[ "The first known cookie fundraiser was in 1917, when an Oklahoma troop baked and sold cookies in a high school cafeteria, according to the Girl Scouts organization. ", "Today, cookie sales are still going strong, but troops have had to innovate.", "\n\nThis year her troop partnered with Urge Gastropub in San Marcos. ", "With the help of a mom in marketing, they asked Chef Brad Hightow to create a dish that would promote their cookie booth outside of the restaurant’s entrance.", "\n\n“People here are like, ‘Yay, I’m going to a great restaurant and, oh, cookies!’ ", "And they’re, like, all happy,” said Brownie Ava Zeait. ", "She said she’s sold up to 20 boxes an hour at the restaurant, compared to one an hour at grocery stores.", "\n\nHer troop members aren’t the only mini entrepreneurs to come out of Girl Scouts. ", "A San Diego scout made the news when she sold hundreds of boxes outside of one of the city’s newly minted recreational marijuana dispensaries. ", "And Georgia 6-year-old Charity Joy Harrison and her dad Seymore Harrison became internet celebrities when their cookie-themed cover of Childish Gambino’s “Redbone” went viral.", "\n\n“That’s somebody I would hire when they got older,” said Tamara Romeo of the Brownies in San Marcos. “", "I think they would be a fantastic employee.”", "\n\nCharity and Daddy Mo Girl Scout Cookie Song\n\nRomeo owns a commercial interior design firm and recently joined other female entrepreneurs to speak to San Diego State students. ", "She said people shouldn’t dismiss cookie sales as frivolous. ", "In addition to funding troop activities and helping charities, she said the sales begin to teach girls qualities some of today’s business majors are still trying to gain in college.", "\n\n“Whether you’re selling yourself in an interview to get a job or trying to build something, I think you have to be able to have a position of strength in knowing how to present it to someone,” she said.", "\n\nThough they’ve been around since the 1970s, more and more schools are offering programs that teach this “entrepreneurial mindset.” ", "In 2013, San Diego State began offering a minor in entrepreneurship. ", "It has a center devoted to the topic and an incubator that helps students grow and fund ideas. (", "If you’ve seen Bold Brew iced coffee in a local grocery store or coffee shop, that came from the SDSU incubator.)", "\n\nK-12 schools throughout the county are increasingly teaching entrepreneurship, too, usually in partnership with industry. ", "San Diego Unified students last year visited a biotech incubator to learn how to pitch ideas. ", "Del Lago Academy students worked with the San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum to develop and market museum exhibits.", "\n\nBut there isn’t yet much research on whether these programs improve their academic achievement or help students become successful.", "\n\n“In my world, we’re not really even talking about it, so it’s exciting to start having that conversation,” said researcher Norris Krueger, who is speaking at a conference on entrepreneurship education at SDSU next month.", "\n\n“They know how to do teams, they know how to be resilient to adversity, they embrace uncertainty, they are better at connecting the dots,” Kreuger said.", "\n\nReagan from Troop 1329 doesn’t use words like “resilient” or “adversity,” but here’s what she had to say about Girl Scouts.", "\n\n“If I get hurt or something in Girl Scouts, (my friends) would always cheer me up. ", "And it’s a good feeling,” she said. “", "If I’m, like, making a new company and if someone doesn’t get a job or something, I can give them a job because those friends helped me when I was young.”", "\n\nReagan and her friends will be selling cookies through Sunday. ", "They’re giving a portion of their proceeds to a charity that brings therapy dogs to hospitals." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "\"use strict\";\ndefine(['cnc/util', 'cnc/cam/cam', 'clipper', 'libs/jsparse'], function (util, cam, clipper, jp) {\n clipper.", "Error = function (message) {\n throw new Error(message);\n };\n\n jp.memoize = false;\n\n var decimalRegex = '[+-]?(?:\\\\d*\\\\.)?\\\\d+';\n var interpolationRegex = /^(G\\d+)?/;\n var dCodeRegex = /D(\\d+)$/;\n var displacementRegex = /(?:X([+-]?\\d+))?(?:Y([+-]?\\d+))?(?:I([+-]?\\d+))?(?:J([+-]?\\d+))?/;\n var newLinesRegex = /\\r?\\n|\\r/gm;\n var extendedInstructionRegex = /([%][^%]*)[*][%]/gm;\n\n function fixOrientations(polys) {\n return union(polys, clipper.", "PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd);\n }\n\n function union(polys, filltype, other) {\n var res = [];\n\n var c = new clipper.", "Clipper();\n c.AddPaths(polys, clipper.", "PolyType.ptSubject, true);\n c.AddPaths(other == null ? [] : ", "other, clipper.", "PolyType.ptClip, true);\n c.Execute(clipper.", "ClipType.ctUnion, res, filltype, filltype);\n return res;\n }\n\n function subtract(left, right) {\n var filltype = clipper.", "PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd;\n var res = [];\n var c = new clipper.", "Clipper();\n c.AddPaths(left, clipper.", "PolyType.ptSubject, true);\n c.AddPaths(right, clipper.", "PolyType.ptClip, true);\n c.Execute(clipper.", "ClipType.ctDifference, res, filltype, filltype);\n return res;\n }\n\n return function (gerberText) {\n var currentPoint = new util.", "Point(0, 0);\n var coordinateParser = null;\n var unitFactor = 25.4 * cam.", "CLIPPER_SCALE; //imperial by default\n var darkPolarity = true;\n var repetition = {xCount: 1, yCount: 1, xSpacing: 0, ySpacing: 0};\n var currentAperture = null;\n var currentInterpolationMode = 'G01';\n var isInMultiquadrant = false;\n var isInRegion = false;\n\n var currentLayer = [];\n\n var tracks = [];\n var flashes = [];\n var areas = [];\n\n var aperturesTable = [];\n\n function parseDistance(str) {\n return unitFactor * parseFloat(str);\n }\n\n function collectCurrentWork() {\n console.log('collectCurrentWork', darkPolarity);\n closeCurrentPath();\n var poly = union(areas, clipper.", "PolyFillType.pftNonZero).concat(flashes, tracks);\n tracks = [];\n flashes = [];\n areas = [];\n if (darkPolarity)\n currentLayer = union(poly, clipper.", "PolyFillType.pftNonZero, currentLayer);\n else\n currentLayer = subtract(currentLayer, union(poly, clipper.", "PolyFillType.pftNonZero));\n\n }\n\n function createCircle(radius, center, steps, startAngle) {\n if (!", "center)\n center = new util.", "Point(0, 0);\n if (steps == null)\n steps = 30;\n if (startAngle == null)\n startAngle = 0;\n var poly = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < steps; i++) {\n var angle = startAngle + 2 * Math.", "PI * i / steps;\n poly.push(center.add(new util.", "Point(Math.cos(angle), Math.sin(angle)).scale(radius)).round());\n }\n return poly;\n }\n\n function createRectangle(xSize, ySize, center) {\n if (!", "center)\n center = new util.", "Point(0, 0);\n return [\n new util.", "Point(-xSize / 2, -ySize / 2).add(center).round(),\n new util.", "Point(+xSize / 2, -ySize / 2).add(center).round(),\n new util.", "Point(+xSize / 2, +ySize / 2).add(center).round(),\n new util.", "Point(-xSize / 2, +ySize / 2).add(center).round(),\n new util.", "Point(-xSize / 2, -ySize / 2).add(center).round()];\n }\n\n function createHole(holeTxtX, holeTxtY) {\n var holeX = parseDistance(holeTxtX);\n var holeY = parseDistance(holeTxtY);\n if (isNaN(holeY))\n if (isNaN(holeX))\n return [];\n else\n return [createCircle(holeX / 2)];\n else\n return [createRectangle(holeX, holeY)];\n }\n\n var shapesDict = {\n C: function (args) {\n var diameter = parseDistance(args[0]);\n var hole = createHole(args[1], args[2]);\n var poly = [createCircle(diameter / 2)];\n return {type: 'C', diameter: diameter, hole: hole, poly: subtract(poly, hole)};\n },\n R: function (args) {\n var xSize = parseDistance(args[0]);\n var ySize = parseDistance(args[1]);\n var hole = createHole(args[2], args[3]);\n var poly = [createRectangle(xSize, ySize)];\n return {type: 'R', xSize: xSize, ySize: ySize, hole: hole, poly: subtract(poly, hole)};\n },\n O: function (args) {\n var xSize = parseDistance(args[0]);\n var ySize = parseDistance(args[1]);\n var hole = createHole(args[2], args[3]);\n var e1, e2;\n if (xSize < ySize) {\n e1 = createCircle(xSize / 2, new util.", "Point(0, -ySize / 2));\n e2 = createCircle(xSize / 2, new util.", "Point(0, ySize / 2));\n } else {\n e1 = createCircle(ySize / 2, new util.", "Point(-xSize / 2, 0));\n e2 = createCircle(ySize / 2, new util.", "Point(xSize / 2, 0));\n }\n var poly = union([createRectangle(xSize, ySize), e1, e2], clipper.", "PolyFillType.pftPositive);\n return {type: 'O', xSize: xSize, ySize: ySize, hole: hole, poly: subtract(poly, hole)};\n },\n P: function (args) {\n var diameter = parseDistance(args[0]);\n var vertices = parseFloat(args[1]);\n var angle = parseFloat(args[2]);\n if (isNaN(angle))\n angle = 0;\n var shape = createCircle(diameter / 2, null, vertices, angle * Math.", "PI / 180);\n var hole = createHole(args[3], args[4]);\n return {type: 'P', hole: hole, poly: subtract([shape], hole)};\n }\n };\n\n function parseApertureDef(def) {\n var parsed = def.split(',');\n var name = parsed[0];\n var args = parsed[1] ? ", "parsed[1].split('X') : [];\n var parser = shapesDict[name];\n if (parser)\n return parser(args);\n console.log('no parser for', name, shapesDict);\n }\n\n function computeValue(str, args) {\n var Expr = function (state) {\n return Expr(state);\n };\n\n var number = jp.join_action(jp.repeat1(jp.range('0', '9')), '');\n var decimalPart = jp.join_action(jp.sequence('.', ", "jp.optional(number)), '');\n var integerAndDecimal = jp.action(jp.sequence(number, jp.optional(decimalPart)), function (ast) {\n return ast[1] !", "== false ? ", "ast[0] + ast[1] : ast[0];\n });\n var unsignedNumber = jp.choice(integerAndDecimal, decimalPart);\n var decimal = jp.action(jp.sequence(jp.optional(jp.choice('+', '-')), unsignedNumber), function (ast) {\n return parseFloat(ast[0] !", "== false ? ", "ast[0] + ast[1] : ast[1]);\n });\n\n var bracketedExpression = jp.action(jp.wsequence(jp.expect('('), Expr, jp.expect(')')), function (ast) {\n return ast[0];\n });\n var Variable = jp.action(jp.sequence(jp.expect('$'), number), function (ast) {\n return args[parseInt(ast) - 1];\n });\n\n var Value = jp.choice(decimal, Variable, bracketedExpression, Expr);\n\n function operator_action(p, func) {\n return jp.action(p, function (ast) {\n return func;\n });\n }\n\n // uppercase X is forbidden, but Eagle generates it.", "\n var Times = operator_action(jp.choice('x', 'X'), function (lhs, rhs) {\n return lhs * rhs;\n });\n var Divides = operator_action('/', function (lhs, rhs) {\n return lhs / rhs;\n });\n var Plus = operator_action('+', function (lhs, rhs) {\n return parseFloat(lhs) + parseFloat(rhs);\n });\n var Minus = operator_action('-', function (lhs, rhs) {\n return lhs - rhs;\n });\n\n var Product = jp.chainl(Value, jp.choice(Times, Divides));\n Expr = jp.chainl(Product, jp.choice(Plus, Minus));\n return Expr(jp.ps(str)).ast;\n }\n\n var macroShapeDict = {\n '1': function (params) {\n var diameter = parseDistance(params[2]);\n var x = parseDistance(params[3]);\n var y = parseDistance(params[4]);\n return createCircle(diameter / 2, new util.", "Point(x, y));\n },\n '2': function (params) {\n console.log('Vector Line', params);\n return [];\n },\n '21': function (params) {\n console.log('Center Line', params);\n var w = parseDistance(params[2]);\n var h = parseDistance(params[3]);\n var x = parseDistance(params[4]);\n var y = parseDistance(params[5]);\n var angle = parseFloat(params[6]);\n if (angle !", "= 0)\n throw new Error('angle !", "= 0 is not yet supported (was ' + angle + '°)');\n return createRectangle(w, h, new util.", "Point(x, y));\n },\n '22': function (params) {\n var w = parseDistance(params[2]);\n var h = parseDistance(params[3]);\n var x = parseDistance(params[4]);\n var y = parseDistance(params[5]);\n var angle = parseFloat(params[6]);\n if (angle !", "= 0)\n throw new Error('angle !", "= 0 is not yet supported (was ' + angle + '°)');\n return createRectangle(w, h, new util.", "Point(x + w / 2, y + h / 2));\n },\n '4': function (params) {\n var polygon = [];\n var points = parseFloat(params[2]);\n for (var i = 3; i <= points * 2 + 3; i += 2) {\n var x = parseDistance(params[i]);\n var y = parseDistance(params[i + 1]);\n polygon.push(new util.", "Point(x, y));\n }\n var angle = parseFloat(params[5 + 2 * points]);\n if (angle !", "= 0)\n throw new Error('angle !", "= 0 is not yet supported (was ' + angle + '°)');\n return polygon;\n },\n '5': function (params) {\n var vertices = parseFloat(params[2]);\n var x = parseDistance(params[3]);\n var y = parseDistance(params[4]);\n var diameter = parseDistance(params[5]);\n var angle = parseFloat(params[6]);\n return createCircle(diameter / 2, new util.", "Point(x, y), vertices, angle);\n },\n '6': function (params) {\n console.log('Moiré', params);\n return [];\n },\n '7': function (params) {\n console.log('Thermal', params);\n return [];\n }\n };\n\n function parseMacro(command) {\n var res = command.split('*');\n var name = res[0].substring(2);\n var code = res.slice(1);\n shapesDict[name] = function (args) {\n console.log('executing', name);\n console.log('inputs', args.map(function (a, i) {\n return '$' + (i + 1) + ': ' + a;\n }).join(', '));\n var shape = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < code.length; i++) {\n var instruction = code[i];\n if (instruction[0].match(/[1-9]/)) {\n var decomposition = instruction.split(',');\n var values = [decomposition[0]];\n for (var j = 1; j < decomposition.length; j++) {\n var obj = decomposition[j];\n values.push(computeValue(obj, args));\n }\n console.log('**', instruction, ' ==>', values);\n var unitShape = macroShapeDict[decomposition[0]](values, shape);\n if (parseInt(values[1]))\n shape.push(unitShape);\n else\n shape = subtract(shape, [unitShape]);\n } else if (instruction[0] == '$') {\n var res = instruction.split('=');\n var value = computeValue(res[1], args);\n console.log('$$ ', instruction, '==>', value, '|', args.map(function (a, i) {\n return '$' + (i + 1) + ': ' + a;\n }).join(', '));\n args[parseInt(res[0].substring(1)) - 1] = value;\n }\n }\n return {type: name, poly: shape};\n };\n }\n\n var firstLetterDict = {\n A: function (command) {\n if (command[1] == 'M')\n return parseMacro(command);\n if (command[1] !", "= 'D')\n return;\n var result = command.split(/ADD(\\d+)/);\n var apertureDef = parseApertureDef(result[2]);\n var index = parseInt(result[1]);\n apertureDef.index = index;\n aperturesTable[index] = apertureDef;\n },\n D: parseMove,\n F: function (command) {\n var result = command.split(/FS(L|T)(A|I)X(\\d)(\\d)Y(\\d)(\\d)/);\n var integers = parseInt(result[3]);\n var decimals = parseInt(result[4]);\n var omittedZero = result[1];\n if (result[2] !", "= 'A')\n throw new Error(\"incremental coordinates are not supported\");\n coordinateParser = function (str) {\n return unitFactor * parseInt(str) * Math.pow(10, omittedZero == 'L' ? ", "-decimals : integers - str.length);\n };\n },\n G: parseMove,\n I: function () {\n //ignore\n },\n L: function (command) {\n if (command[1] == 'N')\n return;\n console.log('POLARITY', command);\n var newPolarity = command == 'LPD';\n if (newPolarity !", "= darkPolarity)\n collectCurrentWork();\n darkPolarity = newPolarity;\n },\n M: function (command) {\n var result = command.split(/MO(IN|MM)/);\n if (result.length <= 1 && result !", "= 'M02')\n throw new Error('unrecognized file');\n unitFactor = result[1] == 'MM' ? ", "cam.", "CLIPPER_SCALE : 25.4 * cam.", "CLIPPER_SCALE;\n },\n O: function () {\n //ignore\n },\n S: function (command) {\n var result = command.split(new RegExp('SR(?:X(\\\\d+)Y(\\\\d+)I(' + decimalRegex + ')J(' + decimalRegex + '))'));\n var xc = result[1];\n var yc = result[2];\n var xs = result[3];\n var ys = result[4];\n xc = xc == null ? ", "1 : parseInt(xc);\n yc = yc == null ? ", "1 : parseInt(yc);\n xs = xs == null ? ", "0 : parseDistance(xs);\n ys = ys == null ? ", "0 : parseDistance(ys);\n\n repetition.xCount = xc;\n repetition.yCount = yc;\n repetition.xSpacing = xs;\n repetition.ySpacing = ys;\n },\n T: function (command) {\n //ignore T for now\n },\n X: parseMove,\n Y: parseMove\n };\n\n function g1() {\n currentInterpolationMode = 'G01';\n }\n\n function g2() {\n currentInterpolationMode = 'G02';\n }\n\n function g3() {\n currentInterpolationMode = 'G03';\n }\n\n function ignore() {\n }\n\n var gcodes = {\n G01: g1,\n G1: g1,\n G02: g2,\n G2: g2,\n G03: g3,\n G3: g3,\n G4: ignore,\n G04: ignore,\n G36: function () {\n closeCurrentPath();\n isInRegion = true;\n },\n G37: function () {\n closeCurrentPath();\n isInRegion = false;\n },\n G54: ignore,\n G55: ignore,\n G70: ignore,\n G71: ignore,\n G74: function () {\n isInMultiquadrant = false;\n },\n G75: function () {\n isInMultiquadrant = true;\n },\n G90: ignore,\n G91: ignore\n };\n\n function currentApertureAtPoint(point) {\n return currentAperture.poly.map(function (poly) {\n return poly.map(function (vertex) {\n return new util.", "Point(vertex.", "X + point.x, vertex.", "Y + point.y).round();\n });\n });\n }\n\n var currentPath = [currentPoint];\n\n function closeCurrentPath() {\n if (currentPath.length > 1)\n if (!", "isInRegion) {\n //there is a strange behavior in clipper, if the start and end pattern overlap (very short segment), it makes a lens hole in the track\n //so we re-unionize the ends.", "\n //check that there are points in the aperture polygon, because some people (Eagle) push empty apertures in the table and use them\n if (currentAperture.poly.length)\n tracks.pushObjects(union(clipper.", "Clipper.", "MinkowskiSum(currentAperture.poly[0], [currentPath], clipper.", "PolyFillType.pftEvenOdd, false)\n .concat(currentPath.map(function (point) {\n return currentApertureAtPoint(point)[0];\n })), clipper.", "PolyFillType.pftNonZero));\n } else\n areas.pushObjects(fixOrientations([currentPath]));\n currentPath = [currentPoint.round()];\n }\n\n function pushPoint(x, y, i, j, dCode) {\n var nextPoint = new util.", "Point(isNaN(x) ? ", "currentPoint.x : x, isNaN(y) ? ", "currentPoint.y : y);\n i = isNaN(i) ? ", "0 : i;\n j = isNaN(j) ? ", "0 : j;\n var moving = !(", "isNaN(x) && isNaN(y));\n if (dCode === 1) {\n if (moving) {\n if (currentInterpolationMode == 'G01')\n currentPath.push(nextPoint.round());\n else {\n var sqRadius = new util.", "Point(i, j).sqDistance();\n var center, aEnd, aStart;\n if (isInMultiquadrant) {\n center = currentPoint.add(new util.", "Point(i, j));\n aEnd = Math.atan2(nextPoint.y - center.y, nextPoint.x - center.x);\n aStart = Math.atan2(currentPoint.y - center.y, currentPoint.x - center.x);\n aEnd = aEnd >= 0 ? ", "aEnd : aEnd + Math.", "PI * 2;\n aStart = aStart >= 0 ? ", "aStart : aStart + Math.", "PI * 2;\n aStart = currentInterpolationMode == 'G02' && aStart < aEnd ? ", "aStart + Math.", "PI * 2 : aStart;\n aEnd = currentInterpolationMode == 'G03' && aEnd < aStart ? ", "aEnd + Math.", "PI * 2 : aEnd;\n } else {\n var candidates = [currentPoint.add(new util.", "Point(i, j)), currentPoint.add(new util.", "Point(-i, j)),\n currentPoint.add(new util.", "Point(-i, -j)), currentPoint.add(new util.", "Point(i, -j))];\n candidates.sort(function (candidate) {\n return nextPoint.sqDistance(candidate) - sqRadius;\n });\n for (var k = 0; k < candidates.length; k++) {\n center = candidates[k];\n aEnd = Math.atan2(nextPoint.y - center.y, nextPoint.x - center.x);\n aStart = Math.atan2(currentPoint.y - center.y, currentPoint.x - center.x);\n aEnd = aEnd >= 0 ? ", "aEnd : aEnd + Math.", "PI * 2;\n aStart = aStart >= 0 ? ", "aStart : aStart + Math.", "PI * 2;\n aStart = currentInterpolationMode == 'G02' && aStart < aEnd ? ", "aStart + Math.", "PI * 2 : aStart;\n aEnd = currentInterpolationMode == 'G03' && aEnd < aStart ? ", "aEnd + Math.", "PI * 2 : aEnd;\n var angle = aEnd - aStart;\n if (Math.abs(angle) < Math.", "PI / 2)\n break;\n }\n }\n var radius = center.distance(nextPoint);\n var steps = 40;\n for (var l = 0; l <= steps; l++) {\n var pos = aStart + (aEnd - aStart) / steps * l;\n currentPath.push(center.add(new util.", "Point(Math.cos(pos), Math.sin(pos)).scale(radius)).round());\n }\n currentPath.push(nextPoint.round());\n }\n }\n }\n currentPoint = nextPoint;\n if (dCode === 2) {\n closeCurrentPath();\n } else if (dCode === 3) {\n closeCurrentPath();\n var e = currentApertureAtPoint(nextPoint.round());\n flashes.pushObjects(e);\n }\n }\n\n function parseMove(command) {\n var res = command.split(interpolationRegex);\n var gcode = res[1];\n var movement = null;\n if (gcode) {\n movement = res[2];\n var handlers = gcodes[gcode];\n if (handlers)\n handlers();\n else\n console.log('G', gcode, handlers);\n } else\n movement = res[0];\n var res2 = movement.split(dCodeRegex);\n if (res2.length <= 1 && res <= 1) {\n console.log('unrecognized file', res);\n throw new Error('unrecognized file');\n }\n var dCode = parseFloat(res2[1]);\n if (dCode >= 10) {\n closeCurrentPath();\n currentAperture = aperturesTable[dCode];\n return;\n }\n if (isNaN(dCode))\n return;\n var res3 = displacementRegex.exec(res2[0]);\n pushPoint(coordinateParser(res3[1]), coordinateParser(res3[2]), coordinateParser(res3[3]), coordinateParser(res3[4]), dCode);\n }\n\n function parseCommand(command) {\n var parser = firstLetterDict[command[0]];\n if (!", "parser) {\n console.log('unrecognized file', command);\n throw new Error('unrecognized file');\n }\n else\n return parser(command);\n }\n\n function toPathDef() {\n return cam.clipperToPathDef(currentLayer);\n }\n\n gerberText = gerberText.replace(newLinesRegex, '');\n var commentLessFragments = [gerberText];\n console.log('parsing gerber ...');\n try {\n for (var i = 0; i < commentLessFragments.length; i++) {\n var fragment = commentLessFragments[i];\n if (fragment.length == 0)\n continue;\n var res = fragment.split(extendedInstructionRegex);\n //ok, now res is a mix of [normalInst*normalInst*, %extended, %extended, normalInst*normalInst*]\n for (var j = 0; j < res.length; j++) {\n var fragment2 = res[j];\n if (fragment2 == undefined || fragment2.length == 0)\n continue;\n var commands;\n if (fragment2[0] == '%')\n commands = [fragment2.substring(1)];\n else\n commands = fragment2.split('*');\n for (var k = 0; k < commands.length; k++)\n if (commands[k].length) {\n var items = parseCommand(commands[k]);\n if (items)\n parseCommand(items);\n }\n }\n }\n collectCurrentWork();\n return toPathDef();\n } finally {\n console.log('parsing done');\n }\n }\n});" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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[ "Q:\n\nLucene tokenizer for generic source code\n\nI have a Lucene-based program that indexes source code files, and I noticed that Lucene's StandardTokenizer does not split words containing a dot, e.g. foo.bar. ", "The problem with this is that in source code the dot is often is used in method calls, in which case the object name and method name should be separated.", "\nSo, my question is, how do I go about writing a custom Tokenizer that works well with source code in general (e.g. no specific programming language)? ", "Are there any existing implementations?", "\n\nA:\n\nyou can check out this article on onjava.com about indexing source code with Lucene, is some years old, but can serve as a guideline. ", "Regarding tokenizer they use LowerCaseTokenizer that seems to do what you want.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Lake Delton, Wisconsin\n\nLake Delton is a village located on the Wisconsin River in Sauk County, Wisconsin, United States. ", "The population was 2,914 at the 2010 census. ", "It also makes it the largest community in the Dells area passing the Wisconsin Dells. ", "Lake Delton, along with the nearby Wisconsin Dells, is a resort area and a major center for tourism.", "\n\nHistory\nThe village of Lake Delton was originally named Norris for Edward Norris the surveyor of the village in 1850. ", "The Village changed its name to Delton, but changed again in 1926 to Mirror Lake to avoid a conflict with the Town of Delton in that area. ", "The name Lake Delton was taken after the construction of the Dell Creek dam creating a reservoir also known as Lake Delton. ", " The village was incorporated in 1954.", "\n\nOn June 9, 2008, Lake Delton, the approximately dammed artificial lake adjacent to the village, overflowed its banks, washing away four homes and a portion of Old Newport Road (County Highway \"A\") while nearly emptying the lake basin into the Wisconsin River following several days of torrential rains.", "\n\nTourism\nAmong the attractions at Lake Delton are the world's largest Trojan Horse (part of Mt. Olympus Water & Theme Park) as well as the world's largest (artificial) Pink Flamingo. ", "From 1952 to 2006, Lake Delton was home to The Wonder Spot.", "\n\nGeography\nLake Delton is located at (43.596757, -89.787646).", "\n\nAccording to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of , of which, of it is land and is water.", "\n\nDemographics\n\n2010 census\nAs of the census of 2010, there were 2,914 people, 1,269 households, and 653 families living in the village. ", "The population density was . ", "There were 2,343 housing units at an average density of . ", "The racial makeup of the village was 87.3% White, 0.7% African American, 2.4% Native American, 2.9% Asian, 5.4% from other races, and 1.3% from two or more races. ", "Hispanic or Latino of any race were 15.3% of the population.", "\n\nThere were 1,269 households of which 21.4% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 37.9% were married couples living together, 8.7% had a female householder with no husband present, 4.8% had a male householder with no wife present, and 48.5% were non-families. ", "35.4% of all households were made up of individuals and 9.6% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. ", "The average household size was 2.21 and the average family size was 2.80.", "\n\nThe median age in the village was 36.9 years. ", "16.5% of residents were under the age of 18; 15% were between the ages of 18 and 24; 27% were from 25 to 44; 26.5% were from 45 to 64; and 14.9% were 65 years of age or older. ", "The gender makeup of the village was 50.3% male and 49.7% female.", "\n\n2000 census\nAs of the census of 2000, there were 1,982 people, 897 households, and 525 families living in the village. ", "The population density was 320.3 people per square mile (123.6/km²). ", "There were 1,373 housing units at an average density of 221.9 per square mile (85.6/km²). ", "The racial makeup of the village was 95.26% White, 0.10% African American, 2.57% Native American, 0.40% Asian, 0.40% from other races, and 1.26% from two or more races. ", "Hispanic or Latino of any race were 1.66% of the population.", "\n\nThere were 897 households out of which 18.4% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 46.6% were married couples living together, 9.1% had a female householder with no husband present, and 41.4% were non-families. ", "30.8% of all households were made up of individuals and 10.6% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. ", "The average household size was 2.15 and the average family size was 2.67.", "\n\nIn the village, the population was spread out with 16.9% under the age of 18, 8.5% from 18 to 24, 25.2% from 25 to 44, 28.6% from 45 to 64, and 20.8% who were 65 years of age or older. ", "The median age was 45 years. ", "For every 100 females, there were 87.0 males. ", "For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 85.6 males.", "\n\nThe median income for a household in the village was $34,951, and the median income for a family was $40,952. ", "Males had a median income of $31,680 versus $23,990 for females. ", "The per capita income for the village was $19,834. ", "About 5.4% of families and 9.9% of the population were below the poverty line, including 9.8% of those under age 18 and 9.5% of those age 65 or over.", "\n\nEducation\n\nMost of the community is in the School District of Wisconsin Dells, which operates the following schools serving the community: Lake Delton Elementary School, Spring Hill Middle School, and Wisconsin Dells High School.", "\n\nA small section of Lake Delton is within the Baraboo School District, which operates Baraboo High School. ", "The Baraboo School District absorbed other school districts in 1961-1962. ", "Prior to that time, people outside of the City of Baraboo, including those in West Baraboo, had to pay tuition to send children to Baraboo High.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\n \n\nCategory:Villages in Sauk County, Wisconsin\nCategory:Villages in Wisconsin" ]
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[ "Forthcoming in Inquiry 1 Aesthetic Judgements and Motivation Abstract: Are aesthetic judgements cognitive, belief-like states or non-cognitive, desirelike states? ", "There have been a number of attempts in recent years to evaluate the plausibility of a non-cognitivist theory of aesthetic judgements. ", "These attempts borrow heavily from Non-cognitivism in metaethics. ", "One argument that is used to support metaethical Non-cognitivism is the argument from Motivational Judgement Internalism. ", "It is claimed that accepting this view, together with a plausible theory of motivation, pushes us towards accepting Non-cognitivism. ", "A tempting option, then, for those wishing to defend Aesthetic Non-cognitivism, would be to appeal to a similar argument. ", "However, both Caj Strandberg and Walter Sinnott-Armstong have argued that Internalism is a less plausible claim to make about aesthetic judgements than about moral judgements by raising objections against Aesthetic Internalism. ", "In this paper I will argue that both of these objections can be raised against Internalism about moral judgements as well. ", "As a result, Internalism is no less plausible a claim to make about aesthetic judgements than about moral judgements. ", "I will then show how a theory of Internalism about normative judgements in general is capable of avoiding both of these objections. ", "Keywords: AESTHETICS; MOTIVATIONAL JUDGEMENT INTERNALISM; METAETHICS; AESTHETIC JUDGEMENT; Introduction Are aesthetic judgements cognitive, belief-like states or non-cognitive, desire-like states? ", "In recent years a number of aestheticians, inspired by the debate between cognitivists and non-cognitivists about moral judgements, have attempted to provide answers to these questions (See Hopkins [2001]; Todd [2004] and McGonigal [2006]). ", "These answers have Forthcoming in Inquiry 2 often been informed in interesting ways by the equivalent debates in metaethics1, and can be seen as part of the more general project of investigating whether theories about moral judgements can be plausibly applied to other normative judgements (see, for example, the following defences of epistemic Non-Cognitivism Gibbard (2003 p.227), Chrisman (2007) and Ridge (2007). ", "The fact that aestheticians have looked to metaethicists for inspiration should come as no surprise, given that it is commonly suggested that aesthetic judgements and moral judgements share a similar structure (eg. ", "Ayer [1936], Mackie [1977], McDowell [1983] and McNaughton [1988]). ", "The focus of this paper will not be on whether Cognitivism or Non-cognitivism provides the more plausible theory of aesthetic judgements. ", "Instead I will be investigating the related question of whether there is a necessary connection between aesthetic judgements and motivation. ", "This question is importantly related to the previous one, as it is often claimed in metaethics that the existence of a necessary connection between moral judgements and motivation provides support for metaethical Non-cognitivism (eg. ", "Shafer-Landau [2003 p.121], Hare [1952 pp. ", "79 -93], and Stevenson [1937]). ", "The possibility of a necessary connection between aesthetic judgements and motivation has been recently dismissed by both Caj Stranberg (2011) and Walter Sinnot-Armstrong (2010). ", "Both Stranberg and Sinnot-Armstrong claim that it is much less plausible to think that a necessary connection exists between aesthetic judgements and motivation than to think that such a connection holds for moral judgements. ", "If true this would provide us with good reason to think that there is an important difference between moral 1 Todd (2004), for example, defends a view similar to Blackburn's view (1998) about moral judgements. ", "2 Although, for all this argument shows, moral judgements could include both cognitive and non-cognitive states. ", "Such hybrid views are increasingly popular, see, for example, Ridge (2014) and Tresan (2006). ", "3 This way of characterizing the appeal of Internalism comes from Strandberg (2012 p.89). ", "4 Smith (1994 p.61) restricts Internalism to rational agents. ", "Dreier (1990 p.14) restricts Internalism to normal agents. ", "Miller (2008) considers a form of Internalism restricted to virtuous agents. ", "5 Miller makes this point convincingly about versions of Internalism that are restricted to Forthcoming in Inquiry 3 judgements and aesthetic judgements. ", "In this paper I will respond to Strandberg and Sinnott-Armstrong by arguing that both objections can be raised against the existence of the necessary connection for moral judgements as well. ", "As a result, neither claim gives us good reason to think that aesthetic judgements are different from moral judgements. ", "I will then provide an account of the necessary connection between normative judgements and motivation that avoids these objections. ", "1. ", "Motivational Judgement Internalism in Metaethics Motivational Judgment Internalism, henceforth 'Internalism', in metaethics is the view that there is a necessary connection between moral judgements and motivation. ", "This claim plays an important role in metaethical debates. ", "The reason for this is that it seems possible to argue from Internalism and the dominant theory of motivation to the conclusion that moral judgements are non-cognitive states (Smith [1994]). ", "The Humean Theory of Motivation states that beliefs by themselves are incapable of motivating. ", "If we accept Internalism about moral judgements then we accept that motivation is necessarily connected to moral judgements and so according to the Humean view of motivation, they cannot be purely cognitive states.2 Many have found Internalism to be an attractive theory of moral judgements because it provides an explanation for the strong connection that seems to exist between moral language and motivation.3 As many have observed, there seems to be something odd about someone who claims that an act is obligatory but fails to be motivated to perform it (those who make this claim include: Dancy [1993 p.4], Dreier [1990 pp.13-14], Smith [1994 p.60], Blackburn [1998 pp.48, 52-53] and Stevenson [1944 pp.16-17]). ", "We can see 2 Although, for all this argument shows, moral judgements could include both cognitive and non-cognitive states. ", "Such hybrid views are increasingly popular, see, for example, Ridge (2014) and Tresan (2006). ", "3 This way of characterizing the appeal of Internalism comes from Strandberg (2012 p.89). ", "Forthcoming in Inquiry 4 the plausibility of this claim by considering the following case given by Michael Smith (1994 p.6): Case 1: Jill and Jane are debating whether or not to donate money to famine relief. ", "Jane says that they both ought to make a donation. ", "A charity worker calls by, asking for donations and Jane refuses to donate. ", "Jane's behaviour seems puzzling in this case. ", "We expect Jane's moral judgement that she ought to donate money to motivate her to do so. ", "Internalism provides a ready explanation for this intuition; the reason this case is puzzling is explained by the necessary connection that exists between moral judgements and motivation. ", "The other important argument in the debate supports externalism. ", "This argument concerns the conceptual possibility of the amoralist, someone who makes sincere moral judgments but remains unmotivated by them. ", "Externalists claim that such people are at least conceptually possible (eg. ", "Svavarsdóttir [1999]). ", "If we accept this then we seem forced to accept that there is no necessary connection between moral judgments and motivation. ", "Internalists respond to the possibility of amoralists by weakening their claim. ", "Either by claiming that the motivation need only be pro tanto or by restricting the claim to certain kinds of moral agents (rational, normal or virtuous).4 Of course, by doing so internalists run the risk of decreasing the significance of the theory for other metaethical debates. ", "Certainly for some ways of restricting Internalism it seems reasonable to worry that what started as an interesting claim about moral judgements, has become a less interesting (for metaethicists at least) claim about certain kinds of moral agent.5 4 Smith (1994 p.61) restricts Internalism to rational agents. ", "Dreier (1990 p.14) restricts Internalism to normal agents. ", "Miller (2008) considers a form of Internalism restricted to virtuous agents. ", "5 Miller makes this point convincingly about versions of Internalism that are restricted to virtuous agents. ", "This, Miller points out, \"Might be the case simply because of what it is to be a 'virtuous agent' in the first place,\" (2008 p.252). ", "Forthcoming in Inquiry 5 Nevertheless, my primary interest in this paper is not the implications of Internalism but whether it is a plausible claim to make about aesthetic judgements. ", "For the purposes of this paper I will be dealing with the following weak version of Internalism: Moral Motivational Judgement Internalism (Moral Internalism): For rational agents, there is a necessary connection between making a moral judgement and being motivated to act in line with that judgement.6 In the remainder of this paper I will investigate whether a similar claim can be made about aesthetic judgements. ", "As with moral judgements, the truth or falsity of Internalism about aesthetic judgements would have important consequences for the debate about the nature of these judgements. ", "If Internalism about such judgements is plausible then this may provide support for non-cognitivists about aesthetic judgements. ", "2. ", "Aesthetic Motivational Judgement Internalism In this section I will look at what an aesthetic version of Internalism would look like. ", "The first step in giving an account of Internalism about some type of judgement is to determine the actions that these judgements motivate us to perform. ", "This is harder to do for aesthetic judgements than for moral judgements. ", "A central class of moral judgements concerns the performance of certain kinds of action. ", "When I judge that I morally ought to φ it is quite clear what action this judgement should motivate me to perform if internalism is true. ", "Insofar as I am rational, this judgement should motivate me to φ. ", "However, it is less clear what actions I might be motivated to perform when I judge a work of art to be beautiful. ", "As this judgement is not about an action it is harder to see what action it might motivate me to perform. ", "6 This is similar to versions of internalism endorsed by Smith (1994) and Van Roojen (2010). ", "Forthcoming in Inquiry 6 Nevertheless, as Strandberg (2011 p.53) points out, there does seem to be some kind of connection between aesthetic judgements and motivation. ", "We assume that someone who recognises the aesthetic value of a work of art will be motivated to seek out similar works of art, at least so long as she is aesthetically competent. ", "To see this consider the following case: Case 2: Alex says that The Ring Cycle possesses a very high degree of aesthetic value. ", "However, Alex is never motivated to go to other operas by Wagner. ", "Whenever one of Wagner's operas is on in his town Alex goes to see the latest Hollywood blockbuster at the multiplex instead. ", "There seems to be something puzzling about Alex's behaviour, we want to say that Alex is being either irrational or lacking in aesthetic competence. ", "The fact that this seems puzzling is instructive. ", "There seems to be a reliable connection between judging a work of art to be aesthetically good and being motivated to seek out similar works of art. ", "This reliable connection provides prima facie support for the existence of an internal connection between aesthetic judgements and motivation. ", "While Strandberg considers only positive aesthetic judgements, the connection seems even more plausible when we consider negative aesthetic judgements. ", "Consider the following case: Case 3: Rowena says that she judges the taste of mayonnaise to be aesthetically bad. ", "Yet she regularly puts mayonnaise on her sandwiches and her chips. ", "Rowena's actions seem even more puzzling than Alex's. ", "Again we would want to say that she is behaving irrationally or that she is lacking in aesthetic competence. ", "We want to say that if she really judges the taste of mayonnaise to be aesthetically negative then she would be motivated to avoid experiencing it. ", "Forthcoming in Inquiry 7 We can formalise this form of Aesthetic Internalism in the following way: Aesthetic Motivational Judgement Internalism (Aesthetic Internalism): For rational and aesthetically competent agents, there is a necessary connection between judging an aesthetic experience positively and being motivated to seek out similar aesthetic experiences. ", "There is also a necessary connection between judging an aesthetic experience negatively and being motivated to avoid similar experiences.7 In this section I have looked at the form of Internalism about aesthetic judgements considered by both Strandberg. ", "In the next section I will examine some criticisms that have been raised against the possibility of a necessary connection between aesthetic judgements and motivation. ", "3. ", "Challenges to Aesthetic Internalism In this section I will consider three reasons that support the claim that Aesthetic Internalism is less plausible than Moral Internalism. ", "Despite suggesting the form of Aesthetic Internalism we looked at in the last section, Strandberg thinks there is good reason to think that this form Internalism is less plausible than Moral Internalism. ", "Strandberg argues that the reliable connection that exists between aesthetic judgements and motivation seems much weaker than the corresponding connection for moral judgements. ", "He supports this claim in the following way, 7 Strandberg restricts his discussion of aesthetic internalism to the link between aesthetic judgements of work of art and motivation. ", "However, if we accept that our aesthetic judgements are not limited to aesthetic judgements of artworks then we have good reason to formulate this view without making specific reference to works of art. ", "For the importance of aesthetic experiences that do not concern art works see Budd (2002) and Saito (2007). ", "Thanks to an anonymous referee for helpful discussion here. ", "Forthcoming in Inquiry 8 It is not difficult to imagine a person who recognizes that a work of art is aesthetically good, but is not motivated to look out for similar works as he has become tired of the kind of sensation they give him or for some other reason (2011 p.53). ", "In other words, cases where the connection between judgements of aesthetic value and motivation break down are surprising and call for an explanation. ", "However, cases where the equivalent connection breaks down for moral judgements seem far more surprising and have fewer acceptable explanations. ", "While feeling tired or not being in the mood will serve as suitable explanations for not being motivated by aesthetic judgements, the same does not seem true for moral judgements. ", "Strandberg's point seems well supported by our intuitive reactions to Case 1 and Case 2. ", "I take it most people would share the thought that while Alex's behaviour is odd it is far less odd than Jane's. ", "Similarly, while tiredness can explain Alex's lack of motivation to see an opera, it will not explain Jane's refusal to donate money to charity. ", "The reason that this weaker connection creates a problem for Aesthetic Internalism is that a considerable part of the appeal of Moral Internalism is derived from the reliable connection that exists between moral judgements and motivation. ", "If we accept that the reliable connection to motivation is weaker for aesthetic judgements than for moral judgements then we should accept that the case in favour of Internalism for aesthetic judgements is also weaker. ", "Walter Sinnott-Armstrong raises a similar challenge to Aesthetic Internalism. ", "His objection is as follows: \"(I)t is not clear why I cannot judge that a modern painting (or piece of music) has the positive aesthetic quality of being creative, even though I have no desire at all to see it (or hear it played),\"(2010 p.65). ", "The point Sinnott-Armstong is making is that we can make positive aesthetic judgements for which no explanation is needed for a lack of accompanying motivation. ", "Although this point is similar to the Forthcoming in Inquiry 9 previous one, there is an important difference. ", "Strandberg's point was that the connection between aesthetic judgements and motivation is weak enough to be broken by tiredness or some other factor that would not be sufficient to break the connection with moral judgements. ", "Sinnot-Armstrong, on the other hand, points to a positive aesthetic judgement for which there appears to be no need whatsoever to explain a lack of accompanying motivation. ", "This point also seems well supported by our intuitions. ", "We would find Alex's behaviour much more understandable if he judged opera to be the most creative art form rather than the best. ", "This is problematic for Aesthetic Internalism as it shows that it is possible to make a positive aesthetic judgement about a work of art and feel no motivation whatsoever to seek out similar art works. ", "The final challenge that I will consider to Aesthetic Internalism is one that can be developed from observations made by Matthew Kieran to support a criticism of an entirely different claim made about aesthetic judgements. ", "While attacking the view that aesthetic facts are determined by the tastes of ideal aesthetic appreciators Kieran claims that cultivating certain characteristics is essential for the enjoyment of certain aesthetic experiences (2008 p.278).8 Someone who has spent a lot of time and effort developing the right capacities to appreciate classical music may find it hard to appreciate disco. ", "If we spend our time developing the appropriate character traits and responses for enjoying horror films we might find it hard to appreciate realist cinema. ", "To link this back to the discussion of motivation we can imagine someone who used to have all of the appropriate character traits to appreciate horror films gradually becoming more and more interested in realist cinema. ", "Perhaps she has begun spending time with 8 The claim that aesthetic facts are determined by the tastes of ideal critics is a view that is often thought to found in David Hume (1963), although Stephanie Ross argues that this is not how Hume's position should be understood (2008). ", "Forthcoming in Inquiry 10 people who enjoy these films and this has allowed her to develop an appreciation for the slower pace of realist cinema. ", "As she has developed these traits her capacity to appreciate horror films has deteriorated. ", "She no longer gets the same enjoyment from horror films that she once did and as a result she is no longer motivated to watch these films. ", "The reason this is important for our discussion is that we can imagine a person meeting this description who continues to judge horror films to possess great aesthetic value. ", "If we accept that such a person is possible then we have a case of someone who judges that horror films are aesthetically valuable but feels no motivation whatsoever to watch any. ", "4. ", "Extending the Challenges to Moral Internalism In this section I will respond to the three problems for Aesthetic Internalism looked at in the last section. ", "I will argue that while the three objections present major problems for the form of Aesthetic Internalism we have looked at up to now, they would equally apply to a similarly formulated version of Moral Internalism. ", "These problems, then, do not show that Aesthetic Internalism is less plausible than Moral Internalism. ", "The definition of Aesthetic Internalism given in §2 looked to aesthetic judgements that are not clearly connected with any specific action on the part of the appraiser. ", "Recognising the aesthetic value of an artwork does not commit the appraiser to any specific act, though as we saw in §2, being left completely unmoved by such a judgement may seem odd. ", "The claim I will make in this section is that, once we appreciate exactly what Moral Internalism is committed to, these objections can equally be raised against this view. ", "To start, let's note that Moral Internalism is a claim about all moral judgements. ", "If this claim is true then we should expect all positive moral judgements to motivate us to act in line with them. ", "Forthcoming in Inquiry 11 The first reason we looked at to think that Aesthetic Internalism is less plausible than Moral Internalism is that there are some aesthetic judgements for which a lack of motivation requires little explanation. ", "Strandberg claims that this is the case with judgements of aesthetic value. ", "A lack of accompanying motivation for such judgements can easily be explained by the agent being tired or not in the right mood. ", "However, the same point can be made against Moral Internalism. ", "We can judge an act to be morally good and require very little explanation for a lack of accompanying motivation. ", "In fact the very same explanation that Strandberg considered in the aesthetic case will apply here. ", "We can imagine someone who has spent ten years helping out at a soup kitchen and has become so tired of acting in this way that she has no motivation to carry on. ", "There does not seem to be any reason to describe such a person as irrational. ", "The crucial part of this objection is that the act is judged to be morally good rather than morally obligatory. ", "This is important, as the claim that we might be unmotivated by a judgement that an act is morally good is much more plausible when we are clear that this not the same as judging the act to be morally obligatory. ", "Similarly, there can be acts that I judge to be morally good that due to tiredness or not being in the right mood, I feel no motivation to perform.9 Keeping in mind the separation of the good and the obligatory also allows us to respond to the second argument for the claim that Aesthetic Internalism is less plausible than Moral Internalism. ", "The claim that there are some positive aesthetic judgements for which there is no need to explain the lack of an accompanying motivation will apply to moral judgements as well. ", "Judging an act to be supererogatory (beyond the call of duty) seems to be just such a judgement. ", "I take it that it's a familiar feature of our everyday experience 9 Zangwill (2008) makes a similar point about moral judgements and tiredness without noticing the importance of the distinction between the morally good and the morally obligatory. ", "Forthcoming in Inquiry 12 that we are not always motivated by these judgements, nor do we expect others to be.10 I judge that it would be supererogatory for me to stop working on this paper and go to help out at a soup kitchen. ", "However, I have no motivation to do so and this strikes me as both perfectly normal and perfectly rational. ", "There seems little need for someone to explain why she is not motivated to perform an act she judges to be supererogatory. ", "A reasonable response to someone puzzled as to why an agent is unmotivated by a supererogation judgement is to point out that it was judged to be supererogatory not obligatory. ", "Sinnott-Armstrong's point that there are some aesthetic judgements for which there is no need to explain the lack of accompanying motivation applies equally to Moral Internalism. ", "Perhaps, though, there is another way of understanding Sinnott-Armstrong's point that presents a different problem. ", "The example Sinnott-Armstrong gives, a judgement that a work of art is creative, is a thick aesthetic judgement. ", "A thick judgement is one that contains both descriptive and evaluative elements.11 Perhaps, then, we might understand Sinnott-Armstong as pointing to a lack of connection between thick aesthetic judgements and motivation that does not apply to thick ethical judgements. ", "However, this response does not withstand serious scrutiny, as thick ethical judgements do not clearly show a link to motivation either. ", "For example, someone might judge that it would be courageous to volunteer to assist in the clearing of landmines but feel no motivation to do so. ", "Such a person does not seem guilty of any form of irrationality. ", "10 For a full defence of the view that supererogation judgements are not necessarily connected to motivation see Archer (2016). ", "11 Williams introduces the idea of thick ethical terms to describe terms such as 'brave' and 'prudence' that contain both evaluative and descriptive elements (1985 p.129). ", "For a discussion of thick aesthetic concepts see Bonzon (2009). ", "Forthcoming in Inquiry 13 To make the point more forceful, someone can judge an act to be courageous even though it is morally bad.12 We might think that suicide bombers display courage in giving up their lives for their cause while judging that their acts are overall morally bad. ", "Someone who judged that it would take courage for her to become a suicide bomber but that it would be morally bad to do so would clearly not be irrational if she was completely unmotivated to become a suicide bomber. ", "We can see, then, that SinnottArmstrong's criticism of Aesthetic Internalism also applies to thick moral judgements. ", "A tempting line of response to both of these problems is to point out that Moral Internalism is only intended as a pro tanto claim. ", "This means that positive moral judgements must motivate to some extent but that this motivation can be overridden by other concerns. ", "This would allow the internalist to say that in order to be rational people must be motivated to some extent by a judgement that an act is supererogatory or courageous but that this motivation can be overridden. ", "While this line of response is tempting it is not a plausible view of Internalism. ", "To see why consider a case where someone is choosing between two permissible moral acts one of which is much better than the other. ", "On this pro tanto form of Internalism the agent should be motivated to some extent to perform the less valuable option. ", "This, though, is implausible. ", "While it is possible that such an agent might be motivated to some extent by such a judgement 12 We might object that if we accept the unity of the virtues, according to which the possessor of one virtue must possess them all (See Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics 1145 a12), then we could not make such a judgement. ", "However, not everyone accepts such a view, meaning that they, at least, could judge an act to be courageous and morally bad. ", "Even those who accept some weak version of the view could make this judgement. ", "For example, Susan Wolf supports the view that, \"to have one virtue, one must have the knowledge required for the possession of the others,\"(2007 p.161). ", "Holding this view is perfectly compatible with judging that an act can be courageous and morally bad. ", "Finally, while it may be the case that a supporter of the strongest form of the unity of the virtues (eg. ", "Toner (2014)) could not judge an act to be courageous and morally bad, such a person should nevertheless accept my previous point that someone could judge the clearing of landmines to be courageous without being motivated to clear landmines. ", "Thanks to an anonymous referee for helpful discussion here. ", "Forthcoming in Inquiry 14 there seems nothing odd or incoherent about someone who made this judgement of the balance of reasons and had no motivation whatsoever to perform the less valuable act.13 To see why consider the following case: Children vs. Donkeys: John has five pounds he has set aside to donate to a charity. ", "He judges that he has some moral reason to donate it to a charity that cares for donkeys but much stronger reason to donate it to a charity that feeds starving children. ", "He also judges that either act would be morally good but not morally required. ", "In this case John judges he has some moral reason to perform one act but much greater reason to perform another. ", "There seems no reason to think that it would be irrational for John to be completely unmotivated to donate his money to the donkey charity in this case.14 Finally, the point that we might judge an aesthetic experience to be valuable but be unmotivated to perform it due to having developed traits that are unsuited to the appreciation of those experiences can also be transferred to moral judgements. ", "It seems reasonable to think that focussing on developing the traits needed to be a war hero will be quite different from those needed to work in a soup kitchen. ", "Just as developing a love of realist cinema might make me unsuited to appreciating horror films, developing the virtue of courage might make me unsuited to performing acts of charity. ", "It seems perfectly reasonable to imagine a war hero who judges helping out at a soup kitchen to be a charitable act but has no motivation to act in this way. ", "Again, the important point here is that these acts are judged to be good rather than obligatory. ", "While it may be puzzling for a war hero to judge that helping out at a soup kitchen would be obligatory 13 Similar points are made by Dancy (2004 p.17), Wallace (2006 pp. ", "187-188) and Strandberg (2013 p.32). ", "14 I have made this point before in Archer (2016 p. 609). ", "Forthcoming in Inquiry 15 and be unmotivated by this judgement, the puzzle disappears when the case is altered so that the judgement is one of moral goodness or some other positive moral judgement. ", "In this section, I have responded to three reasons to think that Aesthetic Internalism is a less plausible claim than Moral Internalism. ", "I have argued that when we appreciate the range of moral evaluations that Moral Internalism applies to then these can be raised with equal force against this form of Internalism. ", "There is no reason, then, to think that Aesthetic Internalism is less plausible than Moral Internalism. ", "5. ", "Saving Motivational Judgement Internalism? ", "In this section I will suggest a way in which both Aesthetic Internalism and Moral Internalism can be saved from the three objections I have considered so far. ", "I will argue that restricting the claims to first person judgements about what there is most reason to do, all things considered, can save a limited form of both views. ", "What the three objections considered in the last two sections amount to is that there are certain kinds of judgements we make in morality and aesthetics that are not clearly linked to motivation. ", "Judgments about goodness and thick judgements are not necessarily accompanied by motivation, even among the rational. ", "This should not surprise us. ", "The reason that these judgements are not necessarily linked to motivation is not because they are aesthetic or moral judgements but because they are not sufficiently action guiding. ", "Judging an act to be aesthetically or morally good may be accompanied by a judgement that these acts are bad in some other way. ", "An act that is morally good may be prudentially bad. ", "An act that is aesthetically good may be morally wrong. ", "Similarly thick judgements and judgements about the virtues are also insufficiently action guiding to be necessarily linked to motivation. ", "Forthcoming in Inquiry 16 What this tells us is that in order to find a plausible version of Motivational Internalism we must ask ourselves what kind of judgements will be necessarily connected to motivation among rational agents. ", "The answer is that a rational agent will necessarily be motivated by a judgement that an act is what she has most reason, all things considered, to do.15 This form of Internalism concerns only all things considered normative judgements. ", "It can be defined as follows: Normative Motivational Judgement Internalism (Normative Internalism): For rational agents, there is a necessary connection between first personal judgements about what there is, all things considered, most normative reason to do and motivation.16 This form of internalism allows us to see why there seems to be a necessary connection between some aesthetic judgements and motivation. ", "If I judge that I ought to paint my room blue rather than black and this judgement coincides with what I have all things considered most reason to do then I will necessarily be motivated to paint the room blue if I am rational. ", "It also explains why the objections to both Aesthetic Internalism and Moral Internalism were successful. ", "The criticisms presented us with cases where an agent is unmotivated by an aesthetic or moral judgement that is not also an all things considered normative judgement. ", "This is perfectly compatible with Normative Internalism. ", "If we accept Normative Internalism, then we should accept that Aesthetic Internalism and Moral Internalism are on a par with each other. ", "Both kinds of judgement contribute to our all things considered judgement about what we ought to do and both will be necessarily connected to motivation whenever these judgements coincide with our 15 Wedgwood makes this point (2007 p.23-26). ", "Sinnott-Armstrong also thinks that internalism should be restricted to all things considered practical judgements, though he denies that aesthetic judgements can ever be overall practical judgements (2010 p.65). ", "16 This is similar to the form of Internalism given by Wedgwood (2007 p.25). ", "Forthcoming in Inquiry 17 judgements about what we have most reason to do, all things considered. ", "Of course, this is not quite the same as the form of Aesthetic Internalism considered in §2. ", "There is no reason to think that Alex was making an all things considered judgement here. ", "Nevertheless, it does point towards a way in which we might seek to explain the intuitive oddness of Alex's judgement. ", "We could explain this either by explaining how aesthetic judgements weigh into our all things considered normative judgements or by explaining why aesthetic assertions such as Alex's convey an all things considered normative judgement pragmatically. ", "It is important to note though, that in saying that Aesthetic Internalism is on a par with Moral Internalism, I am not saying that either form of Internalism is straightforwardly true. ", "After all, the all things considered normative judgement that I am claiming is necessarily connected to motivation is not itself an aesthetic judgement or a moral judgement.17 Rather, it is a judgement about the balance of all of the normative reasons. ", "We might take this to mean then that there is no necessary connection between moral or aesthetic judgements and motivation. ", "After all, it is the all things considered judgement that is necessarily connected to motivation not the moral or the aesthetic judgement. ", "However, there is an important sense in which both moral and aesthetic judgements are connected to motivation on this account. ", "After all, both kinds of judgement contribute to our all things considered normative judgements. ", "The all things considered judgement just is the judgement of the balance of our aesthetic and moral reasons, together with other normative reasons such as prudential or epistemic reasons. ", "Moreover, whenever either kind of reason is unopposed by any reasons to the contrary then, insofar as we are rational, we will form an all things considered normative judgement in line with our 17 As Bernard Williams points out, while moral considerations play a role in determining what there is most reason to do, the judgement that an act is what there is most reason to do need not be a moral judgement (1985 p.19). ", "Thanks to an anonymous referee for pressing me on this point. ", "Forthcoming in Inquiry 18 ethical or aesthetic judgement and be motivated to act accordingly. ", "This allows us to endorse the following form of Internalism about aesthetic and moral judgements: Aesthetic/ Moral Internalism: Necessarily, whenever an agent makes an aesthetic or moral judgement about how to act that she does not judge to be opposed by other stronger or equally weighty normative reasons, then she will be motivated to act accordingly. ", "We might wonder whether this form of Internalism is able to explain why there seems to be a tighter connection to motivation for moral judgements than aesthetic judgements. ", "However, there are several explanations that can be given for this. ", "First, we might appeal to a view that is commonly accepted by moral philosophers. ", "Moral Rationalism is the view that we always have most reason to act in line with our moral requirements.18 Similarly, we might hold that moral reasons override other forms of normative reason.19 If we accept either view then this will explain why Moral Internalism seems more plausible than Aesthetic Internalism. ", "The reason it seems more plausible is that we will expect moral judgements to coincide with our all things considered judgements about what to do more often than aesthetic judgements do.20 Certainly when we consider a case where we have a clash between a moral reason and an aesthetic reason it seems reasonable to think that the moral reason should take priority (at least on most occasions).21 Take the following example, if someone is in a burning museum and is able to save either a Rembrandt painting or a museum guard it seems reasonable to think that 18 Those who defend some version of this view include Portmore (2011), Smith (1994), and Van Roojen (2010). ", "Both Smith and Van Roojen argue that Moral Internalism follows from Moral Rationalism. ", "19 Those who defend some version of this view include Hare (1968), Stroud (1998) and Fairbanks (2012). ", "This view is sometimes confused with Moral Rationalism. ", "For a discussion of the difference between the two see Archer (2014). ", "20 This seems right even if we accept the claim that aesthetic obligations exist. ", "This claim is defended by Eaton (2008). ", "Importantly though Eaton accepts that these obligations may be reducible to moral obligations or exist only when comparing two cases which are identical in all moral respects (2008 p.5-8). ", "21 This point is made by Hampshire who claims that aesthetic considerations are trivial compared to moral reasons (1954 p.162). ", "Forthcoming in Inquiry 19 the moral requirement to save the guard should override the aesthetic reasons in favour of saving the painting.22 Of course, as Van Roojen notes, Moral Rationalism might be true without everyone being aware of its truth. ", "If this were the case then it might not be irrational for such an agent to be unmotivated by a moral judgement. ", "However, as Van Roojen (2010 pp.518-521), argues, the meaning of the term 'morally required' is determined by the normal cases, those where the judgement that an action is right motivates the agent. ", "This allows us to conclude that rational agents acting normally will be motivated by a judgement that an act is morally required. ", "Likewise, we might think that the proportion of judgements that are first personal practical deliberation judgements is smaller in aesthetics than morality. ", "In ethics a large proportion of the judgements that we make concern the assessment of behaviour, be it our own or that of others. ", "We cannot escape the fact that many of the decisions that we make are open to ethical evaluation. ", "In aesthetics, however, it seems plausible to think that the evaluation of behaviour plays a lesser role. ", "Often we are concerned more with evaluating objects. ", "Often these judgements have no clear practical upshot.23 Of course this may not be true for everyone. ", "Things may be different if we approach this from the 22 This case is mentioned by Eaton (2008 p.4). ", "It is worth noting that this is not the only way of interpreting the case. ", "We might think that in so far as there are any requirements in this case, they are moral rather than aesthetic requirements and so this is a case of a clash between two moral requirements rather than an aesthetic and a moral requirement. ", "This way of thinking is compatible with the point I am making that moral reasons seem to take priority over aesthetic reasons. ", "After all, the best act from the aesthetic point of view still seems to be to save the painting rather than the guard. ", "Thanks to an anonymous referee for helpful discussion here. ", "23 Another way in which we might make this point is to say that, in comparison to morality, aesthetics is more concerned with valuations than deliberative judgements. ", "In other words, aesthetics is more concerned with judgements about aesthetic goodness or value than aesthetic oughts or musts. ", "I borrow this distinction from Wiggins (1987 p.95). ", "In these terms, my point is that while aesthetics may be less concerned with oughts than morality that we do nevertheless make aesthetic practical judgements. ", "Thanks to an anonymous referee for helpful discussion here. ", "Forthcoming in Inquiry 20 point of view of the producer rather that the audience of art and music.24 When a painter makes a judgement as to the right colour for her to use or a jazz musician decides what is the right note to play it may seem more plausible to think that many of the aesthetic judgements being made will be first personnel practical ones. ", "Even some aesthetic judgements made from the position of the audience might be directly action guiding. ", "For example, if I am the judge of a competition for novelists then my judgement that I have most aesthetic reason to award it to Novel X rather than Novel Y will be a first personal judgement. ", "25 Such cases, though, are rare in comparison to our moral judgements. ", "We are all of us the producers of acts that are open to ethical evaluation and criticism and, as a result, much of our ethical language and discourse is concerned with the evaluation of our own behaviour. ", "If we accept Normative Internalism then this provides us with an additional explanation for the intuition that Moral Internalism is more plausible than Aesthetic Internalism. ", "The reason that this is the case is that moral judgements are more likely to be concerned with what we have first personnel reason to do and it is these judgements that are necessarily connected to motivation. ", "Even those unwilling to accept this claim might concede that aestheticians spend less of their time focusing on these judgements and this would be enough to explain the intuition. ", "However, we should not assume that this means that aesthetic judgements will never be first-personal all things considered normative judgements. ", "If, for example, I find out that a museum is planning to dispose of a work of art that I judge to be of greater aesthetic value than any other painting I know of and I can save it at absolutely no cost to myself or others then saving the painting is surely what I have most reason to do all things considered. ", "The same point may well apply for the preservation of aesthetically valuable 24 Thanks to Simon Frith for pointing out the importance of these different viewpoints. ", "A similar point is made by Came (2012 p.166). ", "25 Thanks to Cain Todd for pressing me on this point and Aaron Meskin for suggesting this example. ", "Forthcoming in Inquiry 21 natural environments.26 In the same way, if an artist is trying to paint a beautiful painting and judges that, of all the available options, a certain brushstroke is the one that would be aesthetically best, then , all else being equal, she surely has most reason all things considered to make that brushstroke. ", "It is important to note that these reasons to think that a higher proportion of our moral judgements might be of the kind that are necessarily connected to motivation do not give us any reason to think that Moral Internalism is true but Aesthetic Internalism is not. ", "In terms of a necessary connection both kinds of judgement are equal, they will necessarily motivate rational people who do not judge them to be opposed by other stronger or equally weighty normative reasons. ", "The difference then is one of degree rather than a difference in kind. ", "This difference of degree does, though, explain why, at first look, the necessary connection appears more plausible for moral judgements. ", "To sum up this section, the criticisms made of both Aesthetic and Moral Internalism enable us to see what is wrong with both forms of the view. ", "Internalism is only a plausible claim about judgements concerning what we have all things considered most reason to do. ", "Accepting this form of Internalism allows us to explain why Moral Internalism appears more plausible than Aesthetic Internalism. ", "Concluding Remarks To sum up, in this paper I have responded to three reasons to think that Internalism is a less plausible claim to make about aesthetic judgements than about moral judgements. ", "I have argued that the reason that both criticisms were successful is that they attack an implausible version of Aesthetic Internalism. ", "When we define Moral Internalism in a similar way the same criticisms apply. ", "As a result, these criticisms give us no reason to 26 Thanks to Rob Hopkins for helpful discussion here. ", "Forthcoming in Inquiry 22 think that Aesthetic Internalism is less plausible than Moral Internalism. ", "I then gave an account of Normative Internalism that can avoid both of these objections. ", "On this account, moral and aesthetic judgements are connected to Internalism in exactly the same way; whenever these judgements are also first personal all things considered normative judgements they will motivate rational agents. ", "However, there does seem to be reason to think that moral judgements might meet these criteria more often than aesthetic judgements. ", "I started this paper by asking whether aesthetic judgements are cognitive or noncognitive states and set out to investigate whether an aesthetic non-cognitivist could appeal to Aesthetic Internalism in order to support her view. ", "I have argued that there is a sense in which Internalism is true for aesthetic judgements, it is true for rational agents when such judgements are also first personal judgements about what there is most reason to do all things considered. ", "However, it is far from clear that this version of Internalism is one that provides much support for the non-cognitivist, if any. ", "After all, the cognitivist can argue that this restricted form of Internalism, if true, tell us something interesting about what it is to be a rational agent rather than anything interesting about aesthetic or moral judgements.27 As I have already mentioned, the form of Internalism that I laid out in the final section of this paper does not explain why it seems strange for Alex to be unmotivated by his aesthetic judgement in Case 2. ", "However, if there is a connection between this judgement and the all things considered normative judgement then this might explain why this case seems strange. ", "Such a connection might be a necessary one or perhaps one that can be 27 Similar points are made by Enoch (2011 p.251), Miller (2008 p.252) and Svavarsdóttir (1999 p.183) against forms of Moral Internalism restricted to rational agents. ", "Given that Normative Internalism is restricted to both rational agents and to first personal judgements about what there is most reason, all things considered, to do it seems reasonable to think that the point is even more pertinent here. ", "Forthcoming in Inquiry 23 explained by pragmatics. ", "The investigation of whether there is any such connection and what kind of connection it might be is, to my mind at any rate, one that is worthy of further investigation.28 Bibliography Archer, Alfred. ", "2014. \"", "Moral Rationalism Without Overridingness,\" Ratio 27 (1): 100114. ", "doi:10.1111/rati.12023 Archer, Alfred. 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[ "Previous\n\nEpic Technology from Corning Life Sciences\n\n30 January 2013\n\nWatch this video to hear about the key features of the second generation Corning Epic System which include increased speed, smaller footprint and easy-to-use software. ", "Kim Titus discusses how the Epic System enables high throughput label free analysis of both biochemical and cell based assays. ", "In addition to discussing the key application areas of this system, for example in stem cell research and drug discovery, Kim also tells SelectScience about the multiple ways to access the technology. ", "Interview filmed by SelectScience at SLAS2013." ]
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[ "Background\n==========\n\nSpecific cell therapy with tolerogenic Dendritic Cells (tolDCs) loaded with autoantigens is a promising tool for the attenuation of pathogenic T cells in autoimmune diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS).", "\n\nThe aim of this study was to analyse the in vitro effect of tolerogenic bone marrow derived DCs (BM-DCs) loaded with Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein (MOG)40-55 peptide from C57BL/6 mice, on the specific proliferation of splenocytes of mice with EAE.", "\n\nMethods\n=======\n\nChronic EAE was induced in C57BL/6 mice by s.c. ", "immunization with MOG40-55 emulsified in complete Freund\\'s adjuvant. ", "Pertussis Toxin was injected i.v. ", "at days 0 and 2 post-immunization to increase blood-brain-barrier permeability. ", "Clinical score was daily measured based on tail/leg paralysis.", "\n\nTolBM-DCs were in vitro differenciated with GM-CSF in the presence of vitamin D3 (VD3) for 8 days.", "\n\nOn day 7, maturation was induced with LPS. ", "Viability, efficiency of differentiation and phenotype of tolBM-DCs were evaluated. ", "To assess antigen specificity, tolBM-DCs were pulsed with MOG40-55, after the maturation stimulus (day 7) for 18h and cocultured with syngeneic splenocytes from mice with established EAE.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nTolBM-DCs displayed a semi-mature phenotype, exhibited by low levels of MHC class II and coestimulatory molecules (CD40, CD86) compared to control mature BM-DCs (mBM-DCs) differenciated in the absence of VD3. ", "MOG40-55 loaded TolDCs showed to be poor stimulators of specific T cells of mice with EAE, compared to mBM-DCs.", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nThese results suggest that MOG-loaded TolDCs may be a powerful tool to induce specific T-cell hyporesponsiveness in mice with chronic MOG-induced EAE. ", "Hence, treatment with tolDCs loaded with myelin peptides might be a potential therapy for EAE/MS.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPHP loop not performing as it should\n\n $query = \"SELECT * FROM table WHERE data = '$userinput'\";\n $row = mysql_query($query);\n\n while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($row))\n {\n echo $row['data'];\n }\n\nOk So my questions are:\n\nWhat exactly does mysql_fetch_array return? ", "\nAND if my WHERE clause finds multiple matches, shouldn't the loop execute numerous times? ", "\n\nI am running a program and I can only get the first result to print\n\nA:\n\nYou're overwriting $row. ", "Instead use a different variable for the query result.", "\n$query = \"SELECT * FROM table WHERE data = '$userinput'\";\n$result = mysql_query($query);\n\nwhile ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))\n{\n echo $row['data'];\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPowershell: Identify name of variable in Switch statement\n\nI have the following code snippet:\n$a = '1'\n$b = ''\n\nSwitch ($a, $b) {\n {[string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)} {\n Write-Host (\"{0}: {1} is null.\" ", "-f (Get-Date -Format s), $_)\n\n break\n }\n default {\n Write-Host (\"{0}: {1} is not null.\" ", "-f (Get-Date -Format s), $_)\n }\n}\n\nThis Switch statement identifies variables without any assigned value. ", "When I run it, I would like to be able to tell the user (or the log file) which variable is empty, is that possible?", "\nThe production code has many more variables and they are defined throughout the script by calling various APIs. ", "I would prefer to avoid a whole bunch of If/else statements.", "\nThanks.", "\n\nA:\n\nRather than passing the variable value to the switch statement, you could pass the variable name instead, and use Get-Variable -Value to get the value in guards. ", "This would look like\n$a = '1'\n$b = ''\n$c = '3'\n$d = '4'\n\nSwitch ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd') {\n {[string]::IsNullOrEmpty((Get-Variable -Value $_))} {\n Write-Host (\"{0}: {1} is null.\" ", "-f (Get-Date -Format s), $_)\n\n continue\n }\n default {\n Write-Host (\"{0}: {1} is not null.\" ", "-f (Get-Date -Format s), $_)\n }\n}\n\nAlso - if you want the switch statement to loop over all of the variables, then you need to use continue instead of break. ", "I've made this change in my example.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Want to talk parity? ", "The Quakes finished second-to-last in MLS last season, ahead of only Montreal. ", "Now they are in second place overall. ", "New England Revolution finished in second place in the East, and second-place in the playoffs, losing to the Galaxy in the MLS Cup finals. ", "Now THEY are second-to-last, and still looking for their first goal. ", "What happened??", "\n\nA lot. ", "The Quakes made a lot of moves in the off-season, bringing in a new head coach, new players like Renato, Nyassi, and Wynne, and a new DP in Emeghara. ", "The Quakes also played the end of last season with a roster decimated by injuries, most of whom are healthy now. ", "New England did relatively little in the off-season. ", "They also began the year without two of its key stars: Lee Nguyen (who had his first start last week) and Jermaine Jones. ", "Without those two in the line-up, New England is a very vulnerable team, and their record shows it.", "\n\nHow the Quakes Match Up With New England\n\nThe Revs lack defense. ", "The Revs still do not have Jermaine Jones available to play, although he did start practicing this week. ", "He is a huge missing piece to the Revolution’s defense. ", "Without him, the Revs average a 1.67 in goals conceded* (tied with Chicago and Philly for last in the league having given up five goals in three games), and have a league-worst -5 goal differential. ", "Factoring in all the defensive stats (aerials won, interceptions, tackles, etc), they are ranked last in defense overall* in the league.", "\n\nThe Refs lack offense. ", "They are one of three teams yet to score, with Colorado and Montreal. ", "The Revs average 9.3 shots per game (third to last) and two shots on target per game (second to last). ", "Add it all up and don’t be surprised that the Revs are also ranked last offensively.* ", "When you take a team with that’s ranked last in defense AND offense, it’s easy to assume the Quakes should roll in New England. ", "But anything is possible, so don’t count those chickens yet!!", "\n\nNotable New England players to watch for include USMNT veteran midfielder Lee Nguyen (who I think should be given more time by Klinsmann), USMNT veteran forward Juan Agudelo (a target of Premiere League Stoke City, just 22 years old and in his sixth season of professional soccer!), ", "homegrown midfielders Scott Caldwell and Diego Fagundez, and veteran GK Bobby Shuttleworth (who had a 1.25 GAA last season). ", "Don’t count on seeing Jermaine Jones. ", "It should be said that last season, the Revs were 11-2-4 at home, and they were much improved defensively last week, so I would expect a close game.", "\n\nExpected Quakes Line-up Formation and Players\n\nThe Quakes will be missing Fatai Alashe for U-23 team duty, Tommy Thompson for U-20 duty, and Lenny who had a step-back in training this week. ", "I would expect Kinnear to use the same formation that’s worked thus far: 4-2-3-1. ", "Bingham at GK, Wynne at RB, Francis at LB, Goodson and Bernardez at CB, Koval and Pierazzi as DMs, Nyassi at RW, MPG as CM, Emeghara at LW, and Wondo up top. ", "I would not be surprised to see Leandro Barrera get his first minutes this week, either.", "\n\nBench Players: Leadro Barrera (M), Cordell Cato (M), Ty Harden (D), Adam Jahn (F), Bryan Meredith (GK), Shea Salinas (M), Khari Stephenson (M).", "\n\nIneligible Quakes Players:\n\nFatai Alashe (U-23 call up)\n\nTommy Thompson (U-20 call up)\n\nMark Sherrod (knee surgery)\n\nJordan Stewart (calf strain)\n\nPaulo Renato (hamstring)\n\nSteven Lenhart (still recovering from knee surgery, had a step back in training this week, ruled out for Saturday’s game)\n\nPrediction:\n\n2-1 Quakes. ", "The stats say the Quakes should roll, but New England is tough at home. ", "I’m predicting a win by one goal, but not a blow-out. ", "I’m also predicting New England scores their first of the year as Chicago did last week against us, especially with Nguyen back in the lineup for his second game of the season and Agudelo up top. ", "However, I would not be surprised to see a 1-1 draw.", "\n\nViewing Parties:\n\n*All stats are at the time of writing and subject to change throughout the year!", "\n\nComments\n\ncomments" ]
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[ "\nWorking in the open wild (open-source project) - alter_trich\nhttps://solidgeargroup.com/working-in-the-open-wild\n======\nDevfromthestars\nSounds great to be working in a project like that, with a community\ncolaborating\n\n------\nKalebyron\nInteresting how people develop software without expecting any in return\n\n" ]
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[ "A survey of Canada’s aviation inspectors shows they are increasingly concerned about aviation safety because of Transport Canada rules that leave responsibility for setting acceptable levels of risk up to the airlines.", "\n\nThe survey, conducted by Abacus Data on behalf of the Canadian Federal Pilots Association (CFPA), indicates 67 per cent of Canadian aviation inspectors believe the current system increases the risk of a major aviation accident, up from 61 per cent in 2007.", "\n\nThe concern comes amid cuts to Transport Canada that mean inspectors are spending more time overseeing paperwork, and less time inspecting airplanes and airline safety systems.", "\n\nAt issue is the Safety Management Systems (SMS) approach, introduced in 2008, that asks any airline with planes carrying 20 or more passengers to monitor safety performance themselves. ", "Under the change, the inspector’s role is mainly to evaluate the airlines’ systems with occasional inspections.", "\n\nThe CFPA expressed concern about the SMS approach to safety when it was introduced.", "\n\nA similar survey in 2007 found 74 per cent of inspectors expected a major aviation accident or incident in the near future. ", "Now, 84 per cent of inspects expect such an accident.", "\n\nDaniel Slunder, president of the CFPA, said Transport Minister Lisa Raitt should see the increased concern as a “red flag.”", "\n\n“We’ve already seen the major accident inspectors feared when a First Air jet crashed in Nunavut in 2011. ", "The next crash could be in Toronto or some other major Canadian city,” Slunder said in a news release.", "\n\nA Transport Canada assessment had found no problems with First Air’s SMS just months before the crash, which killed 12 people.", "\n\nMore time between mandatory inspections\n\nTransport Canada has decreased the frequency of mandatory inspections of airlines from one year to three years because of dwindling resources, the CFPA claims. ", "Some airlines may go uninspected for up to five years, it says.", "\n\nTransport Canada also has ended unannounced in-person inspections in favour of audits of company paperwork, according to Christine Collins, president of the Union of Canadian Transportation Employees.", "\n\nCanada’s auditor general has already raised concerns about the lack of traditional inspections.", "\n\n“Transport Canada is not adequately managing the risks associated with its civil aviation oversight,” Auditor General Michael Ferguson said in his 2012 report.", "\n\nCBC News has reached out to Raitt for comment but her office has not replied.", "\n\nA statement from Air Canada said safety is a “core value” for the airline.", "\n\n“We have invested significant resources in our integrated Safety Management System. ", "We believe SMS is a highly effective additional layer of safety that encourages everyone working at Air Canada to make safety their top priority in whatever they do,” the statement said.", "\n\nAir Canada also pointed to other air transport agencies, such as International Air Transport Association (IATA), that have audited their safety systems.", "\n\nWestJet has declined comment.", "\n\nThe National Airlines Council of Canada, a trade association representing Canada's four largest passenger air carriers, including WestJet, Air Canada, Jazz and Air Transat, issued a statement saying its members are “committed to SMS as an enhancement of existing safety processes.”", "\n\n\"The aviation industry has invested heavily into the development and implementation of enhanced safety systems and protocols, which have certainly played a role in making air travel safer than ever. ", "There is no basis in fact to suggest otherwise,\" the NACC said in its statement.", "\n\nThe CFPA survey, conducted from Feb. 13 to March 14 of this year, was based on 284 responses to an email questionnaire from licensed pilot inspectors and technical inspectors." ]
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[ "For indispensable reporting on the coronavirus crisis, the election, and more, subscribe to the Mother Jones Daily newsletter.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nA few days ago I wrote about an odd Fox News report which said that SNAP (food stamp) fraud was at an “all-time high” of $70 million. ", "The odd part of this was not that Fox was lying about SNAP fraud being at an all-time high. ", "What do you expect from Fox? ", "The odd thing was that actual SNAP fraud clocks in at nearly a billion dollars. ", "Why did Fox lowball it? ", "I couldn’t figure out where Fox got its number, and as near as I could tell the Department of Agriculture hadn’t published anything about it more recently than 2011 anyway.", "\n\nToday, the Washington Post’s Erik Wemple does some shoe-leather reporting and makes a few phone calls:\n\nThe Agriculture Department is asking Fox News to correct a report from Tuesday morning’s edition of “Fox & Friends” alleging new heights for food-stamp fraud in the United States….“We are not quite sure where this came from,” a USDA spokesperson tells the Erik Wemple Blog. “", "We saw that there was a story on Breitbart. ", "We have not issued a report on this recently. ", "There is no new rate that we’ve published. ", "So we’re not quite sure why they’re so interested in stirring this up.” …", ".A Fox News spokesperson indicates that this matter will be addressed on tomorrow’s program.", "\n\nOK then. ", "It sounds like someone at Fox just made this up, though I’m sure they’ll put a more positive spin on it than that. ", "I’m also sure they’ll be eager to correct the fact that SNAP fraud is actually far higher than they suggested. ", "But given all this, why did the Post’s Philip Bump include the following graphic in his story about this on Wednesday?", "\n\nIt’s fine to write about Fox’s misinformation, but why was it credited to the Department of Agriculture? ", "That’s how Fox credited it, to be sure, but that credit shouldn’t have been passed along without verifying it independently.", "\n\nOne final note: this story demonstrates the value of being numerate. ", "The reason I first noticed it was because the $70 million figure was so obviously absurd. ", "SNAP is a $70 billion program, and it’s nuts to think that it could have a fraud rate that low. ", "Mother Teresa’s mission in Calcutta probably had a higher fraud rate than that. ", "Anybody with even the smallest working knowledge of SNAP, normal fraud rates, and basic arithmetic should have heard alarm bells going off immediately.", "\n\nBut no one did. ", "Nearly all of the response to the Fox report was either (a) mockery of their suggestion that SNAP should be ended, or (b) mockery of their belief that 0.1 percent was a high rate of fraud. ", "Nobody really seemed to notice that it couldn’t possibly be correct. ", "More numeracy, please." ]
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[ "Okami Returns in Feb. Against Boetsch\n\nMiddleweight contender Yushin Okami will get a home game in his first bout since his UFC 134 clash with Anderson Silva when he takes on Tim Boetsch in UFC 144 action on February 26th.", "\n\n“Undefeated since dropping down to middleweight, Tim ‘The Barbarian’ Boetsch has verbally agreed to face top three ranked Yushin ‘Thunder’ Okami February 26th in Tokyo, Japan,” said UFC President Dana White." ]
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[ "Structures in which a vertical MOSFET and a free wheel diode are contained in one chip for the simplification of the structure of MOSFET used in an inverter have been conventionally proposed. (", "Refer to Patent Document 1, for example.) ", "In semiconductor devices obtained by containing a vertical MOSFET and a free wheel diode in one chip, the free wheel diode is formed of a p-n junction comprised of a body layer and a drift layer provided in the vertical MOSFET. ", " [Patent Document 1] Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication No. ", "2004-22716\nThe above conventional configuration makes it possible to carry out diode operation without need for an external free wheel diode during inverter operation. ", "This reduces a number of required components and brings about an advantage of the feasibility of size and cost reduction. ", "With the above conventional configuration, however, excess carriers are discharged during diode operation and they flow out as reverse recovered charge Qrr and this poses a problem of increased recovery loss.", "\nTo solve this problem, the present applicants proposed a technique for suppressing excess carrier injection using a gate for driving MOSFET. ", "This technique is as follows: during diode operation, a positive voltage slightly lower than the threshold value of MOSFET is applied to form a weak inversion layer to accelerate the recombination of injected excess carriers; or a depletion layer is formed to reduce an area used as a diode. (", "Refer to Japanese Patent Application No. ", "2010-6549.)", "\nThis method brings about an effect that it is possible to suppress the injection of excess carriers to reduce reverse recovered charge Qrr without increasing loss during diode operation. ", "However, a difficulty arises because one and the same gate has charge of MOSFET operation and excess carrier injection suppressing operation. ", "When noise enters the gate and the gate voltage fluctuates during excess carrier injection suppressing operation, there is a possibility that the threshold value of the MOSFET is readily exceeded. ", "In this case, self turn-on occurs and the MOSFET is unintentionally turned on.", "\nIn the above description, a vertical MOSFET has been taken as an example of the semiconductor switching element with an insulated gate structure. ", "However, the above problems arise also in any vertical MOSFET including trench gate type, planar type, and concave type and the horizontal MOSFETs also involve the same difficulties. ", "The same difficulties arise also in vertical and horizontal IGBTs. ", "These difficulties arise not only in semiconductor devices in which a semiconductor switching element with an insulated gate structure and a free wheel diode are contained in one chip. ", "They arise also in those in which a semiconductor switching element and a free wheel diode are formed in different chips as long as they are semiconductor devices so structured that a semiconductor switching element with an insulated gate structure and a free wheel diode are coupled in parallel. ", "Also when a semiconductor switching element and a free wheel diode are formed in different chips, the above excess carrier injection suppression can be implemented. ", "Even when this technique is applied, however, recovery measures can be carried out but the difficulty of self turn-on still remains.", "\nSystems with the following structure have been conventionally adopted: a structure in which IGBT as a semiconductor switching element used in an inverter for driving an electric induction load such as a motor and a free wheel diode (hereafter, abbreviated as FWD) are formed in different chips and they are coupled in parallel. ", "To further reduce the size of these systems, the following practice has been taken: IGBT is replaced with a vertical MOSFET and a body diode incorporated in the vertical MOSFET is caused to function as FWD.", "\nIn case of structures in which a vertical MOSFET and FWD are contained in one chip, injection efficiency is intentionally reduced by controlling minority carrier life or taking other like measures to reduce the recovery loss of the FWD. ", "In this case, conversely, on-voltage during back flow operation is raised and this increases back flow loss. ", "Therefore, a difficulty in achieving both recovery loss reduction and back flow loss reduction arises.", "\nTo cope with this, the technology for implementing the following is disclosed in Patent Document 2: a deep trench gate is formed in a diode region where the injection efficiency is low in a chip in which a semiconductor switching element is formed; during back flow operation, a negative bias is applied to the trench gate to form an accumulation layer in a vicinal region to enhance injection efficiency and reduce on-voltage. ", " [Patent Document 2] Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication No. ", "2009-170670\nHowever, structures in which a deep trench gate is formed in a diode region as described in Patent Document 2 involve a difficulty. ", "It is necessary to form a trench gate for diode region different in depth from the trench gate for forming a semiconductor switching element. ", "For this reason, a process for forming the trench gate different in depth is required and this incurs increase in the number of manufacturing process steps and increase in manufacturing cost." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to make links in openlayers maked with target=\"_blank\"\n\nHo,\nhow can i add target=\"blank\" to all links in elements of the openlayers 3.10.x component?", "\n-- Rüdiger\n\nA:\n\nI use this jquery code:\n$(\"#mapDiv\").bind(\"DOMSubtreeModified\", function() {\n $(\"a\").each(function() {\n $(this).attr('target', '_blank');\n })\n});\n\nWhich look like working as expected.", "\n-- Tolotos\n\n" ]
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[ "A man detained at a Milwaukee airport after he shook his head at former Sheriff David Clarke on a flight told a federal jury Monday that Clarke's mocking Facebook posts afterward terrified him and he believed he would be harmed for complaining about what happened.", "\n\nDaniel Black at one point became teary-eyed on the stand, saying he would never file another complaint against an elected official because the incident left him so rattled and that he filed the lawsuit last year because he needs \"someone to say this is wrong.\"", "\n\nClarke and Black, 25, were boarding a flight from Dallas to Milwaukee on Jan. 15, 2017 — the day Clarke's beloved Dallas Cowboys were facing the Green Bay Packers in the playoffs. ", "The sheriff was clad in Dallas gear without his trademark cowboy hat and Black said he didn't immediately recognize him because of that. ", "Black said he asked Clarke if he was Milwaukee County's sheriff, according to his lawsuit, and when Clarke said yes, Black shook his head disapprovingly. ", "Black said he made the gesture because Clarke was supporting a rival team.", "\n\nBut Clarke responded by calling deputies to the Milwaukee airport to detain and question Black. ", "He was not arrested or cited, but Black and his attorneys argue that Clarke's actions — particularly his social media taunts — chilled Black's free speech.", "\n\n\"I felt guilty, I felt scared, that I had a target on my back,\" Black testified, recalling one post in particular on the sheriff's official Facebook site.", "\n\nClarke wrote on Facebook: \"Cheer up, snowflake ... if Sheriff Clarke were to really harass you, you wouldn't be around to whine about it.\"", "\n\nBlack said hateful messages on social media followed and he began to think someone would hurt him.", "\n\nBlack's federal lawsuit alleges Clarke retaliated with the posts because Black complained to his office about the plane incident.", "\n\nClarke was not at the civil trial, which is expected to conclude Monday. ", "His attorneys said Black did TV interviews after the encounter and didn't appear scared.", "\n\n\"Far from being chilled, he was encouraged and he enjoyed it,\" attorney Charles Bohl said. ", "He described the case as \"an unfriendly internet spat between two people who apparently don't like each other very much.\"", "\n\nBlack wants a jury to award him a compensation amount that they choose for emotional distress and other damages, as well as attorneys' fees.", "\n\nAlthough Clarke is no longer sheriff, the county is paying his legal bills and ultimately will be liable for any damages.", "\n\nClarke resigned Aug. 31 to join a political action committee that supports President Donald Trump." ]
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[ "A learning model of addiction.", "\nRepetitive use of psychoactive drugs produces a variety of learned behaviors. ", "These can be classified in the laboratory according to an operant/classical paradigm, but in vivo the two types of learning overlap. ", "The classically conditioned responses produced by drugs are complex and bi-directional. ", "There has been progress in classifying and predicting the types of conditioned responses, but little is known of mechanisms. ", "New techniques for understanding brain function such as micro-dialysis probes in animals and advanced imaging techniques (PET and SPECT) in human subjects may be utilized in conditioning paradigms to \"open the black box.\" ", "Because the existence of conditioned responses in drug users is now well-established, clinical studies have been instituted to determine whether modification of conditioned responses can influence clinical outcome. ", "A recently completed study in cocaine addicts has produced evidence that outcome can be improved by a passive extinction technique over an 8 week outpatient treatment program." ]
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[ "James Bond Portrait Gallery\n\nAdministrative\n\nA live-action movie based on the Jonny Quest adventure cartoon has resurfaced, according to the entertainment news website The Wrap.", "\n\nChris McKay, director of The Lego Batman movie, will helm the Quest project, The Wrap said. ", "The website said it got the information from “individuals with knowledge of the project.” ", "The Hollywood Reporter said it confirmed the news.", "\n\nThree years ago, there were reports that Robert Rodriguez would co-write and direct a live-action Quest film.", "\n\nJonny Quest debuted in 1964 on ABC. ", "It was made by Hanna-Barbera and created by cartoonist Doug Wildey. ", "The series featured realistically drawn characters (with the except of Jonny’s dog, Bandit), a departure for H-B. The original version only lasted one season, although there were revivals in the 1980s and 1990s.", "\n\nJonny Quest was the son of widower scientist Dr. Benton Quest. ", "They were protected by U.S. government agent Race Bannon. ", "The group took in Hadji, a native of India.", "\n\nQuest was Hanna-Barbera’s answer to James Bond. ", "Development began after producer Joseph Barbera saw Dr. No. ", "Hanna-Barbera initially intended to adapt the radio program Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy, but went with original characters instead.", "\n\nThe Hanna-Barbera cartoon brand was later absorbed by Warner Bros.’s animation unit. ", "The movie, if it goes into production, would be released by Warner Bros.\n\nA soundtrack to the 1988-90 Mission: Impossible revival television series is coming out from La-La Land Records, the company said July 23 ON FACEBOOK.", "\n\nThe price is $29.98 and sales will be limited to 1,988 units, La-La Land said. ", "The new soundtrack includes music by Lalo Schifrin (composer of the famous Mission: Impossible theme) and Ron Jones.", "\n\nThe sets will include liner notes by film and TV music expert Jon Burlingame, who has worked on other La-Land projects, including a soundtrack for the original 1966-73 Mission: Impossible series.", "\n\nThe 1988 series starred Peter Graves, reprising his role as Jim Phelps of the Impossible Missions Force. ", "In the first episode, he returns to the IMF after a protégé was killed. ", "At the time it began production, there was a Writers Guild strike. ", "As a result, the initial stories were based on scripts written for the original show. ", "The revival series aired on ABC while the original had been telecast by CBS.", "\n\nThe revival soundtrack will go on sale July 31. ", "Presumably, it will be sold (like other La-La Land offerings) on the company’s website.", "\n\nRarely, however, is life so black and white. ", "With that in mind, this post takes a closer look at Samish’s career.", "\n\nFor one thing, Samish did extract a bit of revenge. ", "Ellison pitched a story for the Batman television series for a story featuring the villain Two Face.", "\n\nBut Samish, on his way out the door at ABC, vetoed the idea. ", "At least that’s the gist of this 2013 Den of Geek post. ", "In 2014, Ellison’s story was adapted by Len Wein for the Batman ’66 comic book. ", "Wein, co-creator of Wolverine and Swamp Thing, dies last year.", "\n\nAfter his tenure at ABC ended, Samish landed at QM Productions.", "\n\n“The acid-tongued, perfectionist Samish demanded scripts so tight, so in keeping with a series’ format, more than one writer assaulted him physically,” according to the preface of the 2003 book Quinn Martin, Producer.", "\n\nAdrian Samish title card for an episode of The FBI during the 1966-67 season where he got top billing over Arthur Fellows.", "\n\nSamish came aboard QM for shows produced for the 1966-67 season. ", "He was given the title “in charge of production,” which Samish shared with a key Quinn Martin lieutenant, Arthur Fellows.", "\n\nSamish focused on pre-production while Fellows supervised the QM editing and post-production operation. ", "Their shared credit would appear near the conclusion of the end titles. ", "Both names appeared separately, with the two men alternating top billing.", "\n\nThus, is would appear, “In Charge of Production Arthur Fellows | And Adrian Samish” or, “In Charge of Production Adrian Samish | And Arthur Fellows.”", "\n\nAccording to Quinn Martin, Producer author Jonathan Etter, the two didn’t have much use for each other. ", "Fellows thought Samish had no talent, Etter quotes Richard Brockway, a QM editor, as saying.", "\n\nOn the other hand, John Elizalde, a QM music supervisor and post-production supervisor, told Etter that Samish was a valuable member of the team.", "\n\n“Adrian was one of the good guys,” Elizalde told Etter. ", "Samish, he said, was “brilliant, and very creative, and a victim of his own devices…Adrian was the major-domo for Quinn in the writing department.”", "\n\nOne fan was actress Lynda Day George, a member of the “QM Players,” of frequently employed actors at the production company.", "\n\n“Adrian was very concerned that a show maintain its integrity,” George told Etter. “", "He wanted to be sure that characters were understood, that what was wanted by the production was understood.” ", "Etter wrote that Quinn Martin trusted Samish’s judgment.", "\n\nHowever, Samish on more than one occasion aroused anger during a run of several years at QM.", "\n\nPhilip Saltzman and Mark Weingart, the producer of associate producer of The FBI, had written extra scenes for an episode that was running short. ", "Samish called Saltzman, angry that the extra material hadn’t been approved in advance.", "\n\nAn argument ensued. “", "I threatened to go over to Adrian’s office and beat him up,” Saltzman told Etter. “", "And I’m not a physical guy.”", "\n\nIn this instance, no blows took place. ", "Quinn Martin called Saltzman after seeing Samish in his office. “", "He’s as white as a sheet,” Saltzman quoted Martin as saying. “", "What happened?”", "\n\nAfter an explanation, Martin reportedly responded, “Aw, you know. ", "People get set in their ways.” ", "Saltzman told Etter that after the incident “I never had any trouble with Adrian.”", "\n\nStarting with the 1968-69 season, Samish was given a new title, supervising producer, while Arthur Fellows retained “in charge of production.”", "\n\nAdrian Samish title card for a first-season episode of producer Aaron Spelling’s Starsky and Hutch series.", "\n\nSamish, over time, also took on the task of producer of QM TV movies and pilots. ", "Sometimes by himself (House on Greenapple Road, which resulted in the Dan August series, as well as the pilots for Barnaby Jones and The Manhunter). ", "Sometimes with Fellows (the pilots for Cannon and The Streets of San Francisco).", "\n\nSamish ended up departing QM in the 1970s to work for producer Aaron Spelling. ", "Samish died in 1976 at the age of 66.", "\n\nIn the 21st century, the notion of a television series coming to a definitive end seems old hat. ", "But in the 1960s, that wasn’t the case. ", "However, that changed when the 1963-67 series The Fugitive ended its run.", "\n\nThe ABC series, produced by QM Productions, featured the exploits of Dr. Richard Kimble (David Janssen (1931-80), who had been convicted of killing his wife.", "\n\nThe Fugitive was one of the first examples of a series that was brought to an conclusive ending. ", "Kimble, in the final two-part story, finally caught up with the “one-armed man” who killed his wife.", "\n\nFor the early early years of QM Productions, the series was the company’s flagship show. ", "It was the brainchild of veteran TV writer-producer Roy Huggins (1914-2002), who had earlier created the TV shows Maverick and 77 Sunset Strip.", "\n\nHiggins sold The Fugitive to ABC. ", "The television network selected Quinn Martin to produce the show. ", "At this point, Martin’s then-new company had sold one short-lived series, The New Breed.", "\n\nThe Fugitive was QM’s first big hit. ", "As the show was winding down, ABC and QM eventually elected to have the show actually end on its own terms. ", "At the time, the practice was for a network to get as many episodes as it could from a show and simply end without a definitive conclusion.", "\n\nThe Fugitive had an actually ending and more. ", "When the final two-part story aired on ABC, it was one of the most-watched TV episodes of all time.", "\n\nAt the time, it was a milestone. ", "For Quinn Martin, there were more accomplishments to come.", "\n\nOver the years, there have been many takeoffs based on Hugh Hefner and Playboy magazine.", "\n\nHefner’s death this week reminded the blog of one of the most amusing versions from 1990 when Lt. ", "Columbo (Peter Falk) dealt with a Hefner-like character.", "\n\nColumbo Cries Wolf did more than that. ", "Writer William Read Woodfield (1928-2001) very much played with the normal Columbo formula. ", "Years earlier, Woodfield, with his then-partner Allan Balter (1925-1984), had written key episodes of Mission: Impossible\n\nSean Brantley (Ian Buchanan) is the founder of a Playboy-like magazine, Bachelor’s World. ", "Instead of Playmates, there are “Nymphs.” ", "Instead of the Playboy Mansion, there is the “Chateau.”", "\n\nHowever, in this story, the Hefner figure has a business partner (Deidre Hall) who owns 51 percent of the enterprise. ", "She appears to want to sell out to a Rupert Murdoch-like media baron. ", "But the partner goes missing and Lt. ", "Columbo is assigned the case as a possible homicide.", "\n\nWoodfield even works in a reference to a British police detective played by Bernard Fox in a 1972 Columbo story, Dagger of the Mind.", "\n\nThe first three-quarters of Columbo Cries Wolf unfolds as a typical Columbo outing. ", "But Brantley pulls a switch, basically begging for publicity as Columbo’s investigation proceeds.", "\n\nLos Angeles officials (including a nervous mayor played by David Huddleston) aren’t sure. ", "The Police Chief (Columbo veteran bit part player John Finnegan) assures the mayor that the department’s “best man” (Columbo, finally getting some recognition for a spectacular record) is on the case.", "\n\nWoodfield pulls a big switch when it’s revealed that no murder actually occurred, with Brantley and his partner pulling a con game on Columbo.", "\n\nDespite that, Brantley’s business partner still wants to sell to the media baron (albeit at a higher price). ", "So Brantley kills her for real this time.", "\n\nColumbo, with egg on his face from the first fiasco, takes another turn at bringing Brantley to justice. ", "The climax depends on early 1990s tech (which new viewers wouldn’t recognize.", "\n\nStill, it’s one of the best episodes of the Columbo revival on ABC that ran from 1989 to 2003. (", "The original Columbo series ran from 1971 to 1977 on NBC.)", "\n\nStanley Kallis, a veteran television producer whose credits included stints on Mission: Impossible and Hawaii Five-O, has died at 88, according to Variety.", "\n\nKallis had producing credits going back to the late 1950s, according to his IMDB.com entry.", "\n\nKallis joined M:I early in its third season. ", "Producers William Read Woodfield and Allan Balter abruptly departed following clashes with creator-executive producer Bruce Geller. ", "Kallis had joined Paramount as a producer following a job at CBS. ", "Geller hired him to get M:I back on track.", "\n\nThe series was a grind on the producers responsible for day-to-day production. ", "Kallis was no exception. “", "It was like riding a tiger by the tail,” Kallis told author Patrick J. White for his 1991 book The Complete Mission: Impossible Dossier. “", "The damn thing whacked me.”", "\n\nNeverthless, Kallis, helped by his new hire, script consultant Paul Playdon, righted the ship. ", "Kallis remained producer into the fourth season. ", "During the time Kallis was producer, M:I had two two part episodes (The Bunker and The Controllers) and the show’s only three-part story (The Falcon).", "\n\nKallais handed off the M:I job to Bruce Lansbury, who had previously been producer of The Wild Wild West.", "\n\nKallis departed to be supervising producer of Hawaii Five-O’s third season, one of the best for that show. ", "Kallis would oversee the production of three Wo Fat episodes and a pair of two-part stories.", "\n\nThe producer remained busy on other projects for years, including the series Police Story and the mini-series Washington: Behind Closed Doors. ", "He was also a producer on Columbo when the character was revived on ABC in the late 1980s.", "\n\nMany of the blog’s favorite television series have made it to home video over the past decade — but not exactly as they appeared during their original run.", "\n\nSome of this is a given. “", "Bumpers,” where we’re told the show will be back after a station break, and previews for coming episodes are usually clipped before going out for home video.", "\n\nStill, sometimes changes are made for other reasons. ", "Here’s a look at the differences between the shows as they appeared first run and what you get on home video.", "\n\nThe Man From U.N.C.L.E. (1964-68): When the series made its home video debut in 2007 some musical changes were made.", "\n\nFor example, some first-episodes use a different version of Jerry Goldsmith’s U.N.C.L.E. theme. ", "The Project Strigas Affair, the ninth episode aired, uses the version of the theme (arranged by Morton Stevens) utilized for most of the second half of the season.", "\n\nThere are similar substitutions in other first-season episodes, though why they were made isn’t apparent.", "\n\nOne plus, however, was the third-season set included one “bumper” (for The Abominable Showman Affair) in which veteran cartoon voice June Foray told the audience the show would return after station identification.", "\n\nAnother plus is how the first-season set included the original color version of the pilot, when the plan was to call the series Solo.", "\n\nHowever, it doesn’t include another, black-and-white version of the plot which has a short presentation by star Robert Vaughn explaining the show and its format to network executive and potential advertisers. ", "Bootleg versions of that have circulated among collectors for years.", "\n\nHawaii Five-O logo in the main title\n\nHawaii Five-O (1968-1980): In the first season, James MacArthur’s title card read, “With James MacArthur as Danny.” ", "Starting with the second season, it said, “With James MacArthur as Dan Williams.” ", "However, in the home video versions of seasons two through four, the first-season title card remains.", "\n\nThe second-season set, meanwhile, doesn’t include the episode “Bored, She Hung Herself.” ", "That episode aired only once and has never been repeated on CBS or shown in syndication. ", "That ban has continued into the home video area.", "\n\nThe 11th season set has episodes that involve music clearance issues. ", "The two-part story Number One With a Bullet involves the Kumu, the Hawaiian mob, trying to force its way into Hawaii’s disco business.", "\n\nBoth parts include disco hits of the late 1970s. ", "In the home video version, the original hit songs are only heard in Part I while “generic” disco music is substituted for Part II.", "\n\nAnother episode, The Execution File, included a rendition of “If You Think I’m Sexy” performed by a Rod Stewart soundalike. ", "But in the home video version, it gets cut in favor of generic disco music.", "\n\nThe FBI logo from the main titles.", "\n\nThe FBI (1965-1974): For a number of seasons, lead sponsor Ford Motor Co. got its logo in the main titles. ", "This was clipped when the show went into syndication.", "\n\nAs a result, most of the home video episodes also don’t include the Ford logo. ", "However, there a few episodes in the season two, three and five sets that include the automaker’s familiar oval.", "\n\nAnother change occurs in the end titles, starting with the third-season set. ", "During the 1967-68 season, Warner Bros. changed its logo from the familiar WB shield to a shield with a single W. In other seasons, Warners changed the logo a few times.", "\n\nWith the DVD release, all of those alternate Warners logos are gone, except for a couple of third-season episodes with the single W logo. ", "Almost all of the alternative company logos were replaced with the old WB shield that the company went back to a number of years ago.", "\n\nThe biggest plus for the home video release is in the second half of the first season. ", "It includes an episode never aired on ABC, The Hiding Place. ", "According to Jonathan Etter’s book Quinn Martin, Producer, Ford didn’t want the episode aired for fear it would spur a boycott." ]
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[ "Day: May 7, 2018\n\nWhen you’re unhappy with your home, its appearance, or the way that it functions for your family, then it is normal to be unhappy with other areas of your life as well. ", "Instead of trying to find the perfect home for your family and your needs, which is almost impossible, you can easily turn your home into the home of your dreams when you work with a great builder. ", "This will ensure that you don’t have to deal with the stress of selling and moving and can rely on their…\n\nRoofing issues are going to be something you’ll have to deal with at some point as a homeowner. ", "Over time, your roof may become damaged because of storms or simple issues presenting themselves through age. ", "It’s just important to remember that you need to get these issues taken care of as soon as you notice them. ", "Letting your roof remain damaged without tending to the problem can lead to worse damage down the line. ", "Hire the Best Roofers Around If you have yet to deal with any roofing issues for…\n\nAfter a long day at work or after coming back from long holidays all you need is a sound sleep without any interruption. ", "Are we right? ", "But what if you found that all sudden at some corner or maybe from the centre point your house roof is cracked or leaking because of the store water due to a heavy rain. ", "Now your mind will push you hard to get it repair ASAP (As Soon As Possible). ", "But hang on, here most of the people commit mistakes and without any consideration…\n\nEveryone has a different preference when it comes to choosing the right furniture but the good news is there are thousands of retailers, most of which can be found online, that provide a wide selection of furniture that includes everything from coffee tables to beds and sofas to dressers. ", "Furniture comes in all different styles and designs and nowadays you can find Amish, French, and even Pagan furniture. ", "There is something for everyone, meaning that you should have no problems finding something you love. ", "When You Expect the Very Best…\n\nIf you are planning a large construction job, then you are probably faced with having to get the right amount and kind of scaffolding. ", "The right scaffolding will ensure that your crew is safe when they are working and will make the job a lot easier to complete on time and without any problems. ", "Although it can be tempting to buy scaffolding that you can use yourself whenever you want it, there are some benefits to hiring it instead of making the purchase yourself. ", "Benefits to Renting From a Quality…\n\nCleaning\n\nIt is important to keep your carpet clean for a number of reasons. ", "In addition to keeping your carpet looking good, cleaning your carpet on a regular basis will also ensure that there is very little dust, hair, and dirt floating around the house. ", "This can be very..." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004901960784313725, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0 ]
[ "\nAsk HN: What to do with gigabit internet? - ", "markwaldron\nI recently upgraded to Verizon&#x27;s gigabit internet (I&#x27;m getting 900&#x2F;930 on average, but close enough). ", "What are some cool things to do with this level of speed?", "\n======\nfreestockoption\nSome things I do:\n\nI built a tiny pc (Gigabyte BRIX) and use it as a linux server/host. ", "I use\nCloudFlare as CDN (with their client certificate HTTPS) so my IP address isn't\nso obvious.", "\n\nI use it between houses with a VPN and use an HDHomeRun to move ATSC streams\n(~20mbit each) to places that don't get good OTA reception.", "\n\nI download games when I want to play them and delete them when I'm done. ", "Rinse\nand repeat.", "\n\nWindows/Mac/iOS/Android updates are really fast.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0.020833333333333332, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0, 0.02, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nSQL query involving three tables and checking whether some result has entry in another table\n\nI have 3 tables in my SQL database as follows\nUsers2\nUserID,\nEID,\nName,\nEmail,\nDepartment,\nEnabled\n\nSites\nSiteID,\nSiteCode,\nSiteName\n\nUserSites2\nUsersSitesID,\nUserID,\nSiteID\n\nWhat I need to do is, given EID and SiteID, get a full row from the Users2 table AND the SiteID, SiteCode and SiteName from the Sites table WHEN the userID of the retrieved record has an entry in the UserSites2\nExample of expected result:\nUsers2\n1, 12345, Me, me@email.com, Support, True\n2, 12346, you, you@email.com, Service, True\n\nSites\n1, 123, Regional HQ\n2, 234, National HQ\n\nUserSites2\n1, 1, 1\n2, 1, 2\n3, 2, 2\n\nSo given EID 12345 and SiteID 2 I should get the result\n1, 12345, Me, me@email.com, Support, True, 2, 234, National HQ\n\nand for EID 12346 and SiteID 1 I should get nothing\nI know how to join Users2 and Sites to get the full row I want but I don't understand how to make it depend on whether there is an entry in the lookup table for it.", "\n\nA:\n\n select u2.UserID, u2.EID, u2.Name, u2.Email, u2.Department, u2.Enabled, \n s.SiteID, s.SiteCode, s.SiteName\n from users2 u2\n left outer join usersites us on u2.UserID = us.", "UserID \n left outer join sites s on s.SiteID = us.", "SiteID \n where u2.EID = 12345 and us.", "SiteID = 2\n\nI have tested this. ", "It will give you no records if it is not mapped in UserSites. ", "So for EID 12346 and SiteID 1 you will get nothing.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.013658536585365854, 0.01990049751243781, 0.017543859649122806, 0.024390243902439025, 0.03125, 0.016129032258064516, 0.0196078431372549, 0 ]
[ "if (!", "FileFind(\"~/TimeClock\",,FUF_JUST_DIRS)) {\n DirMk(\"~/TimeClock\");\n DocClear;\n \"After Loading, type $$GREEN$$PunchIn;$$FG$$, \"\n \"$$GREEN$$PunchOut;$$FG$$ or $$GREEN$$TimeRep;$$FG$$\\n\"\n \"You might want to make PLUGINS for hot keys.\\n\\n\\n\";\n}\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0, 0 ]
[ "\n79 Ill. App.3d 27 (1979)\n398 N.E.2d 226\nRONALD WOOLFOLK et al., ", "Plaintiffs-Appellants,\nv.\nBOARD OF FIRE AND POLICE COMMISSIONERS OF THE VILLAGE OF ROBBINS et al., ", "Defendants-Appellees.", "\nNo. ", "78-1767.", "\nIllinois Appellate Court — First District (5th Division).", "\nOpinion filed November 30, 1979.", "\nRonald H. Balson, of Chicago, for appellants.", "\nHerbert H. Fisher and Douglas Polsky, both of Chicago, for appellees.", "\nJudgment affirmed.", "\nMr. JUSTICE WILSON delivered the opinion of the court:\nPlaintiffs appeal the order of the trial court granting defendants' motion for summary judgment in an action seeking the reconstitution of the village of Robbins police force which had been abolished by village officials. ", "They contend that genuine issues of material facts existed on whether the abolition of the police force constituted a mere ploy to avoid the Illinois statutes governing due process procedure for the dismissal of municipal policemen. ", "We affirm.", "\n*28 Plaintiffs, several police officers with the village of Robbins (village) police department, lost their jobs on March 1, 1978. ", "They filed suit in two counts claiming in count I that the defendant village administrator \"without any lawful or reasonable cause and without legal right or authority, discharged * * * [them] and refused to permit them to work at any time subsequent to March 7, 1978 * * *.\" ", "They stated that such action by the administrator constituted an attempt to usurp the authority of the defendant village board of fire and police commissioners which was the body charged with the sole power to remove or discharge the police officers. ", "Ill. Rev. Stat. ", "1977, ch. ", "24, par. ", "10-2.1-17.", "\nPlaintiffs attached to its complaint a March 3 letter and a March 4 memorandum as evidence of the unlawful action of the administrator. ", "The March 3 letter, which was addressed to the police department among others, provided in pertinent part:\n\"Pursuant to the powers invested in me as Village Administrator, I declare that the public safety in the Village of Robbins to be in a state of emergency. ", "Therefore, I have recommended to the Board of Trustees that the following measures be taken (these have been approved by the Board):\n1. ", "The Robbins Police Department and Police Commission Board as presently structured will be abolished and current (regular) police personnel will be PLACED ON FURLOUGH WITH PAY until such time as an acceptable Reorganization Plan can be developed and approved by the Mayor and Board of Trustees. ", "This will be done as expeditiously as possible. ", "The Fire Commission Board function will remain intact.", "\n2. ", "Police Services will be provided on a contract basis for a period not to exceed one year.", "\nSeveral officers have served the Village of Robbins police force commendably. ", "We will make every attempt to utilize their skills in the future.\"", "\nThe March 4 memorandum, also addressed to the police department, explained the effect of the abolition of the force and reiterated that the officers would have furlough status and that the village had made provisions for other police service. ", "Plaintiffs claim that as a result of the actions of the administrator they were \"removed\" from the force and as such ought to have been provided with certain due process safeguards, including notice and a hearing. ", "They ask that the action of the administrator be reviewed as an administrative decision so that it may be reversed and set aside.", "\nIn count II, they claimed that three ordinances passed by the defendant village board of trustees violated provisions of the Illinois *29 Municipal Code (Code) (Ill. Rev. Stat. ", "1977, ch. ", "24, par. ", "10-2.1-1 et seq.). ", "First, they claimed that Ordinance No. ", "3-1-78, which was passed on March 1, 1978, and entitled \"An Ordinance Abolishing the Robbins Police Department and Establishing Contract Police and Safety Services,\" violated section 10-2.1-17 of the Code since the ordinance resulted in a \"removal\" of the officers from the department without first affording them procedural rights guaranteed by section 10-2.1-17 (Ill. Rev. Stat. ", "1977, ch. ", "24, par. ", "10-2.1-17). ", "Plaintiffs stated that the passing of this ordinance was a mere guise employed to circumvent the procedural safeguards of section 10-2.1-17. ", "Next, plaintiffs claimed that Ordinance No. ", "5-8-78, which was passed on May 8, 1978, and entitled \"An Ordinance Revising the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners,\" violated the requirements of the Code, particularly sections 10-2.1-17 and 10-2.1-18 (Ill. Rev. Stat. ", "1977, ch. ", "24, par. ", "10-2.1-18). ", "Although not clear from the pleadings, they apparently stated that the ordinance violated 10-2.1-18 because after the supposed abolition of the force, new officers were hired to carry on police functions without first affording plaintiffs a right to priority reinstatement as guaranteed by section 10-2.1-18. ", "They apparently state that the ordinance violated section 10-2.1-17 because it is further proof that the defendants' intent from the very start was to \"remove\" plaintiffs from the department without first affording them due process rights. ", "Last, plaintiffs apparently claimed that Ordinance No. ", "5-8-78A, which was also passed on May 8, 1978, entitled \"An Ordinance Creating a Department of Public Safety,\" violated section 10-2.1-17 also because it proves that the defendants' original intent was to \"remove\" plaintiffs from the department without first affording them their section 10-2.1-17 rights.", "\nDefendants' answer denied that the actions of the administrator were unlawful and stated affirmatively that plaintiffs had lost their positions in the department as a result of the abolition of the department by Ordinance No. ", "3-1-78 and not as a result of any discharge or removal by the administrator. ", "The answer also denied that any of the ordinances violated any of the statutory sections cited by plaintiffs and denied that any person had been hired to replace any of the plaintiffs. ", "The answer admitted that defendants had entered into a one year contract with the Cook County sheriff's police in which the sheriff's police had agreed to provide all personnel, facilities, and equipment necessary to render police service for the village.", "\nOn May 26, 1978, defendants filed a motion for summary judgment and an accompanying affidavit claiming that no genuine issue of material fact existed as to either count I or count II of plaintiffs' complaint. ", "They stated that there was no genuine issue as to count I because the decision to abolish the police department was a legislative decision, as evidenced by *30 Ordinance No. ", "3-1-78, and as such not reviewable under the Administrative Review Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. ", "1977, ch. ", "110, par. ", "264 et seq). ", "They stated that there was no genuine issue as to count II because plaintiffs did not allege any recognizable basis for finding the ordinances unlawful. ", "The affidavit of defendants' attorney stated that no persons had been hired to replace the furloughed plaintiffs and that the Cook County sheriff's police were then providing police service pursuant to a one-year contract, the cost of which was being paid by a Federal grant. ", "Plaintiffs filed a response which essentially repeated the allegations of their complaint. ", "Additionally, they filed an affidavit of one of the plaintiffs in which the plaintiff stated that to his direct knowledge village police functions were then being carried on by officers other than plaintiffs.", "\nOn June 14, 1978, the trial court granted defendants' motion for a summary judgment. ", "Plaintiffs appeal from this order.", "\n\nOPINION\nPlaintiffs contend that a genuine issue of material fact exists as to whether the decision of the village administrator and the acting chief of police to abolish the village police force, as evidenced by the March 3 and 4 communications, was made to circumvent the Illinois statute governing due process procedure for the dismissal of municipal policemen (Ill. Rev. Stat. ", "1977, ch. ", "24, par. ", "10-2.1-17). ", "They argue that the decision amounted to an administrative decision and as such is reviewable under the Administrative Review Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. ", "1977, ch. ", "110, par. ", "264 et seq.). ", "We disagree.", "\n• 1, 2 The Administrative Review Act provides for judicial review of the final decisions of administrative agencies. (", "Ill. Rev. Stat. ", "1977, ch. ", "110, par. ", "265.) ", "It cannot be used to provide for review of legislative acts of legislative bodies. (", "Erlinger v. City Council (1975), 28 Ill. App.3d 324, 328 N.E.2d 663.) ", "Ordinances enacted by municipal governing boards amount to legislative acts of legislative bodies. ", "Artz v. Commercial National Bank (1970), 125 Ill. App.2d 86, 259 N.E.2d 813\n• 3 We cannot agree with plaintiffs' argument that the March 3 and March 4 communications evidence administrative decisions because they led to their discharge from the village police force. ", "The village police force was abolished by ordinance on March 1, 1978. ", "Plaintiffs lost their position on the village police force by virtue of this ordinance and not by the virtue of the communications. ", "The March 3 letter was a mere acknowledgment of a recommendation which was made to the village board of trustees and acted upon by them and the March 4 memorandum was no more than an official explanation of the effect of the abolition of the village police force. ", "Since plaintiffs' positions on the police force were abolished by ordinance, they cannot seek review under the Administrative Review Act *31 because the ordinance is a legislative act which is not reviewable under the Act.", "\nNonetheless, the ordinance may be reviewable in a declaratory judgment action if it is alleged that the ordinance is unlawful. ", "Plaintiffs have made such an allegation and have also alleged that ordinance Nos. ", "5-8-78 and 5-8-78A are also unlawful. ", "They contend that genuine issues of material facts exist as to whether Ordinance No. ", "3-1-78 violates section 10-2.1-17 of the Code, Ordinance No. ", "5-8-78 violates section 10-2.1-17 and 10-2.1-18, and Ordinance No. ", "5-8-78A violates section 10-2.1-17. ", "We disagree.", "\n• 4 Section 10-2.1-17 provides a procedure for the removal or discharge of a police officer for cause. ", "The \"cause\" necessary for removal or discharge is \"some substantial shortcoming which renders the employee's continuance in office in some way detrimental to the discipline and efficiency of the service and which the law and sound public opinion recognizes as good cause for his no longer holding the position.\" (", "Nation v. Board of Fire & Police Commissioners (1976), 40 Ill. App.3d 384, 387, 352 N.E.2d 464, 467.) ", "Plaintiffs did not lose their positions on the police force because of any \"cause.\" ", "Plaintiffs lost their positions as a result of an ordinance which abolished the force. ", "When positions have been abolished and there has not been a dismissal for cause, the procedure listed in section 10-2.1-17 is inapplicable. ", "Thus, Ordinance No. ", "3-1-78 cannot be said to violate this section.", "\nSection 10-2.1-18 provides the procedure to be followed when positions have been abolished. ", "Section 10-2.1-18 provides that when positions have been abolished:\n\"* * * seniority shall prevail and the officers and members * * * removed from the service * * * of the police department shall be considered furloughed without pay.", "\nIf any positions which have been vacated because of reduction in forces or displacement and abolition of positions, are reinstated, such members and officers of the * * * police department as are furloughed from the said positions shall be notified by the board * * * and shall have prior right to such positions if otherwise qualified, and in all cases seniority shall prevail.\" (", "Ill. Rev. Stat. ", "1977, ch. ", "24, par. ", "10-2.1-18.)", "\nThe March 4 memorandum indicates the village officials did intend to place the officers on furlough, and did intend to reinstate in accordance with this procedure if and when a new police department was created. ", "Thus, we find no evidence indicating a violation of section 10-2.1-18.", "\nPlaintiffs argue, however, that the abolition of the police force was a ruse employed to remove certain officers from the force without *32 following the procedural requirements of section 10-2.1-17. ", "They claim that this becomes evident when one considers that within months of the abolition of the force, the village passed ordinances creating a new police force and revising the board of fire and police commissioners, yet, none of the plaintiffs had been reinstated to the force.", "\n• 5 We do not find that either of these ordinances indicates that the village of Robbins had in fact formed a new police force and was hiring to fill positions on the force. ", "Although Ordinance No. ", "5-8-78A purportedly created a department of public safety containing a police division, there is no support for a finding other than the police services were being handled by the Cook County sheriff's police pursuant to the one year contract referred to in the March 3 and March 4 communications and in the affidavit attached to defendants' summary judgment motion. ", "The record does not indicate if the police division purportedly created by Ordinance No. ", "5-8-78A had been formed and if any hiring had been completed. ", "The mere fact that the affidavit attached to plaintiffs' response to the motion for summary judgment contains a statement that the village police functions were being carried on by officers other than plaintiffs does not alter this conclusion since this statement was in line with defendants' statement that Cook County sheriff's police had contracted to handle these functions. ", "Without any support for plaintiffs' argument, we cannot say that plaintiffs were not afforded their rights in accordance with section 10-2.1-18.", "\nSimilarly, we do not believe that Ordinance No. ", "5-8-78, which revised the board of fire and police commissioners, supports the conclusion that a new police force had been formed and its positions were being filled by officers other than plaintiffs. ", "Defendants point out that this ordinance merely revised the board of fire and police commissioners so as to comply with requirements of the Code. ", "Without any support that it somehow resulted in the formation of a new police force and a hiring policy in contradiction to section 10-2.1-18, we cannot say this ordinance violated either of the statutory sections cited by plaintiffs.", "\nPlaintiffs ask us to consider the spirit of the law in making our determination on this issue. ", "They state that we should rule that the ordinances in question violate sections 10-2.1-17 and 10-2.1-18 because it is apparent from the circumstances of this case that the village officials were merely trying to solve the problem of removing troublesome police officers without having to afford certain procedural safeguards. ", "We do not find that the record supports such a conclusion. ", "Additionally, we cannot avoid reaching the conclusion that what plaintiffs are actually asking us to do is to look into the motives of the village lawmakers. ", "This we are not constitutionally empowered to do. ", "Tuite v. City of Loves Park (1967), 82 Ill. App.2d 214, 225 N.E.2d 817.", "\n*33 If at some point there is evidence that the village has reconstituted its police force without affording plaintiffs the priority rights afforded to them by section 10-2.1-18, plaintiffs will then have a cause of action against the village. ", "On the present record, however, there is no support for such a cause of action.", "\nSince the record before us raises no genuine issues as to any material facts involving the points raised by plaintiffs, the judgment of the trial court will be affirmed.", "\nAffirmed.", "\nSULLIVAN, P.J., and LORENZ, J., concur.", "\n" ]
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[ "Transforming proteins of fujinami and PRCII avian sarcoma viruses have different subcellular locations.", "\nThe subcellular locations of transforming proteins encoded by the related avian sarcoma viruses, PRCII and Fujinami sarcoma virus (FSV), were compared by cell fractionation and by indirect immunofluorescence. ", "Whereas both viruses encode gag-fps proteins associated with tyrosine-specific kinase activity, FSV is more highly tumorigenic than PRCII in vivo. ", "Cell fractionation studies showed that the PRCII transforming protein, P105, became associated with the high-speed particulate fraction shortly after synthesis. ", "However, PRCII P105 did not fractionate with the plasma membrane marker, but rather with high-density membranes. ", "It is unique in this subcellular localization among viral tyrosine kinases. ", "This membrane association was found to be relatively insensitive to salt concentration and did not require divalent cations. ", "Immunofluorescent studies, using anti-fps serum, showed that the PRCII protein was present in discrete, large, cytoplasmic patches, as well as in a juxtanuclear location. ", "In contrast, FSV-encoded P130 was found to fractionate with the plasma membrane marker when cells were analyzed in low salt in the presence of magnesium. ", "However, at higher salt concentrations and in the absence of magnesium, the bulk of P130 was found to be soluble. ", "Immunofluorescent staining of FSV P130 revealed a diffuse, cytoplasmic pattern that was distinct from that of the PRCII product. ", "The observed difference in the subcellular localization of these transforming proteins may be the cause of the difference in tumorigenicity between the two viruses." ]
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[ "Donald Trump took the oath of office as the 45th president of the United States on January 20. ", "Surrounded by his family and by Congress, he was sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts on the western front of the U.S. Capitol. ", "Mr. Trump used two Bibles to take the oath: one is the Bible used by President Lincoln at his first inauguration, and the other is the Bible presented to Mr. Trump by his mother upon his graduation from primary Sunday school in 1955.", "\n\nThe living former presidents attended, except George H.W. Bush, and Mr. Trump’s former rival, Hillary Clinton, will be attending with her husband, former President Bill Clinton.", "\n\nScroll back through updates as they happened.", "\n\nGet Breaking News Delivered to Your Inbox\n\nSaturday, Jan. 21\n\n3:30 p.m. After feuding with intelligence agencies earlier this month, President Trump gathered with CIA officials Saturday and professed his love and respect for the agency’s employees.", "\n\n“We’ve really appreciated what you’ve done,” Mr. Trump told a small crowd of intelligence officials Saturday afternoon on a visit to the CIA’s headquarters in Langley, Virginia. “", "I am so behind you, and I know maybe sometimes you haven’t gotten the backing that you’ve wanted.”", "\n\nHe went on to promise that “you’re gonna get so much backing.”", "\n\n3:00 p.m. Donald Trump has arrived at the CIA headquarters in Virginia and is getting briefed by CIA senior leadership.", "\n\n1:50 p.m. President Trump is expected to make remarks at CIA headquarters at 3 p.m. Saturday.", "\n\n1:00 p.m. The Department of Justice has some good news for President Trump: its Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) has concluded that Mr. Trump’s decision to hire his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, as a senior White House adviser does not violate federal anti-nepotism laws.", "\n\nThe OLC issued a 14-page memo on Friday saying that the president is not barred from appointing Kushner because federal law grants the president special hiring authority that exempts him and his hires from anti-nepotism laws.", "\n\n12:04 p.m. Donald Trump tweets about how he is “honered (sic)” to serve “the great American people” as president.", "\n\nTwitter.com/realdonaldtrump\n\nHe deleted the original tweet, which included a spelling error, minutes later and posted a corrected message.", "\n\n10:39 a.m. Sean Spicer, the newly minted White House press secretary, confirmed over Twitter that President Trump is expected to visit the CIA’s headquarters Saturday afternoon.", "\n\n“Event is over capacity at 300+. ", "Excited to thank the men and women of the intelligence community,” Spicer wrote on the social media platform.", "\n\nMr. Trump’s first official visit to an agency as president will be to the heart of the intelligence community he has questioned. ", "During his transition, Mr. Trump accused the Obama administration’s CIA Director John Brennan of leaking information while Brennan criticized Trump for not taking a harder line against the Russians.", "\n\n10:20 a.m. Mr. Trump arrives at Washington’s National Cathedral for an interfaith prayer service.", "\n\n\n\nThe service Saturday morning features priests, Christian pastors, a rabbi, a Hindu priest, a Mormon pastor and an Imam.", "\n\n9:30 a.m. Demonstrators for the Women’s March on Washington are facing some long lines and delays trying to get into the heart of the nation’s capital.", "\n\nLine to get into Baltimore Penn. ", "Hearing from folks that 7am train didn't go, and now where's the 8:30am? ", "@lukebroadwater @yvonnewenger pic.twitter.com/tM3wwLg41K — Liz Richards (@lizrr) January 21, 2017\n\nSeveral female celebrities will also be in attendance for the day-long protests, including musicians Katy Perry and Janelle Monae.", "\n\n9:00 a.m. Women from around the country descend on the nation’s capital for the “Women’s March on Washington.”", "\n\nYou can read up on the women that make up the movement here.", "\n\nFriday, Jan. 20\n\n11:14 p.m. At the third and final inaugural ball Mr. Trump attended, the Armed Services Ball, Mr. Trump spoke via satellite with U.S. troops stationed in Afghanistan. ", "One by one, they congratulated him on his inauguration.", "\n\n“Honestly not only the support you’ve given me, the courage that you show is incredible and it’s going to be appreciated,” he said. “", "It’s appreciated now but it’s going to be appreciated now more than ever before.”", "\n\nMr. Trump added that he likes the service members better than he likes the media.", "\n\n“I like them much better than i like the media, right?” ", "he said. “", "These are much finer people, nicer people … you are the nicest people.”", "\n\n10:15 p.m. At the second ball of the night, the Freedom Ball, Mr. Trump echoed similar themes to his speech at the first ball he attended.", "\n\n“There is so much spirit in our country, this is such a great country and we are gonna do things we will not be taken advantage of anymore, we will not,” he said.", "\n\nMr. Trump also made reference to his Twitter account, asking the crowd whether he should keep it.", "\n\n“Let me ask you, should I keep the Twitter going or not?” ", "Trump asked, to cheers from the crowd. “", "You know, the enemies keep saying, ‘Oh that’s terrible,’ but it’s a way of bypassing dishonest media.”", "\n\nHe mentioned that he had “just left, actually, the Oval Office,” telling the crowd he officially signed off on the Cabinet posts for Defense Secretary James Mattis and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly.", "\n\n“Now the fun begins,” he said. “", "We’re going to do a really good job, and I will be fighting every single day for you.”", "\n\n9:35 p.m. President Trump has arrived at his first inaugural ball of the night, the Liberty Ball. ", "In brief remarks before the couple had their first dance, Mr. Trump said it was “a great day” and that the evening was “so special.”", "\n\n“People that weren’t so nice to me were saying that we did a really good job today,” he said. “", "They hated to do it, but they did it and I respect that, I respect that.”", "\n\nNodding to the work ahead, Mr. Trump said supporters will be “so happy” with what they see from the administration over the coming weeks.", "\n\n“You’re going to see things happening over the next few weeks, oh, you’re going to be so happy,” he said. “", "We want to see great things happen for our country we want to make America great again and we will, and we will.”", "\n\n“Now the work begins, there’s no games right? ", "There’s no games,” he continued. “", "We’re not playing games, the work begins.”", "\n\n7:57 p.m. Vice President Mike Pence administered the oath of office to Defense Secretary James Mattis and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, making them the first two official members of Mr. Trump’s Cabinet.", "\n\n7:50 pm. ", "On his first day in office, President Donald Trump signed executive orders instructing federal agencies to minimize the burden of his predecessor’s signature accomplishment, the Affordable Care Act, pending congressional repeal, and another suspending FHA mortgage premium cuts “indefinitely.”", "\n\nHe also signed paperwork commissioning James Mattis as Secretary of Defense and John Kelly as Secretary of Homeland Security.", "\n\nWhite House chief of staff Reince Priebus sent a memo to federal agencies instructing the bureaucracy to cease issuing new regulations.", "\n\n6:15 p.m. The Senate confirms Gen. John Kelly to be Mr. Trump’s Secretary of Homeland Security.", "\n\nLawmakers voted 88-11 in favor of Kelly, who testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee at his confirmation hearing last week, and who succeeds Secretary Jeh Johnson.", "\n\n6:08 p.m. President Trump reviews the inaugural parade from outside the White House.", "\n\n5:16 p.m. Donald Trump, his family, and Vice President Pence and his family arrive at the White House.", "\n\n5:09 p.m. In an overwhelming 98-1 vote, the Senate confirms retired Gen. James Mattis as Secretary of Defense, becoming Mr. Trump’s first Cabinet member.", "\n\nAfter Mr. Trump took the oath of office Friday afternoon, one of the measures that he signed was a waiver approved by Congress that allows Mattis to serve as the Pentagon’s chief, exempting him from a current law that limits the appointment of a defense secretary within seven years of relief from duty.", "\n\n4:50 p.m. The full Senate is about to take roll call votes on the confirmation of James Mattis to lead the Defense department and John Kelly to lead the Department of Homeland Security.", "\n\n4:15 p.m. Mr. Trump gets out of the vehicle to walk during the inaugural parade.", "\n\nThe vehicle stopped just outside the Trump hotel in D.C.\n\nU.S. President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump walk along Pennsylvania Avenue during the inaugural parade from the U.S. Capitol in Washington, U.S., January 20, 2017. ", "REUTERS\n\nIn other areas of Washington, protests have turned violent, and CBS News’ Jeff Pegues reported that at least one car was set on fire.", "\n\n3:35 p.m. Mr. Trump kicks off the inaugural parade with a drive from the U.S. Capitol to the White House.", "\n\n3:02 p.m. Mr. Trump addresses Congress just before his inaugural parade begins.", "\n\n“Our Cabinet’s lined up and ready,” the president said after his private luncheon with lawmakers. “", "I know eventually Chuck’s going to approve them, I’m sure,” he added, referencing Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, who heads up the Democratic caucus in the upper chamber.", "\n\nTo the rest of Congress, the president assured that “whether you’re a Republican or Democrat...we’re going to get along,”\n\nMr. Trump also acknowledged his general election opponent Hillary Clinton, who earned a standing ovation from legislators.", "\n\n“I have a lot of respect for those people,” he said.", "\n\n2:50 p.m. Mr. Trump attends a post-luncheon ceremony to toast the president.", "\n\nCongress presents gifts to the newly-minted president.", "\n\nSenate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan also made public remarks honoring Vice President Mike Pence.", "\n\n2:25 p.m. Protesters and police continue to clash after President Trump’s inauguration ceremony, with officers throwing rocks back at protesters and lobbing explosive devices towards the crowd.", "\n\nProtests escalate when police throw rocks back at protestors and then explosive devices #Inauguration pic.twitter.com/c14zSK3oaB — Kylie Atwood (@kylieatwood) January 20, 2017\n\nProtesters lit a fire by the Washington Post’s offices:\n\nProtesters have gathered near our offices and set a fire in the street. ", "pic.twitter.com/pHeFdKSwmn — Jenna Johnson (@wpjenna) January 20, 2017\n\nProtestors light trash cans on fire in middle of k street, start breaking bricks down pic.twitter.com/tezmJS2nK2 — Miranda Green (@Mirandacgreen) January 20, 2017\n\nThe violent incidents are just blocks away from the inauguration parade route.", "\n\nA spokesman for D.C.’s metropolitan police department told CBS News’ Pat Milton that approximately 95 people have been arrested so far. ", "The charges include rioting and vandalism stemming from a variety of incidents including setting a car on fire, smashing store front windows, and destroying multiple business. ", "Many have been armed with crow bars, hammers and one with an ax.", "\n\nTwo officers were brought to the hospital with minor injuries.", "\n\n2:11 p.m. Donald Trump fires off his first tweet under the new presidential Twitter account:\n\n1:59 p.m. Where was former president George H.W. Bush during the Trump inauguration? ", "The 41st president was recovering at the intensive care unit of Houston Methodist Hospital, after fighting off an acute respiratory problem.", "\n\nBush was “extubated” Friday morning and is “breathing well on his own with minimal supplemental oxygen, spokesperson Jim McGrath said in a statement.", "\n\n1:30 p.m. Mr. Trump attends a private luncheon with Congress.", "\n\n1:10 p.m. President Donald Trump’s new Twitter account, @POTUS, is now live.", "\n\n1:08 p.m. Former president Obama gives departing remarks at Joint Base Andrews to thank his staff.", "\n\n“Michelle and I have really been milking this goodbye thing,” he joked.", "\n\n“When we started on this journey, we did so with an abiding faith in the American people and their ability - our ability - to join together and change the country in ways that would make lives better for our kids and our grand kids,” Obama said. “", "It was met sometimes with skepticism and doubt.”", "\n\n“And yet all of you came together...and people took notice,” he said. “", "You proved the power of hope.”", "\n\n“We could not be prouder of you,” Obama said. “", "We look forward to continuing this journey with all of you, and I can’t wait to see what you do next.”", "\n\nWhile the former president spoke at Andrews, President Trump, surrounded by family, sits down to sign his first orders at the U.S. Capitol.", "\n\n“General matters is our first signing,” the president said as sat and began signing several sheets of paper.", "\n\nMr. Trump signed one proclamation declaring a national day of patriotism, according to CBS News’ Scott Pelley.", "\n\n1:05 p.m. President Trump tweets for the first time as president:\n\nIt is time to remember that...https://t.co/ZKyOiOor62 — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 20, 2017\n\nSo to all Americans, in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain...https://t.co/cZKkrGXLSi — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 20, 2017\n\n12:53 p.m. A spokesman for Metropolitan Police Department in DC said there have been multiple arrests on charges including rioting and vandalism in DC during the inaugural activities.", "\n\nNo exact number is available at this time, CBS News’ Pat Milton reports..\n\n12:26 p.m. Jackie Evancho sings the national anthem to conclude the inauguration ceremony.", "\n\n12:20 p.m. Religious leaders say prayers following Mr. Trump’s inaugural address.", "\n\n12:01 p.m. President Donald Trump begins his inaugural address.", "\n\n“Together we will determine the course of america and the world for many, many years to come,” Mr. Trump said. “", "We will face challenges, we will confront hardships, but we will get the job done.”", "\n\n“This moment is your moment,” the president said to the American people while slamming the Washington establishment. “", "It belongs to you...This is your day, this is your celebration, and this, the United States of America, is your country.”", "\n\nMr. Trump painted a dismal picture of the state of the nation Friday, blasting what he called the “American carnage” of the past.", "\n\nHe ticked off a list of problems in the U.S.: “Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; rusted-out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation; an education system, flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of knowledge; and the crime and gangs and drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.”", "\n\n“From this day forward, it’s going to be only America first,” he said. ", "He promised “winning like never before” and victory in the fight against “radical Islamic terrorism.”", "\n\nAs protesters clash with police officers in the streets of Washington, D.C. Mr. Trump also attempted a call for unity in his address, declaring “when you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice” in the nation.", "\n\n“Whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots,” he said.", "\n\nThe president, reviving his campaign trail slogan, closed his brief inauguration address with the vow that “we will make America great again.”", "\n\n12:00 p.m. The Supreme Court’s Chief Justice John Roberts swears in Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States.", "\n\nMr. Trump takes the oath of office with this pledge: “I Donald John Trump do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”", "\n\nU.S. President Donald Trump shakes hands with U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts (R) after being sworn in as president with his wife Melania, and children Barron, Donald, Ivanka and Tiffany at his side during inauguration ceremonies at the Capitol in Washington, U.S., January 20, 2017. ", "REUTERS\n\n11:55 a.m. Despite the ceremony running several minutes behind schedule, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir takes the stage to perform.", "\n\nThe constitution says that the president must be sworn in by noon on Jan. 20. ", "If that doesn’t happen, then the Senate’s president pro tempore assumes the office until the oath is taken.", "\n\n11:53 a.m. Mike Pence gets sworn in as vice president.", "\n\n11:47 a.m. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York takes the stage, saying he is “confident” in the U.S. because of the American people.", "\n\n“Whatever our race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity; whether we are immigrant or native-born; whether we live with disabilities or do not; in wealth or in poverty; we are all exceptional in our commonly held yet fierce devotion to our country, and in our willingness to sacrifice our time, energy, and even our lives to making it a more perfect union,” Schumer said, just minutes before Mr. Trump would take the presidential oath of office.", "\n\n11:40 a.m. Prayers start at the inauguration ceremony.", "\n\n11:30 a.m. The inauguration ceremony, several minutes behind schedule, begins with the introduction of Vice President-elect Mike Pence and President-elect Donald Trump.", "\n\nOn the inaugural platform, some House Democrats are wearing blue Affordable Care Act buttons. ", "Members wanted to wear a sign of solidarity with the Affordable Care Act at the inauguration. ", "The buttons feature the #ProtectOurCare hashtag, which is the most widely used hashtag in support of the ACA. ", "Attached is an image of the button.", "\n\n11:04 a.m. President Obama, President-elect Trump and his family arrive at the Capitol for the swearing-in ceremony.", "\n\n10:50 a.m. The Obamas, Bidens, and Trumps leave the White House and head to the U.S. Capitol for the inauguration ceremony.", "\n\n10:48 a.m. Protesters clashed with police in downtown Washington, after some smashed windows of businesses. ", "Reporters tweeted about the violence -- and the police response -- early Friday morning.", "\n\nProtesters just smashed the windows of this limo, threw in a flare pic.twitter.com/KMeXIbzBHH — Zoe Tillman (@ZoeTillman) January 20, 2017\n\nPolice spraying something at protesters pic.twitter.com/yeT0iYVgqL — Zoe Tillman (@ZoeTillman) January 20, 2017\n\n10:22 a.m. The White House has confirmed that President Obama has left a letter for Mr. Trump in the Oval Office. ", "President George W. Bush wrote a letter to Mr. Obama in 2009 and President Bill Clinton wrote one to Bush in 2001.", "\n\nIn the letters, Bush congratulated Mr. Obama but warned, “There will be trying moments. ", "The critics will rage. ", "Your ‘friends’ will disappoint you,” and Clinton told Bush, “The burdens you now shoulder are great, but often exaggerated. ", "The sheer joy of doing what you believe is right is inexpressable.”", "\n\n10:19 a.m. Hillary Clinton arrives at the U.S. Capitol to witness Donald Trump’s swearing-in ceremony.", "\n\nFormer U.S. President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton arrive for the Presidential Inauguration of Trump at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., U.S., January 20, 2017. ", "REUTERS\n\n10:00 a.m. Inaugural trivia\n\nEight years ago, as the country prepared to inaugurate its first African-American president, CBS News’ “60 Minutes” commentator Andy Rooney looked at some other inaugural trivia-- the first president to ride in a car, the first inauguration to be broadcast on radio, the longest inauguration, the coldest...and the warmest (hint on that last one--same president).", "\n\n9:44 a.m. Barack and Michelle Obama greet President-elect Trump and his wife Melania at the White House’s North Portico. ", "After Melania Trump hands Mrs. Obama a gift, the two couples pose for photos on the steps of the executive mansion.", "\n\nThe Obamas and Trumps head inside the White House for coffee and tea before the inauguration ceremony kicks off.", "\n\n9:00 a.m.\n\nSenate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York confirmed Friday on “CBS This Morning” that the Senate would vote later in the day on Trump’s nominees for the Defense Department and Homeland Security Department , Gen. James Mattis and Gen. John Kelly, respectively. ", "He added that the Senate would likely vote Monday to confirm Rep. Mike Pompeo, R-Kansas, as the director of the CIA.", "\n\n8:43 a.m.\n\nThe Trumps and the Pences arrive at St. John’s Episcopal Church for a prayer service. ", "Every American president has attended at least one service there since the church opened in 1816, earning its nickname “The Church of the Presidents.”", "\n\n7:33 a.m. ET President-elect tweets on inauguration\n\nIt all begins today! ", "I will see you at 11:00 A.M. for the swearing-in. ", "THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES - THE WORK BEGINS! — ", "Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 20, 2017\n\n7:15 a.m. ET Kellyanne Conway, a top aide to Donald Trump, gave an inside look at the president-elect’s inaugural address early Friday, promising a “beautiful, elegant speech” personally written by the celebrity businessman.", "\n\n“You’re going to hear a man of action, a man of resolve in what we all know to be a divided country,” Conway told “CBS This Morning.” ", "She predicted he would “lay down an important marker to try to unify the country” and promised that he would reach out to those who didn’t support him.", "\n\nConway said the president-elect will “take a couple of executive actions” Friday, and then by Monday she predicted “you’ll see him rolling back some of the job killing regulations” that he considers to be “unconstitutional measures.”", "\n\nWhen asked whether that would include environmental regulations, Conway said “possibly, yes.”", "\n\nJust as the president-elect readies for the inauguration ceremony, U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies are looking at interceptions of both communications and financial transactions as part of “a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump,” according to a new report by the New York Times. ", "Citing former and current senior American officials, the Times said that Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort is one of the associates included in the investigation.", "\n\n6:12 a.m. ET Protests near inaugural balls began Thursday night\n\nAnti-Trump demonstrators crowd streets outside National Press Club in Washington on January 19, 20217, eve of his inauguration WUSA-TV\n\nOn the eve of President-elect Trump’s inauguration, protesters flooded Pennsylvania Avenue near the locations of inaugural balls and events, reports CBS Washington affiliate WUSA-TV.", "\n\nThe station says police used pepper spray on the protesters several times.", "\n\nDemonstrators clogged the area outside the National Press Club, where the “Deploraball” was being held, with prominent members of the group Alt-Right attending.", "\n\nIn New York, actors Robert De Niro, Sally Field and Mark Ruffalo joined hundreds of other people outside a Donald Trump building on Thursday for a pre-inauguration demonstration organizers said was meant to energize those concerned about the Republican president-elect’s policies.", "\n\nThe anti-Trump rally was held outside of the Trump International Hotel in Columbus Circle on Thursday evening, CBS New York reported.", "\n\n6:00 a.m.\n\nCBS News’ John Dickerson weighs in on what Mr. Trump’s inaugural address might tell us about his presidency.", "\n\nCBS News’ Chief White House Correspondent Major Garrett debuts his new podcast, “The Takeout.” ", "This week, Mr. Trump’s former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, says that the president-elect won’t hold the inaugural boycott against House Democrats.", "\n\nAs the inaugural ceremony of Donald Trump gets underway, here’s a guide from CBS News on the top Trump-related issues to keep an eye on once he’s sworn in. ", "--CBS News’ Steve Chaggaris.", "\n\nCBS News’ Reena Flores, Rebecca Shabad and other staffers contributed to this report." ]
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[ "According to an electric stapler included in a copier, a driver unit and a clincher unit are separated from each other upwardly and downwardly interposing a sheet table, and paper fed from a copying mechanism portion to a sheet table of an electric stapler is bound by a staple and thereafter discharged by passing an interval between the driver unit and the clincher unit.", "\nFurther, there is an electric stapler having a skewed binding function of moving the electric stapler at a vicinity of a corner portion of paper, rotating the electric stapler horizontally by 45 degrees and striking a staple in addition to a normal back binding function of striking a staple in parallel with a side of paper. ", "There is posed a first problem that an electric stapler of this kind is provided with a motor for transverse movement and a motor for rotation, the mechanism is complicated, and in order to make rotational angles of the driver unit and the clincher unit separated upwardly and downwardly accurately coincide with each other, high accurate working of parts and adjustment in integration are needed and the cost is required therefor.", "\nFurther, a moving type electric stapler included in a copier is constituted such that a driver unit and a clincher unit are respectively engaged with two pieces of guide shafts arranged in parallel with each other and the driver unit and the clincher unit are moved in synchronism with each other by feeding means of a timing belt or a feed screw or the like.", "\nThe driver unit and the clincher unit of the moving type electric stapler of the background art are supported in air by the guide shafts. ", "Therefore, there is posed a second problem that the guide shafts are bent by a reaction force in injecting and clinching a staple and when a number of sheets of paper is large and a striking load is large, a failure in penetrating a staple or buckling thereof or the like is brought about.", "\nFurther, according to an electric stapler using a linear staple, a staple sheet at inside of a staple cartridge is fed frontward by a staple feed mechanism and both sides of a staple other than a center portion thereof coming out from a staple outlet of the cartridge to outside is struck by a forming plate to form in a gate-like shape. ", "A formed front staple is brought into a driver path having a predetermined lateral width formed at a guide plate on a front side and the staple is injected by a driver and at the same time, and when a staple at a successive row is formed by the forming plate and the driver returns to a standby position, a successive gate-like staple is fed into the driver path. ", "At this occasion, when an attitude of the staple is inclined in a front and rear direction or a left and right direction, the driver cannot accurately strike a horizontal crown portion of the gate-like staple and the staple is buckled at inside of the driver path to clog. ", "Therefore, in order to correctly maintain the attitude of the staple until striking the staple, a leaf spring is provided at a front end face on a side of the staple outlet of the staple cartridge, a front end portion of the plate spring is brought into elastic contact with the front wall face of the driver path and the staple is injected while rubbing the leaf spring by the staple and the driver to thereby prevent the staple from being inclined by the leaf spring.", "\nThe electric stapler of the background art maintains the attitude in injecting the staple by the leaf spring arranged at the driver path. ", "However, there poses a third problem that since the staple and the driver pass the driver path by rubbing the leaf spring, a spring pressure of the leaf spring constitutes a drive load of the driver and loss of power and striking energy is considerable.", "\nFurther, there is a copier including an electric stapler simultaneously binding a plurality of locations of paper by a plurality of the electric staplers and there is a copier successively binding a plurality of locations of paper by moving a single piece of the electric stapler by a feed mechanism. ", "Further, according to a copier constituted to laminate paper on the feed table by disposing a copy face of paper to a lower side for convenience of collation, in order to penetrate a staple from tail to head of paper, the driver unit of the electric stapler is arranged below the sheet table and the clincher unit is arranged above the sheet table. ", "The staple guide of the driver unit is brought into a hole formed at the sheet table from a lower side to be brought into contact with paper face, the clincher unit on the upper side is moved down and pinches paper on the sheet table along with the staple guide and leg portions of the staple penetrating paper from the lower side are folded to bend by the clincher.", "\nAccording to the copier in which the staple guide is made to advance into the hole of the sheet table in order to pinch paper on the sheet table by the staple guide of the driver unit and the clincher unit, and the single piece of the electric stapler is moved laterally by the feed mechanism, there is constructed a constitution in which a long hole in a lateral direction is formed at the sheet table and the staple guide of the driver unit is moved at inside of the long hole. ", "Therefore, there poses a fourth problem that in feeding paper to the sheet table after having been processed by a copying step, a front edge portion of paper is caught by the long hole of the sheet table and a failure in feeding paper is brought about. ", "Further, by forming the long hole at the sheet table, a bending strength of the sheet table is reduced and therefore, it is preferable that a dimension of the hole is as small as possible.", "\nFurther, the copier is arranged with a mechanism portion for traveling paper in a left and right direction to copy and discharge and copied paper is discharged to a tray provided at a left side face of the copier. ", "A shaft of an electrostatic drum and a shaft of a feed roller of the copy mechanism portion are arranged orthogonally to a paper feeding direction and the included electric staple is arranged transversely in view from a front side of the copier in accordance with the direction of feeding paper.", "\nAlthough the electric stapler is constituted by a structure of charging the staple cartridge from an upper side or a rear face side, inside of the copier is occupied by the copying mechanism portion and normally, there is not a space sufficiently for attaching and detaching the staple cartridge. ", "Therefore, in interchanging the staple cartridge, a total of the unit of the electric stapler must be drawn out of the copier to this side by opening a front cover of the copier. ", "Therefore, there is posed a fifth problem that time and labor is taken in operation of attaching and detaching the staple cartridge and replenishing the staple.", "\nFurther, the electric stapler is interposed with a suspension mechanism using a spring brought into contact with paper on the sheet table at the driver portion or the clincher portion which is constituted to absorb a difference in paper thickness by contracting the suspension mechanism in pinching paper by the driver portion and the clincher portion to deal with prints having various thicknesses.", "\nA copier of a stapler including type is constituted to laminate paper on the sheet table by disposing a copy face of paper on the lower side for convenience of collation, the driver portion of the electric stapler is arranged below the sheet table and the clincher portion is arranged above the sheet table. ", "Therefore, in this case, the suspension mechanism is interposed in the clincher portion, the clincher portion is moved down from the upper side to be brought into press contact with paper on the sheet table, the driver portion strikes out a staple from the lower side and leg portions of the staple penetrating paper are folded to bend by a clincher arm of the clincher portion to bind paper.", "\nIn the above-described electric stapler, there poses a sixth problem that when the clincher portion is brought into press contact with paper on the sheet table, an operating load for compressing the spring of the suspension mechanism is considerable and power consumption is considerable. ", "Further, when the clincher portion is moved up after stapling, the suspension mechanism is released of being compressed to abruptly return to the initial state to thereby pose also a problem that mechanical noise is large.", "\nFurther, there is known an electric stapler of arranging the clincher portion and the driver portion opposedly to each other, pinching paper by the clincher portion and the driver portion and folding to bend leg portions of a staple injected by a driver by a movable type clincher. ", "According to an electric stapler of this kind, the clincher portion and the driver portion are separated from each other. ", "Therefore, there poses a seventh problem that high accuracy is requested in working and integrating parts in order to accurately coincide positions of the driver and the clincher. ", "Further, when a position of the staple struck out by the driver is shifted frontward or rearward, a failure in clinching may be brought about since the clincher cannot normally clinch the staple.", "\nFurther, the electric staple included in the copier is constituted to pinch paper by the driver unit and the clincher unit separated upwardly and downwardly to staple and there is an electric stapler arranged with a plurality of sets of driver units and clincher units in accordance with positions of binding paper and there is an electric stapler of a moving type for moving one set of a driver unit and a clincher unit to staple a plurality of locations of paper.", "\nAccording to the moving type electric stapler, the driver unit and the clincher unit are moved in synchronism with each other by timing belts respectively engaged with guide shafts. ", "Initial stage gears or cams of drive gear mechanisms of the driver unit and the clincher unit are respectively fit slidably with two pieces of drive shafts of spline shafts or D-type section shafts or the like made to span in parallel with the guide shafts and by driving to rotate the two pieces of drive shafts, the driver and the clincher are driven via the gears or the cams to carry out binding operation. ", "Further, there is also known a moving type electric stapler constituted to respectively mount motors to the driver unit and the clincher unit and carry out binding operation by controlling a traveling motor, a driver drive motor and a clincher drive motor by a control circuit.", "\nWhen the moving type electric stapler is added with a corner skewedly binding function for striking a staple to a side of paper by an angle of substantially 45 degrees in addition to a back binding function of striking staples to a plurality of locations of a side of paper, there is needed a mechanism of rotating the driver unit and the clincher unit horizontally by about 45 degrees. ", "In this case, according to a power transmission mechanism of the background art for driving the driver and the clincher by drive shafts made to span an interval of a frame, the driver unit and the clincher unit cannot be rotated horizontally relative to the drive shafts and therefore, it is general to construct a constitution of respectively mounting motors to the driver unit and the clincher unit and separately driving the driver and the clincher. ", "However, there poses an eighth problem that according to the above-described constitution, in addition to the driver drive mechanism and the clincher drive mechanism, horizontal rotation drive mechanisms are respectively provided, the constitution is complicated to thereby bring about an increase in a number of parts, large-sized formation and an increase in cost." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nRedux Issue - store.getState is not a function. (", "In 'store.getState()', 'store.getState' is undefined)\n\nI've been trying to integrate redux-persist into a project that already uses redux.", "\nI followed the basic usage example, but I get the error store.getState is not a function.", "\nHere's the relevant code.", "\nStore:\nimport {createStore, combineReducers, applyMiddleware, compose} from \"redux\";\nimport {persistStore, autoRehydrate} from 'redux-persist'\nimport thunk from \"redux-thunk\";\nimport marketData from \"./reducers/marketDataReducer\";\nimport coin from \"./reducers/coinReducer\";\nimport account from \"./reducers/accountReducer\";\n\nconst store = createStore(\n\n combineReducers({\n marketData,\n coin,\n account\n }),\n compose(\n applyMiddleware(thunk),\n autoRehydrate()\n ),\n\n);\npersistStore(store)\n\nEntry:\nimport { Navigation } from 'react-native-navigation';\nimport { registerScreens } from './navigation';\nimport Welcome from \"./containers/welcome\";\nimport store from \"./store\";\nimport { Provider } from 'react-redux';\n\n registerScreens(store, Provider);\n\n Navigation.startSingleScreenApp({\n screen: {\n screen: \"welcome\",\n navigatorStyle: { navBarHidden: true }\n }\n });\n\nEDIT: Solution was very simple. ", "Just make sure you export your store. ", "Thanks to @markerikson \n\nA:\n\nDoesn't look like you're actually exporting the store variable from your store.js file. ", " Fix that first, and see if it works.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.002066115702479339, 0, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0 ]
[ "<?", "php\n// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/\n//\n// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n// (at your option) any later version.", "\n//\n// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\n// GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n//\n// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n// along with Moodle. ", " If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.", "\n\n/**\n * IMS Enterprise enrolment tests.", "\n *\n * @package enrol_imsenterprise\n * @category test\n * @copyright 2012 David Monllaó\n * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later\n */\n\ndefined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();\n\nglobal $CFG;\nrequire_once($CFG->dirroot . '", "/enrol/imsenterprise/locallib.php');\nrequire_once($CFG->dirroot . '", "/enrol/imsenterprise/lib.php');\n\n/**\n * IMS Enterprise test case\n *\n * @package enrol_imsenterprise\n * @category test\n * @copyright 2012 David Monllaó\n * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later\n */\nclass enrol_imsenterprise_testcase extends advanced_testcase {\n\n /**\n * @var $imsplugin enrol_imsenterprise_plugin IMS plugin instance.", "\n */\n public $imsplugin;\n\n /**\n * Setup required for all tests.", "\n */\n protected function setUp() {\n $this->resetAfterTest(true);\n $this->imsplugin = enrol_get_plugin('imsenterprise');\n $this->set_test_config();\n }\n\n /**\n * With an empty IMS enterprise file\n */\n public function test_emptyfile() {\n global $DB;\n\n $prevncourses = $DB->count_records('course');\n $prevnusers = $DB->count_records('user');\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, false);\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $this->assertEquals($prevncourses, $DB->count_records('course'));\n $this->assertEquals($prevnusers, $DB->count_records('user'));\n }\n\n /**\n * Existing users are not created again\n */\n public function test_users_existing() {\n global $DB;\n\n $user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();\n $user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();\n\n $prevnusers = $DB->count_records('user');\n\n $users = array($user1, $user2);\n $this->set_xml_file($users);\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $this->assertEquals($prevnusers, $DB->count_records('user'));\n }\n\n /**\n * Add new users\n */\n public function test_users_add() {\n global $DB;\n\n $prevnusers = $DB->count_records('user');\n\n $user1 = new StdClass();\n $user1->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $user1->username = 'u1';\n $user1->email = 'u1@example.com';\n $user1->firstname = 'U';\n $user1->lastname = '1';\n\n $users = array($user1);\n $this->set_xml_file($users);\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $this->assertEquals(($prevnusers + 1), $DB->count_records('user'));\n }\n\n /**\n * Add new users and set an auth type\n */\n public function test_users_add_with_auth() {\n global $DB;\n\n $prevnusers = $DB->count_records('user');\n\n $user2 = new StdClass();\n $user2->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $user2->username = 'u2';\n $user2->auth = 'cas';\n $user2->email = 'u2@u2.org';\n $user2->firstname = 'U';\n $user2->lastname = '2';\n\n $users = array($user2);\n $this->set_xml_file($users);\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $dbuser = $DB->get_record('user', array('username' => $user2->username));\n // TODO: MDL-15863 this needs more work due to multiauth changes, use first auth for now.", "\n $dbauth = explode(',', $dbuser->auth);\n $dbauth = reset($dbauth);\n\n $this->assertEquals(($prevnusers + 1), $DB->count_records('user'));\n $this->assertEquals($dbauth, $user2->auth);\n }\n\n\n /**\n * Update user\n */\n public function test_user_update() {\n global $DB;\n\n $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('idnumber' => 'test-update-user'));\n $imsuser = new stdClass();\n $imsuser->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_UPDATE;\n // THIS SHOULD WORK, surely?: ", "$imsuser->username = $user->username;\n // But this is required...\n $imsuser->username = $user->idnumber;\n $imsuser->email = 'u3@u3.org';\n $imsuser->firstname = 'U';\n $imsuser->lastname = '3';\n\n $this->set_xml_file(array($imsuser));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n $dbuser = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $user->id), '*', MUST_EXIST);\n $this->assertEquals($imsuser->email, $dbuser->email);\n $this->assertEquals($imsuser->firstname, $dbuser->firstname);\n $this->assertEquals($imsuser->lastname, $dbuser->lastname);\n }\n\n public function test_user_update_disabled() {\n global $DB;\n\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('imsupdateusers', false);\n\n $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('idnumber' => 'test-update-user'));\n $imsuser = new stdClass();\n $imsuser->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_UPDATE;\n // THIS SHOULD WORK, surely?: ", "$imsuser->username = $user->username;\n // But this is required...\n $imsuser->username = $user->idnumber;\n $imsuser->email = 'u3@u3.org';\n $imsuser->firstname = 'U';\n $imsuser->lastname = '3';\n\n $this->set_xml_file(array($imsuser));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n // Verify no changes have been made.", "\n $dbuser = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $user->id), '*', MUST_EXIST);\n $this->assertEquals($user->email, $dbuser->email);\n $this->assertEquals($user->firstname, $dbuser->firstname);\n $this->assertEquals($user->lastname, $dbuser->lastname);\n }\n\n /**\n * Delete user\n */\n public function test_user_delete() {\n global $DB;\n\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('imsdeleteusers', true);\n $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('idnumber' => 'test-update-user'));\n\n $imsuser = new stdClass();\n $imsuser->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_DELETE;\n $imsuser->username = $user->username;\n $imsuser->firstname = $user->firstname;\n $imsuser->lastname = $user->lastname;\n $imsuser->email = $user->email;\n $this->set_xml_file(array($imsuser));\n\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n $this->assertEquals(1, $DB->get_field('user', 'deleted', array('id' => $user->id), MUST_EXIST));\n }\n\n /**\n * Delete user disabled\n */\n public function test_user_delete_disabled() {\n global $DB;\n\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('imsdeleteusers', false);\n $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('idnumber' => 'test-update-user'));\n\n $imsuser = new stdClass();\n $imsuser->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_DELETE;\n $imsuser->username = $user->username;\n $imsuser->firstname = $user->firstname;\n $imsuser->lastname = $user->lastname;\n $imsuser->email = $user->email;\n $this->set_xml_file(array($imsuser));\n\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->get_field('user', 'deleted', array('id' => $user->id), MUST_EXIST));\n }\n\n /**\n * Existing courses are not created again\n */\n public function test_courses_existing() {\n global $DB;\n\n $course1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('idnumber' => 'id1'));\n $course2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('idnumber' => 'id2'));\n\n // Default mapping according to default course attributes - IMS description tags mapping.", "\n $course1->imsshort = $course1->fullname;\n $course2->imsshort = $course2->fullname;\n unset($course1->category);\n unset($course2->category);\n\n $prevncourses = $DB->count_records('course');\n\n $courses = array($course1, $course2);\n $this->set_xml_file(false, $courses);\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $this->assertEquals($prevncourses, $DB->count_records('course'));\n }\n\n /**\n * Add new courses\n */\n public function test_courses_add() {\n global $DB;\n\n $prevncourses = $DB->count_records('course');\n\n $course1 = new StdClass();\n $course1->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course1->idnumber = 'id1';\n $course1->imsshort = 'id1';\n $course1->category[] = 'DEFAULT CATNAME';\n\n $course2 = new StdClass();\n $course2->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course2->idnumber = 'id2';\n $course2->imsshort = 'id2';\n $course2->category[] = 'DEFAULT CATNAME';\n\n $courses = array($course1, $course2);\n $this->set_xml_file(false, $courses);\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $this->assertEquals(($prevncourses + 2), $DB->count_records('course'));\n $this->assertTrue($DB->record_exists('course', array('idnumber' => $course1->idnumber)));\n $this->assertTrue($DB->record_exists('course', array('idnumber' => $course2->idnumber)));\n }\n\n /**\n * Verify that courses are not created when createnewcourses\n * option is diabled.", "\n */\n public function test_courses_add_createnewcourses_disabled() {\n global $DB;\n\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('createnewcourses', false);\n $prevncourses = $DB->count_records('course');\n\n $course1 = new StdClass();\n $course1->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course1->idnumber = 'id1';\n $course1->imsshort = 'id1';\n $course1->category[] = 'DEFAULT CATNAME';\n\n $course2 = new StdClass();\n $course2->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course2->idnumber = 'id2';\n $course2->imsshort = 'id2';\n $course2->category[] = 'DEFAULT CATNAME';\n\n $courses = array($course1, $course2);\n $this->set_xml_file(false, $courses);\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $courses = array($course1, $course2);\n $this->set_xml_file(false, $courses);\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n // Verify the courses have not ben creased.", "\n $this->assertEquals($prevncourses , $DB->count_records('course'));\n $this->assertFalse($DB->record_exists('course', array('idnumber' => $course1->idnumber)));\n $this->assertFalse($DB->record_exists('course', array('idnumber' => $course2->idnumber)));\n }\n\n /**\n * Test adding a course with no idnumber.", "\n */\n public function test_courses_no_idnumber() {\n global $DB;\n\n $prevncourses = $DB->count_records('course');\n\n $course1 = new StdClass();\n $course1->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course1->idnumber = '';\n $course1->imsshort = 'id1';\n $course1->category[] = 'DEFAULT CATNAME';\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course1));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n // Verify no action.", "\n $this->assertEquals($prevncourses, $DB->count_records('course'));\n }\n\n /**\n * Add new course with the truncateidnumber setting.", "\n */\n public function test_courses_add_truncate_idnumber() {\n global $DB;\n\n $truncatelength = 4;\n\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('truncatecoursecodes', $truncatelength);\n $prevncourses = $DB->count_records('course');\n\n $course1 = new StdClass();\n $course1->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course1->idnumber = '123456789';\n $course1->imsshort = 'id1';\n $course1->category[] = 'DEFAULT CATNAME';\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course1));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n // Verify the new course has been added.", "\n $this->assertEquals(($prevncourses + 1), $DB->count_records('course'));\n\n $truncatedidnumber = substr($course1->idnumber, 0, $truncatelength);\n\n $this->assertTrue($DB->record_exists('course', array('idnumber' => $truncatedidnumber)));\n }\n\n /**\n * Add new course without a category.", "\n */\n public function test_course_add_default_category() {\n global $DB;\n\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('createnewcategories', false);\n\n // Delete the default category, to ensure the plugin handles this gracefully.", "\n $defaultcat = core_course_category::get_default();\n $defaultcat->delete_full(false);\n\n // Create an course with the IMS plugin without a category.", "\n $course1 = new stdClass();\n $course1->idnumber = 'id1';\n $course1->imsshort = 'id1';\n $course1->category[] = '';\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course1));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n // Check the course has been created.", "\n $dbcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber' => $course1->idnumber), '*', MUST_EXIST);\n // Check that it belongs to a category which exists.", "\n $this->assertTrue($DB->record_exists('course_categories', array('id' => $dbcourse->category)));\n }\n\n /**\n * Course attributes mapping to IMS enterprise group description tags\n */\n public function test_courses_attrmapping() {\n global $DB;\n\n // Setting a all = coursecode (idnumber) mapping.", "\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('imscoursemapshortname', 'coursecode');\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('imscoursemapfullname', 'coursecode');\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('imscoursemapsummary', 'coursecode');\n\n $course1 = new StdClass();\n $course1->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course1->idnumber = 'id1';\n $course1->imsshort = 'description_short1';\n $course1->imslong = 'description_long';\n $course1->imsfull = 'description_full';\n $course1->category[] = 'DEFAULT CATNAME';\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course1));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $dbcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber' => $course1->idnumber));\n $this->assertFalse(!$dbcourse);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->shortname, $course1->idnumber);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->fullname, $course1->idnumber);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->summary, $course1->idnumber);\n\n // Setting a mapping using all the description tags.", "\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('imscoursemapshortname', 'short');\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('imscoursemapfullname', 'long');\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('imscoursemapsummary', 'full');\n\n $course2 = new StdClass();\n $course2->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course2->idnumber = 'id2';\n $course2->imsshort = 'description_short2';\n $course2->imslong = 'description_long';\n $course2->imsfull = 'description_full';\n $course2->category[] = 'DEFAULT CATNAME';\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course2));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $dbcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber' => $course2->idnumber));\n $this->assertFalse(!$dbcourse);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->shortname, $course2->imsshort);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->fullname, $course2->imslong);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->summary, $course2->imsfull);\n\n // Setting a mapping where the specified description tags doesn't exist in the XML file (must delegate into idnumber).", "\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('imscoursemapshortname', 'short');\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('imscoursemapfullname', 'long');\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('imscoursemapsummary', 'full');\n\n $course3 = new StdClass();\n $course3->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course3->idnumber = 'id3';\n $course3->imsshort = 'description_short3';\n $course3->category[] = 'DEFAULT CATNAME';\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course3));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $dbcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber' => $course3->idnumber));\n $this->assertFalse(!$dbcourse);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->shortname, $course3->imsshort);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->fullname, $course3->idnumber);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->summary, $course3->idnumber);\n\n }\n\n /**\n * Course updates\n */\n public function test_course_update() {\n global $DB;\n\n $course4 = new StdClass();\n $course4->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course4->idnumber = 'id4';\n $course4->imsshort = 'id4';\n $course4->imsfull = 'id4';\n $course4->category[] = 'DEFAULT CATNAME';\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course4));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $course4u = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber' => $course4->idnumber));\n\n $course4u->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_UPDATE;\n $course4u->imsshort = 'description_short_updated';\n $course4u->imsfull = 'description_full_updated';\n unset($course4u->category);\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course4u));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $dbcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber' => $course4->idnumber));\n $this->assertFalse(!$dbcourse);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->shortname, $course4u->imsshort);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->fullname, $course4u->imsfull);\n }\n\n /**\n * Course delete. ", "Make it hidden.", "\n */\n public function test_course_delete() {\n global $DB;\n\n $course8 = new StdClass();\n $course8->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course8->idnumber = 'id8';\n $course8->imsshort = 'id8';\n $course8->imsfull = 'id8';\n $course8->category[] = 'DEFAULT CATNAME';\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course8));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $course8d = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber' => $course8->idnumber));\n $this->assertEquals($course8d->visible, 1);\n\n $course8d->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_DELETE;\n unset($course8d->category);\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course8d));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $dbcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber' => $course8d->idnumber));\n $this->assertFalse(!$dbcourse);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->visible, 0);\n }\n\n\n /**\n * Nested categories with name during course creation\n */\n public function test_nested_categories() {\n global $DB;\n\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('nestedcategories', true);\n\n $topcat = 'DEFAULT CATNAME';\n $subcat = 'DEFAULT SUB CATNAME';\n\n $course5 = new StdClass();\n $course5->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course5->idnumber = 'id5';\n $course5->imsshort = 'description_short';\n $course5->imslong = 'description_long';\n $course5->imsfull = 'description_full';\n $course5->category = array();\n $course5->category[] = $topcat;\n $course5->category[] = $subcat;\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course5));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $parentcatid = $DB->get_field('course_categories', 'id', array('name' => $topcat));\n $subcatid = $DB->get_field('course_categories', 'id', array('name' => $subcat, 'parent' => $parentcatid));\n\n $this->assertTrue(isset($subcatid));\n $this->assertTrue($subcatid > 0);\n\n $topcat = 'DEFAULT CATNAME';\n $subcat = 'DEFAULT SUB CATNAME TEST2';\n\n $course6 = new StdClass();\n $course6->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course6->idnumber = 'id6';\n $course6->imsshort = 'description_short';\n $course6->imslong = 'description_long';\n $course6->imsfull = 'description_full';\n $course6->category = array();\n $course6->category[] = $topcat;\n $course6->category[] = $subcat;\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course6));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $parentcatid = $DB->get_field('course_categories', 'id', array('name' => $topcat));\n $subcatid = $DB->get_field('course_categories', 'id', array('name' => $subcat, 'parent' => $parentcatid));\n\n $this->assertTrue(isset($subcatid));\n $this->assertTrue($subcatid > 0);\n }\n\n\n /**\n * Test that duplicate nested categories with name are not created\n */\n public function test_nested_categories_for_dups() {\n global $DB;\n\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('nestedcategories', true);\n\n $topcat = 'DEFAULT CATNAME';\n $subcat = 'DEFAULT SUB CATNAME DUPTEST';\n\n $course7 = new StdClass();\n $course7->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course7->idnumber = 'id7';\n $course7->imsshort = 'description_short';\n $course7->imslong = 'description_long';\n $course7->imsfull = 'description_full';\n $course7->category[] = $topcat;\n $course7->category[] = $subcat;\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course7));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $prevncategories = $DB->count_records('course_categories');\n\n $course8 = new StdClass();\n $course8->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course8->idnumber = 'id8';\n $course8->imsshort = 'description_short';\n $course8->imslong = 'description_long';\n $course8->imsfull = 'description_full';\n $course8->category[] = $topcat;\n $course8->category[] = $subcat;\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course8));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $this->assertEquals($prevncategories, $DB->count_records('course_categories'));\n }\n\n /**\n * Nested categories with idnumber during course creation\n */\n public function test_nested_categories_idnumber() {\n global $DB;\n\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('nestedcategories', true);\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('categoryidnumber', true);\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('categoryseparator', '|');\n\n $catsep = trim($this->imsplugin->get_config('categoryseparator'));\n\n $topcatname = 'DEFAULT CATNAME';\n $subcatname = 'DEFAULT SUB CATNAME';\n $topcatidnumber = '01';\n $subcatidnumber = '0101';\n\n $topcat = $topcatname.$catsep.$topcatidnumber;\n $subcat = $subcatname.$catsep.$subcatidnumber;\n\n $course1 = new StdClass();\n $course1->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course1->idnumber = 'id5';\n $course1->imsshort = 'description_short';\n $course1->imslong = 'description_long';\n $course1->imsfull = 'description_full';\n $course1->category[] = $topcat;\n $course1->category[] = $subcat;\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course1));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $parentcatid = $DB->get_field('course_categories', 'id', array('idnumber' => $topcatidnumber));\n $subcatid = $DB->get_field('course_categories', 'id', array('idnumber' => $subcatidnumber, 'parent' => $parentcatid));\n\n $this->assertTrue(isset($subcatid));\n $this->assertTrue($subcatid > 0);\n\n // Change the category separator character.", "\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('categoryseparator', ':');\n\n $catsep = trim($this->imsplugin->get_config('categoryseparator'));\n\n $topcatname = 'DEFAULT CATNAME';\n $subcatname = 'DEFAULT SUB CATNAME TEST2';\n $topcatidnumber = '01';\n $subcatidnumber = '0102';\n\n $topcat = $topcatname.$catsep.$topcatidnumber;\n $subcat = $subcatname.$catsep.$subcatidnumber;\n\n $course2 = new StdClass();\n $course2->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course2->idnumber = 'id6';\n $course2->imsshort = 'description_short';\n $course2->imslong = 'description_long';\n $course2->imsfull = 'description_full';\n $course2->category[] = $topcat;\n $course2->category[] = $subcat;\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course2));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $parentcatid = $DB->get_field('course_categories', 'id', array('idnumber' => $topcatidnumber));\n $subcatid = $DB->get_field('course_categories', 'id', array('idnumber' => $subcatidnumber, 'parent' => $parentcatid));\n\n $this->assertTrue(isset($subcatid));\n $this->assertTrue($subcatid > 0);\n }\n\n /**\n * Test that duplicate nested categories with idnumber are not created\n */\n public function test_nested_categories_idnumber_for_dups() {\n global $DB;\n\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('nestedcategories', true);\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('categoryidnumber', true);\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('categoryseparator', '|');\n\n $catsep = trim($this->imsplugin->get_config('categoryseparator'));\n\n $topcatname = 'DEFAULT CATNAME';\n $subcatname = 'DEFAULT SUB CATNAME';\n $topcatidnumber = '01';\n $subcatidnumber = '0101';\n\n $topcat = $topcatname.$catsep.$topcatidnumber;\n $subcat = $subcatname.$catsep.$subcatidnumber;\n\n $course1 = new StdClass();\n $course1->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course1->idnumber = 'id1';\n $course1->imsshort = 'description_short';\n $course1->imslong = 'description_long';\n $course1->imsfull = 'description_full';\n $course1->category[] = $topcat;\n $course1->category[] = $subcat;\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course1));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $prevncategories = $DB->count_records('course_categories');\n\n $course2 = new StdClass();\n $course2->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course2->idnumber = 'id2';\n $course2->imsshort = 'description_short';\n $course2->imslong = 'description_long';\n $course2->imsfull = 'description_full';\n $course2->category[] = $topcat;\n $course2->category[] = $subcat;\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course2));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $this->assertEquals($prevncategories, $DB->count_records('course_categories'));\n }\n\n /**\n * Test that nested categories with idnumber is not created if name is missing\n */\n public function test_categories_idnumber_missing_name() {\n global $DB, $CFG;\n\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('nestedcategories', true);\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('categoryidnumber', true);\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('categoryseparator', '|');\n $catsep = trim($this->imsplugin->get_config('categoryseparator'));\n\n $topcatname = 'DEFAULT CATNAME';\n $subcatname = '';\n $topcatidnumber = '01';\n $subcatidnumber = '0101';\n\n $topcat = $topcatname.$catsep.$topcatidnumber;\n $subcat = $subcatname.$catsep.$subcatidnumber;\n\n $course1 = new StdClass();\n $course1->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course1->idnumber = 'id1';\n $course1->imsshort = 'description_short';\n $course1->imslong = 'description_long';\n $course1->imsfull = 'description_full';\n $course1->category[] = $topcat;\n $course1->category[] = $subcat;\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course1));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n // Check all categories except the last subcategory was created.", "\n $parentcatid = $DB->get_field('course_categories', 'id', array('idnumber' => $topcatidnumber));\n $this->assertTrue((boolean)$parentcatid);\n $subcatid = $DB->get_field('course_categories', 'id', array('idnumber' => $subcatidnumber, 'parent' => $parentcatid));\n $this->assertFalse((boolean)$subcatid);\n\n // Check course was put in default category.", "\n $defaultcat = core_course_category::get_default();\n $dbcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber' => $course1->idnumber), '*', MUST_EXIST);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->category, $defaultcat->id);\n\n }\n\n /**\n * Create category with name (nested categories not activated).", "\n */\n public function test_create_category_name_no_nested() {\n global $DB;\n\n $course = new StdClass();\n $course->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course->idnumber = 'id';\n $course->imsshort = 'description_short';\n $course->imslong = 'description_long';\n $course->imsfull = 'description_full';\n $course->category[] = 'CATNAME';\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $dbcat = $DB->get_record('course_categories', array('name' => $course->category[0]));\n $this->assertFalse(!$dbcat);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcat->parent, 0);\n\n $dbcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber' => $course->idnumber));\n $this->assertFalse(!$dbcourse);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->category, $dbcat->id);\n\n }\n\n /**\n * Find a category with name (nested categories not activated).", "\n */\n public function test_find_category_name_no_nested() {\n global $DB;\n\n $cattop = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_category(array('name' => 'CAT-TOP'));\n $catsub = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_category(array('name' => 'CAT-SUB', 'parent' => $cattop->id));\n $prevcats = $DB->count_records('course_categories');\n\n $course = new StdClass();\n $course->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course->idnumber = 'id';\n $course->imsshort = 'description_short';\n $course->imslong = 'description_long';\n $course->imsfull = 'description_full';\n $course->category[] = 'CAT-SUB';\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $newcats = $DB->count_records('course_categories');\n\n // Check that no new category was not created.", "\n $this->assertEquals($prevcats, $newcats);\n\n // Check course is associated to CAT-SUB.", "\n $dbcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber' => $course->idnumber));\n $this->assertFalse(!$dbcourse);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->category, $catsub->id);\n\n }\n\n /**\n * Create category with idnumber (nested categories not activated).", "\n */\n public function test_create_category_idnumber_no_nested() {\n global $DB;\n\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('categoryidnumber', true);\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('categoryseparator', '|');\n $catsep = trim($this->imsplugin->get_config('categoryseparator'));\n\n $course = new StdClass();\n $course->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course->idnumber = 'id';\n $course->imsshort = 'description_short';\n $course->imslong = 'description_long';\n $course->imsfull = 'description_full';\n $course->category[] = 'CATNAME'. ", "$catsep . ", " 'CATIDNUMBER';\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $dbcat = $DB->get_record('course_categories', array('idnumber' => 'CATIDNUMBER'));\n $this->assertFalse(!$dbcat);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcat->parent, 0);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcat->name, 'CATNAME');\n\n $dbcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber' => $course->idnumber));\n $this->assertFalse(!$dbcourse);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->category, $dbcat->id);\n\n }\n\n /**\n * Find a category with idnumber (nested categories not activated).", "\n */\n public function test_find_category_idnumber_no_nested() {\n global $DB;\n\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('categoryidnumber', true);\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('categoryseparator', '|');\n $catsep = trim($this->imsplugin->get_config('categoryseparator'));\n\n $topcatname = 'CAT-TOP';\n $subcatname = 'CAT-SUB';\n $topcatidnumber = 'ID-TOP';\n $subcatidnumber = 'ID-SUB';\n\n $cattop = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_category(array('name' => $topcatname, 'idnumber' => $topcatidnumber));\n $catsub = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_category(array('name' => $subcatname, 'idnumber' => $subcatidnumber,\n 'parent' => $cattop->id));\n $prevcats = $DB->count_records('course_categories');\n\n $course = new StdClass();\n $course->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course->idnumber = 'id';\n $course->imsshort = 'description_short';\n $course->imslong = 'description_long';\n $course->imsfull = 'description_full';\n $course->category[] = $subcatname . ", "$catsep . ", "$subcatidnumber;\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n $newcats = $DB->count_records('course_categories');\n\n // Check that no new category was not created.", "\n $this->assertEquals($prevcats, $newcats);\n\n $dbcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber' => $course->idnumber));\n $this->assertFalse(!$dbcourse);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->category, $catsub->id);\n\n }\n\n /**\n * Test that category with idnumber is not created if name is missing (nested categories not activated).", "\n */\n public function test_category_idnumber_missing_name_no_nested() {\n global $DB;\n\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('categoryidnumber', true);\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('categoryseparator', '|');\n $catsep = trim($this->imsplugin->get_config('categoryseparator'));\n\n $catidnumber = '01';\n\n $course = new StdClass();\n $course->recstatus = enrol_imsenterprise_plugin::IMSENTERPRISE_ADD;\n $course->idnumber = 'id1';\n $course->imsshort = 'description_short';\n $course->imslong = 'description_long';\n $course->imsfull = 'description_full';\n $course->category[] = '' . ", "$catsep . ", "$catidnumber;\n\n $this->set_xml_file(false, array($course));\n $this->imsplugin->cron();\n\n // Check category was not created.", "\n $catid = $DB->get_record('course_categories', array('idnumber' => $catidnumber));\n $this->assertFalse($catid);\n\n // Check course was put in default category.", "\n $defaultcat = core_course_category::get_default();\n $dbcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber' => $course->idnumber), '*', MUST_EXIST);\n $this->assertEquals($dbcourse->category, $defaultcat->id);\n\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets the plugin configuration for testing\n */\n public function set_test_config() {\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('mailadmins', false);\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('prev_path', '');\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('createnewusers', true);\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('imsupdateusers', true);\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('createnewcourses', true);\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('updatecourses', true);\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('createnewcategories', true);\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('categoryseparator', '');\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('categoryidnumber', false);\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('nestedcategories', false);\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates an IMS enterprise XML file and adds it's path to config settings.", "\n *\n * @param bool|array $users false or array of users StdClass\n * @param bool|array $courses false or of courses StdClass\n */\n public function set_xml_file($users = false, $courses = false) {\n\n $xmlcontent = '<enterprise>';\n\n // Users.", "\n if (!", "empty($users)) {\n foreach ($users as $user) {\n $xmlcontent .= '\n <person';\n\n // Optional recstatus (1=add, 2=update, 3=delete).", "\n if (!", "empty($user->recstatus)) {\n $xmlcontent .= ' recstatus=\"'.$user->recstatus.'\"';", "\n }\n\n $xmlcontent .= '>\n <sourcedid>\n <source>TestSource</source>\n <id>'.$user->username.", "'</id>\n </sourcedid>\n <userid';\n\n // Optional authentication type.", "\n if (!", "empty($user->auth)) {\n $xmlcontent .= ' authenticationtype=\"'.$user->auth.'\"';", "\n }\n\n $xmlcontent .= '>'.$user->username.", "'</userid>\n <name>\n <fn>'.$user->firstname.' '", ".$user->lastname.", "'</fn>\n <n>\n <family>'.$user->lastname.", "'</family>\n <given>'.$user->firstname.", "'</given>\n </n>\n </name>\n <email>'.$user->email.", "'</email>\n </person>';\n }\n }\n\n // Courses.", "\n // Mapping based on default course attributes - IMS group tags mapping.", "\n if (!", "empty($courses)) {\n foreach ($courses as $course) {\n\n $xmlcontent .= '\n <group';\n\n // Optional recstatus (1=add, 2=update, 3=delete).", "\n if (!", "empty($course->recstatus)) {\n $xmlcontent .= ' recstatus=\"'.$course->recstatus.'\"';", "\n }\n\n $xmlcontent .= '>\n <sourcedid>\n <source>TestSource</source>\n <id>'.$course->idnumber.", "'</id>\n </sourcedid>\n <description>';\n\n // Optional to test course attributes mappings.", "\n if (!", "empty($course->imsshort)) {\n $xmlcontent .= '\n <short>'.$course->imsshort.", "'</short>';\n }\n\n // Optional to test course attributes mappings.", "\n if (!", "empty($course->imslong)) {\n $xmlcontent .= '\n <long>'.$course->imslong.", "'</long>';\n }\n\n // Optional to test course attributes mappings.", "\n if (!", "empty($course->imsfull)) {\n $xmlcontent .= '\n <full>'.$course->imsfull.", "'</full>';\n }\n\n // The orgunit tag value is used by moodle as category name.", "\n $xmlcontent .= '\n </description>\n <org>';\n // Optional category name.", "\n if (isset($course->category) && !", "empty($course->category)) {\n foreach ($course->category as $category) {\n $xmlcontent .= '\n <orgunit>'.$category.", "'</orgunit>';\n }\n }\n\n $xmlcontent .= '\n </org>\n </group>';\n }\n }\n\n $xmlcontent .= '\n</enterprise>';\n\n // Creating the XML file.", "\n $filename = 'ims_' . ", "rand(1000, 9999) . '", ".xml';\n $tmpdir = make_temp_directory('enrol_imsenterprise');\n $xmlfilepath = $tmpdir . '/' . ", "$filename;\n file_put_contents($xmlfilepath, $xmlcontent);\n\n // Setting the file path in CFG.", "\n $this->imsplugin->set_config('imsfilelocation', $xmlfilepath);\n }\n\n /**\n * IMS Enterprise enrolment task test.", "\n */\n public function test_imsenterprise_cron_task() {\n global $DB;\n $prevnusers = $DB->count_records('user');\n\n $user1 = new StdClass();\n $user1->username = 'u1';\n $user1->email = 'u1@example.com';\n $user1->firstname = 'U';\n $user1->lastname = '1';\n\n $users = array($user1);\n $this->set_xml_file($users);\n\n $task = new enrol_imsenterprise\\task\\cron_task();\n $task->execute();\n\n $this->assertEquals(($prevnusers + 1), $DB->count_records('user'));\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "\n723 N.W.2d 452 (2006)\nHOSCH\nv.\nROLLE.", "\nNo. ", "06-0080.", "\nCourt of Appeals of Iowa.", "\nAugust 9, 2006.", "\nDecision without published opinion. ", "Reversed and Remanded.", "\n" ]
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[ "#FakeNews has become Trump’s tagline. ", "He uses it to deflect questions from reporters and to discredit stories that portray him in a negative light. ", "Although he claims that he coined the phrase, neither the term nor the idea it represents is new. ", "In fact, the charge of “fake news” has roots in the dark world of American anti-Semitism and in the cries of Lügenpresse (“lying press”) that once echoed in Nazi rallies. ", "Understanding those roots reveals not only the pattern of conspiracy at the heart of Trump’s rhetoric, but also tells us why many white nationalists find the concept of “fake news” so appealing.", "\n\n“Fake news” is a classic trope from the anti-Semitic, fabricated book “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” ", "First published in its complete form in Russia in 1905, the “Protocols” are the brainchild of czarist nationalists who wanted to spur violence and pogroms against Russian Jews. ", "The “Protocols” purport to be the minutes of a meeting in which Jewish elders detailed their plan to conquer the world.", "\n\nAD\n\nAD\n\nOver the past century, the book has become the bible of the international anti-Semitic movement. ", "Adolf Hitler learned about the book in the 1920s and promptly worked it into his political speeches. ", "Dozens of editions appeared around the globe between 1920 and 1933. ", "In Germany, the Nazi Party incorporated many of its main ideas into the laws enacted by the Third Reich.", "\n\nThe propagandists behind the “Protocols” attributed extraordinary power to the media. ", "A section titled “Control of the Press” “reveals” that Jews seek to control every aspect of the media to protect their new, worldwide government from attack or criticism. ", "Through false stories and skewed analysis, the Jewish-controlled media would lead the masses to see the world not as it was, but as Jews wished it to be seen: “Our subjects will be convinced [of] the existence of full freedom of speech and so [will] give our agents an occasion to affirm that all organs which oppose us are empty babblers.”", "\n\nFake news, then, begins as Jewish infiltration of the legitimate media and transforms into complete domination: “Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control.”", "\n\nAD\n\nAD\n\nThe first American to put the “Protocols” before a mass audience was Henry Ford. ", "Long before the “Protocols” reached America, Ford had adopted the belief that Jews had started World War I in order to profiteer from it. ", "Further, he thought he could best spread the word about outsize Jewish influence on world affairs if he had his own newspaper with which to reach the American people directly. ", "So he started the Dearborn Independent.", "\n\nLike many anti-Semites, Ford did not need to be persuaded that Jews controlled the media. ", "The man who invented mass production for cars knew that the best way to market his ideas was to control how they were distributed. ", "He used the Independent, a paper that derived its credibility from Ford’s sterling reputation, to weave conspiratorial theories about Jewish control of nearly every aspect of American politics and society.", "\n\nOf all the distinguished Jewish Americans whom Ford libeled, it was a relatively obscure lawyer, Aaron Sapiro, who finally sued. ", "When Sapiro’s case came to trial in 1927, Ford decided to issue an apology to avoid a damaging jury verdict. ", "He said, “I deem it to be my duty as an honorable man to make amends for the wrong done to the Jews as fellow-men and brothers, by asking their forgiveness for the harm I have unintentionally committed.”", "\n\nAD\n\nAD\n\nBut many skeptics refused to believe that Ford meant to renounce anti-Semitism. ", "In Europe, anti-Semites contended that “Jewish bankers forced the apology” out of Ford. ", "Publishers who wanted to reprint Ford’s anti-Semitic publications insisted that the statement had been faked to assuage the “International Jew.” ", "Having followed the Sapiro trial through a German reporter he planted in the courtroom, Hitler called the apology “Ford’s subjugation to the All-Jewish High Finance.”", "\n\nIn time, Ford eliminated all doubt about where he stood. ", "In 1938, he accepted the highest civilian honor that Hitler’s government could bestow. ", "Photographs of a smiling Ford wearing the Grand Cross of the German Eagle were splashed around the world. ", "The automaker could not have repudiated his apology more effectively. ", "Accepting the medal made it clear he had not “capitulated to the core of the Jewish danger” — that his apology had itself been fake news, meant to divert the public’s attention from his prejudice.", "\n\nOnce freed from the scrutiny of the lawsuit, Ford continued to spread his anti-Semitic beliefs more indirectly, by permitting publishers to reprint the Independent’s articles, charging no royalties, and allowing them to put his name on the cover.", "\n\nAD\n\nAD\n\nThe example of Ford reveals how effectively white supremacists have marshaled the claim of “fake news” to accomplish their political ends. ", "Degrading one particular media outlet does not just discredit that newspaper or television station or cable network. ", "Attacking the “fake media” draws many, if not most, elements of the media to the defense of their colleagues. ", "Everyone in the media is discredited by association. ", "The public in search of facts has to choose between its government and the independent media.", "\n\nFord used his immense cultural influence to oblige people to choose between himself — the person who was only saying out loud what he claimed most people privately thought to be true — and anyone in the media who publicly disagreed with him. ", "Although Ford never employed the phrase “fake news,” he used the media’s fascination with him to embolden his admirers’ anti-Semitic attitudes and prejudices. ", "In the process, he boosted the stock of “trustworthy” sources such as the “Protocols,” which his Independent articles authenticated and distributed on a scale its authors could not have imagined. ", "Today, thanks to the Internet, “The International Jew” by Henry Ford is accessible everywhere in the world.", "\n\nAnti-Semites, white nationalists and neo-Nazis have all praised Trump, and his virulent attacks on the media help explain why. ", "His language and tactics echo those used by Ford, one of the foremost U.S. proponents of anti-Semitism. ", "When Trump says “fake media,” anti-Semites translate this phrase into “Jewish-controlled media,” a media that exerts disproportionate power over other media outlets and public opinion. ", "Anti-Semites blame the “whining Jew media” for forcing Trump to condemn the Nazis who marched in Virginia, just as they pilloried “the all-powerful Jew” for forcing Ford to apologize in 1927.", "\n\nAD\n\nAD" ]
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[ "MIAMI (WSVN) - A cruise ship where a crew member fell ill with what turned out to be the flu has returned to PortMiami, days after it was denied entry at two ports over coronavirus concerns.", "\n\n7News cameras captured passengers of the MSC ship back on dry land and sharing their experiences on board with 7News, Sunday.", "\n\nA passenger who identified herself as Paloma said she was concerned upon learning they were not being allowed to disembark.", "\n\n“At first, we were a little bit worried,” she said.", "\n\nBut MSC Cruises USA spokesperson Ken Muskat said passengers were never at risk of contracting the virus.", "\n\n“No issues with coronavirus whatsoever,” he said.", "\n\nHowever, Muskat said, that did not stop two ports on the ship’s itinerary to deny them entry.", "\n\n“Jamaica, unfortunately, did not allow the ship to come in, just based off of fear, basically,” he said, “so then we went on to Grand Cayman. ", "Unfortunately, Grand Cayman did not allow the ship to come in either, also based on fear. ", "They didn’t even check.”", "\n\nMore than 6,000 passengers and crew members were stuck on the ship for days.", "\n\n“We didn’t know where we were going out from the boat,” said Paloma.", "\n\nThe ship was eventually allowed to dock at the port of Cozumel in Mexico, where health officials boarded the boat to conduct tests.", "\n\nThe sick crew member was diagnosed with the flu, and the rest of the passengers passed health screening tests before their journey back to South Florida.", "\n\n“Fortunately, the ship was deemed perfectly healthy,” said Muskat.", "\n\nBut it wasn’t good news for travelers flying from the Dominican Republic after a confirmed case was found there.", "\n\nThe news came a day after the White House expanded U.S. travel restrictions to Asia and Europe following the first U.S. death from the virus.", "\n\nDelta Airlines also followed suit, suspending U.S. flights from New York to Milan.", "\n\n7News spoke with Marvin and Marsha Gallow after they flew into Miami International Airport from Rome, Saturday.", "\n\n“We just packed up and left today,” said Marvin.", "\n\nThe couple said they cut their vacation to Italy short once news of the virus spread. ", "They said they immediately drove from Milan to Rome just to catch the first flight home​.\n\n“We were going to take trains and all that, and we went and got a rental car and drove straight south for six hours,” said Marvin.", "\n\nThat decision has left them with thousands of dollars in debt.", "\n\n“We didn’t get any refund on our flight. ", "We had to buy a new one to get home,” said Marsha.​\n\nCruise line officials said any booked passengers who traveled to China over the past 14 days cannot board a ship at PortMiami. ", "They also said all passengers who were on board the MSC ship will receive a full refund.", "\n\nCopyright 2020 Sunbeam Television Corp. All rights reserved. ", "This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed." ]
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[ "The Farm Program Integrity Act, which reflects language approved by the United States Senate in 2012, places a hard cap on farm program payments and closes current loopholes to ensure payments go to working farmers. ", "Due to current program eligibility loopholes, mega-farms and absentee investors can currently receive a virtually unlimited government check through farm programs.", "\n\n“We applaud the Senators for reintroducing reform legislation that could put real limits on farm program payments and close loopholes that allow mega-farms to obtain virtually unlimited payments that they use to drive their smaller neighbors out of business,” said Chuck Hassebrook, Executive Director of the Center for Rural Affairs. “", "This legislation will help ensure that federal farm program benefits flow to small and mid-sized farms instead of contributing to their demise by subsidizing bigness and farm consolidation.”", "\n\nAccording to Hassebrook, the bill would allow investors who provide management to receive farm payments, but it would not allow a large farm to receive unlimited subsidies by claiming each investor qualifies it for another set of payments up to the legal limit. ", "This is a reasonable compromise to close loopholes that have plagued farm programs for far too long.", "\n\n“The Center for Rural Affairs supports this legislation and urges the Senate Agriculture Committee to include this in the Farm Bill they move forward this year, as they did last year,” added Hassebrook. “", "We also encourage the House Agriculture Committees to adopt these common-sense reforms, something they failed to do last year.”", "\n\nHassebrook explained that the House Agriculture Committee kept high payment caps and wide-open loopholes intact in the farm bill that they voted out of Committee last year.", "\n\n“We look forward to working with the House and Senate on writing a fiscally responsible farm bill that invests in rural America’s best future and moving that forward in the five-year farm bill debate this year,” Hassebrook concluded. “", "The bill introduced yesterday by Senators Grassley, Johnson, Enzi and Brown is an excellent place to start.”", "\n\nThe Home News is a community paper that serves readers in and around the boroughs of Bath, Chapman, Northampton and Nazareth, and the townships of Allen, East Allen, Moore, Lehigh, Bushkill and Lower & Upper Nazareth." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs silverlight and Java running on the web browser capable of saving \"state\" into the user's local machines?", "\n\nI am aware that even after we have cleared our cache and cookies, websites can still save files/information into our computer using Flash (Flash ever cookies),\nI was wondering does other plugins like Silverlight and Java have this problem?", "\nEffectively, the question is:\nWhen I use Incognito, what technologies will allow webpages to escape this incognito cage ?", "\n\nA:\n\nActually, depending on the browser and plugins used, there are many ways for a website to store persistent information on users' computer. ", "It's not cookies and cache anymore. ", "Some of these new methods require user confirmation, some don't - it also varies by browser. ", "Flash has Local Shared Objects, Silverlight has Isolated Storage, HTML5 itself gives Offline Application cache, Session Storage and Local Storage. ", "\nIt's not easy to clean them all at once. ", "In fact, there is a proof-of-concept project that uses all those tricky ways and many others to create a super-persistent-and-resurecting-cookie - Evercookie. ", "Of course, there is also an Evercookie killer called Nevercookie. ", "\n\nA:\n\nYou are right. ", "There are really many ways for a website to store persistent data on you, even if you dont want them too. ", "Evercookie by Samy Kamkar is an example of this.", "\nQuotede from the site of Evercookie it stores persistent data on you with the help of these storage mechanisms: \n\nStandard HTTP Cookies \nLocal Shared Objects (Flash Cookies)\nSilverlight Isolated Storage \nStoring cookies in RGB values of auto-generated, force-cached \nPNGs using HTML5 Canvas tag to read pixels (cookies) back out\nStoring cookies in Web History \nStoring cookies in HTTP ETags \nStoring cookies in Web cache \nwindow.name caching\nInternet Explorer userData storage\nHTML5 Session Storage \nHTML5 Local Storage \nHTML5 Global Storage \nHTML5 Database Storage via SQLite\n\nA:\n\nSince 6u10 Java applets have been able to store \"muffins\" (effectively cookies) using java.jnlp.", "PersistenceService.", "\nAlso from the same release, Java applets can also open files through FileOpenService, FileSaveService and ExtendedService.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Single-molecule chemistry and analysis: mode-specific dehydrogenation of adsorbed propene by inelastic electron tunneling.", "\nA single propene molecule, located in the junction between the tip of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and a Cu(211) surface can be dehydrogenated by inelastic electron tunneling. ", "This reaction requires excitation of the asymmetric C-H stretching vibration of the ═CH(2) group. ", "The product is then identified by inelastic electron tunneling action spectroscopy (IETAS)." ]
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[ "1989 TFL Statewide League season\n\nThe 1989 TFL Statewide League premiership season was an Australian rules football competition staged across Tasmania, Australia over eighteen (18) roster rounds and six (6) finals series matches between 1 April and 16 September 1989.", "\nThe League was known as the Cascade-Boags Statewide League under a dual commercial naming-rights sponsorship agreement with both Cascade Brewery in Hobart and Boag's Brewery in Launceston.", "\n\nParticipating Clubs\nBurnie Hawks Football Club\nClarence District Football Club\nDevonport Blues Football Club\nGlenorchy District Football Club\nHobart Football Club\nNew Norfolk District Football Club\nNorth Hobart Football Club\nNorth Launceston Football Club\nSandy Bay Football Club\nSouth Launceston Football Club\n\n1989 TFL Statewide League Club Coaches\nColin Robertson (Burnie Hawks)\nPeter Daniel (Clarence)\nRoland Crosby (Devonport)\nBilly Picken (Glenorchy)\nMark Browning (Hobart)\nBrian Hickey (New Norfolk)\nGarry Davidson (North Hobart)\nSteven Goulding (North Launceston)\nShane Williams (Sandy Bay)\nIan Paton (South Launceston)\n\nMedibank Private Cup (Reserves) Grand Final\nSandy Bay 10.14 (74) v Devonport 8.8 (56) – North Hobart Oval\n\nTasmania Bank Colts (Under-19's) Grand Final\nSandy Bay 10.8 (68) v South Launceston 7.8 (50) – North Hobart Oval\n\nLeading Goalkickers: TFL Statewide League\nShane Fell (Glenorchy) – 114\nWayne Fox (Hobart) – 97\nSteven Cole (Burnie Hawks) – 76\nPaul Dac (New Norfolk) – 62\n\nMedal Winners\nScott Wade (Clarence) – William Leitch Medal\nJeffrey Wood (Devonport) – George Watt Medal (Reserves)\nDamien Goss (Hobart) – V.A Geard Medal (Under-19's)\nPaul Barrow (New Norfolk) – D.R Plaister Medal (Under-17's)\nScott Wade (Clarence) – Delphin Medalist (Best Player in NFL Shield)\nScott Wade (Clarence) – Lefroy Medalist (Best Player in State Matches)\nJim Mathewson (Nth Hobart) – Darrel Baldock Medalist (Best player in TFL Grand Final)\n\nFoster's NFL Shield Interstate Matches\nFoster's NFL Shield Match (Friday, 9 June 1989) \nACT 12.2 (74) v Tasmania 8.12 (60) - Att: 1,743 at West Park Oval (Night)\n\nFoster's NFL Shield Match (Saturday, 10 June 1989)\nAustralian Amateurs 11.7 (73) v Tasmania 11.2 (68) - Att: 1,236 at York Park\n\nFoster's NFL Shield Match (Monday, 12 June 1989)\nTasmania 17.11 (113) v New South Wales 8.16 (64) - Att: 1,304 at North Hobart Oval\n\nState Of Origin Match\n(Saturday, 2 July 1989)\nVictoria 25.13 (163) v Tasmania 15.17 (107) - Att: 12,342 at North Hobart Oval\n\n1989 TFL Club Home Attendance Figures\nNth Hobart: 19,457 for 9 matches at 2,161\nNth Launceston: 18,520 for 9 matches at 2,057\nGlenorchy: 18,274 for 9 matches at 2,030\nClarence: 17,273 for 9 matches at 1,919\nHobart: 16,433 for 9 matches at 1,825\nBurnie Hawks: 14,553 for 9 matches at 1,617\nDevonport: 14,213 for 9 matches at 1,579\nSandy Bay: 12,290 for 9 matches at 1,365\nNew Norfolk: 10,029 for 9 matches at 1,114\nSth Launceston: 7,000 for 9 matches at 777\n\nSeason Summary\n\nThe 1989 TFL Statewide League season was the fourth season of statewide football and the football public were treated to some magnificent football throughout the season.", "\n\nNorth Launceston were tipped to be the big improvers as were North Hobart, with Glenorchy and Devonport looming as possible outside chances.", "\n\nHobart under Mark Browning had had a large cleanout over the summer following their dismal end to 1988 and the jury was out on whether they would take the step up this season.", "\n\nOn the opening day Clarence threw their hat into the ring with a sensational 89-point demolition of North Hobart but their season would be punctuated with brilliant displays such as this, followed by the mediocre, sometimes even in the same game as in two such cases where they led Devonport by 55-points at three-quarter time at Bellerive Oval on 8 April only to see the Blues steam home to draw the game and again at the same venue on 14 July against the Burnie Hawks, the Roos again led by 55-points at the final change only to see the Hawks fly home to fail by one point.", "\n\nNorth Launceston would be all the rage in the north of the state, the high-flying Robins would finally demonstrate their full potential to take the minor premiership ahead of North Hobart, who had produced many moments of champagne-football throughout the season including a Statewide League record score against the hapless New Norfolk at Boyer on 3 August with 38.15 (243).", "\n\nOn the eve of the finals, the rampaging Demons sent reigning premier Devonport, who had suffered a very disappointing fall from grace away from North Hobart Oval (the site of their ground-breaking premiership only eleven months previous) with a staggering 161-point defeat.", "\n\nAfter a moderate start, Hobart would go on a rampage as well and storm into the finals with ten wins from their final eleven games to take third spot and aim for their first premiership since 1980.", "\n\nBoth Clarence and Glenorchy would be far from their dominant selves for much of the season, indeed Glenorchy were looking likely to miss the finals for the first time since 1973 but managed to produce four wins from their final five matches to sneak into the five over the Burnie Hawks, who lost their final two matches to miss out while Clarence won their final five matches to claim fourth spot.", "\n\nAt the other end of the table New Norfolk continued to wallow at the foot of the table and suffer from disastrous financial turmoil, during the season a crisis meeting was held at New Norfolk where discussions were held on what the future of the club may be, whether it be a merger, dropping out of the league or a last-ditch effort to rescue the club's ailing finances.", "\n\nSouth Launceston continued to struggle on and off the field, with the TFL looking likely to attempt to get the struggling Bulldogs to move away from their sub-standard Youngtown ground and move them to York Park in an effort to lift the club's poor image and attract better crowds, whilst Sandy Bay would win their opening four games of the season then fall into a dark hole and only win another three for the rest of the season in a disappointing finish.", "\n\nThe TFL and various media commentators were similarly calling for Sandy Bay to merge with North Hobart and move its home base away from the tiny Queenborough Oval and up to North Hobart Oval in a bid to improve the Seagulls image and attract better crowds to their matches.", "\n\nAn exciting finals series got underway on 26 August with fierce inner-city rivals North Hobart and Hobart doing battle in the Qualifying Final.", "\n\nHobart broke out to a 31-point lead late in the second quarter only to see the Demons fight back and run away with the match to record a 31-point victory, while the following day, Clarence would start the Elimination Final strongly against hated rival Glenorchy and hold a five-goal lead shortly before half time only to see the Magpies draw level at three-quarter time and race away with the match to win by 30-points, keeping the Roos scoreless in the final quarter in the process.", "\n\nOn 2 September, football followers in both the North and South of the state were treated to two intriguing finals matches.", "\n\nAt York Park, minor premier North Launceston would face North Hobart for the right to go straight into the grand final.", "\n\nDespite a good start for the Robins, North Hobart would find their way during the second quarter and run rampant, proving far too good on the day to record a 28-point win in front of almost 7,000 parochial Launcestonians.", "\n\nMeanwhile, at North Hobart Oval, Hobart would do battle against the fading Magpie Machine from Glenorchy.", "\n\nGlenorchy had made every grand final except one from 1975-1988 whilst their opponents Hobart had been in only three grand finals since 1966.", "\n\nIn a see-sawing contest all day which enthralled the 5,573-strong crowd, Glenorchy held sway by just 2-points at the final change before the Tigers unleashed a sensational seven goal to two burst in the final quarter to win by 29-points, consigning Glenorchy to missing their first Grand Final since 1981. ", "\nIn the Preliminary Final on 9 September, Hobart would do battle with North Launceston in a true North v South battle. ", "\nThe two clubs last North Hobart Oval finals meeting was in the 1950 State Grand Final and the Robins were keen to repeat that 1950 triumph.", "\n\nUnfortunately for the minor premier, the hopes of the North weighed too heavily on them and they were crushed by a quiet and determined Tiger outfit who totally outclassed the Robins all day to book a Grand Final spot with a 41-point win. ", "This however, was not to be the last time these two clubs would cross paths in the ensuing years.", "\n\nThe Grand Final showdown on 16 September was one eagerly awaited by football fans in the South, the two old inner-city rivals (North Hobart and Hobart) both with great histories were ready to battle it out in the Grand Final for the first time since 1960.", "\n\nOn a dull, cold day Hobart, looking to break a nine-year premiership drought, came out full of running and shocked an unsettled Demon side with six unanswered first quarter goals which left the 16,528-strong crowd stunned.", "\n\nIn the early stages of the second quarter, Hobart continued to hold sway and held a 35-point lead over North Hobart, but the Demons produced one of the most memorable spells of attacking football in TFL Grand Final history by rattling on eight unanswered goals in eleven minutes to jump out to a 9-point lead over a shell-shocked Hobart, Tiger forward Michael Winter booted his sixth goal right on half time to reduce the Demon lead to 3-points at the long break but the difference in body language of the two sides leaving the ground for half-time couldn't have been more stark.", "\n\nIn the second half it was all North Hobart as they ran rampant over Hobart, producing another six goals in the third quarter to break out to a 26-point three-quarter time lead and eventually run out 30-point winners over a gallant Hobart to take their second premiership in three years.", "\n\n1989 TFL Statewide League Ladder\n\nRound 1\n(Saturday, 1 April 1989)\nClarence 29.13 (187) v Nth Hobart 14.14 (98) - Att: 2,481 at North Hobart Oval\nSandy Bay 18.23 (131) v Burnie Hawks 15.16 (106) - Att: 1,110 at Queenborough Oval\nGlenorchy 18.16 (124) v New Norfolk 12.8 (80) - Att: 1,817 at Boyer Oval\nSth Launceston 16.14 (110) v Hobart 12.13 (85) - Att: 834 at Youngtown Memorial Ground\nNth Launceston 7.8 (50) v Devonport 5.7 (37) - Att: 1,325 at Devonport Oval\n\nRound 2\n(Saturday, 8 April 1989)\nHobart 29.13 (187) v New Norfolk 11.14 (80) - Att: 1,513 at North Hobart Oval\nNth Hobart 19.16 (130) v Glenorchy 7.8 (50) - Att: 2,543 at KGV Football Park\nClarence 16.13 (109) v Devonport 15.19 (109) - Att: 1,895 at Bellerive Oval\nThis was the first draw in TFL Statewide League history, with the most recent in the TANFL having occurred a combined 407 games earlier in the 1983 First-Semi-Final between Sandy Bay and Clarence. ", "The previous roster round draw was in 1980 between Glenorchy and North Hobart.", "\nSandy Bay 22.13 (145) v Nth Launceston 17.15 (117) - Att: 1,964 at York Park\nBurnie Hawks 23.23 (161) v Sth Launceston 12.5 (77) - Att: 1,161 at West Park Oval\n\nRound 3\n(Saturday, 15 April 1989)\nNth Hobart 29.11 (185) v Hobart 16.14 (110) - Att: 2,668 at North Hobart Oval\nNth Launceston 19.19 (133) v Clarence 13.10 (88) - Att: 1,855 at Bellerive Oval\nBurnie Hawks 28.13 (181) v New Norfolk 11.12 (78) - Att: 1,064 at Boyer Oval\nSandy Bay 16.14 (110) v Sth Launceston 8.15 (63) - Att: 816 at Youngtown Memorial Ground\nGlenorchy 14.16 (100) v Devonport 10.10 (70) - Att: 2,031 at Devonport Oval\n\nRound 4\n(Saturday, 22 April & Sunday, 23 April 1989)\nHobart 20.9 (129) v Devonport 17.19 (121) - Att: 1,374 at North Hobart Oval\nClarence 17.10 (112) v Glenorchy 16.15 (111) - Att: 3,100 at KGV Football Park\nNth Hobart 20.18 (138) v Burnie Hawks 20.12 (132) - Att: 1,901 at West Park Oval\nSandy Bay 15.20 (110) v New Norfolk 12.13 (85) - Att: 1,424 at North Hobart Oval (Sunday)\nSth Launceston 15.14 (104) v Nth Launceston 14.19 (103) - Att: 2,987 at York Park (Sunday)\n\nRound 5\n(Tuesday, 25 April & Saturday, 29 April 1989)\nBurnie Hawks 14.18 (102) v Devonport 11.16 (82) - Att: 4,046 at Devonport Oval (Tuesday)\nNth Hobart 22.21 (153) v Sandy Bay 6.10 (46) - Att: 2,974 at North Hobart Oval\nHobart 18.13 (121) v Clarence 14.15 (99) - Att: 2,165 at Bellerive Oval\nNew Norfolk 12.16 (88) v Sth Launceston 12.16 (88) - Att: 955 at Boyer Oval\nNth Launceston 18.22 (130) v Glenorchy 13.5 (83) - Att: 1,803 at York Park\n\nRound 6\n(Saturday, 6 May 1989)\nGlenorchy 15.22 (112) v Hobart 12.15 (87) - Att: 3,056 at North Hobart Oval\nDevonport 15.26 (116) v Sandy Bay 8.13 (61) - Att: 1,059 at Queenborough Oval\nNth Launceston 20.11 (131) v New Norfolk 14.14 (98) - Att: 1,095 at Boyer Oval\nNth Hobart 17.18 (120) v Sth Launceston 10.11 (71) - Att: 1,021 at Youngtown Memorial Ground\nBurnie Hawks 21.26 (152) v Clarence 19.12 (126) - Att: 1,724 at West Park Oval\n\nRound 7\n(Saturday, 13 May 1989)\nNth Hobart 24.19 (163) v New Norfolk 21.14 (140) - Att: 1,586 at North Hobart Oval\nGlenorchy 25.18 (168) v Burnie Hawks 11.16 (82) - Att: 2,058 at KGV Football Park\nClarence 23.15 (153) v Sandy Bay 13.13 (91) - Att: 1,830 at Bellerive Oval\nNth Launceston 14.23 (107) v Hobart 13.13 (91) - Att: 1,612 at York Park\nDevonport 21.17 (143) v Sth Launceston 14.15 (99) - Att: 1,529 at Devonport Oval\n\nRound 8\n(Saturday, 20 May & Sunday, 21 May 1989)\nNth Launceston 12.8 (80) v Nth Hobart 10.12 (72) - Att: 3,061 at North Hobart Oval\nNew Norfolk 21.16 (142) v Devonport 10.13 (73) - Att: 1,108 at Boyer Oval\nSth Launceston 19.18 (132) v Clarence 14.5 (89) - Att: 820 at Youngtown Memorial Ground\nHobart 23.13 (151) v Burnie Hawks 14.9 (93) - Att: 1,481 at West Park Oval\nGlenorchy 18.13 (121) v Sandy Bay 15.8 (98) - Att: 1,942 at North Hobart Oval (Sunday)\n\nRound 9\n(Saturday, 27 May 1989)\nHobart 19.13 (127) v Sandy Bay 12.15 (87) - Att: 1,475 at North Hobart Oval\nGlenorchy 15.16 (106) v Sth Launceston 14.16 (100) - Att: 1,452 at KGV Football Park\nClarence 17.9 (111) v New Norfolk 11.16 (82) - Att: 1,662 at Bellerive Oval\nNth Launceston 16.16 (112) v Burnie Hawks 17.10 (112) - Att: 1,610 at York Park\nNth Hobart 15.21 (111) v Devonport 14.7 (91) - Att: 1,485 at Devonport Oval\n\nRound 10\n(Saturday, 3 June 1989)\nHobart 25.19 (169) v Sth Launceston 5.9 (39) - Att: 1,131 at North Hobart Oval\nGlenorchy 23.20 (158) v New Norfolk 9.12 (66) - Att: 1,865 at KGV Football Park\nClarence 19.14 (128) v Nth Hobart 15.15 (105) - Att: 2,633 at Bellerive Oval\nNth Launceston 20.12 (132) v Devonport 15.12 (102) - Att: 1,801 at York Park\nBurnie Hawks 25.14 (164) v Sandy Bay 9.20 (74) - Att: 1,421 at West Park Oval\n\nRound 11\n(Saturday, 17 June 1989)\nNth Hobart 17.16 (118) v Glenorchy 11.13 (79) - Att: 2,208 at North Hobart Oval\nNth Launceston 14.16 (100) v Sandy Bay 9.16 (70) - Att: 628 at Queenborough Oval\nHobart 19.14 (128) v New Norfolk 13.7 (85) - Att: 838 at Boyer Oval\nBurnie Hawks 16.17 (113) v Sth Launceston 3.12 (30) - Att: 550 at Youngtown Memorial Ground\nClarence 10.10 (70) v Devonport 6.11 (47) - Att: 836 at Devonport Oval\n\nRound 12\n(Saturday, 24 June 1989)\nHobart 19.12 (126) v Nth Hobart 17.18 (120) - Att: 2,221 at North Hobart Oval\nSandy Bay 22.10 (142) v Sth Launceston 6.13 (49) - Att: 649 at Queenborough Oval\nDevonport 12.15 (87) v Glenorchy 10.16 (76) - Att: 1,344 at KGV Football Park\nNth Launceston 21.8 (134) v Clarence 12.12 (84) - Att: 1,729 at York Park\nBurnie Hawks 29.23 (197) v New Norfolk 11.11 (77) - Att: 1,171 at West Park Oval\n\nRound 13\n(Saturday, 8 July & Sunday, 9 July 1989)\nNth Hobart 28.13 (181) v Burnie Hawks 21.10 (136) - Att: 1,706 at North Hobart Oval\nGlenorchy 16.8 (104) v Clarence 13.14 (92) - Att: 2,440 at Bellerive Oval\nSandy Bay 15.15 (105) v New Norfolk 14.11 (95) - Att: 863 at Boyer Oval\nHobart 8.14 (62) v Devonport 8.8 (56) - Att: 874 at Devonport Oval\nNth Launceston 11.7 (73) v Sth Launceston 4.8 (32) - Att: 1,204 at Youngtown Memorial Ground (Sunday)\n\nSplit Round 14 & 15\n(Saturday, 15 July & Saturday, 22 July 1989)\nHobart 12.21 (93) v Glenorchy 8.11 (59) - Att: 2,457 at KGV Football Park (15 July)\nClarence 15.13 (103) v Burnie Hawks 15.12 (102) - Att: 1,409 at Bellerive Oval (15 July)\nNth Launceston 19.20 (134) v New Norfolk 10.12 (72) - Att: 1,083 at York Park (15 July)\nNth Hobart 19.18 (132) v Sth Launceston 9.10 (64) - Att: 1,163 at North Hobart Oval (22 July)\nSandy Bay 13.17 (95) v Devonport 13.11 (89) - Att: 1,094 at Devonport Oval (22 July)\n\nSplit Round 14 & 15 (Continued)\n(Saturday, 22 July. ", "Saturday, 29 July & Sunday 30 July 1989)\nGlenorchy 12.10 (82) v Nth Launceston 8.11 (59) - Att: 1,875 a KGV Football Park (22 July)\nClarence 21.13 (139) v Hobart 13.15 (93) - Att: 2,409 at North Hobart Oval (29 July)\nNew Norfolk 13.5 (83) v Sth Launceston 8.8 (56) - Att: 470 at Youngtown Memorial Ground (29 July)\nNth Hobart 22.12 (144) v Sandy Bay 16.14 (110) - Att: 2,077 at North Hobart Oval (30 July)\nBurnie Hawks 30.18 (198) v Devonport 18.15 (123) - Att: 2,540 at West Park Oval (30 July)\n\nRound 16\n(Saturday, 5 August & Sunday, 6 August 1989)\nHobart 22.9 (141) v Nth Launceston 21.13 (139) - Att: 1,684 at North Hobart Oval\nNth Hobart 38.15 (243) v New Norfolk 11.11 (77) - Att: 1,074 at Boyer Oval\nDevonport 13.7 (85) v Sth Launceston 6.13 (49) - Att: 571 at Youngtown Memorial Ground\nBurnie Hawks 22.15 (147) v Glenorchy 17.15 (117) - Att: 1,624 at West Park Oval\nClarence 17.20 (122) v Sandy Bay 15.13 (103) - Att: 1,898 at North Hobart Oval (Sunday)\n\nRound 17\n(Saturday, 12 August 1989)\nHobart 27.22 (184) v Burnie Hawks 13.13 (91) - Att: 1,570 at North Hobart Oval\nGlenorchy 16.25 (121) v Sandy Bay 15.14 (104) - Att: 1,580 at KGV Football Park\nClarence 15.18 (108) v Sth Launceston 14.5 (89) - Att: 1,384 at Bellerive Oval\nNth Launceston 13.20 (98) v Nth Hobart 8.14 (62) - Att: 3,931 at York Park\nDevonport 21.11 (137) v New Norfolk 20.17 (137) - Att: 993 at Devonport Oval\n\nRound 18\n(Saturday, 19 August & Sunday, 20 August 1989)\nNth Hobart 30.22 (202) v Devonport 5.11 (41) - Att: 1,610 at North Hobart Oval\nClarence 16.14 (110) v New Norfolk 10.4 (64) - Att: 1,215 at Boyer Oval\nNth Launceston 14.16 (100) v Burnie Hawks 9.13 (67) - Att: 1,530 at West Park Oval\nGlenorchy 27.12 (174) v Sth Launceston 7.8 (50) - Att: 714 at Youngtown Memorial Ground\nHobart 17.14 (116) v Sandy Bay 15.13 (103) - Att: 1,503 at Queenborough Oval (Sunday)\n\nQualifying Final\n(Saturday, 26 August 1989)\nNth Hobart: 3.3 (21) | 6.6 (42) | 12.15 (87) | 19.22 (136)\nHobart: 5.4 (34) | 10.5 (65) | 12.7 (79) | 16.9 (105)\nAttendance: 4,669 at North Hobart Oval\n\nElimination Final\n(Sunday, 27 August 1989)\nGlenorchy: 4.1 (25) | 6.3 (39) | 13.6 (84) | 17.12 (114)\nClarence: 5.2 (32) | 9.9 (63) | 12.12 (84) | 12.12 (84)\nAttendance: 6,425 at North Hobart Oval\n\nFirst Semi Final\n(Saturday, 2 September 1989)\nHobart: 6.0 (36) | 11.2 (68) | 13.2 (80) | 20.5 (125)\nGlenorchy: 4.4 (28) | 9.8 (62) | 12.10 (82) | 14.12 (96)\nAttendance: 5,573 at North Hobart Oval\n\nSecond Semi Final\n(Saturday, 2 September 1989)\nNth Hobart: 3.4 (22) | 10.5 (65) | 16.7 (103) | 20.10 (130)\nNth Launceston: 4.6 (30) | 5.9 (39) | 10.13 (73) | 14.18 (102)\nAttendance: 6,755 at York Park\n\nPreliminary Final\n(Saturday, 9 September 1989)\nHobart Tigers: 1.3 (9) | 8.7 (55) | 13.12 (90) | 19.14 (128)\nNth Launceston: 2.3 (15) | 4.6 (30) | 6.12 (48) | 12.15 (87)\nAttendance: 4,951 at North Hobart Oval\n\nGrand Final\n(Saturday, 16 September 1989) (ABC-TV highlights: 1989 TFL Grand Final)\nNth Hobart: 0.8 (8) | 8.11 (59) | 14.17 (101) | 18.22 (130)\nHobart: 6.1 (37) | 9.2 (56) | 12.3 (75) | 16.4 (100)\nAttendance: 16,528 at North Hobart Oval\n\nCategory:Tasmanian Football League seasons" ]
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[ "/*\n * Linux driver for digital TV devices equipped with B2C2 FlexcopII(b)/III\n * flexcop-common.h - common header file for device-specific source files\n * see flexcop.c for copyright information\n */\n#ifndef __FLEXCOP_COMMON_H__\n#define __FLEXCOP_COMMON_H__\n\n#include <linux/interrupt.h>\n#include <linux/pci.h>\n#include <linux/mutex.h>\n\n#include \"flexcop-reg.h\"\n\n#include \"dmxdev.h\"\n#include \"dvb_demux.h\"\n#include \"dvb_filter.h\"\n#include \"dvb_net.h\"\n#include \"dvb_frontend.h\"\n\n#define FC_MAX_FEED 256\n\n#ifndef FC_LOG_PREFIX\n#warning please define a log prefix for your file, using a default one\n#define FC_LOG_PREFIX \"b2c2-undef\"\n#endif\n\n/* Steal from usb.h */\n#undef err\n#define err(format, arg...) \\\n\tprintk(KERN_ERR FC_LOG_PREFIX \": \" format \"\\n\" , ## arg)\n#undef info\n#define info(format, arg...) \\\n\tprintk(KERN_INFO FC_LOG_PREFIX \": \" format \"\\n\" , ## arg)\n#undef warn\n#define warn(format, arg...) \\\n\tprintk(KERN_WARNING FC_LOG_PREFIX \": \" format \"\\n\" , ## arg)\n\nstruct flexcop_dma {\n\tstruct pci_dev *pdev;\n\n\tu8 *cpu_addr0;\n\tdma_addr_t dma_addr0;\n\tu8 *cpu_addr1;\n\tdma_addr_t dma_addr1;\n\tu32 size; /* size of each address in bytes */\n};\n\nstruct flexcop_i2c_adapter {\n\tstruct flexcop_device *fc;\n\tstruct i2c_adapter i2c_adap;\n\n\tu8 no_base_addr;\n\tflexcop_i2c_port_t port;\n};\n\n/* Control structure for data definitions that are common to\n * the B2C2-based PCI and USB devices.", "\n */\nstruct flexcop_device {\n\t/* general */\n\tstruct device *dev; /* for firmware_class */\n\n#define FC_STATE_DVB_INIT 0x01\n#define FC_STATE_I2C_INIT 0x02\n#define FC_STATE_FE_INIT 0x04\n\tint init_state;\n\n\t/* device information */\n\tint has_32_hw_pid_filter;\n\tflexcop_revision_t rev;\n\tflexcop_device_type_t dev_type;\n\tflexcop_bus_t bus_type;\n\n\t/* dvb stuff */\n\tstruct dvb_adapter dvb_adapter;\n\tstruct dvb_frontend *fe;\n\tstruct dvb_net dvbnet;\n\tstruct dvb_demux demux;\n\tstruct dmxdev dmxdev;\n\tstruct dmx_frontend hw_frontend;\n\tstruct dmx_frontend mem_frontend;\n\tint (*fe_sleep) (struct dvb_frontend *);\n\n\tstruct flexcop_i2c_adapter fc_i2c_adap[3];\n\tstruct mutex i2c_mutex;\n\tstruct module *owner;\n\n\t/* options and status */\n\tint extra_feedcount;\n\tint feedcount;\n\tint pid_filtering;\n\tint fullts_streaming_state;\n\tint skip_6_hw_pid_filter;\n\n\t/* bus specific callbacks */\n\tflexcop_ibi_value(*read_ibi_reg) (struct flexcop_device *,\n\t\t\tflexcop_ibi_register);\n\tint (*write_ibi_reg) (struct flexcop_device *,\n\t\t\tflexcop_ibi_register, flexcop_ibi_value);\n\tint (*i2c_request) (struct flexcop_i2c_adapter *,\n\t\tflexcop_access_op_t, u8 chipaddr, u8 addr, u8 *buf, u16 len);\n\tint (*stream_control) (struct flexcop_device *, int);\n\tint (*get_mac_addr) (struct flexcop_device *fc, int extended);\n\tvoid *bus_specific;\n};\n\n/* exported prototypes */\n\n/* from flexcop.c */\nvoid flexcop_pass_dmx_data(struct flexcop_device *fc, u8 *buf, u32 len);\nvoid flexcop_pass_dmx_packets(struct flexcop_device *fc, u8 *buf, u32 no);\n\nstruct flexcop_device *flexcop_device_kmalloc(size_t bus_specific_len);\nvoid flexcop_device_kfree(struct flexcop_device *);\n\nint flexcop_device_initialize(struct flexcop_device *);\nvoid flexcop_device_exit(struct flexcop_device *fc);\nvoid flexcop_reset_block_300(struct flexcop_device *fc);\n\n/* from flexcop-dma.c */\nint flexcop_dma_allocate(struct pci_dev *pdev,\n\t\tstruct flexcop_dma *dma, u32 size);\nvoid flexcop_dma_free(struct flexcop_dma *dma);\n\nint flexcop_dma_control_timer_irq(struct flexcop_device *fc,\n\t\tflexcop_dma_index_t no, int onoff);\nint flexcop_dma_control_size_irq(struct flexcop_device *fc,\n\t\tflexcop_dma_index_t no, int onoff);\nint flexcop_dma_config(struct flexcop_device *fc, struct flexcop_dma *dma,\n\t\tflexcop_dma_index_t dma_idx);\nint flexcop_dma_xfer_control(struct flexcop_device *fc,\n\t\tflexcop_dma_index_t dma_idx, flexcop_dma_addr_index_t index,\n\t\tint onoff);\nint flexcop_dma_config_timer(struct flexcop_device *fc,\n\t\tflexcop_dma_index_t dma_idx, u8 cycles);\n\n/* from flexcop-eeprom.c */\n/* the PCI part uses this call to get the MAC address, the USB part has its own */\nint flexcop_eeprom_check_mac_addr(struct flexcop_device *fc, int extended);\n\n/* from flexcop-i2c.c */\n/* the PCI part uses this a i2c_request callback, whereas the usb part has its own\n * one. ", "We have it in flexcop-i2c.c, because it is going via the actual\n * I2C-channel of the flexcop.", "\n */\nint flexcop_i2c_request(struct flexcop_i2c_adapter*, flexcop_access_op_t,\n\tu8 chipaddr, u8 addr, u8 *buf, u16 len);\n\n/* from flexcop-sram.c */\nint flexcop_sram_set_dest(struct flexcop_device *fc, flexcop_sram_dest_t dest,\n\tflexcop_sram_dest_target_t target);\nvoid flexcop_wan_set_speed(struct flexcop_device *fc, flexcop_wan_speed_t s);\nvoid flexcop_sram_ctrl(struct flexcop_device *fc,\n\t\tint usb_wan, int sramdma, int maximumfill);\n\n/* global prototypes for the flexcop-chip */\n/* from flexcop-fe-tuner.c */\nint flexcop_frontend_init(struct flexcop_device *fc);\nvoid flexcop_frontend_exit(struct flexcop_device *fc);\n\n/* from flexcop-i2c.c */\nint flexcop_i2c_init(struct flexcop_device *fc);\nvoid flexcop_i2c_exit(struct flexcop_device *fc);\n\n/* from flexcop-sram.c */\nint flexcop_sram_init(struct flexcop_device *fc);\n\n/* from flexcop-misc.c */\nvoid flexcop_determine_revision(struct flexcop_device *fc);\nvoid flexcop_device_name(struct flexcop_device *fc,\n\t\tconst char *prefix, const char *suffix);\nvoid flexcop_dump_reg(struct flexcop_device *fc,\n\t\tflexcop_ibi_register reg, int num);\n\n/* from flexcop-hw-filter.c */\nint flexcop_pid_feed_control(struct flexcop_device *fc,\n\t\tstruct dvb_demux_feed *dvbdmxfeed, int onoff);\nvoid flexcop_hw_filter_init(struct flexcop_device *fc);\n\nvoid flexcop_smc_ctrl(struct flexcop_device *fc, int onoff);\n\nvoid flexcop_set_mac_filter(struct flexcop_device *fc, u8 mac[6]);\nvoid flexcop_mac_filter_ctrl(struct flexcop_device *fc, int onoff);\n\n#endif\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nusing v-bind:href to bind an expression\n\nI am trying to bind an expression to a URL using v-bind of vue.js.", "\nThe binder expression will be a year of the folder and I want that expression to render in the links.", "\nI am trying to get this to bind correctly.", "\nCan someone see what I am improperly concatenating?", "\n\n<a v-bind:href=\"'https://www.exmaple.com'+{{$route.params.year | year}}'+'&FolderCTID=0x012000507B97BC3FFDCE4D854E'\">My Link</a>\n\nA:\n\nI added this into my hyperlink and it works like a charm! ", "I am sure someone will need this\n\n+ $options.filters.year($route.params.year) +'\n\n" ]
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[ "Download PuStack App now from http://bit.ly/pustack\nThis is introductory lecture on a CBSEClass 10th topic - Minerals and Energy Resources.", "\nThis chapter is divided into 6 lectures, so make sure you watch the other five lectures for a better understanding.", "\nLink to more videos on various topics - http://bit.ly/2cncdM0\n\nMineral Resources Limited (MRL) is an innovative and leading Australian mining services company, with a growing world-class portfolio of mining operations across multiple commodities, including iron ore and lithium.", "\n\nJoin us in the discussion on InformedTrades: http://www.informedtrades.com/800168-mineral-resources-explained-resources-reserves-1-2-a.html\nFor more free videos on mining stocks, see the precious metals section of our University: http://www.informedtrades.com/f417/\nFor reviews from IT community members on newsletters recommending mining stocks, click here: http://bit.ly/IT-stocks\n\npublished:29 Aug 2013\n\nviews:6129\n\nHere is a demo of online video lecture. ", "You can watch this complete video on our website Dronstudy\nOR\nCall us at - 8287971571\n\npublished:12 Jul 2014\n\nviews:256313\n\nThis video tutorial explains, in an easy-to-understand manner, what mineral resources and reserves are and how they are defined. ", "Mining stock investors, in order to make a correct value estimation of a company, must possess at least a basic understanding of what is the difference between a mineral resource and reserve and the five different levels of certitude within these two categories.", "\nSign up for our free newsletter and receive interview transcripts, stock recommendations and investment ideas: http://eepurl.com/cHxJ39\nThe content found on MiningStockEducation.com is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered personal legal or investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell securities or any other product. ", "It is based on opinions, SEC filings, current events, press releases and interviews but is not infallible. ", "It may contain errors and MiningStockEducation.com offers no inferred or explicit warranty as to the accuracy of the information presented. ", "If personal advice is needed, consult a qualified legal, tax or investment professional. ", "Do not base any investment decision on the information contained on MiningStockEducation.com or our videos. ", "We may hold equity positions in some of the companies featured on this site and therefore are biased and hold an obvious conflict of interest. ", "MiningStockEducation.com may provide website addresses or links to websites and we disclaim any responsibility for the content of any such other websites. ", "The information you find on MiningStockEducation.com is to be used at your own risk. ", "By reading MiningStockEducation.com, you agree to hold MiningStockEducation.com, its owner, associates, sponsors, affiliates, and partners harmless and to completely release them from any and all liabilities due to any and all losses, damages, or injuries (financial or otherwise) that may be incurred.", "\n\nMineral resource estimation\n\nResource estimation is used to determine and define the ore tonnage and grade of a geological deposit, from the developed block model. ", "There are different estimation methods (see below) used for different scenarios dependent upon the ore boundaries, geological deposit geometry, grade variability and the amount of time and money available. ", "A typical resource estimation involves the construction of a geological and resource model with data from various sources. ", "Depending on the nature of the information and whether the data is hard copy or computerized, the principal steps of computer resource estimation are:\n\nAn orebody model serves as the geological basis of all resource estimation, an orebody modeling project starts with a critical review of existing drill hole and surface or underground sample data as well as maps and plans with current geological interpretation. ", "Drill hole and/or sample databases are set up to suit all the quantitative and qualitative information necessary to build a resource model. ", "The creation of a geological model may include the following steps:\n\nResource\n\nA resource is a source or supply from which benefit is produced. ", "Typically resources are materials, energy, services, staff, knowledge, or other assets that are transformed to produce benefit and in the process may be consumed or made unavailable. ", "Benefits of resource utilization may include increased wealth, meeting needs or wants, proper functioning of a system, or enhanced well being. ", "From a human perspective a natural resource is anything obtained from the environment to satisfy human needs and wants. ", "From a broader biological or ecological perspective a resource satisfies the needs of a living organism (see biological resource).", "\n\nResource fork\n\nThe resource fork is a fork or section of a file on the Apple Mac OSoperating system used to store structured data along with the unstructured data stored within the data fork. ", "A resource fork stores information in a specific form, containing details such as icon bitmaps, the shapes of windows, definitions of menus and their contents, and application code (machine code). ", "For example, a word processing file might store its text in the data fork, while storing any embedded images in the same file's resource fork. ", "The resource fork is used mostly by executables, but every file is able to have a resource fork.", "\n\nThe Macintosh file system\n\nOriginally conceived and implemented by programmer Bruce Horn, the resource fork was used for three purposes with Macintosh file system. ", "First, it was used to store all graphical data on disk until it was needed, then retrieved, drawn on the screen, and thrown away. ", "This software variant of virtual memory helped Apple to reduce the memory requirements of the Apple Lisa from 1MB to 128KB in the Macintosh. ", "Second, because all the pictures and text were stored separately in a resource fork, it could be used to allow a non-programmer to translate an application for a foreign market, a process called internationalization and localization. ", "And finally, it could be used to distribute nearly all of the components of an application in a single file, reducing clutter and simplifying application installation and removal.", "\n\nA resource bundle is a set of key and value pairs, stored as a resource, that is commonly used to allow the localization of an application. ", "For this purpose different resource bundles with a\ncommon set of keys are used to store translations for the messages and user interface texts of an application.", "\n\nMineral\n\nA mineral is a naturally occurring substance, representable by a chemical formula, that is usually solid and inorganic, and has a crystal structure. ", "It is different from a rock, which can be an aggregate of minerals or non-minerals and does not have a specific chemical composition. ", "The exact definition of a mineral is under debate, especially with respect to the requirement a valid species be abiogenic, and to a lesser extent with regard to it having an ordered atomic structure. ", "The study of minerals is called mineralogy.", "\n\nThere are over 5,300 known mineral species; over 5,070 of these have been approved by the International Mineralogical Association (IMA). ", "The silicate minerals compose over 90% of the Earth's crust. ", "The diversity and abundance of mineral species is controlled by the Earth's chemistry. ", "Silicon and oxygen constitute approximately 75% of the Earth's crust, which translates directly into the predominance of silicate minerals. ", "Minerals are distinguished by various chemical and physical properties. ", "Differences in chemical composition and crystal structure distinguish various species, and these properties in turn are influenced by the mineral's geological environment of formation. ", "Changes in the temperature, pressure, or bulk composition of a rock mass cause changes in its minerals.", "\n\nMineral (band)\n\nMineral was an American emo band originally from Houston, Texas. ", "Soon following their formation they relocated to Austin. ", "All four members of Mineral were signed to Interscope Records on individual contracts. ", "After disbanding in 1998, its members worked on numerous other musical projects including The Gloria Record, Pop Unknown, and Zookeeper.", "\n\nMineral's music is characterized by its iterated soft/loud structure, overlaid with melodic vocals and ethereal guitar-based instrumental bridges. ", "Mineral's subtle balance between angst-ridden kinetics and wistful underpinnings, in conjunction with their intelligent lyrics, have heavily influenced many bands of the late 1990s and 2000s.", "\n\nIn 2010, a compilation CD of all the band's songs (except for \"Sadder Star\", from the First Crush comp) was released in Japan, entitled \"The Complete Collection\".", "\n\nMineral resource estimation\n\n3:32\n\nGeography: Minerals and Energy Resources (Part 1)\n\nGeography: Minerals and Energy Resources (Part 1)\n\nGeography: Minerals and Energy Resources (Part 1)\n\nDownload PuStack App now from http://bit.ly/pustack\nThis is introductory lecture on a CBSEClass 10th topic - Minerals and Energy Resources.", "\nThis chapter is divided into 6 lectures, so make sure you watch the other five lectures for a better understanding.", "\nLink to more videos on various topics - http://bit.ly/2cncdM0\n\nMineral Resources Limited Company Overview\n\nMineral Resources Corporate Video\n\nMineral Resources Limited (MRL) is an innovative and leading Australian mining services company, with a growing world-class portfolio of mining operations across multiple commodities, including iron ore and lithium.", "\n\nMineral Resources EXPLAINED! ", "Resources and Reserves 1 of 2)\n\nJoin us in the discussion on InformedTrades: http://www.informedtrades.com/800168-mineral-resources-explained-resources-reserves-1-2-a.html\nFor more free videos on mining stocks, see the precious metals section of our University: http://www.informedtrades.com/f417/\nFor reviews from IT community members on newsletters recommending mining stocks, click here: http://bit.ly/IT-stocks\n\n20:04\n\nClass 10 Geo Minerals and Energy Resources\n\nClass 10 Geo Minerals and Energy Resources\n\nClass 10 Geo Minerals and Energy Resources\n\nHere is a demo of online video lecture. ", "You can watch this complete video on our website Dronstudy\nOR\nCall us at - 8287971571\n\nThis video tutorial explains, in an easy-to-understand manner, what mineral resources and reserves are and how they are defined. ", "Mining stock investors, in order to make a correct value estimation of a company, must possess at least a basic understanding of what is the difference between a mineral resource and reserve and the five different levels of certitude within these two categories.", "\nSign up for our free newsletter and receive interview transcripts, stock recommendations and investment ideas: http://eepurl.com/cHxJ39\nThe content found on MiningStockEducation.com is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered personal legal or investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell securities or any other product. ", "It is based on opinions, SEC filings, current events, press releases and interviews but is not infallible. ", "It may contain errors and MiningStockEducation.com offers no inferred or explicit warranty as to the accuracy of the information presented. ", "If personal advice is needed, consult a qualified legal, tax or investment professional. ", "Do not base any investment decision on the information contained on MiningStockEducation.com or our videos. ", "We may hold equity positions in some of the companies featured on this site and therefore are biased and hold an obvious conflict of interest. ", "MiningStockEducation.com may provide website addresses or links to websites and we disclaim any responsibility for the content of any such other websites. ", "The information you find on MiningStockEducation.com is to be used at your own risk. ", "By reading MiningStockEducation.com, you agree to hold MiningStockEducation.com, its owner, associates, sponsors, affiliates, and partners harmless and to completely release them from any and all liabilities due to any and all losses, damages, or injuries (financial or otherwise) that may be incurred.", "\n\nMineral resource estimation\n\npublished: 01 May 2016\n\nGeography: Minerals and Energy Resources (Part 1)\n\nDownload PuStack App now from http://bit.ly/pustack\nThis is introductory lecture on a CBSEClass 10th topic - Minerals and Energy Resources.", "\nThis chapter is divided into 6 lectures, so make sure you watch the other five lectures for a better understanding.", "\nLink to more videos on various topics - http://bit.ly/2cncdM0\n\nMineral Resources Limited Company Overview\n\nMineral Resources Corporate Video\n\nMineral Resources Limited (MRL) is an innovative and leading Australian mining services company, with a growing world-class portfolio of mining operations across multiple commodities, including iron ore and lithium.", "\n\nMineral Resources EXPLAINED! ", "Resources and Reserves 1 of 2)\n\nJoin us in the discussion on InformedTrades: http://www.informedtrades.com/800168-mineral-resources-explained-resources-reserves-1-2-a.html\nFor more free videos on mining stocks, see the precious metals section of our University: http://www.informedtrades.com/f417/\nFor reviews from IT community members on newsletters recommending mining stocks, click here: http://bit.ly/IT-stocks\n\npublished: 29 Aug 2013\n\nClass 10 Geo Minerals and Energy Resources\n\nHere is a demo of online video lecture. ", "You can watch this complete video on our website Dronstudy\nOR\nCall us at - 8287971571\n\nThis video tutorial explains, in an easy-to-understand manner, what mineral resources and reserves are and how they are defined. ", "Mining stock investors, in order to make a correct value estimation of a company, must possess at least a basic understanding of what is the difference between a mineral resource and reserve and the five different levels of certitude within these two categories.", "\nSign up for our free newsletter and receive interview transcripts, stock recommendations and investment ideas: http://eepurl.com/cHxJ39\nThe content found on MiningStockEducation.com is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered personal legal or investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell securities or any other product. ", "It is based on opinions, SEC filings, current events, p...\n\nDownload PuStack App now from http://bit.ly/pustack\nThis is introductory lecture on a CBSEClass 10th topic - Minerals and Energy Resources.", "\nThis chapter is divided into 6 lectures, so make sure you watch the other five lectures for a better understanding.", "\nLink to more videos on various topics - http://bit.ly/2cncdM0\n\nDownload PuStack App now from http://bit.ly/pustack\nThis is introductory lecture on a CBSEClass 10th topic - Minerals and Energy Resources.", "\nThis chapter is divided into 6 lectures, so make sure you watch the other five lectures for a better understanding.", "\nLink to more videos on various topics - http://bit.ly/2cncdM0\n\nMineral Resources Limited (MRL) is an innovative and leading Australian mining services company, with a growing world-class portfolio of mining operations across multiple commodities, including iron ore and lithium.", "\n\nMineral Resources Limited (MRL) is an innovative and leading Australian mining services company, with a growing world-class portfolio of mining operations across multiple commodities, including iron ore and lithium.", "\n\nMineral Resources EXPLAINED! ", "Resources and Reserves 1 of 2)\n\nJoin us in the discussion on InformedTrades: http://www.informedtrades.com/800168-mineral-resources-explained-resources-reserves-1-2-a.html\nFor more free video...\n\nJoin us in the discussion on InformedTrades: http://www.informedtrades.com/800168-mineral-resources-explained-resources-reserves-1-2-a.html\nFor more free videos on mining stocks, see the precious metals section of our University: http://www.informedtrades.com/f417/\nFor reviews from IT community members on newsletters recommending mining stocks, click here: http://bit.ly/IT-stocks\n\nJoin us in the discussion on InformedTrades: http://www.informedtrades.com/800168-mineral-resources-explained-resources-reserves-1-2-a.html\nFor more free videos on mining stocks, see the precious metals section of our University: http://www.informedtrades.com/f417/\nFor reviews from IT community members on newsletters recommending mining stocks, click here: http://bit.ly/IT-stocks\n\nThis video tutorial explains, in an easy-to-understand manner, what mineral resources and reserves are and how they are defined. ", "Mining stock investors, in ord...\n\nThis video tutorial explains, in an easy-to-understand manner, what mineral resources and reserves are and how they are defined. ", "Mining stock investors, in order to make a correct value estimation of a company, must possess at least a basic understanding of what is the difference between a mineral resource and reserve and the five different levels of certitude within these two categories.", "\nSign up for our free newsletter and receive interview transcripts, stock recommendations and investment ideas: http://eepurl.com/cHxJ39\nThe content found on MiningStockEducation.com is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered personal legal or investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell securities or any other product. ", "It is based on opinions, SEC filings, current events, press releases and interviews but is not infallible. ", "It may contain errors and MiningStockEducation.com offers no inferred or explicit warranty as to the accuracy of the information presented. ", "If personal advice is needed, consult a qualified legal, tax or investment professional. ", "Do not base any investment decision on the information contained on MiningStockEducation.com or our videos. ", "We may hold equity positions in some of the companies featured on this site and therefore are biased and hold an obvious conflict of interest. ", "MiningStockEducation.com may provide website addresses or links to websites and we disclaim any responsibility for the content of any such other websites. ", "The information you find on MiningStockEducation.com is to be used at your own risk. ", "By reading MiningStockEducation.com, you agree to hold MiningStockEducation.com, its owner, associates, sponsors, affiliates, and partners harmless and to completely release them from any and all liabilities due to any and all losses, damages, or injuries (financial or otherwise) that may be incurred.", "\n\nThis video tutorial explains, in an easy-to-understand manner, what mineral resources and reserves are and how they are defined. ", "Mining stock investors, in order to make a correct value estimation of a company, must possess at least a basic understanding of what is the difference between a mineral resource and reserve and the five different levels of certitude within these two categories.", "\nSign up for our free newsletter and receive interview transcripts, stock recommendations and investment ideas: http://eepurl.com/cHxJ39\nThe content found on MiningStockEducation.com is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered personal legal or investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell securities or any other product. ", "It is based on opinions, SEC filings, current events, press releases and interviews but is not infallible. ", "It may contain errors and MiningStockEducation.com offers no inferred or explicit warranty as to the accuracy of the information presented. ", "If personal advice is needed, consult a qualified legal, tax or investment professional. ", "Do not base any investment decision on the information contained on MiningStockEducation.com or our videos. ", "We may hold equity positions in some of the companies featured on this site and therefore are biased and hold an obvious conflict of interest. ", "MiningStockEducation.com may provide website addresses or links to websites and we disclaim any responsibility for the content of any such other websites. ", "The information you find on MiningStockEducation.com is to be used at your own risk. ", "By reading MiningStockEducation.com, you agree to hold MiningStockEducation.com, its owner, associates, sponsors, affiliates, and partners harmless and to completely release them from any and all liabilities due to any and all losses, damages, or injuries (financial or otherwise) that may be incurred.", "\n\nGeography: Minerals and Energy Resources (Part 1)\n\nDownload PuStack App now from http://bit.ly/pustack\nThis is introductory lecture on a CBSEClass 10th topic - Minerals and Energy Resources.", "\nThis chapter is divided into 6 lectures, so make sure you watch the other five lectures for a better understanding.", "\nLink to more videos on various topics - http://bit.ly/2cncdM0\n\nMineral Resources Corporate Video\n\nMineral Resources Limited (MRL) is an innovative and leading Australian mining services company, with a growing world-class portfolio of mining operations across multiple commodities, including iron ore and lithium.", "\n\nMineral Resources EXPLAINED! ", "Resources and Reserves 1 of 2)\n\nJoin us in the discussion on InformedTrades: http://www.informedtrades.com/800168-mineral-resources-explained-resources-reserves-1-2-a.html\nFor more free videos on mining stocks, see the precious metals section of our University: http://www.informedtrades.com/f417/\nFor reviews from IT community members on newsletters recommending mining stocks, click here: http://bit.ly/IT-stocks\n\nThis video tutorial explains, in an easy-to-understand manner, what mineral resources and reserves are and how they are defined. ", "Mining stock investors, in order to make a correct value estimation of a company, must possess at least a basic understanding of what is the difference between a mineral resource and reserve and the five different levels of certitude within these two categories.", "\nSign up for our free newsletter and receive interview transcripts, stock recommendations and investment ideas: http://eepurl.com/cHxJ39\nThe content found on MiningStockEducation.com is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered personal legal or investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell securities or any other product. ", "It is based on opinions, SEC filings, current events, press releases and interviews but is not infallible. ", "It may contain errors and MiningStockEducation.com offers no inferred or explicit warranty as to the accuracy of the information presented. ", "If personal advice is needed, consult a qualified legal, tax or investment professional. ", "Do not base any investment decision on the information contained on MiningStockEducation.com or our videos. ", "We may hold equity positions in some of the companies featured on this site and therefore are biased and hold an obvious conflict of interest. ", "MiningStockEducation.com may provide website addresses or links to websites and we disclaim any responsibility for the content of any such other websites. ", "The information you find on MiningStockEducation.com is to be used at your own risk. ", "By reading MiningStockEducation.com, you agree to hold MiningStockEducation.com, its owner, associates, sponsors, affiliates, and partners harmless and to completely release them from any and all liabilities due to any and all losses, damages, or injuries (financial or otherwise) that may be incurred.", "\n\nMineral resource estimation\n\nResource estimation is used to determine and define the ore tonnage and grade of a geological deposit, from the developed block model. ", "There are different estimation methods (see below) used for different scenarios dependent upon the ore boundaries, geological deposit geometry, grade variability and the amount of time and money available. ", "A typical resource estimation involves the construction of a geological and resource model with data from various sources. ", "Depending on the nature of the information and whether the data is hard copy or computerized, the principal steps of computer resource estimation are:\n\nAn orebody model serves as the geological basis of all resource estimation, an orebody modeling project starts with a critical review of existing drill hole and surface or underground sample data as well as maps and plans with current geological interpretation. ", "Drill hole and/or sample databases are set up to suit all the quantitative and qualitative information necessary to build a resource model. ", "The creation of a geological model may include the following steps:\n\nOVERLAND PARK, Kan.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov 19, 2018--Compass Minerals (NYSE.CMP) announced today that the company’s Board of Directors and Fran Malecha have mutually agreed that Malecha will step down from his position as president, CEO and board member effective immediately ... MANUFACTURING CHEMICALS/PLASTICS NATURALRESOURCES MINING/MINERALS....\n\nThe Boonanarring mineral sands project, in Western Australia, has produced its first heavy mineral concentrate, ASX-listed ImageResources reported. ", "The company said on Monday that the wet commissioning at Boonanarring started in October, and continues to advance on schedule and within budget ... ....\n\nThe Bullion deposit currently constitutes an outlyer as its resource is dominated by sulfide mineralization, whereas the other deposits are comprised mostly of oxide and transitional ore ... (MineralizedDark Star core ... The currently published resource estimates for the Railroad project indicate a project of distinctly smaller size by comparison....\n\nWhat are the mineral resources like in Saudi Arabi...\n\nG9/P1: Indian Geography: Minerals Reserves: Iron, ...\n\nLatest News for: mineral resource\n\nOVERLAND PARK, Kan.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov 19, 2018--Compass Minerals (NYSE.CMP) announced today that the company’s Board of Directors and Fran Malecha have mutually agreed that Malecha will step down from his position as president, CEO and board member effective immediately ... MANUFACTURING CHEMICALS/PLASTICS NATURALRESOURCES MINING/MINERALS....\n\nThe Boonanarring mineral sands project, in Western Australia, has produced its first heavy mineral concentrate, ASX-listed ImageResources reported. ", "The company said on Monday that the wet commissioning at Boonanarring started in October, and continues to advance on schedule and within budget ... ....\n\nThe Bullion deposit currently constitutes an outlyer as its resource is dominated by sulfide mineralization, whereas the other deposits are comprised mostly of oxide and transitional ore ... (MineralizedDark Star core ... The currently published resource estimates for the Railroad project indicate a project of distinctly smaller size by comparison....\n\nThe energy ministry estimates the kingdom’s unused mineralresources to be valued at 5 trillion riyals ...CurrentlySaudi Ma’aden is the kingdom’s sole miner, producing gold and copper and has in recent years expanded into the production of aluminium and phosphates....\n\nThe energy ministry estimates the kingdom's unused mineralresources to be valued at 5 trillion riyals ...CurrentlySaudi Ma'aden (1211.SE) is the kingdom's sole miner, producing gold and copper and has in recent years expanded into the production of aluminium and phosphates....\n\nHouston-based master limited partnership NaturalResourcePartners LP has entered into a $205 million deal to sell its construction aggregates business to a Florida-based investment firm ... Natural Resource Partners owns interests in coal, aggregates and industrial minerals across the United States....\n\nStatements concerning mineral reserve and resource estimates may also be deemed to constitute forward-looking statements to the extent they involve estimates of the mineralization that will be encountered as the property is developed....\n\nMiners drove the lion's share of gains in Europe, with the basic resources sector up 1.2 percent and construction &amp; materials up 1 percent... The pan-European STOXX 600 was up 0.6 percent by 0830 GMT, after three straight down days, with miners and healthcare stocks the top gainers while the tech sector also benefited from trade war easing ... ....\n\nThe portal serves as a one-stop solution to the free and easy accessibility of all industrial information, including availability of raw material -- agriculture, horticulture, minerals, natural resources, distance from key logistic nodes, layers of terrain and urban infrastructure...." ]
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[ "Takao\n\nEvening fell over the village hidden in the stones, casting a heavenly warm orange glow across the otherwise bitter cold countryside. ", "Most honest folk had shuffled into their homes to absorb the warmth of their hearths, while some shinobi remained out in the cold, muttering disdainful words about their routines and positions. ", "Night was creeping up quickly, and with it would come temperatures that would be positively frigid. ", "It wouldn't be a pleasant night for the shinobi on guard.", "\n\nTakao was out and about as well, though not so much to enjoy himself. ", "Iwagakure had somehow become the center point of his own personal troubles. ", "Not only was it the only place he had available to him at the moment that posed any semblance of a chance to fix his leg, but somehow his father had also apparently chosen the desolate countryside. ", "It was a unique opportunity for him. ", "Fix his leg and get revenge, all in one swift swoop.", "\n\nThe raven haired teen's back came to rest against the cold surface of a shop wall, which had long since closed. ", "A man in a coat stood beside him, cigarette in hand and plume of tobacco smoke in the air in front of him.", "\n\nTakao procured a cigarette of his own and held it out. \"", "Got a light?\" ", "he asked. ", "The end of his cigarette was lit aflame as the man exhaled. ", "Takao placed the filter end of the cigarette into the corner of his mouth and took a long drag before casting a sidelong glance on the man, which lingered for a moment. ", "Silence fell over the two and it lasted for a short moment before Takao spoke up.", "\n\n\"Sulta wer lineage.\" ", "The man said. ", "Takao's eyes narrowed, and a wry smile pulled at the corners of his mouth, stretching his cheeks upward.", "\n\n\"Salt wer edar.\" ", "said Takao in response before taking a long drag from the cigarette.", "\n\nThe language they spoke was foreign. ", "To any wandering ears or unseen listeners, it was utter nonsense-- unlike anything they had ever heard before. ", "The Kimura spoke the tongue as if it were native to them, employing varying sounds of hissing and bestial noises to achieve the desired pronunciation\n\nTakao\n\n\"Is anybody in this shit hole interested in talking instead of dying?\" ", "Takao announced when he'd arrived. ", "He was met by the gaze of countless souls who were visibly unsettled by his appearance. ", "They were armed with weapons that varied from rusted and chipped blades to farming tools, and wore little more than patches of boiled brown leather to protect them. ", "A vast array of ethnicities and nationalities populated the camp, from Sunagakure defectors to Iwagakure natives. ", "Such an odd sight to see for an outsider, though Takao was well versed in variety by now.", "\"I'm looking for-...\" He continued, but was interrupted by heavy footsteps approaching from his left. ", "He turned and saw one of the camp inhabitants rushing at him with a pitchfork raised high above his head. ", "Takao thrust his right arm forward, and the blade hidden within his sleeve found its way to his stomach long before the farming tool ever moved down; the man was dispatched that quickly. ", "The bloodshed that followed shortly after stained both the soil and his steel with the blood and bodies of countless bandits.", "\n\nTakao entered the tents one by one, giving each the same spiel only to be interrupted. ", "He cut the inhabitants down one by one, and filled the encampment with death.", "\n\nThe settlement remained. ", "It was a larger and better constructed building on the west side, with palisade walls and the largest collection of outlaws. ", "Takao stepped inside and began the unsavory process of dispatching them one by one. ", "When the last bandit's stomach was introduced to his blade, the sound of clapping from the upper floor caught his attention.", "\n\nHe looked up and saw a figure, dark skin clinging to his bones and the skin of a bear resting atop his head. ", "Grey eyes narrowed as the snarling of an unseen wolf emanated from beside him. ", "His sword arm rose to point at the man, the metal of his blade dripping with the blood of countless assailants.", "\n\n\"I've been looking for you.\" ", "Takao said, his eyes fixated on the figure.", "\n\n\"Oh?\" ", "The familiar voice responded. \"", "What in the world would've possessed you to be doing that?\"", "\n\n\"I know you've been following me around Iwagakure.\" ", "He briefly recalled the interactions with Yachi, who had warned him of the possibilities that Strom had spies lurking in the shadows of the city.", "\n\n\"Ah... Well, I admit it then! ", "I've been following you around!\" ", "Takao's eyebrows snapped into a scowl.", "\n\n\"I'm a bit much for you to handle on your own,\" he said, grey eyes still set on the man. \"", "Why don't you come on down here, so that we can talk?\"", "\n\nBy the time the words left his mouth, the sounds of footsteps filled the silence. ", "He turned his attention to the doorway and suppressed a groan. ", "He counted seven of them, armed not unlike their late friends.", "\n\n\"They don't seem too happy that you killed their friends.\"", "\n\n\"Can't imagine they would be.\" ", "Quipped Takao as he raised his blade arm. ", "He anticipated them to attack him, despite the large quantity of bodies that scattered the ground. \"", "I've done this before. ", "I know how it's going to go down. ", "Your friends here will come and attack me, and in the confusion of battle you'll hop off the other side there and run to fight another day. ", "But that's not going to happen.\" ", "The bandits took a few shuffling steps forward as Takao spoke. \"", "I'm going to find you, and I'm going to kill you.\"", "\n\n\"Well, have at 'em!\" ", "The dark skinned man said. ", "They exchanged glances and raised their weapons to attack, but Takao's commanding voice brought them to pause.", "\n\n\"I've got a better idea.\" ", "He said, his deep voice resonating from being the heavy shield. \"", "Twenty thousand ryo to the man who brings me his head.\" ", "A bloodied sword was raised and pointed toward the man. \"", "Fifty thousand if you keep him alive and break his legs first.\"", "\n\nAnother exchange of glances rolled through the gathering, and one man stepped forward. \"", "I'll do it.\" ", "He said, a grin revealing his crooked teeth. ", "He climbed the rope ladder and met with the bear headed man, rushing him carelessly. ", "Their exchange was short, the bandit was outclassed and dispatched of with ease. ", "The sound of bones crunching filled the air and brought the gathering to silence.", "\n\n\"You lot have a few choices now. ", "You can either go up there and attack him and die... You can attack the guy who killed all of your friends and die... or you can f*ck off.\" ", "He placed his sword off to the side, ready to strike. \"", "Your call.\"", "\n\nThe words didn't seem to reach the bandits despite the slight pause it brought them. ", "Two stepped forward, one wielding an axe and the other a long staff dyed black and capped with metal. \"", "Wrong choice.\"", "\n\nShrill sounds of metal colliding with metal rung out across the forest as the bandit's axe was caught by Takao's blade. ", "He pushed the weapon up and out of the way, revealing the man's stomach, which his blade thrust into and through. ", "The man fell limp as Takao's right greave was struck by the black staff in a poor attempt to sweep the rooted shinobi off his feet. ", "He pulled his blade free and turned, smashing his fist into her face and knocking the woman to the ground. ", "Another bandit rushed him then, another axe in hand. ", "Takao thrust his left arm forward and caught the strike before it could be completed, then swung his blade wide and cut open the man's stomach. ", "His bloodied innards poured out like a waterfall, spraying his clothes and skin with warm sanguine liquids.", "\n\nHe was allowed no respite as a fourth struck at him with a spear. ", "The pointed head met the sharp blade of his tonfa once, then twice, and then a third before Takao swung his sword up from the ground and caught the wooden stave. ", "With the spearhead knocked upward, he stepped forward and slammed his fist into the man's torso. ", "The force afforded him the opportunity to pull his blade free of the spear's wooden stave, which he then promptly used to dispatch with a swift slash across the chest.", "\n\nThree remained. ", "One on the ground, scuffling about and struggling back to her feet. ", "Another woman wielding a similar stick, and a third wielding a chipped blade. ", "Takao stepped up and swung his blade down with power, catching the third in the shoulder. ", "It wasn't enough to kill him however, and in his panic, the bloodied man ran off. ", "Takao slowly made his way to block the entrance and hoisted his blade arm up again.", "\n\n\"I gave you the opportunity to run,\" he said as the two shuddered. \"", "Bet you wish you had more than a pair of glorified fuckin' sticks now.\" ", "The two exchanged glances and threw down their weapons, and begged for mercy with their trembling voices. ", "He stayed silent for a moment, and wondered if letting them go would come back to bite him. ", "Perhaps in his show of mercy they might change their ways, or at the very least not come back to hunt him down. ", "His right arm twitched... The blade was calling to them, it wanted to taste their flesh on its stained steel, to bite into them and tear them to shreds. ", "He moved aside and kept his gaze on them. \"", "Five seconds. ", "Start running.\"", "\n\nThe two took off running into the forest, and Takao returned to his previous position, looking up at the man. \"", "Are we done playing games now, Strom?\"", "\n\nA grin graced the man's dark face. \"", "I tells you what...\" His hands came to rest on the wooden railing. \"", "I won't kill you either. ", "I'll let you limp back to that healer of yours, and tells them how badly I beat you.\"", "\n\nTakao's eyes narrowed and his shield raised. \"", "You're welcome to come down and try.\" ", "The wolf that he'd kept hidden on the second story leapt down at Takao. ", "He thrust his blade up and caught the beast mid-leap, slaying it with one swift motion before discarding it on the ground. ", "Strom leapt from the railing and landed with a heavy thud before Takao, a wry smile still stretching his face. ", "The two stared each other down for a moment before Takao moved first. ", "His sword slithered around as his arm shot forward, slicing down at Strom's shoulder. ", "He gave a brief glance to the man's footwork as he danced around the slash. ", "Takao brought his blade around, sweeping through the air at the man, and caught his arm. ", "He hissed in pain as blood sprayed from the wound, yet it wasn't enough to drop him yet.", "\n\nStrom stepped past Takao's guard, who rose his left arm up as a result. ", "Hands grasped the limb and pulled it aside, causing Takao to grunt as he was forced off balance. ", "The raven haired teen dropped to one knee as he balance was ripped from his grasp and discarded with ease. ", "He swept across the ground with his blade, aimed for Strom's legs, but a quick leap and backpedal brought him out of range before the man began to flee outside of the fort.", "\n\n\"You're runnin' a lot, Strom!\" ", "Takao called out as he stood and gave chase. ", "Strom stopped abruptly and turned on his heel, slamming an armoured fist into Takao's face. ", "He grunted in response and repaid the damage with interest, smashing his own fist into Strom's face. ", "The man spewed out a tooth as he staggered back. ", "Their fight didn't lessen in intensity for the next short minute, with both exchanging blows on equal footing.", "\n\nTheir stalemate was broken by the approach of two lingering survivors. ", "Strom turned and slammed his shoulder into Takao, knocking him to the ground. ", "He quickly struggled back to his feet as the two outlaws approached and were dealt with swiftly. ", "While he was preoccupied with the scuffle, Strom fled the camp and ran northward into the woods. ", "Takao cast his glance to the surviving bandit, who crawled while clutching her bloody wounds.", "\n\nHe slowly walked after her, wiping his sword of the blood that stained it with his coat sleeve before jerking his arm back, withdrawing the blade into the sleeve. ", "He grabbed her arm and threw her to the ground, cruelly twisting the limb.", "\n\n\"Where else could he have gone? ", "I know you know where he is!\" ", "Silver gaze stared daggers through the slots of his helm.", "\n\n\"He'll kill me if I tell you!\"", "\n\n\"So will I, if you don't tell me. ", "You tell me where he is, I find him and kill him, you go back to living whatever pathetic life it is that you lived beforehand. ", "Simple as that.\"", "\n\n\"I-I... I really don't don't know! ", "Maybe the other camp... Maybe the mountains!\" ", "Her yelling was beginning to agitate his nerves.", "\n\n\"What mountains?\" ", "Takao's grasp on her arm tightened and twisted. \"", "Where?!\" ", "She writhed beneath his grasp and forced herself to point northward. \"", "That way! ", "There's caves there that he goes to sometimes!\" ", "His glance shifted toward the mountain she pointed to, a large one but not the largest in the area.", "\n\n\"Where's the other camp?\" ", "His next question took some time to answer, but she gave him a precise and specific location and distance. ", "That would be his next stop.", "\n\nTakao exhaled a long breath and scowled. ", "He brought his free hand back and pulled the sidearm from his scabbard. ", "A dagger. ", "He quickly slid it across her neck and sliced her throat open, the severed vein spitting blood like a fountain. ", "His gaze lingered on her as she gasped and gurgled, blood slowly filling her lungs. ", "She fought so hard and so desperately for the air that surrounded her, but only began drowning in the very fluids that once done everything to keep her alive. ", "It didn't feel... right. ", "Killing. ", "He didn't like it. ", "Why did he do that? ", "He'd just promised that she would live, and yet... He wiped the dagger clean and placed it back in the sheath on his leg.", "\n\nIt was him. ", "Not Strom, not himself, not even this woman. ", "Even now, hundreds of miles away, hidden away in some unknown caves within some god forsaken mountain, it was his father. ", "Manipulating him behind the scenes, controlling him like a marionette. ", "Their deaths hadn't been necessary - none of the people here. ", "He could have knocked them out, subdued them and bound them, but instead he chose slaughter. ", "The more he thought about it, the more sick to his stomach he became.", "\n\nBlood had splattered his face where the slots didn't protect. ", "He wiped at it with his glove, but only proved to smear it across his face. ", "He turned and walked through the camp, which had fallen silent. ", "Bodies littered every corner, filling the tents and the fort. ", "He cast his gaze onto the burning fire and approached it, then kicked dirt to smother the embers.", "\n\n\"...Salt the earth.\"", "\n\n- -\n\nWord Count:\n\n[2206]\n\nTotal Word Count:\n\n[2827]\n\n____\n\nIt's hard to let go of your demons when they were there for you when nobody else was.", "\n\nTakao\n\nNight started to fall on Tsuchi no Kuni. ", "The heavenly orange glow that once gave the illusion of warmth had given way to darkness. ", "Frost began to creep along the stone, turning the bitter temperatures of the mountaneous countryside absolutely frigid. ", "Takao hadn't left the first camp site yet, and had instead been surveying the area. ", "He searched their tents and the corpses that littered his surroundings, but ultimately found nothing of interest or use to him. ", "Supplies here and there, an odd amount of farming tools despite him having seen no farmland for miles... not since he left Konohagakure, at least.", "\n\nThe fort was the next to be searched. ", "More bodies that held nothing of interest him, just armour and weapons of laughably inferior quality to any sort of equipment he'd seen before.", "\n\n\"Well... they weren't shinobi, that much is certain.\" ", "said Takao as he rose to stand, patting his gloves against one another to remove some of the dirt and dried blood that stained them.", "\n\n\"Something tells me you knew that before you engaged them.\" ", "A voice sounded from behind him. ", "Takao turned and noted the familiar robe clad appearance of his Uncle, to whom he offered a nod of greeting and acknowledgement.", "\n\n\"Yeah... Doesn't matter now, though. ", "I gave them the opportunity to surrender and flee, they didn't take it. ", "My mercy only stretches so thinly before it snaps.\" ", "Takao returned to searching the body he stood over, checking his pockets and clothing for... well, he wasn't sure. ", "Anything at this point. ", "Takao could find nothing on the corpse but rubbish, things entirely useless to him.", "\n\n\"Mm. ", "Right. ", "What are you even looking for anyways?\" ", "His Uncle tilted his head to one side as he watched from behind the darkness of his hood. ", "The man folded his arms and shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he watched his young nephew rifle around the dead man's belongings.", "\n\n\"I'm looking for... a... shit. ", "I don't know. ", "Something. ", "Anything. ", "I feel like I'm walking into all of this completely blind, and I just need... information. ", "Intelligence. ", "I need something to go off, I can't take some outlaw's word as truth so blindly.\" ", "said Takao, his words becoming more hastily spoken as he went on. ", "He continued to look around the man's person, searching areas he had already searched twice in his paranoid excitement, but stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder.", "\n\n\"Takao, I know where you're at mentally right now and that this all is incredibly stressful, but you need to start thinking about this with a clear mind.\" ", "Their gazes met and Takao's lingered for a moment, only pulling away when he nodded and exhaled a sigh.", "\n\n\"...Yeah. ", "Yeah. ", "You're right.\" ", "He said. ", "Clearing his mind wasn't going to be an easy task-- it never was. ", "He had way too much going on up there in that activity ridden epicenter of thought and emotion for it to ever be \"clear\", but Takao was certain he could force himself to at least think things through more thoroughly. ", "His gaze fell to the corpse he'd been searching and lingered on the massive gash that had done him in. ", "The flesh had been torn and cut as if his blade was a razor. ", "His stomach was sliced clean open, intestines and stomach and innards pouring out amidst the pool of blood that collected below the body. ", "He exhaled a breath and stood up, casting his glance over the rest of the camp site.", "\n\n\"Strom fled, but one of the survivors mentioned that he might've gone to another campsite, or...\" Takao shifted his gaze and looked toward the mountain that sat north of them, towering above the night fallen landscapes. \"", "Apparently there are some caves in that mountain that he frequents. ", "I'm thinking of checking the other camp and seeing if anybody there knows anything, then heading to the mountain.\"", "\n\nSilence befell them, and Takao's attention returned to his Uncle. ", "The man pulled his hood down and revealed short black hair, peppered with white from age. ", "His skin sagged slightly off his worn, leathery face, causing creases and wrinkles that made him look a bit older than he really was. \"", "My brother-- your father, he's not somebody that you can take lightly. ", "Strom is the same, he has extensive training in the heavy fist style and knows our abilities well. ", "Surveying the other camp is a fine course of action, but proceeding into the caves in your current condition...\" The aged man said, lazily gesturing with his right hand toward Takao's injured leg. ", "He hadn't noticed it in the darkness, but it was clear that Takao was putting all of his weight on the opposite leg. \"", "He didn't have mercy on you the first time, and his head is as clouded as ever. ", "He'll attack you again without remorse, and I fear the worst for you.\"", "\n\n\"...Yeah. ", "Alright.\" ", "The defeat in his voice was apparently, and almost entertaining to the old man who hoisted his hood up and smiled lightly from the shadows of the cloth. \"", "The second camp is west of here apparently. ", "Approximately half a mile.\"", "\n\n\"Let's go see if we can't cause some trouble then, eh?\"", "\n\nA grin graced Takao's face and the two began moving. \"", "I like your style, Ojisan.\"", "\n\nThe pair began moving, but once they were about thirty meters out, Takao stopped and turned toward the camp site. ", "A large breath expanded his lungs beyond what felt normal, and chakra filled the gaps before the oxygen rich breath could be converted. ", "Fire erupted in his lungs, yet he only felt the warmth of the flames-- no burns dared to defile his body. ", "He exhaled, and a massive cascade of roaring fire consumed the camp site. ", "Bodies, tents, even the fort itself were all decimated by the sheer magnitude and intensity of the flames he exhaled.", "\n\n\"Salt wer edar.\"", "\n\n- -\n\nthread exited\n\nTrained Speed, A-2 to S-1.", "\n\nWord Count:\n\n[987]\n\nTotal Word Count:\n\n[3814]\n\n____\n\nIt's hard to let go of your demons when they were there for you when nobody else was.", "\n\nCan't find anybody to RP with? ", "Not sure who is available in your village to RP? ", "Perhaps too shy to ask somebody? ", "No problem! ", "Click here and create a topic. ", "If you want to you can specify by adding details in the topic. ", "Just wait and soon somebody will reply to RP with you!", "\n\nDo you need someone to move your plot? ", "You can request help from other\nmembers to move your characters plot forward. ", "Do you need a sensei? ", "A\nteammate? ", "A Rival? ", "Do you need someone to be the bad guy for something? ", "Click here to and create a topic." ]
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[ "Status:\n\n45Limitation on right to buy: pressured areas\n\n“61BLimitation on right to purchase: pressured areas\n\n(1)The Scottish Ministers may, from time to time, on a proposal from a local authority, designate any part of the local authority’s area as a pressured area if they consider that—\n\n(a)the needs of that part for housing accommodation in houses provided by the authority or by registered social landlords exceed substantially, or are likely to exceed substantially, the amount of such housing accommodation which is, or is likely to be, available in that part, and\n\n(b)the exercise by tenants of houses in that part of the right under section 61(1) to purchase such houses is likely to increase the extent by which such needs exceed the amount of such housing accommodation.", "\n\n(2)A designation under subsection (1)—\n\n(a)may be in terms of the proposal or in such other terms as the Scottish Ministers think fit,\n\n(b)has effect for such period, not exceeding 5 years, as the Scottish Ministers may specify.", "\n\n(3)For so long as an area is designated as a pressured area, section 61(1) does not apply in relation to a house in the area—\n\n(a)let under a tenancy created on or after the date specified in relation to the landlord in an order under section 11(1) of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 (asp 10), or\n\n(b)let under a tenancy created before that date where—\n\n(i)the tenant did not, immediately before that date, have a right under section 61(1) to purchase the house, or\n\n(ii)the tenant succeeded to the tenancy on or after that date.", "\n\n(4)In determining for the purposes of subsection (3)(b)(i) whether a tenant had a right to purchase a house, section 61(2)(c) is to be left out of account.", "\n\n(5)A designation under subsection (1) shall—\n\n(a)identify the pressured area,\n\n(b)specify the date on which the designation takes effect, and\n\n(c)specify the period for which it has effect.", "\n\n(6)The local authority shall take such steps as are reasonable to publicise—\n\n(a)a designation under subsection (1) and its effect,\n\n(b)any amendment or revocation of such a designation under subsection (8) and its effect.", "\n\n(7)Where a local authority landlord or a registered social landlord offers a person a tenancy of a house in an area in relation to which, on the proposed commencement date of the tenancy, a designation under subsection (1) will be in force, the landlord shall inform the person of the designation and its effect.", "\n\n(8)A designation under subsection (1) may be amended or revoked by the Scottish Ministers at any time if the local authority propose that they should do so and provide reasons for that proposal sufficient to justify the amendment or revocation.", "\n\n(9)A local authority may make a further proposal under subsection (1) in relation to a part of their area despite a designation under that subsection being, or having been, in force in relation to that part.", "\n\n(10)Nothing in this section affects a notice to purchase served prior to the designation of an area as a pressured area.", "\n\n61CPressured area proposals: procedure\n\n(1)A proposal by a local authority under section 61B(1) shall specify—\n\n(a)the part of their area proposed for designation as a pressured area, and\n\n(b)the period, not exceeding 5 years, for which it is proposed the designation should have effect.", "\n\n(2)The Scottish Ministers may issue guidance as to—\n\n(a)the form of such a proposal,\n\n(b)the information to be provided by a local authority in support of such a proposal.", "\n\n(3)Before making a proposal under section 61B(1) in relation to any part of their area a local authority shall consult—\n\n(a)every registered social landlord holding houses for housing purposes in the part in question, and\n\n(b)such bodies representing the interests of tenants and other residents in that part, and such other persons, as the authority think fit.”", "\n\nPrint The Whole Part\n\nPrint The Whole Chapter\n\nPrint This Section only\n\nYou have chosen to open The Whole Act\n\nThe Whole Act you have selected contains over 200 provisions and might take some time to download. ", "You may also experience some issues with your browser, such as an alert box that a script is taking a long time to run.", "\n\nYou have chosen to open The Whole Act as a PDF\n\nYou have chosen to open the Whole Act\n\nThe Whole Act you have selected contains over 200 provisions and might take some time to download. ", "You may also experience some issues with your browser, such as an alert box that a script is taking a long time to run.", "\n\nLegislation is available in different versions:\n\nLatest Available (revised):The latest available updated version of the legislation incorporating changes made by subsequent legislation and applied by our editorial team. ", "Changes we have not yet applied to the text, can be found in the ‘Changes to Legislation’ area.", "\n\nOriginal (As Enacted or Made):The original version of the legislation as it stood when it was enacted or made. ", "No changes have been applied to the text.", "\n\nSee additional information alongside the content\n\nShow Explanatory Notes for Sections: Displays relevant parts of the explanatory notes interweaved within the legislation content.", "\n\nOpening Options\n\nDifferent options to open legislation in order to view more content on screen at once\n\nExplanatory Notes\n\nText created by the Scottish Executive department responsible for the subject matter of the Act to explain what the Act sets out to achieve and to make the Act accessible to readers who are not legally qualified. ", "Explanatory Notes were introduced in 1999 and accompany all Acts of the Scottish Parliament except those which result from Budget Bills\n\nMore Resources\n\nAccess essential accompanying documents and information for this legislation item from this tab. ", "Dependent on the legislation item being viewed this may include:\n\nthe original print PDF of the as enacted version that was used for the print copy\n\nlists of changes made by and/or affecting this legislation item\n\nconfers power and blanket amendment details\n\nall formats of all associated documents\n\ncorrection slips\n\nlinks to related legislation and further information resources\n\nMore Resources\n\nUse this menu to access essential accompanying documents and information for this legislation item. ", "Dependent on the legislation item being viewed this may include:\n\nthe original print PDF of the as enacted version that was used for the print copy" ]
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[ "733 F.2d 989\nFrank B. JAMES, et al., ", "Plaintiffs, Appellants,v.Francis X. BELLOTTI, et al., ", "Defendants, Appellees.", "\nNo. ", "83-1878.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals,First Circuit.", "\nArgued April 6, 1984.Decided May 10, 1984.", "\n\nWilliam A. Hahn, Boston, Mass., with whom Robert C. Hahn, and Hahn & Matkov, Boston, Mass., were on brief, for appellants.", "\nPaul R. Matthews, Asst. ", "Atty. ", "Gen., Boston, Mass., with whom Francis X. Bellotti, Atty. ", "Gen., Thomas R. Kiley, Asst. ", "Atty. ", "Gen., Robert J. Muldoon, Jr., and Sherin & Lodgen, Boston, Mass., were on brief, for appellees.", "\nBefore BOWNES, ALDRICH and BREYER, Circuit Judges.", "\nBOWNES, Circuit Judge.", "\n\n\n1\nThis is the fourth action in which appellants have appealed adverse determinations from the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts in connection with the Gay Head Indian land claims. ", " The underlying litigation began in 1974, when the Wampanoag Tribal Council of Gay Head, Inc. (Tribal Council) filed suit against the Town of Gay Head and its selectmen, asserting land claims of the Gay Head Indians on federal constitutional and statutory grounds. ", " The Gay Head Tribe was joined as a party plaintiff, and the Attorney General of Massachusetts and the Gay Head Taxpayers' Association intervened as parties defendant. ", " Wampanoag Tribal Council of Gay Head, Inc. v. Town of Gay Head, No. ", "74-5826 (D.Mass.) ", " [Wampanoag Tribal Council ]. ", " Appellants in the present action, Frank James and Thelma Weissberg, are individual members or descendants of the Gay Head Tribe who, with forty-one others, sought to intervene in Wampanoag Tribal Council in 1981 on the ground that the Tribal Council did not adequately represent their interests. ", " Later, however, they apparently withdrew their motion to intervene.", "\n\n\n2\nIn the second case, James and Weissberg, along with some one hundred other Gay Head Indians, also sued in the district court, claiming title to the same land involved in Wampanoag Tribal Council on virtually identical federal grounds. ", " The district court granted summary judgment against them, and denied their post-judgment motion to amend their complaint to join the Gay Head Tribe as a party plaintiff. ", " This court affirmed the district court's judgment on appeal, holding that individual Indians lacked standing to sue under the federal statute, 25 U.S.C. Sec. ", "177, that the challenged Massachusetts statutes authorizing alienation of Indian lands were not preempted by the Indian Commerce Clause, U.S.Const. ", "art. ", "I, Sec. ", "8, cl. ", "3, and that the motion to amend the complaint was properly denied. ", " James v. Watt, 716 F.2d 71 (1st Cir.), ", "petition for cert. ", "filed, --- U.S. ----, 104 S.Ct. ", "546, 78 L.Ed.2d 721 (1983).", "\n\n\n3\nWhile James v. Watt was pending, James, Weissberg, and the other forty-one would-be intervenors in Wampanoag Tribal Council renewed their motion to intervene, contesting the Tribal Council's authority to represent the Gay Head Tribe and alleging their own standing as individuals to assert tribal claims. ", " Their motion was denied, and they appealed. ", " However, one week after this court's decision in James v. Watt and just prior to scheduled oral argument, appellants withdrew their appeal. ", " Wampanoag Tribal Council, appeal withdrawn, No. ", "83-1163, (1st Cir. ", "Sept. 1, 1983).", "\n\n\n4\nMeanwhile, in September, 1983, the parties in Wampanoag Tribal Council reached a framework settlement agreement providing that the disputed individual and tribal land claims were to be extinguished by special federal legislation and the case dismissed with prejudice. ", " The agreement was drawn up in the form of a \"Joint Memorandum of Understanding\" (Joint Memo). ", " James and Weissberg opposed the proposed settlement and challenged the validity of the Joint Memo by bringing suit against the Attorney General of Massachusetts, the Tribal Council, the Town of Gay Head, and the Gay Head Taxpayers' Association--four of the five parties to the Wampanoag Tribal Council litigation--in the Probate Court for Suffolk County, Massachusetts. ", " In addition to an injunction against the signing of the Joint Memo, James and Weissberg requested a declaration that the Tribal Council's \"asserted authority to speak for all members-descendants of the Gay Head Tribe\" was \"illegal and void\" and that its intended signing of the Joint Memo \"to settle all the Gay Head Tribe's tribal and individual members-descendants [sic] federal land and associated claims\" exceeded the terms of its state charter. ", " The Massachusetts court issued a temporary restraining order to prevent the signing of the Joint Memo. ", " The defendants removed the case to federal district court, where the order was dissolved for the following reasons:\n\n\n5\n(1) the plaintiffs should not be permitted to challenge the authority of the corporation by taking in essence the first step along the identical road which they sought to travel in James v. Watt and in their effort to intervene in the principal action; (2) there is no likelihood of success on the merits, in the face of the enunciation of principles in the opinion of the Circuit Court of Appeals, and plaintiffs' lack of standing as individuals; (3) and that the harm to defendants is obvious--delay in disposing of this lengthy litigation.", "\n\n\n6\nJames v. Bellotti, No. ", "83-3494 (D.Mass. ", "Nov. 14, 1983) [James v. Bellotti I ]. ", " James and Weissberg appealed, No. ", "83-1846 (1st Cir. ", "Nov. 16, 1983). ", " After the Joint Memo was signed on November 19 and 22, 1983, however, they withdrew their appeal (1st Cir. ", "Nov. 22, 1983), and obtained a voluntary dismissal from the district court.", "\n\n\n7\nShortly after commencing the James v. Bellotti I action, James and Weissberg filed the complaint in the present case, which we shall call James v. Bellotti II, in the Superior Court for Suffolk County. ", " The parties are identical to those in James v. Bellotti I, and the requested relief, viz. ", "an injunction against the signing of the Joint Memo, is the same. ", " The causes of action in James v. Bellotti II, however, are framed entirely with reference to state law: it is alleged that in purporting to represent all Gay Head Indians in the Joint Memo the Tribal Council has misappropriated appellants' names, invaded their statutory privacy interests, and acted fraudulently. ", " The case was removed to the district court, which denied appellants' motion to remand as well as their request for injunctive relief \"[f]or precisely the same reasons\" set out in James v. Bellotti I.\n\n\n8\nThe denial of an injunction is an appealable interlocutory order under 28 U.S.C. Sec. ", "1292(a)(1), and the refusal to remand to the state court, though not directly appealable by itself, is reviewable in conjunction with the interlocutory appeal. ", " See 1A Moore's Federal Practice p 0.169[2.-3] at 706-07. ", " In this case, the jurisdictional issue is dispositive. ", " Removal from a state court is proper only if the district court has original jurisdiction, 28 U.S.C. Sec. ", "1441(a), and the only possible ground for removal here is that the case arose under federal law, see 28 U.S.C. Sec. ", "1331. ", " The existence of a federal question must be determined from the allegations in the complaint, without reference to other documents such as the petition for removal or the answer. ", " Charles D. Bonanno Linen Service, Inc. v. McCarthy, 708 F.2d 1, 3 (1st Cir.), ", "cert. ", "denied, --- U.S. ----, 104 S.Ct. ", "346, 78 L.Ed.2d 312 (1983). ", " The elements of a federal claim need not be explicitly and comprehensively recited, and there is nothing to prevent a court from \"engag[ing] in a little statutory logic\" to deduce elements implicit on the face of the complaint, id. at 4, but the federal claim must nevertheless be substantial and identifiable. ", " Against the background of protracted and repetitive litigation, it seems likely that appellants have brought this action as part of a larger strategy involving the land claims, and this we will consider in a moment. ", " However, the complaint at least purports to raise three claims under state law--misappropriation of name, invasion of privacy, and fraud--which, conceivably, are independent of the federal claims. ", " The state claims may well lack merit as a matter of state law, but that is another question. ", " We see no adequate basis for federal jurisdiction, and conclude that this action was improvidently removed. ", " At the same time, some further observations are in order:\n\n\n9\nAlthough our holding requires that this case be remanded to the state court, we do not mean to suggest that appellants may pursue further litigation without heed to the effects on the district court's jurisdiction in the connected Indian land claim cases. ", " The district court has acquired continuing in rem jurisdiction of the disputed land claims in Wampanoag Tribal Council, and no state court, whether purporting to exercise concurrent jurisdiction in rem, see Penn General Casualty Co. v. Pennsylvania, 294 U.S. 189, 195, 55 S.Ct. ", "386, 389, 79 L.Ed. ", "850 (1935); Kline v. Burke Construction Co., 260 U.S. 226, 235, 43 S.Ct. ", "79, 83, 67 L.Ed. ", "226 (1922), or in personam, see Donovan v. City of Dallas, 377 U.S. 408, 412-13, 84 S.Ct. ", "1579, 1582-83, 12 L.Ed.2d 409 (1964), may deprive the district court of its exclusive power to adjudicate those land claims. ", " See 1A Moore's Federal Practice p 0.214 at 23644-66. ", " This is merely one aspect of the more general rule that federal and state courts do not interfere with or attempt to restrain each other's proceedings. ", " Donovan, 377 U.S. at 412, 84 S.Ct. ", "at 1582. ", " It appears, however, that this is precisely what appellants are attempting to accomplish by seeking a state court injunction against the proposed settlement embodied in the Joint Memo. ", " This they may not do and, if the state court were to seek to enjoin the district court proceedings, or a court-approved settlement thereof, the district court could properly enjoin the state court action.", "\n\n\n10\nThe federal Anti-Injunction Act, 28 U.S.C. Sec. ", "2283, prohibits a federal court from granting an injunction to stay state court proceedings \"except ... where necessary in aid of its jurisdiction, or to protect or effectuate its judgments.\" ", " Thus, the district court may enjoin appellants from bringing additional suits if one of the statutory exceptions applies and the normal prerequisites for injunctive relief are met. ", " Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. v. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, 398 U.S. 281, 286-87, 90 S.Ct. ", "1739, 1742-43, 26 L.Ed.2d 234 (1970). ", " There is no requirement that an independent jurisdictional basis be shown; the district court's jurisdiction to issue an injunction under the exceptions in section 2283 is ancillary to its jurisdiction in the underlying case. ", " Dugas v. American Surety Co., 300 U.S. 414, 428, 57 S.Ct. ", "515, 521, 81 L.Ed. ", "720 (1937); Southwest Airlines Co. v. Texas International Airlines, Inc., 546 F.2d 84, 90 (5th Cir.1977), cert. ", "denied, 434 U.S. 832, 98 S.Ct. ", "117, 54 L.Ed.2d 93 (1977).", "\n\n\n11\nThe \"necessary in aid of\" language in the Anti-Injunction Act has been read as incorporating a historical exception for cases in which a federal court obtains in rem jurisdiction prior to a state-court suit. ", " Vendo Co. v. Lektro-Vend Corp., 433 U.S. 623, 641, 97 S.Ct. ", "2881, 2892, 53 L.Ed.2d 1009 (1977) (plurality opinion). ", " It is not necessarily limited to in rem actions, however, and is meant \"to give sufficient flexibility that a federal court, as a court of equity, may, when it has jurisdiction, deal adequately with the situation at hand.\" ", " 1A Moore's Federal Practice p 0.208a at 2336 (citation omitted). ", " The exception implies that \"some federal injunctive relief may be necessary to prevent a state court from so interfering with a federal court's consideration or disposition of a case as to seriously impair the federal court's flexibility and authority to decide that case.\" ", " Atlantic Coast Line, 398 U.S. at 295, 90 S.Ct. ", "at 1747; see also United States v. District of Columbia, 654 F.2d 802, 809 n. 16 (D.C.), cert. ", "denied sub nom. ", " Prince George's County v. United States, 454 U.S. 1082, 102 S.Ct. ", "637, 70 L.Ed.2d 616 (1981).", "\n\n\n12\nThe words \"protect or effectuate\" in section 2283 are generally viewed as incorporating the principles of res judicata and collateral estoppel, which come into play only when there is a final judgment or appealable order to be protected or effectuated. ", " International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers v. Nix, 512 F.2d 125, 130 (5th Cir.1975). ", " But see Three J Farms, Inc. v. Plaintiffs' Steering Committee, 659 F.2d 1332, 1335 (5th Cir.1981), cert. ", "denied, 456 U.S. 936, 102 S.Ct. ", "1993, 72 L.Ed.2d 456 (1982) (judgment approving settlement \"predictable if not assured,\" may support protective injunction though not entered until after injunction); see also Commerce Oil Refining Corp. v. Miner, 303 F.2d 125, 128 (1st Cir.1962). ", " The proposed settlement of the land claims in Wampanoag Tribal Council is still pending, apparently waiting for congressional and state approval. ", " Nothing prevents the district court from issuing an order provisionally approving the settlement, which would support a subsequent protective injunction.", "\n\n\n13\nIt also seems that appellants might be estopped, by their failure to appeal from the denial of their motion to intervene in Wampanoag Tribal Council, from now claiming that they are necessary parties or that their interests were not adequately represented in that case. ", " See Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of Indians v. United States, 338 F.2d 906, 911 (8th Cir.1964), cert. ", "denied, 382 U.S. 815, 86 S.Ct. ", "34, 15 L.Ed.2d 62 (1965). ", " In James v. Watt, this court expressly observed that \"the issue at stake--whether plaintiffs here have a right to upset the settlement entered into by the tribe and its other members--is more appropriately before us in [Wampanoag Tribal Council ], scheduled to be heard this September.\" ", " 716 F.2d at 77. ", " By withdrawing their appeal a week after our decision in James v. Watt, and by failing to pursue their appeal in James v. Bellotti I, appellants may well have foreclosed their opportunity to contest the settlement in Wampanoag Tribal Council, with respect not only to the federal claims actually asserted but also to the pendent state claims that could have been raised. ", " See Harper Plastics, Inc. v. Amoco Chemicals Corp., 657 F.2d 939, 945-46 (7th Cir.1981).", "\n\n\n14\nWe conclude that the district court has adequate means to prevent interference with its disposition of the Wampanoag Tribal Council case, regardless of the eventual outcome in James v. Bellotti II. ", " Because the present case was improvidently removed, we remand to the district court with instructions to remand the case to the state court under 28 U.S.C. Sec. ", "1447(c).", "\n\n\n15\nReversed and remanded.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "package apitests\n\nimport (\n\t\"testing\"\n\n\t\"fmt\"\n\n\t\"github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/testutil/retry\"\n\t\"github.com/hashicorp/nomad/api\"\n\t\"github.com/hashicorp/nomad/testutil\"\n\t\"github.com/stretchr/testify/require\"\n)\n\nfunc TestAPI_OperatorAutopilotGetSetConfiguration(t *testing.", "T) {\n\tt.Parallel()\n\trequire := require.", "New(t)\n\tc, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)\n\tdefer s.Stop()\n\n\toperator := c.Operator()\n\tvar config *api.", "AutopilotConfiguration\n\tretry.", "Run(t, func(r *retry.", "R) {\n\t\tvar err error\n\t\tconfig, _, err = operator.", "AutopilotGetConfiguration(nil)\n\t\tr.Check(err)\n\t})\n\trequire.", "True(config.", "CleanupDeadServers)\n\n\t// Change a config setting\n\tnewConf := &api.", "AutopilotConfiguration{CleanupDeadServers: false}\n\t_, err := operator.", "AutopilotSetConfiguration(newConf, nil)\n\trequire.", "Nil(err)\n\n\tconfig, _, err = operator.", "AutopilotGetConfiguration(nil)\n\trequire.", "Nil(err)\n\trequire.", "False(config.", "CleanupDeadServers)\n}\n\nfunc TestAPI_OperatorAutopilotCASConfiguration(t *testing.", "T) {\n\tt.Parallel()\n\trequire := require.", "New(t)\n\tc, s := makeClient(t, nil, nil)\n\tdefer s.Stop()\n\n\toperator := c.Operator()\n\tvar config *api.", "AutopilotConfiguration\n\tretry.", "Run(t, func(r *retry.", "R) {\n\t\tvar err error\n\t\tconfig, _, err = operator.", "AutopilotGetConfiguration(nil)\n\t\tr.Check(err)\n\t})\n\trequire.", "True(config.", "CleanupDeadServers)\n\n\t// Pass an invalid ModifyIndex\n\t{\n\t\tnewConf := &api.", "AutopilotConfiguration{\n\t\t\tCleanupDeadServers: false,\n\t\t\tModifyIndex: config.", "ModifyIndex - 1,\n\t\t}\n\t\tresp, _, err := operator.", "AutopilotCASConfiguration(newConf, nil)\n\t\trequire.", "Nil(err)\n\t\trequire.", "False(resp)\n\t}\n\n\t// Pass a valid ModifyIndex\n\t{\n\t\tnewConf := &api.", "AutopilotConfiguration{\n\t\t\tCleanupDeadServers: false,\n\t\t\tModifyIndex: config.", "ModifyIndex,\n\t\t}\n\t\tresp, _, err := operator.", "AutopilotCASConfiguration(newConf, nil)\n\t\trequire.", "Nil(err)\n\t\trequire.", "True(resp)\n\t}\n}\n\nfunc TestAPI_OperatorAutopilotServerHealth(t *testing.", "T) {\n\tt.Parallel()\n\tc, s := makeClient(t, nil, func(c *testutil.", "TestServerConfig) {\n\t\tc.Server.", "RaftProtocol = 3\n\t})\n\tdefer s.Stop()\n\n\toperator := c.Operator()\n\ttestutil.", "WaitForResult(func() (bool, error) {\n\t\tout, _, err := operator.", "AutopilotServerHealth(nil)\n\t\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\t\treturn false, err\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif len(out.", "Servers) !", "= 1 ||\n\t\t\t!", "out.", "Servers[0].Healthy ||\n\t\t\tout.", "Servers[0].Name !", "= fmt.", "Sprintf(\"%s.global\", s.Config.", "NodeName) {\n\t\t\treturn false, fmt.", "Errorf(\"%v\", out)\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn true, nil\n\t}, func(err error) {\n\t\tt.Fatalf(\"err: %v\", err)\n\t})\n}\n" ]
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[ "James Otis Jr\n\nHis brilliant defense of American colonial rights at the outset of the struggle between England and its colonies marked James Otis, Jr. (1725-1783), a leading spokesman for the Boston patriots prior to the American Revolution.", "\n\nAt a time when oratory was a powerful political weapon, James Otis's reputation as a defender of colonial rights in the quarrel with Great Britain was unmatched during the decade 1760-1770. ", "While Samuel Adams wrote inflammatory articles at the popular level, Otis appealed to the law and to the logic of Englishmen everywhere. ", "His case rested on the law of nature and the goodness of the British constitution, both terms sufficiently ambiguous for him to convince vast audiences that his arguments were unanswerable. ", "As a leader of the antiadministration party, he worked with the radicals after the Sugar Act and Stamp Act convinced him that the British Empire could not be maintained without some moderation of the old system of parliamentary domination.", "\n\nJames Otis, Jr., was born on Feb. 5, 1725, in West Barnstable, Mass., the eldest of 13 children. ", "His father was a lawyer, judge, and member of the colonial council, and his oldest sister became a talented political writer and observer. ", "Otis graduated from Harvard College in 1743. ", "His legal studies under the distinguished Jeremiah Gridley (1745-1747) and his admission to the bar were the usual approach to power in colonial Massachusetts.", "\n\nOtis began law practice at Plymouth, Mass., and later moved to Boston. ", "In 1755 he married Ruth Cunningham. ", "The marriage produced three children but cannot be described as a happy union-particularly because of political differences within the family.", "\n\nThe British decision to increase imperial revenues by enforcing old but neglected customs regulations in the Colonies seemed, at first, simply another kind of family quarrel. ", "The Molasses Act of 1733 had not been enforced; indeed, many New England merchants made a comfortable living while evading it. ", "But when the merchants were unable to block the tightening of customs regulations, they turned their wrath upon the general search warrants issued in pursuit of smuggled cargoes. ", "These writs of assistance were issued by the provincial courts, but the merchants insisted that the courts had no such authority.", "\n\nIndependence Is Born\n\nOtis had been appointed a Crown official as advocate general, but he thought that the writs were indefensible and resigned his office to represent the protesting merchants.", "\nThe dramatic trial in which Otis confronted his mentor, Gridley (who was the Crown's attorney), was later described by witness John Adams as \"the first scene of the first act of opposition to the arbitrary claims of Great Britain. ", "Then and there the child Independence was born.\" ", "Otis spoke for 5 hours, holding that writs were contrary to both English practice and natural law. ", "Chief JusticeThomas Hutchinson, however, decided against the merchants.", "\n\nAided by Oxenbridge Thacher, Samuel Adams, and others of the growing radical element in Boston, Otis helped organize the Boston freeholders to oppose Crown measures. ", "In the general court, he thwarted the plans of Governor Francis Bernard to raise taxes and repeatedly drew all but blood in verbal bouts with Crown officials. ", "Though Otis sidestepped their angry threats with verbal missiles, violence was not far away.", "\n\nPetty politics and personal squabbles were overshadowed by the new imperial crisis brought on by passage of the Sugar Act in 1764. ", "In a desperate search for revenues, Parliament had reduced the duty on molasses but had made it clear that the new tax would be collected. ", "Otis, Adams, and their radical friends perceived Britain's miscalculation. ", "While Adams began agitation in the popular press, Otis wrote a stirring defense of colonial rights in \"The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved,\" arguing that even Parliament could not violate the law of nature. ", "His appeal to \"a higher authority\" shifted the colonial argument to unassailable ground, as Otis saw it, and thousands of colonial Americans agreed. ", "He also urged that America be granted parliamentary representation, without which the colonists were being \"taxed without their consent.\"", "\n\nA Popular Hero\n\nThe pamphlet made Otis a popular hero in America. ", "At this stage, he was inconsistent but still brilliant. ", "He shocked friends by advocating that his archenemy Thomas Hutchinson be sent to England to present the colony's side in the Sugar Act quarrel. ", "However, the appointment of Otis's father as chief justice of the Common Pleas Court set tongues wagging. ", "For a time, Otis's ambivalence cost him some popularity.", "\n\nWhen the Stamp Act was announced, in March 1765, colonial tempers soared. ", "The Sugar Act had hurt New England, but the Stamp Act struck at the pocket of every newspaper reader, lawyer, litigant, and businessman—in short—at nearly every adult in all 13 colonies. ", "Otis served on a committee that urged a united colonial front of resistance, and he headed the Massachusetts delegation to the resulting Stamp Act Congress. ", "Here he impressed fellow delegates as a forceful speaker and able committee member.", "\n\nOtis again turned pamphleteer, and his \"A Vindication of the British Colonies\" and \"Considerations on Behalf of the Colonies\" were read by patriots and quoted as unanswerable. ", "In these works he ridiculed the English notion of \"virtual representation\" in Parliament and attacked the philosophy of the Navigation Acts, which stifled American manufactures. ", "Otis professed a sincere attachment to\nthe empire, however, and insisted that a true rupture with England would lead only to anarchy.", "\n\nRepeal of the Stamp Act brought a temporary respite to these tensions, but Otis continued to be at odds with the Crown's officials in Boston. ", "When Otis was elected Speaker of the legislature in May 1767, Governor Bernard vetoed the election. ", "Privately, Bernard and Hutchinson blamed most of their problems on the Otis-Adams coterie. ", "The Otis-Adams \"Circular Letter\" of 1768, urging a general congress for coordinated economic boycotts, further increased friction between governor and legislature. ", "When Bernard demanded that the letter be recalled, Otis informed him that the House stood by its first action by a vote of 92 to 17. ", "Clearly, Otis and Adams were not isolated troublemakers.", "\n\nThe seizure of John Hancock's vessel, the Liberty, in 1768 increased tension in Boston and led to a direct clash between Crown officials and a mob. ", "Otis was moderator of the town meeting called to consider effectual ways of preventing another such incident, and he counseled prudent measures. ", "With his influence on the wane, Governor Bernard, trying to have the last word before his recall in 1769, blamed Otis and Adams, \"Chiefs of the Faction,\" for much of the damage done to imperial harmony.", "\n\nEnd of a Career\n\nA tragic incident in September 1769 ended Otis's career as a leader of the Boston patriots. ", "He satirized the local commissioners of customs in the Boston Gazette, and one of them, John Robinson, confronted Otis the following day. ", "Tempers flared, and Otis was struck in the head. ", "He sued and was awarded £2,000 in damages, but when Robinson offered a public apology, Otis declared that he was satisfied.", "\n\nPerhaps the blow had only hastened a mental deterioration already begun. ", "Whatever its cause, Otis was thereafter bothered by severe mental lapses, although he was reelected to the General Court. ", "In 1781 an old friend took Otis to Andover, where his mind only occasionally returned to its former brilliance. ", "He was killed by a bolt of lightning on May 23, 1783.", "\n\nFurther Reading\n\nA standard work on Otis remains William Tudor, Life of James Otis (1823). ", "Personal comments in the forthcoming Papers of John Adams, edited by Lyman Butterfield, should be enlightening. ", "See also Charles F. Mullett, Fundamental Law and the American Revolution (1933), and Edmund S. and Helen M. Morgan, The Stamp Act Crisis (1953; rev. ", "ed. ", "1963).", "\n\nCitation styles\n\nEncyclopedia.com gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA).", "\n\nWithin the “Cite this article” tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. ", "Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list.", "\n\nBecause each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.com cannot guarantee each citation it generates. ", "Therefore, it’s best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publication’s requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites:\n\nModern Language Association\n\nThe Chicago Manual of Style\n\nAmerican Psychological Association\n\nNotes:\n\nMost online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. ", "Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. ", "However, the date of retrieval is often important. ", "Refer to each style’s convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates.", "\n\nIn addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. ", "Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list.", "\n\nOtis Jr., James (1725-1783)\n\nAssessment.", "James Otis Jr., a Massachusetts lawyer, legislator, and writer, took an active role in opposing the king and the provincial governor on a continuing basis from 1760 until the beginning of the Revolution. ", "A powerful orator and a prolific writer, he was a prominent spokesman for the revolutionary cause. (", "His sister, Mercy Otis Warren, wrote several famous propaganda plays in the 1770s.) ", "Whether his motive at any one instant was patriotic, a mere personal vendetta, or a manifestation of mental illness is still the matter of debate.", "\n\nEarly Years. ", "Otis was born on 5 February 1725 in Barnstable, Massachusetts, the first of thirteen children of James and Mary Otis. ", "Otis’s father, James, a politically active businessman, became a lawyer and county court judge in Barnstable. ", "He gained the rank of colonel in the militia and wore the title proudly until his death in 1778. ", "James Jr. attended Harvard College from 1739 to 1743, then spent a year studying literature and philosophy. ", "He apprenticed himself to Jeremiah Gridley, a prominent Boston lawyer. ", "In 1748 he began practicing law in Plymouth but was not able to develop his practice; he moved to Boston in 1750 and was more successful. ", "He married Ruth Cunningham, the daughter of a wealthy Boston merchant, in 1755.", "\n\nFamily Feud. ", "In 1749 Thomas Hutchinson (then a member of the governor’s council) introduced a paper-money bill in the legislature. ", "The bill was passed, in large part thanks to the efforts of Otis’s father (then the Speaker of the House). ", "The senior Otis expected a significant political favor in exchange for his support, and he understood that he would get a seat on the superior court when one became available. ", "In 1760 Chief Justice Stephen Sewall of the superior court died, and Colonel Otis thought he would finally get his seat on that court. ", "James Jr. lobbied Hutchinson, who was then lieutenant governor, on his father’s behalf. ", "However, Francis Bernard, the new royal governor, felt pressure from London to name someone who would be sure to carry out the new, tighter trade rules. ", "He named Hutchinson (who kept his positions as lieutenant governor, governor’s councilor, and probate judge). ", "The Otises thought that Hutchinson had betrayed them, a personal grievance that would have profound political consequences.", "\n\nWrits of Assistance. ", "In 1760 the customs commissioner applied to the superior court for a new writ of assistance. ", "A writ of assistance was a court order similar to a modern search warrant although it was one of general and ongoing application—it did not require a customs officer to assert any probable cause before he searched a property or seized any suspected goods. ", "A writ of assistance, once issued, was valid for as long as the reigning king lived, plus six months. ", "King George II had died in October 1760, so a new writ was needed. ", "Otis agreed to represent a group of Boston merchants to argue against the issuance of any new writs. ", "Otis presented a strong political and philosophical argument but also referred to Hutchinson’s accumulation of offices. ", "His ringing oratory, in which he denounced the writs as violations of fundamental law and therefore unconstitutional, brought him immediate fame and led to his election to the assembly a few months later.", "\n\nLegislature. ", "Almost immediately upon election Otis joined his father (still Speaker of the House) in opposing the governor’s proposal on a coinage bill. ", "His opposition was both on the subject matter and also as a personal attack on Hutchinson. ", "The irony of the situation was that twelve years earlier Colonel Otis had supported a similar bill proposed by Hutchinson. ", "The younger Otis, in arguing against the proposal, avoided any reference to his father’s change of position or to the political feud that flowed from that bill and the colonel’s claim to the superior court seat. ", "For the next ten years Otis alternated between leading the opposition to the administration’s programs (always intertwined with the personal attack on Hutchinson) and, on occasion, providing key support. ", "Judge Peter Oliver, a friend of Hutchinson’s, once wrote about Otis: “He will one time say of the Lieutenant Governor, that he had rather have him than any man he knows, in any one office, and the next hour will represent him as the greatest tyrant, and most despicable creature living.”", "\n\nWritings. ", "In 1762 the governor asked the legislature to approve a small military expenditure that he had authorized while the assembly had been in recess. ", "Otis voiced a vigorous protest, defending the legislature’s prerogatives over money matters. ", "He compared the governor’s action to one that, if done by the king when Parliament was not in session, would be the act of a tyrant. ", "He wrote an essay, “A Vindication of the Conduct of the House of Representatives,” to explain his opposition and to defend himself from charges that his remarks had amounted to treason. ", "In 1764 and 1765 he wrote several long essays about the Stamp Act, first denying Parliament’s power to tax the colonies but later acknowledging that power.", "\n\nInsanity. ", "His behavior in the legislature was erratic. ", "He frequently took a strong stand on one side of an issue and then abruptly, for no apparent reason, reversed his position. ", "The question of whether Parliament had the power to enact the Stamp Act was the most noteworthy example of this change. ", "Similarly he maintained an ongoing personal vendetta against Hutchinson though, at least once a year, reached a reconciliation with him. ", "This unpredictable behavior hinted of insanity. ", "Several times in the late 1760s he made speeches in the House that were described as the rantings of a madman. ", "In September 1769 he accosted the customs commissioner John Robinson in the British Coffee House. ", "In the ensuing brawl Otis received a severe gash on his head. ", "After that point many people, including John Adams, said that Otis was “not in his perfect mind.” ", "He apparently cracked in 1770 and in a mad rage broke several windows in Boston’s town hall. ", "His family took him to the countryside for a month. ", "Thereafter, Otis faded in and out of sanity. ", "Nevertheless he continued in the legislature, alternating between support for and opposition to the Crown. ", "He opposed independence at first and later supported it. ", "Otis was struck by lightning and died on 23 May 1783.", "\n\nCitation styles\n\nEncyclopedia.com gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA).", "\n\nWithin the “Cite this article” tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. ", "Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list.", "\n\nBecause each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.com cannot guarantee each citation it generates. ", "Therefore, it’s best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publication’s requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites:\n\nModern Language Association\n\nThe Chicago Manual of Style\n\nAmerican Psychological Association\n\nNotes:\n\nMost online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. ", "Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. ", "However, the date of retrieval is often important. ", "Refer to each style’s convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates.", "\n\nIn addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. ", "Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list.", "\n\nOtis, James\n\nThe Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.", "\n\nCopyright The Columbia University Press\n\nJames Otis, 1725–83, American colonial political leader, b. Barnstable co., Mass. A lawyer first in Plymouth and then in Boston, he won great distinction and served (1756–61) as advocate general of the vice admiralty court. ", "He resigned to oppose the issuing of writs of assistance by the superior court of Massachusetts; the writs, which authorized customs officials to search for smuggled goods, were virtually general search warrants. ", "Arguing eloquently before the court, Otis claimed that the writs violated the natural rights of the colonials as Englishmen and that any act of Parliament violating those rights was void. ", "Otis lost the case but soon became the leader of the radical wing of the colonial opposition to British measures. ", "He was elected (1761) to the colonial assembly and was made head (1764) of the Massachusetts committee of correspondence. ", "In his speeches and pamphlets, Otis defined and defended colonial rights. ", "He proposed and participated in the Stamp Act Congress (see Stamp Act), and his ideas were used in the protests drafted by that body. ", "Hated by the conservatives, his election (1766) as speaker of the assembly was vetoed by the royal governor. ", "After the passage of the Townshend Acts (1767) Otis helped Samuel Adams draft the Massachusetts circular letter to the other colonies denouncing the acts. ", "In 1769, Otis was struck on the head during a quarrel with a commissioner of customs. ", "He subsequently became insane and took no further part in political affairs.", "\n\nSee C. F. Mullett, ed., ", "Some Political Writings of James Otis (1929); biography by W. Tudor (1823, repr. ", "1970).", "\n\nCite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography.", "\n\nCitation styles\n\nEncyclopedia.com gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA).", "\n\nWithin the “Cite this article” tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. ", "Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list.", "\n\nBecause each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.com cannot guarantee each citation it generates. ", "Therefore, it’s best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publication’s requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites:\n\nModern Language Association\n\nThe Chicago Manual of Style\n\nAmerican Psychological Association\n\nNotes:\n\nMost online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. ", "Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. ", "However, the date of retrieval is often important. ", "Refer to each style’s convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates.", "\n\nIn addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. ", "Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list.", "\n\nOtis, James\n\nEncyclopedia of the American Revolution: Library of Military History\nCOPYRIGHT 2006 Thomson Gale\n\nOtis, James\n\nOTIS, JAMES. (", "1725–1783). ", "Patriot politician, publicist, and orator. ", "Massachusetts. ", "Otis, born in West Barnstable, Massachusetts on 2 February 1725, graduated in 1743 from Harvard, which he hated. ", "He then studied law under Jeremiah Gridley, a prominent Boston attorney, after which he established his own practice in Boston in 1750. ", "In 1755 Otis married the weathy Ruth Cunningham. ", "Within a few years, Otis was considered one of the leading lawyers in the province. ", "He was an expert in common, civil, and admiralty law, in addition to being a scholar whose Rudiments of Latin Prosody (1760) became a Harvard text. ", "In 1761 he resigned his lucrative office as king's advocate general of the vice admiralty court at Boston rather than argue for the Writs of Assistance, unlimited search warrants that allowed the authorities to search anywhere they pleased. ", "Instead, Otis took the side of the Boston merchants in opposing the writs, which the royal customs collectors were seeking in order to find evidence of the violation of the Sugar Act of 1733.", "\n\nIn his famous speech against the writs, delivered on 24 February 1761, Otis gave one of the earliest statements of the doctrine that a law that violates \"Natural Law\" is void. ", "He decried the writs as an exercise of arbitrary power and, as such, contrary to the British constitution. ", "No formal record of his argument exists, but young John Adams took notes and, 60 years later, recalled: \"Otis was a flame of fire!… ", "He hurried away everything before him. ", "American independence was then and there born\" (Adams, vol. ", "10, p. 247). ", "Otis lost the case to Chief JusticeThomas Hutchinson, who argued that the Massachusetts Superior Court had the same power as British courts, which had been granted the authority to issue such writs by Parliament. ", "In 1766 the British vacated Hutchinson's ruling on the grounds that this act of Parliament did not apply to Massachusetts. ", "Otis's arguments against the writs of assistance did not circulate widely, but exerted great intellectual influence among the emerging patriot leadership.", "\n\nSome scholars have questioned Otis's motivation in opposing British authority, finding personal causes in his resignation from his post as advocate general in 1760. ", "It is known that Otis blamed Governor Francis Bernard and then-Lieutenant Governor Thomas Hutchinson for violating an agreement to elevate the senior James Otis to the Superior Court. ", "Much to the shock of the two James Otises, Hutchinson was himself made chief justice (13 November 1760), even though he continued to serve as lieutenant governor of Massachusetts. ", "The younger Otis denied that his opposition to arbitrary government was motivated by a desire to avenge frustrated family ambitions.", "\n\nIn May 1761, two months after his famous speech against the writs, Otis became one of Boston's four representatives to the provincial legislature. ", "His father was re-elected as speaker of the House, and the two Otises formed a popular bloc of Boston and rural interests to oppose the crown officials. ", "In 1762 Otis wrote his first pamphlet, \"A Vindication of the Conduct of the House of Representatives,\" in which he put forth the proposition that the legislature had complete power of the purse; the executive could spend no funds without their approval. ", "In 1764 he wrote \"The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved,\" putting forth the increasingly popular idea that there could be no taxation without representation, and the following year published \"A Vindication of the British Colonies,\" mocking the British principle of virtual representation.", "\n\nYet even as Otis put forth a series of radical political positions, he cautioned moderation in resistance. ", "Otis was made head of the Massachusetts Committee of Correspondence in 1764, and the next year he made a proposal that resulted in the Stamp Act Congress. ", "He considered the Virginia resolves of Patrick Henry treasonable, and on 26 November 1765 wrote that he preferred \"dutiful and loyal Addresses to his Majesty and his Parliament, who alone under God can extricate the Colonies from the painful Scenes of Tumult, Confusion, & Distress.\" ", "At the Stamp Act Congress he argued for petitions rather than resistance. ", "Even when British troops landed at Boston in 1768, Otis persisted in his insistence that no action beyond petitioning and letter writing was appropriate.", "\n\nThough he stood still while political affairs accelerated away from him, Otis continued to play a key role in Massachusetts through 1770. ", "Elected to the General Court in the spring of 1766, he formed a triumvirate with Samuel Adams and Joseph Hawley that led the legislative attack against the embattled Governor Francis Bernard and his deputy, Hutchinson. ", "Otis presided over the town meeting that revived the nonimportation movement (28 October 1767), and, with Samuel Adams produced the Massachusetts circular letter, leading the majority that voted not to rescind it. ", "Throughout these activities, which caused British authorities to threaten Adams and Otis with trial for treason, Otis viewed the idea of independence with abhorrence and repeatedly opposed what he saw as mob violence. ", "Although his confederates worried about the violence of Otis's tongue, it was he who time and again stopped them from actions that would have provoked a crisis. ", "He organized and moderated the town meeting of 12-13 September 1768 that quashed Samuel Adams's calls for armed resistance against the British regulars coming to establish the Boston Garrison.", "\n\nOtis fell from leadership under unusual circumstances. ", "On the evening of 5 September 1769 he charged into the British Coffee House and loudly demanded an apology from some officials who had accused him of provoking disloyalty. ", "In a brawl that followed, John Robinson laid Otis's head open with a sword. ", "The blow, aggravated by heavy drinking, drove Otis over the brink of madness, and although his reason returned from time to time he was finished as a public figure. ", "He sued Robinson, was awarded damages of £2,000, and then refused any restitution beyond his legal and medical costs. ", "In 1771 he seemed so completely restored that he returned to the general court, but in December he was declared legally insane. ", "With a borrowed musket he rushed into the Battle of Bunker Hill, 17 June 1775, and emerged unscathed. ", "Early in 1778 he was able, during one of his periodic lucid intervals, to argue a case in Boston, but he found the physical exertion too much and the darkness descended. ", "Although he sometimes became violent and had to be tied down, during most of his final years he was harmless. ", "The end came dramatically to this man who could have been the protagonist of a classical tragedy. ", "Otis had always predicted that he would be killed by lightning, and on 23 May 1783 he was struck by lightening while standing on a friend's doorstep.", "\n\nCitation styles\n\nEncyclopedia.com gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA).", "\n\nWithin the “Cite this article” tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. ", "Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list.", "\n\nBecause each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.com cannot guarantee each citation it generates. ", "Therefore, it’s best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publication’s requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites:\n\nModern Language Association\n\nThe Chicago Manual of Style\n\nAmerican Psychological Association\n\nNotes:\n\nMost online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. ", "Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. ", "However, the date of retrieval is often important. ", "Refer to each style’s convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates.", "\n\nIn addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. ", "Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list." ]
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[ "Donald Trump's shock election victory was so unexpected it led traumatized Hillary Clinton voters to do the one thing that could comfort their wounded psyches – eat.", "\n\nAmericans who voted for Hillary were so upset that they stopped counting calories on their emails and gorged on ice cream and cheesecake, according to Bloomberg News.", "\n\nWhile people are more likely to watch their weight and go to the gym in the earlier part of the week, there tends to be a drop-off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.", "\n\nLose It!, ", "a popular app which gauges caloric intake, noticed that there was a drop-off of four times the usual number of users in the days after the election.", "\n\nScroll down for video\n\nHillary Clinton (center) makes her concession speech in New York on November 9 with her husband, Bill Clinton (left), and her running mate, Tim Kaine (right), looking on\n\nThat means that people were more eager to ditch the gym and stay home and eat, according to Bloomberg.", "\n\n'There was definitely a post-election slump,' Lose It! ", "CEO Charles Teague said.", "\n\nThe period of grief and mourning, though, lasted a few days.", "\n\n'The start of the next week, things returned to normal,' Teague said. '", "On Monday, people said, ''OK, I'm going to get back on this thing\".'", "\n\nClinton voters were so distraught by the loss that a large number of them simply stopped watching their weight, according to Lose It! (", "above), an app which measures caloric intake\n\nAn overwhelming majority of Lose It! ", "Users can be broken down into two primary demographics – women (75.8 percent) and those whose ages range from 18 to 44.", "\n\nCaviar (above), a food delivery app used in 15 large cities that heavily lean Democrat, reported a huge increase in the number of desserts ordered in the days following the election\n\nAccording to Caviar, app users ordered ice cream (left) and cheesecake (right) to help comfort them during their period of grief\n\nThese two voting blocs voted mostly for Clinton.", "\n\nAnother app which is used for ordering meals also found that residents of large cities had ordered 72 percent more desserts, including cheescake, pie, and ice cream." ]
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[ "TREASURER Rob Lucas says closing the Motor Accident Commission will save up to $3 million a year, but the RAA warns the move could torpedo improved road safety and risk “more senseless loss of life”.", "\n\nDeclaring the closure an “inevitable consequence” of the last government’s decision to privatise the commission’s insurance arm in 2014, Mr Lucas said it would shut in July next year. ", "RAA spokesman Charles Mountain warned the closure came at a crucial time, just as the road toll had started to fall significantly.", "\n\nSA Police and other agencies are expected to pick up the MAC’s duties from July next year, including road safety campaigns and partnerships, which Mr Lucas said would save $2 million to $3 million each year.", "\n\nmedia_camera The Motor Accident Commission's campaign targeting drink drivers by telling them to \"grow up\".", "\n\n“It (those savings) is not the driving force behind this,” he said.", "\n\n“It is obviously one of the benefits but it’s the Government’s view that this was one of the inevitable consequences of the former government’s decision.” ", "Mr Lucas, pictured, said all MAC’s total current funding, around $11 million, would be maintained for advertising, research, partnerships and sponsorships.", "\n\nBut Mr Mountain said dividing MAC’s role of overseeing road safety in SA between multiple agencies “would result in no single government body having responsibility for a vital area of public safety — road safety”. “", "At a time when we’re looking to consolidate the reduction in Adelaide’s road deaths and push for a similar fall in regional SA, we risk going backwards and seeing more senseless loss of life on our state’s roads,” he said.", "\n\n“RAA will be actively monitoring the effectiveness of the government’s decision to disband MAC and divide up its responsibilities across government entities.”", "\n\n“Over the coming weeks and months, we will be engaging with State Government to ensure road safety remains at the top of the agenda.”", "\n\nMAC’s partnerships and sponsorships, such as the rescue helicopter, will be rolled over at their existing levels to June 2020. ", "MAC has produced many advertisements that have left their mark on audiences, including a commercial depicting “creepers” — ordinary drivers who morphed into the driving dead.", "\n\nMAC chairman Dr Bill Griggs said he hoped current staff would continue to be involved in road safety campaigns in the future.", "\n\n“I’m very proud of the work that all of the people at MAC have done,” he said.", "\n\nMr Lucas said it was the intention to continue road safety campaigns.", "\n\nAs for the backlog of Compulsory Third Party claims, that MAC is still managing despite ceasing writing new CTP insurance policies from July 1 2016, Mr Lucas said the Government would consider whether MAC would continue to manage them or they either go to Treasury or it is sold to a body that manages it on behalf of the state — which he said the then Labor Government indicated it would consider.", "\n\nIf MAC continues to manage the remaining claims, it will be abolished once it clears them.", "\n\nOpposition treasury spokesman Stephen Mullighan said it was another cut to community safety.", "\n\n“(It) means there will be less money invested in community safety, no more co-ordinated campaigns and it also means the loss of an organisation that has driven down the road toll,” he said." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAsked one well-recieved question, but second similar question was closed and downvoted\n\nI asked a question yesterday about an octagon mask in CSS. ", "I understood that construction, but today I asked a question about icosagon mask. ", "It got 10 down votes and also got closed. ", "Why did this happen?", "\nMy question from yesterday: How can I create Octagonal mask in CSS\nToday's question: (Deleted; 10k+ only) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28046973/is-icosagon-mask-possible-in-css\n\nA:\n\nThe close reason (just under your question) was:\n\n\"Questions seeking debugging help (\"why isn't this code working?\") ", "must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself. ", "Questions without a clear problem statement are not useful to other readers. ", "See: How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example.\"", "\n\nYour question isn't clear about what you tried - there is some CSS (using clip-path) but it is entirely unclear whether that's just a sample you grabbed from somewhere, whether it has a problem, and if so, what it is.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Continuing its transition away from simple e-reader to fully-functioning tablet, the Kindle Fire HDX ($380) packs more power, an improved display, and productivity apps that make it a serious competitor. ", "It features a 2.2GHz quad-core processor that is three times more powerful than its predecessor, with two gigs of RAM and a dedicated graphics card. ", "The display features incredible pixel density (339 PPI), on a nearly nine-inch screen for a better reading and viewing experience. ", "Additional features include a \"Mayday\" button that lets you call Amazon for help any time, an eight megapixel rear camera, and the ability to connect to 4G LTE.", "\n\nYour favorite e-reader just received an impressive update, in the form of Amazon's Kindle Paperwhite 2 ($120). ", "While it still has everything you loved about the first Paperwhite — a glare-free display for easy reading in direct sunlight, eight weeks of battery life, built-in WiFi and free 3G, and Amazon's generous selection of books — the update gives readers an even better experience. ", "Its new display features higher contrast, with whites so white and blacks so black it feels almost like reading a book, while a built-in light helps prevent eyestrain at night. ", "A faster processor, more accurate touch response, Goodreads integration, and more make this a worthwhile purchase, especially if you're still flipping old-fashioned pages. ", "Available this month.", "\n\nWe knew it was coming, but that doesn't make it any less of a small big deal. ", "The iPad mini ($330-$660) is the long-awaited smaller sibling to Apple's blockbuster tablet. ", "Sporting an aluminum body that's just 7.2mm thin and weighs just 0.68 pounds, it still manages to pack in a 7.9-inch display, an A5 processor, a 5MP iSight camera, a front-facing FaceTime HD camera, and Apple's new Lightning connector. ", "Available in black or white.", "\n\nWe ordered one too many iPad Mini's. ", "So this one has your name on it. ", "To win, just click one of the buttons below to follow us on Facebook or Twitter. ", "We'll choose one of you handsome gentlemen at random.", "\n\nWe spend about a third of our life sleeping, so the mattress you sleep on every night is incredibly important. ", "Make sure you get the right one by trying out a Casper. ", "This USA-made mattress is made up of multiple layers of foam, including one for support and pressure relief, and one to make sure you don't get too hot. ", "It's all wrapped up in a durable woven cover, and shipped right to your door in a box that's easy to maneuver into even the smallest abodes. ", "You get 100 nights to try it out, can return it for free if you're not satisfied, but if you are (and you probably will be), you can upgrade even further by grabbing some of the company's soft Supima cotton sheets and dual-layer pillows.", "\n\nCoders, managers, illustrators — whatever your job, odds are you've had to deal with a whiteboard before. ", "Now you can carry one with you with the Wipebook Pro. ", "This full-sized notebook holds 20 8.5\" x 11\" writeable pages that work just like a normal whiteboard, letting you write, erase, and re-write countless times. ", "Brass binding lets it lay flat, cow-friendly faux leather front and rear covers help when it's time to digitize a page, and unlike the board at work, you can take it home without ever having to worry about an overzealous janitor \"cleaning\" away your valuable notes.", "\n\niPads and the like can be incredibly handy... when you're around things like Wi-Fi, cellular towers, and electricity. ", "For those times when you're not, there's the Earl Backcountry Survival Tablet ($250). ", "Designed specifically for use in the wilderness, it offers features like a 1024 x 768 6\" flexible E-Ink screen with the ability to double as an emergency lantern, a built-in AM/FM/SW/LW radio tuner, an IP67 rated water/dust/shock/mud-proof design, an integrated solar panel, internal weather sensors, a FRS, GMRS and MURS transceiver for use as a two-way radio, and a glove-friendly infrared touchscreen. ", "Combined with the robust GPS hardware, Bluetooth 4.0, and Android 4.1, it's a uniquely qualified piece of kit that could quickly become indispensable on your next outdoor adventure.", "\n\nThe name is a little confusing — it has absolutely nothing to do with Wikipedia, Wikilinks, or any other traditional Wiki, as far as we can tell — but that doesn't mean the Wikipad ($250) isn't worth a look. ", "Built with gaming in mind, the Wikipad features a 7-inch HD screen, a Nvidia Tegra 3 processor with quad-core GPU, a built-in gyroscope, compass, and accelerometer, a 2-megapixel front-facing camera, 16GB of internal storage with a MicroSD slot for expansion, GPS, and built-in stereo speakers. ", "The biggest feature, however, is the detachable game controller that gives you a proper D-pad, dual analog sticks, and Playstation Mobile certification." ]
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[ "Schweinfurthins: Lipid Modulators with Promising Anticancer Activity.", "\nThe schweinfurthin family of compounds displays exciting potent and differential cytotoxicity against human cancer cell lines. ", "Currently, the effect of schweinfurthins on tumor development and progression is being explored in animal models of cancer with promising results. ", "The first schweinfurthin family member, vedelianin, was isolated in 1992, followed by other schweinfurthins in 1998. ", "This opened up the door for the synthesis of additional analogs. ", "At present, the focus of research lies on delineating the mechanism of schweinfurthin action and identifying the nature of sensitivity. ", "It appears that many of the intracellular effects of schweinfurthins are due to, or impacted by, the effect of schweinfurthins on lipid metabolism, synthesis, and homeostasis. ", "These effects include impaired trafficking from the trans-golgi network, disruption of lipid rafts, changes in oxysterol-binding protein activity, and interference with the isoprenoid biosynthesis pathway (IBP). ", "Cancer cells are known to rely heavily on fatty acid, lipid, and sterol synthesis for growth and proliferation. ", "Therefore, compounds that target these needs, such as schweinfurthins, display promise as novel therapeutics. ", "This timely review will take an in-depth look at the history of schweinfurthins, their synthesis, where the research presently stands, and the questions that remain." ]
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[ "The future sites for Casa-di-Pizza and D’Avolio Kitchen have been signed. ", "In the D’Avolio case, it is the awning for their soon to open location at 535 Main Street. ", "On E. Mohawk Street, an “opening soon” sign is up as renovation work is getting underway on Casa-di-Pizza’s downtown location.", "\n\nCasa-di-Pizza’s Jacobbi family purchased the building at 11 E. Mohawk Street and a vacant parcel at 464 Washington Street from Western Regional Off Track Betting Corporation for $510,000 in Feburary. ", "The three-story, 11,610 sq.ft. ", "building is part of a former Wendy’s restaurant that OTB moved to in 1991 and closed last year.", "\n\nJJ’s Casa-di-Pizza, named after Jeff Jacobbi, will feature a bar, dining room, and a courtyard on the Washington Street parcel. ", "The restaurant is expected to open this summer.", "\n\nOn Main Street, D’Avolio Kitchen is getting closer to opening. ", "The oil, salt, and vinegar purveyor will also serve sandwiches, salads and pizzas on the first floor of the redeveloped building at 535 Main Street.", "\n\nProperty owners Kevin Helfer and Paul Lamparelli have transformed the four-story, circa-1851 building into commercial space and three upper floor apartments (second floor unit below). ", "The 6,800 sq.ft. ", "building was previously occupied by the Louis Restaurant and later Howards Jewelers and is one of many buildings on the 500 block with new owners and new life.", "\n\nExterior pics by 500 Block Main Street Facebook page. ", "535 Main apartment photo from Craigslist." ]
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[ "Stability of 26 Sedative Hypnotics in Six Toxicological Matrices at Different Storage Conditions.", "\nForensic laboratories are challenged with backlogs that produce turnaround times that vary from days to months. ", "Therefore, drug stability is important for interpretation in both antemortem (blood and urine) and postmortem (blood, brain, liver, stomach contents) cases. ", "In this study, 23 benzodiazepines (2-hydroxyethylflurazepam, 7-aminoclonazepam, 7-aminoflunitrazepam, α-hydroxyalprazolam, α-hydroxytriazolam, alprazolam, bromazepam, chlordiazepoxide, clonazepam, demoxepam, desalkylflurazepam, diazepam, estazolam, flunitrazepam, flurazepam, lorazepam, midazolam, nitrazepam, nordiazepam, oxazepam, phenazepam, temazepam and triazolam) and three sedative hypnotics (zaleplon, zopiclone and zolpidem) were spiked into the six matrices at two different concentrations for each drug. ", "The samples were stored in either a refrigerator (4°C) or freezer (-20°C) and analyzed in triplicate at various time intervals over an 8-month period using an SWGTOX validated method. ", "The concentrations decreased over time regardless of the initial spiked concentration, and the storage conditions had little effect on the decrease of most drugs. ", "Conversion from drug to metabolite was difficult to determine since all 26 drugs were present in each sample. ", "Zopiclone and phenazepam were the least stable drugs; zopiclone was the only drug that completely disappeared in any matrix (both antemortem and postmortem blood). ", "Urine was the most stable matrix with only phenazepam, 7-aminoclonazepam, 7-aminoflunitrazepam, 2-hydroxyethylflurazepam, and zopiclone decreasing >20% over the 8 months in either storage condition. ", "Postmortem blood, the least stable matrix, had only two drugs, zolpidem and bromazepam, decreasing <20% in the 8-month time period. ", "Further experiments on stability of these drugs should be undertaken to remove the freeze-thaw cycle effect and more thoroughly examining drug-metabolite conversion." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0.001941747572815534, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005025125628140704, 0, 0 ]
[ "Cheliosea\n\nCheliosea is a genus of tiger moths in the family Erebidae described by Watson in 1980. ", "The moths in the genus are found in Australia.", "\n\nSpecies\n Cheliosea cosmeta (Lower, 1907)\n\nUnknown status\n Cheliosea xanthotypa, described as Heliocaes xanthotypa Turner, 1940 from northern Australia is a species inquirenda.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:Spilosomina\nCategory:Moth genera" ]
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[ 0.020202020202020204, 0, 0.011299435028248588, 0.014084507042253521 ]
[ "Ever wonder what Samus would look like in HD? ", "Well wonder no more, as YouTuber CryZENx has made a small tech demo depicting Nintendo's beloved series in Unreal Engine 4.", "\n\nThis content is hosted on an external platform, which will only display it if you accept targeting cookies. ", "Please enable cookies to view. ", "Manage cookie settings\n\nUtilising DX12, this fancy demo shows us Samus from both a first and third-person perspective as she struts around showing off her shiny suit, nifty arm cannon, and spherical contortions. ", "It looks impressive to be sure, though it's a shame that the art direction here isn't more alien as this so-called Sun Temple looks more Infinity Blade than Metroid.", "\n\nOne wonders how Metroid will actually look when Nintendo inevitably puts the series on a modern day platform (assuming the upcoming NX is competitive to other contemporary hardware). ", "Will it go the realistic route of this video, or intentionally opt for a more cartoony feel as Nintendo has been doing with Mario and Zelda in recent years? ", "How would you like it to look?", "\n\nIf your rig can handle it, there's a downloadable playable version of this tech demo, even though there's not much to actually do in it but marvel at the pretty lighting." ]
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[ "Valentino Rossi's Yamaha contract runs until the end of 2014, while Suzuki has delayed its MotoGP return until 2015.", "\n\nSuzuki's team manager is Davide Brivio - a former team boss for Rossi at Yamaha, who also acts as a personal manager for The Doctor.", "\n\nThose ingredients were enough to spawn 'Rossi to Suzuki' rumours, but the seven time MotoGP champion - back at Yamaha after two winless seasons at Ducati - appears to have quashed such speculation.", "\n\nDuring an interview with German publication Speedweek, Rossi dismisses a Suzuki move, adding: \"This is my team and the M1 is my motorcycle. ", "As long as I can fight for podiums and victories, I will continue with Yamaha.\"", "\n\nRossi - who won three MotoGP titles for Honda before switching to Yamaha in 2004 - took his first race win since 2010 at June's Assen round." ]
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[ "haha - Oh, yes, I remember those days when I looked forward to Christmas for months! ", "We were not allowed to talk about it until after my sister's birthday in September. ", "But, starting in October, we would make lists and lists and lists! ", "I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas! ", "And I hope your son gets some of what may be on his surely-super-long-by-now list! :)" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "USING: namespaces math partial-continuations tools.test\nkernel sequences fry ;\nIN: partial-continuations.tests\n\nSYMBOL: sum\n\n: range ( r from to -- n )\n over - 1 + rot [\n '[ over + @ drop ] each-integer drop f\n ] bshift 2nip ; inline\n\n{ 55 } [\n 0 sum set\n [ 1 10 range sum get + sum set f ] breset drop\n sum get\n] unit-test\n" ]
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[ "Hi everybody, after a strong result in Russia, it was great to follow that race weekend up with one of our strongest performances of our season in Japan… Strong out of the box Suzuka is one of Formula 1’s historic tracks – and one of my personal favourites. ", "The Japanese fans are among the most passionate in the world and deliver a sensational atmosphere. ", "Thanks to everyone who gave me amazing gifts over the weekend. ", "On Friday, even though we started on the wrong foot in FP1 having to stop on track straight out of the pits, we very quickly got on the pace. ", "I felt immediately at home in the car, I could push flat-out in all the fast corners, which requires good confidence for a driver, and that is good news around a demanding track like Suzuka. ", "FP2 was a little different, as everyone was trying to set quick lap times in case qualifying was cancelled because of Typhoon Hagibis and they used the times of that session to decide the grid. ", "We were in the groove and very fast in that session, finishing P7 behind the usual suspects!", "\n\nExtracting the maximum in qualifying With the circuit closed on Saturday, as the typhoon approached, final practice was cancelled and qualifying moved to Sunday. ", "It was a special feeling to pull out of the garage on Sunday morning knowing you had to immediately be on the pace without having had FP3 to get a few laps to warm up the body and the brain. ", "It was pretty windy, which made conditions challenging and, due to the heavy rain on Saturday, the track was really green so it was difficult to know where the limit of the car would be. ", "In Q1 I managed to set a lap which was as fast as the time I set in FP2. ", "Straight out of the box I was quicker than some of the cars in the top teams, proving that the confidence was high and I could have a very strong session. ", "My feeling in the car got better through qualifying and a very strong lap in the last run meant I finished P7 – best of the rest. ", "It wasn’t all smooth, though, as we had a problem with the batteries. ", "The older they are, the less energy they are able to recover from the MGU-K, so the data showed it had cost me a bit of time, around a couple of tenths. ", "In the race it is not such a big problem but in qualifying, where a tenth can make a great difference, it becomes a bigger challenge. ", "In Japan, I compensated with a very good lap.", "\n\nCarlos Sainz: 'It's been a perfect day'\n\nThe strongest weekend of the year I got a decent start, not the perfect one, but I chose the right lines for Turn 1 and Turn 2 and that gave me the chance to fight with Lewis into T3. ", "He was in my blind spot and by the time I saw him it was already very tight there. ", "He had better traction and came really fast, so I couldn’t complete the overtake. ", "But from there on, I settled into my pace in P4. ", "My good pace and the strength of our package became clear when Albon couldn’t pass us on track, he had to do it by strategy. ", "I could have pitted to cover from his undercut but we decided to go long on our first stint with the softs. ", "That meant we could make our one-stop strategy work and have fresher medium tyres to push at the end of the race. ", "At that point the race was quite lonely, until the team let me know Charles had cleared the traffic and was coming up fast, so I picked up the pace and managed the gap to the Ferrari, forcing him to damage his tyres and eventually pit. ", "It was our third P5 of the season, which is a very strong result. ", "It was probably the strongest weekend of the season for McLaren as a team in terms of pace and for me in terms of execution. ", "I’m really pleased. ", "It’s not easy to finish best of the rest consistently as the midfield is tighter than it looks. ", "The only downside was that Lando couldn’t finish in the points due to an unlucky situation. ", "The team definitely deserved a double point finish in Japan!", "\n\nCarlos Sainz's Diary - Bowling in Japan\n\nA strange day off on Saturday With Saturday’s running cancelled, Friday night was more relaxed than usual. ", "Normally you go to bed very early and try to focus on qualifying. ", "But as we didn’t have to go in on Saturday, we went bowling that night. ", "As you can see from the video, in our costumes, Pin Norris and Mario Sainz had some good fun! ", "As you all saw on social media, on Saturday we mostly played FIFA. ", "It was a rare relaxed day chilling with a few of us drivers in the hotel as we were advised not to leave because of the conditions. ", "Checo and I dominated the team championship, which was two against two. ", "In the individual competition, I have to admit Max and Checo are a step ahead of me so I probably need to play a bit more! ", "But it was good fun!", "\n\nCarlos Sainz's Diary - Sushi night\n\nLocal cuisine I love how good the food is in Japan. ", "I went for Sushi on Wednesday with our engineers. ", "Thanks to Hiroshi, our chief engineer, we went to this very special and authentic restaurant where we ate the best sushi I have ever eaten. ", "There were some interesting pieces, like guts of fish. ", "It was not as bad as I thought, but it had a very strong flavour of sea salt. ", "It was a very weird taste, which was nice, but a bit overpowering! ", "On Sunday night we went to Matoba, one of my favourite restaurants ever, with Lando and his team and my team. ", "We go to visit this place every year. ", "They do an incredible Japanese and Korean beef with a special sauce on the grill. ", "We always have fun trying to speak Japanese with them. ", "It’s such a fun experience and they are super friendly. ", "Food in Japan is the best of the season!", "\n\nCarlos Sainz's Diary - Meat dinner" ]
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[ "Finding the best Finding a regression model for calculating the contraction of a trunnion immersed in liquid nitrogen? ", "for a Finding a regression model for calculating the contraction of a trunnion immersed in liquid nitrogen? ", "car [PDF]\n[DOC]" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.13333333333333333 ]
[ "542 U.S. 943\nWHEATONv.", "YARBOROUGH, WARDEN.", "\nNo. ", "03-10230.", "\nSupreme Court of United States.", "\nJune 28, 2004.", "\n\n1\nC. A. 9th Cir. ", "Certiorari denied. ", "Reported below: 101 Fed. ", "Appx. ", "648.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nFind patterns in list of sets with fast performance\n\nThe setup\nGiven a list of sets:\nmylist = [{'a','the'}, {'red', 'brown', 'white'}, {'dog', 'cat'}]\n\nI need to verify if any given list is contained element-wise in mylist\npattern_match(['a', 'red', 'dog'], mylist) # True\n\npattern_match(['a', 'grey', 'cat'], mylist) # False, because of 'grey'\n\nThe original solution\nI expressed pattern_match as\ndef pattern_match(sequence, patterns):\n if len(sequence) == len(patterns):\n return all([sequence[i] in patterns[i] for i in range(len(patterns))])\n else:\n return False\n\nThis works fairly well for checking one single sequence like ['a','brown','dog'], and the code is clean and understandable\nThe problem with checking many sequences\nI need to do this for a very high number of sequences like ['a','brown','dog'], on fairly long lists-of-sets, in a timely fashion\nGiven\nmylist = [{'a','the'}, {'red', 'brown', 'white'}, {'dog', 'cat'}]\nmysequences = [['a','brown','dog'], ['the','yellow','horse'], ...] # len(mysequences) is very high\n\nwhat is the best approach with performance in mind to achieve the same result as the code below:\n[pattern_match(seq, mylist) for seq in mysequences] # yields [True, False, ...]\n\nA:\n\nYou can optimize the performance in your pattern_match function:\ndef pattern_match(sequence, patterns):\n if len(sequence) == len(patterns):\n return all(item in my_set for item, my_set in zip(sequence, patterns))\n else:\n return False\n\nBy getting rid of the list comprehension we can stop checking once the first such check fails.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Indonesian police arrest 9 suspected Islamic militants\n\nJAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian counterterrorism police said they arrested nine suspected Islamic militants Tuesday, including an alleged bomb maker who eluded capture for five years.", "\n\nPolice spokesman Rikwanto said that Bakri Baroncong was believed to have made the explosives for a failed attempt to kill the governor of South Sulawesi province in 2012. ", "Bakri had avoided capture for more than five years and was tracked down at an Islamic boarding school in the province.", "\n\nFive suspected militants were arrested in Pekanbaru city in Sumatra and two others in Central Java province.", "\n\nThe ninth suspect, Hendrasti Wijanarko, was captured in East Java province. ", "He was linked to four militants convicted over a plot to bomb a guard-changing ceremony at the presidential palace in Jakarta.", "\n\nThey were part of a small extremist cell in Central Java's Solo city who took orders from Bahrun Naim, an Indonesian with the Islamic State group in Syria accused of orchestrating several attacks in Indonesia.", "\n\nIndonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation, has carried out a sustained crackdown on Islamic militants since the 2002 bombings on the tourist island of Bali killed 202 people, mostly foreigners.", "\n\nIslamic State group-inspired militants have not made a big impact with their attacks in Indonesia, but officials fear that could change if Indonesians who fought with IS in the Middle East return home." ]
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[ "The new email address shows that you will be sharing your alert limits with an organization you have selected.", "\nIf you continue with the change, all your current alerts will be deleted. ", "You may select \"Yes\" to continue to change the email address, else select \"No\".", "\nFor any questions, please call MSRB Support at 202-838-1330 or send an email to MSRBsupport@msrb.org.", "\n\nAbout EMMA\n\nContact Us\n\nIf you have a question about EMMA, municipal securities or the MSRB that is not answered by what you find on EMMA, send us your question using the form below. ", "We will make every effort to respond to your question as soon as possible.", "\n\nFor time sensitive issues call MSRB Support at 202-838-1330 or send an email to MSRBsupport@msrb.org.", "\n\nFirst NameLast NameEmailConfirm EmailPhone NumberRolePlease Specify\n\nAcademic:\nAn individual (faculty, staff or student) who uses EMMA (for non-commercial activities) in connection with conducting research in, or to support academic activities related to, the municipal securities market.", "\n\nBroker-Dealer:\nA professional who uses EMMA in connection with trading municipal securities for the account of a broker-dealer/municipal securities dealer, including a broker's broker, and/or selling and buying municipal securities to/from customers.", "\n\nData Vendor:\nA data vendor, information service provider or other professional that uses EMMA in connection with redistributing or repackaging, in whole or in part, MSRB data or services.", "\n\nInstitutional Investor:\nA professional investor (any person or entity with total assets of at least $50 million, including a bank, savings and loan association, insurance company, investment adviser, registered investment company or other pooled investment vehicle) who uses EMMA to obtain information about the municipal securities market.", "\n\nInvestor:\nAn individual who is not otherwise a professional user and that uses EMMA for his/her personal use to obtain knowledge about the municipal securities market.", "\n\nIssuer or Obligated Person:\nA representative of a state or local government entity, or a party having an obligation to make payments on municipal securities, who uses EMMA to manage or facilitate disclosure and/or payment obligations related to a municipal security.", "\n\nMedia:\nA professional who uses EMMA to obtain information on the municipal securities market in connection with researching or reporting news, or other journalistic activities.", "\n\nMunicipal Advisor:\nA professional who uses EMMA in connection with providing advice to or on behalf of a municipal entity or obligated person with respect to municipal financial products, including advice on the timing, structure and/or pricing of offerings, or in undertaking a solicitation of a municipal entity.", "\n\nOther Professional:\nA professional who uses EMMA in the conduct of its business not otherwise described above. ", "Examples include professionals at a non-broker-dealer alternative trading system, regulator, law firm or disclosure agent/submitter.", "\n\nSubject:Message\n\nYou may contact me to provide feedback on future EMMA® enhancements.", "\n\nInformation we receive about actual or potential violations of MSRB rules is referred to the appropriate enforcement authority." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0.021621621621621623, 0, 0.019417475728155338, 0.006896551724137931, 0.003968253968253968, 0.010582010582010581, 0.0029239766081871343, 0.005917159763313609, 0.0037313432835820895, 0.0056179775280898875, 0.0031645569620253164, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0.007751937984496124 ]
[ "Find Toyota Dealers in Canton, Michigan\n\nThe process of buying a new Toyota car or truck can seem overwhelming if you don't know where to begin. ", "Edmunds.com can get you started on the right track with a convenient directory of Toyota car dealerships in and around Canton, Michigan. ", "Compare online price quotes on the new or used car, truck, SUV, minivan, or wagon of your choice to locate the best deals. ", "Edmunds.com makes it easy to find trusted Toyota car dealers in Canton, saving car buyers time and money on what will be an important purchase.", "\n\nNon Display Review Name\n\"I had a great service from ERICK BROWER, General Sales Manager, Steve and Dusty salesperson, they are all professional and great respect for their cus\"... Read moreReview by: Kmtsam123\n\nNon Display Review Name\n\"Initially selected a Camry and Tacoma to lease. ", "After further review we decided the Tacoma needed a bigger engine and the Camry was not a good fit. ", "So\"... Read moreReview by: Zavala2016" ]
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[ "Introduction\n============\n\nA central and still unresolved debate with important therapeutic implications in the field of Alzheimer disease (AD) research revolves around the question of how mutations in presenilin (PSEN), the catalytic core of the γ-secretases ([@b68]), cause disease. ", "The γ-secretases are intramembrane cleaving protein complexes ([@b21]; [@b49]) responsible for the generation of amyloid β (Aβ) from the amyloid precursor protein (APP). ", "Aβ peptides of different lengths accumulate in amyloid plaques in the AD brain. ", "More than 150 familial Alzheimer disease (FAD) mutations have been mapped to the genes encoding *PSEN1* or *PSEN2* (<http://www.molgen.ua.ac.be/ADMutations>), pointing to a crucial role of the γ-secretase complexes in the disease. ", "Apart from PSEN, a mature and active γ-secretase complex consists of three additional subunits: Nicastrin (Nct), PSEN enhancer 2 (Pen-2), and either anterior pharynx 1 (APH-1) A or B (for a review, see [@b53]). ", "The γ-secretase complexes proteolyse type 1 transmembrane proteins, among them the APP, the Notch receptors and ligands, the Erb4 receptor and N-Cadherin ([@b55]).", "\n\nAs a rule, FAD PSEN mutations increase the relative amount of Aβ42 versus Aβ40 in *in vivo* and *in vitro* paradigms ([@b8]; [@b14]; [@b46]; [@b34]), which led to propose that PSEN mutations act via a toxic gain-of-function mechanism. ", "However, more refined analyses have made clear that the change in Aβ ratio does not necessarily reflect an increase in Aβ42 production, but can also be the consequence of a decrease in Aβ40 levels. ", "Actually, many mutations reduce one or both products of the γ-secretase in steady-state conditions ([@b50]; [@b3]; [@b47]; [@b48]; [@b22]). ", "These observations have led to an opposite hypothesis in which FAD mutations in PSEN cause dementia through a loss of function of γ-secretase, resulting in decreased proteolytic processing of different substrates and compromising intracellular signalling pathways ([@b47]; [@b27]). ", "In fact, the current model for γ-secretase successive proteolysis ([@b51]) may link a loss of function to misprocessing of APP and abnormal generation of Aβ ([@b11]; [@b64]). ", "However, the fact that less efficient proteolytic processing of APP may lead to alterations in the Aβ profile and AD is contraintuitive in the light of the classical amyloid hypothesis, which stresses the importance of quantitative accumulation of either total Aβ or Aβ42 ([@b20]). ", "Moreover, a recent report has shown that reduced γ-secretase activity does not increase the production (accumulation) of longer Aβ peptides ([@b41]).", "\n\nImportantly, the biophysical and biochemical properties of Aβ vary strongly with its length. ", "Longer Aβ42 has a much stronger tendency to aggregate than the shorter Aβ40 ([@b25]; [@b24]). ", "Furthermore, the relative ratio of Aβ40 to Aβ42 influences strongly the biological effects of the Aβ mixture *in vitro* and *in vivo*, even when total Aβ amounts are kept equal ([@b29]). ", "Whereas Aβ40 appears to act protectively in various toxicity assays ([@b57]; [@b28]), longer Aβ peptides promote aggregation and neurotoxicity ([@b32]). ", "In fact, it has been suggested that the ratio (Aβ42/Aβ40) is more important than the absolute amounts of Aβ42 ([@b52]). ", "Similar to Aβ42, Aβ43 is potently amyloidogenic and neurotoxic ([@b42]). ", "While it is commonly found in AD brains ([@b61]), its potential relevance in disease was only recently addressed ([@b42]). ", "Thus, qualitative changes in Aβ ([@b11]; [@b64]) are at least as important as the quantitative alterations proposed by the original amyloid hypothesis ([@b20]).", "\n\nIn contrast, the 'simple\\' loss-of-function hypothesis proposes that Aβ alterations are only an epiphenomenon of the *PSEN* mutations, and that inefficient cleavage of membrane proteins by γ-secretase complexes is the fundamental upstream cause of the neurodegenerative process ([@b47]; [@b27]). ", "This hypothesis finds support in (a) experimental results with *Psen* knockout mice ([@b45]), where progressive neurodegeneration occurs without Aβ deposition, and (b) in three case reports in which missense mutations in *PSEN* genes displayed neurodegenerative clinical phenotypes but no Aβ accumulation (discussed in [@b47]; [@b27]). ", "However, this last argument has been considerably weakened by follow-up studies showing that neurodegeneration was likely caused by a second mutation in the progranulin gene in one case ([@b7]), whereas in a second case abundant amyloid deposition in the frontal lobe appeared at autopsy (for further discussion, see [@b5]).", "\n\nOn the other hand, recent observations in patients suffering from familial acne inversa in China ([@b56]) and independently in Great Britain ([@b38]) raise doubts about the validity of the 'simple\\' γ-secretase loss-of-function hypothesis. ", "This condition appears to be associated with the haploinsufficiency of γ-secretase subunit genes (*Nicastrin*, *Pen2*) and most likely involves a deficiency in Notch cell signalling. ", "However, none of the acne-affected individuals had AD symptoms. ", "These observations indicate that reduced γ-secretase activity is not sufficient to cause AD, although further follow-up studies in these families are needed. ", "Alternative mechanisms for the loss-of-function hypothesis have been proposed over the years (for an overview, see [@b12]). ", "For instance, several reports indicate alterations in subcellular trafficking or turnover of selected membrane proteins ([@b62]; [@b15]) or defective acidification of phagolysosomal compartments associated with PSEN loss of function ([@b30]). ", "In addition, disturbances in cellular Ca^2+^ homeostasis by direct effects on the Ca^2+^ leakage function of PSEN ([@b66]) or indirect effects on Ca^2+^ signalling pathways (reviewed in [@b6]) have been associated to PSEN loss of function. ", "However, these hypotheses do not provide an explanation for the mutations in APP and also do not take into account that all tested FAD mutations affect the prime function of PSEN, which is proteolysis.", "\n\nFrom this brief overview it is clear that further in-depth investigation of the effects of clinical mutations on the function and structure of γ-secretase is required, especially given the relevance of such analysis for further drug development.", "\n\nAddressing this important question implies multidisciplinary approaches, in which deep structural and functional studies dissect the mechanisms of FAD mutations. ", "Solving the 3D-structure of the protease complex would allow studying how FAD mutations affect the structure, and possibly the function. ", "However, this is a huge challenge as important technical and experimental barriers need to be overcome. ", "On the other hand, dissecting γ-secretase activity by kinetic analysis can yield important mechanistic insights into how FAD mutants regulate enzyme function.", "\n\n*In vitro* reconstitution of γ-secretase activity has provided initial insights into the enzymatic mechanism. ", "Ihara and co-workers have provided compelling evidence for sequential processing of substrates by γ-secretase ([@b44]; [@b40]; [@b26]; [@b65]). ", "The most direct evidence was the identification of particular tri- and tetra-peptides generated from the APP-CTF stub by the γ-secretase ([@b51]). ", "Their model proposes that APP can be sequentially cut along two production lines: Aβ49\\>Aβ46\\>Aβ43\\>Aβ40 and Aβ48\\>Aβ45\\>Aβ42\\>Aβ38 ([Figure 1A](#f1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Accordingly, the endoproteolytic activity (first ɛ-cleavage) releases the APP intracellular domain (AICD) and Aβ48 or Aβ49. ", "These long Aβs are then shortened by consecutive carboxypeptidase-like γ-cleavages, which progressively decrease Aβ hydrophobicity and increase the probability of its release into the extracellular environment. ", "In agreement, it has been shown that the endoproteolytic cleavage site determines the product line preference of the γ-secretase *in vivo* ([@b18]), and therefore the series of Aβ products. ", "Also, presenilinase cleavage (the autocatalytic activation of PSEN) results in the generation of tripeptides in accordance with this model ([@b17]). ", "The ɛ-cleavage in the APP substrate is analogous to the Notch S3 cleavage site ([@b43]; [@b60]) and most likely other γ-secretase substrates are processed in similar ways.", "\n\nIn the current study, we used a cell-free assay to analyse how clinical mutations in *PSEN1*, *PSEN2* and *APP* affect the activity of the γ-secretase complex. ", "Dissection of the different activities of the γ-secretase complex allowed us to reach a coherent explanation for the effects of the tested FAD mutations. ", "We coupled kinetic studies of the endopeptidase activity to the analysis of the carboxypeptidase-like cleavage to show that FAD mutations have widely variable effects on the efficiency of the first cleavage, which releases the intracellular signalling domains of substrates. ", "This observation rules out an impairment in the endopeptidase (ɛ) mechanism as necessary for the pathological effect of FAD mutations. ", "In contrast, all FAD PSEN and APP mutations alter the processing of APP, regulating the generation of Aβ by three different mechanisms.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nFAD--PS1 mutations do not consistently impair the endopeptidase activity of the γ-secretase\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nWe analysed the effects of FAD mutations PSEN1-Y115H, -M139V, -L166P, -I213T, -G384A and delta-exon9 (DE9) on the kinetic constants of the ɛ-cleavage of APP, Notch, ErB4 and *N*-Cadherin substrates. ", "The selected mutations are spread throughout the PSEN1 primary sequence ([Figure 1B](#f1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Importantly, blockage by the transition state analogue L-685,458 (TSA, InhX) demonstrated the specificity of the assays ([Supplementary Figure 1A](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "To determine the kinetic constants of wt and FAD γ-secretase complexes, we used CHAPSO-extracted membranes from *Psen1/2*^*−/−*^, rescued with wt or FAD-mutant *PSEN1* as source of enzyme ([Figure 1C](#f1){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and purified APP C99--3XFlag, Notch--3XFlag, Erb4--3XFlag or N-Cadherin--3XFlag as substrates.", "\n\nThe kinetic data fit the Michaelis--Menten reaction curves ([Figure 1D and F](#f1){ref-type=\"fig\"}), and Km (affinity constant) as well as *V*~max~ (maximal velocity) were determined ([Table I](#t1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Since γ-secretase activities are normalized to enzyme levels, *V*~max~ can be taken as *k*~cat~ and enzymatic efficiencies calculated as *k*~cat~/Km. ", "The results reveal diverse effects of the *FAD--PSEN1* mutations on this important kinetic parameter. ", "Y115H, L166P and G384A mutants decrease γ-secretase efficiencies by 75% for both APP and Notch, while I213T and DE9 only affect APP, and M139V does not show any effect on the ɛ-cleavage ([Figure 1E](#f1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Moreover, FAD--*PSEN1* mutations that do not affect Notch endoproteolysis do not impair ErB4 cleavage either, while only the M139V significantly increases the processing of N-Cadherin ([Figure 1G](#f1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Thus, the tested *FAD--PSEN1* mutations have no consistent inhibitory effect on the endoproteolytic cleavage of γ-secretase substrates, indicating that reduced release of intracellular domains and signalling cannot explain their AD-causing effects.", "\n\n*FAD--PSEN* mutations impair the fourth γ-secretase cleavage in both product lines\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nNext, we asked whether *FAD--PSEN1* mutations lead to APP misprocessing at the γ-cleavage sites. ", "We use Ihara\\'s model (see Introduction) for further description of our work since it explains very well our observations. ", "Kinetic analysis of the carboxypeptidase-like activity is challenging to perform since controlling substrate concentrations, that is, the intermediary Aβ products, is experimentally not possible yet. ", "Nevertheless, we measured two γ-products in each production line: Aβ43, Aβ42, Aβ40 and Aβ38 ([Figure 1A](#f1){ref-type=\"fig\"}) at saturating APP-substrate concentration. ", "Thus, substrates (Aβ43 and Aβ42) and products (Aβ40 and Aβ38) of the fourth γ-secretase cleavage in both pathways are analysed and provide a relative number for the γ-cleavage efficiency. ", "Importantly, as some of the clinical mutants affect the ɛ-cleavage, we normalized the Aβ product levels (Aβ38, Aβ40, Aβ42 or Aβ43) towards total AICD ([Figure 2A and B](#f2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "AICD reflects the total initial Aβ substrate (Aβ49+Aβ48) produced and processed in each reaction. ", "Low Aβ40 and Aβ38 levels and high, long Aβ levels (\\>Aβ42) are found in all the FAD-linked mutations tested, including the M139V, which does not affect the ɛ-efficiency. ", "Interestingly, the M139V mutation affects the processing of APP only at the level of Aβ, indicating that endo- and carboxypeptidase-like activities of the γ-secretase can be dissociated.", "\n\nTotal 'secreted\\' Aβ, defined as the sum of Aβ38, Aβ40, Aβ42 and Aβ43, decreases significantly in the Y115H, L166P, DE9 and G384A mutations ([Figure 2B](#f2){ref-type=\"fig\"}), implying the concomitant accumulation of longer Aβ precursors generated in cycles 2 and 3. ", "Qualitative analysis of the Aβ profiles in urea-based SDS--PAGE confirmed this observation ([Figure 2C](#f2){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Supplementary Figure 2B](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "We finally determine product/substrate ratios for the fourth enzymatic turnover (Aβ38/Aβ42 and Aβ40/Aβ43) ([Figure 2D](#f2){ref-type=\"fig\"}), which demonstrates that the *FAD--PSEN1* mutations investigated here dramatically impair the fourth γ-secretase cleavage in both product lines. ", "Our data imply that *FAD--PSEN1* mutations cause AD by qualitative shifts in Aβ profiles and not by general loss of function of the enzyme complex ([@b47]; [@b64]). ", "The dysfunction at the carboxypeptidase-like activity of the complex not only explains the widely documented increase of the Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio, but also suggests a pathological relevance of an increase in Aβ43, which has been reported recently *in vivo* with the *PSEN--R278I* ([@b42]).", "\n\nIn order to confirm our *in vitro* data, mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) derived from *Psen1/2*^*−/−*^ mice ([@b23]) rescued with human *WT--* or *FAD--PSEN1* mutants were transiently transduced with APPsw. ", "Secreted Aβ levels (sAβ) were quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). [", "Figure 2E](#f2){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows drastic reductions in the Aβ38/Aβ42 and Aβ40/Aβ43 ratios for all FAD--*PSEN1* mutations, confirming that the fourth enzymatic turnover of the γ-secretase is actually impaired in cells (native γ-secretase conditions). ", "To investigate whether *FAD--PSEN2* mutations also affect the fourth enzymatic turnover of the γ-secretase, we performed kinetic analyses with human *WT--PSEN2* or *FAD N141I--PSEN2* mutant. ", "The effect of the mutation on the endopeptidase efficiency of the γ-secretase complex does not reach statistical significance ([Figure 3A](#f3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) (mean±s.e.: ", "100±39.9, *n*=4 or 46.6±3.9, *n*=3 for *WT--* or *FAD N141I--PSEN2*, respectively, two-tailed *t*-test, *P*=0.3). ", "Although we cannot discard that this difference is biologically meaningful, the effect on the fourth catalytic cycle is unequivocal. ", "In particular, the Aβ40 product was decreased to undetectable levels ([Figure 3B](#f3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Similar to the mutations in *PSEN1*, the N141I*--PSEN2* reduces the Aβ38/Aβ42 and Aβ40/Aβ43 ratios ([Figure 3C](#f3){ref-type=\"fig\"}), confirming an impairment in the carboxypeptidase-like activity.", "\n\nSince high Aβ43 and Aβ42 (substrates in this cycle) accumulate *in vitro* or are released *in vivo*, we speculate that *FAD--PSEN* mutations promote a premature release of the Aβ43/Aβ42 peptides.", "\n\n*FAD--APP* mutations change the product line preference of the γ-secretase\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nWe then asked whether similar mechanisms could explain the effect of mutations in the APP substrate. ", "The tested mutations are located close to the γ-secretase cleavage site, that is, T43I, V44A, I45T, V46F and V46I ([Figure 4A](#f4){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and all produce wild-type Aβ38, Aβ40, Aβ42 and Aβ43 peptides, except for the T43I mutation. ", "Kinetic analyses of the ɛ-cleavage show that APP-T43I, V44A and -I45T mutants produce less AICD per mol mutant APP compared to wt substrate, while the other mutations do not affect the ɛ-enzymatic efficiency ([Figure 4B and C](#f4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In order to analyse accurately the Aβ profiles from wt and FAD substrates, Aβ levels were normalized to the amount of AICD generated in the reaction. ", "FAD Aβ levels, corrected for the initial amounts of substrates, were then plotted as a percentage of the wt enzyme ([Figure 4D](#f4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Importantly, and in contrast to FAD--*PSEN*, all the tested *APP* mutations do not affect Aβ38/Aβ42 or Aβ40/Aβ43 ratios ([Figure 4E](#f4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The I45T mutant is the exception, showing increased Aβ38/Aβ42 ratio, which would be consistent with an impairment in the processing of Aβ45 (mutant peptide) to Aβ42. ", "However, FAD--*APP* mutations result in high Aβ40/Aβ38 compared to wt *APP* ([Figure 4F](#f4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Thus, all investigated mutations change the product line preference by shifting APP processing towards the Aβ38 production line. ", "The APP-V44A and -I45T substrates in particular show an additional accumulation of longer Aβ precursors (generated in cycles 2 and 3), as deduced from soluble Aβ in [Figure 4D](#f4){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "The change in the product line can be explained if these APP mutations shift the position of the ɛ-cleavage to generate more Aβ48, the initial substrate in the Aβ38 production line. ", "A neo-epitope antibody against AICD~50--99~ (characterized in [Supplementary Figure 3](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}) was generated, and allowed us to confirm the product line preference ([Figure 5A and B](#f5){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n[Figure 5C](#f5){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows that the *FAD--APP* mutations consistently shift the position of the ɛ-cleavage towards AICD~49--99~, promoting the Aβ38 product line, and therefore causing increments in the Aβ42 and Aβ38 products. ", "Importantly, HEK cells transiently transfected with FAD-mutant C99 substrates increase the Aβ42 and Aβ38 levels in the extracellular medium while decreasing Aβ40, compared to control (wt C99) ([Supplementary Figure 4](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). [", "Figure 4G](#f4){ref-type=\"fig\"} actually shows that *FAD--APP* mutations change the product line preference (Aβ40/Aβ38 ratio), but do not alter the fourth enzymatic turnover (Aβ38/Aβ42 ratio). ", "Similar results were obtained from primary neuronal cultures transiently expressing wt-, -I45T- or V46F-APP ([Figure 4H](#f4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "These results indicate that our observations in the cell-free assay can be extrapolated to the *in vivo* situation. ", "The *FAD--APP* data imply that promoting the Aβ38 production line is pathogenic.", "\n\nIt has been shown that small changes in the composition of Aβ mixes affect critically their aggregation kinetics and toxic effects ([@b29]), for example, a minor increase in the Aβ42:Aβ40 ratio stabilizes toxic oligomeric species. ", "Since *APP--FAD* mutations increase both Aβ42 and Aβ38, we asked whether Aβ38 could have similar biophysical attributes as Aβ40, and therefore could alleviate the potential toxic effects associated to Aβ42. ", "However, and in contrast to Aβ40, Aβ38 has a predicted higher tendency to aggregate (<http://www.tango.crg.es>) ([@b16]). ", "To validate this prediction, Aβ-aggregation assays were performed using thioflavine T fluorescence as readout. ", "We compared the behaviours of Aβ40 and Aβ38 peptides by analysing the aggregation properties of the Aβ42:Aβ40 (1:9) and Aβ42:Aβ38 (1:9) mixes. ", "In contrast to Aβ40, Aβ38 drives aggregation of Aβ mixes to higher extents ([Supplementary Figure 5A](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "We then compared the effects of different Aβ peptides on spontaneous synaptic transmission in the primary mouse hippocampal neurons. ", "Our results show that Aβ38, similar to Aβ42 and Aβ43, but to a lesser extent, elicits acute synaptotoxicity ([Supplementary Figure 5B](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Although further work is needed to investigate the effects of Aβ38 *in vivo*, these data confirm that individual Aβ peptides have widely divergent biophysical and biochemical properties.", "\n\nEffects of inhibitors and modulators on the γ-secretase activity\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\nOur data indicate that various mechanisms affecting the Aβ spectrum generated by γ-secretase are responsible for the pathogenic effects of the FAD mutations. ", "Therefore, we asked to what extent γ-secretase inhibitors (GSI) and modulators (GSM) that were tested in clinical trial or are under development ([@b13]) affected the different parameters discussed above. ", "To evaluate γ-secretase inhibition under equal kinetic conditions, we took advantage of the *in vitro* system and performed activity assays at 1 × Km substrate concentrations for APP C99 or Notch substrates (0.4 and 1.1 μM, respectively). ", "Under these conditions, the GSI semagacestat (LY-450139), begacestat (Notch sparing GSI) and avagacestat (Notch sparing GSI) efficiently inhibit Aβ generation in the two production lines ([Supplementary Figure 6](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "However, semagacestat, which failed in phase III trial (<https://www.investor.lilly.com/releasedetail2.cfm?releaseid=592438>) because of cognition and skin problems, is more selective for Notch than for APP (AICD IC~50~=257.8 nM and Notch intracellular domain (NICD) IC~50~=24.62 nM (95% confidence interval (CI): 190.2--349.5 nM for APP and 15.74--38.51 nM for Notch, *n*=5), whereas the transition state inhibitor L-685,458 affects both substrates to an equal extent ([Figures 6A and B](#f6){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Surprisingly, and in contrast to previous claims ([@b31]; [@b19]), the selectivity of both of the 'Notch sparing\\' GSI is not significantly different for APP and Notch substrates (Begacestat: AICD IC~50~=61.71 nM and NICD IC~50~=138.4 nM (95% CI: 24.77--153.7 nM for AICD and 73.29--261.3 for NICD, *n*=3) and BMS708163: AICD IC~50~=6.82 nM and NICD IC~50~=20.03 nM (95% CI: 4.06--11.46 nM for AICD and 7.76--51.7 nM for NICD, *n*=3)) ([Figure 6C and D](#f6){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nRecently, γ-secretase modulators (GSM) have been evaluated as an alternative to GSI ([@b59]). ", "GSM lower Aβ42 and increase Aβ38, but the precise mechanism of action has not been elucidated. ", "One NSAID and two arylimidazole-derived GSM (Oehlrich *et al*, 2010) (E-2012 and a close analogue) did not affect the endopeptidase activity ([Figure 6E](#f6){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Supplementary Figure 7A](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}) but, as expected, reduced Aβ42 and increased Aβ38. ", "Analysis of the product/substrate ratios for the fourth enzymatic turnover shows that these drugs increase specifically this cycle ([Figure 6F](#f6){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Supplementary Figure 7B](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}) and act, therefore, in the opposite way to the clinical FAD--PSEN mutations. ", "The Aβ ratios indicated that the GSM evaluated in this study act mainly on the fourth cycle of the Aβ38 production line. ", "In fact, our data show them as activators of the γ-secretase (GSA). ", "Taking into account the changes in the FAD--APP Aβ profiles and the possibility that Aβ38 may be part of the pathogenic mechanism, it is crucial to evaluate to what extent the differential effects of the GSA on the Aβ production lines are problematic.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nThis study settles several issues that have been heavily debated in the literature. ", "Dissection of the different activities of the γ-secretase complex allowed us to characterize the mechanisms that are regulated in a consistent fashion by FAD mutations in PSEN and APP. ", "Previous reports have employed steady-state analyses to evaluate the effect of these mutations on the γ-secretase. ", "In general, these studies have employed transfected cells to measure, in culture or *in vitro*, changes in secreted product levels or follow the intracellular generation of ICD products by coupling it to reporter systems. ", "Although these approaches are informative, they do not truly reflect the kinetic features of the mutated γ-secretase complexes or APP substrates. ", "For instance, substrate concentration and accessibility is not controlled in such assays.", "\n\nBy analysing the catalytic efficiency of the γ-secretase complex (wt or mutated) in an *in vitro* assay, with both enzyme and substrate in solution, we find here that mutations in PSEN1 and PSEN2 affect γ-secretase at three levels. ", "We see (1) a variable inhibitory effect at the initial endoproteolytic ɛ-cleavage step, which releases the intracellular domains of substrates such as APP, Notch, Erb4 and N-Cadherin. (", "2) A consistent effect on the consecutive carboxypeptidase-like γ-cleavage with all PSEN mutations causing a 'premature\\' release of (intermediary) substrates/products, explaining why longer Aβ is generated by these mutants. ", "Interestingly, our data suggest that both Aβ42/Aβ38 and Aβ43/Aβ40 ratio increments are pathologically relevant. (", "3) Additionally, some of the mutations in PSEN and all mutations investigated here in the APP sequence (selected for their close position to the γ-cleavage site in APP) affect the initial position of the ɛ-site, that is, whether γ-secretase cleaves preferentially at position 49--50 or 51--50 in the APP sequence. ", "While these three mechanisms explain for the first time the abundantly documented increase in Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio associated with all FAD mutations, they also provide a set of entirely novel insights, as we discuss in the following paragraphs.", "\n\nOur study gives definite numbers on the catalytic efficiency of the γ-secretase complex at the ɛ-site and unequivocally shows that 'loss of function\\'---lower catalytic efficiency---is not consistent across the FAD mutations tested. ", "In this regard, we wish to draw attention to the fact that point mutations in PSEN might affect protein stability, and therefore solubilization of 'less stable\\' FAD γ-secretase complexes might result in an accentuated 'loss of function\\'. ", "Thus, we cannot exclude that the enzymatic efficiencies of particular FAD complexes (less stable) are underestimated in the conditions used in the current work, which would even strengthen our conclusion that 'loss of function\\' is not necessary for the FAD pathogenic mechanism. ", "Taking all into consideration, our results indeed rule out the possibility that loss of intracellular signalling is necessary and sufficient to cause AD, as postulated by the 'simple\\' loss-of-function hypothesis. ", "Interestingly, the effects at the ɛ-cleavage site are also variable for different substrates tested (Km values for APP, Notch, Erb4 and N-Cadherin, [Table I](#t1){ref-type=\"table\"}), suggesting that some of the clinical mutations affect the substrate specificity mechanism. ", "This is in particular clear for the M139V and DE9 mutations. ", "DE9 removes part of the hydrophobic domain VII (HDVII) of PSEN1, which is located in the active site of the γ-secretase ([@b54]), while the M139 residue is located in the second transmembrane domain of PSEN, which contributes to the formation of the initial substrate-binding site ([@b58]). ", "On the contrary, our results show that the L166P mutation affects the catalytic rate of the enzyme but does not change the substrate specificity of the complex, explaining why steady-state levels of NICD and AICD products *in vivo* are equally affected by different amino-acid substitutions in the position 166 ([@b33]).", "\n\nWe analysed in considerable detail the effects of FAD--PSEN1 and FAD--PSEN2 mutations on the γ-secretase (carboxypeptidase-like) mechanism that follows the initial ɛ-endoproteolytic cleavage of the APP substrate. ", "We find that FAD--PSEN mutations impair dramatically the fourth turnover in both Aβ49\\>Aβ40 and Aβ48\\>Aβ38 product lines, resulting in decreased Aβ40/Aβ43 and Aβ38/Aβ42 ratios. ", "Our data therefore give a mechanistic explanation for the decrease in short Aβs (\\<40) reported in the cerebrospinal fluid of carriers of PSEN-A431E10 ([@b39]) or the alterations in the lengths of Aβ peptides produced *in vitro* by FAD--PSEN-containing complexes ([@b35]). ", "Moreover, biophysical observations have shown that FAD--PSEN mutations alter the conformation of the γ-secretase complex ([@b4]). ", "Based on our biochemical data we propose that changes in the active site of FAD--PSEN mutations promote the premature release of the Aβ43 or the Aβ42 peptides from the γ-secretase complexes.", "\n\nA third mechanism by which FAD--APP mutations act in particular is the shift in the initial ɛ-cleavage site resulting in an increased Aβ48\\>Aβ38. ", "Likely, the product preference results from differential docking modes of the APP substrate into the active site. ", "We confirmed the shift towards Aβ48\\>Aβ38 in living cells expressing wt or mutant APP substrates. ", "This result corroborates our claim that the product line preference is an intrinsic property of the γ-secretase complex that remains unaltered in our cell-free assay. ", "Interestingly, this shift in initial docking and production lines is also observed in four of the six PSEN1 mutants ([Figure 5C and D](#f5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The fact that some FAD--PSEN1 mutations combine these two mechanisms (impaired fourth cycle and change in the product line preference) explains the direct and indirect correlations between Aβ38 and Aβ42 levels reported in the past ([@b10]; [@b37]).", "\n\nOur study thus demonstrates that FAD mutations cause qualitative changes in the Aβ profiles by various mechanisms ([@b3]; [@b11]), and that decreased release of intracellular domains ([@b27]) is not an essential part of the AD pathogenic mechanism. ", "Nevertheless, as indicated above, the most aggressive PSEN1 mutations, for example, the L166P, negatively impact the endopeptidase activity as well, and therefore it is not unlikely that 'partial loss\\' of γ-secretase function at Notch or other γ-secretase substrates acts as an aggravating factor in FAD.", "\n\nMoreover, our Aβ product profiles evidence the generation of longer Aβ peptides (\\>Aβ43) by the most aggressive FAD complexes. ", "However, whether particular changes in the FAD Aβ profiles can be correlated to the age of onset is an interesting but unaddressed question.", "\n\nIn a final series of experiments, we have also assessed to what extent different γ-secretase-directed drugs such as GSI and GSM affect the three mechanisms identified in the current work. ", "When investigating the transition state analogue L-685,458 (InhX), semagacestat, and the Notch-sparing begacestat and avagacestat, we found that the four compounds lowered all γ-cleavages to a similar extent and did not change the Aβ ratios. ", "However, when we assayed the effects of these GSI on Notch processing, which is considered to be the major liability of GSI, we surprisingly found that semagacestat was more effective in inhibiting Notch than APP. ", "This is particularly significant when considering that a phase III clinical trial with semagacestat was interrupted last year because of severe side effects including worsened cognition and increased incidence of skin cancer. ", "Similarly, the Notch-sparing compounds begacestat and avagacestat did not show significant higher selectivity for APP compared to the Notch substrate in our assay. ", "These data raise serious concerns about the interpretation of inhibitory studies that relied on cellular or *in vivo* data, which in general do not allow direct quantitative comparisons as done with our assay. ", "Importantly, our data do not discard the selective inhibition of APP at the ɛ-cleavage as a plausible strategy for drug development, but basically indicates that the approaches that have been used to reach this aim need to be revisited.", "\n\nWe also tested GSMs and found that all three candidates keep full functionality at the endopeptidase cleavage and regulate the carboxypeptidase-like activity by activating the fourth cycle of the γ-secretase, resulting in an increased processing of the aggregation-prone Aβs towards shorter Aβ peptides. ", "Our data, however, suggest some caution with this strategy as the tested compounds differentially affect the Aβ48\\>Aβ38 versus the Aβ49\\>Aβ40 pathway. ", "The relative increase of Aβ38 observed with all compounds needs further scrutiny, as APP clinical mutations also promote this production line and our initial data provided here ([Supplementary Figure 5](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}) suggest that Aβ38 is less benign than Aβ40 with regard to its interaction with Aβ42. ", "However, further research is needed to evaluate whether the weak (but significant) effects we see with Aβ38 translate into an increased toxicity *in vivo*.", "\n\nIn conclusion, our work provides an important step forward towards the understanding of the mechanisms by which FAD mutations in *PSEN* and *APP* cause AD. ", "Our findings support strongly the hypothesis that although these mutations affect γ-secretase in various ways, they all lead to qualitative shifts in the Aβ profiles, which provides a common denominator for the pathogenic effect of all FAD mutations.", "\n\nMaterials and methods\n=====================\n\nAntibodies\n----------\n\nRabbit polyclonal antibodies human PSEN1--NTF (B19.3), PSEN2--CTF (B24), APH-1a (B80.3), PEN-2 (B126.1) and APP C-terminus (B63.3) and monoclonal 9C3 against Nicastrin have been described ([@b1]; [@b15]). ", "Rabbit monoclonal neo-epitope AICD was obtained from Lilly Company. ", "Other antibodies purchased were as follows: anti-FLAG M2 from Sigma, goat-anti-mouse IRDye800 from Rockland, goat-anti-rabbit Alexa680 from Invitrogen, 82E1 from Demeditec Diagnostics, MAB5232 and MAB1563 against PSEN1--CTF and human PSEN1--NTF from Chemicon, biotinylated anti-mouse IgG from Vector laboratories, streptavidin-HRP from GE Healthcare and 1E8 from Nanotools, Teningen, Germany. ", "ELISA capturing antibodies purchased were as follows: JRF AB038 for Aβ1-38 from Janssen; JRF/cAb40/28 for Aβ1-40 from Janssen; JRF/cAb42/26 for Aβ1-42 from Janssen; and Aβ1-43 from Signet Labs Inc.. Detection antibody was obtained from Jansen; huAB25-HRPO ([@b67]).", "\n\nGSI and GSM\n-----------\n\nL-685,458 (Inhibitor X) was purchased from Calbiochem. ", "Begacestat and the GSMs were synthesized according to the procedures reported in either primary publications or patents. ", "GSM 1 was synthesized according to WO2006043064, GSM 2 (E-2012) according to WO2006112552 and WO2006046575, and GSM 3 according to WO2005115990. ", "LY-450139 (semagacestat) and BMS-708163 (avagacestat) were obtained from Haoyuan Chemexpress Co. Limited, Shanghai.", "\n\nCell culture\n------------\n\n*Psen1/Psen2*-deficient (^−/−^) MEF (Psen1/2^−/−^ mEF) ([@b23]) were cultured in Dulbecco\\'s modified Eagle\\'s medium/F-12 containing 10% fetal bovine serum. ", "Psen1/2^−/−^ mEF rescued with wt (human) *PSEN1* or L166P, G384A and DE9 as well as wt (human) *PSEN2* or N141I were reported before [@b3]. ", "The Y115H, M139V and I213T FAD--*PSEN1* cell lines were generated accordingly. ", "mEF--*PSEN1* cell lines were transduced with a recombinant adenovirus Ad5/CMV-APP bearing human APP-swe, as previously described ([@b9]). ", "Neuronal cultures derived from E14 embryos and Semiliki Forest virus transfection procedures have been described previously ([@b2]). ", "Semliki Forest viruses (SFV) were produced as described ([@b2]). ", "Briefly, brains from E14 embryos were trypsinized and plated on 6-cm dishes (Nunc) precoated with poly-[L]{.smallcaps}-lysine (Sigma--Aldrich). ", "Cultures were maintained in neurobasal medium (Gibco) supplemented with B27 (GibcoBRL) and 5 mM cytosine arabinoside to prevent glial cell prolification. ", "After 3 days, neurons were transduced with SFV expressing wt or FAD mutant APP. ", "After 1 and 3 h, post-infection media were refreshed. ", "After 24 h, sAβ were analysed by ELISA.", "\n\nExpression and purification of substrates-3xFLAG\n------------------------------------------------\n\nSubstrate purification was performed as previously described ([@b9]). ", "Notch-, ErB4- and N-Cadherin-based substrates were designed to be similar in size to the APP substrate (C99--3XFLAG). ", "Purity was assessed by SDS--PAGE and Coomassie staining (GelCode reagent, Pierce).", "\n\n*In vitro* activity assays using solubilized γ-secretase\n--------------------------------------------------------\n\n*In vitro* activity assays were done as previously described ([@b9]), with minor modifications. ", "MEF\\'s microsomal fractions were prepared in 50 mM citric acid, pH 6.7, 0.25 M sucrose, 1 mM EGTA, complete PI and 1% CHAPSO. *", "In vitro* reactions were carried out in 50 mM citric acid, pH 6.7, 0.25 M sucrose, 1 mM EGTA, 1 × EDTA-free complete proteinase inhibitors (Roche), 2.5% DMSO and 0.05% phosphatidylcholine. ", "Reactions were incubated for 4 h at 37 °C unless otherwise mentioned.", "\n\nLipids and substrates were extracted by adding 1 volume chloroform/methanol (2:1, v/v). ", "Then, the aqueous fraction (ICD products) was taken and subjected to SDS--PAGE and quantitative western immunoblot. ", "Known amounts of C99-3XFLAG were included as standards for absolute quantifications. ", "ICD-3XFLAG and standards were determined with the anti-FLAG M2 and goat-anti-mouse IR800 antibodies, whereas the AICD~50--99~ product was determined with a neo-epitope mAb and a goat-anti-rabbit Alexa680 secondary antibody. ", "Infrared signals were detected using the Odyssey Infrared Imaging System.", "\n\nCalculation of kinetics constants\n---------------------------------\n\nKinetic constants were estimated by nonlinear curve-fitting using GraphPad Prism 4 software. ", "The equation *V*=(*V*~max~ × \\[*S*\\])/(Km+\\[*S*\\]) was used to calculate apparent Km and *V*~max~ values for the different enzymes, where *V* was experimentally determined using a range of substrate concentrations \\[*S*\\]. ", "γ-Secretase activities were normalized to PSEN--CTF fragment levels or full-length PS1 levels for the DE9 mutant.", "\n\nQuantification of soluble Aβ using sandwich ELISA\n-------------------------------------------------\n\nNinety-six-well plates (NUNC) were coated with 1.5 μg/ml Aβ capture antibody, excepting Aβ43-ab coated at 7.5 μg/ml, in a final volume of 50 μl buffer (10 mMTris HCl, 10 mM NaCl, 10 mM NaN~3~, pH 8.5). ", "After overnight incubation at 4 °C, the plates were rinsed with PBS+0.05% Tween 20 and blocked with 100 μl per well of casein buffer (1 g casein in 1 l 1 × PBS, pH7.4) for 4 h at room temperature. ", "Samples and standards (synthetic human Aβ1-38, Aβ1-40, Aβ1-42 or Aβ1-43 peptides) were diluted in casein buffer. ", "After overnight incubation at 4 °C, plates were rinsed and developed using 50 μl per well of 100 mM NaAC pH 4.9/TMB (Sigma)/H~2~O~2~. Reactions were stopped with 50 μl per well of 2 N H~2~SO~4~ and read on a Perkin Elmer Envision 2103 multilabel reader at 450 nm.", "\n\nUrea gels\n---------\n\nAβ-peptides were analysed by a modified version of the urea-based SDS--PAGE (10% T/5% C instead of 12%T/5% C polyacrylamide and 0.075 M instead of 0.1 M H~2~SO4 in the separation gel) ([@b63]). ", "Western immunoblot was done using 1E8, amplifying the signal with biotinylated anti-mouse IgG and streptavidin-HRP. ", "Signals were detected using ECL chemiluminescence with an Intas Imager (Intas, Göttingen, Germany).", "\n\nSupplementary Material {#S1}\n======================\n\n###### Supplementary Data\n\n###### Supplementary Figures 1 to 7\n\n###### Review Process File\n\nThis work was funded by the Fund for Scientific Research, Flanders; the KULeuven; a Methusalem grant from the KULeuven and the Flemisch Government; the Foundation for Alzheimer Research (SAO/FRMA); the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Program of the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office; and the grant PURE (Protein Research Unit Ruhr within Europe) from the State Government North Rhine-Westphalia (JW and HE). ", "BDS is supported by the Arthur Bax and Anna Vanluffelen chair for Alzheimer\\'s disease. ", "We thank Pat May and Philip Skezeres (Lilly, Indianapolis) for providing us with the AICD neo-epitope antibody, IMEC for access to MEA technology and Michel Vande Kerckhove for helpful discussions.", "\n\n*Author contributions*: LC-G and BDS designed the study and wrote the manuscript. ", "LB and LZ contributed to the analysis of FAD--APP mutations. ", "AV, IB, JS, FR and KBcontributed to Aβ aggregation assays and characterized the synaptotoxicity of Aβ peptides on primary neurons. ", "MBo, MBe, SL and LS provided their technical and experimental assistance. ", "SVC contributed to the experimental analysis of FAD--PSEN mutations. ", "HE and JW characterized the Aβ profiles of FAD--PSEN mutants in urea-based gels. ", "HG and EK synthesized and provided the GSI and GSM. ", "All authors have read the manuscript and provided the input.", "\n\nHarrie Gijsen is an employee of Janssen Pharmaceutica. ", "Bart de Strooper is a consultant for Janssen Pharmaceutica, Envivo Pharmaceutics and Remynd and is supported by research grants from Janssen Pharmaceutics.", "\n\n![", "FAD--*PSEN1* mutations do not consistently decrease the enzymatic efficiency of the endopeptidase cleavage. (**", "A**, **B**) Schematic overviews of APP processing and location of FAD--PSEN1 mutations used in the current study. (**", "C**) Expression levels of Nct, PSEN1--NTF, PSEN1--CTF and Pen-2 in Psen1/2^−/−^ mEFs transduced with human wt or FAD--*PSEN1* mutants using a replication-defective recombinant retroviral expression system (Clontech) and selected with puromycin (5 μg/ml). ", "Western blotting and densitometric analysis of the CHAPSO-solubilized membrane proteins from the different PSEN1 cell lines indicate that wt and mutant PSEN1 rescued γ-secretase complex to similar extents. ", "In order to determine specific activities for the wt or FAD complexes, γ-secretase activities were normalized to PSEN CTF fragment levels or full-length PS1 levels for the DE9 mutant. (**", "D**) Kinetic curves for wt and PS1--FAD mutants using purified APP-C99-3XFLAG or Notch-3XFLAG substrates (mean±s.e.) ", "or (**F**) ErB4-3XFLAG and N-Cadherin-3XFLAG substrates (mean±s.d.). ", "Detergent-extracted membranes were incubated in 0.25% CHAPSO reaction buffer with varying concentrations of purified substrate for 4 h at 37 °C. *", "In vitro* generated ICD-3XFLAG were analysed by quantitative western blot analysis (see Materials and methods). (**", "E**) FAD--*PSEN1* ɛ-enzymatic efficiencies for APP-C99 and Notch substrates (mean±s.e.). ", "Enzymatic efficiencies unequivocally demonstrate that loss of function at the ɛ-cleavage is not a constant among *PSEN1* mutations. (**", "G**) FAD--*PSEN1* mutations that did not affect the generation of NICD did not change significantly the processing of ErB4 (mean±s.d.) ", "either. ", "In contrast, *N*-Cadherin processing was significantly upregulated by the M139V (mean±s.d.). (**", "E**, **G**) Experiments were repeated 3--5 times. ", "Statistical significance of the data was tested with one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Dunnett\\'s post test, taking the corresponding WT efficiency as control group, \\**P*\\<0.05.](emboj201279f1){#f1}\n\n![", "FAD--*PSEN1* mutations impair the fourth enzymatic turnover. ", "AICD levels (moles per min) generated by the wt or FAD mutant complexes (**A**) were used to normalize Aβ products (moles per min) in order to determine accurately Aβ generation relative to C99 substrate. ", "Aβ profiles (**B**) thus represent Aβ products corrected for the initial endoprotease activities, plotted as percentage of the wt Aβ products (mean±s.e.). ", "Soluble Aβ (sum of Aβ38, Aβ40, Aβ42 and Aβ43 peptides) gives information about the efficiency of the γ-cleavages: lower levels (\\<100%, grey box) suggest that longer peptides (\\>Aβ43) accumulate in the reactions. (**", "C**) In agreement with the ELISA quantifications, total Aβ analysed in urea-based gels show increments in Aβ42 and Aβ43, and reductions in Aβ40 and Aβ38 in FAD--*PSEN1* mutations, relative to wt. (\\*) ", "Indicates a non product band that is present in the C99 substrate (see [Supplementary Figure 2](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). (**", "D**) Aβ product/substrate ratios determined *in vitro* for the FAD--*PSEN1* mutations show an impairment at the fourth γ-secretase turnover (mean±s.e.). ", "Experiments in (**B**) and (**D**) were repeated 4--6 times. ", "Statistical significance of the data tested with one-way ANOVA and Dunnett\\'s post test taking the corresponding WT as control group; \\**P*\\<0.05, \\*\\**P*\\<0.01. (**", "E**) Aβ product/substrate ratios determined *in vivo* confirm impairment at the fourth enzymatic cycle: wt or FAD--PSEN1 mEF cell lines were transiently transduced with APPswe, extracellular media collected at 24 h after infection and sAβ measured by ELISA (mean±s.e.). ", "Statistical significance: *n*=4, ANOVA and Dunnett\\'s post test, \\*\\**P*\\<0.01.](emboj201279f2){#f2}\n\n![", "FAD--*PSEN*2 N141I impair the fourth enzymatic turnover. (**", "A**) Kinetic curves for wt and *PSEN2--FAD* N141I mutant using purified APP-C99-3XFLAG as substrate (mean±s.e.). (**", "B**) Aβ profiles represent Aβ products corrected for the initial endoprotease activities, plotted as % of the wt Aβ products (mean±s.e.). ", "Soluble Aβ (sum of Aβ38, Aβ40, Aβ42 and Aβ43 peptides) suggests accumulation of longer peptides (\\>Aβ43) in the mutant reactions. (**", "C**) Aβ product/substrate ratios determined *in vitro* for the FAD--*PSEN2* mutation show an impairment at the fourth γ-secretase turnover (mean±s.e.). ", "In (**B**) and (**C**) statistical significance (two-tailed *t*-test) is indicated by \\*\\**P*\\<0.005 and \\*\\*\\**P*\\<0.001. ", "Note that N141I abolishes Aβ40 generation.](emboj201279f3){#f3}\n\n![", "FAD substrate mutations shift APP processing towards the Aβ38 product line. (**", "A**) Schematic overview of FAD--*APP* mutations used in this study. (**", "B**) Kinetic curves for the ɛ-processing of APP. ", "Detergent-extracted membranes from *Psen1/2*^*−/−*^ mEFs rescued with human wt *PSEN1* were incubated in 0.25% CHAPSO reaction buffer, with varying concentrations of purified wt or FAD--APP substrates. ", "AICD-3XFLAG levels were analysed by quantitative western blot analysis (see Materials and methods). (**", "C**) Enzymatic efficiencies for FAD--APP-C99 substrates (mean±s.e.) ", "prove that AICD generation is affected in three out of five FAD-mutant substrates. (**", "D**) FAD Aβ product profiles suggest consistent increments in Aβ42 and Aβ38. ", "Soluble Aβ levels (sum of Aβ38, Aβ40, Aβ42 and Aβ43 peptides) suggest accumulations of longer Aβ peptides in the γ-processing of the V44A and I45T mutants. ", "The T43I mutation disrupts the epitope for the anti-Aβ43-specific antibody, thus neither Aβ43 nor soluble Aβ levels could be determined (ND). (**", "E**) Aβ product/substrate ratios reveal that APP mutations do not consistently affect the fourth γ-secretase turnover, but change the product-line preference as indicated by the Aβ40/Aβ38 ratio (**F**). (**", "G**) sAβ in the conditioned media of HEK293 cells transiently transfected with wt or FAD-C99 mutants were quantified by ELISA (see [Supplementary Figure 4](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "sAβ ratios indicate that APP--FAD substrate mutants change the product-line preference towards the Aβ48\\>Aβ38 (Aβ40/Aβ38) in living cells, but do not affect the fourth catalytic turnover of the γ-secretase (Aβ38/Aβ42) (mean±s.e., *", "n*=5). (**", "H**) Primary cultured neurons were transduced with SFV expressing WT APP or the indicated mutant substrates (mean±s.d., *", "n*=3). (**", "C**--**H**) Statistical significance tested with one-way ANOVA and Dunnett\\'s post-test, taking the corresponding WT as control group; \\**P*\\<0.05,\\*\\**P*\\<0.01.](emboj201279f4){#f4}\n\n![", "Shift in the ɛ-cleavage position contributes to the FAD-associated phenotype. (**", "A**) Detection of AICD~50--99~ and total AICD using a neo-epitope antibody and the FLAG-M2 antibody, respectively. (**", "B**) SDS--PAGE/western blot analysis of AICD products from either wt and FAD substrates (left panel) or wt and FAD--*PSEN1*mutants (right panel). ", "Signals for the AICD~50--99~ neo-epitope antibody or the FLAG-M2 antibody are shown in red and green, respectively. ", "Overlapping neo-epitope and FLAG antibody signals are displayed in yellow. (**", "C**) AICD~50--99~/total AICD ratios indicate that FAD--*APP* mutations promote the Aβ38 product line by shifting the ɛ-cleavage position. ", "The I45T could not be included in the analysis because of extremely low AICD signals (ND, not determined). (**", "D**) This pathogenic mechanism is also observed in some FAD--*PSEN1* mutations. ", "Statistical significance of the data (*n*=5) tested with ANOVA and Dunnett\\'s post test, taking AICD generated in WT conditions as control group; \\**P*\\<0.05,\\*\\**P*\\<0.01.](emboj201279f5){#f5}\n\n![", "Analysis of GSI and GSM. ", "Dose-response inhibitory assays for (**A**) the transition state analogue (TSA) L-685,458 (InhX), (**B**) semagacestat, and the Notch-sparing compounds (**C**) begacestat and (**D**) avagacestat (see materials in [Supplementary data](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}) were performed using CHAPSO-extracted membranes from dKO PSEN1/2 MEFs stably expressing human wt PSEN1 as source of γ-secretase and 1 × Km substrate concentrations (400 nM APP-C99-3XFLAG or 1 μM Notch-3XFLAG). ", "Structures of the different compounds are displayed. *", "In vitro*-generated AICD (in black) or NICD (in red) are plotted as percentage of control reaction (DMSO). ", "Error bars indicate s.d. (*", "n*=3); except for semagacestat plot (s.e., *", "n*=5). (**", "E**) Top panel: structures of the GSM tested. ", "Low panel: increasing concentrations of GSM 1--3 did not change *in vitro* AICD generation, neither at 0.4 μM APP-C99 substrate (1 × Km) nor at saturating conditions (1.75 μM C99-3XFLAG). (**", "F**) Effect of increasing concentrations of GSM 1--3 on Aβ production at 1 × Km APP-C99 substrate (0.4 μM): Aβ product/substrate ratios show that GSM 1--3 specifically activate the fourth cycle of the γ-secretase complex. ", "In particular, GSM activate the Aβ38 product line. ", "Panel shows mean±s.e.; ", "statistical significance of the data (*n*=4) tested with ANOVA and Dunnett\\'s post test, vehicle (DMSO) as control group; \\**P*\\<0.05,\\*\\**P*\\<0.01.](emboj201279f6){#f6}\n\n###### Kinetic parameters for human PSEN1 γ-secretase complexes using APP-C99, Notch, ErB4 or N-Cadherin as substrates\n\n   APP-C99 substrate Notch substrate Erb4 substrate N-Cadherin substrate \n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ----------------- ---------------- ---------------------- ----------- --------------- -------------- ---------------\n PS1 wt 0.40±0.05 175.6±8.4 1.08±0.17 95.7±7.5 0.31±0.07 37.72±6.18 1.46±0.36 88.37±10.95\n Y115H 0.81±0.18 113.3±11.3^a^ 3.92±1.97 86.49±31.4 --- --- --- ---\n M139V 0.27±0.04^a^ 144.5±6.8^a^ 1.78±0.21^a^ 146.9±10.1^a^ 0.40±0.23 39.76±6.36 0.42±0.19^a^ 71.16±20.14\n L166P 0.43±0.07 74.03±4.2^a^ 0.97±0.2 23.76±2.4^a^ --- --- --- ---\n I213T 0.73±0.18 151.1±14.7 1.26±0.26 106.1±11.2 0.45±0.13 58.68±5.83^a^ 1.02±0.11 74.95±11.76\n DeltaE9 0.82±0.18^a^ 133.5±13.5^a^ 0.67±0.24 42.8±6.5^a^ 0.33±0.06 40.84±8.12 1.70±0.43 21.97±8.39^a^\n G384A 0.92±0.18 93.87±8.7^a^ 1.85±0.42 71.04±9.5 --- --- --- ---\n Kinetic values are derived from the curves displayed in [Figure 1](#f1){ref-type=\"fig\"} and were determined by nonlinear curve-fitting using GraphPad Prism 4 software (see Material and methods section). ", " \n ^a^Significant changes according to the 95% CI (*P*\\<0.05). *", "In vitro* activity assays were performed using CHAPSO-extracted membranes from Psen1/2^−/−^ mEFs stably transduced with human wt or FAD PSEN1 mutants and purified substrates-3XFlag, *n*⩾. \n\n![](", "emboj201279t1)\n" ]
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[ "Search form\n\nPI OriginalEllyn FortinoFriday September 9th, 2016, 4:31pm\n\nChicago Activists To Rally For Education Policy Changes At First Presidential Debate\n\nEducation activists from Chicago and other U.S. cities will rally outside the first 2016 presidential debate later this month in Hempstead, New York in hopes that the candidates will embrace their seven-point public education policy agenda.", "\n\nEducation justice activists from across the country, including Chicago, plan to rally outside the first 2016 presidential debate later this month as they seek to draw the candidates' attention to public education issues.", "\n\nThe first presidential debate of 2016 will take place September 26 at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York.", "\n\nThe Journey for Justice Alliance (J4J), a national network of grassroots groups dedicated to community-driven school improvement, is organizing the daylong demonstration.", "\n\nJ4J members, who are active in Chicago and 23 other U.S. cities, hope to draw as many as 1,000 people to the event, which will shine a spotlight on the impact of the \"austerity agenda on black and Latino students, parents and educators,\" according to an announcement.", "\n\n\"The goal of our day, which is themed 'Public Education Nation,' is to make public education a presidential issue,\" said J4J's national director Jitu Brown, an education activist from Chicago who organized and participated in a 34-day hunger strike last year to save Dyett High School from closing.", "\n\nJ4J will formally release its seven-point education platform the day of the debate.", "\n\nThe document calls for a moratorium on school privatization, federal funding for 10,000 \"sustainable community schools,\" a \"national equity assessment\" of public schools and the elimination of \"punitive, high stakes standardized tests.\" ", "The group also is demanding a stop to the \"attack on black teachers\" and an end to zero tolerance school discipline policies as well as state takeovers, appointed school boards and mayoral control.", "\n\nJ4J members want the major and third-party presidential candidates to respond to their platform and meet with them for a public education \"listening session.\"", "\n\n\"We want the presidential candidates to sit down with the mothers and fathers from communities that have been besieged by school privatization and understand the damage that's been done to the lives of Americans,\" Brown said. \"", "We want an end to public schools for profit ... We want an emphasis on creating strong, sustainable community schools.\"", "\n\nJ4J's demonstration will kick off with a morning press conference at Hempstead High School, followed by an afternoon forum on the campus of State University of New York College at Old Westbury. ", "After that, the group will rally at Eisenhower Park before marching to the public protest areas outside Hofstra University.", "\n\nChicago parents from local community groups including Action Now, Blocks Together, the Kenwood Oakland Community Organization and Northside Action for Justice will be at the event.", "\n\nThe action's central theme is school equity, which will be the focus of the speak out at Hempstead High School.", "\n\n\"While some students in Long Island go to world-class neighborhood schools, you have cities like Hempstead, where the student population is over 90 percent black and Latino, (and students) languish in under-resourced test factories, in schools that are starved of the opportunity to provide hope for our children,\" Brown explained.", "\n\nDemocrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump will square off at the first presidential debate of the 2016 general election. ", "Third-party candidates, including Libertarian Gary Johnson and Jill Stein from the Green Party, must garner 15 percent in some polls in order to make the debate stage.", "\n\n\"Our message to all of (the candidates) is the same: It's time for this issue to get some traction,\" Brown said.", "\n\n\"We are willing to engage the presidential candidates on their positions,\" he added. \"", "So whether it's the Green Party candidate in another forum, that's fine. ", "But I think that when we talk about violence in our communities, when we talk about the sense of desperation in many cities ... we have to talk about our failure as our society to educate black ... [and] Latino children as if they were our own.\"", "\n\nThe September 26 presidential debate at Hofstra University will take place from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. CT. ", "See the full 2016 presidential debate schedule here.", "\n\nLevel of gov't\n\nComments\n\nMost importantly admire your offer, similar to your site, the trust can impart to you more magnificent blog and Thanks for such post and keep it up.essay writinghas made a decent showing here to put all the data substance and data at one spot.", "\n\nThis is my first time i visit here. ", "I discovered such a large number of fascinating stuff in your online journal particularly its dialog. ", "From the huge amounts of remarks on your articles, I figure I am by all account not the only one having all the satisfaction here! ", "keep doing awesome top dating sites\n\nMajority need the presidential contender to take a seat with the moms and fathers from Essay Help UK groups that have been assaulted by school privatization and comprehend the harm that has been done to the lives of Americans,\" Brown said. \"", "We need a conclusion to government funded schools for benefit\n\neducation is realllllly important for self develepment and for the country's so anyone should actually get a free education cuz its a basic thin g which makes this article is realllly interesting https://123moviesfree.cc/\n\nThe is increatible information. ", "Also very helpful post and inspresional. ", "I enjoyed to read this. ", "I appreciate this and keep posting. ", "I will be back to read more valuable post here. ", "Thanks for sharing this. ", "active likes" ]
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[ "Engineering approaches to immunotherapy.", "\nAs the science of immunology grows increasingly mechanistic, motivation for developing quantitative, design-based engineering approaches has also evolved, both for therapeutic interventions and for elucidating immunological pathways in human disease. ", "This has seeded the nascent field of \"immunoengineering,\" which seeks to apply engineering analyses and design approaches to problems in translational immunology. ", "For example, cell engineers are creating ways to tailor and use immune cells as living therapeutics; protein engineers are devising new methods of rapid antibody discovery; biomaterials scientists are guiding vaccine delivery and immune-cell activation with novel constructs; and systems immunologists are deciphering the evolution and maintenance of T and B cell receptor repertoires, which could help guide vaccine design. ", "The field is multidisciplinary and collaborative, with engineers and immunologists working together to better understand and treat disease. ", "We discuss the scientific progress in this young, yet rapidly evolving research area, which has yielded numerous start-up companies that are betting on impact in clinical and commercial translation in the near future." ]
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[ "Song of Back and Neck is a movie starring Sam Anderson, Rajeev Chhibber, and Chelsea Cook. ", "Fred rarely gets through the day without falling to the ground with crippling pain. ", "After meeting Regan and visiting an acupuncturist, he..." ]
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[ "Comparison of national standards of Chinese\n\nThe Chinese language enjoys the status as official language in China, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and Taiwan. ", "It is also widely used in Malaysia and some parts of Thailand. ", "However, the language shows a high degree of regional variation among these territories.", "\n\nLinguistic differences\n\nIn many cases, those in China, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan use different words for the same meaning.", "\n\nThis section seeks to illustrate the differences in vocabulary by a limited selected examples. ", "Note that language used in Hong Kong is almost identical to that of Macau, and that Malaysian vocabulary is identical to Singaporean vocabulary.", "\n\nSee also\n Regional variants of the Chinese language\n Hong Kong Cantonese\n Malaysian Mandarin\n Singaporean Mandarin\n Taiwanese Mandarin\n Regional differences in the English language\nAmerican and British English differences\nBritish and Malaysian English differences\n Regional differences in the Dutch language\nBelgian Dutch, Surinamese Dutch\n Regional differences in the French language\nSwiss French >> Differences between Swiss French and standard French\n Regional differences in the Korean language\nNorth-South differences in the Korean language\n Regional differences in the Portuguese language\nPortuguese dialects >> Differences\n Differences between Malay language(Bahasa Melayu) and Indonesian language(Bahasa Indonesia)\n Comparison of Standard Malay and Indonesian\n Differences between Czech Language and Slovakian language\n Regional Variants of Serbo-croatian\n Serbian language\n Croatian language\n Bosnian language\n (Montenegrin)\n Differences between Chechen Language and Ingush language\n Comparison of Ukrainian and other Slavic languages\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n 兩岸語言詞彙整理之我見 曾榮汾\n\nCategory:Chinese language by country\nCategory:Language comparison\nCategory:Varieties and styles by language\nCategory:Language comparison between countries" ]
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[ "'Colourful, Magical and So Much Fun': Helen & Seun\n\nWe've featured a lot of well-dressed couples on the pages of One Fab Day over the years, but today's real wedding goes a step further - it seems as though every single guest brought their style a-game for Helen and Seun's big day! ", "This loved-up pair celebrated with a dreamy 'do that combined food and music from their two cultures, culminating in a raucous party of 250 guests at Springhill Court Hotel in Kilkenny. ", "These images by Katie Kav Photography just radiate love and positivity, so we know you're going to be totally charmed by them! ", "Let's dive in!", "\n\nHelen and Seun met in college, where they became fast friends, but it wasn't until after they left university that they became a couple. ", "Helen tells us, \"About a year after college ended, we got together and fell in love. ", "We will be together nine years this month!\"", "\n\nHow gorgeous is flower girl, Emily? \"", "I really wanted a photo of her in my wedding shoes on the morning, so I could give her the picture on her wedding day,\" Helen tells us. ", "What a sweet idea!", "\n\nHelen describes her and Seun's wedding day as \"amazing, colourful, magical and so much fun. ", "It was important to us that we, along with our family and friends, enjoyed ourselves.\"", "\n\nHelen's bridal look is so effortlessly romantic! ", "Her embellished gown is from Sabella Bridal in Waterford.", "\n\nSeun popped the question during a trip to Kildare to visit friends. \"", "Seun kept saying I wouldn’t expect when it would happen,\" Helen remembers. \"", "I had been getting the nails done and all but that weekend I hadn’t a bit of polish on! ", "A little while into the visit, Seun asked me to go into the sitting room to take a photo with him. ", "He closed the door behind us and I was fixing my hair with the camera on, and when I turned around he was down on one knee asking me to be his wife!\"", "\n\nNot only were the couple's pals in on the act, but they were waiting in the next room with 'Here Comes the Bride' on standby! \"", "We went out on the town in Kildare that night and celebrated,\" Helen tells us. \"", "The band that played in the pub, Entourage, ended up being our wedding band. ", "It was Seun’s idea, and it turned out to be the best decision we made. ", "We had only heard them that once and not again before the wedding!\"", "\n\nWhen asked to pick a highlight from the day, Helen tells us, \"it was really special when we exchanged vows. ", "We also loved getting our portraits done, just the two of us, and travelling in the car to the hotel together.\"", "\n\nWe weren't kidding about the wedding guest style!", "\n\nThis is less a picture caption and more an impassioned plea for engaged couples - can you all incorporate post-ceremony snacks into your wedding budget, pretty please? ", "Bonus points if they're talking points, too, like these tasty-looking African treats.", "\n\nIncorporating elements from Irish and Nigerian culture was hugely important to this pair. \"", "We felt the cultures blended very well,\" Helen says, \"as both cultures like to eat, drink and dance! ", "So we had both African and Irish food and music on the day.\"", "\n\nThe couple chose the Sprinhill Court Hotel in Kilkenny for their fun-filled reception. \"", "The hotel was located in a very central place for all our guests. ", "We felt the hotel could accommodate the intercultural aspects associated with the wedding, such as allowing Nigerian caters in on the day. ", "They also allowed us to bring in our own wine!\"", "\n\nHelen was keen to add lots of personal touches to their wedding. \"", "I made gift boxes for all the bridal party, put a little note at each person’s place setting, and had positive affirmations around the room. ", "We also had a drop-box heart frame made up that we hope will go in our new home one day!\"", "\n\nThe couple's advice for brides and grooms-to-be is wonderfully practical. \"", "Get things organised in advance, even if you think it’s too early to do it, for example, ordering gifts for people, making the ceremony booklets, and putting together the bathroom baskets. ", "It just means that on the week of the wedding, you don’t have a huge amount to do.\"", "\n\nCoconut Chin-Chin at the ceremony, Tayto at the reception... we are 100% on board with the intercultural snack offering at this wedding!", "\n\nAfter the wedding, Helen and Seun headed off to Delphi Resort for a minimoon. \"", "It was really nice and relaxing, there was no WiFi, TV or phone signal,\" Helen says. \"", "We're heading to Las Vegas and New York in September for two weeks and we can’t wait!\"", "\n\nWhat a gorgeous couple these guys make! ", "At this point we have to give a huge shout-out to Katie Kav Photography for sharing the incredible images from Helen and Seun's day, and, of course, to the couple themselves for giving us the full back-story!" ]
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[ "Filed 7/10/13 Yocum v. Howard CA5\n\n\n\n\n NOT TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE OFFICIAL REPORTS\nCalifornia Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for\npublication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). ", "This opinion has not been certified for publication\nor ordered published for purposes of rule 8.1115.", "\n\n\n IN THE COURT OF APPEAL OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA\n FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT\n\nLESTER YOCUM,\n F065716\n Plaintiff and Appellant,\n (Super. ", "Ct. ", "No. ", "12C0139)\n v.\n\nCORRECTIONAL OFFICER HOWARD et al., ", " OPINION\n Defendants and Respondents.", "\n\n\n\n THE COURT*\n APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of Kings County. ", "Steven D.\nBarnes and Robert S. Burns, Judges.†\n Lester Yocum, in pro. ", "per., ", "for Plaintiff and Appellant.", "\n No appearance for Defendants and Respondents.", "\n -ooOoo-\n\n\n\n\n* Before Wiseman, Acting P.J., Cornell, J. and Kane, J.\n† Judge Barnes issued the denial order dated June 25, 2012; Judge Burns issued the\ndenial order dated July 13, 2012.", "\n\f This is an appeal by a state prisoner, in propria persona, from orders denying his\n“Petition for Writ of Replevin (Claim and Delivery)” and his motion for reconsideration\nof that denial. ", "Plaintiff and appellant Lester Yocum contends he adequately stated a\nclaim for relief in his initial petition and that, in any event, he cured any defects by\nsubmitting additional materials with the petition for reconsideration. ", "We conclude the\ntrial court properly evaluated the sufficiency of the pleadings. ", "Accordingly, we affirm\nthe judgment.", "\n FACTS AND PROCEDURAL HISTORY\n The petition alleges appellant’s personal property was “illegally seized and\nretained” by respondent Corrections Officer Howard. ", "In supporting documents, it\nappears the officer removed certain items from appellant’s locker in September 2011,\nbelieving them to be contraband devices to recharge cell phones. (", "Appellant\nacknowledges in these documents that the items were not unlawfully seized.) ", "After\nprison officials conducted an initial investigation, an officer told appellant the items\nwould be returned to him at the completion of the formal investigative process, and they\nhave not yet been returned. ", "According to the supplemental documents, appellant filed\nvarious administrative appeals, all of which eventually were dismissed or “cancelled” as\nuntimely.", "\n Appellant filed his petition on February 28, 2012. ", "By order of June 25, 2012, the\ncourt determined, pursuant to the authority of Escamilla v. Department of Corrections &\nRehabilitation (2006) 141 Cal.", "App.4th 498, 509, that appellant’s petition for writ relief\nwas appropriately characterized as a petition for writ of mandamus. ", "Because the petition\ndid not allege defendant had fully exhausted his administrative appeals seeking return of\nthe property, the court determined the petition failed to state grounds for mandamus\nrelief. ", "Appellant timely submitted additional materials with his “Notice of Motion in\nOpposition of Order – Summarily Denied Petition of Replevin.” ", "Those materials sought\nto demonstrate that appellant had exhausted his administrative remedies. ", "The court\n\n 2.", "\n\ftreated the motion as one for reconsideration arising under Code of Civil Procedure\nsection 1008 (“section 1008”) and denied the motion for two alternate reasons. ", "First, the\nmaterials seeking to establish exhaustion of remedies were not submitted by affidavit, as\nrequired by section 1008, subdivision (a). ", "Second, the materials clearly showed that\nappellant had failed to timely exhaust his administrative remedies, since each of his\nefforts had resulted in a cancellation of the administrative appeal for untimeliness.1\n DISCUSSION\n There are two separate issues involved in this appeal. ", "These issues are, first, the\nright to possess non-contraband property in prison, and second, the right to a fair\nprocedure to challenge the seizure of such property. ", "Appellant has failed to distinguish\nbetween those issues and, as a result, views the proceedings as depriving him of his\nconstitutional right to due process. ", "The first issue is the one that originally brought\nappellant to court, namely, his contention that his belongings should be returned to him.", "\nThe second issue is whether he has complied with the requirements for administrative\nreview of the prison’s seizure of his property. ", "The first issue was properly the subject of\nthe original petition, which failed for reasons we will briefly explain. ", "The second issue\ncould have been, but was not, the subject of a separate writ petition; however, that second\nissue was not properly presented by the motion for reconsideration, as we will also\nbriefly explain.", "\n If a petitioner contends an administrative agency, in this case the prison\nauthorities, made a mistake in ruling against the person in an administrative proceeding,\nthe person can obtain court review of the administrative decision by filing a petition for\nwrit of administrative mandate under Code of Civil Procedure section 1094.5 or by\n\n\n1 There was never service of process or an order to show cause upon the\nrespondents in the trial court. ", "There has been no appearance by respondents in this\nappeal.", "\n\n\n\n 3.", "\n\fordinary mandamus. (", "See Escamilla v. Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation,\nsupra, 141 Cal.", "App.4th at p. 509 [mandamus].) ", "The issue in such a writ proceeding is\nwhether the agency “has proceeded without, or in excess of jurisdiction; whether there\nwas a fair trial; and whether there was any prejudicial abuse of discretion. ", "Abuse of\ndiscretion is established if the respondent has not proceeded in the manner required by\nlaw, the order or decision is not supported by the findings, or the findings are not\nsupported by the evidence.” (", "Code Civ. ", "Proc., § ", "1094.5, subd. (", "b).)", "\n In this case, appellant’s petition contended, in effect, that prison officials had\nmade a determination they would not return to appellant the property seized from him.", "\nAccordingly, appellant was required to establish that the prison officials actually made a\nformal determination not to return the property. ", "In order to establish that there was an\nofficial decision not to return appellant’s property, appellant was required to plead the\nlegal requirement of “exhaustion of administrative remedies”: He was required to plead\nthat there has been an unfavorable administrative decision by the highest level of\ndecisionmaker available in the agency, in order to show that court intervention is now\nnecessary to order restoration of appellant’s property. ", "Accordingly, the trial court here\ncorrectly concluded that appellant had failed to allege this necessary condition for court\nintervention, namely, that appellant had sought return of the property through a\ncompleted administrative hearing process.", "\n Entirely separate, from a legal standpoint, is the situation of a person who\ncontends the administrative agency would not let him or her have a full administrative\nresolution of a complaint, even though the complaining party has tried to use the\navailable appeal process and has done what was requested in that process. ", "A petition for\nwrit of administrative mandate in this situation would not seek, for example, actual return\nof the property, but would seek enforcement of the right to ask for the property back in\nadministrative proceedings. ", "Thus, an appellant in this situation might seek to challenge\nthe agency’s determination that the appellant did not file a hearing request on time or did\n\n 4.", "\n\fnot file sufficient supporting information to merit a full administrative hearing. ", "Those are\nthe kinds of procedural grounds at issue in Civil Service Com. ", "v. Velez (1993) 14\nCal.", "App.4th 115. ", "There, a civil service employee received a notice of termination for\n“committing dozens of incompetent, inefficient and dishonest acts.” (", "Id. at p. 117.) ", "She\nhad 10 days to file an appeal. ", "Because of miscommunication with her union\nrepresentative, she was a few days late in filing the appeal. ", "The commission refused to\naccept the appeal. (", "Ibid.) ", "On the employee’s petition for writ of mandate, the trial court\ndirected the commission to accept the untimely appeal; the court of appeal affirmed. (", "Id.\nat pp. ", "122-123.) ", "The important point, for purposes of this appeal, is that the petition for\nwrit of mandamus separately challenged the procedural denial of a right to administrative\nhearing, and did not challenge the underlying administrative decision to terminate the\nappellant’s employment in Velez, or the deprivation of appellant’s property in the present\ncase. ", "In other words, a petition can seek review of an administrative decision that an\nappellant failed to comply with appeal requirements, but that must be the basis for the\npetition, which it was not in this case.", "\n In this case, on the motion for reconsideration, the issue before the court was not\nwhether prison officials correctly or incorrectly determined that appellant had filed timely\nadministrative appeals, because the original petition for writ of administrative mandate\ndid not challenge that aspect of the prison decision – it sought review of the decision not\nto return appellant’s property. ", "The trial court correctly concluded that appellant’s\nsupplemental documentation, even if it had been presented through a proper affidavit,\nconclusively showed that appellant had not filed timely administrative appeals about the\nseizure of his property. ", "On appeal, appellant tries to show that these timeliness decisions\nwere wrong but, once again, that is not the issue upon “reconsideration” of the summary\ndenial of the original petition for writ of mandate, because that is not what appellant\nchallenged in the original petition – which challenged only the refusal to return the\nproperty.", "\n\n 5.", "\n\f Appellant also contends the trial court abused its discretion in recharacterizing his\npetition as one for administrative mandate instead of replevin. ", "Appellant implies,\nalthough he does not expressly argue, that the recharacterization prejudiced him because\na writ of replevin would not require exhaustion of administrative remedies. ", "Exhaustion,\nhowever, is a requirement imposed by the courts as a matter of judicial policy, as relevant\nhere, to promote “administrative autonomy,” clarify factual issues, and promote judicial\neconomy. (", "Jonathan Neil & Assoc., ", "Inc. v. Jones (2004) 33 Cal.4th 917, 930-931.) ", "In\nthe context of this case, a prison system with a detailed system for reviewing the issues\ninvolved in appellant’s claims, exhaustion is required regardless of the form of the action\nfiled in court. ", "Requiring a prisoner to use the administrative system does not, in itself,\ndeprive the prisoner of the constitutional right of due process. ", "Instead, the administrative\nappeal system provides the process that is due, and is intended to provide prisoners with\nexpeditious and available mechanisms to resolve this type of dispute much more quickly\nthan it would be resolved in a civil action or proceeding. ", "In this particular case, appellant\nalleged in the rehearing motion and in his brief that his access to the administrative\nsystem was wrongfully or erroneously barred – that he had been deprived of that\nexpeditious remedy. ", "Once again, however, that was not the claim made in appellant’s\noriginal petition, and it is not a claim that was properly before the trial court on the\nreconsideration motion.", "\n Finally, appellant contends his motion for reconsideration was in proper form. ", "As\nwe have discussed above, regardless of the form of the motion, the substance of the\ndocumentation attached to the motion showed that appellant had not exhausted\nadministrative remedies so as to be entitled to relief in court. ", "Accordingly, the form of\nappellant’s showing is not the determinative factor.", "\n In summary, the allegations of the original petition were insufficient insofar as the\npetition failed to show exhaustion of remedies. ", "The supplemental allegations of the\nmotion for reconsideration did not correct this insufficiency because the supplemental\n\n 6.", "\n\fallegations affirmatively showed appellant did not exhaust his administrative remedies in\na timely manner. ", "The trial court did not err.", "\n DISPOSITION\n The order summarily dismissing the petition and the order denying reconsideration\nare affirmed. ", "Respondents are awarded their costs on appeal.", "\n\n\n\n\n 7.", "\n\f" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nVideo Player JavaFx\n\nI am building a Video Player using JavaFx in Netbeans IDE. ", "I need to set the label shown in the screen builder below to display the total duration of the video. ", "\nWhen I use System.out.println(\"\"+mediaPlayer.getDuration.toSeconds()); I get the result in output form. ", "However, when I use label.setText(\"\"+mediaPlayer.getDuration.toSeconds()); I get a NullPointerException.", "\nHow can I display the total duration of the video in the label?", "\nMy FXMLDocumentController.java code\npublic class FXMLDocumentController implements Initializable {\n\nprivate MediaPlayer mediaPlayer; \nprivate String filePath;\n\n@FXML\nprivate Label label;\n\n@FXML\nprivate Slider seek;\n\n@FXML\nprivate Slider volume;\n\n@FXML\nprivate MediaView mediaView;\n\n@FXML\nprivate void handleButtonAction(ActionEvent event) throws InterruptedException {\n\n FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser();\n FileChooser.", "ExtensionFilter filter = new FileChooser.", "ExtensionFilter(\"Select File (*.mp4)\", \"*.mp4\");\n fileChooser.getExtensionFilters().add(filter);\n File file = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(null);\n filePath = file.toURI().toString();\n\n if(filePath!=null)\n {\n Media media = new Media(filePath);\n mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(media);\n\n mediaView.setMediaPlayer(mediaPlayer);\n\n DoubleProperty width = mediaView.fitWidthProperty();\n DoubleProperty height = mediaView.fitHeightProperty();\n\n width.bind(Bindings.selectDouble(mediaView.sceneProperty(), \"width\"));\n height.bind(Bindings.selectDouble(mediaView.sceneProperty(),\"height\"));\n\n volume.setValue(mediaPlayer.getVolume() * 100);\n volume.valueProperty().addListener(new InvalidationListener() {\n @Override\n public void invalidated(Observable observable) {\n mediaPlayer.setVolume(volume.getValue() / 100);\n }\n });\n\n mediaPlayer.currentTimeProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Duration>() {\n @Override\n public void changed(ObservableValue<? ", "extends Duration> observable, Duration oldValue, Duration newValue) {\n seek.setValue(newValue.toSeconds());\n }\n });\n\n seek.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {\n @Override\n public void handle(MouseEvent event) {\n mediaPlayer.seek(Duration.seconds(seek.getValue()));\n }\n });\n mediaPlayer.setOnReady(new Runnable() {\n\n @Override\n public void run() \n {\n\n label.setText(\"Duration: \"+media.getDuration().toSeconds());\n //Using Output - System.out.println(\"\"+mediaPlayer.getDuration.toSeconds());\n\n }\n\n });\n mediaPlayer.play();\n }\n}\n\n@FXML\nprivate void playVideo(ActionEvent event)\n{\n mediaPlayer.play();\n mediaPlayer.setRate(1);\n}\n\n@FXML\nprivate void pauseVideo(ActionEvent event)\n{\n mediaPlayer.pause();\n}\n\n@FXML\nprivate void stopVideo(ActionEvent event)\n{\n mediaPlayer.stop();\n}\n\n@FXML\nprivate void fastVideo(ActionEvent event)\n{\n mediaPlayer.setRate(1.5);\n}\n\n@FXML\nprivate void fasterVideo(ActionEvent event)\n{\n mediaPlayer.setRate(2);\n}\n\n@FXML\nprivate void slowVideo(ActionEvent event)\n{\n mediaPlayer.setRate(0.75);\n}\n\n@FXML\nprivate void slowerVideo(ActionEvent event)\n{\n mediaPlayer.setRate(0.5);\n}\n\n@FXML\nprivate void exitVideo(ActionEvent event)\n{\n System.exit(0);\n}\n\n@Override\npublic void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {\n // TODO\n} \n}\n\nMy FXMLDocument.fxml code\n <?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?", ">\n\n<?", "import javafx.geometry.", "Insets?", ">\n<?", "import javafx.scene.control.", "Button?", ">\n<?", "import javafx.scene.control.", "Label?", ">\n<?", "import javafx.scene.control.", "Slider?", ">\n<?", "import javafx.scene.layout.", "BorderPane?", ">\n<?", "import javafx.scene.layout.", "HBox?", ">\n<?", "import javafx.scene.layout.", "StackPane?", ">\n<?", "import javafx.scene.layout.", "VBox?", ">\n<?", "import javafx.scene.media.", "MediaView?", ">\n\n<BorderPane maxHeight=\"-Infinity\" maxWidth=\"-Infinity\" minHeight=\"-Infinity\" minWidth=\"-Infinity\" prefHeight=\"400.0\" prefWidth=\"600.0\" stylesheets=\"@style.css\" xmlns=\"http://javafx.com/javafx/9.0.1\" xmlns:fx=\"http://javafx.com/fxml/1\" fx:controller=\"bideo.player.", "FXMLDocumentController\">\n <bottom>\n <VBox alignment=\"CENTER\" prefHeight=\"40.0\" prefWidth=\"600.0\" BorderPane.alignment=\"CENTER\">\n <children>\n <HBox alignment=\"CENTER\" prefHeight=\"40.0\">\n <children>\n <Button fx:id=\"openFile\" minHeight=\"32.0\" minWidth=\"32.0\" mnemonicParsing=\"false\" onAction=\"#handleButtonAction\">\n <HBox.margin>\n <Insets left=\"10.0\" />\n </HBox.margin></Button>\n <Button fx:id=\"playButton\" minHeight=\"32.0\" minWidth=\"32.0\" mnemonicParsing=\"false\" onAction=\"#playVideo\">\n <HBox.margin>\n <Insets left=\"30.0\" />\n </HBox.margin></Button>\n <Button fx:id=\"pauseButton\" minHeight=\"32.0\" minWidth=\"32.0\" mnemonicParsing=\"false\" onAction=\"#pauseVideo\">\n <HBox.margin>\n <Insets left=\"5.0\" />\n </HBox.margin></Button>\n <Button fx:id=\"stopButton\" minHeight=\"32.0\" minWidth=\"32.0\" mnemonicParsing=\"false\" onAction=\"#stopVideo\">\n <HBox.margin>\n <Insets left=\"5.0\" />\n </HBox.margin></Button>\n <Button fx:id=\"slowerButton\" mnemonicParsing=\"false\" onAction=\"#slowerVideo\" text=\"&lt;&lt;&lt;\">\n <HBox.margin>\n <Insets left=\"30.0\" />\n </HBox.margin></Button>\n <Button fx:id=\"slowButton\" mnemonicParsing=\"false\" onAction=\"#slowVideo\" text=\"&lt;&lt;\" />\n <Button fx:id=\"fastButton\" mnemonicParsing=\"false\" onAction=\"#fastVideo\" text=\"&gt;&gt;\" />\n <Button fx:id=\"fasterButton\" mnemonicParsing=\"false\" onAction=\"#fasterVideo\" text=\"&gt;&gt;&gt;\" />\n <Button mnemonicParsing=\"false\" onAction=\"#exitVideo\" text=\"Exit\" />\n <Slider fx:id=\"volume\" prefHeight=\"14.0\" prefWidth=\"72.0\">\n <HBox.margin>\n <Insets left=\"20.0\" />\n </HBox.margin>\n </Slider>\n <Label text=\"Label\">\n <HBox.margin>\n <Insets left=\"15.0\" />\n </HBox.margin>\n </Label>\n </children>\n </HBox>\n </children>\n </VBox>\n </bottom>\n <center>\n <StackPane prefHeight=\"150.0\" prefWidth=\"200.0\">\n <children>\n <MediaView fx:id=\"mediaView\" fitHeight=\"200.0\" fitWidth=\"200.0\" StackPane.alignment=\"CENTER\" />\n <Slider fx:id=\"seek\" StackPane.alignment=\"BOTTOM_CENTER\" />\n </children>\n </StackPane>\n </center>\n</BorderPane>\n\nAny help would be appreciated. ", "Thanks.", "\n\nA:\n\nI only spotted one Label element in you FXML document and it does not have a fx:id attribute. ", "This means it is never injected into your controller.", "\nBased on your controller class, add fx:id=\"label\" as an attribute to the <Label text=\"Label\"> element.", "\nFor future reference, since the major difference between the two lines of code was the use of the label field it is a good bet that the label field was the issue. ", "And since it was a NullPointerException regarding a FXML injected field it is a good bet that the field was not injected due to the FXML document and controller class not being configured/coded correctly.", "\nIt's the simple things that can really sneak up on ya.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Pay With\n\nGarage Door Service\n\nIf you are in need of garage door service in Richardson, TX, we offer services such as installation, maintenance and repair. ", "We can handle all kinds of garage door repair, including garage door spring repair and replacement, garage door opener repair, cables repair and replacement and rollers replacement. ", "When it comes to new garage door installation, we are the preferred team.", "\n\nSkills and experience\n\nWith the skills and experience to take care of all kinds of doors made by a variety of manufacturers, we can take care of your needs. ", "Whether you are needing help for a residential property with one garage door or a commercial property that has a dozen garage doors, you can count on us to take care of business and get your garage door needs addressed in a timely fashion.", "\n\nRegular garage door maintenance\n\nWhen it comes to regular garage door maintenance, we are the team you can depend on for that service as well. ", "We recommend a regular garage door tune-up to prevent untimely malfunctions and as an added safety precaution. ", "As an example, if your door is held by one spring and that spring breaks, there is always the risk of it falling onto someone or something. ", "We can inspect those springs to reduce the likelihood of unexpected breakage, protecting person and property.", "\n\nCommercial garage door service\n\nRegardless of your kind of business operation, we are the top choice for commercial garage door service. ", "Whether you are an auto repair shop with three or four doors or a loading dock that requires two dozen garage doors, you can rest knowing that the job is in good hands when you choose us to handle the project.", "\n\nAbsolute best prices\n\nWe guarantee the absolute best prices, fast response, superior workmanship and excellent customer service. ", "Our team strives to be the top garage door service company in the area. ", "When it comes to servicing garage doors in Richardson, TX, the choice is obvious. ", "Call us now to schedule your garage door service." ]
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[ "// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\n// found in the LICENSE file.", "\n\n#ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_MEDIA_GALLERIES_MEDIA_GALLERIES_SCAN_RESULT_DIALOG_CONTROLLER_H_\n#define CHROME_BROWSER_MEDIA_GALLERIES_MEDIA_GALLERIES_SCAN_RESULT_DIALOG_CONTROLLER_H_\n\n#include <map>\n#include <set>\n#include <string>\n\n#include \"base/callback.h\"\n#include \"base/memory/scoped_ptr.h\"\n#include \"base/strings/string16.h\"\n#include \"chrome/browser/media_galleries/media_galleries_preferences.h\"\n#include \"components/storage_monitor/removable_storage_observer.h\"\n\nnamespace content {\nclass WebContents;\n}\n\nnamespace extensions {\nclass Extension;\n}\n\nnamespace ui {\nclass MenuModel;\n}\n\nclass MediaGalleriesScanResultDialogController;\nclass MediaGalleryContextMenu;\nclass Profile;\n\n// The view.", "\nclass MediaGalleriesScanResultDialog {\n public:\n virtual ~MediaGalleriesScanResultDialog();\n\n // Tell the dialog to update its display list of scan results.", "\n virtual void UpdateResults() = 0;\n\n // Constructs a platform-specific dialog owned and controlled by |controller|.", "\n static MediaGalleriesScanResultDialog* Create(\n MediaGalleriesScanResultDialogController* controller);\n};\n\n// The controller is responsible for handling the logic of the dialog and\n// interfacing with the model (i.e., MediaGalleriesPreferences). ", "It shows\n// the dialog and owns itself.", "\nclass MediaGalleriesScanResultDialogController\n : public RemovableStorageObserver,\n public MediaGalleriesPreferences::GalleryChangeObserver {\n public:\n struct ScanResult {\n ScanResult(const MediaGalleryPrefInfo& pref_info, bool selected)\n : pref_info(pref_info),\n selected(selected) {\n }\n ScanResult() : selected(false) {}\n\n MediaGalleryPrefInfo pref_info;\n bool selected;\n };\n typedef std::vector<ScanResult> OrderedScanResults;\n\n // |preferences| must be already initialized.", "\n static size_t ScanResultCountForExtension(\n MediaGalleriesPreferences* preferences,\n const extensions::Extension* extension);\n\n // The constructor creates a dialog controller which owns itself.", "\n MediaGalleriesScanResultDialogController(\n content::WebContents* web_contents,\n const extensions::Extension& extension,\n const base::Closure& on_finish);\n\n // The title of the dialog view.", "\n base::string16 GetHeader() const;\n\n // Explanatory text directly below the title.", "\n base::string16 GetSubtext() const;\n\n // Get the scan results and their current selection state.", "\n virtual OrderedScanResults GetGalleryList() const;\n\n // A checkbox beside a scan result was toggled.", "\n virtual void DidToggleGalleryId(MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id, bool selected);\n\n // A folder viewer icon was clicked.", "\n virtual void DidClickOpenFolderViewer(MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id) const;\n\n // The forget command in the context menu was selected.", "\n virtual void DidForgetGallery(MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id);\n\n // The dialog is being deleted.", "\n virtual void DialogFinished(bool accepted);\n\n virtual content::WebContents* web_contents();\n\n ui::MenuModel* GetContextMenu(MediaGalleryPrefId id);\n\n protected:\n typedef base::Callback<MediaGalleriesScanResultDialog* (\n MediaGalleriesScanResultDialogController*)> CreateDialogCallback;\n typedef std::map<MediaGalleryPrefId, ScanResult> ScanResults;\n\n // Updates |scan_results| from |preferences|. ", "Will not add galleries from\n // |ignore_list| onto |scan_results|.", "\n static void UpdateScanResultsFromPreferences(\n MediaGalleriesPreferences* preferences,\n const extensions::Extension* extension,\n MediaGalleryPrefIdSet ignore_list,\n ScanResults* scan_results);\n\n // Used for unit tests.", "\n MediaGalleriesScanResultDialogController(\n const extensions::Extension& extension,\n MediaGalleriesPreferences* preferences_,\n const CreateDialogCallback& create_dialog_callback,\n const base::Closure& on_finish);\n\n virtual ~MediaGalleriesScanResultDialogController();\n\n private:\n friend class MediaGalleriesScanResultDialogControllerTest;\n friend class MediaGalleriesScanResultDialogCocoaTest;\n\n // Bottom half of constructor -- called when |preferences_| is initialized.", "\n void OnPreferencesInitialized();\n\n // Used to keep the dialog in sync with the preferences.", "\n void OnPreferenceUpdate(const std::string& extension_id);\n\n // Used to keep the dialog in sync with attached and detached devices.", "\n void OnRemovableDeviceUpdate(const std::string device_id);\n\n Profile* GetProfile() const;\n\n // RemovableStorageObserver implementation.", "\n // Used to keep dialog in sync with removable device status.", "\n virtual void OnRemovableStorageAttached(const StorageInfo& info) OVERRIDE;\n virtual void OnRemovableStorageDetached(const StorageInfo& info) OVERRIDE;\n\n // MediaGalleriesPreferences::GalleryChangeObserver implementations.", "\n // Used to keep the dialog in sync when the preferences change.", "\n virtual void OnPermissionAdded(MediaGalleriesPreferences* pref,\n const std::string& extension_id,\n MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id) OVERRIDE;\n virtual void OnPermissionRemoved(MediaGalleriesPreferences* pref,\n const std::string& extension_id,\n MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id) OVERRIDE;\n virtual void OnGalleryAdded(MediaGalleriesPreferences* pref,\n MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id) OVERRIDE;\n virtual void OnGalleryRemoved(MediaGalleriesPreferences* pref,\n MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id) OVERRIDE;\n virtual void OnGalleryInfoUpdated(MediaGalleriesPreferences* pref,\n MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id) OVERRIDE;\n\n // The web contents from which the request originated.", "\n content::WebContents* web_contents_;\n\n // This is just a reference, but it's assumed that it won't become invalid\n // while the dialog is showing.", "\n const extensions::Extension* extension_;\n\n // The scan results that aren't blacklisted and this extension doesn't\n // already have access to.", "\n ScanResults scan_results_;\n\n // The set of scan results which should be removed (blacklisted) - unless\n // the user clicks Cancel.", "\n MediaGalleryPrefIdSet results_to_remove_;\n\n // Callback to run when the dialog closes.", "\n base::Closure on_finish_;\n\n // The model that tracks galleries and extensions' permissions.", "\n // This is the authoritative source for gallery information.", "\n MediaGalleriesPreferences* preferences_;\n\n // Creates the dialog. ", "Only changed for unit tests.", "\n CreateDialogCallback create_dialog_callback_;\n\n // The view that's showing.", "\n scoped_ptr<MediaGalleriesScanResultDialog> dialog_;\n\n scoped_ptr<MediaGalleryContextMenu> context_menu_;\n\n DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MediaGalleriesScanResultDialogController);\n};\n\n#endif // CHROME_BROWSER_MEDIA_GALLERIES_MEDIA_GALLERIES_SCAN_RESULT_DIALOG_CONTROLLER_H_\n" ]
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[ "About This Game\n\nFeatures:\n\nFPS meets Sandbox Strategy Game\n\nShooter and Real-Time Strategy\n\nRealistic Combat Simulation\n\nHigh Re-playability\n\nSteam Workshop Support\n\nis set in a chaos filled world occupied by battling factions, bandits and warlords who seek to rule the world.", "The game is about your career as a faction leader: Start with minimal assets, you need to make money, build an army, wage wars against other factions and eliminate your rival forces with thoughtful strategies and fine marksmanship and eventually conquer the world. ", "The game provides a completely different shooter experience which strikes a balance between intenseandThe game's innovative combat system blends tactical FPS with real-time strategy, allowing you to command an army, plan for tactics in the God view, while immersing in the intense firefight as a foot soldier, in the first-person perspective.", "Start your career with almost nothing, you must make money, recruit soldiers, loot villages, fight bandits, attack territories and dominate the world. ", "The game is a combination of challenging action and a wider strategic theater.", "Experience the unique combat system which blends real-time strategy with tactical first-person shooter. ", "You are expected to strategically plan the movements and tactics of multiple squads in addition to having to be an eagle-eyed sharpshooter and possessing catlike reactions.", "The game is about realism. ", "Killing 100 enemies with only a pistol is not possible. ", "You will be challenged by highly intelligent AI that is capable of advanced tactical maneuvers such as flanking, surrounding and even fake retreating, almost like what you would experience in real combat. ", "Only carefully planned tactics, equipment, and cooperation between squads can bring you victory. ", "Are you up to the challenge?The random nature of starting points, enemy AI and objectives will make every battle feel different and challenging. ", "There is no linear gameplay: You have the freedom to decide how to progress in the game, who to fight, what equipment and squads to use and how to dominate the world.", "Use our modding tools to create and share your mods. ", "Subscribe to other creators' mods and have some extra fun!" ]
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[ "Significance of serum ribavirin concentration in combination therapy of interferon and ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C.\nThe purpose of this clinical retrospective cohort study was to determine the most suitable ribavirin concentration on combination therapy of interferon (IFN)-ribavirin. ", "Entry criteria were serum HCV-RNA level >/=100 KIU/ml, HCV-genotype 1b, chronic hepatitis, and initial combination treatment of IFN-alpha-2b (6 million units daily for 2 weeks and then 3 times weekly for 6 weeks) and ribavirin (600-800 mg/day) for 8 weeks without stopping or decreasing the dosage of IFN and/or ribavirin. ", "Sixty-eight consecutive patients who satisfied the above criteria were given maintenance therapy for another 16 weeks. ", "A sustained virological response (SVR) rate of 25.0% (17/68) was seen in all subjects. ", "The SVR rate was 44.0% (11/25) in the high ribavirin group with a serum ribavirin concentration of >/=3,000 ng/ml at 8 weeks after initiation of combination therapy. ", "SVR was significantly dependent at a serum ribavirin level of >/=3,000 ng/ml (p = 0.005). ", "The incidence of discontinuations and dose modifications for combination therapy in patients having a serum ribavirin concentration of >/=3,500 ng/ml 8 weeks after initiation of therapy was 57.1% (4/7). ", "This value was statistically higher than that in patents with <3,500 ng/ml (p = 0.033). ", "Our results showed that the most suitable serum ribavirin concentrations are from 3,000 to 3,500 ng/ml 8 weeks after initiation of combination therapy." ]
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[ "Justin Meram scored his first goal of the season against FC Dallas with a powerful header. ", "The Crew SC midfielder towered above anybody else to head home the first away goal at Toyota Stadium this season, ending the Texans' seven-game winning streak in Frisco." ]
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[ " In the United States Court of Federal Claims\n OFFICE OF SPECIAL MASTERS\n No. ", "15-303V\n Filed: July 30, 2015\n Unpublished\n\n****************************\nROBERT VANOSDOL, *\n *\n Petitioner, * Damages Decision Based on Proffer;\n * Tetanus diphtheria acellular pertussis\n * (“Tdap”); Brachial Neuritis;\nSECRETARY OF HEALTH * Table Injury; Special Processing Unit\nAND HUMAN SERVICES, * (“SPU”)\n *\n Respondent. ", " *\n *\n****************************\nJohn Robert Howie, Jr., Howie Law, P.C. Dallas, TX, for petitioner.", "\nLara Ann Englund, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC for respondent.", "\n\n DECISION AWARDING DAMAGES 1\n\nVowell, Chief Special Master:\n\n On March 25, 2015, Robert VanOsdol filed a petition for compensation under the\nNational Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, 42 U.S.C. §300aa-10, et seq., ", "2 [the\n“Vaccine Act” or “Program”]. ", "Petitioner alleges that he suffered brachial neuritis\nfollowing administration of a Tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine\non April 13, 2012. ", "Petition at 1. ", "The case was assigned to the Special Processing Unit\nof the Office of Special Masters.", "\n\n On June 22, 2015, I issued a ruling on entitlement, finding petitioner entitled to\ncompensation for brachial neuritis. ", "On July 30, 2015, respondent filed a proffer on\naward of compensation [“Proffer”] indicating petitioner should be awarded $75,000.00.", "\nProffer at 1.", "\n\n\n1 Because this unpublished decision contains a reasoned explanation for the action in this case, I intend\nto post it on the United States Court of Federal Claims' website, in accordance with the E-Government\nAct of 2002, Pub. ", "L. No. ", "107-347, § 205, 116 Stat. ", "2899, 2913 (codified as amended at 44 U.S.C. § 3501\nnote (2006)). ", "In accordance with Vaccine Rule 18(b), petitioner has 14 days to identify and move to\nredact medical or other information, the disclosure of which would constitute an unwarranted invasion of\nprivacy. ", "If, upon review, I agree that the identified material fits within this definition, I will redact such\nmaterial from public access.", "\n\n2National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, Pub. ", "L. No. ", "99-660, 100 Stat. ", "3755. ", "Hereinafter, for\nease of citation, all “§” references to the Vaccine Act will be to the pertinent subparagraph of 42 U.S.C. §\n300aa (2012).", "\n\f Pursuant to the terms stated in the attached Proffer, I award petitioner a lump\nsum payment of $75,000.00 in the form of a check payable to petitioner, Robert\nVanOsdol. ", "This amount represents compensation for all damages that would be\navailable under § 300aa-15(a).", "\n\n The clerk of the court is directed to enter judgment in accordance with this\ndecision. ", "3\n\n s/Denise K. Vowell\n Denise K. Vowell\n Chief Special Master\n\n\n\n\n3\n Pursuant to Vaccine Rule 11(a), entry of judgment can be expedited by each party filing a notice\nrenouncing the right to seek review.", "\n\f Case 1:15-vv-00303-UNJ Document 17 Filed 07/30/15 Page 1 of 2\n\n\n\n IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF FEDERAL CLAIMS\n OFFICE OF SPECIAL MASTERS\n\nROBERT VANOSDOL, )\n )\n Petitioner, )\n )\n v. ) No. ", "15-303V\n ) Chief Special Master Denise Vowell\nSECRETARY OF )\nHEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, )\n )\n Respondent. ", " )\n )\n\n RESPONDENT’S PROFFER ON AWARD OF COMPENSATION\n\nI. Compensation for Vaccine Injury-Related Items\n\n Respondent proffers that, based on the evidence of record, petitioner should be awarded\n\n$75,000.00. ", "This amount represents all elements of compensation to which petitioner would be\n\nentitled under 42 U.S.C. § 300aa-15(a)(1); -15(a)(3)(A); and -15(a)(4). ", "Petitioner agrees.", "\n\nII. ", " Form of the Award\n\n The parties recommend that the compensation provided to petitioner should be made as a\n\nlump sum payment of $75,000.00, in the form of a check payable to petitioner. ", "1 Petitioner is a\n\ncompetent adult. ", "Evidence of guardianship is not required in this case. ", "This amount accounts\n\nfor all elements of compensation under 42 U.S.C. § 300aa-15(a) to which petitioner would be\n\nentitled.", "\n\n Respectfully submitted,\n\n BENJAMIN C. MIZER\n Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General\n\n\n\n1\n Should petitioner die prior to entry of judgment, respondent would oppose any award for future\nmedical expenses, future lost earnings, and future pain and suffering, and the parties reserve the\nright to move the Court for appropriate relief.", "\n\f Case 1:15-vv-00303-UNJ Document 17 Filed 07/30/15 Page 2 of 2\n\n\n\n RUPA BHATTACHARYYA\n Director\n Torts Branch, Civil Division\n\n VINCENT J. MATANOSKI\n Deputy Director\n Torts Branch, Civil Division\n\n HEATHER L. PEARLMAN\n Senior Trial Attorney\n Torts Branch, Civil Division\n\n s/ LARA A. ENGLUND\n LARA A. ENGLUND\n Trial Attorney\n Torts Branch, Civil Division\n U.S. Department of Justice\n P.O. Box 146 Benjamin Franklin Station\n Washington D.C. 20044-0146\n Tel: (202) 307-3013\n\nDated: July 30, 2015\n\n\n\n\n 2\n\f" ]
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[ "You are here\n\nHey everyone. ", "I just want to quickly say thank you for all your support and helping me reach 400 videos on my YouTube channel. ", "I do all of this for you guys and girls and hope to do another 400 successful videos and beyond. ", "Mad <3's.", "\n\nThis year's Pilgrim's Bounty is November 25th - December 2nd. ", "This is a pretty easy Holiday Achievement and worth doing whether you're wanting to snag a Plump Turkey, the Pilgrim title, or if you're just bored looking for something fun to do.", "\n\nTo get started, look at which achievements you haven't done and try to focus on them first. ", "I'll use a character that has zero achievements and guide you through the whole holiday quest line and achievements... Click to read more!", "\n\nWhat's up guy and girl players of WoW. Tarou here bringing you an awesome video on how to do the Children's Week achievements and get all the pets/companions.", "\n\nThis year there aren't any new changes to Children's Week compared to last year for the holiday.", "\n\nChildren's Week is underway and lasts until Monday. ", "Just like Noblegarden there aren't any too difficult achievements and overall not too many to do either. ", "It should only take half a day to complete everything for most players. ", "This holiday is required for the meta-achievement, \"What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been\" but, is one of the easiest ones. ", "You don't need to complete 'Veteran Nanny'.", "\n\nTo get started, head to the Orphanage and speak with the orphan matron..." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nManipulating HTML forms with CSS\n\nI've been working on some forms, and I'm not sure how to customize them.", "\nThis solution seems to work, but in my case the properties are simply applied to the area around the form rather than the form itself.", "\nCSS: \n.Forms{\n position:relative;\n top:100px;\n background-color:#666;\n font-family:'Unica One';\n font-weight:500;\n}\n\nHTML: \n<form action=\"\" method=\"post\" class=\"Forms\" id=\"Form1\">\n <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Email Zoltan (Financial Manager, Director)\" />\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"button_pressed\" value=\"1\" />\n</form>\n\nA:\n\nThe CSS code sets properties on the form element. ", "Apparently you want to apply some of them to the input button instead, so you need to break the rule into two rules:\n<!", "doctype html>\n<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Unica+One'\n rel='stylesheet'>\n<style>\n.Forms {\n position: relative;\n top: 100px; \n}\n.Forms input[type=submit] {\n background-color: #666;\n font-family: 'Unica One';\n}\n</style>\n<form action=\"\" method=\"post\" class=\"Forms\" id=\"Form1\">\n <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Email Zoltan (Financial Manager, Director)\" />\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"button_pressed\" value=\"1\" />\n</form>\n\nI presume Unica One is meant to refer to a Google font with that name. ", "In that case, do not set font-weight, since that font exists as normal (400) typeface only. ", "If you try to set the weight to 500, most browsers ignore it but some may apply algorithmic bolding, which produces questionable results.", "\nNote that setting the background color changes the basic rendering too: the default button, usually with rounded corners in modern browsers, turns to a rectangular box with a bit odd border. ", "You can change this by setting various border properties (including border-radius) on the input element. ", "The point is that buttons have built-in rendering in browsers, but if you set certain crucial CSS properties, this rendering changes to something different, and you should consider setting different other properties as well, when relevant.", "\nP.S. The button becomes almost illegible, due to insufficient color contrast mostly, and Unica One isn’t really suitable for use like this.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Downtown Lowell Historic District\n\nThe Downtown Lowell Historic District is a primarily commercial historic district located along Main Street (M-21), roughly between Hudson and Washington Streets, in Lowell, Michigan. ", "The district was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1999.", "\n\nHistory\nThe first European settler in this area was Daniel Marsac, a French fur trader, who arrived in 1831. ", "In 1835, Marsac purchased what is now the east side of Lowell and founded a new settlement, naming it Dansville. ", "By 1844, there was a bridge across the Flat River at Dansville, which was quickly followed by a dam and gristmill. ", "In 1850, Marsac sold his land to Able Avery, who platted the area. ", "Arba Richards and Richard Wickham, owners of what is now the west side of present-day Lowell, followed suit in 1854, naming their new settlement \"Lowell.\" ", "Both Dansville and Lowell existed side-by-side until 1861, when they merged and incorporated as the village of Lowell.", "\n\nThe 1850s started the rapid increase of Lowell's population, and the growth if the central business district. ", "A number of mills opened, spurred by the damming of the Flat River. ", "The Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee Railway arrived in 1858, making Lowell easily accessible. ", "Starting after the Civil War, a boom in commercial business began in Lowell, as prosperous farmers and mill owners began spending their wealth. ", "Over the next three decades, a number of commercial buildings were constructed, many with multiple storefronts, and a variety of businesses moved in. ", "These new brick blocks supplanted the wooden buildings that had been located in the downtown area initially. ", "Merchants included Joseph Lowthian Hudson, later the founder of Hudson's department store in Detroit, who operated a store in Lowell from 1888 to 1890.", "\n\nAfter the turn of the century, new styles of buildings were constructed downtown. ", "Substantial flooding in 1904 washed away the buildings straddling the river, and a large fire in 1905 demolished several buildings. ", "However, the turn of the century also marked the end of Lowell's growth, with little population added over the next 80 years. ", "Only a handful of buildings were constructed after 1910, leaving downtown Lowell looking much as it did at that time.", "\n\nDescription\nThe Downtown Lowell Historic District covers both sides of five city blocks along Main Street, on either side of the Flat River. ", "The district contains 56 buildings and structures, 44 of which contribute to the historic character of the district. ", "Thirty-nine of the contributing buildings are brick and/or cement commercial blocks of one to three stories in height. ", "The remaining structures include one brick residence (the Graham House, listed separately on the Register), one wood frame industrial building; two bridges and the Jaycees Park. ", "Nearly all buildings are sited directly on the sidewalk, and the majority were constructed from 1865-1890, with nearly all constructed before 1910. ", "The buildings are typically Italianate in character, but there are some Romanesque Revival and Art Deco structures included in the district.", "\n\nReferences\n\n\t\t\nCategory:National Register of Historic Places in Kent County, Michigan\nCategory:Victorian architecture in Michigan\nCategory:Art Deco architecture in Michigan\nCategory:Buildings and structures completed in 1904" ]
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[ "January 31, 2013\n\nBella Blvd: Step-By-Step Monthly Project Sheet - Winter Wonder\n\nWe snuck in our step-by-step monthly project sheet for January just in the knick of time. ", "How is today the last day of January already?!?!", "\n\nFor this months project sheet, I was working with the Winter Wonder collection. ", "I've used pieces of this collection before, but not really for winter layouts, seeing as we don't experience any sort of actual \"winter\" here in my part of California. ", "But I was able to scrounge up the one and only set of snow pictures that we have, from a trip Alyssa took to the snow with her dad, aunt, and grandparents. ", "Forever ago.", "\n\nYou can download/print the project sheet, which has a complete supply list and full instructions, right HERE.", "\n\nComments\n\nHi Laura,\nI love this layout, so cute and fun!! ", "Do other people use this project sheet with other materials, I don't have any of these papers? ", "IS there a gallery or anything with what others make with this. ", "Thinking I should finally try this, always loved it but keep forgetting. ", "I have plenty of SNOW pictures to use up, lol\nThanks for any help you can give me.", "\nI also love the feathers and crochet hearts you have been using, so COOL and texture is always FUN to see!", "\nWill be sharing my PL pages soon with you, taking the idea of your INSANE week, love it so much!" ]
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[ "The Squares of the City\n\nThe Squares of the City is a science fiction novel written by John Brunner and first published in 1965 (). ", "It was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1966.", "\n\nIt is a sociological story of urban class warfare and political intrigue, taking place in the fictional South American capital city of Vados. ", "It explores the idea of subliminal messages as political tools, and it is notable for having the structure of a famous 1892 chess game between Wilhelm Steinitz and Mikhail Chigorin. ", " The structure is not coincidental, and plays an important part in the story.", "\n\nReception\nAlgis Budrys found the novel to be more artifice than fiction, saying \"this is a confusing, overpopulated, almost-unidentifiable-with story set in a city which seems to have been created for the sole purpose of having Brunner set a 'human chess game' in motion upon it. . . . ", "There is nothing in particular here to catch and hold the reader's involvement\". ", "Judith Merril, however, found Squares \"an impressive piece of work\" with \"complexities [that] add richness rather than spread confusion.\" ", "She noted, however, that the demands of the novel's \"elaborate structure\" weakened it by impelling Brunner to sacrifice character development in order to depict \"interpersonal exchanges.\"", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nThe Steinitz-Chigorin game\n\nCategory:Novels by John Brunner\nCategory:1965 British novels\nCategory:1965 science fiction novels\nCategory:Novels set in South America\nCategory:Novels about chess\nCategory:Ballantine Books books" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nJavaScript API to detect Office language and Excel argument separator\n\nIn Excel, from formulasLocal of a range, we could get more or less an idea about the user's language and number-formatting locale. ", "For example, the English \"=SUM(A1, 1.5)\" formula would become \"=SUMME(A1; 1,5)\" in German.", "\nBut a workbook can well have no formula. ", "So, is there a formal API to detect which language of Office (especially Excel) a user is using? ", "\nAdditionally, is there a formal API to detect the argument separator (eg, ; or ,)?", "\nAdditionally again, is there a formal API to check if the workbook is under R1C1 or A1 notation style?", "\n\nA:\n\nThere are 2 language values you can reference with the Office.js APIs. ", "One is the Context.displayLanguage (which returns the language of Office UI), and the other is Context.contentLanguage (which returns the language of the data/text inside the document). ", "Both of these can be configured separately by the users. ", "The argument separator is determined by the content language.", "\nIt's not necessary to check whether the workbook is using R1C1 notation because when you set a formula you can simply use A1 notation and Excel will automatically convert it if needed.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The social and physical hazard associated with the use of marihuana is intimately related to its potential therapeutic benefit. ", "It is therefore reasonable to examine the effect of the cannabinoids alone and in combination with other drugs which are misused and, which also, have therapeutic rationale. ", "We therefore propose to extend our study of the toxicology of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol to include cannabinol and cannabindiol alone and also in combination with barbiturates (phenobarbital), ethanol, dextro amphetamine, morphine and certain anesthetic agents including halothine and nitrous oxide. ", "The study of the effect on mental and motor performance in human subjects produced by smoking marihuana either alone or in conjunction with the taking of barbiturates, ethanol, dextro amphetamine and caffeine will continue. ", "Our investigation will be expanded to include cannabinol and cannabidiol alone and in various combinations with delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol mixed with placebo marihuana for smoking. ", "Human studies involving anesthetic agents and pulmonary airway resistance and lung compliance are either contemplated or currently underway." ]
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[ "Submissive porn star Madison Young watches helplessly as Lew pulls the winch chains pulling her off the floor by her ankles. ", "Starting with a leather flogger Lew warms Madison's naked flesh before he switches to a riding crop to build her pain and desire in the more sensitive parts of her vulnerable body...\n\nPhoto shoots don't yield much video, the snap of the cameras, interruptions from photog's moving around the set and stepping into frame, plus moving the bound models for the best shots. ", "But if you've ever wondered what it would be like to get a seat in the corner and watch the action then you'll enjoy this type of clip. ", "For this photoshoot Maya Matthews (aka the brat plus as slave 62) is tightly bound wearing a checkerboard leotard. ", "Lew positions her for his photos before adding a ring gag to her helplessness, then stuffs her mouth to the max with a scarf and seals it in with vet wrap. ", "Maya's screams and whimpers remind Lew as well as the viewer just how tight the rope pulling through her pussy is and how much it hurts her to try to move or struggle!", "\n\nChiara volunteers to try Lew's workout routine. ", "First the slim redhead is bound tightly to his weight machine. ", "Lew tapes a Hitachi vibrator to the bench with the working end centered on her 'sweet spot' then some suction bulbs onto her nipples before he applies a rope gag and blindfold. ", "As the vibrator drives her into a frenzy she is zapped with a shocker but just as she is about to go over the edge Lew switches off the Hitachi and leaves her to struggle with her frustration...\n\nLew fakes being in the snow to get a pretty nurse Petal Benson to come to his rescue on top of a snowy mountain. ", "When she arrives she is quickly taken down and tightly bound. ", "In addition to his ropes Lew has brought along a dental spreader gag that leaves his captive unable to cry out and drooling uncontrollably! ", "Her nurse uniform offers her little protection from the snow, especially when Lew pulls it open to expose her abundant tits then leaves her to struggle in the snow...\n\nMaria Shadoes has Claire Adams tightly frog-tied with her elbows cinched behind her and makes her duck-walk out onto the balcony of their mountain chalet. ", "On the balcony table Claire is gagged with a huge ball gag and then tormented by Maria with a slapper as well as nipple torments. ", "Then hogtied on her belly there is more very erotic chemistry between these two bondage legends...\n\nLew has Taylor Maid and Maggie bound for their first time in the snow and challenges them to free themselves. ", "The action is fun as they struggle and try to work themselves free from the ropes then try to get together to work at each others knots. ", "They are further harassed by Maria with the freezing snow while they struggle...\n\nAnother cold snowy day in the Pacific Northwest and Maria has refused to wash the dirty dishes. ", "Lew has her stripped to her gloves and boots, tightly bound her arms and drags her kicking and screaming out to a few stakes he has pounded into the cold ground. ", "She fights the bondage and ends up tied down in the freezing snow as he binds her legs to another stake and leaves her to think about changing her mind. ", "Humiliated and defeated, she agrees to his demands and begs him to return and free her..." ]
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[ "Why we made this change\n\nVisitors are allowed 3 free articles per month (without a subscription), and private browsing prevents us from counting how many stories you've read. ", "We hope you understand, and consider subscribing for unlimited online access.", "\n\nIs Twitter Here to Stay?", "\n\nA new online messaging tool is hot, but it may be too banal to last.", "\n\nLast week I wrote about Jott, a useful tool for capturing thoughts that occur to you when you’re away from your computer and unable to write them down. ", "You call Jott’s toll-free number from your cell phone and leave a brief voice message; workers at an Indian call center transcribe your message into text and e-mail it to you or to specified friends or coworkers.", "\n\nJott made its first big splash at the Technology, Entertainment, and Design (TED) conference in Monterey, CA, in early March, and it has already gained thousands of enthusiastic users, who “jott” everything from shopping lists to song lyrics. ", "But in the competition for consumer and media buzz, Jott has been up against another free service that also uses cell phones and the Internet to capture moments in time, this one with a social twist. ", "It’s Twitter, which essentially turns the one-to-one channels of instant messaging and phone-based SMS text messaging into broadcast media.", "\n\nTwitter members use the company website or their own cell phones to compose missives up to 140 characters in length, almost always answering the trademark Twitter question, “What are you doing?” ", "Once a member submits a message to the site or texts it to the short code 40404 (in the United States), it goes out to the phones and browsers of the people who’ve joined that member’s social network–his or her “followers,” in Twitter lingo. ", "Every four minutes, the accumulated messages are also posted briefly to Twitter’s public timeline, which anyone can read on the Web.", "\n\nTwitter had about 100,000 members as of late March, and membership has been doubling every three weeks, according to Twitter engineer Biz Stone. ", "Members exchange an astonishing number of updates every hour, ranging from the maddeningly trivial (“Just placed a bid on eBay for an auction I won’t win”) to the mildly interesting (“Portrait of a writer on deadline: Staring into my near-empty fridge. ", "Peanut butter, no bread. ", "Cereal, no milk. ", "Bottle of Veuve, no party”).", "\n\nIn that respect, Twitterers resemble bloggers, except that most updates have a rawer, more dashed-off flavor–which is to be expected, since they’re also far shorter and more ephemeral than blog posts. ", "Members like the service, in Stone’s view, because it lets them stay connected with friends without having to think about technical details such as their friends’ instant-messaging handles or which cellular carrier they use. ", "Twitter is “a sophisticated, device-agnostic, social message routing system that nobody realizes they need until they try it,” Stone says. “", "We’ve lowered the barrier to keeping in touch such that the only thing that matters is what you and your friends are doing.”", "\n\nThe guts of Twitter is a system that quickly matches new messages coming in from members with the followers who have signed up to receive them, then retransmits them using each follower’s preferred channel: instant message, SMS, or the Twitter website. ", "Stone says the company completed a working version of the software in only two weeks using Ruby on Rails, a programming language and a set of prefabricated software modules widely employed by developers of the new raft of Web services known as Web 2.0. ", "The hard part, he says, was “navigating the business aspects of the mobile industry. ", "It took us months to get a short code and figure out how to play nice with all the major U.S. and international mobile carriers.” (", "SMS messages to Twitter incur the usual carrier fees of $0.10 to $0.15 per message.)", "\n\nThe company is also grappling with its own sudden growth, says Stone. ", "The unanticipated storm of Twitters has resulted in occasional slowdowns and downtime. “", "We’re looking for a senior engineer experienced at developing large-scale systems,” he pleads.", "\n\nStone is a longtime collaborator of Blogger cofounder Evan Williams, who owns Twitter’s parent company, Obvious. ", "But “obvious” isn’t the word some onlookers are using to describe Twitter’s utility. ", "While it has some high-profile users, such as presidential candidate John Edwards and former Microsoft blogger Robert Scoble, many bloggers have dismissed Twitter as a giant distraction, full of news flashes about which variety of latte a friend just ordered at Starbucks.", "\n\nDedicated Twitter users defend the service, suggesting that the daily minutiae actually add up to something significant. “", "Asking ‘who really cares about that kind of mindless trivia about your day?’ ", "misses the whole point of presence,” writes Liz Lawley, director of the Lab for Social Computing at Rochester Institute of Technology. “", "It’s about letting the people in your distributed network of family and friends have some sense of where you are and what you’re doing. ", "When I travel, the first thing I ask the kids on the phone when I call home is, ‘What are you doing?’ ", "Not because I really care that much about the show on TV, or the homework they’re working on, but because I care about the rhythms and activities of their days.”", "\n\nBut Twittering became such a fashionable pastime at TED and at the following week’s South by Southwest interactive technology conference in Austin, TX, that other observers wonder whether it is more than a fad. “", "Twitter was impossible to escape at South by Southwest,” says Jamais Cascio, an independent “foresight consultant” and cofounder of futurist news site WorldChanging. “", "I think it went through the entire hype cycle–from nobody knowing about it to ‘What do you mean you don’t use it?’ ", "to ‘Twitter? ", "Do you still have that?’–in about four days.”", "\n\nBut at least a few independent Web developers are still enamored with Twitter, and they’re using the programming interfaces provided by Obvious to build mashups that give messages more context. ", "If Twitter users send a specially formatted message to the service giving their current location, all their subsequent Twitters will include that information; Maryland-based developer David Troy took advantage of this feed to build Twittermap, which displays each new message above the user’s location on a Google Map.", "\n\nLater, Troy introduced an animated version called Twittervision, which comes as close to embodying the phrase “global conversation” as anything on the Web. ", "The Twittervision screen depicts the entire earth (again, using map data from Google) and slides east and west to highlight the latest geocoded messages from Twitterers around the world. ", "Say you’re in Tanzania and you see an interesting Twitter pop up over Tokyo. ", "You can respond via phone or the Web, and within 60 seconds your own Twitter will appear over Africa.", "\n\nNat Torkington, a New Zealander who runs open-source conferences for technology publisher O’Reilly Media, comments that Twittervision is “a hypnotic glimpse into the lives of people around the world.” ", "He calls it “a complete waste of time”–but “in the same way that conversation, casual sex, and reading are wastes of time.”", "\n\nAI is here. ", "Will you lead or follow? ", "Countdown to EmTech Digital 2019 has begun.", "\n\nYou've read\nof three\nfree articles this month.", "\nSubscribe now for unlimited online access.", "\nYou've read\nof three\nfree articles this month.", "\nSubscribe now for unlimited online access.", "\nThis is your last free article this month.", "\nSubscribe now for unlimited online access.", "\nYou've read all your free articles this month.", "\nSubscribe now for unlimited online access.", "\nYou've read\nof three\nfree articles this month.", "\nLog in for more, or subscribe now for unlimited online access.", "\nLog in for two more free articles, or subscribe now\nfor unlimited online access." ]
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[ "Migration will dominate the fifth summit between Africa and the European Union, which will be held in Abidjan on 29 and 30 November. ", "But Europeans keep dictating the agenda, due to lack of political unity in the African Union.", "\n\nGeert Laporte is Deputy Director of the European Centre for Development Policy Managementand has been following the relationship between the European Union and Africa for 20 years.", "\n\nHe spoke to EURACTIV France’s Cécile Barbière on the sidelines of the African Union – EU Summit in Abidjan.", "\n\nThe fifth summit between the European Union and the African Union will open in Abidjan and focus on youth. ", "Is this really the top priority in the relations between the two continents?", "\n\nThis is a very important subject for both Europe and Africa, but it is above all a consensual subject, which does not bother any of the two blocs, unlike more sensitive subjects such as migration, economic development, security or the fight against terrorism. ", "These issues are also on the agenda of the summit and will be discussed as well.", "\n\nPolitically, the most urgent issues will certainly be migration and security, on which Europe and Africa must find shared solutions. ", "But these themes are obviously closely linked to the main issue of the future of youth. ", "The African population will double by 2050. ", "If young people do not have employment opportunities at home, this will turn into a European problem.", "\n\nToday Europe sees migration as a threat and Africa as an opportunity. ", "These are themes that will always be on the agenda.", "\n\nThe European Union’s policy of helping the Libyan authorities intercept migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean and return them to “horrific” prisons in Libya is “inhuman”, the United Nations said on Tuesday (14 November).", "\n\nYouth will be at the centre of discussions between Europe and Africa. ", "How are young people from both continents associated?", "\n\nThere are many young people who would like to participate more in this political dialogue, but there are no opportunities for them to do so. ", "African leadership is not ready to open the debate to youth and civil society. ", "But there is also a responsibility on the part of Europe, which maintains a very state-wide mode of cooperation in its dialogue with Africa. ", "Yet, in the texts, there are opportunities for increased participation and inclusion of civil society, but in practice, this does not happen.", "\n\nThe migration issue is a common issue, but the debate still seems to be led by the European Union more than by Africa…\n\nMigration is a priority issue beyond Europe, it is also important in Africa, as opportunities for young people also depend on mobility within the African continent.", "\n\nBut the debate on migration is primarily led by Europe, which is under greater political pressure to act. ", "As a result, the EU is taking a short-term approach to the migration issue through tools such as the Trust Fund for Africa.", "\n\nThis urgency is also pushing Europe to negotiate with dictatorships like Sudan. ", "Belgium’s State Secretary for migration Theo Francken recently invited Sudanese officials to Belgium to help identify Sudanese migrants in Brussels parks.", "\n\nThe idea of cooperating with such a country is problematic. ", "Europe is so obsessed with the short-term that it indirectly finances perverse regimes like Sudan’s. ", "In the long run, the effects are likely to be disastrous.", "\n\nAfrican and European leaders gathered in Paris on Monday (28 August) to broach the subject of migration, where support was expressed for moving the EU’s external border into Africa itself, so that asylum applications can be handled locally. ", "EURACTIV France reports.", "\n\nRevelations about the existence of slave markets in Libya have strongly affected both sides of the Mediterranean. ", "Can this give a new twist to the debate?", "\n\nThere is a shared responsibility of Africa and Europe on the subject of the situation of migrants in Libya. ", "These videos have been very emotional, and if both sides are ready to take responsibility and recognize the mistakes to move forward, there may be an opening. ", "For this to happen, African leaders must not put all the blame on Europe and the closing of borders.", "\n\nSome African leaders have already publicly denounced the fact that enslaved migrant auctions are taking place in Africa.", "\n\nThe subject will be addressed, but in this type of summit, troublesome questions are always put aside. ", "This is not a solution: for the last 40 years, we find the same themes on the agenda.", "\n\nWhether on the subject of migration or on others, the relations of the two blocks are not on an equal footing …\n\nThe EU – Africa relationship is still one of dependency because it is still based on financial support from Europe to Africa, even if it is declining. ", "Those who benefit from the European aid system want the system to continue. ", "Asymmetry comes from the fact that we are always in a North-South relationship. ", "To change this paradigm, we must get rid of the dependency." ]
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[ "require 'tzinfo/timezone_definition'\n\nmodule TZInfo\n module Definitions\n module Australia\n module Tasmania\n include TimezoneDefinition\n \n linked_timezone 'Australia/Tasmania', 'Australia/Hobart'\n end\n end\n end\nend\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSetting Rotation of ExportWebMap\n\nI see from the ExportWebMap specification that rotation can be set in the JSON object sent to the sever.", "\nDoes anyone know if this can be accessed via the ESRI JavaScript API (v3.9)?", "\nI do not need to display the map with a rotation, just honor it in a printout\nThanks,\nJoe\n\nA:\n\nthe JS API doesn't expose the ability to set a rotation property on the exported map directly, but its not too difficult to intercept the request and add the property manually.", "\n esriRequest.setRequestPreCallback(myCallbackFunction);\n\n function myCallbackFunction(ioArgs) { \n //make sure we're only manipulating print requests\n if (ioArgs.url === \"http://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Utilities/PrintingTools/GPServer/Export%20Web%20Map%20Task/execute\") { \n //insert information about rotation into the webmap JSON string immediately after \"'mapOptions':{\"\n var output = ioArgs.content.", "Web_Map_as_JSON.substr(0, 15) + '\"rotation\": 45,' + ioArgs.content.", "Web_Map_as_JSON.substr(15);\n ioArgs.content.", "Web_Map_as_JSON = output;\n }\n\n // don't forget to return ioArgs.", "\n return ioArgs;\n }\n\nits a bit hackish, but it works\nhttp://jsfiddle.net/jagravois/tg27f/\ncheck out the documentation for esriRequest.setRequestPreCallback() for more information\n\n" ]
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[ "Hans Zhang\n\nHans Zhang Han (, born 6 October 1984) is a Chinese actor, singer and host. ", "He graduated from Central Academy of Drama in 2007. ", "Zhang is best known for his roles in Meteor Shower (2009) and Meteor Shower II (2010), Fall in Love (2011), The Queen of SOP (2012), Heroes in Sui and Tang Dynasties (2013), Boss & Me (2014), The Four (2015), Wolf Warriors 2 (2017) and Here to Heart (2018).", "\n\nEarly life\nZhang Han was born in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang. ", "He entered the Central Academy of Drama and majored in acting in 2003. ", "At the start of his life, his prudishness led him to doubt his potential to be an actor. ", "Zhang lingered around Beijing railway station to make a short video. ", "He shot his video as a romantic love story, which sprung from the story of a ragged man. ", "As a result of the video, Zhang was rewarded and was determined to stick with acting.", "\n\nCareer\n\n2009–2011: Beginnings and Rising popularity\nZhang graduated from Central Academy of Drama in 2007. ", "He rose to fame for his role as Murong Yunhai in the popular Chinese romance comedy drama Meteor Shower (2009) and its sequel, Meteor Shower II (2010).", "\n\nIn 2010, he starred in the Korean-Chinese animal film Hearty Paws 2 alongside Song Joong-ki.", "\n\nIn 2011, Zhang hosted Hunan TV's variety program Great Sunday with Meteor Shower co-stars Peer Zhu and Vision Wei. ", "The same year he starred in the romance drama Fall in Love, a remake of the South Korean television series Autumn in My Heart. ", "He then reunited with Meteor Shower co-star in the action film No Limit; both also played a couple in the historical television series Phoenix Totem.", "\n\n2012–2016: Continued success\nIn 2012, Zhang starred in the romantic comedy drama The Queen of SOP alongside Joe Chen. ", "It achieved high ratings throughout its run, leading to increased recognition for Zhang. ", "He was recognized as the Most Influential Actor at the Asian Idol Awards, and was coined Mainland's \"No.1 Idol Actor\" for his successful work in idol dramas.", "\n\nIn 2013, Zhang starred in historical drama Heroes in Sui and Tang Dynasties. ", "which was met with high ratings and positive reviews from critics. ", "Zhang won the Most Popular Actor award at the 19th Shanghai Television Festival. ", "The same year, he starred in the romance television series The Colors of Youth, where he portrayed 11 different personalities in one character.", "\n\nIn 2014, Zhang joined the travel reality program Divas Hit the Road. ", "The series was a hit with the audience and continuously topped television ratings and popularity ranking throughout its run. ", "He then starred alongside Zhao Liying in the romantic comedy drama Boss & Me, based on Gu Man's popular novel Come and Eat, Shan Shan. ", "Boss & Me was a huge hit both domestically and overseas. ", "Zhang won the Asian Star award at the Seoul International Drama Awards.", "\n\nIn a departure from his usual sunny roles, Zhang played 'Cold Blood' in the wuxia drama The Four (2015), based on the novel Si Da Ming Pu by Wen Ruian. ", "The same year, he was also cast in the film adaptation of popular science fiction novel The Three Body Problem.", "\n\nFollowing the establishment of his studio in 2015, Zhang announced that he would be taking part in the production of two upcoming dramas, The Rhapsody of a Summer Dream and If Paris Downcast.", "\n\nIn 2016, Zhang starred in the television adaptation of the Chinese mythical novel, Classic of Mountains and Seas. ", "He was nominated for the Best Actor award at the Huading Awards. ", "The same year, he starred in the crime thriller Ten Deadly Sins, based on the novel of the same name.", "\n\n2017–present: Acclaim\nIn 2017, Zhang co-starred in Wu Jing's action film Wolf Warriors 2. ", "He received praise for his role as a factory heir and army fanatic. ", "He then starred in the revolutionary drama film Eternal Wave alongside Aaron Kwok and Zhao Liying. ", "The same year, Zhang played Run Run Shaw in the drama The Legendary Tycoon, which narrates the life of the tycoon.", "\n\nIn 2018, Zhang starred alongside Janine Chang in romance drama Here to Heart. ", "His performance earned him a Best Actor nomination at the Asian Television Awards.", "\n\nPersonal life\nZhang previously dated actress Zheng Shuang. ", "The two confirmed the break-up of the five-year relationship in September 2014.", "\n\nIn early 2015, he dated actress Guli Nazha and the two broke up after 3 years in October 2017.", "\n\nFilmography\n\nFilm\n\nTelevision series\n\nVariety show\n\nDiscography\n\nAwards and nominations\n\nNotes and references\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:21st-century Chinese male actors\nCategory:Male actors from Heilongjiang\nCategory:Chinese male singers\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:1984 births\nCategory:Central Academy of Drama alumni\nCategory:People from Qiqihar\nCategory:Chinese television presenters\nCategory:Chinese male stage actors\nCategory:Singers from Heilongjiang\nCategory:Chinese male film actors\nCategory:Chinese male television actors\nCategory:Participants in Chinese reality television series\nCategory:21st-century Chinese singers\nCategory:21st-century male singers" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nsending a gridview in email\n\nI am trying to send selected rows and columns of a grdiview in email and for this i am using this function to do so\nPublic Function gridhtm(ByVal gv As GridView) As String\n Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()\n Dim sw As StringWriter = New StringWriter(sb)\n Dim hw As HtmlTextWriter = New HtmlTextWriter(sw)\n gv.", "RenderControl(hw)\n Return sb.", "ToString\n End Function\n\nand for sending email i am sending email like this\n email(\"malik.adeel@shakarganj.com.pk\", \"[Cheque Approval] GM Finance Reviewed (\" & TreeView2.SelectedValue & \")\", \"<b>Please find below the details of cheques prepared in favour of different parties.</b><br>\" & _\n gridhtm(GridView5))\n\nProblem is that when email set it sends the overall gridview to email like this image\n\nIn this there are two rows selected with check box and also i want to skip some columns like category nature mean i want to send only selected columns in email.", "But i dnt have any idea to manage this so please give any idea to accomplish this.", "\n\nA:\n\nFor printing purposes, remove what you don't want. ", "You can redirect to a \"print view page\" and print from there. ", "Also, depending on RenderControl(), you may be able to hide those items with CSS before you print. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Nationally ranked by the Associated Press for the first time since 1954, the Colorado State Rams are set to battle with the San Diego State Aztecs in a Mountain West Conference showdown at Moby Arena on Wednesday night.", "\n\nThe Rams, currently second in the MWC standings with a record of 6-2, have won four straight outings overall thanks to a 73-69 triumph over Nevada a week ago on the road. ", "When it comes to playing at home in Fort Collins, the Rams have not experienced defeat in quite some time, rattling off a school-record 26 straight victories dating back to November of 2011 when the team was beaten, ironically enough, by Southern Miss and head coach Larry Eustachy who is now the head man with CSU.", "\n\nMeanwhile, the Aztecs are a squad that was considered one of the leaders in the conference heading into the 2012-13 campaign and while the team's strong opening to the schedule seemed to prove that, there have been a few bumps in the road when it comes to league outings.", "\n\nHowever, over the weekend SDSU did deliver another masterful performance against Fresno State, 75-53, the team's second straight win and the fourth in the last five contests, not to mention the 33rd straight triumph over an opponent from the state of California.", "\n\nColorado State dropped the first meeting of the season with the Aztecs by a final of 79-72 in overtime, albeit after battling back from an 18-point deficit at halftime. ", "Despite the loss, the Rams still own a slight advantage in the all-time series with SDSU, 36-34.", "\n\nFor the third time in the last four victories the Aztecs defeated a foe by at least 21 points as they crushed visiting Fresno State by 22 at Viejas Arena on Saturday. ", "Jamaal Franklin was a big part of that success as he recorded 14 points and a game-high 11 rebounds as he reached both 1,000 points and 500 rebounds for his career in the process. ", "James Rahon chipped in 14 points as well and Winston Shepard pitched in with 10 points off the bench as the team held the visitors to a paltry 29.3 percent shooting from the floor.", "\n\nA candidate for player of the year honors in the MWC, Franklin has been a steady influence for the program this season with his 17.5 points and 9.5 rebounds per contest. ", "As someone who has made almost twice as many free throws (129-of-166) as any of his teammates has even attempted through 23 games, Franklin is much more of a force in the paint rather than out on the perimeter where he is shooting only 26.2 percent at the moment. ", "Chase Tapley checks in with 13.6 ppg as he helps to give the squad a presence on the outside with his 47 triples through 22 appearances.", "\n\nExcluding Pierce Hornung who played just three minutes due to illness, the starters for the Rams were the reason why the team was able to get by Nevada on the road the last time out. ", "Greg Smith put together a double-double with a career-high 28 points and 12 rebounds, as did Colton Iverson as he tallied 10 points and cleared a career-high 16 boards in Reno. ", "Wes Eikmeier and Dorian Green both tallied 11 points in a game that experienced 12 ties and eight lead changes.", "\n\nThe defense for the Rams has been claiming much of the attention this season, particularly in conference action with the group holding league foes to just 37.4 percent shooting from the floor and 60.1 ppg. ", "The effort on the glass has been extraordinary with CSU beating the competition by more than 13 rebounds per contest, thanks to Iverson who is averaging 11.1 rpg to go along with 12.1 ppg. ", "Sharing the responsibility on offense are Eikmeier (13.9 ppg), Green (12.5 ppg) and Smith (10.9 ppg) who have this program humming along unlike any version in the last six decades." ]
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[ "Abnormal expression of the ATM and TP53 genes in sporadic breast carcinomas.", "\nThe ataxia telangiectasia gene (ATM) has been implicated as a risk factor in the development of sporadic breast carcinomas. ", "ATM protein expression was analyzed by immunohistochemistry in 17 breast carcinomas with two monoclonal antibodies whose immunohistochemical use was first validated by comparing the immunoreactivity observed in spleen samples from ataxia telangiectasia and trauma patients. ", "In normal breast ducts, ATM showed nuclear expression in the epithelial but not in the myoepithelial cells. ", "In contrast, this nuclear expression was absent or low in the epithelial cancer cells in 10 of 17 (59%) of the tumors studied. ", "Allelic imbalance in the ATM gene was found in three of seven tumors examined. ", "Two of these showed reduced ATM protein expression, but this did not correlate with the presence of ATM mutations in the tumor DNA detected by restriction endonuclease fingerprinting screening. ", "These results suggest that the reduced ATM protein expression could be attributable, in certain tumors, to deletions or rearrangements within or close to the ATM gene. ", "Positive p53 immunostaining was found in 10 tumors, with TP53 mutations detected in 8. ", "Three tumors had both low ATM expression and mutated TP53. ", "Our results indicate that in the majority (15 of 17) of the sporadic breast carcinomas examined, not only is the functionality of the ATM-p53-mediated DNA damage response compromised, but also other signaling pathways activated by these two multifunctional proteins are likely to be impaired, which could be a contributing factor to tumor development and progression." ]
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[ "Sony gave everybody a belated Merry Christmas by releasing ‘The Interview’ to a couple hundred independent theaters and widely online. ", "Now hopefully Comcast will step up to the plate as well. ", "They should.", "\n\nThat’s right, ladies and gentlemen… it’s a Christmas miracle. ", "After Sony Pictures Entertainment announced last week that it was cancelling the theatrical release of “The Interview” after hackers threatened Sony employees and moviegoers, the company had a change of heart. ", "On Tuesday, Sony confirmed that the movie would get a limited theatrical release on Christmas Day. ", "And then on Wednesday, Sony ended up releasing The Interview online for rental and purchase.", "\n\nNow, the film’s stars Seth Rogen and James Franco have responded to the movie’s release (warning, NSFW)." ]
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[ 0.014814814814814815, 0, 0, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0.010101010101010102, 0.021739130434782608, 0.02830188679245283 ]
[ "The market niche for infrastructure blockchain platforms in general bears little to no regulation risks. ", "Current platforms mostly offer smart contracts, dApps or mining. ", "ICORating’s analysts reviewed 17 projects which are significant market players, including EOS, Stellar and Ethereum.", "\n\nSmart contracts are one applications of blockchain technology available for organizations, governments, legal bodies as well as individuals. ", "A smart contract enables the exchange of monetary values, properties, shares etc in a clear way and without the need for middlemen. ", "According to a Reuters survey, the smart contract market is predicted to have a CAGR of 32% until 2023.", "\n\nICORating’s review of smart contract platforms includes 17 projects, which are divided into 3 groups. ", "The first group consists of Ethereum only as a major player in the infrastructure blockchain project market. ", "The second group includes projects which went through much “hype” and still show strong market performance: ICON, Waves, Zilliqa, Eos and NEO. ", "The third group includes less “hyped” but still working projects.", "\n\nThe review includes projects’ strengths and witnesses, future perspectives and possible applications. ", "Factors which may influence further developments of the given projects are also listed and explained.", "\n\nDownload the full report here: https://icorating.com/report/smart-contract-platforms-review/" ]
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[ "Nonagenarians undergoing cardiac surgery.", "\nAs life expectancy continues to rise and cardiac surgical outcomes improve, the number of nonagenarian (age > 90 years) patients undergoing cardiac operations is increasing. ", "However, little has been reported on cardiac surgical outcomes in this select patient population. ", "The purpose of this study was to examine current cardiac surgical outcomes for nonagenarian patients and determine the impact of extreme age on contemporary risk calculations. ", "From 2002 to 20012, 61,303 patients underwent cardiac operations as reported in a statewide Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) Adult Cardiac Surgery database, including 108 nonagenarians. ", "Patient and operative factors, including STS Predicted Risk of Mortality (PROM), were analyzed in order to compare to estimated risk measures. ", "Nonagenarian patients (median age = 92 years) had a high prevalence of preoperative cerebrovascular disease (23.1% [25/108]) and arrhythmia (55.6% [60/108]). ", "Isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) (39.8% [43/108]) was the most common operation performed within this cohort, followed by aortic valve replacement (AVR: 35.2% [38/108], AVR + CABG 23.1% [25/108]) operations. ", "Overall nonagenarian mortality was 13% [14/108] and was greatest for AVR. ", "Among nonagenarians with calculated STS PROM, observed to expected (O:E) ratios for mortality ranged from 1.45 to 2.65 annually over the study period. ", "Nonagenarian patients represent a high-risk, elderly patient population with higher morbidity than predicted. ", "Mortality is greatest following aortic valve operations. ", "These results suggest that current risk calculations may underestimate the impact of extreme age on perioperative mortality." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010638297872340425, 0.006993006993006993, 0, 0.004484304932735426, 0.013513513513513514, 0.006622516556291391, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Страшилки, которые меняют наше поведение\n\nВы замечали, что знакомые наших друзей часто живут более интересной жизнью, чем сами друзья? ", "Большинство наиболее сногсшибательных историй, которые мы знаем, происходили именно с ними — с кем-то, кого знает наш друг. ", "Или о ком ему рассказали.", "\n\nУ меня, наверное, недостаточно информации из первых рук, чтобы анализировать реальную ситуацию с игрой «Синий кит», заявленной целью которой якобы является доведение детей до самоубийства. ", "Но могу осторожно заметить, что цифра 100-300 погибших детей, фигурирующая в разных источниках, кажется подозрительно высокой, так как, будучи достоверной, эта ситуация привлекла бы самое активное внимание даже первых лиц государства.", "\n\nНо ее активно обсуждают в интернете и школах. ", "Потому что она интересна и вызывает любопытство. ", "Я далек от мысли, что «Синий кит» — это очередная городская легенда, однако эта игра обладает очень схожими чертами с некоторыми историями–страшилками, которые пронесли свою популярность через десятилетия.", "\n\nНачиная с середины 1960-х годов в США стали циркулировать слухи о садистах, которые перед Хэллоуином прячут лезвия бритв в конфеты и сладости, предназначенные для раздачи детям. ", "На следующие десять лет такие слухи стали своего рода традицией Хэллоуина: родители проверяли сладости, которые дети приносили домой, госпитали на добровольной основе просвечивали сумки с конфетами на рентгене. ", "Спустя четверть века опрос ABC показал, что более 60 процентов родителей продолжают считать, что их ребенок может стать потенциальной жертвой хэллоуинских злоумышленников.", "\n\nВ 1985 году выяснилось, что вся эта история — миф. ", "Два социолога, Джоэль Бест (Joel Best) и Джераль Хориучи (Gerald Хориучи) изучили все инциденты, произошедшие в Хэллоуин, начиная с 1958 года. ", "Они не нашли ни одного случая, когда бы детям был причинен вред при помощи «заминированных» сладостей. ", "Другими словами, история существовала на протяжении 30 лет, повлияла на поведение миллионов родителей и даже изменила законодательство: два штата, Калифорния и Нью Джерси, приняли законы о специальных наказаниях для «отравителей конфет». ", "И все произошло в прямом смысле на пустом месте. ", "Но это не повлияло на распространение легенды, ей уже более полувека и она продолжает жить.", "\n\nВозможно, вы также слышали страшилку про кражу почки – когда человеку подмешивают снотворное в коктейль и он приходит в себя в ванне, наполненной льдом, рядом с которой лежит телефон с номером спасательной службы. ", "Впервые я услышал эту историю еще в 1990-х от своих сокурсников. ", "И да, ее тоже подавали как случившуюся со знакомым знакомого. ", "Интересно, что это даже не российская, а американская легенда. ", "Она существует в десятках версий, но, как правило, всегда присутствуют общие детали: отравленный напиток, ванна, наполненная льдом, и звонок в службу спасения.", "\n\nПочему распространяются городские легенды?", "\n\nЛезвие бритвы в конфете, пробуждение в ванне со льдом рождают такие образы, которые не потускнеют в голове еще долгие годы. ", "Городские легенды — это по сути мемы. ", "Они прилипчивы: мы понимаем их, запоминаем и можем пересказать сами. ", "И если мы верим в их правдивость, то они изменят наше поведение в будущем.", "\n\nТолько прилипчивая идея способна распространяться со скоростью лесного пожара. ", "Благодаря интернету мы получили возможность анализировать распространение идей. ", "Давайте посмотрим историю показов по фразе «синий кит» в поисковой системе «Яндекс» начиная с марта 2015 года и до конца февраля 2017.", "\n\nИнфографика: Илья Углев\n\nОчень любопытно, что число интересующихся синими китами в России всегда оставалось более-менее постоянным — около 20 тысяч запросов в месяц — пока не произошел резкий всплеск интереса. ", "Аналогичную картинку дает и график динамики популярности запроса «синий кит» в Google Trends. ", "Итак, что-то в конце января — начале февраля 2017 года послужило толчком к распространению темы, а ее прилипчивость позволила моментально разнести новость по интернету.", "\n\nВ первые две недели января по запросу «синий кит» первые страницы выдачи касались вполне нейтральной информации о китах или местах с таким названием. ", "Но уже к концу месяца начинают появляться отдельные новости и видеоролики об игре «Синий кит». ", "Заметки публикуются в основном в региональных изданиях, а их основой служит информация из стран Средней Азии — Киргизии и Казахстана. ", "Количество публикаций растет, охватывает все новые регионы и, начиная со второй недели февраля, добирается до федеральных СМИ. ", "Начинается бум. ", "Возможно, он вызван новостями на mail.ru или материалoм «Комсомольской Правды» от 11 февраля.", "\n\nСкорость распространения подтверждает «прилипчивость» «Синего кита». ", "По сути, эта история обладает всеми признаками, чтобы сохраниться в течении десятилетий. ", "Подобного рода мемы — мечта для многих компаний, желающих, чтобы так же запомнили их самих или их продукты. ", "Есть тысяча способов рассказать что-то про вещь и из них только один — по-настоящему запоминающийся. ", "Бизнес, как правило, выбирает оставшиеся 999 вариантов и говорит абстрактные слова — что-то о качестве продукции и внимании к клиентам. ", "Дэн и Чип Хиз в своей книге «Made to stick: why some Ideas survive and others die» («Прилипчивые: почему некоторые идеи выживают, в то время как остальные умирают») рассказывают про 6 основных принципов создания «прилипчивых идей» и все они справедливы для «Синего кита»:\n\nПростота. ", "Идеально, когда все аспекты идеи можно раскрыть одним предложением. ", "Идея игры «Синий кит» тоже проста: таинственные незнакомцы через социальные сети доводят детей до самоубийства. ", "Любопытство. ", "Для «Синего кита» любопытство — базовый механизм распространения. ", "Особенно в среде подростков: с одной стороны страшно, с другой — очень интересно узнать, что же на самом деле случится, если ты напишешь кодовое слово. ", "Дополнительной приманкой служит загадочность организаторов и непонимание их мотивов. ", "Конкретика. ", "Прилипчивые идеи полны конкретных образов и сенсорной информации. ", "В «Синем ките», например, время 04.20 и задания вроде «резать себя ножом». ", "Доверие. ", "Зачастую оно формируется вовсе не за счет цифр. ", "Людям важна не статистика, а внутренняя уверенность. ", "Так для родителей возможным источником доверия к реальности истории может стать тот факт, что игра «Синий кит» распространяется в социальных сетях. ", "А по широкому убеждению, когда дети сидят в соцсетях — это плохо. ", "Таким образом, новая информация служит подкреплением уже существующему убеждению и начинает вызывать доверие. ", "Эмоции. ", "Люди будут интересоваться идеями, если мы заставим их почувствовать что-то. ", "Излишне говорить, что забота о детях — одна из наиболее эмоционально волнующих тем для человека. ", "История. ", "Преподносится не россыпь фактов, а связный рассказ. ", "История работает как симулятор воображения.", "\n\nТак что можно предположить, что игра «Синий кит», превратившись в городскую легенду (и независимо от того, насколько истории про нее правдивы), еще долго будет жить и влиять на поведение людей." ]
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[ "\nAfter decades, former police officer confesses he is the Golden State Killer - MilnerRoute\nhttps://www.sfgate.com/crime/article/Joseph-DeAngelo-earons-guilty-plea-hearing-15372192.php\n======\nmrlala\n>Decades after the last case went cold, investigators announced in 2018 that\nDNA led them to a break in the case. ", "Detectives submitted the killer's DNA to\nan open-source genealogy website called GEDmatch, where it found a hit with a\nDeAngelo relative who used the service. ", "Detectives were then able to narrow\ntheir list of suspects, eventually arresting DeAngelo after a covertly\nobtained sample from his trash matched the DNA that linked so many crime\nscenes.", "\n\n>Left alone in the interrogation room, Sacramento County Deputy District\nAttorney Thienvu Ho said DeAngelo began to talk to himself.", "\n\n>\"I did all that,\" he allegedly said.", "\n\nAnnoying article headline makes it sound like he just turned himself in and\nconfessed.. at least that's how I read it. ", "But it was really a DNA match that\nthey brought him in and THEN he confessed.", "\n\nCrazy to get that match 30 years later!", "\n\n~~~\nshadowgovt\nYep. ", "And the genealogy work-up wasn't, to my knowledge, submitted directly as\nevidence. ", "It was, rather, enough circumstantial evidence to support allocating\npolice resources to a direct DNA-harvesting operation, where they found a\n1-to-1 match between him and the evidence of the killer.", "\n\n------\nNotSammyHagar\nThis story needs an indepth article that explores why the cops couldn't trace\nhim. ", "Was he ever a suspect, was he going so far outside his home area that no\none saw him as a suspect. ", "Why didn't his absences from his family connect him?", "\nWhy did he do it - even for angry people, this kind of acting out and attacks\nis far far outside normal behavior of course.", "\n\n------\ndang\nIf curious see also\n\n[https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&que...](https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&query=comments%3E1%20%22golden%20state%20killer%22&sort=byDate&type=story)\n\n" ]
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[ "Nicardipine hydrochloride injectable phase IV open-label clinical trial: study on the anti-hypertensive effect and safety of nicardipine for acute aortic dissection.", "\nWe performed a multicentre, phase IV, open-label clinical trial to examine the clinical usefulness of a continuous infusion of nicardipine hydrochloride to control hypertension in 31 patients with acute aortic dissection. ", "Target blood pressure levels were reached within 15 min in 16 patients; in 15-30 min in 10 patients; in 30-45 min in three patients; and in 45-60 min in two patients. ", "Baseline average systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressures were 147 +/- 23 mmHg, 82 +/- 18 mmHg and 104 +/- 18 mmHg, respectively, with third-day pressures significantly reduced at 119 +/- 12 mmHg, 69 +/- 9 mmHg and 86 +/- 8 mmHg. ", "Blood pressures after discontinuation of the infusion were not significantly different from those measured on the third day of infusion and no definite adverse effects attributable to the treatment were observed. ", "Nicardipine hydrochloride was both effective and safe at controlling blood pressure in patients with acute aortic dissection." ]
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