[ "Hello everyone! ", "This will be another history article of sorts, talking about Eternal’s past. ", "In every card game there are cards that fly under the radar for a long time, lacking either the proper deck or the proper amount of testing to bring them to the fore. ", "Today I’m going to talk about some of today’s staples that took some time to catch on.", "\n\nSparring Partner\n\nSparring Partner is a card that was never bad per se, but it was definitely a card that did not see a lot of play. ", "Back when Rakano was considered a budget deck, new players weren’t willing to invest in an unproven rare and those with collections were working on other decks. ", "Once Chrno’s Plate Rakano made players take a serious look at the archetype, Sparring Partner remained on the sidelines as players only played 8 to 12 one drops. ", "At the time, Morningstar was a 2 power 3/2 and offered enough survivability and power that playing a card with immediate impact like Oni Ronin, Pyroknight or Fearless Nomad made more sense. ", "After Nomad, Plate, and Morningstar all received their nerfs in Patch v1.11, Rakano decks lacked the late game power of Plate and so needed to search for better aggressive options. ", "Their two cost weapon of choice was Ornate Katana, which offered no surivability to the x/1s that were being shot down en mass by a format rife with Vara’s Favors and Lightning Storms. ", "Sparring Partner offered the deck a survivable one drop that put the opponent on a very fast clock when combined with any weapon. ", "He’s taken over the place that Fearless Nomad used to have in Rakano Warcy, and is starting to break into Stonescar Aggro lists.", "\n\nBandit Queen\n\nWhile I’ve discussed how this card rose to prominance in a previous article, I’d like to take a moment to discuss how a card that defined an entire archetype managed to fly under the radar for so long. ", "The first Stonescar decks, like the first Rakano decks, were budget builds focusing on sacrifice synergies. ", "With Madness costing only two power, the tempo advanges from Madness + Combust or Madness + Devour were too powerful to ignore. ", "As such, players stuffed their decks with cards like Slumbering Stone and Dark Wisp to make good use of these sacrifice cards even without Madness, usually capping their curve with Ravenous Thornbeast and Umbren Reaper. ", "This deck played a lot of lower power cards that worked together to burn the opponent out, and it rarely had enough units in play to make Bandit Queen a consideration. ", "Even once players shifted into playing Stonescar Tokens, many prefered Impending Doom as their 4 drop of choice and preferred Rally as their pump spell of choice. ", "These token decks were also not dedicated to speed, playing a lot of extraneous spells like the Madness + Combust combo, which weakened it board presence. ", "In hindsight, its difficult to say why players didn’t go for Bandit Queen, but at the time you got a lot of free wins simply by playing a Rally or two at fast speed after your opponent failed to block enough of your units. ", "Once players played with Queen, they quickly realized that forcing your opponent to chump all your guys or just die was preferable to Rally’s common effect of making all your guys trade, and Bandit Queen has cemented itself as a pillar of the archetype.", "\n\nThe Witching Hour\n\nThe Witching Hour has been a fun-of in Feln decks since the game began, but took a long time to see any dedicated play. ", "Most of the problem with the card was the hefty six shadow influence requirement. ", "Before Peppr discovered colorfixing strangers, it simply wasn’t possible to get to six shadow influence except in the slowest of two faction decks. ", "Some players tried to play The Witching Hour in mono Shadow decks, but those decks lacked the tools to truly enable the card. ", "Once the stranger technology had been developed, Witching Hour saw play as a finisher in many Feln Control decks, but was never the centerpiece. ", "The card really took off with the release of Scouting Party, forming the infamous Party Hour deck. ", "Witching Hour serves as an important reminder that there are many underplayed cards out there that only need a single new card or two to make a whole new archetype.", "\n\nShimmerpack\n\nShimmerpack is a really weird card that asks players to figure out what the heck to do with is. ", "Historically, all most players had done with it was target the wrong player when one shows up off of Siraf. ", "Shimmerpack sat dormant and unused for months until brave brewer Peppr once again took Eternal by storm with his Shimmer Party combo deck. ", "All the pieces for a successful deck were already there, we just needed to put them together. ", "Shimmerpack serves as an important reminder that not all combo cards are missing peices, we just might not be looking hard enough.", "\n\nFeln Bloodcaster\n\nFeln Bloodcaster is a little different from the other cards on this list, as it received a large function change that led to it seeing play. ", "Right when Bloodcaster received its ultimate, many players including myself were intially skeptical of the ultimate being impactful enough to warrant inclusion “because there’s no way you’d want a random 2/5”. ", "Well, as Combrei Healer has shown us, we had been dramatically undervaluing 2/5s in constructed. ", "Both Bloodcaster and Healer’s are fantastic blockers against aggressive decks and even some midrange threats, and the ultimate gives Bloodcaster late game utility and turns it into a legitimate threat verses control decks. ", "Bloodcaster now sees widespread play in midrange and control decks alike as a versatile blocker/late game threat.", "\n\nThe Last Word\n\nLong relegated to bulk legendary status, I actually managed to pick up FIVE copies of The Last Word card in draft with five or fewer cards in the pack. ", "Considering it was worth 800 shiftstones, this should speak volumes for how undesireable this card was seen as. ", "The Last Word definitely had the longest road to legitimacy, and is indeed still thought to be fringe playable by some players. ", "Thought to be far too fragile to be a serious win condition, even for control decks, players combined it with Azindel’s Gift to offer protection by stripping opponents of their hands. ", "Some even went a step further and granted themselves Aegis with Eilyn’s Favor or Protect. ", "All this protection allowed players to actually play the Last Word, and it does kill the opponent in two turns or less. ", "It now serves as a solid victory condition in decks like Feln Control and JPS Control.", "\n\nThere are many more cards that took some time to catch on, or shifted in and out of mainstream play depending on the metagame, but these are the main recent examples of cards that went from seeing little to no play to being format staples. ", "I look forward to see what other great cards we’re currently overlooking!" ]
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[ "The MoD is glued to Tweetdeck, scouring Twitter for sightings of Russian ships off the coast of Scotland, according to SNP Westminster leader Angus Robertson, who made the claim in a speech at the Royal United Services Institute:\n\n“In recent years we have seen increasing foreign military operations close to UK territorial waters and airspace, and the UK armed forces have been known to rely on intelligence from Scottish fishing vessels and social media as they have not had the appropriate assets in place in time.”", "\n\nThe MoD’s surveillance capability have been wiped out by the shelving of the RAF’s Nimrod maritime patrol aircraft programme. ", "£3.8 billion was spent on procuring the Nimrod MRA4 before the airframes were cut up and sold for scrap. #", "PunchingAboveOurWeight…\n\nQuote of the Day\n\nDr Alexander Kogan, the app developer who originally harvested the Facebook data, said…\n\n“I think what Cambridge Analytica has tried to sell is magic and made claims this is incredibly accurate and it tells you everything there is to tell about you. ", "But I think the reality is it’s not that. ", "If you sit down and you really work through the statistics and you think what does a correlation of point three means, those claims quickly fall apart. ", "And that’s something any person with a statistical background can go and do.”" ]
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[ "\"Do you have any proposals that would have stopped this particular incident?\" ", "she asked.", "\n\nAdvertisement:\n\nTrump replied that \"we need far better intelligence gathering, we have terrible intelligence gathering right now.\" ", "He complained that \"people aren't reporting people when they see something wrong -- we have mental instability that is through the roof, and the neighbors know it and they understand and they don't report it to the police or the FBI.\"", "\n\nGuthrie asked Trump if he would consider banning assault rifles, since \"they're a weapon of war, they're not hunting rifles, and they're the weapon of choice for terrorists and those who shoot children and movie theater-goes. ", "Why not ban assault weapons, as Hillary Clinton just called for earlier on this very show?\"", "\n\nTrump responded with the gun rights activist's preferred line, that \"there are millions of them already out there, so I absolutely wouldn't [propose a ban] because people need protection..The bad guys will have the assault rifles and the good people will be standing there with a BB gun.\"", "\n\n\"Can you think of an instance in which a good guy used an assault weapon?\" ", "Guthrie asked, but Trump wasn't interested in answering that question, saying only that Clinton \"is the wrong person at the wrong time, she's weak and ineffective and would be absolutely the wrong person.\"", "\n\n\"She wants to bring 500 percent more people into this country from Syria,\" Trump continued, \"and I'm saying we absolutely can't do it, we can't even think about it.\"", "\n\nGuthrie asked him about his self-congratulatory tweets on Sunday:\n\nAdvertisement:\n\nTrump replied that \"I'm the one who predicted it, but I don't want the credit.\" ", "Guthrie pointed out that he's still calling attention to the credit -- and noted that \"in fairness, everyone can predict that there will be another terrorist attack.\"", "\n\n\"I'm not sure that the president knows that!\" ", "Trump replied. \"", "He won't even use 'radical Islamic terrorism,' he thinks everyone's a sweetheart!\"", "\n\nHe also spoke conspiratorially about whether Obama \"really gets it, but doesn't want to know about it,\" adding that \"there are a lot of people who think he really doesn't want to see what is happening -- because Savannah, why isn't he addressing the issue?\"" ]
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[ "Anna Abrikosova\n\nAnna Ivanovna Abrikosova () (later known as Mother Catherine of Siena, O.P.) ( or Ekaterina Sienskaya), (23 January 1882, Kitaigorod, Moscow, Russian Empire – 23 July 1936, Butyrka Prison, Moscow, Soviet Union) was a Russian Roman Catholic religious sister, literary translator, and victim of Joseph Stalin's concentration camps. ", "She was also the foundress of a Byzantine Catholic community of the Third Order of St. Dominic which has gained wide attention, even among secular historians of Soviet repression. ", "In an anthology of women's memoirs from the GULAG, historian Veronica Shapovalova describes Anna Abrikosova as, \"a woman of remarkable erudition and strength of will\", who, \"managed to organize the sisters in such a way that even after their arrest they continued their work.\" ", "She is also mentioned by name in the first volume of The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.", "\n\nSince 2002, Mother Catherine's life has been under scrutiny for possible beatification by the Holy See. ", "Her current title is Servant of God.", "\n\nLife\n\nEarly life\nAnna Ivanovna Abrikosova was born into a wealthy family of factory owners and philanthropists, who were the official suppliers of chocolate confections to the Russian Imperial Court. ", "Her grandfather was the industrialist Aleksei Ivanovich Abrikosov. ", "Her father, Ivan Alekseievich Abrikosov, was expected to take over the family firm until his premature death from tuberculosis. ", "Her brothers included Tsarist diplomat Dmitrii Abrikosov and Alexei Ivanovich Abrikosov, the doctor who embalmed Vladimir Lenin.", "\n\nAlthough the younger members of the family rarely attended Divine Liturgy, the Abrikosovs regarded themselves as pillars of the Russian Orthodox Church. ", "Anna's parents died early: her mother while giving birth to her, and her father ten days later, of tuberculosis. ", "Anna and her four brothers were raised in the house and provincial estate of her uncle, Nikolai Alekseevich Abrikosov. ", "\n\nThe memoirs of her brother Dmitrii \"describes their childhood as carefree and joyous\" and writes that their British governess \"was quite shocked at the close relationship between parents and children.\" ", "She used to say that in England, \"children were seen and not heard.\"", "\n\nDesiring to be a teacher, Anna graduated with Gold Medal Grade from the First Women's Lyceum in Moscow in 1899. ", "She then entered a teacher's college, where the student body ostracized and bullied her for being from a wealthy family.", "\n\nShe later recalled, \"Every day as I went into the room the girls would divide up the passage and stand aside not to brush me as I passed because they hated me as one of the privileged class.\"", "\n\nAfter graduating, she briefly taught at a Russian Orthodox parochial school but was forced to leave after the priest threatened to denounce her to the Okhrana for teaching the students that Hell does not exist. ", "Although heartbroken Anna then decided to pursue an old dream of attending Girton College, the all-girls adjunct to Cambridge University. ", "While studying history from 1901-1903, Anna befriended Lady Dorothy Georgiana Howard, the daughter of the 9th Earl and \"Radical Countess\" of Carlisle. ", "Lady Dorothy's letters to her mother remain the best source for Anna's college days. ", "She ultimately returned to Russia without a degree and married her first cousin, Vladimir Abrikosov.", "\n\nCatholicism\nThe Abrikosovs spent the next decade traveling in the Kingdom of Italy, Switzerland and France.", "\n\nAccording to Father Cyril Korolevsky:While traveling, she studied a great deal. ", "She... read a number of Catholic books. ", "She particularly liked the Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena and began to doubt official Orthodoxy more and more. ", "Finally, she approached the parish priest of the large, aristocratic Church of the Madeleine in Paris, Abbé Maurice Rivière, who later became Bishop of Périgueux. ", "He instructed and received her into the Catholic Church on 20 December 1908. ", "Amazingly, especially at that time, he informed her that even though she had been received with the Latin Ritual, she would always canonically belong to the Greek-Catholic Church. ", "She went on reading and came to prefer the Dominican spirituality and to enjoy Lacordaire's biography of Saint Dominic... She never stopped thinking of Russia, but like many other people, she thought that only the Roman Catholic priests were able to work with Russian souls. ", "Little by little, she won her husband over to her religious convictions. ", "On 21 December 1909, Vladimir was also received into the Catholic Church. ", "They both thought they would stay abroad, where they had full freedom of religion and... a vague plan to join some monastery or semi-monastic community. ", "Since they knew that according to the canons they were Greek-Catholics, they petitioned Pius X through a Roman prelate for permission to become Roman Catholics -- they considered this a mere formality. ", "To their great surprise the Pope refused outright... and reminded them of the provisions of Orientalium dignitas. ", "They had just received this answer when a telegram summoned them to Moscow for family reasons.", "\n\nThe couple returned to Russia in 1910. ", "Upon their return, the Abrikosovs found a group of Dominican tertiaries which had been established earlier by one Natalia Rozanova. ", "They were received into the Third Order of St. Dominic by Friar Albert Libercier, O.P., of the Roman Catholic Church of St. Louis in Moscow. ", "On 19 May 1917, Vladimir was ordained to the priesthood by Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church. ", "With her husband now a priest, according to Roman custom Anna was free to take monastic vows. ", "She took vows as a Dominican Sister, assuming her religious name at that time, and founded a Greek-Catholic religious congregation of the Order there in Moscow. ", "Several of the women among the secular tertiaries joined her in this commitment. ", "Thus was a community of the Dominican Third Order Regular established in Soviet Russia.", "\n\nPersecution\nDuring the aftermath of the October Revolution, the convent was put under surveillance by the Soviet secret police.", "\n\nIn 1922, Father Vladimir Abrikosov was exiled to the West aboard the Philosopher's Ship. ", "Soon after, Mother Catherine wrote him a letter from Moscow, \"I am, in the fullest sense of the word, alone with half naked children, with sisters who are wearing themselves out, with a youthful, wonderful, saintly but terribly young priest, Father Nikolai Alexandrov, who himself needs support, and with parishioners dismayed and bewildered, while I myself am waiting to be arrested, because when they searched here, they took away our Constitution and our rules.\"", "\n\nImprisonment\nDue to her work with the Papal Aid Mission to Russia, Mother Catherine was arrested by the OGPU. ", "Shortly before the Supreme Collegium of the OGPU handed down sentences, Mother Catherine told the sisters of her community, \"Probably every one of you, having given your love to God and following in His way, has in your heart more than once asked Christ to grant you the opportunity to share in His sufferings. ", "And so it is; the moment has now arrived. ", "Your desire to suffer for His sake is now being fulfilled.\"", "\n\nMother Catherine was sentenced to ten years of solitary confinement and imprisoned at Yaroslavl from 1924 to 1932. ", "After being was diagnosed with breast cancer, she was transferred to Butyrka Prison infirmary for an operation in May 1932. ", "The operation removed her left breast, part of the muscles on her back and side. ", "She was left unable to use her left arm, but was deemed cancer free.", "\n\nRelease\nMeanwhile, Ekaterina Peshkova, the wife of author Maxim Gorky and head of the Political Red Cross, had interceded with Stalin to secure her release and grounds of her illness and that her sentence was almost complete.", "\n\nOn August 13, 1932, Mother Catherine petitioned to be returned to Yaroslavl. ", "Instead, she was told that she could leave any time she wanted. ", "On August 14, she walked free from Butyrka and went directly to the Church of St. Louis des Français.", "\n\nBishop Pie Neveu, who had been secretly consecrated as an underground Bishop in 1926, wrote to Rome after meeting her, \"This woman is a genuine preacher of the Faith and very courageous. ", "One feels insignificant beside someone of this moral stature. ", "She still cannot see well, and she can only use her right hand, since the left is paralyzed.\"", "\n\nDespite warnings that it could lead to another arrest, Mother Catherine also reestablished ties to the surviving Sisters. ", "She later told interrogators, \"After my release from the isolator and happening to be in Moscow, I renewed my links with a group of people whom an OGPU Collegium had condemned in 1923. ", "In reestablishing contact with them, my purpose was to assess their political and spiritual condition after their arrest, administrative exile and the expiration of their residence restriction. ", "Following my meetings with them, I became convinced that they retained their earlier world outlook.\"", "\n\nRearrest\nAfter immediately entering communication with the surviving Sisters of the congregation, Mother Catherine was arrested, along with 24 other Catholics, in August 1933. ", "In what the NKVD called \"The Case of the Counterrevolutionary Terrorist-Monarchist Organization\", Mother Catherine stood accused of plotting to assassinate Joseph Stalin, overthrow the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and restore the House of Romanov as a constitutional monarchy in concert with \"international fascism\" and \"Papal theocracy\". ", "It was further alleged that the organization planned for the restoration of Capitalism and for collective farms to be broken up and returned to their former owners among the Russian nobility and the kulaks. ", "The NKVD alleged that the organization was directed by Pope Pius XI, Bishop Pie Neveu, and the Vatican's Congregation for Eastern Churches. ", "After being declared guilty as charged, Mother Catherine was returned to the Political Isolator Prison at Yaroslavl.", "\n\nDeath\nMother Catherine Abrikosova died of bone cancer at Butyrka Prison infirmary on July 23, 1936, at the age of 54 years. ", "After being autopsied, her body was secretly cremated at the Donskoy Cemetery and her ashes were buried in a mass grave at the same location.", "\n\nLegacy\nMother Catherine Abrikosova's Cause for Beatification by the Roman Catholic Church was opened and submitted to the Holy See in 2003.", "\n\nQuotes\n \"I wish to lead a uniquely supernatural life and to accomplish to the end my vow of immolation for the priests and for Russia.\"", "\n \"Soviet youth cannot talk about its world outlook; it is blinkered. ", "It is developing too one-sidedly, because it knows only the jargon of Marxist-Leninism.\"", "\n \"A political and spiritual outlook should develop only on the basis of a free critical exploration of all the facets of philosophical and political thought.\"", "\n\nResources\n\nExternal links\n Mother Catherine's entry on Findagrave.com\n The Catholic Newmartyrs of Russia\n \"Ekaterina Sienskaya Abrikosova - A Dominican Uniate Foundress in the Old Russia\" By Fr. ", "Aidan Nichols, O.P.\n \"Anna (1882-1936) and Vladimir (1880-1966) Abrikosov.\" ", "From the Website of the Restored Firm of A.I. Abrikosov & Sons. (", "in Russian)\n Joseph Pearce on Mother Catherine Abrikosova\n \"On the Seven Words Spoken by Jesus Christ from the Cross,\" by Mother Catherine Abrikosova (in Russian)\n \"THE REGULAR TERTIARIES OF ST. ", "DOMINIC IN RED MOSCOW,\" by Kathleen West. ", "New Blackfriars, June 1925.", "\n\nCategory:1882 births\nCategory:1936 deaths\nCategory:Writers from Moscow\nCategory:20th-century venerated Christians\nCategory:Russian translators\nCategory:Russian Eastern Catholics\nCategory:Eastern Catholic Dominican nuns\nCategory:Converts to Eastern Catholicism from Eastern Orthodoxy\nCategory:Former Russian Orthodox Christians\nCategory:Dominican Sisters\nCategory:Dominican martyrs\nCategory:Eastern Catholic nuns\nCategory:Eastern Catholic Servants of God\nCategory:Founders of Eastern Catholic religious communities\nCategory:20th-century translators\nCategory:Prisoners who died in Soviet detention\nCategory:20th-century Roman Catholic martyrs\nCategory:Deaths from breast cancer\nCategory:Eastern Catholic religious sisters and nuns\nCategory:Burials at Donskoy Monastery\nCategory:Venerated Catholics\nCategory:20th-century women writers\nCategory:20th-century Russian writers\nCategory:Deaths from cancer in the Soviet Union\nCategory:Burials at Donskoye Cemetery\nCategory:People associated with Girton College, Cambridge\nCategory:People who died in the Gulag\nCategory:20th-century Christian nuns" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDeleting a file always fails\n\nI've been trying to delete a file from a jlist on the press of a button but it always seems to fail. ", "I know the path that I'm getting from the jlist is correct because I am able to open the file and I've also tried using this code to delete a file using an absolute path. ", "Does anybody see any errors here or something I'm doing wrong?", "\nJButton btnDeleteLog = new JButton(\"Delete Log\");\nbtnDeleteLog.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {\n public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {\n try{\n File file = new File(\"C:/ProgramData/Logs/\" + selectedJLItem);\n file.delete();\n if(file.delete()){\n System.out.println(file.getName() + \" Was deleted!\");", "\n ClientWindow.console(file.getName() + \" Was Deleted Successfully!\");", "\n }else{\n System.out.println(\"Delete Operation Failed. ", "Check: \" + file);\n ClientWindow.console(\"Failed To Delete \" + file.getName());\n }\n }catch(Exception e1){\n e1.printStackTrace();\n }\n }\n});\n\nA:\n\nYou are trying to delete a file twice.", "\nFirst:\nfile.delete();\nSecond:\nif(file.delete()){\n // some processing here\n}\nInstead, try to do so:\npublic class Example {\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n try{\n File file = new File(\"C:/ProgramData/Logs/\" + selectedJLItem);\n\n if(file.delete()){\n System.out.println(file.getName() + \" Was deleted!\");", "\n }else{\n System.out.println(\"Delete Operation Failed. ", "Check: \" + file);\n }\n }catch(Exception e1){\n e1.printStackTrace();\n } \n }\n}\n\nThis is the right way and you get:\nExample.txt Was deleted!", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Madicherla\n\nMadicharla is a village in Krishna district of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. ", "It is located in Bapulapadu mandal of Nuzvid revenue division. ", "It is one of the villages in the mandal to be a part of Andhra Pradesh Capital Region.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Villages in Krishna district" ]
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[ "Regulation of cholesterol uptake in the rat intestinal cell line.", "\nA new model to study cholesterol absorption in the rat intestinal cells is described. ", "Rat intestine epithelial cells IRD98 were incubated with mixed micelles containing bile acid, phospholipid, cholesterol or its nonabsorbable analogue, sitosterol, and trace amounts of [3H]cholesterol or [14C]sitosterol. ", "Cholesterol and sitosterol uptake was then determined following lipid extraction; specific cholesterol uptake was determined as the difference between cholesterol and sitosterol uptake. ", "Cholesterol, but not sitosterol, uptake was time- and dose-dependent and saturable. ", "Loading of cells with non-lipoprotein cholesterol reduced cholesterol, but not sitosterol, uptake in a dose-dependent manner. ", "In contrast, treatment of cells with an inhibitor of cholesterol synthesis, lovastatin, stimulated cholesterol, but not sitosterol, uptake in a dose-dependent manner. ", "Treatment of cells with palmitic, caproic and oleic acids up-regulated specific cholesterol uptake, while linoleic and stearic acids had an opposite effect. ", "None of the fatty acids affected sitosterol uptake." ]
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[ "BAKU, Azerbaijan —A novella by an Azeri author that portrays ethnic Armenians sympathetically has provoked an uproar in Azerbaijan, with Azeri lawmakers denouncing the work and protesters burning the author’s portrait outside his house.", "\n\nThe novella, “Stone Dreams,” was published in mid-December by Ekrem Eylisli, a former lawmaker, but condemnation grew strident only over the last week, after mainstream news outlets began reporting on and discussing it.", "\n\nOn Thursday, a crowd of several dozen people gathered around Mr. Eylisli’s house and burned his portrait. ", "At a session of Azerbaijan’s Parliament on Friday, lawmakers attacked the novel, with one recommending that Mr. Eylisli be stripped of his citizenship and urging him to move to Armenia.", "\n\nAnother lawmaker, Melahet Ibrahimqizi, said, “He insulted not only Azerbaijanis, but the whole Turkish nation,” a reference to passages in the book that discuss historical Turkish violence toward Armenians.", "\n\nThe work tells the story of two Azeri men who try to protect their Armenian neighbors from ethnic violence, an incendiary topic in Azerbaijan, a country still gripped by the war it fought two decades ago with Armenia. ", "Since the war ended, Azerbaijan has been trying to regain control of Nagorno-Karabakh, a predominantly ethnically Armenian enclave within its borders, and secure the return of Azeris who were forced from their homes.", "\n\nMr. Eylisli, 75, said he knew there might be an uproar over his book, which he finished in 2007. ", "He said he decided to publish it last year in a relatively obscure Russian-language journal, Friendship of Peoples, because Russian-language speakers tend to be better educated and more progressive.", "\n\n“Armenians are not enemies for me,” he said in an interview. “", "How can they be? ", "I am a writer living in the 21st century. ", "A solution to Nagorno-Karabakh is being delayed, and hostility is growing between the two nations. ", "I want to contribute to a peaceful solution.”", "\n\nHe added that he was shocked by the ferocity of the reaction. “", "I did not say anything insulting, I did not betray my country,” he said. “", "I describe how an Azerbaijani helps an Armenian. ", "What is bad about this?”", "\n\nOn Friday, protesters placed a copy of the journal containing “Stone Dreams” in a coffin and held a mock funeral at a monument in honor of Azeris who were killed in the war.", "\n\nVia social media, young people discussed passages in the book that they found particularly distasteful, like a description of the young hero’s impulse to convert to Christianity and “ask God to forgive Muslims for what they did to the Armenians.” ", "Armenia is predominantly Christian, while most Azeris are Muslim.", "\n\nQan Turali, 28, a popular novelist, said he saw the book’s artistic merit but believed that Mr. Eylisli had chosen the wrong time to publish a book portraying Armenians in a positive light.", "\n\n“He is a great writer, the novel is good, but the time is not right,” he said. “", "Azeri people still feel pain and are aggressive. ", "Instead of increasing tolerance toward Armenians, the writer caused more hatred.”", "\n\nHe said Mr. Eylisli’s work would have been received better if he had added depictions of Azeris being killed by Armenians. ", "Another writer, Oktay Hajimusali, 32, was blunter, saying that it is “nonsense to promote peace with Armenians.”" ]
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[ "My Fair Lady | Romantic Travel Digital Scrap Kit\n\nProduct Description\n\nThis digital scrap kit is more “lovelier” than ever with breathtaking, Paris themed elements, beautiful papers, and a vintage feel! ", "A must have digital scrap kit for your travel pictures, valentines events, weddings, and so much more!" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nRotate rect in canvas by its center point with position set\n\nI need to draw a rotated rectangle in canvas by its center point, but I want to set a x and y to it. ", "I'm actually moving the rectangle to $b.width / 2 and $b.height / 2. ", "I don't know how to do that.", "\nThis is my class code. ", "Note: $b is my rectange.", "\ndo {\n switch($b.t) {\n case 0: { // draw rectangle\n context.fillStyle = $b.tint;\n if($b.rotate) {\n context.save();\n context.translate($b.width, $b.height);\n context.rotate(($b.rotate * Math.", "PI) / 180);\n context.fillRect(-$b.width / 2, -$b.height / 2, $b.width, $b.height);\n context.restore();\n }else{\n context.fillRect($b.width / 2, $b.height / 2, $b.width, $b.height);\n }\n break;\n }\n }\n} while($b = queue[$i ++]);\n\nA:\n\nSo you want a to set the centerpoints of a rectangle that's rotating around it's own centerpoint? ", " \nJust add your desired x,y to the initial translation:\nNote: Since you're doing simple, un-nested transformations, undo the transformations in the reverse order. ", "Context save & restore will work, but you're saving /restore all the other context properties so it's not as efficient.", "\n// translate (including the desired centerX & center)\ncontext.translate(x+b.width/2,y+b.height/2);\n\n// rotate\ncontext.rotate(($b.rotate * Math.", "PI) / 180);\n\n// fill the rect offset by half its size\ncontext.fillRect(-$b.width / 2, -$b.height / 2, $b.width, $b.height);\n\n// unrotate\ncontext.rotate((-$b.rotate * Math.", "PI) / 180);\n\n// untranslate\ncontext.translate(-x-b.width/2,-y-b.height/2);\n\n" ]
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[ "Check out Shanghai Reds on S. Indian Canyon Drive in Palm Springs - it's a great blues place. ", "It's in the same building as Fisherman's Grill - also same owner. ", "Every Friday & Saturday at 8pm there's a band playing the blues. ", "Check it out!", "\n\nJanuary 26th, 2010 10:36 AM\n\nMDPS\n\nGreat thanks for the input.", "\nmd\n\nJanuary 24th, 2010 09:48 AM\n\nThomasT\n\nWasabi sushi restaurant in Palm Springs - reasonably priced....\n\nSushi that's great and wont' break the bank - try Wasabi.", "\n\nJanuary 24th, 2010 08:05 AM\n\nUnregistered\n\nAs for the \"blues & bbq\" - are you talking about the Living Desert's 1st Annual Brew at the Zoo on February 24th? ", "Which by the way, definitely sounds like it's going to be a great time.", "\nAs for blues bars - try The Caribbean Lounge at Club Trinidad or Cascade Lounge at Spa Resort Casino. ", "As for working at events - don't know of any company that handles this, but you may want to start with contacting each event directly to see if there are any employment opportunties. ", "Good luck." ]
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[ "WASHINGTON —The Defense Department's fiscal 2018 budget request continues the program of training and equipping vetted Syrian partners in the fight against ISIS, and the proposal includes funds for U.S. AT-4 anti-tank rockets or Russian SPG-9 recoilless rifles, and several thousand RPG-7s, a move likely to irk U.S. NATO ally Turkey.", "\n\n\n\nThe budget request provides a small window into the Trump administration's secretive strategy to defeat ISIS. ", "Defense officials have been reluctant to divulge information on the overall strategy for post-ISIS Iraq and Syria, but the document offers a glimpse into areas the administration views as the primary points of concern not only for taking the fight to ISIS in Syria, but also rebuilding combat power in Iraq to fight a potential post-ISIS insurgency in that country.", "\n\n\n\nThe Pentagon has been tight-lipped about the specifics of the equipment it plans to provide to its Kurdish allies. ", "Those concerns likely stem from Ankara's disapproval of U.S. plans to equip members of the Kurdish People's Protection Units, or YPG — a group Turkey insists is the Syrian branch of the Kurdistan Worker's Party, an internationally designated terrorist group.", "\n\n\n\n\"The equipment includes small arms, ammunition, heavy machine guns and weapons capable of defeating specific threats that forces are expected to encounter as they take the fight to the enemy, such as heavily armored vehicle-borne IEDs,\" said Eric Pahon, a spokesperson for the Pentagon. ", "He declined to provide any further specifics on weapon types.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nBut in early May, the White House announced it was moving ahead with a plan to arm the Syrian Democratic Forces — which includes the YPG and other Kurdish factions — a group Washington views as a capable ally in the fight against ISIS.", "\n\n\"The SDF, partnered with enabling support from U.S. and coalition forces, [is] the only force on the ground that can successfully seize Raqqa in the near future,\" Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White told NBC NewsTuesday, referring to the Syrian city that is the capital of ISIS' self-proclaimed caliphate. ", "And it has begun receiving the equipment it needs, White confirmed.", "\n\nThe budget document, \"Justification for FY 2018 Overseas Contingency Operations / Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Train and Equip Fund,\" is more detailed than last year's proposal, and likely shows the types of equipment that the U.S. government is already starting to provide with 2017 appropriations.", "\n\nU.S. officials in Baghdad argue the gear will be issued on a need-by basis, meaning, as missions change, the Kurds will receive the necessary weapons and gear to meet the next obstacle, a policy aimed at allaying the concerns of Turkey that those weapons will be pointed toward Ankara after ISIS falls.", "\n\nHowever, the Defense Department’s request for FY18 includes an unusually detailed list of equipment:\n\n6,000 PKM machine guns\n\n3,500 DShK heavy machine guns\n\n3,000 RPG-7s\n\n1,000 AT-4s or SPG-9 recoilless rifles\n\n80 60mm mortars\n\n80 82mm mortars\n\n75 120mm mortars\n\n× Fear of missing out? ", "Sign up for the Early Bird Brief - a daily roundup of military and defense news stories from around the globe. ", "Thanks for signing up. ", "By giving us your email, you are opting in to the Early Bird Brief.", "\n\nThe list also includes more than 300 non-tactical vehicles, 60 nonstandard vehicles, and 30 earth moving vehicles to assist with the construction of outposts or operations staging areas.", "\n\nThe request does not detail which vetted Syrian groups will receive certain pieces of equipment — the U.S. has numerous partners in Syria assisting with the fight against ISIS, not just Kurds. ", "In northern Syria there is the SDF, the YPG, and Syria Arab Coalition — a group of Arab fighters incorporated into the SDF. ", "Operating in the southeastern part of Syria, out of a small outpost at the Tanf border crossing with U.S. and U.K. special operators are the Maghawir al-Thawra and Shohada al-Quartayn, groups that formerly fought against the Assad regime.", "\n\nThe FY18 request is large enough to sustain 25,000 Syrian fighters \"while training and equipping an additional 5,000 to liberate, secure and defend territory previously controlled by ISIS,\" according to the budget document.", "\n\nThe arming of Kurdish militants with anti-tank rockets is a sensitive topic because of Turkey’s reliance on its armored Leopard tanks in its fight against ISIS in northern Syria, and its struggle against the Kurdish factions it views to be terrorist groups.", "\n\nDuring the nearly three-month Turkish assault on the ISIS-held city of Bab in December, Turkish forces lost nearly 11 tanks, three infantry fighting vehicles, and an armored personnel carrier, mostly to anti-tank weapons captured by ISIS fighters, according to an investigative report compiled by Bellingcat, an open source investigative journalism platform founded by Eliot Higgins, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council.", "\n\nAnti-tank weapons are prolific across the Syrian battlefield. ", "They include U.S., Russian, and Chinese TOW guided-missile systems, according to Pieter Wezeman, an expert in arms control at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.", "\n\nU.S. arms and equipment to SDF and YPG fighters began to trickle in last night. ", "According to a couple of YPG commanders that Military Times was able to reach, that equipment so far has consisted only of vehicles.", "\n\nIncluded in the budget request are also 150 AN/PVS 7b night vision goggles and 150 rifle-mounted AN/PEQ 2 infrared lasers, which are used to aid in targeting and aiming during night time operations. ", "Military Times reported in April that a YPG commando force was equipped with U.S. older generation night vision and rifle-mounted lasers, prior to Defense Department approval to supply the Kurdish faction. ", "The Pentagon denies supplying the equipment.", "\n\nThe FY 18 budget request for training and equipping vetted Syrian fighters is approximately $500 million, roughly $70 million more than last year. ", "The U.S. has ramped up its anti-ISIS operations in Syria as America’s Kurdish allies have come within a few kilometers of Raqqa. ", "The Kurdish-led fighters recently captured the north end of the Baath Dam, the last vehicle crossing point across the Euphrates River for ISIS fighters fleeing Raqqa, according to officials at U.S Central Command." ]
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[ "Josh Nickelberry became the first high school recruit to commit to Louisville in the Chris Mack era when he made his intentions known Thursday evening.", "\n\nA four-star guard out of Fayetteville, N.C., Nickelberry also has offers from North Carolina, NC State, Michigan, Xavier and UConn, among many others. ", "He is currently ranked by 247 Sports as the No. ", "55 overall player in the class of 2019.", "\n\n“Coach Mack, he was recruiting when I was at Xavier, so I knew he was a great coach,” Nickelberry told 247 Sports’ Evan Daniels. “", "I knew what he did at Xavier and they were at top five team. ", "I know he’s going to transfer that to Louisville, he’s at a bigger name school and he’s going to bring the same energy and the same principles and try to make everybody better. ", "I want to be one of the guys to help him build that program.”", "\n\nMack seemed pleased by the news.", "\n\nUh oh...L’s — Chris Mack (@CoachChrisMack) June 1, 2018\n\nNickelberry confirmed the enthusiasm.", "\n\n“I have a video of him, my girlfriend recorded it. ", "He went crazy really. ", "I guess he was at dinner with his family and said he couldn’t wait to tell everybody. ", "He was really excited.”", "\n\nKnown as a lethal outside shooter, the 6’4 Nickelberry averaged 24 points, seven rebounds and six assists as a junior at Northwood Temple Academy this past season. ", "He first received an offer from U of L last July, and was notified by Mack (who had recruited him at Xavier) that the offer still stood from the new regime. ", "He visited U of L earlier this month.", "\n\nHe’s not the bounciest guy in the world, but Nickelberry has a skill-set that should demand early playing time once he arrives at Louisville. ", "See for yourself.", "\n\nGuys who can shoot like that won’t have a hard time seeing the court on most college hoops squads, especially when they’re 6’4.", "\n\nA very solid first get for Chris Mack. ", "Game on." ]
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[ "If you’re a hardcore Final Fantasy fan, then perhaps you’ve seen a silly controversy surrounding changes for a Final Fantasy 7 Remake character design. ", "Tifa, some concerned fans say, now has smaller breasts. ", "Why does this matter? ", "Well, there’s an ongoing conversation happening around Japanese games, with some fearing that titles are getting “censored” in America, especially after a report claimed that Sony was tightening up its rules about sexual content in the West.", "\n\nI’m not here to tell you that worries over Tifa’s breast size are a sound discussion, because they aren’t — if the Mortal Kombat 11 debacle surrounding breasts taught us anything, it’s that people are really attached to big boobs no matter what the context. ", "But the Final Fantasy 7 discourse did happen, which might explain why in a recent interview with Famitsu, Square Enix went on the record regarding Tifa’s changes. ", "Tetsuya Nomura, director on the remake, says that “it was necessary to restrict her chest,” as the developers wanted her to have more of an athletic feel. ", "She’s a fighter, after all, and that likely means she has abs and is generally very fit.", "\n\nCuriously, the translation floating around right now mentions that an ethics department determined that “restricting” Tifa’s chest was done to make sure that she didn’t look “unnatural” during fight sequences. ", "Without context, this probably sounds absurd; there’s a section of Square Enix that determines what breasts should look like?", "\n\nA representative from Square Enix clarified to Polygon that the department exists to help ensure games follow certain standards.", "\n\n“In the Square Enix Japan studios, the Ethics Department is actually a group within the company that evaluates game content to make sure it is aligned with the anticipated age ratings standards across the globe (CERO, ESRB, PEGI, etc),” the representative said.", "\n\n“In this case, we want a new generation of gamers to experience Final Fantasy VII Remake and are working very closely with the company’s internal experts to make sure all of the game’s content is appropriate.”", "\n\nIt’s unclear whether or not Tifa’s breasts could have truly tipped the scales when it comes to the game’s rating.", "\n\nThe ESRB rating for the re-release of the original Final Fantasy 7 says it is T for Teen thanks to the inclusion of blood, fantasy violence, language, and mild suggestive themes. ", "The ESRB website notes, “During the course of the game, a goddess-like character is dressed in a low-cut top that displays moderate amounts of cleavage.”", "\n\nTifa isn’t the only one changing in the remake: Every character has a number of tweaks and added flourishes." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a sunshade clip for spectacles, and more particularly to a pivotable sunshade clip for spectacles, which can be stably attached to the spectacles not only when in use but also when not in use.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nAs well known to those skilled in the art, various kinds of sunshade clips, each of which can be detachably attached to spectacles, have been used instead of sunglasses.", "\nAmong others, a type of sunshade clip comprising two lens frames, each of which has a colored lens fitted therein, and fixing members or magnets mounted to the lens frames for detachably attaching the lens frames to ordinary spectacles has been proposed long since.", "\nEspecially, a sunshade clip with magnets mounted therein, which can be detachably attached to the spectacles by means of the magnets, is well and widely known, various examples of which are disclosed in several Korean patents, US patents, and other foreign patents. ", "Furthermore, various modifications have been made to such a sunshade clip with magnets mounted therein.", "\nSuch modified sunshade clips are disclosed, for example, in Korean Patent Unexamined Publication No. ", "1998-064118, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,416,537 to Frank Sadler, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,568,207 to Richard Chao, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,642,177 to Takahiro Nishihoka, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,882,101 to David Yinkai Chao, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,070,103 to Meeker, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,642,177 to Sunreeve, European Patent No. ", "1,061,253, and German Patent No. ", "8,507,761U.\nEach of the aforesaid sunshade clips has a magnet mounted to either end of the clip, which is magnetically attached to a magnet mounted in a corresponding bridge or hinge of spectacles and having a magnetic polarity opposite to that of the magnet mounted to the clip.", "\nAll of the conventional sunshade clips have problems, however, in that they must be detached from the spectacles and safely kept in other places when they are not used and they must be attached again to the spectacles when they are to be used.", "\nEspecially, each of the sunshade clips has no arms. ", "Consequently, the entire structure of the sunshade clip is weak and frail, and safe keeping of the sunshade clip is difficult and troublesome. ", "For this reason, a case for safely keeping the sunshade clip is also provided to a user of the sunshade clip. ", "However, safe keeping of the case is also difficult and troublesome.", "\nTherefore, the present invention has been made in view of the above problems, and it is an object of the present invention to provide a pivotable sunshade clip for spectacles that can be detachably attached to the spectacles with ease and simply stored when not in use.", "\nIt is another object of the present invention to provide a pivotable sunshade clip for spectacles that can be pivoted upward or not on the basis of a user\"\"s environment, thus increasing its adaptability to various environments.", "\nIt is yet another object of the present invention to provide a pivotable sunshade clip for spectacles that can be easily pivoted upward whenever it is to be used, thus increasing a user\"\"s convenience.", "\nIn accordance with the present invention, the above and other objects can he accomplished by the provision of a pivotable sunshade clip for spectacles having a pair of coupling members, the sunshade clip comprising: a pair of lens frames; a pair of actuating members attached to the lens frames, the actuating member being outwardly extended from outer ends of the lens frames, respectively; and a pair of lever arms attached to the actuating members, the lever arms being extended rearward from the actuating members at right angles to the actuating members, respectively, wherein: each of the actuating members is provided at the rear part thereof with a magnet, the magnet being exposed to the rear surface of each of the actuating members; each of the lever arms is provided at the lower part thereof with another magnet, the magnet being exposed to the lower surface of each of the lever arms; and each of the coupling members has a spectacles magnet penetrating from a front surface to a rear surface thereof, the spectacles magnet alternately making contact with the magnet of each of the actuating members and the magnet of each of the lever arms, the spectacles magnet having a magnetic polarity opposite to that of the magnet of each of the actuating members and to that of the magnet of each of the lever arms, whereby the sunshade clip is pivoted upward or downward about a pair of lever faces as fulcrums for the lever arms, by means of increased magnetic attraction between the magnets of the lever arms of the sunshade clip and the corresponding spectacles magnets of the coupling members of the spectacles or between the magnets of the actuating members of the sunshade clip and the corresponding spectacles magnets of the coupling members of the spectacles, each of the lever faces being formed on each of the coupling members, the lever arms being placed on the lever faces of the coupling members, respectively.", "\nPreferably, each of the spectacles magnets may have two separated permanent magnet parts, one of the magnet parts being embedded in the coupling member near the front surface of the coupling member so that it makes contact with the magnet of each of the actuating members, the other of the magnet parts being embedded in the coupling member near the rear surface of the coupling member so that it makes contact with the magnet of each of the lever arms.", "\nPreferably, each of the lever arms may be hooked at the top surface of each of the coupling members for serving as a hooked portion when the sunshade clip is pivoted upward or downward in a seesaw fashion.", "\nPreferably, one of the actuating member/lever arm and the coupling member may be made of a metal attractable by the magnet, and the other may have the magnet at the position corresponding to the actuating member/lever arm or the coupling member." ]
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[ "Molecular chaperone function of the SV40 large T antigen.", "\nThe SV40 large T antigen (T antigen) is a potent viral oncogene capable of inducing tumours in test animals and transforming cells in culture. ", "T antigen possesses multiple transforming functions that act in a cell-type dependent manner. ", "One of these transforming functions requires a physical association between T antigen and the cellular tumour suppressor p53, while another requires T antigen binding to the retinoblastoma family of tumour suppressors. ", "A third transforming function, <<Activity X>>, maps to the amino terminus of large T antigen, sequences also present in small t antigen. ", "Our recent studies have shown that Activity X: (i) is a J-domain and that T antigen possesses the biochemical properties of a DnaJ molecular chaperone; (ii) must act in cis with the T antigen Rb-family binding motif to transform; and, (iii) must act in cis with some factor through its carboxy terminal half of T antigen, possibly p53, to transform." ]
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[ "As reported previously by TGP:\n\nPresident Trump just announced a new series of tariffs on roughly $50 billion in Chinese imports. ", "These new tariffs are the result of a seven-month investigation into China’s continued theft of US intellectual property. “", "We have a tremendous intellectual property theft problem. ", "It’s going to make us a much stronger, much richer nation,” President Trump told reporters this morning. “", "This has been long in the making.” ", "While President Trump is imposing the harsh tariffs to help correct the current trade imbalance, he remained open and confident with US-Chinese relations calling China a “friend” to the use and stating he had “tremendous respect” President Xi Jinping.", "\n\nToday, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said that Bejing is now pushing for talks to correct Chinese-US trade imbalances, rather than a trade war which he believes will hurt both countries. ", "Speaking at a press conference Mr. Li stated, “With regard to trade imbalances, China and the United States should adopt a pragmatic and rational attitude, promote balancing through expansion of trade, and stick to negotiations to resolve differences and friction.”", "\n\nTRENDING: FBI Agent Who Uncovered Weiner Laptop with Hillary's Emails says FBI Leadership Told Him to Erase All of His Findings\n\nPremier Li pledged to make access for American business easier in China and that, going forward, China will treat foreign and domestic companies equally, without pushing US-firms to transfer intellectual property rights as it has done before. ", "The theft of intellectual property and US-developed technologies has long-since been a point of contention for the US.", "\n\nVia NewsMax:" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'We show that crystal-field calculations for $C_1$ point-group symmetry are possible, and that such calculations can be performed with sufficient accuracy to have substantial utility for rare-earth based quantum information applications. ", "In particular, we perform crystal-field fitting for a $C_1$-symmetry site in $^{167}$Er$^{3+}$:Y$_2$SiO$_5$. The calculation simultaneously includes site-selective spectroscopic data up to 20,000cm$^{-1}$, rotational Zeeman data, and ground- and excited-state hyperfine structure determined from high-resolution Raman-heterodyne spectroscopy on the 1.5 $\\mu$m telecom transition. ", "We achieve an agreement of better than 50 MHz for assigned hyperfine transitions. ", "The success of this analysis opens the possibility of systematically evaluating the coherence properties, as well as transition energies and intensities, of any rare-earth ion doped into Y$_2$SiO$_5$.'\nauthor:\n- 'S. P. Horvath'\n- 'J. V. Rakonjac'\n- 'Y.-H. Chen'\n- 'J. J. Longdell'\n- 'P. Goldner'\n- 'J.-P. R. Wells'\n- 'M. F. Reid'\ntitle: 'Extending Phenomenological Crystal-Field Methods to $C_1$ Point-Group Symmetry: Characterization of the Optically-Excited Hyperfine Structure of $^{167}$Er$^{3+}$:Y$_2$SiO$_5$'\n---\n\nOver the last decade, substantial progress has been made towards realizing practical quantum information processing hardware using solid-state rare-earth ion based materials. ", "Key areas of advancement have been optical quantum memories [@deRiedmatten2008; @hedges2010; @jobez_coherent_2015; @gundogan2015; @zhong_optically_2015; @zhong2017; @rancic2018; @lauritzen2010; @laplane2017; @seri2017], quantum-gate implementations [@longdell_experimental_2004; @rippe2008], single photon sources [@kolesov2012; @utikal2014; @thompson2018], and microwave-to-optical photon modulators [@xavi2015]. ", "To date, one of the host materials of choice for these applications has been yttrium orthosilicate (Y$_2$SiO$_5$). ", "The reason for this is twofold: first, yttrium has a very small nuclear magnetic moment, while isotopes of Si and O with nonzero nuclear spin have very low natural abundances. ", "At cryogenic temperatures, nuclear spin flips are the primary source of decoherence in rare-earth ion doped materials, resulting in [Y$_2$SiO$_5$ifnextchar.[ifnextchar,[ ]{}]{}]{}based systems having outstanding coherence properties. ", "The second reason is that the rare-earth substitutional site in [Y$_2$SiO$_5$ifnextchar.[ifnextchar,[ ]{}]{}]{}has a $C_1$ point-group symmetry; this leads to highly admixed wave functions enabling efficient and diverse optical pumping schemes [@rippe2005; @lauritzen2008; @longdell_experimental_2004].", "\n\nThe formulation of accurate models for the hyperfine structure of $C_1$ point-group symmetry sites is highly nontrivial; however, they are an invaluable tool for a number of practical applications. ", "For example, the availability of the spin Hamiltonian for $^{151}$Eu$^{3+}$:[Y$_2$SiO$_5$ifnextchar.[ifnextchar,[ ]{}]{}]{}allowed for a computational search for magnetic field orientations exhibiting a near-zero gradient with respect to hyperfine energy levels. ", "This is the basis of the Zero-First-Order-Zeeman (ZEFOZ) technique, which was essential to the experimental demonstration of a coherence time of six hours [@zhong_optically_2015]. ", "However, spin Hamiltonian models are restricted to specific electronic levels of a single ion-host combination. ", "This results in considerable practical challenges, especially for the structure of the excited-state electronic levels, which can often only be probed using experiments that conflate excited and ground state splittings. ", "In this work, we avoid the shortcomings of spin Hamiltonians by developing a method to fit a crystal-field Hamiltonian for erbium doped [Y$_2$SiO$_5$ifnextchar.[ifnextchar,[ ]{}]{}]{}.", "\n\nCrystal-field methods have been essential to the development of rare-earth optical applications, such as phosphors and lasers [@krupke1971; @judd1988; @Gorller-Walrand1998]. ", "However, the lack of symmetry (i.e. $C_1$ symmetry) of rare-earth substitutional sites in [Y$_2$SiO$_5$ifnextchar.[ifnextchar,[ ]{}]{}]{}hindered the application of crystal-field modeling to this material, despite its ubiquity as a host in quantum-information applications. ", "Previous work on $C_1$ symmetry sites was based on *ab initio* calculations [@doualan_energy_1995; @wen2014], or used a higher-symmetry approximation to reduce the number of parameters [@guillot-noel_calculation_2010; @sukhanov2018]. ", "These approaches are not accurate enough to model the complex magnetic and hyperfine structure that we consider in this work. ", "The key advantage of a crystal-field model over the spin Hamiltonian approach is that it is not restricted to a specific electronic level, but predicts the magnetic and hyperfine structure of the complete $4f$ configuration. ", "This greatly increases the predictive power, aids the analysis of excited states, and also enables fitting to a much wider range of experimental data. ", "Further, crystal-field modeling enables the rigorous calculation of radiative transition rates [@Gorller-Walrand1998; @reid_electronic_2006].", "\n\nThe predictive power of crystal-field models extends considerably beyond an individual rare-earth ion. ", "For a fixed host crystal, there exist well established parameter trends across the rare-earth series [@carnall_systematic_1989]. ", "Consequently, parameters describing a specific rare-earth dopant can be extrapolated to previously unstudied rare-earth dopants in the same host. ", "Moreover, the availability of complete $4f^{11}$ wave functions enables several novel applications, such as studying ZEFOZ points in a large magnetic field, a regime in which the spin Hamiltonian approach breaks down. ", "A recent demonstration of coherence times exceeding one second in [$^{167}$Er$^{3+}$:Y$_2$SiO$_5$ifnextchar.[ifnextchar,[ ]{}]{}]{}using a 7 T magnetic field makes this particularly relevant [@rancic2018], since if such an approach were to be combined with the ZEFOZ technique, an accurate model at large field would be imperative.", "\n\nIn this letter we report a phenomenological crystal-field fit for one of the $C_1$ symmetry sites of [$^{167}$Er$^{3+}$:Y$_2$SiO$_5$ifnextchar.[ifnextchar,[ ]{}]{}]{}. ", "Physical properties, such as a transitions in the 1.5 $\\mu$m telecommunications band and an optical homogeneous linewidth of 50 Hz [@sun2002] make this one of the most promising materials for rare-earth based quantum information applications. ", "Despite extensive past characterization [@doualan_energy_1995; @bottger2006; @bottger2008; @baldit_identification_2010; @lauritzen_state_2008; @budoyo2018; @sun_magnetic_2008; @chen2018], an accurate model of the excited state hyperfine structure remains an outstanding problem. ", "This material is, therefore, an important test case for crystal-field fitting to substitutional sites without symmetry. ", "To achieve a unique fit, both site-selective optical as well as Zeeman and hyperfine data were required [@horvath_caf2_2018], which were available from the literature [@doualan_energy_1995; @sun_magnetic_2008; @chen2018]. ", "This was complemented with targeted Raman-heterodyne measurements to obtain high-precision hyperfine splittings of the ground and $Y_1$ excited states.", "\n\nY$_2$SiO$_5$ is a monoclinic crystal with $C^6_{2h}$ space group symmetry. ", "The yttrium ions occupy two crystallographically distinct sites, each with $C_1$ point-group symmetry, referred to as site 1 and site 2 [@maksimov1971crystal]. ", "Because the wavelength tuning range of our laser, this work is focused on site 1. ", "Y$_2$SiO$_5$ has three perpendicular optical-extinction axes: the crystallographic $b$ axis, and two mutually perpendicular axes labeled $D_1$ and $D_2$. We follow the convention of identifying these axes as $z$, $x$, and $y$, respectively [@sun_magnetic_2008].", "\n\nThe complete Hamiltonian appropriate for modeling the $4f^n$ configuration reads $$H = H_{\\mathrm{FI}} + H_{\\mathrm{CF}} + H_{\\mathrm{Z}} + H_{\\mathrm{HF}} + H_{\\mathrm{Q}}.", "\n \\label{eqn:h_defn}$$ The terms in the above equation represent the following interactions: the free-ion contribution, the crystal-field interaction, the Zeeman term, the nuclear magnetic dipole hyperfine interaction, and the nuclear quadrupole interaction. ", "We use the usual free-ion Hamiltonian with the following parameters: $E_0$ accounting for a constant configurational shift, $F^k$, the Slater parameters characterizing aspherical electrostatic repulsion, and $\\zeta$, the spin-orbit coupling constant. ", "Furthermore, we also include terms that parametrize two- and three-body interactions as well as higher-order spin-dependent effects; for a more detailed description, the reader is referred to the review by Liu [@liu_electronic_2006]. ", "The most general crystal-field Hamiltonian has the form $$H_{\\text{CF}} = \\sum_{k,q} B^k_q C^{(k)}_q,\n \\label{eqn:hcf_c1}$$ for $k = 2, 4, 6$ and $q = -k \\cdots k$. The $B^k_q$ parameters are the crystal-field expansion coefficients and C$^{(k)}_q$ are spherical tensor operators using Wybourne’s normalization [@wybourne_spectroscopic_1965]. ", "We write nonaxial ($q \\ne 0$) $B^k_q$ parameters as complex numbers. ", "In this convention the $\\pm q$ parameters are related by $(B^k_{q})^* = (-1)^q B^k_{-q}$ [@NN89a; @newman2007crystal]. ", "For the remaining terms in Eq.", "  we note that $H_{\\mathrm{HF}}$ and $H_{\\mathrm{Q}}$, respectively, contain coupling constants $A$ and $Q$ that must be determined from experiment, while $H_{\\mathrm{Z}}$ has no free parameters. ", "For a detailed description of these terms, and the evaluation of their matrix elements, the reader is referred to Refs.", " [@mcleod_intensities_1997; @guillot-noel_calculation_2010].", "\n\nHigh precision magnetic and hyperfine interactions are generally expressed using the spin Hamiltonian formalism [@macfarlane_coherent_1987]. ", "For a Kramers ion with nonzero nuclear spin, this Hamiltonian has the form [@abragam_electron_1970] $$\\mathscr{H} = \\beta_e {\\boldsymbol}{B} \\cdot {\\boldsymbol}{g} \\cdot {\\boldsymbol}{S} + {\\boldsymbol}{I} \\cdot {\\boldsymbol}{A} \\cdot {\\boldsymbol}{S} + {\\boldsymbol}{I} \\cdot {\\boldsymbol}{Q} \\cdot {\\boldsymbol}{I} - \\beta_n g_n {\\boldsymbol}{B} \\cdot {\\boldsymbol}{I},\n \\label{eqn:sh}$$ where $\\beta_e$ is the Bohr magneton, ${\\boldsymbol}{B}$ is an external field vector, ${\\boldsymbol}{g}$ is the $g$ tensor, ${\\boldsymbol}{A}$ is the hyperfine tensor, and ${\\boldsymbol}{Q}$ is the electric-quadrupole tensor. ", "Further, ${\\boldsymbol}{S}$ and ${\\boldsymbol}{I}$ are vectors of electronic and nuclear spin operators, respectively. ", "$\\beta_n$ and $g_n$ are the nuclear magneton and nuclear $g$ factors, respectively. ", "For the magnetic field values considered here, the nuclear Zeeman interaction is less than 2 MHz, and since the uncertainty of ${\\boldsymbol}{A}$ and ${\\boldsymbol}{Q}$ is $O(20 \\text{ MHz})$ [@chen2018] this interaction is neglected.", "\n\nFor the initial phase of our fitting, we use a projection from the crystal-field Hamiltonian to the spin Hamiltonian, so that we can fit to spin-Hamiltonian parameters. ", "This projection has the form $$A_\\mathrm{SH} = V^\\dag A V,\n \\label{eqn:sh_proj}$$ for operator $A$ and spin Hamiltonian effective operator $A_{\\mathrm{SH}}$. Here, $V$ are the eigenvectors one obtains by diagonalizing $H_{\\mathrm{FI}} + H_{\\mathrm{CF}}$, which can be interpreted as the zero order contribution to the spin Hamiltonian.", "\n\nFor $C_1$ symmetry this projection has some subtleties; specifically, there is a phase freedom in the matrix elements of ${\\boldsymbol}{S}$ and ${\\boldsymbol}{I}$ in Eq.", " . ", "This phase freedom does not affect the eigenvalue spectrum of the spin Hamiltonian; nevertheless, a specific orientation is required in order for the parameter tensors to be symmetric. ", "When one determines spin Hamiltonian parameter matrices from experimental data, this issue is avoided, for by choosing symmetric parameter matrices during the fitting, one implicitly fixes the phase to an appropriate value. ", "However, when one performs the projection , the value of this phase does not necessarily correspond to a symmetric parameter tensor. ", "We mitigate this by employing a singular-value decomposition to transform the spin Hamiltonian tensors to a basis in which they are always symmetric. ", "For our calculations, this phase was identically zero for matrix elements of ${\\boldsymbol}{I}$, and therefore, we only discuss matrix elements of ${\\boldsymbol}{S}$. We consider, as an example, the Zeeman interaction term. ", "Given the unitary matrices ${\\boldsymbol}{U}$ and ${\\boldsymbol}{V}$ and the diagonal matrix ${\\boldsymbol}{\\Sigma}$, the singular value decomposition of ${\\boldsymbol}{g}$ takes the form $${\\boldsymbol}{g} = {\\boldsymbol}{U} {\\boldsymbol}{\\Sigma} {\\boldsymbol}{V}^\\dag.", "\n \\label{eqn:g_svd}$$ Consequently, ${\\boldsymbol}{U}^\\dag {\\boldsymbol}{g} {\\boldsymbol}{V}$ is diagonal, and performing a similarity transformation with the unitary matrix ${\\boldsymbol}{U}$ we obtain the symmetric tensor $${\\boldsymbol}{U} {\\boldsymbol}{U}^\\dag {\\boldsymbol}{g} {\\boldsymbol}{V} {\\boldsymbol}{U}^\\dag = {\\boldsymbol}{g} {\\boldsymbol}{V} {\\boldsymbol}{U}^\\dag. ", "\n \\label{eqn:g_prime}$$ Thus, we can define a transformed set of electronic spin operators ${\\boldsymbol}{S}' = {\\boldsymbol}{R} {\\boldsymbol}{S}$ with ${\\boldsymbol}{R} = {\\boldsymbol}{V} {\\boldsymbol}{U}^\\dag$, leading to an SU(2) transformed spin Hamiltonian term of the form ${\\boldsymbol}{B} \\cdot {\\boldsymbol}{g}' \\cdot {\\boldsymbol}{S}'$, with ${\\boldsymbol}{g}' = {\\boldsymbol}{g} {\\boldsymbol}{V} {\\boldsymbol}{U}^\\dag$ symmetric. ", "An analogous procedure can be applied to the nuclear dipole interaction term ${\\boldsymbol}{I} \\cdot {\\boldsymbol}{A} \\cdot {\\boldsymbol}{S}$.\n\nThe crystal-field fit was performed in two phases: an initial coarse fitting which excluded high-resolution Raman-heterodyne data, and a second polishing phase where hyperfine transition data were iteratively added. ", "The initial fitting employed site-selective excitation and fluorescence data from Doualan [*et al*ifnextchar.[.", " ]{}]{}[@doualan_energy_1995], while simultaneously including the $g$ tensor of the $Y_1$ level reported by Sun [*et al*ifnextchar.[.", " ]{}]{}[@sun_magnetic_2008], as well as the complete ground-state spin Hamiltonian reported by Chen [*et al*ifnextchar.[.", " ]{}]{}[@chen2018]. ", "The site-selective data was, as usual in crystal-field calculations, directly fit to the eigenvalues of Eq. . ", "In order to simultaneously fit to spin Hamiltonian data, the projection was utilized to obtain a theoretical set of parameter matrices which could be fitted to their experimental counterparts.", "\n\nThis procedure yielded a set of parameters of sufficient accuracy to identify several hyperfine transitions in our Raman-heterodyne data and, thus, complete the coarse step of the fitting. ", "In order to perform the polishing stage, the projection was abandoned, and instead, the Hamiltonian was evaluated for a range of magnetic field values to directly obtain eigenvalues describing both the hyperfine structure as well as the site-selective data. ", "This has the advantage that Raman-heterodyne data could be added step-by-step as transitions were identified. ", "In order to ease the computational burden the calculations of hyperfine states were performed using a truncated basis using the intermediate-coupling method described by Carnall [*et al*ifnextchar.[.", " ]{}]{}[@carnall_systematic_1989]. ", "All software used to perform these calculations is available from [@horvath_pycf].", "\n\nRaman-heterodyne spectroscopy was performed for two separate frequency regions. ", "Between 0-100 MHz we used an RF coil, and between 600-1200 MHz a tunable aluminium single-loop single-gap resonator was used. ", "Samples were cooled using a home built cryostat (containing a Cryomech PT405 pulsetube cooler) with an HTS-100 Ltd superconducting vector magnet to provide an arbitrarily-oriented magnetic field. ", "The light source was a Koheras AdjustiK E15 fiber laser, operating at 1536.48 nm on resonance with the $\\to$ transition of site 1. ", "The sample was an isotopically purified [$^{167}$Er$^{3+}$:Y$_2$SiO$_5$ifnextchar.[ifnextchar,[ ]{}]{}]{}crystal (Scientific Materials Inc.) with $^{167}$Er$^{3+}$ substituted for Y$^{3+}$ ions at a 50 ppm level. ", "For a more detailed description of Raman-heterodyne spectroscopy, as well as the experimental setup and methods, the reader is referred to Ref.", " [@rakonjac2018], which employed the same Raman-heterodyne setup to identify transitions with long spin-coherence times.", "\n\n![", "\\[fig:cfvs41\\] (a) Raman-heterodyne data (black markers) showing hyperfine transitions of the first levels of both the $^4$I$_{15/2}$ and $^4$I$_{13/2}$ multiplets of site 1 in Er$^{3+}$:Y$_2$SiO$_5$, superimposed with predictions from our crystal-field model. ", "The magnetic field was varied in the direction of the $D_2$ axis. (", "b) A Raman-heterodyne scan of this region; the color map uses a linear scale of arbitrary intensity with yellow/green indicating a resonance condition.](cfvs41.pdf){width=\"\\linewidth\"}\n\nFigure \\[fig:cfvs41\\] shows the hyperfine transitions of both the ground and excited states with resonances in the 600-1200 MHz region with respect to a small change in magnetic field along the $D_2$ axis. ", "These measurements are for site 1 of [$^{167}$Er$^{3+}$:Y$_2$SiO$_5$ifnextchar.[ifnextchar,[ ]{}]{}]{}. ", "Most transitions were studied in further detail using higher resolution scans over restricted subfrequencies to provide detailed curvatures for comparison with our model. ", "Furthermore, low frequency data at 85 MHz included curvatures with respect to an external field along the $D_1$, $D_2$, and $b$ axes. ", "The maximum deviation of any Raman-heterodyne transition that we directly fit to was 15 MHz. ", "For a few transitions the assignments remained ambiguous due to the closely spaced spectral lines. ", "The maximum difference between an observed transition and its theoretical prediction was $50$ MHz, approximately 1% of the span of the hyperfine levels. ", "We note that, using our final transition assignments, the coarse fitting predicted $Y_1$ transition frequencies to within $\\sim 200$ MHz of their measured values. ", "Thus, while using only ground-state hyperfine data enabled the prediction of the excited-state hyperfine transitions with reasonable accuracy, further fitting was required to obtain an optimal model.", "\n\nGiven that similar ground-state data is available for crystallographic site 2 of [$^{167}$Er$^{3+}$:Y$_2$SiO$_5$ifnextchar.[ifnextchar,[ ]{}]{}]{}[@chen2018], a model with comparable accuracy to the coarse fitting presented here should, in principle, be possible; however, such an analysis is beyond the scope of this work.", "\n\n![", "\\[fig:stark\\_mag\\_comb\\] (a) Experimental and simulated crystal-field level splittings up to $^2$H$_{11/2}$ for site 1 of Er$^{3+}$:Y$_2$SiO$_5$; experimental values are from Doualan *et al.* [", "@doualan_energy_1995]. (", "b) and (c) Rotation patterns for optical transitions between $Z_1$ and $Y_1$. Circles denote the predictions using $g$-tensor data from Sun *et al.* [", "@sun_magnetic_2008], while the solid lines correspond to our crystal-field model. ", "The magnetic field magnitude used was $0.484$ T, and the labels $D_2 - b$ and $b - D_1$ indicate the rotation planes using the standard orthogonal axes notation for Y$_2$SiO$_5$.](stark_mag_comb.pdf){width=\"\\linewidth\"}\n\nIn Fig.", " \\[fig:stark\\_mag\\_comb\\] we show the spread of electronic data for energies up to 20,000cm$^{-1}$ and include detailed magnetic rotation data of the transition between the lowest level and the ground state, with splittings on the order of 200 GHz [@sun_magnetic_2008]. ", "In Table \\[tab:cf\\_params\\] we present the complete set of parameters determined from our calculation. ", "We note that since the Zeeman and hyperfine splittings are much smaller in magnitude and are determined with higher accuracy than the crystal-field level energies, they were given more weight in the parameter fit.", "\n\nThe parameter uncertainties shown in Tab.", " \\[tab:cf\\_params\\] were estimated using the Markov Chain Monte-Carlo technique. ", "In the Supplemental Material, which includes Refs.", " [@wales_global_1997; @rowan1990; @nlopt; @aster2011], we provide a more detailed description of the fitting procedure. ", "We also include all predicted crystal-field level energies up to for a direct comparison with experimental values from Ref.", " [@doualan_energy_1995]. ", "Furthermore, the Raman-heterodyne data for the $0-120$ MHz frequency window is presented and plotted together with the corresponding theoretical transition energies.", "\n\n Parameter Fitted value (cm$^{-1}$) Uncertainty (cm$^{-1}$)\n ----------- -------------------------- -------------------------\n $E_0$ 35503.5 19.8\n $\\zeta$ 2362.9 1.8\n $F^2$ 96029.6 183.7\n $F^4$ 67670.6 223.2\n $F^6$ 53167.1 263.7\n $B^2_0$ -149.8 5.4\n $B^2_1$ 420.6+396.0i 3.1+1.3i\n $B^2_2$ -228.5+27.6i 1.8+3.4i\n $B^4_0$ 1131.2 30.4\n $B^4_1$ 985.7+34.2i 7.0+6.7i\n $B^4_2$ 296.8+145.0i 9.0+4.1i\n $B^4_3$ -402.3-381.7i 9.7+8.9i\n $B^4_4$ -282.3+1114.3i 13.4+12.0i\n $B^6_0$ -263.2 3.1\n $B^6_1$ 111.9+222.9i 1.5+3.9i\n $B^6_2$ 124.7+195.9i 2.1+3.8i\n $B^6_3$ -97.9+139.7i 5.1+9.7i\n $B^6_4$ -93.7-145.0i 4.1+3.0i\n $B^6_5$ 13.9+109.5i 2.0+6.1i\n $B^6_6$ 3.0-108.6i 8.6+2.4i\n $A$ 0.005466 0.000003\n $Q$ 0.0716 0.0003\n\n : \\[tab:cf\\_params\\] Fitted values for the free-ion and crystal-field parameters for site 1 of Er$^{3+}$:Y$_2$SiO$_5$. The Judd and Tree’s parameters, which are not included here, were fixed to the values obtained for Er$^{3+}$:LaF$_3$ by Carnall *et al*.", " [@carnall_systematic_1989].", "\n\nThe Zeeman and hyperfine tensors for both the $Z_1$ and $Y_1$ electronic levels are tabulated in the Supplemental Material.", "\n\nIn the crystal-field analysis, 34 parameters (five free-ion parameters, 27 crystal-field parameters, and two hyperfine parameters) are fitted to 95 data points (enumerated in the Supplemental Material). ", "By comparison, two separate spin Hamiltonians, requiring, in total, 34 parameters, would be required for a conventional analysis of the two states. ", "The advantage of our approach is that a fit to the ground state hyperfine data yields a prediction of the excited state hyperfine structure. ", "This enables simultaneous fitting to both ground and excited state data to obtain a high-precision $4f^{11}$ Hamiltonian.", "\n\nIn conclusion, we have demonstrated a crystal-field fit for a rare-earth substitutional site with no symmetry. ", "This enabled us to accurately characterize the hyperfine structure of the ground state and all excited state levels of [$^{167}$Er$^{3+}$:Y$_2$SiO$_5$ifnextchar.[ifnextchar,[ ]{}]{}]{}, allowing modeling of optical pumping schemes via the 1.5 $\\mu$m (or other) transitions, as well as high-field ZEFOZ applications. ", "With suitable scaling, the crystal-field parameters are also applicable to other ions in Y$_2$SiO$_5$, opening the possibility of identifying promising transitions prior to extensive experimental investigation.", "\n\nThe authors wish to acknowledge the use of New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) high performance computing facilities as part of this research and financial support from the Marsden Fund of the Royal Society of New Zealand through Contract No. ", "UOO1520. ", "S.P.H. acknowledges financial support in the form of a Canterbury Scholarship by the University of Canterbury. ", "P.G. would like to thank the University of Canterbury for support in the form of an Erskine Fellowship.", "\n\n[50]{}ifxundefined \\[1\\][ ifx[\\#1]{} ]{}ifnum \\[1\\][ \\#1firstoftwo secondoftwo ]{}ifx \\[1\\][ \\#1firstoftwo secondoftwo ]{}““\\#1””@noop \\[0\\][secondoftwo]{}sanitize@url \\[0\\][‘\\\n12‘\\$12 ‘&12‘\\#12‘12‘\\_12‘%12]{}@startlink\\[1\\]@endlink\\[0\\]@bib@innerbibempty [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1038/nature07607) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1038/nature09081) [****,  ()](\\doibase\n 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.230502) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.230501) [****,  ()](\\doibase\n 10.1038/nature14025) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1126/science.aan5959) [****, ()](\\doibase 10.1038/nphys4254) [****,  ()](\\doibase\n 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.080502) [**** (), 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.210501](\\doibase\n 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.210501) [**** (), 10.1103/PhysRevX.7.021028](\\doibase\n 10.1103/PhysRevX.7.021028) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1103/PhysRevA.69.032307) [****,  ()](\\doibase\n 10.1103/PhysRevA.77.022307) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1038/ncomms2034) [**** (), 10.1038/ncomms4627](\\doibase\n 10.1038/ncomms4627) [****, ()](\\doibase 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.243601) [****,  ()](\\doibase\n 10.1103/PhysRevA.92.062313) [****,  ()](\\doibase\n 10.1103/PhysRevA.71.062328) [****, ()](\\doibase 10.1103/PhysRevA.78.043402) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1109/JQE.1971.1076623) in [**](\\doibase 10.1016/S0168-1273(88)11006-4), , Vol.", "  (, ) pp.", "  in [**](\\doibase\n 10.1016/S0168-1273(98)25006-9), Vol.", "  (, ) pp. [****, ()](", "\\doibase\n 10.1088/0953-8984/7/26/017) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1021/jp5050207) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1016/j.jlumin.2009.12.023) [****, ()](\\doibase\n 10.1016/j.jmr.2018.07.018) in @noop [**]{},  (, ) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1063/1.455853) [, ****,  ()](\\doibase\n 10.1016/S0022-2313(02)00281-8) [****,  ()](\\doibase\n 10.1103/PhysRevB.73.075101) [****,  ()](\\doibase\n 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.155125) [****,  ()](\\doibase\n 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.144303) [****, ()](\\doibase 10.1103/PhysRevA.78.043402) [****,  ()](\\doibase\n 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.2.011403) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.085124) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1103/PhysRevB.97.024419) @noop [ ()]{},  @noop [****,  ()]{} in @noop [**]{},  (, ) @noop [**]{} (, ) @noop [****,  ()]{} @noop [**]{} (, ) [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1016/S0925-8388(96)02541-8) in @noop [**]{},  (, ) @noop [**]{} (, ) @noop [“,” ]{} () @noop [ ()]{},  [****,  ()](\\doibase 10.1021/jp970984n) **, @noop [Ph.D. thesis]{},  () @noop [“,” ]{} @noop [**]{}, Vol.", "  (, )\n" ]
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[ "The HLA-A*02:481 allele was identified in unrelated Brazilians sharing HLA-B*15:17, C*07:01P, DRB1*13:02 and DQB1*06:04.", "\nHLA-A*02:481 differs from HLA-A*02:01:01:01 by one nucleotide and was found in four unrelated Brazilians." ]
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[ "2008 Kansas City Brigade season\n\nThe Kansas City Brigade season was the third season for the franchise, second in the American Conference's Central Division. ", "After starting the season with 6 consecutive losses, the Brigade finished the season with a 3–13 record, however still the worst record in the American Conference.", "\n\nStandings\n\nRegular season schedule\n\nCoaching\n\nFinal roster\n\nStats\n\nRegular season\n\nWeek 1: vs Tampa Bay Storm\n\nWeek 2: at New York Dragons\n\nWeek 3\nBye Week\n\nWeek 4: vs. Grand Rapids Rampage\n\nWeek 5: vs. San Jose SaberCats\n\nWeek 6: at Georgia Force\n\nWeek 7: vs. Chicago Rush\n\nWeek 8: vs. Colorado Crush\n\nWeek 9: at Grand Rapids Rampage\n\nWeek 10: at Utah Blaze\n\nWeek 11: vs. Columbus Destroyers\n\nWeek 12: vs. Orlando Predators\n\nWeek 13: at Philadelphia Soul\n\nWeek 14: at Chicago Rush\n\nWeek 15: vs. Arizona Rattlers\n\nWeek 16: at Los Angeles Avengers\n\nWeek 17: at Colorado Crush\n\nExternal links\n\nKansas City Brigade\nCategory:Kansas City Command seasons" ]
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[ "By The Associated Press | Posted - Jul. 2, 2017 at 10:09 p.m.\n\nThis archived news story is available only for your personal, non-commercial use. ", "Information in the story may be outdated or superseded by additional information. ", "Reading or replaying the story in its archived form does not constitute a republication of the story.", "\n\nYORK SPRINGS, Pa. (AP) — Authorities say more than 100,000 chickens died in a fire that destroyed a barn at a Pennsylvania commercial egg farm in Pennsylvania.", "\n\nThe blaze at Hillandale Farms in Tyrone Township was reported around 5:45 a.m. Saturday. ", "Tyrone is about 29 miles (46 kilometers) southwest of Harrisburg.", "\n\nA Heidlersburg Fire Company captain said flames were visible above the roof of the 600-foot (183-meter) barn by the time fire crews arrived.", "\n\nCrews concentrated on keeping the blaze from spreading to other buildings. ", "Three firefighters were treated at the scene, two for dehydration and one for a laceration.", "\n\nThe fire chief said adjacent chicken houses were undamaged and the animals unharmed. ", "The burned building was destroyed.", "\n\nOfficials said the cause of the fire is still under investigation. ", "It's believed to have been accidental.", "\n\nCopyright © The Associated Press. ", "All rights reserved. ", "This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.", "\n\n×" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nReplace string regardless of the value\n\nHow can I replace this string with another one regardless of whether the value is 2 or 4 or 5\n<font size=\\\"2\\\"\n\nI have it now :\nreplacingOccurrences(of: \"font size=\\\"2\\\"\", with: \"font size=\\\"4\\\"\")\n\nBut a 2 by default does not always arrive.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can use replacingOccurrences(of:with:options:range:) with .regularExpression options.", "\nlet str = \"<font size=\\\"3\\\"\"\nprint(str.replacingOccurrences(of: \"(font size=\\\"[0-9]+\\\")\", with: \"font size=\\\"4\\\"\", options: .regularExpression))\n\n<font size=\"4\"\n\n" ]
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[ "Yamith Cuesta\n\nYamith Cuesta (born April 17, 1989 in Turbo) is a Colombian footballer.", "\n\nCareer\n\nClub\nCuesta made his debut in the Colombian First Division with Bogota club Santa Fe in 2007, playing 24 matches and scoring two goals.", "\n\nIn 2008, he joined Expreso Rojo in the Colombian Second Division, before being loaned to Major League Soccer side Chivas USA on August 15, 2009. ", "He played in 11 games on a backline that only allowed 11 goals during his first MLS season.", "\n\nHe was released by Chivas USA on February 6, 2011. ", "Chicago Fire acquired his rights in a trade with Chivas USA and immediately signed him on March 23, 2011. ", "His loan deal with Chicago closed at the end of the 2011 season and the club is working to acquire him permanently. ", "Cuesta is known for his strength and tough tackling, as well as his ariel threat. ", "He now plays for Aragua FC.", "\n\nInternational\nCuesta has played for the Colombian U-20 national team, and scored the game-winning goal a 1-0 win over Peru, but has never been called up to the senior squad.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n\nCategory:1989 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Colombian footballers\nCategory:Colombia under-20 international footballers\nCategory:Categoría Primera A players\nCategory:Independiente Santa Fe footballers\nCategory:Tigres F.C. footballers\nCategory:Chivas USA players\nCategory:Chicago Fire FC players\nCategory:UB Conquense footballers\nCategory:América de Cali footballers\nCategory:Paulista Futebol Clube players\nCategory:Major League Soccer players\nCategory:Colombian expatriate footballers\nCategory:Expatriate soccer players in the United States\nCategory:Expatriate footballers in Spain\nCategory:Expatriate footballers in Brazil\nCategory:Association football defenders" ]
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[ "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\nrequire 'helper'\n\nclass TestRegressionChartAxis01 < Test::Unit::TestCase\n def setup\n setup_dir_var\n end\n\n def teardown\n @tempfile.close(true)\n end\n\n def test_chart_axis01\n @xlsx = 'chart_axis01.xlsx'\n workbook = WriteXLSX.new(@io)\n worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet\n chart = workbook.add_chart(:type => 'bar', :embedded => 1)\n\n # For testing, copy the randomly generated axis ids in the target xlsx file.", "\n chart.instance_variable_set(:@axis_ids, [58955648, 68446848])\n\n data = [\n [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],\n [2, 4, 6, 8, 10],\n [3, 6, 9, 12, 15]\n ]\n\n worksheet.write('A1', data)\n\n chart.add_series(:values => '=Sheet1!$A$1:$A$5')\n chart.add_series(:values => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5')\n chart.add_series(:values => '=Sheet1!$C$1:$C$5')\n\n chart.set_x_axis(:name => 'XXX')\n chart.set_y_axis(:name => 'YYY')\n\n worksheet.insert_chart('E9', chart)\n\n workbook.close\n compare_for_regression(\n nil,\n {'xl/charts/chart1.xml' => ['<c:pageMargins']}\n )\n end\nend\n" ]
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[ "Material salvaged from an Auckland City Rail Link construction site will be shipped to Tonga next month, where it will be used to help rebuild cyclone-battered communities.", "\n\nPhoto: RNZ / Liu Chen\n\nThe material was stripped from City Rail Link buildings being demolished near the Mt Eden station.", "\n\nHealth and safety manager of salvage company TROW, Joe Vagana, told RNZ's Morning Report that a lot of useful building materials would be sent over to Tonga.", "\n\nContents of two Tonga-bound containers include cupboards, desks, shelving, tables, doors, benches, toilets, drawers, ceiling panels and carpet tiles.", "\n\n\"The country is still feeling the effects of Cyclone Gita from last year and there's a lot of rebuilding to do in our communities,\" he said.", "\n\nSchools, houses and community buildings will all benefit from the donation.", "\n\nPhoto: RNZ / Richard Tindiller\n\nIn August, RNZ Pacific's Tonga correspondent Kalafi Moala said a number of schools were still running classes in tents, 17 months on from the cyclone.", "\n\nThe government had given householders small grants for repairs but Mr Moala said many of these were spent covering other outstanding expenses, such as utility charges.", "\n\nCity Rail Link is a 3.45km underground tunnel aiming to better connect the city's rail network and is due for completion in 2024.", "\n\nCity Rail Link said it bought the first Mt Eden building to be demolished in 2012 and the last four years ago.", "\n\nThe demolition will happen in three stages and the first phase is due to be completed in March next year." ]
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[ "Niklas Lundstrom\n\nLundstrom, 21, is one of several up-and-coming goalies in the Blues’ system, but he’s probably still a few years away from competing at the NHL level. ", "While he deserves some leeway for his youth, Lundstrom mostly struggled with AIK and Sodertalje SK of Swedish Hockey League ..." ]
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[ "@CodeBuns There is no, statistically, better investment than one of these.", "\n\nEthereum and Trumpcoin comes to mind.", "\n\n15 months ago\n\nGigastrength\n\nThings poor people say thread?", "\n\n15 months ago\n\nCarnalpleasure\n\nProbably more a question for /sci/ but if you took a large pile of cash (say, a billion $1s) and threw a Molotov cocktail on top, by the the time the fire ran its course would you be left with more or less money than if you used it all to buy powerball tickets?", "\n\nGenerally, these are a waste of money. ", "But in some rare cases, you can turn the odds in your favor. ", "Popular and successful lotteries (like Mega Millions) modify the rules to make it harder to win, while unsuccessful ones modify the rules to make it easier (attracting more buyers). ", "That's what happened with the Massachusetts and Michigan Cash WinFall games, and people made millions off of gaming the system (most famously a pool of MIT students).", "\n\nSo, yes, the games are \"random,\" but it's a controlled randomness that has the potential be exploited by the buyer.", "\n\n15 months ago\n\nPurpleCharger\n\n@TechHater But to manipulate the games in a way that gives you an edge, you have to already have a decent amount of capital to begin with.", "\n\n15 months ago\n\nFuzzy_Logic\n\n@New_ClicheActually, you're wrong. ", "Statistically, a lottery ticket is proven to be the best investment one can make.", "\n\n15 months ago\n\nRaving_Cute\n\n@PurpleCharger That's true, and that's also why basically everyone who gamed the WinFall lotteries were groups of people and not just individuals.", "\n\nAnd I'm not claiming it's the best way to make money. ", "Just pointing out that there are exceptions to the assumptions we make.", "\n\n15 months ago\n\ngirlDog\n\n@PurpleCharger you have to already have a decent amount of capital to begin withI hear this is true for everything except the stock market.", "\n\n@BlogWobbles Fucking idiot. ", "Next time learn to Google. ", "I embarrassed you in front of everyone.", "\n\n15 months ago\n\nFastChef\n\n@VisualMaster could you go back to /b/ and stop shitting up this already shitty board?", "\n\n15 months ago\n\nCodeBuns\n\n@FastChef Classic. ", "The \"go back to /b/\" meme when you are proven wrong.", "\n\nBack to le Reddit you go.", "\n\n15 months ago\n\nSpamalot\n\n@Carnalpleasuredepends if you blew your fat stack on the powerball tickets in one specific powerball, or on a small number of tickets in every powerball.", "\n\nTheoretically speaking, there's nothing stopping you from spending all your money on powerball tickets in a single powerball, being careful to select all number combinations, thus guaranteeing you at least a share of the prize. ", "Since there's somewhere in the neighborhood of 250 million possible combinations, if you were to do this for a jackpot larger than $250M, you'd be pretty much guaranteed to at least win something.", "\n\n15 months ago\n\nviagrandad\n\n@CarnalpleasureWell, must be lots of coins, so that the bottle will break, and i think the coins will remain, if gasoline or similar is used. ", "I mean, its painful to watch, when your cocktails just slowly runs out of the unbroken bottle, or even worse - you just taped the thing that lights it, and it is even slower...\n\n15 months ago\n\nidontknow\n\n@Spamalotlol you could try this but so much of the jackpot goes to tax, and they're not gonna let you buy 250 million tickets.", "\n\n15 months ago\n\nTechHater\n\n@SpamalotTickets are $2, your reward is heavily taxed (30-40%), and you'd have to read through hundreds millions of tickets.", "\n\n15 months ago\n\nhaveahappyday\n\n@idontknowWhy wouldn't they? ", "They are guaranteed to make profit off of selling 250 million tickets if the powerball is 250 million and each ticket is more than a dollar? ", "It's just free money" ]
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[ "3 alone 80 52 6\n\n\n\nYou're playing \"Notes\" by Droqen (droqen.com) created during TOJam 2013 (tojam.ca)\n\n\n\nnote: you can scroll this screen without displacing the game.", "\n\n\n\nThe game to my left is Notes. ", "If you do not follow my instructions, you will find it very difficult to continue. ", "For example, you will not be able to start without CTRL+P, the secret starting code.", "\n\n\n\nROOM 1 - Avoid black and destroy as little pink as possible. ", "The arrow keys or WSAD will control you. ", "That field of horizontal pink lines is known as a \"Checkpoint\".", "\n\n\n\nROOM 2 - When you touch the \"Checkpoint\" in the next room, you will be trapped. ", "Press \"111\" on your keyboard now. ", "This will create a high jump tune above your head. ", "Use it to advance to the next room (above you).", "\n\n\n\nROOM 3 - The third room is like a tower, with single spikes scattered vertically. ", "The spikes are trying to prevent you from leaving! ", "Touch the \"Checkpoint\" on the left side of this room. ", "Press \"579\" on your keyboard now. ", "This tune will protect you from spikes as long as you are trying to exit the room. ", "Use it to advance to the next room (to the left).", "\n\n\n\nnote: if you get stuck, press K or R to reset yourself.", "\n\n\n\nROOM 4 - You're making good progress! ", "There is a wide field of spikes to the left. ", "You can deal with it in two ways. ", "Touch the \"Checkpoint\" in this room. ", "Press either \"111\" or \"777\" on your keyboard now. ", "These are the jump and speed tunes, respectively. ", "Use them to cross the gap. ", "Continue left.", "\n\n\n\nROOM 5 - Cross the gap. ", "Do not fall into the pit.", "\n\n\n\nROOM 6 - There are spikes here. ", "Touch the \"Checkpoint\". ", "Press \"777\" on your keyboard now. ", "Use the speed tune to get over these spikes, off the bottom of the screen, and into the next room (below you)!", "\n\n\n\nROOM 7 - This is the last room! ", "You made it! ", "Congratulations on your achievement. ", "Exit this level to the left.", "\n\n\n\nTHE END - We hope you enjoyed this game. ", "Keep in mind, it was made during a game jam which is why it's so short and does not have a satisfying ending. ", "Please enjoy the rest of your life and look forward to more productions from DROQENSGAMES, INC.", "\n\n\n\nnote: the maximum score is 8." ]
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[ "Shopko merger good for Estherville\n\nMarch 1, 2012\n\nA lot of times when there's a merger it's not good news for a community - particularly smaller communities such as Estherville. ", "But that's certainly not the case for Shopko's acquisition of Pamida, including the store in Estherville.", "\n\nIn fact, it's great news.", "\n\nFor several years now, Estherville residents have wished they had a Target store - something with mid-scale merchandise, including larger consumer items and an expanded electronics section. ", "The Shopko merger with Pamida is a big step in that direction, and Estherville will see a lot of changes this summer when the Pamida stock is cleared out to make way for more brands and a wider selection.", "\n\nSome of the best news is that the current staff will remain. ", "And that's sending a great message to the residents of Estherville.", "\n\nThis is a good time, too, to thank manager Tom Hayenga and Steve Koenen before him for running a first-rate operation. ", "Quite frankly, there were times when having more than one discount store in Estherville seemed pretty iffy. ", "But Hayenga and Koenen - and the Pamida team - toughed it out and gave Estherville residents what they needed - good products and service at very reasonable prices. ", "And huge thanks need to the Pamida Foundation for giving generously to area schools through the years.", "\n\nAs Estherville emerges from a very tough recession, it will be nice to have a store with expanded selections that will give people one more great reason for shopping Estherville. ", "Having a Shopko in Estherville will also draw more people to the community where they can also shop in other stores, eat in our restaurants, go the a movie and enjoy our parks.", "\n\nThe merger is a big plus for Estherville - one for which we should be happy.", "\n\nShopko will no doubt play a key role in Estherville as a community member as well as a business. ", "So let's be sure to welcome them, and wish them the best." ]
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[ "Evaluation of phosphorus transport in surface runoff from packed soil boxes.", "\nEvaluation of phosphorus (P) management strategies to protect water quality has largely relied on research using simulated rainfall to generate runoff from either field plots or shallow boxes packed with soil. ", "Runoff from unmanured, grassed field plots (1 m wide x 2 m long, 3-8% slope) and bare soil boxes (0.2 m wide and 1 m long, 3% slope) was compared using rainfall simulation (75 mm h(-1)) standardized by 30-min runoff duration (rainfall averaged 55 mm for field plots and 41 mm for packed boxes). ", "Packed boxes had lower infiltration (1.2 cm) and greater runoff (2.9 cm) and erosion (542 kg ha(-1)) than field plots (3.7 cm infiltration; 1.8 cm runoff; 149 kg ha(-1) erosion), yielding greater total phosphorus (TP) losses in runoff. ", "Despite these differences, regressions of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) in runoff and Mehlich-3 soil P were consistent between field plots and packed boxes reflecting similar buffering by soils and sediments. ", "A second experiment compared manured boxes of 5- and 25-cm depths to determine if variable hydrology based on box depth influenced P transport. ", "Runoff properties did not differ significantly between box depths before or after broadcasting dairy, poultry, or swine manure (100 kg TP ha(-1)). ", "Water-extractable phosphorus (WEP) from manures dominated runoff P, and translocation of manure P into soil was consistent between box types. ", "This study reveals the practical, but limited, comparability of field plot and soil box data, highlighting soil and sediment buffering in unamended soils and manure WEP in amended soils as dominant controls of DRP transport." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow does a boon or curse work?", "\n\nWe read many times that a particular deva/person/asura was given a boon that he could e.g., become invincible, no one can kill him or will get something or the other.", "\nOn the other hand, some people are cursed that something bad will happen to them either immediately or after some time.", "\nI wanted to know how can a person say something (good or bad) about another person and Gods/nature will fulfill that. ", "In case of Gods, it is still ok to an extent that they can do anything, but for mortal persons to be able to give a boon or curse is something which is confusing.", "\nEven in case of Gods, e.g., if they give a boon to someone that he cannot be defeated in a war, how will they make sure that he will only fight with ones who are less powerful than him and not stronger?", "\nSo what do Gods/people do for their boon or curse to really work?", "\n\nA:\n\nI can't back up my answers with clear cut quotes from scriptures for this question. ", "But I can answer what I have deduced from indirect references in multiple scriptures.", "\nCurse or boon is indirect karmic capacity you can transfer to another person. ", "When you meditate, pray or do poojas you start accumulating good karma. ", "When it reaches a certain limit you get the capability to do certain things.", "\nEvery time you curse or give away a boon, you would lose corresponding amount of your good karma. ", "I faintly remember a story of seer, who gained certain amount of power after meditating in the forest, came back to live among normal people. ", "He started giving boons to people he liked and cursing people he didn't. ", "Very soon he exhausted all his good karma and was rendered powerless. ", "In the process he also accumulated bad karma and had to suffer due to his recklessness.", "\nIf a person with low good karmic limit tries to curse a person with higher karmic limit, he can either avoid or change the curse. ", "Hence everything boils down to the amount of good karma one has in his kit.", "\n\nA:\n\nTo add to the other answer, everything happens with the will of God, including a boon/curse.", "\nIt is just a reason or a cause for things to happen in a destined manner. ", "It is not something that creates a deviation for the upcoming future, but just a part of it. ", "Hence the person or God giving a boon/curse doesn't have to really go out and control the outcome of a war or a fight. ", "The outcome will be the same and the boon/curse is a cause for the result.", "\nAlso one more reasoning is that, the Gods and many Saints have awareness of the three periods the past, the present and the future. ", "So they already know what is going to happen and a boon/curse is also a part of that.", "\nOne more way of understanding it is, the boon/curse is received based on a persons karma. ", "Like people undergo severe penance to obtain a boon. ", "Or the curse is given because of a wrong doing. ", "So based on such a karma that person has to get the result. ", "The boon or curse is an result that signifies this karma and it has to happen, irrespective of a person/God giving a boon or a curse.", "\nSo to answer the question, it is generally not required to control the outcome. ", "Then in rare instances, the Gods do interfere to make sure things happen the way it should. ", "For instance, Kamadeva interrupting Shiva's meditation to kill Tarakasur, or Indra, in the form of a Brahman asking for Karna's shields.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The Mountebanks\n\nThe Mountebanks is a comic opera in two acts with music by Alfred Cellier and Ivan Caryll and a libretto by W. S. Gilbert. ", "The story concerns a magic potion that causes the person to whom it is administered to become what he or she has pretended to be. ", "It is similar to several \"magic lozenge\" plots that Gilbert had proposed to the composer Arthur Sullivan, but that Sullivan had rejected, earlier in their careers. ", "To set his libretto to music, Gilbert turned to Cellier, who had previously been a musical director for Gilbert and Sullivan and had since become a successful composer. ", "During the composition of the piece Cellier died, and the score was finished by the original production's musical director, Ivan Caryll, who became a successful composer of Edwardian Musical Comedy.", "\n\nThe opera was first produced at the Lyric Theatre, London, on 4 January 1892, for a run of 229 performances. ", "It also toured extensively, had a short Broadway run, in 1893, American tours and Australian productions. ", "The original cast included Geraldine Ulmar, Frank Wyatt, Lionel Brough, Eva Moore and Furneaux Cook. ", "The American cast included Hayden Coffin and Lillian Russell. ", "A professional recording of the work was released in 2018.", "\n\nBackground\nThe story of the opera revolves around a magic potion that transforms those who drink it into whoever, or whatever, they pretend to be. ", "The idea was clearly important to Gilbert, as he repeatedly urged his famous collaborator, Arthur Sullivan, to set this story, or a similar one, to music. ", "For example, he had written a treatment of the opera in 1884, which Sullivan rejected, both because of the story's mechanical contrivance, and because they had already produced an opera concerning a magic potion, The Sorcerer (1877); Sullivan felt that the story lacked \"human emotion\". ", "The idea of a magic potion that changes human behaviour has long been a common theme of literature and opera. ", "The device allowed Gilbert to explore \"how people behave when they are forced to live with the consequences of their own actions.\"", "\n\nThe Gilbert and Sullivan partnership and their Savoy operas dominated the London musical stage from the late 1870s to 1890. ", "When that partnership temporarily disbanded, due to a quarrel over finances after the production of The Gondoliers, Gilbert sought another composer who would collaborate on the \"magic lozenge\" idea that Sullivan had repeatedly rejected. ", "He eventually found a willing partner in Alfred Cellier, a logical choice for Gilbert. ", "The two had collaborated once before (Topsyturveydom, 1874), and Cellier had been the musical director for Gilbert and Sullivan's early operas. ", "Cellier had also achieved much success apart from Gilbert and Sullivan, particularly with his comic opera Dorothy (1886), a smash hit. ", "It played for over 900 performances, considerably more than The Mikado, Gilbert and Sullivan's most successful piece. ", "Dorothy set and held the record for longest-running piece of musical theatre in history until the turn of the century.", "\n\nCellier suffered from tuberculosis for most of his adult life, but during the composition of The Mountebanks he deteriorated rapidly and died, at the age of 47, while the opera was still in rehearsals. ", "All of the melodies and vocal lines in the opera were composed by Cellier, but the orchestration was incomplete when he died. ", "The score was completed by the Lyric Theatre's musical director, Ivan Caryll, a successful composer who became one of the best-known composers of Edwardian Musical Comedy. ", "Caryll composed the entr'acte, using the melody from Number 16, and he wrote or modified the orchestration for more than half a dozen of the songs. ", "He chose the 4th movement of Cellier's 1878 orchestral piece, the Suite Symphonique, to use as the opera's overture. ", "One song whose lyrics were printed in the libretto available on the first night were never set to music, and another was cut before the opening night. ", "After Cellier's illness prevented him from finishing the score, Gilbert modified the libretto around the gaps, and the order of some of the music was changed.", "\n\nProductions and recordings\n\nThe Mountebanks''' initial run of 229 performances surpassed most of Gilbert's later works and even a few of his collaborations with Sullivan. ", "Gilbert engaged his old friends John D'Auban, to choreograph the piece, and Percy Anderson, to design costumes. ", "The initial run closed on 5 August 1892. ", "Despite the opera's warm reception, Gilbert wrote on 7 January 1892, shortly after the premiere, \"I had to make rough & ready alterations to supply gaps – musical gaps – caused by poor Cellier's inability to complete his work. ", "It follows that Act 2 stands out as a very poor piece of dramatic construction ... this is the worst libretto I have written. ", "Perhaps I am growing old.\" ", "\n\nThe success of the London production led its producer, Horace Sedger, to establish at least three touring companies, which visited major towns and cities in Britain for a year and a half, from March 1892 to mid-November 1893. ", "Louie René played Ultrice on one tour in 1893. ", "While playing in Manchester, one touring company found itself competing with a D'Oyly Carte Opera Company touring company at a nearby theatre. ", "The strained relations between Carte and Gilbert after The Gondoliers did not prevent the two companies from playing a cricket match in May 1892. ", "Relations between Gilbert and his new producer had also deteriorated, and the author unsuccessfully sued Sedger for cutting the size of the chorus in the London production without his approval. ", "It was toured for a year in America by the Lillian Russell Opera Company, starring Lillian Russell and C. Hayden Coffin, including a run of a month and a half at the Garden Theatre on Broadway, opening on January 11, 1893. ", " It was also produced in Australia and New Zealand by the J. C. Williamson company until 1900.", "\n\nGilbert and Cellier's widow later sold the performing and score rental rights to the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company. ", "Occasional amateur performances were staged in Britain, America and Australia until the Second World War, and the professional J. C. Williamson company continued to perform it occasionally in Australia and New Zealand. ", "After that, the first known staging was in New York City, in 1955, in a small-scale production at the St. John's Theater, in Greenwich Village, by the Chamber Opera Players, accompanied only by a piano. ", "It was produced in 1964 by the Washington, D.C., Lyric Theatre Company, with orchestra, and the company recorded the score. ", "Other amateur performances accompanied only by piano followed until James Gillespie's Ramsgate production in 1982, which used orchestra parts from Australia.", "\n\nThe full score of the opera was published in 2014 by Robin Gordon-Powell, followed by a piano/vocal score. ", "A 2015 production was staged in Palo Alto, California by Lyric Theatre, directed by John Hart, using Gordon-Powell's score. ", "The score was finally recorded professionally and released in 2018 with the BBC Concert Orchestra conducted by John Andrews. ", "A reviewer praised the recording, conducting and performances and noted Cellier's \"fine lyrical detail and sumptuous orchestration with which he provides a wide variety of musical effects. … [", "O]ne is aware of the growing sophistication in Gilbert's choice of words in his lyrics during this mature period of his writing. ", "Clever as some of the lyrics are they may well have gone over the heads of the 'comedy opera' orientated audiences.\"", "\n\nRoles and original cast\n\n Arrostino Annegato, Captain of the Tamorras – a Secret Society (baritone) – Frank Wyatt\n Giorgio Raviolo, a Member of his Band (baritone) – Arthur Playfair\n Luigi Spaghetti, a Member of his Band (baritone) – Charles Gilbert\n Alfredo, a Young Peasant, loved by Ultrice, but in love with Teresa (tenor) – J. Robertson\n Pietro, Proprietor of a Troupe of Mountebanks (comic baritone) – Lionel Brough (later Cairns James)\n Bartolo, his Clown (baritone) – Harry Monkhouse\n Elvino di Pasta, an Innkeeper (bass-baritone) – Furneaux Cook\n Risotto, one of the Tamorras – just married to Minestra (tenor) – Cecil Burt\n Beppo – A member of the Mountebanks' crew (speaking) – Gilbert Porteous\n Teresa, a Village Beauty, loved by Alfredo, and in love with herself (soprano) – Geraldine Ulmar\n Ultrice, Elvino's niece, in love with, and detested by, Alfredo (contralto) – Lucille Saunders\n Nita, a Dancing Girl (mezzo-soprano or soprano) – Aida Jenoure\n Minestra, Risotto's Bride (mezzo-soprano) – Eva Moore\n Tamorras, Monks, Village Girls.", "\n\nSynopsis\nAct I\nOutside a mountain Inn on a picturesque Sicilian pass, a procession of Dominican monks sings a chorus (in Latin) about the inconveniences of monastic life. ", "As soon as the coast is clear, the Tamorras appear. ", "They are a secret society of bandits bent on revenge against the descendants of those who wrongly imprisoned an ancestor's friend five hundred years previously. ", "The Tamorras tell Elvino, the innkeeper, that they are planning to get married – one man each day for the next three weeks. ", "The first is Risotto, who is marrying Minestra later that day. ", "Elvino asks them to conduct their revels in a whisper, so as not to disturb the poor old dying alchemist who occupies the second floor of the inn. ", "Arrostino, the Tamorras's leader, has learned that the Duke and Duchess of Pallavicini will be passing through the village. ", "He suggests that the Tamorras capture the monastery and disguise themselves as monks. ", "Minestra will dress as an old woman and lure the Duke into the monastery, where he will be taken captive and held for ransom.", "\n\nAlfredo, a young peasant, is in love with Teresa, the village beauty. ", "He sings a ballad about her, but it is clear that she does not love him in return. ", "She suggests that he marry Elvino's niece, Ultrice, who follows Alfredo everywhere, but Alfredo wants nothing to do with Ultrice. ", "Elvino is concerned that he does not know the proper protocol for entertaining a Duke and Duchess. ", "He suggests that Alfredo impersonate a Duke, so that he can practice his manners. ", "Alfredo implores Teresa to impersonate the Duchess, but Teresa insists that Ultrice play the role.", "\n\nA troupe of strolling players arrives. ", "Their leader, Pietro, offers the villagers a dress rehearsal of a performance to be given later to the Duke and Duchess. ", "Among the novelties to be presented, he promises \"two world-renowned life-size clock-work automata, representing Hamlet and Ophelia\". ", "Nita and Bartolo, two of the troupe's members, were formerly engaged, but Nita became disenchanted with Bartolo's inability to play tragedy, and she is now engaged to Pietro. ", "While they are discussing this, Beppo rushes in to tell Pietro that the clock-work automata have been detained at the border. ", "Pietro wonders how his troupe will deliver the promised performance.", "\n\nElvino and Ultrice have a problem of their own. ", "Their alchemist tenant has blown himself up while searching for the philosopher's stone, leaving six weeks' rent unpaid. ", "All he has left behind is a bottle of \"medicine\" with a label on it. ", "Believing the medicine to be useless, Elvino gives it to Pietro. ", "Pietro reads the label and learns that the mysterious liquid \"has the effect of making every one who drinks it exactly what he pretends to be\". ", "Pietro hatches the idea of administering the potion to Bartolo and Nita, who will pretend to be the clock-work Hamlet and Ophelia when the Duke and Duchess arrive. ", "After the performance, Pietro can reverse the potion by burning the label. ", "While preparing for the performance, Pietro accidentally drops the label, which Ultrice retrieves. ", "Ultrice realises that if she and Alfredo drink the potion while they are pretending to be the Duke and Duchess, Alfredo's feigned love for her will become a reality.", "\n\nTeresa, meanwhile, decides that, to taunt Alfredo, she will pretend to be in love with him, only to dash his hopes later on. ", "Alfredo, who overhears this, declares that he will pretend to reject Teresa. ", "When she learns this, Teresa says that she will feign insanity. ", "By this point, all of the major characters are pretending to be something they are not. ", "Alfredo pretends to be a Duke married to Ultrice and indifferent to Teresa. ", "Ultrice pretends to be Duchess, married to Alfredo. ", "Teresa pretends to be insane with love for Alfredo. ", "Bartolo and Nita pretend to be clock-work Hamlet and Ophelia. ", "The Tamorras pretend to be monks. ", "Minestra pretends to be an old lady.", "\n\nAlfredo and Ultrice appear in their guise as the faux Duke and Duchess. ", "He proposes a toast, drawing wine from Pietro's wine-skin. ", "Pietro, who has put the Alchemist's potion into the wine-skin, implores Alfredo to stop, telling him that it contains poison from which he is already dying. ", "Alfredo ignores the warning and distributes the wine to everyone assembled.", "\n\nAct II\n\nIt is night-time outside the monastery. ", "As the potion's label had foretold, everyone is now what they had pretended to be. ", "Although Risotto and Minestra are married, he is disappointed to find that she is now an old woman of seventy-four. ", "Teresa has gone completely mad with love for Alfredo. ", "Bartolo and Nita are waxwork Hamlet and Ophelia, walking with mechanical gestures as if controlled by clockwork. ", "Pietro, because he had pretended the wine was poisonous, is now dying slowly.", "\n\nThe Tamorras, who had pretended to be monks, have renounced their life of crime, and they no longer find the village girls attractive. ", "They demand an explanation of Pietro, who explains that the wine was spiked. ", "He promises to administer the antidote in an hour or two – as soon as Bartolo and Nita have performed for the Duke and Duchess. ", "Alfredo, now pretending to be a Duke, greets the monks. ", "They tell him that he has chosen a fortunate time for his arrival, as the Tamorras had planned to kidnap him. ", "But now he is safe, as they are all virtuous monks.", "\n\nTeresa is still crazed with love for Alfredo. ", "He replies that, although he used to love her, he is now \"married\" to Ultrice and is blind to her charms. ", "They are grateful that the charm will last for only another hour or so. ", "Left alone, Ultrice admits that she alone has the antidote, and she has no intention of administering it. ", "Pietro brings on Bartolo and Nita to entertain the Duke and Duchess, but he quickly recognises that his audience is only Alfredo and Ultrice. ", "They explain that they are victims of a potion, and Pietro realises that the only solution to the mess is to administer the antidote. ", "When he realises he has lost it, everyone accuses him of being a sorcerer. ", "Bartolo and Nita discuss what it will be like to be Hamlet and Ophelia for the rest of their lives. ", "Pietro steals the keys, so that neither one can touch the other's clockwork.", "\n\nUltrice confronts Teresa and gloats over her triumph. ", "However, when Teresa threatens to jump off a parapet, Ultrice relents and admits that she has stolen the antidote. ", "Pietro seizes the label and burns it. ", "The potion's effects expire, and the characters resume their original personalities, although some seem to have learned a lesson.", "\n\nMusical numbers\nOverture: Cellier's Suite SymphoniqueAct I\nNo. ", "1. \"", "The chaunt of the Monks\" and \"We are members of a secret society\" (Men's Chorus and Giorgio)\nNo. ", "2. \"", "Come, all the Maidens\" (Chorus)\nNo. ", "3. \"", "If you Please\" (Minestra and Risotto)\nNo. ", "4. \"", "Only think, a Duke and Duchess!\" (", "Chorus and Minestra)\nNo. ", "5. \"", "High Jerry Ho!\" (", "Arrostino and Male Chorus)\nNo. ", "6. \"", "Teresa, little Word\" and \"Bedecked in fashion Trim\" (Alfredo)\nNo. ", "7. \"", "It's my Opinion\" (Teresa)\nNo. ", "8. \"", "Upon my word, Miss\" (Ultrice, Teresa, Alfredo and Elvino)\nNo. ", "9. \"", "Fair maid, take Pity\" (Alfredo, Teresa, Ultrice and Elvino)\nNo. ", "10. \"", "Tabor and Drum\" (Female Chorus, Pietro, Bartolo and Nita)\nNo. ", "11. \"", "Those days of Old\" and \"Allow that the plan I Devise\"(Nita, with Bartolo and Pietro)\nNo. ", "12. \"", "Oh luck unequalled\" ... \"Alfredo Hers?\" ... \"", "When man in lovesick Passion\" (Ultrice, Teresa and Alfredo)\nNo. ", "13. \"", "Finale Act I\" (Ensemble)\n\nAct II\nNo. ", "14. \"", "Entr'acte\" (By Ivan Caryll)\nNo. ", "15, \"I'd be a young girl if I Could\" (Minestra and Risotto)\nNo. ", "16. \"", "All alone to my Eerie\" (Teresa)\nNo. ", "17. \"", "If I can catch this jolly Jack-Patch\" (Teresa and Minestra)\nNo. ", "18. \"", "If our action's stiff and Crude\" ... \"Put a penny in the Slot\" (Bartolo and Nita)\nNo. ", "19. \"", "Where gentlemen are eaten up with Jealousy ... Tic, Tic\" (Bartolo, Nita and Pietro)\nNo. ", "20. \"", "Time there was when earthly Joy\" (Chorus (with Soprano and Contralto solos), Arrostino and Pietro)\nNo. ", "20a. ", "OPTIONAL SONG: \"When your clothes, from your hat to your Socks\" (Pietro)1\nNo. ", "21. \"", "The Duke and Duchess hither wend their Way\" (Luigi, Arrostino, Alfredo and Chorus)\nNo. ", "22. \"", "Willow, willow, where's my Love?\" (", "Teresa) \nNo. ", "23. \"", "In days gone By\" (Alfredo, Teresa, and Ultrice)\nNo. ", "24. \"", "An hour? ", "Nay, Nay.\" (", "Ultrice; this recit. – ", "Ultrice's confession – was later moved to after No. ", "25)\nNo. ", "25. \"", "Oh, please you not to go Away\" (Chorus, Pietro, Elvino, Alfredo, Ultrice, Bartolo, Nita)\nNo. ", "26. \"", "Ophelia was a dainty little Maid\" (Pietro, Bartolo and Nita)\nNo. ", "27. \"", "Finale\" (Ensemble)\n\n1 The placement of this song changed within the act before it was cut. ", " \"Ophelia was a dainty little maid\" replaced it. ", " However, it was included on the only commercial recording of The Mountebanks.", "\n\nCritical reception\nAt the first night, the audience's response was enthusiastic. ", " The producer, Horace Sedger, came before the curtain at the end of the performance to explain that Gilbert preferred, because of the death of Cellier, not to take a curtain call. ", "Reviews for the libretto were consistently excellent. ", "Cellier's music received mixed reviews. ", "The Times noted with approval that Gilbert had returned to his favourite device of a magic potion, already seen in The Palace of Truth and The Sorcerer, and found the dialogue \"crammed with quips of the true Gilbertian ring.\" ", " The reviewer was more cautious about the score, attempting to balance respect for the recently dead Cellier with a clear conclusion that the music was derivative of the composer's earlier works and also of the Savoy operas. ", "The Pall Mall Gazette thought the libretto so good that it \"places Mr Gilbert so very far in advance of any living English librettist.\" ", "The paper's critic was more emphatic about the score than his Times colleague, saying, \"Mr Cellier's portion of the work is disappointing,\" adding that the composer never rose in this piece \"to within measurable distance of his predecessor. ... ", "If we judge the late Alfred Cellier's score by a somewhat high standard it is all Sir Arthur Sullivan's fault.\" ", "The Era also noted Gilbert's reuse of old ideas, but asked, \"who would wish Mr Gilbert to adopt a new style?\" ", "The paper thought equally well of the score, rating it as highly as Cellier's best-known piece, Dorothy. ", "The Daily Telegraph called the music \"accompaniment merely\" but found it \"completely satisfactory\" as such. ", "The Manchester Guardian considered the music \"a triumph.\" ", " All the reviewers singled out for particular praise the duet for the automata, \"Put a penny in the Slot\".", "\n\nA later critic, Hesketh Pearson, rated the libretto of The Mountebanks'' \"as good as any but the best Savoy pieces\".", "\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nThe Mountebanks at The Gilbert & Sullivan Archive (includes links to score and libretto)\nThe Mountebanks at The Gilbert & Sullivan Discography\nDescription of The Mountebanks\nPhotographs from a 1909 production\n\nCategory:Works by W. S. Gilbert\nCategory:English-language operas\nCategory:English comic operas\nCategory:Operas\nCategory:1892 operas\nCategory:Operas by Alfred Cellier" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to set the build area for rpmbuild per-invocation\n\nI'm modifying an automated build, and want to tell rpmbuild to use a specific build area when invoking it.", "\nThis is similar to an existing question, but more specific.", "\n\nI don't want to run any of the build commands as the root user; the aim is only to have an RPM, not to install anything into the system.", "\nI don't want to require the user to change their dotfiles (e.g. $HOME/.rpmrc); the build should be self-contained and not affect the user's existing settings.", "\nI don't want to hard-code the location into the foo.spec file; that file should be useable as-is if the user wants to build in a different location.", "\nThe --buildroot option is not what I need; that sets a pseudo-root filesystem for the make part of the build process, but I need to specify the “build area” for the entire RPM build process.", "\n\nWhat I'm looking for is a hypothetical --build-area FOODIR option that can be given to the rpmbuild command, or an equivalent environment variable. ", "It should thus affect just that single invocation of the command and cause it to use a specified user-writable location for its build area.", "\nI've seen references to a _topdir macro that seems to be what I'm talking about, but it doesn't appear to be configurable per invocation.", "\nIt would be ideal if rpmbuild could set up its own environment in that location when it needs it, but I don't mind setting up the directories for that per build, since that can be automated as part of the build. ", "The goal is to have that user-writable location exist only for the duration of the build run, and then clean up by deleting that entire location once the RPM file is generated.", "\n\nA:\n\nIt's not documented, but the _topdir macro determines the build area.", "\nSo you can set this per-invocation with rpmbuild --define \"_topdir ${PWD}/foobar\" ... to set the directory to whatever you want. ", " \n--define is the key to setting values for any macro, not just _topdir.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe --buildroot option is not what you are looking for. ", "The name is a bit misleading as it is not changing the buildroot but instead is setting the root for the install phase of the build. ", "RPM is basically doing a \"make install\" as part of the build and is then packing the results of this. ", "The buildroot option allows you to do this install into for example /tmp/myinstallroot.", "\nI recently had to integrate rpm package building into an automated build and had the same problem. ", "What i did was to generate a custom .rpmmacros file with %topdir set appropriately. ", "I then just temporarily changes HOME to the location of that custom .rpmmacros file.", "\n\"HOME=mytopdir rpmbuild ...\".", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0.005235602094240838, 0.006666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0.005681818181818182, 0, 0.007692307692307693, 0, 0, 0, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "/*\n * ALSA modem driver for Intel ICH (i8x0) chipsets\n *\n *\tCopyright (c) 2000 Jaroslav Kysela <perex@perex.cz>\n *\n * This is modified (by Sasha Khapyorsky <sashak@alsa-project.org>) version\n * of ALSA ICH sound driver intel8x0.c .", "\n *\n *\n * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n * (at your option) any later version.", "\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\n * GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\n *\n */ \n\n#include <linux/io.h>\n#include <linux/delay.h>\n#include <linux/interrupt.h>\n#include <linux/init.h>\n#include <linux/pci.h>\n#include <linux/slab.h>\n#include <linux/module.h>\n#include <sound/core.h>\n#include <sound/pcm.h>\n#include <sound/ac97_codec.h>\n#include <sound/info.h>\n#include <sound/initval.h>\n\nMODULE_AUTHOR(\"Jaroslav Kysela <perex@perex.cz>\");\nMODULE_DESCRIPTION(\"Intel 82801AA,82901AB,i810,i820,i830,i840,i845,MX440; \"\n\t\t \"SiS 7013; NVidia MCP/2/2S/3 modems\");\nMODULE_LICENSE(\"GPL\");\nMODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE(\"{{Intel,82801AA-ICH},\"\n\t\t\"{Intel,82901AB-ICH0},\"\n\t\t\"{Intel,82801BA-ICH2},\"\n\t\t\"{Intel,82801CA-ICH3},\"\n\t\t\"{Intel,82801DB-ICH4},\"\n\t\t\"{Intel,ICH5},\"\n\t\t\"{Intel,ICH6},\"\n\t\t\"{Intel,ICH7},\"\n\t \"{Intel,MX440},\"\n\t\t\"{SiS,7013},\"\n\t\t\"{NVidia,NForce Modem},\"\n\t\t\"{NVidia,NForce2 Modem},\"\n\t\t\"{NVidia,NForce2s Modem},\"\n\t\t\"{NVidia,NForce3 Modem},\"\n\t\t\"{AMD,AMD768}}\");\n\nstatic int index = -2; /* Exclude the first card */\nstatic char *id = SNDRV_DEFAULT_STR1;\t/* ID for this card */\nstatic int ac97_clock;\n\nmodule_param(index, int, 0444);\nMODULE_PARM_DESC(index, \"Index value for Intel i8x0 modemcard.\");", "\nmodule_param(id, charp, 0444);\nMODULE_PARM_DESC(id, \"ID string for Intel i8x0 modemcard.\");", "\nmodule_param(ac97_clock, int, 0444);\nMODULE_PARM_DESC(ac97_clock, \"AC'97 codec clock (0 = auto-detect).\");", "\n\n/* just for backward compatibility */\nstatic bool enable;\nmodule_param(enable, bool, 0444);\n\n/*\n * Direct registers\n */\nenum { DEVICE_INTEL, DEVICE_SIS, DEVICE_ALI, DEVICE_NFORCE };\n\n#define ICHREG(x) ICH_REG_##x\n\n#define DEFINE_REGSET(name,base) \\\nenum { \\\n\tICH_REG_##name##_BDBAR\t= base + 0x0,\t/* dword - buffer descriptor list base address */ \\\n\tICH_REG_##name##_CIV\t= base + 0x04,\t/* byte - current index value */ \\\n\tICH_REG_##name##_LVI\t= base + 0x05,\t/* byte - last valid index */ \\\n\tICH_REG_##name##_SR\t= base + 0x06,\t/* byte - status register */ \\\n\tICH_REG_##name##_PICB\t= base + 0x08,\t/* word - position in current buffer */ \\\n\tICH_REG_##name##_PIV\t= base + 0x0a,\t/* byte - prefetched index value */ \\\n\tICH_REG_##name##_CR\t= base + 0x0b,\t/* byte - control register */ \\\n};\n\n/* busmaster blocks */\nDEFINE_REGSET(OFF, 0);\t\t/* offset */\n\n/* values for each busmaster block */\n\n/* LVI */\n#define ICH_REG_LVI_MASK\t\t0x1f\n\n/* SR */\n#define ICH_FIFOE\t\t\t0x10\t/* FIFO error */\n#define ICH_BCIS\t\t\t0x08\t/* buffer completion interrupt status */\n#define ICH_LVBCI\t\t\t0x04\t/* last valid buffer completion interrupt */\n#define ICH_CELV\t\t\t0x02\t/* current equals last valid */\n#define ICH_DCH\t\t\t\t0x01\t/* DMA controller halted */\n\n/* PIV */\n#define ICH_REG_PIV_MASK\t\t0x1f\t/* mask */\n\n/* CR */\n#define ICH_IOCE\t\t\t0x10\t/* interrupt on completion enable */\n#define ICH_FEIE\t\t\t0x08\t/* fifo error interrupt enable */\n#define ICH_LVBIE\t\t\t0x04\t/* last valid buffer interrupt enable */\n#define ICH_RESETREGS\t\t\t0x02\t/* reset busmaster registers */\n#define ICH_STARTBM\t\t\t0x01\t/* start busmaster operation */\n\n\n/* global block */\n#define ICH_REG_GLOB_CNT\t\t0x3c\t/* dword - global control */\n#define ICH_TRIE\t\t0x00000040\t/* tertiary resume interrupt enable */\n#define ICH_SRIE\t\t0x00000020\t/* secondary resume interrupt enable */\n#define ICH_PRIE\t\t0x00000010\t/* primary resume interrupt enable */\n#define ICH_ACLINK\t\t0x00000008\t/* AClink shut off */\n#define ICH_AC97WARM\t\t0x00000004\t/* AC'97 warm reset */\n#define ICH_AC97COLD\t\t0x00000002\t/* AC'97 cold reset */\n#define ICH_GIE\t\t0x00000001\t/* GPI interrupt enable */\n#define ICH_REG_GLOB_STA\t\t0x40\t/* dword - global status */\n#define ICH_TRI\t\t0x20000000\t/* ICH4: tertiary (AC_SDIN2) resume interrupt */\n#define ICH_TCR\t\t0x10000000\t/* ICH4: tertiary (AC_SDIN2) codec ready */\n#define ICH_BCS\t\t0x08000000\t/* ICH4: bit clock stopped */\n#define ICH_SPINT\t\t0x04000000\t/* ICH4: S/PDIF interrupt */\n#define ICH_P2INT\t\t0x02000000\t/* ICH4: PCM2-In interrupt */\n#define ICH_M2INT\t\t0x01000000\t/* ICH4: Mic2-In interrupt */\n#define ICH_SAMPLE_CAP\t0x00c00000\t/* ICH4: sample capability bits (RO) */\n#define ICH_MULTICHAN_CAP\t0x00300000\t/* ICH4: multi-channel capability bits (RO) */\n#define ICH_MD3\t\t0x00020000\t/* modem power down semaphore */\n#define ICH_AD3\t\t0x00010000\t/* audio power down semaphore */\n#define ICH_RCS\t\t0x00008000\t/* read completion status */\n#define ICH_BIT3\t\t0x00004000\t/* bit 3 slot 12 */\n#define ICH_BIT2\t\t0x00002000\t/* bit 2 slot 12 */\n#define ICH_BIT1\t\t0x00001000\t/* bit 1 slot 12 */\n#define ICH_SRI\t\t0x00000800\t/* secondary (AC_SDIN1) resume interrupt */\n#define ICH_PRI\t\t0x00000400\t/* primary (AC_SDIN0) resume interrupt */\n#define ICH_SCR\t\t0x00000200\t/* secondary (AC_SDIN1) codec ready */\n#define ICH_PCR\t\t0x00000100\t/* primary (AC_SDIN0) codec ready */\n#define ICH_MCINT\t\t0x00000080\t/* MIC capture interrupt */\n#define ICH_POINT\t\t0x00000040\t/* playback interrupt */\n#define ICH_PIINT\t\t0x00000020\t/* capture interrupt */\n#define ICH_NVSPINT\t\t0x00000010\t/* nforce spdif interrupt */\n#define ICH_MOINT\t\t0x00000004\t/* modem playback interrupt */\n#define ICH_MIINT\t\t0x00000002\t/* modem capture interrupt */\n#define ICH_GSCI\t\t0x00000001\t/* GPI status change interrupt */\n#define ICH_REG_ACC_SEMA\t\t0x44\t/* byte - codec write semaphore */\n#define ICH_CAS\t\t0x01\t\t/* codec access semaphore */\n\n#define ICH_MAX_FRAGS\t\t32\t\t/* max hw frags */\n\n\n/*\n * \n */\n\nenum { ICHD_MDMIN, ICHD_MDMOUT, ICHD_MDMLAST = ICHD_MDMOUT };\nenum { ALID_MDMIN, ALID_MDMOUT, ALID_MDMLAST = ALID_MDMOUT };\n\n#define get_ichdev(substream) (substream->runtime->private_data)\n\nstruct ichdev {\n\tunsigned int ichd;\t\t\t/* ich device number */\n\tunsigned long reg_offset;\t\t/* offset to bmaddr */\n\tu32 *bdbar;\t\t\t\t/* CPU address (32bit) */\n\tunsigned int bdbar_addr;\t\t/* PCI bus address (32bit) */\n\tstruct snd_pcm_substream *substream;\n\tunsigned int physbuf;\t\t\t/* physical address (32bit) */\n unsigned int size;\n unsigned int fragsize;\n unsigned int fragsize1;\n unsigned int position;\n int frags;\n int lvi;\n int lvi_frag;\n\tint civ;\n\tint ack;\n\tint ack_reload;\n\tunsigned int ack_bit;\n\tunsigned int roff_sr;\n\tunsigned int roff_picb;\n\tunsigned int int_sta_mask;\t\t/* interrupt status mask */\n\tunsigned int ali_slot;\t\t\t/* ALI DMA slot */\n\tstruct snd_ac97 *ac97;\n};\n\nstruct intel8x0m {\n\tunsigned int device_type;\n\n\tint irq;\n\n\tvoid __iomem *addr;\n\tvoid __iomem *bmaddr;\n\n\tstruct pci_dev *pci;\n\tstruct snd_card *card;\n\n\tint pcm_devs;\n\tstruct snd_pcm *pcm[2];\n\tstruct ichdev ichd[2];\n\n\tunsigned int in_ac97_init: 1;\n\n\tstruct snd_ac97_bus *ac97_bus;\n\tstruct snd_ac97 *ac97;\n\n\tspinlock_t reg_lock;\n\t\n\tstruct snd_dma_buffer bdbars;\n\tu32 bdbars_count;\n\tu32 int_sta_reg;\t\t/* interrupt status register */\n\tu32 int_sta_mask;\t\t/* interrupt status mask */\n\tunsigned int pcm_pos_shift;\n};\n\nstatic const struct pci_device_id snd_intel8x0m_ids[] = {\n\t{ PCI_VDEVICE(INTEL, 0x2416), DEVICE_INTEL },\t/* 82801AA */\n\t{ PCI_VDEVICE(INTEL, 0x2426), DEVICE_INTEL },\t/* 82901AB */\n\t{ PCI_VDEVICE(INTEL, 0x2446), DEVICE_INTEL },\t/* 82801BA */\n\t{ PCI_VDEVICE(INTEL, 0x2486), DEVICE_INTEL },\t/* ICH3 */\n\t{ PCI_VDEVICE(INTEL, 0x24c6), DEVICE_INTEL }, /* ICH4 */\n\t{ PCI_VDEVICE(INTEL, 0x24d6), DEVICE_INTEL }, /* ICH5 */\n\t{ PCI_VDEVICE(INTEL, 0x266d), DEVICE_INTEL },\t/* ICH6 */\n\t{ PCI_VDEVICE(INTEL, 0x27dd), DEVICE_INTEL },\t/* ICH7 */\n\t{ PCI_VDEVICE(INTEL, 0x7196), DEVICE_INTEL },\t/* 440MX */\n\t{ PCI_VDEVICE(AMD, 0x7446), DEVICE_INTEL },\t/* AMD768 */\n\t{ PCI_VDEVICE(SI, 0x7013), DEVICE_SIS },\t/* SI7013 */\n\t{ PCI_VDEVICE(NVIDIA, 0x01c1), DEVICE_NFORCE }, /* NFORCE */\n\t{ PCI_VDEVICE(NVIDIA, 0x0069), DEVICE_NFORCE }, /* NFORCE2 */\n\t{ PCI_VDEVICE(NVIDIA, 0x0089), DEVICE_NFORCE }, /* NFORCE2s */\n\t{ PCI_VDEVICE(NVIDIA, 0x00d9), DEVICE_NFORCE }, /* NFORCE3 */\n\t{ PCI_VDEVICE(AMD, 0x746e), DEVICE_INTEL },\t/* AMD8111 */\n#if 0\n\t{ PCI_VDEVICE(AL, 0x5455), DEVICE_ALI }, /* Ali5455 */\n#endif\n\t{ 0, }\n};\n\nMODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, snd_intel8x0m_ids);\n\n/*\n * Lowlevel I/O - busmaster\n */\n\nstatic inline u8 igetbyte(struct intel8x0m *chip, u32 offset)\n{\n\treturn ioread8(chip->bmaddr + offset);\n}\n\nstatic inline u16 igetword(struct intel8x0m *chip, u32 offset)\n{\n\treturn ioread16(chip->bmaddr + offset);\n}\n\nstatic inline u32 igetdword(struct intel8x0m *chip, u32 offset)\n{\n\treturn ioread32(chip->bmaddr + offset);\n}\n\nstatic inline void iputbyte(struct intel8x0m *chip, u32 offset, u8 val)\n{\n\tiowrite8(val, chip->bmaddr + offset);\n}\n\nstatic inline void iputword(struct intel8x0m *chip, u32 offset, u16 val)\n{\n\tiowrite16(val, chip->bmaddr + offset);\n}\n\nstatic inline void iputdword(struct intel8x0m *chip, u32 offset, u32 val)\n{\n\tiowrite32(val, chip->bmaddr + offset);\n}\n\n/*\n * Lowlevel I/O - AC'97 registers\n */\n\nstatic inline u16 iagetword(struct intel8x0m *chip, u32 offset)\n{\n\treturn ioread16(chip->addr + offset);\n}\n\nstatic inline void iaputword(struct intel8x0m *chip, u32 offset, u16 val)\n{\n\tiowrite16(val, chip->addr + offset);\n}\n\n/*\n * Basic I/O\n */\n\n/*\n * access to AC97 codec via normal i/o (for ICH and SIS7013)\n */\n\n/* return the GLOB_STA bit for the corresponding codec */\nstatic unsigned int get_ich_codec_bit(struct intel8x0m *chip, unsigned int codec)\n{\n\tstatic unsigned int codec_bit[3] = {\n\t\tICH_PCR, ICH_SCR, ICH_TCR\n\t};\n\tif (snd_BUG_ON(codec >= 3))\n\t\treturn ICH_PCR;\n\treturn codec_bit[codec];\n}\n\nstatic int snd_intel8x0m_codec_semaphore(struct intel8x0m *chip, unsigned int codec)\n{\n\tint time;\n\t\n\tif (codec > 1)\n\t\treturn -EIO;\n\tcodec = get_ich_codec_bit(chip, codec);\n\n\t/* codec ready ? */", "\n\tif ((igetdword(chip, ICHREG(GLOB_STA)) & codec) == 0)\n\t\treturn -EIO;\n\n\t/* Anyone holding a semaphore for 1 msec should be shot... */\n\ttime = 100;\n \tdo {\n \t\tif (!(", "igetbyte(chip, ICHREG(ACC_SEMA)) & ICH_CAS))\n \t\t\treturn 0;\n\t\tudelay(10);\n\t} while (time--);\n\n\t/* access to some forbidden (non existent) ac97 registers will not\n\t * reset the semaphore. ", "So even if you don't get the semaphore, still\n\t * continue the access. ", "We don't need the semaphore anyway. */", "\n\tdev_err(chip->card->dev,\n\t\t\"codec_semaphore: semaphore is not ready [0x%x][0x%x]\\n\",\n\t\t\tigetbyte(chip, ICHREG(ACC_SEMA)), igetdword(chip, ICHREG(GLOB_STA)));\n\tiagetword(chip, 0);\t/* clear semaphore flag */\n\t/* I don't care about the semaphore */\n\treturn -EBUSY;\n}\n \nstatic void snd_intel8x0m_codec_write(struct snd_ac97 *ac97,\n\t\t\t\t unsigned short reg,\n\t\t\t\t unsigned short val)\n{\n\tstruct intel8x0m *chip = ac97->private_data;\n\t\n\tif (snd_intel8x0m_codec_semaphore(chip, ac97->num) < 0) {\n\t\tif (! ", "chip->in_ac97_init)\n\t\t\tdev_err(chip->card->dev,\n\t\t\t\t\"codec_write %d: semaphore is not ready for register 0x%x\\n\",\n\t\t\t\tac97->num, reg);\n\t}\n\tiaputword(chip, reg + ac97->num * 0x80, val);\n}\n\nstatic unsigned short snd_intel8x0m_codec_read(struct snd_ac97 *ac97,\n\t\t\t\t\t unsigned short reg)\n{\n\tstruct intel8x0m *chip = ac97->private_data;\n\tunsigned short res;\n\tunsigned int tmp;\n\n\tif (snd_intel8x0m_codec_semaphore(chip, ac97->num) < 0) {\n\t\tif (! ", "chip->in_ac97_init)\n\t\t\tdev_err(chip->card->dev,\n\t\t\t\t\"codec_read %d: semaphore is not ready for register 0x%x\\n\",\n\t\t\t\tac97->num, reg);\n\t\tres = 0xffff;\n\t} else {\n\t\tres = iagetword(chip, reg + ac97->num * 0x80);\n\t\tif ((tmp = igetdword(chip, ICHREG(GLOB_STA))) & ICH_RCS) {\n\t\t\t/* reset RCS and preserve other R/WC bits */\n\t\t\tiputdword(chip, ICHREG(GLOB_STA),\n\t\t\t\t tmp & ~(ICH_SRI|ICH_PRI|ICH_TRI|ICH_GSCI));\n\t\t\tif (! ", "chip->in_ac97_init)\n\t\t\t\tdev_err(chip->card->dev,\n\t\t\t\t\t\"codec_read %d: read timeout for register 0x%x\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t\tac97->num, reg);\n\t\t\tres = 0xffff;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif (reg == AC97_GPIO_STATUS)\n\t\tiagetword(chip, 0); /* clear semaphore */\n\treturn res;\n}\n\n\n/*\n * DMA I/O\n */\nstatic void snd_intel8x0m_setup_periods(struct intel8x0m *chip, struct ichdev *ichdev)\n{\n\tint idx;\n\tu32 *bdbar = ichdev->bdbar;\n\tunsigned long port = ichdev->reg_offset;\n\n\tiputdword(chip, port + ICH_REG_OFF_BDBAR, ichdev->bdbar_addr);\n\tif (ichdev->size == ichdev->fragsize) {\n\t\tichdev->ack_reload = ichdev->ack = 2;\n\t\tichdev->fragsize1 = ichdev->fragsize >> 1;\n\t\tfor (idx = 0; idx < (ICH_REG_LVI_MASK + 1) * 2; idx += 4) {\n\t\t\tbdbar[idx + 0] = cpu_to_le32(ichdev->physbuf);\n\t\t\tbdbar[idx + 1] = cpu_to_le32(0x80000000 | /* interrupt on completion */\n\t\t\t\t\t\t ichdev->fragsize1 >> chip->pcm_pos_shift);\n\t\t\tbdbar[idx + 2] = cpu_to_le32(ichdev->physbuf + (ichdev->size >> 1));\n\t\t\tbdbar[idx + 3] = cpu_to_le32(0x80000000 | /* interrupt on completion */\n\t\t\t\t\t\t ichdev->fragsize1 >> chip->pcm_pos_shift);\n\t\t}\n\t\tichdev->frags = 2;\n\t} else {\n\t\tichdev->ack_reload = ichdev->ack = 1;\n\t\tichdev->fragsize1 = ichdev->fragsize;\n\t\tfor (idx = 0; idx < (ICH_REG_LVI_MASK + 1) * 2; idx += 2) {\n\t\t\tbdbar[idx + 0] = cpu_to_le32(ichdev->physbuf + (((idx >> 1) * ichdev->fragsize) % ichdev->size));\n\t\t\tbdbar[idx + 1] = cpu_to_le32(0x80000000 | /* interrupt on completion */\n\t\t\t\t\t\t ichdev->fragsize >> chip->pcm_pos_shift);\n\t\t\t/*\n\t\t\tdev_dbg(chip->card->dev, \"bdbar[%i] = 0x%x [0x%x]\\n\",\n\t\t\t idx + 0, bdbar[idx + 0], bdbar[idx + 1]);\n\t\t\t*/\n\t\t}\n\t\tichdev->frags = ichdev->size / ichdev->fragsize;\n\t}\n\tiputbyte(chip, port + ICH_REG_OFF_LVI, ichdev->lvi = ICH_REG_LVI_MASK);\n\tichdev->civ = 0;\n\tiputbyte(chip, port + ICH_REG_OFF_CIV, 0);\n\tichdev->lvi_frag = ICH_REG_LVI_MASK % ichdev->frags;\n\tichdev->position = 0;\n#if 0\n\tdev_dbg(chip->card->dev,\n\t\t\"lvi_frag = %i, frags = %i, period_size = 0x%x, period_size1 = 0x%x\\n\",\n\t ichdev->lvi_frag, ichdev->frags, ichdev->fragsize,\n\t ichdev->fragsize1);\n#endif\n\t/* clear interrupts */\n\tiputbyte(chip, port + ichdev->roff_sr, ICH_FIFOE | ICH_BCIS | ICH_LVBCI);\n}\n\n/*\n * Interrupt handler\n */\n\nstatic inline void snd_intel8x0m_update(struct intel8x0m *chip, struct ichdev *ichdev)\n{\n\tunsigned long port = ichdev->reg_offset;\n\tint civ, i, step;\n\tint ack = 0;\n\n\tciv = igetbyte(chip, port + ICH_REG_OFF_CIV);\n\tif (civ == ichdev->civ) {\n\t\t// snd_printd(\"civ same %d\\n\", civ);\n\t\tstep = 1;\n\t\tichdev->civ++;\n\t\tichdev->civ &= ICH_REG_LVI_MASK;\n\t} else {\n\t\tstep = civ - ichdev->civ;\n\t\tif (step < 0)\n\t\t\tstep += ICH_REG_LVI_MASK + 1;\n\t\t// if (step !", "= 1)\n\t\t//\tsnd_printd(\"step = %d, %d -> %d\\n\", step, ichdev->civ, civ);\n\t\tichdev->civ = civ;\n\t}\n\n\tichdev->position += step * ichdev->fragsize1;\n\tichdev->position %= ichdev->size;\n\tichdev->lvi += step;\n\tichdev->lvi &= ICH_REG_LVI_MASK;\n\tiputbyte(chip, port + ICH_REG_OFF_LVI, ichdev->lvi);\n\tfor (i = 0; i < step; i++) {\n\t\tichdev->lvi_frag++;\n\t\tichdev->lvi_frag %= ichdev->frags;\n\t\tichdev->bdbar[ichdev->lvi * 2] = cpu_to_le32(ichdev->physbuf +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ichdev->lvi_frag *\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ichdev->fragsize1);\n#if 0\n\t\tdev_dbg(chip->card->dev,\n\t\t\t\"new: bdbar[%i] = 0x%x [0x%x], prefetch = %i, all = 0x%x, 0x%x\\n\",\n\t\t ichdev->lvi * 2, ichdev->bdbar[ichdev->lvi * 2],\n\t\t ichdev->bdbar[ichdev->lvi * 2 + 1], inb(ICH_REG_OFF_PIV + port),\n\t\t inl(port + 4), inb(port + ICH_REG_OFF_CR));\n#endif\n\t\tif (--ichdev->ack == 0) {\n\t\t\tichdev->ack = ichdev->ack_reload;\n\t\t\tack = 1;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif (ack && ichdev->substream) {\n\t\tspin_unlock(&chip->reg_lock);\n\t\tsnd_pcm_period_elapsed(ichdev->substream);\n\t\tspin_lock(&chip->reg_lock);\n\t}\n\tiputbyte(chip, port + ichdev->roff_sr, ICH_FIFOE | ICH_BCIS | ICH_LVBCI);\n}\n\nstatic irqreturn_t snd_intel8x0m_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id)\n{\n\tstruct intel8x0m *chip = dev_id;\n\tstruct ichdev *ichdev;\n\tunsigned int status;\n\tunsigned int i;\n\n\tspin_lock(&chip->reg_lock);\n\tstatus = igetdword(chip, chip->int_sta_reg);\n\tif (status == 0xffffffff) { /* we are not yet resumed */\n\t\tspin_unlock(&chip->reg_lock);\n\t\treturn IRQ_NONE;\n\t}\n\tif ((status & chip->int_sta_mask) == 0) {\n\t\tif (status)\n\t\t\tiputdword(chip, chip->int_sta_reg, status);\n\t\tspin_unlock(&chip->reg_lock);\n\t\treturn IRQ_NONE;\n\t}\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < chip->bdbars_count; i++) {\n\t\tichdev = &chip->ichd[i];\n\t\tif (status & ichdev->int_sta_mask)\n\t\t\tsnd_intel8x0m_update(chip, ichdev);\n\t}\n\n\t/* ack them */\n\tiputdword(chip, chip->int_sta_reg, status & chip->int_sta_mask);\n\tspin_unlock(&chip->reg_lock);\n\t\n\treturn IRQ_HANDLED;\n}\n\n/*\n * PCM part\n */\n\nstatic int snd_intel8x0m_pcm_trigger(struct snd_pcm_substream *substream, int cmd)\n{\n\tstruct intel8x0m *chip = snd_pcm_substream_chip(substream);\n\tstruct ichdev *ichdev = get_ichdev(substream);\n\tunsigned char val = 0;\n\tunsigned long port = ichdev->reg_offset;\n\n\tswitch (cmd) {\n\tcase SNDRV_PCM_TRIGGER_START:\n\tcase SNDRV_PCM_TRIGGER_RESUME:\n\t\tval = ICH_IOCE | ICH_STARTBM;\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase SNDRV_PCM_TRIGGER_STOP:\n\tcase SNDRV_PCM_TRIGGER_SUSPEND:\n\t\tval = 0;\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase SNDRV_PCM_TRIGGER_PAUSE_PUSH:\n\t\tval = ICH_IOCE;\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase SNDRV_PCM_TRIGGER_PAUSE_RELEASE:\n\t\tval = ICH_IOCE | ICH_STARTBM;\n\t\tbreak;\n\tdefault:\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\t}\n\tiputbyte(chip, port + ICH_REG_OFF_CR, val);\n\tif (cmd == SNDRV_PCM_TRIGGER_STOP) {\n\t\t/* wait until DMA stopped */\n\t\twhile (!(", "igetbyte(chip, port + ichdev->roff_sr) & ICH_DCH)) ;\n\t\t/* reset whole DMA things */\n\t\tiputbyte(chip, port + ICH_REG_OFF_CR, ICH_RESETREGS);\n\t}\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic int snd_intel8x0m_hw_params(struct snd_pcm_substream *substream,\n\t\t\t\t struct snd_pcm_hw_params *hw_params)\n{\n\treturn snd_pcm_lib_malloc_pages(substream, params_buffer_bytes(hw_params));\n}\n\nstatic int snd_intel8x0m_hw_free(struct snd_pcm_substream *substream)\n{\n\treturn snd_pcm_lib_free_pages(substream);\n}\n\nstatic snd_pcm_uframes_t snd_intel8x0m_pcm_pointer(struct snd_pcm_substream *substream)\n{\n\tstruct intel8x0m *chip = snd_pcm_substream_chip(substream);\n\tstruct ichdev *ichdev = get_ichdev(substream);\n\tsize_t ptr1, ptr;\n\n\tptr1 = igetword(chip, ichdev->reg_offset + ichdev->roff_picb) << chip->pcm_pos_shift;\n\tif (ptr1 !", "= 0)\n\t\tptr = ichdev->fragsize1 - ptr1;\n\telse\n\t\tptr = 0;\n\tptr += ichdev->position;\n\tif (ptr >= ichdev->size)\n\t\treturn 0;\n\treturn bytes_to_frames(substream->runtime, ptr);\n}\n\nstatic int snd_intel8x0m_pcm_prepare(struct snd_pcm_substream *substream)\n{\n\tstruct intel8x0m *chip = snd_pcm_substream_chip(substream);\n\tstruct snd_pcm_runtime *runtime = substream->runtime;\n\tstruct ichdev *ichdev = get_ichdev(substream);\n\n\tichdev->physbuf = runtime->dma_addr;\n\tichdev->size = snd_pcm_lib_buffer_bytes(substream);\n\tichdev->fragsize = snd_pcm_lib_period_bytes(substream);\n\tsnd_ac97_write(ichdev->ac97, AC97_LINE1_RATE, runtime->rate);\n\tsnd_ac97_write(ichdev->ac97, AC97_LINE1_LEVEL, 0);\n\tsnd_intel8x0m_setup_periods(chip, ichdev);\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic const struct snd_pcm_hardware snd_intel8x0m_stream =\n{\n\t.info =\t\t\t(SNDRV_PCM_INFO_MMAP | SNDRV_PCM_INFO_INTERLEAVED |\n\t\t\t\t SNDRV_PCM_INFO_BLOCK_TRANSFER |\n\t\t\t\t SNDRV_PCM_INFO_MMAP_VALID |\n\t\t\t\t SNDRV_PCM_INFO_PAUSE |\n\t\t\t\t SNDRV_PCM_INFO_RESUME),\n\t.formats =\t\tSNDRV_PCM_FMTBIT_S16_LE,\n\t.rates =\t\tSNDRV_PCM_RATE_8000 | SNDRV_PCM_RATE_16000 | SNDRV_PCM_RATE_KNOT,\n\t.rate_min =\t\t8000,\n\t.rate_max =\t\t16000,\n\t.channels_min =\t\t1,\n\t.channels_max =\t\t1,\n\t.buffer_bytes_max =\t64 * 1024,\n\t.period_bytes_min =\t32,\n\t.period_bytes_max =\t64 * 1024,\n\t.periods_min =\t\t1,\n\t.periods_max =\t\t1024,\n\t.fifo_size =\t\t0,\n};\n\n\nstatic int snd_intel8x0m_pcm_open(struct snd_pcm_substream *substream, struct ichdev *ichdev)\n{\n\tstatic const unsigned int rates[] = { 8000, 9600, 12000, 16000 };\n\tstatic const struct snd_pcm_hw_constraint_list hw_constraints_rates = {\n\t\t.count = ARRAY_SIZE(rates),\n\t\t.list = rates,\n\t\t.mask = 0,\n\t};\n\tstruct snd_pcm_runtime *runtime = substream->runtime;\n\tint err;\n\n\tichdev->substream = substream;\n\truntime->hw = snd_intel8x0m_stream;\n\terr = snd_pcm_hw_constraint_list(runtime, 0, SNDRV_PCM_HW_PARAM_RATE,\n\t\t\t\t\t &hw_constraints_rates);\n\tif ( err < 0 )\n\t\treturn err;\n\truntime->private_data = ichdev;\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic int snd_intel8x0m_playback_open(struct snd_pcm_substream *substream)\n{\n\tstruct intel8x0m *chip = snd_pcm_substream_chip(substream);\n\n\treturn snd_intel8x0m_pcm_open(substream, &chip->ichd[ICHD_MDMOUT]);\n}\n\nstatic int snd_intel8x0m_playback_close(struct snd_pcm_substream *substream)\n{\n\tstruct intel8x0m *chip = snd_pcm_substream_chip(substream);\n\n\tchip->ichd[ICHD_MDMOUT].substream = NULL;\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic int snd_intel8x0m_capture_open(struct snd_pcm_substream *substream)\n{\n\tstruct intel8x0m *chip = snd_pcm_substream_chip(substream);\n\n\treturn snd_intel8x0m_pcm_open(substream, &chip->ichd[ICHD_MDMIN]);\n}\n\nstatic int snd_intel8x0m_capture_close(struct snd_pcm_substream *substream)\n{\n\tstruct intel8x0m *chip = snd_pcm_substream_chip(substream);\n\n\tchip->ichd[ICHD_MDMIN].substream = NULL;\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n\nstatic const struct snd_pcm_ops snd_intel8x0m_playback_ops = {\n\t.open =\t\tsnd_intel8x0m_playback_open,\n\t.close =\tsnd_intel8x0m_playback_close,\n\t.ioctl =\tsnd_pcm_lib_ioctl,\n\t.hw_params =\tsnd_intel8x0m_hw_params,\n\t.hw_free =\tsnd_intel8x0m_hw_free,\n\t.prepare =\tsnd_intel8x0m_pcm_prepare,\n\t.trigger =\tsnd_intel8x0m_pcm_trigger,\n\t.pointer =\tsnd_intel8x0m_pcm_pointer,\n};\n\nstatic const struct snd_pcm_ops snd_intel8x0m_capture_ops = {\n\t.open =\t\tsnd_intel8x0m_capture_open,\n\t.close =\tsnd_intel8x0m_capture_close,\n\t.ioctl =\tsnd_pcm_lib_ioctl,\n\t.hw_params =\tsnd_intel8x0m_hw_params,\n\t.hw_free =\tsnd_intel8x0m_hw_free,\n\t.prepare =\tsnd_intel8x0m_pcm_prepare,\n\t.trigger =\tsnd_intel8x0m_pcm_trigger,\n\t.pointer =\tsnd_intel8x0m_pcm_pointer,\n};\n\n\nstruct ich_pcm_table {\n\tchar *suffix;\n\tconst struct snd_pcm_ops *playback_ops;\n\tconst struct snd_pcm_ops *capture_ops;\n\tsize_t prealloc_size;\n\tsize_t prealloc_max_size;\n\tint ac97_idx;\n};\n\nstatic int snd_intel8x0m_pcm1(struct intel8x0m *chip, int device,\n\t\t\t struct ich_pcm_table *rec)\n{\n\tstruct snd_pcm *pcm;\n\tint err;\n\tchar name[32];\n\n\tif (rec->suffix)\n\t\tsprintf(name, \"Intel ICH - %s\", rec->suffix);\n\telse\n\t\tstrcpy(name, \"Intel ICH\");\n\terr = snd_pcm_new(chip->card, name, device,\n\t\t\t rec->playback_ops ? ", "1 : 0,\n\t\t\t rec->capture_ops ? ", "1 : 0, &pcm);\n\tif (err < 0)\n\t\treturn err;\n\n\tif (rec->playback_ops)\n\t\tsnd_pcm_set_ops(pcm, SNDRV_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, rec->playback_ops);\n\tif (rec->capture_ops)\n\t\tsnd_pcm_set_ops(pcm, SNDRV_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE, rec->capture_ops);\n\n\tpcm->private_data = chip;\n\tpcm->info_flags = 0;\n\tpcm->dev_class = SNDRV_PCM_CLASS_MODEM;\n\tif (rec->suffix)\n\t\tsprintf(pcm->name, \"%s - %s\", chip->card->shortname, rec->suffix);\n\telse\n\t\tstrcpy(pcm->name, chip->card->shortname);\n\tchip->pcm[device] = pcm;\n\n\tsnd_pcm_lib_preallocate_pages_for_all(pcm, SNDRV_DMA_TYPE_DEV,\n\t\t\t\t\t snd_dma_pci_data(chip->pci),\n\t\t\t\t\t rec->prealloc_size,\n\t\t\t\t\t rec->prealloc_max_size);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic struct ich_pcm_table intel_pcms[] = {\n\t{\n\t\t.suffix = \"Modem\",\n\t\t.playback_ops = &snd_intel8x0m_playback_ops,\n\t\t.capture_ops = &snd_intel8x0m_capture_ops,\n\t\t.prealloc_size = 32 * 1024,\n\t\t.prealloc_max_size = 64 * 1024,\n\t},\n};\n\nstatic int snd_intel8x0m_pcm(struct intel8x0m *chip)\n{\n\tint i, tblsize, device, err;\n\tstruct ich_pcm_table *tbl, *rec;\n\n#if 1\n\ttbl = intel_pcms;\n\ttblsize = 1;\n#else\n\tswitch (chip->device_type) {\n\tcase DEVICE_NFORCE:\n\t\ttbl = nforce_pcms;\n\t\ttblsize = ARRAY_SIZE(nforce_pcms);\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase DEVICE_ALI:\n\t\ttbl = ali_pcms;\n\t\ttblsize = ARRAY_SIZE(ali_pcms);\n\t\tbreak;\n\tdefault:\n\t\ttbl = intel_pcms;\n\t\ttblsize = 2;\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n#endif\n\tdevice = 0;\n\tfor (i = 0; i < tblsize; i++) {\n\t\trec = tbl + i;\n\t\tif (i > 0 && rec->ac97_idx) {\n\t\t\t/* activate PCM only when associated AC'97 codec */\n\t\t\tif (! ", "chip->ichd[rec->ac97_idx].ac97)\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t}\n\t\terr = snd_intel8x0m_pcm1(chip, device, rec);\n\t\tif (err < 0)\n\t\t\treturn err;\n\t\tdevice++;\n\t}\n\n\tchip->pcm_devs = device;\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\t\n\n/*\n * Mixer part\n */\n\nstatic void snd_intel8x0m_mixer_free_ac97_bus(struct snd_ac97_bus *bus)\n{\n\tstruct intel8x0m *chip = bus->private_data;\n\tchip->ac97_bus = NULL;\n}\n\nstatic void snd_intel8x0m_mixer_free_ac97(struct snd_ac97 *ac97)\n{\n\tstruct intel8x0m *chip = ac97->private_data;\n\tchip->ac97 = NULL;\n}\n\n\nstatic int snd_intel8x0m_mixer(struct intel8x0m *chip, int ac97_clock)\n{\n\tstruct snd_ac97_bus *pbus;\n\tstruct snd_ac97_template ac97;\n\tstruct snd_ac97 *x97;\n\tint err;\n\tunsigned int glob_sta = 0;\n\tstatic struct snd_ac97_bus_ops ops = {\n\t\t.write = snd_intel8x0m_codec_write,\n\t\t.read = snd_intel8x0m_codec_read,\n\t};\n\n\tchip->in_ac97_init = 1;\n\t\n\tmemset(&ac97, 0, sizeof(ac97));\n\tac97.private_data = chip;\n\tac97.private_free = snd_intel8x0m_mixer_free_ac97;\n\tac97.scaps = AC97_SCAP_SKIP_AUDIO | AC97_SCAP_POWER_SAVE;\n\n\tglob_sta = igetdword(chip, ICHREG(GLOB_STA));\n\n\tif ((err = snd_ac97_bus(chip->card, 0, &ops, chip, &pbus)) < 0)\n\t\tgoto __err;\n\tpbus->private_free = snd_intel8x0m_mixer_free_ac97_bus;\n\tif (ac97_clock >= 8000 && ac97_clock <= 48000)\n\t\tpbus->clock = ac97_clock;\n\tchip->ac97_bus = pbus;\n\n\tac97.pci = chip->pci;\n\tac97.num = glob_sta & ICH_SCR ? ", "1 : 0;\n\tif ((err = snd_ac97_mixer(pbus, &ac97, &x97)) < 0) {\n\t\tdev_err(chip->card->dev,\n\t\t\t\"Unable to initialize codec #%d\\n\", ac97.num);\n\t\tif (ac97.num == 0)\n\t\t\tgoto __err;\n\t\treturn err;\n\t}\n\tchip->ac97 = x97;\n\tif(ac97_is_modem(x97) && !", "chip->ichd[ICHD_MDMIN].ac97) {\n\t\tchip->ichd[ICHD_MDMIN].ac97 = x97;\n\t\tchip->ichd[ICHD_MDMOUT].ac97 = x97;\n\t}\n\n\tchip->in_ac97_init = 0;\n\treturn 0;\n\n __err:\n\t/* clear the cold-reset bit for the next chance */\n\tif (chip->device_type !", "= DEVICE_ALI)\n\t\tiputdword(chip, ICHREG(GLOB_CNT),\n\t\t\t igetdword(chip, ICHREG(GLOB_CNT)) & ~ICH_AC97COLD);\n\treturn err;\n}\n\n\n/*\n *\n */\n\nstatic int snd_intel8x0m_ich_chip_init(struct intel8x0m *chip, int probing)\n{\n\tunsigned long end_time;\n\tunsigned int cnt, status, nstatus;\n\t\n\t/* put logic to right state */\n\t/* first clear status bits */\n\tstatus = ICH_RCS | ICH_MIINT | ICH_MOINT;\n\tcnt = igetdword(chip, ICHREG(GLOB_STA));\n\tiputdword(chip, ICHREG(GLOB_STA), cnt & status);\n\n\t/* ACLink on, 2 channels */\n\tcnt = igetdword(chip, ICHREG(GLOB_CNT));\n\tcnt &= ~(ICH_ACLINK);\n\t/* finish cold or do warm reset */\n\tcnt |= (cnt & ICH_AC97COLD) == 0 ? ", "ICH_AC97COLD : ICH_AC97WARM;\n\tiputdword(chip, ICHREG(GLOB_CNT), cnt);\n\tusleep_range(500, 1000); /* give warm reset some time */\n\tend_time = jiffies + HZ / 4;\n\tdo {\n\t\tif ((igetdword(chip, ICHREG(GLOB_CNT)) & ICH_AC97WARM) == 0)\n\t\t\tgoto __ok;\n\t\tschedule_timeout_uninterruptible(1);\n\t} while (time_after_eq(end_time, jiffies));\n\tdev_err(chip->card->dev, \"AC'97 warm reset still in progress? [", "0x%x]\\n\",\n\t\t igetdword(chip, ICHREG(GLOB_CNT)));\n\treturn -EIO;\n\n __ok:\n\tif (probing) {\n\t\t/* wait for any codec ready status.", "\n\t\t * Once it becomes ready it should remain ready\n\t\t * as long as we do not disable the ac97 link.", "\n\t\t */\n\t\tend_time = jiffies + HZ;\n\t\tdo {\n\t\t\tstatus = igetdword(chip, ICHREG(GLOB_STA)) &\n\t\t\t\t(ICH_PCR | ICH_SCR | ICH_TCR);\n\t\t\tif (status)\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tschedule_timeout_uninterruptible(1);\n\t\t} while (time_after_eq(end_time, jiffies));\n\t\tif (! ", "status) {\n\t\t\t/* no codec is found */\n\t\t\tdev_err(chip->card->dev,\n\t\t\t\t\"codec_ready: codec is not ready [0x%x]\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t igetdword(chip, ICHREG(GLOB_STA)));\n\t\t\treturn -EIO;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/* up to two codecs (modem cannot be tertiary with ICH4) */\n\t\tnstatus = ICH_PCR | ICH_SCR;\n\n\t\t/* wait for other codecs ready status. */", "\n\t\tend_time = jiffies + HZ / 4;\n\t\twhile (status !", "= nstatus && time_after_eq(end_time, jiffies)) {\n\t\t\tschedule_timeout_uninterruptible(1);\n\t\t\tstatus |= igetdword(chip, ICHREG(GLOB_STA)) & nstatus;\n\t\t}\n\n\t} else {\n\t\t/* resume phase */\n\t\tstatus = 0;\n\t\tif (chip->ac97)\n\t\t\tstatus |= get_ich_codec_bit(chip, chip->ac97->num);\n\t\t/* wait until all the probed codecs are ready */\n\t\tend_time = jiffies + HZ;\n\t\tdo {\n\t\t\tnstatus = igetdword(chip, ICHREG(GLOB_STA)) &\n\t\t\t\t(ICH_PCR | ICH_SCR | ICH_TCR);\n\t\t\tif (status == nstatus)\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tschedule_timeout_uninterruptible(1);\n\t\t} while (time_after_eq(end_time, jiffies));\n\t}\n\n\tif (chip->device_type == DEVICE_SIS) {\n\t\t/* unmute the output on SIS7012 */\n\t\tiputword(chip, 0x4c, igetword(chip, 0x4c) | 1);\n\t}\n\n \treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic int snd_intel8x0m_chip_init(struct intel8x0m *chip, int probing)\n{\n\tunsigned int i;\n\tint err;\n\t\n\tif ((err = snd_intel8x0m_ich_chip_init(chip, probing)) < 0)\n\t\treturn err;\n\tiagetword(chip, 0);\t/* clear semaphore flag */\n\n\t/* disable interrupts */\n\tfor (i = 0; i < chip->bdbars_count; i++)\n\t\tiputbyte(chip, ICH_REG_OFF_CR + chip->ichd[i].reg_offset, 0x00);\n\t/* reset channels */\n\tfor (i = 0; i < chip->bdbars_count; i++)\n\t\tiputbyte(chip, ICH_REG_OFF_CR + chip->ichd[i].reg_offset, ICH_RESETREGS);\n\t/* initialize Buffer Descriptor Lists */\n\tfor (i = 0; i < chip->bdbars_count; i++)\n\t\tiputdword(chip, ICH_REG_OFF_BDBAR + chip->ichd[i].reg_offset, chip->ichd[i].bdbar_addr);\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic int snd_intel8x0m_free(struct intel8x0m *chip)\n{\n\tunsigned int i;\n\n\tif (chip->irq < 0)\n\t\tgoto __hw_end;\n\t/* disable interrupts */\n\tfor (i = 0; i < chip->bdbars_count; i++)\n\t\tiputbyte(chip, ICH_REG_OFF_CR + chip->ichd[i].reg_offset, 0x00);\n\t/* reset channels */\n\tfor (i = 0; i < chip->bdbars_count; i++)\n\t\tiputbyte(chip, ICH_REG_OFF_CR + chip->ichd[i].reg_offset, ICH_RESETREGS);\n __hw_end:\n\tif (chip->irq >= 0)\n\t\tfree_irq(chip->irq, chip);\n\tif (chip->bdbars.area)\n\t\tsnd_dma_free_pages(&chip->bdbars);\n\tif (chip->addr)\n\t\tpci_iounmap(chip->pci, chip->addr);\n\tif (chip->bmaddr)\n\t\tpci_iounmap(chip->pci, chip->bmaddr);\n\tpci_release_regions(chip->pci);\n\tpci_disable_device(chip->pci);\n\tkfree(chip);\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP\n/*\n * power management\n */\nstatic int intel8x0m_suspend(struct device *dev)\n{\n\tstruct snd_card *card = dev_get_drvdata(dev);\n\tstruct intel8x0m *chip = card->private_data;\n\tint i;\n\n\tsnd_power_change_state(card, SNDRV_CTL_POWER_D3hot);\n\tfor (i = 0; i < chip->pcm_devs; i++)\n\t\tsnd_pcm_suspend_all(chip->pcm[i]);\n\tsnd_ac97_suspend(chip->ac97);\n\tif (chip->irq >= 0) {\n\t\tfree_irq(chip->irq, chip);\n\t\tchip->irq = -1;\n\t}\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic int intel8x0m_resume(struct device *dev)\n{\n\tstruct pci_dev *pci = to_pci_dev(dev);\n\tstruct snd_card *card = dev_get_drvdata(dev);\n\tstruct intel8x0m *chip = card->private_data;\n\n\tif (request_irq(pci->irq, snd_intel8x0m_interrupt,\n\t\t\tIRQF_SHARED, KBUILD_MODNAME, chip)) {\n\t\tdev_err(dev, \"unable to grab IRQ %d, disabling device\\n\",\n\t\t\tpci->irq);\n\t\tsnd_card_disconnect(card);\n\t\treturn -EIO;\n\t}\n\tchip->irq = pci->irq;\n\tsnd_intel8x0m_chip_init(chip, 0);\n\tsnd_ac97_resume(chip->ac97);\n\n\tsnd_power_change_state(card, SNDRV_CTL_POWER_D0);\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS(intel8x0m_pm, intel8x0m_suspend, intel8x0m_resume);\n#define INTEL8X0M_PM_OPS\t&intel8x0m_pm\n#else\n#define INTEL8X0M_PM_OPS\tNULL\n#endif /* CONFIG_PM_SLEEP */\n\nstatic void snd_intel8x0m_proc_read(struct snd_info_entry * entry,\n\t\t\t\t struct snd_info_buffer *buffer)\n{\n\tstruct intel8x0m *chip = entry->private_data;\n\tunsigned int tmp;\n\n\tsnd_iprintf(buffer, \"Intel8x0m\\n\\n\");\n\tif (chip->device_type == DEVICE_ALI)\n\t\treturn;\n\ttmp = igetdword(chip, ICHREG(GLOB_STA));\n\tsnd_iprintf(buffer, \"Global control : 0x%08x\\n\",\n\t\t igetdword(chip, ICHREG(GLOB_CNT)));\n\tsnd_iprintf(buffer, \"Global status : 0x%08x\\n\", tmp);\n\tsnd_iprintf(buffer, \"AC'97 codecs ready :%s%s%s%s\\n\",\n\t\t\ttmp & ICH_PCR ? \" ", "primary\" : \"\",\n\t\t\ttmp & ICH_SCR ? \" ", "secondary\" : \"\",\n\t\t\ttmp & ICH_TCR ? \" ", "tertiary\" : \"\",\n\t\t\t(tmp & (ICH_PCR | ICH_SCR | ICH_TCR)) == 0 ? \" ", "none\" : \"\");\n}\n\nstatic void snd_intel8x0m_proc_init(struct intel8x0m *chip)\n{\n\tstruct snd_info_entry *entry;\n\n\tif (! ", "snd_card_proc_new(chip->card, \"intel8x0m\", &entry))\n\t\tsnd_info_set_text_ops(entry, chip, snd_intel8x0m_proc_read);\n}\n\nstatic int snd_intel8x0m_dev_free(struct snd_device *device)\n{\n\tstruct intel8x0m *chip = device->device_data;\n\treturn snd_intel8x0m_free(chip);\n}\n\nstruct ich_reg_info {\n\tunsigned int int_sta_mask;\n\tunsigned int offset;\n};\n\nstatic int snd_intel8x0m_create(struct snd_card *card,\n\t\t\t\tstruct pci_dev *pci,\n\t\t\t\tunsigned long device_type,\n\t\t\t\tstruct intel8x0m **r_intel8x0m)\n{\n\tstruct intel8x0m *chip;\n\tint err;\n\tunsigned int i;\n\tunsigned int int_sta_masks;\n\tstruct ichdev *ichdev;\n\tstatic struct snd_device_ops ops = {\n\t\t.dev_free =\tsnd_intel8x0m_dev_free,\n\t};\n\tstatic struct ich_reg_info intel_regs[2] = {\n\t\t{ ICH_MIINT, 0 },\n\t\t{ ICH_MOINT, 0x10 },\n\t};\n\tstruct ich_reg_info *tbl;\n\n\t*r_intel8x0m = NULL;\n\n\tif ((err = pci_enable_device(pci)) < 0)\n\t\treturn err;\n\n\tchip = kzalloc(sizeof(*chip), GFP_KERNEL);\n\tif (chip == NULL) {\n\t\tpci_disable_device(pci);\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\t}\n\tspin_lock_init(&chip->reg_lock);\n\tchip->device_type = device_type;\n\tchip->card = card;\n\tchip->pci = pci;\n\tchip->irq = -1;\n\n\tif ((err = pci_request_regions(pci, card->shortname)) < 0) {\n\t\tkfree(chip);\n\t\tpci_disable_device(pci);\n\t\treturn err;\n\t}\n\n\tif (device_type == DEVICE_ALI) {\n\t\t/* ALI5455 has no ac97 region */\n\t\tchip->bmaddr = pci_iomap(pci, 0, 0);\n\t\tgoto port_inited;\n\t}\n\n\tif (pci_resource_flags(pci, 2) & IORESOURCE_MEM) /* ICH4 and Nforce */\n\t\tchip->addr = pci_iomap(pci, 2, 0);\n\telse\n\t\tchip->addr = pci_iomap(pci, 0, 0);\n\tif (!", "chip->addr) {\n\t\tdev_err(card->dev, \"AC'97 space ioremap problem\\n\");\n\t\tsnd_intel8x0m_free(chip);\n\t\treturn -EIO;\n\t}\n\tif (pci_resource_flags(pci, 3) & IORESOURCE_MEM) /* ICH4 */\n\t\tchip->bmaddr = pci_iomap(pci, 3, 0);\n\telse\n\t\tchip->bmaddr = pci_iomap(pci, 1, 0);\n\tif (!", "chip->bmaddr) {\n\t\tdev_err(card->dev, \"Controller space ioremap problem\\n\");\n\t\tsnd_intel8x0m_free(chip);\n\t\treturn -EIO;\n\t}\n\n port_inited:\n\tif (request_irq(pci->irq, snd_intel8x0m_interrupt, IRQF_SHARED,\n\t\t\tKBUILD_MODNAME, chip)) {\n\t\tdev_err(card->dev, \"unable to grab IRQ %d\\n\", pci->irq);\n\t\tsnd_intel8x0m_free(chip);\n\t\treturn -EBUSY;\n\t}\n\tchip->irq = pci->irq;\n\tpci_set_master(pci);\n\tsynchronize_irq(chip->irq);\n\n\t/* initialize offsets */\n\tchip->bdbars_count = 2;\n\ttbl = intel_regs;\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < chip->bdbars_count; i++) {\n\t\tichdev = &chip->ichd[i];\n\t\tichdev->ichd = i;\n\t\tichdev->reg_offset = tbl[i].offset;\n\t\tichdev->int_sta_mask = tbl[i].int_sta_mask;\n\t\tif (device_type == DEVICE_SIS) {\n\t\t\t/* SiS 7013 swaps the registers */\n\t\t\tichdev->roff_sr = ICH_REG_OFF_PICB;\n\t\t\tichdev->roff_picb = ICH_REG_OFF_SR;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tichdev->roff_sr = ICH_REG_OFF_SR;\n\t\t\tichdev->roff_picb = ICH_REG_OFF_PICB;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (device_type == DEVICE_ALI)\n\t\t\tichdev->ali_slot = (ichdev->reg_offset - 0x40) / 0x10;\n\t}\n\t/* SIS7013 handles the pcm data in bytes, others are in words */\n\tchip->pcm_pos_shift = (device_type == DEVICE_SIS) ? ", "0 : 1;\n\n\t/* allocate buffer descriptor lists */\n\t/* the start of each lists must be aligned to 8 bytes */\n\tif (snd_dma_alloc_pages(SNDRV_DMA_TYPE_DEV, snd_dma_pci_data(pci),\n\t\t\t\tchip->bdbars_count * sizeof(u32) * ICH_MAX_FRAGS * 2,\n\t\t\t\t&chip->bdbars) < 0) {\n\t\tsnd_intel8x0m_free(chip);\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\t}\n\t/* tables must be aligned to 8 bytes here, but the kernel pages\n\t are much bigger, so we don't care (on i386) */\n\tint_sta_masks = 0;\n\tfor (i = 0; i < chip->bdbars_count; i++) {\n\t\tichdev = &chip->ichd[i];\n\t\tichdev->bdbar = ((u32 *)chip->bdbars.area) + (i * ICH_MAX_FRAGS * 2);\n\t\tichdev->bdbar_addr = chip->bdbars.addr + (i * sizeof(u32) * ICH_MAX_FRAGS * 2);\n\t\tint_sta_masks |= ichdev->int_sta_mask;\n\t}\n\tchip->int_sta_reg = ICH_REG_GLOB_STA;\n\tchip->int_sta_mask = int_sta_masks;\n\n\tif ((err = snd_intel8x0m_chip_init(chip, 1)) < 0) {\n\t\tsnd_intel8x0m_free(chip);\n\t\treturn err;\n\t}\n\n\tif ((err = snd_device_new(card, SNDRV_DEV_LOWLEVEL, chip, &ops)) < 0) {\n\t\tsnd_intel8x0m_free(chip);\n\t\treturn err;\n\t}\n\n\t*r_intel8x0m = chip;\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic struct shortname_table {\n\tunsigned int id;\n\tconst char *s;\n} shortnames[] = {\n\t{ PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801AA_6, \"Intel 82801AA-ICH\" },\n\t{ PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801AB_6, \"Intel 82901AB-ICH0\" },\n\t{ PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801BA_6, \"Intel 82801BA-ICH2\" },\n\t{ PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_440MX_6, \"Intel 440MX\" },\n\t{ PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801CA_6, \"Intel 82801CA-ICH3\" },\n\t{ PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801DB_6, \"Intel 82801DB-ICH4\" },\n\t{ PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82801EB_6, \"Intel ICH5\" },\n\t{ PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH6_17, \"Intel ICH6\" },\n\t{ PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_ICH7_19, \"Intel ICH7\" },\n\t{ 0x7446, \"AMD AMD768\" },\n\t{ PCI_DEVICE_ID_SI_7013, \"SiS SI7013\" },\n\t{ PCI_DEVICE_ID_NVIDIA_MCP1_MODEM, \"NVidia nForce\" },\n\t{ PCI_DEVICE_ID_NVIDIA_MCP2_MODEM, \"NVidia nForce2\" },\n\t{ PCI_DEVICE_ID_NVIDIA_MCP2S_MODEM, \"NVidia nForce2s\" },\n\t{ PCI_DEVICE_ID_NVIDIA_MCP3_MODEM, \"NVidia nForce3\" },\n\t{ 0x746e, \"AMD AMD8111\" },\n#if 0\n\t{ 0x5455, \"ALi M5455\" },\n#endif\n\t{ 0 },\n};\n\nstatic int snd_intel8x0m_probe(struct pci_dev *pci,\n\t\t\t const struct pci_device_id *pci_id)\n{\n\tstruct snd_card *card;\n\tstruct intel8x0m *chip;\n\tint err;\n\tstruct shortname_table *name;\n\n\terr = snd_card_new(&pci->dev, index, id, THIS_MODULE, 0, &card);\n\tif (err < 0)\n\t\treturn err;\n\n\tstrcpy(card->driver, \"ICH-MODEM\");\n\tstrcpy(card->shortname, \"Intel ICH\");\n\tfor (name = shortnames; name->id; name++) {\n\t\tif (pci->device == name->id) {\n\t\t\tstrcpy(card->shortname, name->s);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tstrcat(card->shortname,\" Modem\");\n\n\tif ((err = snd_intel8x0m_create(card, pci, pci_id->driver_data, &chip)) < 0) {\n\t\tsnd_card_free(card);\n\t\treturn err;\n\t}\n\tcard->private_data = chip;\n\n\tif ((err = snd_intel8x0m_mixer(chip, ac97_clock)) < 0) {\n\t\tsnd_card_free(card);\n\t\treturn err;\n\t}\n\tif ((err = snd_intel8x0m_pcm(chip)) < 0) {\n\t\tsnd_card_free(card);\n\t\treturn err;\n\t}\n\t\n\tsnd_intel8x0m_proc_init(chip);\n\n\tsprintf(card->longname, \"%s at irq %i\",\n\t\tcard->shortname, chip->irq);\n\n\tif ((err = snd_card_register(card)) < 0) {\n\t\tsnd_card_free(card);\n\t\treturn err;\n\t}\n\tpci_set_drvdata(pci, card);\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic void snd_intel8x0m_remove(struct pci_dev *pci)\n{\n\tsnd_card_free(pci_get_drvdata(pci));\n}\n\nstatic struct pci_driver intel8x0m_driver = {\n\t.name = KBUILD_MODNAME,\n\t.id_table = snd_intel8x0m_ids,\n\t.probe = snd_intel8x0m_probe,\n\t.remove = snd_intel8x0m_remove,\n\t.driver = {\n\t\t.pm = INTEL8X0M_PM_OPS,\n\t},\n};\n\nmodule_pci_driver(intel8x0m_driver);\n" ]
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[ "The landslides were triggered by incessant rains in Ramban district, a senior official of the traffic department told IANS here, adding that the yatra has been suspended till the highway is restored for traffic.", "\n\nLandslides suspended Amarnath yatra. ", "Image Source: www.udayavani.com\n\nThe over 300-km long Jammu-Srinagar highway is the lifeline of supplies for the landlocked Kashmir Valley and the only surface link for the Amarnath Yatra pilgrims to reach the valley.", "\n\nNew Delhi, July 14, 2017: The ancient Hindu temple Changu Narayan is situated on the top of a high hill well known as Changu or Dolagiri. ", "The temple had a neighboring forest of champak tree and a small village called Changu and is situated in Bhaktapur District, Nepal.", "\n\nThe hill is about 7 miles or 12 km east of Kathmandu and a few miles north of Bhaktapur. ", "This holy place “changu narayan Temple” is devoted to Lord Vishnu and held in admiration by the people of Hindu religion. ", "Changu Narayan is believed to be the oldest temple in Nepal’s history. ", "Bhaktapur king established kingdoms in Kashmir and kept it as Hindu kingdom.", "\n\n“changu narayan Temple” has a very intriguing story behind its existence. ", "In old times, a Gwala, a cow herder, was given a cow by a Brahmin whose name was Sudarshan. ", "The cow was believed to produce milk in large quantities. ", "The cow herder used to take the cow for grazing to Change, which was a Champak trees forest that time. ", "The cow was always found under a particular tree’s shade while grazing. ", "In the evening, when the Gwala started milking the cow at his house, he received only a negligible quantity of milk. ", "This continued for a number of days. ", "He was disappointed and told the Brahmin about the cow not giving enough quantity of milk. ", "After seeing this incident with his eyes, Sudarshan agreed and they decided that they should examine the cow while her grazing activity was being undertaken.", "\n\nChangu Narayan Temple, east side, with the griffin (stone sculpture) left at the entrance. ", "Source: Wikimedia\n\nBoth of them hid behind the trees and observed the cow. ", "They noticed that a small black boy who had come out of the tree started feeding himself with the milk. ", "This infuriated the two men as they thought of the boy as a demon and the tree as its home.", "\n\nSo the champak tree was cut down by the Brahmin. ", "While he was doing this, he saw human blood come out of the champak tree. ", "Both Brahmin and Gwala presumed they had done a crime and started crying.", "\n\nLord Vishnu suddenly emerged and told the Gwala and Brahmin, the mistake was not theirs and began narrating the story of him committing a crime by unknowingly murdering Sudarshan’s father while forest hunting. ", "Afterward, he was cursed and he wandered on his mouth, as ‘Garuda’ descending on the Changu hill where he survived on stolen milk. ", "The cutting down of the tree by Brahmin beheaded Vishnu and freed him from his sins.", "\n\nFollowing this incident, Brahmin and Gwala started worshiping that place and built a small temple of Lord Vishnu. ", "That place has been considered sacred ever since. ", "Even today, Sudarshan’s descendant is one of the priest of that temple and the Gwala’s descendants as conservators.", "\n\nPeople belonging to Newar community reside in and around the area of Changu Narayan. ", "Due to tourism development in this area, we can locate many hotels, souvenir shops, restaurants etc.", "\n\nHowever, this holy temple “changu narayan” faces a lot of challenges and threats. ", "The Manohara stream has witnessed rampant mining of sand and stones. ", "The local administration has failed to cut down the mining activities. ", "Due to these mining activities, the temple area has become prone to landslides. ", "Because of overgrazing in the nearby forest, the chances of soil erosion and landslide have become very high." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSession echo's previous variable\n\nI'm making a form with a captcha code and I'm'm storing the code in a hidden input box, however the input box stores the previous session code. ", "I'm guessing its something todo with the session_stars, ive fiddled about with it but to no avail sadly!", "\nCould someone point me in the right direction please!", "\nPHP FILE:\n<body>\n <?", "php\n session_start();\n ?", ">\n ...\n <div id=\"reg-field\">\n <h1>Human Verification</h1>\n <div id=\"captions\">\n <img src=\"PHP/captcha.php\" style=\"float: right;\" class=\"cnr-all\" /> \n </div>\n <form name=\"Form3\" method=\"post\">\n <input type=\"text\" id=\"captcha-bar\" class=\"cnr-all\" name=\"answer\" placeholder=\"Enter Code Here\" />\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"answer2\" value=\"<?php echo $_SESSION['captcha']; ?", ">\"/>\n <input type=\"button\" id=\"captcha-reload\" class=\"cnr-all\" onclick=\"window.location.href = window.location.href\">\n <span id=\"captchaConfirm\" class=\"confirmMessage\" style=\"margin: 12.5px 0px\"></span> \n </form>\n </div> \n ...\n </body>\n\nCaptcha PHP Creator:\n<?", "php\nsession_start();\n\nheader(\"Expires: Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 GMT\"); \nheader(\"Last-Modified: \" . ", "gmdate(\"D, d M Y H:i:s\") . \" ", "GMT\"); \nheader(\"Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate\"); \nheader(\"Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0\", false);\nheader(\"Pragma: no-cache\");\n\n$chars = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';\n$randomString = '';\n\nfor ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) \n{\n $randomString .= $chars[rand(0, strlen($chars)-1)];\n}\n\n$_SESSION['captcha'] = strtolower( $randomString );\n\n$im = @imagecreatefrompng(\"captcha_bg.png\"); \n\nimagettftext($im, 30, 0, 10, 38, imagecolorallocate ($im, 0, 0, 0), 'larabiefont.ttf', $randomString);\n\nheader ('Content-type: image/png');\nimagepng($im, NULL, 0);\nimagedestroy($im);\n\n?", ">\n\nA:\n\nThe PHP of the first file will executed before any HTML is send to the client.", "\nMeaning: The code from the SESSION will be outputted before the client requests captcha.php generating a new captcha code.", "\nYou can solve this by generating a captcha code in the first file.", "\nOr even better, don't print it out the HTML (hidden input is a security issue) and just compare the users answer to whatever is in you $_SESSION.", "\nThat way you can refresh captcha's all you like until the user submits it's code. ", "You then compare the POST['captcha'] to the SESSION['captcha']\nAlso: http://www.w3.org/TR/turingtest/\nFile 1:\n<?", "php\n session_start();\n $chars = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';\n $randomString = '';\n\n for ($i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) \n {\n $randomString .= $chars[rand(0, strlen($chars)-1)];\n }\n\n $_SESSION['captcha'] = strtolower( $randomString );\n?", ">\n<body>\n...\n<div id=\"reg-field\">\n <h1>Human Verification</h1>\n <div id=\"captions\">\n <img src=\"PHP/captcha.php\" style=\"float: right;\" class=\"cnr-all\" /> \n </div>\n <form name=\"Form3\" method=\"post\">\n <input type=\"text\" id=\"captcha-bar\" class=\"cnr-all\" name=\"answer\" placeholder=\"Enter Code Here\" />\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"answer2\" value=\"<?php echo $_SESSION['captcha']; ?", ">\"/>\n <input type=\"button\" id=\"captcha-reload\" class=\"cnr-all\" onclick=\"window.location.href = window.location.href\">\n <span id=\"captchaConfirm\" class=\"confirmMessage\" style=\"margin: 12.5px 0px\"></span> \n </form>\n</div> \n...\n</body>\n\nFile 2:\n<?", "php\nsession_start();\n\nheader(\"Expires: Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 GMT\"); \nheader(\"Last-Modified: \" . ", "gmdate(\"D, d M Y H:i:s\") . \" ", "GMT\"); \nheader(\"Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate\"); \nheader(\"Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0\", false);\nheader(\"Pragma: no-cache\");\n\n$im = @imagecreatefrompng(\"captcha_bg.png\"); \n\nimagettftext($im, 30, 0, 10, 38, imagecolorallocate ($im, 0, 0, 0), 'larabiefont.ttf', $_SESSION['captcha']);\n\nheader ('Content-type: image/png');\nimagepng($im, NULL, 0);\nimagedestroy($im);\n\n?", ">\n\n" ]
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[ ")))**2 + (sqrt(832) + -1 - sqrt(13)) + 0.", "\n7*sqrt(13) + 16847\nSimplify ((1*sqrt(78)*4 - (sqrt(78) - 2*sqrt(78)*-4))/((sqrt(192)*-6)/sqrt(2)) + -4)**2.", "\n-5*sqrt(13)/3 + 9541/576\nSimplify (1*sqrt(2240))/sqrt(7) - ((sqrt(15)/sqrt(3))**2 + 1 + 1*(sqrt(45) - sqrt(5))).", "\n-6 + 6*sqrt(5)\nSimplify (0 + -5*(sqrt(1539) + -1) + -2)**2.", "\n-270*sqrt(19) + 38484\nSimplify ((sqrt(114)*2 + sqrt(114))/sqrt(6) + 0)**2 + 3 + (sqrt(76)/sqrt(4) + -3)**2 + 3.", "\n-6*sqrt(19) + 205\nSimplify 1 + -1*(2 + ((sqrt(245) - (2 + sqrt(245))) + sqrt(5) + sqrt(5))**2).", "\n-25 + 8*sqrt(5)\nSimplify (3 + sqrt(539) + 0)**2 - (sqrt(44)/(1*sqrt(4)) - (0 + sqrt(11))**2*5).", "\n41*sqrt(11) + 603\nSimplify (sqrt(48) + 1 + -5 + -2*sqrt(147)*-2)**2*6.", "\n-1536*sqrt(3) + 18528\nSimplify 1*((2 + sqrt(2448) + -2)**2 + ((sqrt(2448) + 1)**2 + sqrt(2448) + 5 - sqrt(2448) - sqrt(2448))).", "\n12*sqrt(17) + 4902\nSimplify (-6*1*sqrt(102))/(-2*sqrt(6)*-2).", "\n-3*sqrt(17)/2\nSimplify -2 + (-4*(sqrt(68)*3 + -3)*-5)**2.", "\n-14400*sqrt(17) + 248398\nSimplify -6*(3*((-1 + sqrt(500))**2 + sqrt(500)) + 5)*4 + -3.", "\n-36195 + 720*sqrt(5)\nSimplify (2*((sqrt(176) + (sqrt(176) - 1*(sqrt(176) + 1)) - sqrt(176)) + sqrt(176)) + (sqrt(176) + 0 + sqrt(176) + 2)*-6)**2.", "\n1120*sqrt(11) + 17796\nSimplify ((sqrt(32)/(sqrt(2)*1))/sqrt(8))**2 - (1 + sqrt(128) + -3*sqrt(128) + sqrt(2)).", "\n1 + 15*sqrt(2)\nSimplify sqrt(14)/((sqrt(24) - (sqrt(24) + sqrt(384)))/sqrt(12)) - ((3*(sqrt(84) + -2*sqrt(84) + sqrt(84)))/sqrt(12))**2.", "\n-sqrt(7)/4\nSimplify (sqrt(315)/(sqrt(81) - sqrt(9)))/((2*sqrt(35))/sqrt(7) - sqrt(5))*-4.", "\n-2*sqrt(7)\nSimplify (3 + (-1 + sqrt(1008) + 0 - ((sqrt(77) + sqrt(77)*1)*-6)/sqrt(11)))**2.", "\n96*sqrt(7) + 4036\nSimplify (((sqrt(108) - (sqrt(108) - 1*sqrt(108)))*-2 - sqrt(108)) + (sqrt(108) - (2*sqrt(108) + 5 - sqrt(108))) + -4 + 1 + 4)**2.", "\n144*sqrt(3) + 988\nSimplify 6*((-5*sqrt(75) + 4 + sqrt(75))**2 + sqrt(75))*5.", "\n-4650*sqrt(3) + 36480\nSimplify -1*(-2*(((sqrt(720)*2)**2 - sqrt(5)) + -4) + 5) + -1.", "\n-2*sqrt(5) + 5746\nSimplify ((sqrt(16) + (sqrt(16) - 3*2*sqrt(16)) - (sqrt(16) - 2*sqrt(400)))/(sqrt(48)/sqrt(6)*1*-6))**2.", "\n25/18\nSimplify -6*(2*(sqrt(425)*1 + sqrt(425))*1*1)**2.", "\n-40800\nSimplify (sqrt(2)*-2 + 1)**2 - (-1 + sqrt(2) + 1)**2 - (sqrt(162) + 3*sqrt(162))/sqrt(9).", "\n-16*sqrt(2) + 7\nSimplify -3 + -3*(4 + sqrt(3388) + (1 + sqrt(3388))**2) + 0.", "\n-10182 - 198*sqrt(7)\nSimplify -2 + -1*sqrt(891)*6 + -5 + 3.", "\n-54*sqrt(11) - 4\nSimplify (-5 + ((sqrt(216)/sqrt(8))**2*3 - ((-1*sqrt(33) - sqrt(33))*-5)/sqrt(11)))*6.", "\n-60*sqrt(3) + 456\nSimplify (-4*(1*2*sqrt(77) + sqrt(77)))/(5*sqrt(7)*2*3).", "\n-2*sqrt(11)/5\nSimplify (-2*(sqrt(7) + 3) + 4 + ((2*sqrt(315) - sqrt(315)) + sqrt(315))/sqrt(5))**2.", "\n-16*sqrt(7) + 116\nSimplify (-1*(4*sqrt(121)*-2 + sqrt(121)))/(sqrt(121)/(sqrt(22)/(sqrt(4)/sqrt(2)))).", "\n7*sqrt(11)\nSimplify (sqrt(400) + ((sqrt(400) - (3*sqrt(400) + sqrt(400))) + sqrt(400))*3)/(1*sqrt(288)*-3).", "\n25*sqrt(2)/18\nSimplify (3 + 5*sqrt(304) + (sqrt(228) + -4*sqrt(228))/sqrt(12))**2.", "\n102*sqrt(19) + 5500\nSimplify (sqrt(378)/(sqrt(42)/sqrt(7)))**2 + (sqrt(63) - sqrt(3087)*2)/sqrt(9).", "\n-13*sqrt(7) + 63\nSimplify (-2 + sqrt(2736)*-2 + -3)*-4.", "\n20 + 96*sqrt(19)\nSimplify (sqrt(110) - -1*sqrt(110)*-5 - ((1*sqrt(110) - sqrt(110)) + sqrt(110))*-2)/(sqrt(110)/(sqrt(11) - (sqrt(110) + sqrt(110)*2)/sqrt(10))).", "\n4*sqrt(11)\nSimplify -3 + (sqrt(275) + -1*(0 + sqrt(275)))**2 - ((3*sqrt(275) + sqrt(275))*6*1)**2.", "\n-158403\nSimplify sqrt(27)*-2 + -1 + 0 + (sqrt(243))**2 - ((2*sqrt(108))/sqrt(9))/(sqrt(8)/sqrt(2)*6).", "\n-19*sqrt(3)/3 + 242\nSimplify (0 + 1*sqrt(475) - (1*sqrt(2299) + -3))**2.", "\n-36*sqrt(19) + 693\nSimplify ((1*sqrt(180) - sqrt(180))*-1 - (-2 + -1 + sqrt(180)))**2 + (sqrt(180)*-1*6)**2*-3.", "\n-19251 - 36*sqrt(5)\nSimplify ((sqrt(60)/sqrt(5)*-1*3)/(-5*(sqrt(6) + sqrt(36)/(sqrt(6)*-2))))**2.", "\n72/25\nSimplify -6*((-2*(sqrt(2736) + sqrt(2736) + 0)**2 - sqrt(2736)) + sqrt(2736)) + 3.", "\n131331\nSimplify -3 + (sqrt(224)*-2 - (sqrt(126)*-1)/sqrt(9))/(sqrt(14)/sqrt(2)*5 - sqrt(14)/sqrt(2)*6).", "\n-3 + 7*sqrt(2)\nSimplify (4 + 4 + (sqrt(27) - sqrt(324)/sqrt(108)))**2.", "\n32*sqrt(3) + 76\nSimplify (((-1 + sqrt(1377))*3 - (-1 + sqrt(1377) + -3)) + 2*(1 + sqrt(1377))*3)**2.", "\n1008*sqrt(17) + 88177\nSimplify (0 + sqrt(468))**2 - (-1*sqrt(1872) + sqrt(1872) + sqrt(1872)) - (-2*sqrt(52) + (sqrt(117)*2)/sqrt(9)).", "\n-10*sqrt(13) + 468\nSimplify sqrt(252)*2 + -2 + 3 + 2 + 0.", "\n3 + 12*sqrt(7)\nSimplify (((sqrt(6) - (-3*sqrt(6)*3 - sqrt(6)))*-1)/(sqrt(3)*1*6 + sqrt(21)/(sqrt(7) - sqrt(63))))**2.", "\n8\nSimplify 5 + (sqrt(204)/sqrt(108) - ((sqrt(85) - (sqrt(85) + 2*sqrt(85) - sqrt(85) - sqrt(85)) - sqrt(85)) + sqrt(85))/sqrt(5) - (sqrt(612) + sqrt(612)*2 + 1)).", "\n-53*sqrt(17)/3 + 4\nSimplify (-5 + -5*-2*sqrt(272)*-2 + 1)**2.", "\n640*sqrt(17) + 108816\nSimplify sqrt(13) + (sqrt(13) + 2)*-6 + (-1 + sqrt(1053) - sqrt(1053)) + (2*(sqrt(117)*2 + sqrt(117)))/(1*sqrt(9)*5).", "\n-19*sqrt(13)/5 - 13\nSimplify (sqrt(44) + sqrt(220)/(sqrt(10)/sqrt(2)) + (-2*sqrt(396) - sqrt(396)) + sqrt(396))/((sqrt(576) - (3*sqrt(576) + sqrt(576)))*1).", "\nsqrt(11)/9\nSimplify 4*-2*(-2*sqrt(192) - 1*(-3 + sqrt(3))**2).", "\n96 + 80*sqrt(3)\nSimplify 5 + 4 + sqrt(475) + 0 + sqrt(475) + -5.", "\n4 + 10*sqrt(19)\nSimplify 5*-3*((sqrt(640)/sqrt(5))**2 + -4*(sqrt(32))**2 + sqrt(2)).", "\n-15*sqrt(2)\nSimplify 3*(sqrt(432) + (sqrt(432) - ((sqrt(432)*-3*-2)**2 - sqrt(432))) + -5*sqrt(432) + -3).", "\n-46665 - 72*sqrt(3)\nSimplify (1 + -4 + sqrt(242)*5*-3)**2.", "\n990*sqrt(2) + 54459\nSimplify ((2*(-2*sqrt(1125) + sqrt(1125)))/(sqrt(81) - (-1*sqrt(81) - sqrt(81))*-1))**2.", "\n500/9\nSimplify 1*(3*(sqrt(17) + 0)*-4 - (sqrt(34)/(-3*sqrt(8) - sqrt(2)))**2).", "\n-12*sqrt(17) - 17/49\nSimplify (2*(sqrt(2736) + -2)*-6)**2 - (1*(sqrt(95) + sqrt(95)*2 - sqrt(95)))/((sqrt(20) - (sqrt(20)*-2 - sqrt(20)))/sqrt(4)).", "\n-13825*sqrt(19)/2 + 394560\nSimplify 3 + ((-1*sqrt(112) + -1 + -1 + sqrt(847) + 0)*6)**2.", "\n-1008*sqrt(7) + 12495\nSimplify 1*(sqrt(143)/(sqrt(1100) + 1*sqrt(1100) + sqrt(11)))**2 + -4.", "\n-1751/441\nSimplify (3*sqrt(45)/sqrt(3))/(sqrt(320)*1).", "\n3*sqrt(3)/8\nSimplify (-1*-2*sqrt(121)*-3)/(sqrt(539)*1*3).", "\n-2*sqrt(11)/7\nSimplify (0 + (sqrt(5) - sqrt(45)) + -1 + -1 + (sqrt(75)/(sqrt(9)/sqrt(3)))/sqrt(5))*6.", "\n-6*sqrt(5) - 12\nSimplify ((sqrt(99) + 2*sqrt(99))*4)/(sqrt(108)/(sqrt(12)*-5)).", "\n-60*sqrt(11)\nSimplify -3*5*(5 + -1 + -1*(-1 + sqrt(2736) + sqrt(2736)))**2.", "\n-164535 + 3600*sqrt(19)\nSimplify ((sqrt(104) + 4*sqrt(104)*-1)/sqrt(8) - sqrt(325)*5*3)**2.", "\n79092\nSimplify (sqrt(168)/(sqrt(72)/sqrt(54)))/(-2*(sqrt(112) + (-1*sqrt(112) - sqrt(112)) + sqrt(112) + sqrt(112))).", "\n-3*sqrt(2)/8\nSimplify (-3*-2*sqrt(304) + 0 + -2)**2.", "\n-96*sqrt(19) + 10948\nSimplify (((sqrt(70)*-2 + sqrt(70))*-5)/(sqrt(80)/sqrt(2)) + 2 + 0 + sqrt(448) + -2 + sqrt(448)*-2)**2.", "\n847/4\nSimplify -5 + ((sqrt(270)/(sqrt(6) + sqrt(18)/sqrt(3)) - sqrt(45) - sqrt(180)/(sqrt(4) - sqrt(64))) + 1*(sqrt(180) + -1))**2.", "\n-11*sqrt(5) + 589/4\nSimplify (2*sqrt(78)*3 + sqrt(78))/(sqrt(36)/(sqrt(6)*2) + sqrt(6) + sqrt(6) - sqrt(6)).", "\n14*sqrt(13)/3\nSimplify (-3 + 0 + (sqrt(612) + -1)*4 + sqrt(612)*2*-4)**2.", "\n336*sqrt(17) + 9841\nSimplify (-4*((sqrt(304) - -1*sqrt(304)) + 5) + sqrt(304)*1*-4 + (-1 + sqrt(304))*-5)**2.", "\n2040*sqrt(19) + 88081\nSimplify (-3*(-5 + sqrt(2057))*1)**2*6.", "\n-5940*sqrt(17) + 112428\nSimplify sqrt(156)/sqrt(108)*-5 - (sqrt(1300) - (-5 + sqrt(1300)*4))**2.", "\n-11725 + 895*sqrt(13)/3\nSimplify (sqrt(5100) - (sqrt(5100)*-2 + sqrt(5100))*6 - sqrt(5100))/(sqrt(432)*-2*5) + 3.", "\n-sqrt(17)/2 + 3\nSimplify (-1 + sqrt(200) - sqrt(20)/sqrt(40)) + ((sqrt(2) + sqrt(90)/sqrt(5))**2 - (sqrt(288) + -1 + sqrt(288) + sqrt(288))).", "\n-53*sqrt(2)/2 + 32\nSimplify (1*sqrt(1275)*4)/(5*(sqrt(192) - (sqrt(192) + sqrt(192)*2)) - sqrt(192)).", "\n-5*sqrt(17)/22\nSimplify 1*((5 + sqrt(468))*3 + ((sqrt(468) - (sqrt(468) + 3 + sqrt(468) + sqrt(468)) - sqrt(468))*1)**2).", "\n126*sqrt(13) + 4236\nSimplify (1*sqrt(88)*-5 - 2*sqrt(88)*3)/(-3*sqrt(72)*-2).", "\n-11*sqrt(11)/18\nSimplify 6*(-6*((-2*sqrt(175) + 1 - 2*sqrt(175)*-2) + 4))**2.", "\n21600*sqrt(7) + 156600\nSimplify 3 + 3*(sqrt(252) + 2)*-5.", "\n-90*sqrt(7) - 27\nSimplify ((-2*-4*-2*sqrt(35))/(4*sqrt(56)/sqrt(2)))**2.", "\n20\nSimplify (((sqrt(68) - -2*sqrt(68) - sqrt(68))*-1 - sqrt(68)*2*-5)/((sqrt(176)/sqrt(4)*1)/sqrt(11)))**2.", "\n1088\nSimplify (sqrt(1573) - 2*sqrt(1573))**2*-3 - (2 + 3 + sqrt(1573)).", "\n-4724 - 11*sqrt(13)\nSimplify (((-2*sqrt(864) - sqrt(864) - sqrt(864)) + sqrt(864) - sqrt(864))/sqrt" ]
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[ 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013605442176870748, 0, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "//----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n//\n// License: MIT\n// \n// See LICENSE.txt file in the top level directory for more details.", "\n//\n// Author: David Burken\n//\n// Description: Interface for codec(encoder/decoder) factories.", "\n// \n//----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// $Id$\n#ifndef ossimCodecFactoryInterface_HEADER\n#define ossimCodecFactoryInterface_HEADER 1\n\n#include <ossim/base/ossimConstants.h>\n#include <ossim/base/ossimKeywordlist.h>\n#include <ossim/base/ossimRefPtr.h>\n#include <ossim/imaging/ossimImageData.h>\n#include <vector>\n\nclass ossimObject;\nclass ossimCodecBase;\n/**\n * @brief Codec factory interface.", "\n */\nclass OSSIM_DLL ossimCodecFactoryInterface // : public ossimObjectFactory\n{\npublic:\n\n /** default constructor */\n ossimCodecFactoryInterface(){}\n\n /** virtual destructor */\n virtual ~ossimCodecFactoryInterface(){}\n \n /**\n * This is a bridge to the generic factory list interface that trys to call createObject\n * \n * We will bridge it in this interface to just call createCodec. ", " These are not pure virtual.", "\n *\n */\n virtual ossimObject* createObject(const ossimString& type)const;\n\n /**\n * This is a bridge to the generic factory list interface that trys to call createObject\n * \n * We will bridge it in this interface to just call createCodec. ", " These are not pure virtual.", "\n *\n */\n virtual ossimObject* createObject(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0)const;\n \n\n \n virtual ossimCodecBase* createCodec(const ossimString& type)const=0;\n virtual ossimCodecBase* createCodec(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0)const=0;\n\n\n virtual void getTypeNameList(std::vector<ossimString>& typeNames)const=0;\n\n /**\n * @brief Pure virtual decode method. ", "Derived classes must implement to\n * be concrete.", "\n *\n * @param in Input data to decode.", "\n * \n * @param out Output tile.", "\n *\n * @return true on success, false on failure.", "\n */\n// virtual bool decode( const std::vector<ossim_uint8>& in,\n// ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData>& out ) const = 0;\n\n /**\n * @brief Pure virtual encode method. ", "Derived classes must implement to\n * be concrete.", "\n *\n * @param in Input data to encode.", "\n * \n * @param out Encoded output data.", "\n *\n * @return true on success, false on failure.", "\n */\n\n// virtual bool encode( const ossimKeywordlist& options,\n// const ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData>& in,\n// std::vector<ossim_uint8>& out ) const = 0;\n};\n\n#endif /* End of \"#ifndef ossimCodecFactoryInterface_HEADER\" */\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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[ "Intracellular sugars improve survival of human red blood cells cryopreserved at -80 degrees C in the presence of polyvinyl pyrrolidone and human serum albumin.", "\nCryopreservation with impermeable protectants has great significance on storage of human red blood cells. ", "It has become feasible to use glycerol free cryopreservation for human red blood cells. ", "This study focuses on the effect of intracellular trehalose or glucose on human red blood cells cryopreserved in the presence of polymer. ", "Red blood cells were cryopreserved for 48 h-72 h at -80 degrees C. The data showed that the loading efficiency of glucose was significantly higher than that of trehalose, but trehalose loading process induced more hemolysis than glucose loading process. ", "Compared with the other groups, the combination of intracellular glucose, PVP, and human serum albumin can significantly decrease the percent hemolysis after cryopreservation (P<0.01). ", "However, the percent hemolysis induced by intracellular trehalose was less than that induced by extracellular trehalose, but the difference was not significant (P<0.05). ", "The adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) level and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) level of cryopreserved red blood cells were significantly less than those of fresh red blood cells. ", "However, sugars can provide certain protection for ATP and 2, 3-DPG compared with red blood cells cryopreserved in the absence of sugars. ", "The protection of glucose on the metabolic function was more than that of trehalose. ", "Cryopreservation can increase the percentage of cells with exposed phosphatidylserine (PS), but the ability of trehalose to maintain PS normal distribution is higher than that of glucose. ", "Furthermore, intracellular sugars can protect membrane integrity of cryopreserved red blood cells, although a small portion of cells appeared spherocytic or echinocytic shape. ", "Finally, most membrane proteins of cryopreserved red blood cells were similar to the membrane proteins of fresh red blood cells, but trehalose can result in loss of glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPD) and peroxiredoxin 2. ", "In conclusion, it is feasible to cryopreserve red blood cells using polymer, human albumin and sugars as main protectants. ", "The cryoprotective effect of glucose may be better than that of trehalose in the presence of PVP and human serum albumin, because sugar loading process causes more cell injuries in case of trehalose compared to glucose, and these injuries in turn manifest themselves during subsequent cryopreservation and thawing. ", "In the future, finding an approach to decrease the injuries during trehalose loading process still is critical." ]
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[ "package com.sequenceiq.cloudbreak.polling;\n\npublic interface TimeoutChecker {\n /**\n * Do the calculations needed for timeout checking\n * @return true if the operation is timed out\n */\n boolean checkTimeout();\n}\n" ]
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[ "Mahboob Jafari had barely seen the inside of a classroom, let alone taught in one, before he arrived in Indonesia as a refugee fleeing persecution in Afghanistan.", "\n\nThe 19-year-old now teaches English at a pioneering school in the mountains south of Jakarta, where refugees from war-torn corners of the globe are banding together to educate their children.", "\n\nFounded by refugees, for refugees, this unique initiative is giving these children a chance to go to school while they wait years for resettlement to a new country.", "\n\n\"Years ago, when I came to Indonesia, I could not imagine that one day I would study in such a school like this one,\" 14-year-old Ali Riad from Iraq told AFP at the Refugee Learning Nest in Cisarua.", "\n\n\"In the future I want to be a doctor and help people.\"", "\n\nThe school, which marked its one-year anniversary in March, has become a source of immense pride among the migrant community in hilly Cisarua, once a key transit point on the largely closed people-smuggling route to Australia.", "\n\nIts 58 students study in four brightly-painted classrooms, borrow books from a small library and play football at lunchtime at a basic pitch constructed by the parents.", "\n\nNearly two dozen volunteers, all refugees themselves, teach mathematics, English, computer studies and art to students age six to 18.", "\n\nAs the children depart in the afternoon, their parents arrive for English classes -- a top priority for families awaiting resettlement to new homes in countries like Canada, New Zealand, and the United States.", "\n\nStarting from zero\n\nThere are 13,745 refugees and asylum seekers registered with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Indonesia, including nearly 2,700 children of school age.", "\n\nAlthough technically refugee children can attend Indonesian schools, very few do, UNHCR senior protection officer Jeffrey Savage told AFP.", "\n\nLanguage barriers, a lack of available spaces, registration problems and transport costs hinder enrolment.", "\n\nThe vast majority of refugee children in Indonesia go without school for years. ", "Some are already far behind for their age, having spent a lifetime on the move.", "\n\nThe pupils at Learning Nest are from Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq and Sri Lanka. ", "Abbas Hussaini, one of the school's founders, said the students were divided by age and ability but some \"had no education before they came here\".", "\n\n\"They started at zero, from the beginning,\" he told AFP, gesturing to a group of students reciting the alphabet for their Afghan teacher.", "\n\nFor the teachers, volunteering helps alleviate the anxiety and boredom rife in refugee transit towns like Cisarua. ", "Once registered with the UN refugee agency, there's little for asylum seekers to do but wait, unable to work or study.", "\n\nJafari, who fled Afghanistan after his uncle was murdered by the Taliban, said the four months he spent idle in Cisarua before volunteering \"was like four years\".", "\n\n\"No job, nothing to do but play football,\" Jafari, from Afghanistan's persecuted Shiite Hazara minority, told AFP.", "\n\n\"But this is an opportunity. ", "Every refugee in here should use their time, because they're not going to get it back.\"", "\n\nTip of the iceberg\n\nOther refugee communities around Cisarua are independently setting up their own education programs, with four schools now operating in the area.", "\n\nAll are backed initially by a grant from a foreign charity, which covers rent for a school building and other basic costs.", "\n\nBut beyond that, everything falls to the community. ", "Parents pack lunches and maintain the school grounds, while volunteers prepare classes, manage finances and oversee administrative issues.", "\n\n\"We think they're absolutely fantastic, and we encourage more of this,\" Savage told AFP.", "\n\nThe learning nest is already at capacity, Abbas said. ", "Twelve students are on a waiting list as the school seeks much-needed donations for an additional classroom and learning materials.", "\n\nThere are still far more refugee children at home than in schools. ", "The International Organization for Migration (IOM), which assists refugees with housing and other essential needs, applauded community-run initiatives but stressed they only reached a handful of children in need.", "\n\n\"The bigger picture is that there are thousands,\" IOM project manager Paul Dillon told AFP.", "\n\nBy its nature, the situation is continually evolving. ", "Abbas said one of his key co-founders was resettled to the United States just a month ago, but remains in touch via email. ", "In July, another student will depart for Australia with her family.", "\n\nSony Samandri, a 13-year Hazara refugee from Afghanistan, is another who will eventually leave for good.", "\n\nHer family has just received confirmation of their official refugee status from the UNHCR -- the first step towards resettlement.", "\n\nIt's a milestone for any family in Cisarua, but Samandri doesn't want to dwell on the prospect of leaving behind her classroom.", "\n\n\"It's a great opportunity to show myself that I'm talented,\" Samandri said, before handing out platters of traditional food to celebrate the occasion.", "\n\n\"I just hope that this school will always be here.\"" ]
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[ "Survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are at risk of long-term late effects. ", "Therefore, systematic screenings of the late complications are essential. ", "The objective of this study… (More)\n\nThe FLT3-ITD mutation is one of the most frequent genetic abnormalities in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) where it is associated with a poor prognosis. ", "The FLT3-ITD mutation could, therefore, be a… (More)\n\nBACKGROUND\nIn recent decades, the prognosis for childhood leukemia has improved, especially for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). ", "In Thailand, though, the survival rate for ALL is unimpressive. ", "In… (More)" ]
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[ "A morphometric study of the blood-brain barrier in Alzheimer's disease.", "\nAbnormalities in the human blood-brain barrier may contribute to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease (AD). ", "Morphometric parameters relevant to integrity of the blood-brain barrier (cerebral capillary endothelium) were assessed in brain biopsies from patients with AD and compared with values from age-matched nondemented controls. ", "Alzheimer patients showed diminished mitochondrial density and area within cerebral capillary endothelium, an increased number of capillary profiles containing pericytes (a possible second line of defense when the capillary endothelium fails), and features of inter-endothelial junctions that suggest 'leakiness' of the blood-brain barrier. ", "The data indicate subtle but definite abnormalities suggesting compromise of the blood-brain barrier in AD that may contribute to its pathogenesis, and support neuropharmacologic and morphologic studies that suggest that a form of denervation microangiopathy may occur in AD brain, possibly secondary to loss of neurons from the pontine locus ceruleus. ", "The changes may also play a role in the deposition of A4 Alzheimer amyloid within cerebral microvessel walls." ]
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[ "The analysis of the acute phase response during the course of Trypanosoma carassii infection in the goldfish (Carassius auratus L.).", "\nThe expression of genes encoding the acute phase proteins (APP) during the course of Trypanasoma carassii infection in the goldfish was determined using quantitative PCR. ", "Significant changes in the mRNA levels of ceruloplasmin (Cp), C-reactive protein (CRP), transferrin (Tf), hemopexin (Hx) and serum amyloid A (SAA) were observed in the kidney, liver and spleen at various days post infection (dpi). ", "Of the five acute phase protein genes examined, CRP and SAA exhibited the highest expression in the tissues during the acute infection. ", "Cp and Tf were up-regulated throughout the acute course of infection in the liver. ", "During the chronic phase of the infection, APP expression in the liver was similar to that in the non-infected control fish. ", "At 7 dpi, Cp, Tf and Hx were down-regulated in the spleen, and Cp and Tf kidney, but their mRNA levels gradually returned to those of control non-infected fish. ", "In contrast, during the chronic phase of the infection, there was an up-regulation of Cp, Hx and Tf in the spleen, and Tf and SAA in the kidney. ", "The goldfish CRP was cloned and functionally characterized. ", "CRP was differentially expressed in normal goldfish immune cells, with highest expression in monocytes and lowest expression in mature macrophages. ", "A recombinant goldfish CRP (rgfCRP) was generated using prokaryotic expression. ", "rgfCRP enhanced complement-mediated killing of trypanosomes in vitro, and the lysis increased after addition of immune serum. ", "rgfCRP did not affect the production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen intermediates by monocytes and macrophages, respectively." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhat is the URL of the bookmarks or favorites section in Chrome for Android?", "\n\nI need to add my bookmarks window to the main page. ", "For that, it asks me for a URL which I don't know what it is. ", "I know that the URL for the history list is chrome://history.", "\nI tried with the PC or desktop's chrome://bookmarks, but it didn't work.", "\nWhat is the URL of bookmarks or favorites \n\nA:\n\nThere is no such URL for Chrome for Android as of version 80.0. ", "All Chrome specific URLs are listed and can be accessed from chrome://chrome-urls. ", "Bookmarks related URL is not listed there. ", "\nSecond, for a user to access their Bookmarks a separate activity is launched named org.chromium.chrome.browser.bookmarks.", "BookmarkActivity, but this activity cannot be launched outside of Chrome. ", "\nIn short, what you are after and specifically in the manner you are after is not possible on Chrome for Android.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0.00819672131147541, 0.013513513513513514, 0.017699115044247787, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWhy is eclipse giving me this error?", "\n\nOk, so I installed this plugin for eclipse. ", "I dragged all the stuff in it's features folder into eclipses, and all the stuff from it's plugin folder to eclipse's plugin folder. ", "I also copied the site.xml into eclipse's main folder. ", "But when I started eclipse and tried to view class files, they gave me a eclipse error. ", "I tried uninstalling it, but it didn't show it was installed. ", "I also tried removing the base files I copied, but it still gave me the same error.", "\nThe error, up close, is this:\n\norg.eclipse.core.runtime.", "CoreException: The Class File Viewer cannot handle the given input ('org.eclipse.ui.ide.", "FileStoreEditorInput').", "\n at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.", "ClassFileEditor.doSetInput(ClassFileEditor.java:652)\n at org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.", "AbstractTextEditor$19.run(AbstractTextEditor.java:3200)\n at org.eclipse.jface.operation.", "ModalContext.runInCurrentThread(ModalContext.java:464)\n at org.eclipse.jface.operation.", "ModalContext.run(ModalContext.java:372)\n at org.eclipse.jface.window.", "ApplicationWindow$1.run(ApplicationWindow.java:759)\n at org.eclipse.swt.custom.", "BusyIndicator.showWhile(BusyIndicator.java:70)\n at org.eclipse.jface.window.", "ApplicationWindow.run(ApplicationWindow.java:756)\n at org.eclipse.ui.internal.", "WorkbenchWindow.run(WorkbenchWindow.java:2649)\n at org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.", "AbstractTextEditor.internalInit(AbstractTextEditor.java:3218)\n at org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.", "AbstractTextEditor.init(AbstractTextEditor.java:3245)\n at org.eclipse.ui.internal.", "EditorManager.createSite(EditorManager.java:828)\n at org.eclipse.ui.internal.", "EditorReference.createPartHelper(EditorReference.java:647)\n at org.eclipse.ui.internal.", "EditorReference.createPart(EditorReference.java:465)\n at org.eclipse.ui.internal.", "WorkbenchPartReference.getPart(WorkbenchPartReference.java:595)\n at org.eclipse.ui.internal.", "EditorAreaHelper.setVisibleEditor(EditorAreaHelper.java:271)\n at org.eclipse.ui.internal.", "EditorManager.setVisibleEditor(EditorManager.java:1459)\n at org.eclipse.ui.internal.", "EditorManager$5.runWithException(EditorManager.java:972)\n at org.eclipse.ui.internal.", "StartupThreading$StartupRunnable.run(StartupThreading.java:31)\n at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.", "RunnableLock.run(RunnableLock.java:35)\n at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.", "Synchronizer.runAsyncMessages(Synchronizer.java:135)\n at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.", "Display.runAsyncMessages(Display.java:4140)\n at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.", "Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:3757)\n at org.eclipse.ui.application.", "WorkbenchAdvisor.openWindows(WorkbenchAdvisor.java:803)\n at org.eclipse.ui.internal.", "Workbench$33.runWithException(Workbench.java:1600)\n at org.eclipse.ui.internal.", "StartupThreading$StartupRunnable.run(StartupThreading.java:31)\n at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.", "RunnableLock.run(RunnableLock.java:35)\n at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.", "Synchronizer.runAsyncMessages(Synchronizer.java:135)\n at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.", "Display.runAsyncMessages(Display.java:4140)\n at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.", "Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:3757)\n at org.eclipse.ui.internal.", "Workbench.runUI(Workbench.java:2609)\n at org.eclipse.ui.internal.", "Workbench.access$4(Workbench.java:2499)\n at org.eclipse.ui.internal.", "Workbench$7.run(Workbench.java:679)\n at org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.", "Realm.runWithDefault(Realm.java:332)\n at org.eclipse.ui.internal.", "Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(Workbench.java:668)\n at org.eclipse.ui.", "PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(PlatformUI.java:149)\n at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.application.", "IDEApplication.start(IDEApplication.java:123)\n at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.app.", "EclipseAppHandle.run(EclipseAppHandle.java:196)\n at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.", "EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(EclipseAppLauncher.java:110)\n at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.", "EclipseAppLauncher.start(EclipseAppLauncher.java:79)\n at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.", "EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:344)\n at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.", "EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:179)\n at sun.reflect.", "NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)\n at sun.reflect.", "NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)\n at sun.reflect.", "DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)\n at java.lang.reflect.", "Method.invoke(Unknown Source)\n at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.", "Main.invokeFramework(Main.java:622)\n at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.", "Main.basicRun(Main.java:577)\n at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.", "Main.run(Main.java:1410)\n\nAnd a screenshot of the screen is this: \n\nA:\n\nYou have not installed the plugin the proper way, it most likely will not work. ", "JD-Eclipse page tells you how to install it correctly. ", "Even if you download archived Update Site, you must use the Install New Software... dialog. ", "The only thing you should do differently in given instructions is in New Repository dialog instead of pasting the Update Site URL into an input - click Archive... button and select zip file you downloaded.", "\nYou should not have broken the whole installation by simply copying the jar files into respective folders, but apparently somehow it was corrupted or some bug exposed which threw the given Exception. ", "Exception, actually, looks like it is the Standart JDT Class Editor which failed not the JD-Eclipse.", "\nI suggest you shutdown Eclipse, delete all the files you copy pasted manually, launch it again and try to open some class file in the Workspace. ", "If it works, try to install JD-Eclipse properly (including Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition if you are on Windows). ", "If it does not work, try re-installing Eclipse.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Uganda archbishop responds to Welby on anti-gay laws Published duration 1 February 2014\n\nimage copyright AP image caption The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby started his Africa visit in South Sudan\n\nThe head of the Anglican Church in Uganda has given a critical response to a letter from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York warning that gays and lesbians should not be victimised.", "\n\nTheir letter was sent to all presiding archbishops of the Anglican Communion.", "\n\nIt was also sent to the presidents of Uganda and Nigeria, which have recently introduced anti-gay legislation.", "\n\nArchbishop Stanley Ntagali responded that \"homosexual practice is incompatible with Scripture\".", "\n\nHe said he hoped the Church of England would \"step back from the path\" it had set itself on \"so the Church of Uganda will be able to maintain communion with our own Mother Church\".", "\n\nArchbishop Ntagali said the Church of Uganda had been encouraged that the country's parliament had amended the Anti-Homosexuality Bill to remove the death penalty, and make other provisions of the bill less severe - all amendments which he said the Church had recommended..\n\n\"The Church is a safe place for individuals, who are confused about their sexuality or struggling with sexual brokenness, to seek help and healing,\" said Archbishop Ntagali.", "\n\nIn their letter , Archbishops Justin Welby and John Sentamu said they were responding to questions asked about the Church of England's attitude to laws penalising \"people with same-sex attraction\".", "\n\nHomosexuals were loved and valued by God and deserved the \"best pastoral care and friendship\", they said.", "\n\nNigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has recently signed a law banning same-sex marriages and shows of same-sex public affection.", "\n\nThe Ugandan Church, along with others in Africa, has broken its ties with Anglicans in North America over the issue of gay ordinations and same-sex blessings.", "\n\nArchbishop Ntagali makes it clear that he thinks Anglican leaders from the US and Canada should not be invited to the 2018 Lambeth Conference.", "\n\nThe Church of England does ordain gay clergy as long as they are celibate.", "\n\nArchbishop Welby has said some gay couples have loving, stable and monogamous relationships of \"stunning\" quality.", "\n\nBut he says he still supports the Church of England's opposition to active homosexuality." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.015424164524421594, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0.016483516483516484, 0.008888888888888889, 0.01507537688442211, 0, 0.007633587786259542, 0, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0.01098901098901099 ]
[ "Ford Shelby GT500 For Sale in New Mexico\n\nChoose a used Ford Shelby GT500 car to view listings of used Ford Shelby GT500s for sale in New Mexico near you at UsedCarsPlus.com. ", "Search through New Mexico Ford classifieds for the perfect used Ford Shelby GT500 in New Mexico. ", "Choosing the right model can be tough, so we let you view and compare each classified ad for all Ford Shelby GT500s for sale. ", "Click on a link below to view the full classified ad for each used New Mexico Ford Shelby GT500 for sale, with full car pictures, descriptions,options & features, and more.", "\n\nChoose a used Ford Shelby GT500 you can afford - You have to know much you can spend before you can determine what Ford Shelby GT500 you can afford. ", "The worst case scenario here is you making bloated car payments for the next five or six years. ", "A good rule of thumb is 20% of your net income can be used for your used Ford Shelby GT500 car payment.", "\n\nChoose a used Ford Shelby GT500 that you NEED - Now you'll want to do is assess your needs to determine what kind of car you really need. ", "For example, if your car will be used mostly for daily commuting and errands, then a standard or basic used Ford Shelby GT500 may suit your needs. ", "Will you be hauling a lot of stuff? ", "You may need to find a Ford Shelby GT500 with more cargo space or towing capacity. ", "There's a lot to choose from, and a lot of factors to consider when choosing a used Ford Shelby GT500.", "\n\nChoose a used Ford Shelby GT500 that you WANT - Now that you have your list, you have most likely narrowed it down to a particular used Ford Shelby GT500 or two. ", "But did you consider other factors, like performance, handling, safety and comfort? ", "Do you want your used Ford Shelby GT500 to have quick acceleration and power? ", "Do you need a small used car to fit into tight parking spaces? ", "Do you need a car that can take you off-roading? ", "You may want certain features, like four-wheel drive, a turbo engine or all-wheel drive with the used Ford Shelby GT500 car that you buy. ", "You may also want more horsepower, better gas mileage, more comfort and luxury or a greater towing capacity. ", "All of these specifics are things that you need to consider before shopping for a used Ford Shelby GT500 for sale." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.022857142857142857, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0.013245033112582781, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0.007142857142857143, 0.006802721088435374, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0.00980392156862745, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0.008771929824561403 ]
[ "Background {#Sec1}\n==========\n\nThe emergence of novel H5N1 avian influenza virus (AIV) in 1997 resulting in fatalities in humans has raised global concern \\[[@CR1]\\]. ", "As of May 8, 2020, a total of 861 human infections and 455 deaths caused by H5N1 infection had been reported \\[[@CR2]\\]. ", "Thereafter, the re-emergence of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A H5Ny subtypes that cause widespread infections in poultry farms and in wild birds since 2003 has greatly attracted public health attention. ", "Interestingly, the H5 AIVs in Asia have evolved faster, having higher viral diversity, greater inter-species transmission, and broader host range than those in Europe and the Americas \\[[@CR3]\\]. ", "Understanding the viral factors which determine the pathogenicity of H5 AIV by timely integration of virological, immunological and epidemiological information will be helpful to establish effective prevention and control measures to minimize future pandemic threats.", "\n\nThe immediate release of the genetic sequences of influenza A viruses combined with collections of tools established for analyzing all types and subtypes of influenza viral sequences have greatly advanced our understanding of the evolution of circulating viruses and their potential risk to animal and human health \\[[@CR4]\\]. ", "Given the fact that multiple mutations across gene segments of influenza viruses can exist and the genomic stability might be influenced by a particular mutation over time \\[[@CR5]\\], new suites of tools are needed to integrate these databases for a better alignment of virological, epidemiological and clinical data in a real-time manner.", "\n\nSeveral public-domain databases are available for collecting influenza genetic and epidemiological information. ", "They include: (1) National Center for Biotechnology Information Influenza Virus Database (NCBI-IVD) \\[[@CR6]\\], (2) Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID-EpiFlu) \\[[@CR7]\\], and (3) Influenza Research Database (IRD) \\[[@CR8]\\]. ", "While NCBI-IVD provides the complete influenza viral sequences of gene segment across a wide range of years, GISAID-EpiFlu is recognized as a compelling mechanism for rapid sharing of partial or incomplete influenza viral sequences \\[[@CR9]\\]. ", "As for IRD, it contains human and mammalian influenza surveillance data as well as human clinical data associated with viruses, linking host surveillance data to well-characterized virus strains \\[[@CR8]\\].", "\n\nIn this paper, we reported on development of a new suite of integrated software including FluConvert and IniFlu for data processing and analysis. ", "FluConvert provides a series of automated packages to efficiently rearrange genetic data based on standard viral nomenclature \\[[@CR10]\\] and translate the nucleotide sequences into three possible polypeptides from 0, + 1, and + 2 open reading frames (ORF) after performing simultaneous multiple sequence alignments. ", "For IniFlu, it is programed to automatically select the correct ORF encoded from corresponding gene segment as well as the spliced isoforms (e.g. NS1, NS2 of NS gene; M1, M2 of M gene). ", "Possible accessory proteins (e.g. PB1-N40, PB2-S1, M42) that have been reported in the literatures \\[[@CR11]--[@CR13]\\] can also be selected by IniFlu. ", "The capability of IniFlu that integrates viral genetic information into clinical and epidemiological surveillance data with high efficiency provides a rapid comparison of variations in viral sequences with epidemiological significance. ", "To this end, we provide the results from analysis of H5N2 HPAI viruses defined by the presence of the hallmark amino acid motif (XRRKRR) at the cleavage site between HA1 and HA2 domains \\[[@CR14]\\]. ", "In addition to these multiple basis amino acid residues in the HA, we demonstrate that several other amino acid substitutions across different gene segments of H5N2 avian influenza viruses could be associated with the viral virulence and mammalian infections based on IniFlu-generated polygenic HPAI consensus signature. ", "This suggests that the data analysis platform we report here will be useful to identify novel mutations for risk assessment of AIVs with potential threat to animal and human health.", "\n\nMethods {#Sec2}\n=======\n\nInstallation of FluConvert and IniFlu {#Sec3}\n-------------------------------------\n\nBoth FluConvert and IniFlu are available for free download at <https://apps.flutures.com> or <https://github.com/chinrur/FluConvert_IniFlu>. ", "The programs can be automatically installed in a desktop computer after the user perform execution files which is found in downloaded folders. ", "The operating system of the computer requires Microsoft Windows 10 (version 1903 or later version) equipped with Microsoft Office 365 or Office Excel 2016 (or later version, 64-bit) for installation and Java 6 (or later, 64-bit) to perform each software. ", "When open FluConvert, the user will be asked to import data which have been pre-downloaded from NCBI-IVD or GISAID-EpiFlu (Step 1 of Fig.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}) following instructions provided on the website. ", "It will take minutes to hours to complete the process depending on the quantity of data entry. ", "Once FluSeed Dataset has been processed by FluConvert (Step 2 of Fig. [", "1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}), IAV sequences can be analyzed by IniFlu (Step 3 of Fig. [", "1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "We also include a detail step-by-step user's guide in Readme which can be found at <https://apps.flutures.com> website. ", "Fig. ", "1Workflows of data analysis executed by FluConvert and IniFlu. ", "The stepwise processes performed by FluConvert and IniFlu to identify novel signatures of emerging influenza viruses with increasing risk are described as follows. ", "Step 1: Viral sequences are obtained from the three databases (NCBI-IVD, GISAID-EpiFlu, and IRD). ", "Step 2: FluConvert rearranges viral strains by viral nomenclature and ensures data quality. ", "Viral sequences are further sorted into eight gene segments and translated into amino acid sequences. ", "Step 3: The module FluCS of IniFlu performs strain-based alignments of FluConvert-processed viral amino sequences. ", "The module FluCG of IniFlu regroups viral strains with epidemiological significant and computes a consensus sequence for each subgroup. ", "Finally, the subgroup-specific unique polygenic amino acid signatures can be simultaneously identified (see details in Fig. [", "3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"})\n\nFluConvert: a tool to process downloaded sequences {#Sec4}\n--------------------------------------------------\n\nFluConvert automatically processes downloaded sequence files (\\*.FASTA) using the command-line interface (CLI) by batch (shell) scripts operated in a Microsoft Windows environment. ", "It consequently performs (1) name and quality checking for downloaded sequences, (2) separation of sequences into eight gene segments, (3) multiple alignment of DNA sequences within clusters, (4) translation of DNA sequences into three possible polypeptides from ORF 0, + 1, and + 2, and (5) multiple alignment of amino acid sequences within clusters. ", "The functions of FluConvert are to unify the arrangement of genetic information and then to convert nucleotide sequences of cDNA to amino acid sequences for multiple alignment at the protein level.", "\n\n### Arrangement and quality checking for downloaded sequences {#Sec5}\n\nAll sequences downloaded from the NCBI-IVD and the GISAID-EpiFlu databases are rearranged according to the standard influenza viral nomenclature in the order of type, host, region, strain, year, and subtype within the parentheses \\[[@CR10]\\]. ", "Secondly, rearranged sequences are inspected, and the gene segments are deleted when they met any conditions in the \"excluding list\" generated for quality checking. ", "Entries retrieved from NCBI-IVD and GISAID-EpiFlu databases were deleted according to \"excluding list\" to remove duplicates, incomplete sequences, or those with error information. ", "Downloaded entries that are later saved to FluSeed Dataset have never been modified or corrected for any purposes. ", "This is to ensure that the information remains original and the features of genetic sequences are kept unaltered during FluConvert processing. ", "The three major error conditions of viral sequence information are: (1) lacking complete viral nomenclature, having mixed subtypes, belonging to lab strains or showing errata in public database records, (2) finding duplicate sequence records in any of the public databases, and (3) sequences longer than the expected lengths for different segments (e.g. PB1 \\> 2500 bp, PB2 \\> 2500 bp, PA \\> 2400 bp, HA \\> 1900 bp, NP \\> 1700 bp, NA \\> 1600 bp, M \\> 1150 bp, and NS \\> 1050 bp), or having redundant sequences or those containing more than 60 unknown nucleotides (denoted as 'n'). ", "Finally, all the sequences that had passed the excluding list's quality check without entering the excluding list were used to create a new dataset called the \"FluSeed Dataset\" and subjected to IniFlu analysis.", "\n\nAs noted, entries retrieved from these public domain databases have never been modified or corrected after downloading. ", "This ensures to keep information original and features of genetic sequences are not lost during FluConvert processing. ", "Moreover, FluSeed Dataset is used for IniFlu analysis and has never been intended to make publicly accessible.", "\n\n### Multiple sequence alignment and amino acid translation {#Sec6}\n\nThe genome of influenza A virus contains eight RNA segments. ", "Therefore, FluConvert first divides the genetic sequences in FluSeed Database into eight clusters by the MAFFT multiple sequence alignment program (version 7.429) with fast Fourier transform \\[[@CR15]\\]. ", "All sequences in each of the eight gene segments are then translated into three possible polypeptides from ORF 0, + 1, and + 2 by EMBOSS Transeq (version 6.5) \\[[@CR16]\\]. ", "Nucleotide sequences and amino acid sequences in each of the eight gene segments in the FluSeed Database are subject to multiple alignment by MAFFT again with different optimizing parameters based on sequence lengths and the numbers of viral strains or files \\[i.e. ", "L-INS-i (accurate) for alignment of \\<∼200 viral strains/files; FFT-NS-2 (fast) for alignment of \\<∼30,000 viral strains/files to obtain maximal efficiency; and PartTree (fast) for alignment of \\> ∼ 30,000 viral strains/files\\] \\[[@CR17]\\]. ", "Results of sequence alignments from the same ORF were saved as comma-delimited (csv) text files.", "\n\nIniFlu: a viral information viewer and analyzer {#Sec7}\n-----------------------------------------------\n\nIniFlu, a Visual Basic Application (VBA) program for Microsoft Office Excel 2019 worksheet, has a user-friendly graphical interface (GUI) to combine viral information, amino-acid sequences and epidemiological data for further analyses. ", "IniFlu has two modules, \"FluCS\" (which stands for \"Flu Cross-Segment alignment\") and \"FluCG\" (which stands for \"Flu Comparative Grouping\"). ", "FluCS matches the aligned sequences according to the standard viral nomenclature of the strains after encoding protein from ORF selection and alternative splicing. ", "FluCG visualizes different epidemiologically specific (such as time-, area-, host-, age-, gender-specific) consensus signatures obtained (shown in Fig.", " [4](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}), providing not only the clinical information of the viral sequences but also their epidemiological characteristics.", "\n\n### FluCS: strain-based amino acid sequence alignment {#Sec8}\n\nFluCS groups the amino-acid sequences of each gene segment according to FluSeed Dataset (Fig.", " [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}a). ", "FluCS is also programed to automatically select the correct ORF of each viral protein as well as the alternatively spliced isoforms. ", "Accessory proteins, e.g. PB1-N40, PB2-S1 and M42 \\[[@CR11]--[@CR13]\\] can be assigned to the viral segment group of PB1, PB2, and M, respectively. ", "PB1-F2 which is translated by a second ORF in the + 1 frame \\[[@CR11], [@CR18]\\] is selected and assigned to an independent group. ", "As a result, a total of 11 viral segment groups (PB1, PB2, PA, HA, NA, NP, M1, M2, NS1, NS2, and PB1-F2) is established for strain-based alignment (Fig. [", "2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}b, c). ", "The position of each residue is numbered based on the first methionine residue of that gene segment determined by FluCS (e.g. HA of H5N2 subtype is numbered by H5 numbering system) \\[[@CR19]\\]. ", "Fig. ", "2Schematic diagram of strain-based alignment approach. ", "Influenza viral sequences are aligned by FluCS as follows: **a** The FluSeed Dataset is constructed by quality-checked and rearranged viral sequences. ", "Blocks in different colors represent ten viral segments. ", "The size of each block corresponds to the length of the viral sequence originally retrieved. ", "Blocks in any color tagged with the same Arabic numbers are identified as the same strain. **", "b** Rearranged viral sequences are sorted into 11 protein clusters based on gene segments and well aligned within the cluster. ", "Aligned sequences are subjected correct ORF into PB2, PB1, PA, HA, NP, NA, M1, NS1, and PB1-F2. ", "M2 and NS2 are alternatively spliced proteins from M and NS ORF mRNAs, and respectively. **", "c** Delineated viral amino acid sequences are easily aligned based on standard influenza viral nomenclature. ", "The analysis platform provides benefits for multi-layer subgrouping based on epidemiological significance\n\n### FluCG: comparative sequence analysis {#Sec9}\n\nFluCG chooses the most representative amino acid at each residue of a particular gene segment by computing the most frequent amino acid among all strains within the studied subgroup. ", "If there are more than two amino acids occurring at the same frequency, one is chosen by alphabetic order. ", "Residues that appear at stop codons or deleted codons are marked. ", "Through this process, the consensus sequence can be created for a particular subgroup \\[[@CR20]\\]. ", "The unique residues in each subgroup can also be identified by aligning two consensus sequences and are called \"consensus signatures\". ", "All the unique amino acids appearing at each residue of the consensus signature are thoroughly examined and compared to verify the unique amino acid is present only in the particular subgroup. ", "Finally, all possible 20 amino acids, stop codons, and deletions are all examined and presented in a substitution table (as Fig.", " [5](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nResults {#Sec10}\n=======\n\nInfluenza viral sequences and data processing {#Sec11}\n---------------------------------------------\n\nThe genetic sequences and epidemiological information of influenza viruses in one public domain database are not properly linked to the other. ", "To maximize the information coverage for a particular AIV subtype for further analysis, we have developed the FluConvert program to combine all data available from these databases and automatically process them in one format. ", "Viral sequences that had passed quality check after excluding incomplete or erroneous ones to ensure correct genetic information are used for constituting the FluSeed Dataset. ", "Sequences in the FluSeed are subsequently rearranged to standard nomenclature in the order of influenza virus of type/host/region/strain/year (HxNy subtype) and segregated into eight gene segments. ", "Amino acid sequences are translated from nucleotide sequences for alignment (Fig. [", "1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nViral strain-based sequence alignment {#Sec12}\n-------------------------------------\n\nContinuous mutations in HPAI A (H5) viruses have been attributed to outbreaks at poultry farms and sporadic human infections \\[[@CR21]\\]. ", "Since mutations can occur across several gene segments in the genome of AIVs, multiple alignments for all viral strains based on the subgroup of interest (i.e. host, region, year, a particular residue, etc.) ", "rather than by gene segment (i.e. HA, NA, PB2, etc.) ", "will be useful to identify multiple amino acid types associated with viral pathogenicity in animals or the potential risk for human infections. ", "To achieve the goal, we have developed the IniFlu platform to integrate the processed viral sequences, clinical and epidemiological information into the FluSeed Dataset. ", "IniFlu can function to present all the information imported from FluSeed in worksheet outputs for visual cross-segment examinations simultaneously. ", "Once all of the viral strain information is correctly arranged by FluCS, strain-based alignment can be quickly performed as illustrated in Fig. [", "2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\nIdentification of polygenic consensus signatures {#Sec13}\n------------------------------------------------\n\nGenetic evolution of zoonotic influenza viruses is a polygenic trait. ", "Amino acid substitutions or mutations at species-associated signature positions may increase viral pathogenicity or mammalian adaptation in a broader host range \\[[@CR22]\\]. ", "Since such mutations are not limited to one gene and can simultaneously occur in multiple gene segments, identification of the polygenic consensus signatures for a particular subgroup of viral strains offers an opportunity to monitor the changing landscape of AIVs over time with epidemiological significance. ", "The module FluCG of IniFlu can quickly group viral strains into different subgroups and deduce the consensus sequence of each subgroup by computing and determining the most representative (i.e. most frequent) amino acid at each position of the whole genome, which can differentiate between the compared subgroups. ", "All unique amino acid residues represented in the subgroup constitute the polygenic consensus signature (Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Fig. ", "3Identification of group-specific polygenic consensus signatures by FluCG. ", "The polygenic consensus signatures are determined as follows: **a** FluCG groups viral strains into different subgroups (e.g. RETR and RRKR groups). ", "The consensus sequence of each subgroup is determined by computing a table of 20 amino-acid substitutions to choose the most representative amino acid at each position of the whole genome. ", "The stop codon is denoted as \"X\" and the deleted residue is denoted as \"-\". **", "b** One consensus sequence from each subgroup is determined. **", "c** FluCG aligns two group consensus sequences and identifies the signature that is unique, to distinguish between the two consensus sequences. **", "d** Text in different colors represents different proteins that compose the polygenic consensus signatures\n\nPolygenic consensus signatures of the HPAI H5N2 viruses {#Sec14}\n-------------------------------------------------------\n\nDuplicate entries of downloaded influenza viral genetic sequences could possibly occur when (1) the entry was submitted to both NCBI-IVD and GISAID-EpiFlu databases, (2) the entry was submitted to one database more than once, or (3) data entries imported from NCBI-IVD co-existed in GISAID-EpiFlu database. ", "To obtain the accurate count of H5N2 virus strains downloaded from different public domain databases, FluConvert is programmed to automatically remove duplicate entries. ", "Only one copy of the gene segment of a single virus strain is kept in FluSeed Dataset.", "\n\nAs of July 1, 2017, the H5N2 FluSeed Dataset was comprised of a total of 6746 (6443 + 303 = 6746) unique gene segments that belong to 1151 (1099 + 52 = 1151) H5N2 viruses. ", "Amongst which, 6443 gene segments of 1099 H5N2 strains were downloaded from NCBI-IVD and 303 segments of 52 H5N2 strains were downloaded from GISAID-EpiFlu, respectively. ", "Qualified genetic sequences were rearranged by FluConvert to unify the nomenclature format. ", "Corresponding epidemiological information and clinical data for each strain were integrated through the IniFlu platform. ", "Since several studies have demonstrated that the presence of multiple basic amino acids at the cleavage site between HA1 and HA2 junctional sequence is a hallmark for increasing viral pathogenicity and virulence in the avian host and humans \\[[@CR14]\\], we compared the molecular signature in the H5N2 viral strains with (RRKR group) or without (RETR group) polybasic residues at the cleavage site in the HA gene. ", "The earliest record of H5N2 viruses was reported in 1972 and all of the 470 strains isolated during 1972--2008 appeared to have RETR sequence motif at the HA cleavage site. ", "H5N2 viruses with the RRKR sequence motif in the HA only appeared after year 2009. ", "To avoid bias towards evolutionary perspective, we excluded H5N2 viruses that were isolated before 2008 and only kept the H5N2 viruses isolated from year 2009 to 2016 in the H5N2 FluSeed Dataset for consensus signature analysis of both groups. ", "As a result, there were 165 strains of H5N2 viruses with RETR marker and 138 strains with RRKR marker.", "\n\nThe consensus sequence analysis by FluCG identified 247 unique amino acid residues differentially presented between RRKR and RETR groups in the whole genome of H5N2 AIVs. ", "Since these unique residues were present across several viral segments, we wanted to know which gene segment might present the most unique residues that may distinguish H5N2 viruses with the REKR marker from those RRKR. ", "Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"} shows the frequencies of the characteristic substitutions that occurred at a particular gene segment. ", "We found that NS1 had the highest substitutions (*N* = 69, 30%), followed by HA (*N* = 77, 13.53%), and PB1-F2 (*N* = 8, 8.89%). ", "There were much less substitutions in NP (*N* = 1, 0.2%) and PB1 (N = 1, 0.13%) of H5N2 viruses (Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Table 1The 247 residues differentially occurring between RRKR and RETR consensus signatures are polygenicInfluenza viral proteinsPB2PB1PAHANPNAM1M2NS1NS2PB1-F2**Segment size**^**a**^7637577295694994752719923012190**No. ", "of consensus signatures between groups**^**b**^**(%)**20 (2.62)1 (0.13)23 (3.16)77 (13.53)1 (0.2)18 (3.79)15 (5.54)8 (8.08)69 (30)7 (5.79)8 (8.89)^a^: The H5N2 viral genome is composed of 4603 amino acid residues divided into 11 viral proteins. ", "The size of each segment is indicated by the number of residues as shown^b^: Unique amino acid residues are identified by comparing the consensus sequences between the two studied subgroups. ", "Numbers shown are the counts of the characteristic residues in each viral protein. ", "The variations in each viral protein are expressed by the percentage of unique residues indicated in the parentheses\n\nTo investigate what substitution at a particular residue or residues could be associated with the RRKR phenotype, the polygenic consensus signatures determined from the constellation of the 247 distinct residues as described in Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"} were further analyzed (Fig. [", "4](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In search of information on amino acid substitutions in the influenza viruses that are associated with increased viral virulence or drug resistance \\[[@CR23]\\] reported in the public domain database IRD-SFVT (Sequence Feature Variant Types) by IniFlu analysis, we found that substitutions in HA, including T124I, D142E, E228K, P233S, V336S in HA, G631S in PA that are related to increasing pathogenicity \\[[@CR24]--[@CR26]\\] were present in the RRKR signature. ", "Other variations in the HA of the RRKR signature involved in the increase of α-2.6 receptor binding in mammalian cells such as S139P, S145L, S149A, and I226V \\[[@CR27]--[@CR30]\\] were also found in our analysis. ", "Notably, the fact that IniFlu identified the substitution of S31N in the M2 of the RRKR signature suggests that H5N2 HPAI may have a decreased sensitivity to amantadine and rimantadine \\[[@CR31]\\] (Fig. [", "4](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "All of the unique 11 consensus signatures were re-examined and verified from FluCG-generated substitution table (Fig. [", "5](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Taken together, IniFlu can identify additional substitutions across the gene segments of H5N2 that are highly associated with viral pathogenicity and/or antiviral drug resistance. ", "Fig. ", "4Polygenic consensus signatures of H5N2 RRKR and RETR subgroups. ", "A total of 247 residues across 11 protein segments of H5N2 AIVs obtained from the years 2009 to 2016 are identified from the differences between the RRKR and RETR subgroups. ", "Polygenic consensus signatures for each group are shown by the constellation of the 247 unique amino acid residues across different protein segments (distinguished by colors). ", "The residue positions at each protein are shown as numbers. ", "Of the 247 residues in the consensus signature, 11 evidence-based residues documented in the literature are listed in the enlarged letters with darkened colorsFig. ", "5Establishment of polygenic consensus signatures of RRKR and RETR groups of H5N2 AIVs. ", "To further confirm that each residue in the RRKR signature is unique compared with that in the RETR signature, the percentage of the most predominant amino acid (top two rows) at the corresponding position (the 3rd row) derived from the 11 evidence-based residues were re-examined by inspecting the FluCG-generated worksheet. ", "As is shown, the percentages of the predominant amino acids in each signature range from greater than 69.12 to 95.65%\n\nDiscussion {#Sec15}\n==========\n\nInfluenza is an important disease in humans and animals. ", "The 13,588-base-pair RNA genome segregated into eight gene segments continues to mutate randomly at 2 × 10^− 6^ mutations per site per infectious cycle \\[[@CR32]\\]. ", "The high activity in the reassortment of segmented influenza viral genes derived from different host species has posed a great threat to public health. ", "Numerous tools have been developed to analyze influenza genetic sequences to monitor the changes and evolution of these viruses over time in nature. ", "In this study, we have added two integrated analysis tools, FluConvert and IniFlu, to the endeavor.", "\n\nSeveral analysis tools for IAV genetic sequences are available online to determine antigenic characteristics of IAVs based on the genomic sequences of a particular gene segment and associated epidemiological information. ", "Here we compare a recently published program FluPhenotype \\[[@CR33]\\] with IniFlu. ", "FluPhenotype is a web-based tool. ", "Briefly, IAVs amino acid markers associated with human adaptation, enhanced virulence, and drug resistance, etc. ", "that have been reported in the literatures are captured to the Data list of FluPhenotype. ", "The input genetic sequences of IAVs are mapped with the list and the antigenic characteristics of the IAVs of interest are rapidly determined. ", "FluPhenotype also has the capacity to predict IAV HA subtype and viral hosts based on the input genomic or protein sequences \\[[@CR33]\\]. ", "Although the Data list used in FluPhenotype is reportedly updated every half a year, any newly identified or undefined molecular markers that have not been made available in the literature would not be captured and mapped in a timely manner \\[[@CR33]\\].", "\n\nIn comparison with FluPhenotype, FluConvert is used to sort IAV genetic entries that are downloaded from different public domain databases into eight gene segments based on the name of the gene segment (e.g. PB2, PB1, PA, ... etc.). ", "FluConvert subsequently rearranges the information tagged to each entry according to the standard IAV nomenclature in the order of type, host, region, strain, year, and subtype, thereby assigning a unique name to each virus. ", "Therefore, gene segments that have the same name will be grouped as one strain. ", "The capability of FluConvert that determines the correct protein sequences encoded by each viral gene segment and their spliced isoforms as well as accessory proteins results in 11 viral protein clusters in the FluSeed Dataset for strain-based alignment by FluCS.", "\n\nSince FluCS can align a larger number of viral strains at one time, it saves time on cross-referring of each genetic sequence in NCBI-IVD/GISAID-EpiFlu by accession number. ", "Additionally, the ability of FluConvert to combine information between databases can collect all available influenza genetic data as much as possible by avoiding the exclusion from incomplete information in the depository database. ", "Data in the FluSeed Dataset can be maintained up to date by downloading newly depository of influenza viral genetic data in public domain databases by users.", "\n\nThere are two advantages of IniFlu-performed strain-based alignment and consensus sequence analysis. ", "First, genetic sequences of a viral strain lacking eight complete gene segments can be compared and included for consensus sequence analysis. ", "Second, once the information is properly aligned, sequence data can be easily re-grouped for a generating group-specific consensus sequence. ", "As a result, polygenic consensus signatures composed of unique molecular positions across all gene segments that are associated with a particular phenotype will be determined. ", "As demonstrated from the analysis of the sample H5N2 FluSeed Dataset by comparing the group-specific polygenic consensus signatures between the RRKR and the RETR groups, we identified that at least 247 positions of the total 303 H5N2 AIV strains from 2009 to 2016 were able to differentiate these two groups, and 11 of these substitutions have been experimentally demonstrated for the significance in crossing over between host species (e.g. S139P, S145L, S149A, and I226V in HA) \\[[@CR27]--[@CR30]\\], antiviral drug amantadine and rimantadine resistance (S31N in M2) \\[[@CR31]\\] or increasing viral pathogenesis (e.g. T124I, D142E, E228K, P233S, and V336S in HA, and G631S in PA) \\[[@CR24]--[@CR26]\\]. ", "Although there have not been reports of fatal human cases of H5N2, human infection of this AIV subtype have occurred, as documented in seroepidemiological studies \\[[@CR34], [@CR35]\\]. ", "These substitutions together with those residues involved in enhancing receptor binding to mammalian cells \\[[@CR14]\\] have suggested the potential threat to human health caused by H5N2 AIV strains with an RRKR phenotype.", "\n\nTaken together, we reported the newly developed analysis tools FluConvert and IniFlu, which exhibit high capacity and efficiency in data processing, analyzing, and combining large amounts of the most comprehensive influenza viral information retrieved from different public domain databases without making any modifications on downloaded genetic information. ", "These tools not only provide a versatile and rapid platform for real-time analysis to determine consensus sequences, but also identify molecular markers with high pathogenicity in chickens as well as with interspecies transmission to humans. ", "FluConvert and IniFlu are particularly useful in risk assessment by monitoring and analyzing the increasing trends of important amino acids of many animal influenza viruses with pandemic potential. ", "While IniFlu is first designed for type A influenza viruses, the software can easily adapt to investigate other emerging viruses with appropriate modifications on the worksheet template. ", "The software reported in this study provides a useful tool for rapidly identifying molecular signatures with virological, epidemiological and clinical significance.", "\n\nConclusions {#Sec16}\n===========\n\nThe rapid evolution of H5 AIVs in Asia has increased the threat in agricultural safety and human health. ", "The timely monitoring in the changes of AIV that have increasing risk are important for public health-policy makers. ", "FluConvert and IniFlu reported in this study are demonstrated for their efficiency in combining and analyzing virological, epidemiological and clinical information from different public domain databases. ", "Finally, identification of polygenic signature for AIVs with high risk instead of variations at one single gene segment of influenza viruses will be beneficial to assist a better risk assessment to prevent pandemic influenza.", "\n\nAvailability and requirements {#Sec17}\n=============================\n\n**Project name**: FluConvert_IniFlu\n\n**Project home page**: [https://apps.flutures.com](https://apps.flutures.com/) or <https://github.com/chinrur/FluConvert_IniFlu>\n\n**Operating system(s)**: Microsoft Windows 10 or later version (64-bit)\n\n**Programming language**: Batch (shell) scripts and VBA 7.1\n\n**Other requirements**: Microsoft Office Excel 365 or Excel 2016 or later version (64-bit); Java 6 or higher version\n\n**License**: MIT License.", "\n\n**Any restrictions to use by non-academics**: No restrictions on use by non-academics.", "\n\nAIV\n\n: avian influenza virus\n\nCLI\n\n: command-line interface\n\nEMBOSS\n\n: The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite\n\nFluCG\n\n: Flu Comparative Grouping\n\nFluCS\n\n: Flu Cross-Segment alignment\n\nGISAID\n\n: Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data\n\nGUI\n\n: graphical interface\n\nHPAI\n\n: highly pathogenic avian influenza\n\nIAV\n\n: influenza A virus\n\nIRD\n\n: Influenza Research Database\n\nIVD\n\n: Influenza Virus Database\n\nMAFFT\n\n: multiple sequence alignment program with fast Fourier transform\n\nNCBI\n\n: National Center for Biotechnology Information\n\nORF\n\n: open-reading-frame\n\nVBA\n\n: Visual Basic Application\n\nWHO\n\n: World Health Organization\n\n**Publisher's Note**\n\nSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.", "\n\nWe express our special thanks to Dr. Hsiang-Hsuan Sung at the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, College of Medicine, National Defense Medical Center (NDMC), Taiwan for his insights in initiating the project.", "\n\nCRY created the software, carried out the analysis and drafted the manuscript; CCK designed epidemiological study; LYL validated the software and substantially revised the writing in Methods; CCK interpreted the data and was a major contributor in writing the manuscript. ", "All authors read and approved the manuscript.", "\n\nCRY was the recipient of the fellowship from the Sustainability Science Research Program, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (grant no. ", "AS-SS-106-04-4). ", "Grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (MOST 107--2320-B-002-008;108--2320-B-002-038) supported research-related logistic expenses and publication fees. ", "None of the funding body plays any role in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript.", "\n\nThe H5N2 Dataset generated and analyzed during the current study are available in the NCBI-IVD (<https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/FLU/>) and GISAID-EpiFlu databases (<https://www.gisaid.org/>). ", "These analysis tools are not intended for use in public domain but only for processing data retrieved from public databases. ", "Their use would not breach the data access agreement of GISAID. ", "Abiding by GISAID-EpiFlu Database Access Agreement, these tools will not generate new database for public access or make any annotation, correction, or modification of data submitted to GIASID EpiFlu Database.", "\n\nNot applicable.", "\n\nNot applicable.", "\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n" ]
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[ "Swimming at the 2013 Southeast Asian Games – Women's 400 metre freestyle\n\nThe Women's 400 metre freestyle event at the 2013 Southeast Asian Games took place on 13 December 2013 at Wunna Theikdi Aquatics Centre.", "\n\nThere were 11 competitors from 6 countries who took part in this event. ", "Two heats were held. ", "The heat in which a swimmer competed did not formally matter for advancement, as the swimmers with the top eight times from both field qualified for the finals.", "\n\nSchedule\nAll times are Myanmar Standard Time (UTC+06:30)\n\nRecords\n\nResults\n\nHeats\n\nFinal\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:Swimming at the 2013 Southeast Asian Games\nCategory:2013 in women's swimming" ]
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[ "We sit down with Xbox Entertainment Studio Chief Elan Lee to talk about the upcoming Xbox One the potential it holds for in-game storytelling Interview from Power to the Pixel 2013 Cross-Media Forum, 15-18th October @ BFI, London with thanks to Power to the Pixel" ]
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[ "Optical proteolytic beacons for in vivo detection of matrix metalloproteinase activity.", "\nThe exuberant expression of proteinases by tumor cells has long been associated with the breakdown of the extracellular matrix, tumor invasion, and metastasis to distant organs. ", "There are both epidemiological and experimental data that support a causative role for proteinases of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family in tumor progression. ", "Optical imaging techniques provide an extraordinary opportunity for noninvasive \"molecular imaging\" of tumor-associated proteolytic activity. ", "The application of optical proteolytic beacons for the detection of specific proteinase activities associated with tumors has several potential purposes: (1) Detection of small, early-stage tumors with increased sensitivity due to the catalytic nature of proteolytic activity, (2) diagnosis and prognosis to distinguished tumors that require particularly aggressive therapy or those that will not benefit from therapy, (3) identification of tumors appropriate for specific antiproteinase therapeutics and optimization of drug and dose based on determination of target modulation, and (4) as an indicator of efficacy of proteolytically activated prodrugs. ", "This chapter describes the synthesis, characterization, and application of reagents that use visible and near infrared fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) fluorophore pairs to detect and measure MMP-referable proteolytic activity in tumors in mouse models of cancer." ]
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[ "The Empire ReLoader started life as\nthe ReLoad kit. ", "This kit was offered by National Paintball Supply\nas an upgrade for ViewLoader Revolution loaders. ", "While a ReLoad upgraded\nRevy was still an agitating loader, the ReLoad’s electronic board changed\nwhat activated the loader’s motor. ", "Instead of waiting for a jam to\nhappen, and detecting it by a lack of paintballs in the neck, the ReLoad\nelectronics were pro-active. ", "An on-board microphone detected the\nsound of the paintgun shooting, and activated the agitator, causing the\npaintballs to be stirred up in the loader every time a shot was fired.", "\n\nThe ReLoad kit soon found its way into\na complete loader, and was made available as the ReLoader, which put the\nReLoad electronics in a familiar kidney shaped loader body, available in\nclear, smoke or black. ", "In the Fall of 2004 National released the\nnext generation of the ReLoader, under the Empire brand name – the Reloader\n2.", "\n\nAt\nfirst glance, the change in the ReLoader’s shape is obvious. ", "While\nthe basic kidney shape is there, it is now hidden under smooth curves.", "\nEvery structural edge has been smoothed with fillets (a smooth interior\ncorner shape.) ", "From an engineering standpoint, this means that places\nwhere components come together, like the feedneck to the body, and the\nbattery and motor housing to the body will have greater strength when made\nfrom the same materials as a similar design with squared off corners.", "\n\nThe ReLoader 2’s feed neck is rather\nthick, and will likely need sanding to fit into tighter paintgun feed necks\nor elbows. ", "During testing for review, it even required a bit of twisting\nto fit into a Fireball Mountain clamping feed neck which was fully open.", "\n\nThe\nnext immediate difference comes in the lid. ", "Most paintball hoppers\nrely on two things for lid closure. ", "One or two springs bias the lid\nto flip shut when released, and friction between parts of the lid and body\nhelp it stay snapped shut, or all the way open. ", "While these design\nconcepts have worked well for years, they do suffer a couple of disadvantages.", "\nThe springs used are often small, and a bit tricky to keep aligned properly\nwhile assembling a loader. ", "Also the lips and protrusions that cause\nthe lid to snap onto the body, and snap into the open position can wear\nover time and use, becoming less effective.", "\n\nFrom\na manufacturing point of view, the snap fit lid can require a significant\namount of time and expense to achieve. ", "In order to take into account\nshrinkage of the material, the injection molds in which the loader is made,\nmay need to be modified several times to get the lids and loaders they\nmake to fit just right. ", "National’s design team addressed these\nshortcomings by thinking outside the box. ", "Instead of a spring, small\npowerful magnets were added to the lid and at key points inside the body.", "\nWhen the lid is closed, two pairs of magnets on either side near the back,\nkeep it secure. ", "When it is opened a magnet in its connecting neck\ngrabs onto a magnet in the top of the loader body, holding it in place.", "\n\nThe lid and fill opening themselves\nare nearly perpendicular to the feed neck. ", "This means that the loader\ncan be open, and in the process of being reloaded while the paintgun is\nstill up and firing.", "\n\nAnother,\nnot quite as obvious design feature is the battery compartment door.", "\nThe ReLoader 2 is powered by a pair of 9-volt batteries, and in testing\nfor review, it fared well on both Energizer alkaline batteries and Powerex\nNiMH rechargeable batteries. ", "The battery door is very familiar in\nshape to the Revolution door, but rather than sliding out of the body toward\nthe back, it slides forward on a closed track. ", "This set up greatly\nreduces the chance of a lost battery door stopping a day’s play.", "\n\nThe\nReLoader 2’s power switch is a simple push button, complimented by a red\nlight emitting diode (LED) used to indicate operation and a low battery\ncondition. ", "Pressing the button turns on the loader, an event which\nis signaled by a spin of the motor, and flash of the LED. ", "Holding\nthe button down for about a second and a half results in the LED activating,\nand staying on until the button is released. ", "This is how the ReLoader\n2 signals that it is being turned off. ", "In a low battery situation,\nthe LED flashes, but a small curved guard makes this difficult for an opponent\nto see from the front.", "\n\nSince the ReLoader electronics are sound\nactivated, the loader will not run itself until empty when not in use on\na paintgun. ", "Many players re-bag or pod spare paint by running their\nloader off-gun. ", "In order to empty the loader, or to make sure there\nis not a ball jam without shooting, a quick press of the loader’s button\nwhile it is on activates the motor in a pulse lasting about one second.", "\n\nOn\nthe inside, the ReLoader features a six-pronged semi-rigid agitator.", "\nWhile the loader body lacks a catch cup like most sorting loaders, paintballs\nhave a tendency to fall between the arms of the agitator and be guided\nstraight to the feed neck.", "\n\nThe big question with loaders is always,\n“how fast will it feed?” ", "To find the answer, the Reloader 2 was run\non the WARPIG Ballistic Labs hopper test stand. ", "The ReLoader 2 was\nloaded with 100 DraXxus Hellfire paintballs. ", "A stand mounted Matrix\nLCD was electronically triggered in 10 round bursts at selected rates of\nfire, with the painballs fired without a barrel, into a catch box for counting,\nand to confirm that they had fed without chopping. ", "Three bursts of\n10 shots were fired at each rate, with the rate of fire increasing until\nthe hopper failed to feed all 10 shots on at least two of the three tries.", "\n\n10 bps\n\n11 bps\n\n12 bps\n\n10\n\n10\n\n10\n\n10\n\n10\n\n10\n\n10\n\n10\n\n10\n\n13 bps\n\n14 bps\n\n15 bps\n\n10\n\n10\n\n10\n\n10\n\n9\n\n10\n\n7\n\n7\n\n6\n\nStarting\nat a rate of 10 balls per second and increasing the rate by one ball per\nsecond after each set of three trials, the ReLoader 2 operated properly\nup through thirteen balls per second. ", "At 14 balls per second only\nnine balls fed on one of the trials, while all 10 fed on the other two,\nskipping one ball out of 30. ", "At 15 balls per second, the loader fed\n7, 7, and then 6 balls, skipping a total of 10 shots out of thirty.", "\n\nThe ReLoader 2 combines the original\nReLoad sound activation technology with a new loader shape, innovative\nhatches, and high speed agitating loader performance." ]
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[ "Heavy traffic jams were reported in these areas due to the protest march.", "\n\nSeveral trade unions representing the private sector and the government sector participated in the march while members of the Inter University Student Federation also took part in the march today.", "\n\nSpeaking during the protest staged in front of Fort Railway Station, the Government Nursing Officers Association President Saman Rathnapriya demanded the government and the ministers to stop the curtailment of education and extend the course up to four years." ]
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[ "Sacha Lima\n\nSacha Silvestre Lima Castedo (born 17 August 1981 in Santa Ana del Yacuma) is a Bolivian football midfielder that currently plays as midfielder for The Strongest in the Liga de Fútbol Profesional Boliviano.", "\n\nClub career\nIn 2000, Lima began playing professionally for Club Jorge Wilstermann. ", "That year he helped the team win the national championship. ", "In 2004, he was loaned to Real Potosí, but returned to Wilstermann the following year. ", "During 2006, he was part of squad which crowned themselves as champions of the \"segundo torneo\". ", "In 2008, he signed with The Strongest, but played there for one season since the board and the new manager agreed to rebuild the franchise and releasing nearly the entire roster, Lima included. ", "In 2009, he joined Universitario de Sucre, team for which he also played in Copa Libertadores. ", "From 2011 will be player in The Strongest.", "\n\nInternational career\nSince 2004, Lima has been called up to the Bolivia national team in 11 occasions. ", "He was a member of the Bolivian squad during the Copa America 2007. ", "He represented his country in 2 FIFA World Cup qualification matches.", "\n\nHonours\n\nClub\n Wilstermann\n Liga de Fútbol Profesional Boliviano: 2000, 2006 (ST)\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n \n \n \n\nCategory:1981 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:People from Beni Department\nCategory:Association football midfielders\nCategory:Bolivian footballers\nCategory:Bolivia international footballers\nCategory:Bolivian Primera División players\nCategory:C.D. Jorge Wilstermann players\nCategory:Club Real Potosí players\nCategory:The Strongest players\nCategory:Universitario de Sucre footballers" ]
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[ "# Copyright 2013-2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other\n# Spack Project Developers. ", "See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.", "\n#\n# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)\n\nfrom spack import *\n\n\nclass Astra(Package):\n \"\"\"A Space Charge Tracking Algorithm.\"\"\"", "\n\n homepage = \"http://www.desy.de/~mpyflo/\"\n\n version('2020-02-03',\n sha256='ca9ee7d3d369f9040fbd595f57f3153f712d789b66385fd2d2de88a69a774b83',\n expand=False,\n url='http://www.desy.de/~mpyflo/Astra_for_64_Bit_Linux/Astra')\n\n # no longer available?", "\n # version('2016-11-30',\n # sha256='50738bf924724e2dd15f1d924b290ffb0f7c703e5d5ae02ffee2db554338801e',\n # expand=False,\n # url='http://www.desy.de/~mpyflo/Astra_for_64_Bit_Linux/Astra')\n\n variant('gui', default=False, description='Install plotting/gui tools')\n\n resource(name='generator', url='http://www.desy.de/~mpyflo/Astra_for_64_Bit_Linux/generator',\n sha256='d31cf9fcfeb90ce0e729d8af628caf4a23f7e588a3d412d5b19241e8c684e531',\n expand=False,\n placement='generator')\n resource(name='postpro', url='http://www.desy.de/~mpyflo/Astra_for_64_Bit_Linux/postpro',\n sha256='f47efb14748ce1da62bcd33c9411482bee89bcab75b28a678fc764db0c21ee8d',\n expand=False,\n when='+gui',\n placement='postpro')\n resource(name='fieldplot', url='http://www.desy.de/~mpyflo/Astra_for_64_Bit_Linux/fieldplot',\n sha256='89df1da96bfd9f165fa148b84376af558e6633ab2dda837273706143ff863c96',\n expand=False,\n when='+gui',\n placement='fieldplot')\n resource(name='lineplot', url='http://www.desy.de/~mpyflo/Astra_for_64_Bit_Linux/lineplot',\n sha256='d2d5702be9cb3d96391c6a0ca37366d580ced1f0f722fb33a6039ad7fd43b69a',\n expand=False,\n when='+gui',\n placement='lineplot')\n resource(name='pgxwin_server', url='http://www.desy.de/~mpyflo/Astra_for_64_Bit_Linux/pgxwin_server',\n sha256='d2d5702be9cb3d96391c6a0ca37366d580ced1f0f722fb33a6039ad7fd43b69a',\n expand=False,\n when='+gui',\n placement='pgxwin_server')\n\n depends_on('libxcb', when='+gui')\n depends_on('libx11', when='+gui')\n\n def install(self, spec, prefix):\n mkdir(prefix.bin)\n install('Astra', prefix.bin)\n install('generator/generator', prefix.bin)\n if spec.satisfies('+gui'):\n install('postpro/postpro', prefix.bin)\n install('fieldplot/fieldplot', prefix.bin)\n install('lineplot/lineplot', prefix.bin)\n install('pgxwin_server/pgxwin_server', prefix.bin)\n\n chmod = which('chmod')\n chmod('+x', join_path(prefix.bin, 'Astra'))\n chmod('+x', join_path(prefix.bin, 'generator'))\n if spec.satisfies('+gui'):\n chmod('+x', join_path(prefix.bin, 'postpro'))\n chmod('+x', join_path(prefix.bin, 'fieldplot'))\n chmod('+x', join_path(prefix.bin, 'lineplot'))\n chmod('+x', join_path(prefix.bin, 'pgxwin_server'))\n" ]
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[ "Minted Sky Studios, creator of “US vs UK English“, the successful online English learning tool, announced today their new iOS application called VR English. ", "VR English is an education app that is powered by Minted Sky’s wildly successful REAL-LIFE conversation training system. ", "The ultimate goal of the new app is to help English as a… Read more »\n\nThis new animated video was made to help our little explorers enjoy learning about the planets to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. ", "The little red rocket blasts into space to explore the solar system and beyond. ", "Made for KidsPowerTV.com, moderated for kids, with videos kids like to watch that are fun and safe.", "\n\nThis is great little mobile application that helps people get the latest PowerBall numbers quickly. ", "Additionally, the view uses a large font and mobile-friendly styling to make it easy to read right from your internet connected smartphone. ", "http://winnum.net\n\nFor example, if you wish to hide or show a textbox based on if a checkbox is selected: HTML: <input id=”showTextbox” type=”checkbox” /> <textarea id=”textbox”></textarea> JS if($(“#showTextbox”).is(‘:checked’)) $(“#textbox”).show(); // checked else $(“#textbox”).hide(); // unchecked\n\nIntroducing KidsPowerTV, the new website and Youtube Channel designed for kids. ", "We are starting with fun, easy going, entertaining videos to help parents teach and young children to learn fundamental knowledge. ", "Our first video illustrates our style of fun, relaxing, and designed with young people in mind.", "\n\nEver see an ad that didn’t fill the whole space it was intended for? ", "Then the extra space changes an awful shade of yellow? ", "Finally, the answer to this problem is as easy as adding a line of CSS. ", "Change the background color of the ins element in CSS to match the background color of… Read more »\n\nSometimes when I create a link, the cursor doesn’t change to a hand to help the user understand they can click on element. ", "Thus, its helpful to have the cursor change to a hand on hover. ", "No need for javascript or jquery here, you can easily implement the effect with CSS. ", "The CSS .myElement:hover {… Read more »" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhere do i have to put input file in eclipse(java) in order to write into it\n\nI am trying to enter data into a text file from a java program. ", "The program is executing and showing the output as success but when i open the text file it is still blank. ", "\nHere is my code\npackage com.example.ex2;\n\nimport java.io.*; ", " \nclass Input{ \n public static void main(String args[]){ \n try{ \n FileOutputStream fout=new FileOutputStream(\"abc.txt\"); \n String s=\"Good MOrning\"; \n\n byte b[]=s.getBytes(); \n fout.write(b); \n\n fout.close(); \n\n System.out.println(\"success...\"); \n }catch(Exception e){\n\n System.out.println(e);} \n } \n}\n\nI think i have gone wrong in placing the text file. ", "I have placed it in the default directory.", "\n\nA:\n\nYour code works fine. ", "Check the correct file.", "\nIf you are running from IDE, it will be in the current working directory.", "\nIt is always better to your a temp or directory to store files ( certainly not in working dir)\nHere is a best practice code. ", "You can tune it further if you wish\npublic static void main(String args[])\n {\n FileOutputStream fout = null;\n try\n {\n File f = new File(\"abc.txt\");\n if (!", "f.isFile())\n f.createNewFile();\n fout = new FileOutputStream(f);\n String s = \"Good MOrning\";\n\n byte b[] = s.getBytes();\n fout.write(b);\n\n System.out.println(\"success... printed at : \" + f.getAbsolutePath());\n } catch (Exception e)\n {\n System.out.println(e);\n } finally\n {\n if (null !", "= fout)\n try\n {\n fout.close();\n } catch (IOException e)\n {\n }\n }\n }\n\n" ]
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[ "Winter is coming! ", "The ‘GAME OF THRONES’ stars and more celebs brought their A-game to Season 7 premiere red carpet at the Walt Disney Concert Hall Wednesday, July 12, in L.A. – see all the styles!" ]
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[ "In the new issue of Regulation, economist Pierre Lemieux argues that the recent oil price decline is at least partly the result of increased supply from the extraction of shale oil. ", "The increased supply allows the economy to produce more goods, which benefits some people, if not all of them. ", "Thus, contrary to some commentary in the press, cheaper oil prices cannot harm the economy as a whole.", "\n\nTwo long wars, chronic deficits, the financial crisis, the costly drug war, the growth of executive power under Presidents Bush and Obama, and the revelations about NSA abuses, have given rise to a growing libertarian movement in our country – with a greater focus on individual liberty and less government power. ", "David Boaz’s newly released The Libertarian Mind is a comprehensive guide to the history, philosophy, and growth of the libertarian movement, with incisive analyses of today’s most pressing issues and policies.", "\n\nSearch form\n\nTag: college cost\n\nA study from the American Institutes of Research finds that federal and state governments have wasted billions of dollars on subsidies for students who didn’t make it past their first year in college. ", "The federal total for first-year college drop outs was $1.5 billion from 2003 to 2008.", "\n\nDue to data limitations, the figures are only for first year, full-time students at four-year colleges and universities. ", "Community colleges have even higher drop-out rates, and part-time students or students returning to college are more likely to drop out. ", "Therefore, the numbers in the report are “only a fraction of the total costs of first-year attrition the nation and the states face.” ", "Moreover, it doesn’t include the cost for students who drop out some time after their sophomore year.", "\n\nFederal policymakers from both parties are fond of lavishing subsidies on college students. ", "Proponents argue that without federal subsidies, an insufficient number of future workers will possess the skills necessary to compete in a global economy.", "\n\nHowever, a Cato essay on federal higher education subsidies argues that students wishing to attend college already have plenty of incentive to save or borrow from private sources:\n\nSupporters of student aid subsidies argue that higher education is a “public good” that would be underprovided in a free market. ", "However, that is probably not the case. ", "People have a strong incentive to invest in their own education because it will lead to higher earnings. ", "Those with a college degree will earn, on average, 75 percent more during their lifetime than those with just high-school degrees. ", "That is a big incentive for people to save or borrow in private markets to pay for their own college costs. ", "There is no “market failure” here.", "\n\nIn fact, higher education subsidies drive up tuition prices:\n\nIt is matter of supply and demand. ", "More and more Americans have sought a college education, which has pushed prices higher. ", "Ordinarily, such upward pressure would be restrained by consumers’ willingness and ability to pay, but as government subsidies have helped absorb tuition increases, the public’s budget constraint has been lifted. ", "Peter Wood, a professor at Boston University noted that federal subsidies “are seen by colleges and universities as money that is there for the taking … tuition is set high enough to capture those funds and whatever else we think can be extracted from parents.”", "\n\nBut isn’t it great that Uncle Sam is helping put more young folks in college? ", "Not necessarily:\n\nMany of those additional students may not have been ready, or suited, for college. ", "As evidenced by the rising shares of college students who require remedial work. ", "Further evidence of the problem is that institutions have lowered their standards to adapt to the rise in second-rate students. ", "The American Academy of Arts and Sciences reported that from the mid-1960s to the mid-1990s, college grade point averages grew steadily but Scholastic Aptitude Test scores declined. ", "The share of entering college students who complete degrees has also fallen over the decades. ", "In addition, while college attendance is up, overall adult literacy has barely budged over the last 15 years.", "\n\nThe essay also notes that college students devote 3.2 hours to education on an average weekday, versus 3.9 hours to “leisure and sports,” and that the six-year graduation rate for bachelor’s students is only about 56 percent, indicating that many students are not very serious about education.", "\n\nJust as housing subsidies incentivized people to purchase homes that they otherwise shouldn’t have, higher education subsidies have incentivized people to go to college who weren’t ready or suited for it. ", "In both cases, the cost to taxpayers has been substantial while the alleged benefits have proven illusory.", "\n\nProbably because it’s back-to-school time, there are lots of interesting higher education related items worth checking out today. ", "Here are a few:\n\nI have a new op-ed on the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsbility Act, the bill that we’re told will save taxpayer money but will almost certainly cost us tens of billions. ", "Meanwhile, the Associated Press published a big article on “spin” about the legislation that ignores supporters’ extremely dubious assertions about SAFRA’s true costs – the AP repeats the supposed savings line without question – but instead focuses on whether Pell Grant increases will be as large as some people hope .", "\n\nOver at the Pope Center for Higher Education Policy, they’re running a three-part series that’s really a lengthy email exchange among numerous experts, including myself, on controlling college costs. ", "The central question is whether more government “transparency” requirements hold the key to containing skyrocketing college prices, or whether what we really need is to cut third-party payments. ", "I think I’ve made it clear where I stand, but if you’re not sure (or even for some reason want other opinions) definitely take in the Pope series. ", "Also, mark your calendars for a debate we’ll be having on this subject right here at Cato on October 6!", "\n\nWilliam McGurn has an excellent commentary in the Wall Street Journal explaining that – shocker! – ", "you can make a very good living without getting a college degree.", "\n\nI haven’t read it yet but have seen a summary, and if the summary is accurate a new paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research shows that colleges and universities contribute no more to their local economies than “other forms of economic activity.” ", "This puts another serious hole in the highly suspect argument that more public money for higher education is good because enriching colleges is better for everyone.", "\n\nKevin Carey has posted his response to my reply to him, and apparently he just won’t take it from a libertarian that we libertarians see no dilemma in the college-cost problem. ", "At least, he can’t see how libertarians could “think seriously about restraining college costs” and still come to the conclusion that the best way to cut government spending on higher education is to, well, cut government spending. ", "He still insists that the only way to “bend down the long-term higher education cost curve and thus reduce government spending is to increase government regulation.”", "\n\nThe mime who is boxing libertarians in must be one powerful illusionist, because Carey just can’t seem to not see a real box. ", "But reading Carey’s post makes clear why this is: He wants desperately to believe that we must spend more on higher education, and that regulation is all that will work to keep colleges’ excesses under control.", "\n\nWhat makes me say this? ", "For one thing, Carey for all intents and purposes admits the spending part:\n\nJust to be clear: I’d like to spend more public money on higher education, not less, albeit in a way that’s substantially more performance-sensitive and directed toward institutions that serve academically and economically at-risk students.", "\n\nWhat about his obsession with regulation? ", "Well, the whole point of his argument is that we must regulate higher ed more. ", "Perhaps just as telling, though, is that he offers nothing to refute – or even acknowledge – what I wrote about government failure and the huge inefficiencies of regulation in my previous reply. ", "You know, the hugely important cost side of the regulation ledger that most people whose first response to a problem is “regulate” typically ignore.", "\n\nBut let’s get to what Carey does offer in substantive response to my critiques, namely my argument that market forces, not regulation, best provide the information consumers need and most efficiently deliver goods and services.", "\n\nI want to start by making one thing very clear: We absolutely do not have a free market in higher education! ", "Far from it! ", "State and local governments control the institutions attended by about 74 percent of students, and almost half of students receive federal aid in the form of grants, cheap loans, or work-study, (not to mention tax credits). ", "In addition, governments fund billions of dollars of university-based research. ", "Indeed, when you tally total revenues for public and private, not-for-profit institutions in the 2005-06 school year (the latest with available federal data), and then tally the amount that comes through government (directly to institutions and through student aid), it turns out that more than 52 percent of total postsecondary revenues come from taxpayers, making them the majority share holders in Ivory Tower, Inc.!", "\n\nThat shows clearly that higher education is absolutely not a free market! ", "It also provides powerful insights into the principal/agent problem in higher education, the problem discussed at length by Robert Martin in the paper that touched off this whole debate, and the focus of Carey’s reply to me.", "\n\nIn general, the principal/agent problem boils down to the reality that everyone is self-interested, and the interests of, say, a company’s owners are not always aligned with those of the people they employ. ", "At the most basic level, employers want employees to work as hard as they can for as little pay as possible, and employees want to work as little as possible for as much pay as they can get.", "\n\nCarey believes – and is bolstered by Martin’s agreement – that the best way to mitigate this problem in higher education is regulation, because schools and their employees will not voluntarily reveal bad things about themselves:\n\nIn higher education, Martin argues, the principal / agent disconnect is less about risky profit-taking and more about status. ", "Colleges are inherently status-maximizing institutions, even if the principals—taxpayers, donors, and students—would rather colleges focused on a different set of priorities, like giving every student a high-quality affordable education. ", "As Martin writes,“senior administrators can persuade themselves that lavish offices, extensive building projects, expensive public relations events, luxury travel, and high compensation are in the institution’s interest. ", "Board members may consider expensive social events to be in the institution’s interest.” ", "The same could be said for giving too much weight to the research mission at the expense of teaching and lots of other things.", "\n\nHow do you get more status, particularly in an industry where reputations are seemingly as ancient and permanent as the stone buildings themselves? ", "You buy it, by purchasing nicer buildings (old-looking stone is a popular choice of materials) and more prominent researchers and students with better SAT scores. ", "Or you just let it accumulate in the endowment, also a major benchmark of prestige. ", "All of this dovetails with Bowen’s revenue-to-cost-hypothesis: college spending is capped only by revenues and colleges have every incentive to spend, so they constantly build up fixed costs, raise more money, spend more money, raise more, spend more, and so on.", "\n\nMartin’s solution? ", "More information. ", "To mitigate the principal / agent problem, give the principals more data so they know what’s really going on. ", "And the government has to play a role\n\nSo how does the principal/agent problem get controlled – though it can never be totally eliminated – in the private sector? ", "Yes, there is regulation, but as I made clear in my previous post, regulation has serious costs and often fails completely. ", "I urge you to re-read my previous post for details, or, if you really want to get a feel for regulatory and government failure, consider the current economic mess, driven by government pushing risky mortgages; implied – and then very real – government bailout assurances for large financial institutions; and, if you’re inclined to think good regulation could have prevented our current woes, regulators failing in their duties. ", "And no, unlike what Carey says, government requiring McDonald’s or Ruth’s Chris to publish nutrition information isn’t what makes them set consistent standards or deliver food people want – it’s the need to acquire and keep customers, who are highly motivated to spend their money on things that they think are worth it.", "\n\nWait. ", "Customers? ", "Of course! ", "What forces high standards and constrains costs in true private markets is not regulation, but the need for firms to maximize revenue, which means competing with one another and, ultimately, serving customers as best they can. ", "That is also what aligns the interests of principals and agents – if they don’t both focus primarily on satisfying customers, both will be out of jobs and money. ", "Of course, principals help keep agents in line with performance bonuses and other tools, and there is the threat of legal prosecution if an agent outright steals from a principal, but mutual self-interest is the most powerful force keeping principals and agents aligned in the private sector.", "\n\nThe problem in higher education is that this alignment is all but nonexistent! ", "With over half of the “business owners” involuntary shareholders with no power, the agents can run wild. ", "Worse yet, the principals’ customers consume their product to a large extent on the principals’ dime, greatly inflating what the customers demand and are willing and able to pay.", "\n\nNow, consider the very real-world, negative ramifications of this misalignment of interests. ", "Because students are largely paying for their education with someone else’s money, they have greatly reduced interest in shopping for the most efficient education, and instead look for the swankiest rec facilities; celebrity professors who may teach few, if any, classes; and buildings made of “old-looking stone.” ", "They also have reduced incentives to determine if higher education is really best for them to begin with, explaining such colossal waste as 34 percent of first-year students taking remedial courses; only 56 percent of students graduating within six years of entry; and 29 percent of Americans ages 25 and older having bachelor’s degrees, though only 25 percent of jobs require them. ", "And, of course, there’s the rampant tuition inflation that ends up scaring away many of the truly poor people that government is supposed to be focused on helping.", "\n\nBut it doesn’t end with those things. ", "Because college employees don’t have to provide a return to their “shareholders” – or anyone else, for that matter – to make their money, they can pursue their interests without much if any regard for how their interests align with those of principals or customers. ", "And their interest is, often, to pursue the “prestige” that Carey (and certainly many others) laments is the coin of the realm in higher ed. ", "Oh, and it doesn’t help that principals are often forced to directly fund things like research that adversely affect a college’s teaching mission but really build professors’ reputations.", "\n\nWhat if we were to remove much of the forced, distorting, third-party money? ", "Carey, in unfortunate, scaremonger fashion, warns that “massive public disinvestment in higher education…would cripple thousands of institutions and shut the doors to college for hundreds of thousands of students nationwide.”", "\n\nIf you think reducing the amount of money colleges spend on wasteful extravagances, or professors who teach very little, is “crippling” institutions, then you’ll think Carey is right. ", "If you believe eliminating much of the aid that encourages people to pursue education they aren’t ready for, often don’t finish, and that seriously inflates college prices is shutting “the doors to college,” then you’ll think Carey is right again. ", "But if you realize that by reducing aid many of the major distortions that drive up prices would also have to be reduced – the cheap, third-party money wouldn’t be there to fund them anymore – then you also realize that the new higher education market would still provide necessary education to most if not all of those people who could truly benefit from it. ", "Indeed, even the poorest person would be able to get aid if he or she had strong, demonstrated earning potential, because both a private lender and the student would gain in the long run from agreeing to a loan. ", "And there is such a thing as “charitable giving,” by the way.", "\n\nAmazingly, Carey actually finds a way – though a very weak one – to blame the free market for the distortions in higher education. ", "And by “free market” Carey means, simply, the much reviled U.S. News and World Reportcollege rankings:\n\nThe free market has given us the U.S. News & World Report college rankings, which are all about status and spending. ", "Fully 10 percent of each college’s score is based on a simple measure of spending per student — the more you spend, the higher you rank. ", "Another 20 percent is based on things that cost money to buy — low class sizes, faculty salaries, etc. — ", "and much of the rest flows from larger reputational and selectivity factors that are directly and indirectly enhanced by spending.", "\n\nIn other words, the free market has created an information environment that exacerbates the runaway college-cost problem that McCluskey is supposedly interested in trying to solve.", "\n\nWhere to start…\n\nYes, the U.S. News ranking probably relies too much on reputation and spending, but it also includes valuable output information, such as graduation and retention rates. ", "And here’s the thing: Despite what Carey would lead you to believe, there are a lot more college guides out there than U.S. News! ", "The Princeton Review gives you all kinds of insights into the atmosphere at numerous colleges. ", "The Intercollegiate Studies Institute’s Choosing the Right Collegefurnishes lots of insights into schools for conservatives. ", "Forbes, in conjunction with Richard Vedder’s Center for College Affordability and Productivity, recently published rankings based on several college output measures. ", "In other words, there seems to be almost a competitive rankings market burgeoning, a sign of market forces pushing their way into a non-market system, like shoots that somehow find a way through cracks in even the most concrete of jungles.", "\n\nAnd rankings aren’t the only sign of market forces adapting as best they can to a government-distorted system. ", "Indeed, in a system where everyone is artificially encouraged to pursue higher education, and employers are essentially banned from using the most straightforward way to assess applicants’ qualifications – direct testing – it makes sense to use the prestige of the schools that applicants attended as a proxy for their potential as employees. ", "From an employer’s point of view, it is a relatively useful and inexpensive signal for what an applicant would bring to the job. ", "Of course, it would be much better, especially for taxpayers, if employers were free to use more efficient and effective measures, and we didn’t push so many unqualified people to get increasingly watered-down degrees, but considering the restrictions and incentives government has imposed, market forces are doing the best they can.", "\n\nWith all that now said, I’m pretty sure I’m once again out of the mime’s box, hopefully this time to stay. ", "Analyzing the principal/agent problem as it applies to higher education, as well as the numerous costs and failures of government regulation, point clearly not to regulation as the solution to what ails the ivory tower, but reducing or eliminating government spending. ", "And please, don’t blame the free market for our higher ed problems. ", "It’s doing all it can to fix them, but government failure is a heck of a tough thing to overcome." ]
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[ "<?", "php\n/**\n * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.", "\n * See COPYING.txt for license details.", "\n */\nnamespace Magento\\Framework\\Amqp\\Topology;\n\nuse Magento\\Framework\\MessageQueue\\Topology\\Config\\QueueConfigItemInterface;\n\n/**\n * Queue installer.", "\n */\nclass QueueInstaller\n{\n use ArgumentProcessor;\n\n /**\n * Install queue.", "\n *\n * @param \\PhpAmqpLib\\Channel\\AMQPChannel $channel\n * @param QueueConfigItemInterface $queue\n * @return void\n */\n public function install(\\PhpAmqpLib\\Channel\\AMQPChannel $channel, QueueConfigItemInterface $queue)\n {\n $channel->queue_declare(\n $queue->getName(),\n false,\n $queue->isDurable(),\n false,\n $queue->isAutoDelete(),\n false,\n $this->processArguments($queue->getArguments())\n );\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "//\n// Generated by class-dump 3.5 (64 bit) (Debug version compiled Oct 25 2017 03:49:04).", "\n//\n// class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2015 by Steve Nygard.", "\n//\n\n#import \"IPropertyDateExtractor.h\"\n\n@interface IPropertyLastOpenedDateExtractor : IPropertyDateExtractor\n{\n}\n\n- (void)flush;\n- (_Bool)needsUpdateForProperty:(unsigned int)arg1;\n- (id)extractValueFromNodes:(const struct TFENodeVector *)arg1;\n- // Error parsing type: v32@0:8r^{TFENodeVector=^{TFENode}^{TFENode}{__compressed_pair<TFENode *, std::__1::allocator<TFENode> >=^{TFENode}}}16r^{atomic<bool>={__cxx_atomic_impl<bool, std::__1::__cxx_atomic_base_impl<bool> >=AB}}24, name: prefetchValueOnSecondaryThread:cancelled:\n- (id)defaultValue;\n- (id)init;\n\n@end\n\n" ]
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[ "Voice-tracking\n\nVoice-tracking, also called cyber jocking and referred to sometimes colloquially as a robojock, is a technique employed by some radio stations in radio broadcasting to produce the illusion of a live disc jockey or announcer sitting in the radio studios of the station when one is not actually present. ", "It is one of the notable effects of radio homogenization.", "\n\nBackground\nStrictly speaking, voice-tracking refers to the process of a disc jockey prerecording his or her on-air \"patter.\" ", "It is then combined with songs, commercials, and other elements in order to produce a product sounding like a live air shift. ", "Voice-tracking has become common on many music radio stations, particularly during evening, overnight, weekend, and holiday time periods. ", "Most radio station owners consider it an economical alternative to employing live disc jockeys around the clock.", "\n\nThe process goes back decades and was very common on FM stations in the 1970s. ", "At that time, elements were recorded on reel-to-reel magnetic tapes and broadcast cartridges and played by specialized professional audio equipment. ", "It has become more controversial recently as computer technology permits the process to be more flexible and less expensive, allowing for fewer station employees and an effective illusion of live, local programming.", "\n\nMost contemporary broadcast automation systems at music stations effectively function as high-tech jukeboxes. ", "Pieces of audio footage are digitized as computer files and saved on one or more hard drives. ", "Station personnel create \"program logs\" which list exactly what is supposed to be on the air and in what order. ", "The computer follows the instructions set out in the playlist.", "\n\nVariations\nIn some cases, voice-tracking is done in order to give station employees the flexibility to carry out other responsibilities. ", "For example, a DJ may also have managerial duties as a program director or general manager. ", "Voice-tracking allows that person to record a three-hour air shift in under a half-hour, freeing him or her up to do office work. ", " Alternatively, a popular live weekday morning host can record voice tracks for a Saturday show, allowing him or her to be on the air six days a week without actually spending extra time at the station. ", "This can also be used if a DJ is on vacation, is ill, has jury service, a bereavement or has to cover an event as a journalist. ", "Voice tracking is also helpful during holidays like Christmas and Easter, when station employees are off to spend time with their families. ", " \n\nCompanies housing more than one station can use the technique to stretch out their air staff. ", "For example, the live midday disc jockey on a country station can then record voice tracks for the overnight shift of the sister rock station (often using a different name).", "\n\nUndoubtedly, the most notorious form of voice-tracking involves using out-of-market talent. ", "In this form, the station contracts with a disc jockey in another city (often employed by the same corporation, but sometimes as a freelancer). ", "The outsider will add local color using information provided by the station and news stories gleaned from newspapers available on the Internet. ", "The recorded voice tracks are then sent to the station by shipping tapes, e-mailing the file as audio attachments, FTP, or dedicated networks. ", "DJs of this style often make a point of trying to sound as local as possible, sometimes going so far as falsely claiming to have visited a local landmark or attended a station's promotional event. ", "However, sometimes the DJ has actually been to the location, or monitored the event online and can speak with knowledge about it without making a claim to having been there that day, although it may be implied. ", "\n\nOne motivation is to provide smaller-market radio stations with a polished, \"big city\" sound. ", "Using experienced disc jockeys can avoid mistakes often made by younger or less-experienced talent. ", "Another motivation is for companies to use smaller market talent (who are paid less than their counterparts in major markets) to voice-track on their larger stations, thus eliminating the need for higher-paid air talent in the larger markets. ", "See the \"controversy\" section below for more.", "\n\nSome \"cyber jocks\" provide voice-tracking services for several different radio syndication stations (and in several radio formats), sometimes affiliates located hundreds of miles away from each other that are all part of a radio network.", "\n\nSome voice-tracking technology is so advanced that the end of one song and the beginning of another can be previewed by the DJ recording the voice tracks, making the recording of the voice actually live, though it is played back at a later time. ", "\n\nDepending on how the system is set up, a cyber jock may be able to plug the sound directly into the station's automation system remotely, meaning the local staff doesn't have to do anything at all (other than shipping local information and logs to the disc jockey).", "\n\nWhen it is done correctly, the average listener (and even many professionals) cannot tell the difference. ", "Time checks can even be added which can make the broadcast sound absolutely live.", "\n\nFormatics\nDifferent radio stations want their DJs to speak only at certain times, so cyber jocks have to be made aware of each station's rules. ", "What follows is an example.", "\n\nAt example station ZZZZ, the DJs have to follow certain rules. ", "These are called formatics. ", " Armed with the knowledge of these rules, and with the station's music log, the cyber jock can recreate what the finished radio program should sound like. ", "\nDJs have to backsell (or give the title and artist of a song played previously) three songs before playing the commercials at 22 minutes past the hour.", "\nDJs have to read or play a pre-recorded weather forecast at 44 minutes past the hour \nDJs have to play the station's legally required identification near the top of the hour \nDJs are allowed to speak only over the song's instrumental portion at the beginning. (", "As depicted in the example below)\n\nAs an example, see the following graphic:\n\nAs song one begins to fade out the next song begins. ", "In this case, the DJ does not start talking until the second song starts, and he stops at the point that the song's vocals start. ", "This interval is called an intro, ramp, or post. ", "This is the most common method. ", "If the cyber jock knows the song that his voice will be played over, he knows how much time he has until he has to stop talking to avoid talking over the vocals of the song. ", "If he times his speech correctly, he will do just that. ", "DJs call this \"Pegging the Post\" or \"hitting the post\". ", "\n\nIf the station employs other methods of doing this, the cyber jock should be familiar with them, and can alter his speech and timing to accommodate them. ", "Cyber jocks can also listen to tapes of other people on the station to get an idea of the overall sound the station is working toward.", "\n\nControversy\nVoice-tracking is a hotly contested issue within radio circles. ", "Claims have been made recently that claim that the sense of locality is lost, especially when a station employs a disc jockey who has never set foot in that station's town. ", "There is also concern about voice-tracking taking away job opportunities and providing fewer opportunities for disc jockeys in the amounting radio homogenization.", "\n\nStill, supporters of voice-tracking contend that a professional presentation on the air by an outsider is preferable to using a local DJ who is not very good. ", "They claim listeners generally like the sound, usually cannot tell that there is not a live disc jockey, and often do not care about the issue even when told. ", "This, however, is not always the case, especially in towns where names have unusual pronunciations; if an out-of-market disc jockey cannot pronounce the name of a fairly common town in the market (for instance, a common barometer in the Milwaukee market is the proper pronunciation of the suburban community of Oconomowoc), it is often a dead giveaway that the jockey is voice-tracked from out of market. ", "Because of this, out-of-market DJs will often avoid making references to local information to avoid any possible faux pas. ", "Some DJs will be trained to pronounce location information or be briefed on local news and events in the area they are serving. ", "\n\nProponents also claim that the cost savings gleaned from judicious use of voice-tracking can help keep a struggling station afloat. ", "In those cases, they argue, the process is actually saving other jobs.", "\n\nSince voice-tracking is designed to work without human intervention, stations using the process may have no one in the building at all outside of business hours. ", "However, a station manager can often log into the station's main computer system from home (or other remote location) in certain instances, such as if a song track is not working properly.", "\n\nAnother concern is how to alert the public in the event of emergencies, such as weather emergencies like tornado warnings, oncoming hurricanes and blizzard situations, along with other emergencies such as a train derailment or hazardous materials situation. ", "In these cases, other automated systems come into play. ", "Emergency Alert System (EAS) equipment is programmed to automatically break into whatever is playing and deliver information to the listener, usually using audio from a local government weather radio service. ", "Often if severe weather conditions are known, a live person is \"on-call\" to stay at the station and give out details about the situation. ", "For other stations, a 'news sharing' agreement with a television station allows them to carry the audio of a television station during a breaking news or weather situation, allowing warning of the events without the costs of hiring extra staff.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Radio broadcasting\nCategory:DJing" ]
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[ "Coal is a 19th century energy source. ", "Do you know what else was used for energy in the 19th century? ", "Whale oil. ", "Its time to get up with the times and invest in a 21st--even a 22nd century--infrastructure that relies on renewables and green energy.", "\n\nIn a front-page story from Friday's New York Times, reporter Coral Davenport describes Senator Mitch McConnell's efforts to side-step the EPA's regulations to reduce the amount of carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants, the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the country.", "\n\nDespite having little power in his role as Senate Majority Leader to prevent the EPA from exercising its rule-making authority, Davenport writes that by appealing directly to statehouses and courtrooms, McConnell hopes to \"ensure that the state plans [to reduce carbon emissions from caol] are tangled up in legal delays.\"", "\n\nNorthwest governors are likely to see tremendous pressure from McConnell's anti-EPA lobbying blitzkreig. ", "Despite Governor Kitzhaber's declaration last year that it is \"time once and for all to say no\" to increased coal exports--followed by the state's denial of the Coyote Island coal terminal in Boardman--the subject of coal exports from Oregon is far from settled. ", "McConnell's efforts may put renewed pressure on Governors Brown and Islee to allow terminals to be built on the Columbia River in St. Helens and Longview to erxport coal abroad to China and India.", "\n\nJust one month since unexpectedly finding herself Oregon's governor, it will be interested to see how Kate Brown will respond to Mitch McConnell's bullying tactics regarding these EPA regulations. ", "Considering the showdown that occurred in the debate to extend Oregon's \"Clean Fuels\" bill--and the upcoming clash that is sure to develop in response to proposed \"Coal to Clean\" legislation--will McConnell's efforts prove to be helpful in circumventing Oregon's efforts to reduce reliance on perhaps the cheapest (and dirtiest) fossil fuels?", "\n\n(When asked if Governor Brown planned to publicly respond to Senator McConnell's letter, spokesperson Melissa Navas revealed that the Governor's Office had yet to review the letter, which was addressed to the National Governor's Association. )", "\n\nFrom a realpolitik view, McConnell's moves make sense beyond a simple reflexive opposition to anything proposed by President Obama. ", "As the senior Senator from Kentucky, Mitch McConnell represents a poor coal-producing state, and as such he needs to nominally make a show of representing the issues of his constituents. ", "However, when he stumped through the economically ravaged coal-mining towns of southern Kentucky last election season, did he bother to point out that an increased reliance on natural gas has resulted in a global collapse of coal prices? ", "Or did he simply repeat the \"Obama = bad\" and \"War on Coal\" nonsense talking points ad nauseum.?", "\n\nIf Senator McConnell were to be frank and honest with his constituents, it would be a fool's effort, because its not as if he could necessarily sue the natural gas industry for being cheaper, more efficient and negatively impacting coal prices. ", "Instead, he is using this tactical approach of communicating directly with state governors and legal advocacy groups to ensure that the EPA's rule-making authority granted under the Clean Air Act is tied up in red tape. ", "Is it unusual for a leader in the Legislative branch to make an end-run around the Executive? ", "Of course, but that's about par for the course in regards to how the current crop of Republicans have interacted with President Obama. (", "Remember, let's not forget Senator Turtle-Human Hybrid's most-repeated phrase in response to any policy proposed by Obama that runs counter to the wishes of the Republicans: \"Let's not poison the well.\" ", "As if sending a legal outline to oppose the EPA's coal-burning regulations wouldn't fit the definition of literally poisoning the well or anything.)", "\n\nAlso, keep in mind that the majority of coal produced in the United States is not intended for domestic consumption, but instead to be exported abroad to foreign markets. ", "Yet, these same countries are making it increasingly clear that they don't want this toxic, asthma & cancer-causing product for an energy source regardless of historically low prices. ", "Yes, China and India are building coal plants daily, but these plants are created with the same pollution-reducing efficiencies targeted in the EPA's proposed regulations that McConnell is seeking to torpedo. [", "Taxes on imported U.S.--and Australian--coal] (http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2014/08/20/increase-in-coal-tax-will-scale-up-indian-renewables/) have been substantially raised by countries that are no longer willing to be the dumping ground for the world's cheapest & dirtiest source of energy. ", "Governments of both countries have set targeted goals for coal reductions in upcoming years, spelling even more economic trouble for a coal industry that viewed foreign markets as a last possible chance of survival.", "\n\nMcConnell may ultimately end up thwarting President Obama and the EPA's efforts to regulate coal pollution at the state level. ", "But that won't put a halt to the global coal industry's collapse in the face of declining demand. ", "Coal is a 19th century energy source. ", "Do you know what else was used for energy in the 19th century? ", "Whale oil. ", "Its time to get up with the times and invest in a 21st--even a 22nd century--infrastructure that relies on renewables and green energy. ", "We have the technology, the know-how, and the good ol' American sense of innovation to make this happen. ", "But first we need outdated and irrelevant dinosaurs like Mitch McConnell to get out of the way." ]
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[ "Mario Titi\n\nMario Titi is a painter of the Roman and Castelli Romani artistic scene of the 20th century; his works are shown in churches and museums of the Lazio, and all over the world. ", "The artist frequented from a young age the academy of Belle Arti of Rome, sticking to the futurist movement. ", "He was a follower of Tato (Guglielmo Sansoni) and then of Pippo Rizzo. ", "In the Vernissage of Rome, Naples and Frascati he exposed for the first time works with a new technique, the \"Drip painting\" exploited by Jackson Pollock, soon becoming the Italian leader of the style.", "\n\nHe continued with the Vernissage in Paris, New York, Munich, Milan, Madrid and other cities of the world. ", "In the 1970s he produced 120 \"castings\" inspired by the epic poem The Divine Comedy.", "\n\nSee also\nFuturism\n\nReferences\n Book wrote in 1970 by Mario Titi about Drip Painting\n\nPhoto gallery\n\nCategory:1921 births\nCategory:1982 deaths\nCategory:People from Frascati\nCategory:20th-century Italian painters\nCategory:Italian male painters\nCategory:Religious artists" ]
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[ "As a technique of improving the reliability of the recording and reading of record data on a high-density recording medium, such as an optical disc, a magnetic disc, and a magneto optical disc, there is defect management. ", "Namely, when there are scratches or dusts, or deterioration (which are collectively referred to as a “defect”) on the recording medium, data to be recorded or already recorded at the position of the defect is recorded in another area on the recording medium (which is referred to as a “spare area”). ", "As described above, by evacuating, to the spare area, the record data which is possibly imperfectly or incompletely recorded or read because of the defect, it is possible to improve the reliability of the recording and reading of the record data (refer to Japanese Patent Application Laying Open NO. ", "Hei 11-185390).", "\nIn general, a defect list is generated to perform the defect management. ", "On the defect list, there are recorded address information for indicating the position of a defect on the recording medium, and address information for indicating a position in the spare area (e.g. a recording position in the spare area) to which the data to be recorded or already recorded at the position of the defect is evacuated.", "\nIn general, the defect list is generated when a recording medium is initialized or formatted. ", "It is also generated when the record data is recorded onto the recording medium and when the position of a defect is found by verifying the record data, or the like. ", "By recording or reproducing the record data, the defect list is generated or updated every time the position of the defect is detected.", "\nWhen the record data is recorded onto the recording medium, the defect list is referred to. ", "This allows the recording of the record data onto the recording medium away from the position of a defect. ", "On the other hand, the defect list is also referred to when the record data recorded on the recording medium is reproduced. ", "This makes it possible to surely read both the record data recorded in a normal recording area and the record data recorded in the spare area because of the presence of a defect, on the basis of the defect list.", "\nThe defect list is generally recorded in a specific area on the recording medium, which is the object of the generation or updating of the defect list. ", "The defect list is read from the recording medium next time when the record data recorded on the recording medium is reproduced or when other record data is rewritten or additionally recorded. ", "Then the defect list is referred to in a recording operation by a recording apparatus or in a reproduction operation by a reproducing apparatus." ]
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[ "These are exactly what I was looking for! ", "I have a smaller sized recipe box which holds 3x5 cards. ", "It has been difficult to find decent recipe cards in this size as most are available only in the larger 4x6 size. ", "These cards are of very good quality, are thicker than others and the print is very attractive. ", "The processing and shipping time were beyond my expectations. ", "A wonderful purchase all around. ", "I highly recommend these cards!", "\n\nnew and improved\n\nBy Shopper (ENID, OK) - March 25, 2013\n\nGot these for both of my teenage children. ", "They both like experimenting and coming up with their own recipes. ", "Now they can keep them and make sure everyone know's who made them! ", "Love IT\n\nBeautiful recipe cards\n\nBy Shopper (Hernando, MS) - October 29, 2012\n\nThe personalization on the cards was flawless and it was exactly as I had specified." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPython - cannot convert string containing only numbers to an int\n\nI have about a hundred numbers contained as strings in a list, and I need to add all of them together. ", "To do this, I'm using the following code - \nfor item in listo:\n sumo += int(item)\n\nI'm getting a ValueError that says:\nValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''\n\nI don't know what causes this particular error, rather than just the error that says that the string couldn't be converted to an int. ", "Does anyone know what the problem is, and how to fix it?", "\nEDIT - I found the error! ", "I used the .split() method, and I accidentally added one too many period, creating an empty string.", "\n\nA:\n\nType casting as intcan only be used if the passed string is valid. ", "For eg. ", "int('5') is valid but int('apple') is not.", "\nThe error is kind of self explanatory. ", "The the parameter supplied to convert it to an integer is invalid. ", "IF it was particular string it would have displayed that. ", "Blank quotes would generally mean its an empty string you are trying to convert. ", "It s good you have found the error yourself. ", "generally the description of the error is a good pointer to what is wrong.", "\nGood luck\n\n" ]
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[ "A kinetic study of the reaction between glutaraldehyde and horseradish peroxidase.", "\nHorseradish peroxidase was reacted with glutaraldehyde under various reaction conditions. ", "The reaction product was, in a second step, bound covalently to aminohexyl groups attached to Sepharose particles. ", "The influence of pH, time and the concentration ratio of enzyme:glutaraldehyde on the reaction was evaluated. ", "A first step reaction with 100-fold molar excess of glutaraldehyde to horseradish peroxidase at pH 9.5 for 2 hr at room temperature results in a high yield of conjugated enzyme with well preserved enzymatic activity." ]
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[ "Metabolism of phosphatidylinositol in the frog retina.", "\nThe synthesis and the turnover of phosphatidylinositol in frog retinal rod outer segments and microsomes were studied by following the time course of incorporation into lipids of the following radioactive precursors: [3H]glycerol, 33PO4, and [3H]inositol. ", "1. ", "Although all precursors were incorporated into lipid, glycerol was the only true pulse of radioactive substrate because the precursor pools of phosphate and inositol in the retina have a slow rate of turnover. ", "2. ", "A precursor-product relationship exists between retinal microsomes and rod outer segments for phosphatidylinositol synthesized from glycerol. ", "3. ", "The specific activity in the rod outer segment phosphatidylinositol derived from labeled glycerol was ten times that of the other glycerolipids. ", "Since the labeled precursor for each phospholipid class is derived from a common pool of glycerol 3-phosphate, the synthesis rate of phosphatidylinositol in the retina is much greater than that of the other phospholipids. ", "4. ", "Two pools of phosphatidylinositol were identified in the rod outer segments; one turned over with a t1/2 of about 3.5 days, while the other turned over at the same rate as the other phospholipids labeled with glycerol. ", "5. ", "Turnover of phosphatidylinositol in the rod outer segments after glycerol injection was followed by an increase in specific radioactivity in 1,2-diacylglycerols, consistent with the latter being a lipolytic product of phosphatidylinositol in these membranes. ", "6. ", "The present studies demonstrate a unique metabolism of phosphatidylinositol in the rod outer segments compared to the other phospholipids, and it is suggested that the rapid turnover of this phospholipid may be related to membrane fusion events associated with the assembly and/or turnover of rod outer segment membranes." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhy do humans suffer anxiety when they view \"Trypophobia trigger images\"?", "\n\nWhen you type Trypophobia Trigger Images in google, you see a variety of images with irregular lumps and bumps among some more gory images.", "\nMany people report that these images induce phobia like symptoms of anxiety.", "\nWhy do we get anxious when exposed to these images? ", "What advantage is there to be had from this response? ", "\nI find the reasons like this ABC news report on ants and spiders. ", "But still didn't get it any info from it.", "\n\nA:\n\nTrypophobia is not a recognised specific anxiety disorder (Washington Post). ", "It is worth mentioning that anyone can have a phobia to anything, this is merely a question of whether many people associate these spatial patterns with anxiety. ", "Nevertheless, the response of individuals to these images can be quantified (Le et al., ", "2015). ", "Ultimately the findings show that a response of trypophobia is not correlative with anxiety. ", "Note that here we are discussing anxiety in a phobia response test. ", "Typically anxiety manifests as sweating, dizziness, headaches, racing heartbeats, nausea, fidgeting, uncontrollable crying or laughing and drumming on a desk. ", "This is not merely feeling uncomfortable.", "\nOne hypothesis was that these images had irregular spatial patterns that cause revulsion. ", "A study found that in nature some animals and plants may use this patterning as a warning mechanism and that it is associated with poisonous animals (spatial pattern quantification of 10 poisonous animals versus 10 control animals p=0.03), and indeed spiders were among those that use irregular patterns (Cole & Wilkins, 2013). ", "Note that this hypothesis was presented in a psychology journal so the evolutionary mechanisms remain, in my opinion, not fully explored and scrutinised. ", "\nHover over the below yellow box to view a lotus seed head, which has typical irregular spatial patterning presented in the 2013 study. ", "\nThis image is often reported as inducing trypophobia.", "\n\n \n\nAnswer: In summary, humans do not reliably feel anxious when viewing these images. ", "It also remains unclear why some people do get anxious or uncomfortable when viewing these images. ", "It is perhaps to do with an aversion to some potentially harmful animals, but evidence remains scarce.", "\n\nA:\n\nAs someone who is very disgusted by this kind of image, I think it is a caused by an association with maladies like burns, infections, and especially parasites. ", "It is difficult for me to even describe this without feeling a bit nauseated, but it is hard for me to see things like that without picturing it being my, or someone else's, skin. ", "Or that it is crawling with parasites. ", "I don't have any particular source for this because it's from my own experience.", "\nIt isn't entirely unreasonable that this would be a biological defense because if you saw an animal with an area of perforated skin (also hard to even write) it would be a good idea to not touch it since this could indicate bacterial ulcers or a skin infection. ", "If you saw a patch of ground with tiny holes all over it, it might not be a good idea to sit there as this would probably indicate burrowing insects such as termites were present.", "\nAnother thing that confirms this for me is that when trolls edit these patterns onto a human it has the worst effect, and nearly makes me vomit. ", "As this article notes, also from its author's own experience, these types of images are some of the worst for Trypophobia. ", "There have been some studies finding that the response is similar to our reaction to danger, rather that just disgust. ", "From my own reaction to these images this seems to be accurate.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "I was kind of hoping we might get a mini hiatus after the midseason episodes just so I could catch up on all the other things I need to do, but nope. ", "So unpacking all day and SvtFoE at night I guess.", "\n\nI ship it. ", "Also, how dare they make Jackie’s bizarro world counterpart some kind of device.", "\n\nLudo 3.0 will f*ck you up.", "\n\nThat’s some wholesome shit right there.", "\n\nSpinoff when?", "\n\nThis episode really put Ludo’s self-discovery/development in a weird place. ", "He knows what he needs not to do, but between his own personality and his brother stupidly pushing him back while trying to push him forward it’s not hard to see why he stays stuck. ", "At the same time I can’t say for sure what point he’s in at the end of the episode because the final scene makes him appear to be in a better place while the scene immediately before it with the rat in bed shows he still sees the wand as something important to steal. ", "So who knows.", "\n\nI guess Beauty and the Beast actually took place on Mewni. ", "Which might actualy fill in some of the holes in that movie.", "\n\n“Don’t talk to any ghosts, they’ll curse at you!”", "\n\nIf River and Moon had more fun lines like that in earlier seasons I might like them more as characters despite them being pretty terrible narratively.", "\n\nI need to talk to whoever designed Mina so I can tell them how great and/or terrible they are.", "\n\nThis episode didn’t really do much for me. ", "A) They made Mina’s helicopter ponytails too serious when they were perfectly comedic at the end of the Monster Bash, and 2) besides finding out who tried to yada yada Eclipsa all it amounted to was Moon being just as useless as normal. ", "She actively shows concern about what Mina’s doing, but in the end she just shrugs it off as some else’s problem.", "\n\nDo I spy a new best girl?", "\n\nThat’s a great crazy person wall, Marco.", "\n\nLots of Kellco for an episode that wasn’t about them.", "\n\nI like how the one episode Star was in this week featured her not accomplishing anything, just like every time she’s tried to do junk for monsters (which is what, like three times?). ", "You could argue that she indirectly helped the kids game get started since Katrina was the first monster asked to play, but kids are easily bored and they would have slipped off regardless. ", "So good job Star, you brought back a character who’s only remembered because of a Wednesday meme on Reddit.", "\n\nWhen you don’t know what someone wants so you just make noise until you can think of something.", "\n\nAll hail Queen Moe, who looks like some sort of pilgrim but the timing doesn’t add up unless there’s more time travel shenanigans going on with Mewni’s history.", "\n\nEasy joke about how the pigeons got it in her hair. ", "Though I do like when she wears her hair down.", "\n\nThis final episode was interesting to say the least. ", "I’m glad they touched on the fact that the MHC are Gloss’s children, though if you haven’t read either of the books you could construe the way things were worded that only Reynaldo was his kid and not the others (fun fact, my post about the Magic Book of Spells is still the first image to pop up if you google Reynaldo the Bald Pate). ", "Meteora was also pretty damn cute too. ", "But there’s two important things to take away from this little time travel adventure. ", "1) The whole history of Mewni is basically a bootstrap paradox in that the first queen got her magic because Gloss was teaching a future queen about magic, and B) Gloss and Meteora could be considered responsible for the Septarian uprising in that the two of them showed all the other Septarians that Toffee was trying to convince that magic really was a threat. ", "But considering that uprising is what ultimately led to Eclipsa being freed and Meteora being trained it would seem that Gloss has been playing a long game for over 300 years to get the right bloodline back on the throne." ]
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[ "Victoria B.C. - Today Andrew Weaver, Leader of the B.C. Green Party and MLA for Oak Bay-Gordon Head, tabled legislation that would ensure pet owners are held responsible for the actions of their animals.", "\n\n“Thousands of people are bitten by dogs in B.C. each year,” says Weaver. “", "While provinces like Ontario and Manitoba have enacted legislation to ensure that public safety is put first, BC is falling behind. ", "We need appropriate measures in place to hold the owners of dangerous pets to account.”", "\n\nWeaver introduced the Animal Liability Act, 2016, which is modeled on Manitoba’s legislation, to make owners directly liable for any damages caused by their pets. ", "The Bill would not apply to damages caused by livestock.", "\n\n“As it currently stands, when someone gets bitten by a dog the options available for legal recourse hinge on the dog having a previous history of violence. ", "That’s simply not enough,” says Weaver. “", "This legislation does not affect the vast majority of caring, responsible pet owners. ", "It targets negligent pet owners who are not appropriately socializing, training, or restraining their animals in public places.”", "\n\n“In most instances I would expect this legislation to be used in situations where an irresponsible owner fails to take appropriate precautions and their violent dog attacks someone. ", "If someone happened to have a particularly aggressive cougar, llama or emu and they let it run around biting people, however, it would certainly apply,” Weaver added. “", "We need clear liability legislation so that owners are required to ensure their pets behave safely and are held to account if their pet does behave in a dangerous manner.”" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nUsing pumping lemma\n\nI'm trying to prove that the language $\\mathcal L = \\{w \\in \\{0,1\\}^* ∣ w \\leq w′ \\text{ where }w′ \\text{ is any rotation of }w\\}$ is not a regular language.", "\nNote: The inequality is with respect to lexicographic order. ", "And if $w=xy$, then $yx$ is a rotation of $w$.\nI was thinking of using the string $s = 0^{P}1$ with $P$ being the pumping length, but I can't figure out how to pump this in a way to show a contradiction. ", "Any help will be greatly appreciated. ", "\n\nA:\n\nHINT: If $p$ is the pumping length, start with $s=0^p10^p1$ and pump down.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Sell The House Fast and Hassle-Free!", "\n\nProperty Savers, LLC is a real estate solutions company that specializes in helping a niche of homeowners sell their property quickly and hassle-free.", "\n\nDid you know for every 100 houses sold in Las Vegas, approximately 5 of them do not sell through the traditional route and are sold “off-market”. ", "That’s where we focus.", "\n\nOur process is three simple steps and we can close fast, or pick a close date that is convenient for you.", "\n\nExperience the hassle-free way of selling a home where you are in control the whole way!", "\n\nOur Process\n\nConnect with us so we can learn more about the situation. ", "Quick, Easy & Free!", "\n\nWe’ll schedule a time to meet you and see the property.", "\n\nReceive your free no-obligation purchase offer.", "\n\nHow We Compare\n\nThe process is fast and easy because you sell directly to us and a local reputable title company handles all of the paperwork.", "\n\nThis table compares the costs and benefits of selling the traditional route, vs. selling directly to us.", "\n\nWho Are We?", "\n\nThe owners, Favian and Courtney, focus on providing value to every homeowner’s unique situation by taking the time to listen, understand the situation, and craft the best solution. ", "No two situations have ever been similar.", "\n\nFavian and Courtney have been invited to speak multiple times to groups about real estate…Favian and Courtney are high school sweethearts and are known as The Property Savers…\n\nCore Values\n\nIntegrity. ", "Always do the right thing, PERIOD.", "\n\nService. ", "Focus on providing exceptional customer service.", "\n\nResults. ", "Always provide winning solutions for ALL parties involved.", "\n\nWhy Do We Do This?", "\n\nFor every 100 houses sold in Las Vegas, approximately 5 of them do not sell through the traditional route and are sold “off-market”. ", "There are MANY reasons for this. ", "Common owner specific reasons include; behind on payments, job loss, job relocation, divorce, bankruptcy, back taxes, etc. ", "Common property specific reasons include; deferred maintenance, excessive repairs needed, fire damage, water damage, foundation issues, vandalized, trouble tenants, etc.", "\n\nThese reasons lead to a homeowner being considered a “motivated seller” because realtors and potential retail buyers are scared away by the situation due to not having proper experience in navigating these.", "\n\nThis is where The Property Savers come in and create value for these motivated sellers by helping them move on from the property so that they can go back to enjoying life!", "\n\nCase Study\nAvoided Foreclosure and Saved Credit\n\nIn short…\n\nNo matter what condition your house is in; no matter what situation or timeframe you’re facing… Our goal is to help make your life easier and get you out from under the property that’s stressing you out… while still paying a fast, fair, and honest price for your house.", "\n\nAre you ready to experience the hassle-free way to sell a property?", "\n\nStart by giving us a call or text now at 702-728-4705 and one of our housing specialists will ask you a few questions… Or fill out the form below…\n\nGet Started Now On Your Free No Obligation Offer!", "\n\nExperience the hassle-free way of selling the house by not having to go through the hurdles of the traditional route." ]
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[ "[Initial clinical experiences with heterotopic autotransplantation of the spleen].", "\nSince April 1980 ruptured spleens have been removed in seven patients (6-43 years old) and reimplanted into the omentum majus using a new operative technique. ", "This procedure took about 15 min. ", "Two patients died because of associated trauma to other organs. ", "There were no complications due to this autologous, heterotopic transplantation. ", "Four months after the operation elektrophoresis of immunglobulins, Howell-Jolly bodies and \"pitted\" RBCs were totally normalized. ", "A 99mTc-scintigram with human albumin-millimicrospheres showed an intact phagocytosis and ingestion by the transplant. ", "Therefore, good protection against infection is to be expected. ", "The heterotopic autotransplantation of the spleen should be used in cases of splenic trauma if the clinical situation demands total splenectomy." ]
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[ "Investigations of the antioxidant properties of plant extracts using a DNA-electrochemical biosensor.", "\nIn this work, the results of a method based on an electrochemical biosensor to detect DNA damage in vitro for the evaluation of the antioxidant properties of plant extracts are reported. ", "The biosensor consisted of a dsDNA immobilized on a screen-printed electrode surface (SPE). ", "DNA damage was promoted by the generation of the *OH radicals via Fenton-type reaction. ", "The interaction of the radical species with immobilised DNA in the absence and presence of antioxidants was evaluated by means of changes in the guanine oxidation peak obtained by square wave voltammetry. ", "The results demonstrated that the DNA-based biosensor is suitable as a rapid screening test for the evaluation of antioxidant properties of samples." ]
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[ "History is the study of the past, specifically how it relates to humans. ", "It is an umbrella term that relates to past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and interpretation of information about these events. ", "Scholars who write about history are called historians. ", "Events occurring prior to written record are considered prehistory. ", "History can also refer to the academic discipline which uses a narrative to examine and analyse a sequence of past events, and objectively determine the patterns of cause and effect that determine them. ", "Historians sometimes debate the nature of history and its usefulness by discussing the study of the discipline as an end in itself and as a way of providing \"perspective\" on the problems of the present. ", "Stories common to a particular culture, but not supported by external sources are usually classified as cultural heritage or legends, because they do not support the \"disinterested investigation\" required of the discipline of history. ", "Herodotus, a 5th-century BC Greek historian is considered within the Western tradition to be the \"father of history\", and, along with his contemporary Thucydides, helped form the foundations for the modern study of human history. ", "Their work continues to be read today and the divide between the culture-focused Herodotus and the military-focused Thucydides remains a point of contention or approach in modern historical writing. ", "In the Eastern tradition, a state chronicle the Spring and Autumn Annals was known to be compiled from as early as 722 BC although only 2nd century BC texts survived. ", "Ancient influences have helped spawn variant interpretations of the nature of history which have evolved over the centuries and continue to change today. ", "The modern study of history is wide-ranging, and includes the study of specific regions and the study of certain topical or thematical elements of historical investigation. ", "Often history is taught as part of primary and secondary education, and the academic study of history is a major discipline in University studies. ", "Etymology\n\nAncient Greek ἱστορία means \"inquiry\",\"knowledge from inquiry\", or \"judge\". ", "It was in that sense that Aristotle used the word in his . ", "The ancestor word is attested early on in Homeric Hymns, Heraclitus, the Athenian ephebes' oath, and in Boiotic inscriptions . ", "The word entered the English language in 1390 with the meaning of \"relation of incidents, story\". ", "In Middle English, the meaning was \"story\" in general. ", "The restriction to the meaning \"record of past events\" arose in the late 15th century. ", "It was still in the Greek sense that Francis Bacon used the term in the late 16th century, when he wrote about \"Natural History\". ", "For him, historia was \"the knowledge of objects determined by space and time\", that sort of knowledge provided by memory . ", "In an expression of the linguistic synthetic vs. analytic/isolating dichotomy, English like Chinese now designates separate words for human history and storytelling in general. ", "In modern German, French, and most Germanic and Romance languages, which are solidly synthetic and highly inflected, the same word is still used to mean both \"history\" and \"story\". ", "The adjective historical is attested from 1661, and historic from 1669. ", "Historian in the sense of a \"researcher of history\" is attested from 1531. ", "In all European languages, the substantive \"history\" is still used to mean both \"what happened with men\", and \"the scholarly study of the happened\", the latter sense sometimes distinguished with a capital letter, \"History\", or the word historiography. ", "The modern discipline of history is dedicated to the institutional production of this discourse. ", "All events that are remembered and preserved in some authentic form constitute the historical record. ", "The task of historical discourse is to identify the sources which can most usefully contribute to the production of accurate accounts of past. ", "Therefore, the constitution of the...\n\nYOU MAY ALSO FIND THESE DOCUMENTS HELPFUL\n\n...Squid is a popular food in many parts of the world.", "\nIn many of the languages around the Mediterranean sea, squid are referred to by a term related to the Italian \"calamari\", which in English has become a culinary name for Mediterranean dishes involving squid, especially fried squid . ", "Japan consumes the most squid in the world .", "\nFried squid\nFried squid is a dish in Mediterranean cuisine. ", "It consists of batter-coated, deep fried squid, fried for less than two minutes to prevent...\n\n...type of political organization or society. ", "Rather, as discussed by John Keegan in his History of Warfare, war is a universal phenomenon whose form and scope is defined by the society that wages it. ", "Another argument suggests that since there are human societies in which warfare does not exist, humans may not be naturally disposed for warfare, which emerges under particular circumstances.", "\nThe deadliest war in history, in terms of the cumulative number of deaths...\n\n...to \"offensive language, sexually explicit, and unsuited to age group.\"", "\nAfghanistan's Ministry of Culture banned the film from distribution in cinemas or DVD stores, citing the possibility that the movie's ethnically charged rape scene could incite racial violence within Afghanistan.", "\nAdaptations\nThe Kite Runner was published in 2003 and in 2007 adapted as a motion picture starring Khalid Abdalla, Homayoun Ershadi, and Ahmad Khan Mahmoodzada . ", "Directed by Marc Forster and...\n\n...Throughout sociology there have been the major issues and controversies on the perspective of the education system is not providing equal opportunities to both genders meaning the national curriculum is favoured to girls and this has been an issue for very long time. ", "In the nineteenth- century women were destined for housework and women were taught domestic skills like cooking and the boys were taught craft skills. ", "In this assignment I am going to explain how sociology has...\n\n...Name\nClass Name\nDate\nHow Do Historians StudyHistory?", "\nPeople might tend to think of a historian, particularly an instructor, as someone who has a fairly straightforward and simple profession. ", "After all, history is already written. ", "Thus, it should simply be a matter of just memorizing a series of facts. ", "Of course, this is not the case. ", "History as we understand it is a constantly evolving story about individuals, events, eras and...\n\n...until 1941.", "\nTrotsky\n(a) Provide a detailed description of THREE significant events in the life of the personality you have studied.", "\n(b) Assess the contribution of the personality you have studied to their period of national and/or international history.", "\nConflict in Indochina 1954–1979 (25 marks)\n(a) Assess the importance of nationalism to the Vietnamese up to 1965.", "\n(b) From 1965 the US implemented a policy of direct military involvement in Vietnam.", "\nEvaluate the...\n\n...Bias\nCHYS 4P16 Research Seminar\nHollie Warren\nbi-as [bahy-uhs]\n1. ", "a personal and often unreasoned judgment for or against one side in a dispute (Dictionary.com)\nBias can better be understood as on overarching term that encompasses various social constructs such as stereotyping, prejudice, racism, labels, inequality and so forth. ", "Bugeja (2007) discusses the complex connections between bias, stereotypes, media influence, and...\n\nStudy Tools\n\nCompany\n\nFollow\n\n{\"hostname\":\"studymode.com\",\"essaysImgCdnUrl\":\"\\/\\/images-study.netdna-ssl.com\\/pi\\/\",\"useDefaultThumbs\":true,\"defaultThumbImgs\":[\"\\/\\/stm-study.netdna-ssl.com\\/stm\\/images\\/placeholders\\/default_paper_1.png\",\"\\/\\/stm-study.netdna-ssl.com\\/stm\\/images\\/placeholders\\/default_paper_2.png\",\"\\/\\/stm-study.netdna-ssl.com\\/stm\\/images\\/placeholders\\/default_paper_3.png\",\"\\/\\/stm-study.netdna-ssl.com\\/stm\\/images\\/placeholders\\/default_paper_4.png\",\"\\/\\/stm-study.netdna-ssl.com\\/stm\\/images\\/placeholders\\/default_paper_5.png\"],\"thumb_default_size\":\"160x220\",\"thumb_ac_size\":\"80x110\",\"isPayOrJoin\":false,\"essayUpload\":false,\"site_id\":1,\"autoComplete\":false,\"isPremiumCountry\":false,\"userCountryCode\":\"US\",\"logPixelPath\":\"\\/\\/www.smhpix.com\\/pixel.gif\",\"tracking_url\":\"\\/\\/www.smhpix.com\\/pixel.gif\",\"cookies\":{\"unlimitedBanner\":\"off\"},\"essay\":{\"essayId\":61533559,\"categoryName\":\"Periodicals\",\"categoryParentId\":\"17\",\"currentPage\":1,\"format\":\"text\",\"pageMeta\":{\"text\":{\"startPage\":1,\"endPage\":9,\"pageRange\":\"1-9\",\"totalPages\":9}},\"access\":\"premium\",\"title\":\"Gender Norms \\u0026 Racial Bias in the Study of the Modern \\u0022History\\u0022\",\"additionalIds\":[3,9,7,93],\"additional\":[\"Business \\u0026 Economy\",\"Entertainment\",\"Education\",\"Education\\/Greek System\"],\"loadedPages\":{\"html\":[],\"text\":[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]}},\"user\":null,\"canonicalUrl\":\"http:\\/\\/www.studymode.com\\/essays\\/Gender-Norms-Racial-Bias-In-61533559.html\",\"pagesPerLoad\":50,\"userType\":\"member_guest\",\"ct\":10,\"ndocs\":\"1,500,000\",\"pdocs\":\"6,000\",\"cc\":\"10_PERCENT_1MO_AND_6MO\",\"signUpUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.studymode.com\\/signup\\/\",\"joinUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.studymode.com\\/join\",\"payPlanUrl\":\"\\/checkout\\/pay\",\"upgradeUrl\":\"\\/checkout\\/upgrade\",\"freeTrialUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.studymode.com\\/signup\\/?redirectUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.studymode.com%2Fcheckout%2Fpay%2Ffree-trial\\u0026bypassPaymentPage=1\",\"showModal\":\"get-access\",\"showModalUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.studymode.com\\/signup\\/?redirectUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.studymode.com%2Fjoin\",\"joinFreeUrl\":\"\\/essays\\/?newuser=1\",\"siteId\":1,\"facebook\":{\"clientId\":\"306058689489023\",\"version\":\"v2.8\",\"language\":\"en_US\"},\"analytics\":{\"googleId\":\"UA-32718321-1\"}}" ]
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[ "Investor Relations - Releases\n\nReleases\n\nWASHINGTON, Jan 20, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- The Washington Post Company (NYSE: WPO) said today that its Board of Directors has approved an increase in the annual dividend rate on the Company's common stock, from $9.00 to $9.40 per share.", "\n\nThe dividend for the first quarter of 2011, $2.35 per share, is payable on February 11, 2011, to shareholders of record on January 31, 2011." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPHP String Pattern Replace\n\nI have a set of strings like this:\nPants [+$50]\nShirts [+$10]\nJeans [+$5]\nJackets [+$100]\n\nHow can I remove the ' [xxx]' in these lines and leaving just the item name (without the trailing space)? ", "I was told to define a regular expression, not sure how that works...\n\nA:\n\nThat's actually a bit of a confusing regex, since [ and ] are special characters:\n$str = 'Pants [+$50]';\n$str = rtrim(preg_replace('/\\[[^\\]]*\\]/', '', $str));\n\n// 'Pants'\n\nBasically the partern \\[[^\\]]*\\] means to match a literal [ followed by 0 or more characters that are not ] followed by a ]. ", " The second string in preg_replace is what it gets replaced with. ", " In this case the empty string since we want to remove it. ", "Then we use rtrim to trim any trailing whitespace.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Louisiana will enter into a complex agreement that could lead to the widespread privatization of energy systems at state agencies and universities throughout the state, after lawmakers reviewed the deal for a final time Tuesday.", "\n\nGov. John Bel Edwards' administration struck the deal with LA Energy Partners, a joint venture between Johnson Controls Inc. and Bernhard Energy Solutions, one of several companies controlled by Baton Rouge businessman Jim Bernhard.", "\n\nThe company will lease chiller systems at the Shaw Center for the Arts, a state-owned building in downtown Baton Rouge, from the state for $3 million over 20 years. ", "The state will then buy back the chilled water — used to cool the building — for $6 million. ", "The firm will also make energy upgrades at 31 state buildings, including the State Capitol, Governor’s Mansion and state Supreme Court building, in exchange for $54 million.", "\n\nAside from the cash, LA Energy Partners will also make money selling the extra chilled water to other companies, who use it to cool their commercial buildings, in downtown Baton Rouge.", "\n\nHowever, the deal is not limited to those buildings. ", "The agreement lets state agencies and universities opt in to similar deals with LA Energy Partners, which sets the stage for the company to land contracts with potentially several other entities. ", "If those schools or state entities want to privatize their energy systems, they would not have to go through a public bid process to find a company to hire. ", "Instead, they could contract with LA Energy Partners using similar terms outlined in the state deal.", "\n\nThe contract calls for LA Energy Partners to make a 5% return on equity for the state deal, as well as an 8% return for subsequent deals with other entities.", "\n\n“We're satisfied it's very much a positive for the state,” Commissioner of Administration Jay Dardenne said following a Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget hearing. “", "But it's a unique arrangement, and that's why it took so long to negotiate.”", "\n\nDardenne said the company has already reached out to Southern University and Northwestern University to pitch similar deals. ", "The deal will be signed in the “very near future,” he said, after the budget committee reviewed it for the second time Tuesday. ", "The administration made several changes at the behest of lawmakers, giving the legislative auditor oversight over the deal and clarifying the contract will end if lawmakers don’t appropriate the money.", "\n\nState officials have said they believe energy savings from the improvements at state buildings will offset the millions in costs. ", "The initial deal lasts 20 years. ", "The total “net public benefit” to the state will be about $18.8 million, the Edwards administration estimates.", "\n\nBernhard Energy Solutions partnered with the HVAC company Johnson Controls at the request of the Edwards administration after both firms submitted proposals to the state. ", "Bernhard Energy Solutions is one of several companies controlled by Bernhard Capital Partners, a private equity firm run by former Shaw Group chief executive and Democratic Party official Jim Bernhard, who was floated as a potential candidate for governor before ruling it out last year.", "\n\nAnother Bernhard Capital Partners firm, NextGen Utility Systems, tried to take over the Lafayette Utilities System last year before backing out amid a public outcry from residents.", "\n\nFormer Gov. Bobby Jindal’s administration initially proposed privatizing some state-owned chiller systems several years ago. ", "The Edwards administration revived the idea shortly after the governor took office." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDefine onblur event dynamically in ASP.NET code\n\nWhat I am looking for is to dynamically create two textboxes from the C# ASP.NET code (either normal textbox or HTML input text, I don't mind).", "\nAnd then I tried (and failed) to define an event that fires when the first textbox loses the focus, so, what is written in the first textbox should be copied to the second textbox.", "\nI tried to use the onblur() event, but I faced a problem...\nSince the body of the function of the onblur event should be written in JavaScript, so my two textboxes that I created in the C# ASP.NET file will not be known by JavaScript code...\nIs there a way to write the body of onblur event in default.cs...? ", "Or maybe I should find another way?", "\n\nA:\n\nTry following code:\nMarkup\n<asp:PlaceHolder runat=\"server\" ID=\"textBoxPlaceHolder\"></asp:PlaceHolder>\n\nCode-behind\nTextBox t1 = new TextBox();\nt1.ID = \"textBox1\";\n\nTextBox t2 = new TextBox();\nt2.ID = \"textBox2\";\n\ntextBoxPlaceHolder.", "Controls.", "Add(t1);\ntextBoxPlaceHolder.", "Controls.", "Add(t2);\n\nString javascript = \"javascript:document.getElementById('\" + t2.ClientID + \"').value=this.value;\";\nt1.Attributes.", "Add(\"onblur\", javascript);\n\n" ]
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[ "Electronic pancreatoscopy for the diagnosis of pancreatic diseases.", "\nDiagnostic pancreatoscopy was performed in 56 patients using the newly developed peroral electronic pancreatoscope (PEPS). ", "The diagnostic value of the PEPS for pancreatic diseases was evaluated. ", "The PEPS (external diameter = 2.1 mm, bidirectional tip deflection) was developed with a minute 50,000-pixel interline charge-coupled device. ", "Pancreatoscopy was performed by means of an endoscopic retrograde approach without sphincterotomy. ", "The cases examined were normal (three), chronic pancreatitis (32), pancreatic cancer (eight), and intraductal papillary mucinous tumors (13). ", "Of the 56 cases, 42 (75%) were adequately seen. ", "In normal cases, fine capillary vessels were clearly visualized on the smooth whitish-pink mucosa. ", "Findings in chronic pancreatitis included protein plugs, calcified stones, rough whitish mucosa, scar formation, edema, erythema, and indistinct capillary appearance. ", "All the stenoses of chronic pancreatitis could be differentiated from those of pancreatic cancer with the PEPS. ", "In the pancreatic cancer cases, all patients had stenoses or duct cutoffs; most cases had friable mucosa with erythema and erosive changes, and a single patient had a compressed pancreatic duct wall covered with normal epithelium. ", "In the cases of intraductal papillary mucinous tumors, papillary tumors were visualized with extreme clarity. ", "In the case of adenocarcinoma, the PEPS revealed oval-shaped tumors with spotty redness or villous tumors with dilation of capillary vessels. ", "Moderate acute pancreatitis was recognized after pancreatoscopy in one of the 56 cases (1.8%). ", "Electronic pancreatoscopy with the PEPS is feasible in most patients and technically safe, and improves diagnostic yield over conventional pancreatoscopy." ]
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[ "Kveik\n\nKveik is a collective term for a family of strains of brewing yeast that has been used in Norwegian farmhouse brewing for generations.", "\n\nHistory \n\nIn the olden days all Norwegian farmers brewed beer from their own grain. ", "The yeast was kept by the farmers themselves between brews. ", "If someone had a brew go sour, or found that the yeast in any way had gone bad or died, they were supplied with new, healthy yeast from a neighboring farm. ", "As the farming was modernized and beer became commercially available, most of the farmhouse brewing died out and the yeast with it. ", "Many places where the brewing tradition survived brewers started to use bread yeast from the local store instead of the old yeast from the farm.", "\n\nOrigin \n\nOn the west coast of Norway, from Hardanger in the south to Sunnmøre in the north, there are still some yeast cultures that have survived and are in use to this day (2019). ", "These yeast cultures have often been handed down from father to son along with the knowledge of malting grain and brewing. ", "All the strains that have been collected and analyzed in a laboratory have turned out to belong to the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae (common brewing yeast). ", "They are also more closely related to each other genetically than to the yeast strains from other parts of the world. ", "Thus, the surviving yeast on the west coast of Norway makes up a new subcategory on the family tree of brewing yeast, and it is yeasts belonging to this family which are referred to as kveik. ", "No kveik has as yet been found outside of Norway.", "\n\nGenetics \n\nGenetic analysis shows that kveik belongs to the large category of brewing yeast called \"Beer 1\", which includes much of the yeast strains from Germany, Belgium, Great Britain, and the USA. ", "Kveik seems to be a hybrid of a progenitor from this known family in addition to an unknown yeast, most likely a wild yeast.", "\n\nProperties \n\nAlthough kveik is a domesticated brewer's yeast it differs from most modern brewer's yeast in several ways:\n It can ferment at much higher temperatures without causing off-flavors. ", "Ordinary brewer's yeast will usually produce off-flavors above 25C, but kveik can go as high as 43C without ill effects.", "\n It completes fermentation of the beer faster than other yeasts, and the beer can be drunk earlier with less time to mature.", "\n It can be dried and stored dry.", "\n It produces other aromas, often reminiscent of tropical fruits. ", "Chemically it produces more fatty esters than ordinary yeast.", "\n\nEtymology \n\nThe yeast is called kveik because this is the most common dialect word for yeast in the parts of Norway where these strains comes from. ", "Many of the brewers are referring to their own yeast as 'kveik' whilst the commercially available yeast is called simply 'yeast'. ", "The word 'kveik' in the meaning of 'yeast' stems from the old Norse word 'kvikk' (Eng: vigorous and fast) in the meaning of 'healthy, lively'. ", "The English word 'quick' comes from the same root.", "\n\nInternational spread \n\nIn recent years kveik has spread from the traditional brewers on the west coast of Norway to modern home brewers and some commercial breweries in Norway, and even the rest of the world. ", "Kveik is now sold commercially by laboratories in the USA, Canada, Ireland, Britain, and Poland. ", "Commercial brews are being made and sold using the kveik yeast strains on all continents, and the interest for these particular yeast strains has increased immensely. ", "In the USA there are entire beer festivals dedicated to beer brewed with kveik.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n Larsblog\n Kveik at Milk The Funk Wiki\n Farmhouse yeast registry\n\nCategory:Brewing" ]
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[ "AVM FRITZ! ", "Fon C4\n\nA real multi-talent\n\n! ", "As the newest member of the FRITZ! ", "Fon family, FRITZ Fon C4 a great variety of functions: telephone calls in HD quality numerous multimedia functions and Internet music and intelligent home control make the daily use a real experience and provide optimal entertainment.", "\n\nCordless telephone (DECT) for Internet telephony and fixed line\n\nThe perfect addition to all FRITZ! ", "Box models with DECT base\n\nSupports HD telephony for natural sound\n\nFull-duplex hands-free speakerphone function in HD quality\n\nInstant and secure out of the box through encrypted voice transmission\n\nHD telephony for the best sound\n\nCrystal clear sound for calls: The FRITZ! ", "Fon C4 supports high definition telephony for excellent voice quality. ", "With the natural sound are long phone calls a real pleasure.", "\n\nThe best contact with the base\n\nLest you all the features, FRITZ! ", "Fon C4 offers could use unlimited and add new we recommend the combination with a FRITZ! ", "Box with DECT base. ", "An unbeatable team in the world of telephony?", "\n\nInspiring design\n\nThe ergonomic backlit keyboard with key message and the high-resolution color dealing with the FRITZ! ", "Fon is a pleasure. ", "With only 115g it is light weight; moreover, he is slim and fits comfortably in the hand.", "\n\nGreat variety - easy operation\n\nUsability is for us of utmost importance. ", "We make it as simple as possible. ", "The FRITZ! ", "Fon C4 is designed so that you can seamlessly use all the features - multimedia telephony or Internet services.", "\n\nReady in a snap\n\n! ", "FRITZ Fon C4 is ready to go in just a few steps: Simply log on to the DECT base and start calling. ", "Setting phone numbers and contacts can very easily in the FRITZ! ", "Box menu or directly on the FRITZ! ", "Fon.", "\n\nSafety for your calls\n\nSo what is confidential remains confidential is your FRITZ! ", "Fon C4 optimally protected by voice encryption according to the latest standards right out of the box. ", "More security from the first minute - without additional configuration." ]
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[ 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009009009009009009, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0 ]
[ "Detection of alpha-hydroxyethyl free radical adducts in the pancreas after chronic exposure to alcohol in the rat.", "\nChronic pancreatitis is characterized by inflammation and fibrosis leading to tissue destruction; in industrialized nations, alcohol abuse is the cause of 70-80% of cases of pancreatitis in adults. ", "The purpose of the current work was to determine whether free radical adducts are produced by the pancreas during the early phases of chronic exposure to ethanol. ", "Accordingly, rats were chronically fed ethanol using the model of continuous enteral infusion developed by Tsukamoto et al.[Am. ", "J. Physiol. ", "247: R595-R599 (1984)]. ", "Histological evaluation revealed only mild acinar steatosis and spotty necrosis after 4 weeks of alcohol treatment; the pancreatic enzymes lipase and amylase were not elevated. ", "Furthermore, no fibrosis was detected, nor were there differences in pancreatic collagen alpha 1(l) mRNA levels between the dietary control and ethanol-treated groups. ", "After 4 weeks, rats were injected with the spin trap alpha-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)-N-tert-butylnitrone (1 g/kg intravenously), and pancreatic secretions were collected over a 4-hr period. ", "A six-line free radical adduct spectrum indicative of a carboncentered free radical was detected in pancreatic secretions and in Folch extracts of pancreatic tissue by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. ", "Control experiments ruled out ex vivo radical formation. ", "This study represents the first detection of radical adducts in pancreatic secretions. ", "When [13C]ethanol (3 g/kg intragastrically) was administered, a definitive 12-line spectrum was detected in pancreatic secretions, demonstrating that the alpha-hydroxyethyl radical adduct was formed in the pancreas from [13C]ethanol. ", "Interestingly, only a six-line signal was detected in tissue extracts under these conditions. ", "Free radicals, therefore, are formed in the pancreas during the early phases of chronic alcohol intake in rats before the development of overt pathology." ]
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[ "ve.", "\nk**(-1227/5)\nSimplify (t**(-22)*t*t*t**4*((t*t**(2/3)/t)/t)/t**(-5))**(-6/5) assuming t is positive.", "\nt**(68/5)\nSimplify ((j**8*j*j*j**1*(j/(j/(j**(1/3)/j)))**(6/25))**(34/5))**(2/71) assuming j is positive.", "\nj**(18428/8875)\nSimplify ((s**(-1/2))**(-45)/(s**5/(s**(-3/4)/s)))/((s*s**(4/9)*s)/s**(-9))**(-1/15) assuming s is positive.", "\ns**(8917/540)\nSimplify (u**(-47)/(u/u**(-2/3)))/(u**(-9)*u*u**(-47)/u*u) assuming u is positive.", "\nu**(19/3)\nSimplify (((c**4/c)**50)**(-3/19))**(-40) assuming c is positive.", "\nc**(18000/19)\nSimplify ((h/(h*h**0))**(5/6)/(h*h**(-3/5)*h**3*h*h))/(((h*h/h**(1/4))/h**(-7))/(((((h*h*h*h**(1/8)*h*h)/h*h)/h)/h)/((h**(1/7)/h)/h))) assuming h is positive.", "\nh**(-2567/280)\nSimplify (((q*q**(-1/3))**43)**(-18/13))**47 assuming q is positive.", "\nq**(-24252/13)\nSimplify (a*a*a**(7/6)*(a**(-2)/a)/a)**(-27/4)/((a**(2/19)/a**3)/((a*a**0)/a)**49) assuming a is positive.", "\na**(1295/152)\nSimplify (w**(-1/3)*w*w)**(16/11)/((w/(w**(-1)*w))/w)**(-13/3)*(w**(1/2))**26/(w**(-2/7)*(w*w*w**(-4))/w*w) assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(4091/231)\nSimplify (d*d*d**(2/5)/d*d**(-1/6))**(-23)/(((d*(d*d*d**(-4))/d)/d)/d**4)**(-26) assuming d is positive.", "\nd**(-6311/30)\nSimplify a*(a/(a*a*a/a**0*a))/a*a**6*((a*a*a**(-1/4)*a)/a*a)**(3/25)*(a/(a**(-6)*a)*a*a/(a/a**(-1/8)))**(-25) assuming a is positive.", "\na**(-33709/200)\nSimplify ((h/h**1)**11/((h/(h**10/h)*h)/(h/h**9)))**(16/9) assuming h is positive.", "\nh**(-16/9)\nSimplify (d/((d/(d/(d*d**(-5/3)*d*d)))/d)*((d**(-10)*d)/d)/d)**17*((d*d/d**0)**(-2/19))**(35/4) assuming d is positive.", "\nd**(-10118/57)\nSimplify ((k**(-5/7)*k*k/k**(1/4))/(k/k**4*(k*(k/(k/(k**(-13)/k*k)))/k)/k))**(-8) assuming k is positive.", "\nk**(-1010/7)\nSimplify ((x/(x*x/(x**(-4)/x))*x)/(x/(x*x/x**(6/5)))*(((x**8/x)/x)/x)**48)**(-25) assuming x is positive.", "\nx**(-5870)\nSimplify (d*(d**(-3/7)*d)/d)/(d**(-34)*d)*d*d*d**19*d*d*d**(3/13) assuming d is positive.", "\nd**(5169/91)\nSimplify (((f*f*(f*(f*f**(-2/87))/f*f*f)/f)/(f/(((f*f/f**(1/32))/f*f)/f)*f))/(f*f**(-2/27)*f*f*f*f*f**8*f))**(-18) assuming f is positive.", "\nf**(275119/1392)\nSimplify l/l**(-7)*l*l*(l**(-3)*l)/l*l*l*l**5*l*l/l**0*l*(l**2*l/(l/l**(2/17)*l))**(-22) assuming l is positive.", "\nl**(-129/17)\nSimplify (((c/(c**(-2/13)/c))/c**(1/10))/((c*c**(-13)*c)/(c**3/c)))**10 assuming c is positive.", "\nc**(1957/13)\nSimplify (t**(-1/3))**(-2/83)/(t**0*t*t/t**(-2/5)*t)*(t*t*t**(-1/7)*t*t*t**(5/7))**(-47) assuming t is positive.", "\nt**(-1902041/8715)\nSimplify ((r**0)**(-19)/(r**(-3/5))**(-9/11))**(-6) assuming r is positive.", "\nr**(162/55)\nSimplify (((h/h**(2/7))/(h*h/(h*h**10*h))*(h**(1/3))**21)**(-46))**49 assuming h is positive.", "\nh**(-39928)\nSimplify (w**(-7)*w**(-2/11)*w*w*w**(-2/5)*w*w/(w*w**(-5/2)))/((w/(w**(-2)/w))/(w/(w/(w**0/w)))*(w**(-1))**6) assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(-119/110)\nSimplify ((((i*i**6*i*i)/i)/i)/(i**1/i*i)*(i/(i*i**(1/3)))/(i*i**(-7)*i))/((i*i**0*i)**(1/2)/(i/(i*i**(-2)*i)*i**(-4/5)*i)) assuming i is positive.", "\ni**(163/15)\nSimplify ((k**(-2/29)/k*k**(2/37))**(10/11))**(-10/3) assuming k is positive.", "\nk**(3300/1073)\nSimplify ((y**(-1/2)/y*y*y**(-5/2))/(y**(-7/2)/(y*y**(-3))))/((y**(-8)*y**5)/(y/y**(2/7))**(-32)) assuming y is positive.", "\ny**(-299/14)\nSimplify ((((r/r**(-10/7))**16)**(-8))**(-25))**(-35) assuming r is positive.", "\nr**(-272000)\nSimplify ((p*p**(-1/4)/p)**(-2/3)/((p*p*p**(1/7)*p*p)/(p**(9/8)*p)))**(1/33) assuming p is positive.", "\np**(-311/5544)\nSimplify (x**(2/57)*x**(13/2)*((x**(2/9)*x)/x)**(-2/51))**(1/2) assuming x is positive.", "\nx**(113833/34884)\nSimplify (((w**1)**(28/3)*(w/w**(2/11)*w)/(w/(w*w*w**1)))**(3/20))**(1/43) assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(217/4730)\nSimplify ((n/(n/(n*((n/n**(-2/9))/n)/n)))**(2/65))**(-31)/((n/(n*n**(-1/3)*n))/(n**(-11)/n))**(-10) assuming n is positive.", "\nn**(66176/585)\nSimplify (p**(-5)/p*p**(-4/7)*(p*p**2)/(p*(p*p/p**(-4))/p))/((p/(p*p*(p*p**1)/p*p))**(-12/11)*(p**(-1)/p)/(p*p**3*p)) assuming p is positive.", "\np**(-450/77)\nSimplify ((m*m**0*m)**(-2)/((m**(2/7)*m)/(m/m**(2/3))))/(m**(-3)/m*m**6)**(4/7) assuming m is positive.", "\nm**(-128/21)\nSimplify ((l**(-1/4))**(-2/7)/(l**(-2)*l)**(-2/167))/((l*l**(5/4)/l)/(l*l*l**(-6))*l**7/l*l**9) assuming l is positive.", "\nl**(-94411/4676)\nSimplify (((w*w*w*w*w**(-7)*w*w*w)/w*w)/(w**(-3)/w))**46*w/w**(-1/11)*w**2*w**3*w**(-2/9)*w assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(18896/99)\nSimplify ((q*q**(-5))/(q*q**(-2/3)/q*q))**5*(q*q**(-1/3)*q)**(-31/4)/(((q*q**0/q)/q*q)/q*(q/q**(1/2))/q) assuming q is positive.", "\nq**(-397/12)\nSimplify ((o**(-11)*o*(o*o**(-3/10))/o)/(o**(-25))**(-6))**30 assuming o is positive.", "\no**(-4809)\nSimplify w*w**(-1/8)*w*w**(3/8)*w**8*w*w**(-1/9)*((w/(w**(-1)/w))**50)**(1/41) assuming w is positive.", "\nw**(21841/1476)\nSimplify ((((g**(-4/7))**6)**4)**41)**42 assuming g is positive.", "\ng**(-23616)\nSimplify ((r*r**(-12/5)/r*(r*r**(1/4))/r)/(r**(3/5)*r**(-18)*r))**(-1/13) assuming r is positive.", "\nr**(-57/52)\nSimplify (((p*p**(1/16))/p*p*p**(2/7)*(p/(p/(p/p**(-1/13))))/p**(3/5))**(11/5))**(-2/35) assuming p is positive.", "\np**(-146157/637000)\nSimplify ((u**(6/5)/u)/(u*u/u**(2/7))*u**6*(u/(u*u**(1/7)*u))/u)/((u**0/u*u)**28*((u**(-9)/u)/u*u)/u*u*u**(1/2)) assuming u is positive.", "\nu**(829/70)\nSimplify (((k**(5/2)/((k/(k**(-8)*k))/k))/(k*k*k*k*k**(-3))**(15/11))**15)**(-49) assuming k is positive.", "\nk**(94815/22)\nSimplify (i*i**1*i/((i**7*i)/i))/(((i/i**(2/7))/i)/(i/i**(-1/3)))*(i*i/(i**(-2)*i))**46*i**(-1/10)/(i**(-2/9)*i) assuming i is positive.", "\ni**(84887/630)\nSimplify ((y**2*y)**(-12)*y/(y/(y**(4/5)/y))*y*y**(-1/7)*y)/(y*y/y**(7/3)*y**(-1/3))**(-20/3) assuming y is positive.", "\ny**(-12218/315)\nSimplify ((g/(g/g**(1/2)))/(g*g**(-3)/g*g)*g**(-6)/g**(1/3))/(((g**6/g)/(g*(g/(g/(g**4/g)*g))/g*g))/(g**(-1/2)*g**2)) assuming g is positive.", "\ng**(-13/3)\nSimplify ((g**(1/4)/g**3)/(g**(1/4))**18)/((g**(-1/4))**(-16)/(g**(-2/5))**37) assuming g is positive.", "\ng**(-521/20)\nSimplify ((y/(y/(y/(y*y**4)))*y)/y)/(y/(y/(y*y/(y/(y**(-5/3)*y*y))*y)))*(y**(1/4))**(17/5)*(y**(-4)/y**(2/17))/(y/y**(-1/3))**5 assuming y is positive.", "\ny**(-5531/340)\nSimplify q**43*(q/(q/(q/q**(-1/16))*q))/q*(q/(q/(q*q*q*q**3/q)))**(-1/14) assuming q is positive.", "\nq**(4671/112)\nSimplify ((l**(-2/13)/((l/(l/l**1))/l))/(l**(-4)*l/l**3))/((l*l*l*(l/l**(-5))/l)/l**3*l**(-3)/(l/l**2)) assuming l is positive.", "\nl**(37/13)\nSimplify ((m*m**(1/5))**4/(((m*m*m**(1/16)*m)/m)/(m/(((m/(m/(m*m**(2/25)))*m)/m)/m))))**1 assuming m is positive.", "\nm**(1463/400)\nSimplify k**1/k*k*k**(2/19)/k*k**(-30)*k**18/k*k assuming k is positive.", "\nk**(-226/19)\nSimplify t**44*t**(4/17)*(t/(t**34*t))/t**(8/15) assuming t is positive.", "\nt**(2474/255)\nSimplify ((f**(-26)/f*f*f**(-13))/(f**25)**(10/11))**(-6/11) assuming f is positive.", "\nf**(4074/121)\nSimplify ((x**(-3/2))**(-20/7)/((x**(-3/5)/x)/x*x)**(-36))**(6/17) assuming x is positive.", "\nx**(-11196/595)\nSimplify ((u**(2/17)*(u*u*u**(-2/13))/u*u)/(u**(1/3)/u)**(1/7))/((u*u*u**0*u)**49)**(-7/12) assuming u is positive.", "\nu**(1630087/18564)\nSimplify ((m/(((m**(-2/33)/m)/m*m)/m))/(m/(m*m**15))*(m**0)**(-8))**47 assuming m is positive.", "\nm**(28012/33)\nSimplify ((v**1/v*v)**(2/65)/(((v*v/(v*(v/v**(-7))/v*v))/v)/(v*v**(3/5))))/((v**(-2/7))**(-40)*(v/(v*v*v*v**(1/4)))/v**(-2/5)) assuming v is positive.", "\nv**(19/364)\nSimplify ((h**30*h/h**37)/(h**(-12/7))**(-39))**(-17/5) assuming h is positive.", "\nh**(1734/7)\nSimplify (u**(-6)/u*u**(-3))**(-6/13)/((u**8*u)/u*u**(2/7)*u*(u**(-1/3))**(-17)) assuming u is positive.", "\nu**(-2822/273)\nSimplify (((x*x**(-2/3)*x*x*x)**(5/17)*(x/((x/((x/x**(1/3))/x)*x)/x)*x*x)**12)**(-50))**(1/28) assuming x is positive.", "\nx**(-13375/357)\nSimplify ((y*y**(1/26)*y)/(y*y/((y**(-30/11)/y)/y)*y))/(y*y**(-3/11))**22 assuming y is positive.", "\ny**(-6203/286)\nSimplify ((g*g*g**0)**15*g**(-2/5)*g*g**(2/9))/((g*g**(-1/9)*g*(g*g*g**(-2/19)*g*g*g)/g*g)/((g*g*g**(2/3))/g)**(-5/4)) assuming g is positive.", "\ng**(8343/380)\nSimplify ((d**2/d)**(-3/13)*d/d**(-1/12)*d**(3/2)/d)/((d**1)**(5/9))**(-24/11) assuming d is positive.", "\nd**(1467/572)\nSimplify (s**(-3/8)*s**(-5/3)*(s**(-1)/s)**(2/33))/(((s*s**(2/5))/s)**46/((s/s**(-3/7))/s*s*((s/(s*s**(2/9)))/s*s)/s)) assuming s is positive.", "\ns**(-564283/27720)\nSimplify ((b/b**(-1))**(-2/17))**(-39)/((b**2*b)/(b/b**(-5/6))*(b*b/b**(1/3))**(10/11)) assuming b is positive.", "\nb**(2429/374)\nSimplify ((w*(w/((w*w/w**(-26))/w))/w*w)/w)/w**0*w**(1/4)*w/(w/(w**(-1/48)*w)) assuming w is pos" ]
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[ "Download\nScrewballs II\n\nBrad, Steve, Hue, and Marvin are four get-nowhere boys who are forced into summer school, ending up at Cockswell Academy under the supervision of Principal Arsenault. ", "The boys play a game where they earn points for every girl with which they score. ", "On misadventures of their own, they decide to go for the ultimate 100-point score, Mona Lott, the new French teacher. ", "But when they're unable to get a shot at her, they end up in the unforgiving clutches of the principal. ", "After all is lost, they take one final chance during the school's anniversary celebration." ]
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[ "You have no open Jobs. ", "Post a new Job to invite them to Bid.", "\n\nI worked in IT industry for 5.5 yrs. ", "Now am looking for a work from home option.", "I have good typing skills and have good knowledge in sap erp abap coding, data entry, microsoft office,word,excel e...\n\nI worked in IT industry for 5.5 yrs. ", "Now am looking for a work from home option.", "I have good typing skills and have good knowledge in sap erp abap coding, data entry, microsoft office,word,excel etc.. and internet search.", "\nI can type 80 wpm.", "\nI will surely meet above your expectation.", "\n\nhello!", "\nmy name is amit chauhan, i have worked in many organization as a data entry, data mining, graphic designing, ms excel, email extraction and content writing profile for more than 2 y...\n\nhello!", "\nmy name is amit chauhan, i have worked in many organization as a data entry, data mining, graphic designing, ms excel, email extraction and content writing profile for more than 2 years, currently i am doing these work as part time for my earning. ", "i give excellent quality in the given. ", "so anyone who want to hire me.", "\ni have a team of 3 members working as a freelancer. ", "our other services are web designing, graphic designing, logo designing, content writing etc.", "\n\nMadSkill Multimedia is a team of creative design specialists. ", "Our company has been in business for over 5 years and includes creative professionals with more than 7 years of experience. ", "Our expe...\n\nMadSkill Multimedia is a team of creative design specialists. ", "Our company has been in business for over 5 years and includes creative professionals with more than 7 years of experience. ", "Our expertise spans more than just in creating compelling designs; we also specialize in end-to-end project management to ensure that the Designs & Animations we create achieve your desired outcomes. ", "We work with you to evolve your ideas from concept to finished project.", "\n\nI have total 7 years of full-time work experience.", "\nCurrently, I have been working as a freelancer from last 3 year and have done projects like:\n1) Currently, I work with bangaloreinsider.com...\n\nI have total 7 years of full-time work experience.", "\nCurrently, I have been working as a freelancer from last 3 year and have done projects like:\n1) Currently, I work with bangaloreinsider.com, it is a media blog, for them I work as a social media expert, I generate leads for publishing Bangalore based startup stories from different social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram). ", "Post stories in a blog and repost on social media platform.", "\n2) Content writer and data entry operator with one of an Australian E-Commerce company. ", "For them, I create an SEO friendly unique \"Product Description\", \"Meta Data\" and \"Title\". ", "I also handle images and upload the product to their website. ", "I do internet research to find the technical details about the product and frame them to make a user-friendly content.", "\n3) Worked as a \"Social Media Executive\" for one of an Indian client. ", "Handling his Facebook posts, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.", "\n4) Internet Research: Finding information from the web as per requirement.", "\n5) E-commerce: Social Media Marketing, Product uploads on Magento, Product Description, and Contest Designing.", "\n6) Ms-Office: Good hands on excel reports, made powerpoint presentations for start-ups and sales-pitch.", "\n7) Lead Research: Worked with one of the clients as the Lead Researcher.", "\n\nCurrently I am a housewife.", "Prior to this I worked with Finance and Accounts department.", "I am aware of Tally 9.0,Oracle and SAP as I have worked on these environments.", "I have expertise in accounts r...\n\nCurrently I am a housewife.", "Prior to this I worked with Finance and Accounts department.", "I am aware of Tally 9.0,Oracle and SAP as I have worked on these environments.", "I have expertise in accounts reconciliation,Accounts receivables and Bank reconciliation.", "\nI am very motivated,highly driven candidate.", "I love to work and as working with so many industries,I have delivered my work on time always. ", "So you can say I take it as a challenge to deliver quality work in time frame given.", "\nHope you find me a suitable candidate and hire me for the work.", "\n\nHi, I'm Arpita Sarkar from West Bengal, a B.Sc Honours Graduate and also completed 'Diploma Degree In Computer Application'. ", "I am doing any type of data entry jobs since 5 years wi...\n\nHi, I'm Arpita Sarkar from West Bengal, a B.Sc Honours Graduate and also completed 'Diploma Degree In Computer Application'. ", "I am doing any type of data entry jobs since 5 years with great sincerity and accuracy with 40 wpm data typing speed. ", "I am also a professional Academic content writer. ", "I am new in this 'worknhire' platform but being related with this field since a long time, I've enough experience in this relevant sector. ", "I believe in quality, not in quantity. ", "So before submitting any project to a client, I always recheck it 2-3 times. ", "So, for feeling unique, admirable, accurate presentation of your project as per your requirements within the stipulated time,You can give me an opportunity... Thank you\n\nDear hiring manager,\nI am a freelancer with 4 years of sound experience in various kinds of data entry projects which includes Wordpress, Magento, Shopify also.", "\nI believe that I can reach you...\n\nDear hiring manager,\nI am a freelancer with 4 years of sound experience in various kinds of data entry projects which includes Wordpress, Magento, Shopify also.", "\nI believe that I can reach your expectation by giving you a quality work with in the time frame, as I know the importance of dead lines. ", "I am hardworking and dedicated professional.", "\nKindly give me a chance to get your work done with high accuracy and to prove myself.", "\n\nHello, I am a English Honours Graduate and also completed Diploma Degree in Computer.", "\nI am a Data Entry Operator with extensive experience in building high quality presentation of my clients&...\n\nHello, I am a English Honours Graduate and also completed Diploma Degree in Computer.", "\nI am a Data Entry Operator with extensive experience in building high quality presentation of my clients' project because quality of my work is more important to me than quantity. ", "Thats why I recheck my every work 2-3 times before submitting to my client.", "\nI mainly do as you see my Tag Line - Any types of Data Entry || Admin || Data Processing || Web Research || Fact Checking || Word || Excel - jobs etc..\nI am flexible with my working hours and can manage timings as per my clients' requirements as I also have a team of 3-4 experienced freelancers.", "\nMy main motto is - to make error free, unique presentation of projects ; to Satisfy my clients by my work and to make long term relationship with my honorable clients.", "\nI look forward to hearing from you !! ", "Thank you" ]
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[ "Gloss Black Lip instead of color matched. ", "Had a hard time deciding on this but I feel like I went w/ a the right choice since my beat summer wheels and show summer wheels are white. ", "Also, a side pic of the color matched reflectors." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhich object was the chosen option from ContextMenuStrip\n\nI make windows form application. ", "I have on form TreeView, I add few nodes and add ContextMenuStrip.", "\n var menu = new ContextMenuStrip();\n menu.", "Items.", "Add(\"Some text\", new Bitmap(1, 1), new EventHandler(function_name));\n\n var treeView = new TreeView(..);\n treeView.", "ContextMenuStrip = menu; \n\n treeView.", "Nodes.", "Add(new TreeNode()\n {\n ...\n Tag = someObject\n });\n\nMy problems is how can I check in function function_name on which treeNode was clicked and chosen option from ContextMenuStrip\nedit\nfunction_name sygnature\n public void pokaz_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)\n {\n }\n\nA:\n\nYou can handle the TreeNodeMouseClick event. ", "In your TreeNodeMouseClickEventHandler you will have access to a TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs argument. ", "This argument contains a number of properties you can use to check which mouse button was clicked on which node. ", "For example.", "\nprivate TreeNode rightClickeNode;\n\nvoid treeView1_NodeMouseClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e)\n{\n if (e.Button == MouseButtons.", "Right)\n {\n rightClickedNode = e.Node;\n }\n}\n\nYou can then access rightClickedNode from your function_name.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Jason Cummings scored 25 goals for Hibs last season. ", "Pic: SNS\n\nThe Super Lig side are keen to bolster their forward line and vice president Nevzat Aydin admits that the Scotland Under-21 international is on their shortlist.", "\n\nAydin said: “Jason Cummings is a possibility. ", "He is on our list of transfer targets and we are hoping to conclude a deal for him.", "\n\n“We need a minimum of six new players, and I can assure our supporters we are looking everywhere.", "\n\nSign up to our daily newsletter The i newsletter cut through the noise Sign up Thanks for signing up! ", "Sorry, there seem to be some issues. ", "Please try again later. ", "Submitting...\n\n“We hope to be in a position to announce them in the coming weeks.”" ]
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[ "Many computer-based products aim to save power while providing performance that is acceptable to users. ", "Power-saving is especially critical in handheld, portable, possibly wireless, products where battery life is a primary and essential operational issue. ", "Achieving power savings for a given electronic product (or circuit) requires consideration of its power-using features and associated functions. ", "Typical considerations include: the modes in which the product operates, when a function/feature is doing useful work, whether a function is required to operate continuously, whether a function can be interrupted and then resumed as needed, alternative power saving methods and inconvenience to the user of the power-controlled product.", "\nTypical computer systems include many different functional blocks. ", "Blocks can operate synchronously or asynchronously and can be executed periodically or on demand. ", "Also, each functional block performs a specific task. ", "Given these variables, different power saving techniques may be required for each individual function or operation. ", "The effectiveness of a power saving technique depends on how well the different operating conditions are handled for the majority of the system's power-critical functions.", "\nA common target for power savings in computers, especially portable computers, is the display subsystem, which typically is one of the most power-consuming elements of a computer. ", "For example, in some portable systems the power consumed by the display subsystem can be as high as 80-90% of total system power. ", "Why this is so is described below in reference to FIG. ", "1, which shows a block diagram of a typical display subsystem 110 for an integrated device (i.e., a computer in which memory, display and CPU functions are integrated into a single chip). ", "Display sub-systems for other computers, where a subset of these functions are implemented on individual chips, operate in a similar manner.", "\nAs shown in FIG. ", "1, the display sub-system of an integrated device 110 comprises a single-chip computer 112, a memory bank 120 and a display panel 130. ", "The single-chip computer 112 includes a CPU 114, a memory controller 118 and a display processor 116. ", "Data (including addresses and display data 122) and memory control commands are transferred between the memory controller 118 and the memory bank 120 via a memory bus 140. ", "Display data from the memory 120 are transferred between the memory controller 118 and the integrated display processor 116 via an internal display channel 142. ", "Pixel data 152 (i.e., graphics signals) and display panel control signals are transferred via a display connector 150 from the display processor 116 to the display panel 130, which generates a corresponding image.", "\nThe memory 120, which could be dedicated text, graphics, or video memory or unified memory implemented in accordance with a unified memory architecture (UMA), stores the display data 124, which is used by the display processor 116 to generate the pixel data 152. ", "Each time the display processor 116 needs to generate a new frame of pixel data 152, the memory controller 118 must retrieve the appropriate graphics data 122 from the memory 120 over the display bus 140. ", "The display processor 116 performs a number of operations on the display data 122 to generate the pixel data 152, including: synchronizing the pixel rate of the pixel data 152 to match the display panel's horizontal and vertical scan rate, performing gray-scale or color conversion and mapping (i.e., adjusting the number of colors represented by each pixel) and modifying the data formatting (e.g., pixel resolution). ", "The display processor 116 can also control the display panel's mode of operation by adjusting display power and backlighting to save power as necessary.", "\nDisplay operations are constant and continuous once enabled. ", "Due to the inherent nature of display media, display images are constantly updated to maintain flicker-free images at all times. ", "To eliminate flickering effects completely, the entire image is refreshed by the display processor 116 at a rate equal to or faster than 1/60th of a second (i.e., at a rate of greater than 60 frames/second). ", "Power consumption by display sub-systems is high due to these continuous, high-frequency and memory-intensive operations. ", "As a result, it is common for portable computers to provide a power saving option that completely disables the display when it is not in use. ", "This option is not satisfactory when the computer is still in operation (albeit, not active use) as it prevents a user from viewing the display.", "\nThe power consumed by the display subsystem 110 for a given frame update depends on the resolution at which the update is to be performed and the number of colors in the image. ", "This is because these factors determine the number of bits of display data 122 that must be transferred between the memory 120 and the memory controller 118 for each frame update and the number of display processor 116 cycles needed to compute the corresponding pixel data 152. ", "For example, for a screen-resolution of 640.times.480 pixels displayable in 16 colors (or 4 bits per pixel), 9.216 MB of data transfer/processing is required to display an image (at 60 frames/second) for one second. ", "Considerably more data transfer/processing (62.915 MB) is required to display an image (at 60 frames/second) for one second at a screen-resolution of 1024.times.1024 pixels displayable in 256 colors (or 8 bits per pixel).", "\nThese operations, especially the transfer of data over the memory bus 140 are power-intensive. ", "Therefore, to achieve substantial power savings without turning off the display sub-system it is necessary to reduce significantly the memory cycles required to generate a display frame. ", "Moreover, because these memory cycles consume a large percentage of the total available system bus bandwidth, reducing memory cycles also improves system performance by increasing the available system bus bandwidth for other system activities. ", "The exact bandwidth improvement due to reducing memory cycles depends on the display resolution and the number of displayable colors.", "\nMany prior art display processors have adopted a solution to reduce these memory cycles wherein the display data 122 stored in the memory 120 is compressed. ", "In these systems the compressed data is used to generate a corresponding frame of graphics data. ", "This eliminates the need to transfer repeatedly over the memory bus 140 the uncompressed data from which the compressed data 122 was generated. ", "Depending on the compression rate (i.e., the ratio by which the compressed data 122 is smaller than the corresponding uncompressed data), large amounts of power can be saved by this technique. ", "Problems with this technique include: (1) the need to rapidly compress the data so that it is available for immediate use and (2) the fact that the compression must be lossless or near-lossless so that a user viewing the display is not unduly inconvenienced. ", "Moreover, these techniques are not sensitive to the manner in which the computer associated with the display is being used. ", "For example, they do distinguish between when the system is in active use or when it is standing-by for user input, which is a state in which computers spend much of their time." ]
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[ "Advertising Read more\n\nUnited Nations (United States) (AFP)\n\nThe United Arab Emirates, along with Saudi Arabia and Norway, will on Thursday present to the UN Security Council the findings of their probe of the May 12 attacks on oil tankers off the Emirati coast, diplomats said.", "\n\nThe United States has accused Iran of being behind the attacks, which came at a time of escalating tensions between Tehran and Washington.", "\n\nNational Security Advisor John Bolton said Iranian mines were likely used in the \"sabotage.\"", "\n\nDuring an informal meeting at the UAE mission to the United Nations, Security Council ambassadors will be briefed on the evidence uncovered during the investigation, diplomats said.", "\n\nIran has flatly rejected accusations that it was behind the sabotage of the four tankers -- two Saudi-flagged, a Norwegian-flagged and an Emirati-flagged.", "\n\nSaudi Arabia maintains that the attacks affect the safety of international navigation and the security of world oil supplies.", "\n\nThe attacks took place within UAE territorial waters, east of the port of Fujairah, an oil export terminal on the Sea of Oman.", "\n\n\"There's no doubt in anybody's mind in Washington who's responsible for this,\" Bolton said last week during a visit to Abu Dhabi.", "\n\nThe four tankers were attacked using \"naval mines almost certainly from Iran,\" he told a press conference.", "\n\nUS Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said that Iran was trying to raise the price of oil as Washington works to end Iran's exports of crude.", "\n\nRegional tensions have spiked since President Donald Trump's administration reimposed sanctions against Iran after the United States unilaterally pulled out of an international agreement that eased nternational sanctions in exchange for curbs on Iran's nuclear program.", "\n\nThe United States has sent nuclear-capable bombers and an aircraft carrier strike group to the Gulf, but Trump has said he does not war.", "\n\nBolton has indicated that he would be prepared to himself present evidence to the UN council of Iran's involvement in the tankers' attack, but there has been no US request for a meeting.", "\n\n? ", "2019 AFP" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'Current approaches to Natural Language Generation (NLG) for dialog mainly focus on domain-specific, task-oriented applications (e.g. restaurant booking) using limited ontologies (up to 20 slot types), usually without considering the previous conversation context. ", "Furthermore, these approaches require large amounts of data for each domain, and do not benefit from examples that may be available for other domains. ", "This work explores the feasibility of applying statistical NLG to scenarios requiring larger ontologies, such as multi-domain dialog applications or open-domain question answering (QA) based on knowledge graphs. ", "We model NLG through an Encoder-Decoder framework using a large dataset of interactions between real-world users and a conversational agent for open-domain QA. ", "First, we investigate the impact of increasing the number of slot types on the generation quality and experiment with different partitions of the QA data with progressively larger ontologies (up to 369 slot types). ", "Second, we perform multi-task learning experiments between open-domain QA and task-oriented dialog, and benchmark our model on a popular NLG dataset. ", "Moreover, we experiment with using the conversational context as an additional input to improve response generation quality. ", "Our experiments show the feasibility of learning statistical NLG models for open-domain QA with larger ontologies.'", "\nauthor:\n- |\n **Alessandra Cervone$^{1}$[^1]** , **Chandra Khatri$^{2}$[^2]**, **Rahul Goel$^{3}$[^3],** **Behnam Hedayatnia$^{4}$,**\\\n **Anu Venkatesh$^{4}$,** **Dilek Hakkani-T[ü]{}r$^{4}$,** **Raefer Gabriel$^{4}$**\\\n $^1$Signals and Interactive Systems Lab, University of Trento, Italy\\\n $^2$Uber AI, $^3$Google, $^4$Amazon Alexa AI\\\n [alessandra.cervone@unitn.it, chandrak@uber.com,]{}\\\n [@amazon.com,]{}\\\n [goelrahul@google.com]{}\\\nbibliography:\n- 'naaclhlt2019.bib'\ntitle: |\n Natural Language Generation at Scale:\\\n A Case Study for Open Domain Question Answering\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nIn dialog literature Natural Language Generation (NLG) is framed as the task of generating natural language responses that faithfully convey the semantic information given by a Meaning Representation (MR). ", "A MR is typically a structure consisting of a Dialog Act (DA) and a list of associated slots. ", "While the DA [@stolcke2000dialogue; @mezza2018iso] expresses the intent of the utterance to be generated (e.g. “inform” in Table \\[tab:MRExample\\]), the slots, organized as slot type-slot value pairs (e.g. *food*:‘french’ in Table \\[tab:MRExample\\]), represent the information which has to be conveyed in the generated text. ", "So far statistical NLG for dialog has mainly been investigated in research for task-oriented applications (e.g. restaurant reservation, bus information) in narrow, controlled environments with limited ontologies, i.e. considering a small set of DAs and slot types (respectively 12 and 8 in the popular San Francisco restaurant dataset (SFX) [@wen2015semantically], 8 and 1 in the recent E2E NLG challenge [@novikova2017e2e]). ", "Furthermore, most datasets consider MRs in isolation [@novikova2017e2e] i.e., they lack conversational context, even though the previous utterances in the dialog have been shown to improve the performance of task-oriented NLG [@duvsek2016context]. ", "These characteristics of current approaches to NLG can be linked to the fact that a vast majority of dialog NLG research is tested on a single domain where the dialog agent performs simple tasks such as giving information about a restaurant, with few exceptions [@wen2016multi].", "\n\nHowever, with the rise of conversational agents such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, there is an increasing interest in complex multi-domain tasks. ", "These systems typically rely on hand-crafted NLG, but this approach cannot scale to the complex ontologies which may be required in real-world applications (e.g. booking a trip). ", "In this work we explore the applicability of current NLG models for task-oriented dialog, based on a MR-to-text framework using Encoder-Decoder architectures, to open-domain QA. ", "This allows us to investigate the performance of current NLG research in an environment with (1) much larger numbers of slot types, and (2) a different application compared to task-oriented dialog. ", "We generate the QA datasets for our experiments using as source a large corpus of open-domain QA pairs from interactions between real-world users and a conversational agent. ", "For evaluation, we utilize both objective metrics and human judgment. ", "We observe that NLG for open-domain QA poses its own challenges compared to task-oriented dialog, since correct answers to the same question do not necessarily convey all slot types in the MR (see Table \\[tab:MRExample\\]).", "\n\nIn particular, in our first set of experiments, we investigate the effect of using increasingly larger ontologies with regards to slot types on the performance of our NLG models for QA. ", "We find that, notwithstanding the larger ontologies and the noisiness of our dataset, models’ performance does not degrade significantly in terms of naturalness of generated text and efficiency in encoding the MR information (i.e. Slot Error Rate). ", "Interestingly, we find it improves for some of the human evaluation metrics. ", "We also observe that using conversational context improves the quality of generated responses. ", "In our second set of experiments, we investigate whether jointly training NLG models for task-oriented dialog and QA improves performances. ", "To this end, we experiment with learning NLG models in a multi-task setting between our QA data and SFX. ", "Our experiments show that learning models in a multi-task setting lead to better performances in terms of naturalness of the generated output for both tasks. ", "This work has several contributions:\n\n1. ", " We apply the MR-to-text framework (typical of NLG for task-oriented dialog) to a open-domain QA application.", "\n\n2. ", " We explore the importance of adding the previous conversational context to improve the quality of the generated output.", "\n\n3. ", " We investigate the possibility of learning NLG models using a MR-to-text approach with increasingly larger ontologies in terms of slot types.", "\n\n4. ", " We experiment with multi-task learning for NLG between open-domain QA and task-oriented dialog.", "\n\n5. ", " Finally we also propose new evaluation metrics (see Section \\[sec:eval\\]) to capture the variability of output in open-domain QA compared to NLG for task-oriented dialog.", "\n\nRelated work {#sec:related}\n============\n\nWhile classical approaches to NLG involve a pipeline of modules such as content selection, planning, and surface realization [@gatt2018survey], recently a large part of the literature investigated end-to-end neural approaches to NLG. ", "The tasks tackled include dialog, text, and QA. ", "While these tasks share some similarities, each comes with its own set of challenges and requires specific solutions.", "\n\n#### NLG for dialog\n\nState of the art NLG models for dialog [@duvsek2016sequence; @juraska2018deep] mostly use end-to-end neural Encoder-Decoder approaches with attention [@Bahdanau2014attention] and re-ranking [@duvsek2018findings]. ", "Ensembling is another technique employed to boost model performance [@juraska2018deep]. ", "Using delexicalization [@henderson2014robust], i.e., the process of substituting slot values with slot types in the generated text, has also shown improvements in many settings. ", "However, recent work also depicted the disadvantages of delexicalization [@nayak2017plan]. ", "In our work, we compare and combine both delixecalized and lexicalized inputs for the NLG system.", "\n\nNLG for dialog has been mostly tested in controlled environments using task-oriented, single domain datasets with limited ontologies [@wen2015semantically; @novikova2017e2e; @balakrishnan2019constrained]. ", "Although @wen2016multi perform multi-domain task-oriented NLG experiments, the ontologies used are still limited for such settings. ", "Finally, while research has shown how encoding the previous utterance leads to better performances [@duvsek2016context], most settings consider the turns in isolation [@wen2015semantically; @novikova2017e2e]. ", "In our work, we perform open-domain NLG with significantly larger ontologies and also evaluate the impact of adding the context to the input.", "\n\n#### NLG for text and QA\n\nRecent work around NLG for text involves generating text using structured data using the encoder-decoder networks [@mei2016talk]. ", "Similarly to dialog, NLG for text has also been addressed in controlled environments such as weather forecast [@liang2009learning] with few exceptions [@lebret2016neural].", "\n\nIn the literature for QA, most approaches retrieve answers directly or generate answers jointly with the retrieval, and answers are usually entities or lists of entities [@dodge2015evaluating]. ", "On the contrary, in NLG we assume the answer has already been retrieved, and the goal is to generate text matching it. ", "The field of QA which most strictly relates to our work is answer generation, where current approaches are also based on encoder-decoder networks encoding information directly from a knowledge base [@yin2016neural; @he2017learning; @wei2019natural]. ", "An additional challenge to answer generation is that there are no publicly available datasets for this task [@fu2018natural].", "\n\nOur approach differs from answer generation in that we structure the task as in NLG dialog literature with a MR-to-text approach.", "\n\nDatasets {#sec:dataset}\n========\n\n****\n\nQuestion Answering\n------------------\n\n#### Source data\n\nOur source for generating the MR-text pairs are thousands of open-domain factual question-answer pairs from commercial data. ", "The domains covered in this data are manifold, including geography (e.g. ‘is canada bigger than united states’ in Table \\[tab:examples\\]), history (e.g. ‘when was kentucky founded’ in Table \\[tab:MRExample\\]), present-day knowledge (e.g. ‘will ferrell’s wife’ in Table \\[tab:examples\\]), grammar (‘is there a plural form of pegasus’) and even mathematics (‘what is one modulo seven’). ", "Pairs are grouped according to the type of question asked. ", "Each group consists of a list of specific questions (e.g. “who is the wife of barack obama”, “tell me the wives of henry the viii”) of the same type (e.g. “who is the wife of”) asked by real users to a conversational agent. ", "Each specific question additionally has: (1) the answer to the question (e.g. “michelle obama is obama’s wife”) generated by the NLG of the conversational system, either using information retrieval or a knowledge base search coupled with templates; (2) relevant noun and verb phrases (e.g. “michelle obama”, “barack obama”, “wife”) used by the system to generate the answer, including the ones from the question. ", "Noun phrases are tagged according to their semantic type (examples of semantic types are *timepoint* and *human being*), while verb phrases are tagged as “relation” types (see “founded” tagged as *relStr* in Table \\[tab:MRExample\\]). ", "The answers in the source data are varied, and range from a simple entity to a fully formed answer, as in Table \\[tab:MRExample\\] example where valid answers to the question “when was kentucky founded” can be “1792” or “kentucky formed in 1792”. ", "This shows an interesting difference between our QA data and task-oriented NLG datasets. ", "While for task-oriented NLG all valid responses for a single MR have the same slot types (i.e., the ones in the input MR), in our dataset this is not always true.", "\n\n#### QA NLG datasets\n\nWe generate the NLG input-output pairs for QA from our source data. ", "In order to perform cross-application experiments, we maintain the same MR-text format as task-oriented dialog NLG. ", "The target output is the text of the answers in the source data. ", "To generate the input MRs we assumed only one DA across all answers, i.e. “inform”; for the slots, we used the semantic types and relations for noun phrases and verb phrases in the source data as slot types, while the actual entity or verb was used as the corresponding slot value. [", "^4] On top of the generated MR we use, as additional input, the previously asked question as context.", "\n\nAnswers are delexicalized [@henderson2014robust] to improve generalization. ", "Since we do not have alignment between entities in the input and the generated text, we use a heuristic-based aligner which we also use to filter out data that could not be appropriately aligned. ", "All noun phrases are delexicalized while verb phrases are not. ", "Furthermore, similar to [@juraska2018deep], we use delexicalization for data augmentation. ", "We generate additional references for each MR, besides the original one, by considering all delexicalized answers in the question group as candidate template answers for each specific question in the group and then substituting (where possible) slots values which are already available in the input. ", "The text of the previous question is also delexicalized.", "\n\nFinally, to investigate performances across different ontology sizes, we generate 3 different partitions of the data (QA.1, 2 and 3 in Table \\[tab:datasets\\]) with a progressively larger number of slot types. ", "Each QA partition was split in train, test and development set (using a 80-10-10 split) according to the type of question asked. ", "We ensured there was no overlap between the different sets to test if models generalize to previously unseen questions.", "\n\nTask-oriented Dialog\n--------------------\n\nAs a task-oriented NLG corpus for our multi-task learning experiments we use the popular San Francisco restaurants (SFX; @wen2015semantically) dataset. ", "Statistics about the dataset is shown in Table \\[tab:datasets\\]. ", "Although SFX is not large (6k examples), compared to the E2E NLG corpus it presents more variation for DA (although less in style). ", "For all our datasets, we use the TGEN library [^5] [@duvsek2016sequence] to delexicalize all slot types except binary values.", "\n\nModel and Architectures {#sec:seq2seq}\n=======================\n\nIn this section we present the variety of different architectures used in our experiments. ", "Although all our models are based on the Encoder-Decoder framework, we investigate architectures with different number of Encoders (up to 3). ", "Given this variety, for clarity, we follow a template Enc $<$Encoder type$>$ for naming our different models. ", "The type of Encoder, in particular, can be of Meaning Representation (MR) type, when we encode parts of the MR, such as slot types, values or Dialog Act; or it can be of Utterance type, when we encode the previous utterance context.", "\n\n#### Encoder-Decoder with Attention\n\nFollowing recent state-of-the-art approaches to NLG for dialog [@juraska2018deep; @balakrishnan2019constrained], our models are based on the Encoder-Decoder with Attention framework. ", "In particular, we use bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) and Luong general attention [@luong2015effective] as our baseline. ", "While we also experimented with other types of architectures, such as using Long-Short-Term Memory Units [@hochreiter1997long] instead of GRUs and different types of attention (including Bahdanau attention [@Bahdanau2014attention] and Luong dot attention [@luong2015effective], this combination gave us the best results for our setting. ", "Depending on the encoder used, either slot type or slot value, we refer to this model as Enc MR (slot types) or Enc MR (slot values).", "\n\n#### Multi-Encoder, Single Decoder:\n\nWe expand the baseline (Enc MR) models using multiple inputs from the MR (slot types, values, DAs), each encoded by a different encoder. ", "The attention is performed on their concatenated output to produce the MR context vector $c_{MR}$. Figure \\[fig:all\\_archictectures\\] A shows an example of such an architecture using two encoders, one for slot types and one for slot values. ", "Furthermore, we experimented with adding the previous utterance as input with an additional encoder (Enc Utterance). ", "In this case, the context vector for the previous utterance $c_{Utt}$ is produced by an independent attention mechanism and the outputs of both attentions ($c_{MR}$ and $c_{Utt}$) are concatenated (see Figure \\[fig:all\\_archictectures\\] B).", "\n\n#### Multi-Encoder, Multi-Decoder:\n\nWe also performed multi-task learning, jointly training the models for both QA and task-oriented NLG. ", "As shown in Figure \\[fig:all\\_archictectures\\] C, we shared the encoders and corresponding input layers across multiple tasks while we maintained multiple decoders for individual tasks. ", "We alternated between mini-batches from various data sources to perform multitasking.", "\n\nEvaluation {#sec:eval}\n==========\n\nAs word overlap metrics may not have a good correlation with human judgment for NLG output evaluation [@stent2005evaluating], we use both objective metrics and human evaluation.", "\n\n#### Objective metrics\n\nBesides the standard BLEU score (obtained using the official E2E NLG challenge evaluation script [^6]), we report different types of Slot Error Rate (SER). ", "In dialog NLG approaches SER shows the number of correct slots in the output compared to the input MR. ", "We refer to this metric as SER~mr~ to differentiate it from its modified versions we introduce next. ", "The formula [@wen2015semantically] is: $$SER_{mr} = \\frac{p_{mr}+q_{mr}}{N_{mr}}$$ where $N_{mr}$ is the total number of slots in the input MR and $p_{mr}$ , $q_{mr}$ are respectively the number of missing and redundant slots in the output. ", "This formula works well for task-oriented NLG approaches, but it assumes a one-to-one relationship between the slots in the input MR and the output text. ", "We found this assumption might not hold for our QA datasets where not all slots in the input MR need to be realized for the output to be correct. ", "An example of this is shown in Table \\[tab:MRExample\\], where the first QA reference text (‘1792’) would be penalized with 3 missing slots, while still being correct.", "\n\nIn order to capture this different behaviour we designed additional NLG metrics tailored for QA. ", "Slot Error Rate Target (SER~trg~) is a modification of SER~mr~ where we simply substitute the MR with the main reference text: $$SER_{trg} = \\frac{p_{trg}+q_{trg}}{N_{trg}}$$ SER~trg~ is designed to penalize both missing and redundant slots compared to the target sentence. ", "Hence, using SER~trg~ the first QA reference text in Table \\[tab:MRExample\\] would not be penalized.", "\n\nSlot Error Rate MultiTarget (SER~mtrg~), on the other hand, penalizes redundant slots that did not appear in any of the references: $$SER_{mtrg} = \\frac{p_{mtrg}}{N_{mtrg}}$$ where $N_{mtrg}$ are all slots appearing in any reference and $p_{mtrg}$ are the slots in the output that did not appear in any reference sentence. ", "To compute SER~mtrg~ for the model output “kentucky formed in 1792” given the QA MR in Table \\[tab:MRExample\\] we assume to have two references “1792” and “kentucky formed in 1792”. ", "In this case, SER~mtrg~ would consider the output correct as all of its slots appear in at least one of the references.", "\n\n#### Human evaluation\n\nIn all experiments, for each dataset, we selected a sample of 100 MR-text pairs from the test set. ", "Pairs were randomly selected among those where all models under comparison in the experiment had generated different output text. ", "Data for all reported experiments were annotated by 2 human annotators, and final ratings were averaged between the two. ", "In all experiments annotators, presented with MR and all outputs of the systems under comparison, were asked to rate the *naturalness* and *informativeness* of the generated output using a 1-6 Likert score, as in previous NLG dialog evaluations [@gatt2018survey]. ", "Additionally, for the QA datasets annotators had also the previous question as context. ", "Moreover, for the QA datasets annotators were asked to rate how *conversational* the output was, on the same Likert scale, and whether or not the output could ultimately be considered an answer to the question (*answer*), as a binary choice.", "\n\nExperimental setup\n==================\n\nThe hyperparameters chosen for our models were empirically determined through various experiments. ", "Both encoder and decoder in all our models had only one layer, as we noticed additional layers did not give improvements. ", "All embeddings were trained from scratch with a fixed dimension of 50. ", "Models were trained using a cross-entropy loss function and the Adam [@kingma2014adam] optimizer with a learning rate of 0.001, for 1000 epochs, with early stopping on the validation set. ", "We used mini-batches of size 32.", "\n\nFor the NLG models for QA, experiments on QA.1 (not reported due to space limitations) with different encoders combinations showed that the best performances were achieved using all input types (slot type, value, and previous context) with lexicalized ($+$ Enc Utterance lex) or delexicalized ($+$ Enc Utterance delex) previous context in terms of all metrics, except SER~trg~. On this metric, the architecture with slot types and values, but without the previous context (Enc MR (slot types, values)) achieved the best performance (cf. ", "Table \\[tab:QAObjResults\\]). ", "For this reason, we chose to report the performances of these architectures in our QA experiments.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\n#### Open domain QA\n\nIn our first batch of experiments we test various Encoder-Decoder architectures on our 3 different partitions of QA NLG data.", "\n\nAs we can see from Table \\[tab:QAObjResults\\], in general, the best performances across all QA datasets for both BLEU and SER~trg~ are achieved by the model using as additional input the lexicalized previous question, followed by the model with the delexicalized one. ", "However, SER~mr~ results show the opposite picture, where the baseline with only slot types and values performs better (except for QA.2 where the score is close to the model with the delexicalized input) and the model with the lexicalized previous utterance is the worst. ", "SER~mtrg~ shows, on the other hand, that the context might slightly degrade performances with bigger ontologies in terms of all text references.", "\n\nHuman evaluation, on the other hand, seems in line with the picture depicted by BLEU and SER~trg~. Table \\[tab:QASubjResults\\] shows the model with the lexicalized context is regarded as the best, closely followed by the model with the delexicalized one in every metric except for *conversational*, where delexicalized is better. ", "This confirms our hypothesis that SER~mr~ might be a less reliable metric to evaluate NLG QA output. ", "Moreover, although we notice a consistent but not drastic degradation in terms of BLEU and SER~trg~ in correlation with bigger ontologies, human evaluation shows an even more gentle degradation between QA.1 and 3 for many metrics. ", "Interestingly, it seems the ability of all models to give a proper answer to the question (*answer*) increases from QA.1 to 3.", "\n\n#### Multitask learning\n\nIn our multitask learning experiments we combine the biggest QA dataset, QA.3, with a task-oriented corpus, SFX. ", "We aim to investigate the possibility of transferring knowledge across different NLG systems, notwithstanding the diversity of the data in terms of domain, ontology size, DAs, application (QA vs. task-oriented). ", "Since context is not available in SFX, the model we use has 3 MR Encoders (slot types, values, DAs) and 2 Decoders (one for each task).", "\n\nOur experiments show that the NLG QA task improves the fluency on SFX both in terms of objective metrics (in Table \\[tab:multiObjResults\\]) and human evaluation (in Table \\[tab:multiHumanResults\\]). ", "However, training with QA seems to slightly degrade the model efficiency in generating the correct slots. ", "This is to be expected given the difference in the relation between slots in MR and output (one-to-one in SFX, variable in QA.3). ", "As for QA.3 results, it seems the task-oriented NLG task improves QA NLG performances in terms of fluency (BLEU and *Naturalness*) and slot errors (SER~trg~ and *Informativeness*). ", "SER~mr~ and SER~mtrg~, however, show a slight degradation. ", "We observe task-oriented NLG also makes QA NLG more conversational, however slightly reducing its probability of being an answer to the posed question as well. ", "Finally, comparing all experiments on QA.3, we notice that although multi-task learning helps, the previous context (either lexicalized or delexicalized) plays a critical role in improving the overall performance.", "\n\nQualitative analysis\n====================\n\nIn this section we report the qualitative analysis we performed on the human annotated testset. ", "Table \\[tab:examples\\] reports some output examples from different models given the same input MR. ", "In particular, we are interested on the impact of adding various features and multi-tasking.", "\n\n#### QA\n\nAccording to our qualitative analysis on the QA datasets, the baseline model is the one with most grammatical errors (e.g. “will ferrell ’s ’s wife is viveca paulin”, “no , canada is not the bigger than united states .”), ", "while in general adding “delex” and “lex” features generates more grammatical responses. ", "This observation was confirmed from both the objective (in terms of BLEU score) and subjective (*naturalness*) evaluations performed.", "\n\nWe also notice how lexicalizing the previous question helps in producing generally correct (e.g. ‘unilever.’) ", "however shorter answers, which can be regarded as less conversational. ", "Delexicalizing the input, on the other hand, produces more conversational (e.g. ‘popsicle’s manufacturer is unilever’) but also more factually incorrect answers. ", "These observations seem also in line with the subjective evaluation results, which on average reported the best scores for the model with lexicalized previous context ($+$ Enc Utterance lex) on whether the generated text could be considered an answer to the given question (*answer*), except for the metric rating how *conversational* the output was, for which the model with delexicalized previous context ($+$ Enc Utterance delex) was regarded as the best one across all QA partitions.", "\n\n#### Multitask\n\nLooking at the output of the models trained in a multi-task learning setting, we observe that the baseline tends to be more prone to grammatical errors compared to models jointly trained with another task (e.g. in Table \\[tab:examples\\] ‘sanjalisco allows kid-s and is located’). ", "Due to multi-tasking the models generate more grammatically correct and natural responses for both SFX and QA.3.", "\n\nConclusions {#sec:conclusions}\n===========\n\nIn this work, we apply the traditional dialog MR-to-text approach to NLG to an open-domain QA setting, with sensibly larger ontologies compared to current task-oriented dialog approaches. ", "Our goal was to test the reliability of current approaches to NLG for dialog in an environment where the number of slots could be substantial, a requirement that is critical to meet if we want to move towards an integrated NLG module across different domains.", "\n\nThe experiments presented show the feasibility of learning a NLG module for QA using a MR-to-text approach. ", "NLG models performances on datasets with progressively bigger ontologies reported a continuous but not drastic decline for most metrics. ", "Moreover, our multitask learning experiments showed that learning NLG models jointly for QA and task-oriented dialog improves single tasks performances in terms of fluency. ", "Results across different experimental settings also point towards the vital role played by the previous utterance context (delexicalized and especially lexicalized) to improve NLG models for open-domain QA. ", "While we envision our approach as a first step towards an integrated statistical NLG module for a dialog system, still much remains to be done in order to achieve such a challenge. ", "In this work, for example, we saw the importance of adapting approaches to NLG typical of task-oriented dialog when moving to an open-domain QA setting. ", "This is important not only in terms of modelling (the essential role of the previous utterance), but also in terms of evaluation (designing metrics able to capture the relative importance of some slots in a given answer compared to others).", "\n\nAs our future work, we would like to expand our multi-task learning experiments to novel NLG datasets, for example recently proposed datasets of reviews [@oraby2019curate]. ", "Another possibility would be to explore transfer learning, rather than multi-task learning for NLG in the MR-to-text approach. ", "Additionally, another interesting research direction would be the investigation of evaluation metrics for NLG in a QA setting, for example to better capture the centrality of some slots (or entities) compared to others when answering a given question.", "\n\n[^1]: Work done during internship at Amazon Alexa AI.", "\n\n[^2]: Work done while working at Amazon Alexa AI.", "\n\n[^3]: Work done while working at Amazon Alexa AI.", "\n\n[^4]: Although we use the original tags of the source data, a similar representation could be produced by tagging noun phrases with their Named Entity type and verb phrases with a “relation” slot type.", "\n\n[^5]: <https://github.com/UFAL-DSG/tgen>\n\n[^6]: We do not report other word overlap metrics (e.g., METEOR) computed by the E2E evaluation scripts due to space limitations and correlation with the BLEU score.", "\n" ]
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[ "A southwest suburban Chicago community is mourning the loss of a beloved teacher who was stabbed to death by her estranged husband, who also died when he stepped in front of oncoming traffic after the slaying.", "\n\nSusan Cunningham, 47, was murdered Tuesday in her Plainfield, Illinois, home by her husband 46-year-old Craig Cunningham, according to police.", "\n\nNBC Chicago reported that officials were dispatched to the couple's home for a welfare check after a concerned neighbor called police around 8pm.", "\n\nThe Plainfield North High School teacher, who had taken the year off because she was battling cancer, was found with multiple stab wounds in the upstairs bedroom when officers entered the home.", "\n\nTragic: Police say Susan Cunningham, 47, was murdered on Tuesday in her Plainfield, Chicago, home by her husband, 46-year-old Craig Cunningham\n\nShortly after the teacher's stabbing, police say her husband of a year and a half died after stepping in front of a semi-truck on Interstate 55 in Plainfield. ", "Above the couple is pictured on their wedding day\n\nSusan Cunningham was found in an upstairs bedroom in the home pictured above by police officers. ", "She was transported to a hospital, where she was pronounced dead\n\nPolice said she was unresponsive and not breathing. ", "She was taken to Rush-Copley Medical Center in Aurora, Illinois, where she was pronounced dead.", "\n\nShortly after the teacher's stabbing, police say her husband of a year and a half died after stepping in front of a semi-truck on Interstate 55 in Plainfield, NBC Chicago reported.", "\n\nPolice said that before taking his life, the woman's husband called one of his relatives and admitted to killing her.", "\n\nHe also told the relative that he wouldn't be going to jail because he was going to commit suicide, NBC Chicago reported.", "\n\nPolice said that before taking his life, Susan Cunningham's husband called one of his relatives and admitted to killing her. ", "Together the couple had five children, two of which were from Susan's previous marriage\n\nSusan Cunningham taught health and physical education at Plainfield North High School. ", "She had taken a year off from teaching because she was battling cancer\n\nPolice said that Susan Cunningham felt threatened by her husband and reached out to them before going back home.", "\n\nAs a precaution, they offered to escort her there, but she declined because she felt it might escalate the situation.", "\n\nDuring a news conference, chief John Konopek, of the Plainfield Police Department, said that the woman's slaying did not appear to be planned and the couple's children were not present at the time.", "\n\nThey had five children between the two of them, two were from Susan's previous marriage, the Chicago Tribune reported.", "\n\nRELATED ARTICLES\n\nShare this article\n\nKonopek also shared that the couple were having marital problems, and that Susan Cunningham would stay with relatives for short periods of time.", "\n\nWednesday evening hundreds of students and faculty members gathered to remember the longtime health and physical education teacher at Plainfield North High School.", "\n\n'She touched all these people's lives in one way shape or form and I know, we know, that they all touched her life as well so we're grateful for that,' her brother Dan Brown told NBC Chicago.", "\n\n'She just had the biggest heart,' former student Emily Pedersen told the TV station. '", "She was there for everyone. ", "She was shoulder to cry on if you needed.'", "\n\nPolice say that Susan Cunningham (left) would stay with relatives for short periods of time due to problems in her marriage. ", "Her brother, Dan Brown (right), says that his sister touched so many lives as a teacher\n\nWednesday evening hundreds of students and faculty members gathered to remember Susan Cunningham during a vigil at Plainfield North High School" ]
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