Police say they have detained 20 people after a clash involving some 100 migrants in northwestern Bosnia injured scores, including three policemen. Spokesman Ale Siljdedic says trouble erupted early on Wednesday in a migrant center in Velika Kladusa when groups of migrants turned against each other, using bottles, rocks and other objects. Siljdedic says migrants attacked a patrol that came to the scene, prompting police to send in reinforcements. He says police have since remained in the center as tensions persist. A fire last weekend damaged part of the facility in Velika Kladusa that hosts some 500 migrants. Siljdedic says at least six of the detained now face deportation. Thousands of migrants are stuck in Bosnia as they look for ways to move toward the West.
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Virginia Wines ….. Quality? Pricing? And who is drinking this overpriced stuff? I have said for over a decade that Virginia Wines were massively overpriced at every level of quality. Two weekends ago I went to a local winery and did some tasting. Red wines by the glass at 10-11 dollars and 30-38 dollars a bottle, wines that I didn’t think were worth $3.99 a bottle. $14 dollars to do the tasting. California vintners would never have had the balls to put this stuff out. Wines that should have been dumped in the parking lot. A recent article in the Washington Post surmised that it was the very young wine drinkers who were mainly drinking this swill, well I guess so, young and stupid. The older wine drinkers have found California, France, Chili, Argentina, Washington State…..and spend their money more wisely. Truly an uneducated young wine drinker is the Virginia Wine Industries best friend. Friends don’t let friends drink Virginia Wine. Two women asked us at the winery what they should do….I said go to California.
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A Quranic Criterion for a True Prophet In some of our papers we have presented the Biblical criteria to distinguish between true and false prophets. One criterion that the Holy Bible gives is that the teachings of a prophet or a messenger must fully agree with the previous revelations: "If a prophet arises among you, or a dreamer of dreams, and gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or wonder which he tells you comes to pass, and if he says, ‘Let us go after other gods,’ which you have not known, ‘and let us serve them,’ you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or to that dreamer of dreams; for the LORD your God is testing you, to know whether you love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. You shall walk after the LORD your God and fear him, and keep his commandments and obey his voice, and you shall serve him and cleave to him. But that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death, because he has taught rebellion against the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, to make you leave the way in which the LORD your God commanded you to walk. So you shall purge the evil from the midst of you." Deuteronomy 13:1-5 "I appeal to you, brethren, to take note of those who create dissensions and difficulties, in opposition to the doctrine which you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by fair and flattering words they deceive the hearts of the simple-minded." Romans 16:17-18 "I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and turning to a different gospel -- not that there is another gospel, but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, If any one is preaching to you a gospel contrary to that which you received, let him be accursed." Galatians 1:6-9 "And this is love, that we follow his commandments; this is the commandment, as you have heard from the beginning, that you follow love. For many deceivers have gone out into the world, men who will not acknowledge the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh; such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist. Look to yourselves, that you may not lose what you have worked for, but may win a full reward. Any one who goes ahead and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God; he who abides in the doctrine has both the Father and the Son. If any one comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into the house or give him any greeting; for he who greets him shares his wicked work." 2 John 1:6-11 The Quran also agrees with this criterion since it says: It is not (possible) that a man, to whom is given the Book, and Wisdom, andthe prophetic office, should say to people: "Be ye my worshippers rather than God’s": on the contrary (He would say) "Be ye worshippers of Him Who is truly the Cherisher of all: For ye have taught the Book and ye have studied it earnestly." Nor would he instruct you to take angels and prophets for Lords and patrons. What! would he bid you to unbelief after ye have bowed your will (To God in Islam)? Behold! God took the covenant of the prophets, saying: "I give you a Book and Wisdom;then comes to you an apostle, CONFIRMING what is with you; do ye believe in him and render him help." God said: "Do ye agree, and take this my Covenant as binding on you?" They said: "We agree." He said: "Then bear witness, and I am with you among the witnesses." S. 3:79-81 Y. Ali Other versions render Sura 3:81 slightly different: AND, LO, God accepted, THROUGH THE PROPHETS, this solemn pledge [from the followers of earlier revelation]: "If, after all the revelation and the wisdom which I have vouchsafed unto you, there comes to you an apostle CONFIRMING the truth already in your possession, you must believe in him and succour him. Do you" - said He – "acknowledge and accept My bond on this condition?" They answered: "We do acknowledge it." Said He: "Then bear witness [thereto], and I shall be your witness." S. 3:81 Asad Asad noted: Lit., "the solemn pledge of the prophets". Zamakhshari holds that what is meant here is a pledge taken from the community as a whole: a pledge consisting in their acceptance of the messages conveyed through the prophets. (Source) The late Muhammad Ali translated it similarly to Asad: And when Allah made a covenant THROUGH THE PROPHETS: Certainly what I have been given you of Book and Wisdom – then a Messenger comes to you VERIFYING that which is with you, you shall believe in him, and you shall aid him. He said: Do you affirm and accept My compact in this (matter)? They said: We do affirm. He said: Then bear witness that I (too) am of the bearers of witness with you. M. Ali (Source) Ali explains the reason for his formulation in a footnote: 81a. Mithaq al-nabiyyin means literally the covenant of the prophets, and may therefore signify either the covenant of the prophets with Allah or the covenant of the prophets with their people. As the words that follow are plainly addressed to the people, the Jews and the Christians being particularly addressed in the last two verses, I adopt the latter interpretation, and therefore translate the words as meaning a covenant through the prophets. Both Moses and Jesus especially laid an obligation on their people to accept the prophet about whom they prophesied. Thus, through Moses, Almighty God had warned the Israelites, after promising them "a prophet from among their brethren like unto thee", and that "Whosoever will not hearken unto My words which he shall speak in My name, I will require of him" (Deut. 18:19). And Jesus was equally emphatic when, prophesying the advent of the Comforter, he added: "He will guide you into all the truth; for he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak" (John 16:13). As a matter of fact the Prophet had his advent foretold by all the prophets of the world. The new Testament bears testimony to this: "Whom the heaven must receive until the time of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all of His holy prophets since the world began. For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me: him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you" (Acts 3:21, 22). The covenant referred to was made through each prophet separately as he appeared in the world. And just as all the prophets foretold the advent of the Prophet Muhammad and laid an obligation upon their people to accept him, so the Prophet Muhammad also told his followers to believe in all the prophets that had appeared among different people in different ages, and this is stated in what follows. The truth of the first statement that all the prophets foretold the advent of the Prophet Muhammad is borne out by the second statement that the Prophet would bear testimony to the truth of all the prophets of the world. (Source; bold emphasis ours) The foregoing is significant for at least two reasons. First, Surah 3:81 is presupposing that the previous Scriptures, i.e. the Holy Bible, are the criteria determining whether a person is a true or false prophet. The author of the Quran essentially accepted the fact that all messengers must be in full agreement with the teachings of the Holy Bible, otherwise they would be rejected. Second, the only way for Muhammad or anyone else claiming to be a messenger to be able to confirm the previous Scriptures is if these Books remained intact. If these texts were corrupted then the messenger wouldn’t be able to confirm them lest he be guilty of verifying scriptures that God had not inspired. And yet failing to confirm the Scriptures in the possession of the people before him would lead to a complete rejection of such a messenger. The people would consider such a person a false messenger for contradicting the Scriptures in their possession which they would view as being the uncorrupt revelations of God! To put it in another manner, the only way for the community of the prophets such as the Jews and Christians to know whether someone like Muhammad was a messenger is if he confirmed their Holy Scriptures. But if these Scriptures had been corrupted then there would be no way for the people to know who that messenger was since they no longer had the authentic Scriptures for him to confirm. This would lead them to conclude that such a person was a false messenger for not confirming their religious texts! It should not be hard for Muslims to see why this reasoning is valid. Just imagine another man coming today, claiming to be a prophet (or some other title to the effect that he is speaking with divine authority), and saying exactly what Muhammad said, i.e. he came to confirm what the earlier prophets said. Would Muslims accept him as a prophet because he claims to confirm what Muhammad had already said? The Muslim answer would obviously be no, since that person must not contradict the teachings of the Quran or Muhammad, and yet by claiming to be a prophet he would be contradicting the Quran’s testimony that Muhammad is the seal of the prophets. In fact, isn’t that what Baha’ullah (founder of the Baha’is) and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (founder of the Ahmadiyya) did? Both acknowledge (confirm) Muhammad as a prophet and the Quran as divine revelation, but they are adding their own words to it. Their additional writings are foundational for the movements they have started. Yet Muslims reject them as false. Why would they if these men satisfy this quranic criterion of confirming the revelation that came before them? Just as Christians do, Muslims test the later claims to prophethood with the former revelation — and they are right in doing so. That has to be the principle. The foregoing leaves Muslims in a quagmire. If the Quran is to be believed then Muslims must accept the fact that the previous Scriptures have been preserved and Muhammad had to confirm them as true revelations. Yet, since these previous Scriptures of the Jews and Christians (i.e. the Holy Bible) contradict the teachings of the Quran and Muhammad on essential issues, this therefore means that Muhammad is a false prophet. In conclusion, Muhammad fails the very biblical criterion – accepted by the Quran itself – for determining whether a person is a true prophet or not. Further Reading Here are the papers documenting the criteria which the Holy Bible gives to distinguish true and false prophets, showing how Muhammad fails the criteria for being a true prophet:
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We’re big fans of the Digital Comics service on PSP. However, there’s been one feature that’s sorely missing from the program right now: the ability to delete comics from your Memory Stick. While the footprint of a single issue is rather small (around 30MB), it can easily build up. Who knows? That free issue of Archie you downloaded could prevent you from downloading Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker! Thankfully, that doomsday scenario seems unlikely. Pete Scott told readers of the PlayStation.Blog that “there will be an update to the application to enable in-app deletion.” Until then, if you want to manage your PSP comics collection, you’ll have to make do with the Media Go app on the PC.
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Q: Improving performance Linq to Sql Compact Edition I'm writing a WPF client app, using Linq to Sql with Sql Compact edition. The db is relatively small (3MB) and read-only. Bottom line is that The performance are not as good as I hoped them to be, and I'm looking for tips and practical ways to increase that. More facts: The schema contains around a dozen of entities with extensive relations between them. Profiling the app found out that the query is being run quite fast but building the c# Entities is the the process that take the most time (could be up to 8 seconds). Mostly I believe because we have used LoadWith, and the DataContext got no choice but to build the objects graph in memory. I can provide additional information, if needed. EDIT: As I mentioned the db is read-only so DataContext is not tracking changes. We are making use of static queries on reoccurring queries. The problem is when the application is initializing and we prefetch many objects to memory to be served as cache. Thanks for your help. Ariel A: Well, you might find that making use of lazy loading (rather than eager loading) might help increase the performance (i.e. avoid using LoadWith) since the entities won't need memory allocated for the relationship chains (or deep loading of the object graph) and instead they will be populated on demand. However, you'll need to be focused in your design to support this (otherwise you will simply move the performance bottleneck to become overly "chatty" with regard to SQL statements being executed against the SQL CE database. The DataContext can also start to bloat (memory) as it tracks changes. You might need to consider your approach to how you use Data Contexts (for instance, you can attach them to new contexts provided the original context has been disposed).
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*3. -2*y**3 Collect the terms in -7 + 7*k - 19*k + 7. -12*k Collect the terms in -186 - 177 - 8*m + 363. -8*m Collect the terms in 2733*p**2 - 1366*p**2 - 1368*p**2. -p**2 Collect the terms in 649*i + 849*i - 469*i. 1029*i Collect the terms in 12 + 0*v + 0*v + 4*v**3. 4*v**3 + 12 Collect the terms in -3*m - 6*m + 10*m + 7*m - 5*m. 3*m Collect the terms in -8*g**2 + g**2 - 4294 + 4294. -7*g**2 Collect the terms in -220*p + 220*p - 51*p**3. -51*p**3 Collect the terms in -32*v - 8*v + 3*v. -37*v Collect the terms in 3098 - 3098 + 3*i**3. 3*i**3 Collect the terms in -409*o + 0 + 812*o - 408*o + 0. -5*o Collect the terms in 25*n - 35*n - n**2 + 10*n. -n**2 Collect the terms in -38*j**3 + 14*j**3 + 16*j**3. -8*j**3 Collect the terms in 13*h**2 + 11*h**2 - 21*h**2 + 9*h**2. 12*h**2 Collect the terms in -8 - 7 - 31 + 13*o. 13*o - 46 Collect the terms in -3*z - z + 6*z - 3*z. -z Collect the terms in -x**2 + 182*x**3 - 503*x**3 + x**2. -321*x**3 Collect the terms in 93*t + 58*t**3 - 59*t**3 - 93*t. -t**3 Collect the terms in 0*h + 0*h - 2*h - 201. -2*h - 201 Collect the terms in 11*x**2 - 9*x**2 + 8*x**2. 10*x**2 Collect the terms in -18*f**2 + 3*f**2 - 2*f**2. -17*f**2 Collect the terms in -13*s - 9*s - 12*s + 36*s. 2*s Collect the terms in 82 - 82 + 2*a. 2*a Collect the terms in 10*b + 9*b - 17*b + 11*b. 13*b Collect the terms in 22*c + 5 - 28*c - 5. -6*c Collect the terms in -4*q - 6*q - 3*q + q. -12*q Collect the terms in -10*y**2 + 11*y**2 + 7 + 20. y**2 + 27 Collect the terms in -2*r + 3*r + 2*r - r. 2*r Collect the terms in -22*g**2 - 23*g**2 + 51*g**2. 6*g**2 Collect the terms in -2 - 11 + 3*d**2 + 2*d**2 + d**2. 6*d**2 - 13 Collect the terms in 71381 - 71381 - 2*u. -2*u Collect the terms in 12*f**2 + 22*f**3 - 12*f**2. 22*f**3 Collect the terms in 116*g + 2 - 2*g**3 - 2. -2*g**3 + 116*g Collect the terms in 8*f**2 - 9*f**2 + 0*f**2. -f**2 Collect the terms in -j - 6*j**3 + j - 24*j**3. -30*j**3 Collect the terms in -84 - 15*o**2 + 84 - 3*o**2. -18*o**2 Collect the terms in -37*g + 9*g + 11*g + 9*g. -8*g Collect the terms in u**2 + 2130622*u - 2130622*u. u**2 Collect the terms in 91*j - j**3 + 3*j**3 - 91*j. 2*j**3 Collect the terms in -165*i**3 + 355*i**3 - 177*i**3. 13*i**3 Collect the terms in -14 + 25 - 11 - y. -y Collect the terms in -15*a + 18*a + 20*a. 23*a Collect the terms in -102*f + f**3 + 102*f - 3*f**3. -2*f**3 Collect the terms in 43*q**2 - 12*q**2 - 17*q**2 - 15*q**2. -q**2 Collect the terms in -831*c + 7*c**2 + 831*c - c**2. 6*c**2 Collect the terms in -852*z**2 + 1682*z**2 - 851*z**2. -21*z**2 Collect the terms in -2*v**3 + 61*v**3 + 23*v**3. 82*v**3 Collect the terms in 10*c - 7*c - 25*c**3 - 3*c + 3*c**3. -22*c**3 Collect the terms in 64*w**2 - 3*w**3 - w**3 - 64*w**2. -4*w**3 Collect the terms in 1987*j**3 - 1974*j**3 + 1 - 1. 13*j**3 Collect the terms in 12*x - 2*x - 9*x. x Collect the terms in -2*b + 4002*b**2 - 165*b**2 - 440*b**2. 3397*b**2 - 2*b Collect the terms in 19*z**3 + 24*z**3 - 61*z**3. -18*z**3 Collect the terms in -5673 + 2*c**3 + 5673. 2*c**3 Collect the terms in -2*a**2 - 2*a**2 - 4*a + 0*a - 2*a + a. -4*a**2 - 5*a Collect the terms in 9*h**2 - 23*h**2 + 17*h**2. 3*h**2 Collect the terms in -2*r**3 - 60 + 60. -2*r**3 Collect the terms in -1 + 6*s**2 + 9*s**2 - s**2. 14*s**2 - 1 Collect the terms in -6 + 4*u**2 + 6. 4*u**2 Collect the terms in 495*n - 494*n - 437 + 437. n Collect the terms in 0 - 147*j + 0 + 301*j - 152*j. 2*j Collect the terms in -4*j**3 - 15*j - 22*j + 37*j + 8. -4*j**3 + 8 Collect the terms in -18*g**3 + 6*g**3 + 13*g**3. g**3 Collect the terms in -16*g**2 - 21*g**2 + 35*g**2. -2*g**2 Collect the terms in 2*k**2 - 4*k**2 - 5*k**2 - 7*k**2 - 2*k**2. -16*k**2 Collect the terms in 28*n**2 - 10*n**2 + 5*n**2. 23*n**2 Collect the terms in -106*z - 3 + 1 - 1. -106*z - 3 Collect the terms in i**3 - 38 - 17 + i**3 + 55. 2*i**3 Collect the terms in -33*d + 1 + 1 + 30*d - 2. -3*d Collect the terms in -11*p + 19*p - 6*p**2 + 28*p**2 - 7*p. 22*p**2 + p Collect the terms in 33 - 15*s + 7*s + 10*s. 2*s + 33 Collect the terms in -8*u - 4*u + 43*u - 16*u - 7*u. 8*u Collect the terms in 30*o + 28*o + 23*o - 29*o. 52*o Collect the terms in -352*v**3 + 180*v**3 + 176*v**3. 4*v**3 Collect the terms in 17*m**3 - 39*m**3 + 17*m**3. -5*m**3 Collect the terms in 1 + p**2 + p + 2*p**2 - p. 3*p**2 + 1 Collect the terms in 2*l - 6 - 51*l**2 + 6. -51*l**2 + 2*l Collect the terms in -5934*w**3 + w - 1410*w**3 - 2*w. -7344*w**3 - w Collect the terms in 1 - 1 - 1250*y + 1259*y. 9*y Collect the terms in 11*g**3 + 12*g**3 - 26*g**3. -3*g**3 Collect the terms in -2 + 6 - 2*y**3 - 4. -2*y**3 Collect the terms in -45*b**3 + 93*b**3 - 41*b**3. 7*b**3 Collect the terms in 53*o - 16*o - 23*o - 16*o. -2*o Collect the terms in 989*r - 988*r + 2 - 5 + 3. r Collect the terms in f**2 + 6*f**2 + 0*f**2 + 5*f**2 + 5*f**2. 17*f**2 Collect the terms in 3095*v + 2*v**3 - 3095*v. 2*v**3 Collect the terms in 2 + 1311*y - 1310*y - 2. y Collect the terms in 161*o**2 + 155*o**2 - o**3 - 316*o**2. -o**3 Collect the terms in -53377 + 53377 + b**3. b**3 Collect the terms in 15 + 20 - 35 + 6*g**2. 6*g**2 Collect the terms in 0 + 1 + m**2 - 2*m + 2*m. m**2 + 1 Collect the terms in 283*f + 155*f**2 - 283*f. 155*f**2 Collect the terms in -9*q**2 + 5*q**3 + 9*q**2 + 5*q**3. 10*q**3 Collect the terms in 0 - 12*l + 0 + 0*l - 12*l. -24*l Collect the terms in 15*y**3 + 60*y - 5*y**3 - 60*y. 10*y**3 Collect the terms in 17*p**2 - 7*p**2 - 2*p**2. 8*p**2 Collect the terms in 6*l**3 + 2*l**3 - l**3 - 3*l**3. 4*l**3 Collect the terms in -33*u + 9*u - 9*u. -33*u Collect the terms in 1 + q**2 + 15 - 13*q**2. -12*q**2 + 16 Collect the terms in -3*n**2 + 8*n**2 + 5*n**2 - 3*n**2 + n. 7*n**2 + n Collect the terms in -368*y + 15*y**3 + 368*y. 15*y**3 Collect the terms in -3 + 0 + 2 + 3 + q**3. q**3 + 2 Collect the terms in 9*r**2 + 12*r**2 - 22*r**2. -r**2 Collect the terms in -45*d**2 - 47*d**2 + 90*d**2. -2*d**2 Collect the terms in 588 - 7*y**3 - 588 + 4*y**3. -3*y**3 Collect the terms in 51*h**2 + 5*h**3 - 5*h**3 - 51*h**2 + 2*h**3. 2*h**3 Collect the terms in -23577*r**3 + 0*r + 23579*r**3 + 0*r. 2*r**3 Collect the terms in 2*c**2 - 17*c**2 - 2*c + 2*c. -15*c**2 Collect the terms in -51197*j**3 + 102394*j**3 - 51199*j**3. -2*j**3 Collect the terms in 388*d**2 - 191*d**2 - 201*d**2. -4*d**2 Collect the terms in -4*u + 10*u - 9*u. -3*u Collect the terms in 3 - 11 + 8 - 24*r**3. -24*r**3 Collect the terms in 11*k**3 - 3*k**3 - 4*k**3. 4*k**3 Collect the terms in 593*h + 13*h**2 - 593*h. 13*h**2 Collect the terms in -58*i - 63*i + 124*i. 3*i Collect the terms in 483*a**3 - 240*a**3 - 237*a**3 - 6*a + 6*a. 6*a**3 Collect the terms in -3 + 0 + 3 - 20*w. -20*w Collect the terms in 63*p**3 - 15*p**3 + 71*p**3 - 23*p**3. 96*p**3 Collect the terms in 0*g**3 - 31*g**3 + 30*g**3. -g**3 Collect the terms in 7*l**2 + 4*l**2 - 10*l**2 + 10*l**2. 11*l**2 Collect the terms in 2*x**3 - 2*x**3 + 2*x**3 + 82*x + 835*x. 2*x**3 + 917*x Collect the terms in 3 + 1061*n - 1063*n - 3. -2*n Collect the terms in 166*p - p**3 - 65*p - 101*p. -p**3 Collect the terms in -11*t + 5*t - 2*t + 9*t - 3*t. -2*t Collect the terms in 3*j**3 + 5*j**3 + 13*j**3 + 0*j**3 - 2*j**3. 19*j**3 Collect the terms in 6 - 16 + 3*a**3 + 10. 3*a**3 Collect the terms in 23 - 23 - 16*q. -16*q Collect the terms in -3*w + 30*w**3 - 22*w**3 + w + w. 8*w**3 - w Collect the terms in 146*r**2 - r - 101*r**2 + r. 45*r**2 Collect the terms in -c + 1 - c + 18 - 19. -2*c Collect the terms in 606*r + 598*r + 600*r + 606*r - 2409*r. r Collect the terms in -216*c**3 - 215*c**3 + 432*c**3. c**3 Collect the terms in t + 6*t + 11*t - 5*t. 13*t Collect the terms in 7794*g**2 + 7796*g**2 - 15592*g**2. -2*g**2 Collect the terms in -2724*i**2 + 19*i**3 + 2724*i**2. 19*i**3 Collect the terms in 0*b**3 + 10*b - 223*b - b**3. -b**3 - 213*b Collect the terms in 2*d - 9 + 10 - 1. 2*d Collect the terms in 12*o - 61 - 6*o - 4*o + 61. 2*o Collect the terms in 11*j**2 - j**2 - j**2 + 27*j**2. 36*j**2 Collect the terms in -248*i - 29917 + i**2 + 248*i + 29917. i**2 Collect the terms in -1 + 87*o + 1 - 33*o. 54*o Collect the terms in -t**3 - 15 - 49 + 24 + 3*t**3. 2*t**3 - 40 Collect the terms in -6*g**3 + 2*g**3 - 1 - 2 + 3. -4*g**3 Colle
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Kenya election: Kenyatta blasts court after vote annulled Published duration 1 September 2017 Related Topics Kenya general election 2017 image copyright Reuters image caption President Kenyatta told supporters he was not afraid of fighting another election Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta has branded judges in the country's Supreme Court "crooks" after they annulled his win in presidential elections. He earlier called for calm and said he would respect the ruling but struck a more combative note at a Nairobi rally. The court cited irregularities in last month's election and ordered a new one within 60 days. The poll had raised fears of major violence similar to that following a disputed vote in 2007. Although the unrest in this year's vote was not as serious as in 2007, days of sporadic protests left at least 28 people dead. Kenya's election commission had declared Mr Kenyatta the winner by a margin of 1.4 million votes but the result was immediately challenged in court by his nearest rival, opposition leader Raila Odinga. media caption Kenya opposition stronghold celebrates at the decision In a ruling on Friday, Chief Justice David Maraga said the 8 August election had not been conducted in accordance with the constitution, declaring it "invalid, null and void". The ruling did not attribute any blame to President Kenyatta's party or campaign. Mr Odinga, who was in the courtroom, smiled and pumped his fist in the air as the ruling was read out. Thousands of his supporters took to the streets in celebration. Mr Odinga, 72, said the ruling marked "a historic day for the people of Kenya and by extension for the people of the continent of Africa". It is believed to be the first time in Africa that a legal challenge brought by the opposition against a presidential poll result has been successful. Mr Odinga called the electoral commission "rotten" and called for its members to resign and face prosecution. media caption Kenya Supreme Court says the presidential election was not conducted in accordance with the constitution "It is clear that the real election results were never shared with Kenyans. Someone must take responsibility," he said. "We won the elections and we are going to win them again." In a televised address, President Kenyatta said that it was "important to respect the rule of law even if you disagree with the Supreme Court ruling". He called for calm, saying: "Your neighbour will still be your neighbour, regardless of what has happened. My primary message today to every single Kenyan is peace. Let us be people of peace." image copyright AFP image caption Raila Odinga (C) reacted with delight in the courtroom But he was struck a different tone later at a rally of supporters in a market in Nairobi. He referred to Justice Maraga and his fellow judges as wakora (crooks in Swahili), saying they had "decided to cancel the election". He warned the chief justice that as the poll had been annulled he was now the president again, not president-elect. "Do you understand me? Maraga should know that he is now dealing with the serving president," Mr Kenyatta, 55, said. "We are keeping a close eye on them. But let us deal with the election first. We are not afraid." Following the election, international monitors from the EU, the African Union and the US had said there was no major fraud and urged Mr Odinga to concede. On Friday, Marietje Schaake, the head of the EU Observer Mission, said the Supreme Court ruling represented "a historic day for Kenya and we have always said that people who feel aggrieved should seek the path of the courts". She said monitors had at the time pointed to irregularities and encouraged the Kenyan authorities to deal with them.
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I have recorded the triumph of barbarism and religion. –Edward Gibbon When Edward Gibbon (1737–1794) was 27 years old, he visited Rome and, standing in the ruins of the forum, he imagined he saw the ghosts of Scipio, Caesar, Pompey, and the other heroes of the Republic. He spent days lost in imagination, thrilled simply to walk on the same ground that they had walked. Later, in a more melancholy mood, he wondered, how had the greatest empire the world had ever seen been reduced to rubble and phantasms? He resolved to dedicate his life to writing a new history of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776, 81, 89). The strain ruined his always fragile health and led to an early death, but he left a lasting legacy to humankind. In Decline and Fall he argued that the collapse of Rome was attributable to the corrosive effects of Christianity on the institutions and character of Rome. For the first two centuries of the Empire, from Augustus to Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Empire was the principle civilizing force in the world. Its invincible legions unified the Mediterranean under the Pax Romana and defended the frontiers, while within its borders a wise and moderate government established laws, protected commerce, and encouraged the arts. This precarious accomplishment rested ultimately on the character of the Roman people. They lived simple lives on small farms, raised their crops and their families, venerated the old gods, and respected laws but not men. When the state called, they answered. These qualities, combined with the leadership of a ruthless and farseeing aristocracy, forged their empire. However, their descendants gradually lost these virtues. They fell into debt as the grain of the empire flooded Italy’s markets, and one by one they were forced from their little farms and into the city, where bread and circuses transformed the proud citizens of the Republic into the rootless proles of the Empire. Military service became voluntary rather than obligatory, and the burden of defense increasingly fell on newly conquered peoples and barbarians. The old aristocracy was swept away by the autocracy of the Caesars. Finally, the last and greatest bulwarks of the old character were destroyed: the old gods and the old philosophy were swept away by ecstatic mystery cults from the East, and above all, by Christianity. The Christian ethic, according to Gibbon, is private rather than public. That is to say, they aim at the well-being of the individual rather than of the community. Christianity discouraged military service by preaching pacifism, family by preaching virginity, industry by preaching poverty, kindness by preaching fanaticism, and reason by preaching faith. Many believers shut themselves up in monasteries, where they were never heard from again, while those that remained slaughtered each other with gusto in order to settle disputes about a ridiculous fairy tale. All the while, the tribes beyond the Rhine grew larger and more ferocious with every passing year. The temples were shuttered, the schools of philosophy were closed, and the light of reason was vanquished for a thousand years. Eventually, the dam had to break: on New Year’s Day, 406 CE, barbarian tribes stormed across the frozen Danube. They were never repelled. In the West, a hollowed-out Empire, now little more than a name, survived until 476, while in the East, the feeble Byzantine Empire awaited destruction at the hands of a new power: Islam. The Age of Reason was over. The Dark Ages had begun. The Roman Empire has had a central place in the political mythology of the West since it was founded. During the middle ages, kings, popes, czars, emperors, and even sultans claimed its legacy as their own. Gibbon continued this tradition by appropriating the myth of Empire for the Enlightenment, which he believed heralded a new Empire of reason and virtue. From it we derive the tripartite division of Western history into Ancient, Mid Eval, and modern periods, as well as the official architecture of the United States, which imitates that of Greece and Rome in order to underline the point that it is the legitimate inheritor of the Roman tradition. Decline and Fall is also a polemic against the principle opponent of the Enlightenment in Gibbon's own time, the Church. This post in the fourth in a series on the philosophy of history, and has previously appeared on Facebook. The previous article in the series is here, the next article is here. Daniel Halverson is a graduate student studying the history of Science, Technology, and Society of nineteenth-century Germany. He is also a regular contributor to the PEL Facebook page.
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Trading in Thailand Great place to live? What about medical care? Access to physicians? Health insurance? Hospitals? Cost of prescription drugs? What if you require a specialized diagnostic or treatment procedure? Is the technology up to western standards? I don't think so. Its a romantic thought, but loses its shine quickly when you have to live day by day in the real world. I'll stay in the USA Thanks, Steve46 Great place to live? What about medical care? Access to physicians? Health insurance? Hospitals? Cost of prescription drugs? What if you require a specialized diagnostic or treatment procedure? Is the technology up to western standards? I don't think so. Its a romantic thought, but loses its shine quickly when you have to live day by day in the real world. I'll stay in the USA Thanks, Steve46 More... The good hospitals are first class, and technology would be as up to date as anywhere. The waiting lines are non-existant. I live in Japan where hospitals are good too, but prefer treatment in thailand as the doctors are trained in USA , and speak excellent English. Of course they have all kinds of modern crap. BUT, they use dollars to buy everything imported from USA Euros to buy everything imported from Euroland. Yen for Japanese stuff, etc., etc. So, what's this bullshit that it's *much* cheaper living "over there"? Wake up! Are you going to live in some hut, walk/ride a bike, and only live off of *locally* produced stuff? Most likely not, which means when people say, the dollar is worth so much there or the Euro can buy me that much in that place, is all fantasy crap from people dreaming of some faraway place with *NO* idea what its like to live there! Just go visit the place for 2-3 mos and check it out for yourself. Quote from roberk: Here is an example if you need kidney dialysis. Same level for heart care etc.. If you are married to a Thai, like I am, and she still carries a Thai passport-the import taxes are nil as long as you take one each of something to live there. Including vechiles. Life can be good over there with my golf clubs. More... I been there more than 10 times, each for 2 monthe stay. and got more addicted everytime with the place. 25k won't get you very far over here. it's inexpensive, but not that much so. apartment for $150 a month? don't think so. possible, but do you want hot water? what about a/c? a view? bkk is relatively expensive - figure $400 - $1000 for a nice place. the beaches? that's $120 r/t to phuket or samui, plus hotels, plus airport taxes, plus taxi, etc. you're going to have to leave the country every 90 days for visa purposes (yes, even if you have a one-year), that's $150 r/t each time. like to hit the bars? what about a cell phone? you won't be cooking at home so figure every meal out. what if you get tired of eating at street stalls? that's another $10 a day. don't want to walk everywhere? another $5 a day for transport. if you have a weakness for bargirls, that can really add up. you'll be up all night (bonds open at 8:20 pm and equities close at 4:15 am) so you'll have your days free. the golf is great - greens fees are cheap, but you'll have a caddy and that's another tip. don't forget you've got to pay to get to the course in the first place. all in , figure $50 a round. you'll need an internet connection, they've got adsl but it's expensive and won't be like broadband back home, the pipe in and out of the us to thailand is small. decent dialup will cost about $60 a month. the point is that it all adds up. overall, a lot less expensive than the states but you probably won't be able to stay for several years on 25k - maybe one. a great place to live though. More... If you want to live in Farang ghetto like "shukumvit", expanses can be doubled. I'm sure one can find a decent place for 150$ to live in thai nighbourhood and another 50$ for utilities. Eating western food all the time can add up and make real differance say like extra Bhat10k-15k. Those who want to leave in thailand should try to fit into thai soceity like surviving on thai food, geting to learn thai, learn to how to mix with thais, and know how to cut down on expanses. Yes, i belive he can't go beyond 1.5 year with $25K budget. But if he is able to draw another $50-100 a day on average from market, then he can even party all the time. Great place to live? What about medical care? Access to physicians? Health insurance? Hospitals? Cost of prescription drugs? What if you require a specialized diagnostic or treatment procedure? Is the technology up to western standards? I don't think so. Its a romantic thought, but loses its shine quickly when you have to live day by day in the real world. I'll stay in the USA Thanks, Steve46 More... yes, a great place to live - i've been here almost three years. i lived in manhattan before this and boulder colorado before that. i prefer it here. medical care - first rate. bumrungrad in bkk is the top hospital in all of southeast asia. there are excellent hospitals and dental clinics all over. i recently had a tooth bonded ($20) by a georgetown dental grad. prescription drugs are practically free. why? the us (customer/patient) pays all r&d costs. that's one reason drugs are cheaper in canada and mexico. blue cross insurance is available and inexpensive. at the end of the day however, it is the third world but i stand behind my statement that it is a great place to live. not for everyone...but still shining for me. Of course they have all kinds of modern crap. BUT, they use dollars to buy everything imported from USA Euros to buy everything imported from Euroland. Yen for Japanese stuff, etc., etc. So, what's this bullshit that it's *much* cheaper living "over there"? Wake up! Are you going to live in some hut, walk/ride a bike, and only live off of *locally* produced stuff? Most likely not, which means when people say, the dollar is worth so much there or the Euro can buy me that much in that place, is all fantasy crap from people dreaming of some faraway place with *NO* idea what its like to live there!
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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Q: Run Webpack-Dev-Server in .NET CORE Build Process Ok, so I've been tearing my hair out trying to figure this out for the past couple of days and it seems like Visual Studio makes this WAY harder than it needs to be. I want my .NET CORE app to run my Vue.js application on the webpack-dev-server when in Debug, otherwise build the production build and put it in the file structure it outputs... You'd think I could just add a Post-Build event like so: if $(ConfigurationName) == 'Debug' { npm run dev } But as soon as it gets to the webpack process, the IIS server build never proceeds, it just hangs forever after the webpack server says it's running. I assume because there's nothing to tell Visual Studio that the process has completed? The same thing happens if I run npm run build to build the default production build, instead. The only way to then stop the build is to kill all instances of Node with taskkill /F /IM node.exe in a separate terminal instance. I can run these commands outside of Visual Studio just fine and they work perfectly, but inserting them into the VS build process just does not work at all. Alternatively, I tried loading the .NET CORE Vue.js template and copying its functionality for building the application in the .csproj file and editing it to fit my needs: <Target Name="DebugRunWebpack" BeforeTargets="Build" Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Debug' "> <!-- Ensure Node.js is installed --> <Exec Command="node --version" ContinueOnError="true"> <Output TaskParameter="ExitCode" PropertyName="ErrorCode" /> </Exec> <Error Condition="'$(ErrorCode)' != '0'" Text="Node.js is required to build and run this project. To continue, please install Node.js from https://nodejs.org/, and then restart your command prompt or IDE." /> <!-- In development, the dist files won't exist on the first run or when cloning to a different machine, so rebuild them if not already present. --> <Message Importance="high" Text="Running dev server..." /> <Exec Command="node node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js" /> </Target> <Target Name="PublishRunWebpack" AfterTargets="ComputeFilesToPublish"> <!-- As part of publishing, ensure the JS resources are freshly built in production mode --> <Exec Command="npm install" /> <Exec Command="node node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --env.prod" /> <!-- Include the newly-built files in the publish output --> <ItemGroup> <DistFiles Include="wwwroot\js\**" /> <ResolvedFileToPublish Include="@(DistFiles->'%(FullPath)')" Exclude="@(ResolvedFileToPublish)"> <RelativePath>%(DistFiles.Identity)</RelativePath> <CopyToPublishDirectory>PreserveNewest</CopyToPublishDirectory> </ResolvedFileToPublish> </ItemGroup> </Target> Which this builds the files correctly (basically the same as npm run build), but no dev server is ever run. There has to be an easier way to get this working just using the pre-built NPM commands, but all the solutions I've found on StackOverflow don't work and what should be a simple solution is becoming wayyyyyy harder than it has to be. Any ideas? :\ A: So, after a ton of Googling, I think I have a decent solution which combines Microsoft's solution in their template with my own NPM scripts: <Target Name="RunWebpackServer" AfterTargets="Publish" Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Debug' "> <!-- Check if Node.js / NPM is installed --> <Exec Command="node --version" ContinueOnError="false"> <Output TaskParameter="ExitCode" PropertyName="ErrorCode" /> </Exec> <!-- If there's an error, tell the user to install Node --> <Error Condition="'$(ErrorCode)' != '0'" Text="Node.js is required to build and run this project. To continue, please install Node.js from https://nodejs.org/, and then restart your command prompt or IDE." /> <!-- Clean cache, install packages and run the dev server --> <Message Importance="high" Text="Cleaning NPM Cache..." /> <Exec Command="npm cache clean" /> <Message Importance="high" Text="Installing NPM Packages..." /> <Exec Command="npm install" /> <Message Importance="high" Text="Running Webpack Dev Server..." /> <Exec Command="npm run dev" /> </Target> Now, does anyone know how to shut down the Node dev server when Debug is stopped? If I keep stop and running, I get a ton of Node instances that can really bog down the system.
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Diamond Radeon HD 3870 1GB GDDR3 Video Card Review 3DMark 2006 3DMark 2006 3DMark 06 is the worldwide standard in advanced 3D game performance benchmarking and the latest version in the popular 3DMark series! 3DMark06 tests include all new HDR/SM3.0 graphics tests, advanced SM2.0 graphics tests, AI and physics driven single and multiple cores or processor CPU tests and a collection of comprehensive feature tests to reliably measure next generation gaming performance today. Benchmark Results: At the default resolution of 1280×1024 3D Mark finally shows that there is a difference between the two cards! Let’s see if there is more seperation at nearly double the resolution. Benchmark Results: With the monitor resolution cranked up to 2560×1600 the 3870 1GB should be able to stretch out a lead with the added memory and clock speeds, but the scores are almost identical, with the extra GPU speed pushing it ahead in SM 3.0.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 51, "score": 0.1549814 }, { "begin": 51, "end": 64, "score": 0.060039226 }, { "begin": 64, "end": 77, "score": 0.060039226 }, { "begin": 77, "end": 212, "score": 0.033828456 }, { "begin": 212, "end": 481, "score": 0.0040347227 }, { "begin": 481, "end": 612, "score": 0.032785777 }, { "begin": 612, "end": 683, "score": 0.033101115 }, { "begin": 683, "end": 934, "score": 0.005803192 } ]
Cognitive imitation in rhesus macaques. Experiments on imitation typically evaluate a student's ability to copy some feature of an expert's motor behavior. Here, we describe a type of observational learning in which a student copies a cognitive rule rather than a specific motor action. Two rhesus macaques were trained to respond, in a prescribed order, to different sets of photographs that were displayed on a touch-sensitive monitor. Because the position of the photographs varied randomly from trial to trial, sequences could not be learned by motor imitation. Both monkeys learned new sequences more rapidly after observing an expert execute those sequences than when they had to learn new sequences entirely by trial and error.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 40, "score": 0.48157895 }, { "begin": 40, "end": 156, "score": 0.043597195 }, { "begin": 156, "end": 287, "score": 0.06934296 }, { "begin": 287, "end": 438, "score": 0.067646556 }, { "begin": 438, "end": 566, "score": 0.0077635385 }, { "begin": 566, "end": 734, "score": 0.2732053 } ]
#!/usr/bin/env perl use Expect; use strict; use IO::Pty; sub do_ssh($$$) { (my $username, my $password, my $host) = @_; my $spawn = new Expect; $spawn->raw_pty(1); my $PROMPT; # This function traps WINCH signals and passes them on sub winch { my $signame = shift; my $pid = $spawn->pid; print "pid $pid, SIG$signame\n"; $spawn->slave->clone_winsize_from(\*STDIN); kill WINCH => $spawn->pid if $spawn->pid; } $SIG{WINCH} = \&winch; # best strategy $spawn=Expect->spawn("ssh -C2qN -D 7070 $username\@$host"); # log everything if you want # $spawn->log_file("/tmp/autossh.log.$$"); my $PROMPT = '[\]\$\>\#]$'; my $ret = $spawn->expect(30, [ qr/\(yes\/no\)\?\s*$/ => sub { $spawn->send("yes\n"); exp_continue; } ], [ qr/assword:\s*$/ => sub { $spawn->send("$password\n"); exp_continue; } ], [ qr/ogin:\s*$/ => sub { $spawn->send("$username\n"); exp_continue; } ], [ qr/REMOTE HOST IDEN/ => sub { print "FIX: .ssh/known_hosts\n"; exp_continue; } ], [ qr/$PROMPT/ => sub { $spawn->send("echo Now try window resizing\n"); } ], ); # Hand over control $spawn->interact(); } if ($ENV{USER} eq "bhj") { chomp(my $password = qx(get-authinfo fixnet bhj)); do_ssh("bhj", $password, "fixnet"); }
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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Lambda tomography with discontinuous scanning trajectories. Lambda tomography (LT) is a well-known local reconstruction technology to reduce the radiation dose or accommodate a limited imaging geometry. After a theoretical analysis of the so-called Calderon operator (CO), the necessary conditions for exact LT reconstruction are presented in terms of the 2D and 3D COs. Based on our previous results on LT, a general scheme is proposed to construct exact LT formulae in terms of the 2D CO with multiple segment trajectories. Every 2D formula has a corresponding 3D cone-beam formula in the Feldkamp framework in terms of the 2D CO which was illustrated in a triple-segment case. Our simulation results verify the correctness and demonstrate the merits of the proposed scheme.
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1. Field of the Invention This invention relates to value-bearing documents, and more particularly, to value-bearing documents, such as for example, bank notes, checks, traveler""s checks, share certificates, credit cards and identity cards. 2. Description of the Prior Art Particularly having regard to the options afforded by modern color copiers and other reproducing systems, there is an urgent need for value-bearing documents to be provided with special security elements which make it difficult to produce a forgery using items of equipment of that kind. A large number of possible procedures have already been proposed for that purpose. It is known for example for value-bearing documents such as value-bearing papers, cards, identity cards, etc. to be provided with security elements in the form of reflecting surfaces. Those reflecting surfaces are normally reproduced by a color copier as black surfaces. In this case however there is the possibility of subsequently applying a suitable, metallically shiny layer. A further improvement in affording a safeguard against forgery is achieved when security elements in the form of structures which have an optical-diffraction or optical-refraction effect, so-called diffraction structures, for example holograms, so-called pixelgrams, etc. are used. However those security elements are comparatively expensive in terms of production. It is also already known for security elements for value-bearing documents to be so designed that they are suitable in particular for viewing in a transillumination mode. For example, AU-patent specification No 488 652 describes security documents which comprise a plurality of interconnected plastic webs, wherein at least one optically variable security element is arranged between those webs and a transparent window is provided in at least one of the cover webs in the region of the security element so that the security element can be viewed through the window. For applying the security elements in accordance with the state of the art, for example, the procedure is such that an opening is produced in a plastic web which is disposed in the interior of the document, the security element being fitted into the opening. The security element is then fixed in the opening by cover foils which are applied at both sides. A procedure of that kind suffers on the one hand from the disadvantage that the operation of applying the security element gives rise to major difficulties and in particular the procedure requires lamination over the full surface areas of comparatively large regions of plastic foils. Inclusion of the security element between the two foils frequently results in a marked impairment in the level of brilliance and thus an adverse effect on the discernibility of the security element, in particular under poor lighting conditions. The known document can only be used with difficulty as a value-bearing paper, in particular banknotes, because it is fundamentally different in terms of its surface nature and other properties, from the properties of paper which are known and familiar, in particular, in the case of banknotes. It is also already known froth Australian banknotes for printing to be applied to the surface of transparent carriers in such a way that a given region is left window-like, that is to say transparent. In this case also, however, the advantages of paper have to be foregone. It is, for example, not possible to apply a watermark. In addition, the tactile properties which are known to the citizen are different in comparison with paper (absence of the particular grippy feel). The tried and tested processing and treatment properties as well as the circulation properties of paper are also no longer enjoyed. Finally, it is not possible in a pure printing process to produce specific security elements, for example diffraction structures. It is also already known to use security threads as security elements in value-bearing documents, the arrangement being such that the thread or a corresponding strip is superficially exposed in a region-wise manner in order to be able to check additional security features which are preferably based on optical effects, on the thread or strip, for example printing patterns, diffraction structures, etc. European patent specification No 0 229 645 describes the production of a security paper with an incorporated security element in the form of a thread or strip in such a way that two separate layers or plies of paper are formed, the layers of paper having regions of smaller thickness or openings therethrough. The two layers of paper are brought together and, during the operation of bringing them together, the strip which serves as the security element is introduced. In that respect, the arrangement may also be such that the openings through the two layers of paper (on the top and underside respectively of the strip serving as the security element) coincide in aligned relationship so that the security element is exposed at the sane location on the paper web on both sides thereof in order also to permit the security element to be viewed in the transillumination mode. In practice, however, it has been found that it was hitherto not possible to produce corresponding documents. In general terms, on the contrary, the arrangement was only so selected that the security thread or the security element was exposed alternately on the top side and the underside respectively. At any event, a serious disadvantage of the known procedure is that, as the security threads have to be incorporated into the paper web, they may only be of comparatively small width in order not to destroy the cohesion of the paper in itself. In order, however, for the security threads to be of adequate strength in spite of their small width, it is necessary to use security threads of correspondingly large thickness, which can result in undesirable increases in the thickness of the value-bearing papers produced from the corresponding paper web; in that case, when the value-bearing papers are stacked in spite of using the so-called wobble or offset procedure-those thickened portions would always be disposed in a relatively narrow region, which results in the sheets not lying properly flat and gives rise to problems in processing of the document. The object of the present invention is, therefore, that of proposing a value-bearing document with a window-like security element suitable for transillumination, which can be produced easily and without adversely affecting the discernibility of the security element, while the problems known in regard to the production of security papers with incorporated security thread are not to be expected in the production procedure. The invention however seeks to ensure that forgery of the security element by pure printing or color copying is impossible, but at the same time there is a large number of different possible design configurations for the security element. In accordance with the invention, in a value-bearing document having at least one security element and at least one window-like through opening which is closed by means of a light-transmitting film, to attain that object, it is proposed that the opening is subsequently produced in the finished carrier and the finished carrier thereafter serves for production of the value-bearing document such as a banknote, check or the like and is closed by means of an at least region-wise transparent cover foil which projects beyond the opening on all sides and which is fixed on a surface of the carrier over the full area thereof. In accordance with the invention, therefore, the attempt is no longer made to incorporate a security element into the carrier. On the contrary, the opening is deliberately subsequently produced in the carrier and then the opening is closed again by means of a cover foil which is transparent at least in a region-wise manner, wherein the fact that the cover foil is fixed on the surface of the carrier, over the full area thereof, means that detachment of the cover foil which possibly carries a security feature which is based for example on optical effects is practically impossible, without damaging the carrier. By virtue of the arrangement in accordance with the invention, it is readily possible to use a cover foil of comparatively large length or width, which means that it is possible to operate with cover foils of small thickness. At the same time, a procedure in accordance with the invention also affords the possibility of providing windows of relatively large dimensions, whereas only very small dimensions could be achieved with the known windows which were produced during the paper production process. As the windows can be large, even when there are additional security elements it is readily possible for a sufficiently large region of the cover foil to be kept completely transparent. In this case, when a copy is produced using a photocopier or any other reproduction apparatus, the background will be visible in the region of the window so that the color of the background appears at that point in the reproduction. In that way, forgeries can generally be easily detected. Furthermore, the authenticity of the value-bearing document can also be easily detected by the user as the presence or absence of a transparent region in the value-bearing document can be readily detected even with the naked eye. The fact that the opening in the carrier is covered over by means of the cover foil affords on the one hand the advantage that the stability of the value-bearing document does not suffer, in spite of the presence of one or even more through openings. On the other hand, the use of a cover foil affords further possible configurations in regard to the security element. Variations in the security element are further possible by virtue of different shapes for the window-like opening or a variation in the positioning of the opening or the provision of a plurality of openings which are possibly of different configurations. In order to permit easy stacking of value-bearing documents, in particular value-bearing papers such as for example banknotes, and in order also to make it substantially more difficult to pull off the cover foil and, in particular, as far as possible to prevent the cover foil from being unintentionally detached, the cover foil is desirably arranged in a depression in the carrier surface, which depression includes the window-like opening, while it is particularly advantageous for the carrier to be compressed to form the depression. The compression operation simultaneously smooths the surface of the carrier, which can be advantageous in regard to certain security features. For example, when security features are applied to paper by a hot stamping process, the optical efficiency thereof is reduced by the comparatively rough surface of the paper, and that can be avoided by suitable smoothing of the surface of the paper, which serves as the carrier. In accordance with the invention, the opening can be easily produced by means of a punching or cutting operation, in which respect mention is to be made here of the usual punching processes and in particular laser cutting as a cutting process. It is basically possible for the depression and the opening to be produced in separate working operations. In order to avoid special adjustment operations and to achieve good alignment of the opening in relation to the depression, the procedure involved is desirably such that the opening is produced jointly with the depression in one working operation, and that can be effected for example by using suitable tools, for example special stamping and punching rollers. The operation of producing the depression and applying the cover foil is simplified when the cover foil extends transversely over the entire width or length of the value-bearing document, that is to say there is a depression from one edge to another. More specifically, in such a case, the procedure involved is desirably such that the cover foil is applied by means of pressure to the carrier of the value-bearing document with the depression being formed at the same time, the cover foil preferably being laminated onto the carrier in a rolling process. When using a lamination operation for applying the cover foil to the value-bearing document, it is possible to achieve a particularly desirable method of manufacture. More specifically, in one run through a suitable machine, firstly the window-like opening and possibly also a plurality of openings can be formed, and thereupon the cover foil is applied by a lamination procedure in a further step. For further improving the safeguards against forgery, it is provided in accordance with the invention that, at least on one side of the carrier, the cover foil and at least the adjoining surface region of the value-bearing document are overprinted with an interconnected pattern. With such a configuration, any manipulation on the cover foil is immediately visible because it is readily possible to provide printing in which just very slight displacements are clearly apparent. In order to facilitate overprinting of the cover foil, desirably the cover foil may carry a bonding or primer layer at least on its free side which is not fixed to the value-bearing document or the carrier forming same. Further possible ways of improving the degree of safeguard against forgery of a value-bearing document are afforded if, in accordance with the invention, the cover foil is a lamination foil comprising a transparent carrier film and a decorative layer which adheres fixedly thereto, wherein the decorative layer which preferably includes at least one lacquer layer is also transparent at least in a portion of the opening. The decorative layer can be of specific graphic configurations using different known processes in order thereby to afford additional recognition options for an original value-bearing document. It is always important however for the decorative layer to be at least partially transparent in the region of the opening. It may further be desirable for the cover foil to be provided with at least one particular security feature which is based preferably on optical effects, and for at least a portion of the surface region of the opening to be left transparent, while advantageously at least one security feature is formed by a thin-layer arrangement and/or diffraction structure having an optical diffraction and/or refraction effect. Besides such diffraction structures or thin-layer arrangements as the security feature, the cover foil may also include for example reflecting surfaces, special prints, for example in the form of microscript, etc. In that respect, it is desirable if at least one of the security features is arranged in the surface region of the opening because that may then involve, for example, such a security feature which can be checked in respect of authenticity only in the transillumination mode, it being precisely transillumination processes that afford advantages when using automatic testing equipment. When using a lamination foil as the cover foil, having a decorative layer and at least one diffraction structure as the security feature, the decorative layer is desirably such that it has-starting from the carrier film-a base lacquer layer which is provided at least in a region-wise manner at its surface remote from the carrier film with the diffraction structure serving as the security feature, at least in the region of the diffraction structure a reflecting layer, and at least in the region of the opening a transparent protective lacquer layer. In that respect, the structure of the decorative layer in the lamination foil in accordance with the invention is in principle the same as the decorative layer structure which is known from hot stamping foils for security purposes with a diffraction structure, and as is to be found for example in EP 0 559 069 A1. In addition, for applying the various lacquer layers, for introducing the diffraction structure and for producing the metallization which is possibly only partial, it is also possible to use the processes which are known in principle in connection with the production of hot stamping foils, and for that reason those processes will not be discussed in greater detail here. It will be appreciated that it would also be possible for a diffraction structure to be introduced directly into the carrier foil, that is to say, it would be possible to omit a separate base lacquer layer if a suitable carrier foil is used. If, as the invention further provides, the cover foil is fixed on the carrier in such a way that its decorative layer faces towards the surface of the carrier, that gives on the one hand the advantage that the surface of the cover foil, which carries the decorative layer, is arranged in a virtually recessed or depressed relationship and thus protected to a certain extent from mechanical loadings. Furthermore, under some circumstances, it is possible to omit a special adhesive layer for fixing the cover foil on the value-bearing document, namely when the decorative layer and, more specifically, at least the transparent protective lacquer layer thereof already has sufficiently adhesive properties. A further possibility in accordance with the invention provides that the decorative layer carries a layer of a hardenable adhesive, on the side of the decorative layer which is opposite the carrier film, in which respect it is possible to use, for example, reaction adhesives which completely react and thus harden only when subjected to the effect of appropriate heat or radiation, for example IR-or UV-radiation. The use of adhesives of that kind has the advantage that detachment of the cover foil when the adhesive has hardened is impossible without damage to the value-bearing document itself. Finally, it may be advantageous if the carrier has an application of adhesive in the region which serves for fixing the cover foil, in which case, it is sufficient under some circumstances to provide only that application of adhesive on the carrier, although it may also be desirable if, in spite of the application of adhesive on the carrier, the cover foil is additionally provided with a corresponding adhesive layer. If it is only the carrier that is provided with the application of adhesive, that gives the advantage that it is possible to avoid adhesive possibly being spread in the region of the opening.
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Barn dance to honor veterans The next Winter Barn Dance at the Bascom in Highlands is scheduled for 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday, March 26. The evening will be to honor veterans and tickets are $5 per person. Admission for honorees is complimentary. Food and beverages will be available for purchase.
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?The Babies? are Harley?s beloved hyena pets and can usually be found not too far from where she is, ready in a snap to defend their ?Mommy? from danger, or provide her with much needed love. Named ?Bud? and ?Lou? after classic comedians Bud Abbot and Lou Costello, the Babies are spotted hyenas, a species well known for their incredible intelligence and community-minded organisation. Spotted hyenas are fascinating animals ? they hunt in well coordinated packs, with sophisticated ways of communicating with each other. They are a matriarchal species and the dominant female has a clitoris that grows in size and shape to resemble a penis. A female hyena, because of the shape of her genitalia, can also choose whether or not she wants to mate ? a male cannot force her. Spotted hyenas can also devour every part of an animal, including the bone! Though hyenas have suffered a bad reputation over the years, having been associated with cunning, deceptiveness, sneakery and theft, it?s now believed they have intelligence approaching primate levels. It is also spotted hyenas who make the famous ?laughing? sound, making them a perfect choice of pet for our two demented Clowns. Combined with the Joker and Harley, the Babies complete their twisted family unit, serving as the couple?s surrogate ?kids?. Although they are ideal for providing protection, being both a pack animal and immensely powerful carnivores, the Babies seem more often to provide companionship to Joker and Harley. They first appear in The Man Who Killed Batman, flanking Joker as he sits on his throne. It?s interesting to note they are lying down and relaxed here, only sitting up when Joker moves. Later on, in Harley and Ivy, the Babies? role is confined to that of pets although it is demonstrated that Harley is their primary caretaker, being the one who feeds them. Nonetheless, Joker is astonished that they snap at him and, indeed, the way they respond to him in other episodes indicates there is a bond there. Even when Harley is not around, Joker engages with them ? for example, in Joker?s Millions, they greet him with wagging tales and he takes them with him to the Iceberg, where they run amok and enjoy fine food. Although it?s doubtful Joker has a true emotional attachment to them, he definitely seems to regard them as a part of his life. However, their deepest bond is most definitely with Harley. She openly and ardently adores them, as they do her. The trust between them is absolute and they follow her every command immediately, as well as following her around and pawing at her lovingly. It?s also of note that Joker never commands them to do anything, although he interacts with them. That domain seems to be Harley?s. It is by Harley?s side they are most often found and the three clearly rely and care for each other. One can even supposition that since spotted hyenas live in matriarchal packs, they view Harley as the ?pack leader? as opposed to the Joker. The Babies, of course, serve the role of ?dogs?, or ?fur kids?, rounding out the twisted parody Joker and Harley do of typical relationships. The Babies are not merely guards and protectors, but pets to Joker and Harley. Hyenas are wild animals who hunt as a way of life ? to watch Joker and Harley interact with them as though they are simply dogs, trusting and training them easily, is hilarious and adds the final touch to their dysfunctional relationship.
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Friday, July 22, 2016 Can never catch a break So I had a fantasic weekend last week but this week has been a major pain in the ass socks are still up for sale waiting for updated info to go threw via ebanned so still time to place a bid or make an offer of open air socks and sneakers will take 200 for the set or will sell separate offering personal in person meet an greets i'll feed you a cupcake with my feet for $150 that's with photos and video burnt onto a disc afterwords for your personal collection will be done in a public place such as the park or some where that I will not be alone with you! sorry gotta worry about me to ya know About Me Hello everyone I, am Goddess Gloomy . You may now me as mamagloomy87 on ebay, GloomyGirl_87 on ebanned.net or sexycolorfullfeet on youtube. i am a full time professional house cleaner which means i am on my feet alot and this goddess needs a bitch to abuse , and or awsome socked or bare footed followers have any questions shoot me a line But you should make a tribute before you leave
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Marie-Lou Desmeules and Annette Isham present new work in their multimedia installation, Clone Corrupt. While both artists have a different approach to making, both share ties experimenting with duality, disguise, and the performative elements of identity.​ Video installation - Francis Bacon's Last Dinner (2019), What Happened To Britney (2018), A Conversation That Never Was (2019)
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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Biomonitoring of zearalenone and its main metabolites in urines of Bangladeshi adults. The Fusarium toxin zearalenone (ZEN) is of concern due to its pronounced estrogenic effects in mammalian species. ZEN contaminates various cereal crops and grain-based food along with modified forms which contribute to overall mycoestrogen exposure. As no data exist on the occurrence of ZEN in food commodities consumed in Bangladesh, we have analyzed ZEN and its main metabolites α-and β-zearalenol (α-ZEL, β-ZEL) by targeted LC-MS/MS method as biomarkers of exposure in urines (n = 62) from rural and urban residents in Rajshahi district collected in two seasons and from a pregnant women cohort (n = 20) in Dhaka district. Average levels of α-ZEL, the far more potent estrogenic metabolite, were clearly higher than those of ZEN and β-ZEL. Biomarker levels in urban and rural residents showed some seasonal fluctuation: In winter urines, ZEN mean level was 0.040 ± 0.037, α-ZEL 0.182 ± 0.047 and β-ZEL 0.018 ± 0.016 ng/mL; in summer urines, ZEN mean was 0.028 ± 0.015, α-ZEL 0.198 ± 0.025 and β-ZEL 0.013 ± 0.005 ng/mL. In pregnant women, mean levels were: ZEN 0.057 ± 0.041, α-ZEL 0.151 ± 0.026 and β-ZEL 0.055 ± 0.057 ng/mL, thus similar to levels found in the Rajshahi cohort in winter season. Estimates of probable dietary mycoestrogen intake in the Bangladeshi adults reveal an exposure below the tolerable daily intake of 0.25 μg/kg b.w. set by EFSA.
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Natacha (comics) Natacha is a Franco-Belgian comics series, created by François Walthéry and Gos. Drawn by Walthéry, its stories have been written by several authors including Gos, Peyo, Maurice Tillieux, Raoul Cauvin and Marc Wasterlain. It was first published in the Franco-Belgian comics magazine Spirou on February 26, 1970. The series eventually ended serial publication in Spirou, leaving its publisher Dupuis, and began publishing albums only through Marsu Productions in 1989, starting with the album Cauchemirage. Synopsis It tells the adventures of a young sexy flight attendant, and her colleague and on-again off-again boyfriend Walter. Albums Natacha, hôtesse de l'air (script by Gos), Dupuis, 1971. Natacha et le Maharadjah (script by Gos), Dupuis, 1972. La mémoire de métal (script by Étienne Borgers), Dupuis, 1974. Also contains Un brin de panique (written by Marc Wasterlain) Un Trône pour Natacha (script by Maurice Tillieux), Dupuis, 1975. Double vol, (script by Mittéï and Walthéry, Dupuis, 1976. Also contains L'étoile du berger (written by Gos) and Un tour de passe-passe (script by Lemasque). Le treizième apôtre (script by Maurice Tillieux), Dupuis, 1978. L'hôtesse et Mona Lisa (script by Mittéï, additional art by Pierre Seron), Dupuis, 1979. Also contains (script by Walthéry and Mittéï). Instantanés pour Caltech (script by Étienne Borgers, additional art by Jidéhem), Dupuis, 1981. Les machines incertaines (script by Étienne Borgers, additional art by Jidéhem), Dupuis, 1983. L'ile d'outre-monde (script by Marc Wasterlain, additional art by Will), Dupuis, 1984. Le grand pari (script by Mittéï, additional art by Laudec), Dupuis, 1985. Les culottes de fer (script by Mittéï, additional art by Laudec), Dupuis, 1986. Les nomades du ciel (script by Raoul Cauvin, additional art by Laudec), Dupuis, 1988. Cauchemirage (script by Mythic, additional art by Mittéï), Marsu Productions, 1989. La ceinture du Cherchemidi (script by Peyo, additional art by Mittéï), Marsu Productions, 1992. L'ange blond (script by Maurice Tillieux, additional art by Georges Van Linthout), Marsu Productions, 1994. La veuve noire (script by Michel Dusart, additional art by Georges Van Linthout), Marsu Productions, 1997. Natacha et les dinosaures (script by Marc Wasterlain), Marsu Productions, 1998. La mer des rochers (script by Peyo), Marsu Productions, 2004. Atoll 66 (script by Guy d'Artet, additional art by Di Sano), Marsu Productions, 2007. Le Regard du Passe (script by Martens, art by Walthery), Marsu Productions, 2010. L’Épervier bleu (script by Sirius=Max Mayeu, art by Walthery), Marsu Productions, 2014. Sources Natacha publications in Spirou BDoubliées Natacha albums Bedetheque Footnotes External links Natacha official site Natacha on Les Belles des bédés (Cartoon Beauties) Category:Belgian comics characters Category:Belgian comic strips Category:French comic strips Category:1970 comics debuts Category:Belgian comics titles Category:Dupuis titles Category:Fictional Belgian people Category:Fictional flight attendants Category:Aviation comics Category:Adventure comics Category:Humor comics Category:Comics characters introduced in 1970 Category:Comics about women Category:Female characters in comics
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After Oprah Winfrey told Entertainment Tonight that she had experienced what she felt was a case of racial discrimination during a shopping trip, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh appeared skeptical that an African-American woman of wealth and fame could still be discriminated against and wondered whether the real reason for the poor treatment was “because 'The Oprah's' fat.” During a trip to Switzerland in late July, Winfrey was shopping at an upscale boutique where a store clerk reportedly told Winfrey that she could not afford a purse that Winfrey had asked to see. Winfrey, whom the clerk apparently did not recognize, has an estimated net worth of $2.8 billion according to CNN. The Swiss Office of Tourism has since apologized to Winfrey for the incident. Limbaugh, who refers to Winfrey as “The Oprah,” responded to Winfrey's claim with skepticism, saying, “Obviously [the store owner] who thought [Oprah] was a black person, couldn't afford anything, and she wanted you out of the store.” Later, Rush asserted that “we don't know that the sales person based her judgment on The Oprah's skin color,” before asking, “Maybe it's because The Oprah's fat? Well that's another -- how was The Oprah dressed? I mean she didn't look like The Oprah obviously. Was she wearing jump suit with tennis shoes? Maybe Air Jordans that weren't laced up?” LIMBAUGH: Apparently last night on Entertainment tonight, figures, Nancy O'Dell interviewed media mogul The Oprah and during a discussion about whether The Oprah still experiences racism - what is she the highest paid woman on tv in the world - so naturally they'd do a discussion on whether Oprah still experiences racism. I mean it makes total sense doesn't it? She's got her own TV network, she's got her own magazine, she's one of the richest people in the world, probably the richest media person in the world on the talent side of things [...] LIMBAUGH: Well obviously [the store owner] is a racist scum, who thought [Oprah], as a black person, couldn't afford anything, and she wanted you out of the store. That's what we're all to conclude. Why not mention the brand name? Who was it? Gucci? Louis Vuitton? Is that how you pronounce it? Vuitton? Who was it? Tell us who it was. [...] LIMBAUGH: Now I look at this a whole different way. If I were Oprah I would be so thankful I could go some place and not been recognized. I'd be happy about it. [...] LIMBAUGH: We do not know [if] the salesperson based her judgment on The Oprah's skin color. The salesperson obviously thought that The Oprah couldn't afford the what is it -- $38,100 bag. Maybe it's because The Oprah's fat. Well, that's an -- how was The Oprah dressed? I mean, she didn't look like The Oprah, obviously. Was she wearing [a] jumpsuit with tennis shoes, maybe Air Jordans that were not laced up? I mean, who knows? Limbaugh has a history of making racially inflammatory remarks.
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1. Field This development relates to a barcode and methods and systems of processing mail pieces using the barcode. 2. Description of the Related Technology Mailers that use the mail delivery systems typically apply barcodes to their mail pieces to help the mailing system sort, track, and deliver mail pieces. Conventionally, mailing systems offer automation discounts for mailers that place barcodes on their mail pieces. In addition to offering automation discounts, mailing systems can provide additional services to meet the business needs of mailers. Mailers, and in particular business mailers, typically want to know where their mail is in the mail stream, how it is being processed by the mailing system, when their mail pieces are delivered, and how complete and accurate their addresses are. Mailers also seek access to more data about their mail pieces as they travel through the mail stream. Mailing services seek such data to monitor processing, improve services, reduce costs, and accurately calculate postal charges. Hence, improved acceptance, sorting, tracking, and delivery systems and processing methods using barcode technologies are desirable.
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女優広瀬すず(18)が、モデルで俳優の成田凌(23)と真剣交際していることが12月31日、分かった。 ドラマや映画、CMに多数出演する超人気若手女優を射止めたのは、話題作への出演が続く期待のイケメン俳優だった。広瀬は清純派としても知られ、これまで熱愛報道が出たことはなかった。将来性豊かなフレッシュなカップルは、新春の芸能界で話題を集めそうだ。 ◆広瀬(ひろせ)すず 1998年(平10)6月19日、静岡県生まれ。姉アリスの所属事務所にスカウトされ、12年デビュー。14年全国高校サッカー応援マネージャー。「ゼクシィ」のCMでの、ウエディングドレス姿が話題に。昨年公開の「ちはやふる」で映画単独初主演。「レオパレス21」「富士フイルム」「一平ちゃん」「ソフトバンクモバイル」など出演CM多数。159センチ。血液型AB。 ◆成田凌(なりた・りょう)1993年(平5)11月22日、埼玉県生まれ。13年からモデルとして活動。今月28日公開の男性4人組グループ、GReeeeNの軌跡を描いた映画「キセキ-あの日のソビト-」に出演し、劇中に登場する4人組、グリーンボーイズとして今月24日にCDデビューする。好物はギョーザ。181センチ。血液型O。
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LUPUS IS LIVING WITH ME & I'M LIVING LIFE!! Take a journey into my universe. Partake in the unveiling of my deepest, darkest and intimate realities. Experience my struggles with life and my battle against lupus. Explore with me in my quest to discover happiness in my own utopia. My family Embrace Today By: K. Wilhelmina Floria Saturday, September 11, 2010 My 9/11 memories I'm home, I slept last night from about 10pm until almost 2am before I had to go to the bathroom. That was good considering that I wake up to go every 2 hours. I probably would have slept through had my mate didn't lift my legs to put my pillow under my feet. I like when she does that, I feels like she's taking care of me. I woke up again at 4:45am and as usual my mind starts being busy. Thinking about the kids and how yesterday was the last Thursday/Friday babysitting. Thinking about my greeting cards, my novel, doing research of my family history, calling everyone to get some information for the newsletter, and about what I'm going to write about in this blog today. Thinking about my oldest daughter and how self centered she is. Not the baby as everyone would think but my oldest. She has no time for anyone, she is on a mission and fuck anyone who gets in her way. The family newsletter I gave her about 3 weeks ago is still unopened. The kids were yelled at for the living room being messy and for a letter she was looking for. She is so unorganized, yet she blames everyone for her mess. I can't say anything to her anymore, cause she things I'm criticizing when I'm only suggesting. My youngest daughter brought her son over and she didn't come to pick him up and my oldest daughter is pissed that she didn't call to inform her that she was going to leave him. I love my children and want them to be happy but they stress me and I need to back away. My son he's another issue, he's mentally a spoiled child. He's always crying, I need, want and what am I going to do, and he expects mommy to take care of him. My heart and compassion is mushy and I want to help and take care of all my babies, but I have to learn to step away and let them go. Tears are filling my eyes and I don't want to cry, I'm so sick of crying, I wouldn't mind if when I cried I would pee less. It's 9/11 nine years after that fateful day. That year 2001 was a crazy year for me. My biological son was in jail. I rented out two rooms in the attic. My step son was living with his girlfriend in one of the rooms she was to pay $75 a week and the other room was rented to an old friend for $150 a week. He was a bit odd, never showered, washed his hair but not his ass. He didn't use the bathroom, we later discovered he was peeing jars and shitting in plastic bags. He brought roaches in the house. He had millions in that room and of course they wandered around the house and invaded. A friend of my 23 year old man was sleeping in the living room. He was a slob, he chained smoked and left his cigarette butts everywhere in his empty cigarette packs. He was almost 400 pounds and even though he gave us the couch he slept on it was of no use after he was sleeping on it night after night. My step son was selling drugs on the streets, I told him not to do business in the house and he assured me he wasn't. One of my youngest daughters friend was always over. His mother didn't want him and he was basically on his own, so we were looking out for him. He was about to get locked up when all of a sudden his charges were dropped. Lets call him S to make telling my story easier. I feed all these people and rent was paid a few weeks but when it stopped it stopped. It was a party house. I was drinking and sniffing my coke. The guy in the living room was smoking dust and got my man to smoke and he bugged out on it. Everyone else was smoking those blunts. My girl friend and I were going to hang out that night, after work it was Friday night. We went to my house in her car. When we got to my house the police were all over it. They raided the house. I went in and was arrested. Everyone was hand cuffed, the men on the floor, my daughter and my step sons' girlfriend was sitting at the table. The men were on the floor belly down handcuffed in the back. They brook the door and frame. They tore up the house and commented that it didn't look like a drug dealers house. All I had of real value was the 46 inch TV, everything else was from when I moved in or was there from my family. Th police knew everything about us. It wasn't hard to figure that S was their informant, he had attempted murder charges that were dropped. They took us to central bookings and we spent a night in jail. I didn't go to the bathroom that night, I didn't eat or drink anything either. When you're locked up in central bookings in Queens, NY. You don't know what time it is, you don't know if it's day or night. There's no TV and nothing but benches, cots and a bench. as people go out for hearings you could move around to the spaces they left. I was on-call with my job I called someone to take the on-call for me. Fortunately I called someone who understood what was going on because she experienced it. It's amazing how cool I was considering how nervous and anxious I am now. My step son took all responsibility and we were all released late Satuarday night. We met out side, I got some money out the bank, and we meet at home. What was left of it. They went through every square inch, tore up everything. In my tenants room they found guns, he inherited from his father only he didn't renew his licence so he had to go back and forth to court on that. It worked out. A few months later, when things were back to normal I was on vacation from my job. I was going to tour NYC, go to the Empire State Building one day, Gracie Manor, central park and so on. But I was tired, what a surprise and didn't do anything but sleep, clean and hung out drinking and sniffing. My neighbor would calling me through the window every morning. I was suppose to go back to work on Monday but decided to take an extra day. I figured I'll go to the World Trade Center, go to the top since I never been up stairs. I've gone to Alexanders' when it was there, sat in the mall and passed through to go to the Path Train when I live in Jersey City. But never upstairs and I didn want to go. I was tired and said to hell with it I'll go one weekend later. On that Tuesday morning my neighbor was yelling up to me as usual. I tried to ignore her because it was my last day of vacation and I wanted to rest. But something in her voice was alarming so I went to the window and she asked, "did you hear what happen?" I told her I didn't and she told me to look over to the west and I saw smoke, she said a plane crashed into the Twin Towers. I trembled. I turned on the news, listened while I dressed and sat in the living room to watch the 46 inch just in time to see the second plane crash. It was a surreal feeling. Had I went back to work that morning I would have gone to my Brooklyn branch I would of saw it all from the office window. Had I been in Queens I would of seen it from the street. Had I went to the Bronx I would have seen it over the Whitestone Bridge. No matter where I went I would have been stuck. I was worried about my friend who I grew up with, she and her fiance worked around the 57th floor I think. She was fine when I spoke to her the next day, she stopped to return a blouse before going in, her fiance on the other hand was going to work earlier in the mornings and he was at his desk, we assume when the plane hit, he was never found. The next day there was not train service. My grandson was in the hospital, he was 2 weeks old and had jaundice. The hospital was eerie, the staff was ready for casualties. but it was quiet, no body came. When were able to go back to work I went to the Queens branch so I would be close to home. When I went back the Brooklyn branch everyone on the trains were friendly, it was like we were family. We all seemed to notice a lot of people missing. I took the "J" train which went under the World Trade center and most of the people who rode with us in the morning got off at Fulton Street. For weeks there were delays because of bomb threats, the police were visible in the tunnels on the trains and I was happy to see them considering how much I hated the police after the raid on my house. For days after the towers fell we could smell the smoke in the air. Today I can remember the events like it was yesterday. I remember the tributes they gave, especially when Bret Midler sang, 'You are my hero,' she sang it with so much feelings, I cried like a baby, I always thought she was a great entertainer but at that point she became my all time favorite. I guess God had plans for me, He spared my life at that time so I can be here 9 years later. So even though I complain about my life I believe I have a purpose and I hope to figure it out. My 2Cents Not Worth A Penny me About Me We live in a world full of certifiable, psychotic and derange crazies who are all on the verge of madness. Everyone is insane except me. I am sharing my rational, balanced and lucid knowledge in an attempt to save the world of total confinement in insanity. But this is just my 2Cents and it's not worth a penny. An Orphan’s Hope Defecting from today’s sadness, with hope of realizing tomorrow’s happiness. Polluted dreams, diluted realities. Childhood fantasies, adult terror. Confined in a vacuum of isolation, choking on ignored emotions. An orphan quietly dying, from an trivial life. 10/5/08 Highway to Success Highway to Success On my journey of life, I took the path to the left, off the express highway of success. I trotted along melting tar, through dusty dirty roads. Over stony trails. There were ditches in the darkness, in some places. A few times I fell flat on my face, I’d get up, wipe the blood from my nose and keep on going. Blinded by the sun setting in the west, As I traveled toward the fangs, leading to the belly of the beast. I’d trip on stones, fall on my ass, rise to my feet, rub the tenderness and keep marching ahead. There were signs posted pointing to detours, I easily ignored. There were alleys I could sneak down, but on my course I stayed. A map was folded in my pocket, I never checked my directions. It was an exciting journey of life. Climbing up hills, rolling down. Climbing back up and rolling back down. Seems this last time, I’ve been going down quite a while now. Don’t see no detours, no more alleys to sneak down. My map was lost a ways back. Long ago I was on the express highway of success. I tried hitchhiking on the big rigs of lotto, The numbers on the license plates just passed me by. I’ll never get back onto the express highway of success. I have to follow this path, forward I go, straight ahead. On this bumpy path I choose. Back when I began this journey of life. While traveling on that express highway of success, I woulda’, coulda’, shoulda’ took a right instead of a left. I didn’t ask for directions. I didn’t listen when directions were offered. I ignored the detours. I passed the alleys. I lost my map. I knew where I was going. Somewhere on this path I lost my dreams, and found a brick wall. Now I know, I took a dead end road to failure. I’m looking for my map. Hoping to see one of those alleys. Searching for those detour signs. And asking for directions back to the express highway of success. I didn’t know how to refuse. I cheated addiction, I cheated HIV, I cheated homelessness. But I couldn’t cheat fate. Gods’ vengeance prevails just sucked the air right from my lungs, presented me with the gift of emphysema, maybe, maybe if I partied in moderation, No, No!! that’s just stinking thinking. I batted my bedroom eyes, and flirted with the devil, I wasn’t too shy to dance, I must pay the price, I crave oxygen, And sleep, oh blessed sleep. I partied hard, I had fun, now it’s time to pay, an autoimmune disease is fighting me, and Lucifer is still tempting me. While God watches my freedom of choice. 9/27/08 Glass Lady (what life was living with a crack head) I can no longer compete, with your lady in the glass. She's your greatest love, she means more to you, then me or your children. She's your princess, your shining star. You'll stay up all night for her. You'll spend every penny on her. I'm jealous, I can't compete. I can't send blood rushing, through your veins, nor can I keep your heart pumping at such a terrific pace. No, I can't keep your attention, as long as you can hold her sweetness in your lungs. I am only a woman, a sad, lonely woman, with no joy, no happiness in me. I can offer you my tears of hurt. To me you lie, to her you give everything. Me you abuse, her you worship. Your family you allow to struggle, to her pimp you give more than enough. You tell me not to worry, everything's gonna be taken care of. This I believe, because in time I'll be able to take care of me, then your mistress can give you one final HEART ATTACK!!!!!!!!!! Fate Be Told By: K. Wilhelmina Floria 6/9/09 Weeping sorrows, full of illusions and dissatisfaction. Stimulating anxiety, a designer disorder, yearning sedation, requiring rehab. Seeking amends for a life unfixable. Really too tired to care. Hiding, deep in the shadows. Invisibly trying to be seen. Now. Was it fate that gave me this day? Or, was it the life I lived that became my fate? Once I tried to steal joy, sure that happiness would follow. So said, that time is gone. Today, fires of hell are trying to engulf me. Blinding my eyes With oozing tears of strength. Eliminating the dark flames of hell, to a path where heaven shines, and warm my cold heart.
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Rosangela Rabilo was one of the few blacks who celebrated Bolsonaro’s win in front of his house in Rio de Janeiro. Photo : Kiratiana Freelon On Sunday, Brazilians elected a racist, fascist, homophobe as their 39th president. Jair Bolsonaro captured 55 percent of the vote over center-left candidate Fernando Haddad. While Bolsonaro doesn’t take office until January, Brazilians are facing the instant ramifications of electing a president obsessed with machine guns and white supremacy. In Paraná, a Bolsonaro supporter shot off celebratory gunfire and accidentally killed the 8-year-old son of his friend. In Bahia, cops beat a Haddad supporter and left her bleeding from the head. Another leftist in Bahia had a gun put to her head. A white politician allied with Bolsonaro asked students to record teachers who complained about the election results. A white Bolsonaro supporter painted her young son black, dressed him up as a slave for Halloween and posted the photos on her Instagram page. Bolsonaro supporters attacked black actress Érika Januza on Instagram, calling for people to kill her and all the “smelly blacks.” One Bolsonaro supporter dressed her son up as a slave for Halloween. Photo : Instagram “Brazil is reversing all of the human rights work that we have accomplished in the last two decades,” said Daise Rosas, a black activist and entrepreneur. “This dialogue and behavior that Bolsonaro campaigned with, which promotes racism, sexism and homophobia, always existed but now it has an open space in Brazil.” G/O Media may get a commission First Bag Free While Bolsonaro supporters rejoiced in street parties on Sunday night; Haddad supporters—many of them black—went to sleep wondering how they would protect themselves from aggressive racism, partisan violence, deadly homophobia and the possibility of a military dictatorship even more violent than the last. Bolsonaro campaigned on an anti-black and hard-right agenda that included impunity for police killings, rolling back affirmative action and eroding land protection laws for Quilombos and indigenous reserves. An economic recession and spiraling homicide rates have undermined confidence in mainstream politicians, so exasperated Brazilians voted for radical change. Others though, fear that Bolsonaro could chip away at Brazil’s 33-year-old democracy. His son Eduardo proclaimed in a video that it would be “easy to shut down” the Supreme Court. One week before the election, Bolsonaro himself proclaimed that he would “clear” Brazil of all of the “red,” referring to his political opponents and their supporters. Ironically, the word Brazil comes from the once-abundant redwood that the Portuguese coveted. The Tupi-Guarani word means “red as an ember.” “These red marginals will be banished from our homeland,” said Bolsonaro, who is a military veteran and 28-year career politician. In the weeks preceding the election, Brazilians began to see Oct. 28 as their last opportunity to save Brazilian democracy. Many posted stories on Facebook of convincing family members and friends to switch their vote from Bolsonaro to Haddad. On the campaign trail, Haddad said that he wanted to see Brazilians with a book in one hand and a signed workers’ permit in the other—meaning he wanted Brazilians to be educated and financially prosperous. A small movement arose from this—“Mais Livros, Menos Armas,” or “More Books, Fewer Guns.” During the first round vote, Bolsonaro voters filmed themselves with guns at the ballot box. So Haddad supporters brought their favorite book to the polls. Aline Martins, a high school educator, brought Abdias Nascimento’s Quilombismo. Bruno Duarte, a human-rights activist, brought Carolina de Jesus’ Quarto de Despejo: Diario de uma Favelada (The Garbage Place). For Afro-Brazilians like Anderson Moraes of São Paulo, Haddad represented the prosperity they were finally achieving through education. “It was a day of protest to prove that you could change poverty, violence and submission with education,” said Moraes, who took his 13-year-old daughter with him to the voting booth. The Paulistano brought his business school textbook and his daughter brought Djamila Ribeiro’s Who Is Afraid of Black Feminism. One Afro-Brazilian man from the northern state of Paraiba took the challenge to the next level. He voted dressed in his graduation gown with diploma in hand. Anderson Moraes with his daughter, after voting in the election Photo : Courtesy of Anderson Moraes But this last-minute wave of Haddad support couldn’t hold off the man who mimicked a machine gun throughout his campaign—Jair Bolsonaro. Although Bolsonaro received votes from every segment of Brazilian society—there was a clear divide between rich and poor and black and white. Bolsonaro won 97 percent of Brazil’s richest cities, while Haddad won 98 percent of the poorest. Accordingly, Bolsonaro won most of his votes in the richer, whiter south, while Haddad triumphed in the blacker, poorer north. Bahia, Brazil’s blackest state, voted 73 percent in favor of Haddad. In Bolsonaro’s home turf of Rio de Janeiro, supporters, decked out in green, yellow and blue, gathered in Barra da Tijuca, known as Rio’s Miami Beach. Celia Maria Barreto and Marcos Rodrigues celebrated outside the president-elect’s house with a bottle of the best Brazilian bubbly—Casa Perini. Barreto, a local teacher, said she voted for Bolsonaro as she has seen a decline in the behavior of her students over the last 15 years. “Brazil is losing its social values,” Barreto said. “We don’t know if Bolsonaro will be a good president, but we needed change.” Haddad supporters, many dressed in red, gathered in Praça São Salvador, a square in Rio de Janeiro known for its left-leaning gatherings. With the votes tallied, Bolsonaro fans neared the Praça and screaming matches ensued. Although no one was hurt, several people reported gunshots. “I cried because I fear an authoritarian government with military support,” said Suellen Rocha, a lawyer who attended the leftist gathering in Praça São Salvador. “I’m rooting for Brazil, my homeland. I hope everything goes well. That’s what I hope from the bottom of my heart. We need better days.” The representation of Afro-Brazilian politicians improved slightly in 2018, according to Alma Preta, a black news website. Blacks (including mixed-race) made up 46 percent of the political candidates throughout the country. But only 125 of the 513 federal deputies self-declare as black, an increase of just five percent. Brazil elected only one female governor, Fatima Berreza , a black woman in Rio Grande do Norte. Fifteen self-identified black and mixed-race senators have been elected. The number of dark-skinned black senators elected tripled from one to three. Rio de Janeiro elected three black women to its state congress. Renata Souza, Monica Francisco and Dani Monteiro worked for slain councilwoman Marielle Franco and decided to run for office in her memory. For the first time in the history of Brazil, an indigenous woman was elected to Congress, Joênia Wapichana of Roraima. On Monday morning, many left-leaning WhatsApp groups fell silent, perhaps a sign of the lingering shock that people suffered the night before. Afro-Brazilians changed their Facebook and WhatsApp profiles to an all-black version of the Brazilian flag. Massive protests are planned for Oct. 30 throughout Brazil. “This moment is exactly the moment where the Black Movement in Brazil should unite and assume this fight against Bolsonaro,” Rosas said.
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[Medical audit: a modern undervalued management tool]. Medical audit is defined as the critical and periodical assessment of the quality of medical care, through the revision on medical records and hospital statistics. This review defines the work of the medical auditor and shows the fields of action of medical audit, emphasizing its importance and usefulness as a management tool. The authors propose that every hospital should create an audit system, should provide the necessary tools to carry out medical audits and should form an audit committee.
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Q: Update margin: auto when div resizes is it possible to center a div inside a div so that when the parent div resizes, it still stays in the center? So far, I tried margin:0 auto; and margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; Both work, however it does not reposition once a div size is changed. Thank you :)))) markup: <div id='bottomcontent' style="float: left; position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0; background-color:#0b0b0b; height:100px; width:796px;"> <div id="bottomleftbutton" style="margin-left: 25px;">stuff here </div> <div id="bottomcentertext" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">so far <h4>17</h4> places match your criteria</div> <div id="bottomrightbutton" style="float: right; margin-right: 25px;">stuff here </div> </div> A: Style the inner div with this: position:absolute; top:0; bottom:0; left:0; right:0; margin:auto; See an example here: http://jsfiddle.net/2K4Gp/
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“We love our superheroes because they refuse to give up on us. We can analyze them out of existence, kill them, ban them, mock them, and still they return, patiently reminding us of who we are and what we wish we could be.”
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In 2016, aged 48, I had a stroke. Now I'm coming out through the other side. Disclaimer BEFORE YOU START: Please note that although I currently volunteer for both the Stroke Association and Age UK, the views expressed in this blog are strictly my own. I am not a spokesperson for either (or, indeed, for any) organisation, and I accept complete responsibility for the views expressed herein. I've tried to use the Glossary to explain any ambiguous terms, but if you think there is anything I've missed, please message me. Monday, 20 March 2017 Limbo So there's a couple of areas of life that are quite frustrating at the moment. First, I'm looking for a job. I mean, for years, I designed IT systems. This really was top-of-the-Premier-League stuff, although it often didn't feel like it. But the sacrifice here was that I needed to travel up to central London each day. In fact, at one stage, a long time ago when I was single and prepared to travel a bit further, I worked for a spell in New York City. Although the stroke has left me with some physical impairments, obviously these roles were purely intellectual in nature. And hopefully the reader will judge that I still have this intellect. So I've been brushing up on some technology skills, just because having these "hard" skills makes the "soft" skill of system design that much easier to convey. You often find that there needs to be a period, while a trust is established, which is effectively a "probation". On the plus side, the stroke has meant that I'd settle for lower-league work these days. So I'd be far less choosy about the nature of the work. Possibly something outside of IT altogether - I've always been very numerate, and started my career off as a research scientist. But I'd want something local - I wouldn't want to tire myself out on the commute, before I'd even done a day's work. For the same reason, I'd want something part-time to give myself time to recover. I have several problems here. First, there is very little IT, period, in the Salisbury area (Salisbury is my nearest city). Second, it is very rare to find IT jobs that aren't full-time. Third, I suppose, I'd like to find something that is accessible by public transport, although I should be able to fix this myself somehow. So, in the meantime, it is a case of keeping looking. Second, my volunteering appication for Age UK appears to have stalled. I went to their inductions, and they asked me to undergo a criminal record check. I did this (absolutely clean), and emailed the certificate back to them, to an address I'd used before. Since then, nothing. Not even a "welcome on board" message. This must be about 6 weeks now. I mean, in some ways I don't mind, because the volunteering role had turned out to be not quite what I expected, but even so... You see, in many respects, my life is identical to somebudy's who is able-bodied. Cookies I write this blog using the Blogger platform, which is owned by Google. Google's Cookie Policy is defined here. Google will have shown you relevant messages when you first viewed my blog. I don't use any cookies on top of that.
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Shepherd 2 Rod, you need not do the wanking, I would love to wank you off daily and suck on those big balls. You are a masterpiece of male stuff. I especially like picture seven. I am on your side, and I would service everything I see gratus. Shep+
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Summary: The midseason finale introduces the show’s first major comic book-y villain in terrific fashion, building upon previous threads and amping up the tension for its first foray into the major conspiracy story. It’s really, really awesome. If you have not seen this episode yet and do not wish to be spoiled, do not continue reading! Recap A Green Arrow copycat appears in Starling City, violently killing criminals on Oliver’s list that had been taken down before. Oliver discovers that his family hasn’t celebrated Christmas since his disappearance, and attempts to throw a lavish party to bring them together. Walter’s investigation into Moira leads to his kidnapping, and after a brutal battle between the Archers, the copycat Dark Archer is revealed to be Malcolm Merlyn, Tommy’s father. However, they’re both unaware of each other’s identities—but Oliver knows there’s someone more powerful out there. Review As big as many of the missteps with the two Huntressepisodes were, they at least continued the upward momentum the show’s had in terms of balancing its elements, increasing the fun, and upping the overall quality every week. Every time Matt or I have said something like “this what a typical goodArrow episode should be,” we’re thrown for a loop the following week, and the previous “best episodes” end up seeming weak in comparison. “Year’s End” justifies the ways we’ve been defending the show—how it’s aware of and corrected many of its own mistakes, how it’s on a planned trajectory that means it will work as the sum of its parts, and that we’re not exaggerating when we say it gets better every episode. Arrow, like this interpretation of Oliver, started off stiff and slow specifically so we could track their growth, meaning turning points like this hold more weight than just the cliffhangers. In this case, the episode spends the hour building to turning points both plot- and character-wise, from nearly every direction. The biggest one here: Oliver loses. Maybe not as badly as he could have, as Diggle points out, but he still loses. For a while now, Oliver’s been surprisingly arrogant and cold-hearted about his mission, but he gets it pummeled into him that he’s not the best and brightest around. The island might have taught him what’s important and how to be awesome, but he unfortunately needed to be humbled after coming back. Then there’s the addition of a good, physical long-term villain that can scare even Oliver (and Dark Archer was certainly intimidating.) It’s exciting to see the show embrace an old fashioned comic book hero/villain scenario, where the hero discovers there’s someone else on his power level. Even though there’s no genuine superpowers in this universe yet, heightened archery skills certainly rank up there. The fight, while all-too-brief, was positively brutal. Even better is the potential Spider-Man/Green Goblin relationship we could see unfold. There are so many connections (best friend’s father who is constantly disappointed in his son) that the writers had to take inspiration from those comics, but there’s still enough different facets and corners to explore that it could, ultimately, feel fresh if played out well. I’ve already touched on why the reveal of John Barrowman’s character was good for him not being a DC guest, and even though he’s double-revealed to kind of be one here, the fact still remains that it’s the emotional relevance that’s important, not the shock factor part. Like “Muse of Fire,” it wasn’t an entirely surprising reveal; red herring Yao Fei would have been way too obvious, his name is Malcolm Merlyn, and…there’s pretty much no one else it could be—but it’s still satisfying for what it means for the story. Walter and Moira’s story has continued to be the most interesting B-plot of any episode. The focus on Walter’s investigation and Moira’s open admission of basically being a bad guy (though feeling pretty awful about it) built enough tension that it was a huge relief when Walter was kidnapped instead of straight-up killed off. Even so, Colin Salmon plays off of both Susanna Thompson (dramatically) and Emily Bett Rickards (comedically) very well, so it’s sad that we might not be seeing those combinations for a while. Susanna Thompson and Colin Salmon have terrific chemistry, as usual, and Thompson continues to be adept at keeping an easily unlikeable character sympathetic and enjoyable. Moira’s vulnerability and submissiveness in final confrontation with Malcolm amplified the “bad guys win” attitude this episode had, and the trapped feeling that there’s no way out for our heroes (especially since Oliver doesn’t even know this stuff is going on) is a great way to amp up suspense to keep us hooked until 2013. Even with the brisk pace the show’s been going in, there’s still going to be plenty of action and emotional stuff for over the next 14 episodes just based on who’s involved inthis seemingly Watchmen-like conspiracy. There were some hiccups, of course. Surprise, surprise—it’s another story where Laurel is irrelevant and Katie Cassidy is underused. Finding closure with Oliver was supposed to be a turning point for her, I guess, but we’ve seen her figure out she needs to get over Oliver in just about every other episode thus far. Willa Holland has showed range throughout the show, but Thea’s story seems to be going in circles at this point. She likes partying and other Bad Teen Things, she’s bitter at Oliver, he tells her off, she feels bad about it. There were some nice spins on it in previous weeks, but this time it was almost a complete retread of her scenes in the first few episodes. It’s also a little frustrating that Oliver used his injuries as a way to guilt Thea into thinking she was partially responsible for his accident, too. As annoying as she can be, she’s still only 15; making her think she almost got her brother killed is a lame move. I absolutely hated the CGI crane shot that ended the episode. It was poorly rendered, and tried to force faux-epic drama, when cutting to black on Amell’s close-up would have been much more intimate and effective. Also, the anvilicious Green Arrow name drop was…awful. At least in Smallville, they were so up front with their campy puns and references that it was kind of fun to see how a tights reference would be awkwardly shoehorned in. But here, it was almost malicious, as if it were saying the show is too dark and real for such a “lame” name. It’s odd, given the show’s reverence to the source material with the insane amounts of comic book references and the straight-from-the-page looks of Deathstroke, China White and Green Arrow himself. It seems like it was a joke someone really wanted to make in the pilot specifically to differentiate it from other adaptations, only for the line to be cut and the same jerk to bring it back for episode nine. It was out of place (there wasn’t even any build-up for Oliver to out-of-the-blue talk about naming the guy) and really, really shoehorned in. The minor problems didn’t affect the superb level of tension throughout the hour, though. “Year’s End” is the first time there’s been a real sense of constant danger permeating from multiple sides. Oliver may have been fighting mean rich people for being mean, but it’s only now that he’s realizing they aren’t mustache-twirling for the sake of mustache-twirling. Something bigger is at play, and for the first time it’s apparent that solving it won’t be as simple as shooting an arrow and obnoxiously bellowing “You have failed this city!” Threads collided as you’d expect in a midseason finale, but things are only going to get worse. The sense that things will have to be different come 2013, and the excitement that results, is what makes “Year’s End” so effective. Odds & Ends Oliver’s Christmas cheer when with his family was adorable, and another indication that Oliver’s been opening up more and more recently. It’s also nice that this tied in a Christmas theme without feeling like a cheesy Christmas episode. The flashbacks didn’t add much to the thriller story this week, but it’s intriguing to learn that the island is actually a prison. It’s cool to see Detective Lance bit-by-bit becoming more understanding, and this Batman/Commissioner Gordon relationship is developing nicely. Though I wish Detective Lance could have done a bit more with actively helping Green Arrow in this particular episode. I’d been going back and forth about whether or not to call our vigilante Green Arrow, or go with the in-universe hood/vigilante nicknames. After this half-season, I’m leaning towards continuing to call him by his comic book name in these reviews for the sake of clarity (though at least part of it now is out of spite.) I kept this out of the actual review part since it’s not really relevant to critiquing the actual episode, but David Ramsey’s “bigger than when Dexter killed Rita” comment that made us all put our tails between our legs was a pretty big overstatement. It might have amped up the tension in a way the showrunners hadn’t intended (I was terrified of Detective Lance or Walter going down just based on their increased screeentime) but it also didn’t make the episode feel as big as it should have. That might have marred the experience for many, so if you read that interview and felt underwhelmed, that’s probably the reason. Great episode, but not because of the shockers. A SECOND OPINION by Matt Tucker “How about ‘Green Arrow’?” “Lame.” This reviewer is not a huge fan of “anvil dropping,” that thing that projects do when they are prequels or origin adaptations of popular properties where they make huge references to the known future that more closely matches the property in off-handed or thrown-away comments. As a fan of Smallville, one had to bear through them frequently, particularly in the later seasons. Makes it all the more frustrating when this series, which so far has been plotted and written better than Smallville often was, stoops to such things. Oliver giving the Huntress her trademark crossbow is an effective way to do such a thing. Having Laurel snark about wearing fishnets once and Ollie snidely dismissing the moniker “Green Arrow” is not. (Alternatively, the meta shout-out to comic legends Denny O’Neil and Neal Adams was just fun.) Rant aside, Arrow gives us its best episode to date with a captivating story that draws together all the various elements of the series. Every one of the actors and each of the characters is spot on throughout the hour and the stakes being as high and clearly defined as they are drive the show in its leanest and meanest fashion in weeks. Stephen Amell gives his most complete and engaging performance, allowing himself some light, some dark, some anger, some humor, and many different levels in between. In fact, for the first time, the seeming lack of chemistry between Amell and Katie Cassidy as Laurel actually reads like an acting choice rather than unfortunate casting. But the question everyone wanted to get to is answered in probably the most obvious fashion, and there is not a single thing wrong with that. When “Well-Dressed Man” was revealed as Tommy’s father, Malcolm — another had-to-be discovery — the situation that immediately presented itself was that the shady Tempest conspirator could be the flip side to Oliver’s coin in the comics that we’d all assumed Tommy was being set up to become. The Dark Archer is, indeed, Merlyn and it all fits. Barrowman is perfect in the role, it’s a meaty part worthy of the actor, and it completely washes with the scheming and controlling nature we’ve seen of the character. With the expectation of obfuscation and complication inherent in everything nowadays, the old adage to just play it straight holds up here and it’s positively welcome. There were a lot of fun little moments and aspects of this episode that showed the writers hitting their stride. Lance’s required but reluctant use of the “Hood guy” to go after the copycat. Tommy really stepping up with Laurel and gifting her the picture with Sara and her dad that caught Papa Lance speechless. Really pushing the green of Oliver’s Arrow suit in the lighting to distinguish him from Merlyn. The costume design of Merlyn’s outfit, at that. Oliver’s explosive trick arrow to get out of the locked warehouse. Oliver’s extensive “arrow geek” knowledge. Moira opening up to Walter with the truth, if not all of the answers. Lance calling his daughter “Dee” as a nickname. Everything with Thea and Oliver’s finger directing her boy thing to hit the bricks. Walter’s soft wink and Oliver’s acknowledgment of it in the hospital. The one criticism would be relying on Felicity in the scripts to be the fount of all technical knowledge and ability. They need to distinctly define her skillset and let her know how to network properly for the things she can’t do. Yet, Felicity was in the episode, which is always a good thing. All in all, this was a terrific chapter. As a “finale,” though, it does come up a tad bit short. Walter being taken by the Tempest group is intriguing enough, especially as he’s shaping up to be a one of the most interesting and involving of the supporting characters. Yet, while Malcolm’s reference to what he sees happening with the city six months down the line — clearly setting up the season finale in May — and his intimation that they will hold on to Walter for that long are ominous, they don’t really set the stage with something dire. Merlyn’s reveal is also obvious to the point of muting the intention of the reveal. Midseason finales don’t necessarily have to be cliffhangers but the questions left should be stronger. Derek B. Gayle Derek B. Gayle is a Virginia native with a BS in English, Journalism and Film from Randolph-Macon College. In addition to being an avid Power Rangers and genre TV fanatic, he also currently co-produces, writes and performs in local theatre, and critically reviews old kids' cartoons. You can check out his portfolio here.
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Role of microbiological tests in diagnosis of genital tuberculosis of women with infertility: A view. India is a country sharing one fourth of the global incidence of tuberculosis. It is much easier to diagnose pulmonary cases, but challenges are with extrapulmonary cases. Genital tuberculosis is considered as an important cause of infertility in young females in India and difficult to diagnose. It requires incorporation of different modalities that should correctly, timely and rapidly diagnose the case. This study was conducted retrospectively for a period of 12 months on 438 endometrial samples from females with history of infertility. Three modalities namely Ziehl-Neelsen staining, Automated liquid culture and Nucleic acid amplification technique (TB-PCR) were compared and their sensitivity in diagnosis of genital tuberculosis was ascertained. Out of 438 samples, 18 samples were found positive with at least one modality. TB-PCR positivity was 3.6% (16 cases) in comparison to culture where positivity was 1.59% (7 cases). Five samples were found culture and TB-PCR positive and only one sample was positive by all three diagnostic tests. Infertility in young female per se is usually heart breaking and distressing. Therefore, it is essential to diagnose and treat the cases of genital tuberculosis before irreversible damage of tube may happen. Although, advancement in diagnostic field is there from microscopy to molecular method, but still diagnosis of genital tuberculosis is challenging. Correct diagnosis prevents young female from mental trauma and toxicity of anti-tuberculosis drugs given on suspicion in high prevalence country like India.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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Q: Concatenation of two strings in java with only first character in upper case I am trying to get two string firstName and lastName which is fully in uppercase and tring to convert all the characters except the first one in lowercase and concatenate the resultant strings. firstname="TOM"; lastName="HARRIS"; Output is : Tom Harris I achieved it by doing: String name = firstName.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + firstName.substring(1).toLowerCase() + " " + lastName.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + lastName.substring(1).toLowerCase(); but is there any other way of doing ? a more efficient way ? A: Yes, you can use the method WordUtils.capitalizeFully() from Apache Commons Lang: String name = WordUtils.capitalizeFully(firstName + " " + lastName);
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Jeannie Darneille Jeannie Darneille (born July 9, 1949) is an American politician of the Democratic Party. She is a member of the Washington State Senate and former member of the Washington House of Representatives, representing the 27th district. She is a native of Fairbanks, Alaska. References Category:Members of the Washington House of Representatives Category:Living people Category:Washington (state) Democrats Category:Women state legislators in Washington (state) Category:1949 births Category:21st-century American politicians Category:21st-century American women politicians
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
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Joanita Kawalya Joanita Kawalya is a Ugandan musician and activist. She is a member of the Afrigo Band, the longest-lasting musical band in Uganda, which has been in continuous existence since 1975. Early life and education Kawalya was born to the late singer Eclaus Kawalya on 5 January 1967. She worked as a teacher at Lubiri Senior Secondary School between 1989 and 1993. Music career Kawalya started singing at an early age. She went on to sing in choir in school and later as a part time member of "The Wrens", courtesy of her father's guest performances with the band. He would take the whole family with him. She joined Afrigo Band in 1986 when she was nineteen-year-old, replacing her sister, Margaret, also a vocalist who was leaving for Germany. She did music as she did a teaching course at Kyambogo University In 1993, she quit teaching and concentrated on music and mothering her two children. Other responsibilities She has served as a community advisory member on the National Aids project, the Walter Reed project and the Makerere Johns Hopkins joint project. She has also been involved in grass root campaigns for HIV/AIDS and her face is now recognisable as one of the facilitators for the Nabagereka's annual cultural fete, the Kisakaate. Kawalya is also involved in mentorship of talent. Joanita Kawalya is a married mother of two children. See also Afrigo Band Moses Matovu Frank Mbalire References External links Bobi Wine & Joanita Kawalya Join Katutandike As Goodwill Ambassadors Category:1967 births Category:Ugandan musicians Category:Ugandan female singers Category:Living people Category:Ganda people Category:Members of Afrigo Band Category:People educated at Trinity College Nabbingo
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Arterial and venous cocaine plasma concentrations in humans: relationship to route of administration, cardiovascular effects and subjective effects. Arterial plasma drug concentrations should be a strong predictor of resultant physiological and behavioral effects of smoked drugs. Nine healthy male volunteers, who were current users of smoked and i.v. cocaine, participated in a study directly comparing arterial and venous cocaine plasma concentrations after smoked and i.v. cocaine. Each volunteer was first tested under all dosing conditions without an arterial catheter (phase I), to determine whether subjects could tolerate each cocaine dose, before testing with an arterial catheter (phase II). Phase II consisted of two test days, each consisting of either four smoked-cocaine sessions (sham, 12.5, 25 and 50 mg) or four i.v. cocaine sessions (0, 8, 16 and 32 mg) in ascending order, spaced 90 min apart. For the two highest doses for each route, arterial and venous blood samples were taken simultaneously before drug administration, during drug administration and frequently after drug administration. At the same time, cardiovascular effects and subjective effects were measured. Arterial cocaine concentrations were substantially higher than venous cocaine concentrations after both routes of cocaine administration. After either smoked or i.v. cocaine, maximal arterial cocaine concentrations occurred within 15 sec, whereas maximal venous cocaine concentrations occurred within 4 min. The onset of cardiovascular and subjective effects was also rapid, and arterial cocaine concentrations tended to account for these effects to a greater extent than did venous cocaine concentrations. Even though arterial and venous cocaine concentrations were lower after smoked cocaine, compared with i.v. cocaine, the magnitudes of cardiovascular and subjective effects were similar, suggesting that smoked cocaine may produce a greater effect at similar concentrations. These findings do not support the hypothesis that the greater effects observed after smoking are a result of smoked cocaine reaching the brain faster than i.v. cocaine as measured by peripheral arterial plasma concentrations.
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Follow Shameless Shameless Teases Season 4: Will Frank Live Or Die? That's essentially where we start season 4 of the hit series Shameless, which returns this Sunday on Showtime. As we learned in the Shameless Season 3 finale, boozy patriarch Frank Gallagher (William H. Macy) needs a new liver and since he's been less a role model for fatherhood, it's no surprise that most of his children don't rush to his side to help. What lengths he takes to keep throwing back a good drink will be a big part of the new season, while the Gallagher kids deal with their own dramas and often-comedic situations. TV Fanatic recently stopped by the Hollywood set to get a peek at Season 4 with stars Emmy Rossum (Fiona), Jeremy Allen White (Lip), Emma Kenney (Debbie) and Shanola Hampton (Veronica) to find out what each of them is up to and how Frank's illness does or doesn't affect them. Follow Shameless Sean: You took your monitor off yourself.Fiona: So?Sean: So, you should have waited for the P.O. and you know it. Fiona: That's a technicality. You're gonna judge me for that?Sean: No, I'm not gonna judge you for that. I find it charming as fuck that you took a screwdriver to your monitor. And I find it sexy as hell that you had a bloody lip before lunch today. Fiona: Are you making fun of me?Sean: No. It's just you're a chaos junkie, Fiona. And I'm a junkie, junkie. So I love chaos. And when I get into chaos, bad shit follows.
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Q: (yaourt)ERROR: Cannot find the strip binary required for object file stripping I was attempting to install imwheel, a mouse configuration client for linux, and being a total noob was stumped when I came across this output upon attempting to install the package, as I had done so before and never had this issue (I used to use pacaur); eman@alexandria ~ [17:38:40] > $ yaourt imwheel 1 aur/imwheel 1.0.0pre12-5 (15) (1.41) Mouse wheel configuration tool for XFree86/Xorg ==> Enter n° of packages to be installed (e.g., 1 2 3 or 1-3) ==> --------------------------------------------------------- ==> 1 ==> Downloading imwheel PKGBUILD from AUR... x .SRCINFO x PKGBUILD x etcdir-install.patch Zeph commented on 2017-12-05 20:38 imwheel 1.0.0pre12-5 (2015-08-14 12:11) ( Unsupported package: Potentially dangerous ! ) ==> Edit PKGBUILD ? [Y/n] ("A" to abort) ==> ------------------------------------ ==> y ==> imwheel dependencies: - libxtst (already installed) - libxmu (already installed) ==> Edit PKGBUILD ? [Y/n] ("A" to abort) ==> ------------------------------------ ==> n ==> Continue building imwheel ? [Y/n] ==> --------------------------------- ==> y ==> Building and installing package ==> ERROR: pkgver is not allowed to contain colons, hyphens or whitespace. ==> ERROR: An unknown error has occurred. Exiting... ==> ERROR: Makepkg was unable to build imwheel. Upon seeing this, I spent a good hour looking for errors in both the package build file and the comments of the build itself to see if there was a simple fix. Unfortunately, like I have done many times, I was approaching the issue completely incorrectly. A: Fortunately, neither did the solution require the editing of config files (which pains me deeply), nor did it require manual building (which also pains me). Instead, this was a two part problem. First, the issue of the package not being supported, after doing some homework on it, turned out to simply boil down to a general warning (not even an error!) regarding the fact that AUR(Arch User Repository) packages are publicly produced, and therefore have the potential to be malicious. Of course we know imwheel does not fall into this category, so we may brush this first warning off unfazed, although I recommend to always vet your packages before making and/or installing them due to their very real malicious potential. So to recap the first problem (the warning about the package not being supported), there is no reason with the given package to fear it, therein rendering this error/warning no longer an obstacle to this installation. Second, We have the daunting ERROR: pkgver is not allowed to contain colons, hyphens or whitespace. Anyone in the right mind would turn to editing an alleged syntactical error in the package buildfile, although this is also a deceiving error. Although this time around, the error is a brick wall in our installation, and not a mere mirage of a warning, it also leads us to a quite elegant (and by that I mean simple) solution. As it turns out, Arch with the latest Anarchy installer does not ship with all of the build tools you might have found in prior fresh installs with Arch-anywhere. Alas, all we need to do is install the packages core/make core/patch core/gcc core/autoconf core/automake core/binutils core/bison and core/fakeroot , which are all under the core repository, and all of which fall under the tag base-devel. In recap, all we needed were the following unmet prerequisite packages: core/make core/patch core/gcc core/autoconf core/automake core/binutils core/bison and core/fakeroot , which are all under the core repository, and all of which fall under the tag base-devel. I hope I was of help for those like-minded linux noobs, and I wish all those who can apply this knowledge some happy hacking!
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I won’t bore you with too much content today but I’ll give you the highlights for the week. This week we are going to M for Montreal to attend some really cool panels, we are seeing some awesome shows like DJ CHAMPION & THE G-STRINGS, FUCKED UP, ORANGE ORANGE and many more! We will also be producing a short video clip showcasing the best footage of the 4 day music festival and we will be asking many bands and fans what they think of Social media and Direct-To-Fan marketing and web solutions 🙂 At first, when I first saw them perform at the Excentris during the M for Montreal Media conference, I was like O.K they look sort of like candy ravers, they like the color orange and they sing through old school cord phones – silly or superb? Well after hearing the full song, I must say SUPERB. This duo produces some neat beat boxing, re-mixes and pretty cool Pop/Electro/Melodramatic tunes. We are hopefully going to get the chance to interview them at the M! Contest & Giveaways For those of you who didn’t get enough candy on HALLOWEEN, one of our sponsors: SKULLCANDY has some sweets for your head! The BASS on these babies is enough to want to buy the plain black originals but they come in all sorts of neat fashion prints. The giveaway one is courtesy of our sponsor SKULLCANDY and it is in TOKIDOKI print! ALL you have to do to WIN this awesome DJ envy gift is follow these simple instructions: 1- Make a comment to this blog post with why you need these headphones! 2- Email: lee@bandmark.com by Thursday Nov 19th by midnight with your contact info! The Loot Bag of randomness! I think this image is so wrongdeful I need not provide other links this week, just the one! ENJOY: Hello Kitty & Rainbow brite’s very insane child? luvs u WALLMART!
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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Could you imagine leaving your home so that you can be out? I imagine a lot of us can. Diaspora is simply part of the LGBT experience in this country. People leave rural areas for cosmopolitan areas with more protections. People leave their families to create new more accepting families. Movement to a better life is something we know all to well. For some of our LGBT brothers and sisters, diaspora is the only way to survive as an out LGBT person. Without moving from our homes, some of us face the ultimate consequence -- death. This is especially true for Iranians. A few brave Iranians are speaking out about life beyond their oppressive native boarders and their hopes for a better future. Check out this report from Voice of America: Have you ever left your home to be safer? Share your story in the comments.
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Coordination-network-based ionic plastic crystal for anhydrous proton conductivity. An ionic coordination network consisting of protonated imidazole and anionic one-dimensional chains of Zn(2+) phosphate was synthesized. The compound possesses highly mobile ions in the crystal lattice and behaves as an ionic plastic crystal. The dynamic behavior provides a proton conductivity of 2.6 × 10(-4) S cm(-1) at 130 °C without humidity.
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DNA-binding drugs caught in action: the latest 3D pictures of drug-DNA complexes. In this paper, we review recent DNA-binding agents that are expected to influence the field of DNA-targeting. We restrict ourselves to binders for which the three-dimensional structure in complex with DNA or RNA has been determined by X-ray crystallography or NMR. Furthermore, we primarily focus on unprecedented ways of targeting peculiar DNA structures, such as junctions, quadruplexes, and duplex DNAs different from the B-form. Classical binding modes of small molecular weight compounds to DNA, i.e. groove binding, intercalation and covalent addition are discussed in those cases where the structures represent a novelty. In addition, we review 3D structures of triple-stranded DNA, of the so-called Peptide Nucleic Acids (PNAs), which are oligonucleotide bases linked by a polypeptide backbone, and of aptamers, which are DNA or RNA receptors that are designed combinatorially. A discussion on perspectives in the field of DNA-targeting and on sequence recognition is also provided.
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Introduction {#Sec1} ============ Since late 2019 and early 2020, the world is being hit by the coronavirus pandemic with devastating health and economic consequences. Some of the highest death rates are seen in the USA \[[@CR1]\]. During times like these, it may be sobering to remember that America has been able to survive similar events before. In the 1700s, worldwide eruptions of smallpox threatened the lives of multitudes, although other epidemics such as cholera, yellow fever, plague, and influenza played havoc as well. Boston was in the crosshairs of smallpox on several occasions, but also became a place that helped leading the way out of the darkness. Although many of the events surrounding the fight against smallpox in the 1700s have been described previously, the similarities between those days and the current COVID-19 pandemic have not been called to attention before. The resemblances are many, including the panic in afflicted communities, controversies regarding treatment and prevention, angry disputes spilling over into newspaper headlines, and need for quarantines. Another similarity is the heroic efforts by frontline healthcare providers. In particular, many surgeons were crucial for preventing the ravage of smallpox, but their role in ending the epidemics of the 1700s is not well known. The purpose of this report is to illustrate the resemblance between events during today's pandemic and those that were seen in the society during the smallpox epidemics three hundred years ago. The efforts by pioneering surgeons that helped stop the outbreaks and ultimately eradicate the disease are also highlighted. Smallpox: a feared enemy {#Sec2} ======================== Smallpox was a dreaded disease. Epidemics hit Boston on several occasions during the 1700s \[[@CR2]\]. The repeated outbreaks of 1721, 1752, 1764, and 1775 were particularly severe. Death rates were high. In the epidemic of 1721, the fatality was nearly 15% among those who contracted the malady. Of the approximately 11,000 Bostonians at the time, 842 (almost 8%!) died \[[@CR2], [@CR3]\]. Even among survivors, the suffering was immense. Some of the clinical features attest to the atrocity of the affliction as described in a quote reported by Forman \[[@CR3]\]: "The head is swollen to a monstrous size, the eyes are entirely closed, the lips swollen and of a livid color, the face and surface of the whole body are covered with maturated pustules, from which issue purulent matter; the miserable being has the appearance of a putrid mass, and scarcely the semblance of a human form remains." No wonder people panicked when they realized a new eruption was on their doorstep. The epidemic of 1764 saw its first victims in the North End of Boston during the winter month of January \[[@CR3], [@CR4]\]. The initial cases were reported in *Boston Post-Boy* on the second and in the *Boston Evening Post* on the sixteenth day of the year. The number of cases grew rapidly. The initial death rates were staggering with ten of the first twelve victims succumbing to the infection \[[@CR4]\]. When the spate was finally over, almost 18% of unprotected sufferers had died \[[@CR2], [@CR3]\]. Many of the measures instituted to stop the scourge were similar to what we have seen during the coronavirus pandemic. Schools were closed. Harvard suspended classes during the rest of the outbreak \[[@CR3]\]. People who had the means, fled to safer grounds in the countryside. When one of Paul Revere's children became infected, the family was quarantined---with a guard posted outside the house! The "six feet rule" was in place but had a different meaning than today. As reported by Di Spigna \[[@CR4]\], any family with an infected member was instructed to "hang out on a pole at least six feet in length, a red cloth not under one yard long, and a half yard wide, from the most public part of the infected house." The history of inoculation in England and the colonies {#Sec3} ====================================================== It was an ancient observation that individuals who had survived smallpox seldom got the disease again, and if it happened, the infection normally caused only mild symptoms. Those were observations that had led to inoculation as a way to induce immunity and prevent the epidemics. Inoculation against smallpox had been practiced for centuries in places like Greece, Armenia, and northern Africa before the method made its debut in England in the early 1700s \[[@CR5], [@CR6]\]. The impetus to introduce inoculation in England originated in the Ottoman Empire in 1718 when the wife of the British ambassador pleaded with Dr. Charles Maitland, a Scottish surgeon stationed at the British Embassy in Constantinople, to inoculate her five-year-old son \[[@CR7], [@CR8]\]. She described the successful procedure in letters to friends, "The small-pox, so fatal, and so general amongst us, is here entirely harmless by the invention of ingrafting, which is the term they give it" \[[@CR9]\]. Later, after having returned to England, the ambassador and his wife requested Maitland to inoculate their four-year-old daughter \[[@CR10]\]. Because of the successes, the procedure caught on in England and the rest of Europe and, with some delay, also in the colonies \[[@CR6], [@CR8]\]. The inoculation was performed by introducing pus (containing smallpox virus) from ripe pustules of a victim into a superficial skin incision (or directly into a vein) of the person to be inoculated \[[@CR5], [@CR8]\]. This typically resulted in a "mild" controlled case of smallpox, still severe enough to make the individual suffer from significant illness with fevers, malaise, back- and headaches, nausea, vomiting, and eruption of skin lesions. These signs and symptoms could last for several weeks or even months. Although most survived, inoculation could also result in death. Inoculation rendered the individual more or less immune to the disease in the future. Even if the inoculated person was infected with smallpox later in life, the risk of death from the disease was substantially reduced. Inoculation causing controversies and violence in Boston {#Sec4} ======================================================== Inoculation was introduced in Boston by Dr. Zabdiel Boylston (Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}) during the 1721 epidemic \[[@CR11], [@CR12]\]. Dr. Boylston was the first American-born surgeon in the colonies and a pioneer in his vocation \[[@CR13]\]. The Rev. Cotton Mather (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}), who had heard about the procedure from his West African servant-slave Onesimus and read extensively about the method, convinced Boylston to start inoculations during the smallpox outbreak of 1721.Fig. 1Dr. Zabdiel Boylston pioneered inoculations to protect Boston during the smallpox outbreak of 1721Fig. 2The Rev. Cotton Mather, who had heard about inoculation for smallpox from his West African servant-slave Onesimus, talked Dr. Boylston into trying the method during the epidemic of 1721 The procedure was initially met with outrage and anger by the community, mainly because it was considered dangerous and could kill. The clergy was strong in their opposition; they thought smallpox was God's way to punish sinful people, and trying to prevent the malady was to interfere in God's plans. The local populace became polarized, and angry words and threats were flying in the newspapers \[[@CR14]\] (Fig. [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}), not unlike what we see today.Fig. 3The smallpox inoculations during the 1721 outbreak in Boston created headlines in the press and controversy in the society Indeed, so strong was the opposition to inoculation that Boylston had to go into hiding. Despite that, he was arrested. On one occasion, his wife and children were threatened by a hand-grenade thrown into their home. Mather also got into trouble. His home was firebombed with a message attached to the missile reading: "Cotton Mather, You Dog, Dam you, I'll inoculate you with this, with a Pox to you." \[[@CR4]\]. Boylston sailed to London in 1725 to give a report before the Royal Society about the inoculations he had performed in Boston 1721 and 1722 \[[@CR12]\]. A couple of years later, he published the results of only six deaths among 247 inoculated individuals (a mortality of 2.4%, almost ten times lower than among unprotected people) \[[@CR15]\]. The interest for the inoculations performed in the colonies was great in the motherland. In 1759, Benjamin Franklin responded to a request from Dr. William Heberden of London for an update by reporting the results from a new smallpox outbreak in Boston in the early 1750s \[[@CR16]\]. He reported that among 5059 un-inoculated white people, 452 had died (a death rate of 8.9%), whereas among 1974 inoculated individuals, only 23 (1.2%) had died. The corresponding mortality rates among blacks were 12.8% and 5.0%, respectively. When it was time for the 1764 epidemic to hit, inoculation had become more accepted. Governor Bernard ordered the formation of a group of doctors to arrange for inoculation of Bostonians. *Boston Gazette* advertised on March 5 that inoculations would be available---free of charge for those who could not pay---from that day until the mid of May \[[@CR3]\]. Hero physicians {#Sec5} =============== The group of physicians offering their services, while risking their own lives, included several surgeons. Dr. Joseph Warren, a young and aspiring surgeon at the time, was one of them \[[@CR3], [@CR4]\]. He would later become one of the leading Patriots, calling the alarm, dispatching Revere on his midnight ride, and dying prematurely at Bunker Hill. Warren was joined in his fight against smallpox by his mentor and teacher, Dr. James Lloyd, and by Dr. Benjamin Church \[[@CR17]\], both prominent local surgeons. The inoculations took place in a smallpox hospital established at Castle William on a strategic island just south of Boston. The inoculated were watched "day and night" by Warren and his colleagues \[[@CR3]\] and were not released until the last skin eruptions had healed. The time in the hospital could stretch six to eight weeks. When released, the patient was given a certificate "setting forth that such a person is so cleaned and freed from infection, as not to endanger others" \[[@CR4]\]. John Adams, the future president, 29 at the time, traveled to Boston in April of 1764 to be inoculated \[[@CR3]\]. This was the first time Warren and Adams met. Adams wrote to his then fiancée Abigail and described Warren as "a pretty, tall, Genteel, fair faced young Gentleman." They would remain friends until Warren's death in 1775. The actions by the surgeons during the smallpox inoculation campaign of 1764 generated thankfulness and admiration. The Bostonians declared the doctors heroes for risking their lives and providing care free of charge to those who could not afford the physicians' fees \[[@CR3], [@CR4]\]. Dramatic effects of the inoculations {#Sec6} ==================================== The inoculations reduced the ravage and death toll from the "speckled monster" in dramatic ways. Historians have calculated that the case death rate was reduced from 15 to 2% during the 1721 epidemic and from 18% to less than one percent during the outbreak of 1764 \[[@CR2], [@CR3]\]. The inoculation saved almost 2000 lives in Boston during the epidemics of the 1700s. Despite these overwhelming results, opposition against the procedure persisted for decades, even among members of the medical establishment. It is noteworthy that there may have been some justification to the skepticism expressed by certain individuals. In 1723, Dr. Isaac Massey of London (an outspoken opponent of the inoculations) published a letter to a colleague, Dr. James Jurin (a strong advocate of the procedure), pointing out that the death rates among un-inoculated individuals may have been much lower if they had been "treated with equal Care with those that are inoculated; but to form a just Comparison, and calculate right in this Case, the Circumstances of the Patients, must and ought to be as near as may be on a Par" \[[@CR18]\]. In this early cry for randomization, Massey had a point; inoculations in the early days of the method were provided mainly to people from the upper classes with access to better nutrition and overall medical care than individuals from the general population. Despite Massey's concerns, time would prove that the inoculations (and later vaccinations) were indeed effective in preventing deaths from smallpox and even eradication of the disease. The outbreak of 1775 in the besieged Boston and conspiracy theories {#Sec7} =================================================================== In 1775, it was time for the next flare-up of smallpox in Boston. The city, which at the time was occupied by the British, was under siege by Washington and his growing Continental Army \[[@CR19]\]. During the new scourge, large numbers of Bostonians contracted the infection, but the Redcoats were spared. Many soldiers in the British army had been inoculated before leaving Europe or were immune to the disease after having been exposed to the virus during outbreaks that were more common in England than in the colonies during the early 1700s \[[@CR8], [@CR20]\]. Rumors were rampant that the British were plotting to smuggle infected New Englanders out of the city to spread the disease among the rebels \[[@CR3]\]. Although some of this may have been "fake news," the conspiracy theories scared many colonists living around Boston. When the British finally left the city on March 17, 1776, Washington only allowed soldiers who had previously had the disease to enter the town \[[@CR21]\]. In those days, a blood test to determine the presence of antibodies was not available, but it was enough to look the person in the face to determine if he was ready to re-enter the work place. The scars gave it away. Even Washington had pockmarks on his face as a memory of the infection he contracted during a voyage to Barbados in his youth \[[@CR22]\]. Washington ordering mass inoculations, saving the continental army and the revolution {#Sec8} ===================================================================================== Despite the effectiveness of inoculations suggested by the results during the outbreaks in Boston, the society, including medical people, had a hard time to accept the facts. Washington had become convinced; however, that inoculations would be the only way to protect the army \[[@CR22], [@CR23]\]. It was a risky proposition because soldiers would be out of commission for weeks after the procedure, and the enemy would most certainly take advantage of the weakened rebels. In fact, because of those risks, the Continental Congress had issued a proclamation in 1776 that prohibited inoculation in the army \[[@CR23]\]. Early in 1777, Washington had lost his patience and ordered William Shippen Jr., the Surgeon-General of the Continental Army, to inoculate all soldiers coming through Philadelphia \[[@CR23]\]. Later, during the 1777--1778 winter camp at Valley Forge, Washington decided that all remaining unprotected soldiers should undergo the procedure \[[@CR22]--[@CR24]\]. Historians have credited these decisions as crucial for saving the army, and ultimately the revolution. Concluding remarks {#Sec9} ================== The many similarities between events during the 1700s and today's onslaught by the coronavirus are remarkable. Looking back at history during the time of a new pandemic can be comforting. Boston and the country have been there before and survived---and will do it again. **Publisher\'s Note** Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
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/* * Copyright 2013 Netflix, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.netflix.suro; import com.netflix.suro.client.SuroClient; import com.netflix.suro.message.Message; import com.netflix.suro.routing.TestMessageRouter; import com.netflix.suro.server.SuroServerExternalResource; import com.netflix.suro.sink.SinkManager; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.Properties; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class TestSuroClient { @Rule public SuroServerExternalResource suroServer = new SuroServerExternalResource(); @Test public void testSyncClient() throws TTransportException { // create the client final Properties clientProperties = new Properties(); clientProperties.setProperty(ClientConfig.LB_TYPE, "static"); clientProperties.setProperty(ClientConfig.LB_SERVER, "localhost:" + suroServer.getServerPort()); clientProperties.setProperty(ClientConfig.CLIENT_TYPE, "sync"); SuroClient client = new SuroClient(clientProperties); // send the message client.send(new Message("routingKey", "testMessage".getBytes())); // check the test server whether it got received TestMessageRouter.TestMessageRouterSink testSink = (TestMessageRouter.TestMessageRouterSink) suroServer.getInjector().getInstance(SinkManager.class).getSink("default"); assertEquals(testSink.getMessageList().size(), 1); assertEquals(testSink.getMessageList().get(0), "testMessage"); client.shutdown(); } @Test public void testAsyncClient() throws InterruptedException { // create the client final Properties clientProperties = new Properties(); clientProperties.setProperty(ClientConfig.LB_TYPE, "static"); clientProperties.setProperty(ClientConfig.LB_SERVER, "localhost:" + suroServer.getServerPort()); clientProperties.setProperty(ClientConfig.ASYNC_TIMEOUT, "0"); SuroClient client = new SuroClient(clientProperties); final int numMessages = 2; final int waitTime = 10; for (int i = 0; i < numMessages; ++i) { client.send(new Message("routingKey", "testMessage".getBytes())); } // check the test server whether it got received TestMessageRouter.TestMessageRouterSink testSink = (TestMessageRouter.TestMessageRouterSink) suroServer.getInjector().getInstance(SinkManager.class).getSink("default"); int count = 0; while (client.getSentMessageCount() < numMessages && count < waitTime) { Thread.sleep(1000); ++count; } assertEquals(client.getSentMessageCount(), numMessages); count = 0; while (testSink.getMessageList().size() < numMessages && count < waitTime) { Thread.sleep(1000); ++count; } assertEquals(testSink.getMessageList().size(), numMessages); for (int i = 0; i < numMessages; ++i) { assertEquals(testSink.getMessageList().get(0), "testMessage"); } } }
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Mangu, Iran Mangu (, also Romanized as Mangū; also known as Mengū’īyeh) is a village in Fin Rural District, Fin District, Bandar Abbas County, Hormozgan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its existence was noted, but its population was not reported. References Category:Populated places in Bandar Abbas County
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I guess some Bernie Bro shot up the mayors offiice or some shit so we talk about it, political style.
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Send me email updates about messages I've received on the site and the latest news from The CafeMom Team. By signing up, you certify that you are female and accept the Terms of Service and have read the Privacy Policy. New York Senators Charles Schumer (L) and Kirsten Gillibrand brief the media on a bipartisan Hurricane Sandy relief bill voted on December 28, 2012 on Capitol Hill. Credit: AFP/Getty Images The Senate approved a $60.4 billion recovery package on Friday intended to help the states affected by Hurricane Sandy in November. Appearing on “Cavuto” on Friday night, American Majority Action spokesman Ron Meyer said the bill was also packed with tons of “pork” spending, some of which won’t even occur until after 2013. Some of the pork spending reportedly goes towards projects that have nothing to do with Hurricane Sandy or the victims, including millions of dollars for tree planting in areas untouched by Sandy and a new roof for the Smithsonian Museum. When an elected representative appropriates government spending for local projects to help his or her district, it is know as “pork barrel” spending. “Why was this in the emergency bill for Sandy? It doesn’t make any sense.” Only $1 out of every $6 — $9 billion of the $60 billion will be spent in 2013. That means 85 percent doesn’t come until 2014 and beyond. That’s not immediate relief. What this bill is fundamentally is a pork bill.” Instead, Meyer suggested the Senate should’ve passed a $9 billion “loan” to the states affected by Sandy instead of sneaking in all the wasteful spending before the end of the year. “It’s disgraceful to load a bill like this that has good motives, that has good intentions that is going to help people, with pork,” he added. “Why are you putting your own projects in it. It’s disgraceful. It’s typical of Washington.” In an email to TheBlaze, Meyer explained that $1 out of every $20 spent in the Sandy bill will go to “non-relief-related pork. This kind of crap is why there is a deficit, but Congress just keeps spending and spending on stupid stuff: "Some of the pork spending reportedly goes towards projects that have nothing to do with Hurricane Sandy or the victims, including millions of dollars for tree planting in areas untouched by Sandy and a new roof for the Smithsonian Museum." Send me email updates about messages I've received on the site and the latest news from The CafeMom Team. By signing up, you certify that you are female and accept the Terms of Service and have read the Privacy Policy.
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Post navigation !! OMG, educate yourself: The Gays are coming !! The American Family Association has made an informative DVD called They’re Coming to Your Town, that instructs Joe the Asshole on how to prevent gays from “taking over” his local government. Also available in “Five Pack” for all those Joe Five Packs out there. (via Videogum and Ed) sunday sunday sunday!! they are coming to your town! Don’t miss it!! LOL. “Infiltrated” “learn the strategies used by gay activists.” Sounds like “the gays” are some sort of paramilitary covert operation. As funny as that was for me. I find it equally disturbing because it goes against how “Christians” are supposed to be kind, giving, do unto others, types. Bunch of hypocritical, bigoted idiots.
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You may not know it yet, but Marshall Henderson of Ole Miss is the most entertaining player in college basketball. Here's everything you need to know about him. What's going on in that GIF up there? Marshall Henderson being fucking awesome, that's what. On Saturday, Henderson struggled throughout Ole Miss's game against Auburn, making just four of his 13 three-point attempts. Henderson still managed to come up big on an off-night, though, hitting a pair of game-winning free throws. Whereupon he rushed over to the Auburn student section, violently popped his jersey right in the front of an angry mob of bros, and gave birth to one of the best sports GIFs of the year. Wow, this guy seems kind of crazy. He is kind of crazy. The last time Henderson found himself in the spotlight, he was hitting a 35-foot buzzer-beater to send a game against Vanderbilt into overtime and absolutely losing his shit. That clip only tells part of the story, though. Henderson spent a good portion of the Vanderbilt game in a fugue state. He was so unhinged during that game that someone went so far as to make a six-minute highlight reel of Henderson doing things like pounding his fist into his hand and shouting f-bombs after missing free throws, flapping his arms and screaming at nobody in particular after hitting a three, and having a conversation with a referee that featured some psychotic grinning and clapping. At one point during that game, after converting an and-one layup, Henderson popped up off the floor and made a beeline for the Vandy student section. Look closely at Henderson's eyes in that moment, just before his panicked coach swoops in and pulls him back into reality. Those are the eyes of a man in the throes of demonic possession. It's a wonder Vandy didn't go to a box-and-one defense with Henderson being shadowed by Max von Sydow. Hold on. Can we get back to that GIF for a second? We sure can! It's glorious, isn't it? Just take a moment to let the delicious, seething rage of those Auburn bros wash over you. I'm not sure if I've ever seen anything more satisfying. And don't discount the contribution of the old coot with the courtside seat, the one who stands up, horrified by this gat damn Henderson kid's shenanigans and looking like the hangingest judge in Lee County. The real hero of the GIF, though, is the security guard in the white shirt who can't help but smile at Henderson. He knows he's in the presence of pure, glorious crazy, no chaser. OK, back to Henderson. So he's nuts, but is he any good? Well, that depends on your definition of good. Henderson is a classic gunner. During his freshman year at Utah, he threw up 6.5 three-point attempts per game despite playing just 27 minutes per. Now in his junior year at Ole Miss, he is leading the SEC with 19.2 points per game while hoisting threes at a ridiculous rate, attempting nearly 11 per game. He's hitting 35 percent of those attempts, which isn't a fantastic rate, but that's beside the point. Henderson's shooting percentage isn't what makes him so awesome. What makes him awesome is that his shot is undeniably gorgeous, and that he is willing to unleash it 11 times per game without the narrowest sliver of hesitation or guilt. Also, he says things like— Wait, why is he at Ole Miss now if he played his freshman year at Utah? And why have I never heard of him before? I was just getting to that. As you might imagine, Henderson's personality has led him on an odd and twisting path through the college basketball landscape. Before graduating from high school, Henderson was arrested and sentenced to 25 days in jail for trying to buy $800 (59 grams) worth of marijuana with counterfeit money. He was also coached by his father during high school, an experience that he has described as "freakin' miserable" to the Lexington Herald-Leader. This likely had something to do with his decision to move out of his parents' house when he was 18, even though he was still in high school. After his freshman season at Utah, Henderson decided to leave because then-coach Jim Boylen's philosophy didn't mesh with Henderson's "individualism." Henderson transferred to Texas Tech, but after head coach Pat Knight was fired, the guard blew town before ever playing a game. So Henderson went underground, transferring to South Plains College, a junior college in Levelland, Texas, where he helped lead the basketball team to an undefeated season and an NCJAA championship. While at SPC, Henderson continued to shoot an ungodly amount of threes—312 three-pointers in all, hitting 41 percent of them—and amassed plenty of technical fouls for doing things like hanging on the rim too long after a dunk. Henderson's play at SPC was impressive enough to earn him an invite to Ole Miss, a move that he and his coach announced at this adorably lo-fi press conference: Hey, the guy in that video doesn't really seem all that crazy. You sure that's Marshall Henderson? Yep! That floppy-haired kid who goofily poses for pictures while wearing three-goggles is somehow the same maniac in the GIF at the top of the page. That's what makes Henderson so intriguing. His on-court behavior clearly comes from some deep, dark Helter Skelterish part of the soul, but off the court he's a perfectly sane, self-aware young man who does not at all seem like a human acid flashback. Here's some stuff he told the Lexington Herald-Leader: That's not really me reacting. That's like my heart and soul coming out of me. All the work I put in to finally be successful on a great team. Well, I'm sorry. I'm different. I've got to be different in order to be successful. Every team has a little white guy who can shoot threes. I'm trying to make a difference. I feel like I'm getting it from different angles. Some people just don't like the way I am. I feel that's a bunch of old-school people. They're just like, 'Oh, no. We don't like him.' How can you not like him? You're right. For a ball-hogging gunner this guy does seem pretty likable. Anything else I should know? Yes and yes.
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Hughes Range Hughes Range can refer to: Hughes Range (Antarctica) Hughes Range (British Columbia) in Canada
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Jere Elo Jere Elo (born March 7, 1992) is a Finnish professional ice hockey player. His is currently playing with Nes IK in the Norwegian First Division (Nor.1). Elo made his Liiga debut playing with Espoo Blues during the 2013–14 Liiga season before he was loaned to Kiekko-Vantaa in the Finnish Mestis for the remainder of the season. References External links Category:1992 births Category:Living people Category:Sportspeople from Helsinki Category:Espoo Blues players Category:Finnish ice hockey forwards Category:Kiekko-Vantaa players
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Cytochemical and ultrastructural changes in the osteoclast-like giant cells of giant cell tumor of bone following bisphosphonate administration. Giant cell tumor of bone (GCT) is a local aggressive neoplasm of bone characterized by expansive osteolytic lesions at the epiphysis of long bones. Bisphosphonates have been used to prevent bone resorption in secondary osteolytic tumors because of their strong anti-osteoclastic action. The authors studied the apoptosis and ultrastructural changes induced in osteoclast-like giant cells of GCT, following treatment with the aminobisphosphonate pamidronate in 16 patients with GCT of bone. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to identify ultrastructural changes, indicative of apoptosis, in the cytoplasm and the nucleus of the giant cells. Significant changes were observed in tumor samples from all 16 patients. In the cytoplasm these changes were characterized by abundant large tubular vesicles containing a central electrodense core scattered through the cytoplasm. In addition, mitochondria in the sections from pamidronate-treated patients appeared to be edematous when compared with sections from untreated patients. Nuclear changes in the giants cells were characterized by the formation of dense chromatin material scattered throughout the nucleus. The TUNEL labeling assay indicated that the mean pretreatment apoptotic index of 7.8% increased to 53% following pamidronate treatment. This was statistically significant (p<.001) and correlated well with the ultrastructural changes noted on TEM. The formation of abundant tubular vesicles in giant cells following bisphosphonate treatment may reflect disturbed vesicular trafficking and may affect the bone resorbing activity of giant cells.
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Sports Hot Topics: Cubs to proceed with Wrigley plan, risk lawsuits Herbert G. Mccann Associated Press Posted: 05/21/2014 11:25:33 PM PDT Updated: 05/22/2014 07:01:20 AM PDT Click photo to enlarge FILE - This May 17, 2013 file photo shows spectators watching a Chicago Cubs baseball game from several of the rooftop bleachers across the field from Wrigley Field in Chicago. The owners of the Chicago Cubs say they?re moving forward with plans to renovate and expand Wrigley Field, despite the threat of lawsuits by the owners of the adjacent rooftop venues overlooking the 100-year-old ballpark. Chairman Tom Ricketts, whose family owns the north-side Chicago team, said Thursday, May 22, 2014, that the Cubs will submit a revised expansion plan to the Commission on Chicago Landmarks that includes the team?s original proposal to add several outfield signs and additional bleacher seats. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast, File) CHICAGO (AP) — The owners of the Chicago Cubs are moving forward with plans to renovate and expand Wrigley Field, despite the threat of lawsuits by the owners of adjacent rooftop venues that overlook the 100-year-old ballpark. Chairman Tom Ricketts, whose family owns the team on Chicago's North Side, said in a statement released Thursday that the Cubs would submit a revised expansion plan to the Commission on Chicago Landmarks that includes the team's original proposal to add several outfield signs and additional bleacher seats. "Unfortunately, it seems like my family's plans for Wrigley Field have gotten lost in the dispute with the rooftops," he said. "As a result, despite having new city ordinances to allow for expansion and renovation at Wrigley Field, we are back to square one with the rooftop businesses." Ricketts said the team's negotiations with the owners of the adjacent rooftop venues are "back to square one" and that it's time to move forward. Mayor Rahm Emanuel's office said he was supportive of Ricketts' plans. A lawyer representing the rooftop owners said they would fight the move. "It appears their zeal to block rooftop owners who pay them millions of dollars a year in royalties knows no bounds," lawyer Ryan McLaughlin said in a statement. "Unfortunately, this decision by the Ricketts family will now result in this matter being resolved in a court of law." Advertisement The City Council approved the Cubs' $500 million renovation plan last summer, but it has been stalled by opposition from the owners of the 15 rooftop venues. They have a contract with Cubs that runs through 2023 requiring them to pay the team 17 percent of their gross annual revenue. The rooftop owners fear the signs and additional seating will block their views of the field. The two sides appeared to be close to a deal before the Cubs' annual fan convention last month when Ricketts made some remarks that the neighbors considered disparaging. Ricketts' revised expansion plan requires Landmark Commission approval for additional seating, new lighting, four additional LED signs of up to 650 square feet, and a 2,400-square-foot video board in right field. Other changes sought by the Cubs that don't require commission approval include: design modification to the player facilities, including expanding the Cubs' clubhouse; expansion of the visitors' clubhouse; movement of the bullpen to an area under the bleachers; and a reduction in the size of a city-approved left field video board. "I know this plan is in the best interest of our fans and our players," Ricketts said in a video posted on the team's website. "We hope to avoid heading to the courthouse. But the most important thing is we want to exercise our right to expand and preserve the ballpark we own and love." An emailed statement from Emanuel's office was supportive. "Like all Cub fans, the mayor doesn't want to wait for next year and if this proposal helps the Cubs get closer to a ballpark renovation this fall — and the jobs and neighborhood investments that come with it — it's worth taking a look at," it said. The Cubs have invested in facilities and their farm system, and the team this year opened a new facility funded by taxpayers in Mesa, Arizona. Ricketts has acknowledged that the $845 million purchase of the team from Tribune Co. left his family with a debt load, but pointed out Thursday that the team hasn't sought city or state economic development money he says is routinely obtained for projects such as this.
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“You know, Fred, a lot of people don’t like us.” Steve Drain was suspicious. The chief propagandist for the hateful little homophobes that make up the Westboro Baptist Church feared he was being played for a sucker; that I was not who I said I was. With its protests of military funerals – “Thank God for dead soldiers”, the group’s signs declare, attributing the deaths to God punishing America for tolerating the mortal sin of dudes kissing – Westboro had succeeded in uniting the entirety of the US political spectrum in disgust, so he had reason to be wary. Also, my name isn’t Fred. Working on a talk show called BrandX with comedian Russell Brand, it was my job to get bigots to agree to something they shouldn’t: Coming on the show. Talking to homophobes and neo-Nazis all day can be pretty grim stuff, so I created a chipper alter ego, “Fred Douglass”, so I could at least smirk while doing so. And it almost always worked, the nutter’s desire for the spotlight overriding any concerns about potential humiliation. Besides the initial paranoia, it wasn’t hard getting Westboro to go Hollywood. After playing coy, Suspicious Steve Drain agreed to fly out to LA the coming Friday – not that I offered, but he preemptively declined any of our tainted money – and to bring a friend: Fellow church member Timothy Phelps, son of founder Fred, a former civil rights activist turned full hater. Disconcertingly, Steve’s emails almost always contained at least one ” 🙂 “. What kind of evil was I dealing with? In person, Drain seemed alright enough, everything he stands for and everything I know about him aside (his estranged daughter, Lauren, told me she wouldn’t feel comfortable being in the same room with him). When he and Phelps pulled into the studio parking lot, they had just come from protesting outside a local Catholic school, holding cardboard signs addressing the priest rape scandal in a way one would imagine it would be depicted on a cardboard sign held by a lunatic. “I got cursed at by a puppet!” Drain told me, beaming. A half-dozen or so counter-protesting puppeteers had gotten word Westboro would be in town. He loved it. “So, how long you been working on the show?” Drain asked as we walked to the green room, or rather just a barren room strategically located far enough away from the real green room to prevent any run-ins with the normals. “Since the beginning, I guess.” US to crack down on hate groups “Cool, man,” Drain replied, nodding. “Cool.” He told me he watched a couple episodes on Hulu. Not bad. Tim Phelps, son of the church’s founder, seemed mostly concerned with asserting his heterosexuality, which of course had the opposite effect by immediately putting it in question. “Now, Russell better not touch me,” were the first words out of his mouth. “He better not touch me. I worked 22 years in corrections.” We were dealing with a big boy, he wanted us to know. With childlike delight, Phelps and Drain then showed me a special gift they had prepared for the show: A poster with Russell’s face and the words “FAG PIMP BRAND.” Well? their grins inquired. “You don’t think it’s a little too subtle?” I asked. They laughed. God, I hated them so much. Fear and loathing in Los Angeles The first time I ever spoke with Pamela Geller she chastised me. “I’m here at the booth and they don’t have my name,” she complained over the phone in a moderately irritated Long Island accent. The anti-Islam jingo who led the campaign against the “Ground Zero mosque” had just flown from New York to LA to, in her mind, encourage television viewers primarily between the ages of 18 and 35 to put aside whatever differences they may have and just focus on hating Muslims. Geller, the woman behind an ad campaign on US public transit portraying plucky Israel as the “Civilised Man” (take a wild guess who the uncivilised “Savage” is) had agreed to appear on a regular segment she did not know called, “Totally Unacceptable Opinion”. As the guy who’d convinced her to come, it was my job to put on a polite smile for ten minutes and lead her to the green room; to put aside my normal pre-show routine of interrogating people in the line outside about their disgusting sex lives – every taboo violated is a tiny revolution, comrade – in favour of making nice with a hatemonger in a glittery jacket. The Bigot, it so happens, Wears Prada. Imagining myself a borderline not-terrible person, I put aside my well-I-oughta grumbling and did not dwell on the fact that Ms Geller had shown up at the wrong gate after ignoring my politely repeated request that she holler at me prior to arriving. No, with the confidence and grace of a god walking amongst the sure to be damned, I apologised for an error that was not mine. And carried her stupid bag. You can see then how saddened I was to find that my pained affectation of decency was not reflected in Geller’s post-show account of her appearance in a characteristically understated column entitled, “Russell Brand’s ugly jihad“. Written in an underground hate-lair lined with row upon row of mid-80s televisions cycling at 2.5 speed through a horrific loop of car crashes, assassinations, atom bombs and natural disasters – one imagines – Geller’s column provided a livid, refreshingly fictional account of the little jingo-blogger that could doing battle with basic cable. “Charlie is a liar.” I had led her to believe, allegedly, that her ripped from Ayn Rand hate rhetoric would be treated in a “meaningful fashion”, because that’s typically how they do things on late-night talk shows broadcast by cable channels better known for mixed martial arts. Pasted in the column were emails from me wherein I had promised we would “discuss the threat opposed by Islamists, including those living within our midst”. Do something neither author nor recipient apparently did: Read that last bit twice. Riz Khan Islamophobia in the US So what happened? At the taping, Geller shied away from the Islamophobic red meat she daily dishes on her blog, perhaps sensing that a Hollywood audience of 18-35 year-olds fresh from the pot dispensary probably weren’t all that concerned about the imposition of Islamic law in their lifetimes. Asked if the West should attack Iran, she replied with a simple “no” and a look of “who would ever…?” bemusement, never mind what she tells her fans: “Iran should be attacked today and their people liberated from their misery.” She wasn’t a hatemonger who sees jihad under every hijab, but a human rights activist, Geller protested. And then someone in the audience protested that. “Pamela’s racism kills!” shouted a young man, holding up a sign that said the same thing. After a couple chants, Russell brought him on stage where he explained his objection: Pamela Geller is a hatemonger, a belligerent and ignorant purveyor of fear and advocate of war and hate and intolerance. Or maybe those are my words. And that was pretty much it, Russell soon booting both protester and protested off the stage. Next up: Eric Idle singing a song about fellatio. Such is television. Reading Pamela’s account, however, depicts a cable talk show that is both suprisingly dangerous and weirdly Islamic. That protester guy? An “extremist Muslim” whose crazy outburst of disagreement made her think she was about to fall victim to a jihadist, one she claims was planted by the show. “I half expected him to pull out a knife and try to behead me.” To be fair, it would have made interesting TV. While no one’s denying the protester wasn’t pasty white – indeed, suspiciously not so – he isn’t actually Muslim, but an atheist who, as it happens, fought with the US Marine Corps in Iraq. Geller, it seems, based her assessment that he was an Islamic extremist on two things: His opposition to her and his aforementioned lack of pastiness. If I were trying to avoid accusations of prejudice, I probably wouldn’t use “the Muslim” as shorthand for “that non-white I don’t like”. You could end up looking foolish, ya know? Hate comes in all shapes and sizes Demagogues come in different flavours, but they share a lot of the same basic ingredients. Some like to play dress up and do the whole Third Reich thing, while others go professional, drawing up talking points and casting their hate as humanitarian: Isn’t it awful how *marginalised brown subgroup* treats sex-positive kinksters? The guys from Westboro Baptist Church don’t give a damn if you agree with them, being the trolls of the hate movement. Their identity is based on righteous opposition to a decadent society; on the smug contentment that comes with thinking one has this whole life thing figured out. Being hated only bolsters their beliefs, like some terrible homophobic supervillain. And they’re actually a bit taken aback when you don’t take the bait. Yelling’s part of the show. Others are more aware of their audience, finessing their message in front of non-believers and saving the vitriol for the blogosphere. This type is naturally more dangerous the more charismatic they come – no, Pam, not you – as they are able to cloak a reactionary agenda in the language of liberal sensibility, cracking an award-winning smile, child on the knee, as they press a red button to obliterate a village in a distant province. The most dangerous ones are often Democrats. That’s the thing about hate: It doesn’t always look or sound the same. It’s something that infects the mind, not always recognisable by crazy signs and swastikas and Michelle Malkin books. Oh, would that evil came sporting a Hitler ‘stache every time; the reality is more banal. Sometimes hate manifests itself in the Old Testament-quoting street preacher, other times in the respected diplomat: The Madeleine Albright coolly justifying the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq. It may not always be recognised as hate to inflict such suffering on the foreign Other, to as a matter of policy deprive whole populations of basic medical supplies – and that’s why it’s so dangerous. It’s bad being labelled decent, instead of, say, totally unacceptable. And that can’t be good. Working in television has reinforced something I started to learn while a reporter covering Congress: The people doing all the hateful things are just people, unfortunately, who are a bit sicker than most, suffering the same insecurities and vices as the next human on this planet and just choosing to deal with it in a really terrible way. That’s not to excuse their behaviour, but to explain it. It’s comforting when the purveyors of intolerance are overtly mean-spirited caricatures dressed in SS outfits. Some are, but most aren’t. A lot of them are perfectly ordinary, polite almost to a fault. Some are, superficially, likable. And they’re not just on the fringe or late-night television. The ones you really need to watch out for are being interviewed by Wolf Blitzer. Charles Davis is a writer currently based in Los Angeles.
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Ovine ceroid-lipofuscinosis II: Pathologic changes interpreted in light of biochemical observations. Ceroid-lipofuscinosis is studied in a breed of sheep and the histochemical and ultrastructural changes are interpreted in light of the known chemical composition of cytosomes. It is concluded that the ovine disease is a lysosomal proteinosis. It is postulated that the multilamellar arrays reflect a complex three-dimensional structure of alternating lipid and protein with the proteinaceous component being specific polypeptides. This is supported by powder X-ray diffractions at 10A implying a repeating proteinaceous unit in the structures. The coherent size of diffracting units was remarkably similar to the periodicity of lamellae observed in electron micrographs of lipopigment cytosomes. The fluorescent and staining characteristics of lipopigment can be explained by the above conclusion and postulate.
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There are plenty of emojis available currently, including several types of animals. However, there is currently no gorilla emoji. I say that such an emoji should be created in order to give our beloved friend a lasting place in this world he was so cruelly taken from (#dicksout)
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
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Group chat sucks for programmers, so I'm fixing the problem - jacob_de_snacob https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hE34xRXx97Q ====== mgkimsal getting people to be disciplined about using it will be the hardest part. i still get emails from people who just keep replying to the last email, regardless of whether the new topic matches the previous email (which was from days or weeks ago). ~~~ christofosho I think a lot of the discipline here will come from people training themselves as they realize they aren't being efficient with their usage of the program. This idea allows for more fine tuning of your habits. Where the IRC-style room-based chats are quite static in nature, this idea seems to allow for more dynamic allocation of what you choose to watch. I like the idea. It would be tough to roll my team over to it, but I could see something like a Slack add- on with similar functionality being something I would use! ~~~ taurath We've tried "topic" rooms many times but most conversation still goes back to "general interface" rooms between teams, which requires all of the scrolling up. It seems to be the "persistency" of rooms that grabs you - after a while those old rooms become dead and you start to assume no "up to date" information is in them. Its much closer to a forum post than a chat - it kinda brings up an idea of a "modern" forum for ideas - vBulletin style forums are so ubiquitous and "old" feeling it would put people off, but with modern extensive UIs it could be a great experience. ~~~ jacob_de_snacob that's the idea behind it :-) I think conversations are like most living things they're born, they live their life, and then they die so I just tried to capture that idea in software-form tons of conversations that don't stray off-topic, with an easy way to search for their remnants in the future \--------------- I think email/forums are already more ideal than the group chat tools out there, they just come with the downside of having to refresh the page constantly, and usually have poor formatting options so I just tried to merge the best parts of both applications together :) ~~~ taurath I do agree - I've seen a huge move of my social groups to move towards IRC- style chat rooms (Telegram specifically) and it actually becomes extremely difficult to organize "real-life" meetups on them (you can pin a meetup if its "public" to the group you're in, or create another group... that has no expiration date). This creates a system where "the group" becomes a system to be managed in itself, rather than a conversation that people can pop into and out of whenever their interests align or not. Emphasizing the "fluidity" of real conversations and social groups and just how ideas pop up and die down seems a great benefit - I'd love to work on something like that. ------ _up So basicly like a Bulletin Board or 'Discourse'. I think giving everything a Subject line is to much work, at least in some cases. ~~~ jacob_de_snacob me too :-) that's the idea behind being able to pin conversations \---------- you're in 4 conversations: "PINNED: #development" "PINNED: off-topic chatter" "we should replace angular with react" "design discussion about new mock-up" \----------- the benefits of long running channels (pinned conversations), while still being able to break important conversations out into their own context (making them easy to find later) ~~~ _up So you mean instead of an Admin pinning it for all Channel Members. Everyone can Pin Messages but only in their own personal view? ~~~ jacob_de_snacob yeah I don't have any strong preference with either option, the latter just seemed more flexible ------ mcescalante Kind of reminds me of a way simpler version of [https://zulip.org/](https://zulip.org/) ~~~ jacob_de_snacob I can see that definitely not doing anything super innovative here -- just trying to cross all my T's and dot all my I's when it comes to coming up with a UI that gets out of the way :) ~~~ mcescalante Yeah! Wasn't trying to discount anything you are doing, just sharing in case it gives you some inspiration or ideas :) You seem like an awesome fun dude and your video made me laugh a few times. Hope to see more from you! ~~~ jacob_de_snacob <3 ------ jacob_de_snacob more comments in the reddit post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/596sh0/group_c...](https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/596sh0/group_chat_sucks_for_programmers_so_im_fixing_the/) ------ discreditable This doesn't seem to be very different from IRC with narrowly-scoped channels. ~~~ jacob_de_snacob it's not that different at all it's (hopefully) just a little easier to work with :) (especially for designers / QA people / salespeople / managers who don't know what IRC stands for) ------ Zekio This looks interesting :) ~~~ jacob_de_snacob :-)
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Committee Statements I would like to begin by thanking our distinguished panels of witnesses for appearing today. We appreciate that they have taken time out of their busy schedules to share their expertise and experiences with us. As a physician, there is one certainty I hear from my former colleagues – the status quo in health care is unacceptable. So today, we are at a crossroads. Our broken medical delivery structure is in dire need of meaningful reform. And today’s hearing represents the beginning of an historic debate on how we achieve full access to affordable, quality health care, while preserving the patient-doctor relationship, without undue governmental interference. When Congress established Medicare, a national health insurance program for seniors more than 40 years ago, it wrote into law, “Nothing in this title shall be construed to authorize any Federal officer or employee to exercise any supervision or control over the practice of medicine or the manner in which medical services are provided …”. This remains the law of the land. However, as any physician on the front lines of health care can tell you, those words and that promise ring hollow. As time has passed, and as I can attest to firsthand after nearly a quarter century as a practicing surgeon, there may have been no greater negative impact on the “manner in which medical services are provided” than the intrusion of the federal government into health care. Under the current Medicare program, patients are often told which doctors they may see and how frequently. Doctors, in turn, are often told which procedures or tests they may and may not order or provide. This has eroded the ability of patients and their doctors to make independent health care decisions – some of the most personal we make. And the doctor-patient relationship, once sacrosanct, is being trampled by coverage rules, inflexible regulations, and one-size-fits-all policies. To exacerbate the matter, most medical practices, including some of the largest and most respected institutions in the nation, find it necessary to limit the number of Medicare patients they see. The delivery system devised and controlled by Washington is clearly not the model for reform. As this Committee begins to critically analyze the Tri-Committee Draft Proposal for Health Care Reform, I raise these specific points because I fear we are not only repeating the same mistakes but taking them a step further by permanently institutionalizing them into our health care delivery system. Take for instance the newly created Health Benefits Advisory Committee. It is being established to make recommendations on minimum health benefit standards and cost-sharing levels. It will be comprised mainly of federal bureaucrats and presidential appointees. It, just like the Comparative Effectiveness Research Council enacted earlier this year, will not necessarily have a single actively practicing physician among its members. Not one! And this is the very type of federal health board, envisioned by some proponents of a government takeover, which could dictate personal medical treatments allowed – solely on the basis of cost. Having the government defining what “quality” medical care is, this is not what Americans view as the right direction. They know what you know, and that is that quality is best evaluated by patients and their families, making decisions with a knowledgeable, concerned, compassionate physician. Ask the veteran waiting endlessly for needed surgery because the surgical unit has met its 'quota'. Ask the senior, the new Medicare patient, who cannot find a doctor able to see anymore Medicare patients. Ask those who utilize the Indian Health Service if they receive the choices necessary to respond appropriately to their needs. And ask the Medicaid mom, if the system facilitates her treatment. Ask them. Ask them if their health care delivery system best responds to their needs. Those are the four health systems Washington currently controls. None of them meet the principles of health care we should hold dear - accessibility, affordability, quality, responsiveness, innovation, and choices. There are positive solutions - ones that would improve each of these systems - and ease coverage opportunities for those currently uninsured or underinsured. That is what we should be doing, not forcing every single American into a system that, of necessity, will betray those principles dear to all. In the final analysis, the question becomes, will we allow Americans the opportunity to opt out? Will we allow free people the right to decide? This is not the system I want for my family, and I'd like the panelists to address that question. When you pour through the pages of this bill, you will see that the Tri-Committee Draft Proposal for Health Care Reform is based on a “government-as-solution” philosophy. This means more federal supervision and administration. It will ultimately come to rely on mandates, rationing, bureaucracy, and third-party decision-making, all of which interfere with personal, private medical decisions. This is hardly a step that preserves the doctor-patient relationship – the one thing that, arguably, has allowed America to have some of the greatest health care in the world. This bill offers an approach that is incapable of providing quality care which is accessible, innovative and responsive. Achieving this positive type of change will only be possible by embracing a fundamental rethinking of our health care delivery system which champions personal ownership of coverage. There are positive solutions to the challenges we face. I’m hopeful the House will allow for an open, vibrant, robust debate and deliberative process – one that respects America’s doctors – but most of all – America’s patients.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Encoding: utf-8 # # Copyright:: Copyright 2016, Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # License:: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Deletes the specified client account on the specified parent account. require_relative "mca_common" def delete_account(content_api, merchant_id, account_id) content_api.delete_account(merchant_id, account_id) do |res, err| if err handle_errors(err) exit end puts "Account #{account_id} successfully deleted." end end if __FILE__ == $0 options = ArgParser.parse(ARGV) unless ARGV.size == 1 puts "Usage: #{$0} ACCOUNT_ID" exit end account_id = ARGV[0] config, content_api = service_setup(options) unless config.is_mca puts "Merchant in configuration is not described as an MCA." exit end delete_account(content_api, config.merchant_id, account_id) end
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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Share 0 SHARES A LOCAL Dublin dickhead with a penchant for only the finest, most ludicrously named craft beers has been in his local off licence agonising over which craft beers to place in his basket for nearly 45 minutes, WWN can exclusively reveal. 28-year-old Gary Penrose’s personality and self of self worth is so closely wrapped up in craft beer appreciation it appears he is incapable of just grabbing the one craft beer on special offer, like any other discerning beer hipster. “I read the back of the labels and everything, just so I look like I proper expert,” Penrosed confessed as he clutched a 330ml can of something called Witches Sperm Spikey IPA, whose label indicated they were the sort of no bullshit craft beer with a serious personality, similar to the 97 other brands on the shelves. “This one has a nice design and label, but this one is 9%. I don’t know which one makes me look cooler. Please help me,” Penrose then pleaded, appearing to be frozen on the spot completely unable to finalise a purchase for fear one wrong selection could see him labeled a ‘fucking loser who doesn’t know the first thing about beer but just wants to look cool because that’s still important to him despite his age’. “I mean, that’s entirely true but I don’t other people to know that,” concluded Penrose, unaware that 14 other single men in their late 20s/early 30s were also in the off licence and frozen on the spot having found themselves in the exact same predicament.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
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Get over 50 fonts, text formatting, optional watermarks and NO adverts! Get your free account now! Struggling with depression for the last decade - Didnt think about killing myself today Check out all our blank memes
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
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Sponsored Products Publisher's Description From Apple: If you have a Mac with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor (except the 17-inch, 1.83GHz iMac) or a Mac Pro with AirPort Extreme, you can enable it to access an 802.11n wireless network using the AirPort Extreme 802.11n Enabler software. Many Mac computers with an Intel Core 2 Duo and all Mac Pro computers with AirPort Extreme can be enabled to access 802.11n-based wireless networks. If you purchased one of these Macs, you can use the AirPort Extreme 802.11n Enabler software to activate this advanced wireless capability. Important note: The Enabler is included free with the new AirPort Extreme Base Station with 802.11n. If you purchase a new AirPort Extreme Base Station, you do not need to purchase the Enabler separately. This review was originally posted on VersionTracker.com.Sorry to the guy who got a 404 when attempting to download. I guess that would be unpleasant. I'm glad Apple lowered the price to $2 for this update. It's pretty sad that people are rating this update 1 star because they are too dense to read the applicable machines. It installed perfectly on my Core 2 Duo MacBook. E-mail This Review Thank You, ! Report Offensive Content If you believe this comment is offensive or violates the CNET's Site Terms of Use, you can report it below (this will not automatically remove the comment). Once reported, our staff will be notified and the comment will be reviewed.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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2. Speaking of CBS' pre-game show, I couldn't believe they had James Brown talk to the e-Trade baby. What sellouts. It's amazing what these networks will do for money so their CEOs can buy that eighth mansion or 15th yacht that they need so desperately. I have an account with e-Trade, and I'm really considering transferring my funds to another online broker because of that bit. That was disgusting. 3. On a lighter note, I got this text from Awesome Kelly in Arizona on Thursday night: I am confident the Ravens will win Sunday. They saved themselves for that game. I even bet a Pats fan a night of drinking and didn't take the points because points are for sissies. Quote me on that. Why do I get the feeling that Awesome Kelly in Arizona will be vandalizing Billy Cundiff's house sometime in the near future? San Francisco 49ers (14-4) - Previously: #5 - Poor Kyle Williams. I hope Niner fans aren't too harsh on him because he was just filling in for someone. It'd be like blaming a substitute teacher for the class failing a state-wide exam. That would be silly - even if the substitute teacher spilled coffee on the Scantrons, or something. Anyway, let's go to Notes from NFL.com GameCenter - a list of a few stupid comments I read on NFL.com's GameCenter and my thoughts on them: Wow, and here I thought this guy was serious about having a cousin named Bardy. 2. "spekin of fake fans we all know hawkballz is really a 49er fan. duanebrew 2 b exact. oh an who uses the word puddlez? is that supposed to b sly? u jus sound like a ho mer amigo. thats all" This is true. Anyone who has used the word "puddlez" throughout the course of history has been sly. Don't believe me? Richard Nixon used the word "puddlez" five times during Watergate. Fact. 3. "patriot fans are all white new englanders. their inherrited $ fuels their greed which makes them do evil things like racism. (trust me i lived in new hampshire for 2 years) which actually makes THEM and their fans DUMB AS ROCKS. I hope to see the Giants repeat against brady-bunch. btw i also lived in pittsburgh pa and it is WAY better then new england (people in new hampshire used to ask me what black people are like and stuff they ARE racist.)" I disagree with only one point. Racism is not evil. Racism makes rich people feel better about themselves, so therefore racism is a good thing. Baltimore Ravens (13-5) - Previously: #6 - When Billy Cunwhiffed from 32 yards, I immediately went to his Wikipedia page. I was expecting some epic changes to his page, given that people wrote the following on Nate Kaeding's wiki a couple of years ago: Nate Kaeding has been labled the biggest Pedophile, choke artist, catamite, p***s licking p***y in the history of football. And... Kaeding has also been known to wear womens lingerie before important games to help him focus on missing critical chip shots. Nate Kaeding is also Norv Turner's lifemate. There wasn't anything that legendary, but the following four changes were made: 3. On January 22, 2012, Cundiff missed a relatively easy 35-yard field goal against the New England Patriots, causing his team to lose the game and an opportunity at the Superb Owl. 2. Ray Finkle (born March 30, 1980 in Valley Center, California) is an American football placekicker for the Baltimore Ravens of the National Football League. 1. On January 22, 2012, Cundiff missed a 35-yard field goal against the New England Patriots, which sealed a Super Bowl XLVI berth for the Patriots.What an a**hole Run Defenses, Pass Defense, Pass Protection: Something new this year - I'm keeping track of precise run defense, pass defense and pass protection rankings in Excel. The benefit to this is that it'll be broken down by week. Here are the download links:
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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My dog walked in on me fapping Now I can't look him in the eyes 367 shares
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
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"We'll have subtitles for all the songs and all of our favorite quotes, so you'll have plenty of opportunities to scream out 'AMERICA! FUCK YEAH!' at the top of your lungs. And yeah, we will have American flags, red white and blue streamers, balloons, and more for everyone. And THAT is how true American heroes will be celebrating this year, but if you want to let the terrorists win...well, that's your prerogative."
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Welcome to the Monday Zomboid newsburst! A fresh internal testing build was put out last Tuesday, with RJ’s fishing system entering test procedures on Friday. EasyPickins has been thundering out fix after fix and things are really shaping up well. We really need to find a way to get a nice text list of SVN changelists to really show the gravity of this stuff as the changelist for the next build should be flipping immense. Mash has been continuing on her work on the next major map expansion, so while you may not hear much from her side of things, when it comes around it’s going to be a huge deal. Though she is perhaps starting to sympathise with all those times she was all ‘Andy, have you got those cells yet?’ now she’s in charge of 100% of the process of map creation. Andy has been using his map-free time well, busy with some new combat animations with which we hope to drastically increase the feel of combat in the game, making it more intuitive and visceral. Finally Chris is back in the world of NPCs, where he shall probably remain for some time until we’re ready to start showing stuff, and is preparing a whole bunch of stuff to hand over to RingoD and Will, along with EasyPickin’s awesome NPC flowchart scripting tool. In terms of features currently being fed into internal testing, though, let’s turn to Romain and his exciting fish-based adventures. (Please note – all Romain’s Frenchisms have all been Englishised by an untrained translator. Though some early screenshots may have escaped this process!) First things first, what’s happening with the new cooking system that you’ve been implementing? The first feedback from the testers was pretty good – the system’s way more fun and a lot easier to use than the old one. With a little creativity you can make a lot of cool stuff. It’s not perfect, and there’s still a few bugs I need to eradicate – but they’re fairly small ones. Next up I’ll be adding in extra recipes like pasta, sauces in pans, pizza… with the new system it’s all pretty easy to implement, and something that modders can add recipes to easily.So I saw you wondering about doing hunting/trapping next, how come fishing got the nod? Did I mention I’m now on twitter? [Ed> He is you know! https://twitter.com/rj_pz] Well, after a little talk on Twitter, I decided that fishing would be way easier and faster to code than trapping. That said, a lot of work on trapping is already in the can – it just needs a fair amount of extra work that’s mainly due to the multiplayer. In terms of hunting, well Andy has worked on some new animations but we’ll clearly need to implement animals with their own behaviours first. Chris has developed some lua driven animal behaviour code that is a part of the NPC scripting system which we will be able to use for such a thing. So yeah, fishing! What a lovely morning activity during a zombie apocalypse! Grab a beer, prepare your bait, smash a zombie’s head in and ready your fishing rod… So many questions: How does it work? What do you need? How long will it take? Is it the same as your old mod? Well that’s why it doesn’t took me long to code it! I took the old mod code (which was never released by the way!) and then I adapted it, because it was originally built for good ol’ 0.2.0q. Then I added MANY new things. So basically, first you have to find a fishing rod (or craft it), grab some bait (worms, little fish, plastic lures) find a lake/river (so, near West Point basically) and start fishing. How long will it take to catch a fish? Well, it depend on your luck, it’s quite hard to determine and that’s one of the main things we’re testing for at the moment. It needs to take a while, but not too long to be boring – but not too short a time for it to be an over-powered food source. I like to think about the Zelda’s fishing system, in Ocarina of Time. I remember that being really cool, and in itself it reminded me of my childhood fishing : a cool moment ! No zombies back then though… Oh gosh, I wish we had zombies back then… So yeah, currently in testing until it’s fun – and once it’s releasd we can work on fish nets, different sorts of fish etc. How easy will it be to fish, won’t it be an infinite food source? How scarce are items you’ll need? It’s ‘easy’ in that it doesn’t require any player skill, it’s RPG stylish so you don’t need to press a key when you hear a sound to catch something. It’s a timed action, and you wait. It’s also made tricky because your line can break (depending on your skill, luck and the size of the fish), and on top of that you’ll have to craft fishing line for your fishing rod. Items you can use to craft your own rod won’t be that rare – some wood, twine (or fishing twine : more resistant), bait (paperclip, nail…) and lure. As for the ‘infinite food source’ issue, I plan to add some kind of “fish population” in the area, so the more you fish, the less chance you’ll have to find a fish. You’ll have to wait for the fishing population to come back. It’ll be probably changeable with the sandbox option though ! So is Fishing a skill like Carpentry etc? Yes, this fishing skill will affect the chance of catching something with a plastic lure, the chance of the fishing line breaking, the quality of the crafted fishing rod etc. As for developing the skill, well you’ll get points by… wait for it…. Fishing! But even a fish that gets away will give you some XP towards it. What sort of fish will we all be catching? All the varieties of fish you can find in Kentucky, with different sizes/weights to add a “fishing contest” feel to it. Who will catch the biggest pike? Will you cook it, or keep it as a trophy? When it comes to cooking, you can cook the fish straight away to fight your hunger (hunger reduction will change according to the size/weight of the fish) or maybe cut it into fillets so you can use it in multiple recipes. The list of fish going into the first iteration includes the following: Catfish, bass, trout, pike, walleye and crappie fish. And yes, a crappie fish is a real fish! Google it!
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Q: Have a subdomain used only for MVC That's how I built my website in the web form and I want to build it on MVC and I have ssl by CloudFlare, but I would like to have a subdomain used for only MVC. How can I build it up so that I make an MVC site which will be the new part so it must be a folder for himself as my website does not go down but matter to show the new system to the other. A: About the SSL issue: Adding SSL If you also want to add an SSL binding to the wildcard domain, the certificate must be a wildcard certificate to cover the full breadth of the wildcard domain. And about the APP itself, you can map your Azure Web App to a sub domain. You can use this article to do that: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/waws/archive/2014/10/01/mapping-a-sub-domain-to-an-azure-web-site.aspx
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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Hugh Hunter got the ride of his life with these two young loaded stallions. Koldo Goran and Timtales‘ exclusive Fostter Riviera couldn’t be more excited to team up and test this bottomless hunk with their thick raw meat. After the shoot, I asked Hugh who was the best fucker between the two. He told me that while Koldo fucks harder and like a jackhammer, Fostter is a hit-the-spot, gut-ramming top. Quite the perfect teammates! From hard pounding to passionate fucking, Hugh got stretched up wide and left with a cum-oozing hole. Actors:
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Historically, sweet peppers have been the most popular peppers grown in the United States, but hot peppers have been rapidly gaining in popularity. Not only are hot peppers a great culinary specialty, but many varieties are also highly ornamental and make great additions to the perennial border. In warm climates peppers can be grown as shrub-like perennials, but in the northeast they are treated as annual crops. Many of the most popular hot pepper varieties take at least 75 days to reach maturity. With the short growing season in New Hampshire, successful pepper growers must either purchase transplants or start their own plants from seed indoors, because peppers that are directly sown in the garden have little chance of producing fruit before the first frost. Seed Starting While every garden center that sells vegetable starts is likely to offer at least a variety or two of sweet peppers, hot peppers can be much more difficult to find. Those who are truly interested in growing hot peppers are better off starting their own plants from seed in order to cultivate some interesting and unique varieties. Peppers should be started indoors eight weeks before the last frost, a couple of weeks before tomatoes and other warm season vegetables. They germinate best if the potting media is kept at 85 to 90°F, which can be achieved by placing a heat mat beneath the planting containers. Once the seeds have sprouted, the young plants should be grown under a bright light until they are ready to be transplanted into the garden. Transplanting Peppers will not grow well in cool, wet soils, so there’s no point in rushing to get them outside until the weather warms. Once the risk of frost has passed and the nighttime temperature stays above 50°F, they can be planted in the garden. Using black plastic mulch around peppers will enhance their growth by helping to warm the soil and suppressing weeds. Peppers are susceptible to some of the same pests and diseases as tomatoes, eggplant, and potatoes, so make sure to place them in an area of the garden where you didn’t grow any of those vegetables last year. Since peppers prefer to grow in fertile soils with a soil pH between 6.5 and 7, it’s a very good idea to get your soil tested in order to make any necessary adjustments before planting. Choosing Varieties Choosing which hot peppers to grow is the fun part. All hot peppers get their spiciness from a compound called capsaicin, which affects the pain receptors, not the taste buds. All peppers are rated on the Scoville scale, which is a measurement of the heat of a pepper based on its capsaicin content. While a sweet pepper has a Scoville rating of zero, habaneros rate between 100,000 and 350,000 Scoville units. Indescribably spicy peppers such as Carolina Reaper, Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, and Bhut Jolokia, the “Ghost Pepper” all have a rating of over 1 million Scoville units. Hot pepper flavor can vary a lot between varieties, so some experimentation may be necessary to learn which ones you like best. Harvesting Hot peppers can be picked at any color stage, but they are hottest when they are fully ripe. Mature color varies tremendously between varieties including yellow, orange, red, purple, and brown. Regardless, special care should be taken when handling hot peppers as some may burn bare skin when handled. Wear gloves when harvesting and handling, and wash hands thoroughly after. Most hot peppers are firmly attached and should be removed with a knife or clippers to avoid damaging the plant. While growing specialty hot peppers may not be for the faint of heart (or palate), it’s a rewarding experience for those who are up for the challenge. Do you love learning about stuff like this? Subscribe to NH Outside with Emma Erler
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The only reason i'm still with my girlfriend is because she would kill herself if i left her 408 shares
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UNPUBLISHED UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FOURTH CIRCUIT No. 18-2290 In re: RODERICK LAUADES BROWN, a/k/a Nick, Petitioner. On Petition for Writ of Mandamus. (3:14-cr-00147-RJC-DCK-1; 3:17-cv-00093-RJC) Submitted: February 26, 2019 Decided: February 28, 2019 Before KING, THACKER, and QUATTLEBAUM, Circuit Judges. Petition denied by unpublished per curiam opinion. Roderick Lauades Brown, Petitioner Pro Se. Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit. PER CURIAM: Roderick Lauades Brown petitions for a writ of mandamus, alleging the district court has unduly delayed acting on his 28 U.S.C. 2255 (2012) motion. He seeks an order from this court directing the district court to act. Our review of the district court’s docket reveals that the district court denied Brown’s § 2255 motion in an order entered on November 29, 2018. Accordingly, because the district court has decided Brown’s case, we deny the mandamus petition as moot. We grant leave to proceed in forma pauperis. We dispense with oral argument because the facts and legal contentions are adequately presented in the materials before this court and argument would not aid the decisional process. PETITION DENIED 2
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With shit like this on Fox News, why is anyone ever surprised that some people on the left sometimes exaggerate the influence of racism in America? https://t.co/LYYK6eIcxA One of the weirder and more revealing obsessions of the conventional wisdom is the widespread assumption that anybody who mentions America’s obvious problem of Latino Littering, such as Tucker Carlson, Amy Wax, Ann Coulter, or myself, must actually have in mind something unspeakably more evil than littering: We must be accusing Latin American immigrants of Ritual Pollution or Corruption of Blood or the Taint of Amalek or something. “Littering” must be a metaphor for something deep and dark. But, no, actually, when I point out that Latinos tend to litter a lot, what I really mean, deep down, is that Latinos tend to litter a lot. In fact, as I’ve said many times over the years, littering is about the most socially constructed problem imaginable and we know we could socially deconstruct, because white people deconstructed their own tendency to litter a lot about a half century ago. In fact, the most famous anti-littering public service announcement, 1971’s “Crying Indian” TV commercial specifically engaged in racial shaming of whites as pointing out that we were uglying up with our littering this beautiful country we took over from the American Indians. We could probably do something similar with shaming Latinos into not uglying up this beautiful country so much, except that the whole concept that Latinos litter too much is considered, by the conventional wisdom, to be some kind of genocidal dog whistle. Why this insanity? I think because progressives tend to have a lot of deep dark racist thoughts that feel like they can only suppress with an immense effort, like Dr. Strangelove’s urge to shout Heil Hitler, by projecting all their racist disgust on to extremely sane and positive-minded people like me who see problems and think about ways to ameliorate them.
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// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // +build windows // +build go1.9 package windows import "syscall" type Errno = syscall.Errno type SysProcAttr = syscall.SysProcAttr
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Tasks of the Propellants Department Besides the regular requirements to future propulsion systems, like increased thrust, specific impulse, flight range, speed and reliability, prospective propellants must be environmentally friendly, cost-effective and easy to use. Simultaneously, they must provide similar or better performance characteristics compared to conventional propellants, like toxic hydrazine, and even replace them. The Propellants Department at the Institute for Space Propulsions: • explores the appropriateness of known and novel energetic materials as propellants for rocket and ramjet engines • investigates the tolerability and usability of materials and components in thrust chambers, tanks and conveyors for new propellants • elaborates concepts for safe usage of new energetic materials in propulsions • executes test with propulsion systems, combustion chambers, components, injectors and ignition systems. Since 1966, the Propellants Department has carried out comprehensive research and technology development activities using test complex M11 and in the physico-chemical laboratory. Test positions M11.1 to M11.5 serve to execute tests on behalf of intra-company or external partners and in the framework of third-party assignments. New propellants are put to the acid test in the physico-chemical lab; they are examined for potential contaminations and manufactured. The training of students and PhD students is also a focal point in the department. Compelling subjects give rise to write study reports as well as bachelor, master and diploma theses.
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Anna Kendrick Adorably Visualizes Herself As A Hardcore Rapper And Waxes Poetic About Her Dirty Love For Taco Bell I know that we have a lot of girl crushes here — really, can you have too many? — but Anna Kendrick hits a spot between adorable and badass. It started when she played the innocent girl who sabotaged her bunkmate in the indie “theater kids” dramedy Camp; in the Twilight movies, her character always had a comeback to Bella’s moping; and now in Pitch Perfect, she’s the edgy kid who teaches her a capella group how to incorporate raps and mash-ups into their stiff old routine. You get the same sense of that personality in Anna herself, especially when she appeared on Conan last night. She and Conan O’Brien riffed really well when talking about her other new release, End of Watch with Jake Gyllenhaal. We’d already heard the story about Jake and his co-stars getting tased as part of their Method acting/police training, but hearing Anna tell the story, and her shocked reactions, is so great. The way she squeals and laughs about it is really unguarded and genuine. Plus, Conan playing up the “really intense” clip from End of Watch made the punchline at the end of the first video really funny. I really don’t know if that’s supposed to be an outtake or an unexpectedly funny part of the movie. But of course the image of Anna in a wedding dress throwing gang signs had the conversation transitioning over to her rap in Pitch Perfect. Even though Anna is Broadway trained so she could shine in the singing scenes, she had to play a character who’s not comfortable with singing in public. In the “Riff-Off” clip that’s been going around online, she bursts into the middle of an a capella battle with Dr. Dre‘s rap from “No Diggity.” What I found incredibly fascinating, that Anna explained, is how in actually rapping for the cameras she had to act all embarrassed and bad at rapping. But when it came time for her to record the soundtrack, the producers wanted her to actually sell it: “So, like, I had to put myself in this zone where I was standing like a guy and imagining I had a penis and in a hot tub surrounded by bitches… I went home, and my friends were like, ‘Oh no, were you doing the hand motions?’ and I was like, ‘I created a whole scenario and backstory! There were imaginary extras in this story, and I was degrading them, and it was awful!’” Sadly, she wouldn’t rap for Conan. But we’re willing to forgive her because of the Taco Bell anecdote that also comes up. Just watch the video already!
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THIS GAME! I WAS ******* 4 YEARS OLD!!! ******* WORST NIGHTMARE FOR 6 GODDAMN YEARS!!! EVERYTIME THE SAME ******* DREAM!!! i should have probably gone to a pschologist, but i never did maybe thats why i am so ****** up now....
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I search the Internet for answers to computer technical problems that I encounter. When the Internet does not supply me with an answer, I research one on my own. Then, I document the answer here so others can find it. Also, for your benefit, this stupid blog name makes a great mnemonic. 2009-10-16 How to determine the gender of Indian names. I am embarrassed when I accidentally refer to someone named Devangi or Aparna as "he" in an email. So how do I avoid this? Simply do a Google image search for the first name. If you see lots of female faces, then, presto! It is a woman's name. You can probably trust the converse result as well. This is not bigotry on my part. I am merely trying to avoid referring to women as "he" out of ignorance. I am very appreciative of Indian culture. For example, we European-descended folk refer to our numeral system as "Arabic numerals" because that is the culture that introduced them to us, but really they are Hindu numerals. The Arabs borrowed the idea (including the concept of zero) from the Hindus. In fact, a lot of Indian mathematics was co-discovered or predates the same European advancement, such a Fibonacci numbers.
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Regional Programme Support for Pandemic Prevention in the ECOWAS Region launched The Regional Programme Support for Pandemic Prevention in the ECOWAS Region ((RPPP) has been launched on Wednesday February 7, 2018 at the Golden Tulip, Aberdeen in Freetown. The programme was organized by the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) in collaboration with the West African Health Organization (WAHO). Officially launching the programme on behalf of the Deputy Health Minister 1, the Acting Director, Disease Prevention and Control in the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Dr. Alfredo Moosa said the Ebola virus disease has been a unique phenomenon in West Africa because of the heavy burden it has placed on communities in hard-hit countries. Dr. Alfredo Moosa He stated that the Ebola epidemic, outbreaks of cholera, Meningitis, and Lassa Fever have also been reported in the West African region, adding that these epidemics have shown the inadequacy of national health systems and the weaknesses of regional mechanisms for surveillance, early warning, emergency preparedness and response to epidemics and effective coordination and risk communication. Dr. Alfredo Moosa informed his audience that with the goal to adopt common strategies to end the Ebola virus disease epidemic in the sub-region, and address the post Ebola socio-economic development needs, the Heads of States of the Mano River Union, including Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia met in February 2015 and endorsed a common strategy to that end. He added that through that focused effort and subsequent follow-up review, the countries developed and approved a strategy for reaching and sustaining zero Ebola infection in the sub-region with special emphasis on many areas including surveillance and cross-border collaboration, institutional coordination, health workforce capacity development, risk communication and health systems strengthening. He said it is expected that the project when fully implemented will protect the population more effectively against infectious disease outbreaks and there will be effective control measures. He added that a well-structured inter-institutional communication and coordination will facilitate a more coordinated approach to pandemic preparedness between the institutions, partners and the member states. In his statement, the German Ambassador to Sierra Leone, Wolfgang Wiethoff said the Ebola outbreak in 2014/2016 in West Africa highlighted the importance of country capacities for pandemic prevention and control and the collaboration between countries in such public health emergencies not only in the region, but globally. He disclosed that Germany has demonstrated its engagement in highlightening the topics around pandemic preparedness and prevention through the strengthening of capacities of the International Health Regulations (IHR) by the 6-points-plan by Chancellor Angela Merkel and placing it on top of the agenda of the latest G7 and G20 meetings. The German Ambassador told the gathering that through the Special Initiative Health in Africa, Germany has supported Africa partner countries to strengthen their health systems and to improve the response in health crisis situation. He said one of the initiatives is the Regional Programme Support for Pandemic Prevention in the ECOWAS Region which takes a regional approach together with the West African Health Organization, the newly established Regional Centre for Disease Surveillance and Control and the ECOWAS Commission to address the existing challenges in disease control in the ECOWAS region under the International Health Regulations. The Representative of the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) office in Sierra Leone, Ms. Klare Heyden said the ECOWAS region continues to experience recurrent outbreaks of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases or other public health events, and recalled the devastating consequences of Ebola epidemic and also the recent death of health workers due to Lassa Fever in Nigeria. She said these recurrent epidemics in some Member States can also be viewed from the perspective of being at different levels of implementation of the core capacities of International Health Regulations to promptly detect, prevent and respond to outbreaks of infectious diseases. Klare Heyden said there is need to have the Regional Programme Support for Pandemic Prevention in the ECOWAS region as it will further strengthen the regional capacities of ECOWAS and its specialized institutions and agencies in providing advice to member states in implementing International Health Regulations. She reminded all that the RPPP aims at strengthening capacities in Health Risk Communication, Interinstitutional communication and coordination, and strengthening human resources, adding that these areas of capacity strengthening are key and essential for a better control of infectious diseases. The GIZ representative disclosed that their project is part of a joint programme of the German Development Cooperation together with kfw which aims at strengthening laboratory capacities and surveillance, and also implementing bilateral projects aiming at pandemic preparedness and responses in the region, especially in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. Giving a welcome address, the WAHO Representative, Mr. Salifou Zouma said WAHO with technical and financial support from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) has established the Regional Programme Support for Pandemic Prevention in the ECOWAS Region (RPPP) with an amount of 7 million Euro over the period 2016-2019. He said the main objective is to strengthen the advice provided to ECOWAS member states by the ECOWAS Commission and specialized institutions and agencies in relation to the implementation of selected mechanisms in the field of epidemic control in accordance with the International Health Regulations. The ceremony was chaired by the Communications Pillar Lead at the Public Health National Emergency Operation Centre (PHNEOC), Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Mr. Harold Thomas. THE OSWALD HANCILES COLUMN “Known unknowns…Unknown Unknowns..” of Sea Weed Invasion “…(As we) know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are […] About us Cocorioko is Sierra Leone's premier and most widely read online newsmagazine. It is owned and published by award-winning veteran journalist Rev. LEEROY WILFRED KABS-KANU . All enquiry about the newsmagazine and all articles should be directed to kabbiekanu@yahoo.com, kanuleeroy@gmail.com and kabbiekanu60@aol.com. MEET OUR TEAM COCORIOKO is produced in Somerset, Franklin Township , New Jersey , USA and Brookfields , Freetown, Sierra Leone. The sole owner, financier , Publisher and Chief Executive Officer ( CEO ) is the Rev. Leeroy Wilfred Kabs-Kanu. All matters pertaining to the paper should be directed to the CEO, Rev. Kabs-Kanu at kabbskanu@aol.com. No article or any part of this website should be reproduced without the expressed permission of the Publisher.
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" I haven't seen you for a long time."As I approach the homeless encampment, I see all the familiar signs. There are clothes strewn about the ground. There are wrappers from sweet treats eating in haste and discarded by the user. There are cardboard boxes folded flat. There are old couch cushions. This is clearly an area where someone has set up house." I haven't seen you in years!" I hastily reply as I dart around the corner.I am attempting to catch the next train out of the shit hole that I use to call my home. I need to get home before the tofurky starts to thaw that i have placed in my back pack. Tofurky- a "roast" made out of meat substitutes is a tradition for me. Now that both my parents are gone, I have started to create my own legacy for my children to grasp on to long after I have left the Earth.I recognized the face. The face was that of an older black man. His eyes have glazed over with time, almost a greyish color. The bags under his eyes have been a prominent feature in the twenty or so years I have seen this man. There are places and moments in our lives that remind us of how much we have changed- positively or negatively- since last had a witness. This man, in his peacoat and his beanie cap, has been the witness to many moments in my life.When I first came to San Francisco, I was a naive child in what I thought was an adult body. I quickly learned that my use of opiates required a level of dedication that keep me busy day and night. When I wasn't nodding in a doorway, I was out in the street searching for the ways and means to get drugs. I would walk past this man. I did not pay him any attention because he had nothing to offer me. I needed chivah. I needed money. I needed you to get me well. I was a dramatic young addict on the search for a high.I passed by this man a few years later. I was tweaking my brains out. I had seen him a million times or at least a thousand or maybe I saw him or maybe it was the police fuck. I don't fucking know. Stop asking me questions. Anyways. yeah. About that. I saw the fucking guy. I think I did see him. Who?.. Fuck.I passed by this man again. Chivah, Chivah, Chivah. Bring me a few clients and I will kick you down bro. You know that I am selling now, homey. No, I don't have a dollar. I got to put all this money into the re-up. The quicker you can bring me a few people, the quicker I can help you okay?The next time I saw him, things had changed dramatically for me. I was living in a sober living house in the Tenderloin. I lived RIGHT were I used only six months prior to moving into my new place. As the crack heads and the dope heads and the families shuffle by, I realize I need to make a decision. I am standing with my back to the wall. I have on my hooded sweatshirt, my Ben Davis pants and shirt. My hat is turned backwards and I am ready for business. Am I selling? No. I need to head to aftercare.This is all a conversation in my mind. Truly, no one gives two fucks out here if I make it or if I use today. I pass by the man. He is in the doorway. I have never seen him use drugs. He always smiles at me.I moved away from the Tenderloin. I would see him from time to time for my jobs. I would give him my left over food or buy him something when I could do it. He would always be grateful for someone that stopped and acknowledged his face. I remember what that was like to have someone see me as i stop by my shopping cart. For a moment, I was more than a homeless junkie. I was a person.I saw him today. I guess he set up camp in the Mission. He also left behind the Tenderloin. I suppose he is in the sixties now. The streets are rough and people are ruthless in the area we both called home. He had another young girl sitting with him. She had her hat on backwards. She was sitting half way in the crosswalk. Obviously, this is her area. She can have this place. I am fucking done with all this shit sweetie. You can have it.He never asks me for a dollar. He has never asked me for drugs. He has just witnessed the past twenty years of my life and he is still happy to see me.
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The present application claims priority to Japanese Application No. P2000-216121 filed Jul. 17, 2000, which application is incorporated herein by reference to the extent permitted by law. 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to method of and apparatus for manufacturing various recording mediums such as a magnetic recording medium and an optical recording mediums for example. 2. Description of the Related Art A recording density in an optical recording medium, for examples generally depends upon a diameter of a spot of laser beam A recording density becomes able to increase as the diameter of the spot of laser beam decreases. The diameter of the spot of laser beam is proportional to xcex/NA where xcex represents the wavelength of laser beam and NA represents the numerical aperture of objective lens. Accordingly, in order to increase the recording density of the optical recording medium, it is requested that NA should be increased by reducing the wavelength of laser beam. In recent years, TeraStor Corporation has proposed a near-field optical disk in which a distance between an optical disk and an optical lens is under 200 nm as a method of increasing NA. Further, Quinta Corporation has proposed an optical hard disk in which an optical lens is mounted on a slider and a distance between the optical disk and the slider is less than 100 nm, or the like. As the space between the optical system and the recording medium is reduced as described above, it is requested that the surface of the optical recording medium should be formed as a highly-smooth surface. As the NA of the optical system increases, the pitch or the track width should be reduced more with respect to the tracking direction. In the existing optical disk manufacturing methods, it is customary that very small concavities and convexities on the surface to construct recording pits or tracking guide grooves of the optical disk are formed by injection molding at the same time the substrate of the optical disk is molded Also in this case, the surface of the optical disk is treated by smoothing processing. When the surface of the magnetic recording medium incorporated in a conventional hard disk apparatus is finished, as shown in a schematic perspective view of FIG. 1, a medium 40 is rotated at high speed in the direction shown by an arrow a with respect to the axis perpendicular to the surface treated by surface smoothing processing (this surface will hereinafter be referred to as a xe2x80x9csurface smoothing treatment surfacexe2x80x9d). On the other hand, a polishing work tape 41 is moved in the direction shown by an arrow b along the rotational direction of the medium 40 at linear velocity sufficiently lower than rotational linear velocity of the medium 40 while its polishing material surface is located in the vicinity of the surface smoothing treatment surface. Then, a pressure roller 42 whose axis direction is located in the radial direction presses the surface smoothing treatment surface from above this polishing work tape 41. Although this pressure roller 42 is rotated as the polishing work tape 41 is moved, its rotary axis is prevented from being moved. In this case, a pressure area 43 in which the medium 40 is pressed by the polishing work tape 41 becomes a straight area presented along the axial direction of the pressure roller 42. This straight pressure area 43 is extended over the whole area along the radial direction of the medium 40 that should be treated by surface polishing process. In the recording medium whose surface has been smoothed by the above method, i.e., concavities and convexities have been removed from the surface of the recording medium, the surface of the recording medium can be smoothed to an extent that its so-called glide height is made less than 100 nm e.g., about 30 nm. However according to the above method, as FIG. 2 shows the state in which the polishing work tape 41 is pressing the medium 40, when a protrusion 44 is existing on the side of the polishing work tape 41 or when a hard foreign substance is caught in the polishing work tape 41, a scratch 45 occurs on the surface smoothing treatment surface 3 due to the protrusion 44 or the hard foreign substance. Having studied and considered the occurrence of the scratch 45, the assignee of the present application clarified that the occurrence of the scratch 45 considerably depends upon the pressed state of the polishing work tape 41. Specifically, as described above, when the straight pressure area 43 is formed by the pressure roller 42, the pressure area 43 is formed over a wide range in the radial direction of the medium 40. Accordingly, as shown by an arrow c in FIG. 2, since substantially uniform pushing force is given to the whole area of the pressure area 43, this pushing force is concentrated on the tip end in which the protrusion 44 protruded toward the surface smoothing treatment surface 3 or the caught foreign substance is butted against the surface smoothing treatment surface 3. The assignee of the present application has clarified that the surface smoothing treatment surface tends to be scratched due to the above reason. In view of the aforesaid aspect, it is an object of the present invention to provide method of and apparatus for manufacturing recording medium in which occurrence of scratches can be avoided effectively. It is another object of the present invention to provide method of and apparatus for manufacturing recording medium in which highly-reliable recording mediums can be obtained. According to an aspect of the present invention, there is provided a recording medium manufacturing method of providing a recording medium by treating a medium surface in a surface smoothing process. This recording medium manufacturing method is comprised of the steps of rotating the medium about an axis perpendicular to a surface which is treated by the surface smoothing process, smoothing the surface smoothing treatment surface of the medium by slidably contacting a polishing work tape with the surface smoothing treatment surface with partial pressure and selecting the partial pressure at very small area. In particular, according to the present invention, the partial pressure area is selected to be less than 1 mm, more preferably, 0.5 mm with respect to both radial direction and tangential direction relative to rotation of the medium. In accordance with another aspect of the present inventions there is provided a recording medium manufacturing apparatus for providing a recording medium by processing a medium surface by a surface smoothing treatment. This recording medium manufacturing apparatus is comprised of rotating means for rotating the medium about an axis perpendicular to a surface on which the surface smoothing treatment is effected, a polishing work tape and pressure means for partly pressing the polishing work tape against the surface smoothing treatment surface of the medium, wherein a partial pressure area provided by the pressure means is selected to be less than 1 mm with respect to both of radial direction and tangential direction relative to rotation of the medium. In particular, the partial pressure area provided by the pressure means is selected to be less than 1 mm, more preferably, less than 0.5 mm with respect to both of radial direction and tangential direction relative to rotation of the medium. As described above, since the pressure area in which the polishing work tape presses the surface of the medium is specified, occurrence of scratches can be decreased considerably.
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Trying to Lose I just saw an ad for the leading Dem contender for governor. Not only does he have the silly sounding last name of Pritzker, not only is he morbidly obese as if to evoke the image of fat cat billionaires, not only is he a yet another clueless stinky rich guy, he is also phenomenally uncharismatic. Rauner is very unpopular in the state right now. All we need to get rid of him is a candidate who represents true Dem values. Somebody who doesn’t look completely ridiculous surrounded by welders and school teachers like Pritzker does in this risible ad. Somebody who is a little less entitled. Related 6 thoughts on “Trying to Lose” Someone needs to tell him to stop shaking his head as he talks about all the great things he’s gonna do…. kind of ruins the effect (only if he stumbles into the nomination maybe that can keep him from winning) you weren’t kidding on the ‘no charisma’ front, he makes Hillary seem like Oprah in comparison. Please note that NJ Dems nominated a guy from Goldman Sacks and rolled with him. He’s being inaugurated tomorrow. The Pritzkers made a fortune in chemicals/pharma, then sold the business and endowed a science building at UChicago.
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1. Field of the Invention An improved all composite bicycle frame and fork has three integral mating portions for the main triangle, asymmetric bottom bracket, improved composite layup, wall thickness, and tube geometry providing lighter weight and increased strength in an economical manner. An improved telescoping seat attachment fits an integral seat mast. 2. Description of Related Art Basic principles of optimum compaction low void composite molding the bicycle industry are described in Nelson, et al, U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,624,519 and 6,270,104, sharing a common assignee with this application. The disclosures in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,624,519 and 6,270,104 are incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. Fiber reinforced plastic frame manufacture has evolved several alternative approaches. The above approach uses circular section tubes bonded directly to specially formed high strength lugs. This has an advantage of permitting concentration on the hard to mold, high strength pieces, and the use of standard dimension, machine made tubes, for a high performance, yet economical product. Other approaches were to make a single piece “monocoque” as in Trimble, U.S. Pat. No. 4,889,355, which urged that joints in a composite structure were points of weakness, or to butt join and cover tubes, as in Calfee U.S. Pat. No. 5,116,071 or Colnago, Publication EP 0618395. The disclosures therein are incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. The frame avoids the drawbacks of the prior art using principles of optimum compaction low void composite construction specially adapted to the unique shape and structural requirements of high performance frames using a combination of laminates incorporating fibers at different angles relative to one another, while using the molding techniques to form optimal geometry adapted to maximize strength at minimum weight, improve ride quality and permit advantageous attachment of bicycle componentry. The fork additionally provides impact evidence to the user in the event selected stress levels are exceeded.
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Dana’s boyfriend is in for an overly particular deal with as of late. Mademoiselle has arrange a wild and loopy threesome together with her yingyang to marvel him and you realize that he likes that!
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Faculty at Illinois work in a distinctively interdisciplinary environment, where discovery and innovation grow out of a combination of singular expertise and collaborative practice that is the scholarly signature of Illinois’ Urbana campus.
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I suspect you’re starved for more Bastian Dufy (unless you are also on BelAmiOnline), so here he is with the perfect bottom, Jean-Luc. As with many Hungarian boys, it took Jean-Luc a while to overcome the language barrier. However, once Bastian started fucking him, he had no problem communicating that he too is starved for Bastian Duffy- especially his dick.
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JUST WATCHED US intel chiefs on Russia hacking election MUST WATCH Story highlights 33 states and 36 local governments asked DHS for help from cyberattacks Since the election, another two states and six local governments also requested assistance Washington (CNN)More than five dozen state and local election offices requested help from the Department of Homeland Security to protect their election systems from cyberattacks, according to DHS documents obtained by CNN. Before the 2016 US election, 33 states and 36 local governments requested an assessment of their election systems to help prevent cyberattacks, and another two states and six localities requested the assessment since the election, according to a DHS memo issued in response to questions from Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill. The memo gives more detail on the scope of how many states and cities had concerns about the potential risk of a cyberattack last year, even before the Obama administration had issued its report confirming Russian hackers meddled in the US election. The DHS memo does not say how many of the 21 targeted states also requested a cyberassessment from the department. Read More CNN had previously reported that 33 states asked for assistance prior to the election, but the memo confirms that number and shows that more than three times as many localities as previously been known also requested the cyberassessments. With just days left in the Obama administration, former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson declared election systems a "critical infrastructure," a designation that made it easier for DHS to aid state and local governments to protect their election systems. In the memo to McCaskill, DHS says it has "no plans to make any changes to the designation of election infrastructure as a critical infrastructure subsector." But the relationship between federal officials and state and local governments over protecting election systems has been rocky at times. State election officials expressed frustration and disappointment with the federal government following a meeting in Indiana last month preventing cyber attacks. McCaskill, the top Democrat on the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Subcommittee, wrote to then-Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly in March asking for more information about the critical infrastructure designation and the efforts to help state and local governments protect their voting systems. She sent a staff memo to committee members on Wednesday detailing DHS' work with state and local government to protect their election systems. The memo, obtained by CNN, notes that DHS provides the assessments to states and local governments for free, although those governments have to cover the costs to address any exposed vulnerabilities. Like the intelligence community, DHS says that Russian officials were involved with hacking surrounding the 2016 US election, a conclusion that President Donald Trump has yet to agree fully with. In the memo, the department states it observed along with the intelligence community "Russian cyber actors attempting to access voter registration databases prior to the 2016 elections." In addition, DHS said that it shared technical information to help states and local governments identify and stop malicious cyber activity, which included reports "on malicious activity by Russian civilian and military intelligence services." The DHS memo also detailed how department determined that Russian hacking did not target vote tallying systems. "There are no indications nor observed evidence of Russian actors using cyber or physical means to target voting systems, which include voting machines (the electronic machines used by voters to cast ballots) and vote tallying systems (the electronic machines used by election officials to count and tally marked ballots)," the memo states. "These voting systems should not have active connections to the Internet during the voting process, and are rarely, if ever connected to the Internet at all." DHS explained that the risk assessment the state and local governments have requested provide a scan against potential vulnerabilities, which were conducted remotely on a weekly basis. One state also ended its agreement with DHS for the scans after the election, according to the memo. DHS also offered states a more in-depth risk and vulnerability assessment, which one state requested before the election and another afterward. The more in-depth scan that two states requested includes "penetration testing, social engineering, wireless access discovery and identification, as well as database and operating system scanning," according to the memo.
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Zuckerberg in Holocaust denial row - sudenmorsian https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-44883743 ====== bsenftner We were told all we needed to know back when The Facebook was a Harvard only site, and his reaction towards the trust others were granting him was "those suckers!". He may be rich beyond all our dreams, but he's a dumb smuck for never realizing the opportunity he blew.
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Interstitial nephritis Interstitial nephritis, also known as tubulointerstitial nephritis, is inflammation of the area of the kidney known as the interstitium, which consists of a collection of cells, extracellular matrix, and fluid surrounding the renal tubules. In addition to providing a scaffolding support for the tubular architecture, the interstitium has been shown to participate in the fluid and electrolyte exchange as well as endocrine functions of the kidney. There are a variety of known factors that can provoke the inflammatory process within the renal interstitium, including pharmacologic, environmental, infectious and systemic disease contributors. The spectrum of disease presentation can range from an acute process to a chronic condition with progressive tubular cell damage and renal dysfunction. Signs and symptoms Interstitial nephritis may present with a variety of signs and symptoms, many of these nonspecific. Fever is the most common, occurring in 30-50% of patients, particularly those with drug-induced interstitial nephritis. Other general symptoms that occur with variable frequency include nausea, vomiting, fatigue, lack of appetite, and weight loss. More specific symptoms, such as flank pain, pain with urination, and visible blood in the urine, as well as signs like hypertension can be helpful in increasing suspicion for the diagnosis. The "classic" triad of symptoms reported in early documented cases consisted of rash, joint pain, and increased eosinophils in the blood; however, more recent epidemiology suggests that this grouping of symptoms only occurs in a small minority (5-10%) of patients. However, with modern drugs causing between 70-90% of current cases, it is not surprising that the earliest documented cases and a minority of today's may present different symptoms. Causes Common causes include infection, or reaction to medication such as an analgesic or antibiotics such as methicillin (meticillin). Reaction to medications causes 71% to 92% of cases. Drugs This disease is also caused by other diseases and toxins that damage the kidney. Both acute and chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis can be caused by a bacterial infection in the kidneys known as pyelonephritis, but the most common cause is by an adverse reaction to a medication. The medications that are known to cause this sort of reaction are β-lactam antibiotics such as penicillin and cephalexin, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin less frequently than others), as well as proton-pump inhibitors, rifampicin, sulfa medications, fluoroquinolones, diuretics, allopurinol, mesalamine, and phenytoin. The time between exposure to the drug and the development of acute tubulointerstitial nephritis can be anywhere from 5 days to 5 months (fenoprofen-induced). Diagnosis At times, there are no symptoms of this disease, but when they do occur they are widely varied and can occur rapidly or gradually. When caused by an allergic reaction, the symptoms of acute tubulointerstitial nephritis are fever (27% of patients), rash (15% of patients), and enlarged kidneys. Some people experience dysuria, and lower back pain. In chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis the patient can experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and weight loss. Other conditions that may develop include a high concentration of potassium in the blood, metabolic acidosis, and kidney failure. Blood tests About 23% of patients have a high level of eosinophils in the blood. Urinary findings Urinary findings include: Eosinophiluria: Original studies with Methicillin-induced AIN showed sensitivity of 67% and specificity of 83%. The sensitivity is higher in patients with interstitial nephritis induced by methicillin or when the Hansel's stain is used. However, a 2013 study showed that the sensitivity and specificity of urine eosinophil testing are 35.6% and 68% respectively. Isosthenuria Blood in the urine and occasional RBC casts Sterile pyuria: white blood cells and no bacteria Nephrotic-range amount of protein in the urine may be seen with NSAID-associated AIN Pathology While non-invasive patient evaluation (physical examination, blood and urine testing, imaging studies) can be suggestive, the only way to definitively diagnosis interstitial nephritis is with a tissue diagnosis obtained by kidney biopsy. Pathologic examination will reveal the presence of interstitial edema and inflammatory infiltration with various white blood cells, including neutrophils, eosinophils, and lymphocytes. Generally, blood vessels and glomeruli are not affected. Electron microscopy shows mitochondrial damage in the tubular epithelial cells, vacuoles in the cytoplasm, and enlarged endoplasmic reticulum. Gallium scan The sensitivity of an abnormal gallium scan has been reported to range from 60% to 100%. Treatment Treatment consists of addressing the cause, such as by removing an offending drug. There is no clear evidence that corticosteroids help. Nutrition therapy consists of adequate fluid intake, which can require several liters of extra fluid. Prognosis The kidneys are the only body system that are directly affected by tubulointerstitial nephritis. Kidney function is usually reduced; the kidneys can be just slightly dysfunctional, or fail completely. In chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis, the most serious long-term effect is kidney failure. When the proximal tubule is injured, sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, uric acid, and phosphate reabsorption may be reduced or changed, resulting in low bicarbonate, known as metabolic acidosis, low potassium, low uric acid known as hypouricemia, and low phosphate known as hypophosphatemia. Damage to the distal tubule may cause loss of urine-concentrating ability and polyuria. In most cases of acute tubulointerstitial nephritis, the function of the kidneys will return after the harmful drug is not taken anymore, or when the underlying disease is cured by treatment. If the illness is caused by an allergic reaction, a corticosteroid may speed the recovery kidney function; however, this is often not the case. Chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis has no cure. Some patients may require dialysis. Eventually, a kidney transplant may be needed. Epidemiology Interstitial nephritis is uncommon (<1% incidence) in patients without any symptoms but occurs in about 10-15% of hospitalized patients with acute kidney injury of unknown cause. While it can occur in patients of all ages, it is more common in elderly patients, perhaps due to increased exposure to drugs and other triggering causes. References External links Merck Manual Category:Kidney diseases Category:IgG4-related disease Category:Nephrology
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the blog isn’t the problem If all these people have such severe social issues and are tender souls… why are they assholes to others on the internet? Hey man, you probably wouldn’t be on the PCBL if you were a nicer person. Ask yourself why you got your name up here, and actually try to be a better person. Instead of kissing ass, acting entitled, whining to strangers, etc etc…. just be a normal, well-adjusted person. Be kind to people you don’t know, treat everyone as equals, and don’t expect people to hand you things. Being on the PCBL doesn’t mean it’s too late for you, after all: instead of throwing a fit about your name being here, use it as a chance to fix your mistakes by changing what you’re doing. There’s a good chance that if you’re on here, you’re part of the reason people avoid the PC. If anything, the people with anxiety are probably too afraid to try interacting with the selfish, nosy beast that is the PC. The PCBL has simply brought to the surface issues that have always existed. Let’s try to change this shit, not try to bury it again under false kindness.
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Look Nsa Sex Just looking for a Belfast positive man Local Sluts Ready Old Sex Looking For Webcam Fun In Person Fun Online: Now About 55 woman to play with tonight Attached wm seeking older woman for nsa fun. Let me picturegraph you nude. So, if you are SERIOUS about having a Beldast friend, fun boss, and make some great money, let me know with the following: a nice notereply, your picture, and why this ad appeals to you. DateWhoYouWant makes it easy to find romance with someone that is perfectly suited posituve you. Our intuitive online dating system allows you to connect with so many wonderful singles of all backgrounds, who are looking for someone like you! Open an account with us today and get yourself someone to play with. With DateWhoYouWant's easy to use dating ror, you can sign up, create a profile and browse the profiles of other singles all for free, before deciding whether or not you'd like to get to know anyone a bit better. Discover Hot Singles Today. Page 1 of Im easy to talk to I have a wick Love me, hate me, either way you're thinking of m Hey everyone: I want to find someone else who loves to travel as much as I do. I can come off as shy to start with but i'm actually quite bubbly lol Couldn't live with Hi just joined hoping to meet genuine people Hi im joe easy going guy toned body looking to meet a nice easy going girl to take out on dates have a few laughs and perhaps more more. Belgast, Sexy, adventurous, intellectual, Love fast cars and have a passion for good food. Banjo69 Looking to date and get to know each other with a compatible girl around Belfast, Northern Ireland who's seeking a genuine 30 year old White man more. I am the eternal optimist though so here goes!! I have recently become a non smoker and am enjoying this Belffast much as thing s smell and ta Easy going, funny, Just looking for a Belfast positive man caring, loving, I'm very honest and loyal to loking ones I care about, if u want to know more just get intouch lol. Quiet at first and when I get used to you I be myself tho only if I'm comfortable with you as a person.
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There has to be Pastafarian Heaven. It's probably the only one that would let George Carlin in. According to certain uptight individuals, there's no way the Christian God would let him in. The FSM, I believe, would welcome him. You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once. -Lazarus Long Zankou 2.0 wrote:Actually, the Pastafarian version of heaven doesn't appeal to me at all. I don't like alcohol and the idea of a strip club is, to me, utterly absurd. It's naked people dancing. Who cares? Valanthe wrote:There has to be Pastafarian Heaven. It's probably the only one that would let George Carlin in. According to certain uptight individuals, there's no way the Christian God would let him in. The FSM, I believe, would welcome him. Zankou 2.0 wrote:Actually, the Pastafarian version of heaven doesn't appeal to me at all. I don't like alcohol and the idea of a strip club is, to me, utterly absurd. It's naked people dancing. Who cares? You could always join us near the fountain of tea. I consider that although there will be strippers, they will fulfill your ideal, therefore for me they will also be able to join me in some entertaining surrealist meanderings. He could always return to his earlier formulas. Not all of his material was complaints and grievances. He used to do general observations and commentary. Baseball and football, f'r instance, or a Place for my Stuff. Classic. You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once. -Lazarus Long Other religions say that you will be able to talk to patriarchates in their inferior representations of heaven. Thank Speghadeity for his acceptance of individuals such as George. I know that at some point in his glorious life, he consumed pasta, therefor paying his admission to our endlessly erupting open bar and unceasing flow of strippers. Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, CockSucker, MotherFucker, and Tits will more than be accepted in our Heaven. Those who can't accept are either doomed to Hell or in the wrong religion. Speghadeity's primary concern is that all of his young Jimlads and Jimlasses be accepted by each other if no one else. Superiority is just a euphemism for I'm an asshole when used to describe anything with a complex personality.
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Violent Muslim Anti-Freedom Riots Continue To Rage Across Asia and Middle East A supporter of the Jamaat-ud-Dawa Islamic organization holds up a placard while taking part with others in an anti-American rally in Lahore on September 16, 2012 Why does the press always refer to Muhammad as the "Prophet Muhammad"? Is he their prophet? Are they are all Muslims? I mean, I never see Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior of mankind ...... when they refer to Jesus. "We will defend our prophet until we have blood across our bodies. We will not let anyone insult him. Americans will pay for their dishonor." I.e., once again: deep-six the freedom of speech, or else."Muslim protesters rage at United States in Asia, Middle East," by Mirwais Harooni for Reuters, September 17: KABUL (Reuters) - Protesters enraged by a film mocking the Prophet Mohammad battled with police in several Asian cities on Monday and vented their fury against the United States, blaming it for what they see as an attack on the Muslim religion. Police fired in the air to break up a crowd marching on the U.S. consulate in the Pakistani city of Karachi while in Afghanistan and Indonesia people burnt U.S. flags and chanted "Death to America".Indonesian police fired tear gas and water cannon to disperse hundreds of demonstrators who massed outside the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, capital of the most populous Muslim nation.In Kabul, protesters set fire to cars and shops and threw stones at police."We will defend our prophet until we have blood across our bodies. We will not let anyone insult him," said one protester in the Afghan capital. "Americans will pay for their dishonor."Thousands also marched in Beirut, where a Hezbollah leader accused U.S. spy agencies of being behind events that have unleashed a wave of anti-Western sentiment in the Muslim and Arab world....
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The January issue of No Quarter isn’t too far away, which means the launch of No Quarter Games is almost here! If you haven’t heard, every issue of No Quarter from January on will include the complete rules for a new game that will often feature WARMACHINE & HORDES miniatures. Some of these games, like the January release of Grind Mk III, are rules supplements to WARMACHINE & HORDES that utilize the core game mechanics of everyone’s favorite tabletop wargame. Other games, like the March release of Extreme Colossal Wrestling, are totally new games that share absolutely no mechanics with WARMACHINE & HORDES. With Grind coming up in just a few weeks, I wanted to give you a sneak preview of one of the key features in the newest edition: the ability to have “cross-Faction” teams. Basically, when you build your Grind team, you choose to either build a warjack team or a warbeast team. Then, you take your starting resource of 75,000 crowns and purchase models to fill out your team roster from either the warjack manufacturers or the warbeast manufacturers (depending on which type of team you want). You can build your team using any mix of models from these manufacturers, so if you want to have a warjack team with an Ironclad, a Slayer, and a Juggernaut…go nuts. The maximum (and recommended) number of models you want in the Grind arena at any given time is six, but extra models stay on your bench during gameplay. If one of your starting models is injured during the game, you can always substitute in another benched model later on, giving a benefit to those players who decide to have a deeper roster instead of just loading up on the six most expensive options. So, without further ado, check out the list of warjack and warbeast manufacturers you’ll find in Grind. I hope you find this info useful to start planning your own Grind team for the big release in just a few weeks!
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