[ "How can Alaska get back on track to prosperity and growth? ", "Reports that Alaska had the second-slowest growth of all 50 states during the boom years of the 1990s should trigger both concern and activity.", "\n\nDreaming and scheming to tap an oil gusher in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is not a reliable answer. ", "We can and should continue the fight to explore in ANWR, but as much as we might wish it were otherwise, that issue has been gridlocked for 20 years and could stay that way for another 20 -- or more. ", "We have to have a Plan B.\n\nThe gas pipeline is one possible part of the answer, but it is no holy grail. ", "If launched, it would bring a couple thousand high-paying, multiyear construction jobs; a couple hundred permanent jobs; and a couple hundred million dollars a year for the state treasury and would secure long-term, in-state energy supplies.", "\n\nWhat that adds up to is an extremely hopeful enterprise -- but hardly another Prudhoe Bay-sized boom. ", "And a gas line is hardly a done deal. ", "The complexities of markets, prices, producers' interests, competitive environment, route choices, potential state investment and so on still mean, after 30 years, that the project remains up in the air. ", "Meanwhile, what else can Alaska do?", "\n\nThe first step is to stabilize state government's long-term finances. ", "Right now, without any general taxes, every additional job, every additional resident, is a net drain on the state treasury. ", "Economic growth means more people and families use state services funded by the state's shrinking oil wealth while claiming part of the Permanent Fund's yearly payouts. ", "Anchorage businessman Ernie Hall is starkly correct when he says we have to figure out how to make Alaska citizens a financial asset rather than a liability.", "\n\nThe continued failure to come to grips with the fiscal gap remains one of the biggest drags on potential growth. ", "What business would feel confident investing in a place that is rich with oil dollars but unwilling to fix its fiscal problem, leaving future generations and industries to hold the bag?", "\n\nBusinesses legitimately wonder whether they will be the target when the state's short-term savings accounts are spent and the cost of needed state services far outpaces the state's available cash.", "\n\nThere's also the question of public services. ", "Companies that know Alaska's public services are inadequate -- or will be because we've failed to balance the books -- will be unlikely to move or invest here.", "\n\nThe fiscal gap has given shortsighted legislators an excuse to stint on K-12 education, the university, stewardship of state-owned natural resources and protection of public safety and the environment. ", "Alaska's quality of life, one of the state's premier economic assets, is at risk.", "\n\nAlaska should make strong investments in public education, including the university. ", "It's also important to remember that education alone is not sufficient. ", "Even if all Alaska graduates qualified as Rhodes scholars, we'd still have to find a way to keep them from heading south to greener pastures.", "\n\nAlaska's quality of life is a great tool for fighting that kind of brain drain. ", "As Jamie Kenworthy of the Alaska Science and Technology Foundation says: ''It takes a very few people who are tired of the I-5 traffic in Seattle and L.A. to choose to live in this beautiful place to make a big impact on our economy.''", "\n\nAlaska is a national leader in home computer ownership and Internet access. ", "One thing that would help, Mr. Kenworthy says, is finding ways to expand the pool of private financing for innovative but high-risk ventures in Alaska.", "\n\nAlaska's convenient global location is another crucial asset. ", "Anchorage in particular is a logical place for global logistics and light manufacturing operations that need speedy access to world markets. ", "We need to find out why those businesses aren't coming and what the state and city can do (within reason) to get them here.", "\n\nThere is the age-old theme of ''adding value'' to resources or activities already produced or occurring in Alaska. ", "We should sell seafood meals instead of fish, lumber instead of trees. ", "Unfortunately, it's possible to spend a lot of money with not a lot of results. ", "Just look at the struggling seafood plant near Anchorage's airport. ", "The one way to ensure failure, though, is to stop trying because we cannot ensure 100 percent success.", "\n\nAnd that leads to the question of competitiveness in harsh and unforgiving world markets. ", "With every product and every process, Alaskans must focus on competitive success, on beating the competition in cost or quality or both. ", "As Mr. Kenworthy points out, for instance, that means leaving behind the ''cost-plus'' mentality of the pipeline years, or defeating the problems of distance from markets or high labor costs so that we compete effectively in a global economy. ", "In the 21st century, a combination of technology, brain power and capital will be the key to success. ", "We need to attract and keep all three.", "\n\nRejuvenating Alaska's economic growth will take hard work, most of it far from the political limelight. ", "Nothing within the state's reach will single-handedly deliver prosperity the way Prudhoe Bay did. ", "But creative, farsighted and patient leadership working on many smaller fronts can help Alaska escape the stagnation of the past decade." ]
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[ "[Stability of alpha-amylase with immobilization through its different functional groups].", "\nThe paper deals with stability of Aspergillus aryzae alpha-amylase immobilized on CM- and AE-celluloses using N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide by means of binding through its amine or carboxylic groups. ", "The binding of the enzyme with CM-cellulose makes its preparations more stable to the effect of EDTA and elevated temperature (50 degrees C) than under fixation on AE-cellulose." ]
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[ "the metaphysical mortician”(how william s. burroughs effected the way we think / act / write in the 21st century)\n\nDeath says it all. ", "Permission gives us license. ", "What W.S.B. gave us was the permission to deal with our innards, structurally, spiritually, metaphysically, psychically, but most importantly OUTWARDLY. ", "We are awash with psychosis and that’s o.k. ", "We are wild boys allowed to think, be, act freely while dosing ourselves with pleasure and defiance. ", "We can deal with sexuality and anti-sexuality freely. ", "Not be afraid to put on paper or in practice (im)permanent belief systems that border on the perverse, that inflict pain yet calm us with their frantic morphin(e)g. ", "hetero / non-hetero / anti-hetero / viral / anti-viral nakedness. ", "Like the Marquis de Sade Burroughs was censored and fought that censorship to free the word and to push forward our rights to speak our minds out loud and in print. ", "To be and think as alien as we want, open and widen frontiers and metaphorically and perhaps actually eat shit, fornicate with beasts and penetrate the mainstream by confronting it with its own horrors. ", "Like Sade he used pornography as a tool to express freedom and expose the gang-banging political and social injustices.", "\n\nBurroughs about Naked Lunch:\n“Certain passages in the book that have been called pornographic were written as a tract against Capital Punishment. ", "These sections are intended to reveal capital punishment as the obscene, barbaric and disgusting anachronism that it is”.”", "\nAnd like Sade his actions and thoughts to some extent were that of a libertine.", "\n\nHe gave us permission to dispense with hierarchies and to have the ability to not fear our SEX and to speak horrible beauty about our bodies and other’s. ", "To question, rebel against and revel in detention. ", "To be aware of surveillance and know as we knew back in the last century that paranoia is real. ", "That we sense it, smell it touch it, see it just as we see the clear illusion of a glowing moon and are fooled into thinking it shines of its own accord. ", "W.S.B. ‘s writing has allowed us to be corrupt and to expose the corrupt forces that connect us to and disconnect us from the “real” world and oft times ourselves. ", "He proved that language truly is a virus and that if it falls into the wrong hands (government, politicos, lobbyists, tyrants) it can infect and kill us all and these aspects have come to light more freely in the writing of the younger generations who have learned to use these tools more and more to defend our rights against oppressive puritanical thoughts and ideals. ", "He germinated the idea of germ warfare real and imagined in the super depths of the post-surrealist mind. ", "With Gysin he revitalized, galvanized and help release artists from linearity by delving deeper into chance and randomness through the cut-up method. ", "He gave dignity to the suit and tie. ", "He gave us permission to make and transcend mistakes. ", "To deal simultaneously with the present and what I refer to as future/past.", "\n\nAs an artist he constantly made us aware of the horrors perpetuated on individuals both singularly and collectively and helped heighten and reveal a higher collective consciousness / freedom of expression and the freedom to exercise/exorcise our inner most horrors / demons / excrement that exude / excrete / from the fluids of our beings both emotional and physical. ", "He re-created the outer shell transforming it into animal/insect beyond Kafka’s giant BUG and took us many steps further into the world of CHANGE. ", "He personified, affirmed and rejected drug culture all in one embodiment. ", "He gave us license to be possessed and to use that possession to attain new frontiers. ", "He brought so-called pornography into the high realm of literature as many after him have profited by. ", "He has in his own words written “about what is in front of his senses at the moment of writing; as with Kerouac’’s spontaneous prose and has helped free what he terms “the psychic process” teaching us that writing is not about entertaining but about searching and revealing." ]
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[ "Saron Läänmäe\n\nSaron Läänmäe (born 9 May 1996) is an Estonian football player, who plays as a defender for Naiste Meistriliiga club Flora Tallinn and the Estonia women's national football team.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:1996 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Estonian women's footballers\nCategory:Estonia women's international footballers\nCategory:Women's association football defenders" ]
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[ "causes debatable News\n\nThe Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has quietly and with absolutely no fanfare removed wording from its website that said humans and greenhouse gasses are the cause of climate change. ", "And they have added some false facts, akin to fake news." ]
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[ "As thousands marched in the streets of London recently to protest funding cuts to the British National Health Service, President Donald Trump took to Twitter to criticize the idea of universal health care.", "\n\n\"The Democrats are pushing for Universal HealthCare while thousands of people are marching in the UK because their U system is going broke and not working. ", "Dems want to greatly raise taxes for really bad and non-personal medical care. ", "No thanks!\"", "\n\nSee Figure 1 on PolitiFact.com\n\nTrump’s Feb. 5 tweet came shortly after Nigel Farage, the former UK Independence Party leader, talked about the NHS march and universal health care on Fox & Friends, warning Americans it would be \"politically impossible\" to remove such a system once introduced. ", "Trump thanked the network on Twitter for \"exposing the truth\" shortly after Farage’s appearance.", "\n\nWe wondered how accurate Trump’s claim was that people joined the NHS march because the UK’s universal health care system \"is going broke and not working.\"", "\n\nWe looked at the origins of the march and recent polling statistics about British public opinion on the National Health Service, commonly called the NHS. ", "We also looked at the current funding situation, since Trump’s claim suggests it’s losing money. ", "We found that Trump’s tweet gives a misleading impression about how the British public feels about its health care system.", "\n\nPublic support for NHS\n\nUniversity of North Carolina health policy professor and deputy director of the Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research, Thomas C. Ricketts, told PolitiFact that the NHS probably has higher public support than any other government program in the UK.", "\n\nPublic support for the NHS being maintained in its current form remains high according to a poll by Ipsos; 77 percent of people support this, while 9 in 10 people think the founding principles of the NHS should still apply to services today. ", "Two-thirds of adults are willing to pay more of their own taxes to pay for the NHS.", "\n\nIn a poll by YouGov last year, 84 percent of people were in favor of the service continuing to be run by the public sector.", "\n\nHelen Howson, the director of the Bevan Commission, an independent think tank for health in Wales, is working to find ways to improve the system while maintaining the principles set out at its founding.", "\n\n\"The NHS is a service which was set up to ensure that no one would be disadvantaged on the basis of their ability to pay, and people are passionate about these principles,\" she said.", "\n\nThe NHS march, officially named, \"NHS in crisis: Fix it now\" was organized by the People’s Assembly, an independent, national campaign against austerity and Health Campaigns Together, a coalition defending the NHS.", "\n\nThis year marks 70 years of NHS existence in the U.K., but the health care system has gone through what has been described as the worst winter in its recent history. ", "The lack of funding is often blamed on austerity measures put forth by the Conservative Party and there have been concerns raised over privatizing parts of the system.", "\n\nTrump’s comments regarding the demonstration received immediate response by British officials, such as Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who said people were marching because they love the NHS and hate what is being happening to it by the current party in power.", "\n\nHealth minister Jeremy Hunt, who was largely blamed for the severe lack of winter funding, hit back at Trump’s remarks, writing on Twitter that not one of the marchers \"wants to live in a system where 28m people have no cover.\"", "\n\nGrowing concerns\n\nThis is not to say that people don’t have concerns about the NHS. ", "In a poll released last summer by the British Medical Association, more people are unhappy with the NHS than satisfied for the first time in the public poll run by British doctors. ", "It showed that 70 percent of people think the health service is going in the wrong direction.", "\n\nThe poll shows that 43 percent of respondents are dissatisfied with the service, which is double the number of dissatisfaction percentage in only two years. ", "About 33 percent of respondents say they are satisfied. ", "The poll also concluded that 82 percent of people are worried about the future of the NHS, 62 percent expect the NHS to get worse in the coming years and only 13 percent think that it will improve.", "\n\nThe leading concerns of the respondents included a lack of funding, the possibility that the NHS may cease to be free at the point of use, increased waiting times and a lack of attention given to the service because of Brexit.", "\n\nDemocrats’ push\n\nTrump also claimed that Democrats are pushing a similar health care plan to the NHS in the United States. ", "Democrats have devised plans ranging from a total-government \"Medicare for all,\" also known as a single-payer health system, to a more limited \"public option\" that pits individual government-run plans up against private insurance for people who weren’t able to find affordable coverage in Obamacare. ", "The latter allows Americans to gain access to government insurance alongside private health care plans.", "\n\nThe current version of Obamacare, more formally known as the Affordable Care Act, has little resemblance to the NHS, where the government owns most of the hospitals and clinics, and doctors and nurses are government employees.", "\n\nOur ruling\n\nTrump said, \"The Democrats are pushing for Universal HealthCare while thousands of people are marching in the UK because their U system is going broke and not working. ", "Dems want to greatly raise taxes for really bad and non-personal medical care. ", "No thanks!\"", "\n\nWhile the NHS has lost funding over the years, the march that took place was not in opposition to the service, but a call to increase funding and stop austerity cuts towards health and social care. ", "The march resulted because people want universal health care to work better, not because they want it taken over by the private sector.", "\n\nWe rate this Mostly False." ]
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[ "Greetings my beautiful lovelies! ", "Welcome\nback to another post-apocalyptic meal --\nthese are meals that come in a can that\nhave a very long shelf life.", "\nIf (you) missed my previous episodes, including breakfast and lunch,\nI will put those episodes above and down below.", "\nToday, I'm going to be tasting cupcakes in a can.", "\nYes I'm gonna have some post-apocalyptic cupcake desserts, and these come from Japan.", "\nNow these are Japanese emergency\nrations, and they are cupcakes that come in a can.", "\nAmazing, right!? ", "There's no reason why you can't have dessert after the apocalypse --\nyou can have them canned!", "\nThese were very graciously found and sent to me by Paul over at Critical Eats Japan --\nI'll put a link down below to his YouTube channel\nwhere he tries all kinds of Japanese treats because he lives in Japan.", "\nSo big thanks to Paul for finding\nthese and for sending these to me,\nbut I'm super excited about tasting these\nbecause this is dessert in a can.", "\nJapan is located in an area where there\nis a lot of earthquake activity,\nso there's a whole section of food\ndedicated to emergency food rations,\nand that's where these fall in -- these are\nlittle desserts that you can keep\nin your pantry for quite a while although\nnow that I look at the date they say 2022\nand 2021 -- so the shelf-life is a few years,\nnot so long; but they are still breads in a can they have this little kind of cocktail/\ntuna fish little pull release here. ", "And I\nhave three flavors :I have chocolate,\nI have maple, and fruit mix. ", "So the only\nother bread product that I've had canned\nis the New England style brown bread --\nit's made by B & M I believe, and you can\nfind it here locally in the supermarkets.", "\nAnd I had never heard of it\nuntil I moved to New England, but it's a pretty\nclassic bread but that is the only one\nthat I've ever found in a can, so I'm\nvery curious to see what these are like.", "\nOh, I take that back!", "\nI also have had a hamburger in a can\nwhich did have some bread in it, and if\nthese are anything like those I am about to\nbe disappointed, but I'm keeping my hopes\nup because cupcake in can sounds\nterrific, right!? ", "So Paul translates this\nto maple cupcake, but on the picture here\nthey have a picture of honey -- interesting.", "\nFor reference this can is about the size\nof a Vienna sausage can, maybe a little\nbit wider in diameter, but similar kind\nof height and similar way to open it.", "\nWe've got this little pull tab here....\nOh.", "\nOh, it smells very maple-y. It smells like a\nbear claw.", "\nIt smells quite nice. ", "I do believe that's the\nbottom of the cupcake,\nso let's invert it on the plate, and get it out.", "\nOoh, it doesn't.... Come on, come on little cupcake.", "\nNow getting it out of the can...seems to be tricky.", "\nHow'd they get it in there in the first place!?", "\nSo, getting the cupcake out is proving to be a little tricky, but I think I'll manage.", "\nOh I don't want to break it.", "\nOof -- it is proving quite challenging to get\nthese cupcakes out -- I don't want to mess\nthem up. ", "It's a very tight fit. ", "Look at\nthat. ", "OK. ", "Come on! ", "Come on cupcake-y!", "\nCome out! ", "It's a very tight fit. ", "Oh, come on!", "\nHah!", "\nThere it is. ", "Hehehehe!", "\nIt actually looks a bit more\nlike a muffin, and when I imagine cupcake\nat least in terms of the American sense\nof cupcake that means copious amounts of\nbuttercream frosting and without it and\nin this kind of paper liner it looks\nmore like a muffin to me although it\nsmells very strongly of artificial maple\nflavor -- it smells good.", "\nSo why don't we unbox or un-can all these first,\nand then I can do a little taste\ncomparison. ", "So that is the maple;\nthis is mixed fruit cupcake.", "\nSo, same thing -- ooh, I hope this paper liner is gonna be green --\nthat would be cute yellow green and that would be brown...\nlet's see mm-hmm this one doesn't have\nthat much of a smell -- it smells like a\nbaked good but nothing distinctive, not\nlike the maple. ", "Ooh, and this one too is...\ntricky to take out. ", "I'm trying to shake it. ", "Ooh, ooh! ", "I tore the paper on that one.", "\nIt's really difficult to get it go rip on it.", "\nPull this out -- come on!", "\nLike the pull-tab is easy enough to open\nthe can, but then to get the cupcake out\nis just really difficult. ", "How did they get them in here in the first place!?", "\nOh maybe they bake them?", "\nOoh, okay.", "\nOh!", "\nOh man -- a very snug fit.", "\nOkay there's the fruit. ", "It looks pretty similar to the maple.", "\nIt doesn't smell similar though. ", "Saved the\nbest for last -- chocolate!", "\nSame yellow liner, and same\ndifficult to get out.", "\nOoh!", "\nThis one smells nice -- nice and chocolatey!", "\nSo you got a tug pretty firmly on the wrapper here...\nto get the cake out. ", "Okay, here\nit comes!", "\nThere's chocolate. ", "It's a little bit of\ncake on the bottom there. ", "Ooh, I've\nloosened that one a lot from its paper\nliner. ", "So there we have it --\nthe three cupcakes in a can.", "\nSo I'm going to taste these in order in\nwhich I open them so maple first so\nlooks quite oily this is kind of\ninteresting look at the honeycomb\npattern of cake that's left on the liner\nhere that's beautiful\nand that's actual cake crumb so that\nleads me to believe maybe the vessel\nthis was cooked in had this kind of\nhoneycomb pattern absolutely beautiful\nalrighty so let's look at the crumb here\nit looks to be quite dense we have some\nlarger bubbles here but pretty dense\nsmall bubbles very strong smell of maple\nextract and let's give us a taste let's\ncut this one more time and look at that\ncrime again a couple large holes but\ngenerally speaking pretty small holes\nAlrighty, let's give that a taste. ", "Itadakimasu!", "\nThat's actually quite nice -- the crumb is\nsmall and tight and kind of airy;\nthe texture reminds me a bit of Castella\ncake -- a very popular cake in Japan that\nuses a lot of meringue or egg whites to\nkind of leaven and lighten the cake.", "\nThere's a little bit of sweetness in\nthere, but it's not overly sweet -- very\ntypical of Japanese sweets --\nvery very different than a typical\ncupcake you would find here in the US;\nnot nearly as sweet and of course we\ndon't have the frosting on top, but a\nvery nice little dessert -- very pronounced\nflavor of maple extract kind of similar\nto a maple bearclaw -- it's quite cloying\nand lasting. ", "I still taste it. ", "It tastes a\nlittle bit nutty too -- a little bit like\nbutter pecan, but quite a nice little cake:\nvery, very moist as well. ", "Mm-hmm.", "\nIt doesn't taste tinny at all, and doesn't\ntaste like it has a ton of preservatives in it either.", "\nNow let's try the fruit mixed one. ", "So this one too is wrapped in this little paper doily;\nand again you've got this little honeycomb pattern --\ninteresting. ", "So let's cut this open and\nsee if we can see any fruit. ", "Ooh,\nindeed looks to be some candied dried\nfruit in there. ", "Let's give this one a\ntaste. ", "It smells sweet; doesn't smell like\nanything distinctive. ", "Alright, here we go...\nHmm, so the texture of this cake is very\nsimilar to the first one: light and airy,\nwhile simultaneously being very moist; the flavor is not as distinctive; I do taste the fruit.", "\nHmm.", "\nI can't really pinpoint what kind of fruit that is -- I think it's candied because it has a bite to it.", "\nIt almost feels like walnuts, but doesn't taste like walnut.", "\nI'm not such a big fan of\nthis one. ", "The first one I liked even\nthough it had a very strong artificial\nmaple flavor because I felt like that\nflavor combination with the cake texture\nworked really well. ", "This one, not so much.", "\nSo I saved the best for last: now we have chocolate.", "\nThis one also has this really\nbeautiful honeycomb pattern.", "\nAnd let's cut this one in half. ", "Let's take that little bit of fruit off.", "\nAll righty, so although this is chocolate\nand is darker than the other cakes...\nit's still pretty light for a chocolate. ", "Cut\nthis in half again.", "\nbut again we have that similar kind of crumb -- mostly a tight, small crumb but an occasional big pocket....\nbut has really nice chocolatey\nsmell to it. ", "Alrighty, let's give this one a taste.", "\nMm-hmm!", "\nMmm!", "\nThat's nice! ", "It has a very rich\nchocolatey flavor to it; but it's not\nheavy -- it doesn't taste fudgy or feel\nfudgy. ", "It doesn't feel heavy or overly sweet;\nbut a nice little kiss of chocolate in there. ", "Mm-hmm.", "\nMoist yet light and not overly sweet\nI quite like that. ", "The texture is very\nsimilar to say like a chiffon cake -- not\nas tender as say an angel food cake --\nthere's a little bit more density to\nthese but there's similar kind of airy\nquality to them; but I really enjoy the\nlevel of sweetness. ", "If you're a fan of\ntraditional American cupcakes you may\nnot like these as much because these are\nsignificantly less sweet and of course\nyou don't have the frosting on top,\nand the crumb is very different -- it doesn't\ntear or crumble nearly as easily as a\ncake or cupcake would if you have an\nAmerican-style cake.", "\nLook at this -- this is brilliant!", "\nThese have a safety edge on them, so you won't cut yourself.", "\nThat is so smart! ", "TYpically when you open these here at\nleast U.S.-style cans, these are almost\nrazor sharp -- you have to be very careful\nbut these have a nice rounded edge. ", "How\nconsiderate! ", "I love that!", "\nNot surprisingly, of the three cupcakes chocolate was my\nfavorite; and then I would say maple is\nnext; and a distant third the fruit mix.", "\nThat one I didn't care for much of at all.", "\nOn the picture here it has a picture\nof melon and mango, neither of which I really tasted.", "\nAlrighty, so there you have\nit: the post-apocalyptic dessert,\nJapanese emergency ration style. ", "Let me know in the comments down below if you've ever\nhad bread in a can, let alone\ncupcakes in a can. ", "If you have, I want to\nhear all about it.", "\nBig thanks to Paul for sending these to me.", "\nThank you guys so much for watching! ", "I hope you guys enjoyed that one;\nand I hope you guys learned something. ", "Please share this video with your friends;\nfollow me on social media; like this\nvideo; subscribe; and I shall see you\nin the next one. ", "Toodaloo! ", "Take care! ", "Byeeee!!!", "\nWa, wa -- wa, wa -- wa,wa.....\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nFirebase's update function lags behind button click on browser\n\nI am trying to create a real time voting app in Vue using firebase to store the number of votes. ", "I am able to create the data base and increment the number of votes, as well as display the most up to date votes from the database to my application. ", "However, when I click my button to update the number of votes by one, the vote is only increased in the browser and not on firebase.", "\nAm I using the update function wrong?", "\n...methods:{\nupVotePingu() {\n let pingu = db.collection('canidates').doc('pingu')\n\n // Atomically increment the population of the city by 50.", "\n pingu.set({\n votes: this.pingu.votes++\n })\n\n console.log('voted')\n }\n\n...mounted(){\ndb.collection('canidates')\n .get()\n .then(query => {\n query.forEach(doc => {\n const dbVote = {\n vote: doc.data().votes\n }\n this.pingu.votes = dbVote.vote\n console.log(this.pingu.votes)\n })\n })\n\n<button @click=\"upVotePingu\">Vote</button>\n\ndata() {\n return {\n pingu: {\n votes: 0\n }\n }\n\nA:\n\nYou need to do as follows:\n this.pingu.votes++\n pingu.set({\n votes: this.pingu.votes\n })\n\nIn addition, note that, to increment the value of a field, it is safer to use FieldValue.increment, see https://firebase.googleblog.com/2019/03/increment-server-side-cloud-firestore.html and https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.firestore.FieldValue#static-increment\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006578947368421052, 0.004550625711035267 ]
[ "/*\n * TI HECC (CAN) device driver\n *\n * This driver supports TI's HECC (High End CAN Controller module) and the\n * specs for the same is available at <http://www.ti.com>\n *\n * Copyright (C) 2009 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/\n *\n * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.", "\n *\n * This program is distributed as is WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any\n * kind, whether express or implied; without even the implied warranty\n * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\n * GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n *\n */\n\n/*\n * Your platform definitions should specify module ram offsets and interrupt\n * number to use as follows:\n *\n * static struct ti_hecc_platform_data am3517_evm_hecc_pdata = {\n * .scc_hecc_offset = 0,\n * .scc_ram_offset = 0x3000,\n * .hecc_ram_offset = 0x3000,\n * .mbx_offset = 0x2000,\n * .int_line = 0,\n * .revision = 1,\n * .transceiver_switch = hecc_phy_control,\n * };\n *\n * Please see include/linux/can/platform/ti_hecc.h for description of\n * above fields.", "\n *\n */\n\n#include <linux/module.h>\n#include <linux/kernel.h>\n#include <linux/types.h>\n#include <linux/interrupt.h>\n#include <linux/errno.h>\n#include <linux/netdevice.h>\n#include <linux/skbuff.h>\n#include <linux/platform_device.h>\n#include <linux/clk.h>\n#include <linux/io.h>\n\n#include <linux/can/dev.h>\n#include <linux/can/error.h>\n#include <linux/can/led.h>\n#include <linux/can/platform/ti_hecc.h>\n\n#define DRV_NAME \"ti_hecc\"\n#define HECC_MODULE_VERSION \"0.7\"\nMODULE_VERSION(HECC_MODULE_VERSION);\n#define DRV_DESC \"TI High End CAN Controller Driver \" HECC_MODULE_VERSION\n\n/* TX / RX Mailbox Configuration */\n#define HECC_MAX_MAILBOXES\t32\t/* hardware mailboxes - do not change */\n#define MAX_TX_PRIO\t\t0x3F\t/* hardware value - do not change */\n\n/*\n * Important Note: TX mailbox configuration\n * TX mailboxes should be restricted to the number of SKB buffers to avoid\n * maintaining SKB buffers separately. ", "TX mailboxes should be a power of 2\n * for the mailbox logic to work. ", " Top mailbox numbers are reserved for RX\n * and lower mailboxes for TX.", "\n *\n * HECC_MAX_TX_MBOX\tHECC_MB_TX_SHIFT\n * 4 (default)\t\t2\n * 8\t\t\t3\n * 16\t\t\t4\n */\n#define HECC_MB_TX_SHIFT\t2 /* as per table above */\n#define HECC_MAX_TX_MBOX\tBIT(HECC_MB_TX_SHIFT)\n\n#define HECC_TX_PRIO_SHIFT\t(HECC_MB_TX_SHIFT)\n#define HECC_TX_PRIO_MASK\t(MAX_TX_PRIO << HECC_MB_TX_SHIFT)\n#define HECC_TX_MB_MASK\t\t(HECC_MAX_TX_MBOX - 1)\n#define HECC_TX_MASK\t\t((HECC_MAX_TX_MBOX - 1) | HECC_TX_PRIO_MASK)\n#define HECC_TX_MBOX_MASK\t(~(BIT(HECC_MAX_TX_MBOX) - 1))\n#define HECC_DEF_NAPI_WEIGHT\tHECC_MAX_RX_MBOX\n\n/*\n * Important Note: RX mailbox configuration\n * RX mailboxes are further logically split into two - main and buffer\n * mailboxes. ", "The goal is to get all packets into main mailboxes as\n * driven by mailbox number and receive priority (higher to lower) and\n * buffer mailboxes are used to receive pkts while main mailboxes are being\n * processed. ", "This ensures in-order packet reception.", "\n *\n * Here are the recommended values for buffer mailbox. ", "Note that RX mailboxes\n * start after TX mailboxes:\n *\n * HECC_MAX_RX_MBOX\t\tHECC_RX_BUFFER_MBOX\tNo of buffer mailboxes\n * 28\t\t\t\t12\t\t\t8\n * 16\t\t\t\t20\t\t\t4\n */\n\n#define HECC_MAX_RX_MBOX\t(HECC_MAX_MAILBOXES - HECC_MAX_TX_MBOX)\n#define HECC_RX_BUFFER_MBOX\t12 /* as per table above */\n#define HECC_RX_FIRST_MBOX\t(HECC_MAX_MAILBOXES - 1)\n#define HECC_RX_HIGH_MBOX_MASK\t(~(BIT(HECC_RX_BUFFER_MBOX) - 1))\n\n/* TI HECC module registers */\n#define HECC_CANME\t\t0x0\t/* Mailbox enable */\n#define HECC_CANMD\t\t0x4\t/* Mailbox direction */\n#define HECC_CANTRS\t\t0x8\t/* Transmit request set */\n#define HECC_CANTRR\t\t0xC\t/* Transmit request */\n#define HECC_CANTA\t\t0x10\t/* Transmission acknowledge */\n#define HECC_CANAA\t\t0x14\t/* Abort acknowledge */\n#define HECC_CANRMP\t\t0x18\t/* Receive message pending */\n#define HECC_CANRML\t\t0x1C\t/* Remote message lost */\n#define HECC_CANRFP\t\t0x20\t/* Remote frame pending */\n#define HECC_CANGAM\t\t0x24\t/* SECC only:Global acceptance mask */\n#define HECC_CANMC\t\t0x28\t/* Master control */\n#define HECC_CANBTC\t\t0x2C\t/* Bit timing configuration */\n#define HECC_CANES\t\t0x30\t/* Error and status */\n#define HECC_CANTEC\t\t0x34\t/* Transmit error counter */\n#define HECC_CANREC\t\t0x38\t/* Receive error counter */\n#define HECC_CANGIF0\t\t0x3C\t/* Global interrupt flag 0 */\n#define HECC_CANGIM\t\t0x40\t/* Global interrupt mask */\n#define HECC_CANGIF1\t\t0x44\t/* Global interrupt flag 1 */\n#define HECC_CANMIM\t\t0x48\t/* Mailbox interrupt mask */\n#define HECC_CANMIL\t\t0x4C\t/* Mailbox interrupt level */\n#define HECC_CANOPC\t\t0x50\t/* Overwrite protection control */\n#define HECC_CANTIOC\t\t0x54\t/* Transmit I/O control */\n#define HECC_CANRIOC\t\t0x58\t/* Receive I/O control */\n#define HECC_CANLNT\t\t0x5C\t/* HECC only: Local network time */\n#define HECC_CANTOC\t\t0x60\t/* HECC only: Time-out control */\n#define HECC_CANTOS\t\t0x64\t/* HECC only: Time-out status */\n#define HECC_CANTIOCE\t\t0x68\t/* SCC only:Enhanced TX I/O control */\n#define HECC_CANRIOCE\t\t0x6C\t/* SCC only:Enhanced RX I/O control */\n\n/* Mailbox registers */\n#define HECC_CANMID\t\t0x0\n#define HECC_CANMCF\t\t0x4\n#define HECC_CANMDL\t\t0x8\n#define HECC_CANMDH\t\t0xC\n\n#define HECC_SET_REG\t\t0xFFFFFFFF\n#define HECC_CANID_MASK\t\t0x3FF\t/* 18 bits mask for extended id's */\n#define HECC_CCE_WAIT_COUNT 100\t/* Wait for ~1 sec for CCE bit */\n\n#define HECC_CANMC_SCM\t\tBIT(13)\t/* SCC compat mode */\n#define HECC_CANMC_CCR\t\tBIT(12)\t/* Change config request */\n#define HECC_CANMC_PDR\t\tBIT(11)\t/* Local Power down - for sleep mode */\n#define HECC_CANMC_ABO\t\tBIT(7)\t/* Auto Bus On */\n#define HECC_CANMC_STM\t\tBIT(6)\t/* Self test mode - loopback */\n#define HECC_CANMC_SRES\t\tBIT(5)\t/* Software reset */\n\n#define HECC_CANTIOC_EN\t\tBIT(3)\t/* Enable CAN TX I/O pin */\n#define HECC_CANRIOC_EN\t\tBIT(3)\t/* Enable CAN RX I/O pin */\n\n#define HECC_CANMID_IDE\t\tBIT(31)\t/* Extended frame format */\n#define HECC_CANMID_AME\t\tBIT(30)\t/* Acceptance mask enable */\n#define HECC_CANMID_AAM\t\tBIT(29)\t/* Auto answer mode */\n\n#define HECC_CANES_FE\t\tBIT(24)\t/* form error */\n#define HECC_CANES_BE\t\tBIT(23)\t/* bit error */\n#define HECC_CANES_SA1\t\tBIT(22)\t/* stuck at dominant error */\n#define HECC_CANES_CRCE\t\tBIT(21)\t/* CRC error */\n#define HECC_CANES_SE\t\tBIT(20)\t/* stuff bit error */\n#define HECC_CANES_ACKE\t\tBIT(19)\t/* ack error */\n#define HECC_CANES_BO\t\tBIT(18)\t/* Bus off status */\n#define HECC_CANES_EP\t\tBIT(17)\t/* Error passive status */\n#define HECC_CANES_EW\t\tBIT(16)\t/* Error warning status */\n#define HECC_CANES_SMA\t\tBIT(5)\t/* suspend mode ack */\n#define HECC_CANES_CCE\t\tBIT(4)\t/* Change config enabled */\n#define HECC_CANES_PDA\t\tBIT(3)\t/* Power down mode ack */\n\n#define HECC_CANBTC_SAM\t\tBIT(7)\t/* sample points */\n\n#define HECC_BUS_ERROR\t\t(HECC_CANES_FE | HECC_CANES_BE |\\\n\t\t\t\tHECC_CANES_CRCE | HECC_CANES_SE |\\\n\t\t\t\tHECC_CANES_ACKE)\n\n#define HECC_CANMCF_RTR\t\tBIT(4)\t/* Remote transmit request */\n\n#define HECC_CANGIF_MAIF\tBIT(17)\t/* Message alarm interrupt */\n#define HECC_CANGIF_TCOIF\tBIT(16) /* Timer counter overflow int */\n#define HECC_CANGIF_GMIF\tBIT(15)\t/* Global mailbox interrupt */\n#define HECC_CANGIF_AAIF\tBIT(14)\t/* Abort ack interrupt */\n#define HECC_CANGIF_WDIF\tBIT(13)\t/* Write denied interrupt */\n#define HECC_CANGIF_WUIF\tBIT(12)\t/* Wake up interrupt */\n#define HECC_CANGIF_RMLIF\tBIT(11)\t/* Receive message lost interrupt */\n#define HECC_CANGIF_BOIF\tBIT(10)\t/* Bus off interrupt */\n#define HECC_CANGIF_EPIF\tBIT(9)\t/* Error passive interrupt */\n#define HECC_CANGIF_WLIF\tBIT(8)\t/* Warning level interrupt */\n#define HECC_CANGIF_MBOX_MASK\t0x1F\t/* Mailbox number mask */\n#define HECC_CANGIM_I1EN\tBIT(1)\t/* Int line 1 enable */\n#define HECC_CANGIM_I0EN\tBIT(0)\t/* Int line 0 enable */\n#define HECC_CANGIM_DEF_MASK\t0x700\t/* only busoff/warning/passive */\n#define HECC_CANGIM_SIL\t\tBIT(2)\t/* system interrupts to int line 1 */\n\n/* CAN Bittiming constants as per HECC specs */\nstatic const struct can_bittiming_const ti_hecc_bittiming_const = {\n\t.name = DRV_NAME,\n\t.tseg1_min = 1,\n\t.tseg1_max = 16,\n\t.tseg2_min = 1,\n\t.tseg2_max = 8,\n\t.sjw_max = 4,\n\t.brp_min = 1,\n\t.brp_max = 256,\n\t.brp_inc = 1,\n};\n\nstruct ti_hecc_priv {\n\tstruct can_priv can;\t/* MUST be first member/field */\n\tstruct napi_struct napi;\n\tstruct net_device *ndev;\n\tstruct clk *clk;\n\tvoid __iomem *base;\n\tu32 scc_ram_offset;\n\tu32 hecc_ram_offset;\n\tu32 mbx_offset;\n\tu32 int_line;\n\tspinlock_t mbx_lock; /* CANME register needs protection */\n\tu32 tx_head;\n\tu32 tx_tail;\n\tu32 rx_next;\n\tvoid (*transceiver_switch)(int);\n};\n\nstatic inline int get_tx_head_mb(struct ti_hecc_priv *priv)\n{\n\treturn priv->tx_head & HECC_TX_MB_MASK;\n}\n\nstatic inline int get_tx_tail_mb(struct ti_hecc_priv *priv)\n{\n\treturn priv->tx_tail & HECC_TX_MB_MASK;\n}\n\nstatic inline int get_tx_head_prio(struct ti_hecc_priv *priv)\n{\n\treturn (priv->tx_head >> HECC_TX_PRIO_SHIFT) & MAX_TX_PRIO;\n}\n\nstatic inline void hecc_write_lam(struct ti_hecc_priv *priv, u32 mbxno, u32 val)\n{\n\t__raw_writel(val, priv->base + priv->hecc_ram_offset + mbxno * 4);\n}\n\nstatic inline void hecc_write_mbx(struct ti_hecc_priv *priv, u32 mbxno,\n\tu32 reg, u32 val)\n{\n\t__raw_writel(val, priv->base + priv->mbx_offset + mbxno * 0x10 +\n\t\t\treg);\n}\n\nstatic inline u32 hecc_read_mbx(struct ti_hecc_priv *priv, u32 mbxno, u32 reg)\n{\n\treturn __raw_readl(priv->base + priv->mbx_offset + mbxno * 0x10 +\n\t\t\treg);\n}\n\nstatic inline void hecc_write(struct ti_hecc_priv *priv, u32 reg, u32 val)\n{\n\t__raw_writel(val, priv->base + reg);\n}\n\nstatic inline u32 hecc_read(struct ti_hecc_priv *priv, int reg)\n{\n\treturn __raw_readl(priv->base + reg);\n}\n\nstatic inline void hecc_set_bit(struct ti_hecc_priv *priv, int reg,\n\tu32 bit_mask)\n{\n\thecc_write(priv, reg, hecc_read(priv, reg) | bit_mask);\n}\n\nstatic inline void hecc_clear_bit(struct ti_hecc_priv *priv, int reg,\n\tu32 bit_mask)\n{\n\thecc_write(priv, reg, hecc_read(priv, reg) & ~bit_mask);\n}\n\nstatic inline u32 hecc_get_bit(struct ti_hecc_priv *priv, int reg, u32 bit_mask)\n{\n\treturn (hecc_read(priv, reg) & bit_mask) ? ", "1 : 0;\n}\n\nstatic int ti_hecc_set_btc(struct ti_hecc_priv *priv)\n{\n\tstruct can_bittiming *bit_timing = &priv->can.bittiming;\n\tu32 can_btc;\n\n\tcan_btc = (bit_timing->phase_seg2 - 1) & 0x7;\n\tcan_btc |= ((bit_timing->phase_seg1 + bit_timing->prop_seg - 1)\n\t\t\t& 0xF) << 3;\n\tif (priv->can.ctrlmode & CAN_CTRLMODE_3_SAMPLES) {\n\t\tif (bit_timing->brp > 4)\n\t\t\tcan_btc |= HECC_CANBTC_SAM;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tnetdev_warn(priv->ndev, \"WARN: Triple\"\n\t\t\t\t\"sampling not set due to h/w limitations\");\n\t}\n\tcan_btc |= ((bit_timing->sjw - 1) & 0x3) << 8;\n\tcan_btc |= ((bit_timing->brp - 1) & 0xFF) << 16;\n\n\t/* ERM being set to 0 by default meaning resync at falling edge */\n\n\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANBTC, can_btc);\n\tnetdev_info(priv->ndev, \"setting CANBTC=%#x\\n\", can_btc);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic void ti_hecc_transceiver_switch(const struct ti_hecc_priv *priv,\n\t\t\t\t\tint on)\n{\n\tif (priv->transceiver_switch)\n\t\tpriv->transceiver_switch(on);\n}\n\nstatic void ti_hecc_reset(struct net_device *ndev)\n{\n\tu32 cnt;\n\tstruct ti_hecc_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev);\n\n\tnetdev_dbg(ndev, \"resetting hecc ...\\n\");\n\thecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANMC, HECC_CANMC_SRES);\n\n\t/* Set change control request and wait till enabled */\n\thecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANMC, HECC_CANMC_CCR);\n\n\t/*\n\t * INFO: It has been observed that at times CCE bit may not be\n\t * set and hw seems to be ok even if this bit is not set so\n\t * timing out with a timing of 1ms to respect the specs\n\t */\n\tcnt = HECC_CCE_WAIT_COUNT;\n\twhile (!", "hecc_get_bit(priv, HECC_CANES, HECC_CANES_CCE) && cnt !", "= 0) {\n\t\t--cnt;\n\t\tudelay(10);\n\t}\n\n\t/*\n\t * Note: On HECC, BTC can be programmed only in initialization mode, so\n\t * it is expected that the can bittiming parameters are set via ip\n\t * utility before the device is opened\n\t */\n\tti_hecc_set_btc(priv);\n\n\t/* Clear CCR (and CANMC register) and wait for CCE = 0 enable */\n\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANMC, 0);\n\n\t/*\n\t * INFO: CAN net stack handles bus off and hence disabling auto-bus-on\n\t * hecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANMC, HECC_CANMC_ABO);\n\t */\n\n\t/*\n\t * INFO: It has been observed that at times CCE bit may not be\n\t * set and hw seems to be ok even if this bit is not set so\n\t */\n\tcnt = HECC_CCE_WAIT_COUNT;\n\twhile (hecc_get_bit(priv, HECC_CANES, HECC_CANES_CCE) && cnt !", "= 0) {\n\t\t--cnt;\n\t\tudelay(10);\n\t}\n\n\t/* Enable TX and RX I/O Control pins */\n\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANTIOC, HECC_CANTIOC_EN);\n\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANRIOC, HECC_CANRIOC_EN);\n\n\t/* Clear registers for clean operation */\n\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANTA, HECC_SET_REG);\n\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANRMP, HECC_SET_REG);\n\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANGIF0, HECC_SET_REG);\n\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANGIF1, HECC_SET_REG);\n\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANME, 0);\n\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANMD, 0);\n\n\t/* SCC compat mode NOT supported (and not needed too) */\n\thecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANMC, HECC_CANMC_SCM);\n}\n\nstatic void ti_hecc_start(struct net_device *ndev)\n{\n\tstruct ti_hecc_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev);\n\tu32 cnt, mbxno, mbx_mask;\n\n\t/* put HECC in initialization mode and set btc */\n\tti_hecc_reset(ndev);\n\n\tpriv->tx_head = priv->tx_tail = HECC_TX_MASK;\n\tpriv->rx_next = HECC_RX_FIRST_MBOX;\n\n\t/* Enable local and global acceptance mask registers */\n\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANGAM, HECC_SET_REG);\n\n\t/* Prepare configured mailboxes to receive messages */\n\tfor (cnt = 0; cnt < HECC_MAX_RX_MBOX; cnt++) {\n\t\tmbxno = HECC_MAX_MAILBOXES - 1 - cnt;\n\t\tmbx_mask = BIT(mbxno);\n\t\thecc_clear_bit(priv, HECC_CANME, mbx_mask);\n\t\thecc_write_mbx(priv, mbxno, HECC_CANMID, HECC_CANMID_AME);\n\t\thecc_write_lam(priv, mbxno, HECC_SET_REG);\n\t\thecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANMD, mbx_mask);\n\t\thecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANME, mbx_mask);\n\t\thecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANMIM, mbx_mask);\n\t}\n\n\t/* Prevent message over-write & Enable interrupts */\n\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANOPC, HECC_SET_REG);\n\tif (priv->int_line) {\n\t\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANMIL, HECC_SET_REG);\n\t\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANGIM, HECC_CANGIM_DEF_MASK |\n\t\t\tHECC_CANGIM_I1EN | HECC_CANGIM_SIL);\n\t} else {\n\t\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANMIL, 0);\n\t\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANGIM,\n\t\t\tHECC_CANGIM_DEF_MASK | HECC_CANGIM_I0EN);\n\t}\n\tpriv->can.state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_ACTIVE;\n}\n\nstatic void ti_hecc_stop(struct net_device *ndev)\n{\n\tstruct ti_hecc_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev);\n\n\t/* Disable interrupts and disable mailboxes */\n\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANGIM, 0);\n\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANMIM, 0);\n\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANME, 0);\n\tpriv->can.state = CAN_STATE_STOPPED;\n}\n\nstatic int ti_hecc_do_set_mode(struct net_device *ndev, enum can_mode mode)\n{\n\tint ret = 0;\n\n\tswitch (mode) {\n\tcase CAN_MODE_START:\n\t\tti_hecc_start(ndev);\n\t\tnetif_wake_queue(ndev);\n\t\tbreak;\n\tdefault:\n\t\tret = -EOPNOTSUPP;\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\nstatic int ti_hecc_get_berr_counter(const struct net_device *ndev,\n\t\t\t\t\tstruct can_berr_counter *bec)\n{\n\tstruct ti_hecc_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev);\n\n\tbec->txerr = hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANTEC);\n\tbec->rxerr = hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANREC);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n/*\n * ti_hecc_xmit: HECC Transmit\n *\n * The transmit mailboxes start from 0 to HECC_MAX_TX_MBOX. ", "In HECC the\n * priority of the mailbox for tranmission is dependent upon priority setting\n * field in mailbox registers. ", "The mailbox with highest value in priority field\n * is transmitted first. ", "Only when two mailboxes have the same value in\n * priority field the highest numbered mailbox is transmitted first.", "\n *\n * To utilize the HECC priority feature as described above we start with the\n * highest numbered mailbox with highest priority level and move on to the next\n * mailbox with the same priority level and so on. ", "Once we loop through all the\n * transmit mailboxes we choose the next priority level (lower) and so on\n * until we reach the lowest priority level on the lowest numbered mailbox\n * when we stop transmission until all mailboxes are transmitted and then\n * restart at highest numbered mailbox with highest priority.", "\n *\n * Two counters (head and tail) are used to track the next mailbox to transmit\n * and to track the echo buffer for already transmitted mailbox. ", "The queue\n * is stopped when all the mailboxes are busy or when there is a priority\n * value roll-over happens.", "\n */\nstatic netdev_tx_t ti_hecc_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *ndev)\n{\n\tstruct ti_hecc_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev);\n\tstruct can_frame *cf = (struct can_frame *)skb->data;\n\tu32 mbxno, mbx_mask, data;\n\tunsigned long flags;\n\n\tif (can_dropped_invalid_skb(ndev, skb))\n\t\treturn NETDEV_TX_OK;\n\n\tmbxno = get_tx_head_mb(priv);\n\tmbx_mask = BIT(mbxno);\n\tspin_lock_irqsave(&priv->mbx_lock, flags);\n\tif (unlikely(hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANME) & mbx_mask)) {\n\t\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->mbx_lock, flags);\n\t\tnetif_stop_queue(ndev);\n\t\tnetdev_err(priv->ndev,\n\t\t\t\"BUG: TX mbx not ready tx_head=%08X, tx_tail=%08X\\n\",\n\t\t\tpriv->tx_head, priv->tx_tail);\n\t\treturn NETDEV_TX_BUSY;\n\t}\n\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->mbx_lock, flags);\n\n\t/* Prepare mailbox for transmission */\n\tdata = cf->can_dlc | (get_tx_head_prio(priv) << 8);\n\tif (cf->can_id & CAN_RTR_FLAG) /* Remote transmission request */\n\t\tdata |= HECC_CANMCF_RTR;\n\thecc_write_mbx(priv, mbxno, HECC_CANMCF, data);\n\n\tif (cf->can_id & CAN_EFF_FLAG) /* Extended frame format */\n\t\tdata = (cf->can_id & CAN_EFF_MASK) | HECC_CANMID_IDE;\n\telse /* Standard frame format */\n\t\tdata = (cf->can_id & CAN_SFF_MASK) << 18;\n\thecc_write_mbx(priv, mbxno, HECC_CANMID, data);\n\thecc_write_mbx(priv, mbxno, HECC_CANMDL,\n\t\tbe32_to_cpu(*(__be32 *)(cf->data)));\n\tif (cf->can_dlc > 4)\n\t\thecc_write_mbx(priv, mbxno, HECC_CANMDH,\n\t\t\tbe32_to_cpu(*(__be32 *)(cf->data + 4)));\n\telse\n\t\t*(u32 *)(cf->data + 4) = 0;\n\tcan_put_echo_skb(skb, ndev, mbxno);\n\n\tspin_lock_irqsave(&priv->mbx_lock, flags);\n\t--priv->tx_head;\n\tif ((hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANME) & BIT(get_tx_head_mb(priv))) ||\n\t\t(priv->tx_head & HECC_TX_MASK) == HECC_TX_MASK) {\n\t\tnetif_stop_queue(ndev);\n\t}\n\thecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANME, mbx_mask);\n\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->mbx_lock, flags);\n\n\thecc_clear_bit(priv, HECC_CANMD, mbx_mask);\n\thecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANMIM, mbx_mask);\n\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANTRS, mbx_mask);\n\n\treturn NETDEV_TX_OK;\n}\n\nstatic int ti_hecc_rx_pkt(struct ti_hecc_priv *priv, int mbxno)\n{\n\tstruct net_device_stats *stats = &priv->ndev->stats;\n\tstruct can_frame *cf;\n\tstruct sk_buff *skb;\n\tu32 data, mbx_mask;\n\tunsigned long flags;\n\n\tskb = alloc_can_skb(priv->ndev, &cf);\n\tif (!", "skb) {\n\t\tif (printk_ratelimit())\n\t\t\tnetdev_err(priv->ndev,\n\t\t\t\t\"ti_hecc_rx_pkt: alloc_can_skb() failed\\n\");\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\t}\n\n\tmbx_mask = BIT(mbxno);\n\tdata = hecc_read_mbx(priv, mbxno, HECC_CANMID);\n\tif (data & HECC_CANMID_IDE)\n\t\tcf->can_id = (data & CAN_EFF_MASK) | CAN_EFF_FLAG;\n\telse\n\t\tcf->can_id = (data >> 18) & CAN_SFF_MASK;\n\tdata = hecc_read_mbx(priv, mbxno, HECC_CANMCF);\n\tif (data & HECC_CANMCF_RTR)\n\t\tcf->can_id |= CAN_RTR_FLAG;\n\tcf->can_dlc = get_can_dlc(data & 0xF);\n\tdata = hecc_read_mbx(priv, mbxno, HECC_CANMDL);\n\t*(__be32 *)(cf->data) = cpu_to_be32(data);\n\tif (cf->can_dlc > 4) {\n\t\tdata = hecc_read_mbx(priv, mbxno, HECC_CANMDH);\n\t\t*(__be32 *)(cf->data + 4) = cpu_to_be32(data);\n\t}\n\tspin_lock_irqsave(&priv->mbx_lock, flags);\n\thecc_clear_bit(priv, HECC_CANME, mbx_mask);\n\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANRMP, mbx_mask);\n\t/* enable mailbox only if it is part of rx buffer mailboxes */\n\tif (priv->rx_next < HECC_RX_BUFFER_MBOX)\n\t\thecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANME, mbx_mask);\n\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->mbx_lock, flags);\n\n\tstats->rx_bytes += cf->can_dlc;\n\tcan_led_event(priv->ndev, CAN_LED_EVENT_RX);\n\tnetif_receive_skb(skb);\n\tstats->rx_packets++;\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n/*\n * ti_hecc_rx_poll - HECC receive pkts\n *\n * The receive mailboxes start from highest numbered mailbox till last xmit\n * mailbox. ", "On CAN frame reception the hardware places the data into highest\n * numbered mailbox that matches the CAN ID filter. ", "Since all receive mailboxes\n * have same filtering (ALL CAN frames) packets will arrive in the highest\n * available RX mailbox and we need to ensure in-order packet reception.", "\n *\n * To ensure the packets are received in the right order we logically divide\n * the RX mailboxes into main and buffer mailboxes. ", "Packets are received as per\n * mailbox priotity (higher to lower) in the main bank and once it is full we\n * disable further reception into main mailboxes. ", "While the main mailboxes are\n * processed in NAPI, further packets are received in buffer mailboxes.", "\n *\n * We maintain a RX next mailbox counter to process packets and once all main\n * mailboxe packets are passed to the upper stack we enable all of them but\n * continue to process packets received in buffer mailboxes. ", "With each packet\n * received from buffer mailbox we enable it immediately so as to handle the\n * overflow from higher mailboxes.", "\n */\nstatic int ti_hecc_rx_poll(struct napi_struct *napi, int quota)\n{\n\tstruct net_device *ndev = napi->dev;\n\tstruct ti_hecc_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev);\n\tu32 num_pkts = 0;\n\tu32 mbx_mask;\n\tunsigned long pending_pkts, flags;\n\n\tif (!", "netif_running(ndev))\n\t\treturn 0;\n\n\twhile ((pending_pkts = hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANRMP)) &&\n\t\tnum_pkts < quota) {\n\t\tmbx_mask = BIT(priv->rx_next); /* next rx mailbox to process */\n\t\tif (mbx_mask & pending_pkts) {\n\t\t\tif (ti_hecc_rx_pkt(priv, priv->rx_next) < 0)\n\t\t\t\treturn num_pkts;\n\t\t\t++num_pkts;\n\t\t} else if (priv->rx_next > HECC_RX_BUFFER_MBOX) {\n\t\t\tbreak; /* pkt not received yet */\n\t\t}\n\t\t--priv->rx_next;\n\t\tif (priv->rx_next == HECC_RX_BUFFER_MBOX) {\n\t\t\t/* enable high bank mailboxes */\n\t\t\tspin_lock_irqsave(&priv->mbx_lock, flags);\n\t\t\tmbx_mask = hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANME);\n\t\t\tmbx_mask |= HECC_RX_HIGH_MBOX_MASK;\n\t\t\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANME, mbx_mask);\n\t\t\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->mbx_lock, flags);\n\t\t} else if (priv->rx_next == HECC_MAX_TX_MBOX - 1) {\n\t\t\tpriv->rx_next = HECC_RX_FIRST_MBOX;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t/* Enable packet interrupt if all pkts are handled */\n\tif (hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANRMP) == 0) {\n\t\tnapi_complete(napi);\n\t\t/* Re-enable RX mailbox interrupts */\n\t\tmbx_mask = hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANMIM);\n\t\tmbx_mask |= HECC_TX_MBOX_MASK;\n\t\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANMIM, mbx_mask);\n\t}\n\n\treturn num_pkts;\n}\n\nstatic int ti_hecc_error(struct net_device *ndev, int int_status,\n\tint err_status)\n{\n\tstruct ti_hecc_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev);\n\tstruct net_device_stats *stats = &ndev->stats;\n\tstruct can_frame *cf;\n\tstruct sk_buff *skb;\n\n\t/* propagate the error condition to the can stack */\n\tskb = alloc_can_err_skb(ndev, &cf);\n\tif (!", "skb) {\n\t\tif (printk_ratelimit())\n\t\t\tnetdev_err(priv->ndev,\n\t\t\t\t\"ti_hecc_error: alloc_can_err_skb() failed\\n\");\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\t}\n\n\tif (int_status & HECC_CANGIF_WLIF) { /* warning level int */\n\t\tif ((int_status & HECC_CANGIF_BOIF) == 0) {\n\t\t\tpriv->can.state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_WARNING;\n\t\t\t++priv->can.can_stats.error_warning;\n\t\t\tcf->can_id |= CAN_ERR_CRTL;\n\t\t\tif (hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANTEC) > 96)\n\t\t\t\tcf->data[1] |= CAN_ERR_CRTL_TX_WARNING;\n\t\t\tif (hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANREC) > 96)\n\t\t\t\tcf->data[1] |= CAN_ERR_CRTL_RX_WARNING;\n\t\t}\n\t\thecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANES, HECC_CANES_EW);\n\t\tnetdev_dbg(priv->ndev, \"Error Warning interrupt\\n\");\n\t\thecc_clear_bit(priv, HECC_CANMC, HECC_CANMC_CCR);\n\t}\n\n\tif (int_status & HECC_CANGIF_EPIF) { /* error passive int */\n\t\tif ((int_status & HECC_CANGIF_BOIF) == 0) {\n\t\t\tpriv->can.state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_PASSIVE;\n\t\t\t++priv->can.can_stats.error_passive;\n\t\t\tcf->can_id |= CAN_ERR_CRTL;\n\t\t\tif (hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANTEC) > 127)\n\t\t\t\tcf->data[1] |= CAN_ERR_CRTL_TX_PASSIVE;\n\t\t\tif (hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANREC) > 127)\n\t\t\t\tcf->data[1] |= CAN_ERR_CRTL_RX_PASSIVE;\n\t\t}\n\t\thecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANES, HECC_CANES_EP);\n\t\tnetdev_dbg(priv->ndev, \"Error passive interrupt\\n\");\n\t\thecc_clear_bit(priv, HECC_CANMC, HECC_CANMC_CCR);\n\t}\n\n\t/*\n\t * Need to check busoff condition in error status register too to\n\t * ensure warning interrupts don't hog the system\n\t */\n\tif ((int_status & HECC_CANGIF_BOIF) || (err_status & HECC_CANES_BO)) {\n\t\tpriv->can.state = CAN_STATE_BUS_OFF;\n\t\tcf->can_id |= CAN_ERR_BUSOFF;\n\t\thecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANES, HECC_CANES_BO);\n\t\thecc_clear_bit(priv, HECC_CANMC, HECC_CANMC_CCR);\n\t\t/* Disable all interrupts in bus-off to avoid int hog */\n\t\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANGIM, 0);\n\t\t++priv->can.can_stats.bus_off;\n\t\tcan_bus_off(ndev);\n\t}\n\n\tif (err_status & HECC_BUS_ERROR) {\n\t\t++priv->can.can_stats.bus_error;\n\t\tcf->can_id |= CAN_ERR_BUSERROR | CAN_ERR_PROT;\n\t\tcf->data[2] |= CAN_ERR_PROT_UNSPEC;\n\t\tif (err_status & HECC_CANES_FE) {\n\t\t\thecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANES, HECC_CANES_FE);\n\t\t\tcf->data[2] |= CAN_ERR_PROT_FORM;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (err_status & HECC_CANES_BE) {\n\t\t\thecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANES, HECC_CANES_BE);\n\t\t\tcf->data[2] |= CAN_ERR_PROT_BIT;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (err_status & HECC_CANES_SE) {\n\t\t\thecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANES, HECC_CANES_SE);\n\t\t\tcf->data[2] |= CAN_ERR_PROT_STUFF;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (err_status & HECC_CANES_CRCE) {\n\t\t\thecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANES, HECC_CANES_CRCE);\n\t\t\tcf->data[3] |= CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_CRC_SEQ |\n\t\t\t\t\tCAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_CRC_DEL;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (err_status & HECC_CANES_ACKE) {\n\t\t\thecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANES, HECC_CANES_ACKE);\n\t\t\tcf->data[3] |= CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_ACK |\n\t\t\t\t\tCAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_ACK_DEL;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tnetif_rx(skb);\n\tstats->rx_packets++;\n\tstats->rx_bytes += cf->can_dlc;\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic irqreturn_t ti_hecc_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id)\n{\n\tstruct net_device *ndev = (struct net_device *)dev_id;\n\tstruct ti_hecc_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev);\n\tstruct net_device_stats *stats = &ndev->stats;\n\tu32 mbxno, mbx_mask, int_status, err_status;\n\tunsigned long ack, flags;\n\n\tint_status = hecc_read(priv,\n\t\t(priv->int_line) ? ", "HECC_CANGIF1 : HECC_CANGIF0);\n\n\tif (!", "int_status)\n\t\treturn IRQ_NONE;\n\n\terr_status = hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANES);\n\tif (err_status & (HECC_BUS_ERROR | HECC_CANES_BO |\n\t\tHECC_CANES_EP | HECC_CANES_EW))\n\t\t\tti_hecc_error(ndev, int_status, err_status);\n\n\tif (int_status & HECC_CANGIF_GMIF) {\n\t\twhile (priv->tx_tail - priv->tx_head > 0) {\n\t\t\tmbxno = get_tx_tail_mb(priv);\n\t\t\tmbx_mask = BIT(mbxno);\n\t\t\tif (!(", "mbx_mask & hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANTA)))\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\thecc_clear_bit(priv, HECC_CANMIM, mbx_mask);\n\t\t\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANTA, mbx_mask);\n\t\t\tspin_lock_irqsave(&priv->mbx_lock, flags);\n\t\t\thecc_clear_bit(priv, HECC_CANME, mbx_mask);\n\t\t\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->mbx_lock, flags);\n\t\t\tstats->tx_bytes += hecc_read_mbx(priv, mbxno,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tHECC_CANMCF) & 0xF;\n\t\t\tstats->tx_packets++;\n\t\t\tcan_led_event(ndev, CAN_LED_EVENT_TX);\n\t\t\tcan_get_echo_skb(ndev, mbxno);\n\t\t\t--priv->tx_tail;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/* restart queue if wrap-up or if queue stalled on last pkt */\n\t\tif (((priv->tx_head == priv->tx_tail) &&\n\t\t((priv->tx_head & HECC_TX_MASK) !", "= HECC_TX_MASK)) ||\n\t\t(((priv->tx_tail & HECC_TX_MASK) == HECC_TX_MASK) &&\n\t\t((priv->tx_head & HECC_TX_MASK) == HECC_TX_MASK)))\n\t\t\tnetif_wake_queue(ndev);\n\n\t\t/* Disable RX mailbox interrupts and let NAPI reenable them */\n\t\tif (hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANRMP)) {\n\t\t\tack = hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANMIM);\n\t\t\tack &= BIT(HECC_MAX_TX_MBOX) - 1;\n\t\t\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANMIM, ack);\n\t\t\tnapi_schedule(&priv->napi);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t/* clear all interrupt conditions - read back to avoid spurious ints */\n\tif (priv->int_line) {\n\t\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANGIF1, HECC_SET_REG);\n\t\tint_status = hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANGIF1);\n\t} else {\n\t\thecc_write(priv, HECC_CANGIF0, HECC_SET_REG);\n\t\tint_status = hecc_read(priv, HECC_CANGIF0);\n\t}\n\n\treturn IRQ_HANDLED;\n}\n\nstatic int ti_hecc_open(struct net_device *ndev)\n{\n\tstruct ti_hecc_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev);\n\tint err;\n\n\terr = request_irq(ndev->irq, ti_hecc_interrupt, IRQF_SHARED,\n\t\t\tndev->name, ndev);\n\tif (err) {\n\t\tnetdev_err(ndev, \"error requesting interrupt\\n\");\n\t\treturn err;\n\t}\n\n\tti_hecc_transceiver_switch(priv, 1);\n\n\t/* Open common can device */\n\terr = open_candev(ndev);\n\tif (err) {\n\t\tnetdev_err(ndev, \"open_candev() failed %d\\n\", err);\n\t\tti_hecc_transceiver_switch(priv, 0);\n\t\tfree_irq(ndev->irq, ndev);\n\t\treturn err;\n\t}\n\n\tcan_led_event(ndev, CAN_LED_EVENT_OPEN);\n\n\tti_hecc_start(ndev);\n\tnapi_enable(&priv->napi);\n\tnetif_start_queue(ndev);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic int ti_hecc_close(struct net_device *ndev)\n{\n\tstruct ti_hecc_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev);\n\n\tnetif_stop_queue(ndev);\n\tnapi_disable(&priv->napi);\n\tti_hecc_stop(ndev);\n\tfree_irq(ndev->irq, ndev);\n\tclose_candev(ndev);\n\tti_hecc_transceiver_switch(priv, 0);\n\n\tcan_led_event(ndev, CAN_LED_EVENT_STOP);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic const struct net_device_ops ti_hecc_netdev_ops = {\n\t.ndo_open\t\t= ti_hecc_open,\n\t.ndo_stop\t\t= ti_hecc_close,\n\t.ndo_start_xmit\t\t= ti_hecc_xmit,\n\t.ndo_change_mtu\t\t= can_change_mtu,\n};\n\nstatic int ti_hecc_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)\n{\n\tstruct net_device *ndev = (struct net_device *)0;\n\tstruct ti_hecc_priv *priv;\n\tstruct ti_hecc_platform_data *pdata;\n\tstruct resource *mem, *irq;\n\tvoid __iomem *addr;\n\tint err = -ENODEV;\n\n\tpdata = dev_get_platdata(&pdev->dev);\n\tif (!", "pdata) {\n\t\tdev_err(&pdev->dev, \"No platform data\\n\");\n\t\tgoto probe_exit;\n\t}\n\n\tmem = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);\n\tif (!", "mem) {\n\t\tdev_err(&pdev->dev, \"No mem resources\\n\");\n\t\tgoto probe_exit;\n\t}\n\tirq = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_IRQ, 0);\n\tif (!", "irq) {\n\t\tdev_err(&pdev->dev, \"No irq resource\\n\");\n\t\tgoto probe_exit;\n\t}\n\tif (!", "request_mem_region(mem->start, resource_size(mem), pdev->name)) {\n\t\tdev_err(&pdev->dev, \"HECC region already claimed\\n\");\n\t\terr = -EBUSY;\n\t\tgoto probe_exit;\n\t}\n\taddr = ioremap(mem->start, resource_size(mem));\n\tif (!", "addr) {\n\t\tdev_err(&pdev->dev, \"ioremap failed\\n\");\n\t\terr = -ENOMEM;\n\t\tgoto probe_exit_free_region;\n\t}\n\n\tndev = alloc_candev(sizeof(struct ti_hecc_priv), HECC_MAX_TX_MBOX);\n\tif (!", "ndev) {\n\t\tdev_err(&pdev->dev, \"alloc_candev failed\\n\");\n\t\terr = -ENOMEM;\n\t\tgoto probe_exit_iounmap;\n\t}\n\n\tpriv = netdev_priv(ndev);\n\tpriv->ndev = ndev;\n\tpriv->base = addr;\n\tpriv->scc_ram_offset = pdata->scc_ram_offset;\n\tpriv->hecc_ram_offset = pdata->hecc_ram_offset;\n\tpriv->mbx_offset = pdata->mbx_offset;\n\tpriv->int_line = pdata->int_line;\n\tpriv->transceiver_switch = pdata->transceiver_switch;\n\n\tpriv->can.bittiming_const = &ti_hecc_bittiming_const;\n\tpriv->can.do_set_mode = ti_hecc_do_set_mode;\n\tpriv->can.do_get_berr_counter = ti_hecc_get_berr_counter;\n\tpriv->can.ctrlmode_supported = CAN_CTRLMODE_3_SAMPLES;\n\n\tspin_lock_init(&priv->mbx_lock);\n\tndev->irq = irq->start;\n\tndev->flags |= IFF_ECHO;\n\tplatform_set_drvdata(pdev, ndev);\n\tSET_NETDEV_DEV(ndev, &pdev->dev);\n\tndev->netdev_ops = &ti_hecc_netdev_ops;\n\n\tpriv->clk = clk_get(&pdev->dev, \"hecc_ck\");\n\tif (IS_ERR(priv->clk)) {\n\t\tdev_err(&pdev->dev, \"No clock available\\n\");\n\t\terr = PTR_ERR(priv->clk);\n\t\tpriv->clk = NULL;\n\t\tgoto probe_exit_candev;\n\t}\n\tpriv->can.clock.freq = clk_get_rate(priv->clk);\n\tnetif_napi_add(ndev, &priv->napi, ti_hecc_rx_poll,\n\t\tHECC_DEF_NAPI_WEIGHT);\n\n\tclk_enable(priv->clk);\n\terr = register_candev(ndev);\n\tif (err) {\n\t\tdev_err(&pdev->dev, \"register_candev() failed\\n\");\n\t\tgoto probe_exit_clk;\n\t}\n\n\tdevm_can_led_init(ndev);\n\n\tdev_info(&pdev->dev, \"device registered (reg_base=%p, irq=%u)\\n\",\n\t\tpriv->base, (u32) ndev->irq);\n\n\treturn 0;\n\nprobe_exit_clk:\n\tclk_put(priv->clk);\nprobe_exit_candev:\n\tfree_candev(ndev);\nprobe_exit_iounmap:\n\tiounmap(addr);\nprobe_exit_free_region:\n\trelease_mem_region(mem->start, resource_size(mem));\nprobe_exit:\n\treturn err;\n}\n\nstatic int ti_hecc_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)\n{\n\tstruct resource *res;\n\tstruct net_device *ndev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);\n\tstruct ti_hecc_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev);\n\n\tunregister_candev(ndev);\n\tclk_disable(priv->clk);\n\tclk_put(priv->clk);\n\tres = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);\n\tiounmap(priv->base);\n\trelease_mem_region(res->start, resource_size(res));\n\tfree_candev(ndev);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n\n#ifdef CONFIG_PM\nstatic int ti_hecc_suspend(struct platform_device *pdev, pm_message_t state)\n{\n\tstruct net_device *dev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);\n\tstruct ti_hecc_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev);\n\n\tif (netif_running(dev)) {\n\t\tnetif_stop_queue(dev);\n\t\tnetif_device_detach(dev);\n\t}\n\n\thecc_set_bit(priv, HECC_CANMC, HECC_CANMC_PDR);\n\tpriv->can.state = CAN_STATE_SLEEPING;\n\n\tclk_disable(priv->clk);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic int ti_hecc_resume(struct platform_device *pdev)\n{\n\tstruct net_device *dev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);\n\tstruct ti_hecc_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev);\n\n\tclk_enable(priv->clk);\n\n\thecc_clear_bit(priv, HECC_CANMC, HECC_CANMC_PDR);\n\tpriv->can.state = CAN_STATE_ERROR_ACTIVE;\n\n\tif (netif_running(dev)) {\n\t\tnetif_device_attach(dev);\n\t\tnetif_start_queue(dev);\n\t}\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n#else\n#define ti_hecc_suspend NULL\n#define ti_hecc_resume NULL\n#endif\n\n/* TI HECC netdevice driver: platform driver structure */\nstatic struct platform_driver ti_hecc_driver = {\n\t.driver = {\n\t\t.name = DRV_NAME,\n\t},\n\t.probe = ti_hecc_probe,\n\t.remove = ti_hecc_remove,\n\t.suspend = ti_hecc_suspend,\n\t.resume = ti_hecc_resume,\n};\n\nmodule_platform_driver(ti_hecc_driver);\n\nMODULE_AUTHOR(\"Anant Gole <anantgole@ti.com>\");\nMODULE_LICENSE(\"GPL v2\");\nMODULE_DESCRIPTION(DRV_DESC);\nMODULE_ALIAS(\"platform:\" DRV_NAME);\n" ]
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[ "###### Strengths and limitations of this study\n\n- First systematic survey addressing recommendations for the reporting of missing participant data in randomised clinical trials.", "\n\n- Explicit eligibility criteria with an appropriate search for relevant English language articles.", "\n\n- Systematic approaches to study selection, data abstraction and data synthesis.", "\n\n- A limitation in excluding non-English studies.", "\n\n- We did not implement duplicate data extraction, but a second reviewer checked all the extracted data for accuracy.", "\n\nBackground {#s1}\n==========\n\nMissing participant data is common in randomised clinical trials (RCT). ", "A methodological survey of the top five general medical journals found that 191 of 235 (87%) of published trials reported missing participant data (MPD) for the primary outcome. ", "The median percentage of participants with missing data was 6% (IQR 2--14%).[@R1] Of the 191 trials reporting MPD, a third lost statistical significance when making plausible assumptions about the outcomes of missing participants.[@R1]\n\nSystematic reviews, health technology assessments and clinical practice guidelines based on results from RCTs are vulnerable to bias that may result from MPD in the primary trials. ", "In order to assess risk of bias resulting from MPD, consumers of the medical literature must identify the number and characteristics of trial participants for whom outcome data are missing. ", "Reports of RCTs do not, however, always include this information in a consistent and clear manner. ", "Indeed, Sylvestre *et al*[@R2] found that information on missing values was not present in one-quarter of 93 Health Technology Assessments trial reports. ", "Moreover, contact with authors of primary studies in the aforementioned survey revealed that unclear reporting was responsible for most inaccuracies in data abstraction.[@R1]\n\nThe Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement recommends standards for reporting of the findings of randomised trials.[@R3] The standards address, among other issues, the reporting of loss to follow-up in trials. ", "These 'evidence-based' recommendations were published in 2010, and would benefit from the identification on the current best available evidence on the topic.", "\n\nThe main objective of this study was to systematically review the methodological literature to identify recommended approaches for how and what RCT authors should report on missing participant data and, on the basis of these approaches, to propose guidance for RCT authors. ", "This study was part of a larger project addressing the issue of missing participant data in trials and systematic reviews.", "\n\nMethods {#s2}\n=======\n\nDefinition {#s2a}\n----------\n\nMissing participant data refers to missing outcome data for trial participants. ", "This does not include missing participant baseline characteristics (eg, patient age).", "\n\nEligibility criteria {#s2b}\n--------------------\n\nWe included articles that met the following criteria:\n\n*Inclusion criteria* The paper discussing methods or conceptual approaches to addressing how and what RCTs should report on missing participant data. ", "A typical example would be a paper on reporting standards such as the CONSORT statement.[@R3] A paper describing challenges and solutions, or reviewing the literature for guidelines on how RCT should report on missing participant data would also be potentially eligible.", "The paper should have devoted at least two paragraphs to discuss the topic of interest (criterion applied when reviewing the full texts).The paper could have considered reporting of categorical and/or continuous data.", "\n\n*Exclusion criteria* Reports of systematic reviews or of trials.", "Papers discussing how to prevent, minimise, handle, analyse or assess risk of bias associated with missing participant data.", "Papers written in languages other than English.", "\n\nSearch strategy {#s2c}\n---------------\n\nGiven that the focus of the study was on reporting in health-related trials, as opposed to dealing with MPD in statistical analyses, our search focused on the medical literature as opposed to the statistical literature. ", "In August 2014, we searched MEDLINE, from its inception date using the OVID interface. ", "We also searched the Cochrane Methodology Register. ", "A researcher with experience in developing literature search strategies (IS) developed an initial search strategy. ", "We subsequently used relevant articles identified through the pilot search to refine the strategy (see online supplementary appendix 1). ", "In order to be comprehensive, we reviewed the CONSORT statement with its extensions.[@R3]\n\nArticle selection {#s2d}\n-----------------\n\nUsing a web-based systematic review software (SRDistiller), reviewers (LAK, TA, RB-P, JWB, AC-L, SE, BCJ, IN, IS, XS, PV and YZ) conducted screening in pairs and independently: first they screened titles and abstracts, and we obtained the full texts for those judged as potentially eligible by at least one of the two reviewers. ", "Then, they screened these full texts for eligibility, compared their judgements and resolved disagreements by discussion, or, if necessary, with the help of a third reviewer (EAA). ", "In order to ensure clarity and consistency, and prior to initiating the article selection process, we conducted calibration exercises and pilot tested the screening forms on a number of potentially eligible articles.", "\n\nWe calculated agreement for full-text screening stage using the κ statistic. ", "We interpreted the degree of agreement between pairs of reviewers according to the criteria proposed by Landis and Koch[@R7] (κ values of 0--0.20 represent slight agreement; 0.21--0.40 fair agreement; 0.41--0.60 moderate agreement; 0.61--0.80 substantial agreement; and \\>0.80 values represent almost perfect agreement).", "\n\nData abstraction and presentation {#s2e}\n---------------------------------\n\nOne reviewer (KS) abstracted data from included articles. ", "A second reviewer (EAA) verified all the abstracted results. ", "We used an iterative process to optimise the presentation of the abstracted data. ", "We abstracted data from one eligible article at a time into a table with columns listing categories of reporting recommendations. ", "We started with a preliminary list of categories including: number of participants with MPD, reasons for MPD and participant flow diagram. ", "With every additional article being abstracted, we modified those categories as needed to integrate all relevant information from that article. ", "We followed this approach until we abstracted data from all eligible articles. ", "We conducted this process through face-to-face meetings. ", "The remaining authors provided suggestions on how to improve data presentation. ", "We used these recommendations as the basis for developing a guide for trialists.", "\n\nDeveloping the guide {#s2f}\n--------------------\n\nThe two reviewers who abstracted the data developed an initial draft guide based on the identified recommendations in a number of face-to-face meetings (average of 2--3 times/week over a 4-month period from start of data abstraction up to finalisation of the guide). ", "They used an iterative process of discussion and revisions to refine the draft. ", "Specifically, they reviewed one eligible article at a time and modified the draft to integrate any new concepts in a coherent way. ", "They followed this approach until they reviewed all eligible articles. ", "The remaining members of the team reviewed and commented on the draft guide through email communication. ", "These team members include clinical epidemiologists with extensive experience in clinical trials and systematic review methodologies. ", "The discussion was informed by the team members' previous work on dealing with missing participant data in published trials.[@R1] [@R8] One of the challenges that we encountered was the inconsistency of the terminology used across papers to refer to the same concepts. ", "While the team had to agree on which terminology to use, we decided, for transparency and accuracy purposes, to report in an appendix the terminology used in each included paper.", "\n\nResults {#s3}\n=======\n\nOur search strategy identified 10 572 citations, of which 13 proved eligible ([figure 1](#BMJOPEN2015008431F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Agreement between authors for study eligibility was almost perfect (κ=0.95). ", "The 13 articles described 10 approaches; 1 of the approaches was the CONSORT statement, and three articles reported CONSORT extensions. ", "These extensions were for patient reported outcomes (PROs),[@R4] harm[@R5] and cluster trials.[@R6]\n\n![", "Study flow diagram (MPD, missing participant data).](bmjopen2015008431f01){#BMJOPEN2015008431F1}\n\nRecommended approaches {#s3a}\n----------------------\n\nWe report in online supplementary appendix 2 the recommendations of each included paper. ", "The text in the appendix reproduces the paper\\'s own terminology for referring to missing participant data. ", "The recommendations can be summarised as follows: Report methods used to prevent MPD;Report number of participants with MPD;Report differences in rates of MPD between trial arms;Report the reasons for MPD;Report a flow of participants;Report any differences between participants with and without MPD;Report pattern of missingness (eg, whether at random);Report methods for handling MPD in analysis;Report results of any sensitivity analyses;\n\n▸ Discuss implication of MPD on interpreting the results.", "\n\nWe report in online supplementary appendix 3 the definitions of the different patterns of missingness, as well as the terminology used by each paper to describe the different reasons for missing participant data. ", "Papers used a range of terms and different approaches to classifying missing data. ", "A number of papers used terms that describe the underlying cause of missingness: Health status related: for example, death, illness, progressive disease (n=4);Participant choice related: lack of interest, lack of time, bothered by question (n=2);Technically related: questionnaire not given, wrong questionnaire, wrong questionnaire instructions, transportation problem (n=2).", "\n\nA number of papers used terms that describe the pattern of missingness (n=5): Informative (non-random) censoring versus non-informative (random) censoring;Missing at random versus not missing at random versus missing completely at random.", "Intermittent or non-monotone missingness.", "\n\nOne paper used terms that describe who caused the missingness: researcher initiated (eg, removal of participants) versus participant related (eg, withdrawal).", "\n\n[Table 1](#BMJOPEN2015008431TB1){ref-type=\"table\"} describes each of the 10 approaches which specific recommendations are covered (only as frequency). ", "Three articles specifically address issues in reporting missing data in trials using continuous outcome measures such as PROs.[@R4] [@R12] [@R13] The remaining articles apply to either categorical or continuous outcome measures. ", "The identified approaches recommend reporting the following aspects (from most to least frequently recommended): number of participants with MPD (n=10), reasons for MPD (n=7), methods used to handle MPD in the analysis (n=4), flow of participants (n=3), pattern of missingness (eg, whether at random) (n=3), differences in rates of MPD between trial arms (n=2), differences between participants with and without MPD (n=2), results of any sensitivity analyses (n=2), implication of MPD on interpreting the results (n=2), and methods used to prevent missing data (n=1).", "\n\n###### \n\nSummary of proposed approaches for reporting MPD\n\n Author Methods used to prevent missing data Number of participants with MPD Differences in rates of MPD between trial arms Reasons for MPD Flow of participants Differences between participants with and without MPD Pattern of missingness (eg, whether at random) Methods for handling MPD in analysis Results of any sensitivity analyses Implication of MPD on interpreting the results\n ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------\n Staquet *et al*[@R13] ✓\\* ✓ ✓ \n Bernhard *et al*[@R12] ✓ ✓ ✓\n Troxel *et al*[@R20] ✓ ✓ ✓† \n Liu *et al*[@R21] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ \n Amico *et al*[@R22] ✓\\* ✓ ✓ ✓ \n Sterne *et al*[@R23] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ \n Polit and Gillespie[@R24] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓\n Al-Shurafa *et al*[@R25] ✓ ✓ \n Gewandter *et al*[@R26] ✓ ✓ ✓ \n CONSORT‡[@R3] ✓\\* ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ \n Number of studies recommending it 1 10 3 7 4 2 3 4 2 2\n\n\\*These approaches further recommended reporting missing data by study arm.", "\n\n†Troxel *et al* recommended examining patient-related and institution-related factors affecting missing data rates descriptively or by using logistic regression models. ", "‡Elements recommended by CONSORT extensions, not already included in the main statement: (1) extension for harms, none; (2) extension for cluster trials: reporting for each group, the missing participant data for both clusters and individual cluster members; (3) extension for patient reported outcomes, reporting outcome data at baseline and at subsequent time points, interpreting any supportive (eg, sensitivity) analyses.", "\n\nMPD, missing participant data.", "\n\nProposed guide {#s3b}\n--------------\n\n[Box 1](#bx1){ref-type=\"boxed-text\"} presents our proposed guide on how RCT authors should report missing participant data. ", "These include items relevant to the report of both categorical and continuous variables as well as items specific to the report of continuous variables. ", "The guide does not specify the format of reporting, which could be narrative, tabular, or graphical (eg, study flow). ", "Box 1Proposed guide on how trial authors should report missing participant dataRecommendations to report:A priori plans to minimise missing data, to categorise missing data according to reasons (including criteria for informative missingness), and to deal with missing data (including specific sensitivity analyses)Number of participants in each arm with missing data; if differing across outcomes, separate accounting for each outcomeReasons for missingness of data reported separately for each arm (eg, health related vs technical cause), and the pattern of missingness (eg, whether at random)\\*Comparison of the baseline characteristics of participants with and without missing participant data reported separately for each study arm (alternatively, comparison of the baseline characteristics of participants with missing participant data in the two study arms)†Analytical approach used in handling MPD in the main analysis (eg, complete case analysis, pattern-mixture model), and whether different from prospectively planned analysis.", "Results of sensitivity analyses to assess the robustness of the main findings under different assumptions about the outcomes of participants with missing data)Impact of missing participant data (MPD) on interpretation of trial results, particularly in terms of confidence in the effect estimates.", "Specifically, for continuous dataMPD by item for each arm when a questionnaire is used as a measuring tool†MPD trend over time for repeated measures (eg, intermittent missingness with questionnaires completed at each scheduled assessment)†\\*We suggest the following classification of reasons: 'mistakenly randomised and inappropriately excluded', 'did not receive any treatment' (includes cases of not receiving any dose of medication), 'withdrew consent', 'outcome not assessable', 'dead', 'experienced adverse events', 'non-compliant', 'crossed-over', 'moved away', and 'missing data, reason not specified'. ", "The trial authors could additionally comment on the randomness of missingness of each of these reasons.†This information could be included in an appendix.", "\n\nDiscussion {#s4}\n==========\n\nThe majority of approaches to reporting missing data recommend that trial authors report the extent of missing participant data and the underlying reasons. ", "Fewer approaches focus on patterns of missingness, methods for handling MPD and implications of MPD on results.", "\n\nThis guidance builds on, and complements the CONSORT statement, as it relates to MPD. ", "CONSORT wisely recommends reporting a flow diagram of the progress of participants through the phases of the trial by study group, including loss to follow-up with reasons, and the number of participants excluded from the analysis. ", "Our proposed guidance is more specific (eg, addressing missing data for each outcome separately) and wider in scope (eg, handling MPD in the main analysis and in any sensitivity analysis, evaluating impact of MPD on interpretation of results). ", "Publication or sharing of trial raw individual participant data, would automatically allow meeting many of the recommendation (eg, participants with missing data by arm, by outcome, or by item; baseline characteristics of participants with missing data).", "\n\nThe recently published SPIRIT (Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials) statement provides recommendations for a \"minimum set of scientific, ethical, and administrative elements that should be addressed in a clinical trial protocol.", "\"[@R14] Although not strictly eligible for this study, the statement highlights the importance in explicit reporting of MPD, starting with the protocol. ", "For example, it invites trialists to prespecify the methods of statistical analysis of the primary outcome and how missing data will be handled. ", "This includes details of the planned methods for imputing MPD, including which variables will be used in the imputation process. ", "The guidance also includes outlining the planned approach to making the final methodological choices when these cannot be prespecified (eg, the method of handling missing data which might depend on examining patterns of 'missingness' when data become available).", "\n\nWhile the focus of this paper is to improve the reporting of MPD to assist in their handling in systematic reviews, avoiding or minimising MPD remains the ideal solution for MPD.[@R15] This shifts the burden of addressing the problem from statisticians to trialists. ", "There has been a number of prominent guidance on this by a number of bodies such as the Food and Drug Administration.[@R18]\n\nStrengths and limitations\n-------------------------\n\nTo the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic survey addressing recommendations for the reporting of MPD in RCTs. ", "Strengths of this survey include explicit eligibility criteria, an appropriate search for relevant English language articles, and systematic approaches to study selection, data abstraction and data synthesis. ", "One limitation of the review is the exclusion of non-English studies. ", "Although there is evidence that exclusion of non-English studies might result in the loss of an appreciable number of eligible studies in clinical systematic reviews,[@R19] this may be less of an issue for methodological reviews. ", "We did not implement duplicate data extraction, but a second reviewer checked all extracted data for accuracy. ", "Also, we did not keep track of the frequency of agreements and disagreements regarding which items are included in the final version of the guide.", "\n\nConclusion {#s4a}\n----------\n\nWe have summarised the recommended approaches for how trialists should report MPD, and proposed guidance based on our findings. ", "Our findings have implications for trialists as well as editors of medical journals. ", "Both of these groups may wish to consider adhering to this guidance when reporting trials to help the users of the medical literature to adequately identify participants with missing data to judge the validity of trial findings. ", "Adherence to our suggestions would also allow systematic reviewers to identify MPD in order to conduct meta-analyses that adequately take them into account. ", "The authors of the CONSORT statement may consider integrating our guidance in a future update of that statement.", "\n\nOur findings have implications also for future research. ", "There is a need to assess to what extent reports of RCTs adhere to those reporting recommendations, particularly to assess response to any initiatives to improve MPD reporting. ", "More generally, there is a need for more research on how to prevent, minimise, handle, analyse and assess risk of bias associated with MPD.", "\n\n**Contributors:** EAA, PA-C and GHG contributed to the conception and design. ", "EAA and IS were responsible for design of search strategy. ", "LAK, TA, RB-P, JWB, AC-L, SE, BCJ, IN, IS, XS, PV and YZ selected the paper. ", "EAA and KS contributed to data abstraction, data synthesis and manuscript drafting. ", "EAA, KS, LAK, TA, RB-P, JWB, AC-L, SE, BCJ, IN, IS, XS, PV, PA-C and GHG were responsible for interpretation of results. ", "EAA, KS, LAK, TA, RB-P, JWB, AC-L, SE, BCJ, IN, IS, XS, PV, YZ, PA-C and GHG were responsible for manuscript review and approval.", "\n\n**Funding:** This paper is part of a project on addressing missing trial participant data in systematic reviews funded by the Cochrane Collaboration.", "\n\n**Competing interests:** None declared.", "\n\n**Provenance and peer review:** Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.", "\n\n**Data sharing statement:** No additional data are available.", "\n" ]
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[ "module Date exposing\n ( Date, fromString, toTime, fromTime\n , year, month, Month(..)\n , day, dayOfWeek, Day(..)\n , hour, minute, second, millisecond\n , now\n )\n\n{-| Library for working with dates. ", "Email the mailing list if you encounter\nissues with internationalization or locale formatting.", "\n\n# Dates\n@docs Date, now\n\n# Conversions\n@docs fromString, toTime, fromTime\n\n# Extractions\n@docs year, month, Month, day, dayOfWeek, Day, hour, minute, second, millisecond\n\n-}\n\nimport Native.", "Date\nimport Task exposing (Task)\nimport Time exposing (Time)\nimport Result exposing (Result)\n\n\n\n-- DATES\n\n\n{-| Representation of a date.", "\n-}\ntype Date = Date\n\n\n{-| Get the `Date` at the moment when this task is run.", "\n-}\nnow : Task x Date\nnow =\n Task.map fromTime Time.now\n\n\n\n-- CONVERSIONS AND EXTRACTIONS\n\n\n{-| Represents the days of the week.", "\n-}\ntype Day = Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun\n\n\n{-| Represents the month of the year.", "\n-}\ntype Month\n = Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr\n | May | Jun | Jul | Aug\n | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec\n\n\n{-| Attempt to read a date from a string.", "\n-}\nfromString : String -> Result String Date\nfromString =\n Native.", "Date.fromString\n\n\n{-| Convert a `Date` to a time in milliseconds.", "\n\nA time is the number of milliseconds since\n[the Unix epoch](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time).", "\n-}\ntoTime : Date -> Time\ntoTime =\n Native.", "Date.toTime\n\n\n{-| Convert a time in milliseconds into a `Date`.", "\n\nA time is the number of milliseconds since\n[the Unix epoch](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time).", "\n-}\nfromTime : Time -> Date\nfromTime =\n Native.", "Date.fromTime\n\n\n{-| Extract the year of a given date. ", "Given the date 23 June 1990 at 11:45AM\nthis returns the integer `1990`.", "\n-}\nyear : Date -> Int\nyear =\n Native.Date.year\n\n\n{-| Extract the month of a given date. ", "Given the date 23 June 1990 at 11:45AM\nthis returns the month `Jun` as defined below.", "\n-}\nmonth : Date -> Month\nmonth =\n Native.Date.month\n\n\n{-| Extract the day of a given date. ", "Given the date 23 June 1990 at 11:45AM\nthis returns the integer `23`.", "\n-}\nday : Date -> Int\nday =\n Native.Date.day\n\n\n{-| Extract the day of the week for a given date. ", "Given the date 23 June\n1990 at 11:45AM this returns the day `Sat` as defined below.", "\n-}\ndayOfWeek : Date -> Day\ndayOfWeek =\n Native.", "Date.dayOfWeek\n\n\n{-| Extract the hour of a given date. ", "Given the date 23 June 1990 at 11:45AM\nthis returns the integer `11`.", "\n-}\nhour : Date -> Int\nhour =\n Native.Date.hour\n\n\n{-| Extract the minute of a given date. ", "Given the date 23 June 1990 at 11:45AM\nthis returns the integer `45`.", "\n-}\nminute : Date -> Int\nminute =\n Native.Date.minute\n\n\n{-| Extract the second of a given date. ", "Given the date 23 June 1990 at 11:45AM\nthis returns the integer `0`.", "\n-}\nsecond : Date -> Int\nsecond =\n Native.Date.second\n\n\n{-| Extract the millisecond of a given date. ", "Given the date 23 June 1990 at 11:45:30.123AM\nthis returns the integer `123`.", "\n-}\nmillisecond : Date -> Int\nmillisecond =\n Native.Date.millisecond\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhen you lose weight, what exactly do you lose?", "\n\nI'm a bit overweight. ", "I acquired some home body impedance scales (not entirely sure how accurate these are) and the app has ranges on it for normal, overweight, etc.", "\nSpecifically, currently I am 107.6kg, 29.0% fat, 45.9% muscle. ", "I've been looking at my targets. ", "For my height, the top of the \"normal\" boundary is 83.72kg, and 25% fat.", "\nHere's the problem. ", "My current fat weight in is 31.2kg. ", "My fat weight with the \"normal\" range targets is 20.93kg- so I'm trying to lose 10.3kg of fat. ", "But the total weight difference between my total current weight and my targetted normal weight is, uh, 24kg. ", "If I actually lost 24kg of fat, I would be at just 6kg of fat which is insane for a 84kg person and far from the \"normal\" upper end which is 21kg.", "\nSo if I'm trying to lose weight down to 84kg, what the hell am I actually losing? ", "It seems like if I just lose 10.3kg of fat, I'll still be way over \"normal\" weight.", "\nI also noticed that if I keep the same muscle mass I'll be 59% muscle at 84kg which is entering the \"high\" end. ", "Since I'm pretty unfit (although getting slightly fitter) it seems like this can't be right.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe goal of weight loss is almost always fat loss despite the phrases being used interchangeably by the general public. ", "When you lose weight it isn't always clear what you are losing, but there are some things that you can keep in mind in order to better understand what's going on.", "\nThe \"3500 calorie per pound of fat\" model of weight loss isn't perfect and has some issues, but it's close enough to be useful. ", "When your body is in an energy deficit, it releases stored energy to balance out that deficit. ", "So if your body is 500 calories below maintenance on a particular day, your body will release energy from its stores equal to 500 calories to balance that out. ", "Your body will not seek to use more or less than it needs, so a deficit of 500 calories always results in 500 calories worth of energy being broken down and released. ", "So what is stored energy? ", "Fat, glycogen, and muscle. ", "Fat is the body's preferred method of energy storage, glycogen (carb storage) is meant to be used for immediate energy (running, lifting weights) as opposed to chronic maintenance like fat, and muscle (protein storage) isn't meant to be used for energy storage at all, but it will be used as such if the circumstances are right. ", "How much is each of these worth?", "\n\nFat contains 3500 calories per pound (2.2 kg).", "\nGlycogen contains ~1800 calories per pound.", "\nSkeletal Muscle contains ~600-700 calories per pound.", "\nWater contains ZERO calories per pound.", "\n\nIt's important to note that water fluctuations can and will often mask energy balance on the scale. ", "This can occur by simply drinking more or less liquids than normal, but it can also occur by manipulating glycogen stores. ", "Every ONE gram of glycogen requires THREE grams of water to store it. ", "So while one pound of glycogen may be worth 1800 calories, losing that one pound of glycogen also means losing three additional pounds of water for a total of four pounds being lost. ", "The first week of a diet (up to the first 2-3 weeks) is typically marked by huge shifts in water and glycogen stores in the body. ", "Not only that, but the weight of the food sitting in your digestive system typically goes down as well. ", "All this results in the initial 5-10 pounds of weight loss being short term adaptations as opposed to long term adaptations in weight. ", "Another good rule of thumb is that for every five pounds of weight that you lose, one pound of that will be water (or put another way, 20% of your weight loss will typically be water).", "\nWhat about muscle mass? ", "How do you prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue? ", "You give it what it needs. ", "Exercise tells your body that the muscles being used are important and protein helps to maintain and repair muscle mass. ", "You can actually lose weight faster if don't do any exercise at all, but that's because more of the weight being lost is coming from muscle. ", "If you lost weight entirely from muscle mass, a daily deficit of 500 calories (weekly deficit of 3500) would result in nearly 6 pounds of weight loss! ", "But that would carry a heavy negative impact on body composition and your capacity to do daily activities. ", "The reality is that weight loss always comes from multiple sources and muscle loss can be minimized or even reversed by simply exercising appropriately.", "\nSo what's a reasonable expectation for the composition of weight loss? ", "After the first three weeks of dieting where glycogen stores as well as water and food weight have stabilized, I would break it down as the following ESTIMATION for anyone above 15% bodyfat who is doing resistance training and feeding their body appropriately.", "\n\n20% Water\n80% Fat\n\nFinally, if you are gaining or losing weight much more rapidly than your calorie intake suggests that you should be, you can reasonably assume that it is water/glycogen. ", "Unless you just went on a binge-fest all week. ", "The best way to monitor this is by weighing daily first thing in the morning when you wake up from sleep. ", "Doing this will allow you to take weekly means or medians which will be a good representative of your non-fluctuating weight each week as opposed to weighing once a week and hoping that it isn't higher or lower than it should be reporting. ", "There isn't any benefit to weighing more than daily, but if that seems like too much, twice a week could also work. ", "Personally, I just take a quick picture of the scale and write down the information later in a chart.", "\n\nA:\n\nI can only comment on the impedance measurements. ", "I recently (3 years) started using them and have found huge variation in spot measurements. ", "The trick is to measure consistently.", "\n\nUsually the same time of the day. ", "Morning or evening. ", "Also make sure you poop before a measurement. ", "Do not measure after exercising.", "\nMeasure regularly. ", "Not every day, but use the average of two or three weeks.", "\nTake it as relative. ", "Don't quote the figures as 21kg -> 10kg fat, Rather say I have made a (quantitatively measurable and statistically significant) improvement over the last 8 weeks.", "\n\nThose machines aren't exact but when used (skeptically, patiently, and correctly) are helpful to quantify your progress.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The Last Drive Dagger Moon Dead Moon Unplugged Cover FREE MP3 download for perfecttravels.info now! ", "Listening to music has never been so easy. ", "Millions of songs free download The Last Drive Dagger Moon Dead Moon Unplugged Cover" ]
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[ "The Study of Depressive Disorders Using the PSE-ID-CATEGO System.", "\nThe PSE-CATEGO-ID system and its approach to the sub-classification of depression is described. ", "The principle of sub-classification partly corresponds to the empirical relationships between symptoms on affective disorder. ", "Comparison of CATEGO and DSM III demonstrates that major differences of classification can arise because of differences of the classificatory algorithm even though similar lists of symptoms are used. ", "Empirical studies of the PSE-CATEGORO-ID system are described and their importance in providing evidence for a rational choice between classificatory system is emphasised." ]
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[ "KEYWORDS\n\nAn opah, also called a moonfish. ", "Opah first became popular as a sushi and sashimi in the late 1980s and early 1990s and are especially popular in Hawaii.", "\n\nNewswise — ANN ARBOR — University of Michigan researchers and their University of Hawaii colleagues say they've solved the longstanding mystery of how mercury gets into open-ocean fish, and their findings suggest that levels of the toxin in Pacific Ocean fish will likely rise in coming decades.", "\n\nUsing isotopic measurement techniques developed at U-M, the researchers determined that up to 80 percent of the toxic form of mercury, called methylmercury, found in the tissues of deep-feeding North Pacific Ocean fish is produced deep in the ocean, most likely by bacteria clinging to sinking bits of organic matter.", "\n\nThe study also confirmed that the mercury found in Pacific fish near Hawaii likely traveled through the air for thousands of miles before being deposited on the ocean surface in rainfall, said U-M environmental scientist Joel Blum. ", "The North Pacific fisheries are downwind from rapidly industrializing nations such as China and India that are increasingly reliant on coal-burning power plants, a major source of mercury pollution.", "\n\n\"This study reinforces the links between mercury emitted from Asian countries and the fish that we catch off Hawaii and consume in this country,\" said Blum, the lead author of a paper scheduled for online publication Aug. 25 in Nature Geoscience.", "\n\n\"The implications are that if we're going to effectively reduce the mercury concentrations in open-ocean fish, we're going to have to reduce global emissions of mercury, including emissions from places like China and India,\" Blum said. \"", "Cleaning up our own shorelines is not going to be enough. ", "This is a global atmospheric problem.\"", "\n\nThe main pathway for human exposure to methylmercury is the consumption of large predatory marine fish such as swordfish and tuna. ", "Effects of methylmercury on humans can include damage to the central nervous system, the heart and the immune system. ", "The developing brains of fetuses and young children are especially vulnerable.", "\n\nIn December 2011, the Environmental Protection Agency released new standards sharply limiting future emissions of mercury and other toxic pollutants from coal- and oil-burning power plants in the United States. ", "Earlier this year, the United Nations Environment Programme negotiated the Minamata Convention on Mercury, an international treaty aimed at curbing future mercury emissions; it is still unclear what level of mercury-emission reductions will result.", "\n\nIt has been known for some time that large predatory marine fish contain high levels of methylmercury in part because they eat lots of smaller, mercury-containing fish. ", "The toxin builds up in the tissues of the top-of-the-food-chain predators through a process called bioaccumulation.", "\n\nIn 2009, researchers at the University of Hawaii determined that the depth at which a species of fish feeds is nearly as important as its position in the food chain in determining how much methylmercury it contains.", "\n\n\"We found that predatory fish that feed at deeper depths in the open ocean, like opah and swordfish, have higher mercury concentrations than those that feed in waters near the surface, like mahi-mahi and yellowfin tuna,\" said Brian Popp, a professor of geology and geophysics at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and co-author of both the 2009 paper and the new Nature Geoscience paper. \"", "We knew this was true, but we didn't know why.\"", "\n\nThat observation was difficult to explain because researchers had presumed that if methylmercury production occurs in the open ocean, it most likely takes place in the biologically active surface layer, carried out by microbes that convert inorganic mercury into the toxic organic form through a process called methylation.", "\n\nBut in the latest study, the Michigan and Hawaii researchers showed that perhaps as much as 80 percent of the methylmercury found at depth in the central North Pacific is produced below what is known as the surface mixed layer, a region extending down to about 165 feet. ", "They found that methylation continues down to a depth of about 2,000 feet, most likely the work of oxygen-shunning bacteria attached to sinking particles of dead plant and animal matter containing inorganic mercury.", "\n\nThat finding is important in part because scientists expect mercury levels at intermediate depths (660 to 3,300 feet) in the North Pacific to rise in coming decades; one estimate calls for a doubling by mid-century. ", "At the same time, oxygen-depleted regions called oxygen minimum zones, which typically occur at depths greater than 1,300 feet, are expanding in oceans worldwide, and human-caused climate change is expected to accelerate that process.", "\n\nThe work by Blum and his colleagues suggests that if these two trends unfold as expected, conditions will favor increased production of methylmercury by microbes known as anaerobic bacteria, which will increase the threat to the North Pacific fisheries, the world's most important source of seafood.", "\n\n\"The implication is that predictions for increased mercury in deeper water will result in higher levels in fish,\" said Blum, a professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences.", "\n\nIn their study, the researchers analyzed tissue samples from nine species of marine fish that feed at different depths in a region near Hawaii called the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. ", "The work combined biogeochemistry with direct marine ecology observations.", "\n\nBlum led the effort to very precisely measure the ratios of the stable isotopes of mercury, relying on techniques his lab has developed to take advantage of a natural phenomenon called isotopic fractionation. ", "Popp led the Hawaii group that sampled fish at various depths, measured the total amount of mercury in their muscle tissues, and determined their position in the marine food web.", "\n\nTogether, the researchers showed how and where methylation occurs in the open ocean and explained the previously observed increases in the mercury concentration of predatory fish with depth. ", "They found that while methylation occurs in well-lit near-surface waters, sunlight destroys up to 80 percent of the methylmercury formed there, through a process called photochemical degradation.", "\n\n\"The crystal-clear waters surrounding Hawaii and the unique information that we had about the depths at which our local fish feed allowed us to clearly identify both the photochemical degradation of methylmercury at surface levels and the microbial production of methylmercury from inorganic mercury in deeper waters,\" said Popp, a University of Michigan graduate.", "\n\nIn addition, the isotopic composition of the mercury found in the fish tissues was \"a nearly perfect match\" with the chemical signature of mercury in the atmosphere known to travel long distances, far from pollution sources such as coal-burning power plants, Blum said.", "\n\nThat finding confirms an idea that was long-suspected but previously unsupported by hard evidence: \"These results strongly support the hypothesis that long-range transport of mercury deposited to the ocean surface is ultimately what's ending up in these fish,\" Blum said.", "\n\nThe nine species of fish used in the study, listed from shallowest- to deepest-feeding, are flying fish, mahi-mahi, yellowfin tuna, skipjack tuna, moonfish (opah), bigeye tuna, swordfish, and two species of lantern fish.", "\n\nIn addition to Blum and Popp, authors of the Nature Geoscience paper are Jeffrey C. Drazen and C. Anela Choy of the University of Hawaii and Marcus W. Johnson of the U-M Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences.", "\n\nFunding for the project was provided by the National Science Foundation, the U-M's John D. MacArthur Professorship, the Pelagic Fisheries Research Program at the University of Hawaii, and University of Hawaii Sea Grant." ]
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[ "'69 Newport\n\n'69 Newport is a 7\" vinyl EP record by the influential ska-core band Operation Ivy. ", "The 7\" was composed of \"Hedgecore\" and \"Left Behind\", both of which were recorded at 924 Gilman Street in 1987. '", "69 Newport was unofficially released in March 1993 under the label Very Small Records. ", "5,029 were initially pressed on black vinyl. ", "The song \"Hedgecore\" is a song about the local pastime in Berkeley which involves diving into and destroying bushes.", "\n\nTrack listing\n\nSide A\n\"Hedgecore\" – 1:43\n\nSide B\n\"Left Behind\" – 2:26\n\nPersonnel\n Jesse Michaels – vocals\n Lint – guitar, backing vocals\n Matt McCall – bass, backing vocals\n Dave Mello – drums\n\nCategory:1993 EPs" ]
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[ "Owner of the report:: P.A.Madushanka (Sri Lanka) A permission has been granted to publish the report on this site [gview file=”http://fishconsult.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Climate-change-in-Sri-Lanka.pdf”]" ]
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[ "186 F.2d 713\nBRUSSART,v.UNITED STATES.", "\nNo. ", "11194.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals Sixth Circuit.", "\nFeb. 5, 1951.", "\n\nLeroy Brussart, in pro. ", "per.", "\nLoren Windom, Columbus, Ohio (R. J. O'Donnell, Loren G. Windom, Columbus, Ohio, on the brief), for appellee.", "\nBefore HICKS, Chief Judge and SIMONS and ALLEN, Circuit Judges.", "\nSIMONS, Circuit Judge.", "\n\n\n1\nThe appellant appealed from an order of the district court overruling his motion to vacate and expunge from the records of the court an alleged invalid sentence imposed upon him on count 1 of an indictment under which he was sentenced. ", " Count 1 charged the appellant with stealing and purloining property from the United States postoffice in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 313 of the Criminal Code.1 Count 2, based on 18 U.S.C. § 320,2 charged that in attempting to effect such robbery he put the life of a postoffice employee in jeopardy by use of a dangerous weapon. ", " The appellant pleaded guilty to the charge laid in the first count and was tried by a jury and convicted under the second count. ", " The sentence imposed on him was 3 years under count 1 and the 25 year mandatory sentence required by the statute under count 2, the sentences to run consecutively. ", " The purport of the motion was that the sentence under count 1 be expunged on the ground that the offense therein charged was merged with the aggravated offense charged in count 2, and the ground thereof was that both offenses were provable by the same evidence and that neither count required proof of an additional fact and so come under the rule of Rutkowski v. United States, 6 Cir., ", "149 F.2d 481.", "\n\n\n2\nWhether the cause is controlled by the cited case we need not determine. ", " Section 320 describes the same offense as that in Sec. ", "313, but provides that in its aggravated form it calls for the imposition of a greater penalty. ", " Costner v. United States, 4 Cir., ", "139 F.2d 429; Durrett v. United States, 5 Cir., ", "107 F.2d 438; Hewitt v. United States, 8 Cir., ", "110 F.2d 1; Wells v. United States, 5 Cir., ", "124 F.2d 334. ", " A similar relation of sections creating the offense of bank robbery in 12 U.S.C.A. § 588(b)3 has been held to create but a single offense with increased punishment if committed in aggravated form. ", " Holiday v. Johnston, 313 U.S. 342, 61 S.Ct. ", "1015, 85 L.Ed. ", "1392; Wells v. United States, supra. ", " The analogy to the Bank Robbery Statute seems to us perfect, as it appeared to the court in Costner v. United States, supra. ", " It therefore follows that the sentence of 25 years imposed upon the appellant under the second count of the indictment was valid, and that the 3 year sentence imposed under count 1 was invalid. ", " Conforming to the determination made in the Costner case we hold that the court should strike from the judgment the 3 year sentence imposed under count 1 and that the time already served by the appellant should apply on the 25 year sentence.", "\n\n\n3\nReversed and remanded to the district court for further proceedings in conformity herewith.", "\n\n\n4\nHICKS, Chief Judge, thinks the judgment should be affirmed.", "\n\n\n\n1\n 1948 Revised Criminal Code, 18 U.S.C.A. § 1707\n\n\n2\n 1948 Revised Criminal Code, 18 U.S.C.A. § 2114\n\n\n3\n 1948 Revised Criminal Code, 18 U.S.C.A. § 2113\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Introduction\n============\n\nObesity and overweight participate in chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancers, and coronary heart disease, dyslipidemia etc ([@b1-ijph-42-86], [@b2-ijph-42-86]); these phenomena seriously threaten general health ([@b1-ijph-42-86], [@b3-ijph-42-86], [@b4-ijph-42-86]). ", "The prevalence of overweight (BMI≥25) and obesity (BMI ≥30) are respectively 66%, and 33% (about 70 million people) among adult population in the United States ([@b5-ijph-42-86]), and obesity rate is 21.5% among Iranian adults ([@b6-ijph-42-86]), these rates are higher especially among women than men among Iranian adults ([@b6-ijph-42-86]) and WHO predicts there will be entirely 1.5 billion overweight people in 2015 throughout the world ([@b7-ijph-42-86]).", "\n\nIn addition to tragic statistic reported above, excess body weight is related to harmful changes in the blood lipid profile ([@b8-ijph-42-86]). ", "Hence, triglyceride (TG) and cholesterol levels are higher in overweight people than normal weight individuals ([@b9-ijph-42-86]). ", "Consequently, weight loss tends to improve the blood lipids concentrations ([@b10-ijph-42-86]--[@b12-ijph-42-86]).", "\n\nWeight loss attained by regular physical activity, and declining fat intake from daily diets would result in increasing HDL concentrations and improving blood fat concentrations ([@b10-ijph-42-86]--[@b13-ijph-42-86]). ", "It straightforwardly associates with dietary habits ([@b14-ijph-42-86]--[@b16-ijph-42-86]), eating beliefs ([@b17-ijph-42-86]), physical activity ([@b18-ijph-42-86]), life style ([@b19-ijph-42-86]) and fat intake ([@b15-ijph-42-86], [@b16-ijph-42-86], [@b18-ijph-42-86]), which can be influenced by psychological interventions. ", "The objective of these interventions is to change behaviors, maladaptive beliefs ([@b15-ijph-42-86], [@b20-ijph-42-86]) and metacognitive beliefs ([@b21-ijph-42-86]) as it is used for palliating or curing chronic conditions ([@b22-ijph-42-86]) such as overweight and obesity ([@b15-ijph-42-86], [@b16-ijph-42-86], [@b20-ijph-42-86]). ", "These conditions improvements would accelerate the weight loss process ([@b15-ijph-42-86], [@b16-ijph-42-86]). ", "Psychological interventions, and mental health programs accompanied by healthy diet plans and exercise programs tends to help people to identify their emotional and environmental aspects for and against exercise behaviors and healthy eating patterns ([@b23-ijph-42-86]--[@b25-ijph-42-86]). ", "This interventions consists of self monitoring practices ([@b15-ijph-42-86], [@b16-ijph-42-86], [@b20-ijph-42-86]), problem solving skills ([@b15-ijph-42-86], [@b20-ijph-42-86], [@b26-ijph-42-86]), relapse prevention training ([@b15-ijph-42-86], [@b16-ijph-42-86], [@b26-ijph-42-86]), paying attention to motivational aspects ([@b15-ijph-42-86], [@b27-ijph-42-86]), encouraging to compliant of the program. ", "Confirming and gratifying the achievements ([@b15-ijph-42-86], [@b27-ijph-42-86]), and improving eating and exercise self-efficacy ([@b28-ijph-42-86], [@b29-ijph-42-86]), etc.", "\n\nIn respect of above points, training obese and overweight individuals to modify their eating behaviors and beliefs in company with restricting daily fat intake from diet would be an essential constituent to improve serum lipid abnormalities. ", "Thus, this research was aimed to investigating the effectiveness of 4 psychological interventions in company with modifying eating diets to improve BMI, FBS, and lipid profile among obese and overweight Iranian females.", "\n\nMaterials and Methods\n=====================\n\nStudy design\n------------\n\nThis study was conducted in 2011. ", "According to quasi-experimental design, sixty eight volunteer women with body mass index (BMI, weight in kg/height in m^2^) over than 25 were randomly assigned to LEARN, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), cognitive therapy (CT), or metacognitive therapy (MCT) groups. ", "Those in LEARN and CBT groups received treatment over 24 weeks, whereas CT and MCT groups took 12 weeks treatment. ", "Two later groups (i.e. CT and MCT groups) did not receive further treatment until the end of the two other group interventions except to stay in their diet plan and physical activity (i.e. LEARN and CBT groups).", "\n\nThe present study was approved by the Ethical Committee of the Behavioral Science Center of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in Iran.", "\n\nSubjects\n--------\n\nAnnouncing to different faculties of Payame Noor University, and Health Centers of Tehran Municipality; 400 participants contacted us directly and were offered an assessment interview, and those were eligible to take part in research if they met the following criteria: 1) female, 2) aged between 20 and 45 years (i.e. prior to menopause), 3) BMI\\> 25, 4) available for the period of treatment, 5) negative for C-reactive protein CRP), 6) willing to participate in the study, 7) non-smokers. ", "The exclusion criteria were: 1) major medical or psychiatric illness (including diabetes, auto immune disease, cancer, cardiovascular problems, obsessive compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, and etc), 2) current psychiatric or psychological treatment, 3) weight loss of 10% or more within the previous six months prior to treatment, 4) disorders or treatments known to affect eating, weight or metabolic rate, 5) disorders in which calorie or fat restriction are contraindicated, 6) binge eating is diagnosed by psychiatrist or health psychologist, 7) taking obesity pharmacotherapeutic agents and/ or herbal preparations for any trial weight change. ", "Eventually, according to sample size in previous studies (e.g. 30), and sample size determination guidelines by Length ([@b31-ijph-42-86]) for repeated measure design analysis, 68 participants met the criteria-they were allocated randomly into 4 groups including LEARN, Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), Cognitive therapy (CT), and Metacognitive therapy (MCT). ", "Written consents had been informed out because of the exact nature of the study, including the purpose, the course, and the potential risk of the study. ", "Eventually, 4 participants of LEARN group, and 3 participants from MCT group dropped out during the first and second sessions of treatment (4 of them got pregnant, and 3 does not willing to initiate the structure). ", "So, 61 participants completed treatment protocols.", "\n\nAnthropometrical measurement\n----------------------------\n\nHeight was measured in centimeters without shoes to the closest 0.5 cm. ", "using a height rod on a standard spring scale. ", "Body weight (kg), BMI (kg/m^2^), and metabolism rate (RM; kcal) were measured using a digital body composition monitor (Omron BF-500, accuracy rate was 100 g) in street clothes without shoes.", "\n\nGlucose and lipid measurements\n------------------------------\n\nBlood samples were collected after 12 hours of fasting (overweight), and were centrifuged within 2 hours of sampling. ", "The levels of serum total cholesterol, triglyceride (TG), and High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) were assessed by the enzymatic method using Pars Azmoon Kits (Tehran, Iran). ", "Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) and fast blood sugar (FBS) were assessed by method using Pars Azmoon Kits (Tehran, Iran). ", "Dietary assessments Participants were instructed to record their food intake over a week in a day diary record form (including ingredients and calories) at baseline for estimating total calories intake from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, and their routine diet plans. ", "They stayed in recording food intake to the end-up of this trial.", "\n\nDiets and nutritional education\n-------------------------------\n\nThe participants instructed to follow Low calorie diets (LCD) were designed to create an energy deficit of 500--1,000 calories a day (i.e. less than total energy expenditure[^•^](#fn1-ijph-42-86){ref-type=\"fn\"} (kcal) per day)) which induce weight loss of 0.5--1 kg per week ([@b32-ijph-42-86]). ", "The LCD should be higher in carbohydrates (55% or more of total calories), with generous portions of protein (15% of total calories). ", "Fat content should not exceed 30% of total calories with no more than 8--10% of total calories coming from saturated fats ([@b33-ijph-42-86]). ", "A registered dietitian arranged the weekly food plans respecting to LCD, BMI, RM, age, gender, physical activity rate, total energy expenditure, and the food interests applying FAVA professional nutrition software up to the end of the treatments.", "\n\nPhysical activity\n-----------------\n\nParticipants recorded the type and duration of daily physical activity in a daily activity diary which were designed by research group at baseline and over the course of treatments. ", "The physical activity goal was 30--60 minutes of moderate intensity at least three times per week or walking 6000 steps per day ([@b15-ijph-42-86], [@b16-ijph-42-86], [@b27-ijph-42-86]) over through the treatments. ", "So, the participants were trained to walk 30--60 minutes a day and use a pedometer to record their steps per day.", "\n\nPsychological interventions\n---------------------------\n\nTwo members of the research team, one a registered dietitian and the other a psychologist were instructed attended weekly group management meetings for all 4 interventions throughout the study. ", "These interventions were instructed under the supervision of the expert clinicians who were the advisors of this research.", "\n\n(1). ", "Group LEARN program for weight management\n----------------------------------------------\n\nLEARN which has an educational structure was designed by Brownell ([@b16-ijph-42-86]) in which the learner masters crucial information for everyday life. ", "The words LEARN is an acronym produced from the first letters of the five essential components of the weight management: 1) **L**ifestyle, 2) **E**xercise, 3) **A**ttitudes, 4) **R**elationships, and 5) **N**utrition. ", "This program address some behavioral techniques including analyzing the behavior chains, internal attitude traps, negative self-talks, triggers for eating, ABC approach (antecedent events, behavior, and consequences), self-monitoring, set realistic goals, programmed activity, activity guidelines, flexible goals, habit change, select a support person, distinguish craving from hunger, values of foods, balanced diet, eating patterns, etc. ", "This program comprised 16, 90-min sessions were being held weekly. ", "Full details of this program have been published elsewhere ([@b16-ijph-42-86]).", "\n\nGroup cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)\n--------------------------------------\n\nCooper, Doll, Hawker, Byrne, Bonner, Eeley, O'Connor, and Fairburn ([@b20-ijph-42-86]) designed a long-term cognitive behavior program to address certain psychological processes that interfere with weight maintenance. ", "This program includes some cognitive and behavioral techniques to attain optimal weight loss, to minimize subsequent weight regain, to distinguish between weight loss and weight regain, to address potential obstacles, to the acceptance of maintenance, to educate problem-solving process, to tackle body image concerns, to acquire and practice the behavioral skills and cognitive responses that are crucial for weight control. ", "This program comprised 24, 90-min sessions were being held weekly. ", "Full details of this program have been published elsewhere ([@b20-ijph-42-86]).", "\n\n(2). ", "Group cognitive therapy (CT)\n---------------------------------\n\nBeck ([@b31-ijph-42-86], [@b34-ijph-42-86]) has designed this program for making obese and overweight people think like a thin person. ", "Hence, this program is on the basis of cognitive restructuring and addresses motivational issues, sabotaging thinking, introduces behavioral experiments, educates effective responses, introduces a new approach to problem-solving, and etc. ", "This program comprised 12, 90-min sessions were being held weekly. ", "Full details of this program have been published elsewhere ([@b27-ijph-42-86], [@b34-ijph-42-86], [@b35-ijph-42-86]).", "\n\n(3). ", "Group metacognitive therapy (MCT)\n--------------------------------------\n\nThe authors have designed this program by adapting from a program was recommended by Cooper, Todd, and Wells ([@b26-ijph-42-86]) for treating bulimia nervosa and binge eating. ", "This treatment by tackling engagement and motivation for weight loss, case formulation and socialization to MCT model, teaching attention and detached mindfulness strategies, addressing negative beliefs about eating: uncontrollability and consequences, and positive beliefs about eating, negative self beliefs; challenges the barriers of weight loss, thinking modes, self-awareness, executive control and intentional flexibility, the cognitive intentional syndrome(CAS), metacognitive beliefs, and object and metacognitive modes in individuals with overweight and obesity. ", "This treatment comprised 12, 90-min sessions were being held weekly. ", "Full details of this program will be published ([@b26-ijph-42-86], [@b36-ijph-42-86]).", "\n\nStatistical methods\n-------------------\n\nMean differences between categories of lipid profile and BMI into 4 groups were tested by repeated measure design and mean differences between baseline treatment and post-treatment were tested by paired sample *t*-test. *", "P*-value below 0.05 was considered statistically significant.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nAfter baseline testing regarding to BMI\\>25, 68 participants were randomly assigned into 4 groups (each group consists of 17 subjects), and 61 completed a special protocol respecting to the group. ", "Mean age was 26 years and 9 months (ranged from 20 to 43). ", "T-test for dependent groups analysis to compare baseline and post treatment mean differences revealed lipid profile, FBS, and BMI were significantly modified after applying 4 interventions (*P*\\<0.05).", "\n\nThe characteristics of the study subjects are shown in [Table 1](#t1-ijph-42-86){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\nFurthermore, repeated measure design analysis showed there were significant mean differences (P\\<0.05) between 4 groups in HDL cholesterol, TG levels and FBS concentrations ([Table 2](#t2-ijph-42-86){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nConducting multiple comparisons with Scheffe test reflected that the HDL cholesterol concentrations were significantly higher in LEARN group in comparison to two other groups (i.e. CT and MCT, *P*\\<0.05) ([Table 3](#t3-ijph-42-86){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Furthermore, HDL cholesterol varieties in CBT group was significantly higher than CT group (*P*\\<0.05). ", "FBS varieties were significantly higher among MCT group than two other groups (i.e. CBT and LEARN, *P*\\<0.05), too. ", "These changes are depicted in [Fig. ", "1](#f1-ijph-42-86){ref-type=\"fig\"}--[2](#f2-ijph-42-86){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nNowadays applying multidisciplinary approaches in overweight and obesity management are popular. ", "These approaches encompass every aspect of body weight and health, including nutrition, physical activity, behavior, cognitions and other factors that may influence them. ", "They focus on controlling environmental resources, social situations, and daily lifestyle that deteriorate weight management attempts by obese and/ or overweight individuals (e.g., unhealthy eating, sedentary activities, sabotaging thinking patterns, dysfunctional behaviors, and etc.). ", "Hence, it is expecting that combination of psychological interventions, nutritional considerations, and physical activity guidelines would be effective on modifying excess weight, and adverse effects of overweight such as bad blood lipids concentrations. ", "Therefore, the objective of this research was to determine the effectiveness of adding different psychological interventions to dietary plans on improving BMI and the blood lipids concentrations.", "\n\nResults revealed that all 4 interventions altered the target variables in post treatment state in comparison to baseline. ", "So that, BMI, HDL cholesterol, total cholesterol and TG concentrations were reduced, but LDL cholesterol, and FBS levels were increased in post treatment state. ", "Williams ([@b18-ijph-42-86]) believed that lack of healthy eating and exercise habits together with ineffective ways of managing stress increases blood lipid concentrations. ", "So, Weight loss programs that address all three above lifestyle factors may be an effective path to improving serum lipid profiles. ", "Therefore, it tends psychological interventions target healthy lifestyle would improve adherence to control and monitor food intake and physical activity in overweight individuals, and so result in BMI reduction, and blood lipids concentrations improvement. ", "Additionally, Taylor ([@b22-ijph-42-86]) proposed that there is a relationship between emotions, beliefs, behavior, and health outcomes (mind-body linkage), beliefs can affect health outcomes through which affecting decision-making about health-related behaviors and its options. ", "In consistent with this study, some researchers found that HDL concentrations significantly decrease during the weight reduction period of interventions but significantly increased when subjects were at a stabilized, reduced weight (e.g. 11--13). ", "Different studies have shown favorable improvements in blood lipid concentrations (i.e., reduced TG, and total cholesterol) with weight loss as a result of decreased dietary fat intake and increased physical activity ([@b12-ijph-42-86], [@b13-ijph-42-86], [@b38-ijph-42-86]). ", "These findings are consistent with what were found among research using aerobics alone or plus restricting food intake ([@b10-ijph-42-86]--[@b13-ijph-42-86], [@b18-ijph-42-86], [@b37-ijph-42-86], [@b38-ijph-42-86]). ", "Additionally, these findings could be explained by unconscious pathway of mind-body linkage that considering emotional and physiological influence would affect the health outcomes, too. ", "So, psychological interventions such as CBT would improve the adaption with chronic conditions by mediating behaviors and cognitions as the fundamental core of treatment; Beck ([@b39-ijph-42-86], [@b40-ijph-42-86]) emphasizes the way in which systematic errors in thinking and unrealistic cognitive appraisal of events can lead to negative emotions and maladaptive behaviors. ", "So, changing the mindset about dieting and struggling to sabotage thoughts that dieters have would improve weight loss and consequently through body-mind pathway would alter positively the serum lipid concentrations. ", "Furthermore, Fisher and wells ([@b21-ijph-42-86]) proposed that challenging between metacognitive beliefs which are in the domains of thought-action fusion or thought-object fusion, and beliefs about the need to react to thoughts in special ways are important to soothing the mental problems which could influence the physiological varieties by above pathway, too.", "\n\nIn consistent with the results of some other studies (e.g. 41--44) another finding of this study was that FBS concentrations were increased in all groups especially among MCT group (because of using detached mindfulness techniques to relax mind and body) in comparison to the other two groups (e.g. LEARN, and CBT). ", "Although FBS varieties in pre- and post-test states are in normal ranges (e.g. 70--115 mg/dl) it would be because of body homeostasis reaction to reducing fat intake and increasing complex carbohydrates intakes due to low fat diets ingredients. ", "In addition to this, Keeping FBS concentrations in higher levels of normal range could delay physiological hunger, and so prevent binge eating.", "\n\nThe other finding was that CT and MCT had higher effects on reducing plasma HDL cholesterol in comparison to LEARN program. ", "This finding reveals that CT and MCT can more readily addresses the practical problem and unique challenges ([@b22-ijph-42-86]) that clients with weight conditions face ([@b15-ijph-42-86], [@b27-ijph-42-86]), and facilitate compliant with diet plans or activity exercise([@b15-ijph-42-86], [@b27-ijph-42-86]) during weight loss phase. ", "Moreover Werrij, Jansen, Mulkens, Elgersma, Ament, and Hospers ([@b41-ijph-42-86]) have suggested that cognitive therapy has more enduring effects than pure behavioral treatments (such as LEARN). ", "MCT which is one of CBT techniques aims to change the way individuals experience and control thinking and the beliefs hold about cognition. ", "So this intervention tends to have more enduring effects than pure behavioral treatments, too.", "\n\nThere are some potential limitations to the current study. ", "First was the subjectivity of the self-report measures that were used to assess physical activity and dietary patterns. ", "Another limitation was as the sample was recruited of the general community and females, results may not generalize to individuals seeking treatment in medical or community treatment settings or to overweight or obese males. ", "Despite these limitations the current study will provide much needed information about benefits of applying multidisciplinary approaches in overweight and obesity management.", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nAdding cognitive and metacognitive therapy to the regular treatment of overweight and obesity would be a valuable step in facilitating and optimizing treatments and attaining more beneficial outcomes in the weight management area.", "\n\nEthical considerations\n======================\n\nEthical issues (Including plagiarism, Informed Consent, misconduct, data fabrication and/or falsification, double publication and/or submission, redundancy, etc) have been completely observed by the authors.", "\n\nThis research was supported by Behavior Science Research Center of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. ", "We are grateful to all the participants and staff who cooperated in this study. ", "The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests.", "\n\nFor females with age equal or more than 19 years old and BMI≥ 25 (e.g. overweight/obese), estimated energy requirement calculations formula is 448 − (7.95 × age (y)) + PA^\\*^ × (11.4 × weight (kg) + 619 × height (m)), and PA stands for the \"physical activity\" value appropriate for the age and physiological state, For above females PA value in different states are estimated by these coefficients: Sedentary=1.00, Low active= 1.16, Active=1.27, and Very active= 1.44 (adapted from: Institute of Medicine. *", "Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids (Macronutrients).* ", "Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 2005.).", "\n\n![", "FBS concentration varieties had significant differences in MCT group in comparison to the other groups (*P*\\<0.05)](ijph-42-86f1){#f1-ijph-42-86}\n\n![", "HDL cholesterol concentration varieties are significantly differed among LEARN and CBT in comparison to the other groups (*P*\\<0.05)](ijph-42-86f2){#f2-ijph-42-86}\n\n###### \n\nGeneral characteristics of study population (data are presented as mean ± SD)\n\n **[Baseline]{.ul}** **[Post treatment]{.ul}** \n ------------------------- --------------------- --------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- --------\n BMI (kg/m^2^) 31.10 ± 4.41 29.20 ± 2.61 30.23 ± 4.18 31.86 ± 4.35 27.96 ± 4.90 26.62 ± 2.87 27.69 ± 4.16 29.53 ± 3.71 \\<0.05\n LDL cholesterol (mg/dl) 86.92 ± 12.85 90.52 ± 13.03 88.47 ± 20.26 93.85 ± 27. ", "66 94.53 ± 25.95 93.41 ± 15.57 111 ± 17.28 117.07 ± 34.26 \\<0.05\n HDL cholesterol (mg/dl) 62.00 ± 5.77 64.41 ± 7.61 48.35 ± 4.59 53.00 ± 17.32 60.00 ± 28.23 49.00 ± 6.42 45.23 ± 4.14 44.50 ± 5.86 \\<0.05\n Cholesterol (mg/dl) 172.31 ± 16.93 179.94 ± 20.73 184.12 ± 17.36 195.36 ± 41.91 169.38 ± 23.04 162.76 ± 22.87 159.24 ± 23.98 170.64 ± 31.06 \\<0.05\n TG (mg/dl) 115.46 ± 20.27 120 ± 32.88 122.76 ± 26.14 140.64 ± 43.49 85.46 ± 19.73 95.52 ± 26.80 116.29 ± 32.76 117 ± 31.34 \\<0.05\n FBS (mg/dl) 74.69 ± 5.64 77.64 ± 4.28 75.76 ± 4.03 79.35 ± 5.49 80.84 ± 5.01 78.11 ± 5.87 85.88 ± 4.49 87.71 ± 7.41 \\<0.05\n\nBMI, Body mass index; LEARN, Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, Relationship, and Nutrition; CBT, Cognitive-behavior therapy; CT, Cognitive therapy; MCT, Metacognitive therapy; FBS, Fast blood sugar; LDL, Low dense lipid; HDL, High dense lipid; TG, Triglyceride\n\n###### \n\nComparison of BMI, FBS and lipid profile concentrations among four groups\n\n **F** **Df1** **Df2** ***P* value**\n ------------------------- ------- --------- --------- ---------------\n BMI (kg/m^2^) 1.361 3 55 0.246\n LDL cholesterol (mg/dl) 2.090 3 57 0.112\n HDL cholesterol (mg/dl) 7.441 3 57 0.0001\n Cholesterol (mg/dl) 0.896 3 57 0.449\n TG (mg/dl) 3.227 3 57 0.029\n FBS (mg/dl) 8.444 3 57 0.0001\n\nBMI, Body mass index; LEARN, Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, Relationship, and Nutrition; CBT, Cognitive-behavior therapy; CT, Cognitive therapy; MCT, Metacognitive therapy; FBS, Fast blood sugar; LDL, Low dense lipid; HDL, High dense lipid; TG, Triglyceride\n\n###### \n\nMultiple comparisons of HDL and FBS concentrations among four groups\n\n **Scheffe Test for Multiple Comparisons** \n ------------------------------------------- ------- ------------- ------------- --------- -------\n HDL levels (dl/mg) LEARN CT 14.2059^\\*^ 3.46380 0.002\n LEARN MCT 12.2500^\\*^ 3.62105 0.015 \n CBT CT 9.9118^\\*^ 3.22463 0.032 \n FBS levels (dl/mg) MCT LEARN 5.7665^\\*^ 1.38477 0.002\n MCT CBT 5.6534^\\*^ 1.29754 0.001 \n\nLEARN, Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, Relationship, and Nutrition; CBT, Cognitive-behavior therapy; CT, Cognitive therapy; MCT, Metacognitive therapy; FBS, Fast blood sugar; HDL, High dense lipid\n" ]
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[ "CAIRO, Egypt — Respect for Islam, a prescription for Palestinian statehood and assurances of a speedy U.S. pullout from Iraq — that's what Muslims from Morocco to Malaysia say they want to hear from President Barack Obama this week when he addresses them from this Arab capital.", "\n\nHis speech Thursday from Cairo University will try to soften the fury toward the United States among so many of the world's 1.5 billion Muslims, ignited by the U.S. occupation of Iraq and the hands-off attitude toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict of his predecessor George W. Bush.", "\n\nObama's offer of a new beginning is seen as an attempt to stem the growing influence of extremists — particularly Iran, with its regional and nuclear ambitions — and to bolster moderate Muslim allies.", "\n\nElections in Lebanon, Iran\nIt comes just days ahead of crucial elections in Lebanon and Iran — where the appeal of militancy will be put to the test — and amid worsening violence in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.", "\n\nThe American leader's soaring oratory and Muslim roots have kindled hope among Muslims. ", "But they will judge him by his actions, not his words, said 20-year-old Mohammed Wasel, sipping sugar cane juice with friends after mosque prayers in Cairo's Abbasiya neighborhood.", "\n\n\"There will be a lot of talk, but I seriously want to see something real coming out of this speech, something tangible,\" Wasel said, expressing a view shared by an Eritrean social worker in Rome, a retired teacher in Baghdad and a Palestinian mayor in the West Bank.", "\n\nObama \"has to walk the talk,\" said social activist Marina Mahathir, daughter of Malaysia's former prime minister, Mahathir Mohamad.", "\n\nBut with rising hopes come the risk of disappointment. ", "Obama isn't expected to present a detailed vision of a Mideast peace deal — potentially the most effective antidote to anti-Western sentiment — until later.", "\n\nPro-Israeli bias?", "\nAnd there is doubt the U.S. president can change entrenched foreign policy, particularly what is perceived in the Muslim world as Washington's pro-Israeli bias. ", "What Muslims see as America's repeated failure to hold Israel to its international obligations is a sore point. ", "A construction freeze in Israeli West Bank settlements — Obama wants it, Israel rejects it — is shaping up as a major test.", "\n\n\"It's true that Obama's election created a new wave of hope,\" said Jordan-based political analyst Mouin Rabbani. \"", "But if he pulls the same tricks as his predecessor — making some nice statements and doing the opposite in practice — people will be disabused of their illusions quite quickly.\"", "\n\nObama will also go to Saudi Arabia and meet King Abdullah on his Mideast trip. ", "But he is not visiting Israel, though just a short flight away.", "\n\nThe president's initial actions have earned him good will. ", "He's reached out to Muslims in an interview with an Arab satellite TV station, in video message to Iranians on the Persian new year and in a speech to the Turkish parliament. ", "He ordered Guantanamo prison closed within a year and said the U.S. would not engage in torture, reversing two Bush policies seen here as having targeted Muslims.", "\n\nChance for reconciliationAfter the Bush years, one of the darkest periods in U.S.-Muslim relations, there is now a chance for reconciliation, said Shibley Telhami, a Mideast scholar at the University of Maryland who conducts annual public opinion surveys around the Middle East.", "\n\n\"The most striking is the openness toward President Obama and the expressed hopefulness about American foreign policy, something profoundly new, given the last eight years,\" he said.", "\n\nIn the latest survey, 73 percent of 4,087 respondents felt positive or neutral toward Obama. ", "The poll had margins of error ranging from 3.6 to 4.5 percentage points, in the six Arab countries where it was conducted in April and May.\n\nThe positive results for Obama seem remarkable for a region where four in five people still hold unfavorable views of the U.S., and Venezuela's stridently anti-American President Hugo Chavez was named most admired foreign leader.", "\n\nIf Obama wants to rally Muslim support to rein in Iran, analysts say, he will have to prove his good intentions elsewhere. ", "In particular, he needs to move to end Israel's occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem, lands the Palestinians want for a state.", "\n\n\"If he wants to win the hearts of Muslims, then there must be peace for all of the Middle East,\" said M. Salim Abdullah, 78, a Muslim of Bosnian descent who heads an Islamic research library in Soest, Germany.", "\n\nRestoring Muslim confidenceA pullout of Iraqi troops according to schedule would also go a long way toward restoring Muslim confidence. ", "But despite Obama's timetable — he plans to withdraw most U.S. troops by September 2010 and pull all out by the end of 2011 — many are upset by the ongoing violence and fear Iraq could one day disintegrate.", "\n\nObama's choice of Cairo as the venue for his speech highlights problems that have long fed militancy in the Arab world. ", "Authoritarian rule, poverty and a lack of opportunity deprive many of the young of a say in their future.", "\n\nYouth unemployment in the Middle East and North Africa is the highest in the world, with one in four young Egyptians sitting idle, the U.N. says. ", "Nearly 20 percent of Egypt's 79 million people live on less than $2 a day. ", "Islamic militants from Egypt, including al Qaida's No. ", "2 Ayman al-Zawahiri, have exported their violent ideology. ", "Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, like other U.S. allies in the region, tolerates little opposition.", "\n\nObama will have to strike a balance between raising human rights violations in Egypt and elsewhere in the region, while not sounding like he is trying to impose U.S. values. ", "The Bush administration's pro-democracy campaign in the Middle East was widely seen as hypocritical, particularly after the U.S. refused to deal with the Islamic militant Hamas despite its 2006 election victory in the Palestinian territories.", "\n\n\"When someone talks to me with dignity and respect, then I will feel I could follow him,\" said 19-year-old Mustafa Ragab. ", "He spoke after Friday prayers at a Cairo mosque, where the preacher promoted the idea of dialogue ahead of Obama's visit. \"", "I think Obama will be able to make the Arabs feel that way.\"", "\n\nBeyond shared concerns, different parts of the Muslim world have particular issues.", "\n\nBuilding up forces in AfghanistanWhile the U.S. draws down forces in Iraq, it is building them up in another Muslim country, Afghanistan, as part of its intensifying war on the Taliban. ", "But the Afghan government says mounting civilian deaths are undermining support for the campaign.", "\n\nKabul shopkeeper Abdul Wasi, 34, said sending more U.S. troops is futile. \"", "The experience of our three decades of war shows that in the end, it will not work,\" said Wasi, 34. \"", "Since Obama came in, nothing has changed for us.\"", "\n\nIranians say they want Obama to ease economic sanctions, in place since 1995, and push for a resumption of ties.", "\n\n\"The sanctions the U.S has imposed so far have only damaged ordinary people in Iran,\" said Tehran mechanic Abbas Taghizadeh.", "\n\nMillions of Muslims in Europe struggle to win acceptance and shed the stigma of extremism, without sacrificing their customs. ", "They have fought for the right to build mosques and have girls wear headscarves in schools, a sign of religious observance. ", "Obama may not have much to offer in their struggles.", "\n\nStill Obama gets some credit up front for just being himself. ", "Many were inspired by his victory, emotionally connecting to his African and Muslim roots and his childhood in Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation.", "\n\n\"It's so exciting to have a black man run the entire world,\" said Awni Shatarat, 45, a clothing store owner in the Palestinian refugee camp of Baqaa in Jordan.", "\n\nCopyright 2009 The Associated Press. ", "All rights reserved. ", "This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow do I set the background color of a widget like combobox or double spin box?", "\n\nI am trying to set the background color for a double spin box, and I am not sure what function I should use.", "\nI saw some function called SetBackgroundRole which accepts a Qt::ColorRole, but I am not sure how to use this one as well.", "\nKindly let me know, what's the simple way to change the background color of a QComboBox or QDoubleSpinBox?", "\n\nA:\n\nfhe is generally correct, but doesn't account for the widgets (like spin boxes and buttons/comboboxes) that use a different background role in the palette. ", " A more general solution would be something like this:\nQPalette pal = widget.palette();\npal.setColor(widget.backgroundRole(), Qt::blue);\nwidget.setPalette(pal);\n\nAlternatively, you could look into the descriptions of the various palette roles and figure out the one you want, then apply it to the widget containing the others you want changed. ", " The palette changes should propagate to the children widgets.", "\n\nA:\n\nUsing a QPalette isn't guaranteed to work for all styles, because style authors are restricted by the different platforms' guidelines and by the native theme engine.", "\nTo make sure your background color will be correct, I would suggest to use the Qt Style Sheet. ", "Here is what I did to change the background color of a QComboBox:\nmyComboBox->setStyleSheet(\"QComboBox { background-color: blue; }\");\nI haven't specifically tried for a QSpinBox, but I guess it'll work the same !", "\n\nA:\n\nActually, if you look at the Qt docs for QPalette in the case of a QComboBox the background role is probably not what you want. ", " What you want is:\n\nQPalette::Base Used mostly as the background color for text entry widgets, but can also be used for other painting - such as the background of combobox drop down lists and toolbar handles. ", "It is usually white or another light color.", "\n\nSo here is the code I am using to set the background color of a combo box I am using to match the color of the widget it is on:\nQPalette pal = myComboBox->palette();\npal.setColor(QPalette::Base, pal.color(QPalette::Window));\nmyComboBox->setPalette(pal);\n\n" ]
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[ "As part of the funding, Matt McIlwain of Madrona Venture Group and Greg Papadopoulos of NEA will be joining the company’s board of directors, with Forest Baskett from NEA joining as an observer.", "\n\nStarted in 2009 as an open-source project by data scientist and entrepreneur Carlos Guestrin, PhD, the GraphLab software is already being used for millions of recommendations in popular consumer services on a daily basis, the fledgling company asserts.", "\n\nGraphLab-the-company wants to capitalize on the success of GraphLab-the-open-source-project by building a commercial product for applying advanced machine-learning to massive graph datasets, referring to its platform as a “Hadoop but for graphs” on a high level. ", "The company promises to continue actively supporting the open-source project.", "\n\nGuestrin, who is at the helm of the company as its CEO, says:\n\n“Data has the ability to make our lives better – whether applied to public health, economics, or suggesting the perfect song. ", "But as the complexity of data sets grows, the need for entirely new ways of thinking about them has grown as well.", "\n\nThe industry’s response to the GraphLab project has been clear, this is the solution that drives millions of transactions daily and we are excited to continue to build on this success with commercial products that make a difference.”", "\n\nGraphLab says it will introduce version 2.2 to the GraphLab open-source project at the annual GraphLab workshop in San Francisco on July 1st.", "\n\nRobin Wauters is the European Editor of The Next Web.", "\nHe describes himself as a hopeless cyberflâneur, a lover of startups, his family and Belgian beer.", "\nIf you'd like to know more about Robin, head on over to robinwauters.com or follow him on Twitter." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Six PlayStation 4 Exclusives Sony Should Make\n\nWith the PS4 recently announced and to be officially released later this year, developers are hard at work developing games for the brand new platform. ", "Social media is abuzz with discussions on the new games that are about to be announced .", "\n\nHere are some of the games that we think you would definitely like to see in the line-up of the eagerly awaited PlayStation 4 when it launches in holiday this year.", "\n\n1. ", "New God of War game\n\nThe God of war series is one of the most popular games of Sony and has been running successfully for a long period of time. ", "It is an award winning and critically acclaimed game based on Greek mythology. ", "First released in 2005, the game is based on the vengeful actions of the protagonist Kratos who was the servant of Ares, the God of war. ", "Definitely a game to be explored by the new technological advancements that the PS4 will usher in.", "\n\n2. ", "Uncharted 4\n\nAnother one we would definitely like to see in the PlayStation 4 catalogue. ", "Published by Sony with developer Naughty Dog, the Uncharted series is a third person shooter video game developed exclusively for PlayStation consoles. ", "The series follows the adventures of modern day treasure hunter Nathan Drake. ", "The series started off with PS3 as the platform and went on to become one of the most successful games in the genre. ", "With three successful installments, a next for the PS4 is definitely on the cards.", "\n\n3. ", "Gran Turismo 6\n\nSelection of games for the PS4 will be not be complete without a racing game in the list. ", "This is where a probable Gran Turismo 6 comes in. ", "The Gran Turismo series is a racing simulation video game developed by Polyphony Digital. ", "The game is primarily intended to simulate the performance and appearance of reproductions of a large selection of real life automobiles. ", "The highest selling game for the PlayStation, the Gran Turismo 6, if released will definitely be a bestseller once again.", "\n\n4. ", "Killzone 4\n\nWe cannot omit a good shooter from the list of games desired for the PS4. ", "So, definitely Killzone 4 makes the list. ", "Developed by Guerrilla Games, Killzone, Killzone 2 and Killzone 3 are first person shooters. ", "Killzone: Liberation is a stand-alone third person shooter. ", "The series is about the war between the Interplanetary Strategic Alliance and Hellghast. ", "Killzone 4 has officially been announced and we can’t wait to get our hands on the game.", "\n\n5. ", "Brand new IP by Sony\n\nWith a new console being introduced, it’s not hard to think that Sony is planning to announce some brand new IPs to boost its chances at catching gamers’ attention the world over. ", "It would be interesting to see what Sony can manage to achieve with a more powerful console and new properties built from the ground up to utilize the power of the device would definitely be the perfect examples.", "\n\n6. ", "New game by Quantic Dream:\n\nQuantic Dream is the pioneer in developing games in the cinematic genre. ", "They are a French company and their games are characterized by the interactive entertainment they provide. ", "Quantic Dream is the first to create games which allow players to play through multiple world lines and uses interactive cinema technology. ", "Their games till now are Omikron: The Nomad Soul, Fahrenheit, Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls. ", "It is rumored that Quantic Dream is currently working on a new science fiction game titled Horizon. ", "Definitely one to look out for.", "\n\nThese are our pick in regards to what Sony should definitely announce for the PlayStation 4, in case you want to add to the list, feel free to post in the comments below." ]
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[ "La parte de enga�ar bots\n\n\n\nName\n\n\n\nComment\n\n\n\nLa parte de enga�ar bots todav�a m�s\n\n\n\n\n\ndanm36\n\nThis is what the entirety of non-America expected to happen, and it sort of did. ", "Good job!", "\n\n2012-01-30 18:33:42 This is what the entirety of non-America expected to happen, and it sort of did. ", "Good job! ", "Isaac39\n\nThat awkward moment when there's a Homestuck joke in the description of a MLP:FiM comic made by a Spanish guy.", "\n\nI KNEW I COULDN'T BE THE ONLY ONE\n\nAlso Spike should look high, not drunk. ", "High Spikey wikey is best Spikey wikey.", "\n\n2012-01-30 19:27:51 That awkward moment when there's a Homestuck joke in the description of a MLP:FiM comic made by a Spanish guy.", "I KNEW I COULDN'T BE THE ONLY ONEAlso Spike should look high, not drunk. ", "High Spikey wikey is best Spikey wikey. ", "Draug\n\n\"Been dreaming, I've been waiting to fl*hics* with those gre*hics* ponies...\" Not the best song to sing while drinking, RD.", "\n\n\n\nAlso, best friendship report EVAH. (", "After this, the n-th joke about AJ being sent to the moon - BIIIIATCH - was made)\n\n2012-01-30 19:43:38 \"Been dreaming, I've been waiting to fl*hics* with those gre*hics* ponies...\" Not the best song to sing while drinking, RD.Also, best friendship report EVAH. (", "After this, the n-th joke about AJ being sent to the moon - BIIIIATCH - was made) BlackWidower\n\nHEY! ", "That was my observation!!!", "\n\n\n\n\"It’s like a hoof-written drunk-dial.\" - ", "Me http://wp.me/pu7p5-x7\n\n2012-01-30 20:17:08 HEY! ", "That wasobservation!!!\"It’s like a hoof-written drunk-dial.\" - ", "Me http://wp.me/pu7p5-x7 mariods\n\nFlipach, tron, -hip- como se enrrolla la trronca de la princessa con su arcoirriss que sale de su culo y su... -hip-\n\n\n\nEn serio, mira que sacar al pobre Spike borrachuzo. ", "Te habrás quedado a gusto. ", "XDDDD\n\n2012-01-30 21:20:39 Flipach, tron, -hip- como se enrrolla la trronca de la princessa con su arcoirriss que sale de su culo y su... -hip-En serio, mira que sacar al pobre Spike borrachuzo. ", "Te habrás quedado a gusto. ", "XDDDD Doktor Barron\n\nCider is a alcoholic beverage. ", "It's Fermented Apple juice.", "\n\n2012-01-30 22:53:45 Cider is a alcoholic beverage. ", "It's Fermented Apple juice. ", "Sock Fortress 2\n\nApplejack was drunk when she dictated that letter? ", "That explains it.", "\n\n2012-01-30 23:41:07 Applejack was drunk when she dictated that letter? ", "That explains it. ", "D. Shadows\n\nI'll drink to that. (", "Apple juice of course, which is another word for 'filtered' cider.)", "\n\n2012-01-31 02:51:55 I'll drink to that. (", "Apple juice of course, which is another word for 'filtered' cider.) ", "DemonKaizoku\n\nCelestia appears to be missing some of her horn lines.", "\n\nApart from that, this was hilarious. ", "XD\n\n2012-01-31 05:57:37 Celestia appears to be missing some of her horn lines.", "Apart from that, this was hilarious. ", "XD\n\n2012-02-01 00:54:27 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Choco Drops\n\nThen why are they druncek\n\n*ducnk\n\n*drunck\n\n\n\nCELESTIA DAMMIT!", "\n\n2012-02-01 09:43:59 Then why are they druncek*ducnk*drunckCELESTIA DAMMIT! ", "Marcos\n\nIs it some kind of cruel joke?", "\n\n2012-02-02 08:16:53 Is it some kind of cruel joke? ", "Dhatz\n\nyou know the last scene just replaced hypno eyes in \"welcome to the herd\" duty? ", "http://i.imgur.com/1o9uX.gif\n\n2012-02-02 11:35:22 you know the last scene just replaced hypno eyes in \"welcome to the herd\" duty? ", "http://i.imgur.com/1o9uX.gif Drunk Rainbow Dash\n\nEhhh, what's this? ", "I dunno, must be some sort of weird *hic* thing. ", "Gah.", "\n\n2012-02-03 09:58:06 Ehhh, what's this? ", "I dunno, must be some sort of weird *hic* thing. ", "Gah. ", "Celestia\n\nLOL! ", "Thanks for not using \"Trollestia\" jokes! ", ":D This was hilarious!", "\n\n2012-02-08 21:07:40 LOL! ", "Thanks for not using \"Trollestia\" jokes! ", ":D This was hilarious! ", "Aaron\n\nI think the episode was referencing alcohlic cider personally, especially when pinkie walked past with like 20 glasses xD\n\n2012-02-15 20:40:20 I think the episode was referencing alcohlic cider personally, especially when pinkie walked past with like 20 glasses xD RaenBoow\n\nlol non-alcoholic yeah :>\n\n2012-02-17 10:53:32 lol non-alcoholic yeah :> Not\n\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u56R_qHTLVI\n\nThis could help explain your issue.", "\n\n2012-02-28 17:25:24 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u56R_qHTLVIThis could help explain your issue. _", "L1pE_BR\n\nThe only cider that makes foam is hard cider, the alcoholic version.", "\n\n2012-03-02 23:06:28 The only cider that makes foam is hard cider, the alcoholic version. ", "Centaur71\n\nIs cider non-alcoholic? ", "You BEER-ter believe it!", "\n\n2012-03-03 06:09:12 Is cider non-alcoholic? ", "You BEER-ter believe it! ", "RM6\n\nThey got these big, chewy pretzels here...asfeoigesgg...\n\nFive dollars!? ", "Get outta here.", "\n\n2012-03-08 07:19:18 They got these big, chewy pretzels here...asfeoigesgg...Five dollars!? ", "Get outta here. ", "Canada\n\nWhat if your name IS Tia?", "\n\n\n\n:'D\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI'M\n\nTHE\n\nBEST\n\nPONY.", "\n\n\n\n*w00t*\n\n2012-04-11 23:34:42 What if your name IS Tia?:'DI'MTHEBESTPONY.*w00t* Vector\n\nits princess molestia :O\n\n2012-04-18 17:13:39 its princess molestia :O pinkieshy and flutterpieI\n\n........dafuq wit dose expressions....\n\n2012-04-19 23:17:20 ........dafuq wit dose expressions.... Crackle\n\nthat's fun...\n\nTwilight-what now!", "\n\nDashie-rarity is kissing the real spike :S\n\nrarity- -kissess spike-\n\nspike- -kisssess rarity-\n\ndashie and twilight-NOW WHAT ARE YOU DOING!", "\n\n(LIKE A BOSS)\n\n2012-04-25 11:47:13 that's fun...Twilight-what now!Dashie-rarity is kissing the real spike :Srarity- -kissess spike-spike- -kisssess rarity-dashie and twilight-NOW WHAT ARE YOU DOING!(LIKE A BOSS) Matias\n\nOh, you non-Americans...\n\n2012-05-11 19:16:57 Oh, you non-Americans... Spirit\n\nAt least it wasn't Pinkie! ", "That wouldn't end up well.", "\n\n2012-06-20 07:04:37 At least it wasn't Pinkie! ", "That wouldn't end up well. ", "everypony\n\nP.S. I love your royal flank\n\n2012-07-17 07:05:56 P.S. I love your royal flank Minty Tech\n\nYeaaa.......Thats why i NEVER eat cider.....Unless its Sunday, them i'll go drinkin' with mah friends.", "\n\n2012-07-23 03:54:52 Yeaaa.......Thats why i NEVER eat cider.....Unless its Sunday, them i'll go drinkin' with mah friends. ", "Minty Tech\n\nIM BACK AND IM OK! ", "DRUCKA S A MOTHERF*CKA NO WORRA IM OK!!! ", "THAT CIDER GOT MAH DRUCK AS F*CK!", "\n\n2012-07-23 04:25:37 IM BACK AND IM OK! ", "DRUCKA S A MOTHERF*CKA NO WORRA IM OK!!! ", "THAT CIDER GOT MAH DRUCK AS F*CK! ", "BenRG\n\nCider. ", "It's apples. ", "Mostly.", "\n\n2012-08-04 23:12:04 Cider. ", "It's apples. ", "Mostly. ", "Renee Campbell Wright\n\nIt looks like they got drunk on apple sider xD\n\n2012-10-06 02:43:42 It looks like they got drunk on apple sider xD DJLukkiDay\n\nOK why are drunk ponies so much fun?", "\n\n2012-11-15 22:42:13 OK why are drunk ponies so much fun? ", "Krekling\n\nHAHAHA Spike's face Oh lord\n\n2012-11-22 07:59:24 HAHAHA Spike's face Oh lord 1337 P0N3\n\nZ1D3R- N0UN- @ DR1NK M@D3 FR0M @PP13Z Z1M11@R 2 @PP13 JU1Z3 8U7 W17H 7H3 PU1P 13F7 1N.\n\n2012-12-17 23:03:57 Z1D3R- N0UN- @ DR1NK M@D3 FR0M @PP13Z Z1M11@R 2 @PP13 JU1Z3 8U7 W17H 7H3 PU1P 13F7 1N. Goth Guru\n\nIf you can eat it, it must be hard cider. :)", "\n\n2013-01-02 00:57:15 If you can eat it, it must be hard cider. :) ", "Princess Luna\n\nDAMMIT! ", "I didn't get to drink cider!", "\n\n2013-03-02 17:50:19 DAMMIT! ", "I didn't get to drink cider! ", "LPSLOVER123\n\nTHIS IS WHY APPLE JACK SHOULD NOT RIGHT LETTERS THE PRINCESS! ", "DRUNK PONIES ARE DANGEROUS!", "\n\n2013-03-25 01:07:03 THIS IS WHY APPLE JACK SHOULD NOT RIGHT LETTERS THE PRINCESS! ", "DRUNK PONIES ARE DANGEROUS! ", "Crystal Flame\n\nWut.", "\n\n2013-03-30 08:57:42 Wut. ", "BinaryHedgehog\n\nOh Hedi, diedi, diedi, diedi, diedi, die!", "\n\n2013-04-16 00:05:08 Oh Hedi, diedi, diedi, diedi, diedi, die! ", "TipsyGnostalgic\n\nI wnat sum\n\n*watn\n\n*want\n\ncdire\n\n*cierd\n\n*ceird\n\n*fuk it\n\n2013-10-26 06:22:01 I wnat sum*watn*wantcdire*cierd*ceird*fuk it Goober111\n\nLOL\n\n2014-06-16 21:13:46 LOL shakurah\n\nlol lol lol\n\n2014-12-10 23:40:08 lol lol lol Your Drunk Subject Applejack\n\n\"Princess Celestia may you plz send me to the moon also?\"", "\n\n\"If that's what you want...\"\n\n2015-02-13 02:24:25 \"Princess Celestia may you plz send me to the moon also?\"\"If that's what you want...\" Princess luna\n\ni thought i was best pony well me and my sisters are best ponies :3\n\n2015-04-18 01:13:36 i thought i was best pony well me and my sisters are best ponies :3" ]
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[ "Follicular neoplasms of the thyroid in men older than 50 years of age. ", "A DNA flow cytometric study.", "\nThe clinical behavior of follicular neoplasms of the thyroid in elderly men can be difficult to predict on histologic grounds alone. ", "To assess the usefulness of DNA flow cytometry in predicting the metastatic potential of these tumors, the authors studied 44 primary and metastatic follicular neoplasms of the thyroid by DNA flow cytometry of paraffin-embedded tissue. ", "The neoplasms were obtained from 44 men ranging in age from 50 to 79 years (mean, 60). ", "There were 29 follicular adenomas, 11 primary follicular carcinomas (neoplasms with capsular and/or vascular invasion), and 4 metastatic follicular carcinomas. ", "Follow-up information was available on 40 of the 44 patients. ", "The mean follow-up was 114 months. ", "Twenty-five of the 29 follicular adenomas had a diploid DNA content, 2 (7%) were tetraploid, and the DNA histograms on 2 were not interpretable. ", "All patients with follicular adenomas had no evidence of disease (NED) at last follow-up. ", "Eight of the 11 primary follicular carcinomas were diploid. ", "Six of these patients had NED, one died with carcinoma at 82 months, and no follow-up was available on one. ", "Three (27%) of the primary follicular carcinomas were aneuploid or tetraploid. ", "Two of these patients had NED, and the third died with carcinoma 84 months after diagnosis. ", "Two of the four metastatic follicular carcinomas were diploid and two (50%) were aneuploid or tetraploid. ", "One of the two patients with diploid metastatic follicular carcinomas died with carcinoma, as did one of the two patients with aneuploid metastatic follicular carcinomas. ", "These results suggest the following: (1) follicular carcinomas are more likely to be aneuploid or tetraploid than are follicular adenomas; (2) follicular neoplasms without capsular or vascular invasion may include a small number of aneuploid or tetraploid tumors; and (3) DNA ploidy does not add to the prognostic value of histologic studies alone." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'This is the short review of Monte-Carlo studies of quark confinement in lattice QCD. ", "After abelian projections both in the maximally abelian and Polyakov gauges, it is seen that the monopole part alone is responsible for confinement. ", "A block spin transformation on the dual lattice suggests that lattice $SU(2)$ QCD is always ( for all $\\beta$) in the monopole condensed phase and so in the confinement phase in the infinite volume limit.'", "\nauthor:\n- |\n Tsuneo Suzuki [^1]\\\n [*Department of Physics, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa 920-11, Japan* ]{}\ntitle: ' Monopole Condensation in Lattice SU(2) QCD [^2] '\n---\n\n\\#1[[$\\backslash$\\#1]{}]{}\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nIt is crucial to understand the mechanism of quark confinement in order to explain hadron physics out of QCD. ", "Our standpoint is based on the ’tHooft idea of abelian projection of QCD.[@thooft] The abelian projection is to fix the gauge in such a way that the maximal torus group remains unbroken. ", "After the abelian projection, monopoles appear as a topological quantity in the residual abelian channel. ", "QCD is reduced to an abelian theory with electric charges and monopoles. ", "If the monopoles make Bose condensation, charged quarks and gluons are confined due to the dual Meissner effect.", "\n\nBased on this standpoint, the present author and his collaborators have studied color confinement mechanism and hadron physics performing Monte Carlo simulations of abelian projection in lattice QCD. [", "@yotsu; @suzu93; @shiba3; @shiba4; @shiba5; @shiba6; @ejiri2; @ejiri3; @suzu94a; @suzu94b; @matsu; @kita94; @suzu94c; @suzu95a] The aim of the study is to ascetain correctness of the picture, that is, to check if monopole condensation really occurs in QCD. ", "Here I review the results of these studies compactly.[^3]\n\nAbelian dominance and monopole dominance\n========================================\n\nMaximally abelian and Polyakov gauges\n-------------------------------------\n\nThere are infinite ways of abelian projection extracting such an abelian theory out of QCD. ", "We have found two gauges which show interesting behaviors called abelian dominance. [", "@yotsu; @suzu93; @kron]\n\nOne is the maximally abelian (MA) gauge. ", "Define a matrix in $SU(2)$ QCD $$\\begin{aligned}\nX(s) & = & \\sum_{\\mu}[\n U(s,\\mu)\\sigma_3 U^{\\dagger}(s,\\mu) \n + U^{\\dagger}(s-\\hat{\\mu},\\mu)\\sigma_3 U(s-\\hat{\\mu},\\mu)] \\\\\n & = & X_1 (s)\\sigma_1 + X_2 (s)\\sigma_2 + X_3 (s)\\sigma_3.\\end{aligned}$$ Then a gauge satisfying $X_1 (s)=X_2 (s)=0$ is the MA gauge [@kron] which tends to a $U(1)$-covariant gauge $(\\partial_{\\mu} \\pm igA^3_{\\mu})\nA^{\\pm \\mu} =0$ in the continuum limit. ", "The other is the Polyakov gauge which is defined by diagonalizing Polyakov loop operators. ", "We have found that important features of confinement, i.e., the string tension and the charateristic behaviors of the Polyakov loops are well reproduced in terms of the abelian operators $O(u(s,\\mu))$ both in MA gauge[@yotsu; @suzu93] and in the Polyakov gauge. [", "@suzu94a] See Figures  $1 \\sim 4$.\n\nFig.1  Monopole Dirac string\\\nand photon contributions to\\\nPolyakov loops in MA gauge.", "\n\n\\[f1\\]\n\n\\[f2\\]\n\nMonopole dominance in the Polyakov loops\n----------------------------------------\n\nAn abelian Polyakov loop $P$ which is written in terms of abelian link fields alone is given by a product of contributions from Dirac strings of monopoles and from photons.[@suzu94a; @matsu] We have observed the photon and the Dirac-string contributions separately. ", "See Figs.1 and 2. ", "The characteristic features of the Polyakov loops as an order parameter of the deconfinement transition are due to the Dirac string contributions alone. ", "The photon part has a finite contribution for both phases and it changes only slightly. ", "The fact that monopoles are responsible for the essential feature of the Polyakov loop is found also in $U(1)$ and in $SU(3)$. It is remarkable that the behavior of the abelian Polyakov loops as an order parameter and the monopole responsibility are seen [*in any gauge.[@suzu94a]*]{} This is the first phenomena suggesting gauge independence of the ’tHooft conjecture.", "\n\nFig.3  Monopole and photon\\\ncontributions to the string\\\ntension in MA gauge in $SU(2)$\\\nQCD in comparison with the full\\\nand the abelian ones.", "\n\n\\[f3\\]\n\n\\[f4\\]\n\nThe string tension and monopoles\n--------------------------------\n\nShiba and Suzuki[@shiba3; @shiba4] have shown furthermore that monopoles alone can reproduce the full value of the string tension in $SU(2)$ QCD. ", "An abelian Wilson loop operator is rewritten by a product of monopole and photon contributions. ", "The string tensions evaluated from monopole and photon contributions are plotted in Fig.3. ", "The string tension is reproduced only from the monopole contribution.", "\n\nIt is possible to know the static potential from the correlation of the Polyakov loops. ", "The string tension is then derived from the static potential. ", "We have measured the correlations using the Polyakov loop operators written in terms of full and abelian link fields and link fields given by the monopole Dirac string. ", "The preliminary data are plotted in Fig.4 in the case of the Polyakov gauge. ", "A linear behavior is seen with the almost similar string tension in all three cases. ", "This is another data supporting gauge invariance of confinement mechanism due to monopole condensation.", "\n\nMonopole action and condensation\n================================\n\nThe above abelian dominance suggests that a set of $U(1)$ invariant operators $\\{O(u(s,\\mu))\\}$ are enough to describe confinement. ", "Then there must exists an effective $U(1)$ action $S_{eff}(u)$ describing confinement. ", "We tried to derive $S_{eff}(u)$ using Schwinger-Dyson equations, but failed to get it in a compact and local form.[@suzu93] $S_{eff}(u)$ contains larger and larger loops as $\\beta$.\n\nShiba and Suzuki author tried to perform a dual transformation of $S_{eff}(u)$ in $SU(2)$ QCD and to obtain the effective $U(1)$ action [@shiba3; @shiba6; @suzu94b] in terms of monopole currents.[@degrand] To study the long range behavior important in QCD, They have considered also extended monopoles.[@ivanenko] The extended monopole currents are defined by the number of the Dirac strings surrounding an extended cube: $$\\begin{aligned}\nk_{\\mu}^{(n)}(s) \n & = & \\sum_{i,j,l=0}^{n-1}k_{\\mu}(ns+(n-1)\\hat{\\mu}+i\\hat{\\nu}\n +j\\hat{\\rho}+l\\hat{\\sigma}),\\end{aligned}$$ where $k_{\\mu}(s)$ is the ordinary monopole current.[@degrand] Considering extended monopoles corresponds to performing a block spin transformation on a dual lattice[@shiba6; @suzu94b] and so It is suitable for exploring the long range property of QCD.", "\n\nThe partition function of interacting monopole currents is expressed as $$\\begin{aligned}\n Z=(\\prod_{s,\\mu} \\sum_{k_{\\mu} (s)=-\\infty}^\\infty ) \\,\n (\\prod_{s} \\delta_{\\partial '_{\\mu}k_{\\mu}(s) ,0 } ) \\,\n \\exp (-S[k]) .", "\n\\label{eqn:pfunm}\\end{aligned}$$ It is natural to assume $S[k] = \\sum_i f_i S_i [k]$. Here $f_i$ is a coupling constant of an interaction $S_i [k]$. For example, $f_1$ is the coupling of the self energy term $\\sum_{n,\\mu}(k_\\mu(s))^2$, $f_2$ is the coupling of a nearest-neighbor interaction term $\\sum_{n,\\mu} k_\\mu(s) k_\\mu(s+\\hat\\mu)$ and $f_3$ is the coupling of another nearest-neighbor term $\\sum_{n,\\mu\\neq\\nu} k_\\mu(s) k_\\mu(s+\\hat\\nu)$.[@shiba6] Shiba and Suzuki[@shiba3; @shiba5; @shiba6] extended a method developed by Swendsen[@swendsn] to the system of monopole currents obeying the current conservation rule.", "\n\nThe monopole actions are obtained locally enough for all extended monopoles considered even in the scaling region. ", "They are lattice volume independent. ", "The coupling constant $f_1$ of the self-energy term is dominant and the coupling constants decrease rapidly as the distance between the two monopole currents increases.", "\n\nTo study monopole dynamics, we have also studied the length of monopole loops and monopole charge distribution. ", "We have found that 1)each vacuum has only one long connected loop and a small number of short loops. ", "The difference of the two types of loops is very clear. ", "2)The length of the long loop becomes shorter as $\\beta$ becomes larger. ", "In the deep deconfinement region, there disappears a long loop. ", "3)Monopole charges are almost $\\pm 1$.\n\nFig.5  Monopole action versus\\\nlength of loops\n\n\\[f7\\]\n\n\\[f8\\]\n\nSince the long loop is important, we plot the value of monopole action versus length of the long loops as seen in Fig.5. ", "The value of the action is proportional to the length $L$ of the long loop is well approximated by $f_1 \\times L$.\n\nAs done in compact QED,[@bank] the entropy of a monopole loop can be estimated as $\\ln 7$ per unit loop length. ", "Since the action is approximated by the self energy part $f_1 L$, the free energy per unit monopole loop length is approximated by $( f_1-\\ln 7 ) $ . ", "If $f_1 < \\ln 7$, the entropy dominates over the energy, which means condensation of monopoles. ", "In Fig.6, $f_1$ versus $\\beta$ for various extended monopoles on $24^4$ lattice is shown in comparison with the entropy value $\\ln 7$. Each extended monopole has its own $\\beta$ region where the condition $f_1 < \\ln 7$ is satisfied. ", "When the extendedness is bigger, larger $\\beta$ is included in such a region. ", "Larger extended monopoles are more important in determining the phase transition point.", "\n\nFig.7 Coupling constants $f_1$\\\nand $f_2$ versus $b$.\n\n\\[f9\\]\n\n\\[f10\\]\n\nThe behaviors of $f_i$ are different for different extended monopoles. ", "However, if we plot them versus $b=n\\times a(\\beta)$, we get a unique curve as in Fig.7. ", "The coupling constants seem to depend only on $b$, not on the extendedness nor $\\beta$. There is a critical $b_c$ corresponding to critical $\\beta^n_c$, i.e., $b_c =na(\\beta^n_c)$.\n\nNow we can derive important conclusions. ", "Suppose the effective monopole action remains the same for any extended monopoles in the infinite volume limit. ", "Then the finiteness of $b_c =na(\\beta^n_c)$ suggests $\\beta^n_c$ becomes infinite when the extendedness $n$ goes to infinity. ", "$SU(2)$ lattice QCD is always (for all $\\beta$) in the monopole condensed and then in the color confinement phase.[@thooft] This is one of what one wants to prove in the framework of lattice QCD.", "\n\nNotice again that considering extended monopoles corresponds to performing a block spin transformation on the dual lattice. ", "The above fact that the effective actions for all extended monopoles considered are the same for fixed $b$ means that the action may be the renormalized trajectory on which one can take the continuum limit. ", "See Fig.8. ", "Our results suggest the continuum monopole action takes the form predicted by Smit and Sijs.[@smit]\n\nSimulation of monopole action\n=============================\n\nTo test if the fixed monopole action is the renormalized trajectory, we have tried to simulate the system with the action.[@suzu95a]\n\nWe have obtained the following results:\n\n1. ", " The action with quadratic interactions alone is not good, since it gives a longer monopole loop and a larger string tension than expected. ", "We need a term which gives a repulsive force between monopole currents.", "\n\n2. ", " With such small repulsive terms, we get the nice fit of the loop length and the string tension on small lattices. ", "Finite-size effects are seen to be small.", "\n\n3. ", " We have also made Monte-Carlo simulations in the $T\\neq 0$ QCD. ", "Only the self-coupling term can reproduce the qualitative features of the deconfinement transition as seen in Fig.10.", "\n\nFig.9  The string tension versus\\\nthe lattice size\n\n\\[f11\\]\n\n\\[f13\\]\n\nDiscussions and outlook\n=======================\n\nSome comments are in order.", "\n\n1. ", " It is important to find an order parameter of confinement due to monopole condensation.[@suzu95a] The number of Dirac string $n_{i4}(s)$ may be a candidate.[@suzu95a] $n_{i4}(s)$ is a magnetic $U(1)$ variant quantity.[@jevicki]\n\n2. ", " Gauge independence should be proved if the monopole condensation is the real confinement mechanism. ", "The data of Polyakov loops from monopoles are encouraging. ", "That the correct string tension could be derived both in MA gauge and Polyakov gauge is also encouraging. ", "Gauge independent results will be obtained if we go to large $\\beta$ on larger lattice.", "\n\n3. ", " How to test the correctness of this idea? ", "The theory predicts the existence of an axial vector glueball-like state C($J^{pc}=1^{+-}$) and a scalar glueball-like state $\\chi$($J^{pc}=0^{++}$). ", "The masses seem to satisfy $m_c\\sim m_{\\chi}$.[@singh; @matsu93; @hay93] The masses could not be too heavy. ", "They have to exist under 2Gev. ", "To evaluate the correlation between the state and the light hadrons in MC simulations of full QCD is very important to derive the total width and the branching ratios.", "\n\nThe author is thankful to Y.Matsubara, S.Kitahara, H.Shiba, S.Ejiri and\\\nO.Miyamura for (partial) collaboration and fruitful discussions. ", "This work is financially supported by JSPS Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research (B) (No.06452028).", "\n\n[99]{} G. ’tHooft, Nucl. ", "Phys. [**", "B190**]{} (1981), 455. ", "T. Suzuki and I. Yotsuyanagi, Phys. ", "Rev. [**D42**]{} (1990), 4257; Nucl. ", "Phys. ", "B(Proc. ", "Suppl.) [**", "20**]{} (1991), 236. ", "T. Suzuki, Nucl. ", "Phys. ", "B(Proc. ", "Suppl.) [**", "30**]{} (1993), 176 and references therein. ", "H.Shiba and T.Suzuki, Nucl. ", "Phys. ", "B(Proc. ", "Suppl.) [**", "34**]{} (1994), 182 . ", "H.Shiba and T.Suzuki, Phys. ", "Lett. [**", "B333**]{} (1994), 461. ", "H.Shiba and T.Suzuki, Phys. ", "Lett. [**", "B343**]{} (1995), 315. ", "H.Shiba and T.Suzuki, To appear in Physics Letters B. S.Ejiri, S.Kitahara, Y.Matsubara and T.Suzuki, Phys. ", "Lett. [**", "B343**]{} (1995), 304. ", "S.Ejiri, S.Kitahara, Y.Matsubara and T.Suzuki, Talk at Lattice 94, to appear in Nucl. ", "Phys. ", "B(Proc. ", "Suppl.). ", "T. Suzuki $et$ $al.$, Phys. ", "Lett. [**", "B347**]{} (1995), 375. ", "T. Suzuki and H. Shiba, Talk at Lattice 94, to appear in Nucl. ", "Phys. ", "B(Proc. ", "Suppl.). ", "Y.Matsubara $et$ $al.$, Talk at Lattice 94, to appear in Nucl. ", "Phys. ", "B(Proc. ", "Suppl.). ", "S. Kitahara $et$ $al.$, Prog. ", "Theor. ", "Phys.[**93**]{} (1995) 1. ", "T.Suzuki, Review talk at YITP workshop ’From Hadronic matter to Quark Matter’ held at YITP, Kyoto University from Oct.30 till Nov.1 ,1994. ", "Kanazawa Univ. ", "Preprint KANAZAWA 94-26 (1994). ", "To appear in Suppl. ", "Prog.", "Theor.", "Phys.. T.Suzuki, Review talk at German-Japan Seminar ’QCD on Massively Parallel Computers’ held at Yamagata from Mar.16 till 18 ,1995. ", "Kanazawa Univ. ", "Preprint KANAZAWA 95-02 (1995). ", "To appear in Suppl. ", "Prog.", "Theor.", "Phys.. T.Suzuki, Prog. ", "Theo. ", "Phys.", " [**81**]{} (1989), 752;\\\nS.Maedan and T.Suzuki, Prog. ", "Theo. ", "Phys.", " [**81**]{} (1989), 229. ", "S.Maedan, Y.Matsubara and T.Suzuki  Prog. ", "Theo. ", "Phys.", " [**84**]{} (1990), 130. ", "H.Monden et al., ", "Phys. ", "Lett.", " [**B294**]{} (1992), 100. ", "S.Kamizawa et al., ", "Nucl. ", "Phys.", " [**B389**]{} (1993), 563. ", "H. Kodama et al., ", "in preparation. ", "A.S. Kronfeld $et$ $al.$, Phys. ", "Lett. [**", "B198**]{} (1987), 516.\\\nA.S. Kronfeld $et$ $al.$, Nucl. ", "Phys. [**", "B293**]{} (1987), 461. ", "T.A. DeGrand and D. Toussaint, Phys. ", "Rev. [**D22**]{} (1980), 2478. ", "T.L. Ivanenko $et$ $al.$, Phys. ", "Lett. [**", "B252**]{} (1990), 631. ", "R.H. Swendsen,Phys. ", "Rev. Lett. [**", "52**]{} (1984), 1165; Phys. ", "Rev. [**B30**]{} (1984), 3866, 3875. ", "T.Banks $et$ $al.$, Nucl. ", "Phys. [**", "B129**]{} (1977), 493. ", "J. Smit and A.J. van der Sijs, Nucl. ", "Phys. [**", "B355**]{} (1991), 603. ", "A.Jevicki and P.Senjanovic, Phys. ", "Rev.[**D11**]{} (1975) 860. ", "V.Singh et al., ", "LSU Preprint LSU HEP-1-92 (1992). ", "Matsubara et al., ", "Nucl, Phys. ", "B(Proc.", "Suppl.) [**", "34**]{} (1994) 176. ", "R.W.Haymaker, Nucl, Phys. ", "B(Proc.", "Suppl.) [**", "30**]{} (1993) 568.", "\n\n[^1]: E-mail address: suzuki@hep.s.kanazawa-u.ac.jp\n\n[^2]: This is based on works done in collaboration with Y.Matsubara, H.Shiba, S.Kitahara, S.Ejiri, S.Okude and K.Yotsuji.", "\n\n[^3]: We have also studied hadron physics based on an infrared effective Lagrangian constructed directly from QCD on the assumption of the above picture [@suzu90; @matsu91; @monden; @kamizawa; @kodama], but this time I skip all of them.", "\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThis invention relates to pliable and conformable gloves such as surgical gloves and more particularly to protective gloves used in medical related procedures and facilities made from a polyurethane elastomer.", "\n2. ", "The Prior Art\nSurgical gloves are made of very thin elastomeric materials such as vulcanized natural rubber and the like and are sized to provide a tight fit forming a skin-like sheath on the hand of the wearer. ", "The objectives of surgical glove manufacturers are to provide a glove which will impart maximum tactile sensitivity to the wearer without impairing his facility of manipulation while at the same time protecting both the wearer and the patient from cross-contamination or infection.", "\nThere are however, a number of undesirable characteristics of the prior art gloves. ", "One such undesirable characteristic of the gloves manufactured from vulcanized natural rubber is that the gloves may cause an adverse reaction to the skin of the wearer. ", "Approximately 5% of all surgeons and medical personnel suffer from some type of dermatitis caused by an allergy or sensitivity to the vulcanized natural rubber.", "\nBecause of their skin tight fit and nature of the vulcanized natural rubber, dry lubricants such as talc have been used to permit surgical gloves to be easily placed on the hands of the wearer. ", "Unfortunately, talc has been known to irritate skin when brought into contact with it, thereby aggravating the dermatitis problem encountered with vulcanized natural rubber.", "\nIn addition to the skinproblems encountered with surgical gloves manufactured from vulcanized natural rubber, the gloves exhibit limited physical strength and are easily torn or punctured. ", "The increasing risk of infection encountered by health care workers in contact with contaminated body fluids from patients with infectious diseases such as AIDS makes it imperative that gloves worn by these workers have a high degree of tear and puncture resistance so as to provide maximum protection from exposure to dangerous organisms contained in these body fluids.", "\nAnother undesirable characteristic of surgical gloves manufactured of vulcanized natural rubber is the fact that they frequently contain tiny pin-holes. ", "By virtue of the molecular make-up of vulcanized natural rubber and the dip process by which surgical gloves are normally manufactured, such tiny pin-holes do occur. ", "Although such pin-holes are very small, they are normally large enough to allow transmission of very small blood borne viruses smaller than 10 microns, such as the AIDS and Hepatitis B viruses.", "\nIn addition to the above undesirable characteristics, hand fatigue and poor finger-tip sensation are prevalent problems due to the elastic properties of the vulcanized natural rubber.", "\nOne approach to overcome the allerginicity problem has been to manufacture surgical gloves from polyurethane compositions which are hypoallergenic. ", "For example, McGarry, Jr. et al, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,463,156 discloses the manufacture of hypo-allergenic surgical gloves from polyurethane elastomers which are the reaction products of an aromatic or alicyclic polyisocyanate and a long chain diol (500-5000 average molecular weight) that is cross-linked with a polyhydroxy cross-linking agent. ", "Although elastic gloves manufactured from polyurethane elastomers of the type disclosed in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,463,156 are hypoallergenic, a number of disadvantages are encountered with such gloves as well. ", "For example, due to the use of a cross-linking agent in the preparation of the polyurethane elastomer, there results a glove manufacturing process that is costly, slow, and relatively complex when compared to prior glove manufacturing processes. ", "In addition to higher glove manufacturing costs, gloves manufactured using the cross-linked polyurethane compositions when compared to vulcanized natural rubber gloves exhibit less conformity to the wearer's hand when worn. ", "Further, the cross-linked nature of polyurethane compositions limits approval for medical grade use.", "\nIn addition to the above disadvantages of surgical gloves manufactured of cross-linked polyurethane, such gloves are rather rigid causing a high degree of hand fatigue and providing very poor finger-tip sensation.", "\nIn view of the above considerations, there is a need in the art for a surgical glove that is non-allergenic or hypoallergenic, exhibits superior tear and puncture resistance, does not tend to form pin-holes during manufacturing, minimizes hand fatigue and provides optimum finger-tip sensation." ]
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[ "Chapter 6 Page 29\n\nPosted August 2, 2019 at 05:56 am\n\nI forgot mascot Davy should have a hook hand so now I have to go back and change it on all the pages he's been on. ", "Until I do just pretend he swapped it out like a Nendoroid off-panel on this page. ", "Yes it's on the wrong hand on purpose\n\nAlso thanks for reading!!! ", "For real!!! ", "It means a lot!!" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Auction Donations\n\nSeveral times a year, donated firearms are\nauctioned off to NRA-friendly buyers who are eager to give your\nfirearms a new home. ", "World-class auction houses that specialize in\nfirearms handle each auction and ensure that all transfers are\nhandled professionally and with the care and attention they\ndeserve.", "\n\nThese auctions serve the purpose of immediately converting your\nfirearms into cash. ", "Funds are then distributed to the NRA or\naffiliate program determined by each donor.", "\n\nCREATE YOUR PLAN\n\nThe first step in exploring your options is to\ncontact NRA Firearms For Freedom Program Coordinator\nCliff Burgess. ", "A former U.S. Navy Commander and an NRA staff\nmember for 19 years, Burgess is your contact for all gift\nof firearms activity." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0.007407407407407408, 0.016 ]
[ "Q:\n\nBuffer is not defined error after migrating to Angular 7\n\nI am migrating an Angular 5 app to version 7 and have hit an issue with some existing code that attempts to use a Buffer global.", "\nThe code in question comes from the btoa library which makes use of the global.", "\nIn my migrated Angular 7 app, I am getting ReferenceError: Buffer is not defined and is being thrown when attempting to call the btoa function exported from this library.", "\nThis however works all fine in my Angular 5 app.", "\nWhat could be going on here? ", "I am assuming it has to do with a change in the angular CLI and maybe the way webpack is bundling somehow?", "\nI saw a similar question here talking about related issues, and one suggestion was to install the buffer package, which I tried, but it made no difference for my situation.", "\nThanks\n\nA:\n\nAngular ver 7.2\n1) install buffer\n$npm install buffer\n2) install node\n$npm i @types/node\n3) then add 'node' to your tsconfig.app.json not tsconfig.json\n \"compilerOptions\": {\n\"outDir\": \"../out-tsc/app\",\n\"module\": \"es2015\",\n\"types\": [\"node\"]\n\n},\nmake sure\n\"typeRoots\": [\n \"node_modules/@types\"\n],\n\nin your tsconfig.json\n4.add global.", "Buffer to your polyfills.ts\n(window as any).global = window;\n(window as any).global.", "Buffer = (window as any).global.", "Buffer || require('buffer').Buffer;\n\n" ]
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[ "Trump started the summer with nearly $54 million for his re-election and his party\n\nWASHINGTON – President Donald Trump started the summer with nearly $53.6 million stockpiled in bank accounts of his campaign committee and two affiliated fundraising operations. ", "He and his party face tough midterm races for Congress in November and are planning for his re-election.", "\n\nTrump's campaign committee and the two joint fundraising groups he runs with the Republican National Committee together brought in $17.7 million during the April-to-June fundraising quarter, according to reports filed Sunday with the Federal Election Commission.", "\n\nThat's a slight dip from the $20.2 million the three operations collected during the first three months of the year, but Trump's pace is far ahead of his predecessors. ", "Barack Obama, for example, waited until the third year of his presidency to begin campaigning and fundraising in earnest.", "\n\nIn all, the three Trump-aligned committees have raised nearly $90 million since Trump took office, although his election is still more than two years away.", "\n\nBefore the 2020 presidential election, Republicans are racing to protect their hold on Congress. ", "Democrats need to flip 23 GOP seats to take control of the U.S. House.", "\n\nTrump, who has 53.1 million Twitter followers, relies heavily on small-dollar donations to drive his campaign funding: More than 60 percent of contributions directly to his campaign flowed in amounts of $200 or smaller, according to the filing with federal election regulators.", "\n\n“We are thrilled with the continued support of so many Americans who resoundingly approve of Donald Trump’s performance as President,” Lara Trump, the president's daughter-in-law and a senior adviser to his campaign, said in a statement Sunday night.", "\n\nMore: President Trump seizes on election rules to push his agenda in new ways\n\nThe Trump campaign and its two other fundraising arms – Trump Victory and the Trump Make America Great Again Committee – spent more than $8.5 million on operating costs during the second quarter of the year. ", "Those expenses ranged from legal costs to the nearly $400,000 the Trump Make America Great Again committee spent to buy T-shirts, caps and other campaign swag.", "\n\nTrump's campaign spent a little more than $338,000 on legal expenses from April 1 to June 30 – a sharp drop from the $834,670 it reported spending during the first three months of the year.", "\n\nThe legal bills of Trump's campaign committee alone have topped $4.35 million since the start of the election cycle, as he, his family members and staffers deal with special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race, as well as legal challenges from Stormy Daniels, a porn star who said she had sex with Trump in 2006.", "\n\nTrump denied the affair. ", "Daniels sued to break free of a confidentiality agreement she signed with Trump's then-lawyer Michael Cohen days before the 2016 election.", "\n\nThe campaign's legal expenses show nearly $180,000 to Jones Day, a law firm that represented the campaign in parts of the Russia investigation.", "\n\nAmong the smaller payments: $12,300 in April to Charles Harder, a Beverly Hills attorney representing Trump in the Daniels' case. ", "Harder sought unsuccessfully to stop the publication of an unflattering book on Trump's White House.", "\n\nThis year, Trump allies set up a separate legal expense account, the Patriot Legal Expense Fund, as a way for Trump aides caught up in the Russia investigation to pay their bills. ", "Details on what it raised and spent have not been disclosed." ]
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[ "The invention relates to a method for evaluating the mechanical performances of a switchgear apparatus comprising at least one pole. ", "Each pole comprises a pair of main contacts movable with respect to one another between an open position and a closed position. ", "A drive mechanism of a support arm of a first main contact comprises a rotary pole shaft and at least one rod coupling the drive mechanism to the support arm in pivoting manner. ", "Said mechanism comprises an energy storage system designed to cause movement of said arm to place the main contacts in a closed position.", "\nThe invention also relates to a switchgear apparatus for implementation of said method." ]
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[ "Other illustrious speakers who have confirmed their attendance include co-director of the Rochester Aging Research Center Dr. Vera Gorbunova, a pioneer of comparative biology in the study of aging and an expert in tumor suppressor mechanisms as well as a member of LEAF’s Scientific Advisory Board; Ichor Therapeutics CEO Dr. Kelsey Moody, who is currently working on a very promising implementation of LysoSENS for age-related macular degeneration; University of Chicago aging demographers Drs. ", "Leonid Gavrilov and Natalia Gavrilova, who are all-around experts in the mathematical modeling of aging and mortality; Dr. Vadim Gladyshev from Harvard Medical School, who is also Director of the Center for Redox Medicine, an author of hundreds of scientific articles, and a recipient of the NIH Director’s Pioneer Award for his work on the mechanisms of longevity; Apollo Ventures Managing Partner Dr. James Peyer, a scientist and entrepreneur dedicated to the prevention of age-related diseases since his teenage years; and Deep Science Ventures Director Dr. Mark Hammond. ", "The list is still growing, so you should keep an eye on it.", "\n\nWe are absolutely honored that so many big names of the anti-aging community, who are pretty much legends in their field of expertise, are joining us, and we’re proud to be able to give our audience and our Lifespan Heroes such a prestigious event—not bad at all, for a first time!", "\n\nAbout the event\n\nJust like the title says, the topics of the conference are aging research and investment prospects in rejuvenation biotechnology. ", "At LEAF, we understand full well that, as we move from proofs-of-concept of the first rejuvenation therapies to early clinical trials, it is crucial to bring scientists and entrepreneurs together to turn visions into reality. ", "Whether you’re interested in the science, the business opportunities, or both, this conference has got you covered, and this is true if you are new to the rejuvenation world or a seasoned veteran.", "\n\nThe program includes several talks and presentations on basic and translational research, investments, policy and regulation, the impact of rejuvenation on the population, and more. ", "There will also be plenty of time for networking and mingling with the attending superstars of the rejuvenation world.", "\n\nThe conference venue is the stylish Frederick P. Rose Auditorium in Cooper Union, a popular center for the advancement of science and art. ", "As there are only limited places available, you may want to make sure you get your ticket on time; you can do so on our Eventbrite ticket page. ", "To honor their indispensable support, all Lifespan Heroes attending the conference will get 75% off the ticket price, so you may want to either avail yourself of the opportunity if you’re one of them—or consider becoming one!", "\n\nThis is only the beginning\n\n“Ending Age-Related Diseases” is only the first of many events that we hope to be able to organize in the future to spread the word about, and speed up the arrival of, the medical revolution that is now within our collective grasp. ", "As our Heroes know full well, given enough support, we aim to host an annual, larger-scale longevity research conference in New York City with more speakers and far wider appeal with the general public; this will be the July conference to the nth degree.", "\n\nTogether with the rest of our activities, which include rejuvenation articles, Journal Clubs, collaboration videos with YouTube celebrities, and research crowdfunding campaigns, longevity conferences will go a long way towards getting us closer to the era when the medical defeat of aging is a widely popular and supported goal, thus bringing us closer to the era when the diseases of aging themselves are only a distant memory. ", "We’re very grateful to everyone who is helping us along the way, be it by donating time or money or even just by expressing support.", "\n\nFor the time being, we look forward to the July conference, and we hope to see many of you there!", "\n\nNicola is a bit of a jack of all trades—a holder of an M.Sc. ", "in mathematics; an amateur programmer; a hobbyist at novel writing, piano and art; and, of course, a passionate life extensionist. ", "After his interest in the science of undoing aging arose in 2011, he gradually shifted from quiet supporter to active advocate in 2015, first launching his advocacy blog Rejuvenaction before eventually joining LEAF. ", "These years in the field sparked an interest in molecular biology, which he actively studies. ", "Other subjects he loves to discuss to no end are cosmology, artificial intelligence, and many others—far too many for a currently normal lifespan, which is one of the reasons he’s into life extension." ]
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[ "Religiousness and mental health: a review.", "\nThe relationship between religiosity and mental health has been a perennial source of controversy. ", "This paper reviews the scientific evidence available for the relationship between religion and mental health. ", "The authors present the main studies and conclusions of a larger systematic review of 850 studies on the religion-mental health relationship published during the 20th Century identified through several databases. ", "The present paper also includes an update on the papers published since 2000, including researches performed in Brazil and a brief historical and methodological background. ", "The majority of well-conducted studies found that higher levels of religious involvement are positively associated with indicators of psychological well-being (life satisfaction, happiness, positive affect, and higher morale) and with less depression, suicidal thoughts and behavior, drug/alcohol use/abuse. ", "Usually the positive impact of religious involvement on mental health is more robust among people under stressful circumstances (the elderly, and those with disability and medical illness). ", "Theoretical pathways of the religiousness-mental health connection and clinical implications of these findings are also discussed. ", "There is evidence that religious involvement is usually associated with better mental health. ", "We need to improve our understanding of the mediating factors of this association and its use in clinical practice." ]
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[ "Bicycle Sundays Return This September\n\nWESTCHESTER, NY -- Bicycle Sundays on the Bronx River Parkway will return this September for four consecutive Sundays, on September 7, 14, 21 and 28, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.\n\nDuring Bicycle Sundays, a portion of the Bronx River Parkway is closed to cars for the exclusive use of bicyclists, joggers, walkers, and those with strollers. ", "The course runs from the Westchester County Center in White Plains, south to Scarsdale Road in Yonkers, a round-trip of 13.1 miles. ", "There are various points of entry and exit along the way.", "\n\nParking is available at the County Center lot in White Plains for a fee of $5.", "\n\nBicycle Sundays is sponsored by Con Edison and Friends of Westchester County Parks, and is presented by Westchester County Parks, with additional support provided by 100.7 WHUD radio.", "\n\nIn the event of rain, the program will be cancelled. ", "Call the County Center for information at (914) 995-4050 or go to countycenter.biz." ]
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[ "High-power, pulsed fiber lasers are of great interest in applications such as laser micromachining, material processing, nonlinear optics, and laser sensing. ", "Related art high power fiber lasers are commonly achieved via the means of making a fiber-based master-oscillator-power-amplifier (MOPA)." ]
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[ 0, 0 ]
[ "Stream phosphorus transport in the Lake Tahoe basin, 1989-1996.", "\nLake Tahoe is undergoing the initial stages of cultural eutrophication due to human alteration of the airshed and watershed. ", "The lake's switch from nitrogen (N) to phosphorus (P) limitation has been attributed primarily to atmospheric N loading. ", "This places an increased importance on controlling watershed movement of P to the lake. ", "A stream water quality monitoring data set consisting of nine streams in the Lake Tahoe basin has been analyzed to characterize the spatiotemporal variation of P delivery to the lake. ", "This data is from the Lake Tahoe Interagency Monitoring Program (LTIMP), which provides scientific data for planning and regulatory agencies to address environmental problems in the Lake Tahoe basin. ", "Results indicate that P delivery (concentrations, loads) varies greatly at interannual, seasonal, and spatial scales. ", "Annual and seasonal total P (TP) concentrations can vary up to three orders of magnitude in a given stream and are strongly associated with suspended sediment. ", "Particulate P is the major form of P transported by Tahoe streams and was strongly correlated with percent surficial geologic deposits, which are primarily located near streams. ", "Tahoe streams with the highest annual P concentrations often had the lowest annual P loads, and visa versa. ", "P loading is greatest during the spring snowmelt (75% of annual average). ", "Potential watershed parameters influencing P delivery to Lake Tahoe have been identified as precipitation, basin area, basin steepness, and road and human development coverage. ", "Results also suggest that human development impacts on stream P loads are most prevalent during high precipitation years. ", "Identification and quantification of stream sediment and P sources such as streambanks and impervious surface is necessary to aid in watershed restoration efforts." ]
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[ "Entries in Bob Whipple\n(1)\n\nJes Staley is the newly appointed American CEO of the beleaguered British Barclays Bank. ", "He recentlysaid, \"I do believe that trust is returning to our institution. ", "But we will never rest, we are never done. ", "We have to focus on building that trust every day.\"" ]
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[ "[**On a $p$-adic interpolation function for the multiple generalized Euler numbers and its derivatives** ]{}\\\nTaekyun Kim\\\nDivision of General Education-Mathematics,\\\nKwangwoon University, Seoul 139-701, Korea\\\ne-mail: tkkim@kw.ac.kr\n\n[**Abstract :**]{} We study analytic function interpolating the multiple generalized Euler numbers attached to $\\chi$ at negative integers in complex plane and we consider the multiple $p$-adic $l$-function as the $p$-adic analog of the above function. ", "Finally, we give the value of the partial derivative of this multiple $p$-adic $l$-function at $s=0$.\n\n[**2000 Mathematics Subject Classification :**]{} 11B68, 11S40, 11S80\n\n[**Key words :**]{} Euler numbers, Euler polynomials, multiple generalized Euler numbers, multiple generalized Euler numbers attached to $\\chi$, multiple $p$-adic $l$-function\n\n[**1. ", "Introduction** ]{}\n\nLet $p$ be a fixed odd prime number. ", "Throughout this paper $\\mathbb{Z}_p, \\mathbb{Q}_p, \\mathbb{C}$ and $\\mathbb{C}_p$ will, respectively, denote the ring of $p$-adic rational integers, the field of $p$-adic rational numbers, the complex number field and the completion of algebraic closure of $\\mathbb{Q}_p$. Let $\\mathbb{N}$ be the set of natural numbers and let $\\nu_p$ be the normalized exponential valuation of $\\mathbb{C}_p$ with $|p|_p=p^{-\\nu_p(p)}=p^{-1}.$ The Euler numbers in $\\mathbb{C}$ are defined by the formula $$F(t)=\\dfrac{2}{e^t+1}=\\sum_{n=0}^\\infty E_n \\dfrac{t^n}{n!} ", "\\text{ for } |t|< \\pi, \\text{ see [1-6]}. ", "\\eqno(1)$$ It follows from the definition that $ E_0=1, E_1=-1/2, E_2=0,\nE_3=1/4, \\cdots, $ and $E_{2k}=0$ for $k=1,2, 3, \\cdots.$\n\nLet $ r \\in \\mathbb{N}$. Then the multiple Euler numbers of order $r$ are defined as $$F^{(r)}(t)= \\left( \\dfrac{2}{e^t+1} \\right)^{r} =\\sum_{n=0}^\\infty E_n^{(r)} \\dfrac{t^n}{n!}, ", " |t|< \\pi .$$ Let $x$ be a variable. ", "Then the multiple Euler polynomials are also defined by the rule $$F^{(r)}(t,x)= \\left( \\dfrac{2}{e^t+1} \\right)^{r}e^{xt} =\\sum_{n=0}^\\infty E_n^{(r)}(x) \\dfrac{t^n}{n!} . ", "\\eqno(2)$$\n\nFor $f \\in \\mathbb{N}$ with $ f \\equiv 1 \\pmod{2}$, assume that $\\chi$ is a primitive Dirichlet character with conductor $f$. It is known that the generalized Euler numbers attached to $\\chi$, $E_n, \\chi$, are defined by the rule $$F_{\\chi} (t)= 2 \\sum_{a=1}^{ f} \\dfrac{\\chi(a) (-1)^a e^{at}}{e^{ft} +1 } = \\sum_{n=0}^\\infty E_{n, \\chi}\n \\dfrac{t^n}{n!}, ", "\\eqno(3)$$ where $|t|< \\frac{\\pi}{f},$ (see \\[1\\]).", "\n\nIn this paper, we consider the multiple generalized Euler numbers attached to $\\chi$ in the sense of the multiple of Eq.(3). ", "From these numbers, we study an analytic function interpolating the multiple generalized Euler numbers attached to $\\chi$ at negative integers in complex number field. ", "In the sense of $p$-adic analog of the above function and give the values of the partial derivative of this multiple $p$-adic $l$-function at $s=0$.\n\n[**2. ", "Analytic functions associated with Euler numbers and polynomials**]{}\n\nWe now consider the multiple generalized Euler numbers attached to $\\chi$, $E_{n, \\chi}^{(r)}$, which are defined by $$F_{\\chi}^{(r)}(t)=2^r \\sum_{a_1, \\cdots, a_r=1}^f \\dfrac{(-1)^{\\sum_{i=1}^r a_i} \\chi{(a_1+ \\cdots + a_r)} e^{t\\sum_{i=1}^r a_i}}{(e^{ft}+1)^r}\n=\\sum_{n=0}^\\infty E_{n, \\chi}^{(r)} \\dfrac{t^n}{n!}. ", "\\eqno(4)$$ By (2) and (4), we readily see that $$E_{n, \\chi}^{(r)}\n=f^n \\sum_{a_1, \\cdots, a_r=0}^{f-1} (-1)^{\\sum_{i=1}^r a_i}\n\\chi{(a_1+ \\cdots + a_r)} E_n^{(r)} \\left( \\dfrac{a_1+ \\cdots +\na_r}{f} \\right) . ", "\\eqno(5)$$ For $ s \\in \\mathbb{C}$, we have $$2^r \\sum_{n_1, \\cdots, n_r=0}^\\infty \\dfrac{(-1)^{n_1+ \\cdots +\nn_r}}{(x+n_1+ \\cdots +n_r)^s}= \\dfrac{1}{\\Gamma(s)}\\int_0^\\infty\nF^{(r)}(-t, x) t^{s-1} dt, \\eqno(6)$$ where $x \\neq 0, -1, -2,\n\\cdots.$ From (6), we can consider the multiple Euler zeta function as follows: $$\\zeta_r(s, x)=2^r \\sum_{n_1, \\cdots, n_r=0}^\\infty \\dfrac{(-1)^{n_1+ \\cdots +\nn_r}}{(x+n_1+ \\cdots +n_r)^s}, \\text{ for } x\\in \\mathbb{C}, x\n\\neq 0, -1, -2, \\cdots. ", "\\eqno(7)$$ By (1), (2), (5), (6) and (7), we easily see that $$\\zeta_r(-n, x)=E_n^{(r)}(x) \\text{ for } n \\in \\mathbb{N}.$$ By using complex integral and (4), we can also obtain the following equation: for $s \\in \\mathbb{C}$, $$\\dfrac{1}{\\Gamma(s)}\\int_0^\\infty\nF_{\\chi}^{(r)}(-t) t^{s-1} dt= 2^r \\sum_{\\begin{subarray}{l} n_1,\n\\cdots, n_r=0 \\\\ n_1+ \\cdots+ n_r \\neq 0 \\end{subarray}}^\\infty\n\\dfrac{{\\chi (n_1+ \\cdots +n_r)} (-1)^{n_1+ \\cdots + n_r }}{ (n_1+\n\\cdots +n_r)^s}, \\eqno(8)$$ where $\\chi$ is the primitive Dirichlet character with conductor $f \\in \\mathbb{N}$ with $ f\n\\equiv 1 \\pmod{2}$.\n\nBy (8), we define Dirichlet’s type multiple Euler $l$-function in complex plane as follows: for $s \\in \\mathbb{C}$, $$l_r(s, \\chi)= 2^r \\sum_{\\begin{subarray}{l} n_1,\n\\cdots, n_r=0 \\\\ n_1+ \\cdots+ n_r \\neq 0 \\end{subarray}}^\\infty\n\\dfrac{{\\chi (n_1+ \\cdots +n_r)} (-1)^{n_1+ \\cdots + n_r }}{ (n_1+\n\\cdots +n_r)^s}. ", "\\eqno(9)$$ From (4), (8) and (9), we note that $$l_r(-n, \\chi) = E_{n, \\chi}^{(r)} \\text{ for } n \\in \\mathbb{N}. ", "\\eqno(10)$$ Let $s$ be a complex variable, and let $a$ and $F$ be integer with $0< a< F$ and $ F \\equiv 1 \\pmod{2}$. Then we consider partial zeta function $T_r(s; a_1, \\cdots, a_r | F)$ as follows: $$\\aligned T_r(s; a_1, \\cdots, a_r | F) & =2^r \\sum_{\\begin{subarray}{l} m_1,\n\\cdots, m_r>0 \\\\ m_i \\equiv a_i\\pmod{F}\n\\end{subarray}} \\dfrac{ (-1)^{m_1+\n\\cdots + m_r }}{ (m_1+ \\cdots +m_r)^s} \\\\\n&=(-1)^{a_1+\\cdots+a_r} F^{-s} \\zeta_r \\left( s,\n\\dfrac{a_1+\\cdots+a_r}{F} \\right). ", "\\endaligned \\eqno(11)$$ Let $\\chi( \\neq 1)$ be the Dirichlet character with conductor $f \\in \\mathbb{N}$ with $ f \\equiv 1 \\pmod{2}$ and let $F$ be the multiple of $f$ with $ F \\equiv 1 \\pmod{2}$. Then Dirichlet’s type multiple $l$-function can be expressed as the sum $$l_r(s, \\chi)= \\sum_{a_1, \\cdots, a_r=1}^F \\chi(a_1+\\cdots+a_r) T_r(s; a_1, \\cdots, a_r | F)\n\\text{ for } s \\in \\mathbb{C}. ", "\\eqno(12)$$ By simple calculation, we easily see that $$T_r(-n; a_1, \\cdots, a_r | F)= F^n (-1)^{a_1+ \\cdots + a_r } E_n^{(r)} \\left(\n\\dfrac{a_1+\\cdots+a_r}{F} \\right) \\text{ for } r, n \\in\n\\mathbb{N}. ", "\\eqno(13)$$ From (5), (12) and (13), we note that $$l_r(-n, \\chi)=E_{n, \\chi}^{(r)} \\text{ for } n \\in\n\\mathbb{N}. ", "\\eqno(14)$$ By (1) and (2), we have $$E_n^{(r)}(x)= \\sum_{l=0}^n \\binom nl E_l^{(r)} x^{n-l} = \\sum_{l=0}^n \\binom nl E_{n-l}^{(r)} x^{l}. ", "\\eqno(15)$$ From (11), (13) and (15), we derive the following equation:\n\n$$T_r(s; a_1, \\cdots, a_r | F)= (-1)^{a_1+ \\cdots + a_r }(a_1+ \\cdots + a_r)^{-s} \\sum_{k=0}^\\infty \\binom{-s}{k} \\left(\n\\dfrac{F}{a_1+\\cdots+a_r} \\right)^k E_k^{(r)}. ", "\\eqno(16)$$ It follows from (12), (13) and (16) that $$\\aligned l_r(s, \\chi) = &\n\\sum_{a_1, \\cdots, a_r=1}^F \\chi(a_1+\\cdots+a_r) (-1)^{a_1+ \\cdots + a_r }(a_1+ \\cdots + a_r)^{-s} \\\\\n& \\times \\sum_{m=0}^\\infty \\binom{-s}{m} \\left(\n\\dfrac{F}{a_1+\\cdots+a_r} \\right)^m E_m^{(r)}. ", "\\endaligned\n\\eqno(17)$$ The values of $l_r(s, \\chi)$ at negative integer are algebraic numbers, and hence they can be regarded as numbers belonging to an extension of $ \\mathbb{Q}_p$. In the next section, we therefore look for a $p$-adic function that agrees with $l_r(s,\n \\chi)$ at negative integers.", "\n\n[**3. ", "On a $p$-adic interpolation function for the multiple Euler numbers and its derivative**]{}\n\nIn this section, we study the $p$-adic analogs of the Dirichlet’s type multiple Euler $l$-function, $ l_r(s, \\chi)$, which were introduced in previous section. ", "If fact, this function is the $p$-adic interpolation function for the multiple generalized Euler numbers attached to $\\chi$ at negative integers. ", "Let $w$ denote the Teichmüller character with the conductor $f_w=p$. For an arbitrary character $\\chi$, we set $\\chi_n = \\chi w^{-n}, n \\in\n\\mathbb{Z},$ in the sense of the product of characters. ", "Let $$<a>=w^{-1}(a)a =\\dfrac{a}{w(a)}.$$ Then we note that $ <a> \\equiv 1 \\pmod{ p \\mathbb{Z}_p}$. Let $$A_j(x)= \\sum_{n=0}^\\infty a_{n,j} x^n, a_{n,j} \\in\n\\mathbb{C}_p, j=0,1,2, \\cdots$$ be a sequence of power series, each convergent on a fixed subset $$D= \\{ s \\in \\mathbb{C}_p \\mid |s|_p < p^{1-\\frac{1}{p-1} } \\},$$ of $\\mathbb{C}_p$ such that $$\\aligned (1) & \\quad a_{n,j} \\rightarrow a_{n,0} \\text{ as } j \\rightarrow \\infty \\text{ for any } n ; \\\\\n (2) &\\quad \\text{ for each } s \\in D \\text{ and } \\epsilon\n>0, \\text{ there exists an } n_0= n_0(s, \\epsilon) \\text{ such that } \\\\\n& \\quad \\quad \\quad \\quad \\quad \\quad \\quad \\quad | \\sum_{n \\geq\nn_0} a_{n,j} s^n |_p < \\epsilon \\text{ for } \\forall j.\n\\endaligned$$ In this case, $$\\lim_{j \\rightarrow \\infty} A_j(s)=A_0(s), \\text{ for all } s \\in D.$$ This was used by Washington (\\[6\\]) to show that each of functions $w^{-s}(a) a^s$ and $$\\sum_{m=0}^\\infty \\binom sm \\left(\n\\dfrac{F}{a}\\right)^m B_m,$$ where $F$ is multiple of $p$ and $f$ and $B_m$ is the $m$-th Bernoulli numbers, is analytic on $D$ (see \\[6\\]).", "\n\nLet $\\chi$ be a primitive Dirichlet’s character with conductor $f \\in \\mathbb{N}$ with $ f \\equiv 1\n\\pmod{2}$. Then we consider the multiple Euler $p$-adic $l$-function, $l_{p,r}(s, \\chi)$, which interpolates the multiple generalized Euler numbers attached to $\\chi$ at negative integers.", "\n\nFor $f \\in \\mathbb{N}$ with $ f \\equiv 1 \\pmod{2}$, let us assume that $F$ is a positive integral multiple of $p$ and $f=f_\\chi$. We now define the multiple Euler $p$-adic $l$-function as follows: $$\\aligned l_{p,r}(s, \\chi) = &\n\\sum_{a_1, \\cdots, a_r=1}^F \\chi(a_1+\\cdots+a_r)<a_1+ \\cdots + a_r>^{-s} (-1)^{a_1+ \\cdots + a_r } \\\\\n& \\times \\sum_{m=0}^\\infty \\binom{-s}{m} \\left(\n\\dfrac{F}{a_1+\\cdots+a_r} \\right)^m E_m^{(r)}. ", "\\endaligned\n\\eqno(18)$$ From (18), we note that $ l_{p,r}(s, \\chi) $ is analytic for $s\n\\in D$.\n\nFor $n \\in \\mathbb{N},$ we have $$E_{n, \\chi_n}^{(r)}\n=F^n \\sum_{a_1, \\cdots, a_r=0}^{F-1} E_n^{(r)} \\left( \\dfrac{a_1+\n\\cdots + a_r}{F} \\right) \\chi_n{(a_1+ \\cdots + a_r)} (-1)^{a_1+\n\\cdots + a_r} . ", "\\eqno(19)$$ If $\\chi_n(p) \\neq 0$, then $(p,\nf_{\\chi_n})=1,$ and thus the ratio $F/p$ is a multiple of $f_{\\chi_n}$.\n\nLet $$I_0 = \\left \\{ \\dfrac{a_1+ \\cdots + a_r}{p} \\mid a_1+\n\\cdots + a_r \\equiv 0\\pmod{ p} \\text{ for some } a_i \\in\n\\mathbb{Z} \\text{ with } 0 \\leq a_i \\leq F \\right \\}.$$ Then we have $$\\aligned & F^n \\sum_{\\begin{subarray}{l} a_1,\n\\cdots, a_r=0 \\\\ p \\mid a_1+ \\cdots +a_r\n\\end{subarray}}^{F-1} E_n^{(r)} \\left(\n\\dfrac{a_1+\\cdots+a_r}{F} \\right) \\chi_n (a_1+\\cdots+a_r)\n(-1)^{a_1+ \\cdots + a_r } \\\\\n& = p^n \\left( \\dfrac{F}{p} \\right)^n \\chi_n(p)\n\\sum_{\\begin{subarray}{l} a_1, \\cdots, a_r=0 \\\\ \\quad \\beta \\in\nI_0\n\\end{subarray}}^{F/p} \\chi_n (\\beta) (-1)^\\beta E_n^{(r)} \\left( \\dfrac{\\beta}{F/p}\n\\right).", "\n\\endaligned\n\\eqno(20)$$ From (20), we define the second multiple generalized Euler numbers attached to $\\chi$ as follows: $$E_{n, \\chi_n}^{* (r)}= \\left( \\dfrac{F}{p} \\right)^n \\sum_{\\begin{subarray}{l} a_1, \\cdots, a_r=0 \\\\ \\quad \\beta \\in I_0\n\\end{subarray}}^{F/p} \\chi_n (\\beta) (-1)^\\beta E_n^{(r)} \\left( \\dfrac{\\beta}{F/p}\\right). ", "\\eqno(21)$$\n\nBy (19), (20) and (21), we easily see that $$\\aligned & E_{n, \\chi_n}^{ (r)}- p^n \\chi_n(p) E_{n, \\chi_n}^{* (r)} \\\\\n&= F^n \\sum_{\\begin{subarray}{l} a_1, \\cdots, a_r=1 \\\\ p \\nmid\na_1+ \\cdots +a_r\\end{subarray}}^F \\chi_n (a_1+\\cdots+a_r)\n(-1)^{a_1+ \\cdots + a_r } E_n^{(r)} \\left(\n\\dfrac{a_1+\\cdots+a_r}{F} \\right).", "\n\\endaligned\n\\eqno(22)$$ By the definition of the multiple Euler polynomials of order $r$, we see that $$E_n^{(r)} \\left(\n\\dfrac{a_1+\\cdots+a_r}{F} \\right)=F^{-n}(a_1+\\cdots+a_r)^n\n\\sum_{k=0}^n \\binom{n}{k} \\left( \\dfrac{F}{a_1+\\cdots+a_r}\n\\right)^k E_k^{(r)}.\\eqno(23)$$ From (22) and (23), we have\n\n$$\\aligned E_{n, \\chi_n}^{ (r)}- p^n \\chi_n(p) E_{n, \\chi_n}^{* (r)} & = \\sum_{\\begin{subarray}{l} a_1, \\cdots, a_r=1 \\\\ p \\nmid a_1+\n\\cdots +a_r\\end{subarray}}^F (a_1+\\cdots+a_r)^n \\chi_n\n(a_1+\\cdots+a_r)\n (-1)^{a_1+ \\cdots + a_r } \\\\\n& \\quad \\quad \\quad \\quad \\times \\sum_{k=0}^n \\binom{n}{k}\n\\left( \\dfrac{F}{a_1+\\cdots+a_r} \\right)^k E_k^{(r)} .", "\n\\endaligned\n\\eqno(24)$$ By (18) and (24), we readily see that $$\\aligned & l_{p, r}(-n, \\chi) \\\\\n & =\n\\sum_{\\begin{subarray}{l} a_1, \\cdots, a_r=1 \\\\ p \\nmid a_1+\n\\cdots +a_r\\end{subarray}}^F (a_1+\\cdots+a_r)^n \\chi_n\n(a_1+\\cdots+a_r)\n (-1)^{a_1+ \\cdots + a_r } \\\\\n& \\quad \\quad \\quad \\quad \\times \\sum_{m=0}^n \\binom{n}{m}\n\\left(\\dfrac{F}{a_1+\\cdots+a_r} \\right)^m E_m^{(r)} \\\\\n&=E_{n, \\chi_n}^{ (r)}- p^n \\chi_n(p) E_{n, \\chi_n}^{* (r)}.", "\n\\endaligned\n\\eqno(25)$$ Therefore, we obtain the following theorem.", "\n\nLet $F$ be a positive integral of $p$ and $f(=f_{\\chi_n})$, and let $$\\aligned l_{p,r}(s, \\chi) = &\n\\sum_{a_1, \\cdots, a_r=1}^F \\chi(a_1+\\cdots+a_r)<a_1+ \\cdots + a_r>^{-s} (-1)^{a_1+ \\cdots + a_r } \\\\\n& \\times \\sum_{m=0}^\\infty \\binom{-s}{m} \\left(\n\\dfrac{F}{a_1+\\cdots+a_r} \\right)^m E_m^{(r)}. ", "\\endaligned$$ Then $ l_{p,r}(s, \\chi)$ is analytic on $D$. Furthermore, for each $n \\in \\mathbb{N}$, we have $$l_{p,r}(-n, \\chi)=E_{n, \\chi_n}^{ (r)}- p^n \\chi_n(p) E_{n, \\chi_n}^{* (r)}.$$\n\nUsing Taylor expansion at $s=0$, we get $$\\binom{-s}{m}=\\dfrac{(-1)^m}{m}s+ \\cdots \\text{ if } m \\geq 1. ", "\\eqno(26)$$ From (26) and Theorem 1, we obtain the following corollary.", "\n\nLet $F$ be a positive integral multiple of $p$ and $f$. Then we have $$\\aligned \\dfrac{\\partial }{\\partial s}l_{p,r}(0, \\chi) = &\n \\sum_{\\begin{subarray}{l} \\quad a_1, \\cdots, a_r=1 \\\\ (a_1+\n\\cdots+a_r, p)=1\\end{subarray}}^F \\chi(a_1+\\cdots+a_r)(-1)^{a_1+ \\cdots + a_r }\\left(1- \\log_p(a_1+ \\cdots+a_r)\\right) \\\\\n& + \\sum_{\\begin{subarray}{l} \\quad a_1, \\cdots, a_r=1 \\\\ (a_1+\n\\cdots+a_r, p)=1\\end{subarray}}^F \\chi(a_1+\\cdots+a_r)(-1)^{a_1+\n\\cdots + a_r } \\sum_{m=1}^\\infty \\dfrac{(-1)^m}{m} \\left(\n\\dfrac{F}{a_1+\\cdots+a_r} \\right)^m E_m^{(r)}, \\endaligned$$ where $\\log_p x$ is denoted by the $p$-adic logarithm.", "\n\n[**REFERENCES**]{}\n\n1. ", " [T. Kim,]{} [ Barnes type multiple $q$-zeta function and $q$-Euler polynomials,]{} [ J. Phys. ", "A: Math. ", "Theor.]{}, [", "43]{}(2010) 255201(11pp).", "\n\n2. ", " [ T. Kim,]{} [ $q$-Volkenborn integration]{}, [ Russ. ", "J. Math. ", "phys.]{}, [ ", "9]{}(2002), 288-299.", "\n\n3. ", " [T. Kim,]{} [ Note on the Euler $q$-zeta functions,]{} [J. Number Theory]{}, [ 129]{}(2009), 1798-1804.", "\n\n4. ", " [H. Ozden, Y. Simsek, S.-H. Rim, I. N. Cancul,]{} [ A note on $p$-adic $q$-Euler measure,]{} [ Adv. ", "Stud. ", "Contemp. ", "Math.]{}, [", "14]{}(2007), 233-239.", "\n\n5. ", " [ K. Shiratani, S. Yamamoto]{} [ On a $p$-adic interpolation function for the Euler numbers and its derivatives]{}, [ Mem. ", "Fac. ", "Sci. ", "Kyushu Univ. ", "A]{}, [39]{}(1985), 113-125.", "\n\n6. ", " [L. C. Washington,]{} [ Introduction to Cyclotomic Field,]{} [Springer]{}, 1982.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nManipulate indexed Interpolating Functions\n\nMWE\nI have some data indexed by gamma. ", "For each gamma I want to find the intersection points of two lists and plot the lists and the intersection points. ", "I convert the two lists into two functions ifun[gamma] and ifun2[gamma] using interpolation, find their intersection using FindRoot and plot them. ", "Instead of creating a separate plot for each gamma, I'd like to be able to throw that inside Manipulate. ", "But I am running into trouble with Manipulate needing to explicitly define dependence on variables, as mentioned in the possible issues.", "\nTable[ifun[gamma]=Interpolation[Table[{i, i^gamma}, {i, 1, 10}]], {gamma, 1, 2, 1}]\nTable[ifun2[gamma]=Interpolation[Table[{i, gamma^gamma}, {i, 1, 10}]], {gamma, 1, 2, 1}]\nTable[solE[gamma] = {x} /.FindRoot[ifun[gamma][x] == ifun2[gamma][x], {x, 0.15}], {gamma, 1, 2}]\n\nFramed@Show[ListPlot[{#, ifun[1][#]} & /@ solE[1], PlotStyle -> PointSize[Large]], Plot[{ifun[1][x], ifun2[1][x]}, {x, 0, 10}],RegionPlot[x < solE[1][[1]] && -5 < y < 5, {x, 0, 10}, {y, -5, 5}, PlotStyle -> {{Yellow, Opacity[0.2]}}]]\n\nUpdate2\nOk so I did the indexing on the data and not on the functions, solved for the solutions outside the manipulate and just stored the points, interpolated inside Manipulate for plotting..and it works. ", "\nTable[data1[gamma] = Table[{i, i^gamma}, {i, 1, 10}], {gamma, 1, 2}]\nTable[data2[gamma] = Table[{i, gamma^gamma}, {i, 1, 10}], {gamma, 1, 2, 1}]\nTable[solE[gamma] = {x} /.FindRoot[Interpolation[data1[gamma]][x] ==\n Interpolation[data2[gamma]][x], {x, 0.15}], {gamma, 1, 2}]\n\nThis works:\nManipulate[fun = Interpolation[data1[gamma]];fun2 = Interpolation[data2[gamma]];Plot[{fun[x], fun2[x]}, {x, 1, 5}, Epilog -> {Black, PointSize[Large], Point[{solE[gamma][[1]], fun[solE[gamma][[1]]]}]}, AxesOrigin -> {0.5, 0}], {gamma, 1, 2, 1}]\n\nA:\n\nYou haven't shared your data, so I can't run your code. ", "Here's an example of using an InterpolatingFunction inside a Manipulate:\nManipulate[\n pts = {{0, 0}, {1, 1}, {2, 3}, {a, b}, {4, 3}, {5, 0}};\n ifun = Interpolation[pts];\n Plot[ifun[x], {x, 0, 5}, PerformanceGoal -> \"Quality\",\n Epilog -> {Black, PointSize[Large], Point[pts], Red, Point[{a, b}]}], \n {{a, 3}, 0, 5}, {{b, 4}, 0, 5}]\n\nMoving the sliders will recalculate the interpolating function for the new set of points.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "/******************************************************************************\n*\n* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.", "\n*\n* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n* of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n*\n* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.", "\n*\n* Use of the Software is limited solely to applications:\n* (a) running on a Xilinx device, or\n* (b) that interact with a Xilinx device through a bus or interconnect.", "\n*\n* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL\n* XILINX BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY,\n* WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF\n* OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE\n* SOFTWARE.", "\n*\n* Except as contained in this notice, the name of the Xilinx shall not be used\n* in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in\n* this Software without prior written authorization from Xilinx.", "\n*\n******************************************************************************/\n/*****************************************************************************/\n/**\n*\n* @file xcpu_cortexa9.h\n* @addtogroup cpu_cortexa9_v2_5\n* @{\n* @details\n*\n* dummy file\n* MODIFICATION HISTORY:\n*\n* Ver Who Date Changes\n* ----- ---- -------- ---------------------------------------------------------\n* 2.5 ms 04/18/17 Modified tcl file to add suffix U for XPAR_CPU_ID\n* parameter of cpu_cortexa9 in xparameters.h\n******************************************************************************/\n/** @} */\n" ]
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[ 0.006944444444444444, 0.006896551724137931, 0.005952380952380952, 0.004739336492890996, 0.004149377593360996, 0.0045045045045045045, 0.011308562197092083 ]
[ "This category is a listing of sites dedicated to Marvel Comics' GENERATION X comic book series.", "\nGENERATION X, created in 1994 by Scott Lobdell and Chris Bachalo, is about a group of young mutant teenagers attending the Massachusetts Academy in hopes of learning how to control their mutant powers and live in a world that fears and hates them -- the third generation of X-Men, if you will.", "\nThe characters in GENERATION X are Banshee (aka Sean Cassidy; formerly of the X-Men; headmaster of the Academy), Emma Frost (former White Queen of the infamous Hellfire Club; headmistress of the Academy), Jubilee (aka Jubilation Lee), Chamber (aka Jonothan Starsmore), Husk (aka Paige Guthrie), Skin (aka Angelo Espinosa), Synch (aka Everett Thomas), M (aka Monet St. Croix), and Penance. ", "Together, they are what makes up the mutant super-hero team, Generation X." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.010526315789473684, 0.01020408163265306, 0.046153846153846156, 0.013513513513513514 ]
[ "Polymer assemblies for controlled delivery of bioactive molecules from surfaces.", "\nLocalized delivery of bioactive compounds from surfaces of biomedical devices affords significant therapeutic benefits, and often relies on the capability of surface coatings to provide spatial and temporal control over release rate. ", "The layer-by-layer technique presents a unique means to construct surface coatings that can conform to a variety of biomaterial surfaces and serve as matrices enabling controlled delivery of bioactive molecules from surfaces. ", "The versatility of layer-by-layer assembly enables construction of surface coatings of diverse chemistry and internal architecture with controlled release properties. ", "This review focuses on recent developments in constructing such layered matrices using linear polymers, polymer nanoparticles and block copolymer micelles, including micelles with stimuli-responsive cores, as film building blocks and in controlling release rate of therapeutics from these matrices via degradation, application of pH, ionic strength, temperature, light, electric field and chemical or biological stimuli. ", "Challenges and opportunities associated with fabrication of stratified multilayer films capable of multi-stage delivery of multiple drugs are also discussed." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Manong (state constituency)\n\nManong is a state constituency in Perak, Malaysia, that has been represented in the Perak State Legislative Assembly from 1974 to 1986, from 1995 to present.", "\n\nThe state constituency was created in the 1974 redistribution and is mandated to return a single member to the Perak State Legislative Assembly under the first past the post voting system.", "\n\nHistory\nIt was abolished in 1986 when it was redistributed. ", "It was re-created in 1994.", "\n\n2004–2016: The constituency contains the polling districts of Taman Bunga Raya, Talang Hulu, Jalan Baharu, Bendang Panjang, Jerlun, Kampong Mesjid, Kampong Ketior, Ulu Kenas, Lempor, Kampong Jeliang, Manong, Kampong Semat, Ulu Piol.", "\n\n2016–present: The constituency contains the polling districts of Taman Bunga Raya, Talang Hulu, Jalan Baharu, Bendang Panjang, Jerlun, Kampong Mesjid, Kampong Ketior, Ulu Kenas, Lempor, Kampong Jeliang, Manong, Kampong Semat, Ulu Piol.", "\n\nRepresentation history\n\nElection results\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Perak state constituencies" ]
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[ "\"[♪♪♪]\" \"[MAN GRUNTING]\" \"[RESSLER SCREAMING]\" \"[ALL SHOUTING AND LAUGHING]\" \"Mm.\" \"", "Mm.\" \"[", "SPEAKING IN GERMAN]\" \"[IN ENGLISH] In memory of the not-so-dearly departed Herr Spielmann...\" \"No, no.\" \"", "No.\" \"...", "who undercut and robbed you on the supply routes through Graz.\" \"", "I'll double what he was spending and handle the packaging and transit myself.\" \"[", "ALL CHEERING AND LAUGHING]\" \"Donald!\" \"", "There you are.\" \"[", "LAUGHING]\" \"I told you I'd pick you up from the airport.\" \"", "Ha, ha, ha.\" \"", "Cab ride must have cost you a fortune.\" \"[", "SPEAKS IN GERMAN]\" \"Who is this?\" \"", "Donald is my man at the State Department.\" \"", "He's been extremely helpful in all our endeavors here, but the poor fellow has to walk a terrible tight-rope every single day.\" \"", "I feel obliged to get him drunk once in a while, so I invited him down to celebrate.\" \"", "MAN:\" \"Yeah!\" \"", "Celebrate what, Red?\" \"", "Free trade, Donald.\" \"", "Free trade.\" \"[", "SPEAKS IN GERMAN]\" \"Honestly, this damn chip.\" \"", "What the hell do you want?\" \"", "Keen needs you.\" \"", "Then why isn't she here?\" \"", "Why didn't she fly to Munich on 10 minutes' notice?\" \"", "You made the trip.\" \"", "She's been detained.\" \"", "By whom?\" \"", "Situation's above my security clearance.\" \"", "I was just given the job of locating you.\" \"", "No, you said she's been detained.\" \"", "Is she in danger?\" \"", "There's a jet at Munich International...\" \"My plane's faster.\" \"[", "♪♪♪]\" \"LIZ:\" \"I just can't believe he's gone.\" \"", "I'm never gonna hear him say my name.\" \"", "Or smell that old aftershave.\" \"", "It's different with you because you, you can trace your life up to this moment, you know?\" \"", "TOM:\" \"Mm-hm.\" \"", "You have reliable records and...\" \"You had your dad.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Do you want me in here right now?\" \"", "I love you.\" \"", "Watch the time.\" \"", "You got work in a little bit.\" \"[", "♪♪♪]\" \"It's all right.\" \"", "Donald, what the hell are you doing?\" \"", "Taking you into protective custody.\" \"", "Where's Agent Keen?\" \"", "I lied to you, Red.\" \"", "You must be slipping.\" \"", "I must be.\" \"", "Everybody, out.\" \"", "Why am I in handcuffs, Harold?\" \"", "You're violating our arrangement.\" \"", "There's an imminent threat to your life.\" \"", "That condition is a constant.\" \"", "We have credible intelligence that you're being targeted.\" \"", "My contacts at the CIA were sitting on an Egyptian sleeper cell.\" \"", "They intercepted communication between them and an informant called Wells.\" \"", "Hilton Wells?\" \"", "You obviously know him.\" \"", "RAYMOND:\" \"You obviously don't.\" \"", "Hilton Wells doesn't speak with the Egyptians.\" \"", "He hasn't since he aligned himself with Mubarak during the Arab Spring.\" \"", "I can show you the transcripts.\" \"", "With all due respect, if the intel were worth having, then I would have it.\" \"", "There's a price on your head.\" \"", "Ha, ha, ha.\" \"", "There's a running price on my head, Agent Ressler.\" \"", "Anslo Garrick?\" \"", "Listen to me.\" \"", "If this intel was disseminated, it was done so directly to you.\" \"", "It's canned, which means Anslo Garrick intends to attack this facility.\" \"", "RESSLER:\" \"You think he wanted us to bring you here?\" \"", "RAYMOND:\" \"What do I think?\" \"", "I think we have a songbird in our midst, and until I find out who's singing, I don't trust anyone, because someone helped to bring him here.\" \"", "RESSLER:\" \"To a black site.\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "Because I'm asymmetrical.\" \"", "I don't need visas, passports, travel documents.\" \"", "Give me a bug-out bag and 30 seconds and I'm on my way to anywhere in the world.\" \"", "Garrick knows this.\" \"", "He needs me contained, landlocked.\" \"", "So he fed you phony intel to trigger your security protocol and now you've done exactly as he wished.\" \"", "He got you to bring me here so that he could attack this facility.\" \"", "RESSLER:\" \"He doesn't know this place exists.\" \"", "RAYMOND:\" \"All he does is extract people from places that don't exist, places exactly like this.\" \"", "Garrick exfils high-level detainees, always by considerable force.\" \"", "Park the truck near the elevator bank.\" \"", "He liberated Mahmoud Al Azok from an Alcatraz-like CIA black site in the Bering Sea.\" \"", "That was Shining Path, a splinter cell.\" \"", "Azok has ties to a Caribbean money launderer.\" \"", "RAYMOND:\" \"No.\" \"", "That was Garrick, paid by that same Peruvian money launderer to make it appear as though Shining Path broke him out.\" \"", "It was Garrick.\" \"", "Whoa.\" \"", "No, no, no.\" \"", "He can't be here.\" \"", "Hey!\" \"", "Tell him he can't be here!\" \"[", "BEEPING]\" \"Now open the compactor.\" \"", "He almost exclusively works with a group of heavily armed, highly skilled mercenaries who call themselves the Wild Bunch.\" \"", "Former flag wavers made over in Frankenstein-like fashion into bloodless, country-less killers.\" \"", "Garrick is not a precision instrument.\" \"", "He's a blunt-force object and seemingly immune to bullets.\" \"", "I can attest to this first-hand having put one in his head years ago at point-blank range.\" \"", "Harold, this building is about to be breached.\" \"[", "♪♪♪]\" \"[DEVICE BEEPING]\" \"[BEEPING]\" \"They're in.\" \"", "Elevator's disabled.\" \"", "Transmission's jammed.\" \"", "We have takedown.\" \"", "Hello?\" \"", "Initiate full facility lockdown.\" \"[", "♪♪♪]\" \"Telecom is dead.\" \"", "I have no signal.\" \"", "Get me out of these cuffs.\" \"", "You're going into the box until the threat is neutralized.\" \"", "Harold, do not make a stand.\" \"", "Get your people the hell out of here.\" \"", "All non-essential and unarmed personnel evacuate via southeast stairwells.\" \"", "Carry code Oriole Baton 338.\" \"", "Anyone not presenting this code upon egress will be detained.\" \"", "Hello?\" \"", "Hello?\" \"[", "GUNFIRE]\" \"[♪♪♪]\" \"Relay, relay, relay, seize state.\" \"", "Assume all comm lines compromised.\" \"", "Rally point 14-14-6.\" \"", "The armory?\" \"", "We need to get to our weapons before they do.\" \"", "This is Cooper authorizing a full data burn.\" \"", "Destroy drives and terminals and burst transmit all backup data to the central servers at Quantico.\" \"", "RAYMOND:\" \"I don't think you appreciate the sheer firepower that has entered this building.\" \"", "Shut up.\" \"", "He means to take me, Agent Ressler, and kill anyone in his way or in his wake.\" \"", "This isn't about digging in.\" \"", "This is about escape.\" \"", "Wait.\" \"", "Why not let them have me, Donald?\" \"", "I'll likely be tortured for weeks and left to rot until they finally deign to put a bullet in my skull.\" \"", "Wouldn't that please you?\" \"", "You're an adjunct informant for the FBI, Reddington.\" \"", "That means you're my responsibility.\" \"", "That means I fight for your life regardless of how badly I wanna take it.\" \"[", "DOOR THUMPS]\" \"Unh!\" \"[", "GRUNTING]\" \"Argh!\" \"[", "BEEPING]\" \"Don't, Reddington.\" \"", "Don't leave me unarmed.\" \"", "Donald, you and I aren't done just yet.\" \"", "Ah!\" \"[", "GRUNTING]\" \"[BEEPING]\" \"[ALARM BLARING]\" \"[CLICK]\" \"Hello, Red.\" \"[", "♪♪♪]\" \"Unh!\" \"[", "GRUNTING]\" \"Unh!\" \"", "RAYMOND:\" \"We're going up.\" \"[", "BLEEPING]\" \"Red.\" \"", "Red, did you really think there was a distance you could cover or a hole deep enough that you could hide in?\" \"", "There is nowhere in this world that I cannot reach you, Red.\" \"", "Fortification be damned!\" \"", "I heard you made yourself some sweet little immunity deal, Red.\" \"", "I heard that you fitted the FBI with strings and now they hang upon your hip like a hatchet.\" \"", "Not bad.\" \"", "Prudent.\" \"", "But they can't keep you safe from someone like me, Red, someone who sat in blackness for five years.\" \"", "Five years thinking about the pain\" \"I was going to inflict on you while slowly breaking your will, your body, and finally your mind.\" \"", "That day is here, my friend.\" \"", "And it will end with your screams... as God is my witness.\" \"[", "RESSLER GROANS]\" \"[♪♪♪]\" \"Aram, can I get any internal camera signal or tap into our surveillance?\" \"", "It would have to be hardwired.\" \"", "They knocked out the grid.\" \"", "Telecom?\" \"", "Could it be restored?\" \"", "It would have to be hacked locally.\" \"", "Where?\" \"", "Main generator room.\" \"", "It has all the uplink terminals.\" \"", "The power's down.\" \"", "Our backup generator should enable the uplink and allow me to splice a separate signal from the telecom.\" \"", "Do you have a radio?\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Tune it to EMR-designation Hatchling.\" \"", "Understood?\" \"", "Get to the main generator room.\" \"", "Kill anything that isn't FBI.\" \"", "Go.\" \"[", "RADIO STATIC]\" \"COOPER [ON RADIO]:\" \"Closed comms.\" \"", "Closed comms.\" \"", "Go to EMR-designation channel.\" \"", "Codify, Hatchling.\" \"", "Codify, Hatchling.\" \"[", "KEYPAD BEEPING]\" \"Hatchling 5591 Abstract.\" \"", "Keen?\" \"", "I'm here, sir.\" \"", "Do not attempt ingress.\" \"", "Hostiles have the high ground.\" \"", "I'm inside.\" \"", "Have you been captured?\" \"", "injured?\" \"", "Neither.\" \"", "Where are you?\" \"", "Barricaded inside the armory.\" \"", "Ressler and Reddington are unaccounted for, presumed down.\" \"", "What are you feeling in your extremities?\" \"", "What do you feel?\" \"", "Not much.\" \"", "My fingers are numb.\" \"", "My face is getting cold.\" \"", "Shock is setting in.\" \"", "RESSLER:\" \"How much blood have I lost?\" \"", "More than a thimbleful.\" \"", "What about my leg?\" \"", "Lay down.\" \"", "Lay down.\" \"", "Donald, never let it be said that I valued a Zegna Venticinque tie over a human life, even yours.\" \"", "Take up a handful of your own tie.\" \"", "This is gonna be hugely unpleasant and very painful.\" \"", "Bite down.\" \"[", "RESSLER SCREAMING]\" \"[RESSLER PANTING]\" \"All right?\" \"", "Keep pressure on it.\" \"", "Just keep pressure on it.\" \"", "I don't like his chances, Red.\" \"", "That leg looks like minced beef.\" \"", "All you have to do to save Agent Ressler's life is come out, Red.\" \"", "Don.\" \"", "We never met in person, Don, but if you'd done your job back in Brussels in '08, I wouldn't be here now.\" \"", "Agent Ressler here ran that little kick murder squad, tried to clip you in Waterloo Station, Red.\" \"", "I gave him your train number, your itinerary.\" \"", "All Little Donnie here had to do was supply the bullet, but no.\" \"", "Bungled.\" \"", "And now, as fate has a great fondness for moments like these, here we are.\" \"", "And it is you, Red, that can spare or end Agent Ressler's life.\" \"", "You know, Anslo, I'm looking at you, and I gotta say I'm really surprised.\" \"", "With the access you now have to top-notch plastic surgeons, why you haven't done something, anything, about that horrific scar.\" \"", "How do you wake up to that staring back at you in the mirror every morning?\" \"", "But you know what?\" \"", "it's not the scar.\" \"", "It's really the eye.\" \"[", "LAUGHING]\" \"[CHUCKLING]\" \"But, hey, lucky you.\" \"", "I normally carried Hydra-Shok hollow points.\" \"", "I was trying out center-fire wadcutters that week.\" \"", "Probably the only thing that saved your life.\" \"", "Me switching ammo.\" \"[", "LAUGHING]\" \"Think about that little irony now, every time you randomly find your reflection or are reminded of that unfortunate thing I've done to your face.\" \"", "Think about it.\" \"", "You trashed a one-of-a-kind partnership.\" \"", "We were never partners, Anslo.\" \"", "You violated whatever trust I had in you.\" \"", "So, naturally, I did what I always did, and beat you.\" \"", "And you did what you always did, got beaten by me.\" \"", "Unh!\" \"[", "CHUCKLES]\" \"True to form, Anslo.\" \"", "Why take time to think when it's so much easier to shoot?\" \"", "This glass was developed by DARPA for secure cover and housing in combat zones.\" \"", "That.45 might as well be a spit straw.\" \"", "Oh, good, Red.\" \"", "I've brought a whole picnic basket to this party.\" \"", "And, little pig, little pig, you are going to let me come in.\" \"", "Okay, let's go.\" \"[", "GUNFIRE IN DISTANCE]\" \"I'm calm, I'm calm, I'm calm.\" \"", "Come on, come on, come on.\" \"", "Use your training.\" \"", "Use your training.\" \"", "Be fluid.\" \"", "Be fluid.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "Oh, man.\" \"", "Oh...\" \"[COMPUTER BEEPING]\" \"Command down.\" \"", "Command down.\" \"", "Armory overrun.\" \"", "Repeat, armory overrun.\" \"", "LIZ:\" \"Help!\" \"", "Please, help!\" \"", "Help!\" \"", "Can someone help me?\" \"", "Please, help!\" \"", "LIZ:\" \"Lower your gun to your side.\" \"", "Now reach across your body and remove your tactical belt.\" \"", "Any sudden or aggressive movements and I will kill you.\" \"[", "♪♪♪]\" \"Okay.\" \"", "Let me see.\" \"", "Oh, no.\" \"", "Oh, no.\" \"", "We don't have enough explosives.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "We don't have enough explosives.\" \"", "Not according to the specs we pulled up on this thing.\" \"", "Tabletop to Blue Wolf.\" \"", "Send a short chalk back to the armory.\" \"", "We're a little light on bang here.\" \"", "So you bring me back every piece of explosive ordnance that they have.\" \"", "Donald, I'm gonna quietly cross my fingers before I ask, but what blood type are you?\" \"", "B-negative.\" \"", "Ha, ha, ha.\" \"", "And you thought we had nothing in common.\" \"", "There's only two percent of us, you know?\" \"", "What are you doing?\" \"", "You need a blood transfusion.\" \"", "Or we open that door, which will likely be the end of both of us.\" \"", "Give me a gun.\" \"", "These bastards wanna go.\" \"", "Let's go.\" \"", "Ha, ha, ha.\" \"", "The concept of a last stand sounds so heroically romantic, doesn't it, Donald?\" \"", "There's a reason we didn't see what happened to Butch and Sundance.\" \"", "Being riddled by bullets and left to rot under a scorching Bolivian sky does not a sequel make.\" \"", "And if you've surmised nothing about me by now, know this.\" \"", "I'm gonna be around for the sequel.\" \"", "You really gonna do a field transfusion?\" \"", "Oh, come now, Donald.\" \"", "Think how much smarter you'll be afterwards.\" \"", "Unh!\" \"", "Heh, heh, heh.\" \"", "Why the hell are you doing this?\" \"", "It's pretty obvious I hate your guts, and I can't imagine you hold a whole lot of warmth for me, especially after hearing about Brussels.\" \"", "I knew about Brussels.\" \"", "Then why save me?\" \"", "Because that's what you do when someone is dying in front of you.\" \"", "Allies today, enemies tomorrow.\" \"", "The world is a complex place further complicated by man's fickle nature.\" \"", "Years ago, I saved a man's life under a beautiful old cedar tree in Lebanon.\" \"", "A month later, he tried to kill me in a hotel in Damascus.\" \"", "I understood.\" \"", "Allegiances shift.\" \"", "A month later, I broke his neck with a shower caddy.\" \"", "It's this job today, another one tomorrow.\" \"", "That needle in your arm becomes the one in your neck. ", "it's just that fast.\" \"[", "GRUNTS]\" \"Red.\" \"", "Do you remember that Road Runner cartoon where the coyote makes the mountain of TNT and gunpowder barrels?\" \"", "And blows himself sky-high?\" \"", "Yes, Anslo.\" \"", "Is that what you're doing out there?\" \"", "Is this to be mass suicide by explosion, I hope?\" \"", "GARRICK:\" \"No.\" \"", "We'll be fine out here, Red.\" \"", "But with these charges rigged to blow inward,\" \"I can't say the same about you.\" \"", "It's no matter.\" \"", "I intend to thoroughly torture the hell out of whatever's left of you.\" \"", "Oh, come on!\" \"", "Play with me!\" \"", "I'd give that leg up as a lost cause by now, wouldn't you?\" \"", "If sepsis hasn't set in by now, Donnie, it will.\" \"", "And then your body will slowly start to poison its own blood supply.\" \"", "Including that little keg tap that Reddington's giving you right now.\" \"", "Drip, drip, Don.\" \"", "Drip, drip, drip.\" \"[", "COMPUTER BEEPING]\" \"[♪♪♪]\" \"[SILENCED GUNSHOT]\" \"Raines?\" \"", "Raines?\" \"", "Respond now or I'm gonna shoot.\" \"", "In three, two, one.\" \"", "GARRICK:\" \"Tabletop to Chalk One, where's my bang?\" \"", "Let's go.\" \"", "I've got a box to blow up.\" \"", "Tell him you're on your way back.\" \"", "Tell him anything other than that, and you're lying with your buddy.\" \"", "Chalk One to Tabletop, we're on our way back now.\" \"", "That's good.\" \"", "Liz.\" \"", "Whoa, whoa, whoa.\" \"", "Agent Keen, it's me.\" \"", "What are you doing here?\" \"", "I'd ask you the same.\" \"", "Where did you come from?\" \"", "I snuck in.\" \"", "What are you doing?\" \"", "Trying to restore the telecom so we can call in the cavalry.\" \"", "Where is everyone?\" \"", "Captured.\" \"", "Where's Red and Ressler?\" \"", "ARAM:\" \"I think Ressler's in bad shape.\" \"", "Any idea who hit this facility?\" \"", "Someone called Garrick.\" \"", "He's disabled telecom, simplex, and duplex signals.\" \"", "How long before you restore the telecom?\" \"", "I haven't been able to.\" \"", "They are jamming the signal internally.\" \"", "How?\" \"", "Based on just the waveform readings and the wattage output, it's something powerful but portable.\" \"", "Where would they place it?\" \"", "Uplink and communication relays are in the subfloor garage.\" \"", "Could you reset the telecom if the jammers were disabled?\" \"", "It would automatically reset, yeah.\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "You got a weapon?\" \"", "Uh, yeah.\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "Because we're gonna go find those jammers.\" \"", "We?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "You and I in the plural.\" \"", "I thought I'm waiting for the signal so we can call the cavalry.\" \"", "We are the cavalry.\" \"", "Give me your gun.\" \"", "I've only shot at paper.\" \"", "Pretend they're paper.\" \"[", "♪♪♪]\" \"Donald.\" \"", "Donald.\" \"", "Feeling any wittier yet?\" \"", "Any strange cravings for beluga caviar or Marcel Proust?\" \"", "I know you don't think much of me, but you don't get assigned a case file like yours unless you pass muster.\" \"", "May I ask you something with the hope that you won't take offense?\" \"", "You already know it's gonna offend me.\" \"", "Ask anyway.\" \"", "What happened to Audrey Bidwell?\" \"", "She left me.\" \"", "You were engaged.\" \"", "To her, yeah.\" \"", "It was my engagement with you that ended that relationship.\" \"", "Five years, I chased you.\" \"", "Five years trying to make my name.\" \"", "Look where it's gotten me.\" \"[", "COUGHING]\" \"[♪♪♪]\" \"Chalk Two to Tabletop, one dead, one down.\" \"", "We have an enemy within.\" \"", "We have a monkey wrench running around in here somewhere.\" \"", "Find them.\" \"[", "SIGHS]\" \"How did you know about my ex?\" \"", "I know a great many things about you, Donald.\" \"", "Right.\" \"", "It's the core of your business, information.\" \"", "Misinformation.\" \"", "I don't know how you did it, Reddington.\" \"", "Forsaking the flag, abandoning your country.\" \"", "We become who we are.\" \"", "Can't judge a book by its cover.\" \"", "But you can by its first few chapters and, most certainly, by its last.\" \"", "So, what's it all about, then, the Blacklist?\" \"", "Revenge?\" \"", "Oh, revenge is too easy.\" \"", "And over so quickly.\" \"", "I would hope for more than that.\" \"", "We're not gonna live through this.\" \"", "I think we will.\" \"", "How?\" \"", "Have you ever sailed across an ocean, Donald?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "On a sailboat surrounded by sea with no land in sight?\" \"", "Without even the possibility of sighting land for days to come?\" \"", "To stand at the helm of your destiny...\" \"I want that one more time.\" \"", "I wanna be in the Piazza del Campo in Siena, to feel the surge as 10 racehorses go thundering by.\" \"", "I want another meal in Paris at L'Ambroisie in the Place des Vosges.\" \"", "I want another bottle of wine, and then another.\" \"", "I want the warmth of a woman in a cool set of sheets.\" \"", "One more night of jazz at the Vanguard.\" \"", "I wanna stand on summits and smoke Cubans and feel the sun on my face for as long as I can.\" \"", "Walk on the wall again.\" \"", "Climb the tower.\" \"", "Ride the river.\" \"", "Stare at the frescos.\" \"", "I wanna sit in the garden and read one more good book.\" \"[", "♪♪♪]\" \"Most of all, I wanna sleep.\" \"", "I wanna sleep like I slept when I was a boy.\" \"", "Give me that.\" \"", "Just one time.\" \"", "That's why I won't allow that punk out there to get the best of me.\" \"", "Let alone the last of me.\" \"[", "♪♪♪]\" \"What do you want?\" \"", "This isn't about what I want, Assistant Director Cooper.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "What I've wanted, I've simply taken.\" \"", "This is about what I need.\" \"", "And what I need is access to that box.\" \"", "Then let's start with what I need, which is all of my people released right now.\" \"[", "LAUGHS]\" \"You're not in charge, Harold.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "But I am the man who can get you into that box.\" \"", "And if I go in there and start kneecapping your people one by one until you give me what I want?\" \"", "Then you're not getting Reddington.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I'm going to bet someone other than you can get me into that box.\" \"", "Then place that bet.\" \"", "Agent Keen.\" \"[", "BEEPING]\" \"Okay, I think we're cool.\" \"[", "BLEEPING]\" \"There you go again, Anslo, using a pistol in place of a brain.\" \"", "You gonna put a bullet in the head of the man who can hand you mine?\" \"", "I think someone's trying to save your life.\" \"", "Ha, ha, ha.\" \"", "Hardly.\" \"", "I have little to no use for that man.\" \"", "But before you shoot him, be absolutely certain that I'm not outsmarting you.\" \"", "We know how frequently that's happened in the past.\" \"", "It would be a shame if in killing him you denied yourself of the prize that you came here for.\" \"", "Anslo!\" \"", "How long do you think you can hold out here before half of Quantico's graduating class rappels down on top of you?\" \"[", "RESSLER GRUNTING]\" \"Red, this time you are quite simply mistaken.\" \"", "The question really is, how long are you going to hold out?\" \"", "Are you really going to let Agent Ressler there just expire?\" \"", "Are you really going to let me put Assistant Director Cooper's head all over that wall?\" \"", "How many people are going to die here today, Reddington?\" \"", "RESSLER:\" \"What's happening?\" \"", "RAYMOND:\" \"Your heart is pumping harder, trying to compensate for blood loss.\" \"", "And that shotgun blast broke your leg.\" \"", "I think it also partially ruptured your femoral artery.\" \"", "Partially?\" \"", "You would have bled out if the hole were any bigger, but now I have to close it.\" \"", "Close it how?\" \"", "By cauterizing it.\" \"", "I'm gonna have to cut open your leg to get at the artery and then sprinkle some combustible compound on it and ignite it.\" \"", "Uh-uh.\" \"", "Donald, if you don't tell them how to open that door,\" \"I have to do this or you will die.\" \"", "Then do it.\" \"[", "♪♪♪]\" \"[GASPING]\" \"RAYMOND:\" \"Grab ahold of the bench back there and don't let go.\" \"", "I'm gonna cut as fast as I can, but I can't have you trying to stop me once I start, okay?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "This is gonna hurt.\" \"", "Ah!\" \"", "Hold still, Donald.\" \"", "This will be over in a second.\" \"[", "RESSLER SCREAMING]\" \"[DEVICE BEEPING]\" \"How many of these would they need to scramble the telecom signal?\" \"", "Several.\" \"", "But just disabling two should be enough for the uplink to reset and re-establish a signal.\" \"", "It won't be anywhere near full strength.\" \"", "Cellular?\" \"", "You might have one bar.\" \"", "It's not enough.\" \"", "This will be faster if we split up.\" \"", "And scarier.\" \"", "But, yeah.\" \"", "Faster, right.\" \"", "Sure.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"[", "BEEPING]\" \"[SCREAMING]\" \"[♪♪♪]\" \"Ten seconds, Red.\" \"", "Wait.\" \"", "Ten, nine, eight Harold.\" \"", "Open the box now.\" \"", "Give him the code!\" \"", "No.\" \"", "RAYMOND:\" \"Anslo, my people can help you.\" \"", "Cooper can get you in here.\" \"", "Put that gun to his head.\" \"", "Three, two, one.\" \"", "For once in your life, stop and think...\" \"[♪♪♪]\" \"[DEVICE BEEPING]\" \"[GUN COCKS]\" \"Hello, love.\" \"", "Threat is down.\" \"", "Repeat, the threat is down.\" \"[", "BEEPING]\" \"GARRICK:\" \"Red, I don't have to explain what happens now, do I?\" \"", "Down.\" \"", "Would you prefer that I did the countdown?\" \"", "Because I wasn't that keen, frankly.\" \"", "You open the box, or Dembe dies.\" \"", "Harold, tell him.\" \"", "Wait.\" \"", "Ressler knows the code.\" \"", "Wait is over, Red.\" \"", "People are dying now.\" \"", "Ressler.\" \"", "Ressler!\" \"", "Raymond.\" \"", "Ressler.\" \"", "Ressler!\" \"", "Raymond!\" \"", "Ours is a friendship forged once in this life and again in the next.\" \"", "Goodbye, my brother.\" \"", "Harold, open this box.\" \"", "I'll give you anything.\" \"[", "DEMBE SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE]\" \"Stay on your knees.\" \"[", "RAYMOND DEMBE SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE]\" \"Stay on your knees.\" \"", "Stay on your knees.\" \"", "Well, I'm gonna kill him now, aren't I, Red?\" \"", "Open the box!\" \"[", "SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE]\" \"[GUNSHOT]\" \"[♪♪♪]\"" ]
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[ 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nCan I change Windows keys and downgrade to a different version?", "\n\nI installed Windows 7 but the licence key apparently is wrong. ", "\nI installed from a downloaded ISO which, I guess, installed the highest version of Windows 7 (Ultimate) with a pirated key when I wanted to install with the key under the laptop. ", "\nCan I change the keys?", "\n\nA:\n\nTo change the key:\nControl Panel\\All Control Panel Items\\System\nAnd under Windows Activation choose Change Product Key\nAs in the following picture\n\nI also found this: Downgrade: Change Windows 7 Ultimate to Premium or Professional if you are in fights with downgrading from Ultimate to Premium or Home.", "\nBut then on the other hand please refer to this question and answer. ", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0.00974025974025974, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to take away only one of multiple items\n\nI'm making an enchanting shop, where you click a button, it takes away your sword, gives you an enchanted one. ", "But currently, I am using /clear to take away the sword, so if someone has more swords, it takes away all of them. ", "How do I do this? ", "Do you have to add a number somewhere? ", "I am not trying to take away items with custom names, just a normal diamond sword.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe syntax of /clear is:\n/clear [player] [item] [data] [maxCount] [dataTag]\n\nTo make it only take away one sword, put maxCount as 1.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0 ]
[ "Reducing signal loss of the parahippocampal gyrus improves imaging of the default-mode network in 3.0-T MRI: the effect of susceptibility-induced field gradients.", "\nPrevious investigations have indicated that the default-mode network (DMN) is highly involved in memory processing in the parahippocampal gyrus (PHC). ", "However, because of susceptibility-related signal loss, parahippocampal activation in the DMN is difficult to detect in resting-state functional MRI experiments that are conducted using a 3.0-T MRI scanner. ", "This study investigated the magnetic field gradients of various brain regions and attempted to compensate for signal loss in the PHC using an optimized slice orientation. ", "The field gradients, signal intensities and DMN functional connectivity (FC) of the PHC were investigated using datasets acquired from 18 healthy volunteers. ", "The results show that the field gradient component parallel to the main magnetic field dominates the PHC. ", "The results indicate that the signal intensities and FC of the DMN are significantly low in the PHC when the slice orientation of the imaging plane is transversal. ", "Whether the voxel dimension is isotropic or anisotropic exerts a minimal effect in altering the slice orientation dependence. ", "In conclusion, the results of this study support the selection of the coronal or sagittal planes for imaging of the DMN." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.005847953216374269, 0.006329113924050633, 0.009433962264150943, 0.006097560975609756, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nNull Pointer Exception while fetching cursor object\n\nI am getting null pointer exception while fetching the data from the SQLite table.", "\nI am getting the null pointer exception when fetching the data using cursor like below Cursor c= db.fetchAllData(); \n Please have a look at the below precise code, and suggest me some ideas...\ndisplay_transaction.class\npublic class display_transaction extends Activity {\n\n DisplayTestDBHelper db;\n protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {\n super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);\n setContentView(R.layout.display_listview);\n\n displayListView();\n }\n\n public void displayListView() {\n Cursor c= db.fetchAllData();\n String[] columns={db.", "KEY_ID,db.", "KEY_DESCRIPTION,db.", "KEY_AMOUNT};\n int[] id=new int[]{R.id.textView1,R.id.textView2};\n SimpleCursorAdapter s=new SimpleCursorAdapter(this,R.layout.listviewlayout,c,columns,id,0); \n\n ListView l=(ListView) findViewById(R.id.listview1);\n l.setAdapter(s);\n }\n}\n\nDisplayTestDBHelper.class\npublic Cursor fetchAllData() {\n String TABLE_NAME=\"transaction_table\";\n SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();\n Cursor mCursor = db.query(TABLE_NAME, new String[] {KEY_ID, KEY_DESCRIPTION, KEY_AMOUNT}, null, null, null, null, null);\n\n if (mCursor !", "= null) {\n mCursor.moveToFirst();\n }\n return mCursor;\n\n}\n\nPlease help me to resolve the above issue...\nThanks in advance!!!!", "\n\nA:\n\nYou didn't initialize db.", "\nDepending on how you've implemented the helper's constructor, use something like\ndb = new DisplayTestDBHelper(this);\n\nto init it, passing the activity this for a Context.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.007194244604316547, 0.003389830508474576, 0, 0, 0.005244755244755245, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0.005847953216374269, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nFirefox add on extension main.js (main.html)\n\nIs there a way in Firefox addon API we could have our background page be a HTML file instead of a JS file ? ", "\nThis is available in both Safari and Chrome and I was wondering if there was a way to do it in Firefox addon API. ", "\nRight now I am using a page-worker API and I pass objects around. ", "But it would be really convenient if we could just have the main.js be a main.html or something. ", "\nThanks,\nH \n\nA:\n\nUnfortunately, no.", "\nYou can use the module sdk/addon/window to access to a window associated to your add-on, but the main.js is a commonjs module, and is running in a sandboxed environment – like nodejs – without a DOM.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0189873417721519, 0.02608695652173913, 0.014925373134328358, 0, 0, 0.005, 0 ]
[ "InsanityDev\n\n\n\nOffline\n\n\n\nActivity: 140\n\nMerit: 100\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFull MemberActivity: 140Merit: 100 [ANN][WOLF] Project WOLF February 17, 2014, 03:43:24 PM\n\nLast edit: May 15, 2014, 06:08:10 PM by InsanityDev #1 InsanityCoin\n\nDemocratic & Strong Coin for Investors and Traders\n\nwebsite: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/#insanitycoin | https://poloniex.com/exchange/btc_wolf\n\n\n\nDevelopment on Project WOLF has begun, see http://insanitycoin.com for details.", "\n\nWOLF is now open to mine with a block reward, transaction fees are also reduced to 0.02 (from 10%), please update to the new windows-qt\n\n\n\nPreviously WOLF had a gamified distribution and coin destruction phase, generating over 1000 BTC in trading volume each week, and more than 6000 BTC volume over a 6 week period.", "\n\nThe WOLF supply was depleted from 1,000,000 coins to ~ 330k via aggressive coin destruction and 10% destructive transaction fees.", "\n\nOf the coins in circulation, roughly 80k are in active circulation, with the rest either destroyed or held by long term investors.", "\n\nFollowing a community meeting on 2014-04-06 the\n\n\n\nWOLF has entered Phase Two - a coordinated 400 BTC+ market push to lift the price by 65% minimum and stabilize it at 0.0015 or higher.", "\n\nThe lift incorporates huge rolling BTC buy walls, starting at 9.2 BTC, growing quickly to 5 buy orders totalling 49 BTC, and then incrementally growing to 75 BTC.", "\n\nAdditionally 9-15 BTC is injected on to the market (used to buy up sell orders) as the buy walls increase.", "\n\n\n\nModel\n\nThe remaining WOLF supply has been split in to 33 batches of 10,000 WOLF. ", "Creating 33 distinct BTC pots.", "\n\nThe price of each batch is incremented by 0.00002, such that the first is available at 0.00092, the second 0.00094, and so forth.", "\n\nAs each batch is sold, a buy wall is created using the BTC on poloniex at 0.00001 less than the buy price, so walls are placed at 0.00091, 0.00093, and so forth.", "\n\nA stack of 5 buy walls will be maintained on the market, as a new buy order is placed at the top, the lowest priced buy order is removed, and the BTC from it is used to buy up all the lowest sell orders.", "\n\nAll WOLF acquired by the buy walls and buy orders is destroyed, reducing the amount of WOLF in circulation. ", "see the table below for a full breakdown of the model.", "\n\n\n\nObjectives\n\nsmoothly transition from the gamified distribution phase to the long term model\n\ncreate a strong market presence with substantial buy support for WOLF\n\nenable 24/7 trading of WOLF\n\nlift the value of WOLF in a sustained manner\n\nsupport the flow of WOLF from weak hands to strong hands without damaging the market value\n\nenable traditional trading, such that all on market and supply buyers/holders benefit, and allow additional trading strategies\n\nincorporate optimal coin acquisition and destruction\n\nmitigate attacks from self interested short term whales\n\nNotes\n\nMarket and Supply are both active 24 hours a day\n\nWOLF Batches are available consecutively, with no time limit, the supply depletes as fast as it is bought\n\nBTC buy walls will maintain from 49 BTC growing to 74 BTC\n\nThose leaving WOLF on the way up profit, but take a financial hit to get back on board as the supply price will be higher than their exit price\n\nCreates an effective minimum market spread of 3000 satoshis, with supply price between.", "\n\nWhy buy from the supply?", "\n\nSupply purchases effectively triple the weight of your purchase, even if at a particular time it’s marginally more expensive than on market, because:\n\nThe BTC you use to purchase becomes a buy wall\n\nAn equivalent amount of BTC is injected into the market to buy the orders you would have bought\n\nThe WOLF you would buy on market is bought anyway, and further it’s destroyed, so you know it can’t come back to be sold again.", "\n\nCoin Supply Status and Chart\n\n\n\nCurrent Batch: 1, available ~6000.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nBatch WOLF\n\nAvailable Supply\n\nPrice BTC\n\nGenerated Buy Wall\n\nPlaced At BTC on\n\nOrder Book Buy Order\n\nPlaced (BTC) 1 10000 0.00092 9.2 0.00091 9.2 2 10000 0.00094 9.4 0.00093 18.6 3 10000 0.00096 9.6 0.00095 28.2 4 10000 0.00098 9.8 0.00097 38 5 10000 0.00100 10 0.00099 48 6 10000 0.00102 10.2 0.00101 49 9.2 7 10000 0.00104 10.4 0.00103 50 9.4 8 10000 0.00106 10.6 0.00105 51 9.6 9 10000 0.00108 10.8 0.00107 52 9.8 10 10000 0.00110 11 0.00109 53 10 11 10000 0.00112 11.2 0.00111 54 10.2 12 10000 0.00114 11.4 0.00113 55 10.4 13 10000 0.00116 11.6 0.00115 56 10.6 14 10000 0.00118 11.8 0.00117 57 10.8 15 10000 0.00120 12 0.00119 58 11 16 10000 0.00122 12.2 0.00121 59 11.2 17 10000 0.00124 12.4 0.00123 60 11.4 18 10000 0.00126 12.6 0.00125 61 11.6 19 10000 0.00128 12.8 0.00127 62 11.8 20 10000 0.00130 13 0.00129 63 12 21 10000 0.00132 13.2 0.00131 64 12.2 22 10000 0.00134 13.4 0.00133 65 12.4 23 10000 0.00136 13.6 0.00135 66 12.6 24 10000 0.00138 13.8 0.00137 67 12.8 25 10000 0.00140 14 0.00139 68 13 26 10000 0.00142 14.2 0.00141 69 13.2 27 10000 0.00144 14.4 0.00143 70 13.4 28 10000 0.00146 14.6 0.00145 71 13.6 29 10000 0.00148 14.8 0.00147 72 13.8 30 10000 0.00150 15 0.00149 73 14 31 10000 0.00150 15 0.00150 73.8 14.2 32 10000 0.00150 15 0.00150 74.4 14.4 33 10000 0.00150 15 0.00150 74.8 14.6\n\nDetails\n\nports : 55445 RPC (55446 P2P)\n\n: 55445 RPC (55446 P2P) currency : WOLF\n\n: WOLF prefix : W\n\n: W github : https://github.com/insanitydev/insanitycoin\n\n: https://github.com/insanitydev/insanitycoin windows-qt : http://ge.tt/api/1/files/2HZRUNK1/3/blob?download new stable thanks pompobit\n\n: http://ge.tt/api/1/files/2HZRUNK1/3/blob?download mac-qt : http://ge.tt/api/1/files/2HZRUNK1/2/blob?download needs updated new stable thanks thesamson\n\n: insanitycoin.conf :\n\n: block explorer :\n\n: exchange : https://poloniex.com/exchange/btc_wolf\n\n: https://poloniex.com/exchange/btc_wolf nodes list :\n\n: logo : https://raw2.github.com/insanitydev/insanitycoin/master/src/qt/res/icons/bitcoin.png (alternative: https://i.imgur.com/2TN6lBU.png thanks syrusek)\n\n: https://raw2.github.com/insanitydev/insanitycoin/master/src/qt/res/icons/bitcoin.png (alternative: https://i.imgur.com/2TN6lBU.png thanks syrusek) bugs: https://github.com/insanitydev/insanitycoin/issues\n\nFuture\n\nWOLF switches to Phase Two on 2014-04-07\n\nWOLF switches to a low block reward but valuable mined coin on 2014-04-27\n\nRemoval of percentage based fee and replace with a traditional fixed 0.002 WOLF ( please discuss ) fee on 2014-04-27[/url]\n\n) fee on 2014-04-27[/url] New long term clients released this week.", "\n\nFeature and integration requests should be placed now.", "\n\nOrdering\n\nThe master BTC Pot address is 15txQGhLmN133e2qBwGyXzKtYhHTchEy4g, pm the developer to order and check the current price, or to request a unique address for your transaction.", "\n\nTo calculate how much WOLF you will recieve: BTC_Amount/WOLF_Price e.g. 0.5 BTC/0.00094 = 531.91489361 WOLF for 0.5 BTC.", "\n\nWOLF Orders will be processed every couple of hours each day, and buy walls on poloniex updated to represent the current state.", "\n\nDeveloper Status: online website: http://insanitycoin.com/ | twitter updates: https://twitter.com/CoinInsanity Previously WOLF had a gamified distribution and coin destruction phase, generating over 1000 BTC in trading volume each week, and more than 6000 BTC volume over a 6 week period.", "The WOLF supply was depleted from 1,000,000 coins to ~ 330k via aggressive coin destruction and 10% destructive transaction fees.", "Of the coins in circulation, roughly 80k are in active circulation, with the rest either destroyed or held by long term investors.", "Following a community meeting on 2014-04-06 the proposed phase two was accepted and implemented.", "The lift incorporates huge rolling BTC buy walls, starting at 9.2 BTC, growing quickly to 5 buy orders totalling 49 BTC, and then incrementally growing to 75 BTC.Additionally 9-15 BTC is injected on to the market (used to buy up sell orders) as the buy walls increase.", "Supply purchases effectivelyof your purchase, even if at a particular time it’s marginally more expensive than on market, because:Current Batch: 1, available ~6000.The master BTC Pot address is 15txQGhLmN133e2qBwGyXzKtYhHTchEy4g, pm the developer to order and check the current price, or to request a unique address for your transaction.", "To calculate how much WOLF you will recieve: BTC_Amount/WOLF_Price e.g. 0.5 BTC/0.00094 = 531.91489361 WOLF for 0.5 BTC.WOLF Orders will be processed every couple of hours each day, and buy walls on poloniex updated to represent the current state. ", "Coin: [WOLF] InsanityCoin : Must Read: Bizarre Shadowy Paper-Based Payment System Being Rolled Out Worldwide\n\nCryptoCasino\n\n\n\nOffline\n\n\n\nActivity: 34\n\nMerit: 0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNewbieActivity: 34Merit: 0 Re: ANN: InsanityCoin February 17, 2014, 03:51:19 PM\n\nLast edit: February 19, 2014, 04:59:12 AM by CryptoCasino #7 Quote from: salstimda on February 17, 2014, 03:47:00 PM i dont get it\n\n\n\nI think the point of this coin is to deal with dump issues by adding a large transaction fee and then destroying those coins, so as coins are dumped 10% in demand by default is added. ", "That's what I'm getting from the post anyway. ", "Sounds interesting.", "\n\n\n\nEdit: OneRareCoin said he created Proof Of Rarity before you and he made his thread a week before you and I checked and he actually did. ", "thread:\n\n\n\nthis is his new thread for launch:\n\n\n\ndid you copy him? ", "I think the point of this coin is to deal with dump issues by adding a large transaction fee and then destroying those coins, so as coins are dumped 10% in demand by default is added. ", "That's what I'm getting from the post anyway. ", "Sounds interesting.", "Edit: OneRareCoin said he created Proof Of Rarity before you and he made his thread a week before you and I checked and he actually did. ", "thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=457462.0 this is his new thread for launch: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=473921.new#new did you copy him?", "\n\ncryptohunter\n\n\n\nOffline\n\n\n\nActivity: 2100\n\nMerit: 1167\n\n\n\nMY RED TRUST LEFT BY SCUMBAGS - READ MY SIG\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLegendaryActivity: 2100Merit: 1167MY RED TRUST LEFT BY SCUMBAGS - READ MY SIG Re: ANN: InsanityCoin February 17, 2014, 03:51:43 PM #8 no windows qt = dead.", "\n\nhttps://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1764757.0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2829282 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4895354.0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5098315.0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5105851.0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5110041.0 MY RED TRUST WAS LEFT BY UNTRUSTWORTHY SCUM BAGS CHECK\n\nsalstimda\n\n\n\nOffline\n\n\n\nActivity: 98\n\nMerit: 10\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMemberActivity: 98Merit: 10 Re: ANN: InsanityCoin February 17, 2014, 03:53:10 PM #9 where does the money come from to buy up all the sell orders?", "\n\nvlight\n\n\n\nOffline\n\n\n\nActivity: 657\n\nMerit: 500\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHero MemberActivity: 657Merit: 500 Re: [ANN][WOLF] InsanityCoin - coin destruction February 17, 2014, 11:07:06 PM\n\nLast edit: February 17, 2014, 11:43:19 PM by vlight #16 Basically this is the IPO of 900,000 BTC which are supposed to be given back to the owners of the InsanityCoin. ", "The idea is to raise the market cap by injecting the BTC raised during the IPO back to the InsanityCoin. ", "So, your coins invested will be spread to the other coin owners and you get less then you spent???", "\n\n\n\nIt is a bit confusing. ", "Doesn't destroying coins actually destroys the value and so it decreases the market cap? ", "Therefore you actually will not increase the price of the remaining coins?", "\n\nAltcoinBull\n\n\n\nOffline\n\n\n\nActivity: 58\n\nMerit: 0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNewbieActivity: 58Merit: 0 Re: [ANN][WOLF] InsanityCoin - coin destruction February 17, 2014, 11:21:03 PM #18 Quote from: vlight on February 17, 2014, 11:07:06 PM Basically this is the IPO of 900,000 BTC which are supposed to be given back to the owners of the InsanityCoin. ", "The idea is to raise the market cap by injecting the coins raised during the IPO back to the InsanityCoin. ", "So, your coins invested will be spread to the other coin owners and you get less then you spent.", "\n\n\n\nAfter 9 weeks when this IPO is finished it will be a free market. ", "It is no different to how other coins pump but it will have help from the BTC reserves. ", "After 9 weeks when this IPO is finished it will be a free market. ", "It is no different to how other coins pump but it will have help from the BTC reserves.", "\n\nSpoetnik\n\n\n\nOffline\n\n\n\nActivity: 1540\n\nMerit: 1010\n\n\n\n\n\nFUD Philanthropist™\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLegendaryActivity: 1540Merit: 1010FUD Philanthropist™ Re: ANN: InsanityCoin February 17, 2014, 11:29:05 PM #19 Quote from: cryptohunter on February 17, 2014, 04:03:26 PM Quote from: InsanityDev on February 17, 2014, 03:59:48 PM Quote from: CryptoCasino on February 17, 2014, 03:51:19 PM Quote from: salstimda on February 17, 2014, 03:47:00 PM i dont get it\n\n\n\nI think the point of this coin is to deal with dump issues by adding a large transaction fee and then destroying those coins, so as coins are dumped 10% in demand by default is added. ", "That's what I'm getting from the post anyway. ", "Sounds interesting.", "\n\nI think the point of this coin is to deal with dump issues by adding a large transaction fee and then destroying those coins, so as coins are dumped 10% in demand by default is added. ", "That's what I'm getting from the post anyway. ", "Sounds interesting.", "\n\nPretty much yes - you'd have to be mad to dump it, as over the next 9 weeks all BTC will be used to buy back as much coin as possible to be destroyed. ", "And every transaction destroys 10% of the coins sent. ", "So the money supply always reduces, and the price always goes up.", "\n\nPretty much yes - you'd have to be mad to dump it, as over the next 9 weeks all BTC will be used to buy back as much coin as possible to be destroyed. ", "And every transaction destroys 10% of the coins sent. ", "So the money supply always reduces, and the price always goes up.", "\n\nYes the concept does seem different and perhaps not to bad, however how can you consider launching anything without a windows qt. ", "You do realise windows users for the most part have no idea about compiling their own qt from source ?", "\n\nYes the concept does seem different and perhaps not to bad, however how can you consider launching anything without a windows qt. ", "You do realise windows users for the most part have no idea about compiling their own qt from source ?", "\n\nmust have been an accident LOL\n\nwhooooopsy\n\nsorry didn't mean to exclude windows users while i work hard at flash mining.. cough cough Max coin lol\n\nnaive much ?", "\n\n\n\nPS:\n\nOP maybe see a shrink instead of posting poorly cloned ponzi schemes ?", "\n\nand please do tell us how many coins have you posted and how many forum account names have you made ? ", "about 30mb worth in the forum db or what ?", "\n\n\n\nkeep it up smart guy.. all your going to do is piss off more and more of the guys who *used to mine crap like this.", "\n\npeople are already growing tired of idiot clone coin spammers.", "\n\nthere is the rope..\n\ndo what you will with it smart guy lol must have been an accident LOLwhooooopsysorry didn't mean to exclude windows users while i work hard at flash mining.. cough cough Max coin lolnaive much ?", "PS:OP maybe see a shrink instead of posting poorly cloned ponzi schemes ?", "and please do tell us how many coins have you posted and how many forum account names have you made ? ", "about 30mb worth in the forum db or what ?", "keep it up smart guy.. all your going to do is piss off more and more of the guys who *used to mine crap like this.people are already growing tired of idiot clone coin spammers.there is the rope..do what you will with it smart guy lol FUD first & ask questions later™" ]
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[ 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0.007633587786259542, 0, 0.0053475935828877, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0.03333333333333333, 0.007633587786259542, 0.012269938650306749, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0.004859086491739553, 0, 0.002352941176470588, 0.014705882352941176, 0.005689900426742532, 0, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0.005934718100890208, 0.004032258064516129, 0.00530035335689046, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0.0037593984962406013, 0.01079136690647482, 0.0029498525073746312, 0.01904761904761905, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006006006006006006, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0.00794912559618442, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012269938650306749, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009216589861751152, 0, 0, 0, 0.003745318352059925 ]
[ "News List\n\nMay 30, 2014\nHere is the latest edition of Week In Review - a series of weekly messages from the Mayor and City Council to help Richardson residents and businesses keep up to date on events at City Hall.", "\n\nFree Admission at City Pools Saturday for Splash Day\nThe Heights Family Aquatic Center, Glenville, Canyon Creek, Terrace and Cottonwood pools are open for the summer season on Splash Day, scheduled for Saturday, May 31. ", "That day, admission will be free during regular operating hours.", "\n\nThe Parks and Recreation Department will offer a free swim lessons from 9 a.m. to noon at Glenville Pool, 500 S. Glenville Dr., on Splash Day. ", "Register for a free lesson by calling 972-744-7893.", "\n\nNTMWD Urges Increased Efforts to Conserve Water\nThe North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) is asking everyone it serves in North Texas to turn off their automated sprinkler systems this summer and only operate their systems manually, when needed and on allowed watering days.", "\n\nExecutive Director Tom Kula said this week that recent rains have helped reservoirs somewhat, but that a unified effort among cities and individuals to increase conservation is needed to preserve limited water supplies and avoid more drastic measures restricting water use.", "\n\nIn a press release published this week Kula said: “Most homes, businesses and community areas are equipped with automatic sprinkler systems that account for more than 50 percent of water use this time of year. ", "As part of the action taken by the NTMWD Board of Directors, this is a call for all customers served by the NTMWD to do what's needed—Turn Off your automatic sprinklers and only operate your systems manually, when needed, and within your cities’ guidelines.”", "\n\nManual operation, he said, gives people greater control over the single-largest user of water during the summer—automatic sprinklers—and ensures that irrigation is done in the most efficient way possible.", "\n\nThe City of Richardson has implemented Modified Stage 3 Water Restrictions, which limit lawn irrigation to twice a month, throughout the summer. ", "The NTMWD, which supplies water to Richardson, says its communities need to achieve greater than 10 percent savings through the summer months because of the ongoing drought. ", "Lawns should only be watered when needed—when a soil moisture meter registers as “Dry.” ", "Recent rains have helped relieve the need to irrigate landscaping, but this is still one of the driest years on record, and North Texas remains in an extended, severe drought.", "\n\nWatering is prohibited between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. and during times of precipitation. ", "The City has inspectors monitoring for compliance 18 hours a day, seven days a week. ", "Learn more about Modified Stage 3 Water Restrictions online at cor.net/waterconservation. ", "Report a violation through the MyRichardson mobile app or by calling 972-744-4111.", "\n\nCityLine Construction to Cause Plano Road Lane Closures\nAesthetic improvements to street intersections as part of CityLine construction will require crews to close lanes in each direction of Plano Road between Renner Road and President George Bush Turnpike. ", "Drivers are encouraged to use alternate routes.", "\nWeather permitting, the following lane closure schedule on Plano Road is planned:\n\n7 p.m. Friday, May 30, to 6 a.m. Monday, June 2: Up to two southbound lanes closed.", "\n\nMonday, June 2, to Thursday, June 5: Two lanes in each direction closed 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (During peak hours, the closure will be reduced to one lane in each direction.)", "\n\n7 p.m. Friday, June 6 to 6 a.m. Monday, June 9: Two lanes in each direction closed.", "\n\nThe construction is to add decorative paving at intersections of Plano Road with newly built streets within CityLine. ", "The first phase of the mixed-use development will begin opening later this year, with completion scheduled for 2015. ", "It includes four office buildings that will house State Farm Insurance, as well as a corporate campus to be built for Raytheon. ", "CityLine will include a mix of office space; hotels; residential; grocery, restaurant, entertainment and retail space; and parks and trails.", "\n\nCity Seeking Input on Public Art Master Plan at Workshop\n\nThe City of Richardson is seeking community input to help develop a Public Art Master Plan at the “Imagine Art Here!” ", "workshop from 5:30 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, June 11, at Huffhines Recreation Center. ", "Participants will learn about public art in Richardson and other communities and help establish a vision for public art in the city. ", "Dinner will be provided.", "\n\nChoir, Dance Groups to Perform at Eisemann Center\nThe Eisemann Center will host several events this week, beginning with the Contemporary Chorale performing “Magic To Do” at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday. ", "The family-friendly show will include special guest Brian Hull performing “Let it Go” from Disney’s “Frozen.” ", "Tickets cost $18 to $25. ", "Learn more at contemporarychorale.org.", "\n\nNeil Sperry to Give Free Presentation at Civic Center\nThe Richardson Public Library will host Texas gardening guru Neil Sperry at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday in the Grand Hall of the Richardson Civic Center, 411 W. Arapaho Rd. ", "Sperry will speak about common gardening dilemmas and his new book, “Neil Sperry’s Lone Star Gardening.” ", "He will also take questions from the audience and sign books.", "\n\nThe program is free and open to the public. ", "For more information, call Janet Vance at 972-744-4376.", "\n\nNETWORK holds free events each month featuring a topic of interest to seniors. ", "Upcoming seminars include “Master Gardener – Planting Native” on June 17 and “End of Life Planning” on July 1.", "\n\nAnimal Shelter to Host Pet Adoptathon\nThe Richardson Animal Shelter will hold an adoptathon from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday at the Shelter, 1330 Columbia Dr. The event will offer a $15 “Home Again” microchip option for each pet adopted from the Shelter, and adoption fees will also be discounted.", "\n\nAdmission is free. ", "There will be vendors, pet treats, raffles, prizes, refreshments, rescue groups and more. ", "Call 972-744-4480 or visit cor.net/animalservices for more information.", "\n\nRichardson Animal Shelter Pet of the Week\n\nMeet Lucky! ", "She is a wonderful German Shepherd mix. ", "She was brought to the Shelter on May 16 and is already spayed and fully vaccinated. ", "She is only 5 years old and is in good health! ", "Great around kids and is housebroken." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.009345794392523364, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0.013793103448275862, 0.0196078431372549, 0.007067137809187279, 0.0036363636363636364, 0.0047169811320754715, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0.005714285714285714, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.024390243902439025, 0.0038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0.007518796992481203, 0, 0.014634146341463415, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0.022727272727272728, 0.01904761904761905, 0, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "A lipid carrier with a membrane active component and a small complex size are required for efficient cellular delivery of anti-sense phosphorothioate oligonucleotides.", "\nAnti-sense oligonucleotides are potential therapeutic agents that are used to block protein expression from mRNA. ", "To assess the essential properties for an efficient cellular delivery system of phosphorothioate oligonucleotides (PS-ODNs), different cationic carriers were compared. ", "The carriers were complexed with oligonucleotides at various +/- charge ratios in MES-Hepes buffer. ", "Cationic polymers, polylysines (PLL, mean MWs 4000, 20000, 200000 kDa), polyethyleneimines (PEI, mean MWs 25 and 800 kDa) and fractured sixth-generation polyamidoamine dendrimer (PAMAM) were tested for ODN delivery into a D 407 cell line (human retinal pigment epithelial cells) with stably transfected luciferase gene. ", "Anti-sense ODN was directed against the luciferase gene, and the anti-sense effect was determined using a luminometric method. ", "Lipid-based vehicles included DOTAP, DOTAP/DOPE (1/1 by mol), DOTAP/Chol (1/1 by mol), DOTAP/DOPE/Chol (2/1/1 by mol), DOGS and Cytofectin GS/DOPE (2/1 by mol). ", "Additionally a membrane-active peptide JTS-1 (NH(2) -GLFEALLELLESLWELLLEA-COOH) was added to the complexes containing DOTAP, PEI or PLL. ", "In D 407 and CV-1 cells, the anti-sense effect was seen only with lipid-based carriers with a membrane-active component (DOPE or JTS-1). ", "The polymeric systems were ineffective. ", "The effect of the complexation medium was further studied on CV-1 cells. ", "Complexes were prepared in either water, MES-Hepes buffer or cell growth medium (DMEM). ", "Complexes prepared in water were generally most effective and the greater activity is probably due to the smaller complex size. ", "Complex sizes differed greatly in buffer and DMEM, especially in the case of DOPE containing complexes. ", "In conclusion, lipid carrier with a membrane active component and small complex size are required for an efficient cellular delivery of phosphorothioate oligonucleotides." ]
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[ "PMN News\n\nHawaii panel begins process of naming Big Island lava cone\n\nHILO, Hawaii — The Hawaii Board of Geographic Names has begun taking recommendations to name the Big Island’s new 60-foot (18-meter) lava cone.", "\n\nThe state board is planning to take suggestions from the public and Hawaiian cultural practitioners to find a moniker for fissure 8, which formed during the Kilauea volcano eruption that started in May, the Hawaii Tribune-Herald reported Wednesday.", "\n\nThe Hawaiian Volcano Observatory designated the new landmark as fissure 8 because it was the eighth of 24 fissures to open during the eruption.", "\n\nA Hawaii County resolution that passed earlier this year calls for the state board to find a name by consulting with community members “who have direct traditional, cultural and familial ties to the district of Puna.”", "\n\nThis is the first time the board has been tasked with naming a new landform, said Leo Asuncion, director of the state Office of Planning.", "\n\n“If it appears as though there’s no process in place for this, it’s because we’ve never done this before,” Asuncion said.", "\n\nThe original purpose of the board was to clarify spellings on official documents, but it has granted Hawaiian names to landmarks that were previously recognized with only Western names, Asuncion said. ", "That process involved examining Hawaiian cultural records to find past names associated with the landmarks.", "\n\nThe board is planning to host a meeting in Pahoa next year to collect the community’s opinions on suggested names and take additional recommendations.", "\n\nThe board hopes to select a name by the end of next summer, Asuncion said. ", "The U.S. Board of Geographic Names must then approve it.", "\n\nThe board discourages names that are non-Hawaiian and names that are too long, commemorate living people or uses hyphens or apostrophes, according its guidelines.", "\n\nApplications for submitting name suggestions are on the state Office of Planning website ." ]
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[ "Introduction\n============\n\nSmoking and obesity are major risk factors for many serious diseases.^[@bib1],\\ [@bib2]^ Eating and smoking are behavioral traits that are at least in part controlled by the same reward mechanisms.^[@bib3]^ Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have yielded 32 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with body mass index (BMI).^[@bib4]^ Smoking and SNPs associated with increased smoking quantity have been shown to correlate with lower BMI.^[@bib5],\\ [@bib6]^\n\nAccording to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than one billion people smoke and over 400 million people are obese (BMI \\>30 kg m^−2^), with both prevalences rising (see url section). ", "Eating can become compulsive, and the neurobiological processes relating to overindulgence in food overlap with those involved in substance abuse and addiction.^[@bib3]^ All drugs of abuse have been shown to increase dopamine in the mesolimbic reward system, and studies of both human brain images^[@bib3]^ and animal brains^[@bib7]^ have revealed that similar neurocircuits are involved in the regulation of rewarding and reinforcement in drug addiction and compulsive eating. ", "Based on the many similarities between hyperphagia and excessive drug use in addiction, it has even been suggested that some forms of obesity should be included as a diagnosis in future editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.^[@bib8],\\ [@bib9]^\n\nSmoking influences body weight, such that smokers weigh less than non-smokers, and smoking cessation is often accompanied by an increase in weight.^[@bib5]^ These effects have been largely attributed to nicotine that increases the metabolic rate and suppresses appetite. ", "Although increased food intake upon smoking cessation is partly explained by a reward substitution mechanism, as food intake is increased to make up for the lack of nicotine, the absence of nicotine has also been shown to increase the reward value of certain foods.^[@bib10]^ At the molecular level, these effects are most likely achieved through activation of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. ", "The melanocortin (MC) system has a key role in regulating body weight,^[@bib11]^ and nicotine was recently shown to interact directly with the MC system in the brain through activation of α~3~β~4~ nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons^[@bib12]^ in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus. ", "The POMC neurons project to secondary neurons influencing appetite, and nicotine activation leads to the release of melanocortin-4 agonists activating MC4 receptors in the paraventricular nucleus producing appetite suppression, an effect that is absent from POMC KO mice.^[@bib12]^\n\nHowever, the relationship between smoking phenotypes and obesity is more complicated than can be accounted for by the known effects of nicotine on appetite and metabolism. ", "This is evident from the fact that the number of cigarettes smoked per day (CPD) correlates with elevated BMI.^[@bib13],\\ [@bib14]^ Thus, although smokers weigh less than non-smokers, heavy smokers indeed weigh more than light smokers.", "\n\nBMI and smoking data are widely available from various studies and large sample sizes have been obtained for GWAS of BMI^[@bib4]^ and some smoking phenotypes,^[@bib15],\\ [@bib16],\\ [@bib17]^ and these studies have uncovered a number of variants associating with obesity (BMI) and with smoking behavior. ", "The variant most strongly correlating with CPD,^[@bib15],\\ [@bib16],\\ [@bib17]^ rs1051730-A/rs16969968-A, correlates with reduced BMI both in current and former smokers, but does not have an impact on the BMI of never smokers.^[@bib6]^ This observation is consistent with the notion that smoking influences body weight through nicotine\\'s effects on body and brain, the increase of metabolic rate and suppression of appetite. ", "Here we report how variants correlating with BMI influence smoking behavior.", "\n\nMaterials and methods\n=====================\n\nStudy subjects\n--------------\n\nWritten informed consent was obtained from all subjects. ", "Inclusion in the study required the availability of genotypes from ongoing SNP array typing in Iceland or previous GWAS,^[@bib15],\\ [@bib16],\\ [@bib17]^ and the study populations have all been described previously.^[@bib15],\\ [@bib16],\\ [@bib17]^ The GWAS of smoking initiation (SI) involved comparison of ever smokers and never smokers, and the studies of smoking quantity probed CPD as a quantitative trait among smokers only. ", "The definitions of smokers and never smokers varied somewhat between studies,^[@bib15],\\ [@bib16],\\ [@bib17]^ as questions addressing smoking behavior varied with most studies probing for regular smoking over a certain period of time. ", "Questions probing for smoking quantity also varied between studies, and for analysis of smoking quantity we used CPD data for smokers in categories with each category representing 10 CPD (effect size of 0.1=1 CPD).^[@bib15],\\ [@bib16],\\ [@bib17]^ CPD at the time of smoking was used for past smokers, and never smokers were excluded from analysis of CPD. ", "All subjects were of European descent. ", "The total sample sizes were *N*=100 860 and *N*=161 490 for CPD and SI, respectively.", "\n\nIcelandic study design\n----------------------\n\nA generalized form of linear regression was used to test the correlation between quantitative traits (BMI and height) and smoking phenotypes (CPD and SI) in Iceland. ", "The generalized form assumes that the smoking behavior of related individuals is correlated proportional to the kinship between them rather than assuming that the smoking phenotypes of all individuals are independent. ", "Let *y* be the vector of smoking behavior measurements, and let *x* be the vector of BMI or height measurements. ", "We assume that the expectation of the smoking behavior depends linearly on BMI or height, *Ey*=α+β*x*, and that the variance--covariance matrix of the smoking behavior depends only on the pairwise kinship between the study participants, *Var*(*y*)=2*σ*^2^Φ, where\n\nis based on the kinship between individuals as estimated from the Icelandic genealogical database (*k*~*ij*~) and an estimate of the heritability of the trait (*ρ*). ", "Assuming normally distributed errors, the maximum likelihood method gives estimates for β, which will asymptotically follow a normal distribution and can be used to estimate the correlation between height and BMI on the one side and CPD and SI on the other.", "\n\nIn order to test the correlation between the set of 32 BMI SNPs or the set of 180 height SNPs and smoking behavior, the same type of analysis was performed replacing the observed BMI and height with the BMI and height predicted based on the sets of 32 and 180 SNPs. ", "We shall describe how this was achieved for BMI, the analysis for height being conceptually identical. ", "For each of the 32 SNPs reported to associate with BMI, let *f*~*i*~ be its minor allele frequency and γ~*i*~ be its published effect on BMI. ", "For an individual with *g*~*i*~ minor alleles at SNP *i*, the set of 32 BMI SNPs predict a BMI of\n\nConditional independence\n------------------------\n\nWe observe a correlation between the 32 BMI SNPs and smoking behavior. ", "The 32 BMI SNPs associate with BMI and BMI associates with CPD. ", "The question then arises of whether the correlation between the 32 BMI SNPs and CPD is all going through BMI. ", "In other words, are the 32 BMI SNPs and CPD correlated conditional on BMI? ", "Assuming that the 32 BMI SNPs and CPD are independent conditional on BMI, then the correlation between the 32 BMI SNPs and CPD will be the product of the correlation between the 32 BMI SNPs and BMI and the correlation between BMI and CPD. ", "Denoting the estimator for the correlation between the 32 BMI SNPs and BMI with , and the variance of the estimator with , and similarly for the correlation between BMI and CPD. ", "Then, is an estimator of the correlation between the 32 BMI SNPs and CPD, assuming conditional independence, and gives an estimate of the variance of the estimator. ", "A standard test for the mean of two samples can now be applied to test the difference between the observed correlation between the 32 BMI SNPs and CPD and the correlation predicted based on the 32 BMI SNPs and CPD being independent conditional on BMI.", "\n\nReplication outside of Iceland\n------------------------------\n\nThe non-Icelandic studies shared only summary results from the genome-wide smoking behavior association scans in the form of effect sizes, *P*-values and allele frequencies. ", "The ∼2.5 million SNPs from the HapMap dataset were imputed and tested for association within each study population.^[@bib15],\\ [@bib16],\\ [@bib17]^ The significance levels of each study population were adjusted individually using the method of genomic control.^[@bib18]^ We used standard fixed-effects additive meta-analysis to combine the results for each SNP. ", "After combining the results from all the populations, we again applied the method of genomic control and adjusted both smoking phenotypes accordingly (*λ*~GC~=1.10 and *λ*~GC~=1.06 for SI and CPD, respectively).", "\n\nAs data were not available on the individual level, we could not predict SI and CPD on the individual level as was done in Iceland. ", "In order to test for the association of the 32 SNPs associating with BMI and the 180 SNPs associating with height with smoking behavior, we weighted the combined significance over all the populations of each SNP by the expected *z*-score associated with the SNP, assuming that the effect on smoking behavior was proportional to the effect on BMI or height as follows. ", "Again let us take BMI as an example. ", "For each of the 32 SNPs reported to associate with BMI, let *f*~*i*~ be its minor allele frequency and *γ*~*i*~ be its published effect on BMI. ", "We denote the unknown effect of each SNP on smoking behavior with *β*~*i*~ and our assumption about the SNP\\'s effect on smoking behavior being proportional to the SNP\\'s effect on BMI can be stated as *β*~*i*~=*kγ*~*i*~ for some constant *k*. ", "Quantifying the signifiance of the association of each SNP with smoking behavior by its *z*-score *z*~*i*~, maximal power is achieved by weighing the SNPs according to the expected *z*-score. ", "The expected *z*-score for the *i*th SNP is proportional to , which we assume is proportional to , which we will refer to as *w*~*i*~ and use to weigh the smoking behavior *z*-scores of the 32 BMI SNPs together: .", "\n\nResults and discussion\n======================\n\nTo study the correlation between obesity variants and smoking phenotypes, we focused on the 32 SNPs associating with BMI described in a recent report of a study of 249 796 subjects.^[@bib4]^ We weighted the 32 SNPs together based on their published effect on BMI and tested the correlation with both CPD and SI in 49 565 chip-typed Icelanders ([Table 1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "We also tested the correlation between the actual measured BMI and the smoking phenotypes in a slightly larger set of Icelanders. ", "For comparison, we performed a corresponding study using Icelandic data on human height and 180 SNPs reported to influence human height in a recent study of 183 731 individuals^[@bib19]^ ([Table 1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nBMI associated with CPD (*r*=0.095, *P*=2.5 × 10^−68^) but not SI (*r*=−0.005, *P*=0.29), whereas height did not associate with CPD (*r*=−0.004, *P*=0.46) and showed only weak association with SI (*r*=−0.012, *P*=0.013). ", "The set of 32 BMI SNPs associated with both CPD (*r*=0.032, *P*=8.0 × 10^−7^) and SI (*r*=0.019, *P*=0.00054), whereas the set of 180 height SNPs associated with neither smoking behavior (*P*=0.84 and 0.44 for CPD and SI, respectively).", "\n\nThe correlation between the set of 32 BMI SNPs and BMI and the correlation between BMI and CPD predict a correlation between the 32 BMI SNPs and CPD of 0.013, which is significantly lower than the observed correlation of 0.032 between the set of 32 BMI SNPs and CPD (*P*=0.0033). ", "The correlation between BMI and SI is negative so that the predicted correlation between the 32 BMI SNPs and SI is also negative and even more significantly different from the observed correlation of 0.019 than from 0. ", "Hence, the observed associations between the BMI variants and the smoking phenotypes are not explained by the direct phenotypic correlations between BMI and smoking behavior.", "\n\nTo investigate the contributions of individual SNPs and to replicate our observations in other populations, we looked up the correlations of each of the 32 SNPs with CPD and SI, using data from our previous studies outside of Iceland^[@bib15],\\ [@bib16],\\ [@bib17]^ (*N*=76 242 for CPD, and *N*=127 274 for SI). ", "For these studies, we utilized the fixed-effect additive meta-analysis results for ∼2 500 000 SNPs obtained using the inverse-variance method for each of the two smoking phenotypes. ", "Before conducting the meta-analysis, we performed a genomic control correction of each study.^[@bib18]^ The combined *χ*^2^-test statistics were still somewhat inflated by a factor of *λ*~GC~=1.10 (SI) and *λ*~GC~=1.06 (CPD). ", "The correlations between the set of 32 BMI SNPs and the two smoking variables were significant in this replication sample with *P*=1.2 × 10^−5^ and 9.3 × 10^−5^, for SI and CPD, respectively. ", "Combined with Iceland, the association between the 32 BMI SNPs and SI and CPD reached a significance of *P*=1.2 × 10^−7^ and *P*=1.6 × 10^−9^, respectively.", "\n\nAs expected, based on the correlations observed between the combined set of the 32 BMI SNPs ([Table 1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"table\"}), we observe congruence in the effects that these SNPs have on BMI and smoking behavior. ", "For most of the SNPs, the allele that associates with increased BMI also associates with both increased probability of SI and higher CPD ([Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "We note that the effect sizes are small and although the markers as a group clearly associate with the smoking behaviors, further studies are required to determine unequivocally which of the markers have an impact on smoking behavior. ", "The SNP by far most strongly associated with BMI (rs1558902-A in *FTO*) represents a notable exception from the trend observed and shows no evidence for association with either CPD or SI.", "\n\nConsidering the 11 BMI SNPs most strongly associated with smoking (*P*\\<0.05), 9 SNPs associate with smoking initiation and 4 with CPD ([Supplementary Table 1](#sup1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} and [Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "For smoking initiation the most significant associations were to rs10767664-A (effect=0.050495, *P*=1.14 × 10^−6^) in the Brain Neurotrophin Factor gene (*BDNF*) and rs2867125-C (effect=0.0397, *P*=0.000021) 45 kb upstream of the Transmembrane protein 18 gene (*TMEM18*), and for CPD the most significant associations were with rs2867125-C (effect=0.286, *P*=0.000346) (*TMEM18*) and rs4771122-G (effect=0.0193, *P*=0.00048) in the mitochondrial translational initiation factor 3 gene (*MTIF3*). ", "In addition to rs286125-C (*TMEM18*), rs2815752-A (*NEGR1*) is among the top markers (*P*\\<0.05) for both SI (effect=0.186, *P*=0.0244) and CPD (effect=0.0097, *P*=0.0305). ", "A SNP within the *BDNF* gene has previously been shown to associate with smoking initiation (rs6265-C).^[@bib16]^ This SNP is in linkage disequilibrium with the BMI-associated rs10767664 (*r*^2^=0.85 in Iceland). ", "The association with SI remains significant after removing rs10767664 (*P*=1.3 × 10^−5^).", "\n\nIn summary, we have demonstrated that as a group, the 32 common variants identified in GWAS of BMI^[@bib4]^ also have an impact on the smoking behavior. ", "A variant within the *nAChR* gene cluster at chrs 15q25 (rs1051730-A) was discovered in GWAS of smoking behavior^[@bib20],\\ [@bib21]^ and subsequently shown to correlate with reduced BMI in smokers without an effect on the BMI of never smokers,^[@bib6]^ thus most likely influencing BMI mainly through its effect on smoking behavior. ", "The variants studied here represent a different class of SNPs affecting both BMI and smoking: They were found in GWAS of BMI and influence BMI in both smokers and never smokers, and the alleles correlating with elevated BMI tend to increase the propensity to smoke and/or associate with increased cigarette intake. ", "We note that, in Iceland, the correlation between the predicted BMI and observed BMI is similar for smokers (0.15, *P*=3.0 × 10^−97^, *N*=20 462) and never smokers (0.13, *P*=7.2 × 10^−33^, *N*=7910). ", "The direction of this trend is opposite to what would be expected based on the known effects of nicotine on BMI, and inconsistent with an effect rooted in nicotine-mediated increase of metabolic rate and suppression of appetite. ", "That the majority of variants known to associate with elevation of BMI correlate with smoking behaviors in this manner points to a common biological basis to regulation of the intake of food and tobacco.", "\n\nWe thank the participants in the genetic studies whose contributions made this work possible. ", "This work was supported in part by NIH (R01-DA017932 and R01-DA022522) and the European Commission\\'s Sixth Framework Programme, Integrated Project GENADDICT (LSHM-CT-2004-005166). ", "The ENGAGE smoking consortium was formed through a component of the Integrated Project ENGAGE, supported by the European Commission\\'s Seventh Framework Program, grant agreement HEALTH-F4--2007--201413. ", "SB was funded by the FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IAPP 251592 grant (NextGene).", "\n\n**Author Contributions**\n\nTET, DFG, and KS wrote the manuscript. ", "The study was designed by and the results interpreted by TET, DFG, PS, SB, UT and KS. ", "The meta-analyses of smoking GWAS data were performed by DFG. ", "TET, DFG, PS, SB,US, GT, BW and VS worked on data management and analysis. ", "Smoking GWAS consortia were coordinated by HF (TAG), PFS(TAG) JM (OX-GSK) and MIM (ENGAGE). ", "All authors contributed to the final version of the paper.", "\n\nThe data utilized came from three large GWAS done by the ENGAGE, TAG, and OX-GSK consortia (references 15--17). ", "The additional collaborators from these three consortia are listed below.", "\n\n*ENGAGE Consortium*---Ida Surakka^8,9^, Jacqueline M Vink^10^, Najaf Amin^11^, Frank Geller^12^, Thorunn Rafnar^1^, Tõnu Esko^13,14^, Stefan Walter^11^, Christian Gieger^15^, Rajesh Rawal^15^, Massimo Mangino^16^, Inga Prokopenko^5,6^, Reedik Mägi^5,6,13^, Kaisu Keskitalo^19^, Iris H. Gudjonsdottir^1^, Solveig Gretarsdottir^1^, Hreinn Stefansson^1^, Yurii S Aulchenko^11^, Mari Nelis^13,14^, Katja K Aben^21,22^, Martin den Heijer^21,23^, Nicole Soranzo^16,24^, Ana M Valdes^16^, Claire Steves^16^, André G Uitterlinden^11,25^, Albert Hofman^6^, Anke Tönjes^26,27^, Peter Kovacs^28^, Jouke Jan Hottenga^10^, Gonneke Willemsen^10^, Nicole Vogelzangs^29^, Angela Döring^15^, Norbert Dahmen^30^, Barbara Nitz^15^, Samuli Ripatti^8,9^, Markus Perola^9,13^, Johannes Kettunen^24^, Anna-Liisa Hartikainen^30^, Anneli Pouta^31^, Jaana Laitinen^32^, Matti Isohanni^30^, Shen Huei-Yi^8,9^, Maxine Allen^5^, Maria Krestyaninova^33^, Alistair S Hall^34^, John R Thompson^35^, Hogni Oskarsson^36^, Thorarinn Tyrfingsson^37^, Lambertus A Kiemeney^21,22,38^, Marjo-Riitta Järvelin^31,39,40,41^, Veikko Salomaa^9^, Michael Stumvoll^26^, Tim D Spector^16^, H-Erich Wichmann^15,42,43^, Andres Metspalu^13,14^, Nilesh J Samani^44^, Brenda W Penninx^29^, Ben A Oostra^45^, Dorret I Boomsma^10^, Henning Tiemeier^11^, Cornelia M van Duijn^11^, Jaakko Kaprio^8,19,46^, Jeffrey R Gulcher^1^\n\n^1^Decode genetics/AMGEN, Sturlugata 8, Reykjavik, Iceland. ", "^5^Wellcome Trust Center of Human Genetics, Oxford, UK ^6^Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. ", "^8^Institute for Molecular Genetics Finland, FIMM, University of Helsinki, Finland. ", "^9^National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland. ", "^10^Department of Biological Psychology, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ", "^11^Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ", "^12^Department of Epidemiology Research, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark. ", "^13^Estonian Genome Center, University of Tartu, Riia 23b, Tartu 51010, Estonia. ", "^14^IMCB of University of Tartu and Estonian Biocentre, Riia str 23, Tartu 51010, Estonia. ", "^15^Institute of Epidemiology, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Ingolstaedter Landstr. ", "1, 85764 Munich/Neuherberg, Germany. ", "^16^Department of Twin Research and Genetic Epidemiology, King\\'s College London, St Thomas\\' Hospital Campus, London SE17EH, UK. ", "^19^Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. ", "^21^Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Department Of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and HTA, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. ", "^22^Comprehensive Cancer Centre East, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. ", "^23^Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Department of Endocrinology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. ", "^24^Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, UK. ", "^25^Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ", "^26^Department of Medicine, University of Leipzig, Liebigstr. ", "18, 04103, Leipzig, Germany. ", "^27^Coordination Centre for Clinical Trials, University of Leipzig, Härtelstr. ", "16--18, 04103, Leipzig, Germany. ", "^28^Interdisciplinary Centre for Clinical Research, University of Leipzig,Inselstr. ", "22, 04103, Leipzig, Germany. ", "^29^EMGO Institute/Department of Psychiatry, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ", "^30^Department of Psychiatry, University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany. ", "^30^Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oulu, Oulo, Finland. ", "^31^Lifecourse and service Department, National Institute of Health and Welfare, Oulu, Finland. ", "^32^Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Oulo, Finland. ", "^33^European Bioinformatics Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1 SD, UK. ", "^34^Multidisciplinary Cardiovascular Research Centre (MCRC), Leeds Institute of Genetics, Health and Therapeutics (LIGHT), University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK. ", "^35^Department of Health Sciences and Genetics, University of Leicester, LE1 7RH Leicester, UK. ", "^36^Therapeia, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland. ", "^37^Vogur SAA Addiction Treatment Center, Reykjavik, Iceland. ", "^38^Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Department. ", "of Urology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. ", "^39^Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Imperial College, Faculty of Medicine, London, UK. ", "^40^Institute of Health Sciences, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland. ", "^41^Biocenter Oulu, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland. ", "^42^Institute of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany. ", "^43^Klinikum Grosshadern, Munich, Germany.^44^Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Leicester, Clinical Sciences Wing, Glenfield Hospital, Groby Road, Leicester, LE3 9QP, UK. ", "^45^Department of Clinical Genetics, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ", "^46^Department of Mental Health and Alcohol Abuse Services, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland.", "\n\n*The Tobacco and Genetics Consortium (TAG)--*Yun Jung Kim^1^, Jennifer Dackor^1^, Eric Boerwinkle^3^, Nora Franceschini^4^, Diego Ardissino^5^, Luisa Bernardinelli^6,7^, Pier M Mannucci^8^, Francesco Mauri^9^, Piera A Merlini^9^, Devin Absher^10^, Themistocles L Assimes^11^, Stephen P Fortmann^12^, Carlos Iribarren^13^, Joshua W Knowles^11^, Thomas Quertermous^11^, Luigi Ferrucci^14^, Toshiko Tanaka^15^, Joshua C Bis^16,17^, Curt D Furberg^18^, Talin Haritunians^19^, Barbara McKnight^16,20^, Bruce M Psaty^16,17,21,22^, Kent D Taylor^19^, Evan L Thacker^16,23^, Peter Almgren^24^, Leif Groop^24^, Claes Ladenvall^24^, Michael Boehnke^25^, Anne U Jackson^25^, Karen L Mohlke^1,2^, Heather M Stringham^25^, Jaakko Tuomilehto^26--28^, Emelia J Benjamin^29,30^, Shih-Jen Hwang^31^, Daniel Levy^32^, Sarah Rosner Preis^31^, Ramachandran S Vasan^29,32^, Jubao Duan^33^, Pablo V Gejman^33^, Douglas F Levinson^34^, Alan R Sanders^33^, Jianxin Shi^35^, Esther H Lips^36^, James D McKay^36^, Antonio Agudo^37^, Luigi Barzan^38^, Vladimir Bencko^39^, Simone Benhamou^40,41^, Xavier Castellsagué^37^, Cristina Canova^42^, David I Conway^43^, Eleonora Fabianova^44^, Lenka Foretova^45^, Vladimir Janout^46^, Claire M Healy^47^, Ivana Holcátová^39^, Kristina Kjaerheim^48^, Pagona Lagiou^49^, Jolanta Lissowska^50^, Ray Lowry^51^, Tatiana V Macfarlane^52^, Dana Mates^53^, Lorenzo Richiardi^54^, Peter Rudnai^55^, Neonilia Szeszenia-Dabrowska^56^, David Zaridze^57^, Ariana Znaor^58^, Mark Lathrop^59,60^, Paul Brennan^36^, Stefania Bandinelli^61^, Timothy M Frayling^62^, Jack M Guralnik^63^, Yuri Milaneschi^64^, John R B Perry^62^, David Altshuler^65--70^, Roberto Elosua^71^, Sek Kathiresan^65,68,72^, Gavin Lucas^71^, Olle Melander^73^, Christopher J O\\'Donnell^74^, Veikko Salomaa^75^, Stephen M Schwartz^16^, Benjamin F Voight^76^, Brenda W Penninx^77,78^, Johannes H Smit^77,78^, Nicole Vogelzangs^77,78^, Dorret I Boomsma^79^, Eco J C de Geus^79^, Jacqueline M Vink^79^, Gonneke Willemsen^79^, Stephen J Chanock^80^, Fangyi Gu^81^, Susan E Hankinson^82^, David J Hunter^81^, Albert Hofman^83^, Henning Tiemeier^83,84^, Andre G Uitterlinden^83,85^, Cornelia M van Duijn^83,86^, Stefan Walter^83,87^, Daniel I Chasman^88^, Brendan M Everett^88,89^, Guillaume Paré^88^, Paul M Ridker^88,89^, Ming D Li^90^, Hermine H Maes^91,92^, Janet Audrain-McGovern^93^, Danielle Posthuma^94,95^, Laura M Thornton^96^, Caryn Lerman^93,97^, Jaakko Kaprio^26,75,98^, Jed E Rose^99^, John P A Ioannidis^100--102^, Peter Kraft^81^ and Dan-Yu Lin^103^.\n\n^1^Department of Genetics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. ", "^2^University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. ", "^3^Human Genetics Center and Institute for Molecular Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, Texas, USA. ", "^4^Department of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. ", "^5^Division of Cardiology, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma, Parma, Italy. ", "^6^Statistical Laboratory, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. ", "^7^Department of Applied Health Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy. ", "^8^Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties, Fondazione Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Ospedale Maggiore, Mangiagalli e Regina Elena, University of Milan, Milan, Italy. ", "^9^Department of Cardiology, Azienda Ospedaliera Niguarda Ca\\' Granda, Milan, Italy. ", "^10^HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, Huntsville, Alabama, USA. ", "^11^Cardiovascular Medicine, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA. ", "^12^Stanford Prevention Research Center, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA. ", "^13^Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research, Oakland, California, USA. ", "^14^National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. ", "^15^Medstart Research Institute, National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. ", "^16^Cardiovascular Health Research Unit, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA. ", "^17^Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA. ", "^18^Division of Public Health Sciences, Wake Forest University Health Sciences, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA. ", "^19^Medical Genetics Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, USA. ", "^20^Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA. ", "^21^Department of Epidemiology and Health Services, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA. ", "^22^Group Health Research Institute, Seattle, Washington, USA. ", "^23^Department of Epidemiology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA. ", "^24^Department of Clinical Sciences, Diabetes and Endocrinology Unit, Lund University, Malmö, Sweden. ", "^25^Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. ", "^26^Hjelt Institute, Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. ", "^27^Diabetes Prevention Unit, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland. ", "^28^Finland South Ostrobothnia Central Hospital, Seinäjoki, Finland. ", "^29^Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. ", "^30^Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. ", "^31^Center for Population Studies, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. ", "^32^Department of Medicine, Sections of Preventive Medicine and Cardiology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. ", "^33^Center for Psychiatric Genetics, NorthShore University HealthSystem Research Institute, Evanston, Illinois, USA. ", "^34^Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA. ", "^35^Biostatistics Branch, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. ", "^36^International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Lyon, France. ", "^37^Institut Català d\\'Oncologia, Barcelona, Spain. ", "^38^General Hospital, Pordenone, Italy. ", "^39^Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. ", "^40^Institut National de la santé et de la Recherche Medicalé (INSERM) U794, Paris, France. ", "^41^Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France. ", "^42^Department of Environmental Medicine and Public Health, University of Padua, Padua, Italy. ", "^43^University of Glasgow Medical Faculty Dental School, Glasgow, UK. ", "^44^Specialized Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia. ", "^45^Department of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute, Brno, Czech Republic. ", "^46^Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic. ", "^47^Trinity College School of Dental Science, Dublin, Ireland. ", "^48^Cancer Registry of Norway, Oslo, Norway. ", "^49^University of Athens School of Medicine, Athens, Greece. ", "^50^Department of Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention, Maria Sklodowska-Curie Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology, Warsaw, Poland. ", "^51^University of Newcastle Dental School, Newcastle, UK. ", "^52^University of Aberdeen School of Medicine, Aberdeen, UK. ", "^53^Institute of Public Health, Bucharest, Romania. ", "^54^Center for Experimental Research and Medical Studies, University of Turin, Turin, Italy. ", "^55^National Institute of Environmental Health, Budapest, Hungary. ", "^56^Department of Epidemiology, Institute of Occupational Medicine, Lodz, Poland. ", "^57^Institute of Carcinogenesis, Cancer Research Centre, Moscow, Russia. ", "^58^Croatian National Cancer Registry, Zagreb, Croatia. ", "^59^Centre National de Genotypage, Institut Genomique, Comissariat à l\\'énergie Atomique, Evry, France. ", "^60^Fondation Jean Dausset-Centre d'Étude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH), Paris, France. ", "^61^Geriatric Unit, Azienda Sanitaria di Firenze, Florence, Italy. ", "^62^Genetics of Complex Traits, Peninsula Medical School, The University of Exeter, Exeter, UK. ", "^63^Laboratory of Epidemiology, Demography and Biometry, National Institute on Aging, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. ", "^64^Tuscany Health Regional Agency, Florence, Italy. ", "^65^Broad Institute of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. ", "^66^Department of Molecular Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. ", "^67^Diabetes Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. ", "^68^Center for Human Genetics Research, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. ", "^69^Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. ", "^70^Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. ", "^71^Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Genetics, Institut Municipal d\\'Investigacio Medica, Barcelona, Spain. ", "^72^Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. ", "^73^Department of Clinical Sciences, Hypertension and Cardiovascular Diseases, University Hospital Malmö, Lund University, Malmö, Sweden. ", "^74^National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute\\'s Framingham Heart Study, Framingham, Massachusetts, USA. ", "^75^National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Helsinki, Finland. ", "^76^Program in Medical and Population Genetics, Broad Institute of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. ", "^77^EMGO Institute, Vrije Universiteit (VU) Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ", "^78^Department of Psychiatry, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ", "^79^Biological Psychology, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ", "^80^Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. ", "^81^Program in Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology, Department of Epidemiology, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. ", "^82^Channing Laboratory, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women\\'s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. ", "^83^Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus Medical Center, Member of the Netherlands Consortium on Healthy Aging, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ", "^84^Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ", "^85^Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ", "^86^Centre for Medical Systems Biology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ", "^87^Department of Public Health, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ", "^88^Division of Preventive Medicine, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women\\'s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. ", "^89^Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women\\'s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. ", "^90^Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. ", "^91^Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA. ", "^92^Massey Cancer Center, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA. ", "^93^Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. ", "^94^Department of Functional Genomics, VU Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ", "^95^Department of Medical Genomics, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ", "^96^Department of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. ", "^97^Abramson Cancer Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. ", "^98^Institute for Molecular Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. ", "^99^Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA. ", "^100^Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, University of Ioannina School of Medicine, Ioannina, Greece. ", "^101^Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. ", "^102^Center for Genetic Epidemiology and Modeling, Institute for Clinical Research and Health Policy Studies, Tufts Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. ", "^103^Department of Biostatistics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA.", "\n\n*Oxford-GSK Consortium---*Jason S Liu^1^, Federica Tozzi^2,3^, Dawn M Waterworth^4^, Sreekumar G Pillai^5^, Pierandrea Muglia^6^, Lefkos Middleton^7^, Wade Berrettini^8^, Christopher W Knouff^9^, Xin Yuan^4^, Gérard Waeber^10,11^, Peter Vollenweider^10,11^, Martin Preisig^10,12^, Nicholas J Wareham^13^, Jing Hua Zhao^13^, Ruth JF Loos^13^, Inês Barroso^14^, Kay-Tee Khaw^15^, Scott Grundy^16^, Philip Barter^17^, Robert Mahley^18,19^, Antero Kesaniemi^20^, Ruth McPherson^21,22^, John Vincent^23^, John Strauss^23^, James Kennedy^23^, Anne Farmer^24^, Peter McGuffin^24^, Richard Day^25^, Keith Matthews^26^, Per Bakke^26^, Amund Gulsvik^26^, Susanne Lucae^27^, Marcus Ising^27^, Tanja Brueckl^27^, Sonja Horstmann^27^, Joachim Heinrich^28,29,30^, Rajesh Rawal^28^, Norbert Dahmen^31^, Claudia Lamina^28,32^, Ozren Polasek^33^, Lina Zgaga^34^, Jennifer Huffman^35^, Susan Campbell^35^, Jaspal Kooner^36^, John C Chambers^37^, Mary Susan Burnett^38^, Joe Devaney^38^, Augusto D Pichard^38^, Kenneth M Kent^38^, Lowell Satler^38^, Joseph M Lindsay^38^, Ron Waksman^38^, Stephen Epstein^38^, Jim F Wilson^39^, Sarah H Wild^39^, Harry Campbell^39^, Veronique Vitart^3^, Muredach P Reilly^40,41^, Mingyao Li^42^, Liming Qu^42^, Robert Wilensky^40^, William Matthai^40^, Hakon H Hakonarson^43^, Daniel J Rader^40,41^, Andre Franke^44^, Michael Wittig^44^, Arne Schäfer^44^, Manuela Uda^45^, Antonio Terracciano^46^, Xiangjun Xiao^47^, Fabio Busonero^45^, Paul Scheet^47^, David Schlessinger^46^, David St Clair^48^, Dan Rujescu^49^, Gonçalo R Abecasis^50^, Hans Jörgen Grabe^51^, Alexander Teumer^52^, Henry Völzke^53^, Astrid Petersmann^54^, Ulrich John^55^, Igor Rudan^39^, Caroline Hayward^35^, Alan F Wright^35^, Ivana Kolcic^33^, Benjamin J Wright^56^, John R Thompson^56^, Anthony J Balmforth^57^, Alistair S Hall^57^, Nilesh J Samani^58^, Carl A Anderson^14^, Tariq Ahmed^59^, Christopher G Mathew^60^, Miles Parkes^61^, Jack Satsangi^62^, Mark Caulfield^63^, Patricia B Munroe^63^, Martin Farrall ^64^, Anna Dominiczak^65^, Jane Worthington^66,67^, Wendy Thomson^66,67^, Steve Eyre^66,67^, Anne Barton^66,67^, Vincent Mooser^68^, Clyde Francks^69^.\n\n^1^Department of Statistics, University of Oxford, 1 South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3TG, UK. ", "^2^Clinical Sciences-Aptuit Medicines Reasearch Center, Verona, Italy. ", "^3^Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. ", "^4^Genetics Division, GlaxoSmithKline, Upper Merion, Pennsylvania, USA. ", "^5^Roche Pharmaceuticals, Nutley, New Jersey, USA. ", "^6^Neurosearch Denmark and Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. ", "^7^Division of Neurosciences and Mental Health, Imperial College London, UK. ", "^8^Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. ", "^9^Genetics Division, GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA. ", "^10^University Hospital Center, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. ", "^11^Department of Internal Medicine, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. ", "^12^Department of Psychiatry, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. ", "^13^MRC Epidemiology Unit, Institute of Metabolic Science, Cambridge, UK. ", "^14^Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, UK. ", "^15^Department of Public Health and Primary Care, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. ", "^16^Center for Human Nutrition, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, USA. ", "^17^The Heart Research Institute, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. ", "^18^Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease, University of California, San Francisco, California, USA. ", "^19^American Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey. ", "^20^Department of Internal Medicine, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland. ", "^21^Division of Cardiology, University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. ", "^22^Biocenter Oulu, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland. ", "^23^Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto, ON, Canada. ", "^24^Medical Research Council Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, King\\'s College London, UK. ", "^25^Center for Neuroscience, Division of Medical Sciences, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK. ", "^26^Institute of Medicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. ", "^27^Max-Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany. ", "^28^Institute of Epidemiology, Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Germany. ", "^29^Institute of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany. ", "^30^Klinikum Grosshadern, Munich, Germany. ", "^31^Psychiatrische Klinik und Poliklinik University of Mainz, Germany. ", "^32^Division of Genetic Epidemiology, Department of Medical Genetics, Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology, Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria. ", "^33^Medical School, University of Split, Split, Croatia. ", "^34^Centre for Population Health Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK. ", "^35^Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, MRC Human Genetics Unit, Edinburgh, UK. ", "^36^National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, UK. ", "^37^Division of Epidemiology, Imperial College London, UK. ", "^38^Cardiovascular Research Institute, MedStar Health Research Institute, Washington Hospital Center, Washington, District of Columbia, USA. ", "^39^Centre for Population Health Sciences, University of Edinburgh, UK. ", "^40^The Cardiovascular Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. ", "^41^The Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. ", "^42^Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. ", "^43^The Center for Applied Genomics, Children\\'s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. ", "^44^Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology, Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany. ", "^45^Istituto di Neurogenetica e Neurofarmacologia, CNR, Monserrato, Cagliari, Italy. ", "^46^National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. ", "^47^Department of Epidemiology, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA. ", "^48^Department of Mental Health, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK. ", "^49^Department of Psychiatry, University of Halle, Halle, Germany. ", "^50^Center for Statistical Genetics, Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. ", "^51^Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany. ", "^52^Interfacultary Institute for Genetics and Functional Genomics, University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany. ", "^53^Institute for Community Medicine, University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany. ", "^54^Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany. ", "^55^Department of Social Medicine and Epidemiology, University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany. ", "^56^Department of Health Sciences, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK. ", "^57^Mulitdisciplinary Cardiovascular Research Centre (MCRC), Leeds Institute of Genetics, Health and Therapeutics (LIGHT), University of Leeds, Leeds, UK. ", "^58^Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Leicester, Glenfield Hospital, Leicester, UK. ", "^59^Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, Exeter, UK. ", "^60^Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics, King\\'s College London School of Medicine, Guy\\'s Hospital, London, UK. ", "^61^Gastroenterology Research Unit, Addenbrooke\\'s Hospital, Cambridge, UK. ", "^62^Gastrointestinal Unit, Molecular Medicine Centre, University of Edinburgh, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK. ", "^63^Clinical Pharmacology and Barts and the London Genome Centre, William Harvey Research Institute, Barts and the London School of Medicine, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK. ", "^64^Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Oxford, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, Oxford, UK. ", "^65^BHF Glasgow Cardiovascular Research Centre, Division of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, University of Glasgow, Western Infirmary, Glasgow, UK. ", "^66^Arthritis Research UK Epidemiology Unit, Musculoskeletal Research Group, University of Manchester, Manchester Academic Health Sciences Centre, Manchester, UK. ", "^67^NIHR Manchester Musculoskeletal Biomedical Research Unit, Central Manchester NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK. ", "^68^Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland. ", "^69^Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.", "\n\nURLS\n\n<http://www.who.int/tobacco/mpower/mpower_report_full_2008.pdf>\n\n<http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs311/en/index.html>\n\n[Supplementary Information](#sup1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} accompanies the paper on the Translational Psychiatry website (http://www.nature.com/tp)\n\nAuthors whose affiliations are listed as Decode genetics/AMGEN are employees of Decode genetics/AMGEN.", "\n\nSupplementary Material {#sup1}\n======================\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n![", "Association of obesity variants with smoking initiation (SI) and CPD. ", "The effects on smoking behaviors are depicted vs the effects on BMI from a large meta-analysis.^[@bib4]^ (**a**) The effect on smoking initiation vs the effect on BMI. (**", "b**) The effect on CPD vs the effect on BMI. ", "The BMI effect is in standard units, and the effects on SI and CPD were obtained using a standard fixed-effects additive meta-analysis to combine the results for each SNP from Iceland with additional data from three large GWAS.^[@bib15],\\ [@bib16],\\ [@bib17]^ The effects on SI are the *β*-values from logistic regression treating ever smoking as the response and the allele counts as covariates, and the GWAS of CPD used smoking quantity in categories with each category representing 10 CPD (effect size of 0.1=1 CPD). ", "The dots representing each data point are color coded to indicate the *p*-value obtained as red (*P*\\<0.0001), yellow (*P*\\<0.001), green (*P*\\<0.05) and black (*P*≥0.05) and the input data are provided in ([Supplementary Table 1](#sup1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}).](tp201381f1){#fig1}\n\n###### Association of BMI, height and SNPs associating with BMI and height with smoking phenotypes in Iceland\n\n     *CPD*     *Smoking*  \n ----------------- -------- ------------------------ --------------- -------- ------------------------- ---------\n BMI 33 620 0.095 (0.085, 0.106) 2.5 × 10^−68^ 49 565 −0.005 (−0.014, 0.004) 0.29\n 32 BMI SNPs 24 618 0.032 (0.019, 0.045) 8.0 × 10^−7^ 34 216 0.019 (0.008, 0.030) 0.00054\n Height 33 875 −0.004 (−0.015, 0.007) 0.46 49 931 −0.012 (−0.021, −0.002) 0.013\n 180 Height SNPs 24 630 0.001 (−0.011, 0.014) 0.84 34 231 0.004 (−0.007, 0.015) 0.44\n\nAbbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; SNP, single-nucleotide polymorphism.", "\n\n[^1]: The collaborators from these consortia are listed in a section entitled CONSORTIA.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nunix network process\n\nI was wondering how tcp/ip communication is implemented in unix. ", "When you do a send over the socket, does the tcp/level work (assembling packets, crc, etc) get executed in the same execution context as the calling code? ", "\nOr, what seems more likely, a message is sent to some other daemon process responsible for tcp communication? ", "This process then takes the message and performs the requested work of copying memory buffers and assembling packets etc.? ", "So, the calling code resumes execution right away and tcp work is done in parallel? ", "Is this correct?", "\nDetails would be appreciated. ", "Thanks!", "\n\nA:\n\nThe TCP/IP stack is part of your kernel. ", "What happens is that you call a helper method which prepares a \"kernel trap\". ", "This is a special kind of exception which puts the CPU into a mode with more privileges (\"kernel mode\"). ", "Inside of the trap, the kernel examines the parameters of the exception. ", "One of them is the number of the function to call.", "\nWhen the function is called, it copies the data into a kernel buffer and prepares everything for the data to be processed. ", "Then it returns from the trap, the CPU restores registers and its original mode and execution of your code resumes.", "\nSome kernel thread will pick up the copy of the data and use the network driver to send it out, do all the error handling, etc.", "\nSo, yes, after copying the necessary data, your code resumes and the actual data transfer happens in parallel.", "\nNote that this is for TCP packets. ", "The TCP protocol does all the error handling and handshaking for you, so you can give it all the data and it will know what to do. ", "If there is a problem with the connection, you'll notice only after a while since the TCP protocol can handle short network outages by itself. ", "That means you'll have \"sent\" some data already before you'll get an error. ", "That means you will get the error code for the first packet only after the Nth call to send() or when you try to close the connection (the close() will hang until the receiver has acknowledged all packets).", "\nThe UDP protocol doesn't buffer. ", "When the call returns, the packet is on it's way. ", "But it's \"fire and forget\", so you only know that the driver has put it on the wire. ", "If you want to know whether it has arrived somewhere, you must figure out a way to achieve that yourself. ", "The usual approach is have the receiver send an ack UDP packet back (which also might get lost).", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Starting September 3 at 9 pm ET on TVO and tvo.org, TVO presents the World Broadcast Premiere of TVO Original Inside Kenk. ", "This intriguing half-hour documentary delves into the complex mind of Igor Kenk, one of Canada’s most notorious bike thieves, and catches up to him a decade after his exploits captured headlines across the country and around the world.", "\n\n“Inside Kenk offers a thought-provoking portrait of this larger-than-life character, inviting viewers to get a deeper understanding of why he so thoroughly captured the public’s attention,” says John Ferri, TVO Vice President Current Affairs and Documentaries. “", "TVO Originals like Inside Kenk provide different perspectives on issues that matter; and this film does a great job of placing this story into the context of a neighbourhood and a city in flux.”", "\n\nBefore higher-end businesses and shifting demographics began changing the streetscape, Kenk’s cluttered bicycle clinic blended into Toronto’s pre-gentrified Trinity Bellwoods neighbourhood on Queen Street West. ", "Kenk’s name would be the first to come up whenever someone’s bike was stolen, and his shop brazenly sold stolen bikes back to their original owners.", "\n\nStay up to date! ", "Get Current Affairs & Documentaries email updates in your inbox every morning.", "\n\nBy 2008, the public and the police had had enough and Kenk was arrested and jailed. ", "After his release from jail, Kenk sold his shop and disappeared. ", "Ten years later in Switzerland, Kenk reflects on his past and his new life, pronouncing the world has not seen the last of him. ", "Directed by Jason Gilmore, the film uses archival footage, animation and recently captured interviews to tell Kenk’s story.", "\n\n\"We first started following Igor Kenk because we were fascinated by his intriguing, though sometimes contradictory philosophies, and how he stood as a symbol of old-world ethos at the centre a rapidly gentrifying neighbourhood” says Jason Gilmore. “", "Following up with him 10 years later, we were equally fascinated to see where life had taken him.”", "\n\nInside Kenk will also air on TVO September 5 at 10 pm, September 7 at 10:30 pm, and will be available to stream anytime across Canada on tvo.org.", "\n\nOffering further context, interested viewers can also check out KENK: The Interactive Graphic Novel (www.insidekenk.ca), available later in August, to expand the backstory of Igor Kenk. ", "Developed in the style of the best-selling graphic novel KENK: A Graphic Portrait, users can read chapters of the comic book and tap to bring individual panels to life through animation or jump directly into the original underlying documentary source materials to learn more." ]
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[ "Share this\n\nArticle Facebook\n\nTwitter\n\nEmail You are free to share this article under the Attribution 4.0 International license. ", "University Rice University\n\nFEMA maps used to assess flood risk created may have failed to accurately reflect the risk to Houston, Texas suburbs in the event of major storms.", "\n\nAn analysis of flood claims in several southeast Houston suburbs from 1999-2009 found that the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s 100-year flood plain maps—the tool that US officials use to determine both flood risk and insurance premiums—failed to capture 75 percent of flood damages from five serious floods, none of which reached the threshold of a 100-year event.", "\n\nThe research by hydrologists and land-use experts appeared in the journal Natural Hazards Review just days before Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey inundated the Houston region and caused some of the most catastrophic flooding in US history.", "\n\n“The takeaway from this study, which was borne out in Harvey, is that many losses occur in areas outside FEMA’s 100-year flood plain,” says study coauthor Antonia Sebastian, a research associate at Rice University’s Severe Storm Prediction, Education and Evacuation from Disasters (SSPEED) Center and a postdoctoral researcher at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.", "\n\n“What we’ve tried to show, both with this study and several others, is that it is possible to do better…”\n\n“What we’ve tried to show, both with this study and several others, is that it is possible to do better,” says lead author Russell Blessing, a Texas A&M-Galveston graduate student with joint appointments at the SSPEED Center and Texas A&M-Galveston’s Center for Texas Beaches and Shores. “", "There are innovative computational and hydrological tools available to build more predictive maps.”", "\n\nIn the new study, Blessing, Sebastian, and coauthor Sam Brody, a professor of marine sciences at Texas A&M-Galveston, director of the Center for Texas Beaches and Shores, and a SSPEED Center investigator, examined the Armand Bayou watershed in southeast Harris County. ", "Armand Bayou’s 60-square-mile watershed includes portions of Houston, Pasadena, Deer Park, La Porte, and Taylor Lake Village, as well as unincorporated portions of Harris County.", "\n\nFive major rain events occurred in the study area between 1999-2009. ", "They were Hurricane Ike (2008), Tropical Storms Erin (2007) and Allison (2001), and two rainstorms that caused flooding in 2006 and 2009.", "\n\nHydrologists often characterize rain events and flooding events with a statistic known as “return interval.” ", "A 100-year flood has a 100-year return interval, but Blessing says that does not mean such a storm is only expected to occur every 100 years. ", "Rather, it means there is a 1-in-100 chance, or a 1 percent chance, that the event will occur in any given year. ", "Thus, a 50-year event would have a 2 percent chance of occurring each year, a 10-year event would have a 10 percent chance, and so on.", "\n\nBrody says one problem with FEMA’s 100-year flood plain maps is that they assume that flooding will only take place in one dimension, that is, either downstream or upstream, and not perpendicular to the channel.", "\n\n“That assumption doesn’t hold when you’re in really low-lying areas, like Armand Bayou or other coastal watersheds that are very flat,” he says. “", "When flooding rain accumulates in these areas, it can flow in just about any direction depending upon how high it gets.”", "\n\nAnother issue with FEMA’s maps is their lack of granularity. ", "Brody and Blessing says the type of soil (such as clay versus sand) and the way land is used (such as a concrete parking lot or a school playground) have significant impacts on flooding, and FEMA’s models often use a single classification for entire neighborhoods or groups of neighborhoods. ", "In so doing, they miss out on small-scale features that can significantly affect flooding.", "\n\nSebastian says focusing on 100-year events is also problematic because short, intense rainfall events that don’t meet the 100-year threshold can still cause serious flooding.", "\n\n“In Armand Bayou, a 100-year rainfall event is one that drops 13.5 inches of rain in a 24-hour period,” she says. “", "In reality, we also experience much more intense rainfalls in less time. ", "So, for example, when it rains 6 inches in two or three hours, it can also cause serious flooding.”", "\n\nIn several other studies, including a number that examined flooding in the Clear Creek watershed, Blessing, Brody, Sebastian, and SSPEED colleagues have shown that other approaches, like distributed hydrologic modeling and probabilistic flood plain mapping, can be far more predictive of flood damages and flood risk.", "\n\nThe National Science Foundation supported the research. ", "The findings and opinions reported are those of the authors and are not necessarily endorsed by the funding organizations or those who provided assistance with various aspects of the study.", "\n\nSource: Rice University" ]
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[ "For the past several years, the Bitcoin block size has been the biggest controversy in the space. ", "The debate surrounding the issue started around 2013, and in 2015, the Lightning Network was announced as a possible solution.", "\n\n\n\n@kristovatlas @victoriavaneyk @zmanian @taariqlewis It's not 1+ year away. ", "We're working to release in <6 months. ", "BIP 65 is a big step. — ", "elizabeth stark 😷 (@starkness) December 15, 2015\n\nDespite four years of development on a 6-month project, Lightning employees still haven’t answered the question the Lightning Network was designed to address: how will it scale and remain decentralized?", "\n\n\n\nIn this article, we discuss five reasons the Lightning Network can’t scale and remain decentralized.", "\n\n1. ", "The Lightning Network is too expensive\n\nOne of the proposed benefits of the Lightning Network is low fees. ", "It’s not really the case. ", "Lightning transaction fees are low, but only relative to Bitcoin’s. ", "It still requires an on-chain transaction to open one Lightning channel, which is not supposed to be enough to route payments anywhere else in the network. ", "The optimal number of channels per user is around 14.", "\n\n\n\nBitcoin fees have been hovering around $0.10 for some time now, but even this amount is enough to price out third world users. ", "Venezuelans making a dollar a day can’t afford to open 14 channels just to get paid, let alone the $50, $100, or $1,000 transaction Bitcoin maximalists want to see on-chain.", "\n\n\n\nThat the Lightning Network can’t cater to Venezuelans, Zimbabweans, and other marginalized 3rd world users severely limits its target audience. ", "These are the people who need Bitcoin the most, and adoption must begin with the people who need it.", "\n\n2. ", "Lightning has terrible UX\n\n\n\nOne of the components to using the Lightning Network as envisioned by the developers is running a Lightning node. ", "Lightning nodes require connection to a Bitcoin node, and additional hardware to make sure they never go offline. ", "Downtime for a Lightning node can mean complete loss of funds.", "\n\n\n\nShort power shortages don’t affect LN channels unless the outage messes up your node and causes irrecoverable channel state data loss!", "\n\n\n\nPLEASE be sure to use an external UPS battery wherever you plug in your node hardware! — ", "PierreRochard.com (@pierre_rochard) February 20, 2019\n\nDespite Lightning advocates’ insistence that the technology is still in its early years, a technology as clunky as this isn’t even being adopted by tech enthusiasts, let alone the average person in the US, or Venezuela.", "\n\n\n\n3. ", "Lightning has a low ROI\n\nOn the demand side, Lighting prices out users by keeping fees high. ", "On the supply side, Lightning is equally impractical. ", "Besides the requirement for nodes to be live 100% of the time lest users lose all their funds, the Lightning Network is impractical for liquidity providers.", "\n\n\n\nInsufficient returns are the greatest antagonist to meaningful investment in the Lightning Network. ", "This may change in the future, but at the cost of decentralization, as a high ROI would attract competitors and eventually spawn large hubs as are already being formed.", "\n\n\n\n4. ", "Lightning’s Network Latency and the Routing Problem\n\nThe aforementioned problems are mostly economic obstacles facing the Lightning Network. ", "There are equally damning technical hurdles LN faces.", "\n\n\n\nNetwork latency refers to the time it takes to send messages across the network. ", "In Bitcoin, this is done through block propagation, with game theoretical incentives to ensure the entire network can quickly come to consensus.", "\n\n\n\nIn the Lightning Network, nodes must find a path to send payments before sending. ", "The problem is, every time a payment is sent, the balances of each channel must be updated. ", "Nodes have to always remain aware of the channel balances, learning about updates almost instantaneously. ", "Lightning payments have a high frequency of failure now, and this problem will be even worse at scale (without centralized hubs) due to the volume of payments.", "\n\n\n\nTo ensure successful payments, users are incentivized to open channels with nodes which have lots of BTC available to route. ", "This leads to a “hub and spokes” (centralized) network topology.", "\n\n\n\n5. ", "The Lightning Network is easy to censor\n\nBecause the Lightning Network naturally tends toward a hub-and-spokes model, it’s very easily disrupted. ", "If a node with large balances were taken down, it would disrupt the network immensely.", "\n\n\n\nFurthermore, if the identities of Lightning Network nodes operators are known they can be easily censored through the same KYC restrictions which are placed on exchanges today.", "\n\n\n\nIn Bitcoin, this censorship is impossible because of the incentives of the system, but Lightning has no such incentives to prevent centralization.", "\n\n\n\nClosing Thoughts\n\n\n\nBecause of its high costs and highly technical UX, Lightning appeals to a small subset of people – skilled developers in first-world countries who already hold BTC.", "\n\nWithout custodians to take on these issues, further adoption is inhibited. ", "With custodians, the Lightning Network becomes a recreation of the existing banking system, entirely defeating the purpose of Bitcoin. ", "This means that the Lightning Network can’t scale and remain decentralized.", "\n\n\n\nThankfully, there are alternative approaches to scaling that may remain decentralized. ", "Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV have interesting approaches to this problem.", "\n\nWe write about these and other cryptocurrencies, analyzing them using their fundamentals and incorporating the technical viability of their solutions into our projections of their future value.", "\n\nSign up for a 5-day free trial of the Eat Sleep Crypto and receive one of our most popular premium articles – Price Floors in Cryptocurrencies in the welcome email." ]
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[ "Mucinous carcinoma of the breast: further characterization of its three subtypes.", "\nNineteen cases of mucinous carcinoma of the breast were studied. ", "Twelve tumours were of the pure type, and seven were mixed. ", "All had abundant neutral and acidic mucin, and stained strongly with CAM 5.2. ", "Of the 12 pure mucinous tumours, six were devoid of argyrophilic granules and were S-100 negative, and only one was CEA positive. ", "All six patients are alive with no evidence of recurrence (mean follow-up 42 months). ", "The other six pure mucinous tumours were rich in argyrophilic granules. ", "Five of these showed S-100 positivity and all were CEA positive. ", "One patient developed local recurrence and one died of myocardial infarction with no evidence of tumour recurrence (mean follow-up 80 months). ", "Of the seven mixed tumours, only one contained an occasional cell with argyrophilic granules and four had variable degrees of CEA positivity. ", "Two patients died and one developed bony metastasis (mean follow-up 40 months). ", "Our findings emphasise the microscopic and prognostic differences between the three subtypes of mucinous carcinoma of the breast, and support the concept of dividing pure mucinous tumours into two distinct subtypes. ", "We suggest that the latter subtyping can be qualitatively made on the basis of the presence or absence of argyrophilic granules in the tumour cells." ]
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[ "10 Years After EPISCAN: A New Study on the Prevalence of COPD in Spain -A Summary of the EPISCAN II Protocol.", "\nThe EPISCAN study, published in 2007, was an update of the results of the 1997 IBERPOC study. ", "Changes in demographics and exposure to risk factors demand the periodic update of prevalence and determining factors in COPD. ", "This article is a summary of the protocol and tools used in EPISCAN II. ", "The primary objective of EPISCAN II is to estimate the prevalence of COPD among the general population aged 40 years or more in the 17 autonomous communities of Spain. ", "The sample size requires 600 participants (300 men and 300 women) per center, selected by screening 10,200 participants in a short visit (questionnaire plus forced post-bronchodilator spirometry). ", "Of these, 800 (400 with COPD and 400 without COPD) will also perform a long visit (including a walking test, blood tests, determination of diffusion, pulse oximetry and bioimpedance, and low radiation CT). ", "The first participant was recruited on 28 February 2017. ", "As of 22 November 2017, a total of 3,581 participants had been included, of whom 422 had already performed the long visit. ", "It is estimated that the field work will be completed by December 2018. ", "The new imaging data, biomarkers, and information on new exposures, such as electronic cigarettes and environmental pollution, will help us re-quantify the burden of COPD. ", "EPISCAN II will provide updated information on prevalence and determinants of COPD in Spain, allowing for the comparison of spirometric results and other factors associated with COPD among the 17 autonomous communities." ]
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[ 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nLight bending by black holes\n\nIn the center of our milky way, it is assumed that a black hole exists with a mass of $\\approx 4\\times 10^6$ times our sun's mass. ", "How much light bending (in degrees) would arise for stars that are in perspective near the position of this black hole in the sky?", "\nCould the mass of a black holes become so great that it actually distorts the area in the sky we see around it (through telescopes)?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe general theory of gravitational lensing shows that a light ray which approaches within a radius $r~>>~2GM/c^2$ will be deflected approximately by an angle $\\theta~=~GM/rc^2$. In a more general setting the deflection of light is given by the Einstein angular radius\n$$\n\\theta_E~=~\\sqrt{\\frac{4GM}{c^2}\\frac{d_{ls}}{d_ld_{s}}},\n$$\nwhere $d_{ls},~d_l,~d_s$ are the angular diameters to the gravitational lens, the source and the distance between the gravitational lens and the source. ", "For $d_{ls},~d_l,~d_s$ the angular diameters to the gravitational lens, the source and the distance between the gravitational lens and the source. ", "The condition $d_s~=~d_l~+~d_{sl}$ obtains locally where cosmological frame dragging is small. ", " This theory is the weak gravitational lensing approximation, where the deflection of light is essentially a Newtonian result. ", " The distance relationships are determined by $\\theta d_s~=~\\beta d_s~+~\\alpha' d_{ls}$, for the angles given in the figure. ", " The angle of deflection reduced angle of deflection $\\alpha(\\theta)~=~(d_{ls}/d_s)\\alpha'(\\theta)$ gives a relationship between the angles of importance $\\alpha(\\theta)~+~\\beta~=~\\theta$. The background which is then distorted scales as the square root of the mass of the black hole or large gravitating body. ", " So at a fixed distance away the larger the steradian measure of distrotion is observed.", "\n\nFor the position of a source $\\vec x$, the propagation of light along the $z$ axis from this source then reduces the visual appearance of the object to $\\vec\\xi~=~(\\xi_x,~\\xi_y)$ along the axis of optical propagation. ", " The weak gravitational lensing of light then indicates that the deflection of the appearance of this object along the axis of optical propagation is given by the \n$$\n\\Delta{\\vec\\xi}~=~\\nabla\\Phi(\\xi),\n$$\nfor $\\xi$ the position of the image with the mass present and $\\Phi(\\xi)$ the gravitational potential. ", " The difference in the vector position of the image ${\\vec\\xi}_i~-~{\\vec\\xi}_s$ is the difference between the position with the mass present and without it being present. ", " The potential term obeys the Poisson equation so that\n$$\n\\nabla^2\\Phi~=~2\\frac{\\Sigma(\\vec\\xi)}{\\Sigma_c} \n$$\nThe integration over the direction of propagation then gives the mass density in the plane of the image, often called the surface mass density $\\Sigma(\\vec\\xi)$. The angle of deflection $\\alpha$ is then determined by the Poisson equation and the potential as\n$$\n{\\vec\\alpha}’(\\vec\\xi)~=~\\frac{4G}{c^2}\\int\\frac{(\\vec\\xi~-~\\vec\\xi')\\Sigma(\\vec\\xi')}{|\\vec\\xi~-~\\vec\\xi'|^2}d^2\\xi', \n$$\nfor $\\Sigma(\\vec\\xi)$ a mass/area density distribution in the image. ", " The function $\\Sigma(\\vec\\xi)$ plays the role of an index of refraction based upon a mass distribution, which for a thin lens will give the angle of deviation. ", " For a gravitational thin lens, a weak field that is very small compared to the optical path length, and $\\Sigma(\\vec\\xi)$ is a constant. ", " The deflection angle is simply\n$$\n\\alpha(\\xi)~=~\\frac{4\\pi G}{c^2}\\frac{\\Sigma(\\xi) d_{ls}\\xi}{d_s}\n$$\nwhere for small angles $|\\vec\\xi|~=\\xi~=~d_l\\theta$ and\n$$\n\\alpha(\\xi)~=~\\frac{4\\pi G\\Sigma}{c^2}\\frac{d_{ls}d_l}{d_s}~=~\\frac{\\Sigma}{\\Sigma_c}\\theta\n$$\nfor the critical mass density $\\Sigma_c~=~(c^2/4\\pi G)(d_s/d_{ls}d_l)$. This is the minimal mass density which might be distributed in the area of an Einstein ring. ", " \n\n" ]
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[ "Water scarcity issues to impact global businesses within five years, report claims\n\nAccording to the new Global Water Report 2013, water scarcity problems are set to become more common over the years to come and businesses need to change their approach to water-related risk management.", "\n\nAccording to the new Global Water Report 2013 by international not-for-profit organization CDP, formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project, water scarcity problems are set to become more common over the years to come and businesses need to change their approach to water-related risk management, The Guardian reported.", "\n\nThe report found that water risks are becoming increasingly immediate and a growing number of companies expect to feel their impact within the next five years. ", "About two-thirds of the 180 companies that were surveyed for the report identify water risks in their direct operations and in the supply chain as near-term. ", "The most commonly cited water risks include water scarcity, flooding and a rise in compliance costs, CDP said. ", "Other risks that businesses predict will increase over the next few years are poor water quality, increased water prices and reputational harm.", "\n\nCDP stated that the general corporate view on water management too often stresses direct water use reduction. ", "This is a very limited and outdated approach that fails to recognize the wide range of water risks that businesses will face in the near future, CDP pointed out.", "\n\nAlthough the number of businesses acknowledging the fact that water issues cannot be resolved in isolation is rising, one in six companies still fail to comply with their water discharge permits, while a modest 3 percent of those polled had targets for water management, CDP concluded." ]
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[ "Method Of Preparation:\n1. ", "Mix the milk powder,baking soda,baking powder,salt, APF and ghee to form a grainy textured mixture.2. ", "Add milk little by little to form a soft and sticky dough.3. ", "Cover the dough with a damp cloth and keep it aside for 5 min.4. ", "Now make small balls of the dough.", "Its good to avoid cracks on the surface of the ball,else gulab jamun will break.5.Heat the oil in a pan and drop the balls into oil once it is sufficient hot.", "When the ball rises turn it continuously to form a evenly browned balls.6. ", "When the balls turn light brown from all sides it is time to remove it from flame.", "To make syrup(do simultaneously):1.Heat the water,Cardamon pods and sugar in a pan till the sugar melts.2. ", "If adding rose water then remove the sugar syrup from flame and then add rose water.3. ", "After the syrup becomes warm, we can add the balls into it.4. ", "It is good to serve at room temperature or after cooling overnight.", "\n\nNotes:\n1. ", "While making the dough there should be enough of liquid. ", "The dough will be sticky.", "After resting it will get better to handle.2. ", "Grease hands before making balls.3. ", "Do try to make balls with smooth surface as cracks will break while frying as well as soaking.4. ", "If the surface doesn,t turn soft use little ghee and milk to knead again.5. ", "Fry by checking the temperature of oil. ", "Add a small puece of dough into oil and that should stay at bottom for a small time and then rise to top(float). ", "This ensures that the inner of jamuns get cooked, else the outer will turn brown fast and inner will be hard even after cooking, a result of not being cooked.6. ", "Do not knead the dough by applying lot of pressure..be soft.7. ", "Soak the jamuns when the sugar syrup is warm.8. ", "Make small balls as jamuns will bulge while frying as well as soaking.9. ", "Most of all wait till it is completely soaked in syrup..atleast 3 hrs to 5 hrs.", "\n\nMethod Of Preparation\n1. ", "Take a pan and pour water into it.", "Boil the water and add the grated carrot into it and boil it till the carrot softens.2. ", "Then take another pan and heat the ghee in it.shallow fry the raisins ,almond and cashew and keep them apart.", "\n\n3. ", "To the remaining ghee add the milk and the sugar and keep it to boil.", "\n\n4. ", "When it starts boiling add the carrot that is partially boiled into the milk and keep on stirring.", "\n\n5. ", "When the consistency of halwa is reached,add a spoon of vanilla essence(optional),the fried nuts, and mix all together and turn off the gas." ]
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[ "Warners follows ‘Primeval’ urge\n\nStudio acquires rights to Brit sci-fi series\n\nIn a high-six-figure deal, Warner Bros. has acquired screen rights to “Primeval,” the ITV series that airs in the U.S. on BBC America and Sci Fi Channel.", "\n\nAkiva Goldsman and Kerry Foster will produce through Goldsman’s WB-based Weed Road banner. ", "Emily Cummins will also be involved in a producing capacity.", "\n\nGoldsman, who scripted the Ron Howard-directed “Angels and Demons” with David Koepp, will hire a writer to draft “Primeval.”", "\n\nIn the series, ferocious prehistoric and futuristic creatures appear through wormhole time portals, and a covert team headed by an evolutionary scientist tries to close the doors and quietly thwart the creatures.", "\n\nThe series, which has run three seasons, was co-created by Tim Haines and Adrian Hodges and produced by Haines’ shingle, Impossible Pictures.", "\n\nWB and Goldsman will transplant the action to the U.S. and ramp up the spectacle.", "\n\n“There is a solid mythology to the series, but the movie has the dinosaur element of ‘Jurassic Park’ and the time travel element of ‘Lost,’ and it just feels like the kind of big movie that Warner Bros. does well,” Foster said.", "\n\nImpossible Pictures managing director Jonathan Drake said the movie is one part of an expansion effort for a show that has broadened into primetime berths in countries all over the world. ", "This week Drake and Haines are pitching a series that would also transplant the action beyond the U.K.\n\nSeparately, Goldsman is producing with Andrew Lazar “Jonah Hex,” which is in production. ", "With Overbrook partners Will Smith and James Lassiter, Goldsman is developing a D.B. Weiss-scripted, Francis Lawrence-directed prequel to “I Am Legend,” and with Zucker Prods., ", "Goldsman is producing the Doug Liman-directed “Fair Game,” for River Road." ]
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[ "Colin Calderwood\n\nColin Calderwood (born 20 January 1965) is a Scottish football coach and former player who was most recently the head coach at Cambridge United.", "\n\nCalderwood made over 150 league appearances for Swindon Town and Tottenham Hotspur. ", "He was a regular player for the Scotland national football team during the late 1990s, appearing in two major tournaments. ", "Calderwood retired as a player in 2001.", "\n\nCalderwood became manager of Northampton Town in 2003, guiding the club to promotion in 2006. ", "He then became manager of Nottingham Forest, helping the club win promotion in 2008. ", "Calderwood was sacked by Forest in December 2008 and then moved to Newcastle United, working as first team coach. ", "After a year with the Tyneside club, Calderwood became a manager again by moving to Hibernian, but he was sacked after just over a year in that job.", "\n\nHe was associated with Chris Hughton for several years, working as his assistant manager at Newcastle United, Birmingham City, Norwich City and Brighton & Hove Albion. ", "After a spell as assistant manager at Aston Villa, Calderwood managed Cambridge United.", "\n\nClub career\n\nMansfield Town\nDespite being born and raised in the Stranraer area, Calderwood never played in the Scottish leagues. ", "He started his career in the lower reaches of The Football League in England, with Mansfield Town. ", "He played 100 league games for the club, three as substitute. ", "His debut for Mansfield was spoiled by the club making an error in his registration which caused them to be deducted two league points.", "\n\nSwindon Town \nSwindon Town manager Lou Macari signed Calderwood from Mansfield Town in 1985, with a Football League tribunal setting the fee at £27,500.", "\n\nThe 21-year-old Calderwood was installed as the club captain, and he made his debut on the first day of the season, a 1–0 defeat at Wrexham on 17 August 1985. ", "Although that season started badly, it ended with the Town breaking the League points record as they won the Fourth Division title. ", "Calderwood's performance in Swindon Town's defence won him the Adver Player of the Year award from the Swindon Advertiser.", "\n\nThe following season, Calderwood helped Swindon Town to their achieve their second successive promotion, after beating Gillingham in the playoff final replay at Selhurst Park.", "\n\nAs Swindon gradually improved in Division Two, Calderwood led the defence, missing only thirteen league games over the next three years. ", "At the end of this period, he led the Town to their first promotion to the top flight, after beating Sunderland in the playoff final at Wembley in 1990. ", "Shortly afterwards, Swindon were demoted to the Third Division due to an irregular payments scandal. ", "The club were reinstated to the Second Division after an appeal. ", "Calderwood was arrested and questioned by the police with regard to the scandal, though was not ultimately charged with anything.", "\n\nSwindon narrowly avoided relegation in the 1990-91 season, which Calderwood mostly missed after a tackle by Wolves player Steve Bull caused a serious injury. ", "During the following two seasons, Calderwood returned to be an ever-present in the Swindon side. ", "Now under the management of Glenn Hoddle, Swindon were promoted to the newly founded Premier League at the end of the 1992–93 season after a 4-3 playoff final victory over Leicester. ", "Calderwood was picked for the Football League representative side, playing against their Italian counterparts.", "\n\nTottenham Hotspur \nCalderwood's contract with Swindon expired in the summer of 1993. ", "Former manager Ossie Ardiles signed him for Tottenham Hotspur, with a tribunal setting the transfer fee at £1.25 million. ", "This set a new Swindon Town club record for transfer fee received.", "\n\nWhilst at Tottenham Hotspur for five years Calderwood played with a succession of defenders including Gary Mabbutt and Ramon Vega. ", "While at Tottenham he gained many of his Scotland caps, making his debut against Russia in the UEFA Euro 1996 qualifying Group 8 section. ", "Calderwood represented his country at UEFA Euro 1996 and the 1998 FIFA World Cup, playing in all three matches at the first tournament and two matches at the second. ", "He was a regular under Scotland manager Craig Brown.", "\n\nDespite not being part of Tottenham's squad for the 1999 Football League Cup Final he made four appearances during their victorious League Cup campaign. ", "Two days after the final Calderwood moved on from Tottenham in March 1999, signing for Aston Villa. ", "He then had brief spells with Nottingham Forest and Notts County before retiring. ", "Calderwood's career was brought to an end by a broken leg suffered while with Nottingham Forest.", "\n\nCoaching career\n\nNorthampton Town \nUpon retirement as a player, Calderwood became reserve team manager at Tottenham. ", "He became manager of Northampton Town on 9 October 2003. ", "In his first two seasons in charge, Northampton reached the promotion playoffs. ", " They finally won promotion in 2006 by finishing second in League Two, setting a new club record for clean sheets in a single season, with 25.", "\n\nNottingham Forest \nCalderwood was appointed as manager by Nottingham Forest in May 2006. ", "Calderwood enjoyed an unbeaten league start to his Forest campaign and won the managerial monthly award for August 2006. ", "Forest led League One by seven points in late November 2006. ", "This lead was squandered, and the club finished in fourth place, 11 points behind leaders Scunthorpe United. ", "Forest lost 5–4 on aggregate to Yeovil Town in the promotion playoffs.", "\n\nIn the 2007–08 season, Forest failed to win any of their first six competitive games of the season. ", "Forest went on a good run of form after this, losing just once in fifteen games. ", "Calderwood won a manager of the month award during this run, but he decided to sell the award trophy on eBay to raise funds for presents to hospital patients in Nottingham. ", "The auction was said to have raised around £2,000.", "\n\nAfter this, there was a spell of inconsistent results, particularly away from home, which led to Forest dropping into the promotion play-off zone. ", "Forest were nine points short of the automatic promotion places with just four games remaining, which led Calderwood to admit that automatic promotion was unlikely. ", "Forest won six out of their last seven games, which was enough to earn a second-place finish and automatic promotion to the Football League Championship.", "\n\nCalderwood was sacked by Forest in December 2008, as the club had secured just four wins by Christmas.", "\n\nNewcastle United \nCalderwood was appointed first team coach at Newcastle United on 26 January 2009. ", "Newcastle were relegated from the Premier League at the end of the season. ", "Calderwood then worked as an assistant manager to Chris Hughton as Newcastle gained promotion back to the Premier League at the first attempt by winning the 2009–10 Football League Championship.", "\n\nHibernian \nOn 18 October 2010, Calderwood left Newcastle to become manager of Edinburgh side Hibernian. ", "After three losses in his first three matches in charge, including an Edinburgh derby defeat by rivals Hearts, Calderwood's first win as Hibs boss came in a shock 3–0 win against Rangers at Ibrox. ", "Despite this surprise victory, Calderwood suffered criticism after Hibs went on a poor run of results, winning just two of his first fourteen matches as manager. ", "This prompted speculation that he had offered to resign, which was denied. ", "A five match winning run lifted Hibs up into eighth place in the SPL and earned Calderwood the SPL monthly award for February 2011. ", "Hibs finished the 2010–11 season in tenth place.", "\n\nIn June 2011, Birmingham City and Nottingham Forest both approached Hibs with a view to appointing Calderwood as their assistant manager. ", "Calderwood was sacked by Hibs on 6 November 2011, having won just 12 games out of 49.", "\n\nAssistant manager \nCalderwood was appointed assistant manager at Championship club Birmingham City on 24 November 2011, working with Chris Hughton for a third time. ", "When Hughton left for Premier League club Norwich City on 7 June 2012, Calderwood went with him as assistant manager. ", "He left the club when Hughton was dismissed on 6 April 2014.", "\n\nIn early February 2015, he was appointed assistant manager at Brighton & Hove Albion, rejoining Hughton for a fourth time. ", "He resigned from the club on 12 November 2016 to take up a position elsewhere. ", "After Brighton played out a 1–1 draw with Aston Villa on 18 November, it was confirmed that Calderwood would become assistant manager at Villa, working with Steve Bruce.", "\n\nCambridge United \nCalderwood was appointed manager at Cambridge United on 19 December 2018. ", "He joined the club on an initial 18-month contract. ", "Cambridge avoided relegation in his initial period in charge. ", "\n\nCalderwood signed 11 new players ahead of the 2019–20 season. ", "His new-look squad had a goalless draw at Bradford City on the opening day, before upsetting Championship side Brentford in the League Cup first round in a penalty shootout. ", "After a 4–0 win at Mansfield Town, Calderwood signed a two-year contract extension with Cambridge on 20 September 2019. ", "The team then had a poor run of results and he was sacked by Cambridge on 29 January 2020, following a 4–0 defeat to Salford City. ", "He left with the team 18th in EFL League Two.", "\n\nCareer statistics\n\nInternational appearances\n\nInternational goals\nScores and results list Scotland's goal tally first.", "\n\nManager\n\nHonours\n\nAs player\nPromotions\n1985–86: Division 4 Champion (promotion to Division 3) - Swindon Town\n1986–87: Division 3 Playoff Winner (promotion to Division 2) - Swindon Town\n1989–90: Division 2 Playoff Winner (promotion to Division 1) - Swindon Town\n1992–93: Division 1 Playoff Winner (promotion to The Premiership) - Swindon Town\n\nAs manager\nPromotions\n2005–06: League Two Runner-up (promotion to League One) - Northampton Town\n2007–08: League One Runner-up (promotion to The Championship) - Nottingham Forest\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1965 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:People from Stranraer\nCategory:Scottish footballers\nCategory:Association football defenders\nCategory:Mansfield Town F.C. players\nCategory:Swindon Town F.C. players\nCategory:Tottenham Hotspur F.C. players\nCategory:Aston Villa F.C. players\nCategory:Nottingham Forest F.C. players\nCategory:Notts County F.C. players\nCategory:English Football League players\nCategory:Premier League players\nCategory:Scotland international footballers\nCategory:UEFA Euro 1996 players\nCategory:1998 FIFA World Cup players\nCategory:Scottish football managers\nCategory:Scottish Premier League managers\nCategory:Tottenham Hotspur F.C. non-playing staff\nCategory:Northampton Town F.C. managers\nCategory:Nottingham Forest F.C. managers\nCategory:Newcastle United F.C. non-playing staff\nCategory:Hibernian F.C. managers\nCategory:Birmingham City F.C. non-playing staff\nCategory:People educated at Stranraer Academy\nCategory:Norwich City F.C. non-playing staff\nCategory:Sportspeople from Dumfries and Galloway\nCategory:Brighton & Hove Albion F.C. non-playing staff\nCategory:Aston Villa F.C. non-playing staff\nCategory:Cambridge United F.C. managers" ]
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[ "In vivo gene transfer in mouse skeletal muscle mediated by baculovirus vectors.", "\nBaculovirus vectors are efficient tools for gene transfer into mammalian cells in vitro. ", "However, in vivo gene delivery by systemic administration is hindered by the vector inactivation mediated by the complement system. ", "To characterize further the gene transfer efficacy of baculovirus we examined the vector transduction efficiency in skeletal muscle. ", "Vectors expressing vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (VSV-G) in the viral envelope were generated by inserting the VSV-G coding sequence downstream of the polyhedrin promoter. ", "Two viruses were constructed to carry either the Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase (beta-Gal) gene or the mouse erythropoietin (EPO) cDNA cloned downstream of the cytomegalovirus immediate-early promoter and enhancer. ", "The greater gene transduction efficiency of the Bac-G-betaGal vector was confirmed by comparing the beta-Gal expression level in a variety of human and mouse cell lines with that obtained on infection with Bac-betaGal, a vector that lacks VSV-G. Similarly, a 5- to 10-fold increase in beta-Gal expression between Bac-G-betaGal and Bac-betaGal was observed when mouse myoblasts and myotubes were infected. ", "The same increase in beta-Gal expression was detected on injection of the Bac-G-betaGal vector in the quadriceps of BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice. ", "In contrast, a 2-fold difference in transduction was observed between these two vectors in DBA/2J mouse strain. ", "Last, expression of EPO cDNA was detected for at least 178 days in DBA/2J mice on Bac-G-EPO injection into the quadriceps whereas EPO expression declined to normal values by 35 days postinfection in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice. ", "Thus, these results indicate that baculovirus may be considered a useful vector for gene transfer in mouse skeletal muscle and that persistence of expression may depend on the mouse strain used." ]
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[ "target datalayout = \"e-m:e-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128\"\ntarget triple = \"x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu\"\n\n@InterposableAliasWrite1 = linkonce dso_local alias void(i8*), void(i8*)* @Write1\n\n@PreemptableAliasWrite1 = dso_preemptable alias void(i8*), void(i8*)* @Write1\n@AliasToPreemptableAliasWrite1 = dso_local alias void(i8*), void(i8*)* @PreemptableAliasWrite1\n\n@AliasWrite1 = dso_local alias void(i8*), void(i8*)* @Write1\n\n@BitcastAliasWrite1 = dso_local alias void(i32*), bitcast (void(i8*)* @Write1 to void(i32*)*)\n@AliasToBitcastAliasWrite1 = dso_local alias void(i8*), bitcast (void(i32*)* @BitcastAliasWrite1 to void(i8*)*)\n\ndefine dso_local void @Write1(i8* %p) {\nentry:\n store i8 0, i8* %p, align 1\n ret void\n}\n" ]
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[ "Search\n\nChocolate and almonds have traveled far and wide and from different areas of the world throughout history. ", "Here at CoffeeByCj, these flavors meet to give you a classic yet irresistible taste of chocolate flavored coffee with the essence of freshly roasted almonds. ", "This will be like gourmet candy in a cup!", "\n\nWe capture the essence of almonds perfectly in this cup, but the ever-popular aroma of chocolate is the main attraction in this brew. ", "Both chocolate and almonds have been enjoyed around the world, so our flavored coffee list just wouldn’t be complete without them! ", "Bring the distances of the world between these two popular flavors together in your coffee cup every morning, noon, and night! ", "Let the sweet and smoky aroma of Chocolate Almond flavored coffee entice you! ", "This flavored coffee contains nut extract.", "\nhttp://www.coffeebycj.net/chocolate-almond-flavored-coffee-12lbb12.html" ]
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[ "A. Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates generally to the field of immunology. ", "More specifically, the present invention relates to immune complexes and the expression and use of recombinant proteins containing multiple hinge and CH2 regions of immunoglobulins.", "\nB. Description of Related Art\nImmune complexes (IC) exhibit diverse biological activities; some that contribute to disease whereas others ameliorate disease. ", "Deposition of IgG containing IC on tissue surfaces, as for example in glomeruli, can contribute to the pathogenesis of antibody-mediated autoimmune diseases. ", "On the other hand, IC can favorably modulate T- and B-cell activation pathways via binding to Fc receptors expressed on immunocytes. ", "Aggregated IgG (AIG) shares many features and biological activities with IC. ", "Both modulate T-cell suppressor function (Antel et al., ", "1981; Durandy et al., ", "1981), cytokine synthesis, IgG secretion, and lymphocyte proliferation (Berger et al., ", "1997; Wiesenhutter et al., ", "1984; Ptak et al., ", "2000).", "\nMonomeric IgG, or the Fc fragment thereof, ameliorates disease progression in animal models of autoimmune disease (Miyagi et al., ", "1997; Gomez-Guerrero et al., ", "2000). ", "Monomeric IgG is widely used therapeutically, usually in massive doses, to treat antibody-mediated diseases in man. ", "The protective effect in antibody-mediated diseases may be achieved in part through blockade of FcγRs such that binding of IC to them is impeded (Clynes et al., ", "1998). ", "IgG administration also favorably affects the course of T-cell mediated autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis (Fazekas et al. ", "1997; Sorensen et al., ", "1998; Achiron et al., ", "1998). ", "Here the basis for benefit is poorly understood though it is postulated to involve the increased production of anti-inflammatory cytokines initiated by binding of IV IgG, or complexes derived therefrom, to FcγR. In both antibody and T-cell mediated processes the mechanisms and consequences of FcγR engagement are fundamental to the understanding and treatment of autoimmune diseases.", "\nAggregated IgG has been proposed as a treatment for autoimmune diseases of humans. ", "The use of aggregated IgG has been studied as a treatment for multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases. ", "However, aggregated IgG has major limitations. ", "IgG is commonly aggregated by exposure to heat; the resultant aggregates are bound together in a random fashion limiting reproducibility from one preparation to the next. ", "Preparations contain a heterogeneous collection of aggregates of varying size in diverse conformations.", "\nThe formation of immunoglobulin fusion proteins is known in the art. ", "For example, U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "5,714,147 and 5,455,165 disclose novel hybrid immunoglobulin molecules and the expression vectors encoding them. ", "These chimeric molecules are used in improving the circulating plasma half-life of ligand binding molecules, and comprise a lymphocyte homing receptor fused to an immunoglobulin constant region. ", "Homo or hetero-dimers or tetramer hybrid immunoglobulins containing predominantly the heavy and light constant regions of immunoglobulin are used. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,046,310 discloses FAS ligand fusion proteins comprising a polylpeptide capable of specifically binding an antigen or cell surface marker for use in treatment of autoimmune disorders. ", "The fusion protein preferably comprises IgG2 or IgG4 isotype, and may comprise antibodies with one or more domains, such as the CH2, CH1 or hinge deleted. ", "Majeau et al. (", "1994) discusses Ig fusion proteins used for the inhibition of T cell responses. ", "These fusion proteins comprise IgG1 and LFA-3. ", "Eilat et al. (", "1992) disclose a soluble chimeric Ig heterodimer produced by fusing TCR chains to the hinge region, CH2, and CH3 domains of human IgG1.", "\nImmunoglobulin fusion proteins have been employed to express numerous proteins in mammalian and insect cells (Ashkenazi, et al., ", "1997). ", "Fusion protein platforms can permit the introduction of additional functions, for example, inclusion of the amino-terminal CD8α domain may result in the co-ligation of FcR on lymphocytes to MHC I on antigen presenting cells (Alcover, et al., ", "1993; Meyerson, et al., ", "1996).", "\nOther Ig proteins and variants have also been studied for their therapeutic effect on autoimmune diseases, including a recombinant polymeric IgG that mimics the complement activity of IgM (Smith and Morrison, 1994) where the polymeric IgG is formed by the polymerization of H2L2 subunits. ", "Greenwood et al. (", "1993) discusses therapeutic potency relative to the structural motifs involving the human IgG antibodies, IgG1, IgG3, and IgG4. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,998,166 discloses human FcγR-III variants, which can be used in the therapy and/or diagnosis of autoimmune diseases. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,830,731 discloses novel expression vectors in which cell surface antigens cloned according to that invention have diagnostic and therapeutic utility in immune-mediated infections. ", "Cell surface antigens that are used to regulate lymphocyte activation, achieve antigen aggregation in vitro by incubating lymphocytes with immobilized ligands or antibodies or their fragments (WO9942077). ", "However, the aggregated IgG and Fc aggregates have limited reproducibility, containing a random and heterogeneous mixture of protein thereby limiting their effectiveness as therapeutic agents. ", "Other problems include a lack of an ability to target a number of cell types with a single agent and size limitations." ]
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[ "Nhat Hanh is the author of more than 100 books on Buddhism, which have sold more than a million copies worldwide.", "\n\nThe talk at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium, titled \"Our True Agenda -- Tending to the Space Inside,\" will explore how mindfulness practice and meditation can bring about inner peace and affect the people around you, the environment, and the caffeinated, multi-tasking world of our times.", "\n\nNhat Hanh is making this rare appearance as he recovers from a bout with lung infection. ", "Recently recovered, this will be the first time he is speaking publicly in Southern California in two years.", "\n\nNhat Hanh was exiled from his native Vietnam for helping to lead a non-violent resistance movement opposing the U.S.-Vietnam War, and calling for reconciliation and ceasefire between the warring parties. ", "In 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize. ", "Since his days in Vietnam, Thich Nhat Hanh has been a leading proponent of \"engaged Buddhism,\" a way of life and a spiritual practice that works actively in the world to relieve suffering." ]
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[ "Unusual presentation of hepatic vascular tumors as fulminant hepatic failure.", "\nEpithelioid hemangioendothelioma and angiosarcoma of the liver are rare neoplasms of vascular origin. ", "They can present with nonspecific symptoms such as malaise and weight loss, as well as with liver-related symptoms such as abdominal pain, tender hepatomegaly and jaundice. ", "Portal hypertension and rarely liver failure can occur. ", "We hereby report two cases of fulminant hepatic failure that were eventually diagnosed with epithelioid hemangioendothelioma and angiosarcoma of the liver." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1-materials-13-00027}\n===============\n\nRecently, Y-TZP ceramics (yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystals) are the strongest alternative biomedical dental materials for all-ceramic dental restorations because of its esthetic, durability, and availability \\[[@B1-materials-13-00027],[@B2-materials-13-00027],[@B3-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "In addition, it is more biocompatible than other ceramics, titanium, and metal alloys, particularly when it is in direct contact with the gingival tissues. ", "Zirconia has three crystalline phases: monoclinic, tetragonal, and cubic phase \\[[@B4-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "Yttrium is added to stabilize zirconia at room temperature in the tetragonal phase \\[[@B5-materials-13-00027]\\], accordingly, this transformation is responsible for its high mechanical properties \\[[@B6-materials-13-00027]\\].", "\n\nThe mechanical behavior of Y-TZP zirconia might be deteriorated by a spontaneous transformation of the tetragonal phase to monoclinic phase (t→m) when triggered by external stresses such as grinding \\[[@B7-materials-13-00027],[@B8-materials-13-00027]\\] particle air-abrasion \\[[@B9-materials-13-00027],[@B10-materials-13-00027]\\] and hydrothermal aging \\[[@B11-materials-13-00027],[@B12-materials-13-00027]\\] which is called hydrothermal degradation or low temperature degradation (LTD) \\[[@B13-materials-13-00027]\\].", "\n\nLTD initially occurs at the superficial grains, where water is incorporated into zirconia grains by filling oxygen vacancies, and later spreads to the surface increasing its roughness \\[[@B14-materials-13-00027],[@B15-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "Afterwards, LTD proceeds into the bulk material \\[[@B15-materials-13-00027]\\] and affects negatively the density and mechanical properties of Y-TZP structures \\[[@B2-materials-13-00027],[@B16-materials-13-00027],[@B17-materials-13-00027],[@B18-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "LTD can be induced by steam autoclave treatments at increased temperatures (120--140 °C), whereby phase transformation of Y-TZP crystals occurs in the presence of water or steam \\[[@B18-materials-13-00027],[@B19-materials-13-00027],[@B20-materials-13-00027]\\].", "\n\nMany studies reported that the real influence of aging of zirconia in an autoclave is not clear. ", "It may positively or negatively influence the mechanical properties of Y-TZP ceramics. ", "First the aging leads to an increase in the mechanical properties, through the transformation toughening mechanism \\[[@B6-materials-13-00027],[@B21-materials-13-00027]\\], then it results in a mechanical deterioration of the material \\[[@B2-materials-13-00027],[@B13-materials-13-00027],[@B22-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "The improvement of mechanical properties of zirconia by LTD was reported by several studies \\[[@B9-materials-13-00027],[@B12-materials-13-00027],[@B23-materials-13-00027]\\], while other studies \\[[@B24-materials-13-00027],[@B25-materials-13-00027]\\] showed that LTD had no effect on the mechanical properties of zirconia.", "\n\nThe strength of zirconia can be influenced also by different surface treatments, such as particle air-abrasion with Al~2~O~3~ particles, silica coating, acid etching and combinations of any of these methods \\[[@B26-materials-13-00027],[@B27-materials-13-00027],[@B28-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "Many studies showed that different surface treatments might influence the strength of zirconia ceramic negatively \\[[@B7-materials-13-00027],[@B29-materials-13-00027],[@B30-materials-13-00027],[@B31-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "Different surface damages were created as a result of the surface treatment. ", "These surfaces flaws act as stress concentration areas which later on act as a potential site of crack initiation and propagation \\[[@B32-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "On the other hand, some studies reported an increase in the strength of zirconia with particle air-abrasion treatment due to the created compressive stresses induced by the tetragonal-monoclinic transformation on the surface of zirconia \\[[@B7-materials-13-00027],[@B8-materials-13-00027],[@B33-materials-13-00027]\\].", "\n\nSome studies \\[[@B34-materials-13-00027],[@B35-materials-13-00027]\\] reported that the tested polishing systems were not able to induce a tetragonal-monoclinic transformation. ", "While another study \\[[@B33-materials-13-00027]\\] showed a significant t→m transformation which resulted in an increase in the biaxial flexural strength of Y-TZP with the polishing treatment.", "\n\nMonolithic zirconia ceramics used as full-contour ceramic restorations, overcome the problems of veneering porcelain chipping \\[[@B36-materials-13-00027],[@B37-materials-13-00027],[@B38-materials-13-00027]\\], and have the advantages of restorations requiring less invasive tooth preparations and providing high mechanical and esthetic properties \\[[@B39-materials-13-00027]\\].", "\n\nDental restorations are exposed in the oral environment to different destructive stimuli such as mastication, the effect of water, and change of temperatures. ", "Currently, there are limited data concerning the influence of aging and different surface treatments on the mechanical properties of translucent 3Y-TZP monolithic zirconia, which might be recommended during the repair of zirconia in the case of chipping or partial fractures under clinical conditions. ", "And some of the studies are contradictory to others. ", "The translucency of zirconia has a strong relationship with its microstructure and chemical compositions \\[[@B40-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "Previous studies showed that the translucency of zirconia is influenced by grain size of Y-TZP ceramics, grain boundary structures, and phase composition \\[[@B41-materials-13-00027],[@B42-materials-13-00027],[@B43-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "Different dental manufacturers eliminate or reduced the alumina amount or increased the yttria content to improve the translucency of dental Y-TZP ceramics \\[[@B44-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "Increasing the content of yttria influences negatively the mechanical properties of zirconia \\[[@B45-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "Recently, some literature reported that the co-doping of 0.2 mol % Lanthanum oxide and 0.1 wt. %", "--0.25 wt. % ", "Al~2~O~3~ in 3Y-TPZ zirconia resulted in a high translucent zirconia with improved mechanical properties \\[[@B44-materials-13-00027],[@B46-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "It has been reported that there was an increase in the strength of zirconia with the increase in t→m phase transformation following different surface treatments or aging \\[[@B8-materials-13-00027],[@B12-materials-13-00027],[@B33-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "In contrast, some studies showed that different surface treatments or aging decrease the strength of zirconia \\[[@B7-materials-13-00027],[@B8-materials-13-00027],[@B30-materials-13-00027],[@B47-materials-13-00027]\\], or cause no effect on the mechanical properties of zirconia \\[[@B34-materials-13-00027],[@B48-materials-13-00027],[@B49-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of aging and surface treatment on surface roughness, biaxial flexural strength (BFS), and Vickers hardness of high translucent dental zirconia. ", "The tested hypothesis was that both aging and different surface treatments will not influence the BFS or Vickers hardness of high translucent dental zirconia.", "\n\n2. ", "Materials and Methods {#sec2-materials-13-00027}\n========================\n\nThe 3Y-TZP ceramic used in this study is a high translucent zirconia (Katana HT10, Batch no.: ", "DPQAY, Kuraray, Tokyo, Japan) containing (ZrO~2~ + HfO~2~ + Y~2~O~3~) \\> 99.0%, yttrium oxide (Y~2~O~3~) \\> 4.5%-- ≤ 6.0%, hafnium oxide (HfO~2~) ≤ 5.0%, and other oxides ≤ 1.0% with a translucency of 30% according to the manufacturer's information. ", "Eighty disc-shaped high translucent zirconia with a final diameter of 12 mm, a final thickness of 1.2 mm and shade HT10 were milled and sintered in a sintering oven (Nabertherm GmbH, Bremen, Germany) according to the manufacturer's instructions (1500 °C, holding time: 2 h). ", "The top side of each disc was polished down to 1 µm grit. ", "After that the specimens were divided according to aging into two main groups, aged (group A) and non-aged (group N). ", "For each group, a different surface treatment was applied: no surface treatment was applied after sintering (group SIN, particle air-abrasion either with 0.1 MPa (group 0.1 MPa), or 0.25 MPa (group 0.25 MPa), and polishing down to 1 µm (group POL) as shown in [Figure 1](#materials-13-00027-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\n2.1. ", "Aging {#sec2dot1-materials-13-00027}\n----------\n\nAfter sintering, half of the specimens were aged (*n* = 40) using an autoclave (CS, WEBECO, Bad Schwartau, Germany) according to ISO standard 13356, at 134 °C, under 0.2 MPa, over a period of 20 h. Then the specimens were cleaned ultrasonically in 99% isopropanol for 3 min. ", "This protocol was used in this study because previous studies showed that aging protocol of 134 °C, 0.2 MPa for 20 h, promotes an extensive t→m phase transformation \\[[@B50-materials-13-00027],[@B51-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "Thus the aging performed in this study was considered sufficient to observe significant changes induced by different surface treatments.", "\n\n2.2. ", "Surface Treatment {#sec2dot2-materials-13-00027}\n----------------------\n\nThe specimens were subdivided into four sub-groups (*n* = 10), according to the surface treatments applied on the bottom side:\n\n\\(a\\) Group SIN: as-sintered (control).", "\n\nNo treatment was applied after sintering.", "\n\n\\(b\\) Group 0. ", "1MPa: particle air-abrasion treatment using 0.1 MPa.", "\n\nParticle air-abrasion was done using 50 µm Al~2~O~3~ particles at 0.1 MPa for 15 s at a distance of 10 mm, with Nozzle motion in both lateral directions. ", "Airborne-abrasion was performed using spot blasting unit (P-G 400 K Spot Fine Blasting Unit, Harnish+Rieth, Winterbach, Germany). ", "All specimens were cleaned ultrasonically for 3 min in 99% isopropanol.", "\n\n\\(c\\) Group 0.25MPa: particle air-abrasion treatment using 0.25 MPa.", "\n\nSame parameters as in 0.1MPa group except the pressure used was 0.25 MPa.", "\n\n\\(d\\) Group POL: Polishing down to 1 µm.", "\n\nSpecimens were polished under cooling water with a diamond grinding disc (Apex CGD, yellow, Buehler, Düsseldorf, Germany) for 10 min to produce a parallel surface, then 1200 and 2500 grit silicon carbide paper (CarbiMet, Buehler, Düsseldorf, Germany) for 140--150 min followed by 3 µm and 1 µm diamond suspensions (MetaDi, Buehler, Düsseldorf, Germany) for 5 min for each. ", "The polishing was performed using a polishing machine (AutoMet 250 and EcoMet 250, Buehler, Düsseldorf, Germany). ", "All specimens were cleaned ultrasonically as described above.", "\n\n2.3. ", "Phase Analysis {#sec2dot3-materials-13-00027}\n-------------------\n\nThree specimens were selected from each group for X-ray diffraction (XRD) surface analysis to detect the available amount of tetragonal and monoclinic phases. ", "Each specimen was analyzed in a diffractometer (Seifert XRD 3000 PTS, GE GmbH, Munich, Germany) using Cu Kα radiation recorded within the range of 20--40°, a step size of 0.04° and a scanning time per step of 10 s. Voltage and current were 40 kV and 40 mA, respectively. ", "Integrated intensities of the relevant peaks of the diffraction patterns were evaluated using the software Peakfit v.4.12 (Systat Software GmbH, Erkrath, Germany).", "\n\nThe amount of monoclinic phase (X~m~) was calculated using the method developed by Gravie and Nicholson as follows \\[[@B52-materials-13-00027]\\]: where M(111) and M(111^−^) represent the intensities of the monoclinic peaks, and T(111) indicates the intensity of tetragonal peak. ", "I~T~ and I~M~ represent the integrated area under the peaks of the tetragonal (111) and monoclinic (111) and monoclinic (111^−^) peaks around 30°, 31°, and 28°, respectively. ", "The volumetric fraction V~m~ was calculated using the following equation \\[[@B53-materials-13-00027]\\]:\n\n2.4. ", "Surface Roughness Evaluation {#sec2dot4-materials-13-00027}\n---------------------------------\n\nA 3D laser scanning microscope (Keyence VK-X100, Keyence GmbH, Neu-Isenburg, Germany) was used to measure the average roughness value of the surface (Ra) and the mean roughness depth (Rz) for all groups. ", "For each subgroup, three specimens were selected. ", "The measurements were done using a wavelength of 658 nm. ", "The used length for the measured line was 1180 µm and the distance between the separate scans was 0.27 µm.", "\n\n2.5. ", "Biaxial Flexural Strength Test {#sec2dot5-materials-13-00027}\n-----------------------------------\n\nTen specimens from each subgroup were subjected to biaxial flexural strength test using piston-on-three balls technique in a universal testing machine (Zwick Z010, Zwick, Ulm, Germany). ", "Each disc was placed centrally on three of 3.2 mm diameter steal balls positioned equidistant from each other on a metallic platform with a diameter of 10 mm. ", "Each specimens was loaded by a piston of 1.4 mm diameter at 0.5 mm/min crosshead speed using the universal testing machine as shown in [Figure 2](#materials-13-00027-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\nThe biaxial flexural strength was calculated using the following equation \\[[@B25-materials-13-00027],[@B54-materials-13-00027]\\]: where S is the biaxial flexural strength (MPa); P is the fracture load (N); and d is the specimen disc thickness (mm).", "\n\nX and Y were determined as follows: where υ is Poisson's ratio (0.25); r1 is the radius of support circle; r2 is the radius of loaded area; and r3 is the radius of the specimen.", "\n\n2.6. ", "Vickers Hardness Evaluation {#sec2dot6-materials-13-00027}\n--------------------------------\n\nAn indentation tester (ZHV10, Zwick, Ulm, Germany) was used to measure the Vickers hardness. ", "A piece from each broken specimen from group SIN and group POL (aged or non-aged) was randomly selected. ", "All particle air-abrasion groups (0.1 or 0.25 MPa) did not undergo hardness test as it is clinically not applicable and the measurements of rougher surfaces were not reliable. ", "The rougher surfaces make it difficult to identify the exact margins of the indentations and to obtain reliable results, as observed with the SIN group measurements. ", "An indentation was made on each specimen on the bottom side using a loading mass of 5 kg and dwell time of 10 s. The measurements of Vickers Hardness number were repeated 4 times at different points, the distance between each point and the other was at least 2 mm. ", "The hardness was computed using the following equation \\[[@B55-materials-13-00027],[@B56-materials-13-00027]\\]: where VHN is the Vickers hardness number, F is the applied load expressed in N, and d is the mean length of the two diagonals of the indentation (mm).", "\n\n2.7. ", "Fracture Pattern {#sec2dot7-materials-13-00027}\n---------------------\n\nOne exemplary sample of each group was selected and coated with a gold layer of 30 nm. ", "Then the fracture pattern was examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM, XL 30 CP, Philips, Surrey, UK) with an acceleration voltage of 15 kV.\n\n2.8. ", "Statistical Analysis {#sec2dot8-materials-13-00027}\n-------------------------\n\nShapiro-Wilk test was used to inspect the normal distribution of the collected data and then the data were analyzed to determine the effect of aging and surface treatment on the tested variables. ", "One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by t-test were used for the BFS analysis. ", "While the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney-U tests were used to analyze the hardness measurements. ", "The significance level of determination was of *p* ≤ 0.05. ", "All calculations were made with statistical software (IBM SPSS FOR Windows; Version 20.0, IBM SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).", "\n\n3. ", "Results {#sec3-materials-13-00027}\n==========\n\n3.1. ", "Phase Analysis {#sec3dot1-materials-13-00027}\n-------------------\n\nXRD analysis showed that both aging and different surface treatment promote different amount of monoclinic phase. ", "The highest values of the monoclinic phase ratio (vol. %) ", "were found within A-SIN, A-0.1MPa, and A-0.25MPa groups. ", "While the N-0.1MPa and N-0.25MPa groups showed a lower monoclinic phase ratio and both polished (N-POL and A-POL) groups and N-SIN group exhibited almost no monoclinic phase ([Table 1](#materials-13-00027-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "A typical XRD spectrum for all groups is shown in [Figure 3](#materials-13-00027-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Figure 4](#materials-13-00027-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\n3.2. ", "Surface Roughness Evaluation {#sec3dot2-materials-13-00027}\n---------------------------------\n\nThe polishing groups either aged or non-aged showed the lowest mean R~a~ and R~z~ values. ", "The descriptive statistics was shown in [Table 1](#materials-13-00027-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\n3.3. ", "Biaxial Flexural Strength Test {#sec3dot3-materials-13-00027}\n-----------------------------------\n\nThe mean BFS values increased with aging and particle air-abrasion, as showed in A-SIN, N-0.1 MPa, and N-0.25 MPa groups. ", "Likewise, both A-0.1 MPa and A-0.25 MPa groups showed comparable BFS mean values. ", "While the BFS mean value decreased within both polished groups either aged or non-aged as well as in N-SIN group ([Table 2](#materials-13-00027-t002){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n3.4. ", "Vickers Hardness Evaluation {#sec3dot4-materials-13-00027}\n--------------------------------\n\nThe Vickers hardness ranged from 1346 HV5 (A-POL) to 1446 HV5 (N-SIN). ", "The aging had no effect on the Vickers hardness. ", "Likewise, with the polishing treatment both polished groups (N-POL and A-POL) reported a lower hardness than both as-sintered groups (N-SIN and A-SIN), as shown in [Table 3](#materials-13-00027-t003){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\n3.5. ", "Fracture Pattern {#sec3dot5-materials-13-00027}\n---------------------\n\nA typical SEM micrograph of a typical samples of each group is shown in [Figure 5](#materials-13-00027-f005){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "In most cases, failure of these samples was initiated from a surface crack. ", "Within the particle air-abrasion treated specimens either aged or not and A-SIN, the SEM micrograph showed many subsurface cracks connected with the surface cracks.", "\n\n4. ", "Discussion {#sec4-materials-13-00027}\n=============\n\nMany studies have been performed to predict the behavior of dental zirconia in the oral environment regarding the aging ability as well as the mechanical properties \\[[@B2-materials-13-00027],[@B6-materials-13-00027],[@B57-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "In this concern, the literature shows conflicting results of the effect of aging and surface treatment on the mechanical properties of zirconia.", "\n\nThe aging protocol used in this study was in an autoclave at 134 °C, under 0.2 MPa, over a period of 20 h, which was consistent with previous studies \\[[@B50-materials-13-00027],[@B51-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "These studies showed that this protocol promotes an extensive t→m phase transformation. ", "Thus, the aging performed in our study should be sufficient to observe significant changes induced by different surface treatments.", "\n\nIn our study, XRD analysis showed a different percentage of phase transformation. ", "The highest monoclinic phase ratio (38.5 vol. % ", "± 2.8 vol. % ", "to 41.5 vol. % ", "± 0.3 vol. %) ", "was found within A-0.1MPa, A-0.25MPa and A-SIN groups. ", "These findings show that both aging and particle air-abrasion treatment produced a significant t→m phase transformation. ", "These results are consistent with other studies \\[[@B8-materials-13-00027],[@B9-materials-13-00027],[@B12-materials-13-00027],[@B24-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "In contrast, both non-aged specimens with 0.1 or 0.25 MPa particle air-abrasion showed a lower monoclinic phase ratio (7.5 vol. % ", "± 2.4 vol. % ", "to 10.4 vol. % ", "± 1.5 vol. %). ", "These results indicate that the differing pressures during particle air-abrasion treatment produced a comparable amount of monoclinic phase on the surface of zirconia. ", "In addition, both polished groups (N-POL and A-POL) and N-SIN group showed almost no vol. % ", "of monoclinic phase ratio revealing almost no t→m phase transformation on zirconia surface. ", "These results may have been due to neither sintering nor polishing treatment probably promotes monoclinic phase transformation as shown with groups N-SIN and N-POL. ", "These findings also confirm other studies, which showed that polishing produced no t→m phase transformation \\[[@B34-materials-13-00027],[@B35-materials-13-00027],[@B58-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "It can be assumed that the previously transformed monoclinic layer (20 µm thicknesses) caused by aging on the surface of zirconia within group A-POL was removed during the polishing treatment.", "\n\nBFS data demonstrated that groups with monoclinic phase ratio ranging from 7.5 vol. % ", "± 2.4 vol. % ", "to 41.5 vol. % ", "± 0.3 vol. % ", "showed the highest mean BFS. ", "However, this increase in the BFS was independent on the percentage of the phase transformation. ", "The increase in the BFS might be explained by the toughening mechanism, as the t→m phase transformation lead to volumetric expansion at a localized area around the superficial defects resulting in a compressive stresses concentrated around these defects and consequently stopping the crack propagation \\[[@B6-materials-13-00027],[@B12-materials-13-00027],[@B52-materials-13-00027]\\], which need more force to bring the sample to fracture. ", "The SEM micrographs show many subsurface cracks connected with the surface cracks within the particle air-abrasion groups. ", "This indicates, that there were already some microcracks inside the material, which were stopped by phase transformation. ", "This phase transformation induced some compressive stress resulting in a higher BFS as described above. ", "Groups with a lower BFS do not show these many subsurface cracks as there were no microcracks that were stopped by phase transformation. ", "In contrast to the current study, other studies showed that neither aging nor particle air-abrasion affected the strength of 3Y-TZP zirconia \\[[@B25-materials-13-00027],[@B48-materials-13-00027],[@B49-materials-13-00027],[@B54-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "However, only one study \\[[@B49-materials-13-00027]\\] investigated the same translucent zirconia.", "\n\nRegarding the effect of the different used pressure during the particle air-abrasion on the strength of zirconia, our results revealed no significant differences in BFS. ", "In this regard, another study also concluded that there were no significant differences in the BFS of zirconia with particle air-abrasion treatment at different pressures \\[[@B59-materials-13-00027]\\].", "\n\nLikewise, both polished (aged or non-aged) and N-SIN groups showed a reduced BFS, which might be a result of almost no monoclinic phase on the surface of zirconia. ", "In addition, group N-SIN showed a lower BFS in comparison to both polished groups either aged or non-aged. ", "These results may have been due to the different surface roughness of the as-sintered and polished specimens. ", "As the as-sintered specimens showed a rougher surface than the polished specimens, and the surface defects and flaws might later on act as a stress concentration sites, which lead to a significant decrease in the strength of zirconia \\[[@B29-materials-13-00027],[@B31-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "For this reason the null hypothesis has to be rejected concerning the biaxial flexural strength.", "\n\nHardness results of the current study showed that the aging had no effect on the hardness which are in good accordance to the finding of others \\[[@B60-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "In contrast, some studies showed a strong correlation between the reduction of hardness and the increase of monoclinic phase. ", "They reported 41% hardness reduction in femoral head of zirconia with 78% monoclinic phase content \\[[@B61-materials-13-00027]\\] and 30% hardness reduction with 48 wt. % ", "± 1 wt. % ", "monoclinic phase fraction \\[[@B22-materials-13-00027]\\]. ", "However, in the current study the monoclinic phase content was 39.9 vol. % ", "± 0.7 vol. % ", "with the as-sintered aged specimens, which showed no effect on the hardness. ", "One explanation for this might be that the t→m phase transformation percentage was lower than that in previous studies.", "\n\nLikewise, the findings concerning the effect of polishing treatment on hardness, both as-sintered groups (aged or non-aged) showed a lower hardness than the polished groups (aged or non-aged). ", "Which might be an artefact of the measurement, as the rougher surface of the as-sintered samples makes it difficult to identify the exact margins of the indentations and to obtain reliable results. ", "However, the null hypothesis concerning the hardness is confirmed by the results of the study.", "\n\nAlthough the current study showed promising results regarding the mechanical behavior of 3Y-TZP ceramics, it should be considered that the fatigue behavior of this zirconia needs to be investigated under thermal and mechanical loading in aqueous environment over long periods. ", "This will simulate the mechanical loading and thermal conditions in the oral environment, which were not applied in the current study. ", "These and other aspects should be considered in future studies.", "\n\n5. ", "Conclusions {#sec5-materials-13-00027}\n==============\n\nWithin the limitations of this laboratory study the following conclusions are drawn:(1)Both aging and particle air-abrasion demonstrated a significant t→m phase transformation which leads to a significant increase in BFS of high translucent zirconia. ", "While polishing causes no monoclinic phase transformation.(2)Aging leading to a ratio up to 40 vol. % ", "of monoclinic phase seems to have no effect on the hardness.(3)The tested different pressures during particle air-abrasion had no influence on the tested mechanical and crystallographic properties.(4)The positive response of this zirconia to aging and surface treatment seems to provide promising mechanical properties of this material during the repair in case of chipping or partial fractures under clinical conditions.", "\n\nAll authors wish to thank Klaus Rätzke from the Institute of Material Science, at the Technical Faculty of the University of Kiel for their support with the introduction into the XRD measurements and possibility to use the equipment. ", "The authors also gratefully acknowledge Kuraray for materials support for this study.", "\n\nConceptualization, M.A.-A. and M.K.; methodology, M.K. and S.W.; validation, M.K. and S.W.; formal analysis, S.W. and M.A.-A.; investigation, N.M.M.; resources, M.K.; writing---original draft preparation, N.M.M., M.A.-A., S.W., and M.K.; writing---review and editing, N.M.M., M.A.-A., S.W., and M.K.; visualization, N.M.M.; supervision, M.K.; project administration, M.K. and S.W. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.", "\n\nThis research received no external funding.", "\n\nThe authors declare no conflict of interest.", "\n\n![", "Design of the study for the evaluation of biaxial flexural strength.](materials-13-00027-g001){#materials-13-00027-f001}\n\n![", "Piston-on-three balls test.](materials-13-00027-g002){#materials-13-00027-f002}\n\n![", "Representative XRD spectra of all non-aged groups with different surface treatments. ", "As sintered (SIN); airborne-abrasion with 50 µm SiO2 at 0.1 MPa (1B); airborne-abrasion with 50 µm SiO2 at 0.25 MPa (2.5B), and polished down to 1 µm (POL).](materials-13-00027-g003){#materials-13-00027-f003}\n\n![", "Representative XRD spectra of all aged groups with different surface treatments. ", "As sintered (SIN); airborne-abrasion with 50 µm SiO2 at 0.1 MPa (1B); airborne-abrasion with 50 µm SiO2 at 0.25 MPa (2.5B), and polished down to 1 µm (POL).](materials-13-00027-g004){#materials-13-00027-f004}\n\n![", "Representative SEM micrographs of typically fractured specimens; (**a**,**b**) as-sintered specimens; (**c**,**d**) airborne-abrasion with 50 µm SiO~2~ at 0.1 MPa; (**e**,**f**) airborne-abrasion with 50 µm SiO~2~ at 0.25 MPa; (**g**,**h**) polished down to 1 µm, exhibiting the origin of failure (yellow arrow on the treated surface). ", "Thin white arrows follow the hackle lines in the direction of crack propagation. ", "In most specimens, the failure was initiated from a surface crack then going deeper through the connected subsurface cracks.](materials-13-00027-g005){#materials-13-00027-f005}\n\nmaterials-13-00027-t001_Table 1\n\n###### \n\nMean and standard deviation (SD) of monoclinic phase ratio of the zirconia measured by XRD and roughness measured by laser scanning microscopy.", "\n\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Group Aging Monoclinic Phase Ratio\\ R~a~ Mean ± SD (µm) R~z~ Mean ± SD (µm)\n Mean ± SD (vol. %) ", " \n ---------- -------------- ------------------------- --------------------- ---------------------\n SIN Non-aged (N) 0.0 ± 0.0 0.449 ± 0.096 2.321 ± 0.422\n\n Aged (A) 39.9 ± 0.7 0.502 ± 0.055 2.434 ± 0.221 \n\n 0.1 MPa Non-aged (N) 7.5 ± 2.4 0.531 ± 0.051 2.738 ± 0.176\n\n Aged (A) 41.5 ± 0.3 0.434 ± 0.032 2.241 ± 0.136 \n\n 0.25 MPa Non-aged (N) 10.4 ± 1.5 0.528 ± 0.020 2.845 ± 0.092\n\n Aged (N) 38.5 ± 2.8 0.485 ± 0.044 2.480 ± 0.150 \n\n POL Non-aged (N) 2.1 ± 0.6 0.006 ± 0.001 0.034 ± 0.012\n\n Aged (A) 2.1 ± 0.5 0.002 ± 0.001 0.014 ± 0.003 \n -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nmaterials-13-00027-t002_Table 2\n\n###### \n\nMean and standard deviation of biaxial flexural strength (BFS) (MPa) of all tested groups.", "\n\n Groups Aging \n ---------- ---------------- ----------------\n SIN 720 ± 37 C, α 1064 ± 27 A, β\n 0.1 MPa 1153 ± 92 A, α 1110 ± 76 A, α\n 0.25 MPa 1137 ± 89 A, α 1105 ± 74 A, α\n POL 894 ± 96 B, α 888 ± 86 B, α\n\nWithin the same column, mean with the same capital letter are not statistically different (*p* \\> 0.05); within the same row, mean with the same Greek letter are not statistically different *p* \\> 0.05.", "\n\nmaterials-13-00027-t003_Table 3\n\n###### \n\nMedian, mean and standard deviation of hardness (HV5).", "\n\n Groups Aging \n -------- --------- ------------ --------- -----------\n SIN 1446 Aα 1413 ± 127 1436 Aα 1428 ± 98\n POL 1347 Bα 1340 ± 21 1346 Bα 1346 ± 18\n\nWithin the same column, mean with the same capital letter are not statistically different (*p* \\> 0.05); within the same row, mean with the same Greek letter are not statistically different *p* \\> 0.05.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nStyled Components not displaying in Chrome\n\nI have created a react app that is using typescript, webpack and babel. ", "I decided to incorporate styled-components for styling. ", "When using my GlobalStyles component the app does not display in chrome browser but when i remove GlobalStyles the app displays. ", "I inspect my app in Chrome and can see the styles from GlobalStyles being applied but again the app does not display. ", "There are no error messages in console log and terminal states compiled successfully.", "\nHas anyone encountered this problem and have a possible solution?", "\nwebpack.config.js\nconst path = require('path')\nrequire(\"babel-polyfill\")\nconst rules = [\n {\n test: /\\.tsx?$/,\n exclude: /node_modules/,\n loader: ['babel-loader','awesome-typescript-loader']\n },\n {\n test: /\\.(png|gif|svg)$/,\n loader: ['file-loader', 'url-loader']\n },\n {\n test: /\\.css$/,\n loader: ['style-loader', 'css-loader']\n }\n]\n\nmodule.exports = {\n target: 'web',\n mode: 'development',\n entry: ['babel-polyfill', './src/index.tsx'],\n output: {\n path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),\n filename: 'bundle.js'\n },\n module: { rules },\n resolve: {\n extensions: ['.ts', '.tsx', '.js']\n },\n devServer: {\n contentBase: './public',\n port: 5000\n }\n}\n\n.babelrc\n{\n \"presets\": [\"@babel/preset-env\", \"@babel/preset-react\", \"@babel/preset-typescript\"],\n \"plugins\": [\"babel-plugin-styled-components\",\"transform-regenerator\"]\n}\n\nglobalStyles.js\nimport { createGlobalStyle } from \"styled-components\";\n\nexport const GlobalStyles = createGlobalStyle`\n html {\n -webkit-box-sizing: content-box;\n box-sizing: content-box;\n }\n *, *:before, *:after {\n -webkit-box-sizing: inherit;\n box-sizing: inherit;\n }\n\n body {\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', 'Roboto', 'Oxygen',\n 'Ubuntu', 'Cantarell', 'Fira Sans', 'Droid Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\n -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;\n }\n`;\n\nindex.tsx\nimport React from \"react\";\nimport ReactDOM from \"react-dom\";\nimport App from \"./App\";\nimport { GlobalStyles } from \"../styles/globalStyles.js\";\n\nimport { StoreProvider } from \"./Store\";\n\nconst root = document.getElementById(\"root\");\nReactDOM.render(\n <React.", "StrictMode>\n <StoreProvider>\n <GlobalStyles>\n <App />\n </GlobalStyles>\n </StoreProvider>\n </React.", "StrictMode>,\n root\n);\n\nA:\n\nPut your Global style in this way , that is, don't put any components inside it\nconst root = document.getElementById(\"root\");\nReactDOM.render(\n <React.", "StrictMode>\n <StoreProvider>\n <GlobalStyles />\n <App />\n </StoreProvider>\n </React.", "StrictMode>\n root\n);\n\n" ]
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[ "Vancouver, BC – Canucks for Kids Fund President Paolo Aquilini is pleased to announce that $3.36 million has been raised and granted to children and families in BC thanks largely to the generous support of Canucks fans across the province throughout the 2013.14 season. ", "The announcement was made during the Canucks for Kids Fund (CFKF) Tea reception hosted at Rogers Arena where Canucks President of Hockey Operations Trevor Linden officially welcomed and congratulated the grant recipients.", "\n\n“We are so grateful for the support of our fans, partners, players and their families and the employees at Canucks Sports & Entertainment, who donate their time and funds to help improve the lives of children in BC,” said CFKF President Paolo Aquilini. ", "These funds would not be possible without everyone’s ongoing commitment to touch lives in a way that makes a lasting difference. ", "Thank you for helping us help.”", "\n\nThis year’s grant recipients include core beneficiaries, the Canucks Autism Network, Canuck Place Children’s Hospice and BC Children’s Hospital. ", "Additional grant recipients include the Canucks Family Education Centre (CFEC), Fin’s Friends Character Education Program, Canucks Centre for BC Hockey, Canucks Power Play program, Westcoast Boys Club Network, Boys & Girls Club of South Coast BC, Britannia Hockey Academy, Canadian National Institute for the Blind, Family Services of Greater Vancouver, Hannah’s Heroes Foundation, KidSafe Project, Mindcheck.ca, PALS Autism Society, Rare Disease Foundation, Take a Hike Youth at Risk Foundation, Sarah McLachlan’s School of Music, Arts Umbrella and YWCA Crabtree Corner.", "\n\nNow in its 29th year of giving, the CFKF has granted more than $46.8 million to children’s charities across BC. ", "The CFKF fundraises annually through several successful events including the CFKF Telethon, CFKF Dice & Ice, CFKF SuperSkills, Sports Celebrities Festival, CFKF 50:50 and the CFKF Jake Milford Canucks Charity Invitational.", "\n\n2013.14 Fundraising Highlights:\n\nCanucks for Kids Fund 50:50\n\nWith the generosity of our loyal fans and dedicated team of staff and volunteers, the Canucks for Kids Fund 50:50 program is one of the most successful in the NHL. ", "This year the Canucks for Kids Fund 50:50 program raised more than $780,000 net. ", "During the Heritage Classic game hosted at BC Place, more than $206,000 in tickets were sold.", "\n\nCanucks for Kids Fund Telethon\n\nThis season’s Telethon, hosted by Trevor Linden, Craig MacEwen and Suneil Samra, was a great success, raising more than $389,000. ", "Canucks wives, significant others, sponsor partners, Canucks for Kids Fund Directors and volunteers took donations by phone on the celebrity panel on March 19th. ", "Donations were also accepted at the game by volunteers who collected contributions in the bowl and fans were invited to visit Canucks.com to donate online.", "\n\n2013.14 Highlights from CFKF Grant recipients:\n\nBalancing Our Minds\n\nIn partnership with BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services, the Canucks hosted the inaugural Balancing Our Minds: Tools for Youth Wellness (BOM). ", "The free event, hosted at Rogers Arena, brought 1,500 youth, teachers and parents from across the province to participate in workshops over the course of the day. ", "Wes Rypien, brother of the late Rick Rypien, joined with a group of speakers who led dialogue in subjects such as mental health, aboriginal youth and mental health, substance abuse and body image.", "\n\nCFEC Early Childhood Education Assistant Certificate Program\n\nThis year, CFEC introduced its ECE Assistant Certificate pilot program. ", "In its inaugural year, 30 participants, who would not otherwise have access to this type of program, enrolled and completed the program. ", "The skills and training taught are transferable to the workplace as well as at home. ", "Positive parenting skills and knowledge gained have significantly impacted the participants’ approach to their own parenting." ]
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[ "Woman Gets Her Hands On This Dirty Old Cooler And Totally Transforms It\n\nEveryone has stuff that’s just taking up space around the house. ", "If we were going to clean out all that junk, we would need a massive dumpster. ", "But instead of throwing things away, there are those whose creative abilities allow them to beautifully repurpose old stuff, turning it into amazing ‘new’ items through the magic of upcycling.", "\n\nWhen Brooke Norsworthy found an old, beaten-up cooler in her garage, she could have thrown it away. ", "But instead, she saw potential. ", "And just wait until you see what she did with it!", "\n\nLooking at the old cooler, it would be hard to resist just throwing it in the trash…\n\nBut that wasn’t the case for Brooke and her friends. ", "They saw something all the rest of us are missing.", "\n\nShe wanted to prove that she could make this old cooler into something truly special for less than $50.", "\n\nUsing scrap wood, she cut and built a frame that would bring the cooler up to counter height, at 30”.", "\n\nIt’s important that the cooler fit snugly into the frame and didn’t have a lot of room to move around. ", "You’ll see why soon!", "\n\nBrooke and her friends used beautiful reclaimed wood panels to cover the exterior.", "\n\nShe made sure the panels were slightly longer than they needed to be in order to cover the frame.", "\n\nWhen she got to the side slats, Brooke drilled a hole that lined up with the cooler’s built-in spigot.", "\n\nShe used more of the reclaimed wood to create a stylish trim.", "\n\nDetails are everything!", "\n\nThere were only a few steps left. ", "First, it was time to remove the cooler’s lid and replace it with a custom version…\n\nThen, she used the remaining trim-wood to cover up the legs on the frame for a uniform look.", "\n\nThe new lid was affixed to the base using two simple hinges.", "\n\nBoth lids fit perfectly together.", "\n\nThe hole in the side provided a place for a stylish spigot fixture. ", "Brooke even added a bottle opener.", "\n\nCheck out part of the finished product! ", "See the next page for more…\n\nIt’s incredible that Brooke was able to do this for under $30. ", "This is the exact kind of unique creation that anyone can use in their backyard for many summers to come. ", "Interested in more inspiration? ", "Check out the next page…\n\nBrooke’s isn’t the only DIY rustic cooler design out there! ", "There are all sorts of cooler styles, and you can really get creative with them.", "\n\nSometimes, though, the best cooler takes a simple concept and just makes it look really great! ", "For example, this one just uses a chalkboard, and some of the ideas we’ve seen previously, to really stand out!", "\n\nJoin our mailing list!", "\n\nWe are a media startup founded with the goal of fighting boredom worldwide by engaging our readers with\nincredibly sharable content. ", "We are on a mission to discover the most extraordinary and inspiring\nstories from around the world, and share them with our audience.", "\n\nWe reach millions of website visitors, Facebook fans, and newsletter subscribers every day." ]
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[ "Izvor: Srna\n\nU više gradova u Crnoj Gori građani su u znak protesta zbog usvajanja Zakona o slobodi veroispovesti blokirali puteve, a na nekim mestima je došlo i do sukoba sa policijom. ", "Policija je u saopštenju poručila za incidente smatra odgovornim organizatore, ali i crkvene velikodostojnike. ", "Mitropolija Crnogorsko-primorska odbacuje optužbe i poručuje da ne podržava nasilje demonstranata prema policiji, ali ni primenu sile naoružanih policijskih službenika prema demonstrantima.", "\n\nCrnogorska policija bacila je suzavac ispred Hrama Hristovog Vaskrsenja u Podgorici nakon što okupljeni građani nisu poslušali naređenje da se raziđu.", "\n\n\n\nPolicija je okupljenima dala rok od pet minuta da se raziđu, što oni nisu poslušali. ", "Nakon toga, policijski službenici su saterali demonstrante na plato ispred hrama, gde je potom bačen suzavac. ", "Okupljeni su uzvratili kamenicama.", "\n\nНапад испред Храма у Подгорици! ", "Бачен сузавац, има претучених!pic.twitter.com/bjhG5ll3Sh — Портал IN4S (@in4sPortal)December 29, 2019\n\n\n\nGrađani su na platou ispred Hrama, a policija na trotoaru preko puta.", "\n\n\n\nOkupljeni pozivaju policajce da otkažu poslušnosti stihovima: \"Policijo braćo mila ne slušajte više Mila\".", "\n\nGrupa građana blokirala je večeras kružni tok u Zeti u blizini aerodroma, a prilikom intervencije policije, prema saopštenju MUP-a, četiri policajca su povređena. ", "Policija je u saopštenju poručila da će za takve incidente samatrati odgovornim organizatore, ali i crkvene velikodostojnike.", "\n\n\n\n\"Uprava policije ukazuje na činjenicu da pozivi verskih velikodostojnika dovode do narušavanja javnog reda i mira, ugrožavanja imovine i do povređivanja policijskih službenika\", navedeno je u saopštenju.", "\n\nU saopštenju se precizira da je službenik Centra bezbednosti Podgorica Dalibor Živković zadobio povredu glave i prebačen je u Urgentni centar. ", "Zbog blokade puta Hitna pomoć nije mogla da dođe do povređenog policijaca, pa ga je do bolnice prebacio jedan građanin.", "\n\nIzvor: Srna\n\nGrupa građana iz Berana i danas se okupila pred zgradom Opštine, odakle se u mirnom protestu uputila ka manastiru Đurđevi stupovi na služenje molebana.", "\n\nProtestna šetnja protekla je mirno, a organizatori su se zahvalili policiji koja im je obezbeđivala prolaz preko saobraćajnica, preneo je Radio Berane.", "\n\nProtestna šetnja održana je danas i u Andrijevici, a lokalni mediji prenose da je sve proteklo bez incidenata. ", "Grupa građana blokirala je put Plužine - Nikšić, na ulazu u Plužine, nakon liturgije koja je služena u crkvi Svetog Jovana Krstitelja u tom gradu.", "\n\nGrađani Bijelog Polja prisustvovali su večeras molebanu u crkvi Svetih apostola Petra i Pavla, a nakon toga je litija krenula od Petrove crkve do ckrve Svetog Nikole u Nikoljcu.", "\n\n\"Ovo je dokaz da smo na pravom putu. ", "Ako je iko proteklih godina i decenija pokazao ljubav, žrtvu i trud za ovu zemlju i narod, to je bila crkva i svako ko je danas ustao na nju nije prijatelj ove zemlje i naroda, za nas je neprijatelj\", rekao je otac protojerej stavrofor Darko Pejić.", "\n\nU crkvi Svetog Spasa na Toploj i večeras je služen moleban u znak protesta protiv usvajanja zakona, a zatim je od Tople ka manastiru Savina krenula litija, preneo je Radio Heceg Novi.", "\n\nNakon molitve u manastiru Savina litija je prošla kružnim tokom u Meljinama, gde su bile stacionirane policijske snage.", "\n\nNakon blokade saobraćaja od 15 minuta, litija je krenula nazad ka manstiru Savina.", "\n\nProtest je organizovan i u Danilovgradu, gde je uhapšen bivši predsednik te opštine Milorad Kadić.", "\n\nMitropolija: Ne prihvatamo odgovornost za incidente\n\nMitropolija crnogorsko-priorska izrazila je žaljenje zbog večerašnjeg povređivanja policajaca, ali i svih onih koji su ovih dana povređeni zato što su bili prinuđeni da slobodu vere traže na ulicama, a ne tamo gde je to trebalo da im se omogući - u crnogorskom parlamentu.", "\n\n\n\nU saopštenju Mitropolije se ukazuje da je gruba manipulacija i nedostojna državne službe, kakva je Uprava policije, tvrdnja da će za sve eventualne incidente policija ubuduće smatrati odgovornima i verske velikodostojnike, čije delovanje navodno dovodi do narušavanja javnog reda i mira.", "\n\n\n\nNe prihvatamo takvu proizvoljnu tvrdnju i upućujemo nadležne u Upravi policije da pažljivije pročitaju današnje saopštenje Episkopskog saveta Srpske pravoslavne crkve, u kojem se vrlo precizno navodi kakav vid otpora Crkva preporučuje svojim vernicima povodom usvajanja anticrkvenog Zakona o slobodi veroispovesti, navodi se u saopštenju.", "\n\n\n\nMitropolija podseća da je i pre i odmah nakon usvajanja tog zakona javno saopštavala bojazan da će to izazvati mnoštvo problema u crnogorskom društvu i produbiti ionako velike podele.", "\n\n\n\nNe zato što smo ih priželjkivali, već zbog toga što poznajemo naš narod, za razliku od onih koji su nerazumno i bez volje za bilo kakav dogovor, odbacivši sve predloge Crkve, predložili i izglasali ovaj nakaradni zakon, ukazuje Mitropolija.", "\n\n\n\nMitropolija navodi da ne podržava nasilje demonstranata prema policiji, ali ni primenu sile naoružanih policijskih službenika prema demonstrantima, koji su ovih dana privođeni čak i kad su učestvovali u potpuno mirnim protestima.", "\n\n\n\nNe prihvatamo bilo kakvu odgovornost za incidente. ", "Sve što se dešava je plod činjenja onih koji su prezreli stav Crkve, a time i volju većinskog vernog naroda Crne Gore, zaključuje se u saopštenju." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSplicing enumerables together\n\nBasically, what I mean by splice is to take an array of Enumerables, take the 1st element from the first one, then the 1st element from the second one, and so forth, until we come back to the 1st enumerable, and we then take the next element from it and each of the others.", "\nSort of like this:\n[A A] [B B] [C C] [D D] [E E] [F F]\nSplicing these together would produce [A B C D E F A B C D E F]\nnamespace xofz\n{\n using System.", "Collections.", "Generic;\n\n public interface MaterializedEnumerable<out T> : IEnumerable<T>\n {\n long Count { get; }\n }\n}\n\nA MaterializedEnumerable is basically an enumerable which has been written to memory, so it can be iterated as many times as you want. ", " It also gets a Count property.", "\nHere is the actual splice code. ", " Don't worry about what an OrderedMaterializedEnumerable is, just think of it for now as a wrapper for List<T>\nnamespace xofz.", "Transformation\n{\n using System.", "Collections.", "Generic;\n using System.", "Linq;\n using xofz.", "Materialization;\n\n public class EnumerableSplicer\n {\n public MaterializedEnumerable<T> Splice<T>(IEnumerable<T>[] sources)\n {\n var lists = new List<T>[sources.", "Length];\n\n // first, enumerate all the items into separate lists\n for (var i = 0; i < sources.", "Length; ++i)\n {\n lists[i] = new List<T>(new LinkedList<T>(sources[i]));\n }\n\n // then, splice the lists together\n var list = new List<T>(lists.", "Sum(l => l.Count));\n var smallestCount = lists.", "Select(l => l.Count).Min();\n\n for (var i = 0; i < smallestCount; ++i)\n {\n list.", "AddRange(lists.", "Select(l => l[i]));\n }\n\n var remainingLists = new LinkedList<List<T>>();\n foreach (var l in lists)\n {\n l.RemoveRange(0, smallestCount);\n if (l.Count > 0)\n {\n remainingLists.", "AddLast(l);\n }\n }\n\n if (remainingLists.", "Count == 0)\n {\n return new OrderedMaterializedEnumerable<T>(list);\n }\n\n IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> remainingEnumerables = remainingLists;\n list.", "AddRange(this.", "Splice(remainingEnumerables.", "ToArray()));\n\n return new OrderedMaterializedEnumerable<T>(list);\n }\n }\n}\n\nThis method is slightly recursive, to handle enumerables of different sizes. ", " I hope it is easy enough to read!", "\nMore transformations I wrote lately are available at xofz.", "Core on Github.", "\n\nA:\n\nMy comment is that you can write your desired method with far more generality, no recursion, and far less realization into lists. ", "For example:\nusing System;\nusing System.", "Linq;\nusing System.", "Collections.", "Generic; \n\npublic class Program\n{\n public static IEnumerable<R> Zipper<A, R>(IEnumerable<IEnumerable<A>> sequences, Func<IEnumerable<A>, R> f)\n {\n var enumtors = sequences.", "Select(seq => seq.", "GetEnumerator()).ToList();\n while(true)\n {\n // Not quite kosher, as we are using Select to cause a side effect!", "\n var hasValues = enumtors.", "Select(e => e.MoveNext());\n if (hasValues.", "Any(v => !", "v)) \n break;\n yield return f(enumtors.", "Select(e => e.Current));\n }\n foreach(var enumtor in enumtors)\n enumtor.", "Dispose();\n }\n\n public static void Main()\n {\n foreach(var s in Zipper(\n new[] { \n new[] {1, 2}, \n new[] {3, 4}, \n new[] {5, 6, 7} }, \n x => string.", "Join(\"-\", x))) \n Console.", "WriteLine(s);\n }\n}\n\nProduces output\n1-3-5\n2-4-6\n\nNote that my version works on infinite lists provided that there are finitely many of them. ", " Note also that my method is \"lazy\"; it only makes computations when the caller \"pulls\" something.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "KIN’s Kin Foundation; Yoel Rivelis: We’re thrilled to announce a partnership with Tapatalk – a leading mobile platform app. ", "The new partnership will enable users to earn and spend Kin via new and exciting experiences in which users can tip each other for their content shared in the app.", "\n\nRead about it here: https://medium.com/kinblog/tapatalk-and-kin-e2a7d7b0ee16\n\nLike this: Like Loading..." ]
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[ "Socialdemokratin sjuk – avtalet ett symtom\n\nS-debattörer: Lämna Januariavtalet\n\nPublicerad: 09 februari 2020 kl. ", "04.00\n\nDetta är en debattartikel. ", "Det är skribenten som står för åsikterna som förs fram i texten, inte Aftonbladet.", "\n\nFoto: TT Skälet till att SD blivit så stora är att vi drivit människor i deras famn genom årtionden av privatiseringar, åtstramningspolitik och en ohållbar migration. ", "Nu har vi bundit oss vid ett avtal som cementerar allt som varit fel med de senaste 30 årens utveckling, skriver Filip Patriksson och Samuel Guron, aktiva i S-jurister, Stockholms Universitet.", "\n\nDEBATT. ", "Socialdemokraternas stöd är på väg ner i avgrunden. ", "En försvinnande del av medborgarna tycker januariavtalet är bra eller att Sverige utvecklas i positiv riktning. ", "Den senaste tiden har den samlade oppositionen kört över januariavtalets parter och man kan ifrågasätta i vilken mån avtalet ens existerar. ", "Avtalet och dess nyliberala prägel förklarar väljarraset sedan januari förra året.", "\n\nMen den större berättelsen, den om hur vi kunde hamna här, är inte en berättelse om januariavtalet. ", "Socialdemokratin är sjuk, och sjukdomen kommer inte från något avtal, globaliseringen, inte ens från Centerpartiet. ", "Den kommer inifrån själva socialdemokratin.", "\n\nSkälet till att socialdemokratin krymper för var dag är avståndet mellan vad vi säger och vad vi gör. ", "Vi underkänner människors förmåga att tänka. ", "Vi har ingått ett politiskt avtal där vi har inte väljarna med oss. ", "Vår politik är – när den är som bäst – att tillskjuta några miljarder till verksamheter som lider av systemfel. ", "Det finns knappt någon socialdemokratisk politik i januariavtalet.", "\n\nNär man uttrycker sig i sådana ordalag hoppar det genast fram partitjänstemän som säger att man minsann inte förstår hur mycket tillskotten betyder för en helt vanlig svensk kommun. ", "Det visar hur fjärmad man är från verkligheten. ", "Nedskärningarna kommer fortsätta, på våra sjukhus, äldreboenden, skolor, inom idrotten och kulturen. ", "Att det kommer förklädas i ord som omorganisering, effektivisering och digitalisering gör saken värre.", "\n\nBara fram till 2026 finns ett finansieringsgap på 90 miljarder i väl- färden för att kunna bibehålla dagens standard. ", "Dagens standard, med dagens arbetsvillkor – en skam för ett välfärdssamhälle. ", "Våra futtiga anslag visar att vi inte förstår systemfelen i svensk välfärd. ", "Vi har valt att styra den som vilken marknad som helst.", "\n\nI riksdagen saknas stöd för denna typ av systemkritik. ", "Partierna är överens om målen, och bråkar om medlen. ", "Därför måste vi som socialdemokrater visa oss fria i vårt förhållande till ett januariavtal ingen gillar. ", "Vi måste säga vad vi tycker och agera därefter.", "\n\nSkälet till att personer alltid säger att vi måste bli bättre på att lyfta fram vad som är socialdemokratisk politik i januariavtalet – och inte bara direkt talar om vad som är socialdemokratisk politik – är att där inte finns någon. ", "Vi ingick inte det här avtalet för politikens innehåll. ", "Vi ingick avtalet för att hålla ett fascistiskt parti borta från makten.", "\n\nMen skälet till att Sverigedemokraterna blivit så stora är att vi drivit människor i deras famn genom årtionden av privatiseringar, åtstramningspolitik och en ohållbar migration. ", "Och nu har vi bundit oss vid ett avtal som cementerar allt som varit fel med de senaste 30 årens utveckling.", "\n\nDärför måste vi ställa oss frågan – vilken sida av en död politisk tanke vill vi ställa oss om? ", "Nyliberalismen, så som vi de senaste 30 åren känt den, är om inte död så döende. ", "I det skeendet har socialdemokratin nu gjort sig till den politiska respiratorn för en död idé.", "\n\nSocialdemokratin ska inte be om ursäkt för att man har en stolt tradition av att ta ansvar för Sverige. ", "Men den ansvarskänsla som utplånar oss måste ifrågasättas. ", "Vi sätter landet före partiet så till den milda grad att vi har börjat förakta andra partier som står upp för sina väljare i riksdagen.", "\n\nMänniskor i det här landet häpnar när vi beter oss på det viset. ", "Ingen bryr sig om någon kristdemokrat har varit inkonsekvent i sin syn på budgetprocessen eller om en vänsterpartist lägger fram förslag som SD sedan röstar på. ", "Människor bryr sig om sjukvården och skolan – om jämlikheten och samman- hållningen den ger ett samhälle. ", "I den debatten finns vi inte.", "\n\nVad betyder ansvar för en socialdemokrat? ", "Vi är redo att ta ansvar när landet ska regeras och ministerposter fördelas. ", "Men vem ska ta ansvar för vad som gått sönder i samhället? ", "Tar man ansvar i bemärkelsen att man tar makten, följer det med att man måste ta ansvar också för vad som blivit fel.", "\n\nIngen gillar den som skyller ifrån sig. ", "Konsekvensen blir insikten om att vi genom politiska beslut har valt att befinna oss där vi är i dag. ", "Samhället är inte underkastat föränderlighet bortom människans kontroll, vi äger gemensamt vår framtid. ", "Att erkänna sina misstag är en jobbig sak, men det inger också frihet och hopp.", "\n\nJanuariavtalet är inte sjukdomens orsak, utan dess symtom. ", "Men så länge vi sitter fast i det kommer vi varken att växa eller kunna komma åt sjukdomens orsak. ", "Därför bör vi lämna det.", "\n\n\n\nFilip Patriksson och Samuel Guron, aktiva i S-jurister på Stockholms Universitet\n\n\n\n⁠ Häng med i debatten och kommentera artikeln\n\n– gilla Aftonbladet Debatt på Facebook.", "\n\nArtikeln är en replik. ", "Läs hela debatten här\n\nGå med i vår opinionspanel du också\n\nVill du vara med och svara på Inizios undersökningar där vi tar reda på vad svenska folket tycker om olika frågor? ", "Resultat presenteras bland annat i Aftonbladet. ", "Det är frivilligt att svara, du är anonym och kan gå ur när du vill. ", "Klicka på länken för att anmäla dig.", "\n\nKOPIERA LÄNK\n\nPublicerad: 09 februari 2020 kl. ", "04.00" ]
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[ "[OBSOLETE] The Originals Overhaul\n\nihcorochris Created by\n\nCome on let's move, no stragglers.", "\n\n\n\nAs of September 24th, this and along with some of my other bugfixes will soon be obsolete. ", "It's been fun trying to make these mods, but I gotta thank the community devs for polishing up L4D2 for its..." ]
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[ "Dieter Holger defends his Inquisitr article about e-cigarettes, saying he did not dodge the issue of whether they are less dangerous than the conventional kind, because he never meant to address it:\n\nMy article wasn't primarily concerned with comparing whether e-cigarettes are safer or more dangerous than cigarettes. ", "My article presented health dangers of e-cigarettes. ", "I never said that e-cigarettes were more harmful—or equally harmful—as cigarettes anywhere.", "\n\nIf Holger did not mean to address the relative hazards of vaping and smoking, it is confusing, to say the least, that he opens the original article with this question: \"Are e-cigarettes really any better than smoking a cigarette?\" ", "More to the point, an article about the potential health hazards of vaping that fails to talk about how those hazards compare to the well-established risks posed by smoking is irresponsible, especially since regular users of e-cigarettes consist mainly of current or former smokers.", "\n\nFor a smoker contemplating a switch to vaping, it is worse than unhelpful to say, as Holger does, that \"e-cigarettes pose dangers to our health,\" that they \"carry their fair share of toxic chemicals,\" or that they \"have negative effects on lungs.\" ", "The relevant question is how the risks of vaping compare to the risks of smoking, and there is no question that they are much lower. ", "By implying otherwise, e-cigarette alarmists may very well deter smokers from making a switch that could save their lives.", "\n\nHolger claims to be agnostic on the question of whether vaping is safer than smoking, and he thinks this is a scientific position. ", "It isn't.", "\n\n\"Sullum is right that I had no intention of answering this question,\" he says in his reply. \"", "I don't have the answer because the jury is still out. ", "It could potentially take decades of research before we know the long-term effects of e-cigarettes compared to smoking.\"", "\n\nThis seemingly cautious position is not only wrong but reckless. ", "We already know, based on the fact that e-cigarettes do not burn tobacco or anything else, coupled with chemical analyses of the aerosol they produce, that they are much less dangerous than conventional cigarettes. ", "According to what Public Health England (PHE) calls the \"best estimate\" of the difference in risk, vaping is about 95 percent safer than smoking.", "\n\nHolger is unimpressed. \"", "Even if e-cigarettes are '95% less harmful' than cigarettes,\" he says, \"that doesn't mean they are safe.\" ", "In a world where nothing is 100 percent safe, this mindless insistence on the complete elimination of risk is a menace to public health. ", "An alternative to smoking that's 95 percent safer is a huge opportunity that should be welcomed by anyone who wants to reduce tobacco-related harm.", "\n\nMight the current estimate of the difference in risk be off by a few percentage points? ", "Sure. ", "That's why it's called an estimate. ", "But such a correction would not affect the conclusion that smokers who switch to vaping dramatically reduce the health risks they face. ", "That would still be true even if the estimate exaggerated the difference by a factor of two, although there is no reason to think it does. ", "In fact, it's possible that the actual risk reduction is higher than 95 percent. \"", "Some flavourings and constituents in e-cigarettes may pose risks over the long term,\" says Ann McNeill, co-author of the PHE report. \"", "We consider the 5% residual risk to be a cautious estimate allowing for this uncertainty.\"", "\n\nIt is true that we don't know exactly what the long-term health effects of vaping are. ", "Although propylene glycol and vegetable glyercin, the main components of e-cigarette \"vapor,\" are approved as safe food and drug ingredients, a widespread practice of inhaling aerosols containing these substances is relatively new. ", "But contrary to what Holger implies, that does not mean we need \"decades of research\" to know whether smoking is more dangerous than vaping. ", "Whatever the long-term effects of inhaling propylene glycol or glyercin, they cannot possibly compare to the long-term effects of inhaling the numerous toxins and carcinogens in tobacco smoke. ", "Hence it is journalistic, medical, and public health malpractice to tell a smoker who is thinking about trying e-cigarettes that he should wait a few decades until the evidence is clearer." ]
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[ "This article is about the cape. ", "For the hood, see Classic hood\n\nClassic cape can no longer be obtained in RuneScape after an update but still exists in-game for those who had done so.", "\n\nThe Classic cape is one of the Capes of Distinction and can only be worn by members who played RuneScape Classic at any time. ", "The cape is all black with the original RuneScape logo on it and comes with a pixelated emote. ", "It is sold by Iffie at Thessalia's Fine Clothes shop located in Varrock. ", "Talk to Iffie about what she is knitting with at least 50,000 coins. ", "The cape will turn to 50,000 coins upon death. ", "The cape can be stored on a cape rack in the costume room of a player-owned house.", "\n\nMod Mark released a statement in the May 2011 Behind the Scenes, saying \"That winning veteran cape design will soon be available to all players who have had a RuneScape account for at least five years. ", "Joining it is the Classic cape, for all of those who have at some point logged into RuneScape Classic on their account.\"", "\n\nThe cape's emote is activated by using the Skillcape emote, as the right-click menu does not have the option like most capes. ", "When performed, it shows a thought bubble containing a rune hatchet as the emote. ", "The icon that appears over the players head when the emote is performed is based on icons used in RuneScape Classic to represent actions.", "\n\nCombat stats [ edit | edit source ]\n\nA player performing the emote\n\nThe update history project is a work-in-progress – not all updates to this topic may be covered below. ", "See here for how to help out!" ]
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[ 0, 0.006622516556291391, 0.0078125, 0.010526315789473684, 0.0273972602739726, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "One round-trip ticket to anywhere in the U.S. + TWO VERSALETTES for you and a friend. ", "You choose a destination, and we'll get you there in style!", "\n\nLess" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "This slapstick comedy is set in Renaissance Naples. ", "Leandro was thought to have drowned. ", "His fiancée, Beatrice is being forced to marry Leandro’s father, Pantalone by her mother, Dottore to provide an heir for the two families. ", "Disguised as a young boy, Beatrice runs away only to be challenged on a street by the unrecognizable Leandro, who swam from the shipwreck for a year. ", "Defeating Leandro, Beatrice recognizes him as he pines for her aloud. ", "With the help of their servants Truffaldina and Francischino, the young lovers plot to trick their parents Pantalone and Dottore into admitting their past love for each other and tying the knot." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nTFileDialogEvent.", "OnSelectionChange GetFolder\n\n[EDIT]\nfunction PathFromShellItem(AShellItem: IShellItem): string;\n{Helper function to get path from ShellItem}\nvar\n hr: HRESULT;\n iPath: PWideChar;\nbegin\n hr := AShellItem.", "GetDisplayName(SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, iPath);\n if hr = 0 then\n Result := iPath\n else\n Result := '';\nend;\n\nThe code below attempts to get the foldername and filename from an IShellItem. ", " The filename (iName) is obtained correctly but the folder name (iFolder) is always \"\". ", " Why doesn't pfd.", "GetFolder return the folder name? ", " Am I trying to get the folder name the wrong way?", "\nfunction TFileDialogEvent.", "OnSelectionChange(const pfd: IFileDialog): HResult; stdcall;\n{Handle the OnSelectionChange event and fill labels with information}\nvar\n ShellItem: IShellItem;\n iFilename: string;\n iFolder: string;\n iName: PWideChar;\nbegin\n if pfd.", "GetFolder(ShellItem) = S_OK then\n iFolder := PathFromShellItem(ShellItem);\n OleCheck(pfd.", "GetFileName(iName));\n {Set the filepath}\n if DirectoryExists(iFolder) then\n iFilename := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(iFolder) + string(iName);\nend;\n\nA:\n\nYou code for PathFromShellItem is incorrect. ", "You want something like this, inspired by the VCL code for file dialogs:\nfunction GetItemName(const Item: IShellItem; var ItemName: string): HRESULT;\nvar\n pszItemName: PWideChar;\nbegin\n Result := Item.", "GetDisplayName(SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, pszItemName);\n if Failed(Result) then\n Result := Item.", "GetDisplayName(SIGDN_NORMALDISPLAY, pszItemName);\n if Succeeded(Result) then\n try\n ItemName := pszItemName;\n finally\n CoTaskMemFree(pszItemName);\n end;\nend;\n\nfunction FileDialogFilename(const pfd: IFileDialog): string;\nvar\n Item: IShellItem;\n FileName: string;\n pszFileName: PWideChar;\nbegin\n if Succeeded(pfd.", "GetFolder(Item)) and \n Succeeded(GetItemName(Item, FileName)) and\n Succeeded(pfd.", "GetFileName(pszFileName)) then\n try\n Result := TPath.", "Combine(FileName, pszFileName);\n finally\n CoTaskMemFree(pszFileName);\n end;\nend;\n\nYou can use TCustomFileDialog.", "GetFileName as your template for this code, if you can't actually use TFileOpenDialog itself. ", "Come to think of it, why can't you just use TFileOpenDialog.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0.01951219512195122, 0.010582010582010581, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0.01276595744680851, 0, 0.004901960784313725, 0.0049261083743842365, 0.010869565217391304, 0.0030864197530864196, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Introduction {#section1-1559325818785564}\n============\n\nThe radiation impact on the immune system as an integral part of the body determines the alterations in the homeostasis and/or in its components. ", "Long-term epidemiologic studies demonstrate that ionizing radiation may induce a dose-dependent impartment of the immune system with a deregulation of cytokine production and persistent inflammation, which is supposed to increase the risk of both cancer and noncancerous diseases.^[@bibr1-1559325818785564][@bibr2-1559325818785564][@bibr3-1559325818785564][@bibr4-1559325818785564]--[@bibr5-1559325818785564]^ The radiation-induced oxidative stress leads to higher expression of some markers of inflammation such as adhesion molecules and cytokines, which when interacting with cell's surface receptors activate specific mechanisms and stimulate immune response. ", "T helper 1 (Th1) lymphocytes producing pro-inflammatory cytokines are induced immediately after irradiations, while T helper 2 (Th2) lymphocytes producers of anti-inflammatory cytokines restore homeostasis. ", "The balance between pro- and anti-inflammation tendencies could fluctuate long after a radiation impact and will persist until the elimination of the stress factor. ", "The published results on the effect of ionizing radiation on the Th1/Th2 balance and its influence on human health are controversial. ", "They suppose a pronounced inflammatory effect of a high-dose exposure^[@bibr6-1559325818785564]^ and an anti-inflammatory effect at low-dose irradiation (single doses ≤1.0 Gy).^[@bibr7-1559325818785564],[@bibr8-1559325818785564]^\n\nThe epidemiological studies of atomic bombing survivors and Chernobyl emergency and clean-up workers found long-term imbalance in Th1/Th2 responses shifted toward an inflammatory profile.^[@bibr1-1559325818785564][@bibr2-1559325818785564][@bibr3-1559325818785564]--[@bibr4-1559325818785564],[@bibr9-1559325818785564][@bibr10-1559325818785564]--[@bibr11-1559325818785564]^ It is suggested^[@bibr1-1559325818785564][@bibr2-1559325818785564][@bibr3-1559325818785564][@bibr4-1559325818785564]--[@bibr5-1559325818785564],[@bibr9-1559325818785564]^ that doses in the range of 10 to 100 mGy lead to the prevalence of T1 helper subpopulation, while doses above 200 mGy switch to prevalence of T2 helper immune response. ", "Experimental studies reveal a decrease after low-dose exposure and an increase after high-dose exposure of expression in both Th1 and Th2 type cytokines.^[@bibr12-1559325818785564]^\n\nThe assessment of low-dose radiation on changes in immunological parameters and state of subclinical inflammation requires a careful examination of the immune status of occupationally exposed persons. ", "Our previous data on lymphocyte populations' profiles in Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) workers^[@bibr13-1559325818785564],[@bibr14-1559325818785564]^ raised the issue with respect to the prevalence of Th1 immune response at low-dose exposures and dominating of Th2 with increasing cumulative doses above 100 to 200 mSv. ", "Therefore, the current study aims to extend the investigation on NPP workers with special focus on cytokine profiles---interleukin 2 (IL-2), interferon γ (IFNγ), IL-4, and T helper subpopulations---in order to determine some imbalance in Th1 and Th2 immune response.", "\n\nMaterial and Methods {#section2-1559325818785564}\n====================\n\nOne Hundred five employees working in NPP, Kozloduy, Bulgaria, were included in the study. ", "The group of men occupationally exposed to external γ radiation was selected from the service personnel of units 5 and 6 of NPP Kozloduy. ", "A control group of 32 male participants was selected at similar age and with similar length of service who do not have any work related to ionizing radiation. ", "The study was carried out thanks to a contract between the National Centre of Radiobiology and Radiation Protection of the Ministry of Health of Bulgaria and the NPP Kozloduy. ", "An informed verbal consent was obtained from all participants. ", "The study was performed within the framework of a bilateral contract between the National Centre of Radiobiology and Radiation Protection, part of the Ministry of Health and NPP Kozloduy. ", "The data for individual monitoring exposure were submitted by NPP Kozloduy dosimetry service, approved by the regulatory body. ", "The determination of the cumulative radiation doses is the part of NPP individual exposure monitoring program.", "\n\nWorkers were divided in groups according to cumulative dose received as follows: controls, up to 25 mSv, up to 100 mSv, up to 200 mSv, and above 200 mSv ([Table 1](#table1-1559325818785564){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "As low doses were defined those below 0.1 to 0.2 Sv, this was the main criteria in determination of the groups, namely with very low initial doses, low doses, and high doses above 0.2 Sv). ", "Criteria such as working condition with predominantly gamma ray exposure and without having undergone medical exposure for the past 3 years have been taken into account in the study.", "\n\n###### \n\nNPP \"Kozloduy\" Personnel Data According to Age, Length of Service, and Cumulative Dose.", "\n\n![](", "10.1177_1559325818785564-table1)\n\n Personnel Mean Age (SD), years Mean Length of Service (SD), years Mean Cumulative Dose (SD), mSv\n --------------------------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------\n Control: 32 persons 45.6 (8) 19.5 (7) 0\n 1st group: 27 persons---0.1-25 mSv 47.9 (6) 21.5 (7) 11.8 (9)\n 2nd group: 31 persons---25.1-100 mSv 48.1 (8) 22.6 (8) 53.2 (21)\n 3rd group: 19 persons---100.1-200 mSv 48.5 (3) 25.2 (3) 132.0 (30)\n 4th group: 28 persons---above 200 mSv 50.4 (6) 27.7 (5) 324.6 (89)\n\nAbbreviation: NPP, Nuclear Power Plant; SD, standard deviation.", "\n\nAll participants complete a questionnaire and undergo medical examinations and basic hematological studies to assess their health status. ", "The individual variability in cytokine secretion and its dependence on age, morbidity, and preexisting diseases, which could confound the obtained results, were taken into consideration. ", "Cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, ischemic heart disease) and obesities in some of responders were mainly identified.", "\n\nBlood samples were collected from each participant by venipuncture into Vacutainer EDTA tubes (Greiner Bio-One GmbH, Kremsmunster, Austria). ", "The total white blood cells (WBCs) and lymphocytes were counted using an automatic hematology analyzer ABX Pentra 60 C+ (HORIBA Group ABX Diagnostics, Montpellier, France) operated in cell blood count + 5 population differential count modes. ", "Blood smears were prepared to observe WBC morphology.", "\n\nThe lymphocyte subpopulations were determined using a 4-parameter flow cytometry in whole blood after lysis of erythrocytes by the method of Jackson.^[@bibr15-1559325818785564]^ The staining of lymphocytes was carried out using the following kits: BD Multitest---CD3/CD16^+^CD56^+^/CD45/CD19/; BD Multitest---CD3/CD8/CD45/CD4/; BD Multitest---CD45RA/CD62 L/CD3/CD4/; BD Simultest---CD8/CD28 (Becton Dickinson Biosciences, San Jose, California). ", "The samples were acquired and analyzed by FACSCalibur flow cytometer (Becton Dickinson Biosciences, Software V 2.1) and Cell Quest software. ", "The following lymphocyte populations were examined: CD3^+^ (total T lymphocytes), CD19^+^ (B lymphocytes), CD3^+^ CD4^+^ (helper-inducer T lymphocytes), CD4^+^ CDRA^+^ CD62L^+^ T lymphocytes, CD4^+^ CDRA^+^ CD62L^−^ T lymphocytes, CD4^+^ CDRO^+^ CD62L^+^ T lymphocytes, CD3^+^ CD8^+^ (cytotoxic suppressor T lymphocytes), CD8^+^ CD28^+^ cytotoxic T lymphocytes, CD3^−^ CD16^+^ CD56^+^ (natural killer cells), CD3^+^ CD16^+^ CD56^+^ (natural killer T \\[NKT\\] cell).", "\n\nSerum immunoglobulin (Ig) G, M, and A were determined by radial immunodiffusion using immunoplates (EASY RID, Roseto, Italy). ", "Plasma levels of IL-2, IL-4, and IFNγ ([Table 2](#table2-1559325818785564){ref-type=\"table\"}) were assessed by commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits (Gen-Probe Diaclone SAS, Besancon, France) according to the manufacturer's instructions following the construction of standard curves for each ELISA system protocols. ", "Since there are no accepted reference standards for ILs, we have prepared our own reference standards for the studied ILs, based on data obtained for control group and taking into account published data of measurement cytokines in the same conditions.^[@bibr16-1559325818785564],[@bibr17-1559325818785564]^ The generally low and no measurable level of the investigated cytokines in healthy persons, obtained using conventional ELISA methods, and their large dispersion required the application of frequency analysis to compare the percentage of individuals with values outside the accepted reference ranges by group and to outline a more clearly defined trend.", "\n\n###### \n\nReference Values of Studied Interleukins.", "\n\n![](", "10.1177_1559325818785564-table2)\n\n Parameters Reference Values\n ------------ ------------------\n IL-2 0-3 pg/mL\n IFNγ \\<15.6 pg/mL\n IL-4 0-4 pg/mL\n\nAbbreviations: IL, interleukin; IFNγ, interferon γ.", "\n\nStatistical Methods {#section3-1559325818785564}\n-------------------\n\nThe following statistical methods were applied to process the results.", "\n\n### Parametric methods {#section4-1559325818785564}\n\nOne-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to check the equality of more than 2 mean values in a normal distribution.", "\n\n### Nonparametric methods {#section5-1559325818785564}\n\nKolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests were used to check the normality of distribution of quantitative variables; Mann-Whitney test was used for comparison of averages in 2 groups of 1 quantitative variable when the distribution is not normal; Kruskal-Wallis test was used for comparison of averages in more than 2 groups of quantitative variables when the distribution is not normal.", "\n\n### Variation analysis of quantitative variables {#section6-1559325818785564}\n\nMean, standard deviation, standard error of the mean, and 95% confidence interval of the mean were analyzed.", "\n\n### Correlation analysis {#section7-1559325818785564}\n\nCoefficient of linear correlation included parametric (Pearson) and nonparametric (Spearman); partial correlation. ", "The data are not presented in tables, but only correlation coefficients were shown, where necessary. ", "Frequency analysis deals with the number of occurrences (frequency) and analyzes measures of central tendency, dispersion, percentages. ", "SPSS version 11.0.1 for Windows was used for data processing.^[@bibr18-1559325818785564],[@bibr19-1559325818785564]^\n\nResults {#section8-1559325818785564}\n=======\n\nThe relative and absolute values of cell parameters were analyzed. ", "Data from the variation analysis of the studied main lymphocyte populations are presented in [Table 3](#table3-1559325818785564){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\n###### \n\nVariation Analysis of Main Lymphocyte Populations According to Cumulative Dose.", "\n\n![](", "10.1177_1559325818785564-table3)\n\n Parameters Groups X (SD), % X (SD), cells/µL\n ---------------------------------------------------- -------------- --------------- ------------------\n B lymphocytes (CD19^+^) Control 10.25 (3.3) 264.5 (131)\n 1st: 0.1-25 mSv 10.74 (3.9) 242.0 (100) \n 2nd: 25.1-100 mSv 10.22 (4.8) 248.1 (132) \n 3rd: 100.1- 200 mSv 9.16 (3.3) 227.5 (97) \n 4th: Above 200 mSv 10.17 (4.5) 260.3 (135) \n Total T lymphocytes (CD3^+^) Control 72.97 (6.7) 1842.8 (594)\n 1st: 0.1-25 mSv 70.63 (7.3) 1603.0 (494) \n 2nd: 25.1-100 mSv 74.87 (7.1) 1806.8 (471) \n 3rd: 100.1-200 mSv 72.78 (8.0) 1816.2 (503) \n 4th: Above 200 mSv 72.79 (8.9) 1917.68 (789) \n Helper-inducer T lymphocytes (CD3^+^ CD4^+^) Control 43.4 (6.5) 1094.28 (353)\n 1st: 0.1-25 mSv 42.67 (7.9) 969.52 (338) \n 2nd: 25.1-100 mSv 44.29 (6.9) 1074.9 (299) \n 3rd: 100.1-200 mSv 43.0 (10.4) 1071.37 (404) \n 4th: Above 200 mSv 44.45 (9.3) 1168.48 (395 \n Cytotoxic-suppressor T lymphocytes (CD3^+^ CD8^+^) Control 28.47 (7.1) 720.94 (288)\n 1st: 0.1-25 mSv 27.11 (8.6) 614.52 (272) \n 2nd: 25.1-100 mSv 31.19 (7.6) 756.26 (260) \n 3rd: 100.1-200 mSv 28.95 (10.1) 727.95 (350) \n 4th: Above 200 mSv 27.59 (7.8) 694.41 (452) \n CD4^+^/CD8^+^ index Control 1.64 (0.6)\n 1st: 0.1-25 mSv 1.77 (0.8) \n 2nd: 25.1-100 mSv 1.53 (0.5) \n 3rd: 100.1-200 mSv 1.69 (0.7) \n 4th: Above 200 mSv 1.79 (0.8) \n\nAbbreviations: SD, standard deviation; X, mean.", "\n\nThe parametric ANOVA test was applied to analyze CD3^+^ (percentage) and CD4^+^ (percentage) T lymphocytes. ", "Mann-Whitney и Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to analyze the parameters that lack normal distribution. ", "There was no significant difference for all parameters as shown in [Table 3](#table3-1559325818785564){ref-type=\"table\"}---between the control and exposed individuals and between the 4 exposed groups. ", "The correlation analysis showed no dependence on age, dose, or length of service for total T cells, helper-inducer T cells, suppressor cytotoxic T cells, and B lymphocytes.", "\n\nThe variables were compared with nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test because of the lack of normal distribution found by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. ", "No statistically significant difference was found between groups for cytotoxic CD8^+^ CD28^+^ T lymphocytes, but a tendency of decrease in their average was observed in groups with cumulative doses above 100 mSv, confirmed by weak negative correlations with cumulative dose (*r* = −0.249 at *P* = .003). ", "These results are in accordance with the reports of Liu et al^[@bibr20-1559325818785564],[@bibr21-1559325818785564]^ who established similar trend in the values of cytotoxic T-cell subpopulation (CD8^+^ CD28^+^) with the increase of cumulative doses.", "\n\nThe observed increase of NKT cells in groups with cumulative doses up to 200 mSv, although insignificant ([Table 4](#table4-1559325818785564){ref-type=\"table\"}), also was confirmed by the weak correlations with cumulative dose (*r* = 0.171 at *P* = .045). ", "The stimulatory effects of low radiation doses on the innate immunity probably determined the observed trend.^[@bibr22-1559325818785564][@bibr23-1559325818785564]--[@bibr24-1559325818785564]^\n\n###### \n\nVariation Analysis of CD8^+^ CD28^+^ T Lymphocytes, NK, and NKT Cells According to Cumulative Dose.", "\n\n![](", "10.1177_1559325818785564-table4)\n\n Parameters Groups X (SD), % X (SD), cells/µL\n ------------------------------ ---------- ------------- ------------------\n CD8^+^CD28^+^ Control 14.8 (4) 375.6 (148)\n 1st: 0.1-25 mSv 13.4 (4) 305.4 (120) \n 2nd: 25.1-100 mSv 14.2 (5) 337.5 (123) \n 3rd: 100.1-200 mSv 12.8 (3) 314.5 (94) \n 4th: Above 200 mSv 12.3 (5) 336.9 (201) \n NK (CD3-CD16^+^CD56^+^) Control 16.1 (7) 413.1 (234)\n 1st: 0.1-25 mSv 17.7 (8) 418.2 (262) \n 2nd: 25.1-100 mSv 14.1 (7) 329 (153) \n 3rd: 100.1-200 mSv 17.6 (8) 426.2 (184) \n 4th: Above 200 mSv 16.3 (8) 433 (225) \n NKT (CD3^+^ CD16^+^ CD56^+^) Control 6.5 (5) 174.5 (168)\n 1st: 0.1-25 mSv 9.3 (8) 214.2 (185) \n 2nd: 25.1-100 mSv 11.0 (7) 266.6 (173) \n 3rd: 100.1-200 mSv 10.6 (9) 276.4 (273) \n 4th: Above 200 mSv 8.7 (5) 235.6 (174) \n\nAbbreviations: NK, natural killer; NKT cells, natural killer T cells; SD, standard deviation; X, mean.", "\n\nThe tendency of dose-depended decrease of helper-inducer CD3^+^ CD4^+^ T lymphocytes observed in our previous studies supported further investigations of their subpopulations. ", "Reported differentiation of memory CD45RO^+^ CD4^+^ cells in helper 1 and helper 2 lymphocytes based on the expression of L-selectin receptor (CD62 L)^[@bibr25-1559325818785564],[@bibr26-1559325818785564]^ also suggested continuation of research of CD4^+^ T lymphocytes subpopulations.", "\n\nThe results of variation analysis on T helper lymphocyte subpopulations are presented in [Table 5](#table5-1559325818785564){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were applied for analysis, as variables lacked Gauss distribution. ", "The values of the coefficient of significance did not show statistical reliability either to control or between exposed groups. ", "Exception was recorded for the absolute values of central memory CD4^+^ CDRO^+^ CD62L^+^ T lymphocytes between the groups with lowest and highest cumulative doses (*P* = .012). ", "For the same subpopulation, a slightly significant positive dependence on age (0.245 at *P* = .007) and length of service (0.315 at *P* = .001) was found for percentage values and on the dose (0.216 at *P* = .015) for its absolute ones, by performing correlation analysis with Spearman test. ", "Naive CD4^+^ CDRA^+^ CD62L^+^ T lymphocytes have shown a relative decrease, although no significant, in groups with cumulative doses higher than 25 mSv, which could be explained by the greater radio sensitivity of naive T cells, subjected to apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner.^[@bibr27-1559325818785564],[@bibr28-1559325818785564]^ Low positive correlation of this subpopulation with length of service (0.272 at *P* = .003) was found.", "\n\n###### \n\nVariation Analysis of T Helper Lymphocyte Subpopulations According to Cumulative Doses.", "\n\n![](", "10.1177_1559325818785564-table5)\n\n Parameters Groups X (SD), % X (SD), cells/µL\n ---------------------------------------- -------------- ---------------------- ------------------\n Naive Control 24.15 (19.6) 280.2 (264)\n  CD4^+^ CDRA^+^ CD62L^+^ T lymphocytes \n 1st: 0.1-25 mSv 20.00 (17.4) 201.7 (190) \n 2nd: 25.1-100 mSv 16.58 (7.9) 178.8 (106) \n 3rd: 100.1-200 mSv 19.68 (17.1) 213.9 (220) \n 4th: above 200 mSv 16.28 (14.2) 177.2 (154) \n Terminal effector Control 5.68 (9.6) 52.7 (8.4)\n  CD4^+^ CDRA^+^ CD62L^−^ T lymphocytes \n 1st: 0.1-25 mSv 5.79 (11.8) 66.1 (142) \n 2nd: 25.1-100 mSv 3.49 (7.1) 45.7 (105) \n 3rd: 100.1-200 mSv 5.62 (11.99) 49.9 (84) \n 4th: Above 200 mSv 1.29 (2.0) 16.17 (19) \n Central memory Control 52.1 (22.6) 631.35 (546)\n  CD4^+^ CDRO^+^ CD62L^+^ T lymphocytes \n 1st: 0.1-25 mSv 53.56 (21.5) **529.96 (344)** ^a^ \n 2nd: 25.1-100 mSv 59.39 (13.8) 631.48 (241) \n 3rd: 100.1-200 mSv 49.26 (20.9) 555.37 (329) \n 4th: Above 200 mSv 62.38 (14.0) **726.62 (274)** ^a^ \n\nAbbreviations: SD, standard deviation; X, mean.", "\n\n^a^ Statistical confidence between the first and fourth group for central memory T cells (*P* = .012). ", "There is significant statistical difference between the groups in boldface. ", "It is described within the text.", "\n\n[Table 6](#table6-1559325818785564){ref-type=\"table\"} present concentrations of serum immunoglobulins IgG, IgA, and IgM expressing the functional activity of B-lymphocytes. ", "The variation analysis was done by nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test, for lack of normal distribution of variables. ", "There was no statistically significant difference for the 3 tested immunoglobulins within groups. ", "A tendency of an increased average levels of IgA was observed by the established low positive correlations with age (*r* = 0.037 at *P* = .185) and length of service (*r* = 0.236 at *P* = .008). ", "Contrarily, a trend of decreasing values of IgM in comparison to the controls was found, most pronounced in the group with doses above 200 mSv, confirmed by low but significant negative correlation of IgM with cumulative dose (*r* = −0.220 at *P* = .011).", "\n\n###### \n\nVariation Analysis of Serum Levels of IgG, IgA, and IgM According to Cumulative Dose.", "\n\n![](", "10.1177_1559325818785564-table6)\n\n Groups IgG (g/L), X (SD) IgA (g/L), X (SD) IgM (g/L), X (SD)\n -------------------- ------------------- ------------------- -------------------\n Control 10.81 (3.21) 2.58 (1.23) 1.54 (0.51)\n 1st: 0.1-25 mSv 10.51 (2.04) 2.77 (0.91) 1.26 (0.49)\n 2nd: 25.1-100 mSv 10.58 (2.34) 2.66 (1.18) 1.37 (0.55)\n 3rd: 100.1-200 mSv 10.26 (2.19) 2.81 (0.94) 1.36 (0.55)\n 4th: Above 200 mSv 10.72 (1.91) 2.91 (0.97) 1.19 (0.54)\n\nAbbreviations: Ig, immunoglobulins; SD, standard deviation; X, mean.", "\n\n[Table 6](#table6-1559325818785564){ref-type=\"table\"} presents the results of variation analysis of plasma levels of IL-2, IL-4, and IFNγ. ", "Cytokines, as the most important mediators for immune cell communication, could be up- or downregulated by low-dose radiation. ", "Interleukins IL-2, IL-4, and IFNγ are associated with T-cell growth and differentiation as well as with the distinction between Th1 and Th2 immune response. ", "Inflammatory cytokines, such as IFNγ, IL-2, IL-6, and TNF-α, increased expression, providing evidence of persistent inflammatory responses, while IL-4 is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory cytokine restoring homeostasis.", "\n\nInterleukin 2 did not show any significant difference in control or between groups of exposed persons by Kruskal-Wallis test. ", "Relatively higher plasma levels of IL-2 were observed in all exposed groups compared to control, more pronounced in the group with cumulative doses 25 to 100 mSv. ", "Frequency analysis confirmed the highest percentage of persons with elevated values in the same group---23.3% as their number gradually decreased, reaching the lowest percentage of persons with deviations in the group with a dose over 200 mSv (6.82%; [Table 7](#table7-1559325818785564){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "No significant correlation for IL-2 was found with age, length of service, or cumulative dose as well as with increased frequency of chronic diseases.", "\n\n###### \n\nFrequency Analysis of Interleukins.", "\n\n![](", "10.1177_1559325818785564-table7)\n\n Parameters IL-2 (Out of Reference Values) IL-4 (Out of Reference Values) IFNγ (Out of Reference Values)\n --------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------\n Control 11.1% -- 15.6%\n 0-25 mSv 11.1% -- 33.3%\n 25.1-100 mSv 23.33% -- 30%\n 100.1-200 mSv 11.1% -- 27.78%\n Above 200 mSv 6.82% -- 20.6%\n\nAbbreviations: IL, interleukin; IFNγ, interferon γ.", "\n\nFor the other pro-inflammatory cytokine, IFN-γ, crucial for immunity against intracellular pathogens and for tumor control, no significant difference, either between groups or to control, was established ([Table 8](#table8-1559325818785564){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "This cytokine also showed lack of dependence on age, dose, length of service, viral, and chronic diseases. ", "However, the frequency analysis established the highest percentage (33.3%) above the reference in the group with cumulative doses 0.1 to 25 mSv, which gradually decline with increasing the cumulative dose, reaching 20.6% in the group with cumulative dose above 200 mSv ([Table 7](#table7-1559325818785564){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The analysis of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-4 by Kruskal-Wallis test did not show any significant difference between groups of NPP workers and the control. ", "However, comparison within exposed groups by Mann-Whitney test showed a significant difference with cumulative doses 100 to 200 mSv and above 200 mSv. ", "The obtained results in all groups were within reference values, and there was no correlation of IL-4 with age, cumulative dose, and length of service, or chronic diseases.", "\n\n###### \n\nVariation Analysis of Plasma Levels of Interleukins According to Cumulative Dose.", "\n\n![](", "10.1177_1559325818785564-table8)\n\n Groups IL-2 (pg/mL), X (SD) IL-4 (pg/mL), X (SD) IFNγ (pg/mL), X (SD)\n -------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------\n Control 0.28 (1.2) 0.26 (0.4) 15.3 (4.9)\n 1st: 0.1-25 mSv 0.32 (1.1) 0.18 (0.2) 14.1 (5.9)\n 2nd: 25.1-100 mSv 1.04 (2.9) 0.33 (0.6) 13.4 (4.7)\n 3rd: 100.1-200 mSv 0.62 (1.9) **0.07 (0.1)** ^a^ 14.8 (7.2)\n 4th: Above 200 mSv 0.69 (1.8) **0.15 (0.2)** ^a^ 14.1 (5.6)\n\nAbbreviations: IL, interleukin; IFNγ, interferon γ; SD, standard deviation; X, mean.", "\n\n^a^ Statistical confidence between the third and fourth group for IL-4 (*P* \\< .05).", "\n\nDiscussion {#section9-1559325818785564}\n==========\n\nThe present study on the effects of occupational radiation dose at the immune system did not register any statistical differences within the main lymphocyte populations and their subpopulations. ", "The results varied widely and only a few of studied parameters showed weak correlation with cumulative dose, age, or length of service. ", "Other surveys on such contingents^[@bibr29-1559325818785564][@bibr30-1559325818785564]--[@bibr31-1559325818785564]^ reported similar results. ", "However, the established slight deviation of some of studied subpopulations and their low correlation with cumulative radiation dose and age could be discussed.", "\n\nThe observed trend of increasing of NKT cells is similar to the one reported by Kuzmenok et al,^[@bibr11-1559325818785564]^ who found increased number of NKT cells as late effects in Chernobyl liquidators. ", "According to Subleski et al,^[@bibr32-1559325818785564],[@bibr33-1559325818785564]^ NKT levels increase with increasing the total dose as they could rapidly express pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines determining the type and the magnitude of the immune response.", "\n\nProbably, the reduction of cytotoxic CD8^+^ CD28^+^ T cells with increasing of cumulative doses established in studied contingent reflected an activation of suppressor regulatory mechanisms. ", "This presumption was based on studies of Liu et al^[@bibr20-1559325818785564]^ who supposed that while the low doses upregulate the expression of CD28 molecule, leading to immune enhancement, higher doses upregulate the CTLA-4 expression and lead to immunosuppression. ", "In the present research on CD3^+^ CD4^+^ subpopulations, data for increasing of central memory CD4^+^ CDRO^+^ CD62L^+^ T lymphocytes, cells with anti-inflammatory cytokine production were obtained. ", "This suggested some impact of low-dose radiation on CD3^+^ CD4^+^ subpopulation and it could be assumed that they reflect the gradual polarization of helper 1 to helper 2 balances. ", "The trend of the decreasing naive CD4^+^ CDRA^+^ CD62L^+^ T lymphocytes with increasing cumulative dose could be in confirm of Kusunoki et al^[@bibr10-1559325818785564]^ report for similar variation in memory and naive CD4^+^ T-cell populations at atomic bombings survivors, interpreted as an expression of radiation-induced accelerated aging of the immune system. ", "It could be suggested that the obtained discrete deviation in some of studied lymphocyte's populations demonstrated a gradual tendency of polarization of helper 1 to helper 2 immune response, but the insufficient number of respondents did not allow us of making a general conclusion.", "\n\nThe results of the plasma immunoglobulins confirmed the data of our previous studies.^[@bibr13-1559325818785564],[@bibr14-1559325818785564]^ Epidemiology investigations^[@bibr34-1559325818785564],[@bibr35-1559325818785564]^ of radiology and X-ray department workers established reduction of IgM, which was also registered in our study. ", "Contrarily, Japanese authors,^[@bibr4-1559325818785564],[@bibr36-1559325818785564]^ who performed a long-term study of atomic bomb survivors, reported elevated serum concentration of IgM due to compromised immune system. ", "Similar to our results, an increasing of IgA were found by Rybkina et al^[@bibr37-1559325818785564]^ in Mayak workers chronically exposed to external radiation, which authors explained by switches of immunoglobulins biosynthesis to IgA isotype. ", "Kluciñski et al,^[@bibr38-1559325818785564]^ on other hand, consider that smoking amplified the suppressive effect of occupational exposure on the production of IgA and IgG. It is obvious that no consistent position exists in concern to the effects of chronic low-dose radiation on the immunoglobulins concentration. ", "Such discrepancies could be due both to confounding lifestyle/environmental risk factors and to epidemiological situation during the survey because of the short half-life of immunoglobulins.", "\n\nIn our survey, we observed higher percentage of persons with above the normal values of IL-2, in the group with cumulative dose 25 to 100 mSv, that gradually decline in groups with increasing cumulative dose. ", "These results were in accordance with studies of Xu et al^[@bibr39-1559325818785564]^ and Zakeri et al^[@bibr31-1559325818785564]^ who also reported increased secretion of IL-2 at occupational radiation exposure in the same dose interval, namely in the range of 30.5 (24.3) mSv. ", "The results for IFNγ, other representative of pro-inflammatory ILs demonstrated similar dynamic---a gradual reduction in percentage of persons with higher than normal values with increasing the cumulative dose. ", "While the results of pro-inflammatory IL-2 and IFNγ cytokines showed a slight trend of decreasing with increasing of cumulative dose, those for anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-4 were very dispersed, with no clear dependency to cumulative doses. ", "The established significant difference for IL-4 between the group with cumulative doses of 100 to 200 mSv and cumulative doses higher than 200 mSv raises the question of the cause for obtained results. ", "As known, production of IL-4 is carried out by several cells: mast cells and basophils, γ/δ T cells, subpopulation of NKT cells, and naive CD4^+^ T cells, but Th2 cells are particularly the most important producer of IL-4, required for their own development. ", "Although NKT cells could secrete large amounts of IL-4 immediately after T-cell receptor stimulation, there are reports^[@bibr40-1559325818785564]^ about their important role in the immune balance at late stage after radiation, when their removal is associated with enhanced production of IL-4 and IgE. That could be one of the reasons about the lower average of IL-4 in the group, with doses from 100 to 200 mSv, where the relative higher number of NKT cells was obtained. ", "On the other hand, the increase of IL-4 in group with cumulative dose above 200 mSv could be explained with the significant increase in the number of central memory cells, representing characteristic of cells with anti-inflammatory cytokine production.", "\n\nBased on the observed insignificant deviations in studied cytokines levels, more likely trends of decreasing of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-2 and IFNγ, and the obtained results for IL-4, we could speculate for gradual switch from Th1 to Th2 immune response at dose interval of 100 to 200 mSv. ", "Such an idea launched Attar et al^[@bibr41-1559325818785564]^ who found higher lymphocyte-induced IL-4 and IL-10 production and lower IL-2 and IFN-γ production in the exposed inhabitants of high background area of Ramsar. ", "The authors suggested that the immune system of individuals exposed to high-dose ionizing radiation has adapted to its environment by shifting from a type 1 to a type 2 response to promote anti-inflammation. ", "Based on obtained results for plasma concentration of these proteins, we could suggest that there is some prevalence of pro-inflammatory immune response to cumulative dose 200 mSv, which gradually switch to type 2 at doses above 200 mSv, confirmed in other studies.", "\n\nThe secretion and activity of cytokines is very individual depending on many confounding social, genetic, and epigenetic factors and especially health status of individuals, so that it is necessary to precise the impact of other factors on radiation effects.", "\n\nFinally, we could summarize that the results of the present study are not able to outline clear conclusions about the impact of occupational radiation doses on Th1/Th2 immune balance. ", "We consider that testing such parameters, whose normal values vary in a relatively wide range and which are too sensitive to environmental impact, require carrying out a number of studies to monitor any statistical reliability. ", "The relatively small number of respondents within each group of our survey does not allow us to draw definite conclusions. ", "Nevertheless, the observed even slight trends in some lymphocyte's populations (NKT, CD8^+^28^+^, and CD4^+^ CDRO^+^ CD62L^+^ T lymphocytes) and in cytokines profile give us the reason to assume a possibility of a gradual polarization of Th1 to Th2 immune response at dose range of 100 to 200 mSv. ", "The evidence presented in this study indicates a need to conduct more detailed epidemiological studies that are capable of addressing potential confounding and misclassifying factors and possible selection bias that could influence the results.", "\n\n**Declaration of Conflicting Interests:** The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.", "\n\n**Funding:** The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.", "\n" ]
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[ "Nature: Jungle Eagles 7 pm\nThe most powerful raptor in the world, the harpy eagle, hides away deep in the South American jungle. ", "Harpy eagles are barely ever seen, let alone filmed. ", "In this extraordinary documentary, our team of cameramen steps into the world of this monkey-eating eagle and even risks injury to obtain intimate pictures of them bringing back large monkeys to the nest. ", "The tables soon turn, however, as one of these massive birds starts following the team.", "\n\nNOVA: The Fabric of the Cosmos: “The Illusion of Time?” ", "8 pm\nAccompany physicist and acclaimed author Brian Greene on a mind-bending reality check and journey to the frontiers of physics to see how scientists are piecing together the most complete picture yet of space, time and the universe. ", "Time. ", "We waste it, save it, kill it, make it. ", "The world runs on it. ", "Yet, ask physicists what time actually is, and the answer might shock you: They have no idea. ", "Even more surprising, the deep sense we have of time passing from present to past may be nothing more than an illusion. ", "How can our understanding of something so familiar be so wrong? ", "In search of answers, Brian Greene takes us on the ultimate time traveling adventure, hurtling 50 years into the future before stepping into a wormhole to travel back to the past. ", "Along the way, he will reveal a new way of thinking about time in which moments past, present and future exist all at once. ", "This journey will bring us all the way back to the Big Bang, where physicists think the ultimate secrets of time may be hidden.", "\n\nNOVA: The Elegant Universe: “Einstein’s Dream” 9 pm\nIn the last few years, excitement has grown among scientists as they’ve pursued a revolutionary new approach to unifying nature’s forces. ", "To the uninitiated, string theory is totally mind-boggling. ", "But physicist Brian Greene has a rare gift for conveying physics in vivid everyday images, a gift that has turned his recent book, The Elegant Universe, into a mighty bestseller. ", "Now Greene brings his talent, youth and vitality to television for the first time in this special three-hour presentation. ", "A highly innovative, Matrix-like production style makes the surreal world of string theory spring to life on the screen. ", "The first hour introduces string theory and shows how modern physics -composed of two theories that are ferociously incompatible – reached an impasse: one theory, known as general relativity, is successful in describing big things like stars and galaxies; another, called quantum mechanics, is equally successful in describing small things like atoms and subatomic particles. ", "Albert Einstein, the inventor of general relativity, dreamed of finding a single theory that would embrace all of nature’s laws. ", "But in his quest for the so- called unified theory, Einstein came up empty-handed, and the conflict between general relativity and quantum mechanics has stymied all who’ve followed. ", "That is, until the discovery of string theory." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPHP performance strpos filename or MySQL query\n\nI'm storing some highres files on a serves (100K+ if that matters) and I organize them in different galleries. ", "When somebody access the gallery I only show thumbnails and a lowres version of the images, which in some cases is watermarked in other case not. ", "Now due to the fact that I'm speaking of a huge amount of pictures the low resolution version which is displayed on the gallery page is purged from the server after X days. ", "If somebody does access the gallery and the lowres version of the file doesn't exist on the server it is generated on the fly, however when I generate the lowres I might need to watermark it or not. ", "\nCurrently, the script which display the images doesn't do any SQL call it's all based on filesystem (if file exists, etc) and the decision to watermark an image or not is based on:\nif (strpos($file_name,\"FREE\")===false){ //add watermark }else{ //just resize}\n\nMy logic says this is more performant than doing an SQL query against the filename or fileid and checking if it should be a non watermarked image. ", "However I find it a bit of inconvenience to have the file names containing the word FREE.", "\nHow much of a performance difference I can expect if I use an SQL query instead of the strpos? ", "\nEDIT/UPDATE\nTo summarize up the answers and the comments: \n\nThe system is being designed to be working for a few years, with all the galleries which are added over time to be still accessible. ", "This means the storage requirement is just HUGE, and older albums high res image will be moved off-site on slow and cheap dedicated storage, so suggestion to keep an additional overhead off all the thumbnails it's a severe no go option. ", "Last year I needed to store over 3TB of images (this is only the highres size).", "\nI'm on Lighttpd and I'm intending to use rewrite-if-not-file to get the best performance for the existing thumbnails.", "\nI know about the I/O write penalty and I intend to keep it to the minimum, writing only when necessary, preferably reading. ", "However the comment from @N.B. did actually got me thinking to store the lowres images on an SSD, so even when I need to create and write them to the disk have a much better I/O performance than a normal HDD.", "\nIt will be actually difficult to do some test (@Steve E.) I'm behind schedule and the system has to go live by the end of this month. (", "I just got the bomb today that they are pulling the plug on the old system). ", "Yes the flexibility is the main reason I'm tempted to go with SQL, but I'm expecting the SQL database to grow significantly, beside the file information, there are loads of other informations that I need to store as well, tagging, purchases, downloads, etc, so I'm also trying to make sure that I'm not putting too much pressure on the SQL, when I can actually leverage some of that with a good structure and Filesystem access. ", "\n\nA:\n\nWithout doing tests, it is hard to be certain which approach would be faster. ", "Simple logic may suggest that PHP accessing disk is faster, but that is based on a lot of assumptions. ", "\nIn a well configured system, variables that are required frequently will be in the RAM cache rather than on disk. ", "This applies to caching of the filesystem as well as MySQL caching indexes. ", "The impact of caching and other mechanisms can give results different to what might be expected.", "\nIn many scenarios, either solution will work and be adequate since the time taken for either request should be minimal in a well designed system and the extra performance of one approach may not be worth the inconvenience you find with using 'FREE' in the filename. ", "It would not be too hard to trial both methods and measure performance. ", "\nIn the long term also consider that MySQL provides more flexibility for adding additional functionality that would get complicated if all the state was stored in file names.", "\nIf performance really is a significant issue, then look at using the webserver to check for the file on disk (or in a cache like memcache) and return that if it exists before passing the request to PHP at all. ", "Both Nginx and Apache can do this, it's a common acceleration approach for high traffic websites. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Tom Tom Blues\n\nTom Tom Blues is the title of The 77s' eighth album, released in 1995 on the Brainstorm Artists, Intl label.", "\n\nTrack listing \n\n \"Rocks In Your Head\"\n \"Honesty\"\n \"You Still Love Me\"\n \"Outskirts\"\n \"Flowers In the Sand\"\n \"Don't Leave Me Long\"\n \"Gravy Train\"\n \"Five In the Nave\"\n \"Earache\"\n \"Deliverance\"\n\nPersonnel \n\nThe band\n Mike Roe – guitars, lead vocals\n Mark Harmon – bass guitar, background vocals\n Bruce Spencer – drums\n\nAdditional musicians\n Carey Avery – percussion\n\nProduction notes\n Gene Eugene – executive producer\n Ojo Taylor – executive producer\n Guy Niosi – engineer, mixing\n John Flanagan – engineer, mixing\n Rachel Thornton – cover illustration\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1995 albums\nCategory:The 77s albums" ]
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[ "ABC’s “The Bachelor” concluded on Tuesday night with Bachelor Peter Weber proposing to 23-year-old model Hannah Ann Sluss. ", "Soon after, Weber revoked his proposal to Hannah Ann and decided to pursue runner-up and religious sweetheart Madison Prewett, despite strong objection by Peter’s over-protective mother.", "\n\n“Bachelor” host Chris Harrison told Bachelor Nation this season could not be spoiled, not even by reality TV guru “Reality Steve.” ", "Harrison was correct when he said no one can guess the ending. ", "That’s because none of us would have guessed the beginning.", "\n\nOn the very first night of the season, Peter offered his “first impression rose” — the rose given to the woman who impresses him the most on the first night — to Hannah Ann. ", "Bachelor Nation could have guessed Peter would fall for Hannah Ann the moment she exited the limo. ", "What took Bachelor Nation for a wild ride was watching Weber fall head over heels for a devoted Christian woman from the south.", "\n\nMadison stoked controversy among Bachelor Nation for directly expressing the very reasonable fact that she would struggle to say “yes” to a proposal if Peter had sex with another woman just six days before his scheduled marriage proposal. ", "Many saw this as an ultimatum, and one Peter ultimately failed. ", "To Madison, it was holding her future husband to higher standards regardless of whether they were unprecedented in Bachelor history.", "\n\nDuring the finale, Madison said she was unequivocally herself and knew it would ruffle some feathers.", "\n\nIt’s painfully obvious everyone in Peter’s direct sphere of influence, whether it be his ex-girlfriend Hannah Brown, his family, or the reality television producers, do not hold him to the same high standards that Madison does. ", "These are the same people telling Peter his relationship with Madison cannot work because she’s too different and too religious.", "\n\nWhen Madison met Peter’s family, they were shocked she would dare ask him to not sleep with other women, they questioned whether Peter could wait for sex until marriage, and reminded Peter their lifestyles were vastly different because he likes to go to the “club” while Madison prefers to attend church.", "\n\nDespite breaking off his engagement with Hannah Ann, Peter’s mother Barbara said Peter was destined to fail in his relationship with Madison.", "\n\n“He’s going to have to fail to succeed, that’s it,” Barbara said.", "\n\nYet Peter claims he wants to make a relationship that seems to make no sense work. ", "He had the opportunity to marry a woman who posts pictures of herself on Instagram in bikinis everyday, but he chose the reserved, religious girl in the end. ", "Maybe he’s just in pursuit of another reality TV contract." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPrint columns of data that wrap internally\n\nI am printing some monitoring data from a log as such:\nprintf \" %10s %5s %25s %15s %15s %s${txtrst}\\n\" $date $time $metric $status $current_criticality \"$failure\"\nI would like the last column, which does not have a defined length to wrap within its boundaries, of which the left-side is clearly defined and the right-side is wherever the screen is (normal wrapping location). ", " I have attempted to define the length, but that did not resolve it.", "\nExample of the current output:\n09/30/2015 14:39 execution (SUCCESS) SUCCESS\n09/30/2015 14:34 execution (FAILED) ERROR Step 3: Match Failed Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.", "\n09/30/2015 14:34 execution (FAILED) SUCCESS Step 1: Match Failed Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.", "\n09/30/2015 14:34 round_trip (10.174) ERROR Step 1: Match Failed Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.", "\n09/30/2015 14:34 round_trip (10.174) SUCCESS Step 1: Match Failed Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.", "\n09/30/2015 13:30 round_trip (94.652) ERROR\n09/30/2015 13:30 round_trip (94.652) SUCCESS\n09/30/2015 13:19 round_trip (0.257) SUCCESS\n09/30/2015 13:16 round_trip (110.012) ERROR\n09/30/2015 13:16 round_trip (110.012) SUCCESS\n\nI would love to see:\n09/30/2015 14:39 execution (SUCCESS) SUCCESS\n09/30/2015 14:34 execution (FAILED) ERROR Step 3: Match Failed \n Blah blah blah blah \n blah blah blah.", "\n09/30/2015 14:34 execution (FAILED) SUCCESS Step 1: Match Failed \n Blah blah blah blah \n blah blah blah.", "\n09/30/2015 14:34 round_trip (10.174) ERROR Step 1: Match Failed \n Blah blah blah blah \n blah blah blah.", "\n09/30/2015 14:34 round_trip (10.174) SUCCESS Step 1: Match Failed \n Blah blah blah blah \n blah blah blah.", "\n09/30/2015 13:30 round_trip (94.652) ERROR\n09/30/2015 13:30 round_trip (94.652) SUCCESS\n09/30/2015 13:19 round_trip (0.257) SUCCESS\n09/30/2015 13:16 round_trip (110.012) ERROR\n09/30/2015 13:16 round_trip (110.012) SUCCESS\n\nmuch like a report from SQL*PLUS's formatting of columns: col $column format a15\nThanks in advance for any ideas!", "\n\nA:\n\nHere is a kluge that works only because it's the last column:\n\nprintf the first part of the line (all of it except $failure, including the spacing), without the trailing new line.", "\necho \"$failure\" | fold -s -w $desired_width | sed -e \"2,\\$s/^/$spacing/\"\n\nWhere $desired_width is the width of the $failure column and $spacing is a lot of spaces to make the second line (third, etc.) ", "start in the right spot. ", "You could generate those spaces easily with something like spacing=$(echo $'\\t' | pr -Te71). ", "The 71 should work, if I counted right...\nThis works by having fold perform a line wrap, then sed adds spacing (for alignment) to the second and subsequent columns. ", "When printed, the first line will join with the other output (due to the lack of newline).", "\nIf I wanted to do this the right way, Perl has several modules (e.g., Text::ASCIITable, Text::SimpleTable, Text::TabularDisplay which should be able to do this.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "All together now, a magical mystery tour of the maize shoot meristem.", "\nCrop yield improvement requires optimization of shoot architecture, and can be facilitated by understanding shoot apical meristem (SAM) development. ", "Maize, as one of the most important cereal crops worldwide, is also a model system and has significantly contributed to our fundamental understanding of SAM development. ", "In this review, we focus on recent progress and will discuss communication between different meristem regulators, including CLAVATA receptors and ligands, transcription factors, small RNAs and hormones, as well as the importance of communication between different SAM regions." ]
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[ "\n\nCalifornia license plates might go digital, show ads - stretchwithme\nhttp://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100621/ap_on_hi_te/us_tec_techbit_electronic_license_plates;_ylt=Ai1gpy3oXLxMa9aEBCXdk9AjtBAF;_ylu=X3oDMTM5ZzRwcTEzBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwNjIxL3VzX3RlY190ZWNoYml0X2VsZWN0cm9uaWNfbGljZW5zZV9wbGF0ZXMEY3BvcwMyBHBvcwM0BHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcnkEc2xrA2NhbGlmbGljZW5zZQ--\n\n======\nandre3k1\nSerious question: shouldn't the owner of the vehicle be allowed to receive a\nshare of the profits?", "\n\nAt the end of the day, the liability associated with these \"ads\" falls on\nwhom: the state or vehicle's owner?", "\n\nMind you, I think this is the most retarded idea ever.", "\n\n~~~\nsliverstorm\nNo, the DMV will claim the plates are their property. ", "Currently the plate is\njust a way to ID yourself, like the Driver's Licence.", "\n\nLegislation like this will change things, and the DMV will declare they own\nthe licence plate, the same way Microsoft claims they actually own the Xbox in\nyour living room.", "\n\n~~~\nanigbrowl\nYou are right, and I don't know why you were downvoted: this is the claim that\nwould be made, and it would be asserted as the reason you are not allowed to\ntake your blue-on-white license plate and repaint it to be hot pink on lime\ngreen (at least, not while it's mounted to your vehicle).", "\n\nHowever, I don't think this idea will go anywhere, since it potentially\ncreates all sorts of first-amendment issues - you love coke but your plate\nkeeps showing ads for Pepsi, as it were; as DMV is a state agency they are\nsubject to constitutional limitations, and as the owner/occupant of a vehicle\npeople are inevitably going to associate any license plate messages with you,\nso forcing you advertise something you don't like (or indeed to advertise at\nall) is arguably an infringement on your freedom of speech.", "\n\nI'm all for creativity and lateral thinking, but I think this is a really,\nreally stupid idea - it's straight out of _Idiocracy_. ", "The sad irony is that\nwhile the idea is a suggestion for balancing the state budget, it's taking up\nresources being proposed and debated in the legislature, and if it passes it\nwill take up resources in the conduct of feasibility studies.", "\n\n------\nchaosmachine\n\"In emergencies, the plates could be used to broadcast Amber Alerts\"\n\nClassic...\n\n[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_the_children_%28reasoning%2...](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_the_children_%28reasoning%29)\n\n~~~\nRK\nOr if there is an alert out to stop your car, they can switch it to start\nflashing, etc.", "\n\nSeems like a bit of technology would need to be developed to make this cost\neffective (assuming some sort mobile data is needed).", "\n\n------\npook\nHow long before someone hacks this to flip off the other drivers in style?", "\n\nThis is definitely one of the least thought out proposals I've heard in a\nwhile. ", "At least when it gets completely subverted, it will only embarrass\nthose responsible rather than introducing catastrophic data loss as with the\nproposed Internet Kill Switch.", "\n\n[flick switch] \"FUCK... YOU... FUCK... YOU\"\n\n------\nWTFmemphis\nMoveover, can the lawyers amongst us murmur aloud the state of regulation in\nthe 'physically' mobile advertising market? ", "Such as how alternating\n'windowshade' ads atop pickup trucks differ from location targeted LED/LCD\nsigns in Taxi roofboxes in the eyes of 'The Law'? ", "Shouldn't the DMV/NHTSB\nalready have a stance on this?", "\n\nIt seems with the advent of large format E-Ink displays, plastering the back\nof a Semi-trailer with a 4x8 'film', a solar panel+battery pack, a camera and\nan friendly mobile OS - one could collect CPM based on all sorts of things.", "\nWeather, type of vehicle(s) trailing, number of passengers, distance behind,\n'txt trivia' for Corporate 'points', and so on. ", "All without being much of a\nnuisance to passers by..\n\nAlternatively, what fines should be imposed for more 'rogue' implementations?", "\nHigh enough to offset any potential gain? ", "Will that stifle stranger, consumer\ndriven things from happening? ", "If and when you start offering CPM kickbacks to\nthe cellphone bills of those in the Donk/Lowrider/SUV 'urban crowd' that\ncruise nightly around impressionable youth with multiple large, externally\nvisible LCDs showing everything from Pr0n [1], local rap promo videos, and\nBlue Clues. ", "One needs only a phone with a 'video out' capacity and creating a\nlocal Pandora'esque App playing 'underground' music could be fed by cheap\nembedded servers placed outside of bars, sports venues, and less scrupulous\nplaces. ", "As 'data package' prices reamin high, and smarter phones trickle\ndown....public hotspots (and exploitation) that _don't_ connect to the\ninternet make sense.", "\n\nAt the opposite end of the spectrum, as Soccer Mom's queue in line to pick up\ntheir children? ", "While immoral to a degree, the unused LCDs in the back of a\nML450 (or schoolbus) could serve ads, school updates, etc. ", "No one is moving\nand it's usually on private land. ", "No one can really regulate that. ", "Right?", "\n\nI already dread billboard obscured sunsets on the drive home, I am of the\nopinion (electric) roadside advertising should be regulated to some degree and\na more public discourse on how 'public' land is used. ", "Hopefully someone soon\nwill do a study strapping eye tracking software to a large set of drivers to\nmeasure how disorienting erratic light from advertising and other sources can\nbe. ", "Someone will die (<blink> tag induced seizure?), ", "much fuss will be made,\nand a law 'in honor of XYZ' will pass and perhaps something will be done about\nit.", "\n\n:shrug:\n\n[1]\n[http://www.law.northwestern.edu/lawreview/v100/n2/999/LR100n...](http://www.law.northwestern.edu/lawreview/v100/n2/999/LR100n2Wilson.pdf)\n\n~~~\njlangenauer\nI'm reminded of a quote of David Ogilvy, of the ad agency Ogilvy and Mather:\n\n\"As a private person, I have a passion for landscape, and I have never seen\none improved by a billboard. ", "Where every prospect pleases, man is at his\nvilest when he erects a billboard. ", "When I retire from Madison Avenue, I am\ngoing to start a secret society of masked vigilantes who will travel around\nthe world on silent motorcycles, chopping down posters by the dark of the\nmoon. ", "How many juries will convict us when we are caught in these acts of\nbeneficent citizenship?\"", "\n\n------\ncallmeed\n\"Interested advertisers would contract directly with the DMV\"\n\nMe: hi, I'd like to purchase some ads\n\nDMV Guy: Please complete form LPA17 and get in _that_ line\n\n------\nedmccaffrey\nI know that billboards and many other things already distract drivers, but\nanother distraction that encourages them to get too close to be safe seems\nplain idiotic.", "\n\n------\ncdawzrd\nSo now, even when the robber's car stops, the security cameras won't be able\nto get a clear image of the tag number. ", "Awesome.", "\n\n------\nstretchwithme\nas if there aren't enough distractions on the road already.", "\n\n------\nMahh\nFurther new ways of creating disruptive easy advertising that doesn't do much\nto make people really want the product.", "\n\nI can't quite imagine what the senator was imagining this to turn out as\n\n~~~\nNatsu\n> I can't quite imagine what the senator was imagining this to turn out as\n\nA campaign donation from the company that wants to sell them, I would imagine.", "\n\n------\nrjett\nReading the title, I thought they might be doing something smart, perhaps\nusing RFID tags or something similar to cut down on plate manufacturing costs\nand to make the registration renewal process more streamlined.", "\n\nNope, it turns out they're just trying to commoditize plate real estate. ", "For a\nstate that makes it a illegal to have a cell phone against your ear while\ndriving, I don't see this passing. ", "Then again, they are $19 billion in debt.", "\n\n------\nsliverstorm\nOh god _facepalm_\n\n" ]
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[ 0.002105263157894737, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0.02631578947368421, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0.003875968992248062, 0, 0, 0.00911854103343465, 0, 0, 0, 0.005747126436781609, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0.018518518518518517, 0.004310344827586207, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0035335689045936395, 0.004464285714285714, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0, 0.005509641873278237, 0, 0.125, 0, 0, 0.004166666666666667, 0.004366812227074236, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Hypertension in adolescents: a review of diagnosis and management.", "\nLong-term hypertension contributes to significant cardiovascular and renal morbidity and mortality. ", "Although chronic hypertension is much rarer in the adolescent population than in adults, identifying the hypertensive adolescent and intervening with risk factors such as obesity that may promote hypertension is important for the clinician treating adolescents. ", "Since both primary and secondary causes of hypertension may exist in the adolescent, a thorough and sequential clinical and diagnostic evaluation must be undertaken, including screening urinalysis, blood chemistries, and renal sonography. ", "There are pitfalls in interpreting casual blood pressure measurements in adolescents, and the role of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring is evolving. ", "Lifestyle modifications, including diet, exercise, and limitation of sodium intake, remain the foundation of treatment. ", "Commonly used medications include calcium channel blockers, angiotensin receptor blockers and converting enzyme inhibitors, beta blockers, and diuretics. ", "When considering medication in the hypertensive adolescent, potential complications of therapy must be reviewed in light of the physical and psychosocial changes ongoing in this age group." ]
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[ "Common Questions\n\nAre there age restrictions for this Expedition?", "\n\nWhat is a single supplement fee?", "\n\nA single supplement fee covers the loss of income by the lodge when one single person occupies a room. ", "That person pays a premium as room availability is limited during our operating seasons.", "\n\nWhat other things are there to do in Churchill at this time?", "\n\nYou can also visit the gift shops and the Parks Canada center at the Churchill train station in your free time where they provide films, slideshows and lectures to visitors (based on availability).", "\n\nWhat type of planes will we be flying in from Winnipeg to Churchill and return?", "\n\nYour flight between Winnipeg and Churchill will be with Calm-air on either a chartered or regular flight. ", "Further instructions will be provided upon booking and/or with your travel documents.", "\n\nWhat are the typical temperatures in Churchill in September?", "\n\nThe average temperatures in September is about 6 degrees Celsius (42 degrees F) and can range from can range from 2 and 9 degrees Celsius. ", "It might feel cooler because of wind so be sure to bring the recommended clothing.", "\n\nWhat payment types are accepted?", "\n\nWinnipeg Office: For Reservations in Winnipeg we accept Visa and MasterCard.", "\nAll payments are charged in Canadian Funds. ", "If applicable, funds will be converted to US Funds by your credit card company at the exchange rate they use at the time of processing.", "\n\nAt the Lodge: Visa, MasterCard and Interac/Debit are accepted. ", "US cash will be accepted at par with Canadian so it is best to exchange funds prior to arriving in Churchill if you want to use cash.", "\n\nWhat should I pack for the trip?", "\n\nThe weather in September can vary quite significantly. ", "There can be warmer days and cooler days so it is important to layer your clothing. ", "Warm clothing is recommended. ", "We recommend packing the following:\n\nLoose fitting clothing, long socks, long-sleeved shirt and pants for cooler days (be sure to layer)" ]
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