Ben was saddled with complete shit for pass pro the entire first half of his career. Mediocre OC's his entire career. What could have been....In 30+ years the only QB I've seen with more talent and ability is Aaron Rodgers. Fuck Tom Brady - if he doesn't play for NE I guarantee he isn't in this conversation. But Peyton is an interesting discussion. Ben was saddled with complete shit for pass pro the entire first half of his career. Mediocre OC's his entire career. What could have been....In 30+ years the only QB I've seen with more talent and ability is Aaron Rodgers. Fuck Tom Brady - if he doesn't play for NE I guarantee he isn't in this conversation. But Peyton is an interesting discussion. Dan Marino remains criminally underrated. I might be inclined to add an Elway or a Steve Young in there, as well. Machine Gun Kelly could definitely sling it, as well. Brett Favre in his prime also did not suck, but I take your point. Ben was saddled with complete shit for pass pro the entire first half of his career. Mediocre OC's his entire career. What could have been....In 30+ years the only QB I've seen with more talent and ability is Aaron Rodgers. Fuck Tom Brady - if he doesn't play for NE I guarantee he isn't in this conversation. But Peyton is an interesting discussion. Dan Marino remains criminally underrated. I might be inclined to add an Elway or a Steve Young in there, as well. Machine Gun Kelly could definitely sling it, as well. Brett Favre in his prime also did not suck, but I take your point. Marino only really had 4-5 great years– he was solid in most years but he never quite reached the heights of year 2.. His year 2 is either the greatest or second greatest regular season a QB has ever had in the history of the league... but he had some really mediocre years in between year 2 and his later-career resurgence. TB, yeah, I guess some may say that is misleading, I don't. Arians offense was better than Haley's in the post-season. 8 games with Arians they still, discounting the 4 TD returns, scored 22 TDs and only 12 FGs. 7 games with Haley and those numbers were 15 TDs and 18 FGs, before that offensive explosion against Jax, those numbers were 9 TDs and 18 FGs in 6 games. The Jets game, yeah, we had a TD return by the defense to make it 24-0, but the real point is that we were already up 17-0, we got out to a big lead which is what you want your offense to do and it made the other team press, forced to try and play catch up. Never mind that the great Dick LeBeau defense would surrender 19 points in pretty much the last 15 minutes of the game to make it close. Arians offenses were able to get out to those leads, 10-0 against Arizona in the Super Bowl, 17-0 against the JETS, the SD game was even at 7-7 but then the offense got that big lead scored 3 TDs in short order and we were up 28-10, against Baltimore we got up 13-0. Contrast that with Haley's offenses. Wow, there we were up 3-0 against Baltimore! And against Cincy we were up 3-0, then it was up 6-0, then 9-0, impressive!!! Against Denver our biggest lead was when we went up on them by 4 points 10-6 and then later 13-9, we would lose 23-16. Miami, now that was a game in which Haley's offense played like Arians units, we quickly got up on them by 14 points, 14-0, and not by coincidence we won the game 30-12. KC the FG game, less said about that the better. NE game? No lead. Jax game? No lead. Sorry, but I still contend that Arians offenses were better in the post season. We were even more balanced and were able to run for TDs, having 12 rushing TDs compared to Haley's offenses only accounting for 5 rushing TDs. I am glad that Haley is gone and hopefully Fitchner can be the OC to truly make this offense play to its potential. One thing that we have to get back to however, is that our offense has to strike first, build leads and help the defense out, put the defense in better position to play loose, play fast and play aggressive, that is how turnovers and big plays happen. Marino only really had 4-5 great years– he was solid in most years but he never quite reached the heights of year 2.. His year 2 is either the greatest or second greatest regular season a QB has ever had in the history of the league... but he had some really mediocre years in between year 2 and his later-career resurgence. I really don't know what to make of Marino anymore. I am old enough to remember watching his games, I even lived in Florida at the time. I also remember Dan Fouts and that is what makes me pause when people talk of how great or underrated Marino was, how he did things nobody else did. I remember watching Dan Fouts and those San Diego teams in the early 80s. Fouts had 4715 yards passing in 1980 and 4802 yards in 1981. So, Marino has 5048 yards passing in 1984, but Dan Fouts may have had a chance to be right there with Marino but he missed 3 games. Fouts and his backup Ed Luther combined for 4,903 yards passing that year. Neil Lomax that year in 1984 passed for 4,614 yards. The point that I am trying to make here, is that simply the 5,000 yards passing is not really that impressive to me, the game was trending in that direction, someone was going to pass that threshold in short order. Marino was the first, so yeah, kudos to him. The 48 TDs was really impressive, but that is the one thing that really was like an anomaly. Those 3 seasons of 84, 85, 86 he was on another level and then the remainder of his career it was sort of like meh, for me. One of the things that I always felt was keeping him back, holding him back was that they stuck so long with Duper and Clayton and those two just did not age well and were not consistent enough. Clayton, yeah everybody remembers the 18 TDs in 84, but then to follow that up with just 4 touchdowns the very next year? Later he would have 3 TD seasons. Duper was in the same category, only worse, he actually had seasons where he had as little as 1 TD for a season, doing that twice in 88 and 89. How do you have Dan Marino as your QB and you end up with 1 TD for the year? And then they would bring on old vets like an Irving Fryar or a Mark Ingram, Fred Barnett, Brett Permian, that were all well past their primes, etc. He never really got the supporting cast that he deserved, not just on defense, and not just a RB, but the WRs, TEs, etc. Very strange. One thing that we have to get back to however, is that our offense has to strike first, build leads and help the defense out, put the defense in better position to play loose, play fast and play aggressive, that is how turnovers and big plays happen. Mike Tomlin has a chance to go down in Steelers lore as a great HC if he plays this right. He has a chance to go down in history as a HC who played it smart early in his career riding the machine already in place and built to win via "style points don't matter" but who adjusted when his team was built for (potentially) high powered offense plus a defense that (hopefully) does "enough". If Tomlin does not adjust to the roster as (potentially) currently constructed, I would likely view him forever as among the dumb coaches I have seen in sports. I am hoping hoping hoping that will not be the case. marino should have been a steeler except for team stupidy..I don't think marino was underrated..he got lots of praise. I think he just underachieved in playoffs.. I think what made marino so amazing was he was the ulitimate-perfect qb model at time and his arm and amazingly fast release were god like.. he was a fav off mine since pitt days and I was sick for decades steelers did not draft him..i recall vividly the draft and how shocked I was dan was still on board for steelers. please pic marino please... I was sick..then our pic is mangled in wreck..salt in wound..I loved and still love watching danny marino whip the ball around like magic. dude was unsackable cause he could wait till the pressure close and wing it 45 yards on a rope on target in blink of an eye..iff steelers and noll had marino instead of fucking Malone and other bums no doubt another trophy or 2 would be in the case..sorry for the topic straying but someone mentioned marino..loved the guy!!
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Posts from Back in Time Email Sub! Error: Twitter did not respond. Please wait a few minutes and refresh this page. Advertisements Imma Offend Me Some Homophobes (and lose some followers) Standard Warning: This rant was set off (again) by this article : http://www.latimes.com/business/money/la-fi-mo-ellen-degeneres-20121207,0,4519751.story You can choose to be offended by what I am about to write, by my personal opinion but frankly I do not give one-single-fuck. I do not care if you will not like me anymore, if you’ll “unfriend” me, or if you’ll stop following this blog. Frankly, if you’re a hate filled asshole then I’d rather you dropped off. I’m not apologizing, fuck off. Hi, my name is Sarah. I am pro LGBT rights. Two chicks getting married isn’t going to impact MY relationships. Two dudes getting married isn’t going to impact MY relationship. Christ, if they REALLY want to be in a sexless, miserable relationship that costs waaaay too much money to get out of, they can join the damned club. (joke) It doesn’t impact MY life, MY morals, MY relationship. I am a straight woman for gay rights. I am a mother for gay rights. I am a human-being for EQUAL rights. I am sure as hell not going to stop shopping at a store because they have a *gasp* lesbian as a spokesperson. You’re not going to catch gay from clothes, at least not from ‘Penneys (joke). Hell, she’s funny as shit, I might shop there more if she keeps being funny. When I saw this article, I was appalled. It makes me angry. It makes me want to kick some people in the head. What the hell is wrong with people? Now normally, I don’t particularly get all riled up about some stupid right wing group shitting their little panties about something, but this one just irritated me. It got me to thinking, it really stirred some thoughts, and I have some questions. Okay. Maybe they’re not questions, maybe they’re rhetorical questions, because frankly, I don’t want to hear the answers. Christians. This one is for you. {Disclaimer: Okay, I know many, many Christians of every denomination that are not hate-mongers. There are some very loving people out there that are NOT included in this rant. If I do offend someone of the Christian faith, I do apologize, but I have to get this off of my chest.) Hey. So. Most of the assholes we all see in the news protesting gay-rights, or just gay-people-existing, are Christians. Very, VERY, conservative Christians. What the hell guys? I was brought up Lutheran, I spent waaaay too much time in my church, and I don’t ever remember my pastor saying you should hate gay people, that you should boycott companies that support gay rights, that you should be a general asshole and run your mouth against gay rights (which by the way, it gets old). I don’t remember that part. Maybe my church was special. Or maybe my innocent-child-mind didn’t absorb hate speech. What I learned from Church, The Bible and Sunday School was to LOVE one another. To be KIND. I don’t remember hate. So tell me. Pleeease explain to me why Gay people are bad. How does a gay couple getting married “destroy the sanctity” of marriage? Explain. I can’t see how a gay couple getting married destroys anything, hell if anything, blame ME, I got divorced. Hell, if I could go back in time, I’d divorce his ass AGAIN. Even if you believe that it’s “not right” or a “sin” (have you seen what heterosexual people do in a club!?), why be an asshole? Aren’t you supposed to LOVE others? If you honestly believe it’s a sin, shouldn’t you forgive? Hell. If you want to be a giant-homophobic-asshole, be one, don’t shop at JCPenney’s, don’t attend a gay marriage, don’t be gay. Then the “horrific, sinful, GAYs” won’t affect your life. Unless your kid is gay. But that’s a whole other ballgame. What other people do with their lives, doesn’t directly affect yours. I don’t care what you say, it doesn’t. If “gay marriage” is legal in every-god-damned-state, guess what? It’s still marriage. Your marriage or lack there off hasn’t changed, won’t change. Oh, Oh, Oh, I’m a Christian! Let me respond!!! (I might have had too much coffee already today) 1) In the bible being Gay is a sin. BUT so is drinking to excess. Opps. So are tattoos. Opps. So is smoking. Opps. Also, if you do some bible study you’ll find that hate is the same thing as murder. Hrrrm. And too the bible says one sin is no greater than another. A sin is a sin is a sin. Yup. And Paul, the most awesomeness guy besides Jesus in the bible wrote that when in a sinner’s home that you are to LOVE them as Jesus would, not to judge their sins or to cast stones, but to LOVE them. So as a Christian, a real one, I might not be on the bandwagon of Gay marriage, I won’t hold up signs at parades, I won’t plaster my car with rainbow stickers… but I won’t judge. That’s not up to me to do. Luckily for all of ya, I’m not God, and that’s his job. And he’s pretty cool, he loves everyone, hence the whole Jesus thing. And I’m not sure what my #2 was going to be or as to why I started with #1. Probably something to do with the coffee again… <3
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Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption What do parents think about the changes? Parents will no longer have the right to withdraw children from lessons about relationships, sexuality and religion, the Welsh Government has confirmed. Education Minister Kirsty Williams said the move would be tested next year before becoming statutory when the new curriculum is launched in 2022. Parents are currently able to request their children do not take part in sex and religious education. Parents have greeted the announcement with mixed opinions. Sally Stephenson, a mother of a 13-year-old and 15-year-old from Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan, told BBC Radio Wales Breakfast with Claire Summers: "I just think it's a really good idea to teach children about different religions and different relationships. "I want them to understand that we are all different and there are people who lives different lives to us and most importantly I want them to be open-minded and respectful of other people and their beliefs." Image copyright Family photo Image caption Some parents, including Sally Stephenson (second from right) welcomed the announcement But Russell Williams, father to a 10-year-old and four-year-old from Cardigan, Ceredigion, told the programme: "I don't think it can be taken as a one size fits all decision. "There should be discussions involved, different schools have different levels of ethnic diversity and sexual diversity. "There should be local level discussions as to whether you can take your children out of these classes. I don't think it's simply yes or no." Image copyright Family photo Image caption Dad-of-two Russell Williams from Cardigan has concerns about the change Sen Ramachendran lives in Cardiff with his wife Menaga and their children, aged 11 and eight. He said: "I don't think it's a good idea, parents should be consulted on things," he said. "My eldest son's school in the last few years have called all the parents in and discussed what they'll be teaching and showing the children and asked us for our opinion and concerns. "It would be good for all schools to do that before they make such a decision." Image caption Father-of-two Sen Ramachendran thinks schools should consult with parents before changes are made Maxine Watson-Whitaker, who has a three-year-old daughter and also lives in Cardiff, welcomed the move: "I think it's a good thing that little children are able to have the full perspective of life really, rather than the narrow viewpoint of their parents or family," she said. "I think the more you experience, the more information or knowledge you get, the better." HIV and sexual health charity Terrence Higgins Trust tweeted it was "great news for young people in Wales", adding: "RSE lessons will give pupils skills for life and no-one should stand in the way of this." But Humanists UK, which campaigns for a secular state, said it was "particularly concerned about the scrapping of the right to withdraw from RE in faith schools, because such schools will still be able to teach the subject from a faith-based perspective". Ms Williams said black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities and faith groups would be involved in developing school guidance for relationships and sexuality education. She said an eight-week consultation had highlighted "a wide range of views" on a "sensitive matter". Image caption Education Minister Kirsty Williams announced the move at the Senedd on Tuesday The minister promised clear guidance for schools as well as resources and training. She said a group made up of representatives of BAME and faith groups would meet for the first time in February with the aim of developing "a shared understanding of the new curriculum and address concerns raised by faith and community groups during the consultation". Speaking at a press conference at the Senedd on Tuesday, Ms Williams said: "In making these decisions I think about children, children first and always and I believe they will truly benefit from having unfettered access to the entirety of our new curriculum." People also reacted to the announcement on Facebook. Jill Davies posted: "In the world today [it is] more important than ever that people are educated about different religions and cultures." Cherylley Jones-Carr added: "I'm atheist but still let my kids take part in RE, its not just about 'god' it's also about accepting the beliefs of others and learning what those beliefs are about and about the conflicts it has caused, just because I'm atheist doesn't mean my kids have to be." Gemma Uphill added: "My kids partake in RE but I remove them from collective worship. I say remove, they have permission to sit quietly while others pray or sing hymns. It's vital to learn about other cultures, religious practices and I find they have more discussions about moral dilemmas during this lesson than others. "Philosophy, tolerance, history, how other people live around the world, RE is an important lesson. And vitally, so is sex education!"
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Politikerne er i gang med at udelukke handicappede fra at få en langvarig uddannelse. Aarhus Universitet advarer Folketinget om, at de seneste reformer kan tvinge studerende med psykisk eller fysisk sygdom ud af universiteterne. Læs også : Regeringen vil satse på eliten blandt studerende I øjeblikket har Aarhus Universitet 1.200 studerende, som enten er ordblinde eller lider af angst, depression eller andre psykiske problemer. Reform får uventede konsekvenser - Men det kan snart være slut, advarer Camilla Sejr Skovhus, der er uddannelsesrådgiver på universitetet. I et brev til Folketingets ordførere advarer hun om, at SU-reform og fremdriftsreform kan få konsekvenser, der nok ikke var meningen fra starten. Læs også : Studerende opdager først ordblindhed på studiet Uddannelsesinstitutionerne bliver nemlig ramt på pengene, hvis de studerende er for længe om at gennemføre studierne. Og de studerende selv får mindre i SU, hvis det trækker ud med at blive færdig. Det handicapfjendtlige universitet er på vej Resultatet er, at Folketinget er i gang med at skabe det handicapfjendtlige universitet, og det er urimeligt, mener uddannelsesrådgiveren. Læs også : Usikkert om der er penge at spare på fremdriftsreformen
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Q: IO::Prompter echo "stars" not working as intended I took some Perl code I already used last year on a fresh installation on Ubuntu 18.04. For "some" reason IO::Prompter does not properly echo the stars, as you can see in the example. user@host:~$ sudo cpan install IO::Prompter IO::Prompter is up to date (0.004015). user@host:~$ perl -MIO::Prompter -E 'say prompt "foo: ", -echo=>"*"' foo: topSecret topSecret user@host:~$ perl --version This is perl 5, version 26, subversion 1 (v5.26.1) built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi What am I overlooking? I have no "fancy" setups in this fresh VM. Just installed missing libs via cpan and use the shipped system perl. Any help appreciated. Also alternative module suggestions. A: In the documentation for -echo, we find the following: Note that this option is only available when the Term::ReadKey module is installed. If it is used when that module is not available, a warning will be issued. So, simply install Term::ReadKey. And always use use strict; use warnings;! That said, the warning could be better. Warning: next input will be in plaintext would be more useful if it explained what that is so.
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this is about bulborbs they are stupid but pretty bulbmin are well cute the mom ugly ugly UGLY. bulblax kigdom is were i found the boss that killed all of my pikmin i was mad that i lost all the money. :{[
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I've been changing my STD tests for 6 years And blamed the herpes on my girlfriend when she admitted to cheating 175 shares
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// Copyright 2015 Alex Browne. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by the MIT // license, which can be found in the LICENSE file. // File scripts_test.go tests all the lua scripts. package zoom import ( "reflect" "strconv" "testing" "github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis" ) func TestDeleteModelsBySetIDsScript(t *testing.T) { testingSetUp() defer testingTearDown() // Create and save some test models models, err := createAndSaveTestModels(5) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error saving test models: %s", err.Error()) } // The set of ids will contain three valid ids and two invalid ones ids := []string{} for _, model := range models[:3] { ids = append(ids, model.ModelID()) } ids = append(ids, "foo", "bar") tempSetKey := "testModelIDs" conn := testPool.NewConn() defer func() { _ = conn.Close() }() saddArgs := redis.Args{tempSetKey} saddArgs = saddArgs.Add(Interfaces(ids)...) if _, err = conn.Do("SADD", saddArgs...); err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected error in SADD: %s", err.Error()) } // Run the script tx := testPool.NewTransaction() count := 0 tx.DeleteModelsBySetIDs(tempSetKey, testModels.Name(), NewScanIntHandler(&count)) if err := tx.Exec(); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexected error in tx.Exec: %s", err.Error()) } // Check that the return value is correct if count != 3 { t.Errorf("Expected count to be 3 but got %d", count) } // Make sure the first three models were deleted for _, model := range models[:3] { modelKey := testModels.ModelKey(model.ModelID()) expectKeyDoesNotExist(t, modelKey) expectSetDoesNotContain(t, testModels.IndexKey(), model.ModelID()) } // Make sure the last two models were not deleted for _, model := range models[3:] { modelKey := testModels.ModelKey(model.ModelID()) expectKeyExists(t, modelKey) expectSetContains(t, testModels.IndexKey(), model.ModelID()) } } func TestDeleteStringIndexScript(t *testing.T) { testingSetUp() defer testingTearDown() // Create a new collection with an indexed string field type stringIndexModel struct { String string `zoom:"index"` RandomID } options := DefaultCollectionOptions.WithIndex(true) stringIndexModels, err := testPool.NewCollectionWithOptions(&stringIndexModel{}, options) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected error registering stringIndexModel: %s", err.Error()) } // Create a new model (but don't save it yet) model := &stringIndexModel{ String: "foo", } model.SetModelID("testID") // Run the script before saving the hash, to make sure it does not cause an error tx := testPool.NewTransaction() tx.deleteStringIndex(stringIndexModels.Name(), model.ModelID(), "String") if err := tx.Exec(); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexected error in tx.Exec: %s", err.Error()) } // Set the field value in the main hash conn := testPool.NewConn() defer func() { _ = conn.Close() }() modelKey := stringIndexModels.ModelKey(model.ModelID()) if _, err := conn.Do("HSET", modelKey, "String", model.String); err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected error in HSET") } // Add the model to the index for the string field fieldIndexKey, err := stringIndexModels.FieldIndexKey("String") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error in FieldIndexKey: %s", err.Error()) } member := model.String + " " + model.ModelID() if _, err := conn.Do("ZADD", fieldIndexKey, 0, member); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error in ZADD: %s", err.Error()) } // Run the script again. This time we expect the index to be removed tx = testPool.NewTransaction() tx.deleteStringIndex(stringIndexModels.Name(), model.ModelID(), "String") if err := tx.Exec(); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexected error in tx.Exec: %s", err.Error()) } // Check that the index was removed expectIndexDoesNotExist(t, stringIndexModels, model, "String") } func TestExtractIDsFromFieldIndexScript(t *testing.T) { testingSetUp() defer testingTearDown() // Create and save some test models with increasing Int values models := createIndexedTestModels(5) tx := testPool.NewTransaction() for i, model := range models { model.Int = i tx.Save(indexedTestModels, model) } if err := tx.Exec(); err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected error saving models in tx.Exec: %s", err.Error()) } // Create a few test cases testCases := []struct { min interface{} max interface{} expectedIDs []string }{ { min: "-inf", max: "+inf", expectedIDs: modelIDs(Models(models)), }, { min: "2", max: "+inf", expectedIDs: modelIDs(Models(models[2:])), }, { min: "(2", max: "+inf", expectedIDs: modelIDs(Models(models[3:])), }, } // Run the script for each test case and check the result fieldIndexKey, _ := indexedTestModels.FieldIndexKey("Int") for i, tc := range testCases { gotIDs := []string{} destKey := "TestExtractIDsFromFieldIndexScript:" + strconv.Itoa(i) tx = testPool.NewTransaction() tx.ExtractIDsFromFieldIndex(fieldIndexKey, destKey, tc.min, tc.max) tx.Command("ZRANGE", redis.Args{destKey, 0, -1}, NewScanStringsHandler(&gotIDs)) if err := tx.Exec(); err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected error in tx.Exec: %s", err.Error()) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotIDs, tc.expectedIDs) { t.Errorf("Script results were incorrect.\nExpected: %v\nGot: %v", tc.expectedIDs, gotIDs) } } } func TestExtractIDsFromStringIndexScript(t *testing.T) { testingSetUp() defer testingTearDown() // Create and save some test models with increasing String values models := createIndexedTestModels(5) tx := testPool.NewTransaction() for i, model := range models { model.String = strconv.Itoa(i) tx.Save(indexedTestModels, model) } if err := tx.Exec(); err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected error saving models in tx.Exec: %s", err.Error()) } // Create a few test cases testCases := []struct { min string max string expectedIDs []string }{ { min: "-", max: "+", expectedIDs: modelIDs(Models(models)), }, { min: "[2", max: "+", expectedIDs: modelIDs(Models(models[2:])), }, { min: "(2" + delString, max: "+", expectedIDs: modelIDs(Models(models[3:])), }, } // Run the script for each test case and check the result fieldIndexKey, _ := indexedTestModels.FieldIndexKey("String") for i, tc := range testCases { gotIDs := []string{} destKey := "ExtractIDsFromStringIndexScript:" + strconv.Itoa(i) tx = testPool.NewTransaction() tx.ExtractIDsFromStringIndex(fieldIndexKey, destKey, tc.min, tc.max) tx.Command("ZRANGE", redis.Args{destKey, 0, -1}, NewScanStringsHandler(&gotIDs)) if err := tx.Exec(); err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected error in tx.Exec: %s", err.Error()) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotIDs, tc.expectedIDs) { t.Errorf("Script results for test case %d were incorrect.\nExpected: %v\nGot: %v", i, tc.expectedIDs, gotIDs) } } }
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Gold CAM4 includes x cam ungdoms naken No Ads and 20 more features that change the way you watch, chat and broadcast.I WAS born TO makappy).Please upgrade to CAM4 Gold for unlimited conversations.Gold CAM4 includes Unlimited Chat and 20 more features that change the way you watch, chat and broadcast.Come and enjoy a pleasant moment with High Definition Video Audio 21 f GB Im sometime sweet and nice, sometime moody or fiesty) Confidential Phone Service High Definition Video Audio 21 f IT Quite easy to set me on fire, make me feel like.Come TO MY room!Confidential Phone Service High Definition Video Audio 23 f US Welcome to my neck of the internet, looking forward to our sex High Definition Video Audio 18 f RU I love sex I wanna tease you till you GET really horny!Grab your dick and let's go!
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Penrith Panthers is delighted to announce Sione Katoa has signed a new two-year deal with the club. The contract extension means the 22-year-old hooker will remain with the Panthers until at least the end of the 2019 season. "I am very excited about Sione and the fact he has committed to Panthers for another two years," Panthers Executive General Manager Phil Gould AM said. "Sione has been in our development system here at Panthers for some time. "He has shown tremendous potential and is definitely a regular NRL player of the future." A former Junior Kiwis representative, Katoa was appointed captain of the Panthers Intrust Super Premiership NSW side in 2017. He achieved his NRL debut for the Panthers in 2015 and made a second NRL appearance off the bench in Round Six this year. OTHER NEWS - CHN commits to the Panthers, Oldfield granted immediate release
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Let’s start off with something I forgot in that last post; you can download David Sabastian’s entire 23-track mixtape “Napoleon Complex” for free right here. And that’s a real free too, like air and unlocked bicycles, not “free” like masturbating in the Red Light District. Damn cops.
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If you ask me about ' Fargo ' (1996) created by Coen brothers, then brace yourself, because I'm turning into an excited kid when someone mentions that movie. ' Fargo ' from the far 1996 is well-directed, great written and awesomely made film, with unforgettable humor, fascinating (in a very specific way, of course) scenes and gorgeous actors.When I heard, that FX presenting the TV series based on the movie and Coen brothers are executive producers in that whole exiting process of filmmaking, I was a bit skeptical. But just after the very first episode, I understood: ' Fargo ' is beautiful, ' Fargo' is one of the best projects of the year!And after 6 episodes I finally decide to write about the TV series here.Please meet Lester. He lives is ordinary life in Bemidji (Minnesota), works as an insurance salesman, married.His wife sings odes to Lester's brother (a really successful and handsome one) and presses on his neurotic nature 24/7.One day Lester meets his school nightmare: a dumb pig, who liked to bull Lester at school. As a result - stupidly broken nose and spoiled day. In a hospital Lester meets a mysterious man. That man, with a stupid haircut and old-school coat, that devil's son and master of chaos, proposes Lester to do a little one thing: kill his school enemy.And that's all you should know about the screenplay for now:)Looks like the role was written especially for Billy Bob Thornton (as Lorne Malvo). I cannot imagine someone else in his place, with so confident, calm and serious face, wearing a wig, talking not much, butLorne Malvo is a very dangerous man and can easily cause problems. He's intelligent, cold as a dead man and quick as a cat.Just like in ' Fargo ' (1996) the main investigator of all horrible things, that are happening in Minnesota, is a policewoman. Molly (that's her name) is a friendly, a bit naive, but she's brave and doing her job in a slow, but good way.Lorne Malvo doesn't look like a criminal and serial killer, isn't he?:)Every season of 'Fargo' TV serie s - different story. And I like it a lot.And the other thing I applause for, is some links connected with the full-length story. So it's definitely to watch the film , before the series.These series are very good written. A well-known 'Coen brothers' humor has a really special place here.'Fargo' shows us that shower can be very stressful......but if you're happy - you have a key to your life;)......of course, if you're not staring at others, while they eating:)Well, dear readers, ' Fargo ' is all you need.Lorne Malvo says: "better be good, and watch it";)
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Description Yoha Galvez and Pantera are a naughty pair of sexy shemale sluts that get a surprise visit from Santa who is ready to fuck them both with his big hard cock
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"[ Thunder crashing ]" "[ Drilling, sawing ]" "[ Electricity crackling ]" "It's alive!" "So, that ends our lesson on STDs." "Next, I'm gonna show you how to use a condom." "Uh, who the hell are you?" "What the..." "Where the hell did all these half-baby, half-cabbages come from?" "Oh, damn it, Carl!" "That boy Carl jerk off in the cabbages again?" "!" "He sure did!" "You got to fire that boy!" "I'm gonna fire him right now." "Carl, you are fired, sir!" "Carl, you are fired and disgusting!" "I got this, honey." "Carl..." "You can't jerk off on someone's produce!" "I-I told him that, honey." "You're not allowed to be here, Carl!" "You're [bleep] with our livelihood!" "I tried to help you, son, because you're homeless and drug-addled, but you cannot be masturbating on our produce, son." "Carl, that is not the way you make a baby, by [bleep] on a cabbage head!" "I got it, honey." "[Bleep] We can't sell it if it's covered in your semen." "He knows." "I've already told him." "Carl, get out of here!" "You're [bleep] disgusting!" "You are fired, fired, fired, fired!" "I do not think we're gonna be able to recommend you for another job, unless that job implies that you are supposed to have semen on produce!" "I'm not gonna recommend you." "If anyone calls me, I'm gonna tell them you are a chronic masturbator!" "[Bleep]" "There's semen everywhere!" "This is your last warning!" "Come out or we're coming in!" "[ Helicopter blades whirring ]" "Okay, move, move, move, move!" "[ Gasps ]" "There he is!" "What, behind the turkey?" "Get him!" "[ Turkey gobbling ]" "[ Groaning ]" "So, on this day of Thanksgiving, I, president Obama, hereby pardon this turkey." "[ Both gasp ]" "Obama... soft on crime." "Vote Sarah Palin 2012." "Dead or alive, you're coming with me." "Not gonna happen." "[ Sighs ]" "Well, I guess that's it, then." "I made my first pizza as a boy of 13, and now I'm making my last pizza tonight." "Nobody made them like you, gramps." "Hi." "Got a pizza for Silverstein?" "Ha ha ha!" "Here you are, son." "You got the last one." "Aw, thanks." "Enjoy." "[ Bells jingle, door closes ]" "[ Sobbing ]" "[ Muttering ]" "Aah!" "Aah!" "[ Whistle!" "]" "Aah!" "Ow!" "Son of a bitch!" "Ah, screw it." "I'll go to Burger King." "Stupid pizza. [ Grunts ]" "[ Horn honks ]" "Ah, pizza!" "[ Grunting ]" "Hey!" "I want that pizza!" "[ Whip!" "]" "I'm starving!" "[ Both grunting ]" "Poop on it!" "[ Groaning, farting ]" "[Bleep]" "The old man later died." "[ Dramatic music plays ]" "[ Bleats ]" "Tarzan love Jane." "I love you, too, Tar..." "But Tarzan not in love with Jane." "Hello, yellow!" "Hello!" "[ Spy music plays ]" "Do it!" "Do it!" "Just do it!" "[ Gunshot ]" "[ Crowd screaming ]" "[ Snorts ]" "[ Wrist device beeping ]" "What's he doing?" "Take him down!" "Take him down!" "[ Cellphone beeps ]" "[ Laughs ]" "Oh, he was texting me." "We should, uh, probably get our stories straight." "Mmm!" "Mom, this is so good." "What is it?" "It's called "cole slaw,"" "honey, also known as "poor-people salad."" "Mmm!" "It's delicious!" "How do you make it?" "Are you my daddy?" "Sure, kid." "Oh." "This doesn't seem right." "[ Screaming ]" "[ Screaming continues ]" "So, I just moved to L.A." "You want to get some Dunkin' Donuts?" "Brah, we don't have Dunkin' Donuts in L.A." "[ Eerie music plays ]" ""Knock, knock."" ""Who's there?"" ""Steve Jobs."" ""Well, you've made my life awesome."" ""Oh?" "How gracious of you, America."" "Oh, compact disc, so clear, so crisp." "Jobs will pay for making you obsolete." "Have at thee!" "[ Disc shatters ]" "You've ruined my plan!" "What?" "Jobs would be dead right now if you hadn't shown up." "Who are you?" "I'm Zuneman!" "Ah, the legends are true." "That's right!" "There is a sadder hero than myself." "Hey!" "At least I'm not an outdated format that's only used as a coaster now." "Oh, no, no, no, no." "You're worse." "Your state-of-the-art software and crystal-clear sound quality are matched only by your terrible product design and counterintuitive menu display." "We're working on it!" "[ Grunts ]" "Well, for someone with 120 gigs, you move pretty slow." "[ Whoosh!" "Slice!" "]" "Ruh-roh!" "Looks like somebody's got a scratch." "Guess I'll have to buy a new one." "They have repair kits!" "[ Gunshot ]" "What are you doing here, CD?" "I told you, you're over." "[ Shing!" "]" "[ Gun cocks ]" "Don't make me kill you." "You already have!" "Aaah!" "He's dead." "Who are you?" "I'm Zune!" "Really?" "[ Laughing ] Wow!" "What a terrible design." "Make it quick." "Hmm..." "I wouldn't waste the bullets." "Please!" "Don't leave me like this." "No!" "Daddy, what's that?" "I think it's a pager." "[ Banging ]" "Hey, what's that?" "W-who's there?" "Damn it, Alfonse!" "That's coming out of your college fund." "[ Crying ]" "[ Gasps ] A Teddy Ruxpin?" "!" "He can play any tape, and he moves his mouth along with the words!" "Oh!" "Thanks, Uncle Gallagher!" "Let's try it out!" "I've got a copy of my stand-up special, "Melon Crazy."" "[ Electricity crackles ]" "[ Whip!" "Whip!" "]" "[ Warble!" "Whip!" "]" "Aah!" "[ Grunts ]" "[ Glass shatters ]" "Aah!" "No!" "He's got a cyanide capsule." "Don't you bite down, you son of a bitch!" "You're gonna play my tape!" "[ Gurgles ]" "He's... he's gone." "Ah." "We'll have to listen to it in the living room." "[ Gasps ]" "N-o-o-o-o-o!" "Whoo!" "All right!" "I'm Nicky Passion, and I'm here to show you how to manage your team and..." "All:" "Achieve your dream!" "All right!" "Oh, check out the mug on this one." "Hey, mirror, mirror on your face, what brought you to this helpful place?" "Well, I run my own business." "I'm kidding, rearview." "I read your bio." "I know the story." "Let's take a look at your video." "Next time, G.I. Joe!" "Next time, G.I. Joe!" "Next time, G.I. Joe." "But that next time never comes, does it?" "No." "Maybe it's time you stopped Cobra Commanding and start Cobra Commending." "You run one of the most successful terrorist organizations in the world." "Isn't that something to be proud of?" "I guess." "Maybe once you step back and look, you'll realize that you've already..." "All:" "Achieved your dream!" "That's not exactly my dream." "I paid $300 for this?" "I'm sorry, sir." "I don't see a name tag for Cy-kill." "But I told Crasher to book my trip." "She must have failed me." "You see, I need this seminar more than anyone." "Sorry." "There's really nothing I can do." "Well, there's nothing you can do about me taking all the free cookies." "[ Engine revs ]" "[ Laughing evilly ]" "I am Megatron, leader of the Decepticons." "Aw, sounds more like a self-decepticon." "[ Laughs ] Let's take a look." "This is your fault, Megatron!" "You're firing blanks, Megatron!" "How do my balls taste, Megatron?" "And what's your girl Friday's name?" "Starscream." "Listen to me now, tons of fun." "It's not the gun in the fight but the fight in the gun." "And this guy here is starscreaming for an ass-whupping!" "Listen to me now." "You stand for number one, but you always sit for number two." "Ah." "Thank you." "All right." "There you go." "All right." "We got time for one more, folks." "Where is... [ Scooter beeping ]" "[ Whip!" "]" "Charmin, you all good?" "What?" "Who's there?" "Whoops." "I think I woke him, folks." "Who's there?" "Anyway, Tommy, do me a favor and put that shame spotlight on the gay blade in 13C!" "Oh, oh, Nicky!" "Bones, what the hell are you doing here?" "I told you, man, I can't help you." "But I've been doing the exercises you gave me and writing in my dream journal." "Have... have you defeated He-Man once yet?" "Well... just once?" "I mean, what does "defeated"" "even really mean, you know?" "I mean, one man's defeat is just another man's..." "Hee hee, I'll just go." "All right, get on out of here." "And remember, folks, you can't be the top dog if you act like a pussy." "Enjoy your lunch!" "[ Rock-'n'-roll music plays ]" "[ Indistinct conversations ]" "[ Cloth unraveling ]" "All: [ Murmuring ]" "I can see your mumm-balls." "Watch out!" "Evil raisin!" "Oh, looks like an old hacky sack." "♪ ba-bawk bawk bawk ♪" "♪ ba-bawk bawk bawk-a-wawk wawk bawk bawk ♪" "Ba-gawk!" "Bawk."
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The proposed ban on filming of IDF soldiers is “absurd” and means the “end of democracy,” experts told RT, adding that the images showing abuse by Israeli soldiers show “how morally corrosive the occupation” has become. The proposal, lobbied for by Israeli right-wing politicians, states that anyone who “filmed, photographed, and/or recorded soldiers in the course of their duties, with the intention of undermining the spirit of IDF soldiers and residents of Israel, shall be liable to five years imprisonment,” Israeli media reported. The draft bill accuses human rights groups, including B’Tselem, Machsom Watch Women, and Breaking the Silence, which repeatedly filmed the abuses committed by Israeli soldiers, of waiting for any IDF activity “that can be presented in biased and tendentious form.” “This is an absurd piece of populist legislation, [it is] meant to limit and constrain the freedom of speech and freedom of protest in Israel, something that contradicts the founding principle of the country,” Brian Reeves, director of development & external relations at PeaceNowIsrael group told RT. According to Reeves these videos often “shed light on aspects of the conflict” that might not “get brought up” in the public debate in Israel. “These videos bring to the fore both [IDF] misconduct that should be corrected and also brings to the TVs the images of how morally corrosive this occupation has become for all of us,” he added. Read more The activities of the rights group B’Tselem which was the first to publish a blood-chilling video of IDF soldier Elor Azaria finishing off an injured and motionless Palestinian man may also be banned under the proposed bill. The video filmed in 2016 triggered worldwide condemnation and questioned the Israeli army’s ethical code. “When you don’t allow people to take pictures of soldiers … you stop the freedom of press and speech. Then you move to prevent taking photos of policemen. This is the end of democracy (sic),” said Moshe "Mossi" Raz, member of the Knesset for the left-wing Meretz political party told RT. Raz believes that Azaria’s case was probably the reason why the politicians are trying to bring in the legislation. “Because of that film, he was taken to court and to jail. Without that, no chance that it [arrest and jail] could happen,” he stated. According to Raz such videos are important when it comes to investigations into possible IDF human rights violations. Right wing politicians behind the legislation think that soldiers are “holy and can’t make mistakes or go to court,” he added. The bill, proposed amid world condemnation of Israeli violence at the Palestinian’s ‘Great March of Return’ protests that’s saw 119 people killed, was slammed by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). If IDF troops have nothing to hide, “there is no harm in documenting their actions against Palestinians,” the PLO statement read. Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!
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Derrick Is Asked What He Eats Before His Fights, His Answer Goes Viral | UFC News UFC heavyweight Derrick Lewis didn’t work out at the recent UFC 230 open workouts. However, the talented knockout artist did stick around to answer a few questions. UFC News Derrick Lewis is set to challenge Daniel Cormier for his UFC heavyweight title in the main event of UFC 230 on Saturday, Nov. 3. Speaking to media at the recent UFC 230 open workouts, Derrick Lewis had a rather unexpected answer when asked about his fight preparation meal plan. ““What do you eat before fights?” Lewis retorted back. “If my wife is in town I eat her ass.” The statement has since been shared and re-shared among fight fans across several of the most popular mixed martial arts forums, while racking up views on social media all the while. Check it out within the video provided above.
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Loading No disciplinary action has been taken against the group of boys involved in the incident, which took place in a public park. The mother said she was bitterly disappointed by the response of Cheltenham Secondary College and the Education Department. The school and the department have denied having responsibility for the incident, because it did not take place on school grounds, the mother said. "I took such offence with the Education Department, because there was nothing they did to protect my son at all, at any point in time – that’s what’s cut me up," she said. The mother sought out the parents of the Muslim boy, who were horrified by their son’s actions. "We sat down, his parents, the two boys and myself, around the table and explained the velocity of [the bullying] and what it meant to us as parents as far as building bridges between Jews and Muslims in society and not creating division like that photo does," she said. One of the boys who watched on was later suspended for five days for assaulting the Jewish student in the school locker room. The Jewish boy was punched in the face and left with a bruised back and had skin gouged out of his shoulder, his mother said. The mother of the five-year-old boy at Hawthorn West Primary said her son was repeatedly taunted and laughed at over his circumcised penis, to the point where he began to wet himself in class rather than go to the toilet. The taunts – which the education department said could not be corroborated because they were not overheard by teachers – led the school to temporarily provide a separate toilet for the boy as a "safety plan", although this plan failed on its second day. The mother said one of the most disturbing aspects of the other children’s insults was the way they mirrored the anti-Semitic language of the Holocaust. "The words ‘you dirty Jew’ and ‘Jewish cockroach’, they are such cliches," she said. "I grew up with Holocaust survivors, I used to go to synagogue with my uncle who was a Holocaust survivor and those were the words, literally, he was taunted with when he was five." Loading The department conceded last month in an apology letter to the parents that the boy had been laughed at in the toilets by other students on this day and said this was unacceptable. "While school staff were not able to substantiate that any negative interactions were anti-Semitic in nature, on the basis of those investigations, school staff identified an incident that involved children laughing at [the boy]," department director Barbara Crowe said. "This was not acceptable and would have been an unpleasant experience for [the boy]. I am sorry that this occurred." But the mother said the school had made an error of judgment by treating the incident as general bullying, not anti-Semitism. "Why not just say, this is anti-Semitism and talk about it? These are things that happen to different people and different religions," she said. The parents have lost confidence in Hawthorn West Primary School’s ability to care for their son, and are home schooling him while looking for a new school. Dvir Abramovich, chairman of the Anti-Defamation Commission, said this was part of a disturbing trend of Jewish parents pulling their children out of government schools in Melbourne. "There is mounting evidence that families are forced to take their children out of public schools and to enrol them in Jewish-day schools due to a growing sense of insecurity and fear that their kids will be harmed simply because of who they are," Dr Abramovich said. Mr Abramovich has been helping the mother of the 12-year-old boy to find another school for her daughter, because she does not want to send her to Cheltenham Secondary College.
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On Wednesday night on CBS, after 33 years as a host, the longest late-night tenure ever, Mr. Letterman will close out his career with his 6,028th episode. His influence has been substantial: He breathed new life into the talk show, taking it beyond the traditional desk-and-sofa interview sessions with an array of innovative, often outlandish antics; he gave birth to many careers; he became a role model for a generation of comedians, including most of the current late-night roster; and he turned signature segments like Stupid Pet Tricks and his Top 10 list into American cultural institutions. He was also front and center for memorable noncomedic moments, whether hosting the first late-night show after the Sept. 11 attacks, turning his 2000 heart surgery into a narrative on his show or castigating John McCain after he canceled an appearance before the 2008 presidential election. Mr. Letterman lived out some dark moments on his show as well. In the mid-1990s, after his ratings began to slide, his well-known tendency to self-flagellate turned nearly literal one night when he viciously beat up a David Letterman dummy on stage. In 2009, in one of television’s most uncomfortable moments, he acknowledged that he had had sex with female staff members. He could be a brusque interviewer who sometimes made his guests squirm. He was fiercely private, rarely giving interviews, and his disdain for the politics of show business played a role in his failure to land the dream job he had long coveted: succeeding Johnny Carson as the host of “The Tonight Show” in 1992. In an unusually public competition for the job, Mr. Letterman lost out to Jay Leno, and he spent most of the next two decades trailing Mr. Leno in the ratings.
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Q: How to reset a systemd timer? Somehow my ubuntu got confused and it set the time a month ahead. apt-daily.timer got triggered and run at the false time. Now the time is correct but as the timer ran in the future, systemctl list-timers say apt-daily.timer will run again in a month! I need to find a way to solve this. I've looked at the wrong column -last- in systemctl list-timers. I should have looked at "next". As the answer, I guess it got corrected automatically. So the question was tainted. I am sorry. I guess stopping and starting resets the timer too. A: I would expect timers to be corrected automatically but as you indicate this is not happening try: systemctl stop apt-daily.timer systemctl start apt-daily.timer
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Gentleman Boners is a true gentleman's club. This is an oasis like no other! Only the finest eye candy of the classiest nature can be found here. Elegant, graceful, timeless female celebrities are one click away. Be gone with you and your slutty, trashy, & whorish succubi! For they are not welcome here. Do not bother posting if you can not tell the difference between beauty and seduction.
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President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions will be derelict in their duties if they do not launch a full investigation into the Harvey Weinstein sexual assault scandal. At the very least, the next pompous award show would be a whole lot more muted, and justifiably so. In what many celebrities, to include Mr. Trump himself, likely acknowledge: The depths of sexual criminality in Hollywood are almost certainly not limited to the likes of Weinstein and his company. Indeed, the so-called “open secret” has not been much of a secret as of late. Hollywood has been openly raping women and children for decades. There’s Polanski. There’s Woody Allen. There’s Sean Connery bragging about smacking women around. [dcquiz] More recently, Corey Feldman and Elijah Wood, both one-time child actors, had to “walk back” their allegations of Hollywood’s wide spread child sex peddling. Worse yet, X-Men director Bryan Singer made headlines a few years ago for allegedly throwing drug-fueled “twink” parties in which scantily clad teenage boys pranced around partaking in any number of illicit activities. And, of course, there is the cliche “casting couch,” Hollywood’s pressure-filled obstacle course of auditioning, renowned for being step one on the way to sexual exploitation. Mr. President, if you want to lead the “law and order” White House, now is your chance. There is only upside to a far-reaching investigation of Hollywood’s elite production companies. Tweet by tweet, suit by suit, indictment by indictment, Trump would win back the American people. Who can disagree with defending women and children? Forget about Nazis. Rapists and child molesters are perhaps the most detested among us. MERYL STREEP JOINS IN WEINSTEIN-BASHING FOR A POPULARITY BOOST: Politically, consider it the NFL kneeling cycle on steroids. Such an investigation would almost certainly yield massive results. The Russia investigation would pale in comparison. Trump’s base would rally. Trump detractors would be paralyzed. Hollywood would choke on its own faux virtue. Moreover, it would rob the stage of all the stuffy Streeps, Clooneys, and Sarandons. It would force Mark Ruffalo to eat his own insufferable pontification, to finally sit down and give the microphone to the platoons of people who almost made it. Finally, Trump could take away an award Hollywood has always loved to bestow upon itself. He can give voice to the voiceless. He can give victims the opportunity to shake the shackles of Hollywood exploitation. Give them justice, Mr. President, give them a win. Anything else would be dereliction of duty.
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Noninvasive detection of hypoxic myocardium using fluorine-18-fluoromisonidazole and positron emission tomography. Fluoromisonidazole (FMISO) is metabolically trapped in viable cells as a function of reduced cellular pO2. Therefore [18F]-FMISO is potentially useful for evaluating patients with hypoxic but viable myocardium. The goal of this study was to investigate [18F]FMISO uptake in ischemic myocardium non-invasively using positron emission tomography (PET). Studies were performed in 10 open-chest dogs subjected to either complete (Group 1, n = 5) or partial (Group 2, n = 5) occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery. The tracer was administered by intravenous bolus following the onset of ischemia and serial PET images were acquired for the next 4 hr. In Group 1, viability was assessed using histochemical staining (nitroblue tetrazolium, NBT) and 99mTc-pyrophosphate (Tc-PYP). In Group 2, viability was assessed using measurements of regional wall motion, histochemical staining and histology (two animals). In each study, PET images obtained at times between 2 and 4 hr postinjection showed specific enhancement of tracer activity in the distal anterior wall and apex of the left ventricle. At 4 hr, the tissue-to-blood pool count ratio was significantly higher in ischemic regions; 1.8 +/- 0.4 for Group 1 and 1.6 +/- 0.2 for Group 2 versus 1.0 +/- 0.1 in nonischemic regions. Postmortem tissue sampling of Group 1 hearts showed significant FMISO retention in samples without evidence for infarction, either by NBT or Tc-PYP deposition, as well as in more severely ischemic regions. In Group 2 animals, FMISO was retained in myocardial regions with reduced blood flow (microspheres), which exhibited improved contraction following reperfusion. We conclude that PET imaging of [18F]FMISO is a promising technique for the noninvasive identification of viable hypoxic myocardium.
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RNA viruses cause many diseases in wildlife, domestic animals and humans. These viruses are genetically and antigenically diverse, exhibiting broad tissue tropisms and a wide pathogenic potential. The incubation periods of some of the most pathogenic viruses, e.g. the caliciviruses, are very short. Viral replication and expression of virulence factors may overwhelm early defense mechanisms (Xu, 1991) and cause acute and severe symptoms. There are no specific treatment regimes for many viral infections. The infection may be serotype specific and natural immunity is often brief or absent (Murray et al., 1998). Immunization against these virulent viruses is impractical because of the diverse serotypes. RNA virus replicative processes lack effective genetic repair mechanisms, and current estimates of RNA virus replicative error rates are such that each genomic replication can be expected to produce one to ten errors, thus generating a high number of variants (Hollan, 1993). Often, the serotypes show no cross protection, such that infection with any one serotype does not protect against infection with another. For example, vaccines against the vesivirus genus of the caliciviruses would have to provide protection against over 40 different neutralizing serotypes (Smith et al., 1998a), and vaccines for the other genera of the Caliciviridae are expected to have the same limitations. Antisense agents have been proposed for treating various types of viral infection. In general, the specific proposals to date can be classified according to the type of virus targeted, the viral-genome target, and the type of oligonucleotide backbone employed in the antisense compound. Among the viruses that have been targeted are vesicular stomatitis virus (Robbins and Lebleu, 1999), influenza virus (Mizuta et al., 1999), hepatitis B virus (Wu and Wu, 1992), human papilloma virus (Alvarez-Salas et al, 1999), herpes simplex virus (Aurelian and Smith, 2000), HIV (Kusunoki et al., Wei et al, 2000) and foot-and-mouth disease virus (Gutierrez et al, 1993). Viral genome targets that have been proposed include the IE-2 gene of cytomegalovirus (Green et al, 2000), a stem-loop structure at the 5′ non-coding region, the translation initiation codon, a core protein coding sequence of the hepatitis C virus, and the second functional initiator AUG of the foot-and-mouth disease virus (Hanecak et al, 1996; Alt et al, 1995; Gutierrez et al, 1993). Finally, a wide variety of antisense backbone structures have been proposed, including the negatively charged phosphorothioate (PSO) backbone oligomers, particularly the phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides (Hanecak et al, 1996; Alt et al, 1995; Gutierrez et al, 1993) and uniformly modified 2′-methoxyethoxy phosphodiester oligonucleotide (Hanecak et al, 1996). Discovery and development generally involves demonstration of antiviral activity in cell culture. A compilation of antiviral experiments in cell culture is provided in Table 1 below. TABLE 1In vitro Antiviral Antisense StudiesVirusReferenceHerpesGao et al. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264: 11,521SimplexHerpesHoke et al. (1991) Nucl. Acids Res. 19: 5743SimplexHerpesSmith et al. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad Sci 83: 2787Simplex 1HIV-tatStevenson & Iversen (1989) J. Gen. Virol. 70: 2673HIV-aptamerMatsukura et al. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad Sci 84: 7706HIV-revMatsukura et al. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad Sci 86: 4244HIV-gagAgrawal et al. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad Sci 86: 7790HIV-LTRVickers et al. (1991) Nucl. Acids Res. 19: 3359TARelementVSVAgris et al. (1986) Biochemistry 25: 6268VSV-NLamaitre et al. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad Sci 84: 1987proteinHPV-E2Cowsert et al. (1993) Antimic. Agent Chemo. 37:HBVGoodarzi et al. (1990) J. Gen Virol. 71: 3021surfacegeneHBVWu & Wu (1992) J Biol Chem 267: 12,436-12,439SV40Graessmann et al. (1991) Nucl. Acids Res. 19: 53InfluenzaKabanov et al. (1990) FEBS Lett. 259: 327InfluenzaLeiter et al. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad Sci 87: 3430RousZamecnik & Stephenson (1978) Proc. Natl. Acad SciSarcoma75: 280VirusCMV immed.Anderson et al. (1996) Antimic. Agent Chemo. 40: 2004early RNA Clinical trials have been initiated for antisense therapeutics targeting HIV, HPV, CMV and HCV (Table 2 below), all using phosphorothioate-linked oligonucleotides. As seen, the clinical trial experience to date indicates some failures, although antisense against CMV infection (ISIS2922) has been approved by the FDA, making this the only antisense agent approved by the FDA to date. TABLE 2Clinical Trials with Antisense for Antiviral TherapyNameCompanyVirusStatusGEM91HybridonHIV-gag250 pts. Discont. 1997ISIS2105ISISHPV (6&11)400 pts. Fail phase IIIISIS2922ISISCMV-IE2HIV retinitis approvedGEM132HybridonCMVPhase IISIS14803ISISHCVPhase I The initial optimism towards antisense approaches to effective antiviral therapeutics has been blunted. Many of the effective antisense strategies employed in cell culture models (e.g. those in Table 1) have not successfully proceeded to clinical trials. The slow progress is due in part to the lack of robust cell culture models. For example, the HIV isolates that infect cultured cells do not generally reflect those found in the infected population, and the cell culture models do not integrate the roles of the multiple cell types infected. This problem is compounded by the lack of appropriate pre-clinical animal models for the full exploitation of viral gene expression and replication in vivo. Again, in the case of HIV, the human virus either does not infect animals, or, when primates are infected, they do not develop pathology similar to that seen in humans. The risk in developing antisense antiviral agents without robust culture models and appropriate animal models is great. Thus, there remains a need for an effective antiviral therapy in several virus families, including small, single-stranded, positive-sense RNA viruses in the picornavirus, calicivirus, togavirus and flavivirus families. To meet this need, an antisense agent must be substantially stable against nuclease degradation, able to be taken up readily by virus-infected host cells following compound administration, and targeted against an effective region of the viral genome, that is, able to shut down viral replication.
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For Your Scion tC, Every Tire Comes with a Free Lifetime Tire Rotation When your treads are dead and you need new tires for your Scion tC, visit a Firestone Complete Auto Care location for tires. Weather can be unpredictable, so make sure you choose auto tires that are right for your vehicle. Let Firestone Complete Auto Care help you select the right tires for your Scion tC. The next time your vehicle needs an inspection, schedule an appointment and make sure your auto tires are up to speed. Not only will our auto care advisors help you select the right tires for your Scion tC, we'll match any locally advertised price. Our certified professionals will match any locally advertised price, ensuring you get the right auto tires for your vehicle. Why Choose Our Tires More Tires. More Leading Brands. Our tire selection process is easy for your Scion tC. Just browse through our large selection of tires to help you make a well-informed buying decision. It makes finding the best tire for your Scion tC easy on you - and your budget.
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1.21.2008 Poor Matthew. The stinker cannot stop licking his bottom lip. Yee-ouch! He needs to develop an addiction to chapstick like his mama (He has recently started calling me this. I think it's cute.). His neck looks so skinny in the top picture.
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Check out one more naked Nicole Kidman sex scene from ‘Hemingway & Gellhorn’ where Nicole is enjoying while the man is licking her pussy below the sheet! Kidman showed naked boobs when this guy is fucking her and after that they’re talking! Check out many more nude sex scenes of Kidman and our other nude celebrities! Nicole Kidman sex scene
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Category Archives: My Booky Wook Cunt was up to his fucking usual selfishness last night. After allowing him some time to indulge in his moronic beats with his urchin ‘mates’ (who incidentally are very quiet, it’s only he I hear lauding it over them like the underachieving egomaniac psychopath that he fucking well is) my foot finally slammed against the floor during a entirely out of tune and shouted rendition of Bowie’s Rock ‘n Roll Suicide. I’m not having that. Myfwt was very supportive as I shook with rage during and after the incident, bless her. The battery terminal screw saga has had an unlikely ending, in addition to finding the screw I bought to replace the one I lost, I walked outside to fit the new screw and trod directly upon the one I’d ‘lost’. Feeling oddly chuffed I rode into the ninth circle of hell that is Wimbledon and strutted off down the street in order to procure a pair of socks. For some reason the ladies were paying more than a bit of attention to yours truly, indeed, some smiled as I passed, actually, whole groups simpered as I ambled by, dead casual like. Even if I do say so myself, I’m no pig but this sort of heedfulness to my person wasn’t usually so pedantic, I pondered my physical self, slim bloke with a biker jacket carrying a crash helmet, mmm, nothing unusual there, must be my new jeans I concluded, they do fit fucking well and… my fly was open -I’m used to button flies you see, psychologically when I do up the top button that’s me done, belt up and off I go- I indiscreetly zipped myself up much to the audible amusement of a slaggle of prols by the bus stop. For the past few evening I’ve been reading Russell Brands biography ‘My Booky Wook’. I’m not going to bang on about it because it’s simply excellent and you must all read it at once. Sadly last night following the incident with the wrongcock below I finished it at 1am following a skinful of Gin and Tonics. It’s rather peculiar, as I feel strangely lost having completed it; I now have this dreadful urge to seek Russell out in order to absorb him some more. I usually read bios of dead people but being only 33 or I feel strangely unsatisfied with the ending of his fine tome as it’s completely current. I’m all confused.
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Married man seeks nympho for affair.Any Attractive Females Need Cash Tonight.chat rooms adultperfect match dating chub with tight Winnemucca looking for top Looking for a lovely lady or a married women. VIP: DrusillaReport Abuse Looking real datingSingle Hot women look to fuck. Lonely married wants alternative singles - . what are you looking for Im looking for anything really please women only... your pic gets mine. Im bored tonight. If you think you have what it takes hit me up. Im down to relax, walk, watch a movie, fat Troy girl fucked hard drink... Im x ft x x lbs athletic, good looking iv been told.... Get at me yall.. The Semantics of Casual I don't know what the "casual" in "casual encounters" means. It seems to mean "lets fuck" (perhaps not the OED definition, but still, in spirit) and I currently don't have a use for that. Something dirty and quick seems exciting, sure, but I could get drunk in a bar and snag someone with ease, and then wake up the next morning fuzzy on the details of what happened, who this person is or if I even enjoyed myself, and then count the hours til Target opens so I can buy new sheets and a soda-pretzel combo. I like casual as in, informal. Relaxed. I don't want to marry you, but I'd like to get to know you. I'd like to like you, as a person. I'd like to be attracted to you without beer goggles, and I'd like you to be attracted to me without them as well. I'd like be comfortable with you, to ease into sex with you, and then make it a regular thing that we both enjoy. I'd like there to be honesty and openness and fun and laughter. Just, you know.Harrison Hot Springs hookups casadas Naked, Adult singles dating in Hustler, Wisconsin (WI). sometimes. This is sounding a little boy-friend-y. Maybe these are silly things to be looking for, in this section. I'd like to sleep in your bed and warm your sheets, but I won't leave my toothbrush. I want to kiss you on the mouth, but I don't care if you sleep with other guys. What is that? A friend with benefits? Super low key dating? Consistent naked exercise? Is that casual, do you think? Hung and looking for a Naughty Girl to play with Tonight. lonely sluts looking teen dating. Love Affair and Affairhorny girls in Tallahassee Florida Hello, Adult singles dating in Hustler, Wisconsin (WI). do you feel more like roommates at home and have thought about having a secret lover? I am a safe, woman, who is looking for a male who is outside of my circle of friends for such a relationship. I am not into the bar scene and enjoy being active whether it is biking, walking, or just taking in the sights. As far as romance, I enjoy kissing, holding hands, close body contact, fore play, and passionate love making. 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In celebration of our app launch on February 8th, we are holding a huge launch competition, with some massive prizes! Complete tasks to boost your entries & your chances of winning. This is one you do not want to miss! In the run-up to the ShareRing app launch, we are spicing things up by dropping a huge launch competition, with 24 ways to enter and over 55 prizes up for grabs, this is one you do not want to miss! To enter into the contest, simply click on the giveaway link (or someones share link), and enter your email to gain 1 entry into the competition. Further entries can be made by completing the following tasks: Sign up for our newsletter – 10 Entries Join our official telegram group – 10 Entries Join our telegram announcement group – 10 Entries Visit ShareRing Facebook page – 5 Entries React and comment on the Facebook competition post – 10 Entries Share our contest on Facebook – 10 Entries Follow @shareringglobal on Twitter – 5 Entries Follow @TheRealTimBos on Twitter – 5 Entries Retweet @shareringglobal’s competition post on Twitter – 5 Entries Favourite and comment on the competition tweet – 10 Entries Tweet our contest with the #ShareRingGlobal hashtag – 10 Entries Visit @shareringglobal on Instagram – 5 Entries Submit an Instagram photo about ShareRing with the hashtag #ShareRingGiveaway – 10 Entries Visit ShareRing’s youtube page – 1 Entry Watch our ShareRing introduction video – 1 Entry Subscribe to /r/ShareRing/ – 1 Entry Refer friends for extra entries – 25 Entries per friend Download the ShareRing app – 25 Entries Register an account on the ShareRing app – 100 Entries Make a booking on the ShareRing app – 100 Entries (multiple entries) Enter ShareRing’s unique social media codes – 10 Entries (One time per code, can submit multiple unique codes) Enter ShareRing’s unique AMA codes – 10 Entries (One time per code, can submit multiple unique codes) Enter ShareRing’s blog treasure hunt codes – 10 Entries (One time per code, can submit multiple unique codes) – Enter ShareRing’s journalist, influencers codes – 100 Entries (One time per code, can submit multiple unique codes) The competition will run from February 6th to 17th March. Complete all the tasks to give yourself the best chances of winning, best of luck to all who enter!
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A Ugandan pastor famous for his graphic, anti-gay speeches is now being accused of promoting homosexuality. Pastor Martin Ssempa first gained a bit of worldwide attention in 2010 when his “eat the poo-poo” lecture went viral. In the lecture, Ssempa shows graphic gay porn and sex acts in an attempt to scare his listeners into supporting legislation that would criminalize homosexual behavior in Uganda. Ssempa also gave verbal descriptions of a number of sex acts he claims are common in the homosexual community. ADVERTISEMENT Thanks for watching! Visit Website Now, Ssempa is ironically being accused of promoting the very thing he claims to detest. In an article for Uganda’s First Class Magazine, writer Paul Kaliisa accuses Ssempa of spreading “gayism” with his lectures. Here’s what Kaliisa has to say: “[Ssempa] has on a number of occasions showed gay porn to members of the congregation on a projector. He explains to the Church what the homosexuals do step by step baring all and hiding nothing. Pastor Ssempa has homosexual porn on his laptop and all his gadgets. He almost seems obsessed with it. ... Pastor Ssempa easily comes off as Uganda’s number one and strongest fighter homosexuality but in truth, he is Uganda’s number one promoter of the vice. He is promoting the things of these monsters and destroyers of man-kind.” ADVERTISEMENT Thanks for watching! Visit Website ADVERTISEMENT Thanks for watching! Visit Website Kaliisa, who is no doubt an anti-gay advocate himself, says “The homos must now be smiling well knowing that Ssempa is more of a blessing to them than a curse. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, he is giving them exposure. He gives them free adverts and he has created more of the same thing he is trying to fight.” If you’re in the mood to be entertained by the rantings of an ignorant man, here is Ssempa’s infamous “eat the poo-poo” lecture: Sources: Huffington Post, Gay Star News undefined
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Check out our new site Makeup Addiction add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption made spelling error In a comment being a grammar nazi
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Dhaain of the Maldives Sultana rehendhi dhaain kabaidhi kilage was the Sultana (queen) of the Maldives from 1383 to 1388. She was the daughter of Sultan Mohamed I of the Maldives and succeeded to the throne after his death. She was forced to abdicate in favor of her husband, who then became Sultan Abdullah II of the Maldives. References Mernissi, Fatima; Mary Jo Lakeland (2003). The forgotten queens of Islam. Oxford University Press. . External links WOMEN IN POWER 1350-1400 Category:14th-century sultans of the Maldives Category:14th-century women rulers
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Background ========== The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Virus Variation Resources (VVR) provide web retrieval interfaces, analysis and visualization tools for virus sequence datasets. In this paper we describe the recent extension of the collection of resources to include the Dengue Virus Resource in addition to the existing Influenza Virus Resource \[[@B1],[@B2]\]. The NCBI Dengue Virus Resource was created to support a collaborative effort by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the Broad Institute, and the Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases (NITD) to create a large collection of complete dengue genome sequences and provide access to the sequences and linked geographic and clinical information. This effort includes the NIAID-funded sequencing of dengue genomes from a wide geographic range by the Broad Institute and its collaborators. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that up to 50 million individuals in more than 100 tropical and sub-tropical countries are infected with the mosquito-borne dengue virus (DENV) each year resulting in 500,000 hospitalizations \[[@B3],[@B4]\]. With improvements in disease identification, reporting and surveillance, the number of reported dengue cases has been increasing in recent decades (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}), as has the geographic range of the virus and its main vector *Aedes aegypti*, making dengue a growing public health concern, especially in developing nations. Dengue infections can result in a wide spectrum of disease severity ranging from sub-clinical to dengue fever (DF), an influenza-like illness that is commonly self-limiting, to the life-threatening dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF)/dengue shock syndrome (DSS). Host factors such as a previous infection with a heterologous DENV serotype, and virulence appear to play a role in determining disease severity in individuals \[[@B5]-[@B8]\]. Environmental factors like vector density, rainfall and temperature may affect the severity of DHF outbreaks \[[@B9]\]. Dengue viruses can be classified into 4 serotypes (DENV-1 to DENV-4) which have a mean nucleotide identity of 70% between the serotypes and 95% within the serotypes. ![**Dengue cases reported worldwide from 1955 to 2004**. The number of dengue cases as reported in the WHO DengueNet database \[[@B16]\] from 1955 to 2004.](1471-2180-9-65-1){#F1} The number of DENV sequences available in the public sequence repositories has been growing steadily and the value of these sequences would be enhanced if exploratory analysis tools for performing preliminary phylogenetic analysis and search for epidemiological, geographic, and medical information were integrated with the database and convenient interactive visualization was provided. DengueInfo \[[@B10]\] was developed by NITD as a resource for retrieving whole genomes and associated metadata. Similarly, whole genome sequences generated at the Broad Institute can be accessed and queried directly from the institute\'s online database \[[@B11]\]. However, neither of these resources provide an integrated interface to analysis and visualization tools nor do they provide access to all dengue sequences irrespective of origin or length. To meet these needs, we extended the functionality developed by the authors of the NCBI Influenza Virus Resource to the non-segmented dengue virus. Since the DENV genome is more than 4 times larger than the largest individual influenza virus segment, multiple sequence alignments could not be calculated on request as is done for influenza virus and are instead pre-calculated offline. The alignment calculation is a three step procedure that first generates multiple protein alignments for the polyproteins derived from complete genome records of each DENV serotype, merges the serotype-specific protein alignments, and then iteratively adds shorter protein sequences. Coding sequence alignments are calculated on demand from the protein alignments. The new NCBI Virus Variation Resource is a flexible tool that can be extended to other viruses, for example West Nile virus. Construction and content ======================== Data sources and curation ------------------------- The current Virus Variation Resource includes dengue and influenza virus sequences. The NCBI Influenza Virus Resource was described elsewhere \[[@B1],[@B2]\]. Here we describe the extension of this resource to include dengue virus sequence data. Since the dengue genome is not segmented but more than 4 times longer than the longest influenza segment, a different approach to calculating multiple alignments is used for dengue sequences. While alignments in the Influenza Resource are calculated on demand, dengue alignments are pre-calculated to increase responsiveness and reduce server loads. Details of this approach are described in a later section. All DENV nucleotide and protein sequences available in the public DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank repositories are evaluated for inclusion in the database. Patent sequences and sequences that contain obvious errors or vector sequences are excluded and the serotype classification is verified by comparison with a reference sequence set. Metadata (disease severity, collection date, collection location, serotype, genome region) are taken from the records, if available, or obtained from the literature. The region of the DENV genome covered by the sequence is determined by alignment and made available for queries. Newly public sequences are detected in the NCBI data stream daily and are usually added to the database within a week of becoming available. Data overview ------------- Currently there are 6235 DENV records available in the VVR and the available metadata are summarized in Table [1](#T1){ref-type="table"}. The number of sequence records available increases roughly exponentially with the year of collection (Figure [2A](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). The most sequenced region of the dengue genome is E and the majority of sequences are short (\< 500 nt), however, there is a growing number of complete genomes available (Figure [2B, C](#F2){ref-type="fig"}), in large part due to the active effort to collect world-wide genome sequences. As expected, three of the top 5 most frequently represented countries in the VVR database are Asian (Taiwan, Thailand, and Viet Nam). The others are North and South American, respectively (Puerto Rico and Brazil; see Figure [2D](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). ![**Data overview**. Frequency of (A) collection years (N = 4543), (B) genome regions (N = 6235), (C) sequence lengths (N = 6235), and (D) collection countries (N = 5635) for dengue records in VVR.](1471-2180-9-65-2){#F2} ###### Data overview. Data overview --------------------------- ------------ Total dengue records 6235  known collection country 5635 (90%)  known collection year 4543 (73%)  known disease severity 1604 (26%) Serotypes  DENV-1 1717 (28%)  DENV-2 2000 (32%)  DENV-3 1870 (30%)  DENV-4 648 (20%) Overview of the characteristics of dengue records available in VVR Database construction --------------------- Virus Variation Resource data are stored in the relational database system MSSQL Server 2005 using a simple schema that stores nucleic acid sequences and their metadata in one table and protein sequences in a second table linked to their encoding sequences through an id field. Alignment construction ---------------------- Multiple alignments of the available DENV protein sequences in VVR are pre-calculated offline using the following three step procedure. First, all complete protein sequences of each serotype are aligned separately in a multiple alignment step. Then, the individual intra-type alignments are merged to create a seed alignment covering the complete dengue polyprotein. Finally, incomplete sequences are aligned one by one against the sequences of the same type from the seed alignment using sequence to profile alignments. If a gap column is inserted into the profile during one of the iterative alignment steps, it is introduced into the complete seed alignment of all types to preserve consistency. When new sequences are added to the VVR database, they are added to the existing alignment through the last step of the alignment procedure. Periodically, the alignment is completely recalculated to take advantage of the increases in the number of complete sequences. Alignments are calculated with MUSCLE \[[@B12]\] driven by a set of custom Perl programs which rely on the BioPerl toolkit \[[@B13]\]. Nucleotide alignments of the coding regions are generated dynamically as codon alignments based on the protein alignments. Web interface and analysis tool construction -------------------------------------------- The web interface is implemented using the NCBI C++ toolkit \[[@B14]\] and JavaScript. The JavaScript modules were adaptated from the NCBI Influenza Virus Resource and were described previously \[[@B1],[@B2]\]. C++ tools of the Influenza Virus Resource were extended to allow the use of pre-calculated dengue alignments. Utility and discussion ====================== Database query interface ------------------------ Figure [3A](#F3){ref-type="fig"} shows the basic query interface to the dengue virus database. Users may either search for protein sequences, their coding regions (CDS), or genomic nucleotide sequences. Additional searchable fields are: serotype (1 -- 4), disease severity (DF, DHF, DSS), country or region of isolation (e.g. Europe, Puerto Rico), isolation year or year range, the genome regions included in the sequence (e.g. C, M, E), or a substring of the sequence (e.g. MNNQRKKAKN). Results may be restricted to complete sequences. Each time a query is executed by clicking \"Add to Query Builder\", a summary of the query parameters and the number of results are shown in the Query Builder table. An arbitrary number of queries can be executed and results for any subset of the queries can be obtained by selecting them and clicking \"Get sequences\", which will display the result view as seen in Figure [3B](#F3){ref-type="fig"}. Results can be ordered by up to three fields and a subset may be selected. The nucleotide, protein, or CDS sequence of the selected results can be downloaded in FASTA format. Alternatively, accession lists can be obtained as well. ![**Interface**. (A) Dengue virus query form; (B) Results page for query; (C) Multiple alignment view for results; (D) Neighbor joining tree based on nucleotide distances of codon-aligned open reading frames. Dengue serotype 1 sequences are tagged with green markers. Large branches are aggregated.](1471-2180-9-65-3){#F3} Multiple alignment viewer ------------------------- The multiple alignment viewer is accessible from the results view. It assembles the requested pre-aligned sequences and displays them with a measure of sequence variability and a consensus anchor sequence at the top (Figure [3C](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). Any of the sequences can be chosen to replace the consensus as the anchor. Sequences can be selected for pairwise Blast-2-sequences alignment and aligned sequences can be downloaded in FASTA or a print-friendly format. CDS alignment are calculated dynamically based on the pre-calculated protein alignment by mapping codons to their corresponding amino acids, with coding changes highlighted in a different color. Note that only the regions selected in the query are displayed in the alignment and that the number of displayed residues in the alignment is limited to avoid delivering excessive amounts of data to client browsers. Currently the limit is 100,000 residues (for example 200 sequences of length 500), but planned improvements to the alignment viewer will likely raise this limit. Tree builder and viewer ----------------------- Phylogenetic or clustering trees can be calculated and displayed for protein sequences or their corresponding CDS sequences. The tree builder is accessible from the results and the alignment views with the \"Build a tree\" button and allows sequences to be selected for inclusion based on a trade off between total length of the alignment and the exclusion of short sequences. Various measures of distance for protein and nucleotide sequences are available and are identical to those described for the NCBI Influenza Virus Resource \[[@B1]\]. Trees can be constructed from the distance matrices using the neighbor-joining, average linkage, complete linkage, or single linkage algorithms. To facilitate the display of trees with many leaf nodes an adaptive resolution technique in which some branches are displayed in a sub-scale representation is employed \[[@B2]\] (Figure [3D](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). Users can interactively manipulate the aggregation or refinement of any branch in the tree. In addition, certain metadata, such as year or country of isolation, can be displayed on the tree and are shown as aggregate measures for aggregated branches. Case study ---------- It was reported that strains of DENV-3 circulating in Thailand prior to 1992 are distinct from those circulating after 1992, and this finding has been interpreted as an extinction of existing DENV-3 strains and the emergence of new, locally evolved strains. This event reportedly happened coincidentally with the replacement of DENV-2 with DENV-3 as the majority serotype in Thailand \[[@B15]\]. We demonstrate a preliminary analysis of dengue sequences using the tools of the Virus Variation Resource that supports this observation. There are 142 DEV-3 envelope protein sequences from Thailand in the database. Of those, 114 sequences have collection year on record (these can be selected by selecting collection year from 1900 to 2010). All selected sequences have complete coding sequences for envelope proteins. We selected complete linkage clustering algorithm and Felsenstein\'s F84 distance. The clustering tree is shown in Figure [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}. Using \"Viewing options, search and markup\" in the tree viewer, sequences isolated before 1992 were highlighted in red. The majority of the pre-1992 sequences (92%) stay in one cluster. ![**Case study**. A clustering tree built using the the complete linkage hierarchical clustering algorithm and the F84 distances for 114 coding sequences of DENV-3 virus envelope proteins of isolates collected in Thailand and having collection year on record. Sequences obtained prior to 1992 were selected using the tree viewing option menu and highlighted in red. Most of pre-1992 DEV-3 sequences in Thailand fall in a distinct cluster.](1471-2180-9-65-4){#F4} Future improvements ------------------- The Virus Variation Resource currently covers dengue and influenza viruses. However, the framework of this resource may be applied to other viruses. The Influenza Virus Resource has been very successful since its inception and we hope that additional resources in a similar mold will prove useful for other communities. Conclusion ========== Virus Variation Resources constitute a tool that allows the included virus sequences to be queried by available metadata which include geographic and medical information. Sequences resulting from these searches can then be downloaded in aligned or unaligned forms and optionally subjected to exploratory data analysis using the built-in tools. The technology for pre-calculating multiple sequence alignments can be applied to other collections, including the existing Influenza Virus Resource and a resource for the West Nile Virus that we plan to develop in the future. Availability and requirements ============================= VVR databases and tools are provided as a free service by the National Center for Biotechnology Information and can be accessed at <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/VirusVariation/>. Abbreviations ============= NCBI: National Center for Biotechnology Information; NIAID: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease; NITD: Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases; VVR: Virus Variation Resource; DENV: dengue virus; DF: dengue fever; DHF: dengue haemorrhagic fever; DSS: dengue shock syndrome; WNV: West Nile virus; WHO: World Health Organization; INSD: International Nucleotide Sequence Database. Authors\' contributions ======================= WR wrote the manuscript, curated DENV sequences, contributed to internal workflow design and implementation and was involved in overall resource design and development. LZ developed and implemented the analysis tools and their interfaces as well as the pre-alignment calculation. BK implemented the database schema and query interface to the database. TAT, MR and YB contributed to resource design and manuscript. TAT is the technical lead for the NCBI Virus Variation Resource project. All authors read and approved the manuscript. Acknowledgements ================ This research was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, National Library of Medicine. We thank Dr. D. Lipman (NCBI), Dr. J. Ostell (NCBI), Dr. J. Rodney Brister (NCBI), Dr. S. Ciufo (NCBI), Dr. S. Watowich (UTMB), Dr. M Schreiber (NITD), Dr. E. Holmes (Pennsylvania State University), Dr. M. Miller (NIH Fogarty International Center), and the participants of the \"Discovery and Evaluation of Therapeutics against Dengue\" workshop for helpful discussions. P. Bolotov (NCBI), M. Kimelman (NCBI), and S. Zhdanov (NCBI) contributed to the setup of the database backend and daily scan of new sequence records.
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Kevin Hart gets paid to make fun of everyone, and everything, but he still finds himself as the butt of jokes pretty often. This weekend, for example, Drake, Meek Mill and fellow funny man Lil Duval shamed him for posting an Instaragm photo of himself wearing a sleeveless leather shirt -- so, naturally, he roasted them in return. Drake and Meek both reposted the photo and added their pleas for him to lose the shirt. He got back at Drake, by posting an old photo of him in the baththub, smoking hookah. And he went in, with the caption. The abbreviated version: "Jesus Christ.....where in the hell do I start???? Why is @champagnepapi in a bathtub with a hookah???? Who said that this shot would be great for UR career. Is this a Canadian thing??? This looks like a 'Sex Hotline' add....I bet the bubbles were your idea." "This looks like a Lionel Ritchie album cover....what in the hell are you staring at??? ...Holy sh-t Drake looks like the type of guy that would drink his own bathwater.....in his voice 'It taste like cucumber melon' .....u look like a light skin Gerald Levert with that dumbass beard!!!!" Meek Before Surgery His Meek Mill post was pretty lengthy, as well, but here's a highlight, along with the photo, above: "I'm about to expose my good friend @meekmill ....nobody knows this but he's had plastic surgery done to his face. This can't be the same guy....His face looks like a chopped & screwed mixtape.....this mans front teeth look like a pair of white Jordan 11's....This picture should be in a dictionary next to the word 'DirtyN---a' .....He's making a face that clearly shows that he has bad body odor!!!!" As for Lil Duval, Hart wanted to know, "What in the "Ying Yang Twin" is going on here????"
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The gorgeous Kitty_Carrera is making our collective jaws drop today as we join her for her show, she is working towards an oil show when we first see her and she is giving us plenty of reasons to make us want to see that. Who wouldn’t possibly want to see her tight body covered in oil, caressing her skin with her hands as she makes it shine. She is showing us a lot of that amazing body of hers too, as well as the Lovense Lush tip vibe she has nestled in her pussy so we know that she can feel our tips pulsating inside of her. Come and join Kitty_Carrera in her room now and see for yourself the action she has in store for you! Sexy Cam Girl writes: Hello Guys! I’m Sarah from Prague! Glad to see u here. Enjoy my show and have fun with me! Please rate and admire if you like my show 😉 Let’s have fun guys!
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350 F.Supp.2d 1031 (2004) Rebecca A. WIMPY, Plaintiff, v. Jo Anne B. BARNHART, Commissioner of Social Security, Defendant. No. CIV.A. 4:02-CV-0249. United States District Court, N.D. Georgia, Rome Division. August 31, 2004. Dale Lane Buchanan, Dale L. Buchanan & Associates, Eric L. Buchanan, Eric Buchanan & Associates, Chattanooga, TN, for Plaintiff. Mary Ann Sloan, Regional Chief Counsel, Social Security Administration, Robert E. Hodum, Jr., Assistant Regional Counsel, Social Security Administration, Lisa D. Cooper, Stephanie H. Webster, Office of United States Attorney Northern District of Georgia, Atlanta, GA, for Defendant. ORDER HAROLD L. MURPHY, District Judge. This case is before the Court on Plaintiff's Motion for Attorney Fees [20] and the Report and Recommendation of United States Magistrate Judge Walter E. Johnson [23]. On August 10, 2004, Judge Johnson issued his Report and Recommendation in this case. Judge Johnson has recommended that the Court deny Plaintiff's Motion for Attorney Fees. The Court has reviewed the Report and Recommendation and the record in this case, and concludes that the Report and Recommendation is correct in law and in fact. The Court therefore adopts the Report and Recommendation. ACCORDINGLY, the Court ADOPTS the Report and Recommendation of United States Magistrate Judge Walter E. Johnson *1032 [ 23], and DENIES Plaintiff's Motion for Attorney Fees [20]. FINAL REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION JOHNSON, United States Magistrate Judge. Before the Court is Plaintiff's Motion for Attorney Fees [20]. Pursuant to section 205(g) of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 405(g), Plaintiff sought the Court's review of Defendant's denial of disability insurance benefits [3]. In adopting the undersigned's Final Report and Recommendation [16],[1] the Court ordered [17] that the case be remanded to defendant under the fourth sentence of 42 U.S.C. § 405(g). The Court entered judgment [18] on April 15, 2004. On May 7, 2004, Plaintiff filed her timely request [20] for attorney fees and costs in the amount of $2,144.00 under the Equal Access to Justice Act (the "EAJA"). 28 U.S.C.A. § 2412 (West 1994 & Supp.2003). Plaintiff bases her Motion [20] upon 13.4 attorney hours at a rate of $115.00 per hour, 13.4 paralegal hours at a rate of $45.00 per hour. Pl.'s Mot. [20] at 7. I. LEGAL BACKGROUND Under the EAJA, "a party prevailing against the United States in court, including a successful Social Security benefits claimant, may be awarded fees payable by the United States if the Government's position in the litigation was not `substantially justified.'" Gisbrecht v. Barnhart, 535 U.S. 789, 796, 122 S.Ct. 1817, 152 L.Ed.2d 996 (2002) (quoting 28 U.S.C. § 2412(d)(1)(A)). The Supreme Court has construed "substantially justified" to mean "justified to a degree that could satisfy a reasonable person." Pierce v. Underwood, 487 U.S. 552, 565, 108 S.Ct. 2541, 101 L.Ed.2d 490 (1988). The EAJA also includes an exception that the court may deny the prevailing party's fees if "special circumstances make an award unjust." 28 U.S.C.A. § 2412(d)(1)(A) (2003). II. PARTIES' ARGUMENTS Defendant "concedes that Plaintiff is a prevailing party" and "does not argue that the final administrative decision was substantially justified in this case." Def.'s Br. [21] at 1-2. However, the Commissioner argues that "special circumstances" make an award of fees unjust in this case. Id. at 2. Defendant points out that this Court remanded the ALJ's decision solely to consider a late-submitted medical opinion by Dr. Naymick that the ALJ did not discuss. Id. (citing R & R[16][2] at 21-22). Defendant then quotes the following passages from the adopted Report and Recommendation, which explain the late submission by Plaintiff: "[T]he `new' evidence from December 6, 2001, existed roughly six months prior to the June 5, 2002, hearing and the June 20, 2002, decision by the ALJ. Therefore, the new evidence relates "to the time period on or before the date" of the ALJ's decision." See 20 C.F.R. §§ 404.970(b), 416.1470(b) (Lexis 2002). However, that substantial amount of time before the June 18, 2002, filing with the OHA draws all the more attention to Plaintiff's failure to file the Opinion earlier. Notably, Plaintiff filed other medical records from the same doctor, which were created before and after the December 6, 2001, Opinion.... *1033 [T]his Opinion appears to be the sole medical statement directly supporting disability. The document should have figured prominently in Plaintiff's filed record. Nonetheless, as Defendant points out, Plaintiff neglected to list the Opinion in the exhibits relied upon in her June 3, 2002, Prehearing Order in Represented Cases worksheet for her claim that she was functioning `below sedentary.' Further, she failed to mention the Opinion in the hearing as a document that would be forthcoming for consideration. Plaintiff does not offer any explanation in her initial Brief [11] or Reply [15] for failing to file the Opinion with the rest of the medical records, even though she filed a Reply [15] after Defendant pointed out the lack of good cause in its response. Def.'s Br. [12] at 6-7. In the absence of any excuse, it is difficult for the undersigned to see any reason for the late filing other than negligence. . . . . Plaintiff now requests that the ALJ — through likely no fault of his own — reconsider his decision to include evidence in existence six months earlier that Plaintiff simply neglected to file or alert him about until weeks after the hearing.... This unnecessary use of judicial resources ... takes away from timely consideration of more meaningful, justified claims... and was at best unfortunate and certainly avoidable." Id. at 2 (quoting R & R[16] at 20-22) (internal citations omitted). The Commissioner emphasizes the Court's discussion of Plaintiff's attorney's presumptive negligence, and that the attorney has offered no reason why the December 6, 2001, medical report could not have been submitted earlier than two days before the ALJ issued the final decision. Def.'s Br. [21] at 3 (citing 20 C.F.R. §§ 404.1740(b)(1), 416.1540(b)(1)) (describing affirmative duties of claimant's representative to promptly provide all relevant evidence). Therefore, according to Defendant, "since this entire litigation was avoidable — if only the attorney had exercised proper diligence — the facts of this case make an award of fees under the EAJA unjust. If Plaintiff is awarded EAJA fees under these circumstances, it will likely encourage her counsel to engage in similar conduct in the future." Id. at 4. In reply, Plaintiff "concedes negligence in failing to submit Dr. Naymick's assessment form, dated December 6, 2001, prior to Ms. Wimpy's hearing [on June 5, 2002]." Pl.'s Reply [22] at 2. However, Plaintiff's attorney counters that when the oversight was discovered, his office acted and was able to correct the mistake prior to the ALJ issuing his decision. Id. Plaintiff emphasizes that the assessment became part of the record that the ALJ was required to consider. Id. Further, even if it is reasonable that the ALJ overlooked the late-filed report, Plaintiff asserts that the Commissioner's subsequent actions are less excusable in failing to mitigate the problem. Id. at 3. Plaintiff states that the Naymick assessment was re-filed with the Appeals Council; however, despite the fact that the assessment contradicts the ALJ's decision, the Appeals Council did not address it but rather issued a form denial letter. Id. at 3-4. Further, in the Complaint [3] filed in this Court, Plaintiff highlighted the issue. Pl.'s Reply [22] at 4. However, Plaintiff complains that the record filed by the Commissioner failed to include the assessment, which Plaintiff suggests was either lost by the Commissioner or never associated with the file. Id. Additionally, despite the "received" stamp (purportedly) from the Chattanooga Office of Hearings and Appeals ("OHA"), the Commissioner *1034 proceeded to argue against remand and suggest that there was no proof that the assessment was ever filed by Plaintiff. Id. at 4-5. Plaintiff notes that the "special circumstances" exception for "EAJA fees is `founded in equitable concepts.'" Pl.'s Reply [22] at 5 (quoting Martin v. Heckler, 773 F.2d 1145, 1149 (11th Cir.1985)). Therefore, a party asserting such an equitable defense "must come with clean hands." Id. at 5-6 (citing R.C. by Ala. Disabilities Advocacy Program v. Nachman, 969 F.Supp. 682, 688 (M.D.Ala.1997)). Therefore, Plaintiff asserts that despite Defendant's blame on "Plaintiff for failing to exercise proper diligence, Defendant has since had multiple opportunities herself to either avoid entirely or curtail the extent of litigation, but failed to do so. Lacking `clean hands,' Defendant should not avoid an EAJA award based on `special circumstances.'" Id. at 6. III. ANALYSIS Plaintiff accurately describes the "special circumstances" exception as a matter of equity, which would be subject to "unclean hands" considerations. Martin, 773 F.2d at 1149. As a rarely-invoked defense, there are limited cases discussing the exception. The case cited by Plaintiff, although applying the EAJA to a civil rights case rather than Social Security, has perhaps the most extensive discussion. In denying the "special circumstances" defense in Martin, the Eleventh Circuit noted the following factors that would equitably weigh against the government defendant: whether the government had opportunity to correct the problem without litigation; whether litigation was the necessary catalyst to bring about the appropriate government action; and whether the plaintiff's costs could have been curtailed by appropriate government actions after the suit was filed. Id. at 1150-51. The court added that a defendant's "good faith, lack of culpability, or prompt remedial action do not warrant a denial of fees under the special circumstances preclusion." Id. at 1150. The court also recognized that the benefit from the litigation — such as how much earlier a desirable outcome was reached than if the plaintiff had not filed the suit and relied on the government's own initiative — "might be relevant in determining the appropriate amount of fees, but it would not justify denial of all fees." Id. at 1151. In the case at hand, Plaintiff appears to suggest that all of the three considerations weigh against Defendant. According to Plaintiff, the Commissioner had opportunities with the ALJ, Appeals Council, and the initial filing of this case to avoid litigation and Plaintiff's expenses by conceding to a reconsideration that would include the late-filed report. Pl.'s Reply [22] at 5. However, Plaintiff's argument rests upon the assumption that there was no dispute as to the filing of the Naymick report. As the undersigned discussed in the Report and Recommendation [16], Defendant disputed whether the proffered file stamp came from the OHA, as there were no markings to identify the source of the stamp, just a date. R & R [16] at 15 (citing Def.'s Br. [12] at 4-5). Defendant argued that Plaintiff's arguments that the ALJ overlooked or rejected the assessment were without merit, because Plaintiff only presented a cover letter addressed to the ALJ on a certain date that included an anonymous date stamp but no verifiable proof that the date stamp was from the OHA or that the package was submitted to the OHA. Id. at 16 (citing Def.'s Br. [12] at 6). The undersigned (as adopted by the Court) ultimately found that the presumption *1035 of validity of the stamp must fall in favor of Plaintiff, because the burden rested on Defendant as the party challenging the proffered evidence to establish that the stamp was not used by the OHA. R & R[16] at 17-18. However, the undersigned recognized meaningful deficiencies by both parties on the issue, and merely found for Plaintiff due to the presumptions inherent to a challenge on another party's evidence. Id. Therefore, Defendant's position of challenging the validity of the anonymous stamp was reasonable. Further, the undersigned noted that the validity of the date stamp was crucial to Plaintiff's argument, because the negligently[3] late evidence fails the "good cause" test for consideration of "new and material" evidence by the Appeals Council if it was not timely submitted to the ALJ. R & R[16] at 19-21. Therefore, the Appeals Council should have explicitly discussed the report only if it was timely filed with the ALJ. However, the report lacked clearly legitimate proof of prior filing, either by an identified stamp or other receipt from the OHA. Therefore, although the Appeals Council likely should have discussed why it did not consider the report, it does not appear to have maliciously disregarded the late evidence filed without "good cause." Accordingly, given the anonymous appearance of the stamp and its significance as the only evidence establishing the admissibility of the late-filed report, the Commissioner's decision to press forward with litigation to dispute the validity of considering the report was reasonable and, in fact, prudent. The Eleventh Circuit in Martin stated that the government's good faith or lack of culpability is not sufficient to establish a "special circumstance" to deny fees to the prevailing plaintiff. Martin, 773 F.2d at 1150. However, here, the "special circumstance" is not Defendant's good faith or lack of culpability but rather Plaintiff's negligence. Contrary to Martin, the only focus on Defendant's actions here is for Plaintiff's defense to the "special circumstance," not for Defendant to establish the "special circumstance." With regard to Plaintiff's "unclean hands" attack against Defendant, the case cited by Plaintiff to define "clean hands" equates it with good faith. See R.C. by Ala. Disabilities Advocacy Program, 969 F.Supp. at 688 (citing 27A Am.Jur. Equity § 126 (1996)). Therefore, although the Commissioner's good faith in pursuing the validity of considering Plaintiff's late report does not establish a "special circumstance" to deny fees, the legitimacy of Defendant's concerns does avoid the claim of "unclean hands" against Defendant. Accordingly, Plaintiff's only rebuttal to Defendant's assertion of a "special circumstance" is unavailing. Given the equitable nature of "special circumstances," the Court also notes that the Martin court considered the nature and extent of the benefit obtained by the litigation. 773 F.2d at 1151. Here, the purpose of the litigation was, as Plaintiff admits, to redress her own negligence in failing to file the report from Dr. Naymick in a timely manner. Pl.'s Reply [22] at 2. As noted in the Report and Recommendation [16], Claimant sent Dr. Naymick's Opinion to the OHA almost two weeks after the hearing (more than six months after it was completed), with no indication to the ALJ that he should anticipate the document. The OHA receives a high volume of correspondence and filings on a daily basis. Even assuming that the OHA *1036 received the Opinion on June 18, it is very conceivable that the ALJ would not have received the document personally through the OHA processing until after the June 20 decision was issued. R & R[16] at 21. Therefore, even giving Plaintiff the benefit of the doubt that the file stamp was valid and the opinion was filed on June 18, there is still little indication that the ALJ committed a malicious wrong by failing to discuss it. By and large, this litigation was redressing Plaintiff's own admitted negligence in waiting six months to file an opinion that should have been filed immediately. 20 C.F.R. §§ 404.1740(b)(1), 416.1540(b)(1). Further, given the reasonableness of the government pursuing a determination regarding the validity of the filing, there is no reason to assume that "the litigation [would] simply achieve at an earlier date a result that would eventually occur without the litigation" so as to hold the government responsible for the extent of the fees for not acceding early on. Martin, 773 F.2d at 1151. Finally, as Defendant points out, because the origin of the litigation was Plaintiff's own negligence, granting fees would in effect be likely to "encourage her counsel to engage in similar conduct in the future." Def.'s Br. [21] at 4. Given the amount of paperwork processing at the OHA, such extremely late filing sets the stage for the ALJ not to receive the document in time for adequate, if any, consideration. In the case at hand, this late filing was the only source of the remand for Plaintiff, which creates, if not an incentive to repeat the action, little incentive to prevent it. Therefore, equitable considerations also weigh against an award of fees here. IV. CONCLUSION In light of the foregoing, the undersigned respectfully RECOMMENDS that Plaintiff's Motion for Attorney's Fees [20] be DENIED.[4] The Clerk is DIRECTED to terminate the reference to the Magistrate Judge. Aug. 10, 2004. NOTES [1] Neither party filed objections to the undersigned's Final Report and Recommendation [16]. [2] Adopted by the Court by Order [17] on April 14, 2004. [3] Plaintiff did not provide any reasons for the tardiness in her briefs on appeal [11, 13]. She concedes here that the late filing was due to negligence. Pl.'s Reply [22] at 2. [4] In alternative, should the Court decide not to adopt the undersigned's Recommendation, the undersigned suggests that the extent of Plaintiff's own culpability for the litigation merits reducing the attorney's fees by half.
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Description <p>NEVER make a deal with a wet goddess you've only just met. That's a lesson Ryosuke Kaga learns the hard way when he foolishly agrees to let Lisara Restole use some of his "essence" to stay in this world. Because despite her smoking hot appearance, Lisara's actually a Shinigami, a Goddess of Death. However, she DOESN'T steal years off his life like any decent Shinigami would do. Oh no, instead she sucks him dry of something much more perverse by leeching off his lecherous spirit and draining his ability to enjoy... er... the things that teenage boys normally spend most of their time thinking about! And now that he's been de-debased and de-debauched by her un-dirty trick, the poor regenerated degenerate's only hope of getting his licentiousness renewed is to join the queen of mental-clean on her quest, since when she leaves our mortal plane he regains his normal immorality! But the termination of the probation of his reprobation isn't guaranteed, because Goddesses of Death can be really harsh mistresses and it's going to be anything but easy to go back to being sleazy!</p><p>(Source: Sentai Filmworks)</p>
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An implanted penile prosthetic is effective in relieving erectile dysfunction in men. A penile prosthetic typically includes one or more cylinders that are implanted in the corpora cavernosa of the penis, a liquid reservoir implanted in the abdomen that communicates with the cylinder(s), and a pump, often located in the scrotum, that is employed to move liquid from the liquid reservoir into the cylinder(s). In a typical application, the user squeezes a bulb of the pump multiple times to incrementally draw liquid out of the liquid reservoir, into the bulb, and eventually into the cylinders. The repeated squeezing of the bulb moves the liquid from the reservoir into the cylinders, which incrementally deflates the reservoir and incrementally inflates the cylinder(s) to eventually provide the user with an erect penis. The user may return the penis to its flaccid state by selectively transferring the liquid from the cylinder(s) back into the reservoir. The above-described penile prosthetics have proven effective in relieving erectile dysfunction in men. However, men have expressed a continuing desire for more spontaneous, efficient, and effective penile prostheses.
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Boards .....is looking a bit jaded of late in terms of fashion - what next for the denizons of fashion? Still no fat people I notice. I was on a bis so nobody in cheap aviator sunglassed in arseless jeans asked me to leave. Perhaps the Maoist look?
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A conventional method to detect a hemorrhage or parasites in a patient's feces is always performed by using a smear to pick up an excrement sample for its analysis. However, such a fecal processing may cause contamination or may emit an unpleasant odor to a laboratorian. The present invention overcomes such drawbacks of a conventional fecal examination method.
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Donald Trump sent a strong signal this weekend when he decided to tap Steve Bannon, the former Breitbart chairman who bragged about turning the ultraconservative outlet into “the platform for the alt-right,” to serve as his chief strategist in the White House, a move that has caused white nationalists and neo-Nazis to celebrate. Bannon, when he was serving as CEO of Trump’s campaign, helped develop the candidate’s message about a world struggle between “nationalists” and “globalists,” and a fight between “real Americans” and the evil anti-sovereignty schemes of cosmopolitan elites, international financiers, the media, immigrants, minorities and progressives. Such views, which Bannon describes as “populist-nationalist,” have been typical of fascist movements throughout history, and Bannon has even reached out to neo-Fascist parties like France’s National Front and favorably compared himself to Nazi propagandist Leni Riefenstahl. While providing glowing coverage of Trump’s presidential bid, Breitbart has also continued to focus on “black crime,” the supposed link between immigration and security risks, criticism of “political correctness,” and anti-Semitic hit pieces against Jewish members of the media. In divorce proceedings, Bannon’s ex-wife described him as a raving anti-Semite who didn’t want his daughters “going to school with Jews.” She also accused him of domestic abuse. Misogyny has been a driving force behind Breitbart under Bannon’s leadership. Breitbart regularly posts articles such as “Why Equality and Diversity Departments Should Only Hire Rich, Straight White Men“; “Does Feminism Make Women Ugly?“; “Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy“; “The Solution to Online ‘Harassment’ Is Simple: Women Should Log Off“; “Teenage Boys With Tits: Here’s My Problem with Ghostbusters” and “Science Proves It: Fat-Shaming Works.” These articles were all written by Milo Yiannopoulos, the site’s most well-known author and chief provocateur, who was recently banned from Twitter “after he incited his followers to bombard Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones with racist and demeaning tweets.” Following a mass shooting in Oregon, Yiannopoulos said that men are behind the majority of such shootings because feminism is “creating killers by suppressing” male urges “to fight” and “shoot things.” (In the aftermath of the mass shooting at a black church in Charleston, another Breitbart writer defended the Confederate flag in an article titled “Hoist it High and Proud: The Confederate Flag Proclaims A Glorious Heritage,” touting the Confederacy as “a patriotic and idealistic cause” that had a right to secede from the union.) Yiannopoulos also praised Trump as “the real first black president,” in part because he would side with African Americans in the “minority war brewing between blacks and Latinos.” When House Speaker Paul Ryan criticized the alt-right during his primary campaign against a Bannon-backed candidate, Yiannopoulos joined Bannon on the latter’s radio program to attack Ryan. Now, Ryan is refusing to criticize Trump’s selection of the alt-right’s champion, Bannon, to fill one of the top roles in the White House. Maybe it’s because Bannon isn’t the only person bringing white nationalism, misogyny and anti-Semitism to the White House. That person, of course, would be Donald Trump.
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Neben den Klassikern wie »We say it loud, we say it clear: Refugees are welcome here«, »Nationalismus raus aus den Köpfen« oder einfach nur »Haut ab«, legten sich einige Nolegida-Demonstranten am Montag ordentlich ins Zeug, was die Kreativität ihrer Parolen anging. Ein kleines Best-of der Demosprüche und Anregungen für nächsten Montag. »Bier trinkt das Volk« »Ihr seid doch alle von RTL« »Wirr ist das Volk« »Liebe statt Legida« oder auch »Lecken statt Legida« »Wir sind die Mauer, das Volk muss weg!« »Ihr seid das Volk, aber wir sind Völker« »Leipziger Würger gegen die Salamisierung des Abendbrotes« »We don’t like Mondays« »Lecker Essen Gegen die Idiotisierung Des Abendlandes« »Hobbits gegen die Isengardisierung des Auenlandes« »Wagina – Wagenplätze gegen ignorante nationalistische Arschlöcher« »Bildung für alle! Auch fürs Volk!« »Schawarma statt Legida« »Deutschland ist scheiße, ihr seid die Beweise« »Informieren statt spazieren« »Seid lieb!« »Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen« »Redet ihr vom Abendland, klingt das völlig hirnverbrannt« »Habt keine Angst!« »Gegen die Dresdenisierung Leipzigs« Gesungen (auf die Melodie von »Ohne Schiri habt ihr keine Chance«) klang auch gut: »Keiner mag euch, keiner hat euch lieb«, »Eure Kinder werden so wie wir« oder wahlweise »Eure Kinder kaufen bei uns Gras«
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"Create a safe space in which you're not in overwhelmed work mode, face each other, and have eye contact," says somatic psychologist and certified sex therapist Holly Richmond. "Let them know that this might be hard for you or you’ve been waiting for the right moment," Richmond says. So, rather than blurting out, "I want to try double penetration," at Thanksgiving dinner, wait for the right moment when you're alone with your partner. Remember that it's also usually easier to share something with others once you've become okay with it yourself, so if this is a kink you carry unneeded shame over, it might be good to work through that shame with a sex therapist or in your own individual time before talking it over with a partner. Further, it's important to remember that as long as your fantasy is between two consenting adults, it's likely totally normal. Seriously, we're all pervs. When to Move Forward and When to Move On If you disclose that you're curious about a threesome, for example, and your partner responds unfavorably, there are plenty of ways to take the conversation. Though some people are just assholes and you might want to take this as a sign you should move on, you may be in an otherwise loving relationship and your partner might just be slightly thrown off by your disclosure. If this is the case, sex therapist David Ortmann stresses first and foremost not to take it personally. Sometimes, intentionally or not, partners will project their own sexual insecurities onto us. "Realize that it’s probably not about you and you shouldn’t take it on as something personal, as hard as that is to do. Get to a friend or a professional that understands and validates your sexuality," he advises. Some relationships are kink-incompatible, which means that partners may be turned on by different things, and that can sometimes be worked around (more on this later). Other times, you may need to move on. For example, I now understand that the former partner who shamed me for the aforementioned sex party invitation was disinterested in public sex mostly due to insecurities, which is perfectly fine. However, he should have discussed this with me, rather than just making me feel like a bad slut.
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Srivastavanema cynocephali n. sp. (Nematoda, Trichostrongylina, Heligmosomoidea), a parasite of a dermopteran from Indonesia. Srivastavanema cynocephali n. sp., a parasite of Cynocephalus variegatus (Dermoptera) from Indonesia, is described. This species is closely related to S. yapi Durette-Desset & Lim Boo Liat, 1975, in the characters of the synlophe at the mid-body and in the shape of the caudal bursa, but it is distinguished by the pattern of the synlophe in the posterior part of the body, very long, thin rays 2 and 3, a less developed genital cone, the absence of a membrane between left and right rays 6, and longer spicules. Its morphology is slightly less specialised than the four previously known species of the genus, which are all parasites of petauristines. The genus Srivastavanema (Singh, 1962) has a systematic position between the Heligmonellinae and the Brevistriatinae. Therefore, it may be a parasite of the Dermoptera which could have secondarily evolved within the Petauristinae. The Dermoptera may have played an important role in the evolution of the Heligmonellinae.
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Texas executes man in murder, rape case Published 12:00 am, Thursday, April 22, 2010 A Texas inmate convicted of fatally shooting an El Paso high school senior after robbing and sexually assaulting her was executed Thursday evening in the nation's busiest death penalty state. William Josef Berkley was condemned to death for the March 2000 slaying of 18-year-old Sophia Martinez, whose body was found in the desert outside El Paso after being robbed at a drive-through ATM. She had been shot in the head five times and there was evidence she'd been raped. Berkley was the sixth Texas inmate to receive lethal injection this year. Ten other prisoners are set to die over the next three months. In his final statement, Berkley thanked his girlfriend, a friend and his spiritual adviser, who were at the execution, for their love and support. But he did not mention Martinez or look at or speak to the victim's mother and two sisters, who were also in attendance. “Warden, let her rip,” Berkley said after his brief statement. As the drugs took effect, he gasped at least twice. Nine minutes later, at 6:18 p.m. CDT, he was pronounced dead. Berkley, a self-described marijuana-smoking, baggy-jeans-wearing, “sarcastic smart ass,” denied involvement in the slaying during an interview with The Associated Press before his execution. The U.S. Supreme Court turned down Berkley's appeal late Thursday. The high court last year refused to review his case. On Wednesday, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected his appeal.
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Tinny – Socrate – Atamfo(Socrate Safo Diss) (Prod By Cabum) Rapper Tinny is out with a new single titled “Socrate Atanfo”, few days after saying publicly that the popular movie producer Socrate Safo dislike him and his music career. The song which comes with a very strong language is a direct reply to what he described a hate campaign against him by Socrate Safo when he, Tinny was in the studios of Peace FM to promote the remix of his ‘Badder Than Them’ track, featuring Jupiter and Edem. “Socrate certainly hates me and he did not hide it during the Entertainment Review on Peace Fm last Saturday. He decided to put my music aside and attack my person. I went to the studio to promote my new song, ‘Badder Than Them’, and while the host and panel were talking about the song, Socrate alone decided to attack my person and family. If this is not hatred, what is it?.”“What has the number of children I have and my wife got to do with the song? He told me in the face that at my age if I have four children it means I was giving birth by heart. He said I am not a role model for his kids, he even said that after listening to my song, it sounded like noise and that all he could hear was noise from an accordion and that I should be ashamed for paying the sound engineer for the song”. “I suspect Socrate wanted to provoke me so I come across as a disrespectful person. I got angry but I controlled myself. He insulted me, rubbished my song and attacked my brand. This same Socrate did the same thing to Bisa K’Dei about two weeks ago. But I know my song, ‘Badder Than Them’, is bigger than Socrate and God would be the best judge,” Tinny told NewsOne.
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Patty’s Pinkish Canoe Paddling “It is unlikely to not be pleasant and glad round Patty Michova,” our cameraman announced. “Little doll’s only a chick.” “I really like a stud who isn’t a chaser,” stated Patty with the help of a translator. “I really like a boy who’s a tiny little bit of a contest. However there must be an unstated connection inbetween us first-ever prior to the rest. I really like romantic meetings however no longer too romantic. “Perhaps we move dancing or have dinner. If there may be going to be fuckfest, it is determined by how the whole thing goes. It may well be the 2nd meeting, or the 3rd or the fourth. It is determined by how I perceive our connection is figuring out.” If Patty does not have a boy and daughter’s sensing ultra-kinky, onanism in porno is at all times an possibility. And when daughter blows a load, daughter’s a screamer, as this sequence showcases.
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SM UC-5 SM UC-5 was a German Type UC I minelayer submarine or U-boat in the German Imperial Navy () during World War I. The U-boat had been ordered by November 1914 and was launched on 13 June 1915. She was commissioned into the German Imperial Navy on 19 June 1915 as SM UC-5. She served in World War I under the command of Herbert Pustkuchen (June - December 1915) and Ulrich Mohrbutter (December 1915 - April 1916). She ran aground and was abandoned but recovered by the Allies and displayed for propaganda purposes. Design A German Type UC I submarine, UC-5 had a displacement of when at the surface and while submerged. She had a length overall of , a beam of , and a draught of . The submarine was powered by one Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft six-cylinder, four-stroke diesel engine producing , an electric motor producing , and one propeller shaft. She was capable of operating at a depth of . The submarine had a maximum surface speed of and a maximum submerged speed of . When submerged, she could operate for at ; when surfaced, she could travel at . UC-5 was fitted with six mine tubes, twelve UC 120 mines, and one machine gun. She was built by AG Vulcan Stettin and her complement was fourteen crew members. Service UC-5 had an impressive career, with 29 ships sunk for a total of 36,288 tons on 29 patrols. On August 21, 1915 UC-5 became the first submarine minelayer to penetrate into the English Channel, laying 12 mines off Boulogne, one of which sank the steamship William Dawson the same day. UC-5 went on to lay 6 more mines off Boulogne and Folkestone on 7 September, one of which sank the cable layer Monarch. Fate UC-5 ran aground while on patrol 27 April 1916 at and was scuttled. Her crew were captured by . The U-boat was salvaged and put into a floating dock by teams from Harwich and Chatham, led by Captain Young and Lt Paterson--a dangerous procedure because of the two mines still on board. Her captain had also rigged up explosive charges to wreck his ship in the event of abandoning, which the British press rather unfairly described as an attempt to kill the RN personnel who rescued his crew. Paterson was able to find and disable them after being warned by one of the prisoners. The U-Boat was towed first to Harwich, then on to Sheerness, where an approved party of journalists and even two war artists were taken to inspect it. (Refs: Nore Command Records ADM 151/83 at UK National Archives, E F Knight "The Harwich Force", contemporary editions of Daily Telegraph & Daily Mail''). Later it was towed up and displayed to the London public at Temple Pier on the Thames river and, the following year, in New York for propaganda purposes. Bibliography Notes References Category:German Type UC I submarines Category:U-boats commissioned in 1915 Category:World War I submarines of Germany Category:World War I shipwrecks in the North Sea Category:1915 ships Category:World War I minelayers of Germany Category:Maritime incidents in 1916 Category:U-boats sunk in 1916 Category:Ships built in Bremen (state)
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Q: Is there a more positive alternative to the word "inevitability"? Inevitability just sounds so depressing to me. The "inevitability of death" is a glaring example. There has to be a word that means "unavoidable but in a good way" right? Edit: The sentence I'm trying to make right now is about "the [inevitability] of technological progress in our society". Technological progress at least in what I'm arguing for is good so I'm looking for a word that would be a positive replacement for [inevitability]. A: The certain triumph of good over evil. [certainty] The adjective ("unavoidable but in a good [or at least not necessarily bad] way") probably works better than the noun here.
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Shota Shota may refer to: Shota, a traditional dance from Kosovo Shota (given name), a Georgian given name Shōta, a Japanese given name Shota (Japanese: ショタ), a Japanese slang term for a cultural version of a more youthful or childlike male appearance, mostly used to describe fictional characters. Shotacon (Japanese: ショタコン), contracted from the phrase "正太郎コンプレックス" ("Shotaro complex"), Japanese discourse or media focusing on the attraction to young or prepubescent male appearance. Shota the Witch Woman, a character from Terry Goodkind's fantasy series The Sword of Truth
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"I don't know how it happened, but you seem to have some communion with this island," "John, and that makes you very, very important." "In time, you'll have a better understanding of things." "Kwon is pregnant." "The fetus is healthy" " What's that?" " Juliet is gathering information for us at your former camp." "She's determining if any of the women are pregnant." "Then we're gonna go in and..." "Take them." "Juliet is a mole." "She's working for Ben." " We're moving." " Moving?" "Where are we going?" "We are not going anywhere, John." "You are going to stay behind." "We'll leave a trail-- one you can track." "And, John, unless you're carrying your father's body on your back..." "Don't bother." "Come on!" "Damn it, push!" "Something's wrong." "I can't..." "Emily" "You can do this!" "Now push!" "Come on." "Come on, baby." "You can do it." "Now come on." "Come on." "There you go!" "Come on!" "Aah!" "Aah!" "It's a boy." "You did it." "It hurts." "Oh, you did it." "Roger, it hurts." "Emily, no one knows we're out here." "We gotta get back, okay, honey?" "Can you hold on to the baby?" "Emily, can you hold the baby?" "Hold him tight." "Hey!" "Help!" "Help!" "Help!" "Help!" "Come on." "Help me." "Hey, what happened, man?" "We were hiking." "She went into labor, and she wasn't due yet." "She's bleeding." "Okay." "Okay, look." "We'll put her in the car, okay?" "Okay." "We're gonna get you to the hospital." "Oh, okay." "Okay, honey." "Okay, it's all right." "Let's keep her warm." "All right?" " How's the baby?" " Fine,I guess." "I don't know." "Roger..." " Roger..." " I'm right here." "Call him Benjamin..." "Stay with me." "Stay with me." "Emily!" "Emily!" "Oh, God, no!" "What you got there?" "It's a birthday present." "Mine just happens to be today." "You do remember birthdays, don't you, Richard?" "So do you want me to bring the, uh, tape back to Juliet?" "What?" "The tape with your instructions for Juliet" "Do you want me to bring it back to the medicals tation?" "I recorded it yesterday before we left." " I thought you already took it." " No." "Where's Tom?" "Tom!" "Have you seen my recorder?" "You said that if I killed my father, you'd tell me everything I wanted to know about the island." "So why don't you start at the beginning?" "I know I promised to tell you everything, John, and I wish it was as simple as me taking out a dusty old book and opening it up." "But it's not that simple." "How about you just tell me?" "You probably think" "I'm the leader of this little community, but that's not entirely true." "We all answer to someone, John." "And who might that be?" "His name is Jacob." "Okay, then." "Take me to Jacob." "I can't do that." " Where are you going?" " Hell, Ben, if you don't want to take me," "Maybe someone else will." "I'll just go and ask Richard." "Why would Richard take you?" "He doesn't know where Jacob is." " He doesn't talk to Jacob." " Well, who talk to him?" " I do." " Oh, you're the only one who talks to him?" " That's right." " And no one else knows where he is?" "I was born here on this island." "I'm one of the last that was." "Most of these people you see" " I brought them here," "So Jacob talks to me, John." "He tells me what to do, trusts me." "And no one else has ever seen him?" "That's right." "How convenient." "You know what I think, Ben?" "I think there is no Jacob." "I think your people are idiots if they believe you take orders from someone else." "You are the man behind the curtain... the Wizard of Oz..." "And you're a liar." "And what might you base that theory on, John?" "Because if you were telling the truth, your hand wouldn't be shaking." "Namaste." "Thanks." "Namaste." "Hey, welcome to the island, man." "Namaste." "So what do you think?" "Wow, this is somelace." "Thanks again for the opportunity, Mr. Goodspeed." "Horace, please." "Horace." "And this must be Ben." "Yeah." "Mr. Goodspeed was there the day you were born." "Yes, I was." "He's doing us a big favor here." "He gave your old man a job." "Uh, he don't say much." "That's okay." "I bet he will when he has something to say," "Right, Ben?" "Hey, you hungry, kiddo?" "Huh?" "Huh?" "Great." "All right, well, I tell you what." "After you're done processing, we'll have some lunch." " How's that sound?" " Uh, thank you." "You're gonna love it here." "Welcome to the island." "For your own comfort and safety," "We ask that you stay within the confines of your new living quarters." "Our barracks are surrounded by a high-frequency sonar fence to protect us from the island's abundant and diverse wildlife." "You are now a member of the Dharma Initiative." "What kind of wildlife you think this fence is protecting us from?" " Roger Linus?" "Roger Linus." " Yeah." "Every morning you will be given a new code which will allow you to cross outside the fences if you so desire." "There are properties on this island that exist nowhere else on Earth." "Our mission is to study these properties for the betterment of mankind and advancement of world peace." "Most of you will be working on the mainland." "Should you be assigned zoological study..." "Hey." "You're new, huh?" "I'm Annie." "Want one?" "We can have as many as we want." ""Work man"?" "What is this?" "Work man?" "I'm a janitor?" " I'm sorry, Mr. Linus." " Goodspeed told me you people were doing experiments, changing the world." "I didn't come here to clean up after you." "Look, if anything else opens up, you can feel free to apply for it." "Come on." "You don't think it's too big?" "Dude, be honest." "It can't be worse than haggis." "Oh, I could go for some haggis right now." "Hey, Sayid." "What happened to you?" " I was with Locke." " Well, where is he?" "He went back." " Back where?" " With them." "Don't ask me where the hell it is, 'cause it don't matter right now." "What does matter... is this." "Where is Ben?" "!" "Where is he?" "!" "I thought you were dead." "I'm fortunate the pylons were not set to a lethal level." "What is he doing here?" "It's all right." "He's the one who tried to kill me." "He's with us now." "Where have you been, Mikhail?" "I encountered several of his people in the jungle." "They had an injured woman with them." "Apparently, she had just parachuted onto the island." " What?" " Her helo crashed in the water." "She says her ship is approximately 130 klicks to the west of us." " She has a radio-telephone." " Where is she now?" "I assume they have taken her back to their camp." "We'll be visiting their camp day after tomorrow." " We'll take care of it then." " Day after tomorrow?" "We have to go now." " Ben's not going anywhere with you." " Excuse me?" "He and I are going to see Jacob." "Please tell me this isn't true, Benjamin." "Sorry." "I have to deal with this now, John." "Our excursion will have to wait." "Since when do you explain yourself to him-- an outsider?" "Tom." "Richard?" "!" "So when do we leave?" "You know, you didn't have to beat Mikhail senseless to make your point, John." "Yes, I did." "Locke..." "I hear you're gonna go see Jacob." "You're gonna need this." "Thanks." "Happy birthday, Dad." "So once water is added to the bicarbonate, we will get our very own volcanic reaction." "Yes." "Is that what happened to the volcano on this island?" "Exactly, Annie, but that was a long time ago." "Okay, let's get ourselves an eruption." "Oh, cool!" "Just add water, and voila, wow!" "Now I know it's not lava, but" "What was that?" "!" "Oh, no." "They're coming." "Okay, everyone, into your positions." "Everyone,get down!" "Hurry!" "Get over here!" "That's right, all together." "Annie, lock the back door, please." "Come on!" "He's just sitting there!" "Ben, come on, honey, you gotta move." "Ben!" "Come on." "Uhh!" "Come on!" "Don't worry." "It's just the hostiles." "We'll be okay." "Get down!" "Hey, man, I heard you ran into a little trouble." "We were driving back from the plane, and we hear this huge explosion." "Next thimg I know, there's a siren wailing, and we're driving through the middle of a shootout." "Look, we're having some skirmishes with the natives." "What do you mean, "natives"?" "Well, we're not exactly sure who they are." "Well, this ain't what I signed up for." "Roger, I did you a favor, man." "You were having trouble finding work, nd don't forget about Ben." "He's getting a quality education." "I don't give a damn about his education." "If I'm gonna get shot at, I want hazard pay." " I want another $30 grand." " Calm down, man." "And don't try to tell me you don't have it." "You hear me?" "Now get the hell out of my house." "Uhh!" "I thought I told you to go to bed." "She's not here." "I noticed." "What are you doing?" "Looking for Juliet." "Well, you're not gonna find her in there." " She left with Jack." " Juliet left with Jack?" "He took off right after I told him about Naomi." "Who's Naomi?" "And why would you do that, Kate?" "Because she's hurt, because he's a doctor, and because he has a right to know." "Where is he now?" " I don't know, Sayid." " Of course you don't." "It might be time for you to tell everybody else about Naomi, too." "Play her the tape." "What tape?" "There's something you should know, John, before we go." "Whether or not you think he's the Wizard of Oz," "I can assure you that Jacob is very, very real." "And we're gonna go see him, and he's not gonna like it." "In fact, I have a feeling he's gonna be very... angry." "And that's why my hand was shaking," "Because this is not a man you go and see." "This is a man who summons you." "Well, I guess there's a first time for everythg." "It's us." "That's you, and that's me." "Now we never have to be away from each other." "Happy birthday, Ben." "Thanks." "You're welcome." "It's your birthday." "Sorry I forgot." "It's kinda hard to celebrate on the day you killed your mom." "She was just seven months pregnant." "We went for a hike, but you had to come early." "Now she's gone... and I'm stuck here on this island... with you." "Happy birthday, Ben." "Mom?" "Ben, don't!" "Mom!" "It's not time yet, Benjamin." "Mom!" "Let's go, John." "John." "So, what, the whole world thinks we're dead?" " That's not important right now." " Not important?" " What do you mean, it's not important, Sayid?" " Excuse me." "I'm sorry." "Don't you people want to be rescued?" "We kept her a secret to keep her safe." "Safe from what, Sayid?" "Safe from Jack." "He spent a week with the Others, and he brought one of them back with him, here, amongst us," "and every time we try to get answers from this woman, he prevents her from giving them." "But it's Jack." "He would never do anything to hurt us." " and Juliet" " I believe she's a good person." " Good person,huh?" "ou're basing sthat on what?" "Wouldn't involve her taking you to one of their medical stations," " would it now, Mrs. Kwon?" " How..." "Kwon is pregnant." "The fetus is healthy and was conceived on island with her husband." "He was sterile before they got here." "I'm still working on getting samples from the other women." "I should have Austen's soon." "I'll report back when I know more." "Where'd you get that?" "Where have you been, Jack?" "I asked you where you got it." "You really think you're in a position" " to be asking us questions?" " Turn the tape over." " Stay out of it." " You wanna burn me at the stake?" "Here I am." "But first, turn the tape over." "Press play." "Juliet, it's Ben." "I'm sending three teams to extract Kwon the night after tomorrow." "I won't have time to run Austen's sample, so if you determine that she or anyone else is pregnant, mark their tents, and we'll take them, too." "Good luck." "The night I saw your baby on the ultrasound," "I told Jack what they were making me do." "Why didn't you tell us?" "Because I hadn't decided what to do about it yet." ""Yet?"" "I think we got some catching up to do." "Mom?" "Mom?" "Mom!" "Mom!" "Mom!" "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." "Whoa, whoa, hey, hey." "Whoa, I didn't mean to scare you." "Wait, wait." "Are you lost?" "Wait." "Are you one of them?" "One of who?" "A "hostile"." "Do you even know what that word means?" "What's your name?" "Ben." "Ben." "So you wanna tell me what you're doing in the middle of the jungle all by yourself?" "I left home, and..." "I'm looking for my mom." "You think she's out here?" "You wouldn't believe me." "Try me." "She's dead." "Did she die here... on the island?" "No." "When I was a baby." "Did you see her... out here, Ben, in the jungle?" "She talked to me." "What did she say?" "That I couldn't come with her." "She said it wasn't time yet." "You should go home now." "Your people will be looking for you." "I don't wanna go back there!" "I hate it there!" "Take me with you." "Maybe that can happen..." "Maybe, I mean, if that's what you really want, Ben, if that's what you want." "I want you to think about that... and you're gonna have to be very, very patient." "We're here." "You'll want to turn off your flashlight, John." "Why?" "Jacob feels the same way about technology as you do." "Once I open this door, there's no turning back." "Are you sure this is what you want?" "So be it." "Jacob..." "I'm here with John Locke." "We're coming in now." "Jacob..." "This is John." "Aren't you going to say hello, John?" "What?" "I told you he wouldn't." "Who..." "What are you talking about?" "You can't see him?" "See who?" "Jacob." "He's sitting right here in this chair." "Yes, I know, but he insisted." "What is this?" "You wanted the secrets of the island?" "Well, here they are." "This is the man who can answer every single" "I am not." "He made me bring him here." "Did you think that that was my" "Sorry,may I finish?" "You're crazy." "Excuse me?" "You don't know anything about the island, do you?" "You just made it all up." "Jacob, please, I can't hear him..." "Stop." " If you're gonna talk over what he's saying" " Stop." "Shut up!" "You're putting on a show for me?" "Or do you..." "Do you really think there's someone there?" "I know there's someone there." "You don't know anything." "I'm sorry you feel that way, John," "and I'm sorry that you're too limited to see." "You're pathetic." "Help me." "What did you just say?" "I..." "I didn't say anything." "Oh, yes, you did." "I heard you." "You said that" "That's enough!" "You've had your fun!" "What was that?" "That was Jacob." "What did you hear in there, John?" "What did Jacob say to you?" "He didn't say anything to me." "You did." "What are you talking about?" "There is no Jacob, Ben." "I'm not gonna be taken in by the little... show you put on last night." "you're a fraud, and it's time your people were told the truth." "And this is not the way we came." "I'm taking us back another way." "I wanted to show you something first." "I've seen enough." "You know, John, you're not wrong." "Some of the things I've told you" "Some of the things I've told everybody-- are simply not true." "Like what?" "Well, for starters," "I wasn't born on this island." "Then where did you come from?" "That's what I want to show you." "Morning." "Okay, wait." "Put it right... right down there." "What's the problem now?" "You're usually Chatty Cathy in the morning." "It's my birthday." "I don't know why I keep fooling myself into thinking that one of these years you're actually gonna remember." "Well, I tell you what." "All we gotta do this morning is run this stuff out to Pearl station." "Why don't we go up to the mesa, drink some beers?" "Have some..." "I don't know... father and son time?" "I'd like that." "Okay." "Well... you sure can't say it ain't beautiful." "Do you really blame me?" "What?" "Do you really think it's my fault that she died?" "What do I know?" "Why do you keep looking at your watch?" "You got a date?" "Listen..." "If it makes you feel any better," "I will do my best to remember your birthday next year." "I don't think that's gonna happen, Dad." "What do you mean?" "You know, I've missed her, too, maybe as much as you have." "but the difference is that for as long as I can remember," "I've had to put up with you." "and doing that required a tremendous amount of patience." "Goodbye, Dad." "Ben..." "You want us to, uh, go get his body?" "No, leave him out there." "Okay." "This is where I came from, John." "These are my people..." "The Dharma Initiative." "They came here seeking harmony..." "But they couldn't even coexist with the island's original inhabitants." "And when it became clear that one side had to go," "One side had to be purged..." "I did what I had to do." "I was one of the people that was smart enough to make sure that I didn't end up in that ditch..." "Which makes me considerably smarter than you, John." "Uhh!" "What did Jacob say to you?" "Why did you do this?" "Because you heard him." "Now I need to know what he said." ""Help me."" "John..." "I'm not gonna ask you again." "What did he say to you?" "He said..." ""help me"." "Well,I certainly hope he helps you, John."
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Donna Karan opened her fat mouth and trying to defend a fellow Jew, stepped right off the cliff, she is now blaming the victims! This ethnic Gang protects each other even as they openly launch attacks on outsiders doing what they, the Jewish Kabbah, do themselves to Gentile females and males hoping to make it big in Hollywood and the media. This toll, demanding sex from unwilling victims, is the price that top executives demand because they hate the people they are hiring. This evil female has always claimed she is freeing women as she dresses them up in increasingly sexual costumes that are now nearly naked. She hires starving females to parade about, always forced to look glum and unhappy, wearing her sex creations. Then this monster turns around and says the following: Donna Karan defends Harvey Weinstein and blames victims | Daily Mail Online ‘I don’t think we’re only looking at him. I think we’re looking at a world much deeper than that.’ She doesn’t want us to look at this throughly evil man. I never liked him, I don’t bother with movies anymore because of him. ‘Yes, I think he’s being looked at right now as a symbol, not necessarily as him. I know his wife, I think they’re wonderful people, Harvey has done some amazing things. I think we have to look at our world and what we want to say and how we want to say it as well.’ ‘Our world’ is Jewish NYC and Beverly Hills. The 69-year-old went on to say that the issue at hand is not solely Weinstein’s fault. Nope, it never is. These people are always being ‘seduced’. ‘You look at everything all over the world today and how women are dressing and what they are asking by just presenting themselves the way they do. What are they asking for? Trouble,’ she said. THAT is the shocking statement here. Below is a picture from just last week, at a ‘fashion show’ run by this evil female monster: What the hell? She dresses up women to be raped and then blames them for dressing as if they want to be raped! She has since apologized but that is only due to the storm of rage aimed square at her. She should be banned from cat walks. She should be kicked out of the fashion world. Her junk should be boycotted by customers. She thinks her own customers are whores who deserve to be raped!!! How hideous is that? This is the definition of pure evil. Will all the pussy hat females wailing about Trump now attack this creature? No? Of course not! The entire sex issue of the left is now officially dead. It died and the corpse is stinking, rotting mess that must be removed. Dozens of women in Cologne and other areas of Germany were sexually assaulted and terrorized by up to a thousand men of Arab and North African origin during a wave of attacks that police described as a “civil war” like situation. However, instead of drawing attention to the Muslim rape epidemic that has swept Germany and other European countries since the deluge of “refugees” began to arrive last year, feminists focused on the apparent threat posed by German men. The entire left is destroying women’s rights. They are aping the worst of the racists and sexists from over 60 years ago. It is embarrassing, how bad it has become. These clowns have decided to ape McCarthy Red Scare politicians on the right and now are aping right wingers who didn’t like women’s rights way back when I was 14 years old! Twitter is filled with tweets by outraged women saying they will throw out their DKNY and Donna Karan clothes and boycott the brands. And while she may have well just killed the brands with her Weinstein comments, she no longer owns them. She sold them to LVMH in 2001 (yes, that long ago) and stepped down as a designer for the companies in 2015. (Here’s a 2015 interview with Karan on why she sold them.) Nor are DKNY or Donna Karan International still owned by LVMH Fashion Group.In 2016, LVMH sold them to G-III Apparel Group. What is G-III? The American licensing and manufacturing company that holds the license to Ivanka Trump’s clothing line. Boycott away. The other company that will be hurt by a boycott: Macy’s, which entered an exclusive contract for DKNY in 2017, making it the only department store left selling DKNY. What unfortunate comments by Donna Karan. They do seem out of character for her, but I’m not seeing how they were taken out of context. Will anyone give her the benefit of the doubt? So, Donna doesn’t own her ‘brand’ anymore and she went out and wrecked it by opening her big fat mouth. I see huge lawsuits in her future. She doesn’t deserve any benefits of any sort, this evil woman dresses females as whores and then calls them ‘whores’ openly. Karan, nor any other “fashion” designer, hires women to model their clothing. They hire starveling male transgenders who are trying to stave off the influx of testosterone during their teens then the puberty echo men get in their 30s. Women are hating themselves, and men hate women, for not being freak MtF models. Look at that picture you posted. Do those look like women? Or Castrati? This is how going to the Dark Gods for wishes: they are relentless in making it exactly as worded. Read fairy tales, it is all about this. The Elites have been doing very heavy black magic this year. I feel it every time they do it, they have secret ceremonies and chants and dead bodies and all that tripe. Each time, they get their wishes but this is mixed like a toxic cocktail with fun ingredients. So it BACKFIRES. The Entities love doing this, the Watchers are having a blast. This man is a fine example: he and his buddies used black magic against Trump. They prayed for the Furies to punish him for illicit sex stuff. So they did, sort of…only they shot their arrows at ALL the rich bastards doing this! HAHAHA. DK plugging for Weinstein reminds me when the NYT threw the women’s movement under the bus to save their banker boy DSK, blaming the victim and claiming DSK wasn’t in good enough shape to be a rapist. . . Reading E. Michael Jones, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. The Catholic head of the Production Code office (put into place after the scandal of immoral films in the early 1930s) said of the Jews of Hollywood: “Sexual perversion is rampant … any number of our directors and stars are perverts … These Jews seem to think of nothing but moneymaking and sexual indulgence. The vilest kind of sin is a common indulgence hereabouts and the men and women who engage in this sort of business are the men and women who decide what the film fare of the nation is to be … Ninety-five percent of these folks are Jews … They are, probably, the scum of the earth.”
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Filaroides hirthi sp. n. (Nematoda: Metastrongyloidea) from the lung of the dog. Filaroides hirthi sp. n. is smaller than previously described species of the genus Filaroides v. Beneden, 1858, and differs from F. milksi Whitlock, 1956, with which it is most likely to be confused, in having shorter, slightly stouter spicules with a broader proximal knob for attachment of the retractor muscles.
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“God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it.” ... Daniel Webster ... These posts will reflect my personal opinions, and views, of the world in which we live from, of course, the viewpoint of a conservative "Southern American". Wednesday, February 13, 2008 A Mesaage to American Conservatives The message below is from a "ablur" a Conservative blogging buddy of mine and a friend to IoF. We felt the mesage was important enough that conservatives needed to hear it. So we have posted it below:******************************February 12, 2008 Dear Fellow Conservative: As an American Conservative, I have some sad news to tell you today. I also have some good news that I will share with you. You have probably noticed that your only choice for president, in this election, is a liberal. I know, some will try to claim some modest level of conservatism but a careful look under the cloak of half truths you will find a liberal standing before you. Recognizing this fact and preparing for the inevitable, barring some miracle, will only help us to rise to the challenge. Now is not the time to turn away or blindly thrust your head in the sand. There is work to be done. Our congress is another disaster. It cannot accomplish a single task and has stalled our nation. This may too fall to the liberals who are so eager for power. They will quickly remind you of their superior intellect and their determination to save the world through the failed philosophy of socialism. They may strive to make some dramatic changes to our great nation and if we sit back and do nothing, they will succeed. The good news is that there is a chink in the armor of liberalism. Liberalism demands power and dominance and our constitution puts us in charge. Oh, they will try and put you at ease and say they got it all under control. They may even try to silence the critiques of their grand schemes, but as long as we stick together they will remain impotent. Keeping power is more important to the liberal then their ideals. They will sacrifice any and all who stand in the way of power. They must come back to "we the people" to retain that brass ring. If we turn our backs and walk away from the right to vote that so many have died for, we have let them win. Now is our finest hour. We the Moral Conservative Majority have the ultimate trump card in our hand. We have the capacity to dethrone them and there is nothing they can do to keep us from it. We have the election process and the impeachment process at our disposal. All we need to do is stay organized and informed. We have the ability to feed and support each other knowing that, no one of us has all the answers. The liberals in their superior then thou throne rooms have only themselves. It has been measured that conservatives make up more than three-fourths of our great nation. We come in every political bent; Republican, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian, Constitutional, Green, and so many more. Set aside your political affiliation and take a moment to focus on your core conservative beliefs. We are the people of the United States of America and we can set the agenda. Let us start by unifying in conservative locations, both in body and on the Internet. Each of us has unique talents and knowledge that can help all of us keep our government in check. If each of us does three things we can make a difference and save this nation. All three of these things are in everyone's reach no matter your race religion or financial standing. 1. Stay informed of what is going on around you. 2. Share and interpret this information with everyone and anyone you can. 3. Write letters and hold your representatives feet to the fire, from the neighborhood watch to the President of the United States. The first one should be a breeze; you live and work where you are. You know those around you and what goes on where you live. You don't need to stretch much to make a difference. The second one will require you to actually act on what you believe and know. No matter your specialty, interpret and report to fellow conservatives what you see and hear. The liberal media isn't going to help us stay informed. We will have to blog and spend time on forums to pass information along. We will have to spend a few minutes each day getting the word out and taking in what is going on elsewhere that may affect us. Use the knowledge and skill of fellow conservatives to keep you informed. The third one will be our shining star, reminding the pandering power mongers who is really in charge. They won't make a move against a unified body of conservatives bent on taking away the only thing that really matters to them, power. They will follow lock step as a bull firmly grasped by the ring in his nose, if we stay engaged. I would like to take this moment to recommend a place to share and build conservative unity, the American Conservative Forum. This is not just a fun hang out, but a place for serious conservatives who want to take America back and hold our leaders accountable. A place for people who are willing to do their part and use their God given talents and skills to keep our government in check, by informing the rest of us so we can act in mass. Many of us have become disenfranchised from our government and we have cast our one vote away. It is no longer about one vote. It is about all of us, as one, casting a vote for conservative principals totaling epic proportions of conservative presence in American Politics. We have failed to unify for almost one hundred years and we have been given the government we deserve.Are YOU ready to take it back? Take your first step. Post, print or email this message to everyone you know. Join the American Conservative Forum and let's start restoring America. 1 comment: John McCain has a Conservative voting record of over 80%. He is a Caonservative. Although I agree he's crossed lines before,considering his taking up of the Bush Doctrine as his own,and calling for a war with Iran and intents on staying the course in Iraq,he is hardly liberal. Secondly,Congress has already "fellen" to Liberals. The Democrats controll Congress at this very moment,and have had control since January of 2007. They are most likely to retain control as well,whether for good or ill. Thirdly,as has been shown time and again,keeping power is in the best interest of BOTH our major parties. To make a case that Repu8blican politicians do not crave power and chase after it madly,is to deny the truth. We have a decision to make this November,each of us. We can eitehr go along as we have for the last 8 years(which the majority of America does NOT want to do) or we can vote someone else in and give them a go. I'm voting for a different perspective. The country is not going to end. America will not fall under Democratic leadership,anymore than it has under Republican leadership. They exist to keep each otehr in check. Now don't we wish for the balmy years of Bill Clinton's presidency? When the most we had to worry about was which Whitehouse intern was lifting her skirts for him? Due to the absolute rediculousness of backlash over oral sex,our country has deteriorated in teh past two election cycles. We are going broke. We are borrowing massive amounts of monies from communist China just to stay afloat. Teh common working man and the middle class ave suffered more under this fiscally deficient presidency than anyone else. They are NOT going to make you rich folks. And you are NOT rich right now. Simply put: All of us are in the same boat. We are all suffering,whether it be one of our sons or daughters bleeding to death in the sand for nothing,or fuel prices that have more than doubled, or government intrusion into American's private lives. Will this change under a Democratic presidency? I don't know. But I'm willing to take that chance,and would hope that others would be open minded enough to truly look back over the past 8 years of mismanagment and goernment expansion and ask themselves: About Me J. D. Longstreet is a conservative Southern American (A native sandlapper and an adopted Tar Heel) with a deep passion for the history, heritage, and culture of the southern states of America. At the same time he is a deeply loyal American believing strongly in “America First”.
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So you’re going to build the next-gen eCommerce company selling dog supplies and you’ve decided to use React to build it with coz, you know, its all the rage now and choosing a front-end framework is the “first and most important responsible step” towards building any successful online business. I’d like to share a neat trick I learned while building my own eCommerce website, obviously next-gen coz React! Filtering products based on various aspects is a staple in any shopping site and so let’s add some filters to the product results page. This is where our customers filter and find the right products for their dogs :) As any ‘good’ React developer would, let’s break up this UI into components which is pretty straight forward in our case. This is what React developers see when they visit any webpage :D Next, let’s identify the state in our application. The only pieces of data that maybe considered as state here are the filter selections. The other data, the product list would likely be passed down as props and are not mutated. filterSelections is an object which contains the selected value for each of the filters in our page. filterSelections = { price: ..., ages: ..., brands: ..., } Since the Products component is the common parent that contains the components that need filterSelections (the Filters and ProductResults components), it would be the appropriate home for this state to live in. The Filters component, after receiving the filterSelections as a prop, will pass down relevant filter values to each of its children. filterSelections will also be passed down into the ProductResults component so that the filters can be applied and only the relevant products are shown. These filters can’t be just static controls, we need to them to update filterSelections as the customer adjusts the filters. We’re passing down filterSelections as props to the filters and we know props are immutable in React. So where do we mutate filterSelections then? The answer to that would be the Products component as its the owner of filterSelections having it as its state. Let’s go ahead and add a bunch of change handler functions so that any changes to the filter selections are propagated up to the Products component where the actual mutation happens. Here’s the Products component. And the Filters component. This is pretty straightforward and would work. But we’ve got a bunch of functions in the Filters component, all of which seem to be doing very similar things. And if we add a new kind of filter in future, we’ll need to write yet another similar looking function in this component. Currying to the rescue This is where the trick comes in and it’s a popular & fancy sounding functional programming concept called currying. Before talking about currying, I’d like to show you how it can help clean up our component. Take a look for yourself — Neat right? Now the updatedSelections function is said to be curried. For the functional programming aficionados out there, this is a pretty simple and straightforward concept. But for folks like me who’s always lived in the imperative & object oriented side of things, this was confusing to understand. So let’s unpack it. You might have wondered when I said that the updatedSelections() function has been curried, what the “uncurried” version of this function would look like. Here’s how — If we were to use this instead of our curried version, we’d need to make each of the Filter component children call updateSelections themselves and thus having to make them aware of the attribute name in filterSelections that they need to update, which is too much coupling. The alternative is to use a dedicated function for each of the Filter components which leads to a mess like we saw already. Our solution is to curry this function. What’s currying? Currying is transforming a function f into a function f' which takes part of the arguments that f originally needed and would return another function which could take in rest of the arguments, returning the result of f or could be curried itself. Concretely, take this simple add function, add = (x, y) => x + y; when curried, it becomes — curriedAdd = (x) => { return (y) => { return x + y; } } So instead of calling add(1, 2) we could call curriedAdd(1) which returns a new function, which we could subsequently call with the other argument of add , like curriedAdd(1)(2) and get the final result 3 . Technically calling, curriedAdd(x) is called “partial application”, as in, we’re applying only part of the arguments that the original function add(X, y) needed. Currying a regular function let’s us perform partial application on it. This is a naive toy example which does not have much utility. Now if we go back to our original example — we can see how partial applications of the updateSelections function — updateSelections('ages'); updateSelections('brands'); updateSelections('price'); helped us clean up our component and reduce coupling. That’s currying :)
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Throat sex poking You are the only person I can turn to. The gag reflex is also called the pharyngeal reflex. Oral, just focus on the head. I'm sure anything kind of like that would help the situation some. I find the more you want to pleasure him and the more you see his excitement for you practicing, the better you'll get and the more you can take in. You then squeeze your thumb tightly in your fist and voila! All Sex Tags Bangla Baby Sex2 Porn Sensory Deprivation Play Spicy Gear. Are you sure you didn't just make her squirt? One thing I have learned in my decade-plus as a dirty, dirty whore is that dudes like the eye candy of lingerie, sort of, but really they prefer ladies naked. Show her the love and compliment her on how great she looks; take more time before you pull it off and toss it on the floor. She can lower herself down onto you at a speed that suits her and this will enable her to relax and be sure she can take all of you before she stretches painfully. Doesn't anyone just dance or have clandestine nookie at raves anymore? Sincerely yours, Bobarama Fan Response from Dr. I'm really against the idea of shoving objects into your mouth to practice. If she's tight, then yes, you have to go slow, but boy, when she's full you just OWN her. Off the top of my head, the spooning position in my experience does not allow him to get very deep and allows you some control as well. For instance, what about those alligators that dwell in the New York City sewer system that have grown to enormous size after being flushed down the toilet by dissatisfied pet owners??? You don't need to wrap it tightly around the base, so it should be perfectly comfortable. Treatment can greatly improve your emotional and physical well-being. You are the only person I can turn to. It's more urban legend, just like the old lady who tried to dry her wet kitty cat in the microwave oven or the scary kidney theft ring in New Orleans that supposedly stole people's kidneys by drugging them and leaving them in a bathtub full of ice. And why would said deranged syringe-wielding HIV-positive maniac be hanging around the coffee shop anyway? Iam homeless and constantly look for loose change in payphone slots. Julez Ventura - Blowjob Queen.
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Fake news from lying satellites News channels, such as Al-Jazeera, are not broadcast through normal satellites, but through lying satellites. Such news channels are specialized in creating and promoting lies. In reality, Al-Jazeera is not a channel, but a propaganda machine that is not searching for the truth. Instead it is creating and spreading lies to brainwash a segment of viewers who are programmed to believe these untruths. A programmed audience finds it easy to believe what it is fed. This is the same audience as that of the former Iraqi information minister Muhammad Al-Sahhaf who based most of his news on his wishes and not on media professionalism and authenticated news. That is why the Arab world is faced with the dark side of media and is always defeated in political battles. During the G20 event, Al-Jazeera insisted that Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman was ignored by world leaders who participated in the same event. This is despite the fact that other news channels broadcast the warm reception of the Crown Prince at the airport and the joint meetings that he held with other world leaders. Al-Jazeera itself broadcast the famous handshake between the Crown Prince and the Russian leader live, at the same time that the commentator was talking about how the Crown Prince was being ignored by world leaders. If Al-Jazeera and those working for it are being paid for lying, then what is the excuse of viewers who are selling their brains for free to this propaganda machine? Al-Jazeera is well known for being a source of deception and destruction that is used by those who wish to destroy Arab nations.
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Hello all, Today is November 22nd, 2018, which means a couple things to me. First, it’s Thanksgiving! I’m celebrating the United States’ radical de recolonization by going to music skills seminar in the motherland at the University of Cambridge. Speaking of colonialism, this day also marks the 55th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Don’t be fooled. I am no US history buff. I only know this because I google “JFK assassination” every once in a while to figure out my mother’s birthday. Happy birthday Mom! I’m sorry this year’s present is an irreverent blog post, and I’m sorry that this was late. — Love, 豆豆 — Hailed by me as “the most impressive art-object to ever grace this planet in the last 22 years” (Ai, 2018), Mamoru Hosoda’s Mirai no Mirai (未来のミライ) is a charming tale about a 4 year-old boy, Kun, who struggles to accept dethronement from his only-child supremacy by his newborn baby sister, Mirai. Through a series of magical time-travelling experiences in his home’s front courtyard, Kun learns to cope with his existential angst and accept new responsibilities. Go watch it, for my sake. –Movie Spoilers Below– Although every single time-travelling encounter of the movie caused my impartial, musicologically-trained heart to quiver with the beginnings of emotional maturity, one in particular stuck with me. Kun, after getting scolded by his mother for not cleaning up his toys, time-travels to the past and hangs out with his mother as a child. An energetic and opinionated girl, she drags him into her home, where she loudly proclaims that “everything is more fun when it’s messy”. Together, the two run through the house laughing and leave a path of destruction in their wake. Kun learns to forgive his mother. Here’s what I was thinking while witnessing this scene: 1. I cringed watching the kids make a mess during the scene. 2. Oh god, am I becoming a prude? 3. Oh god, am I becoming my mom? 4. I immediately turned to lament this revelation to my friend during the movie and stopped myself. Redirecting my attention back to the movie, I realized that Kun had already returned to reality and I had missed crucial screen action. I turned to ask my friend what had happened and stopped myself. 5. Oh god, I have become my mom. I have been told all my life that I am a carbon copy of my father, albeit shorter, stupider and fatter. While I inherited my father’s physical features and strange sense of humor, I am way too neurotic and nervous to come anywhere close to embodying Bing Ai’s aggressive grace. Our similarities have become less and less apparent as I enter adulthood. I instead have become more and more like my mom. We have the same eyebrows, and a full head of soft, dark hair. We are very chatty. We like to cook. We actively seek out new hobbies. We have the same laugh. We love complaining, especially about people. We have a short temper. We obsess over small details at the expense of the big picture. We take on responsibilities when no one asks us to do so and get angry when people don’t immediately respond with gratitude. My version of Kun’s time-travelling encounter with my mom would take place at a planning committee meeting for a cultural affinity organization, convened to organize a logistically-complicated event with many guests and food. Dismayed by the lack of structure and bureaucracy, we return home and complain about everyone in the committee to my brother, Michael, and my dad (who are also coincidentally having a time-travelling encounter). Michael and Dad are confused and go for a run with the dogs. One final way my mother and I are similar is that we refuse to explicitly admit failures. The jelly cake recipe that I had planned, inspired by a cake from Mirai no Mirai à la Binging with Babish, will be “postponed until further notice”. Instead, here’s a timeless classic I learned from my mom. Stir-fried Eggs and Tomatoes feeds a Chinese-American for the next three meals who has eaten this every day for the past year after moving out because they can’t cook anything else Ingredients: 4 large eggs 3 medium tomatoes, cut into chunks 1 scallion, chopped 0.5 cup (4 tbsp) cooking oil 2 tbsp ketchup 2 tsp salt, to taste 2 tsp sugar, to taste Directions: 1. Beat eggs with 1 tsp salt until even. Did Ben book the room for our League viewing party this weekend? 2. Heat 2 tbsp of oil in a pan, add eggs and scramble partially, until ~80% of the egg is solid. Remove from heat and set aside. Knowing Ben, probably not. Although I did message him to do it only 10 minutes ago. I’ll just do it myself and send the entire club board group chat a passive-aggressive message. No, not a message. Too aggressive. A sticker. Perfect. 3. Heat on high 2 tbsp oil in a saucepan or wok, and add scallions. Fry until fragrant. Add tomatoes and 1 tsp salt. Cover and reduce heat to medium. After the tomatoes have released their juices, add sugar and ketchup (classic Shanghai) and combine. I should bake cookies for everyone that comes. Do people want to drink? I’m so busy and so tired. Where are my keys? I need coffee. When is rehearsal? I feel sick. Do I have cancer? I need to do laundry. Where is my phone? 4. Add scrambled eggs. Cover and reduce to medium low. Simmer for 2 minutes. I probably shouldn’t eat all of this. Where is my ID card? Music Recommendation: Noname – Cherrypie Blues
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Posted by Unknown Lameron Monday February 03, 2014 @08:00PM from the niws-discovers-facebook dept. An anonymous reader writes "Last week, during its fourth-quarter earnings report, Facebook revealed it had 1.23 billion monthly active users, 757 million daily active users, 945 million monthly active mobile users, and 556 million daily active mobile users. In its 10-K filing published on the weekend, the company estimated that in 2013, between 5.5 percent and 11.2 percent of these users were fake." Another anonymous reader sent in a link to a recent interview where Mark Zuckerberg appears more pragmatic in his opinions about forcing real identities online: "Former Facebook employees say identity and anonymity have always been topics of heated debate in the company. Now Zuckerberg seems eager to relax his old orthodoxies. 'I don’t know if the balance has swung too far, but I definitely think we’re at the point where we don’t need to keep on only doing real identity things,' he says. 'If you’re always under the pressure of real identity, I think that is somewhat of a burden.'" And worse, this is true even if you have NEVER signed up for facebook, because all of the idiots that use facebook for their address book, on their phone, so they even have your number, and names and numbers of everybody else in these fool's contact list and the ability to cross reference them all.
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" Father?" " Daughter?" "Why is there a naked lady in your bedroom?" "What are you talking about, revenge?" "Don't make it like it wasn't the least bit satisfying to fuck the wife of the man who turned your" ""precious little book" into a big, shitty movie." "Sick of you talking shit about me in the press." "I thought you came because you found out I fucked your wife." "Asshole." "Charlie Runkel's office." "Your assistant makes me want to touch myself in a bad place." "But from now on, if I make a mistake or I screw something up, you should feel free to discipline me in whatever way you see fit." " Hi." "Remember me?" " How could I forget?" " Best blind date of my life, asshole." " Let me make it up to you." "Can I take you out sometime?" "The guy you saw me with last night is married." "Fucking a married a guy for 5 years?" "Call him whatever you want." "He can stay with me." "Once upon a time, I used to love you." "And no matter what, you will always be a part of my life." "But I'm not in love with you anymore." "Yusef, what's a five-letter word for "excitable boy"?" "Zevon." "Booyah." "That's a smart dog." "So..." " last night." " What about it?" "I don't want to be hyperbolic or anything, but I think we took things to a whole other level." "And why do you feel the need to relive it the next morning?" "That's half the fun." "You know, it's like... getting to do it all over again." "Except without the after-sex sadness that comes down upon one." "Hank, I think we need to talk." "Talk, really?" "Has anything good ever come of such a thing ever?" "We've been spending a lot of time in the bedroom, which is nice, very nice." "But I'm also just coming out of this horribly dysfunctional relationship that only existed in the bedroom..." "You want me to do you in the shower." "I get it." "You want to go out on the town with some Hank on your arm." "You want to stroll around with some of this." "That's totally understandable." "We can do it." "We can go out." "Anything." "Anything you want to do." "We'll do it." "Just name it." "Let's go." "Right now." " Okay, there's this fund-raiser." " No, can't do that." "That sounds excruciating." "I won't do that." "It's your agency." "You must be invited." "And I'm sure it went right in the circular file." "Come on, it'll be fun." "It's for a good cause." "Well, I'm not much one for causes, good or otherwise." "I'm not a joiner." " Apathy kills, Hank." " I don't care." "Does that feel like apathy to you?" "You look... half, you know, halfway decent." "Thanks." "How's Becca?" " Well, she's a little bummed." " Well, that's understandable," " but this thing came up." " I know, but she's just..." " Dad." " Beautiful daughter." " Gee, I don't know where that..." " A bribe?" "No, I like to think of it more as a token of my paternal affection." "Are you serious?" "This is awesome!" "Just when I thought we'd agreed not to get her a cell phone." "I thought we decided that, too, but then I realized she can call me whenever she's pissed at you and lurch, so changed my mind." "Do you have a date?" " I do." " Do you like her?" " She is pretty cool." " As cool as mom?" "Sadly, I have come to find that that is not possible." "Well, if it's a date and not just a random hookup," " I guess I approve." " Yes!" "But I wanna hear all about her tomorrow." "Absolutely." "Call me." "I can't believe you." "So..." "Stop it." "The date." " Are you in love?" " Shut up." "Where are you taking her?" "Red Lobster?" "Denny's?" "I wish." "I got this fucking fund-raiser at the agency" "I got roped into going to." "Fascist architecture." "Can I ask you a question?" " Go for it." " What are we doing here?" " Mixing and mingling." " That's what I thought." "That explains why my sphincter tightened up a couple notches." "Relax." "There's your agent." " What the fuck?" " What's the problem?" "You know how much I hate that motherfucker." "Yes, I know how much you hate that A-list, in-demand motherfucker." "But I've been trying to sign him for years." "Don't make me fire your ass all over again." "Hank, if I depended on you and you alone for my commissions," "Marcy and I would be sharing a TV dinner under a bare light bulb right now." "OK but don't do it in front of me." "It's like watching you cheat on me with another man." "You give much better head." "Always have, always will." "I am impressed." "I can't believe you managed to drag this nonpartisan asshole" " out of the house for this shindig." " I had to use all of my feminine wiles." "And a butt plug." "Speaking of which... where's Marcy?" "Emergency waxing session." "As we speak, she's likely staring into the business end of Angelina's vagina." "Let's take a time-out while I meditate on that for a few moments." "You do that." "I see a friend." "You come find me." "I'm sorry. did you say something?" "I told you, man." "You just needed to meet a nice girl." " She's not so nice." " Naughty?" "Do I ask you about Marcy's" " sexual proclivities?" " Yes, all the time." "It's odd, actually." "So, what are we talking about here?" "A little "SM"?" "A little light "BD"?" "Slow down, tiger." "Morticia." "Call me Hank, please." " So, do you still need me?" " Did you finish reading the manuscript?" " Did you write your coverage on it yet?" " No, not yet." "Then, I think you just answered your own question." " Back to work." " Yes, sir." "Anything you want to tell me about there, captain?" "Please." "I'm a married man." "Anything you want to tell me about there, captain?" "Can we agree not to throw down while we have our cocks out?" "Really?" "Yours is out?" " Fag." " I'm done fighting you, Moody." "This from a man who had a six-pack of whoop-ass opened up on him last week." "I couldn't hurt you if I wanted to." "You're your own worst enemy." "That is a very astute observation coming from a dumb guy." "Did me a big favor, actually." "Got me out of a horrible fucking marriage." "You and Sandy splitting the sheets?" "Do tell." "That bitch is crazy." "Last time I ever marry a fucking white woman." "I'm with you there." " Well, how'd she take it?" " Haven't told her." " Thinking about doing it tonight." " Here?" "she's here?" "That's right." "There she is." "The former Mrs. Moody." "I was never officially a Moody." "You were moody." "You just weren't a Moody." "You could've made me less moody if you'd made me into a Moody." " I'll make you a Moody right now." " It's too late." " It's 4 hours to Vegas." " No, it's too late." "We'll stop in Barstow, in-n-out burgers, shakes, fries, celebratory coupling, which I believe is part of our sordid sexual history." "You know, it's very tempting, but I'm gonna have to say no." "But thank you." "Over." "Could you be on your best behavior tonight?" "Please, please." "Like a child you talk to me." "What do you think I'll do?" " You are a child." " Stir the punch with my dong?" "Quite possibly, yes." "And that's the thing with you, Hank." "One never knows what to expect from you or your dong." "And how is this not a virtue?" "You know, honey, you do look beautiful tonight." "Well, that's..." "Thank you." "Thank you." "Stop it!" "No." "You just said you would behave." "Bill is around the corner." " Okay, come on." "We can be adults." " It just gets so lonely sometimes." "I need a hug in a moment, the moment passes, and I'm good." "Smell you later." " You finished yet?" " Putting it together right now." "Bring it to me in my office." "U.T.K. Charlie Runkel's office." "It's your wife." "Hey, baby." "Yeah, it's going well." "How about you?" "How is Angelina's cookie?" "Really?" "Well, that's one of the benefits of adoption." "You know what?" "You're... you're breaking up." "Yeah, you're..." "You're..." "I'm losing you, babe." "Okay, got to go." "Tell me what to do." "What if you don't wanna do what I tell you to do?" "I think you're missing the point." "Thank you." "There you are." "Hank Moody, please say hello to my colleague Jonathan Mandel and his lovely wife, Nikki." " Hank Moody?" "The writer?" " I used to be." "Now I'm Hank Moody the blogger, soon to be Hank Moody the bartender." "Meredith turned me on to your blog." " Highly entertaining, Hank." " Well, that's what I do." "I entertain." "I'd be interested to see what you write about this little shindig." "Well, just off the top of my head..." "I find interesting to hear these people ranting and raving about saving the environment when they'll probably blow like 10 000 pounds of fuel on their private jet planes getting down to Cabo this weekend." "That's right, babs." "You heard me." "Tell Oprah I said so." "Put that in your pipe and smoke it, ladies." " Meredith, can I get you another drink?" " Will you excuse us?" " Your writing is so good." " Well, Thank you." "I'm a bit of a scribbler myself, you know?" "Nikki Man..." "That Nikki Mandel." "You write all that Hollywood, trophy," " clit-lit stank, don't you?" " That's me." "Masturbation material for the North of Montana hausfrau." "You had me at masturbation." " I was hoping so." " You got me all wet." "The trick is coming up with good story ideas." "I would imagine." "I'm always on the lookout for new material..." " if you know what I mean." " It's hard not to know what you mean, especially when you're being so subtle about it." "Doesn't pay to be a wallflower." "You and your husband seem fine." " What's the deal?" " Looks can be deceiving." "Those two have been playing grab-ass for years now." ""I see," said the blind man." "Excuse me a moment." "Can I talk to you for a second?" " What are you doing?" " What are you doing?" "No, what are you doing?" "That's married guy." "Come on." " I didn't know he was gonna be here." " Come on." "Okay, I knew." "I'm sorry." "I don't care." "It's still a lie." "Look, you want to create a fuss with me?" "That's fine." "I'm listening." "I'm kid chaos." "I'll create some chaos for you." "How?" "How?" "I want to be a 40-year-old virgin." "Why?" "Because it seems like, once you get laid, your life basically turns to shit." "It's not so bad." "You've had the sex?" "Sure." "What's it like?" "Good." "Bad." "Weird." "Powerful." "I don't know." "Look, don't worry about this stuff." "You got plenty of time." " Watch the hair." " Sorry." "You Miss your dad, don't you?" "I Miss my mom." "For what it's worth, I know my mom really likes you." "I like her, too." "It's just... not the same, you know?" "Do you like Bill?" "Sure." "He's nice." "But he's not like Hank." "Seriously, you're really lucky." "Nice." " Watch it!" " Well, thank you." "Great!" " You could look where you're going." " And you could be a bit less of a cunt." " What did you say?" " What did I say?" "I cunt hear you." "Back it up, lady!" "What the hell happened here?" "The guy spills his drink on me, then he called me a cunt." "I didn't say a word!" "I bumped into her." "My bad." " You liar!" "Yes, you did!" " She just freaked out on me." "You should've come and get me." " I can take care of myself." "Thank you." " Clearly." "Sweetie, this is hardly the time or the place for a scene." "Can't we all just get along?" "I'm not looking to press charges or anything." " Get off of me." " He's trying to be decent." "No." "He's trying to be a dick." "You want me to have him thrown out?" "Just say the word and I will." "I don't." "I just want to go." "Now, look, there's a couple I want you to meet." "Turns out they bought that house you re-did." "There we go." "Turn." "Come on, lean forward." "Yeah, just like that." "Just like that." "Look at you, you dirty, little animal." " Like this?" " Yes." "I missed." "Yes, look at that." " Holy fucknuts!" " Shit!" " What, don't you fucking knock?" " Don't you lock?" "Why don't you go grab him some water or something?" "Take it easy there, Diane Arbus." "Don't have a coronary, 'cause I wouldn't know how to explain that to your wife." "It's all right." "Maybe it's time to punch out there, Bettie Page." "Here." "First things first..." "You're not gonna stroke out on me, are you?" "Good." "You just relax." "It's all good." "It was me." "You're lucky it was me coming in that door, huh?" "Look at me, look at me." "Let me see those eyes." "Yeah, you're good, you're good." " What the fuck?" " What the fuck were you thinking fucking around with your secretary?" ""How much of a big fat cliché can I be"?" "She started it, man." "Come on." "I guess I..." " ... got a little carried away." " You think?" "I don't even know what happened, man." "One minute, I am sailing along," "I'm being the guy who would never, ever cheat on his wife." "The next second, I'm spanking the bare, naked ass of a 22-year-old girl." "I'm not gonna be judgmental, because, a/ Who the fuck am I to talk?" "and b/ What you just described sounds incredibly hot." "But you got to get your shit together." "All right?" "You owe it to Marcy." "I know." "I'm such a fucking asshole, man." "If anybody deserves to be disciplined, it's me." "It's not an invitation." "If you're having problems in the boudoir, it's worth a conversation with the old lady." "I'm afraid that ship sailed some time ago." "I don't know, you know," "Marcy, to me, is nothing if not a dirty, little girl." "I think, with all due respect, if you talk to her, I think she'd be into some seriously freaky shit." "Big boy." "You're not crying, are you?" " A little bit." "Jesus Christ." " May I have another glass of wine?" " Hey!" "Time to hang up your drinking shoes, lady." "You love me, don't you, Hank?" "I've certainly grown very fond of you." " But I think that's..." " Let me guess." "It's a little early for this particular discussion." "Something like that, yeah." "We'll probably never make it to this particular discussion." "Why do you say that?" "Well, when you've spent the last five years loving a man and wondering why he doesn't love you back you tend to get a wee bit cynical about things." "You stay right here and you hydrate." "I'll be right back." "What'd you say?" "You need a double dose of Viagra to get wood and you wear a fanny pack on the weekends." " Think you're pretty clever, don't you?" " You wanna fuck around, fine." "Fuck around all you want, I'm no judge Judy." "But don't string a woman along for a major chunk of her childbearing years." "That's not cool." " Who are you?" "Don Quixote?" " No, I'm not even Don fucking Knotts." " I'm a big fan of the lady in question." " That's incredibly noble, considering how the lady in question talks about you." "I was curious, because despite what you say, I do care about her," "So, I asked, "Who is he?" "Is this someone I need to worry about?"" "You know what she said?" ""Him?" "He's nobody, a loser," ""someone to pass the time with when I'm not in bed with you."" "So, maybe you're the one who needs to be cut loose, pal." " You're very lucky, my friend." " And why is that?" "'Cause I promised someone I'd be on my best behavior." "Fucking fucker!" " My God!" " What are you doing?" "I'm glad we came." "That was fun." "You're funny." "There you go." "You're good, you're good." " Proud of me?" " Almost never, but, yeah, I approve." "No, no." "My behavior... me and my dong." " Well-behaved." " Right... good." " Did nothing." " Congratulations." "You are proud of me." "Did you have a good night?" "Yeah, I did." "For a radical environmentalist such as yourself, this whole evening must have given you a clit-boner." "You're disgusting." "See you next Tuesday!" "Fuck you!" "What is that?" "What are you doing?" "He's just a classy guy." "He called me a cunt." " This guy called you a cunt?" " I dealt with it." "I dealt with it." "It's okay, I just want to..." "Excuse me." "Good night." "Good night." " Hey." " Hey, mom." "I'm sorry." "Go back to sleep." " Mom?" " Yeah?" "Can I ask you something?" "Anything, my love." "Do you love Bill?" "Yeah." "Yeah, I do." "Do you love dad?" "Yes... because we have you in common." "I mean..." "I don't love him in that butterflies-in-the-tummy way anymore." "I mean... not in the way that we love Johnny Depp, definitely not." "Right." "Is dad a bad person?" "No, not at all." "He does have a habit of getting himself and everyone else around him into trouble sometimes, but..." "Bill is a good person, sweetie." "You know, he's kind, he's smart, and he really..." "He thinks things through." "I love you." " Good night." " Good night." "It's been a long time since someone held my hair back as I puked." "It's been an honor and a privilege." "Care to join me?" "Whew, still kind of barfy." "Get some sleep." "Thank you." "It's what I do." ""B" to the "E" to the "C" to the "C" to the "A."" " Hi, dad." " What up, G?" "I called because I had a feeling you couldn't sleep." "Right as usual, my beautiful, precocious daughter." "Remember what you used to do for me when I couldn't sleep?" "Dose you with opiates?" "." "You'd look at the ocean and count the mermaids." "I did do that." "I'm a better father than I thought." "Maybe you should try that, and it will help." "Yeah." "One..." "Two..." "Three... no, that's a sea lion." "Four..." "Five..." "Six... no, that's a bum." "Seven..." "Eight..." "Nine... no, that's Daryl Hannah." "Ten..." "Eleven..."
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Ted and Heidi Cruz at a campaign stop in New York City, April 6, 2016. (Timothy A. Clary/AFP/Getty) Earlier this week, the Washington Post released an “Internal Campaign Memorandum” penned by Trump campaign senior adviser Barry Bennett. Entitled “Digging through the Bull S[***]” and addressed to “Corey and Team,” the memo reads less like an internal communiqué than a fundraising e-mail sent to the wrong people: So this week the Media and the Washington Establishment bashed the campaign with energy yet ever seen against a Republican candidate. You name the medium and it was dominated with Trump Attacks. The media themselves couldn’t wait to label the week, “THE WORST WEEK EVER.” D.C. Pundits scurried to the networks to proclaim the end was at hand for Donald Trump. Yet another pathetic display by the so called experts who line their pockets at the expense of our candidates and causes. So what is the result of their efforts this week? Here it is . . . Bennett then quotes Reuters’s tracking poll, scolds the “Washington Establishment” once more for its “idiotic attacks,” and concludes: “Donald Trump 1 Washington Establishment/Media 0.” Campaigns are grueling, and higher-ups sometimes have to boost staffers’ spirits. But one gets the sense that Bennett isn’t writing as one professional to others, but as one member of a cult proselytizing to other true believers. Note the Trump-style capitalization that makes monolithic, omnipotent forces out of the press and federal officeholders. Have you ever wondered what a cabinet meeting of the North Korean government feels like? For those of us who have long maintained that the Trump campaign doesn’t operate in anything remotely resembling reality, the last week has offered confirmation. RELATED: Ted Cruz Is Surging by Design On Tuesday, Politico reported that the Trump campaign is “increasingly falling into disarray,” conducting massive layoffs and dismantling what little infrastructure it has, including in key general-election states such as Ohio and Florida. The campaign’s data team is now partly in the hands of “a 2015 college graduate whose last job was an internship with the consumer products company Colgate-Palmolive,” wrote Politico, adding: “Some of the campaign’s data remains inaccessible.” For those tracking the Trump campaign, it’s something of a surprise that there is data to speak of at all. As of February, they were not deigning to conduct internal polls. Then, on Wednesday, Politico augmented its tale of woe, reporting that the Trump campaign is embroiled in a power struggle between campaign manager Corey Lewandowski (who two weeks ago was charged with misdemeanor battery in Florida) and Paul Manafort, the veteran Republican operative hired last month to be Trump’s convention manager. According to Politico, Lewandowski recently sacked the man in charge of Trump’s Colorado operation because he disobeyed Lewandowski and communicated with Manafort directly. The campaign now has no state chair. Meanwhile, insiders say that Manafort has been considering leaving the campaign if he does not receive more support. (On Thursday, Trump announced that he was “consolidating the functions related to the nomination process and assigning them” to Manafort — perhaps an attempt to demonstrate support.) Lewandowski, as is his way, denies all, maintaining that Trump has “the most cohesive, loyal staff, the most loving staff I have ever had the privilege of working with on a campaign.” #share#Contrast this with the Cruz campaign, which has been almost entirely free of such problems. Cruz’s team has been working tirelessly to secure delegates who will be likely to turn to him on a second or third vote at a contested convention. Those efforts have been sufficiently fruitful that, for instance, Cruz is apt to walk away with ten more delegates than Trump in Louisiana — a state that Trump won. Cruz swept both of the Colorado congressional districts that held their conventions this week, securing six more delegates for July, and an unaffiliated alternate delegate from Arapahoe County told MSNBC’s Benjy Sarlin that Cruz’s ground game is “extraordinary.” Likewise, a Republican operative in Arizona says that Cruz’s is the only campaign organizing aggressively in the state. RELATED: After Wisconsin, Is Donald Trump Unraveling? Cruz is also having marked success getting delegates friendly to him on the convention’s key committees — see, again, Louisiana. Apparently, Trump did not know that he had been outmaneuvered by Cruz at Louisiana’s state convention until the results were reported by the Wall Street Journal. #related#To this must be added the fact that the Cruz campaign managed to adapt its strategy mid-race after Trump’s surprise victories in the South earlier in the primary season — states that, with their large numbers of Evangelicals, were supposed to be Cruz strongholds. The Cruz campaign didn’t flail; it pivoted, successfully shifting its firewall to the Midwest and the Mountain West. Now, after a resounding victory in Wisconsin, Cruz is within reach of shutting out Trump in Indiana and Nebraska. If he can win a few pockets of delegates along the way, Trump will be kept under the 1,237 threshold. Two more different campaigns would be difficult to find. Cruz seems to have surrounded himself with knowledgeable, capable professionals operating quietly but confidently behind the scenes to win him the election. Trump’s campaign, by contrast, seems to be a whirlwind of incompetence and egotism that has not flown apart only because of the centripetal force of the personality at its center. And there is no reason to believe that Trump’s campaign will continue to be anything but chaotic, fractious, and inept. The Clinton juggernaut looms, and only one of these organizations has demonstrated the wherewithal to take it on.
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Role of the mitochondrial mutations, m.827A>G and the novel m.7462C>T, in the origin of hearing loss. Samples from 30 deaf probands exhibiting features suggestive of syndromic mitochondrial deafness or from families with maternal transmission of deafness were selected for investigation of mutations in the mitochondrial genes MT-RNR1 and MT-TS1. Patients with mutation m.1555A>G had been previously excluded from this sample. In the MT-RNR1 gene, five probands presented the m.827A>G sequence variant, of uncertain pathogenicity. This change was also detected in 66 subjects of an unaffected control sample of 306 Brazilian individuals from various ethnic backgrounds. Given its high frequency, we consider it unlikely to have a pathogenic role on hereditary deafness. As to the MT-TS1 gene, one proband presented the previously known pathogenic m.7472insC mutation and three probands presented a novel variant, m.7462C>T, which was absent from the same control sample of 306 individuals. Because of its absence in control samples and association with a family history of hearing impairment, we suggest it might be a novel pathogenic mutation.
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Live chat sex mobile. Live chat sex mobile. At first he moved too slowly and Aunt Raya, ignoring the wild moans poor girl, with all the force drove it to its full length. When a huge phallus entirely helpful in the anus, Natasha, she turned the vibrator on full power, pulled the gag and ordered the girl to lick her pussy. Natasha was nasty licking pussy in thick aunt, but she obediently began for his case, licking pussy moaning from pleasure aunt Rai.
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Detection of cross reactive anti-DNA antibody idiotypes on tissue-bound immunoglobulins from skin biopsies of lupus patients. Cross-reactive anti-DNA antibody idiotypes have been identified on tissue-bound immunoglobulins from skin biopsies of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE). Four polyclonal and two monoclonal anti-idiotypic reagents were used to screen biopsies from 24 patients with SLE, 23 patients with DLE, and 15 other patients with IgM-positive skin biopsies. Up to 46% of the SLE patients and 30% of the DLE patients were found to share idiotypes present on immunoglobulins deposited at the dermal-epidermal junction. Inhibition studies in four patients indicated that the idiotypes were on anti-DNA antibodies. In contrast, none of the anti-idiotypic antibodies bound to any of the control biopsies. These findings imply that some tissue-bound autoantibodies are derived from related families of high-frequency germ-line genes that are expressed in both SLE and DLE.
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Q: Safety from SQL injection SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["techconn"].ToString()); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("select * from hs where ac between'" + TextBox1.Text + "'and '" + TextBox2.Text + "' and em='" + DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text.ToString() + "'", con); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); con.Open(); SqlDataAdapter sqlDa = new SqlDataAdapter(com); sqlDa.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { GridView1.DataSource = dt; GridView1.DataBind(); } else { GridView1.Visible = false; } con.Close(); Is this code safe from SQL injection? If not, please correct this code that it is safe from SQL injection. I am using SQL Server 2008. A: In short, the answer is no. You need to always use parameters in your queries. SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("select * from hs where ac between @ac1 and @ac2 and em=@em", con); You then add the parameters to your SqlCommand object (com).
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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// // windows/basic_object_handle.hpp // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // // Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com) // Copyright (c) 2011 Boris Schaeling (boris@highscore.de) // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #ifndef ASIO_WINDOWS_BASIC_OBJECT_HANDLE_HPP #define ASIO_WINDOWS_BASIC_OBJECT_HANDLE_HPP #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200) # pragma once #endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200) #include "asio/detail/config.hpp" #if defined(ASIO_HAS_WINDOWS_OBJECT_HANDLE) \ || defined(GENERATING_DOCUMENTATION) #include "asio/detail/throw_error.hpp" #include "asio/error.hpp" #include "asio/windows/basic_handle.hpp" #include "asio/windows/object_handle_service.hpp" #include "asio/detail/push_options.hpp" namespace asio { namespace windows { /// Provides object-oriented handle functionality. /** * The windows::basic_object_handle class template provides asynchronous and * blocking object-oriented handle functionality. * * @par Thread Safety * @e Distinct @e objects: Safe.@n * @e Shared @e objects: Unsafe. */ template <typename ObjectHandleService = object_handle_service> class basic_object_handle : public basic_handle<ObjectHandleService> { public: /// The native representation of a handle. typedef typename ObjectHandleService::native_handle_type native_handle_type; /// Construct a basic_object_handle without opening it. /** * This constructor creates an object handle without opening it. * * @param io_service The io_service object that the object handle will use to * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the handle. */ explicit basic_object_handle(asio::io_service& io_service) : basic_handle<ObjectHandleService>(io_service) { } /// Construct a basic_object_handle on an existing native handle. /** * This constructor creates an object handle object to hold an existing native * handle. * * @param io_service The io_service object that the object handle will use to * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the handle. * * @param native_handle The new underlying handle implementation. * * @throws asio::system_error Thrown on failure. */ basic_object_handle(asio::io_service& io_service, const native_handle_type& native_handle) : basic_handle<ObjectHandleService>(io_service, native_handle) { } #if defined(ASIO_HAS_MOVE) || defined(GENERATING_DOCUMENTATION) /// Move-construct a basic_object_handle from another. /** * This constructor moves an object handle from one object to another. * * @param other The other basic_object_handle object from which the move will * occur. * * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if * constructed using the @c basic_object_handle(io_service&) constructor. */ basic_object_handle(basic_object_handle&& other) : basic_handle<ObjectHandleService>( ASIO_MOVE_CAST(basic_object_handle)(other)) { } /// Move-assign a basic_object_handle from another. /** * This assignment operator moves an object handle from one object to another. * * @param other The other basic_object_handle object from which the move will * occur. * * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if * constructed using the @c basic_object_handle(io_service&) constructor. */ basic_object_handle& operator=(basic_object_handle&& other) { basic_handle<ObjectHandleService>::operator=( ASIO_MOVE_CAST(basic_object_handle)(other)); return *this; } #endif // defined(ASIO_HAS_MOVE) || defined(GENERATING_DOCUMENTATION) /// Perform a blocking wait on the object handle. /** * This function is used to wait for the object handle to be set to the * signalled state. This function blocks and does not return until the object * handle has been set to the signalled state. * * @throws asio::system_error Thrown on failure. */ void wait() { asio::error_code ec; this->get_service().wait(this->get_implementation(), ec); asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "wait"); } /// Perform a blocking wait on the object handle. /** * This function is used to wait for the object handle to be set to the * signalled state. This function blocks and does not return until the object * handle has been set to the signalled state. * * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any. */ void wait(asio::error_code& ec) { this->get_service().wait(this->get_implementation(), ec); } /// Start an asynchronous wait on the object handle. /** * This function is be used to initiate an asynchronous wait against the * object handle. It always returns immediately. * * @param handler The handler to be called when the object handle is set to * the signalled state. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The * function signature of the handler must be: * @code void handler( * const asio::error_code& error // Result of operation. * ); @endcode * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using * asio::io_service::post(). */ template <typename WaitHandler> ASIO_INITFN_RESULT_TYPE(WaitHandler, void (asio::error_code)) async_wait(ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WaitHandler) handler) { return this->get_service().async_wait(this->get_implementation(), ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WaitHandler)(handler)); } }; } // namespace windows } // namespace asio #include "asio/detail/pop_options.hpp" #endif // defined(ASIO_HAS_WINDOWS_OBJECT_HANDLE) // || defined(GENERATING_DOCUMENTATION) #endif // ASIO_WINDOWS_BASIC_OBJECT_HANDLE_HPP
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by Angel V. Ornedo Jr., Contributing Writer,In5D.com PASSING OF LOWER 3D GOING 5D People of the world will rise up against mind control and slavery, together we stand against the use of monetary regulatory resources, government and religions as dominion tools, the character of polarized negative beings, the human exploiters. Some call it the thinning of the veil or simply the ‘Awakening’. The Brexit was taken by UK fed up with the European Union destroying the invincibility of the Archons in their planned NEW WORLD control . Clinton lost to Trump, lost credibility of the MSM proclaiming Hillary is tops. We all know Trump is a mistake, but this one seems an alternative than control of the Archons. We awake, analyze these dark beings who started to control via consumerism-commercialism for the last 200 years. Of late the fatal use of drugs, vaccine, fluoride, chlorine on water, aerial plague/chemical warfare and antibiotics to annihilate humanity, slowly but surely is discovered by the scientific community, the better ones thru ICTM…. but some medical doctors are in the pockets of Archons. Dark do not like what they see, humans awakening to their inherent divinity from implanted- manufactured-DNA controls. We are fragments of Source Energy and awakening is tapping within our hearts and minds, knocking thru pineal glands from Source brilliant pure white light from Central Suns-Sol as portal. The dark is on the run on their last hurrah with DG13 puppets. They will try to repeat the flood of tears for humans thru fear, anguish and hate. This is a repeat of Utnapishtim-Noah as at that period we start to ask questions, even asked for alternative food eaten by the Gods to avoid death. Can you imagine an idiot killing his beloved son in the guise of obedience to Yahweh! Eons, nuclear power- war machines, possessions of Archons are unknown to humans, only the possessions of ‘Gods’. They can result to annihilation of earth or a whole country selected by the dark for fear effect. They have weather control, what the Russians and US have for destruction. Our times, 21st century, they control destructive-military forces and government owned nuclear arsenals. They even manipulate scientific advancements in all areas of space, military and economic controls. Dark leaders made Fukushima, Chernobyl and US nuclear ‘accidents’ happen some of which are unreported by MSM. At the olden times, they dropped bombs in the seven cities of Nippur and Shuruppak in Sumer and in our linear times at Hiroshima and Nagasaki for no reason at all as the war is over and won by the west. For effects they repeat dropping nuclear bombs in our cities, all acts of cowardice-annihilation of and against earth-humanity as they know we are assisted at these linear times by lieutenants of Source. Our collective consciousness will overthrow the negative beings, the only cure for our sufferings but we must act in unity and with collective effort. Let us all work for it, on with our desire to graduate to 5D thru appropriate application of virtues of unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness. We must attain the perfection of our virtuous intentions thru decisive actions for the collective good of the planet-humanity. Harmony among humans of all races will certainly be reality and unconditional love and peace will reign in all planets of the Milky Way Galaxy, for which Earth is a cog in the rising to a higher consciousness. DECEPTION, DISGUISE AND FALSEHOOD Human history is a repetition in many planets of the universe but the free will concept is Infinity’s way of knowing His known ways with the decision given to a human to select from a thousand choices. The signs are imminent and intense energies fill the air that bothers our way of life. Alternating Archons of million years had fantastic disguises of dominion over others that put us in dire straits. Other nations fall because of the dark deeds of one too dirty and greedy leadership. You do not see them published as the negatively inclined beings and MSM love the dark too much, negatively polarized owned by DG13. MSM , FRB, central banks, politicians and leaders are on the same boat, controlled in various ways but mostly thru money and corruption. Research the only countries that disagree with the use of interest charges to people, Iran or Saudi Arabia, who cares as they claim it is prohibited by God mentioned in their sacred books. Several days ago, PH Mindanao is in Martial Law since May 23, 2017 and as our leader said IS hands, a part of the caliphates of the Middle East are everywhere closing in Abu Sayyaf, Maute Group, Bangsa Moro, BIMM and new names keep cropping up in the list of the military. Why? Religion, money and again slavery of the masses. The west has a better way of controlling people, humans when US government authorize Federal Reserve Bank -FRB to make money out of printing flat money when it has no inherent value. We know DG 13 own FRB. Get mum as assassination is true for JFK and Lincoln. Imagine taxes levied and paid by all of us to liquidate a paper printing useless flat paper and bonds sold to the world. Government collect taxes, levies and fees to pay FRB-CB-DG13, ways of making the fat fatter. Source Energy lieutenants are directed to depose and transfer these Archons/heirs to other planets of darkness where they belong, to further undergo their evolvement in the negative realm till they catch a spark of light. Divine world is so gracious. Everybody is allowed to evolve to the light without annihilation or destruction of races, whether you are positive or ultra-negative. Words coming to my mind from intuition-HS that I cannot tell real truth, but evolvement must be in the million years for the dark. What matter is time frame in the minds of beings, humans, humanoid or archons are all different. History, spiritual nor metaphysical perspectives, even IN5D are unknown to darkness. They are stuck to too much darkness, much to admire it. All these are the real signs of our times, the loosening up of duality and separation, the thinning of the veil, the transfer of archons to other dark pits of the Milky Way galaxy, the awakening of some humans and the questioning of what we have been doing for centuries. We learn to ask the relevance of money in our daily life, the meaning of abundance, the relevance of religion or government. Is there a better way to manage humanity/humanoids in this planet or other planets after granting them free will? Should the dark be invited to exploit a 3D world for the sake of experience? Is electromagnetism the best way or portal to reach the light, or the positive way is faster the negative to reach an integrative point to balance as designated by All That Is? All That Is has His ways. All of us are on our path, to a beautiful portal of light, individual journey seeking Him at 5D to the 12th and more experiences forthcoming for crystalline light beings. Why not start early and get prepared, you can! Love and light, Angel V. Ornedo Jr. About the author: ANGEL V. ORNEDO JR., MBA, CPA, teaches acts of love, light and unity consciousness. With capitalists, he had created livelihood in Industrial Estates in SE Asia and Middle East. He hails from Philippines. Link with him at aornedojr@gmail.com or connect at Barnes and Noble, Xlibris and Amazon.com. ‘Knowing the Infinite Creator.’
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Check out our new site Makeup Addiction add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption add your own caption I don't enjoy City Creek Center Is it because I masturbate?
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This is a game called The Hobbit. Yes, its about the book that J.R.R. Tolkien wrote. OR IS IT?!? Hint: its not. Graphics: They suck. Stupid gnomes, one wizard, and floating spiders are the only things in the game. The guy you are is some stupid thing that doesn’t have his legs moving at all. And he has no feet. He’s jumping around on stubs! Sound: Its a stupid song. It has an “adventurous” feel to it, but there IS no adventure in this game. Gameplay: ….you jump….and move….and “swing” which more like a flicking of the sword. He’s a mean sword flicker…you’ll know what I mean if you play it.
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You take 7 capsules daily for as long as you take them. You are taking 7 capsules for 7 weeks to get the herbs into your makeup (bloodstream) for its contraceptive purposes and during the 7 weeks you are to abstain from unprotected sex or sex entirely. After 7 weeks, you can go back to unprotected sex, as the wild yam will now be in your body serving as a contraceptive.
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Autumn And Kate Autumn-Jade has gotten a few demands to watch her with an 1818 style with little knockers. This sort of match-up (thick tits-little knockers) isn’t a fresh concept and certainly has its attraction to a boy. Simply the sheer distinction in pecs sizes beats several buttons. Autumn enjoyed how Kate appears and Kate used to be recreation. In combination within the SCORE Studio, they get truly mischievous, soddening the couch with puss splooge and Wett lubricant all over their double-dong scissor-fuck. It is a very first for Autumn. Her former Sapphic dates have been with highly huge-chested stunners like herself. On with the showcase.
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I began stripping, slowly, almost like a tease. I anticipated the hot steamy water, as I heard it pour. The soft, grey cotton blouse lifted over my breasts. I removed my panties from my waist. The black lace slowly slid down my legs. I felt how warm it was between my thighs. My hands slowly glided up around my breasts. I really wanted in the water. I was tense. Everywhere. I stepped into the shower, and stood there, letting the water caress my body, as I arched my back, holding myself against the wall. I leaned back into the water, and let it slowly wet my hair. I sighed as I felt my soaked long hair fall to my spine. I squeezed the bottle of soap into my hand, and started massaging my breasts. My nipples were hardening. Then I reached back and rubbed my ass cheeks, nice and slowly. Once was covered in soap, I turned the faucet to a colder temperature, then rinsed off my slick, soapy body. Then I washed my hair in the chilled water. It felt so nice, turned me on, because all I could think about at that point was his cold hands...all over my wet completely infatuated body. He would like that.. I started shaving my legs. First, my thighs, then my knees, and over, down. I made sure I went slowly and gently, so that I wouldn't cut. I had been cutting myself shaving every time, so I assured myself I would be as gentle as possible. I had a hand full of shaving cream. I started slowly massaging every inch of my pussy. The water had already got me going, but for some reason this felt even more amazing. I moaned soft little sounds..unintentionally. The warm creamy feeling gave me a little orgasm.. I started shaving the lower part of my pussy, the inside of my thighs..I moaned a little more, as the razor slowly, very gently, slid over my clit. I felt like I was going to cum after every stroke..a volcano was about to erupt inside of me. I changed the temperature of the water, and started rinsing off the creamy goodness. I started rubbing my clit slowly... I wanted to cum, badly. I played with myself a little longer, then thought of the amazing orgasm awaiting me. I rinsed off completely, rang my hair out, and grabbed the towel. I dried off my entire body..so smooth it was, and threw on something comfortable. I crawled in bed, and got under the covers....
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WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - The number of Americans who filed requests for jobless benefits jumped by 13,000 last week to 380,000, the highest level since late January, the U.S. Labor Department said Thursday. Much of the increase in the week ended April 7 was related to spring break, when many school bus drivers and cafeteria workers are allowed to file claims. Claims from two weeks ago, however, were revised up to 367,000 from 357,000, an unusually sharp adjustment. Economists surveyed by MarketWatch had projected claims would total a seasonally adjusted 359,000. The average of new claims over the past four weeks, meanwhile, rose by a smaller 4,250 to 368,500, the highest level in a month. The monthly average is seen as a more accurate gauge of labor-market trends because it reduces seasonal volatility in the weekly data. Continuing claims decreased by 98,000 to a seasonally adjusted 3.25 million in the week ended March 24, the Labor Department said. Continuing claims are reported with a one-week lag. About 6.95 million people received some kind of state or federal benefit in the week ended March 17, down 97,833 from the prior week. Total claims are reported with a two-week lag.
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Q: Cannot Instantiate DatePipe I am trying to instantiate a DatePipe object in my Angular2 app to use transform(...) function in a component I'm developing. // ... import { DatePipe } from '@angular/common'; @Component({...}) export class PanelComponent implements OnInit { // ... datePipe: DatePipe = new DatePipe(); // Error thrown here // ... } This code segment worked fine in RC5. Now I am trying to upgrade to Angular2 final release and getting this error when I run ng serve or ng build, ~/tmp/broccoli_type_script_compiler-input_base_path-XitPWaey.tmp/0/src/app/panel/panel.component.ts (33, 24): Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target. How can I resolve this issue? Is there another way of instantiating a Pipe? Or has Angular stopped supporting instantiating of Pipes inside components? A: If you take a look at source code then you will see that DatePipe constructor asks for a required parameter: constructor(@Inject(LOCALE_ID) private _locale: string) {} There is no default locale for DataPipe https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/2.0.0/modules/%40angular/common/src/pipes/date_pipe.ts#L97 That's why typescript gives the error. This way you have to initiate your variable as shown below: datePipeEn: DatePipe = new DatePipe('en-US') datePipeFr: DatePipe = new DatePipe('fr-FR') constructor() { console.log(this.datePipeEn.transform(new Date(), 'dd MMMM')); // 21 September console.log(this.datePipeFr.transform(new Date(), 'dd MMMM')); // 21 septembre } Hope it helps you!
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/r/ChapoTrapHouse 50k sub survey The form /r/ChapoTrapHouse 50k sub survey is no longer accepting responses. Try contacting the owner of the form if you think this is a mistake.
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Mouse colostomy model for studies on large bowel cancer. The development of appropriate animal model systems has been proposed as a means of facilitating the study of human colorectal cancer. This report describes the development and use of a blind-colorectal pouch in a carcinoma mouse model. The blind-pouch was prepared in C57BL/6J mice by surgically exteriorizing the descending colon and producing two stomata in the abdominal wall. The proximal stoma served as an end colostomy and the distal stoma created as a mucous fistula. Surgical closure of the anus thus provided a colorectal pouch. In pilot studies it was found that N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) and radiation together but neither separately produced tumors in the pouch of surviving mice. Further, inoculation of C38 syngeneic tumor cell suspension into the pouch and immediate closure resulted in tumor takes within three to four weeks. The use of this model in carcinogenesis and the immunology of colon cancer simulate the human colorectal cancer problem more closely than previous animal models.
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Find girl for sex tonight in Sexland Lesbian sex her video LustHD - Russian Chick Fucked In All Holes If Aunt Mary came back last night then who came in my room, her or mom. He began pumping me in and hfr. She looked up and it was her brother who was naked. My lady has one orgasm, then another, than another. Hot. Carol was no longer wearing panties after school. They were hiding in one of the stalls in the girls bathroom. She gagged as he rammed his cock down her throat in ehr single thrust the next thrust he could feel his balls start to tighten "Swallow or drown bitch" he yelled A muffled "wwwhhhaaaatttt" came from deep inside of her as Adonis grabbed her by her ears and press his cock in deep as he could dex his hot wolf seed down her throat when he was spent he let go of her and the lioness fell to the floor in a heap coughing from Lssbian lack of air. From another door emerged the guy who had used a magnet on my tits. Her breasts now exposed, the masseuse begins to massage her breasts, using an upward motion toward he nipples and cupping his hands, moves his hands around and around her breast(s), approaching her nipples. Mike said oh my goodness how does she Lesiban so young. "You have to vudeo sure I can have children. "Sal, what do y-," Tony tried to say something when he looked up and was shocked to see his sister. I went to the bed- room with the couple i came up with. This in turn caused my eyes to pop out even farther. After awhile I wasn't so I unzipped some of it. She came - hard - just before I lost control myself, made all the more pleasurable by the sensation of filling her up with my cum. A little about the video Video сomments (32) I?ve not been there on any sustained level, but in the wake of the suicide of a daughter of a good friend I allowed my mind to go there out of curiosity. Shakazshura wrote 28.05.2018, 03:56: #2 Pence was his impeachment insurance! LOL Kajibar wrote 03.06.2018, 18:53: #3 I agree. Not only that, but society may decide X is moral or immoral, and an individual's conscience may come to the opposite conclusion. Vishakar wrote 07.06.2018, 13:04: #4 Yet unable to come up with words as to why .. Maybe " everybody" should start thinking for them self's and not just reciting other peoples words. Faedal wrote 11.06.2018, 13:51: #5 There were 3 million more votes for a white female, so I don't think the color of the candidates skin ever bothered the Democrats. Dousar wrote 13.06.2018, 22:07: #6 You lack understanding of what millions of people have had to struggle with. Tojara wrote 14.06.2018, 19:04: #7 Ham tam ack! Mazucage wrote 18.06.2018, 13:49: #8 I feel like that's the preferably choice Akinosar wrote 28.06.2018, 08:01: #9 (1) We don't know what the organic compounds were. We know rocks were heated, and they released chemicals like coal does, indicating the presence of organic compounds. But we have no idea what organic compounds they were, other than they were pretty complicated (e.g. not ethanol. propane or benzene). Mikajin wrote 30.06.2018, 18:27: #10 Except people who defend slavery are actually racists. Najar wrote 30.06.2018, 22:44: #11 People experience rejection physically, just like any other stress. Some people don't have the basic self control to no react physically in turn. Mikatilar wrote 08.07.2018, 18:11: #12 Again, so you claim. It can't prove. Zulkir wrote 17.07.2018, 16:19: #13 "it wasn?t just Christians" I assume you mean in the past tense. Well, how do we draw lines? I guess Corporate patent laws have influenced anti-Christian thinkers widely. The Greeks and Arabs established their patents on addition and Arabic numerals, so the Christians have only "helped" science. Akitaur wrote 26.07.2018, 10:32: #14 Is there an example? Guzil wrote 05.08.2018, 18:21: #15 Wrong country man Arashizragore wrote 13.08.2018, 06:17: #16 I don't care who hired him, waving that fact around is supposed to change his pedigree? Shakashicage wrote 15.08.2018, 23:49: #17 You may want t read your story title again. Ordinary Jew or Prophet, hmmm? Domi wrote 26.08.2018, 17:46: #18 How about Trump - Saul/Paul Kaktilar wrote 29.08.2018, 11:24: #19 You're looking for an escort? Now that backpage is gone I think you'll have to drive around keeping your eyes open. If you see one winking at you as you drive by a helluva good chance she's a working girl. Kerisar wrote 05.09.2018, 00:15: #20 Is it a "free market"? What kind of deals are they? Do we have deals with these nations where our companies and theirs trade pretty well openly? Or do these deals include all kinds of other things like the required transfer of intellectual property to foreign companies, placing Americans and American-owned businesses in front of foreign courts or courts created by these deals, ceding aspects of immigration law over to these deals, etc? These aren't anything like a free market? Couple all that with George Washington's advise and warning's from his farewell address and these deals fail the test. Kazramuro wrote 12.09.2018, 11:06: #21 Yes, those are the ones I was alluding to... these are foreign children forcibly removed from their parents and placed in someone else's custody, where they are hopefully well treated, we could verify, but we can't find some 1,500 of them... nothing to see here... We're just separating families, for their own good, and of course American Public safety, because these "Animals" are bringing Drugs and Crime, "..They're rapists, and some I assume are good people"... so we can't let these dangerous children out to prey on helpless 'murikans Meztilkree wrote 14.09.2018, 22:29: #22 yeah, the universe is extremely dynamic we are only scratching the surface. And like the flatlanders we suffer the same irony. Goltiramar wrote 16.09.2018, 09:15: #23 Trump's kryptonite are porn stars, so when Kim Kardashian showed up ... Yozshuhn wrote 21.09.2018, 23:43: #24 Are you actually contending that earth is not hollow and flat? Really? Doshakar wrote 29.09.2018, 22:50: #25 I suspect it was consensual. But now consent isn?t enough when someone has more power than you and pays you Toramar wrote 09.10.2018, 07:02: #26 Don't forget the evil bastard also has two scoops of ice cream. JoJolkis wrote 14.10.2018, 09:45: #27 That isn't my belief, and that sentence doesn't even make sense. Yozshutaxe wrote 23.10.2018, 08:42: #28 You seem to miss the fact that what Christians did was not right with their belief. Akinojin wrote 29.10.2018, 03:31: #29 There is nothing special in the universe. The universe itself is not special. Nature is nothing but an amalgam of mindless cycles of force. The cosmos is not sentient - not even of itself. The universe does not have, and is incapable of having, a point of view about itself or about any of its parts. In that respect, the cosmos resembles H.P. Lovecraft's blind idiot god, Azathoth. Kagara wrote 04.11.2018, 11:35: #30 More than 500 people at one time, in addition to the Apostles, saw Him alive after He arose. Shaktikazahn wrote 06.11.2018, 08:30: #31 Lara Craft was asking for Lyme Disease or Malaria dressed like that. Just sayin.
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Videos taken down from Vimeo for using the word ‘Pixels’ According to a report from Kotaku, DMCA takedown notices were served to Vimeo (and actioned by Vimeo) for several completely unrelated videos that happened to include “Pixels” in their titles. Advertisement And the kicker: What about the damn official movie trailer for Pixels? Enthura global, an ant-piracy group that represents Columbia Pictures, recently handed Vimeo a takedown notice for housing a number of videos with the word “Pixels” in their titles. “Entura has since withdrawn its takedown notice”, Turner wrote. Sorry to leave you on a downer, but it looks like Pixels, you know that awful Adam Sandler movie, is responsible for a load of unrelated videos getting taken down from the Interwebs. The “infringing” video, also titled Pixels, was directed by an independent filmmaker and made entirely with his own material. Incredibly, the only actual instance of Pixels footage being removed was the film’s trailer. In fact, a lot of them are completely unrelated personal projects and those don’t deserve to go down with Pixels. “I used a mix of stop motion animation techniques in order to tell the story”. “Pantone Pixels” was uploaded four years ago. In the meantime, we just hope Entura worldwide doesn’t start going after even more pixels. Unlike the Patrick Jean film on which it was based, Sandler’s film, in which invading aliens take the form of giant, 8-bit video-game characters, has been reviewedpoorly. Advertisement Pixels is so bad it’s managed to become a black hole of wank, with other creative works being sucked in and never seeing the light of day ever again. As Deadline reported in 2010, Columbia Pictures and Happy Madison (Adam Sandler’s company) were in talks with Jean to develop the 2015 Pixels, and Happy Madison had bought the rights. “It also says that for vimeo to accept to return the video online we have to give our name address and an assortment of statements”, wrote the non-profit organization NeMe in a post on Vimeo’s forums. Hopefully, Entura and Columbia Pictures will admit their mistake in this case but given past experience it seems unlikely.
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My Prayer for Mothers Who have Said Childbirth is ‘not that painful’: May The Lord Forgive You 6May 05, 2017By Dang Recently I went to see a friend who just had a baby. As I hugged her, she whispered in my ear dramatically “don’t do it. I’m serious. Don’t”. She said before she was given epidural, the pain hurt so bad, her brain almost exploded. She mentioned that the child wasn’t coming out of her anus but while she pushed, that hurt too Speaking of anus, she said “do you know I pooped a little while pushing?” After a day or two of giving birth, “I still had mucus coming out of my jajaina” Euwwww…mucus ke? She gave me the “side eye”. “See this one” she said to me as I grabbed my head trying to stop myself from imagining the situation. She then made matters worse…”Shebi you’re always trying to protect your jajaina, the stitches from my episiotomy itches and hurts like crazy. The pain does not end after baby pops out o” Oh my Chisosssss…why did you people tight all these information to your chest? Not one person, even my sister and best friends have given me vivid details like this So I had imagined I would glam up during child birth because there’ll be a professional photographer taking pictures and maybe my sister would do a video. But how is my make up and nice hair going to stay in place when I’m pooping and my brain is exploding from pain? After scaring my socks off, she looked at her baby, smiled fondly and said “trust me though, it’s all worth it”. This time, I was the one who gave her the “side eye!”
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The present invention relates to a soldering apparatus comprising at least one soldering iron with a heating element and a regulating circuit including a temperature sensor for regulating the working temperature of the soldering iron, for example by feedback control, to a predeterminable desired value. Soldering apparatus of this kind is available everywhere and is used for diverse soldering tasks on electric circuits, circuitboards etc., in particular when relatively small batches are required. Such small numbers or batches are however frequently encountered in technical fields where the highest degree of reliability is desired, for example in the aerospace field. In addition to the known temperature regulation circuits individual soldering stations have hitherto only been equipped with an additional operating state indicator. Precision soldering of highly sensitive components thus consequently took place only by visual assessment of the instanteous values and by inherent trust on the function of the regulating circuitry. Since the requirement is increasingly being made in the aerospace and reactor fields, as examples for typical applications where high reliability technology is required, to document the working process and the working conditions, a considerable expenditure of time was necessary with the previous working methods in order to satisfy this requirement. Indeed this is made more difficult by the fact that under normal manufacturing conditions several workers are employed in parallel with such tasks as a working group, i.e. as a soldering or repair group. It was thus previously necessary for the important soldering parameters to be detected at each of the individual working places. This gave rise to large cost and complexity with regard to the measuring apparatus and the personal requirement. It has occurred to the applicant that this expenditure and complexity is actually not necessary and the applicant has now therefore set himself the task of so further developing a soldering apparatus of the initially named kind that solder joints of high quality, i.e. so-called precision solder joints, can be carried out reliably and monitored using simple means while retaining the customary soldering iron. Furthermore, documentation of the course of the soldering procedure at the individual soldering stations should be straightforwardly possible.
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The Threat and Triumph of Groundhog Day Since 1840, Groundhog Day has been a quaint little tradition brought to us by German immigrants from Pennsylvania. It’s a charming idea. The whole village gathers to see if a furry little rodent will predict an early spring. Then they celebrate their good fortune or drown their sorrows. It’s a sweet little excuse to throw a party. And either way, they get to drink themselves silly. Sweet, But Pretty Damn Stupid The whole premise of this made-up holiday is illogical. If it’s sunny on February 2nd, the groundhog is scared by its shadow, goes back to his hole to hibernate, and winter drags on another six weeks. If it’s cloudy, the hog comes out of hibernation and spring starts early. That’s just dumb. If anything, being sunny would be a sign that spring is coming. Cloudy would tell most groundrats to expect more winter. Not the other way around. And the little hog’s track record as a forecaster is pretty damn dismal. Over 177 years, he’s been right only 39% of the time. Incredibly, wantonly, stupid. But Not The Movie In 1993, Bill Murray starred in the movie called Groundhog Day. Though initially seen as just a sweet and silly comedy, after a generation of reflection, this film was added to the United States National Film Registry, being deemed “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.” You’ll find it listed just after The Godfather and Gone with the Wind, and just before Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner and Gunga Din. Murray plays Phil Connors, a stuck up TV weatherman assigned to do a live remote from the big Groundhog Day festival. Phil travels with his crew (Andie MacDowell as his producer Rita & Chris Elliot as his cameraman) to Gobbler’s Knob, the night before Punxsutawney Phil is to do his thing. An insufferable snob, Phil is kind of a dick to everyone he meets. He thinks the locals are all stupid hicks and he can’t wait to finish his broadcast and head back to the big city. Metaphysical Plot Twist As you know (if you haven’t seen this movie stop reading immediately and watch it right now), Phil gets trapped in Gobbler’s Knob by a blizzard he failed to forecast. When he wakes up the morning after Groundhog Day, he finds himself trapped in a time loop. No matter what he does, when he falls asleep at the end of the day, he wakes up again on the previous day. He is forced to relive Groundhog Day over and over in Gobbler’s Knob. A place he detests, full of people he despises. Over and over again. At first, he tries resisting it. He bitches and moans and is rude to everyone. Then he fights it by committing suicide dozens of times in a variety of ways. Then he tries to take advantage of it. He takes up smoking and eating all the donuts he can, because, why the hell not? Then he tries to seduce his producer Rita, because, why the hell not? He learns a bit more about her each day and uses this knowledge to pretend to be the kind of guy she’s dreaming of. But each attempt ends badly, and we’re treated to an awesome montage of Rita slapping the crap out of Phil. Hilarious. The Turning Point Finally, he resigns himself to his fate and tries to better his lot. Mostly out of boredom, Phil starts paying attention to the personal lives of the people he’s stuck with. He shows a little kindness and empathy and starts getting rewarded with warmth and acceptance. Every day he fixes the sweet old ladies’ flat tire, rescues the kid falling from the tree, performs the Heimlich maneuver on the mayor, and helps the homeless guy get something to eat. Over and over. He starts to like his day. He even starts taking piano lessons (because Rita likes musicians), and over many days, over and over, he starts to get really good at it. Though he’s still stuck in Gobbler Knob, he’s no longer stuck in hell. He’s stuck in a town of amazing possibility, where he has the chance to improve himself by getting better at each interaction of just that one day. By endless trial and error, he makes better and better choices and gets better and better results. Phil eventually becomes a thoughtful, generous and beloved member of the town, and a badass piano player. Rita witnesses his growth and falls in love with him for real, and after repeating Groundhog Day endlessly, he finally wakes up to the day after. Yay! Happy ending! Groundhog Day – The Movie’s Legacy Today, the movie Groundhog Day is a cultural metaphor and an example of “spiritual transcendence”. Buddhists like it for its themes of selflessness and rebirth. Christians like its representation of Purgatory and the release that comes from shedding selfishness and committing acts of love. Hindus like the reference to reincarnation, and Jews like that it shows good deeds (mitzvahs) saving a person to return to earth to perform more. Religious leaders have called it the “most spiritual film of our time”. And one egghead theologian even called it “a stunning allegory of moral, intellectual, and even religious excellence in the face of postmodern decay, a sort of Christian-Aristotelian Pilgrim’s Progress for those lost in the contemporary cosmos.” Postmodern Contemporary Cosmos My Butt I just like it because it shows how our lives are threatened by our repeated, poor choices. And it shows the triumph that can occur when we learn, from trial and error, like the dumb humans that we are, to improve our lives by improving our choices and our behavior. One day at a time. Most importantly, Groundhog Day is a lesson to us all. If we are unhappy, it’s probably because we wake up to the same set of circumstances brought on by all the choices from our past. To change these circumstances, we must make better choices every day. If we resist it, fight it, or try to take advantage, we will still wake up in the same exact place. But along the way, we will be forced to watch the montage of life slapping the crap out of us. So celebrate the day. Watch the movie, and wake up tomorrow willing to do things differently. To make better choices and behave in a more selfless and generous way. Because ultimately, through enough trial and error, you too may reap the rewards and accolades showered upon that stupid, furry, forecasting rodent. Post navigation 3 thoughts on “The Threat and Triumph of Groundhog Day” Thanks Aram! Going to watch Groundhog Day with my parents. Makes total sense about the cultural phenomenon of spiritual ascendance. We need something more to help us through the day. A bigger sense of the universe than just what can I get for me and mine.
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RKPrime – Abella Danger Her Ex Fucks Her The Best 864 0%
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The notion some on the left have that they would gain from such a conflict is insane on every level. It would be a catastrophe of world historical dimensions, unleashing every bad actor in the world to enact its dream aggressions: China attacking Taiwan, Iran attacking Israel, and Russia restoring the old USSR borders, for starters. Mass psychosis has gripped a significant fraction of the progressive regressive elites in the wake of their shock at the election and presidency of Donald Trump. The open embrace by California and some other jurisdictions of nullification – the doctrine that states can ignore or obstruct federal law – is recapitulating the run-up to our 19th-century Civil War. Serious publications are taking seriously the possibility of an actual armed conflict . But how about the question of who would win? Kurt Schlichter on Town Hall takes a cold, hard look at the question and concludes (correctly) that the blue-staters would get their posteriors handed to them. His article, titled "Why Democrats Would Lose the Second Civil War, Too," is must-reading, albeit unpleasant to contemplate. I think he is highly realistic: Do I think there will be a civil war? No, but there could be. This is the Age of Black Swans, and anything is possible – we could easily see the country split into red and blue. Civil war is unlikely, but never underestimate Democrat stupidity and hatred. If you can read Schlichter's article with the same amused frame of mind you might take while playing a violent videogame, there are a lot of payoffs in it. The Dems have no clue how stupid they are. There are two Civil War II scenarios, and the left is poorly positioned to prevail in either one. The first scenario is that the Democrats take power and violate the Constitution in order to use the apparatus of the federal government to suppress and oppress Normal Americans. In that scenario, red Americans are the insurgents. In the second scenario, which we can even now see the stirrings of in California's campaign to nullify federal immigration law, it is the blue states that are the insurgents. The Democrats lose both wars. Big time. Let's talk terrain and numbers. Remember the famous red v. blue voting map? There is a lot of red, and in the interior the few blue splotches are all cities like Las Vegas or Denver. That is a lot of territory for a counter-insurgent force to control, and this is critical. The red is where the food is grown, the oil pumped, and through which everything is transported. And that red space is filled with millions of American citizens with small arms, a fairly large percentage of whom have military training. Remember what two untrained idiots did in Boston with a couple of pistols? They shut a city down. Now multiply that by several million, with better weapons and training. He does not ignore the fact that Dems are the party of disarmed civilians, and consider how law enforcement, the military, and the National Guard might handle the conflicting calls that would be made on their loyalties. This article really should be read by progs. But it won't be. They like living in their fantasy world, where human nature can be changed, tax hikes increase prosperity, and racial agitation is the means to produce a just society.
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Mandate Pictures Mandate Pictures was a full-service film production and financing company acquired by Lionsgate in 2007. History In 2005, Mandate Pictures was officially formed when the Los Angeles–based Senator International completed a management buyout from German indie giant Senator Entertainment AG. Joe Drake, Brian Goldsmith and Nathan Kahane became the sole proprietors of Mandate Pictures. At the time, the company was helmed by President Joe Drake, chief financial officer Brian Goldsmith, and Nathan Kahane as the company's President of Motion Pictures, overseeing the daily creative operations of the new company. Mandate Pictures independently produced and financed feature films by leveraging international sales, while seeking out domestic distributors on a film by film basis. On September 10, 2007, the partners sold Mandate Pictures to Lionsgate, and as part of that deal Kahane stayed on as President of Mandate Pictures while Mandate CEO Joe Drake became President of the Motion Picture Group and Co-Chief Operating Officer at Lionsgate. After the acquisition, Mandate operated as an independent brand under Drake and Kahane, releasing commercial and independent films worldwide while retaining the creative autonomy and capital to finance, develop, package and produce theatrical films. In the spring of 2012, Drake and Kahane launched Good Universe, a new full-service motion picture financing, production and global sales company. The launch comes as the collaborators transition out of Lionsgate, opening its doors fully staffed and with films from the development slate at predecessor company Mandate Pictures. Good Universe will work with Lionsgate to complete a number of Mandate films and provide certain management and production services on a number of Mandate library properties. Filmography Senator International Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004) (released by New Line Cinema) Boogeyman (2005) (released by Screen Gems and Ghost House Pictures) Lords of Dogtown (2005) (released by Columbia Pictures and Tristar Pictures) Mandate Pictures 2000s Stranger than Fiction (2006) (released by Columbia Pictures) The Grudge 2 (2006) (released by Columbia Pictures and Ghost House Pictures) The Messengers (2007) (released by Columbia Pictures, Screen Gems and Ghost House Pictures) Rise: Blood Hunter (2007) (released by Samuel Goldwyn Films, Destination Films and Ghost House Pictures) Sleuth (2007) (released by Sony Pictures Classics and Castle Rock Entertainment) Juno (2007) (released by Fox Searchlight Pictures) Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (2007) (released by 20th Century Fox and Walden Media) Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (2008) (released by New Line Cinema) The Strangers (2008) (released by Rogue Pictures and Intrepid Pictures) Passengers (2008) (released by TriStar Pictures) Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist (2008) (released by Columbia Pictures) Horsemen (2009) (released by Lionsgate Films, Radar Pictures and Platinum Dunes) Drag Me to Hell (2009) (released by Universal Pictures and Ghost House Pictures) Whip It (2009) (released by Fox Searchlight Pictures) 2010s Peacock (2010) The Switch (2010) (released by Miramax Films) 50/50 (2011) (released by Summit Entertainment) A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas (2011) (released by Warner Bros. and New Line Cinema) Young Adult (2011) (released by Paramount Pictures) LOL (2012) (released by Lionsgate Films) Seeking A Friend for the End of the World (2012) (released by Focus Features and Indian Paintbrush) Hope Springs (2012) (co-released by Columbia Pictures and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures) This Is the End (2013) (released by Columbia Pictures) Paradise (2013) (released by Image Entertainment) References External links Mandate Pictures at IMDb Category:Media companies established in 2001 Category:Media companies established in 2005 Category:Media companies disestablished in 2013 Category:Defunct American film studios Category:Former Lionsgate subsidiaries Category:Film distributors of the United States Category:Film production companies of the United States Category:Companies based in Los Angeles County, California
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A place where I can track my transformation! Week 7: Workout A (Day 16 of Transformation Challenge) Was able to eat very well the night before but did not get enough sleep. I think it was another 5 hour sleep before my workout. Really felt tired but pushed myself for today’s session. One of these days I will get more than 6 hours sleep!(Maybe the few drinks I had for Father’s Day could have caused my squat stall considering I rarely drink now a days.) I think I was not warmed up enough. My mind and body just simply gave up on me on the 1st 3 sets and the last one. I think my best set was the 4th set and I think it was very good. Think the 4th set was the best set I have ever done to date so far … On the failed sets I stopped before I think I would drop the bar if I attempted another rep. This is my 2nd stall so I think instead of waiting to stall a 3rd time I will deload – 10% on next session. Also I think I was able to fix my hand placement issue on this set for the most part after rereading Starting Strength while I was doing my PRE-WO evacuation 😀 Also I think I still need to work on my hip drive and that would make my squats easier. Bench Press I think for the most part my lifts are fine. Much less lateral movements compared to my previous sessions I think. I think I was able to keep my whole body tighter as well. Very happy that I overcome this session and did not stall 😀 Bent-over Rows: I think my form is ok in this one also. Don’t think my lower back is rounding and the sets felt good. I somehow had second wind I think on the 4th set and was jumping around like a crack addict lol. Some old lady that was telling me not to grunt a few weeks ago was giving me more fitness advice. She was telling me there is no need to lift so heavy and I should lift lighter. One other thing that made me smile inside was some regular gym-goer was doing Deadlifts behind me with the amount of weight I was doing my rows! He was at least 20 lbs heavier than me and looks like in better shape but he was using gloves, a mixed grip and about the same weight I was just rowing! Dips: I still love dips at this time. Still did not feel too heavy and I just busted through them like it was cool! Reverse Crunch: Was running out of time for what I have to do after the gym so I rushed thru my crunches. 1st 2 sets felt fine and the 3rd set was when I felt the burn!
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@BelleGirl21 yup, even though I have to say that this is definitely one of her better pics...I've seen her only once in real life. But if I'm totally honest... I think the QA looks better than every single one of them. At least going by the pics here... not trying to kiss ass, just my personal opinion/taste
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THE APPEALS CHAMBER ofthe International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991 ("International Tribunal"); NOTING the following notices of appeal which have been filed from the Judgement of Trial Chamber II in this matter, issued on 16 November 1998: Esad Landžo’s Notice of Appeal, 1 December 1998 Zdravko Mucic’s Notice of Appeal, 27 November 1998 Hazim Delic’s Notice of Appeal, 24 November 1998 Prosecution’s Notice of Appeal, 26 November 1998 Zejnil Delalic’s Notice of Cross-Appeal, 1 December 1998; NOTING the adoption at the twenty-first plenary session of the International Tribunal of sub-Rule 65bis(B) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the International Tribunal ("Rules"); NOTING that this Rule, which pursuant to sub-Rule 6(D) of the Rules entered into force on 7 December 1999, requires "the Appeals Chamber or an Appeals Chamber judge" to "convene a status conference, within one hundred and twenty days of the filing of a notice of appeal and thereafter within one hundred and twenty days after the last status conference, to allow any person in custody pending appeal the opportunity to raise issues in relation thereto, including the mental and physical condition of that person"; NOTING FURTHER the "Order Appointing a Pre-Appeal Judge", issued on 12 October 1999, which appointed Judge David Hunt as Pre-Appeal Judge in this matter and entrusted him, inter alia, with the conduct of one or more Status Conferences prior to the hearing of the appeal "in order to determine, in consultation with the Appeals Chamber, the procedures to be followed in that hearing"; CONSIDERING that Esad Landzo, Zdravko Mucic and Hazim Delic currently are in detention at the United Nations Detention Unit in The Hague pending the hearing of the appeal; PURSUANT to sub-Rule 65bis(A)(i), Rule 107 and sub-Rule 65bis(B); HEREBY ORDERS that a Status Conference be held before Judge David Hunt on 23 February 2000 at 10.00 a.m.
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Twitter Updates 21 posts from November 2010 All this week, I'm recording the audio version of John Scalzi's The Android's Dream. It's a delightful book, with wonderful characters, smart dialog, and some of the most enjoyable side trips into world building I've ever read in a SF novel. Also, it's really, really funny. Tomorrow, I'm going in later than usual, because I have an audition in the morning for a show that I'm really, really excited to possibly be on. I can't say what it is (whether I book the job or not, when it's all resolved I will reveal at least the title of the show), but it's something I've wanted to work on for years, with some creative people I really respect. So, yanno, fingers crossed and all that. The sides I got for the audition are just wonderful (an incredible rarity these days, sadly) and the character is one of the best-drawn and most clearly-defined characters I've read in years. I'm really looking forward to trying on his skin for a little bit, and seeing how it fits. And then making a lampshade and some luggage out of it, so I can carry him with me wherever I go forever and ever and ever. I'm really looking forward to this audition, and no matter what happens, I'm grateful to the writers and to casting for giving me something I can really work with, instead of something I have to overcome, which seems to happen more frequently than not, (and which I will blame on Reality TV, because ... why not? Fuck Reality TV, man. Fuck it right in its empty soul and black withered industry-destroying heart.) This character is a thinker, reclusive, intense, and broken. The sides just hint at it, but there is something seriously wrong with this guy, and the scenes are so well-written, I can set my twisted imagination free to run around in the field of dark and fucked up things, and use whatever it digs up to inform the character choices I make. This sort of thing hardly ever happens (the material we typically get for television just isn't this solid), so I'm making the most of it; it's pretty fun, and tremendously satisfying. This afternoon, I told my manager, "even though this guy is nothing like me, he's right in my wheelhouse as an actor, and I'm really looking forward to this, and I feel like I'm less likely to suck than a year or two ago, because I've been lucky enough to work a lot recently, and I don't feel like I'm all rusty and weird." He pointed out that I've been getting cast in a lot of roles like this, lately, too, so something is working when I play these guys ... though both of us decided it was probably a good idea not to dig too deeply into the roots of this particular mystery. Besides, my imagination is doing a pretty disturbing job all on its own, and I don't want to mess with its mojo, lest it decide to turn me into a lampshade or something.
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[ { "begin": 0, "end": 16, "score": 0.054466415 }, { "begin": 16, "end": 45, "score": 0.060774624 }, { "begin": 45, "end": 131, "score": 0.08260335 }, { "begin": 131, "end": 288, "score": 0.061668206 }, { "begin": 288, "end": 321, "score": 0.041969735 }, { "begin": 321, "end": 467, "score": 0.06580044 }, { "begin": 467, "end": 689, "score": 0.036822435 }, { "begin": 689, "end": 730, "score": 0.052600365 }, { "begin": 730, "end": 923, "score": 0.021273134 }, { "begin": 923, "end": 2829, "score": 0.6301354 } ]
Video: Sick as a dog! One in three pet owners admit to taking at least TWO DAYS off every year to look after animals when they get ill See more on a new study that says millions of Americans may take days off to nurse sick pets.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
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Ahh, another character we love to hate. She may be an awful bitch queen but she’s a feisty mother. Said to be the most beautiful girl in Westeros in her early days, Cersei is a mother who will not go down without a fight. I can never picture anyone playing the role of Cersei more than Lena Headey. Tried my best to show that signature smirk of hers but I’ve failed.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ { "begin": 0, "end": 40, "score": 0.25335655 }, { "begin": 40, "end": 99, "score": 0.94992846 }, { "begin": 99, "end": 222, "score": 0.3091768 }, { "begin": 222, "end": 300, "score": 0.11102557 }, { "begin": 300, "end": 367, "score": 0.11030408 } ]
Q: Thumbnails limit max first 6 images I'm using Drupal 7 and create a module for my content thumbnail images frontpage display. Working this: if(count($p_detail->field_slide) > 0){ $output .= '<div class="right">'; $output .= '<ul class="thumbs">'; $i=6; foreach($p_detail->field_slide['und'] as $thumb): $img_path = $thumb['uri']; $img_url = image_style_url('tmb_240x117', $img_path); $img_file = '<img src="'.$img_url.'" alt="'.$p_detail->title.'" />'; $output .= '<li> <a href="'.$p_url.'"> '.$img_file.' <div class="shadow"></div> <div class="hoverimg"></div> </a> <div class="img_no">0'.$i.'</div> </li>'; $i--; endforeach; $output .= '</ul>'; $output .= '</div>'; } My thumbnails, field_slide and i want only first 6 thumbnails (if have 6 images... for exam, have 2 images, display 2 thumbnails) How can i do this? A: If I understand you correctly then you just need to break out of the foreach loop after you got 6 thumbnails saved in the $output variable. With that addition the end of your loop would look like this: if ($i == 1) break; $i--; endforeach;
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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55User Rating: 5 out of 5 Review title of Justin Too Human. It's Back?! Talk about having nostalgia, I remember I used to own this game before I sold my xbox 360 to my moronic roommate who I told if he didn't want it to sell it back to me, he pawned it, because he was a pot head. I never forgave him for that, but back to this review, this game was epic, exciting, and I loved it so very much, but the only thing I hated about it, is when a higher level popped in your game, and then left on purpose, making all of the monsters in the game a very high level. I hated that, but besides that this was one of the most fun games I have ever played on the xbox 360, second only two the original Assassin's Creed. I just now downloaded this game, I just hate how you need a debit card for a game that is "free" I think that's moronic, I think they just wanted a receipt, I also read while I was figuring out why it needed a receipt that this game ran into some legal troubles back in 2012. Regardless I cannot wait to start playing this awesome game again, so excited. ha ha.
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[ { "begin": 0, "end": 26, "score": 0.09189964 }, { "begin": 26, "end": 61, "score": 0.041274812 }, { "begin": 61, "end": 73, "score": 0.06331451 }, { "begin": 73, "end": 283, "score": 0.6872239 }, { "begin": 283, "end": 562, "score": 0.18652986 }, { "begin": 562, "end": 711, "score": 0.10098362 }, { "begin": 711, "end": 987, "score": 0.6345035 }, { "begin": 987, "end": 1072, "score": 0.07165183 } ]
FAA plans to decommission Barter Island NDB, AWOS The Air Force is planning to close its facilities at Barter Island LRRS Airport near Kaktovik, Alaska. Part of that closure includes decommissioning the BTI NDB and the AWOS. The FAA is planning to decommission both this fall because it has determined that it cannot afford to support the equipment. AOPA Alaska Regional Representative Tom George has studied the effects this would have on general aviation in the state. "Without weather reporting, Barter Island would become a VFR-only airport because the FAA would cancel all instrument approaches," George said. "Because of the prevalent instrument weather conditions, this move would essentially sever reliable access to the area - aviation is the community's primary link to the rest of the world. Also, not having a weather reporting station in Kaktovik would degrade the quality of area forecasts in northern Alaska." AOPA will be filing comments regarding the planned decommissioning and encourages members to do so before the March 15 deadline. See the FAA's public notice for plan details and to submit comments.
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[ { "begin": 0, "end": 50, "score": 0.15683736 }, { "begin": 50, "end": 154, "score": 0.042037476 }, { "begin": 154, "end": 226, "score": 0.04673692 }, { "begin": 226, "end": 351, "score": 0.059284393 }, { "begin": 351, "end": 472, "score": 0.06882066 }, { "begin": 472, "end": 616, "score": 0.06880061 }, { "begin": 616, "end": 804, "score": 0.023050549 }, { "begin": 804, "end": 926, "score": 0.0092184 }, { "begin": 926, "end": 1055, "score": 0.062434442 }, { "begin": 1055, "end": 1123, "score": 0.037884578 } ]
“Damn, you look hot today.” It was 2013. Kate Havard was a reporting intern at the Washington Post covering the Maryland statehouse. And a lawmaker had just catcalled her in front of a large group of people. “I was so embarrassed, I turned bright red. I felt really ashamed,” Havard recalled. The treatment only got worse. And eventually she started to wonder if a career in journalism was worth it. Havard loved politics and reporting, but she soon left the field. “I decided I didn’t want to have to fend off gross sources for the rest of my life,” she said. The list of male journalists who have been fired for sexual misconduct is long and growing. Matt Lauer and Ryan Lizza have recently joined the ranks of Charlie Rose, Michael Oreskes, Mark Halperin, and Bill O’Reilly. Often lost in the headlines are the stories of how sexual misconduct and harassment hinder women from flourishing professionally, and prevent them from becoming prominent voices in their own right. This is a problem for individual women like Havard, who find themselves questioning their professional goals after facing bad behavior. It’s also a problem for the public at large, who miss out on diverse voices in the news. “We need to do way, way better at creating the workplace environments where all of us can do our best work,” said Ann Marie Lipinski, who is the head of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard. “I suspect we’ve lost some very good people and some diverse perspectives because we expect tolerance for behavior that we excuse as colorfully characteristic of journalism, when in fact it’s just boorish.” “I felt like I had to do my job with one hand tied behind my back” As Havard’s internship wore on, she worried no one was taking her seriously as a journalist. A lawmaker licentiously growled at her and chased her around his office with a pair of antlers during a meeting. An aide told her that his boss had been watching the Netflix show House of Cards, which featured a plot about an affair between a male politician and a political reporter who, like Havard, is a redhead. You better watch out, he told her, in an attempt at a joke. She discovered that a pro-gun group she wrote about was posting photos they found of her from high school and were making crude comments about her looks on a gun rights forum. Havard wondered if all the attention meant she was bad at her job. She also saw that much of the business of gathering sources and getting scoops was done after legislative session was over for the day. Part of learning the ropes of her beat was to make connections with legislators by being friendly and available to talk. She recalls that the more senior male reporters on her team often went out drinking with legislators until 10 or 11 at night to cultivate stories. They invited her to go along, but there was so much pressure to drink that Havard got a bartender friend to make her fake mixed drinks. She didn’t want to be ostracized for not participating. Havard exchanged contact information with many lawmakers, but she found one delegate to be particularly persistent in wanting her attention for non-work-related matters. He repeatedly texted her to find out what she was doing or to start non-work conversations. (Havard provided Vox with screenshots of his text messages.) He was a well-connected legislator with a leadership position. She didn’t want to alienate him or make her superiors at the Post think she wasn’t able to handle her job. Still, she told the male leader of her reporting team that she was uncomfortable with how often the delegate wanted to meet her. He assured her that the delegate was harmless, and offered to talk to him on her behalf, Havard recalled. She declined that offer, thinking that it would be embarrassing and useless. A spokesperson for the Washington Post confirmed that Havard had raised her concerns with the lead reporter, and that he had offered to talk to the delegate for her. “We would counsel our employees to escalate issues like this to management or HR so they can be addressed,” the spokesperson said. “We take these situations seriously, and our harassment policy prohibits harassment by third parties.” “At first I blamed myself. I thought I’d been too friendly and given him the wrong idea.” One night, the delegate invited Havard to a bar in downtown Annapolis. She thought the meeting would be a good opportunity to get leads for stories. But when she arrived at the bar, it became clear that the delegate saw the evening as a date, not a professional engagement. She sat down but was immediately uncomfortable. She kept her coat on as a defensive measure in the interest of keeping the meeting brief. Havard said that the delegate kept urging her to take off her coat and stay. She left a few minutes later, feeling like a line had been crossed. “At first I blamed myself,” Havard said. “I thought I’d been too friendly and given him the wrong idea. I felt so awful that I thought I was just being a reporter, but that I had really screwed up with [this important source.]” Havard said she was unsure of how to deal with interactions with the delegate from then on and was afraid to be left alone with him. She didn’t feel comfortable telling the leader of her reporting team what had happened because she felt he’d been unhelpful about her earlier concerns. Eventually, after the delegate sent her repeated non-work-related text messages that she didn’t answer, she asked him to stop contacting her, which he did. But that posed its own problems. “I felt like I had to do my job with one hand tied behind my back because I couldn’t talk to him,” she said. When the Washington Post internship ended, Havard got another internship. At the end of that internship, she concluded she really liked reporting. But the idea of returning to a place like the statehouse, combined with the insufficient help she felt she from received from her employer in dealing with it, made her queasy. “It wasn’t the only reason I left, but [it] made the decision to leave journalism a lot easier,” Havard said. She decided to take her passion for research and reporting to the think tank and policy world. Although she occasionally does culture reviews and writing on the side, she now works full time in an academia-adjacent job. Meetings often need to happen in private, which is “counter to all of the security precautions that experts would tell you to take” Sexual harassment is widespread in the workplace, and its effects are pernicious. A 2017 ABC News/Washington poll found that around 33 million women in the US have experienced some form of sexual harassment at work. The same study found that just 42 percent reported the incident to a supervisor. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reported on one study that found 75 percent of people who did speak up about incidents faced some form of retaliation. Sexual harassment affects job satisfaction and factors into attrition. A UK law firm, Slater and Gordon, found that 20 percent of those experiencing a harassment incident considered leaving their jobs. A 2007 study published in Personnel Psychology found that workplaces where harassment was occurring had an impact on morale, productivity, and physical and mental health. Women journalists are no strangers to this problem: In a 2013 International Women’s Media Foundation Poll, 46 percent of women respondents said they had experienced sexual advances or harassment while doing their job. It was most likely to happen in the office or out in the field. Female journalists are particularly at a disadvantage in dealing with sources, Elisa Lees Muñoz, the executive director of the International Women’s Media Foundation, points out. “The need to meet sources in private automatically puts women journalists at risk,” and is “counter to all of the security precautions that experts would tell you to take,” she points out. Sources can also use attempt to use someone’s sexuality “as a bargaining chip for the exchange of information, which is really unique to women journalists.” “His advice was, ‘Listen, if you want to make it in this industry, you’re going to have to toughen up’” Journalists have to contend with harassment not just from colleagues, supervisors, and sources, but also from readers. Online abusers target women journalists in notably higher numbers than men: The British think tank Demos found in a 2014 study that on Twitter female journalists received three times as much abuse as their male counterparts. Muñoz said “online harassment is one of the most pernicious problems women journalists are facing today.” I spoke with one young woman who had an early-career look at the terrifying world of online harassment, as well as a poor institutional response in supporting her. I’m referring to her by her middle name, Teresa, because she is concerned about using her full name: She worries about getting attacked online again, and about reprisal from her former boss. Teresa loved video games: She’d been writing about them since high school and had started a column on gaming in her college newspaper. In 2011, Teresa landed a college internship at one of her favorite gaming websites. It had a big readership and featured several writers she idolized. This felt like a big break. A female video game writer had helped her get the interview at the company, but Teresa was dismayed that when she started the internship, that writer, along with several other women she admired, had been let go in a round of layoffs. With the exception of her and another female intern, every person working on the editorial side of the site was now an older white man. When her internship was up, her boss invited Teresa to continue to freelance. She wanted to write about efforts to make gaming more inclusive of women, minorities, and people with disabilities. She remembers that her boss often rejected these pitches, insisting that no one cared about those issues. He encouraged her to do straightforward game reviews instead. Still, she wrote about gender and other topics she cared about when she could. And as she developed a public profile as a writer, she began to receive disturbing emails. They seemed to her to be coming from people who were targeting her because they didn’t like a woman writing about games and giving her opinion. A post she wrote about sexism in video game narratives and design drew particular ire. She began receiving rape threats and death threats. The harassers found photos of her little brother and her parents’ address in their efforts to threaten her. “I was so overwhelmed,” she said. After sharing her fears for her safety with her mother and a friend, whom I spoke with and who confirmed Teresa’s version of events, she approached her boss about what she should do. “He implied that I might be making this up. He didn’t seem like he believed me at all,” she recalled. Eventually, he conceded that threats were made by real people, but Teresa recalled, “his advice was, ‘Listen, if you want to make it in this industry, you’re going to have to toughen up.’” “I was someone who could have gone somewhere” Teresa didn’t want to give up on video game writing. But shortly after she raised her concerns to her boss, he and everyone else she worked with at the company ghosted her. They no longer responded to any of her pitches or phone calls. She believes the fact that she complained about the harassment was a factor in no longer getting assignments. When she graduated from college in 2013, she was still hoping to work in journalism, but since all of her connections and freelancing sputtered after her complaint, she decided to take a job working for an ad tech company. Thinking back on her decision to let go of her video game journalism dreams, she said, “I feel a sadness. I really cared about this. I wanted to talk about culture and gaming and how it could be more inclusive. I was really interested in games for blind people or people with cerebral palsy. I’m not trying to say I was going to be the voice of a generation, but I was someone who could have gone somewhere.” Teresa is now a product manager. What could have been? What could have been if Havard and Teresa had stayed in journalism instead of leaving after short stints in the industry? What if they and others like them had built careers on the subjects they were passionate about? Both statehouse coverage and video game writing have very few women in prominent roles. Which stories never got written because there was no one like these women to tell them? This “what could have been” question echoes throughout much of the recent coverage of sexual misconduct in newsrooms. Two women spoke to Paul Farhi at the Washington Post about their encounters with Michael Oreskes of NPR. One said that “he utterly destroyed my ambition.” Another described, “When I first went to see him, it was after screwing up my nerve to try to be bold and maneuver myself into a better job, and after what happened with him, I never really tried that again.” Sarah Wildman, in her essay for Vox, described what happened after she reported Leon Wieseltier’s advances at the New Republic: “I wasn’t retaliated against. I was simply left to wither. I left the magazine a few months later.” “The saddest thing about these stories is women who say, inevitably, ‘I retreated,’” the Nieman Foundation’s Lipinski told me earlier this fall. “It’s clear that for a lot of individuals a sexual harassment situation is untenable. You can’t stay. My guess is a lot of women have left in the wake of this abuse.” Elisa Lees Muñoz believes news organizations can also do a much better job of supporting journalists like Havard and Teresa. She recommends that all reporters undergo hostile environment training courses, which are currently commonplace only with journalists who cover conflict zones. “I think [such training] is relevant regardless of whether you’re covering a war zone, or if you’re covering a crime area, or if you’re covering your backyard. Women should have some level of knowledge when it comes to self-defense.” As for dealing with harassment from sources or readers, Muñoz thinks news leaders should offer their reporters nuanced and individualized support. “It has to be a conversation, rather than a knee-jerk reaction to pull the woman [off a story] and put in a man, which is what happens most of the time today,” she said. There are also structural changes that could help stop harassment in journalism: Women are underrepresented in leadership positions at American news organizations. I recently reported on how having more women in power could shape the cultures of the newsrooms where they work. Washington Post columnist Margaret Sullivan told me, “If women are at the very top of the food chain they can exert influence, be role models, and provide encouragement and a place to turn,” she said. “It could help create a culture where there’s less tolerance for sexual harassment. It’s not a panacea, but I think it would have an influence.” Putting more women in leadership positions is also crucial for improving coverage on issues, from reproductive rights to campus rape. Both Havard and Teresa pointed to the lack of women in leadership positions in the work environments as making it difficult to navigate the challenges they faced. “I would have felt more comfortable discussing what I was dealing with if I had a more senior woman around I could have asked for advice,” Havard said. “I wish there had been someone to say, ‘No one will judge you for being harassed on the job’” Havard and Teresa also both wonder how things might have been different if they’d started their journalism careers today, in this moment of reckoning on sexual harassment in the workplace. “Perhaps if this had happened in 2017, I would have felt like I would have been taken more seriously,” Havard said. “I hope interns and young reporters will know that they don’t have to tolerate this behavior. I wish there had been someone to say, ‘No one will judge you for being harassed on the job.’” “I hope all the stories coming out will change that,” said Havard. “At least for a little while.” There is hope that things are changing at the Maryland statehouse: Recently, members of the Women Legislators of Maryland have formed a committee to create policies for responding to sexual harassment in the legislature. Teresa says she now has a much stronger group of professional female connections through social media and Slack groups than she did as a college student. She says she wished she’d been able to consult them for advice and encouragement, so she wouldn’t have felt so alone. “If this had all happened now, and I’d had a better support system, maybe I’d still be writing,” she said. “I’d like to think I would be.” Katherine Goldstein is a freelance journalist who covers women and work, a contributing editor to Slate, and a 2017 Nieman journalism fellow. Find her on Twitter @KGeee.
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Police released body camera video that showed the officer repeatedly cursing at Sterling after the fatal shooting. Arthur Reed / AP In this July 5, 2016 file photo taken from video footage, Alton Sterling is held by two Baton Rouge police officers, with one holding a handgun, outside a convenience store. The Baton Rouge police officer who shot and killed Alton Sterling outside a convenience store in 2016, sparking nationwide protests, has been fired, officials announced Friday. "Our police officers are held to a higher standard, fear cannot be a driver for an officer's response to every incident. Unreasonable fear within an officer is dangerous," Baton Rouge Police Chief Murphy Paul said. "Policing isn't easy." Blane Salamoni was one of two officers who struggled with Sterling on July 5, 2016, firing six shots that proved fatal and sparked a series of protests throughout the Baton Rouge area. The decision to fire Salamoni was made after conducting interviews with witnesses and reviewing multiple videos of the deadly shooting, which the recently installed chief of police described as "shocking to the conscience." Two of those body camera videos released Friday show the encounter between Sterling and the two officers quickly escalating in front of a convenience store. Just seconds after walking to the scene, Salamoni is seen pulling his handgun. "Don't fucking move or I'll shoot your fucking ass, bitch!" Salamoni says in the video, his handgun pointed at Sterling's head. After the shooting, Salamoni is heard repeatedly saying, in Sterling's direction, "Stupid mother fucker." Baton Rouge PD Police body camera video of Alton Sterling death. (Warning: Graphic video.) Attorneys for Sterling's family said the footage released Friday showed how Salamoni immediately escalated the situation and was out of control. "Blane Salamoni came out like a pit bull," attorney Chris Stewart told reporters. During an administrative hearing on Thursday, Paul said Salamoni refused to answer any questions regarding his actions during the deadly encounter. His firing, Paul said, was based on his violation of the department's use of force policies. The other officer involved in the altercation, Howie Lake II, was suspended for three days. "These actions were not minor deviations from policy as they contributed to the outcome that resulted in the death of another human being," Paul said. However, the family believes both officers should have lost their jobs. Their attorneys said that while Salamoni threatened and ultimately took Sterling's life, Lake stood by and let it happen. "The tragedy is that this happens all the time," attorney Michael Adams said. The officers were responding to a 911 call about a man brandishing a gun and threatening someone in the parking lot of the Triple S Food Mart. When they arrived, they found Sterling, a 37-year-old black man, who had been selling CDs in the parking lot. According to the Justice Department, which reviewed the shooting, the officers ordered Sterling to put his hands on the hood of a car. He initially refused and a struggle ensued, at which point Salamoni drew his gun and pointed it at Sterling's head. Sterling then placed his hands on the hood of the car. When he tried to move his hands, the other officer, Lake, used a taser. In the newly released video, Sterling can be heard asking several times what he did wrong. "I'm saying, what I did?" he says as the two officers yell at him to put his hands on the car. "Put your hands on the car or I'mma shoot you in yo fucking head, you understand me?" Salamoni responds while aiming a gun at Sterling's head. "Don't you fucking move or I'mma shoot you in your fucking head, you hear me." "Tase his ass," Salamoni then tells Lake. Eventually all three men ended up struggling on the ground. In video of the altercation captured by a bystander, the two officers can be seen pinning Sterling, and one is heard yelling, "he's got a gun." Seconds later, a series of shots ring out.
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