Hugh Grant has called Boris Johnson an "over-promoted rubber bath toy" in a scathing tweet which has since gone viral. The actor shared the post following news that the PM had decided to suspend parliament - a move that many have branded undemocratic. "You will not fuck with my children’s future," wrote Grant. "You will not destroy the freedoms my grandfather fought two world wars to defend. Fuck off you over-promoted rubber bath toy. Britain is revolted by you and you little gang of masturbatory prefects." This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. You will not fuck with my children’s future. You will not destroy the freedoms my grandfather fought two world wars to defend. Fuck off you over-promoted rubber bath toy. Britain is revolted by you and you little gang of masturbatory prefects. https://t.co/Oc0xwLI6dI — Hugh Grant (@HackedOffHugh) August 28, 2019 At the time of writing, the tweet had been retweeted more than 65,000 times, and liked by a further 267,000 users, before becoming a trending topic on the social media platform. Many shared their appreciation for his words, with some referencing Grant's performance as Prime Minister in Richard Curtos' Love Actually. This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. So judging by this morning’s trends on Twitter -we’re gonna #AbolishTheMonarchy and replace the Queen with Pres #HughGrant ? 😄This is what Thursdays are like now🤷🏼‍♀️ #BrexitShambles pic.twitter.com/xxiKdUc7zg — Victoria Crawford (@vccgyuk) August 29, 2019 This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. This content is imported from Twitter. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. all of us doing the dance after #HughGrant s tweet pic.twitter.com/0haJnukHeZ — Brenda #StarmerOut #3.5% (@brendapoole10) August 28, 2019 Johnson has sparked huge criticism among MPs and the public after ordering parliament to be prorogued from the second week in September until 14 October – just 17 days before the scheduled date of Brexit on Halloween. Opposers of a no-deal Brexit have accused the PM of trying to push his proposed deal through without too much intervention. House of Commons speaker John Bercow denounced the suspension of sittings as a “constitutional outrage”. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io
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This program for pre- and post-doctoral training supports the training of specialists who are able to conduct basic research at levels ranging from the molecular to the cognitive/clinical, on the biological mechanisms underlying the etiology, treatment and prevention of alcohol use disorders. Twenty-three members of the graduate faculty of the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) serve as preceptors for predoctoral students and postdoctoral research fellows in two graduate programs at OHSU-Behavioral Neuroscience, and the Neuroscience Graduate Program. Major research interests represent five areas of common interest: (1) genetic bases for alcohol and responses and risk, (2) learned and unlearned determinants of alcohol and drug reward, (3) neurobiological bases for the rewarding and aversive effects of alcohol and other drugs, (4) neuroadaptive mechanisms associated with ethanol dependence and sensitization, and (5) effects of alcohol on memory and cognition. Technical strategies reflect four levels of analysis: I. Behavioral pharmacological/pharmacogenetic, II. Neurochemical/neurophysiological/ neuropharmacological, III. Cellular/molecular biological and IV. Cognitive neuroscience/social, including human/clinical level. Coordinated research efforts within the Portland Alcohol Research Center (PARC) and the Integrative Neuroscience Initiative on Alcoholism (INIA) have strengthened training by unifying investigators and creating multidimensional research projects. Training includes firm curricular grounding in the basic sciences, specific pharmacological training in alcohol and other abused drugs, and extensive and continuous participation in research. Six predoctoral trainees per year, beginning with 0-2 years of graduate experience, will be supported by the training grant for 2-3 years, and then by individual National Research Service Awards or their mentors' resources. Three postdoctoral trainees per year with 0-1 years of postdoctoral experience will be supported by the training grant for 2 years. We have a well developed plan for improving the diversity of our trainees and all trainees are expected to complete an initial intensive course in the Responsible Conduct of Research, as well as continuing education in this area. Ample opportunities exist for our trainees to be involved in public education and outreach.
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The Fall of Big Data - henridf http://www.argmin.net/2016/11/14/fall-of-big-data/ ====== sudoscript > The third major failure has been a general apathy about politics amongst my > colleagues here in the Bay Area. When many of the best minds in machine > learning have decided that the most existential threat to civilization is > the rise of Skynet, we have had a major failure of group think. I cannot agree more. I am also in the Bay Area, and I feel surrounded by people who are deeply out of touch with the rest of the country. There is real desperation in this country. That's why Trump is President. People didn't vote for him because they are racist. They voted for him because they worry about putting food on their tables. They worry about being left behind in a world that has fewer and fewer ways for the average Joe to dream about a future. They're angry, rightfully so, and in Trump, they found someone willing to listen. They sure as hell didn't find it in us. Sure, we've given them lip service. We've looked at them through our rose-tinted Google Glasses, and at best, we've felt a twinge of regret at the way the world is going. Not enough to do anything. For all the efforts to teach girls to code (a problem deeply related to our own talent shortage), how much have we done to figure out what a blue- collar worker in rural Indiana is supposed to do when the sole factory in his town shuts down? Because let's face it -- we look down on them. We call them hicks and rednecks. We scoff at their lack of high-falutin education. We think they got left behind because they're not good enough. Because they didn't pass the tests we did, didn't have the ambition we do, didn't try as hard as we do. It's a nice thought if you want something to let you sleep at night, but it's not true. Those people aren't worse than us. They're not left behind because they're stupid. They're being left behind because people like us stopped giving a damn a long time ago. The solutions we did offer were exactly the ones you'd expect from a far- removed elite aristocracy. Teach everyone to code, or throw them money. Neither of which they want. So the people you laughed at, the people you thought yourselves better than, the people you offered little more to than pie in the sky techno-utopian dreams -- is it any surprise they turn around and elect someone you don't even understand? You never understood them anyway. ~~~ lsc >There is real desperation in this country. That's why Trump is President. People didn't vote for him because they are racist. They voted for him because they worry about putting food on their tables. They worry about being left behind in a world that has fewer and fewer ways for the average Joe to dream about a future. They're angry, rightfully so, and in Trump, they found someone willing to listen How do you square the poverty story above with the fact that trump ran on a fiscally conservative platform, within a fiscally conservative party that promises to reduce the safety net? ~~~ quicklyfrozen I have to assume that many don't want a safety net; they want to be able to be able to support themselves. ~~~ lsc Which is fine... but personally, I don't see that much difference between charging a tax that makes my imported goods more expensive (in an effort to subsidize American workers) and, say, just setting up some sort of reverse income tax, or strengthening the Earned Income Credit or what have you so that you directly tax me and directly give those dollars to people who don't have competitive job skills. If anything, I bet the latter would be more 'efficient' in that I'd have to pay fewer dollars to keep those folks fed and housed, just 'cause if you make imports more expensive, sure, more stuff will be manufactured here, but most of that manufacturing is going to be done by robots, so it seems to me you'd mostly be making me pay more for stuff I buy, then turning around and increasing the demand for labor from people with my sorts of skills. ------ bitL I don't think this has any relation to Big Data. It's simply Trump supporters were clever enough to give out false signals due to being ostracized by media and worried about consequences of going public (fired from a job, removed from social circles etc.) So the massive pressure on conformity created a late- Soviet-Union-style dissonance, outwardly many supporting "approved" candidates, inwardly supporting Trump (maybe due to the this pressure from all sides as a simple vote against). Many would've probably voted for "nobody" if that were a choice alongside Hillary and Donald. ------ huffpopo A) This is NOT Big Data B) This election was 101 in ML. The biases were obvious and easy to undo. C) I called it and won a lot of money [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12863445](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12863445) D) Best not to take advice from people who are constantly wrong E) Big Data and ML are still awsome :) See below from my linked post a week before the election: The problem with Bayesian is that it's often over confident in the model. Error bars don't take this into account and people over rely on error bars - especially with complex domains. Then there are the intentional and unintentional sampling biases in the polls that have to be taken into account. Then there are known human effects that add additional biases. E.g. the shy voter effect (e.g. Torres and Brexit), silent majorities (Nixon), momentum, dam breaking (Reagan), enthusiasm gap (Obama), the giant fk you to the establishment vote, pending indictments etc. In my view with the election being so emotional this year these effects are big enough to swing it to Trump making a poll based model wildly inaccurate. I've taken an actual position in the election. $4k on Trump to win at 15% odds made just after the tapes. At the time I felt Trump had at least 50% chance so the bet was positive expected return for me. I figured the public would get over it. My Bayesian friends had his odds at 2%. Today I consider Trump to be at least 70% with the whole FBI inditement saga picking up steam. In addition, the betting market behavior mirrors Brexit. A few very big bets on the status quo and many small bets against. It appears as if once again deep pocket punters are intentionality trying to manipulate the odds on the illiquid market in order to send a message that effects the vastly larger financial markets. So I think the odds are that there is some free money there. ~~~ matt4077 Congratulations on the money, but it doesn't really proof anything, especially not (B). There were hundreds of people working on this, considering all sorts of possible sources of errors. Any bias that is "obvious and easy to undo" was priced in. And the polls were actually not as bad – the difference was below the 3% from 2012. It just happened to swing the result. ~~~ huffpopo By "obvious" I meant to ML practitioners (esp frequentists which is more typical for big data). Not everyone. So not priced in. It is not an efficient market. There are huge information asymmetries. I will give you that calling it ML 101 was over the top. If you dig into the polling breakdown and compare the individual polls (states as well as national) with the actuals it is clear that the polls were bad. Just because the aggregate error was less off than it otherwise could have been is more luck than anything. It could be argued that you can assume a gaussian error distribution so a more precise aggregate is to be expected but I would argue that that is not a safe assumption. TLDR; Just because it was close doesn't make it a good model. As an aside. All of my Bayesian friends lost money and all of my Frequents friends made money :) ------ forgetsusername The Fourth major failing is in assuming that the majority of the country faces the same concerns as the rich people piled into the coastal cities. There's nothing inherently wrong with calling upon like-minded people to change government policies as the author asks (it's called lobbying), but the assumption that the "other-half" are just mistaken bigots and racists is exactly how this mess started. ~~~ michaelsbradley Exactly. Frank Bruni over at the NYT wrote this yesterday: "Liberals miss this by being illiberal. They shame not just the racists and sexists who deserve it but all who disagree. A 64-year-old Southern woman not onboard with marriage equality finds herself characterized as a hateful boob. Never mind that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton weren’t themselves onboard just five short years ago. "Political correctness has morphed into a moral purity that may feel exhilarating but isn’t remotely tactical. It’s a handmaiden to smugness and sanctimony, undermining its own goals."[+] And note too that some of us in tech who went to big-name private universities, maxed out our SATs, are good at math and love the physical sciences....... some of us "held our noses" and voted for Trump as well, finding, in comparison, the politics and platform of Hillary Clinton to be alienating and slightly worse, on the whole. [+] [http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/13/opinion/the-democrats- scre...](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/13/opinion/the-democrats-screwed- up.html) ------ jimmydddd It does seem like a smart guy with a twitter account, an airplane and a lot of energy was able to beat large embedded organizations and large infrastructures. Maybe it's like a nimble startup overtaking a large status quo industry. Some people say that his party actually had a more sophisticated big data system, though. It's just that they used it, instead of talking about it. ------ sluggg I urge everyone to read Social Physics by Alex Pentland, it addresses some of the topics in the article and provides a more holistic mental framework for big data. It's a good read. [https://www.amazon.com/Social-Physics-Networks- Make-Smarter/...](https://www.amazon.com/Social-Physics-Networks-Make- Smarter/dp/0143126334) ------ ramblenode Clickbait. The TLDR: A) Polls were biased and we don't have many elections on which to build good models. B) Social media created echo chambers. C) Other people's politics are sci-fi and more people should agree with me. ------ LordHog I stopped reading after the first few sentences that were politically driven. Click bait? ------ clifanatic Wow, talk about a click-bait headline... absolutely nothing to do with big data.
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LAS UNIONES FAMILIARES CONFORMADAS POR DOS MUJERES TIENEN DERECHO AL RECONOCIMIENTO DE SUS HIJOS: SCJN La Primera Sala de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación determinó que todas las personas sin distinción de género u orientación sexual tienen el derecho a formar una familia y, si es su deseo, acceder a la procreación y crianza de hijos propios, adoptados, gestados mediante el uso de técnicas de reproducción asistida, o procreados por uno de ellos. En el caso concreto, una pareja conformada por dos mujeres solicitaron por escrito al Registro Civil de Aguascalientes reconocer y registrar a un menor nacido de una de ellas como hijo de ambas. La petición fue rechazada de conformidad con lo que dispone el Código Civil de esa entidad, que excluye la posibilidad de que el hijo de una mujer pueda ser reconocido voluntariamente en su acta de nacimiento o en acta especial posterior por otra mujer con quien la madre biológica conforme una unión familiar lesbomaternal, ya que la figura jurídica del “reconocimiento voluntario de hijo” estaba limitada por definición solo para el hombre que se presumiese como padre. El caso fue atraído por la Primera Sala del Alto Tribunal, la cual resolvió que a pesar de reconocerse que el menor fue procreado por la participación de un hombre, no debe excluir la posibilidad de que el hijo de una mujer pueda ser reconocido voluntariamente por otra mujer en su registro de nacimiento o por acta especial, pues ha de admitirse que si el hijo nace de una madre con orientación lésbica, sin que exista una unión familiar de ésta con su progenitor biológico, la predicción fáctica es que el menor de edad, de hecho, será criado por ambas mujeres y se desarrollará en el seno de la familia lesbomaternal. Así la Primera Sala resolvió que si el menor de edad nace de una madre con orientación lésbica, pero procreado de una relación sexual natural con un tercero, deberá bastar la manifestación de voluntad de la pareja de la madre en reconocerlo y ejercer la comaternidad; pues ante la falta de vínculos genéticos, la voluntad parental para ejercer los deberes de crianza en el seno de una familia lesbomaternal, debe ser elemento determinante para establecer la filiación de los hijos, con absoluta prescindencia del género o la orientación sexual de la pareja y de la existencia de vínculo genético, por ser ello lo más acorde al interés superior del menor. Tesis: 1a. LXVIII/2019 (10a.) Semanario Judicial de la Federación Décima Época 2020482 5 de 15 Primera Sala Publicación: viernes 23 de agosto de 2019 10:31 h Tesis Aislada (Constitucional. Amparo en revisión 852/2017 Documento con fines de divulgación. La sentencia es la única versión oficial.
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Damn, that’s such a cool design! I was picturing something quite different when you first mentioned them in one of your other uploads but I must say, this looks a lot better than what I was picturing
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Santiago Abreú Santiago Abreú (died 8 August 1837) was governor of Santa Fe de Nuevo México (New Mexico) from 1832 to 1833. He was a victim of the Chimayó Rebellion of 1837. He was dismembered before being allowed to die. Santiago Abreú was deputy to the Congress in Mexico City from 1825–26, and was appointed governor in 1832-33. Abreú was a supporter of Governor Albino Pérez, who had become extremely unpopular for enforcing the decisions of the centrist government of President Antonio López de Santa Anna, which included reduction of local political control and imposition of new taxes. During the rebellion against Pérez which broke out on 7 August 1837, Abreú was captured near the rancho of Cerrillos and imprisoned in Santo Domingo. The next day he was taken from jail by a mob that tore off his penis and decapitated him. His brother Ramón Abreu, publisher of the newspaper El Crepúsculo de la Libertad, was also assassinated in this rebellion. The assassins were Pueblo warriors from Santo Domingo, who were also responsible for the death of governor Perez. However, in the aftermath of the rebellion they were treated carefully to avoid further trouble. References Category:1837 deaths Category:Governors of New Mexico Category:Assassinated Mexican politicians Category:People murdered in New Mexico Category:Mexican governors of Santa Fe de New Mexico Category:Year of birth missing
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/* * Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.optaplanner.examples.nqueens.app; import org.optaplanner.core.impl.score.director.easy.EasyScoreCalculator; import org.optaplanner.examples.common.app.CommonApp; import org.optaplanner.examples.common.app.UnsolvedDirSolveAllTurtleTest; import org.optaplanner.examples.nqueens.domain.NQueens; import org.optaplanner.examples.nqueens.solver.score.NQueensEasyScoreCalculator; public class NQueensSolveAllTurtleTest extends UnsolvedDirSolveAllTurtleTest<NQueens> { @Override protected CommonApp<NQueens> createCommonApp() { return new NQueensApp(); } @Override protected Class<? extends EasyScoreCalculator> overwritingEasyScoreCalculatorClass() { return NQueensEasyScoreCalculator.class; } }
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"Bodycount" fails the racial sensitivity test I recently started playing "Bodycount," a new first-person shooter published by Codemasters, on the Xbox 360. I'm only four or five missions into the game so far, so please keep in mind this article is not a review. It's an indirect missive to Codemasters, asking them WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU THINKING?!! OK, sorry for shouting. It's just I'm kind of flabbergasted and bewildered by my experience in the game to date. It's been an experience that a lot of people would label as racist. Yes, racist. You heard me. So far, I've been running around in generic African locales, shooting every black person I see. They range from skinny suicide bombers to hulking, shirtless fellows, smeared with body paint and toting giant machine guns. For an accurate idea about most of my other enemies at this point, look at current photos of troops and rebels in Somalia or pretty much any other black African country. Those are the guys "Bodycount" is having me kill. Yes, they're all trying to shoot me, but how much does that really matter, at least as far as racial perception is concerned? As far as I've gotten in the game, I haven't encountered a single character with any sort of personality, good or evil, other than the disembodied female voice guiding me to my goals. The result: the game feels like little more than a shooting gallery, one where stereotypical black African thugs take the place of wooden ducks. To be honest, I find it even worse that the game has me joining battles between two separate factions -- a nation's official military forces and an armed rebellion -- and killing everyone. Right side? Wrong side? I'm not sure there is any such thing in this game. Just cannon fodder to be mowed down. Certainly, one point of view is that if you're killing people in Africa, you're probably going to be killing black people, because lots of black people live in Africa. There's more than an element of truth to that statement. But ask Capcom how much that matters. "Resident Evil 5" was mostly set in Africa, too, but the images of players controlling a white male character to kill black people -- even if they were "zombies" -- didn't go over so well with the gaming community. I expect that if "Bodycount" was as high profile a game as "Resident Evil 5," we'd have been hearing plenty of complaints about the opening missions by now. But it's not exactly going to be a blockbuster title, so I understand perfectly well why it has flown under the radar. Still, that doesn't excuse the game's creators for being so stupid and insensitive. Maybe -- and it's a big maybe -- if they'd created clear good guys and villains or encouraged something more complex than a game of kill everyone in sight, there be some sort of excuse for the game-play I've experienced so far.
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Insertion trauma of a cochlear implant electrode array with Nitinol inlay. The integration of a shape memory actuator is a potential mechanism to achieve a consistent perimodiolar position after electrode insertion during cochlear implant surgery. After warming up, and therefore activation of the shape memory effect, the electrode array will change from a straight configuration into a spiral shaped one leading to a final position close to the modiolus. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the integration of an additional thin wire (referred to as an "inlay") made of Nitinol, a well-established shape memory alloy, in a conventional hearing preservation electrode array will affect the insertion behaviour in terms of increased risk of insertion trauma. Six conventional Hybrid-L electrode arrays (Cochlear Ltd., Sydney, Australia) were modified to incorporate a wire inlay made of Nitinol. The diameter of the wires was 100 µm with a tapered tip region. Electrodes were inserted into human temporal bone specimens using a standard surgical approach. After insertion and embedding in epoxy resin, histological sections were prepared to evaluate insertion trauma. Insertion was straightforward and no difficulties were observed. The addition of a shape memory wire, thin but also strong enough to curl the electrode array, does not result in histologically detectable insertion trauma. Atraumatic insertion seems possible.
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This article is part of the Thematic Series \"Advances in nanomaterials II\". Introduction ============ The Hall--Petch relationship has inspired materials scientists to refine grains to increase the strength of materials since the early 1950s \[[@R1]--[@R3]\]. However, research in this area has met the paradox of strength and ductility tradeoff, especially when materials are refined to ultrafine-grained or nanostructured range \[[@R4]--[@R8]\]. They are usually either strong or ductile, but rarely both at the same time. Deformation twinning is one of a few mechanisms that can simultaneously improve both strength and ductility \[[@R5]--[@R6] [@R9]--[@R11]\]. Consequently, deformation twinning in nanostructured metals has received extensive attention in recent years \[[@R10]\]. Among all of the twinning mechanisms in nanocrystalline materials, partial mission from grain boundaries has been found as the primary mechanism from both simulations \[[@R12]--[@R13]\] and experiments \[[@R14]--[@R15]\]. However, it still remains unclear whether such emissions from grain boundaries have any preference for sites with specific character such as triple junctions. This problem is of significant importance to both the scientific understanding and practical design of nanostructured materials. Previously, triple junctions have been reported to play a critical role in other deformation mechanisms in nanostructured materials, like grain rotation \[[@R16]\] and grain boundary sliding \[[@R17]\]. Additionally, earlier studies revealed that triple junctions were energetically more active than grain boundaries \[[@R18]\] and they were able to emit and absorb free volumes upon deformation, which promotes partial emission \[[@R12]\]. Therefore, one may reasonably hypothesize that triple junctions may promote deformation twinning in nanocrystalline materials. Up to now, there has been no solid experimental study to verify this issue largely due to technical difficulties. So far, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) has achieved great success in revealing the atomic-level details of deformation/growth twins, including formation mechanisms \[[@R14],[@R19]--[@R22]\], interactions with dislocations \[[@R11],[@R23]--[@R26]\] and macroscopic strain \[[@R10],[@R25],[@R27]\], due to its extraordinary spatial resolution. However, reliable statistical analysis based on extensive data still seems a grand challenge for HRTEM studies on twinning \[[@R28]--[@R29]\]. It is time consuming and sometimes impractical to examine twins in a massive number of grains, as each grain needs tilting into a specific zone axis under HRTEM to observe the twin. For example, to observe a twin in a face-centered cubic (fcc) grain, observation along the \<110\> zone axis on the coherent twin plane is typically needed \[[@R29]\]. In other words, the electron beam needs to be parallel to a close-packed orientation and the twin boundary needs to be edge-on. It is tedious to rotate the sample to various orientations to look for twins in each grain. In addition, the limited sample tilting range makes it impossible to observe all twins in a grain. Therefore, HRTEM substantially underestimates the number of twins in a nanostructured sample. Furthermore, HRTEM also has the same difficulty in characterizing other interfaces like grain boundaries and triple junctions. This is especially problematic when studying the relationship between twins and triple junctions from a statistical view and when the sample has a significant texture. In the last few years, an innovative microscopy technique has been developed using a conventional electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) system in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to collect transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD) patterns from sub-10-nm domains in an electron transparent sample \[[@R28],[@R30]--[@R31]\]. Like conventional EBSD, TKD can measure grain size, morphology, phase distribution and crystalline lattice orientation. However, the biggest advantage of TKD compared with EBSD is its improvement in spatial resolution, which has been shown to be in the range of 2--10 nm for a variety of materials \[[@R30]\]. Therefore, this technique enables researchers to characterize, with relative ease, truly nanostructured materials. Although strongly dependent on materials and deformation state, the resolution of TKD can complement TEM to provide useful information in characterizing nanostructured materials. Another great advantage of TKD is that various interfaces, including grain boundaries and twin boundaries, can be identified without the requirement of them being edge-on. Therefore, no tedious sample tilting is required, and all twins can be identified irrespective of their orientation. Furthermore, TKD and subsequent data processing are time/labor-saving and relatively easy due to fast indexing rates and a high level of automation \[[@R28],[@R31]\]. This is in sharp contrast with HRTEM for which the analyses are time consuming and difficult to perform. In addition, comprehensive microstructural information is collected simultaneously from samples analyzed by TKD. This eliminates any subjective judgment of the researcher. Therefore, TKD can achieve the desired balance between spatial resolution, angular accuracy and a high level of automation to give objective results. With these advantages, TKD is ideal for performing statistical analyses on deformation twinning and triple junctions in nanostructured materials. Experimental ============ A 1 mm thick sheet of commercial Cu/10 wt % Zn was first homogenized at 700 °C for 3 h, cooled down to room temperature, and then punched into 10 mm diameter disks for high pressure torsion (HPT) processing. The HPT processing was conducted at room temperature for ten revolutions with an imposed pressure of 1 GPa at a speed of 1.5 rpm. All electron-transparent TKD foils were mechanically ground and punched from the outer region of the as-deformed disks, where the greatest degree of grain refinement was achieved. Samples were subsequently electropolished by means of double-jet electropolishing using an electrolyte of 1:1:2 H~3~PO~4~/C~2~H~5~OH/H~2~O. TKD characterization was conducted in a Zeiss Auriga SEM operating with a 30 kV accelerating voltage. The measurement step size was set to 6 nm for the microscopic observation, taken into consideration the heavily deformed state and other factors. All misindexed points and unindexed pixels in the data sets were screened out prior to analyzing twins. Nearly 1500 grains, ranging in size from 30 to 200 nm, were characterized to enable a statistical analysis of the twinning. TEM observations were performed in a JEOL-2010F microscope under 200 kV as a control group. Results and Discussion ====================== In this work, we investigated deformation twinning in a nanostructured Cu--Zn alloy using TKD. Two kinds of twinning phenomena were statistically studied using large TKD data sets: 1) their connections with triple junctions, and 2) the effect of grain size on deformation twinning. [Fig. 1](#F1){ref-type="fig"} shows a typical TEM image of the HPT Cu--Zn alloy, revealing equiaxed ultrafine and nanocrystalline grains. Most grain boundaries are not well defined and the interiors of most grains are "messy", especially in large grains. Those are typical microstructures in highly deformed samples with a high density of entangled dislocations produced by severe plastic deformation \[[@R32]\]. The inset shows a corresponding diffraction pattern. The presence of smeared and ring-like diffraction patterns implies lots of nanoscale grains and their low-angle misorientations. This result is consistent with previous reports of copper alloys processed by high-strain torsion \[[@R33]--[@R34]\]. ![A typical bright-field TEM image of the HPT Cu--Zn alloy showing severe deformation and grain refinement. Inset is a corresponding selected area diffraction pattern.](Beilstein_J_Nanotechnol-07-1501-g002){#F1} [Fig. 2](#F2){ref-type="fig"} presents a typical TKD orientation map of the HPT-processed Cu--Zn alloy. The orientation map is coded by the inverse pole figure coloring scheme as demonstrated in the inset, in which grains with {001}, {101}, {111} planes parallel to the sample disk surface are indicated by red, green and blue, respectively. The black, silver and red boundary lines correspond to high-angle grain boundaries (\>15°), low-angle grain boundaries (2--15°), and Σ3 twin boundaries, respectively. The black points are unindexed points in the orientation map. As shown, the overview of grain size and morphology agrees well with the TEM observation. Severe deformation has induced grain refinement down to the nanoscale. Equiaxed nanoscale grains were found dotted around ultrafine-grains. The grains highlighted by A, B and C have a specific twin feature, which will be discussed in detail in the following section. As in B and C, numerous twins are observed to intersect with triple junctions in the orientation maps. Most grains have significant internal orientation change due to the intragranular deformation that occurred during HPT, as indicated by the abundance of low-angle boundaries and a change in color within grains. The pole figures presented in [Fig. 2](#F2){ref-type="fig"} reveal that there is only a weak texture. These details are consistent with the deformation features observed under TEM. ![(a) A typical TKD orientation map of the HPT Cu--Zn alloy. The inverse pole figure coloring scheme in the inset is utilized to code the orientation map, in which grains with {001}, {101}, and {111} planes parallel to the sample surface are indicated by red, green and blue, respectively. The black, silver and red boundary lines represent high-angle grain boundaries (\>15°), low-angle grain boundaries (2--15°), and Σ3 twin boundaries, respectively. Grains highlighted with white squares and labeled with A, B and C present three typical twin structures that correspond to those shown in [Fig. 3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}--c, respectively. In B and C, twins intersect with triple junctions (highlighted by circles), which is a common phenomenon in all orientation maps. (b) Pole figures of the area presented in (a). Only a weak texture is observed here.](Beilstein_J_Nanotechnol-07-1501-g003){#F2} [Fig. 3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}--c shows TEM images of three typical types of twins. They corresponds to the three most common twin morphologies observed in TKD orientation maps, as indicated by A, B and C in [Fig. 2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}. These three twins are categorized based on their thicknesses relative to the TKD step size. Generally, for the software to display a twin boundary, it needs to measure the orientation difference across the boundary. But when the twin is extremely small and thinner than one step size (6 nm), it cannot be detected by TKD in our study. Therefore, when the twin domain thickness is around or slightly larger than the step size, as in the case of [Fig. 3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}, TKD is able to detect the twin, but unable to resolve the twin domain. This whole twin appears as one single Σ3 red line in the TKD orientation map and bounded by two separate matrices with the same orientation, as shown in frame A in [Fig. 2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}. Second, when the twin thickness is much larger than the TKD step size ([Fig. 3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}), two Σ3 red lines bounding the twin can be clearly observed, as shown in frame B of [Fig. 2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}. The third case is shown in [Fig. 3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}: when the twinning propagates to the grain boundary and the twin domain thereby becomes large enough to cover part of a grain, only one coherent twin boundary appears in the grain. In this case, a red Σ3 twin boundary line splits the grain with two different orientations, as shown in frame C in [Fig. 2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}. ![Typical TEM images of the three most common twin morphologies highlighted in [Fig. 2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}: (a) twin thickness is around or slightly larger than the TKD step size; (b) twin thickness is much larger than step size; (c) twin thickness is much larger than step size and there is only one coherent twin boundary in the grain interior; (d), (e) and (f) are enlarged features under HRTEM from (a), (b) and (c), respectively.](Beilstein_J_Nanotechnol-07-1501-g004){#F3} The statistical information on the relationship of triple junctions and twins is listed in [Table 1](#T1){ref-type="table"}, which shows results from 300 twinned grains. "Yes" and "No" in the table denote whether a twin intersects with a triple junction. It has been reported that the area nearby a triple junction would emit or absorb free volumes to promote the emission of partial dislocations \[[@R12]\] and then emitted partial dislocations would induce the growth of stacking faults or twins \[[@R14]--[@R15]\]. Therefore, a twin meeting the triple junction could be nucleated from the triple junction. The statistics in [Table 1](#T1){ref-type="table"} reveals that 248 out of 300 twinned grains (83%) have at least a twin connected with a triple junction. Two grain size subsets, 30--100 nm and 100--200 nm, are selected to make a comparison in order to avoid possible grain size effect on twin--triple junction connections. Each subset has 110 and 190 counted grains, respectively. It is shown that the fractions of twin--triple junction connections are almost the same for the full grain size range, suggesting that there is no discernible grain size effect on twin--triple junction connections. This relatively high percentage of twin--triple junction connections also implies that triple junctions could be playing a significant role in the nucleation of deformation twins. This is the first time such statistical data is reported. ###### Statistical data of triple junction related twinning. Yes and No in this table denote whether a twin (boundary or domain) is connected to a triple junction. ------------------- ---------------- ------- -------------- ----- ----- Grain size range\ Twinned grain\ No Yes (nm) (counts) Count Fraction (%) Count Fraction (%) 30--200 300 52 ≈17 248 ≈83 30--100 110 19 ≈17 91 ≈83 100--200 190 33 ≈17 157 ≈83 ------------------- ---------------- ------- -------------- ----- ----- A well-known deformation mechanism in nanocrystalline fcc metals is partial emission from grain boundaries, resulting in stacking faults and twins. This has been firstly observed through simulation \[[@R12]--[@R13]\] and then verified by TEM characterization \[[@R14]--[@R15]\]. It has also been demonstrated that triple junctions were energetically more favorable \[[@R18],[@R35]\], and therefore were more effective in promoting partial emissions than grain boundaries. It was found that high densities of triple junctions in nanostructured materials could promote twin nucleation \[[@R36]\]. Although some twins connecting with triple junctions might have not been nucleated at the triple junctions, the statistical results obtained from this investigation suggest that triple junctions might have promoted the nucleation of deformation twins. Although TKD can only perform post-mortem characterization of nanostructure at this stage, it has the advantage of resolving grain boundaries, triple junctions and twin boundaries without them being edge-on. This makes it more suitable than HRTEM for studying triple junction/twinning relationships. Based on the statistical data, it is reasonable to state that triple junctions in nanostructured metals could play a significant role in the nucleation of deformation twins. [Fig. 4](#F4){ref-type="fig"} shows the grain size distribution and the size distribution of twinned grains in the grain size range from 30 to 200 nm. When analyzing the TKD data, we recorded the information of twinned grains and their sizes. It must be noted that our TKD data volume here is ten times that reported in TEM studies \[[@R22],[@R34]\], and therefore provides more reliable statistics. The average grain size is ≈80 nm. Based on [Fig. 4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}, the fraction of grains that are twinned in each size range is shown in [Fig. 4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}. It clearly reveals an inverse grain size effect, in which the fraction of twinned grains decreases with decreasing grain size \[[@R10],[@R22]\]. However, the optimum grain size for twinning in our observation is not the same as that observed under HRTEM \[[@R34]\]. This discrepancy could be caused by the fact that TKD does not have sufficient resolution to observe very thin twins, that is, twins with a thickness close to or smaller than the 6 nm step size. Smaller grains may contain a large fraction of such small twins, which may have significantly biased the data in [Fig. 4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}. ![(a) Grain size distribution and the size distribution of twinned grains indicated by red and blue histogram, respectively. (b) Histogram showing the fraction of grains that are twinned in each size range.](Beilstein_J_Nanotechnol-07-1501-g005){#F4} Conclusion ========== Compared with HRTEM, TKD has the advantage of easily collecting a large data set for statistical analysis of deformation twinning. In addition, it has the advantage of being able to characterize defect structures, such as grain boundaries, triple junctions and twins, without requiring them to be edge-on and in the \<110\> zone axis. This makes it possible to detect twins in all orientations. Statistical TKD data reveals that triple junctions could promote nucleation of deformation twins in a nanostructured Cu--Zn alloy. TKD has limitations in detecting thin twins and therefore becomes unreliable when the grain size is thinner than its step size. This work is supported by Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Micro & Nano Materials and Technology, Nanjing University of Science and Technology. Y.T. Zhu acknowledges support from the U. S. Army Research Office (W911NF-12-1-0009), the U. S. National Science Foundation (DMT-1104667) as well as the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11172187). Y.S. Li acknowledges support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51301092).
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Watch Watch Y'all niggas overdoin' it You gotta slow that shit down Take your time, reevaluate your shit, it don't matter (Watch) Niggas ain't got money, ain't got time Fuck it, just say this shit You and me Gon' live together in this perfect harmony (I hear 'em callin') I can hear 'em callin' me We've come a long way since H.O.C. (Watch) You and me Gon' live together in this perfect harmony (I hear 'em callin') I can hear 'em callin' me We've come a long way since H.O.C. (Watch) I live by the beat, I die by the beat, since 1990, I (I) Live by the beat, I die by the beat, like MPC Akai Who I name William after 'cause I get bills from these beats Fuck the industry, know we keepin' it real up in these streets Came up in a world that's off its axis All that's promised, death and taxes Don't give a fuck who be rhyming the fastest my anxiety Make me spit it a mile a minute I'm stuck in a clinic like Flint Montgomery Take a step back, tell me right now, boy, just what your summary Creeping through fireside Smash the window of that fire ride Just to see what we can snatch from up inside 'Til the flashin' lights come 'round that corner then we run and hide Prayin' to God up in Heaven eleven at night and I got no alibi My damn dip to Stewart Town Best not come 'round these parts if you new in town Wonder what my homies from back in the day livin' at, are doin' now Running with my sister Jinny, schooling me like Mr. Feeny This is the first time I heard a gunshot on the block Growing pains (Three), this the type of shit don't never stop Here come the cops Shooting up the hood like black ops 'Cause trigger happy police tend to trigger happy people And some people who believe we not equal shoot up the steeple My God, if you exist then why do you make life so hard? If you exist you make the way you think is avant garde If you exist you got a funny way of showing it What happens in the afterlife? These people they know and shit And on that note, I keep it G Like track four, "Kick in the Door" by Notorious B.I.G. Don't believe me, look that shit up, I promise you'll find the key To that punchline, feelin' just fine Let the abyss of my mind, my mind consume Snap my fingers like Thanos and Bobby Boy bringin' the doom 'Cause I'm 6:30, killin' shit, hands down and dirty That white boy can't rap, he talk good and act nerdy I just texted Erykah Badu To let her know what I'm gon' to do Sample "Dreamflower" by Tarika Blue That's cool with you? Yeah, that's fine baby, all gravy Long as you know you my baby And I beat yo' daddy like if he ever cheat on me I mean she don't own the sample but she might as well 'Cause her and Dilla paved the way for all I got, and, well I'ma show my gratitude, no attitude, no auto-tune like T-Pain Doin' Unplugged, I'm unplugged, like Trinity Wonder how the people gonna remember me, goddamn Switch up the plan We all say it, we all claim it but it's no use The greatest rapper alive is probably stacking produce Introduce you to my train of thought Snapping on a track like the illest conductor With no contradiction I brought my heart to the table Fact and never fiction, fuck a fable Ready and willing you better believe I'm able to spit Power through these lines faster than fiber-optic cable, I'm gone You and me Gon' live together in this perfect harmony (I hear 'em callin') I can hear 'em callin' me We've come a long way since H.O.C. (Watch) You and me Gon' live together in this perfect harmony (I hear 'em callin') I can hear 'em callin' me We've come a long way since H.O.C. (Watch) Watch From the bottom When you come from the bottom, you ain't get no chances, man I'ma do this shit 'til the Fourth Of July, blow up straight to the sky (Watch) Nigga fuck it, we high I remember when a nigga had to ask for money It's been a long time since I had to do that shit (Watch) This shit ain't free I got the roof over my head and a bed, nigga, my bitch givin' me head I'd rather get money instead Man, it's Bobby Boy Records in this bitch Y'all niggas better write this shit down (It don't matter) 'Cause 10 years from now, we on top And we ain't never gon' stop All money in (Watch) This album marks the reunion of Logic and No I.D. For the first time in six years Since the inception of its predecessor
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Q: How to clear my input if button is clicked and at the same time make button unclickable if input is empty? I want to create a simple chat but don't know how to clear my input if the button is clicked and at the same time make button unclickable if the input is empty. This is how I did but it doesn't work. function ctrlButton() { btn.disabled = this.value.trim().length === 0; } text.addEventListener('input', ctrlButton, false); ctrlButton.call(text); $('#btn').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var val = $('#text').val(); if (val.length >= 1) { $('#text').val(""); } }); <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="sendCtrls"> <input type="text" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Your message is here" id='text'> <button class="button button1" id="btn">Send</button> </div> A: Everything you are doing is good,You just need to add btn.disabled =true; inside click event. function ctrlButton() { btn.disabled = this.value.trim().length === 0; } text.addEventListener('input', ctrlButton, false); ctrlButton.call(text); $('#btn').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var val = $('#text').val(); if (val.length >= 1) { $('#text').val(""); btn.disabled =true; } }); <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="sendCtrls"> <input type="text" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Your message is here" id='text'> <button class="button button1" id="btn">Send</button> </div> Better version $("#text").on("input propertychange paste",function(){ debugger; if($(this).val()===''){ $('#btn').attr('disabled',true); }else{ $('#btn').removeAttr('disabled'); } }); $('#btn').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var val = $('#text').val(); if (val.length >= 1) { $('#text').val(""); $('#btn').attr('disabled',true); } }); $('#btn').attr('disabled',true); <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="sendCtrls"> <input type="text" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Your message is here" id='text'> <button class="button button1" id="btn">Send</button> </div>
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On Saturday, Bernie Sanders observed Passover by shilling for Hamas. The Gaza terrorist group had spent weeks planning a violent demonstration on the border with Israel. The goal was to get Palestinians killed in front of the international media, in order to elicit condemnation of Israel. It worked, and largely because of people like Bernie Sanders. Hamas sent more than 20,000 civilians to the border intermixed with its terror cells, which attempted to infiltrate the border, place explosives on it, and attack IDF soldiers. Eighteen are now dead, a majority of them members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Bernie Sanders then went on Twitter and TV to go all-in on Hamas's deadly media game: The killing of Palestinian demonstrators by Israeli forces in Gaza is tragic. It is the right of all people to protest for a better future without a violent response. — Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) March 31, 2018 Needless to say, not a single Palestinian would be dead today if Hamas hadn't staged this confrontation. And those killed by the IDF were not "demonstrators," if that word still has any meaning. And it would be interesting to know what "better future" Sanders believes Hamas seeks, insofar as the group's charter calls for the killing of all Jews worldwide. Maybe they'll make an exception for Jewish senators from Vermont who are useful idiots. On Sunday, Jake Tapper asked Sanders to comment on Israel's claim that Hamas terrorists were operating from among the "demonstrators." Bernie stuck to his guns: "From what my understanding is, you have tens of thousands of people who are engaged in nonviolent protest." His defiance may delight progressives, but Bernie is making a fool of himself. There are video and pictures of Hamas instigating violence, and it has been thoroughly documented—including by Hamas itself—that 11 of the 18 dead were young male operatives of Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror cells. On a moral level, Bernie is helping create a political and media environment that incentivizes Hamas attacks on Israel, which result overwhelmingly in the deaths of Palestinians, not Israelis. But on a political level, Bernie is damaging Democrats. President Obama's emotional and ideological need to pillory Israel accomplished nothing for his presidency, and it certainly did not help Democrats raise money or win elections. Sanders' anti-Israel activism may end up being worse for the Party, because it is more vicious and even less based in reality than Obama's, and because Bernie will set much of the agenda for Democrats in 2020. His progressive supporters love that he's standing up to big, bad Israel. But progressive hatred of Israel is not fact-based—it is an emotional obsession that relies for its energy on presenting a false reality, as Sanders did over the weekend. An overwhelming majority of Americans, and even most Democrats, do not share progressivism's increasingly virulent obsession with Israel. Democrats with national aspirations should be concerned that Obama's animosity is now crossing the line, via Sanders, to a position that is so embarrassingly detached from reality that it is impossible to spin. Time will tell whether Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, and other 2020 hopefuls walk into the trap Bernie is setting for them, and endorse ridiculous lies about Israel that please a very narrow demographic of far-left activists. They need only look to the Corbynization of Labour to see the future that may await their Party.
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Doing What Cums Naturally Quick Overview Nobody ever teaches us how to have sex – it’s an inborn skill! And nowhere is this fact more obvious than when you bring together a horny collection of hot young twinks, whose brains are literally ruled by their cocks. Believe us, when it comes to sucking dick, rimming arse and taking meat balls-deep, these boys are born for the job. Lads like Lucas Drake, Jake Stark and Joel Tamir – along with buff newcomer, Colin Horner – who never seem happier than when they’re honing their sluttish skills for the camera and doing what cums naturally!
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Monday, December 19, 2016 What the hell, 2016? Why'd you have to go and be such a lowlife bastard? Seriously, if years were body parts, you'd be Donald Trump's ass. If they were colored body parts, you'd be Donald Trump's grey, vein-marbled ass, and if they were textured, colored body parts, you'd be Donald Trump's saggy, grey, vein-marbled ass. A year ago, so many giants still lived among us as we entered 2016—Prince, Harper Lee, David Bowie, Muhammad Ali—only to dissolve from our presence one by one, as we made our way through one of the most discouraging years I can remember. Our planet was ravaged by cataclysms both natural and otherwise. Unprecedented flooding, drought and blizzards racked North America. Iraq and Syria's war-torn populaces fled for somewhere, anywhere, and were received with little more than fear and suspicion. Simultaneously, the the western world retreated to levels of xenophobia and nationalism not witnessed since the advent of the Cold War 70 years ago. Wow, okay, I'll just stop there. Obviously I wasn't the only mortal beast left reeling from Shitstorm '16—you were, too, for Pete's sake. How about if we try and take a little of the edge off, eh? Since gratitude is a quality I've never been exactly stellar in recognizing in myself, maybe it's time I celebrated some of humanity's accomplishments over the past year rather than constantly dwelling on the worst we have to offer. Here's just a sampling of the positive events that helped shape our year: On May 10, an Indian fertility clinic announced that a 70-year-old woman had given birth to a baby boy. I'm not sure why this needed to happen, but how awesome is it that now we can wait until Social Security kicks in to start a family. Plus, thank God people can finally lay off elderly new parents like Steve Martin, Mick Jagger and the spry Scotsman himself, Rod Stewart: Apparently, a few of those British are still invading. On February 17, the oldest known case of human-Neanderthal sex (100,000 years ago) was revealed by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Using complicated computer modeling, the humanoid's appearance has now been simulated to a reliability level of 99.9%: It's never easy to act completely human when deep down, you know you're only half. And finally, December of this year saw the wedding of my nephew, Andrew. Here's a shot of me with my sister and foster grandpa, obviously still thrilled about his recent murder acquittal: While it's no secret that attending a friend or relative's nuptials accounts for some of life's most joyous events, this one packed a little extra oomph. You see, here's what Andrew looked like when he entered the scene in the autumn of 1984: The little guy was smaller than a freaking crusty pup. He was delivered ten weeks premature, weighing two pounds, twelve-and-a half-ounces. Even now, neonatal care is a dicey proposition, and you can imagine how much more so it was thirty-two years ago. Necessary that he remain at the hospital through his full-term date, Andrew's lungs were so underdeveloped those first weeks that his brain forgot to make them breathe a few times. Thankfully, the University Washington isn't merely one of the best football schools in the earth's history, it's also home to a world-class neonatal facility, and the amazing doctors and nurses at UW Medical Center proved adept at meeting the multitude of challenges inherent in a lad this tiny. I'll never forget when he finally came home and eventually learned to rock any type of cable knit sweater thrown his way. When Andrew married Jen earlier this month, I'm sure his parents had a moment, because I sure did. Here he is with his cousins:
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Q: First and second projection, definition and/or motivation for name I have read that in the ordered pair $z=(x_1,x_2)$, an element of a direct product $Z=X_1 \times X_2$ of sets $X_1$ and $X_2$, the element $x_1$ is called the first projection and $x_2$ is called the second projection, is this just by definition, or is there a more meaningful reason for these names? they can then be denoted pr$_1z$ and pr$_2z$ should i just accept this, or maybe i can think of it in a different way to being just names? p.s. i looked up the mathjax stuff for this, tell me if it is alright, thanks! A: It is from the definition. However you may be intereseting in that what it come from or why we called it by this name. In fact: Pick a point $(x,y)$ from the space $\Bbb R^2$, you will find that $x$ is just the projection of the point $(x,y)$, and $y$ is also!
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I’ve been playing a lot of The Sims 4 recently. There was a huge sale on Origin, so I bought about 75 percent of the expansions and various other DLC, and though I started fairly tamely (I made myself! And then my housemate!) it didn’t take long until I was double-fisting mods and cheats into my hungry mouth. NSFW Warning: This story contains cartoonish nudity and sex scenes. One of those mods was Wicked Whims, which I found through Kotaku (thanks, Gita!). Wicked Whims is a mod, or more accurately, a bunch of mods made by many, many different creators, that adds sex to the game. Now, The Sims technically has sex. It just calls it “Woohoo” and hides it under bedcovers and behind pixelated rectangles. But I am no child, Electronic Arts, and neither are the numerous animators and modders that work on Wicked Whims, adding new sex locations and deeds each month. You want to have sex on a piano? Or give your boyfriend a blowjob on the toilet? Maybe you just want to go at it on the floor, like the animals you are? Wicked Whims has you covered, although, as Gita’s piece points out, it does mean your sims will fuck everywhere, autonomously, with almost anyone. My latest Sims file is an experiment. I created a sim and let the game spit out a randomly-generated name: Riley Perrin. Her goal in life was to be a famous actress, but she had another, undocumented goal: she was a swinger. As far as I can tell, this isn’t something you can actually tell your sims to be—you just have to open the right doors for them, and a bunch of strangers. In one of the official expansion packs, Get Together, your sims can start clubs. Running a club allows you to summon all the club members to your house, and give them certain conditions and activities that make the club what it is. Rather uninventively, I called Riley’s club “Sex Club,” with the catchy tagline: “The first rule of Sex Club is...have sex.” I made sure that the only people who could join were adults, that the dress code was “none” (as in, none clothes, not none dress code) and added the extra condition that all members must be at least three-star celebrities, because I figured I could get a nice head start on Riley being an actress by only letting her fuck the famous. And then, I watched. I watched as Riley and friends banged on every available surface. I watched as they double-teamed her on the bed, the sofa, the floor. I watched as Riley shoved dick after dick into her animation-deformed mouth, going from anal to vaginal without any aftercare or cleaning, flicking through positions like the Kama Sutra on shuffle. Then I realized that setting the pregnancy likelihood to 50 percent did not just apply to the “Try for Baby” action, but to all vaginal penetration. All three women in Sex Club went home from the first meeting fertilized, all by the same man: pink-haired, teal-bespectacled, unwitting sperm donor Izzy Fabulous. From there on, it was a bit of a clusterfuck, both literally and figuratively. Riley ended up with three children, thanks to Sex Club, all from different fathers. Occasionally, the kids get phone calls from their estranged dads, wishing them happy birthday, or asking to hang out. I always say no. It’s a bit weird. Riley stopped having Sex Club hangouts after her first child walked in on a gangbang, and now she works as an actress with no side-gigs except for raising three kids. That hasn’t stopped sex from creeping back into her life, of course. During her workday, she has often been unable to get into costume or makeup because the person responsible is bent over a coffee table. Everyone is always pregnant. People keep reacting to her weirdly, and then I find out it’s because she has semen on her face. Now her eldest, Jake, is a teenager. Much like most teens, he’s obsessed with having lots of autonomous sex in the most inappropriate of places, like the living room. He impregnated his first girlfriend on their first sexual encounter, and to complicate things further, she’s the half-sister of his step-dad’s son’s child. So, it’s weird, but not incest. I think? Sadly, Riley Perrin is dead now. She spent the final few years of her life being unable to attend Sex Club meetings, because one of the conditions that she set was “no old people.” Her children are not famous enough to join, which means they’re also unable to change the conditions, so now Sex Club belongs to people outside of the Perrin family. Riley’s only lasting legacy to her descendants was a whole bunch of half-siblings, a handful of used sex toys, and a gigantic, sprawling fuck-palace to live in.
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McDonald’s Canada was formed in 1967, and to celebrate their 50th anniversary they’ll be selling their famous burgers for just 67¢ this Wednesday, August 16. From 11:00 am to 7:00 pm, McDonald’s will be serving up the specially priced burgers at their more than 1,400 locations across Canada. See also “It’s amazing to think that a single BC location that started in 1967 has grown to over 1,400 restaurants across Canada,” said John Betts, President and CEO, McDonald’s Canada. “This is a true testament to what the passion, spirit and support of guests, franchisees and employees can do. Looking ahead, we’re excited about our future and continuing to share special moments, like today, with Canadians from coast to coast.” Keep in mind however, that the 67¢ hamburgers are limited to three per customer and must be purchased in-restaurant. Still, when’s the last time you paid for lunch with a loonie and got change? McDonald’s 67¢ hamburgers When: August 16, 11 am to 7 pm Where: McDonald’s locations across Canada
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CNN host Wolf Blitzer said on behalf of the media "we love the American people" on Wednesday in response to President Donald Trump's latest broadside against the profession. Apparently angered by the media's coverage of his nuclear summit with North Korea, Trump tweeted Wednesday that the "fake news" press was "our country's biggest enemy." So funny to watch the Fake News, especially NBC and CNN. They are fighting hard to downplay the deal with North Korea. 500 days ago they would have "begged" for this deal-looked like war would break out. Our Country’s biggest enemy is the Fake News so easily promulgated by fools! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 13, 2018 CNN analyst David Gregory attacked Trump for being unoriginal, saying all politicians don't like the press. "Everybody's always criticizing us and not happy with our coverage, whether it was President Clinton or President Bush or President—they're all criticized," Blitzer said. Blitzer went on to say a lot of Trump's supporters believed the charge, which was "a really, really awful situation." "We are not the enemy of the American people. We love the American people," he said. Trump has made attacking the press a hallmark of his presidency, often referring to stories he characterizes as inaccurate or unfair as "fake news."
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528 F.2d 543 UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee,v.Billy Ray WALLACE, Defendant-Appellant. No. 75--4009 Summary Calendar.* United States Court of Appeals,Fifth Circuit. March 10, 1976. Alan Brown, San Antonio, Tex., for defendant-appellant. John Clark, U.S. Atty., Jeremiah Handy, Asst. U.S. Atty., San Antonio, Tex., for plaintiff-appellee. Appeal from the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas. Before AINSWORTH, CLARK and RONEY, Circuit Judges. PER CURIAM: 1 Billy Ray Wallace appeals from his conviction of possession of 34 grams of amphetamine sulfate with intent to distribute it, in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1). He contends on appeal that (1) the affidavit on which a search warrant was issued was insufficient to enable the magistrate to conclude that probable cause existed to search his premises, (2) the trial court committed error in considering evidence of oral testimony to supplement the affidavit, and (3) the search warrant was invalid because of misrepresentations contained in the affidavit. We find these contentions unpersuasive and affirm. 2 Agents of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration received information from two individuals on separate occasions that Wallace, a chemist, was manufacturing methamphetamine. They set up surveillance in the vicinity of appellant's premises, 4122 Flinthill Street in San Antonio, Texas. A package containing two bottles of phenyl-2-propanone, a chemical necessary for the manufacture of methamphetamine, was given by Agent Hale to Joe Don Helton for delivery to the Flinthill address, in exchange for which Helton was to receive methamphetamine. Two of the agents followed Helton to appellant's residence. Several hours later Helton was seen by DEA agents leaving appellant's premises from which he drove directly to a prearranged meeting place and delivered 12 grams of methamphetamine to Agent Hale. Based on the informants' tips and the observations of the agents, a search warrant which is the subject of this appeal was obtained. A subsequent search of appellant's premises disclosed additional methamphetamine. 3 The pertinent part of the affidavit supporting the search warrant contains the following language: 4 'Two independent sources of information who have both been proven reliable in the past on at least two occasions, told the Affiant that Billy Wallace is a chemist who manufactures quantities of Methamphetamines. Surveillance on December 17, 18, and 19, 1974, and telephone records show that Wallace uses 4122 Flinthill Street, San Antonio, Texas as a residence. On December 18, 1974, Special Agents of the Drug Enforcement Administration saw a package containing a quantity of phenyl-2-propanone, a required precursor chemical for the manufacture of methamphetamines, being carried into 4122 Flinthill Street. Approximately four hours later Special Agents of the Drug Enforcement Administration saw a quantity of methamphetamine delivered from 4122 Flinthill Street.' 5 Under Aguilar v. State of Texas, 378 U.S. 108, 84 S.Ct. 1509, 12 L.Ed.2d 723 (1964), a two-prong test for determining the sufficiency of an affidavit to support the issuance of a search warrant by a magistrate was established. The magistrate must be informed of some of the underlying circumstances: (1) on which the informant based his conclusion of criminal activity, and (2) from which the officer concluded that the informant was credible or his information reliable. Id. at 378 U.S. 114, 84 S.Ct. at 1514. Appellant does not contest the sufficiency of the affidavit under the second requirement of Aguilar but contends that the affidavit failed to contain underlying information which explained the source of the informants' tips, and is therefore legally deficient. 6 As we said in United States v. Anderson, 5 Cir., 1974, 500 F.2d 1311, 1315, 'even an undisclosed informant's tip found wanting under the Aguilar test may provide the basis for a finding of probable cause if parts of it have been corroborated by independent sources.' The personal investigation and observation by the DEA agents of Helton's actions in delivering the phenyl-2-propanone to appellant's premises and returning the methamphetamine to them corroborated the information received from the informants. Thus, under Anderson, the affidavit per se was sufficient to establish probable cause. Therefore, we do not reach appellant's second contention that the trial court erred in receiving oral testimony to supplement the statements contained in the affidavit. 7 Finally, appellant contends that the only fact affiant could swear to was that agents saw a package, that contrary to the affidavit they saw no package containing phenyl-2-propanone being carried into 4122 Flinthill Street and no package containing methamphetamine being removed therefrom. Such misrepresentations, appellant argues, render the affidavit invalid. Because of Agent Hale's direct participation in giving and receiving the packages to and from Helton and the continuous surveillance by DEA agents of Helton during his trips to and from appellant's premises, the fact that the agents could not see the contents of either package is not material to the establishment of probable cause for the search. See United States v. Thomas, 5 Cir., 1973, 489 F.2d 664. 8 Affirmed. * Rule 18, 5 Cir.; see Isbell Enterprises, Inc. v. Citizens Casualty Co. of New York et al., 5 Cir., 1970, 431 F.2d 409, Part I
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Proteomic analysis of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) leaf changes induced by transition to autotrophy and exposure to high light irradiance. Using a proteomics approach, we evaluated the response of heterotrophic and autotrophic leaves of grapevine when exposed to high light irradiation. From a total of 572 protein spots detected on two-dimensional gels, 143 spots showed significant variation caused by changes in the trophic state. High light treatment caused variation in 90 spots, and 51 spots showed variation caused by the interaction between both factors. Regarding the trophic state of the leaf, most of the proteins detected in the heterotrophic stage decreased in abundance when the leaf reached the autotrophic stage. Major differences induced by high light were detected in autotrophic leaves. In the high-light-treated autotrophic leaves several proteins involved in the oxidative stress response were up-regulated. This pattern was not observed in the high-light-treated heterotrophic leaves. This indicates that in these types of leaves other mechanisms different to the protein antioxidant system are acting to protect young leaves against the excess of light. This also suggests that these protective mechanisms rely on other sets of proteins or non-enzymatic molecules, or that differences in protein dynamics between the heterotrophic and autotrophic stages makes the autotrophic leaves more prone to the accumulation of oxidative stress response proteins. Transition from a heterotrophic to an autotrophic state is a key period during which the anatomical, physiological and molecular characteristics of a leaf are defined. In many aspects the right functioning of a leaf at its mature stage depends on the conditions under what this transition occurs. This because apart of the genetic control, environmental factors like mineral nutrition, temperature, water supply, light etc. are also important in its control. Many anatomical and physiological changes have been described in several plant species, however in grapevine molecular data regarding changes triggered by this transition or by light stress are still scarce. In this study, we identify that the transition from heterotrophic to autotrophic state in grapevine triggers major changes in the leaf proteome, which are mainly related to processes such as protein synthesis, protein folding and degradation, photosynthesis and chloroplast development. With the exception of proteins involved in carbon fixation, that increased in abundance, most of the proteins detected during the heterotrophic stage decreased in abundance when the leaf reached its autotrophic stage. This is most likely because leaves have reached their full size and from now they have to work as a carbon source for sink organs located in other parts of the plant. Despite the potential control of this transition by light, to date, no studies using a proteomics approach have been conducted to gain a broader view of the effects of short-term high light stress. Our results indicate that short-term high light exposure has a major impact on the proteome of the autotrophic leaves, and trigger a differential accumulation of several proteins involved in the oxidative stress response. Surprisingly, heterotrophic leaves do not display this pattern which can be attributed to a lower sensitivity of these leaves to high light stimulus. In fact we discovered that heterotrophic leaves are more tolerant to light stress than autotrophic leaves. This finding is of high biological significance because it helps to understand how young leaves are able to evolve to autotrophy in areas where high light intensities are predominant. This also reveals in this type of leaves the existence of alternative mechanisms to address this stressful condition. These observations provide new insights into the molecular changes occurring during transition of leaves to autotrophy particularly when this transition occurs under high light intensities. This for example occurs during the springtime when the grapevine buds burst and the young leaves are suddenly exposed to high light intensities.
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18 Years Old Hot Huge Boobs Teen Masturbating Hot very beautiful white skinned very big tits 18 years old teen girl came to the bathroom. Then she brushed her teeth. Then she started to touch her white skinned boobs. Then she feels so horny that she needs to cum. Then she started to lick dildo. She wishes it were be a huge dick but she needs to cum right now. Then she started to lick dildo deepthroatly. Then she started to play with her pussy. Her pussy looks so wet and hot. Then she started to fuck herself with dildo. She fucked her pussy with dildo in many various positions and finally white skinned big tits 18 years old teen cummed.
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This application proposes a comprehensive pre-doctoral training program in Immunology and Infectious Disease at The Rockefeller University, an institution with a rich history in these areas. We propose to support 4 predoctoral trainees during years 1-3 of graduate study. The Immunology and Infectious Disease training program would be a specialized unit of the Ph.D. program at Rockefeller, and is specifically designed for immunology and infectious disease training. This program will include required course work and rotations, to provide a strong intellectual foundation; a special seminar series, where trainees can present their results and gain experience in oral presentation; and extensive research opportunities. We will provide careful oversight of the trainees' activities and progress annually by meetings with the program Director; a Program Advisory Committee of selected faculty for general curriculum and research advice; and a Faculty Advisory Committee, specifically designed for each trainee to provide detailed experimental guidance. The training faculty would be 17 strong investigators, ranging from full Professors, with extensive experience in training students, to newly hired Assistant Professors. The faculty has expertise in a very broad range of immunology and infectious disease, and the program would encourage trainees to perform collaborative work in various areas with different faculty. The applicant pool is outstanding, containing a large number of undergraduate students who have superb academic and research accomplishments, and who are primarily interested in immunology and infectious disease. Finally, the University provides extensive support for the graduate program in general, which would benefit the proposed training program. The confluence of these attributes defines a specific training program in immunology and infectious disease that would equip trainees with the educational background, analytical abilities, and experimental expertise to forge future advances in biology. The research supported by this training grant is directly relevant to public health, including the development of treatments for cancer and new vaccines for HIV and Hepatitis C. [unreadable] [unreadable] [unreadable]
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400 Meter Sprint? Are You Crazy?! It’s Tuesday!! That means I get my butt kicked in CrossFit. Our warm up today was a 400 Meter Sprint for time. Uh….what? You want to time my 400 meter sprint? HAHAHAHA….ok…I’m slow. I’m not a runner. My normal mile is about 16:30…so I was a little intimidated by this. We lined up on the road and as soon as Shane said “GO” I tried to push my legs as fast as I could go. I finished last, which was expected. My time was 2:12. While I wasn’t that happy with that time, it was only about 20 seconds behind the person before me and as Michelle said that works out to about a 9 minute mile! So, I cut my normal mile in half. I like looking at it that way better! The WOD was Tabatas of Squats, Push Ups, Butterfly Sit Ups, and Ring Dips. I kinda like tabatas, but at the same time they’re painful! For those of you not familiar with Tabatas, basically you go all out for 20 seconds and do as many reps of the assigned exercise as possible, then rest for 10 seconds. You repeat this cycle 8 times. You keep track of your lowest reps and that becomes your score. So, for example, I did 13 squats (my most) and averaged about 10 squats, but my lowest rep round was 9, so I get 9 points for my squats. The next time we do squat tabatas I’ll be able to compare my score to today’s score. So, how did I do? First…Ignore Chad and Cortni. They’re both beasts and it’s not fair to compare myself against them! Michelle did very well. I ended up with a 9 for my squats, 8 for push ups (I was happy with this score!), 7 for sit ups, and 6 for dips. Overall, I’m pretty happy with my score. I feel like I’ve come a long way in the 3 months I’ve been going to CrossFit. All of us (Alaina, Alan/Alen/Allen, Michelle) have. I’m excited to see what the rest of this year brings. OH…another small victory for me. We had to do burpees in our warm up as well (only 5 each round, 2 rounds) and while they still sucked, I felt pretty strong doing them!! I don’t know that I could have done much more than 5 in a row but I was able to hop my legs back and hop them up to my chest whereas before I’d have to step back. In other news, I had my 6 month check with for my Tracheal Stenosis today. Dr. D said everything looked stable. The area has healed well and while it’s slightly tighter than when I had the dilation done, it’s still much better than before the dilation and the “shelf” (a ridge of scar tissue) isn’t growing back (yet.). So, I got a clean bill of health and go back in another 6 months. He also told me that I needed to get to a healthy weight because the more fat you have, the more cells you have, the more demand your body has for oxygen. “I’m not telling you to lose 100lbs, or 2olbs, or even 10lbs, just get to a healthy weight.” Umm…ok. How do I get to a healthy weight if I don’t lose lbs?! Of course, I’m already working on this. He’s told me this before, but I thought he might notice a 30lb weight loss since the last time I saw him…guess not. Some men just aren’t very observant!
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Flask Snippets This is an archived view of user-submitted snippets. Despite being hosted on the Flask site, they are not official. No Flask maintainer has curated or checked the snippets for security, correctness, or design. You can access the server running on WSGIPathInfoDispatcher take as argument a dictionary mapping a path to an application object, so you can easily deploy multiple (Flask) application on a single CherryPy server. This snippet by esaurito can be used freely for anything you like. Consider it public domain.
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If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Ways for Voldemort to Kill So here's a happy topic for everyone. (Merry Christmas!) Can you imagine any ways that Voldemort would kill an insubordinate Death Eater that would not be instant? We have seen him (and heard him threaten to) use Nagini, but besides that, is there anything else that is plausible? This would be very useful and would create a pretty poignant moment if I could incorporate it into a story, but I'm beginning to think it's just out of character. Voldy is a huge fan of Avada Kedavra after all. It's also not the be all and end all of my story; I have planned and can definitely write an alternate to this--I just thought it was worth a shot to see if any of you thought it was plausible. Oh, this is where all my years of watching the Saw movies comes in handy! Burning them alive, some sort of reverse Bubble Head Charm where their head is completely surrounded by water and they drown. Twisting off their limbs and then twisting off their head, poisioning, slow bleeding until the exanguinate. As far as animals, there are swarms of scorpions, poisonous spidiers, fire ants. Box jellyfish venom is supposed to be the most excrusiating poisoning there is, and most people die of shock before the actual poison kills them. But I'm not quite sure how you can makes this work. Just something that I thought would be excrusiating. Voldemort is fond of siccing Nagini on people, so I think that would definitely be a possibility. Oh, Tim, you're a Ravenclaw! Show some imagination! But more ways to die... Pulling off the person's scalp, flying knives or other implailing objects, general impailing, prying open their rib cages, being cut to ribbons by shards of flying glass, sliced apart by barb wire, being cut apart piece by piece...I need to watch my way through my old movies again. A bit bloody and gorey, but that is what our modern horror genre has become. Pulling off the person's scalp, flying knives or other implailing objects, general impailing, prying open their rib cages, being cut to ribbons by shards of flying glass, sliced apart by barb wire, being cut apart piece by piece...I need to watch my way through my old movies again. A bit bloody and gorey, but that is what our modern horror genre has become. Merlin, I need to lay off the horror flicks... Well, Voldemort doesn't kill people in really creative ways - from what I've gathered from the books, he prefers to just AK his victims or use Nagini. Or he might Crucio his target a bit, then deliver the killing blow. Even though Voldemort often comes up with ridiculous plans to kill Harry Potter, his ways of killing people don't show too much imagination. But for ridiculous ways for Voldemort to kill people... I'm thinking of something involving flaming squirrels shoved down the victim's throat. Yeah... Hahaha, yeah, that's what I was thinking, Tim. He's not usually one for creativity. Unfortunately, at this point in the story, Nagini has kicked the bucket, so that's not an option. The problem is that I want to create a somewhat poignant death scene, where someone has time to say their last words, so I'm not sure how well a complete maiming will work. (JKR had sort of the same situation with Snape's death, but luckily for her, she had Nagini to use.) I'm beginning to think that there just isn't any plausible murder that Voldemort would commit that would lend itself to a heart-wrenching scene. (Somehow the image of my MC saying her goodbyes to someone with an imploded head just doesn't strike a cord with me. ) We know that there are lethal spells besides the Killing Curse. Molly didn't AK Bellatrix. So assume that Voldemort has some reason to use something else. Maybe he's just feeling lazy and "Avada Kedavra" is too many syllables. So he points his wand and says "Die!" or whatever. Since it's not AK, the victim doesn't have to die instantly. Maybe the spell blows a hole through him, but he still has a few moments to say something with his last breath.
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Be sure to read from the first post, you can find it here. There's a lot of work involved when raising undead armies. Bloody work. Any experienced necromancer can tell you this, but Smooth Jazz is not an experienced necromancer. He never had the chance to learn from one either. And his new-found god, Yredelemnul, gave no advice on leading undead armies. Smooth Jazz had only raised a few corpses before, but he knew raising an entire army would be more rewarding than anything else he had accomplished in his life. And despite his moronic zombie roach he felt elated at the ease of his first three encounters. If every creature in this dungeon is as trivial as the goblin, gecko, and cockroach, then this will be much easier than I expected. His thoughts were interrupted when he spied a scroll of paper sitting innocently on the floor in a large room. Paper? I wonder if someone left a note here. Smooth Jazz took a tentative step towards the scroll and noticed another creature approaching from beyond it. A giant mite. Something in this dungeon must be causing mundane creatures to grow to incredible sizes, or perhaps someone is growing overlarge creatures for some reason. Smooth Jazz took a step into the room, noticing a movement to his left. Another giant gecko in a hallway he had not seen moments before. He looked back over to see the mite coming closer. A small, black phial sat on its side behind the mite. It appeared to be filled with a dark liquid. That looks like a magical potion. If it is, then the scroll might be of a magical nature too. He stepped closer to the mite, hoping his cockroach would distract the nearing gecko. The mite sprang forwards, its mandibles working furiously before biting into his leg. Smooth Jazz grimaced as drops of blood fell to the floor. The bite hurt his leg more than it should have. Crap, its bite is poisonous! He swung his sword in a wide arc, making an opening in the mite's thick exoskeleton. A few drops of green goo lazily dripped down the body of the mite. The goo looked similar to the cockroach's goo. I'll worry about the poison once this thing is dead. Smooth Jazz's next swing bounced off the mite's natural armor. It retaliated by biting his other leg. Unholy hell, that hurt! I need to get out of here. He looked to his side to see the undead roach fighting the gecko. He backed away from the mite, hoping to hide behind the roach. The gecko noticed him and bit onto his scales. Thankfully it couldn't get a firm grip and slid off. The gecko then turned back to his roach, probably deciding the smooth brown scales were too thick. Smooth Jazz continued backing away, watching as both the mite and the gecko took turns to bite into his poor cockroach. At least the undead can't be poisoned. I think I could get a good strike in on the gecko while it's fighting. He thought to himself. 'Clink!' His sword dug into the stone floor next to the gecko. How did I miss that?! The gecko recognised the threat and bit him again. This time its sharp teeth managed to get a good grip and pierce his scales. He yanked his sword from the floor and looked up to see the mite biting into his cockroach. It reared up and slowly disintegrated, dead roach dust drifted carelessly away. DCSS Version 0.14 trunk. Smooth Jazz began as a Draconian Death Knight.
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Q: How do I get the index of an item inside of a ForEach loop? I have an array of arrays that I'm looping through. The array is structured to represent the 4 quarters of a year: Q0 January, February, March Q1 April, May, June Q2 July, August, September Q3 October, November December @State var quarters: [[Month]] = [[.init(name: "January"),.init(name: "February"),.init(name: "March")], [.init(name: "April"), .init(name: "May"), .init(name: "June")], [.init(name: "July"),.init(name: "August"),.init(name: "September")], [.init(name: "October"), .init(name: "November"), .init(name: "December")]] In the HStack below, I'm trying to append the index of quarter so that I end up with Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3 VStack { ForEach (self.quarters, id: \.self) { quarter in VStack { Spacer() HStack { Text("Q\(quarter.index)") .font(.system(size: 40, weight: .black, design: .rounded)) } } } } This didn't work. Is there a way I can get the index of the array inside the array of my ForEach loop here? I understand there is a way to retrieve the index if the ForEach loop is using a range as its data set, but I not if the data set is an array. A: You may go this way with an enumerated array: struct TempView: View{ @State var quarters: [[Month]] = [[.init(name: "January", products: ["1", "2"]),.init(name: "February", products: ["1", "2"]),.init(name: "March", products: ["1", "2"])], [.init(name: "April", products: ["1", "2"]), .init(name: "May", products: ["1", "2"]), .init(name: "June", products: ["1", "2"])]] var body: some View { ForEach (self.quarters.indices , id: \.self) { (index) in VStack { Spacer() HStack { Text("Q\(index)") .font(.system(size: 40, weight: .black, design: .rounded)) Button("TestButton",action: { self.quarters.append([.init(name: "January", products: ["1", "2"]),.init(name: "February", products: ["1", "2"]),.init(name: "March", products: ["1", "2"])]) }) } Spacer() } } }}
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Pages Sunday, February 24, 2008 Bishop Kelly is guilty I don't know the story on this one. I will have to do some digging. "Bishop" is a lofty title held by a whole bunch of people in the Church of God in Christ. What is the difference between a pastor and a bishop? does the title have some significance in the African American community? Frederick Kelly was convicted of aggravated sexual battery and child molestation on Friday night. His church is looking for a replacement - it is a good thing too, Kelly's going away for 25 years... or more. In cases like this, I always wonder about the last sermon hypocrites like Frederick Kelly deliver. Do they know their fall is near? Do their words ring true? Were they ever true? 5 comments: Bishop ISN'T a lofty title help by a whole bunch of people in the Church of God In Christ. Like most Protestant denominations, COGIC divides geographical regions into jurisdictions and the person who is the leader of the jurisdiction is a Bishop. Kelley, is a hot mess and his wife should be arrested too for condoning his behavior. COGIC, as a denomination, has a history of harboring sexual deviants and child molesters. Sad, but so true. This case is simply one that was well publicized and that the victim was willing to pursue criminal action against him. A pastor presides over a church. A bishop presides over a jurisdiction. A jurisdiction is comprised of a number of churches usually in a local region. Like most sections of society sexual deviants are present. But since spiritual leaders talk about the promise of man when they fall it hits us harder. Although we hate to admit it, or not, we hold spiritual leaders to a higher standard. Whenever a wrong is committed it should be exposed. Gladly, in our time nothing is swept under the rug as evidenced by this this ruling and what is happening in the Catholic church. COGIC DOES "NOT" HARBOR SEXUAL PREDATORS. THOSE TYPE PERSON CAN BE FOUND ANYWHERE OR IN ANY DENOMINATION. THEY ARE "NOT" ALWAYS FOUND IN CHURCHES. THEY ARE PEOPLE WHO HAVE "ISSUES", AND USUALLY VERY ADEPT AT GETTING THEIR WAY IN A MULTITUDE OF SITUATIONS TO PREY ON THE VULNERABLE AND WEAK.... Its insulting to say that COGIC "harbors" pedophiles. You have to remember that people are people. The bible says if any man says he does not sin, he is a lie. You can't fault the denomination for the hidden and perversed actions of individuals. Our Bishops does not condone this behavior in the least bit. In addition, many of these people really do know the word like the back of their hands, unfortunately, many of them are hypocrites. But the bible warns us of this. COGIC is a great church. I was born and raised COGIC and it is that which has kept me on the right path. If you must use conviction, convict the person, not the church. Blaming the entire church is like saying, "Because thousands of black men have committed crimes, ALL black men are criminals".
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- m - 3*m = 30 for g. -5 Suppose 4*f - 5 - 15 = 0. Solve -5*a + 30 = f*g, 6*g = g + 3*a + 6 for g. 3 Let w = -37 - -47. Solve -w = -2*s - 4*f - 2, -2*f = -s - 12 for s. -4 Let n be (-6)/(-8)*20/5. Suppose 4*g - 75 = -n*j - 2*j, 4*g = -j + 15. Solve -5*z = 2*y - j, -4*z + 16 = 3*y - 3 for y. 5 Let q = -4 - -8. Let o(m) = m - 1. Let v be o(q). Suppose -3*c = v*h - 2*h + 10, -3*c = -3*h + 30. Solve 2*s - 22 = -g - 3*s, -h*s = -2*g - 31 for g. -3 Let o be (-126)/35 + (-4)/10. Let g be o/18 - 20/(-9). Suppose 0*p + 10 = g*p. Solve n - 9 = 2*j, 4*n + 7 = p*j + 31 for n. 1 Let l(i) = i + 2. Let r be l(-8). Let o = 14 + r. Let a = -2 + o. Solve 4*q - a = -4*p - 2, -5*p + 17 = -q for p. 3 Suppose 14 - 266 = -7*p. Solve 0 = 4*s + 5*m + p, -3*m = -4*s - 2 - 2 for s. -4 Let p = -3 - -6. Suppose 0 = p*t - 0*t. Solve l - 21 = 4*m, -3*l + 28 = -t*l - 5*m for l. 1 Suppose -124 + 444 = 5*l. Let p be l/(-12) - (-2)/6. Let j = 6 - p. Solve 4*q + j = -m, -5*m + q + 14 = -2*q for m. 1 Let b be 41/4 + 3/(-12). Let s = 10 + -1. Let u(l) = -l**2 - 16*l + 40. Let v be u(-18). Solve 2*z = -3*j + s, -6 = -4*j - v*z + b for j. 1 Suppose -m + 4*s = -16, -m + s - 1 = -2*m. Solve 0 = m*c + 3*a - 14, 2*a - a + 2 = 2*c for c. 2 Let g be (-18)/99 - (-2)/11. Solve -4*b - 3*k - 2*k + 6 = g, -k - 6 = -b for b. 4 Let w(d) = 4*d**2 + 0*d - 3*d**2 + 2*d + 1. Let t be w(-3). Solve m = 3*l + 13, 8 = t*m - 5*l - 9 for m. -2 Suppose -14*r + 19*r - 10 = 0. Solve 4*i = r*o - 0 + 12, -o + 3*i = 8 for o. -2 Suppose 0*f - 8 = -2*f. Let p(a) = a**2 - 4*a - 3. Let d be p(f). Let w be d - ((-2)/1 + -1). Solve 4*l + 5*u + 11 = w, u + 3 = -0 for l. 1 Let l(i) = i**3 + i + 5. Suppose v = 2*v. Let d be l(v). Solve t = -3*b - 3*t - 10, -d*t = 20 for b. 2 Let q = 68 + -66. Solve -5*s + 2*t + 2 = 0, -q*t + 4 = -4 for s. 2 Let g(m) = -m + 13. Let d be g(8). Solve -16 - 14 = -d*f + 2*o, -5*o - 37 = -3*f for f. 4 Suppose -3*t - 5 + 2 = 0. Suppose 0 = z - 3*z + 2. Let s be 4 - (z - 1)/t. Solve -2*h + 2 = 3*l - 6*l, s*l + 8 = 0 for h. -2 Let u(v) = -2*v + 3*v - 2*v. Let i = -49 - -47. Let j be u(i). Solve -5*h + 2*z = j, 0 = 4*z + z - 5 for h. 0 Let m(o) = o**3 + 6*o**2 - 5*o + 16. Let g be m(-7). Solve 2*n - h - 1 = 1, g*n + h = -6 for n. -1 Let u be (0 + 3 - 4)*-21. Solve -2*l = 5*o - u, l - 2 = -3*o + 10 for o. 3 Let f be -2 + 5 + (-1 - 0). Solve -5*n - 2*p = 11, n - f*n + 5 = -2*p for n. -1 Let l(n) = -2 - 2 + 3*n**2 - 2*n**2. Suppose -2*x - 2*z + 17 = 3*x, -12 = -4*x - 2*z. Let t be l(x). Solve 2 = 2*s, -4*k + t = 3*s - 2*s for k. 5 Let l = -28 + 28. Solve 4 = 2*s - l*s + 3*t, 0 = -s - t for s. -4 Suppose -k = -8 + 3. Solve a = 2*c + 2*c + 1, -k*c + 15 = 2*a for c. 1 Let u be (-3 - 14/(-4))*8. Suppose t = -0 + 16. Suppose -u*c = -0*c - t. Solve -5*j - 27 = -0*n - n, j = -c*n + 3 for j. -5 Let v = 0 + 1. Let p be 1/(-2)*(v + -3). Suppose u + 0*u = 1. Solve 2*w - u = 3*d + p, 4*d = -16 for w. -5 Suppose -7*r + z = -2*r - 52, -4*r + 5*z + 29 = 0. Let o = -9 + r. Solve 7 = 4*i - w - 0*w, i = o*w for i. 2 Suppose 6*x - 35 = x. Let w = x - 3. Suppose w*p - 9 = 3. Solve -4*z = p*t + 23, 3*t + t + 2*z + 14 = 0 for t. -1 Let w = -12 - -17. Let x(p) = -4*p + 1. Let y(z) = -z - 3. Let d be y(6). Let j be x(d). Solve 0 = s + 2*s + 5*a - 34, -w*a + j = 4*s for s. 3 Suppose -p + 48 = 3*p. Let o be 2/4 - (-6)/4. Suppose 0 = -o*v - 4*g + 6, 0*v - 3 = -v + 4*g. Solve 4*r = -p, -3*r = v*w + 2*r + 24 for w. -3 Suppose 3*w = -5*h - 1, 4*w + 3*h = -w + 9. Solve 2*y = 3*r - w - 3, 0 = -2*y - 6 for r. 0 Let n be -1*3/3 + 5. Suppose 5*r - n*h = 20, -4*h = 5*r - 13 - 7. Suppose -5*a + 29 - r = 0. Solve -v = p, 0*v + a*v = -2*p - 12 for p. 4 Suppose -4*r + 24 = 4*z, -2*z + 15 = 2*r + r. Solve 9 = z*h + 2*u - 3, 2*h = -2*u + 10 for h. 2 Let h(t) = -t + 13. Let g be 3/6*(0 + 0). Let z be h(g). Let d = z - 5. Solve 14 = -2*r + 4*p - 10, -d = 3*r + p for r. -4 Let n(i) = i - 1. Let j be n(5). Suppose -j*t = t. Solve u + 5 - 2 = 3*k, 3*u - 2*k + 9 = t for u. -3 Let c = -1 + 5. Suppose 0 = -4*t + 5*r - 5, 0 = -c*r + 19 + 1. Let u be 9/t - 5/(-25). Solve 2*v = -0*v - 4*g + 16, -5*v - u = -4*g for v. 2 Let n(g) = 5 + 10 + 4*g - 3*g. Let r be n(-8). Solve 0 = -w - i - 6, -5*w = -4*i + r + 5 for w. -4 Suppose 3*k - 66 + 6 = 0. Let z = -22 + 34. Solve -5*f = 5*a - k, 4*a - a = 2*f + z for f. 0 Suppose -2*x + 4*x - 3*l = 33, 4*x - 3*l = 51. Let d = x + -2. Let v = d - 4. Solve -2*b = -0*i + v*i, 5*i = 3*b for i. 0 Suppose 15*z = 9*z + 60. Solve 0*j = 4*j + 2*l - 6, 5*l - z = -5*j for j. 1 Let f(n) = n**3 + 6*n**2 + 8*n + 5. Let i be f(-4). Solve 51 - 19 = 4*l - 3*d, -i*l + 45 = -5*d for l. 5 Let v(f) be the first derivative of f**4/4 - f**3/3 - f**2/2 + f - 1. Let l be v(2). Solve 4*s = j + 2*j + 1, 3*j = l*s for s. 1 Let g be (-2)/7 - 61/7. Let j = g - -15. Solve -m = 2*n + 4, -2*n + j - 2 = -m for m. -4 Let k(t) = t**3 + 11*t**2 - t - 6. Let h be k(-11). Suppose 4*o = 16, 0*o - 2*o - 7 = -h*l. Solve -3*n - s = -10, -2*n + 3*n = l*s for n. 3 Suppose 3*h - 8 = 4. Solve -4*s = -3*b + 35, b + 4*b = h*s + 45 for b. 5 Let y be (1 - -26) + 0 + -2. Suppose 4*w = -w + y. Solve -w*b = -5*r + 30, 3*b + 2*b + 18 = 2*r for r. 4 Let q be 24/10*(9 - 4). Let h = 12 - q. Solve 3*r - 4*l = -l - 15, -l + 2 = h for r. -3 Let t = 1 + 1. Solve a + 15 = -5*j, t*j + 0*j + 6 = 5*a for a. 0 Let n(q) = -q**2 - 7*q - 6. Let v(k) = k**3 - 9*k**2 - k + 4. Let z be v(9). Let y be n(z). Solve -3*w = -2*r - 7, -2*w + 0*w - y = 3*r for w. 1 Let w be -16 - (-3)/((-6)/(-4)). Let x = w - -24. Solve -g - 2 - 2 = -2*d, 0 = -2*d + 4*g + x for d. 1 Suppose -3*c = -2*c + p - 20, -4*p = -3*c + 32. Suppose 5*l - 16 = 4. Let q(a) = 2*a - 6. Let g be q(l). Solve 0 = 3*v + b + c, 0*v = -g*v + 2*b for v. -4 Suppose 0 = -5*j - 25, -3*q - 2*j - 18 = -5*q. Let u(n) = 2*n - 4. Let w be u(q). Solve -2*m - 5*r = 2*m - 6, -w*m + r - 6 = 0 for m. -1 Suppose 3*j - 8 = -j. Solve 5*r = 3*u + 5, j*r + 4*u = -2*r - 28 for r. -2 Let x be -2*(6/9 + 5/(-3)). Solve x*v - k - 4 = -0, 0 = 2*v - 4*k + 2 for v. 3 Suppose m - 4*f - 9 = 0, 0*m - 4*m + 12 = -4*f. Let x(h) = 46*h - 1. Let y be x(m). Solve -2*q = 5*k - 33, 5*q + 5*k - y = -0*k for q. 4 Let o(b) = b + 15. Let f be o(-11). Solve 2 = 4*j - x - f*x, -2*x = j - 7 for j. 3 Let g be (-2)/(1*(-4)/10). Let q = 6 - g. Solve -2*t = -o - 11, 2*t + 2*o = 1 + q for t. 4 Let w be ((-4)/10)/(-5 + 245/50). Solve -2*p - n = -0*n - 9, w*n = 20 for p. 2 Suppose 3*p + p - 8 = 3*l, 0 = -2*p + 4. Suppose l = 2*i + 4*x + 2, -2*i + 14 + 0 = -4*x. Solve 4*q + i*c + 3 = -3, 10 = -2*q - 5*c for q. 0 Let c = 3 - 0. Suppose 3*n = -c + 12. Solve 0 = -2*y - n*u + 19, -1 = y - 4*u + 6 for y. 5 Let v = 0 + 0. Suppose -z - 4*m + 8 = -12, 3*m - 4 = 2*z. Solve n - 7 = 3*n - t, v = n - 3*t - z for n. -5 Let q = -5 - -7. Suppose -q*k + k = 2. Let f(r) = 5*r**2 - 2*r - 3. Let h be f(k). Solve -h = -4*z - d - 4, 5*d = 2*z - 25 for z. 5 Suppose 7*c - 90 = 4*c. Suppose -2*w + c = -6. Solve -i - w = -r - 3*r, 0 = -5*i + 2*r - 18 for i. -2 Let y be (-6)/(-18)*(-1 - 14). Let w(p) = 2*p**2 + 5*p - 7. Let o be w(y). Solve -3*k - o = 3*j + 6, -20 = 2*k + 3*j for k. -4 Let y = 7 + -4. Let v = 7 - 2. Solve x + y*l - v = -l, 0 = l for x. 5 Let p = 7 + -5. Suppose s = -p + 4. Solve -4*u = s*d + 10, 0 = -u - 3*u - 12 for d. 1 Let u be 16/6 + (-5)/(-15). Suppose 11 = -5*o - 29. Let a = 12 + o. Solve a*d - 3*v - 18 = 0, -v = d - u*v - 7 for d. 3 Let o = -26 + 26. Solve o = -u - 3*v - 11, 3*u + 4 = -2*v - 15 for u. -5 Let w(d) = -d**2 + 3*d + 2. Let j be w(3). Suppose -3*l + 3*q = -21, 0*l - 2*l + q = -12. Solve -j*r + 0*r = l*h + 2, 2*r = 5*h + 18 for r. 4 Let h(q) be the second derivative of q**3/6 - 2*q**2 + 3*q. Let u be h(6). Solve -4*i + 2 = 4*l - 7*l, u*l - 1 = 5*i for i. -1 Let p = -41 - -49. Solve -4 = 5*g + 5*h - 2*h, -g - 3*h = p for g. 1 Let x(s) = -s**3 - 2*s**2 + s - 4. Let l be x(-3). Solve -h + l*k - 6*k - 15 = 0, k + 5 = 0 for h. 5 Let q be 3/6*-2*0. Suppose q = -4*m + 3 + 17. Suppose -4*a = -3*o + 13, -2*o = 2*o - a - 26. Solve f - o = 6*l - l, m = -f - l for f. -3 Let n be (-17)/5 - 2/(-5). Let h = n - -3. Suppose 0 = -3*v + c + 10, v + 2*c - 8 = h. Solve -1 = 2*a - 4*d - 5, v*a + 4*d - 20 = 0 for a. 4 Suppose -5*d + 4*f - 77 = f, 4*f = 2*d + 42. Let r = d - -21. Solve -3*a
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
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OTTAWA – A new Angus Reid poll has found that nearly one in four Canadians favours imposing a Trump style Muslim Ban on immigration, while the other three Canadians are sick of that guy being such a douche all the time. “Oh god, what did they say about refugees this time?” inquired the vast majority of the country. “Would someone please shut them up.” “Every time we go out in public they do this,” complained 37.5% of Canadians as another 37.5% nodded in agreement. The poll further indicated that a vast majority of the population feel just terrible about this, and would really appreciate it if we didn’t make too big a deal about it. “These 9 million people are really nice once you get to know them, but sometimes they get riled up and say stupid, stupid things that reflect badly on the rest of us. As a result we have decided to stop hanging out with them,” said Winnipeg resident Heidi Sullivan. The poll also found that 100% of refugees didn’t really care what the 25% thought, as they would rather not die in a warzone.
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Well this guy has a pair of undershorts tattooed on his body so technically he isn’t naked. If you’re ever in Barcelona, you might get “lucky” and run into “the old naked guy“. No one knows his name but everybody knows him, he’s kind of a local mascot, walking around in the nude with his huge penis hanging down halfway to his knees. Tourists either avoid him or just stop and stare at him, but he doesn’t seem to mind. The police have tried to reason with him and he has even been institutionalized a few times but he always came back. Source
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Q: Why isn't luggage that goes in the hold scanned as thoroughly as hand luggage? I'm a regular international flyer, my hand luggage is always scanned, and despite my best efforts it often gets searched, either due to mistakes on my part, or security being extra cautious. On my most recent flight I estimate about 5-10% of my fellow passengers also had their hand luggage opened and searched by hand. On the other hand, I have never had any issues with checked in luggage, I've never been pulled to one side and asked to explain anything, and as far as I can tell my luggage has never been searched (unless someone has picked the lock and then been very tidy in re-packing it) So, my guess is that either 1) checked-in luggage isn't scanned as well as hand luggage, or 2) checked-in luggage is scanned by some super-hi-tech scanners that are infallible in identifying suspicious devices and never need checking by a person. If the answer is option 1) then why doesn't checked-in luggage need such a thorough check? What's stopping a bad-guy putting a couple of kilos of something dodgy into his bag that brings down the aircraft over the Atlantic? If the answer is option 2) then why can't the infallible super-hi-tech scanners be used on hand luggage too so no-one ever needs to be pulled over for a manual search? A: The main reason why checked luggage is treated differently is that you cannot access it during the flight, therefore eliminating some of the security concerns (like e.g. a knife in checked baggage is not a risk). When your carry-on bag is hand-searched, it is most likely because something could not be seen properly or looked suspicious on the X-ray. The checked baggage is still scanned though. The TSA writes: TSA screens approximately 1.4 million checked bags for explosives and other dangerous items daily. Upon check in, your checked baggage will be provided to TSA for security screening. Once the screening process has completed, your airline will transport your checked baggage on your respective flight as well as deliver it to the baggage claim area. The majority of checked baggage is screened without the need for a physical bag search. Inspection Notices: TSA may inspect your checked baggage during the screening process. If your property is physically inspected, TSA will place a notice of baggage inspection inside your bag. This is to inform you that an officer conducted an inspection of your property. Note that the TSA will notify you with a notice in the bag when they opened it. Other countries might handle this differently and just open the bag without telling you. Some more details of the screening process are given in this article (emphasis mine): Soon after your suitcase vanishes behind the rubber curtain, it merges with the bags of other passengers -- in large airports, thousands an hour. After traveling up, down and around a vast network of high-speed conveyor belts, it arrives in a cavernous warehouse-like facility. Here, it will be scanned by Transportation Security Administration staff to make sure there's nothing in it that shouldn't be there, primarily explosives, illegal drugs or weapons. If they see any reason to open it, they will. Your bag might also be subjected to other checks, including sniffer dogs, X-ray and laser scanners and machinery designed to detect trace amounts of banned substances. If it passes muster, luggage handlers load your suitcase onto a wagon with the baggage of others on your flight. This wagon is driven onto the tarmac and its contents packed into the hold of the plane.
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Q: Не работают импорты react Решил сделать приложение на VK-UI. И столкнулся с проблемой - импорты отказываются работать. Извиняюсь ошибку забыл.Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module Код взят из документации к vk-ui. index.js: import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { View, Panel, PanelHeader, Header, Group, Cell } from '@vkontakte/vkui'; import '@vkontakte/vkui/dist/vkui.css'; function App () { return ( <View activePanel="main"> <Panel id="main"> <PanelHeader>VKUI</PanelHeader> <Group header={<Header mode="secondary">Items</Header>}> <Cell>Hello</Cell> <Cell>World</Cell> </Group> </Panel> </View> ); } ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root')); index.html: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no, user-scalable=no, viewport-fit=cover"/> <link href="src/style.css" rel="stylesheet" /> </head> <body> <div id="root"></div> <script src="src/index.js"></script> </body> </html> A: Набираешь npx create-react-app. Далее очищаешь папку src. Потом создаешь файл index.js и вставляешь в него этот код. В терминале набираешь npm strat
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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Samsung today announced the GALAXY Note 10.1 will be available for purchase tomorrow, August 16th, 2012, across the U.S.at authorized retailers. Yes, we'll have a review soon. Stay tuned. In the mean time, here's more info: The GALAXY Note 10.1 extends the GALAXY Note category, building on the success of last year's worldwide hit smartphone - and delivering the functionality and precision of a pen and paper by combining the S Pen with a 10.1-inch large display. Adobe's premium creative application, Photoshop Touch is preloaded and optimized for Samsung's S Pen to deliver unprecedented precision and control. The device also introduces the game changing Multiscreen feature, which allows users to actually operate two different apps side-by-side, simultaneously, on the same screen. The Galaxy Note 10.1 features a 1.4GHz quad-core processor and 2 GB RAM, a 5-megapixel main camera and a 1.9-megapixel front-facing camera. Available Aug 16th Across the U.S.GALAXY Note 10.1 will be available beginning Aug 16th nationwide at partners including Best Buy, Amazon, Tiger Direct, HH Gregg, CDW, BrandSmart, Conn's and Fry's. The device will be available in choice of white or dark gray, and in 16 GB or 32 GB memory configurations, for $499 or $549 SRP, respectively.
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Log in moffat's jekyll Watching Stephen Moffat's JEKYLL. I'm only a couple episodes in, and it's alternately terrific and disappointing. The casting is great, and the Grand Moff does a great job of laying suspense for the Jekyll/Hyde transformation: at first, you see everything from the point of view of Tom Jackman, the Jekyll figure, so when he blacks out and doesn't know what happens, neither does the audience. It's really effective. And Hyde is nicely done; the changes are subtle, but they're there, and those and the lead's body language do a great job of That said, it's disappointing because the opening scene brilliantly sets up an absolutely awesome dynamic, and a gimmick that's really quite good -- and then we wind up with a conspiracy story. There's a story about Prof. Hugo Dyson, who was the curmudgeon of J.R.R. Tolkien's readings to his fellow faculty members; Tolkien would be weaving this wondrous scenario, and bringing on new fantastic beings, and from the depths of his armchair, Dyson would grunt, "Oh, Christ, not *another* fucking elf." That's pretty much how I feel about conspiracy stories. Moff, you had me with Jackman and the hot psychiatric nurse! There's no need to bring black vans into it! I'll probably watch the rest, but it's not setting me on fire. Sort of the equivalent of Moffat's library episode of DOCTOR WHO; it was really good, mind, but after the garking brilliant "The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances" and "Blink," it didn't make much of an impact on me. navigate about YOU NEED A BOOK. The collected poems from my descent into madness year spent writing daily poems are now available from Lulu as the cheapest 330-page book they would let me make ($16.20). If that's too pricey, you can also get it from Lulu as a free download, or just click on the "a poem every day" tag to read them here. But if you did buy one, that'd be awesome.
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Check out our new site Makeup Addiction The Rent Is Too Damn High add your own caption The Rent Is Too Damn High add your own caption The Rent Is Too Damn High add your own caption The Rent Is Too Damn High add your own caption The Rent Is Too Damn High add your own caption The Rent Is Too Damn High add your own caption The Rent Is Too Damn High add your own caption The Rent Is Too Damn High add your own caption The Rent Is Too Damn High add your own caption The Rent Is Too Damn High add your own caption add your own caption the number of novelty accounts is too damn high
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FK Cup The FK Cup () is a cup competition for futsal clubs in South Korea. First competition was started in 2010. List of winners References Category:Futsal in South Korea
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TÜBİTAK Space Technologies Research Institute TÜBİTAK Space Technologies Research Institute (), TÜBİTAK UZAY for short, is a Turkish institution carrying out research and development projects on space technology, electronics, information technology and related fields. It was established in 1985 under the name "Ankara Electronics Research and Development Institute" within the campus of Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) in cooperation with the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (, TÜBİTAK) and the university in Ankara. In 1995, the organization was renamed. Since 1998, the institute houses in its new building in the campus. TÜBİTAK UZAY specializes in space technologies, electronics, information technologies and related fields, keeping abreast of latest technological developments. The institute leads and takes part in R&D projects, aiming at having a pioneering role in the national research community, and assisting the industry in solving technical problems encountered during system design, selection and use, product development and manufacturing in abovementioned specialization areas. TÜBİTAK UZAY gives special emphasis on developing capability on small satellite design, manufacturing and test, leading Turkish Space Program together with Turkish Aerospace Industries with Turkish Satellite Assembly, Integration and Test Center and initiating international collaboration in space technologies. Turkey plans to build spaceport for launches of own space vehicles. Research Areas TÜBİTAK UZAY conducts its research and development activities in the following areas with a total of 235 staff members, out of which 151 are researchers and technical support personnel. Space Technologies: Satellite systems, satellite sub-systems, satellite ground station sub-systems, satellite test and integration systems. Electronics: Communication systems, electronics system design, electro-optic mission payload, high-speed digital design, IC design. Software: Computer vision, speech processing, pattern recognition, remote sensing, multimedia technologies, data mining, machine learning, natural language processing, artificial intelligence. Power Electronics: Power quality, compensation systems, electrical motor drives, switched-mode power supplies, renewable energy resources. Power Distribution Systems: Analysis of electric production and transmission systems, strategic research and development in distribution automation, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems, criteria setting for planning, design and operation of distribution systems. Affiliations TÜBİTAK UZAY is member of following institutions: Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO) International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC) Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) EUROPRACTICE IC Service Uzay in Numbers Professional Background of Personnel at TÜBİTAK UZAY Educational Background of Researchers References External links Official website Category:1985 establishments in Turkey Category:Research institutes established in 1985 Category:Organizations based in Ankara Category:Middle East Technical University Category:Research institutes in Turkey Category:Space technology research institutes Category:Information technology research institutes Category:Space program of Turkey Category:Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey Category:Organizations established in 1985
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Jennifer Lawrence Reveals Hollywood Called Her ‘Fat’ Our Queen, the flawless Jennifer Lawrence, was reportedly told she was “fat” by Hollywood standards and was on the verge of getting fired for not losing enough weight. “I was young. It was just the kind of sh*t that actresses have to go through,” Jen remembers of her early days in the business, “Somebody told me I was fat, that I was going to get fired if I didn’t lose a certain amount of weight. They brought in pictures of me where I was basically naked, and told me to use them as motivation for my diet. It was just that.” We’re trying to pinpoint which “job” told her she was fat. We’re guessing it could have been her starring role in 2008's The Poker House or in Garden Party in which she plays a hot teen. Either way, Jen gives this giant “EFF YOU” to all the haters that told her to lose weight. “[Someone brought up] that because of the way my career had gone, it wouldn’t still hurt me. That somehow, after I won an Oscar, I’m above it all. ‘You really still care about that?’ Yeah. I was a little girl. I was hurt,” Jen told Harper's Bazaar, “It doesn’t matter what accolades you get. I know it’ll never happen to me again. If anybody even tries to whisper the word 'diet,' I’m like, 'You can go f*ck yourself.'”
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Brugada Syndrome: anesthetic considerations and management algorithm. Brugada Syndrome is characterized by arrhythmogenic risk that may be exacerbated by different metabolic and pharmacological factors. Since its first description, knowledge of this syndrome and its detection by physicians belonging to different specialties have gradually increased. The risk of arrhythmias is well known to increase in the postoperative period, and this risk is particularly accentuated in patients with Brugada Syndrome. The purpose of this review is to analyze the relationship between this syndrome and anesthesia; establish recommendations for the safe management of these patients in the surgical setting; and update the relevant concepts regarding the safety of drug administration in individuals with Brugada Syndrome.
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19 Hilarious Headlines That Send the Wrong Message Published on August 28, 2016 _______________________ ADVERTISEMENT _______________________ We read newspapers and check out the evening network news in order to feel informed about the world around us. We want to see stories both good and bad, funny and tragic, and for the most part that is what we get. Sometimes, however, something goes just a little bit wrong in the editing room and out comes a hilarious news headline, on accident of course. We collected 19 of these hilarious headlines which send a message just a little different than what the writer had in mind. The level of irony is too high. Sometimes things just don’t go the way that you expect them to and other times you can’t help but just shake your head and laugh. This meeting was apparently put in place to help a community decide how they would handle threats within their schools. Someone decided to be a jerk and call in a fake bomb threat, thus derailing the meeting and sending everyone home. Fortunately it was just a joke and nobody got hurt.
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972 F.2d 337 NOTICE: First Circuit Local Rule 36.2(b)6 states unpublished opinions may be cited only in related cases.Robert F. DZIURGOT, Petitioner, Appellant,v.Dennis LUTHER, Warden, Respondent, Appellee. No. 91-2087. United States Court of Appeals,First Circuit. August 4, 1992 Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of New Hampshire Robert F. Dziurgot on brief pro se. Jeffrey R. Howard, United States Attorney, and Peter E. Papps, First Assistant United States Attorney, on brief for appellee. D.N.H. AFFIRMED. Before Breyer, Chief Judge, Selya and Cyr, Circuit Judges. Per Curiam. 1 Appellant Robert Dziurgot, an attorney, was put on trial before a jury in federal district court in New Hampshire for income tax evasion and related offenses. His trial began on January 15, 1980. On March 3, 1980, with trial still underway, Dziurgot's counsel advised the court that Dziurgot had experienced a gallbladder attack and would need surgery. Counsel pointed out that Dziurgot was being given painkillers and noted that this might make it inadvisable to call Dziurgot as a witness. On March 4, counsel filed a written waiver of Dziurgot's right to be present at trial on March 5. On March 6, Dziurgot was present again. On March 10, citing imminent abdominal surgery, Dziurgot's counsel filed a further written waiver, signed by Dziurgot, of his right to be present at the remainder of the trial. The district court questioned Dziurgot briefly about the matter: 2 THE COURT: ... 3 The Court has received for the file Mr. Dziurgot's waiver. I understand, Mr. Dziurgot, that you are undergoing surgery tomorrow, and this waiver that you have filed is waiving your right to be present to the remainder of the jury trial, or until the doctors say you can return to us. 4 MR. ROBERT F. DZIURGOT: That's correct. 5 THE COURT: Have they given you any estimate as to when you will be back with us? 6 MR. ROBERT F. DZIURGOT: Approximately four weeks, so I have no idea. 7 THE COURT: I hope everything comes out all right. There is no pun intended in that. Anything further, gentlemen? All right. 8 The trial continued. On April 10, 1980, Dziurgot was convicted of income tax evasion and related offenses. On May 9, 1980, he was sentenced to a number of concurrent terms of two years in prison, a two-year suspended sentence, and probation for five years. Following a separate trial he was also convicted of receipt and interstate transportation of stolen property and sentenced to concurrent terms of five years in prison, to run consecutive to his earlier sentence. Dziurgot appealed both convictions. Following our affirmance of the stolen property conviction, we granted Dziurgot's motion for voluntary dismissal of his appeal in the tax case on December 31, 1981. Dziurgot then failed to appear for incarceration and, following his apprehension on March 4, 1986, was convicted of bail jumping and sentenced to a further two-year prison term. 9 On November 7, 1988, Dziurgot filed the instant motion under 28 U.S.C. § 2255, seeking to vacate the sentence in the tax evasion case. Among other grounds, Dziurgot claimed that he was denied his Sixth Amendment right to be present and to confront witnesses against him during the last five weeks of his three-month trial. He asserted that, although he waived his right to be present at trial so that he could undergo needed surgery in the wake of the gallbladder attack, the waiver was not knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily made because, at the time of the waiver, he was in severe pain and under the influence of serious prescribed pain-killing drugs (Percodan and Demerol) which impaired his mental faculties. 10 The district judge dismissed this claim, and Dziurgot's other claims, without a hearing. In doing so, the judge relied almost entirely upon his personal observation of Dziurgot on March 10. The judge stated: 11 Here, the petitioner, himself a lawyer, voluntarily executed and caused to be filed with the Court his written waiver of the right to be present at further trial proceedings. This judge had the opportunity to observe and discuss the matter with Mr. Dziurgot. He gave no sign of being under the influence of medication or any other substance which impaired his mental faculties. I find and rule that his voluntary waiver was executed with full knowledge of its consequences and while he was competent to execute and file such document. 12 Dziurgot appealed. We vacated the dismissal of Dziurgot's claim concerning his right to be present at trial. Dziurgot v. Luther, 897 F.2d 1222 (1st Cir. 1990). In so ruling, we held that the district court erred in dismissing Dziurgot's claim without a hearing because Dziurgot's allegations, if true, would entitle him to relief, and because his allegations were not inherently incredible, unduly conclusory, or contradicted by the record. We further held that the district court's colloquy with Dziurgot had been too limited to permit the court to rely almost solely on personal recollection and observation to find Dziurgot's waiver to have been voluntary, knowing, and intelligent. We remanded for an evidentiary hearing, before a different district judge, at which Dziurgot would be afforded "an opportunity to come forward with such evidence as he can muster." Id. at 1227. 13 On remand, counsel was appointed to represent Dziurgot. The evidentiary hearing was held on September 16, 1991. Dziurgot testified in his own behalf. He also called Dr. Mark Selesnick, a family practitioner in Pittsfield, New Hampshire, as a witness. The government called three witnesses: Dr. Roger Fossum, Chief Medical Officer of the State of New Hampshire; Dr. Allen Spinner, a pharmacologist at Concord Hospital; and Clifford Hatem, the IRS case agent who attended Dziurgot's trial. On September 19, 1991, the district court issued an "order on remand" in which it ruled that Dziurgot's waiver was voluntary, knowing, and intelligent. Consequently, the court dismissed Dziurgot's claim. We affirm. 14 The district court made findings of fact in support of its conclusion that Dziurgot acted voluntarily, knowingly, and intelligently in waiving his right to be present at trial. We review these factual findings only for clear error. United States v. Ouellette, 862 F.2d 371, 377 (1st Cir. 1988); McCarthy v. United States, 764 F.2d 28, 30 (1st Cir. 1985); United States v. DiCarlo, 575 F.2d 952, 954-55 (1st Cir.), cert. denied, 439 U.S. 834 (1978). 15 We begin with Dziurgot's waiver of March 10, 1980. Dziurgot points to two features indicating the involuntariness of this waiver: (1) the effect of the painkillers and (2) the severe pain he was experiencing. 16 Dr. Fossum testified that the medical records showed only one injection of Demerol (on March 2, 1980). He further testified that any drug taken on March 2 would have been completely metabolized and excreted, and thus would have had no further effect, by March 10. Dziurgot's own testimony confirms that he was given Demerol only on March 2. Hence, the district court was entitled to disregard Dziurgot's claim that Demerol affected the voluntariness of his waiver. 17 As for Percodan, Dr. Fossum testified that the medical records showed only that Dziurgot was given four Percodan tablets on March 3. The records did not indicate when Dziurgot actually ingested the tablets. Dziurgot himself offered no testimony as to when he may have ingested these tablets. He stated that he did not recall whether he took Percodan on or shortly before March 10. Especially given Dr. Spinner's testimony that the effects of Percodan wear off in four to five hours, we can hardly find clear error in the district court's failure to credit a claim that Percodan affected Dziurgot's waiver. 18 As to the second factor, Dziurgot testified that he was experiencing such severe pain from the gallbladder problem that he doubled over. According to Dr. Fossum, however, the hospital records showed no notable symptoms of pain. The doctor testified that, had Dziurgot been experiencing the kind of pain he now asserts, he would have exhibited marked symptomatology that would have been noted in the hospital records. Dr. Fossum also noted that Dziurgot's election to delay the surgery for three days would not be expected from a patient seeking immediate relief from unbearable pain. 19 Dr. Fossum also testified that, if Dziurgot was suffering excruciating pain when he appeared before the court on March 10, there should have been noticeable outward manifestations of that pain. Neither Hatem-who attended the trial every day-nor the original trier, Judge Devine, noticed any signs of pain. On this record, we can readily uphold the district court's determination that Dziurgot's March 10 waiver was voluntary, knowing, and intelligent. 20 Dziurgot argues in his brief on appeal that there was another waiver, on March 4. Dziurgot was present again on March 6. Dziurgot urges that we consider the evidence supporting his claim that the March 4 waiver was involuntary. 21 In the first place, we doubt that this claim is properly before us. In the second place, we think the evidence we have already discussed vitiates any allegation that the March 4 waiver was involuntary. 22 Finally, Dziurgot complains that the district court did not follow adequate procedures on either March 4 or March 10 to inquire into, and confirm, that the waivers were voluntary, knowing, and intelligent. This ground was not cited as a basis for relief either in the § 2255 petition or at earlier stages of this proceeding. We will not consider for the first time claims for § 2255 relief not raised in the district court. United States v. Valencia-Copete, 792 F.2d 4, 5 (1st Cir. 1986). 23 In any event, insofar as the procedures followed on March 4 are challenged, any defect was cured by the March 10 waiver. We also note, although we do not reach the issue, that there may well be no constitutional impediment to a waiver through counsel where a defendant cannot, or simply does not, appear for trial. See Polizzi v. United States, 926 F.2d 1311, 1322 (2d Cir. 1991). 24 As for the March 10 waiver, we have affirmed the district court's finding, after a full evidentiary hearing, that the waiver was voluntary, knowing, and intelligent. That being so, we cannot envision any circumstances under which we would find that a procedural defect, if, indeed, one existed, so offended the Constitution as to permit a collateral attack. 25 The district court's denial of Dziurgot's petition under 28 U.S.C. § 2255 is affirmed.
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[Extraesophageal manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux]. The gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERB) is one from the most frequent disease of the upper gastrointestinal system. Extraesophageal manifestations GERB occur most often as lung manifestations, ORL discomforts, and as noncardial pain in breasts. GERB is associated with the various respiratory diseases and symptoms as are the bronchial asthma, cough, wheezing. The episodes of the sour reflux into the esophagus, specially in children, can provoke the symptoms discapper mainly in all patients who have used the antisecretoral therapy.
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2. Translation? "You! Out of the gene pool!" 3. You don't say? (Photo by Mik P). 4. Larry Craig, are you paying attention? (Photo by Reubs). 5. I'd hate to see the instructions for the 'stupid people toilet.' (Photo by Patrick). 6. Had Tony Robbins been a bathroom attendant: (Photo by Kevin Hutchinson). 7. I guess the NY Post is OK. (Photo by Henry C). 8. Got Matches? (Photo by Paul Tweedy). 9. Inspiration for the South Park episode Urinal Deuce? (Photo by Just Ossendorp). 10. God, it may be time to thin the herd.
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List of Finnish government enterprises This is a list of Finnish government owned companies: Wholly owned Alko OHY Arsenal CSC - Tieteellinen laskenta Destia Finavia Finnvera Hansel Ltd. Motiva Patria Rahapaja (Mint of Finland) Solidium Suomen Posti Suomen Vientiluotto VR Shared majority ownership Finnair Fortum Gasum Neste Oil Raskone (a joint venture with Tieto) Veikkaus Yleisradio Shared minority ownership Altia Ekokem Engel Yhtymä Fingrid Gasum Licentia Santapark Silta Suomen Siemenperunakeskus Vuotekno Companies in state-owned investment company Solidium's portfolio: Elisa Kemira Metso Outokumpu Outotec Rautaruukki Sampo Stora Enso Talvivaara TeliaSonera Tieto Commercial Government Agencies Metsähallitus (Forest and Park Service) Senate Properties Defunct VPU Pukutehdas See also Government of Finland List of Finnish companies List of government-owned companies Economy of Finland References Government enterprises Government enterprises, Finland
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Around midsummer of this year, I was undergoing an inexplicable spell of irrational guilt. These types of episodes have come to me before, but they’re infrequent, thankfully. What happens is this: some tiny aspect of who I am or a deed I’ve done (or have failed to do) bubbles up into my consciousness, and for one reason or another, I become ultra-fixated on it and begin to silently condemn myself. These patterns of thought don’t (or never have) resulted in full-blown self-loathing, but they gradually erode my self-esteem and self-efficacy. Suffice to say that they aren’t fun and I hope they leave me the hell alone in the future. How Our Brains Muck Things Up I think a lot of us probably experience this mental tribulation to varying degrees in our lives. By my estimation, it’s a form of anxiety: anxiety of identity. We wonder if we’re good people, if we’re worthy of love and happiness. Many of us are great at finding reasons why we aren’t good and worthy, or why we’re worth about as much as steaming, stinking sewage on a hot summer’s day. This, in part, is due to consumerist culture’s endless attempts to convince us that we’re ugly, lacking, chunky, broken, unstylish, boring, and outdated (but don’t worry; they can fix you for juussttt $19.95!). But furthermore, I think our anxiety of identity also stems from the fact that we, as humans, are hardwired to draw conclusions about people or situations based upon a few bits of information. This is often a helpful hunk of mental machinery, but in the context of measuring the value of ourselves and other people, it’s pretty freaking destructive and misguided. Humans are remarkably complex and thus cannot be adequately characterized by a few or even a few hundred pieces of information. But our brains lead us to think otherwise — to make snap assumptions and to reduce people to single terms like “asshole”, “trashy”, “slut”, “douche”, “tree hugger”, “nerd”, “prude”, “druggie”, “Jesus freak”, etc. This is a nasty phenomenon that has caused immeasurable grief and division throughout the history of humanity. But as I alluded to, our brains can just as easily turn their awful powers of simplification and reduction inward, upon who we are. Single aspects of our lives can become magnified, and we can begin to convince ourselves that we are nothing more than fat or evil or lazy or dumb or what have you. We need to guard against this type of thinking. It’s miserable and defeating and about as useful as politicians. Okay, okay, that was wrong to say. Most politicians. Some basic ways we can avoid these trains of thought are: cultivating more awareness of our thought traffic, practicing conscious breathing, and meditating regularly. When I was hit with that storm of irrational guilt this summer, I did those things, and eventually the thoughts and feelings subsided. But there was something else that helped me too — one man’s powerful statement about my identity. Enter Kahlil Gibran A friend had given me a copy of the short book, The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran several months prior, and I decided one day to jog to a nearby fountain, sprawl out, and give it a read. This was during the period when I was still experiencing the fixated thoughts and guilty feelings. For those unaware, Kahlil Gibran was a Lebanese artist, poet, and writer who died in 1931. He is the third best-selling poet of all time, behind Shakespeare and Lao Tzu. The Prophet is his most famous work. It surged in popularity during the counterculture movements of the 1960s and has been read widely since. So I was lying down, reading and enjoying the beautiful, poetic prose of The Prophet, when I came to a passage that chilled me to the core. I read and re-read a certain sentence, tears welling gently in my eyes. I had the rare and wonderfully intimate experience of feeling that the words had been written just for me. Such moments are what compel me to continue to read until the day my heart ceases to glug-glunk. Here is the passage in full: “And one of the elders of the city said, Speak to us of Good and Evil. And he answered: Of the good in you I can speak, but not of the evil. For what is evil but good tortured by its own hunger and thirst? Verily when good is hungry it seeks food even in dark caves, and when it thirsts it drinks even of dead waters. You are good when you are one with yourself. Yet when you are not one with yourself you are not evil. For a divided house is not a den of thieves; it is only a divided house. And a ship without a rudder may wander aimlessly among perilous isles yet sink not to the bottom. You are good when you strive to give of yourself. Yet you are not evil when you seek gain for yourself. For when you strive for gain you are but a root that clings to the earth and sucks at her breast. Surely the fruit cannot say to the root, “Be like me, ripe and full and ever giving of your abundance.” For to the fruit giving is a need, as re- ceiving is a need to the root. You are good when you are fully awake in your speech, Yet you are not evil when you sleep while your tongue staggers without purpose. And even stumbling speech may strengthen a weak tongue. You are good when you walk to your goal firmly and with bold steps. Yet you are not evil when you go thither limping. Even those who limp go not backward. But you who are strong and swift, see that you do not limp before the lame, deeming it kindness. You are good in countless ways, and you are not evil when you are not good, You are only loitering and sluggard. Pity that the stags cannot teach swiftness to the turtles. In your longing for your giant self lies your goodness: and that longing is in all of you. But in some of you that longing is a torrent rushing with might to the sea, carry- ing the secrets of the hillsides and the songs of the forest. And in others it is a flat stream that loses itself in angles and bends and lingers before it reaches the shore. But let not him who longs much say to him who longs little, “Wherefore are you slow and halting?” For the truly good ask not the naked, “Where is your garment?” nor the house- less, “What has befallen your house?”” What is the Central Message? “You are good in countless ways, and you are not evil when you are not good.” I read this sentence again and again, was overwhelmed by it. It was so freeing, and I felt so grateful that this man — this far-off fellow who died 60 years before I was born — had existed and shared his writing with the world. “In your longing for your giant self lies your goodness: and that longing is in all of you.” In that moment, I felt that it was in all of me. I realized that my occasional obsessiveness over whether or not I am a good person arises from my mighty and fathomless desire to be a good person, or, the “giant self” that I sense resides somewhere within me. digest books rapidly, I recommend If you want to, I recommend Blinkist. They distill non-fiction books down to potent 15-minute insight-blasts. Try it free What Gibran seems to be saying is that human beings are good because each of us, in the depths of our being, longs to become this “giant self”, this purely good version of ourselves. “Giant self” is a somewhat ambiguous metaphor. For me, it evokes images of the entire universe, or of pure love and kindness, or of our fullest potential. We long to become the equivalent of demigods dancing amongst the stars. In this longing, though, our downfall is born. “For what is evil but good tortured by its own hunger and thirst?” Gibran writes. In this line, he suggests that our longing for vast goodness and love is so great that it becomes a tremendous burden upon us. We, being confined to our animal bodies on our small rock of a planet, dream of being everything and of being flawless. But we can never reach that ideal, so we grope about and grow frantic and sometimes timid in our condition. We falter, seek pleasure and solutions in dark caves, emerge again into the light, and falter once more. Gibran seems to theorize that it is our human fate to undergo this cycle of stumbling, regaining composure, and stumbling again. And, he says that some of us stumble more than others. However, his crucial message is that our inevitable stumbling — our lamentable detours into that which is not good — does not at any point make us evil. He seems to suggest that what we perceive as evil acts would be more accurately described as the temporary and inevitable bouts of not-good-ness in human existence. To some, this might just seem like a clever word game, but I think Gibran is making a subtle and important distinction. To me, he’s saying that because it is in our inescapable nature to be not good some of the time, we are not justified in condemning ourselves for acts of not-good-ness, because it was always certain we would slip up. We might be justified in saying that the very existence of this trap of darkness is, in itself, what is evil, but we are not justified in placing such a label upon individual people — such a move would be akin to calling a lion evil for killing an antelope, for Gibran. Feeling bad about a mistake is healthy insofar as it prompts us to notice we did wrong, learn from the experience, and endeavor to do better in the future; anything beyond that is unnecessary self-crucifixion. You are not a bad person. You made a mistake. Learn from it. It’s okay. I forgive you. Forgive yourself. Heavy Stuff, Man: Free Will and Opposing Forces If we’re destined to not be good some of the time, where does that leave us with regards to free will? Personally, I intuit that Gibran would say that we do have free will to choose the darkness or the light in any given situation. However, the seeds of inevitable stumbling are sewn in the fact that we are faced with countless decisions. No single decision is destined to go south, but at least a portion of all of our decisions must, because there are so many and because this is the nature of human life. At the same time, one might also point out that it seems we are likewise destined to walk in the light for at least some of the time. Because of this, should we call ourselves good, as Gibran does, or would we be more accurate to simply say that the existence of the light is what is good? This, I cannot say. It seems that Gibran takes an optimistic approach in implying there is goodness inherent in our longing. He may have done this to simplify his philosophy for everyday understanding or in order to more fully inspire those who would read his work. I digress. Ultimately, from the above passage, I conclude that Gibran believes that mankind is, in a sense, innocent as children, but that we are caught up in an age-old tension between what is good and what is not good, the dance of the yin and yang, the opposing but interconnected forces of the human mind and perhaps, the universe itself. We should reach for the good, yet understand that the not-good is unavoidable. I am reminded of a quote by Dostoyevsky: “The awful thing is that beauty is mysterious as well as terrible. God and the devil are fighting there and the battlefield is the heart of man.” Come Hither, Skeptics For some people, Gibran’s message may seem unrealistic or flat-out incorrect. I’ve previously encountered and been intellectually tantalized by the argument that the concepts of “good” and “bad” or “evil” are nothing but constructions of the mind that we assign to things as a means of processing and understanding the world. So, let me be the first to admit that I don’t take Gibran’s words for gold or assume they’re universally true. I’ve questioned them and mulled them over. In writing this post, I examined my beliefs regarding concepts of “good” and “evil” in the universe, and this is what I found: I am undecided on the matter. On one level, as I said, the idea that “good” and “evil” are constructions that exist solely within our minds and are not inherent elsewhere in the universe has appealed to me in the past, and still does to an extent. On another level, the metaphysical idea that I mentioned in the context of Gibran’s work — the balance or tension of opposed forces of good and evil (very similar if not identical to the Taoist and Buddhist conception) — strikes me as containing an important truth, even if such forces only exist in our minds. On a final level, I must mention that I have, on many occasions, felt with the purest of conviction that there is some sort of essential and unifying goodness in the order, beauty, and mystery of the universe, something worthy of my deepest love, respect, and admiration. In other words, I’ve felt that the universe is inherently good. People have debated this philosophical issue for aeons and will continue to, so please, be as skeptical as you like. However, I’ve come to the realization that the “true” answer to the question, whatever that even means, is not that important to me. Well, What is Important, Then? In my mind, it is paramount to understand that “good” and “bad” or “good” and “evil” are deeply engrained in our consciousness. Regardless of their true nature, these concepts are alive in our noggins and color our perception, for better or worse. Because this is the case, it seems most pragmatic to focus on our individual subjective consciousnesses. The things that make life look better and brighter consistently — those are, for our purposes, good things to continue doing or exposing ourselves to. And the things that cast shadows upon our days — work to eliminate them, knowing full well that they can never be fully eradicated. In this vein, what matters to me about Gibran is that his poetic musings resonated with a deep part of my being and led me to a better place. What is important to me is anything that proves to be useful, illuminating, and/or uplifting in both my glad and dreary hours. My reaction to his words was one of the most powerful and visceral that a book has ever produced in me, and it was integral in guiding me away from a place of fear and anxiety. I felt his message being whispered from the grave, and in that moment, the feeling was more real and true than any thought could ever be. Too often I think we ignore our intuition and felt experience in favor of “facts” that we accepted long ago. I humbly submit that we should not. Your felt experience will, more than any amount of thinking and pondering, lead you to understand who you are, what drives you, what moves you, what satisfies you, what you love, and what you will fight for. Understanding these things is not something that we should take lightly. Our (mis)understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe can liberate or annihilate us. We must strive to find the balance. Use and cherish your rational powers, but in doing so do not forget that sometimes your heart and feelings know things that your mind never will. If you find yourself in an hour of darkness, perhaps Gibran’s words can be the candle-fire for you that they were for me. Perhaps, if nothing else, you can find solace in knowing and remembering that he and I and many others have thought the following to be true: “You are good in countless ways, and you are not evil when you are not good.” P.S. I strongly recommend The Prophet to all of you. For a short book, it has many moving and poignant passages. You can buy it here. Note that if you click the hyperlink to Amazon from my site and buy a book, I receive a fraction of the cost, as I am an Amazon affiliate. If you do, I truly appreciate your support. Also, if you enjoyed this essay, I’d love for you to share it on Facebook and/or check out the ways to get free updates from me.
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The AJ Awesome Show Episode 36 Ron Simmons Posted by flairwhoooooo on November 18, 2017 Episode Thirty-six of The AJ Awesome Show. We hope you enjoy it! Please subscribe if you like this video! Music Credits: “Frag Out” – DJ Assass1n and “Damn” – Jim Johnston. Please visit these artists websites to learn more about their music.
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If that mother does not want your daughter kissing her daughter, that is the boundary for that situation. My kisses rouse you to discard your veil,I, intoxicated till morning, carry you to your lair. As for the more insidious parts…the minimal policies or standards that we had for things like office hours were applied to different people, at different times. Employment opportunities, however, should be created in their own areas as far as possible. In fact, I think it would have been a mistake not to tell this particular chapter of their lives in real time. This proven text has three primary objectives: familiarize students with the basic principles and methods, show how these principles and methods have been put into effect in a variety of organizations, and illustrate the relationship between basic principles and the popular theories and models studied in management courses. January is due mar achiel, February is due mar ariyo, and December is due mar apar gariyo. 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This dog wasn't merely riding a leg, it was tortured to have to endure the pain it must have gone through. Commenting on this verse, Matthew Henry states: "Michael signifies, 'Who is like God,' and his name, with the title of 'the great Prince,' points out the Divine Savior. We tell women to cover themselves from the male gaze, but we neglect to tell the boys to look at something else. National Geographic: People, Animals, and the World, Gale Cengage LearningSee ow. Girls get naked on chatroulette If you want the wonder of winning the heart of one of these delightful creatures, I have just the advice to help you do it. Girl gets ass beat. From beer to economics, history to your favorite new age texts, pick up a comic non-fiction graphic novel and learn something new this year. These standards are meant to help employees navigate the difference between office camaraderie and sexual harassment when it comes to this new Casual Sexism Fridays policy. Come, baby, he smiled, but he did not open his arms, And now, when I have the right to such a question, after all it's 00:10, what the fuck have you come almost naked. If you have "no tolerance" toward cheating you most likely will find a person who also has that policy and that works for the couple. This apostasy is bitterer than all the previous Arianisms, Nestorianisms, Iconoclasms, etc. Modesty should be promoted there It should be promoted for the guys too so if it's not, it should be. Whether it's meant to miscarry the children currently in her womb or it's meant to be a lifelong curse of miscarrying any potential children the structure makes it unclearthe fact remains that this is an intentional miscarrying of children for this woman's womb, and I think most everyone would consider that an abortion. Other girls who became the objects of their attention sometimes reported the same boisterous antics. 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On Dec. 13, 2013, Beyoncé ruined the idea of an album rollout. For the next 13 months, artists scrambled to compete with the release of BEYONCÉ, leaking their own albums early in an effort to match the frenzy caused by the surprise drop. And then there was Nicki Minaj, who opted for a teaser of a year, building anticipation for her new album throughout 2014 with a slower rollout of remixes, singles, and videos. She started her year with a remix of a viral hit, Los Angeles-based crunk crew PTAF's single "Boss Ass Bitch." After that drop, Minaj set out to slay every guest verse or remix to a hit single she could, decimating any memories of that verse on Kanye West's "Monster," that all those "real hip-hop heads" love to bring up when we talk about Minaj. Fans hoped that the classic artist without a classic album would finally appease all of their rap fantasies with a straight hip-hop classic. But this is Nicki Minaj we're talking about, and she dangled that in their faces for months, teasing it with the line, "But on the real, I'm in album mode/Just dropped this freestyle before these files get old/When I lay low, bitches be safe and sound/When I come back they better not make a sound." While in “album mode,” she undoubtedly killed a few remixes: Young Thug’s “Danny Glover,” Rae Sremmurd’s “No Flex Zone,” and, most notably, Beyoncé’s “Flawless.” She kicked things off with a verse on the star-studded remix to YG's "My N****," but it was on songs like Thug's that she actually revived the track itself, and her own credibility, with just a few bars. "No Flex Zone" went from a viral Internet banger to a serious hit once she tossed a verse on it. And after pushing the "Anaconda" video for a surprise remix of Bey's "Flawless," all within the same week of her guest appearance on Jessie J's "Bang Bang," fans knew this would be a monumental year for Minaj. Without even addressing her album singles, it was clear that Minaj became the nucleus of pop and rap crossover and that everything she cosigned turned to gold. That’s all on top of her own tracks “Yasss Bish,” which brought Soulja Boy's name back into the conversation, “Chi-Raq,” the venomous track that lent a major co-sign to Lil Herb (and the rappers who remixed it, including Dreezy). But the street singles seemed to all culminate with the inimitable, cutthroat “Lookin’ Ass.” It was on that Detail-produced track, whose album art stirred up more than enough controversy, that Minaj tempestuously protected her throne, and proved that even on a loosie, she's still a threat. Minaj tempestuously protected her throne, and proved that even on a loosie, she's still a threat. This was hip-hop's "return to Mixtape Nicki," but as she told us during the Complex Dec. 2014/Jan. 2015 cover story, there is no "mixtape Nicki." "I’ve never stopped rapping; I’ve never stopped doing freestyles; I’ve never stopped doing remixes and features; I’ve never stopped raising the bar lyrically," she said. Minaj dominated freestyles and remixes reminiscent of a 2012 Drake, and a 2007 Lil Wayne, where fans anticipated Tha Carter 3 but got Da Drought 3 instead. Then "Pills N Potions" dropped and the entire rap Internet was trolled after Minaj promised for more rap tracks and linked up with Dr. Luke for an ethereal, shimmering betrayal ballad. Where Drake croons about buying his girl snow tires as some sort of proof of his loyalty, the honesty and pain in the majority of Minaj's singles and the entirety of The Pinkprint album, makes her more relatable this year than in years past. It peaked at No. 24 on the Billboard charts. Then came the comically sexual “Anaconda”—both singles display a versatility that, by now, feels like signature Nicki. Unlike her first single, the Sir Mix-a-Lot-sampling viral track hit at No. 2 on the Hot 100, becoming Minaj's highest-charting single in the United States to date​. That, and it broke the VEVO record for the most views in 24 hours, racking up 19.6 million clicks​ in the first day. Her Skylar-Grey featuring "Bed of Lies" and the YM posse cut "Only" followed. And last Friday, the Drake, Lil Wayne, and Chris Brown-featuring single hit No. 1 on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart making it her fourth No. 1 single on the Hip-Hop Songs chart. Minaj is the only female rapper in the last 56 years who holds four No. 1 singles on that chart.​​ This was Onika, in the flesh, getting personal with listeners. No costumes, no fake accents, just her. Besides the record-breaking singles, the ferocious guest verses, and the demanding freestyles, Minaj became a relatable artist this year; with the death of her alter egos (Bye, Roman), a much more au natural look, and a gut-wrenching, eye-opening album filled with hurt, betrayal and mistrust, she was no longer that character living in a fantasy. This was Onika, in the flesh, getting personal with listeners. No costumes, no fake accents, just her. She's in control more than ever before, and this was the year that people had to get over fitting her into one box. She proved herself as an MC long ago, but reiterated it over, and over again with half a year of street singles. 2014 will forever go down as Nicki's year because she finally gave us herself and left her talent with nothing to hide behind.
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X-ray induced mitotic delay and death of cells in different phases of the cell cycle. An autoradiographic study on jejunal crypt cells of the mouse using double labelling with 3H- and 14C-thymidine. The cell-cycle phase specific effect of an X-ray absorbed dose of 1.9 Gy on jejunal crypt cells of the mouse was studied in terms of mitotic delay and in terms of radiation induced cell death. A double labelling method with 3H-and 14C-thymidine was used in order to discriminate the cells in the different phases of the cell cycle. Cells irradiated during G2 phase are most radiosensitive, i.e. they exhibit the longest mitotic delay, followed in decreasing order by cells irradiated during early S and during the middle and end of S phase. Even some of the cells irradiated during G1 phase reach mitosis with a certain delay. A similar pattern of radiosensitivity is derived from the results on cell death. The death of cells irradiated at a higher phase age (G2 and S) is predominantly associated with the mitotic process, while the majority of cells irradiated during G1 and early S phase die out of interphase. A rough estimate has led to a mean life span of about 1 hr for radiation induced necrotic cells within the crypt.
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Early versus standard closure of temporary ileostomy in patients with rectal cancer: A randomized controlled trial. A significant proportion of patients undergoing rectal cancer surgery receive a temporary ileostomy because of its benefits in case of anastomotic dehiscence. However, the best timing for closure remains unclear. Early closure (EC; 30 days after creation) and standard closure (SC; 90 days after creation) of ileostomy were compared in a single-center randomized controlled trial conducted at National Cancer Institute (Vilnius, Lithuania). Patients with a temporary ileostomy who underwent rectal cancer surgery and did not have anastomotic leakage or other serious complications were randomized to early or standard ileostomy closure groups. Thirty days postoperative morbidity following ileostomy closure was the primary outcome of the study. The trial was prematurely terminated due to the safety reason after 86 patients were randomized to EC (43 patients) and SC (43 patients) groups. The overall 30 days postoperative morbidity rate was dramatically higher in the EC group (27.9% vs 7.9%; P = 0.024). Moreover, severe complications (Clavien-Dindo ≥3) were present only after EC of ileostomy in five (11.6%) patients. Early closure of ileostomy at 30 days after radical rectal resection is not safe and should not be performed.
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Gene transfer by DNA-gelatin nanospheres. A DNA and gelatin nanoparticle coacervate containing chloroquine and calcium, and with the cell ligand transferrin covalently bound to the gelatin, has been developed as a gene delivery vehicle. In this study, the coacervation conditions which resulted in the formation of distinct nanoparticles are defined. Nanospheres formed within a narrow range of DNA concentrations and achieved incorporation of more than 98% of the DNA in the reaction. Crosslinking of gelatin to stabilize the particles does not effect the electrophoretic mobility of the DNA. DNA in the nanosphere is partially resistant to digestion with concentrations of DNase I that result in extensive degradation of free DNA but is completely degraded by high concentrations of DNase. Optimum cell transfection by nanosphere DNA required the presence of calcium and nanospheres containing transferrin. The biological integrity of the nanosphere DNA was demonstrated with a model system utilizing DNA encoding the cystic fibrosis transport regulator (CFTR). Transfection of cultured human tracheal epithelial cells (9HTEo) with nanospheres containing this plasmid resulted in CFTR expression in over 50% of the cells. Moreover, human bronchial epithelial cells (IB-3-1) defective in CFTR-mediated chloride transport were complemented with effective transport activity when transfected with nanospheres containing the CFTR transgene.
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On 21 September 2018, at the peak of the #MeToo movement that had supposedly shattered the silence around the sexual assault and harassment of women, 75 women, most of them white, convened in Washington DC to profess their support for the embattled supreme court justice nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. A psychology professor, Christine Blasey Ford, had claimed Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her decades earlier when she was just 15. Ford’s testimony was buttressed by two other women with similar allegations, but this was not enough to stop Kavanaugh being confirmed. Led by his former colleague Sara Fagen, who referred to Kavanaugh as “a person of honour, integrity … and strong moral character … a good father, a good husband and a good friend”, those 75 Women for Kavanaugh were joined in spirit by many more across the country. The following month Quinnipiac University published an online poll that found only 46% of white women believed Ford, compared with 83% of black people overall and 66% of Hispanics. Though no gender breakdown for non-whites was provided, the numbers revealed a stunning discrepancy between white women and people of colour. The picture gets even starker when white men are added to the tally: only 32% of white men thought Ford was telling the truth. Overall, people of colour were almost twice as likely to believe a white woman making a sexual assault allegation against a white man. What could make so many white women dismiss the credible claims of a fellow white woman? Likewise, what could make 63% of white women vote for Roy Moore, the Republican Senate nominee with multiple allegations of sexual assault of underage girls against him? Or 53% for a self-professed “pussy-grabber”? These voting patterns of white women have stunned white women and women of colour. Those who had expected a different outcome from the 2016 US presidential election concluded that these women had sided with their race over their gender, choosing their whiteness over their womanhood. But we were wrong. The academic and author Kyla Schuller argues that rather than betraying their womanhood, these women were performing it. Schuller says White Womanhood has been a key stabilising feature of western civilisation. Although not as visible as that of their male counterparts, their role was nonetheless equally pivotal to the success of European settler-colonialism. White women, Schuller writes, smooth over “the flow of sensation and feeling that makes up the public sphere, ensuring that white men … are susceptible only to further progress”. In other words, White Womanhood acts as a buffer between whites and non-whites. Serving as the virtuous, innocent face of western civilisation, white women have historically kept power firmly in white hands by defending and denying its violence. Or as the Australian Indigenous academic and author Aileen Moreton-Robinson so succinctly put it in Talkin’ Up To the White Woman: “White women civilised while white men brutalised.” The removal of Indigenous children from their families both in Australia and the United States, for example, was largely implemented by white women. These colonial maternalists, as the historian Margaret Jacobs dubbed them, learned to leverage their status as both a privileged and subordinate class in order to “simultaneously collaborate with and confound colonial aims”. The stolen generations was “largely a feminine domain, defined primarily around mothering [and] targeted at Indigenous women”. By framing the removal of Indigenous children as “women’s work for women”, the maternal colonialists flouted the rule against white women working outside the home, and secured white domination over the Indigenous population. How and why has this history of the role played by white women been largely neglected in favour of a narrative that positions colonialism and imperialism as the domain of white men alone? Part of the answer lies in the manipulation of discourse. Our tendency is to interpret concepts such as White Man and White Man’s Burden too literally. Although white society hinged on a strict binary between men and women, the term “man” was and remains a catch-all for all genders. In other words, the White Man and the White Man’s Burden refer not only to white males but to white society as a whole. White women were also “burdened” with the responsibility to civilise and subjugate the inferior races of the world, a burden many took on with great gusto. White women were not bystanders to the global colonial project, but because they were subordinate to and often suffered at the hands of white men, their role has largely slipped under the radar in favour of a misleading discourse that has placed them on almost equal footing with the populations they helped to colonise. Today we see white feminists adopt anti-racism discourse to denounce “mediocre white men” and “white male supremacy”, thus continuing the legacy of both confounding and collaborating with colonial aims by temporarily distancing themselves from white power. By pinning all culpability on white men, white women – whether wittingly or unwittingly – whitewash their role in colonisation and the oppression of women of colour by equating their gender oppression with colonialism. Cover of White Tears/Brown Scars. Photograph: MUP This is what black and brown women mean when we say we cannot separate our gender from our race: we have never been oppressed only by patriarchy, and so a feminism that claims to be for all women must be built on an explicitly anti-racist platform. Anything else runs the risk of reasserting whiteness because it can only ever benefit white women. White women continue to reap the benefits of the default to innocence they have been granted – but only when this innocence can be used to bolster whiteness as a system of power. Women for Kavanaugh demonstrates the pivotal role White Womanhood still plays in the maintenance of this system, but for some white women this privilege comes at a catastrophic cost. The price white women pay for masking the violence of white civilisation is to in turn be disbelieved when they are brutalised by it. • Ruby Hamad’s book White Tears/Brown Scars is out 1 September through Melbourne University Press
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Robert de Niro gives Donald Trump both barrels in a new video posted online. The movie legend uses almost every insult there is to blast the GOP presidential nominee for a celebrity “Get Out The Vote” commercial. “He’s so blatantly stupid,” de Niro says of Trump in the clip, which has already garnered more than half a million views on Facebook. “He’s a punk, he’s a dog, he’s a pig, he’s a con, a bullshit artist,” he adds. “A mutt who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, doesn’t do his homework, doesn’t care, thinks he’s gaming society, doesn’t pay his taxes.” De Niro also said he’d like to punch the brash businessman in the face. In August, the “Taxi Driver” star said it was “crazy” that some Americans were supporting Trump. “He shouldn’t even be where he is, so God help us,” he told an audience at the Sarajevo Film Festival. Check out de Niro’s straight-talking monologue in the clip above. Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.
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Such a gloomy scenario could be resolved by incorporating epistemic games in the learning process. These games put students in roles like journalist, engineer, or city planner, and ask them to offer their solutions to real world problems. By including such games in the learning process, education facilities can prepare the youth for tomorrow in a detailed manner. After gaining certificates, students can easily face any interview. Also, they can demonstrate their problem solving capabilities in their respective fields. As well as solving the problem of unemployment, science can help education facilities with in-depth and thorough learning that will remain in the memory of students forever. There has been an ongoing debate – Why is science good for humanity? Most of the people involved in the debate question the misuse of technology by humans. These folks corner science citing the dangers of weapons and technology. However, you can’t attribute science for any misuse or wrong-doing. Science is a means to develop technology and techniques for the betterment of human beings.
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Teenage Bobbi Blair Provides A Uber-cute Tugjob That is proper! Lately now we have the ultra-cute Bobbi Blair paintings wonders on a pink cigar. Bobbi Blair likes providing handjobs and little angel seems luxurious as little angel heads down on her knees and provides this fortunate stud’s pecker a cupping and makes use of each palms to jack him off.
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Posted: 2009-08-24 02:02 AM &nbsp Thankz for your comments , to tell u fact , as u might have seen , when a tourist goes to delhi , he often see people pissing , doing shit ,, al dirt every where , THE STRENGTH OF A CHAIN IS IST WEAKEST LINK , even for common wealth games delhi is putting bamboo curtain to hide the slum , YOU KNOW , IF U HAVE BEEN TO BANGALORE YOU WILL KNOW THT BANGALORE CITY DOENST ALLOW SLUMS TO GROW ON GOVERNMENT LAND AND IT MAKE PARK on all the empty land thus we are having lots of part ,garden and play grounds , unlike other cities , who are just concrete jungle in name of development , hope u understood , when it comes to delhi , we must remember it projects whole india , and even if i dont put pictures , i know my foreign colleagues already posted the pictures of delhi slums and beggers and railway tracks on their national wesites ,cheers ravi Posted: 2007-02-07 04:57 PM &nbsp Thank you Subodh for your comment. I loved Dehli, where I stayed in a very nice family. There are so many places in town which I didn't see, so I have to return. I certainly will write another report, but this time it will not be about India. Take care. Hieronyma Posted: 2007-01-26 12:23 AM &nbsp Thanks Subodh, for your comment on my Delhi report. I wish we had spent more than two days there - I was so taken with the City. I found it quite wonderful! You have some terrific museums and great architecture to view! You are lucky to live there! Posted: 2006-11-28 12:46 AM &nbsp Subodh, Thanks for your comments on my report on Udaipur. I was so taken with this beautiful city - it is just stunning! I hope to return some day. There is so much more of India that I would like to see!
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Rho3 Arietis {{DISPLAYTITLE:Rho3 Arietis}} Rho3 Arietis (Rho3 Ari, ρ3 Arietis, ρ3 Ari) is the Bayer designation for a star in the northern constellation of Aries. It is faintly visible to the naked eye with an apparent visual magnitude of 5.63. Based upon an annual parallax shift of 28.29 mas, this star is located at a distance of approximately from Earth. This is an astrometric binary system. The visible component is an F-type main sequence star with a stellar classification of F6 V. It is around 2.4 billion years old and has a high abundance of elements other than hydrogen and helium when compared to the Sun. Name This star, along with δ Ari, ε Ari, ζ Ari, and π Ari, were Al Bīrūnī's Al Buṭain (ألبطين), the dual of Al Baṭn, the Belly. According to the catalogue of stars in the Technical Memorandum 33-507 - A Reduced Star Catalog Containing 537 Named Stars, Al Buṭain were the title for five stars : δ Ari as Botein, π Ari as Al Buṭain I, ρ3 Ari as Al Buṭain II, ε Ari as Al Buṭain III dan ζ Ari as Al Buṭain IV References External links HR 869 in the Bright Star Catalogue Image Rho3 Arietis Category:Aries (constellation) Category:F-type main-sequence stars 018256 013702 Arietis, 46 Arietis, Rho03 869 Category:Astrometric binaries Category:Durchmusterung objects
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Philippine military forces have continued their offensive against armed groups linked to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) group in the country's south, killing at least nine fighters as the conflict in Marawi continues. On Thursday morning, fighters from the Maute Group and Abu Sayyaf engaged with the military forces who retaliated with air attacks and artillery fire, Captain Jo-Ann Petinglay, military spokesperson, told Anadolu news agency. "Those enemies who died in the offensives include men of Abu Sayyaf leader Isnilon Hapilon who are digging for a tunnel under a mosque trying to escape the battle zone or reach the lake," Petinglay said. READ MORE: Marawi - The girl and her red shoes Hapilon, who is wanted by the FBI and has a $5m bounty on his head, is suspected to have led the siege in Marawi which is now in its 12th week. His group, Abu Sayyaf, had previously pledged loyalty to al-Qaeda. Earlier, the military confirmed that Hapilon was still alive and inside the battle zone, despite earlier reports he had escaped along with Abdullah and Omar Maute, local leaders of the Maute group that has pledged allegiance to ISIL. The Philippine government has also offered a separate reward for the capture of Hapilon and the Maute brothers. According to Petinglay, the number of deaths on the side of Maute and Abu Sayyaf has gone up to 548 due to continuous fighting in Marawi - a once bustling university town in Mindanao. At least 122 soldiers have also been killed while 45 civilians have died in the fighting. The remaining fighters, including several foreigners, have at least 100 civilian hostages. Four were recently rescued. President Rodrigo Duterte declared martial law on the whole island of Mindanao after the Maute group attacked Marawi on May 23. When the fighting began, the military had initially vowed to end it within weeks. But the fighting continues into its third month now, and martial law has been extended until the end of 2017. The armed conflict has displaced about 359,680 people, as of July 29, with many living in host communities or in 75 evacuation centres across Mindanao. More than 200,000 children have also been displaced. Many of those living in host communities are affected by the scarcity of household resources, including food, medical and school supplies, in one of the poorest areas in the country.
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Muslim Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar attacked Christian conservatives for being pro-life in a lengthy rant on the House floor. She even had the audacity to say, “I am frustrated every single time I hear people speaking about their faith.” These pro-abortion Democrats are absolutely sick. This is the same woman who had Congress change it’s rules so she could wear her Muslim hijab to work. WATCH: TRENDING: This Is America? Young Mother TASED, CUFFED AND ARRESTED for Not Wearing Face-Mask at Mostly Empty Stadium to Watch HS Football Game
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Progressive Cognitive Dissonance The left says Fox News is a partisan front for the republican party and not to be taken seriously. But the left obsesses over everything Fox broadcasts. It’s a strange strategy to suggest they are not worth listening to while forensically deconstructing all of their reporting. The left says Rush Limbaugh is a gassy windbag. It’s a horror that he’s even still on the radio. But they simultaneously spend extraordinary effort to silence him through boycotts and campaigns. What drove it home for me was Mitt Romney. First he was a flip-flopper, incapable of making a decision and sticking to it, and clearly not a serious candidate. Then he was the evil vulture capitalist at Bain, spreading corporate shutdowns, employee terminations and outsourcing like a plague. And now we’ve swung back to Romney the gaffe-laden “Wimp” who is too insecure for the job. Seriously. Make up your damn minds. If Romney is so scary and evil, how do you expect me to believe he’s an incapable flip-flopper? And if he’s a “3 Stooges” level gaffetastic wimp, do you really expect me to bite on the evil “Darth Vader” of capitalism schtick? What’s next? Mitt Romney: The Bumbling and Precise Financial Death Clown from Utah? I can see it now: “With his partner, ‘Roof’ the dog, who plays dead when Romney honks his horn or destroys a corporation! Yuk, Yuk!”
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Article content VANCOUVER — You have found a used needle, in one of the last places you ever expected — or wanted — to see one. On the playground. Inside the schoolyard. On the beach. Now what? Shiloh Sukkau was shocked at first. Then resigned. Now she’s upset. Same with Joel Reid and Jessica Leung, and now they’re speaking out. We apologize, but this video has failed to load. tap here to see other videos from our team. Try refreshing your browser, or Brian Hutchinson: Finding used drug needles in public spaces has become the new normal for Vancouver Back to video Three people, unknown to each other, living and working in different parts of the city. Finding dirty needles in public places. Kids’ spaces. In this permissive city, where open drug use is sadly common, people have finally reached a boiling point. They’re fed up with finding dangerous materials left behind by intravenous drug users, whose numbers in Vancouver exceed 12,000, according to local health authorities. Dirty needles, called “sharps,” along with cooking gear, water ampoules and rubber ties are the most common detritus. The problem isn’t confined to Vancouver’s drug-infested Downtown Eastside. Used needles with trace amounts of heroin, cocaine, crystal methamphetamine, prescription opioids and blood are turning up across the city.
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Q: Setting value of async function to the value of the return of the .then edit: maybe I have simplified my example too much. Let me try again file1.js import conditonFunction from './conditonFunction' console.log(conditonFunction()) file2.js import asyncFunction from './asyncFunction' export const conditonFunction = () => { if (condition) { return 'this doesnt matter' } else { asyncFunction().then(res => { return res[0].whatever }) } } if my condition is not met, I want the logged value of conditonFunction to be the value of res inside of asyncFunction What am I missing? A: An alternative is using async functions. function asyncFunction() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { setTimeout(function() { resolve(7); }, 2000); }); } async function main() { var res = await asyncFunction(); console.log(res); } main(); Wait for 2 seconds...
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Q: How to make flash file not downloadable? I want that my flash file on my website, can't be downloaded by anyone. Is there any way that i can do that? As Firefox and many browser has many add-ones which easily detect out flash content and after they can download the flash file? A: In short: No. Remember that in order to display the contents of the flash file, it will have to be downloaded to the client in any case, and is usually saved to a temporary file on disk. There's really no way from keeping a browser from saving the files you send it to disk, short of not sending the files in the first place. (In which case, well, the flash cannot be displayed, because the client doesn't have it.)
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“It’s not really their mound,” he writes. “Jews use that mound. Muslims (might) use that mound. Hindus and Sikhs. Hypothetically, Zoroastrians would use that mound. Diests use that mound. People with no god use that mound. Should the Cardinals really have to be reminded that not everyone is their religion?” Dori thinks it’s a hypocritical stance to take. “Man, if somebody said that about the gay Pride flag, they’d be haters. But if they say that about a cross, they’re enlightened.”
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Am I being keylogged? Hey guys I'm really worried because all of the sudden, all of my accounts passwords are not working. This includes my Runescape account, Combat arms Account and E-Mail account. I was just wondering If I am maybe being keylogged, and if someone could tell me how to get rid of this. Hey guys I'm really worried because all of the sudden, all of my accounts passwords are not working. This includes my Runescape account, Combat arms Account and E-Mail account. I was just wondering If I am maybe being keylogged, and if someone could tell me how to get rid of this. maybe if you accoutns do not work at all then yes. Originally Posted by [TROLL]1nt3l Son, if your parental units do not approve of female buttocks for a young man's viewing, then I am fearful for the nature of your sexual orientation. Originally Posted by SeanBoBoEgan u have too much ass to be a minion jk u could probly (i would trust u) i dont decide that though... Originally Posted by eXaLtIc™ PS: EL_PACHUCO i love your avatar my gf has the same ass as that but better ;D Hey guys I'm really worried because all of the sudden, all of my accounts passwords are not working. This includes my Runescape account, Combat arms Account and E-Mail account. I was just wondering If I am maybe being keylogged, and if someone could tell me how to get rid of this. Didnt you start a thread a while ago saying you thought you were getting keylogged? And it ended with "oh no i downloaded the NX generator thing" Well i ran SpyBot S&D and was wondering if Win32.Spynet.a HKCU and HKLM are big problems because they both showed up, and I got a few "trojan" reports from AVG 2011 Premium but it shows almost everything i download as a virus.
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Q: Problem with the fourier transform of sinc I have to take the fourier transform of the following: $$h(t)= \begin{cases} \frac{2\sin(300\pi t)}{\pi t}, & t > \ne 0 \\ 600, & t=0\end{cases}$$ So I used the two properties : $\mathrm{rect}\left(\frac{t}{ \tau}\right) \xrightarrow{F.T.} \tau \mathrm{sinc}(\frac{\tau w}{2})$ $X(t) \xrightarrow{F.T.} 2\pi x(-w)$ (duality) Here $F.T.$ means Fourier transform and $x(.)$ and $X(.)$ are fourier transform pairs and $\mathrm{rect}$ is : $$\mathrm{rect}\left(\frac{t}{ \tau}\right) =\begin{cases}1, & |t| \leq \frac {\tau}{2}\\ 0, & otherwise \end{cases}$$ using them I got the $H(w)=2\pi\mathrm{rect}\left(\frac{w}{600\pi}\right)$ But the given answer is: . That is $H(w)=2\mathrm{rect}\left(\frac{w}{600\pi}\right)$ Can someone please tell me what is my mistake? A: $$\mathrm{F.T.}\ \frac1\pi\mathrm{rect}(\frac{t}{600\pi}) = \frac1\pi600\pi\frac{\sin 300\pi w}{300\pi w}=2\frac{\sin 300\pi w}{\pi w}$$ $$\mathrm{F.T.}\ 2\frac{\sin 300\pi w}{\pi w}=2\pi\times\frac1\pi\mathrm{rect}(\frac{-w}{600\pi}) = 2\mathrm{rect}(\frac{w}{600\pi})$$
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Tag Archives: fox and friends President Obama said words again, as he is so uppity-ly wont to do, so of course the dimwitted mouth-breathers on Fox & Friends are OUTRAGED!!!! Damn you, Obama, with your word-saying. Read more on Fox News Can’t Believe Obama Said Christians Have Done Bad Stuff Too, For Jesus… Image via Daily Show video Texas congressman and casual House-floor snacker Louie Gohmert delivered blessed news to the nation on the first Sunday of the new year: he will finally rise to be the savior America needs by defeating John Boehner to become the new Speaker of the House. Read more on New House Speaker Louie Gohmert Will Fix America, Depose Dumb Drunk RINO John Boehner… In what is undoubtedly the YOOGEST news since the last time Donald Trump said anything, Donald Trump hinted today on Fox & Friends that the situation in Washington has become so intolerable, what with the fraud and the lying and the dishonesty and the Obamacare that just doesn’t work and is based on a lie because a guy said so on video, that he, Donald Trump, just might have to become president to fix it. No, really, this time he means it: He is genuinely thinking that he should be President. Maybe not that he will actually run, because that is work, but he’s very happy to pretend that he faces some kind of Sophie’s Choice about doing weekly Fox & Friends visits or making a serious bid for office. Read more on Donald Trump Will Either Run For President, Stay On Fox, Or Become Ballerina Princess Veterinarian… We have read through this new column by walking foreskin Dr. Keith Ablow about four times now in the hope that we will reach a point where it does not make us want to smash our own face with a tack hammer. Sadly, we have failed. So sorry, face! Read more on What Do You Want To Do Today, Keith Ablow? Try To Take Over The World!… In the rightwing world, there are a lot of things that are HI-larious and worthy of mockery. Encouraging kids to carve a coal plant in their pumpkins to really stick it to these tree-huggers at the Department of Energy? Funny! Calling a lady jet fighter “boobs on the ground”? Even funnier! Asking if Sandra Fluke is engaged to a man because something something slutty lesbian something? Classic comedy! Calling Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis “Abortion Barbie”? Highbrow humor. (Because she is a blonde lady, just like Barbie, and she cares about abortion rights. Get it? It’s pretty sophisticated.) Suggesting Putin should be our new president since that pansy-ass tyrant Obama is such a pansy-ass tyrant? Hardy har har. Oh wait, they were serious about that one. Read more on Wingnuts Find The One Thing That’s Not Funny, And It Is Mitt Romney… TV Funnyman Stephen Colbert is understandably concerned about the emergence of Ebola in America, and by “concerned,” we mean thoroughly terrified that the virus has made it from “Whocaresistan” to our golden shores. Just don’t touch the fluids on the shores. “That is crap-your-pants terrifying,” Colbert explains, “in that crap-your-pants is one of the symptoms of Ebola.” And remember, you can “get Ebola just by coming in contact with an infected person’s bodily fluids, including ‘blood, sweat, feces, vomit, semen, and spit.’ So you might want to avoid the next Gathering of the Juggalos.” But Colbert refuses to let propaganda get to him! “I won’t be fooled into staying calm by the so-called ‘experts’ with their so-called ‘medical degrees’ and their so-called ‘fingers,'” he insisted. “And neither will the ‘Fox and Friends.'” Colbert then cut to a clip of Dr. Dalilah Restrepo attempting to reassure the easily-freaked-out Friends of Fox, which didn’t go quite as well as it could have: She coughed while talking to the three amigos. Read more on Stephen Colbert So Sad Now That Fox & Friends Got The Ebola (Video)… Attention ladies! Do you know what you want, what you really really want? Probably not, so how about you listen to these three hotties – WHOM YR WONKETTE RESPECTS FOR THEIR MINDS AS WELL AS THEIR FEMININITY – yap at you about some feminist idea or other that’s floating through their well-coiffed heads while they show some leg to the geriatric shut-ins who make up the Fox & Friends audience. Read more on Fox & Friends: God Hates Feminists… Brian Kilmeade got a GOTCHA on some dumb Texas “sheriff,” when he played 911 tapes of illegal immigrants calling the police for help with stupid things like “not dying.” “So those calls, you have to respond to, even though for the most part, when you get there you realize, they’re not even American citizens?” Kilmeade asked incredulously, after introducing the calls with the reminder that the people calling in extremis “have no business being here.” Kilmeade then looked surprised by the sheriff’s answer, which was basically, “well, yeah, they’re on American soil, what are you, some kind of a dick?” Read more on Dumb Sheriff Doesn’t Even Agree With Fox & Friends That Illegal Immigrants Should Be Left To Die… Today, from the Department of Oh Do Shut The Hell Up, we have Fox’s Elisabeth Hasselbeck giving airtime to some random lady who is making life hell for North Carolina’s Watauga County school district because they assigned a book that random lady does not like because of how it is all about mandating abortion and prostitution, probably. On the March 3 edition of Fox News’ Fox & Friends, co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck reported that “parents are outraged over a new book being assigned to their high school students containing references to abortion and prostitution,” and was quick to tie the book to the Common Core educational standards — falsely labeling them the “Common Core classroom curriculum.” […] The campaign to censor The House of The Spirits in North Carolina’s Watauga County school district has sparked national scrutiny in recent weeks. As Michael Keegan, president of the free speech advocacy organization People for the American Way noted, Lesesne’s censorship attempt ignores that “The House of Spirits is an internationally renowned work that is taught in high school Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate programs throughout the country.” Read more on Fox & Friends Will Burn Whoremongering Isabel Allende Books Now, Thank You… When you think “male fashion plate,” who comes to mind? Tim Gunn? David Beckham? Haha of course not. You think Donald Trump because shiny ties and dead-squirrel-on-your-head hair is where it is AT. Mr. Blackwell Trump puts Obama on his worst-dressed list this year for failing to rock a signature sheentastic Trump-style tie during his Fox News interview with Bill O’Reilly. “I definitely think he should have worn a tie,” Trump complained to the hosts of Fox & Friends on Monday. “You know, he’s the president of the United States, let him put on a tie. Bill was wearing a tie, not that he has to follow Bill. But Bill was wearing a tie. He’s the president. It’s a formal position, I think he should wear a tie.” […] “It’s sloppy, it’s not appropriate, it’s not presidential,” Trump opined. “He’s the president of the United States, let him put on a tie.” Read more on Sexy Fashion God Donald Trump Does Not Care For Barack Obama’s Super Bowl Outfit… Impacted bowel John Stossel dropped by the set of Fox & Friends yesterday to drop a little truth on hosts Elizabeth Hasselbeck, Steve Doocy, and whatshisname, the guy who is always squinting in puzzlement like he’s losing a battle of wits with a doorknob. Stossel was there to talk about the 50th anniversary of the War on Poverty and how it has backfired by making all the ladies want to stay single because having a man in the house means smaller welfare handouts from the government. This is good news for those of you who are tired of going to family gatherings and answering the question, “When are you going to get married?” Now you can respond with Never Grandma, because getting married means I’ll have to stop suckling at the government teat and I want to keep my sweet, sweet welfare checks that are paid for by taking money away from society’s makers like John Stossel. Read more on John Stossel Explains That War On Poverty Failed Because Ladies Want Too Much Free Stuff… Read more on John Stossel Explains That War On Poverty Failed Because Ladies Want Too Much Free Stuff… Greetings, filthy liberal gun grabbers! Does this seem like a bad time for a roundup of stupid gun-related news? We were thinking about writing this periodic update over the weekend, and then Monday happened, and also Sad Lee Stranahan was manfully whining at us for being mean to him just because he’s A Idiot, and it just seemed safer for our blood pressure to stay off of Twitter and the Internet and away from the debate altogether. But now we have had a day or two to absorb this latest tragedy and can write without becoming so enraged that blood spurts out of our eyeballs. We think. As Napoleon reportedly said while watching his armies cross into Russia, screw it, what’s the worst that could happen? Read more on We Were Told There Would Be No Math In Your Gun Fun Times Roundup… With all the big doings about Syria and Congress this weekend, we thought it was high time to unveil our official Wonkette editorial policy on Syria. Ready? Really ready? Our editorial policy is ???????? because what the hell do we know? We are certain that Sarah Palin is both a terrible and stupid human being because that is a given. Beyond that, we are largely keeping our big yaps shut because until we become geopolitical experts you don’t really need to hear our feels and thoughts. Would that the GOP would follow our lead on this matter. Read more on Your Official Wonkette Editorial Policy On Syria Is Here And We Regret to Inform You It Involves Talking About Louie Gohmert… Hey ladies! Have you met Fox medical expert Dr. David Samadi? He is here to sexplain to us all that Obamacare is VERY STUPID to mandate that women and men be charged the same for insurance, because of how the women have the breasts and the ovaries, and they are just bogarting all the medical care, and why should the douchey one, Brian Kilmeade, be forced to pay for Gretchen Carlson’s dumb old cooter just because she is addicted to going to the doctor and getting pap smears and not dying of ovarian cancer? Man, women love going to the doctor like they love buying SHOES, amirite? Gretchen Carlson, you are a greedy slut. Read more on Fox: Why Are Women So Greedy, With Their Breast And Ovarian Cancer Costing Men All This Money?… You know what the problem is with this whole Edward Snowden/NSA leaks thing? Not nearly enough action! Donald Trump has a solution, though! We need some executions, just like we needed in the Central Park Five case! On Monday’s Fox & Friends (or as RawStory calls it, the “Republican morning talk show “Fox & Friends”), Trump bemoaned how “weak” U.S. America has become, as demonstrated by the fact that Edward Snowden is still drawing breath: “You know, spies in the old days used to be executed,” Trump said. “This guy is becoming a hero in some circles. Now, I will say, with the passage of time, even people that were sort of liking him and were trying to go on his side are maybe dropping out… We have to get him back and we have to get him back fast. It could take months or it could take years, and that would be pathetic.” You know, like how we shot Daniel Ellsberg at dawn, right? Read more on Donald Trump Wonders Why We Aren’t Killing More Whistleblowers… Are you a huge sports fan? Of course not. You are reading Wonkette, which means that you spent gym class defending yourself from a cloud of dodgeballs being thrown in your direction with copies of Mad Magazine and A People’s History to the United States. Well, in between seasons in professional sports, there is this thing called “free agency” where teams negotiate with players and eventually sign them to contracts after discussing salary, benefits, and specific performance clauses. It’s something like one of those fancy “union negotiations” that your grandpa used to tell you about back when he had a job that was able to provide for his family of 12. The news media that you compulsively ingest like the foie gras goose that you are doesn’t have a defined “season.” Its awfulness is spread out throughout the year to make sure that every nook and cranny of your brain is covered in a fine and even sheen of bullshit. But in the last week, THREE prominent folks whose names will immediately prompt shudders in the deepest depths of your soul have new jobs within the punditry universe! That’s right, GM is alive and journalistic integrity remains dead because Meghan McCain, Tucker Carlson, and Dana Loesch all have new homes from which to continue polluting the world with their derivative brands of battery-acid caustic drivel. Read more on Hey When Did That Jerk Start Working There? A Guide To 2013’s Least Important Media Hirings… We should stop being surprised when the party of personal responsibility blames EVERYONE ELSE for its own failures, time and time again. But somehow, we are still surprised! Every single time! We should also stop being surprised when Fox News decides that it can present a completely opposite vision of reality with a totally straight face, and yet, it is still surprising! EVERY SINGLE TIME, maybe someone can help us figure out why that is. Anyway, today Fox News is going to explain at us about Sandy relief, and why it is Obama’s fault that it has been delayed. Read more on Michelle Malkin Knows Just Who Is To Blame For Withholding Sandy Relief (It Is Obama Duh)… This is a video of a Fox “News” “Medical” correspondent visiting Fox and Friends to argue that Joe Biden is either a drunk, obnoxious asshole OR a senile, drunk old man with dementia. Apparently these are the only explanations for interrupting someone that isn’t Jim Lehrer—being an obnoxious asshole, or having dementia. Read more on Fox News ‘Doctor’ Just Asking If Joe Biden Has Dementia, That’s All… The thought-free muppets who host Fox News’ illiterate dementia variety hour Fox and Friends briefly mentioned the actual news nugget about the unveiled U.S. Olympic Team outfits today — they’re made in China, har har — but spent considerably more time examining the team’s hat wear: berets. Like all the fruity poets and mimes in France wear, amirite? Just imagine if these berets were green. How foo-foo mcgay would green berets be? Read more on Fox & Friends Has All Sorts of Problems With These Olympic Team Berets… Not even sure what is going on here. Doocey is missing. Has he run off to join the circus? Gretchen is gone. Is she at Betty Ford? And we are left with only rapey-faced Brian Kilmeade Some Other Guy to spout the proper talking points about millionaires Going Galt and leaving the US over waaah high taxes? Brian Kilmeade can’t do it alone, guys! He needs his morning gang of pals for just the right chemistry (TNT). (UPDATE: That rapey-faced man isn’t Brian Kilmeade either! WHAT HAVE THEY DONE WITH OUR FOX & FRIENDS???) And he is getting no help from the relief players either, like this lady, Alisyn Camerota, who says of the millionaires, “Are they just greedy?” because the country “allowed” said millionaires to get rich in the first place, with its infrastructure investments and government spending? And she wraps with “That does send the message that you care more about your money than you do about your country”? WE WILL HAVE NO MORE OF YOUR CLASS WARFARE, FOX & ‘FRIENDS’! Read more on Fox & Friends: Are Millionaires Who Abandon US To Flee Taxes ‘Just Greedy’?… What the hell is wrong with Fox News execs? So the dimbulbs on illiterate dementia variety hour Fox & Friends broadcast a four-minute straight-up vicious propaganda campaign ad against Barack Obama yesterday. What’s the problem? This is just how the network rolls. But now we have senior Fox News execs saying they didn’t authorize it. This is no way to support Team Red, senior execs. As a blogger once said, NEVER APOLOGIZE, NEVER EXPLAIN. Read more on Spineless Fox News Execs Actually Ashamed of Hilarious Propaganda Video… So, what’s today’s latest comically over-the-top story from a libertarian/Republican who pretends to care about TSA on righteous civil liberties grounds but mostly wants it privatized and deunionized? Oooh, Geraldo, on Fox & Friends. Well yeah? These always involve the grossest old men suggesting, oddly, that some employee who’s just trying to get through the day wanted to fuck them. Rivera actually helps us out, by saying, “I think there is a lot of merit in people who say it should be re-privatized.” Oh, do you? “I don’t necessarily endorse that” — of course not! — “…but I tell you the last time I flew to Afghanistan I got manually raped by a guy who – the scanner wasn’t working…” He means at the airport; but we can only hope that he got manually raped by a guy while in Afghanistan, too. Read more on Hilariously Delusional Geraldo Rivera Thinks TSA Agent Wanted To Sex Him…
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It's late o'clock on Saturday night. Dan, Chris and I have torn ourselves away from a sweaty Brick Lane party in east London and are loping towards the bus stop. We pass a group of three young men, and as we do, one of them extends a tentacle, slithering it over my arse. I say nothing until we're at a safe distance, then I tell the lads what happened. Chris is angry. He turns around and asks which one's the squid. I don't know, I didn't look, it's late, I'm tired, I really couldn't be bothered dealing with any aggro. Chris apologises if he's being paternalistic – it's up to me whether or not to do anything, of course. They're my friends and they're being protective, and protectiveness comes from a good place. I know, because, although it's not immediately obvious, I am being protective, too. Here's Saturday's plot synopsis from my maternalistic perspective: three dodgy men are walking around east London late on a weekend. One of them wants a fight. He sees two men and a woman approach. What's a good way to set about getting his jollies? Exactly. And I'm not going to see my friends lose some teeth just because some slime-creature touched my bum. Although protection of the opposite sex in public spaces is often taken to be a male prerogative, women often try to protect men from violence through quiet acceptance of harassment. If I'd been on my own last Saturday, I'd most likely have turned around and hollered horrors at squid-boy until his ink ran dry. By the time I'd finished telling fish-features how stinky he was, he'd have been begging for Oldboy to put him out of his misery. I'm confident behaving like this on my own because, while I'm likely to be groped in public (not even thick leg hair and Dunlop sandals can put some men off), it's a significant boon of femaledom that I'm pretty unlikely to be beaten up. Sofie Peeter's recent controversial documentary, Femme de la Rue, allows us to walk in the footsteps of the film-maker and experience the sexual aggression she endures on a day-to-day basis. This is powerful: it helps apologists to see that street harassment is not complimentary, but disrespectful and often frightening. It seems as if women have been screaming this message for years, with campaigns such as Stop Street Harassment garnering significant public support. Yet squids still slither. Why? Peeter's film is set in Brussels, and not unproblematically it appears to frame street harassment as a clash between western and Islamic cultures. I don't live in Brussels, and I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on cultural tensions in that city. But I do live in London, and I'm pretty sure that the squids here don't think they can get away with tentacle tricks due to confusion over the social and sexual role of western women. The vast majority of men who engage in street harassment in London are under no illusions that their advances are socially acceptable. So why do they think they can get away with it? As strange as it sounds, I think that part of the reason lies in the way men and women protect each other. Many men feel they should protect women from unwanted sexual advances, but unfortunately this ultimately produces negative effects. For example, the more men walk women home to protect them, the more the sight of a lone female in the streets attracts opprobrium. Erasing female presence in public spaces makes those spaces less female-friendly and impedes the mobility of all women in society. Similarly, a man's protective urge to square-up to a perpetrator may mean a victim is less likely to say anything next time. But men, as I've mentioned, don't have the monopoly on protectiveness. Women often downplay street harassment because they don't want to upset their friends, ruin a good night out, or have their boyfriend beaten up. When women protect others from discomfort and violence by keeping stumm about harassment, they help to create a culture in which the perpetrator goes unconfronted. If Dan and Chris thought that I didn't kick off on Saturday night for their benefit, they'd most likely be frustrated with my maternalistic thinking (too late now – it's in the Guardian!). Adults are capable of making their own choices when it comes to personal safety, and about how to react to aggression, sexual or otherwise. Thinking through all of this, I've come to the rather counterintuitive conclusion that by being a little less protective of each other, we might engender a society in which we need to protect each other less.
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Questions (FAQ's) These questions only relate to registered users. General questions are publicly visible from the home page. Here you can ask us anything. Use the search box above to find the question you need answers. Just click on the question and the answer will appear. Click again and it disappears. Or you can click on the "Show all" bar below to display all answers.Feel free to submit new topics using the Submit Question link. Search Q: When is the latest Vacation Rental insurance can be purchased? A: This insurance can be purchased up until the final trip payment is made or 30 days prior to arrival, whichever comes first. Q: Is there a deadline for checkout times? A: Yes - cleaning rooms, condos, homes and resorts is a big job. It can take hours to make a place spic and span. Housekeepers need to start immediately upon departure. Staying late disrupts the cleaning schedule. Sorry. Q: Who are you folks? A: Our network is unlike any other. Most lodging companies are either some big corporation a long way from their properties or very small operators without many resources. Our firm, on the other hand, is a network of individually owned local Managers who use our Network to handle the 101 Marketing, Advertising and Administrative details so necessary to quality lodging. Each Management Member is required to attain some pretty stiff requirements on cleaning, maintenance and Guest services. Everyone in the group has your best interests at heart. Q: Why should I Rent from You? A: There are a bunch of good reasons. We've been around a long time, have quality properties and work diligently to make Guests happy. But the best reason is that we are a unique network where each onsite Manager has a piece of the action. They work overtime to insures you'll have a good experience. Q: So what are Vacation Rentals? A: That's an easy one. Any lodging unit that has a full kitchen & bath, is fully outfitted with linens and towels and usually detached bedrooms is a Vacation Rental Home. These may be apartments, cabins, condos, chalets, houses or villas. In some countries they are called Holiday-lets, Holiday homes, Holiday Villas or Gites (France.) Q: How do I reserve a vacation rental? A: You can book online, fill out our web inquiry form, chat with us online here or telephone us at the phone number listed on the top or bottom of this website. We are ready to help. Q: Are housekeeper tips mandatory in Vacation Rentals? A: Tips for housekeepers at lodging accommodations of all kinds have become the sign of considerate Guests and just plain good manners. Due to their square footage and amenities, housekeeping at Vacation Rentals is back-breaking work. Considerate Guests will leave a tip of five to ten percent of the total rent. Far less than at a restaurant, but housekeepers work far harder. Q: Why are bookings usually non-cancelable. A: Unlike hotels, vacation homes are valuable assets held by private parties. To allow Guests to hold dates in advance only to cancel them later, means the owner would miss out on other prospective customers in the meantime. In addition, because most homes are booked in advance last-minute replacements are not always possible. We can, however, offer to re-sell dates for a Guest who made a prior purchase. In that case, some or all of the Guest's funds may be refunded if a replacement Guest is found. Q: Are Guests allowed to check-in early? A: Cleaning rooms, condos, homes and resorts between Guests is a big job. It can take many hours to make a place spic and span. It isn't always possible to start the cleaning process on time, so housekeepers need every minute get a unit clean before its scheduled check-in time. Guests who arrive early disrupt the cleaning process. In fact, housekeepers are not allowed to continue cleaning if a Guest arrives early and enters the property. Q: Do I get more room in a Vacation Rental? A: Yes of course - the average hotel room is small, but vacation rentals are larger, with kitchens and extra space where you can hang out with your family or friends. Sit in the living room instead of squeezing into the only chair in the room. Q: What is the weather like in the Puget Sound area? A: The word, year round, is moderate due to the effect of sitting in the middle of Puget Sound. In summer the days can be long and sunny and warm but seldom scorching hot. Winters can be cold and rainy but the sun will pop out and beam through the windows. Spring comes early and autumn stays warmer and bright well into the season. Q: Are there Rules for Guests? A: Yes - to keep owners, neighbors and other guests happy there are guidelines to follow. In general we ask that Guests comport themselves in quiet, safe and unselfish manner and that they treat the property and the area with respect.Click to See Rules Q: Why must I book a full week at some times of the year? A: During the busy seasons, it can become disruptive to have lots of guests coming and going every few days, so we do require you to book long stays at some times of the year. Plus Guests seem to enjoy staying longer and settling in. Q: To make a booking must I deal with the Owner? A: Not at all. We'll take your order, send a confirmation and instructions for accessing and using the property. Our Owners rely on us to do all the work. And you can rely on us to make sure the property is ready for your arrival. Q: Is it possible to arrange a late checkout? A: Yes, sometimes - Keep in mind housekeepers need all the time between Guests to prepare the property for arrivals. So late checkouts are not always available. Due to scheduling requirements, there is a charge for late checkouts and it is not possible to confirm this availability until 24 hours in advance of departure. Q: Is there a website membership fee for using your website? A: Nope. Browsing properties and information is free. But we do ask you to register for certain information. It helps us help you. Q: Why is there a cleaning fee for Vacation Rentals? A: Vacation rentals are bigger than hotel rooms and require more effort to clean. Rather than increase the price of every day's rent there is usually an out-cleaning fee. It is also your way of knowing the place will be clean when you arrange. Q: Where does your company operate? A: Although we started small, our company is growing. We currently have network offices in Washington State, Idaho, Hawaii and Mexico. Coming on line are British Columbia, Oregon and other great destinations. Local Partners provide hands-on services to Owners and Guests making sure every home is exactly what it should be. Our central office does the marketing, advertising and administration to keep the lodging services first rate. Q: I've lost my logon or password. What do I do? A: No problem. Just go to the Login Page of our website. Look for the "Forgot your Password" link. Or you can call us during business hours. Q: Why should I purchase travel insurance for my vacation? A: You've saved, you've waited, and now you're all set to go on vacation. Preparing for your trip includes covering yourself for unfortunate occurrences that threaten to interfere with even your best-laid plans. By purchasing travel insurance, you can insure yourself for covered cancellation penalties, medical costs, baggage delays, as well as gain access to a wide range of traveler's assistance services. DETAILS: We work to post all information to this website and other websites that fits with the goal of those websites. By submitting information you are authorizing the publisher to include your data which may be edited as Publisher deems necessary. Please allow a reasonable amount of time for response.Not all submissions will be included and generally notification will not be sent indicating acceptance or refusal. Once submitted requests for deletion can not be honored.
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Digital advertising and marketing: only the best ideas worldwide, since 2003 Tag archives: durex It’s almost a Murphy’s law I would say: you never have a condom when you really need one… Well, this is the insight that inspired Durex and Buzzman Middle East to come up with a pretty useful condoms delivery service that promises to deliver the product, every day from 4 pm to 4 am, within an hour from the moment the “order” is placed. Read more… And here we are again posting about Durex. But this time there is a good reason to spread the word around their social media activation around the World AIDS Day 2012. The more people will help raising awareness around HIV, the more condoms Durex will donate to charity associations around the world. The target to reach is 2.5M condoms to donate. A pretty high number, that becomes even more impressive if you think that it is the same number of people infected with HIV last year. Read more… For once, a Durex commercial that doesn’t try to be sexy nor funny. Yet, it will make you smile, and possibly increase your appreciation of their product. What the heck am I talking about? Well, watch the video below, I don’t want to spoil this… Read more… In-flight advertising is usually boring as hell and more intrusive than a pop-up banner on an iPad. You can’t skip it nor ignore it, you just have to face it. But my guess is that you might actually like (or at least appreciate the surprise effect) of a recent Durex inflight marketing execution made in Poland. The pre-flight safety demonstration for the first time included a few additional tips for those planning an holiday with plenty of fun… Read more… Durex’s main aim was to make talking about condoms less embarrassing to ‘first time lovers’. So they created The Naked Box – a lighthearted and playful design competition, with a fun set of sharable tools (Like the Vibrating Pencil, Ribbed Roller and of course, The Rubber!) Thanks Elena George and Claire Blandy (From iris Worldwide, London). Love the budget and the production on this new site from Durex condoms – in Arabia!! What I found less appealing was the trick of using hot girls and boys tempting you to have sex with them by holding your fingers on your monitor. WTF!! How many are going to fall for that old trick? Read more… Talking about sex in Taiwan still seems to be a cultural taboo. So for a brand like Durex giving away samples and increasing product as well as safe sex awareness has always been a big challenge. But there is another interesting cultural insight: Taiwanese people frequently visit fortune-tellers to get opinions of their fate in wealth, health and especially love. With this in mind Ogilvy came up with a smart idea: Xerud – The Lover’s Fortune Teller.
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Monday, October 4, 2010 tsya is injured ;( pity on u my ola.. well i guess its a lesson fr u.. next time plsss behave when mommy is handling u alone.. alhamdulillah.. its a minor.. if not i think ur hand will crack.. to calm u down mommy have to treats u wif a ride +milo+ribena ;) u're mad when mommy keep on telling u dat, its all ur fault ;P yesterday was a pathetic day.. 3 probs in one day...
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Jornalista sueca convidada pela GloboNews para falar das manifestações foi estranhamente rotulada de "esquerdista" pela emissora. Lotten relatou essa experiência em seu boletim, intitulado “Uma comunista na TV brasileira” Kiko Nogueira, DCM A jornalista Lotten Collin está há dois anos no Rio de Janeiro. Trabalha como correspondente da rádio pública da Suécia. Após as manifestações de 15 de março, Lotten foi convidada a participar de um programa da GloboNews com dois colegas estrangeiros. Eles dariam suas impressões sobre o evento. Ali se deu um fato inusitado. A certa altura, a apresentadora Leila Sterenberg embutiu uma observação no início de uma questão para Lotten: “Você, que tem fama de esquerdista…”. Pega no contrapé, Lotten passou batido e contou o que viu no domingo, especialmente seu choque com as pessoas que pediam intervenção militar e a quantidade de brancos. Findo o programa, porém, um produtor ainda a saudaria, cheio de confiança: “Olha a nossa comunista”. Parte dessa conversa está no site da Globo News (com um banner dos Correios, aliás). A íntegra com a provocação — chamemos assim — é só para assinantes. Lotten relatou essa experiência em seu boletim, intitulado “Uma comunista na TV brasileira”. Nele, apontou a onipresença, em seu cotidiano carioca, das opiniões de Merval Pereira, Carlos Alberto Sardenberg e Miriam Leitão. Eu conversei com ela sobre a sutil enquadrada e seu choque cultural: Eu achei muito ruim. Ela me falou, do nada, que eu tinha fama de esquerdista. Não acho certo me dar essa marca. Os outros dois convidados não tiveram esse tratamento. ‘Vocês, que são conhecidos por ser de direita…’ Por que eu? Fiquei tão surpresa que nem pensei em responder na hora. Aquilo foi colocado junto com a pergunta sobre a manifestação. Depois da gravação, um produtor ainda me falou: “E aqui temos nossa comunista…”. Recebi muitas mensagens sobre o episódio. A maioria me dando apoio, mas muitos afirmando que eu deveria ir embora. Houve quem no Facebook afirmasse que eu fui cortada quando ela chamou os comerciais. Isso, na minha opinião, não aconteceu. Eu sou jornalista, não sou partidária, não sou pró-PT. Por que me caracterizar assim? Não entendi muito as felicitações pela minha coragem. Eu estava tentando apenas fazer o meu trabalho. No meu texto para a rádio, contei do poder da Globo: ‘Quando acordo pela manhã no Brasil, eu quero ouvir e ver fatos e perspectivas que possam retratar a diversidade do país. Só que, aqui, aparecem sempre as mesmas pessoas. É muito estranho que isso ocorra num país com 200 milhões de habitantes’. E por aí vai. E pensar que eu fiquei lisonjeada de aparecer na Globo. Nos anos 70, tornou-se folclórica a maneira como Roberto Marinho teria se referido a alguns de seus funcionários que incomodavam o regime. “Dos meus comunistas, cuido eu”, disse ele a um ministro, segundo a historiografia oficial. Essa passagem aparece em geral para realçar a “hombridade” do doutor Roberto. A história se repete, a primeira vez como tragédia e a segunda como farsa. Acompanhe Pragmatismo Político no Twitter e no Facebook
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From Curry's Lips to Bonaduce's Fists From Curry's Lips To Bonaduce's Fists 10/3/2007 12:19 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF "America's Next Top Model" winner/"My Fair Brady" wife Adrienne Curry weighed in on last night's brawl between reality TV has-beens Danny Bonaduce and Jonny Fairplay -- and she says she started the fight! Curry claims that she's the one who goaded Bonaduce into busting Fairplay's face. On her blog, she explains that Danny asked her if he should "'go up there and tell him what a douche he is?' " while Fairplay was announcing an award. "Naturally, I say YES! Then he tells me 'Do you want me to tackle him?' Silly me, I said 'DO IT DANNY!!!' I then proceeded to cheer Danny's name till [sic] he got up to walk on stage." Curry says Bonaduce went up to Fairplay and taunted him, telling him, "'None of these f**king people like you, man.' It seemed like he was just having fun, so I cheered him on." But when the fight turned physical, Curry reconsidered. "I feel TERRIBLE! I know it wasn't my fault that Jonny was STUPID enough to try to piss off Danny, but I know Danny might not have gone up there if I hadn't cheered him on," said Curry. She then added that she secretly thought it was "a little awesome ... I'm going to hell in a f**king hand basket!" And she's taking Danny Bonaduce with her! HERE'S THE RUNDOWN Meredith Viera Defends the Killer of Cecil the Lion Jennifer Beals in a Hot-Dog-in-Car Controversy A 'Bachelorette' Star Gets Bashed in the Head with a Brick Zayn Malik is Goin' Solo Thanks to Simon Cowell
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"When I was a little girl, I wanted to grow up to generate my own magnetic field." - Elaine Davidson Body piercing is a form of Münchausen syndromeborderline personality disorderattention mongering body modification rumored to be closely associated with turophilia (an intense love of cheese). Those afflicted with this disorder drawn to this art form generally love cheese so much that they cannot resist the urge to transform their bodies into a large chunk of Swiss. Several theories exist that attempt to explain the phenomenon, but none has ever fully achieved acceptance among scholars. Contents Body piercing has only recently become a subject of serious scholarly research by archaeologists, who have been hampered in their efforts by a sparsity of primary sources. From the beginning of time, anyone who could write thought that writing about body piercing would be a waste of perfectly good ink. (Fortunately, the writing of this article required no actual ink.) However, some few records do exist about nose rings and ear stretching. According to early Ethiopian texts, the Queen of Sheba was the first person to ever sport a nose jewel. She was suffering from a stuffed-up head cold and her quack of a physician decided that he could open the air passage by drilling a new hole in her nose. Unfortunately for him, he hadn't perfected the technique yet, and he didn't live long enough to ever get the chance. Queen Sheba, however, was left with an extra snot-oozing orifice in her face, and decided to fill it with a lovely gold plug (which looked much better than the alternative.) After talking to some of her more competent advisers, they counseled her to visit King Solomon to ask what to do about getting the stupid thing fixed. (See 2 Kings:10 in the Bible.) Solomon used his great wisdom (and one of his royal plastic surgeons) to fix the hole. However, when Sheba returned to Ethiopia, she was met by, in her words, "a bunch of stupid rich kids with snot-covered gold orbs hanging out of their noses." Despite a decree banishing this burgeoning phlegm-gem, the craze spread faster than the decree, and Sheba simply didn't have enough executioners to kill all of the offenders. Finally, she remanded the order and decided to "let them look like retards if they want to." Around 350 BC, the Kingdom of Meroe was attacked and sacked by the Kingdom of Aksum. The men were all marched to the salt mines, and the women were made into domestic servants. The Askumi masters decided that the Meroe slaves just weren't pulling their weight (six buckets in each hand and three stacked on their heads just wasn't good enough) so they forced the slaves to stretch their lips and ears as handy hanging spots for a couple more buckets per trip. They found that the bigger the stretch, the more buckets that a slave could carry and consequently, the more money the slave was worth. 1000 years later when the slaves finally got a little more freedom, the ones with the biggest flops hanging down, decided that because they were worth more, they must be better, and they became the upper class. Everyone decided that the flopps was the topps, and this absolutely spectacular cultural norm came into being. At the early part of the 20th century, piercing of any body part was uncommon in the West. However, after World War II, it began gathering steam among the gay male subculture as a means of group identification. Gay men were tired of having their noses broken after hitting on straight Marines and began to wear an earring in their right ear as a way of saying Please pinch my butt, you manly hunk of a man. In the 1970s, piercing began to expand, as the punk movement embraced it, featuring nontraditional adornment such as safety pins, fishing hooks, live hookworms, tire irons, and the occasional Ford Edsel. Some trend setters began popularizing it as a form of modern primitivism, with the tag line, It's far-out groovy to look like a neanderthal. By the year 2000, this catch phrase had morphed to Ogg gouge self. Wear shiny bling bling. Self look good. In the 1990s, body piercing became more widespread. With growing availability and access to garage-based sadistic quacks posing as piercing artists, piercings of the navel, nose, eyebrows, lips, tongue, nipples, genitals, lower bowel, Achilles tendon, upper cerebellum, left ventricle, bladder, spinal column, and jugular vein became common place. In 1993, a navel piercing was displayed in MTV Video Music Awards' Music Video of the Year, Cryin', which inspired a plethora of young female fans to follow suit. Alicia Silverstone, who was depicted with the navel piercing in the video, was surprised at the reaction. "I can't believe that so many girls haven't got a brain in their head.", said Silverstone. "I thought the idea was stupid. I only did it because Aerosmith paid me $1.35 million. Then all these kids see it and go running off a cliff like a bunch of lemmings. This country is really in trouble if all our kids are this brain-dead." Silverstone allegedly later revised her alleged comments after an alleged gentleman allegedly identified as "Guido", allegedly employed by the alleged jewelry maker Bodystuds, allegedly threatened to break both of her alleged legs. Tools found in most common piercing parlors. This set is from a parlor in Santa Cruz, CA. Before reading this, the body piercing industry would like you to know that you should never try body piercing at home because it deprives them of their cash could be dangerous to your health. The tools of body piercing are specialized for that purpose. These specialized tools include awls, sharpened screwdrivers, sharp sticks, used razor blades, chisels, a handy pen, or any other sharp thing laying around. The process of body piercing is generally similar to the following. When first arriving a parlor, it probably will look similar to an abandoned warehouse or someone's garage, but this is only a cover to fool the tax collectors. Inside is an old rotting table, and conditions that look totally unsanitary, but this is all part of the cover. Before you lay on the table, the piercing artist will have you undress completely. When you lay on the table it might seem like you are being molested, but the piercing artist is simply checking your entire body for possible health issues that could affect your piercing. This will include an exam of all body cavities. This exam may last for hours and might need to be performed by several different people to ensure your safety. A video tape of this exam is necessary for quality assurance, training, and your protection. It is easiest if you simply relax and let them have their way with you perform their job professionally. Rest assured that if a similar-looking video surfaces on the Internet later, that this is merely coincidence. After the exam, the piercing begins, no numbing agent is required because anyone getting a piercing is a tough cookie and can handle a little pain. Next the piercing artist will use a specialized tool depending on the type of piercing being done. It might look like a pen, a piece of sharpened steel from an auto accident, a pointy stick, a rusty saw blade, or something the artist pulled out of the festering cut on his foot. Despite its looks, rest assured that the piercing artist has had thousands of hours of training and is using the best tool for the task at hand. The actual cutting is almost always very quick, usually lasting less than 45 minutes. Do not be alarmed if the artist sucks the blood directly from your cut. This has been found to be the most sanitary and cost effective form of suction. If the artist makes several cuts, it is probably because his parlor is running a 5 for 1 special, and he wants you to get your complete value. Jewelry for each cut might be an additional purchase, but the additional piercings will usually be free of charge. When the piercing is complete, the artist will place your pre-selected jewelry in the new hole(s). Because you are so intelligent, he will probably assume that you know how to take care of the wound, and won't insult your intelligence by explaining it to you again. Following the piercing, the piercing artist will do the post-exam to ensure that your health has not been compromised in any way. This might include tests to ensure your pain reflexes, gag reflexes, and sexual functions are all normal. Again, for your safety, this might be done several times by many different professionals. Additional daily health exams might be included at little or no cost to you until the piercing has completely healed. Only the piercing artist is qualified to tell you if your wound is completely healed. This could take several months, or in the case of attractive women, up to five years. -"You're certain he understands the medical risks of body piercing?"-"Yes, but there is just no way to talk him out of it, sir. The idiot says that it's his constitutional right and he's determined to go through with it." Body piercing is an invasive procedure with risks. In a 2005 survey done in England, of 10,503 persons over the age of 16, complications, including nasty staphylococcus aureus infections that decimated 91.4% of the victim's skin, were reported in 31% of piercings, with professional help or amputations being necessary in 15.2%. The 142 deaths were deemed insignificant. Children under 16 don't really matter to the English. Some risks of note include: Allergic reaction to the metal in the piercing jewellery, particularly nickel. This however is a minimal risk because after the piercing and jewelry purchase, few respondents had any nickels left. Bacterial or viral infection from streptococcus (the same bacteria used to make Swiss cheese) staphylococcus, pseudomonas, and mad cow disease. Reports at the 16th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases in 2006 indicated that between 10–20% of piercings result in bacterial infection and that 95% of them result in ugliness. The Mayo Clinic estimates 100%. Risk of infection is greatest among those with congenital heart disease, which was discovered when the only senior citizen to ever get a body piercing died on the table. Other infections may include hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I , J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z as well as athletes scrotum. While rare, infection due to piercing of the tongue can be fatal. However, it usually only results in having the tongue removed, which is considered an improvement in most cases. Excess scar tissue. These scars include those resulting from the piercing, and those resulting from "misunderstandings" with the parents after the fact. Possibility of sexual abuse by piercing studio employees who believe that women with piercings are all "easy." Dental trauma, including recession of the gums, dental fracture, and a loss of all teeth. This adverse effect is shown in studies to affect 19% to 68% of subjects with lip or intra-oral ornaments. However, the same studies concluded that as soon as Alicia Silverstone wears dentures in an Aerosmith video, dentures will be cool too. In related news, Polident Dentu-Cream stock just went up. Contemporary body piercing studios generally take numerous precautions to protect the health of the person being pierced and the piercer. Each piercing artist wears a talisman to ward off evil spirits. Piercers are also expected to sanitize the location to be pierced as well as their hands. However, because iodine is often too expensive, several piercing parlors have opted for a similarly colored solution made from vanilla extract and beef gravy. Piercing artists also generally wear gloves to protect themselves and their clients. Quite frequently, these gloves are changed at least every third day. In addition, the Association of Professional Piercers recommends classes in First aid as part of professional training for piercing artists. Generally this training is only needed a few times a week in any particular parlor. The aftercare process for body piercing has evolved gradually through practice. A reputable piercing studio should provide clients with written and verbal aftercare instructions, as is mandated by law in some US states, but as previously mentioned, they will never insult your intelligence by telling you things you should already know. They will, however, schedule several post-procedure appointments to ensure that your wound is not festering abnormally. For example, nipple piercings for females must be examined by the piercing artist two to three times per day. Hands-on inspection is almost always needed. Because a male hand is usually larger, the inspection goes more quickly when done by males, therefore it is recommended that a male handle these inspections. The healing process of piercings is broken down into three stages: The inflammatory phase, during which the wound is open. Bleeding, inflammation, and unbearable pain are all to be expected. The growth or proliferative phase, during which the body produces antibodies in a useless attempt to fight the growing infections. This phase may last weeks, months, or longer than a year before resulting in an early death. The maturation or remodeling phase, during which the dead body rots, leaving only a mature skeleton. This stage is often accompanied by employees from piercing studios and jewelry makers dropping in to reclaim unneeded studs and jewelry. During the healing process, it is normal for a white or slightly yellow discharge called sebum to be noticeable on the jewelery. This comes from the sebaceous glands of whomever previously wore the jewelry. A small amount of pus might also be present. However this only occurs during the initial phase, after which it will be replaced with your own pus. While sebum and pus are sometimes difficult to distinguish, sebum is "more solid and cheese-like and has a distinctive rotten odor", according to The Piercing Bible. This odor has been known to counteract and entirely nullify human pheromones. Depending on the location of the piercing, it can take anywhere from one to three months for a piercing to heal. Piercings on the genitals are reported to heal the quickest. Healing usually starts immediately following amputation. A team of unemployed and unfunded scientists got together and decided to do some pro bono work to pad their resumes. This group studied trends and risk factors associated with becoming a piercing junkie. After months of watching the Discovery Channel, MTV, and News of the Weird, they derived the following formula to determine the likelihood of a newborn babe becoming a metal detector explosion waiting to happen. This is the result:
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Strategies to create a strong employee-base include employee engagement. The name of the game is to offer employee incentives and reward programs that will not only keep employees from straying to other companies, but also motivate them to be an asset to the company. Recent research repeatedly demonstrates the overall benefits of rewarding employees for their efforts – it creates an encouraging and motivating work environment, along with employee satisfaction. This is turn leads to better customer service, which in turn leads to satisfied customers and customer retention. Employee incentive consultant Michelle Smith told Vence that "the best path to building your brand and growing loyal consumers is through creating motivated and engaged employees." Smith added, "There’s no doubt about it – engaging employees is a very smart investment that returns significant ROI." According to Vence, strategies to boost employee engagement include: Have clear cut company values and goals Make sure the right people are sitting at the table for meeting, including the CEO. Simply asking for their input – make them an involved team member Recognize employees who are making the effort, who are naturally representing the company values Gallup Organization contributed to the overwhelming evidence of the perks of utilizing strategies to engage employees. In their research they found that “companies that invest in engaging employees or customers financially will outperform their competitors that don't invest, by as much as 70 percent. Engaged customers represent a 23 percent premium in terms of share of wallet, profitability, revenue and relationship growth.”
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Q: jquery check if text has been enterd and not cleared before active the button I have a form in that I have taken one select options dropdown and another with input text type. Now I want that when someone will fill both the fields then after the add fields button will made active otherwise it will be remain disabled. The code for my markup along with jQuery like this <div id="form-wrap" style="width:500px; margin: 0 auto;"> <table> <tr> <th width="55%">Service Name</th> <th width="35%">From Price</th> <th width="10%"></th> </tr> <tr id="template"> <td id="example" width="55%"> <select name="service-name" id="service-name" style="width:230px;"> <option value="" selected>--select--</option> <option value="service-1">service-1</option> <option value="service-2">service-2</option> <option value="service-3">service-3</option> <option value="service-4">service-4</option> </select> </td> <td width="45%"><input type="text" name="from-price" id="from-price" /></td> </tr> </table> <input type="button" value="+ Add Field" id="add-field" /> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#add-field').prop("disabled",true); jQuery("select#service-name, #from-price").on("change, keyup, keydown",function() { var selectLength = jQuery('select#service-name').val().length; var textLength = jQuery('#from-price').val().length; if(selectLength > 0 && textLength > 0) { jQuery('#add-field').prop("disabled", false); } else { jQuery('#add-field').prop("disabled",true); } }); }) </script> Here its working fine when I am adding values for first time but when I am removing any values( clearing text or dropdown option reset) then the button is still showing in active state? Live demo can be seen here A: Just check for change event. That's enough: jQuery('#add-field').prop("disabled",true); jQuery("select#service-name, #from-price").on("change",function() { var selectLength = jQuery('select#service-name').val().length; var textLength = jQuery('#from-price').val().length; if(selectLength > 0 && textLength > 0) { jQuery('#add-field').prop("disabled", false); } else { jQuery('#add-field').prop("disabled",true); } }); http://jsfiddle.net/u96zT/1/
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InfoSol Dashboard Awards Wow Superheroes at IBIS 2017 The superhero theme was a huge hit at this year’s InfoSol Business Intelligence Seminar (IBIS) with attendees showing off some pretty cool superhero poses and an abundance of super powers in the many hands-on training and seminar sessions. One of the top highlights was the InfoSol 2017 dashboard awards that really showcased BusinessObjects superheroes at their best. Once again, all the winning dashboards were developed using SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards (Xcelsius) demonstrating that this product, like our superheroes, is just invincible. Best Business Dashboard Award The InfoSol 2017 Best Business Dashboard Award was won by Santa Clara County Social Services Agency for their Human Resources dashboard. This comprehensive dashboard shows summary and drill-down detailed information on all personnel position status so at a glance you can see how many positions are filled, vacant, on leave as well as vacancy rates, overtime and extra help hours and cost. The dashboard can be viewed at the organizational and departmental levels and you can compare between departments. The dashboard also provides a drill-down capability into Web Intelligence reports that use input controls to provide detailed custom outputs. The Results: The dashboard has provided the County with remarkable insights into details of vacant positions that have not been filled for months and the cost to them in terms of overtime pay and created a new visibility of this information across the organization that is leading to positive change. Limitless Business Intelligence Dashboard The InfoSol 2017 Limitless Business Intelligence Dashboard Award went to the Ministry of Health and Prevention, UAE. Last year, the same team walked away with the Most Valuable Dashboard Award for their truly amazing Performance and Clinical Excellence (PaCE) dashboard. This year they came back and stunned us all again with a further dashboard taking their solution to a whole new level. While their previous dashboard was being updated every 4 hours and comparing key clinical and operational metrics daily and monthly, the new dashboard has real-time feeds coming straight from their Cerner EMR application. The graphics showing real-time bed management just blows you away – so simple and yet so effective. The Results: The PaCE dashboard with its real-time updates is revolutionizing hospital operations and healthcare in the UAE. From reducing patient wait times to better coordination of patient care to better allocation of hospital staff to improving the management of hospital beds, the dashboard is creating both the visibility and behavioral changes to improve healthcare across all hospitals. Most Valuable Dashboard Award This year’s InfoSol Most Valuable Dashboard Award was carried away by ARI, a global fleet vehicle leasing and management company, for their Fleet Health Card dashboard. While traditional fleet vehicle data analysis would tell a lot about the what of a fleet’s operations , it never explained the why. So the ARI Fleet Health Card was created to determine cost outliers and identify the vehicles that have the biggest impact on cost and reliability. The dashboard allows users to see their fleet statistically distributed over a curve and use real-time data to benchmark vehicles against the rest of their fleet, similar industry fleets and the whole 1.4 million vehicles in ARI’s database. The Results: The results have been to move ARI’s clients from a “break and fix” model of fleet management to an incredibly accurate “predict and prevent” model. ARI can now help identify why a fleet is experiencing increased costs including whether drivers are using premium gas, going to costlier gas stations, driving patterns, vehicles age and service history. This, in turn, allows ARI customers to influence changes in driver behavior, vehicle maintenance schedules, vehicle selection that will measurably reduce their costs. The ARI Fleet Health Card dashboard is both desktop and mobile and built in Xcelsius HTML5 using dCode and dVelop components. It uses a universe on top of a HANA Calculation view to access millions of rows of data with incredibly fast response times. The attendees at IBIS had a real treat seeing these dashboards in action and the screenshots scarcely do them justice but watch out for them at future BusinessObjects Regional User Group Meetings and Let’s Speak BO webinars in the coming months. They certainly inspired many people at IBIS to start new dashboard projects and I know I am definitely looking forward to seeing these new dashboards and more at IBIS 2018. About Paul Paul Grill started his career in Information Technology in the U.K. in 1978, as an Executive Data Processing Trainee for Honeywell. More than thirty years later, he still has a voracious appetite for learning as Information Technology continues to advance at an ever accelerating pace. He was first introduced to the world of Business Intelligence in 1991, in France, when he saw a demonstration of an early version of BusinessObjects on Windows 2.1. He returned to the U.S. to rave about this phenomenal product, but it was many years before BusinessObjects made it into the mainstream. Paul founded InfoSol in 1997, and made Business Intelligence one of the key solutions offered by the company. Today, InfoSol is a leading SAP BusinessObjects solutions partner, known for its expert consulting, education and innovative add-on solutions. Paul is well known within the SAP BusinessObjects community for his extensive knowledge of Business Intelligence, and he has lectured and written many articles on the subject. Paul enjoys writing, running and coaching kids soccer, and is passionate about Ancient Egyptology.
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Halloween in the Heezy fo’ Sheezy God, I love Halloween. It’s the one day out of the year where it’s OK for a grown-ass man to act like a little kid. Unlike the other 363 days out of the year, where I also act like a little kid, but it’s not OK. And before you dispute my mad math skills, I usually take one day a year off to act like an adult. Don’t even try to catch me in a mistake. I’m unmistakable. I had a most humbling experience last night on the way home from work. I’m busy driving, laughing my ass off to the Raw Dog channel on Sirius satellite radio (if you haven’t gotten a sat radio yet, you’re past tense. Go get one now before you’re made to use rotary phones.) when all of a sudden I hear that dreaded flapping sound that no driver wants to hear. I had a flat. No biggie – I’m a manly man, and I for DAMN sure know how to change a tire. So I pull over into a parking lot, break out the jack, get the spare, and proceed to jack the Jeep up to remove the flat. I had a 5 inch gash in that bitch, so I hit something pretty hard. I get the flat off, and go to put on the spare. I couldn’t get it on. The Jeep was jacked up high enough, so I cranked until the crank said “Oh KAY! You can fuckin’ STOP now!” I try again to put the tire on. No dice. The holes for the lugs were about 4 inches too high. What the fuck? I’ve changed tires before. So I tried to put the flat back on so that I could lower the Jeep down again, but…I couldn’t get THAT one on either. Great. I lowered the Jeep all the way down until it was resting on the naked wheel. I moved the jack to a different spot and tried again. Nothing. Twice more I tried that bullshit, going so far as to actually jack the truck up under the hitch. The damn truck simply wouldn’t go any higher, and I was out of patience and ideas. I sent a text to The Pirate, because I was mad and venting, and she’s good with the venting. She offered to help. Oh HELLS no! Male pride would NOT allow me to accept that offer, even if she WAS within 1000 miles of my location. Heffa. I stopped replying. I called DWW. At first she said “Do you want me to come there?” I’d walk home, bouncing the spare tire like a basketball before I had her come rescue me like that. Then she said the three words I really, really didn’t want to hear: “Call Triple A.” A man calling Triple A to fix a flat tire is like him calling the fire department because his grill is “a little hot”. It’s an admission of failure, and it burned my soul to dial that 800 number. That bastard who took my information was laughing at me, too. I know he was. All saying shit like “Oh, I didn’t even know they HAD Washington Mutual banks out there. Interesting.” I mean, just send the damn tow truck to me, ok? I don’t need you ridiculing me. What’s so “interesting” about me pulling into a bank parking lot, unless you just wanna laugh at me about not being able to fix a flat? I half expected him to ask me if the guys needed to adjust my panties when they got there. Grrr. I was redeemed, though, when the tow truck guys arrived. They took one look at the Jeep, and they both said “Aw, shit. A Jeep.” Apparently Jeeps have these things called “leaf springs” or something on the rear wheels, so that when you jack the Jeep up, those springs allow the wheel to sag downward. The only place to put the jack is under the differential, or the “wheel stick”, as I called it last night when the dude showed me. Vindication!! I wasn’t a girlie man after all. They applauded my efforts, and while I only had $2.80 to tip them, I DID give them a Nonetheless CD and told them to come to a show sometime, and I’d buy ’em a beer. Good guys. When I FINALLY got home, I had to carve a pumpkin for Halloween. Now, I don’t have the mad carving skills of Dirk, but I can throw down a little, especially for a left-handed mofo: Ignore the missing ear on the bat. I pulled a little too eagerly when I was putting the finishing touches on. Oh, well. The boys seem to like it, but I think it’s craptacular myself. I’ve done better. Hell, next year I’ll hire an expert: OJ Simpson. You KNOW that bastard’s pumpkins look TIGHT! He’s an excellent carver. At work today we’re having costume contest. For the individual portion I’ll be dressed in that gorgeous ensemble I debuted in the Confessional post. But for the group, the theme is “mimes”, so here’s me as a hippie mime: Don’t I look just like I was in that movie “Dead Presidents” with Larenz Tate? Look it up on IMDB.com. You’ll see. Our mime group won second place to a bunch of hookers and pimps. Nice. Tonight is trick-or-treating, or as I like to call it, “No, you CAN’T have just one more peanut butter cup, ’cause I’m saving some for me. Don’t you HAVE a daddy?” Night. It oughta be fun. Peace! EXTRA SORRY EDIT:Fyrchk. Sweetie. I am *so* sorry! I totally didn’t mean to overlook your JONX-ASS birthday on Sunday, love. Forgive me. Don’t lock me up. Don’t beat me down with your night stick or your taser or your sap. Just remember that on your birthday, I was in pain and overly tired. People — go to Fyr’s site, leave her comments, and beg her to update her shit – I mean, wish her a belated happy birthday. I woulda sent you a gift, but the file wouldn’t fit in the cake I baked. Happy Halloween! I am so excited. This is the first time I have ever lived in a house and now I get to give out candy. I am sooo excited. I will have my porch light on, shining like a beacon on a dark night amongst the rocky shoals. And then scaring the crap out of every child that comes out to the door. I have to say that I really like your pumpkin. You should see the disaster that happens when I get a pumpkin. Last year it never got touched and then it got rotten. don’t feel bad about one little bat ear. If you guys had kept your mime costumes but said you were the mime gang from The Warriors I bet you would have won. Man. I thought you were doing white-face and I was gonna get all pissed up in here. Haha. You do look very Tate-ish. Nice. Happy Halloween!!!Oh! And nice pumpkin, if you know what I’m saying. And I think you do. I swear this was the year of the Dead Presidents costumes (aka the “I didn’t feel like buying a costume so since I am black,I just wore black” costume)… I’m not saying that you did that because I don’t know you but ummm… okay maybe I am. J/K.
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August 14, 2009 "Food for thought" "Marketing language is very much like the language of astrology, very convincing if you believe in all that shit. But it makes you sound like a bullshiter to anybody in the outside." -- Rory Sutherland, Ogilvy UK
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He said the second post-mortem was essentail as it could have exposed some more facts behind the alleged encounter resulting in the killing of the youth. After visiting Mr Kumdan Singh, the bereaved father of Rahul, he further said even Mr Kundan had also resquested Mr Kumar, Mr Modi and Mr Choubey for conducting a second post-mortem as the mortal remains of his son had several black spots. Mr Sharma alleged that ignoring the request of Mr Singh the mortal remains of Rahul were consigned to flames in a haste after past midnight and that too on the occasion of Deepawali. Terming the death of Rahul '' a brutal killing,'' Mr Sharma said the youth was shot dead from close range as revealed in the autopsy reports. Before shooting he was beaten black and blue, which had been proven from the scars on his body and face. It was ironical that when the bereaved father wanted a second post-mortem, the state government showed extra interest in cremating the body in a haste, he added. Mr Sharma said the National Human Rights Commission should also initiate suo motu inquiry into the encounter resulting in the killing of Rahul. He also suggested the Chief Minister to institute an independent judicial probe to know the actual fact behind the killing of Rahul.
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Ladies Church Suits BenMarc Fifth Sunday Suit 52510 Two-piece womens church suit has a 25 inch four-button jacket with rhinestone trim and rhinestone buttons and a 32 inch skirt. Available in Plus Sizes. Matching Hat and Purse combo 52510-HP sold separately for $97.99.
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Direct detection of stereospecific soman hydrolysis by wild-type human serum paraoxonase. Human serum paraoxonase 1 (HuPON1; EC is a calcium-dependent six-fold beta-propeller enzyme that has been shown to hydrolyze an array of substrates, including organophosphorus (OP) chemical warfare nerve agents. Although recent efforts utilizing site-directed mutagenesis have demonstrated specific residues (such as Phe222 and His115) to be important in determining the specificity of OP substrate binding and hydrolysis, little effort has focused on the substrate stereospecificity of the enzyme; different stereoisomers of OPs can differ in their toxicity by several orders of magnitude. For example, the C+/-P- isomers of the chemical warfare agent soman (GD) are known to be more toxic by three orders of magnitude. In this study, the catalytic activity of HuPON1 towards each of the four chiral isomers of GD was measured simultaneously via chiral GC/MS. The catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(m)) of the wild-type enzyme for the various stereoisomers was determined by a simultaneous solution of hydrolysis kinetics for each isomer. Derived k(cat)/K(m) values ranged from 625 to 4130 mm(-1).min(-1), with isomers being hydrolyzed in the order of preference C+P+ > C-P+ > C+P- > C-P-. The results indicate that HuPON1 hydrolysis of GD is stereoselective; substrate stereospecificity should be considered in future efforts to enhance the OPase activity of this and other candidate bioscavenger enzymes.
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Pyrast is widely regarded as being on the "crazy" side of science and his Twitter feed does nothing to dissuade from that opinion. Is he really that crazy, or is he at a level of understanding that surpasses many of his contemporaries?
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function stream_socket_server () { }
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European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism The European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism (ESSWE) is Europe's only scholarly society for the study of Western esotericism. Founded in 2005, the society promotes academic study of the various manifestations of Western esotericism from late antiquity to the present, and works to secure the future development of the field. Publications The peer-reviewed journal, Aries, and the associated Aries book series (both Brill),are published under the auspices of the ESSWE. The society also publishes a periodic Newsletter. International conferences The ESSWE holds an international conference in a different European country every two years, and holds a workshop for graduate students in years in which there is no conference. Past conferences have been in Tübingen (2007), Strasbourg and Messina (2009), Szeged (2011), Gothenburg (2013), and Riga (2015). The 2017 conference is scheduled to take place in Erfurt. Other activities The ESSWE provides various resources on its website, awards prizes and travel bursaries to recognize and encourage younger scholars. It has three regional networks, the Scandinavian Network for the Academic Study of Western Esotericism (SNASWE), the Israeli Network for the Study of Western Esotericsm (INASWE), and the Irish Network for the Study of Esotericism and Paganism (INSEP) and two thematic research networks, the Contemporary Esotericism Research Network (ContERN) and the ESSWE Network for the Study of Esotericism in Antiquity (NSEA). Relationships The ESSWE is an affiliated society of the Project AWE (Aesthetics of Western Esotericism), International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR), and a related scholarly organization of the American Academy of Religion (AAR). Current officers President: Andreas Kilcher (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Switzerland) Vice President: Boaz Huss (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel) Secretary: Mark Sedgwick (University of Aarhus, Denmark) Treasurer and Membership Secretary: Egil Asprem (Stockholm University, Sweden) Webmaster: Peter J. Forshaw (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Henrik Bogdan (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) Jean-Pierre Brach (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Sorbonne, Paris, France) Wouter J. Hanegraaff (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Birgit Menzel (Universität Mainz, Germany) Sophie Page (University College, London) Marco Pasi (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) György E. Szőnyi (University of Szeged, Hungary) Helmut Zander (Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, Germany) Notable past officers Antoine Faivre (University of the Sorbonne, France) Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke (University of Exeter, UK) Further reading Gregory D. Alles. Religious studies: a global view. USA & Canada: Routledge, 2008. Kripal J.J., Hanegraff W.J. Introduction: things we don't talk about // Kripal J. J., Hanegraaff W.J. (eds.) Hidden intercourse. Eros and sexuality in the history of Western Esotericism. Leiden & Brill, 2008. References External links Official ESSWE website Aries: Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism ContERN website Category:Esotericism
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Pat Boone Escalates His War on 'Saturday Night Live' “I’d like to ask Lorne Michaels: If somebody did a funny sketch and portrayed his mother as a diseased whore, would he find that funny?" asks the legendary entertainer. It’s been a rough few days for Pat Boone since attacking Saturday Night Live over a skit that parodied his latest film, God’s Not Dead 2, an act that encouraged the wrath of liberal journalists and bloggers eager to belittle the 81-year-old entertainer. On Thursday during an appearance on Glenn Beck’s radio show, though, the singer-actor double-downed on his assertion that SNL is hostile to Christians, and he called out the show’s creator and executive producer for alleged hypocrisy. “I’d like to ask Lorne Michaels: If somebody did a funny sketch and portrayed his mother as a diseased whore, would he find that funny, or would there be some limit to what he and the show can ridicule?” Boone wondered. Michaels had no comment, but Boone on Thursday got some solidarity from former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, who also is in God's Not Dead 2. “I’m not surprised about the backlash against Pat. Any time you defend anything from a Christian perspective, there’s extraordinary pushback. I’ve experienced it, and now Pat has, too,” Huckabee told The Hollywood Reporter. The skit in question is a trailer for a movie SNL calls “God is a Boob Man.” In the real film God's Not Dead 2, Melissa Joan Hart is a public school teacher whose job is threatened after quoting scripture in the classroom. In the fake movie, a woman is forced by a court to declare that “God is gay.” Boone, a former teen idol known nowadays as much for his outspoken Christianity as he is for his musical career, has been pilloried on gay websites and in left-leaning media since Monday, when he told THR that the skit was “diabolical” and that SNL has become too "filthy" to watch. Right Wing Watch, a website run by Norman Lear's People for the American Way, twice criticized Boone for his remarks, for example. Boone also called SNL cowardly for constantly attacking Christians and never Muslims. “There’s nothing sacred at SNL — except maybe the words ‘Mohammad’ or ‘Allah.’ They’d never take those names in vain,” Boone said Monday. On Thursday, Huckabee also accused SNL of anti-Christian bias and also of pushing a progressive political agenda. “I’ve been on SNL. I get it. It’s parody. Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes it’s not,” he said. “But in essence, what SNL says is that you’re free to express an opinion if you’re in agreement with the left, and with those who run the networks and film studios, but if you disagree with them it’s hate speech that should be shut down. “I’m not calling for a boycott of SNL,” Huckabee continued, “I’m calling for a ‘buycott’ of the movie. Buy a ticket, see it for yourself, then see if the SNL parody is fair or mean-spirited.” God's Not Dead 2, produced and distributed by Pure Flix Entertainment, has earned $17.7 million domestically on a budget of less than $5 million, while its predecessor earned $60.8 million on a $1.2 million budget. "I think SNL is funny," said David White, who stars in both films and co-founded Pure Flix. "Where it crosses the line is when it drags God into it. I can't argue with the fact that Christians are being discriminated against here, because there's not a lot of mockery of other religions at SNL."
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I was talking to a Jehovah’s Witness the other day and found out their idea of heaven is the same utopia that liberals are trying to force us into. There is no conflict in Jehovah’s afterlife”€”just a bunch of twentysomethings having picnics with lions and bears, and maybe a dinosaur or two walking around. It’s Earth without any of the bad stuff. That sounds like hell. I asked him if there was boxing in this magical place. He thought for a second and said: “€œOnly if they have no animosity in their hearts.”€ What’s so bad about animosity? That’s how you win. Professional Muay Thai fighter Chris “€œCrom”€ Romulo once told me he wins fights by saying to himself, “€œThat guy is trying to take food out of my kid’s mouth.”€ And fundamentally that’s what his opponent is doing. The more fights Chris loses, the less he can provide for his family. He needs visceral hatred to survive and it’s really exciting to watch. Vices, like greed and revenge, drive men to success. As Bernard Mandeville said in his 1705 poem The Grumbling Hive: “€œLuxury”€¨Employ”€™d a Million of the Poor, And odious Pride a Million more; “€¨Envy itself, and Vanity, Were Ministers of Industry.”€ We need the bad stuff to live. “€œIf I were explaining sex to an alien I would tell him to imagine a mouse being eaten by a snake.”€ Take sexism, for example. I see women as sex objects who are much weaker than men and are better off at home with the kids. My attitude is unpopular, but lack of sexism is not just making women miserable, it’s ending us. Telling women they”€™re not sex objects and forcing them into the workforce has made them infertile. White Americans have stopped having babies and raising families, which is why we”€™re about to become a minority in our own country. Killing sexism also leaves women unsafe. When you tell girls they”€™re as tough as men, they go out and get wasted with no escort to make sure they get home safe. They strut down the street in the middle of the night through the bad part of town, almost daring criminals to attack them. When a black thug pulled a gun on Nicole duFresne in NYC in 2005, she said, “€œWhat are you going to do now, shoot us?”€ So he shot her. And her beta male boyfriend had an African funeral ceremony for her to promote peace and tranquility. How wildly unnatural. This rejection of all things normal has even ruined sex: you”€™re supposed to ask permission for every move. “€œCan I kiss you here?”€ mewls the new “€œfeminism for bros.”€ “€œHow about here?”€ Women may find this appealing on paper, but I”€™ve had sex with women, and hesitation doesn”€™t turn them on. If I were explaining sex to an alien I would tell him to imagine a mouse being eaten by a snake. It’s about a helpless wee thing being dominated by a cruel monster, and both genders love it. Girls don”€™t rule the world. Evil does. Go talk to a scientist or an entrepreneur about what gets him out of bed in the morning. Yes, curing cancer and paying the mortgage are incentives, but they don”€™t hold a candle to hate. Scientists are constantly at each other’s throats, trying to shoot down a hypothesis or get there before the other guy. Scientists don”€™t applaud when someone else makes a discovery. They plot to beat the bastard next time. Judd Apatow’s entire career is powered by revenge. When NBC canceled his show Freaks and Geeks he was furious, and the hatred he felt for the exec responsible, Garth Ancier, drove him to be one of the biggest players in Hollywood. Not only has he produced dozens of hit movies, he dragged the cast of his canceled show with him and now they”€™re all stars”€”who hate Ancier too. Seth Rogen confronted him at a party recently, still burning almost 15 years after the decision. Bullying is good, too. Gay loudmouth Dan Savage likes to complain about how hard it was to be different when he was young, but those rough years drove him to the success he has today. He’s one of the most well paid bullies in the country. Getting picked on prepares kids for the real world. When I go into a work meeting, it’s not that different from stepping into the ring. People want to test your mettle. I”€™ve noticed a direct correlation between how much time I spend boxing and how much money I make. We shouldn”€™t be protecting kids from conflict. We should be training them to enjoy it. But the millennials I”€™ve worked with were raised to be incapable of handling any kind of confrontation. I don”€™t mean they don”€™t enjoy it. I mean, as they would put it, “€œThey literally can”€™t…”€ When I pointed out a major error a 25-year-old made on a project this week, he started hyperventilating and another employee had to pretend he”€™d done a good job just to keep the guy from having a nervous breakdown. (I”€™m never working with him again.)
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Goel Ratzon Goel Ratzon (, born 19 September 1950) is an Israeli polygamist who led a cult in Hatikva Quarter in south Tel Aviv. As the cult leader, Ratzon had 21 wives, with whom he bore 49 children. In September 2014, Tel Aviv-Yafo District Court convicted Ratzon of rape, fraud, and other criminal charges against his wives and daughters. He was sentenced to 30 years of imprisonment. Early life Ratzon was born in Hatikva Quarter to parents who made immigration to Israel (Aliyah) from Yemen. He worked in odd jobs, such as a renovation working and automotive mechanics. In 1972 he married a woman with whom he had five children. At the beginning of the 1980s, he met another woman with whom he had five more children. Starting in 1991, he became famous as a spiritual healer and as a proficient in Kabbalah while gathering many women to a cult in different methods. Some of these women added their female friends and relatives to Ratzon's cult. In these years, he earned his living by funds transferred to him directly from his wives, either salaries of their work as housewives or their income support as single mothers from Israel's national social security agency, Bituah Leumi. According to Ratzon, he made romantic relationships with his women, as the last relationship started in 2006. Formation of the cult The daily life of Ratzon's cult was exposed to the public in 11 February 2009, by Israeli journalists Shelley Tapiro and Nesli Barda of Israeli TV Channel 10. Tapiro had received Ratzon's permission, after negotiating with him, to video record inside his house in 28 Ahima'ats Street at Hatikva Quarter in Tel Aviv. A day after broadcasting Tapiro and Barda's report, Ratzon was interviewed by Israeli TV Channel 2 and claimed that he had only assisted women who needed his help and nothing else. Nine of his sons and daughters were named after him, such as Goel ("Redeemer"), Yigal ("He will redeem"), Geula ("Redemption"), Yigaela (a feminine version of Yigal), Adoneinu HaGoel ("Our Lord the Redeemer") and Goeleliya ("God Redeemer"). The cult resided in several houses, in which Ratzon visited on and off. In each house, the home duties were distributed between the women. From time to time, Ratzon chose one of his wives to spend the night with him. The exposure gained the interest of the public and the media, and while many considered it as a cult - Ratzon and his wives claimed it to be a cooperative. Some of the wives praised Ratzon and compared their lifestyle with the routine of the Kibbutzim during the establishment of Israel. Some of Ratzon's wives had said in public that they adored him. Many of them tattooed his name on their arms, as well as his face portrait. They had declared that without Ratzon - there is no meaning for their life. Ratzon himself said that if someone had given him the same treatment that he gave his wives - he would have trusted him with his life. Ratzon's neighbors claimed that he had hypnotized his wives. In an article published by Israeli newspaper Maariv, it was mentioned that Ratzon's wives were obliged to obey a detailed set of rules which Ratzon had written in a secret document called "The Book of the Family." All of the wives had to repeat reading this document weekly without telling anyone else about it. Near every rule in the document, a sum of a fine was mentioned for disobeying it - up to 7,000 NIS for each. In some sections of this document, Ratzon referred to himself as God and called his children "Sons of God." Some of his wives declared him as the Messiah. Ratzon himself had tried to renounce this imagery in public and explained their gratitude for him only as a reaction for his giving solely. The rules covered many aspects of life, which included the education of the children, daily management of the housekeeping, and the order of the sexual relations with Ratzon. According to these rules, the women had to dress modestly and were not allowed to look at other men or talk to them. They were also not allowed to touch each other or other women. It was forbidden to smoke, to drink alcoholic beverages and to eat meat. Ratzon himself abstained from eating meat as well. Most of Ratzon's wives were not in touch with their families, as they did not accept the life routine which they adopted. Some of the families used the services of private investigators and filed complaints against Ratzon, but they didn't achieve any results. According to a news item made in Israeli radio station Galei Tzahal - Ratzon's wives declared themselves as single parents and gained some benefits for that. Arrest and Conviction Ratzon was taken under arrest on 12 January 2010 by Israeli police, being suspected for slavery and sexual assaults against minors. Galit, one of the wives who left him, whose two sisters also participated in his community, had filed a complaint against him for raping her when she was a minor in age of 14. After receiving Galit's complaint, the police had been keeping Ratzon and his wives under surveillance using hidden cameras and eavesdropping. In one of the recorded conversations, it was mentioned that he had sexual intercourse with one of his daughters. After Ratzon's arrest, his wives and children were evacuated from Ratzon's house to women's shelter, aided by the welfare services. In an interview from his arrest, he claimed that his relations with his wives were based on love and respect. On 8 September 2014, Tel Aviv-Yafo District Court convicted Ratzon in most of the sexual assaults which with he was charged and acquitted him of the slavery charge. On 28 October 2014, he was sentenced for 30 years of imprisonment. Ratzon filed an appeal to the Supreme Court of Israel, which was denied on 18 July 2016. Ratzon is considered an endangered prisoner, and for that he is moved between prisons occasionally. His wives and children broke off their relations with him, except for his son Yigal who supports him and declared that he would rebuild his father's harem. See also Haredi burqa sect References Citations Bibliography External links חופשיות אצל רצון: על כת הנשים של גואל רצון [Liberated at Ratzon's: about the women's cult of Goel Ratzon]. Maariv (in Hebrew). 2009-02-23. גואל רצון - הסרט המלא [Goel Ratzon - The Full Movie]. 13 news (in Hebrew). 2018-02-12. יום הדין של גואל רצון: מהי עבדות? [Goel Ratzon's Day of Punishment: What is slavery?]. ynet (in Hebrew). 2014-09-01. הגואל ועונשו [The "Goel" and his punishment]. www.yediot.co.il (in Hebrew). 2017-03-27. Category:Living people Category:1950 births Category:Israeli criminals Category:Israeli rapists Category:People convicted of indecent assault Category:People from Tel Aviv
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NBC knew about the Access Hollywood tape featuring Republican nominee Donald Trump talking to Billy Bush about grabbing “pussy” for a long time before it was released and held on to it to maximize its impact, TMZ reports Wednesday. TMZ said multiple sources connected with NBC told them that network executives were upset that Hurricane Matthew hit and were worried it would dominate the news instead of the tape. Staffers wanted it out before Sunday’s presidential debate so they leaked it to The Washington Post. NBC has claimed to have only known about the tape for about a week before it was released, but TMZ reports that execs knew about it earlier in the election and decided that it was not the right time to release it. The NBC execs wanted the tape to dominate the airwaves in the 48 hour lead up to Sunday’s debate. Since the tape has been released, Bush has been suspended from his slot on the “Today” show. A source told TMZ, “NBC really screwed Billy. They had no problem with him on the tape ’till it got leaked.”
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After Beyonce was photographed hanging out with Kim Kardashian at a "Watch the Throne" concert in Birmingham, UK over the weekend, throngs of fans took to Twitter to express their outrage. "Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian in the same picture let alone the same sentence is tragic," said one. "if your role model is Kim Kardashian, I can't take you seriously, Beyoncé is a way better role model. She's respectful of herself," said another. The vitriol makes perfect sense, explains an "insider"—it's because Beyonce is a virginal downy lamb and Kim is a big, skanky, whorey, slut-whore: "Beyoncé has an air of class and sophistication to her, while Kim is famous because of a sex tape and a failed marriage." Whatever you say, dicks. In related news, Beyonce wrote an encouraging letter to a blind person. (It is well known that Kim Kardashian scorns and fears the blind.) [Radar] [TheGrio] Today in I can't stop jumping up and down, Regis Philbin is in talks to join Kathie Lee on the Today Show if Hoda goes off to replace Ann Curry!!!!! First of all, this would obviously be the best thing ever and I would quit my job and watch it every day. Second of all, REGIS PHILBIN IS 80 YEARS OLD. HE IS PART OF GENERATION A. WHY DOES HE STILL WANT A JOB. (Now if only there were a way to reach through the cold, impenetrable shroud of death and orchestrate a Jim J. and Tammy Faye reunion. Alas.) [Radar] On the third anniversary of Michael Jackson's death, the Jackson family did some grieving on Twitter. Daughter Paris wrote: "RIP Michael Jackson. Dad you will be forever in my heart. I love you." There were similar sentiments from LaToya ("Sad morning all. This day was the day that lead to the demise of my little brother. 'Michael We Love' May you RIP. Gone FAR To Soon.") and Randy ("3 yrs ago on this June 25th, my brother passed"). Condolences to all. [Radar] Investigators have finally solved the murder of Dylan McDermott's mother, who was mysteriously shot when McDermott (now 50) was only five years old. Police have determined that the 45-year-old crime was committed by her boyfriend at the time. "I'd like to thank everyone for their amazing support today. It means so much to me," he tweeted today. In I-hope-not-too-tastelessly-unrelated news, I've never understood why Dylan McDermott isn't a bigger star. That dude is mega-handsome. [Radar] In perhaps her most shocking scandal yet, Lindsay Lohan was caught working on the set of Liz & Dick. [CaughtOnSet] Aubrey O'Day gets a note from her doctor certifying that she has "mental problems," so that she can sit with her "Emotional Support Animals" in first class. Click through and look at the fucking picture. [TMZ] "Tori Spelling dresses her pet chicken in a poncho," is an actual e-mail I received today, from a publicist who is really good at getting me to read e-mails. [Lucky] In case you were desperately searching for a reason to never hang out with Paris Hilton—first of all, you are terrible at searching. And second of all, here you go: apparently she's a DJ now. [Extra] Tyler Perry reveals that he pity-hired Bobbi Kristina at her mother's funeral ("I wanted to give her a job because I know how tough it is to grieve"), but announces that she's "shockingly good." Good work, TP. Nothing soothes a broken heart like a backhanded compliment from an opportunistic smug-monster. [Extra] Jennifer Lopez, vacationing in Rio with her "boy-toy," would like you to please check out her "caliente curves." [Radar] Megan Fox is pregnant in a bikini and she loves BAG sooooooo much and that makes me love her kind of a little bit. [PopSugar] Kelsey Grammer lost $1 million in a Ponzi scheme. Here's my question about Ponzi schemes: if something looks like a Ponzi scheme, has it ever not been a Ponzi scheme??? Stop losing all your money in Ponzi schemes! Are you new? (Alternatively, here's my scheme: You give me $1 million, and I will immediately give you $500,000 back. That makes me $500,000 more profitable than a Ponzi scheme! Do it! Doooooo iiiiit.) [E!] Ryan O'Neal would like to remind you that Farrah Fawcett died, because she got totally ripped off by Michael Jackson. (TMZ would like to remind you how Farrah Fawcett died, because they're TMZ.) [TMZ] Zooey Deschanel is dating screenwriter Jamie Linden, who is, according to a source, "into her." He also wrote We Are Marshall, which is a comedy about a horrifically tragic plane crash, directed by McG. [HuffPo] Here are some pictures of young Angelina Jolie looking hella like regular Angelina Jolie, only younger (I'm not a doctor, but I'm 99% sure that's how age works). [DailyMail] Duuuuuuude, I have never cared about any entertainment news story less than this thing about Christie Brinkley's divorce. [Yahoo!]
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