[ "Entomology in the twentieth century.", "\nA number of landmark events in applied entomology are listed together with some insect-related studies that have had a major impact on biology in general. ", "In large part, however, advances in our understanding of insects have depended on technological advances, especially in the second half of the century. ", "The exponential increase in the ease and extent of communication has been critical. ", "Sometimes, as in the field of insect/plant relations, the ideas of a few individuals have been critical with technological advances having a facilitating role. ", "Elsewhere, as in the study of olfaction, major changes in understanding have been directly dependent on new technology. ", "Very brief accounts of the impacts on insect-related science of developments in the fields of radio, radioactivity, immunology, imaging techniques, and chemical analysis are given. ", "Despite the importance of technology, the lovers of their insects continue to have a key role." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nread only filtered records from Excel using SSIS\n\nI need to know if it's possible to read only the filtered records from an excel file using SSIS. ", "My current testing indicates that all records are read and filters are completely ignored.", "\nIt's seems like this should have been asked before, but I just can't find the answer.", "\nThanks\n\nA:\n\nShort of writing your own source in .NET to use the Office libraries, I am not aware of a way for the native SSIS Excel data source to know about the filter. ", "\nIf you have the opportunity to pre-process the file, a trick we often used was to manually open the file up, add an additional column, ImportThis, and fill with a 'Y' value. ", "It's not the most graceful way of handling it but it was the most cost effective.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "#include <core.p4>\n#define V1MODEL_VERSION 20180101\n#include <v1model.p4>\n\nheader ethernet_t {\n bit<48> dst_addr;\n bit<48> src_addr;\n bit<16> eth_type;\n}\n\nstruct Headers {\n ethernet_t eth_hdr;\n}\n\nstruct Meta {\n}\n\nethernet_t do_function() {\n return { 48w1, 48w1, 16w1 };\n}\nparser p(packet_in pkt, out Headers hdr, inout Meta m, inout standard_metadata_t sm) {\n state start {\n transition parse_hdrs;\n }\n state parse_hdrs {\n pkt.extract<ethernet_t>(hdr.eth_hdr);\n transition accept;\n }\n}\n\ncontrol ingress(inout Headers h, inout Meta m, inout standard_metadata_t sm) {\n apply {\n h.eth_hdr = do_function();\n }\n}\n\ncontrol vrfy(inout Headers h, inout Meta m) {\n apply {\n }\n}\n\ncontrol update(inout Headers h, inout Meta m) {\n apply {\n }\n}\n\ncontrol egress(inout Headers h, inout Meta m, inout standard_metadata_t sm) {\n apply {\n }\n}\n\ncontrol deparser(packet_out pkt, in Headers h) {\n apply {\n pkt.emit<Headers>(h);\n }\n}\n\nV1Switch<Headers, Meta>(p(), vrfy(), ingress(), egress(), update(), deparser()) main;\n\n" ]
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[ 0.005499541704857928 ]
[ "Image caption The section of railway line which is the subject of the investigation\n\nMore than 100 people escaped injury after a train ran over a section of damaged railway in County Antrim.", "\n\nHowever, the full incident, which took place on 28 June, was not reported to an investigation team for two months.", "\n\nThe driver was unable to stop before the first of six carriages had run onto an unsupported section of track.", "\n\nThe train was bound for the Irish open golf tournament, over a line not normally used for passenger services.", "\n\nThe train did not derail and was reversed away.", "\n\nThe Rail Accident investigation Branch (RAIB) is looking into the incident at Knockmore, outside Lisburn at 07:05 on 28 June.", "\n\nThere were five crew and about 100 passengers on board.", "\n\nThe RAIB said it was notified of the embankment failure on 4 July but only became aware of the involvement of a train during late August.", "\n\nThe RAIB said its investigation will identify the sequence of events that led to the wash-out and a passenger train running over it.", "\n\nThe RAIB investigation is independent of any investigations by the Department for Regional Development or the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland.", "\n\nTranslink said it was currently reviewing the circumstances of the reporting of the incident and would \"fully co-operate with, and support, the RAIB investigation\"." ]
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[ "1 of 1 2 of 1\n\nBy Justin Fung\n\nAs one of the resident Chinese-Canadians on the HALT team, I was particularly frustrated to see this misleading headline on the front page of the Vancouver Sun “Is Racism Part of the Issue? ", "Of course it is.”", "\n\nEvery time we make progress on trying to address housing affordability, we end up getting sidetracked and pulled back to square one with cries of racism. ", "We've already seen Gregor Robertson and Bob Rennie do it once, calling out academically peer-reviewed research done by Andy Yan as being “racist”. ", "Now it is Pete McMartin of the Vancouver Sun and Charlie Smith of the Georgia Straight just days after Mike De Jong's foreign ownership \"data\" got debunked as being completely irrelevant.", "\n\nWe're better than this and I know we are because I've seen and heard it myself. ", "Whether it's fellow Canadians I've talked to in person or online via our Facebook page, the conversation has always been culturally respectful and one that makes me incredibly proud to be Canadian. ", "If anything, it's the Pete McMartins and Bob Rennies of the world who would take advantage of our Canadian politeness and welcoming nature toward people of all races to suggest that racism is what fuels the Vancouver housing affordability discussion. ", "Sure, actual racism does exist and I’ll be the first one to call it out when I see it, but the vast majority of Canadians who want a fair shot at an affordable roof over their heads simply don’t have a racist bone in their bodies.", "\n\nIt's never been about the Chinese people as a race, but the fact that money is flowing out of China and finding its way into Vancouver real estate.", "\n\nLet's take a look at some facts:\n\nChina added 2 million new millionaires in 2014 alone China adds 1 new billionaire each week, outpacing even the United States US$1 trillion left China in 2015 and has continued on that pace for the first several months of 2016. ", "China is continuing to take steps to unpeg the value of its currency as it vies to become a viable reserve currency. ", "Unpegging will ultimately lower the value of the yuan\n\nFolks who have gotten rich in China over the past couple decades see that their money isn't going to be worth as much in the future and are getting it out as quickly as possible into assets in held in other currencies. ", "With the Canadian dollar trading at $0.77 to the US dollar and down from par at 2012, it's no surprise that Vancouver looks like a relative bargain. ", "With a trillion dollars leaving China each year, only a small portion of it landing in Vancouver can have a massive effect on our home prices if left unchecked.", "\n\nThis has nothing to do with Chinese people as a race and everything to do with China as a rising economic superpower with its own set of growing pains. ", "It has everything to do with the fact that our city is a globally attractive place for wealthy folks who have made their fortunes in China. ", "The fire hose of foreign capital finding its way into the Vancouver real estate market is the real problem, pricing out anyone making a living locally. ", "It lines the pockets of a select few in this town (namely property developers and realtors) while doing little for the vast majority of us struggling to pay rent and make ends meet or trying to get into the housing market.", "\n\nThis isn't about how world-class this city is, its empty monster houses, the Ultra Rich Asian Girls of Vancouver, money laundering, immigration fraud, New Coast Realty, shadow flipping, or UBC students with $31-million Point Grey mansions. ", "Sure, these are all interesting issues in their own right, but at the very core of the matter is the simple fact that Vancouver's housing prices are entirely out of the reach of someone earning an income locally in the city.", "\n\nIt has everything to do with the corrupt and complicit politicians who serve the corrupt needs of a B.C. real estate industry whose continued success depends entirely on us turning a blind eye to the obvious problem. ", "This corruption seeps into the media—newspapers and TV stations whose operating costs are paid for by advertising that is increasingly dependent on the real estate industry. ", "Perhaps it’s no wonder that certain members of the media have a vested interest in seeing the race card getting played yet again.", "\n\nIt’s almost as if those who would stand to lose the most in addressing the problem are the same ones crying racist. ", "I’m just putting it out there. ", "Here’s noted real estate industry PR man Bob Ransford and President/CEO of the Urban Development Institute (UDI) Anne McMullin jumping on the R train.", "\n\nLet's stop talking about racism in Vancouver real estate. ", "It's distracting us from getting to solutions to making housing affordable for those of us who call this city home. ", "It’s time we cut through the bullshit and hold our elected political leaders accountable for the mess they refuse to clean up." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.013574660633484163, 0, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0.0213903743315508, 0, 0, 0.00796812749003984, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Synergism between IFN-gamma and IL-1 alpha/beta in growth inhibition of an allografted tumor.", "\nSoluble effector molecules involved in the rejection of allografted mouse Meth A (3-methylcholanthrene-induced ascites type tumor) cells were examined. ", "A potent antiproliferative activity against the tumor cells was detected in the culture supernatant of leukocytes that had infiltrated into the peritoneal cavity of C57BL/6 mice on days 6-8 after transplantation, when the i.p. ", "transplanted Meth A cells were undergoing rejection. ", "Studies with neutralizing antibodies indicated that both IFN-gamma and IL-1 alpha/beta were required for the activity but that TNF-alpha was not. ", "Actually, mouse rIFN-gamma and rIL-1 alpha/beta used, at the concentrations found in the culture supernatant determined by ELISA, were able to reconstitute the potent antiproliferative activity, although each cytokine alone had a weak growth inhibitory activity against Meth A cells. ", "The half-maximal inhibition was observed with 0.02-0.03 U/ml of rIL-1 alpha/beta at 1-100 U/ml of rIFN-gamma. ", "The synergistic growth inhibitory effect of these cytokines also was observed with four of 15 mouse transformed cell lines tested, indicating that the effect was not specific to Meth A cells. ", "These findings suggest that IFN-gamma and IL-1 alpha/beta participate as soluble effector molecules in the rejection of some allografted tumor cells including Meth A cells." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0.00684931506849315, 0.0035211267605633804, 0, 0.005208333333333333, 0.011627906976744186 ]
[ "Silver coated bioactive glass particles for wound healing applications.", "\nBioactive glass particles (0.42SiO(2)-0.15CaO-0.23Na(2)O-0.20ZnO) of varying size (<90 μm and 425-850 μm) were synthesized and coated with silver (Ag) to produce Ag coated particles (PAg). ", "These were compared against the uncoated analogous particles (Pcon.). ", "Surface area analysis determined that Ag coating of the glass particles resulted in increased the surface area from 2.90 to 9.12 m(2)/g (90 μm) and 1.09-7.71 m(2)/g (425-850 μm). ", "Scanning electron microscopy determined that the Ag coating remained at the surface and there was little diffusion through the bulk. ", "Antibacterial (Escherichia coli--13 mm and Staphylococcus epidermidis--12 mm) and antifungal testing (Candida albicans--7.7 mm) determined that small Ag-coated glass particles exhibited the largest inhibition zones compared to uncoated particles. ", "pH analysis determined an overall higher pH consider in the smaller particles, where after 24 h the large uncoated and Ag coated particles were 8.27 and 8.74 respectively, while the smaller uncoated and Ag coated particles attained pH values of 9.63 and 9.35 respectively." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0.00558659217877095, 0.007518796992481203, 0.016194331983805668, 0.007352941176470588 ]
[ "British Airways crew plans to strike again\n\nBen Stansall/AFP/Getty ImagesBritish Airways crew members strike in March 2010.LONDON — British Airways PLC cabin crew plan say they will strike for a total of 20 days over a 23-day period in May and June.", "\n\nThe Unite union says that staff plan to walk out May 18-22, May 24-28, May 30-June 3 and June 5-9.", "\n\nThe airline flies directly to and from London out of Newark Liberty International Airport and John F. Kennedy International Airport. ", "It is unclear how the strike will affect these flights.", "\n\nThe unprecedented scale of the strike action ramps up a long-running and bitter dispute between cabin crew and the airline over changes to pay and working conditions.", "\n\nTwo strikes by crew over seven days in March cost the airline around 45 million pounds ($65.8 million) in canceled flights and contingency provisions, including hiring other aircraft complete with staff." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.012048192771084338, 0.01, 0.014814814814814815, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "The effects of a course of intranasal oxytocin on social behaviors in youth diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders: a randomized controlled trial.", "\nThere is increasing interest in oxytocin as a therapeutic to treat social deficits in autism spectrum disorders (ASD). ", "The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of a course of oxytocin nasal spray to improve social behavior in youth with ASD. ", "In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial across two Australian university sites between February 2009 and January 2012, 50 male participants aged between 12 and 18 years, with Autistic or Asperger's Disorder, were randomized to receive either oxytocin (n = 26) or placebo (n = 24) nasal sprays (either 18 or 24 International Units), administered twice-daily for 8 weeks. ", "Participants were assessed at baseline, after 4- and 8-weeks of treatment, and at 3-month follow-up. ", "Primary outcomes were change in total scores on the caregiver-completed Social Responsiveness Scale and clinician-ratings on the Clinical Global Impressions-Improvement scale. ", "Secondary assessments included caregiver reports of repetitive and other developmental behaviors and social cognition. ", "Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry www.anzctr.org.au ACTRN12609000513213. ", "Participants who received oxytocin showed no benefit following treatment on primary or secondary outcomes. ", "However, caregivers who believed their children received oxytocin reported greater improvements compared to caregivers who believed their child received placebo. ", "Nasal sprays were well tolerated and there was no evidence of increased side effects resulting from oxytocin administration. ", "This is the first evaluation of the efficacy for a course of oxytocin treatment for youth with ASD. ", "Although results did not suggest clinical efficacy, further research is needed to explore alternative delivery methods, earlier age of intervention, and the influence of caregiver expectation on treatment response." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0.00267379679144385, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0, 0.016, 0.01, 0 ]
[ "Changes in lipids associated with change in regular exercise in free-living men.", "\nTo investigate the relationship between regular exercise and plasma lipid profiles in free-living men. ", "Seven hundred eighty men between the ages of 25 and 65 years were included in this study. ", "The medical history, physical examination, and blood tests were obtained at baseline and 1 year later. ", "At the end of the study, 430 (55.1%) men reported the same amount of regular exercise as a year earlier; 199 (25.5%) men reported an increased level, and 151 (19.4%) men reported a decreased level. ", "Compared to the group with same exercise, men who increased their level of regular exercise had a significant increase in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) (mean 4.76 versus 2.83 mg/dL, p < 0.005) and significant decreases in the ratio of total cholesterol/HDLC (mean -0.72 versus -0.42, p < 0.001) and triglycerides (mean -18.2 versus -6.27 mg/dL, p < 0.001). ", "The changes in lipid profiles appeared to have a dose-response relationship from the increased exercise, same exercise, to decreased exercise groups. ", "Overweight and normal-weight men had a similar tendency to improve their lipid profiles by exercise. ", "The improvement in plasma lipid profile associated with increased regular exercise persisted after controlling for potential confounders. ", "The results indicate that the relationship between physical activity and favorable lipid profiles exists in men with mild-to-moderate physical activity." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0026954177897574125, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "public class RootMeanSquare {\n\n public static double rootMeanSquare(double... nums) {\n double sum = 0.0;\n for (double num : nums)\n sum += num * num;\n return Math.sqrt(sum / nums.length);\n }\n\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n double[] nums = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0};\n System.out.println(\"The RMS of the numbers from 1 to 10 is \" + rootMeanSquare(nums));\n }\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0 ]
[ "Two years after new domestic abuse laws made “coercive or controlling behaviour” criminal offences for the first time police forces remain poorly trained and ill-equipped to deal with the new crimes, MPs and campaigners say.", "\n\n\n\nLatest official figures show that only eight out of 43 police forces across England and Wales have rolled out a new national training programme and this lack of training is reflected in the low number of prosecutions involving the new offences.", "\n\nA recent freedom of information request by the Bureau for Investigative Journalism revealed that just 532 charges have been brought under the new laws in the 29 police force areas that responded to the request. ", "Six police forces have brought five charges or fewer since the new offences were brought into force on 29 December 2015.", "\n\nThe Office for National Statistics says police forces recorded only 4,246 cases of coercive or controlling behaviour in the 12 months to March 2017. ", "This is against a backdrop in which it is officially estimated that 1.2 million women and 713,000 men have suffered some form of domestic violence in the past year. ", "A recent University of Gloucestershire report found that controlling behaviour was an element in 92% of 358 domestic murders they had studied.", "\n\n\n\nElfyn Llwyd, the Plaid Cymru MP, whose 10-minute rule bill in February 2014 first proposed the new offence, said he was frustrated that there had been such a poor take-up of training by police forces across the country, which had been reflected in the low number of prosecutions.", "\n\n\n\nThe official definition of “coercive and controlling behaviour” is an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used by an individual to harm, punish, or frighten their victim.", "\n\nControlling behaviour is officially defined as a range of acts designed to make a person subordinate and/or dependent by isolating them from sources of support, exploiting their resources and capacities for personal gain, depriving them of the means needed for independence, resistance and escape and regulating their everyday behaviour.", "\n\n\n\nExamples can include preventing victims from seeing friends, stopping them from having hobbies, controlling their finances or where they are allowed to go.", "\n\n\n\nLlywd’s private member’s bill led to the government bringing forward its own legislation which was due to be enacted in March 2015. ", "However, concerns raised by Plaid Cymru about the need for police training before the new offence came into effect led to its delay and it finally reached the statute book on 29 December 2015 – exactly two years ago.", "\n\n\n\nLlwyd said: “It was important that coercive and controlling behaviour were made criminal offences and I am proud to have secured that step forward but that it has been so poorly followed up by the Westminster government is very frustrating, particularly given the warnings Plaid Cymru made at the time that the police needed to be trained.", "\n\n“The poor take-up of training amongst the Welsh and English police forces is reflected in the low number of prosecutions. ", "The Westminster government must now ensure that training is made mandatory and funded centrally.”", "\n\nThe Home Office minister Nick Hurd told MPs in a Commons written answer earlier this month that the new College of Policing training programme, Domestic Abuse Matters, which focuses on improved evidence gathering and understanding of controlling and coercive behaviour had been rolled out in eight police forces so far and plans were in place to roll it out in a further two.", "\n\n“In addition, the college national curriculum relating to domestic abuse and coercive control is embedded in full into national recruit training, and the college has published authorised professional practice on investigating domestic violence and abuse capturing controlling or coercive behaviour,” the minister added.", "\n\nBut Llwyd and Plaid Cyrmu’s home affairs spokesperson, Liz Saville Roberts, said the Home Office needed to fund a centrally procured training programme for the police to ensure there were adequately informed on the new law.", "\n\nHarry Fletcher, director of the Victims’ Rights campaign, who was involved in drafting the new law, said: “It was essential that ministers recognised that psychological abuse in a domestic setting was made an offence. ", "But training was critical, indeed we asked for a six-month delay so that it could be delivered to the police. ", "The latest figures for prosecutions started is extremely worrying and is no doubt related to the training failures. ", "There needs to be a cultural shift amongst police mangers and first responders. ", "We would urge that government invest in such training without delay,” he said." ]
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[ "Prosecutors are claiming that a federal judge is hampering a criminal investigation into a webcam scandal at a Philadelphia suburban school district.", "\n\nThe evidence prosecutors are seeking is connected to a federal civil lawsuit in which the plaintiff's lawyers claim that the Lower Merion School District secretly snapped thousands of webcam images of students using school-issued laptops without the pupils' knowledge or consent.", "\n\nU.S. District Judge Jan DuBois, who is presiding over the civil case, two weeks ago ordered that evidence should only be disseminated to those connected to the civil lawsuit. (", ".pdf) U.S. Attorney Michael Levy wrote the judge, saying Friday that the freeze order \"interfered with the government's obligation to investigate possible criminal conduct occurring within this district.\"", "\n\nLevy asks the court to \"modify its order to permit the government access.\" (", ".pdf) Among other things, Levy wants to examine what plaintiffs lawyers contend are thousands of screenshots school-supplied MacBooks took of an unknown number of children, some of which might include nude or partially clothed shots.", "\n\nWhile it remains unclear whether the secret and remote filming of students is a federal crime, taking nude images of children is likely criminal conduct. ", "A federal grand jury and the FBI are said to be looking into the district's actions.", "\n\nThe lawsuit accuses a district IT admin of downloading \"pictures of students who were naked while in their home\" –- allegations the woman staunchly denies. (", ".pdf)\n\nWhen the story broke in February, the district said the cameras were activated a handful of times when a laptop was reported stolen or missing – an assertion lawyers suing the district say is false. ", "The district has deactivated the webcam-tracking program secretly lodged on 2,300 student laptops.", "\n\nThe 6,900-pupil district, which provides students from its two high schools free MacBooks, was sued in federal court in February on allegations that it was undertaking a dragnet surveillance program targeting its students.", "\n\nThe lawsuit, which seeks class-action status, was based on a claim by sophomore Blake Robbins that school officials reprimanded him for \"improper behavior\" based on photos the computer secretly took of the boy at home last fall. ", "Another picture shows him asleep at home in October.", "\n\nThat \"behavior\" turned out to be pill-popping. ", "The family said their son was eating Mike and Ike candy.", "\n\nSee Also:" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0, 0.0035587188612099642, 0.0056179775280898875, 0.004901960784313725, 0.01282051282051282, 0.008583690987124463, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0, 0, 0.004464285714285714, 0.004329004329004329, 0, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0 ]
[ "In 2010 James Fagan, as a director and shareholder of Chevas Securities Ltd borrowed €10 million from Ulster Bank to purchase properties in Dublin, Sligo, Dundalk and Galway. ", "The borrowings were secured over a large number of properties, in particular 28 apartments known as Royston Village in Kimmage, Dublin. ", "The borrowings were restructured in September [...]" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.017142857142857144, 0, 0 ]
[ "[Morgagni hernia: Concerning 2 pediatric cases in Sub-Saharan Africa].", "\nMorgagni hernias are uncommon diaphragmatic hernias that are generally asymptomatic, and so far, very limited data is available about them. ", "We report two cases of repaired successfully Morgagni hernias using a transabdominal approach. ", "The aim of this study is to illustrate the diagnostic difficulties and the excellent post operational prognostic observed following the transabdominal procedure. ", "Both patients were female, one 8 months old and the other 3 months old. ", "The presenting symptom was recurrent chest infection. ", "Chest x-rays were carried out on both patients, which showed a pre-cardiac gas mass. ", "A transabdominal surgical approach enabled surgeons to sow the defect with non resorbable suture material in one patient, and a prolene plate in the other. ", "The patients fully recovered and no postoperative difficulties were reported." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "// license:BSD-3-Clause\n// copyright-holders:Samuele Zannoli\n//============================================================\n//\n// logviewinfo.c - Win32 debug log window handling\n//\n//============================================================\n\n#include \"emu.h\"\n#include \"logviewinfo.h\"\n\n#include \"debug/dvtext.h\"\n\n\nlogview_info::logview_info(debugger_windows_interface &debugger, debugwin_info &owner, HWND parent) :\n\tdebugview_info(debugger, owner, parent, DVT_LOG)\n{\n}\n\n\nlogview_info::~logview_info()\n{\n}\n\n\nvoid logview_info::clear()\n{\n\tview<debug_view_log>()->clear();\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.008680555555555556 ]
[ "TUAW's Daily Mac App: AppTrap\n\nWith the imminent release of Lion, perhaps it's time to clear out all those apps you don't need anymore. ", "AppTrap is an app up to the task, which integrates nicely into the OS X way of uninstalling apps.", "\n\nWe all know that the Mac way of uninstalling apps is just to delete them. ", "The size of the preference files, settings and other cruft left behind is so small in comparison to modern disk sizes that you shouldn't have to worry about them. ", "But what happens when you want to clear out your hard drive properly after each uninstall? ", "Installed as a Preference Pane, AppTrap runs in the background watching for when you trash an application from your Applications folder. ", "It will then locate any files associated with that application and ask you whether you want to trash them as well, removing the need for you to hunt them down manually.", "\n\nOther uninstaller apps that we've featured on the Daily Mac App before primarily work along the Windows way of uninstalling. ", "Select the app you want to uninstall from a list of installed programs and hit delete. ", "But AppTrap enables you to continue deleting apps the way Apple wants you to, without leaving all that cruft behind. ", "It's fast, effective and free.", "\n\nIf you install and delete loads of apps the Apple way, then the free AppTrap is a must. ", "It's downloadable from the developer's site and supports Snow Leopard and the soon to be released Lion." ]
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[ "@MI\n\nNo Chance, on the contrary, I was giving out factual data to cheer up P. Weston, as to me his comment reflected a picture of extreme doom and gloom, and with too much pessimism, all most suicidal.", "\n\nJust, as you have pointed out the key areas of action, it will make the likes of P. Weston a bit more hopeful, however, unless I misread it, and unlike you he was implying a Britain for the natives only, but if I somehow misunderstood it I will retract my question to him.", "\n\nI haven’t attempted to lecture anyone, whatever gave you that notion, God forbid. ", "And further more I can’t be confused about Islamists, I have studied their nature and ways for over nine years specifically and experienced it over 30 yrs or so, and as I said, I had been beating this particular drum for longer than most, rest have just woken up after 9/11.", "\n\nHere is an extract that I had debated with a Muslim on a different blog but on the same topic, hope this will put your mind at rest and stop doubting my intentions.", "\n\n“REPLY \"HALAL\"\n\nThe Difference is that your method is long and drawn where the animal suffers a slow and Torturous death, not a quick and humane death, in any case you conveniently left the rest of my questions out, haven't you got anything to say about the most pertinent and relevant abuses.???? ", "Look up the dictionary for the meaning of progressive.", "\n\nWhy do you always consider the Muslims as purveyors and guardians of ‘Morality’ when the evidence the world over is to the contrary, your lot are up to their eyeballs in anything loose morals just that they hide it even from themselves, as they haven't the courage to own up to it , at a XMAS party on Sunday, I witnessed the morality of Muslims, there they were drinking, smoking, and letching after women (difference was that they weren't Muslim girls, they had conveniently left their spouses at home) so it makes it OK, and as it was done in the name of Christianity it make it right?", "\n\nAnd as far being sexually promiscuous is concerned, not all Christians are either, and yet in your society, everything is suppressed and leads to heinous acts of barbarism against the person, in sexual terms, it is one thing, to have a book that forbids it and another to actually follow it, why then are the statistics of Rape and gang rapes in abundance pointing the finger at the Islamic community, the more something is suppressed the more evil, oppressive and immoral it becomes, and the more open it becomes, it stays clean and un oppressive. ", "Is that why you lot keep your women in the veil, and oppressed so that the truth doesn’t surface.", "\n\nYou never had any answer to the previous acts of Islamic Morality that I put to you…\n\nMuslims are still at it all over the world, they are involved in forcefully converting Hindu, Sikh and Christian school and college girls making them do shameful acts and videoing it and then blackmailing them to get their sisters and friends, or else they would go public with the material, this happens even in this country. ", "So the Muslims shouldn’t accuse others of such demonic activities when they are the leaders in this field.", "\n\nPlease answer my question, can your lot ditch the barbaric activities inherently inscribed within Islamic texts and become progressive or not?", "\n\nCan you say it openly that your lot will renounce violence against non Muslims?", "\n\nAnd by the way no one is asking you to give up any morals, but only to dust off the preaching’s of hatred and violence from the Koran and come to the 21st Century. ", "I wonder if you can be that first one and lead your people to the present instead of living in the Dark Ages?", "\n\nAndrew,\n\nShan is just trying to defend the indefensible, and therein lies the problem with most Muslims, they can’t take constructive criticism, instead come out with some of the most obvious and blatantly ridiculous arguments in defense, instead of accepting the truth that there are bad Muslims as well as good ones, like any other community and condemning the wrong they inadvertently end up defending the guilty ones, hence exacerbating the situation, this seems to be an inherent weakness of Islam and its people.", "\n\nAnd an example of this is demonstrated in Shan’s reply to my question, he comes out with accusations in his defense rather than either defending the argument by agreeing with it or condemning it by disagreeing with it, this is generally, the case when people feel angry with themselves for the actions of their kin folk in letting them down and feel, that the whole ‘religion’ is under scrutiny, and this is particularly applicable to people of Islamic faith, because ‘tolerance’ is not one of its strong traits.\"", "\n\n\n\n...more" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAtiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence for a special kind of CW-complexes\n\nLet $X$ be a finite CW-complex such that its $K$-theory $K^*(X)$ is, as a $\\mathbb{Z}$-algebra, generated by $a_1, \\cdots, a_n$ which are represented by reduced line bundles $L_1-1, \\cdots, L_n-1$ satisfying $L_i^{\\otimes 2}\\oplus 1\\cong L_i^{\\oplus 2}$ (implying that $a_i^2=0$) for $1\\leq i\\leq n$. Note that $a_i$ may be a torsion element. ", "We say $a\\in K^{-1}(X)$ is represented by a reduced line bundle if, through the identification $K^{-1}(X)=\\widetilde{K}^0(SX)$, $a$ is represented by a reduced line bundle on $SX$. Examples of such finite CW-complexes include $S^2$ and $\\mathbb{RP}^2$, any product of them, and $S^2\\times_{\\mathbb{Z}_2}S^2$ where $\\mathbb{Z}_2$ acts on $S^2$ by antipodal map.", "\n\nIs it true that the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence for $K^*(X)$ collapses on the $E_2$-page, and there are no extension problems? ", "It seems that $\\text{Sq}^1$ and $\\text{Sq}^2$ vanish on $X$, and $d_3$, being the third integral Steenrod square, seems to vanish. ", "I am not sure how to go about the higher differentials and the extension problems.", "\nIs it true that the `Chern character map'\n\\begin{align*}\n\\text{ch}: K^*(X)&\\to H^*(X, \\mathbb{Z})\\\\\na_i&\\mapsto \\text{ch}(a_i)=c_1(L_i)\n\\end{align*}\nis a ring isomorphism?", "\n\nNote that the condition $L_i^{\\otimes 2}\\oplus 1\\cong L_i^{\\oplus 2}$ implies that $c_1(L_i)^2=0$, and it still makes sense to define the `Chern character' of any generator $\\text{ch}(a_i)=\\text{ch}(L_i)-1=e^{c_1(L_i)}-1=c_1(L_i)$ and product of generators\n\\begin{align*}\n\\text{ch}(a_ia_j)&=\\text{ch}(L_i\\otimes L_j\\oplus 1-(L_i\\oplus L_j))\\\\\n&=\\left(1+c_1(L_i)+c_1(L_j)+\\frac{(c_1(L_i)+c_1(L_j))^2}{2}+\\cdots\\right)+1-1-c_1(L_i)-1-c_1(L_j)\\\\\n&=c_1(L_i)c_1(L_j)\\\\\n&=\\text{ch}(a_i)\\text{ch}(a_j)\n\\end{align*}\neven for those $a_i$ which are torsion $K$-theory classes. ", "\n\nA:\n\nThis is not true. ", "One of the main reasons is that, because you've only specified properties about $K^*(X)$, that leaves a lot of room for $H^*(X;\\Bbb Z)$ to have information which doesn't ultimately contribute to $K$-theory.", "\nFinding an example is a little more work. ", "The mod-2 Moore space $M(\\Bbb Z/2, n)$ is the $(n-1)$-fold reduced suspension of $\\Bbb RP^2$; it has the property that its reduced homology is $\\Bbb Z/2$ in dimension $n$ and $0$ elsewhere. ", "These have the property that for sufficiently large $n$, there is a map\n$$\nv: M(\\Bbb Z/2, n+8) \\to M(\\Bbb Z/2, n)\n$$\nwhich induces an isomorphism\n$$\nv: K^* M(\\Bbb Z/2, n) \\to K^* M(\\Bbb Z/2, n+8)\n$$\non $K$-theory (real or complex $K$-theory, in fact). ", "These maps were constructed by Adams in his study of the $J$-homomorphism (\"On the groups J(X) IV\").", "\nAs a result, we can take the mapping cone\n$$\nM(\\Bbb Z/2, n+8) \\to M(\\Bbb Z/2, n) \\to Cv\n$$\nand get a finite complex $Cv$ whose integral cohomology is $\\Bbb Z/2$ in dimensions $(n+1)$ and $(n+10)$ and zero elsewhere; this means that the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence starts nontrivially. ", "However, the fact that $v$ was an isomorphism on $K$-theory means that $Cv$ has the same $K$-theory as a point. ", "The space $Cv$ then satisfies your criteria for not very interesting reasons. ", "\nThe fact that $Cv$ has no $K$-theory means that the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence has to erase everything except the $0$-line (in fact, there is a $d_9$ differential). ", "This also means that the Chern character doesn't have a hope of being an isomorphism because the source ring has no torsion and the target does.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Pages\n\nWednesday, January 23, 2008\n\nI know this looks familiar but I just finished this 2nd window art piece to go to The Plum Tree. ", "This one is different in the fact that I've mounted the prints behind the glass this time and it looks like a giant picture frame. ", "I ended up using white medical tape to secure the prints into the panes and to also block out any little cracks where the print didn't meet up with the edge of the pane!", "\n\nLittle ol' me\n\nAbout Me\n\nMy name is Dawn Edmonson. ", "I'm a wife for 37 years to the same wonderful man, mother to five great boys ranging in age from 35 to 20 years old and grandmother to two precious little girls and two sweet little boys. ", "We have a Devon Rex cat and a crazy little Jack Russell/\nChihuahua mix puppy who will steal your heart.", "\nI love to create one-of-a-kind artwork to sell in my Etsy shop. ", "I enjoy keeping up with my blog and am amazed at the inspiration I get from others blogs and sweet comments that are left for me. ", "I am drawn to all things old, with plenty of character and enjoy using small, antique trinkets in my artwork. ", "Being able to create is truly my bliss." ]
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[ "Silent Hill 2: “For me, it’s always like this” (Part 2)\n\n(This is a continuation of my last post. ", "Make sure you read Part 1 first.)", "\n\nSpoilers ahead!", "\n\nThe other people James meets are a 19-year-old runaway named Angela, a chubby man named Eddie, and a little girl named Laura. ", "Remember how I said Silent Hill is a reflection of one’s psyche? ", "Case in point:\n\nJames is shocked that the eight-year-old Laura could survive in the monster-infested town. ", "When he asks her, she is perplexed. “", "What monsters?” ", "She doesn’t see any monsters because she is innocent.", "\n\nThe others? ", "Not so much.", "\n\nThrough newspaper clippings and Angela’s dialogue, it is revealed that she was being sexually abused by her father, so she killed him and ran away.", "\n\nAngela: So what do you want, then? ", "Oh, I see… you’re trying to be nice to me, right? ", "I know what you’re up to. ", "It’s always the same. ", "You’re only after one thing. / ", "James: No, that’s not true at all. / ", "Angela: You don’t have to lie. ", "Go ahead and say it. ", "Or you could just force me. ", "Beat me up like he always did…”\n\nThe last time you see Angela, she is ascending a stairway that is engulfed in flames. ", "You never know what happens to her, but it is apparent that she is still haunted by her past.", "\n\n“You see it too? ", "For me, it’s always like this.”", "\n\nEddie is a victim of bullying. ", "Tired of being made fun of for his weight, he kills his bully’s dog and shoots him in the leg. ", "Like Angela, he is running from his past.", "\n\nEddie: Do you know what it does to you, James? ", "When you’re hated, picked on, spit on just ’cause of the way you look? ", "After you’ve been laughed at your whole friggin’ life? ", "That’s why I ran away after I killed the dog. ", "Ran away like a scared little girl. […] ", "Then he came after me. ", "I shot him, too. ", "Right in the leg! ", "He cried more than the dog! ", "He’s gonna have a hard time playing football on what’s left of that knee.”", "\n\nAt one point, James enters a room full of fresh human corpses, and then confronts a gun-wielding Eddie, who contends that he had just killed some “monsters.” ", "In Silent Hill, what James sees as people Eddie perceives as “monsters” because of his history of being bullied. ", "Whether he sees actual monsters or is simply editorializing is up to the player’s interpretation.", "\n\nThe climax of the game, however, occurs when James finally reaches the hotel room where he and Mary had stayed. ", "There, he plays a videotape, and… well, I’ll let you watch.", "\n\nWhat begins as their vacation video turns into footage of something that wasn’t recorded: James euthanizes Mary, smothering her with a pillow to end her suffering. ", "While it was in accordance with her wishes, he still feels guilty, perhaps because part of him wanted to be free of having to tend to her constantly (James: It was a long three years… I was… tired), hence the state of his personal Silent Hill.", "\n\nAt one point in the game James goes through the Silent Hill Historical Society building, where you can see a painting of the town’s executioners back in its witch-hunting days. ", "The executioners look just like our friend Pyramid Head.", "\n\nOthers have noted that of all the enemies in the game with a discernable gender, all are female except for him. ", "This is because Pyramid Head – the executioner – represents James, or at least the way he views himself. ", "That’s why he kills Maria over and over again, because it represents the event that James is tortured by. ", "Late in the game, James can even wield Pyramid Head’s trademark giant sword, driving the point home.", "\n\nMost games would have stopped there, but Silent Hill 2 goes even further into James’ tortured psyche. ", "In addition to guilt for what he did, James also feels guilt for his sexual frustration that came as a result of having a sickly wife for a number of years. ", "Maria is the manifestation of this, a sexualized version of Mary.", "\n\nContinuing the theme, those female enemies I mentioned include mannequins and cleavage-bearing nurses:\n\nMaybe if I squint...\n\nUsing sexual themes for the purpose of horror is certainly not new; vampire stories have been doing it since the 19th Century. ", "But sadly, in video games sexuality is rarely handled as a mature topic.", "\n\n\"Who, me?\"", "\n\nIn fact, the word “mature” has almost come to be a euphemism for mindless sex and violence.", "\n\nSilent Hill 2 is remarkable for tackling actual mature themes in a thoughtful way while still remaining uncompromising and provocative. ", "A decade later it still has a rabid following for just that reason. ", "Click here or here to read what others have to say, and see that I’m definitely not alone in praising this game’s story.", "\n\nLook, I enjoy straight-up action as much as the next guy, but games like Silent Hill 2 prove that the video game medium is capable of so much more." ]
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[ "Luge at the Youth Olympic Games\n\nLuge was inducted at the Youth Olympic Games at the inaugural edition in 2012.", "\n\nA total of four events were held at the first two editions: boys' and girls' singles, a boys' doubles and a mixed relay event. ", "For 2020, a women's doubles event has been added.", "\n\nMedalists summary\n\nBoys' singles\n\nGirls' singles\n\nBoys' doubles\n\nGirls' doubles\n\nMixed relay\n\nMedal table\nAs of the 2016 Winter Youth Olympics.", "\n\nSee also\nLuge at the Winter Olympics\n\nReferences\n\n \nYouth Olympics\nCategory:Sports at the Winter Youth Olympics" ]
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[ "ThimbleSense: A Fingertip-Wearable Tactile Sensor for Grasp Analysis.", "\nAccurate measurement of contact forces between hand and grasped objects is crucial to study sensorimotor control during grasp and manipulation. ", "In this work, we introduce ThimbleSense, a prototype of individual-digit wearable force/torque sensor based on the principle of intrinsic tactile sensing. ", "By exploiting the integration of this approach with an active marker-based motion capture system, the proposed device simultaneously measures absolute position and orientation of the fingertip, which in turn yields measurements of contacts and force components expressed in a global reference frame. ", "The main advantage of this approach with respect to more conventional solutions is its versatility. ", "Specifically, ThimbleSense can be used to study grasping and manipulation of a wide variety of objects, while still retaining complete force/torque measurements. ", "Nevertheless, validation of the proposed device is a necessary step before it can be used for experimental purposes. ", "In this work, we present the results of a series of experiments designed to validate the accuracy of ThimbleSense measurements and evaluate the effects of distortion of tactile afferent inputs caused by the device's rigid shells on grasp forces." ]
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[ "Jack Bernstein was a rarity, an American Zionist who ‘returned’ to Israel, not for a holiday but to live and die in Israel building a Jewish nation. ", "What makes him almost one of a kind, however, was his ability to see through the sham of Zionism\n\nWith the ongoing inquest into the 7/7 terror attacks a correspondent asks: Where and who were Peter Powers’ agents in his mock bombings. ", "Where did they go? ", "Have they been eliminated from the enquiry OR ARE THEY THE ENQUIRY?", "\n\nResearch into particle physics is revealing a world full of almost magical qualities. ", "Could it be that this mysterious, puzzling world is in fact the world of the spirit – the spiritual world that saints and mystics throughout history have sought to explo\n\nThere are few real accidents in history and the version we see in the history books, may have happened entirely differently in reality. ", "A prime example being the murder of Rasputin nearly 100 years ago\n\nRobert Fisk – The Independent December 2, 2011\n\nYou can get almost anything you want in Tahrir Square these days. ", "Corn-on-the-cob, tea, coffee, suitcases, a cheap holiday in Sharm el-Sheikh, feta cheese, firecrackers, garbage, eggs, empty tear-gas cartridges and lots and lots of arguments and heaps of banners extolling the courage of martyrs and the evils of policemen. ", "There are still a few thousand there every day – today, the revolutionaries are calling for another million – but the many more millions who queued to vote on Monday and Tuesday have put Tahrir Square’s integrity in doubt. ", "Who represents Egypt now?", "\n\nThe young and secular revolutionaries in Tahrir or the growing list of successful Islamist candidates – Muslim Brotherhood and, surprisingly, an increasing number of Salafists – with their millions of votes? ", "Certainly not Field-Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, Egypt’s military ruler. ", "He glowers down critically from many a Tahrir poster. ", "He really must get rid of his silly American baseball-style military cap and wear a proper soldier’s beret like the rest of his men. ", "And every morning, I hope he gets out of bed and says three times: “I was not elected. ", "I was not elected. ", "I was not elected.” ", "For that’s the point, isn’t it? ", "Tahrir wasn’t elected. ", "Nor was Tantawi.", "\n\nYou can canvass a thousand views on Tahrir. ", "There will be a big uprising here, I’m told at a medical tent, there will be a titanic struggle between a newly elected parliament and the Military Council, unless, of course, the Brotherhood have done a secret deal with the army (I suspect, I suspect) so that Tantawi can rule as a closet Mubarak, the Great Father Figure who will escape all civilian control by allowing the Islamists to flounder away in government in return for lèse-majesty privileges, an Algeria-like “pouvoir” above the “pouvoir”, In Tahrir, it’s easy to be cynical. ", "The revolutionaries – the young, the secular, the brothers and sisters of the January-February martyrs – want an end to the Military Council, the rejuvenated brutality of the state security police, the lawlessness of the Interior Ministry.", "\n\nThey’ve even collected another clutch of martyrs: 42 in all, blasted away by snipers and cops last month with an unusual, more suffocating tear-gas, and birdshot into the eyes of demonstrators. ", "Forty-nine young people lost eyes and the Tahrir men and women have already renamed the boulevard which leads to the Interior Ministry “Eyes of Freedom Street”. ", "It used to be Mohamed Mahmoud Street. ", "And here’s an interesting thing. ", "Mahmoud was one of the nastiest of Egyptian interior ministers eight decades ago, a Wafd party acolyte who served King Farouq, earlier imprisoned by the British in Malta along with that fine lawyer Saad Zaghloul. ", "Zaghloul is the father of all Egyptian revolutions – against the British – and a hero for today’s revolutionaries. ", "His colleague Mahmoud was a pre-Mubarak Mubarak. ", "He even became prime minister in 1928, ruling without a parliament for 18 months, a “law and order” man. ", "Sounds, as they say, familiar?", "\n\nBut the old Tahrir of January and February is now more a memory than an inspiration. ", "It’s recognisably the same place; the great old apartment blocks and the wicked concrete Soviet-era Mugamma Building – a grey despair-all-ye-who-enter-here tombstone of bureaucracy that the Egyptian revolution shut down – and the rose-pink Egyptian museum and the hulk of the old Hilton and Farouq’s ancient foreign ministry. ", "But the flowering of young courage, the defeat of the cops and their drug-addled “baltagai” thugs in February, the everyone-suddenly-burst-out-singing joy of Mubarak’s overthrow, has ended up in the pit of all revolutions. ", "Hopes betrayed, parties hijacked, cops back on the streets. ", "I remember a woman telling me back then that, “All we want is the departure of Mubarak”, and I said surely she means the system as well, but somehow Tahrir – back then – aimed only at Mubarak and the army were their heroes and all would be well in the best of all possible worlds.", "\n\nThe people won. ", "The dictator fell. ", "Long live free Egypt. ", "And then it turned out that Mubarak had not turned his rule over to the president of the constitutional court – which the 1971 Egyptian constitution says he should have done – but to his old chum Tantawi and the 19 other generals of whom he, Mubarak, had once been an air force comrade. ", "And Tantawi kept appointing or approving more Mubarak chums, not least the very latest Prime Minister, Kamal el-Ganzouri who had been a Mubarak prime minister; a government of the unelected, some of them very elderly indeed, would now “guide” Egypt’s revolution, the old ruling the young. ", "It seems incredible, now, that the Military Council should have arrested so many thousands of demonstrators since the revolution, that so many should have been tortured by cops, that the army would institute virginity tests for arrested women. ", "And yes, what are Egyptian soldiers doing, carrying out virginity tests on young Egyptian women? ", "Is this really the same army of the brave which crossed the Suez Canal in 1973 and won back Egypt’s military glory?", "\n\nOff the record – of course – an army officer would explain that the tests were to prevent the women claiming later that they had been raped by soldiers. ", "Then, he sniggered, they discovered that the women weren’t virgins anyway. ", "Ye Gods! ", "And not far away from Tahrir was the outrageous sectarian battle which saw an army armoured vehicle driving down Christian Copts, the driver having apparently – I somehow enjoyed this weird explanation – suffered a “nervous” collapse. ", "But no, it’s not the army the people are against. ", "The soldiers are their brothers and uncles and sons. ", "It’s the Military Council.", "\n\nThey’ve even managed to find a few thousand Egyptians to demonstrate for them, a familiar we-love-the-regime fest which we saw in Cairo under Mubarak and in Tunis under Ben Ali and in Tripoli under Gaddafi and in Damascus under Assad and in Sanaa under Saleh and in Bahrain under the King. ", "It’s as if Blair could trump up a pro-faith demo when two million marched against the Iraq war in London. ", "But not all the Tahrir spirit has evaporated.", "\n\nWissam Mohamed, a 26-year old translator completing a masters in political science, a scarf over her hair, bright brown eyes, says she’s still a revolutionary and believes that the Military Council will not hand over power without further demonstrations by “the people”. ", "She mourns the fact that so many of the dead and wounded last month were young and from such poor families. ", "She senses that Mubarak – the farmer Mr Smith of Orwell’s 1984 – has not really gone. “", "Mr Smith never left,” she says. “", "His men are still here. ", "They might well put him back in the palace.”", "\n\nInterviewed in 2009, the man who went on to become ‘Jihadi John’ condemned 9/11 and 7/7 as “wrong”. ", "However the fact that he didn’t mention false flags suggests he’s either a dupe, a dummy or a double agent" ]
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[ "*Membership spots not really limited!", "\n\nRain Partier\n\nFrom Image’s press release:This May, legendary creator Jim Valentino returns to his underground roots with DRAWING FROM LIFE — his first collection of all-new autobiographical comix in more than a decade!Valentino’s autobio comics first achieved notoriety in the late ’70s and early ’80s, arriving alongside Harvey Pekar’s American Splendor and Eddie Campbell’s Alec as part [...]From Image’s press release:\n\nThis May, legendary creator Jim Valentino returns to his underground roots with DRAWING FROM LIFE — his first collection of all-new autobiographical comix in more than a decade!", "\n\nValentino’s autobio comics first achieved notoriety in the late ’70s and early ’80s, arriving alongside Harvey Pekar’s American Splendor and Eddie Campbell’s Alec as part of a new wave of memoirs that left behind the shock tactics of the early underground, and picked up the examination of the humorous, transcendent, and insightful moments of every day life. ", "In DRAWING FROM LIFE, Valentino returns to this world, recounting stories ranging from sex and drugs to artistic struggle and parenthood with self-deprecating and unsentimental candor.", "\n\n“Jim draws autobiographical comix for people who’ve actually lived a life,” says Image Comics Executive Director Eric Stephenson. “", "He’s funny, daring and takes no prisoners. ", "Image is proud to reintroduce the autobiographical Valentino to a whole new generation with this bold new collection.”", "\n\n“This is Jim Valentino’s best work,” says Image publisher and fellow Image founder Erik Larsen. “", "It’s no secret that Jim leads a full life, chock full of fist fights, car chases and alien invasions — so he’s got great source material to draw from. ", "On top of that, Jim’s really gone all out to make this visually engaging — pulling out all the stops and pushing the boundaries. ", "Jim’s wildly experimental art perfectly matches the powerful honesty of his stories. ", "He’s truly in his element here. ", "This is the book Valentino will be most remembered for.”", "\n\nDRAWING FROM LIFE #1, a 32-page black and white comic, ships May 30 and is available through Diamond Previews (MAR071819).", "\n\nRain Partier\n\nFrom Image’s press release:This May, legendary creator Jim Valentino returns to his underground roots with DRAWING FROM LIFE — his first collection of all-new autobiographical comix in more than a decade!Valentino’s autobio comics first achieved notoriety in the late ’70s and early ’80s, arriving alongside Harvey Pekar’s American Splendor and Eddie Campbell’s Alec as part [...]From Image’s press release:\n\nThis May, legendary creator Jim Valentino returns to his underground roots with DRAWING FROM LIFE — his first collection of all-new autobiographical comix in more than a decade!", "\n\nValentino’s autobio comics first achieved notoriety in the late ’70s and early ’80s, arriving alongside Harvey Pekar’s American Splendor and Eddie Campbell’s Alec as part of a new wave of memoirs that left behind the shock tactics of the early underground, and picked up the examination of the humorous, transcendent, and insightful moments of every day life. ", "In DRAWING FROM LIFE, Valentino returns to this world, recounting stories ranging from sex and drugs to artistic struggle and parenthood with self-deprecating and unsentimental candor.", "\n\n“Jim draws autobiographical comix for people who’ve actually lived a life,” says Image Comics Executive Director Eric Stephenson. “", "He’s funny, daring and takes no prisoners. ", "Image is proud to reintroduce the autobiographical Valentino to a whole new generation with this bold new collection.”", "\n\n“This is Jim Valentino’s best work,” says Image publisher and fellow Image founder Erik Larsen. “", "It’s no secret that Jim leads a full life, chock full of fist fights, car chases and alien invasions — so he’s got great source material to draw from. ", "On top of that, Jim’s really gone all out to make this visually engaging — pulling out all the stops and pushing the boundaries. ", "Jim’s wildly experimental art perfectly matches the powerful honesty of his stories. ", "He’s truly in his element here. ", "This is the book Valentino will be most remembered for.”", "\n\nDRAWING FROM LIFE #1, a 32-page black and white comic, ships May 30 and is available through Diamond Previews (MAR071819)." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "One of the key factors in the performance of a computer system is the speed at which the central processing unit (CPU) operates. ", "Generally, the faster the CPU operates, the faster the computer system can complete a designated task. ", "Another method of increasing the speed of a computer system is through the use of multiple CPUs. ", "This is commonly known as multiprocessing. ", "With multiple CPUs, algorithms required to complete a task can be executed substantially in parallel as opposed to their sequential execution, thereby decreasing the total time to complete the task.", "\nHowever, as CPUs are dependent upon peripherals for providing data to the CPU and storing the processed data from the CPU, when a CPU needs to read or write to a peripheral, the CPU is diverted from a current algorithm to execute the read/write transaction. ", "The length of time that the CPU is diverted is typically dependent upon the speed of the I/O transaction.", "\nOne advancement developed to increase the efficiency of I/O transactions is the intelligent input/output (I.sub.2 O) architecture. ", "In the I.sub.2 O approach to I/O, low-level interrupts are off-loaded from a CPU to I/O processors (IOPs). ", "The IOPs are additional processors that specifically handle I/O. With support for message-passing between multiple independent processors, the I.sub.2 O architecture relieves the host processor of interrupt-intensive I/O tasks, greatly improving I/O performance especially in high-bandwidth applications such as networked video, groupware, and client/server processing.", "\nTypical I.sub.2 O architectures use a \"split driver\" model which inserts a messaging layer between the portion of the device driver specific to the operating system and the portion of the device driver specific to the peripheral. ", "The messaging layer splits the single device driver of today into two separate modules, an Operating System Service Module (OSM), and a Downloadable Driver Module (DDM). ", "The only interaction one module has with another module is through this messaging layer.", "\nThe OSM comprises the portion of the device driver which is specific to the operating system. ", "The OSM interfaces with the operating system of the computer system (which is commonly referred to in the art as the \"host operating system\") and is executed by the CPU. ", "Typically, a single OSM may be used to service a specific class of peripherals. ", "For example, one OSM would be used to service all block storage devices, such as hard disk drives, and CD-ROM drives.", "\nThe DDM provides the peripheral-specific portion of the device driver that understands how to interface to the particular peripheral hardware. ", "To execute the DDM, an IOP is added to the computer system. ", "A single IOP may be associated with multiple peripherals, each controlled by a particular DDM, and contains its own operating system such as, for example, the I.sub.2 O Real-Time Operating System (iRTOS). ", "The DDM directly controls the peripheral, and is executed by the IOP under the management of the iRTOS.", "\nIn general operation, the communications model used in the I.sub.2 O architecture is a message passing system. ", "When the CPU seeks to read or write to a peripheral in an I.sub.2 O system, the host operating system makes what is known as a \"request\". ", "The OSM translates the request by the host operating system and, in turn, generates a message. ", "The OSM sends the message across the messaging layer to the DDM associated with the peripheral which processes it appropriately to achieve a result. ", "Upon completion of the processing, the DDM sends the result back to the OSM by sending a message through the messaging layer. ", "To the host operating system, the OSM appears just like any other device driver.", "\nBy executing the DDM on the IOP, the time-consuming portion of transferring information from and to the peripheral hardware is off-loaded from the CPU to the IOP. ", "With this off-loading, the CPU is no longer diverted for inordinate amounts of time during an I/O transaction. ", "Moreover, because the IOP is a hardware component essentially dedicated to the processing of the I/O transactions, the problem of I/O bottlenecking is mitigated. ", "Accordingly, any performance gains to be achieved by adding an additional or faster CPU to the computer system may be unhindered by the I/O processing bottleneck.", "\nThere are three common approaches to implement the I.sub.2 O architecture. ", "The first is an IOP installed on the motherboard of the computer system. ", "In this approach, the IOP is installed directly on the motherboard and is used for I.sub.2 O processing. ", "In this particular configuration, the IOP is often used as a standard PCI bridge, and can also be used to bring intelligence to the PCI bus.", "\nThe second approach is to include an IOP on adapter cards, such that with an IOP on an adapter card, IT managers can add intelligent I/O to the computer system by adding an additional adapter.", "\nThe third approach is to install the IOP in the computer system via an optional plug-in card. ", "This allows systems to be populated with one IOP per host adapter plugged into a slot instead of on the motherboard.", "\nAlthough the intent of I.sub.2 O was the implementation of portable, high-performance intelligent I/O systems, several problems remain with the I.sub.2 O architecture. ", "As is often the case, one problem is cost. ", "The inclusion or the addition of additional hardware and extra processors (the IOPs) to a computer system will ultimately raise the price of the system.", "\nAnother problem arises as a result of the direction the computer industry has taken in the adoption of an IOP \"standard\". ", "Currently, the computer industry is pushing to adopt the Intel i960 processor for the industry standard I.sub.2 O IOP. ", "Some of the problems with the i960 include computing and speed problems, especially when the i960 is compared to other existing processors on the market.", "\nTherefore, while I.sub.2 O is a significant improvement in increasing the overall speed of computer systems, an efficient implementation of I.sub.2 O is necessary to realize maximum gains. ", "The present invention utilizes software to partition the multiple processors so that at least one of the host processors is dedicated to controlling I/O. The present invention further makes a computer system I.sub.2 O compliant by providing a special software driver to perform the allocation and control of host processors for functions such as those controlled by a typical IOP." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
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[ "International Apparel Sourcing Show\n\nInt'l Apparel Sourcing Show\n\nInternational Apparel Sourcing Show (Int'l Apparel Sourcing Show) takes place in New York, USA from to at The Jacob K. Javits Convention Center of New York. ", "Trade show is organized by Messe Frankfurt, Inc..\n\nThe Jacob K. Javits Convention Center of New York\n\n655 West 34th Street, New York, NY 10001, USA\n\nFor more information on International Apparel Sourcing Show\nplease visit the fair's information site:" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.013452914798206279, 0.012 ]
[ "Connect with us for coupons and promotions!", "\n\nReset Your Password\n\nIf you cannot remember your password, please enter your email address below, and we will send you an email with instructions on how to reset your password. ", "If you cannot remember the email address associated with your account, please contact us for assistance.", "\n\nEmail Address:\n\n6 Profiles\n\nWe use the highest quality materials when we manufacture our Metal and Wood style frames. ", "All the frames are custom cut and manufactured to your specific order size. ", "We have quality control measures to guarantee every frame that leaves our warehouse meets the highest possible standards. ", "You'll agree, every corner of every frame is beautifully aligned and finished." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "DIVERSITY OF SEX DETERMINING MECHANISMS IN RAY-FINNED FISHES (ACTINOPTERYGII).", "\nRay-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) is a very diverse and numerous clade of vertebrates. ", "Besides the diversity of ecological niches and morphology, species of this clade have substantial differences in mechanisms of sex determination. ", "Unfortunately, our modern knowledge about sex determining mechanisms is limited to a small number of species. ", "Even from the modest number of published works on this topic it is obvious that evolution of sex determining system in ray-finned fishes is very plastic: in some closely related species sex systems can be significantly different, there are taxa with quite conservative systems, and the same genomic loci may play sex determination role independently in various groups. ", "Such diversity allows considering ray-finned fishes to be used as a convenient model taxon for researching emergence and development of different sex determining systems." ]
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[ "Breaking Carbon-Chlorine Bonds with the Unconventional Lewis Acid Dodecachlorocyclohexasilane.", "\nc-Si6Cl12 functions as a Lewis acid strong enough to abstract chloride ions from 2 mol of triphenylchloromethane to form the salt [Tr+]2[Si6Cl142-]. ", "This is the first example of a Lewis acid \"hole\" breaking a carbon-halogen bond." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.010638297872340425, 0, 0 ]
[ "Tuesday, 3 August 2010\n\nJuanita du Plessis\n\nJuanita du Plessis is a South-African singer who was born in Namibia. ", "She is very successful in South-Africa and sold in 10 years more than a million records. ", "She covered Carola's entry of 2006, Invincible. ", "In Afrikaans it's called 'N Ewigheid." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0 ]
[ "<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?", ">\n<!--", "\n\n Copyright (c) 1997, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n\n This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the\n terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at\n http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.", "\n\n This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary\n Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the\n Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,\n version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at\n https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html.", "\n\n SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0\n\n-->\n\n<!", "DOCTYPE project [\n<!", "ENTITY commonSetup SYSTEM \"./../../../config/properties.xml\">\n<!", "ENTITY commonBuild SYSTEM \"./../../../config/common.xml\">\n<!", "ENTITY run SYSTEM \"./../../../config/run.xml\">\n<!", "ENTITY testproperties SYSTEM \"./build.properties\">\n]>\n\n<project name=\"webcontainer_unittest\" default=\"all\" basedir=\".\"", ">\n\n &commonSetup;\n &commonBuild;\n &testproperties;\n &run;\n\n <target name=\"all\" depends=\"setup,build,deploy,run,undeploy,restore\"/>\n\n <target name=\"clean\" depends=\"init-common\">\n <antcall target=\"clean-common\"/>\n </target>\n \n <target name=\"compile\" depends=\"clean\">\n <antcall target=\"compile-common\">\n <param name=\"src\" value=\"servlet\"/>\n </antcall>\n </target>\n\n <target name=\"build\" depends=\"compile\">\n <property name=\"hasWebclient\" value=\"yes\"/> \n <antcall target=\"webclient-war-common\">\n <param name=\"hasWebclient\" value=\"yes\"/>\n <param name=\"webclient.war.classes\" value=\"**/*.class\"/> \n </antcall>\n\n <javac srcdir=\".\" ", "classpath=\"${env.", "APS_HOME}/lib/reportbuilder.jar\"\n includes=\"WebTest.java\"/>\n </target> \n \n <target name=\"create-virtual-server-vs1\" depends=\"init-common\">\n <antcall target=\"asadmin-common-ignore-fail\">\n <param name=\"admin.command\" value=\"create-virtual-server\" />\n 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value=\"${appserver.instance.name}.http-service.virtual-server.vs2.network-listeners=my-listener\"/>\n </antcall>\n </target>\n\n <target name=\"setup\" depends=\"init-common\">\n <antcall target=\"create-virtual-server-vs1\"/>\n <antcall target=\"create-virtual-server-vs2\"/>\n <antcall target=\"create-http-listener\"/>\n <antcall target=\"set-http-listeners\"/>\n </target>\n\n <target name=\"build-publish-war\" depends=\"build, publish-war-common\" />\n\n <target name=\"deploy\" depends=\"init-common\">\n <echo message=\"Deploying ${assemble.dir}/${appname}-web.war from ${basedir}.\" ", "\n level=\"verbose\"/>\n <property name=\"precompilejsp\" value=\"true\"/>\n <exec executable=\"${ASADMIN}\" failonerror=\"false\">\n <arg line=\"deploy\"/>\n <arg line=\"${as.props}\"/>\n <arg line=\"--contextroot ${contextroot}\"/>\n <arg line=\"--precompilejsp=${precompilejsp}\"/>\n <arg line=\"--upload=true\"/>\n <arg line=\"--virtualservers vs2\"/>\n <arg line=\"--target ${appserver.instance.name}\"/>\t\n <arg line=\"${assemble.dir}/${appname}-web.war\"/>\n </exec>\n </target>\n \n <target name=\"run\" depends=\"init-common\">\n <java classname=\"WebTest\">\n <arg value=\"${http.host}\"/>\n <arg value=\"${http.alternate.port}\"/>\n <arg value=\"${contextroot}\"/>\n <classpath>\n <pathelement location=\"${env.", "APS_HOME}/lib/reportbuilder.jar\"/>\n <pathelement location=\".\"/", ">\n </classpath>\n </java>\n </target>\n \n <target name=\"undeploy\" depends=\"init-common\">\n <antcall target=\"undeploy-war-common\"/>\n </target> \n\n <target name=\"delete-virtual-server-vs1\" depends=\"init-common\">\n <antcall target=\"asadmin-common-ignore-fail\">\n <param name=\"admin.command\" value=\"delete-virtual-server\" />\n <param name=\"operand.props\"\n value=\"vs1\"/>\n </antcall>\n </target>\n\n <target name=\"delete-virtual-server-vs2\" depends=\"init-common\">\n <antcall target=\"asadmin-common-ignore-fail\">\n <param name=\"admin.command\" value=\"delete-virtual-server\" />\n <param name=\"operand.props\"\n value=\"vs2\"/>\n </antcall>\n </target>\n\n <target name=\"delete-http-listener\" depends=\"init-common\">\n <antcall target=\"asadmin-common-ignore-fail\">\n <param name=\"admin.command\" value=\"delete-http-listener\" />\n <param name=\"operand.props\"\n value=\"my-listener\"/>\n </antcall>\n </target>\n\n <target name=\"restore\" depends=\"init-common\">\n <antcall target=\"delete-http-listener\"/>\n <antcall target=\"delete-virtual-server-vs1\"/>\n <antcall target=\"delete-virtual-server-vs2\"/>\n </target>\n\n <target name=\"usage\">\n <antcall target=\"usage-common\"/>\n </target>\n</project>\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nType safety in Generics\n\nI have the below hierarchy of classes which just implement the imaginery functionality of encoding and decoding the animals from the given bytearrays.", "\npublic abstract class Animal {\n}\n\nclass Tiger extends Animal{\n private String name;\n\n public void setName() { \n }\n\n public String getName() {\n return this.name;\n }\n}\n\nabstract class AnimalTransformer {\n public static <T> T decodeAnimalFromBytes(byte[] animalInBytes) {\n return null;\n }\n\n public static byte[] encodeAnimalInBytes(Animal animal) {\n return null;\n }\n\n}\nclass TigerTransformer extends AnimalTransformer{\n public static Tiger decodeAnimalFromBytes(byte[] animalInBytes) {\n return new Tiger();\n }\n\n public static byte[] encodeAnimalinBytes(Tiger tiger) {\n return new byte[0];\n }\n}\n\nOn overriding method from the AnimalTransformer abstract class in the TigerTransformer class which extends AnimalTransformer , i get the following warning \nType safety: The return type Tiger for decodeAnimalFromBytes(byte[]) from the type \nTigerTransformer needs unchecked conversion to conform to T \nfrom the type AnimalTransformer\n\nI understand the cause of this warning but unfortunately i am not able to solve it as i am new to generics. ", "Can someone briefly explain how can this warning be remedied?", "\n\nA:\n\nFirst of all, don't try to 'override' with static methods. ", " It does not work the way you think it does - the 'overridden' static methods can still be accessed from the subclass in devious (accidental) ways. ", " If you want overriding behavior, use local methods.", "\nThe warning is being generated because the Tiger method signature is not compatible with what the super-class method promises - that any class <T> chosen by the client can be decoded to, which is a very big, unfulfillable promise.", "\nA better method would be:\nabstract class AnimalTransformer<T extends Animal> {\n public T decodeAnimalFromBytes(byte[] animalInBytes) {\n return null;\n }\n public static byte[] encodeAnimalInBytes(T animal) {\n return null;\n }\n}\n\nclass TigerTransformer extends AnimalTransformer<Tiger> {\n public Tiger decodeAnimalFromBytes(byte[] animalInBytes) {\n return new Tiger();\n }\n public byte[] encodeAnimalinBytes(Tiger tiger) {\n return new byte[0];\n }\n}\n\nThis represents what you are trying to model more clearly - an AnimalTransformer provides transformation methods for some subclass of Animal, and it is up to the subclass, or anonymous implementation, to clarify which.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "2*b = 22, 5*o + 19 = 2*b for o.\n-5\nSolve 4*a = -2*q - 2, 5 = -4*a + 3*q - 4*q for a.\n-2\nSolve 0 = 2*y - 5*l - 30, 2*y + l + 4 = 10 for y.\n5\nSolve 5*l - 9 = -3*j - j, 0 = -2*l + j + 1 for l.\n1\nSolve 0 = x + 4*g - 17, -3*x + 4*g - 26 = -x for x.\n-3\nSolve -3*p - 84 + 78 = -2*w, 2*p - 4*w + 12 = 0 for p.\n0\nSolve 10 = -3*u + 4*w, 2 + 24 = 3*u + 5*w for u.\n2\nSolve -5*x + 27 = -4*f + 2*f, 3*x = 4*f + 19 for x.\n5\nSolve o - 3*z + 17 = 0, 15*z = -o + 13*z + 3 for o.\n-5\nSolve -4*i - 28 = -4*n, 25*i + 27 = n + 20*i for n.\n2\nSolve -v - 2 = -3*p - 0, v - 3 = -2*p for v.\n1\nSolve 0 = 5*v, 3*v + 0*v = 5*s - 6*s for s.\n0\nSolve 10 = -4*m - 2*f, 41*m + 12 = 37*m - 4*f for m.\n-2\nSolve 5*y - u = 1, 3*y - 14*u = -16*u + 11 for y.\n1\nSolve 15 = 3*b - k, -b + 4*b + k = 9 for b.\n4\nSolve -5*d + 5*p = -2*d + 7, 5*d + p + 21 = 0 for d.\n-4\nSolve -5*z + n = 5*n - 12, n - 2 = -z for z.\n4\nSolve 3*r - 5*r = -u + 2, -4*r = -u + 4 for u.\n0\nSolve 26 = 3*z - 2*d + 25, 4*d + 20 = 0 for z.\n-3\nSolve 0 = -y + 5*a - 8*a + 8, 3*y - 9*a + 30 = 0 for y.\n-1\nSolve d + 14 = q + 7, 4*d - 5*q + 32 = 0 for d.\n-3\nSolve 16 = -r - i + 4*i, -2*r - 3*i + 4 = 0 for r.\n-4\nSolve 0 = 3*q - 3*w, -w = 15*q - 12*q + 8 for q.\n-2\nSolve 0 = f - 2*f - 1, -4*r - 4*f - 24 = 0 for r.\n-5\nSolve -4*h - 10 = 2*k - 16, -3*k = 3*h for k.\n-3\nSolve 4*u - 28 = 3*f, -4*u - 5*f + 12 = -4*f for u.\n4\nSolve 0 = -2*q - 4*k - 2, 23*q - 20 = 25*q - 5*k for q.\n-5\nSolve 2*p + 3*v - 13 = 0, 4*p + 3 = -v + 4 for p.\n-1\nSolve -x + 37 = -7*g, -2*x = 5*g - 115 + 155 for x.\n-5\nSolve 2*p + 15 = 3*s, -s = 3*s - p - 20 for s.\n5\nSolve 2*j + 5*n - 10 = 0, 4 = j + 3*n - 3 for j.\n-5\nSolve 7*k + 2*z + 24 = 34, 4*k = 3*z - 15 for k.\n0\nSolve 2*q + 7*l - 9*l + 8 = 0, 4*l - 16 = -2*q for q.\n0\nSolve 5*s + 5 = -5, -2*s = -4*d + 16 for d.\n3\nSolve 0 = 3*u - 5*x + 30, -5*u - 4*x = -u + 8 for u.\n-5\nSolve 2*r - j - 4*j = -8, 3*r - j = 1 for r.\n1\nSolve 4*y = -2*k + 4, -3*y + 0*y = k - 1 for y.\n-1\nSolve -z + 5*h = 3*h - 6, 3*z = -5*h - 4 for z.\n2\nSolve 4*x = -2*a - 4, -4*x + 2*a = a + 10 for x.\n-2\nSolve j + 4*j = 5*g + 20, -16 = -4*j for g.\n0\nSolve 0 = -3*l + 22 - 34, 3*l + 33 = -3*a for a.\n-7\nSolve -49*k + 51*k - 25 = 5*p, 15 = k - 3*p for k.\n0\nSolve 2*n = -3*f - 1, -4*n - 61 + 65 = 0 for f.\n-1\nSolve -4*v = 3*u + 29, 23*v - 22*v = 3*u + 4 for u.\n-3\nSolve 5*p = -4*t + t + 19, -4*p = -3*t - 26 for t.\n-2\nSolve -5*x = 4*r + 6, 6*x - 2*x = -r + 4 for r.\n-4\nSolve 5*i + 36*n = 38*n - 7, -5*i + 5*n = -5 for i.\n-3\nSolve 2*f + 2*y - 16 = 0, -2*f - 3*y + 19 + 2 = 0 for f.\n3\nSolve 10 = -7*b + 2*b - o, 0 = o + 5 for b.\n-1\nSolve c = -5*r + 14, 0 = 5*c - 4*r + 44 - 27 for c.\n-1\nSolve -4*i - 120 = -u - 124, -4*u = 5*i - 26 for i.\n2\nSolve -4 = -3*u + 4*r + 5, -u + 2*r + 5 = 0 for u.\n-1\nSolve -q + 2 = 1, -2*k + 7 = 5*q for k.\n1\nSolve -8 = -5*d - 2*i, -2*d + i - 5 + 1 = 0 for d.\n0\nSolve -4*k = -3*o + 10, 35*o - 33*o - k - 5 = 0 for o.\n2\nSolve v - 2*d = -3, d - 6 = -4*v + 3*v for v.\n3\nSolve -2*x = 5*h + 35, 47 = -x - 5*h + 17 for x.\n-5\nSolve c - 36 = 2*k - 49, 2*c - 10 = -5*k for c.\n-5\nSolve -4*b - 2*m - 6 = 0, -b + 9 = 4*m - 7 for b.\n-4\nSolve 2*f - 2*a = -0*a - 14, -5*f - 5*a + 5 = 0 for f.\n-3\nSolve -5*l - 11 = -f, 5*f + 8 = -4*l + 5 for l.\n-2\nSolve w - 4 - 7 = -5*n, 0 = -3*n - 2*w + 8 for n.\n2\nSolve -5*i = -3*j - 20, -14*i + 9*i - 2*j + 20 = 0 for i.\n4\nSolve 19*v - 13*v + 42 = -4*x, 3*v = -15 for x.\n-3\nSolve -4*w = 5*q - 1, 0 = -5*q + 5 - 0 for w.\n-1\nSolve -4*a = -6*a - 3*g - 4, -2*a + 8 = -3*g for a.\n1\nSolve 2*s = 3*k + 19, k + 50 = 4*s + 37 for k.\n-5\nSolve 0 = 2*i - 9*u + 8*u, 2*i = 5*u - 16 for i.\n2\nSolve -2*h - 4*c = -7*h - 1, c - 7 = -h for h.\n3\nSolve -m - 13 = -5*k, k + 0*m = 2*m + 8 for k.\n2\nSolve -f - 3*w = 15, -20 = -5*f + 11*w - 7*w for f.\n0\nSolve 5*z + 5*p + 3 = 8*z, 0 = -5*z + 4*p + 5 for z.\n1\nSolve 5*c + 266*a = 262*a - 41, 3*c = 3*a - 3 for c.\n-5\nSolve -4*z + 5*c = 4, -17 + 13 = 4*z + 2*c for z.\n-1\nSolve 2*b - 4*k + 4 = -2*b, 0 = -4*b + 5*k - 1 for b.\n-4\nSolve -4*t = 2*i - 28, -4*t - i + 16 = -2*i for t.\n5\nSolve -2*r + 4*r + 11 = -5*o, r + 5*o = -8 for r.\n-3\nSolve -2*f - 2*m = 10, 18 = -4*f + 3*m - 5*m for f.\n-4\nSolve -4*f + 16 = 0, -2*t - 2*f = -5*t - 20 for t.\n-4\nSolve 3*a + 2*o + 14 = 0, 5*a + 364*o = 361*o - 22 for a.\n-2\nSolve -x + 7*a - 3 = 6*a, -4*a + 13 = -3*x for x.\n1\nSolve c = t - 6, -5*t + 4*c = c - 24 for t.\n3\nSolve 5*r - 4*y + 33 = 0, -2*r + 11*y - 16 = 8*y for r.\n-5\nSolve 2*v + 28 = 4*n, -3*n + 7*n - 18 = -3*v for v.\n-2\nSolve 5*r + 2*f + 25 = -3*f, 2*r - 2 = 4*f for r.\n-3\nSolve -16 = -4*d + 3*t, -15 = 3*d + 4*t - 2 for d.\n1\nSolve 3*g - 2*v = 1 - 5, 0 = 3*g - 4*v + 8 for g.\n0\nSolve 4*h + 9 = j, -26*j + 27*j = -3*h - 5 for h.\n-2\nSolve m + 5*l + 4 + 1 = 0, 3*m - 3 = 3*l for m.\n0\nSolve 5*z - 45 = 5*f, -3*f - 1 = z + 10 for z.\n4\nSolve 2 - 3 = 2*f - a, 5*f + 2*a - 11 = 0 for f.\n1\nSolve j + 4 = 0, 3*y + 2*j = -15 + 1 for y.\n-2\nSolve -f = -6*f + 2*d, 2*d = -3*f for f.\n0\nSolve 21*w + 15 = 5*t + 26*w, -4*t - w = -12 for t.\n3\nSolve 3 = -4*t - 3*s + 4, 2*s - 10 = -5*t for t.\n4\nSolve -5*q - 16 = -4*y + 29, -q - 4*y + 15 = 0 for q.\n-5\nSolve 2*t - 2*d = 6, -14*d = 2*t - 19*d - 3 for t.\n4\nSolve -5 = -j + 5*s, 17 - 15 = -3*j - 2*s for j.\n0\nSolve -5*u = -3*l - 21, -4*l = -4*u + u + 17 for l.\n-2\nSolve 3*x - 6 = 3*f, 3*f + 3 = -4*x + 11 for x.\n2\nSolve -4*w = a + 17, 13*a - 10*a + 4*w = -19 for a.\n-1\nSolve -2*d - i = -7, -4*d + i - 6*i + 17 = 0 for d.\n3\nSolve -3*p - 15 = 0, 25*b - 27*b + 17 = -5*p for b.\n-4\nSolve w = 5, 6*t + 4*w = -0*t + 20 for t.\n0\nSolve 0 = -3*p - 2*b - 2 + 1, -4*p + 2*b - 6 = 0 for p.\n-1\nSolve 2*l = 5*j + 2 + 29, -2*l = j - 1 for l.\n3\nSolve 3*p - 2*u - 1 - 11 = 0, -20 = -5*p + 4*u for p.\n4\nSolve -5*y - s = -202 + 206, -16 = 4*y + 4*s for y.\n0\nSolve 4*h + 3*m + 28 = 0, 5*h - m - 3*m = -4 for h.\n-4\nSolve 3*l + a = 15, 4*l - 4 = -a + 5*a for l.\n4\nSolve -h - 5 = 0, -3*v - 9 = 4*h + 20 for v.\n-3\nSolve m + 5*y = 10, -10*m - 5*y = -6*m - 25 for m.\n5\nSolve 5*w = 3*g - 4, 0 = 5*w + 2 - 7 for g.\n3\nSolve -f - 3*f = 3*p - 10, 3*p = 3*f + 3 for p.\n2\nSolve -5*g = 3*c - 14 + 2, 0 = -c + 3*g + 4 for c.\n4\nSolve -3*j + 3 = 5*x, j = 4*x - 9*x + 11 for j.\n-4\nSolve 13 = 4*u - a, 5*u - 5*a - 2 = 3 for u.\n4\nSolve 3*i = -4*z + 7, 3*i - 11 = -3*z - 5 for z.\n1\nSolve m = -2*r - r + 3, 0 = -r for m.\n3\nSolve 164 - 154 = 2*f + 4*i, 2*f + 5 = -i for f.\n-5\nSolve 3*b + 17 = -4*h, -2*b + 5*h = -3 - 1 for b.\n-3\nSolve 5*s = -4*b + 2 - 15, 0 = 5*b - s + 9 for b.\n-2\nSolve 4*v + 5*r = -9 + 2, 4 = 5*v + 2*r for v.\n2\nSolve 12 = -5*a - 2*v, 5*v + 8 = -5*a - 7 for a.\n-2\nSolve 5*i = -37*f + 40*f + 3, 5*f = 2*i + 14 for i.\n3\nSolve -l = -3*f + 12, -5*l - 5*f = -4*f + 12 for l.\n-3\nSolve -5*h - 82*c + 84*c - 9 = 0, -5*h = -3*c + 6 for h.\n-3\nSolve 0 = 2*z - 3*u - 16, -4*z - 4*u + 3*u = -4 for z.\n2\nSolve 30 = 3*w - 3*n, -5*w + n + 15 = -3*w for w.\n5\nSolve -3*c - 15 = -3*a, -6*c - 16 = -2*c for a.\n1\nSolve 4*i + 5*k = 37, 4*i - 23 = -3*k + 4 for i.\n3\nSolve -3*t - 9 = 0, 3*a - 3*t + 3 = -a for a.\n-3\nSolve 3*d = -2*h + 1, -2*h + 3*d + 0 = -7 for h.\n2\nSolve -2*q - 2*y = -3*q - 15, -3*y + 40 = -5*q for q.\n-5\nSolve -3*c + 14 = 5*g + 3, -5*c - 2*g = 7 for c.\n-3\nSolve 4 = 5*l + 4*t + 1, -6 = -5*l - 3*t for l.\n3\nSolve f + 2*f - 5*n - 27 = 0, 2*n + 22 = 4*f for f.\n4\nSolve -3*q = 5*w - q + 21, -4*w - q - 15 = 0 for w.\n-3\nSolve 3*y - 2 + 5 = 4*r, 4*r - 2*y = 6 for r.\n3\nSolve -8*x + 25 = -3*x + 5*o, -o + 10 = 2*x for x.\n5\nSolve 4*d + 52 = 60, 2*d + 3 = s for s.\n7\nSolve b + 1 = 4*a - 10, -9 = 3*b for a.\n2\nSolve 3*z - 4*m = 11, -5*m + 20 = 2*z + z for z.\n5\nSolve 5*i - 6 = 5*c - 1, -3*c - 2*i + 7 = 0 for c.\n1\nSolve -n - 4 = 3*f, -5*f - 7*n - 20 = -12*n for f.\n-2\nSolve 3*y = -i + 8*y + 17, 2*i = -5*y - 26 for i.\n-3\nSolve -2*w - 1 - 1 = 2*x, 5*x = 4*w + 40 for x.\n4\nSolve -5*i + 5 + 28 = 2*c, 5*c = -3*i + 35 for i.\n5\nSolve 0 = -2*v - 3*z - 2 + 16, 2*z = -5*v + 24 for v.\n4\nSolve -3*k + 10 = -56*r + 55*r, -3*r - 12 = 0 for k.\n2\nSolve -5*k = 4*y - 9*y + 10, 0 = -3*k + 2*y - 5 for k.\n-1\nSolve 5*l + 10 = w, -l + 6*l = 3*w for w.\n-5\nSolve -5*m + m - 4*b = -16, 3*m = -5*b + 16 for m.\n2\nSolve 1337*w = 3*a + 1336*w - 11, -4 = -2*a - w for a.\n3\nSolve k - 5*w = 5, -w + 2 = -2*k - 3*w for k.\n0\nSolve 4 = -4*g + 4*x, -2*g - 5*x + 6*x - 4 = 0 for g.\n-3\nSolve 6*k = 2*k + a - 1, 3*a + 10 = -k for k.\n-1\nSolve 4 - 14 = -5*c, 0 = -4*" ]
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[ "This is the largest update we’ve ever done. ", "So much new cool things to do! ", "Please read this whole post so you’re not confused by the changes.", "\n\nFirst watch this video for a really brief run through the new features:\n\nOf course that is not all. ", "One of the main gamemode improvements is the addition of UNIT COUNTERS. ", "On the top of the screen you’ll see a team unit counter. ", "Everytime you die, this counter decreases. ", "Once the counter is depleted nobody on your team can spawn any longer. ", "The team that kills all enemies on the counter and all remaining ones wins.", "\n\nAll the main combat mechanics have been changed and improved. ", "Until you jump to conclusions please spend some time playing the game and actually seeing why this happened. ", "The majority of time spent on this build was actually play testing. ", "For every nerf there is actually a buff for each class. ", "The addition of arrow workshops disrupted the games balance leading to many changes. ", "For example:\n\nArcher has now 3 types of shots (slow, normal and charged) and can jump on trees!", "\n\nKnight can’t destroy stone but can use shields for gliding!", "\n\nBuilders have 3 hearts and can kill knights (they are needed now more in offense)\n\nThe catapult arc and firepower has significantly changed. ", "You’ll need to get a lot closer to the walls to destroy them. ", "However you can pick up the catapult and bring it closer!", "\n\nAs you’ve probably seen on the test videos, you can now put anything into the catapult and launch it (not corpses but that is planned as a feature).", "\n\nNEW CONTROLS\n\nAs a reminder. ", "The controls are very much changed. ", "All things to a degree, are controlled with pie menus. ", "Pretty much like the blockmenu. ", "So press the menu button and hold it. ", "Hover over the pie slice (button) and release.", "\n\n….", "\n\nCOIN ECONOMY\n\nWe have now coins. ", "You get coins for doing useful things for your team.", "\n\nCASTLE ROOMS / WORKSHOPS\n\nYou spend the coins to buy bombs, arrows and heal in the quarters.", "\n\nPICKING / DROPPING / MOUNTING\n\nPickup items with [C] or by holding [C] and selecting from menu if there is more than 1 thing to pickup in that spot.", "\n\nSome items (like stone/wood for builders) are picked up automatically, others are not.", "\n\nBe a good team player and drop items by holding [C] (if there is nothing to pickup there)\n\nYou can mount objects (like bombs or other catapults) in a catapult by holding [E] on the catapult and selecting the Mount Item option.", "\n\nI probably forgot about something, this a really big list of changes. ", "Read the change log for details:\n\nChanges build 157-190:" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "David Ignatow\n\nIn his youth, Ignatow worked in a butcher shop. ", "He also helped out in a bindery in Brooklyn, New York, which he later owned and managed. ", "During the Great Depression in the 1930s, he sought employment with the Works Progress Administration (WPA) as a journalist.", "\nIgnatow's father helped him with the funding to produce his first book, Poems, in 1948. ", "Although his book was well received, he had to continue working various jobs and find time in between to pursue writing. ", "These jobs included work as a messenger, hospital admitting clerk, vegetable market night clerk and paper salesman. ", "Other books followed such as The Gentle Weight Lifter and Say Pardon.", "\nIn 1962 Ignatow joined the faculty at the New School for Social Research as an instructor, and he became poetry editor of the Nation. ", "He also served as president of the Poetry Society of America. ", "He then began short stints at various universities, including the University of Kentucky, the University of Kansas and the Vassar College. ", "Ignatow commenced eight years at Columbia University as an adjunct professor in 1968 becoming a senior lecturer in 1977. ", "Beginning in 1968 he also embarked on sixteen years as poet-in-residence and associate professor at the York College of the City University of New York. ", "He became professor emeritus in 1984.", "\nAmong Ignatow's other books are Rescue the Dead, The Notebooks of David Ignatow, Facing the Tree: New Poems, Sunlight: A Sequence for My Daughter, I Have a Name, Whisper to the Earth, The One in the Many: A Poet's Memoirs and Gleanings: Uncollected Poems, 1950s and 1960s. ", "His papers are housed at the Archive for New Poetry at the University of California, San Diego.", "\n\nbook\n\nThe Gentle Weight Lifter\n\nhttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1258394669/?tag=prabook0b-20\n\n1955\n\nRescue the Dead: Poems (Wesleyan Poetry Series)\n\n(With that three-line epigraph, David Ignatow declares the...)\n\nWith that three-line epigraph, David Ignatow declares the thrust and purpose of his compelling new book. ", "Unlike his previous work, which was written largely in reaction to the world about him—the urban landscape with its clamor and violence and business pressures—these new poems turn inward. ", "They explore and confirm the individual in his never ending search for awareness and realization: a process in which conflict, love, sorrow, and insight in the end come together into a precarious balance that is its own form of peace.", "\n\nhttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0819510378/?tag=prabook0b-20\n\n1968\n\nLeaving the Door Open: Poems\n\n(Poems consider mortality, paradise, dreams, nature, disil...)\n\nPoems consider mortality, paradise, dreams, nature, disillusionment, the relationship between men and women, loneliness, and politics\n\nhttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0935296514/?tag=prabook0b-20\n\n1984\n\nShadowing the Ground (Wesleyan Poetry Series)\n\n(A collection of poems that deal with life and its various...)\n\nA collection of poems that deal with life and its various stages, including death\n\nhttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0819521957/?tag=prabook0b-20\n\n1991\n\nI Have a Name (Wesleyan Poetry Series)\n\n(Winner of the William Carlos Williams Award (1997) The wo...)\n\nWinner of the William Carlos Williams Award (1997) The wondrous subtlety of David Ignatow's art is brought to bear on the timeless themes of love and death. ", "Intimate remembrances evince a rich life: Hebrew lessons, war, first love, friendships with Stanley Kunitz and others, his wife's death. ", "One poem comments on another, often with wit and irony; no statement is ever final. ", "In this way, Ignatow shows that we exist most fully in the fluidity of our perceptions and in our inability to attain a single state of mind or definition of things. ", "I Have A Name is a vital engagement with life and an unflinching stare at death, concluding that love transcendent is a reality, embracing all, the living and the dead.", "\n\nhttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0819522406/?tag=prabook0b-20\n\n1996\n\nAt My Ease: Uncollected Poems of the Fifties and Sixties (American Poets Continuum)\n\n(Drawing from his literary fathers Walt Whitman and Willia...)\n\nDrawing from his literary fathers Walt Whitman and William Carlos Williams, Bollingen Prize-winning poet David Ignatow eschews ornamentation in favor of embracing the fierce, uncompromising truths of the human spirit in his eighteenth collection.", "\n\nFor over half a century, David Ignatow has crafted spare, plain, haunting poetry pf working life, urban images, and dark humor. ", "The poetic heir of Whitman and William Carlos Williams, Ignatow is characteristically concerned with human mortality and human alienation in the world: the world as it is, defined by suffering and despair, yet at crucial times redeemed by cosmic vision and shared lives. ", "His development as a poet is chronicled in Against the Evidence, title of the poem in part quoted above and meant by Ignatow as the metaphor for the whole body of his work. ", "Where his previous collections have been organized thematically, Ignatow here arranges his poems “according to the decade in which they were written…returning each to its chronological order.” ", "Against the Evidence charts the evolution of his themes from the earliest origin in the Thirties to their present extraordinary manifestation in a variety of poetic forms and modes.", "\n\nhttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0819512141/?tag=prabook0b-20\n\nOpen Between Us (Poets on Poetry)\n\n(Interviews commenting on Ignatow's life and poetry accomp...)\n\nInterviews commenting on Ignatow's life and poetry accompany essays, reviews, lectures, and critical studies of William Carlos Williams, George Oppen, James Wright, Robert Lowell, and Allen Ginsberg\n\nhttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0472063146/?tag=prabook0b-20\n\nLiving Is What I Wanted: Last Poems (American Poets Continuum)\n\n(The final collection from one of American's most noted po...)\n\nThe final collection from one of American's most noted poets. ", "The final collection from one of American's most noted poets.", "\n\nhttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1880238780/?tag=prabook0b-20\n\nThe One in the Many: A Poet’s Memoirs\n\n(The author looks back on his childhood, friendships, care...)\n\nThe author looks back on his childhood, friendships, career as a poet, and the influences on his poetry\n\nPeople Also Searched For\n\nDavid Ignatow was an American writer, journalist and educator. ", "He is best known as an author of more than 25 books and a poet who wrote popular verse about a man and a daily life.", "\n\nBackground\n\nDavid Ignatow was born on February 7, 1914, in Brooklyn, New York, United States. ", "He was the son of Max and Yetta (Wilkenfeld) Ignatow.", "\n\nEducation\n\nIgnatow was a student of public schools in Brooklyn, New York.", "\n\nCareer\n\nIn his youth, Ignatow worked in a butcher shop. ", "He also helped out in a bindery in Brooklyn, New York, which he later owned and managed. ", "During the Great Depression in the 1930s, he sought employment with the Works Progress Administration (WPA) as a journalist.", "\n\nIgnatow's father helped him with the funding to produce his first book, Poems, in 1948. ", "Although his book was well received, he had to continue working various jobs and find time in between to pursue writing. ", "These jobs included work as a messenger, hospital admitting clerk, vegetable market night clerk and paper salesman. ", "Other books followed such as The Gentle Weight Lifter and Say Pardon.", "\n\nIn 1962 Ignatow joined the faculty at the New School for Social Research as an instructor, and he became poetry editor of the Nation. ", "He also served as president of the Poetry Society of America. ", "He then began short stints at various universities, including the University of Kentucky, the University of Kansas and the Vassar College. ", "Ignatow commenced eight years at Columbia University as an adjunct professor in 1968 becoming a senior lecturer in 1977. ", "Beginning in 1968 he also embarked on sixteen years as poet-in-residence and associate professor at the York College of the City University of New York. ", "He became professor emeritus in 1984.", "\n\nAmong Ignatow's other books are Rescue the Dead, The Notebooks of David Ignatow, Facing the Tree: New Poems, Sunlight: A Sequence for My Daughter, I Have a Name, Whisper to the Earth, The One in the Many: A Poet's Memoirs and Gleanings: Uncollected Poems, 1950s and 1960s. ", "His papers are housed at the Archive for New Poetry at the University of California, San Diego.", "\n\nAchievements\n\nIgnatow wrote and edited more than twenty-five books. ", "He was the recipient of numerous awards, including the Poetry Society of America’s Shelley Memorial Prize and Robert Frost Medal, the Bollingen Prize and the John Steinbeck Award. ", "He also had two Guggenheim fellowships, and a National Institute of Arts and Letters award \"for a lifetime of creative effort\". ", "He also won the William Carlos Williams Award from the Poetry Society of America.", "\n\nViews\n\nQuotations:\n\"My avocation is to stay alive; my vocation is to write about it; my motivation embraces both intentions, and my viewpoint is gained from a study and activity in both ambitions. ", "The book important to my career is the next one or two or three on the fire.", "\n\n\"As I grow old, I find myself more bold in writing about death. ", "My more recent poems treat the subject from almost every angle: without anger, with study and contemplation. ", "Writing about death and dying calms what underlying fears impel me to bring the coming event out into the open. ", "I think of this writing as a kind of triumph over time that remains to me. ", "I look out upon trees and recognize my relationship to them, as organic quantities, in which I feel a satisfying companionship. ", "Earth itself is for a time being, the universe no less. ", "In short, I am a participant in a worldly epic, if significance can be found in living and dying, together with everything and everyone else. ", "I bow to my higher self.\"", "\n\nMembership\n\nIgnatow was a president of the Poetry Society of America.", "\n\nInterests\n\nWriters\n\nWilliam Carlos Williams\n\nConnections\n\nIgnatow married Rose Graubart on July 20, 1940. ", "That marriage produced 2 children - David and Yaedi." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nLabeling half of a bipartite graph\n\nConsider the following problem: let $(U \\cup V, E)$ be a bipartite graph. ", "Is it possible to label the vertices of $U$ with either $``+\"$ or $``-\"$ such that every vertex of $V$ is adjacent to a vertex labeled $+$ and a vertex labeled $-$?", "\nThis seems like a pretty natural problem, and I would be surprised if it hasn't been considered before. ", "I'm not asking for someone to come up with an algorithm for this (although that would be great). ", "Does this problem have a name?", "\nObvious it can be reduced to an integer linear program, which might be efficient in practice.", "\n\nA:\n\nYour problem is known as hypergraph 2-colorability; the hypergraph has $U$ as vertices and the neighborhoods of vertices of $V$ as edges. ", "Determining whether a hypergraph is 2-colorable is NP-complete.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0 ]
[ "Warm LED lights reflect colours naturally, exactly like daylight\n\nPhilips LED can bring your home to life. ", "Just as the sun's true natural daylight brings colours to life, Philips LED provides that instantaneous warm glow to enhance your home interior.", "\n\nThe ability of a light source to accurately reflect colours is expressed in the colour rendering index (CRI). ", "The technology used in Philips LED lights, bulbs, and spots ensures a high CRI value, meaning that the colours in your interior are reflected truly and naturally.", "\n\nWhat is the colour rendering index?", "\n\nThe effect of a light source on colour appearance is expressed in the colour rendering index (CRI), on a scale of 0-100. ", "Natural outdoor light has a CRI of 100 and is used as the standard of comparison for any other light source.", "\n\nThe CRI of Philips LED lighting products is always higher than 80, close to the sun's value, reflecting colours truly and naturally.", "\n\nLumen & wattage\n\nLumen and wattage are important concepts to understand when considering the energy use of a light source. ", "Simply put: a LED light uses far less energy (watt) to produce the same light output (lumen).", "\n\nAn example: a LED bulb uses only 2.5 watts to produce a light output of 115 lumen, while a traditional bulb uses 15 watts (or 6 times more energy!) ", "to produce the same lumen output." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "The present invention relates to an electrostatic image-developing toner and a developer containing the same, used for developing electrostatic latent images formed in electrophotography, electrostatic recording, etc.", "\nThe developer used for electrocopiers, etc. ", "is once deposited on an image carrier such as a photoreceptor on which an electrostatic image has been formed, in the developing step, then the deposited developer is transferred from the photoreceptor to a transfer sheet in the transfer step and the transferred developer is finally fixed on a copying paper in the fixing step. ", "As the developer used for developing the electrostatic image formed on a latent image carrier, there are known two-component developer comprising a carrier and a toner, and one-component developer (magnetic toner) which requires no carrier.", "\nFor preparing a toner which is positively charged, a method is known in which a charge-imparting agent is added either internally or externally to a binder resin and a colorant. ", "As the charge-imparting agent, there are known, for instance, Nigrosine dye, triaminophenylmethane compounds and quaternary ammonium salts.", "\nAmong the said charge-imparting agents, the quaternary ammonium salts, as compared with other agents such as Nigrosine dye, have advantages that they can be used for color toner as they are colorless and that they maintain good charging stability in continuous copying operations. ", "But, on the other hand they have a drawback that the amount of the charge imparted is relatively small.", "\nAs the carrier used in combination with toner in development using a two-component developer, there are known iron powder, ferrite powder and the like. ", "Ferrite powder is low in charge-imparting performance in comparison with iron powder.", "\nThus, in case of using a toner containing a quaternary ammonium salt, or in the case of a developer comprising the said quaternary ammonium salt-containing toner and a carrier composed of a ferrite powder, there has been the problem that no sufficient charge could be obtained, and especially in the case of using under a high temperature and high humidity conditions or in continuous copying operation, the charge was apt to decrease, causing to make background (BKG) level high or making it unable to obtain a stabilized copy density. ", "Particularly at a time just after start of operation of a copying machine, as in the morning, it would be experienced that the copies be blotted in black due to increase of the BKG level or the brush marks be formed on the solid black of the copy.", "\nAs a result of strenuous studies for solving these technical problems, it has been found that by incorporating into a toner containing a quaternary ammonium salt, an acidic carbon black whose use as a component of a positively charged toner has rather been avoided since it is in itself an electron acceptive substance and has the nature to be charged negatively, the obtained developer shows an excellent charging characteristics and is capable of providing excellent image quality and durability. ", "The present invention has been attained on the basis of this finding." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004048582995951417, 0, 0 ]
[ "Valentines Day Ideas For Boyfriend / Men Options Daniel Joel Feb 12 2009, 05:14 AM Feb 12 2009, 05:14 AM Post #1\n\n\n\nElite Money Maker\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGroup: Members\n\nPosts: 3,320\n\nDream Points: 11,449\n\nExperience Points: 3,482\n\n\n\nJoined: 4-August 07\n\nMember No.: ", "21,579\n\n\n\nJoined: 4-August 07Member No.: ", "21,579\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nValentine's Day is right around the corner - just about a month or few days away! ", "Are you still wondering what gifts to pick up for your boyfriend? ", "Well, you are not alone. ", "Some of my women friends find figuring out what men want are tough and to get something for their boyfriend is even tougher. ", "They are not fussy, just that every woman wants to make their man feel really special and naturally, the Valentine's gift has to be unique and can help her convey her feelings for him.", "\n\n\n\nI am often approached by friends during this time of the year for advice on a boyfriend's gift...Valentine's Day is the most romantic day of the year for many lovers, I guess. ", "Or perhaps, women are comparatively more romantic than men and therefore this special day is more important to women than to men.", "\n\n\n\nRegardless, I always have one thing to share with my friends, that is, although Valentine's Day is about love and a reminder to celebrate with their sweetheart, it is not the only time to express their love and positive feelings for their boyfriends.", "\n\n\n\nRather, every day is an opportunity to share presence with their beloved, express their feelings and renew the bond of love they share together. ", "I don't encourage splurging on your sweetheart, it is better to spend within your means. ", "With that in mind, here are some ideas for boyfriend gift on Valentine's Day:\n\n\n\nPersonalized boyfriend gifts make good gifts for your special man on Valentine's Day. ", "You don't need to go to the extent of renting a plane and have your boyfriend's name written and encased in a heart. ", "Take a moment to brainstorm things your boyfriend usually uses and which you can personalize, for example, you can engrave your boyfriend's name on a pen. ", "Just imagine the smile on his face whenever he uses the pen, isn't it sweet having you always on his mind?", "\n\n\n\nAnother creative and unique idea to touch your boyfriend�s heart is to personalize a special scrapbook with both you and his pictures from the day you first met and things you have done together in your daily lives. ", "You can add some thought and feelings in the scrapbook. ", "The scrapbook is a symbol of your love and memories that you both shared together. ", "Isn�t it meaningful?", "\n\n\n\nFinally, the old saying -the way to your lover�s heart is his stomach. ", "Food is an expression of affection. ", "Your boyfriend and you may eat your way to ecstasy with chocolate and oysters which claims to be aphrodisiac. ", "Try concocting a personalize dish for him or even a simple dish. ", "It will inevitably melt his heart. ", "Don�t forget the romantic music as it can enhance the overall ambiance.", "\n\n\n\nThe above ideas and suggestions will be a guide to creating a romantic and sweet loving Valentine celebration for you and your boyfriend. ", "It need not be expensive or luxurious. ", "It is really the thoughts that count and only your lover will understand. ", "I hope this article have served its purpose in helping you to decide on a Valentine gift for your boyfriend.", "\n\n\n\nWishing both of you a wonderful Valentine�s Day!", "\n\n\n\nCharlene Lee is a contributor to www.RomanticOnlineGifts.com, a place you can go to if you want to find a romantic Valentines Day gift for your boyfriend.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nStep1\n\nDetermine what your boyfriend's gift-related expectations are for Valentine's Day. ", "If he loves the hype surrounding the day dedicated to love, think about an elaborate presentation - perhaps design a treasure map or riddle that will lead him to his gift. ", "If he considers the day just another display of rampant consumerism, present your gift (preferably handmade) in a low-key way.", "\n\n\n\nStep2\n\nChoose a gift that won't make him panic when he sees it, meaning one box that has an unassuming, nonaggressive size. ", "If he sees eight regally wrapped boxes stacked one upon the other, he'll surely become insecure about his one modest gift to you.", "\n\n\n\nStep3\n\nConsider asking what he'd like for Valentine's Day to give him a hint that you're planning on giving him something, especially if you're new to the relationship and aren't exactly sure how the two of you might celebrate the day.", "\n\n\n\nStep4\n\nPlan an unconventional present, say, a singing valentine sent to his workplace or a surprise lunch at that restaurant he's been dying to try.", "\n\n\n\nStep5\n\nInvite your boyfriend over for Champagne before you celebrate the evening. ", "Give your present after you toast your love.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nHappy valentine's day!", "\n\n\n\n\n\nTweet\n\n\n\n\n\n--------------------\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<--- How true is it?", "\n\n\n\n�2 Professional Minds Can Produce What 1,001 Unprofessional Minds Can't� The ONLY proven $ NO WORK moneymaker for 2011. ", "Replies(1 - 2) Miscellaneous Feb 12 2009, 05:28 AM Feb 12 2009, 05:28 AM Post #2\n\n\n\nVIP Money Maker\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGroup: Members\n\nPosts: 7,919\n\nDream Points: 2,470\n\nExperience Points: 7,993\n\n\n\nJoined: 19-February 08\n\nMember No.: ", "31,583\n\n\n\nJoined: 19-February 08Member No.: ", "31,583\n\n\n\nQUOTE(Daniel Joel @ Feb 12 2009, 01:14 PM)\n\n\n\n\n\nValentine's Day is right around the corner - just about a month or few days away! ", "Are you still wondering what gifts to pick up for your boyfriend? ", "Well, you are not alone. ", "Some of my women friends find figuring out what men want are tough and to get something for their boyfriend is even tougher. ", "They are not fussy, just that every woman wants to make their man feel really special and naturally, the Valentine's gift has to be unique and can help her convey her feelings for him.", "\n\n\n\nI am often approached by friends during this time of the year for advice on a boyfriend's gift...Valentine's Day is the most romantic day of the year for many lovers, I guess. ", "Or perhaps, women are comparatively more romantic than men and therefore this special day is more important to women than to men.", "\n\n\n\nRegardless, I always have one thing to share with my friends, that is, although Valentine's Day is about love and a reminder to celebrate with their sweetheart, it is not the only time to express their love and positive feelings for their boyfriends.", "\n\n\n\nRather, every day is an opportunity to share presence with their beloved, express their feelings and renew the bond of love they share together. ", "I don't encourage splurging on your sweetheart, it is better to spend within your means. ", "With that in mind, here are some ideas for boyfriend gift on Valentine's Day:\n\n\n\nPersonalized boyfriend gifts make good gifts for your special man on Valentine's Day. ", "You don't need to go to the extent of renting a plane and have your boyfriend's name written and encased in a heart. ", "Take a moment to brainstorm things your boyfriend usually uses and which you can personalize, for example, you can engrave your boyfriend's name on a pen. ", "Just imagine the smile on his face whenever he uses the pen, isn't it sweet having you always on his mind?", "\n\n\n\nAnother creative and unique idea to touch your boyfriend�s heart is to personalize a special scrapbook with both you and his pictures from the day you first met and things you have done together in your daily lives. ", "You can add some thought and feelings in the scrapbook. ", "The scrapbook is a symbol of your love and memories that you both shared together. ", "Isn�t it meaningful?", "\n\n\n\nFinally, the old saying -the way to your lover�s heart is his stomach. ", "Food is an expression of affection. ", "Your boyfriend and you may eat your way to ecstasy with chocolate and oysters which claims to be aphrodisiac. ", "Try concocting a personalize dish for him or even a simple dish. ", "It will inevitably melt his heart. ", "Don�t forget the romantic music as it can enhance the overall ambiance.", "\n\n\n\nThe above ideas and suggestions will be a guide to creating a romantic and sweet loving Valentine celebration for you and your boyfriend. ", "It need not be expensive or luxurious. ", "It is really the thoughts that count and only your lover will understand. ", "I hope this article have served its purpose in helping you to decide on a Valentine gift for your boyfriend.", "\n\n\n\nWishing both of you a wonderful Valentine�s Day!", "\n\n\n\nCharlene Lee is a contributor to www.RomanticOnlineGifts.com, a place you can go to if you want to find a romantic Valentines Day gift for your boyfriend.", "\n\nStep1\n\nDetermine what your boyfriend's gift-related expectations are for Valentine's Day. ", "If he loves the hype surrounding the day dedicated to love, think about an elaborate presentation - perhaps design a treasure map or riddle that will lead him to his gift. ", "If he considers the day just another display of rampant consumerism, present your gift (preferably handmade) in a low-key way.", "\n\n\n\nStep2\n\nChoose a gift that won't make him panic when he sees it, meaning one box that has an unassuming, nonaggressive size. ", "If he sees eight regally wrapped boxes stacked one upon the other, he'll surely become insecure about his one modest gift to you.", "\n\n\n\nStep3\n\nConsider asking what he'd like for Valentine's Day to give him a hint that you're planning on giving him something, especially if you're new to the relationship and aren't exactly sure how the two of you might celebrate the day.", "\n\n\n\nStep4\n\nPlan an unconventional present, say, a singing valentine sent to his workplace or a surprise lunch at that restaurant he's been dying to try.", "\n\n\n\nStep5\n\nInvite your boyfriend over for Champagne before you celebrate the evening. ", "Give your present after you toast your love.", "\n\nHappy valentine's day!", "\n\n\n\nValentine's Day is right around the corner - just about a month or few days away! ", "Are you still wondering what gifts to pick up for your boyfriend? ", "Well, you are not alone. ", "Some of my women friends find figuring out what men want are tough and to get something for their boyfriend is even tougher. ", "They are not fussy, just that every woman wants to make their man feel really special and naturally, the Valentine's gift has to be unique and can help her convey her feelings for him.", "I am often approached by friends during this time of the year for advice on a boyfriend's gift...Valentine's Day is the most romantic day of the year for many lovers, I guess. ", "Or perhaps, women are comparatively more romantic than men and therefore this special day is more important to women than to men.", "Regardless, I always have one thing to share with my friends, that is, although Valentine's Day is about love and a reminder to celebrate with their sweetheart, it is not the only time to express their love and positive feelings for their boyfriends.", "Rather, every day is an opportunity to share presence with their beloved, express their feelings and renew the bond of love they share together. ", "I don't encourage splurging on your sweetheart, it is better to spend within your means. ", "With that in mind, here are some ideas for boyfriend gift on Valentine's Day:Personalized boyfriend gifts make good gifts for your special man on Valentine's Day. ", "You don't need to go to the extent of renting a plane and have your boyfriend's name written and encased in a heart. ", "Take a moment to brainstorm things your boyfriend usually uses and which you can personalize, for example, you can engrave your boyfriend's name on a pen. ", "Just imagine the smile on his face whenever he uses the pen, isn't it sweet having you always on his mind?Another creative and unique idea to touch your boyfriend�s heart is to personalize a special scrapbook with both you and his pictures from the day you first met and things you have done together in your daily lives. ", "You can add some thought and feelings in the scrapbook. ", "The scrapbook is a symbol of your love and memories that you both shared together. ", "Isn�t it meaningful?Finally, the old saying -the way to your lover�s heart is his stomach. ", "Food is an expression of affection. ", "Your boyfriend and you may eat your way to ecstasy with chocolate and oysters which claims to be aphrodisiac. ", "Try concocting a personalize dish for him or even a simple dish. ", "It will inevitably melt his heart. ", "Don�t forget the romantic music as it can enhance the overall ambiance.", "The above ideas and suggestions will be a guide to creating a romantic and sweet loving Valentine celebration for you and your boyfriend. ", "It need not be expensive or luxurious. ", "It is really the thoughts that count and only your lover will understand. ", "I hope this article have served its purpose in helping you to decide on a Valentine gift for your boyfriend.", "Wishing both of you a wonderful Valentine�s Day!Charlene Lee is a contributor to www.RomanticOnlineGifts.com, a place you can go to if you want to find a romantic Valentines Day gift for your boyfriend.", "Step1Determine what your boyfriend's gift-related expectations are for Valentine's Day. ", "If he loves the hype surrounding the day dedicated to love, think about an elaborate presentation - perhaps design a treasure map or riddle that will lead him to his gift. ", "If he considers the day just another display of rampant consumerism, present your gift (preferably handmade) in a low-key way.", "Step2Choose a gift that won't make him panic when he sees it, meaning one box that has an unassuming, nonaggressive size. ", "If he sees eight regally wrapped boxes stacked one upon the other, he'll surely become insecure about his one modest gift to you.", "Step3Consider asking what he'd like for Valentine's Day to give him a hint that you're planning on giving him something, especially if you're new to the relationship and aren't exactly sure how the two of you might celebrate the day.", "Step4Plan an unconventional present, say, a singing valentine sent to his workplace or a surprise lunch at that restaurant he's been dying to try.", "Step5Invite your boyfriend over for Champagne before you celebrate the evening. ", "Give your present after you toast your love.", "Happy valentine's day!", "\n\nAre theses are valuable tips for the ladies especially when they are running out of ideas for valentines. ", "Any tips for the male side? ", "I too is running out of ideas! ", "Are theses are valuable tips for the ladies especially when they are running out of ideas for valentines. ", "Any tips for the male side? ", "I too is running out of ideas! ", "vik88 Feb 14 2009, 11:51 AM Feb 14 2009, 11:51 AM Post #3\n\n\n\nActive Money Maker\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGroup: Members\n\nPosts: 460\n\nDream Points: 3,611\n\nExperience Points: 533\n\n\n\nJoined: 25-November 08\n\nMember No.: ", "49,266\n\n\n\nJoined: 25-November 08Member No.: ", "49,266\n\n\n\nGreat ideas, i think! ", "=)\n\nHappy Valentine! ", "=)))\n\n\n\n--------------------\n\nStreaming video and media software | web development\n\nmen's designer clothing « Next Oldest · Love and Relationship Forum · Next Newest »" ]
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[ "Holtz Realty\n\nStripped Naked\n\nIt was a Monday worth remembering and I’m glad it’s coming to a close. ", "I’d already prepared myself for my appointments and pretty much knew there would be a great deal of time spent with several of them. ", "I pretty much try to give every buyer as much time as they need to inspect a home, but today I had two of them back to back. ", "I was certainly glad to have another closing take place that was not moving along as quickly as I’d expected, but it did get finished and my buyer is a the happier. ", "I mentioned again to a colleague how much I dis-like 11th hour changes because that’s usually when something goes awry. ", "Tomorrow’s work load should be a bit more stabilized and I’ll be glad for it.", "\n\nMy free time has been spent these past several months working on a personal project. ", "As always, there are those unplanned little extras things needed to be done that seem to require the most time. ", "Of course I usually become oblivious to the days and hours spent on a project due to my being super-focused. ", "There’ve been people that have asked me, “How do you manage to get so much accomplished.” ", "My usual reply is, “There are two ideas one must keep in mind when working on something and they are, staying focused and remaining diligent.” ", "There isn’t some invisible switch I turn on when working on something. ", "Instead, I do nothing more than set aside the time each day and do it. ", "It’s amazing when you think about how much gets done during the course of a month if a block of time is spent working at some little or large project. ", "Think of the book copyist and illustrators during the Middle Ages who would spend hours each day copying and illustrating by hand each page of precious books. ", "If you’d ever take a moment and look up the Book of Kells and inspect the workmanship of the creators, you’d say, “How could it have possibly been done in the times when there was no electricity or centralized heat?” ", "Vision, talent, and above all, determination was the driving force in creating that work of art. ", "Year after year they labored away to create something that has survived many centuries. ", "I marvel at such workmanship and only wish there were others in our time that would put their artistic abilities to work. ", "As I’ve said before, “Any time I see something uniquely beautiful that’s been created by the skills of mind and hand, I bow to such an achievement.” ", "One of my relatives is very artistic and I commend her every opportunity I have as everyone should with those in their families. ", "Honest encouragement helps to give them an extra boost.", "\n\nI was showing an acreage today that has an apple orchard on it. ", "It made me sad to see how neglected the trees were. ", "I told the buyer that most of the trees would likely have to undergo several years of trimming and pruning to get them back into shape so they’d bear better fruit. ", "Of course there were a number of rogue trees that were growing too close which was creating all the more stress for them. ", "To make matters worse, the bulk of the trees on the property were Ash and likely going to die soon from the wave of Emerald Ash Borers that are making their way into our area. ", "I’m just glad I have only one instead of many. ", "I feel sorry for all the acreage owners who have groves of them and nothing else. ", "By the time the infestation and killing is over, those homesites will look as though they’d been stripped naked of trees. ", "I think I’d be planting replacement trees now instead of waiting until the end.", "\n\nAbout the Author | Joe Chodur\n\nFirst of all....Joe Chodur really doesn't like talking about himself but this is what we have found out about him.", "\n\nJoe Chodur began his real estate career in 1981 during the...read more about: Joe Chodur\n\nConnect with us...\n\nLarger Font\n\nSearch our Website\n\nBlog Archive\n\nPosts by Category\n\nPopular Posts\n\nI'd say this was a Monday to be remembered with the number of appointments I had scheduled along with the number of phone calls and drop-ins. ", "I did manage to make them all, with the exception of being 10 minutes late for one this morning due to an extended phone call. ", "This week may possibly […]\n\nWhile not being overly confident, I would say after playing today's service, I'm pretty much over the hump of being comfortably familiar with the organ, piano, and their order of service. ", "Nearly always in the past, there's been one hiccup or another which is always embarrassing. ", "Playing their historic organ this morning was the most […]\n\nMy public open house was a great success to where there were people coming and going nearly the entire time. ", "I was surprised to find it overcast all day since the weather report called for it to be sunny. ", "In spite of the dreariness, I'm glad there was a good turn-out. ", "One of the groups […]" ]
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[ "Joey Ryan Reveals His E-mail Reply to WWE Talent Exec and What Bill DeMott Said at Tryouts\n\nShare It\n\n– It was reported last fall that indie veteran Joey Ryan participated in a WWE tryout camp at the Performance Center, just a few months after he was released from TNA. ", "Ryan was not offered a contract and later said in an interview that WWE felt like he was too old and experienced to be in developmental.", "\n\nA few weeks back in January, Ryan tweeted the following comments and made references to NXT trainer Bill DeMott and John Laurinaitis:\n\n“At WWE camp, Bill DeMott said nobody on indies is as good as NXT guys. ", "I’d LOVE to debate Bill DeMott on what he thinks ‘good wrestling’ is.”", "\n\n“Another thing Bill DeMott said at the WWE camp is that ‘WWE retrained Daniel Bryan or he wouldn’t be as good as he is today.'”", "\n\n“Trying to get WWE job in 2010, John Laurinaitis told me ‘I have enough 5’9″ guys. ", "I can’t make money with Daniel Bryan, how can I with you?'”", "\n\n“Candice Michelle went to PWG in 2008 & raved about me to John Laurinaitis. ", "When I saw him, he said ‘What does a Diva know about wrestling?'”", "\n\n“‘Don’t wrestle the way John Cena does. ", "Wrestle the way that I teach you.’ – ", "Bill DeMott at WWE camp.”", "\n\nRyan also posted a screenshot of his e-mail reply to WWE’s Senior Director of Talent Development, presumably former beach volleyball player Canyon Ceman, who told him he was too experienced to hire. ", "Here’s what Ryan wrote in the e-mail:\n\n“I respect your opinion but I could not disagree more with it. ", "My talents and abilities allow me to travel the world and make a full-time living in professional wrestling, which is not something that most WWE Superstars could do on their own.", "\n\nYou have coaches in place that have never drawn a dime in their careers trying to determine who and who cannot draw money which is the true flaw in your system. ", "I have had far more successful names in wrestling, some within WWE itself, rave about my creativeness, character acting and ability to engage an audience and your evaluators missed it. ", "Perhaps it’s time for you to reevaluate your evaluators." ]
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[ "In existing implementations for weighing of mail items in a stream, the means for transporting the article through the scale, such as a conveyor system, is made part of the scale platform. ", "This increases the tare weight of the scale, resulting in increased settling time, which is the time between the full weight of the article being supported on the scale and the output of the scale becoming steady enough to make accurate weight measurements. ", "Thus the addition of a scale has tended to slow down the throughput of a complete mail-handling system.", "\nPresent mail handling systems that incorporate a mail piece weighing apparatus include transport devices as part of the scale platform, or located atop the scale platform. ", "These prior systems also stop each mail piece as it is being weighed, or slow down the speed of the mail piece significantly during the weighing process. ", "For example, Clark, Jr. et al. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,756,520 discloses a scale having a transport cage and envelope transport mechanism supported directly upon the scale. ", "The mail piece transport system is not separate from the scale, and the envelopes are stopped in the weighing transport apparatus. ", "Likewise, Miller et al. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,759,602 discloses, in FIG. ", "2, a pair of mail piece weighing load cells forming part of the envelop transport platform. ", "There is no teaching in the Miller patent of the advantages to be gained by separating the scale and transport mechanisms in a mail handling system, as in the present invention." ]
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[ "Russell and Bromley AMELIA Velcro Strap Mary-Jane\n\n£49\n\nPlease Choose:\n\nShoe Size\n\nDescription\n\nDainty Amelia will ensure your little one will always look smart for school. ", "This classically styled Mary-Jane is crafted from black leather and is detailed by a double stitched seam and softly rounded toe. ", "An adjustable velcro strap fastening with help with the school run rush each morning, simply pair with uniform and head out the door." ]
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[ "Job Preparation Guide\n\nWhat is OOPs?", "\n\nOOPs stands for Object-oriented programming. ", "It is a type of programming that deals with objects and data, rather than actions and logic. ", "OOPs programming languages follow a logical procedure that takes input data, processes it, and produces output data.", "\n\nOOPs is an extension of Procedure Oriented Programming Language. ", "The primary benefit of OOPs is that it ends up reducing the code of the program due to Polymorphism. ", "In addition to this, OOPs has various others properties such as Data Hiding, Inheritance, Data Abstraction, Data Encapsulation, etc. ", "all of which help develop a more user friendly, robust, and efficient software." ]
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[ "// -*- C++ -*-\n\n// Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n//\n// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. ", " This library is free\n// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms\n// of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software\n// Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later\n// version.", "\n\n// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\n// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the GNU\n// General Public License for more details.", "\n\n// Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional\n// permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version\n// 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.", "\n\n// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and\n// a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;\n// see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. ", " If not, see\n// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.", "\n\n// Copyright (C) 2004 Ami Tavory and Vladimir Dreizin, IBM-HRL.", "\n\n// Permission to use, copy, modify, sell, and distribute this software\n// is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright\n// notice appears in all copies, and that both that copyright notice\n// and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. ", "None\n// of the above authors, nor IBM Haifa Research Laboratories, make any\n// representation about the suitability of this software for any\n// purpose. ", "It is provided \"as is\" without express or implied\n// warranty.", "\n\n/**\n * @file ov_tree_map_/ov_tree_map_.hpp\n * Contains an implementation class for ov_tree.", "\n */\n\n#include <map>\n#include <set>\n#include <ext/pb_ds/exception.hpp>\n#include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp>\n#include <ext/pb_ds/detail/eq_fn/eq_by_less.hpp>\n#include <ext/pb_ds/detail/types_traits.hpp>\n#include <ext/pb_ds/detail/type_utils.hpp>\n#include <ext/pb_ds/detail/tree_trace_base.hpp>\n#ifdef _GLIBCXX_DEBUG\n#include <ext/pb_ds/detail/debug_map_base.hpp>\n#endif\n#include <utility>\n#include <functional>\n#include <algorithm>\n#include <vector>\n#include <assert.h>\n#include <debug/debug.h>\n\nnamespace __gnu_pbds\n{\n namespace detail\n {\n#ifdef PB_DS_DATA_TRUE_INDICATOR\n#define PB_DS_OV_TREE_NAME ov_tree_map\n#define PB_DS_CONST_NODE_ITERATOR_NAME ov_tree_node_const_iterator_map\n#endif\n\n#ifdef PB_DS_DATA_FALSE_INDICATOR\n#define PB_DS_OV_TREE_NAME ov_tree_set\n#define PB_DS_CONST_NODE_ITERATOR_NAME ov_tree_node_const_iterator_set\n#endif\n\n#define PB_DS_CLASS_T_DEC \\\n template<typename Key, typename Mapped, typename Cmp_Fn, \\\n\t typename Node_And_It_Traits, typename _Alloc>\n\n#define PB_DS_CLASS_C_DEC \\\n PB_DS_OV_TREE_NAME<Key, Mapped, Cmp_Fn, Node_And_It_Traits, _Alloc>\n\n#define PB_DS_OV_TREE_TRAITS_BASE \\\n types_traits<Key, Mapped, _Alloc, false>\n\n#ifdef _GLIBCXX_DEBUG\n#define PB_DS_DEBUG_MAP_BASE_C_DEC \\\n debug_map_base<Key, eq_by_less<Key, Cmp_Fn>, \\\n \ttypename _Alloc::template rebind<Key>::other::const_reference>\n#endif\n\n#ifdef PB_DS_TREE_TRACE\n#define PB_DS_TREE_TRACE_BASE_C_DEC \\\n tree_trace_base<typename Node_And_It_Traits::node_const_iterator,\t\\\n\t\t typename Node_And_It_Traits::node_iterator,\t\t\\\n\t\t Cmp_Fn, false, _Alloc>\n#endif\n\n#ifndef PB_DS_CHECK_KEY_EXISTS\n# error Missing definition\n#endif\n\n /**\n * @brief Ordered-vector tree associative-container.", "\n * @ingroup branch-detail\n */\n template<typename Key, typename Mapped, typename Cmp_Fn,\n\t typename Node_And_It_Traits, typename _Alloc>\n class PB_DS_OV_TREE_NAME :\n#ifdef _GLIBCXX_DEBUG\n protected PB_DS_DEBUG_MAP_BASE_C_DEC,\n#endif\n#ifdef PB_DS_TREE_TRACE\n public PB_DS_TREE_TRACE_BASE_C_DEC,\n#endif\n public Cmp_Fn,\n public Node_And_It_Traits::node_update,\n public PB_DS_OV_TREE_TRAITS_BASE\n {\n private:\n typedef PB_DS_OV_TREE_TRAITS_BASE\t \t\ttraits_base;\n typedef Node_And_It_Traits\t\t\ttraits_type;\n\n typedef typename remove_const<typename traits_base::value_type>::type non_const_value_type;\n\n typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<non_const_value_type>::other value_allocator;\n typedef typename value_allocator::pointer \tvalue_vector;\n\n#ifdef _GLIBCXX_DEBUG\n typedef PB_DS_DEBUG_MAP_BASE_C_DEC \t\tdebug_base;\n#endif\n\n#ifdef PB_DS_TREE_TRACE\n typedef PB_DS_TREE_TRACE_BASE_C_DEC \t\ttrace_base;\n#endif\n\n typedef typename traits_base::pointer \t\tmapped_pointer_;\n typedef typename traits_base::const_pointer \tmapped_const_pointer_;\n\n typedef typename traits_type::metadata_type \tmetadata_type;\n\n typedef typename _Alloc::template rebind<metadata_type>::other metadata_allocator;\n typedef typename metadata_allocator::pointer \tmetadata_pointer;\n typedef typename metadata_allocator::const_reference metadata_const_reference;\n typedef typename metadata_allocator::reference \tmetadata_reference;\n\n typedef typename traits_type::null_node_update_pointer\n null_node_update_pointer;\n\n public:\n typedef ov_tree_tag \t\t\t\t container_category;\n typedef _Alloc \t\t\t\t\tallocator_type;\n typedef typename _Alloc::size_type \t\tsize_type;\n typedef typename _Alloc::difference_type \t\tdifference_type;\n typedef Cmp_Fn \t\t\t\t\tcmp_fn;\n\n typedef typename traits_base::key_type \t\tkey_type;\n typedef typename traits_base::key_pointer \tkey_pointer;\n typedef typename traits_base::key_const_pointer \tkey_const_pointer;\n typedef typename traits_base::key_reference \tkey_reference;\n typedef typename traits_base::key_const_reference key_const_reference;\n typedef typename traits_base::mapped_type \tmapped_type;\n typedef typename traits_base::mapped_pointer \tmapped_pointer;\n typedef typename traits_base::mapped_const_pointer mapped_const_pointer;\n typedef typename traits_base::mapped_reference \tmapped_reference;\n typedef typename traits_base::mapped_const_reference mapped_const_reference;\n typedef typename traits_base::value_type \t\tvalue_type;\n typedef typename traits_base::pointer \t\tpointer;\n typedef typename traits_base::const_pointer \tconst_pointer;\n typedef typename traits_base::reference \t\treference;\n typedef typename traits_base::const_reference \tconst_reference;\n\n typedef const_pointer \t\t\t\tpoint_const_iterator;\n#ifdef PB_DS_DATA_TRUE_INDICATOR\n typedef pointer \t\t\t\t\tpoint_iterator;\n#else\n typedef point_const_iterator \t\t\tpoint_iterator;\n#endif\n\n typedef point_iterator \t\t\t\titerator;\n typedef point_const_iterator \t\t\tconst_iterator;\n\n /// Conditional destructor.", "\n template<typename Size_Type>\n class cond_dtor\n {\n\tpublic:\n\t cond_dtor(value_vector a_vec, iterator& r_last_it, \n\t\t Size_Type total_size) \n\t : m_a_vec(a_vec), m_r_last_it(r_last_it), m_max_size(total_size),\n\t m_no_action(false)\n\t { }\n\n\t ~cond_dtor()\n\t {\n\t if (m_no_action)\n\t return;\n\t iterator it = m_a_vec;\n\t while (it !", "= m_r_last_it)\n\t {\n\t\tit->~value_type();\n\t\t++it;\n\t }\n\t \n\t if (m_max_size > 0)\n\t value_allocator().deallocate(m_a_vec, m_max_size);\n\t }\n\n\t inline void\n\t set_no_action()\n\t { m_no_action = true; }\n\t \n\tprotected:\n\t value_vector \t\tm_a_vec;\n\t iterator& \t\tm_r_last_it;\n\t const Size_Type \tm_max_size;\n\t bool \t\t\tm_no_action;\n };\n \n typedef typename traits_type::node_update \tnode_update;\n typedef typename traits_type::node_iterator \tnode_iterator;\n typedef typename traits_type::node_const_iterator\tnode_const_iterator;\n\n\n PB_DS_OV_TREE_NAME();\n\n PB_DS_OV_TREE_NAME(const Cmp_Fn&);\n\n PB_DS_OV_TREE_NAME(const Cmp_Fn&, const node_update&);\n\n PB_DS_OV_TREE_NAME(const PB_DS_CLASS_C_DEC&);\n\n ~PB_DS_OV_TREE_NAME();\n\n void\n swap(PB_DS_CLASS_C_DEC&);\n\n template<typename It>\n void\n copy_from_range(It, It);\n\n inline size_type\n max_size() const;\n\n inline bool\n empty() const;\n\n inline size_type\n size() const;\n\n Cmp_Fn&\n get_cmp_fn();\n\n const Cmp_Fn&\n get_cmp_fn() const;\n\n inline mapped_reference\n operator[](key_const_reference r_key)\n {\n#ifdef PB_DS_DATA_TRUE_INDICATOR\n\tPB_DS_ASSERT_VALID((*this))\n\tpoint_iterator it = lower_bound(r_key);\n\tif (it !", "= end() && !", "Cmp_Fn::operator()(r_key, PB_DS_V2F(*it)))\n\t {\n\t PB_DS_CHECK_KEY_EXISTS(r_key)\n\t PB_DS_ASSERT_VALID((*this))\n\t return it->second;\n\t }\n\treturn insert_new_val(it, std::make_pair(r_key, mapped_type()))->second;\n#else\n\tinsert(r_key);\n\treturn traits_base::s_null_type;\n#endif\n }\n\n inline std::pair<point_iterator, bool>\n insert(const_reference r_value)\n {\n\tPB_DS_ASSERT_VALID((*this))\n\tkey_const_reference r_key = PB_DS_V2F(r_value);\n\tpoint_iterator it = lower_bound(r_key);\n\n\tif (it !", "= end()&& !", "Cmp_Fn::operator()(r_key, PB_DS_V2F(*it)))\n\t {\n\t PB_DS_ASSERT_VALID((*this))\n\t PB_DS_CHECK_KEY_EXISTS(r_key)\n\t return std::make_pair(it, false);\n\t }\n\n\treturn std::make_pair(insert_new_val(it, r_value), true);\n }\n\n inline point_iterator\n lower_bound(key_const_reference r_key)\n {\n\tpointer it = m_a_values;\n\tpointer e_it = m_a_values + m_size;\n\twhile (it !", "= e_it)\n\t {\n\t pointer mid_it = it + ((e_it - it) >> 1);\n\t if (cmp_fn::operator()(PB_DS_V2F(*mid_it), r_key))\n\t it = ++mid_it;\n\t else\n\t e_it = mid_it;\n\t }\n\treturn it;\n }\n\n inline point_const_iterator\n lower_bound(key_const_reference r_key) const\n { return const_cast<PB_DS_CLASS_C_DEC& >(*this).lower_bound(r_key); }\n\n inline point_iterator\n upper_bound(key_const_reference r_key)\n {\n\titerator pot_it = lower_bound(r_key);\n\tif (pot_it !", "= end() && !", "Cmp_Fn::operator()(r_key, PB_DS_V2F(*pot_it)))\n\t {\n\t PB_DS_CHECK_KEY_EXISTS(r_key)\n\t return ++pot_it;\n\t }\n\n\tPB_DS_CHECK_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST(r_key)\n\treturn pot_it;\n }\n\n inline point_const_iterator\n upper_bound(key_const_reference r_key) const\n { return const_cast<PB_DS_CLASS_C_DEC&>(*this).upper_bound(r_key); }\n\n inline point_iterator\n find(key_const_reference r_key)\n {\n\tPB_DS_ASSERT_VALID((*this))\n\titerator pot_it = lower_bound(r_key);\n\tif (pot_it !", "= end() && !", "Cmp_Fn::operator()(r_key, PB_DS_V2F(*pot_it)))\n\t {\n\t PB_DS_CHECK_KEY_EXISTS(r_key)\n\t return pot_it;\n\t }\n\n\tPB_DS_CHECK_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST(r_key)\n\treturn end();\n }\n\n inline point_const_iterator\n find(key_const_reference r_key) const\n { return (const_cast<PB_DS_CLASS_C_DEC&>(*this).find(r_key)); }\n\n bool\n erase(key_const_reference);\n\n template<typename Pred>\n inline size_type\n erase_if(Pred);\n\n inline iterator\n erase(iterator it)\n { return erase_imp<iterator>(it); }\n\n void\n clear();\n\n void\n join(PB_DS_CLASS_C_DEC&);\n\n void\n split(key_const_reference, PB_DS_CLASS_C_DEC&);\n\n inline iterator\n begin()\n { return m_a_values; }\n\n inline const_iterator\n begin() const\n { return m_a_values; }\n\n inline iterator\n end()\n { return m_end_it; }\n\n inline const_iterator\n end() const\n { return m_end_it; }\n\n /// Returns a const node_iterator corresponding to the node at the\n /// root of the tree.", "\n inline node_const_iterator\n node_begin() const;\n\n /// Returns a node_iterator corresponding to the node at the\n /// root of the tree.", "\n inline node_iterator\n node_begin();\n\n /// Returns a const node_iterator corresponding to a node just\n /// after a leaf of the tree.", "\n inline node_const_iterator\n node_end() const;\n\n /// Returns a node_iterator corresponding to a node just\n /// after a leaf of the tree.", "\n inline node_iterator\n node_end();\n\n private:\n\n inline void\n update(node_iterator, null_node_update_pointer);\n\n template<typename Node_Update>\n void\n update(node_iterator, Node_Update*);\n\n void\n reallocate_metadata(null_node_update_pointer, size_type);\n\n template<typename Node_Update_>\n void\n reallocate_metadata(Node_Update_*, size_type);\n\n template<typename It>\n void\n copy_from_ordered_range(It, It);\n\n void\n value_swap(PB_DS_CLASS_C_DEC&);\n\n template<typename It>\n void\n copy_from_ordered_range(It, It, It, It);\n\n template<typename Ptr>\n inline static Ptr\n mid_pointer(Ptr p_begin, Ptr p_end)\n {\n\t_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_ASSERT(p_end >= p_begin);\n\treturn (p_begin + (p_end - p_begin) / 2);\n }\n\n inline iterator\n insert_new_val(iterator it, const_reference r_value)\n {\n#ifdef PB_DS_REGRESSION\n\ttypename _Alloc::group_adjustor adjust(m_size);\n#endif\n\n\tPB_DS_CHECK_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST(PB_DS_V2F(r_value))\n\n\tvalue_vector a_values = s_value_alloc.allocate(m_size + 1);\n\n\titerator source_it = begin();\n\titerator source_end_it = end();\n\titerator target_it = a_values;\n\titerator ret_it;\n\n\tcond_dtor<size_type> cd(a_values, target_it, m_size + 1);\n\twhile (source_it !", "= it)\n\t {\n\t new (const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(target_it)))\n\t value_type(*source_it++);\n\t ++target_it;\n\t }\n\n\tnew (const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(ret_it = target_it)))\n\t value_type(r_value);\n\t++target_it;\n\n\twhile (source_it !", "= source_end_it)\n\t {\n\t new (const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(target_it)))\n\t value_type(*source_it++);\n\t ++target_it;\n\t }\n\n\treallocate_metadata((node_update*)this, m_size + 1);\n\tcd.set_no_action();\n\tif (m_size !", "= 0)\n\t {\n\t cond_dtor<size_type> cd1(m_a_values, m_end_it, m_size);\n\t }\n\n\t++m_size;\n\tm_a_values = a_values;\n\tm_end_it = m_a_values + m_size;\n\t_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_ONLY(debug_base::insert_new(PB_DS_V2F(r_value)));\n\tupdate(node_begin(), (node_update* )this);\n\tPB_DS_ASSERT_VALID((*this))\n\treturn ret_it;\n }\n\n#ifdef _GLIBCXX_DEBUG\n void\n assert_valid(const char*, int) const;\n\n void\n assert_iterators(const char*, int) const;\n#endif\n\n template<typename It>\n It\n erase_imp(It);\n\n inline node_const_iterator\n PB_DS_node_begin_imp() const;\n\n inline node_const_iterator\n PB_DS_node_end_imp() const;\n\n inline node_iterator\n PB_DS_node_begin_imp();\n\n inline node_iterator\n PB_DS_node_end_imp();\n\n private:\n static value_allocator \ts_value_alloc;\n static metadata_allocator s_metadata_alloc;\n\n value_vector \t\tm_a_values;\n metadata_pointer \t\tm_a_metadata;\n iterator \t\t\tm_end_it;\n size_type \t\tm_size;\n };\n\n#include <ext/pb_ds/detail/ov_tree_map_/constructors_destructor_fn_imps.hpp>\n#include <ext/pb_ds/detail/ov_tree_map_/iterators_fn_imps.hpp>\n#include <ext/pb_ds/detail/ov_tree_map_/debug_fn_imps.hpp>\n#include <ext/pb_ds/detail/ov_tree_map_/erase_fn_imps.hpp>\n#include <ext/pb_ds/detail/ov_tree_map_/insert_fn_imps.hpp>\n#include <ext/pb_ds/detail/ov_tree_map_/info_fn_imps.hpp>\n#include <ext/pb_ds/detail/ov_tree_map_/split_join_fn_imps.hpp>\n#include <ext/pb_ds/detail/bin_search_tree_/policy_access_fn_imps.hpp>\n\n#undef PB_DS_CLASS_C_DEC\n#undef PB_DS_CLASS_T_DEC\n#undef PB_DS_OV_TREE_NAME\n#undef PB_DS_OV_TREE_TRAITS_BASE\n#undef PB_DS_DEBUG_MAP_BASE_C_DEC\n#ifdef PB_DS_TREE_TRACE\n#undef PB_DS_TREE_TRACE_BASE_C_DEC\n#endif\n#undef PB_DS_CONST_NODE_ITERATOR_NAME\n } // namespace detail\n} // namespace __gnu_pbds\n" ]
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[ 0.007936507936507936, 0.004219409282700422, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0.010526315789473684, 0.014492753623188406, 0.02127659574468085, 0.03076923076923077, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0.007580174927113703, 0.00373366521468575, 0.00273224043715847, 0.00764525993883792, 0, 0.00390625, 0, 0.0025974025974025974, 0.002036659877800407, 0, 0, 0, 0.0018975332068311196, 0.0064516129032258064, 0, 0.006369426751592357, 0.005397070161912105, 0, 0, 0.003852504127682994 ]
[ "Q:\n\nNodejs mssql ConnectionError: Login failed for user ' '\n\nThis is my code: \nvar sql = require(\"mssql\");\n\nvar dbConfig = {\nserver: \"server\",\nusername: \"user\",\npassword: \"password\",\ndatabase: \"database\"\n};\n\nfunction getEmp() {\nvar conn = new sql.", "Connection(dbConfig);\nconsole.log(conn);\nvar req = new sql.", "Request(conn);\nconn.connect(function (err) {\n if (err) {\n console.log(err);\n return;\n }\n req.query(\"SELECT * FROM Alg.", "User\", function (err, recordset) {\n if (err) {\n console.log(err);\n return;\n }\n else {\n console.log(recordset);\n }\n conn.close();\n });\n});\n}\n\ngetEmp();\n\nAnd this is the error I'm logging:\n { ConnectionError: Login failed for user ''.", "\nat Connection.<anonymous> (c:\\users\\milan\\documents\\visual studio 2015\\Projects\\SampleSQLConn\\SampleSQLConn\\node_modules\\mssql\\lib\\tedious.js:378:25)\nat Connection.g (events.js:291:16)\nat emitOne (events.js:96:13)\nat Connection.emit (events.js:188:7)\nat Connection.processLogin7Response (c:\\users\\milan\\documents\\visual studio 2015\\Projects\\SampleSQLConn\\SampleSQLConn\\node_modules\\tedious\\lib\\connection.js:672:16)\nat Connection.message (c:\\users\\milan\\documents\\visual studio 2015\\Projects\\SampleSQLConn\\SampleSQLConn\\node_modules\\tedious\\lib\\connection.js:1082:21)\nat Connection.dispatchEvent (c:\\users\\milan\\documents\\visual studio 2015\\Projects\\SampleSQLConn\\SampleSQLConn\\node_modules\\tedious\\lib\\connection.js:519:45)\nat MessageIO.<anonymous> (c:\\users\\milan\\documents\\visual studio 2015\\Projects\\SampleSQLConn\\SampleSQLConn\\node_modules\\tedious\\lib\\connection.js:439:23)\nat emitNone (events.js:86:13)\nat MessageIO.emit (events.js:185:7)\nname: 'ConnectionError',\nmessage: 'Login failed for user \\'\\'.',", "\ncode: 'ELOGIN' }\n\nAnyone knows what I'm doing wrong? ", "It looks like my variable username isn't put in the connectionstring? ", "But I have no idea why...\nThanks in advance!", "\nSolution:\nThe problem was that in dbConfig, the username variable should be changed to user! ", "And the sql query was wrong also, it should have been [Alg].[User], because 'User' is a keyword! ", "\n\nA:\n\nUsing tedious / msnodesqlv8 driver for Windows worked for me:\nInstead of:\nvar sql = require(\"mssql\");\n\nI changed it to:\nvar sql = require(\"mssql/msnodesqlv8\");\n\nI did not hard code user name/password.", "\nHere's what my dbconfig looks like:\nvar db_config = {\n driver: \"msnodesqlv8\",\n server: \"ServerName\",\n database: \"databaseName\",\n options: {\n trustedConnection: true,\n useUTC: true\n }\n}\n\nA:\n\nPlease make \"username\" to \"user\" in your configuration. ", "If you try to console.log(conn), you will see that configuration is using \"user\" instead of userName.", "\nI have answered this question, please refer to \nSQL Server Error \"[ConnectionError: Login failed for user '****'.] \"", "while connecting SQL Server with Nodejs using MSSQL \n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.004048582995951417, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0.0033003300330033004, 0.005940594059405941, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0, 0, 0.018518518518518517 ]
[ "Working toward water resource sustainability\n\nGrowing up in Colorado’s high country, Jake Adler always had a heightened awareness of water issues, whether it was the seemingly out-of-place, giant tunnels in the forest near the Continental Divide that diverted river water to Denver, the daily conversation about water scarcity, or the public health concern about safe drinking water around the world. ", "Even as a child, Adler recognized there was no easy solution to water issues but knew he wanted to be a part of it.", "\n\nWhen Adler (B.A. ’14, M.A. ’16) came to Colorado State as an undergraduate, he envisioned himself working on western water policy or natural resources management in Colorado. ", "He started out as a biology major but quickly realized he also had a passion for local governance and community development, which inspired him to change his major to political science. ", "After graduation, Adler pursued a master’s degree in political science, focusing on environmental politics and policy, and public administration. ", "Upon graduating with his master’s degree in 2016, he knew his education and passions could take him in a variety of directions but he found himself returning to water.", "\n\nFrom College to Career\n\nInterning by day, job-hunting by night, Adler came across an opportunity for a research project called “defining water resource sustainability.” ", "Thinking there was no way that he would be the right fit, he applied with low expectations. ", "A month later, he was driving to Washington, D.C. to start his fellowship with the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE).", "\n\nORISE, which is affiliated with Oak Ridge Associated Universities, provides STEM-related opportunities for recent bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. graduates and faculty to participate in research projects at select federal agencies. ", "Adler has a one-year fellowship, renewable up to three times, and has just completed his second year.", "\n\nAdler specifically works on the Water Technology and Innovation Blueprint with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Water. ", "In addition to administering the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act, there are 10 market opportunities that the EPA Office of Water works to support. ", "Adler’s research looks at those market opportunities as they relate to water resource sustainability.", "\n\nJake Adler outside of the EPA headquarters in Washington, D.C.\n\nA finished bottle of “Activated Sludge Beer,” made with 100% treated wastewater, at the Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference.", "\n\nOne example of a market opportunity for wastewater is called resource recovery, which uses waste and turns it into an output that can be used by consumers. ", "Because treating sewage and other varieties of wastewater can take up two to five percent of all electricity consumed by a community, there is a market for technologies and infrastructure to reduce those energy costs.", "\n\n“As it turns out, sewage itself can produce energy, and technologies have been developed that can harness that energy,” Adler said. “", "One day, treatment plants could be energy generators, not users.”", "\n\nHowever, in order for there to be change, there must first be a shift in perceptions; wastewater must be viewed as a resource. ", "Much like aluminum cans were viewed as resource recovery in the early days of recycling, or sewer gas has been used to power street lights in New Orleans for more than a century, wastewater can be re-used to “recover” the cost of managing it.", "\n\n“If recoverable resources in wastewater are not accounted for, there is no market for them, technologies will not be developed to recover them, and the task of ensuring public and environmental health is not made easier,” Adler said.", "\n\nAdler’s research also focuses on green infrastructure and storm-proof, resilient communities; advanced water monitoring technologies; western water innovations; defining water resource sustainability; water reuse; and solutions to issues that complicate public health agencies’ and water utilities’ jobs.", "\n\nSince water isn’t centrally managed by the government (there is no “Department of Water”), the resource is broken up into separate categories: storm water, wastewater, surface water, ground water, etc.", "\n\n“Society has focused on managing each category independently, not altogether,” said Adler. “", "But no matter what condition it’s in, it’s all the same water.”", "\n\nAll of Adler’s team’s research and work focuses on the whole water cycle and follows the One Water concept. ", "One Water is “an integrated planning and implementation approach to managing finite water resources…to achieve sustainable, reliable, and resilient water systems.”", "\n\n“It’s about thinking more broadly about the entire water cycle, in a collaborative manner, to work toward water resource sustainability,” said Adler. “", "It helps entities and communities (and their water) be more resilient, more efficient, more coordinated.”", "\n\nThe Preparation to Succeed\n\nBecause there are so many complex issues related to water, Adler remembers his first six months at the EPA felt like another master’s degree program. ", "However, Adler’s experiences at CSU, both in the classroom and through internships, helped him believe he can thrive in anything.", "\n\n“It’s difficult to think of things I did at CSU that haven’t been valuable,” said Adler. “", "One overarching element is exposure to diverse experiences and people.” ", "He participated in the Colorado Legislative Internship program as an undergraduate and the experiences he gained there have helped him at EPA.", "\n\n“It helped me feel comfortable in a room full of ‘bigwigs’ and learn how to be effective, strategic, and sharp when surrounded by hundreds of other people also striving to be effective, strategic, and sharp,” said Adler.", "\n\nHis fellowship has also led him to realize that in addition to water, he is equally passionate about sustainability and making society better as a whole.", "\n\n“Since sustainability and making society work better are uniquely hinged to water, I am very happy to be tackling those things in a water-centric manner,” said Adler.", "\n\nWith two more years of eligible funding for his fellowship, Adler has started to think about what is next for him at the nexus of sustainability, public health, and public management. ", "He’s also looking into Ph.D. programs in environmental policy and sciences.", "\n\nMaking a Difference As An Individual\n\nAs Adler has known his whole life, water problems are complicated, and because almost everyone contributes to water problems – whether it be flushing the toilet, fertilizing a lawn, using electricity, or buying foods with significant environmental impacts – society should focus on implementing a wide array of solutions rather than assuming there will be one big fix.", "\n\n“I don’t think there is a silver bullet to water issues, at any level, but focusing on the little things you can do every day can really make a significant difference,” Adler said." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.004987531172069825, 0.008695652173913044, 0.011299435028248588, 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0.005847953216374269, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0.004273504273504274, 0.009900990099009901, 0.02857142857142857, 0.006134969325153374, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0, 0, 0, 0.00425531914893617, 0, 0, 0.010638297872340425, 0, 0, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.015503875968992248, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0.0045045045045045045, 0, 0.005952380952380952, 0.005376344086021506, 0, 0.0024509803921568627, 0.005494505494505495 ]
[ "SMITHS FALLS, Ont.—There’s a new “market leader” of Canada’s burgeoning medical marijuana industry.", "\n\nTweed Marijuana Inc. has officially closed an all-stock deal to acquire Bedrocan Cannabis Corp. The transaction creates what the company said is the world’s largest publicly-traded cannabis company.", "\n\n“We have established the clear market leader, and are driving the evolution of the cannabis sector in Canada,” Bruce Linton, chairman and CEO of TMI, said. “", "The acquisition of Bedrocan is the first step, and we intend to continue to take the initiative, growing our portfolio of brands, expanding clinical research on cannabis, adding new products and services, and introducing additional innovations for patients and consumers.”", "\n\nTogether, Tweed and Bedrocan will look to consolidate their client base, which currently includes 5,600 active registered customers, as well as solidify its position as the dominant player in Canada’s medical marijuana market.", "\n\nAdvertisment\n\n“The company’s priority is now to build on the unique strengths of each brand, with their distinct customer segments, to accelerate patient acquisition and the rate of market growth,” TMI said.", "\n\nThe company said the acquisition will created new advantages for its patients, with the ability to access both Tweed and Bedrocan product lines for dried cannabis and cannabis oils. ", "Tweed announced it had received Health Canada approval to begin production of oil extraction at its Smiths Falls facility earlier this month. ", "Similarly, Bedrocan earned the final regulatory nod on its Toronto plant last week. ", "Bedrocan’s facility is now fully licensed across all 34 vegetative and growing room as well as three dispensing rooms and a two-floor security vault.", "\n\nThe combined company is licensed to produce and sell 5,740 kilograms of cannabis per year.", "\n\nTMI added the integration of the Tweed and Bedrocan operations is underway.", "\n\n“Cross-training and system amalgamation are progressing on an ambitious schedule, to ensure the front-end experience is seamless for new and existing customers. ", "Back-end synergies and cost-savings will provide value to investors as duplicated expenses are phased out,” the company said." ]
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[ "\nFree English e-learning website for international kids - guard0g\nhttp://www.english-room.com/\n======\nguard0g\nWish I had this as an immigrant kid.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
[ 0.00684931506849315, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\npassing template template argument that is specified left-most template parameter (without alias)\n\nHow to specify left-most template argument of template template argument?", "\nExample\nB<int,T2> is a template class with 2 arguments.", "\nE<H> is a class that receive \"template template argument\" H<T2>.", "\nI want to pass B into slot H of E<H> like : E<B<1>>,E<B<2>>,E<B<42>>, etc.", "\nHowever, I only found poor work around, e.g. alias B1<T>=B<1,T> then pass B1 into the H-slot :-\nclass D{}; //a library class\ntemplate<template<class T2>class H>class E{ //a library, don't modify me\n //\"H<T2>\" is \"B1<T2>\" = \"B<1,T2>\"\n H<D> h; //Here, T2=D, so \"H<D>\" = \"B<1,D>\"\n};\ntemplate<int n,class T2> class B{}; //a user class\ntemplate<class T2> using B1 = B<1,T2>; //a user class\nint main() {\n E<B1> e; //I prefer to call it like E<B<1>>. (", "main objective)\n //const int n=5;\n //E<B<n>> en; //If it is possible, it would be nice. (", "side objective)\n return 0;\n}\n\nIt works (ideone demo), but I have to alias the ones that I want e.g. B1<T>,B2<T> .... B42<T>.", "\nThis approach is not so cute. ", " Is there a more elegant way? ", " \nI know that Macro or X-Macro is a possible solution, but I try to avoid it.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can't write a template alias alias. ", "B<1> can't itself be a template, which would imply that you could write something like B<1><int>. ", "Which would admittedly be useful on occasion. ", "But you can just name that intermediate template:\ntemplate <int N>\nstruct X {\n template <class T>\n using apply = B<N,T>;\n};\n\nE<X<1>::apply> e;\n\nIt's not quite E<X<1>>, but it's quite a bit better than having to write B1, B2, ... \n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00199203187250996, 0.01020408163265306, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "1. “", "What is an SBA Loan?” ", "The\nSmall Business Administration (SBA) makes loans available through\nparticipating lenders to eligible small businesses on Competitive and\nfavorable terms. ", "The SBA offers these loans because it recognizes the\nimportance of our nation’s small businesses in society.", "\n\n2.", "\n“Why use an SBA loan?” ", "SBA loans offer competitive rates\nand longer terms, no points, no balloon payments, and no pre-payment\npenalties. ", "Many business owners find cash flow to be a major concern.", "\nFor them an SBA guaranteed loan may be the answer and possibly the best\nway of obtaining long term financing, and is the most popular, common\nloan program for start-up franchises. ", "SBA guaranteed loan terms\ntypically range from 7 to 25 years, fully amortized, depending on the\npurpose of the loan.", "\n\n3.", "\n“What can I use an SBA loan for?”", "\nHere are some of the most common uses of SBA loans:\n\n4.", "\n“Who is Eligible?” ", "Most for-profit small businesses are\neligible for an SBA loan. ", "These include manufacturing, wholesale,\nretail and service businesses, as well as independent or franchise\nbusinesses.", "\n\n5.", "\n“How much can I borrow?” ", "SBA 7(a) loans are generally\nlimited to $1 million per person, and have more than one loan at a time.", "\n\n6.", "\n“What are the interest rates and fees?” ", "Your actual rate\nwill be determined by a number of factors including the project size,\nloan term and the borrower’s credit history, but the rate will never\nexceed The Wall Street Journal prime rate plus 2.75%, as specified by\nthe SBA. ", "There are no points on an SBA 7(a) loan, although there is a\nlow packaging fee. ", "There is also an SBA guarantee fee that can be as\nlow as 1.00% of the amount borrowed and it varies depending on the size\nof the loan. ", "This guarantee fee can be financed as part of the loan and\nis paid upon loan closing.", "\n\n7.", "\n“Who can qualify for an SBA Loan?” ", "A business must be\nindependently owned and operated for profit. ", "It must not be dominant in\nits field, and must meet certain criteria in terms of size, number of\nemployees, and annual sales. ", "Loans cannot be made to “speculative”\nbusinesses, media businesses, or businesses engaged in gambling\nactivities.", "\n\n8.", "\n“What is considered a small business?” ", "More than 90% of\nthe nation’s companies are classified as “small” by the SBA size\nstandards, with limitations on dollar volume and number of employees\nset according to industry. ", "Virtually every type of business qualifies\nfor an SBA Guaranteed Loan.", "\n\n9.", "\n“Do not have to be a minority to get an SBA Loan?” ", "The U.\nS. Government does not discriminate against anybody. ", "This myth dates\nback to the days when the SBA used to make “direct loans” to minorities\nin order to help the nation’s minority business communities. ", "This\nprogram has long been abandoned and replaced with the current\n“Guaranteed Loan Program” which has been very successful in helping all\nsmall business owners, without regard to color and race. ", "Under the\nGuaranteed Loan Program, if a bank approves a loan and the applicant\nqualifies under the SBA Guidelines, the SBA will guarantee the loan to\nthe bank. ", "Note that the SBA does not fund these loans, but guarantees\nbetween 75-80% of the full loan amount to the bank, while it is the\nbank that actually lends the money." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0.01910828025477707, 0.009259259259259259, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0.0055248618784530384, 0.008620689655172414, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0.00851063829787234, 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0056179775280898875, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0, 0.00625, 0.006134969325153374 ]
[ "Canon Warns That The Rubber Grip on Some T4is May Cause Allergic Reactions\n\nIt doesn’t look like Canon’s T4i can catch a break lately. ", "Just days after issuing a somewhat entertaining product advisory explaining why some Canon T4is were showing up as EOS Kiss X6is in EXIF data, Canon has had to issue yet another. ", "This one, like the last, only affects certain serial numbers — in this case those with “1″ as the sixth digit (e.g. xxxxx1xxxxxx) — but unlike the last, it could potentially be both harmful and aesthetically upsetting.", "\n\nAccording to the official advisory, the affected T4is were made with an unnecessarily high amount of rubber accelerator. ", "One chemical reaction later and you get Zinc bis (N,N’-dimethyldithiocarbamate), which will turn your black rubber grips white, and in rare cases could cause an allergic reaction. ", "A free repair service is scheduled to launch mid July, but until then, if you’re one of the effected peoples, hang tight and register your T4i here so that Canon can let you know where to send your camera when the time comes." ]
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[ "Seismic investigations in Wyoming as part of the Wagon Wheel definition studies\n\nOpen-File Report 74-30\n\nLinks\n\nAbstract\n\nAs part of the Wagon Wheel definition studies, seismic investigations were conducted in Wyoming by personnel of the United States Geological Survey, Las Vegas, Nevada. ", "From March 22, 1973 to February 22, 1974, a seismograph station recorded seismic activity at five different areas in the vicinity of the proposed Project Wagon Wheel location in the Green River basin of Wyoming. ", "The short period vertical component station, located near and around ground zero (GZ) operated for approximately two months at each of five locations at distances from 3 to 21 km from GZ.", "\n\nOne hundred and twenty nine (129) natural and man -made events identifiable as located within a radius of 100 km from the station were recorded during tile eleven-month study. ", "Calculated magnitudes ranged from ML - 0. ", "6 toML 2.6.", "\n\nStudy Area\n\nAdditional publication details\n\nPublication type:\n\nReport\n\nPublication Subtype:\n\nUSGS Numbered Series\n\nTitle:\n\nSeismic investigations in Wyoming as part of the Wagon Wheel definition studies\n\nSeries title:\n\nOpen-File Report\n\nSeries number:\n\n74-30\n\nYear Published:\n\n1974\n\nLanguage:\n\nEnglish\n\nPublisher:\n\nU.S. Geological Survey\n\nDescription:\n\niii, 24 p.\n\nTime Range Start:\n\n1973-03-22\n\nTime Range End:\n\n1974-02-22\n\nCountry:\n\nUnited States\n\nState:\n\nWyoming\n\nOther Geospatial:\n\nGreen River Basin\n\nOnline Only (Y/N):\n\nN\n\nAdditional Online Files (Y/N):\n\nN\n\nPart or all of this report is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF). ", "For best results viewing and printing PDF documents, it is recommended that you download the documents to your computer and open them with Adobe Reader. ", "PDF documents opened from your browser may not display or print as intended. ", "Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge. ", "More information about viewing, downloading, and printing report files can be found here." ]
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[ "With one of the wildest summers in NBA history mostly behind us, as well as NBA Summer League, it’s time to empty out the notebook on all we learned in Las Vegas. ", "Most of these are quotes from team executives, coaches, and players. ", "Some are observations. ", "You can tell the difference if there are “…” or not. ", "Let’s empty out the notebook!", "\n\nOffseason Overall\n\n· Team executive on the culture/atmosphere from last year: “It was never as bad as some make it out to be, but it was never as good as some of the reports either. ", "Look, we had a lot of egos to manage and it didn’t work the way we hoped for. ", "The young guys earned everything the prior year. ", "The vets came back expecting to step right back in. ", "We’ll have better balance and fit this year.”", "\n\n· On adding Kemba Walker: “He wanted to be in Boston and we’re beyond excited to have him. ", "This guy never misses time. ", "Loves being in the gym. ", "Embraces the kids. ", "It’s a perfect fit.”", "\n\n· On losing Al Horford: “Huge. ", "I mean what else could I say? ", "He and Marcus (Smart) did everything for us defensively. ", "It’s a big loss on that end. ", "Offensively, we’ll figure it out easier, but we’re going to miss Al’s screening and passing a lot. ", "But Brad (Stevens) is already at work tweaking the schemes for the new guys.”", "\n\n· More on Horford: “We wanted to keep him. ", "Thought we would keep him. ", "But he got an offer we weren’t comfortable with trying to match. ", "It’s hard to lose Al, especially in the division, but building a roster is about this year and all the other years after. ", "We were ready to make a bunch of moves to allow us to re-sign Al, but that number wasn’t a number we could do.”", "\n\n· Celtics coach on maybe taking a step back: “As a coach, I can’t think that way. ", "It’s always about moving forward. ", "That’s how Brad (Stevens) pushes us. ", "Can’t change what happened, but learn from it and move forward. ", "We’ve still got a ton of talent on this team and everyone should be excited for what’s to come.”", "\n\n· Team executive on the big additions: “(Enes) Kanter can score and rebound. ", "We’ll get the most out of that. ", "We think he can even stretch his range out a bit. ", "We’ll see. (", "Vincent) Poirier is a guy we’ve had eyes for a while. ", "He was at Summer League a couple of years back and caught our eye with the way he moved for his size. ", "He’s got the potential to be a big time defender and rebounder. ", "We’ll be different than with Al (Horford), but still good.”", "\n\nThe Rookies\n\n· Team executive on the draft as a whole: “We accomplished more than most. ", "We got one of the higher rated prospects who got hurt and had a rough freshman year (Romeo Langford). ", "Then we got a guy everyone loved in Grant (Williams). ", "He inexplicably dropped just like Robert Williams did and we win for that. ", "Carsen (Edwards) had a first round grade for us and we paid him accordingly! (", "laughs) And Tremont (Waters) is going to be really good as a point guard in the league. ", "He’s so quick and competitive. ", "And we got some extra picks down the line too.”", "\n\n· Celtics coach on Romeo Langford: “He moves so easily. ", "It looks casual, but it isn’t. ", "He’s just smooth. ", "His shot looks as good as it could for someone shooting with ping-pong paddles on! (", "laughs) We’re excited to have him ready to go for camp and really throw him in. ", "Our wing group is going to be very competitive this year.”", "\n\n· On Grant Williams: “Everyone loves Marcus (Smart), right? ", "Because he’s a dog, right? ", "Grant is a bigger Marcus. ", "He just gets after it. ", "He made a bunch of plays here in Vegas that a rookie shouldn’t be able to read. ", "He’s smart and plays hard. ", "That’s a combo that gets guys minutes right away.”", "\n\n· Observations on Grant Williams: Easy to see he knows how to play. ", "He’s strong without sacrificing quickness for his position. ", "He’ll push his way into the rotation early on. ", "It’s a bit of a weird comp, but he’s like a quicker Jared Sullinger.", "\n\n· On Carsen Edwards: “That’s a classic Danny (Ainge) pick. ", "He loves those undersized guards who have a heart as big as this gym. ", "Carsen is a killer. ", "He’s strong too. ", "We wanted to sit him a game out here and he looked at us like we took his world away. ", "It will take a bit for him to adjust to the NBA, but we’ve got another good guard coming.”", "\n\n· Observations on Carsen Edwards: He’s got that little move all small guards need to create space. ", "He gets a shoulder (truly a shoulder and not his arm) into the defender and steps back. ", "He’s strong when driving. ", "I didn’t see him get stripped once. ", "Not a pure point guard by any means, but Boston has had a lot of luck with guys who are pure lead guards. ", "Defensively he’s competitive, but his size hurts him there. ", "Probably need to match him with good defenders around him.", "\n\n· On Tremont Waters: “So, I love Carsen (Edwards), but man I love Tremont. ", "This guy might be the most competitive guy in the entire draft. ", "He knows he’s small and got to fight, but he’s gonna take what he can get and create more for himself. ", "He knows how to play the point. ", "He’s a guy Brad (Stevens) will love having because he can change the pace of a game. ", "And, sad as the circumstances were, you saw this kid’s character when he chose to play it out in Vegas after losing his dad. ", "He’ll be beloved in Boston before long.”", "\n\n· Observations on Tremont Waters: He’s so quick. ", "Reminds you some of Shane Larkin, but a better playmaker and shooter, where Larkin was a better pure scorer and at getting to the rim. ", "Waters challenges guys defensively too. ", "You can’t be casual with the ball around him. ", "He’ll fight his way past his reported Two-Way deal as quickly as he can.", "\n\n· On Tacko Fall: “The favorite player in Vegas! (", "laughs) I mean who didn’t love Tacko out here? ", "He’s a worker. ", "He’s got a long way to go to be an NBA player. ", "But he’ll work for it for sure. ", "A year or two in the NBAGL would do him wonders. ", "The biggest thing for Tacko is adding strength. ", "He can do a lot with that size, but he gets moved around too easily. ", "NBA guys will power right through him. ", "And he just needs to learn how to play our game. ", "But he’s worth working with.”", "\n\n· Team executive on Tacko Fall: “First, he’s a quality person. ", "That stands out above all else. ", "He’s incredibly smart. ", "He might be the smartest person in this gym. (", "laughs) We’re hoping to be able to keep working with him through camp and beyond. ", "You know that you can’t teach size and he’s got more than anyone we’ve ever seen. ", "That’s worth investing in.”", "\n\n· Observations on Tacko Fall: He’s huge. ", "Big surprise, right? ", "There was a play during the first game where he got called for a foul guarding a pick and roll. ", "He was upset at himself. ", "Most players will slap the basket stanchion. ", "Happens all the time. ", "Fall slapped the arm that runs from the stanchion to the backboard. ", "It was just a reminder of how big he is. ", "As for his play, he’s got a long way to go. ", "Everything he gets is just his size right now. ", "The good news is that he got better as the week went along. ", "Worth spending more time on his development for sure.", "\n\nThe “Other Guys”\n\n· Team executive on Javonte Green: “I knew some about him, but his athleticism blew me away. ", "He’s clearly an NBA athlete. ", "If he can just defend and run the floor, he can play in our league. ", "We’re hoping to keep him for a longer look.” (", "Reports are that Boston will bring Green to training camp on a partially guaranteed deal.”", "\n\n· On Max Strus: “Max can shoot it. ", "That and defense is all we need from him right now. ", "He’s on a Two-Way and that gives us a year to work together to figure it out. ", "If he shoots like he has here (Summer League), he’ll be in the NBA.”", "\n\n· On Aaron Harrison and Chinanu Onuaku: “They’re both fringe guys, but should be on a roster. ", "It won’t be ours, but if they go the G-League route, we’ll have them on our 10 Day lists. ", "They work hard and do what’s asked. ", "Can’t ask for more than that.”", "\n\nRobert Williams\n\n· Celtics coach on Williams’ play in Vegas: “He was good. ", "Not dominant, but good. ", "He was under control as a defender. ", "His rebounding was better than ever. ", "Offense is coming. ", "Work in progress.”", "\n\n· Team executive on Williams’ development: “We knew he was a project when we drafted him, but a worthy one. ", "Sometimes a project gets tossed early, but Robert is a guy we’ll go the distance with. ", "Word of warning: Don’t put too much on this kid too early. ", "We signed a lot of bigs for a reason.”", "\n\nGuerschon Yabusele\n\n· Team executive: “We tried, but it just wasn’t there. ", "Out of respect for Guerschon, we waived him early enough to let him find another NBA job. ", "There is still a player in there somewhere, but our roster wasn’t set up for us to be the ones to find that player.”", "\n\n· Celtics coach: “He works hard. ", "I know people think he’s just fat and all that, but he does really put in the effort. ", "He’s probably too ground-bound for the NBA to play his style. ", "Coachable kid and a great, great dude. ", "We’ll miss his attitude every day.”", "\n\nJayson Tatum\n\n· Team executive on expectations for Tatum in year 3: “To keep getting better. ", "People say he took a step back, but he was in the toughest spot of everyone last year. ", "He didn’t get the touches he got as a rookie. ", "And his bar was ridiculously high. ", "There are very few guys we would even talk about trading Jayson for. ", "That should tell you how high we are on him.”", "\n\n· Opposing executive on Tatum: “We tried to get him. ", "The price they asked was insane, as it should be. ", "He’s going to be an All-Star. ", "If his numbers were down, it’s only because no 19-year-old had been at that level before. ", "Kemba (Walker) is a great addition and (Gordon) Hayward is going to be better, but Tatum is the franchise in Boston.”", "\n\n· Celtics coach on Tatum: “He’s in the gym all the time. ", "He’s a worker. ", "We gave him clear things to work on for the summer and we already saw him improving at those things. ", "We need more from him on defensive with Al (Horford) gone. ", "He’s up to it.”", "\n\n· Celtics coach on Tatum and Walker playing USA Basketball: (Note: this was before Marcus Smart and reportedly Jaylen Brown were added to the USA camp) “It’s great for both of those guys. ", "For Kemba it’s validation of all his hard work to get to this point. ", "For Jayson, it is a chance to compete against some of the best guys in the NBA. ", "He’s going to be tested big time. ", "For us as a team, it’s not exactly ideal because of the timing, but if our guys are chosen, we’ll figure it out.”", "\n\nGordon Hayward\n\n· Team executive on Hayward: “When you see him every day over the last two years, you know how much this is killing him. ", "He came to Boston for a reason and that was to win a title. ", "But we saw late last year how good he can be. ", "We think he’ll be back in a big way. ", "Brad (Stevens) has some cool wrinkles on how Hayward will be used this year on both ends of the floor.”", "\n\n· Celtics coach on Hayward: “Look, the kids are the key. ", "We need Jayson (Tatum) and Jaylen (Brown) to be our dogs. ", "They need to be bad asses. ", "We know Kemba (Walker) is gonna be great. ", "Our bigs are all skilled in different ways. ", "But, Gordon is going to be the dude who unlocks everything. ", "He’s so skilled in all facets of the game. ", "I saw him before we left to come here and he was kicking everyone’s ass in the gym. ", "He wants to prove he’s still that dude.”", "\n\n· Opposing executive on Hayward: “After it was clear Kyrie (Irving) was leaving, I told our owner that we could maybe grab Hayward for nothing if Boston tore it down. ", "He’s owed a lot of money, but only a couple of years left. ", "We made a call, but it got shut down quickly. ", "I think Danny (Ainge) and Brad (Stevens) know what they have in Hayward for this year and going forward. ", "He’s going to be really good again.”", "\n\nJaylen Brown\n\n· Opposing executive on Brown: “That’s the guy we wanted to steal. ", "Our thought was ‘They have (Jayson) Tatum and (Gordon) Hayward and drafted another wing, maybe they are out on Brown’ and boy were we wrong. ", "The conversation got about as far as the ‘Jay’ sound out of my mouth and they said ‘Neither Jayson or Jaylen are on the table for you’. ", "So, yeah. ", "They love that kid.”", "\n\n· Celtics coach on Brown’s mindset: “I think last year showed that Jaylen is a guy who will do whatever it takes to win. ", "We had to move him to the bench and he did it. ", "Then he played like a rocket whenever we put him in. ", "He’s a tough kid too. ", "Some guys think he’s ‘too smart’, whatever that means, but he’s tough and a worker.”", "\n\n· Team executive on Brown’s future: “All-Star. ", "Multiple times. ", "Just like Jayson (Tatum). ", "Everyone loves Kawhi (Leonard) and PG (Paul George) as a wing duo. ", "We think we have our own version growing right here in Boston. ", "It’s gonna take a couple more years, but those guys are stars. ", "And neither has an ego. ", "They just want to play and win.”", "\n\nKemba Walker\n\n· Team executive on what it means to add Walker: “Validation that we are still a good team on the rise. ", "If we were going to be this terrible team, Kemba would not have come. ", "He had plenty of interest elsewhere. ", "He knows how good we can be. ", "And his presence as someone who wants to be in Boston, wants to be in the gym every day, wants to help the kids get better and will do it with a smile, is going to matter. ", "A lot.”", "\n\n· Celtics coach on Walker: “We can use him in a lot of different ways. ", "He’s gotten really good off the ball. ", "And he’s a competitive defender. ", "I think last year that slipped because that situation was so tough, but he’ll get after it with us. ", "It’s not about collecting talent. ", "Fit matters and this is a perfect fit.", "\n\nBrad Stevens\n\n· Opposing executive on Stevens’ struggles last year: “Struggled all the way to 48 (actually 49) wins. ", "We should all have such hardship. ", "Stevens isn’t someone you are drafting over 100 players, but no coach is. ", "That was all so silly. ", "But he’s a great coach. ", "And he owns all of it. ", "I don’t know if he has a shred of ego. ", "That team didn’t live up to expectations because the roster crumbled under the weight of their own expectations and the egos in that locker room. ", "The playoffs were a joke, because you could see Stevens call a set and some of the guys flat ignore it. ", "Maybe he should have pulled guys, but he tried all the way to end to get buy-in. ", "Now he can’t coach? ", "Give me a break.”", "\n\n· Team executive on Stevens’ future in Boston: “Until he tells us otherwise, we plan to have him coaching the Celtics. ", "Last year wasn’t on Brad, even if he’ll tell you it was all on him. ", "It was on all of us. ", "And somehow we still almost won 50 games and won a playoff series. ", "If anything, he coached us to that level.”", "\n\n· Celtics coach on working for Stevens and last season: “Best boss I’ve had in basketball. ", "He makes you work, but he gives you responsibility. ", "Sometimes I think he misses being a lesser-known guy. ", "He loves the work. ", "Loves being in the gym with the guys. ", "Last season was a mess. ", "It’s hard when you have guys who don’t want to listen and don’t want to sacrifice. ", "And when those same guys are telling everyone they need to listen and sacrifice, you’re kind of lost. ", "Brad isn’t, wasn’t, and will never be the problem.”", "\n\n· Opposing head coach on Stevens: “I steal stuff from him all the time. ", "Especially SLOB and BLOB ATOs (sideline out of bounds and baseline out of bounds after time out plays), because they are so damn good. ", "He says he steals it, and he does, because we all do. ", "But he puts tweaks. ", "And just when you think you have it figured out, he does something like have the point guard screen for the center to pop for a three. ", "It’s ridiculous. ", "I think he’s best when he was a roster of workers vs a roster of stars. ", "Talent is good, but if it isn’t the right talent, you get sunk. ", "This year he’s got workers. ", "I bet they are considerably better than last year because it all just fits.”", "\n\nOverall thoughts on the Celtics entering the 2019-20 season\n\n· Opposing head coach on the Celtics this coming year: “They’re not going to be as good on defense. ", "If they are, give (Brad) Stevens Coach of the Year right now. ", "But they’ll be fine on that end. ", "He’ll ask (Enes) Kanter to just drop and they’ll dare his man to shoot. ", "The French kid (Vincent Poirier) will play more when he needs a defender out there. ", "Offensively, I bet they are better. ", "The kids will improve, (Gordon) Hayward will be better, and Kemba (Walker) just fits perfectly. ", "I’ve seen some saying they aren’t a playoff team. ", "That’s stupid.”", "\n\n· Opposing executive on the Celtics this coming year: “They’re fine. ", "They lost Kyrie (Irving) and bounced back with Kemba (Walker). ", "Is that even a downgrade? ", "I don’t know. ", "For them, after all they went through, probably not. ", "The bigs are a mess, but they’ve got the pieces to go get a big by the trade deadline. ", "We all loved their kids a year ago, now they all stink? ", "Give me a break. ", "And they’ve still got some future picks. ", "Danny (Ainge) will figure it out as they go and will get Brad (Stevens) what he needs.”", "\n\n· Team executive on expectations: “That’s a dirty word! (", "laughs) Seriously though, we expect to be a playoff team. ", "No reason we shouldn’t be. ", "Beyond that? ", "I’m not putting that on anyone. ", "Last year got out of control by the time camp opened. ", "We don’t need that again. ", "But this is Boston. ", "Banners or nothing. ", "But I do know, we’ll be a team that fans feel good about rooting for again.”" ]
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[ "//\n// GCYEditableGroceryItemViewModel.m\n// GroceryList\n//\n// Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2013-12-14.", "\n// Copyright (c) 2013 Justin Spahr-Summers. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n//\n\n#import \"GCYEditableGroceryItemViewModel.h\"\n#import \"GCYViewModel+Protected.h\"\n\n#import \"GCYGroceryItem.h\"\n#import \"GCYGroceryList.h\"\n#import \"GCYGroceryStore.h\"\n#import \"GCYGroceryItemStoreViewModel.h\"\n#import \"GCYUserController.h\"\n#import \"RACSignal+GCYOperatorAdditions.h\"\n\nstatic NSString * const GCYEditableGroceryItemViewModelErrorDomain = @\"GCYEditableGroceryItemViewModelErrorDomain\";\n\nstatic const NSInteger GCYEditableGroceryItemViewModelNoStoresSelectedError = 1;\n\n@implementation GCYEditableGroceryItemViewModel\n\n- (instancetype)initWithList:(GCYGroceryList *)list item:(GCYGroceryItem *)item {\n\tself = [super initWithList:list item:item];\n\tif (self == nil) return nil;\n\n\t@weakify(self);\n\t\n\tRAC(self, stores) = [[[[list.stores.rac_signal\n\t\tmap:^(GCYGroceryStore *store) {\n\t\t\treturn [[GCYGroceryItemStoreViewModel alloc] initWithStore:store];\n\t\t}]\n\t\tcollect]\n\t\tmap:^(NSArray *stores) {\n\t\t\t// FIXME: This doesn't belong here.", "\n\t\t\treturn [stores sortedArrayUsingComparator:^(GCYGroceryItemStoreViewModel *storeA, GCYGroceryItemStoreViewModel *storeB) {\n\t\t\t\treturn [storeA.store.name localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:storeB.store.name];\n\t\t\t}];\n\t\t}]\n\t\tdeliverOn:RACScheduler.mainThreadScheduler];\n\n\tRACSignal *selectedStores = [[[[[[RACObserve(self, stores)\n\t\ttake:1]\n\t\tflattenMap:^(NSArray *stores) {\n\t\t\treturn stores.rac_signal;\n\t\t}]\n\t\tfilter:^(GCYGroceryItemStoreViewModel *store) {\n\t\t\treturn store.selected;\n\t\t}]\n\t\tmap:^(GCYGroceryItemStoreViewModel *viewModel) {\n\t\t\treturn viewModel.store;\n\t\t}]\n\t\tgcy_collectSet]\n\t\ttry:^(NSSet *stores, NSError **error) {\n\t\t\tif (stores.count == 0) {\n\t\t\t\tif (error !", "= NULL) {\n\t\t\t\t\t*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:GCYEditableGroceryItemViewModelErrorDomain code:GCYEditableGroceryItemViewModelNoStoresSelectedError userInfo:@{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tNSLocalizedDescriptionKey: NSLocalizedString(@\"No Stores Selected\", nil),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tNSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey: NSLocalizedString(@\"Select the grocery stores this item can be found in.\", ", "nil),\n\t\t\t\t\t}];\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\treturn NO;\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\treturn YES;\n\t\t}];\n\n\tRACSignal *newItem = [selectedStores tryMap:^(NSSet *stores, NSError **error) {\n\t\t@strongify(self);\n\n\t\tGCYGroceryItem *item = [GCYGroceryItem modelWithDictionary:@{\n\t\t\t@keypath(item.name): self.editedName,\n\t\t\t@keypath(item.stores): stores,\n\t\t\t@keypath(item.inCart): @NO,\n\t\t} error:error];\n\n\t\treturn item;\n\t}];\n\n\tRACSignal *updatedItem = [selectedStores tryMap:^(NSSet *stores, NSError **error) {\n\t\t@strongify(self);\n\n\t\tNSDictionary *newItemDict = [item.dictionaryValue mtl_dictionaryByAddingEntriesFromDictionary:@{\n\t\t\t@keypath(item.name): self.editedName ?: ", "item.name,\n\t\t\t@keypath(item.stores): stores,\n\t\t}];\n\n\t\treturn [GCYGroceryItem modelWithDictionary:newItemDict error:error];\n\t}];\n\n\t_saveItemAction = [[[RACSignal\n\t\tif:[RACSignal return:@(item !", "= nil)]\n\t\t\tthen:updatedItem\n\t\t\telse:newItem]\n\t\tflattenMap:^(GCYGroceryItem *item) {\n\t\t\t// TODO: Properly handle edits.", "\n\t\t\treturn [GCYUserController.sharedUserController.client gcy_addItem:item inGroceryList:list];\n\t\t}]\n\t\tactionEnabledIf:[RACObserve(self, editedName)\n\t\t\tmap:^(NSString *name) {\n\t\t\t\treturn @(name.length > 0);\n\t\t\t}]];\n\t\n\t[self.saveItemAction.errors subscribe:_errors];\n\treturn self;\n}\n\n@end\n" ]
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[ 0.01818181818181818, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0.007446808510638298, 0.0014858841010401188, 0.011049723756906077, 0.0112, 0.005208333333333333, 0, 0.003472222222222222 ]
[ "Contact Dermatitis to Carmine.", "\n: Carmine is a widely used \"natural\" food additive that has been reported to provoke both an immediate hypersensitivity and a delayed systemic response with cutaneous expression. ", "Systemic contact dermatitis describes the hypersensitivity reaction following systemic re-exposure of the inciting allergen in previously sensitized individuals. ", "In individuals with recalcitrant dermatitis and a positive carmine intolerance history and/or patch test, it is important to consider a trial topical and dietary elimination of carmine-associated products and foods." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.03333333333333333, 0.005555555555555556, 0, 0 ]
[ "A U.S. ban on sales of most flavored e-cigarettes dealt a blow to the financial results of Juul Labs last quarter, but the company behind America’s most popular e-cigarette device sees it as a minor setback. ", "Juul forecasts revenue of $3.4 billion for 2019, almost triple what it generated last year, according to a person who was briefed on the numbers.", "\n\nThe financial outlook indicates high expectations from the company to sell more of its slender Juul vaping devices and accompanying nicotine pods overseas. ", "It also suggests confidence that other governments won’t follow the U.S. in cracking down on the products, a move prompted by widespread use by teenagers across the country.", "\n\nJuul Labs is one of five e-cigarette manufacturers that must submit plans to federal regulators detailing ways to sharply curb sales to underage consumers. ", "Washington Post/Bill O'Leary\n\nJuul posted fourth-quarter revenue of $424 million, a 2.5 percent decline from the previous quarter, said the person, who asked not to be identified because the information is private. ", "Over the same periods, Juul’s adjusted loss was $70.4 million, compared with a $17 million profit in the prior quarter.", "\n\nAccording to the person briefed on the report, Juul told investors the numbers last quarter would have been lower if not for overseas gains. ", "International revenue helped offset U.S. shortfalls after the company stopped selling some nicotine products in November, in anticipation of Food and Drug Administration restrictions on fruit and dessert-flavored e-cigarettes. ", "The increased FDA scrutiny was intended to curb underage e-cigarette adoption.", "\n\nJuul has said it mainly promotes its products to smokers looking to quit and that it never intended for kids to use them. ", "It took steps last year to reduce youth adoption, including the removal of Juul social media accounts. ", "The company declined to comment on the investor briefing.", "\n\nThe financial results help explain why American tobacco giant Altria Group Inc. paid a hefty premium for Juul stock in December. ", "Altria, which sells Marlboro cigarettes in the U.S., acquired a 35 percent stake in Juul and valued the vaping business at $38 billion.", "\n\nThat made the San Francisco-based company one of the world’s most valuable startups and turned the two founders into billionaires.", "\n\nAltria told analysts that Juul generated about $200 million in 2017. ", "The person briefed on the latest results told Bloomberg that Juul’s 2018 revenue was $1.3 billion and that it made a profit of $12.4 million. ", "Juul anticipates 26 percent of sales will come from international customers by the end of this year. ", "It expects 2019 sales growth of about 160 percent. ", "Meanwhile, Altria’s annual growth rate has been less than 1 percent for the last two years.", "\n\nSend questions/comments to the editors.", "\n\n« Previous\n\nNext »" ]
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[ "Not buzzfeed\n\nThe Solitary Entrepreneur\n\nFrom what we know, Steve Jobs appears to have been the ultimate unmediated man. ", "Though obviously terrifically bright, he barely worked his way through the institution of high school. ", "Then he failed to navigate his way through community college.", "\n\nAccording to his biographer, he completely rejected his father, even on his deathbed. ", "When his long-term partner gave birth to his first child, he fled, leaving her to struggle on welfare for years. ", "In the mid-1980s, when the Apple board began to challenge his absolute authority, he fled once more.", "\n\nThough thoughtful, spiritually engaged and deeply committed to his pescetarianism, he appears to have been a product of one of the more unfortunate trends of the 1970s: pathological narcissism, the loosening of familial bonds, the overwhelming number of young men in their 20s living out hedonistic, drug-addled lives in the fuzzy land between their childhood institutions and adult responsibilities.", "\n\nIf you live your formative years ingesting LSD and roaming India, unshaped by the mediating institutions of traditional Western society, perhaps it makes sense to see the world a certain way: Life is not embedded in a series of gently gradated societal structures: family, friends, neighbors, state, nation and world. ", "Instead, it’s just the solitary naked individual and the gigantic and overbearing state.", "\n\nThis lens makes you more likely to share the distinct strands of libertarianism that are blossoming in this fragmenting age: the deep suspicion of market regulation, the strong belief that unions and charities are suspect, the fervent devotion to profit, the assumption that corporate privilege should be supreme. ", "You’re more likely to support a single celebrity pseudo-charity like Bono’s Product Red, as multi-billionaire Jobs did.", "\n\nIt’s logical, given this background and mind-set, that Jobs would sacrifice American industry to build his technology empire in the sweatshops of China. ", "Even if he was not able to point to any specific US labor restrictions, he was bound to have been horrified by sheer cost of domestic manufacturing. ", "And, of course, he was right that the iPhone as we know it would not exist without laissez-faire globalisation.", "\n\nBut Big Government is not the only danger facing the country. ", "Another is the rising tide of apathy, the corrosive spread of cynicism, the fraying of the social fabric and the rise of people who are so libertarian in their outlook that they have no real understanding of how to knit others together and look after the common good.", "\n\nThis is not a danger Jobs concerned himself with. ", "In fact, he made everything worse.", "\n\nFor society to function well, there have to be basic levels of empathy and cooperation, a respect for neighborliness and deference to common welfare. ", "By deciding to put his wealth and his ego first, Jobs betrayed all of these things.", "\n\nHe betrayed empathy and integrity, the foundation of all cooperative activity. ", "He professed an ethical determination to use his unique position to better humanity. ", "He betrayed his ethics.", "\n\nHe betrayed his friends. ", "Young people are no longer trusted with the right to hack together their own computers for fear that they will threaten the established tech giants.", "\n\nHe betrayed his shareholders. ", "His investors took a college dropout and elevated him to a position of incredible wealth and power. ", "He left a potential legal – and certain moral – timebomb in the laps of those who enabled his rise to greatness.", "\n\nHe betrayed the cause of industry. ", "Every time success springs from outsourcing, unemployment rises and fewer people can afford to prop up vital sales.", "\n\nHe betrayed the rights of all workers. ", "If the government is pressured to wind back labor laws, industry will inevitably return to open slavery.", "\n\nJobs faced a moral dilemma. ", "On the one hand, he had the vision and talent to humanize computers and put them in hands of average people. ", "On the other hand, he had certain values regarding the health and happiness of all individuals as equals. ", "Sometimes, libertarian capitalists feel compelled to infringe the rights of others. ", "The potential of their ideas urges them to turn a blind eye towards ethical concerns.", "\n\nBut before they do, you hope they will interrogate themselves closely and force themselves to confront various barriers of resistance. ", "Is the idea so powerful that it’s worth betraying human decency, circumventing the established domestic labor laws, concealing the human victims of your project in far-off sweatshops?", "\n\nJudging by comments made throughout his life, Steve Jobs was obsessed with beautiful gadgets but completely oblivious to his ethical betrayals and his role in shaping a world in which so many of us no longer have jobs, cash, or hope." ]
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[ "It’s hard to not like the OnePlus 6. ", "Although the notch in the screen and glass back were thought to be controversial decisions, the phone ended up being our favorite OnePlus product to-date.", "\n\nOnePlus makes a big deal about the 6’s power, design, and cameras, but how’s its 3,300 mAh battery working for early adopters?", "\n\nA few of our forum users recently chimed in with their own experiences, and according to them, the OnePlus 6 is a battery champ.", "\n\nmustang7757\n\n06-10-2018 12:08 PM\n\n“\n\n7 hrs sot amolst 24 hours with 19% left\n\nReply\n\nvwite\n\n06-10-2018 12:39 PM\n\n“\n\nI agree, waaaay better than on my Note 8 with same size battery and better than my S9+ with bigger battery\n\nReply\n\nbembol\n\n06-10-2018 01:32 PM\n\n“\n\nThat’s the advantages of not having 1 Billion pixels. ", "LOL\n\nHaving a solid OS helps too.", "\n\nI was disappointed with my Samsung Galaxy S9+ battery life which is why I sold it after 2 months. ", "That and I got $ 1,000 CAN for it. ", "LOL\n\nReply\n\nmchockeyvette27\n\n06-10-2018 11:13 PM\n\n“\n\nYeah I’m getting very good battery life so far too. ", "not that good, but I’ve had a few 7 hr screen time days during my regular 16-18 hour days. ", "I’m averaging about 5.5-6.5 hours of screen time during a normal day. ", "Just as good as my pixel 2 XL." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Q:\n\nCan someone identify if this is a Boeing or an Airbus?", "\n\nI would like to know if this is a Boeing or an Airbus. ", "Maybe there is an Aviation Wizard out there. ", "It's an EasyJet plane.", "\n\nA:\n\nThere's no need to be an aviation wizard - Easyjet only fly Airbus A319 and A320 aircraft. ", "\nEven if you didn't give the airline, I would guess that it is an A320. ", "Comparing the size of the engine to the person suggests it is a narrow-body aircraft, and 737 engines have a distinctive, flattened lower surface, whereas the A320 series are more cylindrical. ", "\n\nA:\n\nAccording to Airfleets.net, EasyJet has a full Airbus fleet. ", "This engine colouring indeed seems to belong to EasyJet so, yes that is an Airbus A320 family.", "\n\nA:\n\nOne could also look at the pylon which is very different on a 737 and doesn't have the NACA duct.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Suprachiasmatic nuclei lesions do not eliminate homeostatic thermoregulatory responses in rats.", "\nElectrolytic lesions aimed at the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) were made in male Long-Evans rats. ", "Body temperature (Tb), activity, and drinking were monitored continuously in a 12-h light:12-h dark (12:12 LD) cycle at an ambient temperature of 23 degrees C. Large SCN lesions eliminated activity and drinking rhythms and abolished or reduced the circadian rhythm of Tb. ", "The Tb responses of the rats were measured in L after exposure to cold and injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a fever-producing drug, and in both L and D during a 30-min exposure to a novel cage. ", "Rats with SCN lesions (SCNX) maintained their Tb as well as did controls during 2-h exposure to 2 degrees C. They also showed the expected increases in Tb in response to novelty and LPS. ", "Nevertheless, there were differences between SCNX rats and other rats. ", "When measured 9 h after LPS injection, SCNX rats had lower Tb in D than did sham-lesioned or intact rats or rats with lesions that missed the SCN. ", "This is not surprising; the Tb of SCNX rats does not go as high as that of intact rats in D. However, it was surprising that at night SCNX rats increased their Tb in response to novelty (lights on in the test situation), whereas normal rats did not. ", "For some reason, light inhibits the Tb rise to novelty in normal rats but does not do so in rats with SCN lesions." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "\"♫ A gentleman was passing by ♫\" \"♫ He stopped for a drink as he got dry ♫\" \"♫ At the well below the valley, oh ♫\" \"♫ Green grows the lily, oh ♫\" \"♫ Down among the bushes, oh ♫\" \"♫ Me cup was full up to the rim ♫\" \"♫ If I were to stoop I might fall in ♫\" \"♫ At the well below the valley, oh ♫\" \"♫ Green grows the lily, oh ♫\" \"♫ Right among the bushes, oh ♫\" \"♫ He said, \"Young maid, you're swearing wrong\" ♫\" \"♫ For six fine children she had borne ♫\" \"♫ At the well below the valley, oh ♫\" \"♫ Green grows the lily, oh ♫\" \"♫ Right among the bushes, oh ♫\" \"♫ If you be a man of noble esteem ♫\" \"♫ You'll tell to me what happened to them ♫\" \"♫ At the well below the valley, oh ♫\" \"♫ Green grows the lily, oh ♫\" \"♫ Right among the bushes, oh ♫\" \"♫ Two buried beneath the stable door ♫\" \"♫ At the well below the valley, oh ♫\" \"♫ Green grows the lily, oh ♫\" \"♫ Right among the bushes, oh ♫\" \"♫ You'll be seven years a-ringin' the bell ♫\" \"♫ But the Lord above, he'll save me soul ♫\" \"♫ From all this hell ♫\" \"♫ Green grows the lily, oh ♫\" \"♫ Right among the bushes, oh ♫\" \"Well, what is it you were wanting to show me?\" \"", "Come on, Kevin.\" \"", "What's the secret?\" \"", "What do you think you're doing?\" \"", "I'm going back down.\" \"", "Kevin, stop!\" \"", "Now, Kevin, behave yourself.\" \"", "Now, you're my cousin!\" \"", "What would your father say?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Please.\" \"", "Please stop it.\" \"", "Please, Kevin.\" \"", "Please!\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I'm begging you.\" \"", "Please stop it.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Stop.\" \"", "Please stop.\" \"", "You.\" \"", "Get up.\" \"", "Get up.\" \"", "Get dressed.\" \"", "Hurry up.\" \"", "I want you downstairs.\" \"", "What's happening?\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "Shh.\" \"", "Da!\" \"", "Where's Margaret going?\" \"", "Ma, where's Father Doyle taking Margaret?\" \"", "Where's the bloody brush?\" \"", "Where is it?\" \"", "Get off.\" \"", "I'll never tell ye.\" \"", "Right, Sonia.\" \"", "Fart in her face.\" \"", "I'm not farting in her face.\" \"", "Do it!\" \"", "Yours are more smellier.\" \"", "Don't even think about it.\" \"", "Jesus.\" \"", "How do you do that?\" \"", "Where's the bleedin' brush?\" \"", "Oh, Jesus.\" \"", "Take the damn thing.\" \"", "It's my turn now.\" \"", "I'm only on 1 8.\" \"", "I've got 2 more.\" \"", "You're on 20!\" \"", "I've been counting.\" \"", "If you two don't stop fighting, I'll do it meself.\" \"", "Isn't it a sin to be beautiful?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Look at the Virgin Mary.\" \"", "She's beautiful, isn't she?\" \"", "It's a sin to be vain.\" \"", "Vanity is a sin.\" \"", "So what's your name, gorgeous?\" \"", "Bernadette.\" \"", "You're fine-looking.\" \"", "Bernadette.\" \"", "Lovely name.\" \"", "My grandmother's name.\" \"", "Very fond of it.\" \"", "So are you coming up to give us a kiss?\" \"", "No chance.\" \"", "Give a look of your legs, love.\" \"", "Go on.\" \"", "Excuse me?\" \"", "Show us a bit of leg.\" \"", "Go on.\" \"", "Show us a bit more than a bit of leg.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "You spend all your time hanging around playgrounds?\" \"", "Which one of us do you like?\" \"", "She fancies me.\" \"", "How could she fancy you with the stomach on you?\" \"", "Right, lads.\" \"", "That's enough.\" \"", "Move it or I'll call the guards.\" \"", "She's a right nag, isn't she?\" \"", "Just give us a kiss.\" \"", "Cheeky.\" \"", "Just why not?\" \"", "I'm not that kind of girl.\" \"", "You wasn't saying that when you were dating me, were you?\" \"", "Are you giving us a kiss?\" \"", "She's teasing us now, she is.\" \"", "Come on up.\" \"", "You've got a very good-looking board, Bernadette.\" \"", "He's beautiful, isn't he?\" \"", "Look at his wee hat.\" \"", "Ma.\" \"", "Please.\" \"", "Would you just look at him?\" \"", "He's your grandson.\" \"", "Ma, I've said I'm sorry.\" \"", "I know it was sinful what I did.\" \"", "But just look at him, Ma.\" \"", "You can't blame him for something he's nothing to do with.\" \"", "I know I've shamed you and me da.\" \"", "But just look at him, Ma.\" \"", "Ma, would you just say something -- anything?\" \"", "All right, Da.\" \"", "Sit down, Rose.\" \"", "My name is Father Doonigan.\" \"", "I work for St. John's Adoption Society.\" \"", "Your father and I have discussed your situation.\" \"", "We feel it would be better for the child if you'd put him up for adoption.\" \"", "A child born out of wedlock is a bastard child.\" \"", "Would you have him go through life as an outcast, rejected and scorned by all decent members of society?\" \"", "It's a grievous sin you have committed.\" \"", "I know, Father.\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "I really am.\" \"", "All the same, would you have the child pay for your sins?\" \"", "Not his, remember.\" \"", "No, Father.\" \"", "Speak up, Rose.\" \"", "I didn't hear you.\" \"", "No, Father.\" \"", "So, better he get a chance in life, that he grows up in a good Catholic home with a loving mother and father?\" \"", "Sign your name here.\" \"", "Now...\" \"You stay here with your father while I go and get the baby.\" \"", "You're going to take him now?\" \"", "You wouldn't want to get too attached, would you, Rose?\" \"", "Did you see the baby, Da?\" \"", "He's beautiful.\" \"", "I think I'll tell him I've changed my mind.\" \"", "Can I not change my mind?\" \"", "Can we just tear up the forms?\" \"", "Did you look at him, Ma?\" \"", "Isn't he beautiful?\" \"", "He is beautiful.\" \"", "My baby!\" \"", "I want my baby!\" \"", "I've changed my mind!\" \"", "Please, Da, stop them!\" \"", "Please, Da, don't let them take my baby!\" \"", "Please, Da!\" \"", "Please, Da.\" \"", "Leave them down there now and wait.\" \"", "Sister Bridget will see you now.\" \"", "In you go.\" \"", "The philosophy here at Magdalene is a very simple one.\" \"", "Through the powers of prayer, cleanliness, and hard work, the fallen may find their way back to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.\" \"", "Mary Magdalene, patron saint of the Magdalene convent, herself was a sinner of the worst kind, giving of her flesh to the depraved and the lustful for money.\" \"", "Salvation came only by paying penance for her sins, denying herself all pleasures of the flesh, including food and sleep, and working beyond human endurance so that she might offer up her soul to God and so walk through the gates of Heaven\" \"and live in everlasting life.\" \"", "In our laundry, they are not simply clothes and bed linen.\" \"", "These are the earthly means to cleanse your very soul, to remove the stains of the sins you have committed.\" \"", "Here you may redeem yourself and, God willing, save yourself from eternal damnation.\" \"", "Breakfast is at 6:00.\" \"", "Prayer is at 6:30.\" \"", "Work begins at 7:00.\" \"", "Lunch is at...\" \"Excuse me, Sister?\" \"", "I think I should go.\" \"", "You see, my father was very ups\" \"Don't ever interrupt me, girl.\" \"", "Did no one ever tell you that it's bad manners to interrupt?\" \"", "Or were you too busy whoring with the boys to listen?\" \"", "Is that what it was?\" \"", "No, Sister.\" \"", "Are you simpleminded?\" \"", "Is that what it is?\" \"", "Are you a simpleton?\" \"", "I decide when or if you're allowed to leave.\" \"", "And I think I can safely say it could be quite some time.\" \"", "What's your name?\" \"", "Margaret, Sister.\" \"", "Margaret what?\" \"", "McGuire.\" \"", "Yours?\" \"", "Rose Dunne.\" \"", "We have a Rose.\" \"", "What's your middle name?\" \"", "I don't have one, Sister.\" \"", "Perhaps not on your birth certificate.\" \"", "But I'm sure your parents have one or two names for you now.\" \"", "What's your confirmation name?\" \"", "Patricia.\" \"", "Then you may call yourself Patricia.\" \"\"", "Thank you, Sister.\"\" \"", "Thank you, Sister.\" \"", "And you?\" \"", "Bernadette Harvey.\" \"", "From St. Attracta's.\" \"", "Yes, Sister.\" \"", "Now, how would I know that?\" \"", "I don't know, Sister.\" \"", "Is it that Principal McLachlan, who's a very good friend of mine, has told me all about you?\" \"", "Or is it that after years in charge of this convent,\" \"I know a little temptress when I see one?\" \"", "I don't know, Sister.\" \"", "Well, blessed Mary.\" \"", "Two simpletons in one day.\" \"", "Well, I'm sure we shall find out in the course of time, won't we?\" \"", "Now come with me.\" \"", "Good afternoon.\" \"", "Good afternoon.\" \"", "You.\" \"", "Come with me.\" \"", "You.\" \"", "Over there.\" \"", "And you come this way.\" \"", "In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.\" \"", "Amen.\" \"", "Amen.\" \"", "Oh, Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God's love commits me here, ever this night be at my side to light, to guard, to rule and guide.\" \"", "Amen.\" \"", "Amen.\" \"", "In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.\" \"", "Amen.\" \"", "Amen.\" \"", "To bed now, girls.\" \"", "Sorry.\" \"", "Can you help me to the toilet, please?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Are you all right?\" \"", "It's so painful.\" \"", "What is?\" \"", "Here.\" \"", "It's so painful.\" \"", "I think I'm going to faint.\" \"", "Don't touch it.\" \"", "Is your milk stuck?\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "I think so.\" \"", "Don't touch.\" \"", "You'll start leaking all over the place.\" \"", "The nuns go crazy if you start leaking.\" \"", "Best just take the pain.\" \"", "Be gone in a couple of days.\" \"", "You better get to bed.\" \"", "If they see you two getting friendly, they'll skin you alive.\" \"", "Everyone, out of their beds.\" \"", "Come on, come on.\" \"", "Hurry up.\" \"", "Has anyone seen Una O'Connor?\" \"", "Did anyone hear anything during the night?\" \"", "Did anyone see her leave?\" \"", "Breakfast.\" \"\"", "I believe in one God ...\" \"The Almighty Father, maker of Heaven and Earth, maker of all things visible and invisible.\" \"", "I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, born the Father before time began.\" \"", "God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, one in substance with the Father, and through Him all things were made.\" \"", "For us men and for our salvation, he came down from Heaven, was incarnate of the Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit and was made Man.\" \"", "For our sake under Pontius --\"\" \"That is enough!\" \"\"", "Together with the Father and the Son,\" \"He is adored and glorified.\" \"", "He is it was who spoke through the prophets.\" \"", "I believe in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic church.\"\" \"", "I keep a very close eye on all of them.\" \"", "Did you know, Sister, that I've worked here for 40 years?\" \"", "I don't do priests' collars.\" \"", "Ask any of the girls.\" \"", "I don't do them.\" \"", "So what, I have to do all my work as well as yours?\" \"", "We can swap if you like.\" \"", "Get lost.\" \"", "Have you any bloody ones?\" \"", "A lot of the girls hate the bloody ones, but I don't mind.\" \"", "There you go.\" \"", "I'll do this for you.\" \"", "A lot of the girls put them into hot water.\" \"", "I tell them, but they don't listen.\" \"", "You have to soak them in cold water first with a little bit of salt.\" \"", "Then rub it like that.\" \"", "I believe you.\" \"", "What are you two talking about?\" \"", "There's no talking allowed.\" \"", "Sister!\" \"", "They were talking.\" \"", "But I've given them a right round for it.\" \"", "All right, Sister?\" \"", "Yes, Kate.\" \"", "There is no talking allowed.\" \"", "What were you talking about?\" \"", "I was just telling her how to wash these.\" \"", "Jesus, Mary, and Holy St. Joseph.\" \"", "Get them away from me.\" \"", "You're a disgusting girl.\" \"", "You know that?\" \"", "Now, get back to work.\" \"", "I worked here for 40 years.\" \"", "I know all the little tricks.\" \"", "I've got my eye on you two.\" \"", "Listen to me.\" \"", "Poor Sister Augusta.\" \"", "She got into terrible trouble with that girl running away.\" \"", "That's why they asked me to sit in for her.\" \"", "Her poor nerve ends.\" \"", "They're all shot to blazes.\" \"", "I'm giving them a right earful now, Sister!\" \"", "Right.\" \"", "Right.\" \"", "A right earful, Sister.\" \"", "That's what's wrong with youse.\" \"", "You're just completely selfish.\" \"", "You don't care if some poor nun gets into trouble and loses her position.\" \"", "You don't care.\" \"", "She just fell asleep on night duty.\" \"", "Now she's going to end up in Africa, working with the lepers.\" \"", "Her fingers could fall off.\" \"", "Her toes could fall off.\" \"", "She might even lose her nose.\" \"", "Anything that sticks out falls off.\" \"", "You just get on with your work!\" \"", "Get on with it.\" \"", "We got to get out of this...\" \"Quiet, now!\" \"", "I'm sorry!\" \"", "I'm sorry!\" \"", "This one?\" \"", "Is it this one?\" \"", "I'm sorry, Da!\" \"", "Is this where you're at?\" \"", "You'll stay here till you die, you slut!\" \"", "I just wanted to come home, Da!\" \"", "I just wanted to come home!\" \"", "I hate it here!\" \"", "What have I told you?\" \"", "What have I told you?\" \"!\" \"", "You got no home.\" \"", "You got no mother.\" \"", "You got no father.\" \"", "You killed us, you slut.\" \"", "You killed us both.\" \"", "You run away again, I'll cripple you.\" \"", "I swear to God.\" \"", "Mr. O'Connor, I think you should go home now.\" \"", "We'll look after Una.\" \"", "What you lookin' at, you whores?\" \"", "God bless you, Sister.\" \"", "Please, don't leave me here, Da.\" \"", "Please don't leave me here!\" \"", "Get to bed now, Una.\" \"", "I'll see you in the morning.\" \"", "Now...\" \"The rest of you, lie down.\" \"", "Go to sleep.\" \"", "So they're all hookers and whores that work in there?\" \"", "You don't look at them.\" \"", "You don't talk to them.\" \"", "Do you understand me?\" \"", "Good morning.\" \"", "There's somebody looking for you.\" \"", "It's my sister.\" \"", "Oh, it's my little one!\" \"", "That's my little boy.\" \"", "Oh, isn't he big?\" \"", "Isn't he the biggest boy you've ever seen in your whole life?\" \"", "He's only 2.\" \"", "And the size of him!\" \"", "Blessed Virgin ... may you and St. Christopher...\" \"St. Christopher... look over and ...\" \"Holy God, look after this child.\" \"", "Bless you and bless everyone.\" \"", "You two...\" \"Stop hanging around!\" \"", "Are you spastic, or what?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "This here's me friendly face.\" \"", "Well, you can shove it up your not-so-friendly arse.\" \"", "Jesus.\" \"", "And they tell me you, love, are right into fellas.\" \"", "Well, ain't that right?\" \"", "That you lot are in here 'cause you give it out to the lads?\" \"", "You like to get the old knickers off and that?\" \"", "What's your wee boy called?\" \"", "Don't know.\" \"", "Ask me my name.\" \"", "What's your name?\" \"", "Crispina.\" \"", "It means \"girl with the curly hair.\"\" \"", "Sister Bridget gave it to me.\" \"", "Two shillings if you suck me cock.\" \"", "Get off!\" \"", "Look at you, you mad fuckin' bitch!\" \"", "When my baby came out of me, they gave him to my sister.\" \"", "And she's not allowed come here and not allowed talk to me.\" \"", "So I don't know his name.\" \"", "But my auntie, who's the richest woman in the world, she gave us both these.\" \"", "And my sister...\" \"My sister...\" \"My sister brings him to the gate sometimes, and we talk on this.\" \"", "This is a... a... a...\" \"A Holy, uh ...\" \"Holy...\" \"I'm sorry, Sister?\" \"", "What's the word?\" \"", "What's the word?\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "I just can't think of the word.\" \"", "You know there's no talking.\" \"", "Get back to work.\" \"", "I said get back to work.\" \"", "I am not going to tell you again.\" \"", "Telephone!\" \"", "That's what it is is telephone.\" \"", "I can never think of the word.\" \"", "Telephone.\" \"", "I want to see Sister Bridget right now.\" \"", "I want to see Sister Bridget right now.\" \"", "Wait there.\" \"", "I understand that you two have been disobedient.\" \"", "Sorry, Sister.\" \"", "I just asked if I could see you, Sister.\" \"", "You didn't ask anything, girl.\" \"", "You demanded.\" \"", "Now, who in God's name gave you the right to make demands?\" \"", "I'm just wonderin' why I'm here, Sister.\" \"", "I've not committed any crime.\" \"", "I've never been with any lads, ever.\" \"", "As God's honest truth.\" \"", "But you'd like to, wouldn't you?\" \"", "I'm a good girl, Sister.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "You're arrogant and ill-mannered and stupid, and that would be why the boys liked you.\" \"", "So much low intelligence makes it easier for them to get their fingers inside you.\" \"", "Isn't that right, Crispina?\" \"", "Yes, Sister.\" \"", "What did I just say?\" \"", "I don't know, Sister.\" \"", "That all men are sinners, and therefore, all men are open to temptation.\" \"", "In any God-fearing country, if you want to save men from themselves, you'll remove that temptation.\" \"", "Do you understand me, girl?\" \"", "Yes, Sister.\" \"", "I wasn't asking you.\" \"", "I understand you, Sister.\" \"", "You sure, now?\" \"", "There were a few words of more than one syllable there.\" \"", "I understand you, Sister.\" \"", "Now...\" \"Disobedience will not be tolerated.\" \"", "Face the wall.\" \"", "Now, go on.\" \"", "The two of you, back to your work.\" \"", "Una...\" \"Have you completely lost your mind?\" \"", "Your hair's no good to you now.\" \"", "We'll pack it away later, sell it to O'Brien's, give the money to the black babies.\" \"", "All right?\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "You won't be running away now, will you, with your hair like this?\" \"", "So, where would you go?\" \"", "I have a cousin in Dublin.\" \"", "She's a hairdresser.\" \"", "I've only met her once, but I'm sure she wouldn't turn me away if I asked her for help.\" \"", "You want to come with me?\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "What in God's name have we done to deserve this?\" \"", "We're not slaves.\" \"", "We're not criminals.\" \"", "What have we done?\" \"", "Having a baby is not a crime.\" \"", "Having a baby before you're married is a mortal sin.\" \"", "All the mortal sins in the world wouldn't justify this place.\" \"", "I'll tell you \" \"I'd commit any sin, mortal or otherwise, to get the hell out of here.\" \"", "So, are we gonna get married?\" \"", "What?\" \"", "We could run away together.\" \"", "Where would we go?\" \"", "Go to England or America or something.\" \"", "Have you got any money?\" \"", "Do I look like I have any money?\" \"", "I thought you might have saved up some of your wages.\" \"", "You think I came here because I answered an ad?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I just thought you might have got something.\" \"", "We get nothin'.\" \"", "So?\" \"", "So, what?\" \"", "Run away together?\" \"", "How can we run away together?\" \"", "We've got no money, nowhere to go.\" \"", "And anyway, I hardly even know you.\" \"", "All right, you can look.\" \"", "But if you try and touch, I'll have to kick your teeth in.\" \"", "It's not a fuckin' chimley!\" \"", "Do you have the keys to the back door?\" \"", "No, Seamus has them.\" \"", "But you can get them?\" \"", "I think so.\" \"", "Then get them and bring them here tonight.\" \"", "Tonight?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Oh, dear God.\" \"", "Oh, dear God in Heaven.\" \"", "Oh, Jesus.\" \"", "Oh, dear God in Heaven!\" \"", "You have to promise me you'll be here.\" \"", "All right, I promise.\" \"", "If you don't come, they'll kill me!\" \"", "I promise.\" \"", "Get away from me!\" \"", "I don't even want to look at you!\" \"", "You're a disgusting -- you're a disgusting girl!\" \"", "We're gettin' married, honest.\" \"", "He'll never marry you.\" \"", "Never.\" \"", "He will, but if you -- if you tell, I can't get out of here.\" \"", "And then we can't get married.\" \"", "Then I'll be a sinner.\" \"", "You don't want me to be a sinner.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Look, I'll tell Sister Bridget you were disgusting, and then -- then, you see, they'll keep you here forever.\" \"", "You'll be able to get into Heaven because you'll have paid for all your disgusting sins,\" \"here, now.\" \"", "Please.\" \"", "Isn't that good?\" \"", "Please don't tell her.\" \"", "I'll stay here.\" \"", "I'll work hard every day.\" \"", "I'll pray for all my sins.\" \"", "Please don't tell her.\" \"", "But I have to tell her.\" \"", "I have to.\" \"", "Fine.\" \"", "But if you do, I'll kill myself.\" \"", "And you know what that means.\" \"", "It means I'll go straight to hell and so will you.\" \"", "'Cause in the eyes of God, you'll be a murderer, same as me.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "No, it doesn't.\" \"", "Not true.\" \"", "This is fuckin' mad, Brendan.\" \"", "This is fuckin' nuts.\" \"", "Open the door, eh?\" \"", "Open the door.\" \"", "Brendan!\" \"", "Brendan, it's me!\" \"", "Please open the door!\" \"", "Ah, this is madness.\" \"", "Christ, I don't even know your name, it's that mad!\" \"", "Bernadette!\" \"", "My name is Bernadette.\" \"", "Please open the door!\" \"", "They'll know it was me!\" \"", "You know that, don't you?\" \"", "I'll lose me job.\" \"", "Everything!\" \"", "I have a brother doing 6 years in jail for stealing apples of the nuns!\" \"", "Now, what would they give me?\" \"!\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "Brendan!\" \"", "I can't do it.\" \"", "Brendan!\" \"", "Don't leave me here.\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "At least open the fucking door!\" \"", "Hold still!\" \"", "It's okay.\" \"", "I'll hold her.\" \"", "Stop it!\" \"", "Stop it!\" \"", "Stop, girl!\" \"", "Stop!\" \"", "Here.\" \"", "Keep hold.\" \"", "Still.\" \"", "Open your eyes, girl.\" \"", "Open them.\" \"", "I want you to see yourself as you really are.\" \"", "Now that your vanity is gone and your arrogance defeated, you're free.\" \"", "Free to choose between right and wrong, good and evil.\" \"", "So now you must look deep into your soul, find that which is pure and decent, and offer it up to God.\" \"", "Then and only then will you find salvation.\" \"", "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.\" \"", "Amen.\" \"", "Amen.\" \"", "Amen.\" \"", "All right, enough.\" \"", "Ah, there's nothing like a little exercise before supper.\" \"", "Though I have to say some of you could do with cutting down on the potatoes.\" \"", "Arms by your sides.\" \"", "Frances, do you know, I've never noticed before, but not only do you have the tiniest breasts\" \"I've ever seen, but you've got no nipples.\" \"", "Do you see that?\" \"", "That can't be natural, can it?\" \"", "So, we're all agreed.\" \"", "Frances has the littlest breasts.\" \"", "But who's got the biggest?\" \"", "I'd say it was Patricia.\" \"", "No, she's just broad at the back.\" \"", "Turn around, Patricia.\" \"", "See?\" \"", "She's just big at the back.\" \"", "Patricia, you have a brickie's back!\" \"", "A couple of tattoos and you could pass yourself off as a nabby.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Biggest breasts definitely have to go to Cecilia.\" \"", "Give yourself a round of applause, Cecilia.\" \"", "Good girl.\" \"", "So, we've covered biggest breasts, littlest breasts.\" \"", "Biggest bottom.\" \"", "So that only leaves us with the hairiest.\" \"", "Crispina.\" \"", "Step forward.\" \"", "And, Bernadette, step forward.\" \"", "Stand beside each other.\" \"", "Crispina.\" \"", "Get your hands away from there.\" \"", "Get them away!\" \"", "Bernadette, you have more hair down there than you have on your head.\" \"", "But the winner is...\" \"Crispina.\" \"", "You've won.\" \"", "Why are you crying?\" \"", "I don't know, Sister.\" \"", "Well, neither do I. It's a game.\" \"", "Ah, put your clothes on, the lot of you.\" \"", "It's time for tea.\" \"\"", "Every day of my life belongs to Thee, O my God.\" \"", "And every action of my life should be performed with the pure intention of honoring Thee alone.\" \"", "From this moment, I offer them to Thy sacred heart, and by this offering, I consecrate them without reserve to Thy glory.\" \"", "Therefore, I will perform them with all possible perfection.\" \"", "Do not permit them, O my divine Savior, to be sullied by any motives unworthy of Thy...\"\" \"What's going on down there?\" \"", "Crispina, what are you playing at?\" \"", "I don't know, Sister.\" \"", "She's very hot, Sister.\" \"", "Well, take her to bed.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "Sorry, Sister.\" \"", "I think I made a mess, Sister.\" \"", "Sorry.\" \"\"", "I renounce all that could lessen the merit of my offering.\" \"", "I renounce all vanity, self-love, and human respect.\" \"", "Grant, O my God, that I may commence, continue, and end this day in Thy grace and solely from the pure motive of pleasing and honoring Thee.\"\" \"", "Amen.\" \"", "Amen.\" \"", "I think I might be dying.\" \"", "You've just got a fever.\" \"", "Maybe you have the flu.\" \"", "You can die from the flu.\" \"", "Old people die from the flu, not young people.\" \"", "Crispina, did you lie in this all night?\" \"", "Oh, Crispina, did you wet the bed?\" \"", "I've never wet the bed, not even when I was little.\" \"", "Then what happened?\" \"", "It's soaking wet.\" \"", "Thank God it hasn't gone all the way through.\" \"", "We'd have to tell the Sisters.\" \"", "You wouldn't want that row, now, would you?\" \"", "Hold this, will you?\" \"", "You'll have to sleep in your dress for now.\" \"", "I'll go down and try and get some clean sheets.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "I can do it myself.\" \"", "Well, do it.\" \"", "I'll be back.\" \"", "What happened now?\" \"", "What's wrong with you?\" \"", "I lost my holy medal.\" \"", "My St. Christopher!\" \"", "I've lost it!\" \"", "Just calm down.\" \"", "Look in your dress.\" \"", "I'll look on the floor.\" \"", "Where's my St. Christopher?\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "Oh, God help me!\" \"", "Crispina, shh.\" \"", "It's all right.\" \"", "Please be calm and lie down, will you?\" \"", "It probably fell off.\" \"", "I'll go down and find it for you.\" \"", "You just lie there, nice and still.\" \"", "Please help me.\" \"", "I don't know what I'm gonna do.\" \"", "Shh.\" \"", "I'll go find it for you.\" \"", "She's not well.\" \"", "She's not...\" \"What?\" \"", "Ah-choo.\" \"", "Crispina?\" \"", "Crispina, what are you doing?\" \"", "You'll never find my St. Christopher.\" \"", "I will so.\" \"", "Come down from there and get back into bed.\" \"", "It's my punishment.\" \"", "Punishment for what?\" \"", "I promise you, I will find it for you.\" \"", "Now, come down from there.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "Lay down.\" \"", "If you died of the flu, it wouldn't be your fault.\" \"", "Sure it wouldn't?\" \"", "Of course it wouldn't be your fault.\" \"", "You're not gonna die of the flu.\" \"", "I told you that already.\" \"", "But if you did?\" \"", "Are you gonna behave now?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "I have to get back to work.\" \"", "Come already!\" \"", "Patricia, come and get it off her throat.\" \"", "Take her legs.\" \"", "Lift her.\" \"", "Lift her.\" \"", "Crispina, stop kicking, will you?\" \"", "Try and keep still!\" \"", "Please!\" \"", "She can't breathe!\" \"", "Lift her up.\" \"", "Pull it off.\" \"", "Keep still, Crispina!\" \"", "Will you keep still?\" \"", "Loosen it!\" \"", "I can't.\" \"", "It's too tight.\" \"", "Will you loosen it?\" \"", "I can't!\" \"", "It's too tight!\" \"", "Keep her there.\" \"", "Don't move her.\" \"", "There.\" \"", "You got it.\" \"", "Lift her over.\" \"", "Crispina, why did you want to kill yourself?\" \"", "Jesus, that's a stupid thing to ask in this place.\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "I wanted to die of the flu, but you said I wouldn't.\" \"", "But you mustn't try to kill yourself.\" \"", "It's the biggest mortal sin there is.\" \"", "You'll go straight to hell.\" \"", "I saw your wee boy today.\" \"", "My little boy?\" \"", "How was he looking?\" \"", "Lovely.\" \"", "He looked really sad, though.\" \"", "'Cause you weren't there.\" \"", "He missed you.\" \"", "There you go.\" \"", "Just think how sad he'd be if he never saw you again.\" \"", "I have to go to bed.\" \"", "This place makes us all desperate at times.\" \"", "But you must remember that you'll be out of here one day and able to play with your little one.\" \"", "When?\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "Then why would you say something like that?\" \"", "Because it's true.\" \"", "Then tell her when.\" \"", "Next week?\" \"", "Next month?\" \"", "Next century?\" \"", "I don't know the exact date or time.\" \"", "I'm just trying to stop her from killing herself.\" \"", "I know what you're trying to do.\" \"", "I just don't know why you're doing it.\" \"", "I lost my St. Christopher, Father.\" \"", "Hurry up, now.\" \"", "We'll be late.\" \"", "Una O'Connor has decided to give herself to the convent.\" \"", "As most of you know, this is one of the greatest commitments a young penitent can make to our order.\" \"", "She has turned her back on the evils and temptations of the world and will face the light of the Lord with us here in this convent until the day she dies.\" \"", "Her sacrifice, and indeed, her transformation from what she once was should be noted by you all.\" \"", "Thank you, Una.\" \"", "In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.\" \"", "Amen.\" \"", "The Lord be with you.\" \"", "And also with you.\" \"", "Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy.\" \"", "Deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man.\" \"", "Body of Christ.\" \"", "Amen.\" \"", "Body of Christ.\" \"", "Amen.\" \"", "Body of Christ.\" \"", "Amen.\" \"", "Body of Christ.\" \"", "Amen.\" \"", "Body of Christ.\" \"", "Amen.\" \"", "Body of Christ.\" \"", "Amen.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "Back in again, the two of you.\" \"", "Now, court and laugh as you come in.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "Slow.\" \"", "That's it.\" \"", "Now smile.\" \"", "A lovely day today.\" \"", "Now, Jude, show her the flowers in the garden.\" \"", "Look at the flowers.\" \"", "Will you relax, both of you?\" \"", "Just be yourselves.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "Try and act natural.\" \"", "He's not a man of God.\" \"", "What are you after?\" \"", "Are you wanting a lift or what?\" \"", "Why the hell did you stop me, then?\" \"", "You're from in there, aren't you?\" \"", "Christ, they're taking in loonies now as well.\" \"", "Come on, Sister!\" \"\"", "Lord, have mercy on us.\"\" \"", "Lord, have mercy on us.\" \"\"", "Christ, have mercy on us.\"\" \"", "Christ, have mercy on us.\" \"\"", "Lord, have mercy on us.\"\" \"", "Lord, have mercy on us.\" \"\"", "Christ, hear us.\"\" \"", "Christ, graciously hear us.\" \"\"", "God, the Father of Heaven.\"\" \"", "You said you'd find my St. Christopher.\" \"", "That's what you said.\" \"", "You shouldn't make promises you can't keep.\" \"", "That's what Bernadette says.\" \"\"", "Holy Mary.\"\" \"", "Pray for us.\" \"\"", "Holy mother of God.\"\" \"", "Pray for us.\" \"\"", "Holy Virgin of virgins.\"\" \"", "Bernadette said that somebody here must have it.\" \"\"", "Mother of divine grace.\"\" \"", "They're keeping it from me.\" \"", "Pray for us.\" \"\"", "Mother most chaste.\"\" \"", "You said you'd find it.\" \"", "You promised.\" \"\"", "Mother undefiled.\"\" \"", "Pray for us.\" \"", "I have a right mind to tell what you said about Father Fitzroy.\" \"\"", "Mother most admirable.\"\" \"", "Pray for us.\" \"\"", "Mother of good counsel.\"\" \"", "Pray for us.\" \"\"", "Mother of our Creator.\"\" \"", "Pray for us.\" \"\"", "Mother of our redeemer.\"\" \"", "Pray for us.\" \"\"", "Virgin most prudent.\"\" \"", "Pray for us.\" \"\"", "Virgin most venerable.\"\" \"", "Pray for us.\" \"", "What have you done to my bed?\" \"", "My St. Christopher.\" \"", "You found it.\" \"", "God bless you.\" \"", "You dirty bitch!\" \"", "Stop it!\" \"", "Stop it!\" \"", "Stop it, for God's sake!\" \"", "You're a wicked bitch, you know that?\" \"", "You're a wicked, thieving bitch!\" \"", "She had Crispina's St. Christopher under her bed!\" \"", "The only thing that girl owns in the whole world.\" \"", "And you took it!\" \"", "You found my St. Christopher.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "Don't you understand?\" \"", "She stole it.\" \"", "Yeah, but you found it.\" \"", "Am I the only one that thinks that what she did was completely despicable?\" \"", "Oh, you can all just go to hell!\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "'Cause she didn't suffer enough.\" \"", "We're penitents, remember?\" \"", "We're supposed to suffer.\" \"", "Now fuck up and let me sleep.\" \"", "On you come now, girls.\" \"\"", "But let a man prove himself.\" \"", "And so let him eat of that bread and drink of the chalice.\" \"", "For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself.\" \"", "This is the word of the Lord.\"\" \"", "Thanks be to God.\" \"", "A reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. John.\" \"", "Glory be to Thee, O Lord.\" \"\"", "At that time, Jesus said to the multitudes of the Jews,\" \"'My flesh is meat, indeed.\" \"", "And my blood is drink, indeed.\" \"", "He that eateth of my flesh and drinketh my blood abideth in me, and I in him.\" \"", "As the...\" \"living Father hath sent...\"'\" \"Sister, I don't know what's wrong.\" \"", "Can you help me a bit?\" \"", "I don't know what I have.\" \"", "Look.\" \"", "It's all over me.\" \"", "Sit down.\" \"", "Sit down.\" \"", "Sit down, Crispina.\" \"", "Sit down.\" \"", "It's really hurting me.\" \"", "Crispina.\" \"", "Sorry.\" \"", "It won't go away.\" \"", "Please!\" \"", "Dear Lord!\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "Crispina.\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "Crispina, sit down.\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "Crispina.\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "Crispina!\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "Sit down now!\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "Crispina!\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "Crispina!\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "Crispina.\" \"", "You're not a man of God!\" \"", "Crispina.\" \"", "Get up now.\" \"", "Crispina.\" \"", "Come on up.\" \"", "Up you come.\" \"", "Get up.\" \"", "That's it.\" \"", "Good girl.\" \"", "Where are we going?\" \"", "I'm sending you to Mount Vernon Hospital.\" \"", "They can look after you better than we can here.\" \"", "Mount Vernon?\" \"", "That's right.\" \"", "Come on, now.\" \"", "Mount Vernon's for the maddies, Sister.\" \"", "Come on, girl.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I don't want to go.\" \"", "Look.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I'm not mad.\" \"", "You come along now, Crispina.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I want to stay.\" \"", "Don't be giving me any trouble.\" \"", "She's telling the truth.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I'm okay.\" \"", "I'm going to stay.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I don't want to go.\" \"", "What did you say?\" \"", "Nothing.\" \"", "You said something.\" \"", "What was it?\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "I was confused.\" \"", "Confused?\" \"", "Right.\" \"", "Crispina.\" \"", "Come on, now.\" \"", "Crispina.\" \"", "Let them take you along now.\" \"", "Come on, girl.\" \"", "You're perfectly all right.\" \"", "Stop it, girl!\" \"", "Crispina!\" \"", "No!\" \"", "Will you stop it, girl?\" \"", "Calm down !\" \"", "Crispina!\" \"", "Help me!\" \"", "No!\" \"", "Let go of it!\" \"", "No!\" \"", "Now, you're all right, Crispina!\" \"", "Will you stop that noise?\" \"", "Let them take you out, now, Crispina.\" \"", "Help me!\" \"", "Get her right out.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "I'm here, Crispina.\" \"", "You're all right now.\" \"", "Get her out!\" \"", "Sister, no!\" \"", "Please!\" \"", "No!\" \"", "Please, Sister!\" \"", "No!\" \"", "No!\" \"", "♫ God rest ye merry gentlemen ♫\" \"♫ Let nothing you dismay ♫\" \"♫ Remember Christ our Savior was born on Christmas Day ♫\" \"♫ To save us all from Satan's power ♫\" \"♫ And we were gone astray ♫\" \"♫ O tidings of comfort and joy ♫\" \"♫ Comfort and joy ♫\" \"♫ O tidings of comfort and joy ♫\" \"They say that confession is good for the soul.\" \"", "Well, in the presence of the archbishop,\" \"Mr. Lanigan, Mrs. Lanigan, the Sisters, and, indeed, you all,\" \"I have a confession I wish to make.\" \"", "And I warn you now.\" \"", "Some of you will find it somewhat shocking.\" \"", "For many years, more years than I care to remember,\" \"I have had a secret love.\" \"", "In fact, not just one, but dozens.\" \"", "Since I have been 1 3 years old I have been in love.\" \"", "With the films.\" \"", "It's true.\" \"", "It's true.\" \"", "My father used to take me.\" \"", "It was the old silent ones in those days.\" \"", "And while he loved the comedies, I loved the Westerns.\" \"", "I'll never forget the look on my dear mother's face the day I told her if I didn't get into the convent and give my life to God, then I'd be a cowboy instead.\" \"", "Fortunately, God gave me the calling.\" \"", "But I've never forgotten those old films.\" \"", "Now, today, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord,\" \"Mr. Lanigan, one of Dublin's most respected businessmen, has brought along a projector and a film.\" \"", "For us.\" \"", "Isn't that wonderful?\" \"", "Now, like yourselves, I don't know what the film is.\" \"", "But I know it's not a Western.\" \"", "Isn't that right, Mr. Lanigan?\" \"", "Apparently, they've changed a lot since my day and have gone the way of the devil like so much of the modern world.\" \"", "So no less a person than the archbishop himself has chosen the film for us today.\" \"", "Sister Jude, would you turn the lights out, please?\" \"", "Ooh!\" \"", "You don't become a nun to run away from life, Patsy.\" \"", "It's not because you've lost something.\" \"", "It's because you've found something.\" \"", "I have got a letter here for Sister Bridget from Father Donnelly.\" \"", "Dear Lord ... remove all bitterness from my heart.\" \"", "Please.\" \"", "Help me to see Thy holy will in all things.\" \"", "Help me.\" \"", "Please.\" \"", "Please, help me.\" \"", "You can't go in there.\" \"", "Wonderful.\" \"", "Wonderful.\" \"", "Oh!\" \"", "What a beautiful film.\" \"", "I think we all owe the archbishop a vote of thanks.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "Thank you, Your Grace.\" \"", "What is it?\" \"", "I have a letter here concerning my sister, Margaret McGuire.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "It's from Father Joseph Donnelly.\" \"", "I'm her brother, Eamonn.\" \"", "Eamonn.\" \"", "Margaret McGuire.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "We're going.\" \"", "What's wrong?\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "Sister Jude, would you turn the lights on, please?\" \"", "Now, back to your dormitories.\" \"", "Can you believe that it's that simple?\" \"", "That a brother can just turn up and ...\" \"Can you believe that?\" \"", "Margaret, will you hurry up?\" \"", "Don't you dare tell me what to do!\" \"", "Don't you ever dare tell me what to do!\" \"", "Where the hell have you been for four bloody years?\" \"", "What are you talking about?\" \"", "I was growing up.\" \"", "Well, you didn't grow up bloody fast enough, did you?\" \"", "May I get past, please, Sister?\" \"", "You'd better be joking, girl.\" \"", "Because if I thought for a second you would seriously expect one of the persons here to step aside for the likes of you, then, brother or no brother,\" \"I would punish such insolence most severely.\" \"", "Most severely.\" \"", "I'm not moving, Sister.\" \"", "Fine.\" \"", "Then you'll be staying with us, then.\" \"", "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.\" \"", "Thy kingdom come.\" \"", "Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.\" \"", "I think we should be moving on.\" \"", "And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.\" \"", "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.\" \"", "Excuse me, Sister.\" \"", "Yes, Katy.\" \"", "I don't think I'm feeling very well today, Sister.\" \"", "Well, get yourself a cup of water.\" \"", "Yes, Sister.\" \"", "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.\" \"", "Did they tell you I'm dying?\" \"", "They wanted to send me to the hospital.\" \"", "But I said no.\" \"", "I wanted to stay here with the Sisters and my friends.\" \"", "You knew my mother, didn't you?\" \"", "What are you rambling on about, you old witch?\" \"", "She was always very kind to me.\" \"", "My father said I was soft in the head.\" \"", "But she was always very kind.\" \"", "She had a lovely singing voice, didn't she?\" \"", "Lift your head.\" \"", "She told me not to go near the soldiers.\" \"", "She told me.\" \"", "He was born 1 6th of October.\" \"", "I called him Freddy.\" \"", "I thought my mother might come back for me, but...\" \"Well, there was an awful lot of us.\" \"", "And we were poor.\" \"", "And she said she knew I'd be happy here with the Sisters and all my friends.\" \"", "Don't go.\" \"", "Don't go.\" \"", "Please don't leave me alone.\" \"", "The Sisters wouldn't want you to leave me alone.\" \"", "I'll tell the Sisters if you leave me alone.\" \"", "The Sisters only want the work done.\" \"", "Or haven't you figured that one out yet?\" \"", "The Sisters don't give a shite about you.\" \"", "And neither do I.\" \"So why don't you do them and me and everybody else a big favor?\" \"", "Hurry up and die.\" \"", "Here you go.\" \"", "Now, if you'd like to make your way down to the office, we'll do the necessary paperwork.\" \"", "Come in.\" \"", "Sorry to disturb you, Sister.\" \"", "But I wanted to ask you something.\" \"", "You see, it's my son's birthday soon.\" \"", "And I was just wondering if maybe I could send him a card.\" \"", "Now, I know you can't tell me where he is.\" \"", "But I thought if I gave it you, perhaps you could send it on to whoever is looking after him.\" \"", "I want you to help me look for a key.\" \"", "It's about this size.\" \"", "It's silver.\" \"", "It fits in there.\" \"", "Go on.\" \"", "Start looking.\" \"", "It would only be a birthday card, Sister.\" \"", "I wouldn't even sign it.\" \"", "He wouldn't know who it was from.\" \"", "Wouldn't that be bloody stupid?\" \"", "You'd send a card, and he wouldn't know who it was from.\" \"", "Now, what kind of person would confuse and disrupt a child's birthday like that?\" \"", "But I'm his mother, Sister.\" \"", "You're not his mother.\" \"", "Mother puts the child to bed.\" \"", "Looks after him when he's sick.\" \"", "Feeds and educates him.\" \"", "You've done none of that.\" \"", "Would you take credit for something you haven't done?\" \"", "No, Sister.\" \"", "Well, stop being so stupid and look for the bloody key!\" \"", "I never wanted that...\" \"that thing.\" \"", "Biscuit tins were just fine.\" \"", "I should've put it on a separate chain.\" \"", "All the money's in there.\" \"", "All the money.\" \"", "Have you found it?\" \"", "No, Sister.\" \"", "Sorry, Sister.\" \"", "Oh, good Mother.\" \"", "There's that nice lady again.\" \"", "They didn't tell her.\" \"", "She's not here.\" \"", "They took her away over a year ago.\" \"", "They should have told you.\" \"", "They took her away.\" \"", "Patricia!\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "Let's go.\" \"", "You dead yet?\" \"", "You got what you deserved.\" \"", "I was only trying to tell the...\" \"Excuse me, Sister.\" \"", "Katy's dead.\" \"", "May she rest in peace.\" \"", "Remember this beating, girl.\" \"", "If you ever speak to anyone outside of here again, you will receive the same beating every day for a month.\" \"", "Now.\" \"", "Both of you.\" \"", "Get back to your work.\" \"", "You know we're both gonna grow old and die in here.\" \"", "No one's gonna come for me.\" \"", "Or for you.\" \"", "I just don't want to feel like this for the rest of my life.\" \"", "I don't want to end up like one of them.\" \"", "So are you ready?\" \"", "Ready for what?\" \"", "We have to go.\" \"", "Go where?\" \"", "Out.\" \"", "Have you completely lost your mind?\" \"", "Look what she did to me.\" \"", "And that was only for talking to someone.\" \"", "What's she gonna do if she catches me trying to run away?\" \"", "It doesn't matter.\" \"", "She's gonna do it anyway.\" \"", "For something or for nothing.\" \"", "It doesn't matter to her.\" \"", "We have to go.\" \"", "We have to go now.\" \"", "What does the main-door key look like?\" \"", "It's a big, black key.\" \"", "Let go of the key, Sister.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Let go!\" \"", "Let go of the key, Sister!\" \"", "Let go, you fucking twisted bitch!\" \"", "Let go!\" \"", "Let go, or, so help me, I'll stick these in your throat.\" \"", "Let go.\" \"", "Get back here!\" \"", "Get back here!\" \"", "Get back here!\" \"", "Get the fuck away from her!\" \"", "Oh!\" \"", "Don't even fucking think about coming after us!\" \"", "Fucking stay in there!\" \"", "Thanks so much for the clothes and the money and everything.\" \"", "I'll pay you back as soon as I get a job, I promise.\" \"", "Goodbye, Patricia.\" \"", "My name's Rose.\" \"", "Rose.\" \"", "I'll just be a sec.\" \"", "So will you be all right, then?\" \"", "I've got my ticket.\" \"", "I'll be fine.\" \"", "Liverpool's in England, isn't it?\" \"", "Yeah, I think so.\" \"", "What about you?\" \"", "You know she'll have the guards out looking for you.\" \"", "They can't touch me.\" \"", "I'm a trainee hairdresser.\" \"", "That makes me respectable.\" \"", "They can't touch you if you're respectable.\" \"", "I'll write to you.\" \"", "Grand.\" \"", "Good luck.\" \"", "Stop!\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow does Django maintain consistency between its logical constraints, and its database?", "\n\nLets say I have a model defined as follows:\nclass Foo(models.", "Model):\n bar = models.", "CharField(max_length=10)\n\nUsing this model, I create a Foo object in my database using the following code:\nFoo.objects.create(bar=\"0123456789\")\n\nShould work well enough. ", "However, after creating the object, I reduce the max_length property to 5. ", "So now, technically, the object I created has a consistency error. ", "\nHow does Django manage a situation like this? ", "I assume they don't raise any errors until that object is saved again. ", "If so, is that the optimal solution for a situation like this, and are there are any other approaches? ", "\n\nA:\n\nDjango won't do anything in the situation you describe. ", "However, if you run makemigrations, it will generate a database migration which modifies the db column to 5 characters; running this will truncate the existing values.", "\n\nA:\n\nIt depends on the specific field property. ", "In the case of max_length, it's used in several validation steps in addition to the database itself.", "\nThe default html widget will insert a maxlength attribute in the <input> form element. ", "And on the server side, Form.clean() will also check the length of any char fields.", "\nFinally, the database will throw an error (if you have created and applied a new migration after changing the field). ", "But the specific behaviour here depends on the database backend.", "\nClient side validation is just a usability feature. ", "All data coming from the client must also be validated on the server, since client side validation can be bypassed by an attacker, or be turned off or unavailable in some clients.", "\nDjango's validation is what you use most of the time. ", "It has error handling and http responses built in if you use a framework/app such as django forms, django admin or django rest framework.", "\nThe database validation is fallback when you insert some invalid data even if it's \"not supposed to be possible\". ", "Errors here could result in a uncaught exception and the entire transaction will be rolled back. ", "It's a very useful safety net when you have bugs in your django application.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The present invention relates to neuromorphic and synaptronic computation, and in particular, coupling parallel event-driven computation with serial computation.", "\nNeuromorphic and synaptronic computation, also referred to as artificial neural networks, are computational systems that permit electronic systems to essentially function in a manner analogous to that of biological brains. ", "In traditional von Neumann architectures, memory and computation are separated. ", "By comparison, embodiments of the invention utilize biologically inspired architecture where threshold based computation is integrated with memory. ", "In neuromorphic and synaptronic computation, connections are created between processing elements that are roughly functionally equivalent to neurons of a biological brain. ", "Neuromorphic and synaptronic computation may comprise various electronic circuits that are modeled on biological neurons.", "\nIn biological systems, the point of contact between an axon of a neural module and a dendrite on another neuron is called a synapse, and with respect to the synapse, the two neurons are respectively called pre-synaptic and post-synaptic. ", "The essence of our individual experiences is stored in conductance of the synapses." ]
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[ "Regimental jacket in a soft gray velvet is beautifully detailed with tightly shirred georgette, grosgrain and satin ribbon trim. ", "A trim, fitted silhouette with zip pockets, a box-pleated peplum and working buttons on the cuff." ]
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[ "Related News\n\nThe International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Tuesday retained its growth forecasts for India at 7.5 per cent in FY17 and FY18, but further trimmed projections for global economic growth for 2016 and the year after that due to some loss of growth momentum in the advanced economies and continuing headwinds for emerging countries.", "\n\nAdvertising\n\nIt has estimated India’s FY16 GDP growth at 7.3 per cent before moving up to 7.5 per cent in the next two fiscals. ", "Sustaining strong growth over the medium term would require labour market reforms and dismantling of infrastructure bottlenecks, especially in the power sector, it said in its latest World Economic Outlook.", "\n\n“In India, monetary conditions remain consistent with achieving the inflation target of 5 per cent in the first half of 2017, although an unfavourable monsoon and an expected public sector wage increase pose upside risks,” the fund noted.", "\n\n[related-post]\n\nIn the new report, IMF has forecast global growth at 3.2 per cent in 2016 and 3.5 per cent in 2017, a downward revision of 0.2 percentage point and 0.1 percentage point, respectively. ", "Cumulatively, since October 2015, IMF has lowered world GDP growth projection by 0.4 and 0.3 percentage point in 2016 and 2017, respectively. ", "Growth in China was slightly stronger than previously forecast even as the IMF cut US growth by 0.2 percentage point for 2016 and by 0.1 percentage point in 2017.", "\n\nWarning on Brexit\n\nAdvertising\n\nThe IMF warned on Tuesday that a British exit from the European Union could inflict severe damage to the world economy by disrupting international trade.", "\n\nListing the June 23 referendum on membership as one-of-seven downside risks for the world economy, the global financial body said the national vote on whether to stay or go has already created uncertainty for investors. ", "With FE & PTI" ]
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[ "Possible Soccer Upset In Game With Bruins\n\nHarvard faces the best American soccer team in the college ranks at 11 a.m. today on Brown's Aldrich-Dexter Field. ", "If from holds, Cliff Stevenson's Bruin team will run its unbeaten streak in Ivy and in overall competition to 25. ", "But if Bruce Munro's erratic Crimson squad pieces its potential together, the 3000 Providence fans will see one of the Ivy League's biggest sports events of the year.", "\n\nSoccer Up With Football\n\nBrown is the only Ivy school where soccer rides in the front seat along with football. ", "The smallest school in the loop, Brown has had trouble attracting enough football players to have any success against Harvard, Yale, and Princeton--bigger schools with more active and farther-reaching alumni groups. ", "But a good soccer team needs only a dozen men, and Brown coach Stevenson has been practically alone in the League in his aggressive recruitment.", "\n\nAmerican Boys\n\nIn contrast to Harvard and many other teams that rely on European and African students, Stevenson gets his boys from Long Island, with a handful from New Jersey and New England. ", "This supplies him with players receptive to his equally aggressive coaching technique. ", "The end result of this process is a strong. ", "Well-conditioned team that is continually as rough, as hustling, and as anxious to win as any in the East.", "\n\nAdd to that several players who bring in great national skills, and you have a team that should be, and so far has been, unbeatable. ", "That is why thousands of students and alumni--bearing a far closer esemblance to a screaming, bloodthirsty Cornell hockey crowd than an average Ivy soccer audience--pay a separate admission to get into Aldrich-Dexter Feld when the Bruins are at home.", "\n\nBrown On Top Since '63\n\nHarvard last beat an undefeated Brown team in 1963 when the last Chris Ohiri headed in the long goal for a 1-0 win at Providence. ", "Since then, with the League title usually at stake, Brown has been triumphant.", "\n\nThe Bruins won, 2-1, here in 1964. ", "Harvard took high hopes down to Providence in 1965, but a second-half penalty kick by Andy Kydes was the only goal the Crimson could musther in a 6-1 rainy day disaster.", "\n\nLast ear Brown opened the season with a fluke loss to Weseleyan, then held prachtically every opponent scoreless the rest of the way. (", "Princeton didn't even get of a short.) ", "Harvard played a magnificent game, probably its best of the last three years, but lost, again in the rain, 2-0. ", "Fans are sill taking about the play that saved the game: a scissors kick by halfback Pat Migliore of a shot that had already gone over the Brown goalie.", "\n\nConditions Cripple Harvard\n\nToday the weather conditions will probably be the same: rainy and sloppy, the conditions that are supposed to cripple Harvard's precision short-passing attack. ", "But there are any number of different elements.", "\n\nThe most curious is the Brown team. ", "Last year they were all juniors, plus a few sophomores. ", "The captain was a second-string goalie. ", "The whole team is back this year, including Migliore and wing Vic DeJong. ", "Who have been All-lvies since their sophomore years. ", "Also among the return standouts are goalie Bob Bernius: backs Bob cooper and Edzaglio: and forwards Ben Brewster, who scored both goals in last year's Harvard game, and Mark Detora, a big brother of Harvard's inside Bruce Detora.", "\n\nBruins Scored On\n\nBut teams have been scoring goals against the usually impenetrable three-back Bruin defense. ", "Dartmouth and Cornell tallied twice each. ", "Dartmouth and Cornell tailed twice each, while allowing Brown six and five goals. ", "Scouting reports indicate that Brown has switched its playing style from a control defense with fast-break scoring potential to a control offensive. ", "The halfbacks keep the ball in the offensive zone and should apply te kind of pressure Harvard has not seen all year." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nShared Preferences not evaluating correctly?", "\n\nOf course it's not 1-for-1 code correct, but the gist of my question can be gleaned from this. ", " Why is the result of my if statement always true? ", " I'm guessing it has something to do with the file encoding of the preferences file? ", " I've tried adding .toString() to the end of both. ", " I have dumped a Toast out to see that \"2.4\" and \"2.4\" is what is returned.", "\nif (appPrefs.getAppVer() !", "= getAppVerName()) {\n //TODO display Changes Pop-up\n}\n\npublic String getAppVer() {\n return appSharedPrefs.getString(\"appVer\", \"\");\n}\n\npublic String getAppVerName() {\n return getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), 0).versionName;\n}\n\nA:\n\nBecause you need to use .equals and not !", "= for string compares.", "\n\nA:\n\nAlways compare Strings with string1.equals(string2)\n\n" ]
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[ "One can assert that with the consumption of a HFCS intensive diet and inadequate Mg intakes, PON1 activity may decrease, along with resulting Ca losses in genetically predisposed individuals. ", "Although there are no human data yet to support this assertion, PON1 activity in rats decreased when fed a HFCS diet to mimic the human metabolic syndrome [39]. ", "PON1 activity has been extensively studied in humans and there are a number of factors known to modulate or alter PON1 expression including, but not limited to, Hg exposure, sex and age [40, 41]. ", "Age plays the most relevant role, as PON1 activity is very low before birth and gradually increases during the first few years of life in humans [41]. ", "In one study, scientists at UC Berkeley found the PON1 levels in many children may remain lower than those of their mothers for several years, especially those with genotypes associated with decreased PON1 activities [42]. ", "The scientists concluded that these children may be more susceptible to OP pesticides throughout their childhood and more vulnerable to conditions associated with oxidative stress such as autism [42]. ", "In a different study, scientists at UC Berkeley found that two-year-old children were less likely to display symptoms of PDD when their mothers had higher paraoxonase levels during their pregnancy [43]. ", "Proper function and adequate expression of the PON1 gene is essential both for prenatal development and child health because exposure to OP pesticides is a common occurrence in the U.S.\n\nThe CDC tracks exposure to OP pesticides or their metabolites through the National Biomonitoring Program (NBP). ", "Exposure data are reported for the population as a whole and for subgroups. ", "While most American groups are exposed to OP pesticides, children ages 6 to 11 have significantly higher exposures than adults and are at greatest risk from OP neurotoxicity [44]. ", "Harvard University researchers recently reported finding OP pesticide residues in a number of foods frequently consumed by children [45]. ", "The researchers expressed concern that the children were at times being exposed to multiple pesticide residues in single food commodities. ", "OP pesticide exposures occur primarily from the consumption of foods containing pesticide residues.", "\n\nIt is well known that pesticide exposure can impair neurodevelopment in children, but recent studies have found that pesticide exposure during pregnancy can also cause delayed mental development in children [46]. ", "A review of epidemiological studies in 2008 found that prenatal and childhood exposure to OPs impairs neurobehavioral development [47]. ", "Higher concentrations of urinary dialkyl phosphate (DAP) measured during pregnancy was significantly associated with lower cognitive scores in children at seven years of age. ", "Those children in the highest quintile of maternal DAP concentrations had an IQ score seven points lower than those children in the lowest quintile [48]. ", "In a group of newborns with the highest levels of the organophosphate chlorpyrifos measurable in their umbilical cord blood, birth weight averaged 150 grams less than the group with the lowest exposure [49]. ", "Prenatal pesticide exposure showed deficits consistent with developmental delays of 1.5 to 2 years [49].", "\n\nDiet is the main source of OP exposure in children. ", "Under the 1996 Food Quality Protection Act, the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture is directed to collect pesticide residue data on commodities frequently consumed by infants and children. ", "USDA Pesticide Data Program (PDP) provides the residue data to comply with this law [50]. ", "We reviewed the PDP data from 2004 to 2008 and identified the foods most frequently found to contain organophosphate insecticide residues. ", "In addition, we obtained the per capita availability data from the USDA to determine the amount of each food commodity the average American consumes [25]. ", "The results of our review indicate that wheat and corn are the commodities most likely contributing to OP exposure in U. S. children. ", "Estimated per capita wheat consumption was approximately 95 pounds per year while estimated per capita corn consumption was approximately 23 pounds per year. ", "The primary use of corn is for the production of corn sweeteners, such as HFCS; however, pesticide residue data were not gathered for this commodity by the PDP. ", "Table 2 provides a complete breakdown of the results of this data review.", "\n\nTable 2 PDP residue detections by year sampled wi th U.S. per capita consumption data Full size table\n\nFrom Table 2 it is clear consumers are at risk of exposure to multiple OP pesticide residues from consuming the very same commodity. ", "Cumulative exposures will continue to occur in the U.S. where OP pesticide use is widespread by the agricultural industry. ", "Although OP pesticide use is equally widespread in other countries, there is genetic variation across populations that determine degree of susceptibility to OP exposure. ", "The PON1 gene variants associated with autism in subgroups of the U.S. population but not in Italy could be attributed to the fact that HFCS consumption rarely occurs in Italy, thereby lessening the conditions for PON1 modulation." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow do I install Commerce Kickstart as a Aegir installation profile\n\nI have been trying to get the most recent version of Commerce Kickstart to install as a profile in Aegir, but I have had no luck. ", "I found the following note on the Aegir project site, and this note in the Commerce Kickstart issue queue. ", "Has anyone gotten this to work?", "\n\nA:\n\nIf you download the .tar.gz from http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/commerce_kickstart-7.x-2.0-rc4-core.tar.gz into your platforms directory on aegir, untar it, and then create a platform with the same name you can build sites using the commerce kickstart profile with aegir. ", " Here are the commands I used:\ncd /var/aegir/platforms\ncurl -O http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/commerce_kickstart-7.x-2.0-rc4-core.tar.gz\ntar xzf commerce_kickstart_7.x-2.0-rc4-core.tar.gz\nmv commerce_kickstart_7.x-2.0-rc4 commerce-kickstart\nchown -Rf aegir\\: commerce-kickstart\n\nThen go into Aegir and create a platform. ", " Set the platform directory to this commerce-kickstart directory and don't include a build file. ", " It'll verify the platform and then you'll be able to create sites on there using the Commerce Kickstart installation profile.", "\nCheers,\nDiwant\n\n" ]
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[ "Petone Rugby Club\n\nThe Petone Rugby Football Club was founded in 1885 and has been the Wellington Premier Champion 39 times between 1895 and 2005. ", "In addition, the club has won the Club Championship on 42 occasions between 1922 and 2005. ", "Petone is a constituent club of the Wellington Rugby Football Union.", "\n\nLocation\nThe Petone Club rooms are at the lower end of the Hutt Valley on a site in Udy Street. ", "The Clubrooms stand immediately adjacent to North Park, a field maintained to the highest standards even though it is only used for training.", "\n\nOther Club facilities include:\n Outdoor training - floodlit fields at North Park and on Petone Recreation ground on the other side of Udy Street.", "\n A large indoor Tiger Turf Stadium capable of use by a full forward pack and backline in training.", "\n Two large and well equipped changing and showering rooms.", "\n A modern and very well equipped weights room.", "\n A large modern fully heated lounge with full bar and kitchen facilities.", "\n Extensive collection of memorabilia from around the World.", "\n\nClub Membership\nClub membership in 2013 totalled more than 750, made up of Life Members, Vice Presidents, Honorary Members, Open and Age Grade players and 412 young players in the Junior Section ranging from 4 and 5 year olds in the nursery grade to 12 year olds. ", "The Club fields nine teams in the Wellington Union's 2013 competition grades from Premier to Colts U21.", "\n\nThe Club funds a Coaching Coordinator,Darren 'Lardy' Larsen. ", "Lardy is a highly qualified and competent coach. ", "He also runs the Konnect Blue programme that allows juniors leaving for college to stay in touch with the club until they return.", "\n\nReputation\nThe Club has produced 30 All Blacks and 16 NZ Maori representatives.", "\n\nTana Umaga became an All Black in 1997 and played continuously for his country before his retirement in 2006, becoming Captain in 2004. ", "Andy Leslie, the current NZ Rugby Union Vice President, was the Club's first appointed All Black touring captain to Britain (1974) and South Africa (1976).", "\n\nNotable Players\nAllan Hewson – All Black\nNeemia Tialata – All Black\nTana Umaga – All Black captain\nAndy Leslie – All Black captain\nKen Gray – All Black\nHercules Richard Wright – Kiwi\nDaniel Fraser – Kiwi\nEdward Tyne – Kiwi\nTom Cross – All Black & Kiwi\nArthur Kelly – Kiwi\nDuncan McGregor – All Black & Kiwi\nRiki Flutey – England\nMarcus Nicholls – All Black\n\nHistory\nPetone had a four-year reign as Premier Champions between 1904 and 1907 and the Club set a memorable record in the 1907 season when it won all championship grades in the Wellington competition. ", "After the 1907 season the club was weakened by inadvertently helping the formation of rugby league in New Zealand. ", "The club provided six players for the professional 1907-1908 rugby tour of Great Britain including its two All Blacks at the time, Tom Cross and Duncan McGregor, and the club's captain, Hercules Wright.", "\nThe New Zealand Rugby Union subsequently banned all members of the tour for life.", "\n\nIn the 1971 season the Premier team won the Premier competition and the Jubilee Cup for the fifth consecutive season and became the first club in the history of Wellington rugby to achieve this feat since the club competition was commenced in 1868. ", "The first three wins in this sequence were achieved under the leadership of Ken Gray widely considered one of the greatest All Black prop forwards in the history of the game. ", "The Ken Gray Academy was established in 1995 in Ken's name to assist in the development of the best young players wishing to find their way through the Club to the highest representative honours.", "\n\nThe centennial history records that Te Puni arrived in the Hutt Valley in 1817 and died there in 1870. ", "In the first official match ever played by the Petone Club three descendants of Te Puni were included in the fifteen. ", "Today Petone Rugby is a multi-cultural mix in a family-oriented environment. ", "The club always welcomes visitors to come and share its hospitality.", "\n\nIn November 2006, the club hosted The World Golden Oldies Festival and in 2010 the Club celebrated its 125th Anniversary.", "\n\nMonogram\nThe Club adopted its familiar monogram on the recommendation of its illustrious Life Member and Maori All Black, Matt Love, as part of its 50th Jubilee celebrations in 1935. ", "The monogram is embellished by the words in Maori \"kia kaha kia maia\" - broadly translated as \"give of your best - be confident in your own ability\". ", "This reflects the strength of the partnership with Maori in the Club.", "\nThe monogram was updated in 2010 to include \"Est 1885\" and the words \"Petone Rugby Club\".", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:New Zealand rugby union teams\nCategory:Sports clubs established in 1885\nCategory:Rugby clubs established in 1885\nCategory:Sport in Lower Hutt" ]
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[ "Tennis at the 2013 Islamic Solidarity Games\n\nTennis at the 2013 Islamic Solidarity Games is held in Jaka Baring Tennis Court, Palembang, Indonesia from 24 September to 29 September 2013.", "\n\nMedalists\n\nMen\n\nWomen\n\nMedal table\n\nReferences\n\nResults\n\nExternal links\nOfficial website\n2013 South Sumatera\n\nCategory:2013 Islamic Solidarity Games\nIslamic Solidarity Games\nCategory:Tennis tournaments in Indonesia\n2013" ]
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[ "[Effects of argon gas embolism during pneumoperitoneum].", "\nIn a porcine model, ten animals with a mean body weight of 18.9 (15-24) kg were exposed either to intravenous boli of 10, 20, and 30 ml argon (n = 5) or CO2 gas (n = 5). ", "Gas embolism with argon led to increased pulmonary artery pressure (P > 0.001) and induced a decrease in end tidal CO2 (P < 0.001) and reduced cardiac output (P < 0.001) with a consecutive decrease in mean arterial pressure (P < 0.05). ", "One animal died in cardiac shock after a 20 ml argon gas embolism and another after a 30 ml argon bolus. ", "A third animal recovered after resuscitation with noradrenaline after a 30 ml argon bolus. ", "Animals in the CO2 group receiving 10, 20, or 30 ml bolus neither required resuscitation nor died. ", "Hemodynamic parameters were not affected by a 10 to 30 ml bolus of CO2 gas. ", "Thus, gases with a low solubility in blood like argon should not be used during procedures with an increased risk of gas embolism." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nJustify text inside Android Textview\n\nI want to Justify text inside Android TextView. ", "With copy and share function and can accept spannable string. ", "Can someone help me. ", "It's so important for me. ", "Thank you in advance\n\nA:\n\nI have a solution for the text-justify in Android.", "\nI have created a Custom Textview class, with this you can solve the justification issue in Android.", "\n <com.trailcreator.util.", "JustifyCustomTextView\n android:id=\"@+id/yourTextViewID\"\n android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\" />\n\nHere is the class\npublic class JustifyCustomTextView extends android.support.v7.widget.", "AppCompatTextView {\n\n//Object that helps us to measure the words and characters like spaces.", "\nprivate Paint mPaint;\n\n//Thin space (Hair Space actually) character that will fill the spaces\nprivate String mThinSpace = \"\\u200A\";\n\n//String that will storage the text with the inserted spaces\nprivate String mJustifiedText = \"\";\n\n//Float that represents the actual width of a sentence\nprivate float mSentenceWidth = 0;\n\n//Integer that counts the spaces needed to fill the line being processed\nprivate int mWhiteSpacesNeeded = 0;\n\n//Integer that counts the actual amount of words in the sentence\nprivate int mWordsInThisSentence = 0;\n\n//ArrayList of Strings that will contain the words of the sentence being processed\nprivate ArrayList<String> mTemporalLine = new ArrayList<String>();\n\n//StringBuilder that will hold the temporal chunk of the string to calculate word index.", "\nprivate StringBuilder mStringBuilderCSequence = new StringBuilder();\n\n//List of SpanHolder class that will hold the spans within the giving string.", "\nprivate List<SpanHolder> mSpanHolderList = new ArrayList<>();\n\n//StringBuilder that will store temp data for joining sentence.", "\nprivate StringBuilder sentence = new StringBuilder();\n\nprivate int mViewWidth;\n\nprivate float mThinSpaceWidth;\n\nprivate float mWhiteSpaceWidth;\n\n//Default Constructors!", "\npublic JustifyCustomTextView(Context context) {\n super(context);\n}\n\npublic JustifyCustomTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {\n super(context, attrs);\n}\n\npublic JustifyCustomTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {\n super(context, attrs, defStyle);\n}\n\n@Override\nprotected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {\n super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom);\n\n if (mJustifiedText.replace(\" \", \"\")\n .replace(\"\", mThinSpace)\n .equals(this.getText().toString().replace(\" \", \"\").replace(\"\", mThinSpace))) {\n return;\n }\n\n ViewGroup.", "LayoutParams params = this.getLayoutParams();\n\n CharSequence charSequence = this.getText();\n\n mSpanHolderList.clear();\n\n String[] words = this.getText().toString().split(\" \");\n\n //Get spans within the string and adds the instance references into the\n //SpanHolderList to be applied once the justify process has been performed.", "\n\n SpannableString s = SpannableString.valueOf(charSequence);\n if ((charSequence instanceof SpannedString)) {\n for (int i = 0; i < this.getText().length() - 1; i++) {\n CharacterStyle[] spans =\n ((SpannedString) charSequence).getSpans(i, i + 1, CharacterStyle.class);\n if (spans !", "= null && spans.length > 0) {\n for (CharacterStyle span : spans) {\n int spaces =\n charSequence.toString().substring(0, i).split(\" \").length + charSequence.toString()\n .substring(0, i)\n .split(mThinSpace).length;\n\n SpanHolder spanHolder =\n SpanHolder.getNewInstance(spans, s.getSpanStart(span), s.getSpanEnd(span), spaces);\n mStringBuilderCSequence.setLength(0);\n for (int j = 0; j <= words.length - 1; j++) {\n mStringBuilderCSequence.append(words[j]);\n mStringBuilderCSequence.append(\" \");\n if (mStringBuilderCSequence.length() > i) {\n if (words[j].trim().replace(mThinSpace, \"\").length() == 1) {\n spanHolder.setWordHolderIndex(j);\n } else {\n spanHolder.setWordHolderIndex(j);\n spanHolder.setTextChunkPadded(true);\n }\n break;\n }\n }\n mSpanHolderList.add(spanHolder);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n mPaint = this.getPaint();\n mViewWidth = this.getMeasuredWidth() - (getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight());\n\n //This class won't justify the text if the TextView has wrap_content as width\n //And won't repeat the process of justify text if it's already done.", "\n //AND! ", "won't justify the text if the view width is 0\n if (params.width !", "= ViewGroup.", "LayoutParams.", "WRAP_CONTENT\n && mViewWidth > 0\n && words.length > 0\n && mJustifiedText.isEmpty()) {\n mThinSpaceWidth = mPaint.measureText(mThinSpace);\n mWhiteSpaceWidth = mPaint.measureText(\" \");\n for (int i = 0; i <= words.length - 1; i++) {\n boolean containsNewLine = (words[i].contains(\"\\n\") || words[i].contains(\"\\r\"));\n if (containsNewLine) {\n String[] splitted = words[i].split(\"(?<=\\\\n)\");\n for (String splitWord : splitted) {\n processWord(splitWord, splitWord.contains(\"\\n\"));\n }\n } else {\n processWord(words[i], false);\n }\n }\n mJustifiedText += joinWords(mTemporalLine);\n }\n\n //Apply the extra spaces to the items of the SpanList that were added due\n //the justifying process.", "\n SpannableString spannableString = SpannableString.valueOf(mJustifiedText);\n\n for (SpanHolder sH : mSpanHolderList) {\n int spaceCount = 0, wordCount = 0;\n boolean isCountingWord = false;\n int j = 0;\n while (wordCount < (sH.getWordHolderIndex() + 1)) {\n if (mJustifiedText.charAt(j) == ' ' || mJustifiedText.charAt(j) == ' ') {\n spaceCount++;\n if (isCountingWord) {\n wordCount++;\n }\n isCountingWord = false;\n } else {\n isCountingWord = true;\n }\n j++;\n }\n sH.setStart(\n sH.getStart() + spaceCount - sH.getCurrentSpaces() + (sH.isTextChunkPadded() ? ", "1 : 0));\n sH.setEnd(\n sH.getEnd() + spaceCount - sH.getCurrentSpaces() + (sH.isTextChunkPadded() ? ", "1 : 0));\n }\n //Applies spans on Justified String.", "\n for (SpanHolder sH : mSpanHolderList) {\n for (CharacterStyle cS : sH.getSpans())\n spannableString.setSpan(cS, sH.getStart(), sH.getEnd(), 0);\n }\n\n if (!", "mJustifiedText.isEmpty()) this.setText(spannableString);\n}\n\nprivate void processWord(String word, boolean containsNewLine) {\n if ((mSentenceWidth + mPaint.measureText(word)) < mViewWidth) {\n mTemporalLine.add(word);\n mWordsInThisSentence++;\n mTemporalLine.add(containsNewLine ? \"\" : \" \");", "\n mSentenceWidth += mPaint.measureText(word) + mWhiteSpaceWidth;\n if (containsNewLine) {\n mJustifiedText += joinWords(mTemporalLine);\n resetLineValues();\n }\n } else {\n while (mSentenceWidth < mViewWidth) {\n mSentenceWidth += mThinSpaceWidth;\n if (mSentenceWidth < mViewWidth) mWhiteSpacesNeeded++;\n }\n\n if (mWordsInThisSentence > 1) {\n insertWhiteSpaces(mWhiteSpacesNeeded, mWordsInThisSentence, mTemporalLine);\n }\n mJustifiedText += joinWords(mTemporalLine);\n resetLineValues();\n\n if (containsNewLine) {\n mJustifiedText += word;\n mWordsInThisSentence = 0;\n return;\n }\n mTemporalLine.add(word);\n mWordsInThisSentence = 1;\n mTemporalLine.add(\" \");\n mSentenceWidth += mPaint.measureText(word) + mWhiteSpaceWidth;\n }\n}\n\n//Method that resets the values of the actual line being processed\nprivate void resetLineValues() {\n mTemporalLine.clear();\n mSentenceWidth = 0;\n mWhiteSpacesNeeded = 0;\n mWordsInThisSentence = 0;\n}\n\n//Function that joins the words of the ArrayList\nprivate String joinWords(ArrayList<String> words) {\n sentence.setLength(0);\n for (String word : words) {\n sentence.append(word);\n }\n return sentence.toString();\n}\n\n//Method that inserts spaces into the words to make them fix perfectly in the width of the view. ", "I know I'm a genius naming stuff :)\nprivate void insertWhiteSpaces(int whiteSpacesNeeded, int wordsInThisSentence,\n ArrayList<String> sentence) {\n\n if (whiteSpacesNeeded == 0) return;\n\n if (whiteSpacesNeeded == wordsInThisSentence) {\n for (int i = 1; i < sentence.size(); i += 2) {\n sentence.set(i, sentence.get(i) + mThinSpace);\n }\n } else if (whiteSpacesNeeded < wordsInThisSentence) {\n for (int i = 0; i < whiteSpacesNeeded; i++) {\n int randomPosition = getRandomEvenNumber(sentence.size() - 1);\n sentence.set(randomPosition, sentence.get(randomPosition) + mThinSpace);\n }\n } else if (whiteSpacesNeeded > wordsInThisSentence) {\n //I was using recursion to achieve this... but when you tried to watch the preview,\n //Android Studio couldn't show any preview because a StackOverflow happened.", "\n //So... it ended like this, with a wild while xD.\n while (whiteSpacesNeeded > wordsInThisSentence) {\n for (int i = 1; i < sentence.size() - 1; i += 2) {\n sentence.set(i, sentence.get(i) + mThinSpace);\n }\n whiteSpacesNeeded -= (wordsInThisSentence - 1);\n }\n if (whiteSpacesNeeded == 0) return;\n\n if (whiteSpacesNeeded == wordsInThisSentence) {\n for (int i = 1; i < sentence.size(); i += 2) {\n sentence.set(i, sentence.get(i) + mThinSpace);\n }\n } else if (whiteSpacesNeeded < wordsInThisSentence) {\n for (int i = 0; i < whiteSpacesNeeded; i++) {\n int randomPosition = getRandomEvenNumber(sentence.size() - 1);\n sentence.set(randomPosition, sentence.get(randomPosition) + mThinSpace);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n//Gets a random number, it's part of the algorithm... don't blame me.", "\nprivate int getRandomEvenNumber(int max) {\n Random rand = new Random();\n\n // nextInt is normally exclusive of the top value,\n return rand.nextInt((max)) & ~1;\n}\n\n}\npublic class SpanHolder {\nprivate CharacterStyle[] spans;\nprivate int start;\nprivate int end;\nprivate boolean textChunkPadded =false;\nprivate int wordHolderIndex;\nprivate int currentSpaces;\npublic SpanHolder(CharacterStyle[] spans, int start, int end, int spaces){\n this.setSpans(spans);\n this.setStart(start);\n this.setEnd(end);\n this.setCurrentSpaces(spaces);\n}\n\npublic static SpanHolder getNewInstance(CharacterStyle[] spans, int start, int end, int spaces){\n return new SpanHolder(spans,start,end,spaces);\n}\n\npublic boolean isTextChunkPadded() {\n return textChunkPadded;\n}\n\npublic void setTextChunkPadded(boolean textChunkPadded) {\n this.textChunkPadded = textChunkPadded;\n}\n\npublic int getWordHolderIndex() {\n return wordHolderIndex;\n}\n\npublic void setWordHolderIndex(int wordHolderIndex) {\n this.wordHolderIndex = wordHolderIndex;\n}\n\npublic CharacterStyle[] getSpans() {\n return spans;\n}\n\npublic void setSpans(CharacterStyle[] spans) {\n this.spans = spans;\n}\n\npublic int getStart() {\n return start;\n}\n\npublic void setStart(int start) {\n this.start = start;\n}\n\npublic int getEnd() {\n return end;\n}\n\npublic void setEnd(int end) {\n this.end = end;\n}\n\npublic int getCurrentSpaces() {\n return currentSpaces;\n}\n\npublic void setCurrentSpaces(int currentSpaces) {\n this.currentSpaces = currentSpaces;\n}\n\n}\nGOOD LUCK! (", "Y)\n\n" ]
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[ "[Surgical approaches for superior sulcus tumor].", "\nSurgical approach is one of the most crucial aspects in the treatment of superior sulcus tumor (SST). ", "Posterior approach as described by Paulson and coworkers is appropriate for the resection of SST invading posterior part of the 1st rib and the vertebrae, whereas anterior approaches as described by Masaoka, Dartevelle, Grunenwald, or Rusca are suitable for resection of SST involving subclavian vessels. ", "We present 2 cases of SST who underwent complete resection through the posterior approach and a modified hemi-clamshell approach, respectively. ", "We also discuss the surgical approaches for SST with referring to literatures." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'Temperature fluctuations in the normal direction of planar crystals such as graphene are quite violent and may be expected to influence strongly their melting properties. ", "In particular, they will modify the Lindemann melting criterium. ", "We calculate this modification in a self-consistent Born approximation. ", "The result is applied to graphene and its wrapped version represented by single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). ", "It is found that the out-of-plane fluctuations dominate over the in-plane fluctuations. ", "This makes strong restrictions to possible Lindemann parameters. ", "Astonishing we find that these large out-of-plane fluctuations have only a small influence upon the melting temperature.'", "\nauthor:\n- Jürgen Dietel\n- Hagen Kleinert\ndate: Received \ntitle: Lindemann Parameters for solid Membranes focused on Carbon Nanotubes\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nThe production of macroscopic two-dimensional (2D) graphene sheets by mechanical cleavaging [@Nosolev1] has demonstrated that free-standing or suspended 2D crystals can exist despite large positional fluctuations in two dimensions. ", "Since then, a variety of other free-standing 2D crystallites have been prepared [@Nosolev2]. ", "Wrapped versions of the 2D free-standing graphene had been found much earlier in 1991 [@Iijima1]. ", "Recent observations [@Meyer1] have confirmend the theoretical expectation that freely suspended graphene sheets are strongly undulated and behave more like solid membranes than two dimensional (2D) crystals [@Nelson1]. ", "The undulations are a consequence of the thermal fluctuations of the membrane. ", "In this paper, we calculate these fluctuations quantitatively and discuss their implications upon the melting properties such as Lindemann parameter and melting temperature. [", "@Meyer1] The results will be compared with corresponding 2D crystals.", "\n\nThe easiest way to estimate the melting temperature of a three dimensional (3D) crystal is based on the Lindemann criterium [@Lindemann1]. ", "According to it, a 3D crystal starts to melt when the square root of the thermal expectation value of lattice site elongations $ \\sigma _i\\equiv \\sqrt{ \\langle {\\bf u}^2_{i} \\rangle_T \\/}$ exceeds a certain fraction of the nearest-neighbor lattice distance $ a $, usually around $ 0.1-0.15 $ [@GFCM2]. ", "Above the melting temperature, the shear modulus of the lattice vanishes leading to a divergence in the displacement fluctuations typical for the liquid state.", "\n\nIn two dimensions (2D) this criterium is no longer applicable since the displacement fluctuations are always logarithmically divergent, reflecting the fact that after a long time, a 2D crystal migrates through the entire 2D-space. ", "There exists, however, a simple modification [@Bedanov1]. ", "Instead of $ \\langle {\\bf u}^2_{i} \\rangle_T$ one may use the finite cumulants $\\langle {\\bf r}^2_{ij} \\rangle_T - \\langle {\\bf r}_{ij} \\rangle_T^2 $, where $ {\\bf r}_{ij} $ is the difference vector between the atoms associated with the nearest-neighbor lattice sites $ i $ and $ j $. ", "This leads to a modified Lindemann number $${\\cal L}^{s,2D}_1 = \\frac{1}{|{\\cal N}_1|}\n\\sum\\limits_{i, j \\in {\\cal N}_1} \\frac{\\sqrt{\n\\langle {\\bf r}^2_{ij} \\rangle_T - \\langle {\\bf r}_{ij} \\rangle_T^2 }}{\na} \\,. ", " \\label{10}$$ Here $ {\\cal N}_1 $ denotes the set of all nearest-neighbor lattice pairs and $ |{\\cal N}_1| $ their number. ", "For the Lennard-Jones and Wigner lattices, Bedanov [*et al.*]{} [", "@Bedanov1] found by computer simulations values of $ {\\cal L}^{s,2D}_1 \\approx 0.15-0.2 $. ", "We have derived the same values analytically for a triangular generalization [@Dietel1] of a square lattice defect melting model [@GFCM2].", "\n\nAt this point it is useful to realize that a migration problem and an associated divergence of $\\sigma_i $ exists also in three dimensions if the system is finite, i.e., for 3D clusters and polymers. ", "There one defines a modified Lindemann number $${\\cal L}^c_{1,2} = \\frac{1}{|{\\cal N}_{1,2}|}\n\\sum\\limits_{i, j \\in {\\cal N}_{1,2}}\n\\frac{\\sqrt{\n\\langle {\\bf r}^2_{ij} \\rangle_T - \\langle {r}_{ij} \\rangle_T^2 }}\n { \\langle {r}_{ij} \\rangle_T } \\,. ", " \\label{20}$$ Here $ {\\cal N}_2 $ is the set of [*all*]{} lattice site pairs whose number is $ N (N-1)/2 $ where $ N $ is the number of atoms in the lattice. ", "The number $ {\\cal L}^c_{1} $ was introduced by Kaelberer and Etters [@Kaelber1], the number $ {\\cal L}^c_{2} $ by Berry [*et al.*]{} [", "@Berry1]. ", "For small clusters, $ {\\cal L}^c_{1} $ and $ {\\cal L}^c_{2} $ have similar values [@Zhou1] of around $ {\\cal L}^c_{1,2} \\approx 0.03-0.05 $ at the melting point. ", "Above the melting point all modified Lindemann numbers increase considerably, but do not go to infinity (this being in contrast to $ \\sigma _i$).", "\n\nThe main difference between $ {\\cal L}^{s,3D}_1 $ and $ {\\cal L}^c_1 $ comes from the last term in the square root in (\\[10\\]) and (\\[20\\]). ", "Whereas $ \\langle {\\bf r}_{ij} \\rangle_T $ is the temperature average of the difference vector of sites $ i $ and $ j $, i.e. $ {\\bf r}_{ij}= (x_{ij}, y_{ij} ,z_{ij}) $, the expectation value $ \\langle {r}_{ij} \\rangle_T $ is the average value of the bonding length of sites $ i $ and $ j $, i.e. $ {r}_{ij}=({x^2_{ij}+ y^2_{ij} + z^2_{ij}})^{1/2} $. ", "Since ${\\bf r}^2_{ij} = {r}_{ij}^2 $ one would expect that the 3D version of (\\[10\\])$, {\\cal L}^{s,3D}_1 $, and $ {\\cal L}^{c}_1 $ (\\[20\\]) could be equally useful in determining the melting point. ", "This is indeed the case for 3D crystals.", "\n\nIn this paper we shall consider all three Lindemann numbers ${\\cal L}^{s,3D}_1 $, $ {\\cal L}^{c}_1 $, and $ {\\cal L}^{c}_2 $ as candidates for a melting criterion for solid membranes such as graphene lattices or SWNTs. ", "It will turn out that for these ${\\cal L}^{s,3D}_1 $ is unsuitable for calculating the melting temperature. ", "The reason lies in the large out-of-plane fluctuations of the membrane vary little when crossing the melting point. ", "These fluctuations cancel each other in (\\[20\\]) since $ \\langle z^2_{ij} \\rangle_T \\not= 0 $ and $ {r}_{ij}\\approx ({x^2_{ij}+ y^2_{ij}})^{1/2} +\n(1/2)z^2_{ij}/ ({x^2_{ij}+ y^2_{ij}})^{1/2} $ but not in since ${\\cal L}^{s,3D}_1 $ since $ \\langle z_{ij} \\rangle_T=0 $.", "\n\nFreely suspended graphene sheets are always undulated and behave like a solid membrane [@Meyer1]. ", "Nelson [*et al.*]{} [", "@Nelson1; @Nelson2] have shown that in-plane fluctuations tend to stabilize a solid membrane such that a flat phase can exist in spite of its large 2D fluctuations. ", "The melting temperature of (5,5) SWNTs was determined by Zhang [*et al.*]{} [", "@Zhang1] within numerical simulation to be around $ T_m \\approx 5000\\,$K, in agreement with experimental determinations [@Huang1]. ", "The value of the Lindemann number $ {\\cal L}^c_{2} $ was around $ {\\cal L}^c_{2} \\approx 0.03$ at the onset of melting defined by the abrupt increase of $ {\\cal L}^c_{2} $. ", "However, when using the region of strong increase of the internal energy they obtain a range $ {\\cal L}^c_{2} \\approx 0.03 \\sim 0.07$ from the onset of melting to its completion.", "\n\nThe shapes of SWNTs near the melting temperature are in general strongly deformed from a pure tube form. ", "This leads to the conclusion that the 2D nearest-neighbor Lindemann number $ {\\cal L}^{s,2D}_1 $ (\\[10\\]) is not a useful quantity for a melting criterion. ", "One rather should use the Lindemann-like numbers (\\[20\\]) or the 3D form of (\\[10\\]) which both respect the 3D rotational symmetry of the system. ", "In the following, we shall first calculate $ {\\cal L}^c_{1} $ which for small clusters and small supercells agrees in molecular dynamic simulations with $ {\\cal L}^c_{2} $. ", "We shall restrict ourselves to the (5,5) SWNT so that we can compare our theoretical results with existing simulation data. ", "We shall find that despite the large vertical fluctuations of the membranes, the Lindemann number (\\[20\\]) depends mostly on the in-plane fluctuations and provides us with a valuable melting criterium. ", "This is not the case for the 3D-version of the Lindemann number $ {\\cal L}^s_{1} $ having its reason in the fact that the out-of plane fluctuations are even larger than the in-plane fluctuations for SWNTs and graphene. ", "Surprisingly, the melting temperature of SWNTs is modified only little by these large out-of-plane fluctuations at high temperatures.", "\n\nMembranes\n=========\n\nThe elastic energy of a solid elastic membrane in the flat phase is given by [@Landau1] $$H_{\\rm el}= \\int d^2x\\left[ \\mu u_{ij}^2 + \\frac{1}{2} \\lambda u_{ii}^2\n+ \\sigma_{ij} u_{ij}\n+ \\frac{1}{2} \\kappa_0 (\\nabla_i \\nabla_i f)^2 \\right] ,\n\\label{30}$$ where $$u_{ij}= \\frac{1}{2} \\left(\\nabla_i u_j + \\nabla_j u_i +\n \\nabla_i f \\nabla_j f\\right) \\,.", "\n\\label{40}$$ and $ u_j $ are the lattice displacements in $xy$-plane, while $ f $ is the out-of-plane displacement. ", "The constant $ \\mu $ is the shear modulus, and $ \\lambda $ is the Lamé constant. ", "The last term in (\\[40\\]) with the constant $ \\kappa_0 $ accounts for the bending stiffness of the membrane. ", "The quantity $ \\sigma_{ij} $ is an external stress source which will help us to calculate (\\[10\\]), (\\[20\\]) from derivatives of the partition function with respect to $ \\sigma_{ij}$. The line element on the membrane for small distortions is given by [@Landau1] $ d l'^2= dl^2 +2 u_{ij} dx_i dx_j $, where $ dl $ is the length of the undistorted planar surface, which we identify with the equilibrium lengths $l_{ij}$ between sites $ i $ and $ j $. ", "Thus we calculate $ {\\cal L}^c_{1,2} $ by first inserting the line element $ d l' $ in (\\[20\\]), and afterwards expanding the resulting expressions for small displacements. ", "Thus we obtain $${\\cal L}^c_{1,2} = \\sum\\limits_{i, j \\in {\\cal N}_{1,2}} \\! \\! \\! \\!", "\n\\frac{\\sqrt{ \\left\\langle ( u_{lm} \\, a^2 e^{ij}_l e^{ij}_m)^2\\right\\rangle_T -\n\\left\\langle u_{lm} \\, a^2 e^{ij}_l e^{ij}_m\\right\\rangle_T^2} }\n {|{\\cal N}_{1,2}|\\quad a^2} \\,. ", " \\label{50}$$ Here $ {\\bf e}^{ij} $ are the unit vectors pointing from site $ i $ to $ j $. ", "In deriving (\\[50\\]) we used a Taylor expansion of the elongation differences between two lattice sites (gradient expansion). ", "This is justified for the small elongation differences of neighboring atoms occurring in $ {\\cal L}^s_1 $ and $ {\\cal L}^c_1 $ up to the melting regime. ", "In the atom pairs summed over in $ {\\cal L}^c_2 $, the approximation is good only for small clusters or for small supercells in molecular dynamic simulations. ", "For infinite solid membranes, this is no longer the case. ", "The contributions of the far separate pairs $(i,j)$ cause a drastic decrease of the Lindemann parameter $ {\\cal L}^c_2 $ with the size of the system. ", "In a 2D crystal, for example, the widely separated pairs contribute terms which grow logarithmically with the separation: $ \\lim_{l_{ij \\to \\infty}}\n\\langle {\\bf r}_{ij}^2 \\rangle_T - \\langle {\\bf r}_{ij}\n\\rangle^2_T \\sim \\ln l_{ij} $. ", "This eliminates $ {\\cal L}^c_2 $ for determining the melting point.", "\n\nIn order to calculate (\\[50\\]) we first integrate out the $xy$-lattice displacement fields $ u_i $ in the partition function, leading to an effective Hamiltonian $ H= H_{h}+H_{\\sigma \\sigma}$ with $$\\begin{aligned}\n&\\!\\!\\! ", "\\!H_{h}= \\!\\int\\! ", "d^2 x\\!\\left\\{ \\tilde{\\mu}\n\\left[(h_{f}+h_{\\sigma})^2 - h^2_{\\sigma}\\right] +\n\\frac{1}{2} \\kappa_0 (\\nabla_i \\nabla_i f) \\right\\} , \\label{60} \\\\\n&\\!\\!\\!\\! ", "H_{\\sigma \\sigma}\\!= \\!\\int\\! ", "d^2 x \\! ", "\\left[\\frac{1-\\nu}{4\\mu}\n\\left(\\frac{\\nabla_i \\nabla_j}{\\nabla_l \\nabla_l} \\sigma_{ ij}\\!\\!\\right)^2 +\n\\frac{1}{2\\mu}\n\\left(\\frac{\\nabla_i \\nabla^T_j}{\\nabla_l \\nabla_l} \\sigma_{ ij}\\!\\!\\right)^2\n \\right] ,\\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ and the energy densities $$\\begin{aligned}\n& h_{f} = \\frac{1}{2} P^T_{l m}\n ( \\nabla_l f \\, \\nabla_m f ) \\,, \\label{70} \\\\\n& h_{\\sigma} = \\frac{1}{2 \\mu} P^T_{lm}\n\\left[ \\!1 - \\!\\delta_{l m} \\frac{\\nu}{1+ \\nu}\\left(\\! ", "1 +\n\\frac{\\nabla_l \\nabla_l}{(1-\\delta_{l k}) \\nabla_{k} \\nabla_{k} }\\! ", "\\right)\n\\! ", "\\right] \\sigma_{l m} \\,. ", " \\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ In (\\[60\\]) we have used the abbreviation $ \\tilde{\\mu} \\equiv \\mu (1+ \\nu)=E/2 $ where $E$ is the Young modulus and $ \\nu\\equiv \\lambda/(2 \\mu+ \\lambda) $ the Poisson ratio. ", "The calculation of the energy densities (\\[70\\]) is simplified by the fact that only the transverse part $ P^T_{l m} \\nabla_l f\n\\nabla_m f $ with $ P^T_{l m}= (\\delta_{l m} - q_{l} q_{m}/q^2) $ of the out-of-plane fluctuations is relevant after integrating out the in-plane fields $ u_i $ [@Nelson1]. ", "The transverse projections lead to a useful restriction of the relevant phase space when calculating Feynman diagrams.", "\n\nSelf-consistent Born approximation\n----------------------------------\n\nWe now treat the Hamiltonian (\\[60\\]) within the self-consistent Born-approximation (SCBA) corresponding to the Hartree-Fock approximation for the eigenfunctions. ", "Other approximations to the Hamiltonian (\\[60\\]) have been used [@Bowick1] to calculate the universal roughening exponents of the membrane, for example in Ref.", "  an extension of SCBA. ", "Denoting the inverse Green function of the $ f $-fluctuations by $ G^{-1}({\\bf k}) =\\kappa_0 k^4 + \\Sigma(k) $, we obtain from (\\[60\\]) within the SCBA $$\\Sigma(k)= \\frac{2 \\tilde{\\mu} k_B T}{(2 \\pi)^2} \\int\\limits_{\\rm BZ}\nd^2 q \\,\n\\frac{({\\bf k} \\times {\\bf q})^4}{q^4} \\, G({\\bf k} + {\\bf q})\n \\label{80}$$ where we take into account only the Fock-part of the SCBA. ", "It was shown in Ref.", "  that the Hartree-terms do not contribute for free boundary conditions of the $xy$-elongations of the membrane. ", "To do the integral in (\\[80\\]) we use a circular Brillouin zone $ k \\le k_{\\rm BZ} $, with $ k_{\\rm BZ}=8 \\pi/\\sqrt{3} a^2 $ for the triangular Bravais lattice of SWNTs and graphene. ", "The integral (\\[80\\]) can be carried out exactly for small $ k $ [@Smirnov1] to obtain the first two terms in the expansion $$\\Sigma(k) = C_T k^3 + \\kappa_{\\scriptstyle\\Sigma}k^4+\\dots\\, ,\n\\label{@SIGEX}$$ where $C_T$ is a temperature-dependent constant which turns out to be $$\\frac{C_T}{\\kappa_0 k_{\\rm BZ}} =\n\\sqrt{{\\tilde{T}}/ {2 \\pi}} \\,. ", " \\label{90}$$ The symbol $ \\tilde{T}$ denotes the dimensionless temperature $ \\tilde{T}\\equiv \\tilde{\\mu} k_B T/ (\\kappa_0 k_{\\rm BZ})^2 $.", "\n\nThe second coefficient $ \\kappa_{\\scriptstyle \\Sigma} $ is determined as follows. ", "We assume that the truncated small-$k$ expansion (\\[@SIGEX\\]) can be used for all $k$ in the Brillouin zone, implying that the inverse Green function has the form $$\\begin{aligned}\n G^{-1}({\\bf k})\n\\approx C_T k^3 + \\kappa_{r}k^4 ,\n\\label{@AAPP}\\end{aligned}$$ with $\n \\kappa_r \\equiv \\kappa_0+\\kappa_{\\scriptstyle \\Sigma}$. We shall see below that this assumption is indeed justified. ", "At low temperature where $ C_T \\ll \\kappa_r k_{\\rm BZ} $ we determine $ \\kappa_r $ by inserting (\\[@AAPP\\]) into (\\[80\\]) and evaluating the integral for $ \\Sigma (k)$ at the momentum $ k= C_T/ \\kappa_r $. ", "This momentum regime is most relevant in the integrals over $ G $ which we have to calculate in the following in order to determine the generalized Lindemann parameters. ", "Moreover, we will show below that (\\[80\\]) is then justified in good approximation for momenta even in the whole Brioullin zone. ", "At higher temperatures where $ C_T \\gg \\kappa_r\nk_{\\rm BZ} $, we determine $ \\kappa_r $ by integrating (\\[80\\]) at $ k = k_{\\rm BZ} $. ", "In both temperature regimes we carry the momentum integrations up to $ k = k_{\\rm BZ} $, and obtain in either case a quadratic equation for $ \\kappa_r $, solved by $$\\frac{\\kappa_r}{\\kappa_0}\n\\approx \\left\\{\n\\begin{array} {c c c}\n \\frac{ 3 \\tilde{T}}{8 \\pi }\n\\left(\n1- \\sqrt{1- \\frac{15}{16 \\pi} \\tilde{T}}\\right)^{-1} & \\mbox{for} &\nC_T \\ll \\kappa_r k_{BZ}, \\\\\n1- \\frac{3}{4 \\sqrt{2 \\pi} }\n\\sqrt{\\tilde{T}} & \\mbox{for} &\n C_T \\gg \\kappa_r k_{BZ}.", "\n\\end{array}\n\\right.", "\n \\label{100}$$ Our approximations are justified in Fig.", " 1 showing in the main plot the quantity $G^{-1}(k)\\equiv \\kappa_r k^4+\nC_T k^3 $ divided by the sum of $ \\kappa_0 k^4 $ and the numerically integrated right-hand side of the self-energy function (\\[80\\]). ", "The numbers on the curves are the various dimensionless temperatures $ \\tilde{T} $. ", "Observing that the values of these curves are almost constant and equal to unity confirms that $ G(k) $ of Eq.", " (\\[@AAPP\\]) indeed fulfills almost exactly the SCBA equation (\\[80\\]). ", "The inset of Fig.", " 1 shows $ \\kappa_r / \\kappa_0 $ as a function of the dimensionless temperature $ \\tilde{T} $ calculated either by (\\[100\\]), corresponding in the figure to the (green) solid and dashed curves, or by the determination of $ \\kappa_r / \\kappa_0 $ by numerical integration of the right-hand side of (\\[80\\]) ((blue) dashed-dotted curve). ", "The kink in this curve corresponds to parameter values where $ C_T/ \\kappa_r k_{BZ} =1 $. ", "Note that for graphene and SWNTs we have $ \\tilde{T}_m \\approx 1.34$ at the melting point $ T_m \\approx 5000\\,$K.\n\nNext we calculate the expectation value $ \\langle \\nabla_i f \\nabla_j f \\rangle $ where the average is taken with respect to the Gibbs measure of the Hamiltonian (\\[30\\]) or (\\[60\\]), respectively. ", "In SCBA, this leads to $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\langle \\nabla_i f \\nabla_j f \\rangle_T& \\approx\n\\frac{1}{(2 \\pi)^2} \\int\\limits_{\\rm BZ} d^2 k \\; k_i k_j G(k)\n \\nonumber\n \\\\\n& =\n \\delta_{ij} \\frac{\\tilde{T}}{4 \\pi}\n\\frac{\\kappa_0 k^2_{\\rm BZ}}{ \\tilde{\\mu}} \\frac{\\kappa_0} {\\kappa_r}\n\\ln\\left( 1+ \\frac{\\kappa_r k_{BZ}}{C_T}\\right) \\,. ", " \\label{120}\\end{aligned}$$ Recalling (\\[40\\]) we observe that the strain in the $xy$-plane is on the average equal to the negative of (\\[120\\]): $ \\langle \\nabla_j u_i+\\nabla_i u_j \\rangle _T=\n- \\langle \\nabla_i f \\nabla_j\nf \\rangle_T $, implying that the self-induced stress due to thermal out-of-plane fluctuations vanishes.", "\n\n![(", "Color online) Upper figure shows $G^{-1}(k)\\approx C_T k^3 +\\kappa_r k^4 $ divided by the sum of $ \\kappa_0 k^4 $ and the numerical integrated right-hand side of the self-energy function (\\[80\\]) where we used $ G^{-1}(k)= C_T k^3 + \\kappa_r k^4 $. ", "The numbers at the curves are the dimensionless temperatures $ \\tilde{T} $. ", "The inset shows the $ \\tilde{T} $-behavior of $ \\kappa_r / \\kappa_0 $. ", "The low-temperature dashed curve represents Eq.", " (\\[100\\]) in the regime $ C_T \\ll \\kappa_r k_{BZ} $, the high-temperature solid curve in the regime $ C_T \\gg \\kappa_r k_{BZ} $. ", "The dashed-dotted curve pictures the ratio $ \\kappa_r / \\kappa_0 $ obtained from (\\[80\\]) by numerical integration of the right-hand side with $ G^{-1}(k)= C_T k^3 + \\kappa_r k^4 $. ](", "scba2.eps){height=\"7cm\" width=\"7.8cm\"}\n\nLindemann numbers\n-----------------\n\nWe are no prepared to calculate $( {\\cal L}^c_1)^2 $ of Eq.", " (\\[50\\]) by differentiating the partition function of the elastic Hamiltonian $ H_{\\rm el} $ twice with respect to the stress source $ \\sigma_{ij} $, and setting $ \\sigma_{ij}=0 $ at the end. ", "Going over to the effective Hamiltonian (\\[60\\]) we obtain two contributions $ ({\\cal L}^c_1)^2= ({\\cal L}^{s,2D}_{1})^2+\n{\\cal L}^2_{z1} $ where the first is the square of the Lindemann number (\\[10\\]) for the 2D hexagonal solid given by $$\\begin{aligned}\n& ({\\cal L}^{s,2D}_{1})^2=\n\\frac{1}{2}\n ( \\langle \\nabla_i u_m \\nabla_i u_m \\rangle_{2D} -\n\\langle \\nabla_i u_m \\rangle_{2D} \\langle\n\\nabla_i u_m \\rangle_{2D}) \\nonumber \\\\\n& \\qquad \\approx \\frac{k_B T}{\\mu} \\, \\frac{3-\\nu}{8} \\, k^2_{\\rm BZ} \\,.", "\n\\label{130}\\end{aligned}$$ The average $ \\langle \\cdots \\rangle_{2D} $ is calculated with respect to the Gibbs measure of the Hamiltonian (\\[30\\]) with $ f =0 $ corresponding to the 2D crystal. ", "This contribution to $({\\cal L}^c_1)^2$ comes from the derivate of $ H_{\\sigma \\sigma } $ in Eq.", " (\\[60\\]) with respect to $ \\sigma_{ij} $. ", "The second contribution $ {\\cal L}^2_{z1} $ has its origin in the derivates of the $ h_{h} $ term in (\\[60\\]) with respect to $ \\sigma_{ij} $, and is found to be $${\\cal L}^2_{z1} = (1 +\\nu)^2 \\frac{ 1 }{2 (2 \\pi)^2}\n\\int\\limits_{\\rm BZ} d^2 q \\frac{1}{q^4}\n\\left(q_i q_j \\! -\\! ", "\\delta_{ij}\n\\frac{\\nu}{1\\!+\\!\\nu} q^2\\right)^2\\! ", "I(q) \\label{140}$$ where $ I(q) $ is the Fourier transform of the $ h_f^4 $ correlator $\n\\langle h_f(x) h_f(x') \\rangle_T -\n\\langle h_f(x) \\rangle_T \\langle h_f(x') \\rangle _T$. Within self-consistent Born approximation we have $$I(q)= \\frac{(k_B T)^2}{2 (2 \\pi)^2} \\int\\limits_{\\rm BZ} d^2k\n \\frac{({\\bf k} \\times {\\bf q})^4}{\nq^4} G({\\bf k}+{\\bf q}) G({\\bf k}) \\, \\Lambda({\\bf k}+ {\\bf q}, {\\bf k}).", "\n\\label{150}$$ The vertex correction factor $ \\Lambda({\\bf k}+ {\\bf q}, {\\bf k}) $ is required within the SCBA by charge-current conservation. ", "We first calculate (\\[150\\]) in the lowest approximation $ \\Lambda \\approx 1 $, to be justified below. ", "By using the analytic approximation (\\[@AAPP\\]) we obtain for (\\[140\\]) with (\\[150\\]) by integration [@Smirnov1] $$\\! \\! {", "\\cal L}^2_{z1} \\! \\!", "\n\\approx \\! \\! ", "\\left\\{ \\! \\!", "\n\\begin{array} {l c c}\n \\frac{3(1+\\tilde{\\nu})^2 }{32 (2 \\pi)^2 }\n\\tilde{T}^2 \\left(\\frac{ \\kappa^2_0 k^2_{BZ}}{\\kappa_r \\tilde{\\mu}} \\right)^2\n \\!\\ln\\left( \\frac{\\kappa_r k_{BZ}}{C_T} \\right),\\!\\!", "\n & \\!\\! \\! ", "\\!\\!\\mbox{} &\n~C_T \\ll \\kappa_r k_{BZ} ,\\\\\n 0.3 \\frac{3 (1+\\tilde{\\nu})^2 }{32 (2 \\pi)^2 }\n\\tilde{T}^2 \\left(\\frac{ \\kappa_0 k^2_{BZ}}{\\tilde{\\mu}} \\right)^2\n\\!\\left(\\frac{ \\kappa_0 k_{BZ}}{C_T} \\right)^2\\!\\!,\\!\\!", "\n & \\! \\! ", "\\!\\!\\mbox{} &\n\\! ", "~C_T \\gg \\kappa_r k_{BZ}.", "\n\\end{array}\n\\right.", "\n \\label{160}$$ with $ (1+ \\tilde{\\nu})^2 =\n(1+\\nu)^2 \\{ 1- 2 [\\nu/(1+\\nu)- \\nu^2/(1+\\nu)^2]\\}$.\n\nOur results depend strongly on the number of the 2D Young modulus $E\\equiv 2 \\tilde{\\mu} $. ", "The literature gives a broad range of possible $\\tilde{\\mu} $-values (see for example [@Hsieh1; @Dereli1] and references therein) which makes the comparison of our results with experiment non-straightforward. ", "It was shown by Hsieh [*et al.*]{} [", "@Hsieh1] using a molecular dynamics simulation that the Young modulus of (5,5) SWNTs is softened near the melting temperature to around $ 70 \\%$ of the $T=0$ -value, in agreement with Dereli [*et al.*]{} [", "@Dereli1] where a simulation of the larger (10,10) SWNT was carried out. ", "This value for the temperature reduction is in accordance with the temperature reduction of the 2D Young modulus in Wigner crystals [@Morf1] at melting determined by computer simulation. ", "This can be generalized by theoretical arguments to softening expressions of elastic moduli [@Dietel1; @GFCM2] for 2D crystals in general. ", "The $ T=0 $ -value for the (5,5) SWNT determined by Hsieh [*et al.*]{} [", "@Hsieh1] is $ E \\approx 660 N/m $ and lies at the upper end of existing Young moduli in the literature. ", "On the other hand the simulation of Dereli [*et al.*]{} ", "for the (10,10) SWNT results in a much lower value at room temperature of around $ E \\approx 140 N/m $ where it should not much differ to its $ T=0 $ -value [@Hsieh1] lying at the lower end of existing Young moduli for SWNTs in the literature. ", "One should compare this value with the value $ E \\approx 440N/m $ found by Hsieh [@Hsieh1] for the (17,0) tube taking into account that the Young modulus depends only on the diameter of the tube and not the helicity [@Hsieh1] in first approximation. ", "The origin of these discrepancies in the Young modulus values shown in the literature in general is not clear yet.", "\n\nTo compare our analytic results with the simulation results of Zhang [*et al.*]{} [", "@Zhang1] we shall use in the following the $ T=0 $ -value $ E \\approx 350 N/m $ for the (5,5) SWNT which is in the immediate proximity of several simulations (see [@Huang2] and references therein) and experimental values [@Lu1]. ", "The associated softened 2D Young modulus for (5,5) SWNTs is thus $ E \\approx 245 N/m $, which will be used in the rest of the paper. ", "The remaining parameters are less significant for our results. ", "We shall take $ \\nu \\approx 0.14 $, $ \\kappa_0 \\approx 6.24^{-1} 10^{-18} {\\rm Nm} $, $ k^2_{\\rm BZ} \\approx\n2.46 \\cdot 10^{20}/ {\\rm m}^2 $ which are typical for SWNTs and graphene. ", "Inserting these material parameters we obtain for the melting temperature [@Zhang1] $T_m = 5000\\,$K a value $ {\\cal L}^2_z \\approx 5.6 \\cdot 10^{-4} $. ", "The contribution (\\[130\\]), on the other hand, adds to this $ ({\\cal L}^{s,2D}_{1})^2 \\approx 8.9 \\cdot 10^{-3}\n$ at $ T_m \\approx 5000$K so that the modified Lindemann number $ {\\cal L}^c_1 $ is $ \\approx {\\cal L}^{s,2D}_{1} \\approx 0.09 $. ", "This lies in the the range of values $ {\\cal L}^c_2 \\approx 0.03 -0.07 $ obtained by numerical simulation [@Zhang1].", "\n\nOur calculation shows that the abrupt increase of $ {\\cal L}^c_1 $ is a meaningful criterium for the determination of the melting point. ", "At the melting point, the in-plane shear modulus $ \\mu $ will drop to zero, where according to Eqs.", " (\\[130\\]) and (\\[160\\]), $ {\\cal L}^{s,2D}_{1}$ goes to infinity.", "\n\nNext we calculate the 3D form of (\\[10\\]) $ ({\\cal L}^{s,3D}_1)^2 = ({\\cal L}^{s,2D}_1)^2 +\n{\\cal L}_{z1}^2 + {\\cal L}_{z2}^2+ \\frac{1}{2} \\langle \\nabla_i f \\nabla_i f\n\\rangle_T $ where the last term is due to nearest-neighbor out-of-plane fluctuations given by (\\[120\\]). ", "The first three terms measure in-plane fluctuations where $ {\\cal L}^2_{z2} $ is given by the momentum integral $$\\begin{aligned}\n& {\\cal L}^2_{z2} = - 2 (1 +\\nu) \\frac{ 1 }{2 (2 \\pi)^2}\n\\int\\limits_{\\rm BZ} d^2 q \\frac{1}{q^2}\n\\bigg[(2\\delta_{ij}-1)q_i q_j \\! ", " \\nonumber \\\\\n& -\\! ", "\\delta_{ij}\n\\frac{\\nu}{1\\!+\\!\\nu} q^2\\bigg]\\, I^1_{ij}(q)\n+ \\frac{ 1 }{2 (2 \\pi)^2} \\int\\limits_{\\rm BZ} d^2 q\n\\, I^2_{ij,ij}(q) \\,.", "\n \\label{165}\\end{aligned}$$ The functions $ I^1_{ij} (q)$ and $ I^2_{ij,ij} (q)$ denote the Fourier transforms of the expectation values $$\\!\\!\\!\\frac{1}{2}\\left[\n\\langle \\nabla_i f(x) \\nabla_j f(x) h_f(x') \\rangle_T\n -\n\\langle \\nabla_i f(x) \\nabla_j f(x) \\rangle_T \\langle h_f(x') \\rangle _T\\right]$$ and $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\!\\!\\!\\!\\!\\!\\!\\!\\!\\!\\!\\frac{1}{4}\\big[ \\langle \\nabla_i f(x) \\nabla_j f(x) \\nabla'_i f(x') \\nabla'_j f(x')\n \\rangle_T ~~~~~~~~~~~~\\nonumber \\\\ -\n\\langle \\nabla_i f(x) \\nabla_j f(x) \\rangle_T \\langle\n\\nabla'_i f(x') \\nabla'_j f(x') \\rangle _T\\big] ,\n\\nonumber \\label{@}\\end{aligned}$$ respectively. ", "The contribution $ {\\cal L}_{z2}^2 $ is calculated in the same way as $ {\\cal L}_{z1}^2 $ [@Smirnov1], yielding $$\\! \\! {", "\\cal L}^2_{z2} \\! \\!", "\n\\approx \\! \\! ", "\\left\\{ \\! \\!", "\n\\begin{array} {l c c}\n \\frac{3}{16 (2 \\pi)^2 }\n\\tilde{T}^2 \\left(\\frac{ \\kappa^2_0 k^2_{BZ}}{\\kappa_r \\tilde{\\mu}} \\right)^2\n \\ln^2\\left( \\frac{\\kappa_r k_{BZ}}{C_T} \\right),\\,\n & \\! \\! ", "\\mbox{} &\nC_T \\ll \\kappa_r k_{BZ} ,\\\\\n \\frac{3 (1+\\tilde{\\tilde{\\nu}})}{16 (2 \\pi)^2 }\n\\tilde{T}^2 \\left(\\frac{ \\kappa_0 k^2_{BZ}}{\\tilde{\\mu}} \\right)^2\n\\left(\\frac{ \\kappa_0 k_{BZ}}{C_T} \\right)^2\\!,\\,\n & \\! \\! ", "\\mbox{} &\n C_T \\gg \\kappa_r k_{BZ}.", "\n\\end{array}\n\\right.", "\n \\label{170}$$ Here we have used the abbreviation $ (1 + \\tilde{\\tilde{\\nu}})\\equiv 1+(1+\\nu)[-0.31+0.25 \\, \\nu/(1+\\nu)] $. ", "Using the material parameters of SWNTs and graphene given above, we find that the main contribution to $ {\\cal L}^{s,3D}_1 $ comes from the out-of-plane fluctuations and is given by $ {\\cal L}^{s,3D}_1 \\approx (\\langle \\nabla_i f \\nabla_i f\n\\rangle_T/2)^{1/2} \\approx 0.22 $ at the melting point $ T_m \\approx 5000\\,$K. Thus, we find that the out-of-plane fluctuations $ (\\langle \\nabla_i f \\nabla_i f\n\\rangle_T/2)^{1/2} $ are even larger than the dominant contribution to the in-plane fluctuations $ {\\cal L}_1^{s,2D} $. ", "By comparing the temperature dependence (\\[120\\]) with (\\[130\\]) we obtain that this is even the case for smaller temperatures. ", "Furthermore, we realize that in contrast to the Lindemann number ${\\cal L}^c_1 $, the abrupt increase of the Lindemann number $ {\\cal L}^{s,3D}_1 $ gives no good signal for the melting point of a solid membrane. ", "The reason is that the vanishing elastic shear modulus $ \\mu $ at melting contributes in two ways to the dominant fluctuation term $ \\langle \\nabla_i f \\nabla_i f\n\\rangle_T/2 $ (\\[120\\]) but neither of them changes this value much at melting. ", "First, the out-of-plane fluctuations depend on $\\mu$ via $ \\kappa_r / \\kappa_0 $ and remains finite for $ \\mu \\to 0 $, and second they depend pick up logarithmic dependence on $\\mu$ from $ C_T/ \\kappa_0 k_{\\rm BZ} $. ", "Consider now the higher-order vertex corrections collected in the factor $\\Lambda({\\bf k}+ {\\bf q}, {\\bf k}) $ in Eq.", " (\\[150\\]). ", "First we note that for $ \\Lambda\\equiv 1 $ we obtain $ 2 \\tilde{\\mu} I(q)/k_B T < 3/8 $ in the dominant integration regime of (\\[140\\]) near $ q \\approx C_T/\\kappa $ for $ C_T \\ll \\kappa_r k_{\\rm BZ} $ and near $ q \\approx k_{\\rm BZ} $ for $ C_T \\gg \\kappa_r k_{\\rm BZ} $. ", "The factor $ 3/8 $ comes mainly from the reduction of the phase space integral by the projections $ P^T $ in the polarisator. ", "We expect that the $n$th order in $ \\Lambda $ contributes roughly with a factor $ [2 \\tilde{\\mu} I(q)/k_B T]^n $ to $ I(q) $ in the dominant integration regime of (\\[140\\]) due to the additional phase space projection terms $ P^T $. ", "We have checked this explicitly by taking into account first-order corrections in the vertex $ \\Lambda $ in (\\[150\\]). ", "A similar suppression of higher-order vertex correction contributions occurs in $ I^1_{ij}(q) $ and $ I^2_{ijij}(q) $.", "\n\nMelting temperature\n-------------------\n\nLet us finally discuss the impact of the large out-of-plane fluctuations upon the melting temperature. ", "In Ref.", " , we have calculated the melting temperature of a 2D triangular lattice approximately from the intersection of high- and low-temperature expansion of the free energies associated with the Hamiltonian (\\[30\\]) with zero vertical displacements $ f({\\bf x})$. The transition was caused by integer-valued defect gauge fields accounting for the plastic deformations of the crystal in the $xy$-plane. ", "These are coupled minimally to the $xy$-displacement fields $u_i({\\bf x}) $. ", "In that theory, the melting temperature $T_m$ was found to obey the equation $$\\tilde{\\beta}\\equiv \\frac{1}{k_B T_m}\n\\frac{\\tilde{\\mu}}{(2\\pi)^2} \\; v_F \\; \\approx 0.6,\n\\label{180}$$ where $ v_F \\equiv \\sqrt{3} a^2 /2$ denotes the $2D$-volume (area) of the fundamental cell. ", "In SWNTs and graphene, this result is modified by a factor $S \\; e^{-2W}$, where $S$ is a structure factor and $ e^{-2W} $ a Debye-Waller-like factor caused by the out-of-plane fluctuations $f({\\bf x})\\neq0$. The honeycomb lattice of SWNTs contains two atoms per triangular fundamental cell leading to a structure factor $ S =1/2 $. ", "To estimate the size of $e^{-2W}$ we observe that in the defect melting model, the defect gauge field appears at a similar place as the vertical distortion $ \\nabla_i f \\nabla _j f /2 $ in the Hamiltonian (\\[30\\]). ", "Thus one can immediately write down the Hamiltonian $ H_h $ of Eq.", " (\\[60\\]) coming from defects. ", "This leads to the low-temperature expansion of the partition function. ", "In the high-temperature expansion, there exist a dual stress representation of the partition function [@GFCM2; @Dietel1]. ", "In both low- and high-temperature representations, the coupling terms between the defect fields or the stress fields to the out-of-plane fluctuations $ f({\\bf x}) $ are smaller than the pure defect and stress term by approximately a factor $ (4 \\pi^2 \\tilde{\\beta})^2 {\\cal L}^2_{z1}$ and $ (2\\pi)^2 {\\cal L}^2_{z2}\n$, respectively. ", "When neglecting these small coupling terms we find that the partition function receives a sizable correction factor only in the the low-temperature approximation due to the Fock energy of the Hamiltonian $ H_h $. ", "The Hartree energy is missing as a consequence of the open-boundary conditions on the membrane [@Nelson2]. ", "From these considerations we obtain $$\\begin{aligned}\n& W = \\frac{v_F}{4} \\frac{1}{(2 \\pi)^2} \\int\\limits_{\\rm BZ} d^2 k \\, \\Sigma(k) G(k)\n\\label{190} \\\\\n& = \\frac{1}{2} \\frac{C_T}{\\kappa_r k_{\\rm BZ}}\n\\left[1- \\frac{C_T}{\\kappa_r k_{\\rm BZ}} \\ln\\left( 1+\n\\frac{\\kappa_r k_{BZ}}{C_T}\\right)\\right] \\nonumber \\\\\n& + \\frac{1}{2} \\left(1\\!-\\! ", "\\frac{\\kappa_0}{\\kappa_r} \\right)\n\\! \\! ", "\\left[\\frac{1}{2} -\\frac{C_T}{\\kappa_r k_{\\rm BZ}}+\n\\left( \\frac{C_T}{\\kappa_r k_{\\rm BZ}}\\right)^2 \\! \\! \\! ", "\\ln\\left(\\! ", " 1\\!+\\!", "\n\\frac{\\kappa_r k_{BZ}}{C_T}\\! ", "\\right)\\right]. ", " \\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ Using the parameters above for (5,5) SWNTs we obtain $ W \\approx 0.06 $ at $ T \\approx 5000\\,$K. The factor $e^{-2W}\n$ gives thus only a small correction to the melting temperature determined by (\\[180\\]). ", "The explicit evaluation of that equation yields a melting temperature $ T_m \\approx 8000\\,$K ($ W \\approx 0.075$), somewhat larger than the melting temperature $ T_m \\approx 5000\\,$K of Zhang [*et al.*]{} [", "@Zhang1] obtained by numerical simulation.", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nIn this paper we have calculated the fluctuations of solid membranes like graphene and single-walled carbon nanotubes with the help of the self-consistent Born-approximation. ", "Our results show that the out-of plane fluctuations are much larger than the in-plane fluctuations even at low temperatures. ", "Thus they may be expected to have dramatic consequences for the Lindemann numbers as well as the melting temperature of solid membranes in comparison to 2D crystals. ", "Surprisingly, for the melting temperature this expectation was not confirmed. ", "The fluctuations was discussed by evaluating the $3D$-version $ {\\cal L}^{s,3D}_1 $ of the Lindemann number (\\[10\\]), originally introduced to estimate the melting temperature of 2D solids, and the Lindemann number ${\\cal L}^{c}_1$ defined in Eq.", " (\\[20\\]), originally introduced in cluster physics. ", "We observed that a Lindemann criterium based on ${\\cal L}^{c}_1$ is more reliable than that based on the former. ", "The associated Lindemann number is dominated by in-plane fluctuations, in contrast to the former which is dominated by the large out-of-plane fluctuations. 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[ "With the exception of L-DOPA pharmacological administration for Parkinson's disease, neurodegenerative diseases in general lack effective treatment. ", "Previous studies of neurodegenerative diseases suggest that symptoms arise secondary to defects in local neural circuitry and cannot be treated effectively with systemic drug delivery. ", "Consequently, alternative treatments for neurodegenerative diseases have emerged. ", "Such treatments include transplantation of genetically engineered cells (See e.g., Breakefield, X. O. et al. (", "1989) Neurobiol. ", "Aging 10:647-648; Gage, F. H. et al. (", "1987) Neuroscience 23:795-807; Horellou P. et al. (", "1990) Eur. ", "J. Neurosci. ", "2:116-119; Rosenberg, M. B. et al. (", "1988) Science 242:1575-1578; Wolff, J. A. et al. (", "1989) Proc. ", "Natl. ", "Acad. ", "Sci. ", "USA 86:9011-9014) or fetal cells (See e.g., Bjorklund, A. et al. (", "1983) Acta. ", "Physiol. ", "Scand. ", "Suppl. ", "522:1-75; Dunnett, S. B. et al. (", "1990) in Brain Repair (eds. ", "Bjorklund, A. et al.) ", "Wenner-Gren International Symposium Series 56:335-373 (McMillan Press, London); Isacson, O. et al. (", "1984) Nature 311;458-460) into the area of neurodegeneration in an effort to reconstitute damaged neural circuits, and to replace lost neurons and neurotransmitter systems.", "\nEngineered cells can be derived from cell lines or grown from recipient host fibroblasts or other cells and then modified to produce and secrete substances following transplantation into a specific site in the brain. ", "Neuroactive substances amenable to this delivery mode include neuropeptides and chemical transmitters. ", "For example, one group of researchers developed a biological system in which genetically engineered nerve growth factor-producing rat fibroblasts, when implanted into the rat striatum prior to infusion of neurotoxins were reported to protect neurons from excitotoxin-induced lesions (Schumacher, J. M. et al. (", "1991) Neuroscience 45(3):561-570). ", "Another group which transplanted rat fibroblasts genetically modified to produce L-DOPA or dopamine into 6-hydroxydopamine lesions of the nigrostriatal pathway in rats reported that the transplanted fibroblasts reduced behavioral abnormalities in the lesioned rats (Wolff, J. A. et al. (", "1989) Proc. ", "Natl. ", "Acad. ", "Sci. ", "USA 86:9011-9014). ", "Alternative to genetically engineered cells, cells to be implanted into the brain can be selected because of their intrinsic release of critical compounds, e.g., catecholamines by PC12 cells and nerve growth factor by immortalized hippocampal neurons.", "\nTransplantation of cells engineered to produce and secrete neuroactive substances can be used alone or in combination with transplantation of fetal neural progenitor cells into areas of neurodegeneration in the brain. ", "In order to repair functional connections damaged by neurodegeneration in, for example, the striatum, cells transplanted into the area of striatal neuron loss must re-establish synaptic connectivity with neurons in a number of target structures located a considerable distance from the area of neurodegeneration. ", "Axonal tracing of connections of intrastriatal allografts in rats demonstrate that both afferent and efferent connections are established between graft neurons and host neurons in appropriate areas (Labandeira-Garcia, J. L. et al. (", "1991) Neuroscience 42:407-426; Liu, F. C. et al. (", "1990) J. Comp. ", "Neurol. ", "295:1-14; Wictorin, K. et al. (", "1988) Neuroscience 27:547-562; Wictorin, K. et al. (", "1989) Neuroscience 30:297-311; Xu, Z. C. et al. (", "1991) J. Comp. ", "Neurol. ", "303:22-34) and host-graft connections have been substantiated by electrophysiological and ultrastructural analysis. ", "Rutherford, A. et al. (", "1987) Neuroscience Lett. ", "83:275-281; Xu, Z. C. et al. (", "1991) J. Comp. ", "Neurol. ", "303:22-34. ", "However, the extent of efferent connections from striatal allografts is limited, with respect to number of connections (Walker, P. D. et al. (", "1987) Brain Res. ", "425:34-44; Wictorin, K. et al. (", "1989) Neuroscience 30:297-311) and with respect to connections to distant targets (McAllister, J. et al. (", "1989) Brain Res. ", "476:345-350; Pritzel et al. (", "1986); Wictorin, K. et al. (", "1989) Neuroscience30:297-311; Zhou, H. F. et al. (", "1989) Brain Res. ", "504:15-30). ", "There is a need, therefore, for sources of neural progenitor cells and methods of neural transplantation which promote or enhance development of efferent connections from the transplant to the recipient brain tissue and connections with distant recipient brain targets.", "\nIn order to replace dopaminergic cells damaged by neurodegeneration in, for example, the substantia nigra, cells transplanted into the area of dopaminergic neuron loss must saturate the striatum with terminals and produce dopamine via a feedback control system. ", "Cells which are engineered to express enzymes which act in the biosynthesis of dopamine are known to constitutively secrete dopamine. ", "Kang, U. J. et al. (", "1993) J. Neurosci. ", "13(12):5203-5211. ", "The constitutive secretion of dopamine was reported to be without significant storage capacity in vesicles or regulation at the level of secretion. ", "Kang, U. J. et al. (", "1993) J. Neurosci. ", "13(12):5203-5211; See also Fisher, L. J. et al. (", "1993) Ann. ", "N.Y. Acad. ", "Sci. ", "695:278-284 (citing constitutive secretion of neurotransmitter as unaddressed issue). ", "Thus, there is also a need for sources of neural progenitor cells which produce neurotransmitters via a feedback control mechanism." ]
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[ "Description\n\nWith energy security being the need of the hour, nations across the world are trying to reduce their dependence on perishable fossil fuels. ", "With availability, accessibility and affordability of fossil fuels showing significant variations depending upon geography, nations have concurred that a switch to renewable energy generation would best serve their purpose of gaining energy security. ", "Renewable energy is energy acquired from non-perishable resources in the form of heat, electricity or other forms. ", "Some of the most dominant forms of renewable energy in the world today are wind energy and solar energy. ", "There are other forms of renewable energy generation as well such as biomass, geothermal and ocean energy. ", "Currently in terms of technology maturity, wind energy is by far the most mature form of renewable energy generation available in the market currently. ", "This is closely followed by solar, which is currently witnessing a growth spurt in terms of annual installations globally.", "\n\nMethods of generation such as biomass have been in existence since long back, and finds significant use in certain regions of the world. ", "Geothermal energy is a form of renewable energy generation which is capable of supplying base load requirements: a quality which is mostly available from fossil fuel burning power stations. ", "The ocean energy segment mostly comprises of wave and tidal energy. ", "Other forms of ocean energy include salinity gradient and ocean thermal energy. ", "Wave and tidal energy are likely to exhibit significant growth in terms of annual capacity installations, especially in Europe and Asia-Pacific. ", "One of the major problems associated with renewable energy is the intermittent nature of generation is provides. ", "This result in significant difficulties associated with integrating renewable energy generation into the utility grid. ", "Another major restraining factor for renewable energy includes the fact that it generates electricity at relatively higher tariffs. ", "Electricity being a price sensitive commodity is generally subject to merit order dispatch schemes under which the low cost generation gets the first preference in terms of feeding to the utility grid.", "\n\nThis is likely to result in difficulties for the renewable energy project developers in terms of recovering their expenditure and generating decent returns on investment. ", "However gradually all of these issues with renewable energy generation is being addressed. ", "Rapid technology development and manufacturing capacity up-scaling has led to rapid reduction in renewable energy generation equipments. ", "Both the solar and wind energy sector are currently reaping the benefits of economies of scale and tremendous technology maturity. ", "This trend is likely to be replicated in new forms of renewable energy generation such as ocean energy in the future. ", "Another major problem with renewable energy was its intermittent nature which is gradually being addressed by a rapidly developing smart grid infrastructure and power storage technologies.", "\n\nAlso the requirements and mandates issued by various regulatory bodies around the world for reducing greenhouse gas emissions is also likely to significantly fuel the demand for renewable energy generation in the future. ", "Regionally, the Asia-Pacific market is likely to remain the most attractive for renewable energy within the forecast horizon. ", "Europe is likely to close follow and is also likely to emerge as the technology leader for new forms of renewable energy such as offshore wind and ocean energy. ", "Some of the major market players in the renewable energy business include Vestas Wind Power A/S, Calpine Corporation, Enel Green Power, Pelamis Wave Power and Yingli Solar among others.", "\n\nThis research report analyzes this market on the basis of its market segments, major geographies, and current market trends. ", "Geographies analyzed under this research report include\n\nNorth America\n\nAsia Pacific\n\nEurope\n\nRest of the World\n\nThis report provides comprehensive analysis of\n\nMarket growth drivers\n\nFactors limiting market growth\n\nCurrent market trends\n\nMarket structure\n\nMarket projections for upcoming years\n\nThis report is a complete study of current trends in the market, industry growth drivers, and restraints. ", "It provides market projections for the coming years. ", "It includes analysis of recent developments in technology, Porter’s five force model analysis and detailed profiles of top industry players. ", "The report also includes a review of micro and macro factors essential for the existing market players and new entrants along with detailed value chain analysis.", "\n\nUpcoming Report\n\nEnergy across the universe is available in the form of solar, wind, thermal, kinetic power, mechanical, and electromagnetic. ", "Energy harvesting is a process by which energy derived from the above sources is...\n\nBiofuels is a type of energy derived biologically from carbon fixation with fewer emissions, thereby proving less detrimental to the surrounding environment. ", "In recent years, biofuels in China are gaining vital...\n\nOver the years photovoltaic systems have been successfully deployed on land and in free space to generate energy. ", "These commonly used solar energy systems have two weaknesses: cost associated with the solar cells...\n\nA growing offshore oil and gas sector is one of the major demand drivers for subsea control systems in the future. ", "The offshore exploration and production sector for both oil and gas has exhibited tremendous...\n\nWell Pad is a platform that has been made for a drilling rig to work on a plot of land meant for crude oil and natural gas extraction. ", "The producing well pad typically includes five types of equipments such as..." ]
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[ "Brisbane’s MR MAPS are one of my favourite Australian bands. ", "They play instrumental mathy-indie-rock and they do it damn well.", "\n\nThey’ve just announced an East Coast tour celebrating the release of a new split 7″ with fellow Brisbanites HUNZ. ", "The tour is also a fond farewell to their amazing drummer Jacob Hicks (also frontman of The Re:enactment) as he heads overseas.", "\n\nThey really are a band worth seeing – especially if you’re a fan of bands like Toe, sleepmakeswaves, Vasudeva, Battles or Megastick Fanfare." ]
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[ "Copper-induced changes in reproductive functions: in vivo and in vitro effects.", "\nThe goal of this study is to summarize the current knowledge on the effects of one of the essential metals, copper (Cu) on the reproductive system. ", "The development of past four decades addressing effects of Cu on reproductive organs is reviewed. ", "The most relevant data obtained from in vivo and in vitro experiments performed on humans and other mammals, including effects of copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) on the reproductive functions are presented. ", "Short term Cu administration has been found to exert deleterious effect on intracellular organelles of rat ovarian cells in vivo. ", "In vitro administration in porcine ovarian granulosa cells releases insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I), steroid hormone progesterone (P(4)), and induces expression of peptides related to proliferation and apoptosis. ", "Adverse effect of Cu on male reproductive functions has been indicated by the decrease in spermatozoa parameters such as concentration, viability and motility. ", "Copper nanoparticles are capable of generating oxidative stress in vitro thereby leading to reproductive toxicity. ", "Toxic effect of CuNPs has been evident more in male mice than in females. ", "Even though further investigations are necessary to arrive at a definitive conclusion, Cu notably influences the reproductive functions by interfering with both male and female reproductive systems and also hampers embryo development in dose-dependent manner." ]
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[ "Norwich\n\n2 nights from only £383pp\n\nNorwich is a city in East Anglia, 100 miles North-East of London. ", "The capital of the Roman Iceni tribe settlement was located less than 5 miles from modern-day Norwich. ", "From the Middle Ages until the Industrial Revolution, Norwich was England's second largest city after London. ", "With a population of under 214,000, this is the perfect getaway.", "\n\nNortheast of Norwich County Centre, Norwich features the medieval Norwich Cathedral is a Romanesque building Two dominating gates, St. Ethelbert’s & Erpingham, lead to the Tombland area, once a Saxon marketplace. ", "Nearby, the Museum of Norwich at the Bridewell traces local history, including exhibits of the textile industry." ]
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[ "I’ve discovered that when you appear able-bodied and have a\nservice dog with you, you’re going to experience a lot of bizarre behaviour\nfrom strangers. ", "I think we can use these examples as a ‘How not to talk to a\nservice dog team’ sort of list. ", "Here it goes.", "\n\nHOW NOT TO TALK TO A SERVICE DOG TEAM\n\n1. ", "DON’T HOLD THEM UP.", "\n\nYes, I have a service dog. ", "Yes, he’s interesting. ", "No, I\ndon’t always have time to talk to you about him. ", "Last week Corben and I got\nonto an elevator that a man had just vacated. ", "As the door was closing, I saw\nthis man turn on his heel and shove his hand into the door to keep it open. ", "As\nthe emergency system kicked in and the door slid open, he stared at us and\nsaid, “Is that a service dog?” ", "Yes, I said. “", "Well…can you explain that to me?”", "\nI’m late, I said. “", "Oh. ", "Oh! ", "Okay…” said the man, and finally let the door shut.", "\nYes, this really happened. ", "Yes, I’m unimpressed.", "\n\n2. ", "DON’T ASK WHAT’S WRONG WITH THE HANDLER.", "\n\nDon't get me wrong, I love talking about dogs and my dog in particular. ", "But if I had a dollar for every time someone asked me, “He’s\nyour dog? ", "What’s he for?” ", "I’d have\nenough money to never worry about the cost of Corben’s training ever again. ", "The\nproblem with this question is that you are basically asking me, a stranger, to\ntell you what my disability is. ", "Sometimes I even get this question from\nacquaintances or friends I don’t see often. ", "Most frequently, I’m asked this in\na crowded room with lots of eager ears around. ", "No, I don’t want to explain to\nanyone what’s wrong with me.", "\n\nHe doesn't actually do housework.", "\n\n3. ", "DON’T KEEP ASKING WHAT’S WRONG WITH THE HANDLER.", "\n\nOkay, we all slip up sometimes. ", "It’s possible not to realize\nthat a) you’re asking someone to divulge their personal health challenge, and\nb) that that’s incredibly rude. ", "But if the conversation goes like this:\n\nSTRANGER: What’s the dog for?", "\n\nME: Service.", "\n\nSTRANGER: What kind of service?", "\n\nME: Medical alert.", "\n\nSTRANGER: What’s that mean?", "\n\nME: It means he helps me by alerting me.", "\n\nSTRANGER: Okayyyy, but what’s the problem with you that he’s\nwatching for?", "\n\n…you’ve pushed too far. “", "Medical alert” means, “I have a\nmedical problem.” ", "Look at it this way: if I came up to you on the street, stood\nin front of you, and said, “I have a medical problem.", "”—without Corben beside\nme, just for no good reason, wouldn’t you think I was being socially awkward?", "\nWouldn’t that seem like an over-share? ", "The presence of a service dog does not\nmean you should feel all rules of polite conduct are moot.", "\n\n3. ", "DON’T ASSUME THE ABLE-BODIED HANDLER IS A TRAINER.", "\n\nIt’s easy for me to hide sometimes behind the assumption that\nI’m just a dog trainer. ", "Honestly, many of us with service dogs do let this\nassumption ride in some awkward situations. ", "But in some ways, it diminishes\nwhat Corben and I are to each other. ", "It also daily reminds me that I look healthy, so the fact that I’m daily\nstruggling with a serious medical problem is invisible and therefor, not acknowledged. ", "Anyone who’ suffered\nthrough a non-visible health problem can relate to this. ", "It’s like visiting\nyour aunt and having her repeatedly offer you ice cream even though she knows you’re lactose intolerant but just\nnever remembers. ", "In a way, the refusal of people to consider I may have a\ndisability makes me feel even more invisible.", "\n\n4. ", "DON’T PET THE DAMNED DOG.", "\n\nNo, you can’t pet him. ", "See how small his brain cavity is?", "\nThe smartest dogs in the world have only the reasoning capacity of a 12\nyear-old. ", "If I came to your 12 year-old’s math class and started petting her\nwhile she was doing an exam, don’t you think she’d make more mistakes than\nusual? ", "Every time we’re out together, Corben is performing his own version of a\nmath exam. ", "Every time you try to pet him, you mess up his concentration. ", "Yes,\nit’s cute when he breaks stride and wriggles to be patted. ", "No, you’re not\ngiving him a pleasant break in his day. ", "You are essentially giving pixie sticks\nto that aforementioned 12 year-old and then leaving me to get him focused back\non his math test.", "\n\n5. ", "DON’T POINT HIM OUT TO YOUR TODDLERS.", "\n\nIf you petting him is like a pixie stick, a toddler barking\nat my dog—yes, they bark at him—is\nyou giving Corben a litre of Red Bull. ", "All concentration is lost, and any work\nI need him doing isn’t going to happen. ", "I don’t run up and pet your toddlers;\nplease keep your kids off of my\ntoddler.", "\n\n6. ", "DON’T FORGET TO EDUCATE YOUR STAFF.", "\n\nOttawa is pretty good about not giving us a hard time.", "\nHowever, I went out for dinner with a friend a couple weeks ago, and a young\nwaiter informed us that dogs weren’t allowed in the restaurant. ", "After I pointed\nout his vest and told him we had our papers in my bag, he put his hands on his\nhips, cocked his head and said, “Yeah right. ", "What’s wrong with you that you\nneed a dog?” ", "I don’t have to explain this and I’m not going to. ", "Shop owners, be\nsure that even your youngest staff understand that it’s a human rights\nviolation to kick me out of a store for having a dog, and it’s also wrong to\ndemand to know what my health problem is.", "\n\n7. ", "DON’T EVER ASSUME WE’RE FAKING IT.", "\n\nAt Ottawa Comiccon this year, I managed to attend 2 out of 3\ndays. ", "This is in huge crowds with poor air circulation and a lot of noise. ", "I\nwas able to do this because I had Corben. ", "At one point while I was looking at a\nvendor table, my friend heard a man mutter something about, “strapping a vest\non his dog, too, just to bring him to\nthe con”. ", "MJ rocks, so she turned to him and said, “Yeah, maybe that would be\nfun, except this is a real service dog.”", "\nYou’ll occasionally hear horror stories of people faking service dogs, but I\nhaven’t seen it happen around here, and when you look at Corben’s behaviour,\nyou’d have to be an idiot not to see just how heavily trained he is.", "\n\n8. ", "DON’T CALL IT A PRIVILEGE.", "\n\nAfter I answer all the questions people throw at me about my\ndog, their curiosity sated, I will often get a comment like, “Well how nice for you that you get to take your\ndog everywhere! ", "Well I sure wish I could take my dog with me everywhere!” ", "Listen to what you’re saying, people.", "\nYou’re telling me I’m privileged because I have a disability where my best tool\nfor normal daily living is having to raise, train, and cart a dog around with\nme everywhere I go. ", "Yes, he’s cute and fuzzy. ", "No, in many ways he does not make\nlife easier. ", "When I leave the house, I have to be aware of all his needs plus\nmy own. ", "I have to look for ways to traverse a mall without the use of an\nescalator. ", "I have to choose seating in restaurants based on where my dog’s fat\nbutt won’t get tripped on. ", "I have to get special dispensation to take him on a\nplane. ", "But yes, he is lovely and he does make my days a hundred times better.", "\nSo I think it’s bogus to suggest that having a service dog is a lucky\nprivilege; I think it’s more of a karmic balancing. ", "I have to live with this\nshitty disability for the rest of my life, but the trade-off is that I get to\nhave a sweet-faced companion come along with me.", "\n\n9. ", "DON’T ASSUME THE DOG IS A SIGN OF WEAKNESS.", "\n\nI had a job interview this spring. ", "I got to the second round\nbefore I mentioned Corben, who I’d purposely left at home for the first round.", "\nWhen I mentioned him, the interviewer started asking if I was really sure I\ncould do the job, if (and I paraphrase here) I was so effed up that I needed a\nservice dog. ", "I pointed to my resume and said, “Everything you see on here that\nyou like, I did with my disability\npresent. ", "The dog doesn’t make me less capable. ", "He makes me more capable. ", "I\naccomplished much of these things without him; imagine how much more I’ll do\nnow that he’s with me.” ", "She didn’t bite. ", "She couldn’t shake her bias. ", "The\nreality is, having a service dog means that people are daily reminded of my otherwise\ninvisible disability. ", "But instead of looking at Corben as a reminder of how I’m\nbroken, try looking at him as a reminder of how I’ve soldered myself back\ntogether. ", "He’s not a weakness; he’s a weapon against failure.", "\n\n10. ", "DON’T OVERTHINK IT.", "\n\nIt’s a dog, folks. ", "You see dozens everyday walking around\nyour neighbourhood. ", "I don’t get what all the fuss is about. ", "When you put all\nthe attention on my dog, you make me feel like all the qualities I possess as a\nperson are secondary…that my companion is all that defines me. ", "Just relax and ignore\nhim. ", "It’s what he wants, anyway. ", "Stop staring at the dog and get back to making\neye contact with me. ", "I’m here and better than ever.", "\n\nBack in the day. ", "I can't believe he's grown up so much.", "\n\nShare This Post:\n\n6 comments:\n\nThanks for this post, I'm sure it will be shared a lot. ", "So many folks don't understand the many ways that service animals can help people in so many different circumstances. ", "Education about that, as well as invisible disabilities in general is really important and I love how you've expressed yourself. ", "Good luck to both of you with your continued training!", "\n\nIt's different for every team, Anonymous. ", "It totally depends on the needs of the individual. ", "Service dogs can be trained to do everything from bringing someone their water or meds, to detecting the start of a medical incident, to making space in a crowded room, to seeking out a specific human in an emergency. ", "Pretty amazing canine heroes!", "\n\nIt was great to read your posts about what to do when you come across a service dog team. ", "I too have a small service dog and I have run up against all of your points and then some. ", "One great experience I have had though was at a Metro grocery store in my neighbourhood. ", "Apparently a customer had ratted me out, lol, to the manager - that I had a dog in the store and so the manager approached me but instead of saying 'no dogs in the store' - ASSUMING a negative comment and result not to mention a bad feeling for me, the manager said 'is he a service dog?' ", "She gave me the benefit of the doubt and then apologized for stopping us and went on her way. ", "I thought it was such a positive approach.", "\n\nI hope alot of people read this article though because we sometimes are up against very uncomfortable situations as you describe here and on top of medical issues we already deal with that's something we can do without.", "\n\nInteresting that you are training the dog yourself. ", "Typically therapy dogs are trained, then placed with a user. ", "I can see why people are curious and ask questions. ", "Having puppy walked guide dog puppies in training, I completely understand, however part of our jobs as volunteers, trainers and users of trained dogs is the education role. ", "Time is precious, but unless people are educatec, then the ignorance continues to perpetuate itself." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nwhat year was David born?", "\n\nAccording to the Jewish calendar year, what year was king David born? ", "\n\nA:\n\nChabad.org David the Shepherd says\n\nDavid was born in Beth-Lehem, in the land of Judah, in the year 2854.", "\n He was only ten generations removed from Judah, one of Jacob's twelve\n sons.", "\n\nAn alternate way of counting is to consider the building of the Bais Hamikdash, and count back.", "\n\nThe next block of time is from Yetziat Mitzrayim until the start of\n construction of the first Beit HaMikdash, a period Sefer Melachim\n informs us was 480 years (Melachim I 6:1). ", "We can therefore establish\n that the Beit HaMikdash began its time in year 2928 of Seder Olam.", "\n\nShlomo Hamelech therefore began his reign in 2924. ", "David Hamelech lived 70 years, which makes his birth date 2924 - 70 = 2854. ", "This confirms the date given by chabad.org.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "---\nauthor:\n- ZEUS Collaboration\ndate: \ntitle: |\n [DESY 01-053\\\n April 2001]{}\n\n **Multiplicity moments in deep inelastic scattering at HERA\\\n **\n---\n\n**Abstract**\n\n4.mm\n\nMultiplicity moments of charged particles in deep inelastic $\\ep$ scattering have been measured with the ZEUS detector at HERA using an integrated luminosity of 38.4 pb$^{-1}$. The moments for $Q^2>1000$ GeV$^2$ were studied in the current region of the Breit frame. ", "The evolution of the moments was investigated as a function of restricted regions in polar angle and, for the first time, both in the transverse momentum and in absolute momentum of final-state particles. ", "Analytic perturbative QCD predictions in conjunction with the hypothesis of Local Parton-Hadron Duality (LPHD) reproduce the trends of the moments in polar-angle regions, although some discrepancies are observed. ", "For the moments restricted either in transverse or absolute momentum, the analytic results combined with the LPHD hypothesis show considerable deviations from the measurements. ", "The study indicates a large influence of the hadronisation stage on the multiplicity distributions in the restricted phase-space regions studied here, which is inconsistent with the expectations of the LPHD hypothesis.", "\n\nIntroduction {#sec:intr}\n============\n\nThe hadronic final state in deep inelastic scattering (DIS) events is the result of a hard partonic scattering initiated at large momentum transfers, $Q \\gg \\Lambda$, where $\\Lambda$ is a characteristic QCD scale of the order of a few hundred MeV. The subsequent parton cascade is followed by a soft fragmentation process. ", "The latter occurs with small momentum transfers which may be considered to extend up to a value $Q_0$, which is a QCD cut-off above which perturbative methods can be applied. ", "There are two main approaches for describing the hadronic final state. ", "The first comprises analytic perturbative QCD calculations based on the hypothesis of Local Parton-Hadron Duality (LPHD) [@AZIM]; this hypothesis states that parton-level QCD predictions are applicable for sufficiently inclusive hadronic observables, without additional assumptions about hadronisation processes. ", "Therefore, the hadronic spectra are proportional to those of partons if the cut-off $Q_0$ is decreased towards a small value of $\\Lambda$. The second approach is formulated in Monte Carlo (MC) programs, which generate a partonic final state according to the perturbative QCD picture and, below $Q_0\\simeq 1$ GeV, hadronise the partons on the basis of non-perturbative models. ", "The MC models are able to reproduce many detailed properties of the hadronic final state, but contain a large number of free parameters.", "\n\nMultiplicity distributions and correlations between final-state particles are an important testing ground for analytic perturbative QCD in conjunction with the LPHD hypothesis, as well as for MC models describing the hadronic final state [@rew]. ", "In this paper, a recent analysis of two-particle angular correlations [@angul] is extended to a study of multiplicity distributions measured in restricted phase-space regions of neutral current DIS events. ", "The particle multiplicities are studied in terms of the normalised factorial moments[^1] $$F_q(\\Omega)={\\langle}n(n-1)\\ldots (n-q+1){\\rangle}/ {\\langle}n {\\rangle}^q,\n\\qquad q=2,3, \\ldots ,$$ for a specified phase-space region of size $\\Omega$. The number, $n$, of particles is measured inside $\\Omega$ and angled brackets ${\\langle}\\ldots{\\rangle}$ denote the average over all events. ", "The factorial moments, along with cumulants [@cum] and bunching parameters [@bp], are convenient tools to characterise the multiplicity distributions when $\\Omega$ becomes small. ", "For uncorrelated particle production within $\\Omega$, Poisson statistics holds and $F_q=1$ for all $q$. Correlations between particles lead to a broadening of the multiplicity distribution and to dynamical fluctuations. ", "In this case, the normalised factorial moments increase with decreasing $\\Omega$. If the rise follows a power law, this effect is frequently called “intermittency” [@bias].", "\n\nThe LPHD hypothesis, originally suggested for single-particle spectra, presently has experimental support in $\\E$ annihilations [@QCDh]. ", "However, the success of LPHD is less evident for the moments of inclusive single-particle densities at HERA energies [@mult] and two-particle angular correlations [@angul]. ", "In contrast to the single-particle densities and global event-shape variables, the factorial moments are most directly affected by inclusive [*many*]{}-particle densities. ", "This can be seen from the relation ${\\langle}n(n-1)\\ldots (n-q+1){\\rangle}=\n\\int_{\\Omega} \\rho^{(q)}(p_1,\\ldots p_q) dp_1\\ldots dp_q$ between the factorial moments in a region $\\Omega$ and the inclusive $q$-particle density, $\\rho^{(q)}(p_1,\\ldots p_q)=(1/\\sigma_{tot})\\> d^{q}\\sigma /dp_1\\ldots dp_q$. The latter represents the probability to detect $q$ particles with momenta $p_1,\\ldots p_q$, irrespective of the presence of any other particles. ", "Thus the factorial moments are an important tool to study such densities, for which the applicability of LPHD remains questionable even for higher $\\E$ energies at LEP [@fluc_l3; @fluc_del]. ", "Deviations of the measured moments from theoretical predictions would imply the necessity for further refinements of perturbative QCD calculations and/or the failure of the LPHD hypothesis. ", "In the latter case, the magnitude of such deviations can shed light on details of the hadronisation processes.", "\n\nAnalytic QCD results {#sec:anal}\n====================\n\nThe dominant source of particle production inside a jet is gluon splitting in the QCD cascade, where the presence of a gluon enhances the probability for emission of another gluon nearby in momentum space. ", "This leads to inter-parton correlations and non-Poissonian statistics for the multiplicity distributions in restricted phase-space intervals where partons are counted. ", "Thus the factorial moments, $F_q$, are expected to deviate from unity.", "\n\nThere exist a number of analytic QCD predictions for the moments of the parton multiplicity distributions obtained in the Double Leading Log Approximation (DLLA), which are discussed below.", "\n\nMultiplicity-cut moments\n------------------------\n\nThe normalised factorial moments of the multiplicity distributions of gluons which are restricted in either transverse momentum $p_{t}<p_{t}^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ or absolute momentum $p\\equiv \\mid {\\bf p } \\mid <p^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ are expected, respectively, to have the following behaviour [@ochs_pt]: $$\\begin{aligned}\nF_q(p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}) & \\simeq &\n1 + \\frac{q(q-1)}{6}\\> \\frac{\\ln(p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}/Q_0)}{\\ln(E/Q_0)}, \n\\nonumber \\\\[-0.1cm] \n\\\\[-0.1cm] \nF_q(p^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}) & \\simeq & C(q) > 1, \\nonumber\n\\label{eq01}\\end{aligned}$$ where $E$ is the initial energy of the outgoing quark that radiates the gluons and $C(q)$ are constants depending on $q$. The maximum transverse momentum, $p_{t}^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$, and the $p_t$ values are defined with respect to the direction of this quark (see Fig.", " \\[fig:0\\](a) for a schematic representation in the case of DIS).", "\n\nEquations (1) indicate that there are positive correlations between partons, because the factorial moments are larger than unity. ", "For small $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ values, however, the correlations vanish due to the presence of an angular ordering of the partons in the jet. ", "The existence of the angular ordering leads to the absence of branching processes with secondary gluon emission at small $p_{t}^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$. This ultimately leads to the suppression of the correlations in this phase-space region and to independent parton emission[^2] ($F_q\\simeq 1$ for $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}} = Q_0$). ", "On the other hand, the distribution of soft gluons with limited absolute momenta, $p<p^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$, remains non-Poissonian for any small value of $p^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$.\n\nNote that the theoretical formulae (1) can be regarded as asymptotic calculations, i.e. they are valid at small $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ and $p^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$. Therefore, the calculations should be considered only as qualitative predictions when compared to the data using the LPHD hypothesis.", "\n\nAngular moments\n---------------\n\nGluon multiplicities in polar-angle rings around the outgoing-quark direction are expected to exhibit a distribution which is substantially wider than for Poisson statistics [@drem; @brax; @ochs]. ", "The moments rise with increasing values of the phase-space variable $z$ as $$\\ln \\frac{F_q(z)}{F_q(0)}=z\\> a\\> (1-D_q)(q-1),\n\\label{ang}$$ where $z$ and the constant $a$ are defined as: $$\\begin{aligned}\nz & = & a^{-1} \\ln \\frac{\\Theta_0}{\\Theta},\n\\nonumber \\\\[-0.1cm] \n\\\\[-0.1cm] \na & = & \\ln \\frac{E\\Theta_0}{\\Lambda}. ", "\\nonumber \n\\label{angdef}\\end{aligned}$$ The angle $\\Theta_0$ is the half opening-angle of a cone around the outgoing quark radiating the gluons, $E$ is its energy, and $\\Lambda$ is an effective QCD scale ($\\Lambda\\neq\\Lambda_{\\overline{MS}}$). ", "A schematic representation of the variables is shown in Fig.", " \\[fig:0\\](b), in which a window in the angular half-width $\\Theta$ is subtended by the ring centered at $\\Theta_0$. The factors $D_q$ are the so-called Rényi dimensions [@renyi] known from non-linear physics. ", "A decrease of the angular window $\\Theta$ corresponds to an increase of the variable $z$. The maximum possible phase-space region ($\\Theta = \\Theta_0$), corresponding to $z=0$, is used to calculate the factorial moments, $F_q(0)$, which are necessary for normalisation in Eq.", " (2). ", "Such normalisation removes the theoretical uncertainty in the absolute values of $F_q(z)$ and thus allows a comparison of the predicted $z$-dependence of the moments with experimental results.", "\n\nFor independent particle production in a restricted range of $2\\Theta$, $D_q=1$ and $F_q(z)=F_q(0)$ in Eq.", " (2). ", "In contrast, the analytic QCD expectations for $D_q$ obtained in the DLLA are as follows [@drem; @brax; @ochs]:\n\n- if the strong coupling constant, $\\as$, is fixed at scale $Q\\simeq E\\Theta_0$, then for large angular bins (i.e. small $z$), $$D_q = \\gamma_0\\frac{q+1}{q} , \n \\label{an1}$$ where $\\gamma_0=\\sqrt{2\\,C_{\\mathrm{A}}\\as/\\pi}$ is the anomalous QCD dimension, and $C_{\\mathrm{A}}=3$ is the gluon colour factor. ", "The $\\as$ value is calculated at the one-loop level with $n_f=3$ (number of flavours). ", "Such a behaviour of the moments corresponds to the expectations from intermittency, which can be interpreted in terms of the fractal structure of the gluon splittings [@rew].", "\n\nFor running-$\\as$ values, the $D_q$ can be approximated by different expressions, depending on the treatment of the non-leading DLLA contributions to the moments:\n\n- for Dokshitzer and Dremin [@drem]: $$D_q\\simeq\\gamma_0\\,\\frac{q+1}{q}\\left(1 + \\frac{q^2+1}{4q^2}z\\right); \n \\label{an2}$$\n\n- for Brax et al. [", "@brax]: $$D_q\\simeq2\\,\\gamma_0\\,\\frac{q+1}{q}\\left(\\frac{1-\\sqrt{1-z}}{z}\\right); \n \\label{an3}$$\n\n- for Ochs and Wosiek [@ochs]: $$D_q\\simeq2\\,\\gamma_0\\,\\frac{q-w(q,z)}{z(q-1)}, \\qquad\n w(q,z)=q\\sqrt{1-z}\\left(1-\\frac{\\ln(1-z)}{2q^2}\\right); \n \\label{an4}$$\n\n- an estimate for $D_q$ which includes a correction from the Modified Leading Log Approximation (MLLA) has also been obtained by Dokshitzer and Dremin [@drem]. ", "In this case, Eq.", " (5) remains valid, but $\\gamma_0$ is replaced by an effective $\\gamma_0^{\\mathrm{eff}}(q)$ which depends on $q$.\n\nAll the theoretical calculations quoted above are performed for partons. ", "Therefore, for comparisons of the predictions with data, LPHD is assumed.", "\n\nExperimental set-up {#sec:es}\n===================\n\nThe data were taken in 1996 and 1997 using the ZEUS detector at HERA. ", "During this period, the energy of the positron beam, $E_e$, was $27.5$ GeV and that of the proton beam was $820$ GeV. The integrated luminosity used for the present study was $38.4\\pm 0.6$ pb$^{-1}$.\n\nZEUS is a multi-purpose detector described in detail elsewhere [@zeus_det]. ", "Of particular importance for the present study are the central tracking detector (CTD), positioned in a 1.43 T solenoidal magnetic field, and the calorimeter.", "\n\nThe CTD is a cylindrical drift chamber with nine superlayers covering the polar angle[^3] region $15^o < \\theta \\leq 164^o$ and the radial range 18.2-79.4 cm. ", "Each superlayer consists of eight anodes. ", "The transverse-momentum resolution for charged tracks traversing all CTD layers is $\\sigma(p_{\\bot})/p_{\\bot} = 0.0058 p_{\\bot} \n\\oplus 0.0065 \\oplus 0.0014/p_{\\bot}$, with $p_{\\bot}$ being the track-transverse momentum (in GeV). ", "The single hit efficiency of the CTD is greater than $95\\%$.\n\nThe CTD is surrounded by the uranium-scintillator calorimeter (CAL), which is longitudinally segmented into electromagnetic and hadronic sections. ", "The relative energy resolution of the calorimeter under test beam conditions is $0.18/\\sqrt{E}$ for electrons and $0.35/\\sqrt{E}$ for hadrons (with $E$ in GeV). ", "The CAL cells provide time measurements with a time resolution below 1 ns for energy deposits larger than 4.5 GeV.\n\nData selection {#sub:sel}\n==============\n\nEvent kinematics\n----------------\n\nThe basic event kinematics of DIS processes are determined by the negative squared four-momentum transfer at the positron vertex, $Q^2=-q^2=-(k-k^{'})^2$ ($k$ and $k^{'}$ denote the four-momenta of the initial- and final-state positrons, respectively) and the Bjorken scaling variable $x=Q^2/(2 P\\cdot q)$, where $P$ is the four-momentum of the proton. ", "The fraction of the energy transfered to the proton in its rest frame, $y$, is related to these two variables by $y\\simeq Q^2/s x$, where $\\sqrt{s}$ is the positron-proton centre-of-mass energy.", "\n\nThe moments were studied in the Breit frame [@Br], which provides a natural system to separate the radiation from the outgoing struck quark from the proton remnants. ", "In this frame, the exchanged virtual boson with virtuality $Q^2$ is completely space-like and has a momentum $q=(q_0,q_{{X_{\\mathrm{B}} }},q_{{Y_{\\mathrm{B}} }},q_{{Z_{\\mathrm{B}} }} )=(0,0,0,-Q)$. In the quark-parton model, the incident quark has $p_{{Z_{\\mathrm{B}} }}=Q/2$ and the outgoing struck quark carries $p_{{Z_{\\mathrm{B}} }}=-Q/2$. All particles with negative $p_{{Z_{\\mathrm{B}} }}$ form the current region. ", "These particles are produced by the fragmentation of the struck quark, so that the current region is analogous to a single hemisphere in $\\E$ annihilations. ", "The variables $p_t=\\sqrt{p_{{X_{\\mathrm{B}} }}^2 + p_{{Y_{\\mathrm{B}} }}^2}$ and $\\Theta_0$ were determined with respect to the negative ${Z_{\\mathrm{B}} }$-direction, which, for high $Q^2$ events, is a good estimate of the outgoing struck-quark direction. ", "The moments in the current region of the Breit frame were measured in the kinematic region $Q^2>1000$ GeV$^2$, which is sufficiently high to avoid major contributions from the boson-gluon fusion (BGF) processes (see Section \\[sec:ss\\]).", "\n\nEvent and track selection\n-------------------------\n\nThe kinematic variables $x$ and $Q^2$ were determined by a combination of methods: (i) the measurement of the energy and angle of the scattered positron (denoted by the subscript $e$); (ii) the double angle (DA) method [@dam] and (iii) the Jacquet-Blondel (JB) method [@damj], depending on which is most appropriate for a particular cut. ", "In the DA method, the variables $x$, $Q^2$ and $y$ were reconstructed using the angles of the scattered positron and the hadronic energy flow. ", "In the JB method, used only in the event selection, the kinematic variables were determined entirely from the hadronic system.", "\n\nThe boost vector from the laboratory to the Breit frame was determined using the DA method, which is less sensitive to systematic uncertainties in the energy measurement than the other methods. ", "In the reconstruction of the Breit frame, all charged particles were assumed to have the pion mass.", "\n\nThe triggering and online event selections were identical to those used in a previous publication [@trigg]. ", "To preselect neutral current DIS events, the following cuts were applied:\n\n1. ", " $E_e^{'}\\geq 10$ GeV, $E_e^{'}$ being the energy of the scattered positron;\n\n2. ", " $Q^2_{\\mathrm{DA}}\\geq 1000$ GeV$^2$;\n\n3. ", " $35\\> \\leq \\> \\delta=\\sum E_i(1-\\cos\\theta_i) \\> \\leq \\> 60$ GeV, where $E_i$ is the energy of the $i^{\\mathrm{th}}$ calorimeter cell and $\\theta_i$ is its polar angle with respect to the beam axis;\n\n4. ", " $y_{e} \\> \\leq \\> 0.95$;\n\n5. ", " $y_{\\mathrm{JB}} \\> \\geq \\> 0.04$;\n\n6. ", " $Z$ coordinate of the reconstructed vertex position, as determined from the tracks fitted to the vertex, in the range $-40 < Z_{\\mathrm{vertex}} < 50$ cm;\n\n7. ", " a timing cut requiring that the event time as measured by the CAL be consistent with an $\\ep$ interaction.", "\n\nThe resulting data set contained 7369 events.", "\n\nThe present study is based on the tracks reconstructed with the CTD and fitted to the event vertex. ", "The scattered positron was removed from the track sample. ", "In addition, the following cuts to select tracks were imposed:\n\n1. ", " $p_{t}^{lab}>0.15$ GeV, where $p_{t}^{lab}$ is the transverse momentum of the track;\n\n2. ", " $\\mid \\eta \\mid < 1.75$.\n\nThese cuts restrict the data to a well understood, high-acceptance region of the CTD.", "\n\nEvent simulation {#sec:esim}\n================\n\nNeutral current DIS events were generated with ARIADNE 4.10 [@ARD] with the high $Q^{2}$ modification developed during the HERA Monte Carlo workshop [@ARDMOD] using tuned parameters [@bruk]. ", "This MC program is based on the colour-dipole model, in which gluons are emitted from the colour field between quark-antiquark pairs, supplemented with the BGF process. ", "The hadronisation was simulated using the Lund string model as implemented in JETSET [@je]. ", "Charged hadrons with a mean lifetime longer than $10^{-8}$ seconds were considered as stable. ", "The CTEQ4D [@CTEQ4D] parameterisation of the proton parton distribution functions was used. ", "The events were generated without any cuts on kinematic variables and track quantities. ", "The MC events obtained by this procedure defined the generator-level sample.", "\n\nTo obtain a detector-level sample, events were generated with the DJANGO 6.24 [@django] program based on HERACLES 4.5.2 [@heracles], in order to incorporate first-order electroweak corrections. ", "The parton cascade and hadronisation were then simulated with ARIADNE. ", "The events were then processed through a simulation of the detector using GEANT 3.13 [@geant] to take into account particle interactions with the detector material, particle decays, event and track migrations, resolution, acceptance of the detector and event selection. ", "The detector-level MC events were processed with the same reconstruction program as was used for the data.", "\n\nIn addition to ARIADNE, the LEPTO 6.5 [@LEP] and HERWIG 5.9 [@HEW] generators with tuned parameters [@bruk] were also used to compare with the data. ", "The parton cascade in LEPTO is based on a matrix-element calculation matched to parton showers according to the DGLAP equations. ", "As in ARIADNE, the hadronisation in LEPTO is simulated with JETSET. ", "HERWIG also has a parton shower based on DGLAP evolution, but parton emissions are ordered in angle, in contrast to LEPTO, which orders the parton emissions in invariant mass with an additional angular constraint to ensure coherence. ", "The hadronisation in HERWIG is described by the cluster fragmentation model [@cluster].", "\n\nThe Bose-Einstein (BE) interference between identical particles can produce additional correlations which distort the behaviour of the moments measured in small phase-space regions. ", "By default, the BE interference is turned off in JETSET; it is absent in HERWIG. ", "The effect of the BE correlations on the present results is considered in the next section.", "\n\nCorrection procedure {#sec:cp}\n=====================\n\nThe bin-by-bin correction factors, $\\mathcal{C}_q =\n\\mathcal{A}_q^{\\mathrm{gen}} / \\mathcal{A}_q^{\\mathrm{det}}$, for a given kinematic region in $Q^2$ were evaluated using the ARIADNE 4.10 MC event samples, separately for each observable, $\\mathcal{A}_q=F_{q}(p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}),F_{q}(p^{{\\mathrm{cut}}})$ and $F_q(z)/F_q(0)$, where $\\mathcal{A}_q^{\\mathrm{gen}}$ ($\\mathcal{A}_q^{\\mathrm{det}}$) was calculated at the generator (detector) level. ", "The factors $\\mathcal{C}_q$ correct the data for the detector effects and event-selection cuts as well as for the effects that are not included in the analytic calculations, namely (i) Dalitz decays of the $\\pi^0$; (ii) leptons in the final state and (iii) initial-state photon radiation.", "\n\nThe correction factors for the $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ and $p^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ moments are approximately flat and vary between about 1.0 and 1.3, except for the smallest momentum cuts and the highest-order $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ and $p^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ moments, where the correction factors are as large as $1.7$. The correction factors for the $F_q(z)/F_q(0)$ moments vary smoothly from 1.0 to 1.5. ", "The contribution of Dalitz pairs to the correction factors is negligible, except for the smallest phase-space regions in $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$, $p^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ and $\\Theta$, where it does not exceed $20\\%$.\n\nThe analytic QCD calculations do not include BE interference. ", "To take into account this phenomenon, the correction factor, BE$_q$, was calculated for each data point $$\\mathrm{BE}_q =\n\\frac{\\mathcal{A}_q^{\\mathrm{gen}}}\n{\\mathcal{A}_q^{\\mathrm{BE}, \\> \\mathrm{gen}}} \\> \\> ,\n\\label{be}$$ where $\\mathcal{A}_q^{\\mathrm{gen}}$ ($\\mathcal{A}_q^{\\mathrm{BE}, \\> \\mathrm{gen}}$) are the moments at the generator level without (with) the BE effect. ", "For this correction, the BE effect according to a Gaussian parameterisation with JETSET default parameters was used. ", "As a cross check, the BE correction was determined from the ZEUS data and also using the parameters obtained by the H1 Collaboration [@H1be]. ", "The differences between the correction factors BE$_q$ for these three sets of parameters were small. ", "The values of the BE correction factors are discussed in Section \\[sec:results\\].", "\n\nSystematic uncertainties {#sec:ss}\n========================\n\nThe overall systematic uncertainty for each moment was determined from the following uncertainties added in quadrature:\n\n1. ", " the choice of the MC models. ", "HERWIG was used in place of ARIADNE to determine the correction factors. ", "This uncertainty was typically $45\\%$ of the total systematic uncertainty;\n\n2. ", " event reconstruction and selection. ", "Systematic checks were performed by varying the cuts on $\\delta$, $y_{e}$, $y_{\\mathrm{JB}}$ and the vertex position requirement ($40 \\> \\leq \\> \\delta \\> \\leq \\> 55$ GeV, $y_{e} \\> \\leq \\> 0.85$, $y_{\\mathrm{JB}} \\> \\geq \\> 0.05$ and $-35 < Z_{\\mathrm{vertex}} < 45$ cm). ", "The overall uncertainties associated with the event selection were typically $25\\%$ of the total systematic uncertainty;\n\n3. ", " track reconstruction and selection. ", "Tracks were required to have transverse momenta larger than $0.2$ GeV and $\\mid \\eta \\mid < 1.5$. Tracks that reach at least the third CTD superlayer were used. ", "These uncertainties were typically $30\\%$ of the total systematic uncertainty.", "\n\nAs an example, the total systematic uncertainty of $F_2(p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}})$ for the smallest $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ value used in this analysis is approximately $6\\%$. For the large $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ regions, a typical value of the systematic uncertainty is $1\\%$.\n\nTo ensure that the two particles in a pair were resolved, the angle between two tracks in the current region of the Breit frame should not be smaller than two degrees [@angul]. ", "This limit determines the minimum size of phase-space regions used in this analysis.", "\n\nThe kinematic variables $p_t$, $\\Theta$ and $\\Theta_0$ have to be measured with respect to the outgoing-quark direction, which coincides with the ${Z_{\\mathrm{B}} }$-direction of the Breit frame only for the zeroth-order $\\gamma^*q$ scattering. ", "The first-order QCD effects, BGF ($\\gamma^*g\\to q\\overline{q}$) and QCD Compton ($\\gamma^*q \\to qg$), can lead to two hard partons that are not collinear to the ${Z_{\\mathrm{B}} }$-direction. ", "For these events, the determination of the kinematic variables with respect to the ${Z_{\\mathrm{B}} }$ axis of the Breit frame is inappropriate, especially when these two hard partons escape the current region. ", "Using the LEPTO MC model, it has been determined that, at $Q^2>1000$ GeV$^2$, the number of BGF and QCD Compton events without hard partons in the current region, relative to the total number of events, is $\\leq$ 15%. ", "As a systematic check, the factorial moments have been calculated in kinematic variables with respect to the thrust axis determined from the charged particles in the current region of the Breit frame. ", "The results agree with those for which the negative ${Z_{\\mathrm{B}} }$-direction of the Breit frame is used.", "\n\nResults {#sec:results}\n=======\n\nThe charged-particle multiplicities measured in the entire current region without additional momentum cuts on the charged particles were compared to the previous ZEUS measurements [@mult] and to $\\E$ data [@tasso]. ", "For the present measurement, the corrected average value of $Q^2$ is ${\\langle}Q^2{\\rangle}\\simeq 2070$ GeV$^2$, which corresponds to an energy $\\sqrt{ {\\langle}Q^2 {\\rangle}} \\simeq 46$ GeV. The corrected average charged-particle multiplicity in the current region, $5.76\\pm 0.29$, where the error represents statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature, agrees with the previous ZEUS measurement, $6.01\\pm 0.46$, for a similar value of ${\\langle}Q^2 {\\rangle}$. This average multiplicity is lower than that found in a single hemisphere of $\\E$ at $\\sqrt{s}=44$ GeV, which is $7.58\\pm 0.37$ [@tasso]. ", "The second-order factorial moment $F_2$ in a single hemisphere of $\\E$ annihilations is[^4] $F_2=1.036\\pm 0.026$, which is consistent with the value $1.051\\pm 0.018$ obtained in this study of the entire current region. ", "This difference in the average multiplicity can be attributed to a migration of particles between the current and target regions due to BGF and QCD Compton processes, an effect which has been theoretically quantified [@fbche] and directly measured by ZEUS [@angul]. ", "Such a migration leads to current-target anti-correlations which do not vanish even at the high $Q^2$ values studied here. ", "This is unlike the $\\E$ annihilation processes, where weak and positive forward-backward correlations have been observed at a similar energy [@tasso].", "\n\nMultiplicity-cut moments\n------------------------\n\nThe multiplicity moments of order $q=2,\\ldots ,5$ as a function of $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ are shown in Fig.", " \\[fig:6\\]. ", "The $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ moments were calculated with respect to the negative ${Z_{\\mathrm{B}} }$-direction of the Breit frame. ", "As $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ decreases below 1 GeV, the moments rise. ", "This disagrees with the DLLA theoretical calculations, which predict that the moments approach unity (see Eq.", " (1)). ", "On the other hand, Monte Carlo models show the same trend as the data, although some differences in slopes are apparent. ", "LEPTO exhibits smaller values of the moments than for the data at small $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ values, while HERWIG overestimates the moments. ", "ARIADNE gives the best overall description of the correlations.", "\n\nFigure \\[fig:6\\] also shows the factors BE$_q$ from Eq.", " (8) used to correct the data for the BE interference. ", "The largest correction was found in the case of moments of high orders ($q=4,5$) for small $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ cuts ($<0.5$ GeV).", "\n\nTo investigate contributions of the hadronisation processes to the moments, further samples of the ARIADNE MC were generated: (1) considering neutral hadrons in addition to charged particles; (2) using only hadrons coming from the Lund string fragmentation without resonance decays. ", "For these two cases, the moments have an even steeper rise at low $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$. Replacing the Lund string-fragmentation scheme by independent fragmentation and removing resonance decays led to an increase of the moments for $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}\\simeq 0.5$ GeV, but below this cut the moments approach constant values which are larger than unity. ", "An MC sample generated without the colour-dipole parton emission and resonance decays, but retaining the Lund string fragmentation, leads to an increase of the moments with decreasing $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$.\n\nFigure \\[fig:7\\] shows the factorial moments for restricted $p$ values. ", "As was the case for the $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ moments, there is no indication that the values approach unity at small $p^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ values. ", "All MC models at the hadron level agree with the data. ", "The BE interference has a large influence on this measurement, giving a $20\\%$ correction.", "\n\nThe DLLA QCD calculations neglect energy-momentum conservation in gluon splittings, considering idealised jets at asymptotically large energy. ", "This effect can be taken into account in the Modified Leading Log Approximation; however, such calculations have not yet been performed. ", "Therefore, it is important to compare the experimental results with the parton shower of MC models that explicitly include energy-momentum conservation and the complete parton-splitting functions. ", "In addition, such comparisons allow the investigation of the contributions from hadronisation.", "\n\nThe moments restricted in $p_t$ and $p$ variables were determined from the ARIADNE parton-level, the physics implementation of which strongly resembles the analytic calculations [@ochs_pt]. ", "The LPHD requires $Q_0$ to approach $\\Lambda$. The ARIADNE default value of $\\Lambda$ is 0.22 GeV, while the transverse momentum cut-off $Q_0$ is $0.6$ GeV. Therefore, to satisfy the LPHD requirement, the parton predictions were obtained after switching off the string fragmentation and lowering the $Q_0$ value in ARIADNE to $Q_0=0.27$ GeV. This value was chosen in order to insure that the average multiplicity of partons in the current region of the Breit frame equalled that of hadrons, which is important for normalisation purposes. ", "This method is somewhat different to that used in a similar study of the ARIADNE parton cascade for $\\E$ annihilation events [@ochs_pt]. ", "In contrast to that approach, the present modification of the model retains the original default value of $\\Lambda$, to preserve the kinematics of first-order QCD processes in the Breit frame.", "\n\nThe parton-level ARIADNE for $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ and $p^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ moments is shown as thin solid lines in Figs.", " \\[fig:6\\] and  \\[fig:7\\]. ", "Agreement between the parton-level predictions and the data for the lowest $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ values can be excluded at greater than $99\\%$ confidence level for $q=2,3$ and at greater than $95\\%$ confidence level for $q=4,5$. The data for all $p^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ moments disagrees with the parton-level predictions by many standard deviations. ", "The MC predictions for partons have the trends expected from the analytic DLLA results, showing a decrease of the moments for decreasing $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ and $p^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$. This is contrary both to the measurements and to the hadron-level MC predictions, which show a rise of the moments. ", "Analogous differences between the hadron and parton levels of ARIADNE have also been observed in $\\E$ annihilation [@ochs_pt].", "\n\nThe parton predictions in the full current region (large $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ and $p^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$) show larger values of the moments than the data, despite the tuning of the parton to the hadron multiplicities. ", "In the case of $e^+e^-$, the MC-tuned parton level describes the hadron-level predictions for large momentum cuts [@ochs_pt]. ", "It is likely that the discrepancy between partons and hadrons in DIS is due to additional non-perturbative effects related to the proton remnant.", "\n\nAngular moments\n---------------\n\nFigure \\[fig:8\\] shows the angular moments $F_q(z)/F_q(0)$. This represents the first measurement of these quantities in DIS. ", "The measurements are compared to DLLA QCD calculations in Eq.", " (2), after substitution of different forms of the Rényi dimension (see Eqs.", " (4)-(7) ) and using the effective QCD parameter $\\Lambda=0.15$ GeV as in LEP studies [@fluc_l3; @fluc_del]. ", "For DIS in the Breit frame, the energy $E=Q/2$ was chosen to define the $\\as$ value, corresponding to the outgoing quark momentum in the quark-parton model. ", "The factors used to correct the data for the BE interference are close to unity for all angular moments (not shown). ", "A significant disagreement with the data is observed, which becomes smaller for higher orders of the moments. ", "Although the error bars are clearly correlated, even for the high-order moments, agreement between the predictions and the data can be excluded for $z=$0.05-0.2 at greater than $95\\%$ confidence level. ", "For running-$\\as$ calculations, the best description is observed for high-order moments in the case of the DLLA result with a correction from the MLLA. ", "This result is similar to that obtained for $\\E$ annihilation [@fluc_l3; @fluc_del]. ", "It should be noted that the present analysis, however, uses a larger angle $\\Theta_0=45^o$, in order to increase the statistics, and that the average energy (${\\langle}E{\\rangle}\\simeq 23$ GeV) of the outgoing quark giving rise to the parton shower is smaller than at LEP by a factor of two.", "\n\nFigure \\[fig:9\\] shows the comparisons of the angular moments with Monte Carlo models at the hadron level. ", "All models reproduce the trends of the data but somewhat overestimate the strength of the correlations; however, LEPTO fails to give a reasonable description of the angular moments.", "\n\nThe parton-level ARIADNE predictions for the angular moments are shown in Fig.", " \\[fig:9\\]. ", "The ratio $F_q(z)/F_q(0)$ predicted by ARIADNE at the parton level (thin lines) overestimates the data, but is closer than the analytic DLLA calculations for the second-order moment. ", "This comparison with the MC parton level and similar studies of $\\E$ annihilations at LEP [@fluc_l3; @fluc_del] imply that MLLA analytic calculations are necessary to give a better description of the measured angular moments.", "\n\nConclusions\n===========\n\nMultiplicity moments have been studied in deep inelastic scattering at $Q^2>1000$ GeV$^2$ with the ZEUS detector at HERA. ", "The moments measured in the current region of the Breit frame show a strong rise as the size of the restricted intervals in $p_t$, $p$ and $\\Theta$ decreases. ", "Monte Carlo models, which include hadronisation effects, reproduce the correlation pattern of the hadronic final state, although there are some discrepancies with the data.", "\n\nThe analytic QCD calculations for the angular moments agree qualitatively with the data, but there are discrepancies at the quantitative level. ", "An inadequate treatment of energy-momentum conservation in gluon splittings, which is important at low energies, is likely to be responsible for the discrepancies between the analytic QCD expectations and the data. ", "The parton level of ARIADNE, which does not suffer from the limitations of the DLLA calculations, indicates that the discrepancies can be reduced. ", "MLLA calculations are required to provide an accurate description of the angular moments. ", "Similar studies of the angular moments measured at LEP also show that the analytic perturbative calculations need to be improved.", "\n\nIn contrast to the angular fluctuations, the moments calculated in restricted $p_t$ and $p$ regions show significant discrepancies, both for the DLLA calculations and for the parton-level of ARIADNE. ", "This is most clearly seen for the $p_t^{{\\mathrm{cut}}}$ moments; while the analytic calculations and ARIADNE predictions for partons decrease and approach unity for small $p_t$ regions, the data show a steep rise. ", "This is the first indication that perturbative QCD, in conjunction with the LPHD hypothesis, fails on a qualitative level to describe the hadronic multiplicities. ", "Monte Carlo studies of the hadronisation effects indicate that this is due to violation of the LPHD hypothesis for many-particle densities measured in the regions restricted in the transverse momenta with respect to the direction of the outgoing quark.", "\n\nAcknowledgements {#acknowledgements .unnumbered}\n================\n\nThe strong support and encouragement of the DESY Directorate have been invaluable, and we are much indebted to the HERA machine group for their inventiveness and diligent efforts. ", "The design, construction and installation of the ZEUS detector have been made possible by the ingenuity and dedicated efforts of many people from inside DESY and from the home institutes who are not listed as authors. ", "Their contributions are acknowledged with great appreciation. ", "We thank W. Ochs and J. Wosiek for helpful discussions.", "\n\n[10]{}\n\nYa.", "I. Azimov et al., [", "Z. Phys.", " ]{}C 27 (1985) 65; [Z. 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", "The pseudorapidity, $\\eta$, is given by $-\\ln ( \\tan \\frac{\\theta}{2} ) $.", "\n\n[^4]: The second-order moment in a single hemisphere of $\\E$ annihilation can be estimated from the dispersion $D=\\sqrt{{\\langle}n^2{\\rangle}- {\\langle}n{\\rangle}^2}$ and the average multiplicity ${\\langle}n{\\rangle}$ [@tasso] using the relation $F_2= 1+ D^2 \\> {\\langle}n {\\rangle}^{-2} - {\\langle}n {\\rangle}^{-1}$.\n" ]
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[ "How events unfolded on Wednesday 18 November during the police siege of an apartment in St-Denis during the search for the alleged ringleader behind the Paris attacks" ]
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[ 0 ]
[ "Christmas for All\n\nChristmas for All is a Christmas album by European-American pop group The Kelly Family. ", "It was released on October 1, 1995 by Kel-life Music.", "\n\nTrack listing\n\nCharts\n\nCertifications\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n KellyFamily.de — official site\n\nCategory:1995 Christmas albums\nCategory:The Kelly Family albums\nCategory:Pop Christmas albums" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Chicago mayoral race: challenge continues, no leader defined\n\nFollowing current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s surprise announcement that he would not seek re-election, candidates have frantically been looking to take the place of the much maligned incumbent. ", "A wide range of candidates have submitted petition signatures to join the race, touching off a heated round of challengers to their validity.", "\n\nIn this latest round of an old-trick in Chicago politics, candidates scrambled to meet a deadline to make the challenges in an attempt to knock out competitors they see as likely to take potential votes from them.", "\n\nCook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle challenged no less than five other candidates, including Comptroller Susana Mendoza. ", "Candidate Ja’Mal Green challenged two other African American candidates, and Jerry Joyce challenged the signatures of former Mayor Richard M. Daley’s brother Bill.", "\n\nAs the 21 candidates wrangle for position, no clear front runner has emerged. ", "While Preckwinkle garnered the endorsement of the Chicago Teachers Union, many consider attorneys Jerry Joyce and John Kozlar as ‘insiders’ who may have a good shot at the mayorship, with Joyce getting first spot on the ballot, and Kozlar last one, both considered preferable positions due to voters’ attention.", "\n\nMeanwhile, Bill Daley made waves with controversial remarks at the Chicago City Club Wednesday, proposing a commuter tax to pay for the city’s huge pension budget shortfall. ", "When asked if he thought that would drive businesses away from Chicago, his response was “I don’t think so.”", "\n\nChicagoans head to the polls on February 26th, 2019, to select their next mayor and City Council. ", "Chicago News will continue to follow the election, check back for updates at mychinews.com/politics" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.003875968992248062, 0, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0.024539877300613498, 0, 0.01607717041800643, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0.01, 0.020202020202020204 ]
[ "Q:\n\nAndroid: clear activity history on logout\n\nI want to do the following:\nAfter visiting several activities, a user logs out from the app and is redirected to the login page.", "\nThe problem is, I want the user to not be able to go to the previous activities upon logout. ", "the method finish() seems to work but it only destroys the method from where the user logged out.", "\nAny ideas on the issue?", "\nThanks.", "\n\nA:\n\nIn onStart() of your activities, see if the user is logged in. ", "If not, pop a dialog or start the login activity or something.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow do I hide the Next anchor in my custom Nivo nav if it has less than six images?", "\n\nI'm working on a custom navigation thumbnail slider for the Nivo Slider Jquery plugin.", "\nI'm trying to hide the Next anchor when the thumbnail slider contains less than or equal to 6 thumbnails. ", "\n.nivo-control is the anchor the thumbnail images are children of, and they are all children of .items.", "\nI've already tried: \n if ($('.items').children('.nivo-control') <= 6) {\n $('a.next').css('display', 'none !", "important');\n } else {\n // Do something\n }\n\nA:\n\nUse\n if ($('.items').children('.nivo-control').length <= 6) {\n $('a.next').css('display', 'none !", "important');\n } else {\n // Do something\n }\n\nA:\n\nTry this: \n if ($('.items').children('.nivo-control').length <= 6) {\n $('a.next').css('display', 'none !", "important');\n } else {\n // Do something\n }\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Saturday, July 7, 2007\n\nWell, if this is becoming the \"Commercials and tie-ins featuring the Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote Blog\", why stop there?I've been experimenting with a program called Windows Movie Maker. ", "Most of the time I would like to kick Bill Gates in the you-know-where, but hey, this is a cool program. ", "I won't disclose my secret of how to download videos from YouTube, but I can do it, and using MovieMaker I can actually record narration to a video. ", "You know those commentaries on recent cartoon DVD releases? ", "Well, I wondered what I could do with one. ", "Here's me giving my observations on 2 later Road Runner shorts that have never been released to video or DVD. ", "I hope they get released someday, because they're brilliant. ", "Yeah, I know I laugh through them. ", "I can't help it. ", "If y'all readers like these, I'll do some more cartoons. ", "That is if I can figure out how to get rid of the annoying sound every time I say a \"P\" word into the microphone.", "\n\nI agree, very enjoyable commentaries, Matthew. ", "I am surprised nobody has attempted something like this before. ", "Hope to see some more in the future... better than some of the commentaries on the golden DVDs, imo!!", "\n\nI love commentaries. ", "I've been wanting to do commentaries for some of the Disney films & shorts, but I don't know how. ", "Maybe someone can give me a few pointers on how to.", "\n\nYou do a very good job in these videos. ", "As for the \"P\" sound, you could either back a little farther away from the mic (is it one of those built-in mics or a seperate mic that you connect into a USB?), ", "put the mic on the side of your mouth instead of in front, or do what Drew said & cover it with a sheet or a guard of some kind.", "\n\nAlso, it's perfectly alright to laugh. ", "It lets the viewer/listener know that the commentator has a good sense of humor & enjoys the film.", "\n\nGood work, Matthew! ", "Hope to see and hear more. ", "There is nothing wrong with laughing at these films. ", "That is what they are here for. ", "I think I would much rather hear from someone is who is clearly enjoying the cartoon, rather than someone drone on about who animated the coyote's right arm in scene 2B." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.009389671361502348, 0.009523809523809525, 0.013422818791946308, 0, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0.0078125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "A man has been left with serious head injuries after a street assault in Londonderry.", "\n\nPolice received a report after 2am of an altercation between a number of males on the Newmarket Street area of the city.", "\n\nThe man, aged in his 30s sustained serious injuries to his head after being assaulted.", "\n\nHe has been taken to hospital for treatment to his injuries.", "\n\nDetectives are appealing for anyone who was in the area of Newmarket Street during the early hours of this morning and who witnessed the incident or anyone with any information that can assist with the investigation to contact detectives in Strand Road on 101 quoting reference 209 22/10/2017." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Tyrosine kinase-independent extracellular action of genistein on the CFTR Cl- channel in guinea pig ventricular myocytes and CFTR-transfected mouse fibroblasts.", "\nThe effects of genistein, a protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor, on the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl- channel were studied in guinea pig ventricular myocytes and in NIH3T3 mouse fibroblasts stably transfected with CFTR cDNA by the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. ", "Genistein did not activate whole-cell Cl- currents when applied to the intracellular (pipette) solution. ", "In contrast, when applied to the extracellular solution, genistein alone promptly activated the Cl- current in a fully reversible manner. ", "Also, extracellular genistein reversibly potentiated the forskolin-activated Cl- current. ", "However, both basal and forskolin-activated Cl- currents were not affected by other protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors, including herbimycin A, lavendustin A, tyrphostin 21, tyrphostin 47, and tyrphostin 51. ", "A nonspecific inhibitor of protein phosphatases, orthovanadate, had no effect on the genistein-induced activation of CFTR. ", "Pretreatment with a protein kinase inhibitor, either H-89 or H-7, or with an adenylate cyclase inhibitor, SQ 22536, also had no effect on the genistein-induced response. ", "Thus, it is concluded that genistein alone activates CFTR by a protein tyrosine kinase-independent and protein phosphatase-independent mechanism from the extracellular side, but not from the intracellular side." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0125, 0.006734006734006734, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0.004761904761904762 ]
[ "/**********************************************************************\n * Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Pieter Wuille *\n * Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying *\n * file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.*", "\n **********************************************************************/\n\n#ifndef SECP256K1_GROUP_IMPL_H\n#define SECP256K1_GROUP_IMPL_H\n\n#include \"num.h\"\n#include \"field.h\"\n#include \"group.h\"\n\n/* These points can be generated in sage as follows:\n *\n * 0. ", "Setup a worksheet with the following parameters.", "\n * b = 4 # whatever CURVE_B will be set to\n * F = FiniteField (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFC2F)\n * C = EllipticCurve ([F (0), F (b)])\n *\n * 1. ", "Determine all the small orders available to you. (", "If there are\n * no satisfactory ones, go back and change b.)\n * print C.order().factor(limit=1000)\n *\n * 2. ", "Choose an order as one of the prime factors listed in the above step.", "\n * (You can also multiply some to get a composite order, though the\n * tests will crash trying to invert scalars during signing.) ", "We take a\n * random point and scale it to drop its order to the desired value.", "\n * There is some probability this won't work; just try again.", "\n * order = 199\n * P = C.random_point()\n * P = (int(P.order()) / int(order)) * P\n * assert(P.order() == order)\n *\n * 3. ", "Print the values. ", "You'll need to use a vim macro or something to\n * split the hex output into 4-byte chunks.", "\n * print \"%x %x\" % P.xy()\n */\n#if defined(EXHAUSTIVE_TEST_ORDER)\n# if EXHAUSTIVE_TEST_ORDER == 199\nconst secp256k1_ge secp256k1_ge_const_g = SECP256K1_GE_CONST(\n 0xFA7CC9A7, 0x0737F2DB, 0xA749DD39, 0x2B4FB069,\n 0x3B017A7D, 0xA808C2F1, 0xFB12940C, 0x9EA66C18,\n 0x78AC123A, 0x5ED8AEF3, 0x8732BC91, 0x1F3A2868,\n 0x48DF246C, 0x808DAE72, 0xCFE52572, 0x7F0501ED\n);\n\nconst int CURVE_B = 4;\n# elif EXHAUSTIVE_TEST_ORDER == 13\nconst secp256k1_ge secp256k1_ge_const_g = SECP256K1_GE_CONST(\n 0xedc60018, 0xa51a786b, 0x2ea91f4d, 0x4c9416c0,\n 0x9de54c3b, 0xa1316554, 0x6cf4345c, 0x7277ef15,\n 0x54cb1b6b, 0xdc8c1273, 0x087844ea, 0x43f4603e,\n 0x0eaf9a43, 0xf6effe55, 0x939f806d, 0x37adf8ac\n);\nconst int CURVE_B = 2;\n# else\n# error No known generator for the specified exhaustive test group order.", "\n# endif\n#else\n/** Generator for secp256k1, value 'g' defined in\n * \"Standards for Efficient Cryptography\" (SEC2) 2.7.1.", "\n */\nstatic const secp256k1_ge secp256k1_ge_const_g = SECP256K1_GE_CONST(\n 0x79BE667EUL, 0xF9DCBBACUL, 0x55A06295UL, 0xCE870B07UL,\n 0x029BFCDBUL, 0x2DCE28D9UL, 0x59F2815BUL, 0x16F81798UL,\n 0x483ADA77UL, 0x26A3C465UL, 0x5DA4FBFCUL, 0x0E1108A8UL,\n 0xFD17B448UL, 0xA6855419UL, 0x9C47D08FUL, 0xFB10D4B8UL\n);\n\nconst int CURVE_B = 7;\n#endif\n\nstatic void secp256k1_ge_set_gej_zinv(secp256k1_ge *r, const secp256k1_gej *a, const secp256k1_fe *zi) {\n secp256k1_fe zi2;\n secp256k1_fe zi3;\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&zi2, zi);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&zi3, &zi2, zi);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&r->x, &a->x, &zi2);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&r->y, &a->y, &zi3);\n r->infinity = a->infinity;\n}\n\nstatic void secp256k1_ge_set_xy(secp256k1_ge *r, const secp256k1_fe *x, const secp256k1_fe *y) {\n r->infinity = 0;\n r->x = *x;\n r->y = *y;\n}\n\nstatic int secp256k1_ge_is_infinity(const secp256k1_ge *a) {\n return a->infinity;\n}\n\nstatic void secp256k1_ge_neg(secp256k1_ge *r, const secp256k1_ge *a) {\n *r = *a;\n secp256k1_fe_normalize_weak(&r->y);\n secp256k1_fe_negate(&r->y, &r->y, 1);\n}\n\nstatic void secp256k1_ge_set_gej(secp256k1_ge *r, secp256k1_gej *a) {\n secp256k1_fe z2, z3;\n r->infinity = a->infinity;\n secp256k1_fe_inv(&a->z, &a->z);\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&z2, &a->z);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&z3, &a->z, &z2);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&a->x, &a->x, &z2);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&a->y, &a->y, &z3);\n secp256k1_fe_set_int(&a->z, 1);\n r->x = a->x;\n r->y = a->y;\n}\n\nstatic void secp256k1_ge_set_gej_var(secp256k1_ge *r, secp256k1_gej *a) {\n secp256k1_fe z2, z3;\n r->infinity = a->infinity;\n if (a->infinity) {\n return;\n }\n secp256k1_fe_inv_var(&a->z, &a->z);\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&z2, &a->z);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&z3, &a->z, &z2);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&a->x, &a->x, &z2);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&a->y, &a->y, &z3);\n secp256k1_fe_set_int(&a->z, 1);\n r->x = a->x;\n r->y = a->y;\n}\n\nstatic void secp256k1_ge_set_all_gej_var(secp256k1_ge *r, const secp256k1_gej *a, size_t len, const secp256k1_callback *cb) {\n secp256k1_fe *az;\n secp256k1_fe *azi;\n size_t i;\n size_t count = 0;\n az = (secp256k1_fe *)checked_malloc(cb, sizeof(secp256k1_fe) * len);\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n if (!", "a[i].infinity) {\n az[count++] = a[i].z;\n }\n }\n\n azi = (secp256k1_fe *)checked_malloc(cb, sizeof(secp256k1_fe) * count);\n secp256k1_fe_inv_all_var(azi, az, count);\n free(az);\n\n count = 0;\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n r[i].infinity = a[i].infinity;\n if (!", "a[i].infinity) {\n secp256k1_ge_set_gej_zinv(&r[i], &a[i], &azi[count++]);\n }\n }\n free(azi);\n}\n\nstatic void secp256k1_ge_set_table_gej_var(secp256k1_ge *r, const secp256k1_gej *a, const secp256k1_fe *zr, size_t len) {\n size_t i = len - 1;\n secp256k1_fe zi;\n\n if (len > 0) {\n /* Compute the inverse of the last z coordinate, and use it to compute the last affine output. */", "\n secp256k1_fe_inv(&zi, &a[i].z);\n secp256k1_ge_set_gej_zinv(&r[i], &a[i], &zi);\n\n /* Work out way backwards, using the z-ratios to scale the x/y values. */", "\n while (i > 0) {\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&zi, &zi, &zr[i]);\n i--;\n secp256k1_ge_set_gej_zinv(&r[i], &a[i], &zi);\n }\n }\n}\n\nstatic void secp256k1_ge_globalz_set_table_gej(size_t len, secp256k1_ge *r, secp256k1_fe *globalz, const secp256k1_gej *a, const secp256k1_fe *zr) {\n size_t i = len - 1;\n secp256k1_fe zs;\n\n if (len > 0) {\n /* The z of the final point gives us the \"global Z\" for the table. */", "\n r[i].x = a[i].x;\n r[i].y = a[i].y;\n *globalz = a[i].z;\n r[i].infinity = 0;\n zs = zr[i];\n\n /* Work our way backwards, using the z-ratios to scale the x/y values. */", "\n while (i > 0) {\n if (i !", "= len - 1) {\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&zs, &zs, &zr[i]);\n }\n i--;\n secp256k1_ge_set_gej_zinv(&r[i], &a[i], &zs);\n }\n }\n}\n\nstatic void secp256k1_gej_set_infinity(secp256k1_gej *r) {\n r->infinity = 1;\n secp256k1_fe_clear(&r->x);\n secp256k1_fe_clear(&r->y);\n secp256k1_fe_clear(&r->z);\n}\n\nstatic void secp256k1_ge_set_infinity(secp256k1_ge *r) {\n r->infinity = 1;\n secp256k1_fe_clear(&r->x);\n secp256k1_fe_clear(&r->y);\n}\n\nstatic void secp256k1_gej_clear(secp256k1_gej *r) {\n r->infinity = 0;\n secp256k1_fe_clear(&r->x);\n secp256k1_fe_clear(&r->y);\n secp256k1_fe_clear(&r->z);\n}\n\nstatic void secp256k1_ge_clear(secp256k1_ge *r) {\n r->infinity = 0;\n secp256k1_fe_clear(&r->x);\n secp256k1_fe_clear(&r->y);\n}\n\nstatic int secp256k1_ge_set_xquad(secp256k1_ge *r, const secp256k1_fe *x) {\n secp256k1_fe x2, x3, c;\n r->x = *x;\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&x2, x);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&x3, x, &x2);\n r->infinity = 0;\n secp256k1_fe_set_int(&c, CURVE_B);\n secp256k1_fe_add(&c, &x3);\n return secp256k1_fe_sqrt(&r->y, &c);\n}\n\nstatic int secp256k1_ge_set_xo_var(secp256k1_ge *r, const secp256k1_fe *x, int odd) {\n if (!", "secp256k1_ge_set_xquad(r, x)) {\n return 0;\n }\n secp256k1_fe_normalize_var(&r->y);\n if (secp256k1_fe_is_odd(&r->y) !", "= odd) {\n secp256k1_fe_negate(&r->y, &r->y, 1);\n }\n return 1;\n\n}\n\nstatic void secp256k1_gej_set_ge(secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_ge *a) {\n r->infinity = a->infinity;\n r->x = a->x;\n r->y = a->y;\n secp256k1_fe_set_int(&r->z, 1);\n}\n\nstatic int secp256k1_gej_eq_x_var(const secp256k1_fe *x, const secp256k1_gej *a) {\n secp256k1_fe r, r2;\n VERIFY_CHECK(!a->infinity);\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&r, &a->z); secp256k1_fe_mul(&r, &r, x);\n r2 = a->x; secp256k1_fe_normalize_weak(&r2);\n return secp256k1_fe_equal_var(&r, &r2);\n}\n\nstatic void secp256k1_gej_neg(secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_gej *a) {\n r->infinity = a->infinity;\n r->x = a->x;\n r->y = a->y;\n r->z = a->z;\n secp256k1_fe_normalize_weak(&r->y);\n secp256k1_fe_negate(&r->y, &r->y, 1);\n}\n\nstatic int secp256k1_gej_is_infinity(const secp256k1_gej *a) {\n return a->infinity;\n}\n\nstatic int secp256k1_gej_is_valid_var(const secp256k1_gej *a) {\n secp256k1_fe y2, x3, z2, z6;\n if (a->infinity) {\n return 0;\n }\n /** y^2 = x^3 + 7\n * (Y/Z^3)^2 = (X/Z^2)^3 + 7\n * Y^2 / Z^6 = X^3 / Z^6 + 7\n * Y^2 = X^3 + 7*Z^6\n */\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&y2, &a->y);\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&x3, &a->x); secp256k1_fe_mul(&x3, &x3, &a->x);\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&z2, &a->z);\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&z6, &z2); secp256k1_fe_mul(&z6, &z6, &z2);\n secp256k1_fe_mul_int(&z6, CURVE_B);\n secp256k1_fe_add(&x3, &z6);\n secp256k1_fe_normalize_weak(&x3);\n return secp256k1_fe_equal_var(&y2, &x3);\n}\n\nstatic int secp256k1_ge_is_valid_var(const secp256k1_ge *a) {\n secp256k1_fe y2, x3, c;\n if (a->infinity) {\n return 0;\n }\n /* y^2 = x^3 + 7 */\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&y2, &a->y);\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&x3, &a->x); secp256k1_fe_mul(&x3, &x3, &a->x);\n secp256k1_fe_set_int(&c, CURVE_B);\n secp256k1_fe_add(&x3, &c);\n secp256k1_fe_normalize_weak(&x3);\n return secp256k1_fe_equal_var(&y2, &x3);\n}\n\nstatic void secp256k1_gej_double_var(secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_gej *a, secp256k1_fe *rzr) {\n /* Operations: 3 mul, 4 sqr, 0 normalize, 12 mul_int/add/negate.", "\n *\n * Note that there is an implementation described at\n * https://hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-shortw-jacobian-0.html#doubling-dbl-2009-l\n * which trades a multiply for a square, but in practice this is actually slower,\n * mainly because it requires more normalizations.", "\n */\n secp256k1_fe t1,t2,t3,t4;\n /** For secp256k1, 2Q is infinity if and only if Q is infinity. ", "This is because if 2Q = infinity,\n * Q must equal -Q, or that Q.y == -(Q.y), or Q.y is 0. ", "For a point on y^2 = x^3 + 7 to have\n * y=0, x^3 must be -7 mod p. However, -7 has no cube root mod p.\n *\n * Having said this, if this function receives a point on a sextic twist, e.g. by\n * a fault attack, it is possible for y to be 0. ", "This happens for y^2 = x^3 + 6,\n * since -6 does have a cube root mod p. For this point, this function will not set\n * the infinity flag even though the point doubles to infinity, and the result\n * point will be gibberish (z = 0 but infinity = 0).", "\n */\n r->infinity = a->infinity;\n if (r->infinity) {\n if (rzr !", "= NULL) {\n secp256k1_fe_set_int(rzr, 1);\n }\n return;\n }\n\n if (rzr !", "= NULL) {\n *rzr = a->y;\n secp256k1_fe_normalize_weak(rzr);\n secp256k1_fe_mul_int(rzr, 2);\n }\n\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&r->z, &a->z, &a->y);\n secp256k1_fe_mul_int(&r->z, 2); /* Z' = 2*Y*Z (2) */\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&t1, &a->x);\n secp256k1_fe_mul_int(&t1, 3); /* T1 = 3*X^2 (3) */\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&t2, &t1); /* T2 = 9*X^4 (1) */\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&t3, &a->y);\n secp256k1_fe_mul_int(&t3, 2); /* T3 = 2*Y^2 (2) */\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&t4, &t3);\n secp256k1_fe_mul_int(&t4, 2); /* T4 = 8*Y^4 (2) */\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&t3, &t3, &a->x); /* T3 = 2*X*Y^2 (1) */\n r->x = t3;\n secp256k1_fe_mul_int(&r->x, 4); /* X' = 8*X*Y^2 (4) */\n secp256k1_fe_negate(&r->x, &r->x, 4); /* X' = -8*X*Y^2 (5) */\n secp256k1_fe_add(&r->x, &t2); /* X' = 9*X^4 - 8*X*Y^2 (6) */\n secp256k1_fe_negate(&t2, &t2, 1); /* T2 = -9*X^4 (2) */\n secp256k1_fe_mul_int(&t3, 6); /* T3 = 12*X*Y^2 (6) */\n secp256k1_fe_add(&t3, &t2); /* T3 = 12*X*Y^2 - 9*X^4 (8) */\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&r->y, &t1, &t3); /* Y' = 36*X^3*Y^2 - 27*X^6 (1) */\n secp256k1_fe_negate(&t2, &t4, 2); /* T2 = -8*Y^4 (3) */\n secp256k1_fe_add(&r->y, &t2); /* Y' = 36*X^3*Y^2 - 27*X^6 - 8*Y^4 (4) */\n}\n\nstatic SECP256K1_INLINE void secp256k1_gej_double_nonzero(secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_gej *a, secp256k1_fe *rzr) {\n VERIFY_CHECK(!secp256k1_gej_is_infinity(a));\n secp256k1_gej_double_var(r, a, rzr);\n}\n\nstatic void secp256k1_gej_add_var(secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_gej *a, const secp256k1_gej *b, secp256k1_fe *rzr) {\n /* Operations: 12 mul, 4 sqr, 2 normalize, 12 mul_int/add/negate */\n secp256k1_fe z22, z12, u1, u2, s1, s2, h, i, i2, h2, h3, t;\n\n if (a->infinity) {\n VERIFY_CHECK(rzr == NULL);\n *r = *b;\n return;\n }\n\n if (b->infinity) {\n if (rzr !", "= NULL) {\n secp256k1_fe_set_int(rzr, 1);\n }\n *r = *a;\n return;\n }\n\n r->infinity = 0;\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&z22, &b->z);\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&z12, &a->z);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&u1, &a->x, &z22);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&u2, &b->x, &z12);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&s1, &a->y, &z22); secp256k1_fe_mul(&s1, &s1, &b->z);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&s2, &b->y, &z12); secp256k1_fe_mul(&s2, &s2, &a->z);\n secp256k1_fe_negate(&h, &u1, 1); secp256k1_fe_add(&h, &u2);\n secp256k1_fe_negate(&i, &s1, 1); secp256k1_fe_add(&i, &s2);\n if (secp256k1_fe_normalizes_to_zero_var(&h)) {\n if (secp256k1_fe_normalizes_to_zero_var(&i)) {\n secp256k1_gej_double_var(r, a, rzr);\n } else {\n if (rzr !", "= NULL) {\n secp256k1_fe_set_int(rzr, 0);\n }\n r->infinity = 1;\n }\n return;\n }\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&i2, &i);\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&h2, &h);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&h3, &h, &h2);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&h, &h, &b->z);\n if (rzr !", "= NULL) {\n *rzr = h;\n }\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&r->z, &a->z, &h);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&t, &u1, &h2);\n r->x = t; secp256k1_fe_mul_int(&r->x, 2); secp256k1_fe_add(&r->x, &h3); secp256k1_fe_negate(&r->x, &r->x, 3); secp256k1_fe_add(&r->x, &i2);\n secp256k1_fe_negate(&r->y, &r->x, 5); secp256k1_fe_add(&r->y, &t); secp256k1_fe_mul(&r->y, &r->y, &i);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&h3, &h3, &s1); secp256k1_fe_negate(&h3, &h3, 1);\n secp256k1_fe_add(&r->y, &h3);\n}\n\nstatic void secp256k1_gej_add_ge_var(secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_gej *a, const secp256k1_ge *b, secp256k1_fe *rzr) {\n /* 8 mul, 3 sqr, 4 normalize, 12 mul_int/add/negate */\n secp256k1_fe z12, u1, u2, s1, s2, h, i, i2, h2, h3, t;\n if (a->infinity) {\n VERIFY_CHECK(rzr == NULL);\n secp256k1_gej_set_ge(r, b);\n return;\n }\n if (b->infinity) {\n if (rzr !", "= NULL) {\n secp256k1_fe_set_int(rzr, 1);\n }\n *r = *a;\n return;\n }\n r->infinity = 0;\n\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&z12, &a->z);\n u1 = a->x; secp256k1_fe_normalize_weak(&u1);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&u2, &b->x, &z12);\n s1 = a->y; secp256k1_fe_normalize_weak(&s1);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&s2, &b->y, &z12); secp256k1_fe_mul(&s2, &s2, &a->z);\n secp256k1_fe_negate(&h, &u1, 1); secp256k1_fe_add(&h, &u2);\n secp256k1_fe_negate(&i, &s1, 1); secp256k1_fe_add(&i, &s2);\n if (secp256k1_fe_normalizes_to_zero_var(&h)) {\n if (secp256k1_fe_normalizes_to_zero_var(&i)) {\n secp256k1_gej_double_var(r, a, rzr);\n } else {\n if (rzr !", "= NULL) {\n secp256k1_fe_set_int(rzr, 0);\n }\n r->infinity = 1;\n }\n return;\n }\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&i2, &i);\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&h2, &h);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&h3, &h, &h2);\n if (rzr !", "= NULL) {\n *rzr = h;\n }\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&r->z, &a->z, &h);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&t, &u1, &h2);\n r->x = t; secp256k1_fe_mul_int(&r->x, 2); secp256k1_fe_add(&r->x, &h3); secp256k1_fe_negate(&r->x, &r->x, 3); secp256k1_fe_add(&r->x, &i2);\n secp256k1_fe_negate(&r->y, &r->x, 5); secp256k1_fe_add(&r->y, &t); secp256k1_fe_mul(&r->y, &r->y, &i);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&h3, &h3, &s1); secp256k1_fe_negate(&h3, &h3, 1);\n secp256k1_fe_add(&r->y, &h3);\n}\n\nstatic void secp256k1_gej_add_zinv_var(secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_gej *a, const secp256k1_ge *b, const secp256k1_fe *bzinv) {\n /* 9 mul, 3 sqr, 4 normalize, 12 mul_int/add/negate */\n secp256k1_fe az, z12, u1, u2, s1, s2, h, i, i2, h2, h3, t;\n\n if (b->infinity) {\n *r = *a;\n return;\n }\n if (a->infinity) {\n secp256k1_fe bzinv2, bzinv3;\n r->infinity = b->infinity;\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&bzinv2, bzinv);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&bzinv3, &bzinv2, bzinv);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&r->x, &b->x, &bzinv2);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&r->y, &b->y, &bzinv3);\n secp256k1_fe_set_int(&r->z, 1);\n return;\n }\n r->infinity = 0;\n\n /** We need to calculate (rx,ry,rz) = (ax,ay,az) + (bx,by,1/bzinv). ", "Due to\n * secp256k1's isomorphism we can multiply the Z coordinates on both sides\n * by bzinv, and get: (rx,ry,rz*bzinv) = (ax,ay,az*bzinv) + (bx,by,1).", "\n * This means that (rx,ry,rz) can be calculated as\n * (ax,ay,az*bzinv) + (bx,by,1), when not applying the bzinv factor to rz.", "\n * The variable az below holds the modified Z coordinate for a, which is used\n * for the computation of rx and ry, but not for rz.", "\n */\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&az, &a->z, bzinv);\n\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&z12, &az);\n u1 = a->x; secp256k1_fe_normalize_weak(&u1);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&u2, &b->x, &z12);\n s1 = a->y; secp256k1_fe_normalize_weak(&s1);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&s2, &b->y, &z12); secp256k1_fe_mul(&s2, &s2, &az);\n secp256k1_fe_negate(&h, &u1, 1); secp256k1_fe_add(&h, &u2);\n secp256k1_fe_negate(&i, &s1, 1); secp256k1_fe_add(&i, &s2);\n if (secp256k1_fe_normalizes_to_zero_var(&h)) {\n if (secp256k1_fe_normalizes_to_zero_var(&i)) {\n secp256k1_gej_double_var(r, a, NULL);\n } else {\n r->infinity = 1;\n }\n return;\n }\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&i2, &i);\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&h2, &h);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&h3, &h, &h2);\n r->z = a->z; secp256k1_fe_mul(&r->z, &r->z, &h);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&t, &u1, &h2);\n r->x = t; secp256k1_fe_mul_int(&r->x, 2); secp256k1_fe_add(&r->x, &h3); secp256k1_fe_negate(&r->x, &r->x, 3); secp256k1_fe_add(&r->x, &i2);\n secp256k1_fe_negate(&r->y, &r->x, 5); secp256k1_fe_add(&r->y, &t); secp256k1_fe_mul(&r->y, &r->y, &i);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&h3, &h3, &s1); secp256k1_fe_negate(&h3, &h3, 1);\n secp256k1_fe_add(&r->y, &h3);\n}\n\n\nstatic void secp256k1_gej_add_ge(secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_gej *a, const secp256k1_ge *b) {\n /* Operations: 7 mul, 5 sqr, 4 normalize, 21 mul_int/add/negate/cmov */\n static const secp256k1_fe fe_1 = SECP256K1_FE_CONST(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\n secp256k1_fe zz, u1, u2, s1, s2, t, tt, m, n, q, rr;\n secp256k1_fe m_alt, rr_alt;\n int infinity, degenerate;\n VERIFY_CHECK(!b->infinity);\n VERIFY_CHECK(a->infinity == 0 || a->infinity == 1);\n\n /** In:\n * Eric Brier and Marc Joye, Weierstrass Elliptic Curves and Side-Channel Attacks.", "\n * In D. Naccache and P. Paillier, Eds., ", "Public Key Cryptography, vol. ", "2274 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 335-345. ", "Springer-Verlag, 2002.", "\n * we find as solution for a unified addition/doubling formula:\n * lambda = ((x1 + x2)^2 - x1 * x2 + a) / (y1 + y2), with a = 0 for secp256k1's curve equation.", "\n * x3 = lambda^2 - (x1 + x2)\n * 2*y3 = lambda * (x1 + x2 - 2 * x3) - (y1 + y2).", "\n *\n * Substituting x_i = Xi / Zi^2 and yi = Yi / Zi^3, for i=1,2,3, gives:\n * U1 = X1*Z2^2, U2 = X2*Z1^2\n * S1 = Y1*Z2^3, S2 = Y2*Z1^3\n * Z = Z1*Z2\n * T = U1+U2\n * M = S1+S2\n * Q = T*M^2\n * R = T^2-U1*U2\n * X3 = 4*(R^2-Q)\n * Y3 = 4*(R*(3*Q-2*R^2)-M^4)\n * Z3 = 2*M*Z\n * (Note that the paper uses xi = Xi / Zi and yi = Yi / Zi instead.)", "\n *\n * This formula has the benefit of being the same for both addition\n * of distinct points and doubling. ", "However, it breaks down in the\n * case that either point is infinity, or that y1 = -y2. ", "We handle\n * these cases in the following ways:\n *\n * - If b is infinity we simply bail by means of a VERIFY_CHECK.", "\n *\n * - If a is infinity, we detect this, and at the end of the\n * computation replace the result (which will be meaningless,\n * but we compute to be constant-time) with b.x : b.y : 1.", "\n *\n * - If a = -b, we have y1 = -y2, which is a degenerate case.", "\n * But here the answer is infinity, so we simply set the\n * infinity flag of the result, overriding the computed values\n * without even needing to cmov.", "\n *\n * - If y1 = -y2 but x1 !", "= x2, which does occur thanks to certain\n * properties of our curve (specifically, 1 has nontrivial cube\n * roots in our field, and the curve equation has no x coefficient)\n * then the answer is not infinity but also not given by the above\n * equation. ", "In this case, we cmov in place an alternate expression\n * for lambda. ", "Specifically (y1 - y2)/(x1 - x2). ", "Where both these\n * expressions for lambda are defined, they are equal, and can be\n * obtained from each other by multiplication by (y1 + y2)/(y1 + y2)\n * then substitution of x^3 + 7 for y^2 (using the curve equation).", "\n * For all pairs of nonzero points (a, b) at least one is defined,\n * so this covers everything.", "\n */\n\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&zz, &a->z); /* z = Z1^2 */\n u1 = a->x; secp256k1_fe_normalize_weak(&u1); /* u1 = U1 = X1*Z2^2 (1) */\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&u2, &b->x, &zz); /* u2 = U2 = X2*Z1^2 (1) */\n s1 = a->y; secp256k1_fe_normalize_weak(&s1); /* s1 = S1 = Y1*Z2^3 (1) */\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&s2, &b->y, &zz); /* s2 = Y2*Z1^2 (1) */\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&s2, &s2, &a->z); /* s2 = S2 = Y2*Z1^3 (1) */\n t = u1; secp256k1_fe_add(&t, &u2); /* t = T = U1+U2 (2) */\n m = s1; secp256k1_fe_add(&m, &s2); /* m = M = S1+S2 (2) */\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&rr, &t); /* rr = T^2 (1) */\n secp256k1_fe_negate(&m_alt, &u2, 1); /* Malt = -X2*Z1^2 */\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&tt, &u1, &m_alt); /* tt = -U1*U2 (2) */\n secp256k1_fe_add(&rr, &tt); /* rr = R = T^2-U1*U2 (3) */\n /** If lambda = R/M = 0/0 we have a problem (except in the \"trivial\"\n * case that Z = z1z2 = 0, and this is special-cased later on). */", "\n degenerate = secp256k1_fe_normalizes_to_zero(&m) &\n secp256k1_fe_normalizes_to_zero(&rr);\n /* This only occurs when y1 == -y2 and x1^3 == x2^3, but x1 !", "= x2.", "\n * This means either x1 == beta*x2 or beta*x1 == x2, where beta is\n * a nontrivial cube root of one. ", "In either case, an alternate\n * non-indeterminate expression for lambda is (y1 - y2)/(x1 - x2),\n * so we set R/M equal to this. */", "\n rr_alt = s1;\n secp256k1_fe_mul_int(&rr_alt, 2); /* rr = Y1*Z2^3 - Y2*Z1^3 (2) */\n secp256k1_fe_add(&m_alt, &u1); /* Malt = X1*Z2^2 - X2*Z1^2 */\n\n secp256k1_fe_cmov(&rr_alt, &rr, !", "degenerate);\n secp256k1_fe_cmov(&m_alt, &m, !", "degenerate);\n /* Now Ralt / Malt = lambda and is guaranteed not to be 0/0.", "\n * From here on out Ralt and Malt represent the numerator\n * and denominator of lambda; R and M represent the explicit\n * expressions x1^2 + x2^2 + x1x2 and y1 + y2. */", "\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&n, &m_alt); /* n = Malt^2 (1) */\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&q, &n, &t); /* q = Q = T*Malt^2 (1) */\n /* These two lines use the observation that either M == Malt or M == 0,\n * so M^3 * Malt is either Malt^4 (which is computed by squaring), or\n * zero (which is \"computed\" by cmov). ", "So the cost is one squaring\n * versus two multiplications. */", "\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&n, &n);\n secp256k1_fe_cmov(&n, &m, degenerate); /* n = M^3 * Malt (2) */\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&t, &rr_alt); /* t = Ralt^2 (1) */\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&r->z, &a->z, &m_alt); /* r->z = Malt*Z (1) */\n infinity = secp256k1_fe_normalizes_to_zero(&r->z) * (1 - a->infinity);\n secp256k1_fe_mul_int(&r->z, 2); /* r->z = Z3 = 2*Malt*Z (2) */\n secp256k1_fe_negate(&q, &q, 1); /* q = -Q (2) */\n secp256k1_fe_add(&t, &q); /* t = Ralt^2-Q (3) */\n secp256k1_fe_normalize_weak(&t);\n r->x = t; /* r->x = Ralt^2-Q (1) */\n secp256k1_fe_mul_int(&t, 2); /* t = 2*x3 (2) */\n secp256k1_fe_add(&t, &q); /* t = 2*x3 - Q: (4) */\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&t, &t, &rr_alt); /* t = Ralt*(2*x3 - Q) (1) */\n secp256k1_fe_add(&t, &n); /* t = Ralt*(2*x3 - Q) + M^3*Malt (3) */\n secp256k1_fe_negate(&r->y, &t, 3); /* r->y = Ralt*(Q - 2x3) - M^3*Malt (4) */\n secp256k1_fe_normalize_weak(&r->y);\n secp256k1_fe_mul_int(&r->x, 4); /* r->x = X3 = 4*(Ralt^2-Q) */\n secp256k1_fe_mul_int(&r->y, 4); /* r->y = Y3 = 4*Ralt*(Q - 2x3) - 4*M^3*Malt (4) */\n\n /** In case a->infinity == 1, replace r with (b->x, b->y, 1). */", "\n secp256k1_fe_cmov(&r->x, &b->x, a->infinity);\n secp256k1_fe_cmov(&r->y, &b->y, a->infinity);\n secp256k1_fe_cmov(&r->z, &fe_1, a->infinity);\n r->infinity = infinity;\n}\n\nstatic void secp256k1_gej_rescale(secp256k1_gej *r, const secp256k1_fe *s) {\n /* Operations: 4 mul, 1 sqr */\n secp256k1_fe zz;\n VERIFY_CHECK(!secp256k1_fe_is_zero(s));\n secp256k1_fe_sqr(&zz, s);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&r->x, &r->x, &zz); /* r->x *= s^2 */\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&r->y, &r->y, &zz);\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&r->y, &r->y, s); /* r->y *= s^3 */\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&r->z, &r->z, s); /* r->z *= s */\n}\n\nstatic void secp256k1_ge_to_storage(secp256k1_ge_storage *r, const secp256k1_ge *a) {\n secp256k1_fe x, y;\n VERIFY_CHECK(!a->infinity);\n x = a->x;\n secp256k1_fe_normalize(&x);\n y = a->y;\n secp256k1_fe_normalize(&y);\n secp256k1_fe_to_storage(&r->x, &x);\n secp256k1_fe_to_storage(&r->y, &y);\n}\n\nstatic void secp256k1_ge_from_storage(secp256k1_ge *r, const secp256k1_ge_storage *a) {\n secp256k1_fe_from_storage(&r->x, &a->x);\n secp256k1_fe_from_storage(&r->y, &a->y);\n r->infinity = 0;\n}\n\nstatic SECP256K1_INLINE void secp256k1_ge_storage_cmov(secp256k1_ge_storage *r, const secp256k1_ge_storage *a, int flag) {\n secp256k1_fe_storage_cmov(&r->x, &a->x, flag);\n secp256k1_fe_storage_cmov(&r->y, &a->y, flag);\n}\n\n#ifdef USE_ENDOMORPHISM\nstatic void secp256k1_ge_mul_lambda(secp256k1_ge *r, const secp256k1_ge *a) {\n static const secp256k1_fe beta = SECP256K1_FE_CONST(\n 0x7ae96a2bul, 0x657c0710ul, 0x6e64479eul, 0xac3434e9ul,\n 0x9cf04975ul, 0x12f58995ul, 0xc1396c28ul, 0x719501eeul\n );\n *r = *a;\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&r->x, &r->x, &beta);\n}\n#endif\n\nstatic int secp256k1_gej_has_quad_y_var(const secp256k1_gej *a) {\n secp256k1_fe yz;\n\n if (a->infinity) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n /* We rely on the fact that the Jacobi symbol of 1 / a->z^3 is the same as\n * that of a->z. ", "Thus a->y / a->z^3 is a quadratic residue iff a->y * a->z\n is */\n secp256k1_fe_mul(&yz, &a->y, &a->z);\n return secp256k1_fe_is_quad_var(&yz);\n}\n\n#endif /* SECP256K1_GROUP_IMPL_H */\n" ]
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[ "This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing the resources provided by a Center grant funded by NIH/NCRR. ", "The subproject and investigator (PI) may have received primary funding from another NIH source, and thus could be represented in other CRISP entries. ", "The institution listed is for the Center, which is not necessarily the institution for the investigator. ", "The goal is to enroll 400 females diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus under the age of 35 and at least one unaffected sister to be followed longitudinally with questionnaires, annual blooddraws over two years. ", "Aim is to understand the preclinical biological and immunologicalevents that preceed the development of lupus and to identify biomarkers that can predict future development of clinical disease." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
[ 0.008130081300813009, 0.02, 0, 0.0045871559633027525, 0 ]
[ "Completion of the sequence of the genome of the coronavirus avian infectious bronchitis virus.", "\nThe nucleotide sequence determination of the genome of the Beaudette strain of the coronavirus avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) has been completed. ", "The complete sequence has been obtained from 17 overlapping cDNA clones, the 5'-most of which contains the leader sequence (as determined by direct sequencing of the genome) and the 3'-most of which contains the poly(A) tail. ", "Approximately 8 kilobases at the 3' end of this sequence have already been published. ", "These contain the sequences of mRNAs A to E within which are the genes for the spike, the membrane and the nucleocapsid polypeptides: the main structural components of the virion. ", "The remainder of the sequence, equivalent to the 'unique' region of mRNA F, is some 20 kilobases in length and is thought to code for a polymerase or polymerases which are involved in the replication of the genome and the production of the subgenomic messenger RNAs. ", "This sequence contains two large open reading frames, potentially coding for polypeptides of molecular weights 441,000 and 300,000. ", "Unlike other large open reading frames in the virus, the 300,000 open reading frame appears to have no subgenomic RNA associated with it which would allow it to be at the 5' end of an mRNA species. ", "Because of this, and because of the characteristics of the sequence in the region immediately upstream of its start codon, other mechanisms of translation, such as ribosome slippage, must be postulated." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0.004424778761061947, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005050505050505051, 0 ]
[ "Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) sued the Department of Justice (DOJ) Friday for failing to provide documents the watchdog group requested regarding the Trump administration declaring a national emergency.", "\n\nCREW asked the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to order the DOJ to comply with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request it submitted to the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC). ", "The request was for documents the DOJ has written that discuss President Trump Donald John TrumpOmar fires back at Trump over rally remarks: 'This is my country' Pelosi: Trump hurrying to fill SCOTUS seat so he can repeal ObamaCare Trump mocks Biden appearance, mask use ahead of first debate MORE’s ability to invoke national emergency powers to build his border wall.", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\n“Americans deserve to know the true basis for President Trump’s unprecedented decision to enact emergency powers to pay for a border wall,” CREW Executive Director Noah Bookbinder said in a statement. “", "We’re suing because the government has so far failed to produce the requested documents or provide an explanation for their delay.”", "\n\n“The Justice Department’s inadequate response raises major questions about whether even the president’s own administration believes there is a legal basis for him to bypass the constitutional authority granted to Congress to appropriate funds.”", "\n\nCREW had initially submitted its FOIA request on Jan. 10 after Trump initially threatened to declare a national emergency to obtain additional border wall funds if Congress could not come to an agreement that met his funding demands.", "\n\nIn its request, CREW asked for an expedited review based on “significant media interest in the matter, and the urgency that the public be assured of the government’s integrity in addressing the situation,” according to its statement. ", "The OLC denied the request for expedition on Feb. 12.", "\n\nTrump officially declared a national emergency Friday to beef up funding for a barrier on the southern border. ", "The White House said Friday it has identified up to $8.1 billion, including over $6 billion from the Pentagon, that will be available to fund the border wall now that the emergency is declared.", "\n\nDemocrats swiftly rebuked the move as an unnecessary overstep.", "\n\n“This is plainly a power grab by a disappointed President, who has gone outside the bounds of the law to try to get what he failed to achieve in the constitutional legislative process,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi Nancy PelosiPelosi: Trump hurrying to fill SCOTUS seat so he can repeal ObamaCare House lawmakers reach deal to avert shutdown Centrist Democrats 'strongly considering' discharge petition on GOP PPP bill MORE (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer Chuck SchumerSenate Democrats introduce legislation to probe politicization of pandemic response Schumer interrupted during live briefing by heckler: 'Stop lying to the people' Jacobin editor: Primarying Schumer would force him to fight Trump's SCOTUS nominee MORE (D-N.Y.) said in a statement." ]
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[ 0.017241379310344827, 0.02072538860103627, 0.008130081300813009, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0.008130081300813009, 0.01702127659574468, 0.00423728813559322, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0.010362694300518135, 0, 0.01174934725848564 ]
[ "A less than 3-day old Ethereum-based dApp has seen over $292,903 transaction volume, data from DappRaddar has shown.", "\n\nThe Ethereum dApp, named Brave Frontier Heroes (BFH), amassed 1,973 users, transaction volume of $292,903. ", "In total, 9,238 transactions have been performed through the decentralized app.", "\n\nSince launch, the dApp has been among the top 10, staying at the 7th position, ahead of WINk, Moonlighting, and Just.game.", "\n\nThe new game, launched on the 30th of January, is said to be a crossover of the highly prosperous mobile game Brave Frontier and a top blockchain game My Crypto Heroes.", "\n\nBrave Frontier Heroes makes use of the proven gameplay of Brave Frontier using the highly successful game economy of My Crypto Heroes.", "\n\nWhen users play the game, they own diverse characters (Units) of Brave Frontier and weapons (Spheres) as digital assets. ", "This assets are secured on the blockchain technology, allowing holders to make free buying and selling of the assets to others or make use of them in other games.", "\n\nOn the launch date, the Brave Frontier kick-started different ideas to boost the usage of the dApp. ", "Amongst them is ZEL Up and ETH Back Campaign, Daily Lucky Lottery and some others.", "\n\nZEL, is the native currency of the Brave Frontier Heroes, used to make unit purchase and some other things.", "\n\nPlayers of the BFH can have 20% more ZEL. ", "However, one of the BFH’s 25 players will receive half of the ETH they’ve paid at the purchase, available information from BFH has shown.", "\n\nBelow is how the bonus is being calculated:\n\n500 ZEL+ BONUS 100 ZEL: 0.05ETH\n\n1,000 ZEL+ BONUS 200 ZEL: 0.1ETH\n\n5,000 ZEL+ BONUS 1,000 ZEL: 0.5ETH\n\n10,000 ZEL+ BONUS 2,000 ZEL: 1ETH\n\n50,000 ZEL+ BONUS 10,000 ZEL:5 ETH\n\n100,000 ZEL+ BONUS 20,000 ZEL: 10ETH\n\nEthereum has the highest number of dApps in the blockchain ecosystem. ", "The likes of TRON, EOS and Tezos and some others are part of the smart contract enabled network leading the dApp world." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCan you express every algebraic number in terms of $\\pi$\n\nI was doing my physics homework, when I noticed that the answer I just calculated was very close to $\\sqrt{3}$. The number was $\\frac{441\\pi}{800} \\approx 1.73180… .$\nTo put it into context,\n$\\sqrt{3} - \\frac{441\\pi}{800} \\approx 2.478 \\times10^{-4}$\n, percentage error $\\approx0.0143$\nThis got me thinking if there is way to express algebraic numbers, if not all irrationals, as\n$$n = \\sum_{r=1}^{\\infty} a_r\\pi^r$$\nwhere $a_i \\in\\mathbb{Q},n\\in\\mathbb{R}$ and $n$ is algebraic?", "\n\nA:\n\n$n = \\sum_{r=1}^{\\infty} a_r\\pi^r$\nThe problem is $\\pi^r \\rightarrow \\infty$ as $r \\rightarrow \\infty$. So you have 2 options. ", "You can either define $a_r$ to be $0$ for $r >$ some natural number $n$. If you do that, then you can never achieve equality because that would be the equivalent of finding a polynomial which spits an algebraic number given $pi$, which is impossible, since the algebraic numbers are closed under polynomial arithmetic.", "\nThe second option is you can define $a_r$ to approach $0$ as $r \\rightarrow \\infty$. In that case, what your doing is taking equating the limit of a sequence to be an algebraic number. ", "Given you can choose $a_r$ arbitrarily, then it's trivially possible, for example, just choose any rational number that returns $z \\cdot 10^{-z}$ after being multiplied by $\\pi^r$, where z is the $z^{th}$ digit to the right of the algebraic number's decimal point (doesn't matter what the remaining decimals are just ignore them), and adjust for the next rational number $a_{r+1}$. You don't need the $\\pi^r$, infact you can achieve equality for any real number, not just algebraic numbers. ", "Infinite sequences are neat that way.", "\n\n" ]
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