[ "Travel styles\n\nLength of stay\n\nCRUISES JOURNEYS\n\nThe vast number of waterway, the spectacular quayside neighborhoods and the amazing beautiful landscapes make Indochina become the one of top destinations to explore on a cruise. ", "Unio’s Cruise Journeys in Indochina is more than just a stop at must-see locations along the way. ", "Each of our cruise itineraries designed to help you capture a glimpse of the lifestyles and cultures of the local people from the boat deck and beyond.", "\n\nReady to hop on our cruise to explore the exotic Mekong Delta or the world’s heritage Halong Bay? ", "See the ready-made itinerary below. ", "If you can’t find what you are looking for, please let us design a tailor-made itinerary that match your preference and interests.", "\n\nExperience Halong Bay on night cruises. ", "Not only you will see fantastically shaped islands, beautiful beaches and great natural caves, but you will also learn more about Halong Bay’s history and local people." ]
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[ "Sharksworld has confirmed with coach Brad Macleod-Henderson that Frans Steyn will start at inside centre against the Cheetahs this weekend, with Pat Lambie on his inside.", "\n\nIn unfortunate news, though, Jannie du Plessis has picked up a hand injury and is unlikely to feature. ", "Wiehahn Herbst is thus set to earn a 51st Currie Cup cap, starting in the number 3 jersey.", "\n\nWillem Alberts will also not be fit for selection as he continues to recover from a neck injury sustained during the Rugby Championship.", "\n\nOur full interview with Brad will be up tomorrow." ]
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[ "#!", "/bin/bash\n\n# NOTE: This script is not currently being used anywhere. ", "\n# it curently runs fs_thread_test on a set of images that\n# are not public\n#\n# This could probably be renamed to something with threadtest in the name\n\n\nEXIT_SUCCESS=0;\nEXIT_FAILURE=1;\nEXIT_IGNORE=77;\n\nIMAGE_DIR=${HOME}/from_brian\nNTHREADS=1\nNITERS=1\n\ncheck_diffs()\n{\n\tfor LOG_FILE in thread-*.log;\n\tdo\n\t\techo diff base.log ${LOG_FILE};\n\t\tdiff base.log ${LOG_FILE} || return ${EXIT_FAILURE};\n\tdone;\n\n\treturn ${EXIT_SUCCESS};\n}\n\nif ! ", "test -d ${IMAGE_DIR};\nthen\n\techo \"Missing image directory: ${IMAGE_DIR}\";\n\n\texit ${EXIT_IGNORE};\nfi\n\nFS_THREAD_TEST=\"./fs_thread_test\";\n\nif ! ", "test -x ${FS_THREAD_TEST};\nthen\n\tFS_THREAD_TEST=\"./fs_thread_test.exe\";\nfi\n\nif ! ", "test -x ${FS_THREAD_TEST};\nthen\n\techo \"Missing test executable: ${IMAGE_DIR}\";\n\n\texit ${EXIT_IGNORE};\nfi\n\nrm -f base.log thread-*.log\n${FS_THREAD_TEST} -f ext2 ${IMAGE_DIR}/ext2fs.dd 1 1\nmv thread-0.log base.log\n${FS_THREAD_TEST} -f ext2 ${IMAGE_DIR}/ext2fs.dd ${NTHREADS} ${NITERS}\n\nif ! ", "check_diffs;\nthen\n\texit ${EXIT_FAILURE};\nfi\n\nrm -f base.log thread-*.log\n${FS_THREAD_TEST} -f ufs ${IMAGE_DIR}/misc-ufs1.dd 1 1\nmv thread-0.log base.log\n${FS_THREAD_TEST} -f ufs ${IMAGE_DIR}/misc-ufs1.dd ${NTHREADS} ${NITERS}\n\nif ! ", "check_diffs;\nthen\n\texit ${EXIT_FAILURE};\nfi\n\nrm -f base.log thread-*.log\n${FS_THREAD_TEST} -f hfs -o 64 ${IMAGE_DIR}/test_hfs.dmg 1 1\nmv thread-0.log base.log\n${FS_THREAD_TEST} -f hfs -o 64 ${IMAGE_DIR}/test_hfs.dmg ${NTHREADS} ${NITERS}\n\nif ! ", "check_diffs;\nthen\n\texit ${EXIT_FAILURE};\nfi\n\nrm -f base.log thread-*.log\n${FS_THREAD_TEST} -f ntfs ${IMAGE_DIR}/ntfs-img-kw-1.dd 1 1\nmv thread-0.log base.log\n${FS_THREAD_TEST} -f ntfs ${IMAGE_DIR}/ntfs-img-kw-1.dd ${NTHREADS} ${NITERS}\n\nif ! ", "check_diffs;\nthen\n\texit ${EXIT_FAILURE};\nfi\n\nrm -f base.log thread-*.log\n${FS_THREAD_TEST} -f fat ${IMAGE_DIR}/fat32.dd 1 1\nmv thread-0.log base.log\n${FS_THREAD_TEST} -f fat ${IMAGE_DIR}/fat32.dd ${NTHREADS} ${NITERS}\n\nif ! ", "check_diffs;\nthen\n\texit ${EXIT_FAILURE};\nfi\n\nexit ${EXIT_SUCCESS};\n\n" ]
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[ "Thom space\n\nIn mathematics, the Thom space, Thom complex, or Pontryagin–Thom construction (named after René Thom and Lev Pontryagin) of algebraic topology and differential topology is a topological space associated to a vector bundle, over any paracompact space.", "\n\nConstruction of the Thom space\n\nOne way to construct this space is as follows. ", "Let\n\nbe a rank n real vector bundle over the paracompact space B. Then for each point b in B, the fiber is an n-dimensional real vector space. ", "We can form an n-sphere bundle by taking the one-point compactification of each fiber and gluing them together to get the total space. ", "Finally, from the total space we obtain the Thom space as the quotient of by B; that is, by identifying all the new points to a single point , which we take as the basepoint of . ", "If B is compact, then is the one-point compactification of E.\n\nFor example, if E is the trivial bundle , then is and, writing for B with a disjoint basepoint, is the smash product of and ; that is, the n-th reduced suspension of .", "\n\nAlternatively, since B is paracompact, E can be given a Euclidean metric and then can be defined as the quotient of the unit disk bundle of E by the unit -sphere bundle of E.\n\nThe Thom isomorphism\n\nThe significance of this construction begins with the following result, which belongs to the subject of cohomology of fiber bundles. (", "We have stated the result in terms of coefficients to avoid complications arising from orientability; see also Orientation of a vector bundle#Thom space.)", "\n\nLet be a real vector bundle of rank n. Then there is an isomorphism, now called a Thom isomorphism\n\nfor all k greater than or equal to 0, where the right hand side is reduced cohomology.", "\n\nThis theorem was formulated and proved by René Thom in his famous 1952 thesis.", "\n\nWe can interpret the theorem as a global generalization of the suspension isomorphism on local trivializations, because the Thom space of a trivial bundle on B of rank k is isomorphic to the kth suspension of , B with a disjoint point added (cf. #", "Construction of the Thom space.) ", "This can be more easily seen in the formulation of the theorem that does not make reference to Thom space:\n\nIn concise terms, the last part of the theorem says that u freely generates as a right -module. ", "The class u is usually called the Thom class of E. Since the pullback is a ring isomorphism, is given by the equation:\n\nIn particular, the Thom isomorphism sends the identity element of to u. Note: for this formula to make sense, u is treated as an element of (we drop the ring )\n\nSignificance of Thom's work\n\nIn his 1952 paper, Thom showed that the Thom class, the Stiefel–Whitney classes, and the Steenrod operations were all related. ", "He used these ideas to prove in the 1954 paper Quelques propriétés globales des variétés differentiables that the cobordism groups could be computed as the homotopy groups of certain Thom spaces MG(n). ", "The proof depends on and is intimately related to the transversality properties of smooth manifolds—see Thom transversality theorem. ", "By reversing this construction, John Milnor and Sergei Novikov (among many others) were able to answer questions about the existence and uniqueness of high-dimensional manifolds: this is now known as surgery theory. ", "In addition, the spaces MG(n) fit together to form spectra MG now known as Thom spectra, and the cobordism groups are in fact stable. ", "Thom's construction thus also unifies differential topology and stable homotopy theory, and is in particular integral to our knowledge of the stable homotopy groups of spheres.", "\n\nIf the Steenrod operations are available, we can use them and the isomorphism of the theorem to construct the Stiefel–Whitney classes. ", "Recall that the Steenrod operations (mod 2) are natural transformations\n\ndefined for all nonnegative integers m. If , then coincides with the cup square. ", "We can define the ith Stiefel–Whitney class of the vector bundle by:\n\nConsequences for differentiable manifolds\n\nIf we take the bundle in the above to be the tangent bundle of a smooth manifold, the conclusion of the above is called the Wu formula, and has the following strong consequence: since the Steenrod operations are invariant under homotopy equivalence, we conclude that the Stiefel–Whitney classes of a manifold are as well. ", "This is an extraordinary result that does not generalize to other characteristic classes. ", "There exists a similar famous and difficult result establishing topological invariance for rational Pontryagin classes, due to Sergei Novikov.", "\n\nThom spectrum\nBy definition, the Thom spectrum is a sequence of Thom spaces\n\nwhere we wrote for the universal vector bundle of rank n. The sequence forms a spectrum. ", "A theorem of Thom says that is the unoriented cobordism ring; the proof of this theorem relies crucially on Thom’s transversality theorem. ", "The lack of transversality prevents from computing cobordism rings of, say, topological manifolds from Thom spectra.", "\n\nSee also\n Cobordism\n Cohomology operation\n Steenrod problem\n Hattori–Stong theorem\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n \n A classic reference for differential topology, treating the link to Poincaré duality and the Euler class of Sphere bundles\n\nExternal links\nhttp://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/Thom+spectrum\n \n Akhil Mathew's blog posts: https://amathew.wordpress.com/tag/thom-space/\n\nCategory:Algebraic topology\nCategory:Characteristic classes" ]
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[ "{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}\n{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}\nmodule Text.", "HTML.Scalpel.", "Internal.", "Scrape.", "URL (\n URL\n, Config (..)\n, Decoder\n\n, defaultDecoder\n, utf8Decoder\n, iso88591Decoder\n\n, fetchTags\n, fetchTagsWithConfig\n, scrapeURL\n, scrapeURLWithConfig\n) where\n\nimport Text.", "HTML.Scalpel.", "Core\n\nimport Control.", "Monad\nimport Data.", "CaseInsensitive ()\nimport Data.", "Default (def)\nimport Data.", "Maybe (listToMaybe)\n\nimport qualified Data.", "ByteString.", "Lazy as LBS\nimport qualified Data.", "Default as Default\nimport qualified Data.", "Text as Text\nimport qualified Data.", "Text.", "Encoding as Text\nimport qualified Network.", "HTTP.Client as HTTP\nimport qualified Network.", "HTTP.Client.", "TLS as HTTP\nimport qualified Text.", "HTML.TagSoup as TagSoup\nimport qualified Text.", "StringLike as TagSoup\n\n\ntype URL = String\n\n-- | A method that takes a HTTP response as raw bytes and returns the body as a\n-- string type.", "\ntype Decoder str = HTTP.Response LBS.ByteString -> str\n\n-- | A record type that determines how 'scrapeURLWithConfig' interacts with the\n-- HTTP server and interprets the results.", "\ndata Config str = Config {\n decoder :: Decoder str\n, manager :: Maybe HTTP.Manager\n}\n\ninstance TagSoup.", "StringLike str => Default.", "Default (Config str) where\n def = Config {\n decoder = defaultDecoder\n , manager = Nothing\n }\n\n-- | The 'scrapeURL' function downloads the contents of the given URL and\n-- executes a 'Scraper' on it.", "\n--\n-- The default behavior is to use the global manager provided by\n-- http-client-tls (via 'HTTP.getGlobalManager'). ", "Any exceptions thrown by\n-- http-client are not caught and are bubbled up to the caller.", "\nscrapeURL :: (TagSoup.", "StringLike str)\n => URL -> Scraper str a -> IO (Maybe a)\nscrapeURL = scrapeURLWithConfig def\n\n-- | The 'scrapeURLWithConfig' function takes a 'Config' record type and\n-- downloads the contents of the given URL and executes a 'Scraper' on it.", "\nscrapeURLWithConfig :: (TagSoup.", "StringLike str)\n => Config str -> URL -> Scraper str a -> IO (Maybe a)\nscrapeURLWithConfig config url scraper = do\n scrape scraper `liftM` fetchTagsWithConfig config url\n\n-- | Download and parse the contents of the given URL.", "\nfetchTags :: TagSoup.", "StringLike str\n => URL -> IO [TagSoup.", "Tag str]\nfetchTags = fetchTagsWithConfig def\n\n-- | Download and parse the contents of the given URL with the given 'Config'.", "\nfetchTagsWithConfig :: TagSoup.", "StringLike str\n => Config str -> URL -> IO [TagSoup.", "Tag str]\nfetchTagsWithConfig config url = do\n manager <- maybe HTTP.getGlobalManager return (manager config)\n response <- flip HTTP.httpLbs manager =<< HTTP.parseRequest url\n return $ TagSoup.parseTags $ decoder config $ response\n\n-- | The default response decoder. ", "This decoder attempts to infer the character\n-- set of the HTTP response body from the `Content-Type` header. ", "If this header\n-- is not present, then the character set is assumed to be `ISO-8859-1`.", "\ndefaultDecoder :: TagSoup.", "StringLike str => Decoder str\ndefaultDecoder response = TagSoup.castString\n $ choosenDecoder body\n where\n body = HTTP.responseBody response\n headers = HTTP.responseHeaders response\n contentType = listToMaybe\n $ map (Text.decodeLatin1 . ", "snd)\n $ take 1\n $ dropWhile ((/= \"content-type\") . ", "fst)\n headers\n\n isType t | Just ct <- contentType = (\"charset=\" `Text.append` t) `Text.isInfixOf` ct\n | otherwise = False\n\n choosenDecoder | isType \"utf-8\" = Text.decodeUtf8 . ", "LBS.toStrict\n | otherwise = Text.decodeLatin1 . ", "LBS.toStrict\n\n-- | A decoder that will always decode using `UTF-8`.", "\nutf8Decoder :: TagSoup.", "StringLike str => Decoder str\nutf8Decoder = TagSoup.castString . ", "Text.decodeUtf8 . ", "LBS.toStrict . ", "HTTP.responseBody\n\n-- | A decoder that will always decode using `ISO-8859-1`.", "\niso88591Decoder :: TagSoup.", "StringLike str => Decoder str\niso88591Decoder = TagSoup.castString . ", "Text.decodeLatin1 . ", "LBS.toStrict . ", "HTTP.responseBody\n" ]
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[ "Interactions between CCAAT enhancer binding protein delta and estrogen receptor alpha control insulin-like growth factor I (igf1) and estrogen receptor-dependent gene expression in osteoblasts.", "\nAlthough ambient levels of estradiol and synthesis of the osteoblast growth factor IGF-I are inversely related in vivo, estradiol has little or no direct effect on igf1 gene expression in rat osteoblasts in vitro. ", "Rather, estradiol suppresses the effect of hormones that enhance igf1 expression through protein kinase A dependent activation of CCAAT enhancer binding protein (C/EBP) transcription factors. ", "We show here that inhibition of C/EBP activity by estradiol relates to the level of estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) expression, and that a complex between hormone-activated ERalpha and C/EBPdelta inhibits transcription by each factor. ", "Protein fragmentation, co-immunoprecipitation, and gene expression studies identified domains for physical and functional interactions between ERalpha and C/EBPdelta. ", "Whereas ERalpha and fragments comprising its various domains associated with C/EBPdelta, only ERalpha fragment A/B alone replicated the suppressive effect of intact ERalpha on endogenous C/EBPdelta activity. ", "Complementary studies showed that several carboxyl regions of C/EBPdelta cooperatively inhibit ERalpha dependent transcription. ", "Therefore, multiple domains of C/EBPdelta and ERalpha can physically interact to alter gene expression in osteoblasts in selective ways that depend on variations in the local hormone environment. ", "Their combined effects on one important gene target, igf1, may help to determine the balance in the overall rates of bone formation." ]
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[ "Check out our new site Makeup Addiction\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\ncop actually showed up for court cop had no evidence case dismissed" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow can I hide a jlist until a button has been clicked?", "\n\nI am a beginner programmer and writing a simple jApplet for a presentation. ", "The applet asks for the user's name and then says hello to them and asks how they are doing. ", "At that time I want a list of options to appear for the user to select.", "\nThe problem is that I do not know how to hide the list. ", "I have looked through the properties and couldn't find a display or visible option. ", "I have also tried to set the visible row count to 0. ", "Which doesn't get rid of it completely but it is good enough for my intentions. ", "When I try to change that in the btnclick function to \nfeelingLst.setVisibleRowCount(4);\n\nNothing shows up.", "\nHow can I hide this box and then show it when I need it? ", "It should be noted that it is inside a JScrollPane (feelingSPnl) which netbeans keeps adding even though I do not want it.", "\n\nA:\n\nSet visible(false) the JScrollPane of the Jlist, and then set it back to visible(true) in the actionPerformed for the corresponding button. ", "Note that, if you only set to invisible the list, you'll get the empty scrollpane.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Q:\n\n\"Prove that a bijection $f:X→Y$ is a homeomorphism if and only if $f$ and $f^{-1}$ map closed sets to closed sets.\"", "\n\nThis is a problem from Introduction to Topology: Pure and Applied by Colin Adams and Robert Franzosa. ", "\nProblem\n\"Prove that a bijection $f:X→Y$ is a homeomorphism if and only if $f$ and $f^{-1}$ map closed sets to closed sets.\"", "\nDefinition\n\"We can paraphrase the definition of homeomorphism by saying that $f$ is a homeomorphism if it is a bijection on points and a bijection on the collections of open sets making up the topologies involved. ", "Every point in $X$ is matched to a unique point in $Y$, with no points in $Y$ left over. ", "At the same time, every open set in $X$ is matched to a unique open set in $Y$, with no open sets in $Y$ left over.\"", "\nThoughts\nLet $f:X→Y$ be a bijection.", "\nSuppose $f^{-1}$ does not map the closed $C'$ to a closed set C. Then $f^{-1}$ does not map the open set $Y-C'$ to an open set $X-C$. Then $f:X→Y$ is not a homeomorphism.", "\nSuppose $f$ maps all closed sets $C$ to all closed sets $C'$, and $f^{-1}$ maps all closed sets $C'$ to all closed sets $C$. ", "Then $f$ maps all open sets $X-C$ to open sets $Y-C'$, and $f^{-1}$ maps all open sets $Y-C'$ to open sets $X-C$. Then $f:X→Y$ is a homeomorphism.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe maps $f$ and $f^{−1}$ are closed iff they are continuous:\nSuppose $f$ is a homeomorphism and let $A \\subset X$ be a closed set. ", "We get that $f(A) = (f^{-1})^{-1}(A) \\subset Y$ is closed since $f^{-1}$ is continuous. ", "Analogously $f^{-1}$ is closed.", "\nSuppose $f$ and $f^{-1}$ are closed, and let $B \\subset Y$ be a closed set. ", "Now we have that $f^{-1}(B) \\subset X$ is closed as $f^{-1}$ is a closed map. ", "Therefore $f$ is continuous. ", "Analogously $f^{-1}$ is continuous.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Q:\n\nSplitting profit - Equal share vs equity investment (work & money spent = share)\n\nComing up with an appropriate one-liner question was so hard I wrote the body before the header...\nSo we're a team of 4 developers; two designers, two coders to put it simply (naturally we don't tie ourselves up with labels). ", "We've come up with a great game design together, and we're prepared to spend a great bulk of our time making a prototype.", "\nProblem is, there's a major difference of opinion when it comes to sharing potential revenue made by the game.", "\nInvestment = Share\nTwo of us would like to have everyone keep a rough log of hours spent. ", "Converting that to a previously agreed upon per-hour salary, we could add it up with real money invested, and from that determine each developer's 'stake' in the game, i.e. their share.", "\nEqual Share\nThe other two do not agree with that, among other reasons because they think some pieces of work are worth more than others, like a really great idea for a feature. ", "Because of such immeasurables, they think an equal share for all would be the easiest.", "\nAnother argument said: (paraphrasing) \"logging hours would take away the fun. ", "I'm serious about this project, but I want to work with it on hobbyist terms, not like a second job.\"", "\n\nWe need to formalize an agreement before development has gone too far, but how can we get past these core differences of opinion? ", "Is this a common problem among first-time startups?", "\n\nA:\n\nI prefer equality, because if it's time based then someone who works twice as efficient or is madly talented will be punished for doing twice the work per hour.", "\nOn the other hand, people might argue that someone talented puts in as much sweat as the less talented so the hours are of equal value.", "\nI do know that not being based on equality might demotivate people, whereas you'd hope that everyone will be as motivated as can be. ", "You don't want the wrong sentiments to influence a process that is hard enough to pull off as is.", "\nBesides, the coders can't draw, and the designers likely can't program so you're equally indispensable. ", "As between the coders and the designers, if people feel the others don't work hard enough you have the wrong team. ", "Being a company is hard, especially if you're friends. ", "I've done it for 5 years (same setup) and we were on equal shares. ", "Sometimes the designers had to work harder, sometimes the coders. ", "Generally we all put in 80 hour weeks anyhow.", "\n\nA:\n\nI would say it is a very interesting problem to have. ", "\nIf all of you are already in the project, then I guess doing Equal Share would be the best thing to do. ", "You cannot quantify productivity in hours and I know sometimes i spend a couple of hours thinking and then implement something complex in just a few hours(which is imposible without the thinking part, which seems imposible to measure).", "\nThat being said, if someone is putting money in or out, then its a different thing. ", "If someone is investing, they probably want more shares, if someone is planning on charging money early on(which is fine, I mean maybe he wants to quit hes day job?) ", "then he would get way less equity.", "\nThe most important thing would be to agree that you are all the team making the game, and that you will put everything you can into the project, if you all agree with that, why not go to the equal share option?", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ " Nebraska Court of Appeals Memorandum Opinions\n NOT Selected for Posting to Court Website\n\n (released the week prior to March 24, 2020)\n\n\nThe following memorandum opinions were filed by the Nebraska Court of\nAppeals and can be viewed using SSCALES:\n\n\n\nA-19-835 State v. Winters\n\n\nThe above-listed memorandum opinions can be viewed online through the\nappellate court case search available by subscription through Nebraska.gov:\nhttp://www.nebraska.gov/subscriber/.\n\nCurrent subscribers to Nebraska.gov can search appellate court cases here:\nhttps://www.nebraska.gov/courts/sccales/.\n\f" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
[ 0.011254019292604502 ]
[ "Tag: investment\n\nOver on Twitter, Anthony Isola of Ritholtz Wealth has been uncovering the vile world of teachers’ retirement plans, which are typically high-cost annuities being sold as appropriate investment options. ", "His findings have been eye-opening for many, though unsurprising for me.", "\n\nMost salespeople who hock this crap are decent people. ", "They exist in a perverse system of conflicted interests that demeans both the employees and clients. ", "We must do better than this. ", "https://t.co/Isjah3DbNA\n\nI’m not typically into New Year’s resolutions; I tend to think that if there are things we’d like to do differently, we shouldn’t wait until January to start. ", "And anyway, 80% of resolutions fail by February, so really, what’s the point?", "\n\nJust about everybody we meet with talks about travel being one of their most important financial goals; the ability to see and share a journey with loved ones is high on the priority list for most of our clients.", "\n\nMy kids are now 7 and 4 ½, and they’ve already been all over the U.S., and have traveled internationally to Europe and Africa. ", "We’ve made travel a priority, and they’re starting to get old enough to appreciate it (although my daughter claimed her favorite part of our spring break trip to Italy was the “yummy Cheerios” [Froot Loops] at the airport hotel in Boston).", "\n\nEvery once in awhile, and sometimes more often than that, markets go nuts. ", "Investors (over)react to some random news, in an attempt to predict an inherently unknowable future, and everyone pays.", "\n\nWe call the market gyrations “volatility,” especially when the market goes down. ", "I’ve noticed that when the market goes up, we don’t call it anything; we just go on about our lives as if markets going up is normal and to be expected, like Mr. Market owes us something.", "\n\nSince 2002, Crocs (CROX) has sold over 300 million pairs of some of the ugliest shoes on the planet. ", "Their strategy, it seems, is to embrace the ugliness, and design what many consider to be the most comfortable shoe they’ve ever worn, fashion sense be damned.", "\n\nThis approach has led to a bit of an online backlash over the years, as this (one of my personal favorites) Facebook group shows. ", "The group has existed since long before Facebook became the web’s number one destination for middle aged women to sell essential oils and other various multi-level marketing products, and they do nothing to shield Crocs and Croc-wearers from their disdain.", "\n\nLast week marked the tenth anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, which, along with the forced sale of Merrill Lynch to Bank of America, and the federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, triggered the Dow Jones Industrial Average to plunge almost 4.5% that day. ", "Two weeks later, an even bigger 7% drop signaled the spread of the financial crisis, as Lehman’s $613 billion in debt reverberated throughout the financial market. ", "Their bankruptcy remains the largest in history.", "\n\nShortly thereafter, Washington Mutual was seized by the FDIC, and their assets were sold to JP Morgan Chase, and Wachovia was acquired by Wells Fargo.", "\n\nThe traditional brick-and-mortar bank is a relic of days gone by, like cable TV and Myspace. ", "If you’re still using one, it might be time to reconsider your life choices, at least as it relates to the location of your checking and savings accounts.", "\n\nMost of the people I meet with have accounts at either Bank of America or Wells Fargo. ", "In Charlotte, I suspect a significant majority of people bank at one of those two behemoths. ", "I’m assuming most people who have accounts there maintain them out of convenience: They think it’s too difficult to make a change, or they don’t understand how significant the advantages are to banking elsewhere.", "\n\nLast week, the New York Times ran a story about an advisor at JP Morgan who rang up over $128,000 in commissions in a year, on an account worth just over $1 million:\n\n“After about six months, she learned that the account, worth roughly $1.3 million at the start of 2017, had been charged $128,000 in commissions that year — nearly 10 percent of its value, and about 10 times what many financial planners would charge to manage accounts that size (emphasis mine).”The client has Alzheimer’s, and her 58-year old daughter was assisting her with managing the account and her day-to-day finances. ", "The money was invested with what she considered to be a reputable firm, and she thought she was dealing with a trustworthy advisor. ", "It turns out he’s not actually an advisor; he’s a broker who took advantage of a woman who couldn’t look out for herself, and a daughter who was doing her best to make good decisions on her mom’s behalf.", "Continue reading “Advisors Behaving Badly: Three Ways to Avoid Getting Scammed”\n\nLast month, Marketwatch ran a story detailing people who take out a loan to pay for their vacation. ", "Yes, it really is just as bad an idea as you’d think.", "\n\nIt turns out companies like Affirm are willing to lend people money for just about anything, sort of like a credit card. ", "Of course, that money doesn’t come cheap: The interest rates range from 10-30%, sort of like a credit card.", "\n\nReading that story reminded me of this skit from circa 2006 SNL, wherein an expert shares the holy grail of personal finance: Don’t buy stuff you can’t afford." ]
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[ "Paul Arma\n\nPaul Arma (Hungarian: Arma Pál, aka Amrusz Pál; né Weisshaus Imre; 22 November 1905 in Budapest – 28 November 1987 in Paris) was a Hungarian-French pianist, composer, and ethnomusicologist.", "\n\nArma studied under Béla Bartók from 1920 to 1924 at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music, after which time he toured Europe and America giving concerts and piano recitals. ", "Béla Bartók influenced Arma in his love for folksong and collection. ", "He left Hungary in 1930, eventually settling in Paris in 1933, where he became the piano soloist with Radio Paris. ", "His music is generally characterized by modernist tendencies, although his varied output includes folk song arrangements, film music, popular and patriotic songs, in addition to solo, chamber, orchestral and electronic music.", "\n\nSelected works \n Chants du Silence for voice and piano (1942-4)\n Concerto for string quartet and orchestra (1947)\n Violin Sonata (1949)\n 31 Instantanés for woodwinds, percussion, celesta, xylophone and piano (1951)\n Cantate de la Terre (1952)\n Improvisation, Précédée et Suivie de ses Variations for orchestra and tape (1954)\n Sept Variations Spatiophoniques for tape (1960)\n Chant du Marsouin for solo cello (1961)\n Polydiaphonie for orchestra (1962)\n Structures variées for orchestra (1964)\n Prismes sonores for orchestra (1966)\n Six Transparences for oboe and string orchestra (1968)\n Résonances for orchestra (1971)\n Deux Résonances for percussion and piano (1972)\n Onze Convergences for string orchestra (1974)\n Six Évolutions for 4 flutes (1975)\n Six Convergences for orchestra (1978)\n Silences and Emergences for string quartet (1979)\n À la Mémoire de Béla Bartók for string orchestra and percussion (1980)\n Deux Regards for violin and piano (1982)\n Deux Images for cello and piano (1982)\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n Arma Pál biography \n\nCategory:Hungarian classical pianists\nCategory:Male pianists\nCategory:Hungarian classical composers\nCategory:Hungarian musicologists\nCategory:Ethnomusicologists\nCategory:Musicians from Budapest\nCategory:1905 births\nCategory:1987 deaths\nCategory:20th-century classical pianists\nCategory:20th-century classical composers\nCategory:Pupils of Béla Bartók\nCategory:Hungarian male classical composers\nCategory:20th-century musicologists" ]
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[ "# babel-plugin-transform-es2015-shorthand-properties\n\n> Compile ES2015 shorthand properties to ES5\n\n## Example\n\n**In**\n\n```js\nvar o = { a, b, c };\n```\n\n**Out**\n\n```js\nvar o = { a: a, b: b, c: c };\n```\n\n**In**\n\n```js\nvar cat = {\n getName() {\n return name;\n }\n};\n```\n\n**Out**\n\n```js\nvar cat = {\n getName: function () {\n return name;\n }\n};\n```\n\n## Installation\n\n```sh\nnpm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-es2015-shorthand-properties\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n### Via `.babelrc` (Recommended)\n\n**.babelrc**\n\n```json\n{\n \"plugins\": [\"transform-es2015-shorthand-properties\"]\n}\n```\n\n### Via CLI\n\n```sh\nbabel --plugins transform-es2015-shorthand-properties script.js\n```\n\n### Via Node API\n\n```javascript\nrequire(\"babel-core\").transform(\"code\", {\n plugins: [\"transform-es2015-shorthand-properties\"]\n});\n```\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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[ "Potassium source for ion-exchange glass waveguide fabrication.", "\nWe propose and demonstrate the use of a new potassium-ion source for glass waveguide fabrication based on a KI -ZnCl2 mixture. ", "Planar waveguide were made using glasses such as BK7, Pyrex, soda lime, and commercial semiconductor doped glasses. ", "The optical quality of the waveguides prepared compare favorably with the quality obtained using other fabrication techniques and the processing time is considerably reduced." ]
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[ "Regulation of endotoxin-induced keratitis by PECAM-1, MIP-2, and toll-like receptor 4.", "\nBacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS, endotoxin) is a potent stimulator of inflammatory responses and is likely to contribute to microbial keratitis and to the pathogenesis of sterile corneal ulcers. ", "The purpose of the present study was to identify specific mediators of endotoxin-induced keratitis. ", "The corneal epithelium of BALB/c, C3H/HeJ, and C3H/HeN mice was abraded, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa endotoxin (10 microg in 1 microL) was added. ", "Stromal thickness and haze were measured by in vivo scanning confocal microscopy, and neutrophil recruitment determined by immunohistochemistry. ", "Pseudomonas endotoxin induced a significant increase in stromal thickness and haze compared with untreated control corneas at each time point examined, and the severity coincided with neutrophil infiltration into the corneal stroma. ", "Furthermore, systemic depletion of neutrophils completely abrogated endotoxin-induced increases in stromal thickness and haze, indicating an essential role for these cells. ", "Expression of platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule (PECAM)-1 on vascular endothelium and production of macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-2 in the corneal stroma were also significantly elevated after exposure to endotoxin, and antibody blockade inhibited neutrophil recruitment to the cornea and abrogated endotoxin-induced increases in stromal thickness and haze. ", "In LPS-hyporesponsive C3H/HeJ mice, PECAM-1 and MIP-2 were not upregulated after exposure to endotoxin, and endotoxin-induced keratitis did not develop in these mice. ", "These findings demonstrate that endotoxin-induced keratitis is regulated by toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4)-dependent expression of PECAM-1 and MIP-2, which are essential for recruitment of neutrophils to this site and for development of endotoxin-induced stromal disease." ]
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[ "Om ikke så lang tid går Copenhagen Pride i gang.", "\n\nOg det er noget vi i den grad kan være stolte af i Danmark. ", "Vi var det første land i verden, der lovliggjorde homoseksuelle ægteskaber, og vi er siden nået langt i kampen mod homofobi og intolerance.", "\n\nPriden er gennem mange år startet på Nørrebro for at ende på Rådhuspladsen.", "\n\nDet har som regel været en kæmpe succes bortset fra nogle gange, hvor unge drenge har kastet med sten på deltagerne. ", "Desværre blev paraden så flyttet til Frederiksberg og går så derfra til Rådhuspladen.", "\n\nArrangørerne begrunder det med, at afstanden fra Frederiksbergs Runddel til Rådhuspladsen er den korteste, og derfor skal Priden ikke tilbage til Nørrebro.", "\n\nUanset hvad forklaringen er, så er den med afstanden decideret forkert. ", "Både Sankt Hans Torv og Blågårds Plads ligger tættere på Rådhuspladsen end Frederiksberg Runddel.", "\n\nMen uanset afstand ville det være en fantastisk ting at få Priden tilbage til Nørrebro netop i år. ", "Og den må meget gerne starte på Blågårds Plads.", "\n\nForestil jer, hvor stort det ville være, hvis pladsen, der lige nu domineres af afstumpede medlemmer af LTF (Latterlige Taber-Fjolser), blev indtaget af en masse glade homo-, hetero- og biseksuelle. ", "Mænd i store kjoler, drag queens, og der kom fest og farver over hele pladsen.", "\n\nDet ville være skønt at se ansigterne på de homofobiske bandemedlemmer, og det ville også være et stærkt signal at sende – til det ubehagelige islamist-miljø, der findes i bydelen, som gentagne gange har inviteret imamer til Nørrebro, der vil henrette homoseksuelle – at Nørrebro står for mangfoldighed, og at vi ikke vil tolerere, at der opfordres til drab og vold mod vores homoseksuelle medborgere.", "\n\nAlle skal have lov til at være dem, de er.", "\n\nVi oplever desværre forsat mange hate crimes mod homoseksuelle, og at det kan især være meget svært for homoseksuelle med anden etnisk baggrund at ”springe ud”.", "\n\n\n\nMange mister kontakten med deres familier og bliver socialt isolerede. ", "Det skal vi bekæmpe, ikke ved at flytte paraden til pæne Frederiksberg, men derimod flytte den tilbage til vores allesammens Nørrebro, der især i disse dage har brug for noget fed stemning og mangfoldighed på den gode måde.", "\n\n------\n\nLars Aslan er medlem af Folketinget for Socialdemokratiet. ", "Klummen er alene udtryk for skribentens egen holdning." ]
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[ "Insufficient cure under the condition of high irradiance and short irradiation time.", "\nTo investigate if and why a plasma arc curing (PAC) light tends to undercure methacrylate-based resins or resin composites. ", "Model dimethacrylate resins, commercial dental adhesives, and commercial resin composites were cured using a PAC light and a halogen light with the similar radiant exposures but different combinations of irradiance and irradiation time. ", "The degree of double bond conversion (DC) was measured with FTIR spectroscopy and analyzed as a function of radiant exposure. ", "The PAC light produced a lower DC than the halogen light for the model resin with the lowest viscosity and for three of the four adhesives. ", "With a high irradiance, the PAC light could cure three of the four composites as thoroughly as its halogen counterpart. ", "When the irradiance was reduced, however, three composites yielded a lower DC. ", "Insufficient cure by PAC lights or any curing lights with very high irradiance is likely to happen when too short an irradiation time is used. ", "It is because under higher irradiance, the lifetime of free radicals is shorter." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.007936507936507936, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Ellen Emerson White\n\nEllen Emerson White is an American author who has written a number of young adult fiction novels.", "\n\nWriting \n\nMs. White's first book, Friends for Life (1983) was published while she was a senior at Tufts University. ", "Ms. White grew up in Narragansett, Rhode Island. ", "Many of her fiction novels feature characters who reside in Boston or are from Boston and are fans of the Boston Red Sox (as Ms. White is). ", "White now resides in New York City.", "\n\nIn addition to her fiction novels, Ms. White has written both sports biographies and historical fiction/biography books. ", "She wrote four stories about the Echo Company in the midst of the Vietnam War under the pseudonym Zack Emerson. ", "White got the name Zack from the name of her shepherd dog. ", "She has also written the Santa Paws series under the pseudonym Nicolas Edwards.", "\n\nThe young adult characters in Ms. White's novels are realistic people who struggle with very difficult lives—whether those lives include war, murder, kidnapping, or some other trouble. ", "The focus of all of her books is on overcoming the difficulties and surviving as a better person. ", "None of her characters' live what could be classified an \"ordinary\" life, but all are relatable to an \"ordinary\" person.", "\n\nElements of White's stories are connected within her works. ", "For example, the character Trudy (President's Daughter series) is from Brighton, the section of Boston where Molly and Patrick (Where Have All the Flowers Gone?) ", "live. ", "Perhaps the most intricate cross-work involvement occurs with the character Susan McAllister/Dowd. ", "In the final book of the President's Daughter series, Meg's JA at Williams College is Susan, whose 'life'is chronicled in Friends For Life, and Life Without Friends. ", "Another example of these connections is the character of nurse Rebecca Phillips from The Echo Company series, who was romantically connected to an army grunt named Michael Jennings. ", " Rebecca's future is hinted at in both \"All Emergencies, Ring Super\" and the Santa Paws series when a \"Dr. Jennings\" is mentioned. ", " In addition, most of White's main characters are animal lovers, as is White.", "\n\nPublished works\n\nSeries\n\nThe President's daughter series\nThe President's Daughter (1984)\nWhite House Autumn (1985)\nLong Live the Queen (1989) (Winner: ALA Best Book for Young Adults)\nLong May She Reign (2007) Released October 2007 by Feiwel & Friends, which is an imprint of Holtzbrinck.)", "\n\nEcho Company series (as Zack Emerson)\nEcho Company #1: Welcome to Vietnam (1991)\nEcho Company #2: Hill 568 (1991)\nEcho Company #3: 'Tis The Season (1991)\nEcho Company #4: Stand Down (1992)\n\nThe Road Home (as Ellen Emerson White) (1995) (Nominated: Young Reader's Choice Award, 1998; ALA Best Book for Young Adults ALA | 1996 Best Books for Young Adults)\n\nSanta Paws series (as Nicholas Edwards)\nSanta Paws (1991)\nReturn of Santa Paws (1997)\nSanta Paws to the Rescue (2000)\nSanta Paws, Come Home (2000)\nSanta Paws, Our Hero (2002)\nSanta Paws and the New Puppy (2004)\n\nNone of the unauthorized books by Kris Edwards (Santa Paws Saves the Day [2005], Santa Paws and the Christmas Storm [2006], and Santa Paws on Christmas Island [2007]) have anything to do with the Santa Paws series, Nicholas Edwards, or Ellen Emerson White.", "\n\nFriends series\nFriends for Life (1983)\nLife Without Friends (1987)\n\nHistorical fiction / biography\nVoyage on the Great Titanic: The Diary of Margaret Ann Brady (1998)\nKaiulani: The People's Princess, Hawaii, 1889 (2001) \nThe Journal of Patrick Seamus Flaherty: United States Marine Corps Khe Sanh, Vietnam, 1968 (2002)\nWhere Have All the Flowers Gone?: ", "The Diary of Molly Mackenzie Flaherty (2002)\n\nMy Story Series\nTitanic: The Diary of Margaret Anne Brady\n\nSports biographies\nBo Jackson: Playing the Games (1990)\nJennifer Capriati (1991)\nJim Abbott: Against All Odds (1994)\nShaquille O'Neal (1994)\n\nShort stories\nThe Boy Next Door (collected in Thirteen)\n\nOther books\nRomance is a Wonderful Thing (1983)\nAll Emergencies, Ring Super (1998)\nSanta Paws: The Picture Book (2003)\nWebster: Tale of an Outlaw (2015)\nA Season of Daring Greatly (2017)\n\nSee also\n\nShannon Hale\nRachel Renée Russell\nChris Colfer\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n\nEllen Emerson White's home page\n Ellen Emerson White's author page at Macmillan.com\n\nCategory:Year of birth missing (living people)\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Tufts University alumni\nCategory:American children's writers\nCategory:20th-century American novelists\nCategory:21st-century American novelists\nCategory:American women novelists\nCategory:Women biographers\nCategory:American women children's writers\nCategory:20th-century American women writers\nCategory:21st-century American women writers\nCategory:20th-century American biographers\nCategory:21st-century American biographers\nCategory:American women non-fiction writers" ]
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[ "using System;\nusing System.", "Collections.", "Generic;\nusing System.", "Linq;\nusing System.", "Threading.", "Tasks;\nusing Microsoft.", "AspNetCore.", "Builder;\nusing Microsoft.", "AspNetCore.", "Hosting;\nusing Microsoft.", "Extensions.", "Configuration;\nusing Microsoft.", "Extensions.", "DependencyInjection;\nusing Microsoft.", "Extensions.", "Logging;\n\nnamespace DyamicHtml\n{\n public class Startup\n {\n public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env)\n {\n var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()\n .SetBasePath(env.", "ContentRootPath)\n .AddJsonFile(\"appsettings.json\", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true)\n .AddJsonFile($\"appsettings.{env.", "EnvironmentName}.json\", optional: true)\n .AddEnvironmentVariables();\n Configuration = builder.", "Build();\n }\n\n public IConfigurationRoot Configuration { get; }\n\n // This method gets called by the runtime. ", "Use this method to add services to the container.", "\n public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)\n {\n // Add framework services.", "\n services.", "AddMvc();\n }\n\n // This method gets called by the runtime. ", "Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.", "\n public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)\n {\n loggerFactory.", "AddConsole(Configuration.", "GetSection(\"Logging\"));\n loggerFactory.", "AddDebug();\n\n if (env.", "IsDevelopment())\n {\n app.", "UseDeveloperExceptionPage();\n app.", "UseBrowserLink();\n }\n else\n {\n app.", "UseExceptionHandler(\"/Home/Error\");\n }\n\n app.", "UseStaticFiles();\n\n app.", "UseMvc(routes =>\n {\n routes.", "MapRoute(\n name: \"default\",\n template: \"{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}\");", "\n });\n }\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "Application of linker-ligation-PCR for construction of phage display epitope libraries.", "\nAn efficient method for construction of random epitope libraries using filamentous phage is described. ", "Random DNA fragments generated by DNase I digestion were blunt ended by T4 DNA polymerase and ligated with a 12-mer linker, followed by PCR amplification using the same oligonucleotide linker as primers. ", "The results showed that only the ligated product containing linker sequences on both ends was specifically amplified. ", "When the linker ligated-PCR (LL-PCR) product was used for the construction of phage display epitope libraries, the total number of independent clones in the libraries was increased by 100 to 1000 fold in comparison to that obtained for libraries constructed using other methods. ", "In addition, the LL-PCR strategy also increased the probability of isolating recombined DNA fragments which are derived by random in-frame ligation of two or more discontinuous peptide-coding sequences before being inserted into the display vector. ", "Such randomly recombined DNA fragments might be useful in defining conformational epitopes." ]
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[ "Forensic application of a rapid and quantitative DNA sex test by amplification of the X-Y homologous gene amelogenin.", "\nGender identification of forensic samples was determined by amplifying a segment of the X-Y homologous gene amelogenin. ", "Using a single pair of primers spanning part of the first intron, 106 bp and 112 bp PCR products were generated from the X and Y homologues respectively, which were then resolved by agarose gel electrophoresis. ", "This test enabled as little as 20 pg of DNA from severely degraded bones to be amplified and typed in a single tube reaction. ", "Furthermore, using dye-labelled primers, it was possible to quantitate, by automated fluorescence detection, the relative yields of X and Y-specific PCR products generated from mixtures of male and female DNA. ", "The versatility of this sex test was further demonstrated by co-amplifying with the HLA-DQA1 Amplitype kit in a combined gender/identity DNA test." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.004739336492890996, 0, 0.004761904761904762, 0 ]
[ "Setting up as an isp.", "\n\nI require information regading setting up as an isp. ", "I run Linux but need to know about webv servers, proxy servers etc. ", "I am able to setup for dial-in ppp sessions but I really need to know about the isp software.", "\n\nWithout a doubt the best software for web serving is Apache. ", "Go to www.apache.org for more details. ", "Also the best software for proxy is squid at www.nlanr.net. ", "Email me at jasons@aone.com.au if you require more info but the question is pretty broad.", "\n\nLet me know how you go,\n\nRegards,\n\nJason\n\nNot the solution you were looking for? ", "Getting a personalized solution is easy." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Q:\n\nJavaFX Webview not showing alert box\n\nSo I started using JavaFX recently and one of it's features is WebView. ", "It looks cool but what I discovered is that when button is clicked which invokes alert box then it is not displayed (it is invisible, but actually I know it is there).", "\nHow can I make it to be visible to the user?", "\n\nA:\n\nSo, actually I found an answer that was exactly the same I wanted and it has been answered earlier. ", "Link: How can I make JavaFX web browser displays alert and confirm message\n(So this question in this thread is a possible duplicate, but maybe it is good if there is more questions like this, then it is easier to find answer for such similar problem)\n\n" ]
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[ "---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/11/2001 \n01:18 PM ---------------------------\n \n\tEnron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. - Europe\n\t\n\tFrom: Kirstee Hewitt 03/28/2001 12:41 PM\n\t\n\nTo: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT\ncc: Viacheslav Danilov/LON/ECT@ECT, Tanya Tamarchenko/HOU/ECT@ECT \nSubject: VaR doc - London\n\nHi Vince,\nAs we discussed last week here is the VaR doc that I had originally started \nat Xmas and has since been expanded with Stig's and Tanya's help.", "\n\n\n\n\nWe would be very grateful for your comments.", "\nCheers\nKirstee" ]
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[ "package liquibase.statement;\n\npublic abstract class AbstractSqlStatement implements SqlStatement {\n\n private boolean continueOnError;\n\n\n @Override\n public boolean skipOnUnsupported() {\n return false;\n }\n\n @Override\n public boolean continueOnError() {\n return continueOnError;\n }\n\n public void setContinueOnError(boolean continueOnError) {\n this.continueOnError = continueOnError;\n }\n\n}\n" ]
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[ "Climate change adaptation strategies on the German coast\n\nClimate Change Adaptation Strategies on the German Coast include European, national and regional politics, different economic and civilian sectors as well as coastal protection. ", "In general, climate change refers to statistically identifiable changes in climate properties that persist over a longer period of time. ", "The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) defines it as a change in climate caused by human activity that can be observed in addition to natural climate variability. ", "This can be described as anthropogenic climate change. ", "Climate change poses local level impacts on the German coast and for the present and future, suitable adaptation strategies are necessary. ", "In 2008, the Federal Cabinet of Germany decided on a German Climate Change Adaptation Strategy with the objective of creating a national action framework for reducing the risks for the population, habitats as well as the economy.", "Adaptation is a contested, widely discussed term with no general definition. ", "For the German Adaptation Strategy the definition of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is utilized, stating that adapatation is the adjustment of natural or human systems to occurring or expected changes in climate in order to reduce harm. ", "This approach views climate change as the major source of vulnerability and does not consider any social causes.", "\nThe German Coast comprises 1600 km to the west at the North Sea and 2100 km to the east at the Baltic Sea. ", "In total, five states border the German coast. ", "Lower Saxony, Bremen and Hamburg are part of the North Sea region; Mecklenburg-Vorpommern border the Baltic Sea and Schleswig-Holstein is located at both seas. ", "Coast can be defined as the zone where the land is considerably influenced by the sea and vice versa.", "\n\nHistory of Climate Change Adaptation at the German Coast \nThe coastal inhabitants in Germany have always been exposed to the forces of nature, especially to storm floods and had to adapt to changing conditions. ", "It is assumed that in Schleswig-Holstein in the 11th century, people started to build dykes to protect living and usable spaces from sea level rise and storm floods. ", "Adaptation especially to the Anthropogenic Climate Change started in the 21st century, although initially the focus has been on climate protection. ", "The German Government took up climate change adaptation for the first time in 2005 in the frame of its climate protection programme.", "\n\nClimate Change Impacts on the German Coast \nCertain and reliable predictions for impacts of anthropogenic climate change on the German coast regarding temperature, precipitation, sea level and storm flood heights do not exist. ", "Different models show different results and it is assumed that all changes in the range of the results have the same likelihood to occur. ", "For the end of the 21st century, the temperature is expected to rise between +0.6 °C and +6.2 °C in comparison to 1961-1990. ", "For the same period of time, a change of precipitation between -47% and +73% is likely.", "\n\nSea level and storm floods are complex phenomena and are influenced by diverse factors, such as astronomical (tides), meteorological (wind), and tectonic (isostatic movements) variables which makes it even more difficult to predict how they will change with climate change. ", "At the Baltic Sea, sea level is expected to rise in line with the expected global average rise in sea level. ", "According to the Intergovernmental Penal on Climate Change (IPCC) 5th Assessment Report, global average sea level is predicted to rise 0.26-0.55 m in the period 2081-2100 in relation to 1986-2005 sea level. ", "Studies show that at the German North Sea coast, sea level from 1843-2008 has risen between 1,6 and 1,8 mm per year. ", "Higher values have been observed at the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein and lower values at the Lower Saxon coast. ", "In future, sea level rise at the North Sea is expected to be higher than the global average as a result of post-glacial land depression. ", "There is now statistical evidence existing on how the storm flood height will change in future at the Baltic Sea. ", "At both seas, a rise in storm flood height is expected due to climate change related sea level rise.", "\n\nClimate Change Adaptation Politics \nEuropean, national as well as regional politics play a role in climate change adaptation at the German North Sea coast and Baltic Sea coast. ", "In 2009, the European Union presented the White Paper Adapting to Climate Change: Towards a European framework for action which was a first approach to joint climate change adaptation politics. ", "In 2013, the European Union established the EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change. ", "National and local climate change adaptation programs for the German coast are often considered as part of the EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change. ", "In a local setting, urban planning is an important part of adaptation politics.", "\n\nEuropean Climate Change Adaptation Politics for the North Sea and Baltic Sea \nThe German North Sea is part of the North Sea Region (NSR) Program 2014 - 2020 of the European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate-ADAPT). ", "This regional European development fund includes coastal zones of the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. ", "NSR developed a cooperation program, which was adopted by the European Commission in August 2015. ", "The cooperation program focuses on adaptation to climate change impacts and on preserving the environment, stimulating a green economy, promoting green transportation and mobility as well as supporting growth in the North Sea Region. ", "Another actor in climate change adaptation in the German North Sea Region is the Wadden Sea Secretariat, a cooperation between Denmark, The Netherlands, and Germany that has been established in 1978 to protect the Wadden Sea as an ecological entity. ", "The Wadden Sea Secretariat addresses and communicates the impacts of climate change on the Wadden Sea. ", "In 1998, the working group Coastal Protection and Sea Level Rise (CPSL) was founded, dealing with the impacts of climate change. ", "Until 2010, the CPSL has published three reports, which provided information for governmental conferences.", "\n\nThe Baltic Sea Region Program was developed by the EU Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate-ADAPT) to strengthen development and cooperation between the abutting nations of the Baltic Sea. ", "In 2013, the predecessor EU Project BALTADAPT (Baltic Sea Region Climate Change Adaptation Strategy) published an action plan for climate change adaptation in the Baltic Sea regions. ", "It focused on strategies for building and sharing knowledge of climate change adaptation, mainstreaming it and on connecting the strategies of the nations in the Baltic Sea Region to adapt to climate change.", "\n\nGerman Climate Change Adaptation Politics for the North Sea and the Baltic Sea \nThe political framework for climate change adaptation in Germany is given by the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (2008). ", "Regarding climate change at the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, the strategy states that the expected magnitude of damage due to climate change is unclear. ", "In 2011, the German government presented an action plan for climate change adaptation which includes resolutions from the Wadden Sea Secretariat for the North Sea Region. ", "In behalf of the Federal Environmental Agency (UBA), the project KüstenKlima (2014) by the Institut Raum & Energie (...) published a strategy for climate protection and climate change adaptation at the German coast mainly due to coastal management. ", "In the report, it was highlighted that an integrated coastal zone management (IKZM) is an important method for adaptation. ", "IKZM is an informal management approach to strengthen sustainable development by means of integration, communication, good coordination practice, and participation. ", "The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) facilitates the project KLIMZUG - Klimawandel in Regionen zukunftsfähig gestalten (2008-2014) which includes adaptation strategies in seven model regions in Germany. ", "The \"KLIMZUG\" program aimed to integrate climate change adaptation processes into regional development. ", "Three of this model regions are located at the German coast. ", "The program \"KLIMZUG-NORD\" focuses on the metropolitan region Hamburg, the program \"RADOST\" on adaptation strategies for the German Baltic Sea coast and \"nordwest2050\" is a research project for climate change adaptation and innovation processes for the metropolitan region of Bremen and Oldenburg.", "\n\nAt the level of Länder there are also individual climate change adaptation programs.", "\n\nMecklenburg-Vorpommern \nThe state government of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern presented a first climate protection program in the year 1997 (Aktionsplan Klimaschutz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern).", "\n\nThe Baltic Sea region of Mecklenburg Vorpommern is part of the EU BALTADAPT program.", "\n\nSchleswig-Holstein \nBased on the German adaptation strategy to climate change, the state government of Schleswig-Holstein for the first time presented a strategy for climate change adaptation (Fahrplan Anpassung an den Klimawandel) in 2011. ", "The program was updated in 2017. ", "The proximity to North Sea and Baltic Sea strongly influenced the program which can be recognized in the highlighted topics water economy and protection of the sea and soil.", "\n\nBremen \nBesides actions in coastal protection, there is the project KLAS - Klimaanpassungsstrategie an extreme Regenereignisse in der Stadtgemeinde Bremen promoted by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). ", "The program aims to develop a better risk management for strong rain events.", "\n\nHamburg \nHamburg is a model region for the national project KLIMZUG-NORD. ", "A strategy for climate change adaptation was developed in 2011. ", "In 2013, an action plan for climate change adaptation was published.", "\n\nLower-Saxony \nThe state government of Lower-Saxony established a government commission for climate protection and adaptation in 2008 to develop a strategy for climate change adaptation and protection. ", "In 2013, the state government enacted the Klimapolitische Umsetzungsstrategie Niedersachen. ", "This program includes coastal protection strategies.", "\n\nAdaptation Strategies in Coastal Protection \nAccording to DIN 4047-2, coastal protection comprises measures defending the shoreline against destructive interactions with the sea. ", "That includes the protection of the coastal lowlands against flooding to allow the use of these areas as well as the protection of the coastline against shoreline recession and coastal erosion.", "\n\nWhen it comes to climate change adaptation, coastal protection in Germany divides into three categories of measures:\n\n Defence of the existing coastline\n “hard” solutions (e.g. heightening and fortification of levees)\n “soft” solutions (e.g. establishment of shallow water areas for retention of floods)\n Adaptation to extreme weather events, e.g. by building on dwelling mounds or other forms of constructional preventions\n Moving away from coastal areas to less affected regions, not using or extensively using the coastal regions\n\nCoastal Protection Policy \n\nCoastal protection in Germany is organised and structured by legal regulations. ", "Climate change adaptation in Germany has to be integrated in coastal protection plans on all spatial levels in order to achieve effective adaptation of the coastal protection sector. ", "German administration distinguishes between active and passive coastal protection. ", "Active coastal protection refers to measures that support floodplain reclamation and approaches to relocate acting forces (current, breaking wave) seawards (e.g. by beach nourishment) whereas passive coastal protestion solidifies the shoreline (so-called hold the line approaches) and supports the absorption of incoming forces to avoid harmful consequences. ", "Passive coastal protection can include seawalls, groynes, detached breakwaters, and revetments. ", "Important actors in coastal risk management are political authorities, inhabitants of the respective region (households) as well as investors.", "\n\nTraditionally, coastal protection in Germany is focussed on technical protection measures (i.a. ", "levees, artificial flood barriers). ", "This approach has already been followed in the Generalplan Deichverstärkung, Deichverkürzung und Küstenschutz des Landes Schleswig-Holstein of 1963, a specific coastal protection plan for Schleswig-Holstein. ", "Today (2017-2020), technical measures are still most probable to be funded by the state. ", "According to the German Federal agency for the environment (UBA), coastal protection currently focusses on the fortification and heightening of levees and other protective structures, including retaining structures. ", "It is a matter of discussion if and how these types of linear “hard” protection measures can in the face of climate change be extended to planar “soft” protection measures (e.g. (re-)instalment of shallow water areas to simultaneously reach nature conservation and climate protection goals).", "\n\nFacing future climate risks, coastal protection increasingly integrates landscape-based prevention measures. ", "The German government aims to enhance synergies between “hard” and “soft” coastal protection measures by means of the Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement approach (Integrated Coastal Zone Management, IKZM). ", "Its former general principle of “defending at all cost” is currently converting towards “living with water” and is putting stronger emphasis on changing climatic conditions. ", "This means for example that in spaces where neither individuals nor material values are at risk, it is an option to partially open up dykes and thereby enable self-acting adaptation. ", "Connected to that is the expressed ambition to coordinate adaptation measures, to fit coastal areas in an overall spatial context and to involve a wide range of relevant actors (e.g. authorities, interest groups, science). ", "Essential weight is put on harmonising economic and social beneficiary claims with protection interests in the coastal zone by elaborating on development trajectories, conflict potentials and solutions at an early stage of planning. ", "Another aspect of coordinated adaptation in coastal protection refers to connections between urban and rural areas. ", "Coastal protection in rural areas in northern Germany should be seen in connection with protection measures in big cities such as Hamburg or Bremen where discussed “soft” measures are less easily to implement. ", "In the cities, linear protection measures like levees and flood walls will probably be further enhanced/fostered but it would be interesting for cities to participate in solutions of laminar coastal protection.", "\n\nAdaptation in Practical Coastal Protection \n\nIn order to find and establish adequate measures to adapt coastal protection to climate change, responsible actors in coastal protection need to have sound and detailed local and hydromorphological knowledge. ", "Even with that it is very difficult to predict direct and indirect consequences of climate change at the German coast. ", "Challenging for planning authorities is a lack of clear information on future sea level dynamics. ", "As there are no exact prognoses for sea level rise at the German coasts, planners of coastal protection measures as well as the inhabitants of the region are facing considerable uncertainties. ", "Related to sea level rise, coastal protection has to react to higher base levels in the event of a storm flood. ", "High storm flood levels are expected to be faster reached and longer lasting and storm floods that once only occurred every 350 years are predicted to happen once every 100 years by the middle of the 21st century. ", "Especially in winter, stronger storms and higher levels of storm floods are expected as much as changes in sea condition that cause major cases of coastal erosion and can pose more strain on levees by increased wave runup. ", "Existing levees have usually been constructed to protect the hinterland against floods that statistically occur once every 350 years. ", "As a result of the expected sea level rise, storm floods become more likely and the levees have to be adapted to that in their construction.", "\n\nThe protection level of these so-called “hard” technical coastal protection measures is currently determined on the basis of records from historic flooding events, extrapolation (updating) of the previous sea level trends. ", "Experts demand to better include a risk oriented design of coastal protection measures and land use planning at the German coast and to integrate climate change scenarios (e.g. by respecting long term climate change scenarios and the suspected rising sea level).", "\n\nFinance \n\nInnovative coastal protection measures require consistent economic incentives. ", "In Germany, these can be compensations in the case of income losses resulting from coastal protection measures or buying land for setting back levees. ", "Further, (re-)established water areas can be interesting for tourism or aquaculture.", "\n\nThe German Federal government can fund up to 70% of the investment costs that the Länder spend for coastal protection measures. ", "Within the Sonderrahmenplan: Maßnahmen des Küstenschutzes in Folge des Klimawandels (2009-2025) (special framework for climate change related coastal protection measures), 25 million euros are provided by the state and the Länder. ", "Other funding can be applied from the European development funds EAFRD and ERDF. ", "It is expected that the total costs for coastal protection will considerably rise within the next year to reach 800 to 1000 billion euros.", "\n\nAdaptation Strategies of the Economy \nClimate change influences the economy in German coastal regions which makes an adaptation in time necessary. ", "This affects different economic sectors like the tourism industry, agriculture, the fishing industry or shipping.", "\n\nTourism Industry\n\nImpacts of Climate Change \n\nClimate change implies risks and opportunities for the regional tourism of the German coast.", "\n\nHigher temperatures and less precipitation in summer can enhance the attractiveness of coastal tourist destinations in Germany and extend the bathing season. ", "The bathing season could be up to 60 days longer in 2100 which can entail around 25-30 percent more tourists. ", "Higher numbers of visitors can open opportunities for the tourism industry, but can also lead to an overload for the local infrastructure. ", "It increases the utilization pressure on ecosystems which is problematic as some places at the Baltic Sea have reached their capacity limit already.", "\n\nNegative consequences are expected due to sea level rise and bigger waves which cause beach erosion and contribute to an inland shifting of the coastline. ", "This can adversely affect the beach tourism. ", "Water sports and other tourism activities can be limited due to heavy swell. ", "Heavy rainfalls and floods can damage tourism institutions.", "\n\nAn increasing growth of algaes, seaweed and bacteria can deteriorate the water quality. ", "This can be dangerous for the health of tourists and therefore reduce the attractiveness of the affected places. ", "More jellyfishes can reduce the attractiveness of seaside resorts.", "\n\nAdaptation Strategies \nThe climate change adaptation strategies of the German coast are usually only indirectly linked to tourism as they are mainly coastal protection strategies, but also beneficial for the tourism industry. ", "The adaptation possibilities depend on the individual characteristics of the specific holiday destinations. ", "A difficulty is that climate change is not the only influencing factor on the tourism industry. ", "Other external factors like different travel behavior or demographic changes have to be considered as well. ", "In general, so called “no-regret-measures” are useful, which are strategies that are also beneficial without the effects of climate change as they contribute to a sustainable development of a certain region.", "\n\nMost important is the preservation of the touristic potential of the regions which means the protection of nature. ", "Second, visitors increasingly demand a climate-conscious behavior of the tourist providers. ", "Every measure should be accompanied with information material for guests and local inhabitants. ", "Some strategies want to strengthen offers that are independent from climate change like indoor halls or wellness.", "\n\nThe current focus of climate change adaptation in the tourism industry is on sharing of information with all decision makers, network building and the development of strategic planning concepts. ", "The adaptation willingness so far is rather low because of the complexity, uncertainty and the potential chances like a longer bathing season.", "\n\nFishing Industry\n\nImpacts of Climate Change \nAs a consequence of limate hange, the North Sea and Baltic Sea will warm up. ", "The CO2 content of the water will increase which makes it more acid. ", "Together with extreme weather events and sea level rise, it will threaten long exiting habitats. ", "Fish stocks and the population of marine organisms as well as marine food webs and rivalry situations are changing.", "\n\nIn the North Sea, the warmer water leads to a shift of the habitats of cold loving fish stocks like codfish and plaice to lower water temperatures in the North. ", "The population of other marine animals will decline due to warmer winters. ", "Favored by the warming of the sea, new species that have lived in more southern areas before like anchovies or the Pacific oyster will appear in the North Sea. ", "The Baltic Sea as a brackish water is characterized by a highly sensitive ecosystem. ", "Small changes in temperature, salinity and oxygen content lead to a significant shift in the compound of species. ", "Climate change can shift the walking and spawning seasons of fishes and the vulnerability to infections and parasites is increasing.", "\n\nThe shift of habitats of fish populations to the North combines with big financial losses for the local fishing industry which is an important economic sector for some structurally weak coastal areas. ", "It especially affects very small, financially weak fishing companies. ", "If these losses can be compensated by new species is not known yet. ", "Coastal production facilities are in danger of being flooded or damaged by sea level rise and storm floods. ", "Higher swell and extreme weather events can deteriorate the fishing conditions.", "\n\nIt’s hard to differentiate between the consequences of climate change and other influencing stress factors like overfishing, shipping or pollutants in the water.", "\n\nAdaptation Strategies \nThere are different technical possibilities to make the fishing industry more sustainable. ", "Improved fishing techniques and mesh sizes for nets contribute to reduce by-catches. ", "A real-time monitoring of the catches could support the establishment of sanctuaries by justifying seasonal and territorial restrictions for the fishery. ", "It makes an adaptation of the catch amount and fished species possible. ", "Protection zones would help to recover the full reproductivity of fish stocks. ", "It is important to explain the consumers which fish species can be bought and which not. ", "New sources of income for fishermen, for example in the tourism industry, could be another strategy.", "\n\nShipping Industry \nThe potential climate change impacts at the German coast will pose risks and chances for the shipping industry to which especially harbours will have to adapt to. ", "The economic efficiency of waterways, shipping routes and construction measures depend on water conditions, current as well as sediment transport. ", "The three KLIMZUG projects \"RADOST\", \"nordwest2050\" and \"KLIMZUG-NORD\" include research and adaptation strategies for harbours and the shipping industry in general.", "\n\nPort of Hamburg\n\nImpacts of Climate Change \nIt exists high uncertainty concerning the impacts of climate change on the local scale of the Port of Hamburg. ", "A rise in sea level is expected to cause increased tidal range as well as higher flood current speed which will have effects on the water level of the Elbe river. ", "Higher quantities of precipitation and extreme rainfalls related to climate change can lead to increased groundwater potential. ", "Lower precipitation which is also likely can cause higher upstream transportation of sediments.", "\n\nFloods caused by storm floods, rise in water level due to climate change related sea level rise, higher precipitation and extreme rainfall can lead to disruption of transportation and can have negative effects on industries that depend on harbours. ", "Stronger winds can complicate the storage of empty containers as well as navigation in the Harbour of Hamburg. ", "Inland water transport can be hampered by the rise in sea level as for example the passing underneath bridges might not be possible any more for bigger ships. ", "Increased sediment deposit can lead to lower water level which will limit the size of suitable ships. ", "In contrast, higher air temperature and ice melting can have positive effects for the Hamburg Harbour economy. ", "Less ice and snow would cause less damage on buildings and infrastructure in general which means less costs for reparation. ", "Furthermore, less costs for disruption would result. ", "With the melting of ice, a new shorter waterway to Asia would be accessible. ", "This could be a more time and cost-effective alternative to the current shipping route.", "\n\nAdaptation Strategies \nFor the implementation of adaptation strategies, it has to be dealt with a high uncertainty concerning the changes, the assessment of their likelihood as well as the calculation of the necessary resources. ", " For the protection against increased floods and storm floods, on the one hand, technical solutions such as further dykes and the fortification of existing ones, flood barriers and on the other hand, the restoration of natural flood plains are being discussed. ", "It might be necessary to raise existing bridges, roads and railways to ensure the crossability for bigger ships. ", "Drainage systems will have to be adapted in order to deal with longer and higher storm floods as well as with higher middle Elbe water level. ", "For the increased sediment transport, a regular maintenance of the water way in order to maintain a shippable water level will be necessary.", "\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading \n Klimabündnis Kieler Bucht\n KLIMZUG-NORD - Strategische Anpassungsansäze zum Klimawandel in der Metropolregion Hamburg: Klimafolgen und Anpassung\n\nAdaptation strategies on the German coast\nGermany" ]
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[ "Dear visitor, welcome to SPRINKLER TALK FORUM - You Got Questions, We've Got Answers. ", "If this is your first visit here, please read the Help. ", "It explains how this page works. ", "You must be registered before you can use all the page's features. ", "Please use the registration form, to register here or read more information about the registration process. ", "If you are already registered, please login here.", "\n\nMy controller keeps getting a blank screen\n\nI have a Rainbird ESP-M with 7 zones and when we get a thunder storm, my screen goes blank. ", "It happened a few months ago and I took both batteries out and it came back to life and installed a AC surge protector.", "\n\nIt happened again last night. ", "Was thinking of getting a new contoller.", "\nWas reading that it is built in surge protector. ", "is this located on the circuit board?" ]
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[ "2-phenacylpyrrolidines are described by R. B. Herbert et al. (", "J.C.S., Chem. ", "Comm., ", "1976, 450-451) as intermediates for alkaloids of the septicin type. ", "From U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "3,931,155 and 3,882,104 1-(aryl-substituted-phenyl)-2-pyrrolidin-2-yl-ethanones and -ethanols (intended to be used as anticoagulants) are known. ", "The properties of certain pyrrolidin-2-yl-ethanones and -ethanols as inhibitors of blood platelet aggregation were investigated by J. M. Grisar et al. [", "J. Med. ", "Chem., ", "19 (1976) 1195 to 1201]." ]
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[ "Longview man pleads guilty to 15 charges related to poaching ring\n\nSTEVENSON, Wash. (AP) — A man implicated in a massive Pacific Northwest poaching ring has pleaded guilty to 15 charges related to illegally hunting big game with dogs and leaving the corpses to rot.", "\n\nThe Daily News reports 25-year-old William Haynes, of Longview, Washington, pleaded guilty to the charges including five felonies Thursday in Skamania County Superior Court.", "\n\nProsecutors say Haynes was part of a poaching ring which hunted year-round for black bears with hounds and left their carcasses.", "\n\nThe prosecution and defense agreed to recommend a yearlong jail sentence for Haynes but sentencing was delayed until after he testifies in an Oregon case involving another alleged poacher.", "\n\nProsecutors in seven counties in Washington and Oregon filed cases against about a dozen people alleged to have been involved in the ring, which operated out of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest and resulted in more than 50 animals killed." ]
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[ 0.0037735849056603774, 0.011428571428571429, 0.007692307692307693, 0.005263157894736842, 0.00411522633744856 ]
[ "Gallery for Hands-on with the LG GT540 Android phone - Image 4 of 6\n\nThere's no doubt that the folks from sister site SalshGear had fun over at CES with all the gadgets they put their hands on. ", "One of those devices was the LG GT540 Android powered handset, which didn't have as much \"bang\" as the GW640. ", "The LG GT540 is a touchscreen-only… Return to Hands-on with the LG GT540 Android phonePrevious ImageNext Image" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.005154639175257732, 0.01818181818181818, 0.03636363636363636 ]
[ "Alejandro Mello\n\nÁlvaro Alejandro Melo Silvera (born May 13, 1979) is a Uruguayan footballer who plays as a forward. ", "He has played for Uruguayan clubs Nacional, River Plate, Tacuarembó, Rentistas, Cerro, Danubio, El Tanque Sisley, Villa Teresa and Deportivo Maldonado, in China for Shanghai Shenhua, for Argentine club Olimpo de Bahía Blanca, for Colombian club Bucaramanga, for Ukrainian club FC Chornomorets Odessa and for Sportivo Luqueño of Paraguay.", "\n\nTitles\n Nacional 2000 (Uruguayan Primera División Championship)\n\nReferences\n \n \n\nCategory:1979 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Sportspeople from Montevideo\nCategory:Uruguayan footballers\nCategory:Association football forwards\nCategory:Club Nacional de Football players\nCategory:River Plate Montevideo players\nCategory:FC Chornomorets Odesa players\nCategory:Shanghai Shenhua F.C. players\nCategory:Tacuarembó F.C. players\nCategory:Olimpo footballers\nCategory:Sportivo Luqueño players\nCategory:Atlético Bucaramanga footballers\nCategory:Danubio F.C. players\nCategory:El Tanque Sisley players\nCategory:Villa Teresa players\nCategory:Deportivo Maldonado players\nCategory:Uruguayan Primera División players\nCategory:Uruguayan Segunda División players\nCategory:Ukrainian Premier League players\nCategory:Paraguayan Primera División players\nCategory:Argentine Primera División players\nCategory:Categoría Primera A players\nCategory:Uruguayan expatriate footballers\nCategory:Expatriate footballers in Argentina\nCategory:Expatriate footballers in Colombia\nCategory:Expatriate footballers in Paraguay\nCategory:Expatriate footballers in Ukraine\nCategory:Expatriate footballers in China" ]
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[ "The Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) provides many forms of compliance assistance, including voluntary compliance programs, advisory opinions, and publications. ", "They are compiled on EBSA's Compliance Assistance web page. ", "This compilation includes information specifically developed to assist and inform employers and employee benefit plan practitioners in understanding and complying with the requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) as they apply to the administration of retirement plans. ", "Much of the material is specific and technical in nature. ", "It is not intended to be the only source of information necessary for employer-sponsored employee benefits plans to be in compliance.", "\n\nVoluntary Fiduciary Correction Program (VFCP)\nThe voluntary compliance program is intended to encourage self-correction of certain violations of ERISA and to protect the financial security of retirement plans. ", "This fact sheet describes the process for making an application, the specific financial transactions covered, acceptable methods for correcting violations, and examples of potential violations and corrective actions.", "\n\nERISA Filing Acceptance System (EFAST2)\nEFAST2 is an all-electronic system designed by the Department of Labor, Internal Revenue Service, and Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation to simplify and expedite the submission, receipt, and processing of the Form 5500 and Form 5500-SF." ]
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[ "---\nname: Aditya \ninstitution: JSS Academy of Technical Education\nprofile_pic: octocat.png\nquote: Too weird to live, too rare to die.", "\ngithub_user: Aditya1001001\n---" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThis invention relates to steering arrangements provided on solid axles, including steerable four-wheel drive solid axles, and more particularly pertains to a method and apparatus for adjusting caster and camber geometry at such yoke and steering knuckle arrangement.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Prior Art\nVehicles, such as trucks, four-wheel and front-wheel drive conveyances often employ a solid steerable front axle arrangement in which a yoke is fixedly attached to the solid axle. ", "Pivoting means, such as ball joints, are interposed between the yoke and a steering knuckle which in turn carries a spindle upon which the wheel is mounted for rotation. ", "When forces are introduced through, for instance, a steering arm, the steering knuckle pivots relative to the yoke and axle to provide steering at the attached wheels.", "\nCaster and camber adjustments, particularly camber adjustments, are quite critical to proper road handling and tire wear. ", "Particularly when wide, high floatation tires--such as are common on four-wheel drive vehicles--are employed, misadjustments of camber may cause only a limited portion of the bottom of the tire to contact the supporting surface. ", "This results not only in greatly accelerated tire wear, but compromises safe handling on rigid highway surfaces, and may lead to overheating of the small contact patch of the tire at higher speeds. ", "Heretofore only limited means have been available to adjust camber and essentially no means exist for accomplishing caster adjustments which influence straight line tracking and turning camber of the vehicle. ", "Classically, the drawbacks of improper caster and camber adjustment have been accepted with high costs in tire wear and comprised road handling and safety. ", "In some instances, particularly in non-four-wheel drive vehicles, camber has been adjusted by bending the solid axle to position the tire in a more or less desired camber arrangement. ", "However, such bending has not been widely accepted in the case of four-wheel drive vehicles which employ a tubular axle housing. ", "Space is not available to position a bending device on such tubular axle, and the hollow axle housing is subject to stress failure.", "\nAnother approach to adjusting camber is discussed in U.S. Letters Pat. ", "No. ", "4,037,680 issued July 26, 1977, to Clinton E. Grove. ", "According to such prior patent a tapered shim is introduced between the spindle mounting means and the spindle to provide for adjustment of the angular position of the spindle relative to the solid axle and yoke. ", "However, to accomplish such adjustment, the hub, spindle and other associated wheel mounting means must be first removed. ", "Accordingly, a great deal of work is involved in positioning such shims. ", "Since the shim does not change the steering geometry, no change in caster alignment is possible with such a system. ", "Accordingly, such shims, though operable and a worthwhile improvement over the entire absence of a workable camber adjustment, are inconvenient and time consuming, and accordingly quite expensive to employ. ", "Also, such shims do not provide for caster adjustment." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
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[ "Q:\n\nSpring STS jpa + security + web\n\nI started Spring starter project with option jpa,security,mysql,web\nand I added application.properties this code\nspring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create\nspring.jpa.generate-ddl=false\nspring.jpa.show-sql=true\n\nspring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://kimdg3550.cafe24.com/kimdg3550\nspring.datasource.username=kimdg3550\nspring.datasource.password=\nspring.datasource.driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.", "Driver\n\nand if I go to URL http://localhost:8080 \nI get this message in mac \n\"이 페이지를 보려면, localhost:8080에 있는 ‘Spring’ 영역에 로그인해야 합니다.\"", "\n이름 :\n암호 : \nthis message is korean and means \n\"to look this page, you need to login 'Spring' in localhost:8080\"\nID:\npassword:\nand like next image, I get 401 error\n401 error image\nIf i need URL '/', I think 404, but I get 401 error\nhow can I solve this problem??", "\n\nA:\n\nRemove Spring security in your build file, i.e in your pom.xml because Spring Boot auto configurs Spring security.", "\nYou should either Remove Spring Security artifact in your pom.xml \nor You should implement Spring security login (at least in memory authentication)\n\n" ]
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[ "- 63, -13 = -0*j - j + 3*q. ", "Suppose 0 = 3*m + 27 - 108. ", "Let g = m - j. Solve 4*c + 3 = f, -2*c - 28 = g*c + 4*f for c.\n-2\nSuppose -160 = -9*g - 31*g. ", "Solve g*t - 2*m + 8 - 2 = 0, 2*m = -2*t for t.\n-1\nSuppose 0 = -2*l + 10 - 4. ", "Let z be ((-2)/(-4))/(l/24). ", "Suppose -z*v + 0 = 3*j + 16, -5*v - 20 = -4*j. ", "Solve -2*o - g = 0, j*o = -2*o + 3*g - 8 for o.\n-1\nLet m = 39 + -25. ", "Suppose -m*x = -2 - 96. ", "Solve 5*v = -f + x, -3*f = 2*f - 3*v - 7 for f.\n2\nSuppose -12*o = o - 13. ", "Solve -5*v = -19 - o, -u + 4*v = 16 for u.\n0\nLet c(b) = -b - 16. ", "Let d be 4/(-16) - 63/4. ", "Let q be c(d). ", "Solve 4*i + 5*u + 9 = q, 2*i - 3*u = 5*i + 3 for i.\n4\nLet a(z) = z**3 - 3*z**2 - 3*z + 1. ", "Let r be a(4). ", "Suppose -1 = -2*g + 5*o + 4, -r*o - 15 = 0. ", "Let c = g - -10. ", "Solve 0 = 4*w + 4*l, 2*w - c*l = w + 12 for w.\n2\nSuppose -5*j + 59 = 59. ", "Solve 5*w = 5*y - 25, 3*w = -y - j*y - 7 for y.\n2\nLet a(z) = 5*z**2 - 2*z + 3. ", "Let f be a(1). ", "Let g = 31 - -1. ", "Let n be g/f + (-6)/18. ", "Solve 2*t + 1 = -n*k, -k - 11 = 6*t - 2*t for t.\n-3\nLet c = -25 + 73. ", "Let q = 53 - c. Solve 4 = q*d - 2*s + 18, -5*d - 4*s - 32 = 0 for d.\n-4\nLet s(x) = -x + 1. ", "Let a(p) = 10*p - 8. ", "Let o(j) = -a(j) - 4*s(j). ", "Let u be o(0). ", "Solve 13 = 3*q - 2*v, 2*q - u = -v - 0*v for q.\n3\nLet v(o) = -o**2 - 7*o - 4. ", "Let d be v(-6). ", "Solve b + 0*b = d, -1 = 3*j + b for j.\n-1\nLet i(a) = -a**3 - 9*a**2 - 10*a - 9. ", "Let n be i(-8). ", "Let v be (-4)/2 - (n + -7). ", "Let p be (8/(-20))/(v/5). ", "Solve 0 = -4*j - p - 3, 0 = 2*x - 5*j - 5 for x.\n0\nLet j be (93/(-24)*-4)/(3/6). ", "Solve 5*r = -2*u + j, 5*u = -0*u + 4*r - 5 for u.\n3\nSuppose 6 + 34 = 5*m. ", "Let g(t) = -t - 3. ", "Let a be g(-7). ", "Suppose 0 = u + 2*u + 5*k + 11, a*k = -3*u - 7. ", "Solve m = -u*r + 4*q, -q = -4*q + 6 for r.\n0\nSuppose -4*c = 5*h - 280, -h - 4*c = -95 + 23. ", "Let g = 52 - h. Solve 0 = -2*t - 3*n - 5 - 12, g = 2*t - 2*n + 2 for t.\n-4\nSuppose 3*t + 12 = 2*i - t, 5*i - 16 = 3*t. ", "Suppose -2*b = -4*p + 22, -i*b = 2*p - 6 - 2. ", "Solve 0 = -3*z - p*u - 0*u - 2, 0 = z + 2*u for z.\n-4\nLet f be 0/(0 + (-2 - 0)). ", "Let p = 16 - 11. ", "Suppose a - 5*a = 5*o - 18, 0 = -3*a + p*o - 4. ", "Solve -t - 5 = f, 0*h - 2*t - 10 = -a*h for h.\n0\nSuppose -27*v - 11*v + 190 = 0. ", "Solve 5*j - 6 = v*o + 4, 5*j - o + 2 = 0 for j.\n-1\nLet g(a) = 2*a**2 + 14*a + 5. ", "Let m be g(-7). ", "Solve -3*h + 6*h = -3*c + 21, 17 = m*h - 4*c for h.\n5\nLet q be (-2)/(-8) + -1 - 184/(-32). ", "Solve -5*c = q*f + 25, 5*c = -2*f + 6 - 19 for f.\n-4\nSuppose 22*o - 54 = 13*o. ", "Let g(w) = 9*w - 20. ", "Let c be g(o). ", "Solve 0 = -5*p + y - 20, c = -p + 5*y + 6 for p.\n-3\nSuppose -2*f = 4*a + 8, 0 = -a - 4*f - 0*f - 16. ", "Suppose -4*w + 3*c + a*c = -6, -4*w + 5*c = -2. ", "Solve -w*v = 3*j - j, 4*v = -2*j - 2 for v.\n-2\nLet v = 189 - 189. ", "Suppose -u + 3 - 1 = v. Let a(c) = c + 6. ", "Let h be a(5). ", "Solve 0 = -5*z - u*f + 4, -2*z + 6*z - h = f for z.\n2\nLet o(m) = -8*m + 379. ", "Let q be o(47). ", "Solve -35 = 5*t + q*p - 6*p, 4*t - p = -21 for t.\n-4\nLet q be (132/(-36))/((-22)/12). ", "Solve -q*k + 13 = 3*h, 2*k - 4 = 2*h - 3*k for h.\n3\nSuppose 3*h + 65 = -g + 6*h, -75 = 2*g + 5*h. ", "Let w = g - -59. ", "Solve 0 = -3*o - 3*j - w, -5*j = -o + 16 - 1 for o.\n0\nSuppose -x = 2*t + x + 44, 5*x = 2*t + 58. ", "Let v be 6/9 + (-8)/t. ", "Solve -2*o - o = 4*n + 1, -n = 2*o - v for o.\n1\nSuppose -2*l - l = 48. ", "Let y = -14 - l. Suppose c = 4*c - 9. ", "Solve -7*u + y*u - c*j = 20, 4*u + 5*j + 16 = 0 for u.\n-4\nLet l = 366 - 361. ", "Solve 5*p + 10 = -5*h, -5*p - 6 = -4*p + l*h for p.\n-1\nLet h(w) = 3*w**2 + 6*w - 6. ", "Let z be h(1). ", "Solve -2*n + 6 = -2, 4*n = -z*u + 25 for u.\n3\nLet g(u) = -2*u**2 + 31*u + 21. ", "Let x be g(16). ", "Let o = 3 + 32. ", "Solve -22 = -5*d + 3*d + 4*r, x*d - 5*r - o = 0 for d.\n3\nLet k(w) = w**3 - 16*w**2 - 2*w + 32. ", "Let g be k(16). ", "Suppose -2*n + 10 + 0 = g. Solve 2*i = -3*o + 5*i, -2*i = -n*o for o.\n0\nLet p(o) = 6*o - 3. ", "Let g = 35 - 33. ", "Let d be p(g). ", "Solve r = 3*c - d, c = -2*r + 4*r + 8 for c.\n2\nSuppose -i = 4*v - 15, 10*v - 6*v = 4*i + 20. ", "Solve -v = 2*y - 2*n, 0 = -y + 5*n - 0 + 6 for y.\n-4\nLet n = 45 + -33. ", "Suppose -n*a = -16*a + 8. ", "Solve -o = a*w - 1, -3*w + 2 = o - 2 for w.\n3\nLet z(f) = -f**2 - 8*f - 9. ", "Let q be z(-6). ", "Suppose -3*p + 1 = -14, -q*k + 1 = -p. ", "Let m be 0/(-1*k/2). ", "Solve 4*u - 13 + 1 = -2*c, m = 5*c + 3*u - 9 for c.\n0\nLet c = -7 - -9. ", "Let y(j) = -7*j + 4. ", "Let r be y(-1). ", "Solve c*u - 7*u = l + 21, -l = 3*u + r for l.\n4\nLet h(y) = 3*y**2 + y. Let j = -11 + 12. ", "Let v be h(j). ", "Let q(g) = g**3 - 5*g**2 + 4*g + 3. ", "Let b be q(v). ", "Solve 2*c = -b*c - 2*d - 24, 16 = -5*c + 2*d for c.\n-4\nSuppose 69*m + 12 = 66*m. ", "Let p be ((-10)/m)/((-60)/(-48)). ", "Solve 4*l - 1 = 3*g, -p*l + 0*l - 7 = -3*g for g.\n5\nLet s be (-8 - (-40)/16)/((-2)/4). ", "Solve -2*a = 4*j - 22, 5*a + 5*j = 24 + s for a.\n3\nLet q = -397 + 399. ", "Solve q*z = 3*n - 7, -4*n + 6 = -2*n - z for n.\n5\nSuppose -66*u - 12 = -70*u. ", "Solve -u*n = 3*q + 2*q + 25, 4*q + 4*n + 20 = 0 for q.\n-5\nLet s be 3/15 - 39/(-5). ", "Suppose 0*v + 3*v = -15. ", "Let k = s + v. Solve 0 = -w + k*w + 5*u - 20, 0 = w - 4*u + 16 for w.\n0\nLet f(v) = -v**2 - v - 2. ", "Let c be f(4). ", "Let m = c - -24. ", "Solve -5*x + 0*u - 8 = m*u, -5*u = 20 for x.\n0\nSuppose 101 - 56 = 5*o. ", "Let x be (-2)/(o/(162/(-12))). ", "Solve -16 = -f - x*f + 2*s, -3*f + 18 = -3*s for f.\n2\nSuppose -2*w = -4 - 2, 0 = -n + w + 2. ", "Suppose -5*i = 5*d - n, 2*d - 4*d - 5*i = 7. ", "Solve l = -3*h - 12, 5*l - d = -0*l + h for l.\n0\nLet o(j) = 3*j**3 - 5*j + 6. ", "Let c be o(1). ", "Solve -b + 26 = 3*a + c*b, 10 = -5*a + 5*b for a.\n2\nLet a be -4 - (-8 + (-1 - -2)). ", "Suppose -24 = -0*c - a*c + 3*t, -2*t - 28 = -5*c. ", "Solve 0 = 3*s + 5*n - 30, 0 = c*s + 2*n - 15 - 11 for s.\n5\nLet r = -17 + 27. ", "Suppose r - 34 = -8*s. ", "Solve 0*x - 14 = s*x + d, -5*d - 37 = 4*x for x.\n-3\nLet u = 6 - 1. ", "Let s(o) = -o**2 - 25*o - 112. ", "Let g be s(-19). ", "Solve d = -u*r + 3, -4*d - 1 = 5*r + g for r.\n1\nLet o(l) = 2*l**2 - 28*l - 30. ", "Let b be o(15). ", "Solve -y + 2*n - 13 = -n, -3*y - 2*n + 5 = b for y.\n-1\nLet i = -83 - -87. ", "Solve -i*x = -k - 19, 4*x = 5*k + 21 - 6 for x.\n5\nLet i(j) = 1. ", "Let u(n) = n + 33. ", "Let v(r) = -5*i(r) + u(r). ", "Let x be v(-13). ", "Suppose -7*h + 2*h = -x. ", "Solve -2*s = -3*b + 3 - 2, -h*s - 30 = 5*b for b.\n-3\nLet y = 76 - 74. ", "Suppose 2*z - 10 = 0, y*z = -3*b - 2*z + 29. ", "Solve 0 = -3*r + 2*w - 9, -2*r = b*r - 3*w + 14 for r.\n-1\nSuppose -45*f - 253 + 343 = 0. ", "Solve -c + f + 2 = -4*n, -3*c = -4*n - 4 for n.\n-1\nLet t(s) = 16*s - 8. ", "Let f be 27/(-6)*(-14)/21. ", "Let m be t(f). ", "Suppose 8 = -4*i, -3*i = -5*r + 2*i + m. Solve w - 4*j + 21 = r, 0 = -w - 5*j + 30 for w.\n5\nLet w(o) = -2*o**2 + 11*o + 8. ", "Let a be w(6). ", "Solve 0 = a*j - 4*v - 12, -5*v = j - v for j.\n4\nLet n = 9 + -5. ", "Let o = 5 - -1. ", "Suppose r + o = n*r. ", "Solve -4 = 5*h + 4*w, 5*h = r*h + 5*w + 5 for h.\n0\nLet v be (-20)/(-3)*6/4. ", "Suppose 2*z - 44 + 36 = 0. ", "Suppose 0 = z*c - 5*q + 11 - 9, -3*q + 8 = c. Solve -3*o + 3*y = -y + c, v = 5*y for o.\n2\nLet t = 23 + -24. ", "Let w(s) = 3*s**2 - 1. ", "Let d be w(t). ", "Let l = 2 + 2. ", "Solve 4*m = -3*y + 8*m - l, 2*y = 2*m - d for y.\n0\nSuppose -5*t + 15 = -3*k, 3*t + 3*k - 6 = 3. ", "Suppose -2*w - a - t*a = 4, w - 12 = 5*a. ", "Solve w*i + 19 = 5*f, -2 = -f + 2*i - 3 for f.\n5\nLet p(l) = -12*l + 8 - 18*l + 7 + 29*l. ", "Let f be p(13). ", "Let r(w) = 3*w**2 - 2. ", "Let x be r(f). ", "Solve -x = 5*q - 8*i + 3*i, 0 = -q - 2*i + 10 for q.\n2\nSuppose 0 = 5*c - 0*o - o - 25, -4*c - o = -29. ", "Let l be (-2)/c - (-280)/30. ", "Suppose -l - 1 = -2*a. ", "Solve -3*j + 13 = -f, a*j - 12 = f + 11 for j.\n5\nLet b be ((-6)/(-7))/((-6)/(-28)). ", "Suppose 0 = 3*d + 4*g + 5, 0*d + 3*g = -2*d - 5. ", "Solve -d = -4*k - r, -b*k + 4 = 2*r - 6 for k.\n0\nLet w(l) = -l**3 - l**2 + 4*l + 4. ", "Let d be w(-2). ", "Let h(g) = -g**2 + 4*g + 1. ", "Let a be h(2). ", "Solve 2*f = 3*s + a, -2*f - 5*s + 1 - 4 = d for f.\n1\nLet m(w) = -w + 1. ", "Suppose -5*j - 27 = 3*o, -o = 5*j - 2 + 1. ", "Let g = 10 + o. Let f be m(g). ", "Solve 6*i - v - f = i, -v = -3*i + 1 for i.\n2\nLet i = 2 - 2. ", "Let y(l) = -10*l**2 - 62*l - 8. ", "Let v be y(-6). ", "Suppose 2*j = 2*p - 8, p + i*p + 5*j - v = 0. ", "Solve -2*g + 2*o = -p*g - 6, -o - 9 = -2*g for g.\n2\nSuppose 0 = 2*f + 6, -5*f = j + 4*j + 950. ", "Let x = -166 - j. Solve -4*t + 2*q + 2 = 4, x = -3*t - 5*q for t.\n-2\nLet u = -1515 - -1519. ", "Solve -x = m + 3, -2*m - u + 3 = -3*x for m.\n-2\nSuppose -l - 5*j + 17 = 0, 5*l + 4*j - 2*j = 16. ", "Suppose r - 32 = -25. ", "Solve -2*n - l*q = -r*q - 21, -n = 2*q + 3 for n.\n3\nLet h(v) = 2*v**3 + 5*v + 3*v**3 - 4*v**3 - 6*v**" ]
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[ "Afghan women listen to a speaker at a political gathering in Kabul on Sept. 26, 2013. ", "Shah Marai/AFP\n\nWhile Afghan women and girls are increasingly coming forward to report incidents of abuse, signifying greater awareness of a landmark law barring violence against them, prosecution of those crimes isn’t rising along with it, a U.N. report revealed on Sunday. ", "The report showed that 650 incidents of violence against women and girls were reported to authorities across 18 different Afghan provinces between October 2012 and September 2013, representing a 28 percent increase from the previous year. ", "However, the Elimination of Violence Against Women law (EVAW) was applied to just 109 of those reported incidents, or 17 percent of cases, representing a meager 2 percent increase from the 15 percent of reported cases to which EVAW was applied the year before. ", "EVAW, which was implemented by presidential decree in 2009, bans 22 different harmful practices against women and girls – including rape, physical violence, child marriage, forced marriage and the denial of rights to education or work. ", "Adding to the report, the Afghan Department of Women’s Affairs recorded an additional 1,019 incidents of violence against women and girls — meaning it had tracked far more cases than police and prosecutors. ", "This gap, the authors wrote, “suggests that many Afghan women (and their families) still remained reluctant to approach police and prosecutors with their complaints.” ", "In fact, “most incidents of violence against women still remain largely underreported, especially in rural areas, due to social norms and cultural restrains,” the report said. “", "The landmark law on the Elimination of Violence against Women was a huge achievement for all Afghans,” Navi Pillay, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, said in a released statement. “", "But implementation has been slow and uneven, with police still reluctant to enforce the legal prohibition against violence and harmful practices, and prosecutors and courts slow to enforce the legal protections in the law.”", "\n\nLegal troubles\n\nLegislative developments within the last year have set back efforts to curb violence against women and girls, the report's authors said. ", "In May, for example, the Afghan parliament held a debate in which some members criticized portions of the EVAW law as “un-Islamic” – specifically, its prohibition of child marriage, forced marriage and restrictions on women’s access to health care and education. ", "EVAW, which was signed by President Hamid Karzai, was never ratified by parliament, and some activists fear the legislative body could amend or overturn it in the future. ", "The lower house of parliament also recently passed a draft criminal-procedure code which would bar a woman’s relatives from testifying in any criminal cases dealing with violence against her, with the aim of keeping abuse “private,” the authors wrote. ", "But since violence against Afghan women often takes place in the domestic sphere, the authors argued that prosecuting the perpetrators of the violence would be virtually impossible without family testimony. ", "As of this month, the draft code is still pending a vote in the upper house of parliament. ", "Furthermore, earlier this year the government reduced its quota to reserve 25 percent of elected seats for women to 20 percent, and eliminated the requirement for positions at the local level. ", "The report said that 2013 saw “continuing attacks on women in public life,” with two senior policewomen killed in Helmand province over the summer and another one shot on Dec. 5, and two female senators and their families attacked in August.", "\n\n'A long way to go'" ]
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[ "This invention claims priority of a German filed patent application DE-A-199 48 797.9.", "\nThis invention concerns a substrate holder and the use of the substrate holder according to the present invention in a highly accurate measuring instrument. ", "The invention concerns in particular a substrate holder which is configured in such a way that it is suitable for a defined support of a substrate and thereby contributes to enhancing the measurement accuracy of the highly accurate measuring instrument.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,671,054 discloses a method and an apparatus for determining the position of patterns on substrates that have a specific thickness. ", "The substrate is placed onto a measurement stage that, in order to support the substrate, has three defined point-like support elements. ", "The thickness of the substrate is determined using a reference substrate that is first measured. ", "Then the substrate provided for measurement is measured. ", "A data processing element then calculates the corresponding thickness differences from the differences between the reference substrate and the substrate to be measured, and incorporates them into the calculation for further determination of the position of the pattern. ", "This arrangement has a considerable disadvantage, however, in that it is not very flexible, since only fixed mask sizes can be used or measured in this case. ", "It is moreover problematic that if masks with different mask thicknesses need to be measured, the focal plane changes and is no longer located exactly on the surface of the substrate.", "\nA substrate holder is also known from the article xe2x80x9cAdvanced Mask Metrology System for Up to 4 Gbit DRAM,xe2x80x9d published in SPIE, Vol. ", "3096-0277-786X/97, pages 433-444. ", "This presents a universal substrate holder that has the support points or support elements arranged correspondingly on the substrate holder surface in accordance with the various sizes of the substrate types used. ", "The support elements are configured such that they differ in height. ", "For example, the support elements for the substrates with smaller dimensions are not as high as the support elements for substrates with larger dimensions. ", "A disadvantage of this substrate holder is that it is not suitable for transmitted light.", "\nIt is therefore the object of the present invention to create a substrate holder that is suitable for measurement with transmitted light and makes available a defined support for the substrates.", "\nAccording to the present invention this object is achieved by a substrate holder of a substrate that comprises\na) a one-piece frame having a flat upper surface;\nb) an opening having a peripheral rim that is configured in the substrate holder; and\nc) three support elements that are shaped on the peripheral rim of the opening, on which are mounted spheres on which the substrate rests; and the spacing from the upper surface of the spheres to the flat upper surface of the substrate holder corresponds to the standard thickness of the substrate type being used.", "\nA further object of the invention is to use the substrate holder in a highly accurate measurement system with which substrates can be measured in transmitted light; and that the substrate holders used for the purpose make available a defined support for the substrates and for determination of the deviation of a substrate thickness from a predefined standard thickness.", "\nThis object is achieved in that the substrate holder is suitable for determination of the deviation from standard thickness in the case of substrates of one type, and is used in a highly accurate measuring instrument.", "\nThe substrate holder according to the present invention and the use according to the present invention of the substrate holder make possible measurement of the substrate in both reflected and transmitted light. ", "The substrate holders are configured in such a way that all the surfaces of the substrates to be measured lie at an identical height. ", "This height is defined in such a way that the surfaces of the substrates lie in the Abbxc3xa9 plane, which minimizes Abbxc3xa9 errors. ", "The substrate holders are configured as frames in which is defined an opening that is delimited by a peripheral rim. ", "Support elements, on which point supports are configured, are provided on the peripheral rim of the opening. ", "In a preferred exemplary embodiment, three support points are distributed correspondingly along the peripheral rim of the opening. ", "The three-point support results in an exact calculation of the mask deflection, which makes possible exact calculation and correction of the position data. ", "The substrate holders are configured such that a different substrate holder is used for each substrate type. ", "The outside dimensions of each substrate holder are the same. ", "The difference arises from the fact that in the substrate holders, the defined openings are correspondingly based on the size of the substrate type used. ", "The support elements and the point supports thereby made available arc arranged on the peripheral rim of the openings in such a way that the flat upper surface of the substrate holder aligns with the surface of the substrate. ", "Small deviations from the standard thickness of a substrate type can be corrected by focusing with the optical system of the measuring instrument first on the surface of the substrate and then on the flat upper surface of the substrate holder. ", "From the difference in focal positions it is then possible to ascertain a thickness deviation of the substrate, which is then incorporated into the exact calculation of the mask deflection. ", "A code that allows individual processing of the substrate holder by the measurement and correction software can also be mounted on the substrate holder. ", "Long-term monitoring (drift monitoring and optionally also drift correction) is made possible by integrated reference points. ", "In addition, the substrate holders can be configured such that the total weight of the substrate holder and substrate placed thereon is always approximately the same for the various substrate types. ", "Distortions and deformations at the X/Y carriage and at the mirror body can thereby be kept constant to a first approximation. ", "For this purpose, corresponding programs which correct these constant external influences are provided in a calculation unit of the measuring instrument." ]
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[ "Expression of human, mouse, and rat m-calpains in Escherichia coli and in murine fibroblasts.", "\nThe two best known calpains, micro- and m-calpain, are Ca(2+)-dependent cysteine proteases found in all mammalian tissues. ", "They are probably involved in many Ca(2+)-linked signal pathways, although the details are not yet clear. ", "The enzymes are heterodimers of a specific large subunit (micro-80k or m-80k) and a common small subunit (28k). ", "Recombinant calpains have been obtained by co-expression of large and small subunits in Escherichia coli and in Sf9 cells, with variable success. ", "Expression with the 28k subunit is very low, but is much higher with a C-terminal 21k fragment of this subunit. ", "Rat m-calpain (m-80k/21k) is well expressed in E. coli but mouse m-calpain (m-80k/21k) is poorly expressed, even though the amino acid sequences of rat-m-80k and mouse-m-80k are 92% identical. ", "It had also been reported that human m-calpain could be expressed in Sf9 cells but not in E. coli. ", "To investigate these differences, hybrid rat/mouse and rat/human m-calpains were cloned and expressed in E. coli. ", "It was shown that Ile-6 and Pro-127, which are specific to the mouse m-80k sequence, caused poor expression. ", "High expression of human m-calpain in E. coli could be achieved by providing the correct Shine-Dalgarno ribosome binding site. ", "The results provide a simple method to obtain approximately 10mg amounts of human m-calpain and a slightly modified mouse m-calpain. ", "Expression of m-80k-EGFP fusions was also studied, both in E. coli and in mammalian cells, varying both the small subunit and the promoters. ", "m-80k-EGFP alone was not active, but with 21k or 28k subunits was active in both cell types. ", "The EGFP domain was partially cleaved during expression, releasing an active m-80k/21k calpain." ]
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[ "Office Depot to increase marketing after 4% fiscal 2010 sales drop\n\nOffice Depot will increase its marketing to reverse its fourth-quarter and full-year 2010 results, said Neil Austrian, interim chairman and CEO, on a February 22 earnings call.", "\n\nAustrian said the company will “market our products and services as never before” to improve earnings in 2011. ", "Office Depot's full-year 2010 sales dropped 4% to $11.6 billion, compared with the 2009 fiscal year. ", "Its net earnings were $30 million for full-year 2010, which ended January 30, compared with a loss of $71 million in its previous full fiscal year.", "\n\nFourth-quarter 2010 sales decreased 3% year-over-year to $3 billion. ", "Office Depot reported a net loss of $58 million in the quarter, compared with a loss of $77 million in the fourth quarter of 2009.", "\n\n“We have great associates who are smart and want to win as much as I do,” said Austrian, on an earnings call. “", "We'll have to change some things going forward. ", "We will improve the customer experience in every channel. ", "We will market our products and services as never before. ", "I'm really excited about the opportunities we have to get Office Depot back on track.”", "\n\nOffice Depot also reported Q4 North American retail division sales of $1.2 billion, a drop of 2% compared with the same period of the prior year. ", "Comparable store sales at the 1,124 stores in the US and Canada that have been open for more than one year decreased 1% in Q4 compared to the prior fiscal year. ", "The division's fiscal Q4 operating profit of $16 million improved by $2 million year-over-year.", "\n\n“While we run a good retail operation, it's clear we can get better,” said Kevin Peters, president of Office Depot's North American retail division, on an earnings call. “", "We will improve the in-store shopping experience.”", "\n\nFourth-quarter 2010 sales in the North American business solutions division were $798 million, a decrease of 3% compared to the same period of the prior year. ", "The b-to-b division reported an operating profit of $37 million for Q4 2010, compared to $21 million for the same period of the prior year.", "\n\nThis is the best year-over-year sales comparison we've seen in three years,” said Stephen Schmidt, president of North American business solutions at Office Depot. “", "We are determined to increase our customer mix of small- to mid-sized businesses. ", "We feel we are gaining traction. ", "We are continuing to grow our copy and print business.”", "\n\nInternational Q4 2010 sales were $930 million, a drop of 5% compared with the prior year. ", "The company's international division reported an operating profit of $21 million in Q4 2010, compared to $64 million in the same period of the prior year.", "\n\nAustrian also told investors that the company had yet to find a new CEO.", "\n\n“Our search committee has met with a number of candidates,” he said. “", "We will take as much time as we need. ", "Stay tuned.”", "\n\nNext Article in Multichannel Marketing\n\nSign up to our newsletters\n\nBest of... Weekly\n\nDaily Insider\n\nEvents Weekly\n\nHot List of the Day\n\nSponsored Promotion\n\nWhitepaper of the Day\n\nDMNTech Roundup\n\nDMNTech Sponsored Promotion\n\nCompany of the Week\n\nBrightcove is the world's leading video platform. ", "The most innovative and respected brands confidently rely on Brightcove to solve their most demanding communication challenges because of the unmatched performance and flexibility of our platform, our global scale and reliability, and our award-winning service. ", "With thousands of customers and an industry-leading suite of cloud video products, Brightcove enables customers to drive compelling business results.", "\n\nCareer Center\n\nCheck out hundreds of exciting professional opportunities available on DMN's Career Center.", "\nExplore careers in digital marketing, sales, eCommerce, marketing communications, IT, data strategies, and much more. ", "And don't forget to update your resume so employers can contact you privately about job opportunities.", "\n\nCoverage\n\nResources\n\nUser Center\n\nThis material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in any form without prior authorization.", "\nYour use of this website constitutes acceptance of DMN's Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions." ]
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[ "A Florida State junior college recruit has been arrested for allegedly eating marijuana in order to conceal it from police.", "\n\nPower forward Cinmeon Bowers, who committed to Florida State in September, and two of his teammates at Chipola College in Marianna, Fla., were arrested Thursday night following a traffic stop.", "\n\nAccording to the Marianna Police Department, officers smelled marijuana coming from the car after the vehicle was pulled over for a speeding violation.", "\n\nBowers, 20, and Chipola teammates Torian Graham, 20, and Jamaar McKay-Taylor, 19, ate the marijuana in an attempt to conceal it from the officers, according to the police statement. ", "They were charged with tampering with evidence and taken to the Jackson County Correctional Facility.", "\n\nAll three players have been suspended indefinitely by Chipola College until the legal process plays out, coach Patrick Blake told ESPN.", "\n\nFlorida State coach Leonard Hamilton told ESPN he will allow the process to play out regarding Bowers.", "\n\n\"I will wait until I get all the complete information,\" Hamilton told ESPN.", "\n\nThe 6-foot-6 Bowers is widely considered to be one of the top junior college prospects in the country.", "\n\nGraham has taken visits to Missouri and UNLV, while Kentucky, Cincinnati and Alabama have also expressed interest.", "\n\nESPN.com's Jeff Goodman contributed to this report." ]
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[ "Rail of former railway + MTB = Rail-MTB\n\nRail Mountain Bike is the unique attraction born in Hida city by locals. ", "You can ride a mountain bike on the rail of former railway.", "\n\nMechanism is very simple. ", "2 mountain bikes are fixed to the guide roller with a metal frame that was originally produced in local. ", "Rear wheel tire is faced on surfice of the rail directly so that you can go forward safety and smoothy by pedaling a mountain bike.", "\n\nBecause you ride bicycle on the train rails you can feel the vibration and sound of the seam of the rail. ", "This feeling is the feature of this atraciton and something you can experience only by Rail-MTB." ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2014 The Linux Foundation. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n *\n * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and\n * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.", "\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\n * GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n */\n\n#include <common.h>\n#include <i2c.h>\n#include \"ipq_i2c.h\"\n#include <asm/io.h>\n#include <asm/errno.h>\n#include <asm/arch-qcom-common/gsbi.h>\n#include <asm/arch-qcom-common/gpio.h>\n#include <asm/arch-ipq806x/iomap.h>\n#include <asm/arch-ipq806x/clock.h>\n\nstatic int gsbi_port;\nstatic int gsbi_base_addr;\nstatic int i2c_hw_initialized;\nstatic int i2c_board_initialized;\n\n/*\n * Reset entire QUP and all mini cores\n */\nstatic void i2c_reset(void)\n{\n\twritel(0x1, GSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_SW_RESET_OFFSET);\n\tudelay(5);\n}\n\nstatic int check_bit_state(uint32_t reg_addr, int bit_num, int val,\n\t\t\t\tint us_delay)\n{\n\tunsigned int count = TIMEOUT_CNT;\n\tunsigned int bit_val = ((readl(reg_addr) >> bit_num) & 0x01);\n\n\twhile (bit_val !", "= val) {\n\t\tcount--;\n\t\tif (count == 0) {\n\t\t\treturn -ETIMEDOUT;\n\t\t}\n\t\tudelay(us_delay);\n\t\tbit_val = ((readl(reg_addr) >> bit_num) & 0x01);\n\t}\n\n\treturn SUCCESS;\n}\n\n/*\n * Check whether GSBIn_QUP State is valid\n */\nstatic int check_qup_state_valid(void)\n{\n\treturn check_bit_state(GSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_STATE_OFFSET,\n\t\t\t\tQUP_STATE_VALID_BIT,\n\t\t\t\tQUP_STATE_VALID, 1);\n}\n\n/*\n * Configure GSBIn Core state\n */\nstatic int config_i2c_state(unsigned int state)\n{\n\tuint32_t val;\n\tint ret = SUCCESS;\n\n\tret = check_qup_state_valid();\n\tif (ret !", "= SUCCESS)\n\t\treturn ret;\n\n\t/* Set the state */\n\tval = readl(GSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_STATE_OFFSET);\n\tval = ((val & ~QUP_STATE_MASK) | state);\n\twritel(val, GSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_STATE_OFFSET);\n\tret = check_qup_state_valid();\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n/*\n * Configure I2C IO Mode.", "\n */\nvoid config_i2c_mode(void)\n{\n\tint cfg;\n\n\tcfg = readl(GSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_IO_MODES_OFFSET);\n\tcfg |= (INPUT_FIFO_MODE |\n\t\tOUTPUT_FIFO_MODE |\n\t\tOUTPUT_BIT_SHIFT_EN);\n\twritel(cfg, GSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_IO_MODES_OFFSET);\n}\n\nvoid i2c_ipq_board_init(void)\n{\n\tgsbi_base_addr = gboard_param->i2c_gsbi_base;\n\tgsbi_port = gboard_param->i2c_gsbi;\n\n\t/*\n\t * Currently I2C GPIO lines (12(SDA), 13(SCLK)) are configured by\n\t * RPM firmware for PMIC. ", "Trustzone firmware configures the TLMM\n\t * RPU in such a way that only RPM will be able to configure those\n\t * GPIOs. ", "If Krait non secure (u-boot) tries to write to those GPIO\n\t * registers will lead to Master port L2 error.", "\n\t * GSBI4 uses GPIO 12 and 13 lines for I2C.\n\t * So for GSBI4 we will not update the GPIO configs. ", "RPM would have\n\t * already configured this.", "`\n\t */\n\n\t/* Configure the GPIOs */\n\tif (gsbi_port !", "= GSBI_4)\n\t\tipq_configure_gpio(gboard_param->i2c_gpio, NO_OF_I2C_GPIOS);\n\n\t/* Configure the I2C clock */\n\ti2c_clock_config(gboard_param->i2c_gsbi,\n\t\tgboard_param->i2c_mnd_value.m_value,\n\t\tgboard_param->i2c_mnd_value.n_value,\n\t\tgboard_param->i2c_mnd_value.d_value,\n\t\tgboard_param->clk_dummy);\n\n\ti2c_hw_initialized = 0;\n\ti2c_board_initialized = 1;\n}\n\n/*\n * GSBIn I2C Hardware Initialisation\n */\nstatic int i2c_hw_init(void)\n{\n\tint ret, cfg;\n\n\t/* GSBI module configuration */\n\ti2c_reset();\n\n\t/* Set the GSBIn QUP state */\n\tret = config_i2c_state(QUP_STATE_RESET);\n\tif (ret)\n\t\treturn ret;\n\n\t/* Configure GSBI_CTRL register to set protocol_mode to I2C_UART:110 */\n\twritel(GSBI_PROTOCOL_CODE_I2C_UART <<\n\t\t\tGSBI_CTRL_REG_PROTOCOL_CODE_S,\n\t\t\tGSBI_CTRL_REG(gsbi_base_addr));\n\n\t/* Configure Mini core to I2C core */\n\tcfg = readl(GSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_CONFIG_OFFSET);\n\tcfg |= (QUP_CONFIG_MINI_CORE_I2C |\n\t\tI2C_BIT_WORD);\n\twritel(cfg, GSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_CONFIG_OFFSET);\n\n\t/* Configure I2C mode */\n\tconfig_i2c_mode();\n\n\t/* Enable QUP Error Flags */\n\twritel(ERROR_FLAGS_EN,\n\t\tGSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_ERROR_FLAGS_EN_OFFSET);\n\n\t/* Clear the MASTER_CTL_STATUS */\n\twritel(I2C_MASTER_STATUS_CLEAR,\n\t\tGSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_I2C_MASTER_STATUS_OFFSET);\n\n\t/* Set to RUN STATE */\n\tret = config_i2c_state(QUP_STATE_RUN);\n\tif (ret)\n\t\treturn ret;\n\n\t/* Configure the I2C Master clock */\n\tcfg = (QUP_INPUT_CLK / (I2C_CLK_100KHZ * 2)) - 3;\n\twritel(cfg, GSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_I2C_MASTER_CLK_CTL_OFFSET);\n\n\ti2c_hw_initialized = 1;\n\n\treturn SUCCESS;\n}\n\n/*\n * Function to check wheather Input or Output FIFO\n * has data to be serviced. ", "For invalid slaves, this\n * flag will not be set.", "\n */\nstatic int check_fifo_status(uint dir)\n{\n\tunsigned int count = TIMEOUT_CNT;\n\tunsigned int status_flag;\n\tunsigned int val;\n\n\tif (dir == READ) {\n\t\tdo {\n\t\t\tval = readl(GSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port)\n\t\t\t\t+ QUP_OPERATIONAL_OFFSET);\n\t\t\tcount--;\n\t\t\tif (count == 0)\n\t\t\t\treturn -ETIMEDOUT;\n\t\t\tstatus_flag = val & INPUT_SERVICE_FLAG;\n\t\t\tudelay(10);\n\t\t} while (!", "status_flag);\n\n\t} else if (dir == WRITE) {\n\t\tdo {\n\t\t\tval = readl(GSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port)\n\t\t\t\t+ QUP_OPERATIONAL_OFFSET);\n\t\t\tcount--;\n\t\t\tif (count == 0)\n\t\t\t\treturn -ETIMEDOUT;\n\t\t\tstatus_flag = val & OUTPUT_FIFO_FULL;\n\t\t\tudelay(10);\n\t\t} while (status_flag);\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * Clear the flag and Acknowledge that the\n\t\t * software has or will write the data.", "\n\t\t */\n\t\tif (readl(GSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_OPERATIONAL_OFFSET)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t& OUTPUT_SERVICE_FLAG) {\n\t\t\twritel(OUTPUT_SERVICE_FLAG, GSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port)\n\t\t\t\t+ QUP_OPERATIONAL_OFFSET);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn SUCCESS;\n}\n\n/*\n * Check whether the values in the OUTPUT FIFO are shifted out.", "\n */\nstatic int check_write_done(void)\n{\n\tunsigned int count = TIMEOUT_CNT;\n\tunsigned int status_flag;\n\tunsigned int val;\n\n\tdo {\n\t\tval = readl(GSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port)\n\t\t\t\t+ QUP_OPERATIONAL_OFFSET);\n\t\tcount--;\n\t\tif (count == 0)\n\t\t\treturn -ETIMEDOUT;\n\t\tstatus_flag = val & OUTPUT_FIFO_NOT_EMPTY;\n\t\tudelay(10);\n\t} while (status_flag);\n\n\treturn SUCCESS;\n}\n\nint i2c_read(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen, uchar *buffer, int len)\n{\n\tint ret = 0;\n\tunsigned int data = 0;\n\n\tif (!", "i2c_board_initialized) {\n\t\ti2c_ipq_board_init();\n\t}\n\n\tif(!i2c_hw_initialized) {\n\t\ti2c_hw_init();\n\t}\n\n\twritel(0xFF, GSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port)\n\t\t\t+ QUP_ERROR_FLAGS_OFFSET);\n\n\twritel(0, GSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port)\n\t\t\t+ QUP_I2C_MASTER_STATUS_OFFSET);\n\n\t/* Set to RUN state */\n\tret = config_i2c_state(QUP_STATE_RUN);\n\tif (ret !", "= SUCCESS)\n\t\tgoto out;\n\n\t/* Send a write request to the chip */\n\twritel((QUP_I2C_START_SEQ | QUP_I2C_ADDR(chip)),\n\t\tGSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_OUTPUT_FIFO_OFFSET);\n\n\twritel((QUP_I2C_DATA_SEQ | QUP_I2C_DATA(addr)),\n\t\t GSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_OUTPUT_FIFO_OFFSET);\n\n\tret = check_write_done();\n\tif (ret !", "= SUCCESS)\n\t\tgoto out;\n\n\tret = check_fifo_status(WRITE);\n\tif (ret !", "= SUCCESS)\n\t\tgoto out;\n\n\t/* Send read request */\n\twritel((QUP_I2C_START_SEQ |\n\t\t(QUP_I2C_ADDR(chip)|\n\t\tQUP_I2C_SLAVE_READ)),\n\t\tGSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_OUTPUT_FIFO_OFFSET);\n\n\twritel((QUP_I2C_RECV_SEQ | len),\n\t\tGSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_OUTPUT_FIFO_OFFSET);\n\n\twhile (len--) {\n\n\t\tret = check_fifo_status(READ);\n\t\tif (ret !", "= SUCCESS)\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\n\t\t/* Read the data from the FIFO */\n\t\tdata = readl(GSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_INPUT_FIFO_OFFSET);\n\t\t*buffer = QUP_I2C_DATA(data);\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * Clear the flag and Acknowledge that the\n\t\t * software has or will read the data.", "\n\t\t */\n\t\twritel(INPUT_SERVICE_FLAG,\n\t\t\tGSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_OPERATIONAL_OFFSET);\n\n\t\tbuffer++;\n\t}\n\n\t/* Set to PAUSE state */\n\tret = config_i2c_state(QUP_STATE_PAUSE);\n\tif (ret !", "= SUCCESS)\n\t\tgoto out;\n\nout:\n\t/*\n\t * Put the I2C Core back in the Reset State to end the transfer.", "\n\t */\n\t(void)config_i2c_state(QUP_STATE_RESET);\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\nint i2c_write(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen, uchar *buffer, int len)\n{\n\tint ret = 0;\n\tint idx = 0;\n\n\tif (!", "i2c_board_initialized) {\n\t\ti2c_ipq_board_init();\n\t}\n\n\tif(!i2c_hw_initialized) {\n\t\ti2c_hw_init();\n\t}\n\n\t/* Set to RUN state */\n\tret = config_i2c_state(QUP_STATE_RUN);\n\tif (ret !", "= SUCCESS)\n\t\tgoto out;\n\n\t/* Send the write request */\n\twritel((QUP_I2C_START_SEQ | QUP_I2C_ADDR(chip)),\n\t\tGSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_OUTPUT_FIFO_OFFSET);\n\twritel((QUP_I2C_DATA_SEQ | QUP_I2C_DATA(addr)),\n\t\tGSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_OUTPUT_FIFO_OFFSET);\n\n\twhile (len) {\n\t\tif (len == 1) {\n\t\t\twritel((QUP_I2C_STOP_SEQ | QUP_I2C_DATA(buffer[idx])),\n\t\t\tGSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_OUTPUT_FIFO_OFFSET);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\twritel((QUP_I2C_DATA_SEQ | QUP_I2C_DATA(buffer[idx])),\n\t\t\tGSBI_QUP_BASE(gsbi_port) + QUP_OUTPUT_FIFO_OFFSET);\n\t\t}\n\t\tlen--;\n\t\tidx++;\n\n\t\tret = check_fifo_status(WRITE);\n\t\tif (ret !", "= SUCCESS)\n\t\t\tgoto out;\n\t}\n\n\tret = check_write_done();\n\tif (ret !", "= SUCCESS)\n\t\tgoto out;\n\n\t/* Set to PAUSE state */\n\tret = config_i2c_state(QUP_STATE_PAUSE);\n\tif (ret !", "= SUCCESS)\n\t\tgoto out;\n\n\treturn ret;\nout:\n\t/*\n\t * Put the I2C Core back in the Reset State to end the transfer.", "\n\t */\n\t(void)config_i2c_state(QUP_STATE_RESET);\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n\n/*\n * Probe the given I2C chip address.", "\n * Returns 0 if a chip responded.", "\n */\nint i2c_probe(uchar chip)\n{\n\tuchar buf;\n\n\treturn i2c_read(chip, 0x0, 0x1, &buf, 0x1);\n}\n\nvoid i2c_init(int speed, int slaveaddr)\n{\n\tdebug(\"i2c_init(speed=%u, slaveaddr=0x%x)\\n\", speed, slaveaddr);\n}\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Pre-pay for 3 months of SlingTV and get a Nexus Player for 50% off\n\nSling TV has been available to Android users since February, but starting today Nexus Player users will also be able to get in on the action, as the official Android TV app is now live.", "\n\nSling TV is without a doubt one of the best ways for cord-cutters to ditch their cable bill while still having access to traditional programming with over 20 cable channels offered for just $20 a month. ", "For those that have been considering it, right now Sling is offering you the chance to not only get its service but to also save 50% on a brand new Nexus Player. ", "With its new promotion, all you have to do is pre-pay for three months of Sling TV service, a cost of $60 outright, and you can then snag the Nexus Player for just $50.", "\n\nAt least at the time of this writing the deal doesn’t seem to be live just yet, though you should be able to find more details through Sling’s website later today. ", "Already own a Nexus Player? ", "If you’ve yet to try out Sling TV, you also have the option of getting a 7-day trial to see if it is right for you." ]
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[ "While CNN host Anderson Cooper gave an assist to Trump advocate Kayliegh McEnany defending Donald Trump’s attack on actress Meryl Streep, he drew the line at Trump calling the most decorated actress of her time “overrated.”", "\n\nAfter McEnany fought with the members of the panel who insisted that Trump had ridiculed New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski who is disabled, with the Trump booster insisting, “that’s a subject of debate,” the CNN host weighed in with his own problem with Trump’s widely derided tweet.", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\n“My point is that his comeback is ‘She’s overrated’ is like,” Cooper said. “", "Really? ", "That’s what the comeback is?”", "\n\nCNN regular Kirsten Powers jumped in to add that Trump’s tweet was “adolescent.”", "\n\nWatch the video below via CNN:" ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Team Kodi\n * This file is part of Kodi - https://kodi.tv\n *\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later\n * See LICENSES/README.md for more information.", "\n */\n\n#pragma once\n\n#include \"Builtins.h\"\n\n//! ", "\\brief Class providing player related built-in commands.", "\nclass CPlayerBuiltins\n{\npublic:\n //! ", "\\brief Returns the map of operations.", "\n CBuiltins::CommandMap GetOperations() const;\n};\n" ]
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[ "import React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport { Checkbox } from '@blueprintjs/core';\n\nexport default class FilterMenu extends React.", "Component {\n handleCheckbox = (checkboxItem, event) => {\n const target = event.target;\n const value = target.type === 'checkbox' ? ", "target.checked : target.value;\n this.props.onChange(checkboxItem, value);\n };\n\n handleAllCheckbox = event => {\n const target = event.target;\n const value = target.type === 'checkbox' ? ", "target.checked : target.value;\n this.props.onChangeAll(value);\n };\n\n render() {\n const { checkboxItems, selectedItems, labelProperty } = this.props;\n\n const allSelected = checkboxItems.filter(el => !", "selectedItems.contains(el)).isEmpty();\n\n return (\n <div className=\"FilterMenu\">\n <div className=\"FilterMenu-checkboxes\">\n <Checkbox\n style={{ fontWeight: 'bold' }}\n key=\"all-checkbox\"\n checked={allSelected}\n label=\"All\"\n onChange={this.handleAllCheckbox}\n />\n {checkboxItems.map(item => {\n return (\n <Checkbox\n key={item.id}\n checked={selectedItems.contains(item)}\n label={item[labelProperty]}\n onChange={event => this.handleCheckbox(item, event)}\n style={{ marginLeft: `${item.indent * 22}px`}}\n />\n );\n })}\n </div>\n </div>\n );\n }\n}\n\nFilterMenu.propTypes = {\n checkboxItems: PropTypes.any.isRequired,\n selectedItems: PropTypes.any.isRequired,\n title: PropTypes.string,\n labelProperty: PropTypes.string,\n onChange: PropTypes.func,\n onChangeAll: PropTypes.func,\n};\n\nFilterMenu.defaultProps = {\n title: 'Filter Menu',\n labelProperty: 'title',\n onChange: (item, isChecked) => console.log(`item: ${item}, isChecked: ${isChecked}`),\n onChangeAll: isChecked => console.log(`allItems: ${isChecked}`),\n};\n" ]
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[ "Who Are the 2018 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductees?", "\n\nThe list of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees for 2018 was released last montth, revealing a lineup that includes an impressive list of rock radio favorites, as well as representatives from the worlds of gospel and soul.", "\n\nRock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductees\n\nFor 2018, the list of inductees includes the New Jersey rock band Bon Jovi, Boston-bred new wavers The Cars, soul-stirring singer and activist Nina Simone, as well as first-time inductees Dire Straits and The Moody Blues, while gospel pioneer Sister Rosetta Tharpe was selected to receive the Award for Early Influence.", "\n\n“it’s a Christmas miracle,” Bon Jovi keyboardist David Bryan told Rolling Stone. “[", "We were] guys living the dream, getting on a bus with no guarantees in any way, shape or form or anything. ", "It was ‘Let’s go out and make this happen.’ ", "And we actually did.”", "\n\nRock and Roll Hall of Fame Voting\n\nTo be eligible for nomination, an individual artist or band is required to have released its first commercial recording at least 25 years prior to receiving the honor. ", "The 2018 inductees were selected by an international voting body of more than 900 artists, historians and music industry elites.", "\n\nThe 33rd annual Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony is scheduled for April 14, 2018 at the Public Auditorium in Cleveland and will be broadcast on HBO and SiriusXM. ", "Bands often reunite with former members at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, making it one of the must-see shows for music lovers every year.", "\n\nRock and Roll Hall of Fame 2018 Induction Concert\n\nThis year’s lineup seems to present several exciting opportunities for these once-in-a-lifetime moments, considering Dire Straits hasn’t played together since their split in 1992 and the Moody Blues could reunite with original keyboardist Mike Pinder, who left the band in 1978, as well as original flautist and singer Ray Thomas, who walked away in 2002.", "\n\n\"On Friday [the day before I heard the news], I couldn't have cared less,\" Moody Blues singer Justin Hayward told Rolling Stone. \"", "On Saturday, I was thinking, 'Wow, that's amazing!' ", "I'm extremely grateful to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for two things: For creating the supreme temple to something that has brought me endless joy since I was a little boy. ", "The second thing is for, after all these years, including us.\"", "\n\nAlthough we lost Nina Simone in 2003 and Sister Rosetta Tharpe passed away in 1973, the Hall of Fame is expected to bring in modern artists inspired to perform their music. ", "Of course, nearly every induction concert ends with all of the night’s performer’s taking the stage for a star-studded jam session, so stay tuned! ", "Public ticket on sale information for the induction ceremony TBA at a later date." ]
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[ "Formation of edema and fluid shifts during a long-haul flight.", "\nMore than 1.5 billion passengers travel by aircraft every year. ", "Leg edema, as a sign of venous stasis, is a well-known problem among passengers during and after long-haul flights. ", "Until now, no studies have been done on the development of leg edema and fluid shifts under real flight conditions. ", "The aim of our study was to evaluate edema formation in the leg and to investigate possible fluid shifts to the interstitial space under real flight conditions. ", "Twenty participants, 10 without risk and 10 with moderate risk for venous thrombosis, were selected. ", "They flew from Vienna to Washington, flight time 9 h, and returned 2 days later. ", "Investigations were done 48 h before the flight, between the fifth and eighth flight hour on board to Washington and back to Vienna, immediately after arrival in Vienna, and 1 and 3 days after arrival. ", "Plethysmographic measurements were carried out using an optoelectronic scanner system (Perometer). ", "Thickness of the skin was measured at the forehead and in front of the tibia. ", "There were no differences in all measurements between both groups. ", "The volume of the leg increased from 8242 +/- 1420 mL to 8496 +/- 1474 mL after the flight (p <.001). ", "Volume accumulation was distributed to the lower leg as well as to the thigh. ", "Skin thickness in front of the tibia increased significantly during the flight (p <.05), and remained elevated 1 day after arrival. ", "We have demonstrated that long-haul flights induce significant fluid accumulation in the lower extremity, involving the lower leg and thigh. ", "This increase in tissue thickness was maintained for some days after the flights." ]
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[ "In his first solo piano recording the pianist Sid Hille shares his\nimpressions of Finland and the peaceful moments of the long white winters in\nthe Deep North. ", "Based on devotional songs composed in the presence of the\nmystic Osho, these piano improvisations reach the heart, celebrating the joy of\nplayfulness while bearing the stillness achieved through meditation. ", "With an\nanimate sense of ease and spontaneity, he draws out these 'Zen pictures in\nmusic,' creating an atmosphere that unites thewarmth of the heart with the\ncoolness of detached awareness, the depth of expressive melody with the\nspaciousness of time. ", "The melodies are played on a Steinway Concert Grand." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs it possible to have V1 greater then Vr?", "\n\nAccording to wikipedia, decision speed ($V_1$) is computed taking into account the runway length (and other parameters). ", "If an aircraft uses a long runway (one listed here), there may be enough runway available to stop an aircraft rejecting takeoff at high speed. ", "Thus $V_1$ can be higher than usual, perhaps greater than $V_r$ or $V_2$. Is the situation where $V_1$ is greater than $V_r$ possible?", "\n\nA:\n\nI think the answer is no.", "\nIf you think about V1 as primarily based on runway length, it is certainly possible for an aircraft to easily reach Vr long before reaching the \"point of no return\" as far as stopping distance is concerned.", "\nHowever, you must also consider the meaning of Vr. ", "This is when the aircraft is going to rotate. ", "After rotation and leaving the ground, the distance required to still stop on that same runway increases significantly. ", " For this reason, maximum V1 is generally considered to be Vr (see this discussion).", "\nIn large aircraft, rejecting a takeoff after leaving the ground is generally discouraged, unless the pilot feels that the plane could be uncontrollable. ", "It's much safer to continue the takeoff and fly for a normal approach. ", "However, it can happen.", "\nIn smaller aircraft, it's more reasonable for the aircraft to take off and then land safely (I'm thinking a C172 on one of the low density altitude runways you linked to).", "\n\nA:\n\nSimply no \nRotation comes always after decision :) \n\n" ]
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[ "Carolina Parent Mobile Menu\n\nSearch Carolina Parent\n\nSearch the best online parenting resource in the Carolinas!", "\n\nFamily Exhibits in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill\n\nDate: May 1, 2012\n\nLong-Running Events for May 2012Includes traveling exhibits and other extended events. ", "Special fees or admission policies apply to some exhibits and performances. ", "Please call ahead to verify information.", "\n\n20th Annual Parade of Playhomesthrough May 6The Home Builders Association of Durham, Orange and Chatham Counties’ annual fundraiser for the prevention of child abuse features three play homes built by Saussy Burbank, Builders FirstSource and the Professional Remodelers Council of the Home Builders Association. ", "Free. ", "American Tobacco Campus, downtown Durham. ", "919-493-8899. ", "paradeofplayhomes.org.", "\n\nSouthern Roots, Enduring Bonds: African American Families in North Carolinathrough July 1This exhibit highlights several African American families in North Carolina, many of whom have deep roots in North Carolina that span generations. ", "View 19th-century letters written Dr. Manassa Pope in Raleigh, Grigsby Family Reunion programs, items relating to civil rights activist Floyd McKissick and his family, and archival photographs, letters and news clippings of other African-American families from across the state. ", "Free. ", "Wilson Special Collections Library, fourth floor, UNC-CH campus, Chapel Hill. ", "919-962-3765. ", "library.unc.edu.", "\n\nAt the Speed of a Girl — Celebrating 100 Years of Girl Scoutingthrough July 29This exhibit features the history of the Girl Scouts of America organization, founded in 1912 by Juliette Gordon Low. ", "Free. ", "North Carolina Museum of History, 5 E. Edenton St., Raleigh. ", "919-807-7900. ", "ncmuseumofhistory.org.", "\n\nEl Anatsui: When I Last Wrote to You About Africathrough July 29This exhibit features more than 60 works by internationally celebrated artist El Anatsui, including driftwood pieces created in Denmark, metal sculptures constructed from thousands of Nigerian bottle tops, chainsaw-carved woodwork and more. ", "Many works have never been seen outside of Africa. ", "$. ", "North Carolina Museum of Art, 2110 Blue Ridge Rd., ", "Raleigh. ", "919-839-6262. ", "ncartmuseum.org.", "\n\nThe [R]evolution of Mediathrough summer 2012This exhibit explores the history of newspaper, radio and television in Raleigh. ", "Free. ", "Raleigh City Museum, Historic Briggs Building, 220 Fayetteville St., Raleigh. ", "919-832-3775. ", "raleighcitymuseum.org.", "\n\nOur State Dog: North Carolina’s Plott Houndthrough Sept. 30This traveling exhibit from Western Carolina University explores the history and evolution of the Plott hound, a legendary hunting dog and the only dog breed known to have originated in North Carolina. ", "Free. ", "North Carolina Museum of History, 5 E. Edenton St., Raleigh. ", "919-807-7900. ", "ncmuseumofhistory.org." ]
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[ "\"The maddening thing about this is that Trump’s plan does have some good new ideas, but for some reason they weren’t featured prominently enough in his speech or in the official campaign release.\"", "\n\nAnd now, after a year's worth of skilled marketing that successfully separated him from that losing GOP national brand, Trump has waltzed right back into an electoral/ideological trap by delivering a speech and a plan that mostly looks like it could have been authored by Mitt Romney, John McCain and George W. Bush. ", "By leading and dominating his speech and plan with calls for tax and regulatory cuts, Trump sounded like every Republican candidate for president since 1980. ", "Make no mistake, more tax and regulatory cuts are exactly what this country needs. ", "But you have to be very politically tone deaf not to notice that promoting those policies haven't really helped any Republican win the White House since 1988.", "\n\nThe maddening thing about this is that Trump's plan does have some good new ideas, but for some reason they weren't featured prominently enough in his speech or in the official campaign release. ", "Chief among those good new ideas is Trump's call to end the carried interest tax loophole. ", "That's the rule that allows Wall Street investment-fund partners to treat their income as capital gains and pay the much lower tax rates on them. ", "Some Republicans have favored eliminating this loophole before, but the news media has either not been aware of them or deliberately ignored them.", "\n\nSo, imagine the impact on that media and the voters if Trump had used the unprecedented media attention on his Detroit speech and began that address with a longer version of the anti-Wall Street tirades he's delivered on the campaign trail from time to time. ", "Imagine if, during that tirade, he then explained his call to eliminate the carried interest break well before he talked about any tax breaks for anyone. ", "That would have been the right way to go for a man who, before Monday, had successfully cast himself as the first anti-Wall Street/big business Republican presidential candidate since Teddy Roosevelt. ", "As we say in the news business: \"He buried the lead!\" ", "Trump did talk about how international trade deals have hurt blue collar workers, but he failed to couple that with the even more persuasive flip-side discussion about how they've greatly benefited Wall Street investors. ", "His speech should have been dominated by those kinds of comparisons. ", "Instead, he threw most of it away on the usual GOP mantra of lower and simplified tax rates and brackets.", "\n\nAnd there were other missed opportunities. ", "By delivering this speech in Detroit, Trump could have recast himself as a Jack Kemp-style Republican who understands that income and corporate tax breaks are not how you start a conversation with poor minority voters stuck in Democratic Party-dominated urban regions where the only constant is neglect. ", "Yes, Trump did talk very briefly about how the Democratic Party has presided over Detroit's devastation, but he never adequately explained how his tax-cutting plan would help.", "\n\nTrump could have used his identity as the consummate New Yorker to talk about how Kemp's regulation and tax–relaxed \"enterprise zones\" helped turn around areas like Harlem. ", "Instead, there was no mention of enterprise zones at all. ", "And Trump failed to include any personal stories at all in his speech and those kinds of narratives are crucial if you want to find some way to make cold economic data and plans resonate with the voters. ", "He did talk briefly about how, as a New Yorker, he saw then-Senator Hillary Clinton's failed economic promises in the state. ", "But that was too little and too late.", "\n\nYou have to ask what the point was of Trump using the national stage in Detroit to deliver an address that seemed to really be directed at traditional Republicans only. ", "Yes, Trump probably wants to bring more of them back into the fold in the wake of so many GOP defections to Hillary Clinton lately. ", "But even if Trump could get them all back, it still wouldn't be enough. ", "His best chance to win has always been the risky-but-necessary creation of a new base of voters. ", "And that's even though that strategy has predictably lost him the support of some GOP base voters and Republican elected leaders.", "\n\nAlmost every news media pundit is bashing the details of Trump's plan based on their same old left-leaning economic theories and dogma about tax cuts. ", "Like every liberal critic since 1980, they're insisting Trump's plan will blow up the debt, the same debt they don't ever seem to care about when it's being blown up by out-of-control spending.", "\n\nAt the same time, they're giving Trump a bit of begrudging praise for remaining reserved during the address, enduring the multiple heckling incidents, and sticking to the teleprompter. ", "In other words, Trump is getting bashed for presenting a plan that sounds like it came from Mitt Romney while being praised for acting a little more like Mitt Romney. ", "Big deal. ", "It's inexcusable for the Trump campaign and Trump himself not to recognize that the key to his success has been that he doesn't look, sound, or act like any major presidential candidate of the past. ", "What Trump did in Detroit was not what he's been doing to win so far, and it's not the way to win now.", "\n\nThe news media doesn't know this and never will, but that speech was much more lethal to the Trump campaign than any of his controversial comments over the past year.", "\n\n\n\nCommentary by Jake Novak, supervising producer of \"Power Lunch.\" ", "Follow him on Twitter @jakejakeny.", "\n\n\n\nFor more insight from CNBC contributors, follow @CNBCopinion on Twitter.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "BRASÍLIA - O imposto sindical vai deixar de existir em novembro, com a entrada em vigor da reforma trabalhista, mas a contribuição que os trabalhadores dão aos sindicatos pode aumentar com a mudança. ", "Agora, em vez de ter um dia de trabalho descontado todo ano (o correspondente a 4,5% de um salário), a contribuição será decidida em assembleia, sem um teto estabelecido. ", "Duas das maiores centrais do País, União Geral dos Trabalhadores (UGT) e Força Sindical, defendem que de 6% a 13% de um salário mensal sejam destinados anualmente ao financiamento das entidades.", "\n\nCriada para financiar a estrutura sindical, a nova “contribuição por negociação coletiva” é apoiada pela Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT), UGT e Força. ", "Juntas, elas representam 51,8% dos trabalhadores sindicalizados. ", "O valor defendido pela Força e UGT, porém, faria com que os empregados pagassem mais que um dia de trabalho aos sindicatos. ", "O presidente da UGT, Ricardo Patah, defende 6% de um salário. “", "É um valor equilibrado que poderia ser dividido em 12 vezes.”", "\n\nO secretário-geral da Força, João Carlos Gonçalves, cita valor que poderia oscilar de 8% a 13%. ", "Maior entidade do País, a CUT não divulga valor de referência e não participa do debate por considerar o governo Temer ilegítimo, mas historicamente manteve posição favorável à criação da contribuição. ", "A Central dos Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras do Brasil (CTB) não emitiu posição oficial.", "\n\n+ CELSO MING: REBARBAS DA REFORMA TRABALHISTA\n\nO presidente Michel Temer informou às centrais que o substituto do imposto sindical será regulamentado por Medida Provisória. ", "O texto, porém, não deve trazer um porcentual a ser cobrado dos trabalhadores. ", "Por isso, sindicalistas debatem qual valor é necessário para manter o funcionamento da estrutura sindical.", "\n\nO modelo em debate prevê aprovação anual, pelos trabalhadores, do valor a ser pago na mesma ocasião em que empregados e patrões negociam reajuste anual de salário. ", "A contribuição será paga por todos os empregados beneficiados pela negociação coletiva – inclusive os não sindicalizados. ", "Isso, na prática, torna a contribuição negocial obrigatória aos que tiverem reajuste anual de salário conforme o acertado na negociação coletiva liderada pelo sindicato. ", "O funcionamento dessas assembleias está em discussão. ", "Por enquanto, prevalece proposta de que o quórum mínimo dessas reuniões poderá ser de apenas 10% dos trabalhadores representados.", "\n\nCongresso. ", "Essa nova contribuição tem sido negociada dentro do esforço do Palácio do Planalto em obter apoio dos parlamentares para evitar resistência do Congresso à MP que também ajustará pontos da reforma trabalhista – como o trabalho insalubre de grávidas e contratos intermitentes. ", "Duas centrais – a Força e UGT – têm demonstrado mais simpatia ao modelo costurado com Temer e já se movimentam para tentar convencer deputados. ", "O esforço é importante depois que o presidente da Câmara, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), chegou a dizer que não aprovaria uma MP para mudar a reforma aprovada pela Casa.", "\n\nQuestionado sobre o aumento do valor a ser pago pelos trabalhadores, o secretário-geral da Força disse que “não é possível comparar” com o modelo atual porque a existência de negociação permitirá, em tese, que nem haja contribuição. ", "Patah lembra ainda que, além do imposto sindical, trabalhadores sindicalizados também pagam contribuição assistencial e há casos de pagamento confederativo. “", "Hoje, em algumas situações o total pode chegar a 20% de um salário”, diz. “", "As três serão substituídas por uma. ", "Com certeza, o valor vai cair.”", "\n\n+ TEMER NÃO VÊ PROBLEMA COM CONTRIBUIÇÃO SINDICAL VOLUNTÁRIA\n\nAs contribuições assistencial e confederativa, no entanto, são pagas exclusivamente por sindicalizados – parcela minoritária do mercado. ", "Segundo o IBGE, apenas 19,5% dos trabalhadores são ligados oficialmente a um sindicato. ", "Portanto, a maioria dos empregados – 80,5% da força de trabalho – paga apenas o imposto sindical.", "\n\nEm 2016, o imposto sindical arrecadou R$ 3,53 bilhões. ", "Confirmado o novo porcentual citado por UGT e Força, o valor poderia saltar para R$ 10,2 bilhões com desconto de 13%." ]
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[ "//===--- glibc.modulemap.gyb ----------------------------------------------===//\n//\n// This source file is part of the Swift.org open source project\n//\n// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors\n// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception\n//\n// See https://swift.org/LICENSE.txt for license information\n// See https://swift.org/CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of Swift project authors\n//\n//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//\n\n/// This is a semi-complete modulemap that maps glibc's headers in a roughly\n/// similar way to the Darwin SDK modulemap. ", "We do not take care to list every\n/// single header which may be included by a particular submodule, so there can\n/// still be issues if imported into the same context as one in which someone\n/// included those headers directly.", "\n///\n/// It's not named just Glibc so that it doesn't conflict in the event of a\n/// future official glibc modulemap.", "\nmodule SwiftGlibc [system] {\n% if CMAKE_SDK in [\"LINUX\", \"FREEBSD\", \"CYGWIN\"]:\n link \"pthread\"\n // FIXME: util contains rarely used functions and not usually needed. ", "Unfortunately\n // link directive doesn't work in the submodule yet.", "\n link \"util\"\n% end\n\n% if CMAKE_SDK !", "= \"FREEBSD\":\n link \"dl\"\n% end\n\n // C standard library\n module C {\n% if CMAKE_SDK in [\"LINUX\", \"FREEBSD\", \"CYGWIN\"]:\n module complex {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/complex.h\"\n export *\n }\n% end\n% if CMAKE_SDK in [\"LINUX\", \"CYGWIN\"]:\n module pty {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/pty.h\"\n export *\n }\n module utmp {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/utmp.h\"\n export *\n }\n% end\n% if CMAKE_SDK == \"FREEBSD\":\n module pty {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/libutil.h\"\n export *\n }\n module utmp {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/utmpx.h\"\n export *\n }\n% end\n\n% if CMAKE_SDK in [\"LINUX\", \"ANDROID\", \"CYGWIN\"]:\n module features {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/features.h\"\n export *\n }\n% end\n\n module ctype {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/ctype.h\"\n export *\n }\n module errno {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/errno.h\"\n export *\n }\n\n module fenv {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/fenv.h\"\n export *\n }\n\n // note: supplied by compiler\n // module float {\n // header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/float.h\"\n // export *\n // }\n\n module inttypes {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/inttypes.h\"\n export *\n }\n\n // note: potentially supplied by compiler\n // module iso646 {\n // header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/iso646.h\"\n // export *\n // }\n // module limits {\n // header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/limits.h\"\n // export *\n // }\n\n module locale {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/locale.h\"\n export *\n }\n module math {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/math.h\"\n export *\n }\n module setjmp {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/setjmp.h\"\n export *\n }\n module signal {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/signal.h\"\n export *\n }\n\n // note: supplied by the compiler\n // module stdarg {\n // header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/stdarg.h\"\n // export *\n // }\n // module stdbool {\n // header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/stdbool.h\"\n // export *\n // }\n // module stddef {\n // header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/stddef.h\"\n // export *\n // }\n // module stdint {\n // header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/stdint.h\"\n // export *\n // }\n\n module stdio {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/stdio.h\"\n export *\n }\n module stdlib {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/stdlib.h\"\n export *\n export stddef\n }\n module string {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/string.h\"\n export *\n }\n\n // note: supplied by the compiler\n // explicit module tgmath {\n // header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/tgmath.h\"\n // export *\n // }\n\n module time {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/time.h\"\n export *\n }\n }\n\n // POSIX\n module POSIX {\n% if CMAKE_SDK in [\"LINUX\", \"CYGWIN\"]:\n module wait {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/wait.h\"\n export *\n }\n% end\n\n% if CMAKE_SDK in [\"LINUX\", \"FREEBSD\"]:\n module aio {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/aio.h\"\n export *\n }\n module cpio {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/cpio.h\"\n export *\n }\n module fmtmsg {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/fmtmsg.h\"\n export *\n }\n module nl_types {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/nl_types.h\"\n export *\n }\n module ulimit {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/ulimit.h\"\n export *\n }\n% end\n\n% if CMAKE_SDK in [\"LINUX\", \"FREEBSD\", \"CYGWIN\"]:\n module ftw {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/ftw.h\"\n export *\n }\n module glob {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/glob.h\"\n export *\n }\n module iconv {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/iconv.h\"\n export *\n }\n module langinfo {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/langinfo.h\"\n export *\n }\n module monetary {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/monetary.h\"\n export *\n }\n module netdb {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/netdb.h\"\n export *\n }\n module ifaddrs {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/ifaddrs.h\"\n export *\n }\n module search {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/search.h\"\n export *\n }\n module spawn {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/spawn.h\"\n export *\n }\n module syslog {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/syslog.h\"\n export *\n }\n module tar {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/tar.h\"\n export *\n }\n module utmpx {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/utmpx.h\"\n export *\n }\n module wordexp {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/wordexp.h\"\n export *\n }\n% end\n\n module arpa {\n module inet {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/arpa/inet.h\"\n export *\n }\n export *\n }\n module dirent {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/dirent.h\"\n export *\n }\n module dlfcn {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/dlfcn.h\"\n export *\n }\n module fcntl {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/fcntl.h\"\n export *\n }\n module fnmatch {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/fnmatch.h\"\n export *\n }\n module grp {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/grp.h\"\n export *\n }\n module ioctl {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/ioctl.h\"\n export *\n }\n module libgen {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/libgen.h\"\n export *\n }\n module net {\n module if {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/net/if.h\"\n export *\n }\n }\n module netinet {\n module in {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/netinet/in.h\"\n export *\n\n exclude header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/netinet6/in6.h\"\n }\n module tcp {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/netinet/tcp.h\"\n export *\n }\n }\n module poll {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/poll.h\"\n export *\n }\n module pthread {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/pthread.h\"\n export *\n }\n module pwd {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/pwd.h\"\n export *\n }\n module regex {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/regex.h\"\n export *\n }\n module sched {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/sched.h\"\n export *\n }\n module semaphore {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/semaphore.h\"\n export *\n }\n module strings {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/strings.h\"\n export *\n }\n\n module sys {\n export *\n\n% if CMAKE_SDK in [\"LINUX\", \"FREEBSD\", \"CYGWIN\"]:\n module file {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/file.h\"\n export *\n }\n module sem {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/sem.h\"\n export *\n }\n module shm {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/shm.h\"\n export *\n }\n module statvfs {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/statvfs.h\"\n export *\n }\n% end\n\n module ipc {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/ipc.h\"\n export *\n }\n module mman {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/mman.h\"\n export *\n }\n module msg {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/msg.h\"\n export *\n }\n module resource {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/resource.h\"\n export *\n }\n module select {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/select.h\"\n export *\n }\n% if CMAKE_SDK !", "= \"FREEBSD\":\n module sendfile {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/sendfile.h\"\n export *\n }\n% end\n module socket {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/socket.h\"\n export *\n }\n module stat {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/stat.h\"\n export *\n }\n module time {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/time.h\"\n export *\n }\n module times {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/times.h\"\n export *\n }\n module types {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/types.h\"\n export *\n }\n% if CMAKE_SDK in [\"FREEBSD\"]:\n module event {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/event.h\"\n export *\n }\n% end\n module uio {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/uio.h\"\n export *\n }\n module un {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/un.h\"\n export *\n }\n% if CMAKE_SDK in [\"LINUX\"]:\n module user {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/user.h\"\n export *\n }\n% end\n module utsname {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/utsname.h\"\n export *\n }\n module wait {\n header \"${GLIBC_ARCH_INCLUDE_PATH}/sys/wait.h\"\n export *\n }\n }\n module termios {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/termios.h\"\n export *\n }\n module unistd {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/unistd.h\"\n export *\n }\n module utime {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/utime.h\"\n export *\n }\n }\n}\n\nmodule CUUID [system] {\n header \"${GLIBC_INCLUDE_PATH}/uuid/uuid.h\"\n link \"uuid\"\n export *\n}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAvoid Custom Terminals Hiding (Suppressing) Derived Ones\n\nI started playing around with xtext a few days ago and just went through the tutorials. ", "Maybe the solution has been covered in the reference somewhere but I cannot get it right quickly.", "\nMy problem is this. ", "I tried to write a simple grammar which mixed in org.eclipse.xtext.common.", "Terminals . ", "Then I wanted to insert a cusotm terminal FILE_NAME like this:\nterminal FILE_NAME:\n( !('/' ", "| '\\\\' | ':' | '*' | '?' ", "| '\"' | '<' | '>' | '|') )+\n;\n\nThat's basically what a filename is allowed to be under Windows. ", "However, by doing that, inherited rules like ID, INT, etc. ", "would never be matched, because they are always generated after custom terminals.", "\nCan that kind of problem be avoided gracefully (as repeatless as possible and as general as possible)? ", "Thanks in advance!", "\n\nA:\n\nTerminal rules (aka lexer rules) are used to tokenize the input sequenze. ", "IMHO there should be a minimum of semantics in terminal rules. ", "\nYou try to express a specialized parser rule which accepts only valid file names. ", "\nHave a look at parser phases described in the Xtext Documentation [1]. ", "My suggestion:\n\nLexing: Instead of using a specialized terminal rule go with STRING.", "\nValidation: Write a validation rule for an EClass with a 'fileName' EAttribute.", "\n\nas repeatless as possible and as general as possible\n\nYou don't want to repeat your validation for every EClass with a 'fileName' EAttribute. ", "Introduce a new super type with a 'fileName' EAttribute if you have a refined Ecore model. ", "\nThan you can implement one general validation rule #check_fileName_is_valid(ElementWithFile).", "\nAnd if you don't have a refined MM use meta model hints within your grammar. ", "If you provide a generalized super type Xtext's Ecore inferrer will pull up common features of the subtypes. ", "Ex:\nElementWithFile: A | B;\nA: ... 'file' fileName=STRING ...;\nB: ... 'file' fileName=STRING ...;\n// => Ecore: ElementWithFile.fileName<EString>\n\n[1] http://www.eclipse.org/Xtext/documentation.html#DSL\n\n" ]
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[ "Getty Images\n\nRelated How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy The Atlantic\n\nWomen who are infected with the common cat parasite Toxoplasma gondii may be more vulnerable to suicide, a new study finds, adding to the evidence that T. gondii or Toxo, as the bug is known, may cause subtle changes in the human brain that lead to personality changes and even mental illness.", "\n\nThe parasite is excreted in cat feces — which is why pregnant women are advised not to change the litter box — but it also spreads through undercooked meat and unwashed vegetables. ", "Pregnant women who become infected with T. gondii can pass it onto their fetus, possibly causing brain damage or stillbirth. ", "Now the new study finds that expectant mothers who have the infection, called toxoplasmosis, may themselves be at higher risk of suicide.", "\n\nThe finding comes from a study of 45,788 Danish women who gave birth between May 15, 1992, and January 15, 1995. ", "University of Maryland School of Medicine researchers tested the women’s babies for T. gondii antibodies, which the infants could only have acquired from their mothers, and compared infection rates to the women’s suicide rates logged in the Danish health registry. ", "The team also cross-checked the mental health registry to find out if any of the women had been previously diagnosed with mental illness.", "\n\n(MORE: Crazy Cat Love: Caused By Parasitic Infection?)", "\n\nThey found that women who were infected with T. gondii were one-and-a-half times more likely to attempt suicide than uninfected women. ", "The higher the levels of T. gondii antibodies found, the higher the suicide risk. ", "They were also more likely to try to commit suicide violently, with a gun, sharp object or by jumping. ", "When the researchers took into account women’s previous mental illness, they found that those who had toxoplasmosis were more likely to attempt suicide than those who had been mentally ill.", "\n\n“We can’t say with certainty that T. gondii caused the women to try to kill themselves, but we did find a predictive association between the infection and suicide attempts later in life that warrants additional studies,” lead study author Dr. Teodor T. Postolache, an associate professor of psychiatry and director of the Mood and Anxiety Program at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, said in a statement.", "\n\nThe findings fall in line with previous studies on T. gondii infection in humans. (", "In animals also, the parasite has been shown to subvert brain chemistry and manipulate behavior, sometimes dangerously.) ", "A Czech scientist, Jaroslav Flegr, has studied T. gondii‘s effect on human personality and mental illness for decades, as detailed in a lengthy article in The Atlantic in March. ", "The bug resides in about one-third of the world’s population (in the U.S., 10% to 20% are infected), but it usually doesn’t cause any noticeable effects — healthy people fight off the flu-like symptoms of an initial infection, after which the parasite lies dormant in the brain. “[", "O]r at least that’s the standard medical wisdom,” wrote Kathleen McAuliffe in The Atlantic:\n\nIf Flegr is right, the “latent” parasite may be quietly tweaking the connections between our neurons, changing our response to frightening situations, our trust in others, how outgoing we are, and even our preference for certain scents. ", "And that’s not all. ", "He also believes that the organism contributes to car crashes, suicides, and mental disorders such as schizophrenia. ", "When you add up all the different ways it can harm us, says Flegr, “Toxoplasma might even kill as many people as malaria, or at least a million people a year.”", "\n\n(MORE: The Science of Women and Cats: The Bond Is Real)\n\nStill, Flegr acknowledged that the effects of the parasite on personality were “very subtle” and that the “vast majority” of people wouldn’t even know they were infected. ", "As for whether T. gondii infection could be used to predict self-harm or the odds of a car crash, Stanford neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky told McAuliffe: “[I]’m not too worried, in that the effects on humans are not gigantic. ", "If you want to reduce serious car accidents, and you had to choose between curing people of Toxo infections versus getting people not to drive drunk or while texting, go for the latter in terms of impact.”", "\n\nIn the new study, researchers couldn’t establish that T. gondii infection caused increased risk of suicide, only that it was associated. ", "And they’re not sure exactly why the link exists. “", "Is the suicide attempt a direct effect of the parasite on the function of the brain or an exaggerated immune response induced by the parasite affecting the brain? ", "We do not know. ", "In fact, we have not excluded reverse causality as there might be risk factors for suicidal behavior that also make people more susceptible to infection with T. gondii,” said Postolache in the statement.", "\n\nThe authors call for further studies focusing on the biological mechanisms of the parasite and how it may affect people’s suicide risk and other personality factors. ", "If the findings hold up, perhaps T. gondii infection could be used to help prevent some of the 10 million suicide attempts that occur each year. “", "If we can identify a causal relationship, we may be able to predict those at increased risk for attempting suicide and find ways to intervene and offer treatment,” Postolache said.", "\n\nIn the meantime, people should cook their meat through, wash their vegetables and give their kitchen knives a good scrubbing to avoid spreading or contracting the parasite.", "\n\nThe study was published online in the Archives of General Psychiatry.", "\n\nMORE: Doctor Infects Himself with Hookworm for Health Experiment" ]
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[ "1. ", "Technical Field\nThe present invention relates to a DLL (Delay Locked Loop) circuit and a method of controlling the sane. ", "More particularly, the present invention relates to an analog DLL circuit that controls a control voltage at an initial operation so as to prevent an erroneous operation from occurring, and to a method of controlling a DLL circuit.", "\n2. ", "Related Art\nIn general, a DLL circuit is used to generate an internal clock having a phase earlier than a phase of a reference clock that is obtained through conversion of an external clock. ", "In a semiconductor integrated circuit having relatively high integration, such as a synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) or the like, the internal clock that is synchronous with data needs to be in phase with the external clock.", "\nSpecifically, the external clock is input to a clock input buffer through an input pin of the semiconductor integrated circuit. ", "The clock input buffer outputs the internal clock. ", "Thereafter, the internal clock controls a data output buffer for data output. ", "At this time, due to the clock input buffer, the internal clock has a phase delayed more than a phase of the external clock. ", "Further, the internal clock is further delayed by delay elements in the semiconductor integrated circuit and then transmitted to the data output buffer.", "\nAccordingly, the output data may be output after a large amount of time has elapsed as compared with the external clock, that is, a data output time after the external clock is applied, which means an output data access time may be extended.", "\nThe DLL circuit is used in order to solve this problem. ", "The DLL circuit sets the phase of the internal clock to be earlier by a predetermined time than the external clock. ", "Accordingly, the output data is output without delay with respect to the external clock. ", "That is, the DLL circuit receives the external clock and generates the internal clock having a phase earlier than the external clock.", "\nThe DLL circuit includes a clock input buffer that converts the amplitude of the external clock so as to generate the reference clock. ", "The reference clock is used for comparison with the phase of a feedback clock in a phase comparator. ", "Further, the reference clock is used as an input signal of a delay line that generates the internal clock under the control of a shift register.", "\nAn analog DLL circuit divides the phase of the reference clock so as to generate a plurality of divided clocks, selects one clock among the plurality of divided clocks according to the phase comparison result of the reference clock and the feedback clock, and inputs the selected clock to the delay line. ", "Further, the analog DLL circuit compares the phase of the reference clock with the phase of the feedback clock, generates the control voltage according to the comparison result, and supplies the control voltage to the delay line. ", "Then, the phase of a delay clock to be generated by the delay line is controlled according to the level of the control voltage. ", "For example, if the level of the control voltage exceeds a reference level, the delay line performs an operation to delay the phase of the input clock. ", "Meanwhile, if the level of the control voltage is less than the reference level, the delay line performs an operation to advance the phase of the input clock.", "\nHereinafter, the DLL circuit according to the related art will be described with reference to the accompanying drawings.", "\nFIGS. ", "1A and 1B are timing diagrams illustrating the operation of the DLL circuit according to the related art.", "\nIn FIGS. ", "1A and 1B, the reference clock clk_ref and the feedback clock clk_fb in the related art are shown.", "\nAs shown in FIG. ", "1A, when the phase of the feedback clock clk_fb precedes the phase of the reference clock clk_ref, the phase of the feedback clock clk_fb needs to be delayed and then synchronized with the phase of the reference clock clk_ref. ", "In this case, the delay amount of a delay line needs to be increased. ", "Accordingly, an operation to increase the level of the control voltage needs to be performed.", "\nAs shown in FIG. ", "1B, when the phase of the reference clock clk_ref precedes the phase of the feedback clock clk_fb, the phase of the feedback clock clk_fb needs to be advanced and then synchronized with the phase of the reference clock clk_ref. ", "In this case, the delay amount of the delay line needs to be reduced. ", "Accordingly, an operation to lower the level of the control voltage needs to be performed.", "\nDuring the initial operation of the DLL circuit according to the related art, the phase of the reference clock clk_ref and the phase of the feedback clock clk_fb may be the same as each other. ", "In this case, the control voltage to be generated by the delay control unit has a level of the ground voltage. ", "At this time, if a DLL power supply voltage falls, the feedback clock clk_fb is delayed to establish the phase relationship shown in FIG. ", "1B. As shown in FIG. ", "1B, when the phase of the feedback clock clk_fb needs to be advanced, the level of the control voltage needs to be lowered. ", "However, since the potential of the control voltage is the same as that of the ground voltage, the corresponding operation is not performed. ", "In this case, the DLL circuit does not operate normally. ", "As such, during the initial operation of the DLL circuit according to the related art, an erroneous operation may occur due to the level of the control voltage and the phase of the clock." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0.01652892561983471, 0.008658008658008658, 0, 0.005235602094240838, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0.008620689655172414, 0, 0.007518796992481203, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0, 0.0032679738562091504, 0.004347826086956522, 0, 0, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0.1, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0, 0.005154639175257732, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0.047619047619047616, 0, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0.0053475935828877 ]
[ "A Schottky barrier diode (also known as a surface-barrier diode and as a metal-semiconductor diode) comprises a semiconductor substrate (such as silicon or gallium arsenide) which has a metal contact (such as gold, platinum, palladium or silver) formed on a localized area of one substrate face. ", "The diode formation has been previously achieved by evaporation techniques or by ion implantation through the surface of the semiconductor. ", "An electrostatic barrier characteristically exists at the metal-semiconductor interface which causes the interface to have rectifying properties.", "\nIn the case of an n-type semiconductor, for example, when a forward bias (that is, a positive voltage V.sub.", "F) is applied across the interface, current flows freely and majority carriers are injected into the metal side of the interface (or junction) where they remain majority carriers at some energy greater than the Fermi energy of the metal. ", "When a reverse voltage V.sub.", "R is applied across the same interface, the current flow is blocked. ", "Switching from the V.sub.", "F \"on\" state to the V.sub.", "R \"off\" state can occur in an extremely short time (in the order of picoseconds). ", "No stored minority-carrier charge exits. ", "The reverse dc current-voltage characteristics of such a diode are very similar to those of conventional pn junction diodes.", "\nFor present definitional purposes, FIG. ", "1 includes an energy band diagram for a Schottky barrier junction 10 under a thermal equilibrium bias state. ", "Electrons flow from the semiconductor 11 into the metal of the contact 12 until the energy of the electrons in the contact 12 and the semiconductor 11 are equal. ", "Thus, the Fermi levels of the metal and semiconductor E.sub.", "F.sup.m and E.sub.", "F.sup.", "S, respectively, are equal and the resulting level is shown in FIG. ", "1 as E.sub.", "F. The electrons which flow out of the semiconductor 11 leave behind immobile, positively charged dopant ions within the (n-type) semiconductor 11 that create an electric field within the semiconductor 11. ", "E.sub.", "C and E.sub.", "V are the conduction and the valence band edges, respectively, E.sub.g is the band gap, and 14 is the valence band in metal contact 12. ", "The bending of the energy bands at the interface 13 between metal contact 12 and semiconductor 11 occurs in such a manner as to retard the flow of majority carriers into the metal contact 12. ", "The work function of the metal contact 12 is indicated by .phi..sub.m. ", "The electron affinity X.sub.s of the semiconductor 11 is also indicated.", "\nThe Schottky energy barrier height .phi..sub.", "Bn that is present at the interface 13 is thus defined as the energy difference between the Fermi level in the metal contact 12 and the conduction band E.sub.c minimum in the semiconductor 11 at the interface 13. ", "It has previously been found that .phi..sub.", "Bn is essentially independent of the semiconductor doping level.", "\nSchottky described the relationship between the barrier height .phi..sub.", "Bn, the work function .phi..sub.m of the contact metal 12 and the electron affinity X.sub.s of the semiconductor 11 by the relationship: EQU .phi..sub.", "Bn =.phi..sub.m -X.sub.s ( 1)\nwhich is the so-called \"Schottky model\". ", "This model predicts that the Schottky barrier height .phi..sub.", "Bn is proportional to the work function .phi..sub.m of the contact metal 12 so that, by choosing different metals, contact behavior can be varied so as to range from ohmic to rectifying characteristics.", "\nUnfortunately, this model does not hold for metal contacts on gallium arsenide (GaAs)-type substrates. ", "For most metal/GaAs interfaces, .phi..sub.", "Bn is independent of the metal; that is, Fermi level pinning is observed. ", "Also, most metals are not in thermodynamic equilibrium with GaAs. ", "An elemental metal is not useful as a contact for a GaAs substrate if long-term stability is to be maintained.", "\nFor quantification purposes, three methods are known for measuring the barrier height .phi..sub.", "Bn of a metal-semiconductor contact: (1) the current voltage method (I-V), (2) the capacitance-voltage method (C-V), and (3) the internal photoemission methods. ", "The respective values of .phi..sub.", "Bn obtained using each measuring method often do not agree with one another.", "\nIn the I-V method, the thermionic-emission mechanism is assumed. ", "The relationship between the current density J and the applied forward voltage V is given by the equation: EQU J=A**T.sup.2 exp[-q(.phi..sub.", "Bn -.DELTA..phi..sub.", "Bn)/.kappa.", "T][exp(qV/n.kappa.", "T)-1] (1.1)\nin which A** is the effective Richardson constant (8.64 A/cm.sup.2 -K.sup.2 for n-GaAs), .kappa. ", "is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature, .phi..sub.", "Bn is the Schottky barrier lowering [x=(qE/4.pi..epsilon..sub.s).sup.1/2 ], where E is the maximum electric field at the metal-semiconductor interface and .epsilon..sub.s is the permittivity of the semiconductor) and n is the ideality factor, which is an indication of the deviation of the contact from ideal thermionic-emission behavior. ", "The ideality factor, n, has to be close to 1 to assure the applicability of the above equation.", "\nIf V&gt;3.kappa.", "T/q, Eq. (", "1.1) can be simplified as follows: ##EQU1## In a plot of in J vs. V, the slope yields the ideality factor n via the relation EQU n=q/.kappa.", "T*[.sup..differential. ", "V.sup..differential. (", "1n J)](1.3)\nand the intercept on the 1n J axis yields the saturation current J.sub.s which may be used to determine .phi..sub.", "Bn : EQU .phi..sub.", "Bn =.kappa.", "T/q[1n(A**T.sup.2 /J.sub.s)]+.DELTA..phi..sub.", "Bn( 1.4)\nThe .phi..sub.", "Bn and n values are not sensitive to errors in A** because A** is inside the logarithmic term.", "\nIn the C-V method, use is made of the fact that when a small alternating current (dc) voltage is superimposed upon a direct current (dc) bias, charges of one sign are induced on the metal surface and charges of the opposite sign are induced in the semiconductor. ", "Based on the depletion theory, the relationship between the capacitance at the metal-semiconductor interface and the Schottky barrier height can be derived as: EQU 1/C.sup.2 =2(.phi..sub.", "Bn -V-.kappa.", "T/q)/q.epsilon..sub.s N.sub.", "D( 1.5)\nwhere N.sub.", "D is dopant concentration in the semiconductor, s is the permittivity of the semiconductor, C is the depletion-layer capacitance and V is the applied reverse voltage. ", "By plotting 1/C.sup.2 vs. V, the dopant concentration N.sub.", "D may be obtained from the slope of the straight line and the barrier height .phi..sub.", "Bn may be calculated as the follows: EQU .phi..sub.", "Bn =V.sub.i +V.sub.n +.kappa.", "T/q (1.6)\nwhere V.sub.n is the depth of the Fermi level below the conduction band and Vi is the intercept of the voltage axis. ", "This method is valid only when the dopant concentration in the semiconductor is uniform.", "\nThe existence of traps at the metal-semiconductor interface will affect the applicability of Equation (1.6). ", "It has been shown that the occupation of the traps is frequency-dependent. ", "To avoid errors caused by the traps, the test frequency must be high so that the charges of the traps cannot follow the frequency.", "\nIn the internal photoemission methods, the photoresponse measurement is an accurate and direct method of determining the barrier height .phi..sub.", "Bn. ", "When monochromatic light is incident upon a semiconductor surface, a photocurrent may be generated. ", "The photocurrent per absorbed photon, R, as a function of the photon energy, h.nu., ", "is given by the Fowler theory: ##EQU2## where h .nu..sub.o is the barrier height (q.phi..sub.", "Bn). ", "When the square root of R is plotted as a function of photon energy, a straight line should be obtained, and the extrapolated value on the energy axis should give directly the barrier height .phi..sub.", "Bn.", "\nFor present purposes, the I-V and the C-V methods are presently preferred for measuring Schottky barrier height .phi..sub.", "Bn.", "\nThere is a great need in the art relating to Schottky diodes for individual, stable Schottky diodes which utilize n-GaAs-type substrates and which have a predetermined or tunable barrier height .phi..sub.", "Bn. ", "A method for making such Schottky diodes is also needed. ", "The ability to produce a Schottky diode with a predetermined barrier height .phi..sub.", "Bn would greatly enhance the ability of the semiconductor art to utilize such diodes particularly in the field of integrated circuit devices.", "\nSimilarly, there is a great need in the art of Schottky diodes for individual Schottky diodes having a wide range of predetermined and controlled barrier heights.", "\nSo far as now known, no one has previously described or suggested either a method for making a Schottky diode with a particular desired (or predictable) barrier height .phi..sub.", "Bn or a product Schottky diode with such a definite (or predictable) barrier height that is made by such a method.", "\nThe present invention is directed to and satisfies these needs." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006622516556291391, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0070921985815602835, 0, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0.01694915254237288, 0.0029498525073746312, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.007142857142857143, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0.05, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "/*\n * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor\n * license agreements. ", "See the NOTICE file distributed with\n * this work for additional information regarding copyright\n * ownership. ", "Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under\n * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you may\n * not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,\n * software distributed under the License is distributed on an\n * \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY\n * KIND, either express or implied. ", " See the License for the\n * specific language governing permissions and limitations\n * under the License.", "\n */\n\n/**\n * Indices Mapping Administrative Actions.", "\n */\npackage org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.mapping;" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.011764705882352941, 0.009009009009009009, 0.01818181818181818, 0.009433962264150943, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0 ]
[ "Cooking with JoJo: Wake up the taste buds with this espresso rub\n\nJoey Morasse\n•\nMay 15, 2018 at 8:28 PM\n\nSummer is here, and with the arrival of warmer temperatures, whether you’re lakeside or poolside, the best meals are made on the grill. ", "I am always searching for ways to change things up from the norm.", "\n\nA grilled steak or chicken with a simple spice blend is great, but I wanted something with more depth, and the following recipe is an amazing blend of two of my favorite ingredients, ancho chile and espresso.", "\n\nPrepared the night before, place this dry rub on your meat of choice, in this case, pork tenderloin. ", "The salt will draw out the juices of the meat and turn this rub into a delicious paste that will form an incredible crust as it grills. ", "Served alongside your favorite grilled sides such as corn on the cob or summer squash, this rub will turn your normal grilling experience into a great summer memory.", "\n\nWhat you’ll need:\n\n• ¼ cup ancho chile flakes.", "\n\n• 1/3 cup Café Bustelo Cuban espresso found in most grocery stores.", "\n\n• 3 tsp. ", "garlic powder.", "\n\n• 1 tbsp. ", "course salt.", "\n\n• 1 tbsp. ", "black pepper.", "\n\n• 1 tbsp. ", "onion powder.", "\n\n• 1 tbsp. ", "smoked paprika.", "\n\n• 2 tbsp. ", "coconut oil, melted.", "\n\nAfter mixing all the dry ingredients together, coat the meat with the melted coconut oil. ", "This not only helps the rub to stick, but it also adds a nice balance to the sweet chile and bitter espresso. ", "For best results, do this the night before.", "\n\nAn hour before grilling, take the meat out of the fridge and allow the meat to come to room temperature. ", "Placing a cold piece of meat on a hot grill will make the fibers tense up, which makes for a tough bite, and it will also cook unevenly.", "\n\nTo get a good crust, the hotter the grill, the better. ", "Sear the meat on all sides for two to three minutes to form a nice char. ", "If you’re using gas, turn the temperature down afterwards to low, and close the lid to allow slow cooking, checking every four to five minutes. ", "If you’re using charcoal, always have a spot on the grill that hot coals aren’t under for indirect cooking.", "\n\nOnce your meat is done to your liking, remove it and let it rest for up to five minutes to allow the juices to redistribute. ", "Grab a knife, pour your favorite beverage, put your toes in the water and enjoy.", "\n\nCooking since he could pull a chair up to the stove at 5 years old, Joey Morasse, of Lebanon, is the owner and operator of JoJo’s Barbecue and Catering. ", "He is also a personal chef and offers in-home cooking classes." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012903225806451613, 0 ]
[ "\"For months I have been trying to get to the bottom of the allegations about Chairman Pai's relationship with Sinclair Broadcasting,\" Pallone said.", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\n\"I am particularly concerned about reports that Chairman Pai may have coordinated with Sinclair to time a series of commission actions to benefit the company,\" he continued. \"", "I am grateful to the FCC's Inspector General that he has decided to take up this important investigation.\"", "\n\nConservative-leaning Sinclair is proposing a takeover of Tribune Media. ", "The combined local television stations would be able to reach more than two-thirds of the country’s television audience. ", "Broadcasters are currently capped at 39 percent.", "\n\nPai’s critics have noted that he has pushed through a number of deregulatory proposals that appear to clear obstacles from Sinclair’s proposed expansion.", "\n\nThey pointed to a list of actions the agency has taken under Pai's chairmanship that raised their suspicions. ", "In April of last year, the FCC voted to reinstate a recently-repealed rule that would give broadcast owners a discount to help them stay under the 39-percent ownership limit. ", "And in November, the Republican majority rolled back more ownership restrictions, including one limiting the number of stations a single company can own certain markets.", "\n\nPai's office declined to comment on the report, but the chairman has denied his deregulatory agenda was intended to benefit any one company. ", "He's also accused Democrats of singling out Sinclair for criticism because of its editorial leanings.", "\n\n“Moreover, Chairman Pai has for many years called on the FCC to update its media ownership regulations to match the realities of the modern marketplace,\" the spokesman said.", "\n\n\"The Chairman’s actions on these issues have been consistent with his long-held views,\" the statement continued. \"", "Considering the strong case for modernizing these rules, it's not surprising that those who disagree with him would prefer to do whatever they can to distract from the merits of the reforms that the FCC has adopted.”" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.013605442176870748, 0.005208333333333333, 0.009433962264150943, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0, 0.0064516129032258064, 0.008928571428571428, 0.005714285714285714, 0, 0, 0, 0.011428571428571429, 0, 0.004629629629629629 ]
[ "Chinese OEM UMi has announced their latest flagship device UMi Touch. ", "UMi Touch device is powered by a Mediatek 1.5 GHz Octa-core processor, 3GB RAM and Mali T720 GPU. ", "It has a full metal unibody, fingerprint scanner, 4,000 mAh battery, 13MP Sony IMX328 front camera, 5MP front camera and 16GB internal storage. ", "This device is now available for pre-order for just $149.99.", "\n\nEven though it is designed to be an Android device, UMi is officially supporting Windows 10 Mobile installation on this device. ", "UMi will offer Windows 10 Mobile ROM for this device which users can download and install after their purchase. ", "If there is enough demand, UMi is also planning to pre-install Windows 10 Mobile on this device.", "\n\nGallery\n\nWe posted 10 days ago on rumours of MediaTek support coming to Windows 10 Mobile, with OEMs reportedly ready to ship devices with the low cost but increasingly powerful processor.", "\n\nFuture Windows 10 Mobile handsets may be powered by MediaTek’s Octa and even Deca-core processors such as the P10 Helio and Helio X 10 or X, which offer high-end performance and global LTE support, for much less than the typical $60 of a low-end Snapdragon processor.", "\n\nRead more about that here." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0.01858736059479554, 0 ]
[ "DU extends UG admission till Tuesday as response overwhelming\n\nMore than 2 lakh candidates have applied for various Undergraduate courses in the Delhi University (DU) this admission season which has now been extended by a day considering the \"overwhelming\" response, the varsity said.", "\n\nMore than 2 lakh candidates have applied for various Undergraduate courses in the Delhi University (DU) this admission season which has now been extended by a day considering the “overwhelming” response, the varsity said. “", "We have extended the admission period till Tuesday 5 p.m. because the registration count kept increasing till the very last moment as we saw on the website. ", "Since we all know there will always be those who wait till the eleventh hour to make a move, we thought of giving them a fair chance,” Ashutosh Bhardwaj, a member of Admission Committee, told IANS. ", "Candidates diagnosed with intellectual disability and mental behaviour, now entitled to reservation up to five per cent (supernumerary) under Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, also applied this admission season. ", "The two categories have elicited 108 and 29 applications respectively. ", "A total of 52 applications have come from those suffering from chronic neurological blood disorder, who are also covered under the new act.", "\n\nCourse-wise, B.A. (Programme) has emerged as the most popular course of all till now, with 1,34,847 applications, followed by English (Honours) and B.A. (Commerce), which received 1,24,220 and 1,04975 applications. ", "Geographically, highest number of applicants have come from Delhi at 1,20,514, followed by Uttar Pradesh with 62,024 and and Haryana with 38,702. ", "A total of 33 candidates hailed from as far away as Andaman and Nicobar Islands. ", "The first cut-off is slate to be announced on June 20." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.01056338028169014, 0.008888888888888889, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0, 0, 0.004608294930875576, 0.00684931506849315, 0.024691358024691357, 0 ]
[ "Connect\n\nA few days ago I wrote about A problem with Add-Ons and Firefox 5, along with no support anymore for Firefox 4. ", "Now Firefox is really trying to commit suicide.", "\n\nFirefox was a great browser. ", "Yes, I say was, because it won’t last that much longer. ", "Not with the path they have chosen at least. ", "Focusing on the consumer market isn’t a bad thing. ", "You will get people who will use Firefox at home when their corporations don’t allow for its use internally. ", "Actively saying, “We don’t care about corporations,” though is akin to committing suicide.", "\n\nMozilla might not care about the corporate environment, but they do need to be aware of it. ", "With hosted apps, and work websites becoming more and more prevalent in the world, to survive on a consumer end, you need to be. ", "Heck, most of the web sites that people visit are done by corporations. ", "Now with the accelerated pace of releases, and no support for the prior release, web designers will need to check more and more versions of Firefox against their websites to make sure that they aren’t broken by the changes. ", "The amount of manpower and time will drive up the cost of web development. ", "Sites will shut down, or the other logical solution will happen.", "\n\nSites won’t try to be compatible with Firefox anymore. ", "They just won’t care. ", "Chrome is passing up Firefox in usage, and Internet Explorer still has the majority of market share. ", "Google just needs to support prior versions for a corporate environment, just like Microsoft has already started to jump at companies reminding them they won’t run into a lack of security patches. ", "Heck, IE8 and 9 are pretty good from a security standpoint as it is.", "\n\nFirefox thinks that doesn’t matter. ", "Consumers will continue to use Firefox. ", "No, they won’t if it doesn’t render web sites properly. ", "The lack of foresight on Mozilla’s part is pretty amazing. ", "First thing taught in retail and marketing is that 1 complaint, 1 problem with a client, can hurt you in a huge way, as they spread the word to avoid such an item.", "\n\nSix weeks between releases is ambitious, and hurts consumers who’s plug ins and add-ons might now work with the latest version. ", "Can new versions of the plug ins be ready in under the time it takes for the next version to come out? ", "This is the other side of the death spiral Mozilla is putting itself into. ", "Consumers love the plug ins. ", "If they don’t work, what good is Firefox to them anyway?", "\n\nThere is still time for Mozilla to save itself. ", "They have to support a 3 month old browser they put out. ", "They have to show the world that they care about more than their own egos. ", "They have to stop being the poster child for what can be wrong with open source, and get back to showing what is right with it.", "\n\nMozzila decided to be aggressive with Firefox releases. ", "Not a problem, just keep the old version till add-ons are all compatible. ", "Doesn’t work that way if you want to be secure.", "\n\nMozzila announced that Firefox 5 is the security update for Firefox 4. ", "There will be no other updates unless there is a major, and they mean major, security hole. ", "Fine, I have no issues with doing that, keeping people on the latest version, making sure people know that is the way it is. ", "Except for one thing. ", "Only about 80% of the add-ons out there are going to work on Firefox 5.", "\n\nThe issues I have are now pretty simple, but extremely important. ", "They are also why I think Firefox is trying to push itself to extinction. ", "First, Firefox 5 came out today, same day as the announcement about Firefox 4 security updates. ", "Second, one of the add-ons that don’t work in Firefox 5 is for LogMeInRescue, which I use on a very regular basis. ", "I am now forced to use a different browser for supporting clients, because Mozzila decided that to be secure I had to update and break what I need. ", "Not very smart on Mozzila’s part.", "\n\nThis also leads to another issue. ", "People will stop upgrading, just so their add-ons will work. ", "Of course, if they don’t upgrade, they are open to more security problems. ", "Firefox becomes a security threat due to its aggressive upgrade policy. ", "Someone better explain this to the keepers of Firefox.", "\n\nFirefox 4 is out. ", "For a browser that re-sparked the browser wars, Firefox had been falling behind lately. ", "Can 4 bring back Firefox?", "\n\nI have a tendency not to download betas of web browsers. ", "I’m not much of a bug hunter, haven’t been able to establish myself in those communities, don’t have a ton of time for actual hard core testing, and I’m not a developer. ", "I just like having things work, especially where web browsing is concerned. ", "So when I heard that Firefox 4’s final release was going to be the exact same as the last Release Candidate, I decided to actually jump the gun and start using it. ", "I figured it couldn’t be any worse than using 3.6.", "\n\nI’ve been using Firefox as my main browser since version 2, and overall have liked it. ", "There have always been some issues with it, such as the memory hole it has, but they were things I could mostly live with. ", "As Firefox 3 kept getting updated though, it was all getting worse and worse. ", "To open my iGoogle home page, which is set up with a bunch of news widgets, would take 5 minutes. ", "Not only that, but the whole browser would be slow and unresponsive until it fully opened.", "\n\nSo I finished downloading Firefox 4 and installing it, expecting the same sluggishness. ", "Surprisingly to me, my iGoogle paged opened in under a minute, and I was all set to go to other websites in other tabs, even while the iGoogle page was loading up. ", "This is starting to look promising.", "\n\nI continued on my browsing way, going to sites I frequent such as Tech Republic, ZDNet, Krebs on Security, and many more. ", "All rendered faster than in Firefox 3.6. ", "I did run into an occasional site which just wouldn’t open in Firefox 4 (Buffalo Wild Wings being one), but considering that there have been a lot of changes in Firefox 4, this doesn’t surprise me.", "\n\nEverything isn’t all roses though. ", "Java rendering (I enjoy playing Text Twist) and some Flash rendering is slow and painful. ", "The Java being the worst of them all, as it slows to a crawl with a java game on Yahoo’s website. ", "Once loaded, it works ok, but still a bunch of issues. ", "Also, Firefox still uses a lot of memory, and doesn’t have the best memory management in the world. ", "I have also heard reports of people who have had issues with it upon install, although the percentage seems to be small.", "\n\nIs Firefox 4 an improvement? ", "Definitely. ", "Is it a game changer? ", "No. ", "Can it fend off Google Chrome? ", "Maybe. ", "Personally, I’m not going to Chrome unless I have to (Google has enough info on me from Android, Gmail etc, they don’t get any more if I can help it), and I don’t care of IE, Safari, or Opera. ", "In the end, its really about what you are comfortable with and what works. ", "On that, Firefox 4 is a solid, fast browser." ]
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[ "Executive dysfunction and its association with personality and behaviour changes in the development of Alzheimer's disease in adults with Down syndrome and mild to moderate learning disabilities.", "\nRecent research suggests that preclinical Alzheimer's disease (AD) in people with Down syndrome (DS) is characterized by changes in personality/behaviour and executive dysfunction that are more prominent than deterioration in episodic memory. ", "This study examines the relationship between executive dysfunction and the clinical and preclinical features of AD in DS. ", "To determine the specificity of this relationship, performance on executive function (EF) measures is contrasted with performance on memory measures. ", "One hundred and three people with DS (mean age 49 years, range 36-72) with mild to moderate learning disabilities (LD) took part. ", "Dementia diagnosis was based on the CAMDEX informant interview conducted with each participant's main carer. ", "Reported changes in personality/behaviour and memory were recorded. ", "Participants completed six EF and six memory measures (two of which also had a strong executive component) and the BPVS (as a measure of general intellectual ability). ", "First, performance was compared between those with and without established dementia of Alzheimer's type (DAT), controlling for age and LD severity using ANCOVA. ", "Next, the degree to which informant-reported changes predicted cognitive test performance was examined within the non-DAT group using multiple regression analyses. ", "The DAT group (N=25) showed a consistent pattern of impaired performance relative to the non-DAT group (N=78), across all measures. ", "Within the non-DAT group, number of informant-reported personality/behaviour changes was a significant predictor of performance on two EF and two 'executive memory' tests (but not on episodic memory tests). ", "Informant-reported memory changes, however, were associated with impaired performance on a delayed recall task only. ", "These findings provide further evidence for a specific impairment in frontal-lobe functioning in the preclinical stages of AD in DS. ", "Implications for the assessment, diagnosis, and management of dementia in DS are discussed." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow should I automatically support single or double monitors in XNA on Windows 7?", "\n\nI'm creating a game application using Microsoft XNA that will run on one public-facing screen (projector) with controls on the laptop screen (Windows 7.) ", " When the second monitor is not available, I'd like only the public-facing screen to show on the laptop screen. ", " The proportions of the screens will be identical.", "\nIs there a library to allow us to do this automatically, or at worst by changing a setting?", "\n\nA:\n\nCheck if there are two monitors available with GraphicsAdapter.", "Adapters.", "Count()\nIf there are, create another form, and set it to the second monitor (projector). ", "Then, with every frame, render your public-facing interface onto the secondary monitor, and draw the controls onto the primary.", "\nTo switch between forms, just swap the handles:\ngraphics.", "GraphicsDevice.", "Present(form1.Handle);\n\nOtherwise, draw the public-facing only.", "\nYou can read about how to use WinForms with XNA at http://create.msdn.com/en-US/education/catalog/sample/winforms_series_1\nThis solution assumes two things:\n\nthat the primary display is set to the laptop's display and the second monitor isw set to extend (and not mirror)\nyou are using XNA through WinForms\n\n" ]
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[ "I've used Sony Lavaliers fro over 40 years. ", "They are the standard. ", "I would like a clip system similar to the TRAM microphone, but the traditional clip is fine. ", "The ECM-44B is excellent quality and works as I expected.", "\n\n2 days ago\n\n10/10\n\nLove my lavalier microphones. ", "They always give me the most professional sound. ", "I have 5 of these microphones.", "\n\n22 December 2017\n\n10/10\n\nI've been using this style of mic for the last 15 years. ", "It is perfect for interview settings.", "\n\n16 November 2017\n\n4.0/10\n\nI was tremendously disappointed in this mic. ", "It was sold to me as being \"industry-standard\" - I'm not sure what industry that's referring to, but it surely can't be film.", "\n\n19 June 2017\n\n10/10\n\nI'd been getting by with a cheap lav for some time and started to have problems. ", "I have XLR inputs on my Canon XA10 and wanted a mic with XLR output. ", "The Sony is great and the AA battery lasts a long time and I don't have to deal with turning the mic on and off (and forgetting to turn it off).", "\n\n15 March 2017\n\n8.0/10\n\nI use this microphone to record video interviews. ", "It doesn't make a lot of noise and sounds thicker than the wireless mics I've used in the past.", "\n\n23 February 2017\n\n10/10\n\nThe microphone worked amazing great sound for an affordable price\n\n3 May 2016\n\n10/10\n\nWould highly recommend this product\n\n13 April 2016\n\n10/10\n\nIts a sony, what else is there to say.", "\n\n8 April 2016\n\n10/10\n\nReplaces an older wireless set. ", "Great pickup along all frequencies for vocal performance.", "\n\nThis is the amount of time you are willing to give retailers to respond. ", "Most offers get a response within a few hours. ", "However, we suggest putting a longer timeframe to ensure all retailers have a chance to review your offer." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.043478260869565216, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0, 0.004761904761904762, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to get $\\sum_{k=1}^{n-1}n\\binom{n-1}{k-1}y^k \\bigg(\\frac{1-z^k}{k}- \\frac{1-z^n}{n}\\bigg)$\"?", "\n\nI asked a question here and got answer committing :\n\n$$(1+yz^n)(1+y)^{n-1} - (1+yz)^n=\\sum_{k=1}^{n-1}n\\binom{n-1}{k-1}y^k \\bigg(\\frac{1-z^k}{k}-\n\\frac{1-z^n}{n}\\bigg) \\tag{1}$$and$$\\frac{1-z^{n}}{n}-\\frac{1-z^{n+1}}{n+1}=\n\\frac{(z-1)^2}{n(n+1)}\\bigg(\n\\sum_{k=0}^{n-1} (k+1)z^k\n\\bigg) \\tag{2}$$\n\nMy try:\n\nUsing binomial theorem, $$(1+yz^n)(1+y)^{n-1} - (1+yz)^n=(1+yz^n)\\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}\\binom{n-1}{k}y^{n-1-k}-\\sum_{k=0}^n\\binom{n}{k}(yz)^{n-k}$$ \nUsing this,$$\\frac{1-z^{n}}{n}-\\frac{1-z^{n+1}}{n+1}=(1-z)\\cdot\\bigg(\\frac{1+z+\\dots+z^{n-1}}{n}-\\frac{1+z+\\dots+z^{n-1}+z^n}{n+1}\\bigg)$$\nI can't go ahead in both the cases. ", "Please help me.", "\n\nA:\n\n$1.$\n\\begin{align*}\n(1+yz^n)(1+y)^{n-1} - (1+yz)^n &= (1 + yz^n) \\sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \\binom{n-1}{k}y^k - \\sum_{k=0}^{n} \\binom{n}{k}(zy)^k \\\\ \n &= \\sum_{k=1}^{n-1} y^k \\left(\\binom{n-1}{k} + z^n \\binom{n-1}{k-1} - \\binom{n}{k} z^k \\right )\\\\ \n &= \\sum_{k=1}^{n-1} \\binom{n-1}{k-1} y^k \\left( \\frac{n-k}{k } + z^n - \\frac{n}{k} z^k \\right ) \\\\ \n &= \\sum_{k=1}^{n-1} \\binom{n-1}{k-1} y^k \\left( \\frac{n}{k}(1-z^k) - (1-z^n) \\right )\\\\ \n\\end{align*}\n$2.$ $\\displaystyle \\sum_{k=0}^{n-1} (k+1)z^k$ is Arithmetico-geometric sequence can be evaluated as \n$\\displaystyle \\frac{n z^{n+1}-n z^n-z^n+1}{(z-1)^2}$ just by differentiating both sides of $\\displaystyle \\sum z^k = \\frac{1-z^{n+1}}{1-z}$\nAlso to proceed from your step,\n\\begin{align*}\n\\frac{1-z^{n}}{n}-\\frac{1-z^{n+1}}{n+1} &= (1-z)\\cdot\\left( \\frac{1+z+\\dots+z^{n-1}}{n}-\\frac{1+z+\\dots+z^{n-1}+z^n}{n+1}\\right ) \\\\ \n &= \\frac{(1-z)}{n(n+1)} \\cdot \\left( 1 + z + \\dots + z^{n-1} - n z^n \\right )\\\\ \n &= \\frac{(1-z)}{n(n+1)} \\cdot \\left( \\sum_{k=0}^{n-1} (k+1)z^k - \\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}k z^k - \\left( \\sum_{k=0}^{n-1} (k+1)z^{k+1} - \\sum_{k=0}^{n-1} k z^{k} \\right ) \\right )\\\\ \n\\end{align*}\n\n" ]
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[ "Femoral transverse torque: an assessment method.", "\nThis study compared external and internal femoral torques of asymptomatic male and female subjects. ", "Peak torque values were recorded using the Cybex(R) II isokinetic dynamometer utilizing a prone testing position with the hip in neutral. ", "Males produced significantly higher raw peak torques than females in both external and internal rotation (p < 0.003). ", "However, when torques were normalized to body weight no significant differences were found between male and female subjects. ", "External rotation torques were found to be significantly higher than internal rotation torques for all subjects combined (p c 0.016). ", "No significant difference was found between left and right limbs. ", "The ratio of external to internal rotation torque was 1.08 for males and 1.16 for females. ", "These ratios are suggested as criterion measures for assessing transverse muscle imbalance at the hip joint. ", "J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1986;7(6):319-324." ]
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[ "SCCY CPX-2 9MM Muddy Girl 10rd Matte Satin SS\n\n$229.99\n\n1 in stock\n\nChambered in 9mm, the CPX-2 is a compact, hammer-fired pistol. ", "It uses a polymer frame built on a 7075-T6 aluminum alloy receiver to strike a balance between durability and affordability. ", "The receiver is machined from bar stock. ", "The trigger has a 9-pound pull from the factory. ", "Since the gun features double-action-only (DAO) operation, the pull is consistent from shot to shot." ]
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[ "Näin voisi tapaaminen uuden perheen kanssa alkaa: perheterapeutti Marja Kaikkonen piirtää taululle sukupuuta. ", "Seisomassa sosiaalityöntekijä Hanna Kangastalo, pöydän ympärillä sosiaalityöntekijät Juha-Pekka Vuorio (vas) ja Eija Hildén, erityisssoiaaliohjaaja Anne Kurppa ja johtava sosiaalityöntekijä Niina Pietilä.­" ]
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[ "Methods, apparatus and systems for cleaning carpet and other fabrics are well known in the prior art. ", "It is believed, however, that the methods, apparatus and system disclosed and claimed herein, and particularly the fabric diagnostic, cleaning and preservation aspects of the present invention, are not anticipated by any of the prior art, when taken singly or properly combined.", "\nThe following prior art reflects the state of the art of which applicant is aware and is included herewith to discharge applicant's acknowledged duty to disclose relevant prior art. ", "It is stipulated, however, that none of these references teach singly nor render obvious when considered in any conceivable combination the nexus of the instant invention as disclosed in greater detail hereinafter and as particularly claimed.", "\n______________________________________ U.S. PAT. ", "NO. ", "ISSUE DATE INVENTOR ______________________________________ 3,728,075 April 17, 1973 Cannan 3,871,051 March 18, 1975 Collier 4,063,961 December 20, 1977 Howard, et al. ", "4,109,340 August 29, 1978 Bates 4,244,079 January 13, 1981 Bane 4,284,127 August 18, 1981 Collier, et al. ", "4,321,095 March 23, 1982 Argo, et al. ", "4,353,145 October 12, 1982 Woodford 4,595,420 June 17, 1986 Williams, III, et al. ", "5,147,467 September 15, 1992 Virtue ______________________________________\nArgo, et al.", "'s patent teaches the use of barbed plastic bristles or fingers overlying carpet with terrycloth interposed therebetween. ", "This arrangement causes the fingers to penetrate into the carpet tending to permanently distort the carpet.", "\nHoward, et al. ", "first agitates the carpet and subsequently vacuums debris. ", "Applicant, by contrast, concurrently brushes the pile upwardly and vacuums while sensing particle density. ", "This makes more efficient and objective the initial carpet cleaning and grooming. ", "Further, Howard, et al. ", "requires the cleaning agent to dry and become crystalline prior to final vacuuming. ", "This strategy results in a slow process to wait for drying and encourages residual buildup of cleaning agents which assures the cleaning agent remaining will be a dirt attractant. ", "The effect is to have the carpet become resoiled very quickly.", "\nCannan's cleaning device tends to swirl the dirt. ", "Once the pad has become saturated, the dirt is merely circulated.", "\nThe remaining citations diverge more starkly from the instant invention." ]
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[ "[Republican administrations often pose moral and practical questions for libertarians, insofar as many jobs become available in government, whether directly employed by the White House, or regulatory agencies, as a writers and intellectuals. ", "Is it right or wrong to accept such jobs? ", "And regardless of who is in power, many free market economists face the ongoing dilemma of working in state-funded institutions. ", "Freedom-minded citizens, too, face the problem of whether it is proper to work for the public sector and in what capacity. ", "In this article from Liberty, Volume 1, number 3; December 1987, pp. ", "23-25, Murray N. Rothbard offers his perspective. ", "This reprint, with some editing, is posted January 2005.]", "\n\nThe articles by Messrs., Waters and Wollstein\n\nJarret Wollstein, author of Society Without Coercion (Silver Springs, Md.: Society for Individual Liberty, 1969). ", "Ethan O. Waters is a pseudonyme of some libertarian writer.", "\n\n(Liberty, Sept./Oct. ", "1987) highlight a vitally important question for libertarians: How can we act, and act morally, in a State-controlled and dominated world?", "\n\nIt seems to me that the most important concern is to avoid the twin, and equally destructive, traps: of ultra-purist sectarianism, where indeed we would not permit ourselves to walk on government-owned streets; and sellout opportunism, in which we could become supervisors of concentration camp while still claiming we were \"libertarians\" in some far off, ideal world.", "\n\nOpportunists are people who severely split theory from practice; whose ideals are tucked away in some closet or trophy room and have no bearing on their daily lives. ", "Sectarians, on the other hand, suffer from what .the Catholics would call the error of \"scrupulosity,\" and are always in danger of boxing themselves in to become hermits and virtual martyrs. ", "All well and, good; but to avoid both pitfalls, we need some criteria to guide us.", "\n\nMorality as Religion\n\nFor Mr. Waters the problem is simple; instead of trying to avoid the trap, he rushes to embrace it. ", "For him the answer is to throw away moral principle, which means throwing away passion, commitment, and hostility to renegades from liberty: Instead, we are to be cool and detached \"scientists,\" proposing liberty on utilitarian and unemotional grounds. ", "Then, presumably, we wouldn't worry about betrayal, or about any other actions, regardless how odious, libertarians might perform. ", "So, bring on the concentration camp supervisor, and let us talk to him sweetly about the pragmatic benefits of the price system and the division of labor!", "\n\nIn the first place, the fact that religious people are hostile to traitors and apostates does not make their views incorrect. ", "Mr. Waters adopts an old canard by lumping in moral principles as \"religious,\" thereby indicting hostility to immoral actions with the dread stamp of \"religion.\" ", "You don't have to be religious to detest immorality or hypocrisy, or to be angry and indignant at backstabbing by friends or lovers.", "\n\nMr. Waters's ideal of the passionless scientist is, as far as I am concerned, totally off the wall. ", "I have known many scientists, and I have never known any who were~ not passionately indignant against what they considered the promotion of quackery or the betrayal of the ideals [e.g., truth-seeking] of science. ", "I confess also to be annoyed at Mr. Waters invoking of my dear mentor, Ludwig von Mises, in his argument. ", "It is true that Mises was a utilitarian, but it is also true that he was passionately devoted to liberty, and equally passionately opposed to all forms of statism, and to those who purvey it. ", "Scientist he was; bloodless he was not….", "\n\nThe Nozick Question\n\n[The New Republic reported that libertarian philosopher Robert Nozick had successfully appealed against his landlord to the Cambridge Rent Control Board for a reduced rent on his apartment--editor].", "\n\nMr. Waters says that for us moralist (\"religious\") libertarians, the word for Robert Nozick is \"apostasy.\" ", "Rubbish. ", "The word for Nozick is \"hypocrisy,\" since he has never recanted his libertarian views. ", "He apparently just doesn't live by them. ", "Waters also says that every libertarian he knows \"was upset, angry, and outraged\" at Nozick's actions. ", "I was not, although I agree that was their proper reaction.", "\n\nAs a long time Nozickologist, his actions didn't surprise me at all. ", "It did not surprise me that he held the time-honored Northeastern urban tradition of \"screwing your landlord\" higher on his value-scale than the abstract principle of liberty and non-aggression. ", "Even more amusing was Water's complaint that libertarians have gone so far as to \"ostracize [Nozick] from libertarian society.\" ", "Come, come, how often has anyone seen Nozick in \"libertarian society?\" ", "Essentially, he abandoned libertarian society himself after his one flashy role at the LP national convention in 1975, where he was lionized soon after Anarchy, State, and Utopia had hit the streets. ", "After that, the polymathic Nozick went on to other concerns and other books, and lost interest in libertarian questions.", "\n\nFor those of us who are passionately committed to libertarian principle, and consider it of supreme importance (especially if we are moralist/\"religious\"), such loss of interest is very difficult to understand. ", "But that's the way it is. ", "My own view of Nozick, based both on his personality and on the way he writes his books, is that he is considerably less interested in the content of his books than he is in the coruscating brilliance of his own thought-processes as he works his way through them. ", "That sort of person is surely the sort of person who loses interest in the content of his previous books, and who would, happily screw a landlord he dislikes without giving much thought to libertarian principle.", "\n\nTo get to the screwing itself, and to the main substantive question raised by the Waters article: is being indignant at Nozick's screwing his landlord equivalent to upbraiding him (or anyone else) for walking on government-owned streets or flying from government-owned airports?", "\n\nI think not. ", "Waters's fundamental error is to confuse accepting a situation none of your making, with actively making that situation worse. ", "In short, there is nothing wrong with a libertarian living in a rent-controlled apartment, and therefore paying a rent below the market. ", "Nozick (or myself) is not responsible for the rent-control law; he or we have to live within the matrix of such laws. ", "So there is nothing wrong with him living in a rent-controlled apartment, just as there is nothing wrong with him walking on government streets, flying from government airports, eating price-supported bread, etc. ", "None of this is of Nozick's (or our) making. ", "It would be therefore foolish and martyrish for us to renounce such apartments if available, to refuse to eat any food grown under government regulation, to refuse to use the Post Office, etc. ", "Our responsibility is to agitate and work to remove this statist situation; apart from that, that is all we can rationally do. ", "I live in a rent-controlled apartment, but I have also written and agitated for many years against the rent-control system, and urged its repeal. ", "That is not hypocrisy or betrayal, but simply rationality and good sense.", "\n\nNozick's moral error [let's call it \"sin\" to provoke the Waters of this world] was to go much further than simply living under rent control. ", "His immoral action was to pursue the landlord actively, to go to the State to agitate, time and again, to get the State to force his rent even lower. ", "It seems to me that there is a world of difference between these actions. ", "One is living your life within a State-created matrix, while trying to work against the system; the other is actively using the State to benefit yourself and screw your fellow man, which means initiating and abetting aggression and theft.", "\n\nWorking for Government\n\nThe criterion we should use in the Nozick case is, I believe, an easy one. ", "There are far more difficult questions. ", "What about working as a government employee? ", "It is true that, other things being equal, it is far better, on libertarian as well as pragmatic grounds, to work for a private employer rather than government. ", "But suppose that the government has monopolized, or virtually monopolized, your occupation, so that there is no practical alternative to working for the government?", "\n\nTake, for example, the Soviet Union, where the government has, in effect, nationalized all occupations, and where there are no, or virtually no, private employers. ", "Are we to condemn all Russians whatsoever as \"criminals\" because they are government employees? ", "Is it the only moral act of every Russian to commit suicide? ", "But that would be idiotic. ", "Surely there are no moral systems that require people to be martyrs.", "\n\nBut the United States, while scarcely as far gone as Russia, has had many occupations virtually monopolized by the government. ", "It is impossible to practice medicine without becoming part of a highly regulated and cartelized profession. ", "If one's vocation is university teaching, it is almost impossible to find a university that is not owned, economically if not legally, by the government. ", "If one's criterion of government ownership is the receipt of over 50% of one's income from the government, then there are virtually no universities, and only one or two small colleges, that can be called \"private.\" ", "During the riots of the late 1960's, students at Columbia discovered that far more than 50% of the income of that allegedly \"private\" university came from the government. ", "In such a situation, it is foolish and sectarian to condemn teachers for being located in a government university.", "\n\nThere is nothing wrong, and everything rational, then, about accepting the matrix in one's daily life. ", "What's wrong is working to aggravate, to add to, the statist matrix. ", "To give an example from my own career. ", "For many years I taught at a \"private\" university (although I would not be surprised to find that more than half its income came from the government). ", "The university has long teetered on the edge of bankruptcy, and years ago it tried to correct that condition by getting itself \"statized\" through merging with the State University of New York system, in those halcyon days rolling in dough. ", "For a while, it looked as if this merger would occur, and there was a great deal of pressure on every member of the faculty to show up in Albany and lobby for merger into the State system. ", "This I refused to do, since I believed it to be immoral to agitate to add to the statism around me.", "\n\nDoes that mean that all libertarians can cheerfully work for the government, apart from not lobbying for statism, and forget about conscience in this area? ", "Certainly not. ", "For here it is vital to distinguish between two kinds of State activities: (a) those actions that would be perfectly legitimate if performed by private firms on the market; and (b) those actions that are per se immoral and criminal, and that would be illicit in a libertarian society. ", "The latter must not be performed by libertarians in any circumstances. ", "Thus, a libertarian must not be: a concentration camp director or guard; an official of the IRS; an official of the Selective Service System; or a controller or regulator of society or the economy.", "\n\nLet us take a concrete case, and see how our proffered criterion works. ", "An old friend of mine, an anarcholibertarian and Austrian economist, accepted an important post as an economist in the Federal Reserve System. ", "Licit or illicit? ", "Moral or immoral? ", "Well, what are the functions of the Fed? ", "It is the monopoly counterfeiter, the creator of State money; it cartelizes, privileges and bails out banks; it regulates—or attempts to regulate— money and credit, price levels, and the economy itself. ", "It should be abolished not simply because it is governmental, but also because its functions are per se immoral. ", "It is not surprising, of course, that this fellow did not see the moral problem the same way.", "\n\nIt seems to me, then, that the criterion, the ground on which we must stand, to be moral and rational in a state-run world, is to: (1) work and agitate as best we can, in behalf of liberty; (2) while working in the matrix of our given world, to refuse to add to its statism; and (3) to refuse absolutely to participate in State activities that are immoral and criminal per se." ]
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[ "More from Rugby League\n\nMelbourne Storm full-back Billy Slater is optimistic he will be fit to face Leeds in the World Club Challenge showdown\n\nMelbourne Storm full-back Billy Slater is optimistic he will be fit for the World Club Challenge clash against Leeds.", "\n\nLast Updated: 23/01/13 8:09pm\n\nBilly Slater: Injury problems\n\nSlater's participation in the match had been in doubt after he pulled out of the NRL All Stars match following recent injury problems.", "\n\nThe former Golden Boot winner aggravated an ankle injury after he returned to training following the removal of a plate in his shoulder from an injury sustained in the 2011 Four Nations Series clash with England at Wembley.", "\n\n\"I had a plate out of my collarbone at the end of last year and also rolled my ankle in my first week back at training,\" Slater said.", "\n\n\"It's kept me off my legs and kept me out of a bit of training over the last couple of months.", "\n\n\"To play to the standard the All Star game requires, you need to have a particular amount of training under your belt and I just don't have that at the moment.", "\n\n\"But I'm pretty confident I will be right to go for the World Club Challenge.", "\n\n\"That will give me a couple extra weeks up my sleeve so I'll be able to get some volume into my running and legs. ", "Hopefully I'll be right for the game.\"" ]
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[ "All Fitments\n\nTOYOTA\n\nYear\n\nModel\n\nSubModel\n\nCylinders\n\nLiter\n\nAspiration\n\nEng Desg.", "\n\nFuel\n\nNotes\n\n1989 - 1989\n\n4RUNNER\n\nALL\n\nALL\n\nALL\n\nALL\n\nALL\n\nALL\n\n1989 - 1995\n\nPICKUP\n\nDLX\n\nALL\n\nALL\n\nALL\n\nALL\n\nALL\n\n4WD;\n\n1989 - 1995\n\nPICKUP\n\nSR5\n\nALL\n\nALL\n\nALL\n\nALL\n\nALL\n\n4WD;\n\nProduct Description\n\nProthane Offers precision-made, yet universal, sway bar bushing sets that deliver maximum performance. ", "The same formulated performance compound found in Prothane’s other sway bar bushings are used here, giving you superior handling over the stock rubber units. ", "The widest range available to cover all applications. ", "Each pair is sold with matching heavy duty brackets to insure a perfect fit (if required/will not fit OEM brackets)." ]
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[ " Case: 15-60587 Document: 00513796930 Page: 1 Date Filed: 12/14/2016\n\n\n\n\n IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS\n FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT\n United States Court of Appeals\n Fifth Circuit\n\n\n No. ", "15-60587 FILED\n Summary Calendar\n December 14, 2016\n Lyle W. Cayce\n Clerk\nSUKHDEV SINGH,\n\n Petitioner\n\nv.\n\nLORETTA LYNCH, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL,\n\n Respondent\n\n\n Petition for Review of an Order of the\n Board of Immigration Appeals\n BIA No. ", "A205 693 670\n\n\nBefore REAVLEY, OWEN, and ELROD, Circuit Judges.", "\nPER CURIAM: *\n Sukhdev Singh has petitioned for review of the decision of the Board of\nImmigration Appeals (BIA) denying his motion to reopen removal proceedings\nafter Singh was ordered removed following his failure to appear for a hearing\nbefore the Immigration Judge (IJ). ", "In denying the motion to reopen, the IJ\nfound that Singh’s mistaken belief about the date of the hearing, without other\nmore compelling circumstances, was insufficient to warrant reopening of the\n\n\n * Pursuant to 5TH CIR. ", "R. 47.5, the court has determined that this opinion should not\nbe published and is not precedent except under the limited circumstances set forth in 5TH\nCIR. ", "R. 47.5.4.", "\n\f Case: 15-60587 Document: 00513796930 Page: 2 Date Filed: 12/14/2016\n\n\n No. ", "15-60587\n\ncase. ", "The IJ also found that reopening was not warranted because of Singh’s\nnegligence in failing to confirm the hearing date. ", "The BIA affirmed the IJ’s\ndecision for reasons cited by the IJ.", "\n We review the order of the BIA unless the IJ’s decision “has some impact\non the BIA’s decision.” ", "Mikhael v. INS, 115 F.3d 299, 302 (5th Cir. ", "1997).", "\nWhere, as here, the BIA adopts the IJ’s findings and conclusions, we review\nthe IJ’s decision as well. ", "Wang v. Holder, 569 F.3d 531, 536 (5th Cir. ", "2009).", "\nThe BIA’s decision is reviewed under a highly deferential abuse of discretion\nstandard and will be upheld unless it is “capricious, racially invidious, utterly\nwithout foundation in the evidence, or otherwise so irrational that it is\narbitrary rather than the result of any perceptible rational approach.”", "\nRodriguez-Manzano v. Holder, 666 F.3d 948, 952 (5th Cir. ", "2012) (internal\nquotation marks and citation omitted).", "\n An in absentia removal order may be rescinded upon a “motion to reopen\nfiled within 180 days after the date of the order of removal if the alien\ndemonstrates that the failure to appear was because of “exceptional\ncircumstances.” ", "8 U.S.C. § 1229a(b)(5)(C)(i); see also § 1229a(e)(1) (defining\n“exceptional circumstances”). “", "The plain language of the statute indicates that\nthis is a difficult burden to meet.” ", "De Morales v. INS, 116 F.3d 145, 148 (5th\nCir. ", "1997).", "\n Singh’s mistaken belief about the date of the hearing was not a\ncircumstance of an extraordinary nature comparable to the circumstances\nlisted in § 1229a(e)(1) and were not beyond his control. ", "See id. Singh has not\nshown that the BIA abused its discretion. ", "See Rodriguez-Manzano, 666 F.3d\nat 952. ", "The petition is DENIED.", "\n\n\n\n\n 2\n\f" ]
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[ "Food processing systems can receive material in a container for processing and use blades or other tools to stir or blend the material. ", "For example, solid or at least partially fluid material can be blended into a product to be consumed by a user. ", "However, it can be difficult to blend materials to a user's satisfaction without the user having to closely monitor the blend cycle and the processing of the material in the container. ", "Although food processing systems can be automated, it can be difficult to properly blend heterogeneous materials and mixtures of materials while maintaining a high quality product to be consumed by a user." ]
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[ "Now, new measurements of the strength of this space radiation from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter show that these cosmic rays can cause significant chemical alteration on the surface of the moon. ", "For example, when the particles hit ice, they can cause frozen water molecules to release oxygen, which is then free to bind with carbon to form prebiotic organic molecules.", "\n\nThe measurements also help scientists test theoretical models of the moon's radiation environment.", "\n\nThis could prove important as cosmic rays are thought to present a significant radiation risk to astronauts during space travels. ", "If people were to undertake a months-long trip to Mars, for example, finding ways to shield the spaceflyers will be necessary.", "\n\n\"Our validated models will be able to answer the question of how hazardous the space environment is and could be during these high-energy radiation events, and the ability to do this is absolutely necessary for any manned space exploration beyond low-Earth orbit,\" University of New Hampshire physicist Nathan Schwadron said in a statement.", "\n\nCosmic rays are predominantly protons, electrons, and charged nuclei of basic elements. ", "They flow into our solar system from elsewhere in the galaxy, and their paths are bent by the magnetic fields of the sun and Earth. ", "While our planet's atmosphere protects us from the brunt of cosmic rays, the moon, which has no atmosphere, is exposed to their full force.", "\n\nThe new findings are especially useful because the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter's CRaTER instrument, which the researchers used in the new study, measures how much radiation pierces a layer of plastic designed to simulate human tissue, thus revealing how much radiation would likely pass through astronauts' bodies.", "\n\nFurthermore, the measurements were made during a period of especially heavy cosmic ray radiation, because the sun happened to be experiencing a lull in activity, which otherwise would have damped down on cosmic rays.", "\n\n\"This has provided us with a unique opportunity because we’ve never made these types of measurements before over an extended period of time, which means we’ve never been able to validate our models,\" Schwadron said. \"", "Now we can put this whole modeling field on more solid footing and project GCR dose rates from the present period back through time when different interplanetary conditions prevailed.\"", "\n\nThe research is detailed in a recent online edition of the American Geophysical Union's Journal of Geophysical Research.", "\n\nFollow SPACE.com for the latest in space science and exploration news on Twitter@Spacedotcomand onFacebook." ]
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[ "The fad for heels will not growth. ", "women like to wear Stuart Weitzman boots. ", "It gave them a variety of determination and they felt appropriate. ", "men additionally want to have a look at women in high heels. ", "A female wears excessive heels and swings her hips as she walks, a photograph that guys want to see.", "\n\nIn legitimate venues, girls's dress footwear paintings satisfactory. ", "there are numerous exclusive sorts of ladies's heels, which offer her with typical hues, fabric and designs. ", "for instance: peep feet, heavy shoes, and dress footwear, as an instance. ", "in addition, lady fashion designer footwear need to be more costly than ordinary footwear, but they provide an fashionable and designed extra appearance and a greater common signature look.", "\n\nBy means of tilting your foot ahead onto your toes, high heels will not only make your legs look thinner, however additionally make you look slimmer. ", "to maximize the impact, the higher the heel, the thinner you appearance. ", "For folks who aren't ready to gallantly wear five-inch heels, heels and wedges are exceptional. ", "Heels with a small toe platform or peep toe will also make your feet look accurate, however keep away from the very round toe, so that you can make your legs look shorter.", "\n\nIn step with the style icon, the heel top above eight.five centimeters is notion to be excessive, lower or lower than this peak. ", "In widespread, excessive heels put on best girls's clothes, and cowboy boots and Cuban heels also are famous with men. ", "The final high heels have been slided out of the stirrups even as cycling, but in the a long time that followed, it have become greater stylized.", "\n\nWhite excessive heels. ", "What enabled them to boom the susceptible, the sensible, and the unspoken neanderthals? ", "all of us know that guys are them. ", "however even girls are affected by white heels. ", "My husband informed my colleague Patricia in white excessive heels. ", "Her remarks, \"wow! ", "it is warm. ", "inform me more.\"", "\n\nStewart Weitzman is a high-end footwear brand, is the first lady favorite brand, but also common on the star red carpet show shoes.", "Stuart Weitzman sale in 45 countries.", "Among them, Stewart Weitzman boots is a very important part of this footwear brand.", "\n\nHigh heels usually have to 6 inches of size, extraordinary styles and shapes. ", "whether or not it is sandals, casual shoes or excessive heels, high heels supply the wearer an attractive grace. ", "In sync with a huge variety of garb, each ethnic and Oriental heels have redefined shoes sublime. ", "excessive heels became popular during queen Elizabeth's reign, and because then high heels have flourished. ", "stylish, excessive heels may be worn anywhere. ", "From a marriage to a career assembly, excessive heels will upload your style.", "\n\nAny other idea for veterans is that it is quality to start with high heels, not stilettos. ", "This practice will assist you balance your self and give you a secure sense. ", "it's a slow manner, and once your proprietor wears high heels, you can wear anything you want.", "\n\nIn Britain and the united states, all stylish vintage girls have sexy heels. ", "Platform heels upload a woman's top to cause them to appearance taller. ", "young adults and women in their 20s are in particular keen on sporting heavy shoes, which are extra hostile and more convenient than different high-heeled shoes." ]
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[ "KNIPEX® Key Gripper (Pliers Wrench)\n\nThis is a very useful tool on the way. ", "The key gripper is a unique assembly tool. ", "Its smooth gripping jaws which are parallel in every position can grasp very powerfully. ", "This gripper works with hexagon screws very well." ]
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[ "Weak charge-lattice coupling requires reinterpretation of stripes of charge order in La1-xCaxMnO3.", "\nModulations in manganites attributed to stripes of charge/orbital/spin order are thought to result from strong electron-lattice interactions that lock the superlattice and parent lattice periodicities. ", "Surprisingly in La1-xCaxMnO3 (x>0.5,90 K), convergent beam (3.6 nm spot) electron diffraction patterns rule out charge stacking faults and indicate a superlattice with uniform periodicity. ", "Moreover, large area electron diffraction peaks are sharper than simulations with stacking faults. ", "Since the electron-lattice coupling does not lock the two periodicities (to yield stripes) it may be too weak to strongly localize charge." ]
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[ "Daunting\n\nSummary: Thank you, Marauder by Midnight, for the banner 3rd and last story in the 'Life in Love' series Sequal to 'Possibilities' \"This is what we have been waiting for. ", "This was the formidable fight. ", "This was something that I wasn’t sure we were even going to win. ", "Each pair of daunting red eyes stared back at me, filled with hope that they would win. ", "Hoping, just like us, that they would live.\"", "\n\nNotes:\nDisclaimer-I'm not Stephenie Meyer-end of story\n\n15. ", "Month 4, Part 1\n\n“Everyone packed?” ", "Esme asked Edward and I. We were just closing our suitcases, Alice sat on mine to get it closed completely.", "\n\n“Just about.” ", "I smiled. ", "Alice had helped me mostly-she packed a few dresses for the dinner and because I was going to be a bridesmaid I didn’t need a fancy dress for the wedding. ", "I packed a few maternity clothes too-I was too big to fit into any of my regular cloths properly.", "\n\n“This is a key to the house, just in case of the spare not being there. ", "Will you be taking the Volvo or the Viper?” ", "Esme handed Edward the key.", "\n\n“The Volvo-I don’t know how well the Viper will fit in back in Forks.” ", "Edward winked at me. ", "I nodded in agreement-that wouldn’t be the best idea.", "\n\n“Alright. ", "Here, Bella let me carry that.” ", "Esme took my suitcase before I could protest. ", "Edward’s hands were a bit preoccupied with his own suitcase.", "\n\n“Mom, you didn’t need to do that.” ", "I said to her as she put the suitcase in the trunk of the Volvo, which was pulled up in front of the house.", "\n\n“Nonsense. ", "Have fun, you two. ", "We’ll take care of Demetri.” ", "She told us, hugging Edward and kissing him on the cheek. ", "She turned to me, and did the same,\n\n“Be safe.” ", "She told us as I got into the car. ", "We both nodded and Edward drove in the direction of the highway, going a tiny bit slower than normal.", "\n\n“She wanted to get started on the nursery, while we are away.” ", "Edward said to me, as I was wondering why we were pushed out of the house.", "\n\n“I figured.” ", "I nodded. ", "I had memorized how Alice had done my makeup so that I could do it myself once I was there, so I had nothing to worry about as we drove. ", "Until Edward brought something up.", "\n\n. “", "How are you going to tell Angela?” ", "Edward asked me, as we were almost to Forks.", "\n\n“Tell her what?” ", "I asked. ", "He gave me a look, “Oh…I forgot-my stomach is noticeable now. ", "I don’t know…I’m more worried about Charlie.” ", "I confessed.", "\n\n“Does he know you will be in town?” ", "Edward looked confused. ", "I shook my head,\n\n“I sort of wanted to surprise him.” ", "I shrugged; suddenly wondering if that was as good of an idea as I thought it was at the time. ", "We entered Forks and took the usual right, instead of left where Charlie’s house would be. ", "Edward stopped the Volvo on the driveway next to the huge white house, instead of parking it in the empty garage.", "\n\n“Home sweet home.” ", "He murmured, helping me out of the car.", "\n\n“I’ve missed it here.” ", "I murmured as Edward opened the door and got our bags out of the Volvo. ", "Everything looked the same-most of the furniture was still here, since we didn’t need any in Denali. ", "I didn’t know how the werewolves would react to our little visit, but I was sure they needed to stay on their own side of the line-I was already changed anyway, and Jake knew that.", "\n\nI looked to Edward and we both smiled, “I love you.” ", "he said, sliding an arm around my waist.", "\n\n“I love you too.” ", "I answered him before rushing upstairs, “I can’t wait to see Angela!” ", "I giggled, putting on my makeup as quickly as possible. ", "Edward brought the rest of our luggage in his old room, though I was using Alice and Jasper’s bathroom to help me see what I was doing in the mirror.", "\n\nI picked out a blue shirt and jeans, as well as a rain coat and sneakers to wear. ", "After I was done changing, which was ten minutes later, I met Edward downstairs. “", "Are you coming with me? ", "Ben is there too if you want too.” ", "I asked him. ", "He nodded,\n\n“Of course.” ", "I was practically bouncing up and down in my seat as we arrived at Angela’s house-where she was staying until after the wedding.", "\n\n“Ready?” ", "he asked me. ", "I gave him a look, “from the way you were fidgeting in the car here I suppose you are.” ", "Edward winked at me and helped me out.", "\n\nWe both walked up to the door and Edward rang the bell. ", "I could hear Angela’s footsteps from upstairs as she made her way to the front door, kicking her brother’s toys out of the way as she did so. ", "I held my breath, not daring to smell human blood when my moods were all over the place. ", "Edward squeezed my hand as she opened the door,\n\n“Bella! ", "Edward! ", "Come in!” ", "Angela was grinning as we both walked in.", "\n\n“Ben,” she called, “Ben come look who is here!” ", "Angela yelled over her shoulder. ", "I heard Ben come from the kitchen,\n\n“Bella, Edward! ", "Wow, it’s good to see you guys.” ", "He greeted us.", "\n\n“It’s very wonderful to see you both too, especially on such a happy occasion.” ", "Edward answered. ", "I nodded,\n\n“We are really happy for you both.” ", "I said.", "\n\n“Thank you. ", "Come into the living room, everywhere else has wedding stuff scattered around.” ", "Angela said to us. ", "I slid off my coat and Ben took ours to hang in the closet. ", "I unconsciously put a hand on my stomach.", "\n\n“Yes! ", "We’re pregnant.” ", "I nodded, smiling as Edward put his arm around my shoulder. ", "They both gaped at us.", "\n\n“Wow! ", "Congratulations! ", "How long have you known?” ", "she asked me as we sat down. ", "Edward held my hand,\n\n“For about four months now. ", "It took us by surprise too.” ", "I nudged Edward with my elbow playfully.", "\n\n“That’s wonderful. ", "Do you know what gender it is yet?” ", "she asked us. ", "Edward answered,\n\n“I wanted it to be a surprise. ", "Bella didn’t exactly agree with me, but secrets around our family aren’t kept very well. ", "So we don’t know yet.” ", "He said.", "\n\n“Do you have any names in mind?” ", "Ben asked, joining the conversation. ", "I laughed once,\n\n“I wish.” ", "I shook my head. ", "Angela shrugged,\n\n“You have five more months to think about it. ", "Does your dad know yet?” ", "she asked me. ", "I shook my head,\n\n“No, not yet. ", "We were going to visit him tomorrow.” ", "I answered her, “but enough about us. ", "How did all of this happen?” ", "I asked, gesturing to her engagement ring.", "\n\n“It was really sweet. ", "It was on Sweetest Day-Ben took me out to eat at a really beautiful restaurant by our campus. ", "Then we drove all the way here to Forks. ", "I had no idea what the heck he was planning. ", "He stopped the car at the high school and led me to the tree by our high school sign. ", "By that point I thought he was insane-but then I remember that was the same place he had asked me to go on our first date. ", "And then he proposed!” ", "Angela gushed.", "\n\n“How nice! ", "Ben-that was a wonderful idea.” ", "I said to them.", "\n\n“It took me a while to think about it. ", "Edward-I don’t know how you did it. ", "I was so nervous…” Ben shook his head in amazement.", "\n\nEdward laughed, “I was a wreck. ", "I didn’t sleep at all that night.” ", "I tried so hard not to laugh when I heard that-of course he didn’t sleep.", "\n\n“Bella, lets catch up upstairs. ", "I have to get your size-I guessed it but now those guesses are defiantly wrong- I didn’t have any idea that you were pregnant.” ", "She told me, and I laughed as we walked upstairs." ]
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[ "Nonlinear optical spin Hall effect and long-range spin transport in polariton lasers.", "\nWe report on the experimental observation of the nonlinear analogue of the optical spin Hall effect under highly nonresonant circularly polarized excitation of an exciton-polariton condensate in a GaAs/AlGaAs microcavity. ", "The circularly polarized polariton condensates propagate over macroscopic distances, while the collective condensate spins coherently precess around an effective magnetic field in the sample plane performing up to four complete revolutions." ]
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[ 0.011764705882352941, 0.008968609865470852, 0 ]
[ "An N-doped three dimensional flexible carbon/sulfur cathode for lithium sulfur battery design.", "\nNitrogen-doped flexible carbon foam was used to fabricate a lithium sulfur battery. ", "The stability and rate performance of the battery were evaluated. ", "The battery with carbon foam calcined at 800 °C displayed superior stability compared with other tested batteries. ", "Battery performance was closely related to the foam structure and component. ", "However, good rate performance was achieved with the foam calcined at 800 °C. ", "Cathodes with carbon foam calcined at different temperatures had diverse effects on the batteries." ]
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[ "Beth Wiseman\n\nBeth Wiseman may mean:\nBeth Wiseman (composer), was a British composer, specializing in multimedia\nBeth Wiseman (author), from Texas" ]
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[ "\n124 Ariz. 242 (1979)\n603 P.2d 513\nFAIRWAY BUILDERS, INC., ", "an Arizona Corporation, Appellant,\nv.\nMALOUF TOWERS RENTAL CO., ", "INC., ", "an Arizona Corporation, Appellee.", "\nNo. ", "1 CA-CIV 3318.", "\nCourt of Appeals of Arizona, Division 1, Department B.\nJuly 3, 1979.", "\nRehearing Denied August 28, 1979.", "\nReview Denied September 25, 1979.", "\n*246 Law Offices of Frederick E. Kallof by Frederick E. Kallof, Sandra L. Massetto, Phoenix, for appellant.", "\nStreich, Lang, Weeks & Cardon, P.A. by Dan M. Durrant, Robert E. Miles, Phoenix, for appellee.", "\nOPINION\nEUBANK, Judge.", "\nThe issues raised by the appeal and cross appeal in this complex case all involve an office building and garage constructed by appellant/cross appellee, Fairway Builders, Inc. (Fairway) for appellee/cross appellant, Malouf Towers Rental Co., Inc. (Malouf). ", "The case was tried to the court without a jury, and no findings of fact or conclusions of law were requested or given. ", "In this situation, we must affirm if possible \"on any theory within the issues and supported by the evidence.\" ", "Gabitzch v. Cole, 95 Ariz. 15, 18, 386 P.2d 23, 25 (1963); Harmon v. Hanson's Pump & Machine Works, Inc., 4 Ariz. App. ", "107, 109, 417 P.2d 741, 743 (1966). ", "Further, we must assume that the court found every fact necessary to support its judgment. ", "Estate of Brashear, 54 Ariz. 430, 96 P.2d 747 (1939). ", "All inferences supported by the evidence must be taken in favor of affirming the judgment. ", "Odom v. First National Bank of Arizona, 85 Ariz. 238, 336 P.2d 141 (1959); Logan v. O.S. Stapley Company, 14 Ariz. App. ", "65, 480 P.2d 680 (1971).", "\nIn light of these standards, the essential facts of this case are as follows. ", "Malouf, a corporation formed by three members of the Malouf family, obtained a 99-year ground lease on a parcel of property located on Central Avenue in Phoenix. ", "On November 4, 1964, Malouf contracted with Fairway for Fairway to construct a high-rise office building on the site for $1,279,000.00. ", "The basic contract was on a four-page form entitled \"The Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor,\" and was supplied by the American Institute of Architects. ", "On page four of this Agreement, other documents are incorporated by reference into the contract. ", "These other documents include the building plans and specifications, an \"Agreement Dated November 4, 1964,\" and the \"General Conditions.\" ", "The General Conditions is another document supplied by the American Institute of Architects, the full title of which is \"The General Conditions Of The Contract For The Construction Of Buildings.\"", "\nThe parties again contracted on April 20, 1965 for Fairway to build the garage which was to accompany the office building. ", "The contract sum was $181,200 and the parties again utilized \"The Standard Form Of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor.\" ", "Like the office building contract, the garage contract incorporated the plans and specifications, and the General Conditions.", "\nThe two contracts were executed by W.B. Malouf, President of Malouf, and by Alfred Tibshraeny, President of Fairway. ", "Mr. Tibshraeny and the Maloufs are related. ", "Together, the two contracts constituted the Malouf Towers Project. ", "While Fairway did some of the actual construction work itself, much of the work was performed by numerous subcontractors.", "\nIn 1968, Fairway brought this action against Malouf seeking recoveries for various alleged breaches of contract and on the basis of other theories. ", "In its amended complaint, Fairway prayed for sums allegedly owed to it by Malouf under the office building and garage contracts. ", "Further, it sought payment for extra work it had allegedly performed at Malouf's oral request and for fees paid out of money owing to it, and requested foreclosure of its mechanics' lien. ", "Malouf counterclaimed and alleged that some of the construction work was negligently done and was defectively and incompletely performed in breach of contract. ", "The case was exhaustively tried to the court over a period of weeks. ", "As already noted, no findings of facts or conclusions of law were requested or given. ", "The court's judgment of August 5, 1975 reflects its acceptance of most of the allegations in the complaint and counterclaim. *", "247 The court awarded Fairway substantial amounts as due under the contracts (offset by allowances for work not done), and large sums for extra work. ", "However, the court also awarded Malouf a sizeable amount as compensation for defective and incomplete work. ", "Many of the sums awarded to Fairway were, by the terms of the judgment, to bear prejudgment interest from various dates. ", "In paragraph 11 of the judgment, the court offset the awards in favor of the parties, and the net result was a judgment in favor of Fairway of $90,188.76, \"which money judgment shall bear interest at the rate of six (6%) percent per annum from and after dates due until paid as set forth herein.\" ", "This provision has caused considerable confusion in view of the court's original decree that various amounts awarded to Fairway were to bear prejudgment interest from various dates. ", "How is the prejudgment interest to be calculated in light of the offset? ", "The court also awarded Fairway a mechanics' lien on the Malouf Towers Project property in the net amount after offsets, $90,188.76.", "\nBoth parties challenge the judgment on numerous bases, most of which involve the sufficiency of the evidence. ", "Further facts will be stated as necessary in the discussions of the various issues.", "\nI. THE VAULT DOOR\nAs already noted, the trial court awarded a large sum to Fairway as due under the office building contract. ", "This sum was immediately partially reduced by offsets for work not performed, in breach of contract. ", "One of these offsets was $1,000.00 for Fairway's failure to install a vault door specified in the plans. ", "Fairway raises numerous challenges to this offset, but we consider only the alleged failure of Malouf to prove its damages due to the lack of the door since this issue is dispositive.", "\nAt trial, Malouf attempted to prove its damages and the value of the door through the testimony of James F. Lindlan, an architect connected with the Malouf Towers Project. ", "He stated that the vault door had an approximate value of $1,000.00 to $1,200.00. ", "However, the court sustained an objection to this testimony, although it was not stricken from the record. ", "Malouf attempts to avoid the fact that the objection was sustained by contending that it is the rule in Arizona that testimony which enters the record but is not stricken, even though an objection to its admissibility is sustained, nevertheless remains part of the record. ", "Malouf cites Greene v. Hereford, 12 Ariz. 85, 95 P. 105 (1908) in support of its contention. ", "The entire relevant portion of Greene consists of the following sentence:\nThe fifteenth assignment of error is idle, for the reason that, although the court sustained the objection to the question, the witness nevertheless answered the question after the objection was sustained, and the answer was neither withdrawn nor stricken out on motion, but remains in the record.", "\nId. at 97, 95 P. at 108. ", "While this sentence does seem to support Malouf's suggested rule, we think Greene is inapplicable since that case involved a jury trial. ", "Of course, it is important in a jury trial to strike testimony to which an objection has been sustained, or to give a cautionary instruction. ", "However, there is no general requirement in trials to the court to strike evidence to which an objection has been sustained. ", "Once the objection is sustained in a nonjury trial, the evidence is excluded and must not be considered by the court. ", "Consequently, Mr. Lindlan's testimony as to the value of the vault door could not be considered and cannot provide a basis for the award of damages for the door.", "\nIn its brief, Malouf concedes that, absent Mr. Landlan's testimony, no evidence was presented establishing the amount of Malouf's damages due to Fairway's failure to install the proper door. ", "In this situation, we are forced to conclude that there was no evidence presented by which Malouf discharged its obligation to prove its damages. ", "See Graham v. Asbury, 112 Ariz. 184, 540 P.2d 656 (1975); 25A C.J.S. Damages § 144, at 11-12 (1966). ", "Thus, the offset of $1,000.00 for the vault door in paragraph 1 of the August 5, 1975 *248 judgment is vacated, and appropriate complying modifications of paragraphs 1, 7 and 11 must be made.", "\nII. ", "THE OFFICE BUILDING ROOF\nThe amount awarded to Fairway as due under the office building contract was also offset by $7,541.00 to compensate Malouf for Fairway's failure to install the proper roof on the office building as required by the office building contract. ", "On appeal, Fairway alleges that there was insufficient evidence to support and justify this offset. ", "We disagree.", "\nFairway's primary contention appears to be that the only evidence which supports the offset for its failure to install the roof is negative evidence, and that this evidence is insufficient to overcome the positive evidence it presented. ", "Specifically, Fairway suggests that the testimony of James F. Lindlan, one of the architects connected with the Malouf Towers Project, that the roof described in the plans and specifications for the office building was never installed, was negative evidence. ", "In contrast, Fairway asserts that the testimony of Leroy Malouf, one of the owners of Malouf, that the parties agreed that the specified roof need not be installed, is positive evidence. ", "Fairway further asserts that the negative evidence (Mr. Landlan's testimony) is insufficient to overcome the positive evidence (Mr. Leroy Malouf's testimony) so that there is no evidence to support the offset for the failure to install the proper roof. ", "Fairway cites the following passage from Illinois Bankers' Life Association v. Theodore, 44 Ariz. 160, 173, 34 P.2d 423, 428 (1934):\nWe held, in substance, that mere negative testimony, with no proper accompanying and explanatory reasons in support thereof, is of no value as against positive evidence that a certain fact existed.", "\nWe believe that Fairway has misconstrued the importance of the Illinois Bankers' Life Association case and the negative evidence doctrine. ", "The mere fact that evidence is of a negative nature does not mean that it is not probative or that it will not support a finding. ", "One commentator has described the Arizona negative doctrine as follows:\nThe rule of relevancy with which we are concerned may be correctly stated as follows: mere testimony by a witness that he did not see or hear an event occur has, in and of itself, no probative force sufficient to prove that the event did not occur.", "\nHowever, where such negative evidence is coupled with a sufficient predicate, consisting of additional testimony or circumstances, to show that the witness' position and attitude of attention was such that he would probably have heard or seen the occurrence of the event had it happened, then such negative testimony is relevant and will support a finding.", "\nUdall, Arizona Law of Evidence § 112, at 210-11 (1960). (", "Footnotes omitted). ", "In this case, there was ample evidence that Mr. Lindlan had a full opportunity to see whether or not the roof described in the plans and specifications was ever installed. ", "Consequently, his testimony, albeit negative evidence, was admissible, probative, and sufficient to support a finding that the specified roof was not installed. ", "See Doubek v. Greco, 7 Ariz. App. ", "102, 104, 436 P.2d 494, 496 (1968).", "\nBecause Mr. Lindlan's testimony supported a finding that the specified roof was not installed, we believe that there was sufficient evidence to justify the trial court's conclusion that Fairway breached the contract by failing to install the specified roof, entitling Malouf to the offset. ", "The trial court was certainly not obligated to believe or accept Mr. Leroy Malouf's testimony in which he attempted to excuse the nonperformance on the basis of an alleged oral agreement between the parties omitting the roof requirement from the contract.", "\nFairway also alleges that Malouf introduced insufficient evidence of its damages attributable to Fairway's failure to install the specified roof on the office building to support the offset. ", "We have thoroughly examined those portions of the record cited *249 by both parties on this point and conclude that sufficient evidence of damages was presented.", "\nIII. ", "THE GARAGE ROOF (CANOPY)\nThe trial court awarded Fairway $23,382.27 as due under the garage contract. ", "This figure was arrived at by the court by taking the amount due under the garage contract of approximately $48,587.77 and allowing a $25,205.50 offset to compensate Malouf for Fairway's failure to install a temporary canopy roof over the garage.", "\nFairway asserts on appeal that there was insufficient evidence to justify the offset in favor of Malouf for the absent garage canopy. ", "Once again Fairway relies upon the negative evidence doctrine. ", "Mr. John K. Parsons, the engineer who designed the garage, testified that the canopy called for in the plans and specifications was never installed. ", "Fairway considers this negative evidence and asserts that it is insufficient to overcome the positive evidence presented by Fairway. ", "This positive evidence consisted of the testimony of Mr. Leroy Malouf and Mr. Alfred M. Tibshraeny that the canopy roof was not included in Fairway's bid or the garage contract even though it appears on the plans. ", "Allegedly, the roof was excluded because Malouf planned to add additional floors to the garage at a later date. ", "For the reasons stated in the preceding section, we believe that Mr. Parsons' testimony that no canopy was ever built is probative and would support a finding on that point since he had a full opportunity to observe whether or not the roof was ever installed.", "\nFurther, we believe that there is sufficient evidence to support the trial court's determination that Fairway's failure to install the roof constituted a breach of the contract as written. ", "That contract required Fairway to build the garage in accordance with Mr. Parsons' drawings. ", "On page S-1 of those drawings, the following entry appears:\nCANOPY —\n1. ", "— TEMPORARY ROOF OVER AREAS B'TW'N LINES A&B, C&D AT LEVEL # 4 and B'TW'N LINES D&E, F&G AT LEVEL # 3 SHALL BE OF LIGHT GAGE METAL....\n(Emphasis added). ", "The garage in fact was constructed up to the third and fourth levels in accordance with the plans. ", "Those plans also included future fifth and sixth levels. ", "Despite this fact, the quoted material clearly indicates that a canopy roof was to be put over the garage by Fairway as it reached the third and fourth levels. ", "The canopy was to be temporary, of course, because of the plans for future floors, but this quoted language clearly indicates that the roof was required as a part of Fairway's contract. ", "It is also true, however, that the drawings on Page S-5 indicate that the canopy roof was to be installed only after the future fifth and sixth levels of the garage were built. ", "Thus, it is apparent that the plans incorporated by reference into the contract are ambiguous as to whether Fairway was required to install the canopy after it built the third and fourth levels. ", "From its judgment awarding Malouf an offset for Fairway's failure to install the canopy roof it is apparent that the trial court interpreted the contract to require that Fairway install the roof over the third and fourth levels.", "\nThis Court is not bound by the trial court's interpretation of the written contract instruments, for the interpretation of written instruments is a question of law to be determined by this Court independently. ", "Polk v. Koerner, 111 Ariz. 493, 495, 533 P.2d 660, 662 (1975); State Farm Fire and Casualty Company v. Rossini, 107 Ariz. 561, 564, 490 P.2d 567, 570 (1971); T.D. Dennis Builder, Inc. v. Goff, 101 Ariz. 211, 213, 418 P.2d 367, 369 (1966). ", "The interpretation of the contract instruments is to be made, if possible, on the basis of the plain and unambiguous terms of the documents. ", "17A C.J.S. Contracts § 296(1) (1963). ", "However, we believe that, as a matter of law, the garage contract instruments taken as a whole, including the drawings, are ambiguous on the point under discussion. ", "See Slater v. Westland, 27 Ariz. App. ", "227, 231, 553 P.2d 1212, 1216 (1976), where we held that *250 the \"initial determination of whether an agreement is ambiguous, and thus subject to interpretation through the use of parol evidence, is a question of law to be determined by the court.\" ", "Once the contract and the instruments forming the contract are determined to be ambiguous on a specific point, it is necessary to resolve the ambiguity by considering matters outside the written contract. ", "Miller Cattle Co. v. Francis, 35 Ariz. 535, 539, 281 P. 211, 212 (1929); 17A C.J.S. Contracts § 294 b, at 28-37 (1963). ", "The surrounding circumstances at the time that the contract was made should be considered in ascertaining its meaning. ", "Polk v. Koerner, 111 Ariz. 493, 495, 533 P.2d 660, 662 (1975); Kreig v. Hammels, 29 Ariz. 280, 283-4, 240 P. 1031, 1032 (1925). ", "It is for the trier of fact to determine what the surrounding facts and circumstances are. ", "Kreig v. Hammels, supra, 29 Ariz. at 284, 240 P. at 1032. ", "Further, where \"an ambiguity exists on the face of the document or the language admits of differing interpretations, parol evidence is admissible to clarify and explain the document.\" ", "Standage Ventures, Inc. v. State, 114 Ariz. 480, 482, 562 P.2d 360, 362 (1977). ", "Where there is a conflict in the evidence presented to resolve the ambiguity, it is for the trier of fact to resolve the conflict. ", "Miller Cattle Co. v. Francis, supra, 35 Ariz. at 539, 281 P. at 212. ", "We will affirm the resolution of the conflict by the trier of fact so long as it is reasonably supported by the evidence.", "\nIn this case, we believe that there is a conflict in the evidence presented to resolve the ambiguity and that the evidence amply supports the trial court's determination that the facially ambiguous contract required Fairway to install the canopy roof. ", "One of the surrounding circumstances which the trial court was entitled to consider under the Polk and Kreig decisions is the fact that Malouf wanted to reserve the option of adding additional floors to the parking garage but also desired to immediately, but temporarily, roof and protect the otherwise uncovered areas at the top of the garage constructed by Fairway. ", "The testimony of the garage designer, John K. Parsons, clearly indicates that these considerations did indeed exist. ", "This parol evidence was clearly admissible under the Standage Ventures, Inc. case since an ambiguity existed on the face of the contract documents, and this evidence created a permissible inference that the ambiguous contract documents required Fairway to install the roof as part of the garage contract. ", "Because the admissible evidence fairly allowed this inference, we find that the trial court's determination that Fairway breached the contract by failing to install the canopy roof was supported by reasonable evidence.[1] We therefore affirm the offset of approximately $25,205.50 allowed by the trial court against Fairway's award for amounts due under the garage contract.", "\nIV. ", "OFFSETS AGAINST AMOUNTS AWARDED FOR EXTRAS\nIn paragraph 2 of its judgment, the trial court awarded Fairway various amounts for extra work it or its subcontractors had performed at Malouf's request. ", "In subparagraph (a), the court awarded Fairway $30,423.25 for lath, plaster, drywall and paint work performed by a subcontractor, Bob Campbell. ", "However, the court allowed an offset of $18,000.00 against this award to Fairway. ", "Similarly, in subparagraph (b), the court awarded Fairway $18,907.35 for hardware, lumber and formica, less an offset of $13,600.00. ", "On appeal, Fairway contends that there was no evidence to justify the described offsets. ", "We disagree.", "\nExhibit 33 in evidence is sufficient evidence to support the allowance of the two offsets. ", "The exhibit is a letter from Malouf to Fairway which states that its purpose \"is to confirm our understanding on the following items concerning the new building.\" ", "The letter provides in pertinent part:\n\n*251 Furthermore, this is to confirm our understanding on the following terms, which also are on an allowance basis.", "\n(a) $6,000.00 for finish lumber on the four (4) O'Malley floors, to be paid to them as per lease.", "\n(b) $6,000.00 for the remaining five (5) floors.", "\n(c) $18,000.00 miscellaneous finish, based on $2,000.00 per floor.", "\n(d) $1,600.00 for miscellaneous signs, such as directional, exit, door lettering, etc.", "\nIt is readily apparent that — and the parties both agree — the trial court based its allowance of the $18,000.00 offset on item (c), while the $13,600.00 offset was based on items (a), (b), and (d). ", "The letter clearly states that an understanding existed that these allowances would be made, and the letter is certainly evidence of an agreement which justified the trial court's allowance of the two offsets.", "\nFairway contends, however, that Exhibit 33 is not an agreement executed by Fairway so that it cannot be bound by it. ", "Fairway misconstrues the importance of the letter for it is certainly evidence of a prior oral agreement and the offsets allowed by the court enforced this agreement.", "\nFairway also contends that the letter was not one of the \"contract documents\" related to the building contract since the letter was not executed in compliance with Article 2 of the General Conditions, which provides in part that the \"Contract Documents shall be signed in duplicate by the Owner and Contractor.\" ", "Since the letter is allegedly not one of the \"contract documents,\" Fairway contends that it is not bound by it. ", "There are two reasons why this reasoning is incorrect. ", "First, it was not necessary that the letter be one of the \"contract documents.\" ", "As noted, Fairway's claims for payment for the extras arose out of alleged oral requests by Malouf that Fairway perform the extra work. ", "None of the \"contract documents\" related to the building contract establishes the propriety of these claims, yet the claims were properly based on the separate oral contracts. ", "Similarly, Malouf's offset claims arose out of an oral understanding related to the extras that was evidenced by Exhibit 33, described above. ", "It was not required that the offset claims be established by one or another of the \"contract documents\" related to the building since the offset claims, like Fairway's claims for payment for the extras, arose out of a separate oral contract.", "\nSecond, it is certainly possible that Exhibit 33 was one of the \"contract documents\" even though Fairway never signed it. ", "It is noteworthy that the General Conditions, which contain the requirement that all \"contract documents\" be executed by the owner and contractor, was signed by neither party. ", "Nevertheless, the General Conditions document was made a \"contract document\" by virtue of the incorporation by reference clause on page 4 of the Standard Form, which was signed by Malouf and Fairway. ", "In effect, the signatures appearing on the Standard Form were sufficient to execute that document and all documents it incorporated by reference, including the General Conditions. ", "The Standard Form also incorporated by reference an \"Agreement Dated November 4, 1964.\" ", "Exhibit 33 is dated November 4, 1964 and we believe that it was therefore incorporated into the Standard Form by the phrase set forth above. ", "Fairway argues that the quoted phrase was intended to refer to the Standard Form since that document was dated November 4, 1964. ", "This contention is incongruous, however, for it would mean that the Standard Form incorporates itself by reference, which would be a strange result. ", "For the two reasons stated above, we believe that Fairway's reasoning is defective and that the evidence, especially Exhibit 33, reasonably supports the trial court's award of the two offsets in question.", "\nV. MARBLECRETE FAILURE\nThe trial court awarded Malouf $59,813.15 as compensation for the failure of marblecrete to adhere to the office building. ", "The court also awarded Malouf $14,805.54 as consequential damages for the failure of the marblecrete to adhere. ", "On appeal, Fairway contends that the evidence *252 was insufficient to justify these awards. ", "We disagree.", "\nMarblecrete is a decorative finish applied to the exterior of the office building by a Fairway subcontractor, Bob Campbell. ", "Section 18-18(f) of the Specifications for the office building, which defined the contractor's obligations under the contract, provides instructions for applying the substances underneath the marblecrete. ", "In part, the instructions state that before \"applying the finish coat, the surface of the brown coat shall be dampened evenly to obtain uniform suction.\" ", "The subcontractor, Bob Campbell, attempted to dampen evenly by applying a sealer manufactured by Deer-O Paints and Chemicals, Limited. ", "Eventually hunks of the marblecrete fell off the office building's exterior walls.", "\nIn its counterclaim, Malouf claimed that Fairway, through its subcontractor, had breached the contract when the Deer-O sealer was applied to the exterior walls prior to the application of the marblecrete. ", "Further, Malouf alleged that the marblecrete application process was negligently performed by Fairway, through its subcontractor. ", "At trial, Malouf attempted to prove its allegations by means of the testimony of James Lindlan, an architect connected with the Malouf Towers Project, and others. ", "Specifically, Malouf contended and Mr. Lindlan testified that the contract required that the brown coat be dampened only with water, since no chemicals or sealers were specified in the contract for use in the dampening process. ", "Other witnesses testified that this was a feasible method for dampening underneath the marblecrete. ", "On the basis of this and other testimony, the trial court made the awards described above, although it is unclear from the judgment whether it relied upon a breach of contract or negligence theory. ", "On appeal, Malouf apparently has abandoned its tort negligence theory and attempts to justify the marblecrete awards only on a breach of contract theory. ", "In any event, we will not consider the tort negligence theory because the awards in question are fully supported by a breach of contract analysis.", "\nWe have thoroughly examined the contract provisions relating to the method specified for applying the marblecrete and the substances underneath the marblecrete. ", "This examination leads us to conclude that, as a matter of law, the contract's description of the method for dampening the brown coat is ambiguous. ", "The contract as written, including the Specifications, does not determine whether the brown coat was to be dampened with water or some other substance. ", "Consequently, we cannot determine from the written contract whether Fairway breached the contract when its subcontractor applied the Deer-O sealer to the brown coat. ", "In this situation, the ambiguity must be resolved by considering matters outside the contract. ", "Miller Cattle Co. v. Francis, supra. ", "See the discussion of these legal principles in Section III above, entitled \"The Garage Roof (Canopy).\" ", "Parol evidence may be considered. ", "Standage Ventures, Inc. v. State, supra, and it is for the trier of fact to resolve any conflict in the evidence presented to resolve the ambiguity. ", "Miller Cattle Co. v. Francis, supra.", "\nThe parties presented considerable evidence in an attempt to explain the contract provisions relating to the method for dampening the brown coat. ", "We believe that this evidence was in conflict so that the trial court was entitled and obligated to resolve the conflict and the contractual ambiguity. ", "It did so by apparently accepting Malouf's evidence that the contract required that the brown coat be dampened with water and that no sealer was allowed for this purpose. ", "The evidence, particularly the testimony of Mr. Lindlan and Mr. Dennis Hopper, reasonably supports this determination. ", "Consequently, the trial court did not commit reversible error when it apparently concluded that Fairway breached the contract when its subcontractor dampened the brown coat with a sealer instead of water only. ", "We further believe there was sufficient evidence that the breach of contract caused the marblecrete failure to justify the trial court's awards of damages for this failure.", "\n*253 VI. ", "MEASURE OF DAMAGES FOR THE MARBLECRETE FAILURE\nThe trial court's damage award for the marblecrete failure was made, both parties agree, on the basis that the walls where the marblecrete was improperly installed would have to be torn down to the studs. ", "In effect, the court apparently believes that it would be necessary to entirely remove the exterior walls to properly repair the damage, and its award compensates Malouf for this.", "\nOn appeal, Fairway asserts that this belief of the trial court was erroneous for two related reasons. ", "First, Fairway alleges that the evidence is uncontroverted that the marblecrete failure could be repaired without entirely replacing the exterior walls. ", "Secondly, Fairway claims that the marblecrete surface was strictly decorative, so that any slight differences in appearance between the original design and the result after repairing the walls without starting from scratch would be insignificant.", "\nBecause the trial court allegedly failed to recognize or consider these facts, Fairway contends that it erred when it awarded damages on the basis of a cost of repair theory. ", "Citing County of Maricopa v. Walsh & Oberg Architects, Inc., 16 Ariz. App. ", "439, 494 P.2d 44 (1972) and Blecick v. School District No. ", "18 of Cochise County, 2 Ariz. App. ", "115, 406 P.2d 750 (1965), Fairway alleges that the cost of repair will result in economic waste since there was no need to entirely remove the exterior walls. ", "In this situation, Fairway contends, the proper measure of damages is the difference in value. ", "Although Fairway's briefs do not articulate this contention, apparently Fairway believes that the trial court should have awarded Malouf the cost of repairing the walls without entirely removing the exterior walls, together with the slight difference in value between the building as designed and the building as it would exist after these limited repairs were finished.", "\nWe will briefly discuss the applicable legal doctrines. ", "Generally, the measure of damages for a breach by a builder of a construction contract is the cost of repair. ", "County of Maricopa, supra, 16 Ariz. App. ", "at 441, 494 P.2d at 46; Restatement of Contracts § 346(1)(a)(i) (1932); Corbin, 5 Corbin on Contracts § 1089 (1964). ", "However, where an award based on this measure of damages would result in \"economic waste,\" which is a term of art, the proper measure of damages would be the difference in value between the building as designed and the building as constructed. ", "This Court discussed the concept of economic waste in County of Maricopa, supra, 16 Ariz. App. ", "at 441-2, 494 P.2d at 46-7, as follows:\nThe concept of \"economic waste\" as it relates to changing the general rule as to damages for breach of a construction contract has been succinctly captured by comment (b) to Restatement of Contracts, § 346(1) (1932):\n\"The purpose of money damages is to put the injured party in as good a condition as that in which full performance would have put him; but this does not mean that he is to be put in the same specific physical position ... There are numerous cases .. . ", "in which the value of the finished product is much less than the cost of producing it after the breach has occurred. ", "Sometimes defects in a completed structure cannot be physically remedied without tearing down and rebuilding, at a cost that would be imprudent and unreasonable. ", "The law does not require damages to be measured by a method requiring such economic waste.\" (", "Emphasis added.)", "\nIf economic waste is present, the effect is to award damages on the basis of the difference in value of the building had it been completed in accordance with the contract and the value of the building as erected, rather than on the basis of reasonable cost of completion to conform to the contract. ", "Restatement of Contracts § 346(1) (1932).", "\nIt is clear from this discussion that economic waste exists only when the cost of repair measure of damages would result in unreasonable duplication of effort. ", "Further, economic *254 waste is not present and the difference in value measure cannot be used unless the building would be substantially destroyed by completely remedying the defects. ", "Blecick, supra, 2 Ariz. App. ", "at 123, 406 P.2d at 758.", "\nThe builder contending that the cost of repair measure of damages would result in economic waste has the burden of affirmatively proving the contention. ", "County of Maricopa, supra, 16 Ariz. App. ", "at 442, 494 P.2d at 47. ", "The trial court's choice of the measure of damages will be affirmed on appeal if there is reasonable evidence to support the choice. ", "Id.\nWe believe that there is more than sufficient evidence to support a finding that Fairway did not meet its burden. ", "It is clear and uncontroverted that removal of the exterior walls would not result in the sort of substantial destruction of the building envisioned by the Blecick Court. ", "Further, Mr. Dennis Hopper, vice president of a lathing and plastering company, testified that it was uncertain whether the defective walls could be satisfactorily repaired unless the exterior walls were entirely removed. ", "Finally, this office building is located on Phoenix' main street, so that it is entirely reasonable for Malouf to insist that it receive a building with the exterior appearance it contracted for. ", "As Fairway concedes in its briefs, any repair of the walls performed without entirely removing the exterior walls would result in a different appearance than called for in the contract. ", "In our view, each of these factors individually would support a finding that Fairway did not meet its burden of proof and, considering them together, there is ample evidence to support such a finding.", "\n\nVII. ", "THE DATE WHEN THE COST OF REPAIRING THE MARBLECRETE IS MEASURED\nThe trial court's award to Malouf of $59,813.15 for the cost of repairing the marblecrete was made, both parties concede, on the basis that the time of trial was the proper time to measure the cost of repair. ", "Fairway contends on appeal that under the mitigation of damages doctrine Malouf was entitled to the cost of repair, if at all, measured only at the time of the breach of contract. ", "In support of this contention, Fairway cites only Gaylord Builders v. Richmond Metal Mfg. ", "Corp., 186 Pa. Super. ", "101, 140 A.2d 358 (1958), where the court stated the following:\nWhen a building contractor has neglected to perform his contract in every respect, it is the duty of the owner to mitigate the damages resulting from the unfinished work which the contractor failed to perform. ", "Taber v. Porter-Gildersleeve Co., 271 Pa. 245, 114 A. 773. ", "The rule that one cannot recover damages from a defaulting party which could have been avoided by the exercise of reasonable effort is applicable to construction contracts.", "\n* * * * * *\nWhen plaintiff therefore, defaulted in the performance of its contract in the above respects it was the duty of the defendants to mitigate the damages as of the approximate time of the default by doing the work themselves or through others, at labor and material costs then obtaining. ", "The defaulting contractor should be compelled only \"to pay what it would reasonably cost [to do the work] at the time of the breach less contract price. * * *\" ", "Taber v. Porter-Gildersleeve Co., supra. [", "271 Pa. 245, 114 A. 773.] (", "Italics added.) \"", "As a general rule, the damages upon breach of contract are to be measured as of the date of the breach\": 15 Am.", "Jur., ", "Damages, § 50.", "\nId. at 104, 140 A.2d at 359-60.", "\nWe believe that the Pennsylvania court and Fairway reached the conclusion that breach of contract damages are measured as of the time of breach by confusing this issue with the mitigation of damages concept. ", "These are separate issues, and we will consider them separately, beginning with the question of whether damages are measured as of breach or as of trial.", "\nWe begin by acknowledging that the general rule appears to be that the *255 rights of the parties with respect to a breach of contract are fixed at the time of breach and that damages are measured as of that time. ", "25 C.J.S. Damages § 74, at 850 (1966); 22 Am.", "Jur.2d Damages § 52 (1965); Hale, Handbook On the Law of Damages § 82 (2d ed. ", "1912). ", "However, this is not a rigid rule which the trial court must apply in all situations. ", "McCormick, Handbook On the Law of Damages § 48 (1935); 22 Am.", "Jur.2d Damages § 52 (1965). ", "We have located no Arizona cases dealing with this issue.", "\nWe believe that the determination of the proper time as of when to measure damages is a matter within the sound discretion of the trial court. ", "The circumstances of each case will differ so greatly that it is impossible to adopt a fair rule specifying a definite point in time as of when damages are measured in every case. ", "See Jaeger, 11 Williston's Treatise on the Law of Contracts § 1363, at 344-45 (3d ed. ", "1968). ", "Consequently, it is important that the trial court be able, in each case, to evaluate the specific circumstances and exercise its discretion in choosing the point in time at which damages are measured. ", "See Restatement of Contracts § 329 (1933). ", "We will affirm the choice so long as the specific circumstances indicate that the trial court did not abuse its discretion.", "\nWe believe that the circumstances of this case are such that the trial court did not abuse its discretion when it chose to measure the damages for the marblecrete failure as of the time of trial. ", "Since Malouf's claim for damages was unliquidated, it was not entitled to prejudgment interest. ", "Thus, had the damages been measured as of a time prior to trial, inflation would have reduced the value of the damages awarded and those damages would have been insufficient as of the time of trial to repair the damage in the manner envisioned by the court. ", "This would be an unfair result. ", "It would run counter to the rule cited in Williston's Treatise, supra, that the applicable damages are always the sum which will put the party in as good a position as if the contract had been fully performed. ", "See also, Restatement of Contracts § 346 (1933). ", "Further, as Malouf discusses at length in its brief, it would have been difficult for the trial court to award damages as of the time of breach, because of the difficulty in determining when the breach occurred. ", "In short, we believe that the circumstances of this case indicate that the trial court did not abuse its discretion by measuring damages as of the time of trial.", "\nAs noted above, Fairway is also apparently contending that the trial court erred by measuring damages as of the time of trial because Malouf allegedly failed to mitigate its damages. ", "Specifically, Fairway alleges that Malouf had a duty to mitigate damages by repairing the marblecrete long before trial. ", "Since Malouf did not do so, Fairway argues that Malouf cannot increase Fairway's liability for damages by having the trial court measure damages as of the time of trial. ", "We disagree with Fairway's argument.", "\nThe Arizona Supreme Court has described the duty to mitigate in the following terms:\n\"`Stated in broad terms, however, the measure of damages is such sum as will compensate the person injured for the loss sustained, with the least burden to the wrongdoer consistent with the idea of fair compensation, and with the duty upon the person injured to exercise reasonable care to mitigate the injury, according to the opportunities that may fairly be or appear to be within his reach....'\" 17 C.J. 844, § 166.", "\nS.A. Gerrard Co., Inc. v. Fricker, 42 Ariz. 503, 508, 27 P.2d 678, 680 (1933). ", "Accord, Coury Bros. Ranches, Inc. v. Ellsworth, 103 Ariz. 515, 518, 446 P.2d 458, 461 (1968). ", "The key requirement is that the injured party exercise reasonable care to mitigate damages. ", "No extraordinary or risky actions are required unless it would be unreasonable to fail to take those actions. ", "The party in breach has the burden of proving that mitigation was reasonably possible but not reasonably attempted. ", "Enco, Incorporated v. F.C. Russell Company, 210 Or. ", "324, 311 P.2d 737 (1957); 25 C.J.S. Damages § 96 *256 (1966). ", "Further, whether the injured party violated his duty to mitigate damages is a question of fact for the trier of fact, when there is conflicting evidence on the question. ", "Crag Lumber Company v. Crofoot, 144 Cal. ", "App.2d 755, 301 P.2d 952 (1956); 35A C.J.S. Damages § 176(9) (1966).", "\nWe believe that, as a matter of law, Fairway has failed to present any evidence to discharge its affirmative obligation to prove that Malouf has not taken all reasonable steps to mitigate its damages. ", "Fairway's only contention is that Malouf should have repaired the marblecrete when it first began to fall off the walls. ", "However, it would clearly be unreasonable to impose that obligation on Malouf because the extent of the breach (requiring the entire removal of the marblecrete) was not ascertainable until two years after its installation and shortly before trial.", "\nFor the reasons stated above, we reject Fairway's contention that the trial court erred when it awarded damages for the marblecrete failure measured as of the date of trial, and affirm the award.", "\nVIII. ", "CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\nThe trial court awarded Malouf several sums of money as compensation for consequential damages it suffered as a result of the marblecrete failure. ", "On appeal, Fairway challenges four of these awards.", "\nA. $2,309.50 For Load Testing and $2,464.25 for Engineering Testing.", "\nFairway challenges these two awards on the ground that there was no evidence that Malouf ever incurred these expenses. ", "We disagree and affirm.", "\nMalouf attempted to prove that these expenses were incurred by it through the testimony of John Bromley, a bank trust officer. ", "However, Mr. Bromley testified that he paid these expenses from trust accounts which held stock in Malouf. ", "This stock had previously been owned by Malouf family members. ", "Upon the death of these persons, the stock passed into the trusts under Mr. Bromley's control. ", "He held no office in the corporation, was never expressly authorized by the corporation to incur expenses on its behalf, and at all times acted on behalf of the trusts, which were stockholders in Malouf.", "\nBecause Mr. Bromley had no official connection with Malouf, at trial Fairway objected to any testimony by him that he incurred the testing expenses in connection with the marblecrete failure. ", "The basis of the objection was, essentially, that the testimony was irrelevant since Malouf could recover damages only for those expenses that Malouf or its authorized agents incurred as a result of the marblecrete failure, and Mr. Bromley allegedly was not an authorized agent of Malouf. ", "Initially, the trial court sustained the objection on the ground that no proper foundation for the testimony had been established. ", "However, after listening to counsel the court reversed itself and allowed the testimony subject to a final ruling subsequently.", "\nWe believe that Mr. Bromley's testimony supports a finding that Malouf incurred the testing expenses, so that the awards must be affirmed. ", "This belief is based on our conclusion that there was evidence presented from which the trial court could have concluded that Mr. Bromley was an agent of Malouf.", "\nOne way an agency relationship can be created is ratification after the fact by the purported principal of the purported agent's acts. ", "This ratification can occur when a purported principal brings a lawsuit to enforce a transaction negotiated by the purported agent. ", "Merchants & Manufacturers' Ass'n v. First National Bank, 40 Ariz. 531, 537, 14 P.2d 717, 719 (1932); Hallenbeck v. Regional Agricultural Credit Corp., 47 Ariz. 477, 481, 56 P.2d 1041, 1042-3 (1936); Mechem, Outlines of The Law of Agency § 238 (4th ed. ", "1952); Seavey, Handbook of the Law of Agency § 38D, at 72 (1964); Restatement (Second) of Agency § 97 (1958). ", "Section 97 of the Restatement (Second) of Agency, succinctly states the concept:\n§ 97. ", "Bringing Suit or Basing Defense as Affirmance\n\n*257 There is affirmance if the purported principal, with knowledge of the facts, in an action in which the third parson or the purported agent is an adverse party:\n(a)brings suit to enforce promises which were part of the unauthorized transaction or to secure interests which were the fruit of such transaction and to which he would be entitled only if the act had been authorized; or\n(b) bases a defense upon the unauthorized transaction as though it were authorized; or\n(c) continues to maintain such suit or base such defense.", "\n(Emphasis added).", "\nWe believe that the trial court could easily have found, on the basis of the record and the evidence presented, that the doctrine described in the emphasized portion of section 97 applied to this case. ", "More specifically, the trial court could have found that by bringing suit to collect from Fairway the amounts expended by Mr. Bromley for testing, Malouf affirmed and ratified the transactions whereby Mr. Bromley incurred those expenses and, after the fact, made those transactions authorized transactions on its behalf. ", "The logical conclusion to be drawn from this analysis is that the testing expenses were expenses incurred by Malouf through its authorized agent. ", "Since there is more than ample support in the evidence and record to support this legal analysis, we must affirm the awards to Malouf for load and engineering testing.", "\nB. $1283.55 for Fascia Repair Performed by Gay Plastering & Drywall, and $1500.00 for Fascia Repair Performed by Bob Campbell.", "\nFairway challenges these two awards on the ground that Malouf failed to introduce sufficient evidence to justify the awards by the trial court. ", "We have thoroughly examined Fairway's arguments on these issues and disagree that the evidence was insufficient to justify the awards. ", "Mr. Gary Malouf's testimony that he paid $1,283.55 to Mr. Gay on behalf of Malouf for masonry repair fully supports the trial court's award to Malouf in that amount. ", "Further, Mr. Thomas Bukowski's testimony that Malouf incurred a debt to Bob Campbell of $1500.00 for masonry repairs of the fascia is sufficient evidence that Malouf was damaged in that amount. ", "Since the awards in question were supported by reasonable evidence, they must be affirmed.", "\nIX. ", "AWARD OF ATTORNEYS' FEES AND COSTS OF DAMAGES\nMalouf, as landlord of the office building, had, prior to the entry of judgment in this action, been sued by a tenant in the building because of its failure to keep the marblecrete fascia from falling off the building. ", "In the current action, the trial court awarded Malouf $3130.55 as compensation for the attorneys' fees and costs it incurred in defending the suit brought by the tenant. ", "This award was based on the theory that these expenses were consequential damages caused by Fairway's breach of concrete relating to the application of the marblecrete. ", "On appeal, Fairway asserts that there is no evidence to support the award, and that there is no legal basis for it. ", "The evidentiary challenge may be quickly disposed of because the award is more than adequately supported by the testimony of Mr. Gary Malouf that Malouf paid $3017.00 for attorneys' fees and $113.55 for costs (a total of $3130.55) to defend the lawsuit brought by the tenant.", "\nAs noted, Fairway also contends that there is no legal basis for the award. ", "As to the attorneys' fees portion of the award, Fairway contends that attorneys' fees cannot be recovered unless there is a statute or express agreement of the parties which authorizes recovery, citing O.S. Stapley Company v. Rogers, 25 Ariz. 308, 216 P.2d 1072 (1923) and State v. Williams, 12 Ariz. App. ", "498, 472 P.2d 109 (1970). ", "Since Malouf offered no statute or contractual provision to support the award of attorneys' fees, Fairway contends that the award was erroneously entered. ", "As to the award of costs, Fairway contends that the recovery of costs statute, A.R.S. § 12-341, does not authorize the recovery of costs from a stranger to the litigation in which the costs were incurred. *", "258 Thus, since Fairway was a stranger to the litigation between Malouf and its tenant, Fairway contends that there is no legal basis for making it liable for Malouf's costs incurred in defending the tenant's suit.", "\nWe reject Fairway's argument for the following reasons. ", "First, the authority cited by Fairway does not support its position. ", "Stapley and Williams deal only with the situation where one party to a suit is attempting to recover attorneys' fees from the other party as compensation for fees paid in connection with that case. ", "Neither of the cited decisions purported to deal with the type of situation that is present in this case, where Fairway's breach of contract resulted in a lawsuit brought by a third party against Malouf. ", "Similarly, the recovery of costs statute cited by Fairway allows the recovery in a case of costs incurred in that case, but does not prohibit the recovery of damages in a case to compensate for costs incurred in a previous case.", "\nSecondly, the overwhelming general rule is that the victim of a breach of contract may recover damages from the breaching party to compensate for attorneys' fees and costs expended by the victim to defend a separate suit brought against it as a foreseeable result of the breach. ", "Restatement of Contracts § 334 (1932); 22 Am.", "Jur.2d Damages § 166 (1965). ", "Annot. ", "4 A.L.R.3d 270 (1965). ", "The Arizona Supreme Court has expressly approved of this general rule:\nAnother noteworthy exception to the general rule is stated in 15 Am.", "Jur., ", "Damages, Sec. ", "144: \"It is generally held that where the wrongful act of the defendant has involved the plaintiff in litigation with others or placed him in such relation with others as makes it necessary to incur expense to protect his interest, such costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees, should be treated as the legal consequences of the original wrongful act and may be recovered as damages.\"", "\nIllustrative of the application of this exception is the case of Massachusetts Bonding & Ins. ", "Co. v. Lentz, 40 Ariz. 46, 9 P.2d 408.", "\nUnited States Fidelity & Guaranty Co. v. Frohmiller, 71 Ariz. 377, 380, 227 P.2d 1007, 1009 (1951). ", "Cf. ", "Treat v. Nowell, 37 Ariz. 290, 298, 294 P. 273, 276 (1930). ", "We believe that this rule clearly applies to this case and that the trial court was fully justified in awarding damages to Malouf to compensate it for its attorneys' fees and costs in defending the prior lawsuit.", "\nX. EXCLUSION OF JERRY MALOUF'S TESTIMONY\nIn the trial court, the parties vigorously disagreed whether the contract included certain tenant layouts and whether Malouf had ever properly agreed to pay extra sums for the tenant layout work performed by Fairway and its subcontractors. ", "Malouf contended that its president, W.B. Malouf, had, on several occasions, orally told Fairway's president, Alfred Tibshraeny \"to stick to the architect's plans\" and that no extra costs were to be incurred above the contract amount. ", "Because W.B. Malouf was dead at the time of trial, Malouf attempted to prove that W.B. Malouf made these statements to Alfred Tibshraeny through the testimony of W.B. Malouf's son, Jerry, who was present when some of the statements were made. ", "Fairway interjected a hearsay objection to any testimony by Jerry Malouf as to the content of W.B. Malouf's statements to Alfred Tibshraeny. ", "The trial court sustained the objection, but allowed Malouf to elicit Jerry Malouf's testimony in an offer of proof. ", "On appeal, Malouf contends that Jerry Malouf's testimony detailing W.B. Malouf's statements to Alfred Tibshraeny was not hearsay, and that the trial court committed reversible error when it sustained the hearsay objection.", "\nWe have carefully reviewed the testimony in question and agree with the trial court's determination that it was hearsay. \"", "Hearsay evidence is a statement, oral or written, made at a time when there was no opportunity to cross-examine the declarant and offered to prove the truth of the words spoken or written.\" ", "United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co. v. Davis, 3 Ariz. App. ", "259, *259 261, 413 P.2d 590, 592 (1966). ", "W.B. Malouf's statements that Fairway should stick to the architect's plans and that no extra costs were to be incurred could only have been offered to the trial court for the purpose of proving that Malouf had not authorized and was unwilling to pay extra costs. ", "Consequently, the statements were offered to prove the truth of the words spoken by W.B. Malouf, and, since there was no opportunity to cross-examine him, Jerry Malouf's testimony as to the content of his father's statements was hearsay. ", "The trial court did not commit error by excluding Jerry Malouf's testimony.", "\nXI. ", "ALLEGED $6,186.50 ERROR IN JUDGMENT\nMalouf contends that the trial court's award to Fairway for amounts due under the office building contract will result in an excess payment to Fairway of $6,186.50 for the office building. ", "For clarity, we will set forth a simplified version of Malouf's argument in numbered paragraphs:\n(1) The total contract price for the office building was $1,279,000. (", "This fact is undisputed).", "\n(2) $1,285,186.50 was placed in the office building construction escrow account, and this entire sum was disbursed during the project. (", "These facts are also undisputed).", "\n(3) Fairway alleged, and the trial court agreed, that certain disbursements from the escrow account, totaling $98,429.89, should not have been made from the account as those expenses were attributable to the owner, not Fairway. ", "In paragraph 1 of the judgment, the trial court awarded Fairway $98,429.89 to compensate it for the disbursements from the escrow account.", "\n(4) This award, together with the amounts already disbursed to Fairway, will result in an overpayment to Fairway, on the basis of the following calculations:\n\n\nSTEP\n 1. ", "TOTAL AMOUNTS DISBURSED FROM ESCROW 1,285,186.50\n 2. ", "AMOUNTS PROVEN TO HAVE BEEN WRONGFULLY PAID OUT OF THE\n ESCROW ACCOUNT - 98,429.89\n ____________\n 3. ", "AMOUNT DISBURSED FROM ESCROW TO FAIRWAY, OR ON\n FAIRWAY'S BEHALF 1,186,756.61\n 4. ", "DAMAGES AWARDED TO FAIRWAY FOR WRONGFUL PAYMENTS OUT\n OF ESCROW ACCOUNT + 98,429.89\n ____________\n 5. ", "TOTAL FAIRWAY WILL RECEIVE UNDER THE CONTRACT IF THE\n $98,429.89 AWARD IS NOT REDUCED 1,285,186.50\n 6. ", "THE CONTRACT PRICE - 1,279,000.00\n ____________\n 7. ", "ALLEGED OVERPAYMENT 6,186.50\n\nOn the basis of this argument, Malouf contends that the award of $98,429.89 must be reduced by $6,186.50 so that Fairway nets only that amount provided for in the contract.", "\nWe believe that there is a defect in Malouf's argument, at step 3 of the calculations set forth above. ", "Malouf has cited no evidence in the record which clearly shows that $1,186,756.61 was in fact disbursed to Fairway or on its behalf in connection with the office building contract. ", "Further, the mere fact that Fairway proved that $98,429.89 was wrongfully disbursed from the escrow account does not necessarily mean that that was the entire sum of wrongful disbursements. ", "Indeed, the fact that there were some wrongful disbursements at all would certainly justify suspicion by the trial court that there may have been other such disbursements. ", "Finally, we have examined Exhibit 41, the escrow account records, and the testimony of Bernadine Lane, an employee of the company which managed the construction escrow, and find that that evidence is inconclusive as to how much money was disbursed to Fairway or on its behalf.", "\nIn sum, we believe that there was reasonable evidence to support the $98,429.89 award, and that the evidence did not require the trial court to reduce this figure by $6,186.50 to avoid an alleged overpayment to Fairway.", "\n*260 XII. ", "ARCHITECTURAL FEES\nAs noted in the previous section, the trial court apparently agreed with Fairway that certain Malouf Towers Project expenses were erroneously charged to Fairway and were wrongfully paid out of the office building construction escrow account. ", "The major expense in this category was $72,899.89 for architectural fees for the office building. ", "The court awarded this sum as damages to compensate Fairway for this wrongful disbursal of escrow account funds. ", "On appeal, Malouf contends that the trial court erred by apparently concluding that the architectural fees expense was Malouf's responsibility. ", "Malouf argues that under the office building contract, Fairway was obligated to pay for the architectural fees. ", "Consequently, Malouf contends, it was entirely appropriate that the architectural fees were paid for out of the construction escrow account.", "\nMalouf has framed the issue as one of contract interpretation. ", "See section III, entitled \"The Garage Roof (Canopy),\" supra, for applicable review rules. ", "As a preliminary matter, we must determine which documents form the contracts in question. ", "As we noted in the introduction of this case, the office building contract consists of \"The Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor,\" the \"General Conditions,\" and other documents. ", "There is also another written contract, entitled \"Construction Escrow Instructions,\" dated six days later than the building contract. ", "The escrow instructions contract was executed by Malouf, Fairway, the mortgagee, and the escrow agent. ", "This document incorporates by reference another document entitled \"Construction Escrow Project Cost Analysis,\" hereinafter referred to as Exhibit 60. ", "Exhibit 60 was a confidential report prepared and executed by Fairway and submitted to the escrow agent.[2]\nMalouf apparently contends in its brief that all of the contract documents described are parts of one contract, and must be construed as a whole, citing Bullfrog Marina, Inc. v. Lentz, 28 Utah 2d 261, 501 P.2d 266 (1972). ", "The contention that there is only one contract is incorrect, for Malouf and Fairway are the only parties to the office building contract, whereas the mortgagee and escrow agent joined Malouf and Fairway as parties to the escrow instructions contract. ", "Further, neither contract attempts to incorporate the other, and their intended purposes are very different. ", "Consequently, it is clear that there are two separate contracts. ", "Further, while we acknowledge the doctrine that, in some situations, contract documents executed close in time and related to one transaction are construed together even though they relate to more than one contract, 17 Am.", "Jur.2d Contracts § 264 (1964); 17A C.J.S. Contracts § 298 (1963), we need not discuss the doctrine here because its application to this case would not affect our analysis. ", "We will, therefore, consider each contract separately.", "\nWe have examined the documents forming the office building contract and conclude, as a matter of law, that that contract did not obligate Fairway to pay for architectural fees. ", "The interpretation of these written documents is a legal question to be determined independently by this Court, Polk v. Koerner, supra, on the basis of the plain and unambiguous terms of the documents. ", "17A C.J.S. Contracts § 296(1) (1963). ", "These documents create absolutely no obligation of Fairway to pay for architectural fees.", "\nThe escrow instructions contract is less clear. ", "Exhibit 60, which is Fairway's Project Cost Analysis and is part of this contract, contains an entry for architectural fees as a \"Cost Description.\" ", "Further, $81,000.00 was listed as the cost for architectural fees, and this figure was included as part of the total estimated cost of the project. *", "261 Malouf argues strenuously that these facts establish a contractual obligation of Fairway to pay for the fees. ", "However, in our judgment, that document does not contain a clear or unambiguous undertaking by Fairway to pay for the fees. ", "The fact that fees are listed as a cost item merely suggests — and certainly does not prove — that Fairway was to pay for the fees out of the price it was to be paid under the office building contract. ", "None of the other escrow instructions contract documents resolves this uncertainty. ", "Consequently, we believe that, as a matter of law, the escrow instructions contract documents are ambiguous on the point under discussions. ", "See Slater v. Westland, supra.", "\nThe resolution of this ambiguity is a fact question for the trier of fact if there is a conflict in the evidence. ", "Miller Cattle Co. v. Francis, supra. ", "In the instant case, there is a conflict in the evidence. ", "The Project Cost Analysis is not mentioned in the office building contract and it is not signed by any party other than Fairway; furthermore, it is designated \"confidential.\" ", "While the trial court could have properly considered it as an admission by a party in resolving the ambiguity, it, also, could have believed the testimony of the President of Fairway that he authorized the payment of architectural fees from the escrow in order to help Malouf's strained financial condition at the time construction started. (", "As noted before, the President of Fairway and the principals of Malouf are relatives).", "\nWe find no error in the trial court's resolution of this ambiguity. ", "Fairway was not contractually obligated to pay for the architectural fees. ", "Since this was Malouf's obligation, Fairway was entitled to be reimbursed for the fees paid. ", "Consequently, the award of $72,899.89 to Fairway is affirmed.", "\nXIII. ", "TENANT LAYOUTS\nAs part of its claim against Malouf, Fairway alleged that it built certain tenant layouts in the office building at the oral request of Malouf, and not as part of the construction contract. ", "Consequently, it sought an award to compensate it for the extra work it had performed on the office building. ", "The trial court apparently accepted Fairway's argument and awarded it $47,259.29 for the extra work. ", "On appeal, Malouf contends that this award was improper because the contracts required Fairway to build tenant layouts without extra compensation.", "\nMalouf relies on a provision of the Standard Form, the basic document of the office building construction contract, as support for its position. ", "That provision, included in Article 2 on page 2, states that \"Remaining floors [are] to be completed, according to tenant requirements, but in no case later than December 1, 1965.\" ", "Malouf concedes that, at the time Fairway submitted its bid, and later, at the time the Standard Form was executed, there were no specific tenant layout plans in existence. ", "However, it notes that typical tenant layouts were included in the plans drawn before the execution of the Standard Form and were incorporated by reference into the Standard Form. ", "Specific tenant layouts were drawn after the execution of the contract, although Malouf expressly concedes that these specific plans are not part of the office building construction contract.", "\nWe have examined all of the documents forming the office building construction contract, including the provision cited by Malouf and quoted above, and believe that, as a matter of law, the contract is ambiguous as to whether it required Fairway to construct the tenant layouts without additional compensation. ", "In reaching this conclusion, we are particularly influenced by the fact that no specific tenant layouts had been drawn at the time the contract was executed. ", "It seems highly unlikely that Fairway would execute a contract with a sum certain contract price if the contract required it to build tenant layouts in accordance with plans to be drawn in the future. ", "In our opinion, the provision quoted above may relate only to Fairway's obligations as to time of completion, and does not clearly determine what the contract required Fairway to construct.", "\n*262 Since the contract is, as a matter of law, ambiguous on the point under discussion, it was for the trier of fact, here the trial court, to resolve that ambiguity on the basis of evidence outside the written documents. ", "Miller Cattle Co. v. Francis, supra. ", "Parol evidence may be considered. ", "Standage Ventures, Inc. v. State, supra. ", "We believe that the trial court's apparent resolution of the ambiguity in favor of Fairway was amply supported by reasonable evidence.", "\nMalouf also contends that the escrow instructions contract documents, specifically Exhibit 60, support its argument that Fairway was contractually obligated to build the tenant layouts without additional compensation. ", "Exhibit 60, a confidential cost analysis, was generally described in the preceding section. ", "Malouf points to certain cost description entries in Exhibit 60 which relate to tenant layout materials and labor. ", "The estimated cost for these tenant layout expenses is included in the total estimated project construction cost. ", "While these entries suggest that Fairway may have been obligated under the contract to build certain tenant layouts for no extra compensation, the entries certainly do not, by their terms, obligate Fairway to do so. ", "Further, the entries do not designate what type of layout Fairway was obligated to construct. ", "In short, the escrow instructions contract is ambiguous and the trial court, as trier of fact, had the right and obligation to resolve this issue by considering parol and other extrinsic evidence. ", "We believe that there was substantial evidence to support the court's resolution of the ambiguity in favor of Fairway's contention that the contract did not require it to build tenant layouts without additional compensation.", "\nFor the reasons stated above, we reject Malouf's contentions that the award for tenant layouts was contrary to and ignored Fairway's contractual obligations. ", "That award is affirmed.", "\nXIV. ", "MECHANICS' LIEN\nAfter making its various awards to the two parties, the trial court set off the total amount due Malouf against the total amount due Fairway. ", "This resulted in a net amount due Fairway of $90,188.76. ", "The trial court decreed that Fairway has a mechanics' lien against Malouf's interest in the Malouf Towers Project property in that net amount.", "\nOn appeal, Malouf contends that the mechanics' lien should not have been granted on the entire net amount due. ", "The total amount awarded Fairway included $72,899.89 to compensate Fairway for the disbursal of office building construction escrow funds for architectural fees and $4,277.00 to compensate Fairway for engineering fees paid for out of the garage construction escrow account. ", "Malouf contends that no mechanics' lien could be decreed as to these sums because they compensated Fairway for its expenses for professional services. ", "As support for this proposition, Malouf relies upon the general Arizona rule that the mechanics' liens law does not apply to professional services, citing Waara v. Golden Turkey Mining Co., 60 Ariz. 252, 135 P.2d 149, 149 A.L.R. 677 (1943); Phoenix Title & Trust Co. v. Garrett, 73 Ariz. 55, 237 P.2d 470 (1951); and Hulsey v. La Mance, 73 Ariz. 430, 242 P.2d 554 (1952). ", "Finally, Malouf argues that the total amount of awards to Fairway for professional services, $77,176.89, should have been deducted from the total net amount due Fairway, $90,188.76, before the mechanics' lien was awarded. ", "Consequently, Malouf requests that this Court reduce the principal sum of the lien amount to the difference between the two figures, $13,011.87.", "\nFairway disputes only that part of Malouf's analysis which indicates that the Waara line of case applies here. ", "Waara, Garrett, and Hulsey, Fairway notes, were cases where a party who had performed professional services sought to enforce a mechanics' lien to obtain payment for those services. ", "Fairway attempts to differentiate this case by arguing that the $77,176.89 it received was not compensation for professional fees but, rather, compensation for sums improperly deducted from the amounts it had earned under the contracts. *", "263 Since the amounts it earned under the contracts fell within the lien statute, Fairway concludes that the $77,176.89 was eligible for a mechanics' lien and the award of the mechanics' lien was proper.[3]\nWhile Fairway correctly argues that the $77,176.89 did not strictly compensate it for professional services rendered, we believe that the monetary awards take on the character of the initial underlying transactions for purposes of determining whether the awards fall within the mechanics' lien statute. ", "The underlying transactions were the performance of professional architectural and engineering services by the firms hired for those purposes. ", "Those firms' claims for payment were, in effect, transferred to Fairway when it paid the firms for their services. ", "The mere fact that the claims were transferred to Fairway, an entity which may assert mechanics' liens for manual services it actually performs, does not change the fact that the claims originated with the performance of professional services which do not come within the mechanics' lien statute. ", "We believe that any other rule would lead to abuse for it would induce the assignment of claims based on services not within the statute to persons or firms whose own services do fall within the statute.", "\nIn sum, we believe that Fairway cannot claim a lien for the two awards totaling $77,176.89 since those awards are based on claims which originated with the performance of professional services. ", "The principal amount of Fairway's mechanics' lien shall be reduced to $14,011.87.[4]\nXV. ", "INTEREST\nThe parties assert numerous challenges to the trial court's awards of interest. ", "Most of these challenges involve the issue of prejudgment interest on the awards to Fairway. ", "After describing what the trial court's judgment did concerning interest, we will consider the issues raised.", "\nThe trial court made four basic monetary awards to Fairway. ", "First, the court awarded Fairway a substantial amount as due under the office building contract. ", "This amount due resulted from the fact that certain expenses which were Malouf's responsibility were wrongfully paid out of the construction escrow account. ", "This amount was offset by a sum to compensate Malouf for the fact that Fairway neglected to perform certain work required by the contract. ", "This net award was to bear interest from September 1, 1965, the date of occupancy of the building. ", "Second, the court awarded Fairway an amount as payment for extra work it had performed at Malouf's oral request. ", "Various parts of this award were to bear prejudgment interest from various dates in 1965, 1966 and 1967. ", "Third, the court awarded Fairway an amount as due under the garage contract, with prejudgment interest to accrue from September 1, 1965. ", "Fourth, the trial court awarded Fairway $4,277.00 to compensate it for the fact that engineering fees were paid for out of the garage escrow account. ", "This award was divided into five parts, with each part to bear prejudgment interest from a specific date.", "\n*264 Malouf received two monetary awards from the trial court. ", "First, it received an award for the cost of repairing the defective marblecrete fascia on the office building. ", "Second, it received an award for its consequential damages resulting from the marblecrete failure. ", "Malouf was not allowed prejudgment interest on either award.", "\nAfter making the various described awards, the trial court offset the awards in the following language:\n11. ", "That the total amount of $74,618.69 due to Defendant-Counterclaimant MALOUF TOWERS RENTAL CO., ", "INC. ", "be set off against amounts due to Plaintiff-Counterdefendant FAIRWAY BUILDERS, INC., ", "resulting in a new amount due to Plaintiff-Counterdefendant FAIRWAY BUILDERS, INC. ", "in the sum of $90,188.76, which money judgment shall bear interest at the rate of six (6%) percent per annum from and after dates due until paid as set forth herein.", "\nIt is clear from the portions of the judgment described and quoted above that the judgment is somewhat confusing and perhaps internally contradictory. ", "For example, the trial court's awards to Fairway indicate that prejudgment interest was to be calculated on the entire amounts of those awards. ", "In contrast, paragraph 11 seems to indicate that, to the extent possible, Fairway's awards are to be offset by all of Malouf's awards before prejudgment interest is calculated. ", "We will attempt to clarify the situation through our discussion of the issues raised by the parties.[5]\nA. PREJUDGMENT INTEREST ON THE TRIAL COURT'S AWARDS OF EXTRAS\nMalouf raises two challenges to the trial court's awards of prejudgment interest on the sums it awarded Fairway for extra work. ", "First, Malouf contends that prejudgment interest was improper because the sums awarded for extras were not liquidated until judgment. ", "It is, of course, the rule in Arizona that prejudgment interest may not be awarded unless the claim for payment is liquidated prior to judgment. ", "Banner Realty, Inc. v. Turek, 113 Ariz. 62, 546 P.2d 798 (1976); Costanzo v. Stewart Title & Trust of Phoenix, 23 Ariz. App. ", "313, 533 P.2d 73 (1975). ", "Malouf argues that Fairway's claims for extras could not be liquidated until judgment because they were based on a quantum meruit theory, citing Schwartz v. Schwerin, 85 Ariz. 242, 336 P.2d 144 (1959).", "\nWe reject Malouf's attempt to characterize Fairway's extras claims as based on quantum meruit. ", "Fairway's clear trial theory, which the trial court apparently accepted, was that there was an oral contract between the parties providing that Fairway would perform extra work with compensation at cost plus ten percent. ", "This theory is clearly supported by the testimony by Leroy B. Malouf, one of the officers of Malouf. ", "The compensation formula proffered by Fairway certainly provides a basis for precisely calculating the amounts claimed for extra work once that extra work had been completed. ", "This is all that is required for those claims to be liquidated. ", "Banner Realty, Inc. v. Turek, supra; Costanzo v. Stewart Title & Trust of Phoenix, supra. ", "Cf. ", "Homes & Son Construction Co., Inc. v. Bolo Corp., 22 Ariz. App. ", "303, 306, 526 P.2d 1258, 1261 (1974), where this Court recognized that a cost-plus claim could be liquidated.", "\nMalouf also contends that prejudgment interest could properly accrue on the awards for extra work only from the time that Fairway filed its complaint, June 27, 1968, since that was the first time Fairway demanded payment for the claims for extra work. ", "We agree with Malouf's basic argument for the following reasons.", "\nIt is the recognized general rule that prejudgment interest on liquidated claims cannot be awarded for any period prior to the initial demand for payment of the liquidated claims. ", "Professor Corbin has stated the rule succinctly:\n\n*265 In the case of an unconditional money debt payable on demand but making no provision for the payment of interest, it is generally held that an action for the amount of the debt will lie at once, without making any demand whatever. ", "It is often said that the action operates as a demand. ", "For the purpose of recovering interest as damages, however, there is no breach of contract until after demand has been made. ", "Interest is recoverable as damages in such cases only from the date of demand; and where the bringing of the action is itself the only demand that is made, interest will be allowed from the date of the writ.", "\n\nCorbin, 5 Corbin On Contracts § 1046, at 285-6 (1964) (emphasis added, footnotes omitted). ", "See 25 C.J.S. Damages § 52 a, at 794 (1966). ", "Although we have found no Arizona cases specifically discussing this rule, we believe that it states an entirely reasonable condition precedent to prejudgment interest in cases where no definite time for payment is stated. ", "Consequently, we hold that in such cases prejudgment interest cannot be awarded on a liquidated claim for the period prior to the creditor's initial demand of the debtor payment of the claim.", "\nIn this case, we have found no evidence, and Fairway has cited no evidence, which indicates that it ever specifically demanded payment of any one or more of its specific claims for extra work at any specific time prior to the filing of its amended complaint on July 26, 1971. ", "We have examined the testimony cited by Fairway in its brief and it merely indicates that copies of invoices for some of the extra work may have been sent to Malouf. ", "The testimony clearly does not indicate whether a demand was made for payment of any particular claim or even if or when the invoices for a particular claim were sent to Malouf.", "\nIn light of our conclusions in the preceding paragraph, we believe that there is no evidence that Fairway demanded payment from Malouf of its claims for extra work on or before the dates from which prejudgment interest accrued under the trial court's judgment. ", "Consequently, there is no reasonable evidence to support the prejudgment interest portions of the awards for extra work.", "\nMalouf suggests that prejudgment interest accrued on the awards for extra work as of the filing of Fairway's initial complaint on June 27, 1968. ", "However, neither that complaint nor the first amended complaint, filed March 31, 1969, contained any claims for payment for extra work. ", "Such claims first appeared in the second amended complaint, filed July 26, 1971. ", "We believe that constitutes Fairway's earliest demand for payment of its claims for extra work so that prejudgment interest on those claims could accrue only from that date. ", "On remand, the trial court shall modify the judgment in accord with this holding.", "\nB. IS THE PREJUDGMENT INTEREST CALCULATED BEFORE OR AFTER THE PARTIES' AWARDS ARE OFFSET?", "\nFairway contends that paragraph 11 of the judgment, set forth above, requires that the parties' awards be offset before prejudgment interest is calculated on the difference. ", "Further, Fairway alleges that this approach is erroneous because it is entitled to prejudgment interest on all of its awards before the parties' awards are offset to reach a net difference. ", "We agree that the trial court's judgment orders an offset of the parties' total awards before prejudgment interest is calculated, but we believe that this order is only partially incorrect. ", "At the end of this subsection we will attempt to more precisely indicate how the prejudgment interest should be calculated.", "\nThe trial court apparently believed that all of Fairway's awards were for liquidated claims, since it awarded prejudgment interest on all of the awards. ", "The evidence supports this holding. ", "Malouf's awards were for unliquidated claims, and no prejudgment interest was allowed or allowable. ", "In this situation, what effect do the unliquidated counterclaim offsets have on Fairway's right to prejudgment interest on its *266 various claims? ", "Clearly, the fact that Fairway's awards for liquidated claims are to be offset by awards for unliquidated counterclaims does not make Fairway's claims unliquidated or preclude the award of prejudgment interest. ", "Homes & Son Construction Co., Inc. v. Bolo Corp., 22 Ariz. App. ", "303, 306, 526 P.2d 1258, 1261 (1974); Hansen v. Covell, 218 Cal. ", "622, 629, 24 P.2d 772, 775-6, 89 A.L.R. 670, 675 (1933). ", "However, if the unliquidated counterclaim offsets are attributable to the same contracts which are the basis of the primary liquidated claims, those claims and the unliquidated counterclaims are offset and prejudgment interest is allowed only on the net difference. ", "We stated this rule in Homes & Son Construction Co., Inc. v. Bolo Corp., supra, 22 Ariz. App. ", "306-7, 526 P.2d at 1261-2:\nIt appears to be the well-recognized rule that if the amount due under a contract is ascertainable, but is reduced by the existence of an unliquidated set-off or counterclaim, attributable to the contract, interest is properly allowable on the balance found due from the due date. ", "Farrington v. Freeman, 251 Iowa 18, 99 N.W.2d 388 (1959); Fluor Corp. v. United States ex rel. ", "Mosher Steel Co., 405 F.2d 823 (9th Cir.), ", "cert. ", "denied, 394 U.S. 1014, 89 S.Ct. ", "1632, 23 L.Ed.2d 40 (1969) (applying Arizona law); Annot., ", "89 A.L.R. 678 (1934).", "\n(Emphasis added). ", "California courts have applied this same rule, albeit stated in different terms, to cases where the unliquidated counterclaim offset arises from defective performance of the contract by the party asserting liquidated claims under the contract. ", "In Hansen v. Covell, supra, involving a construction contract situation not materially distinguishable from the facts of this case, the California Supreme Court indicated that an unliquidated counterclaim offset in the nature of a discount is deducted from the primary liquidated claim after prejudgment interest is calculated on the entire amount of the liquidated claim, but that an unliquidated counterclaim offset in the nature of a payment is deducted from the liquidated claim before any prejudgment interest is calculated, and such interest is calculated only on the difference between the two claims. ", "In the specific case before it, the court held that an unliquidated counterclaim offset arising from defective workmanship under the construction contract was an offset in the nature of a payment. ", "218 Cal. ", "at 630-31, 24 P.2d at 776, 89 A.L.R. at 676. ", "Accord, Burgermeister Brewing Corporation v. Bowman, 227 Cal. ", "App.2d 274, 285, 38 Cal. ", "Rptr. ", "597, 604 (1964). ", "See also Phelps Dodge Copper Prod. ", "Corp. v. Alpha Const. ", "Co., 203 Kan. 591, 455 P.2d 555 (1969); Annot., ", "3 A.L.R. 809 (1919); Annot., ", "89 A.L.R. 678 (1934).", "\nWe believe that this Court's statement of the rule in Homes & Son Construction Co., Inc. v. Bolo Corp., supra, means the same thing as the California courts' statements of the rule in Hansen v. Covell, supra, and Burgermeister Brewing Corporation v. Bowman, supra. ", "Thus, an unliquidated counterclaim offset which would be characterized as a payment under the Hansen decision would be a counterclaim attributable to the contract under the Homes & Son decision.", "\nIn this case, Malouf's unliquidated counterclaims are based on Fairway's defective performance of the office building construction contract. ", "These defective workmanship claims would be characterized as a payment of the sums due on that contract under the Hansen case, and the awards for those claims would be deducted from Fairway's liquidated claim on that contract, so that prejudgment interest would be allowed only on the difference. ", "We believe that this result is entirely appropriate here, too, under the Holmes & Son decision because Malouf's claims for Fairway's defective performance of the office building contract are clearly attributable to that contract. ", "Consequently, Malouf's awards for defective performance of that contract must be deducted from Fairway's award based on that contract before Fairway may be allowed prejudgment interest on that award.", "\nMalouf's unliquidated counterclaims are clearly not attributable to any of the other contracts upon which Fairway's other liquidated claims are based, i.e., the garage *267 construction contract or the oral contract for extra work. ", "Consequently, the Homes & Son decision requires that the awards for those claims accrue prejudgment interest without consideration of Malouf's counterclaims.", "\nIn sum, the judgment is to be modified as follows. ", "The award to Fairway for sums due under the office building contract (paragraph 1 of the August 5, 1975 judgment) shall be offset by the awards to Malouf for defective performance of that contract (paragraphs 5 and 6 of the judgment), with prejudgment interest to be allowed on the remainder from September 1, 1965. ", "All other awards of prejudgment interest are affirmed except for those modified in the preceding section dealing with the awards for extra work.", "\nC. COMPOUND INTEREST\nFairway contends that \"the prejudgment interest should be compounded.\" ", "Fairway cites no authority to support this contention and we know of no authority which would allow compound interest.", "\nXVI. ", "CONCLUSION\nThe case is remanded for entry of a new judgment in the following respects:\n1. ", "Paragraph 1 of the judgment shall be modified to strike the award to Malouf of $1,000.00 for Fairway's failure to install a vault door, and complying modifications of paragraphs 1, 7, and 11 shall be made.", "\n2. ", "Paragraph 7 of the judgment shall be modified by reducing Fairway's lien on Malouf's property to $14,011.87, in accord with our conclusions in section XIV, entitled \"Mechanics' Lien.\"", "\n3. ", "Paragraph 2 of the judgment shall be modified by allowing prejudgment interest on the amounts therein awarded only from July 26, 1971.", "\n4. ", "Paragraph 11 of the judgment shall be modified in accord with our conclusions in Section XV.B, entitled \"Is the Prejudgment Interest Calculated Before or After The Parties' Awards are Offset.\"", "\nIn all other respects, the judgment is affirmed.", "\nOGG, C.J., Division 1, concurs.", "\nJACOBSON, J., concurs in the result.", "\nNOTES\n[1] Fairway asserts that the trial court was obligated to accept the uncontroverted testimony of Mr. Leroy Malouf and Mr. Alfred M. Tibshraeny that the contract did not include the canopy roof. ", "While their testimony supports Fairway's position, it was not uncontroverted and the trial court was certainly not obligated to accept it. ", "The court obviously doubted their credibility and the record certainly sustains the reasonableness of that doubt.", "\n[2] We note that Exhibit 53, a letter signed by Alfred Tibshraeny on behalf of Fairway several days after the contracts were executed, is not a part of either written contract. ", "This letter, which states that Fairway would pay for architectural fees, is merely extrinsic evidence which the trial court could not consider until and unless one or both of the contracts was ambiguous.", "\n[3] We have found no legal support for Fairway's novel suggestion that a transferee of a claim for payment for services which are not within the mechanics' lien statute may, by virtue of the transfer, claim a mechanics' lien for the services simply because the transferee's own services are generally within the statute. ", "In fact, there is considerable authority that an assignee of a claim for payment for services which are within the statute cannot claim a mechanics' lien even though the party performing the services could have claimed the lien. ", "53 Am.", "Jur.2d Mechanics' Liens § 79 (1970).", "\n[4] This figure is calculated as follows:\n\n\n\nNet amount due Fairway under\ntrial court's judgment 90,188.76\nIncrease in net amount due + 1,000.00\nFairway by virtue of the modification\nin the judgment ordered\nin relation to the vault\ndoor, supra _____________\n91,188.76\nAwards for professional services - 77,176.89\nnot within the mechanics'\nlien statute _____________\nTotal net principal amount for\nwhich Fairway has a mechanics'\nlien $14,011.87\n\n[5] It bears repeating that paragraph 11 will have to be adjusted in light of our holding that Malouf was not entitled to an award of $1,000 for the vault door. ", "See section 1, supra, entitled \"The Vault Door.\"", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
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0.006872852233676976, 0.00392156862745098, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0, 0.00980392156862745, 0.0040650406504065045, 0.007407407407407408, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0.007518796992481203, 0.009345794392523364, 0.008928571428571428, 0.003861003861003861, 0.005263157894736842, 0.010752688172043012, 0.013888888888888888, 0.026143790849673203, 0, 0, 0, 0.005376344086021506, 0, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0.004739336492890996, 0.016736401673640166, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0, 0.025, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0.0125, 0, 0.028985507246376812, 0, 0, 0.005434782608695652, 0.008547008547008548, 0.003278688524590164, 0.00267379679144385, 0, 0.005050505050505051, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003194888178913738, 0, 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0.007042253521126761, 0.004149377593360996, 0, 0.005681818181818182, 0.005, 0.005555555555555556, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004901960784313725, 0.006802721088435374, 0, 0, 0, 0.016, 0, 0, 0.014814814814814815, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0.015384615384615385, 0.012269938650306749, 0.0043859649122807015, 0, 0, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0, 0, 0.006578947368421052, 0.006024096385542169, 0, 0.05405405405405406, 0, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0.005847953216374269, 0.01680672268907563, 0, 0, 0, 0.003968253968253968, 0.00558659217877095, 0, 0, 0.0040650406504065045, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0.005405405405405406, 0, 0, 0, 0.017094017094017096, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0.0019646365422396855, 0, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0, 0.005847953216374269, 0.0045045045045045045, 0.00510204081632653, 0, 0, 0, 0.003663003663003663, 0.005555555555555556, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0.03389830508474576, 0, 0, 0, 0.047619047619047616, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0, 0.004761904761904762, 0.02040816326530612, 0.0047169811320754715, 0, 0.005434782608695652, 0.008264462809917356, 0.01764705882352941, 0.027777777777777776, 0.0019801980198019802, 0.025, 0.031914893617021274, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0.0058823529411764705, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0.0049504950495049506, 0.008264462809917356, 0.004048582995951417, 0.00510204081632653, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0, 0.0078125, 0.018691588785046728, 0.015873015873015872, 0.010526315789473684, 0.0049261083743842365, 0.010362694300518135, 0.01384083044982699, 0, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0.012422360248447204, 0, 0, 0.007936507936507936, 0.00909090909090909, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0.005988023952095809, 0.031496062992125984, 0.006896551724137931, 0.007407407407407408, 0.024096385542168676, 0.020618556701030927, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005917159763313609, 0, 0.007272727272727273, 0.012987012987012988, 0.013071895424836602, 0, 0.0064516129032258064, 0, 0.009345794392523364, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0.00980392156862745, 0.0043859649122807015, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0.02631578947368421, 0.019801980198019802, 0, 0, 0.0047169811320754715, 0.010638297872340425, 0.01276595744680851, 0.024691358024691357, 0.02127659574468085, 0.017094017094017096, 0.018018018018018018, 0, 0, 0.04918032786885246, 0, 0.007575757575757576, 0.008403361344537815, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0.0044444444444444444, 0.005988023952095809, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005847953216374269, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0, 0, 0.0036231884057971015, 0, 0, 0.007662835249042145, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0.008928571428571428, 0.007142857142857143, 0.015625, 0, 0, 0.005076142131979695, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0.006060606060606061, 0.00796812749003984, 0, 0, 0, 0.005813953488372093, 0, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0.05405405405405406, 0, 0.005714285714285714, 0.0029239766081871343, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0.014634146341463415, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005235602094240838, 0.003215434083601286, 0, 0.004975124378109453, 0.010582010582010581, 0, 0.05405405405405406, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0.0045662100456621, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004464285714285714, 0.012578616352201259, 0, 0.16666666666666666, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0.007042253521126761, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0.009009009009009009, 0.020833333333333332, 0.017857142857142856, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0.00392156862745098, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006369426751592357, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0, 0.011299435028248588, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0, 0.032, 0, 0.009950248756218905, 0.03125, 0, 0.019801980198019802, 0, 0, 0.044444444444444446, 0, 0.046875, 0.009174311926605505, 0.003952569169960474, 0.015625, 0, 0.0034965034965034965, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0, 0.006024096385542169, 0.005649717514124294, 0, 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0, 0.005747126436781609, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0.009478672985781991, 0.046875, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0.031578947368421054, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.003284072249589491, 0, 0, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0, 0, 0.022556390977443608, 0.010309278350515464, 0.014084507042253521, 0.006734006734006734, 0.013043478260869565, 0.010050251256281407, 0.004291845493562232, 0.012738853503184714, 0, 0.0031645569620253164, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00975609756097561, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0, 0.005208333333333333, 0, 0.03125, 0.05405405405405406, 0.009900990099009901, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0.00558659217877095, 0, 0.006191950464396285, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0.005201560468140442, 0, 0 ]
[ "Spinal Immobilization in the Trauma Room - a Survey-Based Analysis at German Level I Trauma Centers.", "\nSpinal immobilization is a standard procedure in daily out-of-hospital emergency care. ", "Homogenous recommendations concerning the immobilization of trauma patients during the first therapy in the emergency department do not exist. ", "The aim of the current study was the analysis of the existing strategies concerning spinal immobilization in German level I trauma centers by an internet-based survey. ", "The current study is a survey-based analysis of the current strategies concerning spinal immobilization in all 107 level I trauma centers in Germany. ", "The internet-based survey consists of 6 items asking about immobilization in the emergency department. ", "The return rate was 47.7%. ", "In 14 (28.6%) level I trauma centers the patients remained immobilized on the immobilization tool used by the professional emergency care providers. ", "In 19 (38.8%) level I trauma centers the patients were transferred to a stretcher with a soft positioning mattress on it. ", "Patient transfer to a spineboard or to a TraumaMattress was performed in 11 (22.4%) and 7 (14.3%) level I trauma centers, respectively. ", "Trauma patients were never transferred to a vacuum mattress. ", "Cervical spine protection was most of the time performed by a cervical collar (n = 48; 98.0%). ", "In general, the survey's participants were mainly satisfied (mean = 84/100) with the current strategy of spinal immobilization. ", "The satisfaction was best if the spineboard is used. ", "Patient positioning during initial emergency therapy in the emergency department of German level I trauma centers is highly heterogenous. ", "Besides complete full body immobilization, also the lack of any immobilization was reported by the survey's participants." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nNullpointerException when reading text file from assests folder\n\ni am trying to read the txt file which has the json format content in it, i am using async task to read the file from the asset folder but getting nullpointer exception..below is my code.", "\npublic class DownloadJSON extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {\n private MyDBAdapter dbHelper;\n\n String fileName = \"json.txt\";\n Context c;\n private static final String result = null;\n ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> arraylist;\n\n @Override\n protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {\n\n readFileFromAssets(fileName,c);\n return null;\n\n}\n\n public static String readFileFromAssets(String fileName, Context c) {\n AssetManager assetManager = c.getAssets();\n InputStream is = null;\n try {\n is = assetManager.open(fileName);\n int size = is.available();\n byte[] buffer = new byte[size];\n is.read(buffer);\n is.close();\n String text = new String(buffer);\nSystem.out.println(\"tex===========t\"+ text);\n return text;\n\n } catch (IOException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\n }\n }\n\nBelow is my Log Trace\n09-24 10:53:25.430: E/AndroidRuntime(1714): Caused by: java.lang.", "NullPointerException\n09-24 10:53:25.430: E/AndroidRuntime(1714): at com.markupartist.android.actionbar.example.", "DownloadJSON.readFileFromAssets(DownloadJSON.java:75)\n09-24 10:53:25.430: E/AndroidRuntime(1714): at com.markupartist.android.actionbar.example.", "DownloadJSON.doInBackground(DownloadJSON.java:27)\n09-24 10:53:25.430: E/AndroidRuntime(1714): at com.markupartist.android.actionbar.example.", "DownloadJSON.doInBackground(DownloadJSON.java:1)\n09-24 10:53:25.430: E/AndroidRuntime(1714): at android.os.", "AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:287)\n09-24 10:53:25.430: E/AndroidRuntime(1714): at java.util.concurrent.", "FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:305)\n09-24 10:53:25.430: E/AndroidRuntime(1714): ... 5 more\n\nNot sure where i am doing wrong.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou are not initialized the context object that's why it is giving you nullpointer exception initialize it like this..\nContext c=getApplicationContext();\n\nA:\n\nwhenever you call this asynctask from activity,then please pass context as a parameter.this is finally error of context.", "\nso please right way to pass context. ", " \nI hope you understand.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0.008823529411764706, 0.008695652173913044, 0.013513513513513514, 0.013888888888888888, 0.009009009009009009, 0.01834862385321101, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Union sit-in over riot-hit and NRC\n\nOUR CORRESPONDENT\n\nKokrajhar, Dec. 5: The All BTC Minority Students’ Union held a three-hour sit-in at the Kokrajhar deputy commissioner’s office today demanding proper rehabilitation of riot-hit refugees and updating the national register of citizens. ", "They also asked the administration to seize all illegal arms.", "\n\nAround 100 activists carried banners and shouted slogans demanding immediate rehabilitation of those affected in the communal riots, which happened in Kokrajhar, Chirang and Dhubri districts. ", "They also submitted a memorandum to chief minister Traun Gogoi through Kokrajhar deputy commissioner Jayant Narlikar.", "\n\nIn the memorandum, the union demanded safety and security for people’s lives and property, resettlement of those affected, updating the NRC and government jobs for the kin of those killed in the riots.", "\n\nThe in-charge president of the union, Sayeed Sahabuddin Ahmed, accused chief minister Tarun Gogoi of playing politics at the cost of people’s lives. ", "He called the chief minister a liar with a confused mind who only talks but never does anything in reality.", "\n\n“The chief minister of Assam never thinks about the welfare of the minorities. ", "This resulted in the violence and suffering of the commoners. ", "The government of Assam is not taking any initiative to rehabilitate the riot-affected people,” he said.", "\n\nAsked about the illegal Bangladeshis, Ahmed said it was a burning problem of the entire state.", "\n\n“There are definitely illegal migrants. ", "We also want detection and deportation of illegal migrants who came to Assam after 1971,” he said." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.010380622837370242, 0, 0, 0.017094017094017096, 0.0049261083743842365, 0.013245033112582781, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0.01020408163265306 ]
[ "Q:\n\nNvidia driver can't run with the newest Kernel\n\nI'm using Ubuntu 14.04.3LTS, I just updated my Kernel to 4.2.0-21 via tty1 but my PC didn't show login screen.", "I tried :\n\nReinstall Nvidia driver 358 (PPA) but it didn't work with new kernel\nReinstall Nvidia driver 358 (PPA) with old kernel ( 4.2.0-19-generic ) and it's working ok.", "\n\nHow can I fix the problem with new Kernel?", "\nIf I can provide more information, please don't hesitate let me know!", "\n\nA:\n\nInstall supported Nvidia drivers from the official Ubuntu repository by running:\nsudo apt-get purge 'nvidia.*'", "\nsudo apt-get install nvidia-352\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.012345679012345678, 0.005847953216374269, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0.008620689655172414, 0 ]
[ "WHO: Nearly 1.7 millions children die per year due to increasing pollution levels\n\nLack of Sanitation and pure drinking water is one of the causes.", "\nSource: Khushi mody\n\nLife in the planet has become difficult with increasing pollution. ", "Its not only taking away the lives of plants and animals, but also the innocent children. ", "The childhood which is always memorable and innocent is ending soon for children under 5 years of age due to the increasing pollution.", "\n\nWorld Health Organization (WHO) published a report that stated that more than 1 in 4 deaths are attributable to unhealthy environment. ", "Earlier, another report, ‘Inheriting a Sustainable World: Atlas on Children’s Health and the Environment’, stated the common causes of death. ", "It read that children aged 1 month to 5 years died due to diarrhoea, malaria and pneumonia. ", "It also read that these can be prevented by reducing the pollution levels.", "\n\nThe current report states that the causes are indoor and outdoor pollution. ", "This includes second-hand smoke, unsafe water, lack of sanitation, and inadequate hygiene. ", "Nearly 1.7 million children under 5 years die per year, say the two new WHO reports.", "\n\nDr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General said, “A polluted environment is a deadly one – particularly for young children”. ", "She also added, “Their developing organs and immune systems, and smaller bodies and airways, make them especially vulnerable to dirty air and water”.", "\n\nWHO’s official infographics Source: WHO\n\nThe report also put forth a shocking fact. ", "The harmful exposures can start right from the mother’s womb. ", "This increases the risk of premature birth and can also affect the health of the infant. ", "Additionally, when infants and kids under 3 years of age are exposed to indoor and outdoor air pollution, they have an increased risk of pneumonia in childhood. ", "It will also cause a lifelong increased risk of chronic respiratory diseases, such as asthma. ", "Exposure to air pollution may also increase their lifelong risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer.", "\n\nUnder the Sustainable Development Goals, countries are working on targets to guide interventions for children’s environmental health. ", "The goals also include, ending the preventable deaths of newborn and children under five by 2030.", "\n\nThe pollution that human beings cause today is affecting the survivors of the future. ", "It is time to take the call and protect the future generation of the planet." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to use \\eqalignno properly?", "\n\nI'm trying to use the following aligned equations, but It does not work and gives bunch of error. ", "This is my first time trying to use this command so kind of struggling to make it right. ", "I could find what is wrong with it.", "\n\\eqalignno{\\min_{V} \\quad & V^{H}C_{0}V & \\hbox{(6a)} \\cr\n {\\rm s.t}.\\quad &\\underline{p}_{j}\\leq V^{H}\\Phi_{j}^{\\phi}V\\leq\\bar{p}_{j},\\quad j\\in N, \\phi \\in\\Phi&\\hbox{(6b)}\\cr\n & \\underline{q}_{j}\\leq V^{H}\\Psi_{j}^{\\phi}V\\leq\\bar{q}_{j},\\quad j\\in N,\\phi\\in\\Phi&\\hbox{(6c)}\\cr\n & \\underline{v}_{j}\\leq V^{H}E_{j}^{\\phi}V\\leq\\bar{v}_{j},\\quad j\\in N, \\phi\\in\\Phi&\\hbox{(6d)}}\n\nA:\n\nIt seems what this command achieves can be obtained by align nested in a subequations environment. ", "Maybe you'd be interested in grouping the three constraints as a single subequation:\n\\documentclass{article}\n\\usepackage{mathtools}\n\n\\begin{document}\n\n\\setcounter{equation}{5}\n\\begin{subequations}\n \\begin{align}\n \\min_{V} \\quad & V^{H}C_{0}V \\\\\n \\textrm{s.t. } ", "\\quad &\\underline{p}_{j}\\leq V^{H}\\Phi_{j}^{\\phi}V\\leq\\bar{p}_{j},\\quad j\\in N, \\phi \\in\\Phi \\\\\n & \\underline{q}_{j}\\leq V^{H}\\Psi_{j}^{\\phi}V\\leq\\bar{q}_{j},\\quad j\\in N,\\phi\\in\\Phi \\\\\n & \\underline{v}_{j}\\leq V^{H}E_{j}^{\\phi}V\\leq\\bar{v}_{j},\\quad j\\in N, \\phi\\in\\Phi\n \\end{align}\n\\end{subequations}\n\n\\begin{subequations}\n \\begin{alignat}{2}\n & \\min_{V } \\quad V^{H}C_{0}V \\\\\n & \\begin{rcases}\n \\textrm{s.t. } &", "\\underline{p}_{j}\\leq V^{H}\\Phi_{j}^{\\phi}V\\leq\\bar{p}_{j},\\quad j\\in N, \\phi \\in\\Phi \\\\\n & \\underline{q}_{j}\\leq V^{H}\\Psi_{j}^{\\phi}V\\leq\\bar{q}_{j},\\quad j\\in N,\\phi\\in\\Phi \\\\\n & \\underline{v}_{j}\\leq V^{H}E_{j}^{\\phi}V\\leq\\bar{v}_{j},\\quad j\\in N, \\phi\\in\\Phi\n\\end{rcases}\n \\end{alignat}\n\\end{subequations}\n\n \\end{document} \n\n" ]
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[ "When shopping for a complete skincare regimen most people forget their lips. ", "It may not seem as important as the rest of your face, but it is a fact if they are not taken care of it will take away from your overall appearance. ", "The lips should be handled with care since the skin is much thinner in that area. ", "Unlike the rest of the skin, the skin on your lips do not contain … [Read more...]\n\nHave you ever experienced a blood blister? ", "Well, if the answer is yes you know how painful and unattractive they can be. ", "A blood blister forms when the skin’s dermal tissue and blood vessels are harmed without actually breaking skin. ", "Think about it as a cut or injury that is bleeding but isn’t actually open which causes body fluids and blood to stay trapped under the skin. … [", "Read more...]\n\nHyperpigmentation is defined as any dark spot or lesion on the skin. ", "It commonly comes in the form of liver spots, freckles, moles, suntans, and scars due to cuts, burns, abrasions, sun damage. ", "For some, getting rid of hyperpigmentation can be a long process but it can absolutely be done.", "\nHow to get rid of hyperpigmentation naturally\nOils\nEssential oils have been used for … [Read more...]\n\nWhether you’ve taken a tumble or endured some invasive surgical procedure being left with a keloid scar is no fun. ", "Keloids are formed when scar tissue exponentially reproduces and remains after an injury is healed. ", "Along with stretch marks, spider veins, and dark circles one of the most common cosmetic questions happens to be how to get rid of keloid scars. ", "Unfortunately, … [Read more...]\n\nThe goals of surgery for primary melanoma are cure and local tumor control. ", "Over the past 10 years, prospective and retrospective studies have shown that cure and local control of melanoma may be achieved with margins of excision far less than the traditional 5 cm of years past.1 Current recommendations correlate the amount of tumor-free surgical margin to the Breslow thickness … [Read more...]\n\nIf you've ever used one of those magnifying mirrors found at pharmacies, you probably noticed hundreds of tiny brownish speckles on your face. ", "While not inherently harmful, these small spots, or clogged pores, don't look good and can lead to blackheads or acne breakouts. ", "Luckily, there are a wide variety of ways in which you can get rid of clogged pores, prevent pimples, … [Read more...]\n\nThroughout history, women (and men, too!) ", "have sought to lighten their skin to create a fair, even complexion. ", "As far back as the 1500s in Elizabethan times, makeup has been used to create this effect, and today fair skin is considered a visible sign of skin which is free from sun damage and environmental pollution. ", "Drug stores and big box retailers sell a plethora of expensive … [Read more...]\n\nAcne is the most common skin problem, and it occurs in people of all ages. ", "Acne can be found on the face, shoulders, back or almost any part of the body, and is generally caused by blocked glands and hormonal changes. ", "One of the most embarrassing and inconvenient forms of acne is back acne, sometimes called “bacne”. ", "Its occurrence is most frequent in teenagers, but also affects … [Read more...]\n\nThe skin on our feet, particularly on our heels, is especially dry. ", "Our feet are exposed to more external hazards than any other part of the body except for our hands, and these elements can cause dryness, itching, and in extreme cases, cracked heels. ", "Fortunately, the pain and discomfort associated with dry cracked heels can be remedied using a number of natural and synthetic … [Read more...]\n\nEvery woman strives for a clear, blemish free complexion. ", "We spend millions of dollars each year on skin care products which promise the reduction of acne, blackheads, whiteheads and dark spots. ", "But what can be done when redness appears on the face? ", "Often a ruddy complexion may be hard to diagnose. ", "If you do suffer from redness on your face, speak with your doctor, who may be … [Read more...]" ]
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[ "Dover police crack residential burglary cases; 2 arrested\n\nDOVER — The Dover Police Department announces two arrests in the recent series of residential burglaries in the city.", "\n\nChristopher Morin, 27, and Joseph Sprague, 23, were arrested by Dover Police at their respective residences on Thursday.", "\n\nWithin the last week, Dover detectives learned that Sprague had been selling jewelry to area stores soon after burglaries were reported. ", "Through further investigation, the detectives were able to link Sprague and Morin to eight of the recent burglaries.", "\n\nMorin, of 50 Mill Street in Dover, has been charged with eight felony counts of burglary. ", "Those burglaries occurred on Oak Street, Back River Road, Fairfield Drive, West Knox Marsh Road, Atlantic Avenue, Forest Street, and Dover Point Road between Dec. 7 and Jan. 10.", "\n\nSprague, of 149 Portland Ave. ", "in Dover, was charged with four counts of “criminal liability for the conduct of another.” ", "The charges allege that Sprague acted as a “look out” while Morin committed the burglaries on Oak Street, Fairfield Drive, Atlantic Avenue, and Forest Street.", "\n\nMorin refused bail and was held at the Strafford County House of Correction pending arraignment at 10:45 a.m. on Friday in Dover District Court\n\nSprague was held on $10,000 cash bail and is also scheduled for arraignment in Dover Circuit Court at 10:45 a.m. on Friday.", "\n\nThe investigation is ongoing and, even with these arrests, the Dover Police Department still urges residents to lock their doors and windows, and to report any suspicious activity to their local police department.", "\n\nAnyone with information about these burglaries or similar incidents is asked to call the Dover Police Department at 603-742-4646. ", "Those wishing to remain anonymous can provide information to the Dover Crimeline at 603-749-6000 or at www.dovernhcrimeline.org." ]
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[ "This invention relates to compounds that are useful as solvents for the electrolyte salts used in electrochemical devices. ", "This invention further relates to electrolyte compositions comprising at least one such compound and at least one such salt. ", "In other aspects, this invention also relates to electrochemical devices comprising the electrolyte compositions and to articles comprising the electrochemical devices.", "\nThe rapid development of electronic devices has increased market demand for electrochemical devices such as fuel cells, capacitors, electrochromic windows, and battery systems. ", "In response to the demand for battery systems in particular, practical rechargeable lithium batteries have been actively researched. ", "These systems are typically based on the use of lithium metal, lithiated carbon, or a lithium alloy as the negative electrode (anode).", "\nLithium batteries are prepared from one or more lithium electrochemical cells. ", "Such cells have consisted of a non-aqueous lithium ion-conducting electrolyte composition interposed between electrically-separated, spaced-apart positive and negative electrodes. ", "The electrolyte composition is typically a liquid solution of lithium electrolyte salt in nonaqueous aprotic organic electrolyte solvent (often a solvent mixture).", "\nThe selection of electrolyte solvents for rechargeable lithium batteries is crucial for optimal battery performance and involves a variety of different factors. ", "However, long-term stability, ionic conductivity, safety, and wetting capability tend to be the most important selection factors in high volume commercial applications.", "\nLong-term stability requires that an electrolyte solvent be intrinsically stable over the battery\"\"s range of operating temperatures and voltages and also that it be either unreactive with electrode materials or that it effectively form a passivating film with good ionic conductivity. ", "Ionic conductivity requires an electrolyte solvent that effectively dissolves lithium electrolyte salts and facilitates lithium ion mobility. ", "From the viewpoint of safety, the characteristics of low volatility, low flammability, low combustibility, and low toxicity are all highly desirable. ", "It is also desirable that the battery\"\"s electrodes and separator be quickly and thoroughly wetted by the electrolyte solvent, so as to facilitate rapid battery manufacturing and optimize battery performance.", "\nAprotic liquid organic compounds have been the most commonly used electrolyte solvents for lithium batteries. ", "Often, compounds such as ethers or carbonic acid esters (carbonates) have been utilized, as these compounds typically share the desirable properties of oxidative stability at positive electrodes operating at less than about 4.4 V vs. Li+/Li, low reactivity with lithium-containing negative electrodes, and a thermodynamically favorable interaction with lithium ions (which is manifested in the electrolyte composition as a high degree of dissociation of the anion and the lithium cation of the electrolyte salt).", "\nThe most commonly used aprotic organic electrolyte solvents for use in lithium batteries include cyclic esters (for example, ethylene carbonate, propylene carbonate, xcex3-butyrolactone), linear esters, cyclic ethers (for example, 2-methyltetrahydrofuran, 1,3-dioxolane), linear ethers (for example, 1,2-dimethoxyethane), amides, and sulfoxides. ", "A mixed solvent is sometimes preferred, since the properties of the electrolyte composition (conductance, viscosity, etc.) ", "and its reactivity towards lithium can often be xe2x80x98tailoredxe2x80x99 to give optimum performance.", "\nLess traditional solvents such as carboxylic acid esters, sulfoxides, sulfones, and sulfonamides have been used as electrolyte solvents with varying success. ", "Sulfones are typically solids at room temperature. ", "Sulfones such as tetramethylene sulfone (sulfolane) and ethyl methyl sulfone, however, have been used as electrolyte solvents. ", "Dimethylsulfone has also been utilized, but, with a melting point of 107xc2x0 C., its utility has been limited to batteries that operate at elevated temperatures (that is, at temperatures above which the electrolyte composition can be maintained in the liquid state).", "\nDrawbacks to the use of conventional lithium battery electrolyte solvents are generally related to their low boiling points and high flammabilities or combustibilities. ", "Some solvents, such as the cyclic carbonates ethylene carbonate and propylene carbonate, have boiling points above 200xc2x0 C. However, many electrolyte solvents have boiling points that are substantially lower and have flash points less than 100xc2x0 F. Such volatile solvents can ignite during catastrophic failure of a fully or partially charged battery that has undergone, for example, a rapid discharge due to a short circuit. ", "Additionally, volatile solvents present difficulties in the preparation and storage of electrolyte compositions as well as in addition of the composition to the battery during the manufacturing process. ", "Another common problem of some conventional electrolyte solvents is that they often have a surface energy that is too high to spontaneously wet the battery components.", "\nThus, there remains a need in the art for electrolyte solvents that have reduced volatility, flammability, and combustibility (relative to conventional solvents), yet effectively dissolve electrolyte salts to form stable electrolyte compositions that adequately wet electrochemical device components and that exhibit adequate ionic conductivities over a range of operating temperatures.", "\nBriefly, in one aspect, this invention provides novel carbonate compounds and novel carbamate compounds that are useful as electrolyte solvents for the electrolyte salts used in electrochemical devices. ", "The compounds comprise at least one carbonate or carbamate moiety that is directly bonded only to groups selected from the group consisting of alkyl groups, cycloalkyl groups, alkenyl groups, cycloalkenyl groups, alkynyl groups, cycloalkynyl groups, and combinations thereof (for example, cycloalkyl-substituted alkyl groups), the groups optionally containing one or more catenary heteroatoms. (", "As used herein, the term xe2x80x9ccatenary heteroatomsxe2x80x9d means heteroatoms (for example, nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur) that replace one or more carbon atoms of a group in a manner such that the heteroatom is bonded to at least two carbon atoms of the group.) ", "At least one of the directly-bonded groups comprises at least one sulfonyl moiety.", "\nPreferably, the compounds are sulfonyl-containing dialkyl carbonate compounds. ", "More preferably, the compounds are sulfonyl-containing dialkyl carbonate compounds comprising lower alkyl groups that each contain no more than about six (most preferably, no more than about four) carbon atoms.", "\nIt has been discovered that the above-described novel compounds have surprisingly high boiling points and low volatilities and thus, in general, are less flammable and less combustible than conventional electrolyte solvents. ", "Yet the compounds quite effectively dissolve electrolyte salts to provide electrolyte compositions that adequately wet electrochemical device components (such as separators) and that exhibit adequate ionic conductivities for use in electrochemical devices over a range of operating temperatures (for example, from about 20xc2x0 C. to about 80xc2x0 C. or even higher, depending upon the power requirements for a particular application). ", "The compounds (and electrolyte compositions comprising the compounds) also present fewer difficulties in storage and handling than do conventional materials, due to their lower volatility, flammability, and combustibility.", "\nThe compounds are particularly well-suited for use in high-temperature batteries (batteries that are designed to function at temperatures above, for example, about 60xc2x0 C.). ", "In such batteries, electrolyte compositions comprising the compounds exhibit adequate conductivities, while being less likely to ignite during catastrophic battery failure than conventional electrolyte compositions.", "\nThus, the novel compounds of the invention meet the need in the art for electrolyte solvents that have reduced volatility, flammability, and combustibility (relative to conventional solvents), yet effectively dissolve electrolyte salts to form stable electrolyte compositions that adequately wet electrochemical device components and that exhibit adequate ionic conductivities over a range of operating temperatures.", "\nIn other aspects, this invention also provides electrolyte compositions comprising (a) at least one compound of the invention, and (b) at least one electrolyte salt; electrochemical devices comprising the electrolyte compositions; and articles comprising the electrochemical devices.", "\nElectrolyte Solvents\nThe novel compounds of the invention comprise at least one (preferably, only one) carbonate or carbamate moiety (preferably, carbonate) that is directly bonded only to alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkynyl, or cycloalkenyl groups, or to combinations thereof (for example, cycloalkyl-containing alkyl groups, cycloalkyl-containing alkenyl groups, cycloalkenyl-containing alkyl groups, and cycloalkenyl-containing alkenyl groups, where the cyclic moiety can be either monovalent or divalent depending upon its location within the alkyl or alkenyl group). (", "Thus, the carbonate or carbamate moiety is directly bonded only to groups other than aryl groups or aryl-containing groups.) ", "Preferably, the carbonate or carbamate moiety is bonded only to alkyl groups. ", "At least one of the directly-bonded groups (preferably, only one) comprises at least one sulfonyl moiety (preferably, only one such moiety). ", "Although the directly-bonded groups can optionally contain one or more catenary heteroatoms (for example, nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur atoms), preferred compounds contain no catenary heteroatoms other than the sulfur atom of the sulfonyl moiety. ", "Preferably, the directly-bonded groups each contain no more than about six carbon atoms (more preferably, no more than about four), so that the ratio of the number of oxygen atoms to the number of carbon atoms in the compound is in the range of about 0.4 to about 1 (more preferably, from about 0.66 to about 1; most preferably, from about 0.83 to about 1).", "\nA preferred class of the novel compounds of the invention is that which can be represented by the following general formula (I):\nH(CH2)mSO2(CH2)nQ(R)p xe2x80x83xe2x80x83(I) \nwherein Q is a carbonate moiety, xe2x80x94Oxe2x80x94C(O)xe2x80x94Oxe2x80x94, or a carbamate moiety, xe2x80x94Oxe2x80x94C(O)xe2x80x94Nxe2x80x94 (preferably, a carbonate moiety); each R is independently a group selected from the group consisting of alkyl groups, cycloalkyl groups, alkenyl groups, cycloalkenyl groups, alkynyl groups, cycloalkynyl groups, and combinations thereof (preferably, alkyl groups), the groups optionally containing one or more catenary heteroatoms; m is an integer of one to about four; n is an integer of one to about four; and p is an integer of 1 when Q is a carbonate moiety and is an integer of 2 when Q is a carbamate moiety. ", "Preferably, R contains no catenary heteroatoms, R has no more than about six carbon atoms (more preferably, no more than about four carbon atoms), and the sum of m and n is less than or equal to about six (more preferably, less than or equal to about four). ", "\nThe compounds of the invention can be prepared by combining (preferably, in the presence of a base or hydrogen ion acceptor, and, optionally, in an organic solvent) (a) an alcohol comprising at least one sulfonyl moiety and (b) an alcohol-reactive compound (for example, a carbonic acid halide or a carbamic acid halide) that is capable of reacting with the alcohol to form a carbonate (a carbonic acid ester) or a carbamate (a carbamic acid ester) via a condensation reaction (with the elimination of, for example, a mineral acid). ", "Reactions of this type are well-known in organic chemistry and have been described, for example, by Jerry March in Advanced Organic Chemistry, 4th Edition, p. 392, John Wiley and Sons, New York (1992).", "\nPreferably, a base or hydrogen ion acceptor (more preferably, an organic base such as an amine) is present to neutralize any mineral acid that is generated during the condensation reaction. ", "Examples of useful organic bases include heterocyclic aromatic amines (for example, pyridine) and alkylamines (for example, diisopropylamine and triethylamine). ", "Those skilled in the art will recognize the types and limitations of organic bases that are useful for such condensation reactions.", "\nAlcohols that can be used to prepare the compounds of the invention include primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols (preferably, primary or secondary; more preferably, primary) that comprise at least one sulfonyl moiety, but that do not comprise interfering functional groups (for example, groups such as primary amine, thiol, or carboxylic acid groups, which can interfere with the reaction of the alcohol by reacting with the alcohol-reactive compound; or groups such as isocyanate, carboxylic acid, acyl halide, and ester groups, which can react with the hydroxyl group of the alcohol itself). ", "Representative examples of suitable alcohols include: \nand the like, and mixtures thereof.", "\nCompounds that are suitable for use as the alcohol-reactive compound comprise a hydroxyl-reactive functional group (for example, an acid halide-group) that is capable of reacting with the hydroxyl group of an alcohol in a condensation reaction to form a carbonate or a carbamate, with the elimination of a small molecule (for example, a mineral acid such as hydrochloric acid). ", "The compounds preferably have one such hydroxyl-reactive functional group, although it is understood that the products of reactions of compounds with more than one such hydroxyl-reactive functional group are within the scope of this invention. ", "The alcohol-reactive compounds do not comprise other functional groups (such as, for example, alcohol, amine, thiol, or carboxylic acid groups) that are capable of reacting with the hydroxyl-reactive functional group.", "\nSuitable alcohol-reactive compounds include derivatives of formic acid (for example, alkyl haloformates, such as ethyl chloroformate and methyl chloroformate; alkenyl haloformates; cycloalkyl haloformates; and cycloalkenyl haloformates) and nitrogen-containing compounds that are isoelectronic with such formic acid derivatives (for example, alkyl halocarbamates, such as dimethyl chlorocarbamate; alkenyl halocarbamates; cycloalkyl halocarbamates; and cycloalkenyl halocarbamates). ", "Representative examples of suitable alcohol-reactive compounds include: \nIf desired, alcohol-reactive compounds that contain one or more sulfonyl moieties can be utilized. ", "For example, a sulfonyl-containing alcohol can be allowed to react with phosgene to provide a sulfonyl-containing chloroformate, followed by the reaction of the sulfonyl-containing chloroformate with an alcohol. ", "This two-step process can be carried out by using the same alcohol in both steps, or by using two different alcohols. ", "This process is a preferred process for preparing symmetrical carbonate compounds comprising at least two sulfonyl moieties, as shown for example below: \nThe two reactants (the alcohol and the alcohol-reactive compound) can be added to a reaction vessel in any order. ", "The condensation reaction can be carried out at any of a range of temperatures, depending upon whether a sealed or unsealed reaction vessel is utilized. ", "However, it is generally preferable to carry out the reaction at temperatures below the boiling point of the lower boiling reactant (for example, at temperatures between about xe2x88x9210xc2x0 C. and about 50xc2x0 C.; more preferably, between about 0xc2x0 C. and about 25xc2x0 C.) in an open vessel.", "\nIf desired, the reaction can be carried out in a relatively polar organic solvent (for example, a solvent such as tetrahydrofuran, glyme, chloroform, 1,2-dichloroethane, diethyl ether, tert-butyl methyl ether, and the like, and mixtures thereof). ", "Preferably, no organic solvent is used, but the reaction is carried out in the presence of an excess of base. ", "The desired product can be isolated by adding the resulting reaction mixture to water (or to aqueous mineral acid, if base has been utilized) and then extracting the product with a slightly polar solvent (for example, dichloromethane).", "\nA preferred process for preparing the compounds of the invention comprises the steps of 1) combining an alcohol with an about 5% to about 100% molar excess of organic amine in a reaction vessel at about 0xc2x0 C.; 2) adding an alcohol-reactive compound to the vessel at a rate sufficient to maintain the temperature of the resulting reaction mixture at about 0xc2x0 C.; 3) allowing the reaction mixture to warm to room temperature; 4) adding the reaction mixture to aqueous mineral acid; 5) extracting the desired product with a solvent in which the product is soluble; 6) drying the resulting solution of the product with a conventional solid drying agent (for example, anhydrous sodium sulfate); and 7) removing the solvent by evaporation to isolate the product. ", "The isolated product can then be purified, if desired, by conventional methods such as chromatography, distillation, crystallization, etc., ", "all of which are well-known to those skilled in the art.", "\nAn alternative process for preparing the compounds of the invention involves transesterification, which is described, for example, by Jerry March in Advanced Organic Chemistry, 4th Edition, pp. ", "397-398, John Wiley and Sons, New York (1992). ", "This process involves combining (a) an alcohol comprising at least one sulfonyl moiety, as described above (except less preferably in this case a tertiary alcohol) and (b) a carbonate compound (preferably, a symmetrical carbonate compound), with heating and in the presence of a catalyst such as a strong acid, a strong base, or a high-valency early transition metal complex (for example, Ti(IV) propoxide). ", "This process can also be used to prepare symmetrical carbonate compounds comprising more than one sulfonyl moiety, as shown for example below: \nElectrolyte Compositions\nThe compounds of the invention can be utilized to prepare electrolyte compositions comprising (a) at least one compound of the invention; and (b) at least one electrolyte salt. ", "Electrolyte salts that are suitable for use in preparing the electrolyte compositions of the invention include those salts that comprise at least one cation and at least one weakly coordinating anion, that are at least partially soluble in a selected compound of the invention (or in a blend thereof with one or more other compounds of the invention or one or more conventional electrolyte solvents), and that at least partially dissociate to form a conductive electrolyte composition. ", "Preferably, the salts are stable over a range of operating voltages, are non-corrosive, and are thermally and hydrolytically stable.", "\nSuitable cations include alkali metal, alkaline earth metal, Group IIB metal, Group IIIB metal, transition metal, rare earth metal, and ammonium (for example, tetraalkylammonium or trialkylammonium) cations, as well as a proton. ", "Preferred cations for battery use include alkali metal and alkaline earth metal cations.", "\nSuitable weakly coordinating anions include NO3xe2x88x92; Brxe2x88x92; Ixe2x88x92; BF4xe2x88x92; PF6xe2x88x92; AsF6xe2x88x92; ClO4xe2x88x92; SbF6xe2x88x92; HSO4xe2x88x92; H2PO4xe2x88x92; organic anions such as alkane, aryl, and alkaryl sulfonates; fluorinated and unfluorinated tetraarylborates; carboranes and halogen-, alkyl-, or haloalkyl-substituted carborane anions including metallocarborane anions; teflates (for example, xe2x88x92OTeF5, xe2x88x92B(OTeF5)4, and xe2x88x92Pd(OTeF5)4); and fluoroorganic anions such as perfluoroalkanesulfonates, cyanoperfluoroalkanesulfonylamides, bis(cyano)perfluoroalkanesulfonylmethides, bis(perfluoroalkanesulfonyl)imides, bis(perfluoroalkanesulfonyl)methides, and tris(perfluoroalkanesulfonyl)methides; and the like. ", "Preferred anions for battery use include fluoroinorganic anions (for example, BF4xe2x88x92, PF6xe2x88x92, and AsF6xe2x88x92) and fluoroorganic anions (for example, perfluoroalkanesulfonates, bis(perfluoroalkanesulfonyl)imides, and tris(perfluoroalkanesulfonyl)methides).", "\nThe fluoroorganic anions can be either fully fluorinated, that is perfluorinated, or partially fluorinated (within the organic portion thereof). ", "Preferably, the fluoroorganic anion is at least about 80 percent fluorinated (that is, at least about 80 percent of the carbon-bonded substituents of the anion are fluorine atoms). ", "More preferably, the anion is perfluorinated (that is, fully fluorinated, where all of the carbon-bonded substituents are fluorine atoms). ", "The anions, including the preferred perfluorinated anions, can contain one or more catenary heteroatoms such as, for example, nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur.", "\nPreferred fluoroorganic anions include perfluoroalkanesulfonates, bis(perfluoroalkanesulfonyl)imides, and tris(perfluoroalkanesulfonyl)methides. ", "The perfluoroalkanesulfonates and bis(perfluoroalkanesulfonyl)imides are more preferred anions, with the perfluoroalkanesulfonates being most preferred.", "\nPreferred salts for battery use are lithium salts. ", "More preferred are lithium hexafluorophosphate, lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide, lithium bis(perfluoroethanesulfonyl)imide, lithium tetrafluoroborate, lithium perchlorate, lithium hexafluoroarsenate, lithium trifluoromethanesulfonate, lithium tris(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)methide or a mixture thereof.", "\nThe electrolyte compositions of the invention can be prepared by combining at least one compound of the invention and at least one electrolyte salt such that the salt is at least partially dissolved in the compound of the invention at the desired operating temperature. ", "One or more conventional electrolyte solvents (for example, propylene carbonate or dimethoxyethane) or other conventional additives (for example, a surfactant) can also be present, if desired. ", "The electrolyte salt is preferably employed at a concentration such that the conductivity of the electrolyte composition is at or near its maximum value (typically, for example, at a Li+ molar concentration of around 0.5-2.0 M, preferably about 1.0 M, for electrolytes for lithium batteries), although a wide range of other concentrations will also serve.", "\nElectrochemical Devices\nThe electrolyte compositions of the invention can be used as electrolytes in electrochemical devices including, for example, such devices as fuel cells, batteries, capacitors, and electrochromic windows. ", "Such devices typically comprise at least one first electrode, at least one second electrode, at least one separator, and an electrolyte composition of the invention.", "\nThe electrodes of, for example, a lithium battery generally consist of a metallic foil or particles of active material blended with a conductive diluent such as carbon black or graphite bound into a polymeric material binder. ", "Typical binders include polytetrafluoroethylene, polyvinylidene fluoride, ethylene-propylene-diene (EPDM) terpolymer, and emulsified styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), and the binder can be cross-linked. ", "The binder can also be, for example, a solid carbon matrix formed from the thermal decomposition of an organic compound. ", "The metallic foil or composite electrode material is generally applied to an expanded metal screen or metal foil (preferably aluminum, copper, nickel, or stainless steel) current collector using any of a variety of processes such as coating, casting, pressing or extrusion.", "\nSome examples of suitable first electrodes are lithium metal, aluminum, lithium metal alloys, sodium metal, platinum and palladium and alloys thereof, carbon-based materials such as graphite, coke, carbon, pitch, transition metal oxides (for example, LiTi5O12 and LiWO2), and lithiated tin oxide. ", "In the case of lithium ion batteries, the lithium can be intercalated into a host material such as carbon (that is, to give lithiated carbon) or carbon alloyed with other elements (such as silicon, boron or nitrogen), a conductive polymer, or an inorganic host that is intercalatable (such as LixTi5O12). ", "The material comprising the first electrode can be carried on foil (for example, nickel and copper) backing or pressed into expanded metal screen and alloyed with various other metals.", "\nActive second electrode materials generally provide device voltages of at least about 3.0 volts at a full state of charge relative to Li/Li+. ", "Suitable second electrode materials include graphite; carbon; aluminum; MnO2; platinum, palladium, and alloys thereof; a composite oxide comprising Li and a transition metal such as LiCoO2, LiNiO2, LiV3O8, LiMn2O4, etc.; ", "V2O5; V6O13; Ba2SmNiO5; SmMnO3; Sm3Fe5O12; EuFeO3; EuFe5O12; EuMnO3; LaNiO3; La2CoO4 and LaMnO3 (including the charged and discharged forms of these materials); oxides of ruthenium or tungsten; indium tin oxide; and conducting polymers such as polypyrrole, polysulfides and polyvinylferrocene. ", "In primary batteries, the second electrode can be fluorinated carbon (for example, (CF)n), SO2Cl2, Ag2V4O11, Ag2CrO4, sulfur, polysulfide, or an O2 or SO2 electrode.", "\nLithium batteries generally contain a separator to prevent short-circuiting between the first and second electrodes. ", "The separator often consists of a single-ply or multi-ply sheet of microporous polymer (typically polyolefin, for example, polyethylene, polypropylene, or combinations thereof) having a predetermined length and width and having a thickness of less than about 1.0 mil (0.025 mm). ", "For example, see U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,351,495 (Larsen et al.), ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,539,256 (Shipman et al.), ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,731,304 (Lundquist et al.) ", "and U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,565,281 (Yu et al.). ", "The pore size in these microporous membranes, typically about 5 microns in diameter, is sufficiently large to allow transport of ions but is sufficiently small to prevent electrode contact, either directly or from particle penetration or dendrites which can form on the electrodes.", "\nThe electrochemical devices of the invention can be used in various electronic articles such as computers, power tools, automobiles, telecommunication devices, and the like.", "\nObjects and advantages of this invention are further illustrated by the following examples, but the particular materials and amounts thereof recited in these examples, as well as other conditions and details, should not be construed to unduly limit this invention. ", "In the following examples, the structures of prepared compounds were determined using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry. ", "Column chromatography was conducted on silica gel, using a mixture of one part by volume acetonitrile and 2 parts by volume chloroform." ]
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[ "from foobnix.util.localization import foobnix_localization\nfoobnix_localization()\nCONFIG_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER = _(\"Download Manager\")\nCONFIG_MUSIC_LIBRARY = _(\"Music Library\")\nCONFIG_OTHER = _(\"Other Options\")\n" ]
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