[ "Recent studies on intestinal vagal afferent innervation. ", "Functional implications.", "\nData obtained during recent years have completely changed our understanding of the organization and function of visceral sensitivity. ", "The digestive tract--and especially the small intestine--provides a very good example of this evolution. ", "Classically, it was believed that the sensory innervation of the gut is supplied by both the vagus and the splanchnic nerves. ", "The vagus nerves play the major role in the sensory innervation of the first part of the intestine (all layers of the bowel, except mesentery). ", "These vagal sensory fibers are mostly nonmedullated and generally originate from free endings. ", "Microelectrophysiological techniques have disclosed the existence of a great variety of receptors: mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors, thermoreceptors and osmoreceptors in the intestinal area. ", "Some receptors like glucoreceptors, are specific receptors since they do not respond to any stimuli other than glucose. ", "Others, like osmosensitive receptors, behave as non-specific or multimodal receptors. ", "The mechanism by which an identical structure (free ending) induces various sorts of signals (mechanical, thermal, chemical etc.) ", "is not yet known, but several hypotheses have been proposed. ", "The discovery of a varied and complex mass of information obtained from studies of the gut finally corroborates the behavioural and clinical data which suggest that the intestinal sensory innervation plays an important role in physiological regulation. ", "Now it is possible to distinguish 3 main kinds of mechanisms involved according to whether they concern digestive motility, homeostasis or alimentary behaviour." ]
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[ "Opportunities for biotechnology and policy regarding mycotoxin issues in international trade.", "\nDespite being introduced more than a decade ago, agricultural biotechnology still remains framed in controversy impacting both the global economy and international regulations. ", "Controversies surrounding agricultural biotechnology produced crops and foods commonly focus on human and environmental safety, intellectual property rights, consumer choice, ethics, food security, poverty reduction and environmental conservation. ", "Originally, some consumers were reluctant to accept the first generation agricultural biotechnology products because they appeared to primarily benefit agricultural producers; however, it is clear from continued evaluations that these technologies also improved both the safety and wholesomeness of food and helped improve the environment. ", "Plants engineered to resist insect pests and tolerate less toxic pesticides resulted in improved yields thereby enabling farmers to produce more food per acre while reducing the need for herbicides, pesticides, and water and tilling. ", "An indirect benefit of reduced pest damage in transgenic corn expressing genes to control insect pests is lower levels of mycotoxins, most notably those caused by the genus Fusarium. ", "Mycotoxins are an important regulatory issue globally because of their toxic and carcinogenic potential to humans and animals. ", "Complicating this issue is the fact that toxicological databases for mycotoxins are relatively incomplete compared to other food contaminants. ", "Current debates about agricultural biotechnology and mycotoxins reveal significant differences in perception of associated risks and benefits. ", "When faced with uncertainty, regulators tend to set limits as low as possible. ", "Additionally, some regulators invoke the \"Precautionary Principle\" when limited information is available or disputes over interpretation exist for possible contaminants, including mycotoxins. ", "A major concern regarding use of the \"Precautionary Principle\" is the appearance that regulators can justify setting any limit on the basis of inconclusive or unknown potential hazards of a contaminant which may significantly impact global trade because mycotoxin residues vary widely between countries. ", "This paper describes the current economic and heath impact of these regulations and their impact on international trade." ]
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[ "It's no secret that whereas Hillary -- in all likelihood -- receives much of her campaign money from very wealthy people connected to the banking industry, Bernie finances his campaign mainly from small donations from regular Americans -- 250,000 of them in the first quarter.", "\n\n\"So what?\" ", "you ask, right?", "\n\nWell, Hillary and Bernie conceptualize the relationship between capital and workers in profoundly different ways, and it's important that -- as educated primary voters -- we understand the difference in their philosophies.", "\n\nFirst, let's look at a tweet today that Hillary's campaign tweeted out alongside her \"major economic address\" in New York City.", "\n\n\"Workers are assets. ", "Investing in them pays off. ", "Higher wages pay off. ", "And training pays off.\" — ", "Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 13, 2015\n\nThis rhetorical framing is pure neoliberalism -- the same kind of neoliberal ideology responsible for Greece's horrific deprivation and suffering. ", "Workers are not people with dreams for self-actualization and goals to achieve to make the world a happier and better place, but \"assets\" in need of \"investment\" that will \"pay off\" for capital, business owners and shareholders.", "\n\nI'm not sure why Hillary feels the need to frame higher wages in this way, but it's profoundly disturbing. ", "Workers are human beings -- individual souls with hopes, dreams and families. ", "They are not the equivalent of financial \"assets\" to be manipulated by millionaires at Goldman Sachs. ", "She might as well be saying, \"assets are people, my friend!\" -- ", "to borrow the toxic rhetoric of Mitt Romney.", "\n\nNow, let's look at a tweet from Bernie that was tweeted out a few days ago -- I think this is fair to use for comparison to Hillary's tweet from today, because, well, honestly, Bernie's economic philosophy has been consistent for 40 years.", "\n\nWhen workers have an ownership stake in the businesses they work, productivity goes up and employees are more satisfied with their jobs. — ", "Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) July 8, 2015\n\nThis is humane language -- in contrast to rhetoric that transforms human workers -- remember, we are not robots -- into \"assets\" that should be invested in to generate returns, Bernie's rhetoric is empowering for labor. ", "He wants workers to have individual \"ownership\" in their own work, not to ensure investment \"pays off\" for capital, but to ensure workers are personally \"satisfied\" with their careers, with their lives. ", "Owning your work versus serving as an asset -- a tool -- for your boss to \"invest\" in: that's a massive philosophical difference.", "\n\n(I also noted, sadly, that whereas Hillary called for paid sick leave and paid family leave, she did not call for paid vacation leave. ", "Again, this is a huge difference -- recognizing the need for workers to have some moments of leisure shows that you recognize the humanity of workers. ", "Bernie seems to understand this, whereas, apparently, this is too controversial for the Hillary campaign to demand. ", "To link to the broader argument here, \"assets\" don't need a chance to enjoy two weeks at the seaside with their families, but \"workers\" (i.e. human beings) do need -- and deserve -- this time.)", "\n\nI say this with all sincerity, my friends. ", "Please, please, choose wisely.", "\n\nChoose wisely." ]
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[ "Well, he was called this on the campaign trail all the time, but now we‘re going to find out just how liberal President Barack Obama is. ", "We‘re going to find out because he‘s got to put somebody on the Supreme Court.", "\n\nJustice David Souter, he says he wants to retire in June. ", "President Obama is going to make his first Supreme Court pick in the next few weeks. ", "This is the Super Bowl of decisions for any president outside of going to war.", "\n\nAnd folks, let‘s just get right up front tonight. ", "I think it‘s time to say it. ", "This is no time for bipartisanship. ", "We need a liberal on the Supreme Court.", "\n\nThe president made a surprise appearance in the briefing room this afternoon and told reporters what he‘s looking for in a nominee.", "\n\n(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)\n\nBARACK H. OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I will seek someone who understands that justice isn‘t about some abstract legal theory or footnote in a casebook. ", "It is also about how our laws affect the daily realities of people‘s live, whether they can make a living and care for their families, whether they feel safe in their homes and welcomed in their own nation. ", "I view that quality of empathy, of understanding and identifying with people‘s hopes and struggles, as an essential ingredient for arriving at just decisions and outcomes.", "\n\n(END VIDEO CLIP)\n\nSCHULTZ: Empathy—that, I think, is the key word. ", "Of course he says he‘s going to consult with both parties, and that‘s got some progressives a little nervous, a little worried.", "\n\nLiberals are concerned the president really isn‘t going far enough on health care reform. ", "Will President Obama put a liberal lion on the Supreme Court—and I mean no shame, no apologies—or will he cave in when the “party of no” starts crying about a consensus choice?", "\n\nMay I remind Americans we had a consensus back in November? ", "It was called an election. ", "They lost. ", "Elections have consequences. ", "This is our time to shape the future of this country.", "\n\nPresident Bush put two staunch conservative, John Roberts and Sam Alito, on the court. ", "And by the way, President Obama voted against both of them. ", "He was one of only 22 senators who voted against Roberts for chief justice.", "\n\nNow, they join, of course, Thomas and Scalia on the far right. ", "Justice Kennedy rounds out the court‘s conservative majority. ", "He, of course, is the swing vote.", "\n\nNow, here‘s the truth of it all. ", "This is a conservative court, and President Obama probably won‘t shift the balance of power. ", "But remember, Justice Souter was a Bush 41 pick. ", "He sided with liberals a lot of the time on issues.", "\n\nThat‘s exactly why President Obama‘s pick can make a real impact. ", "The justices talk together, they work together, they argue together, they share ideas, and they trade opinions.", "\n\nYou put a brilliant legal mind with strong liberal convictions in there, and it could dramatically change the dynamics, someone who will fight for the little guy against big corporations, someone who will fight for fairness, not just people in power. ", "Someone who can go toe to toe with the conservative chief justice. ", "Someone who can change a mind. ", "You know, we need only one to get that 5-4 majority opinion.", "\n\nNow, this administration, we should point out, is well equipped to really pick a smart, qualified nominee. ", "Vice President Joe Biden confirmed five of the justices on the court when he chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee.", "\n\nThe president is reportedly thinking about appointing a woman or possibly the first Hispanic judge. ", "One thing is for sure, from my opinion, what I think the president has to do is put a liberal on the Supreme Court and set the tone for generations to come.", "\n\nNow, keeping him out of politics, but a man who watches this closely, a friend of mine, let‘s turn to a judge who is familiar with these issues, Judge Kermit Bye, appointed by President Clinton in 2000. ", "He sits on the Eighth Court of Appeals.", "\n\nJudge, great to have you with us tonight.", "\n\nKERMIT BYE, FEDERAL JUDGE APPOINTED BY PRESIDENT CLINTON: Well, thank you very much, Ed. ", "It‘s a pleasure to be here. ", "And congratulations on your new show.", "\n\nAll right. ", "If you had to give advice to President Obama, what would it be?", "\n\nWhat would you say to the president?", "\n\nBYE: Well, I would tell him that there are nominally 800,000 lawyers in this country that at least have the initial qualifications for a selection on the Supreme Court. ", "We‘ve been doing this now in this countntry since 1789, so we have 220 years of experience. ", "And that has put a total of 115 members on the Supreme Court in those 220 years.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: But Judge, one thing, this process has become so politicized and so partisan, how do you think President Obama is going to maneuver through all of that? ", "The sides are choosing up slogans already tonight.", "\n\nBYE: Well, I think that he has the experience. ", "He is law trained. ", "He has great advisers in the Justice Department, as well as on his own legal staff. ", "And so he‘ll have plenty of good advice, and he‘ll be willing to be receptive to all points of view.", "\n\nAnd in the end, it‘s one man making one decision, submitting it to the Congress and letting it go to the Senate for confirmation. ", "And that could be a process that could take as long as a year, year and a half.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: You know, the scrutiny, Judge, has become so strong in these hearings, and they‘ve been very intense. ", "Do you think that there might be a number of judges that would shy away, that might even call the White House and say, please don‘t consider me? ", "What about that?", "\n\nBYE: Well, history has it that there have been people who have been called upon to serve and have actually turned it down. ", "However, there are many more that would be willing to serve and many more that would do a great job. ", "So we have a good field to choose from.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: Yes. ", "Do you think that president should choose a woman or a Hispanic judge?", "\n\nBYE: I think the president, if he‘s true to his word, he‘s going to pick the best person irrespective of where they come from and who they are and what sex they have. ", "Women are certainly a very significant part of our legal community. ", "Many of them are fine judges today.", "\n\nThe law schools are half women and half men. ", "And so certainly they are in the play.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: Of course, we‘re going to hear the term “activist judge.” ", "What‘s your response when you hear something like that?", "\n\nBYE: Well, a judge is essentially a judge. ", "And some appear to be more active by the nature of their personalities than others. ", "But they all have to make decisions. ", "They attempt to do the very best they can, and usually that is acceptable to the American people.", "\n\nNow, is it a perfect system? ", "No. ", "Like in all of government, it is not a perfect system, but it‘s the best one that we have had, and it‘s worked in this country for 220 years.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: Judge Bye, good to have you with us tonight. ", "Thanks so much.", "\n\nBYE: Thanks, Ed. ", "Good luck to you.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: You bet. ", "Thank you, sir.", "\n\nLiberal groups are already making their voices heard.", "\n\nFor more, let me bring in Marge Baker. ", "She is the executive vice president at the People for the American Way.", "\n\nMarge, your group today made a very bold statement saying that you wanted the president of the United States to make a bold statement and really stick to his true principles of liberalism.", "\n\nMARGE BAKER, PEOPLE FOR THE AMERICAN WAY: That‘s absolutely right. ", "This is a really critical decision, and we want somebody on the court who‘s going to be a champion for justice.", "\n\nAnd I have to say, I was heartened when I heard President Obama today at his press conference, because I think he was articulating the standards that will be really important. ", "He wants somebody who respects the rule of law, who honors the Constitution, who respects and is committed to core constitutional values like justice and privacy and equal opportunity for all.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: How active is your group going to be in supporting President Obama‘s selection?", "\n\nBAKER: Well, there‘s two parts. ", "We‘re going to be very active over the next couple of months in doing what we can to ensure that the president is looking at the full range of possible candidates. ", "There‘s lots of good folks out there who can serve, who can be, in fact, the champions of justice. ", "And then we will work to try to get the nominee picked—the nominee through who is committed to those values, committed to the Constitution, committed to the core constitutional values that we all believe in.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: Ms. Baker, does it matter if it‘s a woman? ", "Are the People for the American Way, are they going to advocate for a woman to get this selection?", "\n\nBAKER: We‘re going to advocate for the best qualified nominee, someone who can be in the mold of Marshall and Brennan, a champion for justice, who respects core constitutional values and who really understands how the mandate of a law in the Constitution affect average Americans. ", "That‘s what we‘re going to advocate for.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: So it doesn‘t matter, a woman, Hispanic? ", "A lot of conversation about that and getting more diversity on the court. ", "It would seem to me that the People for the American Way would be advocating one or the other.", "\n\nBAKER: Well, we‘re absolutely advocating for diversity on the court. ", "There‘s no question. ", "There‘s demographic diversity, there‘s diversity of experiences. ", "The bottom line is you want somebody who is going to share that commitment of core constitutional values, and who really gets how what the court does, the mandate of the law and the Constitution, how it affects everyone, not just some.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: How much money is the People for the American Way willing to support President Obama‘s selection here? ", "You know the conservatives are going to come after it. ", "In fact, they may try to reenergize their base just on this issue alone and bring back, of course, all the wedge issues in America. ", "What about that?", "\n\nBAKER: Well, we‘ve seen the right come out on—there have been executive nominations and some judicial nominations and other issues. ", "They‘re out there. ", "They will be out there. ", "We can expect they‘ll be out there, and we‘ll raise the funds that we need in order to take this on.", "\n\nThis is a really important fight. ", "This is a fight for the future. ", "This is a fight for the legacy for this country for years to come.", "\n\nWe played this new GOP fear mongering ad for you yesterday. ", "One image is causing outrage with Hispanics in Congress. ", "They‘re calling it racist and demanding an apology.", "\n\nThat‘s next on THE ED SHOW.", "\n\nStay with us.", "\n\n(COMMERCIAL BREAK)\n\nSCHULTZ: Welcome back to THE ED SHOW.", "\n\nYesterday we showed you this new ad from the GOP. ", "House Republicans think Cheney-style terror tactics will distract Americans from the fact that they have no new ideas. ", "They think they can prey on the publics fear of another terrorist attack.", "\n\nEven some Republicans are backing away from this ad campaign. ", "And a big reason is this picture.", "\n\nIt‘s a picture of President Obama meeting with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. ", "It shows up in the ad between, let‘s see, terrorists with rocket launchers and a picture of the burning Pentagon building.", "\n\nYou know, this is amazing stuff. ", "Are House Republicans suggesting that Americans should be afraid of Latino leaders?", "\n\nJoining me is Chuck Rosia. ", "Chuck is a board member for the Congressional Spanish Caucus Institute.", "\n\nChuck, good to have you with us tonight.", "\n\nHow offended are you and your organization by this ad?", "\n\nCHUCK ROCHA, HISPANIC CAUCUS INSTITUTE: You know, I can‘t believe we‘re resorting back to these things again and trying to scare the American public, especially when Latinos, African-American, Asian-Americans, are feeling the brunt of the downturn of this economy and in the worst shape that they‘ve ever been in. ", "Are we really going to go back to these tactics that obviously don‘t work and are just trying to scare Americans when we have millions and millions of men and women, no matter what the color of their skin, out of work, looking for work, laid off, trying to make something of themselves here in this country?", "\n\nSCHULTZ: Chuck, what about the response to someone saying that, well, it was just a mistake in editing and it was an oversight? ", "Do you accept that as an excuse?", "\n\nROCHA: These are elected officials. ", "There are people in their districts that elected them to represent them in Congress to make sure they would look after their well being.", "\n\nElected to represent this country. ", "They took an oath of office to look after this country, to represent the working men and women of this country, no matter what the color of their skin.", "\n\nI think it is absolutely racist. ", "I think it‘s a disgrace. ", "I think there should be an apology. ", "But I think we need to refocus this debate on what the real problem is, and that‘s putting America back to work and making sure that we have elected officials, not like the people who are putting up these ads, pay attention to what‘s really going on in America and giving the people the chance to rebuild America and put manufacturing back on the forefront of America so we can have real jobs again.", "\n\nROCHA: You know, I think that there should be people who get together and go, look, this is not going to work. ", "How does this help? ", "You‘re the minority leader in the House of Representatives. ", "You‘re coming from a state of Ohio that‘s had the worst job loss of any state, the highest unemployment, and we‘re talking about terrorists?", "\n\nROCHA: It‘s just like the ad itself. ", "It‘s hypocritical. ", "It‘s just—it‘s a laughing stock, is what it is.", "\n\nPeople understand and see it for its value of what it is. ", "People get up every day worried about feeding their family, they get up every day worried about losing their job. ", "They‘re not going to fall for this same stuff again.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: Yes.", "\n\nChuck, great to have you on tonight. ", "I appreciate it.", "\n\nROCHA: Thank you.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: That‘s Chuck Rocha. ", "He is a board member for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute.", "\n\nOh, it continues, folks, the offensive things that right-wing talk show host Jay Severin has said. ", "Well, it got him kicked f the air.", "\n\nHave you heard some of the despicable things that have been said by conservatives?", "\n\nTime for “Psycho Talk.”", "\n\nTonight‘s “Psycho Talk” goes to right wing radio host Jay Severin. ", "Severin has been suspended indefinitely from Boston airwaves for using the current swine flu outbreak to attack Mexicans and immigrants.", "\n\nHere‘s what he was talking about with the swine flu.", "\n\n(BEGIN AUDIO CLIP)\n\nJAY SEVERIN, TALK SHOW HOST: So now, in addition to venereal disease and the other leading exports of Mexico, women with mustaches and VD, now we have swine flu.", "\n\nSEVERIN: And when you scoop up some of the world‘s lowest of primitives in poor Mexico, it‘s millions of leeches from a primitive country come here to leech off you. ", "We should be, if anything, surprised that Mexico has not visited upon us poxes of more various and serious types already, considering the number of criminaliens already here.", "\n\n(END AUDIO CLIP)\n\nSCHULTZ: Severin‘s comments are being called hate mongering and racist. ", "WTKK-FM radio station has been flooded with complaints. ", "And the guy apparently was shocked to learned that he was being suspended.", "\n\nNow, despite all of that, Severin‘s agent says that he will be back on the air doing great radio soon.", "\n\nHow much did you pay that guy to say that?", "\n\nThere‘s a double up on “Psycho Talk,” and it‘s repulsive tonight.", "\n\n(COMMERCIAL BREAK)\n\n(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)\n\nOBAMA: As I make this decision, I intend to consult with members of both parties across the political spectrum. ", "And it is my hope that we can swear in our new Supreme Court justice in time for him or her to be seated by the first Monday in October when the court‘s new term begins.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: That was President Obama talking about his big decision in front of him, picking the next Supreme Court justice. ", "It‘s a conservative court, and a lot of progressives out there want to know if he‘s really willing to put a liberal on the court.", "\n\nFor more on that, let‘s bring in Norman Goldman, oun senior legal analyst, and attorney and Democratic strategist.", "\n\nNorm, is there any chance the president won‘t pick a good lefty for the seat?", "\n\nNORMAN GOLDMAN, ATTORNEY: Ed, there‘s no chance of that whatsoever. ", "President Obama knows that the Supreme Court has gone so far over to the right, that he definitely needs somebody at least as moderate as Justice Souter, if not even more to the left, to try and bring the court back to the center, because it‘s gone way off to the right.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: What do you see as some of the big issues coming up for the next session of the Supreme Court?", "\n\nGOLDMAN: Well, Ed, you know, you can always count on gays, gods, and guns, and especially now, because last year, as you‘ll recall, the Supreme Court held for the first time in American history that the Second Amendment gives individuals the right to bear arms outside the context of the militia. ", "So the Supreme Court is going to have a lot of cases dealing with how the states can regulate the guns while people have a right to bear arms.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: Is the timing good for the Republicans on this, if they can bring back the wedge issues? ", "What do you think, Norm?", "\n\nGOLDMAN: Ed, I‘m sure they are going to try, and a lot will depend on who the president nominates. ", "You know, the Republicans, you know, are going to do all the opposition research that they can do to try to find any kind of way, any kind of wedge issue, to try and get after the nominee.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: But what do you make of the president saying he‘s going to talk to both sides, and how the mudslinging starts, and these are very intense hearings? ", "They‘ve really changed over the years with the information age.", "\n\nSo does it bother you at all that the president says, yes, he wants to hear what the Republicans have to say? ", "You know what they are going to do.", "\n\nGOLDMAN: Well, Ed, you know they always say that. ", "The president, whoever the president is, always says, we‘re going to, you know, talk to both sides. ", "But President Obama is an extremely smart fellow, and he understands where the Supreme Court has gone, and this is a rare chance for a president to really put a stamp on the Supreme Court.", "\n\nSo I don‘t think he‘s going to listen much to the Republicans by way of actually taking their advice. ", "He‘ll listen to them, but he‘s not going to take their advice.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: Norm, good to have you on tonight, buddy. ", "Thanks so much.", "\n\nGOLDMAN: Ed, thank you.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: You bet.", "\n\nFor more, let‘s bring in our panel: Katrina Vanden Heuvel, who is the editor of “The Nation”; Bill Press, nationally syndicated radio talk show host; and former Republican congressman Tom Tancredo.", "\n\nKatrina, does the president have to pick a woman or an Hispanic?", "\n\nKATRINA VANDEN HUEVEL, THE NATION: The president I think today, Ed, what was most interesting was at his press conference he sounded like what he said in November 2007. ", "He wanted someone who was experienced in the law and in life, someone who would stand for those who had very little clout in our system, the underdogs, those who needed protection, who didn‘t have the connections, who were vulnerable.", "\n\nAnd not the privileged, not the corporate powers. ", "He has a great bounty of people he could select from. ", "There are all sorts of great women. ", "But I think the key is that he finds someone who brings life experience, who understands the daily struggles of Americans, and has a great sense of the law and integrity, and a sense of the rule of law and equality and opportunity.", "\n\nAnd I wouldn‘t get caught up in the left-right. ", "He‘s this constitutional professor, as you remember. ", "It is the first time in 15 years since a Democratic president has the choice. ", "So there‘s a lot ahead. ", "But he should use his bully pulpit, it seems to me, his extraordinary popularity now to build support and not play footsie or negotiate with Republicans who will use this, it seems to me.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: OK. ", "Tom Tancredo, we have got a big lefty on the way to the Supreme Court? ", "What do you think? ", "And how big of a fight is this going to be?", "\n\nTOM TANCREDO ®, FORMER COLORADO REPRESENTATIVE: Well, yes, we do have a big lefty on the way to the Supreme Court. ", "There‘s no two ways about it. ", "And that‘s to take the place of a big lefty on the Supreme Court today. ", "Souter is no moderate, he is a left-winger.", "\n\nAnd so we really don‘t—you don‘t gain all that much by this departure. ", "I mean, you‘re going to put in a left-winger, we‘re getting rid of one. ", "It‘s a wash. ", "So it really won‘t matter in terms of the balance on the court. ", "It won‘t change one way or the other.", "\n\nWhat is intriguing to me is the constant reference to the other aspects, the other tributes, that have seemed to be necessary for this particular candidate. ", "Life experiences for the underdog, you know, that‘s more what would you expect maybe for your defense lawyer, not necessarily the judge, and certainly not a Supreme Court judge who is supposed to be focused on one thing called the Constitution..\n\nSCHULTZ: Bill Press, what do you think?", "\n\nBILL PRESS, SYNDICATED COLUMNIST: Well, listen, I down there at the White House today, Ed, when President Obama surprised everybody by walking into that news conference. ", "He had just talked to Justice Souter. ", "And he reinforced some of the things Katrina just said.", "\n\nThat he said during the campaign. ", "He is going to look for somebody that is going to fight for the underdog, give the people who don‘t have a voice a voice on that court. ", "I think Tom is wrong. ", "This is hugely significant. ", "It may not affect the balance, but it‘s going to give Obama the chance to start shaping his court, a younger person, a strong person there for voters rights, individual rights, human rights.", "\n\nVANDEN HEUVEL: But I would add, I think Representative Tancredo—is it former, I‘m sorry, if he is saying what he is saying about.", "\n\nUNIDENTIFIED MALE: You‘re actually not sorry.", "\n\nVANDEN HEUVEL: . ", "Judge Souter as a lefty, I think it‘s a measure of how far the Republican Party have drifted into a self-marginalizing role, because Judge Souter is a moderate in the best tradition of the Republican Party.", "\n\nTANCREDO: He is anything but a moderate, on almost every single issue he comes down with the left. ", "I mean, come on. ", "Show me where he has been on our side of the issue in a majority of decisions—or even an even number of decisions which would make him the moderate. ", "He is always coming down on the left. ", "He is a liberal.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: OK.", "\n\nTANCREDO: Now there‘s nothing necessarily.", "\n\n(CROSSTALK)\n\nTANCREDO: . ", "that there is something bad about that, but he is a liberal.", "\n\nPRESS: No, but, Tom, at one time the Republican Party—Katrina‘s point is one time the Republican Party had room for a David Souter, had room for an Arlen Specter, Olympia Snowe. ", "They don‘t any more. ", "That‘s why you could see him so far left.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: All right. ", "I want to turn the topic now to illegal immigration. ", "The Department of Homeland Security is changing the rules for cracking down on illegal immigrant labor. ", "They‘re targeting the root of the problem by shifting focus from illegal workers to the employers who hire them.", "\n\nBefore agents can conduct workplace raids, they are going to have to build a case against the employer. ", "Democrats in Congress have been pushing for this kind of change for years.", "\n\nTANCREDO: Great. ", "Great idea. ", "Believe me, I have supported this from day one. ", "Go after employers. ", "If you do that, as I‘ve said for 10 years in Congress, go after the employers. ", "If you break the nexus there, if you stop them from being able to get jobs—which of course, it‘s illegal supposedly to get here in this country if you‘re not in the country legally.", "\n\nIf you do that, you will go a long way towards solving the problem. ", "Now, if they really want to do it, go ahead and continue—make E-Verify, the process by which an employer goes through the Social Security network and looks to see whether the actual Social Security number is a real one, make that mandatory.", "\n\nAnd that will prove to me you‘re really serious about going after employers.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: All right. ", "Thanks, Tom.", "\n\nNow, Katrina, is this coming from the president, do you think? ", "I mean, has he really got his hands on this?", "\n\nVANDEN HEUVEL: You know, I think there is interest in Washington and in the Obama administration in a comprehensive realistic immigration reform plan, which we need.", "\n\nBut employers sanctions, Ed, are not going to work. ", "They have not reduced undocumented immigration. ", "We need reform of inequitable unjust trade and economic policies. ", "Immigrants come here to not to have an vacation but to work to find jobs.", "\n\nAnd the most important thing, Ed, and what you talk about, is—the key thing is to enforce minimum wage, to enforce workers‘ protection, to enforce organizing and minimum wage and overtime. ", "And that needs to be on the agenda.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: What do you think, Bill? ", "Does the president need this fight right now?", "\n\nTANCREDO: How about enforcing the law?", "\n\nSCHULTZ: Well, OK, Bill, your thoughts on this. ", "I mean, does the president need this fight right now?", "\n\nPRESS: No, and I don‘t think we‘re going to get to comprehensive immigration reform this year. ", "The president indicated that the other night, Ed. ", "But, look, I think this is OK. ", "I think it‘s better to go after employers than busting up families, right?", "\n\nBut I think it‘s missing the big problem here. ", "The real problem is, there are still 12 million people here illegally. ", "What are we going to do about them? ", "I think George Bush had the right idea. ", "You‘ve got to give them some legal status.", "\n\nAnd the other problem is, there are whole American industries, Ed, that depend on this labor force and what are you going to do about that? ", "You can‘t shut down the landscaping and all of that kind of stuff.", "\n\nNext up on THE ED SHOW, some credit card companies are jacking up rates in a tough economy. ", "A new bill that would let consumers fight back but it doesn‘t start for a year. ", "People need help now. ", "How do we fix this? ", "I‘ll talk to the lawmaker who wrote this bill next right here on THE ED SHOW.", "\n\n(COMMERCIAL BREAK)\n\nSCHULTZ: Well, in today‘s playbook, I want to talk about the credit cards. ", "We‘ve been getting hit hard by credit companies. ", "Most of the United States has seen some rate increases, right? ", "Oh yes, you get the bill in the mail. ", "People are paying outrageous fees and over-the-limit charges. ", "Credit card companies are also making it harder to get credit, in some cases they are even decreasing the level of borrowing power. ", "That hurts your credit score.", "\n\nAnd you know, this is happening to people that haven‘t even done anything wrong. ", "Yesterday the House passed the Credit Card Bill of Rights. ", "Here are a few of the highlights of that bill.", "\n\nIt ends unfair and arbitrary rate increases, stops excessive over-the-limit fees, ends unfair penalties for the people who pay on time, and prevents companies from damaging consumers‘ credit ratings.", "\n\nBut here‘s the key to this. ", "These rights don‘t start for a year. ", "We can‘t wait a year. ", "Americans are facing double-digit rate increases right now. ", "On the Senate side, Harry Reid is not sure if he has got the votes, in fact, yesterday, the bankruptcy bill got killed in the Senate because, again, Reid didn‘t have the votes.", "\n\nNow the credit card bill is coming up, well, the senator—all of these things support what Senator Durbin said on our program earlier this week about the banks owning the Senate. ", "Here it is.", "\n\n(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)\n\nSCHULTZ: You believe the banks own the Senate and you can‘t get this done?", "\n\nSEN. ", "DICK DURBIN (D), ILLINOIS: I will tell you that at this point in time, it‘s an uphill battle for me to get 60 votes in the Senate to save these homes from foreclosure.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: I‘ll tell you, if this credit card bill does not pass, I mean, I think there‘s going to be some serious backlash on this. ", "Joining me now is Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney who was the champion of this in the House.", "\n\nCongratulations, I hear it all the time. ", "And you must too.", "\n\nREP. ", "CAROLYN MALONEY (D-NY), CHAIRWOMAN, JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE:\n\nOh, we‘re absolutely thrilled. ", "I‘ve been working on this bill for years and the strong vote shows the difference of having a Democratic president who will sign it in law and a Democratic Congress.", "\n\nI am confident that the Senate will pass it because, Ed, you can‘t walk two feet that you don‘t have a credit card story. ", "I can‘t go to the store, I can‘t get into an elevator, I can‘t even go to the floor of Congress, that people don‘t come up to me and say, let me tell you this outrageous abuse. ", "I was paying on time, I never went over my limit, yet they raised my interest rate retroactively on my balance and ran up my interest rates, so terribly unfair.", "\n\nAnd so we need to pass it and we need to pass it now.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: OK. ", "Now with that, all of you said, why are we waiting a year? ", "Was that a Republican thing or what?", "\n\nMALONEY: Well, it came to a vote in the Financial Services Committee. ", "The industry is saying they do not have enough time to put the changes in place. ", "My bill.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: The companies don‘t?", "\n\nMALONEY: That‘s what they are saying. ", "My bill said they would go into effect 30 days after the Fed came out with their rule, roughly 90 days after enactment. ", "And then I had the bill in committee and I had the amendment again, it failed.", "\n\nAnd I came back with a fallback amendment that at least they would have to give 45 days notice of any rate increase going forward so that consumers can get out of that credit card and go to another one. ", "That one passed, but hopefully the Senate can increase the time. ", "They have it.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: Do you think the bill goes far enough? ", "Does it have enough teeth in it?", "\n\nMALONEY: Oh, I think the bill is incredibly strong, it attacks the most outrageous abuses.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: Why were they doing that? ", "Were they trying to pay the money back? ", "I mean, we bailed out these banks, is that what it is?", "\n\nMALONEY: They‘re making huge profits. ", "And it‘s terribly unfair. ", "Most credit cards, in the fine print, say they can raise the rates any time, any reason. ", "How unfair is that? ", "So it stops the most outrageous abuses, gives protection to young people in college. ", "It says, you can‘t raise the rates on a double cycle billing on the balance that has already been paid. ", "It stops the games and tricks of changing the due date, changing the terms, the trap...\n\nSCHULTZ: It‘s fair. ", "I mean.", "\n\nMALONEY: It‘s fair, it‘s fair.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: I mean, they just absolutely got away from fairness. ", "I mean, this is the ultimate gouge story in American history, I think.", "\n\nMALONEY: And the American taxpayers are speaking up. ", "They‘re saying, enough is enough. ", "They want this change. ", "And everyone has a credit card as part of our economy. ", "That‘s why I think it will pass in the Senate. ", "Because they‘ll tell these senators, you have to pass it.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: Do you think it will pass in the Senate?", "\n\nMALONEY: I certainly hope so.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: If this doesn‘t pass in the Senate, there‘s going to be some real push back on this. ", "I mean, I think this is.", "\n\nMALONEY: I agree, Ed.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: . ", "going to cost some people some seats. ", "I mean, if the Congress can‘t listen to the people on this issue, what are they going to listen to them about? ", "This affects everybody. ", "You can‘t live without plastic.", "\n\nMALONEY: We have a strong, bipartisan vote because Republicans and Democrats were listening to their constituents and they were saying, enough is enough. ", "And also the economy, many people are out of work and they are stressed in the economy. ", "The last thing they need is unfair interest rates to gouge them even more.", "\n\nWhy can‘t consumers get a fair shake? ", "Joining me now is consumer advocate, she is a co-author of a new book, “All Your Worth,” Amelia Warren Tyagi.", "\n\nAmelia, thanks for your time. ", "I know you have researched this more than anybody else in America. ", "How much do you think it hurts families having to put up with this kind of stuff? ", "Because it just seems to be so trapping.", "\n\nAMELIA WARREN TYAGI, CONSUMER ADVOCATE: It really is trapping. ", "I mean, that‘s exactly the right word. ", "You know, this really hurts American families. ", "The average family that‘s carrying credit card debt is carrying around $8,000. ", "That‘s a lot of money during tough times.", "\n\nAnd you know, it has been nearly 30 years since Congress has done anything about credit cards. ", "They just have free reign, and that‘s why they‘re charging all of these fees, because they can.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: Do you think it goes far enough? ", "Is this going to be the final-final and straighten these companies out that are gouging?", "\n\nTYAGI: Look, this is a good step in the right direction. ", "But let‘s be clear, it‘s just hitting a few of the bad practices that these credit card companies do. ", "They are still going to get away with a lot of stuff that most of us think isn‘t right.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: What else are they doing?", "\n\nTYAGI: Well, for example, this says you have to give somebody 45 days‘ notice before you raise their rates. ", "Hey, that‘s great, it‘s better than no notice at all. ", "But it still means you could be paying on time every month doing everything right and you get a notice in the mail saying, you know what, 45 days from now your 6 percent rate is going to be 26 percent, and there is not a thing you can do about it.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: Well, what can consumers do to convince the Senate, in your opinion—you have had a lot of people be very emotional about that—about this in response to your book. ", "If you had to gauge how important this is to the American people, how would you phrase that?", "\n\nWell, you know, this is the number one thing that couples fight about.", "\n\nIt‘s the number one New Year‘s resolution to get yourself out of debt. ", "This is the thing that people worried about. ", "They stay up at night worrying about how they are going to get those credit cards paid off and they—absolutely now is the moment, call your congressman, call your senator. ", "Let‘s make noise on this issue. ", "Absolutely.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: Amelia, thanks for your time. ", "And congratulations on your book. ", "It‘s great stuff, it‘s great reading. ", "And it‘s very practical. ", "Practical information I think people need to pay attention to. ", "Thanks so much.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: Welcome back to THE ED SHOW. ", "Look who was on TLC‘s “American Chopper” last night. ", "A biker from the frozen tundra. ", "The guys who build custom bikes were in Alaska for some research. ", "They are building a bike to honor Alaska‘s 50th anniversary of being a state. ", "And they stopped by to meet the governor.", "\n\nYou‘ve got that patriotism in you that people just so respect. ", "Thank you for that.", "\n\nUNIDENTIFIED MALE: You‘re welcome.", "\n\n(END VIDEO CLIP)\n\nSCHULTZ: Joining me is Lizz Winstead, comedian and co-creator of “The Daily Show.” ", "I want to tell you, folks, this weekend Lizz brings her solo show, “The First 100 Days: Obama‘s and Mine,” to the Twin Cities at the Parkway Theater, you‘re going to want to see it in the Twin Cities.", "\n\nLIZZ WINSTEAD, COMEDIAN: I mean, she can‘t even go on the motorcycle show without going, oh, you guys are patriots. ", "How does she know? ", "You know? ", "I mean, I love too that she has to have a stuffed bear behind her. ", "Did she kill that with her bare hands?", "\n\n(LAUGHTER)\n\nSCHULTZ: Now rumor has it now you‘re waiting for the Palin-Bachmann ticket. ", "Now what would that be to a stand-up comic in America?", "\n\nWINSTEAD: Well, what it would be is we would make so much money that we could bail out the auto industry and the banks and the insurance industry.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: What do you make of this new group that the Republicans are putting together now? ", "Huh? ", "They‘ve got some young guys in there like John McCain and guys that have never been around the Republican Party before.", "\n\nWINSTEAD: How about “Back to the Future”? ", "If there was ever anything crazier? ", "I mean, they simply don‘t understand. ", "It‘s so funny, you know, Ed, I was lucky enough to host your show on Wednesday. ", "And we were talking about the one thing that is so great about Obama is that he has got this energy. ", "And you feel it. ", "And you trust him to have the energy to tackle all of these huge problems.", "\n\nYou look at any of these old guys that are, you know, going to the bathroom in the night, it takes them an hour to go to the bathroom. ", "They couldn‘t solve one problem. ", "You know, it‘s like, they don‘t have—there‘s no freshness. ", "It really feels like the old shoes in your closet.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: OK. ", "Now, President Obama is—I mean, 81 percent of the American people like this guy. ", "As a comic, is he tough material?", "\n\nWINSTEAD: He‘s not tough material because they like—you know, I like him, too, but I think he has got some—you know, there‘s stuff that I‘m wondering about. ", "You know, I look at Geithner. ", "I look at Summers. ", "I say, what‘s going on, guys, with the banks? ", "I mean, I know it‘s not an easy task, but, you know, Geithner still can‘t find anybody to work with him at Treasury because the pool is so tainted.", "\n\nYou know, he can‘t find anybody who hasn‘t screwed America to fill the jobs at the Treasury Department because those are the people who are qualified. ", "You know, it‘s kind of like if you went on a dating show and the only choices were the people who cheated on you.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: All right. ", "Tell us about your gig. ", "You‘re on the road, “The First 100 Days: Obama‘s and Mine.” ", "How is it going?", "\n\nWINSTEAD: Well, it‘s pretty crazy. ", "You know, it‘s funny, Ed, because I‘ve been writing this show since day one. ", "And I‘ve got 26 pages of material. ", "I‘ve got to weed some stuff out. ", "The show is in an hour. ", "So it‘s—you know, people -- I take some—you know, it takes some of the administration on, I certainly take on the Bush administration, I certainly take on the financial institutions.", "\n\nI‘ve got a lot of questions. ", "And you know, I don‘t have any answers. ", "It seems like no one really does for us yet at this point. ", "And so we need to be sort of as a whole asking questions and being able to laugh, because gosh, that‘s free.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: All right. ", "Great to see you, Lizz. ", "Thanks a lot. ", "Good luck to you.", "\n\nWINSTEAD: Thanks, Ed.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: You bet.", "\n\nWINSTEAD: Thank you.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: We‘ve got some more on the National Council for a New America, the campaign to re-brand the GOP which features the same old Republican faces. ", "The first meeting is going to be tomorrow at a restaurant in Arlington, Virginia, and my sense is that they are going to be going to Denny‘s for the 4:00 senior discount. ", "I mean, it‘s a whopping 10-minute cab ride from the Capitol. ", "Sounds like an outside-the-Beltway operation to me.", "\n\nHere‘s one of the campaign‘s new faces.", "\n\n(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)\n\nSEN. ", "JOHN MCCAIN ®, ARIZONA: We‘re going to come up with new ideas based on old principles. ", "And those principles are enduring of a Republican Party, we‘re a right-of-center party, we‘re a right-of-center nation. ", "We‘ll come back, my friend. ", "We‘ll come back.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: All right. ", "Katrina Vanden Heuvel, are they going to come back?", "\n\nVANDEN HEUVEL: I think at the moment the Republican Party is in a death spiral and we‘ve seen it with Arlen Specter‘s defection. ", "We see it in these ads they are running which are running out of Karl Rove‘s playbook, manipulating fear.", "\n\nBut you know, never say never, I think the Democrats need to show they can repair, rebuild this country. ", "The Republicans were in the wilderness many, many years ago, around ‘64 with Barry Goldwater. ", "And then Ronald Reagan came on the scene. ", "So we‘ve got to fight hard.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: Tom, is the Republican Party—do they have an identify crisis right now? ", "And were you—are you a part of this new group, this new forward-thinking group they claim they‘ve got?", "\n\nNo, listen, I think—I agree with Katrina, by the way, that things are not looking all that good for the Republican Party, haven‘t been for a while. ", "But I‘ve been through this process before. ", "I was—Goldwater was actually—I shouldn‘t say this because it will tell you how old I really am. ", "But I did vote that—Goldwater was my first vote for president.", "\n\nSo and I do know what happened subsequent to that. ", "Things do go through cycles. ", "I hope that we‘re just—we‘re at the bottom of the cycle for the Republicans. ", "Can‘t be sure. ", "But I hope so.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: Bill Press, is this lipstick on a pig?", "\n\n(LAUGHTER)\n\nPRESS: Ed, I was just going to ask you that. ", "Don‘t we remember a phrase from the last campaign? ", "It is lipstick on a pig. ", "Look, the fact that—they‘re running out there saying we‘re going to come up with new ideas, they‘ve had a chance to come up with new ideas. ", "You know, Ed, it‘s like you‘ve got one team on the field and the other side hasn‘t even fielded a team in all of the major issues.", "\n\nThey have no new ideas on the environment, on jobs, on the economy, on global warming, on housing, on education. ", "Where is it?", "\n\n(CROSSTALK)\n\nVANDEN HEUVEL: Well, you know, on this credit card issue, this is a defining moment. ", "If the Congress doesn‘t pass it on behalf of working people, of consumers, of Americans, Congress is bought, Congress is not on the side of the people. ", "It‘s on the side of predatory credit card companies.", "\n\nAnd I think that people should mass around the Congress and demand that their voices be heard. ", "It is a defining moment.", "\n\nTANCREDO: One thing about this credit card thing that is driving me crazy, the statement, what can you do? ", "They send you a thing and saying they are raising your rates. ", "What can you do? ", "I‘ve got three credit cards here that are mine. ", "Nobody has ever done that. ", "I‘ve never had any of these problems that you‘re talking about.", "\n\nBut if you have that problem, here‘s what you do, America. ", "Don‘t go to your congressman. ", "Throw the card away, damn it. ", "It‘s the—don‘t rely on the government for everything. ", "Make the.", "\n\nSCHULTZ: All right. ", "Great panel tonight, everybody, have a great weekend, we‘ll see you back here next week.", "\n\nThat‘s THE ED SHOW. ", "I‘m Ed Schultz. ", "And if you‘d like to send me an e-mail or get more information, go to ed.msnbc.com, or check out my radio Web site, wegoted.com.", "\n\nOur next town hall meeting is going to be in Buffalo, New York, June 13th, Saturday night. ", "Check it out. ", "You can sign up. ", "And starting on Monday, we are on the radio in Boston. ", "Get text alerts about THE ED SHOW sent to your phone, just text the word “ED” to 622639.", "\n\nWe‘ll see you back here on Monday night. ", "I‘m headed to the lakes of Minnesota. ", "Next up, Chris Matthews and “HARDBALL” right here on MSNBC." ]
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[ "Gujarat to become 1st State with 100% piped gas network in India\n\nNew Delhi: Gujarat will become the first Indian state to get completely covered under the piped gas distribution network after the ninth round of bidding, which will see a quarter of the country brought under the network.", "\n\nThe western Indian state already has 84.31 per cent of its area under the city gas distribution (CGD) network, and will see the remaining area covered after the ninth round of bidding which opened last month, Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Chairperson D K Sarraf said here on Wednesday.", "\n\nFollowing this, the country's overall penetration will go up in terms of geographical areas, from existing 11 per cent to 24 per cent, covering 29 per cent population from existing 19 per cent, he said.", "\n\n“In Gujarat, today 84.31per cent area, and 87.37 per cent of population residing in the area are already covered under the CGD network.", "\n\nAfter the ninth round of bidding (which is underway), 100 per cent of geographical area and population in Gujarat will be covered under the network,” Sarraf told reporters on the sidelines of the investors’ meet and road show organised on the ninth CGD bidding round.", "\n\nSarraf said that to promote natural gas consumption in kitchens and for vehicles in the state, CGD has been given the priority for access to cheaper domestic gas.", "\n\n“Domestic gas is cheaper, imported gas is costlier. ", "CGD has been put on the highest priority to avail domestic PNG and CNG. ", "Others will have to depend on imported gas,” he said.", "\n\nIn the latest bidding round, 14 additional districts, 6 complete and 8 part, will be covered under the CGD network in the state, including Gir Somnath, Morbi, Mahisagar, Narmada, Kheda, Junagadh, and Tapi." ]
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[ "Count of people missing in Camp Fire drops to 25\n\nHotshot firefighter works to stave off the Camp Fire as it burns off of Pentz Road in Paradise, California, on Thursday, Nov. 8, 2018.", "\n\nHotshot firefighter works to stave off the Camp Fire as it burns off of Pentz Road in Paradise, California, on Thursday, Nov. 8, 2018.", "\n\nPhoto: Gabrielle Lurie / The Chronicle 2018\n\nPhoto: Gabrielle Lurie / The Chronicle 2018\n\nImage\n1of/1\n\nCaption\n\nClose\n\nImage 1 of 1\n\nHotshot firefighter works to stave off the Camp Fire as it burns off of Pentz Road in Paradise, California, on Thursday, Nov. 8, 2018.", "\n\nHotshot firefighter works to stave off the Camp Fire as it burns off of Pentz Road in Paradise, California, on Thursday, Nov. 8, 2018.", "\n\nPhoto: Gabrielle Lurie / The Chronicle 2018\n\nCount of people missing in Camp Fire drops to 25\n\n1 / 1\n\nBack to Gallery\n\nSteep drop in number of missing\n\nButte County authorities announced Sunday night that the number of people missing in the wildfire devastation has dropped to 25. ", "As recently as Wednesday, the number of missing was 196. ", "The death toll as of Sunday in California’s deadliest wildfire was 88." ]
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[ "Field\nThe disclosure relates to an electronic device having a compact antenna element and a method for manufacturing the same. ", "More particularly, the present disclosure relates to an electronic device having an antenna element capable of providing a stable antenna performance, achieving an easy mount, and securing a structural stability, and a method for manufacturing the same.", "\nDescription of the Related Art\nRecently, efforts have been made to develop a fifth generation (5G) or pre-5G communication system that is improved as compared with an existing fourth generation (4G) communication system.", "\nSuch a 5G communication system is considered to be implemented in a millimeter (mm)-wave frequency band (e.g., 60 to 70 GHz band), and since the location of an electronic device, which supports a mobile network to which 5G communication is applied or a wireless local area mobile network (e.g., wireless local area network (LAN)), is varied in accordance with user's movement or the like, a wide beam scanning range may be required in providing a stable communication channel.", "\nIn mounting a millimeter-wave antenna for adopting the 5G communication system on an electronic device, manufacturing cost, power efficiency, miniaturization easiness, and stable access may be considered.", "\nFor example, as the communication frequency band is heightened, a high-level noise element or propagation loss in a radio frequency integrated circuit (RFIC) is increased. ", "Accordingly, in order to secure a stable access, antenna gains may be compulsorily heightened, and this may cause power efficiency to deteriorate. ", "As another example, a wide beamforming and beam scanning range may be required to secure the stable access, but since directivity becomes greater as the communication frequency band is heightened, the beamforming and beam scanning range may become narrowed.", "\nFurther, in case of an antenna that operates in the millimeter-wave frequency band, it can be easily miniaturized, and thus a space occupied by the antenna in a miniaturized wireless communication device and/or an electronic device, such as a mobile communication terminal (smart phone), can be reduced to enable the overall size of the electronic device to be reduced. ", "However, in applying such a subminiature antenna to the electronic device, high precision is required in an antenna assembling or manufacturing process due to the small size of the antenna, and thus the overall manufacturing process or manufacturing cost of the electronic device having the millimeter-wave frequency band becomes increased.", "\nThe above information is presented as background information only to assist with an understanding of the disclosure. ", "No determination has been made, and no assertion is made, as to whether any of the above might be applicable as prior art with regard to the disclosure." ]
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[ "AMD to Announce Massive Layoffs This Week\n\nStruggling chip maker to issue pink slips to up to a third of its workforce, mainly targeting U.S. employees in platform engineering, SoC development, and sales, sources say.", "\n\nStruggling Advanced Micro Devices will on Thursday announce massive layoffs that could see nearly a third of its workforce handed pink slips, sources with knowledge of the company's plans told PCMag this week.", "\n\nThe layoffs will primarily affect AMD's U.S. workforce and the downsizing will mainly target employees working in platform engineering, mobile and embedded chip development, and sales, said one source who asked not to be named.", "\n\nThe process will begin Thursday, the source said, and continue through Oct. 25. ", "AMD announces its third-quarter earnings tomorrow and has already indicated that its results were poor over the past three months.", "\n\nThe company already underwent a round of layoffs that saw its workforce reduced by 10 percent between last November and the early part of this year.", "\n\nAMD declined to comment. ", "The company currently employs about 11,700 people worldwide.", "\n\nThe impending layoffs have also been reported by All Things D, Reuters, Semi-Accurate, CNET, and other media outlets in recent days. ", "Accounts differ on the scale of the downsizing, with some outlets reporting that about 20 percent of the workforce will be let go and others saying the figure could be as high as 30 percent.", "\n\nOne PCMag source named the higher figure, which would mean around 3,500 AMD employees will be let go, while a second source said the layoffs would affect between 20 percent and 30 percent of the chip maker's workforce.", "\n\nAMD has struggled in the past year under new management led by CEO Rory Read, whose tenure so far has been marred by disappointing quarterly performances and a series of executive defections, including last month's departure of CFO and one-time interim CEO Thomas Seifert.", "\n\nDamon Poeter got his start in journalism working for the English-language daily newspaper The Nation in Bangkok, Thailand. ", "He covered everything from local news to sports and entertainment before settling on technology in the mid-2000s. ", "Prior to joining PCMag, Damon worked at CRN and the Gilroy Dispatch. ", "He has also written for the San Francisco Chronicle and Japan Times, among other newspapers and periodicals.", "\nMore »" ]
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[ "Holi has become a major celebration in Australia among the Indians. ", "Compared to Melbourne and Sydney, Perth has a negligible population of Indians and that is evident in the number of Holi celebrations organised in Perth. ", "Holi is a Spring Festival and its origin is considered as a thanks giving for a good harvest. ", "The […]\n\nMakara Sankranti is observed each year in January to mark the first day of sun’s transit into the Makara (Capricorn). ", "While most of the Indian festivals are observed as per the lunar cycle, Makara Sankranti is observed according to Solar cycles. ", "It is celebrated on 14th January every year except in some years when it […]\n\nDiwali, or Deepavali is an Indian festival celebrated wherever Indians live. ", "Diwali symbolises the victory of light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance. ", "Typically, the festival lasts five days. ", "With the skyrocketing Indian population in Perth, Diwali has become a major celebration among the Indians, now spreading its wings as an Australian festival of happiness. […]" ]
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[ "club pengiun is the worse game i haveve ever played runescape is the best.club penguin u have to be member for everything unlike runescape.whats the point of club penguin anyways? ", "all u do is waddle around and meet new friends.but runescape oh its way better people who play club pengiun r noobs……wait i dont think people who play club penguin know what noob is anyways.i used to like club penguin but it sucks like hell.well if u havent played runescape just try it and i know u will like rs better than cp.", "\n\nrs is addicting + its in the guiness book of world records i think it will be on on guiness book of world record 2009.and do u know y its on the giness book of world records……cause its been the best free online multiplayer game for 2 years in a row so in ur face club penguin.", "\nclub penguin fans r idiots so if u dont wanna be and idiot play rs\nps:if u r a cp fan tell me whats so good about it??????+cp fans try rs!!!!!!! ", "u will be addicted to it.", "\n\ni vote club penguin:you see in club penguin you can get items as nonmembers too.dont say im lying because parties on club penguin have free items not available in shops!STUPID RUNE SCAPE PEOPLE ARE SOOO DUMB THEYY DONT STAY IN CLUB PENGUIN LONG ENOUGH TO WITNESS A PARTY!AND I KNOW THAT NOOB = NEWBIE!", "\n\nOTHER FREE ITEMS SUCH AS ROCKHOPPERS RARE ITEMS!(HAHAHAH!RUNE SCAPE PEOPLE DONT STAY LONG ENOUGH IN CLUB PENGUIN TO KNOW WHO ROCKHOPPER IS!)!ALSO NONMEMBERS ARE ALOUD TO BUY BACKROUNDS AND COLOURS!(RUNE SCAPES BRAIN ISNT LOOKING TO GOOD HAHAHA!", "\n\nRune Scape ownz Club Penguin! ", "I also have proof why. ", "I have a video on YouTube explaining why RuneScape is better than Club Penguin. ", "My YouTube account is Aurarus, and that tag can easily find the video.", "\n\nI VOTE FOR CLUB PENGUIN!!!!!!! ", "because me personally think it’s way better but you have to pay for membership for both games and they are both the same price but runescape does have more people play and it’s way bigger but you have to do dumb quests and hard stuff like that but on clubpenguin you can relax and play for fun!!!!", "\n\nHow many people are on my Blog?", "\n\nBlog Tracker\n\nRecent Comments\n\nRewards\n\n50,000 hits- This is a halfway party at clubpenguin. ", "I give out extra cheats for a week! ", "I'll also give out three passwords!", "\n75,000 hits- This is almost the last one! ", "I give you 1 password, I have a huge celebration and I give out extra cheats for a month!", "\n100,000 hits- We have a huge celebration, i'll give you five passwords, and i will give you extra cheats for a yeeaar!", "\n150,000 hits-(coming soon)\n200,000 hits-(coming soon)\n250,000 hits-(coming ooon)\n\nDo you want to be on my blogroll?", "\n\nDo you want to be in my blogroll? ", "Well, just follow the rules below:\n1. ", "You have to have at least 1,000 hits.", "\n2. ", "You must have me on your blogroll.", "\n3. ", "You need to comment on my firstpost saying, \"Can I be on your blogroll?\"", "\n4. ", "I will not reply. ", "Come back by 24 hours and you'll be on my blogroll!" ]
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[ "Parabothus\n\nParabothus is a genus of fish in the family Bothidae native to the Indian and Pacific Ocean.", "\n\nSpecies\nThere are currently 10 recognized species in this genus:\n Parabothus amaokai Parin, 1983\n Parabothus budkeri (Chabanaud, 1943)\n Parabothus chlorospilus (C. H. Gilbert, 1905)\n Parabothus coarctatus (C. H. Gilbert, 1905)\n Parabothus filipes Amaoka, Mihara & Rivaton, 1997\n Parabothus kiensis (S. Tanaka (I), 1918)\n Parabothus malhensis (Regan, 1908)\n Parabothus polylepis (Alcock, 1889) (Many-scaled flounder)\n Parabothus rotundifrons Voronina, Pruvost & Causse, 2017 \n Parabothus taiwanensis Amaoka & S. C. Shen, 1993\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Bothidae\nCategory:Marine fish genera\nCategory:Taxa named by John Roxborough Norman" ]
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[ "Isadora Duncan Dance Awards\n\nThe Isadora Duncan Dance Awards or Izzies honor San Francisco Bay Area dance artists for outstanding achievements in a range of categories including: choreography, sustained achievement, individual performance, company performance, costume design, and set design. ", "The awards are presented annually and named in honor of Isadora Duncan. ", "The awards began in 1986 and were revitalized in 2004 via a partnership with Bay Area National Dance Week after a slump due, in part, to a perceived lack of credibility.", "\n\n2016-2017 Season Award Winners and Honorees\n\nOutstanding Achievement in Choreography \n\n Lizz Roman, Sunset Dances: Architectural Meditations II, Lizz Roman & Dancers, home salon performances, San Francisco\n\nOutstanding Achievement in Performance – Individual \n\n Isaiah Bindel, les vérités, dawsondancesf, YBCA Theater, San Francisco\n\nOutstanding Achievement in Performance – Ensemble \n\n MaryStarr Hope and Karla Quintero, \"The Two Sisters\" from Grace and Delia Are Gone, Flyaway Productions, Firehouse at Fort Mason, San Francisco\n\n·Outstanding Achievement in Performance – Company \n\n Abhinaya Dance Company of San José, Vaanara Leela: Monkeys in the Ramayana, School of Arts & Culture at Mexican Heritage Plaza, San José\n\nOutstanding Achievement in Music/Sound/Text \n\n Marc Bamuthi Joseph and Tommy Shepherd, /peh-LO-tah/, Living Word Project, YBCA Theater, San Francisco\n\nOutstanding Achievement in Visual Design \n\n Brian Jones and Susan Roemer, Wandering, Amy Seiwert's Imagery, Cowell Theater, San Francisco\n\nOutstanding Achievement in Restaging / Revival / Reconstruction \n\n Krissy Keefer, revival of The Great Liberation Upon Hearing (2009), Dance Brigade, Dance Mission Theater, San Francisco\n\n Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra & Chorale and Catherine Turocy, restaging of Le Temple de La Gloire (The Temple of Glory) (1745) by Jean-Philippe Rameau, Zellerbach Hall, Berkeley\n\nSpecial Award Honoree \n\n Antoine Hunter, for the 2017 Bay Area International Deaf Dance Festival, which united exceptional deaf and hearing dancers and increased their visibility in the Bay Area\n\nSustained Achievement Honorees \n\n La Tania, for her mastery and fostering of flamenco in the Bay Area as a teacher, choreographer, and performer for the past 24 years\n RJ Muna, for his artistic contributions to the community that capture the choreographers and dancers of the Bay Area through photographic excellence\n Harry Rubeck, for over 20 years of outstanding contributions supporting Bay Area dance artists through the field of lighting design\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Isadora Duncan Dance Awards website\n\nCategory:Dance awards\nCategory:Dance in California\nCategory:Culture of San Francisco" ]
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[ "\" The team at Orlando Building Service (OBS) continues to strive to meet our needs in every project. ", "I have found that being able to meet face to face with a builder in OBS has been key in the success of our projects. ", "OBS goes the extra mile to ensure meeting our timelines and goals.\"" ]
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[ "Target has agreed to pay $10 million to people affected by the breach of its systems in 2013 that saw 40 million credit and debit card numbers stolen. ", "According to court documents, the retailer's proposed settlement — which has yet to be approved by a federal judge — could pay individuals up to $10,000 in compensation. ", "A court hearing to approve the proposal is scheduled for Thursday.", "\n\nThe deal has not yet been approved by a judge\n\nThe proposed settlement is dwarfed by the $200 million banks and credit unions had to spend to provide new cards and reimburse customers who lost money, but might cover customers who had non-payment details stolen — in addition to credit and debit card details, the perpetrators of the attack were also able to get their hands on more than 70 million names, email addresses, and phone numbers. ", "The attackers accessed Target's network using credentials stolen from a contractor, before uploading malware supposedly designed by a Russian teenager to infect the retailer's point-of-sale devices. ", "Over several weeks in late 2013, from Black Friday to mid-December, they were able to skim data from customers who purchased items in almost every one of the company's 1,934 US stores.", "\n\nThe company fast-tracked new security measures in the wake of the attack, but the breach was damaging. ", "In February 2014, it became clear Target knew about the security hole weeks before the attack began, but declined to fix it, leading to the resignation of both the company's head of technology and its CEO. ", "But, somewhat ironically, the retailer wasn't the only target of point-of-sale malware hackers — in the months that followed, Home Depot, Nieman Marcus, and restaurant chain PF Chang;s were among those caught out by attackers using the same method. ", "As of August last year, the Department of Homeland Security said more than 1,000 US businesses had been affected by the cyberattacks." ]
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[ "(CNN) Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said Australia would view \"with great concern\" any foreign military bases being built in the South Pacific, following reports Beijing was in talks with Vanuatu to host Chinese forces.", "\n\nTurnbull said in a press conference Tuesday the High Commissioner of Vanuatu had assured the Australian government no Chinese requests for a military presence had been made.", "\n\n\"The maintenance of peace and stability in the Pacific is of utmost importance to us,\" he told reporters.", "\n\nThe small island nation of about 282,000 people sits in the South Pacific, close to Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. ", "Any Chinese military presence could see warships based less than 2,500 kilometers (1,553 miles) from Australia's coast.", "\n\nIt has long been a large recipient of Australian government aid, but in recent years has received hundreds of millions of dollars in loans and grants from the Chinese government.", "\n\nThe suggestion that China was looking to establish a base in the South Pacific nation, as first reported by Fairfax Media Tuesday, was met with denials from both Vanuatu and Australian government officials.", "\n\nAustralia's Foreign Minister Julie Bishop also tried to quell fears of an increased Chinese military presence in a region which has traditionally been under Canberra's sphere of influence.", "\n\n\"I remain confident that Australia is Vanuatu's strategic partner of choice,\" Bishop told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) on Tuesday.", "\n\nBut Australian broadcaster, Nine News, separately quoted a senior defense official on Tuesday claiming the Chinese government had \"certainly expressed its interest\" in a greater military presence in Vanuatu.", "\n\nThe Vanuatu government denied the reports on Tuesday, slamming suggestions there were any talks between the two countries along those lines.", "\n\n\"We are a non-aligned country. ", "We are not interested in militarization, we are just not interested in any sort of military base in our country,\" Foreign Minister Ralph Regenvanu told ABC.", "\n\nAn aerial photo of China's aircraft carrier group during military drills in the South China Sea, 2017..\n\nWhen asked at his daily press briefing, China's foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said the reports were \"fake news.\"", "\n\nCNN tried to contact both the Australian Defense Ministry and the Vanuatu Foreign Ministry, but did not get an immediate response.", "\n\nReacting to the report Tuesday, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said it was ultimately a matter for Vanuatu and China to decide on, according to Radio New Zealand.", "\n\n\"But I'm very openly expressing now, and would do either privately or publicly, that we take a strong position in the Pacific against militarization,\" she said.", "\n\nMilitarization of Vanuatu could worry US\n\nAny moves towards a military presence on Vanuatu would have strategic implications of not only Australia and New Zealand, but also the United States, Euan Graham, director of the International Security Program at Sydney's Lowy Institute, said.", "\n\n\"People who look across the Pacific will look from a geostrategic point of view and obviously take notice of this very bold statement of ambition, if it is true, that the Chinese navy is now seeking to acquire some sort of presence,\" he said.", "\n\nGraham said while he found suggestions of Vanuatu agreeing to a permanent military base unlikely, a dual-use civilian military facility which could give occasional access to People's Liberation Army vessels could be possible.", "\n\nJUST WATCHED Tensions grow in the South China Sea Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Tensions grow in the South China Sea 02:29\n\nChina has diplomatic relations with several Pacific nations and is a major sponsor of development and aid projects in Vanuatu, Tonga, Papua New Guinea and Fiji.", "\n\nBetween 2000 and 2012, China offered about 30 major projects to Pacific island countries, including the construction of government official buildings and infrastructure such as highways, bridges and hydropower stations, according to a paper by Professor Yu Chang Sen, of the National Center of Oceania Studies, at Guangzhou's Sun Yat-sen University.", "\n\nIn Vanuatu specifically, China has provided $243 million dollars in loans and grants from 2006 to June 2016, according to figures from Sydney's Lowy Institute, a figure that while large, lags behind Australia which provided $400 million during the same ten year period.", "\n\nChinese financial aid in Vanuatu has so far focused on key infrastructure development, including Luganville International Wharf, on the island of Espiritu Santo, a large 300-meter docking facility that can accommodate two mid-sized freighters, or a single large cruise ship at any one time.", "\n\nThe wharf, constructed by the Shanghai Construction Group, was described by China's Ambassador to Vanuatu as \"a new milestone of China-Vanuatu cooperation in the field of infrastructure development.\"", "\n\nChinese People's Liberation Army navy soldiers of a guard of honor rehearse before a welcoming outside the Great Hall of People.", "\n\nChina's military ambitions\n\nIn recent years Beijing has been stretching its maritime muscles outside of East Asia.", "\n\nMalcolm Davis, a senior analyst at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute in Sydney, described the Hambantota deal -- which saw Sri Lanka grant China a 99-year lease on the port to service some of the billions in debt it owes to Beijing -- as part of a \"bigger picture.\"", "\n\n\"The more you invest in the Belt and Road initiative, the more the Chinese are in a position to force your country to align politically in terms of policy,\" Davis told CNN last year, referring to China's ambitious One Belt One Road (OBOR) international development strategy.", "\n\n\"So you become dependent on their investment and their largesse, and you're less likely to be critical of them and you're more likely to accommodate their interests strategically.\"", "\n\nUnder President Xi Jinping those strategic interests have shifted, with the Chinese navy in particular undergoing a significant transformation, in line with China's own rise as a global superpower." ]
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[ "Ashokan Edicts Archeological Park\n\nThe Ashokan Edicts National Park in northern India, proposed in 2011 by Siddhartha Gauri and Dr. Satyadeep Neil Gauri, is devoted to the Buddhist teachings of Emperor Ashoka of the Maurya Empire. ", "The park in the Haryana village of Topra displays replicas of Ashokan pillars and rock edicts. ", "The park includes a sapling of the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi tree from Sri Lanka.", "\n\nHistory \nDuring the reign of Emperor Ashoka, several pillars were erected with deciphered texts. ", "In this period, these pillars were scattered all over India. ", "Today they are preserved by the Archaeological Survey of India. ", "One such pillar composed of chukar rocks mined near Varanasi and bearing seven edicts in Brahmi script was erected in Topra. ", "In the 14th century it was transported to Delhi via the Yamuna River. ", " British archaeologist James Prinsep decoded and translated its edicts in 1837. ", "In 2018, a replica of the pillar was made and placed in Topra Ashokan Edicts Archeological Park and Museum.", "\n\nGrants \nThe park owes its origins to the gift of 28 acres of land by the village panchayat of Topra Kalyan and an April 2015 commitment by the then-Chief Minister of Haryana, Manohar Lal Khattar, to provide 500 million Indian rupees (US$7.1 million) for construction of the park.", "\n\nThe Park \nThe park includes the replicas of Ashoka Pillar from Delhi, Replica of Babur Caves from Gaya Bihar, and an Ashoka statue from Odisha.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Museums in India" ]
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[ "Force generation simplified. ", "Insights from laser temperature-jump experiments on contracting muscle fibers.", "\nRaising the temperature of a maximally Ca(2+)-activated muscle fiber causes a sigmoidal increase in tension. ", "The kinetics that govern this process can be explored by step-heating the fiber a few degrees with a laser temperature-jump. ", "A biexponential increase in tension results; a third exponential phase that opposes this biphasic rise in tension is only observed when phosphate, a reaction product normally at low concentration, is added to the fiber. ", "This chapter explains how the temperature dependencies of isometric tension and the temperature jump kinetics interrelate, and how these insights have modified and simplified our understanding of current mechanisms of force generation. ", "The fast kinetic phase of the tension rise appears associated with single-step force generation or a power stroke, a process largely isolated from adjacent steps in the crossbridge cycle. ", "The amplitude of the slow phase of the tension rise exhibits a remarkable approximately 1:1 ratio to the amplitude of the fast, tension generating phase above 10 degrees C. The similarity of these two amplitudes, that combine to give the complete rise in isometric tension with temperature, appear to fit a model in which one of a pair of myosin heads generates force while the second head is poised to function after the power stroke of the first has occurred. ", "The phase with the negative amplitude seen with added phosphate points to a mechanism in which phosphate release is indirectly linked to the tension generation by forward flow through the crossbridge cycle to tension generation." ]
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[ "Tips & Tricks: How To Enable PC Keyboard Layout In Jelly Bean 4.2\n\nI have been using the new Android 4.2 keyboard (and camera) on my Galaxy Note 2 for 2 days now, and it is nothing short of awesome. ", "I love the way that it looks, the improved responsiveness, and the fact that you can even \"swype\" with it. ", "As with many Android releases, Google has a tendency to hide features, and this latest hidden treasure is a very nice feature for tablet owners. ", "What feature am I referring to? ", "PC Keyboard layout. ", "Let’s have a quick look at it, and learn how to enable it!", "\n\nThe PC keyboard layout naturally has more keys than the standard Android keyboard layout, with both numbers and symbols being faster and easier to access (this came standard on the Note 2, and I’m glad to see it coming to stock Android). ", "It doesn’t work too well for standard sized smartphones, as it’s simply too small for anything smaller than a 5 inch screen (great for the Note and Note 2). ", "It works well on the Nexus 7 (and 10 inch tablets), as shown in the pics below (screenshots are from a German device, but you get the point):\n\nFirst, simply click on “Add style” (bottom right), select your language, and then select PC. ", "Now that the layout is activated, you will need to follow the same steps under “System Language” (check on your language with “PC”). ", "Then simply press the globe on your keyboard to change layouts and choose the PC layout you have just set up.", "\n\n@Anna - Its floating around the net. ", "You can get it on XDA. ", "I just downloaded a patched version (I believe from android police) of the camera that works on all devices that I flashed in recovery, and the keyboard I found on Xda (also available as a flashable zip)." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPositioning images on a page (HTML)\n\nThese images are using a CSS code for hovering effects, everything works good except i have no idea how to re arrange their position on the page.", "\nRight now they are horizontally on top of each other, how can i make them side by side?:", "\n\nbody {\r\n color:#000000;\r\n background-color:#000000;\r\n background-image:url('Background Image');\r\n background-repeat:no-repeat;\r\n }\r\n a { color:#0000FF; }\r\n a:visited { color:#800080; }\r\n a:hover { color:#008000; }\r\n a:active { color:#FF0000; }\r\n #cf {\r\n position:relative;\r\n height:281px;\r\n width:450px;\r\n margin:0 auto;\r\n}\r\n\r\n#cf img {\r\n position:absolute;\r\n left:0;\r\n -webkit-transition: opacity 200ms ease-in-out;\r\n -moz-transition: opacity 200ms ease-in-out;\r\n -o-transition: opacity 200ms ease-in-out;\r\n transition: opacity 200ms ease-in-out;\r\n}\r\n\r\n#cf img.top:hover {\r\n opacity:0;\r\n}\n<a href=\"http://example.com/page1\">\r\n<div id=\"cf\">\r\n<img class=\"bottom\" src=\"images/img_a_1.jpg\" />\r\n<img class=\"top\" src=\"images/img_a_2.jpg\" />\r\n</div></a>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://example.com/page2\">\r\n<div id=\"cf\">\r\n<img class=\"bottom\" src=\"images/img_b_1.jpg\" />\r\n<img class=\"top\" src=\"images/img_b_2.jpg\" />\r\n</div></a>\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://example.com/page3\">\r\n<div id=\"cf\">\r\n<img class=\"bottom\" src=\"images/img_c_1.jpg\" />\r\n<img class=\"top\" src=\"images/img_c_2.jpg\" />\r\n</div></a>\n\nA:\n\nAs arhak has previously commented, we do not use an id more than once on a page, they must be unique. ", "Here are the following changes:\n\nChanged each #cf to class .cf.", "\n\nAdded display:table-cell to each .cf so that they are side-by-side.", "\n\nChanged each .cf dimensions to something manageable 50 x 50px.", "\n\nReplaced non-functioning <img> src to working values*.", "\n\nDecreased the size of each .cf to 50 x 50px*.", "\n\nAll of these changes are optional with the exception of the first and second changes.", "\n*I know that your relative urls work for you, but an example that doesn't work here will make things harder to demonstrate. ", "In the future if you have images, use those or images of equivalent size in your examples. ", "If we don't know that 50 x 50px is insufficient for your requirements, that will slowdown the process in finding a resolution.", "\nSNIPPET\n\nbody {\n color: #fff;\n background-color: #000000;\n background-image: url('Background Image');\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n}\na {\n color: #0000FF;\n}\na:visited {\n color: #800080;\n}\na:hover {\n color: #008000;\n}\na:active {\n color: #FF0000;\n}\n.cf {\n position: relative;\n height: 50px;\n width: 50px;\n margin: 0 auto;\n display:table-cell;\n}\n.cf img {\n position: absolute;\n left: 0;\n -webkit-transition: opacity 200ms ease-in-out;\n -moz-transition: opacity 200ms ease-in-out;\n -o-transition: opacity 200ms ease-in-out;\n transition: opacity 200ms ease-in-out;\n}\n.cf img.top:hover {\n opacity: 0;\n}\n<body>\n <a href=\"http://example.com/page1\">\n <div class=\"cf\">\n <img class=\"bottom\" src='http://placehold.it/50x50/00f/fff?text=1'>\n <img class=\"top\" src='http://placehold.it/50x50/cf0/000?text=2'>\n </div>\n </a>\n\n <a href=\"http://example.com/page2\">\n <div class=\"cf\">\n <img class=\"bottom\" src='http://placehold.it/50x50/0e0/110?text=3'>\n <img class=\"top\" src='http://placehold.it/50x50/0bb/011?text=4'>\n </div>\n </a>\n\n <a href=\"http://example.com/page3\">\n <div class=\"cf\">\n <img class=\"bottom\" src='http://placehold.it/50x50/fff/000?text=5'>\n <img class='top' src='http://placehold.it/50x50/f00/fff?text=6'>\n </div>\n </a>\n</body>\n\n" ]
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[ "The more I teach, the more I realize how much I don't know. ", "This blog explores pedagogy and ed-tech.", "\n\nWednesday, December 7, 2016\n\nGetting the Kids out of the Pool/ Blindspots\n\nWhat are your unquestioned practices? ", "What are the things so ingrained (rightly or wrongly) that you can't even see them?", "\n\nI'll share an example. ", "For many years, I have directed a robust summer camp program. ", "More than a decade ago, our outdoor pool was replaced by an indoor one. ", "Over the years as new cohorts of campers moved through the camp, fewer and fewer campers swam during the afternoon free swim period. ", "Yet we still sent them to the pool. ", "We created extra duties for counselors to watch the kids who weren't swimming. ", "We started ad hoc football and kickball games in the field adjacent to the pool for the kids were weren't swimming. ", "We never questioned our basic practice that from 1-2:30 was swimming time. ", "Finally, last summer, I proposed changing our schedule and this change was perceived as a big deal, I mean we were really proud of ourselves. ", "For decades, afternoons meant swimming.", "\n\nNow, no longer do campers have to go down to the pool area at this time. ", "Why didn't I think of this half a decade sooner? ", "Inertia is partly it. ", "But more basic was that I had a blind spot towards this unquestioned practice that was no longer working; the most obvious solution never crossed my mind. ", "Instead of changing the fundamental problem, I tinkered around its edges looking for solutions.", "\n\nIt is hard to see one's own blind spots. ", "But it is not impossible. ", "I take a personal inventory (almost) every day. ", "I adopted this practice nearly 5 years ago. ", "Because of this, it is harder for me to fool myself. ", "In my professional life, I have a big and likely inflated ego about my teaching which lets me fool myself. ", "I'm working hard to promptly admit when I am wrong. ", "I think I am getting better at looking at myself honestly and critically. ", "This at least lets me see opportunities for change when I am not actively fooling myself.", "\n\nBe intentional\nThis look at oneself and one's practices has to be intentional. ", "I make time to do it every day. ", "Like an individual, an institution has to look at itself honestly and critically and OFTEN. ", "I do think my school really is trying to update its mission and practices for 2016, but we are doing it right now because we are up for accreditation. ", "We are trying to be honest and we are trying to be self-critical. ", "But we have a hard time at looking at some basic assumptions maybe because we don't look at ourselves often enough.", "\n\nBlindspots\n\nMy school has used the same report card for 40 years. ", "What are the assumptions we make about grading?", "\n\nWhy are so many of our tests full of \"what\" questions? ", "What are the assumptions we make about tests?", "\n\nWhy do we continue to emphasize summative assessment at the expense of other tools? ", "Why are our assessments always given at the end, and not during when the information could inform instruction?", "\n\nWhy do we group students of the same size and age together most of the day instead of grouping by interest and/or ability? ", "Surely we do this because this is how it has been done since the 19th century. ", "It is just what school looks like.", "\n\nWhy is learning chunked into 40 minute periods?", "\n\nThis is hardly an exhaustive list, but these questions are unasked and thus unanswered. ", "Traditions and institutional memory lead to tremendously powerful inertia.", "\n\nOther blind spots? ", "The people trying to fix and change schools and the people who are comfortable with the status quo likely were all very good at school themselves. ", "It worked for them. ", "This leads to all sorts of unquestioned assumptions and blind sports." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to partially darken a background image using CSS?", "\n\n.darken {\r\n position: relative;\r\n width: auto;\r\n height: auto;\r\n margin: 10px;\r\n border-radius: 20px;\r\n border: hidden;\r\n padding: 20%;\r\n background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)), no-repeat center top / cover;\r\n}\n<div class=\"darken\" style=\"background-image: url(\"https://smorder.blob.core.windows.net/images/6/d9ffff37-79a2-44b2-aef4-6c8aadff1c6e\");\"></div>\n\nBut, it does not achieve what I want exactly. ", "As I want to darken the left side of the image partially. ", "I want to achieve something like this: http://prntscr.com/gj0hs8 \nAny ideas how to achieve this darkening effect?", "\n\nA:\n\nlinear gradient is treated as a background image too.", "\nYou can use it as an overlay if set first while using multiple background-image.", "\nMind the start/stop value, direction and to set 2 different colors in order to draw a gradient (tune provided example below to your needs).", "\nA simple gradient always covers its container, no need to reset background-size to it\nexample below.", "\n\n.darken {\r\n position: relative;\r\n width: auto;\r\n height: auto;\r\n margin: 10px;\r\n border-radius: 20px;\r\n border: hidden;\r\n padding: 20%;\r\n}\n<div class=\"darken\" style=\"\r\nbackground:\r\n linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) 40%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 70%) no-repeat center top , \r\n url(http://lorempixel.com/800/500/nightlife/7) 0 0 /cover ;\">\r\ntest</div>\n\n" ]
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[ "FOXBOROUGH, Mass. -- For a reminder that the New England Patriots look for talent in unconventional places, consider the story of kicker Josh Gable.", "\n\nThe Nebraska native didn’t play football in college but has been crushing it for the Nebraska Danger of the Indoor Football League. ", "Now the Patriots are scheduled to take a look.", "\n\nThe Patriots’ connection to Gable, which was reported last week by the local ABC affiliate in Nebraska, also highlighted his participation in the Spring League, an independent developmental league that completed its inaugural season last month.", "\n\nGable’s agent, Brad Berkowitz, said Wednesday he believes Gable is capable of kicking in the NFL and just needs a chance. ", "The Patriots are curious enough to have invited Gable to their upcoming minicamp, which includes rookies.", "\n\nBerkowitz has aggressively pursued NFL opportunities for the 26-year-old Gable and says multiple teams have inquired. ", "As part of his sales pitch, he has relayed numerous videos, with two notable ones showing Gable cranking an 80-yard field goal and showcasing his accuracy by consistently nailing tall light poles, and doing so midway up the poles.", "\n\nOther videos show Gable doing various tricks.", "\n\nThere is his Thanksgiving trick shot.", "\n\nThere's his “post accuracy” work.", "\n\nAnd then there's the one of him kicking from an angle beyond the track that circles the field.", "\n\nAs for Gable’s unique football story, Berkowitz helps fill in some of the details.", "\n\nGable played high school football in Nebraska and made second-team all-state as a freshman and first-team all-state as a sophomore and senior. ", "He didn’t play as a junior because he elected to work out with the US national soccer team instead.", "\n\nAfter high school, Gable signed to play First Division soccer in Italy. ", "He was loaned out for a few years, playing in both Belgium and Italy.", "\n\nUpon his return to the United States, he played for the Iowa Barnstormers of the Indoor Football League in 2015 before hooking on with the Danger this year. ", "That team is a better fit for him because it plays closer to his home. ", "The goal posts are closer together in indoor football than in the NFL, and Gable was named Special Teams Player of the Week in late March when he went 7-of-7 on extra points and converted both of his field-goal attempts.", "\n\nHis next stop: Foxborough, Massachusetts, to chase a dream of playing in the NFL." ]
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[ "//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n//\r\n// ***************** FIRAXIS GAME ENGINE ********************\r\n//\r\n//! ", "\\file\t\tFLuaCommon.h\r\n//! ", "\\author\t\tEric Jordan -- 3/09/2009\r\n//! ", "\\brief\t\tContains some internal helper code for FLua. ", " Rarely included directly.", "\r\n//\r\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n// Copyright (c) 2009 Firaxis Games, Inc. All rights reserved.", "\r\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n#ifndef FLuaCommon_h\r\n#define FLuaCommon_h\r\n#pragma once\r\n\r\n#include \"lua.hpp\"\r\n\r\n#include <tchar.h>\r\n#include <stdio.h>\r\n#include <assert.h>\r\n\r\nclass FCriticalSection;\r\n\r\n// Kind of like an assert for the compiler. ", " If the condition is not true then a compilation error is caused.", "\r\n#define FLUA_COMPILE_TIME_CONDITION(CONDITION, ERR_NAME) typedef int ERROR_##ERR_NAME##[(CONDITION)? ", "1 : -1]\r\n\r\n// Forces a compile time error. ", " Useful for template specializations that aren't suppose to compile.", "\r\n#define FLUA_COMPILE_TIME_ERROR(ERR_NAME) FLUA_COMPILE_TIME_CONDITION(false, ERR_NAME)\r\n\r\n#define FLUA_MULTITHREAD_SUPPORT\r\n\r\nnamespace FLua\r\n{\r\n\t// Enum for types in lua\r\n\tenum Type\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tTYPE_NONE = LUA_TNONE,\r\n\t\tTYPE_NIL = LUA_TNIL,\r\n\t\tTYPE_NUMBER = LUA_TNUMBER,\r\n\t\tTYPE_BOOLEAN = LUA_TBOOLEAN,\r\n\t\tTYPE_STRING = LUA_TSTRING,\r\n\t\tTYPE_TABLE = LUA_TTABLE,\r\n\t\tTYPE_FUNCTION = LUA_TFUNCTION,\r\n\t\tTYPE_USERDATA = LUA_TUSERDATA,\r\n\t\tTYPE_LIGHTUSERDATA = LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA,\r\n\t\tTYPE_THREAD = LUA_TTHREAD,\r\n\t};\r\n\r\n\tnamespace Details\r\n\t{\r\n\t\t// Used by FLua::ErrorHandler to trick the compiler\r\n\t\ttemplate<class TOut, class TIn>\r\n\t\tTOut UnsafeCast(TIn inVal)\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\tFLUA_COMPILE_TIME_CONDITION(sizeof(TIn) == sizeof(TOut), CantUseUnsafeCast);\r\n\t\t\tunion { TIn inVal; TOut outVal; } u;\r\n\t\t\tu.inVal = inVal;\r\n\t\t\treturn u.outVal;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\tvoid LockAccess();\r\n\t\tvoid UnlockAccess();\t\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t// ErrorHandler - Called when FLua encounters an error. ", " Use SetErrorHandler to set it to your own function.", "\r\n\tclass ErrorHandler\r\n\t{\r\n\tpublic:\r\n\t\ttypedef void(*ErrorHandlerStaticFunc)(const TCHAR*);\r\n\r\n\t\t// Static functions\r\n\t\tErrorHandler(ErrorHandlerStaticFunc pfn) :\r\n\t\t\tm_pkClass(NULL),\r\n\t\t\tm_pfnFunc(Details::UnsafeCast<ErrorHandlerFunc>(pfn))\r\n\t\t\t{ assert(pfn); }\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t// Member functions\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T, class TFuncOwner>\r\n\t\tErrorHandler(T *p, void(TFuncOwner::*pfn)(const TCHAR*)) :\r\n\t\t\tm_pkClass(Details::UnsafeCast<ErrorHandlerClass*>(p)),\r\n\t\t\tm_pfnFunc(Details::UnsafeCast<ErrorHandlerFunc>(pfn))\r\n\t\t\t{ assert(pfn); }\r\n\r\n\t\t// Const Member functions\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T, class TFuncOwner>\r\n\t\tErrorHandler(const T *p, void(TFuncOwner::*pfn)(const TCHAR*)const) :\r\n\t\t\tm_pkClass(Details::UnsafeCast<ErrorHandlerClass*>(p)),\r\n\t\t\tm_pfnFunc(Details::UnsafeCast<ErrorHandlerFunc>(pfn))\r\n\t\t\t{ assert(pfn); }\r\n\r\n\t\t// Call the error handler\r\n\t\tvoid operator()( _In_z_ const TCHAR *szError) const;\r\n\r\n\tprivate:\r\n\t\tclass ErrorHandlerClass {};\r\n\t\ttypedef void(ErrorHandlerClass::*ErrorHandlerFunc)(const TCHAR*);\r\n\t\tErrorHandlerClass *m_pkClass;\r\n\t\tErrorHandlerFunc m_pfnFunc;\r\n\t};\r\n\r\n\tnamespace Details {\r\n\t\tstatic void DefaultErrorHandler(const TCHAR *szError) { fprintf_s(stderr, _T(\"%s\\n\"), szError); }\r\n\t\tstruct ErrorHandlerHolder { static inline ErrorHandler &Get() { static ErrorHandler kHandler = &DefaultErrorHandler; return kHandler; } };\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t// SetErrorHandler - Determines which function FLua will call in the case of an error\r\n\tstatic void SetErrorHandler(ErrorHandler kHandler) { Details::ErrorHandlerHolder::Get() = kHandler; }\r\n\tstatic ErrorHandler GetErrorHandler() { return Details::ErrorHandlerHolder::Get(); }\r\n\r\n\t// ScopedErrorHandler - Assign a special error handler for the current scope. ", " Previous error handler is restored in dtor.", "\r\n\tclass ScopedErrorHandler\r\n\t{\r\n\tpublic:\r\n\t\texplicit ScopedErrorHandler(ErrorHandler kErrorHandler);\r\n\t\t~ScopedErrorHandler();\r\n\r\n\tprivate:\r\n\t\tErrorHandler m_kPrevErrorHandler;\r\n\t};\r\n\r\n\t// CreateLuaState - Creates a new lua state and loads all standard lua libraries.", "\r\n\t_Ret_opt_ lua_State *CreateLuaState();\r\n\r\n\t// CreateLuaState - Creates a new lua state with the given allocator and loads all standard lua libraries.", "\r\n\t_Ret_opt_ lua_State *CreateLuaState(lua_Alloc pfnAllocFn, void *pvUserData);\r\n\r\n\t// Execute - Executes code from a string in the given lua state. ", " Returns true if the code compiled and executed\r\n\t// without error. ", " Provides error handling otherwise. ", " Does not leave chunk or error messages on the stack.", "\r\n\tbool Execute(lua_State *L, _In_z_ const char *szCode);\r\n\r\n\t// LoadFile - Loads a lua file into the given lua state. ", " Returns true if the code compiled and executed\r\n\t// without error. ", " Provides error handling otherwise. ", " Does not leave chunk or error messages on the stack.", "\r\n\tbool LoadFile(lua_State *L, _In_z_ const wchar_t *wszFilename);\r\n\r\n\t// GetField - Acts like lua_getfield but can handle nested tables with '.", "'s separating the field names.", "\r\n\tvoid GetField(lua_State *L, int iTableIndex, const char *szName);\r\n\r\n\t// GetGlobal - Acts like lua_getglobal but can handle nested tables with '.", "'s separating the field names.", "\r\n\tstatic inline void GetGlobal(lua_State *L, _In_z_ const char *szName) { GetField(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, szName); }\r\n\r\n\t// LuaStackToString - Helpful for debugging. ", " Prints the lua stack to a string buffer.", "\r\n\tvoid LuaStackToString(lua_State *L, char *szBuffer, size_t uiBufferSize);\r\n\r\n\t// ConsoleCommand - Execute a command specifically designed for a lua command console. ", " Takes in text\r\n\t// to execute as code and then writes output to output buffer. ", " Errors during ConsoleCommand are\r\n\t// sent to szOutput rather than the regular ErrorHandler for FLua. ", " Returns true if szInput executed without error.", "\r\n\tbool ConsoleCommand(lua_State *L, _In_z_ const char *szInput, char *szOutput, size_t uiOutputSize);\r\n\r\n\t// FunctionDescription - Represents the description of a function\r\n\tstruct FunctionDescription\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tFunctionDescription(const char *szFunction, const char *szDescription) :\r\n\t\t\tszFunction(szFunction), szDescription(szDescription) {}\r\n\t\tFunctionDescription() : szFunction(NULL), szDescription(NULL) {}\r\n\t\tconst char *szFunction;\r\n\t\tconst char *szDescription;\r\n\t};\r\n\r\n\t// SetFunctionDescription - Set the description for a function specified by name\r\n\tbool SetFunctionDescription(lua_State *L, _In_z_ const char *szFunction, _In_z_ const char *szDescription);\r\n\r\n\t// SetFunctionDescriptions - Set the descriptions for a set of functions specified by name.", "\r\n\t// A FunctionDescription with a NULL szFunction pointer signals the end of the akDescriptions array.", "\r\n\tbool SetFunctionDescriptions(lua_State *L, FunctionDescription *akDescriptions);\r\n\r\n\t// StackValue - Represents a generic argument on the lua stack.", "\r\n\tclass StackValue\r\n\t{\r\n\tpublic:\r\n\t\tStackValue(lua_State *L, int iStackIndex);\r\n\r\n\t\tinline void Push() const { lua_pushvalue(m_pkLuaState, m_iStackIndex); }\r\n\t\tinline int Reference() const {\r\n\t\t\tlua_checkstack(m_pkLuaState, 1);\r\n\t\t\tlua_pushvalue(m_pkLuaState, m_iStackIndex); // Push the value\r\n\t\t\treturn lua_ref(m_pkLuaState, true); // Ref then pop the value\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\tinline Type GetType() const { return (Type)lua_type(m_pkLuaState, m_iStackIndex); }\r\n\t\tinline const char *GetTypeName() const { return lua_typename(m_pkLuaState, lua_type(m_pkLuaState, m_iStackIndex)); }\r\n\r\n\t\tinline bool IsNil() const { return lua_isnil(m_pkLuaState, m_iStackIndex); }\r\n\r\n\t\t// Basic type conversions\r\n\t\tinline operator bool() const { return GetAs<bool>(); }\r\n\t\tinline operator int() const { return GetAs<int>(); }\r\n\t\tinline operator char() const { return GetAs<char>(); }\r\n\t\tinline operator unsigned int() const { return GetAs<unsigned int>(); }\r\n\t\tinline operator float() const { return GetAs<float>(); }\r\n\t\tinline operator double() const { return GetAs<double>(); }\r\n\t\tinline operator const char*() const { return GetAs<const char*>(); }\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> _Ret_opt_ operator T*() const { return GetAs<T*>(); }\r\n\r\n\t\t// GetAs - Interpret this value as a specific C++ type\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T>\r\n\t\tT GetAs() const {\r\n\t\t\tT ret = T(); // Don't use with reference types!!! ...", "EVER!!!", "\r\n\r\n\t\t\t// Get the lua analog for this type off of the lua stack\r\n\t\t\ttypedef Details::LuaAnalog<T>::Result Analog;\r\n\t\t\tAnalog analog = Details::Get<Analog>(m_pkLuaState, m_iStackIndex);\r\n\r\n\t\t\t// Validate the value from lua\r\n\t\t\tbool bValid(true); Details::ArgValidator<T>::Validate(analog, bValid);\r\n\r\n\t\t\t// Convert and return the value if it is valid\r\n\t\t\tif( bValid ) ret = Details::FromLuaAnalog<T>::Convert(analog);\r\n\r\n\t\t\treturn ret;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t// IsOfType - Determines if the value may be cast to a pointer of type T\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T>\r\n\t\tbool IsOfType() const { return Details::CompatibleType<T>(m_pkLuaState, m_iStackIndex); }\r\n\r\n\t\tinline int GetIndex() const { return m_iStackIndex; }\r\n\t\tinline lua_State *GetLuaState() const { return m_pkLuaState; }\r\n\r\n\tprivate:\r\n\t\tlua_State *m_pkLuaState;\r\n\t\tint m_iStackIndex;\r\n\t};\r\n\r\n\tnamespace Details\r\n\t{\r\n\t\t// Error - Call for internal errors in FLua. ", " Uses ErrorHandler\r\n\t\tvoid Error( _In_z_ const TCHAR *szFormat, ...);\r\n\t\tvoid Error( lua_State *L, _In_z_ const TCHAR *szFormat, ...);\r\n\t\tconst TCHAR *SaveCallStack(lua_State *L);\r\n\t\tconst TCHAR* GetLastCallstackBuffer();\r\n\r\n\t\t// CallWithErrorHandling - Call a lua function with error handling automatically provided.", "\r\n\t\t// Expects that the function and then the arguments are already on the stack (in that order).", "\r\n\t\t// uiArgCount provides the number of arguments.", "\r\n\t\t// uiResults controls the exact number of return values from lua that will be pushed onto the stack.", "\r\n\t\t// If the call succeeds with no errors then the function returns true and uiResults are pushed onto the stack.", "\r\n\t\t// If the call fails then an error is reported with FLua::Details::Error and nothing is left on the stack.", "\r\n\t\t// Note: LUA_MULTRET (a uiResults value of -1) is not supported by this function. ", " Use MultRetCallWithErrorHandling for LUA_MULTRET.", "\r\n\t\tbool CallWithErrorHandling(lua_State *L, unsigned int uiArgCount, unsigned int uiResults);\r\n\r\n\t\t// MultRetCallWithErrorHandling - Call a lua function with error handling automatically provided.", "\r\n\t\t// Expects that the function and then the arguments are already on the stack (in that order).", "\r\n\t\t// uiArgCount provides the number of arguments.", "\r\n\t\t// uiReturnCountOut provides the number of return values pushed onto the stack after the call is done.", "\r\n\t\t// If the call succeeds with no errors then the function returns true and uiReturnCountOut values are pushed onto the stack.", "\r\n\t\t// If the call fails then an error is reported with FLua::Details::Error and nothing is left on the stack.", "\r\n\t\tbool MultRetCallWithErrorHandling(lua_State *L, unsigned int uiArgCount, unsigned int &uiReturnCountOut);\r\n\r\n\t\t// LuaNew - New an object using the allocator of the lua state L\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> static T *LuaNew(lua_State *L)\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\tvoid *pvUserData = NULL;\r\n\t\t\tlua_Alloc pfnAlloc = lua_getallocf(L, &pvUserData);\r\n\t\t\treturn new((*pfnAlloc)(pvUserData, NULL, 0, sizeof(T)))T();\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t// LuaDelete - Delete an object that has been allocated with LuaNew\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> void LuaDelete(lua_State *L, T *&p)\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\tif( p )\r\n\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\tp->~T();\r\n\t\t\t\tvoid *pvUserData = NULL;\r\n\t\t\t\tlua_Alloc pfnAlloc = lua_getallocf(L, &pvUserData);\r\n\t\t\t\tp = (T*)(*pfnAlloc)(pvUserData, p, sizeof(T), 0);\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t// StripPtr - Use to rip pointer off of a type in a template\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct StripPtr { typedef T Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct StripPtr<T*>{ typedef T Result; };\r\n\r\n\t\t// StripPtrAndRef - Use to rip pointer and reference (&) off of a type in a template\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct StripPtrAndRef { typedef T Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct StripPtrAndRef<T*>{ typedef T Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct StripPtrAndRef<T&>{ typedef T Result; };\r\n\r\n\t\t// StripConst - Use to rip const off of a type in a template\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct StripConst { typedef T Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct StripConst<const T> { typedef T Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct StripConst<const T*>{ typedef T* Result; };\r\n\r\n\t\t// ConstCheck - Use to check for const type in a template\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct ConstCheck { static const bool bIsConst = false; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct ConstCheck<const T> { static const bool bIsConst = true; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct ConstCheck<const T*> { static const bool bIsConst = true; };\r\n\r\n\t\t// ConstCheck specializations for const member functions\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T, class TRet> struct ConstCheck<TRet(T::*)()const> { static const bool bIsConst = true; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T, class TRet, class TArg0> struct ConstCheck<TRet(T::*)(TArg0)const> { static const bool bIsConst = true; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T, class TRet, class TArg0, class TArg1>\r\n\t\tstruct ConstCheck<TRet(T::*)(TArg0, TArg1)const> { static const bool bIsConst = true; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T, class TRet, class TArg0, class TArg1, class TArg2>\r\n\t\tstruct ConstCheck<TRet(T::*)(TArg0, TArg1, TArg2)const> { static const bool bIsConst = true; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T, class TRet, class TArg0, class TArg1, class TArg2, class TArg3>\r\n\t\tstruct ConstCheck<TRet(T::*)(TArg0, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3)const> { static const bool bIsConst = true; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T, class TRet, class TArg0, class TArg1, class TArg2, class TArg3, class TArg4>\r\n\t\tstruct ConstCheck<TRet(T::*)(TArg0, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TArg4)const> { static const bool bIsConst = true; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T, class TRet, class TArg0, class TArg1, class TArg2, class TArg3, class TArg4, class TArg5>\r\n\t\tstruct ConstCheck<TRet(T::*)(TArg0, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TArg4, TArg5)const> { static const bool bIsConst = true; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T, class TRet, class TArg0, class TArg1, class TArg2, class TArg3, class TArg4, class TArg5, class TArg6>\r\n\t\tstruct ConstCheck<TRet(T::*)(TArg0, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TArg4, TArg5, TArg6)const> { static const bool bIsConst = true; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T, class TRet, class TArg0, class TArg1, class TArg2, class TArg3, class TArg4, class TArg5, class TArg6, class TArg7>\r\n\t\tstruct ConstCheck<TRet(T::*)(TArg0, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TArg4, TArg5, TArg6, TArg7)const> { static const bool bIsConst = true; };\r\n\r\n\t\t// Do a const check on a value\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> inline bool DoConstCheck(T data) { return ConstCheck<T>::bIsConst; };\r\n\r\n\t\t// CData - Used to associate C++ objects with lua tables. ", " Added to the table as userdata.", "\r\n\t\tclass CData {\r\n\t\tpublic:\r\n\t\t\tCData(void *pvObject) : m_pvObject(pvObject) {}\r\n\t\t\tinline void *GetPtr() const { return m_pvObject; }\r\n\t\t\tinline void NullPtr() { m_pvObject = NULL; }\r\n\t\tprivate:\r\n\t\t\tvoid *m_pvObject;\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\t// PushMetaTableFn - Pointer to a function that pushes a meta table onto the stack\r\n\t\ttypedef void(*PushMetaTableFn)(lua_State *L);\r\n\r\n\t\t// MetaTableFnHolder - Allows each type to have it's own static PushMetaTableFn function pointer that is NULL until assigned.", "\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct MetaTableFnHolder { static PushMetaTableFn pfn; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> PushMetaTableFn MetaTableFnHolder<T>::pfn = NULL;\r\n\r\n\t\t// GetPushMetaTableFn - Retrieves the PushMetaTableFn for type T\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> static inline PushMetaTableFn &GetPushMetaTableFn() { return MetaTableFnHolder<T>::pfn; }\r\n\r\n\t\t// LuaAnalog - Defines the type used for the lua stack\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct LuaAnalog{ typedef T Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct LuaAnalog<T&>{ typedef T* Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct LuaAnalog<const T>{ typedef T Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct LuaAnalog<const T*>{ typedef const T* Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct LuaAnalog<const T&>{ typedef const T* Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<> struct LuaAnalog<char>{ typedef const char* Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<> struct LuaAnalog<const char>{ typedef const char* Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<> struct LuaAnalog<int>{ typedef lua_Integer Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<> struct LuaAnalog<const int>{ typedef lua_Integer Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<> struct LuaAnalog<unsigned int>{ typedef lua_Number Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<> struct LuaAnalog<const unsigned int>{ typedef lua_Number Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<> struct LuaAnalog<unsigned long>{ typedef lua_Number Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<> struct LuaAnalog<const unsigned long>{ typedef lua_Number Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<> struct LuaAnalog<double>{ typedef lua_Number Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<> struct LuaAnalog<const double>{ typedef lua_Number Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<> struct LuaAnalog<char*>{ typedef const char* Result; }; // char* ok for push but not get!", "\r\n\t\ttemplate<> struct LuaAnalog<const char*>{ typedef const char* Result; };\r\n\r\n\t\t// PushAnalog - Defines the type used for Push on the lua stack (usually the same as LuaAnalog)\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct PushAnalog : LuaAnalog<T>{};\r\n\t\ttemplate<> struct PushAnalog<char>{ typedef char Result; };\r\n\t\ttemplate<> struct PushAnalog<const char>{ typedef const char Result; };\r\n\r\n\t\t// CompatibleType - Uses metatables like an RTTI system to determine type compatibility. ", " Do not use a negative index!!!", "\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T>\r\n\t\tstatic bool CompatibleType(lua_State *L, int idx)\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t// This function does not support negative indexes at this time\r\n\t\t\tassert(idx > 0);\r\n\r\n\t\t\t// If T is a const type and the value at idx is a compatible non-const type then a cast is fine.", "\r\n\t\t\tif( ConstCheck<T>::bIsConst && CompatibleType<StripConst<T>::Result>(L, idx)) return true;\r\n\r\n\t\t\t// Compare metatables to determine type compatibility\r\n\t\t\tPushMetaTableFn pfnPushMetaTable = GetPushMetaTableFn<StripPtr<T>::Result>();\r\n\t\t\tif( pfnPushMetaTable )\r\n\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t(*pfnPushMetaTable)(L); // Push the metatable for T\r\n\t\t\t\tif( lua_getmetatable(L, idx) )\r\n\t\t\t\t{\t// Compare the metatables for type equality\r\n\t\t\t\t\tbool bCompatibleTypes = true;\r\n\t\t\t\t\twhile( lua_equal(L, -1, -2) == 0 )\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlua_getfield(L, -1, \"BaseType\"); // Check for base type\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif( lua_istable(L, -1) ) \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlua_remove(L, -2); // Remove child metatable\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\telse\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{\t// No compatibility between these types\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlua_pop(L, 3); // Pop nil and both metatables\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\treturn false;\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t// The type of the value at idx or a parent of that type is equal to T\r\n\t\t\t\t\tlua_pop(L, 2); // Pop both metatables\r\n\t\t\t\t\treturn true;\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\telse\r\n\t\t\t\t{\t// The value at idx does not have a metatable but T does. ", " This means they are incompatible.", "\r\n\t\t\t\t\tlua_pop(L, 1); // Pop the metatable for T.\r\n\t\t\t\t\treturn false;\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\telse if( lua_getmetatable(L, idx) )\r\n\t\t\t{\t// T does not have a metatable but the value at idx does. ", " This means they are incompatible.", "\r\n\t\t\t\tlua_pop(L, 1); // Pop the metatable for the value at idx.", "\r\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t\t// If neither types have metatables then compatibility is assumed to be true.", "\r\n\t\t\treturn true;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t// GetTypeNameFromMetatable - Attempts to get the type name from the \"CTypeName\" field of the metatable of the value at idx.", "\r\n\t\tstatic const char *GetTypeNameFromMetatable(lua_State *L, int idx)\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\tconst char *szTypeName = NULL;\r\n\t\t\tif( lua_getmetatable(L, idx) !", "= 0 )\r\n\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\tlua_getfield(L, -1, \"CTypeName\");\r\n\t\t\t\tszTypeName = lua_tostring(L, -1);\r\n\t\t\t\tlua_pop(L, 2);\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t\tif( !", "szTypeName ) szTypeName = \"Unkown_Type\";\r\n\r\n\t\t\treturn szTypeName;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t// GetTypeNameFromMetatable - Attempts to get the type name from the \"CTypeName\" field of the metatable for T\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> static const char *GetTypeNameFromMetatable(lua_State *L)\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\tconst char *szTypeName = NULL;\r\n\t\t\tPushMetaTableFn pfnPushMetaTable = GetPushMetaTableFn<StripPtr<T>::Result>();\r\n\t\t\tif( pfnPushMetaTable )\r\n\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t(*pfnPushMetaTable)(L);\r\n\t\t\t\tlua_getfield(L, -1, \"CTypeName\");\r\n\t\t\t\tszTypeName = lua_tostring(L, -1);\r\n\t\t\t\tlua_pop(L, 2);\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t\tif( !", "szTypeName ) szTypeName = \"Unkown_Type\";\r\n\r\n\t\t\treturn szTypeName;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t// Get - Gets a value off of the lua stack. ", " Default implementation looks for a table with CData or light user data.", "\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T>\r\n\t\tstatic inline T Get(lua_State *L, int idx)\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\tT pkRet = NULL;\r\n\t\t\tif( lua_istable(L, idx) )\r\n\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t// If this is a compatible type then use it\r\n\t\t\t\tif( CompatibleType<T>(L, idx) )\r\n\t\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t\tlua_pushvalue(L, idx); // Push table\r\n\t\t\t\t\tlua_getfield(L, -1, \"CData\");\r\n\t\t\t\t\tCData kCData = (CData)lua_touserdata(L, -1);\r\n\t\t\t\t\tpkRet = (T)kCData.", "GetPtr();\r\n\t\t\t\t\tlua_pop(L, 2); // Pop table and CData field\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\telse Error(_T(\"Cannot cast from %s to %s. Using NULL instead.\"), ", "GetTypeNameFromMetatable(L, idx), GetTypeNameFromMetatable<T>(L));\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\telse if( lua_islightuserdata(L, idx) )\r\n\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\tpkRet = (T)lua_touserdata(L, idx);\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\telse\r\n\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\tError(_T(\"Incorrect type for pointer argument. ", " Using NULL instead.\"));", "\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t\treturn pkRet;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t// Get functions for primitive types\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static inline bool Get(lua_State *L, int idx) { return lua_toboolean(L, idx) !", "= 0; }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static inline lua_Integer Get(lua_State *L, int idx) { return lua_tointeger(L, idx); }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static inline long Get(lua_State *L, int idx) { return (long)lua_tointeger(L, idx); }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static inline lua_Number Get(lua_State *L, int idx) { return lua_tonumber(L, idx); }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static inline float Get(lua_State *L, int idx) { return (float)lua_tonumber(L, idx); }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static inline const char *Get(lua_State *L, int idx) { return lua_tostring(L, idx); }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static inline StackValue Get(lua_State *L, int idx) { return StackValue(L, idx); }\r\n\r\n\t\t// PushCData - Allows the creation of CData to be overriden for certain types\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> static void PushCData(lua_State *L, T *pVal)\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t// Create a new CData object as lua user data\r\n\t\t\tlua_pushlightuserdata(L, pVal);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t// Push - Push a value onto the lua stack. ", "Default implementation pushes a table with CData onto the stack.", "\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T>\r\n\t\tstatic inline void Push(lua_State *L, T *pVal)\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t// Table representing this object\r\n\t\t\tlua_newtable(L);\r\n\r\n\t\t\t// Add the CData to the table\r\n\t\t\tPushCData(L, pVal);\r\n\t\t\tlua_setfield(L, -2, \"CData\");\r\n\r\n\t\t\t// Set the meta table\r\n\t\t\tPushMetaTableFn pfnPushMetaTable = GetPushMetaTableFn<T>();\r\n\t\t\tif( pfnPushMetaTable )\r\n\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t(*pfnPushMetaTable)(L);\r\n\t\t\t\tlua_setmetatable(L, -2);\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t// Push functions for primitive types\r\n\t\tstatic inline void Push(lua_State *L, const bool bVal) { lua_pushboolean(L, bVal); }\r\n\t\tstatic inline void Push(lua_State *L, const char cVal) { char szVal[2]; szVal[0] = cVal; szVal[1] = '\\0'; lua_pushstring(L, szVal); }\r\n\t\tstatic inline void Push(lua_State *L, const lua_Integer iVal) { lua_pushinteger(L, iVal); }\r\n\t\tstatic inline void Push(lua_State *L, const lua_Number fVal) { lua_pushnumber(L, fVal); }\r\n\t\tstatic inline void Push(lua_State *L, const float fVal) { lua_pushnumber(L, fVal); }\r\n\t\tstatic inline void Push(lua_State *L, _In_z_ const char *szVal) { lua_pushstring(L, szVal); }\r\n\t\tstatic inline void Push(lua_State *, const StackValue kVal) { kVal.", "Push(); }\r\n\r\n\t\t// ArgValidator - Determines if an argument is valid. ", " Default case does nothing.", "\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T>\r\n\t\tstruct ArgValidator {\r\n\t\t\ttemplate<class TArgType> static inline void Validate(TArgType&, bool&){}\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\t// ArgValidator for reference types\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T>\r\n\t\tstruct ArgValidator<T&>{\r\n\t\t\ttemplate<class TArgType> static inline void Validate(TArgType &arg, bool &bValid) {}\r\n\t\t\tstatic inline void Validate(T *&arg, bool &bValid) {\r\n\t\t\t\tif( arg == NULL ) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\tError(_T(\"Bad argument: NULL reference\"));\r\n\t\t\t\t\tbValid = false;\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\t// ArgValidator for const reference types\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct ArgValidator<const T&> : public ArgValidator<T&> {};\r\n\r\n\t\t// Congratulations! ", " You have made it deep into the bowls of FLua. ", " Turn Back!!! ", "It's scary in here :-0\r\n\r\n\t\t// ArgValidator for uint\r\n\t\ttemplate<>\r\n\t\tstruct ArgValidator<unsigned int>{\r\n\t\t\tstatic inline void Validate(lua_Number &iArg, bool &bValid) {\r\n\t\t\t\tif( iArg < 0 ) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\tError(_T(\"Bad argument: Negative number passed for uint\"));\r\n\t\t\t\t\tbValid = false;\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\t// ArgValidator for const uint\r\n\t\ttemplate<> struct ArgValidator<const unsigned int> : ArgValidator<unsigned int> {};\r\n\r\n\t\t// ArgValidator for char\r\n\t\ttemplate<>\r\n\t\tstruct ArgValidator<char>{\r\n\t\t\tstatic inline void Validate(const char *szArg, bool &bValid) {\r\n\t\t\t\tsize_t uiLength = strlen(szArg);\r\n\t\t\t\tif( uiLength == 0 ) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\tError(_T(\"Bad argument: Empty string representing character.\"));", "\r\n\t\t\t\t\tbValid = false;\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\telse if( uiLength > 1 ) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\tError(_T(\"Bad argument: \\\"%s\\\" passed to one character argument.\"), ", "szArg);\r\n\t\t\t\t\tbValid = false;\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\t// ArgValidator for const char\r\n\t\ttemplate<> struct ArgValidator<const char> : public ArgValidator<char> {};\r\n\r\n\t\t// FromLuaAnalog - Converts arguments to the type we would like to send. ", " Default case does nothing.", "\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T>\r\n\t\tstruct FromLuaAnalog {\r\n\t\t\ttemplate<class TLuaAnalog> static inline TLuaAnalog &Convert(TLuaAnalog &arg) { return arg; }\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\t// FromLuaAnalog for reference types\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T>\r\n\t\tstruct FromLuaAnalog<T&> {\r\n\t\t\tstatic inline T &Convert(T *&arg) { FAssertMsg(arg, \"Forgot to check for NULL before dereferencing\"); return *arg; }\r\n\t\t\ttemplate<class TArgType> static inline TArgType &Convert(TArgType &arg) { return arg; }\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\t// FromLuaAnalog for const reference types\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct FromLuaAnalog<const T&> : public FromLuaAnalog<T&> {};\r\n\r\n\t\t// FromLuaAnalog for char\r\n\t\ttemplate<>\r\n\t\tstruct FromLuaAnalog<char> {\r\n\t\t\tstatic inline char Convert( _In_z_ const char *szArg)\r\n\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\tassert(szArg && *szArg && \"Empty string\");\r\n\t\t\t\tif( szArg )\r\n\t\t\t\t\treturn szArg[0];\r\n\t\t\t\telse\r\n\t\t\t\t\treturn 0;\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\t// FromLuaAnalog for const char\r\n\t\ttemplate<> struct FromLuaAnalog<const char> : public FromLuaAnalog<char> {};\r\n\r\n\t\t// FromLuaAnalog for unsigned int\r\n\t\ttemplate<>\r\n\t\tstruct FromLuaAnalog<unsigned int> {\r\n\t\t\tstatic inline unsigned int Convert(const lua_Number fArg) { return (unsigned int)fArg; }\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\t// FromLuaAnalog for const unsigned int\r\n\t\ttemplate<> struct FromLuaAnalog<const unsigned int> : public FromLuaAnalog<unsigned int> {};\r\n\r\n\t\t// ToLuaAnalog - Converts types to a type we can push onto the lua stack. ", " Default case does nothing.", "\r\n\t\ttemplate<class TLuaAnalog>\r\n\t\tstruct ToLuaAnalog {\r\n\t\t\ttemplate<class T> static inline T &Convert(T&arg) { return arg; }\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\t// ToLuaAnalog for pointer types. ", " Converts references to pointers.", "\r\n\t\ttemplate<class TLuaAnalog>\r\n\t\tstruct ToLuaAnalog<TLuaAnalog*> {\r\n\t\t\tstatic inline TLuaAnalog *Convert(TLuaAnalog &arg) { return &arg; }\r\n\t\t\tstatic inline const TLuaAnalog *Convert(const TLuaAnalog &arg) { return &arg; }\r\n\t\t\ttemplate<class T> static inline T &Convert(T&arg) { return arg; }\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\t// ToLuaAnalog for const pointer types.", "\r\n\t\ttemplate<class TLuaAnalog> struct ToLuaAnalog<const TLuaAnalog*> : public ToLuaAnalog<TLuaAnalog*> {};\r\n\r\n\t\t// ToLuaAnalog for const char*\r\n\t\ttemplate<>\r\n\t\tstruct ToLuaAnalog<const char*> {\r\n\t\t\tstatic inline const char *Convert(char &cArg) { return &cArg; }\r\n\t\t\ttemplate<class T> static inline T &Convert(T&arg) { return arg; }\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\t// Call - Use this to call functions using a lua_State\r\n\t\ttemplate<class TFunc>\r\n\t\tstatic int Call(TFunc pfn, lua_State *L, const TCHAR *szLuaFnName) {\r\n\t\t\t// Compile error if there is no specialization of Call for this function signature.", "\r\n\t\t\t// If you get a compile error here it means that you probably exposed a function\r\n\t\t\t// whose signature is not yet recognized by FLua. ", " You cannot expose this function\r\n\t\t\t// until a template specialization for its signature is added.", "\r\n\t\t\tFLUA_COMPILE_TIME_ERROR(CantDoCall);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t// Call for lua_CFunctions\r\n\t\tstatic inline int Call(lua_CFunction pfn, lua_State *L, const TCHAR * /*szLuaFnName*/ ) { return (*pfn)(L); }\r\n\r\n\t\t// Call specializations for static functions in FLuaStaticFunctions.h\r\n\t\t// Call specializations for non-static member functions in FLuaTypeExposure.h\r\n\r\n\t\t// TypeNameHolder - Used to hold a typename for a C++ type being used by lua.", "\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct TypeNameHolder {\r\n\t\t\tstatic const char *&Get() { static const char *szName = \"Unknown_Type\"; return szName; }\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\t// FunctionToString - ToString function for functions. ", " Can be used to display the full function signature.", "\r\n\t\tint FunctionToString(lua_State *L);\r\n\r\n\t\t// PushCodeBuddyTable - Pushes the code buddy table. ", " Creates the table if it doesn't exist.", "\r\n\t\tvoid PushCodeBuddyTable(lua_State *L);\r\n\r\n\t\t// PushFunctionDocumentationTable - Pushes the function documentation table from CodeBuddy.", "\r\n\t\t// Creates the table if it doesn't exist.", "\r\n\t\tvoid PushFunctionDocumentationTable(lua_State *L);\r\n\r\n\t\t// SetToStringForFunc - Assign a tostring function for a function exposed to lua.", "\r\n\t\t// The function is expected to be at the top of the stack.", "\r\n\t\tvoid SetToStringForFunc(lua_State *L, lua_CFunction pfnToString);\r\n\r\n\t\t// DescribeType - Used to describe function arguments and return values to lua.", "\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> static const char *DescribeType() { return TypeNameHolder<StripPtrAndRef<T>::Result>::Get(); }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static const char *DescribeType<void>() { return \"void\"; }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static const char *DescribeType<bool>() { return \"bool\"; }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static const char *DescribeType<const bool>() { return \"const bool\"; }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static const char *DescribeType<char>() { return \"char\"; }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static const char *DescribeType<const char>() { return \"const char\"; }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static const char *DescribeType<int>() { return \"int\"; }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static const char *DescribeType<const int>() { return \"const int\"; }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static const char *DescribeType<unsigned int>() { return \"uint\"; }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static const char *DescribeType<const unsigned int>() { return \"const uint\"; }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static const char *DescribeType<unsigned long>() { return \"unsigned long\"; }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static const char *DescribeType<const unsigned long>() { return \"const unsigned long\"; }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static const char *DescribeType<float>() { return \"float\"; }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static const char *DescribeType<const float>() { return \"const float\"; }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static const char *DescribeType<double>() { return \"double\"; }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static const char *DescribeType<const double>() { return \"const double\"; }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static const char *DescribeType<char*>() { return \"char\"; } // Pointer notation added later\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static const char *DescribeType<const char*>() { return \"const char\"; }\r\n\t\ttemplate<> static const char *DescribeType<StackValue>() { return \"variant\"; }\r\n\r\n\t\t// PtrDescription - Used to add proper pointer or reference (&) notation to a described type.", "\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct PtrDescription { static const char *Get() { return \"\"; } };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct PtrDescription<T*> { static const char *Get() { return \"*\"; } };\r\n\t\ttemplate<class T> struct PtrDescription<T&> { static const char *Get() { return \"&\"; } };\r\n\r\n\t\t// DescribeFunc - Use this to describe a function being used by lua. ", " The default function description is not at all compelling.", "\r\n\t\t// The magic is in the specializations of DescribeFunc in FLuaStaticFunctions.h and FLuaTypeExposure.h\r\n\t\ttemplate<class TFunc>\r\n\t\tstatic void DescribeFunc(TFunc pfn, _In_z_ const char *szFuncName, char *szDescription, size_t uiSize) {\r\n\t\t\tsprintf_s(szDescription, uiSize, \"CFunction: %s\", szFuncName);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t// DescribeFunc for lua_CFunctions\r\n\t\tstatic void DescribeFunc(lua_CFunction, _In_z_ const char *szFuncName, char *szDescription, size_t uiSize) {\r\n\t\t\tsprintf_s(szDescription, uiSize, \"CFunction: %s\", szFuncName);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t// PushFunction - Push just about any C++ function onto the stack in a form callable by lua.", "\r\n\t\t// szFuncName is for error handling and tostring.", "\r\n\t\ttemplate<class TSignature>\r\n\t\tvoid PushFunction(lua_State *L, TSignature pfn, _In_z_ const char *szFuncName)\r\n\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t// FuncPtrAsLightUserData used to convert a function pointer to a void*\r\n\t\t\tunion FuncPtrAsLightUserData\r\n\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\tvoid *pvUserData;\r\n\t\t\t\tTSignature pfnFunc;\r\n\t\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\t\t// LuaInterface defines the functions that lua will use to interact with this function\r\n\t\t\tstruct LuaInterface\r\n\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t// Thunk simply calls the function\r\n\t\t\t\tstatic int Thunk(lua_State *L)\r\n\t\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t\tFuncPtrAsLightUserData kConverter;\r\n\t\t\t\t\tkConverter.pvUserData = lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));\r\n\t\t\t\t\tconst char *szFuncName = lua_tostring(L, lua_upvalueindex(2));\r\n\t\t\t\t\treturn Call(kConverter.pfnFunc, L, szFuncName);\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t// ToString will report the function signature\r\n\t\t\t\tstatic int ToString(lua_State *L)\r\n\t\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t\tif( lua_iscfunction(L, -1) )\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// Get the function pointer from an upvalue\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFuncPtrAsLightUserData kConverter;\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif( lua_getupvalue(L, -1, 1) )\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tkConverter.pvUserData = lua_touserdata(L, -1);\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlua_pop(L, 1);\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\telse\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tkConverter.pvUserData = NULL;\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// Get the function name from an upvalue\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconst char *szFuncName;\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif( lua_getupvalue(L, -1, 2) )\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tszFuncName = lua_tostring(L, -1);\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlua_pop(L, 1);\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\telse\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tszFuncName = \"UnknownFunction\";\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// Use DescribeFunc to get the full function signature\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tchar szDescription[256];\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tDescribeFunc(kConverter.pfnFunc, szFuncName, szDescription, 256);\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlua_pushstring(L, szDescription);\r\n\t\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\t\telse // If this is not a C function then someone is misusing this tostring function\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlua_pushstring(L, \"Misused ToString Function!\");", "\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\treturn 1;\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\t\t// Push the function onto the stack as a C closure with the function name and address\r\n\t\t\tFuncPtrAsLightUserData kConverter;\r\n\t\t\tkConverter.pfnFunc = pfn;\r\n\t\t\tlua_pushlightuserdata(L, kConverter.pvUserData);\r\n\t\t\tlua_pushstring(L, szFuncName);\r\n\t\t\tlua_pushcclosure(L, &LuaInterface::Thunk, 2);\r\n\t\t\tSetToStringForFunc(L, &LuaInterface::ToString);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t// CCallWithErrorHandling - Make a lua protected call to a c function with error handling automatically provided.", "\r\n\t\tbool CCallWithErrorHandling(lua_State *L, lua_CFunction pfn, void *pvUserData = NULL);\r\n\r\n\t\t// HandleCPCallError - Used internally by MakeProtectedCall to handle errors\r\n\t\tvoid HandleCPCallError(lua_State *L, int iCPCallResults);\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t// MakeProtectedCall - Use this to call a C Function in lua protected mode. ", " The functions must return void\r\n\t// and take a lua_State* as its first argument. ", " If the lua encounters an error it will jump out of the\r\n\t// function and return to MakeProtectedCall where it will report the error. ", " A return value of true means\r\n\t// that the function executed without error.", "\r\n\ttemplate<class TFunc>\r\n\tstatic bool MakeProtectedCall(lua_State *L, TFunc pfn) {\r\n\t\t// Compile error if there is no specialization of MakeProtectedCall for this function signature.", "\r\n\t\t// If you get a compile error here it means that you are trying to use MakeProtectedCall on a\r\n\t\t// function is not yet supported. ", " You cannot expose this function until a template specialization\r\n\t\t// for its signature is added.", "\r\n\t\tFLUA_COMPILE_TIME_ERROR(CantDoProtectedCall);\r\n\t\treturn false;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t// MakeProtectedCall specializations for static functions\r\n\r\n\ttemplate<>\r\n\tstatic bool MakeProtectedCall(lua_State *L, void(*pfn)(lua_State*)) {\r\n\t\ttypedef void(*Func)(lua_State*); // typedef for the function signature\r\n\t\tstruct CallStruct { // The call struct serves as our user data\r\n\t\t\tCallStruct(Func pfnFunc) : m_pfnFunc(pfnFunc) {}\r\n\t\t\tFunc m_pfnFunc;\r\n\r\n\t\t\t// The Execute function is here as a sneaky way of defining it inside MakeProtectedCall\r\n\t\t\tstatic int Execute(lua_State *L) {\r\n\t\t\t\tCallStruct *pkCallStruct = (CallStruct*)lua_touserdata(L, -1);\r\n\t\t\t\tassert(pkCallStruct !", "= NULL);\r\n\t\t\t\tif( pkCallStruct !", "= NULL )\r\n\t\t\t\t\t(*pkCallStruct->m_pfnFunc)(L);\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\treturn 0;\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\tCallStruct kCall(pfn); // Build the call object for this call\r\n\t\treturn Details::CCallWithErrorHandling(L, &CallStruct::Execute, &kCall); // Make the cp call\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\ttemplate<class TArg1, class TPassedArg1>\r\n\tstatic bool MakeProtectedCall(lua_State *L, void(*pfn)(lua_State*, TArg1), TPassedArg1 arg1) {\r\n\t\ttypedef void(*Func)(lua_State*, TArg1); // typedef for the function signature\r\n\t\tstruct CallStruct { // The call struct serves as our user data\r\n\t\t\tCallStruct(Func pfnFunc, TArg1 arg1) : m_pfnFunc(pfnFunc), m_Arg1(arg1){}\r\n\t\t\tFunc m_pfnFunc;\r\n\t\t\tTArg1 m_Arg1;\r\n\r\n\t\t\t// The Execute function is here as a sneaky way of defining it inside MakeProtectedCall\r\n\t\t\tstatic int Execute(lua_State *L) {\r\n\t\t\t\tCallStruct *pkCallStruct = (CallStruct*)lua_touserdata(L, -1);\r\n\t\t\t\tassert(pkCallStruct);\r\n\t\t\t\t(*pkCallStruct->m_pfnFunc)(L, pkCallStruct->m_Arg1);\r\n\t\t\t\treturn 0;\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\tCallStruct kCall(pfn, arg1); // Build the call object for this call\r\n\t\treturn Details::CCallWithErrorHandling(L, &CallStruct::Execute, &kCall); // Make the cp call\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\ttemplate<class TArg1, class TArg2, class TPassedArg1, class TPassedArg2>\r\n\tstatic bool MakeProtectedCall(lua_State *L, void(*pfn)(lua_State*, TArg1, TArg2), TPassedArg1 arg1, TPassedArg2 arg2) {\r\n\t\ttypedef void(*Func)(lua_State*, TArg1, TArg2); // typedef for the function signature\r\n\t\tstruct CallStruct { // The call struct serves as our user data\r\n\t\t\tCallStruct(Func pfnFunc, TArg1 arg1, TArg2 arg2) : m_pfnFunc(pfnFunc), m_Arg1(arg1), m_Arg2(arg2) {}\r\n\t\t\tFunc m_pfnFunc;\r\n\t\t\tTArg1 m_Arg1;\r\n\t\t\tTArg2 m_Arg2;\r\n\r\n\t\t\t// The Execute function is here as a sneaky way of defining it inside MakeProtectedCall\r\n\t\t\tstatic int Execute(lua_State *L) {\r\n\t\t\t\tCallStruct *pkCallStruct = (CallStruct*)lua_touserdata(L, -1);\r\n\t\t\t\tassert(pkCallStruct);\r\n\t\t\t\t(*pkCallStruct->m_pfnFunc)(L, pkCallStruct->m_Arg1, pkCallStruct->m_Arg2);\r\n\t\t\t\treturn 0;\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\tCallStruct kCall(pfn, arg1, arg2); // Build the call object for this call\r\n\t\treturn Details::CCallWithErrorHandling(L, &CallStruct::Execute, &kCall); // Make the cp call\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\ttemplate<class TArg1, class TArg2, class TArg3, class TPassedArg1, class TPassedArg2, class TPassedArg3>\r\n\tstatic bool MakeProtectedCall(lua_State *L, void(*pfn)(lua_State*, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3), TPassedArg1 arg1, TPassedArg2 arg2, TPassedArg3 arg3) {\r\n\t\ttypedef void(*Func)(lua_State*, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3); // typedef for the function signature\r\n\t\tstruct CallStruct { // The call struct serves as our user data\r\n\t\t\tCallStruct(Func pfnFunc, TArg1 arg1, TArg2 arg2, TArg3 arg3) : m_pfnFunc(pfnFunc), m_Arg1(arg1), m_Arg2(arg2), m_Arg3(arg3) {}\r\n\t\t\tFunc m_pfnFunc;\r\n\t\t\tTArg1 m_Arg1;\r\n\t\t\tTArg2 m_Arg2;\r\n\t\t\tTArg3 m_Arg3;\r\n\r\n\t\t\t// The Execute function is here as a sneaky way of defining it inside MakeProtectedCall\r\n\t\t\tstatic int Execute(lua_State *L) {\r\n\t\t\t\tCallStruct *pkCallStruct = (CallStruct*)lua_touserdata(L, -1);\r\n\t\t\t\tassert(pkCallStruct);\r\n\t\t\t\t(*pkCallStruct->m_pfnFunc)(L, pkCallStruct->m_Arg1, pkCallStruct->m_Arg2, pkCallStruct->m_Arg3);\r\n\t\t\t\treturn 0;\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\tCallStruct kCall(pfn, arg1, arg2, arg3); // Build the call object for this call\r\n\t\treturn Details::CCallWithErrorHandling(L, &CallStruct::Execute, &kCall); // Make the cp call\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\ttemplate<class TArg1, class TArg2, class TArg3, class TArg4, class TPassedArg1, class TPassedArg2, class TPassedArg3, class TPassedArg4>\r\n\tstatic bool MakeProtectedCall(lua_State *L, void(*pfn)(lua_State*, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TArg4),\r\n\t TPassedArg1 arg1, TPassedArg2 arg2, TPassedArg3 arg3, TPassedArg4 arg4) {\r\n\t\ttypedef void(*Func)(lua_State*, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TArg4); // typedef for the function signature\r\n\t\tstruct CallStruct { // The call struct serves as our user data\r\n\t\t\tCallStruct(Func pfnFunc, TArg1 arg1, TArg2 arg2, TArg3 arg3, TArg4 arg4) :\r\n\t\t\t\tm_pfnFunc(pfnFunc), m_Arg1(arg1), m_Arg2(arg2), m_Arg3(arg3), m_Arg4(arg4) {}\r\n\t\t\tFunc m_pfnFunc;\r\n\t\t\tTArg1 m_Arg1;\r\n\t\t\tTArg2 m_Arg2;\r\n\t\t\tTArg3 m_Arg3;\r\n\t\t\tTArg4 m_Arg4;\r\n\r\n\t\t\t// The Execute function is here as a sneaky way of defining it inside MakeProtectedCall\r\n\t\t\tstatic int Execute(lua_State *L) {\r\n\t\t\t\tCallStruct *pkCallStruct = (CallStruct*)lua_touserdata(L, -1);\r\n\t\t\t\tassert(pkCallStruct);\r\n\t\t\t\t(*pkCallStruct->m_pfnFunc)(L, pkCallStruct->m_Arg1, pkCallStruct->m_Arg2, pkCallStruct->m_Arg3, pkCallStruct->m_Arg4);\r\n\t\t\t\treturn 0;\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\tCallStruct kCall(pfn, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); // Build the call object for this call\r\n\t\treturn Details::CCallWithErrorHandling(L, &CallStruct::Execute, &kCall); // Make the cp call\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t// MakeProtectedCall specializations for member functions\r\n\r\n\ttemplate<class TClass, class TFuncOwner>\r\n\tstatic bool MakeProtectedCall(lua_State *L, TClass *pkObj, void(TFuncOwner::*pfn)(lua_State*)) {\r\n\t\ttypedef void(TFuncOwner::*Func)(lua_State*); // typedef for the function signature\r\n\t\tstruct CallStruct { // The call struct serves as our user data\r\n\t\t\tCallStruct(TClass *pkObj, Func pfnFunc) : m_pkObj(pkObj), m_pfnFunc(pfnFunc) {}\r\n\t\t\tTClass *m_pkObj;\r\n\t\t\tFunc m_pfnFunc;\r\n\r\n\t\t\t// The Execute function is here as a sneaky way of defining it inside MakeProtectedCall\r\n\t\t\tstatic int Execute(lua_State *L) {\r\n\t\t\t\tCallStruct *pkCallStruct = (CallStruct*)lua_touserdata(L, -1);\r\n\t\t\t\tassert(pkCallStruct);\r\n\t\t\t\t(pkCallStruct->m_pkObj->*(pkCallStruct->m_pfnFunc))(L);\r\n\t\t\t\treturn 0;\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\tassert(pkObj);\r\n\t\tCallStruct kCall(pkObj, pfn); // Build the call object for this call\r\n\t\treturn Details::CCallWithErrorHandling(L, &CallStruct::Execute, &kCall); // Make the cp call\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\ttemplate<class TClass, class TFuncOwner, class TArg1, class TPassedArg1>\r\n\tstatic bool MakeProtectedCall(lua_State *L, TClass *pkObj, void(TFuncOwner::*pfn)(lua_State*, TArg1), TPassedArg1 arg1) {\r\n\t\ttypedef void(TFuncOwner::*Func)(lua_State*, TArg1); // typedef for the function signature\r\n\t\tstruct CallStruct { // The call struct serves as our user data\r\n\t\t\tCallStruct(TClass *pkObj, Func pfnFunc, TArg1 arg1) : m_pkObj(pkObj), m_pfnFunc(pfnFunc), m_Arg1(arg1){}\r\n\t\t\tTClass *m_pkObj;\r\n\t\t\tFunc m_pfnFunc;\r\n\t\t\tTArg1 m_Arg1;\r\n\r\n\t\t\t// The Execute function is here as a sneaky way of defining it inside MakeProtectedCall\r\n\t\t\tstatic int Execute(lua_State *L) {\r\n\t\t\t\tCallStruct *pkCallStruct = (CallStruct*)lua_touserdata(L, -1);\r\n\t\t\t\tassert(pkCallStruct);\r\n\t\t\t\t(pkCallStruct->m_pkObj->*(pkCallStruct->m_pfnFunc))(L, pkCallStruct->m_Arg1);\r\n\t\t\t\treturn 0;\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\tassert(pkObj);\r\n\t\tCallStruct kCall(pkObj, pfn, arg1); // Build the call object for this call\r\n\t\treturn Details::CCallWithErrorHandling(L, &CallStruct::Execute, &kCall); // Make the cp call\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\ttemplate<class TClass, class TFuncOwner, class TArg1, class TPassedArg1, class TArg2, class TPassedArg2>\r\n\tstatic bool MakeProtectedCall(lua_State *L, TClass *pkObj, void(TFuncOwner::*pfn)(lua_State*, TArg1, TArg2),\r\n\t TPassedArg1 arg1, TPassedArg2 arg2) {\r\n\t\ttypedef void(TFuncOwner::*Func)(lua_State*, TArg1, TArg2); // typedef for the function signature\r\n\t\tstruct CallStruct { // The call struct serves as our user data\r\n\t\t\tCallStruct(TClass *pkObj, Func pfnFunc, TArg1 arg1, TArg2 arg2) : m_pkObj(pkObj), m_pfnFunc(pfnFunc), m_Arg1(arg1), m_Arg2(arg2) {}\r\n\t\t\tTClass *m_pkObj;\r\n\t\t\tFunc m_pfnFunc;\r\n\t\t\tTArg1 m_Arg1;\r\n\t\t\tTArg2 m_Arg2;\r\n\r\n\t\t\t// The Execute function is here as a sneaky way of defining it inside MakeProtectedCall\r\n\t\t\tstatic int Execute(lua_State *L) {\r\n\t\t\t\tCallStruct *pkCallStruct = (CallStruct*)lua_touserdata(L, -1);\r\n\t\t\t\tassert(pkCallStruct);\r\n\t\t\t\t(pkCallStruct->m_pkObj->*(pkCallStruct->m_pfnFunc))(L, pkCallStruct->m_Arg1, pkCallStruct->m_Arg2);\r\n\t\t\t\treturn 0;\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\tassert(pkObj);\r\n\t\tCallStruct kCall(pkObj, pfn, arg1, arg2); // Build the call object for this call\r\n\t\treturn Details::CCallWithErrorHandling(L, &CallStruct::Execute, &kCall); // Make the cp call\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\ttemplate<class TClass, class TFuncOwner, class TArg1, class TPassedArg1, class TArg2, class TPassedArg2, class TArg3, class TPassedArg3>\r\n\tstatic bool MakeProtectedCall(lua_State *L, TClass *pkObj, void(TFuncOwner::*pfn)(lua_State*, TArg1, TArg2),\r\n\t TPassedArg1 arg1, TPassedArg2 arg2, TPassedArg3 arg3) {\r\n\t\t\ttypedef void(TFuncOwner::*Func)(lua_State*, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3); // typedef for the function signature\r\n\t\t\tstruct CallStruct { // The call struct serves as our user data\r\n\t\t\t\tCallStruct(TClass *pkObj, Func pfnFunc, TArg1 arg1, TArg2 arg2, TArg3 arg3) :\r\n\t\t\t\t\tm_pkObj(pkObj), m_pfnFunc(pfnFunc), m_Arg1(arg1), m_Arg2(arg2), m_Arg3(arg3) {}\r\n\t\t\t\tTClass *m_pkObj;\r\n\t\t\t\tFunc m_pfnFunc;\r\n\t\t\t\tTArg1 m_Arg1;\r\n\t\t\t\tTArg2 m_Arg2;\r\n\t\t\t\tTArg3 m_Arg3;\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t// The Execute function is here as a sneaky way of defining it inside MakeProtectedCall\r\n\t\t\t\tstatic int Execute(lua_State *L) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\tCallStruct *pkCallStruct = (CallStruct*)lua_touserdata(L, -1);\r\n\t\t\t\t\tassert(pkCallStruct);\r\n\t\t\t\t\t(pkCallStruct->m_pkObj->*(pkCallStruct->m_pfnFunc))(L, pkCallStruct->m_Arg1, pkCallStruct->m_Arg2, pkCallStruct->m_Arg3);\r\n\t\t\t\t\treturn 0;\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t};\r\n\r\n\t\t\tassert(pkObj);\r\n\t\t\tCallStruct kCall(pkObj, pfn, arg1, arg2, arg3); // Build the call object for this call\r\n\t\t\treturn Details::CCallWithErrorHandling(L, &CallStruct::Execute, &kCall); // Make the cp call\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\textern FCriticalSection\tms_CriticalSection;\r\n}\r\n\r\n#if !", "defined(FINAL_RELEASE)\r\n#define FLUA_OUTPUT_CALLSTACKS\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#ifdef FLUA_OUTPUT_CALLSTACKS\r\n#define FLUA_SAVECALLSTACK(x) FLua::Details::SaveCallStack(x)\r\n#else\r\n#define FLUA_SAVECALLSTACK(x) ((void)0)\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n#ifdef FLUA_MULTITHREAD_SUPPORT\r\n #define FLUA_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION\t\tFLua::ms_CriticalSection.", "Enter()\r\n #define FLUA_LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION\t\tFLua::ms_CriticalSection.", "Leave()\r\n#else\r\n #define FLUA_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION\t\t((void)0)\r\n #define FLUA_LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION\t\t((void)0)\r\n#endif\r\n#endif\r\n" ]
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[ "Power Rangers Dino Charge 27 Pack Metallic Chargers Found on Taobao\n\nIn what seems to be a continuing trend, an upcoming Power Rangers Dino Charge item unseen till now has been found! ", "With special thanks to tavionjackson from our friends over at Rangerboard.com, this special pack looks to be exclusive to Toys’R’Us and will feature 27 of the current Dino Chargers but in their metallic foil inserts as opposed to the non-foil that have been out and circulating for nearly a year.", "\n\nBe sure to check out the original auction by clicking here! ", "What do you think? ", "Is this something you’ll buy? ", "Or do you prefer two Chargers at a time with a dino buddy to display? ", "Sound off in discussion!", "\n\nAwh, why did they have to go and do something sensible like this? ...", "Says the person who has almost collected all the series 1 Charger releases. ", "I still like the TRU 5 sets that are flat stickers but glow in the dark, but even those still come with the useless dino buddies. ", "But 27 Chargers with no fluff? ", "Yes, please." ]
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[ "/*\n * NotFoundPage Messages\n *\n * This contains all the text for the NotFoundPage component.", "\n */\nimport { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';\n\nexport default defineMessages({\n notFoundTitle: {\n id: 'app.components.NotFoundPage.title',\n defaultMessage: 'Oops! ", "Something went wrong',\n },\n notFoundParagraph: {\n id: 'app.components.", "NotFoundPage.not_found_paragraph',\n defaultMessage:\n \"The page you are looking doesn't seem to exists. ", "If you are not able to find your desired resource please go to our docs and find more about how to use Articulate. ", "If you think this is an issue please contact us.\",", "\n },\n needHelp: {\n id: 'app.components.", "NotFoundPage.needHelp',\n defaultMessage: 'Need Help?',", "\n },\n});\n" ]
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[ "Give generously, wisely\n\nWith the holiday season upon us, giving will be on the minds of many Kansans. ", "While shoppers seek the perfect gifts for family and friends, many nonprofit charitable organizations will also be asking for your generous support.", "\n\nNearly 4,000 charitable organizations are registered in Kansas and engage in a wide variety of important work. ", "It can be difficult to decide where to direct our charitable dollars. ", "Unfortunately, there are also scammers out there who masquerade as non-profit organizations but whose real purpose is to line their own pockets.", "\n\nHow can you be sure your donations are going to support a legitimate organization? ", "First, you should check to make sure the charity you are giving to is registered with the Kansas Secretary of State’s Office by visiting kscharitycheck.org. ", "Most charities that solicit donations in the State of Kansas are required to register. ", "The most common exceptions from registration are certain educational and religious institutions. ", "If an organization is registered, this site will also let you know what percentage of the funds the organization raises goes to support the charitable purpose and what percentage is used for fundraising expenses. ", "Look closely at this information — sometimes a very small portion of each dollar you give goes to the actual charitable work and much of your donation goes to “overhead” and administrative expenses.", "\n\nSecond, if you are planning to claim a tax deduction from your donation, you should also make sure the organization is in good standing with the Internal Revenue Service. ", "Recently, a number of organizations had their charitable status revoked by the IRS for failing to file necessary paperwork. ", "You can check to see if an organization is eligible for tax-deductible contributions at www.irs.gov/app/pub-78/. Once you have made your contribution, be sure to save a receipt or acknowledgement from the organization to claim your deduction.", "\n\nScammers posing as charities will often target people by telephone solicitation. ", "They may use a name that sounds similar to a legitimate organization and ask for the donation to be made on the phone by giving them your bank or credit card number. ", "You should never be afraid to tell the solicitor you need some time to think about it and ask for a physical address to send your donation. ", "You may also ask them to mail to you written information about the charity. ", "This will give you time to research the organization and make sure it is legitimate. ", "Any reputable charity will be willing to wait a few days to receive your contribution.", "\n\nPerhaps the best advice is to think in advance about what charities you want to support and then contact them to discuss a possible contribution. ", "That puts you in control of your giving and does not leave you subject to the whims of whoever may choose to solicit you for your donations.", "\n\nIf you do run into a scam or are concerned about the registration status of an organization, our office is here to help. ", "Please file a report with us by visiting www.ksag.org or call our Consumer Protection Division at 1-800-432-2310. ", "You can also find more tips for charitable giving in the Consumer Protection section of our website.", "\n\nWe appreciate the fine work our Kansas charities do year-round and know that they couldn’t do it without the support from generous Kansans. ", "The best way to avoid charity scams is to give to local, familiar organizations with which you have a personal relationship. ", "Doing a little research before you give can help make sure your donations are put to good use." ]
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[ "Shanghai appears to be quietly—and secretly—installing facial-recognition devices in apartment buildings since last year. ", "While the technology is widely used in China, this represents a worrying trend: the expansion of digital surveillance from public space to private ones.", "\n\nResidents of the city’s Luoma Garden apartment complex told Chinese business publication Caixin that they had raised queries after noticing display equipment for advertisements being installed in elevators (link in Chinese) last month, according to a report from the outlet this week. ", "The building’s management told residents that facial-recognition equipment had been put in place in coordination with the local police. ", "Residents quoted in the report said that local police also confirmed to them that cameras with facial-recognition functions had been installed to help spot “suspicious” persons and prevent crimes. ", "Quartz couldn’t reach the building’s management.", "\n\nThe report follows a complaint last year (link in Chinese) from another resident in the city posted on a Shanghai government website, complaining that the access card for their apartment complex no longer worked, and that the person now had to scan their face to get into their apartment building. ", "They had received no notification beforehand. ", "A response posted on the site suggests the move is part of a Shanghai public security program to shift apartment buildings to facial-recognition for access to the complexes, as well as in elevators.", "\n\n“Such a big (campaign) to install facial recognition devices across the city has never been properly publicized by the government! ", "Are you treating us like idiots?” ", "wrote the initial complainant.", "\n\nThe Caixin report this week also drew alarm on social media. “", "Are we in 1984?” ", "asked one Weibo user, referring to the dystopian George Orwell novel.", "\n\n“Someone said this is to prevent crime, but we are already living under the massive network of surveillance cameras and being monitored, don’t you feel we are living under a horrible pressure?” ", "wrote another.", "\n\nFacial-recognition technology has become a new front in Beijing’s broader efforts to enhance its digital surveillance. ", "From jaywalkers to payments to getting a new mobile phone number, the technology is being used in almost every corner of public life, with no way to opt out. ", "In Hong Kong, fears about the similar use of the technology have prompted Hong Kong protesters to wear masks at protests, and to vandalize “smart” lampposts that they believed were used for surveillance. ", "Hong Kong this month banned protesters from wearing face masks at rallies.", "\n\nBut the introduction of facial recognition in apartment buildings appears to be new. ", "As of May, around one-third of Shanghai’s over 10,000 apartment complexes have been equipped such devices, according to Chinese newspaper Southern Weekly. ", "Shanghai residents, according to the Caixin report, including those at Luoma Garden, said they were not informed by the government of plans to install such devices. ", "Moreover, a technician installing the devices at Luoma Garden was quoted by Caixin as saying the equipment “were meant to look hidden.”", "\n\n“The expansion of the Chinese government’s surveillance camera network is part of the Chinese government’s broader efforts to build a surveillance state in which people are monitored through multiple sensory systems, and where these systems alert the authorities of anything ‘unusual’ that warrants attention,” Maya Wang, senior China researcher at Human Rights Watch, which has many times raised concerns about the excessive collection of personal data in China, and its use to suppress dissent.", "\n\nWang added that current laws “do not provide meaningful protections against unlawful or abusive government surveillance… And there’s no specific law regulating the use of facial recognition.”", "\n\nApart from the issues of consent and privacy, it’s not clear the technology is even reliable enough for such uses. ", "Shanghai Observer, a Chinese news app, reported this week that some Chinese primary school students managed to open “smart” lockers at their schools using photos of the locker owners.", "\n\nWhile cities in the US and Europe have been far more cautious about using facial recognition, some residents in New York have found their homes embracing the technology as well, with little input from them, leading to at least one legal action. ", "The city council is now considering legislation to govern how landlords and businesses use facial recognition (paywall) and other biometric data, including how to inform people that it is being used.", "\n\nFor years, the Chinese government has been collecting an increasing amount of data from its citizens, especially in its western Xinjiang region, where an estimated one million Uyghur Muslims have been forced to attend so-called “re-education” camps. ", "Chinese police are also building a database that will be able to draw on information such as medical history and delivery records linked to people’s unique national identification numbers.", "\n\n“Privacy rights are gateway rights: once you have no privacy, like it is in Xinjiang, you cannot freely express yourself, or even freely think your thoughts,” said Wang." ]
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[ "\n\nPractice Hangeul IPA with Everyday Korean and Pictorial Vocabulary - kafechew\nhttp://kafechew.com/2015/06/13/practise-pronunciation-ipa-with-everyday-korean-image-associations/\nPractise Pronunciation IPA with Everyday Korean + Image Associations<p>Please learn how to read hangeul and pronunciation first, before using these pictory (“pictorial vocabulary”). ", "The rules:<p>No direct translation from your native language (most probably English)\nRead the hangeul using the IPA.", "\nSee the pictory and try to guess the meaning.", "\nYou can Google it to see if you’re right.", "\nAssociate the pictory with yourself.", "\nFor example, kimchi pictory, you just think of the last time you were having the Korean cuisine with your family, you told them what’s your feeling about the kimchi prepared by the restaurant. ", "Flashback how’s the kimchi taste!", "\n======\nkafechew\nPractise Hangeul IPA with Everyday Korean + Image Associations (Pictorial\nVocabulary):\n\nRules:\n\n\\- No direct translation from your native language (most probably English)\n\n\\- Read the hangeul using the IPA.", "\n\n\\- See the pictory and try to guess the meaning.", "\n\n\\- You can Google it to see if you’re right but stop there, don't\nwrite/memorise the translation.", "\n\n\\- Associate the pictory with yourself.", "\n\nFor example, kimchi pictory, you just think of the last time you were having\nthe Korean cuisine with your family, you told them what’s your feeling about\nthe kimchi prepared by the restaurant. ", "Flashback how’s the kimchi taste!", "\n\n" ]
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[ "For Michael Specht, the solution to Germany’s future energy needs lies in a rectangular framework of steel pipes and valves the size of a VW campervan parked on the outskirts of Stuttgart.", "\n\n“We’ll need this technology if we want to make Germany’s energy switch a success,” Specht, a head of department at the ZSW Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research, said last month on a tour of the facility where the energy-storing device is based. “", "The question isn’t if it’ll be deployed, but when.”", "\n\nSpecht is one of an army of researchers working to overcome the technological challenges posed by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to abandon nuclear power and shift to renewables in the biggest energy-infrastructure overhaul since World War II. ", "Their task is to fill the energy gap when atomic plants that accounted for about 20 percent of Germany’s power early last year go offline within a decade.", "\n\nAs executives from EON AG to Siemens AG join government officials to discuss the implications of the energy switch at a conference in Berlin today, the challenge for Merkel is to keep the lights burning and energy affordable. ", "The risk is her energy policy fuels a second crisis as she grapples with financial turmoil from Greece that’s raging across the euro region.", "\n\n“The energy overhaul is an epic project that will span many decades,” said Claudia Kemfert, chief energy expert at the Berlin-based DIW economic institute. ", "She estimates at least 200 billion euros ($250 billion) of public and private investment will be needed over 10 years to compensate for nuclear. ", "If Merkel manages it smartly, it’ll bring “economic advantages, raise competiveness and create jobs,” Kemfert said.", "\n\nElection Year\n\nThe alternative is disruption to Europe’s biggest economy and higher power prices. ", "With plans to fast-track construction of unpopular power lines and consumers being warned to expect steeper bills to pay for renewables in 2013, an election year, energy policy looks set to join the euro crisis as a campaign theme standing between Merkel and a third term.", "\n\nThe opposition Social Democrats and Green Party, which drew up the nuclear phase-out in 2002 when in coalition together, accuse her government of a lack of commitment to the project after its sudden conversion to renewables following the tsunami and nuclear disaster at Fukushima in Japan. ", "They say Merkel isn’t going far or fast enough, and that by giving her blessing to some new coal-fired plants, she favors utilities’ interests over those of consumers and the renewables industry.", "\n\n‘Major Consequences’\n\nPeter Altmaier, the minister in charge of the overhaul, is candid about the high stakes of getting it right. ", "Failure to deliver “would have major consequences for prosperity, economic growth and employment,” he said in an Aug. 16 statement.", "\n\nAlmost 18 months after Merkel announced she was shuttering Germany’s atomic plants by 2022, turning her energy policy on its head, the government is funding a research boom to ensure that Indian-style blackouts don’t happen in Germany. ", "EON and RWE AG, Germany’s two biggest utilities, are among the companies on board after a combined 26.8 billion euros was wiped off their combined share value last year as they were forced to overhaul their operations to curb losses from closing reactors early.", "\n\nResearch is focusing on a major downside of renewables: unlike nuclear energy, solar panels and wind turbines leave consumers without power when the wind doesn’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine. ", "That makes storing energy key to their use.", "\n\nSixty energy–storage projects have been singled out for a total of 200 million euros in research grants through 2014. ", "The government is also mobilizing the state-owned bank, KfW Group, to provide low-interest loans to storage projects.", "\n\n‘No Way Round’\n\n“Electricity storage really is the holy grail for the German energy transformation,” Dieter Manz, the chief executive officer of Manz AG, a German engineering company interested in battery equipment technology, said in an interview. “", "There’s no way around it if we want to make things work.”", "\n\nThat’s where Specht’s box in Stuttgart comes in. ", "It uses electricity and carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas blamed for global warming, to turn water into methane that can be stored in underground caverns for days or weeks, then burned in gas plants when needed.", "\n\nVolkswagen AG’s luxury-car division Audi is building a 6 megawatt industrial-sized plant based on the technology that’s due to start operating next year. ", "EON has invested at least 5 million euros in the power-to-gas concept and started construction of a pilot plant on Aug. 21.", "\n\nOther government-funded research projects include a trial system using computer technology to connect renewable generators with storage facilities and consumers on the North Sea island of Pellworm, and research into chemical batteries that are larger and have a longer lifespan than lithium-ion batteries.", "\n\nBendable Panels\n\nScientists at the Fraunhofer Institute in Freiburg are working on longer-term projects, from bendable solar panels to high-speed charging stations for electric cars that might one day act as a battery for the national grid.", "\n\nThe overhaul is growing markets for domestic manufacturers including Solarworld AG, as well as for their foreign peers such as Vestas Wind Systems A/S., the world’s biggest maker of wind turbines.", "\n\nIt all amounts to “a major innovation wave within the German economy that can strengthen our position on the global markets for the next 20, 30 years,” Altmaier said last month.", "\n\nAltmaier, 54, a chancellery confidante and former parliamentary whip for Merkel’s party, was appointed environment minister in May after Merkel sacked his predecessor, Norbert Roettgen, amid reports that he wasn’t listening to industry concerns and opposition claims that targets were slipping.", "\n\nGreen Objections\n\nThe Greens and Social Democrats, whose original plan forged under Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder to abandon nuclear power was overturned by Merkel in 2010, then reinstated six months later after Fukushima, accuse her of mismanaging the task. ", "Juergen Trittin, co-leader of the Greens, has called on the chancellor to push more ambitious renewables targets instead of cutting subsidies, saying the whole project is “in danger.”", "\n\nThe average German household may have to pay 175 euros a year next year to subsidize renewables, a rise of 40 percent, according to Stephan Kohler, head of the Dena energy agency, a researcher part-owned by the government. ", "That will prompt “a heck of a power-price debate,” Kohler told reporters Aug. 22.", "\n\nGermany aims to raise its share of power production from renewables to at least 35 percent by the end of this decade from 25 percent now. ", "The U.K. is targeting about 30 percent by 2020, while Sweden, Austria and Spain, each of which have richer hydro-electric resources, have pledged to better Germany’s share. ", "The U.S. has no federal mandate for renewables.", "\n\nMerkel, whose electoral district on the Baltic Sea coast looks out to a EnBW Energie Baden-Wuerttemberg AG offshore wind farm comprising 21 Siemens turbines, says the energy transition is “a Herculean task.”", "\n\nYet it “can be an example to other nations by showing them that you can succeed,” she said June 25 in a speech. “", "It’s possible to take the path to a sustainable energy supply.”", "\n\nCopyright 2012 Bloomberg.", "\n\nLead image: Keyhole via Shutterstock\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow do I get this circle get in the center of the box?", "\n\nI am studying game programming and I cracked my head over the exercise but I can`t get this circle stopped in the center of the box in the update function.", "\nWhat am I doing wrong?", "\nvar canvas = document.getElementById(\"myCanvas\");\nvar context = canvas.getContext(\"2d\");\n\nvar circleX = 100;\nvar circleY = 100;\nvar circleR = 50;\nvar circleC = 'yellow';\nvar circleSpeedX = 65;\nvar circleSpeedY = 45;\n\nvar rectX = 650;\nvar rectY = 450;\nvar rectW = 110;\nvar rectH = 110;\nvar rectC = 'red';\n\nfunction clear()\n{\n context.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height);\n}\n\nfunction drawRect(rectX,rectY,rectW,rectH,rectC)\n{\n context.fillStyle = rectC;\n context.fillRect(rectX,rectY,rectW,rectH);\n} \n\nfunction drawCircle(circleX,circleY,circleR,circleC)\n{\n context.fillStyle = circleC;\n context.beginPath();\n context.arc(circleX,circleY,circleR,0,2 * Math.", "PI);\n context.fillStyle = 'orange';\n context.fill();\n}\n\n function update()\n {\n\n }\n\nfunction draw()\n{\n clear();\n drawRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height,'black');\n drawRect(rectX,rectY,rectW,rectH,rectC);\n drawCircle(circleX,circleY,circleR,circleC);\n}\n\nfunction loop()\n{\n update();\n draw(rectX, rectY, circleX, circleY);\n setTimeout(loop, 30);\n}\n\nloop();\n\nA:\n\nI think this is what you're looking for: JSFiddle\nHTML:\n<div>\n <canvas id=\"myCanvas\" height=\"500\" width=\"500\"></canvas>\n</div>\n\nJS:\nvar canvas = document.getElementById(\"myCanvas\");\nvar context = canvas.getContext(\"2d\");\n\nvar circleX = 100;\nvar circleY = 100;\nvar circleR = 50;\nvar circleC = 'yellow';\nvar circleSpeedX = 6.5;\nvar circleSpeedY = 4.5;\n\nvar rectX = 200;\nvar rectY = 200;\nvar rectW = 110;\nvar rectH = 110;\nvar rectC = 'red';\n\nfunction clear()\n{\n context.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height);\n}\n\nfunction drawRect(rectX,rectY,rectW,rectH,rectC)\n{\n context.fillStyle = rectC;\n context.fillRect(rectX,rectY,rectW,rectH);\n} \n\nfunction drawCircle(circleX,circleY,circleR,circleC)\n{\n context.fillStyle = circleC;\n context.beginPath();\n context.arc(circleX,circleY,circleR,0,2 * Math.", "PI);\n context.fillStyle = 'orange';\n context.fill();\n}\n\n function update()\n {\n if (circleY > rectX && circleX < rectX + rectW &&\n circleY > rectY && circleY < rectY + rectH){\n circleSpeedX = circleSpeedY = 0;\n rectC = 'GREEN';\n }\n else {\n circleX += circleSpeedX; \n circleY += circleSpeedY;\n }\n }\n\nfunction draw()\n{\n clear();\n drawRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height,'black');\n drawRect(rectX,rectY,rectW,rectH,rectC);\n drawCircle(circleX,circleY,circleR,circleC);\n}\n\nfunction loop()\n{\n update();\n draw();\n setTimeout(loop, 30);\n}\n\nloop();\n\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a method for estimating the yield of an LSI satisfying predetermined standards of a frequency operation.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nA plurality of LSIs are formed on a wafer segmented from a lot, and each LSI is segmented from the wafer, thereby producing LSIs. ", "However, an LSI has a different frequency characteristic depending on which portion of a wafer it is formed although a plurality of LSIs are produced on the same wafer. ", "Therefore, each LSI chip formed on the same wafer has a variance in frequency characteristic although a plurality of LSI chips are formed on the same wafer. ", "Similarly, since a number of wafers are segmented from one lot, each wafer indicates a variance in frequency characteristic among the chips of LSIs. ", "Especially, an ultrafast LSI chip in the forefront of technology cannot be designed with sufficient specifications of an LSI, but is designed by setting the specifications of the LSI close to a requested operation frequency.", "\nWhen the operation frequency of an LSI is low, the specifications of the operation frequency can be set higher than a requested operation frequency at the designing stage with the yield of the LSI (yield of the LSI satisfying a predetermined frequency characteristic) taken into account, and designed and produced. ", "Therefore, the yield of the LSI satisfying the requested operation frequency characteristic is high, the number of LSIs to be discarded to satisfy the operation frequency characteristic after the purchase of the LSI can be low, and a wasteful cost can be reduced.", "\nHowever, since the specification of the operation frequency of an LSI operating at an ultrafast speed cannot be set sufficiently higher than a requested operation frequency at the designing stage, the yield of the LSI satisfying the requested operation frequency becomes lower. ", "Therefore, the yield of the LSI satisfying the requested operation frequency is low and the number of LSIs available for producing a desired device is small. ", "Accordingly, in this case, the yield of the LSI is estimated in advance, the number of LSIs larger than a necessary number are purchased on the basis of the estimated yield, and the LSIs available for a desired device are selected from among the purchased LSIs and used. ", "However, if the yield of the LSI is not correctly estimated, there is a shortage of LSIs or redundant LSIs, thereby incurring an undesired cost condition.", "\nThe patent document 1 describes a method for estimating the yield of an integrated circuit. ", "The patent document 2 describes a high-precision simulation method in producing a semiconductor device. ", "The patent document 3 describes a method for enhancing the yield in the semiconductor integrated circuit printing process. ", " [Patent Document 1] Japanese Patent Application Publication No. ", "H10-294247 [Patent Document 2] Japanese Patent Application Publication No. ", "H11-330449 [Patent Document 2] Japanese Patent Application Publication No. ", "2001-159809 \nAs described above, it is conventionally necessary to estimate the yield of an LSI in advance, and purchase a larger number of LSIs than they are required, and the estimation has depended on the experience and guesswork of a user." ]
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[ "Am I the only one around here who prefer girls without makeup?", "\n\n106 shares" ]
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[ "DUSP12\n\nDual specificity protein phosphatase 12 is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the DUSP12 gene.", "\n\nThe protein encoded by this gene is a member of the dual specificity protein phosphatase subfamily. ", "These phosphatases inactivate their target kinases by dephosphorylating both the phosphoserine/threonine and phosphotyrosine residues. ", "They negatively regulate members of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase superfamily (MAPK/ERK, SAPK/JNK, p38), which is associated with cellular proliferation and differentiation. ", "Different members of the family of dual specificity phosphatases show distinct substrate specificities for various MAP kinases, different tissue distribution and subcellular localization, and different modes of inducibility of their expression by extracellular stimuli. ", "This gene product is the human ortholog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae YVH1 protein tyrosine phosphatase. ", "It is localized predominantly in the nucleus, and is novel in that it contains, and is regulated by a zinc finger domain.", "\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\n\nExternal links" ]
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[ "Long-acting thyroid stimulator (LATS) and long acting thyroid stimulator protector (LATS-P) in untreated thyrotoxicosis.", "\nThe prevalence of serum LATS and LATS-P in untreated Graves' disease has been studied in eighty-three patients with thyroid overactivity; twelve (14%) were found to have significant levels of LATs and LATS-P whilst fifty-nine (72%) had significant levels of LATS-P alone. ", "Twelve (14%) had neither activity. ", "There was a very wide range in both activities. ", "LATS was invariably found in association with a significantly greater concentration of LATS-P. There was no correlation between LATS-P and thyroid mass, as estimated from scintiscanning, thyroidal radioiodine uptake at 4 and 48 h, total serum T4 and total serum T3. ", "Neither LATS nor LATS-P were detected in eleven patients with toxic multinodular goitre nor four with solitary toxic adenoma." ]
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[ "Background\n==========\n\nOur case describes a patient seen at a medical practice who died from metastatic squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which developed from necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (NLD). ", "Similar to other conditions with a high risk of scarring, including burns, stasis ulcers and lupus vulgaris, NLD provides an ideal environment for SCC formation ([@bib3]). ", "To our knowledge, no cases of metastatic SCC arising from NLD resulting in a fatality have been recorded. ", "This feature makes our case distinctive.", "\n\nOur review of the literature failed to reveal specific recommendations for screening people with NLD for the early diagnosis of SCC. ", "We believe that this article can form the basis of recommendations to regard chronic ulcers in NLD with a high index of clinical suspicion. ", "A biopsy earlier than may otherwise have been performed, may help prevent metastatic spread, the need for radical treatment with limb amputations, and possibly even death.", "\n\nCase presentation\n=================\n\nOur report describes the case of a blonde, blue-eyed, 56-year-old British Caucasian gentleman with longstanding type 1 diabetes on insulin with an HbA1c of 5.5%. ", "He formerly smoked, had developed stage IV chronic kidney disease (eGFR 24 mL/min/1.73 m^2^) as a result of diabetic nephropathy, and had NLD which had been present for over a decade. ", "It is worth noting that in the presence of chronic kidney disease, an HbA1c of 5.5% does not necessarily reflect adequate glycaemic control. ", "Figure 1(A and B) Large ulcerating squamous cell carcinoma arising in an area of necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum.", "\n\nHe was referred to the dermatology outpatient clinic of a major metropolitan hospital by his general practitioner for investigation of an 8 × 5 cm fungating, erythematous lesion (photograph shown below) on the medial portion of his right leg. ", "The lesion had been present for 3 months and was associated with 'deep pain', generalised malaise and unintentional weight loss.", "\n\nNumerous courses of antibiotics prescribed by the general practitioner did not improve the lesion. ", "Although the typically benign nature of NLD makes it reasonable for a conservative 'wait and see' management approach to be adopted, it is unsurprising that antibiotics did not improve the ulcerated lesion, given that they are not indicated as a treatment for the condition. ", "The patient was not prescribed topical corticosteroids or any other medication to improve the appearance of the lesion.", "\n\nInvestigation\n=============\n\nA subsequent excisional biopsy (10 × 5 × 4 mm, lesion embedded whole) confirmed the diagnosis of primary squamous cell carcinoma. ", "The malignancy was classified as Clarke Level 4 and was moderately to poorly differentiated with no perineural or lymphovascular invasion. ", "In addition to demonstrating extensive surface ulceration, the tumour had a prominent myxoid stroma and a pseudovascular pattern. ", "It was difficult to measure the precise depth of the tumour given the extensive surface necrosis. ", "However, the pathologist estimated that the tumour reached a depth of at least 12 mm and extended into the periosteum.", "\n\nA staging CT demonstrated that the SCC involved 50% of the circumference of the leg, invading the anterior border of the tibia and through the fascia into the anterior and peroneal muscle compartment.", "\n\nTreatment\n=========\n\nAlthough surgeons considered performing a radical excision with reconstruction using bone and anterolateral thigh free flaps, the operation was deemed too risky because of a high likelihood of failure, incomplete excision and morbidity associated with T1DM and CKD. ", "He underwent a successful below-knee amputation.", "\n\nOutcome and follow-up\n=====================\n\nFive months after the operation, a large, fixed lymph node in the inguinal region (7 × 4 cm) was noted. ", "Cytology from a fine-needle aspiration revealed metastatic SCC. ", "He was treated with a right groin nodal dissection and post-operative external beam radiotherapy. ", "A CT scan 4 weeks later revealed para-aortic and retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy consistent with distant metastases. ", "Additional external beam radiotherapy to the para-aortic nodes was administered and an individual funding request for cetuximab was made. ", "The oncologists preferred cetuximab to pembrolizumab in patients with T1DM; however, the funding request was ultimately rejected. ", "Although the specific reason for this refusal remains unclear, it is likely due to the fact that cetuximab is currently licensed only for treatment of metastatic SCC arising from the head and neck. ", "The patient was advised to forgo conventional chemotherapy given the presence of stage IV chronic kidney disease.", "\n\nIn the months that followed, the metastatic disease progressed. ", "With the presence of significant back pain unable to be controlled by oral analgesia and corticosteroids, our patient was admitted to hospice care where he ultimately died as a result of his metastatic disease.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nThe development of metastatic SCC from NLD is rare, however, even rarer is metastatic SCC from NLD resulting in a fatality. ", "This feature, never before documented in the literature, makes this case distinctive.", "\n\nGiven that NLD belongs to the idiopathic cutaneous palisading granulomatous dermatitides that itself is characterised by collagen degradation, the development of SCC in areas of ulceration is rare, but possible. ", "Ulceration occurs in approximately 30% of NLD cases, usually as a result of trauma ([@bib5]).", "\n\nAt present, the evidence for treatment of NLD arises largely from small, uncontrolled trials and case reports ([@bib6]). ", "Most authors recommend high-potency topical corticosteroids as a first-line treatment; however, intralesional corticosteroid injections, topical retinoids and topical psoralen combined with ultraviolet A have had limited success in managing nonulcerative NLD ([@bib6]). ", "For ulcerative NLD, calcineurin inhibitors ([@bib7]) and cyclosporine (2.5 mg/kg/day) ([@bib8]) have been reported to successfully treat the lesions; however, none of these treatments have achieved a sustained effective response ([@bib6]). ", "It is worth noting that antibiotics, like our patient received, are not indicated for treatment of NLD.", "\n\nIn most cases of SCC arising from NLD, the risk of death from metastatic disease is low because less than 5% of cutaneous SCC metastasize ([@bib9]). ", "Factors which predict a poor prognosis include size \\>2 cm, depth \\>2 mm, invasion into subcutaneous fat or bone, poor differentiation, perineural invasion and anatomical location on the ear or nonglabrous lip ([@bib9]). ", "Our patient demonstrated the first four of these factors.", "\n\nThe pathogenesis of malignant transformation in NLD is not well understood although it is believed in part to be associated with reduced melanin pigment and subsequent loss of ultraviolet protection in addition to chronic trauma from an area with poor vascularization ([@bib4]). ", "A prospective study analysing the risk factors leading to poor prognosis of squamous cell carcinoma recommends following up high-risk SCC patients every 3 months with clinical investigation and ultrasound of the regional lymph nodes for 4 years after a diagnosis of SCC. ", "It argues that ultrasound is cheap, safe and can detect the presence of early metastatic nodes more reliably than by palpation or CT scans ([@bib10]).", "\n\nOur review of the literature failed to reveal specific recommendations for screening people with NLD for (the early diagnosis of) squamous cell carcinoma. ", "The British Association of Dermatology recognises that there is a small risk of squamous cell carcinoma developing in longstanding lesions to chronic NLD and recommends patients to consult their doctor if lesions are longstanding or ulceration occurs. ", "The Australasian College of Dermatologists also acknowledges that there have been 'rare reported cases of skin cancer developing in chronic lesions of necrobiosis lipoidica' and suggest that persistent scabbing and ulceration should be investigated for SCC. ", "Further, the Canadian Dermatology Association advises the SCC can commonly form in areas of ulceration. ", "However, these bodies do not provide a timeline within which patients with ulcerated NLD should receive a biopsy for SCC or a recommendation regarding how often these patients should be monitored.", "\n\nWe believe that in the setting of NLD, non-healing, recalcitrant ulcers, which fail to improve with conservative measures should be regarded with a high index of clinical suspicion for SCC. ", "Identifying SCC early by means of a biopsy may allow treatment to occur in time to prevent metastatic spread. ", "This, in turn, may reduce the need for radical treatment with limb amputation and even possibly death.", "\n\nDeclaration of interest\n=======================\n\nThe authors declare that there is no conflict of interest that could be perceived as prejudicing the impartiality of the research reported.", "\n\nFunding\n=======\n\nThis research did not receive any specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sector.", "\n\nPatient consent\n===============\n\nWritten, informed consent has been obtained from the patient.", "\n\nAuthor contribution statement\n=============================\n\nThe article was written by Yael Lefkovits. ", "The article was edited by Amanda Adler.", "\n\nAnnie Girdwood for assistance with editing.", "\n" ]
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[ "\nWebDAV (2010) - skilled\nhttp://webdav.org/\n======\nmnutt\nA few years ago I buit a personal file storage server [0] that was\ninteroperable with OwnCloud and sync based on WebDAV. ", "Over a decade ago I\nworked on a site builder that used WebDAV under the hood. ", "What I found was\nthat WebDAV is mostly fine if you control both client and server, but then\nthere's less point in using WebDAV. ", "But the allure has always been there: let\nyour users mount your app as a filesystem and update your app's content\nlocally using their own tools, with syncing for free.", "\n\nIn practice, the syncing was never reliable enough for most users, and\ndifferent clients implement the standard differently. ", "My hope was that it\nwould eventually converge on something interoperable like CSS did, but I don't\nthink there's enough usage for that to happen. ", "And things are moving away from\nfilesystem paradigms anyway (iOS, etc) so WebDAV is slowly becoming even less\nrelevant.", "\n\n0\\. [https://github.com/mnutt/davros](https://github.com/mnutt/davros)\n\n~~~\nreaperducer\n_In practice, the syncing was never reliable enough for most users_\n\nI wonder if that's why iDisk went away. ", "Wasn't it based on WebDAV?", "\n\n~~~\nleejoramo\nYes iDisk was WebDAV.", "\n\n------\nunilynx\nOh WebDAV, the protocol I loved and hated the last 20 or so years...\n\n\\- There were proprietary implementations NetDrive and rebranded as WebDrive\nfor winNT which set up a WebDAV mount as a drive letter. ", "Worked nicely for\ncode editing in a CMS but completely corrupt files once in a while. ", "Unless you\nhad a SMP machine, then it would regularly blue screen\n\n\\- WinXp had the first native ‘NET USE’ support I think. ", "It was built on top\nof the HTTP support in the OS but didn’t persist state properly, so if you\ndidn’t know to disable automatic proxy detection in your internet options,\nevery WebDAV action would take 2 seconds to do a proxy detect, ruining the\nexperience.", "\n\n\\- Actually getting WebDAV to work was hit or miss. ", "It helped to specify the\npassword on the command line to NET USE for some reason\n\n\\- office supported WebDAV too, and depending on its mood would either treat a\nWebDAV drive letter as just a drive, or speak WebDAV natively\n\n\\- I’m pretty sure the initial Vista release completely broke WebDAV. ", "Never\ngot it to work properly. ", "Sad given that MS was supposed to be invested in this\nstandard\n\n\\- Getting it to work safely on OSX was another challenge, as OSX heavily\ncaches content client side and if the server side content changed, either\nremount to see the changes or write a tool to send a poorly defined control\ncommand to WebDAV to flush the cache. ", "At one point we automated the server to\ninform a local tool on the macs to do this flushing\n\n\\- oh, and automating mount_webdav to log you in requires speaking some\nproperty protocol over a fd to the application. ", "Which broke at around OS X\n10.10. ", "Got to learn my way around the WebDAV implementation in Darwin back\nthen to figure out both this and the cache flushing. ", "Thank apple for at least\npublishing the source to this\n\nWell, fortunately I don’t need WebDAV as much anymore as I have in the past.", "\n\n~~~\nWorldMaker\n\\- office supported WebDAV too, and depending on its mood would either treat a\nWebDAV drive letter as just a drive, or speak WebDAV natively\n\nIt's kind of funny that Office still sometimes shows this behavior with\nOneDrive for Business. ", "If both are reasonably up-to-date (2016+ on both sides)\nit appears to use the modern new (Microsoft Graph) API that isn't WebDAV at\nall, but every now and then it sometimes gets confused and seems to fallback\nto WebDAV or just normal folder operations.", "\n\nIt's probably the Office team's devotion to backward compatibility and\nsupporting the weird number of configurations that enterprises sometimes have\nbetween Office client applications and SharePoint server backends. ", "But yeah,\nit's still easiest to describe as \"moody\".", "\n\n------\nmichaelmcmillan\nNot all that related, but we found an exploit in Blackboard (the \"virtual\nlearning platform\") by smuggling null bytes (0x00) via. ", "their WebDAV protocol.", "\n\nThis made it possible to hijack other accounts, including our professors'. ", "So\nwe hacked our own grades and then reported it.", "\n\nBlog post here: [https://bustbyte.no/blog/how-we-hacked-blackboard-and-\nchange...](https://bustbyte.no/blog/how-we-hacked-blackboard-and-changed-our-\ngrades)\n\n~~~\nsaagarjha\nLess exciting, but I found with some reverse engineering that School Loop\n(basically the same thing as Blackboard) has a WebDAV interface for their\n\"Locker\" (file storage for classes) interface. ", "When I was working with it, I\nwas finding that my queries did not work correctly; apparently their client\nfor it did not work either because implementation was borked (which took a\nwhile to figure out!). ", "AFAIK they never did fix it once I reported it to them,\nbut the official client ended up being pulled at some point leaving my\nimplementation the only interface to it that I know of…\n\n~~~\napplecrazy\nStudent here. ", "We use SchoolLoop at my high school and the locker feature has\nbeen a pain. ", "Just wanted to thank you for your work on Break. ", "I recommend it\nto people all the time (plus, it's open source!)", "\n\n~~~\nsaagarjha\nThanks; it's nice to see that people still find break useful. ", "It's gotten\nsomewhat difficult to work on, as I no longer have a live account to test with\nnor do I use the app anymore, so there are some bugs that have driven me up\nthe wall for years but I can't figure out how to fix. ", "I'll try to keep it\nrunning for as long as I can; maybe someone else will be able to figure it how\nto fix the issues ;)\n\n~~~\napplecrazy\nSince I have a live account, expect a few PRs soon, once I get familiar with\nthe code :)\n\n------\ncetra3\nWe implemented WebDAV (rust/actix-web) for our product and it's great that you\ncan mount it as a mostly native file system on all major OSes, but there are a\nlot of issues with Implementation:\n\n* Windows sometimes appends a `/` at the end and sometimes doesn't when looking for folders, so you better make sure you return the same results for either.", "\n\n* Windows WebClient service is buggy as hell. ", "You have no event logs (that I could find) to find out what's wrong and end up restarting the service continuously. ", "this includes if you get your username/password wrong, if there is an interrupt to the server (i.e, wifi drops), etc.. Wireshark is your friend, but it won't tell you why it's not working.", "\n\n* Forget about Basic Auth on windows, credentials are not persisted across reboots/logouts, and you need to adjust registry to support non-ssl sites at all. ", "Using Kerberos is really your only option, but if you want to use it on non .local domains, then you need to add in a registry key to allow this, as windows assumes that only .local domains would use SSO.", "\n\n* Last time I checked, Adobe Lightroom won't even save to a WebDAV drive on OSX as it thinks there is no space.", "\n\n* Lots and lots of noisy connections on both windows and OSX that aren't really needed, but happen anyway. ", "Don't get me started on the amount of temp files that are saved/used, and don't filter them out either as things start breaking like Photoshop and folder uploads.", "\n\n* Weird error messages that don't give you an idea of what's going on. ", "Error code 100000041? ", "Oh yeah I know what that one is!", "\n\n* URL size limitations in Windows, make sure your entire path isn't too long!", "\n\nAll in all I am glad we have WebDAV for native-like access, but it is a\nmassive pain to deal with some of the niggly bits between implementations.", "\n\n------\n0x0\nI remember playing with WebDAV in the early 2000s. ", "Microsoft Windows and/or\nOffice and/or Sharepoint Client had (two!) ", "implementations which supposedly\nwould be able to present a WebDAV share as something that would look and\nbehave more or less like a mapped drive, which would have been a killer\nfeature for anyone developing an online file/document/collaboration service.", "\n(For example, imagine exposing your web CMS media library or even page\nstructure as a mounted drive via HTTP). ", "This was long before FUSE was a thing.", "\n\nUnfortunately, the amount of crazy bugs combined with the unnatural and\nsurprising behavior of Microsoft's two(!) ", "implementations (which one got used\ndepended on which part of the UI the user came in through) made the whole\nthing a flaky disappointing flop.", "\n\nAlso, the whole XML protocol feels totally over-engineered and overly verbose.", "\n\nSee for example:\n\n[https://www.greenbytes.de/tech/webdav/webfolder-client-\nlist....](https://www.greenbytes.de/tech/webdav/webfolder-client-list.html)\n\n[https://www.greenbytes.de/tech/webdav/webdav-redirector-\nlist...](https://www.greenbytes.de/tech/webdav/webdav-redirector-list.html)\n\n~~~\nronsor\nAlmost anything XML is over-engineered. ", "It's sad because WebDAV is cool and\nuseful as a \"public http drive\", and better than FTP as far as reliability.", "\n\n~~~\njonas21\n> Almost anything XML is over-engineered.", "\n\nI hear this a lot, but I feel that with many XML protocols (including WebDAV),\nif you reformatted them as JSON, people today would think they were pretty\nreasonable. ", "XML was just the popular style back in the 90s / early 2000s.", "\n\n~~~\nunilynx\nAnd it surely beat the other common alternatives at the time for directory\nlistings: raw /bin/ls like formats for FTP or a HTML dirindex for HTTP\n\n~~~\n0x0\nDid it though? ", "At least microsoft usually managed to parse ftp and html\ndirindexes. ", "The bugs they had in their webdav clients (see link in parent\npost) was something else... incorrect/lacking xml entity handling that almost\nindicates substr'ing for \"&amp;\" instead of using a real parser, and\nconverting percent-escaped utf8 to percent-escaped latin1..?! ", "You almost have\nto try to sabotage on purpose to get bugs like these.", "\n\n------\nTheodores\nI never really got webDAV to work properly but I gave it a good go. ", "Today I\nwould never think to use it, I am more of an sshfs type of guy and rsync is my\nfriend.", "\n\nHowever, what does disappoint me is how things like DropBox and WeTransfer\ntook over with some marketing that just had instant appeal to people. ", "I prefer\nto have my own 'sovereign' server space and if anyone wants to send me stuff\nthen I want it on the server, not on my desktop. ", "It doesn't matter who it is,\nbut if I give them a network drive of sorts, they can have webDAV, FTP if they\ninsist, ownCloud if they want it, SFTP and all these methods to put whatever\nthe files are on the server. ", "They can even understand that the files need to\nbe on the server and not on my local computer, but no, I get some email about\na weTransfer link.", "\n\nWith ADSL the download is fine but upload is that bit slower. ", "So you have to\ndo the WeTransfer type of thing and wait for that, then upload the file to the\nserver. ", "It is never me that really wants the file on the server in the first\nplace, it is always them.", "\n\nAnyway, I think webDAV died as a thing not due to the flakiness of the\nimplementation but more to do with why it is that people use website builders\nlike Squarespace, why people prefer cPanel instead of some standard issue OS,\nwhy people prefer whatever is marketed to them as 'easy' rather than what\ntakes two minutes of critical thought to learn.", "\n\n~~~\nbendauphinee\nAs a user of cPanel, there's some assumptions you're making in this statement.", "\nI can and do build servers, at work. ", "When I'm at home, I just want to do\nthings with as little work as possible. ", "Sometimes these choices are made\nbecause it's easier to not have to support every last bit of an architecture.", "\n\n------\ndevbug\nI learned something a few days ago that made me both laugh and cry:\n\nLoadLibraryA will happily load a DLL from WebDAV through a UNC path. ", "Something\nlike \\\\\\example.com@80\\path\\to\\payload.dll.", "\n\nIt goes without saying that this has been abused by viruses to surreptitiously\nfetch their malicious code.", "\n\n~~~\nmixmastamyk\nIs that much different than a get and load in the end?", "\n\n~~~\ndevbug\nIt's a pretty useful attack vector since you can get an arbitrary program to\nload your payload under certain circumstances, so you don't even need\nmalicious code running if you can find a vulnerable target. _", "cough_ SharePoint\n_cough_\n\n------\niliketosleep\nWhat is this submission attempting to express? ", "The main thing I noticed is\nthat the webpage hasn't been updated since 2009 and the WebDAV working group\nappears to have abandoned it for unspecified reasons. ", "I frequently use WebDAV\nvia a very popular iOS app and never had any issues with it, so I'd be\ninterested to know why it has been abandoned.", "\n\n~~~\nzamadatix\nBecause the clients/server quality varied (very fragmented standard compared\nto it's relative use amount) and for what it did plain HTTP or some pre-\nexisting \"proper\" file exchange protocol likely met the need better anyways.", "\n\n------\nJach\nDuring a week in 2013 I setup [http://sabre.io/](http://sabre.io/) to work\nwith storage backed by S3, I think it was about 40 lines of PHP to add user\nauthentication and the S3 storage plugin. ", "It's so seductive since every file\nmanager on every main GUI OS has some support for WebDAV, and you'd think\n\"what could go wrong?\" ", "with just file I/O over HTTP... Some months later I\neven tried setting something up for my old high school teacher for his CS\nstudents to copy files over and receive results back, alas the district\nnetwork policies got in the way and I'm not sure if it was ever resolved.", "\n\n------\nbatbomb\nI was recently working on an nginx lua script to aid with impersonation\n(setfsuid, setfsgid, setgroups) so I could implement a multi-user webdav\nserver, mostly with the goal of pointing it at some existing file mounts and\nmaking sure permissions were checked/honored correctly - especially file\nownership. ", "I need to test it a lot more, but in case anyone is interested:\n\n[https://github.com/lsst-dm/davt](https://github.com/lsst-dm/davt)\n\n------\nangus-g\nFastMail gives me 10GB of storage that's accessible via WebDAV. ", "It works\nperfectly to back my collection of papers and textbooks in Zotero. ", "That way I\nonly sync the metadata to my Zotero account (which is basically just a sqlite\ndatabase anyway), and can pretty easily get access to my entire reference\ncollection from wherever I am.", "\n\n------\nthisacctforreal\nMirror [https://archive.is/O0pi9](https://archive.is/O0pi9)\n\n------\nkristiandupont\nI am using WebDAV as a virtual file system for a personal project. ", "It was the\neasiest way I could find to make a cross platform virtual file system without\ninvoking FUSE which seemed slightly unreliable on Windows.", "\n\nIt works reasonably well though it is a bit slow. ", "It was pretty difficult to\nfind good documentation though.", "\n\n------\nyardshop\nI use a WebDAV server on my Android phone and assign a drive letter to that\nfrom my Windows Vista machine so I can use BeyondCompare to copy my pictures\noff. ", "I also use it to explore my phone files at a level slightly lower than\nwhat the standard apps allow. ", "Probably pretty basic cases, but for me WebDAV\nhas been simple and reliable to use.", "\n\n------\nbuzzert\nI implemented a personal notes app recently using WebDAV. ", "It's kind of mind\nblowing how many simple applications you can use WebDAV for and actually end\nup writing _no_ server-side code whatsoever. ", "Many things where you might think\nyou need a database for, consider using WebDAV instead.", "\n\n------\namaccuish\nJust used the elementaryOS files app to access my Nextcloud server. ", "A while\nback it used to be terribly slow but it's actually incredibly useable now.", "\nIt's a shame this protocol has been shunned. ", "I believe Microsoft Exchange used\nto support WebDAV for email access...\n\n~~~\nunilynx\nI’m not sure I’ve ever seen it anywhere in Exchanges protocol specs. ", "Would\nseem an odd fit\n\nPerhaps you’re confusing it with Sharepoint?", "\n\n~~~\ndavidwtbuxton\nWebDAV wasn't a native Exchange protocol. ", "But it was officially supported for\nExchange server 2003/2007, and used heavily by Mac Entourage 2004/2008 to\nconnect to Exchange servers as a supposedly \"native\" client.", "\n\nIn my experience, Mac Entourage clients connecting to suitable Exchange\nservers worked, but only for very few clients.", "\n\nVaguely remember that the Exchange servers would often get overloaded with the\nquantity of sync requests from the Mac clients.", "\n\nThis doc mentions that WebDAV was a previously-supported protocol for Mac\nEntourage:\n[https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/exchange/2009/01/20/ento...](https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/exchange/2009/01/20/entourage-\nmeet-exchange-web-services-entourage-for-exchange-web-services-is-live/)\n\n------\nrocky1138\nWhat does this do that fish://<ssh connection> doesn't?", "\n\n~~~\n0xcde4c3db\nIt has native client support in Windows and macOS, which is kind of a big deal\nin some scenarios.", "\n\n~~~\nrocky1138\nFair, but typing fish:// at home works out of the box for me in\nLinux (KDE).", "\n\n------\nykevinator\nWe built a Ms word version control system with webav to s3 for our saas\nproduct. ", "We couldnt find a better solution for check in / check out. ", "Is there\nsomething better?", "\n\n------\nbedros\nanyone used [https://dokan-dev.github.io/](https://dokan-dev.github.io/) to\nmount Linux drives on windows?", "\n\n------\npeterwwillis\nFor those that weren't around, WebDAV is one of those historical horror\nstories, like SOAP and CORBA. \"", "Great in theory...\"\n\n~~~\ntannhaeuser\nYes, WebDAV, XML, SOAP, CalDAV, etc. ", "are from an era in computing where\ninteroperability and common standards were important and demanded by\ncustomers. ", "What have XML bashers to show for exchange and long-term archival\nof documents?", "\n\n" ]
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[ "1937 Connecticut State Huskies football team\n\nThe 1937 Connecticut State Huskies football team represented Connecticut State College, now the University of Connecticut, in the 1937 college football season. ", " The Huskies were led by fourth-year head coach J. Orlean Christian and completed the season with a record of 6–2–1.", "\n\nSchedule\n\nReferences\n\nConnecticut\nCategory:UConn Huskies football seasons\nUConn football" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.009708737864077669, 0.008620689655172414, 0.022222222222222223 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to translate this regex in to a like clause\n\nI have a stored procedure where one of the steps is to remove items that match a pattern\n--Remove the databases to exclude\nDELETE t\nFROM #WhichDatabase t \nWHERE t.dbName like @dbExclude\n\nHowever the pattern I want to use would be (in Regex)\n^(chgTRK_.*)|(.*_Play)$\n\nHow do I achieve the same goal of passing in one string and parsing out a complex filter? ", "I know I can do like 'chgTRK[_]%' or like '%[_]Play' but I am restricted because this is a stored procedure and there will not always be two parts to the filter.", "\n\nA:\n\nUse a table valued parameter (SQL Server 2008) or CSV/XML/Temp table (SQL Server 2005 and earlier) to pass in your search term(s).", "\nSee \"Arrays and Lists in SQL Server 2005 and Beyond\" for more on this (the definitive article on this)\nAssuming you have now loaded @DeleteConditions (table variable) with a column dbExclude\nDELETE t\nFROM\n #WhichDatabase t \n JOIN\n @DeleteConditions d ON t.dbName like dbExclude\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0024449877750611247, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0.0034602076124567475 ]
[ "SUICIDE is now the most common cause of unexpected death among WA teenagers.", "\n\nThe revelation contained in a new report has already triggered a major investigation into youth suicide by the WA Ombudsman, The Sunday Times can reveal.", "\n\nEminent health experts say the fact that suicide now outranks car crashes and illness as the leading cause of sudden death among 13 to 17-year-olds was a cause for alarm.", "\n\nChild death review data shows 39 per cent of youths from this age bracket who died suddenly between July 2009 and June 2013 took their own lives. ", "This compares with 29 per cent from car crashes and 14 per cent from medical conditions.", "\n\n\"The Ombudsman (has) decided to undertake a major own-motion investigation into youth suicide,\" a spokeswoman for Ombudsman Chris Field said on Friday.", "\n\nResponsibility for child death reviews was transferred to the WA Ombudsman in 2009. ", "The state coroner is required by law to notify the Ombudsman of any unnatural, unexpected or violent deaths of children.", "\n\nOf the 123 child death notifications for teenagers received by the Ombudsman since 2009, 48 involved children taking their own lives, including one child aged 13 and 18 children aged 14 or 15. ", "Almost two-thirds were from the Perth metro area. ", "One-third were Aboriginal.", "\n\nRosanna Capolingua, chair of the Governing Council for Child and Adolescent Health in WA, said she feared statistics for the second half of 2013 would be even worse.", "\n\n\"Something significant is happening to kids in that age group in WA and maybe across Australia for them to take their lives and we know that social media plays a big role in this,\" she said.", "\n\n\"I think parents are aware, doctors are aware, but sometimes we don't know what to do. ", "As well as the bullying, social media encouraged children to dwell on negative emotions, such as pain and suffering. ", "Suicide is heralded as a wonderful thing (on social media).\"", "\n\nShe said early intervention was needed and we needed to \"bust the myth\" that talking about suicide would make the problem worse.", "\n\nAustralian Medical Association WA vice-president Michael Gannon said WA's mental health system was \"collapsing.\"", "\n\n\"In the whole state we have got eight (mental health) beds available at PMH and another 12 beds available at Bentley and that's all we've got for adolescent patients,\" he said.", "\n\n\"Not only is there a reasonable amount of evidence that life just gets more stressful as every generation goes on and more difficult, these are also young people who unfortunately are increasingly exposed to illegal drugs which are extremely powerful in their effect on the brain and there is a higher rate of mental illness in people who are using illicit drugs.\"", "\n\nMental Health Minister Helen Morton said the causes were complex.", "\n\n\"We are working to ensure young people can access a dedicated youth-friendly stream of care and not fall in the gap between child and adolescent services and the adult system,\" she said.", "\n\nOpposition Health Spokesman Roger Cook said he was \"alarmed\" by the figures, while Lifeline WA chief executive Fiona Kalaf said \"families were often unsure about how to navigate the maze of mental health services.\"", "\n\nLifeline 13 11 14 (24-hour telephone service) crisischat.lifelinewa.org.au (online chat service)\n\nKids Help Line 1800 55 1800 (24-hour telephone service) www.kidshelp.com.au" ]
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[ "Save Article\n\nNotable & Quotable: Restore Western Civ at Stanford\n\nStudents seek a vote on requiring two quarters of study.", "\n\nMarch 7, 2016 7:12 p.m. ET\n\nFrom the Stanford Review editorial board’s “The Case for a Western Civilization Requirement at Stanford,” Feb. 21:\n\nNational debates erupted over Stanford’s decision to remove Western Culture requirements during the 1980s. ", "We believe the University must reignite a national debate and reinstate a Western Civilization requirement...." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.016260162601626018, 0.011857707509881422, 0.00909090909090909 ]
[ "Background\n==========\n\nJuvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a severe chronic disease in childhood and adolescence frequently leading to handicap, decreased quality of live and high costs \\[[@B1]\\]. ", "The prevalence varies across regions from 0.007 to 0.401% \\[[@B2]\\]. ", "Recent estimates for the US approximated that juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) affects about 294,000 children \\[[@B3]\\]. ", "The majority of them suffer from oligoarticular arthritis (OA JIA) \\[[@B3],[@B4]\\].", "\n\nThe knowledge about possible risk factors is crucial for disease prevention. ", "While genetic and environmental factors might play a role in the development of JIA knowledge about its aetiology is still limited \\[[@B1]\\]. ", "Some of the environmental risk factors for JIA are similar to those described for respiratory allergies (i.e., allergic rhinitis, atopic asthma), e.g. maternal smoking during pregnancy \\[[@B5]\\], having no siblings, having more affluent parents, living in Northern Europe \\[[@B6]-[@B8]\\]. ", "Furthermore, a positive association between JIA and respiratory allergies has been found in some studies \\[[@B9],[@B10]\\] while others have described an inverse \\[[@B11]-[@B13]\\] or no association \\[[@B14]\\].", "\n\nFor allergic diseases, some studies have suggested that the development of atopic diseases is facilitated by a decreasing level of microbial exposure in early life (\\\"hygiene hypothesis) \\[[@B15],[@B16]\\]. ", "Consistent with the hygiene hypothesis, subjects living in rural areas and having contact to farm animals in the 1^st^year of life have been shown to have a lower prevalence of respiratory allergies (for review see \\[[@B17]\\]). ", "The burden of microbial compounds (endotoxins, β-glucans) found in these environments may be responsible for the inverse association \\[[@B18]-[@B21]\\].", "\n\nBased on these assumptions, we hypothesized that farm animal contact in infancy might also reduce the risk of juvenile autoimmune disease. ", "We and others have previously shown that infant farm animal contact might be inversely associated with inflammatory bowel disease and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). ", "In contrast, we were unable to find such an association for type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) \\[[@B22]-[@B24]\\]. ", "Nielsen and colleagues \\[[@B8]\\] have previously reported that children living in urban areas are at increased risk of JIA. ", "However, only 9 of 220 patients lived on a farm and as the study was not designed for this question a more detailed analysis could not be done.", "\n\nThe aim of the study reported here was to test the hypothesis that early childhood farm animal contact might protect from JIA.", "\n\nMethods\n=======\n\nStudy population and inclusion criteria\n---------------------------------------\n\nCases were inpatients treated between December 2006 and May 2007 for JIA at the Hospital for Pediatric Rheumatology in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. ", "This hospital is the largest hospital for Pediatric Rheumatology in the world. ", "In Germany, in-hospital treatment for JIA is indicated if detailed diagnostics or a profound change in treatment is needed, the patient suffers from a severe episode of JIA or psychosocial difficulties indicate special care. ", "The main coverage area of this referral center is the South-West of Germany. ", "As the exposure under study (living in rural areas, living on a farm, and contact to animals early in life) differs significantly across Germany, cases were restricted to those with place of residence in this area (Bavaria, Baden-Wurttemberg, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland). ", "During the study period parents of all 885 cases living in this area obtained a written questionnaire when they registered their child for hospitalization at the German Children Center for Rheumatology in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Inclusion was done irrespectively of age at diagnosis.", "\n\n###### \n\nStudy population and response\n\n Cases Controls \n --------------------------------------------- ------- ---------- ------- -------\n **Centers (n)** **1** **6** \n \n **N** **%** **N** **%**\n \n Contacted 885 100.0 1459 100.0\n \n Not eligible 598 73.0 353 24.2\n \n Of these: \n \n  No address available 1 0.2 246 69.7\n \n  Other diagnosis than Oligoarticular JIA^1^ 345 57.7 0 0.0\n \n  Malformation 3 0.5 36 10.2\n \n  Died 0 0.0 1 0.3\n \n  Born outside Germany 24 4.0 34 9.6\n \n  Outside age range 225 37.6 0 0.0\n \n  Others 0 0.0 34 9.6\n \n \n \n Eligible study population 287 100.0 1106 100.0\n \n Responders 254 88.5 950 85.9\n \n Missing data 16 5.6 118 10.7\n \n Included in data analyses 238 82.9 832 75.2\n\n^1^Systemic arthritis, polyarthritis, psoriasisarthritis, enthesitis associated arthritis, other arthritis\n\nControls were taken from our previous study, carried out about 1 year earlier, on the potential association between animal contact and IBD \\[[@B23]\\]. ", "Inpatients who underwent strabismus surgery at one of six ophthalmic referral center covering a similar area as the Hospital for Pediatric Rheumatology (3 center in Bavaria, 2 center in Baden-Wurttemberg, 1 center in Hessen) were included. ", "The parents of 1459 controls were contacted between March and August 2006 using a postal questionnaire (table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Inclusion was done irrespectively of date of strabismus surgery.", "\n\nUp to two reminders were sent to all non-responders. ", "In addition, non-responders were contacted by phone up to 5 weeks after the first mailing.", "\n\nInclusion criteria were (table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}):\n\n**a) Age range between 6 and 18 years**. ", "The upper age limit was chosen as the German Children Center for Rheumatology treats patients until the age of 18 years only. ", "The lower age range was chosen as a surgery for strabismus usually is done around age 6 years.", "\n\n**b) Born in Germany**. ", "This was done because we studied early childhood environments which might differ considerably from country to country. ", "In addition, ethnicity might influence the risk of JIA and the number was too small to perform stratified analyses.", "\n\n**c) Contact address available**. ", "As 16.9% of the controls had moved since the time of the strabismus surgery they could not be contacted at the time of the study.", "\n\n**d) No malformation**. ", "All malformations (e.g. trisomy 21, hydrocephalus, paraplegia) which might be associated with strabismus and contact with animals in infancy were excluded. ", "Therefore, 3 cases and 36 controls with malformation were not considered in the final analyses.", "\n\n**e) Persistent and extended oligoarticular JIA (OA JIA)**. ", "Because different risk factors might underlie different subtypes of JIA, cases were restricted to those with persistent or extended OA JIA. ", "The revised ILAR guidelines \\[[@B25]\\] were used, defining OA JIA as an arthritis affecting at most four joints during the first six months of disease in the absence of other criteria (psoriasis, family history of psoriasis, human leukocyte antigen (HLA) B27-associated disease in a first degree relative, a positive rheumatoid factor (RF) test). ", "If arthritis extends to more than four joints after the first 6 months the patient is considered to have extended OA. ", "If OA persists after 6 months to affect not more than four joints the patients is considered to have persistent OA. ", "Information about diagnosis was extracted from the patient files (D.P.).", "\n\nOverall, questionnaire data were available for 89% of eligible cases and 86% of eligible controls. ", "The study was approved by the Ethical Committee of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich.", "\n\nQuestionnaire\n-------------\n\nThe 27-items of the parental questionnaire had been used earlier in the above mentioned case-control studies on animal contact and DM1 as well as IBD \\[[@B22],[@B23]\\]. ", "The items were mainly taken from pre-existing validated questionnaire instruments (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood \\[[@B26]\\], Allergies and Endotoxin Study \\[[@B27]\\]). ", "In addition to standard socio-demographic factors (age, sex, place of birth, parental level of education), potential risk factors for autoimmune diseases and strabismus were assessed (parental smoking, birth weight, gestational age, infant nutrition, day care, number of siblings). ", "With respect to environmental factors, current place of residency (village, rural town, urban area), consumption of raw farm milk during infancy (\\\"Which type of cow\\'s milk, if any, did your child mainly consume during the 1st year of life: cow milk from supermarkets, uncooked raw cow milk directly from the farm, cooked cow milk directly from the farm, or no cow milk at all\\\"), regular contact with farm animals and pets (\\\"Has/had your child regular (at least once a week) contact with the following animals \\...\\\") were assessed. ", "The timing of regular contact with animals (1^st^year of life, time of the study) was included. ", "Furthermore, the presence of respiratory allergies was queried. ", "Parents of cases were also asked whether they themselves suffered from any form of JIA and about the age at onset of OA JIA in their children.", "\n\nStatistical analyses\n--------------------\n\nThe analyses were restricted to cases and controls with complete data (table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "We used cross-tabulation to visualize bivariate distributions of categorical predictors and outcomes.", "\n\nUnconditional multiple logistic regression models were used to assess the association between animal contact and OA JIA. ", "The following variables were included as potential confounders/predictors: age on January 1^st^2006, sex (male/female), allergic rhinitis (yes/no), period of breast feeding (\\<6 months/≥6 months), highest parental level of education (≥ vs. \\< 12 years of schooling), and maternal smoking during pregnancy (yes/no). ", "Level of education, breastfeeding and smoking were included as they are relevant factors regarding socioeconomic status and therefore give information about different lifestyles (e.g. likelihood of living on a farm). ", "Allergic rhinitis was included as it is a known predictor in case of JIA.", "\n\nThe fully adjusted odds ratios were compared to those only adjusted for age and sex.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nDescriptive statistics\n----------------------\n\nOverall, 238 cases and 832 controls with complete data were included in the analyses. ", "The majority of cases had a diagnosis of extended OA JIA (table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "On average, cases were 2.5 years younger than controls (mean 10.9 (SD 3.1) years vs. 13.4 (3.1) years, respectively). ", "In addition, cases were more likely to be female (71% vs. 52%, respectively) and less likely to have symptoms of allergic rhinitis (9% vs. 17%, respectively) than controls. ", "In addition, parental level of education was higher among cases (prevalence of high school degree 42%) than among controls (34%). ", "The prevalence of all factors known to be associated with strabismus was statistically significantly lower among cases compared with controls (low birth weight, short duration of breast feeding, smoking during pregnancy).", "\n\n###### \n\nSelected descriptive characteristics of the study population\n\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Cases\\ Controls\\\n (n = 238) (n = 832)\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------\n **Mean (SD)** \n\n \n\n Age (years)\\*\\*\\* 10.9 (3.1) 13.4 (3.1)\n\n Age at diagnosis 5.7 (3.7) n/a\n\n \n\n **N (%)** \n\n \n\n Type of oligoarticular JIA: persistent 196 (82.4) n/a\n\n \n\n Sex: female\\*\\*\\* 170 (71.4) 430 (51.7)\n\n Birth weight ≤ 2500 g 34 (14.3) 188 (22.6)\n\n Allergic rhinitis\\*\\* 22 (9.2) 141 (16.9)\n\n \n\n **Family history**: \n\n  At least 2 older siblings^+^ 36 (15.5) 137 (16.5)\n\n  At least 2 younger siblings^+^ 26 (11.0) 112 (13.5)\n\n  Parents with oligoarticular JIA^+^ 5 (2.2) n/a\n\n \n\n **Day care attendance^+^** \n\n  Age 0-1 years 15 (6.5) 64 (7.7)\n\n  Age 2-5 years 187 (81.3) 647 (78.0)\n\n  Never 28 (12.2) 118 (14.2)\n\n \n\n **Nutrition** \n\n  Breast feeding ≥6 months\\*\\*\\* 116 (48.7) 250 (30.0)\n\n  Nutritional supplements other than breast feeding \\<5 months \\*\\*\\* ^\\#,+^ 138 (59.5) 624 (76.1)\n\n  Raw milk consumption during 1^st^year of life^+^ 3 (1.3) 23 (2.8)\n\n \n\n Maternal smoking during pregnancy\\* 10 (4.2) 67 (8.1)\n\n \n\n ≥12 years of schooling+ 99 (41.6) 285 (34.3)\n\n \n\n **Place of living** \n\n  City 23 (9.7) 88 (10.6)\n\n  Rural town 75 (31.5) 255 (30.6)\n\n  Village 140 (58.8) 489 (58.8)\n\n \n\n **Regular^&^contact with pets** \n\n [ever]{.ul} \n\n  Dogs 93 (39.1) 392 (47.1)\n\n  Cats 126 (52.9) 422 (50.7)\n\n  Cats or dogs 157 (66.0) 565 (67.9)\n\n Rabbits 96 (40.3) 327 (39.3)\n\n [during 1^st^year of life]{.ul} \n\n  Dogs 38 (16.0) 166 (20.0)\n\n  Cats 45 (18.9) 198 (23.8)\n\n  Rabbits^\\$^ 10 (4.2) 65 (7.8)\n\n  Cats, dogs or rabbits 72 (30.3) 295 (35.5)\n\n \n\n **Living on a farm** \n\n  Now 13 (5.5) 37 (4.4)\n\n  During 1^st^year of life 14 (5.9) 51 (6.1)\n\n \n\n **Regular^&^contact with farm animals** \n\n [ever]{.ul} \n\n  Cattle 27 (11.3) 96 (11.5)\n\n  Pigs^\\$^ 11 (4.6) 65 (7.8)\n\n  Sheep or goats 10 (4.2) 54 (6.5)\n\n [during 1^st^year of life]{.ul} \n\n  Cattle 15 (6.3) 58 (7.0)\n\n  Pigs\\* 4 (1.7) 37 (4.4)\n\n  Sheep or goats 3 (1.3) 20 (2.4)\n\n  Cattle, pigs, sheep or goats 17 (7.1) 75 (9.0)\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n^\\$^p~chi~^2^≤ 0.10; \\*p~chi~^2^≤ 0.05; \\*\\*p~chi~^2^≤ 0.01; \\*\\*\\*p~chi~^2^≤ 0.001\n\n^+^total number might differ due to missing data\n\n^\\#^any nutritional supplements other than breast milk including juice\n\n^&^regular: at least once a week\n\nNo differences between cases and controls were found for factors potentially associated with an earlier contact to pathogens like having older siblings or early daycare attendance (Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nPlace of residence and farm contact\n-----------------------------------\n\nPlace of residence was comparable for cases and controls (Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Likewise, cases were equally likely to have lived on a farm during the first year of life (6%) as controls (6%). ", "The same was true when adjusting for potential confounders (Table [3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "In these models, case status remained inversely related to allergic rhinitis (adjusted Odds Ratio (OR) 0.57, 95% Confidence Interval (95% CI) 0.34 - 0.95).", "\n\n###### \n\nAssociations between selected potentials risk factors and oligoarticular JIA.", "\n\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Model 1:\\ Model 2:\\\n Adjusted for age and sex\\ Fully adjusted\\\n (OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI)\n --------------------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------\n **Sex: Male** 0.45 (0.32; 0.62) 0.47 (0.34; 0.66)\n\n \n\n **\\< 12 years of schooling** 1.37 (1.0; 1.89) 1.24 (0.89; 1.73)\n\n \n\n **Breast feeding ≥ 6 months** 1.87 (1.36; 2.56) 1.63 (1.18; 2.26)\n\n \n\n **Birth weight ≤ 2500 g** 0.47 (0.31; 0.73) 0.50 (0.33; 0.78)\n\n \n\n **Maternal smoking during pregnancy** 0.52 (0.26; 1.06) 0.63 (0.31; 1.30)\n\n \n\n **Rhinitis** 0.57 (0.34; 0.94) 0.57 (0.34; 0.95)\n\n \n\n **Living in a rural area** 0.94 (0.56; 1.58) 0.93 (0.55; 1.60)\n\n \n\n **Living on a farm during**\\ 0.98 (0.51; 1.88) 0.88 (0.45; 1.70)\n **1^st^year of life** \n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nResults of the multiple logistic regression model comparing 238 cases of oligoarticular JIA to 832 controls\n\n\\*adjusted for age, sex, region, and mutually adjusted for all other variable listed in the table\n\nIn order to assess whether this inverse association between OA JIA and allergic rhinitis might be due to residual confounding or effect modification by age, analyses were repeated stratified for age in tertiles. ", "Although no longer statistically significant, the direction of the association between allergic rhinitis and OA JIA remained the same for all age groups (OR adjusted for sex; 95% CI \\<12 years: 0.70; 0.36 - 1.38; 12 - \\<15 years: 0.51; 0.20 - 1.28; 15 - 18 years: 0.29; 0.07 - 1.23). ", "Results remained stable when additionally adjusting for age.", "\n\nStratifying for type of OA JIA (persistent or extended) did not change the results (data not shown).", "\n\nRegular contact with animals in infancy\n---------------------------------------\n\nIn the bivariate analyses, only ever contact with dogs (39% among cases and 47% among controls; p ≤ 0.05) and contact with rabbits during the first year of life (cases: 4%, controls: 8%; p ≤ 0.1) were weakly inversely associated with case status. ", "For farm animal contact ever contact with pigs (cases: 5%; controls: 8%; p ≤ 0.1) and contact with pigs during the first year of life (cases: 2%; controls: 4%; p ≤ 0.05) were inversely related to case status.", "\n\nAfter adjustment for potential confounders no statistically significantly reduced OR was shown for regular contact with pets (cats, dogs or rabbits; figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}: model 1). ", "The same was true for farm animals (cattle, pigs, sheep or goats; figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}: model 2).", "\n\n![**", "Associations between contact with animals during the 1st year of life and oligoarticular JIA**. ", "Results of the multiple logistic regression model\\* comparing 238 cases of oligoarticular JIA with 832 controls.](1471-2474-11-73-1){#F1}\n\nAs a next step, contact with any pet (cats, dogs, or rabbits) or with any farm animal (cattle, pigs, sheep or goats) during the first year of life was combined (figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}: model 3). ", "As in the previous models no statistically significant association between animal contact during infancy and OA JIA was shown (OR; 95% CI: pets: 0.79; 0.55-1.14; farm animals: 0.79; 0.42-1.47).", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nOur study provides evidence that place of living as well as contact with animals during the first year of life, one of the most important factor protecting from respiratory allergies, might at least not strongly be associated with OA JIA in children. ", "Likewise, none of the other factors typically considered to be markers of hygiene were associated with OA JIA. ", "These findings are consistent with our results for diabetes mellitus 1 (DM1) \\[[@B22]\\] but contradict results for IBD \\[[@B23],[@B28]\\].", "\n\nOA JIA was inversely related to allergic rhinitis which is accordance with previous studies and appears to relate to differences in the genetic make-up \\[[@B11]-[@B13]\\]. ", "Our study further confirmed known risk factors for JIA like higher level of parental education and female sex \\[[@B5],[@B8],[@B29],[@B30]\\]. ", "We could not confirm the findings by Nielsen and colleagues \\[[@B8]\\] that children living in urban areas are at increased risk of JIA. ", "We could also not confirm maternal smoking during pregnancy as a risk factor for JIA \\[[@B5]\\]. ", "This might be due to the choice of the control group. ", "Low birth weight and in-utero exposure to maternal tobacco smoke are known risk factors for strabismus \\[[@B31],[@B32]\\]. ", "Choosing the right control group is the main concern in any case-control study \\[[@B33]\\]. ", "Access to our OA JIA cases was given through a specialized clinic which covers a large area. ", "Therefore, the use of population-based controls from all communities where cases were located was not feasible. ", "Instead we used hospital based controls who underwent treatment in referral centers with a similar coverage area. ", "We therefore considered controls to be equally likely to be treated in the same hospital had they been diagnosed with JIA. ", "Due to limited funding we had to use controls who participated in our previous study on animal contact and IBD \\[[@B23]\\]. ", "As the field work was done in parallel using the same questionnaire we do not consider this a problem. ", "However, as no data on JIA among control parents were available we could not adjust for parental JIA. ", "While genetics is a predictor of JIA \\[[@B1]\\] we do not consider it a confounder in the association under study.", "\n\nOne may only speculate why infant animal contact might reduce the risk for respiratory allergies and IBD as well as SLE but is associated neither with DM1 nor with OA JIA. ", "One reason might be attributed to similarities in the NOD2/CARD15 polymorphism found for respiratory allergies, IBD and SLE but neither for DM1 nor for OA JIA \\[[@B34]-[@B37]\\]. ", "Therefore, gene-environment interactions might be one factor that has to be considered interpreting the disparities found for IBD, SLE, DM1 and OA JIA in our studies.", "\n\nThe advantage of our study is the relatively large number of cases and controls that could be included. ", "The proportion of subjects living in rural areas as well as the number of participants with regular contact with farm animals during infancy was reasonable. ", "However, due to the limited number of patients with OA JIA the power was slightly lower than in our previous study on IBD \\[[@B23]\\] but higher than in a similar study on animal contact and DM1 \\[[@B27]\\].", "\n\nA detailed questionnaire instrument with mainly standardized questions was used \\[[@B26],[@B27]\\]. ", "In addition, response among cases and controls was high. ", "Nevertheless, one potential source of selection bias could be that about 17% of controls had moved since the time of strabismus surgery and could thus not be contacted. ", "We do not consider this factor to be associated with the exposure under study. ", "However, we do not have any information to assess the exposure under study in this group.", "\n\nThe selection of OA JIA patients from a specialized center might have biased the study population towards selection of more severe cases that required treatment in such a referral center.", "\n\nDue to a relative low number of children newly diagnosed with OA JIA, we could not restrict our study to incident cases \\[[@B29]\\]. ", "Likewise, children mostly undergo strabismus surgery at around age 6 years. ", "In result, recall bias might have taken place. ", "As the parents of cases and controls were most likely not aware of a potential association under study no major bias is anticipated to result from this selection of patients.", "\n\nWe did not match cases and controls because matching results in a loss of potential study subjects and thus reduces the efficiency of a study. ", "Furthermore, matching may even result in greater difficulty in controlling for additional confounders \\[[@B38]\\]. ", "Our controls were significantly older than cases and it might be that that the results of controls were less reliable as more time passed by since infancy. ", "However the difference between cases and controls was only two years. ", "Furthermore, we could show that age was not associated with infant exposure to animals. ", "Therefore, we do not consider that this age difference might have biased our findings. ", "The age difference has to be considered when interpreting the inverse association between allergic rhinitis and case status. ", "Nevertheless, the latter finding was consistent across age groups and robust to adjustment for age.", "\n\nConclusions\n===========\n\nIn conclusion, our results imply that animal contact during infancy, one of the main factors protecting against childhood allergies, does not lower the risk of OA JIA.", "\n\nCompeting interests\n===================\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n\nAuthors\\' information\n=====================\n\nKR has participated in all parts of the study. ", "DW and DP were involved in the organization of the study, and contributed to the design of the survey as well as the interpretation of the findings. ", "ST made contributions to draft the manuscript. ", "EvM, RH and HM were involved in the idea and the design of the study, contributed to the interpretation of the results. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nPre-publication history\n=======================\n\nThe pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:\n\n<http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2474/11/73/prepub>\n\nAcknowledgements\n================\n\nThe following members of the CAT Study Group have significantly contributed to the success of the study and are thus co-authors of the paper: Prof. G. Kolling (University Ophthalmic Center Heidelberg); Dr. O. Ehrt (University Ophthalmic Center Munich); Dr. G. C. Gusek-Schneider (University Ophthalmic Center Erlangen); Prof. B. Lorenz, Dr. Ch. ", "Friedburg (Department of Ophthalmology, University Clinic Giessen and Marburg, Germany); Dr. D. Besch (University Ophthalmic Center Tübingen); Prof. U. Steinhorst (Ophthalmic Center, Wilhelm-Fresenius Klinik Wiesbaden); We thank all participants for their participation and Mrs. Hauck for her vigilant assistance; The study was financially supported by the Kinderrheumastiftung (German Rheumatism Foundation for Children).", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "One-year clinical outcome of patients treated with or without abciximab in rescue coronary angioplasty.", "\nThe clinical results of abciximab administration during rescue angioplasty (PCI) are poorly investigated. ", "We evaluated the outcome of 406 consecutive patients undergoing rescue PCI treated with (n=218) or without (n=188) abciximab and a clopidogrel loading dose of 300 mg. ", "The end point was the incidence of major cardiac adverse events (MACE) defined as death, recurrent acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and target vessel revascularization at 30 days and 1 year. ", "The predictors of MACE were also investigated. ", "No differences were found in MACE between the groups treated with or without abciximab at 30 days (15 and 20, p=0.67) and 1 year (23 and 29, p=0.85). ", "Stepwise logistic regression analysis identified: cardiogenic shock (Odds Ratio [OR]=17.8, 95% confidence interval [CI] 5-99, p=0.0001), age (OR=1.099, 95% CI 1.04-1.15, p=0.0001), TIMI flow 0-1 after procedure (OR=5.51, 95% CI 1.72-17.6, p=0.004) as independent predictors of MACE at 30 days. ", "Cox proportional hazards model identified: cardiogenic shock (adjusted hazard ratio [HR]=3.83, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.76-8.35, p=0.01), age (HR=3.7, 95% CI 1.75-8.3, p=0.01), TIMI flow 0-1 after procedure (HR=1.04, 95% CI 1.01-1.07, p=0.001 as predictors of MACE at 1 year). ", "After propensity score adjustments the predictors of MACE did not change. ", "There were no differences in MACE at 30 days and 1 year in patients treated with or without abciximab during rescue PCI after a clopidogrel loading dose of 300 mg. ", "Cardiogenic shock, age and TIMI flow 0 and 1 after PCI were predictors of MACE." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.009345794392523364, 0.005988023952095809, 0.010416666666666666, 0.02127659574468085, 0.013333333333333334, 0.017006802721088437, 0.02120141342756184, 0.013513513513513514, 0.012195121951219513, 0.0379746835443038 ]
[ "In this episode we are joined by the brilliant Marti Bennett. ", "Marti kindly agreed to tell us all about playing Pokémon competitively and recount some of her own stories and experiences of the professional Pokémon scene." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.016129032258064516, 0.006369426751592357 ]
[ "Adiabatic compressibility of red blood cell membrane: influence of skeleton.", "\nMeasurements of ultrasound velocity and density were used for determination of the adiabatic compressibility of red blood cells (RBC) during detachment of the membrane skeleton. ", "Skeleton detachment was induced by addition of nystatin into a low ionic strength RBC suspension resulting in an increase (10%) of the ultrasound velocity concentration increment, [u], while the specific volume of cells, phi(v) did not change significantly. ", "Changes of the concentration increment had rather long kinetics and were not completed even after 60 min. ", "Both [u] and phiV values were used for calculation of the specific apparent adiabatic compressibility of RBC, phiK/beta0. ", "The value of the specific apparent compressibility decreases following addition of nystatin. ", "This corresponds to an increase in the volume elastic modulus of RBC membranes during detachment of the membrane skeleton. ", "Control experiments with large unilamellar liposomes at conditions similar to that performed with the RBC did not reveal significant changes of [u] after the addition of nystatin. ", "Our results show that the role of the membrane skeleton probably consists in maintaining higher compressibility of the RBC membranes. ", "This may partly provide conditions for conformational changes of RBC membrane proteins." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.00558659217877095, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0.008130081300813009, 0.005555555555555556, 0.007462686567164179, 0.011494252873563218 ]
[ "Pebble (disambiguation)\n\nPebble is a small clast of rock.", "\n\nPebble can also refer to:\n\nCompanies\n\nCharacters\nPearl Pebble and her daughter Wilma Pebble, fictional characters\n\nPlaces\nFalkland Islands\nPebble Island\nPebble Island Settlement\n\nUnited States\nPebble, Nebraska, ghost town\nPebble Beach, California\nPebble Township (disambiguation), two places in the United States\n Pebble Mine, a mineral exploration project in the Bristol Bay region of Southwest Alaska\n\nMedia\n Pebble in the Sky, 1950 novel by Isaac Asimov\n\nTechnology\n Pebble (watch), a smartwatch for iPhone and Android\n\nSee also\nPebbles (disambiguation)\nMotorola PEBL, a cell phone (mobile phone)" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0, 0.009983361064891847 ]
[ "好奇心原文链接:[不只是打车,连租车生意也被 Uber 们打垮了_智能_好奇心日报-马若飞 ](https://www.qdaily.com/articles/29107.html)\nWebArchive归档链接:[不只是打车,连租车生意也被 Uber 们打垮了_智能_好奇心日报-马若飞 ](http://web.archive.org/web/20160712083549/http://www.qdaily.com:80/articles/29107.html)\n![", "image](http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/large/007d5XDply1g3xd7k0lh7j30u04ojkjl)" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.008438818565400843, 0.014705882352941176 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to novel compounds having retinoid-like biological activity. ", "More specifically, the present invention relates to amides formed between aryl or heteraryl amines and aryl or heteroaryl carboxylic acids where one of the aromatic or heteroaromatic moieties bears an electron withdrawing substituent. ", "The compounds have retinoid-like biological activity.", "\n2. ", "Background Art\nCompounds which have retinoid-like activity are well known in the art, and are described in numerous United States and other patents and in scientific publications. ", "It is generally known and accepted in the art that retinoid-like activity is useful for treating animals of the mammalian species, including humans, for curing or alleviating the symptoms and conditions of numerous diseases and conditions. ", "In other words, it is generally accepted in the art that pharmaceutical compositions having a retinoid-like compound or compounds as the active ingredient are useful as regulators of cell proliferation and differentiation, and particularly as agents for treating skin-related diseases, including, actinic keratoses, arsenic keratoses, inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne, psoriasis, ichthyoses and other keratinization and hyperproliferative disorders of the skin, eczema, atopic dermatitis, Darriers disease, lichen planus, prevention and reversal of glucocorticoid damage (steroid atrophy), as a topical anti-microbial, as skin anti-pigmentation agents and to treat and reverse the effects of age and photo damage to the skin. ", "Retinoid compounds are also useful for the prevention and treatment of cancerous and precancerous conditions, including, premalignant and malignant hyperproliferative diseases such as cancers of the breast, skin, prostate, cervix, uterus, colon, bladder, esophagus, stomach, lung, larynx, oral cavity, blood and lymphatic system, metaplasias, dysplasias, neoplasias, leukoplakias and papillomas of the mucous membranes and in the treatment of Kaposi's sarcoma. ", "In addition, retinoid compounds can be used as agents to treat diseases of the eye, including, without limitation, proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR), retinal detachment, dry eye and other corneopathies, as well as in the treatment and prevention of various cardiovascular diseases, including, without limitation, diseases associated with lipid metabolism such as dyslipidemias, prevention of post-angioplasty restenosis and as an agent to increase the level of circulating tissue plasminogen activator (TPA). ", "Other uses for retinoid compounds include the prevention and treatment of conditions and diseases associated with human papilloma virus (HPV), including warts and genital warts, various inflammatory diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis, ileitis, colitis and Krohn's disease, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and stroke, improper pituitary function, including insufficient production of growth hormone, modulation of apoptosis, including both the induction of apoptosis and inhibition of T- Cell activated apoptosis, restoration of hair growth, including combination therapies with the present compounds and other agents such as Minoxidil.sup.", "R, diseases associated with the immune system, including use of the present compounds as immunosuppressants and immunostimulants, modulation of organ transplant rejection and facilitation of wound healing, including modulation of chelosis.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,723,028 (Shudo), Published European Patent Application Nos. ", "0 170 105 (Shudo), German Patent Application No. ", "DE 3524199 A1 (Shudo), PCT WO 91/16051 (Spada et al.), ", "PCT WO 85/04652 (Polus) and J. Med Chem. ", "1988 31, 2182-2192 (Kapechika et al.), ", "describe or relate to aryl and heteroary or diary substituted olephines or amides having retinoid-like or related biological activity.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "4,992,468, 5,013,744, 5,068,252, 5,175,185, 5,202,471, 5,264,456, 5,324,840, 5,326,898, 5,349,105, 5,391,753, 5,414,007 and 5,434,173 (assigned to the same assignee as the present application) and patents and publications cited therein, describe or relate to compounds which have retinoid-like biological activity and a structure wherein a phenyl and a heteroaryl or a phenyl and a second phenyl group is linked with an olephinic or acetylenic linkage. ", "Still further, several co-pending applications and recently issued patents which are assigned to the assignee of the present application, are directed to further compounds having retinoid-like activity.", "\nIt is now general knowledge in the art that two main types of retinoid receptors exist in mammals (and other organisms). ", "The two main types or families of receptors are respectively designated RARs and RXRs. ", "Within each type there are subtypes; in the RAR family the subtypes are designated RAR.sub..alpha., ", "RAR.sub..beta. ", "and RAR.sub..GAMMA., ", "in RXR the subtypes are: RXR.sub..alpha., ", "RXB.sub..beta. ", "and RXR.sub..GAMMA.. It has also been established in the art that the distribution of the two main retinoid receptor types, and of the several sub-types is not uniform in the various tissues and organs of mammalian organisms. ", "Accordingly, among compounds capable of binding to retinoid receptors, specificity or selectivity for one of the main types or families, and even specificity or selectivity for one or more subtypes within a family of receptors, is considered a desirable pharmacological property.", "\nThe present invention provides compounds having retinoid-like biological activity and specifically compounds which bind to one or more RAR retinoid receptor subtypes." ]
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[ "Are intra-articular injections of Hylan G-F 20 efficacious in painful osteoarthritis of the knee? ", "A systematic review & meta-analysis.", "\nTo systematically review evidence and perform a meta-analysis of the efficacy of intra-articular (IA) injections of Hylan G-F 20 for the treatment of painful osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. ", "Systematic review of the Embase and PubMed databases up to July 2013 of randomised placebo-controlled trials studying the effect of Hylan G-F 20 in patients with painful knee OA, with a meta-analysis of trials reporting visual analogue scores (VAS) for weight-bearing pain in the knees of patients followed up for a minimum of 6 months. ", "Six placebo-controlled randomised trials were identified on systematic review of which two studies met criteria for inclusion in the meta-analysis. ", "Meta-analysis demonstrated that at 6-month follow up, there was no significant difference between Hylan G-F 20 and control in terms of reduction in VAS for weight bearing pain. (", "Mean Difference - 12.96 (95% CI: -35.48, 9.56). ", "Z tests used to test for overall effect showed that the difference between the two groups was not significant (p = 0.26). ", "A significant placebo effect exists for patients receiving IA injections for the treatment of painful knee OA. ", "The withdrawal of fluid from the affected knee prior to any injectable therapy may itself have additional benefits which in isolation have not been studied. ", "This may form the basis of future research. ", "The authors' acknowledge that although limited conclusions can be drawn from the results of this study, the meta-analysis presented has not been performed previously and will further contribute to the knowledge on this subject. ", "Although Hylan G-F 20 may produce improvement in VAS scores for weight-bearing pain at 6-month follow up in OA knees treated with it, patients should be informed that this may be equivalent to that seen with control treatments." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nTextArea Box Removes Text When Clicked On? ", "How To Stop This?", "\n\nExample URL: http://moviepostersdb.com/the-host/poster-1 \nOn the above page on the right hand side under \"Poster Embed Code\" I have a text area that is support to have an image embed code.", "\nMy problem is that whenever someone clicks in the box to copy/paste, all the text currently entered is removed. ", "When they click away, it re-appears.", "\nFrom looking at the code below; does anyone see why this is happening?", "\n<form action=\"#\">\n<fieldset>\n<textarea cols=\"37\" rows=\"2\"><a href=\"www.link.com\" target=\"_blank\">\n<img src=\"http://www.moviepostersdb.com/<?php echo $poster['image_large']; ?", ">\" width=\"600\" height=\"890\" border=\"0\" alt=\"<?php echo $movie['movie_name']; ?", "> \n<?", "php echo $poster['poster_name']; ?", ">\" />\n </a></textarea>\n\n</fieldset>\n\n</form>\n\nA:\n\nYour \"main.js\" file has a function that clears all textareas upon focus,\nfunction initInputs() {\nPlaceholderInput.replaceByOptions({\n // filter options\n clearInputs: true,\n **clearTextareas: true**,\n clearPasswords: true,\n skipClass: 'default',\n\n // input options\n wrapWithElement: false,\n showUntilTyping: false,\n getParentByClass: false,\n placeholderAttr: 'value'\n});\n}\n\nThis is causing the issue. ", "You may want to remove that line.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "____________________________________________________________\n\n\n\n\n\nThe time has finally come for me to get back on episode-related drawings! ", "This one was inspired by a scene at the begining of part 2 of School Daze, from season 8 ( this one ). ", "I really liked the idea of Twilight just tucking herself into her bed and hiding herself under the pillows. ", "It's sad but cute at the same time!Also I don't know what's with me and drawing sad ponies lately. ", "I swear I'm not depressed or anything (it's true I've been a bit down lately but I still do my best to feel happy ^^\")!Anyway, I'm not quite satisfied with this drawing, I feel like I could've done it much better, but it was still fun to work on it! ", "x3" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Predictive performance of renal function equations in renal transplant recipients: an analysis of patient factors in bias.", "\nCreatinine-based equations are available to estimate GFR. ", "After renal transplantation body composition usually changes, thus specific validation is required for transplant recipients. ", "Nine equations were compared with iothalamate glomerular filtration rate (GFR) at 1 year after transplantation in 798 recipients. ", "Equations were analyzed for precision, bias and accuracy. ", "Sources of bias were analyzed by univariate and multivariate analysis, with body mass index (BMI), age and sex as independent variables and bias as dependent variable. ", "Four hundred and seventy-eight patients were studied to assess whether the equations can be used to monitor renal function over time. ", "Predictive performance was modest for all equations. ", "MDRD and Jelliffe 2 were the best predictors of GFR. ", "Bias was significantly related to BMI, age and gender in most equations. ", "Multivariate analysis confirmed their independent contribution to the bias of MDRD, Jelliffe 2 and most other equations. ", "Over time, bias was relatively stable at group level, but predictive performance in individuals was modest. ", "The predictive performance of renal function equations is modest in renal transplants, which hampers their use for accurate assessment of renal function in the individual. ", "The role of patient factors in the systematic error suggests that development of better equations should be feasible by better incorporation of these factors." ]
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[ "Lawmakers from across the county are in the Twin Cities Wednesday for a legislative summit.", "\n\nIt’s the 40th Annual Legislative Summit held by the National Conference of State Legislatures. ", "U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar was among the 2,000 lawmakers attending the summit. ", "She spoke about the need to stop human trafficking in America, along with Cindy McCain.", "\n\n“As a former prosecutor, I’ve seen firsthand the horror and violence women and children suffer as victims of sex trafficking,” Klobuchar said. “", "We need to take action and crack down on this heinous crime while ensuring trafficking victims have access to the support they need.”", "\n\nKlobuchar has introduced legislation that helps make sure minors sold for sex aren’t prosecuted as defendants but are instead treated as victims. ", "She says the average age of a sex trafficking victim is just 13.", "\n\n“This is a crime that’s on the rise,” she said. “", "Part of it is because of the internet. ", "People are advertising young girls all over the internet and part of it is because it’s become a big international ring.”", "\n\nSex trafficking is just one topic on the list of hardships up for discussion.", "\n\nThis time last year the Apostle Islands Ice Cave season was about to wrap up, but this year, it's just getting started, and the shorter season had crowds flocking to the attraction for its opening weekend. ", "Just days ago, park officials gave the okay for the ice caves to open up to the nearly 11,000 visitors who came over the weekend." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0.012658227848101266, 0.011494252873563218, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nPass a pointer of an array to a function to use in printf` in C\n\nI am having trouble with a segmentation fault and it seems to be coming from me trying to use printf() to dereference a single array value instead of using a pointer to the memory location that I want to print.", "\nIf I define an array in one function and want to pass that array to be referenced char by char in a loop containing printf(), how should I pass and reference the array?", "\nvoid arrayFunc(){\n\n char array [5];\n array[0] = 'a';\n array[1] = 'b';\n array[2] = 'c';\n array[3] = 'd';\n array[4] = 'e';\n\n printArray(array);\n}\n\nvoid printArray(char* array1){\n int i;\n for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){\n printf(\"%c\", array1 + i);\n }\n}\n\nDoesn't seem to get the job done. ", "\n\nA:\n\nYou need to dereference the pointer when you try to print out the char\nfor (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {\n printf(\"%c\", *(array1 + i));\n}\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "\"This seems like a different country,\" said Alisa Clifton of Cooper City, making her first visit to The Colonnade, a pedestrian-friendly, upscale shopping center on the south side of Sawgrass Mills mall. \"", "This is almost like Vienna. ... ", "It's new and it's beautiful.\"", "\n\nThe arrival of the shopping center, with high-rise residences ahead, is a sign that Sunrise is heading in a new direction.", "\n\nThe city has long been home to sprawling residential developments and modest condominium complexes, but two new 26-story luxury condominium towers and several other buildings of 10 stories or more are on the horizon. ", "Each project fits neatly into the city's plan, bringing attractions for new residents and new visitors.", "\n\n\"Nothing happened by accident,\" said Sunrise City Manager Pat Salerno. \"", "Everything was by design.\"", "\n\nJim Rosewater and Harry Weitzer, of Weitzer Properties, are building the 26-story Tao towers. ", "Rosewater said the prospect of residential and commercial development made the city attractive to his company.", "\n\n\"I asked [Salerno] if he was trying to make a new downtown for Sunrise,\" said Rosewater. \"", "He said, `No, I want to call it the new downtown for southern Florida.'\"", "\n\nThe opportunity in Sunrise offered not only a unique combination of space, accessibility and existing attractions, but also the chance to build the tall buildings necessary for a pedestrian-friendly setting.", "\n\n\"I think we're on the brink of some changes, fundamentally, in how housing gets developed in Broward,\" Rosewater said. \"", "We saw an opportunity here to do something that hasn't been done before.\"", "\n\nThe new projects near Sawgrass Mills mall include:\n\nThe Tao condominiums, which broke ground in January on two 26-story towers with almost 400 luxury units;\n\nMetropica, a mixed-use development with office buildings at least seven stories high and residential buildings a minimum of eight stories high;\n\nArtesia, a 28-building residential community that broke ground in February 2004 and will include six 13-story buildings;\n\nThe Colonnade, a retail center that opened in March with designer stores and gourmet restaurants.", "\n\nThe buildings going up in Sunrise are considerably taller than those allowed in past decades. ", "The taller buildings, with high-end retail developments expected to surround them, reflect the city's intention of becoming a destination for residents from inside and outside Sunrise.", "\n\nThe first intent of the developments, stressed Mayor Steve Feren, was to benefit Sunrise residents. ", "While Sawgrass Mills and the BankAtlantic Center draw people from Palm Beach and Miami-Dade counties, Feren thought the new developments would draw people not from adjacent counties, but adjacent cities.", "\n\n\"In the general area -- Tamarac and Plantation, Weston and Davie and Lauderhill -- the people in the neighboring cities wouldn't be inconvenienced to come here and take advantage of what we're providing for our residents,\" Feren said.", "\n\nThe tallest structure in West Broward now is the BankAtlantic Center at 15 stories. ", "As the area runs out of open space, taller buildings are a solution, Rosewater said.", "\n\nFort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle agreed, noting that similar economics were affecting growth in his downtown.", "\n\n\"It's all a function of the cost per square foot of land,\" said Naugle. \"", "When the cost hits a certain price, that's when you go vertical.\"", "\n\nNothing is going as vertical as the Tao project, which will include a pool along a lake with a beach and a children's playground. ", "Feren said space was available for those amenities only because of the city's willingness to accept the towers' height.", "\n\nSunrise has made few concessions. ", "The city will grant some tax abatements for the office buildings in the Metropica development, allowing the developer to recover as much as $15.8 million over 15 years, records show. ", "The residential projects will receive no incentives, Feren said.", "\n\nSunrise officials are sitting pretty. ", "With the mall and the BankAtlantic Center, the property is extremely valuable, so developers need to invest a lot of money and must offer a product -- residential or commercial -- that can bring them a profit. ", "Thus, the city is virtually guaranteed fresh, lucrative new buildings.", "\n\nLongtime Sunrise resident Shirley Sumner called the plans exciting. ", "Ed Archer, a resident of the Sawgrass Estates community just east of the Artesia and Tao sites, predicted the developments would enhance home values in his neighborhood.", "\n\n\"The mall is the second-biggest attraction in the state, they just opened the new Colonnade shops, and there are luxury condos coming,\" said Sunrise Realtor Michael Ugarte. \"", "This will cater to the new people coming in and when you have high-end values, it will bring everything up in the long term.\"", "\n\nSawgrass Estates residents Jeffrey and Paula Walley, however, had mixed feelings. ", "Property values might climb, but the new buildings could block sunsets and the new residents could clog the streets, they said." ]
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[ "About SunCOAST GENERAL CONTRACTING AND REMEDIATION\n\nTampa Bay Builder's Association\n\n༯p> ༯p> Suncoast General Contracting & Remediation, Inc. is a State Certified, Class \"A\", General Contracting company, holding the highest available license in the State of Florida. ", "Suncoast is a leader in Tampa Bay construction, servicing St Petersburg, Clearwater, Largo, Pinellas Park, Tierra Verde, Gulf Beaches, St. Pete Beach, Madeira Beach and Tampa for almost two decades, however, however, we cover the entire Tampa Bay area, including Pinellas, Hillsborough, Pasco, Manatee and Sarasota Counties and have had successful projects across the State of Florida. ", "Suncoast is a diverse company, capable of handling a wide variety of construction styles and is well versed in all types of construction, whether it is Commercial Construction or Residential Construction; New Construction or Remodeling; Complete Site Development; Tenant Build-Out; Restoration or Mold Remediation. ", "We can also provide Comprehensive Design Services, taking your project from inception to completion. ", "At Suncoast, we adjust each project to the needs of our Client, blending knowledge and experience with due diligence, design services, a timely completion and a quality finished product.", "\n\n\n\nNew Commercial Construction༯h4> a fast and efficient schedule, while maintaining high standards of quality.", "\n\n\n\nResidential Construction tends യ be more focused on the finished product, with a timely completion an important factor as well.", "\n\n\n\nNew Construction can often have the majority of it's obstacles at the design and permitting stages and after over 19 years of doing business in the local Construction Industry, we have the knowledge to understand the intricacies of each municipality and the experience to identify those obstacles.", "\n\n\n\nRemodeling , whether it is Commercial Remodeling or Residential Remodeling, requires an additional sense that comes with experience, the ability to foresee the unexpected, as well as the ability to mask structural features to make any remodel less obvious.", "\n\n\n\nRestoration should not be confused with remodeling and is unique in its own right, requiring the ability to have the evidence of construction unnoticed and to put a building back into it's original condition.", "\n\n\n\nDesign Services are often included in our projects, which enhances the relationship between design and construction and offers a smoother and more efficient project.", "\n\n\n\nDevelopment Services are available, where we will take a project from Due Diligence, to Rezoning if necessary, through Construction and all the way to Final Approvals and Certificate of Occupancy.", "\n\n\n\nLet Suncoast General Contracting & Remediation, Inc. be your: Commercial Construction Contractor\n\nResidential Construction Contractor\n\nNew Construction Contractor\n\nRemodeling Contractor\n\nTenant Build-Out and Commercial Remodeling Contractor\n\nMold Remediation Contractor\n\nMold Testing\n\nWater Extraction\n\nFire, Smoke and Odor Remediation\n\nComplete Restorations Use our Links page to access your local Building Departments, Governments and Utilities Companies. ", "SERVICES Design / Build Services\n\nCommercial, Residential, New Construction, Restoration, Design Services Mold Remediation\n\nMold Testing, Mold Remediation, Restoration, Fire, Smoke and Odor Remediation Kitchens & Baths\n\nRemodeling Contractor, 203k Rehab Loans, Kitchen Remodel, Bath Remodel Tenant/Build Out\n\nDesign and Construction" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCreating indexes on new collections in MongoDB + PHP\n\nWe use MongoDB to collect logs on pageviews. ", "\n$collection_name = \"logs.", "\".date('Y').\".", "\".date('m').\".", "\".date('d');\n$collection = $this->Mongo->$collection_name;\n$collection->insert($pageview);\n\nThe code above creates a new collection for every day. ", "\nI would like to be able to create an index on the above collection when it is created. ", "Is there anyway to do this?", "\n\nIn a traditional RDBMS, this is accomplished through the schema. ", "Is there anything similar in MongoDB? ", "Is it possible to configure the database to create indexes on new collections?", "\nIf not, what is the best way to accomplish this in PHP? ", "I don't want to call ensureIndex everytime I call insert \n\nA:\n\nTo avoid calling ensureIndex on every insert I think your best bet (besides using only 1 collection which you have performance issues with) would be to run a cron-job every day at, say, 11pm which creates the collection/index for the collection corresponding to the upcoming day.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can pre-create them, since it's not exactly a secret what collections you'll need :)\nYou could run something like:\nfor ($month = 0; $month < 12; $month++) {\n for ($day = 0; $day < 31, $day++) {\n $c = $db->getCollection(\"logs.2010.$month.$day\");\n $c->ensureIndex(array(\"foo\" => 1));\n }\n}\n\nensureIndex will create the collection if it doesn't already exist.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "\"Mere ideals are the cheapest things in life. ", "The more ideals a man has the more contemptible he is if the matter ends there, if there is no courage shown, no privations undergone, no scars contracted in the effort to get them realized.\" ", "William James\n\nFriday, June 30, 2006\n\nI found a great video at Hot Air that I think everyone should watch. ", "It parallels what I have been talking about in my last couple of posts. ", "It is a good reminder why we need to be cautious with what we print for the whole world to see. ", "I hope the editors of the NYT take a long hard look at what has happened in their own city over the past 16 years. ", "I am a firm believer that if we forget history we are doomed to repeat it.", "\n\nTuesday, June 27, 2006\n\nConcerning the letter I wrote to Mr. Keller of the New York Times I have received quite a few emails and have been the subject of several online forums. ", "Mostly people agree with what I had to say but there are others who criticize me for numerous things including fanning the flames of hatred towards the media, being over the top, not thinking clearly, and my personal favorite not being a real person who is in the military. ", "All of the discussion has gotten me thinking about what I had to say in my letter.", "\n\nIs my anger justified and am I over the top with some of my comments in my letter? ", "Well that is up for you to judge but I think it is time for some anger on my part. ", "Gone are the niceties with which I could treat people and actually would prefer to treat people. ", "Why must I continue to act civilly while things are happening that I wholeheartedly disagree with? ", "I think it is high time to get angry with people like the editorial staff at the New York Times. ", "I’ll leave being “nice” to people who are scared to speak out or who have jobs to worry about. ", "I for one am not scared to offend or anger others with my words. ", "I am not running for political office at the time being so I don’t have to worry about votes.", "\n\nAm I heaping hate and anger onto the subject of the NY Times, WSJ, and the LA Times decision to print secret information? ", "I personally don’t think so. ", "Anyone reading my blog can decide for themselves whether or not they want to be angry, they don’t need me to encourage them to do so.", "\n\nIn an interview with the Los Angeles Times Washington bureau chief Doyle McManus, Hugh Hewitt tells Mr. McManus that I and fellow soldiers are angry over his paper’s choice to publish stories involving secret information and that we believe they directly affect our lives. ", "Mr. McManus chose to respond with a typical response for someone who knows nothing about the military.", "\n\n“Well, I respect Sgt. ", "Boggs, and I respect what he's doing for our country. ", "I think accusing newspapers of causing the deaths of soldiers over the last several years because of a story that was printed last week probably adds more heat than light to this discussion.”", "\n\nWhat actually adds heat to the situation Mr. McManus is your paper’s choice to publish sensitive information. ", "I am merely expressing what I and, from the comments I have received in the past two days, many Americans feel. ", "And if you want light to come to the situation why don’t you and the rest of the editors who chose to publish the story come out and start answering the tough questions without placing the blame on people like myself.", "\n\nThe bottom line is that I am a 24-year-old sergeant in the army. ", "I get angry at times especially when I am in the sun dressed like a samurai (thanks for the samurai quote Buck Sargent) in 115 degree heat for nine hours a day. ", "The thing about me though is I blame no one for my being in Iraq. ", "I joined the military on my own and did so after 9/11. ", "I figured I would be deployed and am grateful for the opportunity to serve other people in Iraq. ", "I do place blame upon people like the editors of the NYT, LAT, and the WSJ for making things harder on me while I am here. ", "Just like the faulty reporting so far on the incident in Haditha involving the marines the words of reporters directly affect what happens on the ground here in Iraq. ", "Emboldened by the major media sources in America, terrorists all over Iraq who might not have heard about incidents such as the one in Haditha, seek revenge for incidents that probably never happened. ", "For people like the LA Times editor Dean Baquet, who wrote a defense of his paper’s decision to publish the article about the secret program on monday, to think that their publishing information about the Treasury Department’s program to track terrorist finances will have no effect on people’s lives is plain stupid.", "\n\n“We sometimes withhold information when we believe that reporting it would threaten a life. ", "In this case, we believed, based on our talks with many people in the government and on our own reporting, that the information on the Treasury Department’s program did not pose a threat.” –", "Dean Baquet\n\nWhether or not the information revealed this past week will affect lives remains to be seen but like I noted in my letter money is a huge part of the equation for terrorists. ", "Without money they would be unable to buy the supplies needed to attack us. ", "If, as a result of their reading the story in one of their favorite (NYT, LAT, and WSJ) American papers, it is now easier for terrorists to escape the eye of our security agencies then lives will be in danger in the future and you can count on that.", "\n\nWell here I am Mr. McManus, Mr. Keller, Mr. Baquet and anyone else involved in publishing the story. ", "I do not hide my contact info, you can reach me at timfboggs@yahoo.com or if you are like some people who don’t think I am really in the army you can reach me at timothy.boggs@us.army.mil. ", "If you want to know how I feel, if you want to talk to a person who your story directly effects, if you want to accurately gauge how your story has been received email me or send a reporter to interview me. ", "I am not in the green zone but I am sure you can figure something out.", "\n\nSunday, June 25, 2006\n\nI recently wrote a letter to the NY Times in response to their decision to print information concerning a U.S. secret program designed to track financial transactions of suspected terrorists. ", "I'll post the letter in full below. ", "I urge everyone to write to the NY Times and their congressmen and let them know how you feel about the NY Times yet again sharing secret information with America's enemies.", "\n\nWhat ceases to amaze me about your paper is the lengths you are willing to go to make headlines and sell papers. ", "Who cares if those headlines help the enemies of America, you guys are making money and that is what it is all about in the end right?", "\n\nYour recent decision to publish information about a classified program intended to track the banking transactions of possible terrorists is not only detrimental to America but also to its fighting men and women overseas. ", "I know because I am a sergeant in the army on my second tour to Iraq. ", "As I am sure you don’t know because you aren’t in Iraq, and I am sure never will be, terrorism happens here everyday because there are rich men out there willing to support the everyday terrorist who plants bombs and shoots soldiers just to make a living. ", "Without money terrorism in Iraq would die because there would no longer be supplies for IED’s, no mortars or RPG’s, and no motivation for people to abandon regular work in hopes of striking it rich after killing a soldier.", "\n\nThroughout your article you mention that “ the banking program is a closely held secret” but the cat is out of the bag now isn’t it. ", "Terrorists the world over can now change their practices because of your article. ", "For some reason I think that last sentence will bring you guys pleasure. ", "You have done something great in your own eyes-you think you have hurt the current administration while at the same time encouraging “freedom fighters” resisting the imperialism of the United States. ", "However, I foresee a backlash coming your way. ", "I wish I had a subscription to your paper so I could cancel it as soon as possible. ", "But alas, that would prove a little tough right now since I am in Iraq dealing with terrorists financed by the very men you are helping.", "\n\nThank you for continually contributing to the deaths of my fellow soldiers. ", "You guys definitely provide a valuable service with your paper. ", "Why without you how would terrorists stay one step ahead of us? ", "I would love to hear a response as to why you deemed revealing this program a necessity, but that will probably come as soon as the government decides to finally put you guys behind bars where you belong.", "\n\nTim Boggswww.boredsoldier.blogspot.com\n\nKeep pressuring the NY Times and your congressmen, it the only way anything might be done about this situation. ", "Tell your congressmen that what the Times is sharing with the world is hurting American soldiers. ", "Feel free to copy my letter in full and send it to your congressmen as well.", "\n\nThursday, June 22, 2006\n\nI have a new story on Michael Yon's Frontline Forum so be sure to check it out. ", "The story is about the town I am stationed in and I hope to have more posts soon on my site talking further about it. ", "I also have an interview in the works with the commanding Iraqi general of the area and it promises to be good. ", "Stay tuned in the weeks ahead for more to come about the great town of Qayyarah.", "\n\nMonday, June 19, 2006\n\nSome people chastise me for being too hard on the media when it comes to their reporting on military matters. ", "They say that I am unwarranted in my criticisms and that I should be more careful because I influence hatred of the media in others.", "\n\nWhy exactly do I detest the coverage the media provides about Iraq and Afghanistan? ", "Why do I often blame them for encouraging terrorists to continue fighting? ", "Why is it that I believe most media types are unfit to report on the military? ", "Why do I cringe when I watch the news and read papers? ", "There is one simple answer for all of these questions: Those reporting on the military have no clue what they are talking about because they have never been in the military.", "\n\nNow I can see many objections to my viewpoint. ", "I can already hear people saying things like “Well journalists cover things everyday that they have no direct experience with.” ", "And if you feel this way then you are somewhat right. ", "Female reporters cover football every Sunday and I am willing to bet that they never played on an NFL team. ", "Bob Costas covers the Olympics every few years and I am pretty sure he never actually competed in them. ", "The difference between covering sports etc. ", "and covering the military is that when covering the military people’s lives are on the line and the world’s opinion is a result of the news coming out of the war zone. ", "If people who have no clue what it is like to serve in the military, to risk their life day in and day out, to shoulder a large burden at a young age all the while being judged by the world for every mistake or misstep then they cannot accurately report the news. ", "Sure they can talk about the latest body count or bomb but can they explain why soldiers want to go home while still feeling a strong pull to stay in the war zone to ensure things continue to improve?", "\n\nDinesh D’Souza, a prominent conservative author and thinker who happens to be a man I admire greatly, said in an interview conducted early last year concerning Kerry and Bush that “If I was in a foxhole I’d take Kerry. ", "But we’re not electing the president to jump in your foxhole. ", "Who’s the better man is not always the best way to go.” ", "D’Souza was talking about his choice to vote for Bush over Kerry because he felt Bush was a better leader although Kerry appeared to be the better man. ", "What D’Souza could never know because he never served in the military is what exactly it takes to be a good military man. ", "Although it isn’t part of my main argument I’ll share what I think it takes to be a good military man. ", "What it takes to be a military man (and a good man in general) is someone who is selfless and willing to put other’s needs before their own while at the same time setting the example for them to follow (not coping-out after 4 months in country). ", "Kerry embodied neither of these traits and therefore I would never care to share a foxhole with him, I am not sure if I could even share the same state with him. ", "Also after serving in a confined area with people for an extended period of time you learn to recognize if other people have what it takes to endure when the times get tough and situations get rough. ", "You’ll never know until you are there and until then all is speculation.", "\n\nThe MSM’s ignorance of the military leads them to make judgments that they aren’t qualified to make. ", "When the media, in all their ignorance, makes judgments about how things are going in Iraq they are influencing the world. ", "They have the world’s attention because they are in Iraq and if they are in Iraq they surely must know what they are talking about. ", "Case in point: During my first deployment in 2003 I spent some time at the Abu Gharib prison right as it was opening for business. ", "After I left a small element from my unit stayed there for another eight months. ", "We left Iraq the week before the “abuse” story was released to the general public. ", "I remember sitting in the den in my house watching as Dan Rather reported to the world about the “atrocities” that occurred in the prison. ", "Forget the torture chambers that I walked through where blood was still splattered on the walls from Saddam’s happier days; there were naked Iraqis with dogs barking at them! ", "Toward the end of the show Danny boy showed a couple pictures of dead prisoners and said something to the effect of “And here are some pictures of dead prisoners, we can only guess at how they died!” ", "Oh really Dan, thanks for the expert reporting. ", "My guess is that those prisoners either died from natural causes or died after getting shot by a soldier for rioting and trying to kill American soldiers as happened from time to time. ", "Or maybe they were killed by their own people who often lobbed mortars into the prison in hopes that they would hit Americans.", "\n\nI remember hearing another story about Abu Ghraib at the same time that the “abuse” story was making headlines. ", "This lesser known story was about the terrorists who were supposedly targeting their own people inside their prison so that they wouldn’t have to live through the horrors of getting naked and having a female take pictures with them. ", "Bulls$*t. ", "The reason the mortars were killing the prisoners was because the terrorists couldn’t aim properly and just fired in the general direction of the prison and hoped for the best result. ", "The media of course needed another sensational story to back up the already sensational one circulating on the nightly news. ", "What better way to do that then to make something up all on their own. ", "Who cared if it was accurate it sure sounded good.", "\n\nMy point is that media types who have no prior military service should be listened to with a cautionary ear. ", "Yeah they might be able to explain to you generalities but they will never be able to get into the mind of soldiers. ", "They will never be able to understand how their words hurt those they are trying to report about. ", "They will never be able to know these things because they have never served. ", "Heck, half the time they can’t even label pictures with military ordinance and machinery correctly. ", "There are some good reporters and bloggers out there who have never served in the military but they are few and far between.", "\n\nThe part of winter quarter at school I was able to get in before I was deployed in 2003 I had a history teacher tell my class one day that if we ever wanted to get into politics then it would behoove us to join the military. ", "He knew then, as all Americans know now, that military service can be used as a stepping-stone for other careers. ", "I would urge all prospective media wannabes to join the military, whatever branch they want to, so as to gain an understanding for the military. ", "If they do so then they will be much more able to accurately represent those who mean so much to our country.", "\n\nUntil the time comes when those reporting on the military have served themselves I will not cut the media any breaks. ", "I don’t care who I offend because the media has offended me time and time again. ", "I had a dream the other night that the media wanted us to win the war against terrorism and as a result started reporting the truth, but then I woke up and hit my head on the ceiling of my trailer and was reminded that like the media life sometimes sucks.", "\n\nThursday, June 08, 2006\n\nOver the last few months I have slowly been changing my outlook on Iraqis. ", "Sure there are plenty of great Iraqis who are just like you and I. They have the same wants, needs and cares as Americans do. ", "Then there are Iraqis who have no idea what the world is really like and I cannot rest the blame solely on them. ", "They have only had three years of relative freedom with which to get in touch with the 21st century. ", "They were oppressed most of their lives and had little access to schools, libraries, outside television and Internet. ", "What they did have access to was for the most part controlled propaganda and the knowledge they have as a result of that propaganda is the cause of considerable disagreements between them and I on issues that seem relatively clear to me i.e. what actually happened during the Iran-Iraq war. “", "Umm I think you guys have it wrong, Saddam didn’t kick the Iranians butts like he told you he did.”", "\n\nOn a daily basis I defend myself from an onslaught of Iraqis who want to trade me a bayonet for my digital camera. ", "When I tell them that the camera is worth slightly more than their rusty bayonet they reconsider and tell me they will throw in an Iraqi flag with the bayonet. ", "I then have to explain to them that even though it isn’t their fault their money isn’t worth the same as ours I am not going to trade something like that with them. “", "I am sorry guys but if I gave all of my stuff away for a 99.9% discount then I would go broke in a week.” “", "Ok Sgt. ", "Tim me understand. ", "No problem. ", "I give you Iraqi flag for new boots.” ", "Sometimes I can’t win for losing.", "\n\nWhat has brought these thoughts to light recently has as much to do with Americans as it does Iraqis. ", "Specifically the recent media blitzkrieg concerning the “Haditha incident” has prompted me to reevaluate my patriotic optimism. ", "I am still optimistic about Iraq’s future but I am starting to see the many hurdles that will need to be overcome before we see our hopes for Iraq come to fruition. ", "What Haditha has made me realize is that politicians and media back home place many of these hurdles in the military’s way. ", "If the incident in Haditha was only treated like the many atrocities committed by terrorists against the Coalition forces then the world would know nothing about it. ", "However, since we are held to a different standard it is on every newspaper’s front page. ", "Remember the 54 straight days of front-page coverage on the New York Times of Abu Ghraib? ", "Brace yourself for round two: Massacre in Haditha (NYT why don’t you save yourselves some trouble and set that as your heading for the front page for the next month.)", "\n\nAs a result of the incident in Haditha and the subsequent media blitz I, as every other soldier in theater, have had to go through sensitivity training to in order to avoid making the same mistakes again. ", "Yes I know I am not supposed to murder innocent Iraqis and I know it is shameful to handcuff a man in front of his family. ", "Great I got it, completely understood. ", "That’s a good copy army training leaders out there, wilco, Sgt. ", "Boggs out. ", "Thanks for sitting behind your desks and dreaming this stuff up for us, we will forever owe you a debt of gratitude.", "\n\nAs I sat through three hours of Operation Kill Brain Cells the other morning I couldn’t help but think about the parties that Iraqis have thrown in the past celebrating the execution of American civilians and soldiers alike. ", "Sure we might kill a few innocent people in a fit of rage after knowing that those very same civilians just got done watching terrorists plant the bombs that they knew were going to kill us but we don’t celebrate afterwards. ", "We don’t take to the streets and hang the dead bodies from bridges while shouting praise to Allah. ", "We don’t rush to the presses and burn copies of executions on DVD so that everyone big and small can watch in the privacy and relative safety of their own homes as we die on their screens. ", "The fact is once we (all U.S. service branches) do these things, i.e. killing of civilians or playing dress up with prisoners, then it has dire consequences for our country as a whole. ", "Media blowhards like Chris Matthews, Michael Ware, and Larry King spend countless hours debating the finer points of an event that they know nothing about. ", "They blast the military and the current administration for anything and everything they can and I am sure they get a sick sense of pleasure from occurrences like the one unraveling with the marines in Haditha. ", "Then every Tom, Dick, and Harry blogs about what “really” happened and what should happen as a result. ", "As a result soldiers undergo hours of “sensitivity” training in order to learn how to not offend anyone who might be trying to kill us. ", "Worse than the classes we have to sit through are the convoys we have to sit through on a daily basis, nothing goes boom in a classroom. ", "We suffer casualties as a result of faulty reporting because it emboldens the enemy to go on the attack because they see that even our own country isn’t behind us. ", "Thanks a lot Murtha, the blood of my friends is now on your head.", "\n\nIf I sound angry it is because I am. ", "I am sick of the double standards applied to the military. “", "You must treat everyone with the utmost respect even though by doing so you are going to cause more problems for yourself.” ", "Why do we seek to change Iraq from the ground up but while doing so treat it’s people differently then we do our own soldiers? ", "Why does the world at large overlook the atrocities caused by Iraqis against American soldiers and civilians while at the same time jumping on the Bush administration at the slightest hint of foul play in Iraq? ", "I have my own answers to these questions and the word “agenda” is included in each one of them.", "\n\nAs I sat in that class the other morning one of the teachers started asking questions about the army values and which ones were particularly important to us. ", "The army has a set of values that they teach to each new recruit and that all soldiers are supposed to live by. ", "They are represented by the acronym LDRSHIP (Leadership just incase), loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. ", "The instructor asked several soldiers what values were particularly important to them and while they were answering I could only think of one that stood out above the rest for me: Loyalty. ", "If only our politicians were loyal to their military then incidents like Abu Ghraib and Haditha wouldn’t be international catastrophies. ", "If our politicians respected their military and had the personal courage to defend them even when the times got tough then things might get better. ", "If politicians like Murtha only knew what selfless service was then they would put their own careers on hold while they did what they could to get to the bottom of incidents like Haditha before announcing to the world that they know the outcome before the trial has even taken place.", "\n\nLuckily my mom never told me what most moms tell their children: If you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all. ", "Thanks for leaving that option open for me mom.", "\n\nThursday, June 01, 2006\n\nOver at The Real Ugly American part two of my conversation with Iraqi blogger 24 Steps to Liberty is up. ", "In the post he answers questions I posed to him. ", "We plan to continue the conversation so be sure to stay tuned for more. ", "Drop by TRUA and comment on the post. ", "He is doing a great job with his blog and it is one you should add to your blogroll today. ", "Be sure to tell all your friends too.", "\n\nAbout Me\n\nThis blog contains the archived posts from my second deployment to Iraq with the army. ", "Since returning home in late 2006 I started a new website that can be found at www.voxveterana.com. ", "Stop by and visit the new site and read the posts here in your spare time." ]
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[ "Recent Articles\n\nKickstarter and its clones have inverted that ancient cliché about the amount of time a fool can expect to hold onto his money. ", "The modern sucker only knows whether or not they’ve truly been swindled after months of project updates, unexplained delays and then, maybe, grudging delivery of various rewards. ", "In some cases a troubled campaign’s leaders unwittingly con themselves, receiving financial backing that wildly surpasses any initial goal before discovering that the shipping bills will too. ", "You can count me among these people; the only Kickstarter I’ve ever contributed to, an attempt at relaunching the annual Best Music Writing anthology as an indie press title, now lies dormant, six months after books were supposed to arrive.", "\n\nI’ve met and trust the series’ editor Daphne Carr, so I don’t suspect any shady reasons for this inertia. ", "I can’t say the same of Sullivan’s Sluggers, a Kickstarter posted in late 2012 by the writer Mark Andrew Smith. ", "He asked for $6,000 to complete and publish the graphic novel but received almost $100,000—a windfall probably owed less to his Hollywood-baiting, arithmetical concept (baseball players + monsters) than the decision to hire as artist James Stokoe, a gifted young cartoonist with a seemingly inexhaustible bestiary. ", "Last week, David Brothers exposed the dubious behaviour on Smith’s part ever since: selling an “exclusive” book through Amazon and comics shops with evidence that he always connived to do so, sending copies of Sullivan’s Sluggers to retail while original backers still wait for theirs, and launching a second Kickstarter (since suspended) to cover shipping costs from the first one. ", "When Stokoe diplomatically rescinded any association with the entire project, Smith blamed his erstwhile collaborator’s drawing pace for the end of his marriage.", "\n\nI wouldn’t suggest that the Sullivan’s Sluggers mess is typical of Kickstarter—there are happy counterexamples, such as To Be Or Not To Be, a choose-your-own-adventure Hamlet that creator Ryan North tricked out with numerous and clearly explained rewards after overshooting his original target by 3000%. ", "The typical Kickstarter is a failure. ", "According to company stats, the all-time success rate hovers between 43 and 44 percent; most doomed campaigns stall out less than one-fifth of the way there, suggesting either unpopularity or unseriousness. ", "Crowdfunding can’t be the “new model” for publishing, or music, or whatever, because it’s not especially novel and no standardized template. ", "It’s a tool that helps people realize artistic projects by distributing the budgetary risk amongst their audience – and who doesn’t want it to be easier to make art?—but susceptible to fraud, abuse and miscalculation like all the other ones. (", "To be fair, crowdfunding has caused less misery over the past half-decade than most other financial instruments.)", "\n\nIf Kickstarter did radically break from current modes of production, its moguls might not look so familiar. ", "The site’s biggest smashes, whether Double Fine’s video game or the Veronica Mars movie raising millions as I write, tend to bring numerous existing fans with them. ", "Even when they don’t, a certain Reddit-friendly aesthetic is pervasive. ", "Looking at the top 20 publishing campaigns right now, there are six books of speculative fiction, a graphic novel about Nikola Tesla, a tribute to the early illustrators for Magic: The Gathering (wasn’t taking my allowance during several years of awful tweendom enough?), ", "and something called ME, FAKEGRIMLOCK: THEBOOKOFAWESOME. ", "With notable exceptions—I’d like to read this collection of SF about marginalized peoples—the unofficial house style embodies nerd culture in such a limited, insular form, albeit the culturally dominant one.", "\n\nFew people have reveled in that more than Amanda Palmer, the singer who raised $1.2 million through Kickstarter to release her last album (a little bit punk, a little bit cabaret, the remainder obnoxious) and then received less positive attention for continuing to seek volunteer horn or string players at shows. ", "The exploitation of unpaid labour was typical as a practice but unusual in its audacity, so Palmer recently got to give a TED talk about how musicians should merely “ask” people to give them money/lodgings/wine, like a Buddha tweeting underneath bodhi leaves. ", "Gawker’s Cord Jefferson acidly notes: “She also explained that she found it virtuous when a family of undocumented immigrants huddled together on their couch for a night so that she and her band could have their beds, because her music and presence was a fair exchange for the family’s comfort.”", "\n\nPalmer got over any qualms about making them share a sofa because the ethos she’s adopted only glances at the material conditions of reality. ", "All our earthly wounds and chains shall be innovatively disrupted away in the virtual waters of the New Model! ", "But inequities, systemic or otherwise, don’t just vanish after tech bloggers prophesize it, and Palmer barely acknowledges the early promotional assistance of her old major label, or her partner’s helpful two million Twitter followers. “", "The world is changing,” she says…because a show that didn’t have enough fans for network TV does have enough for online crowdfunding? ", "Anybody “can” ask for creative aid, but on the sidewalks of the world, a few artists command parades while many others might as well be poignantly mute Victorian orphans. ", "You can’t build a utopian gift economy inside an uncharitable capitalist one, no more than that little hat made the Grinch Santa.", "\n\nChris Randle is a writer from Toronto who has written for The Globe and Mail, The National Post, The Comics Journal, Social Text, the Village Voice and the Awl. ", "Along with Carl Wilson and Margaux Williamson, he is one-third of the group blog Back to the World.", "\n\nMost Popular\n\nHazlitt Unspam\n\nEdited by Anna Fitzpatrick\n\nSign up for our newsletter\n\nEmail*\n\nHazlitt\n\nPrivacy Policy Opt-In *\n\nAt Penguin Random House, we believe there is nothing more important than your trust. ", "That's why we will never sell or rent your personal information to any third parties under any circumstances. ", "Please refer to our Privacy Statement for more information. ", "If at any time you wish to unsubscribe, you may do so simply by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any newsletter we send you." ]
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[ "Den 23 september 1974 inledde brittiska BBC sina text-tv-sändningar. ", "Den ursprungliga idén var att underlätta textning för hörselskadade, men man insåg snabbt potentialen i att kunna sända ut hela textsidor till tv-apparaterna. ", "Succén var dock inte omedelbar, vare sig i Storbritannien eller i Sverige fem år senare. ", "Men det dröjde inte länge innan det hela vände, och stora nyhetshändelser som mordet på Olof Palme och det första Gulfkriget ledde till att text-tv fick sitt publika genombrott.", "\n\n– Det är kortfattade nyheter och man behöver inte klicka sig genom några annonser, säger Pär Thernström, som utvecklat en av flera text-tv-appar.", "\n\n”Vill ha det klassiska”\n\nDet kanske enklaste sättet att summera text-tv på är fjorton rader text med sammanlagt 518 tecken. ", "Så mycket innehåll ryms på en sida i text-tv. ", "Och trots alla nya moderna alternativ på nätet har text-tv behållit sitt ursprungliga utseende och med det även lyckats behålla sina läsare.", "\n\n– Det är snabbt och effektivt, säger Pär Thernström som inte tror att det pixliga formatet har någon negativ påverkan.", "\n\n– Många spel som Minecraft och Flappy Birds är pixliga. ", "Jag tror att det är en retro-trend. ", "Folk vill ha det klassiska." ]
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[ "Matt Cavotta\n\nMatt Cavotta is an American artist and writer. ", "His artwork is focused on the fantasy genre, with notable contributions to popular games such as Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons.", "\n\nCareer\nCavotta wrote a weekly column for MagicTheGathering.com called \"Taste the Magic\" from February 2005 to September 2007. ", "The column focused on development of the world, art, characters, and other intellectual property for Magic, the first to do so comprehensively. ", "He has also written and illustrated three unpublished children's books, and provided interior illustrations in Oriental Adventures, Manual of the Planes, and Deities and Demigods.", "\n\nCavotta is the second of three children born to his parents Mike (\"Finn\") and Maureen Cavotta, after his older brother Michael but before his younger sister Haley. ", "Cavotta was raised in Moreland Hills, Ohio. ", "He was educated at the Orange Schools in neighboring Pepper Pike, Ohio. ", "He graduated from Orange High School in 1989. ", "In his late high school days he played in several rock bands, mostly within the hard-rock and heavy metal genre.", "\n\nCavotta is a graduate of the Columbus College of Art & Design, with a focus on painting and illustration.", "\n\nAfter an early art career that included freelance illustration and successful projects in toy development, Cavotta gained notoriety for his Magic card illustrations. ", "A lifelong hobby game player, he worked at Wizards of the Coast as Magic creative lead from 2004 to 2006.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Magic: the Gathering cards illustrated by Matt Cavotta\n \n \n\nCategory:American speculative fiction artists\nCategory:Columbus College of Art and Design alumni\nCategory:Fantasy artists\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Role-playing game artists\nCategory:Year of birth missing (living people)" ]
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[ "#include <vector>\n\n#include \"caffe/layers/tile_layer.hpp\"\n#include \"caffe/util/math_functions.hpp\"\n\nnamespace caffe {\n\ntemplate <typename Dtype>\n__global__ void Tile(const int nthreads, const Dtype* bottom_data,\n const int tile_size, const int num_tiles, const int bottom_tile_axis,\n Dtype* top_data) {\n CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {\n const int d = index % tile_size;\n const int b = (index / tile_size / num_tiles) % bottom_tile_axis;\n const int n = index / tile_size / num_tiles / bottom_tile_axis;\n const int bottom_index = (n * bottom_tile_axis + b) * tile_size + d;\n top_data[index] = bottom_data[bottom_index];\n }\n}\n\ntemplate <typename Dtype>\nvoid TileLayer<Dtype>::Forward_gpu(\n const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {\n const Dtype* bottom_data = bottom[0]->gpu_data();\n Dtype* top_data = top[0]->mutable_gpu_data();\n const int bottom_tile_axis = bottom[0]->shape(axis_);\n const int nthreads = top[0]->count();\n Tile<Dtype> // NOLINT_NEXT_LINE(whitespace/operators)\n <<<CAFFE_GET_BLOCKS(nthreads), CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS>>>(\n nthreads, bottom_data, inner_dim_, tiles_, bottom_tile_axis, top_data);\n}\n\ntemplate <typename Dtype>\n__global__ void TileBackward(const int nthreads, const Dtype* top_diff,\n const int tile_size, const int num_tiles, const int bottom_tile_axis,\n Dtype* bottom_diff) {\n CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {\n const int d = index % tile_size;\n const int b = (index / tile_size) % bottom_tile_axis;\n const int n = index / tile_size / bottom_tile_axis;\n bottom_diff[index] = 0;\n int top_index = (n * num_tiles * bottom_tile_axis + b) * tile_size + d;\n for (int t = 0; t < num_tiles; ++t) {\n bottom_diff[index] += top_diff[top_index];\n top_index += bottom_tile_axis * tile_size;\n }\n }\n}\n\ntemplate <typename Dtype>\nvoid TileLayer<Dtype>::Backward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,\n const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom) {\n if (!", "propagate_down[0]) { return; }\n const Dtype* top_diff = top[0]->gpu_diff();\n Dtype* bottom_diff = bottom[0]->mutable_gpu_diff();\n const int bottom_tile_axis = bottom[0]->shape(axis_);\n const int tile_size = inner_dim_ / bottom_tile_axis;\n const int nthreads = bottom[0]->count();\n TileBackward<Dtype> // NOLINT_NEXT_LINE(whitespace/operators)\n <<<CAFFE_GET_BLOCKS(nthreads), CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS>>>(\n nthreads, top_diff, tile_size, tiles_, bottom_tile_axis, bottom_diff);\n}\n\nINSTANTIATE_LAYER_GPU_FUNCS(TileLayer);\n\n} // namespace caffe\n" ]
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[ "Burning Man\n\nThis was my first year at Burning Man. ", "The experience was incredible and thought provoking. ", "Here are a few of my take aways from the week:" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nИспользование iostream_operator для записи в файл\n\nЗдравствуйте, я пытаюсь записать и прочитать созданный класс WRstrcut, используя ostream_iterator и istream_iterator. ", "С записью проблем нет, а вот с чтением есть. ", "Ошибка такая:\n\nError C2678 binary '>>': no operator found which takes a left-hand operand of type 'std::istream' (or there is no acceptable conversion) ttttt c:\\users\\desktop\\ttttt\\ttttt\\wrstruct.h 32 '\n\nДля того , чтобы произвести запись и чтение я перегружаю операторы ввода\\вывода в классе. ", "\nПочему происходит такая ошибка, подскажите , пожалуйста, как ее исправить?", "\nКод:\n#pragma once\n#include <iostream>\n#include <string>\n#include <fstream>\n#include <vector>\n#include <iterator>\n#include <istream>\n\nclass WRstruct\n{\nprivate:\n std::string name;\n std::string number;\n friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const WRstruct&);\n friend std::istream& operator >> ( std::istream& is, WRstruct&);\npublic:\n WRstruct(){};\n void write();\n void read();\n ~WRstruct(){};\n};\nstd::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const WRstruct& p)\n{\n os << \"User Name: \" << p.name << std::endl\n << \"Number: \" << p.number << std::endl\n << std::endl;\n return os;\n}\n\nstd::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, WRstruct& p)\n{\n is >>\"Say name:\">>p.name >>\"Say number:\">> p.number;\n return is;\n}\n\nФункция void read():\nvoid WRstruct::read()\n{\n std::vector<WRstruct> vec;\n\n std::ifstream readFile(\"temp.txt\");\n std::istream_iterator<WRstruct> istr(readFile);\n copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(), istr);\n\n std::istream_iterator<WRstruct> end_istr;\n copy(istr, end_istr, back_inserter(vec));\n\n std::ostream_iterator<WRstruct> osIter(std::cout,\" \");\n copy(vec.begin(),vec.end(),osIter);\n\n}\n\nФункция void write():\nvoid WRstruct::write()\n{\n std::vector<WRstruct> vecP;\n std::copy(std::istream_iterator<WRstruct>(std::cin),\n std::istream_iterator<WRstruct>(), std::back_inserter(vecP));\n std::ofstream temp(\"temp.txt\", std::ios::out);\n std::ostream_iterator<WRstruct>temp_itr(temp, \"\\n\");\n std::copy(vecP.begin(), vecP.end(), temp_itr);\n}\n\nmain():\n#include <iostream>\n#include \"WRstruct.h\"\n\nint main()\n{\n WRstruct r;\n r.write();\n //r.read();\n\n return 0;\n}\n\nA:\n\nis >>\"Say name:\">>p.name; - это неправильно. ", "Поток ввода не умеет выводить текст. ", "Разделите вывод и ввод:\ncout << \"Say name:\";\nis >> p.name;\n\n" ]
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[ "27 August 2013\n\npeaches in jars.", "\n\nSo at the beginning of the month I got an email from the website Sweet Preservation, wanting to know if they could send me over peaches to do a canning recipe post. ", "I think I must have somehow got added to some list where I now get all these emails for people wanting me to blog their recipes or new product or something. ", "They all go immediately in the trash folder. ", "I'm not blogging to promote your company, I'm blogging as a way to keep photography present in my life. ", "But this email was the one special one that caught my eye. ", "They weren't trying to get me to promote some weird drink recipe or something, they were about local, seasonal produce and preserving them to last all year long. ", "I couldn't say no. ", "This post would have been probably made regardless of them sending me the peaches or me buying them at the store. ", "Peaches are everywhere, stone fruit is everywhere. ", "So when I replied yes to the email, the next week I got a massive box of peaches from Washington state farmers. ", "It was amazing. ", "I love Washington, farm fresh peaches rocks and I always want to can things. ", "For the record, my love of Washington is from my one impression from a trip with my Dad years ago. ", "I thought Seattle was great and the northern part of the state that we went to was beautiful. ", "So that one impression of me has lasted and I will forever proclaim my love of Washington.", "\n\nSo for this rare occasion, this is a sponsored post, but by a great company so I don't feel bad about it at all!The box of peaches was far above abundant so more than one recipe was needed. ", "A girl can only eat so much jam, eh? ", "So I decided to make peach marmalade and peach syrup, for iced tea. ", "The first recipe seemed like one that would just be able to show off how awesome the peaches taste. ", "The latter is kind of from a silly inspiration. ", "My weird love of snapple peach tea. ", "I chug that stuff. ", "I love it more than any other drink I can think of. ", "Their processes and ingredients are pretty similar, the syrup is just the reduced strained liquid from boiling down the peaches and sugar. ", "They both worked out pretty well. ", "For the marmalade I should have probably cooked it down more. ", "It is kinda loose. ", "The fear kicked in of over cooking it like I have done to most of my jams/marmalades in the past. ", "They get really really thick and somewhat impossible to spread on a piece of toast without being left with crumbled shards of bread at the end. ", "But the taste of this marmalade is great so I will probably end up just pouring it over some vanilla ice cream and call it a day.", "\n\nPeach Marmaladea slight adaptation of a Bon Appetit Recipe\n5lb peaches, pitted and cut into 1/3 inch slices900g (4 cups) white sugar2 tbsp fresh lemon juiceCombine all ingredients in a large pot and let sit on counter for 30 minutes. ", "Transfer to stovetop and bring to a boil over med/high heat. ", "Cook until liquid has reduced and become syrupy. ", "Stir often, should take around 30 minutes. ", "Skimming any foam off of the top.", "Ladle into hot, sterilized canning jars, top with lids and can in a water bath for 10 minutes. ", "Let sit on counter until completely cool. ", "Store in a dark cupboard, and refrigerate once opened.", "Makes 4 half pint jars of marmalade.", "See the Ball Jar website for proper canning instructions.", "\n\nSide notes:The new job is working out well, no complaints at all. ", "I really like talking to all my co-workers and customers. ", "My old job left me feeling so socially awkward because I would generally go hours without having anyone to speak to. ", "I found I like getting to talk to people all day. ", "I thought I might go all weird and silent because I was so used to not having to talk but it wasn't the case, thank god.", "It is ridiculously hot in my apartment right now, baking off christmas cookies. ", "Yes christmas cookies in August. ", "Because I was asked to do photos for a certain magazines winter issue. ", "I'll tell you more about it when the issue comes out, I'm too superstitious that something will happen and the photos won't get used. ", "Because this is a good one, when I got the email, I was like 'seriously me?'. ", "It's a magazine that I love and feel super honored to shoot for. ", "Merry Christmas in August folks!", "\n\nMy favorite photo of the lot.", "\n\nPeach Syrup for Peach TeaA slight adaptation of a Bon Appetit recipe\n2 lbs peaches, peeled and thinly sliced168g (3/4 cup) white sugar2 tbsp fresh lemon juicePinch of saltBring all to a boil in a large saucepan, over high heat. ", "Reduce heat and simmer gently. ", "Occasionally mash the fruit until peaches are very tender and liquid begins to reduce.", "Using a fairly fine mesh strainer or a layer of cheesecloth over a bowl, pour all of the contents of the pot into it. ", "Let all liquid pour off, don't press down too hard or it will get cloudy. ", "Discard solids. ", "Ladle into jars and follow same canning instructions from above. (", "My mix took a while for the liquid to run off, so after it all came out, I brought it back up to a boil in the pot so I could can it.)Should make 1 pint jar.", "When using in tea, dilute to your taste with black tea. ", "I did probably a 1:6 mixture with 1 part syrup and 6 parts tea.", "\n\nI made granola too that day so I threw it in for the photos as well. ", "I used the same recipe that I post before, poppy seed pistachio and pecan granola, but changed things up a bit. ", "I.E. threw in whatever I had in my cupboard in replaced of the actual things it called for. ", "Pistachios and pecans became almonds, maple syrup became honey, coconut was to use up the rest of it and some dried fruits added after it cooled down.", "\n\nVery well done. ", "I live in Austin (mostly), but visit a small corner of England sometimes where the lady of the house makes a stone fruit compote in the mornings. ", "I will pass along your ideas. ", "Be well. ", "MC\n\nI love peaches and I tried making marmalade once. ", "Took me a while to master my mom's recipe. ", "But these days I've been really busy managing a Chinese Restaurant in Capalaba area so I'm always on the go and barely have time to whip something up in the home. ", "I'd love to try this recipe on the weekend though, thanks!", "\n\nMade the Peach Marmalade last night. ", "It was delicious! ", "Most recipes call for peeling the peaches, but this one did not. ", "I peeled about half of the peaches but think I will leave them unpeeled next time. ", "The marmalade came out in a beautiful color and texture. ", "I will be making this again. ", "Maybe I will add some ginger next time. ", "Thanks for the recipe!", "\n\nLook easy enough to make! ", "I'm sold on anything made with peaches. ", "Your pictures are incredible. ", "It looks on par with some desserts I saw here >http://celebritychef.tv/2013/09/25/hedy-goldsmith-the-doyenne-of-dessert/" ]
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[ "\n328 P.2d 1083 (1958)\n64 N.M. 380\nTOTAH DRILLING COMPANY, a Corporation, Plaintiff-Appellee,\nv.\nMike ABRAHAM, Defendant-Appellant.", "\nNo. ", "6371.", "\nSupreme Court of New Mexico.", "\nAugust 14, 1958.", "\n*1084 Keleher & McLeod, Albuquerque, for appellant.", "\nModrall, Seymour, Sperling, Roehl & Harris, Albuquerque, for appellee.", "\n*1085 McGHEE, Justice.", "\nOn October 24, 1955, plaintiff, Totah Drilling Company, a New Mexico Corporation, filed suit upon a promissory note for the sum of $27,367.04 which had been executed by the defendant, Mike Abraham, July 12, 1955, in Dallas, Texas, as consideration for drilling a well under an alleged \"turn-key\" drilling contract, and for additional work thereon.", "\nIn the pleadings below defendant admitted the execution of the note but alleged in substance that the note was invalid for failure of consideration in that the plaintiff did not properly complete the well according to the contract terms; that if the note was valid, defendant was entitled to an offset for charges and additional work properly includable under the terms of the contract; that defendant was entitled to damages for failure to perform the terms of the \"turn-key\" drilling contract; that plaintiff left \"junk or tools\" in the well; and that the note was procured by fraud and false representations.", "\nThe case was tried before the court without a jury and judgment was entered for the plaintiff for $26,502.65, the amount of the note less a credit of $864.39 for 2 3/8 inch external upset tubing found by the trial court to have been removed from the well by the plaintiff at the request of the defendant. ", "Plaintiff was also awarded 6% interest on the note plus 10% attorney's fees for the collection thereof.", "\nThe ultimate facts as found by the trial court are substantially as follows:\nOn March 10, 1955, plaintiff commenced drilling a gas well for the defendant on the NW¼ of Section 24 North, Range 5 West, NMPM, which well was designated as the J.J. Harris No. ", "2.", "\nThe site of this well was on land belonging to the Jicarilla Indians, leased to Magnolia Petroleum Company, \"farmed out\" to J.J. Harris and assigned by him to the defendant upon terms which required the drilling and completion of wells in a specified period in accordance with the requirements of Magnolia Petroleum Company. (", "Defendant was to finance the drilling of the wells and upon completion, Harris was to assign the wells to defendant.)", "\nActing on behalf of his assignee, the defendant, J.J. Harris entered into an agreement with the plaintiff for the drilling of the well in question for $23,250 on a \"turn-key\" basis, the essence of the contract, however, requiring compliance with the terms of the Magnolia farm out. ", "Plaintiff drilled the same in compliance with the requirements of Magnolia Petroleum Company, the owner of the lease. ", "The completed well was productive of gas but not in commercial quantities, and the defendant requested that the plaintiff perform additional work on the well in an effort to increase production but to no avail as to production.", "\nPlaintiff drilled other wells for defendant which were commercial producers.", "\nThe well in question being duly and properly completed, Magnolia Petroleum Company assigned the specified acreage to J.J. Harris under the \"farm out\" agreement, who in turn assigned the same to defendant pursuant to the agreement between Harris and the defendant. ", "However, defendant did not make payment of the costs of drilling to plaintiff and as a result plaintiff filed liens upon the leased property and on July 12, 1955, defendant settled the accrued and unpaid drilling obligations by delivery of $51,829.25 in cash and execution and delivery of his promissory note for the balance. ", "Plaintiff then released its claim of lien.", "\nAt the request of defendant and in a further effort to make the J.J. Harris Well No. ", "2 a producer, plaintiff pulled certain 23/8 inch tubing out of the well and replaced it with 1-inch pipe. ", "Plaintiff was under no duty to salvage this pipe but did so and agreed to credit the note by the sum of $864.39.", "\nDefendant failed to pay the note in accordance with the terms thereof and this suit followed. ", "From judgment below, defendant prosecutes this appeal. ", "The specific grounds relied on for reversal will *1086 appear in the opinion as each contention is discussed.", "\nPlaintiff-appellee correctly points out that defendant-appellant has throughout his brief in chief, with three exceptions, violated Supreme Court Rule 15, subd. ", "6 in that he relies upon facts contrary to those found by the trial court, fails to state the substance of all the evidence in the record bearing upon his contentions, and makes reference primarily only to evidence favorable to the defendant. ", "This rule has been construed many times and it is now settled that the findings of fact made by the trial court are the findings upon which the case must rest. ", "This court will not search the record in an effort to find facts with which to overturn the findings made by the lower court. ", "Gore v. Cone, 60 N.M. 29, 287 P.2d 229, and cases cited therein; Cross v. Ritch, 61 N.M. 175, 297 P.2d 319, and cases cited therein. ", "In reviewing the evidence on appeal, all disputed facts are resolved in favor of the successful party and all reasonable inferences indulged in to support the judgment. ", "All evidence and inferences to the contrary will be disregarded and the evidence viewed in the aspect most favorable to the judgment. ", "State ex rel. ", "Magee v. Williams, 57 N.M. 588, 261 P.2d 131; Rasmussen v. Martin, 60 N.M. 180, 289 P.2d 327. ", "And if the findings thus found are supported by substantial evidence they will be sustained on appeal. ", "State ex rel. ", "Magee v. Williams, supra.", "\nThus, as to points argued in violation of Supreme Court Rule 15, subd. ", "6 only summary consideration has been given to the facts construed in the light most favorable to plaintiff-appellee.", "\nThe sole direct attack made by defendant on the trial court findings is Point VI that the court erred in finding J.J. Harris to be an agent of defendant. ", "Defendant predicates his argument on the theory that because J.J. Harris was paid by the plaintiff out of the turn-key consideration to be paid by the defendant to the plaintiff for drilling the well in question, there was created such a conflict of loyalty that Harris could not be the agent of defendant. ", "Neither plaintiff nor defendant has favored us with any authority for or against this proposition, however, after careful consideration, we find there is no merit in defendant's contention.", "\nAs we view the record there is substantial evidence to support the trial court finding that Harris on behalf of the defendant entered into an oral agreement with the plaintiff subsequently reduced to writing embodying specifications worked out by Harris and the defendant and discussed by Harris with the plaintiff. ", "In addition to being designated the owner-operator under the Magnolia lease, it is evident that Harris was recognized by all parties as the geologist in charge of the drilling and fracking of the well. ", "Plaintiff's witnesses testified Harris was considered the representative of the owner or as working on behalf of himself and the defendant as joint owners of the lease farm out and that it was Harris and Abraham who ordered the bringing in of a gas completion rig to do additional work on the well to make it a producer; and that Harris was in charge of additional drilling and other work after completion of the well.", "\nIt is noted, too, that defendant remained in Dallas all the time the well was being drilled. ", "Unless Harris was acting for defendant, who could be said to be looking after his interest where there was ample testimony that his brother, Oscar Abraham, had no authority to bind defendant and that it was a custom in the industry for the owner or his representative to be present for making decisions with reference to the well? ", "See, 1 Mechem, Law of Agency, § 300 (2d ed. ", "1914).", "\nThe fact that plaintiff paid his salary, though a fact to be considered in an agency relationship, is not conclusive that such interest will be adverse to that of the defendant, especially here, since the salary was to be paid out of the turn-key consideration paid by defendant, the salary was set and agreed to by both plaintiff and defendant. *", "1087 When Harris asked for a raise, the amount was agreed upon in the presence of the defendant and added to the turn-key consideration with his consent. ", "In fact, there is a stronger argument that plaintiff was the agent of the defendant to pay Harris.", "\nFurthermore, if it can be said that the position of Harris in getting the salary from the plaintiff, acting as geologist on the well for his own benefit and for that of the defendant created such a conflict of loyalty that he could not be said to be acting primarily for the benefit of the defendant and therefore could not be his agent, the defendant is estopped to so assert since he consented to this arrangement and actively participated in it by conveying or allowing to be conveyed the impression that Harris was his agent in matters concerning the well. ", "Restatement, Agency, § 13, comment a, (1933); 1 Mechem, Law of Agency, §§ 177, 178 (2d ed. ", "1914).", "\nHad Abraham desired Harris to be other than agent he should have so stated to the plaintiff; the record is, however, silent on this point and the statements of plaintiff's witnesses that his manifestations were such that they believed Harris to be the representative of Abraham and other testimony create a reasonable inference that Abraham so recognized Harris until their dispute which occurred after the well was drilled.", "\nIt is not necessary that the parties intend to create the legal relationship of agency or to subject themselves to the liabilities which the law imposes upon them as a result of it, but only that the principal has in some manner indicated that the agent is to act for him, and that the agent so acts or agrees to act on his behalf and subject to his control. ", "Restatement, Agency § 1 (1933); 1 Mechem, Law of Agency, § 252 (2d ed. ", "1914). ", "It is manifest from the evidence that the fiduciary relationship between Harris and defendant subjected Harris to the control of defendant rather than plaintiff. ", "The trial court did not err in finding Harris to be the agent of the defendant.", "\nUnder Point I defendant asserts that plaintiff failed to perform the contract according to its terms and therefore the plaintiff was not entitled to recover from the defendant. ", "The contract as reduced to writing reads as follows:\n \"Mr. Mike Abraham\n 814 Mercantile Bank Bldg.,", "\n Dallas 1, Texas\n\"Dear Mike:\n\"This letter will serve to confirm our verbal agreement for the drilling of eleven Pictured Cliffs Wells on your acreage located in T 24 N — R 5 W, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, generally identified as the Harris lease.", "\n\"Our company proposes to drill these wells on a turn-key basis in which we intend to furnsh specifically the following items:\n\"1. ", "Making of roads and location.", "\n\"2. ", "Setting 100' 95/8\" surface casing.", "\n\"3. ", "Drilling 8¾\" hole to Pictured Cliffs formation at a maximum depth of 2300'.", "\n\n\"4. ", "Furnishing and running 5½\" 14# casing to top of Pictured Cliffs.", "\n\n\"5. ", "Completion with cable tool rig through the producing formation.", "\n\n\"6. ", "Fracking well with a maximum of 10,000 gallons #2 diesel oil plus 2,500 gallons flush 8,000 pounds sand, use of four Halliburton pumpers (actually eight injection pumps).", "\n\"7. ", "Cleaning out well, furnishing and connecting well head of capacity to handle 6,000 MCF wells, and 23/8\" external upset tubing.", "\n\"8. ", "Cleaning up location.", "\n\"It is our proposal to drill these wells on a turn-key basis for a price of $23,250.00 each, plus New Mexico school tax as assessed. ", "This price should include all costs that may be incurred in the successful completion *1088 of these wells within the specific limitations of maximum depth and fracture procedure as outlined above. ", "The cost includes all expenses as incurred on the Harris No. ", "1, with the exception of extra electric logs, and it is our intention that unless some extra work or materials are specifically required that no additional billing will be required.", "\n* * * * * *\n \"Very truly yours,\n \"Totah Drilling Company\"\n(Emphasis supplied.)", "\nSix reasons are set forth as to why the well allegedly was not a completed well according to the terms of the contract. ", "First, that the pipe was not placed on top of Pictured Cliffs formation; second, that plaintiff was under a duty to place a liner in the well when it started caving; third, that plaintiff failed to put heavy-duty heads and fittings on the well as called for by the contract; fourth, that plaintiff removed the 2 3/8 inch pipe that had been placed in the well; fifth, that the well was never properly fracked; sixth, that the well was left in a caved-in condition.", "\nIn support of the first proposition defendant relies on the testimony of R.E. Jackson, co-owner of plaintiff corporation, to the effect that the pipe was set ten feet above the Pictured Cliffs formation whereas the contract provided for drilling an 8 ¾ inch hole to Pictured Cliffs formation at a maximum depth of 2300 feet and running of 5½ inch 14# casing to top of Pictured Cliffs. ", "This same witness testified also that the depth to which they drilled was designated by J.J. Harris and that he told them when to set the pipe and further, that in their operations ten feet above the pay was considered the top. ", "J.J. Harris testified that he designated the point for setting the casing and that he was satisfied that he picked the top of Pictured Cliffs formation. ", "Although other testimony is conflicting as to whether the pipe was set on top of the formation or ten feet above and whether setting it ten feet above would be compliance with a contract calling for it to be set on top, any non-compliance with this term must rest on the defendant as there is substantial evidence to support a finding that J.J. Harris in directing the setting point was acting on behalf of the defendant and himself. ", "Where the driller can show that the owner instructed him to drill to a lesser depth than the contract depth he is entitled to recover on the contract, assuming compliance with other terms thereof. ", "2 Thornton, Oil and Gas, § 703 (rev. ", "ed. ", "1932).", "\nDefendant in support of his second proposition makes the bare assertion that it was the duty of the plaintiff to \"at least try a liner in the well under the meaning of a `turn-key' contract\" to prevent or to stop the caving in and that if a liner had been placed in the hole by plaintiff, then it could have been determined by all parties whether or not this was a dry hole, or whether the cave-ins were stopping the gas, if any, from flowing. ", "After diligent research we are at a loss to see what materiality a \"turn-key\" contract has to the duty to place a liner in the well unless that duty is imposed by the terms of the agreement or a modification thereof. ", "See 7 Summers, Oil and Gas, § 1493, Drilling Contract, Mississippi Form (a turnkey contract which makes specific mention of using liners upon completion), (perm. ", "ed. ", "1938).", "\nOn the other hand the contract is silent on this point and further the testimony is conflicting as to whether there was ever an oral agreement to use a liner, whether a liner would have done any good, whether the well was caving before or after the first frack job, and whether there was a custom in the industry to impose such duty on the driller. ", "Since there is evidence supporting the finding of the trial court and in the absence of a provision in the contract calling for a liner, the defendant's contention is without merit.", "\nDefendant next asserts that plaintiff was required and failed to use a heavy duty wellhead and fittings on the well and *1089 that plaintiff removed the 23/8 inch pipe required by the contract to be placed in the well. ", "As to the former the only requirement stipulated in the contract was that the wellhead be of capacity to handle 6,000 MCF wells. ", "The evidence is conflicting as to whether the head on Harris No. ", "2 was of sufficient capacity, but in the absence of clearer proof of the kind intended by the parties and the kind actually put on the well, this court will not overturn the action of the trial court. ", "As to the latter, it is sufficient to say that defendant has not been injured as he has received a credit for such pipe, and furthermore, there is evidence to support the trial court finding that the pipe was removed at defendant's request so 1-inch pipe might be inserted in an effort to make the well a producer.", "\nAs to the defendant's next contention that the well was not properly fracked, the record and defendant's brief indicate that defendant proceeded on the theory that \"fracking\" means to break down the formation, whereas, plaintiff and its witnesses consistently used the term with reference to \"an attempt to break down the formation by use of a specific method of penetrating it with some substance at high pressures\" thereby causing or making it possible for the gas to flow if there was any in the producing formation. ", "We believe the latter is correct usage of the term within the meaning of the contract.", "\nThus, the evidence amply supports the conclusion that the well was properly fracked according to the terms of the contract on March 26, 1955, although the formation did not break down. ", "The contract does not call for a \"successful\" fracking but only fracking in a specified manner with specified materials, that is, the formation was to be subjected to a fracking procedure using a maximum quantity of oil and sand rather than a minimum, thereby reserving to the plaintiff some discretion as to the quantity used and the pressures applied. ", "R.E. Jackson explained the reason for such a contract provision:\n\"Witness: * * * If I had said I was going to guarantee to put exactly 10,000 gallons into the well that contract would have been a minimum and I would probably have had to have had 15,000 gallons of diesel fuel on there for lossage. ", "Your operator could have come back and said that you didn't have it to put. ", "That contract is the same way. * * *", "\n* * * * * *\n\"A. There is a hundred things that might be able to happen. ", "The formation won't break down properly; you might not be able to get it in there — I wouldn't make any contract where I would guarantee I would keep fracing a well and spend four or five thousand every time I tried to frac it.\"", "\nThe invoices from the contractor who did the fracking, as well as testimony of several witnesses indicate substantial compliance with this provision of the contract, the only possible deviation being the exercise of plaintiff's judgment to discontinue the first frack attempt after some 2,700 to 2,800 pounds of pressure for fear of breaking the casing which had a tested tensile strength of 3,000 pounds, but it is noted that Harris participated in this decision. ", "There is, therefore, no merit in defendant's contention that the well was not properly fracked.", "\nAs to defendant's contention that the well was left in a caved in condition, defendant makes a general reference to the record testimony of R.E. Jackson to support this allegation. ", "We believe this testimony must be accepted with reference to the completion date of the well, which we define below. ", "He stated in part on cross examination:\n\"Q. Would you say that leaving a caved-in hole after frac would be finishing the job in a workmanlike manner? ", "A. I certainly would in this case, Mr. McLeod. ", "How long do you think we should continue to clean a hole out if it is not making any gas. ", "You can't go from now on.", "\n\n*1090 \"Q. You didn't go in without charging for it? ", "A. It was cleaned out then, and the additional work that was done was what we charged for.", "\n\"Q. The contract called for you to clean it out? ", "A. We did clean it out after completion.\" (", "Emphasis supplied).", "\nAlthough the overall testimony is conflicting as to whether the well started caving in prior to the first frack job or subsequent thereto, there is substantial testimony that the well was cleaned out just prior to the first frack and that plaintiff returned to the well and cleaned it out to TD, that is, to 2,290 feet, again, and that several more attempts to clean out the well were made both by the plaintiff and later by V.L. Wheeler who worked on the well at the request of the defendant some six or eight months after the plaintiff had finished its work on the well. ", "Nevertheless the well kept caving in and the testimony creates some doubt whether any of these clean out jobs did or would have done any good.", "\nThe issue as we see it is whether or not the plaintiff was under a duty to clean out the well after the first frack and not charge for it in the event the formation did not break down under fracking and to perform additional work without additional charge to make the well a producer.", "\nThe testimony and actions of plaintiff appear to rest on the theory that the well was a completed well March 26, 1955, the day of fracking, since it did not produce gas in commercial quantities. ", "Plaintiff contends that it would have plugged this well as a dry hole and abandoned it as required by the Magnolia farm out but for the acts of the defendant in requesting additional work to be done on it. ", "The theory of defendant is that the well was never a completed well within the meaning of the contract because of certain alleged acts and omissions of plaintiff, above stated.", "\nSince the trial court found that the essence of this drilling contract required completion of the wells in accordance with the terms of the Magnolia farm out agreement, and this finding was not attacked, the two instruments must be construed together. ", "The farm out agreement provided in part for commencement of the wells within a specified time, drilling with due diligence to a depth sufficient to test to Magnolia's complete satisfaction the Pictured Cliffs formation, at an estimated depth of 2,500 feet, unless gas be produced in paying quantities at a lesser depth. ", "The completion date as to a non-producing well was to be the date upon which the plugging operation was completed, provided a representative of Magnolia was notified before any well was plugged or abandoned.", "\n\"The question of what is meant by `completion of a well' in a lease, option, or drilling contract is one of construction by the court to ascertain the intent of the parties * * *.\"", "\nKulp, Oil and Gas Rights, § 10.35 (1954).", "\nIt is, however, settled that the completion of a well requires something more than just drilling in. ", "At the least it means the cleaning out of the well after reaching a specified depth, which was done here. ", "2 Thornton, Oil and Gas, § 697 (rev. ", "ed. ", "1932, Supp. ", "1956); or the shooting of the well if there is doubt as to whether it is a producer or non-producer. ", "Uncle Sam Oil Co. v. Richards, 76 Okl. ", "277, 184 P. 575, cited in numerous text authorities. ", "Either theory is certainly consistent with the position taken by appellee, since fracking a well is aimed at the same goal that \"shooting\" a well is. ", "Where the depth is not specified something more is required, Howard v. Hughes, 1940, 294 Mich. 533, 293 N.W. 740, but here the depth was specified. ", "Ultimately, whether oil or gas has been found in paying quantities is determined by the good faith and honest judgment of the operator. ", "Griffith v. Johnson, Tex.", "Civ.", "App., ", "283 S.W. 608.", "\nIn view of the provisions of the lease and the above statements of law we believe the relevant contract provisions should be construed as follows:\n*1091 The words \"completion with cable tool rig through the producing formation\" plainly and unambiguously mean completion of the hole to the depth specified by the contract or by order of the owner in preparation for fracking or some other method of stimulating the flow of gas in the event the well does not voluntarily produce. ", "In other words, this clause as construed with the farm out simply requires the driller to drill with due diligence to completion of the hole as distinguished from completion of the well. ", "See 2 Summers, Oil and Gas, § 350 (perm. ", "ed. ", "1938).", "\nThe phrase in the last clause of the contract, \"successful completion of these wells within the specified limitations of maximum depth and fracture procedure as outlined above,\" is also clear and unambiguous. ", "Although a producer was contemplated, it was not guaranteed, as also is apparent from the terms of the lease; rather, if, after complying with the specified limitations and requirements set forth in the contract, a dry hole was encountered, appellee was under no duty to attempt to make it a producer unless a new contract was entered or the defendant agreed to pay for the additional work involved. ", "See 4 Summers, Oil and Gas, § 687 (perm. ", "ed. ", "1938); 2 Thornton, Oil and Gas, § 723 (rev. ", "ed. ", "1932).", "\nWe believe clause No. ", "7 calling for the cleaning out of the well clearly imposes a duty on plaintiff to clean out the well after fracking if the well is a producer, or in the view of a reasonably prudent operator could be made a producer, so that the other equipment could be of practical value.", "\nAbsent an express provision to the contrary, we believe there is a duty imposed even though the well likely will not be a producer if the owner manifests a desire to continue work on such well; however, the evidence here was conflicting whether a charge was made so the action of the trial court will be sustained.", "\nIn view of the above statements of law and in the absence of a showing of bad faith on the part of the operator we hold this was a completed well when it was cleaned out after the first frack job and that there was then no duty on the plaintiff to keep cleaning out the well without charge ad infinitum.", "\nFinally, under this point, defendant urges this was a \"turn-key\" job which required the production of \"oil into the tanks.\" ", "In support of this contention, he cites a definition commonly given to such term:\n\"A `turnkey contract' in the oil industry means that the driller undertakes to furnish everything and to do all the work required to complete a well, place it on production and turn it over ready to start the oil running into the tanks.\" ", "2 Thornton, Oil and Gas, § 704. ", "Completed Well (rev. ", "ed. ", "1932, Supp. ", "1956), citing Continental Oil Co. v. Jones, 10 Cir., ", "177 F.2d 508.", "\nSee, also, 2 Thornton, Oil and Gas, § 697. ", "Drilling contracts; duty of lessee to drill wells, citing White v. Cascade Oil Co., 14 Cal.", "App.2d 695, 58 P.2d 994; Retsal Drilling Co. v. Com'r of Internal Revenue, 5 Cir., ", "127 F.2d 355; Kulp, Oil and Gas Rights, § 10.105. ", "Rights and Obligations Under Drilling Contracts (1954); 4 Summers, Oil and Gas, § 682. ", "Construction (perm. ", "ed. ", "1938, Supp.1957).", "\nIt is to be noted, however, that the cases cited by the appellant do not really support his position and that none of the authorities have discussed the significance or meaning of a turn-key contract, but have simply cited the cases upon which the appellant relies.", "\nWe believe the better view is that a turn-key job means the testing of the formation contemplated by the parties and completion of a producing well or abandonment as a dry hole all done for a specific agreed-upon total consideration thereby putting the risk of rising costs, costs of well trouble, delays caused by the weather, etc., ", "upon the contracting driller. ", "In the absence of a clear expression in the contract the driller should not be held to guarantee a producing well. ", "4 Summers, Oil and Gas, § 687 (perm. ", "ed. ", "1938).", "\n*1092 Defendant's second point is that the note was invalid and voidable for failure of consideration and by reason of the plaintiff's false representations and statements made to defendant, and for the reason plaintiff had included in the amount of the note charges for so-called extra work which should have come under the contract.", "\nAs seen, there was not failure of consideration and the terms of the contract were substantially complied with before any additional work was done or extra charges made.", "\nDefendant has also asserted that the argument made under Point I is applicable here without setting forth the matter under the point argued in violation of the settled rule that objections to a finding, together with the substance of the evidence touching it, must be set out under the point in which it is attacked or it will not be considered. ", "Hugh K. Gale, Post No. ", "2182 Veterans of Foreign Wars, of Farmington v. Norris, 53 N.M. 58, 201 P.2d 777.", "\nAs to the assertion of false representations inducing the signing of the note, it is sufficient to note that the trial court found otherwise by denying defendant's requested conclusions of law, and further that although defendant points out that \"Wiedemer admits that he could have told the Defendant that Well No. ", "2 was as good, or a better well than Well No. ", "1\" he neglects to point out his testimony to the effect that he absolutely did not make such statement, but may have said the well was producing a little gas.", "\nNo citation of authorities is necessary to show that the mere possibility of having made a statement or representation is not sufficient to support a defense of fraud or false representation. ", "The statement must have actually been made with intent to induce action taken in reliance thereon. ", "The trial court did not err in denying defendant's requested conclusion of law on this point.", "\nWe have considered other arguments made under this point to the effect that if the note is invalid in any part, plaintiff is not entitled to interest and attorney's fees and have concluded in view of what has been said they are without merit. ", "It is noted that this same argument was made under Point IV in violation of the holding of Hugh K. Gale case, supra, as above stated, and therefore further consideration is unnecessary for this reason also.", "\nPoint III alleges that defendant is entitled to some $13,000 as an offset for extra charges for certain work properly includable under the terms of the turn-key contract. ", "In view of what has been said this point is without merit.", "\nDefendant's contention in Point V that plaintiff left \"junk or tools\" in the hole and therefore the well was not a completed well (as argued under Point I) and that defendant is entitled to recover the necessary cost to clean out the hole (as argued under this point) is likewise without merit. ", "A careful examination of the record supports the conclusion that when plaintiff left the well there was no junk in the hole and that if junk was found in the hole it was six or eight months after the plaintiff had finished its work on the well and while other people employed by the defendant had worked there. ", "If there is evidence supporting the trial court action, it will not be reversed.", "\nAs the evidence was extremely conflicting in some aspects, plaintiff's request for punitive damages for dilatory tactics in prosecuting this appeal will be denied.", "\nIn view of what has been said the judgment of the lower court for the plaintiff will be affirmed, and It Is So Ordered.", "\nLUJAN, C.J., and SADLER, COMPTON and SHILLINGLAW, JJ., ", "concur.", "\n" ]
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[ "\n758 A.2d 711 (2000)\nKatherine Ann MAURER, n/k/a Katherine Ann Hardy, Appellant,\nv.\nFrancis Joseph MAURER, Appellee.", "\nSuperior Court of Pennsylvania.", "\nArgued July 27, 2000.", "\nFiled August 21, 2000.", "\n*712 Richard A. James, Media, for Appellant.", "\nFrancis J. Maurer, appellee, pro se.", "\nBEFORE JOYCE, LALLY-GREEN and BECK, JJ.", "\nBECK, J.:\n¶ 1 In this appeal from the trial court's order denying Appellant/Mother's petition to relocate to Florida with the parties' minor children, we consider whether the court engaged in a proper assessment of the factors set forth in Gruber v. Gruber, 400 Pa.Super. ", "174, 583 A.2d 434 (1990). ", "Because the court's Gruber analysis is free from error, we affirm.", "\n¶ 2 Mother sought permission from the court to move from her home in Delaware County, Pennsylvania to Florida. ", "As the basis for her petition, Mother asserted that her father (hereinafter \"Grandfather\") was the primary means of support for her and her children, a son age four and a daughter age two.[1] Apparently, Grandfather's income from his pension and other sources was insufficient to support his daughter and grandchildren. ", "As a result, he applied for and received an offer for a position with his previous employer, the *713 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). ", "Although Grandfather worked in the Philadelphia area for most of his FEMA career, he could not obtain a position there. ", "Instead, he was offered a job with the Florida Hurricane Center. ", "His opportunity to work sporadically at the Hurricane Center, while still receiving his pension, made the offer an appealing one, as it would have increased his income by approximately $30,000.00 annually.", "\n¶ 3 At a hearing on the petition, Grandfather testified that he paid all of his daughter's expenses and most of his grandchildren's. ", "He testified that he supplied housing, food, clothing, pre-school tuition and the cost of various other classes for the children. ", "Grandfather further explained that he and his daughter had an agreement whereby she would care for the children at home until they entered school, at which time she would begin to support her family. ", "At the time of the hearing, she was not employed and had not been since the birth of her first child.", "\n¶ 4 Appellant/Mother's testimony corroborated Grandfather's with respect to finances. ", "In addition, Mother testified that the children relied primarily on her for daily care. ", "Mother stated that Father's parents, with whom he lived until two weeks before the hearing, typically picked up the children for weekend visitation. ", "Sometimes, according to Mother and Grandfather, Father cancelled planned visits. ", "Finally, Mother testified that she approached Father about the move to Florida, but he was opposed to it and would not discuss details.", "\n¶ 5 Appellee/Father testified that he was against the proposed move. ", "When questioned by the court, he stated that although there may be some way the move could work, he didn't know how. ", "He offered that his work hours would preclude extended visits with the children, either at his home or in Florida. ", "Further, he testified that the cost of air travel would be prohibitive for him. ", "The record established that Father worked the nightshift stocking shelves at a grocery store. ", "His hourly wage is $9.00 on weekdays and $11.00 on weekends. ", "The weekly $65.00 child support payment is taken directly from his paycheck. ", "According to Father, his parents handled transportation of the children so that he could catch up on sleep after night work.", "\n¶ 6 After a complete hearing on the merits, the trial court denied Mother's petition and this timely appeal followed.", "\n¶ 7 Our standard of review is well settled:\n[W]e are not bound by deductions and inferences drawn by the trial court from the facts found, nor are we required to accept findings which are wholly without support in the record. ", "On the other hand, our broad scope of review does not authorize us to nullify the fact-finding function of the trial court in order to substitute our judgment for that of the trial court. ", "Rather, we are bound by findings supported by the record, and may reject conclusions drawn by the trial court only if they involve an error of law, or are unreasonable in light of the sustainable findings of the trial court.", "\nThomas v. Thomas, 739 A.2d 206, 209 (Pa.Super. ", "1999) (en banc).", "\n¶ 8 The Gruber case sets out a three-prong test to be applied in the event of a primary custodian's relocation request. ", "In such cases, the trial court must consider:\n1. ", "the potential advantages of the proposed move and the likelihood that the move would substantially improve the quality of life for the custodial parent and the children and is not the result of a momentary whim on the part of the custodial parent;\n2. ", "the integrity of the motives of both the custodial and non-custodial parent in either seeking the move or seeking to prevent it; and\n*714 3. ", "the availability of realistic, substitute visitation arrangements which will adequately foster an ongoing relationship between the child and the non-custodial parent.", "\nGruber, 583 A.2d at 439.", "\n¶ 9 In all instances where a custodial parent seeks to relocate and the non-custodial parent opposes the move, the burden is on the custodial parent to establish a significant improvement in the quality of life for that parent and child.[2]Id. ", "at 440. ", "Further, with respect to the first Gruber prong, the potential advantages of the move, the trial court is not permitted to rely solely on \"enhanced economic opportunities... but must also assess other possible benefits of relocation\" such as a \"return to a network of family or friends,... educational opportunities, or ... an improved physical environment.\" ", "Id. at 439.", "\n¶ 10 Our review of the record in this case leads us to conclude that the only improvement Mother established was an economic one. ", "Admittedly, many benefits flow from an increase in economic status. ", "However, that factor alone is insufficient to justify the relocation of the children in this case. ", "This is particularly true because Father is at an economic disadvantage here. ", "Due to the nature of his work, Father would not only have difficulty meeting his financial obligations for the extended (and less frequent) visits from or to his children, but his work hours would make such visitation far more burdensome. ", "Gruber recognizes that \"former weekly visitation may have to give way to an altered schedule which allows for less frequent but more extended contact between [non-custodial] parent and child.\" ", "Id. However, Gruber also instructs that \"shifting visitation arrangements to account for geographical distances\" should occur only where the proposed move \"has been shown to offer real advantages to the custodial parent and the children.\" ", "Id.\n¶ 11 The trial court observed that Mother failed to investigate, either in Pennsylvania or Florida, \"her education or job-training or employment opportunities.", "\"[3] Trial Court Opinion, 2/10/00, at 8. ", "In addition, she did not offer evidence on \"how the move would impact upon the children socially, or in terms of future education.\" ", "Id. Finally, Mother did not offer sufficient evidence of an alternative visitation plan. ", "Although she testified that Father could see the children in Florida during his vacation and that the children could travel to see Father for \"how ever long\" in the summer and perhaps some holidays, Mother offered little evidence of a realistic substitute arrangement.[4] The trial court concluded that Mother failed to present a \"practical, specific and viable alternative plan for visitation.\" ", "Id. at 9.", "\n¶ 12 After a review of the record, including the hearing transcript, we conclude that the record supports the trial court's findings. ", "We do not agree with Mother that the trial court ignored Grandfather's role in this case. ", "Indeed, the court recognized the significant part Grandfather plays in the lives of his daughter and grandchildren. ", "But, as required by Gruber, the court refused to restrict its assessment of this case to the economic benefits Grandfather could bestow upon his family should the move be allowed.", "\n¶ 13 Further, the trial court did not fail to inquire into Father's motive in opposing the move, but instead determined that Father *715 did so because he believed the circumstances surrounding it were unworkable.", "\n¶ 14 Finally, we reject Mother's assertion that it is the duty of the trial court alone to create the substitute visitation arrangement envisioned by Gruber. ", "As the party seeking to relocate, Mother bears the burden of establishing the Gruber factors. ", "While the duty to fashion a substitute visitation plan ultimately lies with the trial court, the petitioning party must offer concrete evidence of the manner in which he or she will work to sustain and foster the bond between the child and the non-custodial parent. ", "The trial court cannot be expected to shape such a plan without sufficient evidence from the petitioner.", "\n¶ 15 Based on the record and the trial court opinion, we find that a proper Gruber analysis occurred in this case.", "\n¶ 16 Order affirmed.", "\nNOTES\n[1] The record reflects that pursuant to a court order, Appellee/Father paid Mother $65.00 per week in child support. ", "Grandfather paid all other expenses for Mother and her children.", "\n[2] The application of Gruber has been extended to cases in which both parents share custody and one parent seeks to relocate. ", "See Thomas v. Thomas, 739 A.2d 206 (Pa.Super. ", "1999).", "\n[3] Apparently, Mother was to begin education or job training once her younger child was weaned. ", "The record establishes that the child had been weaned by the date of the hearing. ", "However, Mother gave no testimony regarding her inquiries into work, education or job training.", "\n[4] Mother stated that she offered to split the cost of the children's air travel with Father.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow do I animate an element to move diagonally without translateX and translateY?", "\n\nI'm trying to make this animation move more smoothly. ", "I tried this using 'transform: translateX() translateY()' and I got the result I wanted, but I would like to use top/left instead because I want to be able to repeat the animation with bottom/right and be able to use the same measurements. ", "\nhttps://jsfiddle.net/jyozy12a/\n@keyframes field10 {\n from{\n left: 201px;\n }\n to{\n left: 639px;\n top: 240px;\n }\n}\n\nA:\n\nSet the element css starting position equal to @keyframes rules starting position; that is left:201px, top:0px\n.card-o {\n border: 1px solid black;\n border-radius: 2px;\n position: absolute;\n width: 160px; \n height: 200px;\n left:201px;\n top:0px;\n}\n\njsfiddle https://jsfiddle.net/jyozy12a/1/\n\n" ]
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[ "Consider the Bartender You won’t find the Billy Goat Tavern’s Jeff Magill making flashy pours or mixing exotic cocktails. ", "It’s not those things that make a great bartender.", "\n\nAbove: Magill at the Michigan Avenue outpost of the Billy Goat Tavern Photo: Taylor Castle\n\nA real bartender remembers you. ", "He uses your name. ", "A real bartender makes it seem as if he’s been standing there all along, waiting for you. ", "Ready for you. ", "The bartender inhabits certain roles in the room: captain and commander, steward of arrival and departure, calm eye of a stormy night, willing servant of want, interpreter of need. ", "He sets the tone, keeps the peace, gives a recommendation or two, makes sure the pours are fair, watches the door and the clock, monitors the most distant tables—all in service of establishing the tenor and efficiency of the joint. ", "That’s a real bartender. ", "He elbows open the bar’s hours to talk with you. ", "He listens to you. ", "He hears you. ", "He studies a bit. ", "He might come to tell you what’s what or dole out advice. ", "If he does, you remember it. ", "And you always remember a real bartender.", "\n\nRelated Content The Best Bars in Chicago 2015\n\nConsider this one:\n\nIt’s 3:45 p.m. on a Thursday, and Jeff Magill is whipping through answers on Jeopardy! ", "as he works behind the bar at the Billy Goat Tavern: “What is Luxor?” “", "What is a hippo?” “", "Who is Hammurabi?” ", "Like that. ", "He’s uttering them over his shoulder, up toward the chin of the television. ", "He’s not particularly prideful about it. ", "Not showing off. ", "He just seems to know some things about Egypt. ", "It’s an everyday ritual. ", "No one else is even trying. ", "Eight or nine people, tourists and a couple of regulars, look at their phones, read newspapers, poke around in a Nordstrom bag. ", "It’s hard to say whether they don’t know much or don’t care much. ", "The fact that they are drinking in a bar on a weekday afternoon might be proof of either. ", "Jeff Magill, however, knows, and he cares.", "\n\n\nEventually, he blanks on an entire category, and then Jeopardy! ", "goes to commercial. ", "Magill leans forward against the bar. “", "I’ll tell you what bothers me, Tom,” he says. ", "He’s good at that first-name thing. ", "Really good. “", "I think Chicago has to be the only market in America where they don’t show Jeopardy! ", "after the evening news, at 7 or 7:30, when people can watch it. ", "When it can do the most people the most good.” ", "His voice is smooth, pneumatic, and soft. ", "He’s often wary of holding forth, but he says a great deal in a small space. ", "He pulls three glasses, checks for spots, jingles them with ice, pours gin without a wasted drop, gives them a knock of tonic, picks the limes with care. ", "He is quiet and precise with the business of the bar. “", "It’s like the people running this station think Chicago can’t handle Jeopardy! ", "Which is simply and utterly . . . ", "that’s just anti-intellectual. ", "Isn’t it, Tom? ", "I really feel that. ", "It’s a kind of gradual lowering of expectation.” ", "He pours some more gin. “", "I’ve said it for years. ", "It concerns me.”", "\n\nDon’t get the wrong idea. ", "He is not overly obsessed with whacked-out theories about game-show airtimes. ", "This is just two guys shooting the shit about something that sticks in the craw. ", "It’s a bar, after all. ", "Then Magill asks, as he is wont: “What do you think?”", "\n\nAnd he listens for the answer, on an empty afternoon. ", "Because he is a bartender.", "\n\nJeff Magill is not prone to the flash that some people associate with tending bar. ", "He doesn’t flip bottles, raise up for elaborate long pours, or float pomegranate seeds atop obscure Brazilian cocktails. ", "He stays small. ", "Not a small guy. ", "Magill is of average height, lean and athletic. ", "He plays golf nearly every day. ", "Nine holes in Downers Grove, where he lives with his wife, where he raised three grown children. ", "Nine holes every morning, with his friends the dew sweepers, before he commutes to work. ", "It leaves some muscle on his bones.", "\n\nIt’s a smallness of aspect, a kind of humbleness of position. ", "Magill doesn’t dominate the room, doesn’t recycle stories for easy laughs. ", "He prefers dialogue to monologue. ", "He does his prep work without calling attention to his speed. ", "He recommends beers without a sales pitch. ", "He looks like a librarian. ", "No uniform. ", "Solid colors in a muted spectrum, shirt unfailingly tucked in. ", "And over it, a sensible icon of male humility: the cashmere sweater vest.", "\n\nMagill has worked the same bar for 34 years: the oldest Billy Goat Tavern, sitting in the darkness beneath the Mag Mile like a bug in the amber of the 1960s. ", "No mahogany, no hip lighting, no unifying postmodern design. ", "It’s just a bar. ", "When empty, it looks a little like a diner in a Toledo bus station. ", "When it’s full, really jammed, it’s 1984 again: loud, littered with newspaper reporters, retail clerks, ex-cops, jewelry saleswomen, out-of-towners, commodities traders, South Siders, former priests—the opinionated and the unemployed, wounded men and the men who wound them. ", "All of them dealing with Jeff Magill, who runs the bar inimitably, personally, and without apology.", "\n\n\nThe entire city knows the place—or one of its franchised approximations, anyway. ", "Many of the details are iconic, legendary, familiar, and maybe a little tired: the Saturday Night Live skit, cheezborgers, Belushi, Murray, Royko, Banks, several mayors, the infamy of a curse, the occasional appearance of an actual goat, the cantankerous original owner shouting obscenities in a Greek accent, the forests of mustard bottles, the signs warning customers to take what they get, and the walls lined with tributes from a generation of journalists who once lined the bar here. ", "Stories, man. ", "The place holds a lot of stories.", "\n\nWhy, then, focus on the guy in the sweater vest?", "\n\nThere comes a time to remark on a career, even an unexpected one. ", "Jeff Magill is 64 now. ", "He has been working the bar at the Billy Goat since 1981, having left a job in psychology for a job in bartending, which of course might not be considered a career change at all. “", "That gets remarked upon a fair bit,” he admits. “", "It’s a fact that a bartender uses psychology as much or more than a treatment specialist. ", "That’s a condition of the job.” ", "He squints behind his glasses, scans the bar for anyone in need of a pour. “", "But my learning to tend bar, that was a condition of me being a married guy with a new family. ", "I needed the dough. ", "But I stayed on in great part because of the psychology used in the job.”", "\n\nBorn and raised in Chicago, Magill graduated from Taft High School in Norwood Park and attended what’s now North Park University. “", "I wanted to be a doctor. ", "I planned on it,” he says. “", "But freshman year of college, I ran smack into two lab classes. ", "That was it. ", "I was overmatched.” ", "He moved on to study psychology and eventually went to work as a clinical specialist for the inpatient psychiatric departments of Illinois Masonic and Evanston hospitals. “", "I had contact with the patients every day, I made contributions to their treatment plan, I led group therapy sessions,” he says. “", "But I wasn’t really making the decisions. ", "That was left to physicians, whether they deserved it or not.” ", "Frustrated, he quit. ", "He’d been to bartending school and taken some moonlighting gigs, so in March 1981, he put on a tie and went to apply for a full-time job at the Billy Goat, a dive already famous among journalists and infamous among Cubs fans.", "\n\n“At first, my former teachers, mentors, professors seemed a little shocked. ", "I assumed I’d let them down. ", "But I came to see I was taking their reactions to my choices too seriously. ", "This is an excellent job.” ", "A woman steps up, leans on the bar, and asks Magill for a wine list. ", "He guides her toward beers instead. “", "I could show you the wine list,” he says. “", "But it’s a red-or-white thing, basically. ", "Two choices. ", "This is not the place to get wine. ", "It just has to be said.” ", "He gives her a taste of a dark lager, and she is oddly happy. ", "It’s a good read on his part.", "\n\nOn this day, Magill spots a high school journalism class on an anthropological field trip, waiting at the grill for their orders. ", "Kids watching adults drink. ", "They observe from across the tiny gap that separates diners from drinkers, 30 to 40 feet. ", "Half the width of the Billy Goat. “", "I don’t know how I feel about these visits,” Magill says. “", "I’m not sure drinking shouldn’t be a private thing. ", "In many ways, a bar is a meditative space. ", "Why demystify the idea of having a drink?” ", "He shrugs. “", "Obviously, the owners have a right to drive business the way they want. ", "They’re very good at it. ", "I’m not standing in the way. ", "It’s just something I think about when the people in the grill line outnumber the regular customers of the bar by a factor of x.”\n\nThe place is a museum of sorts, and the bar is virtually the same as when Magill arrived—same Formica, same fixtures, same shitty fluorescent lighting. ", "That’s how the second-generation family owner Sam Sianis wants things. “", "These people have given me almost complete physical autonomy to run the bar in whatever way I see fit,” Magill says. “", "I’m very fortunate. ", "They do what they want with the name, with the brand. ", "The restaurant gets reproduced, the menu, a version of the experience. ", "Does it make the original less important? ", "It’s debatable. ", "But the bar remains the same.”", "\n\n\nThis may be why the place is populated by so many regulars—the constancy of the subterranean setting. ", "Regulars know why they’re here. ", "Same as yesterday. ", "Same as tomorrow. ", "Magill makes sure of it. ", "He’s here for them, Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., even if the folks in the grill line don’t notice.", "\n\n“I saw this place on Saturday Night Live when I was 10 years old,” says a guy from Modesto in a too-small down jacket and a CalArts T-shirt. “", "I’ve always wanted to see the original. ", "Bucket list, right? ", "It’s kind of the same as the show. ", "Not really. ", "But you can picture it.", "\n\n“I didn’t even know there was a bar,” he says once it’s pointed out. ", "And the bartender? “", "Which?” ", "he says before he picks up on Magill at the tap. “", "That guy looks like my old professor. ", "I swear. ", "He looks like the Professor. ", "You know, Gilligan’s Island, right? ", "You’re saying he’s the bartender?”", "\n\nThroughout the afternoon, among the swell of shoppers and the comings and goings of ComEd crews, Magill’s regulars appear. ", "An accountant for an architecture firm who reads the sports page, drinking one bottle, then another, then maybe just one more. ", "A former Chicago Board of Trade member who holds up the end of the bar; he’s completely tapped these days, living at the Y, still walking to the Goat through every manner of lousy weather. ", "He nurses blended whiskey and a month-old unpaid tab, which Magill and the management ignore. (“", "He has to have a place to go,” Magill says. “", "And a bar has to be a refuge.”) ", "An old dame who’s moved back to Chicago from the desert to live with her daughter and suffer the cold. ", "Another woman, a housekeeper at the Marriott, who’s known Magill since the mid-’90s. ", "Magill encourages me to sit with them, talk with them. “", "A bartender’s job is to make connections,” he contends. “", "You develop an instinct for it. ", "You start to know when one person would do some good for another.”", "\n\nIf these regulars are a chorus in any one way, it is that their greatest connection here is with Magill. “", "He listens,” the accountant says. “", "But it isn’t just like he’s taking confession. ", "I’ll tell him things, and he’s not afraid to argue. ", "He’s called me on my shit before. ", "Jeff will straighten you out.” ", "He raises his bottle for a clink. ", "He’s also signaling Magill that he wants another. “", "And he knows when to leave you alone, too.”", "\n\n“Jeff has seen a lot,” the former trader says. “", "So many people. ", "And a lot of them were pretty ugly. . . .”", "\n\n“Vulgar,” the old dame clarifies.", "\n\n“Well, it’s a bar, isn’t it?” ", "the old trader says. “", "You see a lot just sitting in my seat. ", "And this is my seat. ", "This one right here.”", "\n\n“Long as anyone can remember,” says the old dame.", "\n\n“Anyone being you,” says the trader.", "\n\n“I am anyone,” she says. “", "That’s true.”", "\n\n“Well, the point is, Jeff will step up for you. ", "He’s seen a lot. ", "A lot. ", "And people have sometimes been terrible. ", "He remains . . .” ", "The trader drifts off, failing to conjure the word. “", "Steadfast,” perhaps.", "\n\n“He’s the last gentleman bartender, only bartender in Chicago who knows how to make my Bloody Mary,” the old dame interjects. “", "And I have lived all over.”", "\n\nConsider the bartender in the morning. ", "There is no talk then, no treatment of the wounded. ", "It is the brotherhood of the broom, the mop, the towel. ", "The small discoveries: an odd stem of broken glass, a skin of some stickiness, a forgotten jacket with a phone, dead and folded, in the pocket. ", "The morning news? ", "On. ", "Coffee? ", "Steaming. ", "Stock, count, recount, restock. ", "Kneel, reach, grab, swipe, shoulder down into icy boxes to stack the lumber of beer in bottles. ", "The ritual makes for a lonely industry at the mouth of the day. ", "And all of this only sets up the work of the thing. ", "A bartender isn’t really on the job until some Joe walks in off the street with his set of expectations. ", "A cold one. ", "A dry one. ", "A quick one.", "\n\n\n“It’s a physical job first,” Magill says. “", "But a psychological job primarily. ", "You stand a lot. ", "And you walk a lot of miles behind the bar. ", "I’m constantly finding ways to stretch, to deal with my feet.” ", "He talks to most customers with one foot up on the cooler in front of him, stretching his hamstring, loosening his lower back.", "\n\nAt 64, what’s the toll? “", "Well, I’m lucky enough that it isn’t my body. ", "Things might have gone differently if it had been. ", "My back has held on,” he says. “", "And it isn’t the mind. ", "I find this very stimulating—a great deal to consider and interesting people to do it with. ", "I don’t know, Tom, there are times when I’m forced to admit that the toll is time. ", "Too many missed dinners with my family.”", "\n\nCustomers approach. ", "Magill explains the wine situation again—the binary choice—to a couple who have tumbled in. ", "There’s not a huge crowd, but it takes some tending, and Magill’s shift is dwindling. ", "It seems important to get answers from him about what makes a great bartender.", "\n\n“I’m not one to go with the clichés of the job, the techniques,” he says. “", "You have to be able to balance things, I suppose. ", "You have to move. ", "It’s a real dance to touch all the disparate spaces along the bar. ", "You have to be capable of keeping many relationships going at once.”", "\n\nHe shrugs. “", "Maybe I’m not the best bartender, not the best mixologist, not the best presence behind the bar, and that may be the why of how I got here. ", "But I don’t know if I believe that being a great bartender is simply a matter of principles of service, standards, or what you might call a craft. ", "I’m of a mind that there is a kind of work that goes on here. ", "I think that the guy at the end of the bar, staring into his beer, is working through some stuff. ", "And so you have to create a place where that can happen. ", "People come here for a reason. ", "A bartender serves that. ", "You want people to get to the point they can find examples of joy.”", "\n\nJoy. ", "Really?", "\n\n“Examples of happiness,” he says, looking around at his room, which is starting to fill.", "\n\nThe day winds to a close, handshakes are exchanged. ", "The only windows in the Billy Goat are blocked by picture frames or faded plaid curtains, and there’s no sky outside save the underside of the deck that supports the street above. ", "So it’s always surprising when you see a little daylight still hanging across the tops of the clouds as you climb up to Michigan Avenue. ", "Magill had told me that he likes the perpetual night of the Billy Goat. “", "Night gets my blood flowing,” he said.", "\n\n\nAt a highway rest stop on my way home to Indiana, I check my phone, and there it is, a message from Jeff Magill, the ever-thoughtful, deeply philosophical minister and magistrate of the Billy Goat, who has finally allowed himself a monologue. ", "He feels he was unclear. ", "He’s sorry he didn’t answer me more directly about what makes a great bartender:\n\nYeah, Tom, Jeff here, just got home. ", "You’re probably driving at this point. ", "I just have a few additional thoughts that come to mind, if you get this message. ", "One of the things we didn’t get to: Of course the bar doesn’t always operate in a totally happy, benevolent way. ", "I have little tolerance for tyranny in the bar, and that comes in a variety of ways. ", "The obvious one would be, like, barroom bullies, certainly; the other being something a little more obscure, more a tyranny of largess. ", "It’s the guys who buy the rounds, have the most dough. ", "They kind of control the milieu based on that. ", "That has a subtle way of oppressing people. ", "I don’t like that, and I discourage those things. ", "I just wanted to throw that out there. ", "Another quick thought: I may have at times thought I didn’t celebrate this work of mine adequately, and we touched on that—that somehow it wasn’t as good as it should be for me. ", "Not totally true. ", "But this physician model, for instance—oddly enough, in some ways, other than title and public esteem, the basic relationship, I see myself in there. ", "I mean, people come to bartenders for something. ", "Bartenders dispense medication and maybe sometimes advice, and hopefully people leave feeling better. ", "So that does hold up, and I feel good about that, about presiding over a milieu that creates that sort of an ethic. ", "And one more additional thought has brought me much comfort. ", "I read this many years ago. ", "The great philosopher Spinoza did menial work, but he had one of the great minds of the world, and people would ask him, “You’re a great thinker, why do you do such menial work?” ", "He ground lenses as an oculist, I think, for a living. ", "And his answer was, “It gives me time to think.” ", "And yes, that has brought me great comfort. ", "I’ve had a lot of time to think. ", "I’m a fortunate guy.", "\n\nAnd just like that, he owns the whole of it. ", "I’ll remember this bartender as a man who lives by his words." ]
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[ "Demons Of Asteborg, a new platform-based game for the SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis system. (", "DEMO AVAILABLE !)" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nLoganSquare not including field name on generated Json\n\nI have a class DbRecord\npublic class DbRecord {\n\n @JsonField(name=\"on_duties\")\n List<OnDutyElement> onDuties;\n\n @JsonField(name = \"date_time\")\n DateTime dateTime;\n\nWhen I try to serialize an object of this class, the LoganSquare doesn't include the dateTime field.", "\nGenerated JSON: {:\"2015-12-21T11:32:17.503-05:00\",\"on_duties\":[{...everything normal from here\n\nA:\n\nIf all JSON Field names are lowercase with underscore you can define fieldNamingPolicy like that.", "\n@JsonObject(fieldNamingPolicy = JsonObject.", "FieldNamingPolicy.", "LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES)\npublic class DbRecord {\n\n@JsonField\nList<OnDutyElement> onDuties;\n\n@JsonField\nDateTime dateTime;\n\nYou need also to have TypeConverter for DateTime if you haven't done that already, LoganSquare allows you now to define the TypeConverter in the JsonField Annotation like that\n @JsonField(typeConverter = DateTimeConverter.class)\nDateTime time;\n\nand the DateTimeConverter\npublic class DateTimeConverter implements TypeConverter<DateTime> {\n@Override\npublic DateTime parse(JsonParser jsonParser) throws IOException {\n String dateString = jsonParser.getValueAsString(null);\n try {\n DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(dateString);\n return dateTime.changeTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(\"UTC\"), TimeZone.getDefault());\n } catch (RuntimeException runtimeException) {\n runtimeException.printStackTrace();\n return null;\n }\n}\n\n@Override\npublic void serialize(DateTime object, String fieldName, boolean writeFieldNameForObject, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator) throws IOException {\n jsonGenerator.writeStringField(fieldName, object.format(\"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss\"));\n}\n\n}\n\nA:\n\nProbably, there is a bug. ", "\nWrite your own TypeConverter that extends DateTypeConverter, override serialize() method explicit pass writeFieldName with value true. ", "\nThis will force the type converter write field name to the writer. ", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Multiple drug hypersensitivity syndrome.", "\nThe multiple drug hypersensitivity syndrome (MDH) is a distinct clinical entity, different from cross-reactivity and flare-up reactions. ", "Following its initial description in 1989 by Sullivan et al., ", "several authors have addressed the issues surrounding this peculiar form of drug hypersensitivity. ", "Whether this syndrome is single or can be further classified in several entities is still a matter of debate. ", "Case reports, case series or studies involving large populations on MDH are few. ", "The use of this term in the literature is heterogeneous, and the definitions variable. ", "Given the major advances in the study of drug hypersensitivities in general, and ongoing research regarding severe cutaneous adverse reactions in particular, careful study of the subgroup of patients with demonstrated immunological basis of MDH has enabled the generation of possible pathogenetic hypotheses. ", "Together with the studies (despite their limitations) to estimate the prevalence of this syndrome in adult and paediatric patients these emerging data need confirmation through larger studies with well defined populations. ", "Bringing together the experience of groups involved in the field of drug allergy should help to move knowledge regarding this peculiar form of drug hypersensitivity forward." ]
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[ "Introduction\n\nThe very, very basic stuff\n\nThe Aqua Computer Cuplex XT is\n\nthe best low-flow block on the market.", "\n\nOK... So?", "\n\nThe TDX by Danger Den is a popular\n\nand very effective high-flow block.", "\n\nBigger is not better: A giant chunk of copper may be able to pull heat from the spreader, but it means nothing when it comes to getting the copper connected to the water. ", "Think of a giant chunk of copper with nothing more than a 1/4\" trough cut into it – the only actual cooling is coming from that trough. ", "The rest of the block is wasted, as air is considerably less efficient than water.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nA giant chunk of copper may be able to pull heat from the spreader, but it means nothing when it comes to getting the copper connected to the water. ", "Think of a giant chunk of copper with nothing more than a 1/4\" trough cut into it – the only actual cooling is coming from that trough. ", "The rest of the block is wasted, as air is considerably less efficient than water. ", "Winners have ridges: If copper to water contact ration is the most important thing, then surface area is paramount. ", "Thus, ridges, fins, or other obstructions will dramatically increase the cooling potential, just like in a traditional heatsink. ", "In fact, the only downside is the amount of pressure needed to overcome all of the obstructions (something we'll get into in a moment). ", "So get over that idea of a \"fast\" block, where water flows uninterrupted to do the most loops possible – that method is a myth anyway.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nIf copper to water contact ration is the most important thing, then surface area is paramount. ", "Thus, ridges, fins, or other obstructions will dramatically increase the cooling potential, just like in a traditional heatsink. ", "In fact, the only downside is the amount of pressure needed to overcome all of the obstructions (something we'll get into in a moment). ", "So get over that idea of a \"fast\" block, where water flows uninterrupted to do the most loops possible – that method is a myth anyway. ", "Equilibrium is everything: As the copper block and CPU heatspreader strike equilibrium, so will the block and the water – there will be a permanent differential between the block temp and the water temp due to insulation, though, known as the thermal resistance . ", "The closer that these two are to one another, the better the block is at doing its job.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nAs the copper block and CPU heatspreader strike equilibrium, so will the block and the water – there will be a permanent differential between the block temp and the water temp due to insulation, though, known as the . ", "The closer that these two are to one another, the better the block is at doing its job. ", "Positioning matters: Since the block is there to do nothing but disperse heat, it's going to have colder and hotter portions – nothing is perfectly uniform, and heat radiates from the point of contact. ", "The hottest spot will be right over the CPU die, so having the most surface area and the most water flow over that spot will provide the best cooling.", "\n\nWatercooling is something that many of us atare familiar with. ", "However, how much do we really understand what's going on underneath the plastic and metal of our hoses and blocks?The answer is, not half as much as we think we do – a look through the cooling portions of the forums can give you a good indication that familiarity does not equal knowledge. ", "That doesn't mean we don't know anything – it just means that we take some simple things for granted, and we maybe don't have a grasp of some of the finer mechanics of what's going on under the hood.", "Nowhere is this truer than in the case of the waterblock itself. ", "Although they are a source of continual debate, the principles behind their design are often ignored, with discussion focusing instead on the block of which leading industry professional (like Danger Den Aqua Computer and D-Tek ) to use. ", "But why do their blocks work so well? ", "And whose block is the best?Well, we may not get to whose is the best... that's a review article which is in the works. ", "But we can look at their anatomies to understandthey work so well, and even what we can do to replicate some of those successes if we were to want to do it ourselves.", "So, before we get into that, let's take a look at what a waterblock actually does and how it works. ", "I suppose the first part is easy – a waterblock sucks heat from the CPU, right?Well, sort of... not really. ", "But yes... no.", "Why the confusion? ", "Well, this is amisconception. ", "Let's rephrase this properly: A waterblock obtains temperature equilibrium with the heat spreader of the underlying chip. ", "That's it. ", "No sucking involved.", "It's the same misconception as air cooling – a heatsink doesn't actually cool the chip. ", "It simply provides a greater surface area for the heat to spread over. ", "Since there's more metal to heat up, there's less heat in each molecule of metal – so itlike it's cooling. ", "The real definition of cooling is theof heat from the system – no heat is being removed here, just simply spread out. ", "Instead, it's the fluid—be it air or water—that actually does the cooling.", "This probably seems pedantic – the block cools, or the block spreads the heat and thus lowers temperature. ", "It may seem the same, but it's not – it radically changes how we need to look at water blocks. ", "We can distil everything above down to one basic statement:The above may seem like a simple statement, but it defines a huge part of what makes a good block. ", "Let's take a look at what we can draw from this concept alone:" ]
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[ "Introduction\n============\n\nCarabid beetles are known to produce a large variety of defensive substances, and their chemical nature has been elucidated in more than 500 species ([@B37], [@B38]; [@B10]; [@B11]; [@B12]; [@B28]; [@B27]; [@B18], [@B19]; [@B22]; [@B39]; [@B6]; [@B43]). ", "The defensive compounds are produced by a pair of glands that open at the tip of the abdomen, known as the \"pygidial glands\" ([@B9], [@B11]; [@B13], [@B15]; [@B14], [@B16]). ", "The defensive substances are normally sprayed in the form of large droplets, but in the bombardier beetles the spray mechanism involves a two-chamber system by which benzoquinones are forced against attackers by way of an exothermic reaction ([@B38]; [@B17]). ", "Previous chemical analytical studies on the defensive secretions of several Carabidae species revealed that these substances are blends, mainly characterized by polar organic compounds such as acids, phenols, aldehydes and quinones plus minor non-polar compounds such as ketones, esters and hydrocarbons ([@B8]). ", "These chemicals are ejected or discharged mainly when a disturbance stimulus occurs, such as the attack of a predator ([@B38]; [@B19]; [@B42]; [@B34]; [@B17]). ", "In this case, one or both glands can be discharged almost immediately and the secretion aimed towards the disturbance source ([@B19]). ", "To date, defensive compounds produced by these insects have been analyzed using whole body or droplet extracts but the differences in the quality and amounts of volatiles emitted from the undisturbed and disturbed carabid adults have been not yet been thoroughly investigated.", "\n\nAnchomenus dorsalis (Pontoppidan, 1763) is a gregarious platynine carabid inhabiting muddy soils and fields across Europe. ", "It is often found in association with species of Brachinus ([@B21]; [@B44]; [@B23]; [@B1], [@B2]; [@B25]; [@B45]) and, like Brachinus, it has a bright bicoloured (green-blue and red-brown) coat body that contrasts with the background. ", "These species usually aggregate under heavy stones in open lands with sparse vegetation, such as pasturelands, croplands or in humid, sun exposed soils ([@B2]; [@B25]). [", "@B45] described a peculiar \"rubbing behavior\" of Anchomenus dorsalis towards Brachinus sclopeta (Fabricius, 1792) observed in laboratory conditionsand in natural aggregations, where the individuals (conspecifics and no-conpecifics)live in strinct contact and in peaceful coexistence. [", "@B42] defines the carabid aggregations as positive intraspecific relationships and as \"indications of a type of social behavior\", in which the members of the species are mutually beneficial. ", "Aggregation in ground beetles seems to occur in only very few species and specially between conspicuous and chemically protected species ([@B42]; [@B2]; [@B45]). ", "Laboratory investigations carried out by [@B4] showed that Anchomenus dorsalis and Brachinus sclopeta (which in natural habitats live gregariously), use aposematic colours and warning odours versus natural enemies ([@B1], [@B3]). ", "The authors supposed that the combination of visual and olfactory signals, common in many insect groups (especially aposematic coloured insects, [@B35]; [@B29]), can produce a multimodal warning display that, acting along many sensory channels ([@B36]), increases the antipredatory strategies.", "\n\nWhen disturbed, the ground beetles Brachinus dorsalis releases a strong odour (perceived even by humans) (Bonacci, personal observation), and quickly retreat (with dispersal movement that produce a great confusion in the observer) into deeper soil crevices (like the *dilution effect*). ", "Under laboratory conditions, [@B1], [@B3], [@B4]) demonstrated that Brachinus dorsalis and Brachinus sclopeta are attacked less by predators, such as Ocypus olens (O. Muller, 1764) (Staphylinidae), Crocidura leucodon (Hermann, 1780) (Insectivora, Soricidae) and Podarcis sicula (Rafinesque, 1810) (Reptilia, Lacertidae) than other carabids used as preys ([@B21]; [@B44]; [@B23]; [@B3], [@B4]; [@B45]). ", "Based on these behavioural studies and observations, experiments were conducted to characterize and quantify the volatile compounds produced by Anchomenus dorsalis upon disturbance. ", "The putative organs producing such defensive compounds, the pygidial glands, were also investigated using light and electronic microscopy.", "\n\nMaterials and methods\n=====================\n\nInsects\n-------\n\nAdults of Anchomenus dorsalis were collected by hand from different inter-specific aggregations (each composed by 100--130 individuals) of Brachinus sclopeta and Anchomenus dorsalis found under stones or straw bales in Calabria (Crati Valley, province of Cosenza, 39°35\\'56\\\"N; 16°15\\'48\\\"E; elevation: 60 m a.s.l.). ", "Following field collections, monospecific groups were placed in separate plastic cages (30 × 22 × 20 cm) with 4 cm of clay soil in a climatic chamber at 22 °C, photoperiod L/D of 18/6, and fed on veal meat and earthworm pieces (Lumbricus terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758)).", "\n\nAir collection of adult volatiles\n---------------------------------\n\nThe collection of volatiles from Anchomenus dorsalis adults was conducted using a horizontal all-glass apparatus 1 l in volume. ", "Humidified and charcoal filtered air was drawn through the apparatus at 0.5 l min-1 by a peristaltic pump for 2 h in a conditioned room at temperature of 22 ± 2 °C. ", "The volatiles produced by experimental groups of 20 individuals of Anchomenus dorsalis adults of both sexes were trapped in glass collectors (6 mm ID) loaded with 600 mg of porapak Q, and held in place by glass wool plugs. ", "Two experimental individual groups were considered: disturbed and undisturbed. ", "Adults were considered undisturbed when they were gently transferred into the glass apparatus and disturbed when, before the start of the aeration, the glass chamber containing the adults was vigorously shaken for 10 seconds ([@B20]). ", "Preliminary observations showed that during this time the Anchomenus dorsalis adults released the odour. ", "Five replicates were carried out for each groups: \"disturbed\" and \"undisturbed\". ", "We proceeded in order to avoid any pseudo-replication and each individual was tested once. ", "At the end of the aeration period, collectors were eluted with hexane (400 µl) and the extracts stored at -15 °C until used for GC-MS analysis. ", "Blank aerations were also carried out with the empty apparatus using the same procedure.", "\n\nChemical Analyses\n-----------------\n\nGC--MS analyses were performed using a Hewlett-Packard 5890 GC system interfaced with an HP 5973 quadrupole mass spectrometer detector. ", "As a stationary phase an HP5--MS capillary column (5% diphenyl-95% dimethylpolysiloxane 30 m - 0.2 mm, 0.25 μm film thickness, J&W Scientific, USA) was used. ", "Injector and detector temperatures were 250 °C and 270 °C respectively. ", "Helium was used as the carrier gas. ", "The GC oven temperature program was 60 °C for 5 min, than increased by 10 °C/min to 280 °C. ", "Electron impact ionization spectra were obtained at 70 eV, recording mass spectra from 42 to 550 uma. ", "Compound analysis and identification was carried out using a commercial NIST 2005 mass spectra library search and by comparison with standard analytical grade compounds purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (U.S.A.). ", "Quantitative analysis was carried out for 4 compound identified by GC-MS analysis: undecane, heneicosane, *(Z)*-9 - tricosene and tricosane.", "\n\nFor this analysis the elutes were diluted in 1 ml of hexane using a volumetric flask. ", "Six point calibration curves, using analytical standards undecane, heneicosane, *(Z)*-9 - tricosene and tricosane, in the 0.2--100 ng μl-1 range, were used in order to evaluate the chromatographic response. ", "The mean amount ± SE of each of these compounds was calculated dividing the amount of the compound obtained per replicate per the number of individuals used in each replicate.", "\n\nGland anatomy\n-------------\n\nFor anatomical study by optical microscopy, adult beetles were killed at -15 °C and their abdomens were treated with 10% potassium hydroxide for 4 days before examination of the chitinous structures. ", "The glands were mounted on clean glass slides and observed by optical microscopy equipped with Nomarsky interference contrast and photographed with a Coolpix 4500 camera (Nikon).", "\n\nFor light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), samples were fixed in 3% glutaraldehyde solution in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH. 7.4) for 2 h at 4 °C and post fixed with 3% osmium tetroxide for 2 h. The specimens were then washed in phosphate buffer, dehydrated through graded acetone solutions and embedded in Araldite (Fluka, Buchs, Switzerland). ", "Semithin sections (1 μm) were obtained with a Leica Ultracut UCT ultramicrotome by using glass knives, mounted on clean glass slide and stained with 1% toluidine blue. ", "They were then photographed with the Zeiss Axioskop microscope. ", "For transmission electron microscopy, ultrathin sections (600--900 Ǻ) were prepared using a diamond knife and collected on copper grids (G 300 Cu), contrasted using both lead citrate and uranyl acetate and then examined with a \"Zeiss EM 900\" electron microscope (TEM). ", "Gland structure terminology follows [@B19] and [@B17].", "\n\nStatistical Analysis\n--------------------\n\nThe quantitative analysis to determine differences in the amount of undecane, heneicosane, *(Z)*-9 - tricosene and tricosane recovered from Anchomenus dorsalis adults were compared by t-test ([@B40]). ", "The statistical analysis was performed using Statistica for Windows 6.0 ([@B41]).", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nChemical analysis of adult volatiles\n------------------------------------\n\nGC-MS analysis of volatile collections showed that disturbed and undisturbed adults of Anchomenus dorsalis released the same four major volatile compounds: undecane, heneicosane, *(Z)*-9 - tricosene and tricosane ([Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}; [Fig. ", "1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "A significant difference between disturbed and undisturbed adults was observed only in the released amount of undecane. ", "An amount of 22.37 ± 8.48 ng (Mean ± SE) were collected from each disturbed adult vs. 0.94 ± 0.29 ng collected from a undisturbed adult (t = 2,52; df = 8; *p* = 0.035). ", "Other chemicals (heneicosane, *(Z)*-9 - tricosene and tricosane) tend to be released more when Anchomenus dorsalis individuals are disturbed but their amount is not statistically significant ([Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\n###### \n\nVolatile compounds from Anchomenus dorsalis adults obtained from air collections carried out for 2 hours at 0.5 l min-1. **", "RT**: retention time at the GC-MS analysis; **df**: degree of freedom.", "\n\n ----------------------- ------------- -------------------------------- ------------- ------ --- -------\n Compound R.T. (min.) ", " Amount (ng) /adult (mean ± SE) *t*- value df p \n Disturbed Undisturbed \n Undecane 9.82 22.37 ± 8.48 0.94 ± 0.29 2.52 8 0.035\n Heneicosane 32.92 1.09 ± 0.96 0.44 ± 0.31 0.63 8 NS\n (*Z* )- 9 - Tricosene 35.96 2.19 ± 2.10 0.78 ± 0.70 0.63 8 NS\n Tricosane 36.98 0.93 ± 0.86 0.38 ± 0.28 0.60 8 NS\n ----------------------- ------------- -------------------------------- ------------- ------ --- -------\n\n![", "Gas chromatograms of volatile compounds collected from disturbed (up) and undisturbed (down) adults of Anchomenus dorsalis. **", "1** undecane **2** heneicosane **3** (*Z*)-9 - tricosene **4** tricosane. ", "On the x axis is reported the retention time (minutes). ", "As a stationary phase an HP5--MS capillary column was used. ", "The GC oven temperature program was 60 °C for 5 min, than increased by 10 °C/min to 280 °C.](ZooKeys-081-013-g001){#F1}\n\nGland structure\n---------------\n\nThe pygidial glands of Anchomenus dorsalis are cuticular invaginations of the body wall that open outside immediately behind the eighth abdominal tergite. ", "Each gland consists of a aggregate of secretory cells, an collecting canal, a reservoir and an efferent duct through which the secretion is discharged. ", "The efferent duct open near the abdominal tip to the sides of anus. ", "Each lobe is essentially a ball of cells ([fig. ", "2 A](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) aligned radially around a central collecting lumen (sensu [@B18]) that carry the secretion towards collecting canal. ", "The overall structure of the secretory lobe and collecting canal resemble a cluster of grapes ([fig. ", "2 A](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Each cluster of cells converges to form a long efferent duct that drains the chemical product into a bean-shaped sac (reservoir) in which it is stored ([fig. ", "2 C](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The reservoirs extend forward, one along each side of the hindgut. ", "This reservoir or \"storage sac\" (sensu [@B34]) in Anchomenus dorsalis has a smooth constriction at about one third from its hind end, where both the collecting canal as well the efferent duct (sensu [@B18]) converge ([fig. ", "2 C and D](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The collecting canal ([@B18]) is a cylindrical tube twice the length of the body of the carabid ([fig. ", "2 B and D](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}), its lumen occupying about one third of the diameter. ", "It carries the secretion from the secretory lobes to the reservoir and shows a continuous and regular spiral ridge along the whole length of its outer surface ([fig. ", "2 D](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Each efferent canal (treated with potassium hydroxide) show evident apical ramifications ([fig. ", "2 E](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) extending towards the center of the secretory lobe. ", "These structures, as observed by [@B17] in Crepidogaster Boheman, 1848 genus and defined by these authors also microtubules (intracellular organelle sensu [@B34]), are grouped into convergent clusters, to form tiny individual \"floret\" that carry the secretion from the secretory lumen ([fig. ", "2 E](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) to the main collecting canal. ", "The tubules and florets are cuticular and could be isolated readily by potassium hydroxide treatment of the glands.", "\n\n![", "Light microscope: **A** Dorsal aspects of pygidial gland; **ed**, efferent duct; **r**, reservoir; **cc**, collecting canal; **sl**, secretory lobe (Scale bar = 0.5 mm) (not treated with potassium hydroxide) **B** collecting canal (Scale bar = 0.125 mm) **C** reservoir with smooth constriction at about one third from its hind end (Scale bar = 0.125 mm) **D** insertion of collecting canal (black arrow) and efferent duct (white arrow) in the reservoir (Scale bar = 0.05 mm) **E** collecting canal with apical ramifications (white arrows) (Scale bar = 0.05 mm) **F** \"floret\" (sensu [@B17]) (Scale bar = 0.015 mm) (treated with potassium hydroxide).](ZooKeys-081-013-g002){#F2}\n\nExamined by TEM, the wall of the collecting canal is lined by epidermal part ([fig.", " 3 A](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) that consist of cells connected to each other by micro-canals projecting into the collecting canal lumen. ", "The lumen of collecting canal contain a heterogeneous secretion ([fig. ", "3 A](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Transmission electron microscope (TEM): **A**, collecting canal with lumen (**lu**); the black arrows show interstitial spaces (**is**) **B** secretory lobe with secretory lumen (**sl**) **C** vesicle (**v**) with microvilli (**mv**) **D** microvilli structure (**mv**) at highest enlargement (the white arrows show the thin lamina) and **E** Inner wall of the reservoir with chitinous basal lamina (**la**) (black arrows) and massive muscle layer around.](ZooKeys-081-013-g003){#F3}\n\nEach secretory lobe consist of secretory cells arranged radially around the central lumen. ", "Each secretory cell has an secretory vesicle which is almost as long as the cell itself ([fig. ", "3 B](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) with a coated membrane and bear many microvilli projecting into the cavity ([fig. ", "3 C](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Between the secretory cells are evident ([fig. ", "3 B](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) the vesicular ducts that carry the secretion in the collecting lumen ([fig. ", "3 B](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Each microvillus ([fig. ", "3 D](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) is formed by three structures: one with a typical spiral shape and other two structures, similar in shape and size. ", "All the structures are enveloped by a thin lamina ([fig. ", "3 D](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The inner wall of the reservoir is composed of a thick chitinous layer (basal lamina) ([fig. ", "3 E](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "A thick muscle layer was found surrounding the reservoir. ", "Likely, the muscles play an important role for the expulsion of the secretory products through the efferent duct. ", "This is composed of muscle bundles that pass spirally around it.", "\n\nDiscussion and conclusions\n==========================\n\nThe chemical analyses of disturbed and undisturbed Anchomenus dorsalis adults showed that undecane was produced significantly in larger amounts in disturbed individuals. ", "This suggests that this compound (which can be perceived even by humans) could play a prominent role in the chemical defence of the species. ", "The role of undecane as a defensive substance has been widely reported in the Insecta: Acanthomyops claviger (Roger, 1862) ([@B33]), Formica polyctena Foerster, 1850 ([@B24]), Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille, 1802) ([@B30]) and in Oxytelinae rove beetles (Bledius spectabilis Kraatz, 1857, Platystethus arenarius (Fourcroy, 1785), and Oxytelus piceus L.) (Dettner and Schwinger 1982). ", "Although in other carabids, hydrocarbons are generally produced in lesser amounts than polar compounds such as acids, phenols, aldehydes or quinones ([@B8]), but the occurrence of undecane in pygidial glands has been described in Pterostichini (Abaris aenea Dejean, 1831, Pseudabarys Chaudoir, 1873, sp), Loxandrini (Loxandrus LeConte, 1852, spp), Morionini (Morion simplex Dejean, 1831, Moriosomus seticollis Straneo, 1985), Catapieseini (Catapiesis Solier, 1835, spp), Perigonini (Diploharpus laevissimus Chaudoir, 1850) and Odacanthini (Colliuris pensylvanica Linnaeus, 1758) ([@B43]). ", "Furthermore, [@B32] reported that hydrocarbons produced by carabid species are potentially defensive.", "\n\nUndecane is an optimal chemical signalling molecule, its molecular weight and polarity combining moderate olfactory efficiency with a sufficiently high vapour pressure to broadcast in the centimetre range when present in microgram quantities or less ([@B33]). ", "As with a number of carabids ([@B9]; [@B10]; [@B43]), a defensive spray constituted mainly of undecane appears to be an effective deterrent of predators ([@B1], [@B4]). ", "Moreover, the efficacy of these chemicals is improved in that carabid species that are able to direct their ejections directly against the head or the eyes of the predator ([@B9]; [@B32]).", "\n\nThe laboratory observations of the pygidial glands of Anchomenus dorsalis show that they resemble those of other Carabidae in their structure ([@B18], [@B19]), and the form of the reservoir, clearly double lobed, resembles the apparatus of Anthia and Harpalines described by [@B19]. ", "The secretory \"florets\" show a very small lumen, compared to other tribes of carabid beetles, ([@B19]; [@B34]; [@B17]), but very little investigations have been done on Platynine (Agoninae) ground beetles. ", "The inner wall of reservoir of pygidial glands in Anchomenus dorsalis shows a thin coat of chitinous tissue which probably preserves the cells by the toxic mixture of chemicals and requires that this secretion must be efficiently isolated from the rest of the body. ", "Another feature of the glands of Anchomenus dorsalis is the extreme length of the collecting canal. ", "This tube seems to be much longer than necessary for the transfer of chemical secretion. ", "Very long collecting canals were found by [@B18] in Pterostichus madidus (Fabricius) and the author proposed that this feature serves to abridge the back-pressure from the reservoir.", "\n\nAs mentioned above, the defense glands in carabid beetles produce chemical compounds primarily to provide protection against putative predators ([@B42]; [@B43]). ", "Nevertheless, in Anchomenus dorsalis, volatile compounds ejected after disturbance could have a double function: repellent function to predators and chemical signalling function for conspecifics. ", "In fact, previous studies showed that the defensive compounds released by a number of disturbed Anchomenus dorsalis individuals is not only a repellent towards natural enemies, but also elicited dispersal behavior in conspecifics ([@B1], [@B2], [@B3], [@B4]). ", "Such an intra-specific dispersal function is supported by the gregarious nature of this species; gregariousness and high population density allowing rapid intra-specific communication is generally thought to be necessary for evolution of chemical signalling molecule ([@B31]). ", "It is reasonable to believe that in Anchomenus dorsalis, undecane emission (characterized by strong smell, which can be perceived even by humans) by the pygidial glands causes dispersal movement of individuals inside the aggregation (authors' personal observations). ", "If the assumption of [@B5] is correct (deterrence against predators and intraspecific alarm function of the same compounds being coupled), the chemicals of this carabids evoke an alarm reaction in conspecifics and avoidance behaviour in natural enemies, as showed by [@B1], [@B3], [@B4]). ", "Usually Anchomenus dorsalis occurs in dense aggregations of many individuals with other carabids belonging to the genus Brachinus. ", "It can be expected that in species occurring in such masses an adequate defense mechanism has evolved towards potential predators. ", "Brachinus sclopeta producing several defensive chemicals ([@B45]) and Anchomenus dorsalis producing a putative chemical signalling molecule, undecane, from the pygidial glands. ", "Assemblages of mixed species that share common predators may experience benefits that are similar to or exceed those of monospecific groups. ", "These benefits may be particularly pronounced if individuals of one species can recognize the alarm signals produced by individuals of other species in the assemblage (in [@B26]).", "\n\nIn summary, undecane and the pygidial glands appear to play a role in the defence mechanism of Anchomenus dorsalis. ", "Further studies will carry on to investigate if undecane emission is able to elicit dispersal and retreating movements both in co-specific and inter-specific groups.", "\n\n[^1]: Academic editor: Terry Erwin\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nVIM: Replace [aeiou]' with the respective accented letter\n\nI know that VIM support digraph, and it would be perfect if it's possible to use with :s command, but I can't find a way to use it!", "\nI think something like:\n:%s/\\([aeiouAEIOU]\\)'/\\=digraph(submatch(1).\"!\")/g\n\nWould be perfect, but I didn't find a digraph function.", "\nThanks in advance.", "\nEDIT\nOk, after a bit of diggin in the built-in VIM's functions, I've found tr and a first solution to the problem:\n:%s/\\([aeiouAEIOU]\\)'/\\=tr(submatch(1), 'aeiouAEIOU', 'àèìòùÀÈÌÒÙ')/g\n\nHowever, I still want to know if there's a way to use digraph in expressions :)\n\nA:\n\nfunction! ", "Digraph(letter, type)\n silent exec \"normal! :", "let l:s = '\\<c-k>\".a:letter.a:type.", "\"'\\<cr>\"\n return l:s\nendfunction\n\nThis function will allow you to generate any digraph you want.", "\nIt simulates typing <c-k><char><char> by running it with the normal command and assigning it to the local variable s. And then it returns s. \nAfter this function is defined and you can use it like this.", "\n:%s/\\([aeiouAEIOU]\\)'/\\=Digraph(submatch(1), \"!\")", "/g\n\nNote: This was based off of the source code for EasyDigraph\n\n" ]
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[ "\nDeep Reinforcement Learning to Play StarCraft - wbthomason\nhttps://arxiv.org/abs/1609.02993\n======\nwamatt\nGeneralized reasoning in strategy games AI is an especially difficult problem\nfor machine learning. ", "IRL, top StarCraft players routinely model their\nopponents mental states and psychology to create an edge.", "\n\nSo perhaps it's worth pointing out, that this paper specifically addresses a\nsub-problem of Starcraft play, micromanagement ('micro') [1]\n\nThe game engine runs at 24 frames per second. (", "As an aside, 'frames' in this\ncontext likely does not map to physical FPS of the display).", "\n\n _> We ran all the following experiments with a skip_frames of 9 (meaning that\nwe take about 2.6 actions per unit per second)._", "\n\nThe research team found that attempting to move at a superhuman pace (eg one\naction every frame), resulted in a subpar performance and hyper-\nparameterization indicated 2.6 to be an ideal action per second.", "\n\nIn context, this translates to an APM of 156. ", "Or, roughly half that of\nprofessional Korean e-athletes. [", "2]\n\n[1]\n[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micromanagement_(gameplay)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micromanagement_\\(gameplay\\))\n\n[2]\n[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actions_per_minute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actions_per_minute)\n\n~~~\naab0\n\"The researchers found that attempting to move at a superhuman pace (eg one\naction every frame), resulted in a subpar performance.\"", "\n\nMoving at extremely fine-grained timesteps can make learning much more\ndifficult, because now a reward arrives millions of timesteps delayed rather\nthan hundreds or thousands. ", "It's like trying to teach a NN to compose piano\nmusic by starting down at the 1ms raw audio level. ", "This is part of why audio\nsynthesis was so difficult up until recently with DeepMind's WaveNet. ", "In\ntheory, being able to move every frame should enable extremely superhuman\nperformance, but in practice, you can't learn your way there. ", "So often people\nwill chunk data to make it easier to learn the higher-level concepts: operate\non words, rather than characters, for example.", "\n\n~~~\nraus22\nWhy not go the other way and decrease the actions per minute so you learn the\noverall point of the game , And with each game the actions per minute\nincreases.", "\n\n~~~\ncomex\nOr maybe extend the traditional categories of macro and micro with another\none, call it 'nano'... the micro agent indicates where each unit ought to be\nin 9 frames, and the nano agent figures out how to take them there. ", "Since the\ntimescale is so short, the agent could brute-force enumerate possible moves to\nsome extent and figure out which is optimal, like chess AI. ", "Or use a separate\nnetwork.", "\n\nI guess that's inelegant when a deep network already has its own concept of\nfine-grained versus coarse-grained layers, and should be able to do this on\nits own with the right training method.", "\n\n------\nanirul\nAfter loosing on the Go territory seams like fb is trying to challenge\nAlphabet on StarCraft. ", "DeepMind already declared they will go for StartCraft\nas a next challenge does it mean that they accept the challenge? ", "I'm actually\nhappy to see what could be the result! ", "The only weak point for the StarCraft\ncommunity is that it would be on SC1 and not SC2.", "\n\n~~~\nwhorleater\nSC1 is not a weak point, it's generally considered to be better balanced, and\nis the \"gold standard\" for RTS's. ", "SC1 also has far more training dataset than\nSC2.", "\n\n~~~\nufo\nIn addition to the training data, there is also the BWAPI project, that lets\nthe bots play the game against other bots or humans.", "\n\n[http://bwapi.github.io/](http://bwapi.github.io/)\n\nThere isn't something similar available for SC2 due to a mix of technical and\nnontechnical issues:\n\n[https://github.com/bwapi/bwapi/wiki/FAQ#will-there-be-an-\napi...](https://github.com/bwapi/bwapi/wiki/FAQ#will-there-be-an-api-like-\nthis-for-starcraft-ii-faq-sc2)\n\n~~~\nwhorleater\nYep! ", "But as someone that built something on top of the BW API, I'd wager\nanyone going after SC1 AI to probably write their own thing. ", "It's still an\namazing API for general heuristics and modeling, but there's a few issues with\nit that stand in the way of making it a scaleable foundation.", "\n\n~~~\nktRolster\nWhat is wrong with it?", "\n\n------\nh4nkoslo\nIt's a misconception that StarCraft is a strategy game. ", "If you look at how\nit's actually played by human pros, it looks closer to a fighting game; very\nreflex-driven & heavy on micro-interactions. ", "You would expect an un-gated AI\nwith effectively infinite actions per second to do very well.", "\n\n~~~\nPhearTheCeal\nIt seems like most people in this thread are claiming that high APM and the\nability to have perfect control over everything happening on the map will give\nthe AI an advantage that will force a win.", "\n\nHere is a video of one of the best current StarCraft bots losing to an D-rank\n(low skill) human player. ", "The bot's APM is ~5500 while the human's is ~200.", "\n[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztNYOnx_YQo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztNYOnx_YQo)\n\nThe fact is, no AI has ever beaten even an amateur player in a tournament.", "\nEven with great micro, if your play is too predictable then the human will\nlearn it and exploit it.", "\n\nI, for one, am very excited to see the development of new StarCraft AIs. ", "And\nespecially SC2 AIs so that it can challenge the current world champions.", "\n\n------\nAnalemma_\nThis is pretty cool, although I think MOBAs (Dota, LoL) would be an even\nbetter test of AI skills than StarCraft. ", "They also have imperfect information,\nbut place more importance on strategy and less on micro than StarCraft;\nrequire some game theory and bluffing in the draft, and would need multiple\nagents to cooperate (assuming you set it up so that you had 5 AIs play the\ngame, with well-defined communication channels, rather than one controlling\nthe five players, which I think is the right way to go).", "\n\nSeems like there's more potential for useful AGI techniques in that direction.", "\n\n------\nloser777\nIncreased AI performance in RTS is always exciting, but part of me is\ndisappointed by the fact that the AI doesn't \"see\" or interact with the game\nthat humans do. ", "That is, humans don't play the game by querying the\nstate/status of each unit and then issuing commands via some API. ", "It would be\nfun (though complicate things significantly) to produce an AI that at least\nhas some notion of a mouse/keyboard so that you could see it in action from a\nfirst person perspective.", "\n\n------\nNikolaeVarius\nScrew Go. ", "Beating the Terran Emperor in a game of Starcraft is when the\ncomputers will finally take over the world.", "\n\nIt would be interesting though. ", "How would a program that has PERFECT micro\nfare against a professional Starcraft player. ", "Would a program reliably figure\nout how to kill 10 banelings with a few marines and a medivac by using the\nfact you can micro them to be able to do it without taking losses? ", "Even if it\ncould, would it know WHEN its even worth it to do so?", "\n\n~~~\ndanielvf\nThere are already incredibly good micro StarCraft AI, able to operate at\nthousands of APM - this isn't the limiting aspect of current StarCraft AI.", "\n\nThe \"Hard\" part of StarCraft is that it is a huge Rock Paper Scissors game\nwith only the information you fight for. ", "You have to be able to piece together\na picture of your opponents actions and forces from small cues.", "\n\n~~~\npkfrank\nWow, I hadn't seen this before.", "\n\nHere is \"Automaton 2000\" controlling 20 marines vs 40 banelings, without\nlosing a single unit.", "\n\n[https://youtu.be/DXUOWXidcY0?t=52](https://youtu.be/DXUOWXidcY0?t=52)\n\nPretty cool.", "\n\n~~~\ndanielvf\nAnd as cool as that is, this is even more terrifying, as a hundred zergslings\ndodge seige tank cannons and destroy them.", "\n\n[https://youtu.be/IKVFZ28ybQs](https://youtu.be/IKVFZ28ybQs)\n\nIt's enough to make you scared for the future of humanity.", "\n\n~~~\nnickpsecurity\nWhat... the... hell..!? ", "That's basically what they show on movies where the\naction stars have superhuman movement. ", "Except, it's zergling's perfectly\ncoordinating the demolition of siege tanks. ", "Awesome demo of AI micro.", "\n\n------\npinouchon\nI think Starcraft is a very interesting challenge for AI because it involves\nplanning in an environment that is only partially observable: you must scout\nin order to see what your opponent is up to, and even then, you don't see\neverything. ", "If DeepMind works on this, I really hope that they constrain the\nAI (APM-wise) so that its only chance of winning is by good planning and\nstrategy, not super-fast micro.", "\n\n~~~\ndanielvf\nAccording to this paper Facebook is only working on micro - attempting to win\na few simple (one to two unit types) battles that humans can win 100% of the\ntime against AI.", "\n\nAs you said, the glory of StarCraft is it's strategic level information game.", "\nWill be interesting to see what comes out of attempting to learn that.", "\n\n------\nnickpsecurity\nPrior work and why I love StarCraft as a testbed for AI described here:\n\n[http://webdocs.cs.ualberta.ca/~cdavid/starcraftaicomp/report...](http://webdocs.cs.ualberta.ca/~cdavid/starcraftaicomp/report2015.shtml)\n\nThe two papers in RTS techniques sections are a must read for an idea of what\nproblems it poses along with results of prior attempts. ", "The ability of human\npro's to detect AI patterns and defeat them with bluffs is pretty consistent.", "\nStarCraft, like Poker, involves lots of psychological analyses and ploys.", "\n\nEven if Google or Facebook make one, I still think of humans as superior until\nit can learn how to beat them with mere dozens to hundreds of games rather\nthan what was fed into AlphaGo. ", "That wasn't human equivalent or superior so\nmuch as approximating the results of nearly all human activity in the space\nthen focusing it against one human. ", "You could call it superhuman but it\nrequired tons of activity by brilliant humans. ", "Brilliant humans require little\nwith the champions a lot less than the automated techniques. ", "Lots of self-\ndiscovery with limited data. ", "I want to see the AI's pull that off plus keep it\ngoing when encountering humans with innovative, never-before-seen strategies.", "\nThat's when I'll give them credit as useful on barely-defined problems with\ncurveballs like humans.", "\n\n------\nscrollaway\nIf anyone is interested in deep learning around Blizzard games, there is an\nactive AI community around Hearthstone in the `#hearthsim` and `#hearthsim-ai`\nchannels on Freenode. ", "cf [https://hearthsim.info](https://hearthsim.info).", "\nStarcraft AI discussions welcome!", "\n\nWe're also discussing support for such projects using game replays from\nHSReplay.net :)\n\n" ]
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[ "A variety of methods are used for patterning composite sheet or multi-layer materials, for example ink-on-paper, metal-on-plastic, or more generally, one or more materials to be patterned on a substrate material. ", "Conventional patterning methods include subtractive processes that start with the composite structure and remove one or more portions of undesired material from a substrate, such as patterning and etching, laser etching or cutting, mechanical abrasion or the like, and additive processes that add the desired material to a substrate, such as printing (for example ink jet, gravure, flexographic, or other types of printing), plating, vapor phase deposition, and the like.", "\nMany of these methods are not amenable to cost-effective fast turn-around processing because of the time and cost associated with the patterning process. ", "For example, roll-to-roll processing using a gravure roller to form a resist on a composite structure and then etching off the desirable material and cleaning the final product is an efficient way to make very large quantities of a single design, using a single material. ", "Such roll-to-roll processes can be cost-effective despite the relatively long time, high complexity, and high cost associated with making the gravure roller and starting up the process, since such costs can be amortized over the very large volumes. ", "At the other end of the process spectrum, digital printers, for example ink jet or wax or other printers, can relatively very quickly adapt to new patterns, but these techniques are relatively slow to produce large patterned areas, thus increasing the cost significantly beyond that of relatively more high-volume processes. ", "In addition, such digital printers typically do not have sufficient throughput to match the capacity of subsequent processes that rely on their output, e.g., the manufacture of flexible printed circuit boards. ", "Finally, additive processes, particularly for addition of electrically conductive materials (e.g., for printed circuit boards), typically have significantly lower conductivity than bulk conductive materials, for two reasons. ", "The first is that the conductivity of the printed materials, for example printable conductive inks, is not typically as high as the bulk metal. ", "For example, the printed materials may typically have about 3 times to about 6 times lower conductivity. ", "The second is that these printed materials often cannot be printed at the same thickness as the bulk material. ", "For example, they may have a thickness about 5 times to about 50 times thinner than available bulk materials.", "\nFinally, many of these conventional processes use relatively large amounts of energy as well as relatively hazardous and/or toxic chemicals and may produce significant waste. ", "For example, systems for patterning copper or metal layers on a substrate require large chemical etch baths that may have high operational, maintenance and disposal costs associated with large amounts of potentially non-environmentally friendly chemicals and other waste.", "\nAccordingly, there is a need for solutions that provide for low-cost, environmentally friendly, high-throughput, easily changeable patterning of layered structures of any length, particularly for roll-to-roll processing." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nomission in comparative clauses\n\n\"Now, yer mum an' dad were as good a witch an' wizard as I ever\n knew.\" (", "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)\n\nThis comparative construction, I suppose, has the omission of “counterpart of comparative phrase normally omitted (CGEL,p.1108)”. ", "From Wendikidd’s comment, the complement of as before omission would be ‘any of those I ever knew’ or ‘those I ever knew’ (those: good witches and wizards). ", "Are both accepted or one of them?", "\n\nA:\n\nW e l l . . . ", "You may certainly, with grammatical propriety, paraphrase this as \n\nas good as\n   any ∅\n   any whom\n   any that\n   any of those ∅\n   any of those whom\n   any of those that\n   those ∅\n   those whom\n   those that\n   all others ∅\n   all others whom\n   all others that               I ever knew \n\nBut with all respect to Profs. ", "Pullum and Huddleston, that range of choices makes it difficult to say that anything in particular is omitted, except in the Pickwickian sense that they’re all omitted. ", "You can't “omit” something that was never there to begin with.", "\nIt may make Pulludelum's job easier, and their model more parsimonious, to pretend that something is omitted; but the fact is, they're importing that something into the sentence. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nTesting asp.net pages programmatically\n\nSuggest a testing framework, which could autofill forms, simulate a button click and navigate to next page.", "\nI am trying to automate this task to reduce development time.", "\nEDIT :\nFrom the list suggested by Arran, Coded UI seems to be the most feasible option. (", "Considering enterprise restrictions, I cannot install new softwares). ", "\nPlease suggest some directions to write something on my own or using Microsoft Coded UI.", "\nThank you.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou have a few options:\nMicrosoft's CodedUI built into Visual Studio Ultimate\nSelenium\nWatin (Abandonware, somewhat)\nTelerik's Testing Framework.", "\nAll will get the job done without much fuss.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "The present invention generally relates to a rapid thermal anneal (RTA) chamber for semiconductor wafers. ", "More particularly, the invention relates to monitoring the reflective index of a reflector plate in-situ in a rapid thermal anneal chamber during thermal processing of semiconductors.", "\nRapid thermal processing (RTP) is frequently used in the semiconductor production industry in the fabrication of semiconductor integrated circuits. ", "Such processing includes rapid thermal oxidation (RTO), which utilizes drastic and abrupt fluctuations in temperature to form a silicon oxide film on a semiconductor wafer or between layers of the wafer. ", "One of the major advantages of using rapid thermal oxidation rather than furnace oxidation in semiconductor processing is that RTO significantly reduces the thermal budget required for transitioning between the low and high temperatures. ", "Moreover, rapid cooling of the oxidizing chamber after a heat-induced oxidizing phase facilitates processing of a greater number of wafers per unit time, significantly enhancing semiconductor production efficiency.", "\nRTP is important for any type of semiconductor wafer processing which requires precise temperature control and short high-temperature process intervals. ", "Consequently, RTP must be carried out in a specially-designed rapid thermal annealing (RTA) chamber, rather than in a conventional semiconductor wafer furnace having walls and other components characterized by high thermal conductivity that would hinder rapid thermal cycling. ", "RTA chambers are designed to thermally isolate a semiconductor wafer such that radiant, rather than conductive, heat is used in semiconductor wafer processing. ", "As a result, all portions of the wafer are more uniformly heated, thereby eliminating or at least reducing thermal gradients which would otherwise cause wafer slip and warpage.", "\nA typical RTA chamber includes an array of halogen, silicon-carbide or arc lamps provided in the upper portion of a sealed chamber. ", "A cylindrical quartz tray for supporting a semiconductor wafer is rotatably mounted in a support in the bottom of the chamber, and a heat reflector plate is provided on the support inside the tray for reflecting heat from the lamps. ", "Infrared pyrometers connected to a temperature control system absorb infrared rays reflected from the peripheral regions to the central region of the reflector plate. ", "Conduits connected to the chamber can be utilized to distribute oxygen or other process gas over the front side of the wafer in the chamber.", "\nDuring the rapid heating phase of the RTO process, a phenomenon called xe2x80x9cdopant outgassingxe2x80x9d is common, wherein dopants in the wafer, particularly if the wafer has a low backside emissivity, tend to diffuse from the backside of the wafer and are deposited onto the reflector plate. ", "The dopant contaminants on the reflector plate cause inaccurate heat reflection to the absorptive fiber optic probes of the pyrometers, which relay faulty temperature information to the temperature control for the system. ", "Consequently, overheating of the wafers in the chamber may occur. ", "It is therefore very important during RTP to constantly monitor the reflective index of the reflector plate of a rapid thermal anneal chamber in order to ensure accurate and precise temperature monitoring and control of the chamber during wafer processing.", "\nTherefore, it is an object of the present invention to ensure accurate and precise temperature control of a rapid thermal anneal chamber.", "\nIt is another object of the present invention to detect contaminants on a reflector plate of a rapid thermal anneal chamber.", "\nIt is a further object of the present invention to prevent inaccurate or imprecise thermal cycling during the processing of semiconductor wafers in a rapid thermal anneal chamber.", "\nIt is yet another object of the present invention to facilitate timely replacement of a reflector plate in a rapid thermal anneal chamber in the event of contaminant deposit on the reflector plate.", "\nIt is a still further object of the present invention to facilitate constant monitoring of a reflective index of a reflection plate in a rapid thermal anneal chamber to prevent process temperature errors in operation of the chamber.", "\nIn accordance with these and other objects and advantages, the present invention comprises one or multiple openings in the chamber wall of a rapid thermal anneal chamber and a reflective index monitor in the opening or openings, respectively. ", "The reflective index monitor or monitors each measures the infrared reflective index of the reflector plate of the rapid thermal anneal chamber, and sends a corresponding signal to a process controller, an alarm, or both a process controller and an alarm. ", "In the event that the measured reflective index of the reflector plate deviates from the reflective index of a control, the process controller terminates heating operation of the chamber to prevent damage to the semiconductor wafer in the chamber. ", "The alarm may be activated to alert personnel to the need for immediate replacement of the contaminated reflector plate." ]
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[ "Mike Sawyer’s Blog\n\nJohn McCain: May His Legacy Live On\n\nUsually we think of eulogies as remembrances, goodbyes or of a passing, but all who spoke for McCain this past week spoke with inspiration and hope for the future, even a call for urgency as in this Hemingway quote from Obama’s eulogy;\n\nToday is only one day in all the days that will ever be. ", "But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today.", "\n\nI could find no better words to express my admiration to this man. ", "But I would like to propose a plan to turn his principles and ideals into productive action for future generations to come. ", "Like Senator McCain I am a conservative and a life-long Republicans, but mostly I admire his focus on bipartisanship and returning to “regular order.” ", "When people tell me they are conservative today I have no idea what they believe but I do know what it meant to John McCain. ", "We may find terms like “Tea Party”, “Freedom Caucus”, “Alt-right” and “Populist Movement” to be confusing or misleading enigmas, but we know exactly what the “McCain Legacy” means, because he showed us all.", "\n\nMy proposal is a simple one; perhaps some may think too simple, but hear me out. ", "Imagine a faction or caucus within the Republican Party modeled around the McCain Legacy. ", "A caucus can be an organized group of representatives who must then rally voters behind their cause or as in this case, a “peoples’ caucus”, regular voters who organize to rally candidates to move their agenda. ", "You’re probably thinking, “Hasn’t this already been tried? ", "Haven’t we always had moderate Republicans who have tried and failed to influence the direction of the Party?” ", "And you would be right, but we’ve never had a model quite like John McCain to rally around. ", "It’s hard to attack a legend. ", "No doubt some Trump supporters will try. ", "I certainly hope so as there can be no better way to elevate his legacy.", "\n\nThis is our chance to be that thorn in Trump’s side.", "\n\nIt’s also our chance to be more than just an irritation by bringing real reform and restoring civility to politics. ", "Remember when Whitehouse aide, Kelly Sadler said of McCain;\n\n“It doesn’t matter because he’s dying anyway”\n\nWell, together we can make it matter. ", "If we’re willing to do the work, the “Legacy Caucus” could stifle the polarizing forces that have so dominated American politics. ", "I know you’re thinking I am talking to you as moderate Republicans. ", "Certainly I am but the name McCain may be even more respected among Independents and Democrats; I’m talking to you too. ", "To understand why, you just need to look at how polarization has changed the focus of politics, how we find ourselves voting against rather than for candidates, how it feels as though choices are all but made for us long before Election Day. ", "Imagine for instance that your parents, both of whom have your best interests at heart, disagree about who you should marry, so they ask you have to pick one of their two choices. ", "I’ll leave it to you if you want to compare political parties to kindhearted Mom and Dad, but either way you might want to think about getting involved in the decision-making process earlier while the field is still wide open. ", "Remember candidates are chosen in the primaries and sometimes the best strategy is to eliminate the worst contender first. ", "It’s not too early to prepare for 2020.", "\n\nAs a registered Republican, I want to unseat Trump and purge the Party of those who lack the courage to defend the tenets of democracy but I am joined by the 60% of Americans who now disapprove of Trump. ", "The way to do this is to take these incumbents out in the next primary. ", "It doesn’t matter how you plan to vote in the general election, register and vote in the Republican primary to put a candidate on the ticket who will honor the legacy of John McCain. ", "As a Democrat you may ask, “Why would I help Republicans select better candidates?", "\n\nSimply put, selecting a moderate Republican will likely discourage the Trump base from showing up in full force for the general election.", "\n\nYou win because you improve the odds of electing a Democrat. ", "I win because you help selecting a moderate in the GOP primary.", "\n\nOrganizing is the place to start. ", "Post your comments on Twitter at #McCainLegacy and #LegacyCaucus or contact me @Top_Sawyer." ]
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[ "A message of inequality in the criminal justice system still resonates\n\nShare via e-mail\n\nThe Boston Globe presents the Harvard Kennedy School PolicyCast, a weekly podcast on public policy, politics, and global issues. ", "HKS PolicyCast is hosted by Matt Cadwallader.", "\n\nBryan Stevenson has spent his career working to address issues of racial and wealth inequality in the US criminal justice system. ", "As an attorney and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, he has defended juveniles, death row inmates, and others who don’t have the means to mount a strong legal defense.", "\n\nPerhaps that’s why Archbishop Desmond Tutu once described him as “America’s young Nelson Mandela.”", "\n\nWhen we initially asked Stevenson to come on the Harvard Kennedy School PolicyCast, it was in the wake of the unrest in Ferguson, Mo. Now, more than a year later, issues of racial and wealth inequality in the criminal justice system have only grown more urgent, and his message still resonates.", "\n\n“One-in-three black male babies born in the 21st century is expected to go to jail or prison,” says Stevenson, “That wasn’t true in the 20th century. ", "That wasn’t true in the 19th century. ", "It’s true today and I think a just society ought to be screaming about that.”", "\n\nWhile Stevenson makes the case that the racial divide in our inmate population is deeply rooted in our failure to reconcile the effects of slavery and Jim Crow, he also stresses that it is further exacerbated by wealth inequality.", "\n\n“I am persuaded that the opposite of poverty in this country is not wealth; the opposite of poverty is justice,” says Stevenson. “", "Our criminal justice system treats you better if you’re rich and guilty than if you’re poor and innocent.”", "\n\nIn the full interview, which you can download on iTunes or listen to up above, Stevenson discusses:" ]
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[ "Quantity:\n\nDescription\n\nA hip new take on the beloved hipster style, this clever crossbody is inspired by the timeless saddlebag. ", "With rounded corners, a pretty pushlock closure and perfectly placed pockets, this hipster keeps essentials stylishly by your side.", "\n\nDetails & Care Tips\n\nDetails\n\nFront pushlock closure opens to reveal a curved slip pocket\n\nTop-zip main compartment has two interior slip pockets\n\nSecure zip pocket on back\n\nAdjustable shoulder strap\n\nDimensions\n\n10 ½\" W x 10 ¼\" H with 55\" adjustable strap\n\nCare Tips\n\nSpot clean with a damp cloth.", "\n\nSaddle Hipster\n4.4\n5\n29\n29\n\nPerfect Size for the Essentials\nFirst things first, I am not a large bag person. ", "Prior to purchasing this hipster, I had only been using a wristlet. ", "However, I found that my Vera Bradley wristlet was unable to carry all the essentials. ", "I came to the conclusion that I needed to look for another bag. ", "I personally do not like carrying purses, so I was instantly drawn to this cross-body design. ", "I believe this bag is beautiful, as well as functional. ", "It is able to hold everything I need and then some. ", "I am able to fit a Vera Bradley wristlet, my lanyard and keys, my zip ID, some pencils and pens, and a book with some space left over. ", "In addition, the front pocket is perfect for holding my iPhone 5S. I love how many pockets there are on this bag and it helps to keep everything organized. ", "If you are looking for a small bag to carry your essentials then this is the bag for you.", "\nJuly 30, 2014\n\nGreat Size!", "\nI bought this bag in the Go Wild pattern. ", "The black and yellow color wave is so versatile. ", "I don't like big purses, so this is a perfect size. ", "I carry two check books, the small Vera cosmetic (in the matching Go Wild, of course), a very slim wallet, and a few other small odds and ends. ", "The outside zipper pocket (or inside) is great for the Samsung Galaxy Phone with an Otter Box and also for keys. ", "I don't use the push-lock closure pocket because I find that time-consuming to fasten. ", "I think zipper pockets are more secure.", "The front push-lock pocket would hold several slim items. ", "I love that I can use it cross-body for hands-free shopping or as a shoulder bag!", "\nJuly 27, 2014\n\nMy Everyday Bag\nThis is my favorite VB bag for everyday use. ", "I own way too many styles that just hang in my closet - not so for this one! ", "I keep my wallet (Euro Wallet) in the back zipper. ", "In the main compartment I keep my mirror cosmetic case, feminine products in a coin purse, manicure set, and tech case (holds chargers and accessories). ", "In the little slip pockets I hold my inhaler, tissues, a pack of gum, a pen, a pencil, and a stylus. ", "My iPad mini fits in the front flap pocket. ", "When not in use, I toss my iPhone (in otter box) in the back zipper with my wallet. ", "There is still room for more! ", "I absolutely love this bag!", "\nJuly 11, 2014" ]
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[ "First things first, NO they are not real weapons. ", "They are Nerf wepons. ", "Sweetie Belle has the Warlock Axe, Apple Bloom has the Stonewall Shield and Sword, and Scootaloo has the Klaw Hatchet.", "The reason I drew this for EQD's Artist Training Grounds, is because I had a few lame idea's for \"Draw a pony facing conflict/Draw a pony locked in 'grizzly' combat\" aside from the obvious pun, and none of them good. ", "So I asked a mate and was basically ordered to draw this, except with Nerf Blasters, but I just couldn't draw the blasters, so here is Nerf melee weapons instead.", "This is probably the longest I've spent on a Pony drawing yet, a couple hours. ", "The longest part was just Sweetie Belle's axe.", "Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo © and" ]
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[ "Incredibly disappointed in @GetSpectrum for not informing its customer base that @NFLonFOX wouldn’t be on tonight due to a pricing dispute with one of their broadcast vendors. ", "@Ask_Spectrum, I appreciate the rhetoric around standing up for me but, I pay YOU for service.", "\n\nSince @GetSpectrum @Ask_Spectrum is unwilling to negotiate in good faith with @tribunemedia it seems fair to pay them less on next month’s bill. ", "Charter’s equipment sucks, DVR sucks, channel guide sucks, they suck! ", "Charter’s greed is unbelievable!", "\n\nIt seems @GetSpectrum is content to tell me my internet outage (and intermittent connection from the past two weeks) is from their technicians making repairs. ", "My next door neighbor still has a connection. ", "What gives?", "\n\n@Ask_Spectrum 2/22/19 @Spectrum,If there are no spectrum internet outages in zip 33579, there must be unauthorized access to consumer routers. ", "My service is goes on and off whenever someone feel like tampering.", "\n\n@Ask_Spectrum he is not bothering me. ", "I am not a spectrum customer. ", "it is my neighbor across the street. ", "he has been down this dead end st. ", "over and over and is obsessed with her house. ", "oriental man, maybe 35. ", "she is not home when he comes and hangs around.5723 floyd st, overland park,ks 66202\n\nMore Geneticists are needed to diagnose Fetal Valproate Spectrum Disorder and associated Syndromes.... it’s bad when there are literally 2 Eminent Geneticists in the country diagnosing @JanetWilliams99 @IMMDSReview @JuliaCumberlege @DHSCgovuk #valproatecrisis\n\n@MrAndyNgo @jeanniemai @AdrienneBailon @THEsaragilbert @CoryBooker @RepMaxineWaters @SRuhle @BrookeBCNN @EllenPage Dullard. ", "U R the reason why this nation is torn apart. ", "There r bad people on both end of spectrum & often times take advantage 2 advance their own careers. ", "This is not the 1st time Smollet lies 2 authorities. ", "But he gets a pass because he is a Dem. ", "Hmm like Gov of Virginia" ]
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[ "A sea of blue shirts flooded downtown Halifax Saturday afternoon for the Halifax Wanderers first game on home turf.", "\n\nThe city's new pro soccer team in the Canadian Premier League attracted 6,500 fans to a sold-out contest at Wanderers Grounds. ", "The fans got to go home happy after a 2-1 win.", "\n\nMany spent time before match against Forge FC of Hamilton, Ont., ", "at a number of bars in the downtown area.", "\n\n\"I'm a very big fan,\" said Herman Pastor. \"", "From the moment they announced it to now — hopefully [with this game] being the first home-game winner.\"", "\n\nPastor, along with his girlfriend, Karen O'Sullivan, dressed head to toe in Wanderers gear.", "\n\nHerman Pastor and his girlfriend, Karen O'Sullivan, were decked out in Wanderers gear. ", "They fashioned capes out of the team's flag. (", "Anjuli Patil/CBC)\n\nThe Wanderers are not Nova Scotia's first kick at professional soccer.", "\n\nThe Nova Scotia Clippers played in the Canadian Soccer League in 1991, but the team only lasted a season. ", "They played at Dartmouth's Beazley Field.", "\n\n\"We've thrown events before where … a handful of people showed up,\" said Jacquelyn Walters, who is on the board of directors of Privateers 1882, the Wanderers' supporters club. \"", "And just the last couple of months we've grown. ", "The attendance is growing and growing and the excitement is growing.\"", "\n\nMembers of Privateers 1882 met up at lounge before the game.", "\n\nJacquelyn Walters is on the board of directors of Privateers 1882. (", "Anjuli Patil/CBC)\n\nWalters said the swell of support for the sport in Halifax stems from the growing immigrant population in the city — people who grew up playing and fans of other teams from around the world.", "\n\n\"Soccer has been traditionally a lot more popular in other parts of the world than it has been in North America, so there's been that thirst there, too,\" Walters said.", "\n\n\"You see when World Cup time comes around, like you go to the bar and it's just full of people that have been hungering for soccer coverage in this part of the world.\"", "\n\nGabrielle Tanyan, a fan from Halifax who attended the Privateers 1882 pre-game party, said fans have been waiting for Halifax to have its own professional team for a long time.", "\n\nGabrielle Tanyan was one of the fans who met up at a downtown lounge in advance of the game. (", "Anjuli Patil/CBC)\n\n\"The home opener is really giving us chills right now,\" Tanyan said ahead of the game.", "\n\n\"For such a small province, I think the home team is a huge accomplishment.\"", "\n\nAfter fans left the bars, they began marching toward the Wanderers Grounds and chanting: \"Who do we sing for? ", "We sing for Wanderers.\"", "\n\n“Who do we sing for? ", "We sing for Wanderers,” fans chanted ahead of the Halifax Wanderers’ first game at home. ", "<a href=\"https://t.co/vRGJnqeXnJ\">pic.twitter.com/vRGJnqeXnJ</a> —@AnjuliCBC\n\nAkeem Garcia and Luis Alberto Perea scored in the home victory. ", "Perea's goal broke a 1-1 draw in the second half.", "\n\nSome fans noted the game was refereed by a woman. ", "Marie-Soleil Beaudoin is an internationally acclaimed referee based in Halifax.", "\n\nJonathan Hunt, another Wanderers fan, said he's played and coached soccer his whole life and said his daughter now plays.", "\n\n\"Because our country is so multicultural and diverse, I think it's just a natural fit and I think it's going to be really popular country-wide,\" Hunt said.", "\n\nHalifax evened its record at 1-1 after losing its season opener in B.C.\n\n🚨 Game winner 🚨<br><br>Scored by our Striker, Luis Perea.<a href=\"https://twitter.com/hashtag/COYW?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#COYW</a> <a href=\"https://twitter.com/hashtag/Firstofmany?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw\">#Firstofmany</a> <a href=\"https://t.co/F8acsy61Tv\">pic.twitter.com/F8acsy61Tv</a> —@HfxWanderersFC\n\nMORE TOP STORIES" ]
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[ "Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family\n\n\"Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family\" (also known as \"The White Ape\" and simply \"Arthur Jermyn\") is a short story in the horror fiction genre, written by American author H. P. Lovecraft in 1920. ", "The themes of the story are tainted ancestry, knowledge that it would be best to remain unaware of, and a reality which human understanding finds intolerable.", "\n\nPlot\n\nThe story begins by describing the ancestors of Sir Arthur Jermyn, a British nobleman. ", "His great-great-great-grandfather, Sir Wade Jermyn, had been an early explorer of the Congo region, whose books on a mysterious white civilization there had been ridiculed. ", "He had been confined to an asylum in 1765. ", "Lovecraft describes how the Jermyn family has a peculiar physical appearance that began to appear in the children of Wade Jermyn and his mysterious and reclusive wife, who Wade claimed was Portuguese.", "\n\nWade's son, Philip Jermyn, was a sailor that joined the navy after fathering his son, and disappeared from his ship one night as it lay off the Congo coast. ", "Philip's son, Robert Jermyn, was a scientist who made two expeditions into the interior of Africa. ", "He married a daughter of the (fictional) 7th. ", "Viscount Brightholme and fathered three children, two of which suffered from severe disabilities, but the middle one of whom, Nevil Jermyn, had a son, Alfred, who was Arthur Jermyn's father. ", "In 1852, Robert Jermyn met with an explorer, Samuel Seaton, who described \"a grey city of white apes ruled by a white god\". ", "Robert killed the explorer after hearing this, as well as all three of his children. ", "Nevil Jermyn managed to save his son, Alfred, before his death. ", "Robert was put in an asylum and, after two years, died there. ", "\n\nAlfred Jermyn grew up to inherit his grandfather's title, but abandoned his wife and child to join a circus, where he became fascinated with a gorilla \"of lighter colour than the average\". ", "He became its trainer, but was killed in Chicago after an incident in which he attacked the gorilla and the latter fought back. ", "Arthur Jermyn inherited the family possessions, and moved into Jermyn House with his mother. ", "\n\nArthur Jermyn is described as having a very unusual appearance, and supposedly the strangest in the line descended from Sir Wade Jermyn. ", "Arthur became a scholar, eventually visiting the Belgian Congo on a research expedition, where he heard tales of a stone city of white apes and the stuffed body of a white ape goddess, which had since gone missing. ", "Returning to a trading post, Arthur talks to a Belgian agent who offers to both obtain and ship the goddess's body to him. ", "Arthur accepts his offer, and returns to England. ", "After a period of several months, the body arrives at Jermyn House. ", "Arthur begins his examination of the mummy, only to run screaming from the room, and later commit suicide by dousing himself in oil and setting himself alight. ", "\n\nLovecraft then describes the contents of the stuffed goddess's coffin—the ape goddess has a golden locket around her neck with the Jermyn arms on it, and bears a striking resemblance to Arthur Jermyn. ", "It is clear that Wade Jermyn's supposedly Portuguese wife was really the ape goddess, and all of his descendants were the product of their union. ", "Arthur's remains are neither collected or buried, on account of this. ", "The mummy is removed and burnt by the Royal Anthropological Institute.", "\n\nInspiration\nBoth of Lovecraft's parents died in a mental hospital, and some writers have seen a concern with having inherited a propensity for physical and mental degeneration reflected in the plot of his stories, especially his 1931 novella, The Shadow Over Innsmouth, which shares some themes with Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family. ", "As in many of his stories, the mind of a character deteriorates as his investigations uncover an intolerable reality, a central tenet of Cosmicism which Lovecraft outlines in the opening sentence of The Call of Cthulhu: \"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents.\" ", "In a letter, Lovecraft described the impetus behind Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family:\n\n \n\nPublishing history and possible influences\nThe story was first published in the journal The Wolverine in March and June of 1921. ", "To Lovecraft's distaste, the story was retitled \"The White Ape\" when it appeared in Weird Tales in 1924; he commented: \"If I ever entitled a story 'The White Ape', there would be no ape in it\". ", "Subsequent reprintings titled it \"Arthur Jermyn'''\" until the corrected publishing in Dagon and Other Macabre Tales in 1986.", "\nCritic William Fulwiler suggests that the plot of \"Arthur Jermyn\" may have been inspired by Edgar Rice Burroughs' novels The Return of Tarzan (1913) and Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar'' (1916), in which the lost city of Opar is \"peopled by a hybrid race resulting from the matings of men with apes.\" ", "E.F. Bleiler, too, has commented that it \"undoubtedly owes much to Edgar Rice Burrough's Opar in his Tarzan series\".", "\n\nSee also\n Humanzee\n\nReferences\n\nSources\n Explanatory Notes by S. T. Joshi.", "\n\nExternal links\n \n \n Winesburg, Ohio, Sherwood Anderson; complete text at Bartleby.com\n The Return of Tarzan, Edgar Rice Burroughs; complete text at Project Gutenberg\n Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar, Edgar Rice Burroughs; complete text at Project Gutenberg\n\nCategory:1921 short stories\nCategory:Suicide in fiction\nCategory:Apes in popular culture\nCategory:Horror short stories\nCategory:Short stories by H. P. Lovecraft\nCategory:Works originally published in American magazines" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nProblem getting XML properly formatted\n\nI use classes (autogenerated from a schema) to generate xml documents. ", "It has worked fine, until now, when I need to use inline HTML elements. ", "I've tried several different methods, but as soon as I use the inline HTML, the \"<\" and \">\" gets replaced with %lt; etc.", "\nExample: \n<meta>\n <name>test</name>\n <value>test <br />new row</value>\n</meta>\n\nbecomes \"destroyed\" later on when trying to get it as a string for database storage, the value is changed to:\n <value>test &lt;br /&gt;new row</value>\n\nHow is it possible to keep the angle brackets intact?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou need to use CDATA sections for XML (or XML like) content.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Edmond Beall\n\nEdmund Beall was an influential member of society, an industrialist, and an Illinois state senator.", "\n\nEarly life\n\nBeall was born in Alton, Illinois on September 27, 1848. ", "His parents, John and Mary, were one of the earliest families to settle in the city. ", "As a young child, he witnessed the final Lincoln–Douglas Debate held in Alton on October 15, 1858. ", "This debate occurred during Abraham Lincoln's race for the Illinois Senate against incumbent Senator Stephen Douglas. ", "Later in life, Beall recalled the event describing the physical differences between the two men. “", "Lincoln appeared like a giant in comparison with Douglas. ", "I understand he was six feet three inches in height. ", "Everyone was astounded at the difference in the height of the two men.”", "\n\nBeall was educated while attending primary school in the town's public system. ", "When he was seven years old, his father died. ", "At the age of twelve, Beall was hired as an office boy and spent four years learning the printers’ trade at the local paper, the Alton Daily Telegraph.", "\n\nAs a teenager, he enlisted in the army on May 12, 1864 as a member of Company D. One Hundred and Thirty-Third Illinois Infantry. ", "Beall was one of the youngest soldiers in the Union army in the Civil War. ", "He was often stationed in Springfield for his duties. ", "After President Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, his remains were eventually brought to Springfield, Illinois. ", "Beall, just a teenager, was called to Springfield to help \"drape Lincoln's home in mourning\". ", "Beall recalls the atmosphere when he arrived in Springfield he found \"great sorrow...the people seemed as if they had lost all heart.\" ", " Later the President was eventually placed to rest in Oak Ridge Cemetery.", "\n\nFamily\n\nBeall married Mary Harris on September 10, 1868 in Alton. ", "A believer in large American families, thecouple had eight children. ", "Their names were Edmond, Charles, Frank, Hattie May, Abbie Lou, Edward Wesley, Edmund Harris and Charles Roy. ", "Two of his sons, Edmond and Charles, died in infancy. ", "Influenced by his strong belief in family, Beall attracted nationwide attention by building one of the first housing units to encourage couples with multiple children to move in. ", "The apartments became thereafter known as the 'Stork Nest' flats in Alton.", "\n\nIn 1909, Beall purchased a home for his family on \"Millionaire's Row\". ", "A street where mansions were built in the 1870s to early 1900s. ", "He lived there with his wife until his death. ", "Today, his home is known as the Beall Mansion. ", "In 1911, Beall toured Europe and brought back many influences from abroad. \"", "Ever being a lover of art and flowers, Mr. Beall brought back many handsome trophies which now adorn his beautiful home on Twelfth Street\" While in Europe, Beall visited Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands. ", "She presented the 'Stork Mayor\" of Alton a beautiful diamond. ", "In 1918, Mr. and Mrs. Beall celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary in their home. ", "According to the local paper, \"Mr. Beall presented his wife with fifty white roses, bearing the card \"Still My Bride.\" ", "He also gave her fifty dollars in gold in honor of the golden event.\"", "\n\nBusinessman\n\nUpon his return from the army, Beall went to serve an apprenticeship with his step-father, J. Millen. ", "During the apprenticeship, Beall learned the trade of manufacturing mining tools. ", "In 1872, Beall and his brother, Charles, started a small firm to manufacture mining tools. ", "They named it Beall Brothers. ", "The company continued to expand into multiple firms, but eventually was consolidated. ", "In 1905, The Iron Trade Review reported the status of the manufacturing company, \"The Beall Bros Mining Tool Company, the Beall Shovel Company of Alton Ill., and the CL Beall Manufacturing Company of East Alton Ill. have been consolidated into one company the Beall Bros Co. The capital stock is $158,000.\" ", "By 1907, the Beall family had built their company into the largest manufacturer of miner's tools, railroad implements and heavy equipment in the United States. ", "According to records, \"The product of the three factories equals a million dollars in value annually.\"", "\n\nPolitical life\n\nBeall began his political life as an Alderman of the fourth ward of Alton. ", "In 1905, Beall, became a candidate for mayor of Alton. ", "\nHe won the election and went on to serve three successful terms of two years each, from 1905 to 1911, the only man in the history of the city who achieved that. ", "As mayor, he helped implement multiple solutions to improve the city. ", "He became the head of the streets and alleys committee and vigorously promoted the paving of Alton streets with brick. “", "He is considered the man who pulled Alton out of the mud by spearheading the paving of streets and roads throughout the city.” ", "According to the History of Madison County, from 1905 to 1911 Beall helped pave \"twenty miles of streets...nearly half as many miles of sewer, and began building of concrete sidewalks\" Furthermore, Beall continued to help beautify the city \"by having flower-beds placed in the arid byways. ", "Rock Spring Park was given Alton by William Elliot Smith through Mr. Beall 's suggestion...A fine Country Club was planned and a splendid golf course soon arranged.\"", "\n\nHe was elected State Senator of Illinois on November 8, 1910, from the Forty-seventh Senatorial District. ", " While in the Senate, Beall introduced a bill to erect a monument to commemorate the first territorial governor, Ninian Edwards. ", "In Madison County, Senator Beall with other representatives propositioned the purchase and preservation of the Great Cahokia Mound. ", "After his term in the Capitol ended, Senator Beall returned to Alton and went on to be elected Mayor of Alton again in 1914 and served for a fourth term from 1915-1917.", "\n\nDeath\n\nBeall died while on vacation with his wife in California on January 31, 1920. ", "According to his obituary, erysipelas with complications was the cause of his death. ", "He is buried in Alton City Cemetery, Alton, Illinois.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Illinois state senators\nCategory:People from Alton, Illinois\nCategory:People of Illinois in the American Civil War\nCategory:1848 births\nCategory:1920 deaths\nCategory:Mayors of places in Illinois\nCategory:Illinois city council members\nCategory:Illinois Republicans\nCategory:Businesspeople from Illinois" ]
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[ "Dynamic measures of voice stability in young and old adults.", "\nThis paper examines age-related differences in voice quality between 15 young and 15 old speakers, using electroglottographic (EGG) recordings of three elicitation types: sustained vowels, hVd word lists, and readings of the Rainbow Passage. ", "For each elicitation type, fundamental frequency (F0), contact quotient (Qx), and their standard deviations are analysed. ", "Results found, for all three elicitations, that Qx was significantly lower for older speakers. ", "F0 was higher for the older speakers, but this was only significant for the hVd word lists. ", "Sustained vowels were used to examine the effect of target pitch and loudness on F0 and Qx. ", "Both Qx and F0 were raised with increased target loudness. ", "The hVd word lists were used to examine the phonetic effects of different vowels. ", "Lip rounded vowels had higher Qx than non-lip rounded vowels. ", "Readings of the Rainbow Passage encompassed prosodic and phonetic variations in F0 and Qx, in addition to voice quality. ", "F0 and Qx contours of the hVd word lists and the vowel/ei/taken from the Rainbow Passage were analysed using the discrete cosine transform. ", "The hVd frame produced coarticulation effects on the Qx contour, but no such effects were evident for the vowel /ei/. The study concluded that using multiple elicitation types is beneficial in the study of the effect of age on the voice, and that analysing contour tracks for F0 and Qx will allow further examination of how prosodic and phonetic effects interact with age-related changes in voice quality." ]
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[ "Lan Trì kiến văn lục\n\n\n\nIntroduction \nLan Trì kiến văn lục (蘭池見聞錄) is a literary work of Vũ Trinh.", "\n\nVũ Trinh is a learning Confucianist and high ranking mandarin. ", "He left some literary works. ", "The book Lan Trì kiến văn lục is one of those and is composed of an introduction, forewords, preface and preamble (written in Chinese by Vu Trinh's colleagues) and 45 creative pieces (written by Vu Trinh himself). ", "The book is composed of simple short stories of the end of 18th century beginning of 19th century. ", "It is an interesting creative work from the literary angle, and contains useful material about language's evidences for understanding formation and development of one of the most popular literary genres of Vietnam, the genre of a short story.", "\n\nSources \n Lan Trì kiến văn lục (VHv.1401), Viện nghiên cứu Hán nôm\n Đại Nam liệt truyện, Quốc sử quán triều Nguyễn\n\nCategory:Vietnamese-language literature" ]
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[ "Marijuana Possession in Denton County - What you should know\n\nBy\nTim Powers\n|June 18, 2012\n\nTim Powers\n\nLaw Office of Tim Powers\n\n940.580.2899\n\nwww.timpowers.com\n\nDenton County marijuana possession is at least a misdemeanor criminal charge\nunder Texas law. ", "Though most minor marijuana possession cases can be dealt\nwith effectively, more serious charges with larger quantities or intent\nto sell are extremely serious charges.", "\n\nAnd any time you are at risk of jail time, or even just a\n6 month driver's license loss, it makes sense to consult with an attorney to explore all your legal\ndefense options.", "\n\nThe legal definition of marijuana possession is defined by Texas Health\nand Safety Code. ", "Marijuana is in its own category in the possession law\nand, for the purposes of\nmarijuana possession, marijuana is defined as a usable quantity of any\nCannabis sativa plant, whether it is growing or not, the seeds of the plant and any preparation\nof the plant such as a joint or a package containing dried and shredded buds.", "\n\nTexas Marijuana Possession – Laws & Penalties\n\nMarijuana Possession Laws\n\nWeight\n\nClassification\n\nPenalty\n\n2 ounces or less\n\nClass B misdemeanor\n\nNot more than 180 days in a county jail and/or a fine of not more than $2,000\n\nMore than 2 ounces, but less than 4 ounces\n\nClass A misdemeanor\n\nNot more than 1 year in a county jail and/or a fine of not more than $4,000\n\nMore than 4 ounces, but less than 5 pounds\n\nState jail felony\n\n180 days to 2 years in a state jail and/or a fine of not more than $10,000\n\nMore than 5 pounds, but less than 50 pounds\n\nThird-degree felony\n\n2 to 10 years in a state prison and/or a fine of not more than $10,000\n\nMore than 50 pounds, but less than 2,000\n\nSecond-degree felony\n\n2 to 20 years in a state prison and/or a fine of not more than $10,000\n\nMore than 2,000 pounds\n\nEnhanced first-degree felony\n\n5 to 99 years and a fine of not more than $50,000\n\nYou can also be sentenced to a suspended driver's license for\nup to six months following a conviction on any violation of the Texas Controlled Substances\nAct, including marijuana.", "\n\nWhat Is the Most Likely Outcome for a Simple Marijuana Possession Charge in Texas?", "\n\nIf you are accused of a first offense of possessing less than 2 ounces\nof marijuana, it is likely you can work out a deal or even get your case\ndismissed in exchange for agreeing to drug treatment programs, or some\ncommunity service. ", "If you don't get in any additional trouble in a\nset amount of time, the case may be dismissed or continued indefinitely.", "\n\nThese programs are called diversion programs, and are meant to avoid harsh\npenalties for first offenders. ", "Some Texas counties also have\ndrug courts, where the court intervenes with intensive monitoring of drug use and\nother mandatory programs in exchange for dismissing the possession charge\nin the future.", "\n\nIf you feel you may have a marijuana addition problem, agreeing to drug\ntreatment can be an excellent option as part of a plea agreement.", "\n\nThe goal in these cases is to\navoid a permanent criminal record. ", "We can discuss exactly what your options are, and what kind of deal we\nthink we can get for you after hearing about your case and reviewing the\nevidence against you as part of our\nfree consultation.", "\n\nBeing called into criminal court on a drug charge can be a frightening\nand intimidating experience. ", "But knowing you have an experienced defense\nattorney on your side, fighting for you, can make all the difference.", "\n\nPlease contact us today to find out what we can do for you.", "\n\nIf you are seeking aggressive criminal representation by an experienced\ncriminal defense attorney for your Denton County drug possession case\nor arrest in Denton County, contact the offices of Tim Powers today. ", "There\nis no charge or obligation for the initial consultation. ", "940.580.2899.", "\n\n*Tim Powers is an attorney licensed to practice law by the Supreme Court\nof Texas. ", "Nothing in this article is intended to be legal advice. ", "For\nlegal advice about any specific legal question you should directly consult\nan attorney.", "\n\nThe information on this website is for general information purposes only.", "\nNothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual\ncase or situation. ", "This information is not intended to create, and receipt\nor viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship." ]
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[ "the second tier kicking in at 7% once the operator has fully recouped its capital investment. ", "Legislation putting the taxsystem in place will occur over the balance of this year and into 2015. ", "British Columbia Prime Minister Christy Clark has said\n\nnew oil and gas taxes that are in the White House’s fiscal 2013 federal budget request. “", "Our current corporate taxsystem is outdated, unfair, and inefficient,” Obama said on Feb. 22. “", "It provides tax breaks for moving jobs and profits\n\nproduction in Norway, said, “In addition, the Norwegian government has recently proposed reduced uplift in the petroleum taxsystem , which reduces the attractiveness of future projects, particularly marginal fields and fields which require new infrastructure\n\nproduction in Norway, said, \"In addition, the Norwegian government has recently proposed reduced uplift in the petroleum taxsystem , which reduces the attractiveness of future projects, particularly marginal fields and fields which require new infrastructure\n\nrestore opportunity for all and generate the public revenues to pay our bills. “", "That means a dramatically simpler taxsystem of fewer loopholes and lower rates [and] a pause in the mindless piling on of expensive new regulations that devour\n\nquickly found that this country's taxsystem was a major cause. \"", "We observed ..... continues to use an international taxsystem when most other countries have moved ..... talking about is a change in the taxsystem which would put US companies which\n\nquickly found that this country’s taxsystem was a major cause. “", "We observed, looking at our data ..... continues to use an international taxsystem when most other countries have moved ..... talking about is a change in the taxsystem which would put US companies which" ]
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[ "static unsigned char * volatile sif= (unsigned char *)0xffff;\n\nvoid\n_putchar(unsigned char c)\n{\n *sif= 'p';\n *sif= c;\n}\n\nvoid\n_initEmu(void)\n{\n}\n\nvoid\n_exitEmu(void)\n{\n *sif= 's';\n}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nApplication of sigma finiteness in a proof concerning a multiplication operator\n\nIf (X, $\\Omega, \\mu$) is a $\\sigma$-finite measure space, $\\phi:X \\rightarrow \\mathbb{C}$ is an $\\Omega$-measurable function, $1 \\leq p \\leq \\infty$, and $\\phi f \\in L^{p}(\\mu)$ whenever $f \\in L^{p}(\\mu)$, then show that $\\phi \\in L^{\\infty}(\\mu)$.\nI have stumbled upon the proof below and was wondering in which way sigma finiteness was used. ", "I guess this cannot be true if one takes away sigma finiteness. ", "Must all $\\mu(B_n)$ necessarily be smaller than infinity? ", "\nHow to show following function is in $L^{\\infty}(\\mu)$\n\nA:\n\nAs defined in the linked answer, the measure of $B_n$ does not need to have finite measure. ", "This can be fixed in the following way: take a non-decreasing sequence of sets $(A_\\ell)$ of finite measure whose union is $X$. For a fixed $n$, since $B_n$ has a positive measure, there exists $\\ell_n$ such that $B_n\\cap A_{\\ell_n}$ has a positive finite measure. ", "Then continue the proof with $B_n$ replaced by $B_n\\cap A_{\\ell_n}$. \n\n" ]
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[ "If you are a theater manager and would like to offer this valuable service to your customers, please see the Theater Services section of our Business Information. ", "If you are a customer and the theater(s) you patronize don't offer this feature, please ask the manager there to sign up for this great service!", "\n\nCheck Ticket Prices via Movietickets.com\n\nYou can see what this theater is charging for tickets by visiting their online ticketing provider. ", "Choose the showing you are interested in, and see what the charge is for purchasing tickets online for that show. ", "Note: Base online pricing usually matches the prices at the box office, but may include an additional processing fee.", "\n\nTicket Price Reports from Our Readers\n\nThis feature is intended for our readers to share the ticket prices they have found at theaters.", "\n\nThis is not a forum for general comments about a theater (for those, look at the Reader Comments page). ", "If you had a problem at a theater, we encourage you to contact that theater using the information on their Contact Information page. ", "Most theaters are very interested in hearing feedback from their customers.", "\n\nAbout Theater Ticket Prices\n\nTheater Ticket Pricing Information is just one of the services that The BigScreen Cinema Guide offers to theaters. ", "All theaters are able to participate in this service, but not all choose to do so.", "\n\nIf you are a theater manager and would like to offer this valuable service to your customers, please see the Theater Services section of our Business Information. ", "If you are a customer and the theater(s) you patronize don't offer this feature, please ask the manager there to sign up for this great service!", "\n\nDisclaimer About Pricing Accuracy\n\nTicket prices are subject to change without notice. ", "These prices are a snapshot of the ticket prices as of the date mentioned above, so please verify ticket prices on the day of attendance if the exact price is very important to you. ", "Most theaters adjust their ticket prices yearly or twice yearly, so if the date above is more than 6-12 months ago, there's a good chance that the prices have changed.", "\n\nThis theater offers electronic ticketing. ", "Ticket prices for the shows you select on the Showtimes page will reflect the price you pay when you purchase tickets online through that link. ", "The prices listed should correspond to the ticket price at the box office, but some differences may exist in certain situations." ]
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[ "Mass spectrometric characterization of some human metabolites of flumecinol.", "\nThe mass spectrometric behaviour of six human metabolites formed by hydroxylation in various positions of the alpha-ethyl group or/and on the phenyl ring of 3-trifluoromethyl-alpha-ethyl-benzyhydrol (flumecinol) and seven related compounds has been studied. ", "The electron impact mass (EI) spectra of these compounds show significant and characteristic effects of substituents, but many of them suffer from weakness or even from absence of the M+. ", "peak owing to the very facile primary loss of the alpha-aliphatic chain, i.e. no direct information can be obtained about the size of the molecule and that of this chain. ", "It is demonstrated for derivatives possessing a hydroxylated alpha-ethyl group that the difficulties in structural characterization due to the lack or weakness of M+. ", "and [M + H]+ peaks in their EI and chemical ionization mass spectra, respectively, can be overcome by studying their silyated or boronated derivatives. ", "Furthermore, silyation enables us to obtain a clear base for distinction of the primary and secondary alcohols of this type." ]
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