[ "Cannibalism usually occurs when the birds are stressed by a poor management practice. ", "Once becoming stressed, one bird begins picking the feathers, comb, toes or vent of another bird. ", "Once an open wound or blood is visible on the bird, the vicious habit of cannibalism can spread rapidly through the entire flock. ", "If you notice the problem soon after it begins, cannibalism can be held in check. ", "However, if the problem is allowed to get out of hand it can be very costly. ", "Cannibalism will lower the bird's value due to torn and damaged flesh, poor feathering and can result in high death losses. ", "Once this habit gets out of hand it is difficult to eliminate.", "\n\nSince there are numerous reasons for outbreaks of cannibalism, it is important that cannibalism control be a part of your management program.", "\n\nCannibalism is usually caused by one or more of these conditions\n\n1. ", "Overcrowding\n\nLarge breeds of chickens should be allowed:\n\n1/4 sq. ", "ft./bird for first 2 weeks\n\n3/4 sq. ", "ft./bird for 3-8 weeks\n\n1.5 sq. ", "ft./bird from 8 to 16 weeks of age\n\n2 sq. ", "ft./bird from 16 weeks on\n\nBantam chickens require half the space as large chickens.", "\n\nWith gamebirds, double the above recommendations. ", "With pheasants, allow 25 to 30 sq. ", "ft./bird after 12 weeks of age or use pick prevention devices like plastic peepers or blinders.", "\n\n2. ", "Excessive heat\n\nWhen the birds become uncomfortably hot they can become extremely cannibalistic. ", "Be sure to adjust the brooding temperature as the young fowl get older. ", "Brood young fowl at 95°F. ", "for the first week and then decrease the temperature 5°F. ", "per week, until you reach 70°F. ", "or the outside temperature. ", "The temperature should be measured at the height of the birds back directly under the heat source. ", "Do not heat the entire brooding facility to the recommended temperature. ", "Not decreasing the brooding temperature is a common mistake that leads to problems like cannibalism.", "\n\n3. ", "Excessive light\n\nExtremely bright light or excessively long periods of light will cause birds to become hostile toward one another. ", "Never use white light bulbs larger than 40 watts to brood fowl. ", "If larger bulbs are required for heat, use red or infra-red bulbs. ", "When raising birds 12 weeks of age or older, use 15 or 25 watt bulbs above feeding and watering areas. ", "Never light fowl more than 16 hours per day. ", "Constant light can be stressful to the birds.", "\n\n4. ", "Absence of feed or water or a shortage of feeder and waterer space\n\nIf the birds have to fight for food and water, or if the birds are always hungry they will increase pecking. ", "Be sure that birds have free access to water and feed at all times. ", "The pecking order determines which birds get to eat and when. ", "When you have inadequate feeder space birds at the lower end of the pecking order may never be allowed to eat.", "\n\n5. ", "Unbalanced diets\n\nExtremely high energy and low fiber diets cause the birds to be extra active and aggressive. ", "Feed lacking protein and other nutrients, particularly Methionine, will also cause birds to pick feathers. ", "Make sure you feed a diet balanced appropriately for the age and types of fowl you are raising.", "\n\n6. ", "Mixing of different types, sizes, and colors of fowl\n\nMixing different ages and sizes of fowl or fowl with different traits promote pecking by disrupting the flock's normal pecking order. ", "Never brood different species of fowl together in the same pen. ", "Don't brood feathered leg fowl, crested fowl or bearded fowl with fowl without these traits. ", "Curiosity can also start pecking. ", "Toe pecking in the first few weeks is often started due to curiosity of the different colors or traits.", "\n\n7. ", "Abrupt changes in environment or management practices\n\nIf you plan to move young birds to a new location, it is best to move some of their feeders and waterers with them in order to help them adapt. ", "When you change over to larger feeders and waterers it is helpful to leave the smaller equipment in the pen for a few days to help during the change.", "\n\n8. ", "Brightly lit nests or shortage of nesting boxes\n\nDon't place bright lights near the nesting areas. ", "Also, allow 1 nest for every 5 hens. ", "Vent pecking by layers is also a common problem.", "\n\n9. ", "Allowing cripples, injured or dead birds to remain in a flock\n\nFowl will pick on crippled or dead birds in their pens because of the social order and curiosity. ", "Once pecking starts it can quickly develop into a vicious habit.", "\n\n10. ", "Slow feathering birds are most prone to cannibalism\n\nTake extra precautions with slow feathering birds. ", "Most cannibalism occurs during father growth in young fowl. ", "Birds with slow feathering have immature tender feathers exposed for longer periods of time leaving them open to damage from pecking. ", "Don't raise slow feathering birds with other fowl.", "\n\n11. ", "Introducing new birds to the flock\n\nAnytime you add or remove birds from a flock you disrupt the pecking order of the flock. ", "It is best to introduce any new birds into your pen by splitting the pen with a wire wall for at least a week to help the birds to get to know each other. ", "Also, adding the birds to the perch at night can help. ", "Always supervise new introductions to the flock and intervene if the pecking gets out of control and birds are getting hurt. ", "It may take a week or more for flock to re-establish the new pecking order.", "\n\n12. ", "Prolapse Pecking\n\nProlapse can occur in very young or fat laying flocks. ", "Prolapse is when the uterus stretches and tears and takes longer to properly return into the body cavity after the egg is laid. ", "This is most common in young flocks that start laying too soon (prior to 20 weeks of age or in fat layers. ", "When the uterus is exposed for a period of time other birds will see it and pick at it out of curiosity. ", "Once they pick at the uterus it bleeds and the picking quick progresses to cannibalism. ", "If you start seeing blood streaks on the shell surface your flock may be prone to prolapse. ", "Properly managing how you bring your birds into production and proper feeding practices can prevent this problem. ", "Fat birds will need to be put on a low energy diet.", "\n\nAdditional preventive measures include\n\nAllow the birds to use up their energy in an enclosed outside run. ", "This will keep the birds busy and allow them to peck greens, ground and insects instead of other birds. ", "Give the birds a large handful of fresh greens like clover grass or weeds, each day. ", "This increases the fiber in the birds' diet. ", "A high fiber diet will keep the birds' gizzard full and keeps the birds more content. ", "Small parts of baled green leafy hay will also give the birds something to pick at. ", "Use of mechanical devices like plastic peepers or blinders in aggressive birds like gamebirds is advisable. ", "Placing colored or shiny items for the birds to pick at and occupy their time can draw attention away from other birds. ", "Hanging shine cans just above eye level can serve as a toy. ", "Finally, beak trimming is used in problem flocks. ", "Trim the beak by removing about 1/3 of the tip of the beak providing a square tip. ", "This makes it difficult for the birds to harm each other. ", "However, beak trimming should be done by someone experienced in proper trimming.", "\n\nTreatment for a cannibalism outbreak\n\nSince cannibalism can be caused by several conditions, you may not be able to determine the exact cause of the problem. ", "However, stress no matter how slight, is usually the main factor.", "\n\nTry to correct any practices which may have lead to cannibalism. ", "Darkening the facilities by using red bulbs. ", "Remove any badly injured birds. ", "Applying an \"anti-peck\" ointment on any damaged birds usually stops pecking. ", "Lower the pen temperature a bit if possible.", "\n\nDon't take chances! ", "Make cannibalism control part of your management program and you will save a great deal of time and money.", "\n\nPrepared by Phillip J. Clauer, Penn State Extension and Department of Animal Science. ", "Reviewed by Dr. Gregory Martin." ]
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[ "Metabolic imaging of low-grade gliomas with three-dimensional magnetic resonance spectroscopy.", "\nThe role of radiotherapy (RT) seems established for patients with low-grade gliomas with poor prognostic factors. ", "Three-dimensional (3D) magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging (MRSI) has been reported to be of value in defining the extent of glioma infiltration. ", "We performed a study examining the impact MRSI would have on the routine addition of 2-3-cm margins around MRI T2-weighted hyperintensity to generate the treatment planning clinical target volume (CTV) for low-grade gliomas. ", "Twenty patients with supratentorial gliomas WHO Grade II (7 astrocytomas, 6 oligoastrocytomas, 7 oligodendrogliomas) underwent MRI and MRSI before surgery. ", "The MRI was contoured manually; the regions of interest included T2 hyperintensity and, if present, regions of contrast enhancement on T1-weighted images. ", "The 3D-MRSI peak parameters for choline and N-acetyl-aspartate, acquired voxel-by-voxel, were categorized using a choline/N-acetyl-aspartate index (CNI), a tool for quantitative assessment of tissue metabolite levels, with CNI 2 being the lowest value corresponding to tumor. ", "CNI data were aligned to MRI and displayed as 3D contours. ", "The relationship between the anatomic and metabolic information on tumor extent was assessed by comparing the CNI contours and other MRSI-derived metabolites to the MRI T2 volume. ", "The limitations in the size of the region \"excited\" meant that MRSI could be used to evaluate only a median 68% of the T2 volume (range 38-100%), leaving the volume T2c. ", "The CNI 2 volume (median 29 cm(3), range 10-73) was contained totally within the T2c in 55% of patients. ", "In the remaining patients, the volume of CNI 2 extending beyond the T2c was quite small (median 2.3 cm(3), range 1.4-5.2), but was not distributed uniformly about the T2c, extending up to 22 mm beyond it. ", "Two patients demonstrated small regions of contrast enhancement corresponding to the regions of highest CNI. ", "Other metabolites, such as creatine and lactate, seem useful for determining less and more radioresistant areas, respectively. ", "Metabolically active tumor, as detected by MRSI, is restricted mainly to the T2 hyperintensity in low-grade gliomas, but can extend outside it in a limited and nonuniform fashion up to 2 cm. ", "Therefore, a CTV including T2 and areas of CNI extension beyond the T2 hyperintensity would result in a reduction in the size and a change in the shape of the standard clinical target volumes generated by adding uniform margins of 2-3 cm to the T2 hyperintensity." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.0044444444444444444, 0.00641025641025641, 0, 0.0036231884057971015, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0.0058823529411764705, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0.010471204188481676, 0.015209125475285171 ]
[ "WASHINGTON—The House Committee on Oversight and Reform authorized on Wednesday a subpoena for top White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, after she failed to appear at a hearing where she was asked to testify about alleged violations of laws regarding political activity.", "\n\nA government watchdog recommended earlier this month that Ms. Conway be removed from her post, citing what it called repeated violations of the Hatch Act, a law that prohibits political activity by executive-branch staff. ", "Ms. Conway repeatedly attacked Democratic..." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.011152416356877323, 0.004464285714285714, 0.022727272727272728 ]
[ "Etiology of oral squamous cell carcinoma.", "\nThe traditional list of etiological factors related to oral squamous cell carcinoma namely, tobacco, alcohol, syphilis, and oral sepsis has been expanded to include iron deficiency, chronic candidosis, and herpes simplex virus. ", "The development of current concepts in these areas is discussed. ", "In evaluating the need for future research, special emphasis is given to the concepts of multifactorial etiology and the role of mutagens. ", "Suggestions for future research are discussed." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "With the increasing use of e-cigarettes, research into their potential pulmonary toxicity has intensified. ", "While an increasing number of studies have focused on the potential cytotoxicity of e-cigarettes, the interactions of e-cigarette vapor with the pulmonary surfactant have received less attention and remain largely unknown. ", "The current study aimed to fill this gap of knowledge and provide an understanding and comparison of the potential disruptive effects of e-cigarette vapor and cigarette smoke on lateral structure and interfacial properties of the pulmonary surfactant.", "\n\nStudies using calf lung surfactant revealed that e-cigarette vapor does not affect surfactant interfacial properties regardless of the e-liquid flavoring (Fig. ", "2). ", "The lack of effects from e-cigarette vapor on Infasurf® can be explained by considering the components in e-cigarette vapor. ", "The primary components of e-cigarette vapor are propylene glycol, glycerol, and nicotine [38, 39]. ", "Propylene glycol and glycerol are both hydrophilic and are thus likely to remain in the aqueous subphase and not disturb the lipid film at the air-water interface. ", "On the other hand, nicotine has a very minor effect on surfactant properties as shown in Fig. ", "5a. ", "Thus, none of the components of e-cigarette smoke are expected to cause significant disruptions to surfactant films. ", "To the best of our knowledge, there has only been one previous study on the interactions of e-cigarette vapor with lung surfactant [38]. ", "In this study, Davies and colleagues used a mixture of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidyl glycerol, and phosphatidic acid (DPPC/POPG/PA, 69/20/11, w/w/w) to mimic lung surfactant, and reported a slight reduction (~10 mN/m) in the surface pressure of this model after exposure to e-cigarette vapor [38]. ", "The potential mechanisms of this detrimental effect were proposed to be nicotine penetration in the surfactant monolayer, lipid peroxidation by free radicals in the vapor, and/or hydrolysis of surfactant phospholipids by nitrosamines in smoke [38]. ", "In the current study, pure nicotine showed a very minor effect on the surface pressure isotherm of Infasurf®. ", "While free radicals [40] and nitrosamines [39] have both been reported in e-cigarette vapor, any potential effects from these components on Infasurf® in the current study was minor. ", "It should be noted, however, that the effects of these chemicals on a complex surfactant such as Infasurf® might be very different compared to the simpler model used by Davies and colleagues [38].", "\n\nIn contrast to e-cigarette vapor, cigarette smoke significantly disrupted surfactant interfacial properties. ", "The disruptive effects of e-cigarette vapor and cigarette smoke correlated with their surface activity. ", "E-cigarette vapor, which did not affect the surface pressure, was not surface active, while cigarette smoke was highly surface-active (Fig. ", "2e). ", "This correlation between surface activity and surfactant disruption suggests that surfactant inhibition by smoke occurred through the competitive adsorption mechanism [33]. ", "Based on this mechanism, surface active components, in this case from cigarette smoke, are capable of adsorption to the air-water interface and compete with surfactant molecules for space. ", "Adsorption of non-surfactant molecules hinders surfactant adsorption at the air-water interface and interferes with the enrichment of the surface with highly saturated lipids, thereby inhibiting the ability of the surfactant to reduce the surface tension (i.e. increase the surface pressure). ", "A similar mechanism has been shown to be the underlying principle for surfactant inhibition by albumin [34, 41, 42]. ", "Albumin is a surface-active protein and can reach surface pressure values higher than 30 mN/m upon compression [34, 41]. ", "Due to its surface-activity, albumin adsorbs to the air-water interface, interfering with surface adsorption of surfactant molecules and eventually leading to a reduction in the maximum surface pressure achievable by surfactant [34, 41, 42].", "\n\nThis competitive adsorption mechanism is further supported by AFM images. ", "The plateau in Infasurf® surface pressure at ~40 mN/m is the start of the process where unsaturated lipids collapse into multilayers, leaving a surface enriched in highly saturated lipids [25, 29]. ", "This process was observed in the current study where the height of the surfactant structures changed from <1 nm at surface pressure values of 20 and 30 mN/m to 4 and 6 nm at surface pressure values of 40 and 50 mN/m, respectively, due to the presence of the multilayers. ", "Addition of e-cigarette vapor or cigarette smoke did not significantly affect the height of these structures, suggesting that the multilayer formation process was not affected. ", "However, the surface area covered by unsaturated multilayers highly increased as a result of exposure to vapor and smoke. ", "This increase in surface area was quite drastic in the case of cigarette smoke (Fig. ", "4b). ", "The significant increase in the area of unsaturated lipids consequently hinders the enrichment of the surface by saturated lipids, leaving a surface with a high level of unsaturated lipids that cannot reach high surface pressure values. ", "Particles in cigarette smoke have been reported to have a mass median diameter of 380 nm [43]. ", "Thus, given the average height of the AFM structures, it is unlikely that a large portion of smoke particles have directly penetrated the air-water interface. ", "It appears more likely that water-soluble components from the smoke have adsorbed to the air-water interface, likely partitioning with unsaturated lipids, resulting in an increase in the surface area of unsaturated multilayer phase. ", "A similar phenomenon has been reported for albumin molecules that partition into disordered lipid phases in bovine lipid extract surfactant [34].", "\n\nWhile exposure to cigarette smoke is known to alter the level of surfactant lipids and proteins in animals [22, 44] and in humans [45], the effects of cigarette smoke on surfactant interfacial properties remain understudied. ", "Early studies with bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) have shown that cigarette smoke can affect surfactant function and respreadability [21, 22]. ", "However, as noted by Bringezu and colleagues [23], interfacial studies with BAL are difficult due to the large variability associated with the extraction of BAL and isolation of surfactant and there is a need for more mechanistic studies. ", "To the best of our knowledge, only two detailed mechanistic studies exist on the surfactant inhibitory effects of cigarette smoke [23, 24], both using environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), a combination of smoke from the smoldering cigarette and the smoke inhaled by the smoker (note that only the latter is being examined in the current study) [46]. ", "In one study, ETS was mixed with a (DPPC/POPG/PA, 69/20/11, w/w/w) surfactant model, resulting in slight changes in surfactant respreading and maximum surface pressure values [23]. ", "These effects were attributed to smoke particulates removing the unsaturated POPG to the subphase resulting in a highly saturated surfactant which cannot efficiently respread after compression [23]. ", "While this mechanism seems quite plausible for the DPPC/POPG/PA model, it is less likely to be significant for Infasurf®, as Infasurf® only has 5% POPG [27] compared to 20% in the model of Bringezu and colleagues [23]. ", "In addition, since saturated lipids are the driving force for reaching high surface pressure values, removal of unsaturated lipids should result in only minor effects in the ability of the surfactant to reach high surface pressure values; however, the surfactant inhibition caused by cigarette smoke in the current study is quite drastic. ", "A second study on ETS effects on more complex, natural surfactants proposed a slightly different mechanism [24]. ", "In this case, ETS exposure was shown to alter the lateral distribution of the porcine derived surfactant, Curosurf®, reducing the size of the ordered lipid domains and resulting in a surface that was enriched in unsaturated lipids and less effective in increasing the surface pressure [24]. ", "The latter mechanism better aligns with the findings of the current study where cigarette smoke particles have resulted in an increase in the surface area of unsaturated multilayers.", "\n\nOur tensiometric studies with the most abundant components in cigarette smoke clearly suggest that tar (i.e. the product of burning) is the main disruptive agent to surfactant interfacial properties (Fig. ", "5). ", "These studies were performed with the components of highest concentration in cigarette smoke, based on the certificate of analysis of 1R6F cigarettes [47]. ", "The smoke composition of 1R6F cigarettes generated by the University of Kentucky Center for Tobacco Reference Products closely mimics the smoke composition of other research cigarettes produced and analyzed by the same source and by others [48,49,50]. ", "While we cannot rule out the presence of other surfactant inhibitory compounds in cigarette smoke, all other chemicals in cigarette smoke were at least one order of magnitude lower in concentration compared to those tested. ", "The presence of a high amount of tar (as evidenced by Fig. ", "1b), suggests that perhaps modifications to the cigarette filters might be able to reduce some of these inhibitory compounds. ", "These findings also explain why e-cigarette vapor was not detrimental to surfactant: e-cigarette is a result of e-liquid vaporization, but not burning. ", "Little to no tar is expected from vaporization, which explains the lack of disruptive effects.", "\n\nIt should be noted that while the present study suggests that e-cigarette vapor does not directly affect the interfacial properties of lung surfactant, both e-cigarette vapor and cigarette smoke could impact lung surfactant function via indirect mechanisms. ", "Such mechanisms could include protein/lipid oxidation and alterations in the expression or release of key surfactant components. ", "E-cigarette vapor contains reactive free radicals [40] and reactive oxygen species [51, 52]. ", "In addition, exposure to e-cigarette vapor has been shown to increase the expressions of genes involved in oxidative stress pathways of human bronchial epithelial cells [7]. ", "While the downstream effects of such events on surfactant production and secretion are not yet known, it is quite plausible that exposure to reactive and oxidative species in e-cigarette vapor and increased oxidative stress might lead to oxidation of surfactant lipids and proteins and/or affect surfactant production or secretion. ", "On the other hand, cigarette smoke has been shown to cause oxidative injury in type II alveolar cells [53, 54] and reduce the production and alter the secretion of surfactant phophospholipids by these cells [22, 55]. ", "Thus, cigarette smoke is likely to inhibit surfactant function through both direct and indirect mechanisms while e-cigarette vapor might be capable of indirect surfactant disruption.", "\n\nIt is important to note some of the limitations of the current study and put the results in greater context. ", "Here, exposure to smoke and vapor particulates was performed by bubbling the smoke and vapor in the subphase. ", "This method has been previously used to study smoke cytotoxicity [55, 56] and was employed due to challenges in reproducible aerosol generation and quantification of the deposited particles, some of which have been addressed elsewhere [18, 57]. ", "However, surfactant exposure to aerosols is a more physiologically-relevant exposure method and needs to be considered for future studies. ", "Another limitation of the current study is that experiments were performed at room temperature; this is due to the fact that increased temperature reduces the size of surfactant domains, making them difficult to discern particularly at low surface pressure values. ", "It should also be noted that the results presented in this study only focus on one aspect of potential e-cigarette toxicity. ", "Thus, lack of surfactant disruption by e-cigarette vapor, does not suggest that e-cigarettes are safe. ", "Increasing reports are emerging on the cytotoxicity, xenotoxicity, and inflammatory effects of e-cigarettes, which will help evaluate whether e-cigarette use will lead to other potential health effects. ", "In addition, our study was focused on one brand and a limited number of e-liquid flavors and potential toxicity by other e-cigarettes cannot be ruled out. ", "On the other hand, our results with conventional cigarettes further emphasize the association between cigarette use and respiratory toxicity. ", "Changes in surfactant interfacial properties are associated with a number of respiratory diseases and can result in increased work of breathing and impaired gas exchange. ", "While the effects of conventional cigarette smoke on surfactant production have been studied in the past [22, 44, 45], smoke effects on surfactant function and interfacial properties have received less attention and the results from this study help elucidate the disruptive effects of cigarette smoke on lung surfactant function and identify the component that is most harmful to surfactant interfacial properties." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field\nThe following description relates to a signal processing method, and a transmitter and a receiver.", "\n2. ", "Description of Related Art\nA transmitting and receiving device that is used to configure a communication link under an extremely low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) environment, such as a satellite link, may be applied to a case in which an extremely low SNR condition occurs in a K-under (Ku)/K-above (Ka) band. ", "The extremely low SNR condition may be associated with, for example, a rainfall, a small satellite antenna, a signal amplifier with a low output that is installed in a transmitter.", "\nA transmitting and receiving device for such a low SNR environment may be classified into a forward link from a satellite center to a terminal and a reverse link from the terminal to the satellite center." ]
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[ "Role of deadenylation and AUF1 binding in the pH-responsive stabilization of glutaminase mRNA.", "\nDuring chronic metabolic acidosis, increased expression of renal glutaminase (GA) results from selective stabilization of the GA mRNA. ", "This response is mediated by a direct repeat of an 8-base adenylate-uridylate (AU) sequence that binds zeta-crystallin and functions as a pH response element (pH-RE). ", "A tetracycline-responsive promoter system was developed in LLC-PK(1)-F(+) cells to perform pulse-chase analysis of the turnover of a chimeric beta-globin (betaG) mRNA that contains 960 bp of the 3'-UTR of GA mRNA including the pH-RE. ", "The betaG-GA mRNA exhibits a 14-fold increase in half-life when the LLC-PK(1)-F(+) cells are transferred to acidic medium. ", "RNase H cleavage and Northern blot analysis of the 3'-ends established that rapid deadenylation occurred concomitantly with the rapid decay of the betaG-GA mRNA in cells grown in normal medium. ", "Stabilization of the betaG-GA mRNA in acidic medium is associated with a pronounced decrease in the rate of deadenylation. ", "Mutation of the pH-RE within the betaG-GA mRNA blocked the pH-responsive stabilization, but not the rapid decay, whereas insertion of only a 29-bp segment containing the pH-RE was sufficient to produce both a rapid decay and a pH-responsive stabilization. ", "Various kidney cells express multiple isoforms of AUF1, an AU-binding protein that enhances mRNA turnover. ", "RNA gel-shift assays demonstrated that the recombinant p40 isoform of AUF1 binds to the pH-RE with high affinity and specificity. ", "Thus AUF1 may mediate the rapid turnover of the GA mRNA, whereas increased binding of zeta-crystallin during acidosis may inhibit degradation and result in selective stabilization." ]
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[ 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0.004273504273504274, 0.008130081300813009, 0.005154639175257732, 0, 0, 0.009345794392523364, 0.007692307692307693, 0.011111111111111112 ]
[ "Q:\n\nJQuery list / link manipulation error in IE7 only\n\nI use the following code to find hooks in the html, generate links from them, create and populate popups, and then hide the hooks themselves from view. ", "It works fine in FF, Chrome, Safari, IE8 and IE9 - but fails in IE7.", "\nHere is a link to the actual usecase, note there is no unusual CSS at play, the lists are not floated, etc. ", "I am using JQuery 1.7.1 with UI version 1.8.18, with the default packaged CSS for the dialog:\nhttp://databizsolutions.ie/contents/page.php?v=35&u=admin-videos#a\nIf anyone could point out how I can close off this error, I'd be very grateful.", "\nThe original HTML (generated by TinyMCE):\n<h3>Title of list</h3>\n<ol>\n <li>Call to action 1</li>\n <ol>\n <li>[popup]path/to/file1.mp4</li>\n </ol>\n<li>Call to action 2</li>\n <ol>\n <li>[popup]path/to/file2.mp4</li>\n </ol>\n<li>Call to action 3</li>\n <ol>\n <li>[popup]path/to/file3.mp4</li>\n </ol>\n...\n\nThe JQuery:\n$(document).ready(function(){\n\nvar num = 0;\n\n//Find [popup] instances, increment the number\n$(\"li:contains('[popup]')\").each(function() {\n var nextnumber = num++;\n\n //add a general and a unique class to the list item containing the hook\n $(this).addClass('popup' + ' ' + 'pop' + nextnumber);\n\n //Split on the hook, and save remainder of text (the path to file) as the 'path' attr\n var splitpath = $(this).text().split(\"[popup]\");\n $(this).attr(\"path\", splitpath[1]); \n var path = $(this).attr(\"path\");\n //alert($(this).attr(\"path\"));\n\n //Get the previous list item (the call to action), and give it general and unique classes also.", "\n $thisArrow = $(this).parent().prev();\n $thisArrow.addClass('arrow' + ' ' + 'arr' + nextnumber);\n\n //Make the call to action an anchor link, with a general class identifier.", "\n $thisArrow.wrapInner('<a class=\"opener\" title=\"Click to view video\" path =\"' + path + '\"/>');\n\n //hide hooks\n $('li.popup').parent().hide();\n});\n\n$('.opener').click(function() {\n var Header = $(this).text();\n var popupURL = $(this).attr(\"path\");\n var popupBG = \"../contents/css/images/white-nontrans.jpg\";\n\n var thisDialog = $('<div></div>')\n .html('<object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" id=\"mediaplayer1\" name=\"mediaplayer1\" width=\"550\" height=\"420\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"../mediaplayer/player.swf\"><param name=\"autostart\" value=\"true\"><param name=\"allowfullscreen\" value=\"true\"><param name=\"allowscriptaccess\" value=\"always\"><param name=\"bgcolor\" value=\"#FFFFFF\"><param name=\"wmode\" value=\"opaque\"><param name=\"flashvars\" value=\"file=' + popupURL + '&image=' + popupBG + '\"><embed id=\"mediaplayer1\" name=\"mediaplayer2\" src=\"../mediaplayer/player.swf\" width=\"550\" height=\"420\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" allowscriptaccess=\"always\" autostart=\"true\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" wmode=\"opaque\" flashvars=\"file=' + popupURL + '&image=' + popupBG + '\" /></object>')\n\n .dialog({ close: function() { $(this).html(''); },autoOpen: false, title: Header, modal: true, maxHeight: 500, width:580 });\n thisDialog.dialog('open');\n return false;\n})\n});\n\nDesired result in HTML:\n<h3>Title of list</h3>\n<ol>\n <li class=\"arrow arr0\">\n <a class=\"opener\" title=\"Click to view video\" path =\"path/to/file1.mp4\" >\n Call to action 1\n </a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"arrow arr1\">\n <a class=\"opener\" title=\"Click to view video\" path =\"path/to/file2.mp4\" >\n Call to action 2\n </a>\n </li>\n <li class=\"arrow arr2\">\n <a class=\"opener\" title=\"Click to view video\" path =\"path/to/file3.mp4\" >\n Call to action 3\n </a>\n </li>\n...\n\nIn IE7:\n<h3 class=\"arrow arr0 arr2 arr4 arr6 arr8 arr10\">Title of list</h3>\n<a class=\"opener\" title=\"Click to view video\" path =\"path/to/file1.mp4\" >\n <a class=\"opener\" title=\"Click to view video\" path =\"path/to/file2.mp4\" >\n <a class=\"opener\" title=\"Click to view video\" path =\"path/to/file3.mp4\" >\n<ol>\n <li>Call to action 1</li>\n <ol>\n <li>[popup]path/to/file1.mp4</li>\n </ol>\n<li>Call to action 2</li>\n <ol>\n <li>[popup]path/to/file2.mp4</li>\n </ol>\n<li>Call to action 3</li>\n <ol>\n <li>[popup]path/to/file3.mp4</li>\n </ol>\n...\n\nA:\n\nI havent tested this, but I think this is because your HTML is incorrect. ", "ol is not a valid child element of ol, only li. ", "Your html should look like this:\n<h3>Title of list</h3>\n<ol>\n <li>\n Call to action 1\n <ol>\n <li>[popup]path/to/file1.mp4</li>\n </ol>\n </li>\n <li>\n Call to action 2\n <ol>\n <li>[popup]path/to/file2.mp4</li>\n </ol>\n </li>\n <li>\n Call to action 3\n <ol>\n <li>[popup]path/to/file3.mp4</li>\n </ol>\n </li>\n</ol>\n\nIE is very unforgiving of malformed HTML.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Conventionally, a technology of directly injecting fuel into a cylinder has been practically used as a technology of fuel injection to an internal-combustion-engine.", "\nAlso, recently, since it is requested to make exhaust gas cleaner and to improve fuel efficiency, power, and the like, fuel injection into a cylinder is divided into a plurality of times (multi stage injection) and downsizing to combine a supercharger with an internal-combustion-engine and to reduce displacement, is in progress. ", "Thus, in order to deal with the minimum output to the maximum output of the internal-combustion-engine, a further expansion of a dynamic range from the minimum injection amount to the maximum injection amount of a flow characteristic of a fuel injection valve is desired.", "\nFor such an expansion of a dynamic range of a flow characteristic of a fuel injection valve, for example, it is necessary to increase the maximum injection amount by expanding a hole diameter of the fuel injection valve or to open a valve element for a very short period in a region of the minimum injection amount. ", "Thus, it is necessary to close the valve element before it is fully opened, that is, to use an intermediate lift state.", "\nOn the other hand, in a case of opening the fuel injection valve and of injecting fuel into a cylinder, injection of high-pressure fuel and high responsivity are required. ", "Thus, it is required to apply high voltage to the fuel injection valve and to apply high current. ", "Thus, in a fuel injection control device to control fuel injection, a booster circuit to generate high voltage from a battery voltage is generally included.", "\nThe fuel injection control device accumulates the high voltage generated in the booster circuit into a charge accumulation element such as a capacitor and consumes the charge during the fuel injection. ", "Then, in order to perform next fuel injection in a stable manner, the fuel injection control device completes a boosting operation with the booster circuit until the next fuel injection and recovers desired voltage. ", "Here, when a boosted voltage becomes lower than a certain threshold, the fuel injection control device starts the boosting operation. ", "When the voltage reaches a desired threshold, the fuel injection control device completes the boosting operation.", "\nMore specifically, as illustrated in FIG. ", "8, by applying current to a coil of a fuel injection valve 105′, the above-described conventional fuel injection control device 127′ controls an amount of fuel necessary for combustion. ", "Specifically, in an internal-combustion-engine to directly inject fuel into a cylinder, in order to defeat high-pressure fuel and to deal with high responsivity, the fuel injection control device 127′ generates high voltage in an internal part thereof by performing boosting from voltage of a battery 1′ and supplies the generated high voltage to the coil of the fuel injection valve 105′ in a case of opening the fuel injection valve 105′.\nMore specifically, a booster circuit includes a power supply of the battery 1′, a boosting coil L1, a switching element for boosting T1, a boosting diode D1, and a boosting capacitor C1. ", "The fuel injection control device 127′ applies current to the boosting coil L1 by turning the switching element for boosting T1 on during boosting. ", "By turning the switching element for boosting T1 off after energy is accumulated into the boosting coil L1, the fuel injection control device 127′ accumulates the energy, which is accumulated into the boosting coil L1, into the boosting capacitor C1 through the boosting diode D1. ", "By turning the boosting switching element T1 on/off intermittently until a predetermined voltage is reached in the boosting capacitor C1, the fuel injection control device 127′ controls the generated voltage.", "\nThe voltage of the boosting capacitor C1 is monitored, by a comparator for recognizing a stop of boosting Comp1. ", "The fuel injection control device 127′ compares the voltage in the boosting capacitor C1 and a threshold voltage for stopping boosting Vstop indicated by 5′. When the boosted voltage reaches the threshold voltage for stopping boosting Vstop, a boosting stopping signal 3′ is output to a boosting switching control block 2′ and the boosting switching control block 2′ stops the boosting operation.", "\nWhen the boosted voltage in the boosting capacitor C1 is consumed during opening of the fuel injection valve 105′, the fuel injection control device 127′ compares, with a comparator for recognizing a start of boosting Comp2, the voltage in the boosting capacitor C1 and a threshold voltage for starting boosting Vstart indicated by 6′. When the boosted voltage is equal to or lower than the threshold voltage for starting boosting Vstart, a boosting starting signal 4′ is output to the boosting switching control block 2′ and the boosting switching control block 2′ starts the boosting operation.", "\nMoreover, the boosting switching control block 2′ monitors current, which flows in the boosting coil L1, with a current detecting resistor for monitoring a boosted current R1 and turns the switching element for boosting T1 on/off at a predetermined current threshold.", "\nWhen opening the fuel injection valve 105′ by applying current thereto, the fuel injection control device 127′ monitors, with a fuel injection control block 8′, an intake air amount, the number of engine revolutions, a water temperature, and an air-fuel ratio A/F which indicate a state of an engine. ", "Then, the fuel injection control device 127′ calculates an amount of fuel to be injected by the fuel injection valve 105′ and timing of the injection and outputs a fuel injection driving pulse illustrated in FIG. ", "9 to a fuel injection valve driving circuit control block 7′. Based on a profile of a current to be applied to the fuel injection valve 105′, the fuel injection valve driving circuit control block 7′ that receives the fuel injection driving pulse controls the current applied to the fuel injection valve 105′. For example, first, a valve-opening current (hereinafter, referred to as Ipeak) to defeat high-pressure fuel is applied to the fuel injection valve 105′. Then, a first holding current (hereinafter, referred to as Ihold1) is continuously applied to the fuel injection valve 105′ for a predetermined period and a second holding current (hereinafter, referred to as Ihold2) is subsequently applied thereto.", "\nIn a case of applying Ipeak to the fuel injection valve 105′, the fuel injection control device 127′ turns on switching elements T13 and T11. ", "Accordingly, to both ends of the fuel injection valve 105′, high voltage generated in the booster circuit is supplied from the boosting capacitor C1. ", "Here, the fuel injection valve driving circuit control block 7′ is monitored by a current detecting resistor for monitoring a fuel injection valve current R2. ", "The boosting capacitor C1 keeps supplying the high voltage until a current value of the fuel injection valve 105′ reaches Ipeak.", "\nAlso, in a section in which Ihold1 and Ihold2 are applied to the fuel injection valve 105′, the fuel injection control device 127′ performs control to apply a predetermined current to the fuel injection valve 105′ by intermittently turning the switching element T12 on/off in a state in which the switching element T13 is turned on.", "\nMoreover, when the voltage at both ends of the boosting capacitor C1 is decreased and becomes equal to or lower than the threshold voltage for starting boosting Vstart after the application of Ipeak, the fuel injection control device 127′ starts a boosting operation performed by the booster circuit. ", "When the voltage reaches the threshold voltage for stopping boosting Vstop, the fuel injection control device 127′ stops the boosting operation performed by the booster circuit, keeps the boosted voltage constant, and prepares for next fuel injection.", "\nHowever, in a case of applying current to the fuel injection valve 105′ for a short period (that is, for example, in case of opening valve element for very short period in region of minimum injection amount and performing fuel injection) in the fuel injection control device including the above-described conventional booster circuit, a width of a fuel injection driving pulse to drive the fuel injection valve 105′ becomes small and a decrease in the boosted voltage becomes small. ", "Thus, as illustrated in FIG. ", "10, the boosted voltage does not become equal to or lower than the threshold voltage for starting boosting Vstart and current is applied, for next fuel injection, to the fuel injection valve 105′ in a state in which a condition for starting boosting is not satisfied, whereby a behavior of the fuel injection valve 105′ varies. ", "More specifically, in the first application of current illustrated in FIG. ", "10, the boosted voltage reaches the threshold voltage for stopping boosting. ", "However, since the boosted voltage is lower than the threshold voltage for stopping boosting although the boosted voltage is equal to or higher than the threshold voltage for starting boosting in the second application of current, a rising speed of the current is decreased. ", "As a result, a problem that a difference ΔIpeak in a point reached by the current flowing in the fuel injection valve 105′ (reached current value) is generated and that a fuel injection amount varies may be generated.", "\nFor example, with respect to such a problem, a technology for driving a fuel injection valve with a prescribed voltage in a case where next fuel injection is performed before timing of starting boosting in a booster circuit is disclosed in each of PTL 1 to PTL 3.", "\nA booster circuit for driving an injector for a vehicle which circuit is disclosed in PTL 1 includes a plurality of capacitors to accumulate a boosted voltage, uses one capacitor for each time of fuel injection, and prepares for next injection by charging a different capacitor.", "\nAlso, an internal-combustion-engine fuel injection control device disclosed in PTL 2 includes a booster circuit to boost a voltage of a power supply, a capacitor which is charged by application of the boosted voltage, an injection starting timing setting unit to set injection starting timing of fuel injected from the fuel injection valve, an injection valve driving unit to open the fuel injection valve by supplying the power charged in the capacitor to the fuel injection valve at the set injection starting timing, and a boosting control unit which controls the boosting operation performed by the booster circuit in such a manner that the voltage of the capacitor is controlled to be a predetermined target value after the fuel injection valve is opened and which raises, immediately before the injection starting timing, the controlled voltage from the target value up to a predetermined upper limit value.", "\nAlso, an internal-combustion-engine fuel injection device disclosed in PTL 3 includes a booster circuit that supplies high voltage to open a fuel injection valve that directly supplies fuel into a combustion chamber of the internal-combustion-engine, and a boosting operation control circuit that performs on/off control of a boosting operation performed by the booster circuit. ", "Based on a signal of driving the fuel injection valve, the boosting operation control circuit starts the boosting operation in the booster circuit when application of current to the fuel injection valve is started." ]
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[ "The caspase-1 inflammasome: a pilot of innate immune responses.", "\nThe inflammasome is a large multiprotein complex whose assembly leads to the activation of caspase-1, which promotes the maturation of proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) and IL-18. ", "Proteins encoded by the nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich repeat (NLR) containing gene family form the central components of inflammasomes and act as intracellular sensors to detect cytosolic microbial components and \"danger\" signals (such as ATP and toxins). ", "The inflammasome not only plays a pivotal role in innate immune responses toward pathogens but also mediates the activity of aluminum adjuvants. ", "Thus, the inflammasome and associated signaling pathways are attractive targets for new therapeutics and vaccines." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.0037174721189591076, 0, 0 ]
[ "-- Logic and defaults for launching non-skirmish sessions\nlocal Prefs = import('/lua/user/prefs.lua')\nlocal MapUtils = import('/lua/ui/maputil.lua')\nlocal aiTypes = import('/lua/ui/lobby/aitypes.lua').aitypes\n\nfunction GetRandomName(faction, aiKey)\n WARN('GRN: ',faction)\n local aiNames = import('/lua/ui/lobby/ainames.lua').ainames\n local factions = import('/lua/factions.lua').Factions\n\n faction = faction or (math.random(table.getn(factions)))\n\n local name = aiNames[factions[faction].Key][math.random(table.getn(aiNames[factions[faction].Key]))]\n\n if aiKey then\n local aiName = \"AI\"\n for index, value in aiTypes do\n if aiKey == value.key then\n aiName = value.name\n end\n end\n name = name .. \" (\" .. LOC(aiName) .. \")\"\n end\n\n return name\nend\n\nfunction GetRandomFaction()\n return math.random(table.getn(import('/lua/factions.lua').Factions))\nend\n\nfunction VerifyScenarioConfiguration(scenarioInfo)\n if scenarioInfo == nil then\n error(\"VerifyScenarioConfiguration - no scenarioInfo\")\n end\n\n if scenarioInfo.", "Configurations == nil or scenarioInfo.Configurations.standard == nil or scenarioInfo.Configurations.standard.teams == nil then\n error(\"VerifyScenarioConfiguration - scenarios require the standard team configuration\")\n end\n\n if scenarioInfo.", "Configurations.standard.teams[1].name ~= 'FFA' then\n error(\"VerifyScenarioConfiguration - scenarios require all teams be set up as FFA\")\n end\n\n if scenarioInfo.", "Configurations.standard.teams[1].armies == nil then\n error(\"VerifyScenarioConfiguration - scenarios require at least one army\")\n end\nend\n\n\n\n-- Note that the map name must include the full path, it won't try to guess the path based on name\nfunction SetupCampaignSession(scenario, difficulty, inFaction, campaignFlowInfo, isTutorial)\n local factions = import('/lua/factions.lua').Factions\n local faction = inFaction or 1\n if not scenario then\n error(\"SetupCampaignSession - scenario required\")\n end\n VerifyScenarioConfiguration(scenario)\n\n if not difficulty then\n error(\"SetupCampaignSession - difficulty required\")\n end\n\n local sessionInfo = {}\n\n sessionInfo.playerName = Prefs.", "GetFromCurrentProfile('Name') or 'Player'\n sessionInfo.createReplay = false\n sessionInfo.scenarioInfo = scenario\n\n local armies = sessionInfo.scenarioInfo.", "Configurations.standard.teams[1].armies\n\n sessionInfo.teamInfo = {}\n\n for index, name in armies do\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index] = import('/lua/ui/lobby/lobbyComm.lua').GetDefaultPlayerOptions(sessionInfo.playerName)\n if index == 1 then\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].PlayerName = sessionInfo.playerName\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].Faction = faction\n else\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].PlayerName = name\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].Human = false\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].Faction = 1\n end\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].ArmyName = name\n end\n\n sessionInfo.scenarioInfo.", "Options = {}\n sessionInfo.scenarioInfo.", "Options.", "FogOfWar = 'explored'\n sessionInfo.scenarioInfo.", "Options.", "Difficulty = difficulty\n sessionInfo.scenarioInfo.", "Options.", "DoNotShareUnitCap = true\n sessionInfo.scenarioInfo.", "Options.", "Timeouts = -1\n sessionInfo.scenarioInfo.", "Options.", "GameSpeed = 'normal'\n sessionInfo.scenarioInfo.", "Options.", "FACampaignFaction = factions[faction].Key\n -- Copy campaign flow information for the front end to use when ending the game\n -- or when restoring from a saved game\n if campaignFlowInfo then\n sessionInfo.scenarioInfo.campaignInfo = campaignFlowInfo\n end\n\n if isTutorial and (isTutorial == true) then\n sessionInfo.scenarioInfo.tutorial = true\n end\n\n Prefs.", "SetToCurrentProfile('LoadingFaction', faction)\n\n sessionInfo.scenarioMods = import('/lua/mods.lua').GetCampaignMods(sessionInfo.scenarioInfo)\n LOG('sessioninfo: ', repr(sessionInfo.teamInfo))\n return sessionInfo\nend\n\n\n\n\nfunction FixupMapName(mapName)\n if (not string.find(mapName, \"/\")) and (not string.find(mapName, \"\\\\\")) then\n mapName = \"/maps/\" .. mapName .. \"/\" .. mapName .. \"_scenario.lua\"\n end\n return mapName\nend\n\n\nlocal defaultOptions = {\n FogOfWar = 'explored',\n NoRushOption = 'Off',\n PrebuiltUnits = 'Off',\n Difficulty = 2,\n DoNotShareUnitCap = true,\n Timeouts = -1,\n GameSpeed = 'normal',\n UnitCap = '500',\n Victory = 'sandbox',\n CheatsEnabled = 'true',\n CivilianAlliance = 'enemy',\n}\n\nlocal function GetCommandLineOptions(isPerfTest)\n local options = table.copy(defaultOptions)\n\n if isPerfTest then\n options.", "FogOfWar = 'none'\n elseif HasCommandLineArg(\"/nofog\") then\n options.", "FogOfWar = 'none'\n end\n\n local norush = GetCommandLineArg(\"/norush\", 1)\n if norush then\n options.", "NoRushOption = norush[1]\n end\n\n if HasCommandLineArg(\"/predeployed\") then\n options.", "PrebuiltUnits = 'On'\n end\n\n local victory = GetCommandLineArg(\"/victory\", 1)\n if victory then\n options.", "Victory = victory[1]\n end\n\n local diff = GetCommandLineArg(\"/diff\", 1)\n if diff then\n options.", "Difficulty = tonumber(diff[1])\n end\n\n return options\nend\n\n\nfunction SetupBotSession(mapName)\n if not mapName then\n error(\"SetupBotSession - mapName required\")\n end\n\n mapName = FixupMapName(mapName)\n\n local sessionInfo = {}\n\n sessionInfo.playerName = Prefs.", "GetFromCurrentProfile('Name') or 'Player'\n sessionInfo.createReplay = false\n\n sessionInfo.scenarioInfo = import('/lua/ui/maputil.lua').LoadScenario(mapName)\n if not sessionInfo.scenarioInfo then\n error(\"Unable to load map \" .. mapName)\n end\n\n VerifyScenarioConfiguration(sessionInfo.scenarioInfo)\n\n local armies = sessionInfo.scenarioInfo.", "Configurations.standard.teams[1].armies\n\n sessionInfo.teamInfo = {}\n\n local numColors = table.getn(import('/lua/gameColors.lua').GameColors.", "PlayerColors)\n\n local ai\n local aiopt = GetCommandLineArg(\"/ai\", 1)\n if aiopt then\n ai = aiopt[1]\n else\n ai = aitypes[1].key\n end\n\n LOG('ai=' .. repr(ai))\n\n for index, name in armies do\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index] = import('/lua/ui/lobby/lobbyComm.lua').GetDefaultPlayerOptions(sessionInfo.playerName)\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].PlayerName = name\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].ArmyName = name\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].Faction = GetRandomFaction()\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].Human = false\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].PlayerColor = math.mod(index, numColors)\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].ArmyColor = math.mod(index, numColors)\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].AIPersonality = ai\n end\n\n sessionInfo.scenarioInfo.", "Options = GetCommandLineOptions(false)\n sessionInfo.scenarioMods = import('/lua/mods.lua').GetCampaignMods(sessionInfo.scenarioInfo)\n\n local seed = GetCommandLineArg(\"/seed\", 1)\n if seed then\n sessionInfo.", "RandomSeed = tonumber(seed[1])\n end\n\n return sessionInfo\nend\n\n\nlocal function SetupCommandLineSkirmish(scenario, isPerfTest)\n\n local faction\n if HasCommandLineArg(\"/faction\") then\n faction = tonumber(GetCommandLineArg(\"/faction\", 1)[1])\n local maxFaction = table.getn(import('/lua/factions.lua').Factions)\n if faction < 1 or faction > maxFaction then\n error(\"SetupCommandLineSession - selected faction index \" .. faction .. \" must be between 1 and \" .. maxFaction)\n end\n else\n faction = GetRandomFaction()\n end\n\n VerifyScenarioConfiguration(scenario)\n\n scenario.", "Options = GetCommandLineOptions(isPerfTest)\n\n sessionInfo = { }\n sessionInfo.playerName = Prefs.", "GetFromCurrentProfile('Name') or 'Player'\n sessionInfo.createReplay = true\n sessionInfo.scenarioInfo = scenario\n sessionInfo.teamInfo = {}\n sessionInfo.scenarioMods = import('/lua/mods.lua').GetCampaignMods(scenario)\n\n local seed = GetCommandLineArg(\"/seed\", 1)\n if seed then\n sessionInfo.", "RandomSeed = tonumber(seed[1])\n elseif isPerfTest then\n sessionInfo.", "RandomSeed = 2071971\n end\n\n local armies = sessionInfo.scenarioInfo.", "Configurations.standard.teams[1].armies\n\n local numColors = table.getn(import('/lua/gameColors.lua').GameColors.", "PlayerColors)\n\n for index, name in armies do\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index] = import('/lua/ui/lobby/lobbyComm.lua').GetDefaultPlayerOptions(sessionInfo.playerName)\n if index == 1 then\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].PlayerName = sessionInfo.playerName\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].Faction = faction\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].Human = true\n else\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].AIPersonality = 'rush'\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].Faction = GetRandomFaction()\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].PlayerName = GetRandomName(sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].Faction, sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].AIPersonality)\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].Human = false\n end\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].ArmyName = name\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].PlayerColor = math.mod(index, numColors)\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].ArmyColor = math.mod(index, numColors)\n end\n\n local extras = MapUtils.", "GetExtraArmies(sessionInfo.scenarioInfo)\n if extras then\n for k,armyName in extras do\n local index = table.getn(sessionInfo.teamInfo) + 1\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index] = import('/lua/ui/lobby/lobbyComm.lua').GetDefaultPlayerOptions(\"civilian\")\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].PlayerName = 'civilian'\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].Civilian = true\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].ArmyName = armyName\n sessionInfo.teamInfo[index].Human = false\n end\n end\n\n Prefs.", "SetToCurrentProfile('LoadingFaction', faction)\n\n return sessionInfo\nend\n\nfunction StartCommandLineSession(mapName, isPerfTest)\n if not mapName then\n error(\"SetupCommandLineSession - mapName required\")\n end\n\n mapName = FixupMapName(mapName)\n\n local scenario = import('/lua/ui/maputil.lua').LoadScenario(mapName)\n if not scenario then\n error(\"Unable to load map \" .. mapName)\n end\n\n local sessionInfo\n if scenario.type == 'campaign' then\n local difficulty = 2\n if HasCommandLineArg(\"/diff\") then\n difficulty = tonumber(GetCommandLineArg(\"/diff\", 1)[1])\n end\n local faction = false\n if HasCommandLineArg(\"/faction\") then\n faction = GetCommandLineArg(\"/faction\", 1)[1]\n end\n sessionInfo = SetupCampaignSession(scenario, difficulty, faction)\n else\n sessionInfo = SetupCommandLineSkirmish(scenario, isPerfTest)\n end\n LaunchSinglePlayerSession(sessionInfo)\nend\n" ]
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[ "Effectiveness of integrated psychological therapy on cognitive function among Lebanese patients with schizophrenia: a pilot study.", "\nBackground: The integrated term emphasises the need for cognitive therapy to always be embedded into an extended treatment concept adapted to cognitive resources and deficits and to patient rehabilitation. ", "One of the first approaches is integrated psychological therapy (IPT).Aim: To assess the effect of the IPT Programme compared to the Treatment as Usual (TaU) in terms of cognitive performance and social skills among a group of schizophrenic patients.", "Methods: This randomised controlled study enrolled 20 patients in each group. ", "Patients attended 60-min sessions, 3 days/week.", "Results: When considering the TaU group, the bivariate results showed that significantly higher means of attention scores, lower means in social dysfunction and aggression, social adaptation scores were found after IPT compared to before. ", "The effect size for all tests was found to be weak. ", "When considering the IPT group, significantly higher means attention score, lower means cognitive disorders, social dysfunction, aggression and social adaptation scores were found after IPT compared to before. ", "The effect size for all tests was found to be high.", "Conclusion: The therapeutic combination of the IPT programme with medical treatment has shown additional beneficial effects on the schizophrenic patients' treatment, enabling them, as far as possible, to reintegrate into the community.", "KEY POINTSIn cases, a significantly higher GZ-F and KL scores and a lower SDAS-9 and SDAS-6 scores were found post-IPT respectively.", "In controls, a significant increase in the GZ-F and KL subscales and a decrease in all other scales was found post-IPT respectively.", "This therapeutic combination of the integrative programme with medical treatment has shown additive beneficial effects in patients with schizophreniaThe treatment approach would allow them, as far as possible, to reintegrate within the community." ]
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[ "Myelokathexis is a rare congenital autosomal dominant disorder characterized by severe chronic neutropenia or leukopenia. ", "The patients have extremely low levels of leukocytes, particularly mature neutrophils in peripheral circulation ranging from 0 to 0.5x109 /L. The characteristic feature of myelokathexis is a presence of bone marrow mature neutrophils with nuclear lobs connected with thin filaments. ", "The patients experience recurrent infections including otitis media and otitis externa, HPV, gingivitis, and severe cutaneous and sinopulmonary infections. ", "In some but not all patients, there is an association of Warts, Hypogammaglobulinemia, and recurrent bronchopulmonary Infections with Myelokathexis (W.H.I.M. syndrome). ", "Myelokathexis patients may evolve to develop fatal B-cell lymphoma, however, no early death related to infections in these patients was reported which is probably due to mobilization of mature marrow neutrophils during infection episodes. ", "Mutations in the CXCR4 gene have been identified in most of the patients with myelokathexis. ", "We cloned the mutant gene products and expressed them in human myeloid progenitor cells. ", "We propose to establish a model of myelokathexis based on tet-regulated expression of mutant CXCR4 in order to further dissect the molecular events mediating development of myelokathexis. ", "We will also test this model in vivo in NOD-SCID mice and will determine the efficacy of identified inhibitors in vivo. ", "These studies will pave important foundation necessary for initiating of clinical trials in patients with myelokathexis. ", "PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: We and others reported premature cell death and identified gene mutations in patients with myelokathexis who suffer from recurring infections [1,2]. ", "These patients may evolve to develop fatal B-cell lymphoma [3]. ", "We propose to establish a cellular model of this disease and test it in vivo in mice. ", "We will use this model to examine the efficacy of identified compounds, which appear to block the abnormalities caused by this mutant gene and restore the normal phenotype. ", "We will study the efficacy of this drug and its analogs in the cellular and animal models of this disease prior to initiating clinical trials in patients." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nI can't delete a row from a MySQL database\n\nHere is the code\n<?", "\n$x=$_SESSION[\"name\"];\nmysqli_query($mysqli, \"DELETE from Uzivatel WHERE username='$x'\");\nmysqli_close($mysqli);\nheader(\"Location: index.php\");\n?", "> \n\nI saved username into $_SESSION[\"name\"] at the previous page. ", "Here I just load it into $x and I want to delete row from database where username = $x but I can't and I don't know why.", "\nIf I change $x in the SQL command into normal string name like Hed (for example) it will delete him. ", "But if I want to delete it through variable, nothing happens.", "\nAnd yes I checked if the username is in the $_SESSION[\"name\"] through echo, and yes it's there.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou should start the session before you can use a SESSION variable:\n<?", "php\nsession_start();\n$x=$_SESSION[\"name\"];\nmysqli_query($mysqli, \"DELETE from Uzivatel WHERE username='$x'\");\nmysqli_close($mysqli);\nheader(\"Location: index.php\");\n?", "> \n\n" ]
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[ "Use of the GlucoWatch biographer in children and adolescents with diabetes.", "\nThis study was done to evaluate the accuracy and safety of measuring glucose with the GlucoWatch biographer in children and adolescents with diabetes. ", "Accuracy was assessed by comparing biographer glucose measurements with hourly blood glucose measurements using the HemoCue (Aktiebolaget Leo, Helsingborg, Sweden) Photometer for up to 12 h of monitoring. ", "Safety was evaluated by examining the biographer application sites immediately upon removal of the devices, and then at regular intervals. ", "Sixty-six subjects each wore three biographers at sites including the forearm, upper arm, leg, and torso. ", "For forearm biographers, the mean absolute relative difference between biographer readings and blood glucose was 21%. ", "Ninety-five per cent of biographer readings fell into the A or B regions of the Clarke error grid, and 97.3% into the A or B regions of the consensus error grid. ", "Data from biographers worn at the alternative sites were similar to data from the forearm biographers. ", "Two strong reactions to the adhesive pad of the biographer AutoSensor were observed. ", "Most skin reactions were mild. ", "The GlucoWatch biographer is well tolerated by children and adolescents with diabetes. ", "Performance is similar when the device is worn at different anatomical sites, and is similar to the performance on the forearm, previously reported in adults." ]
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[ "The tourism sector could create a “potentially very significant” boost to Bahrain’s economy, according to Dr. Jarmo Kotilaine, the chief economic adviser of the Bahrain Economic Development Board.", "\n\nIn an interview with Arabian Business, Dr. Kotilaine said that tourism is an opportunity “on multiple levels” for Bahrain, which has traditionally been a weekend destination for travellers from other parts of the GCC, principally Saudi Arabia.", "\n\n“One of the interesting questions there has been, and remains, how can we achieve more? ", "How can we give people more reasons to come back, to do more things, to potentially stay for a little bit longer?” ", "he said. “", "That is driving infrastructure development in that space.”", "\n\nDr. Kotilaine added that there has been a “growing emphasis on better articulating and defining the tourism identity of Bahrain” and highlighting its long history and variety of offerings.", "\n\n“It’s almost a microcosm of the region. ", "It has a sort of authenticity, and you can get glimpses of what this region was like decades ago,” he said. “", "You have the makings and elements of quite an interesting portfolio of offering…..there is still a lot of untapped opportunity.", "\n\nAdditionally, Dr. Kotilaine said that attracting tourist inflows from other markets – rather than the traditional GCC source markets – could “significantly” increase tourism’s contribution to GDP, as well as encourage entrepreneurship in Bahrain and create jobs.", "\n\nSpeaking at a recent event, Bahrain Tourism and Exhibition Authority CEO Sheikh Khalid bin Hamoud Al Khalifa said that Bahrain attracted 12 million visitors in 2018, a figure that is expected to rise to 14.6 million in 2022.", "\n\nHe added that tourism’s share in Bahrain’s economy was 6.5 percent, which he believes will rise to 8.3 percent by 2022.", "\n\nIn April 2018, Ali Ghunam Murtaza, the Economic Development Board’s director of real estate, tourism and leisure business development, told Arabian Business that the tourism and hospitality sector will contribute “double digits” to Bahrain’s GDP over the next several years." ]
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[ "\n220 Pa. Superior Ct. ", "451 (1972)\nCommonwealth, Appellant,\nv.\nDavidson.", "\nSuperior Court of Pennsylvania.", "\nArgued December 8, 1971.", "\nMarch 24, 1972.", "\nBefore WRIGHT, P.J., WATKINS, MONTGOMERY, JACOBS, HOFFMAN, SPAULDING, and CERCONE, JJ.", "\nStewart J. Greenleaf, Assistant District Attorney, with him William T. Nicholas, First Assistant District Attorney, and Milton O. Moss, District Attorney, for Commonwealth, appellant.", "\nJohn H. Lewis, Jr., with him Benjamin E. Zuckerman, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, and Wright, Spencer, Manning & Sagendorph, for appellee.", "\nOPINION BY SPAULDING, J., March 24, 1972:\nThe Commonwealth appeals from the order of Judge A. Benjamin SCIRICA of the Court of Common *452 Pleas of Montgomery County, sustaining a demurrer to the evidence presented against appellee Robert L. Davidson on a charge of indecent exposure. ", "The evidence submitted by the Commonwealth in the jury trial was as follows:\nLinda Knapp, a juvenile, testified that while walking in her neighborhood in Narberth, Montgomery County, on August 24, 1971, at about 4:00 p.m., she was approached by a motorist in a dark blue automobile who asked street directions. ", "When she turned to respond to the inquiry, she observed that the motorist was nude. ", "The car pulled away slowly, giving her an opportunity to see and memorize the license plate number. ", "She completed a short walk to her home, recorded the number and reported the incident to the police. ", "She testified that the automobile was a hardtop; this varied from her prior statement that the car was a sedan. ", "She further stated that there were no distinguishing features about the motorist, and that she could not be sure that the motorist and the appellee were the same person.", "\nPolice Officer Hunsicker, who investigated the incident, testified that on the basis of information from the Department of Motor Vehicles in Harrisburg, he requested the appellee on August 25 to come to police headquarters. ", "The appellee appeared two hours later. ", "He acknowledged that the car bearing the license plate number reported by Miss Knapp did belong to him and that he had been driving the car in the area of, and at the approximate time of, the alleged incident. ", "He stated that he had been swimming at his girlfriend's home and had been wearing his bathing suit when he left her home. ", "Officer Hunsicker could not recall whether he had asked the appellee specifically if he had exposed himself to Miss Knapp. ", "Another officer testified that he had interviewed Miss Knapp at her *453 home on the 24th of August and had filed a report on the basis of this information.", "\nFollowing this testimony, counsel for the appellee demurred to the Commonwealth's evidence. ", "The trial judge sustained the motion on the grounds that the Commonwealth had not convincingly and substantially shown that the act was open, notorious and public, even assuming that the facts were as related by Miss Knapp. ", "The lower court was persuaded by the fact that there was no attempt to entice or harm the complainant. ", "He also noted that ordinarily, only the head and shoulders of a motorist would be visible to a passerby. ", "Although we are chary of situations such as this, which may be peculiarly subject to groundless accusations, it is the considered opinion of this Court that there was sufficient evidence in this case to submit the question of guilt to the jury.", "\nIn Commonwealth v. Falcone, 202 Pa. Superior Ct. ", "474 (1964), this Court sustained a conviction for indecent exposure and open lewdness where two juveniles testified that they observed the appellant exposed and playing with himself in a lewd manner near a tree inside a cemetery. ", "There was no evidence that the appellant directed any actions toward the complainants or tried to harm them in any manner. ", "The court held that the statute[1] required no showing of malicious intent and that the possibility of being seen from the sidewalk adjacent to the cemetery made the actions sufficiently public for purposes of the statute.", "\n*454 Contrary to the understanding of the court below, the Falcone opinion indicates that there need be no affirmative attempt on the part of the defendant to either harm or offend the complainant. ", "So long as the exposure or act is done in a place where there can be no reasonable expectation that it could not be seen by other members of the public, the elements of the offense are satisfied. ", "Falcone, supra, p. 477; see: Commonwealth v. Helms, 38 Pa. D. & C. 2d 496, 79 York 177 (1965).", "\nThe lower court's observation that under ordinary circumstances only the head and shoulders of a motorist are visible does not recognize such situations as a passing public or school bus, or a pedestrian walking on the sidewalk adjacent to the passenger side of the automobile, which was Miss Knapp's position vis-a-vis the motorist in this case. ", "In each of these instances, it is foreseeable that much more than the motorist's head and shoulders would be visible to the passerby, even without any special effort on his part to observe the motorist. ", "In the instant case, according to Miss Knapp's testimony, the appellee attracted her attention to himself by asking directions of her. ", "Under these circumstances, we are convinced the alleged actions were sufficiently open to constitute the offense.", "\nAppellee contends that even if the alleged actions are punishable under the statute, the quantity of evidence presented by the Commonwealth was insufficient to allow submission of the question of guilt to the jury. ", "We disagree.", "\nAppellee relies heavily on Miss Knapp's inability to identify the appellee as the person who exposed himself to her, her confusion over whether the car was a 2-door or 4-door model, and the possibility of error in her reporting of the license plate number. ", "Were Miss Knapp's testimony the only evidence, we would agree *455 that the totality of the factors cited by the appellee would militate against submitting the evidence to the jury. ", "However, the evidence also included the oral admissions of the appellee that he owned the automobile bearing the number reported by Miss Knapp, that the automobile was in his exclusive possession on the day of the alleged incident, and that he was in the area of the crime at the approximate time of its occurrence. ", "We believe that these admissions sufficiently buttress Miss Knapp's testimony to prevent the jury's task from being one of mere speculation.", "\nWe find nothing in the record which would inherently impugn Miss Knapp's credibility. ", "As her description of appellee's automobile was generally accurate, we do not believe that her failure to advert to whether the car had two or four doors is fatal to her credibility. ", "Also, analyzed in conjunction with appellee's admissions, the question of whether Miss Knapp's recollection of the license number was reliable is one appropriately left to the jury.", "\nThe order of the court below is reversed and the case is remanded for a new trial.", "\nNOTES\n[1] \"Whoever commits open lewdness, or any notorious act of public indecency, tending to debauch the morals or manners of the people, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500), or undergo imprisonment not exceeding one (1) year, or both.\" ", "1939, June 24, P.L. 872, § 519, 18 P.S. § 4519.", "\n" ]
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[ "In the current era, manuscripts are sent electronically, and most publishers will only consider submissions that come from agents. ", "So now it’s agents sending your manuscript to an editor via email. ", "The agent then proceeds to wait months for a reply. ", "They make a call to follow up, and ask when they might expect a response. ", "They get no reply.", "\n\nOk, it’s true that agents do get replies from editors most of the time. ", "But maybe less often than you think. ", "And this blog post is about you, and about how to take the reins in your career and not wait for those right-brained, gone-into-the-witness-protection-plan editors to get back to you.", "\n\n5 WAYS TO FOLLOW UP WITH AN EDITOR OR AGENT AND WHEN TO DO IT:\n\nWaiting for a reply can seem like watching the tumbleweeds roll...\n\n#1. ", "Maybe an editor said something encouraging to you at a conference, and, as requested, you sent them your manuscript. ", "Since then it has been radio silence. ", "Here’s what you can do. ", "After 10-12 weeks, follow up with an email,reminding him or her,“we met at XXX, you said you’d like to take a look at my story about XXX, and because 10-12 weeks have passed, I wanted to follow up. ", "Here is my manuscript again, thank you very much for your time and consideration.” ", "That’s right, attach the manuscript, don’t have the editor go hunting for your email from 10 weeks ago. ", "This way they can click and start reading. ", "If you haven’t heard back in another month, move on.", "\n\n(In this case, move on means submit to the next person on your list, and don’t expect ever to hear back from the original publishing house. ", "You don’t need to officially withdraw the manuscript. ", "If by some miracle the first editor later says he or she is interested in your book, and you haven’t yet sold it, then great. ", "But meanwhile you’ve taken your career into your own hands.)", "\n\nMandy and Bernadette knew it in Sunday in the Park with George: you've got to Move On.", "\n\n#2. ", "Regrettably, in this era, silence is the new no. ", "Many literary agents have realized they don’t have the time to reply to every query they receive, so they’ve enacted a policy of “if you don’t hear from us in ____ weeks, assume we’ve passed.” ", "Here’s what to do when you’ve queried and agent and the allotted time to hear back has passed: MOVE ON. ", "Waiting for just the right literary agent or editor, the one you've got your heart set on, to say yes to you is like being in 7th grade and waiting for just the right boy, the really cute one you know is perfect, to ask you out. ", "You are much, much better off moving on to the guy standing right next to him in the lunch line.", "\n\nThis is also a good rule for a publishing house accepting unsolicited manuscripts, and for editors or publishers who are accepting submissions for a certain period after a conference. ", "If you don’t hear back from them after 12-16 weeks, assume it’s a no and move on.", "\n\n#3. ", "You have signed with a literary agent, but they aren’t getting back to you. ", "Maybe they don’t return your calls, maybe they don’t answer your emails. ", "Everyone slips up now and again, of course, and that’s not what I’m talking about. ", "Have you left a few messages in a row for your agent, either by email or phone, and not gotten a reply? ", "Has that happened several times? ", "End the relationship. ", "The LAST thing you want is an agent who doesn’t return your calls or emails. ", "The publishing process is frustratingly slow and thorny and fraught with all sorts of issues. ", "Your agent is your champion; he or she goes into battle for you. ", "You do not want to be in that battle not knowing when your weaponry is going to show up. ", "Send an email and say you’re terminating the relationship. ", "Do it now.", "\n\n(And don’t be scared. ", "Most agents are excellent. ", "But I get asked about this every few months, so I’m including it.)", "\n\n#4. ", "An editor tells you he is taking your manuscript to an acquisitions meeting, then you don’t hear anything further. ", "Follow up, by phone or email, remembering the rule, “always be polite and to the point.” ", "Say“You said you were bringing my book to the committee, has there been a response?” ", "I know, I know, who wants to send that email and hasten the chance of hearing “I’m afraid the committee passed?” ", "But it’s better to hear “no” and move on. ", "It’s also possible your editor needs to be prodded to get that book onto the meeting agenda. ", "You just don’t know. ", "You need to follow up.", "\n\nNota bene: ALWAYS be nice. ", "Never lose your cool and yell at an editor, even by email, even when he deserves it. ", "First, you never know the full story—I got screamed at, really screamed at, once when it was my boss causing the delay, but what could I do but take the heat? ", "And second, venting is what you have friends for. ", "The editor is disorganized, doesn’t value your time, has kept you hanging, repeatedly breaks her word about when she’s going to reply… all true. ", "Still, be professional, courteous, and polite. ", "For one thing, when a writer is nice and understanding, we, the editors, only feel more guilty and determined to treat you well and to finally get you an answer. ", "Secondly, one day you may need that person you just reamed out. ", "He may be sitting in the audience at sales conference, and be able to tell a rep “Oh, I know that author, so talented.” ", "Or you may end up sitting next to that editor on a panel at a conference, who knows? ", "Don’t burn bridges. ", "Act professionally and then go out for drinks with your BFF and get it all off your chest.", "\n\n#5: Perhaps your book is under contract, but your editor isn’t getting back to you with editorial notes, or with anything else. ", "You want to revise, you have another book you need to work on, and you need to know what’s going on. ", "But although you’ve emailed the editor three times to ask about the book’s schedule, you hear nothing. ", "If you have an agent, easy, just tell the agent and he or she will deal with it. (", "Unless the agent doesn’t return your calls, in which case, see #2). ", "But if you don’t have an agent, and you aren’t hearing back from your editor? ", "Email her boss. ", "Yup. ", "Email the publisher, remembering to be professional and concise, saying “I haven’t had an answer to my questions about the book’s schedule and I’m getting worried that my revision might conflict with another project; of course I understand how busy my editor is, but I wonder if you have information for me?” ", "The publisher then forwards it to the editor who deals with it immediately.", "\n\nOk, everyone hates that answer, but it really works.", "\n\nThe credenza at one venerable publisher held the manuscripts of a famous editor. ", "Legend had it that its capacity to hold manuscripts was bottomless, making it the Roach Motel of furniture. ", "Manuscripts went in, but they never checked out.", "\n\n#6. ", "Bonus tip! ", "Believe me when I say this: The long, seemingly endless wait for a reply is not personal. ", "It is SO not personal. ", "You’ve probably had a great conversation with a lovely, warm editor at a conference, and that editor gave a speech and talked about 5 award-winning novels he edited. ", "And yet you can’t get this person to even say “no” to the manuscript he asked you to send. ", "What you don’t know is, everyone else has the same experience with this editor, too. ", "Yes, he (or she) turns out some great books, but they are usually quite late, involve many delays, and he or she has hundreds of people in their past whom they have pissed off. ", "Every publishing house has one or two genius editors who are brilliant visionaries and will understand your book like no one else, and you may even end up publishing one book every 6 years with them. ", "But it won’t be speedy, and there will be weeks and months when you don’t know what’s going on. ", "And, my point is, that’s not happening just to you.", "\n\nBack when The Satanic Verses was first published, Yalta the explosive-sniffing dog had to check all of Viking's mail, which also caused delays.", "\n\nWhen I think back on the writers I didn’t respond to, mostly in the first ten years or so of my career, I am mortified. ", "Here’s what would happen. ", "I would read something, and it would almost work as a novel, or there would be an element of it I liked. ", "I would think, “I need to write that author and ask them to try starting on page 25 and to make the girl two years older and to maybe think about the next-door neighbor.” ", "I know, that seems so easy to do when I remember it now, so why didn’t I just write to all those people whose manuscripts were piled up? ", "I can’t even say. ", "I always meant to. ", "And as time went by, I felt I owed them a better letter and even more help. ", "About twice a year I would do a major clean of my office and write lots of apologetic letters, but there were always a few manuscripts I couldn't quite say no to.", "\n\nI remember a story from when Jill Davis and I were both editors at Viking Children’s Books, which Jill has given me permission to tell. ", "In those days, when hard copies of manuscripts sat piled up in our offices, we periodically stayed late to read through them and see if there was anything good. ", "Once Jill found a promising novel in the bottom of a long-overlooked pile and called the author to see if it was still available. ", "The author said, “No. ", "In fact, it was named a Coretta Scott King Honor Book in January.”", "\n\nSee what I mean? ", "It happens to everybody, and it’s never personal. ", "I’m sorry it’s not a better system, but go out there and follow up. ", "And good luck, everybody.", "\n\nElizabeth Law is available for consultation and editing on your manuscript, and for your questions on the publishing process.", "\n\nWhat a good question! ", "I know you're really eager to hear from her, but she's signaled great interest, which is wonderful, and now you have to give her time. ", "I say wait two months minimum (of course she may be faster), and then follow up, or ideally, wait 10 weeks. ", "Good luck and keep me posted! ", "Fingers crossed for you." ]
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[ "IEEE 802.11u\n\nIEEE 802.11u-2011 is an amendment to the IEEE 802.11-2007 standard to add features that improve interworking with external networks.", "\n\n802.11 is a family of IEEE technical standards for mobile communication devices such as laptop computers or multi-mode phones to join a wireless local area network (WLAN) widely used in the home, public hotspots and commercial establishments.", "\n\nThe IEEE 802.11u standard was published on February 25, 2011.", "\n\nSome amendments added to IEEE 802.11\n\nNetwork discovery and selection \n Provides for the discovery of suitable networks (preassociation) through the advertisement of access network type {private network, free public network, for-fee public network}, roaming consortium, and venue information.", "\n Generic Advertisement Service (GAS), which provides for Layer 2 transport of an advertisement protocol's frames between a mobile device and a server in the network prior to authentication. ", "The access point is responsible for the relay of a mobile device's query to a server in the carrier's network and for delivering the server's response back to the mobile.", "\n Provides Access Network Query Protocol (ANQP), which is a query and response protocol used by a mobile device to discover a range of information, including the hotspot operator's domain name (a globally unique, machine searchable data element); roaming partners accessible via the hotspot along with their credential type and EAP method supported for authentication; IP address type availability (for example, IPv4, IPv6); and other metadata useful in a mobile device's network selection process.", "\n\nQoS map distribution \nThis provides a mapping between the IP's differentiated services code point (DSCP) to over-the-air Layer 2 priority on a per-device basis, facilitating end-to-end QoS.\n\nFor users who are not pre-authorized\nIEEE 802.11 currently makes an assumption that a user's device is pre-authorized to use the network. ", " IEEE 802.11u covers the cases where that device is not pre-authorized. ", " A network will be able to allow access based on the user's relationship with an external network (e.g. hotspot roaming agreements), or indicate that online enrollment is possible, or allow access to a strictly limited set of services such as emergency services (client to authority and authority to client.)", "\n\nFrom a user perspective, the aim is to improve the experience of a traveling user who turns on a laptop in a hotel many miles from home, or uses a mobile device to place a phone call. ", " Instead of being presented with a long list of largely meaningless SSIDs the user could be presented with a list of networks, the services they provide, and the conditions under which the user could access them. ", " 802.11u is central to the adoption of UMA and other approaches to network mobile devices.", "\n\nEncourages mesh deployment \nBecause a relatively sophisticated set of conditions can be presented, arbitrary contracts could be presented to the user, and might include providing information on motive, demographics or geographic origin of the user. ", " As such data is valuable to tourism promotion and other public functions, 802.11u is thought to motivate more extensive deployment of IEEE 802.11s mesh networks.", "\n\nMobile cellular network off-load to Wi-Fi \nMobile users, whose devices can move between 3G and Wi-Fi networks at a low level using 802.21 handoff, also need a unified and reliable way to authorize their access to all of those networks. ", " 802.11u provides a common abstraction that all networks regardless of protocol can use to provide a common authentication experience.", "\n\nMandatory requirements \nThe IEEE 802.11u requirements specification contains requirements in the areas of enrollment, network selection, emergency call support, emergency alert notification, user traffic segmentation, and service advertisement.", "\n\nImplementation\n\nHotspot 2.0\nThe Wi-Fi Alliance uses IEEE 802.11u in its \"Wi-Fi Certified Passpoint\" program, also known as \"Hotspot 2.0\". ", "Apple devices running iOS 7 support Hotspot 2.0.", "\n\nEAP-TLS\nThere have been proposals to use IEEE 802.11u for access points to signal that they allow EAP-TLS using only server-side authentication. ", "Unlike most TLS implementations of HTTPS, such as major web browsers, the majority of implementations of EAP-TLS require client-side X.509 certificates without giving the option to disable the requirement, even though the standard does not mandate their use, which some have identified as having the potential to dramatically reduce adoption of EAP-TLS and prevent \"open\" but encrypted access points.", "\n\nSee also\nGeneric Access Network\nGSM\nGPRS\nUMTS\nCDMA\nEV-DO\nIEEE 802.21 Media Independent Handover\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n IEEE 802.11u-2011\n\"Number Entries\" Wi-Fi Dictionary and Encyclopedia\n\nU" ]
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[ "Over the course of my lifetime America has become an infantile country.", "\n\nWhen I was born America was a nation. ", "Today it is a diversity country in which various segments divided by race, gender, and sexual preference, preach hate toward other segments. ", "Currently white heterosexual males are losing in the hate game, but once hate is unleashed it can turn on any and every one. ", "Working class white males understand that they are the new underclass in a diversity country in which everyone has privileges except them. ", "Many of the university educated group of heterosexual white males are too brainwashed to understand what is happening to them. ", "Indeed, some of them are so successfully brainwashed that they think it is their just punishment as a white male to be downtrodden.", "\n\nDonald Trump’s presidency has been wrecked by hate groups, i.e., the liberal/progressive/left who hate the “racist, misogynist, homophobic, gun nut working class” that elected Trump (see Eric Draitser, “Why He Won,” in CounterPunch, vol. ", "23, No. ", "1, 2017). ", "For the liberal/progressive/left Trump is an illegitimate president because he was elected by illegitimate voters.", "\n\n“Solidarity Against Hate” rally, Denny Park, Seattle, August 13, 2017. ", "More hatred in response to violent and deadly protests in Charlottesville, Virginia. (–", "KUOW.org)\n\nToday the American left hates the working class with such intensity that the left is comfortable with the left’s alliance with the One Percent and the military/security complex against Trump.", "\n\nAmerica, the melting pot that produced a nation was destroyed by Identity Politics. ", "Identity Politics divides a population into hate groups. ", "This group hates that one and so on. ", "In the US the most hated group is a southern white heterosexual male.", "\n\nTo rule America Identity Politics is competing with a more powerful group—the military/security complex supported by the neoconservative ideology of American world hegemony.", "\n\nDonald and Melania Trump walk from White House before departure for Houston, Hurricane Harvey (–The Guardian)\n\nCurrently, Identity Politics and the military/security complex are working hand-in-hand to destroy President Trump. ", "Trump is hated by the powerful military/security complex because Trump wanted to “normalize relations with Russia,” that is, remove the “Russian threat” that is essential to the power and budget of the military/security complex. ", "Trump is hated by Identity Politics because the imbeciles think no one voted for him but racist, misogynists, homophobic gun-nuts.", "\n\nThe fact that Trump intended to unwind the dangerous tensions that the Obama regime has created with Russia became his hangman’s noose. ", "Designated as “Putin’s agent,” President Trump is possibly in the process of being framed by a Special Prosecutor, none other than member of the Shadow Government and former FBI director Robert Mueller.", "\n\nSpecial counsel Robert Mueller (left) arrives at U.S. Capitol for closed meeting with Senate Judiciary Committee, June 21, 2017. (–", "NPR.org)\n\nMueller knows that whatever lie he tells will be accepted by the media presstitutes as the Holy Truth. ", "However, as Trump, seeking self-preservation, moves into the war camp, it might not be necessary for the shadow government to eliminate him.", "\n\nSo the Great American Democracy, The Morally Pure Country, is actually a cover for the profits and power of the military/security complex. ", "What is exceptional about America is the size of the corruption and evil in the government and in the private interest groups that control the government.", "\n\nIt wasn’t always this way. ", "In 1958 at the height of the Cold War a young Texan, Van Cliburn, 23 years of age, ventured to show up at the International Tchaikovsky Piano Competition in Moscow. ", "Given the rivalry between the military powers, what chance did an American have of walking away with the prize? ", "The cold warriors of the time would, if asked, had said none.", "\n\nBut Van Cliburn electrified the audience, the Moscow Symphony, and the famous conductor. ", "His reception by the Soviet audience was extraordinary. ", "The judges went to Khrushchev and asked, “Can we give the prize to the American?” ", "Khrushchev asked, “Was he the best.” ", "The answer, “Yes.” “", "Well, then give him the prize.”", "\n\nThe Cold War should have ended right there, but the military/security complex would not allow it.", "\n\nYou can watch the performance here:\n\nIn other words, the Soviet Union, unlike America today, did not need to prevail over the truth. ", "The Soviets gave what has perhaps become the most famous of all prizes of musical competition to an American. ", "The Soviets were able to see and recognize truth, something few Americans any longer can do.", "\n\nThe supporters of this website are supporters because, unlike their brainwashed fellows who are tightly locked within The Matrix, they can tell the difference between truth and propaganda. ", "The supporters of this website comprise the few who, if it is possible, will save America and the world from the evil that prevails in Washington.", "\n\nVan Cliburn came home to America a hero. ", "He went on to a grand concert career. ", "If Van Cliburn had been judged in his day, as Donald Trump is today for wanting to defuse the dangerously high level of tensions with Russia, Van Cliburn would have been greeted on his return with a Soviet prize as a traitor. ", "The New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, NPR and the rest of the presstitutes would have denounced him up one street and down another. ", "How dare Van Cliburn legitimize the Soviet Union by participating in a music competition and accepting a Soviet prize!", "\n\nDid you know that Van Cliburn, after his talented mother had provided all the music instruction she could, studied under a RUSSIAN woman? ", "What more proof do you need that Van Cliburn was a traitor to America? ", "Imagine, he studied under a RUSSIAN! ", "I mean, really! ", "Isn’t this a RUSSIAN connection?!", "\n\nHow can we avoid the fact that all those music critics at the New York Times and Washington Post were also RUSSIAN agents. ", "I mean, gosh, they actually praised Van Cliburn for playing RUSSIAN music in MOSCOW so well.", "\n\nMakes a person wonder if Ronald Reagan wasn’t also a RUSSIAN agent. ", "Reagan, actually convinced Van Cliburn to come out of retirement and to play in the White House for Soviet leader Gorbachev, with whom Reagan was trying to end the Cold War.", "\n\nTaro Aso (–Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg)\n\nI am making fun of what passes for reasoning today. ", "Reason has been displaced by denunciation. ", "If someone, anyone, says something, that can be misconstrued and denounced, it will be, the meaning of what was said not withstanding. ", "Consider the recent statement by the Deputy Prime Minister of Japan, Taro Aso, in an address to members of his ruling political party. ", "He said: “I don’t question your motives to be a politician. ", "But the results are important. ", "Hitler, who killed millions of people, was no good, even if his motives were right.”", "\n\nTo anyone capable of reason, it is perfectly clear that Aso is saying that the ends don’t justify the means. “", "Even if” is conditional. ", "Aso is saying that even if Hitler acted in behalf of a just cause, his means were impermissible.", "\n\nAso, a man of principle, is instructing his party’s politicians to be moral beings and not to sacrifice morality to a cause, much less an American cause of Japanese rearmament so as to amplify Washington’s aggression toward China.", "\n\nThe response to a simple and straight forward statement that not even in politics do the ends justify the means was instant denunciation of the Deputy Prime Minister for “shameful” and “dangerous” remarks suggesting that Hitler “had the right motives.”", "\n\nArrgh! ", "screamed the Simon Wiesenthal Center which saw a new holocaust in the making. ", "Reuters reported that Aso had put his foot in his mouth by making remarks that “could be interpreted as a defense of Adolf Hitler’s motive for genocide during World War Two.” ", "Even RT, to which we normally look for real as opposed to fake news, joined in the misreporting. ", "The chairman of the Japanese opposition party joined in, terming Aso’s statement that the ends don’t justify the means “a serious gaffe.”", "\n\nOf course the South Koreans and the Chinese, who have WWII resentments against Japan, could not let the opportunity pass that the Western media created, and also unloaded on Japan, condemning the Deputy Prime Minister as a modern advocate of Hitlerism. ", "The Chinese and South Koreans were too busy settling old scores to realize that by jumping on Aso they were undermining the Japanese opposition to the re-militarization of Japan, which will be at their expense.", "\n\nAso is astonished by the misrepresentation of his words. ", "He said, “I used Hitler as an example of a bad politician. ", "It is regrettable that my comment was misinterpreted and caused misunderstanding.”", "\n\nIt seems that hardly anyone was capable of comprehending what Aso said. ", "He clearly denounced Hitler, declaring Hitler “no good,” but no one cared. ", "He used the word, “Hitler,” which was sufficient to set off the explosion of denunciation. ", "Aso responded by withdrawing Hitler as his example of a “bad politician.” ", "And this is a victory?", "\n\nThe media, even RT alas, was quick to point out that Aso was already suspect. ", "In 2013 Aso opposed the overturning of Japan’s pacifist constitution that Washington was pushing in order to recruit Japan in a new war front against China. ", "Aso, in the indirect way that the Japanese approach dissent, said “Germany’s Weimar Constitution was changed [by the Nazis] before anyone knew. ", "It was changed before anyone else noticed. ", "Why don’t we learn from the technique?” ", "Aso’s remarks were instantly misrepresented as his endorsement of surreptitiously changing Japan’s constitution, which was Washington’s aim, whereas Aso was defending its pacifist constraint, pointing out that Japan’s pacificist Constitution was being changed without voters’ consent.", "\n\nAn explanation of Aso’s words, something that never would have needed doing prior to our illiterate times, has its own risks. ", "Many Americans confuse an explanation with a defense. ", "Thus, an explanation can bring denunciation for “defending a Japanese nazi.” ", "Considering the number of intellectually-challenged Americans, I expect to read many such denunciations.", "\n\nThis is the problem with being a truthful writer in these times. ", "More people want someone to denounce than want truth.", "\n\nTruth-tellers are persona non grata to the ruling establishment and to proponents of Identity Politics. ", "It is unclear how much longer truth will be permitted to be expressed. ", "Already it is much safer and more remunerative to tell the official lies than to tell the truth.", "\n\nMore people want their inculcated biases and beliefs affirmed by what they read than want to reconsider what they think, expecially if changing their view puts them at odds with their peers. ", "Most people believe what is convenient for them and what they want to believe. ", "Facts are not important to them. ", "Indeed, Americans deny the facts before their eyes each and every day. ", "How can America be a superpower when the population for the most part is completely ignorant and brainwashed?", "\n\nWhen truth-tellers are no more, it is unlikely they will be missed. ", "No one will even know that they are gone. ", "Already, gobs of people are unable to follow a reasoned argument based on undisputed facts.", "\n\n[See original source for continuation of the article with commentary on US slavery and the civil war.]", "\n\nPaul Craig Roberts also asks for our contributions:\n\nDear Friends and Supporters, this is my quarterly call for your financial support. ", "There is no one who will write for you more frankly and truthfully than I do. ", "This article is long. ", "Read it. ", "Twice, three times. … ", "You will learn the nature of the danger that we as a people face. ", "And you will learn a lot about yourselves. –", "PCR\n\nNews from Novorossiya\n\nNews from Novorossiya\n\nQuemado institute Syria Page\n\nHow Did the Syrian Kurds Get Soviet Arms? - ", "By Sophie Mangal - February 16, 2018 - A video showing Nour al-Din al-Zenki militants hijacking a tanker and a truck with smuggled arms and weapons ... CLICK TO READ MORE>>\n\nQuemado Institute Syria Page\n\nUS supports Kurds in Syria: Turks react - By Mehmet Ersoy - January 27, 2018 - The Operation Olive Branch in northern Syria started five days ago. ", "Five days ago the Afrin region became a possible hotbed of a full-scale . . . ", "CLICK TO READ MORE>>\n\nNews from Novorossiya\n\nThe Silent War in the Donbas - Frontline Accounts of Volunteers Fighting in the Trenches - VIDEO by Vesti News - December 23, 2017\n\nMeta\n\nBlogroll\n\nCensorship Looms Over European Union\n\nQuemado Institute editor Karl Pomeroy received a legal threat today in response to a comment he posted on the Russia Insider website about the rise of the R********d banking family. ", "The comment did not mention race, but was of historical content. ", "The threatener accused Karl of “spreading Nazi propaganda,” then repeated the full text of the German Criminal Code Section 130, which outlaws inciting “hatred against a national, racial, religious group or a group defined by their ethnic origins,” which Karl’s comment did not do. ", "A similar law, it was claimed, is now in force in 11 other European countries and carries a penalty of up to five years. ", "The wording of the law is so vague, it could be applied to any criticism of those in power. ", "If a political analyst can accidentally “violate” this totalitarian decree, there is no freedom of speech or press in Europe." ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright (C) by Argonne National Laboratory\n * See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory\n */\n\n#include \"mpiimpl.h\"\n\n/* Algorithm: Long Linear Gather\n *\n * This linear gather algorithm is tuned for long messages. ", "It avoids an extra\n * O(n) communications over the short message algorithm.", "\n *\n * Cost: p.alpha + n.beta\n */\nint MPIR_Igather_inter_sched_long(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype,\n void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root,\n MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPIR_Sched_t s)\n{\n int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;\n MPI_Aint remote_size;\n int i;\n MPI_Aint extent;\n\n remote_size = comm_ptr->remote_size;\n\n /* long message. ", "use linear algorithm. */", "\n if (root == MPI_ROOT) {\n MPIR_Datatype_get_extent_macro(recvtype, extent);\n\n for (i = 0; i < remote_size; i++) {\n mpi_errno = MPIR_Sched_recv(((char *) recvbuf + recvcount * i * extent),\n recvcount, recvtype, i, comm_ptr, s);\n MPIR_ERR_CHECK(mpi_errno);\n }\n } else {\n mpi_errno = MPIR_Sched_send(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, root, comm_ptr, s);\n MPIR_ERR_CHECK(mpi_errno);\n }\n\n fn_exit:\n return mpi_errno;\n fn_fail:\n goto fn_exit;\n}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs autonomous dynamical system equivalent to one single higher-order ode?", "\n\nWe know that a higher-order ode can be converted to dynamical system by replacing each higher-order derivative by a new variable. ", "What about inverse problem? ", "Does a dynamical system convert to a higher-order ode?", "\n\nA:\n\nFor example, consider a system such as\n$$ \\dot{x} = x, \\dot{y} = y $$\nfor which the origin is a proper node. ", " There is no autonomous second-order ODE\n$\\ddot{z} = f(z, \\dot{z})$ that has a proper node: if the linearization at an equilibrium point has a double eigenvalue, it is an improper node. ", " So there \ncan be no smooth conversion of the system to an autonomous second-order ODE. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005376344086021506, 0, 0 ]
[ "Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome as a cause of resistant hypertension.", "\nEvidence has consistently supported the association of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) with an increased prevalence of hypertension. ", "It has also been shown that the severity of OSAS is directly correlated with the degree of blood pressure (BP) elevation and that hypertension occurring in subjects with OSAS is more likely to be severe, resistant to antihypertensive treatment and associated with alterations in day-to-night BP changes. ", "Proposed mechanisms for the pathogenesis of OSAS-related hypertension include the activation of the sympathetic nervous system, alterations in autonomic cardiovascular (CV) modulation, the activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, endothelial dysfunction, systemic and vascular inflammation, oxidative stress, metabolic abnormalities, arterial stiffness and alterations in cardiac function and structure. ", "Given the adverse prognostic implications of OSAS-related hypertension for CV morbidity and mortality, the confirmation of resistant hypertension by using ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) and the identification of alterations in day-to-night BP changes is of the utmost importance to implement more aggressive strategies for achieving BP control. ", "In turn, the proper identification and implementation of specific treatment strategies for OSAS (that is, continuous positive airway pressure) in subjects with resistant hypertension may promote BP control and optimize CV protection. ", "The present paper will review the evidence supporting the association of OSAS with resistant hypertension and the proposed mechanisms for this association. ", "It will also address the role of ABPM in the confirmation of resistant hypertension in subjects with OSAS and whether the proper identification and management of OSAS in subjects with resistant hypertension will improve BP control." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.006578947368421052, 0, 0.008670520231213872, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0.012987012987012988 ]
[ "Patient-controlled sedation during epidural anesthesia.", "\nThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and advantages or disadvantages, if any, of patient-controlled sedation compared with sedation administered by the anesthesiologist during surgical epidural anesthesia. ", "Forty patients were divided at random into two groups with 20 patients in each group. ", "Patients in group 1 received 0.5-1.0 mg intravenous midazolam and 25-50 micrograms intravenous fentanyl in increments administered by the anesthesiologist to achieve intraoperative sedation; patients in group 2 self-administered a mixture of midazolam (0.5 mg) and fentanyl (25 micrograms) in increments using an Abbott Lifecare PCA infuser to achieve sedation. ", "Demographics of the patients, the types of surgery performed, doses of midazolam and fentanyl administered in a given period of time, and the level of sedation maintained during epidural anesthesia and surgery were similar in both groups. ", "Patients in the self-administered group, however, rated their level of comfort during anesthesia and surgery higher than did those in the anesthesiologist-controlled sedation group. ", "This could have been due to a positive psychological effect produced by allowing patient to feel that they have some control over their situation. ", "The findings of this study indicate that patient-controlled sedation using a combination of midazolam and fentanyl is a safe and effective technique that provides intraoperative sedation ranked better by patients than that provided by anesthesiologists using the same drugs. ", "More studies are, however, needed to determine the best choice of drug(s), the doses, the lock-out intervals, and the possible use of continuous infusion with patient-controlled sedation." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.0027624309392265192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Behavioral profiling of human transitional cell carcinoma ex vivo.", "\nOutcome studies of many types of cancer have revealed that tumors of indistinguishable histologic appearance may differ significantly in aggressiveness and in their response to therapy. ", "A strategy that would enable early identification of patients at high risk for disease progression and allow screening of multiple therapeutic agents simultaneously for efficacy would improve clinical management. ", "We have developed an orthotopic organ culture model of bladder cancer in which quantum dot-based fluorescent imaging approaches are used to obtain quantitative measurements of tumor cell behavior. ", "Human transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) cells are labeled with quantum dot nanoparticles, and the cells instilled into the rat bladder in vivo, after which the bladder is excised and cultured ex vivo. ", "Cell implantation, proliferation, and invasion into the organ wall are monitored using epifluorescence imaging and two-photon laser scanning confocal microscopy. ", "Using this approach, we were able to assign distinct phenotypes to two metastatic bladder cancer cell lines based on different patterns of invasiveness into the bladder wall. ", "We also showed that established tumor cell masses regressed following intravesical administration of the chemotherapeutic drug thiotepa. ", "Collectively, these findings suggest that this assay system, which we have named EViTAS (for ex vivo tumor assay system), can recapitulate salient aspects of tumor growth in the host and is amenable to behavioral profiling of human cancer." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004975124378109453, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Molecular dynamics of the 5-HT1a receptor and ligands.", "\nA 3-D model of the human 5-HT1a receptor was constructed from its amino acid sequence by computer graphics techniques, molecular mechanics calculations and molecular dynamics simulations. ", "The model has seven alpha-helical membrane spanning segments, which form a central core containing a putative ligand binding site. ", "Electrostatic potentials 1.4 A outside the water accessible surface were mainly negative on the synaptic side of the receptor model and at the postulated ligand binding site, and positive in the cytoplasmic domains. ", "The negative electrostatic potentials around the synaptic domains indicate that positively charged ligands are attracted to the receptor by electrostatic forces. ", "Molecular dynamics simulations of the receptor model with serotonin, ipsapirone, R(-)-methiothepin or S(+)-methiothepin in the central core suggested that up to 22 different amino acid residues may form a ligand binding pocket, and contribute to the specificity of ligand recognition and binding." ]
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[ "Law finds peace\n\nCold Mountain star Jude Law found \"peace of\nmind\" while making the film in Romania, he revealed at the film's royal\npremiere.", "\n\nArriving in London's Leicester Square with co-star Nicole Kidman,\nLaw, 30, said: \"The lifestyle they live had a strange influence on what we were\ncreating, and it gave you a lot of time to think. ", "Downtime was spent going out\nfor walks and climbing trees, and you suddenly found you had peace of mind.\"", "\n\nBanks of photographers and thousands of fans greeted the pair as they turned\nup for the European debut of the Oscar-tipped film.", "\n\nThey met the Prince of\nWales before the screening, and then attended a glittering after-show party at\nthe Royal Opera House in Covent Garden.", "\n\nA host of other stars, including\nDavid Baddiel, film boss Harvey Weinstein, Jude Law's girlfriend actress Sienna\nMiller, co-star Ray Winstone, the film's director Anthony Minghella, Tory MP\nMichael Ancram, and also Law's former partner Sadie Frost's sister Holly, walked\nup the red carpet to see the film.", "\n\nThe story is set during the American\nCivil War, and Law stars as Inman, a wounded confederate soldier struggling to\nmake his way home to his lover Ada, who is played by Kidman. ", "Renee Zellweger\nalso stars in the movie, but did not attend the screening.", "\n\nAsked by\nreporters whether she still believes in romance, Kidman, 36, wearing a cream\nChanel suit, said: \"Of course I believe in romance. ", "If you give up on that,\nwhat's the point? ", "My parents celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary in 10\ndays, and that gives me something to aspire to.\"", "\n\nWinstone, who has appeared\nwith Law in previous films, joked: \"He drives you mad. ", "He just goes on like an\nold woman. ", "He was a fantastic. ", "It's the third or fourth time I've worked with\nhim, he follows me everywhere.\"", "\n\nSpeaking of Minghella, he added: \"He put\nhis whole life and soul into it, but he never let you feel that, which is a\ngreat testament to him.\"", "\n\nThe premiere of the STG50 million ($A118.33\nmillion) film was held in aid of the Prince's Trust and Romanian orphan charity\nFARA.", "\n\nAs the stars of the film were introduced to Prince Charles, he muddled\nup his film knowledge by asking a confused Kidman whether she had been in the\nmovie Enigma.", "\n\nShe looked at him baffled, glanced at director,\nMinghella, before replying: \"No. ", "Moulin Rouge\".", "\n\n\"You've done a\nbit since then,\" Charles said.", "\n\n\"Yes, a few things,\" she said.", "\n\nThey\nchatted about her involvement with the FARA Charity for Rumanian orphans.", "\n\nKidman told Charles that she became interested in the charity after visiting\nthe country while on location.", "\n\nCharles quizzed Law about his stuntmanship in\nthe movie, asking him whether he performed them himself.", "\n\n\"That's what you\nalways want to say you have done,\" the actor said.", "\n\nCharles also met\nWinstone, and enquired as to how he had mastered an American accent. \"", "I'm going\nto find out tonight,\" Winstone said, revealing that he had yet to watch himself\nin his latest picture.", "\n\nEmily Joslin, 24, from Winchester, Hampshire,\npresented Charles with a film program.", "\n\nMs Joslin was helped as a teenager by\nThe Prince's Trust after she fell into difficulties when coming out of care.", "\n\nShe also chatted to Law, who told her he was somewhat nervous about meeting\nCharles." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nUpdating child element classes when table row is clicked\n\nI have a table of product options, each tr is one option. ", "One is selected by default, to select another, a radio button must be checked before the form is submitted. ", "This is easy enough but the entire tr must be clickable and check the radio button accordingly.", "\nI think I've managed to get this to work using the script below:\n$('.product-options tr').click(function() {\n $(this).find('td input[type=radio]').prop('checked', true);\n});\n\nIn addition to this I also need to add a class of .selected to the tr. ", "I tried with the following code but I also need to check if another tr already has a class of .selected and remove it.", "\n$('.product-options tr').click(function() {\n $(this).find('td input[type=radio]').prop('checked', true);\n $(this).toggleClass('selected', true);\n});\n\nObviously this will only toggle the class if you click the same radio button. ", "This is where my limited javascript knowledge falls down. ", "Can anyone help?", "\nFinally, I also use a plugin called uniform.js which allows, selects/radio/checkboxes to be fully customisable. ", "As this wraps a div then a span around the radio input a class of .checked is added to the span to toggle the checked/unchecked styling. ", "This only changes if you click directly on the input. ", "So I'll also need to factor in a similar bit of script to the tr.selected class for when any part of the tr is clicked, the custom radio button also has an updated class.", "\nFor reference mark-up for the javascript generated radio is:\n<div class=\"radio\">\n <span>\n <input type=\"radio\" name=\"\" />\n </span>\n</div>\n\nEDIT: Here's a CodePen with uniform.js included which should demonstrate the issue(s) better:\nhttp://codepen.io/moy/pen/yeGRmO\nThanks, really hope someone can help with this. ", "It seemed simple enough ...but as it's 'layered up', I'm a bit lost! :)", "\n\nA:\n\nIf I understand correctly you can simply access the siblings of the tr and put the checked radio on false.", "\n$('.product-options tr').click(function() {\n $(this).find('td input[type=radio]').prop('checked', true);\n $(this).toggleClass('selected', true);\n $(this).siblings().find('td input[type=radio]').prop('checked', false);\n $(this).siblings().removeClass('selected');\n});\n\nThis should find all radios and put them all on false, except for the row you clicked on.", "\nUPDATE\nTo work with uniform, you can call $.uniform.update() directly when changing properties.", "\n$(function() {\n $('input[type=\"radio\"]').uniform();\n\n $('.product-options tr').click(function() {\n var tr = $(this),\n radio = tr.find('td input[type=radio]'),\n siblings = tr.siblings(),\n otherRadios = siblings.find('td input[type=radio]');\n\n tr.addClass('selected');\n siblings.toggleClass('selected', false);\n\n $.uniform.update(radio.prop('checked', true));\n $.uniform.update(otherRadios.prop('checked', false));\n });\n});\n\nDEMO\n\n" ]
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[ "This photo is linked from:\n\nDiscussion on SD9624\n\nSD9524 : Woodhouse Mill The arch is the end wall of the beam engine house. ", "The boiler house is long gone. ", "It's not the best mill conversion but given the apalling state of what was left, it's probably better than we might have hoped." ]
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[ "What ‘Jokowi 2.0’ means for human rights in Indonesia\n\nApril 21, 2019\n\nIn anticipation of the final result of the Indonesian presidential election on 22 May, which seems to have been won by sitting President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo (now with a senior Islamic cleric Ma’ruf Amin as his vice president), Asmin Fransiska, Abdil Mughis Mudhoffir, and Lailatul Fitriyah give in EconoTimes of 21 April 2019 their views on what that means for human rights:\n\nIn 2014, Jokowi won the presidential election by promising to respect, protect and fulfil human rights. ", "For four and a half years the Jokowi government failed to keep this promise. ", "Jokowi should use his second victory to keep his promises.", "Indonesia’s 2017 Universal Periodic Review by the UN , shows that the government must address a number of human rights issues, for example, violence carried out by security forces, especially in remote areas, such as Papua, and cases of torture, and violence against women, children and minority groups.", "\n\n…..As a first step, Jokowi and his new vice president, Ma’ruf Amin, must evaluate the Attorney General’s performance who for four years failed to bring human rights criminals to justice as recommended by the National Human Rights Commission….", "\n\nJokowi needs to balance the priorities of infrastructure development with environmental protection and corruption eradication. ", "These two things are a prerequisite for development that values human rights. ", "Indicators of human rights-friendly development include environmental preservation, protection of indigenous peoples and vulnerable communities, and high public participation in the development process from the beginning to the end.", "\n\nIn my opinion not much will change in terms of civil liberties protection in Jokowi’s second term if the constellation of power supporting the Jokowi government remains the same. …..", "The existence of retired generals allegedly involved in human rights violations as well as those connected with mining companies in Jokowi’s circle of power will hinder efforts to resolve not only past atrocities but also agrarian conflicts. ", "The number of land conflict victims from agriculture, mining and infrastructure development activities will likely increase. ", "State repression and civilian violence against discussions, film screenings and meetings that criticise the business relationships of people around Jokowi as well as those advocating for the interests of marginalised groups will continue.", "\n\nMeanwhile, civil society efforts to prevent the military from intervening in civilian matters will continue to face challenges. ", "The case of Robertus Robet, an activist and academic who was recently arrested during a rally for singing a song that criticised the military, for example, is likely to be left unresolved but will serve as a warning. ", "The use of identity politics will still be dominant given that the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and Gerindra seemed to gain significant votes and will remain in opposition. ", "Moreover, they also have strong candidates, such as current Jakarta governor Anies Baswedan, Sandiaga Uno or other PKS officials for the 2024 presidential election. ", "The two parties will likely continue using religious identity narratives that will reproduce and sharpen polarisation in society to consolidate their power. ", "As before, Jokowi’s camp will also respond to the attacks using similar narratives, with minority groups taking the brunt.", "\n\n==========\n\nLailatul Fitriyah, PhD Candidate in Theology, University of Notre Dame\n\n……..In other words, in the context of human rights, voters choose Jokowi on the principle of ‘the best of the worst’. ", "Jokowi was elected because he did not have any record of human rights abuse, that’s all. ", "Another aspect of Jokowi 2.0 era, which human rights activists will closely monitor, is his running mate, Ma’ruf Amin. ", "Ma’ruf Amin’s popularity does not come from his commitment to inclusiveness, but his traditional support base as the senior cleric of the Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesia’s largest Muslim organisation. ", "In the long term, Ma’ruf Amin must serve not only his Muslim base, but also other segments of Indonesian society, especially those from marginal groups.", "\n\nMa’ruf should change his perspective. ", "In his role as an Islamic scholar, he has alienated minority groups, including, Syi’ah, Ahmadiyah and LGBTIQ. ", "As Vice President, Ma’ruf must act as a public official with the obligation to protect the rights of all Indonesian people, irrespective of race, ethnicity, sexuality or religion/non-religion. ", "For Jokowi’s second term, the sacrificing of minority rights to gain popular votes will no longer be acceptable. ", "Jokowi should protect minority groups who, although they had lived within the structure of systemic violence under his first term, have shown they still trusted him for a second term in office." ]
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[ "How to Prevent and Relieve Irritable Bowel Syndrome\n\nDoes suffering from IBS have you searching for answers? ", "Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, is only irritating at best—but a bad case can be downright debilitating. ", "We've got 6 hacks to bring you relief from an IBS episode, as well as prevent future irritations.", "\n\nDairy Do's and Don’ts\n\nMilk and other dairy products can trigger IBS flare-ups, but there is one milk product that might offer some benefits: yogurt. ", "If your IBS is accompanied by diarrhea, it’s likely you’ve lost a good deal of healthy bacteria in your digestive tract, which helps balance out the bad stuff. ", "Yogurt is loaded with probiotics, or bacteria that facilitate smooth digestion, so eating yogurt regularly will replenish what you’ve flushed in your trips to the bathroom.", "\n\nDon’t Buy That!", "\n\nYou might already know that the herb St. John’s wort can be an effective natural treatment for depression. ", "Since antidepressants are often used to treat IBS, patients seeking a cheaper, safe alternative might hope that the herbal supplement would have similar effects on digestion. ", "Unfortunately, a 2010 study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology proved that St. John’s wort is not only ineffective for IBS, it can even make the symptoms worse. ", "Money saved: $10-20.", "\n\nGinger\n\nUsed medicinally for thousands of years, ginger is an all-around digestive powerhouse that can help soothe symptoms of IBS. ", "Pick up fresh gingerroot at the grocery store, and prepare this easy, delicious tea several times a day: Grate a teaspoon or so of fresh ginger and place in a tea infuser. ", "Add boiling water and steep for 10 minutes, then drink for relief. ", "Don’t have fresh ginger? ", "Try ginger tea.", "\n\nCoconut\n\nIf your IBS causes persistent diarrhea, try adding shredded coconut or coconut oil to your tummy-taming regimen. ", "Add a few teaspoons shredded coconut to your breakfast cereal, or bake up wholesome coconut macaroons. ", "It’s suspected that the healthy fatty acids in coconut oil are the secret weapon in calming the aggravated bowels. ", "But don’t overindulge: Too much coconut might lead to constipation.", "\n\nTurmeric\n\nNot only is turmeric a tasty spice found in Indian food and other South Asian cuisines, it’s also been used for millennia to treat liver, skin, and digestive conditions. ", "Turmeric root contains curcumin, a chemical shown to have powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can soothe stomach upset, such as that experienced with irritable bowel syndrome. ", "Simply sprinkle ground turmeric generously into soups, pastas, rice, and stews—or anything you like with a little spice. ", "If you’re taking blood thinners or any anticoagulants, speak with your doctor before consuming turmeric.", "\n\nPeppermint Relief\n\nThe calming effects of peppermint make it a miracle worker for head pain, skin inflammations, and digestive distress. ", "For IBS symptoms, peppermint tea is a fantastic stomach soother: It relaxes your intestines and helps alleviate painful gas. ", "Brew up a cup of peppermint tea two or three times a day. ", "It can both prevent and relieve IBS-related stress." ]
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[ "First Amendment rights on the internet is at the heart of this case\n\nAs the 10th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, many will take the time to not only reflect upon the day itself, but also the decade following the WTC attacks. ", "American life has changed dramatically since that day, but it’s not always easy to cite tangible examples of how it has changed.", "\n\nBut sometimes it is. ", "And the TSA is one entity that has gained quite a bit of attention since then. ", "As airports have continued to implement stronger safety measures over the last decade, many have put the Transportation Security Administration into the crosshairs, railing against random searches and pat-downs – which they say violate some of their basic human rights. ", "One thing on which we can all agree – getting patted down in an airport isn’t a whole lot of fun.", "\n\nWhat is the limit of free speech on the internet? ", "In a situation where no facts have been entered into the legal record, should someone be able to make accusations in a blog post?Let us know in the comments.", "\n\nOne woman had a particularly nasty experience during a TSA pat-down. ", "According to columnist and blogger Amy Alkon, her experience with a particular TSA agent went way past uncomfortable.", "\n\nIn a blog post, Alkon details a March 31st incident where she accuses a TSA agent of “raping” her with her hand during a public pat-down in Los Angeles.", "\n\nAlkon writes about her disapproval of the whole procedure in general, saying that the pat-downs are both a physical violation as well as a constitutional one. ", "On that day, she admits that she decided to make a scene on purpose, to bring attention to what she thinks is an unfair act, “to make it uncomfortable for them to violate us and our rights,” she said. ", "So she began sobbing, loudly. ", "According to Alkon, this was what happened next -\n\nNearing the end of this violation, I sobbed even louder as the woman, FOUR TIMES, stuck the side of her gloved hand INTO my vagina, through my pants. ", "Between my labia. ", "She really got up there. ", "Four times. ", "Back right and left, and front right and left. ", "In my vagina. ", "Between my labia. ", "I was shocked — utterly unprepared for how she got the side of her hand up there. ", "It was government-sanctioned sexual assault.", "\n\nUpon leaving, still sobbing, I yelled to the woman, “YOU RAPED ME.” ", "And I took her name to see if I could file sexual assault charges on my return. ", "This woman, and all of those who support this system deserve no less than this sort of unpleasant experience, and from all of us.", "\n\nApparently, the lawsuit idea fell through as her lawyer told her she had an unwinnable case.", "\n\nBut now, the TSA agent in question is threatening to sue Alkon for her blog post, claiming defamation. ", "Thedala Magee has asked for $500,000 as well as the removal of the blog post.", "\n\nIt doesn’t look like Alkon is going to comply with that request, as she writes today on her blog –\n\nMagee is looking for me to pay her $500K, apologize to her, and take down my blog item about her — because I had the nerve to exercise my First Amendment rights and complain after she jammed her hand sideways into my vagina four times. (", "Unfortunately for Ms. Magee, I’ve always made a pretty crappy victim.)", "\n\nShe has also gained the services of a First Amendment lawyer named Marc Randazza who is working the case pro bono.", "\n\nThe letter that Magee sent Alkon requesting the monetary damages and the retraction of the “rape” allegations says that the “outbursts in public and writings on the internet” have subjected Magee to “hatred, contempt, and ridicule” and caused her “severe emotional distress, fear, and problems doing her duty.”", "\n\nAlkon’s lawyer Randazza sent a letter back, saying –\n\nYour client aggressively pushed her fingers into my client’s vulva. ", "I am certain that she did not expect to find a bomb there. ", "She did this to humiliate my client, to punish her for exercising her rights, and to send a message to others who might do the same. ", "It was absolutely a sexual assault, perpetrated in order to exercise power over the victim. ", "We agree with Ms. Alkon’s characterization of this crime as “rape,” and so\n\nI remember the headlines not long ago wherein a very elderly woman, in a wheelchair, was forced by a TSA official to remove her adult diaper before she was deemed fit to board her flight.", "\n\nI think when a person is violated by a TSA official, they have every right to speak their outrage on a Blog.", "\n\nTo this day I hope that woman sues hell out of that TSA official personally, and TSA itself for thinking it has the right to rape a womans dignity like that. ", "Having her expose her female parts in a diaper because some TSA zealot thinks she might be hiding something there, as a potential terrorist.", "\n\nIt was easier to board an airline when the Soviet Unions Aeroflot was in business. ", "There isn’t another country anywhere on earth wherein it is as abusive and violating as is every airport security check point in America. ", "And that includes China, Russia and Iran!", "\n\nBlog posts are free speech and anyone who’s been violated by TSA, when they aren’t able to address TSA themselves or they’ll be arrested, possibly tasered, thrown to the ground by a group of TSA thugs, etc… have every right to speak their outrage somewhere where it stands to be heard!", "\n\nNot to mention how TSA officials predispose little kids to being molested by pedophiles, who can pretend to be an official in their own right and feel them up, because prior to that sick encounter the child’s own parent or guardian told them they have to stand still at the airport check point to be felt up by someone there who’s posing as an official.", "\n\nI’m waiting for the TSA official who makes a mother remove her newborns diaper, so that TSA pervert can do an anal cavity search of the baby just in case there is an explosive device concealed in the anal cavity.", "\n\nThat’s how sick and twisted TSA perverts are, not that they know there is no agency able to reign them in. ", "They are an autonomous entity. ", "Or so they want everyone to believe. ", "And thus far, with the Fed turning yellow and away from all the abuses TSA has committed against the traveling public, there’s a reason to believe it will NEVER change!", "\n\nThe craziness of the TSA is the reason I will not fly anymore. ", "I am innocent until proven guilty. ", "The government and the TSA tell me I am guilty of being a terrorist when I enter an airport or board a cruise ship and it is up to me to prove my innocence. ", "Truly a compromise can be found. ", "In a police interrogation you are presented with the police interpretation and you get a chance to defend yourself. ", "If the TSA would give a reason why the suspect me then I could defend myself accordingly. ", "But that would lead to stereotyping and would probably offend someone.", "\n\nI think the Scotts felt the same when their young daughters would have their Virginity taken by the Sergent of the British Army before they could marry the man they loved. ", "We better stop this before it grows, it is already to far out of control.", "\n\nIf a guy did this to Amy Alkon in a bar, he would be charged, convicted, sent to prison and forced to register as a sex offender for life. ", "So, how is it that so many feel its OK for this to happen before boarding a plane?", "\n\nWhat a great answer! ", "Because it is so very true. ", "This brings up acting under color of law. ", "Meaning, the appearance or semblance, without the substance, of legal right. ", "Misues of power, possessed by virtue of state law and made possible because wrongdoer is clothed with authority of state. ", "Atkins v. Lanning D.C.Okl., ", "415 F. Supp. ", "186, 188. ", "AMY – THIS APPLIES TOO!!", "\n\nHere’s is the reason that my wife will not fly. ", "At 68 years old she now has a beautiful new niece in California, were in PA and she can’t bring herself to be subjected to this BS. ", "My opinion is we need more people like Ms. Alkon not less . . . ", "if the people (or more appropriately sheeple) had any guts they would boycott the airlines for 30 days and demand that security be taken over by the airlines where it belongs. ", "All this nonsense that “we won’t change our lives because of these 9/11 terrorists” well golly gee we surrendered everything for some perceived security. ", "They just don’t get it – when you move the crowd you move the target. ", "And as Ben Franklin said “for those that would surrender liberty for temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security”.", "\n\nGlobal Rumblings depends heavily upon the the support that you provide by clicking on and purchasing products that are advertised here. ", "Without your support, this site could not sustain itself because it takes time and money to stay on the internet.", "\n\nFriday, July 22, 2011\n\n1 comment:\n\nThe united states government is really disgusting they don't mind blowing up innocent people children and all. ", "So women and children being raped is not of much concern for them either.", "Good luck Amy Alkon.", "\n\nFree Trump T-shirt\n\nCluster Map\n\nLike this Blog? ", "Donate\n\nGlobal Rumblings depends heavily\nupon the the support that you provide\nby clicking on and purchasing products\nthat are advertised here. ", "Without your\nsupport, this site could not sustain\nitself because it takes time and money\nto stay on the internet. ", "Thank You!" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhy is plural of “mons pubis” not “montes pubum”\n\nLatin newbie here. ", "Was talking with a friend about Martian landforms like Olympus Mons. ", "Then we talked about other uses of mons, like mons pubis. ", "But then I realized I didn’t understand something.", "\nThe plural of “mons pubis”, as attested in the Oxford English Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Wiktionary, and whatever, is “montes pubis”. ", "But the plural genitive of nounal pūbes is not pūbis; it is pūbum. ", "So why is the plural phrase not “montes pubum”? (", "I’m assuming that it wouldn’t be “montes puberium” just like how the singular isn’t “mons puberis”.)", "\n\nA:\n\nPubes, genitive pubis means (as the dictionary tells us) \"the signs of manhood, i.e. the hair which appears on the body at the age of puberty\". ", "It does not mean a single pubic hair, but - like the English word \"hair\" - it is a collective noun for the whole hairy covering of the body. ", "That is why it stays in the singular even after a plural noun like montes.", "\n\n" ]
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[ " In the\n\n United States Court of Appeals\n For the Seventh Circuit\n ____________________\nNo. ", "19-1831\nCHRISTINE DANCEL,\n Plaintiff-Appellant,\n v.\n\nGROUPON, INC.,", "\n Defendant-Appellee.", "\n ____________________\n\n Appeal from the United States District Court for the\n Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.", "\n No. ", "1:18-cv-02027 — Ronald A. Guzmán, Judge.", "\n ____________________\n\n ARGUED SEPTEMBER 16, 2019 — DECIDED DECEMBER 18, 2019\n ____________________\n\n Before BAUER, BRENNAN, and ST. ", "EVE, Circuit Judges.", "\n ST. ", "EVE, Circuit Judge. ", "Is a person’s username a part of her\nidentity? ", "That is a complex question, but one that Christine\nDancel proposes can be resolved categorically for all\nusernames and all people. ", "The district court thought other-\nwise and declined to certify a class because it would have to\nbe decided username-by-username whether each one is an as-\npect of a given class member’s identity, at least as that word\nis defined by the Illinois Right of Publicity Act (IRPA), 765\n\f2 No. ", "19-1831\n\nILCS 1075/5. ", "Dancel contends this rejection of her theory was\nan improper decision on the merits of her and the class’s\nclaims, and the court therefore abused its discretion at the\nclass-certification stage. ", "We see no such mistake in the district\ncourt’s reasoning and affirm the order denying certification.", "\n I. Background\n Groupon, Inc. is an online marketplace that sells vouchers\nfor other businesses. ", "Groupon’s website gives each business\nits own page with information about the business and the dis-\ncounts available. ", "Between April 2015 and February 2016,\nsome visitors to the site could scroll down each page to see a\n“Photos” section that displayed up to nine pictures. ", "If the vis-\nitor clicked a button, the page would reveal up to eighteen\nmore. ", "Groupon collected and displayed these pictures auto-\nmatically using what it calls the “Instagram Widget.” ", "As its\nname suggests, this Widget pulled publicly available pictures\nfrom the social networking service Instagram. ", "It selected\nwhich pictures to assign to each page based on data linking\nthe photos to the advertised business’s location. ", "When a\nGroupon visitor hovered her cursor over a displayed photo,\nthe Widget would show the unique, user-selected username\nof the Instagram account whose photo was being displayed\nand a caption, if the user had attached one to the photo.", "\n Dancel is an Instagram user, and like all Instagram users,\nher account had a username—namely, “meowchristine.” ", "In\n2015, Dancel uploaded to her account a picture of herself and\nher boyfriend visiting Philly G’s, a restaurant in Vernon Hills,\nIllinois. ", "This picture was one of several Groupon displayed on\nPhilly G’s page while the Widget was active.", "\n\fNo. ", "19-1831 3\n\n Dancel alleges that Groupon’s inclusion of her photo and\nusername on Philly G’s page violated the IRPA, which pro-\nhibits the use of a person’s identity—meaning an “attribute of\nan individual that serves to identify that individual to an or-\ndinary, reasonable viewer or listener”—for commercial pur-\nposes without consent. ", "765 ILCS 1075/5, 30. ", "She filed suit in\nthe Circuit Court of Cook County and sought to maintain the\naction on behalf of a class of “Illinois residents” whose photo-\ngraphs Groupon had similarly shown on its pages. ", "The par-\nties litigated in that posture for two years until Dancel moved\nto certify a different class, defined as “[a]ll persons who main-\ntained an Instagram Account and whose photograph (or pho-\ntographs) from such account was (or were) acquired and used\non a groupon.com webpage for an Illinois business.” ", "The class\nalso had a sub-class: “All members of the Instagram Class\nwhose likeness appeared in any photograph acquired and\nused by Groupon.”", "\n In response to these new class definitions, Groupon re-\nmoved the case to federal court. ", "Dancel tried to argue this re-\nmoval came too late, but the district court disagreed, denied\nher motion to remand to state court, and proceeded to decide\nwhether to certify her proposed class under Federal Rule of\nCivil Procedure 23(b)(3). ", "That provision requires, among\nother things, “that the questions of law or fact common to\nclass members predominate over any questions affecting only\nindividual members.” ", "Dancel identified the common ques-\ntion that united the class as “whether Instagram usernames\ncategorically fall within the statutory definition of ‘identity.’”", "\nShe distinguished this inquiry from the individualized ques-\ntion “whether any particular username identifies an individ-\nual.”", "\n\f4 No. ", "19-1831\n\n The district court found Dancel’s categorical theory “un-\npersuasive.” ", "Though the court accepted that a common ques-\ntion existed as to whether any username identifies an individ-\nual, that question was not enough to certify a class because it\n“ignore[d] the individual inquiry that is the essence of deter-\nmining ‘identity’ under the IRPA.” ", "The district court listed\nseveral of the usernames belonging to class members—e.g.,\neawhalen, artistbarbie, isa.tdg, loparse, johanneus—and con-\ncluded that it was “simply impossible to make any type of\nacross-the-board determination as to whether these names\n‘identify’ a particular person, as that term is defined by the\nIRPA.” ", "Because it determined that the IRPA, as applied to the\nfacts of this case, required a “username-by-username (photo-\nby-photo)” inquiry, the court found that common questions\nwould not predominate over individual ones and denied cer-\ntification. ", "Dancel petitioned for review of that decision, and\nwe granted the petition. ", "Fed. ", "R. Civ. ", "P. 23(f).", "\n II. ", "Jurisdiction\n We start our analysis where we left off after our previous\nopinion: the district court’s jurisdiction. ", "Dancel v. Groupon,\nInc., 940 F.3d 381, 386 (7th Cir. ", "2019). ", "The Class Action Fair-\nness Act, 28 U.S.C. § 1332(d)(2), extends federal subject-matter\njurisdiction to a proposed class action that is, among other\nthings, minimally diverse—meaning one member of the\nplaintiff class is a citizen of a state different from any one de-\nfendant. ", "Groupon is a Delaware corporation with its principal\nplace of business in Illinois; it is therefore a citizen of those\ntwo states. ", "Instead of alleging the citizenship of even one di-\nverse class member, Groupon asserted only that the class “un-\ndoubtedly would include at least some undetermined num-\nber of non-Illinois and non-Delaware citizens as class\n\fNo. ", "19-1831 5\n\nplaintiffs.” ", "We agreed with Dancel that this allegation failed\nto carry Groupon’s burden and directed Groupon to amend\nits notice of removal. ", "Dancel, 940 F.3d at 384–85. ", "Though 28\nU.S.C. § 1653 permits a party to amend jurisdictional allega-\ntions on appeal, see Heinen v. Northrop Grumman Corp., 671\nF.3d 669, 670 (7th Cir. ", "2012), Groupon said it required discov-\nery to make those amendments, so we ordered a limited re-\nmand for the district court to oversee that discovery and con-\nfirm its jurisdiction. ", "Dancel, 940 F.3d at 386.", "\n On remand, Groupon amended its allegations and supple-\nmented its notice of removal with three affidavits in which the\naffiants attested to their significant ties to their home states,\nwhich are not Illinois or Delaware. ", "Groupon also provided the\nincorporation and registration documents for two Instagram-\nusing businesses based in California and Missouri. ", "Dancel ar-\ngued that these businesses and one of the affiants fell outside\nthe class definition, but she conceded that the other two affi-\ndavits belonged to putative class members domiciled in Vir-\nginia and California, respectively. ", "See Myrick v. WellPoint, Inc.,\n764 F.3d 662, 664 (7th Cir. ", "2014) (“Citizenship means domicile\n(the person’s long-term plan for a state of habitation) rather\nthan just current residence.”). ", "The district court saw no reason\nto conduct an evidentiary hearing to peer beyond Groupon’s\nallegations and Dancel’s concession (which was well sup-\nported by Groupon’s evidence anyway), and neither do we.", "\nSee Tilden v. Comm'r, 846 F.3d 882, 887 (7th Cir. ", "2017) (explain-\ning that parties can agree to the fact of the parties’ citizen-\nship—as distinct from the existence of jurisdiction—if the\nagreement is not collusive). ", "With these amended allegations\nthat at least one class member was a citizen of Virginia and\nanother of California, Groupon has shown minimal diversity\nbetween it and the proposed class, and the district court’s\n\f6 No. ", "19-1831\n\nexercise of jurisdiction was proper. ", "We may now move on to\nthe class-certification decision.", "\n III. ", "Class Certification\n Dancel argues that the district court improperly addressed\nthe merits of her IRPA claim at the class-certification stage,\nand that, to the extent those merits are not off limits, the court\nresolved them incorrectly. ", "She posits that the individual con-\ntent of each username is irrelevant to the class’s claims. ", "In her\nview, an Instagram username is inherently an identity under\nthe IRPA because it is unique—no two accounts can use the\nsame username at the same time. ", "Because this theory ignores\nthe usernames’ content, Dancel maintains it cannot depend\non the individual usernames of the class members but only on\nthe common evidence describing the general function of In-\nstagram usernames and the Instagram Widget. ", "She primarily\ninsists that she is entitled to test her theory, regardless of its\nvalidity, on a class-wide basis because Rule 23 prohibits a\ncourt from resolving the merits of a claim at the class-certifi-\ncation stage. ", "To the extent that the court can consider the va-\nlidity of her theory, she contends the district court imposed a\nhigher evidentiary burden than the IRPA requires.", "\n We review the district court’s certification decision for an\nabuse of discretion, but a district court necessarily abuses its\ndiscretion if its reasoning is based on a legal error, like those\nDancel asserts. ", "See Beaton v. SpeedyPC Software, 907 F.3d 1018,\n1025 (7th Cir. ", "2018), cert. ", "denied, 139 S. Ct. ", "1465 (2019). ", "We con-\nclude that the district court did not legally err in its interpre-\ntation of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure or the IRPA and\ndid not otherwise abuse its discretion.", "\n\fNo. ", "19-1831 7\n\nA. Rule 23(b)(3)\n A plaintiff seeking class certification bears the burden of\nproving that her proposed class meets the four requirements\nof Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23(a), as well as those for\none of the three types of classes identified in Rule 23(b). ", "Bea-\nton, 907 F.3d at 1025. ", "We, like the district court, need not reach\nthe Rule 23(a) elements, because we agree that Dancel has\nfailed to meet those of Rule 23(b)(3)—the provision on which\nshe relies. ", "See Riffey v. Rauner, 910 F.3d 314, 318 (7th Cir. ", "2018),\ncert. ", "denied sub nom. ", "Riffey v. Pritzker, 139 S. Ct. ", "2745 (2019).", "\n Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23(b)(3) requires a district\ncourt to find that “the questions of law or fact common to class\nmembers predominate over any questions affecting only indi-\nvidual members.” ", "This distinction is often easier stated than\napplied:\n An individual question is one where “members of a\n proposed class will need to present evidence that var-\n ies from member to member,” while a common ques-\n tion is one where “the same evidence will suffice for\n each member to make a prima facie showing [or] the\n issue is susceptible to generalized, class-wide proof.”", "\nTyson Foods, Inc. v. Bouaphakeo, 136 S. Ct. ", "1036, 1045 (2016) (al-\nteration in original) (quoting 2 W. Rubenstein, Newberg on\nClass Actions § 4:50 (5th ed. ", "2012)); Messner v. Northshore Univ.", "\nHealthSystem, 669 F.3d 802, 815 (7th Cir. ", "2012) (“If, to make a\nprima facie showing on a given question, the members of a\nproposed class will need to present evidence that varies from\nmember to member, then it is an individual question. ", "If the\nsame evidence will suffice for each member to make a prima\nfacie showing, then it becomes a common question.” (", "quoting\n\f8 No. ", "19-1831\n\nBlades v. Monsanto Co., 400 F.3d 562, 566 (8th Cir. ", "2005))). ", "One\nway of establishing that common evidence can supply an an-\nswer to a common question is to consider whether an individ-\nual class member could have relied on that same evidence in\nan individual action. ", "Bouaphakeo, 136 S. Ct. ", "at 1046.", "\n In resolving whether a common question exists or pre-\ndominates, the Supreme Court has emphasized that “Rule 23\ngrants courts no license to engage in free-ranging merits in-\nquiries at the certification stage.” ", "Amgen Inc. v. Conn. Ret. ", "Plans\n& Tr. ", "Funds, 568 U.S. 455, 466 (2013); see also Messner, 669 F.3d\nat 811 (“[T]he court should not turn the class certification pro-\nceedings into a dress rehearsal for the trial on the merits.”).", "\nCritically, “Rule 23 allows certification of classes that are fated\nto lose as well as classes that are sure to win.” ", "Schleicher v.\nWendt, 618 F.3d 679, 686 (7th Cir. ", "2010). ", "Still the merits are not\ncompletely off limits. ", "Rule 23 is more than “a mere pleading\nstandard,” and the court must satisfy itself with a “rigorous\nanalysis” that the prerequisites of certification are met, even\nif that analysis has “some overlap with the merits of the plain-\ntiff’s underlying claim.” ", "Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes, 564 U.S.\n338, 350–51 (2011). ", "We have described this analysis as involv-\ning a “peek at the merits” that is “limited to those aspects of\nthe merits that affect the decisions essential under Rule 23.”", "\nSchleicher, 618 F.3d at 685.", "\n The Supreme Court discussed the limits and extent of this\npeek in Amgen Inc. v. Connecticut Retirement Plans and Trust\nFunds, 568 U.S. 455. ", "There the Court confronted a fraud-on-\nthe-market securities class action. ", "The underlying securities\nfraud claim required a plaintiff to prove, among other things,\na material misstatement or omission and reliance on that mis-\nrepresentation. ", "Id. at 460–61. ", "Ordinarily, reliance is a fact-\n\fNo. ", "19-1831 9\n\nintensive individual question that is not conducive to class-\nwide resolution. ", "Id. at 462–63. ", "Under the fraud-on-the-market\ntheory, however, a plaintiff can demonstrate reliance by com-\nmon proof, on the inference that a security traded in an effi-\ncient market reflects all publicly available material infor-\nmation, so all buyers presumptively relied on false public\nstatements when purchasing the security. ", "Id. at 461–62. ", "In or-\nder to certify a class under this theory, a plaintiff is required\nto affirmatively prove that the market is efficient and that an\nalleged misrepresentation was publicly made. ", "Id. at 473. ", "Not\nso with materiality, the Supreme Court held.", "\n The Court gave two reasons why a plaintiff does not need\nto establish materiality in order to certify a class but can wait\nto prove it at the merits stage. ", "First, materiality is an objective\nquestion that can be proven through common evidence. ", "Id. at\n467. ", "Second, the Court emphasized that “there is no risk what-\never that a failure of proof on the common question of mate-\nriality will result in individual questions predominating.” ", "Id.\nat 467–68. ", "This is so because materiality is an element of every\nplaintiff’s securities-fraud claim and not just a prerequisite to\nthe class’s fraud-on-the market theory, as publicity and mar-\nket efficiency are. ", "Id. at 468, 473–74. “", "As to materiality, there-\nfore, the class is entirely cohesive: It will prevail or fail in\nunison. ", "In no event will the individual circumstances of par-\nticular class members bear on the inquiry.” ", "Id. at 460.", "\n The parties agree that the IRPA's identity element is like\nmateriality in that it, too, is an objective-inquiry—it asks\nwhether an attribute would identify a plaintiff to the “ordi-\nnary, reasonable viewer or listener,” 765 ILCS 1075/5. ", "Dancel\nconcedes, however, that her theory is different from material-\nity, in that if a class is certified and it is proven that a username\n\f10 No. ", "19-1831\n\nis not categorically an identity, Dancel and the class’s claims\nwould “remain live,” Amgen, 568 U.S. at 474. ", "Each person\ncould still try to prove, after decertification, that his or her\nusername is an identity in a way different from usernames\ngenerally.", "\n This distinction is not fatal to class certification, Dancel ar-\ngues, because this court has permitted certification even when\nthere was a risk the court might later need to decertify the\nclass. ", "In Bell v. PNC Bank, N.A., 800 F.3d 360 (7th Cir. ", "2015),\nwe affirmed a district court’s certification of a class alleging\nPNC had a policy requiring employees to work unpaid over-\ntime. ", "Id. at 372. ", "We recognized that, if the policy were found\nnot to exist then the class would be decertified, and the class\nmembers could still bring individual claims. ", "Those individual\nclaims, though, “would be based on an entirely different legal\ntheory”—“Employee A alleging that her manager, Manager\nB, forced her to work off-the-clock.” ", "Id. at 378. ", "The class’s pol-\nicy-based theory would still “prevail or fail for the class as a\nwhole.” ", "Id. Similarly, in Costello v. BeavEx, Inc., 810 F.3d 1045\n(7th Cir. ", "2016), we reversed the denial of certification to a class\nof couriers arguing that they were employees—not independ-\nent contractors—of a delivery company, BeavEx. ", "Id. at 1048–\n49. ", "Under state law, all workers were employees unless the\nemployer could prove three elements, but the district court\nthought only the second element (whether the plaintiffs per-\nformed work outside the usual course of the employer’s busi-\nness) was subject to common proof. ", "Id. at 1059. ", "The district\ncourt refused to consider whether this common question pre-\ndominated for fear of deciding the merits of the other ele-\nments. ", "Id. at 1060. ", "We explained that even if only this single\nelement was subject to common proof, that did not prevent\ncertification. ", "Id. If the plaintiffs won on that element, then all\n\fNo. ", "19-1831 11\n\nthe couriers would be employees notwithstanding the other\nelements; if BeavEx won, then it would not have to relitigate\nthe second element against each plaintiff. Id. Regardless of the\nway the evidence turned out, this common answer would rep-\nresent a significant aspect of the case. ", "Id.\n Dancel’s theory is different from those in Bell and Costello\nbecause it presents a question that is common only if she is\nright. ", "If the class in Bell lost on its theory, no member could\nargue that PNC had a policy only with respect to her over-\ntime; nor could an individual courier in Costello argue that\nBeavEx’s usual course of business included delivery in his sit-\nuation but not the class’s. ", "The question—does this policy ex-\nist? ", "is couriering BeavEx’s usual business?—was common re-\ngardless of its answer. ", "If the common proof failed as to that\nanswer, the plaintiffs could not use individualized proof in its\nstead. ", "Any individual class member with a claim remaining\nwould have to rely on different proof to answer a different\nquestion to establish the defendant’s liability.", "\n In contrast, the answer to Dancel’s proposed common\nquestion—are usernames categorically identities under the\nIRPA?—matters not only for the merits but for commonality.", "\nIf the answer to that question is yes, then one significant as-\npect of the case can be resolved in the class’s favor (if, as a\nfactual matter, Groupon used the usernames within the\nmeaning of the IRPA). ", "But if usernames are not categorically\nan identity under the IRPA, and the court decertified the class,\nthen the same element would remain entirely subject to dis-\npute for each plaintiff. Nothing significant will have been de-\ncided, because each member could provide individualized\nevidence—her username’s content—on top of the common\nevidence to prove her username is an identity. ", "Indeed,\n\f12 No. ", "19-1831\n\nbecause each username necessarily has some content,\nwhether it be meowchristine or isa.tdg or loparse, the individ-\nual claims would not be hindered by the preclusion of a con-\ntent-ignorant theory. ", "Class members would be prohibited\nonly from arguing again that all usernames are categorically\nan identity—that is, from certifying another class.", "\n This difference arises from the fact that Dancel’s proposed\ncommon question is whether identity is a common or an indi-\nvidualized question in the first place. ", "Must identity be proven\nthrough “evidence that varies from member to member” (the\nusername’s content) or can “the same evidence” (its being a\nusername) “suffice for each member to make a prima facie\nshowing”? ", "Bouaphakeo, 136 S. Ct. ", "at 1045. ", "This is not a question\nthat can be saved for after certification; it is precisely the ques-\ntion the court must answer at certification. ", "As we said in Bell,\n“[a] proposed class of plaintiffs must prove the existence of a\ncommon question … but it need not prove that the answer to\nthat question will be resolved in its favor.” ", "800 F.3d at 376.", "\nLike PNC, though, Dancel has “conflated [these] two inquir-\nies,” id., by failing to separate her argument for why a com-\nmon question exists with an argument that the question\nshould be resolved in her favor. ", "A court cannot decide the lat-\nter, but it must decide the former—and it must police this fine\nline or else reduce certification to a mere pleading standard.", "\n The Third Circuit faced a situation like this in Gonzalez v.\nCorning, 885 F.3d 186 (3d Cir. ", "2018). ", "The plaintiff there alleged\nthat the defendant’s shingles were defectively designed be-\ncause some would not last as long as advertised. ", "Id. at 196.", "\nWhether any individual shingle would fail, though, could be\ndetermined only on review of that shingle. ", "Id. The plaintiff\ncame up with a theory to avoid this problem: the defect was\n\fNo. ", "19-1831 13\n\nnot that the individual shingle would fail, but the chance that\nany shingle would fail. ", "Id. at 197. ", "This theory presented a com-\nmon, shared defect (the chance of failure) distinct from the in-\ndividualized defect (the failure), and the plaintiff insisted\nthat, under Amgen, he could test the merits of his common\ntheory on a class-wide basis. ", "Id. at 200. ", "The Third Circuit saw\nthis request for what it was, though—an “attempt to circum-\nvent the need to identify a common defect by, in effect, rede-\nfining the concept.” ", "Id. at 198. ", "By checking the plaintiff’s su-\nperficially common theory for “coherence and legal founda-\ntion,” the district court had not found that any class member’s\nshingles were not defective and thereby decided the merits in\nviolation of Amgen; it “merely applied Rule 23’s predomi-\nnance requirement.” ", "Id. at 201.", "\n The same reasoning applies here. ", "Dancel is trying to define\nthe concept of identity in a common way so that it covers up\nindividual questions that each class member might raise. ", "Her\nuse of the word “categorically” makes her theory universal,\nbut only in the way “any question becomes universal when it\nincludes the word ‘all.’” ", "Id. This is not a disingenuous tactic\nunder Rule 23—it is no different from how a securities-fraud\nclass can paper over the individualized question of reliance\nwith the fraud-on-the-market theory under which all buyers\nare presumed to rely on material public statements. ", "See\nAmgen, 568 U.S. at 461. ", "Whether the tactic succeeds, however,\nmust be determined before class certification by considering\nthe substantive law underlying the putative class’s claims. ", "See\nRichard A. Nagareda, Class Certification in the Age of Aggregate\nProof, 84 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 97, 104 (2009).", "\n The district court, then, was right to identify the starting\npoint as “the substantive elements of plaintiffs’ cause of action\n\f14 No. ", "19-1831\n\nand … the proof necessary for the various elements.” ", "Simer v. Rios,\n661 F.2d 655, 672 (7th Cir. ", "1981) (emphasis added). ", "If the pro-\nposed common proof could be enough to carry a prima facie\ncase on an element for an individual plaintiff, in an individual\ncase, then that element presents a common question that can\npredominate for a class action. ", "Bouaphakeo, 136 S. Ct. ", "at 1045–\n47; Messner, 669 F.3d at 815; see also Costello, 810 F.3d at 1060\n(“Plaintiffs have demonstrated that common questions pre-\ndominate by making out a prima facie claim … based on evi-\ndence common to the class.”). ", "Here the present dispute is pre-\ncisely what evidence is needed to make a prima facie case for\nthe identity element under the IRPA. ", "Would facts common to\nall Instagram usernames (i.e., their innate uniqueness) suffice,\nor would a plaintiff need to show something more, something\nabout her username, to meet her initial burden? ", "Though this\nquestion overlaps with the merits, it is also “vital to any sen-\nsible decision about class certification,” Szabo v. Bridgeport\nMachs., ", "Inc., 249 F.3d 672, 674 (7th Cir. ", "2001), and the district\ncourt was right to decide it before certifying a class. ", "We must\nnow determine whether the court correctly decided it.", "\nB. The IRPA\n We start with the substantive elements of an IRPA claim.", "\nThe IRPA prohibits “us[ing] an individual’s identity for com-\nmercial purposes during the individual’s lifetime without\nhaving obtained previous written consent from the appropri-\nate person.” ", "765 ILCS 1075/30(a). ", "A plaintiff must thus prove\n(1) the appropriation of one’s identity, (2) without one’s con-\nsent, (3) for another’s commercial benefit. ", "Trannel v. Prairie\nRidge Media, Inc., 987 N.E.2d 923, 929 (Ill. App. ", "Ct. ", "2013). ", "The\nIRPA defines identity as “any attribute of an individual that\nserves to identify that individual to an ordinary, reasonable\n\fNo. ", "19-1831 15\n\nviewer or listener, including but not limited to (i) name, (ii)\nsignature, (iii) photograph, (iv) image, (v) likeness, or (vi)\nvoice.” ", "765 ILCS 1075/5. ", "Name, in turn, “means the actual\nname or other name by which an individual is known that is\nintended to identify that individual.” ", "Id.\n Dancel argues that all Instagram usernames are names or\nidentities under the IRPA because an ordinary, reasonable\nviewer would know that a username is intended to identify\none and only one user. ", "Because a username is innately unique,\nDancel contends, the viewer would not need to know what\nthe username is to know that it identifies an individual.", "\n Dancel supports her categorical rule by comparing\nusernames to email addresses, but her analogy cuts against\nher. ", "In United States v. Hastie, 854 F.3d 1298 (11th Cir. ", "2017),\nthe Eleventh Circuit concluded that email addresses can qual-\nify as “personal information” under the Driver’s Privacy Pro-\ntection Act, 18 U.S.C. § 2721, which defines the term as “infor-\nmation that identifies an individual.” ", "Hastie, 854 F.3d at 1301\n(citing 18 U.S.C. § 2725(3)). ", "This was so, the court explained,\nbecause “[e]mail addresses often expressly include the ac-\ncount holder’s name, affiliated organization, or other identi-\nfying information.” ", "Id. at 1303. ", "As is critical for our purposes,\nthe court did not hold that email addresses categorically iden-\ntify an individual, only that they often did, and they often did\nso only because of their content, not their inherent nature as\nemail addresses. ", "See also Gov't Accountability Project v. U.S.\nDep't of State, 699 F. Supp. ", "2d 97, 106 (D.D.C. 2010) (recogniz-\ning that email addresses “can be identified as applying to par-\nticular individuals” (emphasis added)).", "\n A username’s content, and not its nature, is likewise nec-\nessary to decide whether it is an identity under the IRPA.", "\n\f16 No. ", "19-1831\n\nCategorically, Instagram usernames identify only Instagram\naccounts. ", "The IRPA, however, requires more than that. ", "It de-\nmands that an attribute, even a name, serve to identify an in-\ndividual. ", "And not just an individual but “that individual,” the\none whose identity is being appropriated. ", "This is a compara-\ntive exercise that depends on both the specific individual and\nthe specific appropriated attribute in question and cannot be\nsolved categorically here. ", "The common evidence that Dancel\nproposes she will provide—that usernames are unique, the\nInstagram Widget collected usernames, and Groupon’s deal\npages delivered those usernames to visitors—does nothing to\nanswer the question whether any given username identifies\nthat specific individual who is behind that username and its\nassociated account. ", "So, when Dancel insists that she is not ask-\ning “whether any particular username identifies an individ-\nual,” she gives up the game. ", "Whether the appropriated attrib-\nute serves to identify a particular person is, as the district\ncourt said, the “essence of determining ‘identity’ under the\nIRPA.” ", "Dancel cannot answer this question for herself or for\nany putative class member with only her proposed common\nevidence, and so she cannot develop, for each class member,\na common prima facie case under the identity element of an\nIRPA claim.", "\n Dancel insists that this individualized inquiry is incon-\nsistent with the IRPA’s broad scope, which is intended to pro-\ntect lay people’s identities. ", "She argues that the content of a\nusername could matter only if the person needed to know to\nwhom the username belonged from just the username itself.", "\nThe Illinois common law had just such a “notoriety” element,\nwhereby the plaintiff needed to show her identity had “intrin-\nsic value,” like a celebrity’s might. ", "Dwyer v. Am. ", "Exp. ", "Co., 652\nN.E.2d 1351, 1356 (Ill. App. ", "Ct. ", "1995). ", "As Dancel rightly notes,\n\fNo. ", "19-1831 17\n\nthough, the IRPA has supplanted the common law right of\npublicity. ", "765 ILCS 1075/60; Trannel, 987 N.E.2d at 928. ", "So, a\nplaintiff need not show her identity has value to prove a claim\nunder the IRPA. ", "She still must show, however, that it is her\nidentity that the defendant appropriated. ", "The Appellate\nCourt in Tranell v. Prairie Ridge Media, thus, did not ask\nwhether a reasonable person would know who Karen Tranell,\nwinner of the 2009 McHenry County Living gardening contest,\nwas based only on her photograph. ", "987 N.E.2d at 926. ", "It did,\nhowever, emphasize that the photograph “depict[ed] plaintiff\nand her daughter smiling at the camera,” and reviewed sev-\neral other photographs for whether the subjects were recog-\nnizable. ", "Id. An individual’s photograph, like her name, is ex-\npressly protected by the IRPA, but that protection extends\nonly so far as that photograph, that name, that username\n“serves to identify that individual to an ordinary, reasonable\nviewer.” ", "765 ILCS 1075/5 (emphasis added). ", "Not all photo-\ngraphs, names, or usernames will do so, and whether any\ndoes must be answered with individual proof beyond the cat-\negory into which the attribute falls.", "\n Even if individual proof is necessary, Dancel proposes that\nshe could provide it through class members’ affidavits attest-\ning to their ownership of their usernames. ", "We have permitted\ndistrict courts, in their discretion, to use individual affidavits\nto identify class members after liability is established class-\nwide, Mullins v. Direct Dig., ", "LLC, 795 F.3d 654, 672 (7th Cir.", "\n2015), or to resolve individual merits questions after resolu-\ntion of class issues, Beaton, 907 F.3d at 1030. ", "Dancel’s proposal\ngoes much further than this. ", "She asks to use class members’\naffidavits not to clean up individual questions left over after\nsome other, common question has been decided, but to pro-\nvide individual proof for the same question that she says can\n\f18 No. ", "19-1831\n\nbe resolved through common proof. ", "Given this contradiction,\nwe need not decide whether it would ever be permissible to\nresolve the IRPA’s identity element this way (for example if\nshe had identified some other, predominating common ques-\ntion). ", "The district court here did not abuse its discretion.", "\n We emphasize that neither we nor the district court have\ndecided the merits of any putative class member’s claim.", "\nSome Instagram usernames—maybe a great many of them—\nmight qualify as identities under the broad definition in the\nIRPA. ", "An ordinary, reasonable viewer might recognize that\nmeowchristine serves to identify Christine Dancel, or that\nisa.tdg, artistbarbie, and loparse serve to identify their respec-\ntive users. ", "We cannot say. ", "What we can say is, under the IRPA,\nthat ordinary, reasonable viewer would need to have evi-\ndence of which username, which account, and which person\nit was linking before it could make that decision. ", "This individ-\nualized evidentiary burden prevents identity from being a\npredominating common question under Rule 23(b)(3).", "\n IV. ", "Conclusion\n We affirm the district court’s order denying class certifica-\ntion.", "\n\f" ]
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[ "Disease burden and quality of life in psoriasis patients with and without comorbid psoriatic arthritis: results from National Psoriasis Foundation panel surveys.", "\nThe comorbidity profile and overall disease impact are not well understood in psoriasis with and without comorbid psoriatic arthritis (PsA). ", "The objective of this study was to compare disease characteristics, comorbidities, and psoriasis-related quality of life (QOL) in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis with and without comorbid PsA using results from National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) surveys. ", "The study included 3395 and 2072 patients with psoriasis alone and psoriasis with PsA, respectively. ", "The results showed the burden of psoriasis either independently or with comorbid PsA. As severity of psoriasis increased, patient health and QOL were found to decline." ]
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[ 0.006211180124223602, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0.009900990099009901, 0.005988023952095809 ]
[ "Today's News: Our Take - Listen to Lea Michele's Debut Single\n\nLea Michelehas released the cover art for her debut albumLouder, along withher first single \"Cannonball.", "\"\"I close the door / I got this new beginning / And I will fly / I'll fly like a cannonball,\" theGleeactress sings.", "Find out who's returning ...\n\nComment\n\nBy TV Guide\n\nThe State Journal-Register\n\nBy TV Guide\n\nPosted Dec. 10, 2013 at 11:57 AM\n\nBy TV Guide\nPosted Dec. 10, 2013 at 11:57 AM\n\nLea Michele has released the cover art for her debut album Louder, along with her first single \"Cannonball.\"", "\n\n\"I close the door / I got this new beginning / And I will fly / I'll fly like a cannonball,\" the Gleeactress sings.", "\n\nMichele will perform the full track on Thursday's The Ellen DeGeneres Show. ", "Louder will be released early next year, and Michele's upcoming book Brunette Ambition is due out in May. Until then, check out \"Cannonball\" below." ]
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[ "It seems that you have not allowed your browser to use Flash on the Crunchyroll website. ", "Please review your browsers settings.", "\nIf your browser does not come with Flash and you have not installed it yet, you can download it.", "Get the latest Flash Player\n\nComments\n\nAbout This Video\n\nSeason 2,\nEpisode 22\n\n803 votes\n\n“Life Time”\n\nSeveral of the Fairy Tail wizards are dead, dying, or surrounded on all sides. ", "To save everyone and repent her multitude\nof sins, Ultear casts a spell that will hopefully turn time back to before the Eclipse portal was opened, even though the cost is her own life... ...more" ]
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[ "\n\nGoodbye to academic research - rsaarelm\nhttp://blog.devicerandom.org/2011/02/18/getting-a-life/\n\n======\nchime\nReading this article makes me realize I certainly picked the road not taken.", "\nLast year I quit my job as the Director of IT at a small pharma, dropped out\nof a company-paid MBA program, drastically reduced my expenses, and started\ndoing independent research. ", "A lot of people around me thought I was crazy\nespecially since I wasn't going the PhD or startup route either. ", "In my mind\nthough, it seems pretty logical - I want to do real computer science research\nwithout all the BS that goes on with academia or corporate research lab.", "\n\nI'm more productive when working solo than in teams. ", "And I already have a\nspecific research project in mind. ", "All I needed was to plan my life so I'd\nhave 50-60hr/week free after my bills were paid. ", "For the past two months, I've\nbeen working on my research project diligently and without any external\ndelays. ", "I know I won't get a degree out of this and I doubt I can get\npublished but since that's not my end-goal, it doesn't matter. ", "I am looking\nfor a hardware hacker if anyone is interested - it is a very fun/rewarding\nproject: <http://ktype.net>\n\n~~~\nNY_USA_Hacker\nYou wrote:\n\n\"I know I won't get a degree out of this and I doubt I can get published\"\n\nSorry to disagree! :-)!", "\n\nFor getting published, try some journal on human-computer interaction. ", "Since\nyou know much more about your field than I do, look for other journal\n'varieties' as well.", "\n\nFor what you are doing, that is, a lot of independent, call it, R&D, if you\nget results anything like what you want, then it would be surprising if you\ndidn't have something publishable. ", "If this argument is not enough, then look\nat much of what does get published and conclude that much of it is not very\nhigh quality stuff!", "\n\nUh, one way to improve your paper a notch or two over what is common is just\nto write well, say, well organized, clear, including writing good English with\ngood spelling, punctuation, and grammar.", "\n\nOnce you are published at least once, better, say, three times, sorry, but you\nshould be able to get a Ph.D.! :-)! ", "Maybe this is a big disappointment, but\nit's true!", "\n\nHow then to get a Ph.", "D? ", "Four points:\n\n(1) At at least some of the best US research universities, there is no\ncoursework requirement for a Ph.D.\n\n(2) The requirement for a dissertation is, say, \"an original contribution to\nknowledge worthy of publication\". ", "Since you've already been there, done that,\ngot the T-shirt, there's no question. ", "Big, huge advantage.", "\n\n(3) One more requirement would likely be the qualifying exams. ", "These exams are\nto show that you are 'qualified' to move on to research and do research. ", "But,\nuh, did I mention that you've already been there, done that, got the T-shirt?", "\nThe difficulty of the qualifying exams varies widely, but generally the\n'polish on your halo' can be important in deciding who passes.", "\n\nSo, it can be good to have some high quality halo polish; here are three: (A)\nSome of the best halo polish is published papers, the more papers, more highly\nregarded, the better the polish. (", "B) More halo polish is when it looks like\nyou might be a successful entrepreneur who gets good publicity for the\nuniversity and, maybe later on, is, uh, 'thankful and generous'! (", "C) More good\npolish is that you actually did this work, conceived it, took it on, got it\ndone, independently, which means you are promising as a good researcher for\nthe future bringing more good publicity to the university.", "\n\n(4) There may be a requirement for 'residency' for a year. ", "This can mean that\nmaybe you show up on campus some day in September and again in the spring to\ndefend your dissertation which you submit by taking a stack of your published\npapers and putting a big staple in the UL corner.", "\n\nFor more:\n\nYou should pick the university and department carefully. ", "You might try, say,\nthe bio-engineering program at Johns Hopkins. ", "I would focus on such higher end\nengineering programs with 'biology' contact. ", "Of course try MIT and Cal Tech.", "\nDon't settle for Southern Sawgrass U.\n\nYou may be able to get a research grant, before, during, or after your Ph.D.\nprogram: At your university, ask the people who know about grant sources.", "\nMaybe the US DoD VA would give you a grant. ", "A research grant is the 'magic\nbullet' to rapid progress in academics because you are bringing money to the\nuniversity! ", "You will understand better when you see what fraction of the money\nthe university keeps for 'overhead'! ", "Did I hear someone say, \"Money talks.\"?", "\n\nUh, one way to pick a department and prof: Pick your journal carefully! ", "That\nis, if you want to get into program A with full prof P editor of relevant\njournal X, then submit your paper to journal X and, if it is accepted, then,\nuh, take 'advantage' of this contact you made with prof P to get your Ph.D.\nNote: It can be possible for prof P to 'direct' your dissertation at a school\nnot his.", "\n\nUh, once your paper is accepted, prof P may invite you to present your paper\nat his conference on Computer-Human Interaction or some such. ", "Likely accept!", "\nThen that's two bullets on your CV.", "\n\nNote: When you submit your paper, likely you do not have to give any\nsignificant biographical information at all. ", "So, you don't need a high school\ntranscript! ", "In particular, it doesn't have to be clear if you have a Ph.D. or\nnot. ", "So, before your Ph.D., you are fully 'qualified' to submit a paper.", "\n\nNote: Commonly a journal plays pocket pool with your paper for a year before\nsending you results of reviews. ", "So, two rejections and one acceptance would\ntake three years. ", "Bummer.", "\n\nSo, to speed up the process, go online, find maybe 50 appropriate journals, to\nthe editor in chief of each, via e-mail or on paper, write a nice, one page\nletter outlining your paper and asking \"might your journal be interested?\",", "\nenclose a copy of your paper, and, then, only from the responses make a\n'formal submission'.", "\n\nUh, the research universities make a big, huge deal out of 'research' both for\nthe faculty and for at least the Ph.D. students. ", "Else they'd have to know\nsomething about the real world and teach it, right? ", "Horrors!", "\n\nUh, the research universities long since concluded that by a wide margin the\nmost difficult part of a Ph.D. and the usual point of failure is just the\nresearch for the dissertation. ", "For some students, that work is hard enough to\nthreaten their life (literally). ", "For others, it's put their feet up for an\nafternoon, think up some good stuff, write it up, send it in, get it accepted\nfor publication, and shout \"Done!\".", "\n\nIn my opinion, you've already passed the main obstacle: You've decided to do\nsome independent work.", "\n\nFor more, you've picked a problem, have some productive lines of attack, and\nare making progress.", "\n\nFor more, if you get the research results you have in mind, then you will have\nsomething \"new, correct, and significant\": \"New\"? ", "No doubt what you are\nworking on does not yet exist. \"", "Correct\"? ", "It works! \"", "Significant\"? ", "Ask Hawking\nor many people and/or groups working with the handicapped. ", "E.g., ask the US\nDoD VA.", "\n\nYou can do something cute here: You satisfy \"significant\" because you solve a\npractical problem and not because you have a theorem or counterexample that\nsettles some old conjecture about differential cohomology that only six people\nin the world know about. ", "Readers listen up: This example makes a useful,\ngeneral point!", "\n\nPresto: \"New, correct, and significant\" are the usual criteria for\npublication!", "\n\nThat is, you've already given up on taking a problem from a prof, pleasing a\nprof, caring mostly about what will please a prof, looking for praise,\napproval, status, prestige, guidance, 'mentoring' from a prof, etc.", "\n\nBut, but, but, your work would never get venture funding, right? ", "Wrong! ", "One of\nthe 'themes' Brad Feld likes to pursue is human-computer interaction,\nespecially without a traditional keyboard! ", "Uh, if you had Hawking, the DoD VA,\nand some organization for the handicapped on your side, had some beta testers,\n..., then you might get a venture capital check -- it's not hopeless.", "\n\nSorry to disagree with your:\n\n\"I know I won't get a degree out of this and I doubt I can get published\".", "\n:-)!", "\n\nThere's an old quote: \"Be wise; generalize.\".", "\n\nOkay: How I got a Ph.D.: I started with a practical problem I'd identified and\nworked on before grad school. ", "I saw a solution intuitively. ", "In my first year\nin grad school, I took some advanced math that let me turn my intuitive stuff\ninto some solid theorems and proofs for a solution, and in my first summer\nindependently I did that. ", "That work was all but the software and typing for my\ndissertation.", "\n\nFor some interim 'halo polish', I saw a problem, thought for a few evenings,\nroughly saw a solution, and then signed up for a 'reading course' on that\nproblem. ", "I worked for a few more days and saw a much nicer solution, wrote it\nup, turned it in, and was done with the reading course in two weeks. ", "The work\nlooked publishable and was -- I published it later. ", "So, in two weeks I'd\ncreated \"an original contribution to knowledge worthy of publication\", that\nis, satisfied the requirement for a dissertation. ", "Good halo polish.", "\n\nA student who does such independent work is \"difficult\", but on this point\nread the recent Fred Wilson blog at his AVC.COM.", "\n\nYou will not be the first to do some independent work and later get a Ph.D.\nfor it. ", "Uh, one of the biggest topics now in computer science is a 'good'\nalgorithm as in the set of algorithms P as in the question P versus NP. ", "Well,\nlikely and apparently the formulator of a 'good' algorithm was Jack Edmonds.", "\nCan get a start on him at\n\n<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Edmonds>\n\nYes, he also won a von Neumann prize, etc. ", "Little things like that!", "\n\nAs at Wikipedia, he was at University of Maryland (UM). ", "Uh, as I heard the\nstory, he was not a happy Ph.D. student at UM so left to the National Bureau\nof Standards (NBS) about 40 miles away. ", "Then he published some good work in\ngraph theory. ", "Finally some of the math faculty at UM, feeling a little guilty,\ndrove to NBS, smoked a peace pipe, and said essentially \"Put a staple in the\nUL corner of your papers and we'll be pleased to call it a Ph.D. dissertation\nin our department.\".", "\n\nFinal point: Of course, D. Knuth knows about academics. ", "Well buried in 'The\nTeXBook' is:\n\n\"The traditional way is to put off all creative aspects until the last part of\ngraduate school. ", "For seventeen or more years, a student is taught\n'examsmanship', then suddenly after passing enough exams in graduate school\nhe's told to do something original.\"", "\n\nYes, there very much is a conflict here: The approach to getting into grad\nschool can strongly conflict with the approach to writing a dissertation.", "\n\n~~~\nlazyjeff\nThis is a very interesting comment. ", "It reads a bit like \"phd hacking\". ", "Did you\ntry this? ", "The work done by the OP is indeed has potential to be published. ", "The\nabove comment, while written in an encouraging tone, has some caveats that\nmight be worth pointing out.", "\n\n\"(1) At at least some of the best US research universities, there is no\ncoursework requirement for a Ph.D.\"\n\n* I find that to be untrue. ", "In my case, I had a M.S. before applying, and still had to take nearly 2 years of required coursework. ", "It depends on the program, but I have not heard of any U.S. program that will accept a B.S. and not have required classes.", "\n\n\"(2) The requirement for a dissertation is, say, \"an original contribution to\nknowledge worthy of publication\". ", "Since you've already been there, done that,\ngot the T-shirt, there's no question. ", "Big, huge advantage.\"", "\n\n* Most students accepted to the best PhD programs (computer science) will already have top-tier publications before entering. ", "It is definitely a good thing to have a publication, but rather than being finished, you will have just begun.", "\n\n\"(3) One more requirement would likely be the qualifying exams. ", "These exams\nare to show that you are 'qualified' to move on to research and do research.", "\nBut, uh, did I mention that you've already been there, done that, got the\nT-shirt?\"", "\n\n* Quals will still require reading deeply from the literature. ", "You will be expected to know all the fundamentals in your computer science area to pass. ", "Having published is irrelevant here.", "\n\n\"Maybe the US DoD VA would give you a grant.\"", "\n\n* Often only professors can apply for the big grants, and writing a grant is actually non-trivial. ", "They need to see a fantastic track record, a solid proven team, and often nods to diversity and educating the public. ", "Some students will help their advisors write the grant, but in the end it's the advisor who doles out the money and is the PI.", "\n\nI feel the attitude of professors/academia being so easy to fool to be\nsomewhat overstated here. ", "I won't go into the \"ease of publishing\" comments,\nbut my first top-tier publication took 3 years with many rejections, when I\nwas an a non-student doing research. ", "I also did a lot of research that was\nrejected and went into the \"paper graveyard\". ", "After doing it a few times,\npublishing is significantly easier since you will better know the methodology,\nliterature, and how to write academically. ", "I'm not trying to be discouraging,\nbut I find the above comment to be optimistic but a bit exaggerated.", "\n\n~~~\nNY_USA_Hacker\nPart I\n\nSorry you had problems. ", "Many people have had problems, even very serious ones.", "\nI've seen it happen too often that a Ph.D. program causes stress, for years,\nand that is well known to cause depression, clinical depression, and even\nsuicide. ", "I've seen really good, talented, dedicated, fantastic students have\ntheir lives and themselves be ruined.", "\n\nFor all my points you question, my claims are rock solid.", "\n\nYou wrote:\n\n\"Did you try this?\".", "\n\nYes, as I indicated, I did \"try this\", and it did work. ", "I hold a Ph.D. in\nEngineering from one of the best research universities in the world. ", "The work\nI did was really some applied math with theorems and proofs. ", "I did the work as\n'operations research', but it could as well be called 'computer science' or\neven 'electrical engineering'. ", "The work might also fit some\n'interdisciplinary' applied math programs. ", "The Chairman of the committee that\napproved the work was from outside my department and a Member, US National\nAcademy of Engineering and Editor in Chief of one of the world's best relevant\njournals. ", "One of the world's best profs in operations research chided me for\nnot publishing: I didn't want to publish it and, instead, wanted to sell it. ", "I\ncertainly didn't just want to give it away. ", "I do not now nor have I ever had\nany academic career aspirations at all. ", "So, I have had no desire to build a\nrecord of academic publications.", "\n\n\"It reads a bit like 'phd hacking'.\"", "\n\nI don't call it 'hacking'. ", "But, it is a play on several points. ", "I mention two:\n\n(1) Universities want the big deal to be research. ", "Okay, take advantage of\nthat or at least go along with it. ", "Then one way to know if have some\n'research' is just to publish it. ", "In the end, once out of school, the first\ncriterion for 'research' is that it's published.", "\n\nCommonly publication is also the last criterion since, say, short of lots of\ncitations or an actual prestigious prize, it's tough to do more evaluation.", "\nIt's tough enough for the field just to review the paper; asking for\ndepartment chairs, school deans, and promotion committees to do much more with\nthe paper is a bit much.", "\n\nIn school, some profs try to ask for more than just 'publishable' in ways that\nare often cruel, irrelevant, exploitative, destructive, domineering,\ndemeaning, insulting, sadistic, etc. ", "So, a way, in part or in total, around\nsuch nonsense is just to publish.", "\n\n(2) Another point is in engineering, if work solves an important practical\nproblem, then that fact can be used to meet the requirement for \"significant\".", "\nOtherwise \"significant\" can be in the eye of the beholder and tough to be\nobjective about.", "\n\nWith this 'hack', can work around the usual, 'expected' slog through courses,\nqualifying exams as a 'filter', advanced courses as more 'filters',\ndemonstrations of 'academic devotion', sacrifice, and shedding of blood,\nsweat, and tears, slave labor for profs on their research projects, begging a\nprof for a 'dissertation topic', hoping, praying that the prof likes the work,\npleasing all profs on a committee of five, etc. ", "Good way to ruin a life. \"", "Have\nto be smart to get a Ph.D.\", and one way to use such smarts is to avoid\nslogging through that long, muddy swamp. ", "I outlined a way.", "\n\nYou quoted my:\n\n\"(1) At at least some of the best US research universities, there is no\ncoursework requirement for a Ph.D.\"\n\nand wrote\n\n\"I find that to be untrue.\"", "\n\nYou can't find my statement to be \"untrue\"! ", "Maybe it wasn't true at the school\nyou went to, but that is not relevant to my claim: I didn't say that no\ncoursework holds at every school.", "\n\nTo make my claim true, I need find only two schools where my coursework remark\nholds. ", "Well, at one time, I knew of three top research universities in the US\nNE, two in the Ivy League, where official statements of the universities\nand/or selected departments flatly stated that there was no coursework\nrequirement for a Ph.D. Neither was there a Master's requirement.", "\n\nThe part about \"the best US research universities\" is important: At Siawash\nState U., the faculty is so insecure that they will drag students through no\nend of hell. ", "They can ask for over 100 credit hours of courses. ", "It can appear\nthey want the student two show up at the qualifying exams carrying all of the\nQA section of the library between their ears. ", "The faculty research sucks, and\nthey believe that a Ph.D. is about 'acquiring knowledge'. ", "BS: At the top\nschools, a Ph.D. is about the research. ", "Trying to carry the library around\nbetween two ears is for fools.", "\n\nAt the top schools, the 'coursework' a student should know is to cover basic\nmaterial in the field, say, enough to teach ugrad courses. ", "The rest of\n'coursework' is to get ready for doing research. ", "If the student has already\ndone the research and published it, then they have proven that they are ready\nto do research.", "\n\nIndeed, one Ivy League research university, in a department likely the best in\nits field in the world, has flatly stated that graduate students are expected\nto learn the basic material on their own, that no courses are offered for such\nmaterial, and that the graduate courses are introductions to research in\nfields by experts in those fields. ", "They also stated that grad students are\nexpected to have some research underway in their first year. ", "And they also\nwant grad students out in three years.", "\n\nA secret: At such universities, commonly graduate courses are not really\n'graded'. ", "Again, the purpose is the 'research', not the courses, credits,\ngrades, or learning.", "\n\nDid I mention that the main point was just the research?", "\n\nThen how the heck to evaluate the research? ", "There is a way, in academics\nessentially only one very good way: Publish it. ", "Better? ", "Okay, publish in a\n'high quality' journal. ", "For more? ", "Win a prize. ", "Maybe get asked by the NSF to\nbe a grant reviewer. ", "Maybe become a journal reviewer, editor, or editor in\nchief. ", "Usually conference proceedings are less highly regarded. ", "But basically,\nespecially for grad students, just publish, and asking for additional criteria\nis a fool's errand for all concerned. ", "Schools that don't realize such things\nshould be avoided.", "\n\nTo be more clear, for the 'standards' of what is good research, do not look to\nthe fantasy dreams of some dissertation committees and, instead, look at\nwhat's in the better journals.", "\n\nThere is more: Going back decades there are far too many horror stories about\nsadistic abuse of grad students. ", "So some good universities just set up some\ngood criteria that strongly cut out the sadistic abuse: E.g., the requirement\nfor a dissertation can be, as I said, \"an original contribution to knowledge\nworthy of publication\". ", "Implicit but very clear is, if the student and his\nadvisors cannot agree, then the student can just PUBLISH the stuff. ", "Then the\nfaculty committee members essentially have to back down and sign off on his\ndissertation.", "\n\nThere's more: The student may have whatever 'relations' with his dissertation\nadvisors and department. ", "So, make the process so that the dissertation is to\nbe approved by a committee with majority from outside the student's department\nand Chairman from outside the student's department. ", "So, the student gets a\nfresh, maybe more objective, collection of 'reviewers'.", "\n\nAnd, if you were a dean, what other standards and processes would you set up\nthat could be executed effectively?", "\n\nYou wrote:\n\n\"Most students accepted to the best PhD programs (computer science) will\nalready have top-tier publications before entering. ", "It is definitely a good\nthing to have a publication, but rather than being finished, you will have\njust begun.\"", "\n\nMaybe some such holds, but this process can't work well. ", "It's doomed to\nfailure. ", "As I outlined, there just is not any chance of reasonable criteria\nfor research quality for students other than publication in a decently good\njournal.", "\n\nSo, for a program such as you outlined, the whole thing is a fool's errand for\nboth a student and the faculty: Bluntly, a student with \"top-tier\npublications\" has proven that they have gotten nearly everything important\nfrom a Ph.D. degree program that they could hope to get. ", "The faculty has no\nmore to give them. ", "Indeed, \"top-tied publications\" are in practice mostly the\nonly thing the faculty members can hope for for themselves in their own\ncareers. ", "Thus the student's formal education is over, done with, completed. ", "If\nthe school doesn't know that, then the student should go to a different\nschool.", "\n\n~~~\nylem\nJust a small comment--Princeton used to not require coursework--only quals.", "\nbut it is rare to see this in current universities.", "\n\n------\nRiderOfGiraffes\nYou're only getting one side of this, and before you find yourself in complete\nagreement ask yourself this: Are you agreeing because it confirms your bias\nand opinion of the academic system?", "\n\nI got a PhD from Cambridge. ", "Everyone I worked with was helpful to a fault.", "\nEveryone shared credit when it was due, and declined offers of credit when\nthey felt they hadn't contributed enough.", "\n\nI got my PhD, got a 3 year post-doc, changed fields into another 3 year post-\ndoc, then got head-hunted into industry.", "\n\nMy experience of academia couldn't be more different from the one described\nhere.", "\n\nThere's a story told of an elderly gentleman sitting sunning himself outside\nthe city gates when a traveller came by. \"", "What are people like here?\" ", "asked\nthe traveller. \"", "What were they like where you came from?\" ", "asked the elderly\ngentleman. ", "Then no matter what the answer, he'd always say: \"You'll find\npeople here pretty much the same.\"", "\n\nI'm not saying that this individual didn't have bad experiences, I'm not\nsaying he deserved them, I'm not saying academia is all roses, and I'm not\nsaying manipulative sociopaths don't exist. ", "They do.", "\n\nBut my personal experience is different.", "\n\n~~~\ncrocowhile\nIf I remember correctly you studied math, didn't you? ", "Competition for a job in\nmath is way lower than it is for biological sciences. ", "The reason is that the\ncurrent model of a successful biology lab is that of a PI leading a number of\nstudents and postdocs anywhere from 5 to 20. ", "There is NO WAY that all of them\nare going to find a job in academia. ", "Germany alone produces in one year the\nsame number of PhDs as there are professors in the country. ", "Ratios are not\nvery different in UK and US. ", "Most of the competition happens in the biological\nsciences: you can run math or CS research by yourself. ", "Difficult to do the\nsame in biology.", "\n\nI've written about it here: [http://gilest.ro/2010/what-has-changed-in-\nscience-and-what-m...](http://gilest.ro/2010/what-has-changed-in-science-and-\nwhat-must-change/)\n\n~~~\ngaurav_v\n\"Competition for a job in math is way lower than it is for biological\nsciences.\"", "\n\nActually, the opposite is true, at least in the United States. ", "Many more\nBiological Science PhDs are granted relative to mathematics, but there is also\na lot more funding in the life sciences relative to mathematics.", "\n\nThe mathematics job market is more similar to the notorious humanities market\nthan to the life sciences.", "\n\n~~~\ncrocowhile\nYou hardly have postdoctoral positions in math, physics and social sciences.", "\nLots of people still manage to get an assistant professor position after PhD.\nPostdocs emerged only recently and they are a _buffer_ for those who cannot\nget a TT job after PhD. In biology it is absolutely normaly, in fact\nnecessary, to go through ~5 yrs of postdoc before dreaming of applying. ", "The\nestimates I know about math is that 1/5 of graduated get a job in academia. ", "In\nbiology is about order of magnitude more difficult (some less backed up\nestimates even claim is 1/300).", "\n\n~~~\ngaurav_v\n\"You hardly have postdoctoral positions in math, physics and social sciences.\"", "\n\nI don't know anything about the social sciences. ", "In physics, I know that\npostdocs are absolutely necessary and expected, to the same degree that they\nare in the life sciences.", "\n\nMathematics is a little different. ", "There are a _very_ small minority of\nprodigy-types that go right from graduate school to the tenure track. ", "However,\npost-doc's are still the norm, although they don't go by the name 'postdoc.'", "\nUsually they are pronounced 'visiting assistant professor' or 'instructor.'", "\n\nHere's an example of a 'postdoc' in mathematics. ", "All of the big universities\nhave them:\n\n<http://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/jobs/1815>\n\n------\njtbigwoo\nThis is how many, many professions work. ", "Musicians, writers, inventors,\nathletes, research scientists, pilots, and even small business owners all have\nthe same career path. ", "A few really driven, really lucky ones win the lottery\nand get to be household names. ", "A small minority (maybe 1 - 5%) make an upper\nmiddle class living. ", "The other 99% work for poor wages until they give up or\nget used up. ", "It sucks, but it's hardly unique to science. ", "If you're in a\nprofession with a massive oversupply of labor, you can pretty much be\nguaranteed to see this kind of structure.", "\n\nI also spent half the article thinking that the author's struggles with\nvocabulary and grammar might explain his/her struggles to get ahead. ", "Perhaps\nhe/she is a non-native speaker and that's adding to the trouble?", "\n\n~~~\nmsluyter\nAs an ex-classical musician, I can attest to your first point. ", "However, the\nscience Ph.D. glut seems to be generating more angst these days than it used\nto. ", "I attribute this in part to rising tuition costs and greater student debt\nloads and an ever increasing disparity between supply and demand. ", "I believe\nthis Economist article was recently referenced on HN:\n\n<http://www.economist.com/node/17723223?story_id=17723223>\n\n _Indeed, the production of PhDs has far outstripped demand for university\nlecturers. ", "In a recent book, Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreifus, an academic\nand a journalist, report that America produced more than 100,000 doctoral\ndegrees between 2005 and 2009. ", "In the same period there were just 16,000 new\nprofessorships. ", "Using PhD students to do much of the undergraduate teaching\ncuts the number of full-time jobs._", "\n\n------\namh\nHaving spent some time in the academia sausage factory, I think this guy is\nfairly close to the mark. ", "A lot of time and effort is consumed simply writing\ngrants and genuflecting for government money. ", "A perpetual stream of cheap\nlabor (postdocs) is necessary to keep the cash spigot flowing, even though\nmany of them have zero chance for a real career in their chosen field. ", "I've\nseen incredibly petty behavior over attribution and credit on papers.", "\n\nI think most scientific progress happens in spite of the academic system, and\nnot because of it. ", "In some ways the old system of patronage was superior --\nyou had a direct connection between a king or wealthy merchant who had an\ninterest in something, and the scientists who needed funding to investigate\nit, instead of a vast bureaucracy that probably consumes more than the total\namount it exists to allocate.", "\n\n------\nduncanj\nMy current theory for success in academia (and I'm not an academic so take it\nwith a grain of salt) is a sort of synthesis of Dick Hamming's thoughts and\nother things I've read.", "\n\n1\\. The purpose of a Ph.D. is to become a pre-eminent expert in a field. ", "It's\nnot to get a piece of paper. ", "If you're not working on a career that will make\nyou an expert, you'll be disappointed with your options after you have\nachieved your doctorate.", "\n\n2\\. Find the interesting problems that people are afraid to work on and work\non them very hard.", "\n\n3\\. Use lots of techniques and approach your problems from many sides. ", "Often\nsomething cool will shake out of the mix, and it won't have been in your\nresearch proposal.", "\n\n4\\. If you aren't self-motivated, it's not right for you. ", "If you don't enjoy\nthe work, take your masters and go do something you enjoy.", "\n\n5\\. Prepare your life for long hours and low pay with lots of frustration.", "\nResearch doesn't proceed easily from point to point and it's all about being\naround when you accidentally make a breakthrough.", "\n\nI'm sure I'm about 90% wrong, but perhaps less wrong than the naive, \"Ph.D. is\na way to stay in school and not have to face the real world\" point of view.", "\n\n~~~\nyogsototh\nMy vision:\n\nA rabbit is writing into a forest.", "\n\nA fox see him:\n\nFox: \"What are you writing?\"", "\n\nRabbit: \"How rabbit eat Foxes\"\n\nFox: \"It is completely wrong! ", "You deserve I eat you now!\"", "\n\nRabbit: \"Please, just go see my supervisor before. ", "He's in this cave.\"", "\n\nThe Fox enter into the cave and never go out. ", "The rabbit continue to write.", "\n\nThe same occurs with a wolf. ", "And a bit latter with a bear. ", "Except the bear\ncannot enter into the cave. ", "Then a Lion go out and kill the bear.", "\n\nConclusion. ", "No matter if you are good or not. ", "No matter the subject of your\nthesis. ", "Only matter who's your supervisor.", "\n\n~~~\ngort\nA nice parable, though bears would destroy lions in combat if they met. :)", "\n\n------\narjunnarayan\nI'm going to have to disagree with the article for many reasons: First, I'm a\nPh.", "D student and thus obviously biased. ", "But second, while Ph.", "Ds can be unwise\nlife decisions for many, it really depends on your field, and the most\nrelevant field to this demographic is computer science. ", "It really doesn't work\nthat way in CS because such a high volume of computer scientists leave\nacademia post-Ph.", "D into industry. ", "CS industry (and the finance industry) has\nan insatiable thirst for deeply knowledgeable qualified Ph.", "Ds. ", "I don't know\nwhat the cost benefit is (of spending 4 years in academia vs getting paid high\nindustry salaries) and I'm sure you could make more money going straight into\na tech job; but I'm going to assume here that we are maximizing more than just\n$\\sum_{life} income$ here.", "\n\nPG has a Ph.", "D; he did fine (yay anecdote). ", "In my various internships around\ntech companies, there were plenty of senior coders who had Ph.", "Ds. ", "And if you\nhave a Ph.", "D in a relevant niche, you're probably going to be headhunted and\nwell sought after. ", "Where else does Wall Street or Google hire top machine\nlearning specialists?", "\n\nNow a Ph.", "D in sociology on the other hand... where do you go from there?", "\n\n~~~\nNY_USA_Hacker\nSociology Ph.D.? ", "The better sociology programs try hard to be mathematical, in\nparticular, good with non-parametic statistics, all of multivariate\nstatistics, and log-linear.", "\n\nAlso actually doing science in sociology is tough because have to be so\ncareful about problem formulation, controls, spurious correlations, sampling,\nmeasures (reliability and validity).", "\n\nSo, for any solid quantitative work on marketing, ad targeting, public\nrelations, public opinion polling, social program design and evaluation,\norganizational design and evaluation (i.e., high end HR) a good sociology\nbackground is about the best.", "\n\nAs I recall, P&G knows this, but I don't know how many others know it!", "\n\n------\nylem\nI am a researcher who's fortunate enough to have found a permanent position at\na place that I love doing work that I enjoy. ", "I've served on program committees\nof conferences, organized workshops, etc. ", "However, I must admit that some of\nthe OPs thoughts are correct.", "\n\nThere is definitely a problem with an oversupply of PhDs relative to the job\nmarket for physics (and likely biology). ", "For a position at say Berkeley for a\nbiology faculty position there used to be approx. ", "600 applicants per position.", "\nFor physics at first tier or second tier institutions the number may drop to\n200. ", "Even if we are cruel and suggest that half of those are unqualified, that\nstill leaves a large pool of extraordinarily qualified people competing for a\nrather small pool of jobs. ", "I see this regularly when there are young postdocs\nwith good publication records (Nature, PRL, etc.) ", "who are having trouble\nfinding permanent positions after their postdocs. ", "Part of this may be related\nto decreased state funding and hiring freezes (in several states, there have\nbeen furloughs). ", "Even for postdocs who have decided that they would prefer to\nwork at an undergraduate institution and teach, the competition is fierce.", "\nOddly, even for those that want to teach at a public high school, it's hard\nbecause of the education requirements (you can run a facility, teach freshmen\nat an elite college--but teaching high school seniors....). ", "Things are so\nfierce that it's rather hard to have much selectivity about geography. ", "This\ncan wreak havoc with relationships and in physics is known as the two body\nproblem--where a couple in science has difficulty finding positions in the\nsame zipcode. ", "As one colleague told me, she'd be happy to just have the same\ntimezone....\n\nFor my subfield, industrial research positions have been gradually drying up\n(at least for doing physics rather than engineering). ", "A number of companies in\nthe past were able to use monopoly profits to drive research (think of AT&T\nBell Labs which is now but a shadow of it's former self--when I was there as\nan intern, it was amazing....). ", "However, many have scaled back. ", "Thus, I have\nseen a number of people pursuing various exit strategies.", "\n\nDuring the internet boom (where I had decided to drop computer engineering as\na major because physics was more fun), a number of people who could code\ndropped out an joined startups. ", "Later, people from Ivy institutions joined\nconsulting firms such as McKinsey (with a \"mini-MBA\"). ", "Later, a number joined\nin the gold rush of financial engineering. ", "While that continues, many go\nthrough a brief masters first to get their foot in the door. ", "A few turn to\nmore engineering related work. ", "So, while the unemployment rate for physics\nPhDs is low--not so many are actually still doing physics research.", "\n\nFor myself, I'll take on undergraduate and high school interns. ", "No graduate\nstudents. ", "I really respect String Theorists who for years intentionally\nlimited the number of students they would accept due to the paucity of\npermanent positions. ", "For years, I'd been reluctant to take on a postdoc due to\nthe current situation. ", "Now, I've taken on my first postdoc and will do my best\nby him--but I have to be honest about the job market and I'm having him learn\nsome programming as a plan B. Plan C is that I'm very confident that he'll be\nable to get a position in his home country afterwards.", "\n\nI've seen some people who are bitter (think of the opportunity costs!) ", "when\nthey leave. ", "But, I've seen some who are mellow--\"At least I got to work with\nsomething beautiful for awhile....\".", "Part of the difficulty is that for\nscientists, you don't go into it for the money (at least I hope you don't!),", "\nyou go into it for love. ", "So, doing science becomes not just a job, but rather\na calling and a way of life. ", "So, someone's sense of self may often become tied\nto being a scientist--and that's hard to leave behind...\n\nSo to summarize, while all fields of science are not cutthroat, given the\nlevel of competition, it is very hard to find a job. ", "Also, given the level,\nthen people have to work extremely hard and it takes a toll on people's\npersonal lives (it's hard to have one when average work weeks extend to 60-80\nhrs for a number of experimentalists--my solution has been to sleep less, but\nI'm told that's unhealthy...).", "\n\n------\nnarkee\nI've observed that success in an academic environment requires more than\nsimply scientific acumen. ", "It also requires relentless self-promotion,\nnetworking and a passion not only for science, but for winning the academic\ngame.", "\n\nThere are a lot of good science minded people, and there are a lot of good,\ndriven self-promoters. ", "Most successful scientists you encounter (apart from\nthe odd genius) belong in the intersection between groups.", "\n\n~~~\njeffdavis\nWell, some amount of self-promotion is necessary for success almost anywhere.", "\n\nSure, if you come up with something miraculous, then it markets itself. ", "But\notherwise you have to make sure that the right group of people knows about it\nor your idea will just fade away.", "\n\n------\nargv_empty\nI keep getting 503 on the site. ", "Here's a coral cache:\n[http://blog.devicerandom.org.nyud.net/2011/02/18/getting-\na-l...](http://blog.devicerandom.org.nyud.net/2011/02/18/getting-a-life/)\n\n------\nsnippyhollow\nIt is a matter of finding balance: finding the right advisor, keeping some\ntime for your other life (your girlfriend, your friends) even if you will have\ndeadline rushes and think about your problem under the shower. ", "This is a\ncommon problem to all passionate people more than only \"scientists\". ", "It just\nseems that you find a lot of passionate scientist in academia.", "\n\nThis writing seems about right (except that I didn't experience that much bad\ncollaboration/competition though, even if I know it exists) to me, a second\nyear Ph.", "D student in AI applied to RTS games. ", "I don't really like that you\nhave to work 24/7 to not be left behind, and I don't work that much indeed.", "\nLife is too short to have yours dictated by the actions of others. ", "If you want\nto stop at 50hours/week while doing research, just try and make it so (focus\nyour topic and focus on your advantages). ", "But I'm happy pursuing a Ph.D. I\ndon't have a fixed mindset/idea of what I would like to do next though: a\nstartup? ", "Working at a big firm? ", "Seeking tenure? ", "All options will be\nconsidered, but right now: I enjoy being paid (not much, particularly compared\nto my Masters prom comrades) to work on interesting topics and sometimes teach\nguys at the University about one of my passions (CS), with a great advisor (I\npicked him socially great and scientifically sharp, the mid-low h-index and\nthe beard are byproducts), and so much intelligent people all around.", "\n\n~~~\nrflrob\n> This is a common problem to all passionate people more than only\n> \"scientists\". ", "It just seems that you find a lot of passionate scientist in\n> academia.", "\n\nThe reason you find a lot of passionate people in academia, I think, has a\nlarge part to do with the PhD process. ", "The monetary compensation isn't great\nfor highly skilled labor, so the only way you'll be able to get through 5+\nyears of it is if you think it's the most fun thing you can be doing (or at\nleast you think that for some large-ish fraction of the process).", "\n\n------\nbeetmik\nJust to put it in perspective, I'm sure it's a real curse to have to spend the\nrest of your life doing something you purportedly absolutely love to do in a\nhell-hole like Pisa, Italy. ", "That said, my heart absolutely goes out to this\nperson who is apparently really depressed. ", "Hope he can find his happiness in\nlife.", "\n\n~~~\nyummyfajitas\nAccording to someone I know who got a job there, Pisa is a very boring town.", "\nSome scenery plus a few tourist traps, low standard of living compared to the\nUS [1], very little to do. ", "Sounds fun before you go, much less fun after\nyou've been there a few months.", "\n\n[1] For hard numbers, I found this site, suggesting a professor in Italy has a\nreal income about 2/3 that of a US professor:\n<http://www.worldsalaries.org/professor.shtml>\n\n~~~\nPanoramix\nPisa is a nice (but tiny) town, which will be boring if you are young and are\nuse to the big city life. ", "That being said I don't agree that the standard of\nliving is low compared to the US; the standard of living really depends on\nwhat you look for. ", "For me the salary is a poor indicator of quality of life.", "\nI'd rather earn less and have more holidays, live in a place with great food,\nart & culture, slower rhythm of life, less pollution, health care, and nice\nlandscapes.", "\n\n------\nachompas\n_There is a second option, which is bare survival._", "\n\nWhat about the third option: get your PhD and work in industry? ", "I keep coming\nacross statistics and CS PhDs who now work for Twitter, the New York Times,\nand industry research labs (AT&T, Microsoft). ", "Why isn't an industry job a\nviable option?", "\n\n~~~\ntimr\n_\"I keep coming across statistics and CS PhDs who now work for Twitter, the\nNew York Times, and industry research labs (AT &T, Microsoft). ", "Why isn't an\nindustry job a viable option?\"_", "\n\nBecause (speaking as one of those people), a PhD is total overkill for nearly\nall industry jobs, and it costs a lot more to get one. ", "It also probably works\nagainst you in most parts of the tech industry, where there's a surprising\namount of blind opposition to anyone with a doctorate.", "\n\nFinally, remember people with PhDs who work in industry have made a difficult,\nconscious decision to abandon the academic life. ", "It's _not_ the expected\noutcome, and there's an intense cultural pressure not to leave the ivory\ntower.", "\n\n~~~\nbd\n_\"It also probably works against you in most parts of the tech industry, where\nthere's a surprising amount of blind opposition to anyone with a doctorate.\"_", "\n\nI didn't encounter any doctorate-opposition per se. ", "I think it's more\nopportunity cost issue.", "\n\nTech industry is quite meritocratic. ", "Problem for many people with PhDs is that\nthis is the only thing they can show after many years spent hidden in\nacademia, working on esoteric things.", "\n\nIf you keep up your real world skills during graduate school, I believe nobody\nis going to hold your degree against you.", "\n\nAt least that was my experience (and experience of my classmates from graduate\nschool).", "\n\nWe did a lot of nitty-gritty software engineering during graduate school\n(ideas from our papers had to be implemented and integrated into bigger\nprojects, that's how funding pipeline worked).", "\n\nAlso it helps not to act smug about your degree - industry is full of very\nsmart people who didn't even go to university.", "\n\n~~~\ntimr\nLet's be clear: I'm not complaining, nor am I talking about _personal_\nexperiences of discrimination -- I don't know if my resume has ever been\ncircular-filed because of my degree. ", "But since I left academia I have been\nsurprised by the number of people who have _explicitly_ told me that they\nconsider a PhD to be a black mark on a resume. ", "I think a lot of people have\nhad one or two bad experiences interviewing/hiring PhDs, and they associate\nthe degree with the incompetence because it's so rare to interview someone\nwith a doctorate.", "\n\nFor what it's worth, I don't find the tech industry to be more or less\nmeritocratic than any other -- we certainly like to _pretend_ that our hiring\nmethods are hyper-objective, but I've seen lots of hiring decisions that just\nboil down to opinion and intuition. ", "Non-meritocratic things like pedigree and\n'who you know' matter a lot, even amongst engineers.", "\n\n~~~\nbd\nI meant no offense.", "\n\nFully agree with what you said - there is a lot of sampling bias because of\nrelative rarity of PhDs (few bad apples can completely color expectations).", "\n\nIt was quite a surprise for me when doing a summer program at major US\ncorporation and everybody was going gaga because our group had many PhDs.", "\n\nIn academia, everybody has doctorate, so degree in itself doesn't really\nconfer any additional signal.", "\n\nIn industry, people take it as a signal even when it is not (person matters\nmore than degree, the same person would be hireable / not-hireable whether\nhaving or not having degree).", "\n\nBut anyways, you wouldn't want to work at places / for people which can't /\ndon't take such things into account.", "\n\nThat's why I mentioned meritocracy - it's nicer to work at places where it\nmatters only if you can get the job done, not your degree / pedigree / who-\nyou-know.", "\n\nBut yeah, human nature, hard to fight against, we all like signaling (it's\nuseful heuristics after all).", "\n\n------\nretube\nWELCOME TO LIFE. ", "I've worked in academia, industry and finance. ", "It's all a\npyramid. ", "Play the game or you'll be passed over.", "\n\n~~~\ndefilade\nExactly. ", "Those of you who think the world is fair or based on merit need to\nread \"Power: Why Some People Have It - And Others Don't\" by Jeffrey Pfeffer.", "\n\nThe world isn't fair. ", "This is true whether you're in academia or industry, and\naccepting this fact isn't a bad thing, nor does it mean you've given in to the\ndark side. ", "As retube points out, if you don't play the game you're conceding\nbefore you even start.", "\n\n------\npbiggar\nWhile I sympathize with the author, I don't think we can generalize from his\nexperience all that much. ", "For a balancing anecdote, here's my life progression\nto date:\n\n \n \n Bachelors: 22\n Start PhD: 24\n Meet girl: 25\n Get engaged: 27\n Submit thesis: 27\n s/girlfriend/wife/: 28\n Get 6 figure salary working for Mozilla: 28\n Am now: 29\n \n\nYes, everything turned out better than expected (though I omitted the bit\nwhere I started and folded a company in there), and it could have gone\nhorribly wrong. ", "But you just can't generalize about doing a PhD, or anything\nreally, from his anecdote, or from mine.", "\n\n------\nmarknutter\nWhen I graduated with my degree in physics, I was introduced to something\ncalled Ruby on Rails, and instead of go on to grad school I pivoted into the\nlife of a web developer. ", "Best thing that ever happened to me.", "\n\n~~~\nmhartl\nI did go to physics grad school, but eventually I came around. :-)", "\n<http://railstutorial.org/book#author>\n\n------\nryanjmo\nSo, I often have to justify the time I spent getting a PhD in computer science\n(Cryptography), because I have a start-up that programs Facebook Apps now a\ndays.", "\n\nThe only reason I can, is because I really didn't spend that much time\nactually working during the whole period and spent a lot of time learning to\nsurf and play tennis well.", "\n\nI really feel like I learned a lot of valuable lessons from learning to play\ntennis and to surf. ", "I'm really glad my PhD afforded me time and money to make\nthat possible.", "\n\n------\nPaulHoule\nI had a similar painful revelation, as do 95% of people who get science PhD's.", "\nFortunately it happened when I was a postdoc, so at least I got my honorable\ndischarge.", "\n\n------\njosgraha\nHere's a link to that article on The Economist that states there are too many\npeople doing too much of _everything_ and life is hard in general. ", "Oh wait,\nthat doesn't exist yet perhaps because that's reality. ", "It sounds like he has\nspent so much time doing everything but what he _should_ be doing which is\nlooking for something he actually _enjoys_ doing. ", "Not that the article wasn't\ninsightful or lucid or anything but this article struck me in he clearly\nenjoys complaining about his work life than doing it so there's a problem. ", "I\ndon't love my job but I enjoy doing it most of the time and I have great\nhobbies, a great partner in life and am happier and fitter than I have ever\nbeen. ", "Perhaps he should try doing different things and see how that works out\nas when you are doing something you don't have any expectations. ", "Why would you\nsay \"I love science, I just don't love doing it?\". ", "I love Formula One cars but\ndon't know anything about driving them but I love riding motorcycles, and\nriding bikes. ", "He needs to find the action verb that defines his work life and\nnot impose any expectations from a noun he associates with \"love.\"", "\n\n------\nmdink\nIsn't the real problem here that we rely on \"academia\" to be the \"experts\"? ", "I\nknow a number of very accomplished and intelligent folks that did not pursue\nPhD and have done phenomenally well in their own research. ", "But sadly many, for\ncredibility's sake, had to advertise themselves as think tanks. ", "Why can't we\njust put the damn degrees down and listen to the person to judge their\ncompetency??", "\n\n~~~\n16s\nSelf taught mathematicians used to be very common (100 years ago).", "\n\n------\nrubidium\nThankfully this guy figured it out when he was only 30. ", "He's still got lots of\ntime to figure out new ways to use and market the skills he has acquired.", "\n\nNew thought: academia isn't broken, there are just too many people who want to\nbe academics. ", "What do people think?", "\n\n~~~\nachompas\n_New thought: academia isn't broken, there are just too many people who want\nto be academics. ", "What do people think?_", "\n\nNot too much of a new thought, the recent Economist article [0] on academic\nmade a similar assertion.", "\n\n[0] <http://www.economist.com/node/17723223?story_id=17723223>\n\n~~~\nmhartl\nIndeed, the OP cites the very same article.", "\n\n------\ntjmaxal\nThis is a good outline of a problem, with absolutely no insights into any\npossible solutions. ", "As far as I'm concerned this is a half finished post. ", "It's\nnot enough to simply complain/outline the problem. ", "You have to use that\npersonal experience to offer up some kind of personal redemption or possible\nglobal solution to really keep the conversation moving.", "\n\n~~~\nmkr-hn\nYou don't have to find solutions to point out a problem. ", "He might be so fried\nby the experience that he doesn't have the presence of mind to come up with\nsolutions.", "\n\nIt seems like the goal might have been to put academia on notice so _it_ could\ndetermine whether or not it cares about the problem enough to solve it.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Unicards for iPhone\n\nQuick Specs\n\nVersion:\n\n1.0\n\nTotal Downloads:\n\n0\n\nDate Added:\n\nMay 01, 2014\n\nPrice:\n\nFree; iTunes account required.", "\n\nFile Size:\n\n27.62MB\n\nDownloads Last Week:\n\n0\n\nPlatform:\n\niOS\n\nThe download button opens the iTunes App Store, where you\nmay continue the download process. ", "You must have iTunes installed with an\nactive iTunes account in order to download and install the software. ", "This\ndownload may not be available in some countries.", "\n\nSponsored Products\n\nPublisher's Description\n\nFrom Michael Hegemann:\nUnicards is a new and minimalistic puzzle game with a twist. ", "Easy to learn and hard to master!The rules are simple: Match 3 or more cards of the same color horizontal, vertical or in L shape. ", "Reach the highest score and highest card and compete with your friends and others on the leaderboard.", "Featuring eye pleasing graphics and ear pleasing sound, it's a game that everyone can enjoy!", "\n\nE-mail This Review\n\nThank You, !", "\n\nReport Offensive Content\n\nIf you believe this comment is offensive or violates the CNET's Site Terms of Use, you can report it below (this will not automatically remove the comment). ", "Once reported, our staff will be notified and the comment will be reviewed." ]
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[ "2011 Sunderland City Council election\n\nThe 2011 Sunderland Council election took place on 5 May 2011 to elect members of Sunderland Metropolitan Borough Council in Tyne and Wear, England. ", "One third of the council was up for election and the Labour party stayed in overall control of the council.", "\n\nCampaign\nBefore the election Labour ran the council with 52 seats, compared to 18 Conservatives, 1 Liberal Democrat and 4 independents, with 1 of the 4 independents being described as an \"Independent Conservative\". ", "26 seats were being contested in the election with 2 seats being available in Sandhill ward, after councillor Jim Scott stood down from the council.", "\n\nLabour were hopeful of making gains due to a backlash against the national Conservative led government and rising unemployment. ", "However the Conservatives hoped the national council tax freeze and pension increases would help the party do well and blamed the previous Labour government for the economic situation. ", "Meanwhile, the Liberal Democrats said they would focus on local issues and targeted Millfield ward.", "\n\nOther candidates included 7 from the Green Party and 3 from the United Kingdom Independence Party. ", "However the British National Party did not put up any candidates, after contesting every seat in some previous elections.", "\n\nElection results\nThe results saw Labour increase their majority on the council after gaining 4 seats from the Conservatives to have 56 councillors. ", "The gains came in the wards of St Chad's, St Peter's, Washington East and Washington South and left the Conservatives with 14 seats. ", "The Liberal Democrats had a bad election, coming fourth in many seats, after a drop in their share of the vote. ", "Meanwhile, independent Colin Wakefield held his seat in Copt Hill by 428 votes over Labour. ", "Neither the Green Party or the United Kingdom Independence Party won any seats, but the Greens came third in 6 of the 7 seats they had contested and the United Kingdom Independence Party came second in Hetton. ", "Overall turnout in the election was 35.1%.", "\n\nSunderland kept up its position as a quick counter of results, with the first result in Pallion being declared at 10.53pm, after the polls had closed at 10pm. ", "The council was also the first to finish counting with the final results being declared at 1am. ", "The Labour leader of the council Paul Watson held the seat in Pallion and put Labour's success down to the cuts being made by the national government and as an endorsement of the city council. ", "The Conservative group leader Paul Morrissey meanwhile said his party had suffered due to being in government nationally.", "\n\nThis resulted in the following composition of the Council:\n\nWard by ward results\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:2011 English local elections\n2011\nCategory:21st century in Tyne and Wear" ]
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[ "The election is over. ", "Now the hard part begins.", "\n\nWinning the governor’s election was the first step. ", "Now the hard work begins. ", "On Thursday, Governor-Elect Tony Evers talked to his partners – including WEAC members – expressing his extreme appreciation for all the hard work you have done in quick fashion. ", "He reminded us that we made some dents in what was going through the Legislature during the lame duck session, and that we have a national audience. ", "The world is watching.", "\n\nAs Governor Walker prepares to take up the bills on his desk, he’s getting a lot of push-back, even from some of his prominent political supporters, but it’s likely that he will act on signing these “poor loser” bills from the Legislature’s lame duck session soon. ", "All three bills have fiscal impact, so Walker could use a veto pen.", "\n\nGovernor-Elect Evers is calling on the people of Wisconsin to keep pressure on the soon-to-be-former governor, asking him to veto the bills on his desk. ", "The governor’s phone line is perpetually busy, but you can use this form to send your feedback his way." ]
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[ "Endoscann cell sampling for cytological assessment of endometrial pathology.", "\nCytological samples of the endometrium obtained by Endoscann were compared with histological preparations from conventional curettage of the uterine cavity (D & C) in 275 women. ", "Indications of D & C were irregular menstrual bleeding, postmenopausal bleeding, or suspected ovarian or cervical neoplasia in women of 50 years or more. ", "The women were consecutively enrolled in the study and had an average age of 60.2 years (range 50-87). ", "The cytological investigation detected all 16 cases of endometrial cancer but none of 6 cases of atypical hyperplasia. ", "Insertion of the Endoscann cell sampler was easily performed in 87% of the patients in whom cervical dilatation was unnecessary. ", "The cytological technique had 11 cases of insufficient material (4%). ", "By D & C, sufficient material for histological evaluation could not be obtained in 32 cases (12%). ", "The predictive value of a positive test with respect to endometrial carcinoma was 0.38, the corresponding sensitivity was 1.00, and the specificity 0.90. ", "A positive cytology should lead to immediate further investigation." ]
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[ "League Managers Association name Chelsea's 8-0 win over Aston Villa on Sunday the \"Performance of the Week\"\n\n28/12/2012rafabenitez.com\n\nThe 8-0 win over Aston Villa on Sunday has been recognised by the League Managers Association (LMA) who named it Performance of the Week.", "\n\nRafael Benitez was presented with an engraved crystal football to mark the award at Cobham today (Friday).", "\n\nThe result, which matched Chelsea's best win in top-flight football, was chosen from all the games played over the past week throughout the divisions by a panel comprising LMA chairman Howard Wilkinson, Sir Alex Ferguson, Joe Royle, Dave Bassett and Barry Fry.", "\n\nOn collecting the award, Benitez said:\n\n'It is great to win this and I say thank you to the players because they deserve to receive all the credit as it was a great performance.", "\n\n'We are now in a good moment, we are scoring goals and the game against Aston Villa was amazing, then after we had a professional performance against Norwich.'" ]
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[ "Poznato nam je kakvo je stanje na tržištu nekretnina danas (cijene stanova prema najnovijim podacima rastu, dok država dijeli subvencije za stambene kredite), ali kakvo je bilo '70-ih godina? ", "Zavirili smo u HRT-ovu arhivu, konkretno prilog \"Milijun za kvadrat\" novinara Drage Antoniazza, emitiran u emisiji \"Stop 107\" na HTV-u 3. ", "prosinca 1974. ", "godine.", "\n\n\n\nŠto se iz priloga može doznati?", "\n\n\n\nStanovi su bez problema prodani jer je u Zagrebu sedamdesetih godina potražnja za stanovima bila veća od ponude. ", "Sve što se izgradilo vrlo brzo se prodavalo, čak i bez kredita koji su nekada bili značajan element kod kupovine stanova.", "\n\n\n\nOd 1964. ", "do 1974. ", "godine Zagreb se povećao za 142.000 stanovnika, a u istom periodu izgradilo se 67.000 stanova.", "\n\n\n\nA kad je radnik pitan tko može kupiti stan - odgovor je bio brz i jasan: \"Onaj tko ima novaca, neki direktor, oni na višim pozicijama, koji imaju veće plaće\".", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMeđu njima sigurno nije bio radnik s prosječnom neto plaćom iz 1974. ", "godine koja je iznosila 2.374 dinara. ", "S radničkom plaćom zadovoljit će se i s 48 kvadrata u kojima živi sa svojom četveročlanom obitelji nakon dugogodišnjeg života u barakama:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKao i danas, cijenu gradnje stanova opterećivali su razni komunalni troškovi, takse, priključci, cijena zemljišta koja je ujedno i najveća stavka. ", "Nisu se svi slagali s tom činjenicom, smatrali su da je cijena zemljišta bitan element, ali da na visinu cijene stana u gradu Zagrebu sudjeluje tek s 14 posto, doznajemo iz priloga, kao i da povećanje troškova gradnje - dakako - utječe i na povećanje cijene stanova.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSredinom šezdesetih prešlo se na proizvodnju stanova za tržište. ", "To je napravljeno unapređenjem tehnologije gradnje stanova, što je uzrokovalo smanjenje društvene narudžbe u stambenoj izgradnji stanova. ", "Dotadašnja dobro situirana građevinska operativa godišnje je u Zagrebu gradila 15.000 stanova.", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJedan od funkcionera objašnjavao je tada trenutno stanje stanogradnje u Zagrebu ovako:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPo riječima direktorice Tehnogradnje ta tvrtka je tada jedini organizirani naručitelj stanova. ", "Do 1974. ", "gradili su ih 5396, pa stoga imaju i jeftiniji kvadrat stana nego što je na tržištu.", "\n\n\n\nTome nije uzrok samo masovna gradnja nego i povoljniji uvjeti građevinskoj operativi, tako cement nabavljaju po proizvodnoj cijeni od 35 dinara, a tržišna je 100 dinara. ", "Ujedno su osigurali i povoljnije kredite građevinskoj operativi koja plaća 2,5% kamata u odnosu na 12% koliko plaćaju drugi. ", "Cijene građevinskog materijala su rasle što će povećati i njihove cijene. ", "Bez obzira na to uspjeli su zadržati cijenu od 460.000 dinara po kvadratu stana - što je velika prednost u odnosu do 850.000 dinara koliko se kreće cijena na zagrebačkom tržištu." ]
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[ "This tag is part of the assert category of tags, which are assertions made by\nthe project team themselves about the maturity of their deliverables.", "\n\nThe assert:supports-zero-downtime-upgrade tag asserts that in addition to a\ndeliverable supporting minimal rolling upgrade capabilities,\nit does so without incurring any disruption to API availability.", "\n\nOpenStack components represent code that is installed and deployed on many\ndistributed systems in order to provide services to users. ", "Operators need to\nknow what services support an upgrade process that eliminates downtime of the\ncontrol plane entirely.", "\n\nIn addition to the plan required by the\nassert:supports-rolling-upgrade tag which allows for minimal\ndowntime, this tag requires services to completely eliminate API downtime of\nthe control plane during the upgrade. ", "In other words, requiring operators to\n“restart all API services together” is not reasonable under this tag.", "\nAdditionally, it is not reasonable for services to respond to requests with\nHTTP 5xx codes when they otherwise would have returned successful responses,\neven intermittently.", "\n\nWhile all requests to the control plane must be eventually processed,\nperformance degradation during the upgrade is acceptable. ", "This may include\nslow HTTP responses and delayed request handling (such as messages queuing up\non the message bus).", "\n\nIn addition to the full stack integration testing required by the\nassert:supports-rolling-upgrade tag, services should be capable of\nreceiving and handling requests throughout the rolling upgrade process with a\nnormal success rate. ", "In order to assert this tag, services should prevent\nregression by implementing a zero-downtime gate job wherein both a new\nversion of the service and an old version of the service are run\nconcurrently." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Q:\n\nVertically aligned content in segment (Semantic UI)\n\nIs there a way to center vertically a content inside a segment class div? ", "I've got the following markup:\n<div class=\"stretched row\">\n <div class=\"two wide column\">\n <div class=\"ui basic segment\">\n <select>\n <!-- ", "OPTION VALUES IN HERE -->\n </select>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"column\">\n <div class=\"ui basic segment>\n <!-- ", "DIV CONTENT -->\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"column\">\n <div class=\"ui basic segment\">\n <!-- ", "DIV CONTENT -->\n </div>\n </div>\n\nNow, thanks to the stretched row class, all 3 columns have the same height, and so do the segment divs inside them, looking like this: \n\nI'd like that the content inside the 3 segments was vertically centered inside of them. ", "Instead, they always appear at the top. ", "I've tried adding class=\"ui middle aligned basic segment\" but it doesn't work. ", "Adding class=\"middle aligned column\" to the parent columns center the segment inside of them but they don't take up all the vertical space of the column and, as they have border and colored background, it looks odd (each segment has its own height).", "\nI'd like to avoid adding padding to the segments, because I don't know the heights of them and its content varies from 1 line (a select) to several lines of text (from 2 to 7 lines, depending on what the user selects).", "\nThanks!", "\n\nA:\n\nAs @VXp suggested, applying {display: flex; align-items: center} to the segment class worked perfectly.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Wound Closure in Flexion versus Extension following Total Knee Replacement: Outcomes and Complications.", "\nPosition of the knee may affect the range of movement (ROM) after a total knee replacement (TKR). ", "It has been postulated that wound closure in extension may cause shortening of the extensor mechanism and increased tension on the soft tissues. ", "The aim of this study was to determine effect of wound closure in TKR with the knee in flexion or extension on postoperative ROM and rehabilitation. ", "A consecutive series of 121 patients underwent primary TKR between May 2011 and August 2012. ", "Group A (60 patients) had wound closure in extension. ", "Group B (61 patients) had wound closure in flexion. ", "Baseline demographic data were compared-age, body mass index, gender, American Society of Anesthetists status, length of stay, wound healing, and ROM. ", "Oxford Knee Score (OKS) were assessed at 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years. ", "Fifty-two males and 69 females with average age of 68 years (32-86) underwent TKR. ", "There were no wound complications requiring surgical intervention. ", "One patient in each group required manipulation under anesthesia for stiffness. ", "There was no statistical difference in ROM and OKS at the last follow-up. ", "There was no difference in outcomes following knee closure in flexion or extension." ]
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[ "Although lighter in color, the pattern on this one matches one of the forms of Phyllidiella lizae I have on the Marshall Islands site (http://www.underwaterkwaj.com/nudi/porostomes/e396.htm). ", "Seems to be a lot of variation, if they are all indeed one species.", "\n\nI think I would go with Phyllidiella lizae for these. ", "The one on the right closely matches what I am calling Phyllidiella lizae in the Marshalls at http://www.underwaterkwaj.com/nudi/porostomes/e396.htm.", "\n\nI hesitate calling this one Phyllidiella pustulosa, partly because of the obviously pink-edged anal opening. ", "The way the middorsal pink pustules are set in circles around black centers resemble Phyllidiella annulata, although it not as distinctly annulated as specimens figured Brunkhorst's 1993 review of the Phyllidiidae. ", "But Phyllidiella lizae might be closer than either of those other possibilities. ", "I think I'd go with Phyllidiella lizae.", "\n\nNot sure, but I think this may be a form of Phyllidiella lizae. ", "Its simple, rounded pink tubercles, narrow black lines between the dorsal pink areas, and white foot are all characteristic of that species. ", "The rhinophores of Phyllidiella lizae are supposed to be black and pink, and those in the photo do appear to become lighter and a bit pinkish towards the base.", "\n\nThis is a very important photo because it shows mating occurring between 2 different species of Phyllidiella – Phyllidiella rudmani (on top) and Phyllidiella lizae (below). ", "This demonstrates cross-species mating does sometimes occur in phyllidiid nudibranchs. ", "It has also been demonstrated in Chromodorididae (Risbecia spp.) ", "and in Aglajidae bubble snails (Chelidonura spp.).", "\n\nNo matter what else it might have on its mantle in the way of pink pustules and black markings, Phyllidiela pustulosa ALWAYS has a thin black marginal and this individual clearly has no such band, so it definitely has to be Phyllidiela lizae." ]
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[ "After harvesting, lettuces must have their outer layers removed. ", "This is a time-consuming, menial task currently performed by farm workers, whose man power is better used elsewhere. ", "The repetitive, basic nature of the job makes it well suited to automation, but lettuces are delicate -- getting a robot to identify and gently peel away the outer layers without smashing it to bits has been challenging.", "\n\nBut the team at Cambridge think it's cracked it. ", "The system first uses computer vision to locate and determine the positioning of the lettuce, and then identify the lettuce stem. ", "If it can't find the stem, a padded robot arm will gently roll the produce around until it's located. ", "Then, a 3D printed circular nozzle, in conjunction with a suction system, gently grabs the outer leaf and removes it using a tearing action, without causing any damage to the lettuce.", "\n\nResearcher Luca Scimera says the process takes an average of 27 seconds to complete, and that it could be applied to other crops. \"", "Lettuce leaf peeling is an interesting robotics problem from an engineering perspective because the leaves are soft, they tear easily and the shape of the lettuce is never a given,\" he said. \"", "The computer vision we have developed, which lies at the heart of our lettuce peeling robot, can be applied to many other crops, such as cauliflower, where similar information would be required for the post-processing of the produce.\"", "\n\nScimera says that further work is needed to better integrate the three stages of vision detection, rolling and leaf removal, but that it's an important advancement nonetheless, noting that there's a growing need to develop automated robot solutions for agriculture due to increasing food demands, changing climate conditions and the decreasing availability of manual labor." ]
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[ "All bull markets come to an end, even the 35-year Great Bond Bull Market.", "\n\n\n\nThe US Treasury 2-year yield crept up 3 basis points during the week, to 2.81% at the close on Friday, the highest since June 2008. ", "In a month or two, as the fourth rate hike for 2018 and more rate hikes next year are getting further baked in, the 2-year yield will cross the 3% mark! ", "Just two years ago, many soothsayers on Wall Street said this would never happen again – that the Fed, in fact, could never raise rates to this point. ", "But here we are.", "\n\nThe 10-year yield rose 8 basis points during the week, to 3.07%. ", "This widened the spread between the 2-year and the 10-year yield on Friday to a still hair-thin 26 basis points. ", "But it was up from 18 basis points on August 27, the low point so far in this cycle, and thus the yield curve has “steepened” a tiny bit. ", "This chart shows that spread going back to 2007:\n\nFor periods in 2006 and 2007, the 2-year yield was higher than the 10-year yield, and thus the yield curve was “inverted.” ", "At the left end of the chart, denoting 2007, the line dipped below zero. ", "The Great Recession officially began in December 2007, by which time the yield curve was no longer inverted as the Fed had started cutting short-term rates.", "\n\nThis scenario has played out repeatedly in past decades, when the “inverted yield curve” phenomenon was followed by recessions or worse. ", "Inverted yield curves didn’t cause those recessions; but they were reliable predictors of them.", "\n\nThe chart below of the 2-year and 10-year yields shows the last two recessions (shaded areas), the yield curve inversions before those recessions, and the steepening of the yield curves following the recessions. ", "The yield curve inverted where the black line is above the red line (click on the chart to enlarge):\n\nStarting in 2008, the Fed imposed its yield-repression policy on the Treasury market, thus totally manipulating the market. ", "But since December 2015, the Fed has been “gradually” stepping away from those methods of yield repression. ", "So the yield curve is not showing free-market behavior; it’s showing the Fed’s manipulations, and the side-effects of the Fed’s backing away from these manipulations.", "\n\nThere will be another recession. ", "There always is at some point. ", "A recession is an essential and necessary part of the normal business cycle. ", "The only question is when – and the yield curve might no longer have a clue.", "\n\nDuring the prior rate-hike cycles, the Fed raised much faster, and it was much more difficult for the 10-year yield to move out of the way of the soaring and over-shooting 2-year yield.", "\n\nIn this rate-hike cycle, the Fed is moving in slow-motion – everything is “gradual,” as the Fed has been ceaselessly pointing out – and the 10-year yield has a chance to keep limping ahead in spurts and starts.", "\n\nIf you squint a little as you look at the chart above, you can see that the 2-year yield soared 4 percentage points (400 basis points) in the three years from June 2003 through June 2006. ", "The third year in this rate hike cycle will be complete in December 2018. ", "And the 2-year yield will have likely risen from 0.99% in December 2015 to a little over 3% by December 2018, so a touch over 2 percentage points – or about half the speed of the last rate-hike cycle!", "\n\nThere is another thing to consider. ", "The great bond bull-market started in October 1981. ", "At the time, the 10-year yield peaked at just under 16%. ", "Then yields fell (falling bond yields means rising bond prices). ", "This bond bull market, with all its ups and downs, lasted till July 2016, when the 10-year yield bottomed out at 1.37%.", "\n\nDuring these 35 years, yields dropped during each recession as the Fed cut rates, but then yields didn’t return to prior highs. ", "Instead they wobbled from lower lows to lower lows. ", "And after each recession, their peaks remained lower than their peaks before the recession.", "\n\nBut all bull markets come to an end, even the Great Bond Bull Market. ", "And this dynamic of interest rates being lower after the recession than they’d been before it, in line with rates having fallen overall for 35 years, has likely fizzled, and rates overall won’t keep going lower. ", "And those folks who expect that during the next recession, yields will fall below the low points in the past cycle will likely be disappointed.", "\n\nNightmare scenario for the markets? ", "They just shrugged. ", "But homebuyers haven’t done the math yet. ", "Read… Mortgage Rates Head to 6%, 10-Year Yield to 4%, Yield Curve Fails to “Invert,” and Fed Keeps Hiking\n\nEnjoy reading WOLF STREET and want to support it? ", "Using ad blockers – I totally get why – but want to support the site? ", "You can donate. ", "I appreciate it immensely. ", "Click on the beer and iced-tea mug to find out how:\n\nWould you like to be notified via email when WOLF STREET publishes a new article? ", "Sign up here." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhy wasn't the line of succession for cabinet members followed after they died?", "\n\nDesignated Survivor is based on the idea that the entire US government was killed in a terrorist attack, save for the \"designated survivor\", Tom Kirkman, who was off-site at the time. ", "The line of succession for president was followed and Kirkman, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (12th in line), became the president. ", "\nHowever, the show early on has the problem that he does not have any cabinet members since they were all killed in the terrorist attack. ", "But why can't they follow the line of succession for each of those?", "\nFor instance, the Secretary of State has its own line of succession. ", "While I'm not sure who all would attend a president's state of the union, I'm quite certain that not all of the United Nations representatives (10th in line) or the ambassadors to six different countries (11th in line) would be there, so they would have survived. ", "Why didn't people like these become cabinet members?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe senior surviving official of each department would become ACTING Secretary but to become actual Secretary requires confirmation by the Senate and they had all the Senators killed.", "\n(They were quite unrealistic,though,in having the Governors refusing to appoint new Senators until Kirkman made offers that they couldn't ask of him but their appointed Senators could...in reality the Governors would have been racing each other to fill Senate seats because of the seniority system,and the president pro tempore of the Senate elected once a quorum of Senators was seated would have been next in line to succeed Kirkman until the House,whose election would be governed by widely varying state laws rather than nationally simultaneous as on the show,had elected a Speaker).", "\n\n" ]
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[ "I'm Noah Bradley and The Sin of Man is a world that I am creating, designing, painting, and writing. ", "It is a primal fantasy world full of somber mystery, faceless giants, and wandering nomads.", "\n\nJoin over 14,000 others on my mailing list and follow along as I build this world. ", "Or you can head over to the store and buy prints, playmats, and apparel." ]
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[ "*3 - 15*v**2 - 452*v\nFind the second derivative of 51930397*l**3*m**2 - 5720258*l**3*m - 10*l**3 + 2*l**2*m**2 wrt m.\n103860794*l**3 + 4*l**2\nWhat is the third derivative of -143918*d**3*o**3 + 114552*d**3*o**2 - 33*d**3 + 7*d**2*o**3 + 2*d**2*o**2 + d*o**3 wrt o?", "\n-863508*d**3 + 42*d**2 + 6*d\nWhat is the second derivative of 3414832*x**5 - 12*x + 68209 wrt x?", "\n68296640*x**3\nWhat is the third derivative of 324661516*o**3*y**3 - 6786*o**3*y - 1621*o*y**2 wrt y?", "\n1947969096*o**3\nWhat is the second derivative of -3494*w**4 + 69*w**3 + 91*w**2 + 50125407*w wrt w?", "\n-41928*w**2 + 414*w + 182\nDifferentiate 900*c**2*k*x**3 - 3*c**2*x**3 + 3*c**2*x**2 + c**2*x - 47398*k*x**3 - 8*x**3 - 63934*x with respect to k.\n900*c**2*x**3 - 47398*x**3\nWhat is the second derivative of 25*q**4 + 133852*q**2 + 2*q - 800239?", "\n300*q**2 + 267704\nFind the second derivative of -371308*h**3 - 37698904*h wrt h.\n-2227848*h\nFind the second derivative of 21080191*w**2 - 116*w - 118383 wrt w.\n42160382\nWhat is the derivative of -24*i**4 + 2*i**3 - i**2 - i - 8519816 wrt i?", "\n-96*i**3 + 6*i**2 - 2*i - 1\nFind the first derivative of -6266669*j*z**3 - 25276*z**3 + 2 wrt j.\n-6266669*z**3\nFind the third derivative of -73*a**3*t**2 + 89*a**3*t - 453*a**3 + 4007948*a**2*t**2 - 3*a*t**2 wrt a.\n-438*t**2 + 534*t - 2718\nFind the third derivative of 50*c**3*o**3 - c**3*o**2 + 522*c**2 - 27*c*o**4 + 5915*c*o**3 + 2292*o**2 wrt o.\n300*c**3 - 648*c*o + 35490*c\nWhat is the first derivative of 22*v**2*w - 2*v**2 + 19839*v*w + 9*v - 51*w + 618393 wrt v?", "\n44*v*w - 4*v + 19839*w + 9\nDifferentiate -26756*n**4 + 7*n**2 + 89*n + 436868563.", "\n-107024*n**3 + 14*n + 89\nWhat is the second derivative of -181309354*c**2 + 228789907*c wrt c?", "\n-362618708\nWhat is the second derivative of -23155180*w**2*x**3 - 4*w*x**3 + 45*w*x - 123*x**3 + x**2 + 4 wrt w?", "\n-46310360*x**3\nDifferentiate -7384174*i**3*j**3 + i**2*u**2 - 8*j**3*u**2 + 4127*j**3 - 3*j**2*u**2 + 2*j with respect to i.\n-22152522*i**2*j**3 + 2*i*u**2\nWhat is the second derivative of -10*c**2*s**3 + 13*c**2*s**2 + 234717*c**2 - 165*c*s**3 - 6*c*s**2 + 2*c*s - 46*s**3 - 2*s + 2 wrt c?", "\n-20*s**3 + 26*s**2 + 469434\nFind the second derivative of -108*c**2*u**2 - 105*c**2*u + c**2 + 8*c*u - 50463*u**2 - 9962 wrt u.\n-216*c**2 - 100926\nWhat is the second derivative of 15*d**2*t - 672683*d**2 - 59687991*d*t + t wrt d?", "\n30*t - 1345366\nWhat is the second derivative of -y**4 + 1510224*y**3 + 2*y**2 + 2552485*y wrt y?", "\n-12*y**2 + 9061344*y + 4\nWhat is the second derivative of -1483*j**2*v**3 - 6019*j**2*v - 2*j*v**3 + 2*j*v + 722*v**2 + 35*v wrt v?", "\n-8898*j**2*v - 12*j*v + 1444\nFind the first derivative of -u**4 + 2*u**3 - 470*u**2 + 144*u + 3629153 wrt u.\n-4*u**3 + 6*u**2 - 940*u + 144\nFind the third derivative of -4488408*g**5 + 7*g**3 - g**2 + 7092*g + 13 wrt g.\n-269304480*g**2 + 42\nFind the second derivative of 411901*l**3*r**3 - 79*l**3*r**2 - 2660*l*r**3 - 44*l*r**2 + 24*r**3 wrt l.\n2471406*l*r**3 - 474*l*r**2\nWhat is the first derivative of -260912650*s - 251491568 wrt s?", "\n-260912650\nFind the third derivative of -5618496*w**4 - 46378525*w**2.", "\n-134843904*w\nWhat is the third derivative of 2*b**6 - b**5 + 275941*b**4 - 18*b**2 - 6*b + 36733?", "\n240*b**3 - 60*b**2 + 6622584*b\nFind the second derivative of 605487954*x**2 - 371987258*x wrt x.\n1210975908\nFind the first derivative of 5*u**2 + 3694265*u - 87267334 wrt u.\n10*u + 3694265\nWhat is the second derivative of -683325632*h**2 - 342458019*h?", "\n-1366651264\nWhat is the derivative of -168*l**4 + 18*l**3 - 460*l + 5509643 wrt l?", "\n-672*l**3 + 54*l**2 - 460\nFind the second derivative of 23508769*j**2 - 76445*j + 142 wrt j.\n47017538\nFind the first derivative of 136*b*q*z**2 - 58496*b*q - 13263571*b*z**2 + q*z**2 wrt q.\n136*b*z**2 - 58496*b + z**2\nWhat is the first derivative of -5*q**4 + 2734*q**2 + 150*q + 796882739?", "\n-20*q**3 + 5468*q + 150\nWhat is the third derivative of -268526*y**6 + 135*y**4 - y**3 - 41*y**2 - 9417*y - 267 wrt y?", "\n-32223120*y**3 + 3240*y - 6\nFind the second derivative of -288*u**4 + 4*u**3 - 7937*u**2 + 4*u + 10112724 wrt u.\n-3456*u**2 + 24*u - 15874\nFind the third derivative of 74*j**5 + 22731*j**4 + 9389557*j**2.", "\n4440*j**2 + 545544*j\nWhat is the second derivative of -2209832*a*j**2*l + 177*a*j*l - a*j - 731*a + j**2*l - 4*j - 5*l wrt j?", "\n-4419664*a*l + 2*l\nFind the second derivative of 18900802*d**2 - 157972968*d.", "\n37801604\nWhat is the second derivative of -370742*d*o**2 - 232984*d - 5*o**2 - 83*o wrt o?", "\n-741484*d - 10\nFind the third derivative of -3*w**5 + 30*w**4 + 591*w**3 + 2057*w**2 + 17*w + 5 wrt w.\n-180*w**2 + 720*w + 3546\nFind the third derivative of -82857730*x**3 + 69043082*x**2 wrt x.\n-497146380\nDifferentiate -2290314*p**2*r*s + 704*p**2*r + 22*r - 14 with respect to s.\n-2290314*p**2*r\nFind the third derivative of 3*d**4 + 45898*d**3 - 14208440*d**2 wrt d.\n72*d + 275388\nWhat is the second derivative of 39596*a**4 - 1398*a**2 - 121945894*a?", "\n475152*a**2 - 2796\nFind the third derivative of -1169986*z**5 - 15*z**4 - 212119*z**2 + 18.", "\n-70199160*z**2 - 360*z\nWhat is the first derivative of -3440*w**4 - 7*w**3 + 23*w**2 + 9114516?", "\n-13760*w**3 - 21*w**2 + 46*w\nFind the second derivative of -80*o**2*y**2 - 1207*o**2 - 23353*o*y + 694165*y**2 wrt y.\n-160*o**2 + 1388330\nWhat is the third derivative of -155146211*b**4 - b**2 + 1711*b + 3649 wrt b?", "\n-3723509064*b\nFind the third derivative of -115629*u**4*z**2 + 805*u**4 - 2143251*u**2*z**2 - u**2*z - u*z**2 - 5 wrt u.\n-2775096*u*z**2 + 19320*u\nWhat is the third derivative of 1943*q**5 + 227*q**4 - 153471*q**2 + 20*q?", "\n116580*q**2 + 5448*q\nWhat is the third derivative of 54663903*i**4 + 6932464*i**2 wrt i?", "\n1311933672*i\nWhat is the second derivative of 2*v**4 - 12987*v**3 - 64*v**2 + 13*v - 1196222?", "\n24*v**2 - 77922*v - 128\nWhat is the derivative of 2*f*v*y**2 - 2551*f*y**2 + f*y - f + v**2 + 3795526*v*y**2 - y**2 - 185 wrt v?", "\n2*f*y**2 + 2*v + 3795526*y**2\nDifferentiate -616*z**3 + 378*z**2 - 4*z + 109873819 wrt z.\n-1848*z**2 + 756*z - 4\nWhat is the second derivative of -15080918*l**3 + 18749393*l?", "\n-90485508*l\nWhat is the second derivative of -49*d**3*w**3 + 436*d**2*w**3 - 423*d**2*w + 974*d*w**3 + 240*d*w**2 + 12*w wrt d?", "\n-294*d*w**3 + 872*w**3 - 846*w\nFind the second derivative of -6029623*f**2 - 1610165*f wrt f.\n-12059246\nWhat is the third derivative of -24*v**2*z**3 - 219*v**2*z**2 - 4351*v*z**3 + 22226*v*z**2 - 4*z**3 wrt z?", "\n-144*v**2 - 26106*v - 24\nDifferentiate 2359395*d**3*m*v + 13328*d**3 + 99*m wrt v.\n2359395*d**3*m\nWhat is the derivative of -51991760*v**4 - 16133637?", "\n-207967040*v**3\nWhat is the second derivative of 724545799*k**2 - 346665*k + 386 wrt k?", "\n1449091598\nFind the second derivative of 3919956*n*t**2 + n*t + 443556*t wrt t.\n7839912*n\nFind the second derivative of 4*q**2*y - 1674500*q**2 + 3*q + 2*y + 63378 wrt q.\n8*y - 3349000\nFind the second derivative of -6585479*g**2 - 4591213*g wrt g.\n-13170958\nFind the first derivative of -1190614*x**3 + 8*x**2 - 114399642.", "\n-3571842*x**2 + 16*x\nWhat is the first derivative of 268124*k**4 - 2*k**3 + 3*k**2 - 11964502 wrt k?", "\n1072496*k**3 - 6*k**2 + 6*k\nWhat is the first derivative of 215828619*h**2 - 815029497 wrt h?", "\n431657238*h\nWhat is the second derivative of -121895332*x**2 - 34059019*x?", "\n-243790664\nFind the second derivative of 116*i**4 - 70*i**3 + 327*i**2 - 2*i + 131725392 wrt i.\n1392*i**2 - 420*i + 654\nWhat is the third derivative of 160396*t**3*y**4 + 34*t**3*y**2 + 212490*t**3*y + 13*t**2*y**4 wrt y?", "\n3849504*t**3*y + 312*t**2*y\nFind the second derivative of 6*p**3*s**3 - 1501*p**3*s**2 + 26*p**3*s + 8*p**3 + 2*p**2*s - 2*p*s + 4*p + 27*s**3 wrt s.\n36*p**3*s - 3002*p**3 + 162*s\nWhat is the derivative of -25327593*s - 13442048?", "\n-25327593\nFind the second derivative of 196*a**2*z**3 - 971*a**2*z**2 - 33*a**2 - 18*a*z**3 + a - 3684*z**3 wrt a.\n392*z**3 - 1942*z**2 - 66\nWhat is the second derivative of 11338481*x**2 + x + 15514478 wrt x?", "\n22676962\nWhat is the third derivative of -1638984*g**5 + 2*g**4*i - 2*g**3 - 7*g**2*i - 2*g**2 - 2*g*i + 19*g + i + 5639 wrt g?", "\n-98339040*g**2 + 48*g*i - 12\nWhat is the derivative of -2624052*p**3 - 3800315 wrt p?", "\n-7872156*p**2\nFind the second derivative of -8614341*x**2 - 42*x - 43968.", "\n-17228682\nFind the second derivative of -78371278*n**2 - 55732954*n.", "\n-156742556\nWhat is the t" ]
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[ "In search of whales in literature: postscript\n\nI learned too late about Carl Jung’s mysterious Red Book, or I would have featured it in the “in search of whales” list. ", "Over several decades, Jung used the Red Book as the medium within which to explore his deepest unconscious, giving the earliest glimpses of his best known concepts–that all of humanity shares a pool of ancient wisdom he called the collective unconscious. ", "Jung saw the psyche as “an ocean that could be fished for enlightenment and healing”. ", "The Red Book is both the place where Jung originated this idea and where he situated his own soul for such enlightenment. ", "There, he sought and battled and tamed many unusual creatures." ]
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[ "\n158 F.Supp. ", "522 (1958)\nUNITED STATES of America\nv.\nAnthony STRACUZZA, Mario Stracuzza, Dorothy Stracuzza, Max Schaffer, Norman Schaffer, Hyman Karp and Benjamin T. Marco, Defendants.", "\nUnited States District Court S. D. New York.", "\nJanuary 20, 1958.", "\n*523 Paul W. Williams, U. S. Atty., ", "for the Southern District of New York, John T. Moran, Jr., Asst. ", "U. S. Atty., ", "New York City, of counsel, for the United States.", "\nBernard L. Baskin, New York City, and Irving W. Coleman, Northampton, Pa.. for defendants Max and Norman Schaffer.", "\nHarris B. Steinberg, New York City, for defendant Hyman Karp.", "\nPaul Rutheiser, New York City, for defendant Benjamin T. Marco.", "\nDAWSON, District Judge.", "\nThe defendants Max Schaffer and Norman Schaffer, and Benjamin T. Marco and Hyman Karp, move to dismiss the indictments herein on the ground that their constitutional rights to a speedy trial have been violated.", "\nIt appears that the indictments herein were filed on October 20, 1954 and that within a few weeks thereafter the defendants were arraigned and pleaded not guilty to the indictments. ", "On November 9, 1954 the indictments were marked off the trial calendar. ", "The indictments were restored to the trial calendar on January 7, 1958.", "\nThe defendants admit that at no time have they heretofore demanded a prompt trial of this matter, nor have they brought on any motion to assure that the matter would come up for a prompt trial. ", "It is certainly true that a three year delay between arraignment and trial is undesirable from the standpoint of justice, but a defendant can invoke his constitutional objection to such delay only if he has in no manner contributed to the delay himself. ", "Where a defendant has acquiesced to the delay by failure to demand trial he has impliedly acquiesced in the tardiness of the trial. ", "United States v. Alagia, D.C. Del.1955, 17 F.R.D. 15.", "\nIn the instant case the defendants have slept too long on their rights to be permitted to seek dismissal of the indictments at this time. ", "See United States v. Holmes, 3 Cir., ", "1948, 168 F.2d 888:\n\"Defendant's sole reliance was upon the bare fact that the case had not been prosecuted. ", "If the defendant desired a speedy trial, it was his duty to ask for it, and we must assume it would have been granted, had he made any effort to procure it. ", "His long and uninterrupted *524 acquiescence in the delay bars his right to complain.\" ", "At page 891.", "\nSee also United States v. Stein, D.C.S. D.N.Y.1955, 18 F.R.D. 17.", "\nDefendants have shown no adequate basis for their motion except for the mere passage of time. ", "While defendants allege that it is impossible to gather witnesses who are now scattered, and that the memory of those witnesses may no longer be clear, they have submitted no facts to substantiate these assertions. ", "They have not established what witnesses may be missing and what witnesses may no longer have a memory of the facts to which they may be called upon to testify. ", "The defendant Max Schaffer argues that he is now 68 years of age and therefore not as well able to stand the rigors of trial as he would have been 5 years ago—or even 3 years ago when the indictment was handed down. ", "This is not a sufficient basis for dismissing the indictment. ", "If the defendants had shown that witnesses had actually disappeared or were missing as a result of the delay, or any other facts to show that the passage of time had deprived them of a fair trial the Court would have been more inclined to grant their motion, but in the absence of such facts and in the absence of any effort on the part of the defendants to secure a prompt trial, the motions to dismiss the indictments are denied.", "\nThe defendant Karp also moves in the alternative for an order granting a separate trial and a severance. ", "The indictment charges a conspiracy and no good grounds are shown in the moving papers for severing the trial of the defendant Karp from that of the co-defendants. ", "This defendant urges that he will be unable to obtain a fair trial if he must face trial in the company of Anthony Stracuzza and Mario Stracuzza who have already pleaded guilty to a separate indictment, and in the company of defendant Marco who has a criminal record. ", "These facts alone are not sufficient to warrant the granting of a severance. ", "To grant a severance would necessitate two complete trials of the same issues. ", "In the absence of more compelling arguments than the defendant has advanced it would be an imposition upon the Government and upon this Court to require the prosecution to be split into two separate trials. ", "The motion for a severance is denied. ", "So ordered.", "\n" ]
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[ "Lesbian Funerals\n\nPosted: Thursday, January 15, 2015\n\nIf you haven't heard the story by now, undoubtedly you will.", "\n\nA Colorado church cancelled a funeral service for a lesbian woman minutes after it was scheduled to start because the family wanted to show a video that sentimentally highlighted her sexual orientation. ", "Specifically, showing the deceased being proposed to, and then kissing, her partner.", "\n\nThe church asked the family to edit that section out, the family refused, and then the church refused to go forward with the service. ", "Yes, even with the crowd gathered, the flowers in place, and the open casket in view.", "\n\nA chaplain from the church said that while those who are gay and lesbian are welcome in the church, they ask that \"alternative lifestyles be censored while in the church.\" ", "As best I can tell, that means you are welcome to come but please do not engage in anything openly homoerotic.", "\n\nThe funeral was moved to the mortuary across the street.", "\n\nLet's state the obvious. ", "This was a mess. ", "It was a mess for the church who apparently didn't watch the video until the time of the funeral. ", "It was a mess for the family and friends who had gathered to mourn the passing of someone dear to them. ", "And now it is a public mess as people on either side lash out – again – in culture wars.", "\n\nBut let's take a step back.", "\n\nFirst, should Christian churches conduct such funerals?", "\n\nAbsolutely.", "\n\nI'll never forget receiving a call from a funeral home in southern Indiana where I served as a pastor during my seminary years. ", "This would be the late eighties.", "\n\nA young man who was not connected with a church had died of an AIDS related illness. ", "On behalf of the family, the funeral home had contacted pastor after pastor in the area; each had refused to even meet with the family, much less to serve them at the funeral service.", "\n\nFinally they got to me – the young seminary kid.", "\n\nHe asked me if I would officiate at the funeral, and I said, \"Of course I will.\" ", "I can honestly tell you that it never even entered my mind not to. ", "And I was disgusted and ashamed of my colleagues for not serving a family during such a time of grief.", "\n\nMy conviction remains the same.", "\n\nBut was it fair for the family to ask the church to conduct such a funeral that affirmed the lifestyle choice?", "\n\nNo.", "\n\nThe church was willing to do the funeral. ", "They just asked for the tape to be edited. ", "The family refused. ", "This was certainly the right of the family, but it was also the right of the church to refuse.", "\n\nI know, I know…but this was all unfolding when the service was getting ready to start. ", "Again, that's what made it a mess.", "\n\nSo how we can avoid such messes in the future while serving any and all who might reach out for a Christian church at a time of grief?", "\n\nHere's four simple steps:\n\n1. ", "Make it clear that if someone is asking for a Christian funeral at or through a Christian church, they must honor the Christian values of that faith community as the church similarly seeks to honor their loved one.", "\n\n2. ", "Require any and all video tributes to be prepared in advance of the service, as well as drafts of spoken comments and copies of musical presentations, with the clear understanding that they are submitted for the church's approval. ", "And then of course the church must watch and review them in advance.", "\n\n3. ", "Just as the family is asked to respect the church, respect the family. ", "If you are preparing the funeral sermon, do not use the message to condemn the person's lifestyle. ", "Honor and celebrate their life as a child of God.", "\n\n4. ", "But in light of #3, don't say what isn't true. ", "I've done many a funeral for someone who, by all accounts, was not a Christ follower. ", "I offered comfort, but didn't make affirmations about the state of their soul. ", "That is up to God, to be sure, but we must not offer a false gospel despite the grief of those close to the deceased. ", "This can be done without making condemnations or judgments. ", "And should be." ]
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[ "Categories:\n\nNow in paperback after five printings, a remarkable journey through the built world from the Pulitzer Prize-winning New Yorker critic and \"America's foremost interpreter of public architecture\" (Tracy Kidder)\n\nWhy Architecture Matters is not a work of architectural history or a guide to the styles or an architectural dictionary, though it contains elements of all three. ", "The purpose of Why Architecture Matters is to “come to grips with how things feel to us when we stand before them, with how architecture affects us emotionally as well as intellectually”—with its impact on our lives. “", "Architecture begins to matter,” writes Paul Goldberger, “when it brings delight and sadness and perplexity and awe along with a roof over our heads.” ", "He shows us how that works in examples ranging from a small Cape Cod cottage to the “vast, flowing” Prairie houses of Frank Lloyd Wright, from the Lincoln Memorial to the highly sculptural Guggenheim Bilbao and the Church of Sant’Ivo in Rome, where “simple geometries . . . ", "create a work of architecture that embraces the deepest complexities of human imagination.”", "\n\nBased on decades of looking at buildings and thinking about how we experience them, the distinguished critic raises our awareness of fundamental things like proportion, scale, space, texture, materials, shapes, light, and memory. ", "Upon completing this remarkable architectural journey, readers will enjoy a wonderfully rewarding new way of seeing and experiencing every aspect of the built world.", "\n\nPaul Goldberger is the architecture critic for The New Yorker and has written the magazine's celebrated \"Sky Line\" column since 1997. ", "He also holds the Joseph Urban Chair in Design and Architecture at The New School in Manhattan. ", "He began his career at The New York Times, where he received a Pulitzer Prize for Distinguished Criticism. ", "Visit the author's website: www.paulgoldberger.com\n\n\"Why Architecture Matters reminds us that in a democratic capitalist society, the only sure guarantee that we will get good architecture is if we shake off our ignorance and start to take a personal interest in the design of our neighbourhoods. ", "Here is a succinct, lyrical and heartfelt book that celebrates the best works of architecture and points the way to being able to build more of it in the world today. ", "There are so many guides to the world of art, so few to the world of architecture. ", "This is among the very best.\" ", "-Alain de Botton, author of The Architecture of Happiness\n\n\"Paul Goldberger is America's preeminent public critic of architecture, and his wise, compassionate Why Architecture Matters sums up a lifetime spent exploring, reflecting and writing... Goldberger does not prescribe solutions but argues passionately that architecture must continue to define our place in the world in a way that \"startles us and comforts us at the same time.\" ", "Kirk Savage, The Washington Post\n\n\"There isn’t a universal recipe for what makes a good building, but there are key ingredients… The author speaks from the heart and is at his best when discussing actual buildings, comparing good with bad, to illustrate what works.", "\"—Emma Cullinan, Irish Times (Weekend Review)" ]
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[ "The giant iceberg spotted... off the coast of Australia\n\n\nAustralia is known for sunny beaches, surfers, and blistering Outback heat.", "\n\nSo scientists were a bit taken aback when they spotted this giant iceberg floating near an island Down Under.", "\n\nAustralian Antarctic Division researchers were working on Macquarie Island when they first saw the iceberg last Thursday about about five miles off the island. ", "It is rare to see an iceberg floating so far north of Antarctica, researchers said.", "\n\nShould that be there? ", "A giant iceberg is seen off Macquarie Island which lies halfway between Antarctica and Australia. ", "Scientists say it is unusual to see one so far north\n\nThe iceberg was about five miles off the island, part of which can be seen in the foreground, when it was spotted last week\n\nMacquarie Island is about halfway between Antarctica and Australia, some 930 miles from Tasmania.", "\n\nThe iceberg is about 160ft (50m) high and 1,640ft (500m) long.", "\n\nIt is probably part of one of several larger icebergs that broke off Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf between 2000 and 2002, said Neal Young a glaciologist with AAD.", "\n\nSeveral icebergs have been drifting slowly northward with the ocean current toward the island over the past year, but it is uncommon for them to move so far into warmer northern waters, he said.", "\n\nThe scientists believe the iceberg will break up and melt rapidly as it continues its journey north.", "\n\nBefore it melts, however, it could present a danger to ships navigating the region, Young said.", "\n\nIn 2000, several massive icebergs broke off from Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf and the Ronne Ice Shelf.", "\n\n\n\nThe first iceberg was about 190 miles (300 kilometres) long and 23 miles (37 kilometres) wide. ", "Those icebergs are now drifting away from Antarctica.", "\n\nIcebergs are formed as the ice shelf develops. ", "Snow falls on the ice sheet becomes compressed and forms more ice, which gradually flows outwards to the edges.", "\n\n\n\nEventually, pieces around the edge break off - forming the floating icebergs.", "\n\nThe unusual sight is likely to furnish evidence for both sides of the argument on global warming. ", "While some may say it is indicative of the world cooling others will say it shows the opposite and that the iceberg was created precisely because the planet is heating up.", "\n\n\n\nRecent polls have shown that belief in global warming is waning.", "\n\nLast month, Cardiff University found an increasing number of Britons are becoming more sceptical about climate change.", "\n\n\n\nIt found that 29 per cent believe the threat has been exaggerated - compared to just 15 per cent five years ago. ", "One in five are hardened sceptics who believe manmade global warming is a myth. ", "In the U.S. polls have shown that nearly half of Americans no longer believe in global warming.", "\n\nOnly 57 per cent of Americans agree that world temperatures are rising, while just one in three believes humans are causing climate change, the survey carried out by the Pew Research Centre based in Washington showed.", "\n\n\n\nAdrift: The journey taken by the iceberg\n\nAndrew Kohut, director of the think tank, said: 'The priority given to environmental concerns and other issues is down because of the economy and the focus on other things.'", "\n\nIn some parts of Antarctica, ice sheets have been losing 30ft a year in thickness since 2003, according to a paper published in the journal Nature in September.", "\n\n\n\nSome of those areas are about a mile thick so still have plenty of ice to burn through. ", "But the drop in thickness is speeding up.", "\n\n\n\nIn parts of Antarctica, the yearly rate of thinning from 2003 to 2007 was 50 per cent higher than it was from 1995 to 2003.", "\n\nThe more the ice melts, the more water surrounds and eats away at the remaining ice.", "\n\n'To some extent it's a runaway effect. ", "The question is how far will it run?' ", "said Hamish Pritchard of the British Antarctic Survey. '", "It's more widespread than we previously thought.' ", "The study does not answer the crucial question of how much this worsening melt will add to projections of sea level rise from man-made global warming.", "\n\nSome scientists have previously estimated that steady melting of the two ice sheets will add about 3 feet, maybe more, to sea levels by the end of the century." ]
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[ "A compact lightweight planar antenna using waveguide has been described for use in space limited applications such as aircraft and satellite communications. ", "Such a planar antenna may be configured to operate with two different polarization states to provide polarization diversity to preclude the need for two physically separate antennas. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,127,985 ('985 patent) describes such an antenna; the '985 patent is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.", "\nHowever, the planar antenna disclosed in the '985 patent has limited bandwidth, is of rectangular shape, and has equal antenna element power levels (uniform amplitude distribution). ", "It is well-known that the uniform amplitude distribution over the planar aperture leads to predictable but sometimes higher-than-desired antenna pattern sidelobe levels depending upon the intended application. ", "There is a need for such a compact planar antenna with dual polarization states that has increased bandwidth, is not constrained to a rectangular boundary, and can have a tapered amplitude distribution which leads to reduced antenna pattern sidelobe levels." ]
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[ "Bernd Leno says he was unlucky with the way his attempted clearance of Sadio Mane’s cross led to James Milner breaking the deadlock for Liverpool in Saturday’s 1-1 draw at the Emirates.", "\n\nMane appeared to be aiming for Mo Salah at the back post when he fired a waist height ball across the Gunners six-yard box on 61 minutes. ", "Under no pressure, the German opted to push the ball away with two hands, only for Rob Holding to deflect it straight into the path of Milner who netted with a first time finish.", "\n\nIt’s been suggested that keeper, who in the first half missed a cross that Virgil van Dyck nearly converted, might have done better with the situation. ", "After the game 26-year-old claimed he was stuck between a rock and a hard place.", "\n\n“It’s a bit unfortunate,” he told ESPN FC. “", "You stay away, the guy at the back scores, maybe nobody will blame you.", "\n\n“If you go into it and the one in the middle scores, all say parry in another way.", "\n\n“It’s not that easy in this situation because I completely tried to get there.", "\n\n“You can’t really say where it’ll go, and then the ball falls flat on Milner’s feet. ", "And that’s the goal.”", "\n\nAs Liverpool celebrated their goal, a huge roar went up around the Emirates, urging the players to maintain the momentum they’d worked so hard to build. ", "They claimed a share of the spoils with eight minutes remaining courtesy of Alex Lacazette’s clinical finish. ", "The response on the terraces and the pitch bodes well, says Leno.", "\n\n“It shows a bit the squad’s character right now, also of the fans,” he said. “", "I don’t know how things were in the past. ", "But at the beginning of the season, you had the feeling the fans become very uneasy, but the fans immediately pushed us forward.", "\n\n“Every player feels that, and there was this feeling after the 1-0 we could still win the match. ", "We scored 10 minutes from time. ", "Every player wanted to win it. ", "It didn’t work, sadly. ", "But the atmosphere and the character of the team right now is very good.”" ]
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[ "SS Dorothy Phillips\n\nSS Dorothy Phillips was a 2,119-ton cargo ship that was attacked during World War II. ", "The fired at her on December 24, 1941. ", "Dorothy Phillips was damaged in the attack off the coast of Monterey, California. ", "In the attack the ship's rudder was damaged and the ship could not steer and ran aground. ", "Dorothy Phillips was built in 1918 by Albina Engine and Machine Works in Portland, Oregon. ", "The attack helped put fear into the west coast and started the Battle of Los Angeles. ", " and were also attacked and sank off the West Coast of the United States.", "\n\nSee also\n Attack on Pearl Harbor\n List of shipwrecks in 1941\n California during World War II\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\n Media related to Albina Engine & Machine Works at the Oregon Historical Society\n\nCategory:World War II shipwrecks in the Pacific Ocean\nCategory:Maritime incidents in December 1941\nCategory:United States home front during World War II" ]
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[ "Housing Market Outlook for 2014\n\nThe results show that 2013 was a strong year for real estate in most areas of the country. ", "Low interest rates, affordable home prices, and an improving economy helped fuel a strong housing recovery. ", "Home prices were up in over 80% of the major national markets, with an average nationwide increase in home prices of nearly 11%.", "\n\nEntering 2014, the housing market is poised to continue growing, but perhaps not quite as rapidly as last year. ", "Home prices have increased over last year, but they are still nearly 33% lower than the peak of the housing bubble in 2006. ", "Most experts believe that housing activity will be more stable this year than last, with perhaps a 3% to 5% increase in home values.", "\n\nFactors Driving the Housing Market\n\nIncreased Demand: Young people who have been living in their parents’ basements are finally starting to get into the housing market in mass. ", "This trend will continue to the extent that they are able to find gainful employment. ", "If the job market really takes off, then it could be off to the races for the housing market as well.", "\n\nLow Interest Rates: Interest rates are up from their all-time lows during last year, but they are still historically low. ", "Expect interest rates to continue to be a driving factor in bringing more people into the market.", "\n\nIncreased Supply: On the supply side, things are more stable than a year ago. ", "Last year, many areas had very low home inventories, sparking bidding wars often resulting in sellers experiencing quick sales and receiving more than their asking price. ", "This year, expect a greater supply of homes to be on the market as more homeowners look to capitalize on last year’s increase in home values.", "\n\nTighter Lending Standards: In 2014, there will be more stringent requirements in the verification process when qualifying for a home mortgage. ", "Many of the changes in government lending standards had already been implemented by lenders, so we do not expect this to severely affect the market as a whole. ", "Certain borrowers, however, such as those who are self-employed, may find it a little more difficult to obtain financing.", "\n\nBottom line: 2014 looks to be another strong year in the housing market, though probably not as strong as 2013. ", "Still, for those looking to buy or sell a home, the stable market offers both sides good reason to jump into the market this year. ", "As always, it is best to speak to a local real estate agent to gauge the market in your area and determine what is best in your particular situation." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nget the list of values for a particular managed property\n\nI have a managed property created. ", "When I use the default SharePoint search, it\ncreates a KQL query that looks something like below\nhttp://site/search/pages/item.aspx?k=*#Default=[\"k\":\"*\",\"r\":[{\"n\":\"String15\",\"t\":[\"\\\"#413342asd2335cddgeh\\\"\"],\"o\":\"and\",\"k\":false,\"m\":null}]}\n\nNow the string15 is a managed property that we have created for ContentType (site column) of a page. ", "It has values like news, blog, post, etc. ", "\nWhen I refine search and click on news, it adds 413342asd2335cddgeh in the KQL and brings up the results. ", "\nHow can I get the ID's of all the ContentType I have? ", "for ex: 413342asd2335cddgeh is the one for \"News\" \nIs it possible to get them using API call? ", "Where can I find them?", "\n\nA:\n\nThis is not an ID it is a encoded value of the text string (I think it is base64 encoding). ", "So you need to base64 encode you values, preferably \"on demand\" (not hard coding the converted values)\n\n" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'This paper considers a three-receiver broadcast channel with degraded message sets and message cognition. ", "The model consists of a common message for all three receivers, a private common message for only two receivers and two additional private messages for these two receivers, such that each receiver is only interested in one message, while being fully cognizant of the other one. ", "First, this model is investigated without any secrecy constraints, where the capacity region is established. ", "This result implies that the straightforward extension of Körner and Marton inner bound to the investigated scenario is optimal. ", "In particular, this agrees with Nair and Wang result, which states that the idea of indirect decoding –introduced to improve Körner and Marton inner bound– does not provide a better region for this scenario. ", "Further, some secrecy constraints are introduced by letting the private messages to be confidential ones. ", "Two different secrecy criteria are considered: joint secrecy and individual secrecy. ", "For both criteria, a general achievable rate region is provided, in addition to establishing the secrecy capacity regions, if the two legitimate receivers are more capable than the eavesdropper. ", "The established capacity regions indicate that the individual secrecy criterion can provide a larger capacity region as compared to the joint one, because the cognizant messages can be used as a secret keys for the other messages. ", "Moreover, the joint secrecy capacity is established for a more general class of more capable channels, where only one of the two legitimate receivers is more capable than the eavesdropper by proving the optimality of the principle of indirect decoding introduced by Nair and El Gamal for this class of channels. ", "This result is in contrast with the non-secrecy case, where the indirect decoding does not provide any gain.'", "\nauthor:\n- 'Ahmed S. Mansour, Rafael F. Schaefer, , and Holger Boche,  [^1] [^2] [^3]'\nbibliography:\n- 'IEEEabrv.bib'\n- 'biblography.bib'\ntitle: Capacity Regions for Broadcast Channels With Degraded Message Sets and Message Cognition Under Different Secrecy Constraints\n---\n\nbroadcast channel, degraded message sets, message cognition, joint secrecy, individual secrecy, capacity regions, more capable channels.", "\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nThe broadcast channel (BC) with degraded message sets was initially introduced by Körner and Marton in [@DMSKM]. ", "They considered a two-receiver BC, where a common message is transmitted to both receivers and a private message is transmitted to only one of them. ", "They established the capacity region for the general BC by providing a strong converse. ", "The extension of Körner and Marton results to the three-receiver BC with two degraded message sets has been considered in [@DMSDT1; @DMSDT2], where it has been shown that the straightforward extension of the Körner and Marton inner bound is optimal for many special cases. ", "In [@DMSNG], Nair and El Gamal considered a three-receiver BC with degraded message sets, where a common message is sent to all three receivers, while a private message is sent to only one receiver. ", "They showed that the straightforward extension of the Körner and Marton inner bound for this scenario is no longer optimal. ", "They presented a new coding scheme known as *indirect decoding* and showed that the resultant inner bound of this technique is strictly greater than the Körner and Marton inner bound. ", "However, in [@DMSNW], Nair and Wang showed that if the private message is to be sent to two receivers instead of one, the idea of indirect decoding does not yield any region better than the Körner and Marton inner bound. ", "Another scenario for three-receiver BC with degraded message sets was considered in [@BCMCT], where a common message is sent to all three receivers, while two private messages are only sent to two receivers with some message cognition at these receivers. ", "In general, the transmission of degraded message sets over three-receiver BC has captured a lot of attention, yet it has not been completely solved as many questions remained unanswered beyond the two-receiver case. ", "Recent work does not only consider reliable transmission, but it also considers more complex scenarios that involve certain secrecy requirements. ", "In particular, *physical layer security* has attracted a lot of researchers nowadays, see for example [@SPLW; @Bloch; @LiangITS; @PLSWC] and references therein. ", "Shannon was the first one to study the problem of secure communication from an information theoretic perspective in [@Shann]. ", "He showed that it can be achieved by a secret key shared between the transmitter and the receiver if the entropy of this key is greater than or equal to the entropy of the message to be transmitted. ", "In [@Wyn], Wyner studied the degraded wiretap channel and proved that secure transmission is still achievable over a noisy channel without any secret key. ", "In [@Csis], Csiszár and Körner extended Wyner’s result to the general BC with common and confidential messages. ", "In [@SK1; @SK2], the previous two approaches were combined by studying the availability of a shared secret key during secure transmission over a wiretap channel. ", "In [@Kang], Kang and Liu proved that the secrecy capacity for this scenario is achieved by combining the wiretap coding principle along with Shannon’s one-time pad idea. ", "Over the years, the integration of confidential and public services over different channels has become very important [@RH14].Despite the tremendous effort of researchers, the extension of Csiszár and Körner’s work to BC with two or more legitimate receivers has remained an open topic. ", "In [@Gamal], Chia and El Gamal investigated the transmission of one common and one confidential message over a BC with two legitimate receivers and one eavesdropper. ", "They derived a general achievable rate region and established the secrecy capacity if the two legitimate receivers are less noisy than the eavesdropper. ", "They also showed that in some cases the indirect decoding can provide an inner bound that is strictly larger than the direct extension of Csiszár and Körner’s approach. ", "In this paper we will investigate the transmission of degraded message sets with two layers over a three-receiver BC under different secrecy constraints. ", "Our model combines the scenarios in [@DMSNW; @BCMCT; @Gamal] as follows: a common message is transmitted to all three receivers, a confidential common message to the two legitimate receivers and two confidential individual messages to the two legitimate receivers, where each receiver is only interested in one them, while being fully cognizant of the other one. ", "This problem is of high interest and importance because it does not only generalize and combine the previous work in [@DMSNW; @BCMCT; @Gamal], but it is also of practical relevance since it can be motivated by the concept of two-phase bidirectional relaying in a three-node network [@Holger; @TPR].In the first phase of the bidirectional relaying, node 1 and node 2 transmit their messages to the relay node which decodes them, while keeping the eavesdropper unable to intercept any information about the transmission. ", "This phase corresponds to the multiple access wiretap channel and was investigated in [@MAC1; @MAC3; @MAC2], where the latter discusses different secrecy criteria. ", "Our work is related to the succeeding broadcast phase, where the relay re-encodes and transmits these messages back to the intended nodes. ", "Since the receiving nodes are cognizant of their own message from the previous pahse, they can use it as an additional side information for decoding. ", "First results for the case where this communication scenario must be protected against an additional eavesdropper appeared in [@Aydin], where different achievable rate regions and an outer bound were provided. ", "In our problem, we have an additional feature as the relay transmits another common confidential message to both legitimate receivers and a common message for all three nodes. ", "The rest of this paper is organized as follows. ", "In Section \\[Sec:BCNS\\], we first introduce the non-secrecy model of the three-receiver BC with degraded message sets and full message cognition. ", "We then establish the capacity region for the general case by providing a weak converse showing that the straightforward extension of Körner and Marton is optimal for this scenario. ", "This result agrees with the one in [@DMSNW], that for this case indirect decoding can not outperform the Körner and Marton inner bound. ", "Then in Section \\[Sec:BCSC\\], we introduce two different secrecy criteria to our model. ", "The first criterion is the conservative *joint secrecy* constraint, where the two legitimate receivers do not trust each other. ", "The second criterion is the *individual secrecy* constraint, which is a more relaxed constraint in the sense that, it puts the mutual trust between the legitimate receivers into consideration. ", "This implies that the confidential message intended for one receiver can be used as a secret key for the other one. ", "In Section \\[Sec:BCJS\\], we provide an achievable rate region for the joint secrecy criterion. ", "We then establish the joint secrecy capacity region if only one of the legitimate receivers is more capable than the eavesdropper using the principle of indirect decoding. ", "In Section \\[Sec:BCIS\\], we provide an achievable rate region for the individual secrecy criterion. ", "We then establish the individual secrecy capacity region if the two legitimate receivers are more capable than the eavesdropper.", "\n\nNotation {#notation .unnumbered}\n--------\n\nIn this paper, random variables are denoted by capital letters and their realizations by the corresponding lower case letters, while calligraphic letters are used to denote sets. ", "$\\mathrm{X}^n$ denotes the sequence of variables $(\\mathrm{X}_1,\\ldots ,\\mathrm{X}_n)$, where $\\mathrm{X}_i$ is the $i^{th}$ variable in the sequence. ", "Additionally, we use $\\tilde{\\mathrm{X}}^i$ to denote the sequence $(\\mathrm{X}_i,\\ldots,\\mathrm{X}_n$). ", "A probability distribution for the random variable X is denoted by $Q(x)$. $\\mathrm{U - V - X}$ denotes a Markov chain of random variable U, V and X in this order, while $\\mathrm{(U - V, K) - X - Y}$ implies that $\\mathrm{U - V - X - Y}$ and $\\mathrm{K - X - Y}$ are Markov chains. ", "$\\mathbb{R}_+$ is used to denote the set of nonnegative real numbers. ", "$\\mathbb {H}(\\cdot)$ and $\\mathbb{I}(\\cdot;\\cdot)$ are the traditional entropy and mutual information. ", "The probability of an event is given by $\\mathbb{P}[\\cdot]$, while $\\mathbb{E}[\\cdot]$ is used to represent the expectation. ", "Moreover, $\\llbracket a,b \\rrbracket$ is used to represent the set of natural numbers between $a$ and $b$.\n\nBC with Degraded Message Sets and Message Cognition {#Sec:BCNS}\n===================================================\n\nIn this section, we investigate the three-receiver BC with degraded message sets and message cognition without any secrecy constraints. ", "First, we introduce our model, then establish the capacity region for the general three-receiver BC with two degraded message sets.", "\n\nSystem Model and Channel Comparison\n-----------------------------------\n\nLet $\\mathcal{X}$, $\\mathcal{Y}_1$, $\\mathcal{Y}_2$ and $\\mathcal{Z}$ be finite input and output sets. ", "Then for input and output sequences $x^n \\in \\mathcal{X}^n$, $y_1^n \\in \\mathcal{Y}_1^n$, $y_2^n \\in \\mathcal{Y}_2^n$ and $z^n \\in \\mathcal{Z}^n$ of length $n$, the discrete memoryless BC is given by $$Q^n(y_1^n , y_2^n , z^n \\arrowvert x^n) = \\prod_{k=1}^n Q({y_1}_k, {y_2}_k, z_k \\arrowvert x_k),$$ where $x^n$ represents the transmitted sequence, $y_1^n$, $y_2^n$ and $z^n$ represent the received sequence at the three receivers. ", "Before we discuss our model in details, we need to introduce two important classes of BCs, that we will address a lot in our investigation. ", "The first one is the class of *less noisy* channels, while the other one is the class of *more capable* channels.", "\n\nIn a discrete memoryless BC $Q(y,z\\arrowvert x)$, $\\mathrm{Y}$ is said to be less noisy than $\\mathrm{Z}$, also written as $\\mathrm{Y \\succeq Z}$, if for every random variable $\\mathrm{V}$ such that $\\mathrm{V - X - (Y,Z)}$ forms a Markov chain, we have $$\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V;Y}) \\geq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V;Z)}. ", "\n\\label{Equ:LessN}$$ On the other hand, $\\mathrm{Y}$ is said to be more capable than $\\mathrm{Z}$, if for every input distribution on $\\mathrm{X}$, we have $$\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y}) \\geq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Z)}. ", "\n\\label{Equ:MoreCap}$$\n\nThe class of more capable channels is strictly wider than the less noisy one. ", "It can be shown that any less noisy channel is a more capable one. ", "Further, it was shown that the class of less noisy channels contains the physically and stochastically degraded channels [@Gamal2]. ", "We consider the standard model with a block code of arbitrary but fixed length $n$. We consider four different messages sets. ", "The first set contains the common messages for all three receivers and is denoted by $\\mathcal{M}_c = \\llbracket 1,2^{nR_c} \\rrbracket$. The second set is denoted by $\\mathcal{M}_0 = \\llbracket 1,2^{nR_0} \\rrbracket$ and contains the private common messages for Receivers $1$ and $2$. While the last two sets contain the individual private messages $\\mathcal{M}_1 = \\llbracket 1,2^{nR_1} \\rrbracket$ and $\\mathcal{M}_2 = \\llbracket 1,2^{nR_2} \\rrbracket$. Further, we assume full message cognition at $\\mathrm{Y}_1$ and $\\mathrm{Y}_2$[^4], such that $\\mathrm{Y}_1$ is cognizant of the entire message $\\mathrm{M}_2$ and $\\mathrm{Y}_2$ of the entire message $\\mathrm{M}_1$ as shown in Fig. ", "\\[Fig:BCNS\\].", "\n\n[max size=[.48]{}[.85]{}]{}\n\n(Chan) [Channel]{}; (Enc) [Encoder]{}; (help11) ; (help1) ; (M0) [$\\mathrm{M}_0$]{}; (MC) [$\\mathrm{M}_c$]{}; (M1) [$\\mathrm{M}_1$]{}; (M2) [$\\mathrm{M}_2$]{}; (M0C) ; (MCC) ; (M1C) ; (M2C) ; (help2); (side2) [$\\mathrm{M}_1$]{}; (Decoder2) [Receiver 2]{}; (side1) [$\\mathrm{M}_2$]{}; (Decoder1) [Receiver 1]{}; (Evas) [Receiver 3]{}; (Sink1) ; (Sink2) ; (Sink3) ; (MC) – (MCC); (M0) – (M0C); (M1) – (M1C); (M2) – (M2C); (Enc) – node [$\\mathrm{X}^n$]{} (Chan); (Chan.59) – node [$\\mathrm{Y}_1^n$]{} (Decoder1.172); (side1) – (Decoder1.187); (Chan.9) – node [$\\mathrm{Y}_2^n$]{} (Decoder2.173); (side2) – (Decoder2.187); (Chan.304) – node [$\\mathrm{Z}^n$ ]{}(Evas); (Decoder1) – node [$(\\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_c,\\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_0, \\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_1)$]{} (Sink1); (Decoder2) – node [$(\\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_c,\\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_0, \\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_2)$]{} (Sink2); (Evas) – node \\[above\\] [$\\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_c$]{} (Sink3);\n\nA $(2^{nR_c},2^{nR_0},2^{nR_1},2^{nR_2},n)$ code $\\mathcal{C}_n$ for the BC with degraded message sets and message cognition consists of: four independent message sets $\\mathcal{M}_c$, $\\mathcal{M}_0$, $\\mathcal{M}_1$ and $\\mathcal{M}_2$; an encoding function at the transmitter $$E :\\mathcal{M}_c \\times \\mathcal{M}_0 \\times \\mathcal{M}_1 \\times \\mathcal{M}_2 \\rightarrow \\mathcal{X}^n$$ which maps a message quadruple $(m_c,m_0,m_1,m_2) \\in \\mathcal{M}_c \\times \\mathcal{M}_0 \\times \\mathcal{M}_1 \\times \\mathcal{M}_2$ to a codeword $x^n(m_c,m_0,m_1,m_2)$; and three decoders, one at each receiver $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\varphi_1 &: \\mathcal{Y}_1^n \\times \\mathcal{M}_2 \\rightarrow \\mathcal{M}_c \\times \\mathcal{M}_0 \\times \\mathcal{M}_1 \\cup \\{?\\} \\\\ \n\\varphi_2 &: \\mathcal{Y}_2^n \\times \\mathcal{M}_1 \\rightarrow \\mathcal{M}_c \\times \\mathcal{M}_0 \\times \\mathcal{M}_2 \\cup \\{?\\} \\\\\n\\varphi_3 &: \\mathcal{Z}^n \\rightarrow \\mathcal{M}_c \\cup \\{?\\} \\end{aligned}$$ that maps each channel observation at the respective receiver and the cognizant message to the corresponding intended messages or an error message $\\{?\\}$.\n\nWe assume that the messages $\\mathrm{M}_c$, $\\mathrm{M}_0$, $\\mathrm{M}_1$ and $\\mathrm{M}_2$ are independent and chosen uniformly at random. ", "The reliability performance of $\\mathcal{C}_n$ is measured in terms of its average probability of error $$\\begin{aligned}\nP_e(\\mathcal{C}_n) &\\triangleq \\mathbb{P} \\Big[ \\mathrm{ (\\hat{M}_c, \\hat{M}_0, \\hat{M}_1) \\neq (M_c, M_0, M_1) \\text{ or }} \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\mathrm{(\\tilde{M}_c, \\tilde{M}_0,\\tilde{M}_2) \\neq (M_c, M_0, M_2) \\text{ or } \\check{M}_c \\neq M_c} \\Big],\n\\label{Equ:ErrorProb}\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\mathrm{(\\hat{M}_c, \\hat{M}_0, \\hat{M}_1)}$, $\\mathrm{(\\tilde{M}_c, \\tilde{M}_0, \\tilde{M}_2)}$ and $\\mathrm{\\check{M}_c}$ are the estimated messages at $\\mathrm{Y}_1$, $\\mathrm{Y}_2$ and $\\mathrm{Z}$ respectively.", "\n\nA rate quadruple $(R_c,R_0,R_1,R_2) \\in \\mathbb{R}_+^4$ is achievable for the BC with degraded message sets and message cognition, if there exists a sequence of $(2^{nR_c},2^{nR_0},2^{nR_1}, 2^{nR_2}, n)$ codes $\\mathcal{C}_n$ and a sequence $\\epsilon_n$, such that for $n$ is large enough, the following holds $$P_e (\\mathcal{C}_n) \\leq \\epsilon_n \\hspace{1cm} \\text{and} \\hspace{1cm} \\lim_{n \\rightarrow \\infty} \\epsilon_n = 0. ", "\n\\label{Equ:NSAchCond}$$\n\nCapacity Region\n---------------\n\nThe capacity region of the three-receiver BC with degraded message sets and message cognition is the set of all rate quadruples $(R_c,R_0,R_1,R_2) \\in \\mathbb{R}_+^4$ that satisfy $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (U;Z)} \\nonumber \\\\\nR_0 + R_1 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_1\\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber \\\\\nR_0 + R_2 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_2\\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber \\\\\nR_c + R_0 + R_1 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_1)} \\nonumber \\\\\nR_c + R_0 + R_2 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_2)}\n\\label{Equ:NSCap} \\end{aligned}$$ for some $\\mathrm{(U,X)}$, such that $\\mathrm{U - X - (Y_1, Y_2, Z)}$ forms a Markov chain. ", "Further it suffices to have $\\arrowvert \\mathcal{U} \\arrowvert \\leq \\arrowvert \\mathcal{X} \\arrowvert + 2$. \\[Ther:BCNS\\]\n\nThe achievability follows directly from the straightforward extension of the Körner and Marton inner bound in [@DMSKM] to three-receiver BC with degraded message sets and message cognition as in [@DMSNW; @BCMCT]. ", "For the converse, we start by establishing the reliability upper bounds for any achievable rates. ", "Based on Fano’s inequality, the expression of the average error probability in and the reliability constraint given by , we have $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\mathbb{H}(\\mathrm{M}_c \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Z}^n), \\mathbb{H}( \\mathrm{M}_c \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Y}_1^n \\mathrm{M}_2), \\mathbb{H}(\\mathrm{M}_c \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Y}_2^n \\mathrm{M}_1) \\leq n\\gamma_c (\\epsilon_n) \\label{Equ:RelComCod} \\\\\n\\mathbb{H}(\\mathrm{M_0 M_1} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Y}_1^n \\mathrm{M}_2 \\mathrm{M}_c) \\leq n\\gamma_1 (\\epsilon_n) \\label{Equ:RelFirCond} \\\\\n\\mathbb{H}(\\mathrm{M_0 M_2} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Y}_2^n \\mathrm{M}_1 \\mathrm{M}_c) \\leq n\\gamma_2 (\\epsilon_n) \\label{Equ:RelSecCond}\\end{gathered}$$ where $\\gamma_c(\\epsilon_n)= 1/n + \\epsilon_n R_c$, $\\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n) = 1/n + \\epsilon_n(R_0 + R_1)$ and $\\gamma_2(\\epsilon_n) = 1/n + \\epsilon_n(R_0 + R_2)$. Next, we let $\\mathrm{U}_i \\triangleq (\\mathrm{M}_c,\\tilde {\\mathrm{Z}}^{i+1})$, $\\mathrm{K}_i^1 \\triangleq \\mathrm{Y}_1^{i-1}$, $\\mathrm{K}_i^2 \\triangleq \\mathrm{Y}_2^{i-1}$, $\\mathrm{M \\triangleq (M_0, M_1, M_2)}$, $\\mathrm{V}_i \\triangleq (\\mathrm{M},\\mathrm {U}_i)$, $\\mathrm{V}_i^1 \\triangleq (\\mathrm{V}_i, \\mathrm{K}_i^1)$ and $\\mathrm{V}_i^2 \\triangleq (\\mathrm{V}_i, \\mathrm{K}_i^2)$. We then start by considering the common rate $R_c$. Using Eq. , ", "we have $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c &\\leq \\frac{1}{n} \\Big[ \\mathbb{H}(\\mathrm{M}_c) - \\mathbb{H} (\\mathrm{M}_c \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Z}^n) \\Big] + \\gamma_c(\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber\\\\\n&= \\frac{1}{n} \\mathbb{I} (\\mathrm{M}_c;\\mathrm{Z}^n) + \\gamma_c(\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber \\\\\n&= \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M}_c;\\mathrm{Z}_i \\arrowvert \\tilde{\\mathrm{Z}}^{i+1}) + \\gamma_c(\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber \\\\\n&\\leq \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M}_c \\tilde{\\mathrm{Z}}^{i+1} ;\\mathrm{Z}_i) + \\gamma_c(\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber \\\\\n&= \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\mathbb{I} (\\mathrm{U}_i;\\mathrm{Z}_i) + \\gamma_c(\\epsilon_n). ", "\n\\label{Equ:ConvNS1_1}\\end{aligned}$$ Next, we consider the sum of the private rates $(R_0 + R_1)$ which are intended for receiver $\\mathrm{Y}_1$. We have $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_0 &+ R_1 \\overset{(a)}{\\leq} \\frac{1}{n} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M_0 M_1;Y}_1^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_2 \\mathrm{M}_c) + \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(b)}{\\leq} \\frac{1}{n} \\Big[\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Y}_1^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c) + \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c) \\Big] \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\qquad+ \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber\\\\\n&= \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\Big[ \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Y}_{1i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c \\mathrm{Y}_1^{i-1}) + \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c \\tilde{\\mathrm{Z}} ^{i+1}) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\qquad - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c \\tilde{\\mathrm{Z}}^{i+1})\\Big] + \\gamma_1 (\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(c)}{=} \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\Big[ \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M; Y}_{1i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c \\mathrm{Y}_1^{i-1} \\tilde{\\mathrm{Z}}^{i+1}) + \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c \\tilde{\\mathrm{Z}}^{i+1}) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\qquad - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c \\mathrm{Y}_1^{i-1} \\tilde{\\mathrm{Z}}^{i+1}) \\Big] + \\gamma_1 (\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber\\\\\n&= \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\Big[\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^1; \\mathrm{Y}_{1i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i \\mathrm{K}_i^1) - \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^1;\\mathrm{Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i \\mathrm{K}_i^1) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\qquad + \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i;\\mathrm{Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i) \\Big] + \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n), \n\\label{Equ:ConvNS1_2}\\end{aligned}$$ where $(a)$ follows from ; $(b)$ follows as $\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Y}_1^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c) \\geq \\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I}(M_0 M_1;Y}_1^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_2 \\mathrm{M}_c)$ and $(c)$ follows by the Csiszár sum identity [@Csis Lemma 7]. ", "If we use Eq. ", "and follow the exact same steps, we can derive a similar bound for the sum of the private rates $(R_0 + R_2)$ intended for receiver $\\mathrm{Y}_2$ as follows: $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_0 + R_2 &\\leq \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\Big[\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^2; \\mathrm{Y}_{2i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i \\mathrm{K}_i^2) - \\mathbb{I}( \\mathrm{V}_i^2;\\mathrm{Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i \\mathrm{K}_i^2) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\qquad + \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i;\\mathrm{Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i)\\Big] + \\gamma_2(\\epsilon_n). ", "\n\\label{Equ:ConvNS1_3}\\end{aligned}$$ Now using , and followed by introducing a time sharing random variable $\\mathrm{T}$ independent of all others and uniformly distributed over $\\llbracket 1; n \\rrbracket$ and let $\\mathrm{U} = (\\mathrm{U}_T, \\mathrm{T})$, $\\mathrm{K}^1 = (\\mathrm{K}_T^1, \\mathrm{T})$, $\\mathrm{K}^2 = (\\mathrm{K}_T^2, \\mathrm{T})$, $\\mathrm{V} = \\mathrm{V}_T$, $\\mathrm{V}^1 = \\mathrm{V}_T^1$, $\\mathrm{V}^2 = \\mathrm{V}_T^2$, $\\mathrm{Y}_1 = \\mathrm{Y}_{1T}$, $\\mathrm{Y}_2 = \\mathrm{Y}_{2T}$ and $\\mathrm{Z} = \\mathrm{Z}_T$, then take the limit as $n \\rightarrow \\infty$ such that, $\\gamma_c(\\epsilon_n)$, $\\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n)$ and $\\gamma_2(\\epsilon_n) \\rightarrow 0$, we reach the following\n\n\\[Equ:ConvNS1\\_4\\] $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (U;Z)} \\label{Equ:ConvNS1_4_1} \\\\\nR_0 + R_1 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^1;Y_1 \\arrowvert U K^1) - \\mathbb{I}(V^1;Z \\arrowvert U K^1) + \\mathbb{I}(V;Z \\arrowvert U)} \\label{Equ:ConvNS1_4_2} \\\\\nR_0 + R_2 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^2;Y_2 \\arrowvert U K^2) - \\mathbb{I}(V^2;Z \\arrowvert U K^2) + \\mathbb{I}(V;Z \\arrowvert U)} \\label{Equ:ConvNS1_4_3},\\end{aligned}$$\n\nwhere ${ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyle\\mathrm{(U - V, K^1) - V^1 - X - (Y_1,Y_2,Z)}$}}$ and ${ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyle\\mathrm{(U - V,K^2)- V^2}$}}$ ${ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyle\\mathrm{- X - (Y_1,Y_2,Z)}$}}$ form Markov chains. ", "Since the conditional mutual information is the expectation of the unconditional one, Eq. ", "can be further upper-bounded as follows: $$\\begin{aligned}\n{ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleR_0 + R_1$}} &\\leq { \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyle\\mathbb{E}_{\\mathrm{K}^1} \\Big[\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^1;Y_1 \\arrowvert U}, \\mathrm{K}^1) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^1;Z \\arrowvert U},\\mathrm{K}^1)\\Big]$}} \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\qquad + \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V;Z \\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(a)} {\\leq} { \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyle\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^1;Y_1 \\arrowvert U,\\space K^1}=k^{1*}) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (V^1;Z \\arrowvert U, \\space K^1} = k^{1*})$}} \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\qquad + \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V;Z \\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(b)} {=} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^{1*};Y_1 \\arrowvert U)} - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^{1*};Z \\arrowvert U)} + \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V;Z \\arrowvert U)} \\label{Equ:ConvNS1_5}\\end{aligned}$$ where $(a)$ follows as $k^{1*}$ is the value of $\\mathrm {K}^1$ that maximizes the difference ${ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyle\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^1;Y_1 \\arrowvert U, K^1}=k^1) - \\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I}(V^1;Z \\arrowvert U, K^1} = k^1)$}}$; while $(b)$ follows because $\\mathrm {V^{1*}}$ is distributed as ${ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleQ(v^1 \\arrowvert u, v,$}}$ $k^1= k^{1*})$ [@LiangITS Corollary 2.3]. ", "This implies that the right hand side of Eq. ", "is maximized by setting $\\mathrm{K}^1= k^{1*}$. Using this result, we can upper-bound Eq. ", "as follows: $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_0+R_1 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^1;Y_1 \\arrowvert U K^1) - \\mathbb{I}(V^1;Z \\arrowvert U K^1) + \\mathbb{I}(V;Z \\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(a)}{=}\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^1;Y_1 \\arrowvert U K^1) + \\mathbb{I}(K^1;Z \\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(K^1;Z \\arrowvert V)} \\nonumber\\\\ \n&\\overset{(b)}{\\leq} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^1;Y_1 \\arrowvert U,\\space K^1}=k^{1*}) + \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{K}^1 = k^{1*}; \\mathrm{Z \\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\quad \\quad - \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{K}^1 = k^{1*};\\mathrm{Z \\arrowvert V)} \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(c)} {=} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^{1*};Y_1 \\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(d)} {\\leq} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_1 \\arrowvert U)}, \\label{Equ:ConvNS1_7}\\end{aligned}$$ where $(a)$ follows by the mutual information chain rule; $(b)$ follows because setting $\\mathrm{K}^1= k^{1*}$ maximizes the right hand side of Eq. ; ", "$(c)$ follows because $\\mathbb{I}(k^{1*}; \\mathrm{Z \\arrowvert U)}$ and $\\mathbb{I}(k^{1*}; \\mathrm{Z \\arrowvert V)}$ vanish for a fixed realization for $\\mathrm{K}^1 = k^{1*}$; while $(d)$ follows from the data processing inequality and the fact that $\\mathrm{U - V^{1*} - X -}$ $\\mathrm{(Y_1,Y_2,Z)}$ forms a Markov chain, which implies that $\\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I}(V^{1*};Y_1 \\arrowvert U) \\leq \\mathbb{I}(X;Y_1 \\arrowvert U)}$. It is important to point out that this bound can also be derived from Eq. ", "by investigating the structure of $\\mathrm{V}^{1*}$. Since $\\mathrm{V^1 = (V,K^1)}$, at certain value of $\\mathrm{K}^1 = k^{1*}$, $\\mathrm{V}^1$ changes to $\\mathrm{V^{1*} = (V^1},k^{1*})$. Thus $\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^{1*};Z \\arrowvert U)}$ is equivalent to the summation of $\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V;Z \\arrowvert U)}$ and $\\mathbb{I}(k^{1*}; \\mathrm{Z \\arrowvert V)}$. If we substitute this in , we can reach the same bound in . ", "Now, If we apply the same steps and ideas to Eq. , ", "we can derive the following bound: $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_0 + R_2 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^{2*};Y_2 \\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_2 \\arrowvert U)}, \\label{Equ:ConvNS1_8}\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\mathrm{U - V - V^{2*} - X - (Y_1,Y_2,Z)}$ forms a Markov chain and $\\mathrm {V^{2*}}$ is distributed as $Q(v^2 \\arrowvert u, v, k^2= k^{2*})$ such that, $k^{2*}$ is the value of $\\mathrm{K}^2$ that maximizes the difference $\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^2;Y_2 \\arrowvert U, K^2}=k^2) - \\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I}(V^2;Z \\arrowvert U, K^2} = k^2)$. At this point we need to illustrate an important fact. ", "One might argue that getting rid of the two conditional random variables $\\mathrm {K}^1$ and $\\mathrm{K}^2$ as we did, can not be done simultaneously because $\\mathrm{K}^1$ and $\\mathrm{K}^2$ might be dependent, such that the maximizing values $k^{1*}$ and $k^{2*}$ can not occur concurrently. ", "However, this argument does not affect our converse because it only implies that the derived upper bounds might not be as tight as the original ones. ", "To finalize our converse, we need to highlight the standard upper bounds for reliable transmission $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c + R_0 + R_1 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_1)} \\nonumber\\\\\nR_c + R_0 + R_2 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_2)}. ", "\\label{Equ:ConvNS1_9}\\end{aligned}$$ Now, if we combine along with , and such that $\\mathrm{U - X - (Y_1,Y_2,Z)}$ forms a Markov chain, we reach the same region given by . ", "In order to complete our converse, we need to highlight that the cardinality argument $\\arrowvert \\mathcal{U} \\arrowvert \\leq \\arrowvert \\mathcal{X} \\arrowvert + 2$ follows from the Fenchel-Bunt strengthening of the usual Carathéodory’s theorem [@Gamal2 Appendix C].", "\n\nSecrecy in BC with Degraded Message Sets and Message Cognition {#Sec:BCSC}\n==============================================================\n\nIn this section, we will investigate the three-receiver BC with degraded message sets and message cognition under two different secrecy constraints: Joint secrecy and individual secrecy. ", "We compare these two criteria by investigating their capacity regions for some special cases and show that the individual secrecy provides a larger secrecy capacity compared to the joint one.", "\n\nSecrecy Model and Criteria\n--------------------------\n\nWe start by modifying the model introduced in the previous section, such that the private messages $\\mathrm{M_0, M_1}$ and $\\mathrm{M}_2$ are now confidential messages that need to be kept secret from the eavesdropper as shown in Figure \\[Fig:BCWS\\]. ", "Our new code is defined as follows:\n\n\\[h\\]\n\n[max size=[.48]{}[.8]{}]{}\n\n(Chan) [Channel]{}; (Enc) [Encoder]{}; (help11) ; (help1) ; (M0) [$\\mathrm{M}_0$]{}; (MC) [$\\mathrm{M}_c$]{}; (M1) [$\\mathrm{M}_1$]{}; (M2) [$\\mathrm{M}_2$]{}; (M0C) ; (MCC) ; (M1C) ; (M2C) ; (help2); (side2) [$\\mathrm{M}_1$]{}; (Decoder2) [Receiver 2]{}; (side1) [$\\mathrm{M}_2$]{}; (Decoder1) [Receiver 1]{}; (Evas) [Eavesdropper]{}; (Sink1) ; (Sink2) ; (Sink3) ; (MC) – (MCC); (M0) – (M0C); (M1) – (M1C); (M2) – (M2C); (Enc) – node [$\\mathrm{X}^n$]{} (Chan); (Chan.59) – node [$\\mathrm{Y}_1^n$]{} (Decoder1.172); (side1) – (Decoder1.187); (Chan.9) – node [$\\mathrm{Y}_2^n$]{} (Decoder2.173); (side2) – (Decoder2.187); (Chan.304) – node [$\\mathrm{Z}^n$ ]{}(Evas); (Decoder1) – node [$(\\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_c,\\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_0, \\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_1)$]{} (Sink1); (Decoder2) – node [$(\\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_c,\\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_0, \\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_2)$]{} (Sink2); (Evas) – node \\[above\\] [$\\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_c$]{} node \\[below\\] [$(\\mathrm{M}_0,\\mathrm{M}_1,\\mathrm{M}_2)$ Secret]{} (Sink3);\n\nA $(2^{nR_c},2^{nR_0},2^{nR_1},2^{nR_2},n)$ code $\\mathcal{C}^s_n$ for the wiretap BC with degraded message sets and message cognition consists of: four independent message sets $\\mathcal{M}_c$, $\\mathcal{M}_0$, $\\mathcal{M}_1$ and $\\mathcal{M}_2$; a source of local randomness at the encoder $\\mathcal{R}$ which is distributed according to $Q(r)$; an encoding function at the relay node $$E :\\mathcal{M}_c \\times \\mathcal{M}_0 \\times \\mathcal{M}_1 \\times \\mathcal{M}_2 \\times \\mathcal{R} \\rightarrow \\mathcal{X}^n$$ which maps a common message $m_c \\in \\mathcal{M}_c$, a confidential message triple $(m_0,m_1 , m_2) \\in \\mathcal{M}_0 \\times \\mathcal{M}_1 \\times \\mathcal{M}_2$ and a realization of the local randomness $r \\in \\mathcal{R}$ to a codeword $x^n(m_c,m_0,m_1,m_2,r)$, and three decoders, one for each node $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\varphi_1 &: \\mathcal{Y}_1^n \\times \\mathcal{M}_2 \\rightarrow \\mathcal{M}_c \\times \\mathcal{M}_0 \\times \\mathcal{M}_1 \\cup \\{?\\} \\\\ \n\\varphi_2 &: \\mathcal{Y}_2^n \\times \\mathcal{M}_1 \\rightarrow \\mathcal{M}_c \\times \\mathcal{M}_0 \\times \\mathcal{M}_2 \\cup \\{?\\} \\\\\n\\varphi_3 &: \\mathcal{Z}^n \\rightarrow \\mathcal{M}_c \\cup \\{?\\} \\end{aligned}$$ that maps each channel observation at the respective node and the cognizant message to the corresponding required messages or an error message $\\{?\\}$.\n\nWe assume that the messages $\\mathrm{M}_c$, $\\mathrm{M}_0$, $\\mathrm{M}_1$ and $\\mathrm{M}_2$ are chosen uniformly at random and use the average error probability in to measure the reliability performance of the code $\\mathcal{C}^s_n$. On the other hand, the secrecy performance of $\\mathcal{C}^s_n$ is measured with respect to two different criteria. ", "These two criteria identify the level of ignorance of the eavesdropper[^5] about the confidential messages $\\mathrm{M}_0 $, $\\mathrm{M}_1$ and $\\mathrm{M}_2$ as follows: This criterion requires the leakage of the confidential messages of one user to the eavesdropper given the individual message of the other user to be small. ", "For our model, this requirement can be expressed as follows: $$\\begin{gathered}\n\\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_0 M_1};\\mathrm{Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_2}) \\leq \\tau_{1n} \\hspace{0.5cm} \\text{and} \\hspace{0.5cm} \\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_0 M_2};\\mathrm{Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_1}) \\leq \\tau_{2n},\\nonumber \\\\\n\\text{where } \\lim_{n \\rightarrow \\infty} \\tau_{1n},\\tau_{2n} = 0.", "\n\\label{Equ:JoiCond} \\end{gathered}$$ This criterion guarantees that the rate of information leaked to the eavesdropper from one user is small even if the other individual transmitted message is compromised. ", "Thus, in this scenario the legitimate receivers do not have to trust each other. ", "In some literature, the joint secrecy criterion is defined such that, the mutual leakage of all confidential messages to the eavesdropper is small as follows: $$\\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_0 M_1 M_2 ;Z}^n) \\leq \\tau_n \\hspace{0.5cm} \\text{and} \\hspace{0.5cm} \\lim_{n \\rightarrow \\infty} \\tau_{n} = 0.\\label{Equ:MJoiSec}$$ One can easily show that the definition in is equivalent to the one in for some $\\tau_n$ as follows: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_0 M_1 M_2 ;Z}^n) &= \\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_0 M_1};\\mathrm{Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_2}) + \\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_2};\\mathrm{Z}^n) \\\\ \n&\\overset{(a)}{\\leq} \\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_0 M_1};\\mathrm{Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_2}) + \\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_2};\\mathrm{Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_1}) \\\\\n&\\overset{(b)}{\\leq} \\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_0 M_1};\\mathrm{Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_2}) + \\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_0 M_2};\\mathrm{Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_1}) \\\\ \n&\\leq \\tau_{1n} + \\tau_{2n} \\leq \\tau_n, \\end{aligned}$$ where $(a)$ follows because $\\mathrm{M}_1$ and $\\mathrm{M}_2$ are independent which implies that $ \\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_2};\\mathrm{Z}^n) \\leq \\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_2};\\mathrm{Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_1})$; while $(b)$ follows because $ \\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_2};\\mathrm{Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_1}) \\leq \\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_0 M_2};\\mathrm{Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_1})$. On the other hand, if Eq. ", "holds, it follows directly that $\\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_0 M_1}; \\mathrm{Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_2}) \\leq \\tau_n$ and $\\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_0 M_2};\\mathrm{Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_1}) \\leq \\tau_n$. However, we prefer the definition in , because it provides a better understanding to the relation between the legitimate receivers and allows us to interpret the immunity of the joint secrecy against compromised receivers. ", "This criterion requires the leakage of the confidential messages of each user to the eavesdropper to be small without conditioning on the confidential messages of the others users. ", "This requirement can be formulated as follows: $${ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyle\\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_0 M_1};\\mathrm{Z}^n) \\leq \\tau_{1n} \\hspace{0.5cm} \\text{and} \\hspace{0.5cm} \\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_0 M_2};\\mathrm{Z}^n ) \\leq \\tau_{2n},$}} \n\\label{Equ:IndCond}$$ where $\\tau_{1n}$ and $\\tau_{2n}$ are defined as before. ", "Differently from the conservative constraint in , where different users do not trust each other, this secrecy measure allows the legitimate receivers to cooperate in protecting their messages against eavesdropping. ", "In some literatures the individual secrecy criterion requires the sum of the leakages of each confidential message to the eavesdropper to be small as: $$\\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_0 ;Z}^n) + \\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_1 ;Z}^n) + \\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_2 ;Z}^n) \\leq \\tau_n.", "\n\\label{Equ:IndSec}$$ However, this definition is only equivalent to the one in if $\\mathrm{M}_0 = \\emptyset$, but in general they are not the same. ", "In fact, the constraint in is stronger than this one. ", "This is because Eq. ", "directly implies Eq. , ", "while the opposite is not correct. ", "The difference between these two definitions is in the interpretation of the word individual. ", "In , individuality means different transmission flows, while in it means different confidential messages. ", "In this paper, we will use the individual secrecy constraint given in because it implies the other constraint in and we think it is more convenient and meaningful.", "\n\nA rate quadruple $(R_c,R_0,R_1,R_2) \\in \\mathbb{R}_+^4$ is achievable for the wiretap BC with degraded message sets and message cognition, if there exist a sequence of $(2^{nR_c},2^{nR_0}, 2^{nR_1},2^{nR_2}, n)$ codes $\\mathcal{C}^s_n$ and three sequences $\\epsilon_n,\\tau_{1n}, \\tau_{2n}$, where $n$ is large enough, such that $$P_e (\\mathcal{C}_n) \\leq \\epsilon_n, \\hspace{1.5cm} \\lim_{n \\rightarrow \\infty} \\epsilon_n,\\tau_{1n},\\tau_{2n}= 0.", "\n\\label{Equ:AchCond}$$ and depending on the selected secrecy criterion, the conditions in or are fulfilled.", "\n\nIt is worth mentioning that the previous definition and the requirements of the joint and individual secrecy criteria use the notation of strong secrecy [@StrongSec1; @StrongSec], where the intuition is to have the total amount of information leaked to the eavesdropper to be small.", "\n\nIndividual Secrecy in Shannon’s Ciphering System\n------------------------------------------------\n\nIn this subsection, we will use Shannon’s ciphering system to show why addressing individual secrecy with respect to different messages might be misleading, and that it is more consistent to interpret individuality with respect to different transmission flows. ", "We consider the scenario given by Figure \\[Fig:SCS\\]. ", "Shannon studied this model under the following secrecy constraint: $$\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;X)}= 0. ", "\\label{Equ:ShaSec}$$\n\n\\[H\\]\n\n[max size=[.48]{}[.8]{}]{}\n\n(Chan) ; (help) ; (Enc) [Encoder]{}; (Key) [$\\mathrm{K}$]{}; (Dec) [Decoder]{}; (Evas) [Eavesdropper]{}; (M) ; (Sink1) ; (Sink2) ;\n\n\\(M) – node\\[above\\] [$\\mathrm{M}$]{} node\\[below\\] [$\\mathrm{M_1,M_2}$]{} (Enc); (Enc) – node [$\\mathrm{X}$]{} (Dec); (Key) -| (Enc); (Key) -| (Dec); (Enc) – ++(2,0) |- (Evas); (Dec) – node\\[above\\] [$\\hat{\\mathrm{M}}$]{} node\\[below\\] [$\\mathrm{\\hat{M}_1, \\hat{M}_2}$]{} (Sink1); (Evas) – node\\[above\\] [$\\mathrm{M}$ Secret]{} node \\[below\\] [$\\mathrm{M_1,M_2}$ Secret]{} (Sink2);\n\nHe proved that this requirement is achieved if $\\mathrm{\\mathbb{H}(M) = \\mathbb{H}(K)}$, where $K$ is the secret key shared between the transmitter and the receiver. ", "In practical, it is hard to fulfill this condition because secret keys are usually shorter than the message. ", "Now assume that we have a secret key such that $\\mathrm{\\mathbb{H}(K) = \\frac{1}{2} \\mathbb{H}(M)}$. We can construct the following coding strategy. ", "First, we divide $\\mathrm{M}$ into two messages $\\mathrm{M}_1$ and $\\mathrm{M}_2$, such that $\\mathrm{\\mathbb{H}(M_1) = \\mathbb{H}(M_2) = \\mathbb{H}(K)}$. We then construct a new secret key $\\tilde{\\mathrm{K}}$ by concatenating $\\mathrm{K}$ and $\\mathrm{M}_1$. Now the encoder outputs $\\mathrm{X = M \\otimes \\tilde{K}}$, which is equivalent to the concatenation of $\\mathrm{M_1 \\otimes K}$ and $\\mathrm{M_2 \\otimes M_1}$. The decoder works in the following order, it first extracts $\\mathrm{\\hat{M}_1}$ from the first part of $\\mathrm{X}$ by *Xoring* it with the shared secret key $\\mathrm{K}$, then it use $\\mathrm{\\hat{M}_1}$ to extract $\\mathrm{\\hat{M}}_2$ from the second part of $\\mathrm{X}$. Using this technique, we can overcome the problem of short secret key, however we need to understand the drawbacks of such technique. ", "Aside form the problem of error progression that arises form using the estimated $\\mathrm{\\hat{M}_1}$ to decode $\\mathrm{M}_2$, this technique does not fulfill the secrecy constraint in . ", "However, it fulfill the following individual secrecy constraint: $$\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M_1;X) + \\mathbb{I}(M_2;X)} = 0. ", "\\label{Equ:ShaIndSec}$$ In general, we can extend this coding technique for short keys with smaller entropy by dividing the message $\\mathrm{M}$ into smaller messages of the same entropy as the given key as $\\mathrm{M} = \\prod_{i=1}^L \\mathrm{M}_i$. We can show that, the previous technique grants a certain secrecy level such that, the sum of the leakage of the small messages to the eavesdropper is small.", "The difference between the two secrecy measures in the previous example is related to how to address the secrecy of information transmitted to a single user; whether it should be protected as a one big entity or it can be divided into smaller parts, where each part is protected separately. ", "This issue is identical to the problem of identifying the individual secrecy and whether individuality means different users or different messages. ", "That is why, we preferred the individual secrecy constraint in because it requires the whole information transmitted to a certain user to be protected as one big entity. ", "In our opinion, this is a more consistent and meaningful notation.", "\n\nSecrecy Capacity Regions: Joint Vs Individual\n---------------------------------------------\n\nIn this subsection, we will try to highlight the differences between the joint and the individual secrecy criteria. ", "To do so, we will compare the secrecy capacity region of both criteria for some special cases. ", "Before we discuss these results, we need to introduce the following lemma.", "\n\nLet $Q(y,z \\arrowvert x)$ be a discrete memoryless BC and assume that $\\mathrm{Y}$ is less noisy than $\\mathrm{Z}$. Consider two independent random variables $\\mathrm{M}$ and $\\mathrm{W}$, such that $\\mathrm{(M,W)} - \\mathrm{X}^n - (\\mathrm{Y}^n, \\mathrm{Z}^n)$ forms a Markov chain. ", "Then the following holds: $\\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I}(M;Y}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{W})\\geq \\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I}(M;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{W})$. \\[Prop:LessN\\]\n\nThe proof uses a combination of standard techniques from [@Csis; @LiangITS] and is given in Appendix \\[App:LessN\\] for completeness.", "\n\n$ $ In the first scenario, we consider a class of less noisy wiretap BC as in Figure \\[Fig:BCWS\\], where the eavesdropper is less noisy than the two legitimate receivers. ", "We also modify the model such that, we only have the two individual confidential messages $\\mathrm{M}_1$ and $\\mathrm{M}_2$, without the common message $\\mathrm{M}_c$ and the common confidential message $\\mathrm{M}_0$. Thus, the joint secrecy conditions in change to $\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M}_1;\\mathrm{Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_2) \\leq \\tau_{1n}$ and $\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M}_2;\\mathrm{Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_1) \\leq \\tau_{2n}$, while the individual secrecy conditions in change to $\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M}_1;\\mathrm{Z}^n) \\leq \\tau_{1n}$ and $\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M}_2;\\mathrm{Z}^n) \\leq \\tau_{2n}$.\n\n\\[Ther:2\\] Consider a wiretap BC with message cognition, where the eavesdropper $\\mathrm{Z}$ is less noisy than the two legitimate receivers $\\mathrm{Y_1}$ and $\\mathrm{Y_2}$, i.e. $\\mathrm{Z \\succeq Y_1}$ and $\\mathrm{Z \\succeq Y_2}$. Then the joint secrecy capacity region is empty, while the individual secrecy capacity region is given by the set of all rate pairs $(R_1,R_2) \\in \\mathbb{R}_+^2$ that satisfy $$R_1 = R_2 \\leq \\min \\Big[\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_1), \\mathbb{I}(X;Y_2)} \\Big]. ", "\n\\label{Equ:ICap2}$$\n\nWe start with the individual secrecy capacity region. ", "The proof of the achievability is based on interpreting each individual message as a secret key for the other one. ", "The encoder constructs the *Xored* message $\\mathrm{M}_\\otimes$ by *Xoring* the corresponding elements of $\\mathrm{M}_1$ and $\\mathrm{M}_2$ as follows: $$m_\\otimes = m_1 \\otimes m_2.$$ In order to transmit a message pair $(m_1,m_2)$, the encoder generates the sequence $\\mathrm{X}^n (m_\\otimes)$, then transmits it to both receivers. ", "The problem simplifies to a multicast problem and reliable transmission is only guaranteed by the condition in . ", "Each legitimate receiver decodes the *Xored* message $\\mathrm{M}_\\otimes$ then uses the side information to extract it is own message. ", "On the other hand, the eavesdropper can not extract any information about $\\mathrm{M}_1$ and $\\mathrm{M}_2$, although it can correctly decode $\\mathrm{M}_\\otimes$, because $\\mathbb{I}\\mathrm{(M_\\otimes,M_1)} = 0$ and $\\mathbb{I}\\mathrm{(M_\\otimes,M_2)} = 0$.Now for the converse, using Lemma \\[Prop:LessN\\], we will show that, if $\\mathrm{Z}$ is less noisy than both $\\mathrm{Y}_1$ and $\\mathrm{Y}_2$, the two rates $R_1$ and $R_2$ are equal. ", "Let $\\epsilon_n$ and $\\tau_n= \\max(\\tau_{1n},\\tau_{2n})$ be two sequences, such that as $n \\rightarrow \\infty$, $\\epsilon_n$ and $\\tau_n \\rightarrow 0$, we have $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_1 &\\overset{(a)}{\\leq} \\frac{1}{n} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M_1;Y}_1^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_2) + \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\leq \\frac{1}{n} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M_1 M_2;Y}_1^n) + \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(b)}{\\leq} \\frac{1}{n} \\Big[ \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M_1 M_2;Y}_1^n) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (M_1;Z}^n) \\Big] + \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_{n}) \\nonumber\\\\\n&= \\frac{1}{n} \\Big[ \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M_1 M_2;Y}_1^n) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M_1 M_2;Z}^n) + \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (M_2;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_1}) \\Big] \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\quad + \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_{n}) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(c)}{\\leq} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (M_2;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_1}) + \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n, \\tau_n) \\nonumber\\\\ \n&\\overset{(d)}{\\leq} R_2+\\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_{n}), \n\\label{Equ:IConv2_1}\\end{aligned}$$ where $(a)$ follows from Fano’s inequality as $\\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n) = 1/n + \\epsilon_n R_1$; $(b)$ follows from , when $\\mathrm{M}_0 = \\emptyset$ and $\\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n, \\tau_{n}) = (1+\\tau_{n})/n + \\epsilon_n R_1$; $(c)$ follows from Lemma \\[Prop:LessN\\] because $\\mathrm{Z} \\succeq \\mathrm{Y}_1$, which implies that $ \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M_1 M_2;Y}_1^n) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M_1 M_2;Z}^n) \\leq 0$ and $(d)$ follows because $ R_2 \\geq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (M_2;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_1})$. If we let $\\gamma_2(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_{2n}) = (1+\\tau_{2n})/n + \\epsilon_n R_2$ and follow the same steps we can derive a similar bound for $R_2$ as follows: $$R_2 \\leq R_1 + \\gamma_2(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_{2n}). ", "\\label{Equ:IConv2_2}$$ Now in order to finalize our converse we need to highlight the standard upper bound for reliable transmission for each receiver given by: $$R_1 \\leq \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{X;Y_1}) \\hspace{0.5cm} \\text{and} \\hspace{0.5cm}\nR_2 \\leq \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{X;Y_2}).", "\n\\label{Equ:IConv2_3}$$ Finally, if we take the limit as $n \\rightarrow \\infty$ for , , such that $\\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_n)$ and $\\gamma_2( \\epsilon_n,\\tau_n) \\rightarrow 0$, Our converse for the individual secrecy capacity region in is complete. ", "Now, we turn to the other half of the theorem that indicates that the joint secrecy capacity region is empty if the eavesdropper is less noisy than the two legitimate receivers. ", "The proof is based on Lemma \\[Prop:LessN\\] and [@Bloch Proposition 3.4] as follows: $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_1 &\\overset{(a)}{\\leq} \\frac{1}{n} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M_1;Y}_1^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_2) + \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(b)}{\\leq} \\frac{1}{n} \\Big[\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M_1;Y}_1^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_2) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M_1;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_2) \\Big] + \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_{n}) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(c)}{\\leq} \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n, \\tau_n).", "\n\\label{Equ:IConv2_4}\\end{aligned}$$ where $(a)$ follows from Fano’s inequality; $(b)$ follows from , for $\\mathrm {M}_0 = \\emptyset$; while $(c)$ follows from Lemma \\[Prop:LessN\\] because $\\mathrm{Z} \\succeq \\mathrm{Y}_1$, which implies that $\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M_1;Y}_1^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_2) \\leq \\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I}(M_1;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_2)$. Similarly, we have for $R_2$ the following $$R_2 \\leq \\gamma_2(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_{n}). ", "\\label{Equ:IConv2_5}$$ Now if we take the limit as $n \\rightarrow \\infty$ for , , such that $\\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_n)$ and $\\gamma_2( \\epsilon_n,\\tau_n) \\rightarrow 0$, we have $R_1 = R_2 = 0$. This implies that the joint secrecy capacity region for this scenario is empty.", "\n\nIn the next scenario, we will continue with the previous model, where we discuss the wiretap BC in Figure \\[Fig:BCWS\\] with only $\\mathrm{M}_1$ and $\\mathrm{M}_2$. However, we will investigate a different class of less noisy channels, where the two legitimate receivers $\\mathrm{Y_1}$ and $\\mathrm {Y_2}$ are less noisy than the eavesdropper $\\mathrm{Z}$.\n\nConsider a wiretap BC with message cognition, where the two legitimate receivers $\\mathrm{Y_1}$ and $\\mathrm {Y_2}$ are less noisy than the eavesdropper $\\mathrm{Z}$, i.e. $\\mathrm{Y_1 \\succeq Z}$ and $\\mathrm{Y_1 \\succeq Z}$. Then the joint secrecy capacity region is given by the set of all rate pairs $(R_1,R_2) \\in \\mathbb{R}_+^2$, such that $$\\begin{split}\nR_1 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (X;Y_1) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z)} \\\\\nR_2 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (X;Y_2) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z)}. ", " \n\\end{split} \n\\label{Equ:JCapEx2}$$ While, the individual secrecy capacity region for the same scenario is given by the set of all rate pairs $(R_1,R_2) \\in \\mathbb{R}_+^2$ that satisfy $$\\begin{split}\nR_1 &\\leq \\min \\Big[\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (X;Y_1) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z)} +R_2 \\mathrm{\\text{ , }\\mathbb{I} (X;Y_1)} \\Big] \\\\\nR_2 &\\leq \\min \\Big[\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (X;Y_2) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z)} +R_1 \\mathrm{\\text{ , }\\mathbb{I} (X;Y_2)} \\Big]. ", "\n\\end{split} \n\\label{Equ:ICapEx2}$$\n\nSince the class of less noisy channels includes the class of physically and stochastically degraded channels, the previous theorem generalizes the secrecy capacity regions established in [@Aydin2], for the wiretap BC with message cognition, where the eavesdropper is degraded from both legitimate receivers.", "\n\nWe will only give a sketch for the ideas of the proof as we will present a detailed proof in the next sections for a more general case. ", "The achievability of the joint secrecy region follows from technique of random coding with product structure as in [@Csis], while the achievability of the individual secrecy region combines the techniques of wiretap random coding along with Shannon’s one time pad cipher system used in Theorem \\[Ther:2\\], where the ciphered message is used as a part of the randomization index needed for the wiretap random coding. ", "The converse for the joint secrecy region follows using the standard techniques and procedures used in [@Gamal] for less noisy channels. ", "While the converse for the individual secrecy region follows by adapting those techniques to the individual secrecy constraint.", "\n\nDifferently from the previous two scenarios, where the joint and the individual secrecy criteria lead to different capacity regions, in the next example, we will investigate a scenario where the two secrecy criteria are equivalent. ", "Consider a wiretap BC as in Figure \\[Fig:BCWS\\], where we only have the common message $\\mathrm{M}_c$ and the common confidential message $\\mathrm{M}_0$. One can easily conclude by comparing the requirements of the joint secrecy and the individual secrecy in and when $\\mathrm{M}_1 = \\mathrm{M}_2 = \\emptyset$, that the two secrecy criteria are the same. ", "Again, we will focus on a class of less noisy channels, where one of the legitimate receivers is less noisy than the other one, while the relation to the eavesdropper is arbitrary.", "\n\nThe joint and individual secrecy capacity region for the wiretap BC with a common message and one confidential message, if one of the legitimate receivers is less noisy than the other one $(\\mathrm{Y_1} \\succeq \\mathrm {Y_2})$, is the set of all rates $(R_c,R_0) \\in \\mathbb{R}_+^2$ that satisfy $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c &\\leq \\min \\Big[\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(U;Y_2),\\mathbb{I}(U;Z)} \\Big] \\nonumber \\\\\nR_0 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V;Y_2 \\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(V;Z \\arrowvert U)} \\label{Equ:Cap3} \\end{aligned}$$ for some $\\mathrm{(U,V,X)}$, such that $\\mathrm{U- V - X - (Y_1, Y_2, Z)}$ forms a Markov chain. ", "Further it suffices to have $\\arrowvert \\mathcal{U} \\arrowvert \\leq \\arrowvert \\mathcal{X} \\arrowvert + 3$ and $\\arrowvert \\mathcal{V} \\arrowvert \\leq \\arrowvert \\mathcal{X} \\arrowvert^2 + 4\\arrowvert \\mathcal{X} \\arrowvert + 3$.\n\nThe achievability follows from the straightforward extension of the Csiszár-Körner results in [@Csis], leading to the following lower bounds: $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c &\\leq \\min \\Big[\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(U;Y_1),\\mathbb{I}(U;Y_2),\\mathbb{I}(U;Z)}\\Big] \\nonumber \\\\\nR_0 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V;Y_1 \\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(V;Z \\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber \\\\\nR_0 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V;Y_2 \\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(V;Z \\arrowvert U)}. ", "\\label{Equ:Ach3_1} \\end{aligned}$$ Since $\\mathrm{Y}_1 \\succeq \\mathrm{Y}_2$, which implies that $\\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I}(U; Y_2) \\leq \\mathbb{I}(U;Y_1)}$ and $\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V;Y_2 \\arrowvert U) \\leq \\mathbb{I}(V;Y_1 \\arrowvert U})$. Substituting these two relations in leads the achievability of the region in .For the converse, we start by letting $\\mathrm{U}_i \\triangleq (\\mathrm{M }_c,\\mathrm{Y}_2 ^{i-1},\\tilde{\\mathrm{Z}}^{i+1})$ and $\\mathrm{V}_i \\triangleq (\\mathrm{M}_0, \\mathrm{U}_i)$ and using the standard techniques and methods in [@Csis Theorem 1], we have $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c &\\leq \\min \\left[ \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{U}_i;\\mathrm{Y}_{2i}), \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\mathbb{I} (\\mathrm{U}_i;\\mathrm{Z}_i) \\right] + \\gamma_c (\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber\\\\\nR_0 &\\leq \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\Big [\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i;\\mathrm{Y}_{2i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i) - \\mathbb{I} (\\mathrm{V}_i;\\mathrm{Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i) \\Big] +\\gamma_0(\\epsilon_n, \\tau_n).\\end{aligned}$$ Now introducing a time sharing random variable $\\mathrm{T}$ independent of all others and uniformly distributed over $\\llbracket 1,n \\rrbracket$, then letting $\\mathrm{U =(U}_T ,\\mathrm{T})$, $\\mathrm{V=V}_T$, $\\mathrm{Y}_2= \\mathrm{Y}_{2T}$ and $\\mathrm{Z=Z}_T$, such that $\\mathrm{U- V - X - (Y_1, Y_2, Z)}$ forms a Markov chain, where the cardinality arguments are standard in literature cf. [", "@Csis] and follows using the usual Carathéodory’s argument. ", "Now, if we take the limit as $n \\rightarrow \\infty$ which implies that $\\gamma_c(\\epsilon_n)$ and $\\gamma_0(\\epsilon_n, \\tau_n) \\rightarrow 0$, our converse is complete.", "\n\nDiscussion\n----------\n\nThe previous examples are very helpful in understanding the differences between the joint and individual secrecy criteria. ", "They also helps in capturing the advantages and disadvantages of each one. ", "This can be summarized in the following points: 1. ", "Any code that satisfies the joint secrecy criterion will also satisfy the individual one as well. ", "This advocates the fact that the individual secrecy is a less conservative secrecy measure as compared to the joint one. ", "2. ", "The individual secrecy criterion provides a larger capacity region as compared to the joint one. ", "Even if the joint capacity region is zero, the individual criterion can provide an non vanishing achievable rate. ", "This increase in the rate comes from the usage of secret key encoding in addition to the standard random wiretap encoding. ", "That is why the value of this increase is directly proportional with the size of the individual messages cf. ", "and . ", "3. ", "The joint secrecy criterion is a very conservative secrecy measure. ", "Even if one of the confidential messages is revealed to the eavesdropper in a genie-aided way, the other message is still protected as follows: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M}_1;\\mathrm{Z}^n \\mathrm{M}_2) &= \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M_1;M_2}) + \\mathbb{I} (\\mathrm{M}_1;\\mathrm{Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_2) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(a)}{=} \\mathbb{I} (\\mathrm{M}_1;\\mathrm{Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_2) \\leq \\tau_n,\\end{aligned}$$ where $(a)$ follows because $\\mathrm{M}_1$ and $\\mathrm{M}_2$ are independent. ", "The previous equation shows that the leakage of $\\mathrm{M}_1$ to the eavesdropper when $\\mathrm{M}_2$ is revealed to it is still small. ", "4. ", "On the other hand, the individual secrecy criterion is based on the mutual trust between the legitimate receivers. ", "Thus if one of the messages is compromised, this might also affects the secrecy of the other one. ", "In order to understand this property, imagine that in the previous two examples, $\\mathrm{M}_2$ was revealed to the eavesdropper as follows: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M}_1;\\mathrm{Z}^n \\mathrm{M}_2) &= \\mathbb{H}(\\mathrm{M}_1) - \\mathbb{H}(\\mathrm {M_1} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Z}^n \\mathrm{M}_2).\\end{aligned}$$ In the first scenario, where the eavesdropper $\\mathrm{Z}$ is less noisy than the two legitimate receivers, the term $\\mathbb{H}(\\mathrm {M_1} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Z}^n \\mathrm{M}_2)$ will vanish. ", "This is because the eavesdropper can correctly decode $\\mathrm{M}_\\otimes$, then using the secret key $\\mathrm{M}_2$, it can extract $\\mathrm{M}_1$ as well. ", "This implies that $\\mathrm{M}_1$ is fully leaked to the eavesdropper when $\\mathrm{M}_2$ is revealed to it. ", "However, in the second scenario, the situation is a little bit different. ", "This is because the term $\\mathbb{H}(\\mathrm {M_1} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Z}^n \\mathrm{M}_2)$ does not vanish, yet it is smaller than $\\mathbb{H} (\\mathrm{M}_1)$. This means that a part of $\\mathrm{M}_1$ is leaked to the eavesdropper up on revealing $\\mathrm{M}_2$. The size of this part depends on how much the eavesdropper can infer using its received signal $\\mathrm{Z}^n$ and $\\mathrm{M}_2$. 5. ", "The preference in choosing among the two secrecy criteria is a trade of between conservative secrecy measure and a larger capacity region and the decision should always be based on whether the legitimate receivers can trust one another or not.", "\n\nThe Joint Secrecy Capacity Region\n=================================\n\nIn this section, we investigate the joint secrecy criterion for the general model of the wiretap BC with degraded message sets and message cognition given by Figure \\[Fig:BCWS\\]. ", "\\[Sec:BCJS\\]\n\nAchievable Rate Region\n----------------------\n\nAn achievable joint secrecy rate region for the wiretap BC with degraded message sets and message cognition is given by the set of all rate quadruples $(R_c,R_0,R_1,R_2) \\in \\mathbb{R}_+^4$ that satisfy $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(U;Z)} \\nonumber \\\\\nR_0 + R_1 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V_0 V_1;Y_1 \\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(V_0 V_1; Z \\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber \\\\\nR_0 + R_2 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V_0 V_2;Y_2 \\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(V_0 V_2; Z \\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber \\\\\nR_c + R_0 + R_1 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V_0 V_1;Y_1) - \\mathbb{I}(V_0 V_1; Z \\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber \\\\\nR_c + R_0 + R_2 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V_0 V_2;Y_2) - \\mathbb{I}(V_0 V_2; Z \\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber \\\\\n2R_0 + R_1 + R_2 &\\leq { \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyle\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V_0 V_1;Y_1 \\arrowvert U) + \\mathbb{I} (V_0 V_2;Y_2 \\arrowvert U)}$}} \\nonumber\\\\\n\\mathrm{-\\mathbb{I}(V_1;V_2 \\arrowvert} &\\mathrm{V_0) -\\mathbb{I} (V_0V_1V_2;Z \\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(V_0;Z \\arrowvert U)} \n\\label{Equ:Rates} \\end{aligned}$$ for random variables with joint probability distribution $Q(u)$ $Q(v_0 \\arrowvert u)$ $Q(v_1,v_2 \\arrowvert v_0)$ $Q(x\\arrowvert v_1,v_2)$ $Q(y_1, y_2, z \\arrowvert x)$, such that $\\mathrm{U - V_0 - (V_1,V_2) - X - (Y_1,Y_2,Z)}$ forms a Markov chain. ", "\\[Lem:Lemma1\\]\n\nThe proof combines the principle of superposition random coding [@Csis] in addition to the usage of Marton coding for secrecy as in [@Gamal], where strong secrecy is achieved as in [@Bloch_Resol; @Kram2; @MoritzSS]. ", "We consider the following sets: The set of common messages $\\mathcal{M}_c = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_c} \\rrbracket$, the set of confidential common messages $\\mathcal{M}_0 = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_0} \\rrbracket$, two sets of confidential individual messages $\\mathcal{M}_1 = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_1} \\rrbracket$ and $\\mathcal{M}_2 = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_2} \\rrbracket$, three sets of randomization messages for secrecy $\\mathcal{M}_r =\\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_r} \\rrbracket$, $\\mathcal{M}_{r_1} = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_{r_1}} \\rrbracket$ and $\\mathcal{M}_{r_2} = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_{r_2}} \\rrbracket$, finally two additional sets $\\mathcal{M}_{t_1} = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_{t_1}} \\rrbracket$ and $\\mathcal{M}_{t_2} = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_{t_2}} \\rrbracket$ needed for the construction of Marton coding. ", "Additionally we use $\\mathcal{M} = \\mathcal{M}_0 \\times \\mathcal{M}_1 \\times \\mathcal{M}_2$ to abbreviate the set of all confidential messages.", "\n\nFix an input distribution $Q(u,v_0,v_1,v_2,x)$. Construct the codewords $u^n(m_c)$ for $m_c \\in \\mathcal{M}_c$ by generating symbols $u_i (m_c)$ with $i \\in \\llbracket 1, n \\rrbracket$ independently according to $Q(u)$. For every $u^n(m_c)$, generate codewords $v_0^n (m_c,m,m_r)$ for $m \\in \\mathcal{M}$ and $m_r \\in \\mathcal{M}_r$ by generating symbols $v_{0_i}(m_c,m,m_r)$ independently at random according to $Q(v_0 \\arrowvert u_i(m_c))$. Next, for each $v_0^n (m_c,m,m_r)$ generate the codewords $v_1^n(m_c,m,m_r,m_{r_1},m_{t_1})$ and $v_2^n(m_c,m,m_r,m_{r_2},m_{t_2})$ for $m_{r_1} \\in \\mathcal{M}_{r_1}$, $m_{r_2} \\in \\mathcal{M}_{r_2}$, $m_{t_1} \\in \\mathcal{M}_{t_1}$ and $m_{t_2} \\in \\mathcal{M}_{t_2}$ by generating symbols $v_{1_i}(m_c,m,m_r,m_{r_1},m_{t_1})$ and $v_{2_i}(m_c,m,m_r,m_{r_2},m_{t_2})$ independently at random according to $Q (v_1 \\arrowvert v_{0_i}(m_c,m,m_r))$ and $Q (v_2 \\arrowvert v_{0_i}(m_c,m,m_r))$ respectively.", "\n\nGiven a message pair $(m_c,m)$, where $m = (m_0, m_1, m_2)$, the transmitter chooses three randomization messages $m_r$, $m_{r_1}$ and $m_{r_2}$ uniformly at random from the sets $\\mathcal{M}_r$, $\\mathcal{M}_{r_1}$ and $\\mathcal{M}_{r_2}$ respectively. ", "Then, it finds a pair $(m_{t_1},m_{t_2})$ such that $v_1^n (m_c,m,m_r,m_{r_1}, m_{t_1})$ and $v_2^n (m_c,m,m_r,m_{r_2},m_{t_2})$ are jointly typical. ", "Finally, it generates a codeword $x^n$ independently at random according to $\\prod_{i=1}^n Q(x_i \\arrowvert v_{1_i},v_{2_i})$ and transmits it.", "\n\nGiven $y_1^n$ and its own message $m_2$, outputs $(\\hat{m}_c,\\hat{m}_0,\\hat{m}_1,\\hat{m}_r,\\hat{m}_{r_1}, \\hat{m}_{t_1})$; if they are the unique messages, such that $u^n(\\hat{m}_c)$, $v_0^n(\\hat{m}_c,\\hat{m},\\hat{m_r})$, $v_1^n(\\hat{m}_c,\\hat{m}, \\hat{m}_r, \\hat{m}_{r_1},\\hat{m}_{t_1})$ and $y_1^n$ are jointly typical, where $\\hat{m}= (\\hat{m}_0, \\hat{m}_1,m_2)$. Otherwise declares an error.", "\n\nGiven $y_2^n$ and its own message $m_1$, outputs $(\\tilde{m}_c,\\tilde{m}_0,\\tilde{m}_2,\\tilde{m}_r, \\tilde{m}_{r_2},\\tilde{m}_{t_2})$; if they are the unique messages, such that $u^n(\\tilde{m}_c) $, $v_0^n (\\tilde{m}_c,\\tilde{m},\\tilde{m}_r)$, $v_2^n (\\tilde{m}_c,\\tilde{m}, \\tilde{m}_r,\\tilde{m}_{r_2},\\tilde{m}_{t_2})$ and $y_2^n$ are jointly typical, where $\\tilde{m}= (\\tilde{m}_0,m_1,\\tilde{m}_2)$. Otherwise declares an error.", "\n\nGiven $z^n$, outputs $\\check{m}_c$; if it is the unique message, such that $u^n(\\check{m}_c)$ and $z^n$ are jointly typical. ", "Otherwise declares an error.", "\n\nWe define the average error probability of this scheme as $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\hat{P}_e (\\mathcal{C}_n) \\triangleq &\\mathbb{P} \\big[(\\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_c, \\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_0, \\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_1,\\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_{r_1},\\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_{t_1}) \\neq (\\mathrm{M}_c, \\mathrm{M}_0, \\mathrm{M}_1,\\mathrm{M}_{r_1}, \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\mathrm{M}_{t_1}) \\text{ or } (\\tilde{\\mathrm{M}}_c, \\tilde{\\mathrm{M}}_0, \\tilde{\\mathrm{M}}_2, \\tilde{\\mathrm{M}}_{r_2}, \\tilde{\\mathrm{M}}_{t_2}) \\neq (\\mathrm{M}_c, \\mathrm{M}_0,\\mathrm{M}_2, \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\mathrm{M}_{r_2}, \\mathrm{M}_{t_2}) \\text{ or } \\check{\\mathrm{M}}_c \\neq \\mathrm{M}_c \\big].\\end{aligned}$$ We then observe that $\\hat{P}_e (\\mathcal{C}_n) \\geq P_e (\\mathcal{C}_n)$, cf. . ", "Using the standard analysis of random coding we can prove that for a sufficiently large $n$, with high probability $\\hat{P}_e (\\mathcal{C}_n) \\leq \\epsilon_n$ if $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(U;Z)} - \\delta_n(\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber\\\\ \nR_{t_1} + R_{t_2} &\\geq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (V_1;V_2 \\arrowvert V_0)} + \\delta_n (\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber \\\\ \n{ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleR_0 + R_1 + R_r + R_{r_1} + R_{t_1}$}} &\\leq \\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I} (V_0 V_1; Y_1 \\arrowvert U)} - \\delta_n (\\epsilon_n)\\nonumber \\\\\n{ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleR_0 + R_2 + R_r + R_{r_2} + R_{t_2}$}} &\\leq \\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I} (V_0 V_2; Y_2 \\arrowvert U)} - \\delta_n (\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber \\\\\n{ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleR_c + R_0 + R_1 + R_r + R_{r_1} + R_{t_1}$}} &\\leq \\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I} (V_0 V_1; Y_1)} - \\delta_n (\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber \\\\ \n{ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleR_c + R_0 + R_2 + R_r + R_{r_2} + R_{t_2}$}} &\\leq \\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I} (V_0 V_2; Y_2)} - \\delta_n (\\epsilon_n). ", "\\label{Equ:RelRate}\\end{aligned}$$ The validity of follows from the product structure of the codebook, the full cognition of the individual messages at the legitimate receivers in addition to the principles of Marton coding, where the summation of $R_{t_1}$ and $R_{t_2}$ should be greater than $\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (V_1;V_2 \\arrowvert V_0)}$ to guarantee the existence of a typical pair $(v_1^n,v_2^n)$.\n\nBased on different strong secrecy approaches as in [@Bloch_Resol; @Kram2; @MoritzSS], it can be shown that for a sufficiently large $n$ and $\\tau_n >0$, the joint secrecy constraints given in is with high probability smaller than $\\tau_n$, if $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_r &\\geq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V_0;Z \\arrowvert U)} +\\delta_n(\\tau_n) \\nonumber \\\\\nR_r + R_{r_1} + R_{t_1} &\\geq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V_0 V_1;Z \\arrowvert U)} +\\delta_n(\\tau_n) \\nonumber \\\\\nR_r + R_{r_2} + R_{t_2} &\\geq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V_0 V_2;Z \\arrowvert U)} +\\delta_n(\\tau_n) \\nonumber \\\\\nR_r + R_{r_1} + R_{r_2} &\\geq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V_0 V_1 V_2;Z \\arrowvert U)} +\\delta_n(\\tau_n).", "\n\\label{Equ:SecRate}\\end{aligned}$$ If we combine Eq. ", "and Eq. ", "then apply the Fourier-Motzkin elimination procedure, followed by taking the limit as $n \\rightarrow \\infty$, which implies that $\\delta_n(\\epsilon_n)$ and $\\delta_n(\\tau_n) \\rightarrow 0$, we prove the achievability of any rate quadruple $(R_c,R_0,R_1,R_2)$ satisfying .", "\n\nSecrecy Capacity For A Class of More Capable Channels\n-----------------------------------------------------\n\nConsider a wiretap BC with degraded message sets and message cognition, where one of the legitimate receivers $\\mathrm{Y_1}$ is more capable than the eavesdropper $\\mathrm{Z}$, while the relation between the other legitimate receiver $\\mathrm{Y_2}$ and the eavesdropper $\\mathrm{Z}$ is arbitrary. ", "Then, the joint secrecy capacity region is given by the set of all rate quadruples $(R_c,R_0,R_1,R_2) \\in \\mathbb{R}_+^4$ that satisfy $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (U;Z)} \\nonumber \\\\\nR_0 + R_1 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_1\\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber \\\\\nR_0 + R_2 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V;Y_2\\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(V;Z \\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber \\\\\nR_c + R_0 + R_1 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_1) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber \\\\\nR_c + R_0 + R_2 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V;Y_2) - \\mathbb{I}(V;Z \\arrowvert U)}\n\\label{Equ:Cap1} \\end{aligned}$$ for some $\\mathrm{(U,V,X)}$, such that $\\mathrm{U - V - X - (Y_1, Y_2, Z)}$ forms a Markov chain. ", "Further it suffices to have $\\arrowvert \\mathcal{U} \\arrowvert \\leq \\arrowvert \\mathcal{X} \\arrowvert + 3$ and $\\arrowvert \\mathcal{V} \\arrowvert \\leq \\arrowvert \\mathcal{X} \\arrowvert^2 + 4\\arrowvert \\mathcal{X} \\arrowvert + 3$. \\[Ther:1\\]\n\nThe achievability is based on the principle of indirect decoding introduced in [@DMSNG] and its extension to secrecy scenarios discussed in [@Gamal]. ", "It also follows directly from Proposition \\[Lem:Lemma1\\], by letting $\\mathrm{V_2} = \\emptyset$, $\\mathrm{V_0 = V}$ and $\\mathrm{V_1 = X}$ in . ", "This implies that the first legitimate receiver $\\mathrm{Y}_1$ which is more capable than the eavesdropper $\\mathrm{Z}$ finds its intended messages by direct decoding from $\\mathrm{X}$, while the second legitimate receiver $\\mathrm{Y}_2$ which has no stastical advantage over the eavesdropper $\\mathrm{Z}$ finds its intended messages by indirect decoding from the auxiliary random variable $\\mathrm{V}$. For the converse, we start by modifying the joint secrecy constraint in to include the conditioning on the common message. ", "For this we need the following lemma:\n\nConsider two independent random variables $\\mathrm{M}$ and $\\mathrm{W}$, such that $\\mathbb{H}( \\mathrm{W} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Z}^n) \\leq \\alpha$ and $\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M};\\mathrm{Z}^n) \\leq \\beta$, where $\\alpha,\\beta > 0$. Then, $\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M}; \\mathrm{Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{W}) \\leq \\alpha + \\beta$ holds. ", "\\[Prop:CMC\\]\n\nThe proof is based on the properties of the entropy function and is given in Appendix \\[App:CMC\\] for completeness.", "\n\n$ $ Since Eq. ", "implies that $\\mathbb{H}(\\mathrm{M}_c \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Z}^n) \\leq \\gamma_c(\\epsilon_n)$ and Eq. ", "implies that $\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M_0 M_1 M_2}; \\mathrm{Z}^n) \\leq \\tau_n$, we can use the previous lemma to reformulate the joint secrecy constraint for our scenario as: $$\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M_0 M_1 M_2}; \\mathrm{Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c) \\leq n\\gamma_c(\\epsilon_n) + \\tau_n. ", " \n\\label{Equ:JoiSecCon}$$ Now, we are ready to formulate our converse. ", "First, we let $\\mathrm{U}_i \\triangleq (\\mathrm{M}_c, \\tilde{\\mathrm{Z}}^{i+1})$, $\\mathrm{K}_i^1 \\triangleq \\mathrm{Y}_1^{i-1}$, $\\mathrm{K}_i^2 \\triangleq \\mathrm{Y}_2^{i-1}$, $\\mathrm{M \\triangleq}$ $\\mathrm{(M_0,M_1,M_2)}$, $\\mathrm{V}_i^1 \\triangleq (\\mathrm{M},\\mathrm{U}_i,\\mathrm{K}_i^1)$ and $\\mathrm{V}_i^2 \\triangleq (\\mathrm{M},\\mathrm{U}_i,\\mathrm{K}_i^2)$. We then start by considering the common rate $R_c$, applying the same steps used in , we have $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c &\\leq \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\mathbb{I} (\\mathrm{U}_i;\\mathrm{Z}_i) + \\gamma_c(\\epsilon_n). ", "\n\\label{Equ:Conv1_1}\\end{aligned}$$ Next, we consider the confidential rates $(R_0 + R_1)$ intended for the first legitimate receiver. ", "We have $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_0+R_1 &\\overset{(a)}{\\leq} \\frac{1}{n} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M_0 M_1;Y}_1^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_2 \\mathrm{M}_c) + \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\leq \\frac{1}{n} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Y}_1^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c) + \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(b)}{\\leq} \\frac{1}{n} \\Big[\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Y}_1^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c) \\Big] + \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_{n}) \\nonumber\\\\\n&= \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\Big[ \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Y}_{1i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c \\mathrm{Y}_1^{i-1})-\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c \\tilde{\\mathrm{Z}}^{i+1}) \\Big] \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\quad \\quad + \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_{n}) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(c)}{=} \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\Big[ \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M; Y}_{1i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c \\mathrm{Y}_1^{i-1} \\tilde{\\mathrm{Z}}^{i+1}) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\quad \\quad - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c \\mathrm{Y}_1^{i-1} \\tilde{\\mathrm{Z}}^{i+1}) \\Big] + \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_{n}) \\nonumber\\\\\n&= \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\Big[\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^1; \\mathrm{Y}_{1i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i \\mathrm{K}_i^1) - \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^1;\\mathrm{Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i \\mathrm{K}_i^1) \\Big]\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\quad \\quad + \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_n), \n\\label{Equ:Conv1_2}\\end{aligned}$$ where $(a)$ follows from ; $(b)$ follows from , where $\\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n, \\tau_{n}) = \\tau_n/n + \\gamma_c(\\epsilon_n) +\\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n)$ and $(c)$ follows by the Csiszár sum identity [@Csis Lemma 7]. ", "Following the same steps we can derive a similar bound for the confidential rates $(R_0 + R_2)$ intended for the second legitimate receiver as: $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_0 + R_2 &\\leq \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\Big[\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^2; \\mathrm{Y}_{2i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i \\mathrm{K}_i^2) - \\mathbb{I}( \\mathrm{V}_i^2;\\mathrm{Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i \\mathrm{K}_i^2) \\Big]\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\quad \\quad + \\gamma_2(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_{n}), \n\\label{Equ:Conv1_3}\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\gamma_2(\\epsilon_n, \\tau_{n}) = \\tau_n/n + \\gamma_c(\\epsilon_n) +\\gamma_2(\\epsilon_n)$. On the other hand, if we consider the sum of the common rate and the confidential rates $(R_c + R_0 + R_1)$ intended for the first legitimate receiver, we have $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c +& R_0 + R_1 \\overset{(a)}{\\leq} \\frac{1}{n} \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M}_c \\mathrm{M_0 M_1;Y}_1^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_2) + \\tilde{\\gamma}_1 (\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\leq \\frac{1}{n} \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M}_c \\mathrm{M;Y}_1^n) + \\tilde{\\gamma}_1 (\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(b)}{\\leq} \\frac{1}{n} \\Big[ \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M}_c; \\mathrm{Y}_1^n) + \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M;Y}_1^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c) \\Big]\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\quad \\quad + \\tilde{\\gamma}_1(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_n) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(c)}{\\leq} \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\Big[\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M}_c \\tilde{\\mathrm{Z}}^{i+1} ;\\mathrm{Y}_{1i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Y}_1^{i-1}) + \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^1; \\mathrm{Y}_{1i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i \\mathrm{K}_i^1) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\quad \\quad - \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^1;\\mathrm{Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i \\mathrm{K}_i^1) \\Big] + \\tilde{\\gamma}_1(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_n) \\nonumber\\\\\n&= \\sum_{i=1}^n \\Big[\\mathbb{I} (\\mathrm{U}_i;\\mathrm{Y}_{1i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{K}_i^1) + \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^1; \\mathrm{Y}_{1i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i \\mathrm{K}_i^1) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\quad \\quad - \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^1;\\mathrm{Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i \\mathrm{K}_i^1) \\Big] + \\tilde{\\gamma}_1(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_n) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(d)}{=} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\Big[\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^1; \\mathrm{Y}_{1i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{K}_i^1) - \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^1;\\mathrm{Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i \\mathrm{K}_i^1) \\Big] \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\quad \\quad + \\tilde{\\gamma}_1(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_n), \\label{Equ:Conv1_4}\\end{aligned}$$ where $(a)$ follows from and as $\\tilde{\\gamma}_1 (\\epsilon_n) = \\gamma_c(\\epsilon_n) + \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n)$; $(b)$ follows from , where $\\tilde{\\gamma}_1(\\epsilon_n, \\tau_{n}) = \\tau_n/n + 2\\gamma_c (\\epsilon_n) +\\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n)$; $(c)$ follows as in and the fact that $\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M}_c \\tilde{\\mathrm{Z}}^{i+1};\\mathrm{Y}_{1i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Y}_1^{i-1}) \\geq \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M}_c;\\mathrm{Y}_{1i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Y}_1^{i-1})$; while $(d)$ follows from the chain rule of mutual information. ", "Following the same steps we can derive a similar bound for the sum of the common rate and the confidential rates $(R_c + R_0 + R_2)$ intended for the second legitimate receiver as $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c + R_0 + R_2 &\\leq \\sum_{i=1}^n \\Big[\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^2; \\mathrm{Y}_{2i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{K}_i^2) - \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^2;\\mathrm{Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i \\mathrm{K}_i^2) \\Big] \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\quad \\quad + \\tilde{\\gamma}_2(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_n), \\label{Equ:Conv1_5}\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\tilde{\\gamma_2}(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_{n}) = \\tau_n/n + 2\\gamma_c(\\epsilon_n) +\\gamma_2(\\epsilon_n)$. Now using - followed by introducing a random variable $\\mathrm{T}$ independent of all others and uniformly distributed over $\\llbracket 1; n \\rrbracket$ and let $\\mathrm{U} = (\\mathrm{U}_T, \\mathrm{T})$, $\\mathrm{K}^1 = (\\mathrm{K}_T^1, \\mathrm{T})$, $\\mathrm{K}^2 = (\\mathrm{K}_T^2, \\mathrm{T})$, $\\mathrm{V}^1 = \\mathrm{V}_T^1$, $\\mathrm{V}^2 = \\mathrm{V}_T^2$, $\\mathrm{Y}_1 = \\mathrm{Y}_{1T}$, $\\mathrm{Y}_2 = \\mathrm{Y}_{2T}$ and $\\mathrm{Z} = \\mathrm{Z}_T$, then take the limit as $n \\rightarrow \\infty$ such that $\\gamma_c(\\epsilon_n)$, $\\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_{n})$, $\\tilde{\\gamma_1}(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_{n})$, $\\gamma_2(\\epsilon_n, \\tau_{n})$ and $\\tilde{\\gamma}_2 (\\epsilon_n,\\tau_{n}) \\rightarrow 0$, we reach the following\n\n\\[Equ:Conv1\\_6\\] $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (U;Z)} \\label{Equ:Conv1_6_1} \\\\\nR_0 + R_1 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^1;Y_1 \\arrowvert U K^1) - \\mathbb{I}(V^1;Z \\arrowvert U K^1)} \\label{Equ:Conv1_6_2}\\\\\nR_0 + R_2 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^2;Y_2 \\arrowvert U K^2) - \\mathbb{I}(V^2;Z \\arrowvert U K^2)} \\label{Equ:Conv1_6_4} \\\\\nR_c + R_0 + R_1 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^1;Y_1 \\arrowvert K^1) - \\mathbb{I}(V^1;Z \\arrowvert U K^1)} \\label{Equ:Conv1_6_3}\\\\\nR_c + R_0 + R_2 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^2;Y_2 \\arrowvert K^2) - \\mathbb{I}(V^2;Z \\arrowvert U K^2)}, \\label{Equ:Conv1_6_5}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nwhere $\\mathrm{(U,K^1) - V^1 - X - (Y_1,Y_2,Z)}$ and $\\mathrm{(U,K^2) - V^2 -}$ $\\mathrm{X - (Y_1, Y_2,Z)}$ form Markov chains. ", "First, let us consider and , these two inequalities identify the constraints on the common and confidential rates with respect to the second legitimate receiver, which have an arbitrary relation with the eavesdropper. ", "Since conditional mutual information is the expectation of the unconditional one, Eq. ", "can be upper bounded as follows: $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_0 &+R_2 \\leq { \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyle\\mathbb{E}_{\\mathrm{K}^2} \\Big[\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^2;Y_2 \\arrowvert U,K^2}) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^2;Z \\arrowvert U,K^2}) \\Big]$}} \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(a)}{\\leq} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^2;Y_2 \\arrowvert U,K^2 = }k^{2*}) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (V^2;Z \\arrowvert U,K^2=}k^{2*}) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(b)}{=} \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}^{2*};\\mathrm{Y_2 \\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(V}^{2*}; \\mathrm{Z \\arrowvert U)}, \\label{Equ:Conv1_7} \\end{aligned}$$ where $\\mathrm{U - V^{2*} - X - (Y_1,Y_2,Z)}$ forms a Markov chain. ", "$(a)$ follows because $k^{2*}$ is the value of $\\mathrm{K}^2$ such that, $\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^2;Y_2 \\arrowvert U,K^2 = }k^{2*}) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^2;Z \\arrowvert U,K^2=}k^{2*})$ is greater than or equal $\\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I} (V^2;Y_2 \\arrowvert U,K^2 = }k^2) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^2;Z \\arrowvert U,K^2=}k^2)$, for all $k^2 \\in \\mathcal{K}^2$; while $(b)$ follows as $\\mathrm {V}^{2*}$ is distributed as ${ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleQ(v^2 \\arrowvert u,k^2= k^{2*})$}}$. Similarly we can bound Eq. ", "as follows: $$\\begin{aligned}\n{ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleR_c +$}}& { \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleR_0 + R_2 \\leq \\mathbb{E}_{\\mathrm{K}^2} \\Big[\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^2;Y_2 \\arrowvert K^2}) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^2;Z \\arrowvert U,K^2}) \\Big]$}} \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(a)}{\\leq} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^2;Y_2 \\arrowvert K^2 = }k^{2\\star}) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (V^2;Z \\arrowvert U,K^2=}k^{2\\star}) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(b)}{=} \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}^{2\\star};\\mathrm{Y_2) - \\mathbb{I}(V}^{2\\star}; \\mathrm{Z \\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(c)}{=} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(U;Y_2)} + \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}^{2\\star};\\mathrm{Y_2 \\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(V}^{2\\star}; \\mathrm{Z \\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(d)}{\\leq} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(U;Y_2)} + \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}^{2*};\\mathrm{Y_2 \\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(V}^{2*}; \\mathrm{Z \\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber\\\\\n&= \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^{2*};Y_2) - \\mathbb{I}(V^{2*};Z \\arrowvert U)},\n\\label{Equ:Conv1_8}\\end{aligned}$$ where $(a)$ follows as $k^{2\\star}$ is the value of $\\mathrm{K}^2$ such that, $\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (V^2;Y_2 \\arrowvert K^2 = }k^{2\\star}) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^2;Z \\arrowvert U,K^2=}k^{2\\star})$ is greater than or equal to $\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^2;Y_2 \\arrowvert K^2 = }k^2) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (V^2;Z \\arrowvert U,K^2=}k^2)$, for all $k^2 \\in \\mathcal{K}^2$; $(b)$ follows as $\\mathrm {V}^{2\\star}$ is distributed as ${ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleQ(v^2 \\arrowvert u,k^2= k^{2\\star})$}}$; $(c)$ follows because $\\mathrm{U - V^{2\\star} - X - (Y_1,Y_2,Z)}$ forms a Markov chain; and $(d)$ follows because the term $\\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I}(V^{2\\star} ;Y_2 \\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(V^{2\\star};Z \\arrowvert U)}$ can be reformulated as $\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^{2} ;Y_2 \\arrowvert U,K^2=} k^{2\\star}) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (V^{2};Z \\arrowvert U,K^2=}k^{2\\star})$ which is smaller than or equal to $\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (V^{2*};Y_2 \\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(V^{2*};Z \\arrowvert U)}$. This actually implies that $k^{2*}$ and $k^{2\\star}$ are identical and the differences of the mutual information condition on $\\mathrm{K}^2$ in and are maximized by the same value. ", "Now, consider and , these two inequalities identify the constraints on the common and confidential rates with respect to the first legitimate receiver which is more capable than the eavesdropper. ", "In order to simplify these two inequalities we require the following lemma.", "\n\nLet $Q(y,z \\arrowvert x)$ be a discrete memoryless BC and assume that $\\mathrm{Y}$ is more capable than $\\mathrm{Z}$. Consider $\\mathrm{K}$, $\\mathrm{U}^1$, $\\mathrm{U}^2$ and $\\mathrm{V}$ to be a set of random variables, such that $\\mathrm{(U^1,U^2,K) - V - X - (Y,Z)}$ forms a Markov chain. ", "Then the following holds: $\\mathrm {\\mathbb{I}(V;Y \\arrowvert U^1 K) - \\mathbb{I}(V;Z \\arrowvert U^2 K)} \\leq \\mathrm {\\mathbb{I}(X;Y \\arrowvert U^1) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U^2)}$. \\[Prop:MoreCap\\]\n\nThis lemma is based on the properties of more capable channels and the definition of the conditional mutual information. ", "A detailed proof is given in Appendix \\[App:MoreCap\\] for completeness.", "\n\n$ $If we apply the previous lemma to Eq. ", "by letting $\\mathrm{U^1 = U^2 = U}$, we have $$R_0 + R_1 \\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_1 \\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)}. ", "\\label{Equ:Conv1_9_1}$$ On the other hand if we let $\\mathrm{U}^1 = \\emptyset$ and $\\mathrm{U^2 = U}$, then applied the previous lemma to Eq. , ", "we reach the following bound $$R_c + R_0 + R_1 \\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_1) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)}. ", "\\label{Equ:Conv1_9_2}$$ Now, if we combine the upper bounds in , - , then let $\\mathrm{V = V^{2*}}$, such that $\\mathrm{U - V - X - (Y_1,Y_2,Z)}$ forms a Markov chain, we reach a region that matches the achievable rate region given by and this completes our converse. ", "One last point remains, regarding the cardinality bounds on $\\arrowvert \\mathcal{U} \\arrowvert$ and $\\arrowvert \\mathcal{V} \\arrowvert$, they follow from the Fenchel-Bunt strengthening of the usual Carathéodory’s theorem [@Gamal2 Appendix C].", "\n\nConsider a wiretap BC with degraded message sets and message cognition where the two legitimate receivers $\\mathrm{Y}_1$ and $\\mathrm{Y}_2$ are less noisy than the eavesdropper $\\mathrm{Z}$, i.e. $\\mathrm{Y_1} \\succeq \\mathrm{Z}$ and $\\mathrm{Y_2} \\succeq \\mathrm{Z}$. Then, the joint secrecy capacity region is given by the set of all rate quadruples $(R_c,R_0,R_1,R_2) \\in \\mathbb{R}_+^4$ that satisfy $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(U;Z)} \\nonumber \\\\\nR_0 + R_1 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_1\\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber \\\\\nR_0 + R_2 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_2\\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ for some $\\mathrm{(U,X)}$, such that $\\mathrm{U - X - (Y_1, Y_2, Z)}$ forms a Markov chain. ", "Further it suffices to have $\\arrowvert \\mathrm{U} \\arrowvert \\leq \\arrowvert \\mathrm{X} \\arrowvert + 3$.\n\nThe achievability of the previous region follows as in Theorem \\[Ther:1\\] by substituting $\\mathrm{V = X}$, while the converse can be derived using the standard techniques of less noisy channels as in [@Gamal]. ", "The previous region was first established in [@MansourITW].", "\n\nConsider a wiretap BC with message cognition only where the two legitimate receivers $\\mathrm{Y}_1$ and $\\mathrm{Y}_2$ are more capable than the eavesdropper $\\mathrm{Z}$. Then, the joint secrecy capacity region is given by the set of all rate pairs $(R_1,R_2) \\in \\mathbb{R}_+^2$ that satisfy $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_1 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_1) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z)} \\nonumber \\\\\nR_2 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_2) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z)} \\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$\n\nThe achievability of the previous region follows as in Theorem \\[Ther:1\\] by substituting $\\mathrm{V = X}$ and $\\mathrm{U} = \\emptyset$, while the converse follows by adapting the more capable condition to the second legitimate receiver $\\mathrm{Y}_2$. The previous region was first established in [@Mansour].", "\n\nThe Individual Secrecy Capacity Region\n======================================\n\nIn this section, we investigate the model of the wiretap BC with degraded message sets and message cognition given by Figure \\[Fig:BCWS\\] under the individual secrecy constraint. ", "\\[Sec:BCIS\\]\n\nAchievable Rate Region\n----------------------\n\nAn achievable individual secrecy rate region for the wiretap BC with degraded message sets and message cognition is given by the set of all rate quadruples $(R_c,R_0,R_1 = R_{11}+R_{12},R_2= R_{21}+R_{22}) \\in \\mathbb{R}_+^4$ that satisfy $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c &\\leq \\min \\Big [\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(U;Z),\\mathbb{I}(U;Y_1),\\mathbb{I}(U;Y_2) \\Big]} \\nonumber \\\\\n{ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleR_{12} = R_{21}$}} &\\leq { \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyle\\min \\Big [R_1, R_2, \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V_\\otimes;Y_1 \\arrowvert U) ,\\mathbb{I}(V_\\otimes;Y_2 \\arrowvert U)} \\Big ]$}} \\nonumber\\\\\n{ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleR_0 + R_{11}$}} &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V_0 V_1;Y_1 \\arrowvert V_\\otimes) - \\mathbb{I}(V_0 V_1; Z \\arrowvert V_\\otimes)} \\nonumber \\\\\n{ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleR_0 + R_{22}$}} &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V_0 V_2;Y_2 \\arrowvert V_\\otimes) - \\mathbb{I}(V_0 V_2; Z \\arrowvert V_\\otimes)} \\nonumber \\\\\n{ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyle2R_0 + R_{11} + R_{22}$}} &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V_0 V_1;Y_1 \\arrowvert V_\\otimes) + \\mathbb{I} (V_0 V_2;Y_2 \\arrowvert V_\\otimes)}\\nonumber\\\\\n\\mathrm{- \\mathbb{I}(V_1;V_2 \\arrowvert V_0)} &\\mathrm{- \\mathbb{I} (V_0V_1V_2;Z \\arrowvert V_\\otimes) - \\mathbb{I} (V_0;Z \\arrowvert V_\\otimes)} \n\\label{Equ:IRates} \\end{aligned}$$ for random variables with joint probability distribution $Q(u)$ $Q(v_\\otimes \\arrowvert u)$ $Q(v_0 \\arrowvert v_\\otimes)$ $Q(v_1,v_2 \\arrowvert v_0)$ $Q(x\\arrowvert v_1,v_2)$ $Q(y_1, y_2, z \\arrowvert x)$, such that $\\mathrm{U - V_\\otimes - V_0 - (V_1,V_2) - X - (Y_1,Y_2,Z)}$ forms a Markov chain. ", "\\[Lem:Lemma2\\]\n\nThe proof combines the principle of superposition random coding [@Csis], one time pad for Shannon’s cipher system [@Shann], the usage of Marton coding for secrecy as in [@Gamal], where strong secrecy is achieved as in [@Bloch_Resol; @Kram2; @MoritzSS]. ", "We consider the following sets: The set of common messages $\\mathcal{M}_c = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_c} \\rrbracket$, the set of confidential common messages $\\mathcal{M}_0 = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_0} \\rrbracket$, two sets of confidential individual messages $\\mathcal{M}_1 = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_1} \\rrbracket$ and $\\mathcal{M}_2 = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_2} \\rrbracket$, three sets of randomization messages for secrecy $\\mathcal{M}_r =\\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_r} \\rrbracket$, $\\mathcal{M}_{r_1} = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_{r_1}} \\rrbracket$ and $\\mathcal{M}_{r_2} = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_{r_2}} \\rrbracket$, finally two additional sets $\\mathcal{M}_{t_1} = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_{t_1}} \\rrbracket$ and $\\mathcal{M}_{t_2} = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_{t_2}} \\rrbracket$ needed for the construction of Marton coding. ", "Further we divided each confidential individual messages set into two sets as follows: $\\mathcal{M}_1 = \\mathcal{M}_{11} \\times \\mathcal{M}_{12}$ and $\\mathcal{M}_2 = \\mathcal{M}_{21} \\times \\mathcal{M}_{22}$, where $\\mathcal{M}_{11} = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_{11}} \\rrbracket$, $\\mathcal{M}_{12} = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_{12}} \\rrbracket$, $\\mathcal{M}_{21} = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_{21}} \\rrbracket$ and $\\mathcal{M}_{22} = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_{22}} \\rrbracket$. In this division, we force $\\mathcal{M}_{12}$ and $\\mathcal{M}_{21}$ to be of the same size and use them to construct $\\mathcal{M}_\\otimes = \\llbracket 1, 2^{nR_\\otimes} \\rrbracket$ by *Xoring* the corresponding elements of both. ", "Additionally we use $\\mathcal{M} = \\mathcal{M}_0 \\times \\mathcal{M}_{11} \\times \\mathcal{M}_{22} \\times \\mathcal{M}_\\otimes$ to abbreviate the modified set of all confidential messages. ", "It is important to note that the message structure forces the following condition: $$R_\\otimes = R_{12} = R_{21} \\leq \\min \\big[ R_1, R_2 \\big]\n\\label{Equ:IRelRate_1}$$\n\nFix an input distribution $Q(u,v_\\otimes,v_0,v_1,v_2,x)$. Construct the codewords $u^n(m_c)$ for $m_c \\in \\mathcal{M}_c$ by generating symbols $u_i (m_c)$ with $i \\in \\llbracket 1, n \\rrbracket$ independently according to $Q(u)$. For every $u^n(m_c)$, generate codewords $v_\\otimes^n(m_c,m_\\otimes)$ for $m_\\otimes \\in \\mathcal{M}_\\otimes$ by generating symbols $v_{\\otimes_i}(m_c,m_\\otimes)$ independently at random according to $Q(v_\\otimes \\arrowvert u_i(m_c))$. Next, for every $v_\\otimes^n (m_c,m_\\otimes)$ generate codewords $v_0^n (m_c,m,m_r)$ for $m \\in \\mathcal{M}$ and $m_r \\in \\mathcal{M}_r$ by generating symbols $v_{0_i}(m_c,m,m_r)$ independently at random according to $Q(v_0 \\arrowvert v_{\\otimes_i}(m_c, m_\\otimes))$. For each $v_0^n (m_c,m,m_r)$ generate the codewords $v_1^n(m_c,m, m_r,m_{r_1},m_{t_1})$ and $v_2^n(m_c,m,m_r,m_{r_2},m_{t_2})$ for $m_{r_1} \\in \\mathcal{M}_{r_1}$, $m_{r_2} \\in \\mathcal{M}_{r_2}$, $m_{t_1} \\in \\mathcal{M}_{t_1}$ and $m_{t_2} \\in \\mathcal{M}_{t_2}$ by generating symbols $v_{1_i}(m_c,m,m_r,m_{r_1},m_{t_1})$ and $v_{2_i}(m_c,m,m_r, m_{r_2},m_{t_2})$ independently at random according to $Q(v_1 \\arrowvert v_{0_i}(m_c,m,m_r))$ and $Q(v_2 \\arrowvert v_{0_i}(m_c,m,m_r))$ respectively.", "\n\nGiven a message pair $(m_c,m)$, where $m = (m_0, m_{11}, m_{22},m_\\otimes)$ and $m_\\otimes = m_{12} \\otimes m_{21}$, the transmitter chooses three randomization messages $m_r$, $m_{r_1}$ and $m_{r_2}$ uniformly at random from the sets $\\mathcal{M}_r$, $\\mathcal{M}_{r_1}$ and $\\mathcal{M}_{r_2}$ respectively. ", "Then, it finds a pair $(m_{t_1},m_{t_2})$ such that $v_1^n(m_c,m,m_r,m_{r_1},m_{t_1})$ and $v_2^n(m_c,m,m_r,m_{r_2},m_{t_2})$ are jointly typical. ", "Finally, it generates a codeword $x^n$ independently at random according to $\\prod_{i=1}^n Q (x_i \\arrowvert v_{1_i},v_{2_i})$ and transmits it.", "\n\nGiven $y_1^n$ and its own message $m_2=(m_{21},m_{22})$, outputs $(\\hat{m}_c,\\hat{m}_0,\\hat{m}_1,$ $ \\hat{m}_r,\\hat{m}_{r_1},\\hat{m}_{t_1})$; where $\\hat{m}_1$ is the concatenation of $\\hat{m}_{11}$ and $\\hat{m}_{12}$. First it finds the unique messages $(\\hat{m}_c, \\hat{m}_\\otimes,\\hat{m},\\hat{m}_r, \\hat{m}_{r_1},\\hat{m}_{t_1})$ such that $u^n(\\hat{m}_c)$, $v_\\otimes^n(\\hat{m}_c,\\hat{m}_\\otimes)$, $v_0^n(\\hat{m}_c,\\hat{m},\\hat{m_r})$, $v_1^n(\\hat{m}_c,\\hat{m},\\hat{m}_r, \\hat{m}_{r_1},\\hat{m}_{t_1})$ and $y_1^n$ are jointly typical, where $\\hat{m}= (\\hat{m}_0,\\hat{m}_{11},m_{22},\\hat{m}_\\otimes)$. Then, it computes $\\hat{m}_{12}$ by *Xoring* $m_{21}$ and $\\hat{m}_\\otimes$. Otherwise it declares an error.", "\n\nGiven $y_2^n$ and its own message $m_1=(m_{11},m_{12})$, outputs $(\\tilde{m}_c,\\tilde{m}_0,\\tilde{m}_2,$ $\\tilde{m}_r ,\\tilde{m}_{r_2},\\tilde{m}_{t_2})$; where $\\tilde{m}_2$ is the concatenation of $\\tilde{m}_{21}$ and $\\tilde{m}_{22}$. First it finds the unique messages $(\\tilde{m}_c,\\tilde{m}_\\otimes,\\tilde{m},\\tilde{m}_r, \\tilde{m}_{r_2},\\tilde {m}_{t_2})$ such that $u^n(\\tilde{m}_c)$, $v_\\otimes^n( \\tilde{m}_c,\\tilde{m}_\\otimes)$, $v_0^n(\\tilde{m}_c,\\tilde{m},\\tilde{m_r})$, $v_2^n(\\tilde {m}_c,\\tilde{m},\\tilde{m}_r,\\tilde{m}_{r_2},\\tilde{m}_{t_2})$ and $y_2^n$ are jointly typical, where $\\tilde{m}= (\\tilde{m}_0,m_{11},\\tilde{m}_ {22},\\tilde{m}_\\otimes)$. Then, it computes $\\tilde{m}_{21}$ by *Xoring* $m_{12}$ and $\\tilde{m}_\\otimes$. Otherwise it declares an error.", "\n\nGiven $z^n$, outputs $\\check{m}_c$; if it is the unique message, such that $u^n(\\check{m}_c)$ and $z^n$ are jointly typical. ", "Otherwise it declares an error.", "\n\nWe define the error probability of this scheme as $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\ddot{P}_e (\\mathcal{C}_n) &\\triangleq \\mathbb{P} \\big[(\\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_c,\\mathrm{\\hat{M}_\\otimes, \\hat{M}_0,\\hat{M}_{11}},\\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_{r_1},\\hat{\\mathrm{M}}_{t_1}) \\neq (\\mathrm{M}_c,\\mathrm{ M_\\otimes,M_0,}\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\mathrm{M}_{11},\\mathrm{M}_{r_1},\\mathrm{M}_{t_1}) \\text{ or }(\\tilde{\\mathrm{M}}_c,\\mathrm{ \\tilde{M}_\\otimes,\\tilde{M}_0,\\tilde{M}_{22}},\\tilde{\\mathrm{M}}_{r_2},\\tilde{\\mathrm{M}}_{t_2}) \\neq \\nonumber\\\\\n&(\\mathrm{M}_c,\\mathrm{M_\\otimes,M_0,M_{22}},\\mathrm{M}_{r_2},\\mathrm{M}_{t_2}) \\text{ or } \\check{\\mathrm{M}}_c \\neq \\mathrm{M}_c \\big].\\end{aligned}$$ We then observe that $\\ddot{P}_e (\\mathcal{C}_n) \\geq P_e (\\mathcal{C}_n)$, cf. . ", "Using the standard analysis of random coding we can prove that for a sufficiently large $n$, with high probability $\\ddot{P}_e (\\mathcal{C}_n) \\leq \\epsilon_n$ if $$\\begin{gathered}\nR_c \\leq \\min \\Big [\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(U;Y_1), \\mathbb{I}(U;Y_2), \\mathbb{I}(U;Z)} \\Big] - \\delta_n(\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber \\\\ \nR_\\otimes \\leq \\min \\Big [\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V_\\otimes;Y_1 \\arrowvert U), \\mathbb{I}(V_\\otimes;Y_2 \\arrowvert U)} \\Big]-\\delta_n(\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber \\\\ \nR_{t_1} + R_{t_2} \\geq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (V_1;V_2 \\arrowvert V_0)} + \\delta_n (\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber \\\\ \nR_0 + R_{11} + R_r + R_{r_1} + R_{t_1} \\leq \\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I} (V_0 V_1; Y_1 \\arrowvert V_\\otimes)} - \\delta_n (\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber \\\\ \nR_0 + R_{22} + R_r + R_{r_2} + R_{t_2} \\leq \\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I} (V_0 V_2; Y_2 \\arrowvert V_\\otimes)} - \\delta_n (\\epsilon_n). ", " \\label{Equ:IRelRate_2}\\end{gathered}$$ Because of the new message sets structure, the random variable $\\mathrm{M}_1$ is identified as the product of two independent and uniformly distributed random variables $\\mathrm{M}_{11}$ and $\\mathrm{M}_{12}$. This also applies to $\\mathrm{M}_2$ which is the product of two independent and uniformly distributed random variables $\\mathrm{M}_{21}$ and $\\mathrm{M}_{22}$. Thus, the individual secrecy constraint given by becomes $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\mathbb{I}\\mathrm{(M_0 M_{11} ;Z}^n) + \\mathbb{I}\\mathrm{ (M_{12} ;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_0 M_{11}}) &\\leq \\tau_{1n} \\nonumber\\\\\n\\mathbb{I}\\mathrm{(M_0 M_{22} ;Z}^n) + \\mathbb{I}\\mathrm{ (M_{21} ;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_0 M_{22}}) &\\leq \\tau_{2n}.", "\n\\label{Equ:LekSum_1}\\end{aligned}$$ The term $\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M_{12};Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_0 M_{11}})$ represents the leakage of $\\mathrm{M}_ {12}$ to the eavesdropper given $\\mathrm{M}_0$ and $\\mathrm{M}_{11}$. One can proof that this term vanishes as $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M_{12};Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_0 M_{11}}) &= \\mathrm{\\mathbb{H}(M_{12}\\arrowvert M_0 M_{11}) - \\mathbb{H} (M_{12}} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Z}^n \\mathrm{M_0 M_{11}}) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(a)}{=} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{H}(M_{12}) - \\mathbb{H} (M_{12}} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Z}^n \\mathrm{M_0 M_{11}}) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(b)}{\\leq} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{H}(M_{12}) - \\mathbb{H}(M_{12} \\arrowvert M_\\otimes}) \\overset{(c)}{=} 0, \\label{Equ:ShanSec_1}\\end{aligned}$$ where $(a)$ follows because $\\mathrm{M_{12}}$, $\\mathrm{M}_0$ and $\\mathrm{M_ {11}}$ are independent; $(b)$ follows because the best the eavesdropper can do is to decode $\\mathrm{M}_ \\otimes$; while $(c)$ follows because of the principle of one time pad in Shannon’s cipher system where the entropy of the secret key $\\mathbb{H} (\\mathrm{M}_{21})$ is equal to the entropy of the transmitted message $\\mathbb{H}(\\mathrm{M}_{12})$. Using the same steps, we can proof that the term $\\mathbb{I}\\mathrm{ (M_{21} ;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_0 M_{22}})$ which represents the leakage of $\\mathrm{M}_ {21}$ to the eavesdropper given $\\mathrm{M}_0$ and $\\mathrm{M}_{22}$ also vanishes. ", "On the other hand, for a sufficiently large $n$ and $\\tau_n \\geq \\max(\\tau_{1n},\\tau_{2n}) >0$, the terms $\\mathbb{I}\\mathrm{(M_0 M_{11} ;Z}^n)$ and $\\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(M_0 M_{22} ;Z}^n)$ are with high probability smaller than $\\tau_n$, if $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_r &\\geq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V_0;Z \\arrowvert V_\\otimes)} + \\delta_n(\\tau_n) \\nonumber \\\\\nR_r + R_{r_1} + R_{t_1} &\\geq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V_0 V_1;Z \\arrowvert V_\\otimes)} + \\delta_n (\\tau_n) \\nonumber \\\\\nR_r + R_{r_2} + R_{t_2} &\\geq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V_0 V_2;Z \\arrowvert V_\\otimes)} + \\delta_n (\\tau_n) \\nonumber \\\\\nR_r + R_{r_1} + R_{r_2} &\\geq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V_0 V_1 V_2;Z \\arrowvert V_\\otimes)} +\\delta_n(\\tau_n).", "\n\\label{Equ:ISecRate}\\end{aligned}$$ This follows from different strong secrecy approaches as [@Bloch_Resol; @Kram2; @MoritzSS]. ", "This implies that under the previous constraints, the leakage terms in are with high probability smaller than $\\tau_n$. Now, if we combine , and , then take the limit as $n \\rightarrow \\infty$, which implies that $\\delta_n(\\epsilon_n)$ and $\\delta_n (\\tau_n) \\rightarrow 0$, we prove the achievability of any rate quadruple $(R_c,R_0,R_1,R_2)$ satisfying .", "\n\nSecrecy Capacity For A Class of More Capable Channels\n-----------------------------------------------------\n\nConsider a wiretap BC with degraded message sets and message cognition, where the two legitimate receivers $\\mathrm{Y_1}$ and $\\mathrm{Y_2}$ are more capable than the eavesdropper $\\mathrm{Z}$. Then, the individual secrecy capacity region is given by the set of all rate quadruples $(R_c,R_0,R_1,R_2) \\in \\mathbb{R}_+^4$ that satisfy $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(U;Z)} \\nonumber \\\\\nR_0 + R_1 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_1\\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)} + R_\\otimes \\nonumber \\\\\nR_0 + R_2 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_2\\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)} + R_\\otimes \\nonumber \\\\\nR_c + R_0 + R_1 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_1) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)} + R_\\otimes \\nonumber \\\\\nR_c + R_0 + R_2 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_2) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)} + R_\\otimes\n\\label{Equ:ICap1} \\end{aligned}$$ where $R_\\otimes = \\min\\Big [R_1,R_2,\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)} \\Big]$, for some $\\mathrm{(U,X)}$, such that $\\mathrm{U - X - (Y_1, Y_2, Z)}$ forms a Markov chain. ", "Further it suffices to have $\\arrowvert \\mathcal{U} \\arrowvert \\leq \\arrowvert \\mathcal{X} \\arrowvert + 2$.\n\nThe achievability is based on the same principle used in Proposition \\[Lem:Lemma2\\]. ", "We start by modifying the structure of the random codebook as follows: For every $u^n(m_c)$, we generate the codewords $x^n(m_c,m,m_r)$ by generating symbols $x_i(m_c,m,m_r)$ independently at random according to $Q(x \\arrowvert u_i(m_c))$. Given a message pair $(m_c,m)$, the encoder chooses a message $m_r$ uniformly at random from the set $\\mathcal{M}_r$ and transmits $x^n(m_c,m,m_r)$. This changes the decoder at the first legitimate receiver such that, it outputs $(\\hat{m}_c,\\hat{m},\\hat{m}_r)$, if it is the unique triple, where $u^n(\\hat{m}_c)$, $x^n(\\hat{m}_c,\\hat{m},\\hat{m}_r)$ and $y_1^n$ are jointly typical. ", "The decoder at the second legitimate receiver also changes in the same way, while the decoder as the eavesdropper is kept unchanged. ", "Under these modifications, the reliability conditions in changes to: $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(U;Z)} -\\delta_n(\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber\\\\\nR_0 + R_{11} + R_\\otimes + R_r &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_1 \\arrowvert U)} - \\delta_n(\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber\\\\\nR_0 + R_{22} + R_\\otimes + R_r &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_2 \\arrowvert U)} - \\delta_n(\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber\\\\ \nR_c + R_0 + R_{11} + R_\\otimes + R_r &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_1)} - \\delta_n(\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber\\\\\nR_c + R_0 + R_{22} + R_\\otimes + R_r &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_2)} - \\delta_n(\\epsilon_n).", "\n\\label{Equ:ICapLB1_1}\\end{aligned}$$ On the other hand, the secrecy conditions in simplifies to $$R_\\otimes + R_r \\geq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)} +\\delta_n(\\tau_n).", "\n\\label{Equ:ICapLB1_2}$$ Now using Fourier-Motzkin elimination on the rate constraints given in , and followed by taking the limit as $n \\rightarrow \\infty$, which implies that $\\delta_n(\\epsilon_n)$ and $\\delta_n(\\tau_n) \\rightarrow 0$, leads the achievability of any rate quadruple $(R_c,R_0,R_1,R_2)$ satisfying . ", "Before jumping to the converse, it is important to highlight the difference between the coding structure in Proposition \\[Lem:Lemma2\\] and in this theorem. ", "In this theorem, the two secrecy encoding techniques: one time pad secret key encoding and wiretap random coding were combined in the same layer $\\mathrm{X}$. On the other hand, in Proposition \\[Lem:Lemma2\\] they were structured into two different layers. ", "In the first layer $\\mathrm{V}_\\otimes$ was used for the one time pad secret key encoding, while the wiretap random coding was performed in the next layers using $\\mathrm{V_0 \\text{, } V_1 \\text{ and } V_2}$. This is because combining the two techniques in the same layer is only possible, if the two legitimate receivers have a statistical advantage over the eavesdropper, such that $\\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(X;Y_1)}$ and $\\mathbb{I}\\mathrm{(X;Y_2)}$ are greater than $\\mathbb{I} \\mathrm{(X;Z)}$. Otherwise, the conditions in and can not be fulfilled simultaneously leading to a decoding failure. ", "Now for the converse, we start by letting $\\mathrm{U}_i \\triangleq (\\mathrm{M}_c,\\tilde {\\mathrm{Z}}^{i+1})$, $\\mathrm{K}_i^1 \\triangleq \\mathrm{Y}_1^{i-1}$, $\\mathrm{K}_i^2 \\triangleq \\mathrm{Y}_2^{i-1}$, $\\mathrm{M \\triangleq (M_0,M_1,M_2)}$, $\\mathrm{V}_i^1 \\triangleq (\\mathrm{M}, \\mathrm{U}_i,\\mathrm{K}_i^1)$ and $\\mathrm{V}_i^2 \\triangleq (\\mathrm{M},\\mathrm{U}_i, \\mathrm{K}_i^2)$. Using the same steps carried out in , we have $$R_c \\leq \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\mathbb{I} (\\mathrm{U}_i;\\mathrm{Z}_i) + \\gamma_c(\\epsilon_n). ", "\n\\label{Equ:IConv1_1}$$ Next, let us consider the confidential rates $(R_0 + R_1)$ intended to the first legitimate receiver, we have $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_0 &+ R_1 \\overset{(a)}{\\leq} \\frac{1}{n} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M_0 M_1;Y}_1^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_2 \\mathrm{M}_c) + \\gamma_1 (\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\leq \\frac{1}{n} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Y}_1^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c) + \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(b)}{\\leq} \\frac{1}{n} \\Big[ \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Y}_1^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c) - \\max \\big[ \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M_0 M_1;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c),\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\quad \\quad \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M_0 M_2;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c) \\big] \\Big] + \\gamma_1 (\\epsilon_n,\\tau_n) \\nonumber\\\\\n&= \\frac{1}{n} \\Big[ \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Y}_1^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M; Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c)\\Big] + \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_n) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\quad +\\frac{1}{n} \\min \\Big[\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M_1;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_0M_2M}_c), \\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I}(M_2;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_0 M_1 M}_c) \\Big] \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(c)}{\\leq} \\frac{1}{n} \\Big[ \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Y}_1^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M}_c) \\Big] + \\min \\big[R_1, R_2\\big] \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\quad \\quad + \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_n) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(d)}{=} \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\Big[\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^1; \\mathrm{Y}_{1i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i \\mathrm{K}_i^1) - \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^1;\\mathrm{Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i \\mathrm{K}_i^1) \\Big] \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\quad \\quad + \\min \\big[R_1, R_2\\big] + \\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_n), \n\\label{Equ:IConv1_2}\\end{aligned}$$ where $(a)$ follows from ; $(b)$ follows after modifying the individual secrecy conditions in to include the conditioning on the common message $\\mathrm{M}_c$ based on and Lemma \\[Prop:CMC\\]; $(c)$ follows because of the fact that $R_1 \\geq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M_1;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_0 M_2 M}_c)$ and $ R_2 \\geq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (M_2;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{M_0 M_1 M}_c)$; and $(d)$ follows as in . ", "Following the same steps we can derive a similar bound for the confidential rates $(R_0+R_2)$ intended to the second legitimate receiver as: $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_0 + R_2 &\\leq \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\Big[\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^2; \\mathrm{Y}_{2i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i \\mathrm{K}_i^2) - \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^2;\\mathrm{Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i \\mathrm{K}_i^2) \\Big] \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\quad \\quad +\\min \\big[R_1, R_2\\big] + \\gamma_2(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_n). ", "\\label{Equ:IConv1_3}\\end{aligned}$$ Now, consider the sum of the common rate and the confidential rates to the first and the second legitimate receivers. ", "Using the techniques used in and , we can derive the following bounds $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c + R_0 + R_1 &\\leq \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\Big[\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^1; \\mathrm{Y}_{1i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{K}_i^1) - \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^1;\\mathrm{Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i \\mathrm{K}_i^1) \\Big] \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\quad \\quad + \\min \\big[R_1, R_2\\big] + \\tilde{\\gamma}_1(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_n) \\nonumber\\\\\nR_c + R_0 + R_2 &\\leq \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\Big[\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^2; \\mathrm{Y}_{2i} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{K}_i^2) - \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i^2;\\mathrm{Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i \\mathrm{K}_i^2) \\Big] \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\quad \\quad + \\min \\big[R_1, R_2\\big] + \\tilde{\\gamma}_2(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_n).", "\n\\label{Equ:IConv1_4}\\end{aligned}$$ Now using , , and , followed by introducing a random variable $\\mathrm{T}$ independent of all others and uniformly distributed over $\\llbracket 1; n \\rrbracket$ and let $\\mathrm{U} = (\\mathrm{U}_T, \\mathrm{T})$, $\\mathrm{K}^1 = (\\mathrm{K}_T^1, \\mathrm{T})$, $\\mathrm{K}^2 = (\\mathrm{K}_T^2, \\mathrm{T})$, $\\mathrm{V}^1 = \\mathrm{V}_T^1$, $\\mathrm{V}^2 = \\mathrm{V}_T^2$, $\\mathrm{Y}_1 = \\mathrm{Y}_{1T}$, $\\mathrm{Y}_2 = \\mathrm{Y}_{2T}$ and $\\mathrm{Z} = \\mathrm{Z}_T$, then take the limit as $n \\rightarrow \\infty$ such that $\\gamma_c(\\epsilon_n)$, $\\gamma_1(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_{n})$, $\\tilde{\\gamma_1}(\\epsilon_n,\\tau_{n})$, $\\gamma_2(\\epsilon_n, \\tau_{n})$ and $\\tilde{\\gamma}_2 (\\epsilon_n,\\tau_{n}) \\rightarrow 0$, we reach the following $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (U;Z)} \\nonumber \\\\\n{ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleR_0 + R_1$}} &\\leq { \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyle\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^1;Y_1 \\arrowvert U K^1) - \\mathbb{I}(V^1;Z \\arrowvert U K^1)} + \\min \\big[ R_1, R_2 \\big]$}} \\nonumber \\\\\n{ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleR_0 + R_2$}} &\\leq { \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyle\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^2;Y_2 \\arrowvert U K^2) - \\mathbb{I}(V^2;Z \\arrowvert U K^2)} + \\min \\big[ R_1, R_2 \\big]$}} \\end{aligned}$$ $$\\begin{aligned}\n{ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleR_c + R_0 + R_1$}} &\\leq { \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyle\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^1;Y_1 \\arrowvert K^1) - \\mathbb{I}(V^1;Z \\arrowvert U K^1)} + \\min \\big[ R_1, R_2 \\big]$}} \\nonumber \\\\\n{ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleR_c + R_0 + R_2$}} &\\leq { \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyle\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^2;Y_2 \\arrowvert K^2) - \\mathbb{I}(V^2;Z \\arrowvert U K^2)} + \\min \\big[ R_1, R_2 \\big]$}}.\\end{aligned}$$ Since $\\mathrm{Y}_1$ and $\\mathrm{Y}_2$ are more capable than $\\mathrm{Z}$, we can use Lemma \\[Prop:MoreCap\\] to modify the previous bounds as we did in modifying the bounds in and to and as follows: $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I} (U;Z)} \\nonumber \\\\\nR_0 + R_1 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_1 \\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)} \n+ \\min \\big[ R_1, R_2 \\big] \\nonumber \\\\\nR_0 + R_2 &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_2 \\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)} \n+ \\min \\big[ R_1, R_2 \\big]\\nonumber \\\\\n{ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleR_c + R_0 + R_1$}} &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_1) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)} \n+ \\min \\big[ R_1, R_2 \\big] \\nonumber \\\\\n{ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleR_c + R_0 + R_2$}} &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_2) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)} \n+ \\min \\big[ R_1, R_2 \\big].", "\n\\label{Equ:IConv1_6}\\end{aligned}$$ To finalize our converse, we need to highlight the upper bounds required for reliable communication established in and in addition to the standard upper bound in . ", "These bounds will impose and additional constraint to guarantee that the addition of the minimum of $R_1$ and $R_2$ does not contradict them. ", "Thus the term $\\min [R_1, R_2]$ will change to $\\min [R_1,R_2,\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)}]$. Introducing this modification to the bounds in matches the rate region in and this completes our converse.", "\n\nConsider a wiretap BC with degraded message sets and message cognition where the two legitimate receivers $\\mathrm{Y}_1$ and $\\mathrm{Y}_2$ are less noisy than the eavesdropper $\\mathrm{Z}$, i.e. $\\mathrm{Y_1} \\succeq \\mathrm{Z}$ and $\\mathrm{Y_2} \\succeq \\mathrm{Z}$. Then, the individual secrecy capacity region is given by the set of all rate quadruples $(R_c,R_0,R_1,R_2) \\in \\mathbb{R}_+^4$ that satisfy $$\\begin{aligned}\nR_c &\\leq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(U;Z)} \\nonumber \\\\\n{ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleR_0 + R_1$}} &\\leq { \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyle\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_1\\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)} + \\min\\Big [R_1,R_2,\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)} \\Big]$}} \\nonumber\\\\\n{ \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyleR_0 + R_2$}} &\\leq { \\mbox{$\\medmuskip=0mu\\displaystyle\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y_2\\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)} + \\min\\Big [R_1,R_2,\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U)} \\Big]$}} \\nonumber \\end{aligned}$$ for some $\\mathrm{(U,X)}$, such that $\\mathrm{U - X - (Y_1, Y_2, Z)}$ forms a Markov chain. ", "Further it suffices to have $\\arrowvert \\mathrm{U} \\arrowvert \\leq \\arrowvert \\mathrm{X} \\arrowvert + 3$.\n\nThe previous region is a special case from the region in Theorem \\[Ther:2\\], where the sum rate bound is not needed because of the properties of less noisy channels. ", "The previous region was first established in [@MansourITW].", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nWe studied a three-receiver broadcast channel with degraded message sets and message cognition. ", "We established the non-secrecy capacity region for the general case by providing a weak converse showing that the straightforward extension of the Körner and Marton bound to our model is optimal. ", "We then investigated, evaluated and compared the performance of two different secrecy constraints for our model: the joint secrecy and the individual one. ", "For each constraint we derived a general achievable rate region. ", "We further showed that the principle of indirect decoding is optimal for the joint secrecy criterion, if only one of the legitimate receivers is more capable than the eavesdropper, such that it establishes the capacity. ", "On the other hand, we managed to establish the individual secrecy capacity if the two receivers are more capable than the eavesdropper. ", "Our results indicate that the individual secrecy provides a larger capacity region as compared to the joint one. ", "This increase arises from the mutual trust between the legitimate receivers in the individual secrecy constraint that allows the usage of secret key encoding, which is not possible for the conservative joint secrecy.", "\n\nProof of Lemma \\[Prop:LessN\\] {#App:LessN}\n-----------------------------\n\nWe define $\\Delta = \\frac{1}{n} [\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{W}) -\\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I}(M;Y}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{W})]$ and prove that if $\\mathrm{Y \\succeq Z}$, $\\Delta \\leq 0$ and this directly implies our proposition. ", "Let $\\mathrm{U}_i \\triangleq ( \\mathrm{W}, \\tilde{\\mathrm{Z}} ^{i+1}, \\mathrm{Y}^{i-1})$ and $\\mathrm{V}_i \\triangleq (\\mathrm{M}, \\mathrm{U}_i)$, we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\Delta &= \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\Big[ \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{W} \\tilde{\\mathrm{Z}}^{i+1}) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Y}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{W}\\mathrm{Y}^{i-1}) \\Big]\\nonumber \\\\ \n&\\overset{(a)}{=} \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\Big[ \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{W}\\tilde{\\mathrm{Z}}^{i+1} \\mathrm{Y}^{i-1}) - \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(M;Y}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{W}\\tilde{\\mathrm{Z}}^{i+1} \\mathrm{Y}^{i-1}) \\Big] \\nonumber \\\\\n&= \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^n \\Big[\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i; \\mathrm{Z}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i) - \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{V}_i; \\mathrm{Y}_i \\arrowvert \\mathrm{U}_i)\\Big] \\nonumber \\\\\n&\\overset{(b)}{=} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V;Z \\arrowvert U) - \\mathbb{I}(V;Y \\arrowvert U)} \\nonumber \\\\\n&= \\mathbb{E}_\\mathrm{U} \\Big [\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V;Z \\arrowvert U}) - \\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I}(V;Y \\arrowvert U}) \\Big]\\nonumber \\\\\n&\\overset{(c)} {\\leq} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V;Z \\arrowvert U}=u^*) - \\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I} (V;Y \\arrowvert U}=u^*) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(d)}{\\leq} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^*;Z) - \\mathbb{I}(V^*;Y)} \\overset{(e)} {\\leq} 0\n\\label{Equ:LNCon} \\end{aligned}$$ where $(a)$ follows from the Csiszár sum identity [@Csis Lemma 7]; $(b)$ follows by introducing a random variable $\\mathrm{T}$ independent of all others and uniformly distributed over $\\llbracket 1,n \\rrbracket$, then letting $\\mathrm{U =(U}_T ,\\mathrm{T})$, $\\mathrm{V =V}_T$, $\\mathrm{Y}=\\mathrm{Y}_{T}$ and $\\mathrm{Z=Z}_T$; $(c)$ follows as $u^*$ is the value of $\\mathrm{U}$ that maximizes the difference; $(d)$ follows as $\\mathrm{V}^*$ is distributed as $Q(v \\arrowvert u=u^*)$ cf. [", "@LiangITS Corollary 2.3] and $(e)$ follows since $\\mathrm{V^* - X - (Y,Z)}$ forms a Markov chain and $\\mathrm{Y \\succeq Z}$.\n\nProof of Lemma \\[Prop:CMC\\] {#App:CMC}\n---------------------------\n\nWe have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M};\\mathrm{Z}^n \\arrowvert \\mathrm{W}) &= \\mathbb{H}( \\mathrm{M} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{W}) - \\mathbb{H}(\\mathrm{M} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Z}^n \\mathrm{W}) \\nonumber \\\\\n&\\leq \\mathbb{H}( \\mathrm{M} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{W}) - \\mathbb{H}(\\mathrm{M} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Z}^n \\mathrm{W}) - \\mathbb{H}( \\mathrm{W} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Z}^n) + \\alpha \\nonumber \\\\\n&\\overset{(a)}{=} \\mathbb{H}( \\mathrm{M}) - \\mathbb{H}(\\mathrm{W} \\mathrm{M} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Z}^n ) + \\alpha \\nonumber \\\\\n&= \\mathbb{H}( \\mathrm{M}) - \\mathbb{H}( \\mathrm{M} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Z}^n) - \\mathbb{H}(\\mathrm{W} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Z}^n \\mathrm{M}) + \\alpha \\nonumber \\\\\n&\\overset{(b)}{\\leq} \\mathbb{I}(\\mathrm{M};\\mathrm{Z}^n) + \\alpha \\leq \\alpha + \\beta,\\end{aligned}$$ where $(a)$ follows because M and W are independent, while $(b)$ follows because $\\mathbb{H}(\\mathrm{W} \\arrowvert \\mathrm{Z}^n \\mathrm{M}) \\geq 0$.\n\nProof of Lemma \\[Prop:MoreCap\\] {#App:MoreCap}\n-------------------------------\n\nLet $\\Theta \\triangleq \\mathrm {\\mathbb{I}(V;Y \\arrowvert U^1 K) - \\mathbb{I}(V;Z \\arrowvert U^2 K)}$, we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\Theta &= \\mathbb{E}_{\\mathrm{K}} \\Big[ \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V;Y \\arrowvert U^1,K)} - \\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I}(V;Z \\arrowvert U^2,K)} \\Big]\\nonumber \\\\ \n&\\overset{(a)} {\\leq} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V;Y \\arrowvert U^1,K=}k^*) - \\mathrm{ \\mathbb{I}(V;Z \\arrowvert U^2,K=}k^*) \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(b)}{=} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(V^*;Y \\arrowvert U^1) - \\mathbb{I}(V^*;Z \\arrowvert U^2)} \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(c)}{=} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y \\arrowvert U^1) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Y \\arrowvert V^*) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U^2) + \\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert V^*)} \\nonumber\\\\\n&\\overset{(d)}{\\leq} \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y \\arrowvert U^1) - \\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert U^2)}, \\end{aligned}$$ where $(a)$ follows as $k^*$ is the value of $\\mathrm{K}$ that maximizes the difference; $(b)$ follows as $\\mathrm{V}^*$ is distributed as $Q (v \\arrowvert u^1, u^2, k=k^*)$; $(c)$ follows since $\\mathrm{(U^1,U^2) - V^* - X - (Y,Z)}$ forms a Markov chain and $(d)$ follows because $\\mathrm{Y}$ is more capable than $\\mathrm{Z}$, which implies that $\\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Y \\arrowvert V^*)} \\geq \\mathrm{\\mathbb{I}(X;Z \\arrowvert V^*)}$.\n\n[^1]: This work was presented in part at IEEE-SPAWC, Tronto, Canada, June 2014 [@Mansour] and at IEEE-ITW, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, November 2014 [@MansourITW].", "\n\n[^2]: Ahmed S. Mansour and Holger Boche are with the Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Informationstechnik, Technische Universität München, 80290 München, Germany (e-mail:ahmed.mansour@tum.de; boche@tum.de). ", "Rafael F. Schaefer is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA (email: rafaelfs@princeton.edu).", "\n\n[^3]: This work of R. F. Schaefer was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under Grant WY 1512-1.", "\n\n[^4]: From this point, we will refer to different receivers by their respective channel outputs interchangeably.", "\n\n[^5]: Although the third receiver $(\\mathrm{Z})$ is part of our model and not an external user, we will refer to it in the rest of the paper as an eavesdropper.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSubmit datepicker value concatenate with another input save in one input name\n\nI am doing a web site for a restaurant, and my reservation form submits to 'open table'. ", "In order to submit the good url I need to concatenate a Datepicker value (jquery plugin) with the time value of another form.", "\nOpen table needs that to get inside the name input \"d\". ", "\nSomething like this:d=9%2f20%2f2012+9%3a30+PM\nSo I created a function that will concatenate to a parsed datepicker and time inside d.\nfunction reservation(){\n var newValue = $('#datepicker').val() +' '+$('#heures').val();\n $('#datepicker').val(newValue);\n return true;\n }\n\nthe result that i have is this: d=27%2F09%2F2012+12%3A30+PM+12%3A30+PM+12%3A30+PM+12%3A30+PM+12%3A30+PM+12%3A30+PM\nI dont understand why I got the time repeating 5 extra times.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe function reservation i make is working, It was a Date format problem with Datepicker. ", "Open Table reservation was waiting for MM/DD/YY while i was submitting DD/MM/YY.", "\nSo i just had to put this code to get the good date Format\n$(\"#datepicker\").datepicker({\n dateFormat:'mm/dd/yy',\n }); \n\n" ]
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[ "The Girl in the Blue Bra\n\nThe Girl in the Blue Bra (Cairo, Egypt) refers to the image of an Egyptian woman who participated in the Tahrir Square protests in opposition to Egypt's Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), the military coup that ousted Hosni Mubarak during the 2011 Egyptian Revolution in opposition to Mubarak's presidency. ", "Her name has been undisclosed, and therefore she cannot be properly identified. ", "The image receives its title due to the fact that the woman was stripped of her abaya (A single full-body garment used to cover the body of a woman, aside from her face, hands and feet) while being dragged by Egyptian soldiers from the square, revealing her jeans, bare skin, and her blue bra. ", "Such an event sparked widespread national and global reactions from individuals and the media.", "\n\nBackground\nCivil unrest had spread across Egypt due to much dissatisfaction with President Mubarak’s corrupt regime. ", "Citizens protested by participating in demonstrations, marches, occupations, and civil disobedience in a national effort to overthrow Hosni Mubarak from the presidency. ", "Many of the Egyptian grievances revolved around economic and political issues including unemployment, police brutality, political freedom, civil liberty, and food-price inflation. ", "The use of mass media was instrumental into organizing collective action as people were able to utilize online social-networks to mobilize towards Tahrir Square. ", "Such a strategy caught Mubarak’s regime by surprise, and therefore he was unable to efficiently contain or provide any successful counter strategy towards this social movement. ", "On January 25, 2011, thousands gathered in Cairo any other Egyptian cities in opposition of the regime. ", "Clashes between civilians and security forces unfolded in an attempt to halt the movement as some 840 people were killed, while over 6,000 were injured.", "\n\nAfter a few weeks of continued protests and demonstrations, Vice President Omar Suleiman announced that Hosni Mubarak had resigned from the presidency, and would transfer state-control to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF). ", "However, there were still many who were unsatisfied with the conditions and the obtainment of the government by the party of the SCAF. ", "Many demanded for election reform, an end to the state of emergency, and for power to be returned to civilians. ", "This sparked much outrage and controversy among Egyptian citizens. ", "Therefore, this state of discontent led to a second wave of protests in Tahrir Square in December that same year.", "\n\nThe Protest \nOn December 17, 2011, many Egyptians occupied the Tahrir Square in order to protest and express their frustrations with the SCAF regime. ", "However, the protests were met with much resistance from the army, as many civilians were beaten and arrested in an attempt by the regime to dispel the protests.", "\n\nA video recorded from an aerial view then emerged of a woman trying to flee from the Square, only to stumble and fall to the ground. ", "The security forces caught up to her and beat her severely. ", "The soldiers began stomping her and hitting her with their batons. ", "As they began dragging her away, her abaya fell from her body, revealing her stomach, jeans, and bra. ", "The soldiers continued to stomp her body, though she seemed to be unconscious.", "\n\nReaction \nFollowing the publication of the video, many were morally outraged and disturbed by the actions of the SCAF. ", "Popular media platforms such as CNN, NPR, and RT had all covered the event and video, resulting in a large viewing of, \"The Girl in the Blue Bra\". ", "On December 20, 2011, thousands of activists gathered in Tahrir Square to condemn the actions of the military and the SCAF. ", "Some observers claim that the protest consisted of one of the largest participation by women in a demonstration in recent years. ", "Recognized political leaders such as Hillary Clinton criticized the attacks on protesters and labeled the actions of the military as a degrading to women, the revolution, and Egypt. ", "In response to Clinton's remarks, Mohamed Kamal Amr, Egypt's Foreign Minister, proclaimed that Egypt accepts no interference in its affairs. ", "However, the SCAF later apologized to women for its actions asserted their respect for women and their rights.", "\n\nSymbolism \nPolice have been known to beat civilians, but to overtly beat an unarmed female in public signifies that it could happen to anyone. ", "Graffiti and painted images of the Blue Bra have been prominent on the walls of Cairo. ", "It symbolizes the social suffering of a nation, as other issues such as opposition to violence, military-rule, censorship, and stripping of people are all personal experiences of activists. ", "Others contend that, \"The Girl in the Blue Bra\" identifies that women's bodies are subject to moral, cultural, and political views. ", "Further, they claim that the presence of women protesting in Tahrir Square for democracy and social justice may undermine state control and patriarchal values.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnFVYewkWEY&bpctr=1430341841\nhttps://www.facebook.com/pages/Blue-Bra-Girl/204247682993672\n\nCategory:Egyptian Crisis (2011–2014)\nCategory:Police brutality\nCategory:Women's rights in Egypt\nCategory:2011 in Egypt" ]
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[ "1999 Malaysian motorcycle Grand Prix\n\nThe 1999 Malaysian motorcycle Grand Prix was the first round of the 1999 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season. ", "It took place on 18 April 1999 at the Sepang International Circuit.", "\n\n500 cc classification\n\n250 cc classification\n\n125 cc classification\n\nChampionship standings after the race (500cc)\n\nBelow are the standings for the top five riders and constructors after round one has concluded. ", "\n\nRiders' Championship standings\n\nConstructors' Championship standings\n\n Note: Only the top five positions are included for both sets of standings.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Malaysian motorcycle Grand Prix\nMalaysia\nMotorcycle Grand Prix" ]
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[ "Evaluation of normal ocular bacterial flora with two different culture media.", "\nThe purpose of this study was to determine if the use of broth culture medium is efficient in investigating bacterial flora of the normal eyelid and conjunctiva. ", "Samples from the conjunctiva and eyelid of healthy patients of various ages who were undergoing ocular surgeries were obtained and cultured at 3 periods: before topical antibiotic prophylaxis, in the postoperative period during topical antibiotic treatment, and 15 days after discontinuation of antibiotic use. ", "Samples were inoculated into both brain heart infusion broth and blood agar plate, and the growth results of both media were analyzed. ", "Brain heart infusion broth medium showed a significantly higher bacterial growth of gram-positive cocci in most periods. ", "The solid blood agar medium had a higher recovery of gram-positive bacilli before prophylaxis only in the older patients. ", "Our results show that a more complete analysis of eyelid and conjunctival flora can be obtained using both liquid and solid media to increase the chances of isolate recovery. ", "The inclusion of liquid media in this analysis was even more relevant in the period of concomitant use of antibiotic treatment." ]
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[ "I have this fantasy about President Obama’s second term, and I don’t think I’m alone. ", "First of all, I imagine he’s going to win because people in America are a lot smarter than anyone gives them credit for, and my theory is the election’s going to show this.", "\n\nSee, it’s an unfortunate truth in our country that the first term of any president is tempered by the inevitable events of the four years following the day they’re sworn in. ", "They want to get stuff done for sure, but they also want to get reelected, and it’s harder and harder in today’s harsh, Fox News-tainted political climate to do both at once. ", "The second term, then, is really when shit gets done.", "\n\nSo my fantasy involves Obama getting reelected, and within a few days of taking office, laying the smack down on everybody. ", "Gay marriage? ", "Boom! ", "Women’s right to choose? ", "Shabam! ", "Mandatory karaoke every weekend? ", "OVERDUE! ", "And that’s all within the first week or so, meaning he’d have three more years and 51 months to do other cool shit.", "\n\nI’m not saying everything Obama would do would be perfect. ", "But I bet we all want a president to do something! ", "To be remembered as a person who did everything he or she possibly could to best serve the people. ", "Our political system is deeply flawed, and it’s exhilarating to imagine that someone would do all they could to make it work for the United States, rather than let it get in the way of, well, everything.", "\n\n(Yes, I’m aware this is the president and not some dictator, but I think the fantasy still applies to some degree. ", "And no, I’m not a professional politics knower-of-things, but I’m flattered you’d think that!)", "\n\nPeople have told me that there’s a later election on The West Wing that mirrors that of Obama vs. McCain, but I see a lot of parallels between Bartlet vs. Ritchie and Obama vs. Romney: Both elections pit an actual, living and breathing person against a sentient microwave oven. ", "And Bartlet instigating foreign policy changes during his inauguration speech is exactly the kind of gumption I’d love to see from Obama.", "\n\n“Inauguration” parts one and two kick off with that revelation: Bartlet is discussing last-minute speech material with his team, who all inform him that the changes have leaked. ", "Leo fields a few people’s concerns, puts them at ease, directs them to the cheese tray, and knows he just misled all these fine folks. ", "Well, really he’s just trying to ease the pain when they find out that the president is about to rewrite foreign policy on-the-fly without consulting anyone.", "\n\nLike much of The West Wing, both episodes of “Inauguration” are about obsession—the little bug in your ear that won’t shut up even during the most important moments. ", "For Will, it’s wanting to know every single word Bartlet’s ever spoken so he can find the perfect word later, when it really counts. ", "For Donna, it’s taking a metaphorical bullet for her new boyfriend even at the cost of her own reputation, because he’s just that great of a guy (though real-life Christian Slater still a chooch, etc). ", "For Danny, it’s that damn cricket player that he can’t find. ", "And so on—such is life in The West Wing.", "\n\nFor Bartlet, it’s learning small pieces of info about the situation in Equatorial Kundu: Two factions are at war (though really, one is just killing the other), and they are making people do terrible things like swap houses—i.e. the inhabitants raping each other for the promise of a safe night. ", "It’s not the kind of situation in which the U.S. would normally intervene, though, because apparently there is a distinction between a genocide and “acts of genocide”; besides, according to U.S. foreign policy, the country isn’t supposed to get involved yet. (", "Not that I’m totally and utterly confused as to why Bartlet can’t get the image of those atrocities out of his head.)", "\n\nEven though he’s spending his pre-inauguration days picking out the right Bible to be sworn in on, the situation in Kundu is nagging at him. ", "Why shouldn’t he get involved? ", "What kind of a world does he live in that would keep the U.S. from doing so? ", "How obvious can Aaron Sorkin be about making his protagonist go rogue?", "\n\nThat’s not really the point, though. ", "I can overlook how cut-and-dry this situation is because even though I knew what was going to happen, “Inauguration” surprises me in how Bartlet comes to his decision. ", "Well, it’s not just this one thing, but he stays up late watching an old black-and-white movie where a group of toy soldiers go marching off to battle. ", "He sees the toy soldiers, all in line, rewinds, watches them again, sees images of real soldiers, back to the toy ones, and calls Leo.", "\n\nWhat I love about that scene is how mechanical and rote those soldiers are, and how deeply and emotionally their image resonates with Bartlet. ", "Perhaps it’s because the image is so straightforward that Bartlet sees war as an inevitability and an automatic decision. ", "He actually delivers the news to his staff with a calm and calculated nature to his voice, never once letting his feelings creep into his cadence. ", "It’s only when he notices his entire staff getting to work and ignoring him that he deviates from his sobering speech.", "\n\nThere are studies about police officers and teachers, observing how they act in their first weeks on the job and how they act later on. ", "And without fail, the people that have jobs with some cultural model—occupations like firefighter and postal worker, which have been represented in society for years—act like how they imagine a police officer or teacher might act when they start out. ", "They walk differently than they normally do; they say things that they’ve accidentally cribbed from movies. ", "Over time, they find a middle ground between how they normally are and this perceived norm, and they go from there. “", "Inauguration” depicts Bartlet’s “presidential” moment, only he doesn’t act as he imagines a president would—he acts as he imagines a good and optimistic president would.", "\n\nThen there’s Will Bailey, who’s taking his behavioral cues from God-knows-what. ", "Not in a really bad way or anything—even though he’s been around for a few episodes, we still don’t know too much about him. ", "Well, a few things. ", "He’s somehow managed to out-verbose Sam, talking even when nobody is listening, when frequently they are not. ", "He’s the kind of guy who will go to a place he’s not wanted and will himself to be completely ignorant of that fact, cementing his place by speaking up even when the majority of people would rather he stand back and listen. ", "Plus, on top of that, he’ll bring someone else, in this case his half-sister, who truly nobody knows. ", "He breaks windows previously unbroken; he requests transcripts previously unrequested—because there are so many of them.", "\n\nI do know what’s driving him, though: the thrill of calling an audible. ", "He reveals to Toby at the beginning of “Over There” that he heard a story once: Seems Toby persuaded Bartlet to change his State of the Union address less than 24 hours before delivering it. ", "Toby marvels at Will’s ability to learn that kind of information, as there were only a handful of people in the room when it happened. “", "Well, if I’d been one of them, I’d have repeated it to everyone I met,” Will retorts.", "\n\nI love the idea that there might be a secret government fan club where people role-play historical moments like Civil War re-enactors—but instead of staging memorable battles, they’re focused on policy discussions. ", "And it doesn’t surprise me much that Will Bailey is that group’s founder and probably plays the role of “Toby.” ", "Much like Josh, he doesn’t want to be The Guy, he wants to be the guy that The Guy can count on; just look at what happened with Sam’s campaign. ", "But because he clearly spends a great deal of time thinking about the highlights, he’s missing all the stuff that happens in the middle, when he writes new language for a boring part of a speech and is forced to ignore important details because, well, that’s just the way it is.", "\n\nAnd now, despite all that he’s learned, he remains a serial optimist, willing to stand up to the president himself. ", "Yeah, I’m sure he’ll fit right into this show. ", "He believes in the power of words! ", "Sorkin finally found a perfect surrogate.", "\n\nSo much of both of these episodes is about Kundu, and just how terrible things are over there. ", "Like I mentioned, making the decision to intervene is not difficult—as the episodes roll out, we learn new facts about the death toll. ", "Both parts of “Inauguration” argue that the U.S. should feel a responsibility to intervene when horrible things are happening overseas, regardless of the consequences or whether or not it’s “right”. ", "It’s always right, is the point.", "\n\nDespite the darkness, there are plenty of moments of levity—what I’ve come to expect from The West Wing, unless it’s in the middle of a gut-wrenching finale. ", "CJ seduces Danny, getting him to the point where he’s just about to completely lose himself in her perfume, then she stops, teasing him, and heads into the briefing room where she reports on the death count in Kundu. ", "Bartlet sends away for a special Bible that’s the size of a Volkswagen, and desperately pulls Charlie aside to try and get a different one (though after all his wishy-washiness about the Bible, he almost doesn’t even have one when the inauguration’s about to start). ", "By the time Josh, Toby, Charlie, and Danny are throwing snowballs at Donna’s window, I’d all but forgotten about Kundu.", "\n\nInaugurations are a formality, just as acting on your passion is on The West Wing. ", "And like any formality, you get it done, and move on." ]
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[ "Attest is a punk. ", "His true colors came out on that bitch move on barea.", "\nWord on the street is that pau got dumped by his fiancee two weeks ago, and he is blaming the wife of a teammate. ", "Could this be the trust issues that Bynum referred to...\n\nWhere does it say he didnt apologize? ", "I just saw the part where he won the citizenship award.", "\nI dont think artest is a punk, he has acted like one at times but i think artest has mental health issues, have you ever seen a interview with him? ", "He's all over the place answering questions, just like he is when he plays. ", "He is one strong and strange dude. ", "Not condoning his actions...although...I was saying to my TV (early in the game) someone one needs to bump JJBerea on his Ass like Fisher gave the forearm shiver to Scolia last year in the Houston series. ", "Not at the end of the game, thats just stupid. ", "Heard the same thing about pau's chick and his play has been very weak. ", "He's probably an emotional wreck, bad time to happen. ", "Gasol needs to watch some dominating old film of himself to remind him he can be the man! ", "I believe Bynum was talking about not trusting each other on defensive switches and not covering for a guy after the switch. ", "The high screen roll killed the lakers, did they forget how they played CP3 a week ago? ", "I dont think its kobe shooting too much, only 20 shots in game 2 down from 29 and at a 47% clip. ", "The bench has completley lost it other than Lamar. ", "I watched steve blake destroy the lakers at the end of the 2010 season before the lakers aquired him. ", "If memory serves he had a triple double ...28, 12 and 10... that guy has yet to show up as a laker. ", "Barnes and brown have been mostly no shows since early in the season when they started calling themselves \"Killer B's\", only thing they're killin is me when i watch them and the leads the starters build.", "\nTonight...Interesting to see if the lakers who won 17 of 18 after the allstar break show up or the team who lost 5 in a row. ", "Its crazy how a team can be so talented and cannot play consistent ball. ", "I really think they have lost the passion to win another ring at this point. ", "The other team is more hungry and it shows in the play.", "\n\nLakers can be unbeatable, but they are a mental block at times. ", "The pau issue has to do with him and another teammate who r not on speaking Terms, but both share the floor for most of the game. ", "That has to be tough to deal with. ", "Either way, I don't see them rolling over, unless they lose a close one tonight. ", "Then it will be quitting time for most of them. ", "Sorta like the finals against Boston a couple years back.", "\n\nall I have heard on the radio all week from West cost media types is that the Lakers have beaten themselves. ", "There have also been a few Laker players that have said that losing has been more about what they haven't done rather than what the Mavs have done. ", "I can't decide weather I hate the arrogant Lakers more, or the arrogant Yankees more. ", "I guess since they play 2 different sports, I can hate them equally.", "\nThis Mavs team isn't the best team ever.....Dirk even said it tonight.....\"we aren't good enough to coast or to relax. ", "We have to keep playing with the same intensity...\" But, I hope that Laker players and fans can finally acknowledge that they are getting beat. ", "The Mavs are getting more bench points, more 3 pointers, and are out coaching the Lakers.", "\nThe Lakers are simply getting beat\nThat's all I've got. ", "No predictions. ", "No over reaction band wagon. ", "Just stop the whining.", "\n\nyes, the lakers have played like crap, but i'm not using that as an excuse. ", "the mavs are to blame for that and have simply outplayed them, kickin' the lakers' asses. ", "i'm not delusional in saying this, but if there's a team that can win 4 straight, it's the lakers. ", "but if the mavs keep playing the way they've been playing the last 2 series, there's no way the lakers can overcome the 3-0 deficit.", "\n\nHow long till Kobe requests a trade? ", "Talk about a team that quit on each other. ", "I can't wait till the book comes put on this team. ", "I am dying to know what was going on with pau and whichever teammate screwed him over.", "\n\nI think we will find out over the next couple weeks what caused the mental/internal meltdown that showed up on the court. ", "I've never seen Phil Jackson get on someone like he did to Pau in game 3, could not get that guy connected to the game. ", "Hope he doesnt go Donnie Moore on us this week. ", "Train you were right about feeling like the beatdown in Boston but it was worse. ", "This team did not even try to play in game 4, over by the end of the 1st qtr. ", "Ugly, Embarrassing to the Laker organization. ", "Not sure how much was great mavs shooting and how much was lack of caring and defense. ", "So many things going wrong it was like a snowball downhill and the lakers just disintegrated. ", "Still, it was a sweet run. ", "If you told me the Lakers were going to 3 finals in a row, winning 2 championships then go down in epic collapse form ...I'll take it every single time! ", "Not to mention the 4 trips to the finals and 3 championships in early 2000's. ", "No ones been better in the current nba. ", "Lakers will make adjustments and give it another whirl.", "\n\nLakers were coasting expecting the league to tee it up for them as usual.", "\n\nMav's are a jumpshooting team and 9 times out of 10 it bites them. ", "However, 1 in 10 they blow out the other team. ", "It doesnt matter if its the worst team in the league, if they go 20-32 from the arc, you arent winning. ", "And, the only reason the percentage was that low was because Stevenson bricked half a dozen in garbage time.", "\n\nCliff, The Lakers played about as bad a game as they did all season and they payed the price. ", "Thats how it works...win or go home. ", "Lakers played well enough in games 1 and 3 to have a lead in the 4th qtr, and then their inconsistent play, false confidence/bravado, bad decision making and the Mavs closing well was all it took. ", "If you are going to have that swagger you have to be able to back it up...the lakers could not walk the walk and the Mavs did. ", "Im sure the lakers are mentally and physically exausted add to that the gasol fiasco on the court and in the locker room, its a recipe for imploding. ", "Yes, the mavs shot lights out and so did Orlando before they lost in 09. ", "Dallas flat out kicked the lakers asses, but it wasnt a very good laker effort in any part of the game. ", "Like Jason said, its true about jump shooting teams...live by the 3, die by the 3. ", "Congrats to the Mavs, Mark Cuban and their fans, you have a really good and deep team. ", "You put a beat down on the lakers.", "\n\nI think you missed my point. ", "I live in Dallas and am a homer for the Mav's. ", "However, I know good and well game 4 was much more about a shooting anomaly than any game strategy. ", "I believe the league encourages lucrative matchups, which generally work in the Lakers favor. ", "The lakers played with no urgency expecting it to \"work out\" like it has in the past. ", "Guess it wasn't going to fly this year.", "\n\nMakes him a solid player. ", "Probably on the same level as Chauncy when he was with Detroit.", "\n\nI was a long time pistons fan, until they trade Chauncey for the thug. ", "I am as big of a hater of Kobe as there is. ", "However, u putting these two on the same level truly shows how either stupid u r about basketball (regardless of your hoops pedigree) or have such a blind hatred for Kobe, that u truly cant see the absolute talent that plays before your eyes. ", "I am hoping it is the first one, but have a feeling it is the second one.", "\n\n\"Shaq carried Kobe to rings, thats a given fact\" Your \"fact\" is debatable.", "\nMost coaches, players, fans and anyone who knows who chauncey billips is would disagree with your assesment and IMO they would be correct.", "\n\"Makes him a solid player.\" ", "Yeah, kinda.", "\n\n81 points (2nd highest in a game)\n62 in 3 quarters (outscored a team thru 3 quarters)\n9 straight 40+ point games\n4 straight 50+ point games\n13 straight 35+ point games\n12 3's in 1 game\n9 straight 3's in 1 game\nAveraged 40+ ppg for a month\n2nd all time in career playoff 30 point games (78)\n3rd all time in 40 point games (104)\n3rd all time in 50 point games (24)\n3rd all time in 60 point games (5)\nOnly player in NBA history to score at least 600 points in the postseason for three consecutive years\n\nCareer points: 26,129 (12th all time)\nPlayoff career pts: 5,052 (4th all time)\n\nThe OKC game last night was great! ", "I honestly have no idea who is going to be the team from the West.... and the East I think will come down to Bulls v Heat.... hoping to see a Heat v Mavs (or OKC) final..... but honestly as long as the Celtics and Lakers aren't there, WIN!", "\n\nThanks EJ!", "\nNot enuff?? ", "Really? ", "Dude had to pay over $700 large in addition to the games...what other sport fines like the Commish Stern?", "\nKobe broke top 50 before he was 30. ", "Are you even old enough to have watched your idol?", "\nI think Magic Johnson spoke too soon when he said they need to blow up the Laker team. ", "Wonder what Kupchec will do.", "\nI need to pick another team now, cant be Miami, Boston's about gone. ", "Grizzlys, nah, Not Chicago or ATL either...May have to bandwagon w/ OKC. ", "Love Durants game.", "\n\nFirst team all conference as a freshman. ", "Ill take the pictrure of the award next time im home. ", "Like I previously stated. ", "I dominated small school basketball. ", "It is what it is. ", "I wont be making millions of dollars playing basketball however my basketball ability and knowledge far surpasses 99% of you clowns.", "\n\nU previously stated u dominated college. ", "Not small school basketball. ", "Your basketball knowledge is suspect based on the simple fact u compared Kobe with Chauncey as far as their talent level. ", "That sir, makes u a basketball dimwit.", "\n\nyes Darrel, not enough. ", "It wasn't $700,000 plus games. ", "The article reads that is is a total of $700,000, including the fine for going shirtless.", "\nHe must make nearly 135,000 per game, plus endorsements.", "Over an 8o plus game season, he makes a ton of cash. ", "15 games would have been about 2 million in fines for an act that could have resulted in a serious injury. ", "2 million is still less than 20% of his total salary. ", "Instead, he got fined maybe 6%. ", "Chump change for him. ", "I bet it didn't even phase him. ", "He will do it again before his career is over.....\n\nFirst team all conference as a freshman. ", "Ill take the pictrure of the award next time im home. ", "Like I previously stated. ", "I dominated small school basketball. ", "It is what it is. ", "I wont be making millions of dollars playing basketball however my basketball ability and knowledge far surpasses 99% of you clowns.", "\n\nThat would be like me saying I dominated the local race track.", "I did and have the trophys to prove it.", "But now the real details.", "It was a GO CART TRACK and i was racing amateurs. ", "I also have alot of knowledge about racing in general.", "But i can admit i would get schooled by the pros and not even be competitive.", "Small school equals less talent and less difficult scheme to learn.", "Sure you know basic drills and skills but put you on the court with a pro[not even Kobe]and you would look like a school boy lost among men.", "\n\nThat would be like me saying I dominated the local race track.", "I did and have the trophys to prove it.", "But now the real details.", "It was a GO CART TRACK and i was racing amateurs. ", "I also have alot of knowledge about racing in general.", "But i can admit i would get schooled by the pros and not even be competitive.", "Small school equals less talent and less difficult scheme to learn.", "Sure you know basic drills and skills but put you on the court with a pro[not even Kobe]and you would look like a school boy lost among men.", "\n\nYour knowledge about college basketball is clownlike. ", "Small school can mean alot of different things but normally it relates back to a size issue. ", "Believe what you want, guys ive played with/against are getting paid to play overseas. ", "Guys that werent 1st team all conference as freshmen. ", "But like I stated, you can believe what youd like to, my accomplishments are what they are. ", "Next time someones in ohio come play some ball.", "\n\nAs far as scheme. ", "Half a D1 athletes dont have a clue what they are doing \"scheme\" wise.", "\n\nYour knowledge about college basketball is clownlike. ", "Small school can mean alot of different things but normally it relates back to a size issue. ", "Believe what you want, guys ive played with/against are getting paid to play overseas. ", "Guys that werent 1st team all conference as freshmen. ", "But like I stated, you can believe what youd like to, my accomplishments are what they are. ", "Next time someones in ohio come play some ball.", "\n\nAs far as scheme. ", "Half a D1 athletes dont have a clue what they are doing \"scheme\" wise.", "\n\nWould have, Could Have ,Should Have? ", "How about I do play pro ball and make millions,or even I play ball over seas.", "\n\nCliff, I still think that losing $700K is significant even if you make Bynum money. ", "It was stupid and a bad decision to throw an elbow like that...esp because of the size diff between the two. ", "It was not a Kermit Washington type play, An elbow to the rib cage, even with Barea in the air, is not life threatening and the media did what they do...make a big deal out of a regular size deal. ", "Two million, I think thats just too high. ", "Barea is your guy and Bynum mine so it makes sense we may not agree. ", "I think the nba fines are as harsh as any in sports.", "\nAwesome game in Chicago, the look on the Heatles faces when down by 20 was priceless. ", "Taj Gibson, spectacular!", "\nHoping rust over rest in Dallas, Go Thunder.", "\n\nmjfan, you have a high probability of failing bedside manners class. ", "Seriously , congrats on your ball skills and your acomplishments, im sure you can hoop. ", "But quit acting like a primadona, if you had not noticed, its not working for you.", "\n\nMavs!!! ", "I guess the rest didn't hurt them. ", "7 playoff wins in a row!", "\n121-112 over the Thunder\n\nDirk was on fire!", "\n48 points on 15 shots from the field. ", "No 3 pointers. ", "That means the rest were free throws.......an NBA record in fact! ", "24 for 24 free throws. ", "Thats a lot of David Hasselhoff singing!! ", "He has said that he sings at the line in order to focus.", "\nThe ESPN crew was comparing him to the great Larry Bird. ", "I'm not sure he's a Larry Bird, but he is on a roll this year.", "\nLets make it 8 in a row Mavs! ", "woo hoo!", "\n\nYeah my rust plan wasnt even close! ", "Freaking spectacular night for Dirk, dude was taking it to the thunder from the get go. ", "Looked like they just carried forward from the game 4 V. Lakers, Barea still killing in the pick/roll and Terry still killing it outside.... and after all that.... OKC was still hanging in til the end. ", "Two really good series going on right now.", "\nmjfan, kobe is not into guys so quit fantasizing, thinking, and talking about him.", "\n\nDurant had a great game too, carried OKC! ", "Young teams play better at home, and OKC is a very young team.", "\nI forgot to mention Dirks unsportsmanlike hit on Durant as he was going in for the layup late. ", "Close to a flagrant foul IMO." ]
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[ "Sparx Wins Government Mandate to Start Renewable Energy Fund\n\nJune 28 (Bloomberg) -- Sparx Group Co., a Japanese asset\nmanager, will start an infrastructure fund after winning a\ncontract from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to invest in the\nnation’s renewable energy industry.", "\n\nThe fund will start with initial capital of 1.5 billion yen\n($19 million) from the government as early as October and will\nexpand to about 20 billion yen, Chief Executive Officer Shuhei\nAbe said. ", "The fund will mainly invest in projects including\nmega-solar and wind-power plants in Japan, and may also invest\nas much as 15 percent of assets in shares of smart-grid\ntechnology companies, he said.", "\n\nSparx runs a fund that invests in Japanese companies in the\nsmart-grid and renewable-energy technology industries amid\nJapan’s efforts to cut dependence on atomic energy that provided\nabout 30 percent of the nation’s power before the Fukushima\nnuclear meltdown in March 2011. ", "The Tokyo government sought\ncompanies able to manage a public-private infrastructure fund\ndedicated to investing in the country’s power-supply business,\nthe nation’s first such fund, according to Abe.", "\n\n“This is going to be a big push for the expansion of our\nfund business,” Abe said in an interview in Tokyo. “", "The\nrenewable energy industry is lacking capital it needs to\ncontribute to securing sustainable energy in Japan and we want\nto be the initial risk taker in providing the financing.”", "\n\nThe mandate comes as Abe tries to bring his company back to\nprofitability by widening its offerings beyond equity-related\nproducts, including hotel and real estate funds. ", "Sparx posted a\nnet loss of 4.54 billion yen for last fiscal year, compared with\na 3.7 billion yen loss a year earlier, even after it cut\nsalaries and relocated to less expensive offices in Tokyo.", "\n\nRaising Funds\n\nThe infrastructure fund will target an annual return of 6\npercent to 8 percent, while it will last about 15 years, Abe\nsaid. ", "Sparx plans to raise capital for the fund from domestic\nand overseas pensions, individual investors as well as sovereign\nwealth funds around the world, Abe said.", "\n\nSparx’s smart-grid fund, with more than 20 billion yen in\nassets, has declined 4.2 percent since July 2010 through the end\nof May, outperforming the 14 percent drop by the benchmark Topix\nindex in the same period, according to the company.", "\n\nThe Tokyo city fund will focus on the Tokyo metropolitan\narea for investments, while it will seek opportunities across\nJapan as well in alternative energy providers such as those in\nthe solar- power industry and wind-power generators, Abe said.", "\n\nThe Tokyo Metropolitan Government became the largest\nshareholder in Tokyo Electric Power Co. at the end of March\nfollowing partial stake sales by two life insurance companies,\naccording to the utility’s website.", "\n\nReplacing Nuclear\n\nJapan’s government in April recommended solar power\nproviders earn 42 yen a kilowatt-hour for the electricity they\nproduce, three times the 13.65 yen charged to industrial and\ncommercial users, according to the Ministry of Economy, Trade\nand Industry. ", "The preferential rate, known as a feed-in tariff,\nfor solar power, was recommended for 20 years.", "\n\nTo replace one nuclear plant in Japan, about 2 trillion yen\nof capital is needed, according to Abe. ", "All of Japan’s 50\nreactors were taken offline for safety checks after the\nmeltdowns at Tepco’s Fukushima Dai-Ichi reactors last year, with\nonly two near the western city of Osaka given permission to\nresume operations since.", "\n\n“Japan’s energy policy has changed drastically post\nFukushima,” Abe said. “", "Alternative energy has been argued to\nbe costly, but with the introduction of the feed-in-tariff in\nJuly, the industry will grow eventually and the fact that a\ncompany like Sparx can be a part of it along with the government\nis quite significant for us.”" ]
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[ "H7N9 Mutation Makes Bird Flu Virus Drug-Resistant And More Infectious\n\nThe World Health Organization revealed on Tuesday that China has detected an evolution in the H7N9 avian flu virus that makes the bird flu strain capable of causing severe disease in poultry, which needs close monitoring.", "\n\nBird Flu Virus H7N9 Mutations\n\nAnalysis of virus samples from Taiwan and China suggested that H7N9 has gone through mutations that include resistance to antiviral class of drugs called neuraminidase inhibitors. ", "Researchers also learned that the virus has become more pathogenic in birds after virus samples collected from two infected humans were injected into birds in laboratory.", "\n\nLimited Person-To-Person Transmission\n\nThe U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has earlier said that \"limited\" person-to-person spread of the H7N9 could not be ruled out. \"", "Limited\" means that a virus from an animal host is able to infect a person and then spread to that person's close contact but not much further.", "\n\n\"Based on what we know about human infections with other bird flu viruses, it's possible and even likely that there will be some limited person-to-person spread with this virus. ", "The important factor will be to determine whether this virus gains the ability to spread easily from one person to another. ", "Sustainable human to human spread is needed for a pandemic to start,\" CDC said.", "\n\nWHO spokesman Christian Lindmeier said that there is no evidence that shows the changes in the virus affect the pathogen's ability to spread between humans.", "\n\n\"Although small clusters of human cases with avian influenza A(H7N9) virus have been reported including those involving healthcare workers, current epidemiological and virological evidence suggests that this virus has not acquired the ability of sustained transmission among humans. ", "Therefore the likelihood of further community level spread is considered low,\" WHO said in a statement.", "\n\nAlthough the mutation does not currently make the virus more infectious to humans, it allows the virus to replicate much faster in birds. ", "The sick birds will shed more of the virus, which could mean more cases in people and possibly other mammals such as pigs. ", "This would provide an opportunity for the virus to adapt to mammals through which it could learn to spread from person to person.", "\n\nIn its last update, WHO said that there were 304 new laboratory-confirmed cases of human infection and 36 deaths in mainland China from Jan. 19 to Feb. 14. ", "Since October 2016, 425 human cases have already been reported in China, which include 73 deaths.", "\n\nInfection Rates Higher Than Previously Believed\n\nAnimal experts said that bird flu infection rates could actually be higher in poultry farms in China than previously believed since the strain of the virus in humans is hard to detect in geese and chicken.", "\n\nThe evolution of the virus though could mean that the disease will be more easier to detect in some flocks once birds start to die off. ", "The spread of H7N9 is often only discovered when people get sick.", "Those who become ill are often the ones who are most exposed to the virus in live poultry markets.", "\n\nBird Flu Vaccine\n\nVirologists said that the only real defense against bird flu is vaccine. ", "WHO has already given its approval to eight vaccine strains of H7N9. ", "China has also launched clinical trials of four strains by a vaccine company owned by the state." ]
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[ "New research shows impact of underlying conditions on workers’ compensation claims\n\nThe workers' compensation industry needs to do a better job of managing underlying chronic conditions along with an employee's injury in order to better manage claims costs, research shows.. (Photo: iStock)\n\nClaims involving comorbidities are often associated with higher costs and increased duration, but the latest research from Harbor Health Systems undeniably demonstrates the impact comorbidities have on claims outcomes. ", "Based on this research analyzing more than 7,000 workers’ compensation claims, claims associated with comorbid conditions experienced longer claims duration, higher medical costs, more temporary total disability (TTD) days and increased litigation and surgery rates. ", "These findings were recently presented at the National Workers’ Compensation & Disability Conference (NWCDC), in New Orleans, Louisiana.", "\n\nThe research study evaluated the following seven comorbidities in claims with an injury date between January 1, 2011, and December 31, 2013: obesity, diabetes, hypertension, addiction, mental health, tobacco use and multiple comorbidities.", "\n\nImpact by the numbers\n\nBy examining these seven comorbidities, the research found significant impacts on total claims costs, total medical costs, claim duration, TTD days, litigation rates, recidivism and surgery rates:\n\nClaims in all the comorbidity groups had significantly higher TTD days compared to the control group. ", "TTD days increased by 285 percent for multiple comorbidities claims and 274 percent for addiction-related claims.", "\n\nTobacco use did not have a significant impact on the outcomes compared to the control group.", "\n\nWhen evaluating the overall impact of various comorbidities on workers’ compensation claims, the two that have the greatest impact are multiple comorbidities and obesity, followed by addiction, mental health and hypertension, with diabetes and tobacco having the lowest impact.", "\n\nLinks between comorbidities complicate risks\n\nRelationships between comorbidities — such as the link between obesity and diabetes — can exacerbate complications and health risks. ", "The age of the injured worker is another factor that is associated with comorbidities and can complicate the management of a claim.", "\n\nGiven these findings, the workers’ compensation industry needs a more comprehensive, system-wide approach to address the risk associated with comorbidities. ", "Prescriptive solutions ranging from more complete intake data, to a system that incorporates comorbidities into the utilization review process, to factoring in comorbidities in the treatment process should be all be considered.", "\n\nBy keeping these comorbid conditions top of mind in claims management, workers’ compensation professionals can minimize risk while providing more appropriate care to injured workers." ]
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[ "Mudbound (film)\n\nMudbound is a 2017 American period drama film directed by Dee Rees and written by Rees and Virgil Williams, based on the novel of the same name by Hillary Jordan. ", "It stars Carey Mulligan, Garrett Hedlund, Jason Clarke, Jason Mitchell, Jonathan Banks, and Mary J. Blige. ", "The film depicts two World War II veterans – one white, one black – who return to rural Mississippi each to address racism and PTSD in his own way. ", "The film premiered at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival on January 21, 2017, and was released on Netflix and in limited release on November 17, 2017.", "\n\nCritics praised its screenplay, direction, and the cast's performances (particularly those of Mitchell and Blige) and at the 75th Golden Globe Awards received nominations for Best Supporting Actress (Blige) and Best Original Song (\"Mighty River\"). ", "At the 90th Academy Awards, the film earned four nominations: Best Supporting Actress and Best Original Song for Blige, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Cinematography, the latter of which made Rachel Morrison the first woman ever nominated in the category. ", "Blige became the first person to ever be nominated for an acting and song award during the same year.", "\n\nPlot \nIn a driving rain storm in Mississippi delta farm country, foolish and heartless Henry McAllan and his younger brother Jamie struggle to lower their deceased Pappy's coffin into the grave they had just dug. ", "The coffin is too heavy and unwieldy. ", "A black share-cropper family they know -- the Jacksons -- is passing by in a wagon; Henry asks the father, Hap, for help. ", " Henry seems uncomfortably asking; Hap hesitates to reply.", "\n\nThe film then flashes back to 1939, when Henry buys a farm outside the fictional town of Marietta, Mississippi, in the Mississippi Delta, and moves there with his wife Laura, with whom he shares a passionless marriage; their daughters; and the virulently racist Pappy. ", "The Jackson family, led by tenant farmer Hap and his wife Florence, work the farm's cotton field and dream of owning their own land one day.", "\n\nAs World War II begins, Jamie and the Jacksons' eldest son, Ronsel, join the Army Air Force and Army, respectively, Jamie to fly bombers, and Ronsel to command tanks. ", "Both Jamie and Ronsel experience severe combat trauma. ", "\n\nMeanwhile, back in Mississippi both families live in poverty, at the edge of disaster. ", "The Jacksons' mule has to be put down. ", " Henry offers to share his mule, but exacts half of the Jackson's crop in payment; the Jacksons have no choice but to accept. ", " Then Hap, who serves as the preacher for the small local black community, falls while helping to build a small church for the group, breaking a leg. ", "Then he can't work at all, so Florence and their children have to take up the slack. ", "Florence and Laura have formed a friendship of necessity, but respect; Florence helped Laura when Laura and Henry's two small daughters were deathly ill, and Laura snuck money from her husband's small stash for Hap to be visited by a doctor.", "\n\nWhen the war ends, Ronsel and Jamie return home. ", "They've changed, but the local society hasn't. ", "Both men suffer from PTSD. ", " Jamie becomes alcoholic. ", "Ronsel appreciated the relative lack of racism among Europeans, and struggles with racism back home. ", "They become aware of each others' difficulties, and bond over them. ", "Ronsel asks why Jamie treats him with respect; Jamie recounts that on a bomber flight, a black fighter pilot saved his life; the fact that a fighter pilot could be black changed him. ", "\n\nLater, Ronsel received a letter from a German woman with whom he'd been romantically involved during the war; she told him she'd had a child, and wanted Ronsel to join them. ", " He shared this with Jamie as they were passing a bottle while out in the McAllans' truck. ", " When they left the truck, Ronsel took the envelope but accidentally left the letter and photo -- which were found by Pappy. ", " Pappy rounded up several Ku Klux Klan pals, who together with Pappy went looking for Ronsel, found him, beat him badly, and prepared to lynch him. ", "Pappy hated Jamie, in part for befriending Ronsel. ", "Pappy woke a sleeping Jamie, telling Jamie to come with him, but not why. ", " At the lynching site Jamie was beaten and tied up. ", "Pappy and the Kluxers tell Jamie to choose Ronsel's punishment for his \"crime\" -- to lose his eyes, tongue or testicles -- and if refuses to choose watch Ronsel be put to death. ", "Through the pain, Jamie whispers \"tongue\" and Ronsel's tongue is then cut out. ", "His body is left for his family to find. ", " Later that night, Jamie smothers Pappy to death. ", " Pappy had denigrated Jamie's war experience by saying Jamie hadn't had to look in the eyes of the people he killed; Jamie woke Pappy, and looked him in the eye before killing him.", "\n\nThe film returns to the opening scene. ", "Hap accedes to Henry's request to help with the coffin. ", " Henry must have known Hap was a preacher, because after the coffin is lowered we see Hap praying over the grave. ", "In a rebuke to Pappy, Hap recites from the Book of Job, verses 14:2-12. ", " Before the wagon pulls away, Jamie gives the German woman's envelope to Florence, and asks her to give it to Ronsel if she should see him. (", "We don't know whether the letter and photo are in it.)", "\n\nThe Jacksons seem to have their meager belongings in the wagon; they are leaving. ", " Jamie moves to Los Angeles, where a military buddy said was a great place to be. ", "Ronsel makes his way back to Europe where he reunites with the German woman, and their son.", "\n\nCast \n\n Carey Mulligan as Laura McAllan (née Chappell)\n Jason Clarke as Henry McAllan\n Mary J. Blige as Florence Jackson\n Rob Morgan as Hap Jackson\n Jason Mitchell as Ronsel Jackson\n Garrett Hedlund as Jamie McAllan\n Jonathan Banks as Pappy McAllan\n Frankie Smith as Marlon Jackson\n Kennedy Derosin as Lilly May Jackson\n Elizabeth Windley as Amanda Leigh McAllan\n Piper Blaire as Isabelle McAllan\n Jason Kirkpatrick as Orris Stokes\n Kerry Cahill as Rose Tricklebank\n Oyeleke Oluwafolakanmi as Cleve\n Kelvin Harrison Jr. as Weeks\n Lucy Faust as Vera Atwood\n Dylan Arnold as Carl Atwood\n Samantha Höefer as Resl\n Geraldine Singer as Mrs. Chappell\n Henry Frost as Teddy Chappell\n Claudio Laniado as Dr. Pearlman\n Charley Vance as Sheriff Thacker\n\nProduction \nDevelopment on the film was announced on March 21, 2016, with Dee Rees engaged as director and Carey Mulligan, Garrett Hedlund, Jason Clarke and Jason Mitchell cast in roles. ", "On May 25, Mary J. Blige was added to the cast. ", "On May 31, Jonathan Banks and Rob Morgan were cast, and filming began in New Orleans, Louisiana and post-production started in the United Kingdom by July 2016.", "\n\nCinematography \nDee Rees asked Rachel Morrison to focus on \"the idea of the American dream vs. the American reality\", so Rachel turned to books by Farm Security Administration photographers for reference points regarding color and composition, in particular Dorothea Lange, Arthur Rothstein, Ben Shahn and Walker Evans. ", "Another primary source for her was a Gordon Parks essay in Life magazine in the 1950s called \"A Segregation Story\" – regarding color that \"felt period, but it didn't feel washed-out\". ", "Rachel's term for the goal they tried to achieve is \"subjective naturalism\", which she describes as first of all, real; and then potentially dramatized with light at main plot points – but remaining real throughout. ", "Through that reality, the focus was on the elements in the picture and not the period itself: \"The period wasn't a character in this film. ", "The mud was a character, the weather was a character, the house was a character ... we were trying to make more of a commentary about just how tough times were through experiences.\" ", "A. O. Scott in the New York Times on the result: \"Rachel ... brings the soil, the flora and the weather to life in a way that emphasizes the archaic, elemental power of the story.\"", "\n\nRelease \nFollowing its 2017 Sundance Film Festival premiere, Mudbound had distribution offers from A24 and Annapurna Pictures. ", "On January 29, 2017, Netflix acquired distribution rights to the film. ", "The film premiered on the streaming platform, as well as began a one week theatrical release in New York City and Los Angeles, on November 17, 2017.", "\n\nCritical response \nOn Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 97% based on 185 reviews, with an average rating of 8.22/10. ", "The site's critical consensus reads, \"Mudbound offers a well-acted, finely detailed snapshot of American history whose scenes of rural class struggle resonate far beyond their period setting.\" ", "On Metacritic the film has a weighted average score of 85 out of 100, based on 44 critics, indicating \"universal acclaim\".", "\n\nRichard Roeper of the Chicago Sun-Times gave the film 3.5 out of 4 stars, praising the cast and direction. ", "Writing for Rolling Stone, Peter Travers also gave the film 3.5 out of 4 stars, praising Blige's performance and Rees' direction, saying: \"The director and her cinematographer Rachel Morrison do wonders with the elements that batter the people of every race and social class in the Delta. ", "But it's the storm raging inside these characters that rivets our attention and makes Mudbound a film that grabs you and won't let go.\"", "\n\nAccolades\n\nSee also\n List of black films of the 2010s\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n\n Mudbound at Netflix\n \n \n Mudbound Trailer at YouTube\n\nCategory:2017 films\nCategory:Films directed by Dee Rees\nCategory:English-language films\nCategory:Films about the Ku Klux Klan\nCategory:Films shot in New Orleans\nCategory:Films set in Mississippi\nCategory:Films set in Germany\nCategory:Netflix original films\nCategory:Films based on American novels\nCategory:Films about racism\nCategory:Films set in 1939\nCategory:Films set in the 1940s\nCategory:African-American drama films\nCategory:World War II films\nCategory:2010s historical films\nCategory:Posttraumatic stress disorder in fiction" ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright 2013 the original author or authors.", "\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.", "\n */\n\npackage com.vladmihalcea.concurrent.aop;\n\nimport com.vladmihalcea.concurrent.", "Retry;\nimport com.vladmihalcea.util.", "ReflectionUtils;\nimport org.aspectj.lang.", "ProceedingJoinPoint;\nimport org.aspectj.lang.annotation.", "Around;\nimport org.aspectj.lang.annotation.", "Aspect;\nimport org.slf4j.", "Logger;\nimport org.slf4j.", "LoggerFactory;\nimport org.springframework.transaction.", "IllegalTransactionStateException;\nimport org.springframework.transaction.support.", "TransactionSynchronizationManager;\nimport org.springframework.util.", "Assert;\n\nimport java.util.", "Arrays;\n\n/**\n * OptimisticConcurrencyControlAspect - Aspect to retry optimistic locking attempts.", "\n *\n * @author Vlad Mihalcea\n */\n@Aspect\npublic class OptimisticConcurrencyControlAspect {\n\n private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OptimisticConcurrencyControlAspect.class);\n\n @Around(\"@annotation(com.vladmihalcea.concurrent.", "Retry)\")\n public Object retry(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {\n Retry retryAnnotation = ReflectionUtils.getAnnotation(pjp, Retry.class);\n return (retryAnnotation !", "= null) ? ", "proceed(pjp, retryAnnotation) : proceed(pjp);\n }\n\n private Object proceed(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {\n return pjp.proceed();\n }\n\n private Object proceed(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, Retry retryAnnotation) throws Throwable {\n int times = retryAnnotation.times();\n Class<? ", "extends Throwable>[] retryOn = retryAnnotation.on();\n Assert.isTrue(times > 0, \"@Retry{times} should be greater than 0!\");", "\n Assert.isTrue(retryOn.length > 0, \"@Retry{on} should have at least one Throwable!\");", "\n if (retryAnnotation.failInTransaction() && TransactionSynchronizationManager.isActualTransactionActive()) {\n throw new IllegalTransactionStateException(\n \"You shouldn't retry an operation from within an existing Transaction.\" ", "+\n \"This is because we can't retry if the current Transaction was already rolled back!\");", "\n }\n LOGGER.info(\"Proceed with {} retries on {}\", times, Arrays.toString(retryOn));\n return tryProceeding(pjp, times, retryOn);\n }\n\n private Object tryProceeding(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, int times, Class<? ", "extends Throwable>[] retryOn) throws Throwable {\n try {\n return proceed(pjp);\n } catch (Throwable throwable) {\n if (isRetryThrowable(throwable, retryOn) && times-- > 0) {\n LOGGER.info(\"Optimistic locking detected, {} remaining retr{} on {}\", times, (times == 1 ? \"", "y\" : \"ies\"), Arrays.toString(retryOn));\n return tryProceeding(pjp, times, retryOn);\n }\n throw throwable;\n }\n }\n\n private boolean isRetryThrowable(Throwable throwable, Class<? ", "extends Throwable>[] retryOn) {\n Throwable cause = throwable;\n do {\n for (Class<? ", "extends Throwable> retryThrowable : retryOn) {\n if (retryThrowable.isAssignableFrom(cause.getClass())) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n if(cause.getCause() == null || cause.getCause() == cause) {\n break;\n } else {\n cause = cause.getCause();\n }\n }\n while ( true );\n return false;\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "I have a quick question for you: Imagining your racial-justice-accomplished, ideal, utopian future society, which outcome do you most aspire toward? ", "A society where one's... Race is entirely unimportant, a relic of the past.", "\n\nRace is far less important than today, but still plays a role.", "\n\nRace is roughly as important as it is today.", "\n\nRace is more important than it is today.", "\n\nRace plays a central, integral role in society.", "\n\nCreated a printer-friendly version of the first graphic (and a high-resolution version). ", "Check it, share it, print it, love it. ", "Also, check out the new-and-improved flowchart.", "\n\nFor those of you still struggling with the idea of when it is and isn’t ideal to use the word “gay”, even after reading my article outlining the whole idea, I decided to create a few visual aids. ", "Hopefully they are straightforward. ", "Yes, pun very much intended.", "\n\nAnd yes, there are plenty of women who are attracted to women and are totally onboard with the term gay being used to describe them. ", "That’s why this new flowchart is even better." ]
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[ "\" set verbose=1\n\nlet s:suite = themis#suite('install_base')\nlet s:assert = themis#helper('assert')\n\nfunction! ", "s:suite.rm() abort\n let temp = tempname()\n call writefile([], temp)\n\n call dein#install#_rm(temp)\n\n call s:assert.equals(filereadable(temp), 0)\nendfunction\n\nfunction! ", "s:suite.copy_directories() abort\n let temp = tempname()\n let temp2 = tempname()\n let temp3 = tempname()\n\n call mkdir(temp)\n call mkdir(temp2)\n call mkdir(temp3)\n call writefile([], temp.", "'/foo')\n call writefile([], temp3.'/bar')\n call s:assert.true(filereadable(temp.", "'/foo'))\n call s:assert.true(filereadable(temp3.'/bar'))\n\n call dein#install#_copy_directories([temp, temp3], temp2)\n\n call s:assert.true(isdirectory(temp2))\n call s:assert.true(filereadable(temp2.'/foo'))\n call s:assert.true(filereadable(temp2.'/bar'))\nendfunction\n\nfunction! ", "s:suite.args2string() abort\n call s:assert.equals(\n \\ dein#install#_args2string_unix(['foo', 'bar']), \"'foo' 'bar'\")\n call s:assert.equals(\n \\ dein#install#_args2string_windows([]), '')\n call s:assert.equals(\n \\ dein#install#_args2string_windows(['foo']), 'foo')\n call s:assert.equals(\n \\ dein#install#_args2string_windows(['foo', 'bar']), 'foo \"bar\"')\n call s:assert.equals(\n \\ dein#install#_args2string_windows(['fo o', 'bar']), '\"fo o\" \"bar\"')\nendfunction\n" ]
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[ "Influence of the SSO/ASTRO Margin Reexcision Guidelines on Costs Associated with Breast-Conserving Surgery.", "\nThe reported reexcision rates vary significantly for patients with invasive breast cancer undergoing breast-conserving surgery (BCS). ", "This variability is a function of both the positive pathologic margin rate and the interpretation of an adequate pathologic margin. ", "The influence of the SSO/ASTRO margin guidelines on reexcision rates and the potential cost savings is of interest from both quality and health economics perspectives. ", "A retrospective analysis of all patients undergoing BCS during a 3-year period (January 1, 2010-December 31, 2012) was performed. ", "The reexcision rate and the pathologic margin status were assessed to determine the number of patients with pathologic negative margins who underwent reexcision. ", "A decision analysis using previously published case costing information was used to determine the potential savings associated with avoidance of reoperation for patients meeting guidelines criteria. ", "The analysis included 512 patients who underwent attempted BCS for invasive breast cancer. ", "Reoperations occurred for 25% (126/512) of the BCS cohort, but this rate could potentially be decreased to 16% (44/512) if these guidelines were applied. ", "Based on our cost model, application of the guidelines would provide a potential cost savings of $698 (95% confidence interval $523-$893) per patient undergoing attempted BCS in our population. ", "Adherence to the SSO-ASTRO guidelines could prevent one-third of reoperations among patients undergoing BCS. ", "This would result in significant cost savings to the health care system while avoiding unnecessary operations. ", "Use of guidelines has the potential to improve the quality of care provided to patients." ]
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[ "Baghdad, Iraq - Helicopters fly over the capital's Sadr City. ", "The noise is deafening and frightens children.", "\n\nIn recent days Iraqi security forces have focused their search for three US military advisers abducted three weeks ago in this neighbourhood. ", "It's an area that is fiercely loyal to Shia clerics and is suspicious of the United States.", "\n\nDeep within the secure international zone, more popularly known as the Green Zone, I asked General Sean MacFarland, the US commander in charge of the coalition against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), about the latest on the operations against the group.", "\n\nWhen he spoke about the three US advisers he was blunt. \"", "We are working with the Iraqi authorities to get them back.\"", "\n\nREAD MORE: Americans reported missing in Iraq\n\nCertainly the US has put a tremendous amount of pressure on the Iraqis to find the men who are said, according to one Iraqi source we spoke to, to be held by one of the larger Shia militias.", "\n\nBut the abducted Americans represent only a small fraction of the people who go missing in Iraq each day.", "\n\nAccurate figures on kidnappings are impossible to come by as the Iraqi government doesn't keep crime figures. ", "One member of the Iraqi parliament, though, told Al Jazeera that the number of such incidents has skyrocketed over the past six months and is now in the thousands.", "\n\nIn Sadr City we spoke to Hussein Sarmad. ", "He has witnessed intense activity in his neighbourhood over the past 10 days. ", "He described to us late-night raids, helicopters buzzing over homes and counter-terrorism forces in the streets.", "\n\nHe is angry that when Iraqis are kidnapped from his neighbourhood, no one seems to care.", "\n\n\"It's funny, all this fuss for three Americans. ", "The security forces are turning our neighbourhood upside down. ", "I doubt that they are even here,\" Sarmad said.", "\n\nIt's a common sentiment among Iraqi families who fall victim to this sort of crime.", "\n\nThe search for those kidnappers doesn't involve the military. ", "Often, families of the victims get no help from the police or international community and are left to deal with threats from the kidnappers themselves.", "\n\nLucrative business\n\nIt's a lucrative business and, be in no doubt, it is a business. ", "Ransom demands can range from a few hundred dollars to thousands, depending on how rich the family is.", "\n\nThe Americans kidnapped represent the ultimate prize. ", "Foreigners in Iraq can be useful as political tools to gain concessions. ", "They can also be worth a lot of money.", "\n\nPerhaps, though, the real worth of kidnapping foreigners, particularly military advisers, is that it sends a message from anti-US forces in the country to the US that it cannot operate here with impunity.", "\n\nIskander Witwit is an MP in Baghdad. ", "He says the kidnappings are designed to embarrass the government. \"", "Such incidents send a negative message to the international community that Iraq isn't in control, that we cannot deal with terrorism and criminality.\"", "\n\nPerhaps that is why whenever a foreigner is kidnapped in Iraq it's a big deal and valuable resources that would otherwise be committed to fighting terrorism and crime are diverted to looking for them.", "\n\nGood luck if you are Iraqi and you are kidnapped. ", "All the anecdotal evidence would suggest that you won't get house-to-house searches. ", "You won't get helicopter patrols. ", "You won't get intelligence-gathering resources. ", "You, it would seem, are on your own to deal with the kidnappers.", "\n\nUS kidnap victims are simply worth more in this game of grotesque mathematics." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMathematical problem help\n\nI have some code where, if a user has referred X number of people, he will get X number of credits.", "\nFor example, referring 2 people = 1 credit. ", "4 people = 2 credits, and so on.", "\nHowever where this gets tricky is, the numbers can be changed so he gets 1 credit per person, or 1 credit per 3 people, 1 credit for 5 people, etc.", "\nIf he gets 1 credits for 3 people, and he has referred 5 people, then I would like him to receive 1 credit, and have it stored that he still has 2 people for whom he didn't get any credits. ", "So the next time he refers someone, it is 2 + 1 = 3, and he gets a credit.", "\nMy question is,\nGiven X = Number of people he needs to refer for 1 credit,\nand Y = Number of people a user has refered,\n(So X might be 3, as in 3 people per credit, and Y might be 6, in which case he should get 2 credits)\n1) What's a straightforward formula or function which will X and Y, and return the number of credits which should be given to that person, and\n2) Which will also give a remainder for the credits which can't be awarded yet. ", "E.g if X is 3 and Y is 5, the credits would be 1, and remainder would be 2, so with the next referer Y will become 3 again and the user would get 1 credit?", "\n\nA:\n\n1.) ", "\ncreditsToPayout = Y/X; //use integer division to truncate, or floor result\nremainderReferrals = Y % X; //remainder of Y / X, leftover referrals\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDo any of the flavors of regex in Regex Buddy coincide with NSRegularExpression (ICU) regex?", "\n\nNSRegularExpression says its flavor of regex is \"ICU.\" ", " I have RegexBuddy, which supports a bunch of different flavors, but none of them calls itself \"ICU.\" ", " But is one of them ICU under another name?", "\n\nA:\n\nICU is based on Perl regular expressions.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "List of Air Mali destinations\n\nAir Mali operated internationally scheduled passenger flights to the following (as of December 2012):\n\nAir Mali also operates domestic flights in their country.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Lists of airline destinations" ]
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[ "Q:\n\naspnet 5 mvc 6 - how to edit multiple records?", "\n\nI am attempting to extend the Steve Woods 'To Do List' ASP.Net 5 MVC 6 project by adding a Percent Complete field, and allowing edit of the Percent Complete for each ToDoListItem.", "\nLet's Build - Steve Woods ToDoList\nMy view displays data and I can enter new Percent Complete values; however when I click on Save, a new empty record is written to my ToDoListItems table. ", " The new record does not contain the Percent Complete number I entered, either.", "\nMy View contains @model\n@model IEnumerable<todoy6.Models.", "ToDoListItems>\n\nI am using an asp-action to return (post) to the Controller\n<form asp-action=\"Index\">\n\nThe View then contains a table laid out like this\n @foreach (ToDoListItems item in (IEnumerable<ToDoListItems>)ViewData[\"ToDoListItems\"])\n { \n <tr>\n <td>\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"[@item.", "ID].ID\" value=\"@item.", "ID\" />\n </td>\n <td>\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"[@item.", "ID].ApplicationUserID\" value=\"@item.", "ApplicationUserID\" />\n </td>\n <td>\n @Html.", "DisplayFor(modelItem => item.", "Title)\n </td>\n <td>\n <div class=\"form-group\">\n @*<label asp-for=@item.", "Price class=\"col-md-2 control-label\"></label>*@\n <div class=\"col-md-10\">\n <input asp-for=@item.", "Pct class=\"form-control\" />\n <span asp-validation-for=@item.", "Pct class=\"text-danger\" />\n </div>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n\n } @*for each *@\n\nI think my problem is in the way I am iterating through the ToDoListItems with the @Item.", "ID values. ", "\nMy Controller is running this code:\n [HttpPost]\n [ValidateAntiForgeryToken]\n public IActionResult Index(ToDoListItems todoitems) //declare and name the todolistitems object returned on POST\n {\n if (ModelState.", "IsValid)\n {\n _context.", "Update(todoitems);\n _context.", "SaveChanges();\n return RedirectToAction(\"Index\");\n }\n return View(todoitems);\n }\n\nMy model is valid, but the modified records seem to be coming in unidentified (no ID?) ", "and being entered into the table as new records.", "\n\nA:\n\nI am the tutorial author .. I was going to cover this in Part 3 but due to illness and time constraints I've been unable to produce the video (and the two after that!).", "\nBasically the code you're using is adding more and more and more todo list items because you're calling the \"Post\" method which was (at the current stage of the tutorial) simply designed to keep adding more and more and more (for illustration purposes).", "\nYou'll need to alter it to present the items as text on the page (not form elements!), ", "and any new todo list items will need to be rendered as form controls.", "\nI'll publish Part 3 shortly, thanks for the feedback.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Spott, East Lothian\n\nSpott is a small village on the eastern fringes of East Lothian in Scotland, just over south-west of Dunbar. ", "The village straddles an unclassified road leading from the main A1 highway at .", "\n\nHistory \nThere is believed to have been settlement in the area for over 1,500 years, and Spott is the site of many finds from the time of the Romans occupation of southern Scotland. ", "An Anglian homestead is located at nearby Doon Hill.", "\n\nSpott holds the dubious distinction of playing host to the last executions of the Scottish witch-hunts of the 17th and 18th centuries, when several alleged witches were executed at Spott Loan in October 1705. ", "The first Battle of Dunbar in 1296, took place less than a mile from Spott. ", "Before the second Battle of Dunbar in 1650, the Scots army, which vastly outnumbered Oliver Cromwell's army, camped at Doon Hill, just to the east of Spott, before leaving the high ground to meet Cromwell and defeat.", "\n\nThe war memorial in Spott dates from 1920 and was designed by Sir Robert Lorimer.", "\n\nSpott House \nSpott House has served as home to the proprietors of Spott since the 13th century. ", "Elias de Spott swore fealty to King Edward I of England at Berwick-upon-Tweed in 1296. ", "Over the centuries the estate has changed hands on several occasions and many eminent Haddingtonshire families – the Humes, Douglasses, Murrays and the Hays – have held the lands of Spott. ", "Sir George Home of Spott entertained James VI with a banquet at Spott in October 1600.", "\n\nSpott House was originally a tower house, constructed in 1640, the family home of the Hays of Yester. ", "It is reputed to have housed Oliver Cromwell during the Battle of Dunbar (1650).", "\nIn 1830, it was purchased by James Sprot, who had the house remodelled by William Burn, the pioneer of the Scots Baronial style. ", "The estate remained in the Sprot family until 1947, when it was sold to Sir James Hope. ", "It was eventually sold to the Lawrie family, who sold it to the Danish-born Lars Foghsgaard in 2000. ", "Following Foghsgaard's return to Denmark the estate was put up for sale in 2010, but after three years with no purchaser, was broken up into smaller lots of land or buildings.", "\n\nChurch \nThe origins of the church are somewhat vague, but it is certain there was a church here before the Reformation, when Spott Kirk was a prebendary of the Collegiate Church of Dunbar. ", "Major repairs were carried out on the church in 1790 and again the following century giving its present cruciform shape. ", "One arm of the church is an ancient burial vault. ", "In 1570 the minister, John Kelloe, hanged his wife in the manse before delivering 'a more than usually eloquent sermon'. ", "He was executed on October 4 at Edinburgh at the Gallow Lee on Leith Walk for the crime.", "\n\nSee also \nlist of places in East Lothian\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\n\nExternal links \n\nCanmore - Spott, Battle of Dunbar site record\nScotland's Genealogy - Spott Parish, East Lothian\nFamilySearch - Spott, East Lothian, Scotland\nGEN UKI - Spott\nSpott Church\n\nCategory:Villages in East Lothian\nCategory:Execution sites in Scotland" ]
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[ "On 30 June, the ANC’s National Executive Committee will meet to review ANC policy and makes recommendations on amendments or new policies to the National Conference.", "\n\nAs highlighted in an analysis by the Daily Maverick, one of the key policies will be the the party’s “Peace and Stability” discussion document . ", "The majority of this 31-page discussion document seeks to group together national security, managing identity, and the economy under a single Home Affairs umbrella.", "\n\nThis new restructuring would include Home Affairs taking steps towards becoming completely self-sustainable – raising its own funds through an increase in fees currently charged for IDs, passports, birth and death certificates as well as a new nation-wide form of identity “vetting”.", "\n\nThese will be collected under a formal umbrella known as the National Social Security Fund (NSSF).", "\n\nThis vetting will see you charged for some day-to-day transactions requiring proof of identity, which are then verified biometrically through Home Affairs to confirm legitimacy. ", "According to the discussion document, the charges themselves will be minor, but when the millions of the hits to the system are added up, could “grow to be very large”.", "\n\nAs highlighted by the Daily Maverick, the types of transactions you can expect to pay range anywhere between a R1 and R4 a charge and can be attached to anything from bank transactions to airline tickets, school registrations, hospital check-ins and social grant collections.", "\n\nThe go-ahead\n\nWhile the NSSF had remained purely in the realm of the discussion document, it took a major step towards reality during President Zuma’s parliamentary questions and answers session on 22 June.", "\n\nDuring the session, President Zuma directly tackled the proposed National Social Security Fund, revealing more about how government plans to tackle the subject.", "\n\nThe proposed National Social Security Fund (NSSF) will operate as a national fund responsible for administering mandatory contributions from all workers for the provision of retirement, death and disability benefits, Zuma said.", "\n\n“The fund will serve as a single platform through which all workers can make regular social security contributions while they are still working to avoid falling into poverty in the event of retirement or disability.”", "\n\n“All income earners will be required to participate, and this will foster social solidarity and the sharing of risks among all workers. ", "Furthermore, the Fund will provide an income to the dependants of all contributors who happen to die before retirement.”", "\n\nZuma said that the NSSF would bring with it a number of benefits, “guaranteed to protect contributors and foster social solidarity”.", "\n\nThis will include a contribution subsidy to support low-income earners and reduce the burden on their disposable income.", "\n\n“At present, the existing retirement benefit schemes are based on defined contributions rather than defined benefits,” said Zuma.", "\n\n“This means that the contributors have no guarantee of how much their benefits will be, and they face the risk of losing their savings in the event of poor market performance.”", "\n\n“In contrast, the Fund will carry the risk of poor investment performance on behalf of individual contributors, and thus provide assurance of a guaranteed benefit to all workers and their households.”", "\n\nPrivacy\n\nWhile the majority of the document is primarily monetary focused, there is also a number of key paragraphs surrounding the use of private information.", "\n\n“The operational model proposed has a back office where decisions are made in respect of the service applied for and which can lead to a change of civic or immigration data. ", "Key components of the back office will be a rules-based risk engine that will quality-assure, verify data and investigate exceptions,” reads the discussion document.", "\n\n“Policy, legal, research, statistical and analysis units will support this work and draw tactical and strategic lessons that will be used to mitigate risks, counter threats and address systemic faults in partnerships with relevant departments.”", "\n\n“Applications will be made through various front-office channels that are user-friendly and fully digitized, with clear security protocols and escalations. ", "Channels might be online or provided by third parties trained by the DHA, such as other departments or banks.”", "\n\nAs such there is now a tacit understanding that government will have access to your most personal data and use said data to help streamline service delivery, expand outreach and aid those most in need.", "\n\nIt will also become a key source of revenue, according to the document, with “the sale of identity services and products (being) another large revenue stream, with potential partners including GPW, the CSIR and private sector companies.”", "\n\n“Policy, legal, research, statistical and analysis units will support this work and draw tactical and strategic lessons that will be used to mitigate risks, counter threats and address systemic faults in partnerships with relevant departments,” said the document.", "\n\nHome Affairs had not responded to comment at the time of writing.", "\n\nRead: New minister planning to digitise home affairs, root out corruption" ]
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[ "Michael Coggan\n\nMichael Coggan is an Australian news presenter who is the lead anchor for the ABC News in the Northern Territory.", "\n\nCoggan's career began as a broadcast journalist in Canberra. ", "From there he began political reporting for ABC News in Darwin where he covered every Territory election. ", "At the end of 2005 Coggan replaced anchor Barbara McCarthy when she ran for the Northern Territory political seat of Arnhem. ", "Coggan reports for the local edition of the ABC program Stateline.", "\n\nReferences\n melbourneinstitute.com\n Michael Coggan bio on abc.com.au\n\nCategory:ABC News (Australia) presenters\nCategory:Australian television journalists\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Year of birth missing (living people)" ]
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[ "Doesn't hurt at all. ", "The first scan from memory you have to pay for and but if they find a problem it's repeated every year and I think it's either bulk billed or becomes claimable through Medicare It's been a while since my first one and my results weren't good and haven't been since then so I have them every year in July." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.047619047619047616, 0.003289473684210526 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHave commuting functions a common value ? ", "\n\nLet $f,g: I \\to I := [0,1]$ be continous functions satisfying $f \\circ g = g \\circ f$. Does \nthere exist $x_0 \\in I$ such that $f(x_0) = g(x_0)$ ? ", "\nBackground: In a homework the problem was posed with $g=\\operatorname{id}$ (where \nit can easily be solved with the help of the intermediate value theorem). ", "The \nlecturer said the stronger statement above is true, but he didn't know a proof. ", "\nI googled a little around, but could only find something about the \"commuting \nfunction problem\" (existence of a common fixed point of $f$ and $g$) that is \nknown to be false. ", "\n\nA:\n\nYes. ", "The set of fixed points of $g$ is closed, nonempty, and is mapped into itself by $f$. Letting $a\\le b$ be, respectively, the minimum and maximum fixed points of $g$, we have $f(a)\\ge a=g(a)$ and $f(b)\\le b=g(b)$. So, by the intermediate value theorem, there is an $x\\in[a,b]$ with $f(x)=g(x)$.\nAlso, to reiterate the points made in the comments, this is a difficult problem for more general domains. ", "The case of commuting maps on the closed disc has been asked before, and is still open. ", "In fact, even the case of commuting maps on the simple triod (i.e., a capital 'T') appears to be an open problem, according to the contributed problem from Jeff Norden here (Commuting, coincidence-point-free maps on a triod).", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Vampires Everywhere! ", "Streaming New Song \"I Can't Breathe\"\n\nVampires Everywhere! ", "has teamed up with Alternative Press to premiere a brand new song online, titled \"I Can't Breathe.\" ", "Earlier this year, Vampires Everywhere! ", "let fans know the band would be taking a darker turn with this upcoming sophomore release, and the disc would be stripped of all autotune effects.", "\n\n\"I Can't Breathe\" is the first song to be released from the album and is the first preview of what fans can expect to hear. ", "More information on the new album will be announced shortly. \"", "I Can't Breathe\" can be heard here via Alternative Press.", "\n\nVampires Everywhere! ", "will also be on the full Vans Warped Tour. ", "Visit this location for a full list of dates." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Come and visit the Mi Smarthouse!", "\n\nIt’s now easier than ever for you to see how health and care technology could improve your life by visiting the Mi Smarthouse in two great locations in Liverpool city centre.", "\n\nIf you’ve never been to the Mi Smarthouse before, you should definitely consider a visit if you, or someone you know, could benefit from a little extra help to make life easier. ", "The Mi Smarthouse is a ‘real life’ house with rooms designed to showcase a variety of health and care technology that can help people live a more independent life.", "\n\nThere are lots of helpful products on show, including a one cup kettle that can help people with conditions such as arthritis to make a hot drink safely and easily, a talking microwave that helps to make cooking easier and many more helpful gadgets. ", "There’s also technology specially designed to help people with long-term conditions, including technology that connects to a TV and allows them to monitor their health at home with the support of a team of health professionals.", "\n\nYou can come and see all this technology for yourself at the Mi Smarthouse, which you can find at:" ]
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[ "This invention relates to a fluorescent display device having grid electrodes or control electrodes arranged on substantially the same plane as a display section and a method for manufacturing the same, and more particularly to a fluorescent display device including control electrodes of which electric field control is facilitated and a method for manufacturing the fluorescent display device at a low manufacturing cost and with high productive efficiency.", "\nIn general, a fluorescent display device, as shown in FIG. ", "8, includes a fluorescent substrate structure 19 comprising a substrate 8 made of an insulating and heat-resistant material such as a glass plate or the like and a display section 10 arranged on the substrate 8, a light-permeable front cover 13 made of a glass plate or the like and arranged opposite to the fluorescent substrate structure 19, and side plates 14 forming a side portion of the display device, which are hermetically assembled together through a sealing material such as low-melting frit glass or the like to from a vacuum casing 15. ", "The display section 10 includes anodes 7 and phosphor layers 6 deposited thereon and is arranged in the vacuum casing 15 together with cathodes 11 for emitting electrons and grid electrodes 12 formed with apertures in a mesh-like manner. ", "The vacuum casing 15 is also provided therein with wirings 17 in a manner to be arranged below insulating films 18 and electrically connected to the display section 10. ", "To the wirings 17 are connected lead wires 16 which are outward led out through the vacuum casing 15. ", "In the fluorescent display device thus constructed, the grid or control electrodes 12 and anodes 7 function to select and control electrons emitted from the cathodes 11 so as to impinge them on the phosphor layers 6, resulting in desired luminous display being carried out.", "\nAs will be noted from the above, in the conventional fluorescent display device, the grid electrodes 12 are arranged above the phosphor layers 6 in a manner to be spaced therefrom, therefore, it is very hard to keep a distance between each of the grid electrodes 12 and each of the phosphors 6 constant, resulting in non-uniformity in luminance.", "\nIn manufacturing of the fluorescent display device, the grid electrodes 12 are made by subjecting metal sheets of stainless steel or the like to etching at least one by one at each time. ", "Also, each of the grid electrodes 12 is required to be formed into a configuration which permits them to be arranged between the cathode 11 and the anode 7. ", "Further, formation of the grid electrode 12 into a large size causes it to be deflected at a central portion thereof due to its weight, so that it is hard to keep a gap between the phosphor layer 6 and the anode 7 constant. ", "Thus, the conventional method leads to deterioration of productivity and an increase in manufacturing cost." ]
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[ 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Cranioplasty in children.", "\nThe objective was to assess the outcome and complications associated with different cranioplasty implant materials in children. ", "A retrospective review was conducted of 28 consecutive cranioplasties carried out on 24 children between 1994 and 2001 (age range, 9 months to 15 years; minimum follow-up 18 months). ", "The indications were: defect from previous craniectomy for trauma, tumour, infection or evacuation of haematoma (n=21), intradiploic dermoid cysts (n=2), growing fractures (n=4) and residual bony defect following craniofacial reconstruction (n=1). ", "The materials used were: patient's craniectomised bone flap (n=16), split calvarial graft (n=8), acrylic (n=3) and titanium (n=1). ", "All patients were assessed for bony fixation, cosmesis, wound healing and flap infection. ", "There was no mortality and 18% morbidity (n=5: 3 infected flaps, 1 sterile wound dehiscence and 1 sterile wound discharge; overall infection rate 10%). ", "Out of the 14 patients who had their own craniectomised bone flaps implanted initially, 3 became infected (2 in patients with bilateral defects) necessitating flap removal. ", "Two of these were successfully re-implanted. ", "No donor or recipient bone flap complications were seen in the 8 split calvarial grafts, wound discharge was seen in 1, requiring wound toilet. ", "No complications were seen with acrylic or titanium cranioplasties. ", "In this series, the use of the patients' own craniectomised flap had a low infection rate, and was mainly seen in patients who had bilateral flaps re-implanted soon after removal. ", "There were no complications arising from the use of split calvarial and allograft material. ", "Use of autologous implant material should be preferred whenever possible due to obvious resource and biological advantages, and can even be re-implanted if infected." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.04, 0, 0, 0.004032258064516129, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "\n981 P.2d 1065 (1999)\nCarmen M. WEST, Appellant,\nv.\nHiltrud A. BUCHANAN, Appellee.", "\nNos. ", "S-8147, 5134.", "\nSupreme Court of Alaska.", "\nJune 11, 1999.", "\nArthur L. Robson, Robson Law Office, Fairbanks, for Appellant.", "\n*1066 Jonathon A. Katcher, Pope & Katcher, Anchorage, for Appellee.", "\nBefore: MATTHEWS, Chief Justice, COMPTON, EASTAUGH, FABE, and BRYNER, Justices.", "\n\nOPINION\nFABE, Justice.", "\n\nI. INTRODUCTION\n\nCarmen West appeals the superior court's dismissal of her personal injury action on statute of limitations grounds. ", "Although West initially sued the wrong person on the last day available under the statute of limitations, she substituted Hiltrud Buchanan as the named defendant within the period allowed by court rule for service of the complaint. ", "Because we conclude that West's amended complaint substituting Buchanan as defendant should relate back to the time of its initial filing, we reverse.", "\n\nII. ", "FACTS AND PROCEEDINGS\n\nOn June 17, 1993, Carmen West was involved in a traffic accident with Hiltrud Buchanan, who was driving a car owned by William Bembry. ", "That summer, West retained counsel, who began negotiating on her behalf with Allstate Insurance, the insurer of the Buchanan/Bembry vehicle. ", "The headings on Allstate's negotiation letters referred to \"our insured: William Bembry.\"", "\nBy June 1995 West and Allstate had failed to reach a settlement agreement. ", "On June 16, 1995, the last day available under the applicable statute of limitations, West filed a complaint against Bembry. ", "West sent the complaint and summons to Bembry by certified mail on June 19, 1995, and Bembry received them on June 22, 1995.", "\nAbout three months later, on September 25, 1995, West moved to amend her complaint to substitute Buchanan as the defendant. ", "Bembry opposed on the ground of futility, arguing that the statute of limitations would bar the amended complaint since it could not properly \"relate back\" to the original filing. ", "Superior Court Judge Ralph R. Beistline granted the motion to amend, reasoning that notice of the claim could be imputed to Bembry because he was \"apparently in a close relationship\" with Buchanan and that Buchanan \"was a permissive user of his automobile.\" ", "Judge Beistline also relied on the fact that \"[n]egotations were on-going to resolve the claim,\" concluding that it was \"clear that the parties understood that a claim existed arising out of this accident.\"", "\nBuchanan, now the named defendant, filed an answer and a Notice of Change of Judge. ", "The case was reassigned to Superior Court Judge Niesje J. Steinkruger. ", "Buchanan then moved for summary judgment based on West's failure to file within the applicable period of limitations. ", "Judge Steinkruger granted Buchanan's motion for summary judgment \"based upon the Statute of Limitations.\" ", "Implicit in this holding was Judge Steinkruger's determination that West's amended complaint did not relate back to the date of her original complaint. ", "West moved for reconsideration, but Judge Steinkruger denied this motion. ", "West appeals.", "\n\nIII. ", "STANDARD OF REVIEW\n\nThe issues on review involve questions of law. ", "We review such questions de novo.[1] We are not bound by the lower court's decision, but have the duty to \"adopt the rule of law that is most persuasive in light of precedent, reason, and policy.", "\"[2]\n\nIV. ", "DISCUSSION\n\n\nA. Buchanan's Notice of Change of Judge Was Timely.", "\n\nWest first suggests that Buchanan's Notice of Change of Judge was untimely. ", "This contention is without merit. ", "Alaska Civil Rule 42(c)(3) provides, in part:\nWhere a party has been served or enters an action after the case has been assigned to a specific judge, a notice of change of judge shall also be timely if filed by the party before the commencement of trial *1067 and within five days after a party appears or files a pleading in the action.", "\nWest argues that because the amendment to her complaint related back to the time of its initial filing, Buchanan should not have been permitted to peremptorily challenge Judge Beistline. ", "But West's contention rests on a false premise. ", "West asserts that \"Alaska Rule of Civil Procedure 42(c)(1) aggregates both Bembry and Buchanan as a single party.\" ", "This interpretation is incorrect. ", "Civil Rule 42(c)(1) explains only that \"[t]wo or more parties aligned on the same side of an action . . . ", "shall be treated as one side for purposes of the right to a change of judge.\" (", "Emphasis added.) ", "In its discussion of the timeliness of peremptory challenges, Civil Rule 42(c)(3) explicitly refers to parties, not sides. ", "Moreover, the position West advocates would require Buchanan to have peremptorily challenged Judge Beistline before she was made a party to the action.[3] To adopt West's assertion would eliminate the right of persons in Buchanan's position to peremptorily challenge a judge. ", "The decision to allow Buchanan to peremptorily challenge Judge Beistline was correct.", "\n\nB. Judge Steinkruger Did Not Err in Declining to Follow the Law of the Case.", "\n\nAlthough Judge Beistline concluded that the statute of limitations did not bar amendment of the complaint because the amendment would properly relate back to the date the complaint was filed, the case was then reassigned to Judge Steinkruger, who viewed this issue differently. ", "In granting Buchanan's motion for summary judgment based on the statute of limitations, Judge Steinkruger implicitly held that West's amended complaint would not relate back to the date her complaint was originally filed, thus overruling Judge Beistline's earlier decision. ", "West suggests that Judge Steinkruger erred by failing to follow the law of the case.[4]\nStepanov v. Gavrilovich[5] provides guidance on this issue. ", "In Stepanov, we explained that the law of the case doctrine \"expresses the practice of courts generally to refuse to reopen what has been decided.", "\"[6] This practice is not an absolute rule of law. ", "Rather it is a matter of \"sound judicial policy.", "\"[7] We recognized the power of one trial court judge to overrule another, in the proper exercise of judicial discretion.[8] And, \"[w]hile this power is not to be used lightly,\"[9] we observed that it is \"entirely reasonable for a judge whose responsibility it is to try a case to reconsider and reverse an earlier ruling if convinced that that ruling was erroneous.", "\"[10] Judge Steinkruger was within her discretion to reconsider whether West's amended complaint would properly relate back to the date her complaint was originally filed.", "\n\nC. West's Amendment Substituting Buchanan as Defendant Relates Back to the Initial Filing of the Complaint.", "\n\nIn order to determine whether West's amended complaint, which substituted Hiltrud Buchanan as the defendant, relates back to the original complaint, we must interpret the language of Alaska Civil Rule 15(c). ", "This provision sets forth the criteria for an amendment to relate back to the filing of the original pleading. ", "The rule states:\nWhenever the claim or defense asserted in the amended pleading arose out of the conduct, transaction or occurrence set forth or attempted to be set forth in the *1068 original pleading, the amendment relates back to the date of the original pleading. ", "An amendment changing the party against whom a claim is asserted relates back if the foregoing provision is satisfied and, within the period provided by law for commencing the action against the party to be brought in by amendment, that party (1) has received such notice of the institution of the action that the party will not be prejudiced in maintaining a defense on the merits, and (2) knew or should have known that, but for a mistake concerning the identity of the proper party, the action would have been brought against the party.[11]\nIn determining how to interpret a particular rule, we are guided by the purpose of the rule.[12] The purpose of Rule 15(c) is remedial: The rule is meant to liberalize the rules of pleading and to \"allo[w] amendments for clarification and/or correction of the original complaint without being barred by the statute of limitations.", "\"[13] And the purpose of statutes of limitations is to protect defendants from the injustices that may result from the prosecution of stale claims.[14]\nWith these goals in mind, we turn to the issue before us: whether Buchanan, as the party who was brought in by amendment, received notice of the institution of the action and knew, or should have known, that she was the proper defendant \"within the period provided by law for commencing the action against [her].\"[15] Buchanan suggests that because the lawsuit was filed on the last day available under the statute of limitations, and she did not learn of it that day before the statute expired, the amendment substituting her as a party cannot relate back to the original complaint.", "\nBuchanan argues that our decision in Adkins v. Nabors Alaska Drilling, Inc.[16] is dispositive of this issue. ", "In Adkins, Adkins had timely filed suit against Standard Oil and others for personal injuries. ", "After the statute of limitations ran, Adkins attempted to amend his complaint to add Nabors, arguing that this was permitted by Rule 15(c).[17] Adkins's position was that notice of the underlying facts of the action was the same as notice of the institution of the action.[18] Relying on a federal court's interpretation of the word \"action\" in the analogous federal rule,[19] we rejected this claim:\nUnder this interpretation, any knowledge that Nabors may have had concerning Adkins' injury is irrelevant. ", "Adkins must prove that Nabors actually knew of his suit against Standard prior to the limitations period. ", "Adkins filed suit on July 20, 1977. ", "The limitations period expired on August 9, 1977. ", "In order for the amendment to relate back, Nabors must have learned of the lawsuit during this twenty-day period.[20]\nThus, we interpreted the notice provision of Civil Rule 15(c) to require notice of the law-suit, *1069 as opposed to mere notice of the facts underlying the action.[21]\nWe disagree that Adkins controls this case. ", "Adkins focused on the interpretation of the term \"action\" as used in the phrase \"notice of the institution of the action,\" rather than the phrase \"within the period provided by law for commencing the action against [the party].\" ", "And contrary to the dissent's assertion,[22] we did not determine in Adkins that \"the period provided by law for commencing the action\" refers to the limitations period. ", "Thus, Adkins did not address a situation, such as this, in which the substituted defendant learned of the plaintiff's cause of action after the statute of limitations had run but before expiration of time for service on the original defendant.", "\nMoreover, after we decided Adkins, we suggested in Siemion v. Rumfelt[23] that notice within the time for service could be adequate under Rule 15(c). ", "In Siemion, we decided that a complaint against Jeffrey Rumfelt's father could be amended to include Jeffrey because of our view that \"Jeffrey Rumfelt received sufficient notice of the subject claim\" and our \"belie[f that] it is reasonable to infer that Jeffrey had notice of the institution of the suit within the same time he would have known had he been a properly named defendant.", "\"[24]\nWhile Civil Rule 15(c) is not a model of clarity, we conclude that the language \"within the period provided by law for commencing the action\" must be interpreted to encompass, when the complaint is timely filed, the reasonable time for service of process permitted by the rule for a named defendant. ", "The rule's language combines the separate concepts of commencement of an action with notice of the institution of the action. ", "But an action may be filed and thus commenced without imparting notice to the defendant. ", "Notice is usually given by service, which may take place as long as 120 days after filing.[25] As a result, a properly named defendant may not receive notice of an action until 120 days after the statute of limitations runs. ", "We can think of no reason why the rule would require the added defendant to receive notice earlier than a named defendant who is sued on the last day of a limitations period. ", "Thus, we conclude that Rule 15(c) refers to the process of commencing an action, rather than merely filing a complaint; that process includes both timely filing and timely service.", "\nWe note that the prevailing interpretation of Rule 15(c)'s federal counterpart is not a bar to our decision today. ", "In Schiavone v. Fortune,[26] the United States Supreme Court construed Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 15(c)(3) to require notice to the intended defendant within the time for filing a complaint under the applicable limitations period.[27] The Schiavone court stated that the \"plain language\" of the Rule dictated its result even though \"there is an element of arbitrariness here.", "\"[28] But as one commentator has noted, the \"disputed language is anything but plain, much less clear.", "\"[29] Justice Stevens, joined by two other justices, came to a different conclusion than the Court's majority when interpreting the same \"plain language\":\nThe language ... does not, however, refer to the statute of limitations. ", "Rather, it describes \"the period provided by law for commencing the action against him\" (emphasis added). ", "As I have noted, that period includes two components, the time for commencing the action by the filing of a complaint and the time in which the action \"against him\" must be implemented *1070 by the service of process. ", "If the party is sufficiently described in the original complaint to avoid any possibility of prejudice to the defendant, I see no reason for not construing the Rule to embrace both components of the period provided by law for bringing a timely action against a particular defendant.[30]\nFurthermore, as even the dissent acknowledges,[31] commentators have heavily criticized this result.[32] As one commentator explains, the Schiavone decision is troubling for several reasons:\nThe majority's decision effectively vitiates the purposes of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in general and of Rule 15(c) in particular.... Moreover, the Schiavone Court's interpretation is clearly not in accord with Rule 8(f) in that the construction of Schiavone's pleading cannot, in any light, be seen as accomplishing substantial justice.", "\n... [Finally,] [i]f a complaint against a particular defendant must be filed within the limitations period to survive Rule 15(c) scrutiny, as the Court seems to suggest, there is no need for the relation-back doctrine at all where the changing of a party is involved.[33]\nFinally, other state courts, when faced with interpreting state rules analogous to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 15(c)(3) in the aftermath of Schiavone, have not felt constrained to follow the Schiavone decision with \"blind devotion.", "\"[34] As the Arizona Supreme Court explained, \"[i]t would be foolish indeed to interpret such a rule so narrowly as to allow its use only in those cases in which it was not needed because the statute of limitations had not yet run.", "\"[35]\nBecause we are not bound by a decision of the United States Supreme Court when interpreting a state rule of civil procedure and because we find these critiques of Schiavone persuasive, we decline to follow the Schiavone rationale. ", "As long as a claim is filed within the time permitted by the applicable statute of limitations and served within the time permitted for service, the purposes of both Rule 15(c) and our statutes of limitations are satisfied.[36] As Justice Stevens stated in his dissent in Schiavone:\nThe principal purpose of Rule 15(c) is to enable a plaintiff to correct a pleading error after the statute of limitations has run if the correction will not prejudice his adversary in any way. ", "That purpose is defeated—and the Rule becomes largely superfluous—if it is construed to require the correction to be made before the statute has run.[37]\n*1071 Our interpretation of Rule 15(c) better serves the rule's purpose than a reading that would preclude the relation back of an amendment where the intended defendant receives notice that is timely but that comes after the deadline for filing the complaint. ", "We note that Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 15(c) has been amended to substitute \"within the period provided by law for commencing the action against him\" with \"the period provided by Rule 4[] for service of the summons and complaint.", "\"[38] We regard this as further evidence both of the purpose of the rule and that our interpretation is faithful to the achievement of this purpose.", "\nWe thus conclude that West has met the requirements of Rule 15(c): She has proved that Buchanan received notice of the institution of the action and knew or should have known before expiration of the period for commencement of the action that Buchanan was the proper party in the suit. ", "In this case, Buchanan received notice identical to Bembry's. ", "Although West's complaint named Bembry as the driver, both Bembry and Buchanan knew that Buchanan was the driver. ", "According to Buchanan, she accompanied Bembry to pick up the certified letter containing the complaint. ", "Upon reading the complaint, both Bembry and Buchanan should have found it obvious that the complaint mistakenly named Bembry rather than Buchanan.", "\nGiven these circumstances, to say that Bembry received timely and adequate notice but Buchanan did not would seem little more than senseless formalism. ", "Thus, it was error for the superior court to dismiss West's action against Buchanan on statute of limitations grounds.", "\n\nV. CONCLUSION\n\nBecause we hold that West's amended complaint substituting Buchanan as defendant related back to the time of its initial filing, we REVERSE the superior court's dismissal of West's action against Buchanan and REMAND for proceedings consistent with this opinion.", "\nEASTAUGH, Justice, with whom COMPTON, Justice, joins, dissenting.", "\nThe result the court's opinion reaches today is foreclosed by the controlling rule, our past decisions, and authoritative interpretation of the identical federal rule. ", "And it should also be foreclosed by reticence to rely on a theory not raised or argued by the parties. ", "I would affirm dismissal of West's amended complaint as untimely; it did not relate back to West's timely original complaint.", "\n\nA. Facts\n\nWhile driving William Bembry's car, Hiltrud Buchanan collided with Carmen West's vehicle. ", "The collision occurred on June 17, 1993. ", "On June 16, 1995, West commenced suit by filing a complaint naming William Bembry as the only defendant. ", "The two-year statute of limitations expired the day after West sued Bembry. ", "Because West served Bembry by mail, Bembry did not receive notice of the lawsuit until after the limitations period had run.", "\nOn September 25, 1995, more than three months later, and thus well after the limitations period had expired, West amended her complaint to substitute Buchanan as the only defendant. ", "West has not explained why her original complaint named William Bembry; when deposed, West testified that she realized on the day of the accident that the driver of Bembry's car was a woman. ", "It is undisputed that Buchanan (and Bembry) did not learn of the lawsuit until after the limitations period expired.", "\n\nB. The Court's Decision\n\nThe court's opinion holds that the amended complaint naming Buchanan, although filed after the statute of limitations had run, was timely because it related back to the timely complaint that named only Bembry. ", "Because notice that Bembry had been sued was received by Bembry and Buchanan after the statute of limitations ran, but within the 120-day period Alaska Civil Rule 4(j) allowed for serving Bembry, the opinion reasons that the service grace period must be included \"within *1072 the period provided by law for commencing the action,\" as provided by Alaska Civil Rule 15(c), in deciding whether the action against Buchanan was timely.", "\n\nC. Alaska Civil Rule 15(c)\n\nA complaint must be filed within the time specified by law, usually by the applicable statute of limitations adopted by the legislature. ", "Absent exceptions not applicable here, an amended complaint filed after the limitations statute has run is untimely and must be dismissed unless the requirements of Alaska Civil Rule 15(c) are met. ", "If they are met, the amended complaint relates back to the date when the original complaint was filed.", "\nIn this case, West timely commenced suit against the wrong defendant; she attempted to sue the right defendant only after the statute had run. ", "Rule 15(c) treats this type of amendment differently from an amendment that simply changes the claims. \"", "Rule 15(c)['s] requirements are strictly construed when the amendment adds a new defendant.", "\"[1] Rule 15(c) requires that Buchanan have received, \"within the period provided by law for commencing the action,\" notice that the action had been instituted.", "\nThe opinion defines this period to include the time set by the applicable statute of limitations plus the 120-day service grace period provided by Rule 4(j).", "\nThere are two main problems with this analysis. ", "First, it is contrary to our Civil Rules, particularly Rule 15(c). ", "Our rules distinguish between commencing an action and serving the defendant. ", "Rule 3 addresses the \"commencement\" of an action. ", "An action is \"commenced\" by filing a complaint.[2] Rule 4 deals with process, i.e., serving the complaint. ", "Subsection j of Rule 4 sets the time within which the plaintiff must serve a timely filed complaint on the defendant; it does not enlarge the time for commencing an action. ", "Rule 15(c) observes the same distinction in language that mirrors the operative language in Rule 3; the operative language in Rule 4(j) is alien to the part of Rule 15(c) here in issue.", "\nThe opinion's reliance on the service grace period conflates the purpose of that period with the doctrine of relation-back. ", "Rule 4(j)'s service grace period sets the time in which the plaintiff must achieve service of a timely filed complaint on a defendant named in the complaint. ", "Rule 15(c)'s doctrine of relation-back enlarges the time for correcting the name of the defendant if the proper defendant has received, within the limitations—not service—period, notice that suit was filed. ", "The service grace period assumes a timely complaint; it does not enlarge the time for filing a timely complaint. ", "Our decision today, however, engrafts the service grace period onto the limitations period to make timely an amended complaint that was not timely. ", "Thus, it fails to distinguish between commencing an action and serving process.", "\nThe opinion also fails to distinguish between Bembry and Buchanan. ", "It assumes that what is fair for Bembry (who could be served after the limitations period had run) is also fair for Buchanan. ", "But their situations must be distinguished. ", "Bembry was named in a timely complaint and Buchanan was not. ", "Rule 4(j) has only one possible application to Buchanan: it required that she be served within 120 days after the amended complaint was filed. ", "Moreover, we should not necessarily assume that Bembry and Buchanan must be treated identically when applying the service grace period. ", "If Buchanan had gone to the courthouse on the second anniversary of the accident and asked if she was a defendant in a lawsuit, she would have learned that she was not. ", "She was thus not in the position of a defendant who was timely sued but not yet served. ", "This distinction may not be conclusive, and does not preclude amending the rule; but it certainly justifies applying the rule as written absent any amendment.", "\nThe opinion states that \"to say that Bembry received timely and adequate notice but Buchanan did not would seem little more *1073 than senseless formalism.", "\"[3] But the distinction the opinion rejects is embedded in our rule, and we should observe it. ", "The opinion asserts that Rule 15(c) is \"not a model of clarity.", "\"[4] Perhaps so, but it is sufficiently clear that we should apply it as written.", "\nThe second problem inevitably follows. ", "The opinion changes the substantive law which governs the time for commencing an action. ", "Even assuming Rule 4(j) purported to add 120 days to \"the period provided by law for commencing\" an action, it would necessarily extend every limitations period by 120 days as long as notice were received during that 120-day period. ", "We should avoid such a substantive effect of a procedural rule. ", "I read the words \"provided by law\" to refer to substantive law, not mere procedure. ", "Our rule-making power does not give us authority to specify the time for commencing suit; that is for the legislature. ", "We sometimes decide whether substantive court-made \"law\" delays or tolls the running of the statutory limitations period adopted by the legislature, but that is not what we are doing here.[5]\n\nD. Our Prior Decisions\n\nIn my view, our decision in Adkins v. Nabors Alaska Drilling, Inc.,[6] controls. ", "There we rejected Adkins's attempt to amend his complaint to add Nabors after the statute of limitations had run. ", "The court distinguishes Adkins from this case on the theory that Nabors did not receive notice of the suit until after the service period had expired.[7] But that distinction ignores the rationale that governed Adkins: that the critical language in Rule 15(c)—\"the period provided by law for commencing the action\"—refers to the \"limitations period.", "\"[8] That rationale was not mere dictum, but controlled the result.", "\nThe court looks to Siemion v. Rumfelt,[9] to support its holding.[10] In Siemion, we permitted an amended complaint to relate back when the newly-named defendant, Jeffrey, \"had notice of the institution of the suit within the same time he would have known had he been a properly named defendant.", "\"[11] Because Rule 4(j) contemplates the possibility a properly named defendant will not receive notice of an action until 120 days after the statute of limitations expires, the court reads Siemion to support its holding here. ", "But Jeffrey in fact had constructive notice within the applicable period of limitations,[12] and Siemion cited Adkins with approval.[13]\nMoreover, in Farmer v. State,[14] relying upon language from the United States Supreme Court's opinion in Schiavone v. Fortune,[15] we stated that the relation back question was whether the defendant received notice within the limitations period.[16]\nRelation back is dependent upon four factors, all of which must be satisfied: (1) the basic claim must have arisen out of the conduct set forth in the original pleading; (2) the party to be brought in must have received such notice that it will not be prejudiced in maintaining its defense; (3) that party must or should have known that, but for a mistake concerning identity, the action would have been brought against it; and (4) the second and third *1074 requirements must have been fulfilled within the prescribed limitations period.[17]\nWe have never disavowed our reliance on Schiavone's equation of the statutory limitations period with the language \"the period provided by law for commencing the action.\" ", "Indeed, Siemion approvingly cites Schiavone and quotes the same language we quoted in Farmer.[18]\nIt seems unlikely the court in Siemion intended to hold that the time for commencing suit is enlarged by the service grace period, given that it did not cite Rule 4(j) or discuss the service grace period.", "\n\nE. Schiavone v. Fortune\n\nBecause Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 15(c) was, until its amendment in 1991, identical to our Rule 15(c), federal interpretation of the unamended federal rule provides useful guidance. ", "Until 1986, there was a dispute in the federal courts concerning the meaning of Rule 15(c)'s qualifying language—that notice must have been received \"within the period provided by law for commencing the action.\"", "\nSome courts ruled that notice had to be received before the statute of limitations had run. ", "To rule otherwise arguably would have deprived the new party of the right to invoke the statute of limitations defense and that might raise a question of procedural due process. ", "Other courts noted that the rule was satisfied as long as the action was filed within the statutory period and notice was accomplished within the time allowed for service of process.[19]\nThat dispute, however, was resolved when the Supreme Court decided Schiavone v. Fortune.[20] As explained in a leading treatise:\nJustice Blackmun, writing for the majority, concluded that notice must be received within the statute of limitations and it is not sufficient to find that notice is given within the time for service. ", "This conclusion, he noted, was required by the \"plain language\" of Rule 15(c). ", "Further, he acknowledged\n. . . ", "there is an element of arbitrariness here, but that is a characteristic of any limitations period. ", "And it is an arbitrariness imposed by the legislature and not by the judicial process.[21]\nThe result reached in Schiavone was criticized by commentators.[22] Nonetheless, the federal courts, including the Supreme Court, adhered to Schiavone's reading of Federal Civil Rule 15(c) prior to its amendment.[23] We also approvingly quoted from Schiavone in Farmer and Siemion.[24] Our court today disagrees with the six-justice majority in Schiavone. ", "In interpreting our rules, we are certainly not bound by the federal courts' interpretations of their rules. ", "But because the plain language which convinced the Supreme Court is also found in our rule, I would place significant weight on that Court's reasoned result.", "\nNonetheless our opinion today does invoke the federal experience in another way. ", "In interpreting Alaska Civil Rule 15(c), our opinion relies on the post-Schiavone amendment of Federal Civil Rule 15(c).[25] The 1991 amendment rewrote the federal rule to permit the result the court desires here.[26] The opinion finds the 1991 amendment to be \"further evidence of the purpose of the rule and that our interpretation is faithful to the achievement of this purpose.", "\"[27] This is problematic. *", "1075 As a matter of construction, I would not read an amendment that permits a particular result to support a pre-amendment interpretation contrary to the unamended language and its prevailing interpretation. ", "That the federal rule was amended suggests that we should rewrite our rule, not that we should simply reread it. ", "Finally, for reasons discussed above, I think the court errs in assuming that Rule 15(c) has an underlying purpose that justifies the interpretation reached today.", "\n\nF. Reliance on the Service Grace Period\n\nApart from my substantive disagreement with relying on the service grace period, it seems inappropriate to rely on it here. ", "This issue was not preserved in the superior court.[28] West's opening and closing appellate briefs say nothing about Rule 4(j) or the 120-day service grace period.[29] West instead asserts other theories—correctly rejected by the court here—on which her amended complaint should be considered timely. ", "Because West did not even raise the issue, it is not surprising that Buchanan's appellee's brief does not discuss the issue, either. ", "Buchanan could have persuasively argued that the service grace period and Rule 4(j) have no application here. ", "The court's opinion consequently relies on a rule not cited by appellant in support of a rationale not advanced by appellant to reach a result that is not justified by our rules as written or by our past decisions.", "\n\nG. Conclusion\n\nI agree with the court's resolution of the issues raised by West. ", "But I disagree with the court's resolution of the issue not raised by West, and would therefore affirm the judgment of dismissal.", "\nNOTES\n[1] See Guin v. Ha, 591 P.2d 1281, 1284 n. 6 (Alaska 1979).", "\n[2] Id.\n[3] AS 22.20.022, by its terms, permits only \"a party or a party's attorney\" to peremptorily challenge a judge.", "\n[4] West also refers us to Civil Rule 77(k), which deals with the time limits within which motions may be reconsidered. ", "This reference is off-point. ", "The motion for summary judgment considered by Judge Steinkruger did have an issue in common with the motion to amend considered by Judge Beistline. ", "But Judge Steinkruger did not reconsider the motion to amend. ", "Civil Rule 77(k) is inapplicable.", "\n[5] 594 P.2d 30 (Alaska 1979).", "\n[6] Id. at 36 (quoting Messinger v. Anderson, 225 U.S. 436, 444, 32 S.Ct. ", "739, 56 L.Ed. ", "1152 (1912)).", "\n[7] Id.\n[8] See id.\n[9] Id. at 36.", "\n[10] Id.\n[11] Alaska R. Civ. ", "P. 15(c) (emphasis added).", "\n[12] See, e.g., Van Alen v. Anchorage Ski Club, Inc., 536 P.2d 784, 787 (Alaska 1975) (\"We have repeatedly stated that Alaska's discovery rules should be given a liberal interpretation in order to effectuate the underlying purpose of those rules.\").", "\n[13] Lawrence A. Epter, An Un-Fortune-Ate Decision: The Aftermath of the Supreme Court's Eradication of the Relation-Back Doctrine, 17 Fla. St. U.L.Rev. ", "713, 718 (1990) (discussing the federal counterpart to Alaska Civil Rule 15); see also Laurie Helzick, Note, Looking Forward: A Fairer Application of the Relation Back Provisions of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 15(c), 63 N.Y.U. L.Rev. ", "131, 140 (1988) (\"Relation back was developed in order to liberalize the rules of pleading for the plaintiff without contravening the policies behind the statute of limitations.\") (", "discussing the federal counterpart to Alaska Civil Rule 15).", "\n[14] See Pedersen v. Zielski, 822 P.2d 903, 907 (Alaska 1991).", "\n[15] Alaska R. Civ. ", "P. 15(c).", "\n[16] 609 P.2d 15 (Alaska 1980).", "\n[17] See id. at 17-18.", "\n[18] See id. at 20-21.", "\n[19] See id. At the time of Adkins, the federal rule was virtually identical to Alaska's Rule 15(c). ", "Compare Alaska R. Civ. ", "P. 15(c) with Fed. ", "R.Civ.", "P. 15(c) (1991) (amended 1991).", "\n[20] Id. at 21.", "\n[21] See id. at 21.", "\n[22] See Dissent at 1073.", "\n[23] 825 P.2d 896 (Alaska 1992).", "\n[24] Id. at 900 (emphasis added).", "\n[25] See Alaska R. Civ. ", "P. 4(j).", "\n[26] 477 U.S. 21, 106 S.Ct. ", "2379, 91 L.Ed.2d 18 (1986).", "\n[27] See id. at 30-31, 106 S.Ct. ", "2379.", "\n[28] Id.\n[29] Epter, supra note 13, at 735 (\"If the Court's characterization of this language were accurate, Schiavone would never have been decided by the Supreme Court: the conflicting and inconsistent interpretation of that language is precisely what led to the grant of certiorari.\").", "\n[30] Schiavone, 477 U.S. at 37, 106 S.Ct. ", "2379 (Stevens, J., dissenting).", "\n[31] See Dissent at 1074-75.", "\n[32] See, e.g., Robert D. Brussack, Outrageous Fortune: The Case for Amending Rule 15(c) Again, 61 S. Cal. ", "L.Rev. ", "671, 672-73 (1988); Epter, supra note 13, at 727-35; Helzick, supra note 13, at 148-49.", "\n[33] Epter, supra note 13, at 731-33.", "\n[34] Ritchie v. Grand Canyon Scenic Rides, 165 Ariz. 460, 799 P.2d 801, 805 (1990); see also Brown v. Winn-Dixie Montgomery, Inc., 669 So.2d 92, 95-97 (Miss.1996) (noting that Mississippi courts were \"not bound to blindly apply the observation or interpretation [of Rule 15] by the federal court\"); Hughes v. Water World Water Slide, Inc., 314 S.C. 211, 442 S.E.2d 584, 586 (1994) (declining to follow Schiavone even though South Carolina had not adopted the 1991 amendment to Fed.", "R.Civ.", "P. 15(c) setting the time allowed for changing the defendant in accord with federal law rather than state statutes of limitations).", "\n[35] Ritchie, 799 P.2d at 808.", "\n[36] Although the dissent complains that we are deciding this issue on a ground not argued by the parties, Buchanan challenged Judge Beistline's reliance on our suggestion in Siemion that a complaint may be amended to include a defendant who has \"had notice of the institution of the suit within the same time he would have known had he been a properly named defendant.\" ", "Moreover, the applicability of the Schiavone rule to this case was argued at length by Buchanan in her brief to this court. ", "And as the Schiavone dissent and the commentators who criticize the Schiavone majority opinion recognize, a properly named defendant may not receive notice of an action until service, which under both the Alaska and Federal Rules may take place as long as 120 days after filing. ", "Thus, although the parties do not specifically refer to Civil Rule 4(j) in their briefs, its applicability to the issue before us is manifest.", "\n[37] Schiavone, 477 U.S. at 38, 106 S.Ct. ", "2379 (Stevens, J., dissenting).", "\n[38] Compare Fed.", "R.Civ.", "P. 15(c) with Fed.", "R.Civ.", "P. 15(c) (1991) (amended 1991).", "\n[1] Siemion v. Rumfelt, 825 P.2d 896, 899 n. 3 (Alaska 1992) (quoting McCutcheon v. State, 746 P.2d 461, 469 n. 16 (Alaska 1987)).", "\n[2] See Alaska R. Civ. ", "P. 3(a) (\"A civil action is commenced by filing a complaint with the court.\").", "\n[3] Op. ", "at 1071.", "\n[4] Op. ", "at 1069.", "\n[5] See, e.g., Gudenau & Co. v. Sweeney Ins., ", "Inc., 736 P.2d 763, 766-69 (Alaska 1987) (discussing conditions under which Alaska courts will delay or toll running of statutory limitations periods).", "\n[6] 609 P.2d 15 (Alaska 1980).", "\n[7] See Op. ", "at 1068-69.", "\n[8] 609 P.2d at 21.", "\n[9] 825 P.2d 896 (Alaska 1992).", "\n[10] See Op. ", "at 1068-1069.", "\n[11] Siemion, 825 P.2d at 900.", "\n[12] See id.\n[13] See id. at 899 n. 3.", "\n[14] 788 P.2d 43 (Alaska 1990).", "\n[15] 477 U.S. 21, 106 S.Ct. ", "2379, 91 L.Ed.2d 18 (1986).", "\n[16] See 788 P.2d at 49 (emphasis added).", "\n[17] Id. (quoting Schiavone, 477 U.S. at 29, 106 S.Ct. ", "2379) (emphasis added).", "\n[18] See Siemion, 825 P.2d at 899.", "\n[19] 6A Charles A. Wright, Arthur R. Miller & Mary Kay Kane, Federal Practice and Procedure § 1498, at 107-13 (1990) (footnotes omitted).", "\n[20] See 477 U.S. at 30-31, 106 S.Ct. ", "2379.", "\n[21] Wright, at 113-14 (footnote omitted) (quoting Schiavone, 477 U.S. at 31, 106 S.Ct. ", "2379).", "\n[22] See id. at 114.", "\n[23] See id.\n[24] See Farmer, 788 P.2d at 49; Siemion, 825 P.2d at 899.", "\n[25] See Op. ", "at 1070-71.", "\n[26] See Fed.", "R.Civ.", "P. 15 advisory committee's note (1991).", "\n[27] Op. ", "at 1070-71.", "\n[28] See Rowen v. Rowen, 963 P.2d 249, 255 (Alaska 1998) (refusing to consider father's eligibility for \"visitation credit\" to reduce child support owed when father failed to raise issue at trial); Brooks v. Brooks, 733 P.2d 1044, 1053 (Alaska 1987) (stating that matters not raised at trial will not be considered on appeal).", "\n[29] We have consistently held that the failure to argue a point in a brief constitutes an abandonment of it and we will not consider it on appeal. ", "See Petersen v. Mutual Life Ins. ", "Co., 803 P.2d 406, 411 n. 8 (Alaska 1990); State v. O'Neill Investigations, Inc., 609 P.2d 520, 528 (Alaska 1980); Lewis v. State, 469 P.2d 689, 691 n. 2 (Alaska 1970).", "\n" ]
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[ "PAY YOUR DUES HERE\n\nYearly Membership Dues\n\nANNUAL AWARDS\n\nEach year, In December, the BTCLA, Inc awards a certificate to acknowledge Titles won during the Calender year. ", "These Titles include but are not limited to Conformations Championships and Grand\nChampionships, Completion of a Grand Championship Level, Obedience Titles, Agility Titles, Barn Hunt Titles, Lure Coursing Titles. ", "Members are responsible for filing the form below with the secretary\nno later than 2 weeks prior to the annual meeting...." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.011695906432748537, 0.023474178403755867, 0 ]
[ "The present invention relates generally to robot systems used for automated assembly, and more specifically to an adjustable micromanipulator that may be interposed between the fingers and the remainder of a robotic arm's structure for increasing the accuracy with which an arm's fingers may be positioned.", "\nMechanical devices capable of mimicking operations which may be performed by a human arm and hand, frequently referred to as \"robotic arms\" or \"manipulators\", are well known. ", "Motion is frequently induced in a robotic arm by rotating it about a joint located near one of its ends which is commonly referred to as the arm's \"shoulder.\" ", "The other end of such a robotic arm, the end which translates when the arm rotates about its shoulder, is frequently referred to as its \"hand\". ", "The parts of such hands which are used to grasp or manipulate an item are frequently referred to as its \"fingers\". ", "To control the positioning of an arm's fingers, an arm generally includes other joints distributed along its length between its shoulder and its fingers which may provide either rotary or translational motion.", "\nSuch robotic arms are routinely capable of translating their hands throughout a relatively large volume, e.g. 1 cubic meter or more. ", "However, within that large operating volume it is also frequently desirable to accurately position the hand's fingers, e.g. with a permissible error of much less than 1 mm. ", "Because of the distance separating the location at which an arm's gross motions originate, i.e. its shoulder, and its fingers, minute errors at the source of such motion are magnified by the arm's length. ", "Further, the elasticity of the arm's mechanisms and the arm's inherent flexibility introduce further static and dynamic errors in positioning its hands or fingers. ", "In general, as the ratio of the range of an arm's gross motions to its finger position accuracy increases, it becomes progressively more and more difficult to accurately control the position of an arm's fingers. ", "Inadequate finger position accuracy is obtained merely by controlling the arms movement about its shoulder or at other joints located near the shoulder.", "\nThe task of providing a means of adjusting the position of finger elements of robot arm systems is alleviated to some extent, by the systems of the following U.S. Patents, the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference:\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,595,334 issued to Sharon; PA1 U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,300,362 issued to Lande et al; PA1 U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,435,116 issued to Van Deberg; PA1 U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,784,031 issued to Niitu et al; and PA1 U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,144,947 issued to Pittwood.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,595,334 discloses a robotic apparatus having five degrees of movement, and first, second, and third stage platforms to move and rotate the apparatus.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,300,362 discloses an articulation for a manipulator which includes two supporting elements interlinked by at least two connecting rods, the ends of which are coupled with the supporting elements by joints with two degrees of freedom.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "4,435,116, 3,784,031, and 3,144,947 each disclose a robotic manipulator for handling objects.", "\nWhile the systems of the above-cited references are instructive, a need remains to provide a means for increasing the accuracy in which a robot arm's fingers may be positioned. ", "The present invention is intended to satisfy that need." ]
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[ "If you thought nothing could ever top those Star Wars-themed chopsticks that looked exactly like miniature lightsabers, you're about to have your mind blown wide open again. ", "Because thanks to improvements in miniature LED and battery technology, those lightsaber chopsticks now feature a glowing blade.", "\n\nJapanese manufacturer Kotobukiya unveiled these awesome Lightsaber chopsticks at last week's…\nRead more Read more\n\nThey won't be available until November, but these updated versions of one of the best pieces of Star Wars merchandise ever, now glow either blue or red—depending on if you choose the light side of the force and go with Luke, or the dark side and opt for Vader. ", "They'll sell for around $23 a pair, and you can pre-order them now if you want to get your hands on a set the parsec they're released. [", "NCSX via Technabob]" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0.010582010582010581, 0, 0.05263157894736842 ]
[ "The US government worries that terrorists could take down the country’s electrical grid just by hitting a small node in the system. ", "But a new study reveals the grid is too unreliable for that kind of attack.", "\n\nA lot of people believe they are becoming \"power independent\" by installing grid-tie solar systems, but what many don't realize is that virtually all such systems are designed to actively go offline when the power grid goes offline.", "\n\nApparently living off the grid, off the land and without government assistance is now a crime that can land you in jail and cause you to lose your home.", "\nGovernment officials across the country are forming so called “nuisance abatement teams” to intimidate people into giving up their land or conforming to the governments demands and hooking back into the grid. ", "Counties across the country are actually jailing people for living the way they want to live.", "\n\nA proposed relaxing in the accuracy of the frequency of the nation's AC power grid could mess with any clocks that base their timekeeping on it. ", "Basically any clock that blinks \"12:00\" when you lose power - stoves, microwaves, coffee makers, etc. ", "The changes are supposed to make it easier to incorporate more \"renewable energy\" sources into the grid.", "\n\nCan we live without modern infrastructure? ", "And if so, what will the future of Japan look like? ...", "with its long-term client Nissan...took on the challenging of imagining what the off-grid future of Japan might look like...known as MIRAI NIHON, or Future Japan.", "\n\nMaterial scientists at the Nano/Bio Interface Center of the University of Pennsylvania have demonstrated the transduction of optical radiation to electrical current in a molecular circuit. ", "The system, an array of nano-sized molecules of gold, respond to electromagnetic waves by creating surface plasmons that induce and project electrical current across molecules, similar to that of photovoltaic solar cells.", "\n\nThe federal government is launching an expansive program dubbed \"Perfect Citizen\" to detect cyber assaults on private companies and government agencies running such critical infrastructure as the electricity grid and nuclear-power plants, according to people familiar with the program.", "\n\nNorwegian Police confirms that at least two persons are dead, and several others injured in a terrorist attack directed against a building housing the Norwegian govt. ", "Many have voiced their concern that authorities will use this as an excuse for more strict and intrusive security regulations.", "\n\nFamous security expert Bruce Schneier responds to the TSA's recently-implemented security theater measures. ", "Bruce knows real security comes from openness and freedom - not privacy invasion and cameras. ", "From the article:\n\"A terrorist attack cannot possibly destroy a country's way of life; it's only our reaction to that attack that can do that kind of damage. ", "The more we undermine our own laws, the more we convert our buildings into fortresses, the more we reduce the freedoms and liberties at the foundation of our societies, the more we're doing the terrorists' job for them.\"" ]
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[ " [DO NOT PUBLISH]\n\n IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS\n\n FOR THE ELEVENTH CIRCUIT\n ________________________ FILED\n U.S. COURT OF APPEALS\n No. ", "07-11170 ELEVENTH CIRCUIT\n May 20, 2008\n ________________________\n THOMAS K. KAHN\n CLERK\n D. C. Docket No. ", "99-00938 CV-ASG\n\nRICHARD FEINGOLD, individually and\nex rel. ", "United States of America,\nUNITED STATES OF AMERICA,\n\n Plaintiffs-Appellants,\n\n versus\n\nPALMETTO GOVERNMENT BENEFITS\nADMINISTRATORS, JOHN DOE, etc.,", "\n\n Defendants-Appellees.", "\n\n ________________________\n\n Appeal from the United States District Court\n for the Southern District of Florida\n _________________________\n\n (May 20, 2008)\n\nBefore ANDERSON, HULL and SILER,* Circuit Judges.", "\n\nPER CURIAM:\n_______________\n*Honorable Eugene Siler, Jr., United States Circuit Judge for the Sixth Circuit, sitting by\ndesignation.", "\n\f After oral argument and careful consideration, we readily conclude that the\n\njudgment of the district court is due to be affirmed. ", "With respect to Counts III and\n\nIV of the complaint, we conclude that we are bound by our prior panel opinion in\n\nUnited States ex rel. ", "Body v. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama, Inc., 156\n\nF.3d 1098 (11th Cir. ", "1998). ", "Accordingly, defendants are immune with respect to\n\nthe allegations of Counts III and IV.", "\n\n With respect to Counts I and II, we conclude that the district court committed\n\nno reversible error in dismissing those counts for failure to comply with\n\nFed.", "R.Civ.", "P. 9(b).", "\n\n Accordingly, the judgment of the district court is\n\n AFFIRMED.", "\n\n\n\n\n 2\n\f" ]
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[ "Saint Ursula's Day in the British Virgin Islands Date in the current year: October 21, 2018\n\nSaint Ursula's Day is a public holiday in the British Virgin Islands, because Saint Ursula is patron saint of the Virgin Islands archipelago. ", "It is celebrated on October 21.", "\n\nThe British Virgin Islands (BVI) is a British overseas territory located in the Caribbean. ", "It is part of the Virgin Islands archipelago. ", "The archipelago was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1493. ", "The explrorer named the islands Santa Ursula y las Once Mil Vírgenes (Saint Ursula and her 11,000 Virgins) in honor of Saint Ursula. ", "The name was commonly shortened to Las Vírgenes (The Virgins).", "\n\nSaint Ursula is a Christian saint. ", "She was a British princess who was supposed to marry the Brettonic leader Conan Meriadoc. ", "Ursula set sail to join her future husband in Cologne, along with 11,000 virginal handmaidens. ", "On her way to Cologne, she encountered Huns, who beheaded all the virgins in a massacre and then shot Ursula dead.", "\n\nSaint Ursula's feast day falls on October 21. ", "It was officially designated as a public holiday in the BVI in 1957. ", "Despite the fact that Saint Ursula is patron saint of the entire archipelago, it is not celebrated in the American Virgin Islands. ", "On the occasion of the holiday, a traditional yacht race is typically organized." ]
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