said dwell-\ning the foregoing restrictions as to depth of said dwelling shall not apply. Enclosed vestibules,\nbays, open front entrance porches and chimneys may not encroach on front and side building\nlines without the written consent of GRANTORS. The total ground floor area of each dwelling\nshall be not less than 1600 square feet, exclusive of the garage and open terraces.\n8. No portion of the within described premises, nearer to any highway than the building\nlines as hereinbefore fixed, shall be used for any purposes. other than that of a lawn, nothing\nherein contained, however, shall be construed as preventing the use of such portion of said\npremises for walks and drives, the planting of trees and shrubbery, the growing of flowers or\nornamental plants for the. purposes of beautifying, said premises, but no vegetables\nnor grains of ordinary garden or field variety shall be grown upon such portion thereof, so-called, and no\nweeds, underbrush or other unsightly objects shall be placed or suffered to remain on any por-\ntion of said premises.\n9. No servants' quarters, outbuildings nor garages shall be erected, placed or suffered to\nremain upon said premises unless the same be an integral part of the dwelling, and unless the\nsame shall be of the same materials, construction and design and treatment as the main part of\nthe dwelling. The entrance doors of such garage shall not face the highway,\nexcepting\non corner\n-here garage doors may face thes sideline streets.\n10. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used\nexcept by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not\napply\nfamily servants employed by the occupant of said premises.\nto\n11. No portion of the premises hereby conveyed. shall be occupied, leased, rented, con-\nveyed, or otherwise alienated, nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another, without\nthe written consent of GRANTORS: except that said GRANTORS may not withhold such con-\nsent, if and after a written request has been made to GRANTORS, to permit such occupation,\nleasing, renting, conveying, or alienation, by the owner or owners of the legal title of a majority\nofa all of the following sublots of said subdivision:\nThe provisions of this paragraph shall not apply\ntot transfers oftitle by way ofdevise or inheritance, in which case the devisee or heir shall take\nsuch property subject to the restrictions herein imposed.\n12. No nuisance, gas or oil derrick, advertising sign, billboard, or other advertising device,\nfactory, machine shop, saw mill or other manufacturing, establishment, nor any business, profes-\nsional or commercial enterprise whatsoever, hospital, school, place of worship, library, museum,\nora any type of eleemosynary institution, or any like institutions, or any iron clad building, or a\nbuilding with a tin roof, shall be constructed, erected, placed or operated or suffered to remain\nupon said premises, nor shall the premises be used in any way for noxious or offensive trade or\nany, purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the holders of the adjoin-\ning land. No place of public entertainment, apartment house, flat, boarding house, nor building\ndesigned for the residence of more than one family, and no hotel, tavern, dance hall or any\nother form of community dwelling shall be established, conducted, maintained or suffered to\nremain upon said premises. No chickens or other fowl or livestock of any kind shall be kept or\nharbored upon said premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured\nor sold upon said premises. The provisions of this paragraph or of any of the other restrictions\nherein contained shall not prevent the construction and maintenance by GRANTORS of suitable\nand appropriate structures for the conduct of the business of developing and improving this sub-\ndivision.\n13. No heating apparatus in or for any dwelling shall be operated by any but smoke free\nfuel unless such apparatus is equipped, operated and maintained with some device which will\nprevent smoke. All dwellings shall be equipped with either an enclosed incinerator oran electric\ngarbage disposal unit. No fences or. wall of any kind for any purposes shall be erected, placed\nors suffered to remain upon said premises without the written consent of GRANTORS.\n14. GRANTORS hereby reserve and except an easement and/or right-of-way upon said\npremises for the erection, construction and. maintenance of poles, wires, and conduits, and the\nnecessary or proper attachments in connection therewith for the transmission of electricity and\nfor telephone and other purposes; for the construction and maintenance of storm water drains,\nland drains, public and private sewers, pipe lines for supplying gas, water and heat; and for\nany other public or quasi-public utility or function; some of such easements and rights-of-way\nare located upon the plat of said allotment above referred to, and except as otherwise indicated\nthereon or specified herein, shall be confined to the rear ten feet of all lots, and at the side of\nlots where indicated on the plat or herein specified; no dwelling house or garage, fence, wall,\nhedge or other structure shall be built upon the locations affected by said easements and rights\nof way and said locations shall be at all times open to such as may have the right to use said\neasements, and to GRANTORS, who shall have the right of ingress and egress thereto and there-\nfrom, and the right, privilege and easement of doing whatever may be necessary in, under and\nupon said locations for the carrying out of any of the purposes for which said easements and\nrights of way are hereby reserved. GRANTORSfurther reserve the right to assignt the use of said\neasements and rights of way to any person, firm or corporation furnishing any one or more of the\naforesaid facilities.\n15. GRANTORS also expressly reserve the sole and exclusive right to establish grades and\nslopes ont the land hereby conveyed and to fix the grade at which any dwelling shall be hereafter\nerected or placed thereon, so that the same may conform to a general plan.\n16. GRANTORS expressly reserve, and are hereby granted, the right, in case of any viola-\ntion of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the covenants and agreements\nherein contained, to enter the property, upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and\nto summarily abate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing or con-\ndition that may be or exist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof\nasi interpreted by GRANTORS, and GRANTORSshall not, by reason thereof, be deemed\nany manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Failure by GRANTORS to guilty enforce\nof\nany of the restrictions of this conveyance shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do\nso thereafter.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]10. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used\nexcept by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply\nto family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]10. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] va.6431 PAGE 722 (6) No persone of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use oreccupy any building an any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenantshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants ofa different rage or nationality(7) No trailer, tent, hasement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilping erectedon said premises shali at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character /be. permitted.(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-proval of The Broadla wm Corporation or the committée hereinafter referred to,or if there is no comittee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures(9) No building shali be erected upon said prenises unless the eise, type, costand material of epnstruction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details thereforshall have been approved in writing by The roadlawn Corporationmittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committeeis_not in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill notbe required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har-mony with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-out the approval of said Tho roadlawn corporation or of said committee, no dwell-ing costing less than $4500.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the groundfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600 square feet in the(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for senitation pur-poses in connection with dwellings erected on the abave described premises. All ofheirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the caven-ants and agreements herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich suich violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at theexpense of the owmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpretedbyit, and the said ho Froadl.wi Cororstion shall not, by reason thereof, bedeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail-the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this intrument shall in no(12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shallinno way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in(13) If the parties hereto, or any of them, their heirs, executors, administratorsor assigns, or successors and assigns, shali violate or attempt to violate any ofthe provisions hereof before Jarnar, 1, 10 it shall be lawful for The roadlamthese premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity againet the personor persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions.alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions hereof to the extentnecessary to qualify Baid premises together with other adjacent and adjoining landsnow owned by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendments(15) The herein enumerated restrictions, condit tions, limitations, Teservations,covenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof andshall run with the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, or suçcessors and aesigne, and. any other person orpersons claiming, by, through or under them until January 1, 1980 at which timethey shall terminate and be of no further force and effect. employed by an over or tanant. located upon adjoining lands. ora com- case of a one story structure, or less than 500one and one-half or two story structure.the requirements of the Civy of Parnacomplied with.(11) The roadlawn: Vornoration square feet in the case of afor sanitary provisions shall be expressly reserve to themselves, their ure by The Broalarm Corporationfull force and effect.Corporation or_by any other person or party having event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. its successors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of (14) The iroadlavm Vorporation 1s hereby granted the right to change, thereto.
va.6431 PAGE 722 (6) No persone of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use oreccupy any building an any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenantshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants ofa different rage or nationality(7) No trailer, tent, hasement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilping erectedon said premises shali at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character /be. permitted.(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-proval of The Broadla wm Corporation or the committée hereinafter referred to,or if there is no comittee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures(9) No building shali be erected upon said prenises unless the eise, type, costand material of epnstruction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details thereforshall have been approved in writing by The roadlawn Corporationmittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committeeis_not in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill notbe required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har-mony with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-out the approval of said Tho roadlawn corporation or of said committee, no dwell-ing costing less than $4500.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the groundfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600 square feet in the(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for senitation pur-poses in connection with dwellings erected on the abave described premises. All ofheirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the caven-ants and agreements herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich suich violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at theexpense of the owmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpretedbyit, and the said ho Froadl.wi Cororstion shall not, by reason thereof, bedeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail-the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this intrument shall in no(12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shallinno way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in(13) If the parties hereto, or any of them, their heirs, executors, administratorsor assigns, or successors and assigns, shali violate or attempt to violate any ofthe provisions hereof before Jarnar, 1, 10 it shall be lawful for The roadlamthese premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity againet the personor persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions.alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions hereof to the extentnecessary to qualify Baid premises together with other adjacent and adjoining landsnow owned by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendments(15) The herein enumerated restrictions, condit tions, limitations, Teservations,covenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof andshall run with the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, or suçcessors and aesigne, and. any other person orpersons claiming, by, through or under them until January 1, 1980 at which timethey shall terminate and be of no further force and effect. employed by an over or tanant. located upon adjoining lands. ora com- case of a one story structure, or less than 500one and one-half or two story structure.the requirements of the Civy of Parnacomplied with.(11) The roadlawn: Vornoration square feet in the case of afor sanitary provisions shall be expressly reserve to themselves, their ure by The Broalarm Corporationfull force and effect.Corporation or_by any other person or party having event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. its successors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of (14) The iroadlavm Vorporation 1s hereby granted the right to change, thereto.
(6) o persone of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building an any Jot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupaacy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tonant.
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](6) o persone of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building an any Jot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupaacy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tonant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nva.6431 PAGE 722\n(6) No persone of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use oreccupy any building an any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenantshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants ofa different rage or nationality(7) No trailer, tent, hasement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilping erectedon said premises shali at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character /be. permitted.(8) No structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-proval of The Broadla wm Corporation or the committée hereinafter referred to,or if there is no comittee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures(9) No building shali be erected upon said prenises unless the eise, type, costand material of epnstruction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details thereforshall have been approved in writing by The roadlawn Corporationmittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committeeis_not in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill notbe required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har-mony with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-out the approval of said Tho roadlawn corporation or of said committee, no dwell-ing costing less than $4500.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the groundfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 600 square feet in the(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for senitation pur-poses in connection with dwellings erected on the abave described premises. All ofheirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the caven-ants and agreements herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich suich violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at theexpense of the owmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpretedbyit, and the said ho Froadl.wi Cororstion shall not, by reason thereof, bedeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Fail-the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this intrument shall in no(12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shallinno way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in(13) If the parties hereto, or any of them, their heirs, executors, administratorsor assigns, or successors and assigns, shali violate or attempt to violate any ofthe provisions hereof before Jarnar, 1, 10 it shall be lawful for The roadlamthese premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity againet the personor persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions.alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions hereof to the extentnecessary to qualify Baid premises together with other adjacent and adjoining landsnow owned by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendments(15) The herein enumerated restrictions, condit tions, limitations, Teservations,covenants and agreements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof andshall run with the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, or suçcessors and aesigne, and. any other person orpersons claiming, by, through or under them until January 1, 1980 at which timethey shall terminate and be of no further force and effect.\nemployed by an over or tanant.\nlocated upon adjoining lands.\nora com-\ncase of a one story structure, or less than 500one and one-half or two story structure.the requirements of the Civy of Parnacomplied with.(11) The roadlawn: Vornoration\nsquare feet in the case of afor sanitary provisions shall be\nexpressly reserve to themselves, their\nure by The Broalarm Corporationfull force and effect.Corporation\nor_by any other person or party having\nevent be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter.\nits successors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of\n(14) The iroadlavm Vorporation\n1s hereby granted the right to change,\nthereto.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](6) o persone of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or\noccupy any building an any Jot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant\nshall not prevent occupaacy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality\nemployed by an owner or tonant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL6475 RG281 field variety shall be grown upon such portion thereof, and nounderbrush or other unsightly growths shall be permittedgrow or remain anywhere upon said premises, and noobjects shall be allowed to be placed or suffered to remain unsightly9. No fowl except chickens for family use and no liveexcept riding horse for family use shall be10. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed,away, leased or used by any person or persons not of the given11. No spirituous, vinous or fermentedshall be manufactured or sold either at wholesale or liquors retail of any kind saidpremises, nor shall the premises be used in anywhich may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb way,the owner or owners of any. adjoining land, and no advertising the quiet ofbillboards or other advertising device shall be erected,suffered to remai in upon said premises.establish grades and slopes on the premisesfix the grade at which any building shall be hereby hereafterplaced thereon so that the same may conform to a general erected orcase of any violation or breach of any of the restrictions, the rights, right inor breach exists, and enter to the summarily property upon or as to which such violationthe owner thereof, any erection, abate and remove, at the expense ofexist thereon contrary to the intent thing and or meaning condition of that the may be orhereof, as interpreted by the Grantor, and the Grantor provisionsreason thereof be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass shall for not such byentry, abatement or removal. A failure of the Grantor toof the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, enforce anycovenants and conditions contained in this Deed shall in agreements, eventconstrued, taken or held to be a waiver thereof orconsent to any continuing further or succeeding breach acqulescence orthereof, and the Grantor shall at any and all times have violationany and all of the restrictions contained in this waive, Deed, change if in his or canceljudgment the development or lack of development warrants theor if in his judgment the ends and purposes of said Subdivisions same, wouldlimitations, agreements, covenants and terms shali be deemed reservations,and not as conditions hereof, and shall run with the land and as covenantsof Grantor and Grantee and the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" admits, the namesconstrued as including the heirs, personal representatives, successors shall beand assigns, as the case may be, and the pronoun as used hereinin the third person singular, number and masculine genderconstrued as. meaning the person, number and gender appropriate shall to thefirst designations of the parties. Whenever any of thecovenants, reservations, limitations, agreements or restrictions foregoingprovide for any approval, designation, determination,consent or any other such action shall be sufficient 1f modification, weeds, to.thereon.stock anywhereor harboredpure bloodfor uponany purpose,sign,placed orconveyed right toand to upon said premises.of the Caucasian Race. kept 12. The Grantor reserves the sole and exclusive13. The Grantor reserves and 1s hereby granted plan. Deed reservations, contained, limitations, to agreements, covenants and conditions in this nobein orthe right to enforce the better served. 14. The Grantor reserves the right to 15. The herein enumerated restrictions, rights,Whenever in this instrument the context so the Grantee until the 1st day of January, 1997. shall bindbe Grantor or his duly authorized agent. signed by
VOL6475 RG281 field variety shall be grown upon such portion thereof, and nounderbrush or other unsightly growths shall be permittedgrow or remain anywhere upon said premises, and noobjects shall be allowed to be placed or suffered to remain unsightly9. No fowl except chickens for family use and no liveexcept riding horse for family use shall be10. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed,away, leased or used by any person or persons not of the given11. No spirituous, vinous or fermentedshall be manufactured or sold either at wholesale or liquors retail of any kind saidpremises, nor shall the premises be used in anywhich may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb way,the owner or owners of any. adjoining land, and no advertising the quiet ofbillboards or other advertising device shall be erected,suffered to remai in upon said premises.establish grades and slopes on the premisesfix the grade at which any building shall be hereby hereafterplaced thereon so that the same may conform to a general erected orcase of any violation or breach of any of the restrictions, the rights, right inor breach exists, and enter to the summarily property upon or as to which such violationthe owner thereof, any erection, abate and remove, at the expense ofexist thereon contrary to the intent thing and or meaning condition of that the may be orhereof, as interpreted by the Grantor, and the Grantor provisionsreason thereof be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass shall for not such byentry, abatement or removal. A failure of the Grantor toof the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, enforce anycovenants and conditions contained in this Deed shall in agreements, eventconstrued, taken or held to be a waiver thereof orconsent to any continuing further or succeeding breach acqulescence orthereof, and the Grantor shall at any and all times have violationany and all of the restrictions contained in this waive, Deed, change if in his or canceljudgment the development or lack of development warrants theor if in his judgment the ends and purposes of said Subdivisions same, wouldlimitations, agreements, covenants and terms shali be deemed reservations,and not as conditions hereof, and shall run with the land and as covenantsof Grantor and Grantee and the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" admits, the namesconstrued as including the heirs, personal representatives, successors shall beand assigns, as the case may be, and the pronoun as used hereinin the third person singular, number and masculine genderconstrued as. meaning the person, number and gender appropriate shall to thefirst designations of the parties. Whenever any of thecovenants, reservations, limitations, agreements or restrictions foregoingprovide for any approval, designation, determination,consent or any other such action shall be sufficient 1f modification, weeds, to.thereon.stock anywhereor harboredpure bloodfor uponany purpose,sign,placed orconveyed right toand to upon said premises.of the Caucasian Race. kept 12. The Grantor reserves the sole and exclusive13. The Grantor reserves and 1s hereby granted plan. Deed reservations, contained, limitations, to agreements, covenants and conditions in this nobein orthe right to enforce the better served. 14. The Grantor reserves the right to 15. The herein enumerated restrictions, rights,Whenever in this instrument the context so the Grantee until the 1st day of January, 1997. shall bindbe Grantor or his duly authorized agent. signed by
10. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, away, leased or used by any person or persons not of the given of the Caucasian Race. pure blood
10. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian Race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]10. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, away, leased or used by any person or persons not of the given of the Caucasian Race. pure blood [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]10. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian Race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL6475 RG281\nfield variety shall be grown upon such portion thereof, and nounderbrush or other unsightly growths shall be permittedgrow or remain anywhere upon said premises, and noobjects shall be allowed to be placed or suffered to remain unsightly9. No fowl except chickens for family use and no liveexcept riding horse for family use shall be10. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed,away, leased or used by any person or persons not of the given11. No spirituous, vinous or fermentedshall be manufactured or sold either at wholesale or liquors retail of any kind saidpremises, nor shall the premises be used in anywhich may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb way,the owner or owners of any. adjoining land, and no advertising the quiet ofbillboards or other advertising device shall be erected,suffered to remai in upon said premises.establish grades and slopes on the premisesfix the grade at which any building shall be hereby hereafterplaced thereon so that the same may conform to a general erected orcase of any violation or breach of any of the restrictions, the rights, right inor breach exists, and enter to the summarily property upon or as to which such violationthe owner thereof, any erection, abate and remove, at the expense ofexist thereon contrary to the intent thing and or meaning condition of that the may be orhereof, as interpreted by the Grantor, and the Grantor provisionsreason thereof be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass shall for not such byentry, abatement or removal. A failure of the Grantor toof the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, enforce anycovenants and conditions contained in this Deed shall in agreements, eventconstrued, taken or held to be a waiver thereof orconsent to any continuing further or succeeding breach acqulescence orthereof, and the Grantor shall at any and all times have violationany and all of the restrictions contained in this waive, Deed, change if in his or canceljudgment the development or lack of development warrants theor if in his judgment the ends and purposes of said Subdivisions same, wouldlimitations, agreements, covenants and terms shali be deemed reservations,and not as conditions hereof, and shall run with the land and as covenantsof Grantor and Grantee and the terms \"Grantor\" and \"Grantee\" admits, the namesconstrued as including the heirs, personal representatives, successors shall beand assigns, as the case may be, and the pronoun as used hereinin the third person singular, number and masculine genderconstrued as. meaning the person, number and gender appropriate shall to thefirst designations of the parties. Whenever any of thecovenants, reservations, limitations, agreements or restrictions foregoingprovide for any approval, designation, determination,consent or any other such action shall be sufficient 1f modification,\nweeds, to.thereon.stock\nanywhereor harboredpure bloodfor uponany purpose,sign,placed orconveyed right toand to\nupon said premises.of the Caucasian Race.\nkept\n12. The Grantor reserves the sole and exclusive13. The Grantor reserves and 1s hereby granted plan.\nDeed reservations, contained, limitations, to\nagreements, covenants and conditions in this\nnobein orthe right to\nenforce the better served.\n14. The Grantor reserves the right to\n15. The herein enumerated restrictions, rights,Whenever in this instrument the context so\nthe Grantee until the 1st day of January, 1997.\nshall bindbe\nGrantor or his duly authorized agent.\nsigned by\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]10. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed,\naway, leased or used by any person or persons not of the given\nof the Caucasian Race.\npure blood\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]10. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian Race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL7239 PGE641 RESTRICTIOTS COHTINUED (6-A) An ease:.ent of 10 fect on the ontire Northerly sido 10(7) No dvelling shall bo pormittod on any lot in the tract mheretho ground floor area of tho main structure, exolusive of onc storyopon porches and garage, ohall bo not loss than 700 squaro fcot, inthc caco of a one story or a one and one half story structuro, norloss than 600 squaro foot in tho caso of a two story structuro.(8) An Oasement 10 resorved ovor the rear fivo foet of oach lotfor utility inatallation and maintonance should the camo bo requirad(9) This proparty shall not bo occupicd or used, by other thantho Caucasian raco oxcopt this covenant chall not pravent occupancyby domontic servants of a difforent race or nationality omployed by(10) Tho drivoway shali bo placod cn the North side of thootructure on lots an Miner, Lindor and proposori Straight Road, andon tho East cido of thc otructuros on lots on North Rond.Those covananto arc to run with the land and shall be binding onall partics and all persone claiming undor thon until July 1, 1970,at thich tine caid covonanto ehall bo automntically extendod forsuccosnive poriods of ten yrars unloso by voto of a majority of thethon omars of thc loto, it is agrood to change naid covenants inIf the partios horoto, or nny of thom, or thcir hoirs or assigno,shall violato or attempt to violato any of tho covenants horein, itGhall bo laful for any othor person or porcons ovning roal ostatecit tuatod in naid lavolopmnt or. Gubdivision to prosocuto any pro-ceodin-s at lan or in cquity against thc parson or porsons violatingor attempting to violate any such covonante and sithor to provonthim or then from GO doing or to rccover danaroo or other ducs forInvalidation of any ono of thesc covonants by jurigments or courtorior shall in no wiso offact any of the othor provinins which Ghall resorved for publio utilitios. or practicablo.tho omor or tenant. whole or part. anch violntion. remain in full forco and offect. EID
VOL7239 PGE641 RESTRICTIOTS COHTINUED (6-A) An ease:.ent of 10 fect on the ontire Northerly sido 10(7) No dvelling shall bo pormittod on any lot in the tract mheretho ground floor area of tho main structure, exolusive of onc storyopon porches and garage, ohall bo not loss than 700 squaro fcot, inthc caco of a one story or a one and one half story structuro, norloss than 600 squaro foot in tho caso of a two story structuro.(8) An Oasement 10 resorved ovor the rear fivo foet of oach lotfor utility inatallation and maintonance should the camo bo requirad(9) This proparty shall not bo occupicd or used, by other thantho Caucasian raco oxcopt this covenant chall not pravent occupancyby domontic servants of a difforent race or nationality omployed by(10) Tho drivoway shali bo placod cn the North side of thootructure on lots an Miner, Lindor and proposori Straight Road, andon tho East cido of thc otructuros on lots on North Rond.Those covananto arc to run with the land and shall be binding onall partics and all persone claiming undor thon until July 1, 1970,at thich tine caid covonanto ehall bo automntically extendod forsuccosnive poriods of ten yrars unloso by voto of a majority of thethon omars of thc loto, it is agrood to change naid covenants inIf the partios horoto, or nny of thom, or thcir hoirs or assigno,shall violato or attempt to violato any of tho covenants horein, itGhall bo laful for any othor person or porcons ovning roal ostatecit tuatod in naid lavolopmnt or. Gubdivision to prosocuto any pro-ceodin-s at lan or in cquity against thc parson or porsons violatingor attempting to violate any such covonante and sithor to provonthim or then from GO doing or to rccover danaroo or other ducs forInvalidation of any ono of thesc covonants by jurigments or courtorior shall in no wiso offact any of the othor provinins which Ghall resorved for publio utilitios. or practicablo.tho omor or tenant. whole or part. anch violntion. remain in full forco and offect. EID
(9) This proporty shall not bo occupicd or used, by other than tho Caucasian race oxcopt this covenant Ghall not pravent occupancy by domontic servants of a diffcrent race or nationality omployed by tho omor or tenant.
(9) This property shall not be occupied or used, by other than the Caucasian race except this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by the owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](9) This proporty shall not bo occupicd or used, by other than tho Caucasian race oxcopt this covenant Ghall not pravent occupancy by domontic servants of a diffcrent race or nationality omployed by tho omor or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](9) This property shall not be occupied or used, by other than the Caucasian race except this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by the owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL7239 PGE641\nRESTRICTIOTS COHTINUED\n(6-A) An ease:.ent of 10 fect on the ontire Northerly sido 10(7) No dvelling shall bo pormittod on any lot in the tract mheretho ground floor area of tho main structure, exolusive of onc storyopon porches and garage, ohall bo not loss than 700 squaro fcot, inthc caco of a one story or a one and one half story structuro, norloss than 600 squaro foot in tho caso of a two story structuro.(8) An Oasement 10 resorved ovor the rear fivo foet of oach lotfor utility inatallation and maintonance should the camo bo requirad(9) This proparty shall not bo occupicd or used, by other thantho Caucasian raco oxcopt this covenant chall not pravent occupancyby domontic servants of a difforent race or nationality omployed by(10) Tho drivoway shali bo placod cn the North side of thootructure on lots an Miner, Lindor and proposori Straight Road, andon tho East cido of thc otructuros on lots on North Rond.Those covananto arc to run with the land and shall be binding onall partics and all persone claiming undor thon until July 1, 1970,at thich tine caid covonanto ehall bo automntically extendod forsuccosnive poriods of ten yrars unloso by voto of a majority of thethon omars of thc loto, it is agrood to change naid covenants inIf the partios horoto, or nny of thom, or thcir hoirs or assigno,shall violato or attempt to violato any of tho covenants horein, itGhall bo laful for any othor person or porcons ovning roal ostatecit tuatod in naid lavolopmnt or. Gubdivision to prosocuto any pro-ceodin-s at lan or in cquity against thc parson or porsons violatingor attempting to violate any such covonante and sithor to provonthim or then from GO doing or to rccover danaroo or other ducs forInvalidation of any ono of thesc covonants by jurigments or courtorior shall in no wiso offact any of the othor provinins which Ghall\nresorved for publio utilitios.\nor practicablo.tho omor or tenant.\nwhole or part.\nanch violntion.\nremain in full forco and offect.\nEID\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](9) This proporty shall not bo occupicd or used, by other than\ntho Caucasian race oxcopt this covenant Ghall not pravent occupancy\nby domontic servants of a diffcrent race or nationality omployed by\ntho omor or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](9) This property shall not be occupied or used, by other than the Caucasian race except this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by the owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 499 WITNESS the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. her markPauline (x) Liputher markPauline (x) CopitsPaul Liput ATTEST:Eleanor H. WallaceJos. W. HumphreyCOMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA,County of Lawrence (I.R.S.)($1.10) (Seal)(Seal)(Seal) sS. On this the 17 day of June, A.D. 1946, before me a Notary Public the undersigned officer,personally appeared Pauline Liput and Paul Liput, her husband, known to me (or satisfactorily,proven) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the wit thin instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein contained.IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunt to set my hand and official seal. (N.P.Seal) Jos. W. HumphreyNotary Public My commission expires January 24, 1949 Certificate As To Residence. The undersigned hereby certifies that the precise residence of the grantee herein named is/ are as follows: 515 Fountain Ave. Ext. Ellwood City, Pennsylvania. John T. Copits. DeedTo KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Lawrence County CommissionersEarl T. White, et ux.Ent. August 31, 1946 THAT we, Earl R. Wimer, Joseph F. Travers and Karl T.Rohrer, County. Commissioners of the County of Lawrence inthe Co.nmonweal th of Pennsylvania, acting on behalf of saidCounty of Lawrence, for and in consideration of the sum ofEight Hundred Fifty and no/luu (#850.00) dollars, paid tothe County Treasurer of Lawrence County, do hereby grantand convey to Earl T. & Minnie A. White, husband & wife,#116 N. Mulberry Street, New Castle, Pennsylvania, theirheirs and assigns, all that certain' parcel or lots of landsituate in the Third Ward of the City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Designated as Lot No. 433 ih Section 31 of the Ufficial City Survey and descri bed as follows:Bounded on the North by land now or late of John H. McConnell; on the East by a 10-foot alley;on the South by land now or late of Carmela Mary Russ and on the West by Vine Street, fronting 50feet on said Vine Street and extending back of even width a distance of 133 feet, more or less, toBeing the same land coaveyed by Frederick Kimmell et ux. to H. Clyde Book by deed dated MarchSaid property was, sold to the said grantees pursuant to proceedings had in the Court of CommonPleas of Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, at No. 86 June Term, 1946, M.D., said proceeding being basedon a petition of the County Commissioners filed in said Court at said number and term pursuant tothe Act of Assembly approved Mary 29, 1931, P. L. 1080 as amended by the Act of Assembly approvedMay 21, 1943, P. L. 364, and in said petition, among other things, is set forth that said landhad been sold to the said County Commissioners of said County by the County, Treasurer by deed re-corded in Office of the Prothonotary in Treasurer's Deed Book Vol. 7,. page 452, as the property ofH. C. Book; that on February 8, 1946, they passed a resolution to sell at public sale on Mondaythe 25th day of March, 1946, at 10:00 o'clock A. 14. and as part of said resolution fixed the upsetprice on the above described land at Five Bundred Seventy-six and 02/100 ($576.02) dollars: thatpursuant to said resolution and due advertisement as appears by the record of said Court at No. 10June Term, 1946, M.D.,. they held a public sale of said property in the County Commissioners'Assembly Room on the second floor of the Court House, New Castle, Pennsylvania, on Monday the 25thday of March, 1946, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. and having,received no bids for said property, they pre-sented their petition to the Court praying for an order directing them to sell said property to thehighest bidder freed and cleared of all mortgages, municipal claims, Etc.: on said petition and onMay 24, 1946, the said Court granted a rule on ali parties interested in the land descri bed, re-turnable to July 1, 1946, to show cause wihy the prayer of the petition should not be granted, andfixed a hearing on said petition on July 3, 1946, at 8:00 o'clock A.M., Eastern Standard Time.On said July 3,. 1946, the said case was called in open Court and announced by the Court andon motion of the petitioners by their attorney, the hearing in the case was continued until July22, 1946, at 9:00 o'clock A. M., Eastern Standard Time, at which time said hearing was held, andafter due consideration,, and on July 22, 1946, the Court made an order directing the said CountyCommissioners to sell said property at public auction on Wednesday the 31st day of July, 1946, at9:00 o'clock A.M., Eastern Standard Time, in the County Commissioners' Assembly Room on the secondfloor of the Court House, New Castle, Penasylvanis, with the right to continue said sale from timeto time if the County Commissioners deemed the price offered to be insufficient and suggestedcertain advertisement be made by the County Commissioners, all of which was done as appears by therecord in said case and directed the. County Commissioners to make a return of their actions in theAnd said return having been made showing that on July 31,, 1946, in the County Commissioners'Assembly Room on the second floor of the Court House, New Castle, Pennsylvania, they exposed saidproperty for sale at public auction and received a bid of Eight Aundred Fifty and no/100 ($850.00);dollars, for said property from Earl T. & Minnie A. Whi te, husband & wife, and having deemed saidprice sufficient, subject to the approval of said Court, they sold the same to the said Earl T.& said alley. 8, 1906, and recorded in Deed Book Vol. 133, page 31. matter of said sale to said Court on August 5, 1946. Minnie A. White, husband & wife, at and for said sum of Eight Hundred and no/10u dollars. Fifty ($850.90)
499 WITNESS the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. her markPauline (x) Liputher markPauline (x) CopitsPaul Liput ATTEST:Eleanor H. WallaceJos. W. HumphreyCOMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA,County of Lawrence (I.R.S.)($1.10) (Seal)(Seal)(Seal) sS. On this the 17 day of June, A.D. 1946, before me a Notary Public the undersigned officer,personally appeared Pauline Liput and Paul Liput, her husband, known to me (or satisfactorily,proven) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the wit thin instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein contained.IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunt to set my hand and official seal. (N.P.Seal) Jos. W. HumphreyNotary Public My commission expires January 24, 1949 Certificate As To Residence. The undersigned hereby certifies that the precise residence of the grantee herein named is/ are as follows: 515 Fountain Ave. Ext. Ellwood City, Pennsylvania. John T. Copits. DeedTo KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Lawrence County CommissionersEarl T. White, et ux.Ent. August 31, 1946 THAT we, Earl R. Wimer, Joseph F. Travers and Karl T.Rohrer, County. Commissioners of the County of Lawrence inthe Co.nmonweal th of Pennsylvania, acting on behalf of saidCounty of Lawrence, for and in consideration of the sum ofEight Hundred Fifty and no/luu (#850.00) dollars, paid tothe County Treasurer of Lawrence County, do hereby grantand convey to Earl T. & Minnie A. White, husband & wife,#116 N. Mulberry Street, New Castle, Pennsylvania, theirheirs and assigns, all that certain' parcel or lots of landsituate in the Third Ward of the City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Designated as Lot No. 433 ih Section 31 of the Ufficial City Survey and descri bed as follows:Bounded on the North by land now or late of John H. McConnell; on the East by a 10-foot alley;on the South by land now or late of Carmela Mary Russ and on the West by Vine Street, fronting 50feet on said Vine Street and extending back of even width a distance of 133 feet, more or less, toBeing the same land coaveyed by Frederick Kimmell et ux. to H. Clyde Book by deed dated MarchSaid property was, sold to the said grantees pursuant to proceedings had in the Court of CommonPleas of Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, at No. 86 June Term, 1946, M.D., said proceeding being basedon a petition of the County Commissioners filed in said Court at said number and term pursuant tothe Act of Assembly approved Mary 29, 1931, P. L. 1080 as amended by the Act of Assembly approvedMay 21, 1943, P. L. 364, and in said petition, among other things, is set forth that said landhad been sold to the said County Commissioners of said County by the County, Treasurer by deed re-corded in Office of the Prothonotary in Treasurer's Deed Book Vol. 7,. page 452, as the property ofH. C. Book; that on February 8, 1946, they passed a resolution to sell at public sale on Mondaythe 25th day of March, 1946, at 10:00 o'clock A. 14. and as part of said resolution fixed the upsetprice on the above described land at Five Bundred Seventy-six and 02/100 ($576.02) dollars: thatpursuant to said resolution and due advertisement as appears by the record of said Court at No. 10June Term, 1946, M.D.,. they held a public sale of said property in the County Commissioners'Assembly Room on the second floor of the Court House, New Castle, Pennsylvania, on Monday the 25thday of March, 1946, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. and having,received no bids for said property, they pre-sented their petition to the Court praying for an order directing them to sell said property to thehighest bidder freed and cleared of all mortgages, municipal claims, Etc.: on said petition and onMay 24, 1946, the said Court granted a rule on ali parties interested in the land descri bed, re-turnable to July 1, 1946, to show cause wihy the prayer of the petition should not be granted, andfixed a hearing on said petition on July 3, 1946, at 8:00 o'clock A.M., Eastern Standard Time.On said July 3,. 1946, the said case was called in open Court and announced by the Court andon motion of the petitioners by their attorney, the hearing in the case was continued until July22, 1946, at 9:00 o'clock A. M., Eastern Standard Time, at which time said hearing was held, andafter due consideration,, and on July 22, 1946, the Court made an order directing the said CountyCommissioners to sell said property at public auction on Wednesday the 31st day of July, 1946, at9:00 o'clock A.M., Eastern Standard Time, in the County Commissioners' Assembly Room on the secondfloor of the Court House, New Castle, Penasylvanis, with the right to continue said sale from timeto time if the County Commissioners deemed the price offered to be insufficient and suggestedcertain advertisement be made by the County Commissioners, all of which was done as appears by therecord in said case and directed the. County Commissioners to make a return of their actions in theAnd said return having been made showing that on July 31,, 1946, in the County Commissioners'Assembly Room on the second floor of the Court House, New Castle, Pennsylvania, they exposed saidproperty for sale at public auction and received a bid of Eight Aundred Fifty and no/100 ($850.00);dollars, for said property from Earl T. & Minnie A. Whi te, husband & wife, and having deemed saidprice sufficient, subject to the approval of said Court, they sold the same to the said Earl T.& said alley. 8, 1906, and recorded in Deed Book Vol. 133, page 31. matter of said sale to said Court on August 5, 1946. Minnie A. White, husband & wife, at and for said sum of Eight Hundred and no/10u dollars. Fifty ($850.90)
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n499\nWITNESS the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part.\nher markPauline (x) Liputher markPauline (x) CopitsPaul Liput\nATTEST:Eleanor H. WallaceJos. W. HumphreyCOMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA,County of Lawrence\n(I.R.S.)($1.10)\n(Seal)(Seal)(Seal)\nsS.\nOn this the 17 day of June, A.D. 1946, before me a Notary Public the undersigned officer,personally appeared Pauline Liput and Paul Liput, her husband, known to me (or satisfactorily,proven) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the wit thin instrument and acknowledged\nthat they executed the same for the purposes therein contained.IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunt to set my hand and official seal.\n(N.P.Seal)\nJos. W. HumphreyNotary Public\nMy commission expires January 24, 1949\nCertificate As To Residence.\nThe undersigned hereby certifies that the precise residence of the grantee herein named is/\nare as follows: 515 Fountain Ave. Ext. Ellwood City, Pennsylvania.\nJohn T. Copits.\nDeedTo\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,\nLawrence County CommissionersEarl T. White, et ux.Ent. August 31, 1946\nTHAT we, Earl R. Wimer, Joseph F. Travers and Karl T.Rohrer, County. Commissioners of the County of Lawrence inthe Co.nmonweal th of Pennsylvania, acting on behalf of saidCounty of Lawrence, for and in consideration of the sum ofEight Hundred Fifty and no/luu (#850.00) dollars, paid tothe County Treasurer of Lawrence County, do hereby grantand convey to Earl T. & Minnie A. White, husband & wife,#116 N. Mulberry Street, New Castle, Pennsylvania, theirheirs and assigns, all that certain' parcel or lots of landsituate in the Third Ward of the City of New Castle,\nLawrence County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows:\nDesignated as Lot No. 433 ih Section 31 of the Ufficial City Survey and descri bed as follows:Bounded on the North by land now or late of John H. McConnell; on the East by a 10-foot alley;on the South by land now or late of Carmela Mary Russ and on the West by Vine Street, fronting 50feet on said Vine Street and extending back of even width a distance of 133 feet, more or less, toBeing the same land coaveyed by Frederick Kimmell et ux. to H. Clyde Book by deed dated MarchSaid property was, sold to the said grantees pursuant to proceedings had in the Court of CommonPleas of Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, at No. 86 June Term, 1946, M.D., said proceeding being basedon a petition of the County Commissioners filed in said Court at said number and term pursuant tothe Act of Assembly approved Mary 29, 1931, P. L. 1080 as amended by the Act of Assembly approvedMay 21, 1943, P. L. 364, and in said petition, among other things, is set forth that said landhad been sold to the said County Commissioners of said County by the County, Treasurer by deed re-corded in Office of the Prothonotary in Treasurer's Deed Book Vol. 7,. page 452, as the property ofH. C. Book; that on February 8, 1946, they passed a resolution to sell at public sale on Mondaythe 25th day of March, 1946, at 10:00 o'clock A. 14. and as part of said resolution fixed the upsetprice on the above described land at Five Bundred Seventy-six and 02/100 ($576.02) dollars: thatpursuant to said resolution and due advertisement as appears by the record of said Court at No. 10June Term, 1946, M.D.,. they held a public sale of said property in the County Commissioners'Assembly Room on the second floor of the Court House, New Castle, Pennsylvania, on Monday the 25thday of March, 1946, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. and having,received no bids for said property, they pre-sented their petition to the Court praying for an order directing them to sell said property to thehighest bidder freed and cleared of all mortgages, municipal claims, Etc.: on said petition and onMay 24, 1946, the said Court granted a rule on ali parties interested in the land descri bed, re-turnable to July 1, 1946, to show cause wihy the prayer of the petition should not be granted, andfixed a hearing on said petition on July 3, 1946, at 8:00 o'clock A.M., Eastern Standard Time.On said July 3,. 1946, the said case was called in open Court and announced by the Court andon motion of the petitioners by their attorney, the hearing in the case was continued until July22, 1946, at 9:00 o'clock A. M., Eastern Standard Time, at which time said hearing was held, andafter due consideration,, and on July 22, 1946, the Court made an order directing the said CountyCommissioners to sell said property at public auction on Wednesday the 31st day of July, 1946, at9:00 o'clock A.M., Eastern Standard Time, in the County Commissioners' Assembly Room on the secondfloor of the Court House, New Castle, Penasylvanis, with the right to continue said sale from timeto time if the County Commissioners deemed the price offered to be insufficient and suggestedcertain advertisement be made by the County Commissioners, all of which was done as appears by therecord in said case and directed the. County Commissioners to make a return of their actions in theAnd said return having been made showing that on July 31,, 1946, in the County Commissioners'Assembly Room on the second floor of the Court House, New Castle, Pennsylvania, they exposed saidproperty for sale at public auction and received a bid of Eight Aundred Fifty and no/100 ($850.00);dollars, for said property from Earl T. & Minnie A. Whi te, husband & wife, and having deemed saidprice sufficient, subject to the approval of said Court, they sold the same to the said Earl T.&\nsaid alley.\n8, 1906, and recorded in Deed Book Vol. 133, page 31.\nmatter of said sale to said Court on August 5, 1946.\nMinnie A. White, husband & wife, at and for said sum of Eight Hundred\nand no/10u\ndollars.\nFifty\n($850.90)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] rtw cV:.v8816a217 1. Said premises shall be used and occupied solely and exclusively for private residencepurposes by a single family including itsf family servants. No other than onc single-family private-residence purpose building, hereinafter designated "dwelling," shall be erected, reconstructed,placed or suffered to remain thereon. Said premises shall not be subdivided into' smaller parcels2. No dwelling shall be erected, reconstruced, placed or suffered to remain upon saidpremises having a cost (based on 1941 construction cost) of less than $15,000 xxxapkmamblattasstwdRuise ucaohdinababoay motras sxsoubutit3. The ridge line of more than one-half of any dwelling shall be not more than 15 ft. abovethe established grade of said premises. The ground floor line of any dwelling may not be more4. No dwelling shall be nearer the front or street line or lines than the building sct-backline or lines shown upon the recorded plat of said subdivision, nor nearer to any side line thanthe side line set-backs shown or recited upon the recorded plat of said subdivision. The side lineset-backs are intended for the bencfit of the adjoining property owners, and where any personowning two or more adjoining lots builds one dwelling on the combined frontages this restric-tion shall apply only to the outside lines of the said lots owned by said person.5. No dwelfing shall be erected, reconstructed, placed or suffered. to remain upon saidpremises unless the plans and specifications for any dwelling or any additions thereto, or anyalterations thereof, shall have been prepared by an architect registered for the practice of archi-tecture in the State of Ohio at the time such plans and specifications have. been prepared; andunless said plans and specifications shall have been submitted to GRANTORS for their approvalas to the size, type, style of architecture, cost, materials of construction, color scheme, and lotplans showing the proposed location of said dwelling and drive upon the premises; and unlesssuch plans, details thereof, and specifications shall haye been approved in writing by GRANTORS.Ac copy, of such submitted plans and specifications, signed by the architect, shall be lodged per-manently with GRANTORS and upon completion of the work said registered architect shallcertify. in writing to GRANTORS that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the work was com-pleted in accordance with said plans and specifications first approved in writing by GRANTORS,and in accordance with the provisions of the building codes of the Governmental authorities6. The dwelling shall beso planned and 80 placed upon said premises that the width ofthe front elevation thereof, which shall, be toward the highway upon which the premises hereinconveyed abut, shall be greater than. the. depth of said dwelling, except that if the entireavailable building space between the side lines of said lot be occupied by, the front of said dwell-ing the foregoing restrictions as to depth of said dwelling shall not apply. Enclosed vestibules,bays, open front entrance porches and chimneys may not encrouch on front and side buildinglines without the written consent of GRANTORS. The total ground floor area of each dwellingshall be not" less than 1600 square feet, XMXXXAAwgIgRSAmcoggtaX7. N No portion of the within described premises, nearer to any highway than the buildinglines as hereinbefore fixed, shall be used for any purposes other than that of a lawn, nothingherein contained, however, shall be construed as preventing the use of such portion of saidpremises for walks and drives, the planting of trees and shrubbery, the growing of flowers orornamental plants for the purposes of beautifying, said premises, but no vegetables so-called,nor grains of ordinary garden or field variety shall be grown upon such portion thercof, and noweeds, underbrush or other unsightly objects shall be placed or suffered to remain on any por-8. M.No servants' quarters, outbuildings nor garages shall be erected, placed or suffered toremain upon said premises unless the same be an integral part of the dwelling, and unless thesame shall be of the same materials, construction and design and treatment as the main part ofthe dwelling. The entrance doors of such garage shall not face the highway, excepting on corner9. Ap. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or usedexcept by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply or used or occupied except as one parcel.*haxac AAXXXAEITEISMAXE than 7 in. above the established grade of said premises, having jurisdiction thereof. tion of said premises. lots where garage doors may face thes sideline streets.tofamily servants employed by the occupant of said premises. (2)
rtw cV:.v8816a217 1. Said premises shall be used and occupied solely and exclusively for private residencepurposes by a single family including itsf family servants. No other than onc single-family private-residence purpose building, hereinafter designated "dwelling," shall be erected, reconstructed,placed or suffered to remain thereon. Said premises shall not be subdivided into' smaller parcels2. No dwelling shall be erected, reconstruced, placed or suffered to remain upon saidpremises having a cost (based on 1941 construction cost) of less than $15,000 xxxapkmamblattasstwdRuise ucaohdinababoay motras sxsoubutit3. The ridge line of more than one-half of any dwelling shall be not more than 15 ft. abovethe established grade of said premises. The ground floor line of any dwelling may not be more4. No dwelling shall be nearer the front or street line or lines than the building sct-backline or lines shown upon the recorded plat of said subdivision, nor nearer to any side line thanthe side line set-backs shown or recited upon the recorded plat of said subdivision. The side lineset-backs are intended for the bencfit of the adjoining property owners, and where any personowning two or more adjoining lots builds one dwelling on the combined frontages this restric-tion shall apply only to the outside lines of the said lots owned by said person.5. No dwelfing shall be erected, reconstructed, placed or suffered. to remain upon saidpremises unless the plans and specifications for any dwelling or any additions thereto, or anyalterations thereof, shall have been prepared by an architect registered for the practice of archi-tecture in the State of Ohio at the time such plans and specifications have. been prepared; andunless said plans and specifications shall have been submitted to GRANTORS for their approvalas to the size, type, style of architecture, cost, materials of construction, color scheme, and lotplans showing the proposed location of said dwelling and drive upon the premises; and unlesssuch plans, details thereof, and specifications shall haye been approved in writing by GRANTORS.Ac copy, of such submitted plans and specifications, signed by the architect, shall be lodged per-manently with GRANTORS and upon completion of the work said registered architect shallcertify. in writing to GRANTORS that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the work was com-pleted in accordance with said plans and specifications first approved in writing by GRANTORS,and in accordance with the provisions of the building codes of the Governmental authorities6. The dwelling shall beso planned and 80 placed upon said premises that the width ofthe front elevation thereof, which shall, be toward the highway upon which the premises hereinconveyed abut, shall be greater than. the. depth of said dwelling, except that if the entireavailable building space between the side lines of said lot be occupied by, the front of said dwell-ing the foregoing restrictions as to depth of said dwelling shall not apply. Enclosed vestibules,bays, open front entrance porches and chimneys may not encrouch on front and side buildinglines without the written consent of GRANTORS. The total ground floor area of each dwellingshall be not" less than 1600 square feet, XMXXXAAwgIgRSAmcoggtaX7. N No portion of the within described premises, nearer to any highway than the buildinglines as hereinbefore fixed, shall be used for any purposes other than that of a lawn, nothingherein contained, however, shall be construed as preventing the use of such portion of saidpremises for walks and drives, the planting of trees and shrubbery, the growing of flowers orornamental plants for the purposes of beautifying, said premises, but no vegetables so-called,nor grains of ordinary garden or field variety shall be grown upon such portion thercof, and noweeds, underbrush or other unsightly objects shall be placed or suffered to remain on any por-8. M.No servants' quarters, outbuildings nor garages shall be erected, placed or suffered toremain upon said premises unless the same be an integral part of the dwelling, and unless thesame shall be of the same materials, construction and design and treatment as the main part ofthe dwelling. The entrance doors of such garage shall not face the highway, excepting on corner9. Ap. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or usedexcept by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply or used or occupied except as one parcel.*haxac AAXXXAEITEISMAXE than 7 in. above the established grade of said premises, having jurisdiction thereof. tion of said premises. lots where garage doors may face thes sideline streets.tofamily servants employed by the occupant of said premises. (2)
9. Ap. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply tof family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.
9. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]9. Ap. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply tof family servants employed by the occupant of said premises. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]9. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nrtw cV:.v8816a217\n1. Said premises shall be used and occupied solely and exclusively for private residencepurposes by a single family including itsf family servants. No other than onc single-family private-residence purpose building, hereinafter designated \"dwelling,\" shall be erected, reconstructed,placed or suffered to remain thereon. Said premises shall not be subdivided into' smaller parcels2. No dwelling shall be erected, reconstruced, placed or suffered to remain upon saidpremises having a cost (based on 1941 construction cost) of less than $15,000 xxxapkmamblattasstwdRuise ucaohdinababoay motras sxsoubutit3. The ridge line of more than one-half of any dwelling shall be not more than 15 ft. abovethe established grade of said premises. The ground floor line of any dwelling may not be more4. No dwelling shall be nearer the front or street line or lines than the building sct-backline or lines shown upon the recorded plat of said subdivision, nor nearer to any side line thanthe side line set-backs shown or recited upon the recorded plat of said subdivision. The side lineset-backs are intended for the bencfit of the adjoining property owners, and where any personowning two or more adjoining lots builds one dwelling on the combined frontages this restric-tion shall apply only to the outside lines of the said lots owned by said person.5. No dwelfing shall be erected, reconstructed, placed or suffered. to remain upon saidpremises unless the plans and specifications for any dwelling or any additions thereto, or anyalterations thereof, shall have been prepared by an architect registered for the practice of archi-tecture in the State of Ohio at the time such plans and specifications have. been prepared; andunless said plans and specifications shall have been submitted to GRANTORS for their approvalas to the size, type, style of architecture, cost, materials of construction, color scheme, and lotplans showing the proposed location of said dwelling and drive upon the premises; and unlesssuch plans, details thereof, and specifications shall haye been approved in writing by GRANTORS.Ac copy, of such submitted plans and specifications, signed by the architect, shall be lodged per-manently with GRANTORS and upon completion of the work said registered architect shallcertify. in writing to GRANTORS that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the work was com-pleted in accordance with said plans and specifications first approved in writing by GRANTORS,and in accordance with the provisions of the building codes of the Governmental authorities6. The dwelling shall beso planned and 80 placed upon said premises that the width ofthe front elevation thereof, which shall, be toward the highway upon which the premises hereinconveyed abut, shall be greater than. the. depth of said dwelling, except that if the entireavailable building space between the side lines of said lot be occupied by, the front of said dwell-ing the foregoing restrictions as to depth of said dwelling shall not apply. Enclosed vestibules,bays, open front entrance porches and chimneys may not encrouch on front and side buildinglines without the written consent of GRANTORS. The total ground floor area of each dwellingshall be not\" less than 1600 square feet, XMXXXAAwgIgRSAmcoggtaX7. N No portion of the within described premises, nearer to any highway than the buildinglines as hereinbefore fixed, shall be used for any purposes other than that of a lawn, nothingherein contained, however, shall be construed as preventing the use of such portion of saidpremises for walks and drives, the planting of trees and shrubbery, the growing of flowers orornamental plants for the purposes of beautifying, said premises, but no vegetables so-called,nor grains of ordinary garden or field variety shall be grown upon such portion thercof, and noweeds, underbrush or other unsightly objects shall be placed or suffered to remain on any por-8. M.No servants' quarters, outbuildings nor garages shall be erected, placed or suffered toremain upon said premises unless the same be an integral part of the dwelling, and unless thesame shall be of the same materials, construction and design and treatment as the main part ofthe dwelling. The entrance doors of such garage shall not face the highway, excepting on corner9. Ap. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or usedexcept by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply\nor used or occupied except as one parcel.*haxac AAXXXAEITEISMAXE\nthan 7 in. above the established grade of said premises,\nhaving jurisdiction thereof.\n\ntion of said premises.\nlots where garage doors may face thes sideline streets.tofamily servants employed by the occupant of said premises.\n(2)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]9. Ap. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used\nexcept by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply\ntof family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]9. No part of the premises hereby conveyed shall be sold, inhabited, occupied or used except by persons of the Caucasian race; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to family servants employed by the occupant of said premises.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] w146u 2-47.1.5 THECOLMBUS MAGE 63 Harranty BephGen'l Code, Secs. 810.1.11,15.16. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That James W. Rea and his wife,of_the Cityand State of Ohio Kathryn Rea, of Columbus County of Franklin in consideration of the sum of One (31.00) and other good and valuable considerabionsto them paid by George N, Steele and Delores E. Steele, of the Cityand State ofdo of ColumbusOhio County of Franklin the receipt whereof is hereby avknowledged, hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL and CONVEY to the said George V. Steele ard Delores E. Steele, their heirs and assigns forever, the following REAL ESTATE, situated in the County of FranklinTownship in the State of Ohio and in the of Franklin and bounded and described as follows: Being Lots Kumber Twenty-five (25) and Twenty-six (36) of lopdrow Place, as the same are numbered and delineated upor. therecorded plut thereof, of record in Plat Book Fo. 5, page 278, Recorders Office, Frankiin County, Chio. Grantor acquired the above described premises by Deed BookThe foregoing property is sola upon the expressed conditionsanà as a part of the consideration hermof that the buyers,their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns or any_ongholding or claiming under them or either of them shall never!himself, herself or themselves or any one of them, manufactuteor sell upon said premises or permit or authorize any oneelse to manufacture or sell upon said premises, or any partthereof, any spirituous, alcoholio, or intoxicating linuorof_any, kind or description whatever, or any ale, beer ormalt 1iouor of any kind or description whatever, or to carryon or allow others to carry on upon said premises, anyslaughter house, tannery, fertilizer, bone or soap factory;or sell, lease, mortgage, pledge; give or otherwise disposeofin any way, shape or form, the property herein purchasedby them, or any part thereof, to any colored person orpersons other than the white or Caucasian race. The purchasetsbind themselyes, their heirs, executors, administrators andassigns, including corporations and assigns in any capacity,never to rent or lease said premises to any colored personor persons other than the white or Cauoasian race, or permit 1177, page 497 und Deed Bock 1224, pge 448, 2ecorder's Office, FranklinCounty, Ohio, and the last known address of the Grantees herein is 144 Dana Avenue, Columbus, Chio. 51460003:
w146u 2-47.1.5 THECOLMBUS MAGE 63 Harranty BephGen'l Code, Secs. 810.1.11,15.16. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That James W. Rea and his wife,of_the Cityand State of Ohio Kathryn Rea, of Columbus County of Franklin in consideration of the sum of One (31.00) and other good and valuable considerabionsto them paid by George N, Steele and Delores E. Steele, of the Cityand State ofdo of ColumbusOhio County of Franklin the receipt whereof is hereby avknowledged, hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL and CONVEY to the said George V. Steele ard Delores E. Steele, their heirs and assigns forever, the following REAL ESTATE, situated in the County of FranklinTownship in the State of Ohio and in the of Franklin and bounded and described as follows: Being Lots Kumber Twenty-five (25) and Twenty-six (36) of lopdrow Place, as the same are numbered and delineated upor. therecorded plut thereof, of record in Plat Book Fo. 5, page 278, Recorders Office, Frankiin County, Chio. Grantor acquired the above described premises by Deed BookThe foregoing property is sola upon the expressed conditionsanà as a part of the consideration hermof that the buyers,their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns or any_ongholding or claiming under them or either of them shall never!himself, herself or themselves or any one of them, manufactuteor sell upon said premises or permit or authorize any oneelse to manufacture or sell upon said premises, or any partthereof, any spirituous, alcoholio, or intoxicating linuorof_any, kind or description whatever, or any ale, beer ormalt 1iouor of any kind or description whatever, or to carryon or allow others to carry on upon said premises, anyslaughter house, tannery, fertilizer, bone or soap factory;or sell, lease, mortgage, pledge; give or otherwise disposeofin any way, shape or form, the property herein purchasedby them, or any part thereof, to any colored person orpersons other than the white or Caucasian race. The purchasetsbind themselyes, their heirs, executors, administrators andassigns, including corporations and assigns in any capacity,never to rent or lease said premises to any colored personor persons other than the white or Cauoasian race, or permit 1177, page 497 und Deed Bock 1224, pge 448, 2ecorder's Office, FranklinCounty, Ohio, and the last known address of the Grantees herein is 144 Dana Avenue, Columbus, Chio. 51460003:
or sell, lease, mortgage, pledge, give or otherwise dispose of in any way, shape or form, the property herein purchased by them, or any part thereof, to any colored person DI persons other than the white or Caucasian race. The purchasers bind themselyes, their heirs, executors, dministrators and assigns, including corporations and assigns in any capacity, never to rent or lease said premises to any colored person or persons other than the white or Cauoasian rage, or permit
or sell, lease, mortgage, pledge, give or otherwise dispose of in any way, shape or form, the property herein purchased by them, or any part thereof, to any colored person or persons other than the white or Caucasian race. The purchasers bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, including corporations and assigns in any capacity, never rent or lease said premises to any colored person or persons other than the white or Caucasian race, or permit
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]or sell, lease, mortgage, pledge, give or otherwise dispose of in any way, shape or form, the property herein purchased by them, or any part thereof, to any colored person DI persons other than the white or Caucasian race. The purchasers bind themselyes, their heirs, executors, dministrators and assigns, including corporations and assigns in any capacity, never to rent or lease said premises to any colored person or persons other than the white or Cauoasian rage, or permit [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]or sell, lease, mortgage, pledge, give or otherwise dispose of in any way, shape or form, the property herein purchased by them, or any part thereof, to any colored person or persons other than the white or Caucasian race. The purchasers bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, including corporations and assigns in any capacity, never rent or lease said premises to any colored person or persons other than the white or Caucasian race, or permit[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nw146u\n2-47.1.5\nTHECOLMBUS\nMAGE 63\nHarranty BephGen'l Code, Secs. 810.1.11,15.16.\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That James W. Rea and\nhis wife,of_the Cityand State of Ohio\nKathryn Rea,\nof Columbus\nCounty of Franklin\nin consideration of the sum of\nOne (31.00) and other good and valuable considerabionsto them paid by George N, Steele and Delores E. Steele,\nof the Cityand State ofdo\nof ColumbusOhio\nCounty of Franklin\nthe receipt whereof is hereby avknowledged,\nhereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL and CONVEY to the said\nGeorge V. Steele ard Delores E. Steele,\ntheir heirs and assigns forever, the following REAL ESTATE, situated in\nthe County of FranklinTownship\nin the State of Ohio\nand in the\nof Franklin\nand bounded and described as follows:\nBeing Lots Kumber Twenty-five (25) and Twenty-six (36)\nof lopdrow Place, as the same are numbered and delineated upor. therecorded plut thereof, of record in Plat Book Fo. 5, page 278, Recorders\nOffice, Frankiin County, Chio.\nGrantor acquired the above described premises by Deed BookThe foregoing property is sola upon the expressed conditionsanà as a part of the consideration hermof that the buyers,their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns or any_ongholding or claiming under them or either of them shall never!himself, herself or themselves or any one of them, manufactuteor sell upon said premises or permit or authorize any oneelse to manufacture or sell upon said premises, or any partthereof, any spirituous, alcoholio, or intoxicating linuorof_any, kind or description whatever, or any ale, beer ormalt 1iouor of any kind or description whatever, or to carryon or allow others to carry on upon said premises, anyslaughter house, tannery, fertilizer, bone or soap factory;or sell, lease, mortgage, pledge; give or otherwise disposeofin any way, shape or form, the property herein purchasedby them, or any part thereof, to any colored person orpersons other than the white or Caucasian race. The purchasetsbind themselyes, their heirs, executors, administrators andassigns, including corporations and assigns in any capacity,never to rent or lease said premises to any colored personor persons other than the white or Cauoasian race, or permit\n1177, page 497 und Deed Bock 1224, pge 448, 2ecorder's Office, FranklinCounty, Ohio, and the last known address of the Grantees herein is 144\nDana Avenue, Columbus, Chio.\n51460003:\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]or sell, lease, mortgage, pledge, give or otherwise dispose\nof in any way, shape or form, the property herein purchased\nby them, or any part thereof, to any colored person DI\npersons other than the white or Caucasian race. The purchasers\nbind themselyes, their heirs, executors, dministrators and\nassigns, including corporations and assigns in any capacity,\nnever to rent or lease said premises to any colored person\nor persons other than the white or Cauoasian rage, or permit\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]or sell, lease, mortgage, pledge, give or otherwise dispose of in any way, shape or form, the property herein purchased by them, or any part thereof, to any colored person or persons other than the white or Caucasian race. The purchasers bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, including corporations and assigns in any capacity, never rent or lease said premises to any colored person or persons other than the white or Caucasian race, or permit[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] Order 3Pa GB:lwhTHE STATE OFTEXAS,County of Bexar.of the County of Bexarsum of Ten and No/100is hereby fully acknowledged and confessed, 567925 Know all Men by These Presents: That we, Otto Jupe and wife, Ida Jupe, and the State of Texas, for and in consideration of the Dollars ($ 10.00 and other valuable consideration to us cash in hand paid by the Grantee hereinafter named, the receipt of which Ve,CRANTED;SOLD: and CONVEYED, and by these presents do GRANT, SELL and CONVEYuntoreal estatè, together with alli improxementsthereon, situated. inthe County of Bexar, State of Texas, beingATract of land out of a 41.004 acre tract out of the South part of Tract #4 of theSubdivision of the Anton Sultenfuss Tract out of the N. Montoya Survey #21, in BexarCounty, Texas; the herein described tract being more particularly described by metesBEGINNING at a point on the East side of the W. W. White Road at the intersection of theEast line of said W. W. White Road with the South line of the above mentioned Tract #4THENCE South 89 degrees 45 mimutes 15 seconds East 725 feet to the Southwest cornerTHENCE North 0 degrees 20 minutes East 300.8 feet to the North line of the above referredTHENCE South 89 degrees 45 mimutes 15 seconds East along and with the North line of saidreferred to 41.004 acre tract 99 feet to the Northeast corner of the tract herein des-THENCE South 0 degrees 20 minutes West 300.8 feet, the Southeast corner of the tractTHENCE North 89 degreés. 45 mimutes 15 seconds West 99 feet to the place of beginning;SAVE AND EXCEPT that portion conveyed to Bexar County by Deed dated February 27th, 1947recorded in Volume 2369, Page 219 of the Deed Records of Bexar County, Texas.This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition that no person of the Mexicanor negro raçe shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property; and also,this conveyance is. made, however, subject to easements contained in instruments recordedin Volume 877, page 103, Volume 787, page 606, and Volume 1107, page 469 of the DeedRecords of Bexar County, Texas, and subject to the further condition that the granteeherein, his heirs or assigns shall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall useCurrent taxes on the above described property have been prorated to date hereof and Victor T. A. Anderege, oft theComtgot'Belar State of Texas, the. following described omimtlalakchwerliwa. as. and bounds as follows, to-wit: of the Subdivision of the Anton Sultenfuss Tract; of the tract herein described;to 41.004 acre tract;cribed;herein described; and erect a septic tank on said property.Grantee assumes payment of same. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described real estate and premises, together with all andsingular the rights and appurtenances thereunto in anywise belonging, unto the said Grantee , hisexecutors, administrators, and assigns TO WARRANT ANDI FOREVER DEFEND all and singular theassigns against every person whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same, or any part thereof. heirs or assigns; forever.. And we do hereby bind ourselves, oursaid real. estate. and' premises unto the said grantee herein,. heirs,heirs and EXECUTED this the' 17th day of September, A.D., 1948 - Ida Jupe -BH
Order 3Pa GB:lwhTHE STATE OFTEXAS,County of Bexar.of the County of Bexarsum of Ten and No/100is hereby fully acknowledged and confessed, 567925 Know all Men by These Presents: That we, Otto Jupe and wife, Ida Jupe, and the State of Texas, for and in consideration of the Dollars ($ 10.00 and other valuable consideration to us cash in hand paid by the Grantee hereinafter named, the receipt of which Ve,CRANTED;SOLD: and CONVEYED, and by these presents do GRANT, SELL and CONVEYuntoreal estatè, together with alli improxementsthereon, situated. inthe County of Bexar, State of Texas, beingATract of land out of a 41.004 acre tract out of the South part of Tract #4 of theSubdivision of the Anton Sultenfuss Tract out of the N. Montoya Survey #21, in BexarCounty, Texas; the herein described tract being more particularly described by metesBEGINNING at a point on the East side of the W. W. White Road at the intersection of theEast line of said W. W. White Road with the South line of the above mentioned Tract #4THENCE South 89 degrees 45 mimutes 15 seconds East 725 feet to the Southwest cornerTHENCE North 0 degrees 20 minutes East 300.8 feet to the North line of the above referredTHENCE South 89 degrees 45 mimutes 15 seconds East along and with the North line of saidreferred to 41.004 acre tract 99 feet to the Northeast corner of the tract herein des-THENCE South 0 degrees 20 minutes West 300.8 feet, the Southeast corner of the tractTHENCE North 89 degreés. 45 mimutes 15 seconds West 99 feet to the place of beginning;SAVE AND EXCEPT that portion conveyed to Bexar County by Deed dated February 27th, 1947recorded in Volume 2369, Page 219 of the Deed Records of Bexar County, Texas.This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition that no person of the Mexicanor negro raçe shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property; and also,this conveyance is. made, however, subject to easements contained in instruments recordedin Volume 877, page 103, Volume 787, page 606, and Volume 1107, page 469 of the DeedRecords of Bexar County, Texas, and subject to the further condition that the granteeherein, his heirs or assigns shall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall useCurrent taxes on the above described property have been prorated to date hereof and Victor T. A. Anderege, oft theComtgot'Belar State of Texas, the. following described omimtlalakchwerliwa. as. and bounds as follows, to-wit: of the Subdivision of the Anton Sultenfuss Tract; of the tract herein described;to 41.004 acre tract;cribed;herein described; and erect a septic tank on said property.Grantee assumes payment of same. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described real estate and premises, together with all andsingular the rights and appurtenances thereunto in anywise belonging, unto the said Grantee , hisexecutors, administrators, and assigns TO WARRANT ANDI FOREVER DEFEND all and singular theassigns against every person whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same, or any part thereof. heirs or assigns; forever.. And we do hereby bind ourselves, oursaid real. estate. and' premises unto the said grantee herein,. heirs,heirs and EXECUTED this the' 17th day of September, A.D., 1948 - Ida Jupe -BH
This conveyance is made, however, subjeçt to the condition that no person of the Mexican or negro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinaoove described property; and also,
This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition that no person of the Mexican or negro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property;
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]This conveyance is made, however, subjeçt to the condition that no person of the Mexican or negro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinaoove described property; and also, [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition that no person of the Mexican or negro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property;[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nOrder 3Pa GB:lwhTHE STATE OFTEXAS,County of Bexar.of the County of Bexarsum of Ten and No/100is hereby fully acknowledged and confessed,\n567925\nKnow all Men by These Presents:\nThat we, Otto Jupe and wife, Ida Jupe,\nand the State of Texas, for and in consideration of the\nDollars ($ 10.00\nand other valuable\nconsideration to us cash in hand paid by the Grantee hereinafter named, the receipt of which\nVe,CRANTED;SOLD: and CONVEYED, and by these presents do GRANT, SELL and CONVEYuntoreal estatè, together with alli improxementsthereon, situated. inthe County of Bexar, State of Texas, beingATract of land out of a 41.004 acre tract out of the South part of Tract #4 of theSubdivision of the Anton Sultenfuss Tract out of the N. Montoya Survey #21, in BexarCounty, Texas; the herein described tract being more particularly described by metesBEGINNING at a point on the East side of the W. W. White Road at the intersection of theEast line of said W. W. White Road with the South line of the above mentioned Tract #4THENCE South 89 degrees 45 mimutes 15 seconds East 725 feet to the Southwest cornerTHENCE North 0 degrees 20 minutes East 300.8 feet to the North line of the above referredTHENCE South 89 degrees 45 mimutes 15 seconds East along and with the North line of saidreferred to 41.004 acre tract 99 feet to the Northeast corner of the tract herein des-THENCE South 0 degrees 20 minutes West 300.8 feet, the Southeast corner of the tractTHENCE North 89 degreés. 45 mimutes 15 seconds West 99 feet to the place of beginning;SAVE AND EXCEPT that portion conveyed to Bexar County by Deed dated February 27th, 1947recorded in Volume 2369, Page 219 of the Deed Records of Bexar County, Texas.This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition that no person of the Mexicanor negro raçe shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property; and also,this conveyance is. made, however, subject to easements contained in instruments recordedin Volume 877, page 103, Volume 787, page 606, and Volume 1107, page 469 of the DeedRecords of Bexar County, Texas, and subject to the further condition that the granteeherein, his heirs or assigns shall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall useCurrent taxes on the above described property have been prorated to date hereof and\nVictor T. A. Anderege,\noft theComtgot'Belar\nState of Texas, the. following described\nomimtlalakchwerliwa. as.\nand bounds as follows, to-wit:\nof the Subdivision of the Anton Sultenfuss Tract;\nof the tract herein described;to 41.004 acre tract;cribed;herein described;\nand erect a septic tank on said property.Grantee assumes payment of same.\nTO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described real estate and premises, together with all andsingular the rights and appurtenances thereunto in anywise belonging, unto the said Grantee , hisexecutors, administrators, and assigns TO WARRANT ANDI FOREVER DEFEND all and singular theassigns against every person whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same, or any part thereof.\nheirs or assigns; forever.. And we do hereby bind ourselves, oursaid real. estate. and' premises unto the said grantee herein,.\nheirs,heirs and\nEXECUTED this the' 17th\nday of September, A.D., 1948 -\nIda Jupe -BH\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]This conveyance is made, however, subjeçt to the condition that no person of the Mexican\nor negro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinaoove described property; and also,\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition that no person of the Mexican or negro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property;[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DABJ 341 ing and Deing in the County ef Banta Gara, Btate of Californis, and; bounded 'and particlely deseribed as follows, to Wit; Comenoing at a piege of gas' pfje driven where the center line an Lnooln Avenue. intersect the center aine. of curtner Avemue; running thenoé along. the center line of Linooln Avenue 8, 29° R. 5.92 1/2 cha. to an irdn pin driven fiush with the ground and. from which iron. pin & 2x3atake marked "A" bears I. 65° 48+. E. 30 feet; thenoe H. 65° 481 E. 13.52 1/2 ohs. P*xSatas marked "" standir ng in a post and board. fence; thence along said Sunce N. 249351 W. 5,90 1f. chs. to an iron pin at.anding in the center oif Curtner Ar- enuej "thendeing theloenter. lnesefOarsner Aremel 8..66% 48 Wés 18.98 ohssr tortheplasnd vat boginninger Oontaining 8y12ars:oflans partoot Iet 1e efspe.Qrtaer Zenesis Dosk."A"dofil Maps, page 34, Records of ganta Cara County, Oalifornia. TOGETHER with md undivi ded one, third interest in aind to certain pumping plat. situate at and adjoining the south eaet, corner ofa certain 8.11 aore trmot'ofland formerly owned by Rosa Eanfilippo, with all the rights therein belonging tosaia. first part- ies by.virtue of that certain. agremnant made. by and between Ro Ba Sanfilippo et al and- Sal- tore Sanflippo et al. dated March 5th 1902, ad recorded in Book 11 of Misoellaneous Records at'page 470, Records of Banta Clara County, California. TOGETHER with a right of way to the said pumping plant aB Bet forth in a cer- tain agremment between Ns P. Bogdanovioh and Balvatore Banfilippo et al; dated March" 21, 1904 and recorded in Book 227 of Deede, page 230, Records of Banta Clara County, California. TOGETHER with a right to make and' maintain irrigation ditches and to run water therein across the adjoining premises now or formerly owned by RoBa Eanfilippo and Balvatore Boiolabba, as ponveyed by Doed of Right of Vay from Bbsa Bafilippo and 8. Banfil- ippo her bu aband to Jorte Eenfilippo, dated March b, 1902 and recorded in Book 253 of Doedo, page 134, Reoorda of Banta Gara dounty and that certain other Deed. of Right ofWay from Selvatere. Beiolabbe md Carterins Baiolabba, his wife,to Josie Bantilippo, deted March 5, 1902, and' recerded in Book 255 of Deeda, page 138, Recorda of Banta Clara county, Californin TOGTHER with all and singular the tenmment B, heredi taments and appurtenmces thereunto belonging or in any wise eppertaining thereto. T0 HAVE AD To HOLD, all and singular the eaid premises, together with the ppurtenanoes, unto the midparty. of the send.part, and to hie heire md aesians feretere I WITIBEE WHERIOY, the said paties of the firet part have hereunto mt their hand. the dy adyear first above written. Josie Banfilippo Antonio Banfilippe. BA 07 GALITORIA othe 29th ay of December in the year one court 07 BATA CLARA thouhand aine hundred. and eight, besre -, L.R. Osme, a mtary Pubaie in and for aid Bate Gara Oounty, resiain tharein, aly oe i mionel ad svorn, persemlly appesred Jonie Senalippe ant Antonie Baaflippo, her, hu sbend, knan te are abaribed te te wshia instrmnt, and ae- koevietged te exsentes the 1hve haireute at a hasa a affised a eficial seal 3 HTBS a effse da a aty ef paata Glara, th ay mayear 1a this erti Beste firat alve wriua. L.1.Came, Dtas Pablie la - ar aia eat BARLAS SKAL. aara onaty, etate ef oaifurnis.
DABJ 341 ing and Deing in the County ef Banta Gara, Btate of Californis, and; bounded 'and particlely deseribed as follows, to Wit; Comenoing at a piege of gas' pfje driven where the center line an Lnooln Avenue. intersect the center aine. of curtner Avemue; running thenoé along. the center line of Linooln Avenue 8, 29° R. 5.92 1/2 cha. to an irdn pin driven fiush with the ground and. from which iron. pin & 2x3atake marked "A" bears I. 65° 48+. E. 30 feet; thenoe H. 65° 481 E. 13.52 1/2 ohs. P*xSatas marked "" standir ng in a post and board. fence; thence along said Sunce N. 249351 W. 5,90 1f. chs. to an iron pin at.anding in the center oif Curtner Ar- enuej "thendeing theloenter. lnesefOarsner Aremel 8..66% 48 Wés 18.98 ohssr tortheplasnd vat boginninger Oontaining 8y12ars:oflans partoot Iet 1e efspe.Qrtaer Zenesis Dosk."A"dofil Maps, page 34, Records of ganta Cara County, Oalifornia. TOGETHER with md undivi ded one, third interest in aind to certain pumping plat. situate at and adjoining the south eaet, corner ofa certain 8.11 aore trmot'ofland formerly owned by Rosa Eanfilippo, with all the rights therein belonging tosaia. first part- ies by.virtue of that certain. agremnant made. by and between Ro Ba Sanfilippo et al and- Sal- tore Sanflippo et al. dated March 5th 1902, ad recorded in Book 11 of Misoellaneous Records at'page 470, Records of Banta Clara County, California. TOGETHER with a right of way to the said pumping plant aB Bet forth in a cer- tain agremment between Ns P. Bogdanovioh and Balvatore Banfilippo et al; dated March" 21, 1904 and recorded in Book 227 of Deede, page 230, Records of Banta Clara County, California. TOGETHER with a right to make and' maintain irrigation ditches and to run water therein across the adjoining premises now or formerly owned by RoBa Eanfilippo and Balvatore Boiolabba, as ponveyed by Doed of Right of Vay from Bbsa Bafilippo and 8. Banfil- ippo her bu aband to Jorte Eenfilippo, dated March b, 1902 and recorded in Book 253 of Doedo, page 134, Reoorda of Banta Gara dounty and that certain other Deed. of Right ofWay from Selvatere. Beiolabbe md Carterins Baiolabba, his wife,to Josie Bantilippo, deted March 5, 1902, and' recerded in Book 255 of Deeda, page 138, Recorda of Banta Clara county, Californin TOGTHER with all and singular the tenmment B, heredi taments and appurtenmces thereunto belonging or in any wise eppertaining thereto. T0 HAVE AD To HOLD, all and singular the eaid premises, together with the ppurtenanoes, unto the midparty. of the send.part, and to hie heire md aesians feretere I WITIBEE WHERIOY, the said paties of the firet part have hereunto mt their hand. the dy adyear first above written. Josie Banfilippo Antonio Banfilippe. BA 07 GALITORIA othe 29th ay of December in the year one court 07 BATA CLARA thouhand aine hundred. and eight, besre -, L.R. Osme, a mtary Pubaie in and for aid Bate Gara Oounty, resiain tharein, aly oe i mionel ad svorn, persemlly appesred Jonie Senalippe ant Antonie Baaflippo, her, hu sbend, knan te are abaribed te te wshia instrmnt, and ae- koevietged te exsentes the 1hve haireute at a hasa a affised a eficial seal 3 HTBS a effse da a aty ef paata Glara, th ay mayear 1a this erti Beste firat alve wriua. L.1.Came, Dtas Pablie la - ar aia eat BARLAS SKAL. aara onaty, etate ef oaifurnis.
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDABJ\n341\ning and Deing in the County ef Banta Gara, Btate of Californis, and; bounded 'and particlely\ndeseribed as follows, to Wit;\nComenoing at a piege of gas' pfje driven where the center line an Lnooln\nAvenue. intersect the center aine. of curtner Avemue; running thenoé along. the center line of\nLinooln Avenue 8, 29° R. 5.92 1/2 cha. to an irdn pin driven fiush with the ground and. from\nwhich iron. pin & 2x3atake marked \"A\" bears I. 65° 48+. E. 30 feet; thenoe H. 65° 481 E.\n13.52 1/2 ohs. P*xSatas marked \"\" standir ng in a post and board. fence; thence along\nsaid Sunce N. 249351 W. 5,90 1f. chs. to an iron pin at.anding in the center oif Curtner Ar-\nenuej \"thendeing theloenter. lnesefOarsner Aremel 8..66% 48 Wés 18.98 ohssr tortheplasnd\nvat boginninger Oontaining 8y12ars:oflans partoot Iet 1e efspe.Qrtaer Zenesis\ Dosk.\"A\"dofil Maps, page 34, Records of ganta Cara County, Oalifornia.\nTOGETHER with md undivi ded one, third interest in aind to certain pumping\nplat. situate at and adjoining the south eaet, corner ofa certain 8.11 aore trmot'ofland\nformerly owned by Rosa Eanfilippo, with all the rights therein belonging tosaia. first part-\nies by.virtue of that certain. agremnant made. by and between Ro Ba Sanfilippo et al and- Sal-\ntore Sanflippo et al. dated March 5th 1902, ad recorded in Book 11 of Misoellaneous Records\nat'page 470, Records of Banta Clara County, California.\nTOGETHER with a right of way to the said pumping plant aB Bet forth in a cer-\ntain agremment between Ns P. Bogdanovioh and Balvatore Banfilippo et al; dated March\" 21, 1904\nand recorded in Book 227 of Deede, page 230, Records of Banta Clara County, California.\nTOGETHER with a right to make and' maintain irrigation ditches and to run\nwater therein across the adjoining premises now or formerly owned by RoBa Eanfilippo and\nBalvatore Boiolabba, as ponveyed by Doed of Right of Vay from Bbsa Bafilippo and 8. Banfil-\nippo her bu aband to Jorte Eenfilippo, dated March b, 1902 and recorded in Book 253 of Doedo,\npage 134, Reoorda of Banta Gara dounty and that certain other Deed. of Right ofWay from\nSelvatere. Beiolabbe md Carterins Baiolabba, his wife,to Josie Bantilippo, deted March 5,\n1902, and' recerded in Book 255 of Deeda, page 138, Recorda of Banta Clara county, Californin\nTOGTHER with all and singular the tenmment B, heredi taments and appurtenmces\nthereunto belonging or in any wise eppertaining thereto.\nT0 HAVE AD To HOLD, all and singular the eaid premises, together with the\nppurtenanoes, unto the midparty. of the send.part, and to hie heire md aesians feretere\nI WITIBEE WHERIOY, the said paties of the firet part have hereunto mt their\nhand. the dy adyear first above written.\nJosie Banfilippo\nAntonio Banfilippe.\nBA 07 GALITORIA\nothe 29th ay of December in the\nyear\none\ncourt 07 BATA CLARA\nthouhand aine hundred. and eight, besre -,\nL.R. Osme, a mtary Pubaie in and for aid Bate Gara Oounty, resiain tharein, aly oe\ni mionel ad svorn, persemlly appesred Jonie Senalippe ant Antonie Baaflippo, her, hu sbend,\nknan te\nare abaribed te te wshia instrmnt, and ae-\nkoevietged te\nexsentes the\n1hve haireute at a hasa a affised a eficial seal\n3 HTBS\na effse da\na aty ef paata Glara, th ay mayear 1a this erti Beste firat\nalve wriua.\nL.1.Came, Dtas Pablie la - ar aia eat\nBARLAS SKAL.\naara onaty, etate ef oaifurnis.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] va.2304 PAGE 86 AF private garage for not more than three cars, aservants' quarters, a storage room and laundry, provided,however, that no garage, servants' quarters, storage andlaundry room shall be erected thereon until after orcoincidental with the building of a single-family dwellingunit thereon in keeping with these restrictions. No garageor outbuilding shall be erected of a greater height than2. No building shall be erected nearer to the front lineof said property, which is on State Highway 66, than sixty(60) feet therefrom, or nearer to the side street linethan fifteen (15) feet therefrom, nor nearer than five (5)feet to the side lines not fronting on a street. In cal-culating the distance from the line of the improvements eitheras herein referred to, the calculation shall be madeat the main structure of the improvement or to any covered3. No residential structure shall be erected on Anysubdivision of this property having an area of less thanfifteen thousand (15,000) square feet, or width of lessthan one hundred (100) feet at the front property line.4. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, barn, garage orother outbuilding erected in the tract shall at any timebe used as a residence temporarily or permanently, norshall any structure of a temporary character be used as5. No dwelling costing less than Eight Thousand Dollars($8,000.00), exclusive of the garage, servants' quartersand other outbuildings shall be permitted on the property6. The ground floor area of the main structure, ex-clusive of open porches and garages, shall be not lessthan fifteen hundred (1,500) square feet in the case ofa one-story structure, nor less than one thousand (1,000)square feet in the case of a one and one-half, two, or7. No race or nationelity other than the Caucasian race,and no person of the Negro or Mexican race, shall use oroccupy any building or the property except that thisrestriçtion shall not prevent occupancy of servants'quarters by domestic servants of any race or nationality8. There is permitted one temporary bulletin board orsign not exceeding ten (10) square feet in area, advert-ising for lease, hire or sale this property. No otheradvertising signs of any character shall be permittedother than name plates which shall not exceed one (1)9. No stables, pens, barns, kennels, coops or otheraccomodations for livestock shall be permitted on theproperty, but the usual house pets in customary quantitieswith such facilities therefor are permitted.Invalidation of any of these' restrictions shall not affect in any the residence. porch, if any is nearer. residence.hereby conveyed. two and one-half story structure. employed by an owner or tenant. square foot in area. manner any of the other provisions thereof, which shall remain in full forceand effect. If the grantee, his heirs or assigns, violates or attempts to
va.2304 PAGE 86 AF private garage for not more than three cars, aservants' quarters, a storage room and laundry, provided,however, that no garage, servants' quarters, storage andlaundry room shall be erected thereon until after orcoincidental with the building of a single-family dwellingunit thereon in keeping with these restrictions. No garageor outbuilding shall be erected of a greater height than2. No building shall be erected nearer to the front lineof said property, which is on State Highway 66, than sixty(60) feet therefrom, or nearer to the side street linethan fifteen (15) feet therefrom, nor nearer than five (5)feet to the side lines not fronting on a street. In cal-culating the distance from the line of the improvements eitheras herein referred to, the calculation shall be madeat the main structure of the improvement or to any covered3. No residential structure shall be erected on Anysubdivision of this property having an area of less thanfifteen thousand (15,000) square feet, or width of lessthan one hundred (100) feet at the front property line.4. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, barn, garage orother outbuilding erected in the tract shall at any timebe used as a residence temporarily or permanently, norshall any structure of a temporary character be used as5. No dwelling costing less than Eight Thousand Dollars($8,000.00), exclusive of the garage, servants' quartersand other outbuildings shall be permitted on the property6. The ground floor area of the main structure, ex-clusive of open porches and garages, shall be not lessthan fifteen hundred (1,500) square feet in the case ofa one-story structure, nor less than one thousand (1,000)square feet in the case of a one and one-half, two, or7. No race or nationelity other than the Caucasian race,and no person of the Negro or Mexican race, shall use oroccupy any building or the property except that thisrestriçtion shall not prevent occupancy of servants'quarters by domestic servants of any race or nationality8. There is permitted one temporary bulletin board orsign not exceeding ten (10) square feet in area, advert-ising for lease, hire or sale this property. No otheradvertising signs of any character shall be permittedother than name plates which shall not exceed one (1)9. No stables, pens, barns, kennels, coops or otheraccomodations for livestock shall be permitted on theproperty, but the usual house pets in customary quantitieswith such facilities therefor are permitted.Invalidation of any of these' restrictions shall not affect in any the residence. porch, if any is nearer. residence.hereby conveyed. two and one-half story structure. employed by an owner or tenant. square foot in area. manner any of the other provisions thereof, which shall remain in full forceand effect. If the grantee, his heirs or assigns, violates or attempts to
7. No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race, of the or Mexican race, shall use or and no person Negro building or the property except that this occupy any restriction shall not prevent occupancy of servants' quarters by domestic servants of any race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.
7. No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race, and no person of the Negro or Mexican race, shall use or occupy any building or the property except that this restriction shall not prevent occupancy of servants' quarters by domestic servants of any race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]7. No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race, of the or Mexican race, shall use or and no person Negro building or the property except that this occupy any restriction shall not prevent occupancy of servants' quarters by domestic servants of any race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]7. No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race, and no person of the Negro or Mexican race, shall use or occupy any building or the property except that this restriction shall not prevent occupancy of servants' quarters by domestic servants of any race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nva.2304 PAGE 86\nAF private garage for not more than three cars, aservants' quarters, a storage room and laundry, provided,however, that no garage, servants' quarters, storage andlaundry room shall be erected thereon until after orcoincidental with the building of a single-family dwellingunit thereon in keeping with these restrictions. No garageor outbuilding shall be erected of a greater height than2. No building shall be erected nearer to the front lineof said property, which is on State Highway 66, than sixty(60) feet therefrom, or nearer to the side street linethan fifteen (15) feet therefrom, nor nearer than five (5)feet to the side lines not fronting on a street. In cal-culating the distance from the line of the improvements eitheras herein referred to, the calculation shall be madeat the main structure of the improvement or to any covered3. No residential structure shall be erected on Anysubdivision of this property having an area of less thanfifteen thousand (15,000) square feet, or width of lessthan one hundred (100) feet at the front property line.4. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, barn, garage orother outbuilding erected in the tract shall at any timebe used as a residence temporarily or permanently, norshall any structure of a temporary character be used as5. No dwelling costing less than Eight Thousand Dollars($8,000.00), exclusive of the garage, servants' quartersand other outbuildings shall be permitted on the property6. The ground floor area of the main structure, ex-clusive of open porches and garages, shall be not lessthan fifteen hundred (1,500) square feet in the case ofa one-story structure, nor less than one thousand (1,000)square feet in the case of a one and one-half, two, or7. No race or nationelity other than the Caucasian race,and no person of the Negro or Mexican race, shall use oroccupy any building or the property except that thisrestriçtion shall not prevent occupancy of servants'quarters by domestic servants of any race or nationality8. There is permitted one temporary bulletin board orsign not exceeding ten (10) square feet in area, advert-ising for lease, hire or sale this property. No otheradvertising signs of any character shall be permittedother than name plates which shall not exceed one (1)9. No stables, pens, barns, kennels, coops or otheraccomodations for livestock shall be permitted on theproperty, but the usual house pets in customary quantitieswith such facilities therefor are permitted.Invalidation of any of these' restrictions shall not affect in any\nthe residence.\nporch, if any is nearer.\nresidence.hereby conveyed.\ntwo and one-half story structure.\nemployed by an owner or tenant.\nsquare foot in area.\nmanner any of the other provisions thereof, which shall remain in full forceand effect. If the grantee, his heirs or assigns, violates or attempts to\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]7. No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race,\nof the\nor Mexican race, shall use or\nand no person\nNegro\nbuilding or the property except that this\noccupy any\nrestriction shall not prevent occupancy of servants'\nquarters by domestic servants of any race or nationality\nemployed by an owner or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]7. No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race, and no person of the Negro or Mexican race, shall use or occupy any building or the property except that this restriction shall not prevent occupancy of servants' quarters by domestic servants of any race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 506 DEED RECORD, Vol.1106 such garaga or other outbuilding is toserve. No such garage or other outbuilding shall be occupied, either temporarily or permanently as a residence. 5. No barn, stable, billboard, sign or other advertising device of any kind, other than a "for sals" or "for rent" sign, shall be erected, placed or suffered. to remain on any of the said lots. 6. No alcohblbo or malt liquor or beverage of any kind whatsoever shall be manufactured or sol.d upon any of the said lots. 1. None of tho said lots or dwelling houses erected thereon shall be used for any purpose whatsoever other than for private residence purposes. 8. None of the said lots nor any portions thereof shall be sold, conveyed, devised, rented, leased, given, mortgaged to, occupied by or otherwise owned or used by any person not of the Caucasian race. This restriotion, however, shall not be construed to pre- vent, the occupanoy of any of said lots by any person not of the Caucasian race when such person ie a. servant or employee working upon the premises and for a Caucasian family occupying the particulsr premises upon which said person not of the Caucasian race, is maintained. 9. The several covenants, agreements and restreitions hereinbefore contained, numbered from 1 to 8, inclusive, shall be construed as running with each of the said lots and shall be binding upon the partios hereto, their heirs and assigns, for. a period of twenty- five (25). yoars from and after the date of these presents. It 1s further underatood and ag greed by and between the parties hereto, for themselves and for their heirs and assigns, that the saia Mary King, or her heirs and assigns, asto lots Nos. 463, to 468, inclusive, and lots Nos. 555 to 561, inclusive, may sell and con- vey such lots and/or portions thereof 1n such manner as to provide: tracts having a frontage of more than the present forty foot frontage, but not less, and the foregoing restrictions, dovenants and agreements shall apply to the tracts having such greater frontage, whioh fracts shall be construed and considered as being each one lot. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Nary King and Merle, 3. Buchwalter, and Martha Buglya; Iter, have hereunto set their hando, this 20th day of April, 1939. Signed end acknowledged Mary King, Mary King inbhe presence of: Merle J. Buchwalter Lorraine W. Balley Merle J. Buchwalter Fred w. Bailey Martha Buchwalter Martha Buchwalter STATE OF OHIO, FRANKLIN COUNTY, SS: Before me., & Notary Publio in and for said County, personally appeared the above named Mary King and Merle J. Buchwalter and Martha Buchwalter, and a oknowledged that they did sign the foregoing instrument and that the same is their free act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. IN TESTIMONY WHERBOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my offioial seal, this 20th day of April, 1939. Fred W. Bailey, Fred w. Bailey, UNITID M4S INT. REVENUE (SEAL) #Q.. REVENUE Notary Public, Franklin County, Ohio. DOUUMENTARY Transfer Not Necessary Apr. 21, 1939 RAYMOND E. SCHAEFER, RECORDER Reoeived Apr, 21, 1939, at 9:00 A.M., ady DEFUTY ha Recorded Apr. 25, 1939. Fee $1.40 t
506 DEED RECORD, Vol.1106 such garaga or other outbuilding is toserve. No such garage or other outbuilding shall be occupied, either temporarily or permanently as a residence. 5. No barn, stable, billboard, sign or other advertising device of any kind, other than a "for sals" or "for rent" sign, shall be erected, placed or suffered. to remain on any of the said lots. 6. No alcohblbo or malt liquor or beverage of any kind whatsoever shall be manufactured or sol.d upon any of the said lots. 1. None of tho said lots or dwelling houses erected thereon shall be used for any purpose whatsoever other than for private residence purposes. 8. None of the said lots nor any portions thereof shall be sold, conveyed, devised, rented, leased, given, mortgaged to, occupied by or otherwise owned or used by any person not of the Caucasian race. This restriotion, however, shall not be construed to pre- vent, the occupanoy of any of said lots by any person not of the Caucasian race when such person ie a. servant or employee working upon the premises and for a Caucasian family occupying the particulsr premises upon which said person not of the Caucasian race, is maintained. 9. The several covenants, agreements and restreitions hereinbefore contained, numbered from 1 to 8, inclusive, shall be construed as running with each of the said lots and shall be binding upon the partios hereto, their heirs and assigns, for. a period of twenty- five (25). yoars from and after the date of these presents. It 1s further underatood and ag greed by and between the parties hereto, for themselves and for their heirs and assigns, that the saia Mary King, or her heirs and assigns, asto lots Nos. 463, to 468, inclusive, and lots Nos. 555 to 561, inclusive, may sell and con- vey such lots and/or portions thereof 1n such manner as to provide: tracts having a frontage of more than the present forty foot frontage, but not less, and the foregoing restrictions, dovenants and agreements shall apply to the tracts having such greater frontage, whioh fracts shall be construed and considered as being each one lot. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Nary King and Merle, 3. Buchwalter, and Martha Buglya; Iter, have hereunto set their hando, this 20th day of April, 1939. Signed end acknowledged Mary King, Mary King inbhe presence of: Merle J. Buchwalter Lorraine W. Balley Merle J. Buchwalter Fred w. Bailey Martha Buchwalter Martha Buchwalter STATE OF OHIO, FRANKLIN COUNTY, SS: Before me., & Notary Publio in and for said County, personally appeared the above named Mary King and Merle J. Buchwalter and Martha Buchwalter, and a oknowledged that they did sign the foregoing instrument and that the same is their free act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. IN TESTIMONY WHERBOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my offioial seal, this 20th day of April, 1939. Fred W. Bailey, Fred w. Bailey, UNITID M4S INT. REVENUE (SEAL) #Q.. REVENUE Notary Public, Franklin County, Ohio. DOUUMENTARY Transfer Not Necessary Apr. 21, 1939 RAYMOND E. SCHAEFER, RECORDER Reoeived Apr, 21, 1939, at 9:00 A.M., ady DEFUTY ha Recorded Apr. 25, 1939. Fee $1.40 t
any Purpos 8. None of the said lots nor any portions thereof shall be sold, conveyed, devised, rented, leased, given, mortgaged to, occupied by or otherwise owned or used by any not of the Caucasian race. This restriotion, however, shall not be construed to pre- person vent, the occupanoy of any of said lots by any person not of the Caucasian race when such the premises and for a Caucasian f'amily occupying person is a servant or employee working upon the particular premises upon which said person not of the Caucasian race, is maintained.
8. None of the said lots nor any portions thereof shall be sold, conveyed, devised, rented, leased, given, mortgaged to, occupied by or otherwise owned or used by any person not of the Caucasian race. This restriction, however, shall not be construed to prevent the occupancy of any of said lots by any person not of the Caucasian race when such person is a servant or employee working upon the premises and for a Caucasian family occupying the particular premises upon which said person not of the Caucasian race, is maintained.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]any Purpos 8. None of the said lots nor any portions thereof shall be sold, conveyed, devised, rented, leased, given, mortgaged to, occupied by or otherwise owned or used by any not of the Caucasian race. This restriotion, however, shall not be construed to pre- person vent, the occupanoy of any of said lots by any person not of the Caucasian race when such the premises and for a Caucasian f'amily occupying person is a servant or employee working upon the particular premises upon which said person not of the Caucasian race, is maintained.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]8. None of the said lots nor any portions thereof shall be sold, conveyed, devised, rented, leased, given, mortgaged to, occupied by or otherwise owned or used by any person not of the Caucasian race. This restriction, however, shall not be construed to prevent the occupancy of any of said lots by any person not of the Caucasian race when such person is a servant or employee working upon the premises and for a Caucasian family occupying the particular premises upon which said person not of the Caucasian race, is maintained.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n506\nDEED RECORD, Vol.1106\nsuch garaga or other outbuilding is toserve. No such garage or other outbuilding shall be\noccupied, either temporarily or permanently as a residence.\n5. No barn, stable, billboard, sign or other advertising device of any kind,\nother than a \"for sals\" or \"for rent\" sign, shall be erected, placed or suffered. to remain\non any of the said lots.\n6. No alcohblbo or malt liquor or beverage of any kind whatsoever shall be\nmanufactured or sol.d upon any of the said lots.\n1. None of tho said lots or dwelling houses erected thereon shall be used for\nany purpose whatsoever other than for private residence purposes.\n8. None of the said lots nor any portions thereof shall be sold, conveyed,\ndevised, rented, leased, given, mortgaged to, occupied by or otherwise owned or used by any\nperson not of the Caucasian race. This restriotion, however, shall not be construed to pre-\nvent, the occupanoy of any of said lots by any person not of the Caucasian race when such\nperson ie a. servant or employee working upon the premises and for a Caucasian family occupying\nthe particulsr premises upon which said person not of the Caucasian race, is maintained.\n9. The several covenants, agreements and restreitions hereinbefore contained,\nnumbered from 1 to 8, inclusive, shall be construed as running with each of the said lots and\nshall be binding upon the partios hereto, their heirs and assigns, for. a period of twenty-\nfive (25). yoars from and after the date of these presents.\nIt 1s further underatood and ag greed by and between the parties hereto, for\nthemselves and for their heirs and assigns, that the saia Mary King, or her heirs and assigns,\nasto lots Nos. 463, to 468, inclusive, and lots Nos. 555 to 561, inclusive, may sell and con-\nvey such lots and/or portions thereof 1n such manner as to provide: tracts having a frontage\nof more than the present forty foot frontage, but not less, and the foregoing restrictions,\ndovenants and agreements shall apply to the tracts having such greater frontage, whioh\nfracts shall be construed and considered as being each one lot.\nIN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Nary King and Merle, 3. Buchwalter, and Martha\nBuglya; Iter, have hereunto set their hando, this 20th day of April, 1939.\nSigned end acknowledged\nMary King,\nMary King\ninbhe presence of:\nMerle J. Buchwalter\nLorraine W. Balley\nMerle J. Buchwalter\nFred w. Bailey\nMartha Buchwalter\nMartha Buchwalter\nSTATE OF OHIO,\nFRANKLIN COUNTY, SS:\nBefore me., & Notary Publio in and for said County, personally appeared the\nabove named Mary King and Merle J. Buchwalter and Martha Buchwalter, and a oknowledged that\nthey did sign the foregoing instrument and that the same is their free act and deed for the\nuses and purposes therein set forth.\nIN TESTIMONY WHERBOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my\noffioial seal, this 20th day of April, 1939.\nFred W. Bailey, Fred w. Bailey,\nUNITID M4S\nINT. REVENUE\n(SEAL)\n#Q.. REVENUE\nNotary Public, Franklin County, Ohio.\nDOUUMENTARY\nTransfer Not Necessary Apr. 21, 1939\nRAYMOND E. SCHAEFER, RECORDER\nReoeived Apr, 21, 1939, at 9:00 A.M.,\nady DEFUTY\nha\nRecorded Apr. 25, 1939.\nFee $1.40\nt", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]any Purpos\n8. None of the said lots nor any portions thereof shall be sold, conveyed,\ndevised, rented, leased, given, mortgaged to, occupied by or otherwise owned or used by any\nnot of the Caucasian race. This restriotion, however, shall not be construed to pre-\nperson\nvent, the occupanoy of any of said lots by any person not of the Caucasian race when such\nthe premises and for a Caucasian f'amily occupying\nperson is a servant or employee working upon\nthe particular premises upon which said person not of the Caucasian race, is maintained.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]8. None of the said lots nor any portions thereof shall be sold, conveyed, devised, rented, leased, given, mortgaged to, occupied by or otherwise owned or used by any person not of the Caucasian race. This restriction, however, shall not be construed to prevent the occupancy of any of said lots by any person not of the Caucasian race when such person is a servant or employee working upon the premises and for a Caucasian family occupying the particular premises upon which said person not of the Caucasian race, is maintained.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] vor6894 FAGE 17 70264/46 WARRANTY DEBD-Pas.C-s. (No. 104B) 325656 Bnotu all gBen bp tbese resents, That. The Anton. Zverina. Realty. Company..for the consideration of. Ten. Dollars and other valuable considerations. Dollarswhose tax mai iling address will be 19530 Monterey Avé., Euélid 19, Ohio,does give, grant, bargain, sell and coavey unto the said Grantees. their_heirs and assigns, the (who claim title through instrument recorded in1a.3,7-410y Co.-deed. records.)- a Corporation, the Grantor, ($.10.00 received toi its full satisfaction of.. Victor Tekavec and Elizabeth. Tekavec, (husband and wife)folowing described premises, situated in the. City the Grantee. S,County of of. South Euclid Cuyahoga and State of Ohio: and known as being Sublot No. Thirty-four (#34) in The AntonZverina Realty Company's onticello Acres" Subdivision No. 2,of a part of Original Euclid Township Lot No. 68 in Tract 6,said Sublot No. 34 having a frontage of 91.80 feet on the North-erly side of Monticello Boulevard, a depth of 554.53 feet on theEasterly line, a depth of 547.14 feet on the Westerly line, and91.50 feet wide in the rear, as appears by the recorded plat ofsaid Subdivision in Volume 138 of Maps, Page 19, of CuyahogaCounty Records, be. the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargai ned premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said Grantees,In accepting this conveyance, and as a part consideration there-for, and in consideration of like covenants restricting other sublotsin accordance with the restrictions hereinafter stated, in the convey-ance of other sublots in said Nonticello Acres Subdivision No. 2, theGrantees, for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators andassigns, hereby covenant and agree to and with the Grantor; its suc-cessors ànd assigns, that the above described premises shall be subjectto'the restrictions and reservations hereinafter contained, except asthe same may be supplemented by zoning restrictions; the grantor how-ever reserving the right to change these restrictions in special caseswithout waiving or changing them in other cases, when, in its opinion,the change will not reduce or detract from the general plan of develop-ment of said subdivision. These restrictions shall be deemed as cove-nants, and shall run with the land, and shall bind the Grantees, theirheirs, executors, administrators and assigns until the first day of1. No spirituous liquors shall be manufactured or sold on the premises.No. nuisance or bill-boards shall be erected, placed or suffered to re-main on the premises. No tents, shacks, trailers, barn, garages orother outbuildings shall be used as a residence temporarily or perman-2. Said premises shall not be occupied, let or leased by persons3. The set back line from the street line to the front basementline of the house or other building shall be 50 feet on lots frontingMonticello Boulevard, McParland Road, Trebisky Road, and the futare their heirs and assigns, forever. January, A.D. 1990. ently on said premises. other than those of the Caucasian race. *
vor6894 FAGE 17 70264/46 WARRANTY DEBD-Pas.C-s. (No. 104B) 325656 Bnotu all gBen bp tbese resents, That. The Anton. Zverina. Realty. Company..for the consideration of. Ten. Dollars and other valuable considerations. Dollarswhose tax mai iling address will be 19530 Monterey Avé., Euélid 19, Ohio,does give, grant, bargain, sell and coavey unto the said Grantees. their_heirs and assigns, the (who claim title through instrument recorded in1a.3,7-410y Co.-deed. records.)- a Corporation, the Grantor, ($.10.00 received toi its full satisfaction of.. Victor Tekavec and Elizabeth. Tekavec, (husband and wife)folowing described premises, situated in the. City the Grantee. S,County of of. South Euclid Cuyahoga and State of Ohio: and known as being Sublot No. Thirty-four (#34) in The AntonZverina Realty Company's onticello Acres" Subdivision No. 2,of a part of Original Euclid Township Lot No. 68 in Tract 6,said Sublot No. 34 having a frontage of 91.80 feet on the North-erly side of Monticello Boulevard, a depth of 554.53 feet on theEasterly line, a depth of 547.14 feet on the Westerly line, and91.50 feet wide in the rear, as appears by the recorded plat ofsaid Subdivision in Volume 138 of Maps, Page 19, of CuyahogaCounty Records, be. the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargai ned premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said Grantees,In accepting this conveyance, and as a part consideration there-for, and in consideration of like covenants restricting other sublotsin accordance with the restrictions hereinafter stated, in the convey-ance of other sublots in said Nonticello Acres Subdivision No. 2, theGrantees, for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators andassigns, hereby covenant and agree to and with the Grantor; its suc-cessors ànd assigns, that the above described premises shall be subjectto'the restrictions and reservations hereinafter contained, except asthe same may be supplemented by zoning restrictions; the grantor how-ever reserving the right to change these restrictions in special caseswithout waiving or changing them in other cases, when, in its opinion,the change will not reduce or detract from the general plan of develop-ment of said subdivision. These restrictions shall be deemed as cove-nants, and shall run with the land, and shall bind the Grantees, theirheirs, executors, administrators and assigns until the first day of1. No spirituous liquors shall be manufactured or sold on the premises.No. nuisance or bill-boards shall be erected, placed or suffered to re-main on the premises. No tents, shacks, trailers, barn, garages orother outbuildings shall be used as a residence temporarily or perman-2. Said premises shall not be occupied, let or leased by persons3. The set back line from the street line to the front basementline of the house or other building shall be 50 feet on lots frontingMonticello Boulevard, McParland Road, Trebisky Road, and the futare their heirs and assigns, forever. January, A.D. 1990. ently on said premises. other than those of the Caucasian race. *
2. Said premises shall not be occupied, let or leased by persons other than those of the Caucasian race.
2. Said premises shall not be occupied, let or leased by persons other than those of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]2. Said premises shall not be occupied, let or leased by persons other than those of the Caucasian race. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]2. Said premises shall not be occupied, let or leased by persons other than those of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nvor6894 FAGE 17\n70264/46\nWARRANTY DEBD-Pas.C-s. (No. 104B)\n325656\nBnotu all gBen bp tbese resents, That. The Anton. Zverina. Realty. Company..for the consideration of. Ten. Dollars and other valuable considerations. Dollarswhose tax mai iling address will be 19530 Monterey Avé., Euélid 19, Ohio,does give, grant, bargain, sell and coavey unto the said Grantees. their_heirs and assigns, the\n(who claim title through instrument recorded in1a.3,7-410y Co.-deed. records.)-\na Corporation, the Grantor,\n($.10.00\nreceived toi its full satisfaction of.. Victor Tekavec and Elizabeth.\nTekavec, (husband and wife)folowing described premises, situated in the. City\nthe Grantee. S,County of\nof. South Euclid\nCuyahoga\nand State of Ohio:\nand known as being Sublot No. Thirty-four (#34) in The AntonZverina Realty Company's onticello Acres\" Subdivision No. 2,of a part of Original Euclid Township Lot No. 68 in Tract 6,said Sublot No. 34 having a frontage of 91.80 feet on the North-erly side of Monticello Boulevard, a depth of 554.53 feet on theEasterly line, a depth of 547.14 feet on the Westerly line, and91.50 feet wide in the rear, as appears by the recorded plat ofsaid Subdivision in Volume 138 of Maps, Page 19, of CuyahogaCounty Records, be. the same more or less, but subject to all\nlegal highways;\nTO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargai ned premises,\nwith the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said Grantees,In accepting this conveyance, and as a part consideration there-for, and in consideration of like covenants restricting other sublotsin accordance with the restrictions hereinafter stated, in the convey-ance of other sublots in said Nonticello Acres Subdivision No. 2, theGrantees, for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators andassigns, hereby covenant and agree to and with the Grantor; its suc-cessors ànd assigns, that the above described premises shall be subjectto'the restrictions and reservations hereinafter contained, except asthe same may be supplemented by zoning restrictions; the grantor how-ever reserving the right to change these restrictions in special caseswithout waiving or changing them in other cases, when, in its opinion,the change will not reduce or detract from the general plan of develop-ment of said subdivision. These restrictions shall be deemed as cove-nants, and shall run with the land, and shall bind the Grantees, theirheirs, executors, administrators and assigns until the first day of1. No spirituous liquors shall be manufactured or sold on the premises.No. nuisance or bill-boards shall be erected, placed or suffered to re-main on the premises. No tents, shacks, trailers, barn, garages orother outbuildings shall be used as a residence temporarily or perman-2. Said premises shall not be occupied, let or leased by persons3. The set back line from the street line to the front basementline of the house or other building shall be 50 feet on lots frontingMonticello Boulevard, McParland Road, Trebisky Road, and the futare\ntheir heirs and assigns, forever.\nJanuary, A.D. 1990.\nently on said premises.\nother than those of the Caucasian race.\n*\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]2. Said premises shall not be occupied, let or leased by persons\nother than those of the Caucasian race.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]2. Said premises shall not be occupied, let or leased by persons other than those of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 186 GRANTOR Smn-rt L INDEX 5 RECORDED DATE OF RECORD: LOCATION GRANTEE GRANTOR Docket Vol. Page Month Day Year ux Agrt 92701. Jun 20 1858 Agrt SK Davidson New Castle Traction Co 108 319 Hay 23 1902 5 Ward N C Nev Castle Traction Co New Castle & Lowell Realty Co Shenango Tp 108 307 lay 23 1902,18 5 Wards N C& Penna & Mahoning Rvy Co New Castle Traction Co 118 157 Oct 13 1903 Shenango Tp Harriet E Kerchant New Castle Traction Ço al Penna & Kahoning Valley Rwy Co 118. 189 Oct 13 1903. Shenango Tp New Castle Traction Co Agrt 9 44' Nov 12 1896 Copy of Kinutes New Castle Electric St RRCO 75_268 Feb 6 1897 5 lard N C Nev: Castle Electric St Rvy Co Arthur Kennedy all 76 169 Apr 26 1897 1 Vard N C New Castle Electric St Rvy Co New Castle Electric Co 80331 Dec 16 1897, Shenango Tp New Castle Electric St Rvy Co Ner: Castle Traction Co 118 160 Cct 13 1903 Shenango Tp New Castle Electric St Rvy Co Ner Castle Traction Co 118 172 Oct 13 1903, 5 Ward N C Nev Castle Electric St Rvy Co al N Castle Traction. Co Ner Castle Electric St Rvy Co al Penna & liahoning Valley Rry Co 118 189 Oct 13 1903 Shenango Tp Agrt 13 556. Jun 6 1911. Extension Nev: Castle Electric St Rwy Co Governor of Penna al Agrt 18 319 Jun 26 1917, Cert of Pub Con &c Newv Castle Electric St Rwy Co al Lawrence Co Road 8 1 Har 28 1859. - New Castle & N Wilmington Plank Plot Road Co 8 18 Apr 18 1859 Charter Nev: Castle & N Wilmington Plank - 29 123: Nov 51877,1 lard NC New Castle African K E Zion Ch John T Fhillips NC 57 314' Jul 718911 Ward NC Nev Castle African K E Zion Ch Saint Luke African LE Zion Ch 2 8Feb 14 1851 New Castle New Castle Baptist Ch Richard Craven 111 28 Oct 2 1902 New Castle Janes T Robinson New Castle Baptist Ch Alliance ance-N C Nev Castle Christian Fissionary Christian & Kissionary Alli- 145 69 Feb 4 1908 6 Fard NC Alliance 172 462 Jun 18 1913 5 Tard NC Net Castle Christian & Kissionary David Frank 16 11 Apr 7 1868 Ner Castle Ner Caistle Disciples Congregation Evangelical Assn-North America 24 17 Jul 22 1873 2 lard NC Robt Crawford New Castle Evangelical Ch 81 369 Apr 11 1893 1 Mard NC Geo H Cross New Castle Ch Evan Assn 11 275 Jan 2 1855 New Castle John K Permar Nev Castle Keth Episc Cong 185 530 Jun 27 1370 - New Castle Primitive Meth Ch Charter 6553 Kar 10 1857. Charter Nev Castle Free Fresb Cong 10 575 Cct 14 1864 Ne: Castle Josiah C White New Castle Free Fresb Cong 16 275 Jul 39 1359 Pollock Tp Ner Castle Presby Cong Ann Mightingale 21 121 Jan 12 1872 3 ard NC Joseph S White Ner Castle Free Presb Cong 45359 Jan 6 1885 New Castle New Castle Free Presb Church Ezekiel R Sankey
186 GRANTOR Smn-rt L INDEX 5 RECORDED DATE OF RECORD: LOCATION GRANTEE GRANTOR Docket Vol. Page Month Day Year ux Agrt 92701. Jun 20 1858 Agrt SK Davidson New Castle Traction Co 108 319 Hay 23 1902 5 Ward N C Nev Castle Traction Co New Castle & Lowell Realty Co Shenango Tp 108 307 lay 23 1902,18 5 Wards N C& Penna & Mahoning Rvy Co New Castle Traction Co 118 157 Oct 13 1903 Shenango Tp Harriet E Kerchant New Castle Traction Ço al Penna & Kahoning Valley Rwy Co 118. 189 Oct 13 1903. Shenango Tp New Castle Traction Co Agrt 9 44' Nov 12 1896 Copy of Kinutes New Castle Electric St RRCO 75_268 Feb 6 1897 5 lard N C Nev: Castle Electric St Rvy Co Arthur Kennedy all 76 169 Apr 26 1897 1 Vard N C New Castle Electric St Rvy Co New Castle Electric Co 80331 Dec 16 1897, Shenango Tp New Castle Electric St Rvy Co Ner: Castle Traction Co 118 160 Cct 13 1903 Shenango Tp New Castle Electric St Rvy Co Ner Castle Traction Co 118 172 Oct 13 1903, 5 Ward N C Nev Castle Electric St Rvy Co al N Castle Traction. Co Ner Castle Electric St Rvy Co al Penna & liahoning Valley Rry Co 118 189 Oct 13 1903 Shenango Tp Agrt 13 556. Jun 6 1911. Extension Nev: Castle Electric St Rwy Co Governor of Penna al Agrt 18 319 Jun 26 1917, Cert of Pub Con &c Newv Castle Electric St Rwy Co al Lawrence Co Road 8 1 Har 28 1859. - New Castle & N Wilmington Plank Plot Road Co 8 18 Apr 18 1859 Charter Nev: Castle & N Wilmington Plank - 29 123: Nov 51877,1 lard NC New Castle African K E Zion Ch John T Fhillips NC 57 314' Jul 718911 Ward NC Nev Castle African K E Zion Ch Saint Luke African LE Zion Ch 2 8Feb 14 1851 New Castle New Castle Baptist Ch Richard Craven 111 28 Oct 2 1902 New Castle Janes T Robinson New Castle Baptist Ch Alliance ance-N C Nev Castle Christian Fissionary Christian & Kissionary Alli- 145 69 Feb 4 1908 6 Fard NC Alliance 172 462 Jun 18 1913 5 Tard NC Net Castle Christian & Kissionary David Frank 16 11 Apr 7 1868 Ner Castle Ner Caistle Disciples Congregation Evangelical Assn-North America 24 17 Jul 22 1873 2 lard NC Robt Crawford New Castle Evangelical Ch 81 369 Apr 11 1893 1 Mard NC Geo H Cross New Castle Ch Evan Assn 11 275 Jan 2 1855 New Castle John K Permar Nev Castle Keth Episc Cong 185 530 Jun 27 1370 - New Castle Primitive Meth Ch Charter 6553 Kar 10 1857. Charter Nev Castle Free Fresb Cong 10 575 Cct 14 1864 Ne: Castle Josiah C White New Castle Free Fresb Cong 16 275 Jul 39 1359 Pollock Tp Ner Castle Presby Cong Ann Mightingale 21 121 Jan 12 1872 3 ard NC Joseph S White Ner Castle Free Presb Cong 45359 Jan 6 1885 New Castle New Castle Free Presb Church Ezekiel R Sankey
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n186\nGRANTOR Smn-rt L\nINDEX\n5\nRECORDED DATE OF RECORD:\nLOCATION\nGRANTEE\nGRANTOR\nDocket Vol. Page Month Day Year\nux Agrt 92701. Jun 20 1858 Agrt\nSK Davidson\nNew Castle Traction Co\n108 319 Hay 23 1902 5 Ward N C\nNev Castle Traction Co\nNew Castle & Lowell Realty Co\nShenango Tp\n108 307 lay 23 1902,18 5 Wards N C&\nPenna & Mahoning Rvy Co\nNew Castle Traction Co\n118 157 Oct 13 1903 Shenango Tp\nHarriet E Kerchant\nNew Castle Traction Ço\nal Penna & Kahoning Valley Rwy Co 118. 189 Oct 13 1903. Shenango Tp\nNew Castle Traction Co\nAgrt 9 44' Nov 12 1896 Copy of Kinutes\nNew Castle Electric St RRCO\n75_268 Feb 6 1897 5 lard N C\nNev: Castle Electric St Rvy Co Arthur Kennedy\nall\n76 169 Apr 26 1897 1 Vard N C\nNew Castle Electric St Rvy Co New Castle Electric Co\n80331 Dec 16 1897, Shenango Tp\nNew Castle Electric St Rvy Co Ner: Castle Traction Co\n118 160 Cct 13 1903 Shenango Tp\nNew Castle Electric St Rvy Co Ner Castle Traction Co\n118 172 Oct 13 1903, 5 Ward N C\nNev Castle Electric St Rvy Co al N Castle Traction. Co\nNer Castle Electric St Rvy Co al Penna & liahoning Valley Rry Co 118 189 Oct 13 1903 Shenango Tp\nAgrt 13 556. Jun 6 1911. Extension\nNev: Castle Electric St Rwy Co Governor of Penna\nal Agrt 18 319 Jun 26 1917, Cert of Pub Con &c\nNewv Castle Electric St Rwy Co al Lawrence Co\nRoad\n8 1 Har 28 1859. -\nNew Castle & N Wilmington Plank Plot\nRoad Co\n8 18 Apr 18 1859 Charter\nNev: Castle & N Wilmington Plank -\n29 123: Nov 51877,1 lard NC\nNew Castle African K E Zion Ch John T Fhillips\nNC\n57 314' Jul 718911 Ward NC\nNev Castle African K E Zion Ch Saint Luke African LE Zion Ch\n2 8Feb 14 1851 New Castle\nNew Castle Baptist Ch\nRichard Craven\n111 28 Oct 2 1902 New Castle\nJanes T Robinson\nNew Castle Baptist Ch\nAlliance\nance-N C\nNev Castle Christian Fissionary Christian & Kissionary Alli- 145 69 Feb 4 1908 6 Fard NC\nAlliance\n172 462 Jun 18 1913 5 Tard NC\nNet Castle Christian & Kissionary David Frank\n16 11 Apr 7 1868 Ner Castle\nNer Caistle Disciples Congregation Evangelical Assn-North America\n24 17 Jul 22 1873 2 lard NC\nRobt Crawford\nNew Castle Evangelical Ch\n81 369 Apr 11 1893 1 Mard NC\nGeo H Cross\nNew Castle Ch Evan Assn\n11 275 Jan 2 1855 New Castle\nJohn K Permar\nNev Castle Keth Episc Cong\n185 530 Jun 27 1370 -\nNew Castle Primitive Meth Ch Charter\n6553 Kar 10 1857. Charter\nNev Castle Free Fresb Cong\n10 575 Cct 14 1864 Ne: Castle\nJosiah C White\nNew Castle Free Fresb Cong\n16 275 Jul 39 1359 Pollock Tp\nNer Castle Presby Cong\nAnn Mightingale\n21 121 Jan 12 1872 3 ard NC\nJoseph S White\nNer Castle Free Presb Cong\n45359 Jan 6 1885 New Castle\nNew Castle Free Presb Church\nEzekiel R Sankey", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL.6.431 rage 815 Moreland Hills (not residential) may bo oonstruoted in the rear of the estab lished line of 350 foet from tho oentor lino of said Harvard Road, as shown on said plat. With said residontinl building thero shall be erected at the same time a garage, either attaohod or somi-attached, to said residential structure, and the garage entrance must bo at tho ond of said residential building to the rear thereof and on the easterly aido thereof. 2. The residential building (ono single residence) for the usé of one family as a dwelling house referred to in the last paragraph shall be con- structed s0 that its minimum height at the ridge of the roof shall not be less than 5 feet above the first floor or second floor ceiling. Said dwelling house and attached or semi-attached garage shall be placed on the property convoyed herein 80 that the front of said dwelling house and garage shall be parallel with the center line of said Harvard Road. 3. No building or structure of any kind, or any part thereof shall be erected, placed, or suffered to remain on the premises conveyed, the main front foundation line of which shall be more than 150 feet or less than 150. feet from the center line of Harvard Road, measured at right angles from Baid center line of Harvard Road, The phrase "main front foundation line" as used herein shall mean that portion of the front foundation which is nearest to and paral- lel to the center line of Harvard Road. 4. The driveway to the garage shall run from Harvard Road over the east- erly portion of said parcel and extend to the garage entrance referred to in paragraph 1 hereof. 5. Said premises shall not be used for any purpose or in any way which may endanger the health or reasonably disturb the quiet of any occupant of adjacent or neighboring premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either at wholesale or at retail, on said prem- ises, nor shall said premises be used for eny mercantile, mechanical or manu- facturing purposes. 6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used by_any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race. 7. The intent of this covenent is that said premises shall be used ex- clusively for private residence purposes, and for no other purpose whatsoever, whether of the kind specified in this paragraph or otherwise, the enumeration herein of certain prohibited uses of said premises being in addition to, and
VOL.6.431 rage 815 Moreland Hills (not residential) may bo oonstruoted in the rear of the estab lished line of 350 foet from tho oentor lino of said Harvard Road, as shown on said plat. With said residontinl building thero shall be erected at the same time a garage, either attaohod or somi-attached, to said residential structure, and the garage entrance must bo at tho ond of said residential building to the rear thereof and on the easterly aido thereof. 2. The residential building (ono single residence) for the usé of one family as a dwelling house referred to in the last paragraph shall be con- structed s0 that its minimum height at the ridge of the roof shall not be less than 5 feet above the first floor or second floor ceiling. Said dwelling house and attached or semi-attached garage shall be placed on the property convoyed herein 80 that the front of said dwelling house and garage shall be parallel with the center line of said Harvard Road. 3. No building or structure of any kind, or any part thereof shall be erected, placed, or suffered to remain on the premises conveyed, the main front foundation line of which shall be more than 150 feet or less than 150. feet from the center line of Harvard Road, measured at right angles from Baid center line of Harvard Road, The phrase "main front foundation line" as used herein shall mean that portion of the front foundation which is nearest to and paral- lel to the center line of Harvard Road. 4. The driveway to the garage shall run from Harvard Road over the east- erly portion of said parcel and extend to the garage entrance referred to in paragraph 1 hereof. 5. Said premises shall not be used for any purpose or in any way which may endanger the health or reasonably disturb the quiet of any occupant of adjacent or neighboring premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold, either at wholesale or at retail, on said prem- ises, nor shall said premises be used for eny mercantile, mechanical or manu- facturing purposes. 6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used by_any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race. 7. The intent of this covenent is that said premises shall be used ex- clusively for private residence purposes, and for no other purpose whatsoever, whether of the kind specified in this paragraph or otherwise, the enumeration herein of certain prohibited uses of said premises being in addition to, and
6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, give away, leased or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, give away, leased or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL.6.431\nrage 815\nMoreland Hills (not residential) may bo oonstruoted in the rear of the estab\nlished line of 350 foet from tho oentor lino of said Harvard Road, as shown on\nsaid plat. With said residontinl building thero shall be erected at the same\ntime a garage, either attaohod or somi-attached, to said residential structure,\nand the garage entrance must bo at tho ond of said residential building to the\nrear thereof and on the easterly aido thereof.\n2. The residential building (ono single residence) for the usé of one\nfamily as a dwelling house referred to in the last paragraph shall be con-\nstructed s0 that its minimum height at the ridge of the roof shall not be\nless than 5 feet above the first floor or second floor ceiling. Said dwelling\nhouse and attached or semi-attached garage shall be placed on the property\nconvoyed herein 80 that the front of said dwelling house and garage shall be\nparallel with the center line of said Harvard Road.\n3. No building or structure of any kind, or any part thereof shall be\nerected, placed, or suffered to remain on the premises conveyed, the main front\nfoundation line of which shall be more than 150 feet or less than 150. feet\nfrom the center line of Harvard Road, measured at right angles from Baid center\nline of Harvard Road, The phrase \"main front foundation line\" as used herein\nshall mean that portion of the front foundation which is nearest to and paral-\nlel to the center line of Harvard Road.\n4. The driveway to the garage shall run from Harvard Road over the east-\nerly portion of said parcel and extend to the garage entrance referred to in\nparagraph 1 hereof.\n5. Said premises shall not be used for any purpose or in any way which\nmay endanger the health or reasonably disturb the quiet of any occupant of\nadjacent or neighboring premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors\nshall be manufactured or sold, either at wholesale or at retail, on said prem-\nises, nor shall said premises be used for eny mercantile, mechanical or manu-\nfacturing purposes.\n6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used\nby_any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.\n7. The intent of this covenent is that said premises shall be used ex-\nclusively for private residence purposes, and for no other purpose whatsoever,\nwhether of the kind specified in this paragraph or otherwise, the enumeration\nherein of certain prohibited uses of said premises being in addition to, and", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used\nby any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, give away, leased or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 19 in ascertaining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches, and pro- jecting eaves shall not be included; that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected on the said lots No. 24, 25 &26 - Block "A"- Gracemont Terrace shall not be less than Three Thousand $3,000.00) Dollars predicated on. present day cost of labor and mat terials. "G" That no outside or open tiolets will be permitted on the property herein conveyed. "H" That a perpetual easement is reserved over the rear five (5) feet of these lots Lots No. 24, 25 &26 Block "A"- Gracemont Terrace for utility installation and maintenance. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the conditions and restrictions shall be appurtenant to and run with the said lot or lots; that in the event of the violation of any conditions or restrictions that the said Wharton Realty, Company, Inc., its Successors and Assigns or any per- son or persons owning a lot in the subdivision of which this conveyance is a part, shall have and are hereby given the right of abatement of such violation or violations and shall have and are hereby given the right to enforce eompliance by injunction or any other appropriate action without incurring any liability for damages. EXHIBIT "B" RESTRICTIOIE This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely: "A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupançy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by. persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%), per cent. of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers. "B" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or other- wise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling: stations, restaurant or any other of such business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for residential purposes and not mpre than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lots No. 20, 21 & 22- Block "D" Gracemont Terrace except that an apartment house may be erected there- on, provided it is of a single structure and constitutes not more than two (2) stories. "C" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or about the premises. "D" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the sides of the property. herein cpnveyed, such a fence may. be erected bn the rear or back ex- tremity of the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences, if any, shall be ofa wire construction and without barbs. "E" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, ex- cept "For. Sale", or "For Rent" signs which shall not exceed two by three (2x3 ) feet. "F" That the residence to be erected on the said lots No. 20, 21822 - Block "D! Gracemont. Terrace shall be at least Thirty-five (35) feet from the front property line, provid- ed that in ascertaining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches, and projecting eaves shall not be included! that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected on the said lots No. 20, 21 & 22 - Block "D! Gracemont Terrace shall not be less than Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of labor and materials. "G" That no outside or open tiolets will be permitted on the property herein conveyed. "H" That a perpetual easement is reseyved over the rear five (5) feet of these lots No. 20, 21 & 22 Block "D! for utility inst tallation and maintenance. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the conditic ons and restrictions shall be appurtenant to and run with the said lot or lots; that in the event of the violation of any conditions or restrictions that the said Wharton Realty Company, Inc., its Successors and Assigns or any person or persons owning a lot in the subdivision of which this conveyance is a part, shall have and are hereby given the right of abatement of such violation or violations and shall have and are hereby vien the right to enforce compliance by injunction or any other appropriate action without incurring any liability for damages. EXHIBIT "C" RESTRICTIONS This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely: "A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent, of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers. "B" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or other- wise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, restaurant or any other of such business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for residential purposes and mot more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lot No. 7of Block "E Gracemont Terrace except that an apartment house may, be erected thereon, provided Itis of a single structure and constit tutes not more than two (2) stories. "Ç" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or ab out the premises. "D" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the sides of the property herein conveyed, such a fence may be erected on the rear or back extremity of the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences, if any, shall be of a wire construction and without barbs. "F" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, ex cept "For. Sale", or "For Rent signs, which shall not exceed two by three (2x3 ) feet. "p" That the residence to be erected on the said lot No. 7of Block "E" Gracemont Terrace shall be at least Forty (40) feet from the front property line provided that in ascer- taining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches, and projecting eaves shall not be included; that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected on the said lot No.7 of Block "E" Gracemont Terrace shall not be less than Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of labor and materials.
19 in ascertaining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches, and pro- jecting eaves shall not be included; that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected on the said lots No. 24, 25 &26 - Block "A"- Gracemont Terrace shall not be less than Three Thousand $3,000.00) Dollars predicated on. present day cost of labor and mat terials. "G" That no outside or open tiolets will be permitted on the property herein conveyed. "H" That a perpetual easement is reserved over the rear five (5) feet of these lots Lots No. 24, 25 &26 Block "A"- Gracemont Terrace for utility installation and maintenance. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the conditions and restrictions shall be appurtenant to and run with the said lot or lots; that in the event of the violation of any conditions or restrictions that the said Wharton Realty, Company, Inc., its Successors and Assigns or any per- son or persons owning a lot in the subdivision of which this conveyance is a part, shall have and are hereby given the right of abatement of such violation or violations and shall have and are hereby given the right to enforce eompliance by injunction or any other appropriate action without incurring any liability for damages. EXHIBIT "B" RESTRICTIOIE This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely: "A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupançy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by. persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%), per cent. of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers. "B" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or other- wise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling: stations, restaurant or any other of such business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for residential purposes and not mpre than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lots No. 20, 21 & 22- Block "D" Gracemont Terrace except that an apartment house may be erected there- on, provided it is of a single structure and constitutes not more than two (2) stories. "C" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or about the premises. "D" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the sides of the property. herein cpnveyed, such a fence may. be erected bn the rear or back ex- tremity of the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences, if any, shall be ofa wire construction and without barbs. "E" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, ex- cept "For. Sale", or "For Rent" signs which shall not exceed two by three (2x3 ) feet. "F" That the residence to be erected on the said lots No. 20, 21822 - Block "D! Gracemont. Terrace shall be at least Thirty-five (35) feet from the front property line, provid- ed that in ascertaining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches, and projecting eaves shall not be included! that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected on the said lots No. 20, 21 & 22 - Block "D! Gracemont Terrace shall not be less than Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of labor and materials. "G" That no outside or open tiolets will be permitted on the property herein conveyed. "H" That a perpetual easement is reseyved over the rear five (5) feet of these lots No. 20, 21 & 22 Block "D! for utility inst tallation and maintenance. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the conditic ons and restrictions shall be appurtenant to and run with the said lot or lots; that in the event of the violation of any conditions or restrictions that the said Wharton Realty Company, Inc., its Successors and Assigns or any person or persons owning a lot in the subdivision of which this conveyance is a part, shall have and are hereby given the right of abatement of such violation or violations and shall have and are hereby vien the right to enforce compliance by injunction or any other appropriate action without incurring any liability for damages. EXHIBIT "C" RESTRICTIONS This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely: "A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent, of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers. "B" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or other- wise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, restaurant or any other of such business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for residential purposes and mot more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lot No. 7of Block "E Gracemont Terrace except that an apartment house may, be erected thereon, provided Itis of a single structure and constit tutes not more than two (2) stories. "Ç" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or ab out the premises. "D" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the sides of the property herein conveyed, such a fence may be erected on the rear or back extremity of the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences, if any, shall be of a wire construction and without barbs. "F" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, ex cept "For. Sale", or "For Rent signs, which shall not exceed two by three (2x3 ) feet. "p" That the residence to be erected on the said lot No. 7of Block "E" Gracemont Terrace shall be at least Forty (40) feet from the front property line provided that in ascer- taining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches, and projecting eaves shall not be included; that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected on the said lot No.7 of Block "E" Gracemont Terrace shall not be less than Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of labor and materials.
"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupançy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent. of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.
"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent. of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premise of their employers.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupançy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent. of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent. of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premise of their employers.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n19\nin ascertaining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches, and pro-\njecting eaves shall not be included; that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected\non the said lots No. 24, 25 &26 - Block \"A\"- Gracemont Terrace shall not be less than Three\nThousand $3,000.00) Dollars predicated on. present day cost of labor and mat terials.\n\"G\" That no outside or open tiolets will be permitted on the property herein conveyed.\n\"H\" That a perpetual easement is reserved over the rear five (5) feet of these lots\nLots No. 24, 25 &26 Block \"A\"- Gracemont Terrace for utility installation and maintenance.\nIT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the conditions and restrictions shall be appurtenant\nto and run with the said lot or lots; that in the event of the violation of any conditions or\nrestrictions that the said Wharton Realty, Company, Inc., its Successors and Assigns or any per-\nson or persons owning a lot in the subdivision of which this conveyance is a part, shall have\nand are hereby given the right of abatement of such violation or violations and shall have and\nare hereby given the right to enforce eompliance by injunction or any other appropriate action\nwithout incurring any liability for damages.\nEXHIBIT \"B\"\nRESTRICTIOIE\nThis conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely:\n\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed\nof for the use or occupançy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned\nor controlled by. persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%), per\ncent. of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged\nto live upon the premises of their employers.\n\"B\" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or other-\nwise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling: stations, restaurant or any other of\nsuch business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for\nresidential purposes and not mpre than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lots No.\n20, 21 & 22- Block \"D\" Gracemont Terrace except that an apartment house may be erected there-\non, provided it is of a single structure and constitutes not more than two (2) stories.\n\"C\" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or about the premises.\n\"D\" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or\nthe sides of the property. herein cpnveyed, such a fence may. be erected bn the rear or back ex-\ntremity of the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or\nfences, if any, shall be ofa wire construction and without barbs.\n\"E\" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, ex-\ncept \"For. Sale\", or \"For Rent\" signs which shall not exceed two by three (2x3 ) feet.\n\"F\" That the residence to be erected on the said lots No. 20, 21822 - Block \"D!\nGracemont. Terrace shall be at least Thirty-five (35) feet from the front property line, provid-\ned that in ascertaining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches,\nand projecting eaves shall not be included! that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be\nerected on the said lots No. 20, 21 & 22 - Block \"D! Gracemont Terrace shall not be less than\nThree Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of labor and materials.\n\"G\" That no outside or open tiolets will be permitted on the property herein conveyed.\n\"H\" That a perpetual easement is reseyved over the rear five (5) feet of these lots\nNo. 20, 21 & 22 Block \"D! for utility inst tallation and maintenance.\nIT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the conditic ons and restrictions shall be appurtenant\nto and run with the said lot or lots; that in the event of the violation of any conditions or\nrestrictions that the said Wharton Realty Company, Inc., its Successors and Assigns or any\nperson or persons owning a lot in the subdivision of which this conveyance is a part, shall\nhave and are hereby given the right of abatement of such violation or violations and shall\nhave and are hereby vien the right to enforce compliance by injunction or any other appropriate\naction without incurring any liability for damages.\nEXHIBIT \"C\"\nRESTRICTIONS\nThis conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely:\n\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed\nof for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned\nor controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent,\nof the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to\nlive upon the premises of their employers.\n\"B\" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or other-\nwise disposed of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, restaurant or any other of\nsuch business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for\nresidential purposes and mot more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lot\nNo. 7of Block \"E Gracemont Terrace except that an apartment house may, be erected thereon,\nprovided Itis of a single structure and constit tutes not more than two (2) stories.\n\"Ç\" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or ab out the premises.\n\"D\" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or\nthe sides of the property herein conveyed, such a fence may be erected on the rear or back\nextremity of the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or\nfences, if any, shall be of a wire construction and without barbs.\n\"F\" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, ex\ncept \"For. Sale\", or \"For Rent signs, which shall not exceed two by three (2x3 ) feet.\n\"p\" That the residence to be erected on the said lot No. 7of Block \"E\" Gracemont\nTerrace shall be at least Forty (40) feet from the front property line provided that in ascer-\ntaining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches, and projecting\neaves shall not be included; that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected on the\nsaid lot No.7 of Block \"E\" Gracemont Terrace shall not be less than Three Thousand ($3,000.00)\nDollars predicated on present day cost of labor and materials.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed\nof for the use or occupançy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned\nor controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per\ncent. of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged\nto live upon the premises of their employers.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent. of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premise of their employers.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 25 live upon the premises of their employers. "B" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for mercantile purposes stores, filling stations, restaurant or any other of such business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for resi- dential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lots No.30 31,32833 Block "A" Gracemont Terrace except. that an apartment house may be erected thereon, provided it is of a single structure and const titutes not more than two (2) stories. "C" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or about the premises. "D" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the sides of the property herein conveyed, such a fence may be erected on the rear or back extremity of the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences, if any, shall be of a wire construction and without barbs. "E" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, except "For Sale". pr "For Rent" signs which shall not exceed two by three (2X3) feet. "p" That the residence to be erected on the said lots 10,30,3,3243 Block "A" Gracemont Terrace shall be at least Forty (40) feet from the front property line provided that in ascertaining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches, and pro- jecting eaves shall not be included; that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected on the said lots No. 30, 31, 32 & 33 Block "A" Gracemont Terrace shall not Des less than Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of Iabor and materials. "G" That no outside or open toilets will be permitted on the property herein conveyed. "H" That a perpetual easement is reserved over the rear five (5) feet of these lots No. 30, 31, 32 & 33 Block "A" Gracemont Terrace for utitlity installation and maintenance. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the conditions and restrictions shall be appurtenant to and run with the said lot or lots; that in the event of the violation of any conditions or restrictions that the said Wharton Realty Company, Inc., its Successors and Assigns or any, person or persons owning a lot in the subdivision of which this conveyance is a part, shall have and are hereby given the right of abatement of such violation or violations and shall have and are hereby given the right to enforce compliance by injunction or any other appropriate action wi thout incurring any liability for damages. EXHIBIT "O" RESTRIOZIOID This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions,, namely: "A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons, of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent, of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers. "B" That no part. of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed. of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, restaurant or any other of such business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for residen- tial purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lots No. 26, 278 28 Block "D! Gracemont Terrace except that an apartment house may, be erected thereon, pro- vided it is of. a. single structure and constitutes not more than two (2) stores. "C" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or s out the premises. "D! That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front ar the sides of the property herein conveyed, such a fence may. be erected on the rear or back extrem- ity of the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences, ifany, shall be of a wire construction and wit thout barbs. "E" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, except "For Sale", or "For Rent" signs which shall not exceed two by three (2 X3) feet. "p! That the residence to be erected on the said lots No. 26, 27& 28 Block "D" Grace- mont Terrace shall be at least Forty (40) feet from the front property line provided. that In ascertaining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches, and project- ing eaves shall not be included; that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected on the said lots No. 26,2728 Block "D" Gracemont Terrace shall not be less than Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of labor and materials. "G" That no outside or open toilets will be permit tted on the property herein conveyed. "H" That a perpetual easement is reserved over the rear five (5). feet of these lots No. 26, 27 & 28 Block "D! Gracemont Terrace for utility installation and maintenance. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the conditions and restrictions shall be appurtenant to and run with the said lot or lots; that in the event of the violation of any conditions or restrictions that the said Wharton Realty, Compant, Inc., its Successors and Assigns or any per- son or persons owning a lot in the subdivision of which this conveyance is a part, shall have and are hereby given the right of abatement of such violation or violations and shall have and are hereby given the right to enforce compliance by injunction or any other appropriate action wit thout incurring any liability for damages. EXHIBIT "p" RESTRIOFIOS This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely: "A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or_controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty, (50%) per cent. ofthe capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.
25 live upon the premises of their employers. "B" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for mercantile purposes stores, filling stations, restaurant or any other of such business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for resi- dential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lots No.30 31,32833 Block "A" Gracemont Terrace except. that an apartment house may be erected thereon, provided it is of a single structure and const titutes not more than two (2) stories. "C" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or about the premises. "D" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the sides of the property herein conveyed, such a fence may be erected on the rear or back extremity of the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences, if any, shall be of a wire construction and without barbs. "E" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, except "For Sale". pr "For Rent" signs which shall not exceed two by three (2X3) feet. "p" That the residence to be erected on the said lots 10,30,3,3243 Block "A" Gracemont Terrace shall be at least Forty (40) feet from the front property line provided that in ascertaining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches, and pro- jecting eaves shall not be included; that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected on the said lots No. 30, 31, 32 & 33 Block "A" Gracemont Terrace shall not Des less than Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of Iabor and materials. "G" That no outside or open toilets will be permitted on the property herein conveyed. "H" That a perpetual easement is reserved over the rear five (5) feet of these lots No. 30, 31, 32 & 33 Block "A" Gracemont Terrace for utitlity installation and maintenance. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the conditions and restrictions shall be appurtenant to and run with the said lot or lots; that in the event of the violation of any conditions or restrictions that the said Wharton Realty Company, Inc., its Successors and Assigns or any, person or persons owning a lot in the subdivision of which this conveyance is a part, shall have and are hereby given the right of abatement of such violation or violations and shall have and are hereby given the right to enforce compliance by injunction or any other appropriate action wi thout incurring any liability for damages. EXHIBIT "O" RESTRIOZIOID This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions,, namely: "A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons, of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent, of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers. "B" That no part. of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed. of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, restaurant or any other of such business enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for residen- tial purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lots No. 26, 278 28 Block "D! Gracemont Terrace except that an apartment house may, be erected thereon, pro- vided it is of. a. single structure and constitutes not more than two (2) stores. "C" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or s out the premises. "D! That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front ar the sides of the property herein conveyed, such a fence may. be erected on the rear or back extrem- ity of the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences, ifany, shall be of a wire construction and wit thout barbs. "E" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, except "For Sale", or "For Rent" signs which shall not exceed two by three (2 X3) feet. "p! That the residence to be erected on the said lots No. 26, 27& 28 Block "D" Grace- mont Terrace shall be at least Forty (40) feet from the front property line provided. that In ascertaining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches, and project- ing eaves shall not be included; that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected on the said lots No. 26,2728 Block "D" Gracemont Terrace shall not be less than Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of labor and materials. "G" That no outside or open toilets will be permit tted on the property herein conveyed. "H" That a perpetual easement is reserved over the rear five (5). feet of these lots No. 26, 27 & 28 Block "D! Gracemont Terrace for utility installation and maintenance. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the conditions and restrictions shall be appurtenant to and run with the said lot or lots; that in the event of the violation of any conditions or restrictions that the said Wharton Realty, Compant, Inc., its Successors and Assigns or any per- son or persons owning a lot in the subdivision of which this conveyance is a part, shall have and are hereby given the right of abatement of such violation or violations and shall have and are hereby given the right to enforce compliance by injunction or any other appropriate action wit thout incurring any liability for damages. EXHIBIT "p" RESTRIOFIOS This conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely: "A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or_controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty, (50%) per cent. ofthe capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.
"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons, of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent, of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.
"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent, of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons, of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent, of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]"A" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent, of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n25\nlive upon the premises of their employers.\n\"B\" That no part of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or otherwise\ndisposed of for mercantile purposes stores, filling stations, restaurant or any other of such\nbusiness enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for resi-\ndential purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lots No.30\n31,32833 Block \"A\" Gracemont Terrace except. that an apartment house may be erected thereon,\nprovided it is of a single structure and const titutes not more than two (2) stories.\n\"C\" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or about the premises.\n\"D\" That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front or the\nsides of the property herein conveyed, such a fence may be erected on the rear or back extremity\nof the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences, if\nany, shall be of a wire construction and without barbs.\n\"E\" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, except\n\"For Sale\". pr \"For Rent\" signs which shall not exceed two by three (2X3) feet.\n\"p\" That the residence to be erected on the said lots 10,30,3,3243 Block \"A\"\nGracemont Terrace shall be at least Forty (40) feet from the front property line provided that\nin ascertaining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches, and pro-\njecting eaves shall not be included; that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected\non the said lots No. 30, 31, 32 & 33 Block \"A\" Gracemont Terrace shall not Des less than Three\nThousand ($3,000.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of Iabor and materials.\n\"G\" That no outside or open toilets will be permitted on the property herein conveyed.\n\"H\" That a perpetual easement is reserved over the rear five (5) feet of these lots No.\n30, 31, 32 & 33 Block \"A\" Gracemont Terrace for utitlity installation and maintenance.\nIT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the conditions and restrictions shall be appurtenant\nto and run with the said lot or lots; that in the event of the violation of any conditions or\nrestrictions that the said Wharton Realty Company, Inc., its Successors and Assigns or any,\nperson or persons owning a lot in the subdivision of which this conveyance is a part, shall\nhave and are hereby given the right of abatement of such violation or violations and shall have\nand are hereby given the right to enforce compliance by injunction or any other appropriate\naction wi thout incurring any liability for damages.\nEXHIBIT \"O\"\nRESTRIOZIOID\nThis conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions,, namely:\n\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed\nof for the use or occupancy to any person or persons, of African descent, or corporation owned\nor controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent,\nof the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to\nlive upon the premises of their employers.\n\"B\" That no part. of the said property shall be used, rented, sold, leased or otherwise\ndisposed. of for mercantile purposes, stores, filling stations, restaurant or any other of such\nbusiness enterprises; that the said property shall be used and enjoyed exclusively for residen-\ntial purposes and not more than one dwelling house shall be erected on the said lots No. 26,\n278 28 Block \"D! Gracemont Terrace except that an apartment house may, be erected thereon, pro-\nvided it is of. a. single structure and constitutes not more than two (2) stores.\n\"C\" That no hogs or pigs shall at any time be kept on or s out the premises.\n\"D! That there shall be no solid board or blind fences erected along the front ar the\nsides of the property herein conveyed, such a fence may. be erected on the rear or back extrem-\nity of the property with the exception of corner lots, in which case the rear fence or fences,\nifany, shall be of a wire construction and wit thout barbs.\n\"E\" That no Bill Boards or Signs shall be erected or maintained on the premises, except\n\"For Sale\", or \"For Rent\" signs which shall not exceed two by three (2 X3) feet.\n\"p! That the residence to be erected on the said lots No. 26, 27& 28 Block \"D\" Grace-\nmont Terrace shall be at least Forty (40) feet from the front property line provided. that In\nascertaining the distance from the front property line steps, unenclosed porches, and project-\ning eaves shall not be included; that the cost of the residence or dwelling to be erected on\nthe said lots No. 26,2728 Block \"D\" Gracemont Terrace shall not be less than Three Thousand\n($3,000.00) Dollars predicated on present day cost of labor and materials.\n\"G\" That no outside or open toilets will be permit tted on the property herein conveyed.\n\"H\" That a perpetual easement is reserved over the rear five (5). feet of these lots No.\n26, 27 & 28 Block \"D! Gracemont Terrace for utility installation and maintenance.\nIT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the conditions and restrictions shall be appurtenant\nto and run with the said lot or lots; that in the event of the violation of any conditions or\nrestrictions that the said Wharton Realty, Compant, Inc., its Successors and Assigns or any per-\nson or persons owning a lot in the subdivision of which this conveyance is a part, shall have\nand are hereby given the right of abatement of such violation or violations and shall have and\nare hereby given the right to enforce compliance by injunction or any other appropriate action\nwit thout incurring any liability for damages.\nEXHIBIT \"p\"\nRESTRIOFIOS\nThis conveyance is made subject to the following conditions and restrictions, namely:\n\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed\nof for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned\nor_controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty, (50%) per cent.\nofthe capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to\nlive upon the premises of their employers.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed\nof for the use or occupancy to any person or persons, of African descent, or corporation owned\nor controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent,\nof the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to\nlive upon the premises of their employers.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]\"A\" That no part of the said lot shall be rented, sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for the use or occupancy to any person or persons of African descent, or corporation owned or controlled by persons of African descent who shall own, hold or control Fifty (50%) per cent, of the capital stock of such corporation, except however, servants who may be privileged to live upon the premises of their employers.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 543 DEED REÇORD, Vol. 1208 there be erected thereon any billboards, aignboards, or any solid board fence; nor shall there be any obstruction to light or view except ornamental or fruit trees, shrubs or hedges eloser to Lane Road than 150 feet. No dwelling house shall be erected or maintained upon said premises unless the cost of constructing the same, exclusive of outbuildinge, landscaping or other improvements, shall exceed $6,000.00. No building on the premises nor any part thereof except open porphes, bay windowe, eaves or corni ces shall be erected or meintained on said premises closer tp Lane Road than 150 feet nor than 25 feet of either side line êthe east line and wéet line) of Baid premises. No garage, unless attached to and a part of the dwelling house, sheli be erected or maintained within 175 feet of Lane Road; nor shail any other outbuildings be erectad or maintained within 250 feet of Lane Road. No garage or other outbuildings shall be lpcated, erected or maintained within 25 feet of either side line. No trailer, basement, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected on said premipes shall at any time be used as a residence, either tporarily or permanently, nof shall any reeidence of an unfinished or temporary character be permitted exoept that séryants' quarters may be included in the garage or stables. Neither the whole nor any. part of said premises shall be sold, conveyed, devised, rented, given, loaned, leased or mortgaged to, or occupied by, or otherwise psed, by any person in whole or in part a member of any race except the Caucasian race; nor shal the grantee, his heirs, executors, adminiatratore, a8signs, mortgagees, alienees of anyone claiming by, through or under them permit or suffer any person not of the Caucasian race to pocups or use said premises exoept as a servant or employee of the fanily or person of the Caucasian race who occupies said premisee. Said conditione, covenante, agreementB, provieions and restrictions herein set forth shall run with the land until January 1, 1975, and shall bind the grantee, his heiris, execatore, adminietrators, mortgagees, alienees, devisees, assigns, and all other persons, natural or artificial who may become interested in Baid premises or any part thereof untic the said let day of January, 1975. The foregoing restrictions are for the benefit of the owners of the remalning portions C of Baia 25.05 acre tract, and said owners shall have and be vested with the Fight to enforce pny and all of the conditions, covenante, agreements, provieions and restriotipns herein contained and any part thereof. No change in the character of the neighborhopd of the above described lote or lands shall be deemed to impair or lessen the validity of any provisions hereof. Any failure to take prompt action 1n case of olpia-FEn or breach/or any luture breach or of the right to prevept shall not. be deemed, a waiver, of such violation or breach, or of the right to take any acti on with respect thereof If any of said conditions, covenants, agreemente, rights, interests, provisions or resbrictians shall be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining conditions, covenants, agreements, rights, interests, provisions and restrictions shall not thereby be affected br impaired. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said premises, with all the privileges and appurtenenoee thereunto belonging, to the said E. G. Schuessler his heirs and assigns forever. a And the sald Byron E. Ford for himself and his heirs, does hereby covehant with the said E. G. Schuessler his heirs end assigns, that he is lawfully seized of the premises aforesaid; that the said premises are FREE AND CLEAR FROM ALL INCUMBRANCES WHATSOEVER: except taxes and assesements becoming due and payable after June, 1943, which grantee assumes and agrees to pay as part of the consideration hereof, and that he will forever WARRANT AND DEFEND the same with the appurtenances unto the said E. G. Schuessler his heirs and assigns, against the lawful claims of all pe: rsons whonsoever, except as aforesaid. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Byron E. Ford and Marion Ford, his wife, who hereby "*suoh Violation. or breach or of the right jto preyent such violat tion or breach
543 DEED REÇORD, Vol. 1208 there be erected thereon any billboards, aignboards, or any solid board fence; nor shall there be any obstruction to light or view except ornamental or fruit trees, shrubs or hedges eloser to Lane Road than 150 feet. No dwelling house shall be erected or maintained upon said premises unless the cost of constructing the same, exclusive of outbuildinge, landscaping or other improvements, shall exceed $6,000.00. No building on the premises nor any part thereof except open porphes, bay windowe, eaves or corni ces shall be erected or meintained on said premises closer tp Lane Road than 150 feet nor than 25 feet of either side line êthe east line and wéet line) of Baid premises. No garage, unless attached to and a part of the dwelling house, sheli be erected or maintained within 175 feet of Lane Road; nor shail any other outbuildings be erectad or maintained within 250 feet of Lane Road. No garage or other outbuildings shall be lpcated, erected or maintained within 25 feet of either side line. No trailer, basement, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected on said premipes shall at any time be used as a residence, either tporarily or permanently, nof shall any reeidence of an unfinished or temporary character be permitted exoept that séryants' quarters may be included in the garage or stables. Neither the whole nor any. part of said premises shall be sold, conveyed, devised, rented, given, loaned, leased or mortgaged to, or occupied by, or otherwise psed, by any person in whole or in part a member of any race except the Caucasian race; nor shal the grantee, his heirs, executors, adminiatratore, a8signs, mortgagees, alienees of anyone claiming by, through or under them permit or suffer any person not of the Caucasian race to pocups or use said premises exoept as a servant or employee of the fanily or person of the Caucasian race who occupies said premisee. Said conditione, covenante, agreementB, provieions and restrictions herein set forth shall run with the land until January 1, 1975, and shall bind the grantee, his heiris, execatore, adminietrators, mortgagees, alienees, devisees, assigns, and all other persons, natural or artificial who may become interested in Baid premises or any part thereof untic the said let day of January, 1975. The foregoing restrictions are for the benefit of the owners of the remalning portions C of Baia 25.05 acre tract, and said owners shall have and be vested with the Fight to enforce pny and all of the conditions, covenante, agreements, provieions and restriotipns herein contained and any part thereof. No change in the character of the neighborhopd of the above described lote or lands shall be deemed to impair or lessen the validity of any provisions hereof. Any failure to take prompt action 1n case of olpia-FEn or breach/or any luture breach or of the right to prevept shall not. be deemed, a waiver, of such violation or breach, or of the right to take any acti on with respect thereof If any of said conditions, covenants, agreemente, rights, interests, provisions or resbrictians shall be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining conditions, covenants, agreements, rights, interests, provisions and restrictions shall not thereby be affected br impaired. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said premises, with all the privileges and appurtenenoee thereunto belonging, to the said E. G. Schuessler his heirs and assigns forever. a And the sald Byron E. Ford for himself and his heirs, does hereby covehant with the said E. G. Schuessler his heirs end assigns, that he is lawfully seized of the premises aforesaid; that the said premises are FREE AND CLEAR FROM ALL INCUMBRANCES WHATSOEVER: except taxes and assesements becoming due and payable after June, 1943, which grantee assumes and agrees to pay as part of the consideration hereof, and that he will forever WARRANT AND DEFEND the same with the appurtenances unto the said E. G. Schuessler his heirs and assigns, against the lawful claims of all pe: rsons whonsoever, except as aforesaid. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Byron E. Ford and Marion Ford, his wife, who hereby "*suoh Violation. or breach or of the right jto preyent such violat tion or breach
Neither the whole nor any. part of said premises shall be sold, conveyeq, devised, rented, given, loaned, leased or mortgaged to, or occupied by, or otherwise sed, by any person in whole or in part a member of any race except the Caucasian race; nor shalp the grantee, his heirs, executors, adminietrators, assigns, mortgagees, alienees or anypne Claiming by, through or under them permit or suffer any person not of the Caucasian race to pocups or use said premises exoept as a servant or employee of the family or person of the Caucasian race who occupies said premisee.
Neither the whole nor any part of said premises shall be sold, conveyed, devised, rented, given, loaned, leased or mortgaged to, or occupied by, or otherwise used, by any person in whole or in part a member of any race except the Caucasian race; nor shall the grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, mortgagees, alienees or anyone claiming by, through or under them permit or suffer any person not of the Caucasian race to occupy or used said premises except as a servant or employee of the family or person of the Caucasian race who occupies said premises.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]Neither the whole nor any. part of said premises shall be sold, conveyeq, devised, rented, given, loaned, leased or mortgaged to, or occupied by, or otherwise sed, by any person in whole or in part a member of any race except the Caucasian race; nor shalp the grantee, his heirs, executors, adminietrators, assigns, mortgagees, alienees or anypne Claiming by, through or under them permit or suffer any person not of the Caucasian race to pocups or use said premises exoept as a servant or employee of the family or person of the Caucasian race who occupies said premisee.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]Neither the whole nor any part of said premises shall be sold, conveyed, devised, rented, given, loaned, leased or mortgaged to, or occupied by, or otherwise used, by any person in whole or in part a member of any race except the Caucasian race; nor shall the grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, mortgagees, alienees or anyone claiming by, through or under them permit or suffer any person not of the Caucasian race to occupy or used said premises except as a servant or employee of the family or person of the Caucasian race who occupies said premises.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n543\nDEED REÇORD, Vol. 1208\nthere be erected thereon any billboards, aignboards, or any solid board fence; nor shall\nthere be any obstruction to light or view except ornamental or fruit trees, shrubs or hedges\neloser to Lane Road than 150 feet.\nNo dwelling house shall be erected or maintained upon said premises unless the cost of\nconstructing the same, exclusive of outbuildinge, landscaping or other improvements, shall\nexceed $6,000.00. No building on the premises nor any part thereof except open porphes, bay\nwindowe, eaves or corni ces shall be erected or meintained on said premises closer tp Lane\nRoad than 150 feet nor than 25 feet of either side line êthe east line and wéet line) of Baid\npremises. No garage, unless attached to and a part of the dwelling house, sheli be erected or\nmaintained within 175 feet of Lane Road; nor shail any other outbuildings be erectad or\nmaintained within 250 feet of Lane Road. No garage or other outbuildings shall be lpcated,\nerected or maintained within 25 feet of either side line.\nNo trailer, basement, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected on said premipes\nshall at any time be used as a residence, either tporarily or permanently, nof shall any\nreeidence of an unfinished or temporary character be permitted exoept that séryants' quarters\nmay be included in the garage or stables.\nNeither the whole nor any. part of said premises shall be sold, conveyed, devised,\nrented, given, loaned, leased or mortgaged to, or occupied by, or otherwise psed, by any\nperson in whole or in part a member of any race except the Caucasian race; nor shal the\ngrantee, his heirs, executors, adminiatratore, a8signs, mortgagees, alienees of anyone claiming\nby, through or under them permit or suffer any person not of the Caucasian race to pocups or\nuse said premises exoept as a servant or employee of the fanily or person of the Caucasian\nrace who occupies said premisee.\nSaid conditione, covenante, agreementB, provieions and restrictions herein set forth\nshall run with the land until January 1, 1975, and shall bind the grantee, his heiris, execatore,\nadminietrators, mortgagees, alienees, devisees, assigns, and all other persons, natural or\nartificial who may become interested in Baid premises or any part thereof untic the said let\nday of January, 1975.\nThe foregoing restrictions are for the benefit of the owners of the remalning portions C\nof Baia 25.05 acre tract, and said owners shall have and be vested with the Fight to enforce\npny and all of the conditions, covenante, agreements, provieions and restriotipns herein\ncontained and any part thereof. No change in the character of the neighborhopd of the above\ndescribed lote or lands shall be deemed to impair or lessen the validity of any provisions\nhereof. Any failure to take prompt action 1n case of olpia-FEn or breach/or any luture\nbreach or of the right to prevept\nshall not. be deemed, a waiver, of such\nviolation or breach, or of the right to take any acti on with respect thereof If any of\nsaid conditions, covenants, agreemente, rights, interests, provisions or resbrictians shall be\ninvalid or unenforceable, the remaining conditions, covenants, agreements, rights, interests,\nprovisions and restrictions shall not thereby be affected br impaired.\nTO HAVE AND TO HOLD said premises, with all the privileges and appurtenenoee thereunto\nbelonging, to the said E. G. Schuessler his heirs and assigns forever.\na\nAnd the sald Byron E. Ford for himself and his heirs, does hereby covehant with the said\nE. G. Schuessler his heirs end assigns, that he is lawfully seized of the premises aforesaid;\nthat the said premises are FREE AND CLEAR FROM ALL INCUMBRANCES WHATSOEVER: except taxes and\nassesements becoming due and payable after June, 1943, which grantee assumes and agrees to pay\nas part of the consideration hereof, and that he will forever WARRANT AND DEFEND the same with\nthe appurtenances unto the said E. G. Schuessler his heirs and assigns, against the lawful\nclaims of all pe: rsons whonsoever, except as aforesaid.\nIN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Byron E. Ford and Marion Ford, his wife, who hereby\n\"*suoh Violation. or breach or of the right jto preyent such\nviolat tion or breach", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]Neither the whole nor any. part of said premises shall be sold, conveyeq, devised,\nrented, given, loaned, leased or mortgaged to, or occupied by, or otherwise sed, by any\nperson in whole or in part a member of any race except the Caucasian race; nor shalp the\ngrantee, his heirs, executors, adminietrators, assigns, mortgagees, alienees or anypne Claiming\nby, through or under them permit or suffer any person not of the Caucasian race to pocups or\nuse said premises exoept as a servant or employee of the family or person of the Caucasian\nrace who occupies said premisee.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]Neither the whole nor any part of said premises shall be sold, conveyed, devised, rented, given, loaned, leased or mortgaged to, or occupied by, or otherwise used, by any person in whole or in part a member of any race except the Caucasian race; nor shall the grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, mortgagees, alienees or anyone claiming by, through or under them permit or suffer any person not of the Caucasian race to occupy or used said premises except as a servant or employee of the family or person of the Caucasian race who occupies said premises.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL6408 PAGEA25 As a further oonsideratien for this doed and in oonfommity with a general. plan, itis hereby agroed thet all premises horein conveyod shall be subject to the following covenants, restriotions, agroements and reservationss (a) All paroels in the traot shall bo knom and dosoribed as residontial paroels and no structure shall be ereoted on any rosidential building plot other than one detached single family drelling not to exooed two stories in height, and a One or two oar garago, one ohioken house and one stable for ponios or riding horses. may bo erected in the. rear of enoh building ploti, but shall be set baok a distanoe of not loss than 200 foot fron the front line ofeach plot, exoopt on oorner paroels on whioh no ohioken house or stable shall be permitted, unless area of paroel is suffioient in sise 8o as to: permit a set baok of not loss than 200 feet from the front' and side streot line. (b) Riding horses or ponies for the use of the immediate family may be kopt on said premises, ali other live stook, such as hoge, oattle, sheep, goats, eto.s will be doemed a muisance and shall not be kept on said premises. (o) Chickens may be kopt upon the premises in such a mumber as one ordinary femily usurlly keeps for its private use, but such chiokens shall not be premitted to run at large and shall be confined to pens or enolosures so dosigned and looated as to be: inoffensive to other lot omers and 80 as not to beoone a misance. (a) No pigeons, duoks or goose shall be kept or harbored upon the premises. (e) No building shall be ereoted on any residential building plot near than 70 feet from the street line, nor nearer than 25 foet to any side lot line, exoept on plots where the topography, of the land does not permit, in whioh event, the building line will bo established by The Conelly Realty Company or the oommittee referred to in paragraph (k) hereof, the side line restriotion shall not apply to a garage looated in the rear of the dwelling, excopt that on oorner paroels no struoture' shall be permitted nearer than 40 foet to the side street line. (F) No parcel shall be resubliyided into building plots having loss than 17,000 square foet of area, or a width of loss than 100 foet each, nor shail any building. be ereoted. onany residential building. plot having an area. of loss than 17,000 squere foet,. or a frontage of less than 100 feet. (g). No noxious or offensive trade shall be oarried on. upon any lot,. nor shall anything be done thereon whioh may be or beoome an annoyano. or muisanoe to the peighborhod. (hn) No race or nationality, other then Caucasian, shall use or ocoupy any building on any paroel or plot, exoept that this oovenant shall not prevent oooupany by domestio servants of. different raoe or nationality employod by an owner of tenant.. (1) No trailer, basement, tent, shaok, garage, barn or other out building erected in the traot shall at any time be use as a residenoe temporarily or. permanently, nor shall awy résidenoe of a temporary charaoted be permitted. (3) No struoturo shall be. moved onto any paroel unless it meets with the approval of the committee. hereinafter referred to, or. if thero is no oammittee, 1t shall conform to and be in harmony with existing struotures in the traot. (K) No building shall: be. eroated an any parcel until the design and location thereof have been approved in writing by a oommittee appointed by The Conelly Realty Company, or elected by a majority of' the owers of parcels in said Subdivision, however, in the event that suoh committee is not. in existenoe or fails to approve or disapprove suoh design. or looation within s0 days, then such approval will not be required, provided the design and location on the plot oonform to ant are in harmony with existing struotures in the tract, in any oas0, either with or without the approval of the oammittee, no dwelling costing less than $6500 shall be permitted on any plot in' the traot 'end the ground floor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 850 square feet in the oase of a ane- story struoturo, nor less than 650 square feet in the case of a one end one-half or two- story structure. (1) Until such time as a sanitary sewerage disposal syatem shall have been construoted meeting reguirements of health authorities having juriadiotions there shall be provided for each dwolling an individual sewerage disposal systen oonstruoted aocording to the leirs and regulations of the State of Onio and its duly authorised health authorities. No other method of sewerage dispoeal shall be installod or permitted to remain in use on any lot in this Subdivision. (m) Until an approved public water supply is available the looation of all wells and suffioienoy and purity of water aupply shall be approved by the State or looal Board of Health having jurisdiotion. (n) A perpetual easement 1s reserved over the rear 5 feet of each plot for utility installation and maintenanoe, (o) The covenants and restriotions are to run with the land and shall be binding. on all the parties and all persons elaiming under them until January 1, 1975. (p)ir the parties hereto or any of then or their heirs or assigns shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions whioh shall remain in fall force and effeot.
VOL6408 PAGEA25 As a further oonsideratien for this doed and in oonfommity with a general. plan, itis hereby agroed thet all premises horein conveyod shall be subject to the following covenants, restriotions, agroements and reservationss (a) All paroels in the traot shall bo knom and dosoribed as residontial paroels and no structure shall be ereoted on any rosidential building plot other than one detached single family drelling not to exooed two stories in height, and a One or two oar garago, one ohioken house and one stable for ponios or riding horses. may bo erected in the. rear of enoh building ploti, but shall be set baok a distanoe of not loss than 200 foot fron the front line ofeach plot, exoopt on oorner paroels on whioh no ohioken house or stable shall be permitted, unless area of paroel is suffioient in sise 8o as to: permit a set baok of not loss than 200 feet from the front' and side streot line. (b) Riding horses or ponies for the use of the immediate family may be kopt on said premises, ali other live stook, such as hoge, oattle, sheep, goats, eto.s will be doemed a muisance and shall not be kept on said premises. (o) Chickens may be kopt upon the premises in such a mumber as one ordinary femily usurlly keeps for its private use, but such chiokens shall not be premitted to run at large and shall be confined to pens or enolosures so dosigned and looated as to be: inoffensive to other lot omers and 80 as not to beoone a misance. (a) No pigeons, duoks or goose shall be kept or harbored upon the premises. (e) No building shall be ereoted on any residential building plot near than 70 feet from the street line, nor nearer than 25 foet to any side lot line, exoept on plots where the topography, of the land does not permit, in whioh event, the building line will bo established by The Conelly Realty Company or the oommittee referred to in paragraph (k) hereof, the side line restriotion shall not apply to a garage looated in the rear of the dwelling, excopt that on oorner paroels no struoture' shall be permitted nearer than 40 foet to the side street line. (F) No parcel shall be resubliyided into building plots having loss than 17,000 square foet of area, or a width of loss than 100 foet each, nor shail any building. be ereoted. onany residential building. plot having an area. of loss than 17,000 squere foet,. or a frontage of less than 100 feet. (g). No noxious or offensive trade shall be oarried on. upon any lot,. nor shall anything be done thereon whioh may be or beoome an annoyano. or muisanoe to the peighborhod. (hn) No race or nationality, other then Caucasian, shall use or ocoupy any building on any paroel or plot, exoept that this oovenant shall not prevent oooupany by domestio servants of. different raoe or nationality employod by an owner of tenant.. (1) No trailer, basement, tent, shaok, garage, barn or other out building erected in the traot shall at any time be use as a residenoe temporarily or. permanently, nor shall awy résidenoe of a temporary charaoted be permitted. (3) No struoturo shall be. moved onto any paroel unless it meets with the approval of the committee. hereinafter referred to, or. if thero is no oammittee, 1t shall conform to and be in harmony with existing struotures in the traot. (K) No building shall: be. eroated an any parcel until the design and location thereof have been approved in writing by a oommittee appointed by The Conelly Realty Company, or elected by a majority of' the owers of parcels in said Subdivision, however, in the event that suoh committee is not. in existenoe or fails to approve or disapprove suoh design. or looation within s0 days, then such approval will not be required, provided the design and location on the plot oonform to ant are in harmony with existing struotures in the tract, in any oas0, either with or without the approval of the oammittee, no dwelling costing less than $6500 shall be permitted on any plot in' the traot 'end the ground floor square foot area thereof shall not be less than 850 square feet in the oase of a ane- story struoturo, nor less than 650 square feet in the case of a one end one-half or two- story structure. (1) Until such time as a sanitary sewerage disposal syatem shall have been construoted meeting reguirements of health authorities having juriadiotions there shall be provided for each dwolling an individual sewerage disposal systen oonstruoted aocording to the leirs and regulations of the State of Onio and its duly authorised health authorities. No other method of sewerage dispoeal shall be installod or permitted to remain in use on any lot in this Subdivision. (m) Until an approved public water supply is available the looation of all wells and suffioienoy and purity of water aupply shall be approved by the State or looal Board of Health having jurisdiotion. (n) A perpetual easement 1s reserved over the rear 5 feet of each plot for utility installation and maintenanoe, (o) The covenants and restriotions are to run with the land and shall be binding. on all the parties and all persons elaiming under them until January 1, 1975. (p)ir the parties hereto or any of then or their heirs or assigns shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions whioh shall remain in fall force and effeot.
(h) No race or nationality, other than Caucasian, Shall use or oooupy any building on any parcel or plot, except that this sovenant shall not prevent oooupany by domestio servants of a different raoe or nationality employed by an ower of tenant..
(h) No race or nationality, other than Caucasian, shall use or occupy any building on any parcel or plot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner of tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](h) No race or nationality, other than Caucasian, Shall use or oooupy any building on any parcel or plot, except that this sovenant shall not prevent oooupany by domestio servants of a different raoe or nationality employed by an ower of tenant..[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](h) No race or nationality, other than Caucasian, shall use or occupy any building on any parcel or plot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner of tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL6408 PAGEA25\nAs a further oonsideratien for this doed and in oonfommity with a general. plan, itis\nhereby agroed thet all premises horein conveyod shall be subject to the following covenants,\nrestriotions, agroements and reservationss\n(a) All paroels in the traot shall bo knom and dosoribed as residontial paroels and no\nstructure shall be ereoted on any rosidential building plot other than one detached single\nfamily drelling not to exooed two stories in height, and a One or two oar garago, one\nohioken house and one stable for ponios or riding horses. may bo erected in the. rear of enoh\nbuilding ploti, but shall be set baok a distanoe of not loss than 200 foot fron the front\nline ofeach plot, exoopt on oorner paroels on whioh no ohioken house or stable shall be\npermitted, unless area of paroel is suffioient in sise 8o as to: permit a set baok of not\nloss than 200 feet from the front' and side streot line.\n(b) Riding horses or ponies for the use of the immediate family may be kopt on said premises,\nali other live stook, such as hoge, oattle, sheep, goats, eto.s will be doemed a muisance\nand shall not be kept on said premises.\n(o) Chickens may be kopt upon the premises in such a mumber as one ordinary femily usurlly\nkeeps for its private use, but such chiokens shall not be premitted to run at large and\nshall be confined to pens or enolosures so dosigned and looated as to be: inoffensive to\nother lot omers and 80 as not to beoone a misance.\n(a) No pigeons, duoks or goose shall be kept or harbored upon the premises.\n(e) No building shall be ereoted on any residential building plot near than 70 feet from\nthe street line, nor nearer than 25 foet to any side lot line, exoept on plots where the\ntopography, of the land does not permit, in whioh event, the building line will bo\nestablished by The Conelly Realty Company or the oommittee referred to in paragraph (k)\nhereof, the side line restriotion shall not apply to a garage looated in the rear of the\ndwelling, excopt that on oorner paroels no struoture' shall be permitted nearer than 40 foet\nto the side street line.\n(F) No parcel shall be resubliyided into building plots having loss than 17,000 square foet\nof area, or a width of loss than 100 foet each, nor shail any building. be ereoted. onany\nresidential building. plot having an area. of loss than 17,000 squere foet,. or a frontage of\nless than 100 feet.\n(g). No noxious or offensive trade shall be oarried on. upon any lot,. nor shall anything\nbe done thereon whioh may be or beoome an annoyano. or muisanoe to the peighborhod.\n(hn) No race or nationality, other then Caucasian, shall use or ocoupy any building on any\nparoel or plot, exoept that this oovenant shall not prevent oooupany by domestio servants\nof. different raoe or nationality employod by an owner of tenant..\n(1) No trailer, basement, tent, shaok, garage, barn or other out building erected in the\ntraot shall at any time be use as a residenoe temporarily or. permanently, nor shall awy\nrésidenoe of a temporary charaoted be permitted.\n(3) No struoturo shall be. moved onto any paroel unless it meets with the approval of the\ncommittee. hereinafter referred to, or. if thero is no oammittee, 1t shall conform to\nand be in harmony with existing struotures in the traot.\n(K) No building shall: be. eroated an any parcel until the design and location thereof have\nbeen approved in writing by a oommittee appointed by The Conelly Realty Company, or\nelected by a majority of' the owers of parcels in said Subdivision, however, in the event\nthat suoh committee is not. in existenoe or fails to approve or disapprove suoh design.\nor looation within s0 days, then such approval will not be required, provided the design\nand location on the plot oonform to ant are in harmony with existing struotures in the\ntract, in any oas0, either with or without the approval of the oammittee, no dwelling\ncosting less than $6500 shall be permitted on any plot in' the traot 'end the ground floor\nsquare foot area thereof shall not be less than 850 square feet in the oase of a ane-\nstory struoturo, nor less than 650 square feet in the case of a one end one-half or two-\nstory structure.\n(1) Until such time as a sanitary sewerage disposal syatem shall have been construoted\nmeeting reguirements of health authorities having juriadiotions there shall be provided\nfor each dwolling an individual sewerage disposal systen oonstruoted aocording to the\nleirs and regulations of the State of Onio and its duly authorised health authorities.\nNo other method of sewerage dispoeal shall be installod or permitted to remain in use\non any lot in this Subdivision.\n(m) Until an approved public water supply is available the looation of all wells and\nsuffioienoy and purity of water aupply shall be approved by the State or looal Board of\nHealth having jurisdiotion.\n(n) A perpetual easement 1s reserved over the rear 5 feet of each plot for utility\ninstallation and maintenanoe,\n(o) The covenants and restriotions are to run with the land and shall be binding. on all\nthe parties and all persons elaiming under them until January 1, 1975.\n(p)ir the parties hereto or any of then or their heirs or assigns shall in no\nwise affect any of the other provisions whioh shall remain in fall force and effeot.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](h) No race or nationality, other than Caucasian, Shall use or oooupy any building on any\nparcel or plot, except that this sovenant shall not prevent oooupany by domestio servants\nof a different raoe or nationality employed by an ower of tenant..[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](h) No race or nationality, other than Caucasian, shall use or occupy any building on any parcel or plot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner of tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 569 Southwest boundary line of the said Fannin Street, and 150 feet distant therefrom, a distance of 300 feet for the West corner of the tract herein conveyed; THENCE in -Northeasterly direction, with the Eastern boundary line of the said Chapman Ranch Road, and 630 feet distant therefrom, a distance of 150 feet to the place of beginning, and the North corner of the tract herein con- veyed. It being the intention of the Grantor herein to convey a rectangular shape tract of land 150 feet wide and 300 feet long, which tract of land is to be directly Southeast of two tracts of like size of which the first tract fronts. on Chapman Ranch Road, and was heretofore conveyed by the Grantor to Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Clark. To have and to hold the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto, in anywise belonging unto the said W. Lee Huegele, his heirs or assigns, forever. And I do herebyibind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the skia premises, unto the said W. Lee Huegele, his heirs and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. But the above conveyance is subject to the covenants hereby made by Grantee, and the condition that no building shall be erected upon any part of the above described premises other than for residential purposes, and the necessary garages and buildings for such residence, which buildings shall have a value of Twenty Five-Hundred ($2500.00) Dollars, at the time of construction. Grantee further covenants and agrees and the same shali remain a condition precedent that no toilets shall be maintained upon the premises save sanitary toilet connected with flowing water and emptying into a cess pool or septic tank. Grantee further covenants and agrees that, and the same shall remain a condition precedent, that no person of the negro race shall live upon such premises, save and except a servant to the own- er of the property- above described. Such convenants and conditions are to be binding upon and-te- be-Dindtng-apor and to be observed by the Grantee, herein as well as his heirs, executors and administrators and to run in favor of and be enforcible by any person who shall hereafter own any of that certain tract of land described as Lots Twelve and Thirteen Section "H", of the Pais- ley's Subdivision of the Hoffman Tracts, of Nueces County, Texas, and in case of and upon any violation or non-observance of the above covenants and conditions, and thereupon, this convey- ance shall be null and void and said premises shall then and there wholly and absolutely revert without suit or re-entry to the grantor herein,"her heirs or assigns; and no act or further om- ission upon the part of any of the beneficiaries of this clause, shall be a waiver of the en- forcement of either such covenants or such conditions. Grantor further warrants to install water and gas lines up to and on to the premises herein conveyed, and to bear the expense of the in- stallation of a water meter and gas meter to service one residence on the property herein convey- ed. WITNESS my hand this 9th day of August, A. D., 1938. Lena Pearse THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF NUECES ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Lena Pearse, a feme sole, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this 9th day of August, A. D. 1938. Robert C. Van Ness Notary Public in and for (Nueces Co., Tez. L. S. ) Nueces County, Téxas. ENDORSED: Filed For Record at 8:00 o'clock A. M. Aug 10 1938. Henry E. Gouger Clerk, County Court, Nueces Co., Tez. By Ray S. Carney Deputy. RECORDED: This the 13th day of August, A. D. 1938, at 10:50 o'clock A. M. Volume 240, pages 568- Hhtiy-uds 569. HENRY E. GOUGER, COUNTY CLERK.. BY DEPUTY.. ---000--- Deed Record 240 Page 569
569 Southwest boundary line of the said Fannin Street, and 150 feet distant therefrom, a distance of 300 feet for the West corner of the tract herein conveyed; THENCE in -Northeasterly direction, with the Eastern boundary line of the said Chapman Ranch Road, and 630 feet distant therefrom, a distance of 150 feet to the place of beginning, and the North corner of the tract herein con- veyed. It being the intention of the Grantor herein to convey a rectangular shape tract of land 150 feet wide and 300 feet long, which tract of land is to be directly Southeast of two tracts of like size of which the first tract fronts. on Chapman Ranch Road, and was heretofore conveyed by the Grantor to Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Clark. To have and to hold the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto, in anywise belonging unto the said W. Lee Huegele, his heirs or assigns, forever. And I do herebyibind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the skia premises, unto the said W. Lee Huegele, his heirs and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. But the above conveyance is subject to the covenants hereby made by Grantee, and the condition that no building shall be erected upon any part of the above described premises other than for residential purposes, and the necessary garages and buildings for such residence, which buildings shall have a value of Twenty Five-Hundred ($2500.00) Dollars, at the time of construction. Grantee further covenants and agrees and the same shali remain a condition precedent that no toilets shall be maintained upon the premises save sanitary toilet connected with flowing water and emptying into a cess pool or septic tank. Grantee further covenants and agrees that, and the same shall remain a condition precedent, that no person of the negro race shall live upon such premises, save and except a servant to the own- er of the property- above described. Such convenants and conditions are to be binding upon and-te- be-Dindtng-apor and to be observed by the Grantee, herein as well as his heirs, executors and administrators and to run in favor of and be enforcible by any person who shall hereafter own any of that certain tract of land described as Lots Twelve and Thirteen Section "H", of the Pais- ley's Subdivision of the Hoffman Tracts, of Nueces County, Texas, and in case of and upon any violation or non-observance of the above covenants and conditions, and thereupon, this convey- ance shall be null and void and said premises shall then and there wholly and absolutely revert without suit or re-entry to the grantor herein,"her heirs or assigns; and no act or further om- ission upon the part of any of the beneficiaries of this clause, shall be a waiver of the en- forcement of either such covenants or such conditions. Grantor further warrants to install water and gas lines up to and on to the premises herein conveyed, and to bear the expense of the in- stallation of a water meter and gas meter to service one residence on the property herein convey- ed. WITNESS my hand this 9th day of August, A. D., 1938. Lena Pearse THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF NUECES ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Lena Pearse, a feme sole, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this 9th day of August, A. D. 1938. Robert C. Van Ness Notary Public in and for (Nueces Co., Tez. L. S. ) Nueces County, Téxas. ENDORSED: Filed For Record at 8:00 o'clock A. M. Aug 10 1938. Henry E. Gouger Clerk, County Court, Nueces Co., Tez. By Ray S. Carney Deputy. RECORDED: This the 13th day of August, A. D. 1938, at 10:50 o'clock A. M. Volume 240, pages 568- Hhtiy-uds 569. HENRY E. GOUGER, COUNTY CLERK.. BY DEPUTY.. ---000--- Deed Record 240 Page 569
pool septic Grantee further covenants and agrees that, and the same shall remain a condition precedent, that no person of the negro race shall live upon such premises, save and except a servant to the own- er of the property- above described. Such convenants and conditions are to be binding upon and-te-
that no person of the negro race shall live upon such premises, save and except a servant to the owner of the property above described.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]pool septic Grantee further covenants and agrees that, and the same shall remain a condition precedent, that no person of the negro race shall live upon such premises, save and except a servant to the own- er of the property- above described. Such convenants and conditions are to be binding upon and-te-[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]that no person of the negro race shall live upon such premises, save and except a servant to the owner of the property above described.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n569\nSouthwest boundary line of the said Fannin Street, and 150 feet distant therefrom, a distance\nof 300 feet for the West corner of the tract herein conveyed; THENCE in -Northeasterly direction,\nwith the Eastern boundary line of the said Chapman Ranch Road, and 630 feet distant therefrom,\na distance of 150 feet to the place of beginning, and the North corner of the tract herein con-\nveyed. It being the intention of the Grantor herein to convey a rectangular shape tract of land\n150 feet wide and 300 feet long, which tract of land is to be directly Southeast of two tracts\nof like size of which the first tract fronts. on Chapman Ranch Road, and was heretofore conveyed\nby the Grantor to Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Clark. To have and to hold the above described premises,\ntogether with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto, in anywise belonging unto\nthe said W. Lee Huegele, his heirs or assigns, forever. And I do herebyibind myself, my heirs,\nexecutors and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the skia premises,\nunto the said W. Lee Huegele, his heirs and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully\nclaiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. But the above conveyance is subject to the\ncovenants hereby made by Grantee, and the condition that no building shall be erected upon any\npart of the above described premises other than for residential purposes, and the necessary\ngarages and buildings for such residence, which buildings shall have a value of Twenty Five-Hundred\n($2500.00) Dollars, at the time of construction. Grantee further covenants and agrees and the\nsame shali remain a condition precedent that no toilets shall be maintained upon the premises\nsave sanitary toilet connected with flowing water and emptying into a cess pool or septic tank.\nGrantee further covenants and agrees that, and the same shall remain a condition precedent, that\nno person of the negro race shall live upon such premises, save and except a servant to the own-\ner of the property- above described. Such convenants and conditions are to be binding upon and-te-\nbe-Dindtng-apor and to be observed by the Grantee, herein as well as his heirs, executors and\nadministrators and to run in favor of and be enforcible by any person who shall hereafter own\nany of that certain tract of land described as Lots Twelve and Thirteen Section \"H\", of the Pais-\nley's Subdivision of the Hoffman Tracts, of Nueces County, Texas, and in case of and upon any\nviolation or non-observance of the above covenants and conditions, and thereupon, this convey-\nance shall be null and void and said premises shall then and there wholly and absolutely revert\nwithout suit or re-entry to the grantor herein,\"her heirs or assigns; and no act or further om-\nission upon the part of any of the beneficiaries of this clause, shall be a waiver of the en-\nforcement of either such covenants or such conditions. Grantor further warrants to install water\nand gas lines up to and on to the premises herein conveyed, and to bear the expense of the in-\nstallation of a water meter and gas meter to service one residence on the property herein convey-\ned. WITNESS my hand this 9th day of August, A. D., 1938.\nLena Pearse\nTHE STATE OF TEXAS )\nCOUNTY OF NUECES )\nBEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared\nLena Pearse, a feme sole, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing\ninstrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes and consideration\ntherein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this 9th day of August, A. D. 1938.\nRobert C. Van Ness Notary Public in and for\n(Nueces Co., Tez. L. S. )\nNueces County, Téxas.\nENDORSED: Filed For Record at 8:00 o'clock A. M. Aug 10 1938. Henry E. Gouger Clerk, County\nCourt, Nueces Co., Tez. By Ray S. Carney Deputy.\nRECORDED: This the 13th day of August, A. D. 1938, at 10:50 o'clock A. M. Volume 240, pages 568-\nHhtiy-uds\n569. HENRY E. GOUGER, COUNTY CLERK..\nBY\nDEPUTY..\n---000---\nDeed Record 240 Page 569", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]pool septic Grantee further covenants and agrees that, and the same shall remain a condition precedent, that no person of the negro race shall live upon such premises, save and except a servant to the own- er of the property- above described. Such convenants and conditions are to be binding upon and-te-[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]that no person of the negro race shall live upon such premises, save and except a servant to the owner of the property above described.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL6279 AGE 63 The Grantor reserves to itself, its suecessors and assigns, and is hereby which granted in the the opinion exclusive of the right Grantor to grant are necessary consents and to petition the proper authorities for described any and all land street is apart; improvements, and the Prospective Purchaser hereby consents to and in the Subdivision of which may the above be entered into between the Grantor and the authorities, with respect to the iustallation afirms any agreements and that with respect to binding the Grantee and the land herein described. for the payment of the cost ot said said improvements, improvements, and the Grantee hereby waives all notice with reference affirms to said ratifies petition, all consents such agreements to all other and acts acts and and things that may be necessary in the matter, and hereby authorizes and on the part of the Grantor in regard thereto. or and to petition the Gas The Grantor, for itself, its suceessors and assigns, reserves of their the respective right to service waive; mains, change which, in the opinion of the Companies and Electrie Light Companies for the extensions the land contracted for shall abut, and the Grantee herehy said" Grantor, are necessary in the highway that upon may be which entered into between hereby the Grantor and- the said Gas Companies and/or any. agreement to the Grantee for the rata cost of said extensions as applied to consents to und pro said Electric Light Companies, with respect binding said parcel hereby contracted for. the right to waive, change or cancel any or all of The Grantor, for itself, its successors the development and assigns, or reserves lack of also development of adjoining or adjacent property in the these restrictions, of which if, in these its premises judgment, are a part, mukes that course neccssary or advisuble. The hereinabove described land shall not be sold, let or leased to anyone of any race other than the.Caucasian. The herein enumerated restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions shall he and not as conditions hereof, and shall run with the. land, and shall bind the shall Grantee until the first day of May, 1999, in any event; and continuously thereafter, unless both and sides until of the any proposed. within change the block have in which been is approved loeated deemed as street, and the Grantee herein, agrees to require in writing by the owners of the legal title to all of the land by on E change; the property, the use of which is sought to be altered deeds said the premises herchy for. these restrictions be recited at length in all future that Subject to all legal highways and the restrictions, if any, imposed by Zoning Ordinanees of the City of Cleveland, Ohio. Any interest in the property hereby conveyed shall not be assigned, oceupied, written leased, rented, of conveyed The S. H. or otherwise Kleinman alienated, nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another, without may the not withhold consent such consent, if and aftèr a Realty Company to permit such assignment, occupation, leasing, Realty Company, exeept that said Tire S. H. written request has been made to by The five S. of H. the Kleinman of Realty the Sublots, Company which are subject to the same restrictions as are renting, conveying abutting or alienation said premises, concerning which consent is rèquested and upon both sides of the street or streets, adjoining such Sublot and fronts or abuts and within a distance of five sublots from the respective such sidelines therenf, exeept to the transfer restrietions of title by way or devise or inheritance, in which case the devisee or or heir shall take to judicial property sale, provided subjeet in any sueh ease hercin imposed, and except that said property may shall be mortgaged subjected to occupy, lease, rent, convey, or otherwise alienate that no purchaser of said premises at judicial sale S. have the right Company first had and obtained in the manner said premises without the written consent of The H. Kleinman Realty above stated. It being understood, however, that the rights hereby reserved to The S. H. Kleinman and Realty control Company of shall hereby apply and ussigns, but in the event the ownership provision for consents the by rights The $. H. with equal force and effect to its reserved pass from the hands of The S. H. Kleinman Realty shall Company deemed interest, to be the sufliciently obtained if obtained from a Kleinman Realty Company of in this said Section adjoining provided facing for, Sublots, be and thenceforth the right to enforee the restrietions in this majority section of the of this owners Deed contained the shall immediately. and pass to the owners of the said adjoining and facing Sublots Sublots. and be exercised by the written consent of the majority of the owners holding title to said adjoining and facing Co ube anb Co olb the above granred and bargained premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belong- forever, subject to all legal highways and subject to the hiirs and assigns ing, unto the said Grantew...... conditions herein contained. THE S. H. KLEINMAN REALTY COMPANY, the said Grantor, does for itsel!, its successors and And heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of with the said Grantee.., his assigns, covenant seized the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in fee simple, and has of these presents, it is well and sell the same in manner and form as above written, that the same are free and clear from good right bargain to whatsoever, except taxes and assessments which the Grantee assumes and agrees to dl incumbrances and except municipal building and use restrictions of record, pay, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, to the said Grantee.. and that it will warrant defend premises, said and heirs and assigns forever, against all lauful claims and demands whatsoever, except as above mentioned. his 3n itness Chereof said corporation hereunto sets its hand and corporate seal, by E. L. Ostendorf,. its. President. and. M.. M. Gardner,.. Assistant. Treasurer in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and 28th. day of.. September. this.. Thirt-nine (1939). THE S. H. KLEIMANSEALTY COMPANY, By R Signed and aagirlsPrane By Ass't. Treasurer
VOL6279 AGE 63 The Grantor reserves to itself, its suecessors and assigns, and is hereby which granted in the the opinion exclusive of the right Grantor to grant are necessary consents and to petition the proper authorities for described any and all land street is apart; improvements, and the Prospective Purchaser hereby consents to and in the Subdivision of which may the above be entered into between the Grantor and the authorities, with respect to the iustallation afirms any agreements and that with respect to binding the Grantee and the land herein described. for the payment of the cost ot said said improvements, improvements, and the Grantee hereby waives all notice with reference affirms to said ratifies petition, all consents such agreements to all other and acts acts and and things that may be necessary in the matter, and hereby authorizes and on the part of the Grantor in regard thereto. or and to petition the Gas The Grantor, for itself, its suceessors and assigns, reserves of their the respective right to service waive; mains, change which, in the opinion of the Companies and Electrie Light Companies for the extensions the land contracted for shall abut, and the Grantee herehy said" Grantor, are necessary in the highway that upon may be which entered into between hereby the Grantor and- the said Gas Companies and/or any. agreement to the Grantee for the rata cost of said extensions as applied to consents to und pro said Electric Light Companies, with respect binding said parcel hereby contracted for. the right to waive, change or cancel any or all of The Grantor, for itself, its successors the development and assigns, or reserves lack of also development of adjoining or adjacent property in the these restrictions, of which if, in these its premises judgment, are a part, mukes that course neccssary or advisuble. The hereinabove described land shall not be sold, let or leased to anyone of any race other than the.Caucasian. The herein enumerated restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions shall he and not as conditions hereof, and shall run with the. land, and shall bind the shall Grantee until the first day of May, 1999, in any event; and continuously thereafter, unless both and sides until of the any proposed. within change the block have in which been is approved loeated deemed as street, and the Grantee herein, agrees to require in writing by the owners of the legal title to all of the land by on E change; the property, the use of which is sought to be altered deeds said the premises herchy for. these restrictions be recited at length in all future that Subject to all legal highways and the restrictions, if any, imposed by Zoning Ordinanees of the City of Cleveland, Ohio. Any interest in the property hereby conveyed shall not be assigned, oceupied, written leased, rented, of conveyed The S. H. or otherwise Kleinman alienated, nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another, without may the not withhold consent such consent, if and aftèr a Realty Company to permit such assignment, occupation, leasing, Realty Company, exeept that said Tire S. H. written request has been made to by The five S. of H. the Kleinman of Realty the Sublots, Company which are subject to the same restrictions as are renting, conveying abutting or alienation said premises, concerning which consent is rèquested and upon both sides of the street or streets, adjoining such Sublot and fronts or abuts and within a distance of five sublots from the respective such sidelines therenf, exeept to the transfer restrietions of title by way or devise or inheritance, in which case the devisee or or heir shall take to judicial property sale, provided subjeet in any sueh ease hercin imposed, and except that said property may shall be mortgaged subjected to occupy, lease, rent, convey, or otherwise alienate that no purchaser of said premises at judicial sale S. have the right Company first had and obtained in the manner said premises without the written consent of The H. Kleinman Realty above stated. It being understood, however, that the rights hereby reserved to The S. H. Kleinman and Realty control Company of shall hereby apply and ussigns, but in the event the ownership provision for consents the by rights The $. H. with equal force and effect to its reserved pass from the hands of The S. H. Kleinman Realty shall Company deemed interest, to be the sufliciently obtained if obtained from a Kleinman Realty Company of in this said Section adjoining provided facing for, Sublots, be and thenceforth the right to enforee the restrietions in this majority section of the of this owners Deed contained the shall immediately. and pass to the owners of the said adjoining and facing Sublots Sublots. and be exercised by the written consent of the majority of the owners holding title to said adjoining and facing Co ube anb Co olb the above granred and bargained premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belong- forever, subject to all legal highways and subject to the hiirs and assigns ing, unto the said Grantew...... conditions herein contained. THE S. H. KLEINMAN REALTY COMPANY, the said Grantor, does for itsel!, its successors and And heirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of with the said Grantee.., his assigns, covenant seized the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in fee simple, and has of these presents, it is well and sell the same in manner and form as above written, that the same are free and clear from good right bargain to whatsoever, except taxes and assessments which the Grantee assumes and agrees to dl incumbrances and except municipal building and use restrictions of record, pay, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, to the said Grantee.. and that it will warrant defend premises, said and heirs and assigns forever, against all lauful claims and demands whatsoever, except as above mentioned. his 3n itness Chereof said corporation hereunto sets its hand and corporate seal, by E. L. Ostendorf,. its. President. and. M.. M. Gardner,.. Assistant. Treasurer in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and 28th. day of.. September. this.. Thirt-nine (1939). THE S. H. KLEIMANSEALTY COMPANY, By R Signed and aagirlsPrane By Ass't. Treasurer
The hereinabove described. land shall not be Rold, let or leased to anyone of any race other than the-Caucasia.
The hereinabove described land shall not be sold, let or leased to anyone of any race other than the Caucasian.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]The hereinabove described. land shall not be Rold, let or leased to anyone of any race other than the-Caucasia.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]The hereinabove described land shall not be sold, let or leased to anyone of any race other than the Caucasian.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL6279 AGE 63\nThe Grantor reserves to itself, its suecessors and assigns, and is hereby which granted in the the opinion exclusive of the right Grantor to grant are necessary consents\nand to petition the proper authorities for described any and all land street is apart; improvements, and the Prospective Purchaser hereby consents to and\nin the Subdivision of which may the above be entered into between the Grantor and the authorities, with respect to the iustallation\nafirms any agreements and that with respect to binding the Grantee and the land herein described. for the payment of the cost\not said said improvements, improvements, and the Grantee hereby waives all notice with reference affirms to said ratifies petition, all consents such agreements to all other and acts acts\nand\nand things that may be necessary in the matter, and hereby authorizes and\non the part of the Grantor in regard thereto.\nor and to petition the Gas\nThe Grantor, for itself, its suceessors and assigns, reserves of their the respective right to service waive; mains, change which, in the opinion of the\nCompanies and Electrie Light Companies for the extensions the land\ncontracted for shall abut, and the Grantee herehy\nsaid\" Grantor, are necessary in the highway that upon may be which entered into between hereby the Grantor and- the said Gas Companies and/or\nany. agreement to\nthe Grantee for the rata cost of said extensions as applied to\nconsents to und\npro\nsaid Electric Light Companies, with respect binding\nsaid parcel hereby contracted for.\nthe right to waive, change or cancel any or all of\nThe Grantor, for itself, its successors the development and assigns, or reserves lack of also development of adjoining or adjacent property in the\nthese restrictions, of which if, in these its premises judgment, are a part, mukes that course neccssary or advisuble.\nThe hereinabove described land shall not be sold, let or leased to anyone of any race other than the.Caucasian.\nThe herein enumerated restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants and conditions shall he\nand not as conditions hereof, and shall run with the. land, and shall bind the shall Grantee until the first\nday of May, 1999, in any event; and continuously thereafter, unless both and sides until of the any proposed. within change the block have in which been is approved loeated\ndeemed as\nstreet, and the Grantee herein, agrees to require\nin writing by the owners of the legal title to all of the land by on\nE\nchange;\nthe property, the use of which is sought to be altered deeds said\nthe premises herchy\nfor.\nthese restrictions be recited at length in all future\nthat Subject to all legal highways and the restrictions, if any, imposed by Zoning Ordinanees of the City of Cleveland, Ohio.\nAny interest in the property hereby conveyed shall not be assigned, oceupied, written leased, rented, of conveyed The S. H. or otherwise Kleinman\nalienated, nor shall the title or possession thereof pass to another, without may the not withhold consent such consent, if and aftèr a\nRealty Company to permit such assignment, occupation, leasing,\nRealty Company, exeept that said Tire S. H.\nwritten request has been made to by The five S. of H. the Kleinman of Realty the Sublots, Company which are subject to the same restrictions as are\nrenting, conveying abutting or alienation said premises, concerning which consent is rèquested and upon both sides of the street or streets,\nadjoining such Sublot and fronts or abuts and within a distance of five sublots from the respective such sidelines therenf, exeept to the transfer restrietions of\ntitle by way or devise or inheritance, in which case the devisee or or heir shall take to judicial property sale, provided subjeet in any sueh ease\nhercin imposed, and except that said property may shall be mortgaged subjected to occupy, lease, rent, convey, or otherwise alienate\nthat no purchaser of said premises at judicial sale S. have the right Company first had and obtained in the manner\nsaid premises without the written consent of The H. Kleinman Realty\nabove stated.\nIt being understood, however, that the rights hereby reserved to The S. H. Kleinman and Realty control Company of shall hereby apply\nand ussigns, but in the event the ownership provision for consents the by rights The $. H.\nwith equal force and effect to its\nreserved pass from the hands of The S. H. Kleinman Realty shall Company deemed interest, to be the sufliciently obtained if obtained from a\nKleinman Realty Company of in this said Section adjoining provided facing for, Sublots, be and thenceforth the right to enforee the restrietions in\nthis majority section of the of this owners Deed contained the shall immediately. and pass to the owners of the said adjoining and facing Sublots Sublots. and be\nexercised by the written consent of the majority of the owners holding title to said adjoining and facing\nCo ube anb Co olb the above granred and bargained premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belong-\nforever, subject to all legal highways and subject to the\nhiirs and\nassigns\ning, unto the said Grantew......\nconditions herein contained.\nTHE S. H. KLEINMAN REALTY COMPANY, the said Grantor, does for itsel!, its successors and\nAnd\nheirs and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of\nwith the said Grantee.., his\nassigns, covenant\nseized the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in fee simple, and has\nof\nthese presents, it is well\nand sell the same in manner and form as above written, that the same are free and clear from\ngood right bargain\nto\nwhatsoever, except taxes and assessments which the Grantee assumes and agrees to\ndl incumbrances\nand except municipal building and use restrictions of record,\npay,\nwith the appurtenances thereunto belonging, to the said Grantee..\nand that it will warrant defend premises,\nsaid\nand\nheirs and assigns forever, against all lauful claims and demands whatsoever, except as above mentioned.\nhis\n3n itness Chereof said corporation hereunto sets its hand and corporate seal, by\nE. L. Ostendorf,. its. President. and. M.. M. Gardner,.. Assistant. Treasurer\nin the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and\n28th. day of.. September.\nthis..\nThirt-nine (1939).\nTHE S. H. KLEIMANSEALTY COMPANY,\nBy R\n\nSigned and aagirlsPrane\nBy \nAss't. Treasurer", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]The hereinabove described. land shall not be Rold, let or leased to anyone of any race other than the-Caucasia.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]The hereinabove described land shall not be sold, let or leased to anyone of any race other than the Caucasian.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] Order 20732 GB:lwh:THE STATE OF TEXAS,County of Bexar..oft the County of Bexarsum of 0.2591 -PACF 133. 567923 Know all Men by These Presents: That we, Otto Jupe. and wife, Ida Jupe, and the State of Texas, for and in consideration of theDollars ($ 10,00 and other valuable Ten and No/100 consideration to us "cash in hand paid by the Grantees hereinafter named, the receipt of which is hereby fully acknowledged and confessed, V'CRANTED;SORD and CONVEYED,; and by these presents do GRANT, SELLand CONVEY untoreal estaté, togêther with alli improxementsthereon, situatéd-inthe County. of Bexar,Statelof' Texas, being Floren Iyro and'wife, Justine Lyro ofthe'Countyof Bexar State of Texas, the. following, described more particularly'leserbes. as follows, to-wit: A Tract of land out of a 41.004 acre tract out of the South part of Tract #4 of theSubdivision of the Anton Sultenfuss Tract out of the N. Montoya Survey #21, inBexar County, Texas; the herein described tract being more particularly described byBEGINNING at a point on the East side of the W. W. White Road at the intersection of theEast line of said W. w. White Road with the South line of the above mentioned Tract #4THENCE North 0 degrees 20 minutes East along. and with. the East line of the W. W. WhiteRoad 170.4 feet: to 'a stake, the Southwest corner. of the property herein described;THENCE contimuing North 0 degrees 20 minutes East along and with the East line of thew.w. White Road, 130.4 feet to a stake, same béingthe North line of the above referredto41.004 acre tract described in Deed recorded in Volume 2325, Page_305 of the DeedTHENCE South 89 degrees 45 minutes 15 seconds East along the North line of the abovereferred to 41.004 acre tract 230 feet to a stake, the Northeast corner of the hereindescribed THENÇE South property; 0 degrees 20 minutes West along and with a line parallel to the East lineof the W. w. White Road, 130.4 feet, the Southeast corner of the herein describedTHENCE North 89 degrees 45 mimutes 15 seconds West along and with a line parallel to theNorth line of said referred to 41.004 acre tract 230.0 feet to the place of beginning.This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition. that no person of the Mexicanor negro raçe. shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property; and also,this conveyance is. made, however, subjeçt to easements contained in instruments recordedin Volume 877, page 103, Volume 787, page 606, and Volume 1107, page 469 of the DeedRecords of Bexar County,. Texas, and subject to the further condition that the granteesherein, their heirs or assigns shall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall useCurrent taxes on the above described property have been, prorated to date hereof and Grantees metes and bounds as follows, to-wit:- of the Subdivision of the Anton Sultenfuss Tract; Records of Bexar County, Texas; property; and erect a septic-tank: on 'said property. assume payment of same.
Order 20732 GB:lwh:THE STATE OF TEXAS,County of Bexar..oft the County of Bexarsum of 0.2591 -PACF 133. 567923 Know all Men by These Presents: That we, Otto Jupe. and wife, Ida Jupe, and the State of Texas, for and in consideration of theDollars ($ 10,00 and other valuable Ten and No/100 consideration to us "cash in hand paid by the Grantees hereinafter named, the receipt of which is hereby fully acknowledged and confessed, V'CRANTED;SORD and CONVEYED,; and by these presents do GRANT, SELLand CONVEY untoreal estaté, togêther with alli improxementsthereon, situatéd-inthe County. of Bexar,Statelof' Texas, being Floren Iyro and'wife, Justine Lyro ofthe'Countyof Bexar State of Texas, the. following, described more particularly'leserbes. as follows, to-wit: A Tract of land out of a 41.004 acre tract out of the South part of Tract #4 of theSubdivision of the Anton Sultenfuss Tract out of the N. Montoya Survey #21, inBexar County, Texas; the herein described tract being more particularly described byBEGINNING at a point on the East side of the W. W. White Road at the intersection of theEast line of said W. w. White Road with the South line of the above mentioned Tract #4THENCE North 0 degrees 20 minutes East along. and with. the East line of the W. W. WhiteRoad 170.4 feet: to 'a stake, the Southwest corner. of the property herein described;THENCE contimuing North 0 degrees 20 minutes East along and with the East line of thew.w. White Road, 130.4 feet to a stake, same béingthe North line of the above referredto41.004 acre tract described in Deed recorded in Volume 2325, Page_305 of the DeedTHENCE South 89 degrees 45 minutes 15 seconds East along the North line of the abovereferred to 41.004 acre tract 230 feet to a stake, the Northeast corner of the hereindescribed THENÇE South property; 0 degrees 20 minutes West along and with a line parallel to the East lineof the W. w. White Road, 130.4 feet, the Southeast corner of the herein describedTHENCE North 89 degrees 45 mimutes 15 seconds West along and with a line parallel to theNorth line of said referred to 41.004 acre tract 230.0 feet to the place of beginning.This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition. that no person of the Mexicanor negro raçe. shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property; and also,this conveyance is. made, however, subjeçt to easements contained in instruments recordedin Volume 877, page 103, Volume 787, page 606, and Volume 1107, page 469 of the DeedRecords of Bexar County,. Texas, and subject to the further condition that the granteesherein, their heirs or assigns shall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall useCurrent taxes on the above described property have been, prorated to date hereof and Grantees metes and bounds as follows, to-wit:- of the Subdivision of the Anton Sultenfuss Tract; Records of Bexar County, Texas; property; and erect a septic-tank: on 'said property. assume payment of same.
This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition. that no person of the Mexican or negro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property; and also, this conveyance is.made, however, subjeçt to easements contained in instruments recorded in Volume 877, page 103, Volume 787, page 606, and Volume 1107, page 469 of the Deed, Records of Bexar County, Texas, and subject to the further condition that the grantees herein, their heirs or assigns shall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall use and erect a septic-tank'on 'said property.
This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition that no person of the Mexican or negro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property; and also, this conveyance is made, however, subject to easements contained in instruments recorded in volume 877, page 103, volume 787, page 606, and volume 1107, page 469 of the Deed Records of Bexar County, Texas, and subject to the further condition that the grantees herein, their heirs or assigns shall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall use and erect a septic tank on said property.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition. that no person of the Mexican or negro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property; and also, this conveyance is.made, however, subjeçt to easements contained in instruments recorded in Volume 877, page 103, Volume 787, page 606, and Volume 1107, page 469 of the Deed, Records of Bexar County, Texas, and subject to the further condition that the grantees herein, their heirs or assigns shall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall use and erect a septic-tank'on 'said property. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition that no person of the Mexican or negro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property; and also, this conveyance is made, however, subject to easements contained in instruments recorded in volume 877, page 103, volume 787, page 606, and volume 1107, page 469 of the Deed Records of Bexar County, Texas, and subject to the further condition that the grantees herein, their heirs or assigns shall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall use and erect a septic tank on said property.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nOrder 20732 GB:lwh:THE STATE OF TEXAS,County of Bexar..oft the County of Bexarsum of\n0.2591 -PACF 133.\n567923\nKnow all Men by These Presents:\nThat we, Otto Jupe. and wife, Ida Jupe,\nand the State of Texas, for and in consideration of theDollars ($ 10,00 and other valuable\nTen and No/100\nconsideration to us \"cash in hand paid by the Grantees hereinafter named, the receipt of which\nis hereby fully acknowledged and confessed,\nV'CRANTED;SORD and CONVEYED,; and by these presents do GRANT, SELLand CONVEY untoreal estaté, togêther with alli improxementsthereon, situatéd-inthe County. of Bexar,Statelof' Texas, being\nFloren Iyro and'wife, Justine Lyro\nofthe'Countyof\nBexar\nState of Texas, the. following, described\nmore particularly'leserbes. as follows, to-wit:\nA Tract of land out of a 41.004 acre tract out of the South part of Tract #4 of theSubdivision of the Anton Sultenfuss Tract out of the N. Montoya Survey #21, inBexar County, Texas; the herein described tract being more particularly described byBEGINNING at a point on the East side of the W. W. White Road at the intersection of theEast line of said W. w. White Road with the South line of the above mentioned Tract #4THENCE North 0 degrees 20 minutes East along. and with. the East line of the W. W. WhiteRoad 170.4 feet: to 'a stake, the Southwest corner. of the property herein described;THENCE contimuing North 0 degrees 20 minutes East along and with the East line of thew.w. White Road, 130.4 feet to a stake, same béingthe North line of the above referredto41.004 acre tract described in Deed recorded in Volume 2325, Page_305 of the DeedTHENCE South 89 degrees 45 minutes 15 seconds East along the North line of the abovereferred to 41.004 acre tract 230 feet to a stake, the Northeast corner of the hereindescribed THENÇE South property; 0 degrees 20 minutes West along and with a line parallel to the East lineof the W. w. White Road, 130.4 feet, the Southeast corner of the herein describedTHENCE North 89 degrees 45 mimutes 15 seconds West along and with a line parallel to theNorth line of said referred to 41.004 acre tract 230.0 feet to the place of beginning.This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition. that no person of the Mexicanor negro raçe. shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property; and also,this conveyance is. made, however, subjeçt to easements contained in instruments recordedin Volume 877, page 103, Volume 787, page 606, and Volume 1107, page 469 of the DeedRecords of Bexar County,. Texas, and subject to the further condition that the granteesherein, their heirs or assigns shall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall useCurrent taxes on the above described property have been, prorated to date hereof and Grantees\nmetes and bounds as follows, to-wit:-\nof the Subdivision of the Anton Sultenfuss Tract;\nRecords of Bexar County, Texas;\nproperty;\nand erect a septic-tank: on 'said property.\nassume payment of same.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition. that no person of the Mexican\nor negro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property; and also,\nthis conveyance is.made, however, subjeçt to easements contained in instruments recorded\nin Volume 877, page 103, Volume 787, page 606, and Volume 1107, page 469 of the Deed,\nRecords of Bexar County, Texas, and subject to the further condition that the grantees\nherein, their heirs or assigns shall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall use\nand erect a septic-tank'on 'said property.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]This conveyance is made, however, subject to the condition that no person of the Mexican or negro race shall use, own or occupy the hereinabove described property; and also, this conveyance is made, however, subject to easements contained in instruments recorded in volume 877, page 103, volume 787, page 606, and volume 1107, page 469 of the Deed Records of Bexar County, Texas, and subject to the further condition that the grantees herein, their heirs or assigns shall not construct or use an outside toilet, but shall use and erect a septic tank on said property.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 187 land and shall be binding upon them, their heirs, assigns and in title and each and every of them, to-wit: 1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1960. 2. This conveyance is made subject to the above recorded plot and the building lines and service strips at the rear of each lot, thereon, and there is specifically reserved the right to place, erect, and construct electric ser- vice lines, water service lines, and pipes, telephone lines, wires and poles, gas lines and pipes, sewer pipes and all service equipment necessary and convenient for installing, erecting, constructing and maintaining the above mientioned services, that are now available or that may hereafter become available, in and upon any and all streets ana the three (3) foot service strip at the rear of any and all lots. with the appurtenances: To have and to hold the same unto and for the use of the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns forever, And the said Margaret A. Moser, single, and Robert L. Wallace and L. May Wallace, his wife, for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators covenant with the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend. Witness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. (SEAL) Attest: Mergaret A. Moser (I.R.S.) ($2.20) Sara J. Long (SEAL) Robert L. Wallace (SEAL) L. May Wallace Commonwealth of Pennsylvenia,) ss: County of LAWRENCE On this the 30th day of June, A.D. 1948, before me a notary public the undersigned officer, personally appeared Margaret A. Moser, single, and Robert L. Wallace and L. May Wallace, his wife, known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein contained. In Witness Whereof I hereunto set my hand and official seal. (N.P.Seal) Mrs. Sara J. Long My Commission Expires Jan. 7, 1951 Notary Public Certificate of Residence I, do hereby certify that grantees precise residence is 515 Sheridan Ave. New Castle, Pa. Witness may hand this 23rd day of April 1949- Thomas M. Donnelly Deed DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Lawrence County Commissioners THAT WHEREAS, by Sale held May 1, 1940, being Sale No. 4705, pursuant To to which a deed was made and recorded in the Office of the Prothonotary of the County of Lawrence in Treasurer's Deed Book 9, page 180, there was sold Steve Hraczo, et. ux. to_the County Commissioners of said Lawrence County, Lot No. 191-A, situate in South New Castle Borough, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, said sale being Ent. April 23, 1949 made for the non-payment of 1931 Road and School tax, and the same has not been redeemed, and THAT WHEREAS, by Sale held June 9, 1930, being Sale No. 516, pursuant to which a deed was made and recorded in the Office of the Prothonotary of the County of Bawrence in Treasurer's Deed Book 6, page 160, there was sold to the County Commissioners of said Lawrence County, Lot No. 227, situate in South New Castle Borough, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, said sale being made for the non-payment of 1927, 1928 County, Road and School tax, and the same has not been redeemed, and THAT WHEREAS, by Sale held March 27, 1942, being Sale No. 713, pursuant to which a deed was made and recorded in the Office of the Prothonotary of the County of Lawrence in Treasurer's Deed Book 11, page 312, there was sold to the County Commissioners of said Lawrence County, Lot No. 191, 45x110, Byers Plot, situate in South New Castle Borough, said sale having been made for the non-payment of 1937 Road tax, and the same has not been redeemed, and WHEREAS,, the County Commissioners of Lawrence County presented their petition to the Court of Common Pleas of said County which is filed at No. 16 June Term 1949, M.D., setting forth, among other things, that the right of re- demption of said land - May 1, 1942, June 9, 1935 and March 27, 1944, and that the right to redeem was not exercised prior to its expiration, nor since that date, a full description of the land and the allegation that Steve and Clementine Hraczo, husband and wife, have agreed to purchase said land, subject to the approval of said Honorable Court, for the sum of Fifty and no/100 ($50.00) Dollars, which was to be paid in cash, and WHEREAS, on presentation of said petition, the Court made and order fixing Wednesday, the 30th day of March, 1949 at 90' clock in the forenoon as the time for hearing on said petition and directed publication of the 'same in the New Castle News, which said publication was made and proof thereof filed at the above number and term, and WHEREAS, on March 30, 1949, the said Court, after due hearing, made an order approving said sale and directing the execution and delivery of a deed for the same to the said Steve and Clementine Hraczo, husband and wife, upon payt ment of the consideration, to-wit: Fifty and no/100 ($50.00) Dollars, which appears by reference to the above mentioned number and term.
187 land and shall be binding upon them, their heirs, assigns and in title and each and every of them, to-wit: 1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1960. 2. This conveyance is made subject to the above recorded plot and the building lines and service strips at the rear of each lot, thereon, and there is specifically reserved the right to place, erect, and construct electric ser- vice lines, water service lines, and pipes, telephone lines, wires and poles, gas lines and pipes, sewer pipes and all service equipment necessary and convenient for installing, erecting, constructing and maintaining the above mientioned services, that are now available or that may hereafter become available, in and upon any and all streets ana the three (3) foot service strip at the rear of any and all lots. with the appurtenances: To have and to hold the same unto and for the use of the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns forever, And the said Margaret A. Moser, single, and Robert L. Wallace and L. May Wallace, his wife, for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators covenant with the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend. Witness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. (SEAL) Attest: Mergaret A. Moser (I.R.S.) ($2.20) Sara J. Long (SEAL) Robert L. Wallace (SEAL) L. May Wallace Commonwealth of Pennsylvenia,) ss: County of LAWRENCE On this the 30th day of June, A.D. 1948, before me a notary public the undersigned officer, personally appeared Margaret A. Moser, single, and Robert L. Wallace and L. May Wallace, his wife, known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein contained. In Witness Whereof I hereunto set my hand and official seal. (N.P.Seal) Mrs. Sara J. Long My Commission Expires Jan. 7, 1951 Notary Public Certificate of Residence I, do hereby certify that grantees precise residence is 515 Sheridan Ave. New Castle, Pa. Witness may hand this 23rd day of April 1949- Thomas M. Donnelly Deed DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Lawrence County Commissioners THAT WHEREAS, by Sale held May 1, 1940, being Sale No. 4705, pursuant To to which a deed was made and recorded in the Office of the Prothonotary of the County of Lawrence in Treasurer's Deed Book 9, page 180, there was sold Steve Hraczo, et. ux. to_the County Commissioners of said Lawrence County, Lot No. 191-A, situate in South New Castle Borough, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, said sale being Ent. April 23, 1949 made for the non-payment of 1931 Road and School tax, and the same has not been redeemed, and THAT WHEREAS, by Sale held June 9, 1930, being Sale No. 516, pursuant to which a deed was made and recorded in the Office of the Prothonotary of the County of Bawrence in Treasurer's Deed Book 6, page 160, there was sold to the County Commissioners of said Lawrence County, Lot No. 227, situate in South New Castle Borough, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, said sale being made for the non-payment of 1927, 1928 County, Road and School tax, and the same has not been redeemed, and THAT WHEREAS, by Sale held March 27, 1942, being Sale No. 713, pursuant to which a deed was made and recorded in the Office of the Prothonotary of the County of Lawrence in Treasurer's Deed Book 11, page 312, there was sold to the County Commissioners of said Lawrence County, Lot No. 191, 45x110, Byers Plot, situate in South New Castle Borough, said sale having been made for the non-payment of 1937 Road tax, and the same has not been redeemed, and WHEREAS,, the County Commissioners of Lawrence County presented their petition to the Court of Common Pleas of said County which is filed at No. 16 June Term 1949, M.D., setting forth, among other things, that the right of re- demption of said land - May 1, 1942, June 9, 1935 and March 27, 1944, and that the right to redeem was not exercised prior to its expiration, nor since that date, a full description of the land and the allegation that Steve and Clementine Hraczo, husband and wife, have agreed to purchase said land, subject to the approval of said Honorable Court, for the sum of Fifty and no/100 ($50.00) Dollars, which was to be paid in cash, and WHEREAS, on presentation of said petition, the Court made and order fixing Wednesday, the 30th day of March, 1949 at 90' clock in the forenoon as the time for hearing on said petition and directed publication of the 'same in the New Castle News, which said publication was made and proof thereof filed at the above number and term, and WHEREAS, on March 30, 1949, the said Court, after due hearing, made an order approving said sale and directing the execution and delivery of a deed for the same to the said Steve and Clementine Hraczo, husband and wife, upon payt ment of the consideration, to-wit: Fifty and no/100 ($50.00) Dollars, which appears by reference to the above mentioned number and term.
1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1960.
1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1960.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1960.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1960.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n187\nland and shall be binding upon them, their heirs, assigns and\nin title and each and every of them, to-wit:\n1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or\npersons of the African Race until after January 1, 1960.\n2. This conveyance is made subject to the above recorded plot and the building lines and service strips at the\nrear of each lot, thereon, and there is specifically reserved the right to place, erect, and construct electric ser-\nvice lines, water service lines, and pipes, telephone lines, wires and poles, gas lines and pipes, sewer pipes and\nall service equipment necessary and convenient for installing, erecting, constructing and maintaining the above\nmientioned services, that are now available or that may hereafter become available, in and upon any and all streets ana\nthe three (3) foot service strip at the rear of any and all lots.\nwith the appurtenances: To have and to hold the same unto and for the use of the said parties of the second\npart their heirs and assigns forever,\nAnd the said Margaret A. Moser, single, and Robert L. Wallace and L. May Wallace, his wife, for themselves,\ntheir heirs, executors and administrators covenant with the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns\nagainst all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend.\nWitness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part.\n(SEAL)\nAttest:\nMergaret A. Moser\n(I.R.S.)\n($2.20)\nSara J. Long\n(SEAL)\nRobert L. Wallace\n(SEAL)\nL. May Wallace\nCommonwealth of Pennsylvenia,)\nss:\nCounty of LAWRENCE\nOn this the 30th day of June, A.D. 1948, before me a notary public the undersigned officer, personally appeared\nMargaret A. Moser, single, and Robert L. Wallace and L. May Wallace, his wife, known to me (or satisfactorily proven)\nto be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same\nfor the purposes therein contained.\nIn Witness Whereof I hereunto set my hand and official seal.\n(N.P.Seal)\nMrs. Sara J. Long\nMy Commission Expires Jan. 7, 1951\nNotary Public\nCertificate of Residence\nI, do hereby certify that grantees precise residence is 515 Sheridan Ave. New Castle, Pa.\nWitness may hand this 23rd day of April 1949-\nThomas M. Donnelly\nDeed\nDEED\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\nLawrence County Commissioners\nTHAT WHEREAS, by Sale held May 1, 1940, being Sale No. 4705, pursuant\nTo\nto which a deed was made and recorded in the Office of the Prothonotary of\nthe County of Lawrence in Treasurer's Deed Book 9, page 180, there was sold\nSteve Hraczo, et. ux.\nto_the County Commissioners of said Lawrence County, Lot No. 191-A, situate\nin South New Castle Borough, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, said sale being\nEnt. April 23, 1949\nmade for the non-payment of 1931 Road and School tax, and the same has not\nbeen redeemed, and\nTHAT WHEREAS, by Sale held June 9, 1930, being Sale No. 516, pursuant\nto which a deed was made and recorded in the Office of the Prothonotary of the\nCounty of Bawrence in Treasurer's Deed Book 6, page 160, there was sold to the County Commissioners of said Lawrence\nCounty, Lot No. 227, situate in South New Castle Borough, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, said sale being made for the\nnon-payment of 1927, 1928 County, Road and School tax, and the same has not been redeemed, and\nTHAT WHEREAS, by Sale held March 27, 1942, being Sale No. 713, pursuant to which a deed was made and recorded\nin the Office of the Prothonotary of the County of Lawrence in Treasurer's Deed Book 11, page 312, there was sold to\nthe County Commissioners of said Lawrence County, Lot No. 191, 45x110, Byers Plot, situate in South New Castle\nBorough, said sale having been made for the non-payment of 1937 Road tax, and the same has not been redeemed, and\nWHEREAS,, the County Commissioners of Lawrence County presented their petition to the Court of Common Pleas of\nsaid County which is filed at No. 16 June Term 1949, M.D., setting forth, among other things, that the right of re-\ndemption of said land - May 1, 1942, June 9, 1935 and March 27, 1944, and that the right to redeem was not exercised\nprior to its expiration, nor since that date, a full description of the land and the allegation that Steve and\nClementine Hraczo, husband and wife, have agreed to purchase said land, subject to the approval of said Honorable\nCourt, for the sum of Fifty and no/100 ($50.00) Dollars, which was to be paid in cash, and\nWHEREAS, on presentation of said petition, the Court made and order fixing Wednesday, the 30th day of March,\n1949 at 90' clock in the forenoon as the time for hearing on said petition and directed publication of the 'same in\nthe New Castle News, which said publication was made and proof thereof filed at the above number and term, and\nWHEREAS, on March 30, 1949, the said Court, after due hearing, made an order approving said sale and directing\nthe execution and delivery of a deed for the same to the said Steve and Clementine Hraczo, husband and wife, upon payt\nment of the consideration, to-wit: Fifty and no/100 ($50.00) Dollars, which appears by reference to the above mentioned\nnumber and term.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1960.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]1. Neither the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall be sold or conveyed or rented to any person or persons of the African Race until after January 1, 1960.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 120 Commonweal th of Pennsylvania ss: County of LAWRENCE On this 27th day April A. D. 1945, before me a Notary Public in and for said County and State, came the above named Clarence Brown and Mary M. Brown, his wife, Frances Canan and Edwin E Canan, her husband, and Helen Hite and Edward F. Hite, her husband, and aoknowledged the foregoing Deed to be their act and deed, and desired the same to be recorded as such. Witness my hand and Notarial seal the dey and year aforesaid. Miss Emma L. Thompson (N. P. Seal) Notary Public My Commi ssion Expires Jan. 27-1945 IE Hereby Certify, that the preoise address of the grantees herein 1s 718 E. Reynolds Street, Fourth Ward, City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. RMcFate Deed This Indenture A.C. Shoaf, et uz. Made the 24th day of April, in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty-five (1945). To BETWKEN A. C. SHOAF and DAMA M. SHOAF, his wife, of the City of Williem Peroic, et uz. New Castle, Pennsylvania, grantors, and WILLIAM PERCIC and ANNAM. PERCIC, his wife, of Bessemer, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, grentee. Ent. May 7, 1945 WINESSETH, That in consideration of One Dollar and other good and valuable considerations now paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said parties of the first part do hereby grant, bar- gain, sell and convey unto the said party of the second part their heirs and assigns, All that certain lend and premises situate and being in the Borough of Bessemer, Lawrence founty, Pennsylvania, being lot or lots Number One Ninety-four (194), said lot being 50x155.2 ft. inplen of lots known as "FIRST ADDITION TO BESSMMER TERRACE," as surveyed and laid out in October 1922, by C. H. Milholland, C. E., which said plan 1s duly recorded in the Recorder's offioe of to the said Y. Shoaf by deed from N. P. Anderson and wife, dated November 27th, 1922, and to be in Plot Book Vol. 6, page 43. And being part of a larger traot of land conveyed Lawrence reoorded. With the appurtenanoes TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto and for the use of the said party of the second part, and the heirs and assigns thereof, forever. This conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and 1s also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his assigns, nor suocessors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part there- of to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to be in full force and effect until the year A. D. 1955. And the said parties of the first part,. excepting as herein above provided, do hereby for themselves, their heirs, exeoutors and administrators, oovenent with the said party of the second part, and the heirs and assigns thereof, against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to warrant and defend. WITNE ESS the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. ACS Shoaf (Seal) Witness; (I.R.S.) ($2.20) Dama M. Shoaf (Seal) Dale P. Shoaf Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ss: County of Lawrenoe, On this 25th day of April A. D. 1945, before me, a Notary Public, in and for said County ana State, came the above named A. C. Shoaf and Dama M. Shoaf, his wife, and they ecknowledged the foregoing indenture to be their act and deed to the end that it may be recorded as such. WITNESS my hend and official seal. (N. P. Seal) Mrs. Sera J. Long MY COMMIS ISSION EXPIRES FEB. 17, 1946 NOTARY PUBLIC I hereby certify that the precise residence of wi thin Grantees is Bessemer, Lawrence County, Penna. Errol Fullerton
120 Commonweal th of Pennsylvania ss: County of LAWRENCE On this 27th day April A. D. 1945, before me a Notary Public in and for said County and State, came the above named Clarence Brown and Mary M. Brown, his wife, Frances Canan and Edwin E Canan, her husband, and Helen Hite and Edward F. Hite, her husband, and aoknowledged the foregoing Deed to be their act and deed, and desired the same to be recorded as such. Witness my hand and Notarial seal the dey and year aforesaid. Miss Emma L. Thompson (N. P. Seal) Notary Public My Commi ssion Expires Jan. 27-1945 IE Hereby Certify, that the preoise address of the grantees herein 1s 718 E. Reynolds Street, Fourth Ward, City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. RMcFate Deed This Indenture A.C. Shoaf, et uz. Made the 24th day of April, in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty-five (1945). To BETWKEN A. C. SHOAF and DAMA M. SHOAF, his wife, of the City of Williem Peroic, et uz. New Castle, Pennsylvania, grantors, and WILLIAM PERCIC and ANNAM. PERCIC, his wife, of Bessemer, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, grentee. Ent. May 7, 1945 WINESSETH, That in consideration of One Dollar and other good and valuable considerations now paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said parties of the first part do hereby grant, bar- gain, sell and convey unto the said party of the second part their heirs and assigns, All that certain lend and premises situate and being in the Borough of Bessemer, Lawrence founty, Pennsylvania, being lot or lots Number One Ninety-four (194), said lot being 50x155.2 ft. inplen of lots known as "FIRST ADDITION TO BESSMMER TERRACE," as surveyed and laid out in October 1922, by C. H. Milholland, C. E., which said plan 1s duly recorded in the Recorder's offioe of to the said Y. Shoaf by deed from N. P. Anderson and wife, dated November 27th, 1922, and to be in Plot Book Vol. 6, page 43. And being part of a larger traot of land conveyed Lawrence reoorded. With the appurtenanoes TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto and for the use of the said party of the second part, and the heirs and assigns thereof, forever. This conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and 1s also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his assigns, nor suocessors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part there- of to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to be in full force and effect until the year A. D. 1955. And the said parties of the first part,. excepting as herein above provided, do hereby for themselves, their heirs, exeoutors and administrators, oovenent with the said party of the second part, and the heirs and assigns thereof, against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to warrant and defend. WITNE ESS the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. ACS Shoaf (Seal) Witness; (I.R.S.) ($2.20) Dama M. Shoaf (Seal) Dale P. Shoaf Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ss: County of Lawrenoe, On this 25th day of April A. D. 1945, before me, a Notary Public, in and for said County ana State, came the above named A. C. Shoaf and Dama M. Shoaf, his wife, and they ecknowledged the foregoing indenture to be their act and deed to the end that it may be recorded as such. WITNESS my hend and official seal. (N. P. Seal) Mrs. Sera J. Long MY COMMIS ISSION EXPIRES FEB. 17, 1946 NOTARY PUBLIC I hereby certify that the precise residence of wi thin Grantees is Bessemer, Lawrence County, Penna. Errol Fullerton
This conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premi ses, and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his assigns, nor suocessors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part there of to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to be in full
This conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]This conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premi ses, and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his assigns, nor suocessors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part there of to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to be in full[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]This conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n120\nCommonweal th of Pennsylvania\nss:\nCounty of LAWRENCE\nOn this 27th day April A. D. 1945, before me a Notary Public in and for said County and\nState, came the above named Clarence Brown and Mary M. Brown, his wife, Frances Canan and Edwin E\nCanan, her husband, and Helen Hite and Edward F. Hite, her husband, and aoknowledged the foregoing\nDeed to be their act and deed, and desired the same to be recorded as such.\nWitness my hand and Notarial seal the dey and year aforesaid.\nMiss Emma L. Thompson\n(N. P. Seal)\nNotary Public\nMy Commi ssion Expires Jan. 27-1945\nIE Hereby Certify, that the preoise address of the grantees herein 1s 718 E. Reynolds Street,\nFourth Ward, City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania.\nRMcFate\nDeed\nThis Indenture\nA.C. Shoaf, et uz.\nMade the 24th day of April, in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred\nand Forty-five (1945).\nTo\nBETWKEN A. C. SHOAF and DAMA M. SHOAF, his wife, of the City of\nWilliem Peroic, et uz. New Castle, Pennsylvania, grantors, and WILLIAM PERCIC and ANNAM.\nPERCIC, his wife, of Bessemer, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, grentee.\nEnt. May 7, 1945\nWINESSETH, That in consideration of One Dollar and other good\nand valuable considerations now paid, the receipt whereof is hereby\nacknowledged, the said parties of the first part do hereby grant, bar-\ngain, sell and convey unto the said party of the second part their\nheirs and assigns,\nAll that certain lend and premises situate and being in the Borough of Bessemer, Lawrence\nfounty, Pennsylvania, being lot or lots Number One Ninety-four (194), said lot being 50x155.2 ft.\ninplen of lots known as \"FIRST ADDITION TO BESSMMER TERRACE,\" as surveyed and laid out in October\n1922, by C. H. Milholland, C. E., which said plan 1s duly recorded in the Recorder's offioe of\nto the said Y. Shoaf by deed from N. P. Anderson and wife, dated November 27th, 1922, and to be\nin Plot Book Vol. 6, page 43. And being part of a larger traot of land conveyed\nLawrence\nreoorded.\nWith the appurtenanoes TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto and for the use of the said party\nof the second part, and the heirs and assigns thereof, forever.\nThis conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and 1s also\nsubject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his\nassigns, nor suocessors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part there-\nof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to be in full\nforce and effect until the year A. D. 1955.\nAnd the said parties of the first part,. excepting as herein above provided, do hereby for\nthemselves, their heirs, exeoutors and administrators, oovenent with the said party of the second\npart, and the heirs and assigns thereof, against all lawful claimants the same and every part\nthereof to warrant and defend.\nWITNE ESS the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part.\nACS Shoaf\n(Seal)\nWitness;\n(I.R.S.)\n($2.20)\nDama M. Shoaf (Seal)\nDale P. Shoaf\nCommonwealth of Pennsylvania,\nss:\nCounty of Lawrenoe,\nOn this 25th day of April A. D. 1945, before me, a Notary Public, in and for said County ana\nState, came the above named A. C. Shoaf and Dama M. Shoaf, his wife, and they ecknowledged the\nforegoing indenture to be their act and deed to the end that it may be recorded as such.\nWITNESS my hend and official seal.\n(N. P. Seal)\nMrs. Sera J. Long\nMY COMMIS ISSION EXPIRES FEB. 17, 1946\nNOTARY PUBLIC\nI hereby certify that the precise residence of wi thin Grantees is Bessemer, Lawrence County,\nPenna.\nErrol Fullerton", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]This conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premi ses, and is also\nsubject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his\nassigns, nor suocessors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part there\nof to any person or persons of the African race. This provision to be binding and to be in full[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]This conveyance is made subject, however, to oil and gas lease on said premises, and is also subject to all building lines shown on said plan and that neither the grantee herein, nor his assigns, nor successors in title, shall sell and convey the land herein described or any part thereof to any person or persons of the African race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 8644212 assigns, hereby covenant and agree to and with the said grantor, his heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, for the use and benefit of said grantor, his heirs, execu-tors, administrators and assigns, and of every other person who may become theowner of, or have any title derived immediately or remotely from, through or underthe said grantor, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, to any lot or1. Said premises shall be used for private residence purposes only.2. Not more than one single dwelling house or residence shall occupy any one sublot.4. No dwelling house or residence. shall be erected upon any sublot which shall haveaground floor area of less than 840 square feet, exclusive of garage.5. The style of architecture, including materials and their treatment, and the plansand specifications for any dwelling house or residence, including any and all con-tracts and sub-contracts therefor, shall first have the written approval of the grantor,his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or his or their duly authorizedagent. The architectural design shall include an attached garage, but such garageshall be considered as being attached to the main dwelling provided it is connected bya so-called Breeze-Way. Should the grantor herein or his heirs, executors, adminis-trators and assigns, or his or their duly authorized agent, fail to either approve ordisapprove said style of architecture and the said plans and specifications withinthirty (30) days after submission of the same by the grantees, their heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, then such approval shall be obtained from a majority of6. No dwelling house, residence or other structure shall be located or placed uponthe premises herein conveyed within 100 feet of the center road line or nearer than8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only andshall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other9. The several covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphsnumbered from 1 to 8,. inclusive, is a part of a general plan for the improvement ofsaid Development, shall run with the land, and shall be binding upon the grantees,their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, until the Ist day of January,1996, and if the grantees herein, or their heirs or assigns, shall violate, or attemptto violate, any one or more of the aforementioned covenants and agreements, priorto the said Ist day of January, 1996, any other person or persons owning any otherlot or lots in said Development shall have the right to prosecute any proceeding atlaw or in equity against the person or persons found violating, or attempting toviolate, any one or more of the same, either to prevent him or them from so doing10. The invalidation of any one or more of the aforementioned covenants and agree-ments by court order, or otherwise, shall not in any way affect the remaining pro- parcel of land in said Development, as follows:3. Any sublot shall not be.subdivided. the lot owners in said Development.10 feet of either side line.than that of the caucasian race. 7. No livestock or fowl shall be housed, for commercial purposes. orto recover any damages resulting therefrom,visions which shall remain in full force and effect. be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Co Bjaur and la Tjolb the above granted and burgained premises, wilh theappurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantees their heirs and assigns forever. .And I William M. Gall, married the said. Grantor , do for myself and my .heirs, e.xecutors and administrators, covenant with the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns, thatwell seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEESIMPLE, and have good. right. to bargain and sell the same in manner and form asaboue written, and that the same are free front all immmbrancs whatsorurr at and until the ensealing of these presents, Iam
8644212 assigns, hereby covenant and agree to and with the said grantor, his heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, for the use and benefit of said grantor, his heirs, execu-tors, administrators and assigns, and of every other person who may become theowner of, or have any title derived immediately or remotely from, through or underthe said grantor, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, to any lot or1. Said premises shall be used for private residence purposes only.2. Not more than one single dwelling house or residence shall occupy any one sublot.4. No dwelling house or residence. shall be erected upon any sublot which shall haveaground floor area of less than 840 square feet, exclusive of garage.5. The style of architecture, including materials and their treatment, and the plansand specifications for any dwelling house or residence, including any and all con-tracts and sub-contracts therefor, shall first have the written approval of the grantor,his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or his or their duly authorizedagent. The architectural design shall include an attached garage, but such garageshall be considered as being attached to the main dwelling provided it is connected bya so-called Breeze-Way. Should the grantor herein or his heirs, executors, adminis-trators and assigns, or his or their duly authorized agent, fail to either approve ordisapprove said style of architecture and the said plans and specifications withinthirty (30) days after submission of the same by the grantees, their heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, then such approval shall be obtained from a majority of6. No dwelling house, residence or other structure shall be located or placed uponthe premises herein conveyed within 100 feet of the center road line or nearer than8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only andshall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other9. The several covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphsnumbered from 1 to 8,. inclusive, is a part of a general plan for the improvement ofsaid Development, shall run with the land, and shall be binding upon the grantees,their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, until the Ist day of January,1996, and if the grantees herein, or their heirs or assigns, shall violate, or attemptto violate, any one or more of the aforementioned covenants and agreements, priorto the said Ist day of January, 1996, any other person or persons owning any otherlot or lots in said Development shall have the right to prosecute any proceeding atlaw or in equity against the person or persons found violating, or attempting toviolate, any one or more of the same, either to prevent him or them from so doing10. The invalidation of any one or more of the aforementioned covenants and agree-ments by court order, or otherwise, shall not in any way affect the remaining pro- parcel of land in said Development, as follows:3. Any sublot shall not be.subdivided. the lot owners in said Development.10 feet of either side line.than that of the caucasian race. 7. No livestock or fowl shall be housed, for commercial purposes. orto recover any damages resulting therefrom,visions which shall remain in full force and effect. be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Co Bjaur and la Tjolb the above granted and burgained premises, wilh theappurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantees their heirs and assigns forever. .And I William M. Gall, married the said. Grantor , do for myself and my .heirs, e.xecutors and administrators, covenant with the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns, thatwell seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEESIMPLE, and have good. right. to bargain and sell the same in manner and form asaboue written, and that the same are free front all immmbrancs whatsorurr at and until the ensealing of these presents, Iam
8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transierred to or occupied by any person other than that of the caucasian race.
8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that of the caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transierred to or occupied by any person other than that of the caucasian race. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that of the caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n8644212\nassigns, hereby covenant and agree to and with the said grantor, his heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, for the use and benefit of said grantor, his heirs, execu-tors, administrators and assigns, and of every other person who may become theowner of, or have any title derived immediately or remotely from, through or underthe said grantor, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, to any lot or1. Said premises shall be used for private residence purposes only.2. Not more than one single dwelling house or residence shall occupy any one sublot.4. No dwelling house or residence. shall be erected upon any sublot which shall haveaground floor area of less than 840 square feet, exclusive of garage.5. The style of architecture, including materials and their treatment, and the plansand specifications for any dwelling house or residence, including any and all con-tracts and sub-contracts therefor, shall first have the written approval of the grantor,his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or his or their duly authorizedagent. The architectural design shall include an attached garage, but such garageshall be considered as being attached to the main dwelling provided it is connected bya so-called Breeze-Way. Should the grantor herein or his heirs, executors, adminis-trators and assigns, or his or their duly authorized agent, fail to either approve ordisapprove said style of architecture and the said plans and specifications withinthirty (30) days after submission of the same by the grantees, their heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, then such approval shall be obtained from a majority of6. No dwelling house, residence or other structure shall be located or placed uponthe premises herein conveyed within 100 feet of the center road line or nearer than8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only andshall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other9. The several covenants and agreements hereinbefore contained in paragraphsnumbered from 1 to 8,. inclusive, is a part of a general plan for the improvement ofsaid Development, shall run with the land, and shall be binding upon the grantees,their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, until the Ist day of January,1996, and if the grantees herein, or their heirs or assigns, shall violate, or attemptto violate, any one or more of the aforementioned covenants and agreements, priorto the said Ist day of January, 1996, any other person or persons owning any otherlot or lots in said Development shall have the right to prosecute any proceeding atlaw or in equity against the person or persons found violating, or attempting toviolate, any one or more of the same, either to prevent him or them from so doing10. The invalidation of any one or more of the aforementioned covenants and agree-ments by court order, or otherwise, shall not in any way affect the remaining pro-\nparcel of land in said Development, as follows:3. Any sublot shall not be.subdivided.\nthe lot owners in said Development.10 feet of either side line.than that of the caucasian race.\n7. No livestock or fowl shall be housed, for commercial purposes.\norto recover any damages resulting therefrom,visions which shall remain in full force and effect.\nbe the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.\nCo Bjaur and la Tjolb the above granted and burgained premises, wilh theappurtenances thereof, unto the said Grantees their heirs and assigns forever.\n.And I\nWilliam M. Gall, married\nthe said. Grantor , do for myself\nand my .heirs, e.xecutors and\nadministrators, covenant with the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns, thatwell seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEESIMPLE, and have good. right. to bargain and sell the same in manner and form asaboue written, and that the same are free front all immmbrancs whatsorurr\nat and until the ensealing of these presents, Iam\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and\nshall not be sold, rented, leased or transierred to or occupied by any person other\nthan that of the caucasian race.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]8. Said premises shall be restricted for members of the Caucasian race only and shall not be sold, rented, leased or transferred to or occupied by any person other than that of the caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] nvu .ival. :an owner or tenant. - i 3. 0.6691 as5B- of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use of occupy any building on any lot in the entire suhdivision, except that this covenant shall notprevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected onsaid premises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently,(8) lio structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the approvalof Broadview, Orchardland or the committee hereinafter referred to, or if there is nocomittee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures located upon adjoin-(9) lio building shall be erected upon said promises unless the size, type, cost andmaterial of construction, end the lot plan slowing tha proposed located of said build-ing on the lots and the plans and specifications and dotails therefor shall Lave beenapproved in writing by Broadview Orchardland or a comnittee appointed by it, providedhowever, that in the event that such a cormittee is not in existence, or being in exist+ence, fails to approve of disapprove such desirn or location within thirty deys aftorreceipt thareof, such approval will not ho required, provided the design and locationon the lot conform to and are in harmony with existing structures on adjoining lands.In_any case, eit ther with or without the approval of said Broadview Orchardlend or ofsaid comnittee, no dwellins costing loss $10,000.00 shall be pernitted on said preimises, and the Fround floor square foot area thereof shell not be less foe, the case square of(10) Fo outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation ourposesin connection with dvellings erected on the above doscribed premises. All of the re-quirements oi the Village of Seven Hills for sanitary provisions shall be complied with.(11) Broedview Orcherdland expressly reserve to thenselves, tleir heirs, adninistratore,assifns and are herehy pranted the right in case of any violations of eny of the restric-tions or conditions, or a breach of any of the covenart ts and agreer.ents herein con-tained, to enter upon the property, upon or as to vi ich such violations or breach er-ists, and to sunmarily abate and remove at the expense of the ovmer thersof, any erec-tion, thing or condition that may be or exists thereon contrary to t.e intent and mean-ing of tha provisions hereof, as interproted by it, and the said Broadviev Orchardlandshall not, by reason theraof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such: entry;abatement or renoval. Failure by Broadview Orcl.ardland or by any other person or partyLavins; tle right to do 50, to enforce any of the provisions of this instrunent shall(12) Invaliation of any of the provisions héreof by judgnent or court order shall inno way effect any of the other provisions which. -shall remain and continue in full force(13) If the parties hereto, or any of then, thoir Leirs, executors, edministretors orassirns, or succesners and assigns, shell violate or attempt to violate any of the pro-visions hereof before January 1, 1985, it shEll be lawful for Broadview Orcl.ardland itssuccessors and assirns, or any assipnee or transferes of these premises to prosecuteany proceedines at law or in equity aga inst the person or persons violating or atsempt-(14) Broadviev Ordardland is hereby grented the right to change, alter, supplomant andmodify any or all of the provisions Lereof to the extent recessery to qualif. stid pre-nises witi. other adjacent and ad.joining lands now owned by it for rortgape(15) The hemin enurerated rostrictions, conditions, limitations, reservatims, cove-nant.s and agreenents ahall be deemed covenants and not conditions lereof ar.d sioll runwith tle land, be 1 indi ing upon all parties herato, their Leirs, executors, aCriristra-tors and assins, or successors and assirns, and any other person or persons claiminrb:, througl. or under then until January 1, 1985, at vhic'. tina they skall berninate andMerever reference is made herein to Froadviow Orclardland, it is neant to refer toSadie Copelin and Ann E. Cohen, doin- bisiness as Broadviev Orch ardland.TO FAVE AKD TO FOLD the above Franbed and barrained premisos, with the appurte-nances thereof, unto the suid Grantees, their heirs and assirns for ver.And We, Sadie Copelin and Ann L. Cohen, the said Grantors, do for ourselves andour heirs, executors end administrators, cove:ert with tho said Grantees, tleir Leirs.and assipns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, we are well seized ofthe above described prenises, as a rood and indefeasible estate in FEE SIAPLE, and Lavegood right to bargein and sell the same in manner and form as above written, and that nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted. ing lands. feet in the case ofa one story structure, or less than square in a one and one-half or tvo story structure. in no event he deemed a vai ver of the right to do so thereafter. and effect. inf to violate any such provisions. insurence under the Bational Tousing Act and Amendents thereto. be of no further force and effect. the same are FFEE FROM ALL INCIMPRAMCRS WHATSOEVER
nvu .ival. :an owner or tenant. - i 3. 0.6691 as5B- of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use of occupy any building on any lot in the entire suhdivision, except that this covenant shall notprevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected onsaid premises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently,(8) lio structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the approvalof Broadview, Orchardland or the committee hereinafter referred to, or if there is nocomittee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures located upon adjoin-(9) lio building shall be erected upon said promises unless the size, type, cost andmaterial of construction, end the lot plan slowing tha proposed located of said build-ing on the lots and the plans and specifications and dotails therefor shall Lave beenapproved in writing by Broadview Orchardland or a comnittee appointed by it, providedhowever, that in the event that such a cormittee is not in existence, or being in exist+ence, fails to approve of disapprove such desirn or location within thirty deys aftorreceipt thareof, such approval will not ho required, provided the design and locationon the lot conform to and are in harmony with existing structures on adjoining lands.In_any case, eit ther with or without the approval of said Broadview Orchardlend or ofsaid comnittee, no dwellins costing loss $10,000.00 shall be pernitted on said preimises, and the Fround floor square foot area thereof shell not be less foe, the case square of(10) Fo outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation ourposesin connection with dvellings erected on the above doscribed premises. All of the re-quirements oi the Village of Seven Hills for sanitary provisions shall be complied with.(11) Broedview Orcherdland expressly reserve to thenselves, tleir heirs, adninistratore,assifns and are herehy pranted the right in case of any violations of eny of the restric-tions or conditions, or a breach of any of the covenart ts and agreer.ents herein con-tained, to enter upon the property, upon or as to vi ich such violations or breach er-ists, and to sunmarily abate and remove at the expense of the ovmer thersof, any erec-tion, thing or condition that may be or exists thereon contrary to t.e intent and mean-ing of tha provisions hereof, as interproted by it, and the said Broadviev Orchardlandshall not, by reason theraof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such: entry;abatement or renoval. Failure by Broadview Orcl.ardland or by any other person or partyLavins; tle right to do 50, to enforce any of the provisions of this instrunent shall(12) Invaliation of any of the provisions héreof by judgnent or court order shall inno way effect any of the other provisions which. -shall remain and continue in full force(13) If the parties hereto, or any of then, thoir Leirs, executors, edministretors orassirns, or succesners and assigns, shell violate or attempt to violate any of the pro-visions hereof before January 1, 1985, it shEll be lawful for Broadview Orcl.ardland itssuccessors and assirns, or any assipnee or transferes of these premises to prosecuteany proceedines at law or in equity aga inst the person or persons violating or atsempt-(14) Broadviev Ordardland is hereby grented the right to change, alter, supplomant andmodify any or all of the provisions Lereof to the extent recessery to qualif. stid pre-nises witi. other adjacent and ad.joining lands now owned by it for rortgape(15) The hemin enurerated rostrictions, conditions, limitations, reservatims, cove-nant.s and agreenents ahall be deemed covenants and not conditions lereof ar.d sioll runwith tle land, be 1 indi ing upon all parties herato, their Leirs, executors, aCriristra-tors and assins, or successors and assirns, and any other person or persons claiminrb:, througl. or under then until January 1, 1985, at vhic'. tina they skall berninate andMerever reference is made herein to Froadviow Orclardland, it is neant to refer toSadie Copelin and Ann E. Cohen, doin- bisiness as Broadviev Orch ardland.TO FAVE AKD TO FOLD the above Franbed and barrained premisos, with the appurte-nances thereof, unto the suid Grantees, their heirs and assirns for ver.And We, Sadie Copelin and Ann L. Cohen, the said Grantors, do for ourselves andour heirs, executors end administrators, cove:ert with tho said Grantees, tleir Leirs.and assipns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, we are well seized ofthe above described prenises, as a rood and indefeasible estate in FEE SIAPLE, and Lavegood right to bargein and sell the same in manner and form as above written, and that nor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted. ing lands. feet in the case ofa one story structure, or less than square in a one and one-half or tvo story structure. in no event he deemed a vai ver of the right to do so thereafter. and effect. inf to violate any such provisions. insurence under the Bational Tousing Act and Amendents thereto. be of no further force and effect. the same are FFEE FROM ALL INCIMPRAMCRS WHATSOEVER
3 persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use of occupy any building on any lot in the entire suhdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant .
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3 persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use of occupy any building on any lot in the entire suhdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant . [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nnvu .ival. :an owner or tenant.\n- i 3.\n0.6691 as5B- of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use of occupy\nany building on any lot in the entire suhdivision, except that this covenant shall notprevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected onsaid premises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently,(8) lio structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the approvalof Broadview, Orchardland or the committee hereinafter referred to, or if there is nocomittee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures located upon adjoin-(9) lio building shall be erected upon said promises unless the size, type, cost andmaterial of construction, end the lot plan slowing tha proposed located of said build-ing on the lots and the plans and specifications and dotails therefor shall Lave beenapproved in writing by Broadview Orchardland or a comnittee appointed by it, providedhowever, that in the event that such a cormittee is not in existence, or being in exist+ence, fails to approve of disapprove such desirn or location within thirty deys aftorreceipt thareof, such approval will not ho required, provided the design and locationon the lot conform to and are in harmony with existing structures on adjoining lands.In_any case, eit ther with or without the approval of said Broadview Orchardlend or ofsaid comnittee, no dwellins costing loss $10,000.00 shall be pernitted on said preimises, and the Fround floor square foot area thereof shell not be less foe, the case square of(10) Fo outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation ourposesin connection with dvellings erected on the above doscribed premises. All of the re-quirements oi the Village of Seven Hills for sanitary provisions shall be complied with.(11) Broedview Orcherdland expressly reserve to thenselves, tleir heirs, adninistratore,assifns and are herehy pranted the right in case of any violations of eny of the restric-tions or conditions, or a breach of any of the covenart ts and agreer.ents herein con-tained, to enter upon the property, upon or as to vi ich such violations or breach er-ists, and to sunmarily abate and remove at the expense of the ovmer thersof, any erec-tion, thing or condition that may be or exists thereon contrary to t.e intent and mean-ing of tha provisions hereof, as interproted by it, and the said Broadviev Orchardlandshall not, by reason theraof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such: entry;abatement or renoval. Failure by Broadview Orcl.ardland or by any other person or partyLavins; tle right to do 50, to enforce any of the provisions of this instrunent shall(12) Invaliation of any of the provisions héreof by judgnent or court order shall inno way effect any of the other provisions which. -shall remain and continue in full force(13) If the parties hereto, or any of then, thoir Leirs, executors, edministretors orassirns, or succesners and assigns, shell violate or attempt to violate any of the pro-visions hereof before January 1, 1985, it shEll be lawful for Broadview Orcl.ardland itssuccessors and assirns, or any assipnee or transferes of these premises to prosecuteany proceedines at law or in equity aga inst the person or persons violating or atsempt-(14) Broadviev Ordardland is hereby grented the right to change, alter, supplomant andmodify any or all of the provisions Lereof to the extent recessery to qualif. stid pre-nises witi. other adjacent and ad.joining lands now owned by it for rortgape(15) The hemin enurerated rostrictions, conditions, limitations, reservatims, cove-nant.s and agreenents ahall be deemed covenants and not conditions lereof ar.d sioll runwith tle land, be 1 indi ing upon all parties herato, their Leirs, executors, aCriristra-tors and assins, or successors and assirns, and any other person or persons claiminrb:, througl. or under then until January 1, 1985, at vhic'. tina they skall berninate andMerever reference is made herein to Froadviow Orclardland, it is neant to refer toSadie Copelin and Ann E. Cohen, doin- bisiness as Broadviev Orch ardland.TO FAVE AKD TO FOLD the above Franbed and barrained premisos, with the appurte-nances thereof, unto the suid Grantees, their heirs and assirns for ver.And We, Sadie Copelin and Ann L. Cohen, the said Grantors, do for ourselves andour heirs, executors end administrators, cove:ert with tho said Grantees, tleir Leirs.and assipns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, we are well seized ofthe above described prenises, as a rood and indefeasible estate in FEE SIAPLE, and Lavegood right to bargein and sell the same in manner and form as above written, and that\nnor shall any residence of temporary character be permitted.\ning lands.\nfeet in the case ofa one story structure, or less than square\nin\na one and one-half or tvo story structure.\nin no event he deemed a vai ver of the right to do so thereafter.\nand effect.\ninf to violate any such provisions.\ninsurence under the Bational Tousing Act and Amendents thereto.\nbe of no further force and effect.\nthe same are FFEE FROM ALL INCIMPRAMCRS WHATSOEVER\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3 persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use of occupy\nany building on any lot in the entire suhdivision, except that this covenant shall not\nprevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by\nan owner or tenant .\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DRI VOL00438 PAGE640KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 3834 STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTONinc consideration of thes sum ofSIX HUNDRED AND NO/100ton me paid ands secured to be paid byhereby acknowledged, THAT I,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter deseribedproperty is my separate estate andi is notr now, nor hasi it ever been, any part of my residential orl business homestead), for and ($600.00) _DOLLARSas follows: H. L. STRUBE AND WIFE, HBLEN STRUBE, SIX HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($600.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED,-and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said H. L. STRUBE AND WIFE, HELEN STRUBB, oft the County of Dallas,Texas, and described as follows, to-wit: State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, LOT 52 in BLOCK SEVEN (7), GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES, an addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof recordedin Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas.This conveyance is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of2. No structures shall be erécted, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building andaNo dry toilets willbe or permitted thereon shall be d BET and. Lmy: system on sewerage one or mathy b Comat have system Denton approved or State Biance with the trictions herein - W 7 furnish av main E easement adjoining the property ass set out herein.B building painted. on or the shall. with be two occupied )complete or used coats ofpaint. the thereofis exterior material completely used in main structures ifframe brick, unfinished lumber, material, asbes- the plat recorded in the Map Records cay Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:stlo person of Ay aeenthe other than domiciled the Caucasian with any race or tenant. or oceupy any lot, except thatt this lots this subdivision, except hereinafter excepted and in Paragraph 16 herein, to_be used only residence,lot is restricted to ones such type building, a hereinafter a dulo or on-profit or PLand anyoath andessary utbuildings.shall not prevent occupancy by do-Coun.y Denton or State Health F5. supply tooneorbeby the Texas State Department of Health.time the Seller, alongcause constructedA: thestreet thei Einerunning E hereinB when.thereto,shallEFa immediately run along anda against EL saida lienE - shall bein all events toalloRey thereofproperty.agrees that uponpmentandinfullfor propertyresidence prnther,as-Fproyided, Nobuilling shalllineor nearer tosetback line shown the(Frontb PRt Business lots are from shin ngles,EEtile,minum siding or roofing.No obnoxious offensive ornnoyance ortotNo garage,shack or other.DEmee thatThe ground area of any main' structure, exclusive of porches andshall be notl less than 600 feet.11, Streets, easements andThese restrictions 1Pe5, at which shall E thel automat land upon all periods ald years claiming unless upicte until ma-of thel lotsEymstheagreed to changesnEAwe13. lawful If be parties other hereto, or or any persons of them, their heirs real property or assigns, Manas &va any 6 the covenants herein, eedi dings-at-law. it shallbeOF B-from 80 doing,recoversuchF-Pae 3 violation,14. No structures of any kind are tob berof the Seller or15. The Seller or Developer shalln not be responsible torains, floods, F away b AtSorSR:otherwise, in the subdivision, without firstopermission e of Seronly, with the excep-18. ons street : 3 e T B building lines on interior Esshall be carried on any lot, nor shall anything) be done thereon which may beor becomeerected Bet thelot herein deseribeds shall time be used asa residencetctu ES herein set out fully WitA." residence, except PAES trailers may be used on any lotin PES reserved as shown on the recorded plat of said addition for utility purposes.said covenants ne ehed - part.violating or attemptingt tbw violate anys such covenant, toi peNts AIEEthe subdivision or lott thereof without the written heirs assigns, for damagest subdivision caused Purchasethe lon I: expressly lotin understood Block that Lots_1 through bya trailer, Block as out all in lotsi in Blocks and are reserved' for M atm cay one oft these covenants by judgment or-courto shall inn no affect any of the other provisions which shall remainTOHAVE. AND TOJ HOLD the above described premises, together with alla ands singular thez rights anda appurtenances there-heirs and assigns forever and Idoh hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- toin anywise belonging unto thes said H. L. STRUBE and wife, HELEN STRUBB, their fnnd 11 ml Iha mnia. tha vinia L CTDITDD ana "ifn UDTT DNT cmmn
DRI VOL00438 PAGE640KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 3834 STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTONinc consideration of thes sum ofSIX HUNDRED AND NO/100ton me paid ands secured to be paid byhereby acknowledged, THAT I,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter deseribedproperty is my separate estate andi is notr now, nor hasi it ever been, any part of my residential orl business homestead), for and ($600.00) _DOLLARSas follows: H. L. STRUBE AND WIFE, HBLEN STRUBE, SIX HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($600.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED,-and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said H. L. STRUBE AND WIFE, HELEN STRUBB, oft the County of Dallas,Texas, and described as follows, to-wit: State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, LOT 52 in BLOCK SEVEN (7), GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES, an addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof recordedin Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas.This conveyance is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of2. No structures shall be erécted, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building andaNo dry toilets willbe or permitted thereon shall be d BET and. Lmy: system on sewerage one or mathy b Comat have system Denton approved or State Biance with the trictions herein - W 7 furnish av main E easement adjoining the property ass set out herein.B building painted. on or the shall. with be two occupied )complete or used coats ofpaint. the thereofis exterior material completely used in main structures ifframe brick, unfinished lumber, material, asbes- the plat recorded in the Map Records cay Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:stlo person of Ay aeenthe other than domiciled the Caucasian with any race or tenant. or oceupy any lot, except thatt this lots this subdivision, except hereinafter excepted and in Paragraph 16 herein, to_be used only residence,lot is restricted to ones such type building, a hereinafter a dulo or on-profit or PLand anyoath andessary utbuildings.shall not prevent occupancy by do-Coun.y Denton or State Health F5. supply tooneorbeby the Texas State Department of Health.time the Seller, alongcause constructedA: thestreet thei Einerunning E hereinB when.thereto,shallEFa immediately run along anda against EL saida lienE - shall bein all events toalloRey thereofproperty.agrees that uponpmentandinfullfor propertyresidence prnther,as-Fproyided, Nobuilling shalllineor nearer tosetback line shown the(Frontb PRt Business lots are from shin ngles,EEtile,minum siding or roofing.No obnoxious offensive ornnoyance ortotNo garage,shack or other.DEmee thatThe ground area of any main' structure, exclusive of porches andshall be notl less than 600 feet.11, Streets, easements andThese restrictions 1Pe5, at which shall E thel automat land upon all periods ald years claiming unless upicte until ma-of thel lotsEymstheagreed to changesnEAwe13. lawful If be parties other hereto, or or any persons of them, their heirs real property or assigns, Manas &va any 6 the covenants herein, eedi dings-at-law. it shallbeOF B-from 80 doing,recoversuchF-Pae 3 violation,14. No structures of any kind are tob berof the Seller or15. The Seller or Developer shalln not be responsible torains, floods, F away b AtSorSR:otherwise, in the subdivision, without firstopermission e of Seronly, with the excep-18. ons street : 3 e T B building lines on interior Esshall be carried on any lot, nor shall anything) be done thereon which may beor becomeerected Bet thelot herein deseribeds shall time be used asa residencetctu ES herein set out fully WitA." residence, except PAES trailers may be used on any lotin PES reserved as shown on the recorded plat of said addition for utility purposes.said covenants ne ehed - part.violating or attemptingt tbw violate anys such covenant, toi peNts AIEEthe subdivision or lott thereof without the written heirs assigns, for damagest subdivision caused Purchasethe lon I: expressly lotin understood Block that Lots_1 through bya trailer, Block as out all in lotsi in Blocks and are reserved' for M atm cay one oft these covenants by judgment or-courto shall inn no affect any of the other provisions which shall remainTOHAVE. AND TOJ HOLD the above described premises, together with alla ands singular thez rights anda appurtenances there-heirs and assigns forever and Idoh hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- toin anywise belonging unto thes said H. L. STRUBE and wife, HELEN STRUBB, their fnnd 11 ml Iha mnia. tha vinia L CTDITDD ana "ifn UDTT DNT cmmn
8.1 No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mesticgervantsofadifeerentrace domiciled with any owner or tenant.
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]8.1 No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mesticgervantsofadifeerentrace domiciled with any owner or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDRI VOL00438 PAGE640KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\n3834\nSTATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTONinc consideration of thes sum ofSIX HUNDRED AND NO/100ton me paid ands secured to be paid byhereby acknowledged,\nTHAT I,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter deseribedproperty is my separate estate andi is notr now, nor hasi it ever been, any part of my residential orl business homestead), for and\n($600.00)\n_DOLLARSas follows:\nH. L. STRUBE AND WIFE, HBLEN STRUBE,\nSIX HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($600.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is\nHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED,-and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said\nH. L. STRUBE AND WIFE, HELEN STRUBB,\noft the County of Dallas,Texas, and described as follows, to-wit:\nState of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,\nLOT 52 in BLOCK SEVEN (7), GARZA-LITTLE ELM LAKE ESTATES,\nan addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof recordedin Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas.This conveyance is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of2. No structures shall be erécted, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building andaNo dry toilets willbe or permitted thereon shall be d BET and. Lmy: system on sewerage one or mathy b Comat have system Denton approved or State Biance with the trictions herein - W 7 furnish av main E easement adjoining the property ass set out herein.B building painted. on or the shall. with be two occupied )complete or used coats ofpaint. the thereofis exterior material completely used in main structures ifframe brick, unfinished lumber, material, asbes-\nthe plat recorded in the Map Records cay Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:stlo person of Ay aeenthe other than domiciled the Caucasian with any race or tenant. or oceupy any lot, except thatt this\nlots this subdivision, except hereinafter excepted and\nin Paragraph 16 herein, to_be used only residence,lot is restricted to ones such type building, a hereinafter a\ndulo or on-profit or PLand anyoath andessary utbuildings.shall not prevent occupancy by do-Coun.y Denton or State Health F5. supply tooneorbeby the Texas State Department of Health.time the Seller, alongcause constructedA: thestreet thei Einerunning E hereinB when.thereto,shallEFa immediately run along anda against EL saida lienE - shall bein all events toalloRey thereofproperty.agrees that uponpmentandinfullfor propertyresidence prnther,as-Fproyided, Nobuilling shalllineor nearer tosetback line shown the(Frontb PRt Business lots are from shin ngles,EEtile,minum siding or roofing.No obnoxious offensive ornnoyance ortotNo garage,shack or other.DEmee thatThe ground area of any main' structure, exclusive of porches andshall be notl less than 600 feet.11, Streets, easements andThese restrictions 1Pe5, at which shall E thel automat land upon all periods ald years claiming unless upicte until ma-of thel lotsEymstheagreed to changesnEAwe13. lawful If be parties other hereto, or or any persons of them, their heirs real property or assigns, Manas &va any 6 the covenants herein, eedi dings-at-law. it shallbeOF B-from 80 doing,recoversuchF-Pae 3 violation,14. No structures of any kind are tob berof the Seller or15. The Seller or Developer shalln not be responsible torains, floods, F away b AtSorSR:otherwise, in the subdivision, without firstopermission e of Seronly, with the excep-18.\nons street : 3 e T B building lines on interior Esshall be carried on any lot, nor shall anything) be done thereon which may beor becomeerected Bet thelot herein deseribeds shall time be used asa residencetctu ES herein set out fully WitA.\" residence, except PAES trailers may be used on any lotin PES\nreserved as shown on the recorded plat of said addition for utility purposes.said covenants ne ehed - part.violating or attemptingt tbw violate anys such covenant, toi peNts AIEEthe subdivision or lott thereof without the written\nheirs assigns, for damagest subdivision caused\nPurchasethe\nlon I: expressly lotin understood Block that Lots_1 through bya trailer, Block as out all in lotsi in Blocks and are reserved' for\nM atm cay one oft these covenants by judgment or-courto shall inn no affect any of the other provisions which shall remainTOHAVE. AND TOJ HOLD the above described premises, together with alla ands singular thez rights anda appurtenances there-heirs and assigns forever and Idoh hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-\ntoin anywise belonging unto thes said H. L. STRUBE and wife, HELEN STRUBB, their\nfnnd 11 ml\nIha mnia.\ntha vinia L CTDITDD ana \"ifn UDTT DNT cmmn\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]8.1 No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-\nmesticgervantsofadifeerentrace domiciled with any owner or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 144 for a period for nore than sixty days, or the failure on the part of the Yendee to pay any of the assessments or tazes hereinafter mentioned before the day when the same ahall become due and delinquent, or if said vendee shall be in default in respect to any other eondition or covenant contained in this agreement, then the whole amount of said prinoipal shall, at the option of the said Vendors, become due and payable forthwith, withont notice, or said veniors may at their eption cancel and annul this contract, and the same shall thereupon, at the optionar said vendors, become forfeited to sail vendors and can be retained as settled and liquidated damages and rent, and the parties hereto agreeing that it is impossible to estimate the actual danages, thereupon said vendors shall be released from all obligation in law ar equity to convey said property, and said vendee shall forfeit all right thereto and all right to possession of the property or any part thereof, and shall immediately deliver the possession of said property and all thereof to the said Vendors, and hereby it is agreed that time is of the essence of this agreement. 3. The said vendee hereby agrees to pay, before del inqueney, both the State and County taxes from ani after the date hereof. The said vendee hareby agrees to pay, before delinquency, both ordinary and eztraordinary all other taxes and assessments that npy become a lien against said property in addition to the purchase noney and other payments as herein stipulated. If saia Tendee shall fail to pay any taxes or assessments as herein stipulatei, said vendors may pay then at their option and all noneys so paia shall becene a debt against seid vendee, and said vendee will, on demand, repay said vendors for any taxes or assessments of any kind together with interest therean from date of payment, until repaid at the rate of 6 per cent per annun, and said payments shall be aecured by tais contract. 4. Said vendors, upon receiving in full the purchase money thereon, and all advances made by said vendors for tazes or otherwise, with interest as agreed to be paid ani upon full and faithful performance by vendee of each and every of the said covenants and agreements to be kept and performed, agrees that they will convey all of said real estate herein descrited to said vendee bya good and sufficient deed and conveyance upon the surrender to said vendors of this indenture and agreerent, and that said conveyance shall be free and clear from all liens and incumbrances, save as may be caused by the act or negligence of said vendee. It is expressly covenanted that neither the whole nor any part of said premises shall be used or occupied by any person or persons not of the caucasian race. 5. Hotice of the oancellation of this contract for any breach thereof, or notice of the exersiee of any right reserved to said vendors herein, whereithis contract requires, notice shall be given and addressed to said vendee by tegistered mail directed to 239 Wooiron St. Daly City, California, as the residence of said yendee end deposited in the United States fost Office whioh shall conetitate a good and sufficient notice ani service thereof, and no assignment of this agreement shall be valid without the consent of the vendors, or their assigns,
144 for a period for nore than sixty days, or the failure on the part of the Yendee to pay any of the assessments or tazes hereinafter mentioned before the day when the same ahall become due and delinquent, or if said vendee shall be in default in respect to any other eondition or covenant contained in this agreement, then the whole amount of said prinoipal shall, at the option of the said Vendors, become due and payable forthwith, withont notice, or said veniors may at their eption cancel and annul this contract, and the same shall thereupon, at the optionar said vendors, become forfeited to sail vendors and can be retained as settled and liquidated damages and rent, and the parties hereto agreeing that it is impossible to estimate the actual danages, thereupon said vendors shall be released from all obligation in law ar equity to convey said property, and said vendee shall forfeit all right thereto and all right to possession of the property or any part thereof, and shall immediately deliver the possession of said property and all thereof to the said Vendors, and hereby it is agreed that time is of the essence of this agreement. 3. The said vendee hereby agrees to pay, before del inqueney, both the State and County taxes from ani after the date hereof. The said vendee hareby agrees to pay, before delinquency, both ordinary and eztraordinary all other taxes and assessments that npy become a lien against said property in addition to the purchase noney and other payments as herein stipulated. If saia Tendee shall fail to pay any taxes or assessments as herein stipulatei, said vendors may pay then at their option and all noneys so paia shall becene a debt against seid vendee, and said vendee will, on demand, repay said vendors for any taxes or assessments of any kind together with interest therean from date of payment, until repaid at the rate of 6 per cent per annun, and said payments shall be aecured by tais contract. 4. Said vendors, upon receiving in full the purchase money thereon, and all advances made by said vendors for tazes or otherwise, with interest as agreed to be paid ani upon full and faithful performance by vendee of each and every of the said covenants and agreements to be kept and performed, agrees that they will convey all of said real estate herein descrited to said vendee bya good and sufficient deed and conveyance upon the surrender to said vendors of this indenture and agreerent, and that said conveyance shall be free and clear from all liens and incumbrances, save as may be caused by the act or negligence of said vendee. It is expressly covenanted that neither the whole nor any part of said premises shall be used or occupied by any person or persons not of the caucasian race. 5. Hotice of the oancellation of this contract for any breach thereof, or notice of the exersiee of any right reserved to said vendors herein, whereithis contract requires, notice shall be given and addressed to said vendee by tegistered mail directed to 239 Wooiron St. Daly City, California, as the residence of said yendee end deposited in the United States fost Office whioh shall conetitate a good and sufficient notice ani service thereof, and no assignment of this agreement shall be valid without the consent of the vendors, or their assigns,
It is expressly covenanted that neither the whole nor any part of said premises shall be used or occupied by any person or persons not of the caucasian race.
It is expressly covenanted that neither the whole nor any part of said premises shall be used or occupied by any person or persons not of the caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]It is expressly covenanted that neither the whole nor any part of said premises shall be used or occupied by any person or persons not of the caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]It is expressly covenanted that neither the whole nor any part of said premises shall be used or occupied by any person or persons not of the caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n144\nfor a period for nore than sixty days, or the failure on the part of the Yendee\nto pay any of the assessments or tazes hereinafter mentioned before the day when\nthe same ahall become due and delinquent, or if said vendee shall be in default\nin respect to any other eondition or covenant contained in this agreement, then\nthe whole amount of said prinoipal shall, at the option of the said Vendors,\nbecome due and payable forthwith, withont notice, or said veniors may at their\neption cancel and annul this contract, and the same shall thereupon, at the\noptionar said vendors, become forfeited to sail vendors and can be retained as\nsettled and liquidated damages and rent, and the parties hereto agreeing that it\nis impossible to estimate the actual danages, thereupon said vendors shall be\nreleased from all obligation in law ar equity to convey said property, and said\nvendee shall forfeit all right thereto and all right to possession of the property\nor any part thereof, and shall immediately deliver the possession of said property\nand all thereof to the said Vendors, and hereby it is agreed that time is of the\nessence of this agreement.\n3. The said vendee hereby agrees to pay, before del inqueney,\nboth the State and County taxes from ani after the date hereof. The said vendee\nhareby agrees to pay, before delinquency, both ordinary and eztraordinary all\nother taxes and assessments that npy become a lien against said property in\naddition to the purchase noney and other payments as herein stipulated. If saia\nTendee shall fail to pay any taxes or assessments as herein stipulatei, said vendors\nmay pay then at their option and all noneys so paia shall becene a debt against\nseid vendee, and said vendee will, on demand, repay said vendors for any taxes\nor assessments of any kind together with interest therean from date of payment,\nuntil repaid at the rate of 6 per cent per annun, and said payments shall be\naecured by tais contract.\n4. Said vendors, upon receiving in full the purchase money\nthereon, and all advances made by said vendors for tazes or otherwise, with interest\nas agreed to be paid ani upon full and faithful performance by vendee of each\nand every of the said covenants and agreements to be kept and performed, agrees\nthat they will convey all of said real estate herein descrited to said vendee\nbya good and sufficient deed and conveyance upon the surrender to said vendors\nof this indenture and agreerent, and that said conveyance shall be free and clear\nfrom all liens and incumbrances, save as may be caused by the act or negligence of\nsaid vendee. It is expressly covenanted that neither the whole nor any part of\nsaid premises shall be used or occupied by any person or persons not of the caucasian\nrace.\n5. Hotice of the oancellation of this contract for any breach\nthereof, or notice of the exersiee of any right reserved to said vendors herein,\nwhereithis contract requires, notice shall be given and addressed to said vendee\nby tegistered mail directed to 239 Wooiron St. Daly City, California, as the\nresidence of said yendee end deposited in the United States fost Office whioh\nshall conetitate a good and sufficient notice ani service thereof, and no assignment\nof this agreement shall be valid without the consent of the vendors, or their assigns,", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]It is expressly covenanted that neither the whole nor any part of said premises shall be used or occupied by any person or persons not of the caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]It is expressly covenanted that neither the whole nor any part of said premises shall be used or occupied by any person or persons not of the caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] va8486 AG:369 1. The parcel hereby conveyed or enlarged as provided in paragraph 2 herein, shall be used solely and exclusively for private single family residence purposes and shall be used and occupied by a single family, including its family servants, and no more than one dwelling house, together with attached accessory buildings shall be erected or suffered to remain upon said parcel. 2. The parcel hereby conveyed may not be subdivided except for the purpose of enlarging the abutting parcels. 3. No buildings, except dwelling houses, shall be used or maintained for living purposes, either temporary or permanent, and no person or persons shall use for living or dwelling purposes, either temporary or permanent, any barn, trailer, garage, shack or shed. 4. No portion of the within described premises, nearer to any highway than the building lines established by the Village of Independence, shall be used for any purpose other than that of a lawn; nothing herein contained however, shall be construed as preventing thet use of such portion of said premises for walks and drives, the planting of trees or shrubbery, the growing of fowers or ornamental plants, or for statuary, fountains and other ornamentations, for the purpose of beautifying said premises; but no vegetables, so-called, nor grains of the ordinary garden or field variety shall be grown upon such portion thereof; and no weeds, underbrush or other unsightly growths, shall be permitted to grow or remain anywhere upon said premises and no unsightly objects shall be allowed to be placed or suffered to remain anywhere thereon. No chickens or other fowl, or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on the parcel conveyed. 5. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffèred to remain on any residential lot which has a first foor area, exclusive of garage and porches, of Jess than 1,400 square feet. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential Jot unless the ridge of the roof is at Jeast 13 feet and not more than 16 feet above the finished frst foor. No garage, studio, or other attached building shall be erected or suffered to remain which has a foor area of less than 360 square feet or more than 800 square feet, and a gable or gambrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the finished foor, and the design and materials used shall harmonize with the dwelling. No garage entrance shall be permitted to face toward any street. 6. The Grantor reserves the right to grant consents to, and to petition the gas companies, electric light companies, municipal or county authorities for the extension of their respective services, which,in the opinion of the Grantor, are necessary in the highways upon which the premises herein described shall front or abut, and the owner agrees to and hereby consents to and afirms all agreements that may be entered into between the Grantor and above named parties with respect to binding the owner for the proportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said premises herein dèscribed. 7. The Grantor, its and assigns, reserve the right to waive, change or cancel any and all the restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to the parcel herein conveyed and to any and all sublots in the subdivision of which the foregoing is a part, if in its judgment the purposes of said development can be better served. However, before any waivér, change or cancellation of any restrictions contained in this instrument be effective, the approval of such waiver, change or cancellations, by the Council of the Village of Independence shall first have been obtained. 8. No nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed, or suffered to remain upon said premises. No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. No commercial oil or gas well shall be drilled on said premises. 9. The Grantor, its successor or assigns, hereby reserve easements and rights-of-way in, over, under and across the rear five feet of each parcel conveyed for the purpose of installing and the mainte- nance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the side line of each parcel. 10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether. such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, oro otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants ofa Caucasian occupier. 11. The Grantor reserves andi is hereby granted the right in case of any violation or breach of any of the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants. and conditions in this deed contained, to enter the property upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing, or condition that may be or exist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof as interpreted by the Grantor, and the Grantor shall not, by reason thereof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, or removal. A failure to endorse any of the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, abatement and conditions contained int this deed, shall in no event be construed, taken or held agreements, tobe: awaiver thereof or acquiescence. in or consent to any further or succeeding breach or violation thereof. 12. The location ofa any and all driveways shall be and remain as now established upon said premises, or,if not now established, shall be determined by the Architectural. Board of the Village of Independence at the time of the approval of the plans and specifications for said dwelling. No driveway shall be Jocated, relocated or suffered to remain upon said premises except as now located or determined by the said Board.
va8486 AG:369 1. The parcel hereby conveyed or enlarged as provided in paragraph 2 herein, shall be used solely and exclusively for private single family residence purposes and shall be used and occupied by a single family, including its family servants, and no more than one dwelling house, together with attached accessory buildings shall be erected or suffered to remain upon said parcel. 2. The parcel hereby conveyed may not be subdivided except for the purpose of enlarging the abutting parcels. 3. No buildings, except dwelling houses, shall be used or maintained for living purposes, either temporary or permanent, and no person or persons shall use for living or dwelling purposes, either temporary or permanent, any barn, trailer, garage, shack or shed. 4. No portion of the within described premises, nearer to any highway than the building lines established by the Village of Independence, shall be used for any purpose other than that of a lawn; nothing herein contained however, shall be construed as preventing thet use of such portion of said premises for walks and drives, the planting of trees or shrubbery, the growing of fowers or ornamental plants, or for statuary, fountains and other ornamentations, for the purpose of beautifying said premises; but no vegetables, so-called, nor grains of the ordinary garden or field variety shall be grown upon such portion thereof; and no weeds, underbrush or other unsightly growths, shall be permitted to grow or remain anywhere upon said premises and no unsightly objects shall be allowed to be placed or suffered to remain anywhere thereon. No chickens or other fowl, or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on the parcel conveyed. 5. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffèred to remain on any residential lot which has a first foor area, exclusive of garage and porches, of Jess than 1,400 square feet. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential Jot unless the ridge of the roof is at Jeast 13 feet and not more than 16 feet above the finished frst foor. No garage, studio, or other attached building shall be erected or suffered to remain which has a foor area of less than 360 square feet or more than 800 square feet, and a gable or gambrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the finished foor, and the design and materials used shall harmonize with the dwelling. No garage entrance shall be permitted to face toward any street. 6. The Grantor reserves the right to grant consents to, and to petition the gas companies, electric light companies, municipal or county authorities for the extension of their respective services, which,in the opinion of the Grantor, are necessary in the highways upon which the premises herein described shall front or abut, and the owner agrees to and hereby consents to and afirms all agreements that may be entered into between the Grantor and above named parties with respect to binding the owner for the proportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said premises herein dèscribed. 7. The Grantor, its and assigns, reserve the right to waive, change or cancel any and all the restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to the parcel herein conveyed and to any and all sublots in the subdivision of which the foregoing is a part, if in its judgment the purposes of said development can be better served. However, before any waivér, change or cancellation of any restrictions contained in this instrument be effective, the approval of such waiver, change or cancellations, by the Council of the Village of Independence shall first have been obtained. 8. No nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed, or suffered to remain upon said premises. No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured or sold whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. No commercial oil or gas well shall be drilled on said premises. 9. The Grantor, its successor or assigns, hereby reserve easements and rights-of-way in, over, under and across the rear five feet of each parcel conveyed for the purpose of installing and the mainte- nance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the side line of each parcel. 10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether. such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, oro otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants ofa Caucasian occupier. 11. The Grantor reserves andi is hereby granted the right in case of any violation or breach of any of the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants. and conditions in this deed contained, to enter the property upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing, or condition that may be or exist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof as interpreted by the Grantor, and the Grantor shall not, by reason thereof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, or removal. A failure to endorse any of the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, abatement and conditions contained int this deed, shall in no event be construed, taken or held agreements, tobe: awaiver thereof or acquiescence. in or consent to any further or succeeding breach or violation thereof. 12. The location ofa any and all driveways shall be and remain as now established upon said premises, or,if not now established, shall be determined by the Architectural. Board of the Village of Independence at the time of the approval of the plans and specifications for said dwelling. No driveway shall be Jocated, relocated or suffered to remain upon said premises except as now located or determined by the said Board.
10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether. such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.
10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether. such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nva8486 AG:369\n1. The parcel hereby conveyed or enlarged as provided in paragraph 2 herein, shall be used solely\nand exclusively for private single family residence purposes and shall be used and occupied by a single\nfamily, including its family servants, and no more than one dwelling house, together with attached\naccessory buildings shall be erected or suffered to remain upon said parcel.\n2. The parcel hereby conveyed may not be subdivided except for the purpose of enlarging the\nabutting parcels.\n3. No buildings, except dwelling houses, shall be used or maintained for living purposes, either\ntemporary or permanent, and no person or persons shall use for living or dwelling purposes, either\ntemporary or permanent, any barn, trailer, garage, shack or shed.\n4. No portion of the within described premises, nearer to any highway than the building lines\nestablished by the Village of Independence, shall be used for any purpose other than that of a lawn;\nnothing herein contained however, shall be construed as preventing thet use of such portion of said premises\nfor walks and drives, the planting of trees or shrubbery, the growing of fowers or ornamental plants, or\nfor statuary, fountains and other ornamentations, for the purpose of beautifying said premises; but no\nvegetables, so-called, nor grains of the ordinary garden or field variety shall be grown upon such portion\nthereof; and no weeds, underbrush or other unsightly growths, shall be permitted to grow or remain\nanywhere upon said premises and no unsightly objects shall be allowed to be placed or suffered to remain\nanywhere thereon. No chickens or other fowl, or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on\nthe parcel conveyed.\n5. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffèred to remain on any residential lot which has a first\nfoor area, exclusive of garage and porches, of Jess than 1,400 square feet. No dwelling house shall be\nerected or suffered to remain on any residential Jot unless the ridge of the roof is at Jeast 13 feet and not\nmore than 16 feet above the finished frst foor. No garage, studio, or other attached building shall be\nerected or suffered to remain which has a foor area of less than 360 square feet or more than 800 square\nfeet, and a gable or gambrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the finished foor, and the design and\nmaterials used shall harmonize with the dwelling. No garage entrance shall be permitted to face toward\nany street.\n6. The Grantor reserves the right to grant consents to, and to petition the gas companies, electric\nlight companies, municipal or county authorities for the extension of their respective services, which,in\nthe opinion of the Grantor, are necessary in the highways upon which the premises herein described shall\nfront or abut, and the owner agrees to and hereby consents to and afirms all agreements that may be\nentered into between the Grantor and above named parties with respect to binding the owner for the\nproportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said premises herein dèscribed.\n7. The Grantor, its\nand assigns, reserve the right to waive, change or cancel any and all\nthe restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to the parcel herein conveyed and to any and\nall sublots in the subdivision of which the foregoing is a part, if in its judgment the purposes of said\ndevelopment can be better served. However, before any waivér, change or cancellation of any restrictions\ncontained in this instrument be effective, the approval of such waiver, change or cancellations, by the\nCouncil of the Village of Independence shall first have been obtained.\n8. No nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed, or\nsuffered to remain upon said premises. No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufactured\nor sold whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. No commercial oil or gas well shall be drilled\non said premises.\n9. The Grantor, its successor or assigns, hereby reserve easements and rights-of-way in, over,\nunder and across the rear five feet of each parcel conveyed for the purpose of installing and the mainte-\nnance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the side\nline of each parcel.\n10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any\nperson or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether. such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee,\noro otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants ofa Caucasian occupier.\n11. The Grantor reserves andi is hereby granted the right in case of any violation or breach of any\nof the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants. and conditions in this deed\ncontained, to enter the property upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and to summarily\nabate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing, or condition that may be or\nexist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof as interpreted by the Grantor,\nand the Grantor shall not, by reason thereof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such\nentry,\nor removal. A failure to endorse any of the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations,\nabatement\nand conditions contained int this deed, shall in no event be construed, taken or held\nagreements,\ntobe: awaiver thereof or acquiescence. in or consent to any further or succeeding breach or violation thereof.\n12. The location ofa any and all driveways shall be and remain as now established upon said premises,\nor,if not now established, shall be determined by the Architectural. Board of the Village of Independence\nat the time of the approval of the plans and specifications for said dwelling. No driveway shall be Jocated,\nrelocated or suffered to remain upon said premises except as now located or determined by the said Board.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any\nperson or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether. such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee,\nor otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DRVOLOOABOPAGE453 VOL 480453 STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 3251 COUNTY OF DENTON THAT I,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter described property is my separate estate andi is not now, nor hasi ite ever been, any part ofr my residential or business homestead), for and inc consideration oft thes sum of FIVE HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 ($595.00) DOLLARS tome paid ands secured tob ber paid by as follows: T.J. BARTON and wife, MARY BARTON, FIVE HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($595.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto thes said T. J. BARTON and wife, MARY BARTON oft the County of Dallas, State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, Texas, and described as follows, to-wit: LOT TWENTY-SIX (26) in BLOCE EIGHT (8), GARZA-LITTLE ELM IAKE ESTATES, an addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof recorded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. the plat recordedi in Ee Records ey Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: This conveyance subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of dulol odge Jots in for this subdivision, except as hereinafter and excepted any and deseribed lot is in Paragraph one 16 such herein, type tobe_used uilding, only B5 residence, dra private garage boathousea other necessary placed or nermitted to on any building plot other than detached single building anda 2.No structures shall bee 3.No servantso ai eeN other race_do the Caueasian any races own useor occupy any lot, exceptt that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- Bb Denton or St.ate Health) IEL this Bptlets omk sanitary EMEEE: mTaiV bs Comgett Denton State B No dryt tL or permittel cesspools - E TA 5. Water Ea to-oneor ora moa must be empovedt the Texas Department of A time Seller, along ei its front E E EESS second events F propert herein described E an - - that price E easement adjoining the property as set out! t W and upon ding_as herein ovided, ther promerton furnisha water main street set HE Suldnt building om Erse EmEe mga ons sbe seater setback line than shall to lots are hbs building ors EE be two 2) used a: thereofis is completely finished in atL unfnished material, shingles, tile, concreteora or roofing. No obnoxious oro tot the trade L bec carried on upon anyl lot, nor shall anything be done which may be basement, nor_ghall tent, shack or ofat other outbuilding erected at theloth residence, except shall a trailers be may : ma on any No as set outa arefully plied vth, that rovided structure, exclusiveo ofopen porches and'garages, shall ber notlesst 600 square feet. The floor ofa plat of said addition for utility purposes. Streets, easements are reserved as on E bms wes.s e Deh im rd years ten land beb ad, These restr bec all parties claiming until for ove enar whole orinpart. owners of thel change said B for or their B assigns, shall deve attempt. tor any e the covenants hereinit parties hereto, or any of_t them, F Poe duest E such - s prevent GPADmS froms aohnt or ande damages of the Seller or Developer. structures of any kind aret to_ber thes or anyl lott the Developer shall not ber responsible rains, floods, F B hcss for damagest rees the subdivision caused way y mrcis stproNe Be F permission Chhe of Sale lon Ehae , lot in HT Lots_ E 5inB iler, Block as Lrot lh lotsi Blocks 2arer reserved for business only, with the ams seye one oft covenants by judgmento or courto order shall in no wise affect oft the other provisions which shallr remain 18. TOE HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with alla ands singular the rights anda appurtenances there- toina anywise belonging unto thes said T. J. BARTON and wife, MARY BARTON, their heirs and assigns forever andI Idoh hereby) bind myself, my. heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, alla ands singular thes said premises unto thes said T. J. BARTON and wife, MARY BARTON, their heirs anda assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully elaiming, ort to claim the same, or any partt thereof. PAGEER XEgSSXXXXXXSX - WITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned, Notary Public in and fors said County and State, on this personally namei is subscribed tot the foregoing instrument, and day acknowledged appeared. to that T. Re IRWIN, knownt to me to be the met thes same the purposes and consideration therein expressed. for AEAET. AIVEN UNDER -MYI HAND AND- SEAL-OF OFFICE tsr2srday of. SOnk A.D tmgill Bausun! LA E - Das County, mt7 Public in for
DRVOLOOABOPAGE453 VOL 480453 STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 3251 COUNTY OF DENTON THAT I,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter described property is my separate estate andi is not now, nor hasi ite ever been, any part ofr my residential or business homestead), for and inc consideration oft thes sum of FIVE HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 ($595.00) DOLLARS tome paid ands secured tob ber paid by as follows: T.J. BARTON and wife, MARY BARTON, FIVE HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($595.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto thes said T. J. BARTON and wife, MARY BARTON oft the County of Dallas, State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, Texas, and described as follows, to-wit: LOT TWENTY-SIX (26) in BLOCE EIGHT (8), GARZA-LITTLE ELM IAKE ESTATES, an addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof recorded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. the plat recordedi in Ee Records ey Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: This conveyance subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of dulol odge Jots in for this subdivision, except as hereinafter and excepted any and deseribed lot is in Paragraph one 16 such herein, type tobe_used uilding, only B5 residence, dra private garage boathousea other necessary placed or nermitted to on any building plot other than detached single building anda 2.No structures shall bee 3.No servantso ai eeN other race_do the Caueasian any races own useor occupy any lot, exceptt that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- Bb Denton or St.ate Health) IEL this Bptlets omk sanitary EMEEE: mTaiV bs Comgett Denton State B No dryt tL or permittel cesspools - E TA 5. Water Ea to-oneor ora moa must be empovedt the Texas Department of A time Seller, along ei its front E E EESS second events F propert herein described E an - - that price E easement adjoining the property as set out! t W and upon ding_as herein ovided, ther promerton furnisha water main street set HE Suldnt building om Erse EmEe mga ons sbe seater setback line than shall to lots are hbs building ors EE be two 2) used a: thereofis is completely finished in atL unfnished material, shingles, tile, concreteora or roofing. No obnoxious oro tot the trade L bec carried on upon anyl lot, nor shall anything be done which may be basement, nor_ghall tent, shack or ofat other outbuilding erected at theloth residence, except shall a trailers be may : ma on any No as set outa arefully plied vth, that rovided structure, exclusiveo ofopen porches and'garages, shall ber notlesst 600 square feet. The floor ofa plat of said addition for utility purposes. Streets, easements are reserved as on E bms wes.s e Deh im rd years ten land beb ad, These restr bec all parties claiming until for ove enar whole orinpart. owners of thel change said B for or their B assigns, shall deve attempt. tor any e the covenants hereinit parties hereto, or any of_t them, F Poe duest E such - s prevent GPADmS froms aohnt or ande damages of the Seller or Developer. structures of any kind aret to_ber thes or anyl lott the Developer shall not ber responsible rains, floods, F B hcss for damagest rees the subdivision caused way y mrcis stproNe Be F permission Chhe of Sale lon Ehae , lot in HT Lots_ E 5inB iler, Block as Lrot lh lotsi Blocks 2arer reserved for business only, with the ams seye one oft covenants by judgmento or courto order shall in no wise affect oft the other provisions which shallr remain 18. TOE HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with alla ands singular the rights anda appurtenances there- toina anywise belonging unto thes said T. J. BARTON and wife, MARY BARTON, their heirs and assigns forever andI Idoh hereby) bind myself, my. heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, alla ands singular thes said premises unto thes said T. J. BARTON and wife, MARY BARTON, their heirs anda assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully elaiming, ort to claim the same, or any partt thereof. PAGEER XEgSSXXXXXXSX - WITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned, Notary Public in and fors said County and State, on this personally namei is subscribed tot the foregoing instrument, and day acknowledged appeared. to that T. Re IRWIN, knownt to me to be the met thes same the purposes and consideration therein expressed. for AEAET. AIVEN UNDER -MYI HAND AND- SEAL-OF OFFICE tsr2srday of. SOnk A.D tmgill Bausun! LA E - Das County, mt7 Public in for
3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDRVOLOOABOPAGE453\nVOL 480453\nSTATE OF TEXAS\nKNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\n3251\nCOUNTY OF DENTON\nTHAT I,T. K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter described\nproperty is my separate estate andi is not now, nor hasi ite ever been, any part ofr my residential or business homestead), for and\ninc consideration oft thes sum of\nFIVE HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100\n($595.00)\nDOLLARS\ntome paid ands secured tob ber paid by\nas follows:\nT.J. BARTON and wife, MARY BARTON,\nFIVE HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($595.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt\nof which is hereby acknowledged,\nHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto thes said\nT. J. BARTON and wife, MARY BARTON\noft the County of Dallas,\nState of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,\nTexas, and described as follows, to-wit:\nLOT TWENTY-SIX (26) in BLOCE EIGHT (8), GARZA-LITTLE ELM IAKE\nESTATES, an addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the\nmap thereof recorded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat\nRecords of Denton County, Texas.\nthe plat recordedi in Ee Records ey Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:\nThis conveyance\nsubject to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of\ndulol odge Jots in for this subdivision, except as hereinafter and excepted any and deseribed lot is in Paragraph one 16 such herein, type tobe_used uilding, only B5 residence, dra\nprivate garage boathousea other necessary\nplaced or nermitted to on any building plot other than detached single building anda\n2.No structures shall bee\n3.No servantso ai eeN other race_do the Caueasian any races own useor occupy any lot, exceptt that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-\nBb Denton or St.ate Health) \nIEL this Bptlets omk sanitary EMEEE: mTaiV bs Comgett Denton State B\nNo dryt tL or permittel cesspools\n-\nE\nTA\n5. Water Ea to-oneor ora moa must be empovedt the Texas Department of A time Seller, along ei its front\nE\nE\nEESS\n\n\nsecond events\nF\n\npropert herein described E\n\nan\n-\n-\n that\nprice\n E easement adjoining the property as set out!\nt W\nand\nupon\nding_as herein ovided,\nther\npromerton\nfurnisha water main street\nset\nHE\n Suldnt building om\n Erse EmEe mga ons sbe seater\nsetback\nline than\nshall\nto\nlots are\nhbs building ors EE be two 2) used a: thereofis is completely finished in\natL unfnished material,\nshingles, tile, concreteora\nor roofing.\nNo obnoxious oro tot the trade L bec carried on upon anyl lot, nor shall anything be done\nwhich may be\n\nbasement, nor_ghall tent, shack or ofat other outbuilding erected at theloth residence, except shall a trailers be may : ma on any\nNo\nas set outa arefully plied vth,\nthat\nrovided\nstructure, exclusiveo ofopen porches and'garages, shall ber notlesst 600 square feet.\nThe floor ofa\nplat of said addition for utility purposes.\nStreets, easements\nare reserved as on\n\nE\nbms wes.s\ne Deh im \nrd years\nten\nland\nbeb\nad,\nThese restr\nbec\nall parties\nclaiming\nuntil\nfor\n\nove enar\nwhole orinpart.\nowners of thel\nchange said\nB for\nor their B assigns, shall deve attempt. tor any e the covenants hereinit\nparties hereto, or any of_t them,\nF Poe duest E such -\ns \nprevent GPADmS froms\n \naohnt\nor\nande\ndamages\nof the Seller or Developer.\nstructures of any kind aret to_ber\nthes\nor anyl lott\nthe\nDeveloper shall not ber responsible rains, floods, F B hcss for damagest rees the subdivision caused way y mrcis stproNe\nBe\nF permission Chhe of Sale\nlon Ehae , lot in HT Lots_ E 5inB iler, Block as Lrot lh lotsi Blocks 2arer reserved for business only, with the\nams seye one oft covenants by judgmento or courto order shall in no wise affect oft the other provisions which shallr remain\n18.\nTOE HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with alla ands singular the rights anda appurtenances there-\ntoina anywise belonging unto thes said T. J. BARTON and wife, MARY BARTON, their\nheirs and assigns forever andI Idoh hereby) bind myself, my. heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-\nfend, alla ands singular thes said premises unto thes said T. J. BARTON and wife, MARY BARTON, their\nheirs anda assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully elaiming, ort to claim the same, or any partt thereof.\nPAGEER\nXEgSSXXXXXXSX\n- \nWITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this.\nSTATE OF TEXAS\nCOUNTY OF DALLAS\nBEFORE ME, the undersigned, Notary Public in and fors said County and State, on this personally\nnamei is subscribed tot the foregoing instrument, and day acknowledged appeared. to that T.\nRe\nIRWIN, knownt to me to be the\nmet\nthes same the purposes and consideration therein expressed.\nfor\nAEAET.\nAIVEN UNDER -MYI HAND AND- SEAL-OF OFFICE tsr2srday of. SOnk\nA.D\ntmgill\nBausun!\nLA\nE\n-\nDas County, mt7\nPublic in for", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-\nmestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL6454 PAGE 69Lega/ Co. Spis WARHANTY DEED-Na. 102A finitllathplies srits 4113 Ciat. I, L.l.Gundersen the Grantorthe Grantee s, doand State of Ohio: for the comsidcration. of Ten and xo/100 dollars ($10.00) and other vul luable C onsidera-tion XXXXXXXXXXXhalauaik.ssaxt received to my full satisfaction ofOipr. (Grant. Matain, Srll anà Cauvey unto the said Grantees, kkRix herheirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the Cityand known as being a part of S.L. No. 12, in the Shaker Heights Land Company's,sion of part of original Warrensville Township Lots Nos. 11-12-13-22-23-24, and" oound-Park Blvd.(60 ft. wide) at the easterly line of S.L. No. RAZ northerly alongsaid casterly line of S.L. No. 12, 510.40 ft. to the northerly line of said S.L. lio.12;Thence vesterly alons said northerly line of S.L. No. 12, 100 ft.; Thence southerly,parullel with said easterly line of S.L. lio. 12, 310.-12 ft. to suid no: therly line oflorth Park Clvd.; Thence easterly, along said northorly line of North Park Blvd.Betha same 1re or less but subject to all legul highwuys. IBPF+ to His piacir beginning1. Each suhlot in said subdivision shall be used solely and exclusively for single pritvate dwelling purposes, and only ono such dwelling house, inclusive of an attached garageer remi-attsched garaje comected to such dwellins by a porch or logsia or covered passageshall be erected, Flaced or suffered to remai in on any one sublot. If such attached oremi-attached garage shell open toward a roadway, the interior thereof shall be finished.2. :o such dwelling house, inclusivo of sarase, porches, verandas, porte cocheres andother similar projections or other buildings of any character whatsoever, shall be erectedplaced or suffcred to remain on any sublot within 15 ft, of any side line thereof, norwithin 100 ft. of lorth Park Blvd. and 20 feet of East Fairfax Road of the front line3. so delling hou. e shull be erected, ple.ced or suffered to romai in on any sublot unlebsthe main section thereof shall be two stories in height, a minimum of 19 ft. fron joist4. lo dweliing house shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain on any sublot hav-J ing a sq. ft. area of less than 800 sq. ft. exclusive of sarage, open or enclosed porches,- or storage rooms and said dvelling house shall have a front dimension of not less than52' which mar. include an attached Garage, except tho corner lot on which tho frontageLecomes a minimum of 32', exclusive of garage, on the Korth Park frontage. Said dvellinghouso frontage may include such attuched or somi-attachod garage excopt as above noted,but shall e oxclusive of a jorch, loggia or covered passage which may connect such somi-attached guraje to such dvelling house, and further shall be exclusive of porches, porte5. lio icrson of any race othor than tho caucasian shall use or occupy any buil-ing orjeny lot, ex ept that th's covenent shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of6. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufoctured, sol or offered forsule, nor shall any. industry, business, trude, occupation o: profevsion of any kind be7. lo dvelling house or building of any kind, driveways or additions thereto, or altertations thereof shall Le urectod, placed or suffcrà to remain on any sublot unless anduntil the external design, dimensions, location and appurtenances slopes and gradesthereof shall have first been approved in witing by L.M-Cundersen, his successors orassigns and a true copy of the pluns and specifications thereof and the plot plan oftho cublot upon vhich same is to be erccted or placed shall have been lodged permanently8. The requirements with respect to side line setbacks srecified in peragraph 2, abovenamed may be modified as to any sublot by written consent of L-li.Gundersen hereinafterprovided for, if the enforcement of such requirement vould work an undue hardship andif such modifications would not in-1 L-l-Cundersen's judgement result in material' damage Aussmrkngsugpian: Hermina Krupansky (Married) whose TAX MAILING ADDRESS will be 2529 Berkshire Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio ofPA Cleveland Heights , County of Cuyahoga ed and doscribed as follows: Beginning at a point on_the therly line of liorth and Subject to the following rostrictions, rights, easements, to-wit: ridgo line. - cohcres, losuias and similar projections. different race doniciled with an owner or tonant.ane. intainsd or permitted within said suodivision. 9 ith, his successors or assigns. to any other sublot. 9. An easement is hereby reserved for all utility installations and maintenance10. Failure to enforce any of the foregoing restrictions, rights or easementsshall in no event be construed, taken or held to be a waiver thereof or to bean acquiescence in or a consent to any further succeeding breach or violationthereof, and the said L.M.Gundersen shall at any time and at all times have11. These covenants shall run with the land and shall be binding on all par-ties and all persons claiming under them until January 1, 1971. over and under any part of the sublot they may occur. the right to enforce same.
VOL6454 PAGE 69Lega/ Co. Spis WARHANTY DEED-Na. 102A finitllathplies srits 4113 Ciat. I, L.l.Gundersen the Grantorthe Grantee s, doand State of Ohio: for the comsidcration. of Ten and xo/100 dollars ($10.00) and other vul luable C onsidera-tion XXXXXXXXXXXhalauaik.ssaxt received to my full satisfaction ofOipr. (Grant. Matain, Srll anà Cauvey unto the said Grantees, kkRix herheirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the Cityand known as being a part of S.L. No. 12, in the Shaker Heights Land Company's,sion of part of original Warrensville Township Lots Nos. 11-12-13-22-23-24, and" oound-Park Blvd.(60 ft. wide) at the easterly line of S.L. No. RAZ northerly alongsaid casterly line of S.L. No. 12, 510.40 ft. to the northerly line of said S.L. lio.12;Thence vesterly alons said northerly line of S.L. No. 12, 100 ft.; Thence southerly,parullel with said easterly line of S.L. lio. 12, 310.-12 ft. to suid no: therly line oflorth Park Clvd.; Thence easterly, along said northorly line of North Park Blvd.Betha same 1re or less but subject to all legul highwuys. IBPF+ to His piacir beginning1. Each suhlot in said subdivision shall be used solely and exclusively for single pritvate dwelling purposes, and only ono such dwelling house, inclusive of an attached garageer remi-attsched garaje comected to such dwellins by a porch or logsia or covered passageshall be erected, Flaced or suffered to remai in on any one sublot. If such attached oremi-attached garage shell open toward a roadway, the interior thereof shall be finished.2. :o such dwelling house, inclusivo of sarase, porches, verandas, porte cocheres andother similar projections or other buildings of any character whatsoever, shall be erectedplaced or suffcred to remain on any sublot within 15 ft, of any side line thereof, norwithin 100 ft. of lorth Park Blvd. and 20 feet of East Fairfax Road of the front line3. so delling hou. e shull be erected, ple.ced or suffered to romai in on any sublot unlebsthe main section thereof shall be two stories in height, a minimum of 19 ft. fron joist4. lo dweliing house shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain on any sublot hav-J ing a sq. ft. area of less than 800 sq. ft. exclusive of sarage, open or enclosed porches,- or storage rooms and said dvelling house shall have a front dimension of not less than52' which mar. include an attached Garage, except tho corner lot on which tho frontageLecomes a minimum of 32', exclusive of garage, on the Korth Park frontage. Said dvellinghouso frontage may include such attuched or somi-attachod garage excopt as above noted,but shall e oxclusive of a jorch, loggia or covered passage which may connect such somi-attached guraje to such dvelling house, and further shall be exclusive of porches, porte5. lio icrson of any race othor than tho caucasian shall use or occupy any buil-ing orjeny lot, ex ept that th's covenent shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of6. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufoctured, sol or offered forsule, nor shall any. industry, business, trude, occupation o: profevsion of any kind be7. lo dvelling house or building of any kind, driveways or additions thereto, or altertations thereof shall Le urectod, placed or suffcrà to remain on any sublot unless anduntil the external design, dimensions, location and appurtenances slopes and gradesthereof shall have first been approved in witing by L.M-Cundersen, his successors orassigns and a true copy of the pluns and specifications thereof and the plot plan oftho cublot upon vhich same is to be erccted or placed shall have been lodged permanently8. The requirements with respect to side line setbacks srecified in peragraph 2, abovenamed may be modified as to any sublot by written consent of L-li.Gundersen hereinafterprovided for, if the enforcement of such requirement vould work an undue hardship andif such modifications would not in-1 L-l-Cundersen's judgement result in material' damage Aussmrkngsugpian: Hermina Krupansky (Married) whose TAX MAILING ADDRESS will be 2529 Berkshire Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio ofPA Cleveland Heights , County of Cuyahoga ed and doscribed as follows: Beginning at a point on_the therly line of liorth and Subject to the following rostrictions, rights, easements, to-wit: ridgo line. - cohcres, losuias and similar projections. different race doniciled with an owner or tonant.ane. intainsd or permitted within said suodivision. 9 ith, his successors or assigns. to any other sublot. 9. An easement is hereby reserved for all utility installations and maintenance10. Failure to enforce any of the foregoing restrictions, rights or easementsshall in no event be construed, taken or held to be a waiver thereof or to bean acquiescence in or a consent to any further succeeding breach or violationthereof, and the said L.M.Gundersen shall at any time and at all times have11. These covenants shall run with the land and shall be binding on all par-ties and all persons claiming under them until January 1, 1971. over and under any part of the sublot they may occur. the right to enforce same.
5. lo crson of any race othor than tho caucasian shall use or occupy any buil-ing or any lot, ex ept that th's covenent shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race doniciled with an owner or tenant.
5. No person of any race other than the caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]5. lo crson of any race othor than tho caucasian shall use or occupy any buil-ing or any lot, ex ept that th's covenent shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race doniciled with an owner or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]5. No person of any race other than the caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL6454 PAGE 69Lega/ Co. Spis\nWARHANTY DEED-Na. 102A\nfinitllathplies srits\n4113\nCiat. I, L.l.Gundersen\nthe Grantorthe Grantee s, doand State of Ohio:\nfor the comsidcration. of Ten and xo/100 dollars ($10.00) and other vul luable C onsidera-tion XXXXXXXXXXXhalauaik.ssaxt received to my full satisfaction ofOipr. (Grant. Matain, Srll anà Cauvey unto the said Grantees, kkRix herheirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the Cityand known as being a part of S.L. No. 12, in the Shaker Heights Land Company's,sion of part of original Warrensville Township Lots Nos. 11-12-13-22-23-24, and\" oound-Park Blvd.(60 ft. wide) at the easterly line of S.L. No. RAZ northerly alongsaid casterly line of S.L. No. 12, 510.40 ft. to the northerly line of said S.L. lio.12;Thence vesterly alons said northerly line of S.L. No. 12, 100 ft.; Thence southerly,parullel with said easterly line of S.L. lio. 12, 310.-12 ft. to suid no: therly line oflorth Park Clvd.; Thence easterly, along said northorly line of North Park Blvd.Betha same 1re or less but subject to all legul highwuys. IBPF+ to His piacir beginning1. Each suhlot in said subdivision shall be used solely and exclusively for single pritvate dwelling purposes, and only ono such dwelling house, inclusive of an attached garageer remi-attsched garaje comected to such dwellins by a porch or logsia or covered passageshall be erected, Flaced or suffered to remai in on any one sublot. If such attached oremi-attached garage shell open toward a roadway, the interior thereof shall be finished.2. :o such dwelling house, inclusivo of sarase, porches, verandas, porte cocheres andother similar projections or other buildings of any character whatsoever, shall be erectedplaced or suffcred to remain on any sublot within 15 ft, of any side line thereof, norwithin 100 ft. of lorth Park Blvd. and 20 feet of East Fairfax Road of the front line3. so delling hou. e shull be erected, ple.ced or suffered to romai in on any sublot unlebsthe main section thereof shall be two stories in height, a minimum of 19 ft. fron joist4. lo dweliing house shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain on any sublot hav-J ing a sq. ft. area of less than 800 sq. ft. exclusive of sarage, open or enclosed porches,- or storage rooms and said dvelling house shall have a front dimension of not less than52' which mar. include an attached Garage, except tho corner lot on which tho frontageLecomes a minimum of 32', exclusive of garage, on the Korth Park frontage. Said dvellinghouso frontage may include such attuched or somi-attachod garage excopt as above noted,but shall e oxclusive of a jorch, loggia or covered passage which may connect such somi-attached guraje to such dvelling house, and further shall be exclusive of porches, porte5. lio icrson of any race othor than tho caucasian shall use or occupy any buil-ing orjeny lot, ex ept that th's covenent shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of6. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufoctured, sol or offered forsule, nor shall any. industry, business, trude, occupation o: profevsion of any kind be7. lo dvelling house or building of any kind, driveways or additions thereto, or altertations thereof shall Le urectod, placed or suffcrà to remain on any sublot unless anduntil the external design, dimensions, location and appurtenances slopes and gradesthereof shall have first been approved in witing by L.M-Cundersen, his successors orassigns and a true copy of the pluns and specifications thereof and the plot plan oftho cublot upon vhich same is to be erccted or placed shall have been lodged permanently8. The requirements with respect to side line setbacks srecified in peragraph 2, abovenamed may be modified as to any sublot by written consent of L-li.Gundersen hereinafterprovided for, if the enforcement of such requirement vould work an undue hardship andif such modifications would not in-1 L-l-Cundersen's judgement result in material' damage\nAussmrkngsugpian: Hermina Krupansky (Married) whose TAX MAILING\nADDRESS will be 2529 Berkshire Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio\nofPA\nCleveland Heights , County of\nCuyahoga\ned and doscribed as follows:\nBeginning at a point on_the therly line of liorth\nand Subject to the following rostrictions, rights, easements, to-wit:\ ridgo line.\n- cohcres, losuias and similar projections.\ndifferent race doniciled with an owner or tonant.ane. intainsd or permitted within said suodivision.\n9\nith, his successors or assigns.\nto any other sublot.\n9. An easement is hereby reserved for all utility installations and maintenance10. Failure to enforce any of the foregoing restrictions, rights or easementsshall in no event be construed, taken or held to be a waiver thereof or to bean acquiescence in or a consent to any further succeeding breach or violationthereof, and the said L.M.Gundersen shall at any time and at all times have11. These covenants shall run with the land and shall be binding on all par-ties and all persons claiming under them until January 1, 1971.\nover and under any part of the sublot they may occur.\nthe right to enforce same.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]5. lo crson of any race othor than tho caucasian shall use or occupy any buil-ing or\nany lot, ex ept that th's covenent shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of\ndifferent race doniciled with an owner or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]5. No person of any race other than the caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DR VOL00817PAGE234 VoL 617 PAS:234 the This conveyançe is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions plat recorded in the Map Records orly Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: and reservations which are made a part of duld Jots or inthis for subdivision, or recreational except as herelnafter purposes, and any original and described lot in Paragraph 16 herein, to be used only as" residence, 2.. No structures shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to is restricted to such type building, except 'as hereinafter church, single bullding stated. and. and other necessary outbuildings. remain on any building plot other than one private and/or estic No person of ofa different race race than domiciled the Caucaslan with any race owner shall or use tenant. or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- No dry tollets or cesspools shall be permitted on this St.ate thereon. Department. Sewerage and dlposal Erprt septic tank aystem on sewerage or MTSN more by must the CetE have system Denton approved or State Bet and. only sanitary No XSERSSSXSXSXX2 be erected to GOAXK the front! lot line or to KMK KIIKGMDEXCACX) CHMDEKEKIK) (eet. Business (Front bullding are line 25 Rs Side the building lines on e street n than 15 yard line shown on the n bullding lines on interior =4 Et above restrictions.) building or structure 1_be painted on the outside shall. with be two complete or used until the of paint. exterlor All is completely finished and, #f frame or other exterlor material used in main structure shall be brick, unfinished material, shingles, tile, concrete or or roofing. annoyance No obnoxious or muisance or offensive to trade neighborhood. or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which be or permanentiy, No garage. basement, nor shall tent, any structure shack or outbullding erected thel lot herein described shall at any time be used as may become provided that sanitary remtrictions as temporary. set out character fully Be residence, except that trallers may be used residence on any lot temporarily in 10. The ground fbor area of any structure, exclusive of open DIR Vieh. Block 11. Streets, easements and alleys are reserved RS shown on the recorded porches and garages, shall be not less than 600 square feet. E These reatrictions shall be covenanta running with the land and. plat be of said addition for utllity purposes. jority l 1965, owners at which of time said, covenants shall_be automatically shall extended binding upon all parties and all persons claiming under them until for periods often years unless thel lots itis (10) by vote ofa ma- parties hereto, or any of them, or their heirs or covenants shall in whole orin part. to said P any other person. or assigns, violate or attempt to violate any attempting property situated, tov violate in said development or subdivision g prosecute the covenants herein, it shallbe damages or other SEran for DI violation. owning or to GP from 80 doing, the person recover any such covenant, and either to prevent him them 14, Nos structures of any kind are to be moved onto the subdivision or lot thereof withôut the written corisent of the Seller or Developer. idence 15. The such Seller or Developer shall not be responeible to or otherwise, in the subdivision, AE F E obtaining the written not to drainage as hurricanes, natural' tornadoes, rains, floods, Purchaser, bis etc, aasigns, for demages to thesubdivision caused by any : way or interfere Act e S-e lon I W any Block 2 may be T by 6in trailer, RS set 7_and out a!l in Paragraph lots in Blocks herein. Land 2 are reserved for business only, with the excep- permission understood that Lots1 Block Plln: force and sey one of these by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain 18. TOI HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there- toi in anywise belonging unto the said BARRY M. BINION and wife, MARY R. heirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and BINION, their administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, all and singular the said premises unto the said BARRY M. BINION and wife, MARY R. BINION, their heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. aAades xe pmbe pak oxhincxt oecebihssto hatkkocs moaisolut. WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this.. 24th. -day of. Fehrnary m.1971 faphhr Bert H. Bass zGaos Vera W. Bass JOINT ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public, COUNTY OF. Denton. in and for said County, Tezas, on this day personally appeared Bert HA. Bass. and.. Vera. WA.. Bass. his wife, both known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and the said. "Vera. W.. Bass. wife of the said.. Bert. H... Bass. having been privly and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said.. Versa Bass. acknowledged such instrument to bel her act and deed, and she declared that she,had willingly aigne the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it. GIVEN UNDER MYE HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, Thig 2kth. dayof... Febryary. A.D.19.7A Morcky KEKEL Notary Publfc in and for Denton County, (L..) Texas FILED FOR RECORD: s5 _dav 0E2me-PE4D.91 at:Bo'clock BM. ZO_day oapaslAD.97. atDb'clock GM. hesk REÇORDED; BEOmE a DEPUTY THETA PARKER, CLERK COUNTY COURT DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS
DR VOL00817PAGE234 VoL 617 PAS:234 the This conveyançe is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions plat recorded in the Map Records orly Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: and reservations which are made a part of duld Jots or inthis for subdivision, or recreational except as herelnafter purposes, and any original and described lot in Paragraph 16 herein, to be used only as" residence, 2.. No structures shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to is restricted to such type building, except 'as hereinafter church, single bullding stated. and. and other necessary outbuildings. remain on any building plot other than one private and/or estic No person of ofa different race race than domiciled the Caucaslan with any race owner shall or use tenant. or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- No dry tollets or cesspools shall be permitted on this St.ate thereon. Department. Sewerage and dlposal Erprt septic tank aystem on sewerage or MTSN more by must the CetE have system Denton approved or State Bet and. only sanitary No XSERSSSXSXSXX2 be erected to GOAXK the front! lot line or to KMK KIIKGMDEXCACX) CHMDEKEKIK) (eet. Business (Front bullding are line 25 Rs Side the building lines on e street n than 15 yard line shown on the n bullding lines on interior =4 Et above restrictions.) building or structure 1_be painted on the outside shall. with be two complete or used until the of paint. exterlor All is completely finished and, #f frame or other exterlor material used in main structure shall be brick, unfinished material, shingles, tile, concrete or or roofing. annoyance No obnoxious or muisance or offensive to trade neighborhood. or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which be or permanentiy, No garage. basement, nor shall tent, any structure shack or outbullding erected thel lot herein described shall at any time be used as may become provided that sanitary remtrictions as temporary. set out character fully Be residence, except that trallers may be used residence on any lot temporarily in 10. The ground fbor area of any structure, exclusive of open DIR Vieh. Block 11. Streets, easements and alleys are reserved RS shown on the recorded porches and garages, shall be not less than 600 square feet. E These reatrictions shall be covenanta running with the land and. plat be of said addition for utllity purposes. jority l 1965, owners at which of time said, covenants shall_be automatically shall extended binding upon all parties and all persons claiming under them until for periods often years unless thel lots itis (10) by vote ofa ma- parties hereto, or any of them, or their heirs or covenants shall in whole orin part. to said P any other person. or assigns, violate or attempt to violate any attempting property situated, tov violate in said development or subdivision g prosecute the covenants herein, it shallbe damages or other SEran for DI violation. owning or to GP from 80 doing, the person recover any such covenant, and either to prevent him them 14, Nos structures of any kind are to be moved onto the subdivision or lot thereof withôut the written corisent of the Seller or Developer. idence 15. The such Seller or Developer shall not be responeible to or otherwise, in the subdivision, AE F E obtaining the written not to drainage as hurricanes, natural' tornadoes, rains, floods, Purchaser, bis etc, aasigns, for demages to thesubdivision caused by any : way or interfere Act e S-e lon I W any Block 2 may be T by 6in trailer, RS set 7_and out a!l in Paragraph lots in Blocks herein. Land 2 are reserved for business only, with the excep- permission understood that Lots1 Block Plln: force and sey one of these by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain 18. TOI HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there- toi in anywise belonging unto the said BARRY M. BINION and wife, MARY R. heirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and BINION, their administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, all and singular the said premises unto the said BARRY M. BINION and wife, MARY R. BINION, their heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. aAades xe pmbe pak oxhincxt oecebihssto hatkkocs moaisolut. WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this.. 24th. -day of. Fehrnary m.1971 faphhr Bert H. Bass zGaos Vera W. Bass JOINT ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public, COUNTY OF. Denton. in and for said County, Tezas, on this day personally appeared Bert HA. Bass. and.. Vera. WA.. Bass. his wife, both known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and the said. "Vera. W.. Bass. wife of the said.. Bert. H... Bass. having been privly and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said.. Versa Bass. acknowledged such instrument to bel her act and deed, and she declared that she,had willingly aigne the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it. GIVEN UNDER MYE HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, Thig 2kth. dayof... Febryary. A.D.19.7A Morcky KEKEL Notary Publfc in and for Denton County, (L..) Texas FILED FOR RECORD: s5 _dav 0E2me-PE4D.91 at:Bo'clock BM. ZO_day oapaslAD.97. atDb'clock GM. hesk REÇORDED; BEOmE a DEPUTY THETA PARKER, CLERK COUNTY COURT DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS
8. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shail use or mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant. occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-
3. No person of any race other the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]8. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shail use or mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant. occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDR VOL00817PAGE234\nVoL 617 PAS:234\nthe This conveyançe is made subject to the restrictive convenants, conditions\nplat recorded in the Map Records orly Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: and reservations which are made a part of\nduld Jots or inthis for subdivision, or recreational except as herelnafter purposes, and any original and described lot in Paragraph 16 herein, to be used only as\" residence,\n2.. No structures shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to is restricted to such type building, except 'as hereinafter church,\nsingle bullding stated. and.\nand other necessary outbuildings. remain on any building plot other than one\nprivate\nand/or\nestic No person of ofa different race race than domiciled the Caucaslan with any race owner shall or use tenant. or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by\ndo-\nNo dry tollets or cesspools shall be permitted on this\nSt.ate thereon. Department. Sewerage and dlposal Erprt septic tank aystem on sewerage or MTSN more by must the CetE have system Denton approved or State Bet\nand. only sanitary\nNo XSERSSSXSXSXX2 be erected to GOAXK the front! lot line or to KMK KIIKGMDEXCACX) CHMDEKEKIK)\n(eet. Business (Front bullding are line 25 Rs Side the building lines on e street n than 15 yard line shown on the\nn bullding lines on interior =4\nEt\nabove restrictions.)\nbuilding or structure\n1_be painted on the outside shall. with be two complete or used until the of paint. exterlor All\nis completely finished and, #f frame or other\nexterlor material used in main structure shall be brick, unfinished material,\nshingles, tile, concrete or\nor roofing.\nannoyance No obnoxious or muisance or offensive to trade neighborhood. or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which be or\npermanentiy, No garage. basement, nor shall tent, any structure shack or outbullding erected thel lot herein described shall at any time be used as may become\nprovided that sanitary remtrictions as temporary. set out character fully Be\nresidence, except that trallers may be used residence on any lot temporarily in\n10. The ground fbor area of any structure, exclusive of open DIR Vieh.\nBlock\n11. Streets, easements and alleys are reserved RS shown on the recorded porches and garages, shall be not less than 600 square feet.\nE\nThese reatrictions shall be covenanta running with the land and. plat be of said addition for utllity purposes.\njority l 1965, owners at which of time said, covenants shall_be automatically shall extended binding upon all parties and all persons claiming under them\nuntil\nfor\nperiods often years unless\nthel lots itis\n(10)\nby vote ofa ma-\nparties hereto, or any of them, or their heirs or covenants shall in whole orin part.\nto said\nP any other person. or\nassigns, violate or attempt to violate any\nattempting property situated, tov violate in said development or subdivision g prosecute the covenants herein, it shallbe\ndamages or other SEran for DI violation.\nowning\nor to\nGP from 80 doing,\nthe person\nrecover\nany such covenant, and either to prevent him them\n14, Nos structures of any kind are to be moved onto the subdivision or\nlot thereof withôut the written corisent of the Seller or Developer.\nidence 15. The such Seller or Developer shall not be responeible to\nor otherwise, in the subdivision, AE F E obtaining the written not to\ndrainage as hurricanes, natural' tornadoes, rains, floods, Purchaser, bis etc, aasigns, for demages to thesubdivision caused by any\n:\nway or interfere Act\ne S-e\nlon I W any Block 2 may be T by 6in trailer, RS set 7_and out a!l in Paragraph lots in Blocks herein. Land 2 are reserved for business only, with the excep-\npermission\nunderstood that\nLots1\nBlock\nPlln: force and sey one of these\nby judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions\nwhich shall remain\n18.\nTOI HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there-\ntoi in anywise belonging unto the said BARRY M. BINION and wife, MARY R.\nheirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and BINION, their\nadministrators, to Warrant and Forever De-\nfend, all and singular the said premises unto the said\nBARRY M. BINION and\nwife, MARY R. BINION, their\nheirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever\nlawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.\naAades xe pmbe\npak oxhincxt\noecebihssto hatkkocs moaisolut.\nWITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this.. 24th. -day of. Fehrnary\nm.1971\nfaphhr\nBert H. Bass\nzGaos\nVera W. Bass\nJOINT ACKNOWLEDGMENT\nTHE STATE OF TEXAS,\nBEFORE ME, the undersigned, a\nNotary Public,\nCOUNTY OF. Denton.\nin and for said County, Tezas, on this day personally appeared\nBert HA. Bass.\nand.. Vera. WA.. Bass.\nhis wife, both known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged\nto me that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and the said.\n\"Vera. W.. Bass.\nwife of the said.. Bert. H... Bass.\nhaving been\ privly and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said..\nVersa Bass.\nacknowledged such instrument to bel her act and deed, and she declared that\nshe,had willingly aigne the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to\nretract it.\nGIVEN UNDER MYE HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, Thig 2kth. dayof... Febryary.\nA.D.19.7A\nMorcky KEKEL\nNotary Publfc in and for Denton County,\n(L..)\nTexas\nFILED FOR RECORD: s5 _dav 0E2me-PE4D.91 at:Bo'clock BM.\nZO_day oapaslAD.97. atDb'clock GM.\nhesk\nREÇORDED;\nBEOmE\na\nDEPUTY\nTHETA PARKER, CLERK COUNTY COURT\nDENTON COUNTY, TEXAS", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]8. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shail use or\nmestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant. occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] va7450-178 RESTRICTIONS heirs and assigns in consideration of the And the sair Gmmws.lw.themselves_mw.their. execution and delivery of this Deed, hereby covenant.. and agrec... with the said Grantor, its successors and assigns, toh holds said real estate herein described upon the following terms. The said reservations and restrictions are part of a general scheme applied to all parcels in Settlement Acres No. 3 and said Grantur, Brook Park Land Co., covenants that said restrictions and reservations shall be and are hereby im- posed upon all the said property known as Settlement Acres No. 3 now belonging to the Grantor. (1) Said premises shall be used exclusively for dweiling house purposes, and that no house shall be erected thereon Eh construction of which shall be less than XXXXXXXX0XXXXX pAco0s and 110 two-family or double house, the more than two families. Nos single house shallb be erected, placed or suffered to remain on said premises, the cost cost of construction of which shall be less than EXXXXXXXXXA nor shall such house, excluding porch, feet ofe either of thes side lines of said premises. Single" home 97560 Double home $10,000 thefront Jot line, nor within eight (8) seventy-five be erected, placed or sulfered to remain thereon, (2) Nof fence or wall of any kind shall be erected or maintained on any part of the premises hereby. conveyed, which shall approach nearert the front lot! line than the rear of the dwelling erected on the above described premises. (3) Not temporary building of any kind or nature shall be crected or maintained on said premises, or on any of the parcels in Settlement Acres No. 3, which is to be used as a residence prior to the construction of a permanent dwelling thereon. However,a temporary structure may be erected on the rear of thet premises for the use of storing farm machin- ery and garden tools, (4) Garages may be attached to the dwelling bouse; otherwise garage must set back at least (50) feet from the rear oft the house. Barns and other out buildings, used for storing farm machinery and tools, the housing of chickens ora cow, must set! back two hundred (200) feet fromt the front lot line. (5) A sanitary chemical toilet or septic tank must be built or used with cach residence until such time as a sewerage Bystem is installed and available for use. No separate. building shall be allowed to be built or used for sanitary conveni- ence. This applies to parcels not now serviced by Sanitary sewers. (G) The prenises hercin described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race. (7) The raising or maintaining of a hog or hogs, a goat or goats, shall not be permitted on the premises herein contained, (8) Parcels No, 4 and 5, fronting on West 130th Street. are restricted for business purposes, but any building con- structed thereon must set-back ffty (50), feet from the front lotl line, and must be construeted of brick, stone or fireproof material. This fifty (50) foot set-back also applies to the construction of a residence building. (9) All parcels fronting on West 130th Street, numbering from one to eight inclusive, must set back fifty (50) feet from the front lot line. shall be erected, maintained or suffered to remain on any of (10) No residence or building of any kind the parcels in Settlement Acres No. 3, the architectural plans for which have not been filed with the Grantor herein, and then only after said plans have been approved in writing by an officer of the said company. The herein enumerated rights, restrictions, agreements, covenants, limitations, reservations and conditions, shall be deemed as covenants and not as conditions hereof and shall run with the land, and each and every parcel in Settlement Acres No. 3, except as hereinbefore specified, shall be subject to the same restrictions, and each deed except ns hereinbe- fore specified, shall contain the same restrictions, provisions und inure to the benefit of all parties owning land in the same vicinity which may be affected by these restrictions, and especially to the owners of the parcels to which these re- strictions apply, ands shall bind the Grantee, his heirs and assigns, until the 1st day of January, 1970. bet thes same more orl less but subject to all legal highi uays. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurterances thereunto belonging, unto the said Grantee s, their heirs and assigns forever. And the BROOK PARK LAND CO. said Grantor, does for itself and its successors and assigns, comenant with the said Grantees. their .heir and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, it is well seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE: S/MPLE, and has good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above seritten, that the same are free and clear from all incumbrances whatsoever except restrictions as sel forth above ad Zoning ordinances, if any and taxes for the year 1951. and tnereafter and that it will WARRANT AND DEFEND said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, tot the said Grantee S their. heirs and assigns forever, against all lavful claims and demands whatsoever except as set forth above..
va7450-178 RESTRICTIONS heirs and assigns in consideration of the And the sair Gmmws.lw.themselves_mw.their. execution and delivery of this Deed, hereby covenant.. and agrec... with the said Grantor, its successors and assigns, toh holds said real estate herein described upon the following terms. The said reservations and restrictions are part of a general scheme applied to all parcels in Settlement Acres No. 3 and said Grantur, Brook Park Land Co., covenants that said restrictions and reservations shall be and are hereby im- posed upon all the said property known as Settlement Acres No. 3 now belonging to the Grantor. (1) Said premises shall be used exclusively for dweiling house purposes, and that no house shall be erected thereon Eh construction of which shall be less than XXXXXXXX0XXXXX pAco0s and 110 two-family or double house, the more than two families. Nos single house shallb be erected, placed or suffered to remain on said premises, the cost cost of construction of which shall be less than EXXXXXXXXXA nor shall such house, excluding porch, feet ofe either of thes side lines of said premises. Single" home 97560 Double home $10,000 thefront Jot line, nor within eight (8) seventy-five be erected, placed or sulfered to remain thereon, (2) Nof fence or wall of any kind shall be erected or maintained on any part of the premises hereby. conveyed, which shall approach nearert the front lot! line than the rear of the dwelling erected on the above described premises. (3) Not temporary building of any kind or nature shall be crected or maintained on said premises, or on any of the parcels in Settlement Acres No. 3, which is to be used as a residence prior to the construction of a permanent dwelling thereon. However,a temporary structure may be erected on the rear of thet premises for the use of storing farm machin- ery and garden tools, (4) Garages may be attached to the dwelling bouse; otherwise garage must set back at least (50) feet from the rear oft the house. Barns and other out buildings, used for storing farm machinery and tools, the housing of chickens ora cow, must set! back two hundred (200) feet fromt the front lot line. (5) A sanitary chemical toilet or septic tank must be built or used with cach residence until such time as a sewerage Bystem is installed and available for use. No separate. building shall be allowed to be built or used for sanitary conveni- ence. This applies to parcels not now serviced by Sanitary sewers. (G) The prenises hercin described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race. (7) The raising or maintaining of a hog or hogs, a goat or goats, shall not be permitted on the premises herein contained, (8) Parcels No, 4 and 5, fronting on West 130th Street. are restricted for business purposes, but any building con- structed thereon must set-back ffty (50), feet from the front lotl line, and must be construeted of brick, stone or fireproof material. This fifty (50) foot set-back also applies to the construction of a residence building. (9) All parcels fronting on West 130th Street, numbering from one to eight inclusive, must set back fifty (50) feet from the front lot line. shall be erected, maintained or suffered to remain on any of (10) No residence or building of any kind the parcels in Settlement Acres No. 3, the architectural plans for which have not been filed with the Grantor herein, and then only after said plans have been approved in writing by an officer of the said company. The herein enumerated rights, restrictions, agreements, covenants, limitations, reservations and conditions, shall be deemed as covenants and not as conditions hereof and shall run with the land, and each and every parcel in Settlement Acres No. 3, except as hereinbefore specified, shall be subject to the same restrictions, and each deed except ns hereinbe- fore specified, shall contain the same restrictions, provisions und inure to the benefit of all parties owning land in the same vicinity which may be affected by these restrictions, and especially to the owners of the parcels to which these re- strictions apply, ands shall bind the Grantee, his heirs and assigns, until the 1st day of January, 1970. bet thes same more orl less but subject to all legal highi uays. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurterances thereunto belonging, unto the said Grantee s, their heirs and assigns forever. And the BROOK PARK LAND CO. said Grantor, does for itself and its successors and assigns, comenant with the said Grantees. their .heir and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, it is well seized of the above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE: S/MPLE, and has good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above seritten, that the same are free and clear from all incumbrances whatsoever except restrictions as sel forth above ad Zoning ordinances, if any and taxes for the year 1951. and tnereafter and that it will WARRANT AND DEFEND said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, tot the said Grantee S their. heirs and assigns forever, against all lavful claims and demands whatsoever except as set forth above..
(G) The prenuises bercin described shall noi be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
(6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](G) The prenuises bercin described shall noi be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nva7450-178\nRESTRICTIONS\nheirs and assigns in consideration of the\nAnd the sair Gmmws.lw.themselves_mw.their.\nexecution and delivery of this Deed, hereby covenant.. and agrec... with the said Grantor, its successors and assigns,\ntoh holds said real estate herein described upon the following terms.\nThe said reservations and restrictions are part of a general scheme applied to all parcels in Settlement Acres No. 3\nand said Grantur, Brook Park Land Co., covenants that said restrictions and reservations shall be and are hereby im-\nposed upon all the said property known as Settlement Acres No. 3 now belonging to the Grantor.\n(1) Said premises shall be used exclusively for dweiling house purposes, and that no house shall be erected thereon\nEh construction of which shall be less than XXXXXXXX0XXXXX pAco0s and 110 two-family or double house, the\nmore than two families. Nos single house shallb be erected, placed or suffered to remain on said premises, the cost\ncost of construction of which shall be less than EXXXXXXXXXA nor shall such house, excluding porch,\nfeet ofe either of thes side lines of said premises. Single\" home 97560 Double home $10,000\nthefront Jot line, nor within eight (8)\nseventy-five\nbe erected, placed or sulfered to remain thereon,\n(2) Nof fence or wall of any kind shall be erected or maintained on any part of the premises hereby. conveyed, which\nshall approach nearert the front lot! line than the rear of the dwelling erected on the above described premises.\n(3) Not temporary building of any kind or nature shall be crected or maintained on said premises, or on any of the\nparcels in Settlement Acres No. 3, which is to be used as a residence prior to the construction of a permanent dwelling\nthereon. However,a temporary structure may be erected on the rear of thet premises for the use of storing farm machin-\nery and garden tools,\n(4) Garages may be attached to the dwelling bouse; otherwise garage must set back at least (50) feet from the rear\noft the house. Barns and other out buildings, used for storing farm machinery and tools, the housing of chickens ora cow,\nmust set! back two hundred (200) feet fromt the front lot line.\n(5) A sanitary chemical toilet or septic tank must be built or used with cach residence until such time as a sewerage\nBystem is installed and available for use. No separate. building shall be allowed to be built or used for sanitary conveni-\nence. This applies to parcels not now serviced by Sanitary sewers.\n(G) The prenises hercin described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons\nnot of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.\n(7) The raising or maintaining of a hog or hogs, a goat or goats, shall not be permitted on the premises herein\ncontained,\n(8) Parcels No, 4 and 5, fronting on West 130th Street. are restricted for business purposes, but any building con-\nstructed thereon must set-back ffty (50), feet from the front lotl line, and must be construeted of brick, stone or fireproof\nmaterial. This fifty (50) foot set-back also applies to the construction of a residence building.\n(9) All parcels fronting on West 130th Street, numbering from one to eight inclusive, must set back fifty (50) feet\nfrom the front lot line.\nshall be erected, maintained or suffered to remain on any of\n(10) No residence or building of any kind\nthe parcels in Settlement Acres No. 3, the architectural plans for which have not been filed with the Grantor herein, and\nthen only after said plans have been approved in writing by an officer of the said company.\nThe herein enumerated rights, restrictions, agreements, covenants, limitations, reservations and conditions, shall be\ndeemed as covenants and not as conditions hereof and shall run with the land, and each and every parcel in Settlement\nAcres No. 3, except as hereinbefore specified, shall be subject to the same restrictions, and each deed except ns hereinbe-\nfore specified, shall contain the same restrictions, provisions und inure to the benefit of all parties owning land in the\nsame vicinity which may be affected by these restrictions, and especially to the owners of the parcels to which these re-\nstrictions apply, ands shall bind the Grantee, his heirs and assigns, until the 1st day of January, 1970.\nbet thes same more orl less but subject to all legal highi uays.\nTO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the appurterances\nthereunto belonging, unto the said Grantee s, their heirs and assigns forever. And\nthe\nBROOK PARK LAND CO.\nsaid Grantor, does for itself and its successors and assigns, comenant with the said Grantees.\ntheir .heir and assigns, that at and until the ensealing of these presents, it is well seized of\nthe above described premises, as a good and indefeasible estate in FEE: S/MPLE, and has good right to\nbargain and sell the same in manner and form as above seritten, that the same are free and clear\nfrom all incumbrances whatsoever except restrictions as sel forth above ad Zoning ordinances, if any\nand taxes for the year 1951. and tnereafter\nand that it will WARRANT AND DEFEND said premises, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging,\ntot the said Grantee S their.\nheirs and assigns forever, against all lavful claims and demands\nwhatsoever except as set forth above..", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](G) The prenuises bercin described shall noi be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons\nnot of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used, by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 1a8419 PAGE260 1. The parcel hereby conveyed or enlarged as provided in paragraph 2 herein, shall be used solelyand exclusively for private single family residence purposes and shall be used and occupied by a singlefamily, including its family servants, and no more than one dwelling house, together with attached2. The parcel hereby conveyed may not be subdivided except for the purpose of enlarging the3. No buildings, except dwelling houses, shall be used or maintained for living purposes, eithertemporary or permanent, and no person or persons shall use for living or dwelling purposes, either4. No portion of the within described premises, nearer to any highway than the building linesestablished by the Village of Independence, shall be used for any purpose other than that of a lawn;nothing herein contained however, shall bec construed as preventing the use of such portion ofs said premisesfor walks and drives, the planting of trees or shrubbery, the growing of fowers or ornamental plants, orfor statuary, fountains and other ornamentations, for the purpose of beautifying said premises; but novegetables, so-called, nor grains of the ordinary garden or field variety shall be grown upon such portionthereof; and no weeds, underbrush or other unsightly growths, shall be permitted to grow or remainanywhere upon said premises and no unsightly objects shall be allowed to be placed or suffered to remainanywhere thereon. No chickens or other fowl, or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential lot which has a firstAoor area, exclusive of garage and porches, of less than 1,400 square feet. No dwelling house shall beerected ors suffered to remain on any residential lot unless the ridge of the roof is at least 13 feet and notmore than 16 feet above the finished first foor. No garage, studio, or other attached building shall beerected or suffered to remain which has a Aoor area of less than 360 square feet or more than 800 squarefeet, and a gable or gambrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the finished Roor, and the design andmaterials used shall harmonize with the dwelling. No garage entrance shall be permitted to face toward6. The Grantor reserves the right to grant consents to, and to petition the gas companies, electriclight companies, municipal or county authorities for the extension of their respective services, which, inthe opinion of the Grantor, are necessary in the highways upon which the premises herein described shallfront or abut, and the owner agrees to and hereby consents to and affirms all agreements that may beentered into between the Grantor and above named parties with respect to binding the owner for the7. The Grantor, its successors and assigns, reserve the right to waive, change or cancel any and allthe restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to the parcel herein conveyed and to any andall sublots in the subdivision of which the foregoing is a part, if in its judgment the purposes of saiddevelopment can be better served. However, before any waiver, change or cancellation of any restrictionscontained in this instrument be effective, the approval of such waiver, change or cancellations, by the8. No nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed, orsuffered to remain upon said premises. No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufacturedors sold whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. No commercial oil or gas well shall be drilledThe Grantor, its successor or assigns, hereby reserve easements and rights-of-way in, over,under and across the rear five feet of each parcel conveyed for the purpose of installing and the mainte-nance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the side10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by anyperson or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasec,or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant ors servants of a Caucasian occupier.11. The Grantor reserves and is hereby granted the right in case of any violation or breach of anyof the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants. and conditions in this deedcontained, to enter the property upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and to summarilyabate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing, or condition that may be orexist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof as interpreted by the Grantor,and the Grantor shall not, by reason thereof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry,abatement or removal, A failure to endorse any of the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations,agreements, covenants and conditions contained. in this deed, shall in no event be construed, taken or heldtobeav waiver thereof or acquiescence. inc or consent toa any further or succeeding breach or violation thereof.12. The location of any and allo driveways shall be and remain as now established upon said premises,or, if not now established, shall be determined by the Architectural Board of the Village of Independenceatt the time of the approval of the plans and specifications for said dwelling. No driveway shall be located,relocated or suffered to remain upon said premises except as now located or determined by the said Board. accessory buildings shall be erected or suffered to remain upon said parcel. abutting parcels. temporary or permanent, any barn, trailer, garage, shack or shed. the parcel conveyed. any street. proportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said premises hercin described. Council of the Village of Independence shall first have been obtained. on said premises.line of each parcel.
1a8419 PAGE260 1. The parcel hereby conveyed or enlarged as provided in paragraph 2 herein, shall be used solelyand exclusively for private single family residence purposes and shall be used and occupied by a singlefamily, including its family servants, and no more than one dwelling house, together with attached2. The parcel hereby conveyed may not be subdivided except for the purpose of enlarging the3. No buildings, except dwelling houses, shall be used or maintained for living purposes, eithertemporary or permanent, and no person or persons shall use for living or dwelling purposes, either4. No portion of the within described premises, nearer to any highway than the building linesestablished by the Village of Independence, shall be used for any purpose other than that of a lawn;nothing herein contained however, shall bec construed as preventing the use of such portion ofs said premisesfor walks and drives, the planting of trees or shrubbery, the growing of fowers or ornamental plants, orfor statuary, fountains and other ornamentations, for the purpose of beautifying said premises; but novegetables, so-called, nor grains of the ordinary garden or field variety shall be grown upon such portionthereof; and no weeds, underbrush or other unsightly growths, shall be permitted to grow or remainanywhere upon said premises and no unsightly objects shall be allowed to be placed or suffered to remainanywhere thereon. No chickens or other fowl, or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential lot which has a firstAoor area, exclusive of garage and porches, of less than 1,400 square feet. No dwelling house shall beerected ors suffered to remain on any residential lot unless the ridge of the roof is at least 13 feet and notmore than 16 feet above the finished first foor. No garage, studio, or other attached building shall beerected or suffered to remain which has a Aoor area of less than 360 square feet or more than 800 squarefeet, and a gable or gambrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the finished Roor, and the design andmaterials used shall harmonize with the dwelling. No garage entrance shall be permitted to face toward6. The Grantor reserves the right to grant consents to, and to petition the gas companies, electriclight companies, municipal or county authorities for the extension of their respective services, which, inthe opinion of the Grantor, are necessary in the highways upon which the premises herein described shallfront or abut, and the owner agrees to and hereby consents to and affirms all agreements that may beentered into between the Grantor and above named parties with respect to binding the owner for the7. The Grantor, its successors and assigns, reserve the right to waive, change or cancel any and allthe restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to the parcel herein conveyed and to any andall sublots in the subdivision of which the foregoing is a part, if in its judgment the purposes of saiddevelopment can be better served. However, before any waiver, change or cancellation of any restrictionscontained in this instrument be effective, the approval of such waiver, change or cancellations, by the8. No nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed, orsuffered to remain upon said premises. No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufacturedors sold whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. No commercial oil or gas well shall be drilledThe Grantor, its successor or assigns, hereby reserve easements and rights-of-way in, over,under and across the rear five feet of each parcel conveyed for the purpose of installing and the mainte-nance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the side10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by anyperson or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasec,or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant ors servants of a Caucasian occupier.11. The Grantor reserves and is hereby granted the right in case of any violation or breach of anyof the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants. and conditions in this deedcontained, to enter the property upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and to summarilyabate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing, or condition that may be orexist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof as interpreted by the Grantor,and the Grantor shall not, by reason thereof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry,abatement or removal, A failure to endorse any of the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations,agreements, covenants and conditions contained. in this deed, shall in no event be construed, taken or heldtobeav waiver thereof or acquiescence. inc or consent toa any further or succeeding breach or violation thereof.12. The location of any and allo driveways shall be and remain as now established upon said premises,or, if not now established, shall be determined by the Architectural Board of the Village of Independenceatt the time of the approval of the plans and specifications for said dwelling. No driveway shall be located,relocated or suffered to remain upon said premises except as now located or determined by the said Board. accessory buildings shall be erected or suffered to remain upon said parcel. abutting parcels. temporary or permanent, any barn, trailer, garage, shack or shed. the parcel conveyed. any street. proportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said premises hercin described. Council of the Village of Independence shall first have been obtained. on said premises.line of each parcel.
10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.
10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n1a8419 PAGE260\n1. The parcel hereby conveyed or enlarged as provided in paragraph 2 herein, shall be used solelyand exclusively for private single family residence purposes and shall be used and occupied by a singlefamily, including its family servants, and no more than one dwelling house, together with attached2. The parcel hereby conveyed may not be subdivided except for the purpose of enlarging the3. No buildings, except dwelling houses, shall be used or maintained for living purposes, eithertemporary or permanent, and no person or persons shall use for living or dwelling purposes, either4. No portion of the within described premises, nearer to any highway than the building linesestablished by the Village of Independence, shall be used for any purpose other than that of a lawn;nothing herein contained however, shall bec construed as preventing the use of such portion ofs said premisesfor walks and drives, the planting of trees or shrubbery, the growing of fowers or ornamental plants, orfor statuary, fountains and other ornamentations, for the purpose of beautifying said premises; but novegetables, so-called, nor grains of the ordinary garden or field variety shall be grown upon such portionthereof; and no weeds, underbrush or other unsightly growths, shall be permitted to grow or remainanywhere upon said premises and no unsightly objects shall be allowed to be placed or suffered to remainanywhere thereon. No chickens or other fowl, or livestock of any kind shall be kept or harbored on. No dwelling house shall be erected or suffered to remain on any residential lot which has a firstAoor area, exclusive of garage and porches, of less than 1,400 square feet. No dwelling house shall beerected ors suffered to remain on any residential lot unless the ridge of the roof is at least 13 feet and notmore than 16 feet above the finished first foor. No garage, studio, or other attached building shall beerected or suffered to remain which has a Aoor area of less than 360 square feet or more than 800 squarefeet, and a gable or gambrel roof with ridge at least 11 feet above the finished Roor, and the design andmaterials used shall harmonize with the dwelling. No garage entrance shall be permitted to face toward6. The Grantor reserves the right to grant consents to, and to petition the gas companies, electriclight companies, municipal or county authorities for the extension of their respective services, which, inthe opinion of the Grantor, are necessary in the highways upon which the premises herein described shallfront or abut, and the owner agrees to and hereby consents to and affirms all agreements that may beentered into between the Grantor and above named parties with respect to binding the owner for the7. The Grantor, its successors and assigns, reserve the right to waive, change or cancel any and allthe restrictions contained in this instrument in respect to the parcel herein conveyed and to any andall sublots in the subdivision of which the foregoing is a part, if in its judgment the purposes of saiddevelopment can be better served. However, before any waiver, change or cancellation of any restrictionscontained in this instrument be effective, the approval of such waiver, change or cancellations, by the8. No nuisance, advertising sign, billboard or other advertising device shall be erected, placed, orsuffered to remain upon said premises. No spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors shall be manufacturedors sold whether at wholesale or retail, upon said premises. No commercial oil or gas well shall be drilledThe Grantor, its successor or assigns, hereby reserve easements and rights-of-way in, over,under and across the rear five feet of each parcel conveyed for the purpose of installing and the mainte-nance of pole lines and conduits for public utilities with access to said reserved portion along the side10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by anyperson or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasec,or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant ors servants of a Caucasian occupier.11. The Grantor reserves and is hereby granted the right in case of any violation or breach of anyof the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations, agreements, covenants. and conditions in this deedcontained, to enter the property upon or as to which such violation or breach exists, and to summarilyabate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any erection, thing, or condition that may be orexist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof as interpreted by the Grantor,and the Grantor shall not, by reason thereof, be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry,abatement or removal, A failure to endorse any of the restrictions, rights, reservations, limitations,agreements, covenants and conditions contained. in this deed, shall in no event be construed, taken or heldtobeav waiver thereof or acquiescence. inc or consent toa any further or succeeding breach or violation thereof.12. The location of any and allo driveways shall be and remain as now established upon said premises,or, if not now established, shall be determined by the Architectural Board of the Village of Independenceatt the time of the approval of the plans and specifications for said dwelling. No driveway shall be located,relocated or suffered to remain upon said premises except as now located or determined by the said Board.\naccessory buildings shall be erected or suffered to remain upon said parcel.\nabutting parcels.\ntemporary or permanent, any barn, trailer, garage, shack or shed.\nthe parcel conveyed.\nany street.\nproportionate cost of said extensions as applied to said premises hercin described.\nCouncil of the Village of Independence shall first have been obtained.\non said premises.line of each parcel.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any\nperson or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee,\nor otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]10. No parcel of land herein described, or any portion thereof, shall be used or occupied by any person or persons of any race other than Caucasian, whether such use and occupancy be as owner, leasee, or otherwise, except that this provision shall not apply to the servant or servants of a Caucasian occupier.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] SNw103278044 V.6833-7 700 Knou all flen by thpse firesents, That Indian Hills Estates Co., a Corporation, incorporatedunder the lazs of the state of Indiana, the Grantor, for the consideration of. ----Ten-- mo/100--w-Daler: (S.10.00---.). received to its full satisfaction of Jack W.. Barris and Henry F. Hocevarussigns, the follozing described premises: the Grantee.S,their.. heirs and (1761 Wickford Rd. Cleveland, Ohio) dors gire, grant, bargain. sell and convey anto the said Grantee... s. Situated in the City of Euclid, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, knoen ns beinginl Indian Hills Estates Co.'s Re-Subdivision of Indian Hills Estates ScctionOne, as shown by the recorded plat in Volume 57, Paye 12, of CugahogaCounty Records of Maps, lo aehich reference is hereby made jor the sizcand bounduries of said Sub-Lot. be the same more or less, but subjcct toall legal highzvays. Also subject to the zoning Ordinances oj the Cify of Sub-Lot..... No. Two. Hundred.. Tyelve. (212.).. Euclid und to all restrictions of record. And the Grantee does for.. thenseives theirheirs and assigns, in consideration of the execution and delivery of this deed, hereby covenant and agree with the Grantor, its successorsand assigns to hold said real estate herein described upon the followingt terms:(a) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residence purposes and no structure shallbe erected on any residential building plot other than one single family dwelling not to exceed(b) No building shall be erected on any residential building plot nearer than thirty (30) feetto. nor farther than fifty (50) feet from thei front Sub-Lot line, nor nearer than five (5) feet to: anyside Sub-Lot line, except on Sub-Lots where the topography of the land does not permit. in whichevent the building line will be established by Indian Hills Estates Co., or by the Committee(c) No fence or wall exceeding three (3) feet in) height shall be erected or maintained on anypart of any Sub-Lot, nor shall any fence or wall be erected or maintained within forty (40) feet of(d) None of said Sub-Lots shall be re-subdivided into building plots having an area lessthan shown on the plat of the subdivision as recorded in Volume 57, Page 12, of Cuyahoga County(e) No spirituous, vinous, nor fermented liquors shall be manufnctured or sold, either atwholesale or retail, on said premises. No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon anySub-Lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building onany Sub-Lot. except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif-(g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, barn, or other outbuilding erected in the tract shallat any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a(h) No structure shall be moved onto any Sub-Lot unless it meets with the approval of thecommittce hercinafter referred to, or if there is no committec it shall conform to and bei in har-(i) During the period in which Indian Hills Estates Co. or its successors, owns any of suchSub-Lots, no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot until the design and location thereof haveor a representative which it may appoint for that purpose, or its successors. After Indian HillsEstates Co., or its successor, ceases to be the owner of any such Sub-Lots, a committee of three(3) members ciected by a majority of the owners of Sub-Lots, in said Re-subdivision shall passupon designs and locations for buildings, and no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot untilsuch committee shall have in writing approved the design and location thereof. However, ine eventIndian Hills Estates Co., its successors, or representative to whom is submitted for approval adesign and location. fails to approve or disapprove such design or location within (30) days fromthe time of such submission, or in case approval is to be by committee as aforesaid and there isnos such committee in existence, or if such committee fails to approve or disapprove a design orlocation within thirty (30) days from the time of such submission. then in cach such event, suchapproval of design andi location will not be required, but no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot, the design and location of which is not in conformity to, and in harmony with, existing struc-tures in the tract. In no case, whether the design and location of a dwelling has been approved ornot under the foregoing provisions, shall any dwelling be permitted on any Sub-Lot in the tract,the cost of construction which is less than six thousand ($6,000.00) dollars and the ground floorarea of which is less than seven hundred and fifty (750) square fect. in case of a one-story struc-ture or less than's six hundred (600) square feet, in case of a one and one-half story or two-story two stories in height and a one- or two-car garage. referred to in paragraph (i) hereof.the Street on which said Sub-Lot fronts. records of Maps.the neighborhood. ferent race, employed by owner or tenant.temporary character be permitted.mony with existing structures in the tract. been approved in writing by Indian Hills Estates Co., structure.
SNw103278044 V.6833-7 700 Knou all flen by thpse firesents, That Indian Hills Estates Co., a Corporation, incorporatedunder the lazs of the state of Indiana, the Grantor, for the consideration of. ----Ten-- mo/100--w-Daler: (S.10.00---.). received to its full satisfaction of Jack W.. Barris and Henry F. Hocevarussigns, the follozing described premises: the Grantee.S,their.. heirs and (1761 Wickford Rd. Cleveland, Ohio) dors gire, grant, bargain. sell and convey anto the said Grantee... s. Situated in the City of Euclid, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, knoen ns beinginl Indian Hills Estates Co.'s Re-Subdivision of Indian Hills Estates ScctionOne, as shown by the recorded plat in Volume 57, Paye 12, of CugahogaCounty Records of Maps, lo aehich reference is hereby made jor the sizcand bounduries of said Sub-Lot. be the same more or less, but subjcct toall legal highzvays. Also subject to the zoning Ordinances oj the Cify of Sub-Lot..... No. Two. Hundred.. Tyelve. (212.).. Euclid und to all restrictions of record. And the Grantee does for.. thenseives theirheirs and assigns, in consideration of the execution and delivery of this deed, hereby covenant and agree with the Grantor, its successorsand assigns to hold said real estate herein described upon the followingt terms:(a) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residence purposes and no structure shallbe erected on any residential building plot other than one single family dwelling not to exceed(b) No building shall be erected on any residential building plot nearer than thirty (30) feetto. nor farther than fifty (50) feet from thei front Sub-Lot line, nor nearer than five (5) feet to: anyside Sub-Lot line, except on Sub-Lots where the topography of the land does not permit. in whichevent the building line will be established by Indian Hills Estates Co., or by the Committee(c) No fence or wall exceeding three (3) feet in) height shall be erected or maintained on anypart of any Sub-Lot, nor shall any fence or wall be erected or maintained within forty (40) feet of(d) None of said Sub-Lots shall be re-subdivided into building plots having an area lessthan shown on the plat of the subdivision as recorded in Volume 57, Page 12, of Cuyahoga County(e) No spirituous, vinous, nor fermented liquors shall be manufnctured or sold, either atwholesale or retail, on said premises. No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon anySub-Lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building onany Sub-Lot. except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif-(g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, barn, or other outbuilding erected in the tract shallat any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a(h) No structure shall be moved onto any Sub-Lot unless it meets with the approval of thecommittce hercinafter referred to, or if there is no committec it shall conform to and bei in har-(i) During the period in which Indian Hills Estates Co. or its successors, owns any of suchSub-Lots, no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot until the design and location thereof haveor a representative which it may appoint for that purpose, or its successors. After Indian HillsEstates Co., or its successor, ceases to be the owner of any such Sub-Lots, a committee of three(3) members ciected by a majority of the owners of Sub-Lots, in said Re-subdivision shall passupon designs and locations for buildings, and no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot untilsuch committee shall have in writing approved the design and location thereof. However, ine eventIndian Hills Estates Co., its successors, or representative to whom is submitted for approval adesign and location. fails to approve or disapprove such design or location within (30) days fromthe time of such submission, or in case approval is to be by committee as aforesaid and there isnos such committee in existence, or if such committee fails to approve or disapprove a design orlocation within thirty (30) days from the time of such submission. then in cach such event, suchapproval of design andi location will not be required, but no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot, the design and location of which is not in conformity to, and in harmony with, existing struc-tures in the tract. In no case, whether the design and location of a dwelling has been approved ornot under the foregoing provisions, shall any dwelling be permitted on any Sub-Lot in the tract,the cost of construction which is less than six thousand ($6,000.00) dollars and the ground floorarea of which is less than seven hundred and fifty (750) square fect. in case of a one-story struc-ture or less than's six hundred (600) square feet, in case of a one and one-half story or two-story two stories in height and a one- or two-car garage. referred to in paragraph (i) hereof.the Street on which said Sub-Lot fronts. records of Maps.the neighborhood. ferent race, employed by owner or tenant.temporary character be permitted.mony with existing structures in the tract. been approved in writing by Indian Hills Estates Co., structure.
(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif- ferent race, employed by owner or tenant.
(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race, employed by owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif- ferent race, employed by owner or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race, employed by owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nSNw103278044\nV.6833-7 700\nKnou all flen by thpse firesents, That Indian Hills Estates Co., a Corporation, incorporatedunder the lazs of the state of Indiana, the Grantor, for the consideration of. ----Ten-- mo/100--w-Daler: (S.10.00---.). received to its full satisfaction of\nJack W.. Barris and Henry F. Hocevarussigns, the follozing described premises:\nthe Grantee.S,their.. heirs and\n(1761 Wickford Rd. Cleveland, Ohio)\ndors gire, grant, bargain. sell and convey anto the said Grantee... s.\nSituated in the City of Euclid, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, knoen ns beinginl Indian Hills Estates Co.'s Re-Subdivision of Indian Hills Estates ScctionOne, as shown by the recorded plat in Volume 57, Paye 12, of CugahogaCounty Records of Maps, lo aehich reference is hereby made jor the sizcand bounduries of said Sub-Lot. be the same more or less, but subjcct toall legal highzvays. Also subject to the zoning Ordinances oj the Cify of\nSub-Lot..... No. Two. Hundred.. Tyelve. (212.)..\nEuclid und to all restrictions of record.\nAnd the Grantee does for.. thenseives\ntheirheirs and assigns, in consideration of the\nexecution and delivery of this deed, hereby covenant and agree with the Grantor, its successorsand assigns to hold said real estate herein described upon the followingt terms:(a) Said premises shall be used exclusively for residence purposes and no structure shallbe erected on any residential building plot other than one single family dwelling not to exceed(b) No building shall be erected on any residential building plot nearer than thirty (30) feetto. nor farther than fifty (50) feet from thei front Sub-Lot line, nor nearer than five (5) feet to: anyside Sub-Lot line, except on Sub-Lots where the topography of the land does not permit. in whichevent the building line will be established by Indian Hills Estates Co., or by the Committee(c) No fence or wall exceeding three (3) feet in) height shall be erected or maintained on anypart of any Sub-Lot, nor shall any fence or wall be erected or maintained within forty (40) feet of(d) None of said Sub-Lots shall be re-subdivided into building plots having an area lessthan shown on the plat of the subdivision as recorded in Volume 57, Page 12, of Cuyahoga County(e) No spirituous, vinous, nor fermented liquors shall be manufnctured or sold, either atwholesale or retail, on said premises. No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon anySub-Lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to(f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building onany Sub-Lot. except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif-(g) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, barn, or other outbuilding erected in the tract shallat any time be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a(h) No structure shall be moved onto any Sub-Lot unless it meets with the approval of thecommittce hercinafter referred to, or if there is no committec it shall conform to and bei in har-(i) During the period in which Indian Hills Estates Co. or its successors, owns any of suchSub-Lots, no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot until the design and location thereof haveor a representative which it may appoint for that purpose, or its successors. After Indian HillsEstates Co., or its successor, ceases to be the owner of any such Sub-Lots, a committee of three(3) members ciected by a majority of the owners of Sub-Lots, in said Re-subdivision shall passupon designs and locations for buildings, and no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot untilsuch committee shall have in writing approved the design and location thereof. However, ine eventIndian Hills Estates Co., its successors, or representative to whom is submitted for approval adesign and location. fails to approve or disapprove such design or location within (30) days fromthe time of such submission, or in case approval is to be by committee as aforesaid and there isnos such committee in existence, or if such committee fails to approve or disapprove a design orlocation within thirty (30) days from the time of such submission. then in cach such event, suchapproval of design andi location will not be required, but no building shall be erected on any Sub-Lot, the design and location of which is not in conformity to, and in harmony with, existing struc-tures in the tract. In no case, whether the design and location of a dwelling has been approved ornot under the foregoing provisions, shall any dwelling be permitted on any Sub-Lot in the tract,the cost of construction which is less than six thousand ($6,000.00) dollars and the ground floorarea of which is less than seven hundred and fifty (750) square fect. in case of a one-story struc-ture or less than's six hundred (600) square feet, in case of a one and one-half story or two-story\ntwo stories in height and a one- or two-car garage.\nreferred to in paragraph (i) hereof.the Street on which said Sub-Lot fronts.\nrecords of Maps.the neighborhood.\nferent race, employed by owner or tenant.temporary character be permitted.mony with existing structures in the tract.\nbeen approved in writing by Indian Hills Estates Co.,\nstructure.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on\nany Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a dif-\nferent race, employed by owner or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](f) No race or nationality other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any Sub-Lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race, employed by owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 323 State of Pennsylvania :County of Lawrencerecorded as such.(N. P. Seal) S8. On the tenth day of March Anno Domini 1939 before me the subscriber a Notary Public in andfor Baid County personally appeared the above named Winfield S. Moore and in due form of lawacknowledged the above Indenture to be his act and deed, and desired that the same might be Witness my hand and Notarial seal the day and year aforesaid. Ed. E. MarshallNotary PublicRobert L WallaceAttorney for Grantee My Commission Expires March 6, 1943 Certificate of Residence Ido hereby certify that the precise residence of the within named grantee 1s Ellwood City Pai March 10th 1939DeedTo Deed Cecil C. Johnston, Et ux.Maxwell W. Ewing, Et ux.Ent. March 17, 1939 This Indenture, Made the 8th day of March in the year ofour Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nineBetween Cecil C. Johneton and Belle N.Johnston, husbandand wife, of Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, partiesof the first part, and Maxwell W.Ewing and Helen J. Ewing,husband and wife, of E1lwood City, Lawrence County,Penme/lvania)Witnesseth, That the said parties of the first part inconsideration of One Dollar to them now paia by the said partiepof the second part, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto theisaid parties of the secnnd part,their heirs and assigns, parties of the second part; forever: All that certain lot or parcelof land situate in the Fifth Ward of the Borough of EllwoodCity, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, known as lot No. 4 on Highland Terrace Plan of lots recordedin the Recorder's Office for Lawrence County in Plot Book Vol. 10, page 8 and described as follows!Beginning at the intersection of the south line of Entrance Drive with the dividing linebetween lots No. 3 and 4; thence along said dividing line South one degree twelve minutes West(s.10 12' w.) ninety-four and 44/100 (94.44) feet to lot No. 15; thence along the north line of lotsNo. 15, and 14 North eight_degrees fifty-four minutes West (N. go 54' W.) seventy-five and 27/100(75.27) feet to Johnston Drive; thence along the east line of Johnston Drive North one degreetwelve minutes East (N. 1°, 12' E.) fifty-eight (58) feet to a point; thence bya curve to the righthaving a radius of thirty (30) feet for a distance of forty-seven and 12/100 (47.12) feet to apoint in the south line of Entrance Drive; thence along the south line of Entrance Drive Southeighty-eight degrees forty-eight minutes East (s. 880 48' E.) forty-five (45) feet to the place ofbeginning, being a part of the premises conveyed to the grentors by Jordan Johnston by deed record-This conveyance is made subject to a building line of 25-feet along, the south line ofEntrance Drive, as shown on the said plan beyond which building no building, or part thereof, shaliThis conveyance 1s also made subject to an easement along the south line of said lot threefeet in width for the location and maintenance of sewer, gas, water and electric utilities.This deed is executed and delivered by the grantors, and accepted by the grantee_upon the(a) No building ehall be erected on any building lot except one detached single family dwell-i(b) The sald lot shall not be sub-divided BO as to differ in area or form than that shown on(c) All buildings erected on any lot shall be set back from the street lines as indicated by!the building lines established on the recorded plot, and no structure shall be erected nearer thanfive feet to any side lot line. The side line set back restriction shall.not apply to any garagelocated on the rear 1/4 of a lot except that on corner lots the establibheqline shall apply.(a) No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done(e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood, shalluse or occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by(f) No trailer, basement or garage, barn or other outbuilding erected in the tract, shall atany time be used as a residence temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a temporary(g) No structure shall be moved on to any lot unless it meets with the approval of the com-mittee hereinafter referred to, or 1f there 1s no committee, 1t shall conform to and be in har-(h) No building shall be erected on any lot on the said plan until the design and locationthereof has been approved in writing by the municipal authority having control of such buildings,1f_any, and 1f there be no such authority, then by the consent of a majority of the owners of lotsresiding on the said plan of lots. However, in the event that such residents on the said plan faiito approve or disapprove such design of location within a reasonable time, then such approval will ed in the said Recorder's Office in Deed Book Vol. - page - be erected or maintained. express stipulation and agreement as follows: ing and a suitable garage.the recorded plan of lots. thereon which may be or become a nuisance to the neighborhood.domestic servants of a different race or nationality. character be permitted. mony with similar structures in the tract.
323 State of Pennsylvania :County of Lawrencerecorded as such.(N. P. Seal) S8. On the tenth day of March Anno Domini 1939 before me the subscriber a Notary Public in andfor Baid County personally appeared the above named Winfield S. Moore and in due form of lawacknowledged the above Indenture to be his act and deed, and desired that the same might be Witness my hand and Notarial seal the day and year aforesaid. Ed. E. MarshallNotary PublicRobert L WallaceAttorney for Grantee My Commission Expires March 6, 1943 Certificate of Residence Ido hereby certify that the precise residence of the within named grantee 1s Ellwood City Pai March 10th 1939DeedTo Deed Cecil C. Johnston, Et ux.Maxwell W. Ewing, Et ux.Ent. March 17, 1939 This Indenture, Made the 8th day of March in the year ofour Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nineBetween Cecil C. Johneton and Belle N.Johnston, husbandand wife, of Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, partiesof the first part, and Maxwell W.Ewing and Helen J. Ewing,husband and wife, of E1lwood City, Lawrence County,Penme/lvania)Witnesseth, That the said parties of the first part inconsideration of One Dollar to them now paia by the said partiepof the second part, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto theisaid parties of the secnnd part,their heirs and assigns, parties of the second part; forever: All that certain lot or parcelof land situate in the Fifth Ward of the Borough of EllwoodCity, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, known as lot No. 4 on Highland Terrace Plan of lots recordedin the Recorder's Office for Lawrence County in Plot Book Vol. 10, page 8 and described as follows!Beginning at the intersection of the south line of Entrance Drive with the dividing linebetween lots No. 3 and 4; thence along said dividing line South one degree twelve minutes West(s.10 12' w.) ninety-four and 44/100 (94.44) feet to lot No. 15; thence along the north line of lotsNo. 15, and 14 North eight_degrees fifty-four minutes West (N. go 54' W.) seventy-five and 27/100(75.27) feet to Johnston Drive; thence along the east line of Johnston Drive North one degreetwelve minutes East (N. 1°, 12' E.) fifty-eight (58) feet to a point; thence bya curve to the righthaving a radius of thirty (30) feet for a distance of forty-seven and 12/100 (47.12) feet to apoint in the south line of Entrance Drive; thence along the south line of Entrance Drive Southeighty-eight degrees forty-eight minutes East (s. 880 48' E.) forty-five (45) feet to the place ofbeginning, being a part of the premises conveyed to the grentors by Jordan Johnston by deed record-This conveyance is made subject to a building line of 25-feet along, the south line ofEntrance Drive, as shown on the said plan beyond which building no building, or part thereof, shaliThis conveyance 1s also made subject to an easement along the south line of said lot threefeet in width for the location and maintenance of sewer, gas, water and electric utilities.This deed is executed and delivered by the grantors, and accepted by the grantee_upon the(a) No building ehall be erected on any building lot except one detached single family dwell-i(b) The sald lot shall not be sub-divided BO as to differ in area or form than that shown on(c) All buildings erected on any lot shall be set back from the street lines as indicated by!the building lines established on the recorded plot, and no structure shall be erected nearer thanfive feet to any side lot line. The side line set back restriction shall.not apply to any garagelocated on the rear 1/4 of a lot except that on corner lots the establibheqline shall apply.(a) No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done(e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood, shalluse or occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by(f) No trailer, basement or garage, barn or other outbuilding erected in the tract, shall atany time be used as a residence temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a temporary(g) No structure shall be moved on to any lot unless it meets with the approval of the com-mittee hereinafter referred to, or 1f there 1s no committee, 1t shall conform to and be in har-(h) No building shall be erected on any lot on the said plan until the design and locationthereof has been approved in writing by the municipal authority having control of such buildings,1f_any, and 1f there be no such authority, then by the consent of a majority of the owners of lotsresiding on the said plan of lots. However, in the event that such residents on the said plan faiito approve or disapprove such design of location within a reasonable time, then such approval will ed in the said Recorder's Office in Deed Book Vol. - page - be erected or maintained. express stipulation and agreement as follows: ing and a suitable garage.the recorded plan of lots. thereon which may be or become a nuisance to the neighborhood.domestic servants of a different race or nationality. character be permitted. mony with similar structures in the tract.
(e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood, shall use or occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality.
(e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood shall use or occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood, shall use or occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood shall use or occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n323\nState of Pennsylvania :County of Lawrencerecorded as such.(N. P. Seal)\nS8.\nOn the tenth day of March Anno Domini 1939 before me the subscriber a Notary Public in andfor Baid County personally appeared the above named Winfield S. Moore and in due form of lawacknowledged the above Indenture to be his act and deed, and desired that the same might be\nWitness my hand and Notarial seal the day and year aforesaid.\nEd. E. MarshallNotary PublicRobert L WallaceAttorney for Grantee\nMy Commission Expires March 6, 1943\nCertificate of Residence\nIdo hereby certify that the precise residence of the within named grantee 1s Ellwood City Pai\nMarch 10th 1939DeedTo\nDeed\nCecil C. Johnston, Et ux.Maxwell W. Ewing, Et ux.Ent. March 17, 1939\nThis Indenture, Made the 8th day of March in the year ofour Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nineBetween Cecil C. Johneton and Belle N.Johnston, husbandand wife, of Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, partiesof the first part, and Maxwell W.Ewing and Helen J. Ewing,husband and wife, of E1lwood City, Lawrence County,Penme/lvania)Witnesseth, That the said parties of the first part inconsideration of One Dollar to them now paia by the said partiepof the second part, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto theisaid parties of the secnnd part,their heirs and assigns,\nparties of the second part;\nforever:\nAll that certain lot or parcelof land situate in the Fifth Ward of the Borough of EllwoodCity, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, known as lot No. 4 on Highland Terrace Plan of lots recordedin the Recorder's Office for Lawrence County in Plot Book Vol. 10, page 8 and described as follows!Beginning at the intersection of the south line of Entrance Drive with the dividing linebetween lots No. 3 and 4; thence along said dividing line South one degree twelve minutes West(s.10 12' w.) ninety-four and 44/100 (94.44) feet to lot No. 15; thence along the north line of lotsNo. 15, and 14 North eight_degrees fifty-four minutes West (N. go 54' W.) seventy-five and 27/100(75.27) feet to Johnston Drive; thence along the east line of Johnston Drive North one degreetwelve minutes East (N. 1°, 12' E.) fifty-eight (58) feet to a point; thence bya curve to the righthaving a radius of thirty (30) feet for a distance of forty-seven and 12/100 (47.12) feet to apoint in the south line of Entrance Drive; thence along the south line of Entrance Drive Southeighty-eight degrees forty-eight minutes East (s. 880 48' E.) forty-five (45) feet to the place ofbeginning, being a part of the premises conveyed to the grentors by Jordan Johnston by deed record-This conveyance is made subject to a building line of 25-feet along, the south line ofEntrance Drive, as shown on the said plan beyond which building no building, or part thereof, shaliThis conveyance 1s also made subject to an easement along the south line of said lot threefeet in width for the location and maintenance of sewer, gas, water and electric utilities.This deed is executed and delivered by the grantors, and accepted by the grantee_upon the(a) No building ehall be erected on any building lot except one detached single family dwell-i(b) The sald lot shall not be sub-divided BO as to differ in area or form than that shown on(c) All buildings erected on any lot shall be set back from the street lines as indicated by!the building lines established on the recorded plot, and no structure shall be erected nearer thanfive feet to any side lot line. The side line set back restriction shall.not apply to any garagelocated on the rear 1/4 of a lot except that on corner lots the establibheqline shall apply.(a) No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done(e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood, shalluse or occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by(f) No trailer, basement or garage, barn or other outbuilding erected in the tract, shall atany time be used as a residence temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence of a temporary(g) No structure shall be moved on to any lot unless it meets with the approval of the com-mittee hereinafter referred to, or 1f there 1s no committee, 1t shall conform to and be in har-(h) No building shall be erected on any lot on the said plan until the design and locationthereof has been approved in writing by the municipal authority having control of such buildings,1f_any, and 1f there be no such authority, then by the consent of a majority of the owners of lotsresiding on the said plan of lots. However, in the event that such residents on the said plan faiito approve or disapprove such design of location within a reasonable time, then such approval will\ned in the said Recorder's Office in Deed Book Vol. - page -\nbe erected or maintained.\nexpress stipulation and agreement as follows:\ning and a suitable garage.the recorded plan of lots.\nthereon which may be or become a nuisance to the neighborhood.domestic servants of a different race or nationality.\ncharacter be permitted.\nmony with similar structures in the tract.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood, shall\nuse or occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by\ndomestic servants of a different race or nationality.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood shall use or occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 298 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA COURTY CHABITIES COMMISSION 226 Norti: Maiket Street, San Jose, California Form of Agreement to be si gned by applioent for Relief. Date Octob er 5th, 1933 I, Salvatore P. Naselli and my wife Rosa Baptist Naselli, do hereby ac- knowledge that Ihave applied for rel ief, care, maintenance and medi cal aid from the Board of Supervisors, Caunty of Santa Clara, State of California, (herein after called the promisee) and that I desire and intend to make reimburserent for this and all other assistance rondered during the period of my dependency. Ido here by agree, in the event of my coming into any funds or property of any kind or in the event of the sale of any property I now have, that I will refund the sum of monies paid for my relief care, maintenance and medical aid by said pramisee and if at the time of my death I have any proper ty or leave eny estate whatsoever, I agree that said promisee shall be repaid aut of said property or estate the monies so paid for my relief, care, mai ntenance and médical aid, and my executor or administrator is directed torepay out of the proseeds of my estate any and all sums of man ies which may have been expended by the said pranisee for my relief, care meintenence and medi cal aid. (Signed) Salvatore P. Naselli (Salvatore P. Naselli) 312 Bast Bighth St. Gilroy Rosa Bept tist Naselli (Rosa Bàptist Naselli) Witness to sigature: 312 Bast Bighth St., Gilroy J.L. Camacho The folloling is a true statement of all property, both real and personal, and all interests in property owne d by me at thi is date: Cash None dollars. Personal Property: (Deseription) Value Assessed $60.00 Household furni ture $125.00 Automobile Real Property: (Desoription) Value Assessed valuation far City -None as Attached $600.00 and County Taxes Assessed City County $575.00 $325.00 Desori pti on of property owned by Rosa Bept tist Naselli This is to oertify that I, Rosa Baptist Naselli, of Gilroy, Santa Clara County, State of California, am the owner of all that certain lot, piece or percel of land, situate, lying and being in the City of Gilra, County of Sant ta Clara, State of California, and bounded end desoribed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the point of intersection of the Northerly line: of Eighth Street wi th the Basterly line of Forest Street, and running thence Northerly elong the Easterly line of Forest Street fifty (50) feet; thence at right angles Basterly and parellel with the Northerly line af Bighth Street, one hundred and forty-two (142) feet; thence atri ght angles Southerly and parallel with the Kasterly line of Forest Street, fifty (50) feot to the Northerly line of "Bighth Street, thence Westerly alo ong the Northerly line of Zighth Street, one hundred and forty-two (142) feet to the point of beginning. Being a portion of Lot Number Six (6) Block Two (2) South Range Four (4) East as delineated on Mep No. 6 acoomp anying the report of the referees in the parti tion auit af Hemry Miller ot al vs. Massey Thomas et al in the Superior Court of Santa Clera. Rosa Beptist Naselli (Rosa Beptist Naselli) 312_Bighth Street, Gilroy My naturalizati on papers ar proof of citizenship, toge ther withcertificate afbeptism, which woul ld verify my age, were destroyed in the fire at San Franoisco, in April, 1906. 1933-34 City Taxes - $6.04. lat Installmnt $5.02 paid. Oounty - 8.77. # $4.39 ". Taxes are paid for current year. (Signe a) Salvatore P. Naselli (Balvatore P.Raselli) Interview taken by: John M. Hoesoh, (John M. Hoeseh), Notary Public. STATE OF OALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) Ss. On this 5th day of Ootober, in the year one thou- sand nine hundred and thi rty-three, before me, Johm M. Hoesoh, a Notery Publio in and for the County of SantG Clara, residing therein in the City of Gilroy, duly oommissiored and sworn, personally appeared Salvatore P. Neselli, 312 East Bighth Street, Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California, knom to me to be the person whose nae is subsoribed to, end who executed the anered inetrument, and he duly aclowl edged to me that he executed the sane. IN WIINESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and. affixed ny offioial seal, at my offioe in the Gity of Gilroy, Caunty of Santa Clara, the duy and yoer first above written. (NOTARIAL SEAL) John M. Hoesch, Notary Publio in aud for the County of Benta Clara, State of California. (My oommission axpires August 9, 1936)
298 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA COURTY CHABITIES COMMISSION 226 Norti: Maiket Street, San Jose, California Form of Agreement to be si gned by applioent for Relief. Date Octob er 5th, 1933 I, Salvatore P. Naselli and my wife Rosa Baptist Naselli, do hereby ac- knowledge that Ihave applied for rel ief, care, maintenance and medi cal aid from the Board of Supervisors, Caunty of Santa Clara, State of California, (herein after called the promisee) and that I desire and intend to make reimburserent for this and all other assistance rondered during the period of my dependency. Ido here by agree, in the event of my coming into any funds or property of any kind or in the event of the sale of any property I now have, that I will refund the sum of monies paid for my relief care, maintenance and medical aid by said pramisee and if at the time of my death I have any proper ty or leave eny estate whatsoever, I agree that said promisee shall be repaid aut of said property or estate the monies so paid for my relief, care, mai ntenance and médical aid, and my executor or administrator is directed torepay out of the proseeds of my estate any and all sums of man ies which may have been expended by the said pranisee for my relief, care meintenence and medi cal aid. (Signed) Salvatore P. Naselli (Salvatore P. Naselli) 312 Bast Bighth St. Gilroy Rosa Bept tist Naselli (Rosa Bàptist Naselli) Witness to sigature: 312 Bast Bighth St., Gilroy J.L. Camacho The folloling is a true statement of all property, both real and personal, and all interests in property owne d by me at thi is date: Cash None dollars. Personal Property: (Deseription) Value Assessed $60.00 Household furni ture $125.00 Automobile Real Property: (Desoription) Value Assessed valuation far City -None as Attached $600.00 and County Taxes Assessed City County $575.00 $325.00 Desori pti on of property owned by Rosa Bept tist Naselli This is to oertify that I, Rosa Baptist Naselli, of Gilroy, Santa Clara County, State of California, am the owner of all that certain lot, piece or percel of land, situate, lying and being in the City of Gilra, County of Sant ta Clara, State of California, and bounded end desoribed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the point of intersection of the Northerly line: of Eighth Street wi th the Basterly line of Forest Street, and running thence Northerly elong the Easterly line of Forest Street fifty (50) feet; thence at right angles Basterly and parellel with the Northerly line af Bighth Street, one hundred and forty-two (142) feet; thence atri ght angles Southerly and parallel with the Kasterly line of Forest Street, fifty (50) feot to the Northerly line of "Bighth Street, thence Westerly alo ong the Northerly line of Zighth Street, one hundred and forty-two (142) feet to the point of beginning. Being a portion of Lot Number Six (6) Block Two (2) South Range Four (4) East as delineated on Mep No. 6 acoomp anying the report of the referees in the parti tion auit af Hemry Miller ot al vs. Massey Thomas et al in the Superior Court of Santa Clera. Rosa Beptist Naselli (Rosa Beptist Naselli) 312_Bighth Street, Gilroy My naturalizati on papers ar proof of citizenship, toge ther withcertificate afbeptism, which woul ld verify my age, were destroyed in the fire at San Franoisco, in April, 1906. 1933-34 City Taxes - $6.04. lat Installmnt $5.02 paid. Oounty - 8.77. # $4.39 ". Taxes are paid for current year. (Signe a) Salvatore P. Naselli (Balvatore P.Raselli) Interview taken by: John M. Hoesoh, (John M. Hoeseh), Notary Public. STATE OF OALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) Ss. On this 5th day of Ootober, in the year one thou- sand nine hundred and thi rty-three, before me, Johm M. Hoesoh, a Notery Publio in and for the County of SantG Clara, residing therein in the City of Gilroy, duly oommissiored and sworn, personally appeared Salvatore P. Neselli, 312 East Bighth Street, Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California, knom to me to be the person whose nae is subsoribed to, end who executed the anered inetrument, and he duly aclowl edged to me that he executed the sane. IN WIINESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and. affixed ny offioial seal, at my offioe in the Gity of Gilroy, Caunty of Santa Clara, the duy and yoer first above written. (NOTARIAL SEAL) John M. Hoesch, Notary Publio in aud for the County of Benta Clara, State of California. (My oommission axpires August 9, 1936)
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n298\nCOUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA\nCOURTY CHABITIES COMMISSION\n226 Norti: Maiket Street, San Jose, California\nForm of Agreement to be si gned by applioent for Relief.\nDate Octob er 5th, 1933\nI, Salvatore P. Naselli and my wife Rosa Baptist Naselli, do hereby ac-\nknowledge that Ihave applied for rel ief, care, maintenance and medi cal aid from the\nBoard of Supervisors, Caunty of Santa Clara, State of California, (herein after called the\npromisee) and that I desire and intend to make reimburserent for this and all other\nassistance rondered during the period of my dependency.\nIdo here by agree, in the event of my coming into any funds or property\nof any kind or in the event of the sale of any property I now have, that I will refund\nthe sum of monies paid for my relief care, maintenance and medical aid by said pramisee\nand if at the time of my death I have any proper ty or leave eny estate whatsoever, I agree\nthat said promisee shall be repaid aut of said property or estate the monies so paid for\nmy relief, care, mai ntenance and médical aid, and my executor or administrator is directed\ntorepay out of the proseeds of my estate any and all sums of man ies which may have been\nexpended by the said pranisee for my relief, care meintenence and medi cal aid.\n(Signed) Salvatore P. Naselli\n(Salvatore P. Naselli) 312 Bast Bighth St. Gilroy\nRosa Bept tist Naselli (Rosa Bàptist Naselli)\nWitness to sigature:\n312 Bast Bighth St., Gilroy\nJ.L. Camacho\nThe folloling is a true statement of all property, both real and personal,\nand all interests in property owne d by me at thi is date: Cash None dollars.\nPersonal Property: (Deseription)\nValue\nAssessed\n$60.00\nHousehold furni ture\n$125.00\nAutomobile\nReal Property: (Desoription)\nValue Assessed valuation far City\n-None as Attached\n$600.00 and County Taxes\nAssessed City County\n$575.00 $325.00\nDesori pti on of property owned by Rosa Bept tist Naselli\nThis is to oertify that I, Rosa Baptist Naselli, of Gilroy, Santa Clara\nCounty, State of California, am the owner of all that certain lot, piece or percel of land,\nsituate, lying and being in the City of Gilra, County of Sant ta Clara, State of California,\nand bounded end desoribed as follows, to-wit:\nBeginning at the point of intersection of the Northerly line: of Eighth\nStreet wi th the Basterly line of Forest Street, and running thence Northerly elong the\nEasterly line of Forest Street fifty (50) feet; thence at right angles Basterly and parellel\nwith the Northerly line af Bighth Street, one hundred and forty-two (142) feet; thence\natri ght angles Southerly and parallel with the Kasterly line of Forest Street, fifty (50)\nfeot to the Northerly line of \"Bighth Street, thence Westerly alo ong the Northerly line of\nZighth Street, one hundred and forty-two (142) feet to the point of beginning.\nBeing a portion of Lot Number Six (6) Block Two (2) South Range Four (4)\nEast as delineated on Mep No. 6 acoomp anying the report of the referees in the parti tion\nauit af Hemry Miller ot al vs. Massey Thomas et al in the Superior Court of Santa Clera.\nRosa Beptist Naselli (Rosa Beptist Naselli)\n312_Bighth Street, Gilroy\nMy naturalizati on papers ar proof of citizenship, toge ther withcertificate\nafbeptism, which woul ld verify my age, were destroyed in the fire at San Franoisco, in\nApril, 1906.\n1933-34 City Taxes - $6.04. lat Installmnt $5.02 paid.\nOounty - 8.77. #\n$4.39 \".\nTaxes are paid for current year.\n(Signe a) Salvatore P. Naselli (Balvatore P.Raselli)\nInterview taken by: John M. Hoesoh, (John M. Hoeseh), Notary Public.\nSTATE OF OALIFORNIA )\nCOUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) Ss.\nOn this 5th day of Ootober, in the year one thou-\nsand nine hundred and thi rty-three, before me,\nJohm M. Hoesoh, a Notery Publio in and for the County of SantG Clara, residing therein in\nthe City of Gilroy, duly oommissiored and sworn, personally appeared Salvatore P. Neselli,\n312 East Bighth Street, Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California, knom to me to be the\nperson whose nae is subsoribed to, end who executed the anered inetrument, and he duly\naclowl edged to me that he executed the sane.\nIN WIINESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and. affixed ny offioial\nseal, at my offioe in the Gity of Gilroy, Caunty of Santa Clara, the duy and yoer first\nabove written.\n(NOTARIAL SEAL)\nJohn M. Hoesch, Notary Publio in aud for the\nCounty of Benta Clara, State of California.\n(My oommission axpires August 9, 1936)", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 10 HILL PLACE", to which said plat and the record thereof referençerio here specially made-, and no residence or dwelling. shall be erected or constructed upon, any of said property fronting on Nolan Street costing less than $2 ,000.00, on all other lots the cost of 'such improvements shall be not less than $1 ,500.00, and none of such houses shall be erected within or. closer than twenty-five feet distance from the street upon which they face sand" * all stables, privies, chicken houses, or other out-houses shall be erected toward or near the rear of. the lot, and none of such shall be placed within or closer than fifteen feet distance from the side streets. 3nd. None of the said property hereinabove conveyed, or within and a part of the said "DIGNOWITY HILL PLACE" shall ever be used for the purpose of conducting a mercantile business, or any kind of business of barter or sale, nor as a A, place for the sale of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, or for immoral or illegal pur- poses, nor shall said above described property, or any part of said PDIGNOWITY HILL PLACE" ever be sold to any negro or person of African descent; providing, however, that two bus- iness stores may. be. built and maintained upon lots to be designated by said vendor, but,: shall not offer for sale, sell or give away any spirituous, vinous or mal*liquore. 3rd: The said above provisions and conditione lst and 3nd. shall and will be, in substance, incorporated in. all of the deeds and conveyances made by said vendor selling and convey- ing any and all portions of said "DIGNOWITY HILL PLACE", and it is epecially agreed and understood that same are BO made not alone for the protection and benefit of the vendor, but -for the protection and benefit of all and every purchaser of lot or lots in said "DIGNOWITY HILL PLACE", their heire, executors or adminietratore, and to that erd, they, 'and each and all of them, shall. be deemed and considered as privies to this Baid contract, and the terms, > conditions and provisione hereof, and shall have the right of enjoining and restraining, or invoking any other proper legal method of enforcing the provisions and conditions hereof, same being intended and hereby made a covenant and condition running. with the title, and to. inure to the benefit of each and every owner of lot or lots within - and- being a part of. said "DIGNOWITY HILL PLACE", and shall be binding, and conclusive upon any and all subsequent purchasers, though not. specially or specifically. so recited in the deed of conveyanice to them. WITNESS my hand at San Antonio, Texas, this 7th day of August, A.D.,1912. w.T. GOODE THE STATE OF TEXAS, County' of Bexar. Before me, R.P.Ingrum,a Notary Public, in and for said County and' State, on this day personally appeared W. T. GOODE, known to me to be the perecn" whose name. is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and açknowledged to me that 5 the exeçuted" the same for. the purpose. and consideration therein, expresed" Given undet my hand and seal of offices, this 7th' day of August, 1912. R.P. INGRUM, NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for Bexar County, Texas. SEAL "Filed for record" Nov. 15;1912, at- 3:55 o'clock P'x Recorded-oyember 35,1913, at 11:05 o'clock A M Frank R. Newton, County Clerk, Bexar County, Texas, by A. M.Klaerner, Deputy. N6.39055. 000 WARRANTY DEED & V/L. W.J.VOLIMER 4of REBECCA F. CHEW STATE OF TEXAS. KNOW. ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, I, Rebecca F.Chew, COUNTY OF BEXAR àn adult feme sole, of.. Bexàr .County, Texas, for and in consideration of the sum of Twel lve! Hundred Dollars paid and to be paid by William J. Vollmer, as follows: Two Hundred Dol-
10 HILL PLACE", to which said plat and the record thereof referençerio here specially made-, and no residence or dwelling. shall be erected or constructed upon, any of said property fronting on Nolan Street costing less than $2 ,000.00, on all other lots the cost of 'such improvements shall be not less than $1 ,500.00, and none of such houses shall be erected within or. closer than twenty-five feet distance from the street upon which they face sand" * all stables, privies, chicken houses, or other out-houses shall be erected toward or near the rear of. the lot, and none of such shall be placed within or closer than fifteen feet distance from the side streets. 3nd. None of the said property hereinabove conveyed, or within and a part of the said "DIGNOWITY HILL PLACE" shall ever be used for the purpose of conducting a mercantile business, or any kind of business of barter or sale, nor as a A, place for the sale of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, or for immoral or illegal pur- poses, nor shall said above described property, or any part of said PDIGNOWITY HILL PLACE" ever be sold to any negro or person of African descent; providing, however, that two bus- iness stores may. be. built and maintained upon lots to be designated by said vendor, but,: shall not offer for sale, sell or give away any spirituous, vinous or mal*liquore. 3rd: The said above provisions and conditione lst and 3nd. shall and will be, in substance, incorporated in. all of the deeds and conveyances made by said vendor selling and convey- ing any and all portions of said "DIGNOWITY HILL PLACE", and it is epecially agreed and understood that same are BO made not alone for the protection and benefit of the vendor, but -for the protection and benefit of all and every purchaser of lot or lots in said "DIGNOWITY HILL PLACE", their heire, executors or adminietratore, and to that erd, they, 'and each and all of them, shall. be deemed and considered as privies to this Baid contract, and the terms, > conditions and provisione hereof, and shall have the right of enjoining and restraining, or invoking any other proper legal method of enforcing the provisions and conditions hereof, same being intended and hereby made a covenant and condition running. with the title, and to. inure to the benefit of each and every owner of lot or lots within - and- being a part of. said "DIGNOWITY HILL PLACE", and shall be binding, and conclusive upon any and all subsequent purchasers, though not. specially or specifically. so recited in the deed of conveyanice to them. WITNESS my hand at San Antonio, Texas, this 7th day of August, A.D.,1912. w.T. GOODE THE STATE OF TEXAS, County' of Bexar. Before me, R.P.Ingrum,a Notary Public, in and for said County and' State, on this day personally appeared W. T. GOODE, known to me to be the perecn" whose name. is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and açknowledged to me that 5 the exeçuted" the same for. the purpose. and consideration therein, expresed" Given undet my hand and seal of offices, this 7th' day of August, 1912. R.P. INGRUM, NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for Bexar County, Texas. SEAL "Filed for record" Nov. 15;1912, at- 3:55 o'clock P'x Recorded-oyember 35,1913, at 11:05 o'clock A M Frank R. Newton, County Clerk, Bexar County, Texas, by A. M.Klaerner, Deputy. N6.39055. 000 WARRANTY DEED & V/L. W.J.VOLIMER 4of REBECCA F. CHEW STATE OF TEXAS. KNOW. ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, I, Rebecca F.Chew, COUNTY OF BEXAR àn adult feme sole, of.. Bexàr .County, Texas, for and in consideration of the sum of Twel lve! Hundred Dollars paid and to be paid by William J. Vollmer, as follows: Two Hundred Dol-
place or malt illegal pur- poses, nor shall said above described property, or any part of said PDIGNOWITY HILL PLACE" ever be sold to any negro or person of African descent; providing, however, that two bus-
nor shall said above described property, or any part of said "DIGNOWITY HILL, PLACE" ever be sold to any negro or person of African descent;
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]place or malt illegal pur- poses, nor shall said above described property, or any part of said PDIGNOWITY HILL PLACE" ever be sold to any negro or person of African descent; providing, however, that two bus-[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]nor shall said above described property, or any part of said "DIGNOWITY HILL, PLACE" ever be sold to any negro or person of African descent;[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n10\nHILL PLACE\", to which said plat and the record thereof referençerio here specially made-,\nand no residence or dwelling. shall be erected or constructed upon, any of said property\nfronting on Nolan Street costing less than $2 ,000.00, on all other lots the cost of 'such\nimprovements shall be not less than $1 ,500.00, and none of such houses shall be erected\nwithin or. closer than twenty-five feet distance from the street upon which they face sand\"\n*\nall stables, privies, chicken houses, or other out-houses shall be erected toward or near\nthe rear of. the lot, and none of such shall be placed within or closer than fifteen feet\ndistance from the side streets. 3nd. None of the said property hereinabove conveyed, or\nwithin and a part of the said \"DIGNOWITY HILL PLACE\" shall ever be used for the purpose\nof conducting a mercantile business, or any kind of business of barter or sale, nor as a\nA,\nplace for the sale of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, or for immoral or illegal pur-\nposes, nor shall said above described property, or any part of said PDIGNOWITY HILL PLACE\"\never be sold to any negro or person of African descent; providing, however, that two bus-\niness stores may. be. built and maintained upon lots to be designated by said vendor, but,:\nshall not offer for sale, sell or give away any spirituous, vinous or mal*liquore. 3rd:\nThe said above provisions and conditione lst and 3nd. shall and will be, in substance,\nincorporated in. all of the deeds and conveyances made by said vendor selling and convey-\ning any and all portions of said \"DIGNOWITY HILL PLACE\", and it is epecially agreed and\nunderstood that same are BO made not alone for the protection and benefit of the vendor, \nbut -for the protection and benefit of all and every purchaser of lot or lots in said\n\"DIGNOWITY HILL PLACE\", their heire, executors or adminietratore, and to that erd, they,\n'and each and all of them, shall. be deemed and considered as privies to this Baid contract,\nand the terms, > conditions and provisione hereof, and shall have the right of enjoining\nand restraining, or invoking any other proper legal method of enforcing the provisions\nand conditions hereof, same being intended and hereby made a covenant and condition running.\nwith the title, and to. inure to the benefit of each and every owner of lot or lots within\n-\nand- being a part of. said \"DIGNOWITY HILL PLACE\", and shall be binding, and conclusive upon\nany and all subsequent purchasers, though not. specially or specifically. so recited in\nthe deed of conveyanice to them. WITNESS my hand at San Antonio, Texas, this 7th day of\nAugust, A.D.,1912.\nw.T. GOODE\nTHE STATE OF TEXAS,\nCounty' of Bexar.\nBefore me, R.P.Ingrum,a Notary Public, in and for said\nCounty and' State, on this day personally appeared W. T. GOODE, known to me to be the\nperecn\" whose name. is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and açknowledged to me that\n5\nthe exeçuted\" the same for. the purpose. and consideration therein, expresed\" Given undet my\nhand and seal of offices, this 7th' day of August, 1912.\nR.P. INGRUM, NOTARY PUBLIC, in and\nfor Bexar County, Texas.\nSEAL\n\"Filed for record\" Nov. 15;1912, at- 3:55 o'clock P'x\nRecorded-oyember 35,1913, at 11:05 o'clock A M\nFrank R. Newton, County Clerk, Bexar County, Texas, by A. M.Klaerner, Deputy.\nN6.39055.\n000\nWARRANTY DEED & V/L. W.J.VOLIMER\n4of\nREBECCA F. CHEW\nSTATE OF TEXAS.\nKNOW. ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, I, Rebecca F.Chew,\nCOUNTY OF BEXAR\nàn adult feme sole, of.. Bexàr .County, Texas, for and in consideration of the sum of Twel lve!\nHundred Dollars paid and to be paid by William J. Vollmer, as follows: Two Hundred Dol-", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]place or malt illegal pur- poses, nor shall said above described property, or any part of said PDIGNOWITY HILL PLACE\" ever be sold to any negro or person of African descent; providing, however, that two bus-[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]nor shall said above described property, or any part of said \"DIGNOWITY HILL, PLACE\" ever be sold to any negro or person of African descent;[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 399 of the front line thereof, this rostriction not applying however to porches, verandas, or other usual prospections attached to any building erected thereon. Second. No stable erected on said premises shall be used as other than a private! stable, and same shall belocated in the roar of said premises. Third. Grantee, his heirs, successors or assigns, shall not lease, convey or demise said premises to persons of Italian or African descent. This conveyance 1s made in pursuance of the authority conferred in a resolution adopted unanimously by the Board of Directors of the Pair Grounds Land Company, at a meeting thereof at the office of the Company in the City of New Castle, Pa., on the 6th day of September 1907, which resolution 1s as follows: "Resolved, That the President, and in his absence the Vice President and Secbetary of this corporation be and they are hereby authorized and empowered upon behalf of this corporation to execute, acknowledge for record and deliver all deeds or like papers that may hereafter be necessary to be executed by this corporation conveyi ing to purchasers, their heirs and assigns any and all parcels of real estate or parts thereof now or that may be hereafter owned by this C orporation." And the said Fair Grounds Land Company for itself and its successors convenants with the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend. In Witness Whereof the said Fair Grounds Land Company, party of the first part, has caused this Indenture to be signed by its President, attested by its Secretary, and affixed hereunto its seal the day and year first above written. Fair Grounds Land Company, By M. C. Talbat, Attest: Harry H. Byrer President. Secretary. (Corporate Seal) (I.F R. Stamps $1.00) State of West Virginia. County 6f Harrison On the 21 day of May Anno Domini 1924, before me, the subscriber & Notary Public in and for said County and State personally appeared M. C. Talbat, President of the said Fair Grounds Land Company, who being duly sworn according to law says that he was personally present at the execution of the within Indenture and saw the common or corporate seal of the said Corporation duly affixed thereto; that the seal so affixed thereto is the comnon or corporate seal of the said corporation; that the Indenture was duly sealed and delivered by the President of the said corporation, as and for the act and deed of the said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and that the names of this affiant as President and of Harryl. Byrer as Secretary of the said corporation Bubscribed to the within Indenture in attestation of 10s due execution and delivery, are of their and each of their respective handwritings. M.C. Talbat Sworn and subscribed before me, the dey and year aforesaid. Witness my hand and notarial seal. C.R. Poling Notary Public (N.P.Seal) afoeaaid My commission expires Nov. 19- 1933
399 of the front line thereof, this rostriction not applying however to porches, verandas, or other usual prospections attached to any building erected thereon. Second. No stable erected on said premises shall be used as other than a private! stable, and same shall belocated in the roar of said premises. Third. Grantee, his heirs, successors or assigns, shall not lease, convey or demise said premises to persons of Italian or African descent. This conveyance 1s made in pursuance of the authority conferred in a resolution adopted unanimously by the Board of Directors of the Pair Grounds Land Company, at a meeting thereof at the office of the Company in the City of New Castle, Pa., on the 6th day of September 1907, which resolution 1s as follows: "Resolved, That the President, and in his absence the Vice President and Secbetary of this corporation be and they are hereby authorized and empowered upon behalf of this corporation to execute, acknowledge for record and deliver all deeds or like papers that may hereafter be necessary to be executed by this corporation conveyi ing to purchasers, their heirs and assigns any and all parcels of real estate or parts thereof now or that may be hereafter owned by this C orporation." And the said Fair Grounds Land Company for itself and its successors convenants with the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend. In Witness Whereof the said Fair Grounds Land Company, party of the first part, has caused this Indenture to be signed by its President, attested by its Secretary, and affixed hereunto its seal the day and year first above written. Fair Grounds Land Company, By M. C. Talbat, Attest: Harry H. Byrer President. Secretary. (Corporate Seal) (I.F R. Stamps $1.00) State of West Virginia. County 6f Harrison On the 21 day of May Anno Domini 1924, before me, the subscriber & Notary Public in and for said County and State personally appeared M. C. Talbat, President of the said Fair Grounds Land Company, who being duly sworn according to law says that he was personally present at the execution of the within Indenture and saw the common or corporate seal of the said Corporation duly affixed thereto; that the seal so affixed thereto is the comnon or corporate seal of the said corporation; that the Indenture was duly sealed and delivered by the President of the said corporation, as and for the act and deed of the said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and that the names of this affiant as President and of Harryl. Byrer as Secretary of the said corporation Bubscribed to the within Indenture in attestation of 10s due execution and delivery, are of their and each of their respective handwritings. M.C. Talbat Sworn and subscribed before me, the dey and year aforesaid. Witness my hand and notarial seal. C.R. Poling Notary Public (N.P.Seal) afoeaaid My commission expires Nov. 19- 1933
Third. Grantee, his heirs, successors or assigns, shall not lease, convey or demise said premises to persons of Italian or African descent.
Third. Grantee, his heirs, successors or assigns, shall not lease, convey or demise said premises to persons of Italian or African descent.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]Third. Grantee, his heirs, successors or assigns, shall not lease, convey or demise said premises to persons of Italian or African descent.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]Third. Grantee, his heirs, successors or assigns, shall not lease, convey or demise said premises to persons of Italian or African descent.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n399\nof the front line thereof, this rostriction not applying however to porches, verandas, or\nother usual prospections attached to any building erected thereon.\nSecond. No stable erected on said premises shall be used as other than a private!\nstable, and same shall belocated in the roar of said premises.\nThird. Grantee, his heirs, successors or assigns, shall not lease, convey or\ndemise said premises to persons of Italian or African descent.\nThis conveyance 1s made in pursuance of the authority conferred in a resolution\nadopted unanimously by the Board of Directors of the Pair Grounds Land Company, at a\nmeeting thereof at the office of the Company in the City of New Castle, Pa., on the 6th\nday of September 1907, which resolution 1s as follows:\n\"Resolved, That the President, and in his absence the Vice President and\nSecbetary of this corporation be and they are hereby authorized and empowered upon\nbehalf of this corporation to execute, acknowledge for record and deliver all deeds or\nlike papers that may hereafter be necessary to be executed by this corporation conveyi ing\nto purchasers, their heirs and assigns any and all parcels of real estate or parts\nthereof now or that may be hereafter owned by this C orporation.\"\nAnd the said Fair Grounds Land Company for itself and its successors convenants\nwith the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns against all lawful\nclaimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend.\nIn Witness Whereof the said Fair Grounds Land Company, party of the first part,\nhas caused this Indenture to be signed by its President, attested by its Secretary, and\naffixed hereunto its seal the day and year first above written.\nFair Grounds Land Company,\nBy M. C. Talbat,\nAttest:\nHarry H. Byrer\nPresident.\nSecretary.\n(Corporate Seal)\n(I.F R. Stamps $1.00)\nState of West Virginia.\nCounty 6f Harrison\nOn the 21 day of May Anno Domini 1924, before me, the subscriber & Notary Public\nin and for said County and State personally appeared M. C. Talbat, President of the\nsaid Fair Grounds Land Company, who being duly sworn according to law says that he was\npersonally present at the execution of the within Indenture and saw the common or\ncorporate seal of the said Corporation duly affixed thereto; that the seal so affixed\nthereto is the comnon or corporate seal of the said corporation; that the Indenture was\nduly sealed and delivered by the President of the said corporation, as and for the act\nand deed of the said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and that\nthe names of this affiant as President and of Harryl. Byrer as Secretary of the said\ncorporation Bubscribed to the within Indenture in attestation of 10s due execution and\ndelivery, are of their and each of their respective handwritings.\nM.C. Talbat\nSworn and subscribed before me, the dey and year aforesaid.\nWitness my hand and notarial seal.\nC.R. Poling\nNotary Public (N.P.Seal)\nafoeaaid\nMy commission expires Nov. 19- 1933", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]Third. Grantee, his heirs, successors or assigns, shall not lease, convey or demise said premises to persons of Italian or African descent.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]Third. Grantee, his heirs, successors or assigns, shall not lease, convey or demise said premises to persons of Italian or African descent.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] va,6638 PAGE - 26 (6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race ghall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an ormer or tenant. (7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected on said premises shali at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per- manently, nor shall ang residence of temporary character be permitted. (8) No structure shaii be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap- or the committee hereinafter referred to, proval of Broadview Orghardland or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures located upon adjoining Tands. (9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the, sise, type, cost and material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location of said building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details therefor or a com- shall have been approved in writing by Broadview Orohardlend mittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committee is not in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove such design or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill not be required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har- mony with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with- or of said committee, no dvell- out the approval of said Broadview Orchardland ing costing less than $10,000.00ehall be permitted on said premises, and the ground square feet in the floor square foot area thereof shall not be less than square feet in the case of a case of e one story structure, or less than one and ono-half or two story structure. (10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur- poses in connection with dwellings erected on the above described premises. All of the requirements of the Village of Seven Hills for sanitary provisions shall be complied with. expressly reserve to themselves, their (11) Broadview Orchardland heirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio- lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the coyen- ants and agreements herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as to which such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at the expense of the ovmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or exists thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreted shall not, by reason thereof, be byit, and the said Broadview Orchardland deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removel. Zail- or by any other person or party having ure by Broadview Orchardland the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this instrument shall in no event be deemed a vaiver of the right to do so thereafter. (12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shall in_no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in full force and effect. (13) If the partfea hereto, or any of them, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, or successors and assigne, shali violate or attempt to violate any of the provisions hereof before January 1, 1985 it shall be lawful for Broadview 1ts succeesors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of Orchardland these premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions. is hereby granted the right to change, (14) Broadview Orchardland alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions hereof to the extent necessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining lands now ovmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendnents thereto. (15) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations, covenants and agroements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof and shall run with the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or suçcessors and aesigns, and. any other person or persons claiming, by, through or under them until January 1,1985 at which time they shall torminate and be of no further force and effect. Wherever reference. is made to Broadview Orchardland, it is meant to refer to Sadie Copelin and Ann E. Cohen, doing business as Broadview Orchardlend.
va,6638 PAGE - 26 (6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race ghall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an ormer or tenant. (7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected on said premises shali at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per- manently, nor shall ang residence of temporary character be permitted. (8) No structure shaii be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap- or the committee hereinafter referred to, proval of Broadview Orghardland or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures located upon adjoining Tands. (9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the, sise, type, cost and material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location of said building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details therefor or a com- shall have been approved in writing by Broadview Orohardlend mittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committee is not in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove such design or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill not be required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har- mony with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with- or of said committee, no dvell- out the approval of said Broadview Orchardland ing costing less than $10,000.00ehall be permitted on said premises, and the ground square feet in the floor square foot area thereof shall not be less than square feet in the case of a case of e one story structure, or less than one and ono-half or two story structure. (10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur- poses in connection with dwellings erected on the above described premises. All of the requirements of the Village of Seven Hills for sanitary provisions shall be complied with. expressly reserve to themselves, their (11) Broadview Orchardland heirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio- lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the coyen- ants and agreements herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as to which such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at the expense of the ovmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or exists thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreted shall not, by reason thereof, be byit, and the said Broadview Orchardland deemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removel. Zail- or by any other person or party having ure by Broadview Orchardland the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this instrument shall in no event be deemed a vaiver of the right to do so thereafter. (12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shall in_no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in full force and effect. (13) If the partfea hereto, or any of them, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, or successors and assigne, shali violate or attempt to violate any of the provisions hereof before January 1, 1985 it shall be lawful for Broadview 1ts succeesors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of Orchardland these premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions. is hereby granted the right to change, (14) Broadview Orchardland alter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions hereof to the extent necessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining lands now ovmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendnents thereto. (15) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations, covenants and agroements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof and shall run with the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or suçcessors and aesigns, and. any other person or persons claiming, by, through or under them until January 1,1985 at which time they shall torminate and be of no further force and effect. Wherever reference. is made to Broadview Orchardland, it is meant to refer to Sadie Copelin and Ann E. Cohen, doing business as Broadview Orchardlend.
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Cauçasian race -shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupanoy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an ovmer or tenant.
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Cauçasian race -shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupanoy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an ovmer or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nva,6638 PAGE - 26\n(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race ghall use or\noccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant\nshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality\nemployed by an ormer or tenant.\n(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected\non said premises shali at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-\nmanently, nor shall ang residence of temporary character be permitted.\n(8) No structure shaii be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-\nor the committee hereinafter referred to,\nproval of Broadview Orghardland\nor if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures\nlocated upon adjoining Tands.\n(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the, sise, type, cost\nand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location of\nsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details therefor\nor a com-\nshall have been approved in writing by Broadview Orohardlend\nmittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committee\nis not in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove such\ndesign or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill not\nbe required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in har-\nmony with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-\nor of said committee, no dvell-\nout the approval of said Broadview Orchardland\ning costing less than $10,000.00ehall be permitted on said premises, and the ground\nsquare feet in the\nfloor square foot area thereof shall not be less than\nsquare feet in the case of a\ncase of e one story structure, or less than\none and ono-half or two story structure.\n(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to be used for sanitation pur-\nposes in connection with dwellings erected on the above described premises. All of\nthe requirements of the Village of Seven Hills for sanitary provisions shall be\ncomplied with.\nexpressly reserve to themselves, their\n(11) Broadview Orchardland\nheirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio-\nlations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the coyen-\nants and agreements herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as to\nwhich such violations or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove at the\nexpense of the ovmer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or exists\nthereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof, as interpreted\nshall not, by reason thereof, be\nbyit, and the said Broadview Orchardland\ndeemed guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removel. Zail-\nor by any other person or party having\nure by Broadview Orchardland\nthe right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this instrument shall in no\nevent be deemed a vaiver of the right to do so thereafter.\n(12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgment or court order shall\nin_no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in\nfull force and effect.\n(13) If the partfea hereto, or any of them, their heirs, executors, administrators\nor assigns, or successors and assigne, shali violate or attempt to violate any of\nthe provisions hereof before January 1, 1985 it shall be lawful for Broadview\n1ts succeesors and assigns, or any assignee or transferee of\nOrchardland\nthese premises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person\nor persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions.\nis hereby granted the right to change,\n(14) Broadview Orchardland\nalter, supplement and modify any or all of the provisions hereof to the extent\nnecessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining lands\nnow ovmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act and Amendnents\nthereto.\n(15) The herein enumerated restrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,\ncovenants and agroements shall be deemed covenants and not conditions hereof and\nshall run with the land, be binding upon all parties hereto, their heirs, executors,\nadministrators and assigns, or suçcessors and aesigns, and. any other person or\npersons claiming, by, through or under them until January 1,1985 at which time\nthey shall torminate and be of no further force and effect.\nWherever reference. is made to Broadview Orchardland, it is meant to refer to Sadie\nCopelin and Ann E. Cohen, doing business as Broadview Orchardlend.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Cauçasian race -shall use or\noccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant\nshall not prevent occupanoy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality\nemployed by an ovmer or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 115 heirs and assigne, forever. And the said Riverside Land and Improvement Company, doeshereby bind itself, its successors and assigns, to warrant and Forever Defend, all andsingular, the said premises unto the said C. J. Tarut, his heirs and assigns, againstevery person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. InWitness Whereof the Kiverside Land and Improvement Company has caused this to be signed anàexecuted by its vice President, B. L. Naylor and attested by its secretary, and has af- fixed hereunto its corporate.seal this 29th day of-March A.. -D. 1910. SEAL Attest:C.S. Fowler, Secretary.The State of Texas, Riverside Land and. Improvement Company,By B. L. Naylor, Vice President. County of Bexar. Before me, Jas. G. Fowler, & Notary Public in and for Bexar County,Texas, on this day personally appeared B. L. Naylor, known to me to be the person whosename is subscribed to the foregoing instrument as vice President, and aoknowledged to methat he executed the same as such vice President, for the purposes and consideration theretin expressed, as the act and deed of The Riverside Land and Improvement Company. Given un der my hand and seal of office, this 29th dey of March A. D. 1910. Jas. G. Fowler SEAL Notary Public, Bexar County, Texas. Filed for Kecord March 30, 1910, at3P.M.Recorded April 9, 1910, at 4:45 P. M. Frank R. Newton, vounty Clerk, Bexar County, Texas, by Aug.. E. Huppertz, Deputy. 1558 PARKE R.-LONGWORTHTHE STATE OF. TEXAS. .VARRANTY DEED TO WALLACE E. BROWN COUNTY OF BEXAR. Know all men by these presents: That I, Parke R. Longworth, of the Countyof MoLean, state of Illinois, for 'and in consideration of the sum of Seven Hundred andno/100 Dollars, paid in cash, have Granted, Sold and conveyed, and by these presents doGrant, Sell and Convey, unto the said Wallace E. Brown of the County of Pittsburg, and Stateof rennsylvenia, all that certain Lots Four (4) and Pive (5) Block Thirty-two (32) EdgewoodAddition to San Antonio, Texas. 7o have and to hold the above described premises, togetherwith all and singular the rights ana appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging, unto thesaid Wallace E. Brown, heirs and assigns forever; subject to the following covenants andconditions, -which run with the Lend, to be binding upon. all persons claiming by, through orunder said grantee. It is expressly covenanted and agreed by and betieen the grantor hereinand the said grantee for himself, his heirs and assigns: (1st) That no person of Africanblood- shall acquire any interest in the said land; (2nd) That no barn nor outbuilding norresidence constructed at a cost less than #1000.00 shall be erected within 100 feet of thestreet line (3rd) That rights-of-vey for-irrigation and drainage are reserved to the sev-eral owners under the direction and manegement of the Bdgewood Irrigation Company; (4th)That the Grantee shall pay the cost of irrigating the land herein deeded and the proportion-improving therditches and irrigation system upon the terms and conditions prescribed by andunder the direction of the Board of Directors of the Edgewood Irrigation company; (5th)That the water.furnished by said Company shall be paid for and distributed on the terms andaccording to the rules and regulations. formulated from time to time by said Board of Di-.rectors; (6th) That,672nd interest in the Edgewood Irriga ation Company is here made a partof this deed with the express provision, however, that said interest representedby two shares of the capital stock of said Edgewood Irrigation Company, which saià two al -oost of maintaining and --two--
115 heirs and assigne, forever. And the said Riverside Land and Improvement Company, doeshereby bind itself, its successors and assigns, to warrant and Forever Defend, all andsingular, the said premises unto the said C. J. Tarut, his heirs and assigns, againstevery person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. InWitness Whereof the Kiverside Land and Improvement Company has caused this to be signed anàexecuted by its vice President, B. L. Naylor and attested by its secretary, and has af- fixed hereunto its corporate.seal this 29th day of-March A.. -D. 1910. SEAL Attest:C.S. Fowler, Secretary.The State of Texas, Riverside Land and. Improvement Company,By B. L. Naylor, Vice President. County of Bexar. Before me, Jas. G. Fowler, & Notary Public in and for Bexar County,Texas, on this day personally appeared B. L. Naylor, known to me to be the person whosename is subscribed to the foregoing instrument as vice President, and aoknowledged to methat he executed the same as such vice President, for the purposes and consideration theretin expressed, as the act and deed of The Riverside Land and Improvement Company. Given un der my hand and seal of office, this 29th dey of March A. D. 1910. Jas. G. Fowler SEAL Notary Public, Bexar County, Texas. Filed for Kecord March 30, 1910, at3P.M.Recorded April 9, 1910, at 4:45 P. M. Frank R. Newton, vounty Clerk, Bexar County, Texas, by Aug.. E. Huppertz, Deputy. 1558 PARKE R.-LONGWORTHTHE STATE OF. TEXAS. .VARRANTY DEED TO WALLACE E. BROWN COUNTY OF BEXAR. Know all men by these presents: That I, Parke R. Longworth, of the Countyof MoLean, state of Illinois, for 'and in consideration of the sum of Seven Hundred andno/100 Dollars, paid in cash, have Granted, Sold and conveyed, and by these presents doGrant, Sell and Convey, unto the said Wallace E. Brown of the County of Pittsburg, and Stateof rennsylvenia, all that certain Lots Four (4) and Pive (5) Block Thirty-two (32) EdgewoodAddition to San Antonio, Texas. 7o have and to hold the above described premises, togetherwith all and singular the rights ana appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging, unto thesaid Wallace E. Brown, heirs and assigns forever; subject to the following covenants andconditions, -which run with the Lend, to be binding upon. all persons claiming by, through orunder said grantee. It is expressly covenanted and agreed by and betieen the grantor hereinand the said grantee for himself, his heirs and assigns: (1st) That no person of Africanblood- shall acquire any interest in the said land; (2nd) That no barn nor outbuilding norresidence constructed at a cost less than #1000.00 shall be erected within 100 feet of thestreet line (3rd) That rights-of-vey for-irrigation and drainage are reserved to the sev-eral owners under the direction and manegement of the Bdgewood Irrigation Company; (4th)That the Grantee shall pay the cost of irrigating the land herein deeded and the proportion-improving therditches and irrigation system upon the terms and conditions prescribed by andunder the direction of the Board of Directors of the Edgewood Irrigation company; (5th)That the water.furnished by said Company shall be paid for and distributed on the terms andaccording to the rules and regulations. formulated from time to time by said Board of Di-.rectors; (6th) That,672nd interest in the Edgewood Irriga ation Company is here made a partof this deed with the express provision, however, that said interest representedby two shares of the capital stock of said Edgewood Irrigation Company, which saià two al -oost of maintaining and --two--
and the said grantee for himself, his heirs and assigns: (1st) That no person of African blood-shall acquire any interest in the said land; (2nd) That no barn nor outbuilding nor
(1st) That no person of African blood shall acquire any interest in the said land;
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]and the said grantee for himself, his heirs and assigns: (1st) That no person of African blood-shall acquire any interest in the said land; (2nd) That no barn nor outbuilding nor [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](1st) That no person of African blood shall acquire any interest in the said land;[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n115\nheirs and assigne, forever. And the said Riverside Land and Improvement Company, doeshereby bind itself, its successors and assigns, to warrant and Forever Defend, all andsingular, the said premises unto the said C. J. Tarut, his heirs and assigns, againstevery person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. InWitness Whereof the Kiverside Land and Improvement Company has caused this to be signed anàexecuted by its vice President, B. L. Naylor and attested by its secretary, and has af-\nfixed hereunto its corporate.seal this 29th day of-March A.. -D. 1910.\nSEAL Attest:C.S. Fowler, Secretary.The State of Texas,\nRiverside Land and. Improvement Company,By B. L. Naylor, Vice President.\nCounty of Bexar. Before me, Jas. G. Fowler, & Notary Public in and for Bexar County,Texas, on this day personally appeared B. L. Naylor, known to me to be the person whosename is subscribed to the foregoing instrument as vice President, and aoknowledged to methat he executed the same as such vice President, for the purposes and consideration theretin expressed, as the act and deed of The Riverside Land and Improvement Company. Given un\nder my hand and seal of office, this 29th dey of March A. D. 1910.\nJas. G. Fowler\nSEAL\nNotary Public, Bexar County, Texas.\nFiled for Kecord March 30, 1910, at3P.M.Recorded April 9, 1910, at 4:45 P. M.\nFrank R. Newton, vounty Clerk, Bexar County, Texas, by Aug.. E. Huppertz, Deputy.\n0.\n1558 PARKE R.-LONGWORTHTHE STATE OF. TEXAS.\n.VARRANTY DEED\nTO WALLACE E. BROWN\nCOUNTY OF BEXAR. Know all men by these presents: That I, Parke R. Longworth, of the Countyof MoLean, state of Illinois, for 'and in consideration of the sum of Seven Hundred andno/100 Dollars, paid in cash, have Granted, Sold and conveyed, and by these presents doGrant, Sell and Convey, unto the said Wallace E. Brown of the County of Pittsburg, and Stateof rennsylvenia, all that certain Lots Four (4) and Pive (5) Block Thirty-two (32) EdgewoodAddition to San Antonio, Texas. 7o have and to hold the above described premises, togetherwith all and singular the rights ana appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging, unto thesaid Wallace E. Brown, heirs and assigns forever; subject to the following covenants andconditions, -which run with the Lend, to be binding upon. all persons claiming by, through orunder said grantee. It is expressly covenanted and agreed by and betieen the grantor hereinand the said grantee for himself, his heirs and assigns: (1st) That no person of Africanblood- shall acquire any interest in the said land; (2nd) That no barn nor outbuilding norresidence constructed at a cost less than #1000.00 shall be erected within 100 feet of thestreet line (3rd) That rights-of-vey for-irrigation and drainage are reserved to the sev-eral owners under the direction and manegement of the Bdgewood Irrigation Company; (4th)That the Grantee shall pay the cost of irrigating the land herein deeded and the proportion-improving therditches and irrigation system upon the terms and conditions prescribed by andunder the direction of the Board of Directors of the Edgewood Irrigation company; (5th)That the water.furnished by said Company shall be paid for and distributed on the terms andaccording to the rules and regulations. formulated from time to time by said Board of Di-.rectors; (6th) That,672nd interest in the Edgewood Irriga ation Company is here made a partof this deed with the express provision, however, that said interest representedby two shares of the capital stock of said Edgewood Irrigation Company, which saià two\nal\n-oost of maintaining and\n--two--\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]and the said grantee for himself, his heirs and assigns: (1st) That no person of African\nblood-shall acquire any interest in the said land; (2nd) That no barn nor outbuilding nor\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](1st) That no person of African blood shall acquire any interest in the said land;[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 297 It is agreed that the premises aforesaid are to be used for resident purposes only, so long as the property of Grantor, her heirs or assigns, or the property of Graoe Phillips Johnson, her heirs or assigns, both of which are situated on the north side of Moody Avenue are used for resident purposes and there shall be but one dwelling house oonstructed thereon, fronting on Moody Avenue and built of briok or stone at least two stories high, and to cost not less than nine thousand ($9,000.00) Dollars. No building to: be oonstructed on said lot nearer to Moody Avenue than the other dwellings now constructed on said south side of Moody Avenue between Carlisle Street and Highland Avenue, and the building erected thereon must face on Moody Avenue. The Grantee, her heirs or assigns shall not lease, oonvey or demise said premises or any portion thereof to persons of Italian or African descent. It being expressly understood and agreed that the foregoing are express covenants and run with the land herein conveyed and binding on the said Grantee, her heirs and assigns. Together with all and singular, the lands improvements, ways, waters, water courses, rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging; or in anywise appertaining, and the reversions and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demand whatsoever, of the said party of the first part in law, equity or otherwise howsoever, of, in and to the same and every part thereof, To Have and To Hold the said lands hereditaments and premises hereby granted or mentioned, and intended so to be, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the seoond part, her heirs and assigns, to and for the only proper use and behoof of the said party of the second part, her heirs and assigns, Forever, And the said party of the first part for herself, her heirs, exeoutors and adminis- trators, does by these presents, covenant, grant and agree to and with the said party of the second part, her heirs and assigns, that she the said party of the first part, her heirs, all and singular the hereditaments and premises hereinabove desoribed and granted or mentioned and in- tended so to be, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, her heirs and assigns, against her the said party of the first part, and her heirs, and against all and every other person or persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same, or any part thereof, Shall and Will Warrant and forever Defend. In Witness whereof the said party of the first part has to these presents set her hand and seal. Dated the day and year first above written. (Seal) Pamphila H. Paillips Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of (I.R.S.) ($ 2.50) Carl C. Hall Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ) SS: County of Lawrence On this 9th day of June A. D. 1925, before me a Notary Public, in and for said state and county. came the above named Pamphila H. Phillips, widow, and aoknowledged the foregoing Indenture to be her act and deed, and desired the same to be recorded as such. Witness my hand and Notarial seal the day and year aforesaid. (Seal) Lila V. Henshaw (N.P.Seal) Notary Public now residing in Lawrence County My Commission Expires March 6-1927 This Indenture Deed Made the twenty ninth day of May in the year of Our Lord Henry B. Meagher, etux., one thousand nine hundred and Twenty-five To Between Henry B. Meagher and Laura F. Meagher, his wife of Baltimore Maryland parties of the first part and Henry M. Henry M. Beighley, etux. Beighley and Flora A. Beighley, his wife of the Fourth Ward, City Entered June 9, 1925. of New Castle, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, parties of the second part: Witnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable considerations to them now paid by the said parties of the second part, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part,their heirs and assigns, A11 that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Fourth Ward of the City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to- wit;- Bounded on the Bast by Cascade Avenue, on the North by lot No. 22 in the hereinafter named plot, on the West by_an Alley and on the South by lot No. 27 in the hereinafter named plot, and being, lots Nos. 23-24-25 and 26 in the plot of lots laid out in Said Fourth Ward by P. s. Craig,said plot being of reaord in the Recorder's Office of said Lawrence County in Plot Book, Yol.2, page 52. Each of said lots having a frontage of Forty, (40) feet on said Cascade Avenue and extending back therefrom of even width one hundred twenty (i20) feet to said alley and being the same lots conveyed to Henry B. Meagher ay deed of Patrick J. O'Leary dated Hune 24, 1915 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Lawrence County in Deed Book Vol. 182, page 99. With the appurtenances: To Have and to Hold the same unto and for the use of said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns forever, And the said parties of the First Part for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators covenant with the Said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend. Witness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. (Seal) Attest: Henry B. Meagher (I.R.S.) Geo.W. Haulenbeek ($1.00) Laura F. Meagher (Seal)
297 It is agreed that the premises aforesaid are to be used for resident purposes only, so long as the property of Grantor, her heirs or assigns, or the property of Graoe Phillips Johnson, her heirs or assigns, both of which are situated on the north side of Moody Avenue are used for resident purposes and there shall be but one dwelling house oonstructed thereon, fronting on Moody Avenue and built of briok or stone at least two stories high, and to cost not less than nine thousand ($9,000.00) Dollars. No building to: be oonstructed on said lot nearer to Moody Avenue than the other dwellings now constructed on said south side of Moody Avenue between Carlisle Street and Highland Avenue, and the building erected thereon must face on Moody Avenue. The Grantee, her heirs or assigns shall not lease, oonvey or demise said premises or any portion thereof to persons of Italian or African descent. It being expressly understood and agreed that the foregoing are express covenants and run with the land herein conveyed and binding on the said Grantee, her heirs and assigns. Together with all and singular, the lands improvements, ways, waters, water courses, rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging; or in anywise appertaining, and the reversions and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demand whatsoever, of the said party of the first part in law, equity or otherwise howsoever, of, in and to the same and every part thereof, To Have and To Hold the said lands hereditaments and premises hereby granted or mentioned, and intended so to be, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the seoond part, her heirs and assigns, to and for the only proper use and behoof of the said party of the second part, her heirs and assigns, Forever, And the said party of the first part for herself, her heirs, exeoutors and adminis- trators, does by these presents, covenant, grant and agree to and with the said party of the second part, her heirs and assigns, that she the said party of the first part, her heirs, all and singular the hereditaments and premises hereinabove desoribed and granted or mentioned and in- tended so to be, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, her heirs and assigns, against her the said party of the first part, and her heirs, and against all and every other person or persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same, or any part thereof, Shall and Will Warrant and forever Defend. In Witness whereof the said party of the first part has to these presents set her hand and seal. Dated the day and year first above written. (Seal) Pamphila H. Paillips Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of (I.R.S.) ($ 2.50) Carl C. Hall Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ) SS: County of Lawrence On this 9th day of June A. D. 1925, before me a Notary Public, in and for said state and county. came the above named Pamphila H. Phillips, widow, and aoknowledged the foregoing Indenture to be her act and deed, and desired the same to be recorded as such. Witness my hand and Notarial seal the day and year aforesaid. (Seal) Lila V. Henshaw (N.P.Seal) Notary Public now residing in Lawrence County My Commission Expires March 6-1927 This Indenture Deed Made the twenty ninth day of May in the year of Our Lord Henry B. Meagher, etux., one thousand nine hundred and Twenty-five To Between Henry B. Meagher and Laura F. Meagher, his wife of Baltimore Maryland parties of the first part and Henry M. Henry M. Beighley, etux. Beighley and Flora A. Beighley, his wife of the Fourth Ward, City Entered June 9, 1925. of New Castle, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, parties of the second part: Witnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable considerations to them now paid by the said parties of the second part, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part,their heirs and assigns, A11 that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Fourth Ward of the City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to- wit;- Bounded on the Bast by Cascade Avenue, on the North by lot No. 22 in the hereinafter named plot, on the West by_an Alley and on the South by lot No. 27 in the hereinafter named plot, and being, lots Nos. 23-24-25 and 26 in the plot of lots laid out in Said Fourth Ward by P. s. Craig,said plot being of reaord in the Recorder's Office of said Lawrence County in Plot Book, Yol.2, page 52. Each of said lots having a frontage of Forty, (40) feet on said Cascade Avenue and extending back therefrom of even width one hundred twenty (i20) feet to said alley and being the same lots conveyed to Henry B. Meagher ay deed of Patrick J. O'Leary dated Hune 24, 1915 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Lawrence County in Deed Book Vol. 182, page 99. With the appurtenances: To Have and to Hold the same unto and for the use of said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns forever, And the said parties of the First Part for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators covenant with the Said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend. Witness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. (Seal) Attest: Henry B. Meagher (I.R.S.) Geo.W. Haulenbeek ($1.00) Laura F. Meagher (Seal)
The Grantee, her heirs or assigns shall not lease, oonvey or demise said premises or any portion thereof to persons of Italian or African descent. It being expressly understood and agreed that :
The Grantee, her heirs or assigns shall not lease, convey or demise said premises or any portion thereof to persons of Italian or African descent.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]The Grantee, her heirs or assigns shall not lease, oonvey or demise said premises or any portion thereof to persons of Italian or African descent. It being expressly understood and agreed that :[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]The Grantee, her heirs or assigns shall not lease, convey or demise said premises or any portion thereof to persons of Italian or African descent.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n297\nIt is agreed that the premises aforesaid are to be used for resident purposes only, so\nlong as the property of Grantor, her heirs or assigns, or the property of Graoe Phillips Johnson,\nher heirs or assigns, both of which are situated on the north side of Moody Avenue are used for\nresident purposes and there shall be but one dwelling house oonstructed thereon, fronting on\nMoody Avenue and built of briok or stone at least two stories high, and to cost not less than\nnine thousand ($9,000.00) Dollars. No building to: be oonstructed on said lot nearer to Moody\nAvenue than the other dwellings now constructed on said south side of Moody Avenue between\nCarlisle Street and Highland Avenue, and the building erected thereon must face on Moody Avenue.\nThe Grantee, her heirs or assigns shall not lease, oonvey or demise said premises or any portion\nthereof to persons of Italian or African descent. It being expressly understood and agreed that\nthe foregoing are express covenants and run with the land herein conveyed and binding on the said\nGrantee, her heirs and assigns.\nTogether with all and singular, the lands improvements, ways, waters, water courses,\nrights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging; or\nin anywise appertaining, and the reversions and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof;\nand all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demand whatsoever, of the said\nparty of the first part in law, equity or otherwise howsoever, of, in and to the same and every\npart thereof,\nTo Have and To Hold the said lands hereditaments and premises hereby granted or\nmentioned, and intended so to be, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the seoond part,\nher heirs and assigns, to and for the only proper use and behoof of the said party of the second\npart, her heirs and assigns, Forever,\nAnd the said party of the first part for herself, her heirs, exeoutors and adminis-\ntrators, does by these presents, covenant, grant and agree to and with the said party of the\nsecond part, her heirs and assigns, that she the said party of the first part, her heirs, all and\nsingular the hereditaments and premises hereinabove desoribed and granted or mentioned and in-\ntended so to be, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, her heirs and\nassigns, against her the said party of the first part, and her heirs, and against all and every\nother person or persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same, or any part thereof,\nShall and Will Warrant and forever Defend.\nIn Witness whereof the said party of the first part has to these presents set her\nhand and seal. Dated the day and year first above written.\n(Seal)\nPamphila H. Paillips\nSealed and Delivered in the Presence of\n(I.R.S.)\n($ 2.50)\nCarl C. Hall\nCommonwealth of Pennsylvania, )\nSS:\nCounty of Lawrence\nOn this 9th day of June A. D. 1925, before me a Notary Public, in and for said state\nand county. came the above named Pamphila H. Phillips, widow, and aoknowledged the foregoing\nIndenture to be her act and deed, and desired the same to be recorded as such.\nWitness my hand and Notarial seal the day and year aforesaid.\n(Seal)\nLila V. Henshaw\n(N.P.Seal)\nNotary Public\nnow residing in Lawrence County\nMy Commission Expires March 6-1927\nThis Indenture\nDeed\nMade the twenty ninth day of May in the year of Our Lord\nHenry B. Meagher, etux.,\none thousand nine hundred and Twenty-five\nTo\nBetween Henry B. Meagher and Laura F. Meagher, his wife\nof Baltimore Maryland parties of the first part and Henry M.\nHenry M. Beighley, etux.\nBeighley and Flora A. Beighley, his wife of the Fourth Ward, City\nEntered June 9, 1925.\nof New Castle, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania,\nparties of the second part:\nWitnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in\nconsideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable considerations to them now paid\nby the said parties of the second part, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties\nof the second part,their heirs and assigns,\nA11 that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Fourth Ward\nof the City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-\nwit;-\nBounded on the Bast by Cascade Avenue, on the North by lot No. 22 in the hereinafter\nnamed plot, on the West by_an Alley and on the South by lot No. 27 in the hereinafter named plot,\nand being, lots Nos. 23-24-25 and 26 in the plot of lots laid out in Said Fourth Ward by P. s.\nCraig,said plot being of reaord in the Recorder's Office of said Lawrence County in Plot Book,\nYol.2, page 52. Each of said lots having a frontage of Forty, (40) feet on said Cascade Avenue\nand extending back therefrom of even width one hundred twenty (i20) feet to said alley and being\nthe same lots conveyed to Henry B. Meagher ay deed of Patrick J. O'Leary dated Hune 24, 1915 and\nrecorded in the Recorder's Office of Lawrence County in Deed Book Vol. 182, page 99.\nWith the appurtenances: To Have and to Hold the same unto and for the use of said\nparties of the second part their heirs and assigns forever,\nAnd the said parties of the First Part for themselves, their heirs, executors and\nadministrators covenant with the Said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against\nall lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend.\nWitness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part.\n(Seal)\nAttest:\nHenry B. Meagher\n(I.R.S.)\nGeo.W. Haulenbeek\n($1.00)\nLaura F. Meagher\n(Seal)", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]The Grantee, her heirs or assigns shall not lease, oonvey or demise said premises or any portion\nthereof to persons of Italian or African descent. It being expressly understood and agreed that\n:[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]The Grantee, her heirs or assigns shall not lease, convey or demise said premises or any portion\nthereof to persons of Italian or African descent.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL6424 AE620 their heirs and assigns, forever. In accepting this conveyance, and as a part consideration there- for, and in consideration of like covenants restricting other sublots in said Subdivision in accordance with the restrictions hereinafter the stated, in the conveyancé of other sublots in said Subdivision, and Grantees, for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators assigns, hereby covenant and agree to and with the Grantor, 1ts suc- cessors and assigns, that the above described premises shail be subject tot the restrictions and reservations hereinafter contained, except as the same may be supplemented by zoning restrictions; the Grantor how- ever reserving the right to change the'se restrictions in special cases without waiving or changing them in other cases, when in its opinion" the change will not reduce or detraçt from the general plan of develop- ment of said subdivision. These restrictions shall be deemed às coven- ants, and shall run with the land, and. shall bind the Grantees, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns until the first day of January, A.D. 1990. The only lots to which these restrictions do not apply, are : No. One (1) at the corner of Monticello Boulevard. and Trebisky Road, and No. Seventeen (17) at the corner of Trebisky Road and Ammon Road, which two sublots are unrestricted, but subject to zoning restric- tions. Al1 other lots in "Montiçello Acres" Subdivision are restricted to single-family dwelling houses. No two-family houses, apartment: houses, or multiple family dwellings permitted.. But nothing herein shall be construed as preventing the use of saia lots for gardening, orchards, and allied uses. The ground floor area, exclusive of porches, of a one story or one and a half story dwelling house shall be at least 680 square feet, and of a two story dwelling house at least 480 square feet, ground not less floor area. The construction cost of any dwelling shall be than $5,000.00, based on 1943 construction costs. The set back line from the street line to the front basement line of the house shall be 50 feet on lots fronting on Trebisky Road, Armon Road, Monticello Boulevard, and the future public street desig- nated on the Plat as Block "A". No garage or other building shall be built nearer the street line than the front basement line of the house, nor within five feet of any other lot: line. A1l drives shall enter. from the east or south side of the lots.. A11 houses shall be built at least five feet from the nearest side lot lines. No spirituous liquors shall be manufactured or sold on the premises. No nui sance or bill-boerds shall be erected, placed, or suffered to remain on the premises. No tents, shacks, trailers, barns, garages, or other outbuildings shall be used as a residence temporarily or permenently on said premises. Said premises shall not be occupied, let, or leased by persons other then those of the Caucasian race. Said premises shall not be divided or re-subdivided. into lots having an area of less than 6,000 square feet, or of a width of less than 48 feet at the front building line. The foregoing restrictive covenants are for the benefit of jany and all owners of lots in said "Monticello Acres" Subdivision, or and at- are enforcible at law or in equity against anyone violating tempting to violate them. In accordance with the provisions contained in the recorded plat of said subdivision,. a permenent easement for a future public all street, designated on saia plat as Block "A", and consisting of of Suolot No. Ten (10). and the southerly sixty feet of Sublots numbered Twenty (20) to Thirty-one (31), both inclusive, has been created and reserved in The City of South Euclid. Said Block "A", shall become a public street when the westerly terminus of said Block "A" connects to another street. This reservation and the easement benefit is to be considered a covenant running with the lanà or any for owner of land of and enforceable by the City of South Euclid, affected by this easement and reservation.
VOL6424 AE620 their heirs and assigns, forever. In accepting this conveyance, and as a part consideration there- for, and in consideration of like covenants restricting other sublots in said Subdivision in accordance with the restrictions hereinafter the stated, in the conveyancé of other sublots in said Subdivision, and Grantees, for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators assigns, hereby covenant and agree to and with the Grantor, 1ts suc- cessors and assigns, that the above described premises shail be subject tot the restrictions and reservations hereinafter contained, except as the same may be supplemented by zoning restrictions; the Grantor how- ever reserving the right to change the'se restrictions in special cases without waiving or changing them in other cases, when in its opinion" the change will not reduce or detraçt from the general plan of develop- ment of said subdivision. These restrictions shall be deemed às coven- ants, and shall run with the land, and. shall bind the Grantees, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns until the first day of January, A.D. 1990. The only lots to which these restrictions do not apply, are : No. One (1) at the corner of Monticello Boulevard. and Trebisky Road, and No. Seventeen (17) at the corner of Trebisky Road and Ammon Road, which two sublots are unrestricted, but subject to zoning restric- tions. Al1 other lots in "Montiçello Acres" Subdivision are restricted to single-family dwelling houses. No two-family houses, apartment: houses, or multiple family dwellings permitted.. But nothing herein shall be construed as preventing the use of saia lots for gardening, orchards, and allied uses. The ground floor area, exclusive of porches, of a one story or one and a half story dwelling house shall be at least 680 square feet, and of a two story dwelling house at least 480 square feet, ground not less floor area. The construction cost of any dwelling shall be than $5,000.00, based on 1943 construction costs. The set back line from the street line to the front basement line of the house shall be 50 feet on lots fronting on Trebisky Road, Armon Road, Monticello Boulevard, and the future public street desig- nated on the Plat as Block "A". No garage or other building shall be built nearer the street line than the front basement line of the house, nor within five feet of any other lot: line. A1l drives shall enter. from the east or south side of the lots.. A11 houses shall be built at least five feet from the nearest side lot lines. No spirituous liquors shall be manufactured or sold on the premises. No nui sance or bill-boerds shall be erected, placed, or suffered to remain on the premises. No tents, shacks, trailers, barns, garages, or other outbuildings shall be used as a residence temporarily or permenently on said premises. Said premises shall not be occupied, let, or leased by persons other then those of the Caucasian race. Said premises shall not be divided or re-subdivided. into lots having an area of less than 6,000 square feet, or of a width of less than 48 feet at the front building line. The foregoing restrictive covenants are for the benefit of jany and all owners of lots in said "Monticello Acres" Subdivision, or and at- are enforcible at law or in equity against anyone violating tempting to violate them. In accordance with the provisions contained in the recorded plat of said subdivision,. a permenent easement for a future public all street, designated on saia plat as Block "A", and consisting of of Suolot No. Ten (10). and the southerly sixty feet of Sublots numbered Twenty (20) to Thirty-one (31), both inclusive, has been created and reserved in The City of South Euclid. Said Block "A", shall become a public street when the westerly terminus of said Block "A" connects to another street. This reservation and the easement benefit is to be considered a covenant running with the lanà or any for owner of land of and enforceable by the City of South Euclid, affected by this easement and reservation.
Said premises shall not be occupied, let, or leased by persons other than those of the Caucasian race.
Said premises shall not be occupied, let, or leased by persons other than those of Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]Said premises shall not be occupied, let, or leased by persons other than those of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]Said premises shall not be occupied, let, or leased by persons other than those of Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL6424 AE620\ntheir heirs and assigns, forever.\nIn accepting this conveyance, and as a part consideration there-\nfor, and in consideration of like covenants restricting other sublots\nin said Subdivision in accordance with the restrictions hereinafter the\nstated, in the conveyancé of other sublots in said Subdivision, and\nGrantees, for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators\nassigns, hereby covenant and agree to and with the Grantor, 1ts suc-\ncessors and assigns, that the above described premises shail be subject\ntot the restrictions and reservations hereinafter contained, except as\nthe same may be supplemented by zoning restrictions; the Grantor how-\never reserving the right to change the'se restrictions in special cases\nwithout waiving or changing them in other cases, when in its opinion\"\nthe change will not reduce or detraçt from the general plan of develop-\nment of said subdivision. These restrictions shall be deemed às coven-\nants, and shall run with the land, and. shall bind the Grantees, their\nheirs, executors, administrators and assigns until the first day of\nJanuary, A.D. 1990.\nThe only lots to which these restrictions do not apply, are :\nNo. One (1) at the corner of Monticello Boulevard. and Trebisky Road,\nand No. Seventeen (17) at the corner of Trebisky Road and Ammon Road,\nwhich two sublots are unrestricted, but subject to zoning restric-\ntions.\nAl1 other lots in \"Montiçello Acres\" Subdivision are restricted\nto single-family dwelling houses. No two-family houses, apartment:\nhouses, or multiple family dwellings permitted.. But nothing herein\nshall be construed as preventing the use of saia lots for gardening,\norchards, and allied uses.\nThe ground floor area, exclusive of porches, of a one story or\none and a half story dwelling house shall be at least 680 square feet,\nand of a two story dwelling house at least 480 square feet, ground not\nless\nfloor area. The construction cost of any dwelling shall be\nthan $5,000.00, based on 1943 construction costs.\nThe set back line from the street line to the front basement\nline of the house shall be 50 feet on lots fronting on Trebisky Road,\nArmon Road, Monticello Boulevard, and the future public street desig-\nnated on the Plat as Block \"A\". No garage or other building shall be\nbuilt nearer the street line than the front basement line of the\nhouse, nor within five feet of any other lot: line. A1l drives shall\nenter. from the east or south side of the lots.. A11 houses shall be\nbuilt at least five feet from the nearest side lot lines.\nNo spirituous liquors shall be manufactured or sold on the\npremises. No nui sance or bill-boerds shall be erected, placed, or\nsuffered to remain on the premises. No tents, shacks, trailers,\nbarns, garages, or other outbuildings shall be used as a residence\ntemporarily or permenently on said premises.\nSaid premises shall not be occupied, let, or leased by persons\nother then those of the Caucasian race.\nSaid premises shall not be divided or re-subdivided. into lots\nhaving an area of less than 6,000 square feet, or of a width of less\nthan 48 feet at the front building line.\nThe foregoing restrictive covenants are for the benefit of jany\nand all owners of lots in said \"Monticello Acres\" Subdivision, or and at-\nare enforcible at law or in equity against anyone violating\ntempting to violate them.\nIn accordance with the provisions contained in the recorded\nplat of said subdivision,. a permenent easement for a future public all\nstreet, designated on saia plat as Block \"A\", and consisting of\nof Suolot No. Ten (10). and the southerly sixty feet of Sublots\nnumbered Twenty (20) to Thirty-one (31), both inclusive, has been\ncreated and reserved in The City of South Euclid. Said Block \"A\",\nshall become a public street when the westerly terminus of said\nBlock \"A\" connects to another street. This reservation and the easement benefit\nis to be considered a covenant running with the lanà or any for owner of land\nof and enforceable by the City of South Euclid,\naffected by this easement and reservation.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]Said premises shall not be occupied, let, or leased by persons\nother than those of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]Said premises shall not be occupied, let, or leased by persons other than those of Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VAL6283 FAGE 40475266mwallChat, I, L. M. Gundersen 1i5 fort the consideration of Ten and no/100 (10.00) and other valuable' the Grantor: received to my full consideration satisfaction of(bivr. Grant, Bargain, Sell andheirs and assigns, the following described Conoey unto the said Grantee herCleveland Heightsand known as being a part of S.L. No. 13, CuyahogaSubdivision of part of original Warrensville in the Shaker Heights Land Company'sis bounded and described as follows:at the Beginning westerly at line a point of seid on the s.1. northerly line of North Park Boulevard (60 ft.Therce northerly, elong said westerly No. line 13; nf saidThence easterly, parallel and veins 100.00 ft. S.L. o. 13, 214.10ft.;from the northerly line of said S.L. No. 13, Southerly by riçht angulur measurementThence southerly, 215.06 Stitte1? roint on said 83.00 ft;-which is 100.00 ft. measureayaiong said northerly northrly line line of Korth Park Blvd.,place Thence of westerly beginning alon; be the said northerly line of Horth Fark Blyd. 100 ft. toand subject to the following same more or less but subject to all leial hi tho prinviple(1) Bach sublot in said subdivision restrictions, shall be used rights and easements, to-wit: hways,dwelling purposes, and only one (1) such dvelling solely and exclusively for single privateior semi-attached garage connected to such dvelling house, house inclusive on an attached garage,be attached or semi-attached gerage shall open toward remain a on any one (1) sublot. If suchsim lar Trojections or other buildings garage, of any porches, verand- s, porte cocheres and otherplaced or suffered to remain on any sublot within character Watsoever, shall be erected,within one hundred (100) ft. of North Park Blvd. 15 feet of any side line thereof,norsq. area of less than 800 sq. ft. exclusive of to remain on any sublot having52' which may include an attached garage, hare a front dimension of not less thanbecomes a minimum of 32', exclusive of except the corner lot on which the frontageing honce frontage may include such attached zarage, or on semi-attached the Jiorth Fark frontaje. Said dwell-such semi-attached grage to such dwelling house, loggia and or covered further passage shall which may connectlot, different except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy use or occupy any building or anysale, spiritous, nor shall vinous any industry, or fermented business, liquors shall be manufactured, sold OP offered formintained or permitted within said subdivision. trade, occupation or Trofession of any kind betions thereof shall be erected, placed or suffered drivevays additions thereto, or altera-until the external design, dimensions, location to romain on any sublot unless andthereof shall have first been approved in writing and appurtenances slopes and gradosassigns and atrue copy of the plans and specifications by L. 1i. Gundersen, his successors orisublot upon which same is to ve erected or placed shall thereof and the plot plan of the,may be modified as to any sublot by written consent in paragraph 2, aboveprovided for, if the enforcement of such requirment would of L-M.Gundersen hereinafterunder any part of the sublot they may occur. utility installation and maintenance over andno in event be construed, taken or held to be a waiver rights or easements shall inor consent to any further succedipg_breach thereof or to ve an acquiescenceL.M.Gundersen shall at any time and at all times or have violation the thereof, and the saidall persons covenants claiming shall under run with them the land and shall be binding on all partiesABOVE DESCEIBED OFLANO PREMISES 6 PEET IN WIDTH, BEIWBBN THE SUMMEIERYENE OFFHE Rachel Wright Segelin the Grantee doand State of Ohio: County of premises, situated in the City ofwide) Township Lots Nos. 11-12-13-2-23-24 and westorly line of S.L. No. 13; of iorth Park Plvd. from said passage, shall be erected, placed or suffered tosuch dwelling house, inclusive ofRoad of the front line ridge line. by a porch, losgia or coveredroadvay, the interior ticrcof shaliand twenty (20 ft. of East Fairfaxto remain on any sublot unlessheight, a minimum of 19 ft. from joist:carage, open r enclosed porches,gara.e except as aL Loveve exclusive ofb domestic servants ofa (2) lio finished. (3) No the dwelling nain house shall ie erected, placed or sufferedsection thereof shall be two stories in(4) a No dwelling ft. house shall be erected, placed or suffereder storage rooms and said dwelling house shallnoted, but shall ue exclusive of a porch,(s) No porches, porte cocheres, loggias and similar Projoctions.persons of any race other than the caucasian shallrace domiciled with en owner or tennt. (6) No (7) No dwelling house or building of any kind,(8) with L.Cundersen, his successors or assigns.nemed The requirements with respect to side line set backs specifiedif such modification would not in L. li. Gundersen'sto any other sublot.(9) An easement is hereby reserved for all(10) Failure to enforce any of the foregoing restrictions, or heve been lodged permanentlywork an undue hardship andjudgement result in material damage: (11) TheseCALSO AI PARCEL right to enforce same. until January 1, 1971. and on AND THE MEHIMEAYTERLYENE: OFNORTH PARe COVER)
VAL6283 FAGE 40475266mwallChat, I, L. M. Gundersen 1i5 fort the consideration of Ten and no/100 (10.00) and other valuable' the Grantor: received to my full consideration satisfaction of(bivr. Grant, Bargain, Sell andheirs and assigns, the following described Conoey unto the said Grantee herCleveland Heightsand known as being a part of S.L. No. 13, CuyahogaSubdivision of part of original Warrensville in the Shaker Heights Land Company'sis bounded and described as follows:at the Beginning westerly at line a point of seid on the s.1. northerly line of North Park Boulevard (60 ft.Therce northerly, elong said westerly No. line 13; nf saidThence easterly, parallel and veins 100.00 ft. S.L. o. 13, 214.10ft.;from the northerly line of said S.L. No. 13, Southerly by riçht angulur measurementThence southerly, 215.06 Stitte1? roint on said 83.00 ft;-which is 100.00 ft. measureayaiong said northerly northrly line line of Korth Park Blvd.,place Thence of westerly beginning alon; be the said northerly line of Horth Fark Blyd. 100 ft. toand subject to the following same more or less but subject to all leial hi tho prinviple(1) Bach sublot in said subdivision restrictions, shall be used rights and easements, to-wit: hways,dwelling purposes, and only one (1) such dvelling solely and exclusively for single privateior semi-attached garage connected to such dvelling house, house inclusive on an attached garage,be attached or semi-attached gerage shall open toward remain a on any one (1) sublot. If suchsim lar Trojections or other buildings garage, of any porches, verand- s, porte cocheres and otherplaced or suffered to remain on any sublot within character Watsoever, shall be erected,within one hundred (100) ft. of North Park Blvd. 15 feet of any side line thereof,norsq. area of less than 800 sq. ft. exclusive of to remain on any sublot having52' which may include an attached garage, hare a front dimension of not less thanbecomes a minimum of 32', exclusive of except the corner lot on which the frontageing honce frontage may include such attached zarage, or on semi-attached the Jiorth Fark frontaje. Said dwell-such semi-attached grage to such dwelling house, loggia and or covered further passage shall which may connectlot, different except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy use or occupy any building or anysale, spiritous, nor shall vinous any industry, or fermented business, liquors shall be manufactured, sold OP offered formintained or permitted within said subdivision. trade, occupation or Trofession of any kind betions thereof shall be erected, placed or suffered drivevays additions thereto, or altera-until the external design, dimensions, location to romain on any sublot unless andthereof shall have first been approved in writing and appurtenances slopes and gradosassigns and atrue copy of the plans and specifications by L. 1i. Gundersen, his successors orisublot upon which same is to ve erected or placed shall thereof and the plot plan of the,may be modified as to any sublot by written consent in paragraph 2, aboveprovided for, if the enforcement of such requirment would of L-M.Gundersen hereinafterunder any part of the sublot they may occur. utility installation and maintenance over andno in event be construed, taken or held to be a waiver rights or easements shall inor consent to any further succedipg_breach thereof or to ve an acquiescenceL.M.Gundersen shall at any time and at all times or have violation the thereof, and the saidall persons covenants claiming shall under run with them the land and shall be binding on all partiesABOVE DESCEIBED OFLANO PREMISES 6 PEET IN WIDTH, BEIWBBN THE SUMMEIERYENE OFFHE Rachel Wright Segelin the Grantee doand State of Ohio: County of premises, situated in the City ofwide) Township Lots Nos. 11-12-13-2-23-24 and westorly line of S.L. No. 13; of iorth Park Plvd. from said passage, shall be erected, placed or suffered tosuch dwelling house, inclusive ofRoad of the front line ridge line. by a porch, losgia or coveredroadvay, the interior ticrcof shaliand twenty (20 ft. of East Fairfaxto remain on any sublot unlessheight, a minimum of 19 ft. from joist:carage, open r enclosed porches,gara.e except as aL Loveve exclusive ofb domestic servants ofa (2) lio finished. (3) No the dwelling nain house shall ie erected, placed or sufferedsection thereof shall be two stories in(4) a No dwelling ft. house shall be erected, placed or suffereder storage rooms and said dwelling house shallnoted, but shall ue exclusive of a porch,(s) No porches, porte cocheres, loggias and similar Projoctions.persons of any race other than the caucasian shallrace domiciled with en owner or tennt. (6) No (7) No dwelling house or building of any kind,(8) with L.Cundersen, his successors or assigns.nemed The requirements with respect to side line set backs specifiedif such modification would not in L. li. Gundersen'sto any other sublot.(9) An easement is hereby reserved for all(10) Failure to enforce any of the foregoing restrictions, or heve been lodged permanentlywork an undue hardship andjudgement result in material damage: (11) TheseCALSO AI PARCEL right to enforce same. until January 1, 1971. and on AND THE MEHIMEAYTERLYENE: OFNORTH PARe COVER)
(5) No 0I0S) o5E1as and similar Projoctions. - 01 persond of any race other than the caucasian shall lot, except that this covenant shall not use or occupy any building or different race domiciled with prevent occupancy b: domestic servants any (6) No spiritous winone an owner or tenant. of a
(5) No persons of any race other than the caucasian shall use or occupy any building or any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](5) No 0I0S) o5E1as and similar Projoctions. - 01 persond of any race other than the caucasian shall lot, except that this covenant shall not use or occupy any building or different race domiciled with prevent occupancy b: domestic servants any (6) No spiritous winone an owner or tenant. of a [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](5) No persons of any race other than the caucasian shall use or occupy any building or any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVAL6283 FAGE 40475266mwallChat, I, L. M. Gundersen\n1i5\nfort the consideration of Ten and no/100 (10.00) and other valuable' the Grantor: received to my full consideration satisfaction of(bivr. Grant, Bargain, Sell andheirs and assigns, the following described Conoey unto the said Grantee herCleveland Heightsand known as being a part of S.L. No. 13, CuyahogaSubdivision of part of original Warrensville in the Shaker Heights Land Company'sis bounded and described as follows:at the Beginning westerly at line a point of seid on the s.1. northerly line of North Park Boulevard (60 ft.Therce northerly, elong said westerly No. line 13; nf saidThence easterly, parallel and veins 100.00 ft. S.L. o. 13, 214.10ft.;from the northerly line of said S.L. No. 13, Southerly by riçht angulur measurementThence southerly, 215.06 Stitte1? roint on said 83.00 ft;-which is 100.00 ft. measureayaiong said northerly northrly line line of Korth Park Blvd.,place Thence of westerly beginning alon; be the said northerly line of Horth Fark Blyd. 100 ft. toand subject to the following same more or less but subject to all leial hi tho prinviple(1) Bach sublot in said subdivision restrictions, shall be used rights and easements, to-wit: hways,dwelling purposes, and only one (1) such dvelling solely and exclusively for single privateior semi-attached garage connected to such dvelling house, house inclusive on an attached garage,be attached or semi-attached gerage shall open toward remain a on any one (1) sublot. If suchsim lar Trojections or other buildings garage, of any porches, verand- s, porte cocheres and otherplaced or suffered to remain on any sublot within character Watsoever, shall be erected,within one hundred (100) ft. of North Park Blvd. 15 feet of any side line thereof,norsq. area of less than 800 sq. ft. exclusive of to remain on any sublot having52' which may include an attached garage, hare a front dimension of not less thanbecomes a minimum of 32', exclusive of except the corner lot on which the frontageing honce frontage may include such attached zarage, or on semi-attached the Jiorth Fark frontaje. Said dwell-such semi-attached grage to such dwelling house, loggia and or covered further passage shall which may connectlot, different except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy use or occupy any building or anysale, spiritous, nor shall vinous any industry, or fermented business, liquors shall be manufactured, sold OP offered formintained or permitted within said subdivision. trade, occupation or Trofession of any kind betions thereof shall be erected, placed or suffered drivevays additions thereto, or altera-until the external design, dimensions, location to romain on any sublot unless andthereof shall have first been approved in writing and appurtenances slopes and gradosassigns and atrue copy of the plans and specifications by L. 1i. Gundersen, his successors orisublot upon which same is to ve erected or placed shall thereof and the plot plan of the,may be modified as to any sublot by written consent in paragraph 2, aboveprovided for, if the enforcement of such requirment would of L-M.Gundersen hereinafterunder any part of the sublot they may occur. utility installation and maintenance over andno in event be construed, taken or held to be a waiver rights or easements shall inor consent to any further succedipg_breach thereof or to ve an acquiescenceL.M.Gundersen shall at any time and at all times or have violation the thereof, and the saidall persons covenants claiming shall under run with them the land and shall be binding on all partiesABOVE DESCEIBED OFLANO PREMISES 6 PEET IN WIDTH, BEIWBBN THE SUMMEIERYENE OFFHE\nRachel Wright Segelin\nthe Grantee doand State of Ohio:\nCounty of premises, situated in the City\nofwide)\nTownship Lots Nos. 11-12-13-2-23-24 and\nwestorly line of S.L. No. 13;\nof iorth Park Plvd. from said\npassage, shall be erected, placed or suffered tosuch dwelling house, inclusive ofRoad of the front line ridge line.\nby a porch, losgia or coveredroadvay, the interior ticrcof shaliand twenty (20 ft. of East Fairfaxto remain on any sublot unlessheight, a minimum of 19 ft. from joist:carage, open r enclosed porches,gara.e except as aL Loveve exclusive ofb domestic servants ofa\n(2) lio finished.\n(3) No the dwelling nain house shall ie erected, placed or sufferedsection thereof shall be two stories in(4) a No dwelling ft. house shall be erected, placed or suffereder storage rooms and said dwelling house shallnoted, but shall ue exclusive of a porch,(s) No porches, porte cocheres, loggias and similar Projoctions.persons of any race other than the caucasian shallrace domiciled with en owner or tennt.\n(6) No\n(7) No dwelling house or building of any kind,(8) with L.Cundersen, his successors or assigns.nemed The requirements with respect to side line set backs specifiedif such modification would not in L. li. Gundersen'sto any other sublot.(9) An easement is hereby reserved for all(10) Failure to enforce any of the foregoing restrictions,\nor\nheve been lodged permanentlywork an undue hardship andjudgement result in material\ndamage:\n(11) TheseCALSO AI PARCEL\nright to enforce same.\nuntil January 1, 1971.\nand on\nAND THE MEHIMEAYTERLYENE: OFNORTH PARe COVER)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](5) No\n0I0S) o5E1as and similar Projoctions.\n-\n01\npersond of any race other than the caucasian shall\nlot, except that this covenant shall not\nuse or occupy any building or\ndifferent race domiciled with\nprevent occupancy b: domestic servants\nany\n(6) No spiritous winone\nan owner or tenant.\nof a\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](5) No persons of any race other than the caucasian shall use or occupy any building or any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DRI VOL00516F PAGE498 EVOL 516 PACE 498 g8:5 STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DENTON 10951 THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY FIVE (#795.00) AND NO/100 DOLLARS tous paid and secured to be paid by BENJAMIN J. DARDEN and wife, THELMA A. DARDEN motsllagsx HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said BENJAMIN J. DARDEN and wife, THELMA A. DARDEN of the County of DALIAS State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, Texas, and described as follows, to-wit: BFING LOT FORTY SEVEN (47) ih BLOCK ELEVEN (11) of GARZA-LITTIE ELM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition duly recorded in the Map Records of Denton County, Texas, to which record reference is here made. the This plat recorded conveyance in is the made Map subject Records Denton to the restrictive County, Texas, convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of o and are as follows: BALes for subdivision, n-pr or recreational except as hereinafter purposes, andany excepted original and described lot is in Paragraph one 16 such herein, type tobe_used only as resijençe, 2._No private structures garage and/or shall be erected, and altered, other placed cessary permitted remain on any building plot other than building, one detached except single building aa anda Ee servants of race than domiciled the Caucasian any race owner shall or useor tenant. occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by_do- EEE: mEIS b AMR system approved B -No dry toilets or hereon. shall Severage permitted on this property by septic and. tank only sanitary or State State Health y58 Aeht dys s G2CAIA3UOAMAEAOT K ELEK No (Front ilding shall bee erected feees Side to the front lot paer m: ite d street txextxor line ENSHIRERE than HUDATE setback PPIXNE line shown on the B building lines on interior Totor =4 the above aE: building on two occupied (2) or letc until thereof completely used in main and, iframe shall unfinished 5s mtsta aluminum siding or roofing. tile, or No oyance obnoxious or nuisance or tot the trade neighbor or activity rhood. shall be carried on any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which be or permanently, nor shall tent, any shack or other. erected be thel lot herein residence, deseribed shall at time be-used restrictions herein m7. set are fully s "eh temporarily except trailers may be used on lot in Block provided that 11. The Streets, ground easements floor area and of_any are main reserved structure, as shown on of the open recorded porches plat and of shall for be not less than 600 square fet. running shall with beauto the land at, extended be binding upon all parties utility January 12. restrictions at shall be jority of lael owners ot tms E itis agreed to change covenants in ori in periods a "Ebs years unless by vote claiming under them until E fbe parties any other. person or any of them, owning or their heirs real or assigns, shall dévelopment to or any of the covenants herein, it the or person other 35 for such or to violate any such covenant, and subdivision either to to prevent! him ort from OF 14. 15. The No structures or Developer of any kind shall to ber moved onto the subdivision or any lot thereof without the of the Seller or Developer. rains, Purchaser, heirsor The assiens, Purchaser for damagest tothe subdivision caused any Act way b interfere with or otherwise, the idence permission CpEe of system, the lion B lot in Block 2may be Lots through bya 5inE trailer, Block as setout 7and all in Paragraph in Blocks and 2are reserved for business only, with the excep- Pn: and cay one of these by judgment or court order shalli inr no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall 18. TO HAVE. AND TOI HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there- to in anywise belonging unto the said BENJAMIN J. DARDEN and wife, THELMA A. DARDEN, their heirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, all and singular the said premises unto the said BENJAMIN J. DARDEN and wife, THELMA A. DARDEN,their heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. pEReCReTisS M WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. THIRD -day of. DECEMBER 196.h deie phses Vera W.Bass
DRI VOL00516F PAGE498 EVOL 516 PACE 498 g8:5 STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DENTON 10951 THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY FIVE (#795.00) AND NO/100 DOLLARS tous paid and secured to be paid by BENJAMIN J. DARDEN and wife, THELMA A. DARDEN motsllagsx HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said BENJAMIN J. DARDEN and wife, THELMA A. DARDEN of the County of DALIAS State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, Texas, and described as follows, to-wit: BFING LOT FORTY SEVEN (47) ih BLOCK ELEVEN (11) of GARZA-LITTIE ELM LAKE ESTATES, an Addition duly recorded in the Map Records of Denton County, Texas, to which record reference is here made. the This plat recorded conveyance in is the made Map subject Records Denton to the restrictive County, Texas, convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of o and are as follows: BALes for subdivision, n-pr or recreational except as hereinafter purposes, andany excepted original and described lot is in Paragraph one 16 such herein, type tobe_used only as resijençe, 2._No private structures garage and/or shall be erected, and altered, other placed cessary permitted remain on any building plot other than building, one detached except single building aa anda Ee servants of race than domiciled the Caucasian any race owner shall or useor tenant. occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by_do- EEE: mEIS b AMR system approved B -No dry toilets or hereon. shall Severage permitted on this property by septic and. tank only sanitary or State State Health y58 Aeht dys s G2CAIA3UOAMAEAOT K ELEK No (Front ilding shall bee erected feees Side to the front lot paer m: ite d street txextxor line ENSHIRERE than HUDATE setback PPIXNE line shown on the B building lines on interior Totor =4 the above aE: building on two occupied (2) or letc until thereof completely used in main and, iframe shall unfinished 5s mtsta aluminum siding or roofing. tile, or No oyance obnoxious or nuisance or tot the trade neighbor or activity rhood. shall be carried on any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which be or permanently, nor shall tent, any shack or other. erected be thel lot herein residence, deseribed shall at time be-used restrictions herein m7. set are fully s "eh temporarily except trailers may be used on lot in Block provided that 11. The Streets, ground easements floor area and of_any are main reserved structure, as shown on of the open recorded porches plat and of shall for be not less than 600 square fet. running shall with beauto the land at, extended be binding upon all parties utility January 12. restrictions at shall be jority of lael owners ot tms E itis agreed to change covenants in ori in periods a "Ebs years unless by vote claiming under them until E fbe parties any other. person or any of them, owning or their heirs real or assigns, shall dévelopment to or any of the covenants herein, it the or person other 35 for such or to violate any such covenant, and subdivision either to to prevent! him ort from OF 14. 15. The No structures or Developer of any kind shall to ber moved onto the subdivision or any lot thereof without the of the Seller or Developer. rains, Purchaser, heirsor The assiens, Purchaser for damagest tothe subdivision caused any Act way b interfere with or otherwise, the idence permission CpEe of system, the lion B lot in Block 2may be Lots through bya 5inE trailer, Block as setout 7and all in Paragraph in Blocks and 2are reserved for business only, with the excep- Pn: and cay one of these by judgment or court order shalli inr no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall 18. TO HAVE. AND TOI HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there- to in anywise belonging unto the said BENJAMIN J. DARDEN and wife, THELMA A. DARDEN, their heirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, all and singular the said premises unto the said BENJAMIN J. DARDEN and wife, THELMA A. DARDEN,their heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. pEReCReTisS M WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. THIRD -day of. DECEMBER 196.h deie phses Vera W.Bass
3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
3. No person of any race other the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDRI VOL00516F PAGE498\nEVOL 516 PACE 498\ng8:5\nSTATE OF TEXAS\nKNOW ALLI MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\nCOUNTY OF DENTON\n10951\nTHAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of\nSEVEN HUNDRED NINETY FIVE (#795.00) AND NO/100\nDOLLARS\ntous paid and secured to be paid by\nBENJAMIN J. DARDEN and wife, THELMA A. DARDEN\nmotsllagsx\nHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said\nBENJAMIN J. DARDEN and wife, THELMA A. DARDEN\nof the County of DALIAS\nState of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,\nTexas, and described as follows, to-wit:\nBFING LOT FORTY SEVEN (47) ih BLOCK ELEVEN (11) of GARZA-LITTIE ELM\nLAKE ESTATES, an Addition duly recorded in the Map Records of Denton\nCounty, Texas, to which record reference is here made.\nthe This plat recorded conveyance in is the made Map subject Records Denton to the restrictive County, Texas, convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part of\no\nand are as follows:\nBALes for subdivision, n-pr or recreational except as hereinafter purposes, andany excepted original and described lot is in Paragraph one 16 such herein, type tobe_used only as resijençe,\n2._No private structures garage and/or shall be erected, and altered, other placed cessary permitted remain on any building plot other than building, one detached except single building aa anda\nEe servants of race than domiciled the Caucasian any race owner shall or useor tenant. occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by_do-\nEEE: mEIS b AMR system approved B\n-No dry toilets or\nhereon. shall Severage permitted on this property by septic and. tank only sanitary\nor State\nState Health\ny58\nAeht dys s\nG2CAIA3UOAMAEAOT\nK\nELEK\nNo (Front ilding shall bee erected feees Side to the front lot paer m: ite d street txextxor line ENSHIRERE than HUDATE setback PPIXNE line shown on the\n B building lines on interior Totor =4\nthe above\naE:\nbuilding on\ntwo occupied (2) or letc until\nthereof completely used in main and, iframe shall unfinished\n5s\nmtsta\naluminum siding or roofing.\ntile,\nor\nNo oyance obnoxious or nuisance or tot the trade neighbor or activity rhood. shall be carried on any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon which be or\npermanently, nor shall tent, any shack or other.\nerected be thel lot herein residence, deseribed shall at time be-used\nrestrictions herein m7. set are fully s \"eh\ntemporarily\nexcept trailers may be used on lot in Block\nprovided that\n11. The Streets, ground easements floor area and of_any are main reserved structure, as shown on of the open recorded porches plat and of\nshall for be not less than 600 square fet.\nrunning shall with beauto the land at, extended be binding upon all parties utility\nJanuary 12. restrictions at shall be\njority of lael owners ot tms E itis agreed to change covenants in ori in periods a \"Ebs years unless by vote\nclaiming under them until\nE\nfbe parties any other. person or any of them, owning or their heirs real or assigns, shall\ndévelopment to or any of the covenants herein, it\nthe or person other 35 for such or\n\nto violate any such covenant, and subdivision either to to prevent! him ort from\nOF\n14. 15. The No structures or Developer of any kind shall to ber moved onto the subdivision or any lot thereof without the\nof the Seller or Developer.\n \nrains, Purchaser, heirsor The assiens, Purchaser for damagest tothe subdivision caused any Act\nway b interfere with\nor otherwise, the\nidence\npermission CpEe of\nsystem,\nthe\nlion B lot in Block 2may be Lots through bya 5inE trailer, Block as setout 7and all in Paragraph in Blocks and 2are reserved for business only, with the excep-\nPn: and cay one of these\nby judgment or court order shalli inr no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall\n18.\nTO HAVE. AND TOI HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there-\nto in anywise belonging unto the said BENJAMIN J. DARDEN and wife, THELMA A. DARDEN, their\nheirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-\nfend, all and singular the said premises unto the said BENJAMIN J. DARDEN and wife, THELMA A. DARDEN,their\nheirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.\npEReCReTisS\nM\nWITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. THIRD -day of. DECEMBER\n196.h\ndeie\nphses\nVera W.Bass", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant\nshall not prevent occupancy by do\nmestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 272 1. No part of said property shall be sold, let or leased, transferred orassigned to, or oooupied by any person not of the Cauoasian race, or to be used2. A septic tank must be installed acoording to the State Board of HealthRegulations. No outhouses other than a garage will be permitted on the property,excepting on those lots set aside for business purposes. Business permitted only3. An easement through said property for gas, water, sewer, eleotric light4. The restriotions of building are to be governed by quality and appear-ance rather than by monetary value, and no building, fenoe, wall, or other struotureshall be erected or maintained on said land unless conplete plans and spepifioat-ions therefor, and blook plan indioating the location of suoh structure, shall havebeen submitted to and approved in writing by the Seller, its suocessors or assigns.5. The Buyer agrees to use water for household purposes only.6.or each lot purohased, the Buyer agrees to aocept a Certificate forone membership in the Redwood Mutual Water Company, a non-profit corporation owningand oontrolling the recreational center, water and road systems of Redwood Estates.7. No domestio fowls or animals (other than dogs and cats) will be permittedIn the event of a breach by the party of the second part, or her heirs,exeoutors, administrators or assigns, or either or any of them, of any of the aboveand foregoing conditions, then and in that event, and without previous or any noticeor demand, the estate hereby created in the party of the second part, her heirs,exeoutors, administrators and assigns, in the above described property, shall at onceterminate and beoome void and the said lands and premises shall revert to the partyof the first part, its suocessors and assigns, in fee simple absolute, withoutany olain, right, title or interest therein or thereto, in favor of the party ofthe second part, her heirs, exeoutors, administrators or assigns. by any other than a person of the Cauoasian raoe. on lots set aside for that purpose.and telephones is reserved by the Seller. to be kept on the property. Also granting hereby all water rights, including riparian rights, appurt-TO HAVE AID TO HOLD to the said grantee, her heirs or assignsIH WITNESS WHEREOF, said party of the first part, by its President enant to or part and paroel of said land. WITHOUT MARRANTY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. and Seoretary thereunto duly authorized, has oaused its corporate name to be here-unto subsoribed and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, this 12th day of AprilSTATE OF CALIFORNIA )ss. On this 12th dey of April, 1929, before me, C.D.PondCOUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) a Notery Public in and for said County, personellyand M.E.Lennon known to me to be the Secretary of the San Jose Abstraot & TitleInsurance Co. the orporation that exeouted the within end foregoing instrument,and known to me to be the persons who exeouted the within instrument on behalf ofthe corporation therein named and aoknowledged to me that such corporation executed 1929.(CORPORATE SEAL) SAI JOSE ABSTRACT & TITLE INSURANLE 0.By LaP.savard,resideat.By Mas.lommon,seoretary. appeared L,P.Edwards knonn to re to be the President the seme.first above written.(NOTARIAL SRAL) WITNESS my hand and offioial seal the day and year in this certificate C. D. Pond Notary Public in and for theCounty of Santa Clara,State of California. FILING NO H-8595MAY B. FLANNERYD. BeanTOGRAT DEED Filed for reoord at the request of Cal ifornia Paoific Title & Trust Company Apr 16 1929 at 42 min. past 3 o'clock P.M. RECGRDERDEputy Keoorder Fee 1.25 7f Compared doo. RCanari conpared book lindan MESMOMAPONGAMPAPIANNAMpASsAAADRIAANPIE CATHERINE RANCADORE7-r17 MARCO H. RAFCADOKE I, Catherine Hancadore, of the County of Sacramanto, State of Ualif- ornia, in oonsideration of Ten (10) Dollars to me in hand paid, the receipt ofwhich is hereby aoknowledged, do hereby grant to Marco H.Rancadore, of the Countyof Santa Clara, State of California, as and for his separate property, all that
272 1. No part of said property shall be sold, let or leased, transferred orassigned to, or oooupied by any person not of the Cauoasian race, or to be used2. A septic tank must be installed acoording to the State Board of HealthRegulations. No outhouses other than a garage will be permitted on the property,excepting on those lots set aside for business purposes. Business permitted only3. An easement through said property for gas, water, sewer, eleotric light4. The restriotions of building are to be governed by quality and appear-ance rather than by monetary value, and no building, fenoe, wall, or other struotureshall be erected or maintained on said land unless conplete plans and spepifioat-ions therefor, and blook plan indioating the location of suoh structure, shall havebeen submitted to and approved in writing by the Seller, its suocessors or assigns.5. The Buyer agrees to use water for household purposes only.6.or each lot purohased, the Buyer agrees to aocept a Certificate forone membership in the Redwood Mutual Water Company, a non-profit corporation owningand oontrolling the recreational center, water and road systems of Redwood Estates.7. No domestio fowls or animals (other than dogs and cats) will be permittedIn the event of a breach by the party of the second part, or her heirs,exeoutors, administrators or assigns, or either or any of them, of any of the aboveand foregoing conditions, then and in that event, and without previous or any noticeor demand, the estate hereby created in the party of the second part, her heirs,exeoutors, administrators and assigns, in the above described property, shall at onceterminate and beoome void and the said lands and premises shall revert to the partyof the first part, its suocessors and assigns, in fee simple absolute, withoutany olain, right, title or interest therein or thereto, in favor of the party ofthe second part, her heirs, exeoutors, administrators or assigns. by any other than a person of the Cauoasian raoe. on lots set aside for that purpose.and telephones is reserved by the Seller. to be kept on the property. Also granting hereby all water rights, including riparian rights, appurt-TO HAVE AID TO HOLD to the said grantee, her heirs or assignsIH WITNESS WHEREOF, said party of the first part, by its President enant to or part and paroel of said land. WITHOUT MARRANTY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. and Seoretary thereunto duly authorized, has oaused its corporate name to be here-unto subsoribed and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, this 12th day of AprilSTATE OF CALIFORNIA )ss. On this 12th dey of April, 1929, before me, C.D.PondCOUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) a Notery Public in and for said County, personellyand M.E.Lennon known to me to be the Secretary of the San Jose Abstraot & TitleInsurance Co. the orporation that exeouted the within end foregoing instrument,and known to me to be the persons who exeouted the within instrument on behalf ofthe corporation therein named and aoknowledged to me that such corporation executed 1929.(CORPORATE SEAL) SAI JOSE ABSTRACT & TITLE INSURANLE 0.By LaP.savard,resideat.By Mas.lommon,seoretary. appeared L,P.Edwards knonn to re to be the President the seme.first above written.(NOTARIAL SRAL) WITNESS my hand and offioial seal the day and year in this certificate C. D. Pond Notary Public in and for theCounty of Santa Clara,State of California. FILING NO H-8595MAY B. FLANNERYD. BeanTOGRAT DEED Filed for reoord at the request of Cal ifornia Paoific Title & Trust Company Apr 16 1929 at 42 min. past 3 o'clock P.M. RECGRDERDEputy Keoorder Fee 1.25 7f Compared doo. RCanari conpared book lindan MESMOMAPONGAMPAPIANNAMpASsAAADRIAANPIE CATHERINE RANCADORE7-r17 MARCO H. RAFCADOKE I, Catherine Hancadore, of the County of Sacramanto, State of Ualif- ornia, in oonsideration of Ten (10) Dollars to me in hand paid, the receipt ofwhich is hereby aoknowledged, do hereby grant to Marco H.Rancadore, of the Countyof Santa Clara, State of California, as and for his separate property, all that
1. No part of said property shall be sold, let or leased, transferred or assigned to, or occupied by any person not of the Caucasian race, or to be used by any other than a person of the Caucasian race.
1. No part of said property shall be sold, let or leased, transferred or assigned to, or occupied by any person not of the Caucasian race, or to be used by any other than a person of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]1. No part of said property shall be sold, let or leased, transferred or assigned to, or occupied by any person not of the Caucasian race, or to be used by any other than a person of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]1. No part of said property shall be sold, let or leased, transferred or assigned to, or occupied by any person not of the Caucasian race, or to be used by any other than a person of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n272\n1. No part of said property shall be sold, let or leased, transferred orassigned to, or oooupied by any person not of the Cauoasian race, or to be used2. A septic tank must be installed acoording to the State Board of HealthRegulations. No outhouses other than a garage will be permitted on the property,excepting on those lots set aside for business purposes. Business permitted only3. An easement through said property for gas, water, sewer, eleotric light4. The restriotions of building are to be governed by quality and appear-ance rather than by monetary value, and no building, fenoe, wall, or other struotureshall be erected or maintained on said land unless conplete plans and spepifioat-ions therefor, and blook plan indioating the location of suoh structure, shall havebeen submitted to and approved in writing by the Seller, its suocessors or assigns.5. The Buyer agrees to use water for household purposes only.6.or each lot purohased, the Buyer agrees to aocept a Certificate forone membership in the Redwood Mutual Water Company, a non-profit corporation owningand oontrolling the recreational center, water and road systems of Redwood Estates.7. No domestio fowls or animals (other than dogs and cats) will be permittedIn the event of a breach by the party of the second part, or her heirs,exeoutors, administrators or assigns, or either or any of them, of any of the aboveand foregoing conditions, then and in that event, and without previous or any noticeor demand, the estate hereby created in the party of the second part, her heirs,exeoutors, administrators and assigns, in the above described property, shall at onceterminate and beoome void and the said lands and premises shall revert to the partyof the first part, its suocessors and assigns, in fee simple absolute, withoutany olain, right, title or interest therein or thereto, in favor of the party ofthe second part, her heirs, exeoutors, administrators or assigns.\nby any other than a person of the Cauoasian raoe.\non lots set aside for that purpose.and telephones is reserved by the Seller.\nto be kept on the property.\nAlso granting hereby all water rights, including riparian rights, appurt-TO HAVE AID TO HOLD to the said grantee, her heirs or assignsIH WITNESS WHEREOF, said party of the first part, by its President\nenant to or part and paroel of said land.\nWITHOUT MARRANTY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.\nand Seoretary thereunto duly authorized, has oaused its corporate name to be here-unto subsoribed and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, this 12th day of AprilSTATE OF CALIFORNIA )ss. On this 12th dey of April, 1929, before me, C.D.PondCOUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) a Notery Public in and for said County, personellyand M.E.Lennon known to me to be the Secretary of the San Jose Abstraot & TitleInsurance Co. the orporation that exeouted the within end foregoing instrument,and known to me to be the persons who exeouted the within instrument on behalf ofthe corporation therein named and aoknowledged to me that such corporation executed\n1929.(CORPORATE SEAL)\nSAI JOSE ABSTRACT & TITLE INSURANLE 0.By LaP.savard,resideat.By Mas.lommon,seoretary.\nappeared L,P.Edwards knonn to re to be the President\nthe seme.first above written.(NOTARIAL SRAL)\nWITNESS my hand and offioial seal the day and year in this certificate\nC. D. Pond Notary Public in and for theCounty of Santa Clara,State of California.\nFILING NO H-8595MAY B. FLANNERYD. BeanTOGRAT DEED\nFiled for reoord at the request of Cal ifornia Paoific Title &\nTrust Company Apr 16 1929 at 42 min. past 3 o'clock P.M.\nRECGRDERDEputy Keoorder\nFee 1.25\n7f\nCompared doo. RCanari conpared book lindan\nMESMOMAPONGAMPAPIANNAMpASsAAADRIAANPIE\nCATHERINE RANCADORE7-r17\nMARCO H. RAFCADOKE\nI, Catherine Hancadore, of the County of Sacramanto, State of Ualif-\nornia, in oonsideration of Ten (10) Dollars to me in hand paid, the receipt ofwhich is hereby aoknowledged, do hereby grant to Marco H.Rancadore, of the Countyof Santa Clara, State of California, as and for his separate property, all that\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]1. No part of said property shall be sold, let or leased, transferred or assigned to, or occupied by any person not of the Caucasian race, or to be used by any other than a person of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]1. No part of said property shall be sold, let or leased, transferred or assigned to, or occupied by any person not of the Caucasian race, or to be used by any other than a person of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL.6.431rage 815 Moreland Hills (not residential) may bo oonstruoted in the rear of the established line of 350 foet from tho oentor lino of said Harvard Road, as shown onsaid plat. With said residontinl building thero shall be erected at the sametime a garage, either attaohod or somi-attached, to said residential structure,and the garage entrance must bo at tho ond of said residential building to the2. The residential building (ono single residence) for the usé of onefamily as a dwelling house referred to in the last paragraph shall be con-structed s0 that its minimum height at the ridge of the roof shall not beless than 5 feet above the first floor or second floor ceiling. Said dwellinghouse and attached or semi-attached garage shall be placed on the propertyconvoyed herein 80 that the front of said dwelling house and garage shall be3. No building or structure of any kind, or any part thereof shall beerected, placed, or suffered to remain on the premises conveyed, the main frontfoundation line of which shall be more than 150 feet or less than 150. feetfrom the center line of Harvard Road, measured at right angles from Baid centerline of Harvard Road, The phrase "main front foundation line" as used hereinshall mean that portion of the front foundation which is nearest to and paral-4. The driveway to the garage shall run from Harvard Road over the east-erly portion of said parcel and extend to the garage entrance referred to in5. Said premises shall not be used for any purpose or in any way whichmay endanger the health or reasonably disturb the quiet of any occupant ofadjacent or neighboring premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquorsshall be manufactured or sold, either at wholesale or at retail, on said prem-ises, nor shall said premises be used for eny mercantile, mechanical or manu-6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used7. The intent of this covenent is that said premises shall be used ex-clusively for private residence purposes, and for no other purpose whatsoever,whether of the kind specified in this paragraph or otherwise, the enumerationherein of certain prohibited uses of said premises being in addition to, and rear thereof and on the easterly aido thereof. parallel with the center line of said Harvard Road. lel to the center line of Harvard Road. paragraph 1 hereof. facturing purposes. by_any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
VOL.6.431rage 815 Moreland Hills (not residential) may bo oonstruoted in the rear of the established line of 350 foet from tho oentor lino of said Harvard Road, as shown onsaid plat. With said residontinl building thero shall be erected at the sametime a garage, either attaohod or somi-attached, to said residential structure,and the garage entrance must bo at tho ond of said residential building to the2. The residential building (ono single residence) for the usé of onefamily as a dwelling house referred to in the last paragraph shall be con-structed s0 that its minimum height at the ridge of the roof shall not beless than 5 feet above the first floor or second floor ceiling. Said dwellinghouse and attached or semi-attached garage shall be placed on the propertyconvoyed herein 80 that the front of said dwelling house and garage shall be3. No building or structure of any kind, or any part thereof shall beerected, placed, or suffered to remain on the premises conveyed, the main frontfoundation line of which shall be more than 150 feet or less than 150. feetfrom the center line of Harvard Road, measured at right angles from Baid centerline of Harvard Road, The phrase "main front foundation line" as used hereinshall mean that portion of the front foundation which is nearest to and paral-4. The driveway to the garage shall run from Harvard Road over the east-erly portion of said parcel and extend to the garage entrance referred to in5. Said premises shall not be used for any purpose or in any way whichmay endanger the health or reasonably disturb the quiet of any occupant ofadjacent or neighboring premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquorsshall be manufactured or sold, either at wholesale or at retail, on said prem-ises, nor shall said premises be used for eny mercantile, mechanical or manu-6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used7. The intent of this covenent is that said premises shall be used ex-clusively for private residence purposes, and for no other purpose whatsoever,whether of the kind specified in this paragraph or otherwise, the enumerationherein of certain prohibited uses of said premises being in addition to, and rear thereof and on the easterly aido thereof. parallel with the center line of said Harvard Road. lel to the center line of Harvard Road. paragraph 1 hereof. facturing purposes. by_any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, give away, leased or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, give away, leased or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL.6.431rage 815\nMoreland Hills (not residential) may bo oonstruoted in the rear of the established line of 350 foet from tho oentor lino of said Harvard Road, as shown onsaid plat. With said residontinl building thero shall be erected at the sametime a garage, either attaohod or somi-attached, to said residential structure,and the garage entrance must bo at tho ond of said residential building to the2. The residential building (ono single residence) for the usé of onefamily as a dwelling house referred to in the last paragraph shall be con-structed s0 that its minimum height at the ridge of the roof shall not beless than 5 feet above the first floor or second floor ceiling. Said dwellinghouse and attached or semi-attached garage shall be placed on the propertyconvoyed herein 80 that the front of said dwelling house and garage shall be3. No building or structure of any kind, or any part thereof shall beerected, placed, or suffered to remain on the premises conveyed, the main frontfoundation line of which shall be more than 150 feet or less than 150. feetfrom the center line of Harvard Road, measured at right angles from Baid centerline of Harvard Road, The phrase \"main front foundation line\" as used hereinshall mean that portion of the front foundation which is nearest to and paral-4. The driveway to the garage shall run from Harvard Road over the east-erly portion of said parcel and extend to the garage entrance referred to in5. Said premises shall not be used for any purpose or in any way whichmay endanger the health or reasonably disturb the quiet of any occupant ofadjacent or neighboring premises. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquorsshall be manufactured or sold, either at wholesale or at retail, on said prem-ises, nor shall said premises be used for eny mercantile, mechanical or manu-6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used7. The intent of this covenent is that said premises shall be used ex-clusively for private residence purposes, and for no other purpose whatsoever,whether of the kind specified in this paragraph or otherwise, the enumerationherein of certain prohibited uses of said premises being in addition to, and\nrear thereof and on the easterly aido thereof.\nparallel with the center line of said Harvard Road.\nlel to the center line of Harvard Road.\nparagraph 1 hereof.\nfacturing purposes.\nby_any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given away, leased or used\nby any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]6. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, give away, leased or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 3bb hk VOL6467 PAGE 25 UNIT LOOATION DEED The Cleveland Trus Company 11-A 145640 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That Ebe Clebelanb Crust Companp, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Ohio, by its officers duly authorized int the premises, the GRANTOR, for the CONSIDERATION of Ten and no/100 Dollars- and other valuable consideration received to its full satisfaction of Frank J. Gurko and Evelyn S. Gurko 559. East 102nd Street Cloveland, Ohio the GRANTEE 8, does hereby GIVE, GRANT, BARGAIN. SELL, AND CONVEY unto the said GRANTEES their 2OHRADARA heirs. and assigns, the following described premises: Situated in the Village of Richmond Heights, County of Cuyahoga and State of known as being part of Original Euclid Township Lot No. 66, Tract No. 12 and Ohio, bounded and and described as follows:- Beginning at the intersection of the Westerly line of Harris Road (50 feet wide) with the Southerly line of a parcel of land conveyed to Frederick H. Jaokson by deed dated Sept- ember 7, 1915, and recorded in Volume 1712, Page 255 of Cuyahoga County Records; thence North 0°14'20" East 240 feet along the said Westerly line of Harris Road to a the principal placo of beginning; thence North 0°14120" East 80 feet along the point said for Hesterly line of Harris Road to a point; thence North 89059145" West 400 feet to a thence South 0°14120" West 80 feet to a point; thence/89859145" East 400 foet to the point; principal place of beginning and containing 0.734 Acre of land made September, 1946 by Cleveland Surveys, Inc., Civil Engineers according and Surveyors, 'survey be the to a same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Grantor claims title by and through instrument recorded in Volume5o 61 Pago30s of County Records. Cuyahoga And the said Grantees, for themselvés, their heirs and assigns, in consideration of the execution and delivery of this instrument, hereby covenant promise and agree, with and for the benefit of the said Grantor, its successors and assigns, and all other owners of adjacent lands who shall acquire title thereto from the Grantor, to hold the premises above described hereby sold upon the following terms:- 1. Said premises shall be used exclusively for residential, small farm and purposes, and no building shall be erected, moved, or suffered to remain thereon gardening other than one detached single family dwelling, necessary outbuildings and either an attached or detached garage, any such dwelling exclusive of the garage to have a reasonable value of not less than $4,800.00 based upon Cleveland, Ohio building costs as of Liay 1, 1943. 2. No building shall be erected, moved, or suffered to remain on said premises nearer to the side line of the street or road on which said premises front than 75 feet nor nearer to the side line of said premises than 10 feet, nor unless or until the type, cost and material of construction, the lot plan showing the proposed location size, there- of upon the lot, and the plans and specifications and details therefor shall have first been approved in writing by The Cleveland Trust Company or its assignes of this power of approval. The side line restrictions shall not apply to a detached the garage upon rear one quarter of said premises. 3. Until such time as a sanitary sewer system shall have been constructed in the street or road on which said premises front a sanitary septic tank constructed in accordance with the code of the State of Ohio shall be installed in or for any dvelling house erected on said premises and no other sanitary provision or device shall be permitted to remain thereon. 4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, riven, leased or rented to, or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian Race. 5. No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be illegally manufactured sold whether at wholesale or retail upon said premises, and no nuisance, advertising or sign, billboard, place of public entertainment or resort of any character, nor noxious trade shall be established, conducted, or suffered to remain upon said prenises. 6. No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected upon said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, either temporary or permanent, nor shall any residence of a temporary character be permittéd. 7. The Grantor hereby reserves, and is hereby granted the right to change, alter,
3bb hk VOL6467 PAGE 25 UNIT LOOATION DEED The Cleveland Trus Company 11-A 145640 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That Ebe Clebelanb Crust Companp, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Ohio, by its officers duly authorized int the premises, the GRANTOR, for the CONSIDERATION of Ten and no/100 Dollars- and other valuable consideration received to its full satisfaction of Frank J. Gurko and Evelyn S. Gurko 559. East 102nd Street Cloveland, Ohio the GRANTEE 8, does hereby GIVE, GRANT, BARGAIN. SELL, AND CONVEY unto the said GRANTEES their 2OHRADARA heirs. and assigns, the following described premises: Situated in the Village of Richmond Heights, County of Cuyahoga and State of known as being part of Original Euclid Township Lot No. 66, Tract No. 12 and Ohio, bounded and and described as follows:- Beginning at the intersection of the Westerly line of Harris Road (50 feet wide) with the Southerly line of a parcel of land conveyed to Frederick H. Jaokson by deed dated Sept- ember 7, 1915, and recorded in Volume 1712, Page 255 of Cuyahoga County Records; thence North 0°14'20" East 240 feet along the said Westerly line of Harris Road to a the principal placo of beginning; thence North 0°14120" East 80 feet along the point said for Hesterly line of Harris Road to a point; thence North 89059145" West 400 feet to a thence South 0°14120" West 80 feet to a point; thence/89859145" East 400 foet to the point; principal place of beginning and containing 0.734 Acre of land made September, 1946 by Cleveland Surveys, Inc., Civil Engineers according and Surveyors, 'survey be the to a same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Grantor claims title by and through instrument recorded in Volume5o 61 Pago30s of County Records. Cuyahoga And the said Grantees, for themselvés, their heirs and assigns, in consideration of the execution and delivery of this instrument, hereby covenant promise and agree, with and for the benefit of the said Grantor, its successors and assigns, and all other owners of adjacent lands who shall acquire title thereto from the Grantor, to hold the premises above described hereby sold upon the following terms:- 1. Said premises shall be used exclusively for residential, small farm and purposes, and no building shall be erected, moved, or suffered to remain thereon gardening other than one detached single family dwelling, necessary outbuildings and either an attached or detached garage, any such dwelling exclusive of the garage to have a reasonable value of not less than $4,800.00 based upon Cleveland, Ohio building costs as of Liay 1, 1943. 2. No building shall be erected, moved, or suffered to remain on said premises nearer to the side line of the street or road on which said premises front than 75 feet nor nearer to the side line of said premises than 10 feet, nor unless or until the type, cost and material of construction, the lot plan showing the proposed location size, there- of upon the lot, and the plans and specifications and details therefor shall have first been approved in writing by The Cleveland Trust Company or its assignes of this power of approval. The side line restrictions shall not apply to a detached the garage upon rear one quarter of said premises. 3. Until such time as a sanitary sewer system shall have been constructed in the street or road on which said premises front a sanitary septic tank constructed in accordance with the code of the State of Ohio shall be installed in or for any dvelling house erected on said premises and no other sanitary provision or device shall be permitted to remain thereon. 4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, riven, leased or rented to, or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian Race. 5. No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be illegally manufactured sold whether at wholesale or retail upon said premises, and no nuisance, advertising or sign, billboard, place of public entertainment or resort of any character, nor noxious trade shall be established, conducted, or suffered to remain upon said prenises. 6. No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected upon said premises shall at any time be used as a residence, either temporary or permanent, nor shall any residence of a temporary character be permittéd. 7. The Grantor hereby reserves, and is hereby granted the right to change, alter,
4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, riven, leased or rented to, or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian Race.
4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given, leased or rented to , or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian Race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, riven, leased or rented to, or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian Race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given, leased or rented to , or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian Race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n3bb\nhk\nVOL6467 PAGE 25\nUNIT\nLOOATION\nDEED\nThe Cleveland Trus Company\n11-A 145640\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS\nThat Ebe Clebelanb Crust Companp, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Ohio, by its officers\nduly authorized int the premises, the GRANTOR, for the CONSIDERATION of Ten and no/100 Dollars-\nand other valuable consideration received to its full satisfaction of Frank J. Gurko and\nEvelyn S. Gurko\n559. East 102nd Street\nCloveland, Ohio\nthe GRANTEE 8, does hereby GIVE, GRANT, BARGAIN. SELL, AND CONVEY unto the said GRANTEES their\n2OHRADARA heirs. and assigns, the following described premises:\nSituated in the Village of Richmond Heights, County of Cuyahoga and State of\nknown as being part of Original Euclid Township Lot No. 66, Tract No. 12 and Ohio, bounded\nand\nand\ndescribed as follows:-\nBeginning at the intersection of the Westerly line of Harris Road (50 feet wide) with the\nSoutherly line of a parcel of land conveyed to Frederick H. Jaokson by deed dated Sept-\nember 7, 1915, and recorded in Volume 1712, Page 255 of Cuyahoga County Records; thence\nNorth 0°14'20\" East 240 feet along the said Westerly line of Harris Road to a\nthe principal placo of beginning; thence North 0°14120\" East 80 feet along the point said\nfor\nHesterly line of Harris Road to a point; thence North 89059145\" West 400 feet to a\nthence South 0°14120\" West 80 feet to a point; thence/89859145\" East 400 foet to the point;\nprincipal place of beginning and containing 0.734 Acre of land\nmade September, 1946 by Cleveland Surveys, Inc., Civil Engineers according and Surveyors, 'survey be the\nto a\nsame more or less, but subject to all legal highways.\nGrantor claims title by and through instrument recorded in Volume5o 61\nPago30s\nof\nCounty Records.\nCuyahoga\nAnd the said Grantees, for themselvés, their heirs and assigns, in consideration of the\nexecution and delivery of this instrument, hereby covenant promise and agree, with and\nfor the benefit of the said Grantor, its successors and assigns, and all other owners of\nadjacent lands who shall acquire title thereto from the Grantor, to hold the\npremises\nabove described hereby sold upon the following terms:-\n1. Said premises shall be used exclusively for residential, small farm and\npurposes, and no building shall be erected, moved, or suffered to remain thereon gardening other\nthan one detached single family dwelling, necessary outbuildings and either an attached\nor detached garage, any such dwelling exclusive of the garage to have a reasonable value\nof not less than $4,800.00 based upon Cleveland, Ohio building costs as of Liay 1, 1943.\n2. No building shall be erected, moved, or suffered to remain on said premises nearer\nto the side line of the street or road on which said premises front than 75 feet nor\nnearer to the side line of said premises than 10 feet, nor unless or until the\ntype, cost and material of construction, the lot plan showing the proposed location size, there-\nof upon the lot, and the plans and specifications and details therefor shall have first\nbeen approved in writing by The Cleveland Trust Company or its assignes of this power\nof approval. The side line restrictions shall not apply to a detached\nthe\ngarage upon\nrear one quarter of said premises.\n3. Until such time as a sanitary sewer system shall have been constructed in the street\nor road on which said premises front a sanitary septic tank constructed in accordance\nwith the code of the State of Ohio shall be installed in or for any dvelling house\nerected on said premises and no other sanitary provision or device shall be\npermitted to\nremain thereon.\n4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, riven, leased or rented to, or used by\nany person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian Race.\n5. No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be illegally manufactured sold\nwhether at wholesale or retail upon said premises, and no nuisance, advertising or sign,\nbillboard, place of public entertainment or resort of any character, nor noxious trade\nshall be established, conducted, or suffered to remain upon said prenises.\n6. No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erected upon\nsaid premises shall at any time be used as a residence, either temporary\nor permanent,\nnor shall any residence of a temporary character be permittéd.\n7. The Grantor hereby reserves, and is hereby granted the right to change, alter,", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, riven, leased or rented to, or used\nby\nany person not of\nthe pure blood of the Caucasian Race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]4. Said premises shall not be sold, conveyed, given, leased or rented to , or used by any person not of the pure blood of the Caucasian Race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] :. VG640i x618 : In the evant that saic dasigrated raprasenbalive faiis to approve or disapprove such design and Localion wiihirihi ty(30) days aiter said plans and specifiaciions have been Sebaictad to hin (or her), or in any event, if no suit to enjoin the ereciion of such building has been comenced prior. to the completion thereof, such approval shall. noi ba required and this covenant shall be deamed to have been fully complied. with. Said representative inay require the payment of Two Dollais (32.00) for services performed pursuani io this covenani. The powers and duties of such rep.resentalives shall cease on and after January 1, 1960. Thereafter, the approval described in this covenant shall not be required unless, prior to said effective date, a written instrument shall be executed by the then record ommers of a majority of the lots in the above subdivision and duly recorded appointirg a representative or represeniAtives, who shall thereafter exercise the same powers previously exercised by the aforesaid representatives. No person other than of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any 4: building or any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciléd with an over. or tenant. 5. No place of public entertainment, apartment house, flat, boarding nor building designed for the residence of more than one family, and no house, tav- ern or dance hall or other resort shall be éstablished, conducted, maintained hotel, or suffered to remain upon said premises, excèpt that a physician's, dentist's, lavyer's or other professional man's office may be maintained on on TARRENSVILLE RO.D; nor shall any spirituous, vinous or fermented plots liquors fronting be manufactured or sold, either at wholesale or retail upon said premises. 6. No nuisance, gas or oil derrick, advertising sign, billboard or advertising device shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain upon other said premises, nor shall said premises be used in any way or for any purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the quiet of any holder of adjoining land. 7. No heating apparatus in or for any building upon the contract ted for, shall be operated with any but Smoke-free premises unless hereby aaratus be equipped, operated and maintained with such devices fuel, as will such prevent smoke. No fence or wall of any kind for any purpose shall be erected, 8. or suffered to remain upon said premises nearer to any highway than the placed building lines hereinbefore established, not unless nor until the written representative or. representatives of the Group or Groups affected consent of the thereby have been obtained therefore. Not more than one drelling house shall be erected, 9. to remain upon any sublot, nor shall said prèmis ses be subdivided placed or into suffered smaller parcels. 10. The Grantors, Sidney Zehman, arrendale Hoad, Inc., and Marvin Corporation, expressly reserve to themselves, their heirs, successors Housing and assigns, the sole right to grant consents for the construction and operation of street railays, bus lines, elcctric light, telephone and and conduits in and upon any and all highways now existing telegraph or hereafter pole lines upon which any portion of said premises shall abut, together with the created, Day and maintain conduits, lines and poles for carrying electric wires right to in, through or over the rear. n1. The Grantors, Sidney Zehman, arrendale Road, Inc., and Marvin Porporation, expressly reserve to themselves, their heirs, successars Housing and assigns, and are hereby granted the right, in case of any violation of restrictions or conditions or a breach of any of the covenants any or of agreements the perein contained, to enter upon the property or as to which such violation or preach exists, and to abate and remove summarily at the expense of the thereof, any erection, thing or condi tion that may be or may exist thereon ower contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof as interpreted py the said Grantors, and the said Grantors shall not by reason thereof be guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Failure deemed py the said Grantors to enforce any of the restrictions of this instrument shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter.
:. VG640i x618 : In the evant that saic dasigrated raprasenbalive faiis to approve or disapprove such design and Localion wiihirihi ty(30) days aiter said plans and specifiaciions have been Sebaictad to hin (or her), or in any event, if no suit to enjoin the ereciion of such building has been comenced prior. to the completion thereof, such approval shall. noi ba required and this covenant shall be deamed to have been fully complied. with. Said representative inay require the payment of Two Dollais (32.00) for services performed pursuani io this covenani. The powers and duties of such rep.resentalives shall cease on and after January 1, 1960. Thereafter, the approval described in this covenant shall not be required unless, prior to said effective date, a written instrument shall be executed by the then record ommers of a majority of the lots in the above subdivision and duly recorded appointirg a representative or represeniAtives, who shall thereafter exercise the same powers previously exercised by the aforesaid representatives. No person other than of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any 4: building or any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciléd with an over. or tenant. 5. No place of public entertainment, apartment house, flat, boarding nor building designed for the residence of more than one family, and no house, tav- ern or dance hall or other resort shall be éstablished, conducted, maintained hotel, or suffered to remain upon said premises, excèpt that a physician's, dentist's, lavyer's or other professional man's office may be maintained on on TARRENSVILLE RO.D; nor shall any spirituous, vinous or fermented plots liquors fronting be manufactured or sold, either at wholesale or retail upon said premises. 6. No nuisance, gas or oil derrick, advertising sign, billboard or advertising device shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain upon other said premises, nor shall said premises be used in any way or for any purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the quiet of any holder of adjoining land. 7. No heating apparatus in or for any building upon the contract ted for, shall be operated with any but Smoke-free premises unless hereby aaratus be equipped, operated and maintained with such devices fuel, as will such prevent smoke. No fence or wall of any kind for any purpose shall be erected, 8. or suffered to remain upon said premises nearer to any highway than the placed building lines hereinbefore established, not unless nor until the written representative or. representatives of the Group or Groups affected consent of the thereby have been obtained therefore. Not more than one drelling house shall be erected, 9. to remain upon any sublot, nor shall said prèmis ses be subdivided placed or into suffered smaller parcels. 10. The Grantors, Sidney Zehman, arrendale Hoad, Inc., and Marvin Corporation, expressly reserve to themselves, their heirs, successors Housing and assigns, the sole right to grant consents for the construction and operation of street railays, bus lines, elcctric light, telephone and and conduits in and upon any and all highways now existing telegraph or hereafter pole lines upon which any portion of said premises shall abut, together with the created, Day and maintain conduits, lines and poles for carrying electric wires right to in, through or over the rear. n1. The Grantors, Sidney Zehman, arrendale Road, Inc., and Marvin Porporation, expressly reserve to themselves, their heirs, successars Housing and assigns, and are hereby granted the right, in case of any violation of restrictions or conditions or a breach of any of the covenants any or of agreements the perein contained, to enter upon the property or as to which such violation or preach exists, and to abate and remove summarily at the expense of the thereof, any erection, thing or condi tion that may be or may exist thereon ower contrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof as interpreted py the said Grantors, and the said Grantors shall not by reason thereof be guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Failure deemed py the said Grantors to enforce any of the restrictions of this instrument shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter.
4: No person other than of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciléd with an owner or tenant.
4. No person other than of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]4: No person other than of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciléd with an owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]4. No person other than of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n:.\nVG640i x618\n: In the evant that saic dasigrated raprasenbalive faiis to approve or\ndisapprove such design and Localion wiihirihi ty(30) days aiter said plans\nand specifiaciions have been Sebaictad to hin (or her), or in any event, if\nno suit to enjoin the ereciion of such building has been comenced prior. to\nthe completion thereof, such approval shall. noi ba required and this covenant\nshall be deamed to have been fully complied. with.\nSaid representative inay require the payment of Two Dollais (32.00) for\nservices performed pursuani io this covenani.\nThe powers and duties of such rep.resentalives shall cease on and after\nJanuary 1, 1960. Thereafter, the approval described in this covenant shall\nnot be required unless, prior to said effective date, a written instrument shall\nbe executed by the then record ommers of a majority of the lots in the above\nsubdivision and duly recorded appointirg a representative or represeniAtives,\nwho shall thereafter exercise the same powers previously exercised by the\naforesaid representatives.\nNo person other than of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any\n4:\nbuilding or any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by\ndomestic servants of a different race domiciléd with an over. or tenant.\n5. No place of public entertainment, apartment house, flat, boarding\nnor building designed for the residence of more than one family, and no house, tav-\nern or dance hall or other resort shall be éstablished, conducted, maintained hotel,\nor suffered to remain upon said premises, excèpt that a physician's, dentist's,\nlavyer's or other professional man's office may be maintained on\non TARRENSVILLE RO.D; nor shall any spirituous, vinous or fermented plots liquors fronting\nbe\nmanufactured or sold, either at wholesale or retail upon said premises.\n6. No nuisance, gas or oil derrick, advertising sign, billboard or\nadvertising device shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain upon other said\npremises, nor shall said premises be used in any way or for any purpose which\nmay endanger the health or unreasonably disturb the quiet of any holder of\nadjoining land.\n7.\nNo heating apparatus in or for any building upon the\ncontract ted for, shall be operated with any but Smoke-free premises unless hereby\naaratus be equipped, operated and maintained with such devices fuel, as will such\nprevent\nsmoke.\nNo fence or wall of any kind for any purpose shall be erected,\n8.\nor suffered to remain upon said premises nearer to any highway than the placed\nbuilding\nlines hereinbefore established, not unless nor until the written\nrepresentative or. representatives of the Group or Groups affected consent of the\nthereby have\nbeen obtained therefore.\nNot more than one drelling house shall be erected,\n9.\nto remain upon any sublot, nor shall said prèmis ses be subdivided placed or into suffered\nsmaller\nparcels.\n10. The Grantors, Sidney Zehman, arrendale Hoad, Inc., and Marvin\nCorporation, expressly reserve to themselves, their heirs, successors Housing and\nassigns, the sole right to grant consents for the construction\nand operation of\nstreet railays, bus lines, elcctric light, telephone and\nand conduits in and upon any and all highways now existing telegraph or hereafter pole lines\nupon which any portion of said premises shall abut, together with the created,\nDay and maintain conduits, lines and poles for carrying electric wires right to\nin,\nthrough or over the rear.\nn1. The Grantors, Sidney Zehman, arrendale Road, Inc., and Marvin\nPorporation, expressly reserve to themselves, their heirs, successars Housing\nand assigns,\nand are hereby granted the right, in case of any violation of\nrestrictions or conditions or a breach of any of the covenants any or of agreements the\nperein contained, to enter upon the property or as to which such violation\nor\npreach exists, and to abate and remove summarily at the expense of the\nthereof, any erection, thing or condi tion that may be or may exist thereon ower\ncontrary to the intent and meaning of the provisions hereof as interpreted\npy the said Grantors, and the said Grantors shall not by reason thereof be\nguilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Failure deemed\npy the said Grantors to enforce any of the restrictions of this instrument\nshall\nin no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]4:\nNo person other than of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any\nbuilding or any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy\nby\ndomestic\nservants of a different race domiciléd with an owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]4. No person other than of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DR VOL 00582 PAGE 284 :VOL 582:284 A3329STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTON KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 3372DOLLARSXXXOADXKAX THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN. (#19.00) 00 and other. good and" Valuble BnAYReNR bions, tous paid and secured to be paid byof the County of DALLASTexas, and described as follows, to-wit: DAVID GARNER a nd wife BETTY GARNER HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said DAVID GARNER and wife, BETTY GARNER State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, BEING LOT FIFTY (50) in BLOCK TEN (10) of GARZA-LITTLE ELMLAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County, Texas, according tothe Map thereof recorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. This conveyance is made subject only to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part ofBula lodgo Jots or in, for this non-profic subdivislon, or recreational except As hereinafter purposes, and excepted any orlginal and desoribed lot Is restricted In Paragraph to one 16 such horein, typo to bullding, bo used excopt only as as a resldonco, church, stated.private 2. No garage and/or ahall bonthousc be erected, and altered, other placed or outbulldings. permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building and a4. Department No dry tollots will bopermitted or cesspools mhall be permitted and on disposal this property by septic and, tank only pystem Banitary on sewerage ono or approved more lots by must the have County the of nystom Denton approved or State Health6, No (Front building bullding shall bo liner2 erected 26 ErS Sido to the yard front bullding, lot line lines or on nearer street to aide the of alde corner street lots=1 line than, 15 fect. the Side bullding sotback line shown on the recorded7No ahallbe bullding painted or on atructure tho outside shall with be occupied (2) complete. or used coats until ofpaint. thé exterlor All exterlor thereof Is material completely finished and, if framo orother unfinished materlal,8. an annoyance No obnoxious or or offenslve to the trade, noighborhood, or activity shall bo carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything bo done thereon which may bo or becomo9. permanently, No garage, basement,, nor shall tent, structure shack or ofa other temporary outbuilding charncter erected Be thel used lot aB. heroin described shall that at any time bo used as a residence temporarily2 provided that aanitary restrictions as sot out are fully complied with. residonco, except trailers may be used on any lot in Block10. The ground floor aren of any main structure, exclusive of open porches and garages, shall bo not less than 600 square11. Strects, These ensements and alleys aro reserved ns shown on the recordod plat of said additlon for utility purposes. feot.January, 12. restrictions 1065, at which, shall be time, covenants covenants running ET. the land tically and shall extended bo binding for upon all partles all persons clalming undor them untiljority of t then owners of tho lots itis agreed to chango Baid covenants in wholo suçcessive ori in part, Sre (10) YORKB unless by vote ofa ma-E Ithe for nny partics other. hereto, person or or any of them, or their any heirs real property or assigns, situated shall in violato said dévelopmont attempt. to or violate any of to the covenants herein, it shall beor to equity recover damages the or person other or dues for violating,or violation. attempting to violate any such covenant, and elther to proseçute him GPLN them proceedings-atlaw from 80 doing,lenco such ns hurrleanes, tornndoes, henvy, rains, floods, droughts, fire, his heirsor etc. Tho assigns, Purchaser damages to the subdivislon caused by any Actlon Ihe any lotin Block 2 may bo occupled through bya trallor, 5 in Block AS set 7 and out a!l in Paragraph lots in Blocks 9 heroln. 1 and2 are reserved for business only, with the excop-Etn force and of effect. any ono of theso covonants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the othor provisions which shall remainTO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there-toi in anywise belonging unto the said DAVID GARNER and wife, BETTY GARNER, theirheirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-fend, all and singular the said premises unto the said DAVID GARNER and wife, BEITY GARNER, theirhoirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 17th --day of. March the plat recorded in the Map Records of Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:8, mestic No person servants of ofa any, different raco other rnce than domiciled the Caucasian with any race owner shall or tenant. or occupy any lot, oxcopt that this shall not prevont occupancy by do-yard bullding lines on interior lots =4used in main structure shall be brick, lumber, asbes- Couny_o of Donton or Stato Health Department.lots are excluded from the above restrictions.)tos shingles, tilc, concrote or nluminum siding or roofing. by the Fiat 14. No structures of any kind aro to be onto the subdivision or any lot thercof without tho written ofcorsent tho Soller or Doveloper.Salie 15. The Soller or Dovelopor shall not bo responsible to Purchaser,drainage system, natural or otherwise, in tho Bubdivision,expresaly understood that Lots 1 for first obtaining the written agrees permission not to change of the in way or interfere d with 18, 196..9.. bes MRestBert H. BassDa Eh BansVera W. Bass IE'STATEUF TIXAS,COUNTY OF. DALLAS. BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County, Texas, on this day personally appoared Bert. H. Bass.Vera. W. Bass. and.. Vera. WA. Bass..wife of the said.. BertK Bass. his wife, both known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed tot the foregoing instrument, and acknowledgedto me that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and the said.examined by mo privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said..she had. willingly Vera.Wa aignedthe Bass. same for the purposes acknowledged and consideration such instrument therein to be her act and deed, and she declared thatGIVEN UNDE, MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This... 17th day of.. March : A.D.19.69 having boon rotract it. expressed, and that she did not wish to 15, 4(L.s.) Hade Notary Public in and for Dallas County, Texas
DR VOL 00582 PAGE 284 :VOL 582:284 A3329STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTON KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 3372DOLLARSXXXOADXKAX THAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN. (#19.00) 00 and other. good and" Valuble BnAYReNR bions, tous paid and secured to be paid byof the County of DALLASTexas, and described as follows, to-wit: DAVID GARNER a nd wife BETTY GARNER HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said DAVID GARNER and wife, BETTY GARNER State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, BEING LOT FIFTY (50) in BLOCK TEN (10) of GARZA-LITTLE ELMLAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County, Texas, according tothe Map thereof recorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. This conveyance is made subject only to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part ofBula lodgo Jots or in, for this non-profic subdivislon, or recreational except As hereinafter purposes, and excepted any orlginal and desoribed lot Is restricted In Paragraph to one 16 such horein, typo to bullding, bo used excopt only as as a resldonco, church, stated.private 2. No garage and/or ahall bonthousc be erected, and altered, other placed or outbulldings. permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building and a4. Department No dry tollots will bopermitted or cesspools mhall be permitted and on disposal this property by septic and, tank only pystem Banitary on sewerage ono or approved more lots by must the have County the of nystom Denton approved or State Health6, No (Front building bullding shall bo liner2 erected 26 ErS Sido to the yard front bullding, lot line lines or on nearer street to aide the of alde corner street lots=1 line than, 15 fect. the Side bullding sotback line shown on the recorded7No ahallbe bullding painted or on atructure tho outside shall with be occupied (2) complete. or used coats until ofpaint. thé exterlor All exterlor thereof Is material completely finished and, if framo orother unfinished materlal,8. an annoyance No obnoxious or or offenslve to the trade, noighborhood, or activity shall bo carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything bo done thereon which may bo or becomo9. permanently, No garage, basement,, nor shall tent, structure shack or ofa other temporary outbuilding charncter erected Be thel used lot aB. heroin described shall that at any time bo used as a residence temporarily2 provided that aanitary restrictions as sot out are fully complied with. residonco, except trailers may be used on any lot in Block10. The ground floor aren of any main structure, exclusive of open porches and garages, shall bo not less than 600 square11. Strects, These ensements and alleys aro reserved ns shown on the recordod plat of said additlon for utility purposes. feot.January, 12. restrictions 1065, at which, shall be time, covenants covenants running ET. the land tically and shall extended bo binding for upon all partles all persons clalming undor them untiljority of t then owners of tho lots itis agreed to chango Baid covenants in wholo suçcessive ori in part, Sre (10) YORKB unless by vote ofa ma-E Ithe for nny partics other. hereto, person or or any of them, or their any heirs real property or assigns, situated shall in violato said dévelopmont attempt. to or violate any of to the covenants herein, it shall beor to equity recover damages the or person other or dues for violating,or violation. attempting to violate any such covenant, and elther to proseçute him GPLN them proceedings-atlaw from 80 doing,lenco such ns hurrleanes, tornndoes, henvy, rains, floods, droughts, fire, his heirsor etc. Tho assigns, Purchaser damages to the subdivislon caused by any Actlon Ihe any lotin Block 2 may bo occupled through bya trallor, 5 in Block AS set 7 and out a!l in Paragraph lots in Blocks 9 heroln. 1 and2 are reserved for business only, with the excop-Etn force and of effect. any ono of theso covonants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the othor provisions which shall remainTO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there-toi in anywise belonging unto the said DAVID GARNER and wife, BETTY GARNER, theirheirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-fend, all and singular the said premises unto the said DAVID GARNER and wife, BEITY GARNER, theirhoirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 17th --day of. March the plat recorded in the Map Records of Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:8, mestic No person servants of ofa any, different raco other rnce than domiciled the Caucasian with any race owner shall or tenant. or occupy any lot, oxcopt that this shall not prevont occupancy by do-yard bullding lines on interior lots =4used in main structure shall be brick, lumber, asbes- Couny_o of Donton or Stato Health Department.lots are excluded from the above restrictions.)tos shingles, tilc, concrote or nluminum siding or roofing. by the Fiat 14. No structures of any kind aro to be onto the subdivision or any lot thercof without tho written ofcorsent tho Soller or Doveloper.Salie 15. The Soller or Dovelopor shall not bo responsible to Purchaser,drainage system, natural or otherwise, in tho Bubdivision,expresaly understood that Lots 1 for first obtaining the written agrees permission not to change of the in way or interfere d with 18, 196..9.. bes MRestBert H. BassDa Eh BansVera W. Bass IE'STATEUF TIXAS,COUNTY OF. DALLAS. BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County, Texas, on this day personally appoared Bert. H. Bass.Vera. W. Bass. and.. Vera. WA. Bass..wife of the said.. BertK Bass. his wife, both known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed tot the foregoing instrument, and acknowledgedto me that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and the said.examined by mo privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said..she had. willingly Vera.Wa aignedthe Bass. same for the purposes acknowledged and consideration such instrument therein to be her act and deed, and she declared thatGIVEN UNDE, MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This... 17th day of.. March : A.D.19.69 having boon rotract it. expressed, and that she did not wish to 15, 4(L.s.) Hade Notary Public in and for Dallas County, Texas
8,No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, oxcopt that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different raçe domiciled with any owner or tenant.
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]8,No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, oxcopt that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different raçe domiciled with any owner or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDR VOL 00582 PAGE 284\n:VOL\n582:284\nA3329STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTON\nKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:\n3372DOLLARSXXXOADXKAX\nTHAT WE, BERT H. BASS and wife VERA W. BASS, for and in consideration of the sum of\nTEN. (#19.00)\n00\nand other. good and\" Valuble BnAYReNR bions,\ntous paid and secured to be paid byof the County of DALLASTexas, and described as follows, to-wit:\nDAVID GARNER a nd wife BETTY GARNER\nHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said\nDAVID GARNER and wife, BETTY GARNER\nState of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,\nBEING LOT FIFTY (50) in BLOCK TEN (10) of GARZA-LITTLE ELMLAKE ESTATES, an Addition in Denton County, Texas, according tothe Map thereof recorded in Volume 2, Page 80 of the Map or\nPlat Records of Denton County, Texas.\nThis conveyance is made subject only to the restrictive convenants, conditions and reservations which are made a part ofBula lodgo Jots or in, for this non-profic subdivislon, or recreational except As hereinafter purposes, and excepted any orlginal and desoribed lot Is restricted In Paragraph to one 16 such horein, typo to bullding, bo used excopt only as as a resldonco, church, stated.private 2. No garage and/or ahall bonthousc be erected, and altered, other placed or outbulldings. permitted to remain on any building plot other than one detached single building and a4. Department No dry tollots will bopermitted or cesspools mhall be permitted and on disposal this property by septic and, tank only pystem Banitary on sewerage ono or approved more lots by must the have County the of nystom Denton approved or State Health6, No (Front building bullding shall bo liner2 erected 26 ErS Sido to the yard front bullding, lot line lines or on nearer street to aide the of alde corner street lots=1 line than, 15 fect. the Side bullding sotback line shown on the recorded7No ahallbe bullding painted or on atructure tho outside shall with be occupied (2) complete. or used coats until ofpaint. thé exterlor All exterlor thereof Is material completely finished and, if framo orother unfinished materlal,8. an annoyance No obnoxious or or offenslve to the trade, noighborhood, or activity shall bo carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything bo done thereon which may bo or becomo9. permanently, No garage, basement,, nor shall tent, structure shack or ofa other temporary outbuilding charncter erected Be thel used lot aB. heroin described shall that at any time bo used as a residence temporarily2 provided that aanitary restrictions as sot out are fully complied with. residonco, except trailers may be used on any lot in Block10. The ground floor aren of any main structure, exclusive of open porches and garages, shall bo not less than 600 square11. Strects, These ensements and alleys aro reserved ns shown on the recordod plat of said additlon for utility purposes. feot.January, 12. restrictions 1065, at which, shall be time, covenants covenants running ET. the land tically and shall extended bo binding for upon all partles all persons clalming undor them untiljority of t then owners of tho lots itis agreed to chango Baid covenants in wholo suçcessive ori in part, Sre (10) YORKB unless by vote ofa ma-E Ithe for nny partics other. hereto, person or or any of them, or their any heirs real property or assigns, situated shall in violato said dévelopmont attempt. to or violate any of to the covenants herein, it shall beor to equity recover damages the or person other or dues for violating,or violation. attempting to violate any such covenant, and elther to proseçute him GPLN them proceedings-atlaw from 80 doing,lenco such ns hurrleanes, tornndoes, henvy, rains, floods, droughts, fire, his heirsor etc. Tho assigns, Purchaser damages to the subdivislon caused by any Actlon Ihe any lotin Block 2 may bo occupled through bya trallor, 5 in Block AS set 7 and out a!l in Paragraph lots in Blocks 9 heroln. 1 and2 are reserved for business only, with the excop-Etn force and of effect. any ono of theso covonants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the othor provisions which shall remainTO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances there-toi in anywise belonging unto the said DAVID GARNER and wife, BETTY GARNER, theirheirs and assigns forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-fend, all and singular the said premises unto the said DAVID GARNER and wife, BEITY GARNER, theirhoirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.WITNESS OUR HANDS at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, this. 17th --day of. March\nthe plat recorded in the Map Records of Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:8, mestic No person servants of ofa any, different raco other rnce than domiciled the Caucasian with any race owner shall or tenant. or occupy any lot, oxcopt that this\nshall not prevont occupancy by do-yard bullding lines on interior lots =4used in main structure shall be brick, lumber, asbes-\nCouny_o of Donton or Stato Health Department.lots are excluded from the above restrictions.)tos shingles, tilc, concrote or nluminum siding or roofing.\nby the\nFiat\n14. No structures of any kind aro to be onto the subdivision or any lot thercof without tho written\nofcorsent tho Soller or Doveloper.Salie\n15. The Soller or Dovelopor shall not bo responsible to Purchaser,drainage system, natural or otherwise, in tho Bubdivision,expresaly understood that Lots 1\nfor\nfirst obtaining the written agrees permission not to change of the in way or interfere d with\n18,\n196..9..\nbes MRestBert H. BassDa Eh BansVera W. Bass\nIE'STATEUF TIXAS,COUNTY OF. DALLAS.\nBEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public,\nin and for said County, Texas, on this day personally appoared\nBert. H. Bass.Vera. W. Bass.\nand.. Vera. WA. Bass..wife of the said.. BertK Bass.\nhis wife, both known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed tot the foregoing instrument, and acknowledgedto me that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and the said.examined by mo privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said..she had. willingly Vera.Wa aignedthe Bass. same for the purposes acknowledged and consideration such instrument therein to be her act and deed, and she declared thatGIVEN UNDE, MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This... 17th day of.. March : A.D.19.69\nhaving boon\nrotract it.\nexpressed, and that she did not wish to\n15, 4(L.s.)\nHade\nNotary Public in and for Dallas County,\nTexas\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]8,No person of any, race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, oxcopt that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-\nmestic servants of a different raçe domiciled with any owner or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 511 Ihereby certify that the precise residence of the grantees herein is 17 West ong Avenue, New Castle, Lawrence Co., Penna. Ralph A. Cooper Attorney THIS INDENTURE Deed Roy B. Beals, et ux. MADE the 9th day of September in the year of our Lord, onel thousand nine hundred and forty-six. To BETWEEN ROY B. BEALS AND MARGARET BEALS, his wife, of the Robert C. Black, et ux. Second Ward, City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, parties of tne first part and ROBERT C. BLACK AND ELEANORA BLACK, Ent. September 10, 1946 his wife, of the Third Ward, City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, parties of the second part: WITNESSETH, that the said parties of the first part, in con- sideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable considerations to them now paid by the said parties of the second part, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, All that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying, and being in the Township of Nesh- annock, County of Lawrence, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at an iron pin in the center. line of the Harbor and Coaltown public road, said road also being known as Maitland Lane, said point being on the West line of lands of R. A. Walker; thence South one degree forty-five minutes East (s. 14 45' E.), four hundred fifteen and two-tenths (415.2) feet by the West line of land of said Walker to a stake; thence South eig ghty-eight degrees thence North one degree forty-five minutes West (N. foys 45' W.) by. other lands of first. parties, and eighty-five hundredths (104.85) feet; fifteen minutes West (s. 88° 15' W.), One Hundred Four Hundred fifteen and four tenths (415.4) feet to the center line of said. public road first mentioned; thence North eighty-eignt degrees fifteen minutes East (N. $80 15' E.) by the center line of said public road, One Hundred four and eighty-five hundredths 1104.85) feet to the place of beginning, and containing one (1) acre of land, strict measure. And being a part of the same lands conveyed to the parties of the first part,, the said Roy B: Beals and Margaret Beals, his wife, by deed of S. Meade Cook and Carrie E. Cook, his wife, dated March 28, 1946 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of wawrence County, Pennsylvania in Deed Book Vol. 343, page 117. This said conveyance is made subject to the following restrictions, to-wit: That no building shall be erected or constructed wi thin thirty (30) feet of the South line of said public road, this said restriction however not to apply to verandas, porches, or roof projections; also that no sign boards or bill boards shall be erected or constructed on said land, or any part thereof; also that the grantees herein and their successors in title shall not sell said lot, nor any part thereof, to any person or persons of the African or Italian races. These said restrictions to be covenants running wi th the land and to be binding upon the grantees, their successors in title, their heirs and assigns, until after the year 1940. with the appurtenances: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto and for the use of the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns forever, And the said parties of the first part for themselves, their heirs, executors and administra- tors covenant with the said arties of the second part their heirs and assi gns against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend. WITNESS the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. (Seal) (I.R.S.) Roy B. Beals ATTEST: ($1.10) Margaret Beals (Seal) George T. Weingartner COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, SS: COUNTY OF LAWRENCE On this the 9th day of September, A.D. 1946, before. me a Notary Public, the undersigned officer, personally appeared Roy B. Beals and Margaret Beals, his wife, known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes thereinpontained. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand andbfficial seal. George T. Weingartner (N.P.Seal) My Commission Expires April 12, 1947 Notary Public Certificate of Residence We Weingartner & Mercer do hereby certify that grantees' precise resi dence is Third Ward, City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Penasylvania. Witness my hand this 9th day of September 1946_ Weingartner & Mercer
511 Ihereby certify that the precise residence of the grantees herein is 17 West ong Avenue, New Castle, Lawrence Co., Penna. Ralph A. Cooper Attorney THIS INDENTURE Deed Roy B. Beals, et ux. MADE the 9th day of September in the year of our Lord, onel thousand nine hundred and forty-six. To BETWEEN ROY B. BEALS AND MARGARET BEALS, his wife, of the Robert C. Black, et ux. Second Ward, City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, parties of tne first part and ROBERT C. BLACK AND ELEANORA BLACK, Ent. September 10, 1946 his wife, of the Third Ward, City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, parties of the second part: WITNESSETH, that the said parties of the first part, in con- sideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable considerations to them now paid by the said parties of the second part, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, All that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying, and being in the Township of Nesh- annock, County of Lawrence, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at an iron pin in the center. line of the Harbor and Coaltown public road, said road also being known as Maitland Lane, said point being on the West line of lands of R. A. Walker; thence South one degree forty-five minutes East (s. 14 45' E.), four hundred fifteen and two-tenths (415.2) feet by the West line of land of said Walker to a stake; thence South eig ghty-eight degrees thence North one degree forty-five minutes West (N. foys 45' W.) by. other lands of first. parties, and eighty-five hundredths (104.85) feet; fifteen minutes West (s. 88° 15' W.), One Hundred Four Hundred fifteen and four tenths (415.4) feet to the center line of said. public road first mentioned; thence North eighty-eignt degrees fifteen minutes East (N. $80 15' E.) by the center line of said public road, One Hundred four and eighty-five hundredths 1104.85) feet to the place of beginning, and containing one (1) acre of land, strict measure. And being a part of the same lands conveyed to the parties of the first part,, the said Roy B: Beals and Margaret Beals, his wife, by deed of S. Meade Cook and Carrie E. Cook, his wife, dated March 28, 1946 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of wawrence County, Pennsylvania in Deed Book Vol. 343, page 117. This said conveyance is made subject to the following restrictions, to-wit: That no building shall be erected or constructed wi thin thirty (30) feet of the South line of said public road, this said restriction however not to apply to verandas, porches, or roof projections; also that no sign boards or bill boards shall be erected or constructed on said land, or any part thereof; also that the grantees herein and their successors in title shall not sell said lot, nor any part thereof, to any person or persons of the African or Italian races. These said restrictions to be covenants running wi th the land and to be binding upon the grantees, their successors in title, their heirs and assigns, until after the year 1940. with the appurtenances: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto and for the use of the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns forever, And the said parties of the first part for themselves, their heirs, executors and administra- tors covenant with the said arties of the second part their heirs and assi gns against all lawful claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend. WITNESS the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. (Seal) (I.R.S.) Roy B. Beals ATTEST: ($1.10) Margaret Beals (Seal) George T. Weingartner COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, SS: COUNTY OF LAWRENCE On this the 9th day of September, A.D. 1946, before. me a Notary Public, the undersigned officer, personally appeared Roy B. Beals and Margaret Beals, his wife, known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes thereinpontained. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand andbfficial seal. George T. Weingartner (N.P.Seal) My Commission Expires April 12, 1947 Notary Public Certificate of Residence We Weingartner & Mercer do hereby certify that grantees' precise resi dence is Third Ward, City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Penasylvania. Witness my hand this 9th day of September 1946_ Weingartner & Mercer
boards or bill boards shall be erected or constructed on said land, or any part thereof; also that the grantees herein and their successors in title shall not sell said lot, nor any part thereof, toany person or persons of the African or Italian races. These said restrictions to be covenants
also that the grantees herein and their successors in title shall not sell said lot, nor any part thereof, to any person or persons of African or Italian races.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]boards or bill boards shall be erected or constructed on said land, or any part thereof; also that the grantees herein and their successors in title shall not sell said lot, nor any part thereof, toany person or persons of the African or Italian races. These said restrictions to be covenants[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]also that the grantees herein and their successors in title shall not sell said lot, nor any part thereof, to any person or persons of African or Italian races.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n511\nIhereby certify that the precise residence of the grantees herein is 17 West ong Avenue,\nNew Castle, Lawrence Co., Penna.\nRalph A. Cooper\nAttorney\nTHIS INDENTURE\nDeed\nRoy B. Beals, et ux.\nMADE the 9th day of September in the year of our Lord, onel\nthousand nine hundred and forty-six.\nTo\nBETWEEN ROY B. BEALS AND MARGARET BEALS, his wife, of the\nRobert C. Black, et ux.\nSecond Ward, City of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania,\nparties of tne first part and ROBERT C. BLACK AND ELEANORA BLACK,\nEnt. September 10, 1946\nhis wife, of the Third Ward, City of New Castle, Lawrence County,\nPennsylvania, parties of the second part:\nWITNESSETH, that the said parties of the first part, in con-\nsideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable considerations to them now paid by the said\nparties of the second part, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second\npart, their heirs and assigns,\nAll that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying, and being in the Township of Nesh-\nannock, County of Lawrence, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit:\nBeginning at an iron pin in the center. line of the Harbor and Coaltown public road, said\nroad also being known as Maitland Lane, said point being on the West line of lands of R. A. Walker;\nthence South one degree forty-five minutes East (s. 14 45' E.), four hundred fifteen and two-tenths\n(415.2) feet by the West line of land of said Walker to a stake; thence South eig ghty-eight degrees\nthence North one degree forty-five minutes West (N. foys 45' W.) by. other lands of first. parties,\nand eighty-five hundredths (104.85) feet;\nfifteen minutes West (s. 88° 15' W.), One Hundred\nFour Hundred fifteen and four tenths (415.4) feet to the center line of said. public road first\nmentioned; thence North eighty-eignt degrees fifteen minutes East (N. $80 15' E.) by the center\nline of said public road, One Hundred four and eighty-five hundredths 1104.85) feet to the place\nof beginning, and containing one (1) acre of land, strict measure.\nAnd being a part of the same lands conveyed to the parties of the first part,, the said Roy B:\nBeals and Margaret Beals, his wife, by deed of S. Meade Cook and Carrie E. Cook, his wife, dated\nMarch 28, 1946 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of wawrence County, Pennsylvania in Deed Book\nVol. 343, page 117.\nThis said conveyance is made subject to the following restrictions, to-wit: That no building\nshall be erected or constructed wi thin thirty (30) feet of the South line of said public road, this\nsaid restriction however not to apply to verandas, porches, or roof projections; also that no sign\nboards or bill boards shall be erected or constructed on said land, or any part thereof; also that\nthe grantees herein and their successors in title shall not sell said lot, nor any part thereof,\nto any person or persons of the African or Italian races. These said restrictions to be covenants\nrunning wi th the land and to be binding upon the grantees, their successors in title, their heirs\nand assigns, until after the year 1940.\nwith the appurtenances: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto and for the use of the said parties\nof the second part their heirs and assigns forever,\nAnd the said parties of the first part for themselves, their heirs, executors and administra-\ntors covenant with the said arties of the second part their heirs and assi gns against all lawful\nclaimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend.\nWITNESS the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part.\n(Seal)\n(I.R.S.)\nRoy B. Beals\nATTEST:\n($1.10)\nMargaret Beals\n(Seal)\nGeorge T. Weingartner\nCOMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA,\nSS:\nCOUNTY OF LAWRENCE\nOn this the 9th day of September, A.D. 1946, before. me a Notary Public, the undersigned officer,\npersonally appeared Roy B. Beals and Margaret Beals, his wife, known to me (or satisfactorily proven)\nto be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that they\nexecuted the same for the purposes thereinpontained.\nIN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand andbfficial seal.\nGeorge T. Weingartner\n(N.P.Seal)\nMy Commission Expires April 12, 1947\nNotary Public\nCertificate of Residence\nWe Weingartner & Mercer do hereby certify that grantees' precise resi dence is Third Ward,\nCity of New Castle, Lawrence County, Penasylvania.\nWitness my hand this 9th day of September 1946_\nWeingartner & Mercer", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]boards or bill boards shall be erected or constructed on said land, or any part thereof; also that\nthe grantees herein and their successors in title shall not sell said lot, nor any part thereof,\ntoany person or persons of the African or Italian races. These said restrictions to be covenants[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]also that the grantees herein and their successors in title shall not sell said lot, nor any part thereof, to any person or persons of African or Italian races.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL6653 230 (6) No persons of any raçe other than these of the Caucasian race shall use oroccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenantshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erectedon said prenises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character bo permitted,(3) lo structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the size, type, costand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details thereforshall have Deen approved in writing by Tha Broad larmn Corporctionmittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committee1s not in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill notbe required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in her-mony with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-out the approval of said Tho Brc adlam Corporetion or of said committce, no dwell-ins costing less than (45C0.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the groundcase of a one story structure, or less than 5co square feet in the case of a(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to bo used for sanitation pur-poses in connaction with dwellings erected on the above described premises. All ofheirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the caven-ants and agreenents herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich such violations or breach exists, and to sumarily abate and remove at theexpense of the oumer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent anà neaning of the provisions hersof, as interprctedbyit, and the said The Iroudlam Corportion shall not, by reason thereof, bedeened Guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. 7a1l-the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this irtrument shall in no(12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgmont or court order shallinno way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in(13) Kf the parties heroto, or any of them, their heirs, ezecutors, administratorsor assigns, or successors and a6signs, shali violate or attempt to violate any ofthe provisions hereof before Jarvery 1, 1980 it shall be lawful for Ti Tross-AT. Dorsrision its succeesors and assigns, or any assignee or transferse ofthese prenises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the personor persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions.alter, supplemont and modify any or all of the provisions horeof to the extentnecessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining landsnow owmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Hiousing Act and Anendnents(15) The heroin enumerated rostrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,covenants and agreements shall be doemed covenants and not conditions horeof andshall run with the land, be binding upon all perties heroto, their heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, or suçcessors and aesigne, and. any other person orpersons claining, by, through or under then until jenuery 1, 19c0 at which time employed by an ovmer or tenant. proval of The Byoaclawn Corporationlocated upon adjoining lands. or the committee hereinafter referred to, ora com- floor squere foot area thereof shall not be less than 600 square feet in the one and ono-half or two story structure,the requirements of the City of Para(11) Tho Eroadlavm Corporation for sanitary provisions shall be complieà vith. expressly reserve to themselves, their ure by Th3 Eroclu Corrorntion or by any other person or party having event be deened a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. full force and effect. (14) iha arouslum Corporation i1s hereby granted the right to change, thereto. they shall Sarninate and be of no further force and effect.
VOL6653 230 (6) No persons of any raçe other than these of the Caucasian race shall use oroccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenantshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erectedon said prenises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character bo permitted,(3) lo structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the size, type, costand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details thereforshall have Deen approved in writing by Tha Broad larmn Corporctionmittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committee1s not in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill notbe required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in her-mony with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-out the approval of said Tho Brc adlam Corporetion or of said committce, no dwell-ins costing less than (45C0.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the groundcase of a one story structure, or less than 5co square feet in the case of a(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to bo used for sanitation pur-poses in connaction with dwellings erected on the above described premises. All ofheirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the caven-ants and agreenents herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich such violations or breach exists, and to sumarily abate and remove at theexpense of the oumer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent anà neaning of the provisions hersof, as interprctedbyit, and the said The Iroudlam Corportion shall not, by reason thereof, bedeened Guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. 7a1l-the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this irtrument shall in no(12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgmont or court order shallinno way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in(13) Kf the parties heroto, or any of them, their heirs, ezecutors, administratorsor assigns, or successors and a6signs, shali violate or attempt to violate any ofthe provisions hereof before Jarvery 1, 1980 it shall be lawful for Ti Tross-AT. Dorsrision its succeesors and assigns, or any assignee or transferse ofthese prenises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the personor persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions.alter, supplemont and modify any or all of the provisions horeof to the extentnecessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining landsnow owmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Hiousing Act and Anendnents(15) The heroin enumerated rostrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,covenants and agreements shall be doemed covenants and not conditions horeof andshall run with the land, be binding upon all perties heroto, their heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, or suçcessors and aesigne, and. any other person orpersons claining, by, through or under then until jenuery 1, 19c0 at which time employed by an ovmer or tenant. proval of The Byoaclawn Corporationlocated upon adjoining lands. or the committee hereinafter referred to, ora com- floor squere foot area thereof shall not be less than 600 square feet in the one and ono-half or two story structure,the requirements of the City of Para(11) Tho Eroadlavm Corporation for sanitary provisions shall be complieà vith. expressly reserve to themselves, their ure by Th3 Eroclu Corrorntion or by any other person or party having event be deened a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. full force and effect. (14) iha arouslum Corporation i1s hereby granted the right to change, thereto. they shall Sarninate and be of no further force and effect.
(6) No persons of any race other than these of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality enployed by an ovmer or tenant.
(6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any race other than these of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality enployed by an ovmer or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL6653 230\n(6) No persons of any raçe other than these of the Caucasian race shall use oroccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenantshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality(7) No trailer, tent, basement, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding erectedon said prenises shall at any time be used as a residence, temporarily or per-manently, nor shall any residence of temporary character bo permitted,(3) lo structure shall be moved onto said premises unless it meets with the ap-or if there is no committee, it conforms and be in harmony with existing structures(9) No building shall be erected upon said premises unless the size, type, costand material of construction, and the lot plan showing the proposed location ofsaid building on the lots and the plans and specifications and details thereforshall have Deen approved in writing by Tha Broad larmn Corporctionmittee appointed by it, provided, however, that in the event that such a committee1s not in existence, or being in existence, fails to approve or disapprove suchdesign or location within thirty days after receipt thereof, such approval vill notbe required, provided the design and location on the lot conform to and are in her-mony with existing structures on adjoining lands. In any case, either with or with-out the approval of said Tho Brc adlam Corporetion or of said committce, no dwell-ins costing less than (45C0.00 shall be permitted on said premises, and the groundcase of a one story structure, or less than 5co square feet in the case of a(10) No outhouse shall be erected on the premises to bo used for sanitation pur-poses in connaction with dwellings erected on the above described premises. All ofheirs, administrators, assigns and are hereby granted the right in case of any vio-lations of any of the restrictions or conditions, or a breach of any of the caven-ants and agreenents herein contained, to enter upon the property, upon or as towhich such violations or breach exists, and to sumarily abate and remove at theexpense of the oumer thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or existsthereon contrary to the intent anà neaning of the provisions hersof, as interprctedbyit, and the said The Iroudlam Corportion shall not, by reason thereof, bedeened Guilty of any manner of trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. 7a1l-the right to do so, to enforce any of the provisions of this irtrument shall in no(12) Invalidation of any of the provisions hereof by judgmont or court order shallinno way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain and continue in(13) Kf the parties heroto, or any of them, their heirs, ezecutors, administratorsor assigns, or successors and a6signs, shali violate or attempt to violate any ofthe provisions hereof before Jarvery 1, 1980 it shall be lawful for Ti Tross-AT. Dorsrision its succeesors and assigns, or any assignee or transferse ofthese prenises to prosecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the personor persons violating or attempting to violate any such provisions.alter, supplemont and modify any or all of the provisions horeof to the extentnecessary to qualify said premises together with other adjacent and adjoining landsnow owmed by it for mortgage insurance under the National Hiousing Act and Anendnents(15) The heroin enumerated rostrictions, conditions, limitations, reservations,covenants and agreements shall be doemed covenants and not conditions horeof andshall run with the land, be binding upon all perties heroto, their heirs, executors,administrators and assigns, or suçcessors and aesigne, and. any other person orpersons claining, by, through or under then until jenuery 1, 19c0 at which time\nemployed by an ovmer or tenant.\nproval of The Byoaclawn Corporationlocated upon adjoining lands.\nor the committee hereinafter referred to,\nora com-\nfloor squere foot area thereof shall not be less than 600\nsquare feet in the\none and ono-half or two story structure,the requirements of the City of Para(11) Tho Eroadlavm Corporation\nfor sanitary provisions shall be\ncomplieà vith.\nexpressly reserve to themselves, their\nure by Th3 Eroclu Corrorntion\nor by any other person or party having\nevent be deened a waiver of the right to do so thereafter.\nfull force and effect.\n(14) iha arouslum Corporation\ni1s hereby granted the right to change,\nthereto.\nthey shall Sarninate and be of no further force and effect.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](6) No persons of any race other than these of the Caucasian race shall use or\noccupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant\nshall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality\nenployed by an ovmer or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](6) No persons of any race other than those of the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building on any lot in the entire subdivision, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by an owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 486 garage located onthe rear 1/4ifakit except that on corner lots the established building line(a) No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot, norshall anything be done(e) No raceor nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood shall usejor occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covemant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic(f) No trailer, basement, garage, barn or other building erected in the tract shall at anytime be used as a residence temporarily or permanently,nor shall any residence of a tempprary(g). No structure shall be moved onto any lot unless 1t meets with the approval of the committehereinafter referred to, or 1f there 1s no committe, it shall conform to and ve inharmony with(h) No building shall bee erected on any lot on the said plan unt1l the design and locationthereof nas been approved in writing by the municipal authority having contral of such buildings,f_any, andif there be no such authority, then by consent of a majority of the owners of lotresiding on the said plan of lots. However, in the event that such residents on the said plan failto approve or disapprove such design within a reasonable time, then such approval will not be re-quired, provided the design and locationthe lot conform to and are in harmony with similarstructures on the said plan; sach dwellings shall have ground square feet area of not less than850 square feet in the case of one story structures, or 500 square feet in the case of one and one(1) The covenants and restrictions are to run withthe land and shall be binding on all theparties and all persons claiming under them until January 1,1962, at which time said covenants(3). If the parties nereto,or any of them, or their neirs or assigns, shall violate or attemptIto violate any of the covenants or restrictions herein before January 1, 1962, it shall be lawfulfor any other person or persons owning any other lots in said developement or sub-division to pro-jsecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or atfemptingto violate any such covenant or restriction, and either to prevent him or them from 8o doing, or toTo Have and To Hold the same unto, and for the use of the said parties of the second part,And the sald parties of the rirst part, for themselves,their heirs, executors and administrattops covenant with the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful shall apply. which may be or become a nuisance to the neignborhood.servants of a dirferent race or nationality. character be permitted.similar structures in the tract. nalf or two story structures.jand restrictions shall terminate. recover damages or other dues for such violations. with the appurtenances;their heirs and assigns forever_ claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend.Witness the hands and seals of the Baid parties of the first part. Attest:MD. NicholsCommonwealth of Pennsylvania :Counuy oi Lawrence Cecil C Johnston (Seal)Belle N Johnston (Seal) (I. R.S.($1.00) ss: Onthis 30tn day of August A. D.1937, before me a Notary Public in and for said County and State,came the above named Cecil C. Johnston and Belle N. Johnston, andtney acknowledged the roregoing Indenture to be tneir act anddeed, to the end that 1t may be recorded as such. Witness my hand and Notarial seal.My commission expires Jany 24 1941 (N.P. Seal) Jos. w Humphrey Certificate As To Residence. The undersigned hereby certifies that the precise residence of the grantee.herein named 1s/are as follows: Ellwood City, Lawrence County, Fenneylvania. P. 0. Address: 412 Adams Ave_ RWI Humphrey This Indenture DeedFrank Straw, Et ux.ToEnt. Ostober 13, 1938 Made the 30th day of August in the year, of our Lord,one thousand nine hundred and thirty eight (1938),Between Frank Straw. and Teresa Strgw, his wife, of theBorough of Ellwood City, County of Lawrence and Commonwealthof Pennaylvania, parties of the first part and MargaretM. w. Stratton, of the Borough of New Brighton, vounty ofBeaver, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; and BerthaWelsh Hoffman, of the Borough of Homewood, County andCommonwealth aforesaid, parties of the second part: Margaret M. w. Stratton, Et al. Witnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of ($1.00) and othergood and valuable considerations to them now paid. by the sald parties of the second part,do grantpargain, sell ard convey unto the said parties of the second part,their heirs and assigns,All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the Fourth Ward of the Borough of EllwoodCity, County of Lawrence, and Vommonwealth of Pennsylvania, known as lot numbered twenty-two (22)
486 garage located onthe rear 1/4ifakit except that on corner lots the established building line(a) No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot, norshall anything be done(e) No raceor nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood shall usejor occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covemant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic(f) No trailer, basement, garage, barn or other building erected in the tract shall at anytime be used as a residence temporarily or permanently,nor shall any residence of a tempprary(g). No structure shall be moved onto any lot unless 1t meets with the approval of the committehereinafter referred to, or 1f there 1s no committe, it shall conform to and ve inharmony with(h) No building shall bee erected on any lot on the said plan unt1l the design and locationthereof nas been approved in writing by the municipal authority having contral of such buildings,f_any, andif there be no such authority, then by consent of a majority of the owners of lotresiding on the said plan of lots. However, in the event that such residents on the said plan failto approve or disapprove such design within a reasonable time, then such approval will not be re-quired, provided the design and locationthe lot conform to and are in harmony with similarstructures on the said plan; sach dwellings shall have ground square feet area of not less than850 square feet in the case of one story structures, or 500 square feet in the case of one and one(1) The covenants and restrictions are to run withthe land and shall be binding on all theparties and all persons claiming under them until January 1,1962, at which time said covenants(3). If the parties nereto,or any of them, or their neirs or assigns, shall violate or attemptIto violate any of the covenants or restrictions herein before January 1, 1962, it shall be lawfulfor any other person or persons owning any other lots in said developement or sub-division to pro-jsecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or atfemptingto violate any such covenant or restriction, and either to prevent him or them from 8o doing, or toTo Have and To Hold the same unto, and for the use of the said parties of the second part,And the sald parties of the rirst part, for themselves,their heirs, executors and administrattops covenant with the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful shall apply. which may be or become a nuisance to the neignborhood.servants of a dirferent race or nationality. character be permitted.similar structures in the tract. nalf or two story structures.jand restrictions shall terminate. recover damages or other dues for such violations. with the appurtenances;their heirs and assigns forever_ claimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend.Witness the hands and seals of the Baid parties of the first part. Attest:MD. NicholsCommonwealth of Pennsylvania :Counuy oi Lawrence Cecil C Johnston (Seal)Belle N Johnston (Seal) (I. R.S.($1.00) ss: Onthis 30tn day of August A. D.1937, before me a Notary Public in and for said County and State,came the above named Cecil C. Johnston and Belle N. Johnston, andtney acknowledged the roregoing Indenture to be tneir act anddeed, to the end that 1t may be recorded as such. Witness my hand and Notarial seal.My commission expires Jany 24 1941 (N.P. Seal) Jos. w Humphrey Certificate As To Residence. The undersigned hereby certifies that the precise residence of the grantee.herein named 1s/are as follows: Ellwood City, Lawrence County, Fenneylvania. P. 0. Address: 412 Adams Ave_ RWI Humphrey This Indenture DeedFrank Straw, Et ux.ToEnt. Ostober 13, 1938 Made the 30th day of August in the year, of our Lord,one thousand nine hundred and thirty eight (1938),Between Frank Straw. and Teresa Strgw, his wife, of theBorough of Ellwood City, County of Lawrence and Commonwealthof Pennaylvania, parties of the first part and MargaretM. w. Stratton, of the Borough of New Brighton, vounty ofBeaver, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; and BerthaWelsh Hoffman, of the Borough of Homewood, County andCommonwealth aforesaid, parties of the second part: Margaret M. w. Stratton, Et al. Witnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of ($1.00) and othergood and valuable considerations to them now paid. by the sald parties of the second part,do grantpargain, sell ard convey unto the said parties of the second part,their heirs and assigns,All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the Fourth Ward of the Borough of EllwoodCity, County of Lawrence, and Vommonwealth of Pennsylvania, known as lot numbered twenty-two (22)
(e) No raceor nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood shall use or occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covemant shall not prevent occupancy by domesti servants of a dirferent race or nationality.
(e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood shall use or occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](e) No raceor nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood shall use or occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covemant shall not prevent occupancy by domesti servants of a dirferent race or nationality. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood shall use or occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n486\ngarage located onthe rear 1/4ifakit except that on corner lots the established building line(a) No noxious or offensive trade shall be carried on upon any lot, norshall anything be done(e) No raceor nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood shall usejor occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covemant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic(f) No trailer, basement, garage, barn or other building erected in the tract shall at anytime be used as a residence temporarily or permanently,nor shall any residence of a tempprary(g). No structure shall be moved onto any lot unless 1t meets with the approval of the committehereinafter referred to, or 1f there 1s no committe, it shall conform to and ve inharmony with(h) No building shall bee erected on any lot on the said plan unt1l the design and locationthereof nas been approved in writing by the municipal authority having contral of such buildings,f_any, andif there be no such authority, then by consent of a majority of the owners of lotresiding on the said plan of lots. However, in the event that such residents on the said plan failto approve or disapprove such design within a reasonable time, then such approval will not be re-quired, provided the design and locationthe lot conform to and are in harmony with similarstructures on the said plan; sach dwellings shall have ground square feet area of not less than850 square feet in the case of one story structures, or 500 square feet in the case of one and one(1) The covenants and restrictions are to run withthe land and shall be binding on all theparties and all persons claiming under them until January 1,1962, at which time said covenants(3). If the parties nereto,or any of them, or their neirs or assigns, shall violate or attemptIto violate any of the covenants or restrictions herein before January 1, 1962, it shall be lawfulfor any other person or persons owning any other lots in said developement or sub-division to pro-jsecute any proceedings at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or atfemptingto violate any such covenant or restriction, and either to prevent him or them from 8o doing, or toTo Have and To Hold the same unto, and for the use of the said parties of the second part,And the sald parties of the rirst part, for themselves,their heirs, executors and administrattops covenant with the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful\nshall apply.\nwhich may be or become a nuisance to the neignborhood.servants of a dirferent race or nationality.\ncharacter be permitted.similar structures in the tract.\nnalf or two story structures.jand restrictions shall terminate.\nrecover damages or other dues for such violations.\nwith the appurtenances;their heirs and assigns forever_\nclaimants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend.Witness the hands and seals of the Baid parties of the first part.\nAttest:MD. NicholsCommonwealth of Pennsylvania :Counuy oi Lawrence\nCecil C Johnston (Seal)Belle N Johnston (Seal)\n(I. R.S.($1.00)\nss:\nOnthis 30tn day of August A. D.1937, before me a Notary Public in and for said County and State,came the above named Cecil C. Johnston and Belle N. Johnston, andtney acknowledged the roregoing\nIndenture to be tneir act anddeed, to the end that 1t may be recorded as such.\nWitness my hand and Notarial seal.My commission expires Jany 24 1941\n(N.P. Seal)\nJos. w Humphrey\nCertificate As To Residence.\nThe undersigned hereby certifies that the precise residence of the grantee.herein named 1s/are\nas follows: Ellwood City, Lawrence County, Fenneylvania. P. 0. Address: 412 Adams Ave_\nRWI Humphrey\nThis Indenture\nDeedFrank Straw, Et ux.ToEnt. Ostober 13, 1938\nMade the 30th day of August in the year, of our Lord,one thousand nine hundred and thirty eight (1938),Between Frank Straw. and Teresa Strgw, his wife, of theBorough of Ellwood City, County of Lawrence and Commonwealthof Pennaylvania, parties of the first part and MargaretM. w. Stratton, of the Borough of New Brighton, vounty ofBeaver, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; and BerthaWelsh Hoffman, of the Borough of Homewood, County andCommonwealth aforesaid, parties of the second part:\nMargaret M. w. Stratton, Et al.\nWitnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of ($1.00) and othergood and valuable considerations to them now paid. by the sald parties of the second part,do grantpargain, sell ard convey unto the said parties of the second part,their heirs and assigns,All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the Fourth Ward of the Borough of EllwoodCity, County of Lawrence, and Vommonwealth of Pennsylvania, known as lot numbered twenty-two (22)\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](e) No raceor nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood shall use\nor occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covemant shall not prevent occupancy by domesti\nservants of a dirferent race or nationality.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](e) No race or nationality, nor any person other than those of pure Caucasian blood shall use or occupy any dwelling on any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 284 Heshannock, County of Laurence and State o? Fennsylzanin, bounded and dereriled ar follons, to-ait: Being and conprising all of lots loz. Cne hundrei rixteen (116) and One kunired Eeven- teen (117) exooptins one hundred (1C0) feet off the rear or enct end thereof, in the plan of "Kalco" as surveyed nnd lnid out for George F. Koser and fiobert L. Lallace in February, 1920, by G.B. Zahniser, C. 3. said plot being duly recorded in the Becorder's Office. of iatrence County in Elot 3ook: Vol. 6, page 48. Said parcels of land rore orticularly described as follous: Berinning st 9 poins at the intersection ef the center line of the ser. Castle and Bev. Wilaington improved highray, designated on plen a3 Vilnington Azenue Exteneion, and the center line of a publia road lending eastuard therefron to Coaltoun, designated on plan af Laitland Lane; thencc by the center line of tl:c lazt sentioned public road Lorth Sighty derees (80°) Thirty-five minutes (35') Jast, Tuo hundred feot, more or less,. to a point; thence by line parallel vith the rest line of lot lo. One hundred tventy-tr.o (122) in sEne lot, Horth Sixteen degrecs (16°) Fiftoen ainutes (15') siest, Tvo hundred thirty- six (236) feet, nore or lecs, to 3 point on the south line of lot :o. One hundred fifteen (115) in rane plot; thence in a Lesterl: aireotion by, the diziding line betucen lots :os. One hundred fiftecn (115) and One kundrei sixteen (116) and at right angles with the center line of caid Vilninaton Avenue Extension a distance of Tvo. hundred (200) feet to the center lina of said "ilnington Avenue Extension; thence by the center line of said Wilnington Avenue Extension, South Sixteen degrees (16") Fifteen minutee (15') Eaet, Tyvo hundred sixteen (216) feet, nore or less to the place of beginnins. Said lots having a combined frantage on the C enter line of zaid Wilnington Avenue Extension of two hundred sixteen (216) foet, more or less, and extending back alons the center line of "aitland Lane Two hundred (200) feet, to said parallel line at the rear. And being part of the sane lands conveyed to Seorge F. Hozer b: deed from David 3. Reynolde, et. al., dated Janunry lith, 1922 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of lavrenze County in Deed Book Tol. 236, page 255. Thie said conveyance is made subject to the folloving conditions nnd restrictions, to-it: That no building shall be erected or constructed on said land, or any Lart thereof, within fifty (50) feet of the Few Castle and Lov Wilnington paved road or State Fighvay, thir restriction honever not to apply to verandas and roof projections;, that no sign nor billboards for advertising purposes other than for the uge of the grantec in his own business shall be erected on the land herein described, nor shall the grantec herein, nor his heirs or ass igns, sell and convey the land herein dercribed, or any part thereof, to any percon of the African or Italian races. These said restrictions to continue in full force and effect and shall be binding upon the heire and assigns and successors in title of the grantee herein until the year 1935. Kith the appursonances: To Have and to liold the sane unto and for the use of said 'party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, And the said parties of the first part, for themselves, their heirs, executors ard adninistrators covenant with the said Fartz of the second part, his heirs and assigns againct all lavful clainants the sane and every part thereof to larrant and Defend. Witness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. George F. Loser Atteat: (I.R.S.) (Seal) ($6.50) Alice L. Loser w. M. Hunn (Seal) Commonwealth of Pennsylvanin, )ss. County of Lavrence On this 17th day of September, A. D. 192i, before ne a lotary Eublic in and for 3aid County and State cane the above naned George F. Loser ard Alice li. Koser, his sife, and adknou- ledged the foregoing Indenture to be their 9ct and deed, to the end that it may be recorded as such. Witness my hand and notarial seal. V. L. liunn Notary Fublic My Comaission Expires Vny 2nd, 1925. (H.F.Seal) Deed This Indenture Ernest J. Halter,etur.,etol. Lade the 5th day of July in the yerr of Our Lorà one thousand nine hundrei and trenty four. To Betvecn Ernest J. Halter and Tirza Lalter, hic rife, Rolla D. lialter, of ler: Castle, Iennsylvanio; George :. Halter and Lanie Nalter, his sife, larceline, Lissouri; ohn S. Lalter and tta lialter, Enterei Sept. 19, 1924. hiswife, Spokane, Washington; Sanuel F. lalter and iearl lalter, his rife, Youngstown, Ohio; Guy 7. Malter, Lidower, Colley City, Vashington; John R. EcGuire, Vidoser, Eev Castle, Iennsylyanin; Bernard KcGuire and Kerita EcGuire, his rife, ler Castle, Fennsylvanin; Ivonetta Ealter, "er Castle, lenns:lvanin, parties of the first part and Rolla D. Lalter, Zdenburs, Count; of Larenee ard. State of Iennsilvania, party of the seeond part: Mitnesseth, that the saii parties of the firct Bart, in consideration of Cne (31.Co) Dollar nor paid by the said party of the second part, do srant, bargain, sell nrd conzey unto the said party of the seconi Fert, his heire ard assigns, ASHCFANS AL E
284 Heshannock, County of Laurence and State o? Fennsylzanin, bounded and dereriled ar follons, to-ait: Being and conprising all of lots loz. Cne hundrei rixteen (116) and One kunired Eeven- teen (117) exooptins one hundred (1C0) feet off the rear or enct end thereof, in the plan of "Kalco" as surveyed nnd lnid out for George F. Koser and fiobert L. Lallace in February, 1920, by G.B. Zahniser, C. 3. said plot being duly recorded in the Becorder's Office. of iatrence County in Elot 3ook: Vol. 6, page 48. Said parcels of land rore orticularly described as follous: Berinning st 9 poins at the intersection ef the center line of the ser. Castle and Bev. Wilaington improved highray, designated on plen a3 Vilnington Azenue Exteneion, and the center line of a publia road lending eastuard therefron to Coaltoun, designated on plan af Laitland Lane; thencc by the center line of tl:c lazt sentioned public road Lorth Sighty derees (80°) Thirty-five minutes (35') Jast, Tuo hundred feot, more or less,. to a point; thence by line parallel vith the rest line of lot lo. One hundred tventy-tr.o (122) in sEne lot, Horth Sixteen degrecs (16°) Fiftoen ainutes (15') siest, Tvo hundred thirty- six (236) feet, nore or lecs, to 3 point on the south line of lot :o. One hundred fifteen (115) in rane plot; thence in a Lesterl: aireotion by, the diziding line betucen lots :os. One hundred fiftecn (115) and One kundrei sixteen (116) and at right angles with the center line of caid Vilninaton Avenue Extension a distance of Tvo. hundred (200) feet to the center lina of said "ilnington Avenue Extension; thence by the center line of said Wilnington Avenue Extension, South Sixteen degrees (16") Fifteen minutee (15') Eaet, Tyvo hundred sixteen (216) feet, nore or less to the place of beginnins. Said lots having a combined frantage on the C enter line of zaid Wilnington Avenue Extension of two hundred sixteen (216) foet, more or less, and extending back alons the center line of "aitland Lane Two hundred (200) feet, to said parallel line at the rear. And being part of the sane lands conveyed to Seorge F. Hozer b: deed from David 3. Reynolde, et. al., dated Janunry lith, 1922 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of lavrenze County in Deed Book Tol. 236, page 255. Thie said conveyance is made subject to the folloving conditions nnd restrictions, to-it: That no building shall be erected or constructed on said land, or any Lart thereof, within fifty (50) feet of the Few Castle and Lov Wilnington paved road or State Fighvay, thir restriction honever not to apply to verandas and roof projections;, that no sign nor billboards for advertising purposes other than for the uge of the grantec in his own business shall be erected on the land herein described, nor shall the grantec herein, nor his heirs or ass igns, sell and convey the land herein dercribed, or any part thereof, to any percon of the African or Italian races. These said restrictions to continue in full force and effect and shall be binding upon the heire and assigns and successors in title of the grantee herein until the year 1935. Kith the appursonances: To Have and to liold the sane unto and for the use of said 'party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, And the said parties of the first part, for themselves, their heirs, executors ard adninistrators covenant with the said Fartz of the second part, his heirs and assigns againct all lavful clainants the sane and every part thereof to larrant and Defend. Witness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part. George F. Loser Atteat: (I.R.S.) (Seal) ($6.50) Alice L. Loser w. M. Hunn (Seal) Commonwealth of Pennsylvanin, )ss. County of Lavrence On this 17th day of September, A. D. 192i, before ne a lotary Eublic in and for 3aid County and State cane the above naned George F. Loser ard Alice li. Koser, his sife, and adknou- ledged the foregoing Indenture to be their 9ct and deed, to the end that it may be recorded as such. Witness my hand and notarial seal. V. L. liunn Notary Fublic My Comaission Expires Vny 2nd, 1925. (H.F.Seal) Deed This Indenture Ernest J. Halter,etur.,etol. Lade the 5th day of July in the yerr of Our Lorà one thousand nine hundrei and trenty four. To Betvecn Ernest J. Halter and Tirza Lalter, hic rife, Rolla D. lialter, of ler: Castle, Iennsylvanio; George :. Halter and Lanie Nalter, his sife, larceline, Lissouri; ohn S. Lalter and tta lialter, Enterei Sept. 19, 1924. hiswife, Spokane, Washington; Sanuel F. lalter and iearl lalter, his rife, Youngstown, Ohio; Guy 7. Malter, Lidower, Colley City, Vashington; John R. EcGuire, Vidoser, Eev Castle, Iennsylyanin; Bernard KcGuire and Kerita EcGuire, his rife, ler Castle, Fennsylvanin; Ivonetta Ealter, "er Castle, lenns:lvanin, parties of the first part and Rolla D. Lalter, Zdenburs, Count; of Larenee ard. State of Iennsilvania, party of the seeond part: Mitnesseth, that the saii parties of the firct Bart, in consideration of Cne (31.Co) Dollar nor paid by the said party of the second part, do srant, bargain, sell nrd conzey unto the said party of the seconi Fert, his heire ard assigns, ASHCFANS AL E
for advertising purposes other than for the uge of the grantec in his own business shall be erected on the land herein described, nor shall the grantec herein, nor his heirs or ass igns, sell and convey the land herein dercribed, or any part thereof, to any percon of the African or Italian races. These said restrictions to continue in full force and effect and shall be binding upon the heire and assigns and successors in title of the grantee herein until the year 1935.
nor shall the grantee herein, nor his heirs or assigns, sell and convey the land herein described, or any part thereof, to any person of the African or Italian races.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]for advertising purposes other than for the uge of the grantec in his own business shall be erected on the land herein described, nor shall the grantec herein, nor his heirs or ass igns, sell and convey the land herein dercribed, or any part thereof, to any percon of the African or Italian races. These said restrictions to continue in full force and effect and shall be binding upon the heire and assigns and successors in title of the grantee herein until the year 1935.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]nor shall the grantee herein, nor his heirs or assigns, sell and convey the land herein described, or any part thereof, to any person of the African or Italian races.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n284\nHeshannock, County of Laurence and State o? Fennsylzanin, bounded and dereriled ar follons, to-ait:\nBeing and conprising all of lots loz. Cne hundrei rixteen (116) and One kunired Eeven-\nteen (117) exooptins one hundred (1C0) feet off the rear or enct end thereof, in the plan of\n\"Kalco\" as surveyed nnd lnid out for George F. Koser and fiobert L. Lallace in February, 1920, by\nG.B. Zahniser, C. 3. said plot being duly recorded in the Becorder's Office. of iatrence County\nin Elot 3ook: Vol. 6, page 48. Said parcels of land rore orticularly described as follous:\nBerinning st 9 poins at the intersection ef the center line of the ser. Castle and Bev.\nWilaington improved highray, designated on plen a3 Vilnington Azenue Exteneion, and the center\nline of a publia road lending eastuard therefron to Coaltoun, designated on plan af Laitland\nLane; thencc by the center line of tl:c lazt sentioned public road Lorth Sighty derees (80°)\nThirty-five minutes (35') Jast, Tuo hundred feot, more or less,. to a point; thence by line\nparallel vith the rest line of lot lo. One hundred tventy-tr.o (122) in sEne lot, Horth Sixteen\ndegrecs (16°) Fiftoen ainutes (15') siest, Tvo hundred thirty- six (236) feet, nore or lecs, to 3\npoint on the south line of lot :o. One hundred fifteen (115) in rane plot; thence in a Lesterl:\naireotion by, the diziding line betucen lots :os. One hundred fiftecn (115) and One kundrei\nsixteen (116) and at right angles with the center line of caid Vilninaton Avenue Extension a\ndistance of Tvo. hundred (200) feet to the center lina of said \"ilnington Avenue Extension; thence\nby the center line of said Wilnington Avenue Extension, South Sixteen degrees (16\") Fifteen\nminutee (15') Eaet, Tyvo hundred sixteen (216) feet, nore or less to the place of beginnins. Said\nlots having a combined frantage on the C enter line of zaid Wilnington Avenue Extension of two\nhundred sixteen (216) foet, more or less, and extending back alons the center line of \"aitland\nLane Two hundred (200) feet, to said parallel line at the rear.\nAnd being part of the sane lands conveyed to Seorge F. Hozer b: deed from David 3.\nReynolde, et. al., dated Janunry lith, 1922 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of lavrenze\nCounty in Deed Book Tol. 236, page 255.\nThie said conveyance is made subject to the folloving conditions nnd restrictions,\nto-it:\nThat no building shall be erected or constructed on said land, or any Lart thereof,\nwithin fifty (50) feet of the Few Castle and Lov Wilnington paved road or State Fighvay, thir\nrestriction honever not to apply to verandas and roof projections;, that no sign nor billboards\nfor advertising purposes other than for the uge of the grantec in his own business shall be\nerected on the land herein described, nor shall the grantec herein, nor his heirs or ass igns,\nsell and convey the land herein dercribed, or any part thereof, to any percon of the African or\nItalian races. These said restrictions to continue in full force and effect and shall be binding\nupon the heire and assigns and successors in title of the grantee herein until the year 1935.\nKith the appursonances: To Have and to liold the sane unto and for the use of said\n'party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever,\nAnd the said parties of the first part, for themselves, their heirs, executors ard\nadninistrators covenant with the said Fartz of the second part, his heirs and assigns againct all\nlavful clainants the sane and every part thereof to larrant and Defend.\nWitness the hands and seals of the said parties of the first part.\nGeorge F. Loser\nAtteat:\n(I.R.S.)\n(Seal)\n($6.50)\nAlice L. Loser\nw. M. Hunn\n(Seal)\nCommonwealth of Pennsylvanin,\n)ss.\nCounty of Lavrence\nOn this 17th day of September, A. D. 192i, before ne a lotary Eublic in and for 3aid\nCounty and State cane the above naned George F. Loser ard Alice li. Koser, his sife, and adknou-\nledged the foregoing Indenture to be their 9ct and deed, to the end that it may be recorded as\nsuch.\nWitness my hand and notarial seal.\nV. L. liunn\nNotary Fublic\nMy Comaission Expires Vny 2nd, 1925.\n(H.F.Seal)\nDeed\nThis Indenture\nErnest J. Halter,etur.,etol.\nLade the 5th day of July in the yerr of Our Lorà one\nthousand nine hundrei and trenty four.\nTo\nBetvecn Ernest J. Halter and Tirza Lalter, hic rife,\nRolla D. lialter,\nof ler: Castle, Iennsylvanio; George :. Halter and Lanie Nalter,\nhis sife, larceline, Lissouri; ohn S. Lalter and tta lialter,\nEnterei Sept. 19, 1924.\nhiswife, Spokane, Washington; Sanuel F. lalter and iearl lalter,\nhis rife, Youngstown, Ohio; Guy 7. Malter, Lidower, Colley City,\nVashington; John R. EcGuire, Vidoser, Eev Castle, Iennsylyanin;\nBernard KcGuire and Kerita EcGuire, his rife, ler Castle,\nFennsylvanin; Ivonetta Ealter, \"er Castle, lenns:lvanin, parties\nof the first part and Rolla D. Lalter, Zdenburs, Count; of Larenee ard. State of Iennsilvania,\nparty of the seeond part:\nMitnesseth, that the saii parties of the firct Bart, in consideration of Cne (31.Co)\nDollar nor paid by the said party of the second part, do srant, bargain, sell nrd conzey unto\nthe said party of the seconi Fert, his heire ard assigns,\nASHCFANS AL\nE", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]for advertising purposes other than for the uge of the grantec in his own business shall be erected on the land herein described, nor shall the grantec herein, nor his heirs or ass igns, sell and convey the land herein dercribed, or any part thereof, to any percon of the African or Italian races. These said restrictions to continue in full force and effect and shall be binding upon the heire and assigns and successors in title of the grantee herein until the year 1935.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]nor shall the grantee herein, nor his heirs or assigns, sell and convey the land herein described, or any part thereof, to any person of the African or Italian races.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DRVOL00454F PAGE 105 KNOW ALLI MENI BY THESE PRESENTS: 1062 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON THATI I,T.I K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter described property ismy separate estate andi is notr now, nor! hasi ite ever been, any part of my residential or business homestead), for and in consideration oft the sum of _DOLLARS SIX HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 ($695.00) tomer paid ands secured tol be paid by as follows: W. E. MBLTON and wife, ADDIE F. MBLTON, SIX HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($695.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is. hereby àcknowledged, HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto thes said W.E. MELTON and wife, ADDIE F. MELTON, State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, oft the County of Dallas Texas, and deseribed as follows, to-wit: LOT ELEVEN (11) in BLOCK SIXTEEN (16), GARZA-LITTLE BLM LAKE ESTATES, an addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof recorded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. the platr recordedi in the Map Records oni Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: conditions and reservations which are made a part of : This conveyance is made subject to the restrictive ones ns as hercinafter da BALE rf on-profit in Paragraph 16 herein, only asa residence, urposes, spi lot is subdivision, except as hereinafter altered, placed or permittedt dings. to remain on any building plot single building anda 2.No shall bee one Bee EOR a AREFe than the with casian any race shall or occupy anyl lot, exceptt thatt this covenants shall noty prevent occupancy by do- CePES SE or Bt No dry EL T shrll be Eta amk sanitarys system ono EE: mpeat bS Bb or State Department. Health succe sors or assigns, E a Ee! E DPRESS line representatives, - bythe State Department of Health. time. the Water supply to oneo or must E erint BY - Fa boct BBIE shallbe - gainst. EV furnisha L - adioining't a e d herein. events ony E ca and other. iance de mcees escriction REy main : F ons tte Side yard building lines on interior E E line-shown on the than the uildi ding Feet BE restrictiong.) AMAMASPET Nob be or SErtmN outside with two (2) or etd coats i8 thereofis is-completely material usedinn finishedg structures brick, ufnished lumber, material, asbes- hal shingles, concrete siding or be on any lot, nor shall anything be donet thereon which may beor become No obnoxiou or or PAN m be used m ES E any shack or outbuilding theloth herein deseribeds shall be-used asa Shere pet No i WEh." Drovidecn that out ofopen ands garages, shall ber notlesst than 600 square teet. The groundf area any plat of addition for utility and alleys are reserved as on thel 1oie Cpven change said ning almi ad shallb for all periods parties S years claiming sns mil . 1965, ictions at shall be e1 in_part. fbe hereto, anyof them, or their heirs violate deve attempt, elopm tor violate BIO e the covenants herein, its shall be ande eitherto prevent aN ny Fie 5 nE for of the or Developer. the subdivision or any lot the AS BE E be D his heirs eF assigns, for agrees damages nott toc thes subdivision caused way SR Develope written aler first wise int natural' ton Ehat CprS lol Bdocktg that Lots_1 through bya E as set anda out n Paragraph lots_in Blocks herein. and are reservea for business only, with the excep- by judgment or court order shalli inno wise affect any ofthe other provisions which shall remain force and saye alidation one TOF HAVE AND TO HOLDt the above described premises, together with all ands singular the rights anda appurtenances there- toina anywise belonging unto the said W. E. MELTON and wife, ADDIE F. MBLTON, their heirs anda assigns forever and Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, alls ands singular the said premises untot thes said W. E. MELTON and wife, ADDIE F. MELTON, their heirs and assigns, against every person Iawfully claiming, ort to claim the same, or any partt thereof. - WITNESS MYI HAND: at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and-for said County and State, on this day personally BPee IRWIN, known to met be the persony whose nameis subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged met that Re T. executedt for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. the same dIyEN UNDER. My HAND AND SEAL-OF OFFICE this. 22nd day of, February, A.D. 19,60 Ba County,' Texas Publici in and for A.D.1960 atipoolelock : FILED FOR RECORD: 23day ofi hEcares A.D.1960 at/2i2olclock oaept day REÇORDED: A.J. Barnett, Clerk County Court, Denton County, Texas Deputy Bv:
DRVOL00454F PAGE 105 KNOW ALLI MENI BY THESE PRESENTS: 1062 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON THATI I,T.I K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter described property ismy separate estate andi is notr now, nor! hasi ite ever been, any part of my residential or business homestead), for and in consideration oft the sum of _DOLLARS SIX HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 ($695.00) tomer paid ands secured tol be paid by as follows: W. E. MBLTON and wife, ADDIE F. MBLTON, SIX HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($695.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is. hereby àcknowledged, HAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto thes said W.E. MELTON and wife, ADDIE F. MELTON, State of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County, oft the County of Dallas Texas, and deseribed as follows, to-wit: LOT ELEVEN (11) in BLOCK SIXTEEN (16), GARZA-LITTLE BLM LAKE ESTATES, an addition in Denton County, Texas, according to the map thereof recorded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map or Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. the platr recordedi in the Map Records oni Denton County, Texas, and are as follows: conditions and reservations which are made a part of : This conveyance is made subject to the restrictive ones ns as hercinafter da BALE rf on-profit in Paragraph 16 herein, only asa residence, urposes, spi lot is subdivision, except as hereinafter altered, placed or permittedt dings. to remain on any building plot single building anda 2.No shall bee one Bee EOR a AREFe than the with casian any race shall or occupy anyl lot, exceptt thatt this covenants shall noty prevent occupancy by do- CePES SE or Bt No dry EL T shrll be Eta amk sanitarys system ono EE: mpeat bS Bb or State Department. Health succe sors or assigns, E a Ee! E DPRESS line representatives, - bythe State Department of Health. time. the Water supply to oneo or must E erint BY - Fa boct BBIE shallbe - gainst. EV furnisha L - adioining't a e d herein. events ony E ca and other. iance de mcees escriction REy main : F ons tte Side yard building lines on interior E E line-shown on the than the uildi ding Feet BE restrictiong.) AMAMASPET Nob be or SErtmN outside with two (2) or etd coats i8 thereofis is-completely material usedinn finishedg structures brick, ufnished lumber, material, asbes- hal shingles, concrete siding or be on any lot, nor shall anything be donet thereon which may beor become No obnoxiou or or PAN m be used m ES E any shack or outbuilding theloth herein deseribeds shall be-used asa Shere pet No i WEh." Drovidecn that out ofopen ands garages, shall ber notlesst than 600 square teet. The groundf area any plat of addition for utility and alleys are reserved as on thel 1oie Cpven change said ning almi ad shallb for all periods parties S years claiming sns mil . 1965, ictions at shall be e1 in_part. fbe hereto, anyof them, or their heirs violate deve attempt, elopm tor violate BIO e the covenants herein, its shall be ande eitherto prevent aN ny Fie 5 nE for of the or Developer. the subdivision or any lot the AS BE E be D his heirs eF assigns, for agrees damages nott toc thes subdivision caused way SR Develope written aler first wise int natural' ton Ehat CprS lol Bdocktg that Lots_1 through bya E as set anda out n Paragraph lots_in Blocks herein. and are reservea for business only, with the excep- by judgment or court order shalli inno wise affect any ofthe other provisions which shall remain force and saye alidation one TOF HAVE AND TO HOLDt the above described premises, together with all ands singular the rights anda appurtenances there- toina anywise belonging unto the said W. E. MELTON and wife, ADDIE F. MBLTON, their heirs anda assigns forever and Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De- fend, alls ands singular the said premises untot thes said W. E. MELTON and wife, ADDIE F. MELTON, their heirs and assigns, against every person Iawfully claiming, ort to claim the same, or any partt thereof. - WITNESS MYI HAND: at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and-for said County and State, on this day personally BPee IRWIN, known to met be the persony whose nameis subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged met that Re T. executedt for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. the same dIyEN UNDER. My HAND AND SEAL-OF OFFICE this. 22nd day of, February, A.D. 19,60 Ba County,' Texas Publici in and for A.D.1960 atipoolelock : FILED FOR RECORD: 23day ofi hEcares A.D.1960 at/2i2olclock oaept day REÇORDED: A.J. Barnett, Clerk County Court, Denton County, Texas Deputy Bv:
3. No person of any, race other than the. Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the. Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do- mestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDRVOL00454F PAGE 105\nKNOW ALLI MENI BY THESE PRESENTS: 1062\nSTATE OF TEXAS\nCOUNTY OF DENTON\nTHATI I,T.I K. IRWIN, of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas (not joined herein by my wife because the hereinafter described\nproperty ismy separate estate andi is notr now, nor! hasi ite ever been, any part of my residential or business homestead), for and\nin consideration oft the sum of\n_DOLLARS\nSIX HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100\n($695.00)\ntomer paid ands secured tol be paid by\nas follows:\nW. E. MBLTON and wife, ADDIE F. MBLTON,\nSIX HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND NO/100 DOLIARS ($695.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of\nwhich is. hereby àcknowledged,\nHAVE GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto thes said\nW.E. MELTON and wife, ADDIE F. MELTON,\nState of Texas, the following tract or parcel of land situated in Denton County,\noft the County of\nDallas\nTexas, and deseribed as follows, to-wit:\nLOT ELEVEN (11) in BLOCK SIXTEEN (16), GARZA-LITTLE\nBLM LAKE ESTATES, an addition in Denton County, Texas, according\nto the map thereof recorded in Volume 2, page 80, of the Map\nor Plat Records of Denton County, Texas.\nthe platr recordedi in the Map Records oni Denton County, Texas, and are as follows:\nconditions and reservations which are made a part of :\nThis conveyance is made subject to the restrictive\nones ns as hercinafter da\nBALE rf on-profit\nin Paragraph 16 herein,\nonly asa residence,\nurposes, spi lot is\nsubdivision, except as hereinafter\naltered, placed or permittedt dings. to remain on any building plot\nsingle building anda\n2.No\nshall bee\none\nBee EOR a AREFe than the with casian any race shall or occupy anyl lot, exceptt thatt this covenants shall noty prevent occupancy by do-\nCePES SE\nor Bt\nNo dry EL T shrll be Eta amk sanitarys system ono EE: mpeat bS\nBb or State Department.\n\n\nHealth\n\n\nsucce sors or assigns, E a\nEe! E DPRESS line\n\nrepresentatives,\n-\nbythe State Department of Health. time. the\nWater supply to oneo or\nmust\nE\nerint \nBY\n-\n\nFa boct\n \nBBIE\nshallbe\n\n-\ngainst.\n EV furnisha\nL - adioining't a e d herein.\nevents ony\nE\nca\nand\nother.\niance de\nmcees\nescriction\nREy\nmain\n: F ons tte \nSide yard building lines on interior E\n E\nline-shown on the\nthan the uildi\nding\nFeet BE\nrestrictiong.)\nAMAMASPET\nNob be or SErtmN outside with two (2) or etd coats i8 thereofis is-completely material usedinn finishedg structures\nbrick, ufnished lumber, material, asbes-\nhal shingles, \nconcrete\nsiding or\nbe on any lot, nor shall anything be donet thereon which may beor become\nNo obnoxiou or\nor\nPAN m be used m\nES\nE any\nshack or outbuilding\ntheloth herein deseribeds shall\nbe-used asa\nShere\npet\nNo\ni WEh.\"\nDrovidecn\nthat\nout\nofopen ands garages, shall ber notlesst than 600 square teet.\nThe groundf area any\nplat of addition for utility\nand alleys are reserved as on\nthel 1oie Cpven change said\nning almi ad shallb for all periods parties S years claiming sns mil\n.\n1965, ictions at shall be\ne1\nin_part.\nfbe hereto, anyof them, or their heirs violate deve attempt, elopm tor violate BIO e the covenants herein, its shall be\nande eitherto prevent aN ny Fie 5 nE\nfor\nof the or Developer.\nthe subdivision or any lot\nthe\nAS\nBE E\nbe D\nhis heirs eF assigns, for agrees damages nott toc thes subdivision caused way SR\nDevelope\n written\n aler\nfirst\nwise int\nnatural'\nton Ehat CprS lol Bdocktg that Lots_1 through bya E as set anda out n Paragraph lots_in Blocks herein. and are reservea for business only, with the excep-\nby judgment or court order shalli inno wise affect any ofthe other provisions which shall remain\nforce and saye\nalidation one\nTOF HAVE AND TO HOLDt the above described premises, together with all ands singular the rights anda appurtenances there-\ntoina anywise belonging unto the said W. E. MELTON and wife, ADDIE F. MBLTON, their\nheirs anda assigns forever and Idol hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever De-\nfend, alls ands singular the said premises untot thes said W. E. MELTON and wife, ADDIE F. MELTON, their\nheirs and assigns, against every person\nIawfully claiming, ort to claim the same, or any partt thereof.\n-\nWITNESS MYI HAND: at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas,\nSTATE OF TEXAS\nCOUNTY OF DALLAS\nBEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and-for said County and State, on this day personally\nBPee\nIRWIN, known to met be the persony whose nameis subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged met that Re\nT.\nexecutedt\nfor the purposes and consideration therein expressed.\nthe same\ndIyEN UNDER. My HAND AND SEAL-OF OFFICE this. 22nd day of, February, A.D. 19,60\nBa County,' Texas\nPublici in and for\nA.D.1960 atipoolelock\n:\nFILED FOR RECORD: 23day ofi hEcares\nA.D.1960 at/2i2olclock\noaept\nday\nREÇORDED:\nA.J. Barnett, Clerk County Court,\nDenton County, Texas\nDeputy\nBv:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3. No person of any, race other than the. Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by do-\nmestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 155 RESTRICTIONS Subject, however, to the following reservations and restrictions which shall continue in effect until the 1st day of January, A.D. 1955. FIRST: No building shall be erected upon said premises within one hundred (100) feet from the center line of the public road upon which said lot fronts, this restriction shall not apply to_porches, verandas and otner usual projections attached to any building, erected thereon and if sailot is a corner lot, it shall in addition be placed at least forty (40) feet from the side line of said road. SECOND: Said preises shall be used only for the construction and maintenance of private dwellings together with necessary out-Duildings witn the exception of Lot No. 24 which may be used for linited commercial purposes and no dwelling shall be erected costing less then Twenty-five hundred ($2500.00) dollars. THIRD: No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other out-building erected, in the tract shall at any tine be used as a residence temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence ofa temporary character be permitted. FOURTH: No lot, including Lot No. 24 shall be used for obnoxious or offensive purposes, neit ther shall intoxicating liquor be sold or offered for sale on said premises, nor shail anything be done thereon that may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the other property owners in said sub-division. FIFTH: The Grantee/s, his L their heirs, successors or assigns shall not lease, convey or demise said premises to persons of African or Italian descent. with the appurtenances: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto and for the use of the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns forever, And the said THOMAS C. REICHARL and OLIVE B. REICHARD, his wife for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators covenant with the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful claiuants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend. WITNESS the hands and seals of tne said parties of the first part. (Seal) (I.R.S.) Thomas C. Rei chard ATTEST: (3.55) (Seal) Sara J. Long 0live B. Reichard COMMONWEALTH OF PEMASYLVANIA, ss: COUNTY OF LAWRENCE On this the 18th day of November, A.D. 1946, before me a Notary Public the undersig gned officer, personally appeared THOMAS C. REICIARD and OLIVE B. REICHARD, his wife, known to me (or satisfact- orily proven) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowled- ged that they executed the same for the purposes therein contained. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and official seal. Mrs. Sara J. Long (N.P.Seal) My commi ssion expires at end of next session NOTARY PUBLIC of Senate Cerbificate of Residence We do hereby certify that grantees-precise residence is- Ward, New Castle, Lawrence County, Penna. Witness my hand this 18th. day of November 1946 Caldwell and AcFate THIS INDENTURE Deed William J. Siebanoller, et ux. MADE the 16th day of Nov ember in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and forty-six (1946)_ To BETWEEN WILLIAM J. SIEBANOLLERand BERTILLA M. SIEBAN- William J. Siebanoller, et ux. OLLER, nis wife, of the Second Ward of the City of New Castle, County of Lawrence.and parties of the first part and WILLIAN J. SIEBANOLLER and BERTILLA M. SIEBANOLLER, Ent. Novenber 19, 1946 husband and wife of the Second Ward of the City of New Castle, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, parties of the second part: WITNESSETH, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar to them now paid by the said parties of the second part, do grant, barhain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, ALL those certain lots or parcels of land situate and being in the Township of Neshannoc',. County of Lawrence and State of Penasylvania, bounded and described as follows: Lot_#42 and #41 in the plot hereinafter described. Lot #42 is bounded and described as follows: Fronting on the East One Hundred Twenty-five (125) feet on the center line of Highland Avenue Extension and running back westward therefron along the center line of Buena Vista Way of éven width Three Hundred (300) feet to the East line of wot #61 in the Plot hereinafter described. And bound- edon the North by Lot #41, and contalning .869 acres. And Lot #41 fronting on the center line of Highland Avenue Extension One Mundred (1vo) feet and extending back therefrom of same even width between Lots_#42 and 40 in the same plot Three Hundred (300) feet to said Lot #61 in the rear and containing .688 acres. And being bots #42 and #41 in George F. Moser and Robert L. Wallace plot
155 RESTRICTIONS Subject, however, to the following reservations and restrictions which shall continue in effect until the 1st day of January, A.D. 1955. FIRST: No building shall be erected upon said premises within one hundred (100) feet from the center line of the public road upon which said lot fronts, this restriction shall not apply to_porches, verandas and otner usual projections attached to any building, erected thereon and if sailot is a corner lot, it shall in addition be placed at least forty (40) feet from the side line of said road. SECOND: Said preises shall be used only for the construction and maintenance of private dwellings together with necessary out-Duildings witn the exception of Lot No. 24 which may be used for linited commercial purposes and no dwelling shall be erected costing less then Twenty-five hundred ($2500.00) dollars. THIRD: No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other out-building erected, in the tract shall at any tine be used as a residence temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence ofa temporary character be permitted. FOURTH: No lot, including Lot No. 24 shall be used for obnoxious or offensive purposes, neit ther shall intoxicating liquor be sold or offered for sale on said premises, nor shail anything be done thereon that may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the other property owners in said sub-division. FIFTH: The Grantee/s, his L their heirs, successors or assigns shall not lease, convey or demise said premises to persons of African or Italian descent. with the appurtenances: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto and for the use of the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns forever, And the said THOMAS C. REICHARL and OLIVE B. REICHARD, his wife for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators covenant with the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns against all lawful claiuants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend. WITNESS the hands and seals of tne said parties of the first part. (Seal) (I.R.S.) Thomas C. Rei chard ATTEST: (3.55) (Seal) Sara J. Long 0live B. Reichard COMMONWEALTH OF PEMASYLVANIA, ss: COUNTY OF LAWRENCE On this the 18th day of November, A.D. 1946, before me a Notary Public the undersig gned officer, personally appeared THOMAS C. REICIARD and OLIVE B. REICHARD, his wife, known to me (or satisfact- orily proven) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowled- ged that they executed the same for the purposes therein contained. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and official seal. Mrs. Sara J. Long (N.P.Seal) My commi ssion expires at end of next session NOTARY PUBLIC of Senate Cerbificate of Residence We do hereby certify that grantees-precise residence is- Ward, New Castle, Lawrence County, Penna. Witness my hand this 18th. day of November 1946 Caldwell and AcFate THIS INDENTURE Deed William J. Siebanoller, et ux. MADE the 16th day of Nov ember in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and forty-six (1946)_ To BETWEEN WILLIAM J. SIEBANOLLERand BERTILLA M. SIEBAN- William J. Siebanoller, et ux. OLLER, nis wife, of the Second Ward of the City of New Castle, County of Lawrence.and parties of the first part and WILLIAN J. SIEBANOLLER and BERTILLA M. SIEBANOLLER, Ent. Novenber 19, 1946 husband and wife of the Second Ward of the City of New Castle, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania, parties of the second part: WITNESSETH, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar to them now paid by the said parties of the second part, do grant, barhain, sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, ALL those certain lots or parcels of land situate and being in the Township of Neshannoc',. County of Lawrence and State of Penasylvania, bounded and described as follows: Lot_#42 and #41 in the plot hereinafter described. Lot #42 is bounded and described as follows: Fronting on the East One Hundred Twenty-five (125) feet on the center line of Highland Avenue Extension and running back westward therefron along the center line of Buena Vista Way of éven width Three Hundred (300) feet to the East line of wot #61 in the Plot hereinafter described. And bound- edon the North by Lot #41, and contalning .869 acres. And Lot #41 fronting on the center line of Highland Avenue Extension One Mundred (1vo) feet and extending back therefrom of same even width between Lots_#42 and 40 in the same plot Three Hundred (300) feet to said Lot #61 in the rear and containing .688 acres. And being bots #42 and #41 in George F. Moser and Robert L. Wallace plot
FIFTH: The Grantee/s, his L their heirs, successors or assigns shall not lease, convey or demise said premises to persons of African or Italian descent.
FIFTH: The Grantees, their heirs, successors or assigns shall not lease, convey or demise said premises to persons of African or Italian descent.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]FIFTH: The Grantee/s, his L their heirs, successors or assigns shall not lease, convey or demise said premises to persons of African or Italian descent.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]FIFTH: The Grantees, their heirs, successors or assigns shall not lease, convey or demise said premises to persons of African or Italian descent.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n155\nRESTRICTIONS\nSubject, however, to the following reservations and restrictions which shall continue in\neffect until the 1st day of January, A.D. 1955.\nFIRST: No building shall be erected upon said premises within one hundred (100) feet from\nthe center line of the public road upon which said lot fronts, this restriction shall not apply\nto_porches, verandas and otner usual projections attached to any building, erected thereon and if\nsailot is a corner lot, it shall in addition be placed at least forty (40) feet from the side\nline of said road.\nSECOND: Said preises shall be used only for the construction and maintenance of private\ndwellings together with necessary out-Duildings witn the exception of Lot No. 24 which may be used\nfor linited commercial purposes and no dwelling shall be erected costing less then Twenty-five\nhundred ($2500.00) dollars.\nTHIRD: No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other out-building erected, in the\ntract shall at any tine be used as a residence temporarily or permanently, nor shall any residence\nofa temporary character be permitted.\nFOURTH: No lot, including Lot No. 24 shall be used for obnoxious or offensive purposes,\nneit ther shall intoxicating liquor be sold or offered for sale on said premises, nor shail anything\nbe done thereon that may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the other property owners in\nsaid sub-division.\nFIFTH: The Grantee/s, his L their heirs, successors or assigns shall not lease, convey or\ndemise said premises to persons of African or Italian descent.\nwith the appurtenances: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto and for the use of the said parties\nof the second part their heirs and assigns forever,\nAnd the said THOMAS C. REICHARL and OLIVE B. REICHARD, his wife for themselves, their heirs,\nexecutors and administrators covenant with the said parties of the second part their heirs and\nassigns against all lawful claiuants the same and every part thereof to Warrant and Defend.\nWITNESS the hands and seals of tne said parties of the first part.\n(Seal)\n(I.R.S.)\nThomas C. Rei chard\nATTEST:\n(3.55)\n(Seal)\nSara J. Long\n0live B. Reichard\nCOMMONWEALTH OF PEMASYLVANIA,\nss:\nCOUNTY OF LAWRENCE\nOn this the 18th day of November, A.D. 1946, before me a Notary Public the undersig gned officer,\npersonally appeared THOMAS C. REICIARD and OLIVE B. REICHARD, his wife, known to me (or satisfact-\norily proven) to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowled-\nged that they executed the same for the purposes therein contained.\nIN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and official seal.\nMrs. Sara J. Long\n(N.P.Seal)\nMy commi ssion expires at end of next session\nNOTARY PUBLIC\nof Senate\nCerbificate of Residence\nWe do hereby certify that grantees-precise residence is- Ward, New Castle, Lawrence County,\nPenna.\nWitness my hand this 18th. day of November 1946\nCaldwell and AcFate\nTHIS INDENTURE\nDeed\nWilliam J. Siebanoller, et ux.\nMADE the 16th day of Nov ember in the year of our Lord,\none thousand nine hundred and forty-six (1946)_\nTo\nBETWEEN WILLIAM J. SIEBANOLLERand BERTILLA M. SIEBAN-\nWilliam J. Siebanoller, et ux.\nOLLER, nis wife, of the Second Ward of the City of New\nCastle, County of Lawrence.and parties of the first part\nand WILLIAN J. SIEBANOLLER and BERTILLA M. SIEBANOLLER,\nEnt. Novenber 19, 1946\nhusband and wife of the Second Ward of the City of New\nCastle, County of Lawrence and State of Pennsylvania,\nparties of the second part:\nWITNESSETH, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar\nto them now paid by the said parties of the second part, do grant, barhain, sell and convey unto\nthe said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns,\nALL those certain lots or parcels of land situate and being in the Township of Neshannoc',.\nCounty of Lawrence and State of Penasylvania, bounded and described as follows: Lot_#42 and #41\nin the plot hereinafter described. Lot #42 is bounded and described as follows:\nFronting on the East One Hundred Twenty-five (125) feet on the center line of Highland Avenue\nExtension and running back westward therefron along the center line of Buena Vista Way of éven width\nThree Hundred (300) feet to the East line of wot #61 in the Plot hereinafter described. And bound-\nedon the North by Lot #41, and contalning .869 acres. And Lot #41 fronting on the center line\nof Highland Avenue Extension One Mundred (1vo) feet and extending back therefrom of same even width\nbetween Lots_#42 and 40 in the same plot Three Hundred (300) feet to said Lot #61 in the rear and\ncontaining .688 acres. And being bots #42 and #41 in George F. Moser and Robert L. Wallace plot", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]FIFTH: The Grantee/s, his L their heirs, successors or assigns shall not lease, convey or demise said premises to persons of African or Italian descent.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]FIFTH: The Grantees, their heirs, successors or assigns shall not lease, convey or demise said premises to persons of African or Italian descent.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] DRVOL00358 PAGE 421ph wpesniy -421 binding upon the purchaser or purchasers of said land, his or their heirs, asigns,successors1. That no person of any race othen than the .Caucasian race shall use or occupy any build-ing or buildings on said tract or any part of said tract, except that this covenant shall notprevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race domiciled with any owner or tenant2. These covenants are to run with the land and 'shall be binding upon all parties and3. Should this tract be subdivided into lots and if the parties hereto, or any of them,or their heirs or assigns, shall violate -or attempt to violate any of the covenants herein,itshall be lawful 6ôr any other person or persons owning any real property situated in sàiddevelopment or subdivision to prosecute any proçeedings at law or in equity against the pérsonor persons violating or attempting to violate this covenant and either to prevent him or them and administrators to-wit: all persons claiming under them until January 1, 1980. from so doing or to recover da amages -or other dues for such violation.EXECUTED this the 13th day of February, A.D.1950. James F:DeganHenrimae Degan THE STAFE OF TEXAS) COUNTY OF DENTON) BEFORE ME, the undersigned a Notary Public in and for said County andState, on this day personally appeared JAMES F. DEGAN, known to me to be the person whose nameis subscribed to the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged to me that he executed the same.GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the day of February, A.D.1950. Franky Lou Davis SealTHE STATE OF TEXAS) Notary Public, Denton County, Texas COUNTY OF DENTON) BBFORE ME, the undersigned a Notary Public in and for said County andState, on this day personally. appeared HENRIMAE DEGAN, wife of James F. Degan, known to me tobe the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and having been. examinedby me privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, thesaid HENRIMAE DEGAN acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declaredthat she had willingly signed the same, and that she did not wish to retract it.GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL-OFFICE this the day of February, A.D. 1950. Franky Lou Davis Seal Notary Public, Denton County, Texas. FILED FOR RECORD: February 14, 1950 at 11:00 A.M.RECORDED: March 22, 1950 at 9:10 A.M. Cletus E. Knight County Clerk, Denton County, Texas
DRVOL00358 PAGE 421ph wpesniy -421 binding upon the purchaser or purchasers of said land, his or their heirs, asigns,successors1. That no person of any race othen than the .Caucasian race shall use or occupy any build-ing or buildings on said tract or any part of said tract, except that this covenant shall notprevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race domiciled with any owner or tenant2. These covenants are to run with the land and 'shall be binding upon all parties and3. Should this tract be subdivided into lots and if the parties hereto, or any of them,or their heirs or assigns, shall violate -or attempt to violate any of the covenants herein,itshall be lawful 6ôr any other person or persons owning any real property situated in sàiddevelopment or subdivision to prosecute any proçeedings at law or in equity against the pérsonor persons violating or attempting to violate this covenant and either to prevent him or them and administrators to-wit: all persons claiming under them until January 1, 1980. from so doing or to recover da amages -or other dues for such violation.EXECUTED this the 13th day of February, A.D.1950. James F:DeganHenrimae Degan THE STAFE OF TEXAS) COUNTY OF DENTON) BEFORE ME, the undersigned a Notary Public in and for said County andState, on this day personally appeared JAMES F. DEGAN, known to me to be the person whose nameis subscribed to the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged to me that he executed the same.GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the day of February, A.D.1950. Franky Lou Davis SealTHE STATE OF TEXAS) Notary Public, Denton County, Texas COUNTY OF DENTON) BBFORE ME, the undersigned a Notary Public in and for said County andState, on this day personally. appeared HENRIMAE DEGAN, wife of James F. Degan, known to me tobe the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and having been. examinedby me privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, thesaid HENRIMAE DEGAN acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declaredthat she had willingly signed the same, and that she did not wish to retract it.GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL-OFFICE this the day of February, A.D. 1950. Franky Lou Davis Seal Notary Public, Denton County, Texas. FILED FOR RECORD: February 14, 1950 at 11:00 A.M.RECORDED: March 22, 1950 at 9:10 A.M. Cletus E. Knight County Clerk, Denton County, Texas
1. That no person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any build- ing or buildings on said tract or any part of sai-d tract, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race domiciled with any owner or tenanti
1. That no person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or buildings on said tract or any part of said tract, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]1. That no person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any build- ing or buildings on said tract or any part of sai-d tract, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race domiciled with any owner or tenanti [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]1. That no person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or buildings on said tract or any part of said tract, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nDRVOL00358 PAGE 421ph wpesniy\n-421\nbinding upon the purchaser or purchasers of said land, his or their heirs, asigns,successors1. That no person of any race othen than the .Caucasian race shall use or occupy any build-ing or buildings on said tract or any part of said tract, except that this covenant shall notprevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race domiciled with any owner or tenant2. These covenants are to run with the land and 'shall be binding upon all parties and3. Should this tract be subdivided into lots and if the parties hereto, or any of them,or their heirs or assigns, shall violate -or attempt to violate any of the covenants herein,itshall be lawful 6ôr any other person or persons owning any real property situated in sàiddevelopment or subdivision to prosecute any proçeedings at law or in equity against the pérsonor persons violating or attempting to violate this covenant and either to prevent him or them\nand administrators to-wit:\nall persons claiming under them until January 1, 1980.\nfrom so doing or to recover da amages -or other dues for such violation.EXECUTED this the 13th day of February, A.D.1950.\nJames F:DeganHenrimae Degan\nTHE STAFE OF TEXAS)\nCOUNTY OF DENTON) BEFORE ME, the undersigned a Notary Public in and for said County andState, on this day personally appeared JAMES F. DEGAN, known to me to be the person whose nameis subscribed to the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged to me that he executed the same.GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the day of February, A.D.1950.\nFranky Lou Davis\nSealTHE STATE OF TEXAS)\nNotary Public, Denton County, Texas\nCOUNTY OF DENTON) BBFORE ME, the undersigned a Notary Public in and for said County andState, on this day personally. appeared HENRIMAE DEGAN, wife of James F. Degan, known to me tobe the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and having been. examinedby me privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, thesaid HENRIMAE DEGAN acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declaredthat she had willingly signed the same, and that she did not wish to retract it.GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL-OFFICE this the day of February, A.D. 1950.\nFranky Lou Davis\nSeal\nNotary Public, Denton County, Texas.\nFILED FOR RECORD: February 14, 1950 at 11:00 A.M.RECORDED: March 22, 1950 at 9:10 A.M.\nCletus E. Knight\nCounty Clerk, Denton County, Texas\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]1. That no person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any build-\ning or buildings on said tract or any part of sai-d tract, except that this covenant shall not\nprevent occupancy by domestic servants of different race domiciled with any owner or tenanti\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]1. That no person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or buildings on said tract or any part of said tract, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with any owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VGL9160 PE353 (1All lots ( or plots ) in the tract, except 400 feet frontage oncorner plot fronting on Richmond and Highland Roads, shall be known anddescribed as residental lots. No structure shall be erected, altered, placed orpermitted to remain on any residental building lot other, than one detached singlefamily dwelling of one, or one and one-half story, but not to exceed two storiesin height, and a private garage for not more than three autamobiles together withone utility building which building shall be no nearer the street line of saidlot than 250 feet and shall not be over one story in height and shall not belarger in area than 200 square feet. Said building to be used exclusively forthe benefit of the owners of Said lot upon which it is located, except however,on the aforesaid corner designated as a business corner, and also except onPlots 1 to 21 inclusive fronting on Highland Road running through to proposedroad in the rear of these parcels when same is formally dedicated to theVillage of Richrond Heights, and approved by the duly authorized authorities.However, it is understood that cost of improving this proposed road shall beassessed to the property owners fronting on this road on a pro-ratio basis.(2) No building shall be erected placed, or altered on any building plotin this subdivision until the building plans, specifications and plot showingthe location of such building have been approved in writing as to conformityand harmony of external design with existing structures in the subdivision,and as to location of the building with respect to topography and finishedground evelation, by Ethel G. Snavely, Joseph A. Huber, and Celesta E. Huber,or by representative designated by them, In the event of the death or resignationof_any member, the remaining members shall have full authority to approve ordisapprove such design and location, or to designate a representative with likeauthority. The powers and duties of such committee shall cease on and afterJuly 1st 1950. Thereafter the approval described in, this Covenant shall not berequired unless, prior to said date and effective thereôn, a written instrumentshall be executed by the then record owners of a majority of the lots in thissubdivision and duly recorded appointing a representative or representatives,who shall thereafter exercise the same powers previously exercised by the(3) No building shall be located on any residental building plot nearerthan 90 feet to the center line of Richmond Road or Highland Road, whichever thebuilding lot fuces on, nor nearer than 50 feet to uny side street center line.No building, except a detached garage or other outbuilding located 100 feet ornore fram the front lot line, shall be located nearer than 10 feet to any side(4) No more than one residental structure shall be erected or placedon ny one building plot. No parcel on Richmond or Highland Road shell besubdivided except the business corner and plots 1 to 21 inclusive on Highland(5) No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be erected upon anylot nor shnli. anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or(6) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuildingerected in the tract shall at any time be lised as a residemca"tamporarily orpermanently, nor shall any structure of u Lemporary character be built uponpremises unless a building permit has been obtained from the duly authorized(7) No dwelling shall be permitted on any lot in the tract where theground floor ares. of the main structure, exclusive of one-story open porches andgarage, shall be not less than 700 square feet, in the case of a one story or aone and one-half story structure nor less than 600 square feet in the case of 8. aforesaid parties or their designated representative. lot line. Road as aforesaid. nuisance to the neighborhood. Village authorities. two-story structure. (s) An easement over the rear 5 feet of each lot for utility installation(9) This property. shall not be occupied, or used, by other than theCaucasian race, except this Covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domesticservants of a different race or nationality employed by the owner or tenant.These Covenants are to run with the land and shell be binding on all partiesand all persons claiming under then until July 1, 1969, at which time saidCovenants shall. be automatically extended for successive periods of 10 yearsunless by vote of a majority of the then owners of the lots it is agreed to and maintenance should the same be required or practible. change said Covenants in whole or part.
VGL9160 PE353 (1All lots ( or plots ) in the tract, except 400 feet frontage oncorner plot fronting on Richmond and Highland Roads, shall be known anddescribed as residental lots. No structure shall be erected, altered, placed orpermitted to remain on any residental building lot other, than one detached singlefamily dwelling of one, or one and one-half story, but not to exceed two storiesin height, and a private garage for not more than three autamobiles together withone utility building which building shall be no nearer the street line of saidlot than 250 feet and shall not be over one story in height and shall not belarger in area than 200 square feet. Said building to be used exclusively forthe benefit of the owners of Said lot upon which it is located, except however,on the aforesaid corner designated as a business corner, and also except onPlots 1 to 21 inclusive fronting on Highland Road running through to proposedroad in the rear of these parcels when same is formally dedicated to theVillage of Richrond Heights, and approved by the duly authorized authorities.However, it is understood that cost of improving this proposed road shall beassessed to the property owners fronting on this road on a pro-ratio basis.(2) No building shall be erected placed, or altered on any building plotin this subdivision until the building plans, specifications and plot showingthe location of such building have been approved in writing as to conformityand harmony of external design with existing structures in the subdivision,and as to location of the building with respect to topography and finishedground evelation, by Ethel G. Snavely, Joseph A. Huber, and Celesta E. Huber,or by representative designated by them, In the event of the death or resignationof_any member, the remaining members shall have full authority to approve ordisapprove such design and location, or to designate a representative with likeauthority. The powers and duties of such committee shall cease on and afterJuly 1st 1950. Thereafter the approval described in, this Covenant shall not berequired unless, prior to said date and effective thereôn, a written instrumentshall be executed by the then record owners of a majority of the lots in thissubdivision and duly recorded appointing a representative or representatives,who shall thereafter exercise the same powers previously exercised by the(3) No building shall be located on any residental building plot nearerthan 90 feet to the center line of Richmond Road or Highland Road, whichever thebuilding lot fuces on, nor nearer than 50 feet to uny side street center line.No building, except a detached garage or other outbuilding located 100 feet ornore fram the front lot line, shall be located nearer than 10 feet to any side(4) No more than one residental structure shall be erected or placedon ny one building plot. No parcel on Richmond or Highland Road shell besubdivided except the business corner and plots 1 to 21 inclusive on Highland(5) No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be erected upon anylot nor shnli. anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or(6) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuildingerected in the tract shall at any time be lised as a residemca"tamporarily orpermanently, nor shall any structure of u Lemporary character be built uponpremises unless a building permit has been obtained from the duly authorized(7) No dwelling shall be permitted on any lot in the tract where theground floor ares. of the main structure, exclusive of one-story open porches andgarage, shall be not less than 700 square feet, in the case of a one story or aone and one-half story structure nor less than 600 square feet in the case of 8. aforesaid parties or their designated representative. lot line. Road as aforesaid. nuisance to the neighborhood. Village authorities. two-story structure. (s) An easement over the rear 5 feet of each lot for utility installation(9) This property. shall not be occupied, or used, by other than theCaucasian race, except this Covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domesticservants of a different race or nationality employed by the owner or tenant.These Covenants are to run with the land and shell be binding on all partiesand all persons claiming under then until July 1, 1969, at which time saidCovenants shall. be automatically extended for successive periods of 10 yearsunless by vote of a majority of the then owners of the lots it is agreed to and maintenance should the same be required or practible. change said Covenants in whole or part.
(9This property shall not be occupied, or used, by other than the Cauçasian race, except this Covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different rece or nationality employed by the owner or tenant.
(9) This property shall not be occupied, or used, by other than the Caucasian race, except this Covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by the owner or tenant.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE](9This property shall not be occupied, or used, by other than the Cauçasian race, except this Covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different rece or nationality employed by the owner or tenant. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION](9) This property shall not be occupied, or used, by other than the Caucasian race, except this Covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by the owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVGL9160 PE353\n(1All lots ( or plots ) in the tract, except 400 feet frontage oncorner plot fronting on Richmond and Highland Roads, shall be known anddescribed as residental lots. No structure shall be erected, altered, placed orpermitted to remain on any residental building lot other, than one detached singlefamily dwelling of one, or one and one-half story, but not to exceed two storiesin height, and a private garage for not more than three autamobiles together withone utility building which building shall be no nearer the street line of saidlot than 250 feet and shall not be over one story in height and shall not belarger in area than 200 square feet. Said building to be used exclusively forthe benefit of the owners of Said lot upon which it is located, except however,on the aforesaid corner designated as a business corner, and also except onPlots 1 to 21 inclusive fronting on Highland Road running through to proposedroad in the rear of these parcels when same is formally dedicated to theVillage of Richrond Heights, and approved by the duly authorized authorities.However, it is understood that cost of improving this proposed road shall beassessed to the property owners fronting on this road on a pro-ratio basis.(2) No building shall be erected placed, or altered on any building plotin this subdivision until the building plans, specifications and plot showingthe location of such building have been approved in writing as to conformityand harmony of external design with existing structures in the subdivision,and as to location of the building with respect to topography and finishedground evelation, by Ethel G. Snavely, Joseph A. Huber, and Celesta E. Huber,or by representative designated by them, In the event of the death or resignationof_any member, the remaining members shall have full authority to approve ordisapprove such design and location, or to designate a representative with likeauthority. The powers and duties of such committee shall cease on and afterJuly 1st 1950. Thereafter the approval described in, this Covenant shall not berequired unless, prior to said date and effective thereôn, a written instrumentshall be executed by the then record owners of a majority of the lots in thissubdivision and duly recorded appointing a representative or representatives,who shall thereafter exercise the same powers previously exercised by the(3) No building shall be located on any residental building plot nearerthan 90 feet to the center line of Richmond Road or Highland Road, whichever thebuilding lot fuces on, nor nearer than 50 feet to uny side street center line.No building, except a detached garage or other outbuilding located 100 feet ornore fram the front lot line, shall be located nearer than 10 feet to any side(4) No more than one residental structure shall be erected or placedon ny one building plot. No parcel on Richmond or Highland Road shell besubdivided except the business corner and plots 1 to 21 inclusive on Highland(5) No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be erected upon anylot nor shnli. anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or(6) No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuildingerected in the tract shall at any time be lised as a residemca\"tamporarily orpermanently, nor shall any structure of u Lemporary character be built uponpremises unless a building permit has been obtained from the duly authorized(7) No dwelling shall be permitted on any lot in the tract where theground floor ares. of the main structure, exclusive of one-story open porches andgarage, shall be not less than 700 square feet, in the case of a one story or aone and one-half story structure nor less than 600 square feet in the case of 8.\naforesaid parties or their designated representative.\nlot line.\nRoad as aforesaid.\nnuisance to the neighborhood.\nVillage authorities.\ntwo-story structure.\n(s) An easement over the rear 5 feet of each lot for utility installation(9) This property. shall not be occupied, or used, by other than theCaucasian race, except this Covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domesticservants of a different race or nationality employed by the owner or tenant.These Covenants are to run with the land and shell be binding on all partiesand all persons claiming under then until July 1, 1969, at which time saidCovenants shall. be automatically extended for successive periods of 10 yearsunless by vote of a majority of the then owners of the lots it is agreed to\nand maintenance should the same be required or practible.\nchange said Covenants in whole or part.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE](9This property shall not be occupied, or used, by other than the\nCauçasian race, except this Covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic\nservants of a different rece or nationality employed by the owner or tenant.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION](9) This property shall not be occupied, or used, by other than the Caucasian race, except this Covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality employed by the owner or tenant.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VOL6249 FAGE 62 And the said Grantee, for his heirs and assigns, and inconsiderstion of the erecution and delivery of this instrument, hereby covenents,promises and agrees with and for the benefit of said grantor, and all other ownersof lots in this Subdivision vho shall acquire title. thereto from the grentor, tohold the premises hereby sold upon the following terms and conditions: 1. Each of said Sublots shall be used exclusively forresidential small farms and gardening purposes, and nobuilding shall be erected, moved or suffered to remainthereon, other than one single family dwelling, necessaryoutbuildings and an attached or detached garage, any suchdwelling and garage to have a rensonable value of not less2. No building shall be erected, moved or suffered to remainon_said Sublots nearer than 50 feet fron the front line of lot,nor nearer than 10 feet to the side lines of said lots: the sideline restrictions shall not apply to a detached garege upon the3. Said lots shall not be sold, conveyad, given' or leased orrented to or be used by any person not of pure blood of the4. No spiritvous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be manu-factured or sold, whether at wholesale or retail, upon said pre-mises and no nuisance, advertising signs, billboards, place ofpublic entertaining or resort of any character or noxious tradeshall be established, conducted or suffered to remain upon said5. No treiler, tent, basement, shacks, garages, barn or otheroutbuilding erected upon said prenises shall 'at any time be usedas residence, either tenporery or permenent, nor shall anyresidence of temporary charecter be permit.ted.6. The herein enumerated restrictions, rights, reservations, limi-tations, covenants and conditions which are hereby imposed AS a partofa general plan to devlop lands now owned by the grentor herein,shall be deemed as covenants and not as cmditions herenf, and shallrun vith the land herein described and bind the grantee, his heirsend assigns, except that the foregoing restrictions are not to applytothe lots located on tbe Northwest corner and the"muthwest corner than $4,500.00. rear one quarter of said sublots. Caucasian race. premises. of Turney and Dunham Koads. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the Applrtenarzesthereanto belonging, unto the said Grantee... :, his.. heirs and assigns forever. And. Maple..Turneysaid Grantor, does for itself and its successors and assiyns, covenant with the said Graatec.-mmmhis.. heirs and assigns, that at anil until the cnsealing of these presents, it is urel! seixed oithe above described premises, as a good andi indefeasible cstate in FEL SIMPLE, and has good right tobargain and sell the same in manner and form as ahore written, that the same are frec and clearfrom all incumbrances whatsoever. ercent.teras.and.asnsasanta.for. -194.2.. and.theranttarand that it will ARKANTANDDEPEND: sail premises, with the: appurtenances thercunto belonging, Homestends, Inc.. the tot the said Grantec.mmy. his..whatsoever.. heirs and assigns forever, agninst ail lasefiul ckims and demands In Witneas Whereof, said corporation hereunto sets its hand and corporate seal, by CHESTER C. SPROSTY.PAULINE. SPROSTY. itsits. Pres.ident.-Secretary. andthis 30 dayof.A MECekLS in the year of our Lord Onc Thousand Nine Hundred and.. Forty-Six. MAPLE TURMEY HQVESTSANS..INC.nckdREZ Signed and acknowledgedi inp presence 0S Praniahe
VOL6249 FAGE 62 And the said Grantee, for his heirs and assigns, and inconsiderstion of the erecution and delivery of this instrument, hereby covenents,promises and agrees with and for the benefit of said grantor, and all other ownersof lots in this Subdivision vho shall acquire title. thereto from the grentor, tohold the premises hereby sold upon the following terms and conditions: 1. Each of said Sublots shall be used exclusively forresidential small farms and gardening purposes, and nobuilding shall be erected, moved or suffered to remainthereon, other than one single family dwelling, necessaryoutbuildings and an attached or detached garage, any suchdwelling and garage to have a rensonable value of not less2. No building shall be erected, moved or suffered to remainon_said Sublots nearer than 50 feet fron the front line of lot,nor nearer than 10 feet to the side lines of said lots: the sideline restrictions shall not apply to a detached garege upon the3. Said lots shall not be sold, conveyad, given' or leased orrented to or be used by any person not of pure blood of the4. No spiritvous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be manu-factured or sold, whether at wholesale or retail, upon said pre-mises and no nuisance, advertising signs, billboards, place ofpublic entertaining or resort of any character or noxious tradeshall be established, conducted or suffered to remain upon said5. No treiler, tent, basement, shacks, garages, barn or otheroutbuilding erected upon said prenises shall 'at any time be usedas residence, either tenporery or permenent, nor shall anyresidence of temporary charecter be permit.ted.6. The herein enumerated restrictions, rights, reservations, limi-tations, covenants and conditions which are hereby imposed AS a partofa general plan to devlop lands now owned by the grentor herein,shall be deemed as covenants and not as cmditions herenf, and shallrun vith the land herein described and bind the grantee, his heirsend assigns, except that the foregoing restrictions are not to applytothe lots located on tbe Northwest corner and the"muthwest corner than $4,500.00. rear one quarter of said sublots. Caucasian race. premises. of Turney and Dunham Koads. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the Applrtenarzesthereanto belonging, unto the said Grantee... :, his.. heirs and assigns forever. And. Maple..Turneysaid Grantor, does for itself and its successors and assiyns, covenant with the said Graatec.-mmmhis.. heirs and assigns, that at anil until the cnsealing of these presents, it is urel! seixed oithe above described premises, as a good andi indefeasible cstate in FEL SIMPLE, and has good right tobargain and sell the same in manner and form as ahore written, that the same are frec and clearfrom all incumbrances whatsoever. ercent.teras.and.asnsasanta.for. -194.2.. and.theranttarand that it will ARKANTANDDEPEND: sail premises, with the: appurtenances thercunto belonging, Homestends, Inc.. the tot the said Grantec.mmy. his..whatsoever.. heirs and assigns forever, agninst ail lasefiul ckims and demands In Witneas Whereof, said corporation hereunto sets its hand and corporate seal, by CHESTER C. SPROSTY.PAULINE. SPROSTY. itsits. Pres.ident.-Secretary. andthis 30 dayof.A MECekLS in the year of our Lord Onc Thousand Nine Hundred and.. Forty-Six. MAPLE TURMEY HQVESTSANS..INC.nckdREZ Signed and acknowledgedi inp presence 0S Praniahe
3. Said lots shall not be sold, conveyad, given or lessed or rented to or be used by any Derson not of pure blood of the Caucasian race.
3. Said lots shall not be sold, conveyed, given or leased or rented to or be used by any person not of pure blood of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]3. Said lots shall not be sold, conveyad, given or lessed or rented to or be used by any Derson not of pure blood of the Caucasian race. [/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]3. Said lots shall not be sold, conveyed, given or leased or rented to or be used by any person not of pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVOL6249 FAGE 62 And the said Grantee, for his heirs and assigns, and inconsiderstion of the erecution and delivery of this instrument, hereby covenents,promises and agrees with and for the benefit of said grantor, and all other ownersof lots in this Subdivision vho shall acquire title. thereto from the grentor, tohold the premises hereby sold upon the following terms and conditions:\n1. Each of said Sublots shall be used exclusively forresidential small farms and gardening purposes, and nobuilding shall be erected, moved or suffered to remainthereon, other than one single family dwelling, necessaryoutbuildings and an attached or detached garage, any suchdwelling and garage to have a rensonable value of not less2. No building shall be erected, moved or suffered to remainon_said Sublots nearer than 50 feet fron the front line of lot,nor nearer than 10 feet to the side lines of said lots: the sideline restrictions shall not apply to a detached garege upon the3. Said lots shall not be sold, conveyad, given' or leased orrented to or be used by any person not of pure blood of the4. No spiritvous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be manu-factured or sold, whether at wholesale or retail, upon said pre-mises and no nuisance, advertising signs, billboards, place ofpublic entertaining or resort of any character or noxious tradeshall be established, conducted or suffered to remain upon said5. No treiler, tent, basement, shacks, garages, barn or otheroutbuilding erected upon said prenises shall 'at any time be usedas residence, either tenporery or permenent, nor shall anyresidence of temporary charecter be permit.ted.6. The herein enumerated restrictions, rights, reservations, limi-tations, covenants and conditions which are hereby imposed AS a partofa general plan to devlop lands now owned by the grentor herein,shall be deemed as covenants and not as cmditions herenf, and shallrun vith the land herein described and bind the grantee, his heirsend assigns, except that the foregoing restrictions are not to applytothe lots located on tbe Northwest corner and the\"muthwest corner\nthan $4,500.00.\nrear one quarter of said sublots.\nCaucasian race.\npremises.\nof Turney and Dunham Koads.\nTO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and bargained premises, with the Applrtenarzesthereanto belonging, unto the said Grantee... :, his.. heirs and assigns forever. And. Maple..Turneysaid Grantor, does for itself and its successors and assiyns, covenant with the said Graatec.-mmmhis.. heirs and assigns, that at anil until the cnsealing of these presents, it is urel! seixed oithe above described premises, as a good andi indefeasible cstate in FEL SIMPLE, and has good right tobargain and sell the same in manner and form as ahore written, that the same are frec and clearfrom all incumbrances whatsoever. ercent.teras.and.asnsasanta.for. -194.2.. and.theranttarand that it will ARKANTANDDEPEND: sail premises, with the: appurtenances thercunto belonging,\nHomestends, Inc..\nthe\ntot the said Grantec.mmy. his..whatsoever..\nheirs and assigns forever, agninst ail lasefiul ckims and demands\nIn Witneas Whereof, said corporation hereunto sets its hand and corporate seal, by\nCHESTER C. SPROSTY.PAULINE. SPROSTY.\nitsits.\nPres.ident.-Secretary.\nandthis\n30\ndayof.A MECekLS in the year of our Lord Onc Thousand\nNine Hundred and.. Forty-Six.\nMAPLE TURMEY HQVESTSANS..INC.nckdREZ\nSigned and acknowledgedi inp presence 0S\nPraniahe\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]3. Said lots shall not be sold, conveyad, given or lessed or\nrented to or be used by any Derson not of pure blood of the\nCaucasian race.\n[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]3. Said lots shall not be sold, conveyed, given or leased or rented to or be used by any person not of pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] #573 7055 VOL 102A ANTY Ohio Lega/4 Blank Ca Cleveland Since 1883 Chat. FRED deP. FORBES and FRANCES B. FORBES, his wife, residing at No. 110 East Seaman Avenue, Freeport, Nassau County, New York, the Grantors, who claim tille by or through instrument recorded in Volume 4280, Page 298, County Recorder's Ofice, for the consideration of Ten- Dollars (S 10.00 received to their full satisfaction of HUGO J. SWANSON and GARL A. CARLSON, both married, the Grantees, whose TAX MAILING ADDRESS will be 3689 Palmerston Road, Shaker Heights, 22, Ohio do Gior. Grant, arquir, Sell anà Couoey unto the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the City of County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio: Euclid and known as sublot No. Tvo Hundred 3: Forty One (241) in The S.H. Klein- man Realty Company's BEVERLY HILLS Subdivision, of a part of Original Tract Ho. 13, now in said City, as per plat of said Subdivision recorded in Volume 70 of Maps, Page 8 of Cuyahoga County Records. This lot is subject to the following, restrictions, conditions and limi- tations which shall run with the land, to wit: Any building erected shall be used for a single dwelling only, and shall cost at least $6,000. Said building shall set back 30 feet from the side- walk line, a porch is considered a part of the building. The main body, of any house erected shall be not less than 25 feet in width. Paper,felt and asphalt shingle roofing shall not be used for any building. Entrance porticoes not included in the designation of porches shall be open at the sides-and shall not exceed 7 feet in width, nor be more than 5 feet in depth. Bay projections from any room on the front of any residence shall be not more than 3 feet 6 inches in depth to come within the designation of 'bay'. Any garage erected and not attached to the residence thercon shall have a hip or ridge roof. No such garage or other out-building shall be built on said lot except at the time or after the residence has been constructed on the front of said lot, and tho same at no time shall be used for residence purposes. The distance from the sublot line to the sidé of the building on the driveway side shall be not less than 9 feet, and the opposite side the distance shall be not less than 3 feet. Wher- ever two lots have drivevays on the opposite sides the distance from the lot line to the side of the building shall be 5 feet to maintain a mini- mum distance of 10 feet between the buildings. Residences of one floor only will not be permitted. It is further agreed that all of the above described property lying in front of the building line hereinbefore des- cribed shall be used for ornamental purposes and that nothing shall be placed thereon other than trees and shrubs. No temporary building of any nature whatsoever shall be erected, placed or sufferod to remain on said premises. No nuisance or advertising, sign shall be erected or suffered to remain upon said premises, nor shall the premises be used in any way or for any purposes which may endanger the health or unreasonably dis- turb the quiet of any holder 6f adjoining land." Plans for any building to be erected on said lot must first be submitted to the company for appro- val by its president, no building operations nor excavations of any kind whatsoever will be permitted wi thout such approval. No piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove described shall be sold, let or leased to anyone of any race other than the Caucasian. No piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove desoribed shall at any time be used for the manufacture or salo of any alcoholic drink, nor shall any trade, manufacture or business be conducted thereon, nor shall any use be made or allowed to be made of the promi ses which may be contrary to good morale or the comfort and peade of the neighborhood. These conditions shall hold and be binding upon the grantees,their heirs and assi gns up to and including the first day of January,A.D. 1998 and shall be construed as covenants running with the land herein named. Subjoct to restrictions, 1f any, imposed by Zoning Ordinances of the City of Euclid. be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.
#573 7055 VOL 102A ANTY Ohio Lega/4 Blank Ca Cleveland Since 1883 Chat. FRED deP. FORBES and FRANCES B. FORBES, his wife, residing at No. 110 East Seaman Avenue, Freeport, Nassau County, New York, the Grantors, who claim tille by or through instrument recorded in Volume 4280, Page 298, County Recorder's Ofice, for the consideration of Ten- Dollars (S 10.00 received to their full satisfaction of HUGO J. SWANSON and GARL A. CARLSON, both married, the Grantees, whose TAX MAILING ADDRESS will be 3689 Palmerston Road, Shaker Heights, 22, Ohio do Gior. Grant, arquir, Sell anà Couoey unto the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the City of County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio: Euclid and known as sublot No. Tvo Hundred 3: Forty One (241) in The S.H. Klein- man Realty Company's BEVERLY HILLS Subdivision, of a part of Original Tract Ho. 13, now in said City, as per plat of said Subdivision recorded in Volume 70 of Maps, Page 8 of Cuyahoga County Records. This lot is subject to the following, restrictions, conditions and limi- tations which shall run with the land, to wit: Any building erected shall be used for a single dwelling only, and shall cost at least $6,000. Said building shall set back 30 feet from the side- walk line, a porch is considered a part of the building. The main body, of any house erected shall be not less than 25 feet in width. Paper,felt and asphalt shingle roofing shall not be used for any building. Entrance porticoes not included in the designation of porches shall be open at the sides-and shall not exceed 7 feet in width, nor be more than 5 feet in depth. Bay projections from any room on the front of any residence shall be not more than 3 feet 6 inches in depth to come within the designation of 'bay'. Any garage erected and not attached to the residence thercon shall have a hip or ridge roof. No such garage or other out-building shall be built on said lot except at the time or after the residence has been constructed on the front of said lot, and tho same at no time shall be used for residence purposes. The distance from the sublot line to the sidé of the building on the driveway side shall be not less than 9 feet, and the opposite side the distance shall be not less than 3 feet. Wher- ever two lots have drivevays on the opposite sides the distance from the lot line to the side of the building shall be 5 feet to maintain a mini- mum distance of 10 feet between the buildings. Residences of one floor only will not be permitted. It is further agreed that all of the above described property lying in front of the building line hereinbefore des- cribed shall be used for ornamental purposes and that nothing shall be placed thereon other than trees and shrubs. No temporary building of any nature whatsoever shall be erected, placed or sufferod to remain on said premises. No nuisance or advertising, sign shall be erected or suffered to remain upon said premises, nor shall the premises be used in any way or for any purposes which may endanger the health or unreasonably dis- turb the quiet of any holder 6f adjoining land." Plans for any building to be erected on said lot must first be submitted to the company for appro- val by its president, no building operations nor excavations of any kind whatsoever will be permitted wi thout such approval. No piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove described shall be sold, let or leased to anyone of any race other than the Caucasian. No piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove desoribed shall at any time be used for the manufacture or salo of any alcoholic drink, nor shall any trade, manufacture or business be conducted thereon, nor shall any use be made or allowed to be made of the promi ses which may be contrary to good morale or the comfort and peade of the neighborhood. These conditions shall hold and be binding upon the grantees,their heirs and assi gns up to and including the first day of January,A.D. 1998 and shall be construed as covenants running with the land herein named. Subjoct to restrictions, 1f any, imposed by Zoning Ordinances of the City of Euclid. be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.
val by its president, no building operations nor excavations of any kind whatsoever will be permitted wi thout such approval. No piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove described shall be sold, let or leased to anyone of any race other than the Caucasian. No piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove desoribed shall at any time be used for the manufacture or
No piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove described shall be sold, let or leased to anyone of any race other than the Caucasian.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]val by its president, no building operations nor excavations of any kind whatsoever will be permitted wi thout such approval. No piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove described shall be sold, let or leased to anyone of any race other than the Caucasian. No piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove desoribed shall at any time be used for the manufacture or[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]No piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove described shall be sold, let or leased to anyone of any race other than the Caucasian.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n#573\n7055\nVOL\n102A\nANTY\nOhio Lega/4 Blank Ca Cleveland\nSince 1883\nChat. FRED deP. FORBES and FRANCES B. FORBES, his wife, residing at\nNo. 110 East Seaman Avenue, Freeport, Nassau County, New York,\nthe Grantors,\nwho claim tille by or through instrument recorded in Volume 4280, Page 298,\nCounty Recorder's Ofice, for the consideration of Ten-\nDollars (S 10.00\nreceived to their full satisfaction of\nHUGO J. SWANSON and GARL A. CARLSON, both married,\nthe Grantees,\nwhose TAX MAILING ADDRESS will be\n3689 Palmerston Road, Shaker Heights, 22, Ohio\ndo\nGior. Grant, arquir, Sell anà Couoey unto the said Grantees, their\nheirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the City\nof\nCounty of Cuyahoga\nand State of Ohio:\nEuclid\nand known as sublot No. Tvo Hundred 3: Forty One (241) in The S.H. Klein-\nman Realty Company's BEVERLY HILLS Subdivision, of a part of Original\nTract Ho. 13, now in said City, as per plat of said Subdivision recorded\nin Volume 70 of Maps, Page 8 of Cuyahoga County Records.\nThis lot is subject to the following, restrictions, conditions and limi-\ntations which shall run with the land, to wit:\nAny building erected shall be used for a single dwelling only, and shall\ncost at least $6,000. Said building shall set back 30 feet from the side-\nwalk line, a porch is considered a part of the building. The main body,\nof any house erected shall be not less than 25 feet in width. Paper,felt\nand asphalt shingle roofing shall not be used for any building. Entrance\nporticoes not included in the designation of porches shall be open at the\nsides-and shall not exceed 7 feet in width, nor be more than 5 feet in\ndepth. Bay projections from any room on the front of any residence shall\nbe not more than 3 feet 6 inches in depth to come within the designation\nof 'bay'. Any garage erected and not attached to the residence thercon\nshall have a hip or ridge roof. No such garage or other out-building\nshall be built on said lot except at the time or after the residence has\nbeen constructed on the front of said lot, and tho same at no time shall\nbe used for residence purposes. The distance from the sublot line to the\nsidé of the building on the driveway side shall be not less than 9 feet,\nand the opposite side the distance shall be not less than 3 feet. Wher-\never two lots have drivevays on the opposite sides the distance from the\nlot line to the side of the building shall be 5 feet to maintain a mini-\nmum distance of 10 feet between the buildings. Residences of one floor\nonly will not be permitted. It is further agreed that all of the above\ndescribed property lying in front of the building line hereinbefore des-\ncribed shall be used for ornamental purposes and that nothing shall be\nplaced thereon other than trees and shrubs. No temporary building of any\nnature whatsoever shall be erected, placed or sufferod to remain on said\npremises. No nuisance or advertising, sign shall be erected or suffered\nto remain upon said premises, nor shall the premises be used in any way\nor for any purposes which may endanger the health or unreasonably dis-\nturb the quiet of any holder 6f adjoining land.\" Plans for any building\nto be erected on said lot must first be submitted to the company for appro-\nval by its president, no building operations nor excavations of any kind\nwhatsoever will be permitted wi thout such approval. No piece or parcel of\nthe lands hereinabove described shall be sold, let or leased to anyone\nof any race other than the Caucasian. No piece or parcel of the lands\nhereinabove desoribed shall at any time be used for the manufacture or\nsalo of any alcoholic drink, nor shall any trade, manufacture or business\nbe conducted thereon, nor shall any use be made or allowed to be made of\nthe promi ses which may be contrary to good morale or the comfort and peade\nof the neighborhood. These conditions shall hold and be binding upon the\ngrantees,their heirs and assi gns up to and including the first day of\nJanuary,A.D. 1998 and shall be construed as covenants running with the\nland herein named.\nSubjoct to restrictions, 1f any, imposed by Zoning Ordinances of the\nCity of Euclid.\nbe the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]val by its president, no building operations nor excavations of any kind whatsoever will be permitted wi thout such approval. No piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove described shall be sold, let or leased to anyone of any race other than the Caucasian. No piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove desoribed shall at any time be used for the manufacture or[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]No piece or parcel of the lands hereinabove described shall be sold, let or leased to anyone of any race other than the Caucasian.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] 347 346 Ss.Kuy. Sea win m. KPis Srsti, assiny Rauls. umi hhin S pamii, Mast ang Mmi sto Rari Srib) Bavari Buntue mi hde,a bidnw, uc li, a MALE a Smanirs,t Mak Sbibamad Nns fylnis day selnnu aur, srananty, ui u uiai ag sitiel auind kne tk Raij uitin. S.fustians 6.Dumd. i aY lny Rark Duipfmhai adi band Asitant gu Bane plau, hhe bat R ems pash. Swmrach; Pbsi dhe Amgt homde stuaigi uz krunt, geante bera stah Q Balfnanfda Raisfrnie t 7 Ui hvftrpiiw snidi sh apructua ancs Afanil ebmi kualy vadhe to Bal Buipf samerg duag fwa patienler ini Gnit ioori, franii siv Basiduatim ci puu 63 Qu Batier brim pik Tnth phi a Omria 3 ssn oabil ensidakim penasd, 5 7 Shilr) Corde,hi hunand bueptim Slemand to fois ik Bame. batlay ELS iv tai lpaid 5 sh aid hahlwlag un bane untis wur. handaand olagu Buhy ashumrigi, has A4 d putmd barh,te nuit L and osi, at joud mpnd,a tha Duhiaa bauganin and gul, try 5441.46ms babe u ta 5 4 da apadhiat Sise Ap.futis. Aputu. (bual) Skidluss ud asijre fnurtyatl shae edaris hte, iuemferule pahd Lbhahiy ad., Omtu, (). dk, 4 ankkeny is sh Spup Bahlhner Bahg banda dakg Califnni SS. ludhs Alaldey A Jpy A.9.142. Safnel, ara Lah Baisfnark and beudagand hetiubrh dciagaaal Bntesal Banta Plerw Ehays dalany Rabhis siaud froaik Mevis Bote sise 3.115auhlg Bhli the Onen maid dinii duly Commssimnfab unw bunaty aph .9.Dth a Baneti, vrhse mansis au Ruhwlt to shc giacthlih Ersse w arhbrunty bauia llen aeemd bsk Quef Dorid brm, Mendag kis Shab Berk'g a tl iw sh Abigds ek aA hailis dauls, brmay Rurme mugau gniny Dsk ta. l usna sevlf aN Onstus is andchaias Frtustr fosstu Clara Buhy Reundis paid yetduk ponsi ud as Snutus as Thsi Deguihn vak all and thlues, nditansk dat d han dy Rualhy atfua siisk kingt N auiy ore hn Onslidnun hwg Mame Bunta Ru wy lanfaud HmyAHay mt a Mnersin aud Mrsins, lsua lis and brpite lsg Glee AuSdak,au d Rigularth Raf dulatvy Aybil iw Baillnuh Hantu ay ud ycsi acs to wh sapkn pumsio, teguii Srid da apl bhs Bdpak futt ait uitlu () Ealaiy Sufany Duibiiin ad Au geemdi orh,as ths hin essigue fnrer. bBante Camleuty Atake & Bafn Snsebinns Solwp, vii Aaid bertz Auc funt basth hae htanah E d peab, dh dary abyn fusi akne vnitti lumdig at da Rupunl gzuit Dauk San Bne laj, har umni bisba Lall Sgus, Selgsd. Janug PHiB.ti5 part hhsPln Brudy Rumokr. she Cusie R unhi Gatir Tuuseo Srase Makg SS Cu Ti IRaday 0 p,hBAus Veeal d Cha, bfne stifki flutany Pukli ipud Gpak lity aud Deuut esi l poons sRinis lnut malley
347 346 Ss.Kuy. Sea win m. KPis Srsti, assiny Rauls. umi hhin S pamii, Mast ang Mmi sto Rari Srib) Bavari Buntue mi hde,a bidnw, uc li, a MALE a Smanirs,t Mak Sbibamad Nns fylnis day selnnu aur, srananty, ui u uiai ag sitiel auind kne tk Raij uitin. S.fustians 6.Dumd. i aY lny Rark Duipfmhai adi band Asitant gu Bane plau, hhe bat R ems pash. Swmrach; Pbsi dhe Amgt homde stuaigi uz krunt, geante bera stah Q Balfnanfda Raisfrnie t 7 Ui hvftrpiiw snidi sh apructua ancs Afanil ebmi kualy vadhe to Bal Buipf samerg duag fwa patienler ini Gnit ioori, franii siv Basiduatim ci puu 63 Qu Batier brim pik Tnth phi a Omria 3 ssn oabil ensidakim penasd, 5 7 Shilr) Corde,hi hunand bueptim Slemand to fois ik Bame. batlay ELS iv tai lpaid 5 sh aid hahlwlag un bane untis wur. handaand olagu Buhy ashumrigi, has A4 d putmd barh,te nuit L and osi, at joud mpnd,a tha Duhiaa bauganin and gul, try 5441.46ms babe u ta 5 4 da apadhiat Sise Ap.futis. Aputu. (bual) Skidluss ud asijre fnurtyatl shae edaris hte, iuemferule pahd Lbhahiy ad., Omtu, (). dk, 4 ankkeny is sh Spup Bahlhner Bahg banda dakg Califnni SS. ludhs Alaldey A Jpy A.9.142. Safnel, ara Lah Baisfnark and beudagand hetiubrh dciagaaal Bntesal Banta Plerw Ehays dalany Rabhis siaud froaik Mevis Bote sise 3.115auhlg Bhli the Onen maid dinii duly Commssimnfab unw bunaty aph .9.Dth a Baneti, vrhse mansis au Ruhwlt to shc giacthlih Ersse w arhbrunty bauia llen aeemd bsk Quef Dorid brm, Mendag kis Shab Berk'g a tl iw sh Abigds ek aA hailis dauls, brmay Rurme mugau gniny Dsk ta. l usna sevlf aN Onstus is andchaias Frtustr fosstu Clara Buhy Reundis paid yetduk ponsi ud as Snutus as Thsi Deguihn vak all and thlues, nditansk dat d han dy Rualhy atfua siisk kingt N auiy ore hn Onslidnun hwg Mame Bunta Ru wy lanfaud HmyAHay mt a Mnersin aud Mrsins, lsua lis and brpite lsg Glee AuSdak,au d Rigularth Raf dulatvy Aybil iw Baillnuh Hantu ay ud ycsi acs to wh sapkn pumsio, teguii Srid da apl bhs Bdpak futt ait uitlu () Ealaiy Sufany Duibiiin ad Au geemdi orh,as ths hin essigue fnrer. bBante Camleuty Atake & Bafn Snsebinns Solwp, vii Aaid bertz Auc funt basth hae htanah E d peab, dh dary abyn fusi akne vnitti lumdig at da Rupunl gzuit Dauk San Bne laj, har umni bisba Lall Sgus, Selgsd. Janug PHiB.ti5 part hhsPln Brudy Rumokr. she Cusie R unhi Gatir Tuuseo Srase Makg SS Cu Ti IRaday 0 p,hBAus Veeal d Cha, bfne stifki flutany Pukli ipud Gpak lity aud Deuut esi l poons sRinis lnut malley
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\n347\n346\nSs.Kuy.\nSea win m. KPis Srsti, assiny Rauls.\numi hhin\nS\npamii, Mast ang Mmi sto Rari Srib) Bavari Buntue\nmi hde,a bidnw, uc li, a MALE a Smanirs,t Mak\nSbibamad Nns fylnis day\nselnnu aur, srananty, ui u uiai ag sitiel auind kne tk Raij\nuitin.\nS.fustians 6.Dumd. i aY lny Rark Duipfmhai\nadi band Asitant gu Bane\nplau, hhe bat R ems pash. Swmrach; Pbsi dhe Amgt\nhomde stuaigi uz krunt, geante bera stah Q Balfnanfda\nRaisfrnie t\n7 Ui\nhvftrpiiw snidi sh apructua ancs Afanil ebmi\nkualy vadhe to Bal Buipf samerg duag fwa patienler\nini Gnit ioori, franii siv Basiduatim ci puu 63 Qu Batier\nbrim pik Tnth phi a Omria 3 ssn oabil ensidakim\npenasd, 5 7 Shilr) Corde,hi hunand\nbueptim\nSlemand to fois ik Bame. batlay\nELS iv tai lpaid 5 sh aid\nhahlwlag un bane untis wur. handaand \nolagu Buhy ashumrigi, has A4\nd putmd barh,te nuit\nL\nand osi, at\njoud mpnd,a tha Duhiaa bauganin and gul, try\n5441.46ms\nbabe u ta 5 4 da apadhiat Sise\nAp.futis.\nAputu. (bual)\nSkidluss\nud asijre fnurtyatl shae edaris hte, iuemferule pahd\nLbhahiy\nad., Omtu, ().\ndk, 4 ankkeny is sh Spup Bahlhner Bahg banda\ndakg Califnni SS. ludhs Alaldey A Jpy A.9.142. Safnel,\nara Lah Baisfnark and beudagand hetiubrh dciagaaal Bntesal\nBanta Plerw Ehays dalany Rabhis siaud froaik\nMevis Bote sise 3.115auhlg Bhli the Onen\nmaid dinii duly Commssimnfab unw bunaty aph\n.9.Dth a Baneti, vrhse mansis au Ruhwlt to shc\ngiacthlih Ersse w arhbrunty bauia llen aeemd bsk Quef\nDorid brm, Mendag kis Shab Berk'g a tl iw sh Abigds\nek aA hailis dauls, brmay Rurme\nmugau gniny\nDsk ta. l usna sevlf aN Onstus is andchaias Frtustr\nfosstu Clara\nBuhy Reundis paid\nyetduk ponsi ud as Snutus as Thsi \nDeguihn vak all and\nthlues, nditansk\ndat d\nhan dy Rualhy\natfua\nsiisk kingt N auiy ore\nhn\nOnslidnun hwg Mame Bunta Ru wy lanfaud HmyAHay\nmt a\n Mnersin aud Mrsins, lsua lis\nand brpite lsg Glee AuSdak,au d Rigularth Raf\ndulatvy Aybil iw Baillnuh Hantu\nay ud ycsi\nacs to wh sapkn\npumsio, teguii Srid da apl\nbhs Bdpak futt ait uitlu\n()\nEalaiy Sufany Duibiiin ad\nAu geemdi orh,as ths hin essigue fnrer.\nbBante Camleuty Atake & Bafn\nSnsebinns Solwp, vii Aaid bertz Auc funt basth hae htanah\nE\nd peab, dh dary abyn fusi akne vnitti\nlumdig at da Rupunl gzuit\nDauk San Bne laj,\nhar\numni bisba Lall\nSgus, Selgsd. Janug\nPHiB.ti5 part\nhhsPln Brudy Rumokr.\nshe Cusie R\nunhi Gatir\n Tuuseo Srase\nMakg\nSS Cu Ti IRaday 0 p,hBAus Veeal\nd Cha, bfne stifki\nflutany Pukli ipud Gpak lity aud Deuut esi l \npoons sRinis lnut malley", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]", "role": "assistant" } ]
A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Please determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant. -If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format: [ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION] - If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say: [ANSWER]No[/ANSWER] VoL6671 PAGE212 WARRANTY DÉED-No. 104 TheOhioLegale Blank Co. Since Cleveland 1883 227885 Einwill 5 D Chuf. We, Ralph F. Brovn and Merle D. Brom, husband and wife, and Archie B. Cowan and Alice G. Cowan, husband and wife, the Grantors, for the consideration of Ten and no/100ths )received to our full satisfaction of Dollars, (8 10.00 -Carl F. Reisig and Elizabeth Reisig, husband and wife, Cook Road, North Olmsted, Ohio, R. F. D. No. 1- the Grantees, do Giur. Grant, Bargain, Scll anà (onury unto the said Grantees, their of heirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the Towmship and State of Ohio: Olmsted County of Cuyahoga and knowm as being part of Original Olmsted Township Lot No. 8, Tract 5, bounded and described as follows: Beginning in the center line of Fitch Road (50 feet wide), at a point dis- tant South 0 deg. 21' 15" West, measured along said center line, 1132.99 feet from the center line of Cook Road (60 féet wide); thence South 0 deg. 21' 15" West along the center line of said Fitch Road, 80 feet; thence North 89 deg. 381 45" West, pass- ing through a stake set in the Westerly line of said Fitch Road, 492.74 feet to a stake set; Thence North 0 deg. 21' 15" East, 80 feet to a stake set; thence South 89 deg. 381 45" East, passing through a stake set in the Westerly line of said Fitch Road, 492.74 feet to the place of beginning, and being further knowm as Sub-lot No. 33 in R. F. Brovm and A. B. Cowan's proposed Town Hall Homesites Subdivision of part of Original Olmsted Township Lot No. 8, Tract 5, and containing 0.9049 acres of land, as appears by the survey, of Charles W. Root, Registered Professional Engineer, dated August 1943, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Next Previous Recording Vol.3335, page 605 through which Grantor claims "Title. OTAPS-REUERD). Together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, but sub- ject to all legal highways and furthermore subject to the following restrictions, rights and reservations, limitations and conditions, which shall be deemed as covenants and not as conditions hereof, and shall run with the land and shall bind the Grantee, his heirs or assigns, until the first day of January 1962, to-wit: Not more than one dwelling shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain upon said lot, and premises shall not be subdivided. No building shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain on any lot nearer than 75 feet to the side line of the street. No building shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain on any lot nearer than io feet to either side line, if such building is within 200 feet of the side line of the street. No building or enclosure for the shelter or confining of animals, fowls or birds shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain on said premises within 200 feet of the side line of the street. No animals, fowls nor birds shall be confined or tethered within 200 feet of the side line of the street. Said property shall not be used by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race. No stands for the retailing or selling of merchandise, food or beverages
VoL6671 PAGE212 WARRANTY DÉED-No. 104 TheOhioLegale Blank Co. Since Cleveland 1883 227885 Einwill 5 D Chuf. We, Ralph F. Brovn and Merle D. Brom, husband and wife, and Archie B. Cowan and Alice G. Cowan, husband and wife, the Grantors, for the consideration of Ten and no/100ths )received to our full satisfaction of Dollars, (8 10.00 -Carl F. Reisig and Elizabeth Reisig, husband and wife, Cook Road, North Olmsted, Ohio, R. F. D. No. 1- the Grantees, do Giur. Grant, Bargain, Scll anà (onury unto the said Grantees, their of heirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the Towmship and State of Ohio: Olmsted County of Cuyahoga and knowm as being part of Original Olmsted Township Lot No. 8, Tract 5, bounded and described as follows: Beginning in the center line of Fitch Road (50 feet wide), at a point dis- tant South 0 deg. 21' 15" West, measured along said center line, 1132.99 feet from the center line of Cook Road (60 féet wide); thence South 0 deg. 21' 15" West along the center line of said Fitch Road, 80 feet; thence North 89 deg. 381 45" West, pass- ing through a stake set in the Westerly line of said Fitch Road, 492.74 feet to a stake set; Thence North 0 deg. 21' 15" East, 80 feet to a stake set; thence South 89 deg. 381 45" East, passing through a stake set in the Westerly line of said Fitch Road, 492.74 feet to the place of beginning, and being further knowm as Sub-lot No. 33 in R. F. Brovm and A. B. Cowan's proposed Town Hall Homesites Subdivision of part of Original Olmsted Township Lot No. 8, Tract 5, and containing 0.9049 acres of land, as appears by the survey, of Charles W. Root, Registered Professional Engineer, dated August 1943, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Next Previous Recording Vol.3335, page 605 through which Grantor claims "Title. OTAPS-REUERD). Together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, but sub- ject to all legal highways and furthermore subject to the following restrictions, rights and reservations, limitations and conditions, which shall be deemed as covenants and not as conditions hereof, and shall run with the land and shall bind the Grantee, his heirs or assigns, until the first day of January 1962, to-wit: Not more than one dwelling shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain upon said lot, and premises shall not be subdivided. No building shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain on any lot nearer than 75 feet to the side line of the street. No building shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain on any lot nearer than io feet to either side line, if such building is within 200 feet of the side line of the street. No building or enclosure for the shelter or confining of animals, fowls or birds shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain on said premises within 200 feet of the side line of the street. No animals, fowls nor birds shall be confined or tethered within 200 feet of the side line of the street. Said property shall not be used by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race. No stands for the retailing or selling of merchandise, food or beverages
Said property shall not be used by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
Said property shall not be used by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.
[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER] [RAW PASSAGE]Said property shall not be used by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE] [QUOTATION]Said property shall not be used by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]
[ { "content": "A racially restrictive covenant is a clause in a property deed that restricts who can reside, own, or occupy a property on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin.\n\nPlease determine whether the following property deed contains a racially restrictive covenant.\n-If it does, provide the raw passage and a cleaned-up quotation of the passage with spelling and formatting errors fixed, in the following format:\n[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]raw passage[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]quotation[/QUOTATION]\n- If the property deed does not contain a racially restrictive covenant, please simply say:\n[ANSWER]No[/ANSWER]\nVoL6671 PAGE212\nWARRANTY DÉED-No. 104\nTheOhioLegale Blank Co. Since Cleveland 1883\n227885\nEinwill\n5 D\nChuf. We, Ralph F. Brovn and Merle D. Brom, husband and wife, and\nArchie B. Cowan and Alice G. Cowan, husband and wife,\nthe Grantors,\nfor the consideration of\nTen and no/100ths\n)received to our full satisfaction of\nDollars, (8 10.00\n-Carl F. Reisig and Elizabeth Reisig, husband and wife, Cook Road, North Olmsted,\nOhio, R. F. D. No. 1-\nthe Grantees, do\nGiur. Grant, Bargain, Scll anà (onury unto the said Grantees, their\nof\nheirs and assigns, the following described premises, situated in the Towmship\nand State of Ohio:\nOlmsted\nCounty of Cuyahoga\nand knowm as being part of Original Olmsted Township Lot No. 8, Tract 5, bounded and\ndescribed as follows:\nBeginning in the center line of Fitch Road (50 feet wide), at a point dis-\ntant South 0 deg. 21' 15\" West, measured along said center line, 1132.99 feet from\nthe center line of Cook Road (60 féet wide); thence South 0 deg. 21' 15\" West along\nthe center line of said Fitch Road, 80 feet; thence North 89 deg. 381 45\" West, pass-\ning through a stake set in the Westerly line of said Fitch Road, 492.74 feet to a\nstake set; Thence North 0 deg. 21' 15\" East, 80 feet to a stake set; thence South\n89 deg. 381 45\" East, passing through a stake set in the Westerly line of said Fitch\nRoad, 492.74 feet to the place of beginning, and being further knowm as Sub-lot No. 33\nin R. F. Brovm and A. B. Cowan's proposed Town Hall Homesites Subdivision of part of\nOriginal Olmsted Township Lot No. 8, Tract 5, and containing 0.9049 acres of land, as\nappears by the survey, of Charles W. Root, Registered Professional Engineer, dated\nAugust 1943, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.\nNext Previous Recording Vol.3335, page 605 through which Grantor claims\n\"Title.\nOTAPS-REUERD).\nTogether with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, but sub-\nject to all legal highways and furthermore subject to the following restrictions,\nrights and reservations, limitations and conditions, which shall be deemed as covenants\nand not as conditions hereof, and shall run with the land and shall bind the Grantee,\nhis heirs or assigns, until the first day of January 1962, to-wit:\nNot more than one dwelling shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain\nupon said lot, and premises shall not be subdivided.\nNo building shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain on any lot nearer\nthan 75 feet to the side line of the street.\nNo building shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain on any lot nearer\nthan io feet to either side line, if such building is within 200 feet of the side line\nof the street.\nNo building or enclosure for the shelter or confining of animals, fowls or\nbirds shall be erected, placed or suffered to remain on said premises within 200 feet\nof the side line of the street.\nNo animals, fowls nor birds shall be confined or tethered within 200 feet of\nthe side line of the street.\nSaid property shall not be used by any person or persons not of the\npure\nblood of the Caucasian race.\nNo stands for the retailing or selling of merchandise, food or beverages", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[ANSWER]Yes[/ANSWER]\n[RAW PASSAGE]Said property shall not be used by any person or persons not of the pure\nblood of the Caucasian race.[/RAW PASSAGE]\n[QUOTATION]Said property shall not be used by any person or persons not of the pure blood of the Caucasian race.[/QUOTATION]", "role": "assistant" } ]