[ "Movies Available\n\nEver wonder how the sound of marching is made? ", "Well then, do we have the making of-video for you! ", "Follow behind the scenes of Kaamos Sound that made the sound effects for Europa Universalis IV! ", "Kaamos Sound is an award winning audio post-production studio which focuses on foley, sound effects and sound design for games and films.", "\nRead more at: www.kaamossound.com\n\nExperience the might of the Swedish Empire, and understand along with Sweden's enemies, that Moose is a dish best served cold!", "\nEuropa Universalis IV gives you control of a nation to guide it through the years and create a dominant global empire in the Age of Discovery. ", "The game offers unprecedented freedom through the use of exploration, trade, warfare and diplomacy to let you rule however you see fit. ", "Strategists will face ruthless AI in an extensive single-player campaign, or be able to backstab friends and foes in 32-player online matches.", "\n\nThe age of exploration is a crucial turning point in world history, but what if things had gone a little differently? ", "Some of the possibilities that can occur in Europa Universalis IV are discussed by Project Lead Thomas Johansson of Paradox Development Studio, providing players with a preview of the troubles faced by an expanding nation. ", "The promise of new riches and resources may lure your empire overseas, but what happens when your colonists start getting ideas about your relationship? ", "What will you do when religious dissidents start fleeing their homeland and populating your new holdings... and who are these upstarts claiming to be \"founding fathers?\" ", "Can you crush their notions of independence, or will the colonies rise up and outshine your empire?", "\n\nProject Lead Thomas Johansson details the intricacies of religion in countries throughout the world, and how differences between sects can both benefit and hinder your progress to historical greatness. ", "Will you allow reformation when it rears its head in Europe or stand your ground for Catholicism? ", "Will you forego Christianity entirely and become a champion of the Muslim or Buddhist faiths?", "\n\nPre-Order Europa Universalis IV here: http://pdxint.at/eu4preorder\nDownload the .mp3: http://www.europauniversalis4.com/media\nSong: \"The Voyage\" - Main theme song for Europa Universalis IV\nComposed by: Andreas Waldetoft.", "\nOrchestra: Brandenburg State Orchestra (Brandenburgisches Staatsorchester),\nRecorded in The Carlp Philipp Emanuel Bach Concert Hall in January 2013\nConducted by: Bernd Ruf\nThe performance recorded in the video is the same one used for the actual game.", "\n\nIf your dreams of leading a global empire have lain dormant for too long, the time to take action is finally here! ", "Europa Universalis IV will be released worldwide on August 13th, 2013 for PC, Mac, and Linux.", "\nEuropa Universalis IV gives you control of a nation to guide it through the years and create a dominant global empire in the age of exploration, providing unprecedented freedom through the use of exploration, trade, warfare and diplomacy to let you rule your nation however you see fit. ", "Strategists will face ruthless AI in an extensive single-player campaign, or be able to backstab friends and foes in 32-player online matches.", "\n\nParadox Interactive and Paradox Development Studio are preparing to once again provide the global conquest gamers have hungrily desired with their upcoming empire-building game, Europa Universalis IV. ", "Now, Paradox is sending out a Call to Arms to their greatest fans, and asking for their help to win the world's hearts and minds for the Europa Universalis army in an epic community-building campaign. ", "Starting today, Europa Universalis fans all over the world can recruit their friends and receive exclusive rewards.", "\n\nEuropa Universalis IV, the latest version of Paradox's flagship historical title. ", "Open-ended gameplay and player choice have always been the priority in this storied franchise, but now a refined interface, a streamlined economy and other improvements enhance the natural story-building power. ", "Up to 32 players can relive history's pivotal centuries, guiding their nation along a path of their own making down 400 years of history. ", "Trade your way to the top, invade neighbors to enhance territory, create alliances and then double cross your allies, or sail away for undiscovered locales - history is yours for the making.", "\n\nMain Features:\n* Make your own decisions: Nation building is completely flexible.", "\n* Use your Monarch Power: In this new system, a leader's traits will direct the ebb and flow of gameplay.", "\n* Experience history come to life: The great personalities of the past are on hand to support you as you make your mark on thousands of historical events.", "\n* Turn the world into your playground: Enjoy over 300 years of gameplay in a lush topographic map in full 3D.\n* Gain control of vital trade routes and make the wealth of the world flow to your coffers in the all-new trade system.", "\n* Bring out your negotiating skills in a deeper diplomatic system.", "\n* Go online and battle against your friends in a newall-new multiplayer gameplay that features hot-join, improved chat, a new matchmaking server and support for a standalone server.", "\n* Create your own history and customize your game: Europa Universalis IV gives you the chance to customize and mod practically anything your heart may desire." ]
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[ "Disseminated nongranulomatous Mycobacterium avium osteomyelitis.", "\nA 17 month old black girl had multiple, rapidly progressive osteolytic lesions, cervical lymphadenopathy, fever, and weight loss clinically compatible with disseminated malignant disease. ", "Histologically the bone lesions were characteristic of acute nongranulomatous osteomyelitis with a few acid fast organisms. ", "Mycobacterium avium was cultured. ", "Immunologic evaluation showed an intact response to the infection. ", "Disseminated Mycobacterium avium infection may occur in immunologically intact children, clinically simulate malignant disease, and produce an acute nonspecific inflammatory lesion." ]
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[ "The key questions about the ISM that the CHIPS mission will seek to answer are: What type of electromagnetic radiation is emitted most by local hot gas?", "\n\nBy which physical processes does the hot interstellar gas of the Local Bubble cool?", "\n\nWhat is the shape of the Local Bubble?", "\n\nWhat is the physical history of the Local Bubble?", "\n\nHow can this knowledge be applied to other hot and diffuse regions in the Universe? ", "Review Questions and Problems The nearest large spiral galaxy to us is the Andromeda Galaxy, which is visible to the naked eye in the constellation of Andromeda. ", "Andromeda is slightly larger than the Milky Way; it is 135,000 light-years in diameter. ", "It has roughly twice the number of stars as the Milky Way, which has around 100 billion stars. ", "Assume that the shape of the galaxy is a simple disk with a thickness of 1,000 light years and that stars are evenly distributed throughout it.", "\n\nShow all work and for your unit of distance use light-years. ", "Calculate the number of stars per unit volume (called number density) in Andromeda. (", "HINT: The units of length given are light-years, thus your units of volume should come out to be light-years3 and the units of number density would be # of stars/light-year3) Next, calculate the volume of empty space surrounding every star. (", "HINT: what would the units of this quantity be and what mathematical operation will give those units given the calculation in part a.?) ", "Finally, calculate the average separation between stars in Andromeda. (", "HINT: the separation between stars is a linear measurement, not a cubic one). ", "Calculate the volume of interstellar space in an average part of the Galaxy that would hold the same number of gas particles as a coffee mug sitting on your desk on Earth. (", "HINT: Set up a ratio and let units be your guide) The law of conservation of matter states that matter cannot be created nor destroyed; it can only change form. ", "Explain how the matter in the ISM demonstrates this concept. ", "Name at least two ways the ISM can be heated. ", "What is the Local Bubble, and what are some possibilities for how it formed? ", "Classroom Activities\n\n\n\nWhy is the sky blue and sunsets red?", "\n\nIn this activity students will experience a demonstration of light scattering that explains the appearance of the sky on Earth, the Sun during sunsets, the blue colors in ISM nebulae, and the reddening of stars viewed through the ISM. ", "Obtain a fishbowl, pitcher, or beaker made of transparent glass or plastic. ", "Fill it with water and place it on an overhead projector. ", "Darken the room as much as possible and turn on the overhead projector lamp. ", "Light should now be passing through the container of water and the silhouetted outlines of it should be visible on the projector screen. ", "Ask students to comment on the appearance of the container itself and on its image on the screen. ", "The water in the container should be clear and the image of it on the projector should be white. ", "Next you will add some drops of whole milk into the water. ", "Before you do, have students predict what will happen to the appearance of the water in the container and the image on the screen. ", "Make sure they write down their predictions and give their reasoning. ", "Then add the drops into the water and stir. ", "Add enough to make the water cloudy but not opaque (3-4 drops). ", "Now ask students to observe the appearance of the water. ", "They should see that the water has taken on a pale blue color. ", "Have them attempt to explain this color. ", "The blue color is a result of the light scattering off fat and protein molecules from the dissolved milk. ", "Students may have a hard time telling that the milky-water is glowing bluish. ", "Place a piece of white poster board behind the fishbowl. ", "The water is more obviously bluish when contrasted with the pure white board. ", "Next draw the students’ attention to the image on the screen. ", "They should now see the water in the container appearing red. ", "Again ask students to explain this. ", "Because much of the bluer wavelengths of light have been scattered out of the light passing through the milky water mostly redder colors have made it through. ", "The color may initially appear more yellowish, but if you slowly add more milk the color will grow more red and dim. ", "This is what happens to light of stars passing through the ISM. ", "Starlight experiences reddening and extinction. ", "Lastly ask students to draw connections between light passing through the milky water and the colors seen in the sky on Earth, sunsets, nebulae, and stars viewed through lots of ISM. ", "Be sure to make clear that the red color seen in nebulae is not reddening. ", "That is red light emitted by the gas itself whereas the blue color is light reflected by nearby stars. ", "The color of the stars themselves is reddened from their normal color due to their light passing through the ISM. ", "What is the difference between Heat and Temperature?", "\n\n\n\nThe Heat of a substance is the sum total of the energy of all the particles within it. ", "The Temperature is a measure of the average energy of each particle. ", "The rate of transfer of heat from one substance (or system of particles) to another depends upon the density of the substances. ", "A substance may have a very high temperature but such a low density that it transfers heat very slowly. ", "Have students carry out the following experiments to explore the difference between Heat and Temperature. ", "These experiments may be done at home or in the classroom. ", "Drinking glasses can be used at home instead of glass beakers. ", "Set an oven to 400° F. Allow it time to reach the desired temperature. ", "Use an oven thermometer if you can to verify the temperature inside the oven. ", "Gather several identical ice cubes. ", "Place one ice cube in the oven (in an oven safe glass) and time with a stopwatch how long it takes for the cube to completely melt. ", "Repeat 5 times and calculate the average amount of time it takes an ice cube to melt in an oven at 400° F. Prepare a pot of boiling water on the stovetop. ", "At standard sea level pressure water boils at 212° F (nearly half the temperature of the oven). ", "Carefully drop an ice cube in the boiling water and time how long it takes for the ice cube to completely melt. ", "Repeat 5 times and again calculate the average length of time it takes for an ice cube to melt in water at 212° F. In which substance does the ice cube melt faster? ", "Which substance has a higher temperature? ", "Which substance has a higher density, water or air? ", "Now gather two identical glasses. ", "Fill one with water. ", "Let the two glasses sit side by side for a while. ", "Using a thermometer in each glass measure the temperatures. ", "When the temperature of the water and the air in the empty glass are the same drop an identical ice cube in each at the same time. ", "Time how long it takes for each ice cube to completely melt. ", "Repeat the experiment 5 times and calculate the average times for each glass. ", "In which glass did the ice melt fastest? ", "In which substance is heat flow faster, water or air? ", "Does this make sense given that they were both at the same temperature? ", "Why? ", "If you were an astronaut in a space ship out in the Local Bubble, would your hand heat up if you stuck it outside the spacecraft unprotected? ", "Why or why not? (", "Ask this question after a classroom discussion about the ISM.) ", "Answers to Problems Orders of Magnitude Key 1a) The volume of the Andromeda galaxy is calculated like a cylinder: area of a circle times the height: V = πr2h\n\n= π x (135,000 light-years/ 2)2 x 1,000 light-years\n\n= 1.43 x 1013 light-years3 The average number density, n, of stars is the total number of stars divided by the total volume.", "\n\nn = N/V\n\n= 2 x 1011 stars / 1.43 x 1013 light-years3\n\n= 0.014 stars/ light-years3\n\n1b) The volume of empty space surrounding each star is the inverse of the number density.", "\n\nVolume per star = 1/n = 72 light-years3/star\n\n1c)The average distance between stars is the cube-root of the volume of empty space surrounding each star\n\nd = (1/n)1/3 = 4.2 light-years\n\n2) The number of particles in an empty mug on a desk is about 1,500 Quintillion (1.5 Sextillion = 1.5 x 1021) and the average number density, n, of interstellar space is: n = 1 atom/cm3. ", "To calculate how much volume would contain 1.5 sextillion atoms set up a ratio.", "\n\n1 atom/cm3 = 1.5 x 1021 atoms/V\n\nTherefore, solving for V gives:\n\nV = 1.5 x 1021 cm3 x (1 km /105 cm)3\n\n= 1.5 x 106 km3 = (114 km)3\n\nThus, the density in interstellar space is like taking a mug full of air and spreading out that air into a cubic volume that is 114 kilometers (71 miles) on each side. ", "Name Number Power Decillion 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 1033 Nonillion 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 1030 Octillion 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 1027 Septillion 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 1024 Sextillion 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 1021 Quintillion 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 1018 Quadrillion 1 000 000 000 000 000 1015 Trillion 1 000 000 000 000 1012 Billion 1 000 000 000 109 Million 1 000 000 106 Thousand 1 000 103 Hundred 100 102 Ten 10 101 One 1 100 Tenth 0.1 10-1 Hundredth 0.01 10-2 Thousandth 0.001 10-3 Millionth 0.000 001 10-6 Billionth 0.000 000 001 10-9 Trillionth 0.000 000 000 001 10-12 Quadrillionth 0.000 000 000 000 001 10-15 Quintillionth 0.000 000 000 000 000 001 10-18 Sextillionth 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 001 10-21 Septillionth 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 10-24 Octillionth 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 10-27 Nonillionth 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 10-30 Decillionth 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 10-33" ]
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[ "Not sad that it would work but sad that these shows have become such a large part of the general publics lives that a new reality show about practically anything would make the majority of the public aware of that thing.", "\n\nA reality show where a trip to space is the final destination... I am not sure that would grab much attention but a reality show IN space would. ", "Think of the situations! ", "Zero-G swimsuits... Trists in orbit...\n\nIMHO, this would probably do more damage than good. ", "The program must trivialize many necessary topics for the public. ", "It would take away the important aspects of technology and further the 'lie and deceit' method of achievement. ", "Is that what we want? ", "I can picture it now...\n\nAn alliance between two highschool football stars knocks out a budding geophysicist in her last year of her PhD studies.", "\n\nIs this the type of rubbish that should be used to popularize space? ", "Maybe so... I just don't think my pragmatism can stretch that far.", "\n\nOn the other hand... If the program was setup like the \"Joe Schmoe\" show, it might be worth a laugh or two!", "\n\n_________________Ken Linder - KC7RAD\n\"We turned our gaze From the castles in the distance, Eyes cast down On the path of least resistance\" Rush, \"A Farewell to Kings\"\n\ni tend to agree with that, \"reality shows\" in space would be awesome... well actually any show in space would probably be pretty awesome. ", "i think we'll see lots of space documentaries, reality shows, and (someone has to say it) porn videos in between 10-20 years when it becomes practical. ", "a reality show to win a ride to space would suck though unless it was a \"joe schmoe\" thing with no exceptional abilities allowed (intelligence, strength, reflexes, etc).", "\n\nTitle: \"The Great Space Race\"\nPlot: Allow several people the opportunity to fly on a rocket and orbit the earth in space.", "\nTwists: All participants will be actors except for a single person. ", "There is no spaceflight involved. ", "The final ride will be in a 'vomit-comet' so the person actually experiences weightlessnes for a brief period of time.", "\nItems of Interest: Program must include topics of sex, race relations, politics, religion and gender.", "\nParticipant Qualifications: Must have little knowledge of space travel and aeronautics; Must have an attractive but average body.", "\nClimax: Participant and most 'stupid' actor will ride in a zero-G environment and discover a problem that only the most 'stupid' actor can repair.", "\nReferences: \"Joe Schmoe Show\"\n\nJust in fun!", "\n\n_________________Ken Linder - KC7RAD\n\"We turned our gaze From the castles in the distance, Eyes cast down On the path of least resistance\" Rush, \"A Farewell to Kings\"\n\nAlthough I do agree that having a show, especially a reality show, in space would raise the public awareness level, I also agree that it would really do more harm than good in the long run. ", "I have the feeling that a reality in space would end up making a complete mockery of the hard work that everyone in the industry would have put in to make that situation even remotely possible.", "\n\nDo you think one of these shows would increase public interest in space?", "\n\n--Ralph\n\npossibly, but to properly increse the public interest in space you need a lot of hype to be created by someone, this xprize project could potentially deliver hype with a few standard marketing guys making rounds in the media accross the world, but do you really want that?", "\n\nWithout an actual outlet for people to fulfil their space longing, I think any interest generated in space from a reality TV show would tend to be short-lived.", "\n\nOnce some the X-prize teams are actually up and running commercial ventures taking people into space, then I think a TV show could generate potential tourists for their flights. ", "But a TV now isn't going to do anything to generate tourists in 2-3 years.", "\n\nSomewhat related, I was watching \"Amazing Adventures\" on the Travel Channel last night, and they showed a guy flying in a MIG up to 80,000 feet. ", "Very cool was the shot of the guy and you could see the curvature of the earth reflected in his visor. ", "That made me wish I had the money to hire a MIG for a couple of hours.", "\n\nMaybe I am just having a pessimistic day, but I don't think society in general is ready for a massive flood of interest in space travel. ", "Whether justified or not, people are generally too focused on their own lives to worry about 'that space stuff.' ", "I still have wavering thoughts on a reality show. ", "Something like that will bring in interested parties. ", "It will also make some people think, \"That is what the government is using our tax dollars for?!?!\"", "\n\n_________________Ken Linder - KC7RAD\n\"We turned our gaze From the castles in the distance, Eyes cast down On the path of least resistance\" Rush, \"A Farewell to Kings\"\n\nPerhaps I was over generalizing... \"Tax Dollars\" is too general. ", "I guess what I am trying to say is that something like this just trivializes space technology. ", "The middle-of-the road public may just think, \"Wow! ", "Finally a good use for space.\" ", "I just don't know. ", "Yes, it could bring in cash and a lower-level interest but, I don't know. ", "I just seems 'dirty' in some way. ", "IMHO, of course.", "\n\n_________________Ken Linder - KC7RAD\n\"We turned our gaze From the castles in the distance, Eyes cast down On the path of least resistance\" Rush, \"A Farewell to Kings\"\n\nReality shows might increase the knowledge that there are private space travels - but then there explicitly a suborbital trip by a private suborbital spacecraft is to be offered.", "\n\nDoes the show offer a trip to space in general or explicitly by NASA or explicitly private and suborbital?", "\n\nBetter than any reality show it would be, if the press and the media would send one of their journalists each at a private suborbital travel and then send it in TV. ", "After that there might be a reality show to win a flight by a private non-journalist.", "\n\nThis might help the XPIZE and the team that will take the journalist and the winner of the show to space." ]
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[ "Intraocular penetration of new antiviral agent, hydroxyacyclovir (BW-B759U).", "\n9-[(2-hydroxyl-1-(hydroxymethyl)ethoxy]methyl)guanine (hydroxyacyclovir) is a nucleoside analogue with a high degree of efficacy against herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 and cytomegalovirus (CMV). ", "This antiviral agent demonstrates a low toxicity towards uninfected cells. ", "Intraocular levels in rabbits were evaluated following subconjunctival, intravenous, intravitreal and topical administration. ", "Retinal toxicity studies were performed. ", "Hydroxyacyclovir may have applications in the treatment of deep herpetic infections, CMV retinitis, and acute retinal necrosis." ]
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[ "Jerome Kurtz\n\nJerome Kurtz (May 19, 1931 – February 27, 2015) was an American tax lawyer who served as the Commissioner of Internal Revenue from 1977 to 1980 during the Carter administration. ", "He left the IRS in 1980 to return to private practice.", "\n\nKurtz was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on May 19, 1931. ", "He received a bachelor's degree in accounting from Temple University in 1952 and his law degree from Harvard Law School in 1955. ", "He then enlisted in the U.S. Army, where he served for two years. ", "He married his wife, artist Elaine Etta Kahn, in 1952.", "\n\nDuring the Johnson administration, Kurtz was employed as a tax legislative counsel for the United States Department of Treasury from 1966 to 1968. ", "He was a vocal opponent of policies which favored higher income taxpayers during his tenure at the Treasury Department. ", "Kurtz also did preliminary work on the Tax Reform Act of 1969, which created an alternative minimum tax aimed at wealthier taxpayers who took extensive tax deductions.", "\n\nKurtz returned to private practice after leaving the Treasury Department. ", "He was a partner at Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis-Cohen, a firm in Philadelphia, prior to his appointment as head of the IRS in 1977.", "\n\nJerome Kurtz was appointed Commissioner of Internal Revenue by President Jimmy Carter in 1977. ", "Kurtz sought to reverse tax policies that were seen as excessively beneficial to wealthier tax payers. ", "For example, he targeted so-called \"silver butterfly\" commodities transactions, in which investors in silver staggered their losses and profits to lower their taxes on the sales. ", "Under Kurtz, the IRS launched a crackdown on the abuse on tax shelters by both corporations and individuals. ", "Kurtz also moved to tax \"fringe benefits,\" such as the use of company cars by employees, but those plans were quashed by the United States House Committee on Ways and Means.", "\n\nKurtz stepped down as Commissioner of the IRS in 1980. ", "He returned to private practice at the Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison firm in Washington D.C. He also lectured on tax law and taxation at both the University of Pennsylvania and Villanova University and served as a visiting professor at Harvard Law School.", "\n\nJerome Kurtz died from complications of surgery in New York City on February 27, 2015, at the age of 83. ", "He was survived by his two daughters, Maddie Kurtz and Nettie Kurtz Greenstein. ", "His late wife, Elaine Kahn Kurtz, whom he had been married to for 47 years, died in 2003.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1931 births\nCategory:2015 deaths\nCategory:Commissioners of Internal Revenue\nCategory:Tax lawyers\nCategory:Fox School of Business and Management alumni\nCategory:Harvard Law School alumni\nCategory:Lawyers from Philadelphia" ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.", "\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.", "\n */\n\npackage com.facebook.litho\n\nimport kotlin.reflect.", "KProperty\n\n/**\n * Create a CachedValue variable within a Component. ", "The [calculator] will provide the calculated value if it hasn't\n * already been calculated or if the inputs have changed since the previous calculation.", "\n */\nfun <T> DslScope.useCached(calculator: () -> T): CachedDelegate<T> =\n CachedDelegate(context, calculator = calculator)\n\nfun <T> DslScope.useCached(input1: Any, calculator: () -> T): CachedDelegate<T> =\n CachedDelegate(context, input1, calculator = calculator)\n\nfun <T> DslScope.useCached(input1: Any, input2: Any, calculator: () -> T): CachedDelegate<T> =\n CachedDelegate(context, input1, input2, calculator = calculator)\n\nfun <T> DslScope.useCached(vararg inputs: Any, calculator: () -> T): CachedDelegate<T> =\n CachedDelegate(context, inputs = inputs, calculator = calculator)\n\nclass CachedDelegate<T> internal constructor(\n private val c: ComponentContext,\n private val input1: Any? ", "= null,\n private val input2: Any? ", "= null,\n private val inputs: Array<out Any>? ", "= null,\n private val calculator: () -> T\n) {\n operator fun getValue(nothing: Nothing?, ", "property: KProperty<*>): T {\n val cacheInputs = CachedInputs(c.componentScope.javaClass, property.name, input1, input2, inputs)\n val result =\n c.getCachedValue(cacheInputs)\n ?: ", "calculator().also { c.putCachedValue(cacheInputs, it) }\n\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return result as T\n }\n}\n\ninternal class CachedInputs(\n val componentClz: Class<out Component>,\n val propertyName: String,\n val input1: Any? ", "= null,\n val input2: Any? ", "= null,\n val inputs: Array<out Any>? ", "= null\n) {\n override fun equals(other: Any?): ", "Boolean {\n if (this === other) return true\n if (javaClass !", "= other?.javaClass) return false\n\n other as CachedInputs\n\n if (componentClz !", "= other.componentClz) return false\n if (propertyName !", "= other.propertyName) return false\n if (input1 !", "= other.input1) return false\n if (input2 !", "= other.input2) return false\n if (inputs !", "= null) {\n if (other.inputs == null) return false\n if (!", "inputs.contentEquals(other.inputs)) return false\n } else if (other.inputs !", "= null) return false\n\n return true\n }\n\n override fun hashCode(): Int {\n var result = componentClz.hashCode()\n result = 31 * result + propertyName.hashCode()\n result = 31 * result + (input1?.hashCode() ?: ", "0)\n result = 31 * result + (input2?.hashCode() ?: ", "0)\n result = 31 * result + (inputs?.contentHashCode() ?: ", "0)\n return result\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "So as I mentioned before I went with Italian sausage, basil, parsley and parmesan. ", "I have not posted the recipe because this is my monthly posting for phillyburbs and I do not want to bite the hand that feeds me! ", "I had a tomato last night after it spent a day in the fridge and I must tell you it was delicious. ", "I had also tossed in a few toasted, sliced almonds. ", "When I attempted to eat one right out of the oven (and burned my mouth in the process) I admit that i did not love the taste; but, after an overnight chill, the almonds gave way a bit and provided that delightful little crunch that I simply loved. ", "The cayenne pepper in the background was just too much to bear it was so good. ", "These aren’t my mom’s stuffed vegetables! ", "I’ll post the recipe just as soon as phillyburbs puts it up! ", "Enjoy your Labor Day weekend everyone. ", "I am off to Annapolis where I will be reporting back with crab tales! ", "Enjoy!", "\n\nI decided to go with Italian sausage, garlic, rice, onions, mushrooms and parmesan cheese for the stuffing in these peppers and tomatoes. ", "I am taking them to my mom’s tonight, and I will post the recipe next week! ", "Cheers!" ]
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[ "Senior Strength & Tone\n\nStay strong with this workout designed for seniors of all fitness levels! ", "This class includes a variety of exercises geared at increasing muscular endurance, range of motion, agility and skills required for activities of daily living.", "\n\nLocation\n\nDays\n\nClass Time\n\nInstructor\n\nStudio 1\n\nMonday & Wednesday\n\n10:30-11:30 am\n\nTracey/Melissa\n\nSenior Stretch & Gentle Yoga\n\nThis class' focus is centered on stretching the muscles, by flowing through full body movements inspired by Yoga, while also working on balance and stability.", "\n\nLocation\n\nDay\n\nClass Times\n\nInstructor\n\nStudio 3\n\nFriday\n\n10:30-11:30 am\n\nLinda\n\nWater Fitness - Aqua Motion\n\nThis low to medium intensity class will use the resistance of water to work all the major muscle groups, increase your cardiovascular endurance and improve your flexibility. ", "Swimming is not required. ", "Must have a Nampa Recreation Center membership or a day pass to participate.", "\n\nLocation\n\nDays\n\nClass Times\n\nInstructor\n\nHydrotherapy Pool\n\nTuesday & Thursday\n\n8-9 am\n\nKay\n\nHydrotherapy Pool\n\nMonday, Wednesday & Friday\n\n1:30-2:30 pm\n\nPauline\n\nWater Fitness - Twinges/Arthritis\n\nThis class is geared toward individuals with arthritis, injuries, fibromyalgia, back problems, and post-surgery. ", "This low-intensity class focuses on full range of motion, flexibility, socialization and relaxation. ", "Swimming is not required. ", "Must have a Nampa Recreation Center membership or a day pass to participate.", "\n\nLocation\n\nDays\n\nClass Times\n\nInstructor\n\nHydrotherapy Pool\n\nMonday, Wednesday & Friday\n\n8-9 am\n\nKay\n\nHydrotherapy Pool\n\nMonday - Friday\n\n10-11 am\n\nJoy/Chris\n\nHydrotherapy Pool\n\nSaturday\n\n10-11 am\n\nKaren/Lysvette\n\nSwim Idaho!", "\n\nSwim Idaho! ", "is a way for lap swimmers to chart their progress, set goals and conquer those goals. ", "Swimming benchmarks are:\n\n102 miles, the distance of the Boise River\n\n425 miles, the distance of the Salmon River\n\n779 miles, the distance of the length and width of Idaho\n\n1,076 miles, the distance of the mighty Snake River\n\nT-shirts are awarded at each Idaho bench mark. ", "Ask a Lifeguard how to start tracking your laps!", "\n\nSenior Walking Club\n\nJoin the Senior Walking club and earn a t-shirt for the miles you walk. ", "Sign up and log your distance at the Weight Room Desk. ", "Earn a t-shirt for 100, 500 and 1000 miles and every 1000 miles after." ]
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[ "The concept behind “Naegleria” is based on the journey to knowledge. ", "From this journey you will be able to learn who you are and the reasons of your existence and how your existence interacts with the universe and nature.", "\n\nThe whole story takes place in two parallel dimensions. ", "Dimension #1: Is the life that you already live. ", "Dimension #2: Is a surreal story about a girl who traveled a long way to find an ancient secret about the meaning of life.", "\n\nEvery track of this album depends from the previous one and each one has its own story.", "\n\nMastered by Exceptional Mastering Drums recorded at Blueberry Productions Co. Guitars & bass recorded at π2 Mixing and arrangements by Movement of static Cover art by Eight Designs Special thanks to Kiki Xenidou & Fotis Dardagiannopoulos." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nFind scatterplot area where ~50% of points have one of 2 values\n\nI have a data frame that has 3 values for each point in the form: (x, y, boolean). ", "I'd like to find an area bounded by values of (x, y) where roughly half the points in the area are TRUE and half are FALSE.", "\nI can scatterplot then data and color according to the 3rd value of each point and I get a general idea but I was wondering if there would be a better way. ", "I understand that if you take a small enough area where there are only 2 points and one if TRUE and the other is FALSE then you have 50/50 so I was thinking there has to be a better way of deciding what size area to look for.", "\nVisually I see this has drawing a square on the scatter plot and moving it around the x and y axis each time checking the number of TRUE and FALSE points in the area, but is there a way to determine what a good size for the area is based on the values?", "\nThanks\nEDIT: G5W's answer is a step in the right direction but based on their scatterplot, I'm looking to create a square / rectangle idea in which ~ half the points are green and half are red. ", "I understand that there is potentially an infinite amount of those areas but thinking there might be a good way to determine an optimal size for the area (maybe it should contain at least a certain percentage of the points or something)\n\nA:\n\nNote update below\nYou do not provide any sample data, so I have created some bogus data like this:\nTestData = data.frame(x = c(rnorm(100, -1, 1), rnorm(100, 1,1)),\ny = c(rnorm(100, -1, 1), rnorm(100, 1,1)),\nz = rep(c(TRUE,FALSE), each=100))\n\nI think that what you want is how much area is taken up by each of the TRUE and FALSE points. ", " A way to interpret that task is to find the convex hull for each group and take its area. ", "That is, find the minimum convex polygon that contains a group. ", "The function chull will compute the convex hull of a set of points. ", "\nplot(TestData[,1:2], pch=20, col=as.numeric(TestData$z)+2)\nCH1 = chull(TestData[TestData$z,1:2])\nCH2 = chull(TestData[!TestData$z,1:2])\npolygon(TestData[which(TestData$z)[CH1],1:2], lty=2, col=\"#00FF0011\")\npolygon(TestData[which(!TestData$z)[CH2],1:2], lty=2, col=\"#FF000011\")\n\nOnce you have the polygons, the polyarea function from the pracma package will compute the area. ", "Note that it computes a \"signed\" area so you either need to be careful about which direction you traverse the polygon or take the absolute value of the area. ", "\nlibrary(pracma)\nabs(polyarea(TestData[which(TestData$z)[CH1],1],\n TestData[which(TestData$z)[CH1],2]))\n[1] 16.48692\nabs(polyarea(TestData[which(!TestData$z)[CH2],1],\n TestData[which(!TestData$z)[CH2],2]))\n[1] 15.17897\n\n \nUpdate\nThis is a completely different answer based on the updated question. ", "I am leaving the old answer because the question now refers to it. ", "\nThe question now gives a little more information about the data (\"There are about twice as many FALSE than TRUE\") so I have made an updated bogus data set to reflect that. ", "\nset.seed(2017)\nTestData = data.frame(x = c(rnorm(100, -1, 1), rnorm(200, 1, 1)),\ny = c(rnorm(100, 1, 1), rnorm(200, -1,1)),\nz = rep(c(TRUE,FALSE), c(100,200)))\n\nThe problem is now to find regions where the density of TRUE and FALSE are approximately equal. ", "The question asked for a rectangular region, but at least for this data, that will be difficult. ", "We can get a good visualization to see why. ", "\nWe can use the function kde2d from the MASS package to get the 2-dimensional density of the TRUE points and the FALSE points. ", "If we take the difference of these two densities, we need only find the regions where the difference is near zero. ", "Once we have this difference in density, we can visualize it with a contour plot. ", "\nlibrary(MASS)\nGrid1 = kde2d(TestData$x[TestData$z], TestData$y[TestData$z],\n lims = c(c(-3,3), c(-3,3)))\nGrid2 = kde2d(TestData$x[!TestData$z], TestData$y[!TestData$z],\n lims = c(c(-3,3), c(-3,3)))\nGridDiff = Grid1\nGridDiff$z = Grid1$z - Grid2$z\nfilled.contour(GridDiff, color = terrain.colors)\n\nIn the plot it is easy to see the place that there are far more TRUE than false near (-1,1) and where there are more FALSE than TRUE near (1,-1). ", "We can also see that the places where the difference in density is near zero lie in a narrow band in the general area of the line y=x. You might be able to get a box where a region with more TRUEs is balanced by a region with more FALSEs, but the regions where the density is the same is small. ", "\nOf course, this is for my bogus data set which probably bears little relation to your real data. ", "You could perform the same sort of analysis on your data and maybe you will be luckier with a bigger region of near equal densities. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "No dia de seus 115 anos, o Fluminense deu de presente para a torcida a sua nova coleção de uniformes.", "\n\nApós uma relação conflituosa com a Dry World, o Flu exibiu os novos modelos assinados pela Under Armour, que passa a vestir o time tricolor. ", "Além dos problemas na distribuição, os canadenses atrasaram o pagamento e as partes travam uma disputa judicial em uma causa milionária.", "\n\nA expectativa da torcida tricolor pelas novas camisas sempre foi grande. ", "E é com muito orgulho que lançamos a coleção simbolizando a determinação incessante pela melhor performance, algo que já faz parte da natureza do Fluminense e da marca desde a sua fundação\", destaca Thaiany Assad, Head de Marketing da Under Armour Brasil.", "\n\n\"Fluminense e Under Armour possuem ideologias semelhantes. ", "São dois gigantes que carregam o espírito de Guerreiro. ", "Está na hora de vestir a nova armadura\", afirma Pedro Abad, presidente do clube das Laranjeiras.", "\n\nNo evento de lançamento, os modelos foram Gustavo Scarpa, Sornoza e Wendel. ", "A camisa 1 foi inspirada na Máquina Tricolor, lendário time da década de 70. ", "Já o reserva é majoritariamente branco e lembra algumas camisas usadas nos anos 80.", "\n\nApós o duelo contra o Cruzeiro, o Fluminense mira a partida diante do líder Corinthians, domingo, 16h, no Maracanã. ", "Para levar mais público ao estádio, a diretoria fez uma promoção e abaixou os preços dos ingressos.", "\n\nLeo Burlá\n\nDo UOL, no Rio de Janeiro" ]
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[ "The Grateful Dead T-shirt isn’t just a piece of well-worn psychedelic memorabilia: for many, it's a full-out obsession. ", "Just take former Grateful Dead sound engineer Dan Healy, whose archive of several hundred Dead T-shirts and more tie-dye pieces from the band’s history is a veritable treasure trove. ", "It's a resource Maggie Rogers tapped into with her recent Lollapalooza look, where the singer took the stage in a tie-dye set that Healy’s wife made for him in the late ’60s.", "\n\nNow, Rosalía is putting her own pop star twist on Deadhead merch—the Catalan singer-songwriter took to the streets of Philadelphia in a sunny oversize graphic Dead tee, combining some relatively restrained tie-dye along the shoulders with bright sunflowers (and of course, there’s the band’s name in some groovy lettering on top). ", "She paired the standout T-shirt with bright orange track pants and a pair of tie-dye socks, naturally. ", "Rosalía might have the bubblegum princess pop star look down pat, but she’s now proved she’s just as capable of turning a look that would catch just about anyone’s eye at a Dead and Company show, too." ]
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[ " + c and give f.\n-6\nRearrange 2269*o**2 - 9 - 2105*o**2 - o**3 + 7 to the form w + m*o**2 + p*o + r*o**3 and give m.\n164\nRearrange (-a - a - a)*(-2*a + 5*a - 5*a)*(a**2 + 2*a - 2*a) to v*a + h + n*a**4 + b*a**2 + l*a**3 and give n.\n6\nRearrange 3 - 7*m - 25*m**2 - 5 + 10*m + 2 to b + l*m + h*m**2 and give l.\n3\nExpress (-34 + 41 - 170)*(2*c + c - 2*c) - 2*c - c + 7*c in the form k*c + o and give k.\n-159\nRearrange (12 - 7 + 9)*(15*x**3 - 13*x**2 + 13*x**2) to the form k*x**3 + z*x**2 + g*x + t and give g.\n0\nExpress 27 + 18 + 385*j + 17 - 62 as h + y*j and give y.\n385\nExpress (-18*f - 18*f + 24*f)*(2 + 2 + f - 2) as r*f + d*f**2 + g and give r.\n-24\nExpress 98*c - 94*c + 3*c**3 - 3 + 0*c**3 - 3*c**4 as p*c**2 + b*c**4 + q*c + t + h*c**3 and give b.\n-3\nRearrange (140*s - 124*s - 66*s)*(-5 + 5 + s**2) + s**3 + 3*s**3 - 5*s**3 to y + n*s**3 + d*s + k*s**2 and give n.\n-51\nRearrange 8*m + 1005 - 1003 + 4*m to the form j + x*m and give j.\n2\nRearrange 5*i + 284 - 143 - 3*i + 57*i**3 - 145 to g*i**2 + b + w*i + d*i**3 and give w.\n2\nRearrange (h**3 - 3*h**3 - h**3)*(6*h - 8*h - 26*h) - h**4 - h**4 + 5*h**4 to the form i*h**2 + y*h**3 + c + n*h**4 + x*h and give n.\n87\nRearrange (2 + 2 + 0)*(10 - 3 + 1305*k + 2 - 7) to a + p*k and give a.\n8\nExpress (3 - 3 + 2*h)*(-3 - 14 + 5)*(-h**3 - 26 - h**3 + 20) as u + x*h**2 + t*h**4 + o*h + r*h**3 and give t.\n48\nRearrange -24*v**2 - 5 - 17*v**2 - 30*v + 40*v**2 to o*v + d + b*v**2 and give o.\n-30\nExpress -26 - 46 + 14*l - 15 + 49 in the form x*l + k and give x.\n14\nRearrange 4 - 45*d + 91*d + 6*d**2 - 42*d + (5 + 0 - 3)*(-1 - d**2 + 1) to the form j + a*d + t*d**2 and give a.\n4\nExpress -z**2 + z + 54*z**3 - 17*z**3 + 14*z**3 as p + c*z + f*z**3 + k*z**2 and give c.\n1\nRearrange -426360 + 426360 - 491*s to the form o*s + t and give o.\n-491\nRearrange (-2*q + 2 - 5 - 2*q)*(-2*q - q + 5*q)*(22 - 72 - 66) to z*q**2 + y + x*q and give z.\n928\nRearrange (-3 - 8 - 5)*((0 + 0 - 2)*(2*b + 0 + 0) - b + 3*b - 3*b)*(0*b + 0*b + 2*b**3) to x + n*b + c*b**4 + s*b**3 + f*b**2 and give c.\n160\nRearrange 83*m**4 - 56*m**4 - 75*m**4 + (-m**2 - m**2 - m**2)*(6*m + 4*m**2 - 6*m) to the form i*m**3 + s*m**4 + b*m + r + p*m**2 and give s.\n-60\nRearrange -6*s**3 + 11*s**3 + 3*s - 4*s**3 + 19 + 2*s**4 + 3*s - 3*s to x*s**3 + a + t*s**4 + z*s**2 + r*s and give a.\n19\nRearrange 14*x - 39*x - 17*x + (-2*x - 4*x + 4*x)*(4 - 3 + 0) to k + h*x and give h.\n-44\nExpress 7*s**3 + 2*s - 3*s**3 + 134*s**2 - 124*s**2 as d*s**3 + n + w*s + b*s**2 and give b.\n10\nExpress -10*z - 16*z - 4 + 181*z in the form y*z + k and give k.\n-4\nExpress (3*w + 7 - 7)*(-502 - 2*w + 502) + 2*w**2 + w**2 - 2*w**2 - w**2 - 1 + 1 + (-w - 3*w + 3*w)*(2*w + 3*w - 4*w) in the form z + p*w + h*w**2 and give h.\n-7\nRearrange (5*l**2 + 0 + 0)*(-13 - 2*l + 3*l + 15)*(-2 - 1 + 0) to b*l + j*l**2 + v*l**3 + d and give v.\n-15\nExpress ((3*i - 2*i + 0*i)*(-1 + 1 + 1) - i + 0*i + 2*i)*(-2*i**3 + 2*i**3 + 2*i**3) as b*i**3 + v + m*i**2 + q*i**4 + g*i and give v.\n0\nRearrange -29*b**2 - 71*b**3 - 2*b**4 - 65*b**3 + 2 + 135*b**3 to the form m*b**2 + c*b**4 + g*b + a*b**3 + d and give c.\n-2\nRearrange -5 + 5846*s**2 - 5770*s**2 + 3 to the form u*s + j + i*s**2 and give i.\n76\nRearrange (6 + 6 - 6)*(85*j + 159*j - 42*j + 202*j - 34*j) to i + u*j and give u.\n2220\nExpress (88*v**3 + 19*v**3 - 7*v**3)*(0 - 1 + 0)*(-4 + 4 + 2)*(-1 + 2 + 0) as u*v**3 + w + a*v**2 + g*v and give a.\n0\nRearrange 26*j**3 + 8*j**3 - 4*j**3 + (j - j + 4*j**2)*(0*j - j + 0*j) to a*j**2 + d*j**3 + q*j + i and give d.\n26\nExpress ((73 - 5*i - 73)*(3 - 7 + 3) + 2 - 2 + i)*(0 + 0 + i)*(5 + 1 - 2)*(0 - 5 - 2) as c*i**2 + k*i + d and give c.\n-168\nRearrange -81 + 2*j**2 + 94 + 910*j - 909*j to the form f + b*j**2 + y*j and give y.\n1\nRearrange (-125 - 123 + 250 + 45*j)*(-j + 7*j + 2*j)*(5 + 2 - 5) to the form b*j + k + u*j**2 and give b.\n32\nExpress -2*y + 144*y**4 - 65*y**4 + y**3 + 8*y**2 - 68*y**4 in the form u*y**3 + z*y + b + t*y**2 + r*y**4 and give r.\n11\nRearrange c**2 + 32*c - 4 + 35*c - 60*c to f*c**2 + a*c + j and give a.\n7\nRearrange -k - k**2 - 6*k**2 + 1 + 2*k**2 + 6*k**4 - 9*k**4 to the form h*k**4 + u*k**2 + b*k**3 + y*k + g and give h.\n-3\nExpress -8*b**2 + 7*b**2 + 4*b**4 - b**4 - b**3 + 3*b**2 - 1 as g + n*b**4 + y*b**2 + o*b**3 + k*b and give n.\n3\nRearrange (0 - 1 - 1)*(-2*x**2 - 4*x**2 - x**2)*(-x + x - 2*x**2)*(-19 - 10 - 16) to s*x**2 + g*x**3 + c*x + f + m*x**4 and give m.\n1260\nExpress -64*r + 18*r + 8*r - 142*r + 8*r in the form y + l*r and give l.\n-172\nRearrange -104*o - 109*o + 109 + 213*o - o**2 to the form m + z*o + f*o**2 and give m.\n109\nRearrange 18*r - 3 - 52*r - 1 + 2 to v + z*r and give v.\n-2\nRearrange (-3*r + 2*r + 0*r)*(110 + 387 + 85) to the form l*r + y and give l.\n-582\nExpress -63*x**2 - 59*x**2 - 70*x**2 + 141*x**2 in the form q*x**2 + g + w*x and give q.\n-51\nRearrange (5*x + 0*x + x)*(-16*x**2 - 117*x + 117*x)*(-2 + 10 - 7) to g + b*x + n*x**2 + q*x**3 and give q.\n-96\nExpress -63 - 633*a**2 + 22 + 40 in the form v + u*a**2 + b*a and give u.\n-633\nRearrange 4 - 6*q**3 + 16*q**2 - q - 2 + 6*q - 20*q**2 to l + n*q**2 + o*q + f*q**3 and give l.\n2\nRearrange 1135*h + 480*h - 18*h to y*h + a and give y.\n1597\nExpress 12 + 16*x - 15*x + 20 + 22*x**2 - x in the form i*x**2 + d*x + v and give i.\n22\nExpress (6*i - 3*i - i)*(-58 + 9 - 32) in the form s + o*i and give o.\n-162\nExpress -21 - 2*n**3 + 64 - 20*n**2 - 29 - 21 in the form d*n**2 + v*n + k*n**3 + w and give d.\n-20\nRearrange 38*v**2 + 5*v + 6*v - 1 - 16*v to the form z + u*v + s*v**2 and give z.\n-1\nExpress -6 - 5 + 29 - 9 - 264*f - 11 in the form k + q*f and give k.\n-2\nExpress -353*d + 186*d + 174*d as r*d + v and give r.\n7\nExpress (-2*b + 4*b + 10*b)*((0 + 0 + 2)*(1 - 5 + 2) - 1 + 1 - 2) in the form h*b + r and give r.\n0\nRearrange z**2 - 157*z**3 + 3*z + 323*z**3 - 5*z - z**2 to q*z**2 + v + k*z + m*z**3 and give m.\n166\nRearrange (3 + 5 - 9*y - 5)*(-35 - 8 - 16) to h*y + v and give h.\n531\nExpress 3*u**4 - 3*u**4 - u**4 + (-3*u**3 + u**3 - u**3)*(0*u - 4*u - u) + 2*u**2 - 2*u**2 + 2*u**4 in the form h*u**3 + o*u**4 + r*u + m*u**2 + j and give o.\n16\nRearrange ((-3 + 3 + 2*u)*(u**3 + u**2 - u**2) - 3*u**4 + 34*u**4 - 11*u**4)*(-12 - 21 + 7) to v*u**3 + m*u**2 + i*u + h*u**4 + z and give h.\n-572\nExpress 373 - 28*j**2 + 5*j**2 - 65*j**2 - 10*j**2 - 372 as m + y*j**2 + c*j and give m.\n1\nRearrange 39*s**3 - 6*s**2 + 7*s**2 - 2*s**2 - 10*s**3 - 3 - 3 to the form j*s**2 + g*s + p + y*s**3 and give p.\n-6\nExpress (-6 - 6*q + 4 + 5*q - 4*q + 2*q + 3*q - 4*q + 3*q + 0*q + (3 - 2 - 2)*(2*q + 0*q - 4*q) + 0*q + q - 4*q)*(-5 + 3 + 0) in the form g*q + w and give w.\n4\nExpress 0 + 41*p**3 - 155*p**3 + 1 - 21*p + 19*p as d*p + c + g*p**2 + u*p**3 and give u.\n-114\nRearrange 31 + h - 9 - 8 to i*h + b and give i.\n1\nExpress 2*v**4 - 4*v**2 - 4*v**2 + 16*v**2 - 10*v**2 + 80*v as t + i*v**4 + n*v**2 + g*v**3 + q*v and give i.\n2\nRearrange (3*p + 2*p - 7*p)*(4 - 3 - 3) - 4 - p - 25 - 10 + 0*p - p - p + 4*p - 3*p + p + p - 4*p + 0*p + (-6*p + 2*p + 2*p)*(-3 + 0 + 1) to i + d*p and give i.\n-39\nExpress 5*n + 11*n - 336*n**2 - 14*n + 43*n**2 in the form g*n**2 + a + x*n and give x.\n2\nRearrange 8*o - 29*o**3 + 4*o + 26*o**3 - 2 + 3 to the form c*o + h*o**3 + d + i*o**2 and give d.\n1\nRearrange -8 - 6 - 1 - 95*o + 13 to the form i*o + m and give m.\n-2\nExpress -24640*t**2 - 73*t**3 + 24640*t**2 + (-2*t**2 - 4 + 4)*(-2*t - 2 + 2) + t**3 - 4*t**3 + 0*t**3 as l*t**3 + f*t + u*t**2 + x and give l.\n-72\nRearrange (-u + u - u)*(-6*u**2 + 16*u**2 + 9*u**2)*(19*u - 10*u + 4*u) to j*u + y + c*u**2 + d*u**3 + b*u**4 and give b.\n-247\nRearrange -15 - 28*n + 43*n + 42 - 19*n + (6 - 1 - 3)*(-2*n + 14*n - 8*n) to b + i*n and give i.\n4\nExpress (-9 - 4 - 5)*(-4 + 5 - 4)*(2 + 8 - 9 + j) as o*j + x and give o.\n54\nRearrange (-407420*f**2 + 1010*f**4 + 407420*f**2)*(-3 + 1 + 1 + (-3 + 2 - 1)*(1 - 3 + 0)) to the form p*f + o + z*f**3 + v*f**2 + d*f**4 and give d.\n3030\nRearrange h + 5*h + 34*h**2 - 6*h - 13*h**2 to k*h + l + x*h**2 and give x.\n21\nRearrange 2*p**4 - p**4 + 27*p**2 + p**3 - p**4 + 2*p**4 to the form g*p + v*p**2 + o*p**4 + w + f*p**3 and give v.\n27\nExpress 233*t + 25*t - 14*t in the form c + s*t and give c.\n0\nExpress 13*a + 34*a + 41 - 48*a as r*a + g and give r.\n-1\nExpress -116 + 9*u - 7*u - 199 in t" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nBubbles (water) are transparent, then how can they produce white light in mass amounts?", "\n\nBubbles (water) are usually translucent, and transparent too.", "\n\nIn the field of optics, transparency (also called pellucidity or diaphaneity) is the physical property of allowing light to pass through the material without appreciable scattering of light. ", "On a macroscopic scale (one where the dimensions investigated are much larger than the wavelength of the photons in question), the photons can be said to follow Snell's Law. ", "Translucency (also called translucence or translucidity) allows light to pass through, but does not necessarily (again, on the macroscopic scale) follow Snell's law; the photons can be scattered at either of the two interfaces, or internally, where there is a change in index of refraction. ", "In other words, a translucent material is made up of components with different indices of refraction. ", "A transparent material is made up of components with a uniform index of refraction.[1] Transparent materials appear clear, with the overall appearance of one color, or any combination leading up to a brilliant spectrum of every color.", "\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transparency_and_translucency\nBut foam is always white, though it is made up of transparent constituents (waterbubbles).", "\nI am not asking why foam is always white. ", "I am asking how a transparent material, like water in bubbles, in big amounts will produce white light.", "\nNow this might seem obvious, because transparent materials are reflecting off all light that is shone on them.", "\nBut, white (natural) light is a combination of certain wavelengths.", "\n\nWhite objects fully reflect and scatter all the visible wavelengths of light.", "\n While there is no single, unique specification of \"white light\", there is indeed a unique specification of \"white object\", or, more specifically, \"white surface\". ", "A perfectly white surface diffusely reflects (scatters) all visible light that strikes it, without absorbing any, irrespective of the light's wavelength or spectral distribution.[29][30] Since it does not absorb any of the incident light, white is the lightest possible color. ", "If the reflection is not diffuse but rather specular, this describes a mirror rather than a white surface.[31][29]\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White#White_light\nSo basically, white objects, like foam, should reflect all visible wavelengths of light, though they are comprised of transparent objects, bubbles, that are refracting all visible wavelengths.", "\nAnd, wet objects are usually darker, not brighter.", "\nWhy are so many different types of objects white, yet appear gray when they are wet?", "\nSo this cannot explain it either.", "\nQuestion:\n\nSo how does adding bubbles together change from total refraction (transparent) to total reflection (white) of all visible wavelengths?", "\n\nA:\n\na beam of light that strikes a bubble in a transparent liquid experiences a sudden change in the index of refraction. ", "This means that depending on the exact angle of incidence of the light ray on the (curved) surface of the bubble, the light ray will get split- part of it will bounce off the bubble, part will enter the bubble, and the part that enters the bubble will be split again, with part of it being reflected back into the bubble and part will go through the bubble wall and leave the bubble. ", "\nIn addition, the curved surface of the bubble will act as a lens and bend the reflected and transmitted beams in a variety of ways, again depending on the angle of incidence.", "\nAny beam of light entering a large cloud of bubbles will be reflected, refracted and transmitted many times as it bounces from bubble to bubble, meaning that each bubble will be illuminated by light rays coming at it from all directions- and the whole bubble cloud will appear white to your eyes. ", "\nThe net result for a large cloud of small bubbles illuminated by the sun will be a sparkly white, foamy appearance. ", "the smaller the bubbles, the more \"milky\" the appearance; the larger the bubbles, the more \"sparkly\". ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Can the Book of Mormon be powerful, even with a reading of the text that doesn’t rely on literal historicity? ", "Join host Brittany Mangelson and retired Community of Christ apostle Dale Luffman as they discuss his book, “The Book of Mormon’s Witness to Its First Readers.” ", "They explore the religious and cultural context surrounding the publication of the Book of Mormon and how the text would have fit and responded to the worldview of the early saints.", "\n\nDownload audio" ]
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[ "\"You want some coffee, Kel?\" \"", "Yeah, thanks.\" \"", "Are you doing Tara's laundry now, too?\" \"", "Clare, would you stop it.\" \"", "Tara's been a very good houseguest and you know it.\" \"", "Yeah, she has, but, uh... that's not it.\" \"", "Then what is it?\" \"", "This is a three bedroom apartment, Kel.\" \"", "It's fine to have a guest for a couple nights.\" \"", "But this has been weeks now without an end in sight.\" \"", "She's getting her own place.\" \"", "She's on a waiting list.\" \"", "That's what you said last week.\" \"", "Don't take this personally, but, um, I'm going to stay with Steve until she's gone.\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "Can I be honest with you and you won't get mad at me?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Tara gives me the creeps.\" \"", "I don't know why, there's just, there's something about her.\" \"", "I totally respect what you're doing for her, Kel, I do.\" \"", "I just feel put out you know, I feel like\" \"I'm being displaced from my own apartment, you know?\" \"", "You agree with her?\" \"", "I, uh, I think it would be best for everyone if she found her own place, soon.\" \"", "I don't understand.\" \"", "It's not like I didn't discuss this with you first.\" \"", "I mean, you agreed to this and now you're changing your mind.\" \"", "I just don't think that's very fair to Tara.\" \"", "The beach was awesome this morning.\" \"", "The waves were huge.\" \"", "Well, we better get to school.\" \"", "Have a good day.\" \"", "Hold on, guys, check it out.\" \"", "I found some great croissants at this cafe on the strand.\" \"", "We're late for school.\" \"", "Sorry, we gotta go.\" \"", "Yeah, we'll see you later, Kel.\" \" ", "Bye.\" \" ", "Bye.\" \"", "I'll try one.\" \"", "Hmm, they're still warm.\" \"", "They don't like me too much, do they?\" \"", "Tara, you can't please everyone.\" \"", "Still, I'm freeloading in their apartment.\" \"", "I told you, you can stay as long as you need to.\" \"", "I don't want to hear another word about it.\" \"", "So, I hear you and Clare are playing house.\" \"", "Big responsibility, huh?\" \"", "We're not playing house.\" \"", "She's just staying over while you guys cram, that's all.\" \"", "I feel for you, Steve.\" \"", "Clare's gonna get to see all your bad habits, up close and personal.\" \"", "I don't have any bad habits.\" \"", "I know how to put the toilet seat down.\" \"", "Ah, you've got Brandon beat on that one.\" \"", "Aren't you late for something?\" \" ", "Yeah, yeah.\" \" ", "See ya.\" \"", "Did you break the bad news to her?\" \"", "Did you tell her your big plans to spend the summer\" \" together are canceled, huh?\" \" ", "They aren't canceled.\" \"", "Oh, you didn't tell her?\" \"", "No, no, no, there's nothing to tell, okay.\" \"", "I haven't even met with the guy yet.\" \"", "I know you, Walsh, you had a blast\" \" in Boston last summer.\" \" ", "So?\" \"", "So?\" \"", "You've got a great offer, from an even better newspaper, they're grooming you for a significant position.\" \"", "You'll never turn that down.\" \"", "Never, never, never, ever and you shouldn't!\" \"", "Steve, Steve, Steve, this trip means a lot to Susan, okay?\" \"", "It's not that cut-and-dry.\" \"", "Oh, sorry, Mr. Sensitive, touchy-feely.\" \"", "Don't forget, Bran, men are men, business is business and women...\" \"Whatever.\" \"", "So, what do you think?\" \"", "Sounds good.\" \"", "Sounds good?\" \"", "What are you kidding, they're great.\" \"", "And they want me to direct their video.\" \"", "Hey, Joe, you want to listen to this?\" \"", "It's a campus band...\" \"Powerman 5000.\" \"", "Sure, I'll take a listen.\" \"", "I'm telling you, Donna, all these guys need is a dope video and they're as good as signed.\" \"", "They're willing to put up their own money for the production.\" \"", "I'm so psyched.\" \"", "Well, they picked the right guy for the job.\" \"", "Especially if you're this excited about it.\" \"", "I told them we could do it this weekend.\" \"", "But we're really up against the wall.\" \"", "I mean, finals start next week, and they're gonna be going on tour.\" \"", "Don't worry about it.\" \"", "I mean, you're the best under pressure.\" \"", "Yeah, I, I don't know, I still don't think\" \"I can do this by myself.\" \"", "Come on, Donna, you've got great instincts.\" \"", "I mean, we work well together, what do you say?\" \"", "Well, it's not exactly my thing, but they have a lot of energy.\" \"", "So, uh... can you help me out?\" \"", "Um...\" \"Okay, you got me for the weekend.\" \"", "Great.\" \"", "I owe you one.\" \"", "Um, I'll give you a call later and, and we'll get together at some point.\" \"", "I gotta get going.\" \"", "Here, you should take this tape with you and learn the song.\" \"", "See you guys later.\" \"", "See you later, Joe.\" \"", "Yeah, see you, Dave.\" \"", "Thanks, Donna.\" \"", "What was that all about?\" \"", "Oh, I'm going to help David make a music video for this band.\" \"", "Really?\" \"", "Their music kind of gave me a headache.\" \"", "What, you don't think I should do it?\" \"", "I didn't say that.\" \"", "No, I mean, I'm gonna be studying for my exams all weekend.\" \"", "Do it.\" \"", "I think you'd have fun.\" \"", "And if you can listen to that all weekend, more power to you.\" \"", "You are so square sometimes.\" \"", "And that's why you love me.\" \"", "I guess so.\" \" ", "See ya, darlin'.\" \" ", "Bye.\" \"", "Sometimes I think if my parents would have taken me back everything would be fine.\" \"", "But I made their life hell.\" \"", "I kept thinking the more pathetic I got, the more they would want me.\" \"", "And now?\" \"", "They didn't even tell me where they moved.\" \"", "Maybe someday I'll get them back, but now, and for the first time since I ran away... the world is a friendlier place.\" \"", "I have a friend and people who care about me and that I care about.\" \"", "It's a real beginning.\" \"", "Hey, Colin, is Val around?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Yeah, she was.\" \"", "So, what does that mean?\" \"", "Is she coming back?\" \"", "I don't know, man.\" \"", "What's with the attitude, man?\" \"", "David... come on, brother, you don't like me, you know I don't like you.\" \"", "Don't worry...\" \"the feeling is mutual.\" \"", "Besides, I have this standing rule about not hanging out with ex-felons, you know.\" \"", "Hmm.\" \"", "Val...\" \" Hey.\" \" ", "Hey.\" \"", "I need to ask you a favor.\" \"", "Sure.\" \"", "What's up?\" \"", "I'm shooting this music video this weekend and I was kind of hoping maybe we could use the club for one of the locations tomorrow.\" \"", "Now I talked to Nat and he's fine with it as long as you are.\" \"", "Yeah, it's okay with me, as long as you're out of here before we open.\" \"", "No problem.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "See you later, Colin.\" \"", "What happened with you and David?\" \"", "Who cares?\" \" ", "I care.\" \" ", "Well, don't.\" \"", "He still blames me for bringing Kelly down.\" \"", "One of these days, man...\" \"Can't you just lighten up?\" \"", "It's hard enough for me to be stuck in the middle.\" \"", "Besides, don't you have enough problems already?\" \"", "Can you believe how fast time flies?\" \"", "We are already prepping for the grad school exams.\" \"", "It seems like just yesterday I took my SATs.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "It reminds me that I'm not going to be in school forever.\" \"", "I'm just glad we're taking the summer off to travel.\" \"", "I'm looking forward to putting my life on hold for a couple of months.\" \"", "Did you know that in a little town off Interstate 80 called Cauker City, Kansas, there is the largest ball of twine in the world?\" \"", "Can you imagine... some farmer made it his life's work and now it's the town's pride and joy.\" \"", "Huh.\" \"", "You know I got a call yesterday from the Boston Globe.\" \"", "They have a recruiter in town.\" \"", "He wants to meet with me.\" \" ", "Oh, about a summer job, huh?\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "They want to make a place for me after I graduate.\" \"", "Wow, that's great.\" \"", "It may not even be anything I want.\" \"", "But you're warning me our, our trip may be off, right?\" \"", "Well, I gotta go meet the guy, right?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "No, I know you'll do what you have to do.\" \"", "There you go.\" \"", "Now you've got two drawers all to yourself.\" \"", "Thank you, honey.\" \"", "And I made room in the closet for you.\" \"", "So, now this is kind of like your room, too.\" \"", "Oh, you're so sweet.\" \"", "Well, I've never done this before.\" \"", "You know, lived with someone.\" \"", "Well, it's only for a couple days.\" \"", "Well, yeah, but I want to make sure it's a nice place for you.\" \"", "That way I can be sure you'll come back.\" \"", "You know what?\" \"", "You can be so romantic.\" \"", "Well, do me a favor, would ya?\" \"", "Don't tell anybody.\" \"", "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me.\" \"", "You know while you're here with me,\" \"I don't want you to lift a finger.\" \"", "I'm gonna wait on you hand and foot.\" \"", "How does that sound?\" \"", "Mm, better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.\" \"", "Well, how about a poke in the old...\" \"Kelly, what do you think of my hair?\" \"", "It's kind of mousy, huh?\" \"", "No, not at all.\" \"", "Oh, come on.\" \"", "Look at us and tell me you don't see the difference.\" \"", "I mean, you've got it all:\" \"style, flare.\" \"", "I'll never be anything like you.\" \"", "Well, maybe it could use a little pizzazz.\" \"", "Hmm.\" \"", "Pizzazz is for girls like you, not me.\" \"", "Why don't I make you an appointment at my hairdresser?\" \"", "It'll be my treat.\" \"", "You'll see.\" \"", "He does pizzazz.\" \"", "He could do that for me?\" \"", "Oh, are you kidding?\" \"", "He works miracles.\" \"", "He'd have to be to do anything with this.\" \"", "So, um, did Dr. Browning mention anything to you about a place opening up in a rooming house?\" \"", "Uh, yeah, she told me.\" \"", "What do you think?\" \"", "Please, don't make me go, Kelly.\" \"", "Kelly, you're like family, like a sister to me.\" \"", "You heard what I said in group.\" \"", "I need you.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "I just, I have two roommates that I have to think about.\" \"", "How could you do this to me?\" \"", "I thought you were different.\" \"", "I'm sorry, Tara.\" \"", "You-You can stay at our place until your place opens up.\" \"", "Please, Kelly.\" \"", "You promised you would never leave me.\" \"", "I will prove to you I can be the best friend you've ever had.\" \"", "Just don't make me leave.\" \"", "Tara, we are friends.\" \"", "I just think that it would be best for everybody.\" \"", "Hey, Kelly.\" \"", "Hi.\" \"", "How you doing?\" \"", "Better every day.\" \"", "Yeah, Colin, too.\" \"", "It's amazing how things work out for the best, huh?\" \"", "Hi.\" \"", "I'm sorry, Tara.\" \"", "This is Valerie and Colin.\" \"", "You were at\" \"Steve's party, right?\" \"", "Yeah, that was me.\" \"", "Nice to meet you guys.\" \"", "Well, we'll see you around, huh, Kel?\" \" ", "Bye.\" \" ", "See ya.\" \"", "Wow, that's a really nice car.\" \"", "God, I hate her so much.\" \"", "I know I shouldn't feel this way about anybody, but I do...\" \"I hate her.\" \" ", "Because of Colin?\" \" ", "She has been after him since she asked him to paint that damn mural at the club.\" \"", "Come on, Kelly.\" \"", "You're just paranoid.\" \"", "Besides, Colin's no good for you anyway.\" \"", "I know, but I still hate her.\" \"", "Well, anyone you hate...\" \"I hate, too.\" \"", "I hope she dies.\" \"", "Tara, you don't even know them.\" \"", "It doesn't matter.\" \"", "That's what friends are for.\" \"", "All right, fine.\" \"", "Fine, scratch devils and angels.\" \"", "But I still think it would've, uh, it would've worked if we intercut it with the band footage.\" \"", "David, let's be realistic.\" \"", "We start taping at 8:00 in the morning.\" \"", "Where do you plan on getting wings, halos and cloven hooves to pull that off?\" \"", "Well, that's what I was hoping you'd help me with.\" \"", "Uh, yeah, but I'm not a miracle worker.\" \"", "Fine, why don't you come up with an idea?\" \"", "Well, I have been coming up with ideas, and you didn't like any of them, remember that?\" \"", "Donna, they're too soft.\" \"", "This is a gritty song.\" \"", "It needs a gritty concept.\" \"", "Okay, fine.\" \"", "Why don't we just keep it simple?\" \"", "I mean, the song's called \"Strike The Match,\"\" \"so let's just have all the band members striking lots of matches, hmm?\" \"", "Wow.\" \"", "That's...\" \"That's real clever.\" \"", "Well, it's more than you've had.\" \"", "You know what?\" \"", "If you don't want to help on this, just say so.\" \"", "You know, I thought it might be fun working together.\" \"", "You know, doing something creative?\" \"", "I don't know why I asked you to help me in the first place.\" \"", "Donna, where are you going?\" \"", "I'm leaving.\" \"", "You are being mean and rude, and right now, you are the last person on earth I'd want to hang out with.\" \"", "Donna, stop!\" \"", "Stop, that's it!\" \"", "That's perfect!\" \"", "It's exactly what we've been looking for.\" \"", "What are you talking about?\" \"\"", "The last person on earth.\"\" \"", "It could be like a, a post-apocalyptic theme.\" \"", "Like after a big war or a flood or a famine or something.\" \"", "It's so simple.\" \"", "For wardrobe all we have to do is rip up old clothes.\" \"", "Hey, that, that's not bad.\" \"", "You know, I could do that.\" \"", "You know what?\" \"", "Maybe we could rent out, like, an old warehouse and do real smoky shots or make it look like a old alley or something.\" \"", "Yeah, yeah.\" \"", "Okay, well, what do we do with the drummer's girlfriend, though?\" \"", "She could be the one striking the matches.\" \"", "Everybody wants her because she's got the fire, and they're... they're tired of eating everything raw or something.\" \"", "Right, she's the last woman on earth.\" \"", "And they need her for more than a hot meal.\" \"", "That's it!\" \"", "I like this.\" \"", "I think this is gonna work.\" \"", "This is cool.\" \"", "Ready for antonyms?\" \"", "Okay, fire away.\" \"", "Okay, \"multifarious:\" \"\"A) Deprived of freedom, B) Deprived of comfort,\" \"C) Lacking space, or D) Lacking diversity?\"\" \"", "D) Lacking diversity.\" \" ", "Correct.\" \" ", "I didn't get that.\" \"", "I did.\" \"", "Well, antonyms are tricky.\" \"", "The correct answer's never an exact opposite.\" \"", "It's always nearly opposite.\" \"", "What kind of career would require you to know nearly exact opposites?\" \"", "Hopefully, not air traffic controllers.\" \"", "I say we take a little break before we move on to the ever-intimidating Data Analysis.\" \"", "What do you say, kids?\" \"", "Who wants something?\" \"", "I'll have water.\" \"", "Clare, that shawl is beautiful.\" \"", "Where did you get it?\" \"", "Oh, it's a family heirloom.\" \"", "It was my mom's.\" \"", "It's my lucky study shawl now.\" \"", "It's one of the only things I have from her.\" \"", "Well, it's beautiful.\" \"", "I'm gonna get some tea.\" \"", "Are we almost finished yet?\" \"", "What's the difference?\" \"", "I'm sleeping over.\" \"", "Besides, just by hanging with us, you're learning from osmosis.\" \"", "I'm bored.\" \"", "I've already used up a week's worth of osmosis.\" \"", "Very good.\" \"", "Vocabulary usage in context.\" \"", "You know, you should have taken the graduate school exams.\" \"", "Yeah, this is what I want to study for.\" \"", "Cool.\" \"", "Yeah, 8:00.\" \"", "All right, I'll see you then.\" \"", "Great.\" \"", "The band is all set for the scenes in the After Dark.\" \"", "They're gonna bring their own wardrobe.\" \"", "And they've got some fans coming down.\" \"", "Now, you're taking care of the lead girl's costume, right?\" \"", "Yeah, we'll get some hot pants, fishnets.\" \"", "She has a great body, it should work like a charm.\" \"", "Great.\" \"", "Oh, don't forget lots of matches.\" \"", "Uh, those wooden ones that you can strike on anything.\" \"", "Right.\" \"", "Lots of matches.\" \"", "Okay, everything's set.\" \"", "Great.\" \"", "I gotta say, I had a lot of fun.\" \"", "Yeah, well, uh, let's not celebrate till you get it on tape.\" \"", "All right, you'd better get some sleep.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Night, David.\" \"", "Good night.\" \"", "See you in the morning.\" \"", "You have a really nice car, Val.\" \"", "A really nice car.\" \"", "Well, I just want this all to be over with because my stomach is in knots.\" \"", "Come on, Keats, it's good for you.\" \"", "A little pre-test jitters gives you an edge.\" \"", "Yeah, or a stroke.\" \"", "Come on, guys.\" \"", "This is just a warm-up.\" \"", "Next year you can be nervous.\" \"", "Next year's the last train out.\" \"", "If you don't have your act together by then, you can kiss your academic future good-bye.\" \"", "Ooh, don't get testy, so to speak.\" \"", "It's just your life on the line.\" \"", "Oh, to be an underachiever.\" \"", "That's right.\" \"", "That's me, Clare.\" \"", "Graduate School of Hard Knocks.\" \"", "Well, I'm outta here.\" \"", "I'm late.\" \"", "Good-bye.\" \"", "See you there.\" \"", "Bye, Clare.\" \"", "Honey, I'm gonna do some laundry, later.\" \"", "Is there anything I can do for you?\" \"", "Yeah, actually, the stuff on the chair in your bedroom, okay?\" \"", "Warm wash, cold rinse.\" \"", "Got it.\" \"", "He's such a great house husband.\" \"", "Bye.\" \"", "Mm, good wifey.\" \"", "Uh, these voices in my head keep playing over and over,\" \"\"Time to put down your pencils, time to put down your pencils.\"\" \"", "Susan, you're putting way too much pressure on yourself.\" \"", "There are more important things in life than where you're gonna go to grad school.\" \"", "Like what?\" \"", "Where to do your summer internship?\" \"", "Sorry.\" \"", "Aren't you getting a little carried away with this?\" \"", "This year with you has meant everything to me.\" \"", "I just want to know, are we...\" \"I mean, you and I, are we a part of my future?\" \"", "Is this on the Data Analysis section of the test?\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "I'm serious.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "Look, all I'm asking is that you think about it.\" \"", "And when you meet with the guy from the Boston Globe about your job,\" \"I just want you to take into consideration what... what you want to have happen to us.\" \"", "Are you saying that if I take the job and we don't go on our trip, then we're finished?\" \"", "No, it isn't an ultimatum.\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "It's time to go.\" \"", "Perfect.\" \"", "Cut it.\" \"", "That was great.\" \"", "Yeah, it was good.\" \"", "I'd like to try it one more time, though.\" \"", "Oh, hey, sure, no problem.\" \"", "We can do it from the top and then we'll move on to the next segment.\" \"", "Oh, Adam, by the way, when's your girlfriend going to get here?\" \"", "We kind of need to get her in wardrobe.\" \"", "Anna's still at Al's, taking care of the dog.\" \"", "You're kidding?\" \"", "Why didn't anybody say anything?\" \"", "Why didn't you ask?\" \"", "I mean...\" \"All right, that's no problem.\" \"", "Donna, you have the wardrobe, right?\" \"", "Yeah, sure.\" \"", "Great.\" \"", "Put it on.\" \" ", "Me?\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "You're about to be the last woman on earth.\" \"", "Colin, somebody keyed my car!\" \"", "What?\" \"", "Oh...\" \"Hell of a way to start the morning.\" \" ", "Who could've done this?\" \" ", "Don't worry, it's probably just vandalism, some stupid kids or something.\" \"", "This is not just vandalism.\" \"", "They know my name.\" \"", "I'm calling the police.\" \"", "I'm scared.\" \"", "Thanks for the lift, Kel.\" \"", "No problem.\" \"", "I wanted you to meet Bernie anyway.\" \"", "He was the only friend I had on the streets.\" \"", "Here we go.\" \"", "Hey, Bernie!\" \"", "Tara!\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Where you been?\" \"", "I missed you.\" \"", "Hey, Bernie.\" \" ", "You look great.\" \" ", "Thanks.\" \"", "This is my friend Kelly.\" \"", "Hi.\" \"", "Hi, Kelly.\" \"", "Nice to meet you.\" \"", "I was wondering if I'd ever see you again.\" \"", "Well, here I am.\" \"", "By any chance, do you still have my stuff?\" \"", "Of course I do.\" \"", "What do you think I'd do, hock it?\" \"", "Thanks.\" \"", "I used to stay back there until Bernie caught me doing drugs and threw me out.\" \"", "But he always stayed my friend.\" \"", "I can't imagine what it must've been like living in a place like this.\" \"", "Living on the streets... it's a character- building experience.\" \"", "Here you go.\" \"", "Hey, you still have that old camera I gave you?\" \"", "Yup, right in there.\" \" ", "She's a heck of a photographer.\" \" ", "Really?\" \" ", "Well, enjoy.\" \" ", "Thanks.\" \"", "And don't be such a stranger, huh?\" \" ", "Okay.\" \" ", "Thanks, Bernie.\" \"", "Nice to meet you, Kelly.\" \" ", "You, too.\" \" ", "Okay.\" \" ", "Bye.\" \" ", "Bye.\" \"", "Sure is nice to have my stuff back again.\" \"", "It's good to see a smile on your face.\" \"", "Come on, let's go see how David and Donna are doing\" \" on that video of theirs.\" \" ", "Okay.\" \"", "Oh, no.\" \"", "Clare's mother's shawl.\" \"", "She's gonna kill me!\" \"", "All right, now, you should start here and then when the chorus part comes in, you should move down to right about here.\" \"", "Okay, I'll give it a try.\" \"", "You look great.\" \"", "Thanks.\" \"", "Well, we're almost done lighting and then we'll be ready to go.\" \"", "Cool.\" \"", "Wow, David really knows what he's doing.\" \"", "Yeah, I knew Donna was working on this, but I didn't know that she was going to be in it.\" \"", "She looks great.\" \"", "Do you want to stay and watch for awhile?\" \" ", "Absolutely.\" \" ", "Okay.\" \" ", "I'll go get us some sodas.\" \" ", "Okay.\" \"", "This is all cool.\" \"", "We've gotta make sure, though, that these two spotlights up here are aimed on the center of the stage at all times, otherwise we lose 'em.\" \"", "We need the strobe lights.\" \"", "We needed those, like, half an hour ago.\" \"", "We gotta find...\" \"What?\" \"", "Nothing.\" \"", "What, do you got a problem?\" \"", "No, I don't got a problem.\" \"", "You got a problem.\" \"", "Really?\" \"", "Just stay out of my way, all right?\" \"", "Stay out of your way?\" \"", "What, are you gonna make me?\" \"", "Huh?\" \"", "Maybe I will.\" \"", "Hey, Nat.\" \"", "Hi, darlin'.\" \"", "Looks like the Peach Pit went big time.\" \"", "Yeah, did you see Donna?\" \"", "She looks like a movie star.\" \"", "Yeah, well, it looks like they know what they're doing.\" \"", "And what can I do for you?\" \" ", "Two cherry sodas to go.\" \" ", "Okay.\" \"", "Kelly, I need to talk to you.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "Someone vandalized my car last night.\" \"", "I'm sorry to hear that.\" \"", "What's that have to do with me?\" \"", "Well, they scratched the words \"Die Val\" in the side of my car and I can't think of anybody else who wants me dead besides you.\" \"", "Well, maybe you're not thinking hard enough.\" \"", "You know, this isn't a joke.\" \"", "I've called the police.\" \"", "And you're number one on my list of people\" \"I told them might have a grudge against me.\" \"", "You're crazy.\" \" ", "And you're paranoid.\" \" ", "Yeah, right.\" \"", "Like you haven't had it in for me since I took Colin away from you.\" \"", "You did not take Colin away from me, I dumped him.\" \"", "And you were the only thing low enough for him to crawl to.\" \"", "You're a bitch, you know that.\" \"", "You want to take it outside?\" \"", "Glad to.\" \"", "Hey, there's a fight next door!\" \"", "Come on, there's a fight!\" \"", "David, stop it!\" \"", "Come on, man, let go of me!\" \"", "Get off of me!\" \"", "Let go of me!\" \"", "I'm sick of this punk!\" \"", "Nat!\" \"", "Stop!\" \" ", "Come on!\" \" ", "That's enough!\" \"", "That's enough!\" \"", "Break it up!\" \" ", "I didn't start it, man.\" \" ", "Man, I didn't touch\" \"Valerie's car.\" \"", "You need to know what you're talking about before you accuse people of things.\" \"", "I know exactly what I'm talking about, all right?\" \" ", "Come on.\" \" ", "Did Kelly put you up to this?\" \" ", "What?\" \"!\" \" ", "Come on!\" \"", "Come on!\" \"", "All right, all right, all right, take him outside!\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "As far as I'm concerned, this shoot is over.\" \"", "Nat...\" \"David, I'm sorry.\" \"", "She's right, man.\" \"", "Chill.\" \" ", "Damn it.\" \" ", "Are you okay?\" \"", "Yeah, I'm fine.\" \"", "We'll just get whatever we didn't get when we move on to the warehouse.\" \"", "David, I'm sorry.\" \"", "She accused me of the same thing.\" \"", "What's gotten into them?\" \"", "They really are bad.\" \"", "No wonder you guys hate them so much.\" \"", "Mr. Dreesen.\" \" ", "Brandon Walsh.\" \" ", "Yes, sir.\" \" ", "How do you do?\" \" ", "Good, thank you.\" \"", "Please, join me.\" \"", "Thanks.\" \"", "Sorry, I'm a little late.\" \"", "I took my GREs today.\" \"", "No problem.\" \"", "So how's your year been?\" \"", "Good, good.\" \"", "Great, actually.\" \"", "Thanks.\" \" ", "Grades up?\" \" ", "Uh, yeah.\" \"", "Actually, I'm looking at a 3.5.\" \" ", "Very good.\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "And I know you've been very active with The Condor.\" \"", "We were very impressed with that copy you filed for the AP on the Bradley assault trial.\" \" ", "Thank you.\" \" ", "And then of course, word got around town about the work you did for The Herald last summer.\" \"", "They were very happy with you.\" \"", "That's good to hear.\" \" ", "I'm a big fan of Boston.\" \" ", "Good.\" \"", "Because we would like to have you come back this summer.\" \"", "And I don't suppose I have to tell you that working for The Boston Globe would be a considerable step up from your affiliation last summer.\" \"", "Well, I understand.\" \"", "And, frankly, Mr. Walsh, we are in a very aggressive recruiting period.\" \"", "We're prepared to extend ourselves beyond a summer internship.\" \"", "But that would take some commitment on your part.\" \"", "Well, what exactly did you have in mind?\" \"", "Well, we know you're gonna be a senior next year.\" \"", "And, of course, it would be in all our best interests that you finish your degree.\" \"", "But if you come on board with us this summer, there would be a job waiting for you when you graduate.\" \"", "That might make for a relatively stress-free senior year.\" \" ", "Yeah, it might.\" \" ", "Now, of course, we'd like you to work from the bottom up.\" \"", "But you'd be starting with a very competitive salary and a full benefits package.\" \"", "I don't understand.\" \"", "Why are you recruiting me as a junior?\" \"", "We like to make special exceptions for special candidates.\" \"", "We'd rather take you off the market than have to compete for you next year.\" \"", "Wow.\" \"", "That's quite an offer.\" \"", "We think so.\" \"", "Wow.\" \"", "You already said that, Brandon.\" \"", "Yeah, yeah, I did.\" \"", "I'm sorry.\" \"", "And all of this is contingent on me coming to work for you this summer?\" \"", "Yeah, it would be a grooming period.\" \"", "A chance for us to evaluate your strengths, find out where you fit.\" \"", "So what do you think?\" \"", "Well, I was kinda planning on taking this summer off.\" \"", "I don't think this is the summer to be goofing off, do you?\" \"", "Let me make you some herbal tea.\" \"", "You need to relax.\" \"", "I just cannot believe the nerve of them to accuse me.\" \"", "She probably keyed her own car just to blame it on you.\" \"", "I wouldn't put it past her.\" \"", "She's a witch.\" \"", "Trust me, when you live on the streets, you learn to spot the meanness in people in order to survive.\" \"", "I just feel bad for David.\" \"", "I wish he didn't have to get sucked into this, you know?\" \"", "Maybe I will take you up on that tea.\" \"", "Thanks for making that appointment with your hairdresser for me.\" \"", "I can't wait.\" \"", "Oh, you're welcome.\" \"", "Just don't be late.\" \"", "He was completely booked up this afternoon and he is squeezing you in.\" \"", "No, no, I'm staying here with you; you need me.\" \"", "Don't be ridiculous.\" \"", "I'm fine.\" \"", "Why didn't you ever tell me you were a photographer?\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "It didn't seem important.\" \"", "I love taking pictures, though.\" \"", "It was the only thing that seemed to keep me sane on the streets.\" \"", "I spent every penny I had on film.\" \"", "And I took a picture of every person I met and every place I went.\" \"", "Hm.\" \"", "Sounds like a calling.\" \" ", "You think?\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "I'd love to see some of your stuff.\" \"", "Me, too.\" \"", "I could afford the film, but not the processing and the printing.\" \"", "Do you happen to know anybody with a darkroom?\" \"", "Actually, I may be able to help you there.\" \"", "Really?\" \"", "Yeah, a newspaper would have a darkroom, right?\" \"", "Of course.\" \"", "Well, the The Condor must have one.\" \"", "I'll just ask Brandon to do me a favor.\" \"", "He would do that for you?\" \"", "If I ask him nicely.\" \"", "You still like him, don't you?\" \"", "I think he likes you, too.\" \"", "Another one of my instincts.\" \"", "Oh, really?\" \"", "Well, I'm going to go take a shower and a nap.\" \"", "But don't be late for Umberto or he will kill me, all right?\" \" ", "I won't.\" \" ", "All right.\" \"", "And cut it!\" \"", "That was great.\" \"", "Here, come on down.\" \"", "I have another shot idea.\" \"", "Okay, let me go, uh, fix my makeup.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "Sure.\" \"", "Go ahead.\" \"", "Hey.\" \" ", "Hi.\" \" ", "Hey.\" \"", "Wow.\" \"", "Look at you.\" \"", "I didn't know you were gonna be in this.\" \"", "Yeah, neither did I.\" \"So, are your tests finished?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "That's a...\" \"an interesting outfit.\" \"", "It's my last-woman-on-earth costume.\" \"", "You dig it?\" \"", "Donna!\" \"", "We're ready for your close up.\" \"", "Yeah, okay.\" \"", "You know what?\" \"", "This shouldn't take long.\" \"", "Why don't you stay and watch?\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "Bye.\" \"", "Uh, just do the same thing you were doing.\" \"", "Just try and keep the energy up, the sexiness.\" \"", "Y...\" \"You know what you're doing.\" \"", "Feed the camera.\" \"", "Uh, roll 'em, play back.\" \"", "So.\" \"", "How'd your big meeting go?\" \"", "Great.\" \"", "Great.\" \"", "That's good.\" \" ", "Good for you.\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "Yeah, it's really good, actually.\" \"", "You won't believe what they offered me.\" \"", "Pray tell.\" \"", "All I have to do is intern for one of the best newspapers in the country this summer, and, uh, when I graduate, they'll guarantee me a job with full benefits... if I want it.\" \"", "Whoa.\" \"", "Well, you deserve it.\" \"", "You're very talented, Brandon.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "I'm not finished.\" \"", "I don't think there's anything more to say right now.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "Then, uh... let me show you something.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "This.\" \"", "What is it?\" \"", "It's incredible, isn't it?\" \"", "What?\" \"", "W-What is it?\" \"", "It's a tiny ball of knotted string.\" \"", "A knot?\" \"", "You want to show me a knot?\" \"", "Oh, no, no, no, no, no.\" \"", "This isn't just a knot.\" \"", "This is the smallest ball of twine in the world.\" \"", "And now that we've seen the smallest one, don't you think we owe it to ourselves to see the biggest?\" \"", "You mean it?\" \"", "Our summer together?\" \"", "If you still want to.\" \"", "You mean you'd give up this incredible offer for me?\" \"", "Well, the truth is, I already did.\" \"", "Besides, if I wait until next year, they'll have to pay me more.\" \"", "You sure?\" \"", "I mean, it is such a great opportunity, and if you change your mind, I mean, I'll understand.\" \"", "No, no.\" \"", "We only have one more summer like this.\" \"", "We should make it one to remember, huh?\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "Honey!\" \"", "I'm home.\" \" ", "Hey, babe.\" \" ", "Hi!\" \"", "How'd it go?\" \"", "Easier than I thought.\" \"", "I'm glad we crammed.\" \"", "It really helped.\" \"", "Ooh, wow.\" \"", "Beautiful flowers.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "They're for you.\" \"", "Really?\" \"", "What did I do to deserve?\" \"", "Oh, nothing.\" \"", "Just for being you.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "That's sweet.\" \"", "You know, I'm gonna have to move in more often.\" \"", "Geez, this kitchen is spotless.\" \"", "You've been busy, huh?\" \"", "Well, I try.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "You've been really great to me, Steve.\" \"", "Well, I really try, and sometimes it doesn't always go the way I planned.\" \"", "That's okay.\" \"", "It's not okay.\" \"", "Clare, something's happened.\" \"", "What are you talking about?\" \"", "Well, I-I did your laundry.\" \"", "Did you mix my whites in with my colors?\" \"", "No, I know how to do the wash.\" \"", "Well, what, then?\" \"", "Clare, don't hate me for this, but I, uh...\" \"I accidentally washed your mom's shawl with the rest of the laundry.\" \"", "Oh, no.\" \"", "It's pretty bad.\" \"", "Where is it?\" \"", "Let me see it.\" \"", "It's, um...\" \"How could you do this?\" \"", "You knew what this meant to me, Steve.\" \"", "Clare, I'm sorry.\" \"", "Look.\" \"", "I bought you a whole bunch of other shawls.\" \"", "There's some really beautiful ones here.\" \"", "Look...\" \"Look at this one.\" \"", "It's kinda like that one, isn't it?\" \"", "It's almost the same.\" \"", "But it's not my mom's.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "Clare, please, I didn't notice it.\" \"", "It was on the chair with your other stuff.\" \"", "I can't undo what's done.\" \"", "I would if I could, honey, but...\" \"You're not gonna forgive me.\" \"", "I guess I deserve it.\" \"", "As much as this meant to me I forgive you.\" \"", "You do?\" \"", "It was an accident.\" \"", "I know you love me and... you'd never do anything to hurt me.\" \"", "I wouldn't, Clare.\" \"", "I swear.\" \"", "Come here.\" \"", "You're a good guy.\" \"", "I know my mom would approve.\" \"", "God, I am so exhausted, but I did have fun.\" \"", "Looked like it.\" \"", "Can you believe what happened with Valerie and Colin?\" \"", "Donna, I promised myself\" \"I wasn't gonna talk about them any more today.\" \"", "Well, I can understand that.\" \"", "You know, I have to admit, though, sometimes I really like Val.\" \"", "It's like one minute she's nice, the next she just...\" \"goes off the deep end.\" \"", "Like thinking that I would get up in the middle of the night, go over to Colin's\" \" and vandalize her car.\" \" ", "I know.\" \"", "I just hope the police catches whoever did it, you know.\" \"", "Maybe you guys could make up.\" \"", "I don't think that Valerie and I will ever be seeing eye-to-eye on anything.\" \"", "Hey, guys, I'm home.\" \"", "Is this pizzazz or what?\" \"", "So, how do you like the new me?\" \"", "How could you do this?\" \"", "Do what?\" \"", "You know exactly what you did, Tara.\" \"", "You sent me to him.\" \"", "I-I just told him to make me look as good as you.\" \"", "I don't want to talk about this.\" \"", "What... what did I do?\" \"", "Donna, what did I do?\" \"", "Uh...\" \"Maybe we just need a little time to get used to the new you.\" \"", "We told you she was weird.\" \"", "She wants to be you, Kel.\"" ]
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[ "# fuzzer-test-suite\n\n:zap: **NOTE: For most use cases, fuzzer-test-suite is superseded by [FuzzBench](https://github.com/google/fuzzbench). ", "\nWe recommend using FuzzBench for all future fuzzer benchmarking. ", "\nFuzzBench is based on many of the same ideas as FTS, such as realistic benchmarks (it actually uses some benchmarks from FTS) but has many improvements such as a free service and a design that makes adding new fuzzers and new benchmarks easier.**", "\n\nThis is a set of tests (benchmarks) for fuzzing engines (fuzzers).", "\n\nThe goal of this project is to have a set of fuzzing benchmarks derived from real-life\nlibraries that have interesting bugs, hard-to-find code paths, or other\nchallenges for bug finding tools.", "\n\nIn addition, this project provides a fuzzing engine\n[comparison framework](engine-comparison/) to execute A/B tests between\ndifferent fuzzing configurations.", "\n\nThe current version supports [libFuzzer](http://libFuzzer.info) and\n[AFL](http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/). ", " In future versions we may support\nother fuzzing engines.", "\n\n# See also\n\n* [AddressSanitizer](http://clang.llvm.org/docs/AddressSanitizer.html)\n\n# Contributing\nSee [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING) first. ", "\nIf you want to add one more benchmark to the test suite,\nsimply mimic one of the existing benchmarks and send the pull request. ", "\n\n# Disclaimer\nThis is not an official Google product.", "\n" ]
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[ "Anomalous origin of the right coronary artery from the left circumflex coronary artery: an extremely rare coronary anomaly.", "\nIsolated single coronary artery is an extremely rare anomaly with an incidence of 0.024% to 0.066% which may be associated with other congenital anomalies. ", "This report describes a 50-year-old woman who was referred with recurrent chest discomfort and was diagnosed with anomalous origin of the right coronary artery from the left circumflex coronary artery." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "New Glazed Brick for Eco-Friendly Design\n\nFireclay Tile recently announced “the most sustainable glazed brick ever produced” with a new Glazed Thin Brick for interior and exterior applications. ", "The brick is available in nine colors and made in the USA with a skinny brick sourced from McNear Brick and Block near San Jose, California. ", "Glazed Thin Brick has anywhere from 30-90% post-consumer recycled content and a lead- and VOC-free glaze.", "\n\nThe brick face is lighter than traditional glazed brick, resulting in about 85% cost and emissions reductions associated with transportation, according to Fireclay Tile." ]
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[ 0.005154639175257732, 0.0070921985815602835, 0.009523809523809525, 0 ]
[ "Our Capabilities\n\nCompletion and Stimulation\n\nWe provide a complete range of products and services for onshore and offshore markets, from unconventional reservoirs onshore to deepwater critical-service completions.", "\n\nOur expert advice on completion design and engineering ensures process integrity and flow for the life of the field. ", "Our cementing and stimulation packages ensure wellbore integrity and the safe, effective stimulation needed to access and recover critical reserves. ", "Innovative upper-completion products and services—as well as our lower-completion tools and techniques—increase recovery without sacrificing reliability. ", "Our stimulation fleet is one of the newest, most robust in the industry.", "\n\nWeatherford is an oil and gas service company with a presence in every major oil and gas region of the world. ", "Our business is helping our clients to safely and sustainably find, drill, complete, and produce oil and gas fields.", "\n\nWe provide a comprehensive line of products and services, plus specialized technologies, for stimulating and completing wells effectively in all types of reservoirs." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Map 15: Harajuku, Meiji Shrine, Shibuya\n\nThis map covers most of what I’ve included in my list of “Tokyo Top 10” things to see and do, which is geared towards first-time visitors to the city, but also for old-timers.", "\n\nThis includes:\n\nMeiji shrine: a wooded and tranquil escape from the city\n\nYoyogi park: (not on the map, but just below Meiji Shrine) always active and vibrant\n\nHarajuku: not a place you need to so too often, but worth visiting once\n\nNote seen on this map is Cat street: meandering pedestrian street with shopping and people-watching. ", "This roughly corresponds to the dotted line linking Ōta Memorial Museum of Art to the old Tobacco & Salt Museum and the Craftheads craft beer bar." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.009259259259259259, 0.002976190476190476, 0.0136986301369863 ]
[ "Luke AFB F-16, Phoenix Arizona poster art.", "\n\nLuke Air Force Base is a United States Air Force base located seven miles (11 km) west of the central business district of Glendale in Maricopa County, Arizona. ", "It is also about 15 miles (24 km) west of Phoenix, Arizona.", "\n\nLuke AFB is a major training base of the Air Education and Training Command (AETC), training pilots in the F-16 Fighting Falcon. ", "On 31 March 2011 it was announced that the F-35 Lightning II would replace the F-16 as the primary training aircraft at Luke, although the date of deployment of the new aircraft to Luke and reorganization plans were not announced. ", "On 16 July 2013, the Air Force announced that Luke AFB will house a total of 144 F-35A Lightning IIs. ", "The host command at Luke is the 56th Fighter Wing (56 FW), under Air Education and Training Command’s 19th Air Force. ", "The 56th FW is composed of four groups, 27 squadrons, including six training squadrons." ]
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[ "Floyds Knobs, Indiana\n\nFloyds Knobs is a small unincorporated community in Lafayette Township, Floyd County, Indiana, United States. ", " Historically a farming community on the outskirts of New Albany, it has since become a bedroom community for Louisville, Kentucky. ", "It contains subdivisions, farms, small shopping centers, churches, and transmitters for many of the area's television and radio stations. ", "It is also the location of Floyd Central High School.", "\n\nHistory\nThe town was named after Colonel Davis Floyd. ", " James Moore built a gristmill here in 1815. ", "The word \"knobs\" comes from the local terrain. ", " As one approaches Floyds Knobs from the southeast, The Knobstone or Siltstone Escarpment rises 400–850 feet above the Ohio River floodplain along the northwestern edge of New Albany, Indiana. ", "The eroded hills along the edge of this plateau, called knobs, are the eastern edge of the Norman Upland geologic area of Indiana. ", "Floyds Knobs is home to PGA golfer Fuzzy Zoeller.", "\n\nHistorically, the commercial center of the community was at the intersection of Scottsville Road and Paoli Pike, (Old U.S. Highway 150) along the primary route from New Albany to Paoli, Indiana. ", " However, exit 119 on Interstate 64 (US 150) has substantial commercial and residential development west of the historic center.", "\n\nGeography\nFloyds Knobs is located at , four miles northwest of the Ohio River and downtown New Albany.", "\n\nEducation\nNew Albany-Floyd County Consolidated School Corporation serves the community. ", "Residents are assigned to Floyds Knobs Elementary School, Highland Hills Middle School, and Floyd Central High School.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Unincorporated communities in Floyd County, Indiana\nCategory:Unincorporated communities in Indiana\nCategory:Louisville metropolitan area" ]
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[ "![](", "glasgowmedj75576-0073){#sp1 .144}\n" ]
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[ 0, 0.029411764705882353 ]
[ "LB80380: a promising new drug for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B.\nHepatitis B virus is a significant cause of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic infection. ", "Higher levels of viral load are associated with increased risk of developing liver-related complications. ", "The current available oral therapies suppress viral replication through their action on the hepatitis B virus polymerase. ", "As treatment with oral nucleoside/nucleotide analogues is associated with the development of drug-resistant mutations, there is continuing research for newer and more potent antiviral agents to reduce the chance of drug resistance. ", "LB80380, a prodrug, is an oral nucleotide analogue that inhibits viral replication by incorporation into the viral DNA. ", "Antiviral activity against wild-type virus and virus with drug-resistant mutations was demonstrated in Phase II trials, with significant reduction of viral load in patients treated with LB80380. ", "LB80380 was also shown to be safe and well tolerated." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Severe life-threatening Ehrlichia chaffeensis infections transmitted through solid organ transplantation.", "\nDonor-derived infections from organ transplantation are rare occurrences with preoperative screening practices. ", "Ehrlichia chaffeensis, a tick-borne illness, transmitted through solid organ transplantation has not been reported previously to our knowledge. ", "We present cases of 2 renal allograft recipients who developed severe E. chaffeensis infection after receipt of organs from a common deceased donor. ", "The 2 renal transplant patients who developed E. chaffeensis infection are reported in case study format with review of the literature. ", "Approximately 3 weeks after renal transplantation, both patients developed an acute febrile illness and rapid clinical decline. ", "Recipient A underwent an extensive infectious workup that revealed positive E. chaffeensis DNA from polymerase chain reaction on peripheral blood. ", "Recipient B's clinical team obtained acute and convalescent antibody titers for E. chaffeensis, which demonstrated acute infection. ", "Recipients A and B were treated with doxycycline and tigecycline, respectively, with clinical cure. ", "These cases demonstrate that tick-borne pathogens, such as E. chaffeensis, can be transmitted through renal transplantation. ", "E. chaffeensis can be associated with excessive morbidity and mortality, commonly owing to delay in diagnosis and poor response to non-tetracycline antibiotics. ", "In populations with endemic tick-borne illness, donors should be questioned about tick exposure, and appropriate antibiotics can be administered if indicated." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "”Tribunalul București dispune suspendarea executării Deciziei nr. ", "4/20.12.2017 de emitere a Acordului de mediu şi a Acordului de mediu nr. ", "01/18.01.2018, aferente obiectivului de investiţii „Amenajare parcare, propus a fi amplasat în Bucureşti, sector 4, Bd. ", "Tineretului-str. ", "Secerei”, până la soluţionarea pe fond a acţiunii în anulare. ", "Cu recurs în 5 zile de la comunicare. ", "Cererea pentru exercitarea căii de atac se depune la Tribunalul Bucureşti. ", "Pronunţată azi, 02.05.2018, prin punerea soluţiei la dispoziţia părţilor prin mijlocirea grefei instanţei”, se arată pe site-ul instanțelor de judecată.", "Instanța a anulat și prima hotărâre prin care Consiliul Local Sector 4 a aprobat construirea parcării pe spațiul verde, însă imediat instituția a adoptat o nouă hotărâre, similară cu prima, pentru a putea merge mai departe cu proiectul, în ciuda opoziției societății civile și a legii care protejează spațiile verzi.", "”Instanța dispune suspendarea executării Hotărârii Consiliului Local Sector 4 nr. ", "374/28.12.2017 privind aprobarea documentaţiei tehnico-economică la faza Studiu de Fezabilitate aferentă obiectivului de investiţii „amenajare parcare aproximativ 700 locuri de parcare str. ", "Pridvorului nr.24, sector 4, Bucureşti” până la pronunţarea instanţei de fond asupra acţiunii în anularea actului”, se arată în decizia Tribunalului București de pe 23 aprilie 2018.Primarul Sectorului 4, Daniel Băluță, a postat pe facebook că spațiul verde nu este spațiu verde, ci un \"teren plin de gunoaie, un adevărat focar de infecție situat la doi pași de centrul Bucureștiului\". ", "Reamintim că de un an de când este administratorul terenului, primarul nu a făcut nimic pentru a curăța terenul și a amenaja parcul.", "Consiliului Local Sector 4 a aprobat construirea unei parcări de circa 700 locuri prin Hotărârea nr. ", "59/31.03.2017 privind aprobarea indicatorilor tehnico - economici aferenți obiectivului de investiții \"Amenajare parcare aproximativ 700 locuri\"\". ", "Tribunalul București a anulat Hotărârea pe 15 decembrie 2017, decizia nefiind definitivă.", "Consiliul Local Sector 4, la propunerea primarului Daniel Băluță, a aprobat din nou pe 28 decembrie indicatorii tehnico-economici pentru parcarea de 700 locuri de pe spațiul verde de lângă Palatul Copiilor-Parcul Tineretului.", "În noua hotărâre, Primăria a schimbat adresa parcării de pe strada Secerei, pe strada Pridvorului 24, însă este vorba despre același teren. ", "Reamintim că Tribunalul București a anulat recent hotărârea prin care Consiliul Local Sector 4 a aprobat inițial această parcare și a decis că spațiul verde rămâne verde.", "Dan Trifu, vicepreședintele asociației Ecocivica a declarat la vremea respectivă pentru HotNews.ro că reaprobarea indicatorilor pentru parcarea de 700 de locuri este abuzivă.", "\"Este o faptă agravantă pentru Primăria Sector 4 și Consiliul Local Sector 4 că au emis o hotărâre similară cu cea anulată de instanța, prin care s-a aprobat amenajarea parcării de 700 locuri. ", "Acum apare o nouă hotărâre cu același conținut, doar că se modifică adresa. ", "Legea spune foarte clar că un act administrativ emis în condițiile primului, anulat de instanța, este nul de drept. ", "Așa cum spuneam, devine o faptă agravantă, este abuz în serviciu. ", "Cu siguranță va fi sesizat Parchetul având în vedere gravitatea faptelor\", a explicat Dan Trifu pentru HotNews.ro.", "Prin Hotărârea Consiliului General din data de 21.12.2016, terenul în suprafață de 52.863 mp de pe strada Secerei, între Palatul Copiilor, Parcul Copiilor și Sala Polivalentă, pe care Primăria sector 4 vrea să amenajeze o parcare, a fost transmis în administrarea Consiliului Local sector 4 pentru a fi alipit Parcului Lumea Copiilor și a se amenaja ca atare.", "\"În zona Tineretului se află un teren ce are destinație de parc. ", "Terenul situat în str. ", "Secerei nr. ", "53-57, sector 4, subzona parcuri, face parte din Parcul Tineretului, aflat în administrarea Administrației Lacuri, Parcuri, Agrement București. ", "Pentru a-i da o utilitate, în anul 2009 s-a încheiat Contractul de asociere nr. ", "2248/29.04.2009, între Administrația Lacuri, Parcuri, Agrement București, titularul dreptului de administrare asupra terenului, și SC BLEU CIEL SRL cu scopul modernizării și amenajării parcului, având în vedere că în momentul acela terenul se afla în stare de degradare; durata contractului era de 25 de ani. ", "Pe baza acestui contract, prin HCL sector 4 nr. ", "78/31.08.2009 a fost aprobat PUD-ul pentru această investiție. ", "Urmare acțiunii Asociației SALVAȚI BUCUREȘTIUL, prin sentința definitivă, a fost anulată HCL sector 4 nr. ", "78/31.08.2013 și Autorizația de Construire nr. ", "86/08.03.2011 emisă de Primarul sectorului 4 pentru imobilul din str. ", "Secerei nr. ", "53-57. ", "În momentul de față, starea terenului este într-o stare accentuată de degradare, urmare începerii escavațiilor și a defrișării arborilor, dar neplantat nimic în compensare. ", "Vecin cu acest teren se află 2 parcuri: Parcul Lumea Copiilor și Parcul Orășelul Copiilor (...). ", "Luând exemplul amenajărilor efectuate de Primăria sectorului 4 în cele 2 parcuri și ținând cont de starea terenului vecin celor 2 parcuri, propunem trecerea în administrare către Primăria sectorului 4 și suntem siguri că va fi amenajat și el în concordanță cu cele două\", se arată în expunerea de motive a hotărârii de Consiliu General.", "În plus, în proiectul de hotărâre se arată că schimbarea destinației terenului atrage după sine pierderea dreptului de administrare pe care îl are Primăria sector 4.Terenul pe care primarul Sectorului 4, Daniel Băluță, vrea să facă parcarea a fost concesionat în urmă cu câțiva ani de Primăria Capitalei unei firme pentru a amenaja un aqua-land, s-au tăiat o parte dintre arbori, însă societatea civilă s-a adresat instanței și a reușit să salveze spațiul verde. ", "Pe de altă parte, în zonă este deficit de locuri de parcare, mai ales în condițiile în care Primăria sector 4 a început să amendeze șoferii care parchează pe trotuar." ]
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[ "Background\n==========\n\nThe identification of genes associated with human diseases is an important goal of biomedical research. ", "Recently, a number of computational methods have been developed to predict or prioritize disease-related protein-coding genes \\[[@B1]-[@B23]\\]. ", "Most approaches are based on the idea that dysfunctions of functionally related protein-coding genes tend to be associated with phenotypically similar diseases \\[[@B1],[@B2],[@B6],[@B12],[@B13],[@B15],[@B16],[@B18]-[@B22]\\]. ", "These protein-coding genes linked to similar diseases usually interact with each other or participate in the common biological modules. ", "Network-based approaches have also been employed to predict or prioritize new candidate disease genes based upon network linkages with known disease genes \\[[@B1]-[@B3],[@B12],[@B23]\\]. ", "These approaches typically start with constructing a gene-gene association network based on one or more types of genomic and proteomic information, and then prioritize candidate protein-coding genes based on network proximity to known disease-related genes. ", "For example, Franke *et al*. ", "and Linghu *et al*. ", "separately constructed a functional linkage network (FLN) by integrating multiple types of data, such as protein-protein interaction, microarray and Gene Ontology annotation data, and utilized the FLN for disease gene prioritization \\[[@B7],[@B23]\\]. ", "Lage *et al.* ", "constructed a human phenome-interactome network and scored each candidate protein based on the involvement of its direct network neighbors in similar diseases \\[[@B1]\\]. ", "The biological interpretation of a high-scoring candidate was that the candidate was likely to be involved in the molecular mechanism of the disorder of interest.", "\n\nGrowing evidence indicates that microRNAs play important roles in the development and progression of human diseases, and are critical for the prognosis, diagnosis and the evaluation of treatment responses for these diseases \\[[@B24]-[@B37]\\]. ", "Jiang *et al.* ", "and Lu *et al.* ", "independently developed two manually curated database\\--miR2Disease \\[[@B38]\\] and Human MicroRNA Disease Database (HMDD) \\[[@B39]\\], which aim at providing a comprehensive resource of experimentally verified microRNA-disease associations. ", "However, one major issue in microRNA studies is the lack of bioinformatics methods to infer potential microRNA-disease associations that can guide further biological experiments.", "\n\nMicroRNAs exert their biological functions through suppression of their target genes \\[[@B40]\\]. ", "Accumulating studies indicate that microRNAs usually perform related functions by targeting either the same genes or functionally related genes in a coordinated manner \\[[@B34],[@B35],[@B41]-[@B48]\\]. ", "It has become an increasingly important and informative approach to analyze biological systems and disease mechanisms in networks of genes and diseases \\[[@B6],[@B12],[@B21],[@B49],[@B50]\\]. ", "Establishing a functional relationship between two microRNAs by their target genes and further constructing a functionally related microRNA network will be useful for understanding the roles of microRNAs in diseased states.", "\n\nHerein, we propose a computational approach to infer potential microRNA-disease associations by prioritizing the entire human microRNAome for diseases of interest. ", "It was a logical extension of previous network-based method for predicting or prioritizing disease-related protein-coding genes. ", "We first constructed a functionally related microRNA network (Figure [1A](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"} ) and a human phenome-microRNAome network (Figure [1B](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "We subsequently examined whether functionally related microRNAs tend to be associated with phenotypically similar diseases and prioritized microRNAs for human diseases.", "\n\n![**", "Construction and application of a human phenome-microRNAome network.** (", "A) Construction of a functionally related microRNA network. ", "An edge is placed between two microRNAs if they share significant number of target genes. (", "B) Application of the phenome-microRNAome network to infer new microRNA-disease associations. ", "A gray edge connects known disease-related microRNA to the corresponding disease. ", "Disease 2 has a related microRNA (miR-6), and disease 4 doesn't have any related microRNAs. ", "The red dash lines represent the potential microRNA-disease associations that might be predicted by this network model.](1752-0509-4-S1-S2-1){#F1}\n\nResults\n=======\n\nConstruction of human phenome-microRNAome network\n-------------------------------------------------\n\nIn order to prioritize the entire microRNAome for diseases, we constructed a functionally related microRNA network by assuming that two microRNAs are functionally related if the overlap between their target genes was statistically significant (Figure [1A](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "A *p*-value from Fisher's Exact Test was used to evaluate the overlap, and was adjusted by the Benjamini-Hochberg correction \\[[@B51],[@B52]\\]. ", "Two microRNAs were considered to be functionally related if the adjusted *p*-value was less than 0.001. ", "Following this strategy, and using microRNA-target dataset predicted by Probability of Interaction by Target Accessibility (PITA) \\[[@B53]\\], we obtained a functionally related microRNA network that included 9,249 relationships (edges) between 514 microRNAs (nodes). ", "We subsequently constructed a hypothetical human phenome-microRNAome network by integrating the microRNA network with a phenome network \\[[@B1],[@B12],[@B20]\\] using 270 experimentally verified microRNA-disease associations (Figure [1B](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nFunctionally related microRNAs tend to be associated with phenotypically similar diseases\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nOur model was based on the notion that functionally related microRNAs tend to be associated with phenotypically similar diseases. ", "We examined it by addressing two questions: (1) whether disease pairs associated with common microRNAs are phenotypically more similar, as opposed to randomly selected phenotype pairs; and (2) whether the microRNA pairs associated with common diseases are functionally more related. ", "Because we have constructed a functionally related microRNA network, the functional relatedness between two microRNAs can be measured through the number of shared network neighbors and the length of the shortest path in the microRNA network. ", "We chose to use these two measures mainly based on the standpoint that, in a functional network, if two nodes are less distant from each other or share more neighbors, they are functionally more related. ", "Herein, we used the function *e ^-x^* to convert the length of the shortest path to the degree of functional relatedness between two microRNAs.", "\n\nA total of 349 disease pairs were identified to be associated with common microRNAs, and 1,252 microRNA pairs were found to be associated with common diseases. ", "To evaluate the statistical significance of the phenotypic similarity between diseases associated with common microRNAs, we generated 10,000 negative control sets and calculated an average phenotypic similarity score for each set containing 349 disease pairs that were randomly sampled from the human phenome. ", "The average phenotypic similarity score between diseases associated with common microRNAs was significantly higher than the similarity of randomly selected phenotype pairs from the human phenome (*p* \\< 10^-4^, Figure [2A](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In a similar manner, we generated another 10,000 negative control sets and calculated the average functional relatedness for each set containing 1,252 microRNA pairs randomly sampled from the microRNA network. ", "The microRNA pairs associated with common diseases shared more common network neighbors (*p* \\< 10^-4^, Figure [2B](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}), and were less distant from each other in the microRNA network (*p* \\< 10^-4^, Figure [2C](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![**", "Functionally related microRNAs tend to be associated with Phenotypically similar diseases.** (", "A) The observed average phenotypic similarity score (arrow) of 349 phenotype pairs associated with common microRNAs and the distribution of expected average phenotypic similarity scores (curve) of 10,000 random control sets containing the same number of randomly sampled phenotype pairs (p\\<10^-4^). (", "B, C) The observed average functional relatedness (arrow) of 1,252 microRNA pairs associated with common diseases and the distribution of the expected average functional relatedness (curve) of 10,000 random control sets containing the same number of randomly sampled microRNA pairs (p\\<10^-4^). ", "The measures for functional relatedness between microRNAs are the average number of shared network neighbors and a function value that is derived from the shortest path length.](1752-0509-4-S1-S2-2){#F2}\n\nPerformance evaluation\n----------------------\n\nIn order to assess the power of our model to infer microRNA-disease associations by prioritizing the entire microRNAome, we performed the leave-one-out cross-validation on 270 known experimentally verified microRNA-disease associations. ", "Each association was left out once as the testing case, being referred to as *\\<m, d\\>*. ", "For the disease *d*, the microRNA *m* was termed 'defector' microRNA. ", "We prioritized the entire microRNAome according to the scores derived from the scoring system. ", "Note that the score can be computed only for all microRNAs in the microRNA network, which was termed the ranked microRNAome. ", "If the ranking of the 'defector' microRNA exceeds a given threshold, the model successfully predicts the experimentally verified association *\\<m, d\\>*.", "\n\nWe calculated the sensitivity and specificity for each threshold. ", "Sensitivity refers to the percentage of the 'defector' microRNAs whose ranking is higher than a given threshold, namely the ratio of the successfully predicted experimentally verified microRNA-disease associations to the total experimentally verified microRNA-disease associations. ", "Specificity refers to the percentage of microRNAs that are below the threshold. ", "The same computational strategies were applied by Endeavour \\[[@B13]\\] and GeneWanderer \\[[@B2]\\]. ", "A receiver-operating characteristics (ROC) curve was plotted by varying the threshold, and the standard area under curve (AUC) was calculated. ", "When our model was tested on 270 experimentally verified microRNA-disease associations, an AUC of 75.80% was achieved (red curve in Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}), suggesting that our model can recover the known experimentally verified microRNA-disease associations, and therefore has the potential to infer new microRNA-disease associations by prioritizing the microRNAome.", "\n\n![**", "Leave-one-out cross-validation results.** ", "The red curve was derived from 270 experimentally verified microRNA-disease associations. ", "The blue curve represents the performance of the model to prioritize microRNAs for diseases with which no microRNAs have been experimentally verified to be associated. ", "The green curve was obtained from 270 randomly generated microRNA-disease associations.](1752-0509-4-S1-S2-3){#F3}\n\nIn order to ensure that the prioritization represents biological significance, the model was tested on the 270 randomly generated microRNA-disease associations, which resulted in an AUC of 49.81% (green curve in Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}), approximate to the uninformative AUC of 50% (dash line in Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This result showed indirectly that our model can obtain a biologically meaningful prioritization.", "\n\nApplicability of the model to diseases without any known related microRNAs\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nTo demonstrate that our model is applicable to the diseases without any known related microRNAs, we removed all other experimentally verified microRNA-disease associations that are involved in the disease *d*, for each of the 270 known experimentally verified microRNA-disease associations, denoted as *\\<m, d\\>*. ", "This step ensured that prioritizing microRNAs for the disease *d* only took advantage of the information of other diseases having similar phenotypes with the disease *d*. ", "When our model was tested on this dataset, an AUC of 69.51% was obtained (blue curve in Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}), suggesting that the model had the potential to achieve the goal of predicting potential microRNA-disease associations for the diseases without any known related microRNAs.", "\n\nEffect of microRNA families and robustness\n------------------------------------------\n\nMicroRNAs belonging to the same family have similar target profiles because they share the \"seed\" region close to the 5' end of the microRNAs, which is the main determinant of microRNA targeting. ", "One possible concern is the potential confounding effect of microRNA families in the performance evaluation procedure. ", "If several microRNAs (*m~i~*, *i=1, 2*...) belonging to the same family are associated with a certain disease *d*, it might be relatively easy for the leave-one-out cross-validation procedure to recover the experimentally verified microRNA-disease association *\\<m~i,~ d\\>* being examined. ", "To assess the possible effect of this confounding factor, we removed all other experimentally verified associations between the disease *d* and microRNAs which belong to the same family as the microRNA *m*. ", "Following this procedure, a slightly reduced AUC of 71.39% was achieved (black curve in Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}), suggesting that microRNA families are not a main factor leading to the good performance of our model.", "\n\nThere is great difference among the microRNA-target lists predicted by different algorithms. ", "Herein, we examined the robustness of our model to another microRNA-target list predicted by TargetScan \\[[@B54]\\], one of the leading target prediction tools. ", "We constructed another functionally related microRNA network by retrieving the 15,000 most significant microRNA-microRNA relationships (edges) between 541 microRNAs (nodes). ", "Based on this microRNA network, we created another phenome-microRNAome network and obtained a comparable performance by testing the model on the 270 known microRNA-disease associations, indicating that our model isn't limited to a specific target prediction algorithm.", "\n\nPrioritizing the entire microRNAome for 1,599 disease phenotypes\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\nMany disease microRNAs have been identified over the past decade. ", "However, the majority of diseases in the OMIM database aren't associated with any microRNA. ", "One reason is that no sufficient efforts have been made to decipher potential roles of microRNAs in those diseases. ", "To provide testable hypotheses to guide future experiments, it is important to computationally infer possible microRNA-disease associations for diseases of interest.", "\n\nTwo disease phenotypes were defined to be similar if they have a phenotypic similarity score no less than 0.3 \\[[@B19]\\]. ", "We thus obtained 1,599 disease phenotypes, which are similar to at least one of the disease phenotypes in the benchmark dataset (see Additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "We prioritized the entire microRNAome for 1,599 disease phenotypes according to score derived from the scoring system. ", "In addition, the top 100 microRNAs for each of the 1,599 phenotypes are publicly released to facilitate the discovery of disease microRNAs (see Additional file [2](#S2){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}).", "\n\nCase study: breast cancer\n-------------------------\n\nWe presented a case study for breast cancer, which is one of the most commonly occurring cancers among women and accounts for 22% of all female cancers. ", "We prioritized all microRNAs for breast cancer. ", "Among the top 100 microRNAs, 17 have been confirmed to contribute to the development of breast cancer, and 13 were verified to be deregulated in breast cancer cells. ", "By literature retrieval, we provided more supporting evidence in Additional file [3](#S3){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}. ", "For example, Reddy *et al*. ", "found that miR-7 inhibits p21-activated kinase 1 (Pak1) expression, a widely up-regulated signaling kinase in multiple human cancers, and the miR-7 introduction inhibits the motility, invasiveness, anchorage-independent growth and tumorigenic potential of highly invasive breast cancer cells \\[[@B55]\\]. ", "Foekens *et al*. ", "also linked miR-7 to breast cancer aggressiveness \\[[@B56]\\]. ", "In addition, Scott *et al*. ", "found that miR-125b is down-regulated in breast cancer and miR-125a or miR-125b-overexpressing SKBR3 cells displayed diminished plating and anchorage-dependent growth in addition to markedly reduced cell migration and invasion capacities.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nWe demonstrated that the method we proposed achieved good performance in recovering known, experimentally verified microRNA-disease associations. ", "Using the model, we prioritized the entire microRNAome for 1,599 diseases, most of which have not been linked to any microRNAs. ", "The power of our model can be attributed to several factors. ", "First, we constructed a functionally related microRNA network, which can capture the biological characteristics of some microRNAs that tend to exert the same or similar functions by the inhibition of common target genes in a coordinated manner. ", "Second, we took full advantage of large-scale phenotype similarity score information, whose significance has been confirmed in several previous studies aiming at the identification of disease-related protein-coding genes \\[[@B1],[@B12]\\]. ", "Third, we used experimentally verified microRNA-disease associations, which allow connecting the human disease network with the microRNA network, and therefore provide underlying knowledge for the role of microRNA in disease pathogenesis.", "\n\nThere are several potential limitations. ", "First, the known experimentally verified microRNA-disease associations were insufficient. ", "Second, the functionally related microRNA network was constructed based on the standpoint that two microRNAs are functionally related if the number of shared target genes is statistically significant. ", "In reality, two microRNAs may be functionally related when their target genes reside in the same cellular pathways or functional modules \\[[@B43],[@B57]\\], rather than overlap significantly. ", "Therefore, integrating other bioinformatics sources such as Gene Ontology annotation and protein-protein interaction network data might improve model performance. ", "In addition, modeling rules connecting phenotype with microRNA network may represent an important step on the path of the emerging field of \"network medicine\" \\[[@B21],[@B58]\\].", "\n\nConclusions\n===========\n\nEvidence continually reinforces the notion that functionally related protein-coding genes are usually associated with phenotypically similar diseases. ", "Based on this notion, many innovative methodologies have been proposed to predict or prioritize protein-coding genes for complex diseases \\[[@B1]-[@B3],[@B7],[@B11],[@B12]\\]. ", "In this study, we studied the functional correlation of microRNAs and found that disease pairs associated with common microRNAs were phenotypically more similar, and the microRNA pairs linked to common diseases were functionally more related. ", "We further constructed an integrated phenome-microRNAome network, through which we devised a method that can recover the known experimentally verified microRNA-disease associations and prioritize the entire microRNAome for 1,599 diseases. ", "The top 100 microRNAs for each of the 1,599 diseases are released publicly, which will provide testable hypotheses to guide further experiments and contribute to the identification of true disease-related microRNAs.", "\n\nMethods\n=======\n\nData sources\n------------\n\nWe downloaded the disease phenotype similarity scores from the MimMiner \\[[@B19]\\], developed by Driel*et al.* ", "who computed a phenotype similarity score for each phenotype pair by the text mining analysis of their phenotype descriptions in the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) database \\[[@B59]\\]. ", "The disease phenotype network was constructed based on the similarity score. ", "Two phenotypes were considered to be similar and were linked by an edge if their similarity score was no less than 0.3. ", "The similarity score is equal to 1 if two phenotypes are identical. ", "The phenotypic similarity score has been successfully used to predict or prioritize disease-related protein-coding genes \\[[@B3],[@B12]\\].", "\n\nPITA \\[[@B53]\\] is a leading microRNA target prediction approach that considers multiple factors, such as seed pairing, site number, overall predicted pairing stability and predicted site accessibility. ", "We downloaded the PITA target catalog version 6 (3/15 flank ALL 31-Aug-08) and retrieved 145,872 predicted associations between 670 microRNAs and 14,826 target genes with a score less than -10.0, a threshold suggested by PITA, In addition, we downloaded 205,587 associations between 675 microRNAs and 11,758 target genes predicted by TargetScan (version5.1, conserved sites) \\[[@B54]\\], another leading target prediction algorithm.", "\n\nmiR2Disease \\[[@B38]\\] and HMDD \\[[@B39]\\] databases provide comprehensive resources for microRNA deregulation in human disease. ", "From these databases, we selected 270 high-quality experimentally verified microRNA-disease associations that microRNA deregulation has been experimentally verified to contribute to the disease development. ", "For instance, Ma *et al*. ", "reported that highly expressed miR-10b initiates tumor invasion and metastasis in breast cancer through translational inhibition of HOXD10, and eventually increases expression of RHOC, a pro-metastatic gene \\[[@B60]\\]. ", "The 270 associations (see Additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}) were used as the benchmark dataset for the performance evaluation of our model.", "\n\nmicroRNA family dataset was retrieved from miRBase database\\[[@B61]\\].", "\n\nComputational model\n-------------------\n\nBased on the idea that functionally related microRNAs tend to be associated with phenotypically similar diseases, we developed a scoring system to assess how likely a microRNA may be involved in a specific disease phenotype. ", "For a given disease *d*, a microRNA may be related if it and its direct network neighbors in the microRNA network contain microRNAs having been linked to the phenotypically similar diseases. ", "All microRNAs were prioritized according to score. ", "The top-ranked microRNAs can be expected to have a high probability of representing *bona fide* disease microRNAs, which will generate testable hypotheses to guide the future experiments and may significantly reduce the cost and effort to identify the *bona fide* disease microRNAs. ", "The key steps are illustrated in Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\n![**", "Steps in prioritizing the entire microRNAome for a disease of interest.** ", "First, a virtual pull-down of each candidate generates a hypothetical microRNA module, defined as a given microRNA (the center of the module) plus its direct network neighbors in the functionally related microRNA network. ", "Second, in each microRNA module, the microRNAs linked to diseases that have similar phenotypes with the disease being investigated are identified. ", "Finally, all candidates are scored and prioritized.](1752-0509-4-S1-S2-4){#F4}\n\nScoring system\n--------------\n\nThe hypergeometric distribution is a discrete probability distribution that describes the number of successes in a sequence of *n* draws from a finite population without replacement. ", "For example, there is a shipment of *N* objects in which *M* are defective. ", "The hypergeometric distribution describes the probability that exactly *m* objects are defective in a sample of *n* distinct objects drawn from the shipment.", "\n\nHerein, for a disease *d* of interest, each microRNA in the microRNA network is scored through the cumulative hypergeometric distribution:\n\nThe biological interpretation of a high-scoring microRNA is that it is likely to be involved in the disease *d*. ", "Here, *N* is the total number of microRNAs in the whole functionally related microRNA network. *", "M* is the number of microRNAs in the whole microRNA network associated with diseases that are similar to the disease *d*. *", "n* denotes the number of microRNAs in the corresponding microRNA module. ", "A module is defined as a given microRNA (the center of the module) plus its direct network neighbors. *", "m* is the number of microRNAs that are associated with similar diseases and are found in the corresponding module.", "\n\nCompeting interests\n===================\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests\n\nAuthors\\' contributions\n=======================\n\nYW and YL conceived and designed the experiments. ", "QJ, YH, GW, TZ and MT performed the experiments and analyzed the data. ", "QJ, YW and YL wrote the paper.", "\n\nSupplementary Material\n======================\n\n###### Additional file 1\n\nEach line represents an association between a microRNA and a disease.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for file\n\n###### Additional file 2\n\nEach line represents a potential association between microRNA and disease, including MIM ID, microRNA ID and score.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for file\n\n###### Additional file 3\n\n###### \n\nClick here for file\n\nAcknowledgements\n================\n\nThe authors also thank Dr. George Malacinski and Tongbin Li for their valuable suggestions. ", "This work is supported by the China 863 High-Tech Program 2007AA02Z302 (Y.L.), China Natural Science Foundation (60973078 to Y.W. 60671013 to Y.W., and 60901075 to G.W.), the U.S. National Institutes of Health grants AA017941 (Y.L.), and CA113001 (Y.L.). ", "The authors also thank the wonderful gift from the 100 Voices of Hope Project.", "\n\nThis article has been published as part of *BMC Systems Biology* Volume 4 Supplement 1, 2010: Proceedings of the ISIBM International Joint Conferences on Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Intelligent Computing (IJCBS). ", "The full contents of the supplement are available online at <http://www.biomedcentral.com/1752-0509/4?issue=S1>.", "\n" ]
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[ "Background and Aims Recent nicotine use trends raise concerns that electronic cigarettes (ECs) may act as a gateway to cigarettes among adolescents. ", "The aims of this study were to examine prevalence trends of exclusive EC use, exclusive cigarette use and dual use to determine the corresponding ages of initiation and to investigate hypothetical trends in total nicotine use and cigarette use in the absence of ECs among US adolescents.", "\n\nDesign Observational study using data from the National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) to statistically model trends in the prevalences of each user group and their initiation ages. ", "Projections from counterfactual models based on data from 1999 to 2009 (before EC introduction) were compared with actual trends based on data from 1999 to 2018. ", "Rigorous error analyses were applied, including Theil proportions.", "\n\nSetting USA.", "\n\nParticipants and measurements Adolescents aged 12–17 years who were established exclusive cigarette users (≥ 100 cigarettes smoked and ≤ 100 days vaped), established exclusive EC users (< 100 cigarettes smoked and > 100 days vaped) and established dual users (≥ 100 cigarettes smoked and > 100 days vaped), based on cumulative life‐time exposure (n ≈ 12 500–31 000 per wave).", "\n\nFindings Exclusive cigarette use prevalence declined from 1999 to 2018, while exclusive EC use and dual use prevalences increased since their introduction in 2009. ", "The age of cigarette initiation began a slight increase after 2014, whereas the age for EC use remained approximately constant and was higher than that of cigarettes. ", "The counterfactual comparison results were consistent with ECs not increasing the number of US adolescent nicotine users, and in fact diverting adolescents from cigarettes." ]
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[ 0.006711409395973154, 0.003484320557491289, 0.0055248618784530384, 0.006172839506172839, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0.010610079575596816, 0.006024096385542169, 0.005988023952095809, 0 ]
[ "\"There are three types of men in the world. ", "One type learns from books; one type learns from observation; and one type just has to urinate on the electric fence.\" - ", "Dr. Laura Schlessinger\n\n\"The difference between fiction and reality? ", "Fiction has to make sense.\" - ", "Tom Clancy\n\n\"This is how you read a novel: you inhale the experience. ", "So start breathing.\" - ", "Azar Nafisi\n\nNOTE: I have decided to remove my fanfiction from FanfictionNet. ", "If you come across any copies of my fanfiction work elsewhere on the web, please let me know. (", "That said, I don't really think I was popular enough for that.) ", "Thank you for reading and reviewing -- it's been a fun ride.", "\n\nThis account is still active and will be retained for reviewing purposes.", "\n\nMy DeviantART penname: JenniferWorld. ", "The account is fairly new and I'm just learning to edit pictures on the computer, but I'm satisfied with what is posted so far. ", "Some shonen ai pictures, no hard-core yaoi, but oh well. ", "Enjoy, if you so wish.", "\n\nAU What happens when the crew of the Archangel mistreat Kira because he is a coordinator? ", "How will Athrun react to seeing his state after capturing the Strike and bringing it aboard the Versaillius and how will Kira react to being treated by kindness?", "\n\nRyou Shiozu looks at life through his camera. ", "It's the safest place for him to be. ", "So when the official dare devil of his new school - Bakura - takes an interest in him, will Ryou step out from behind the lens and really look at life? ", "And love? ", "Tendership\n\nThe way the game works is this: if James can seduce a target, he gets a kiss. ", "If the target's a real challenge, he might get more. ", "He's never gone after anyone as tough as Kendall. ", "Not once. ", "Not ever. ", "Kendall/James, James/Stepmother\n\nIf you experience a traumatic event during exam time, you can apply for special bonus points. ", "Naruto tries to exploit this by staging a bad break-up between him and Sasuke, but it becomes clear that he hasn't really considered the nasty consequences.", "\n\nA cgkinkmeme prompt gone wild. ", "Starts with a pushy Suzaku at 10 through 16, and a reluctant Lelouch at 17 through 22, exploring their relationship through dream-linked universes and politics, as child and teens and adult. ", "AU, one-shots/mini-arcs, M/M, explicit\n\n\"Maybe you should do the interview,\" James mumbles, and he's in close again, invading your personal space in this way that makes your nerves jangle and your skin hum, the way you feel on a plane before takeoff. ", "James/Kendall\n\nFrom cgkinkmemeii. ", "PROMPT: AU, in which Suzaku and Lelouch go to a club with Rivalz and a guy starts to flirt with Lelouch... So Suzaku gets angry, and at the end they start to fight for Lelouch. ", "Explicit, M/M, M-M, Male!OC, age-appropriate alcohol use\n\nAU. ", "Suzaku is an FBI agent with serious issues, serious denial and a death wish. ", "It's Dr. Lamperouge's job to try to get him sorted out...but things get disrupted when Lelouch's past comes back to haunt him.", "Yaoi.", "\n\nTo win a warped bet, Sasuke crossdresses as a schoolgirl. ", "A misogynist, he sees NO advantage in being a girl, till he meets the vocal of Konoha's hottest band. ", "In order to woo a certain dobe, Sasuke must learn the darkest female arts: fangirling. ", "BL.", "\n\nFrom cgkinkmemeii PREMISE: An experiment leaves Suzaku with breasts and Lelouch with feelings. ", "But will those feelings outlast Suzaku's femininity or will he have to choose between Lelouch's love and his true self? ", "Explicit, M/F, M/M, gender/female issues\n\nFor years now Naruto has had to endure constant harassment from people around him. ", "But recently the harassment has become too much to bear. ", "The suggestion made by his supposedly caring friends...? ", "SasuxNaru\n\nAU. ", "One-shot. ", "Three years, two months, and sixteen days, Eiri \"Yuki\" Uesugi has lived inside this hospital, with no intention of fixing what isn't broken. ", "On the seventeenth day, a new boy arrives, with scars that match his own. ", "Dark.", "\n\nMarik and Bakura hate each other, and they aren't afraid to use their other halves to further fuel the hatred. ", "And a dark and dirty bet involving seduction is only going to make things more interesting. ", "YAOI, language, lemon.", "\n\nThe village is being turned upside down to find Uchiha Sasuke, and Naruto is overdue from a mission. ", "Little do they know that both are hiding in plain sight. ", "SasuNaru. ", "Warnings for angst, death, love, heartbreak.", "\n\nSasuke and Naruto land themselves a detention for quarrelling in class, you've heard it before. ", "But their teacher Kakashi brings a whole new level of awkwardness to the detention and it escalates from there. ", "Sasunarusasu\n\nDrabble collection of long and short stories mainly revolving around SasuNaruSasu with a TINY bit of NaruSaku . ", "Random situations, plotlines, and ages are abound, including some spinoffs from my own stories. ..", "SasuNaruSasu, SLIGHT NaruSaku, Drabbles..\n\nIn which Kaidoh makes a few interesting discoveries, Inui is creepier than usual, and Tezuka has a secret crush. ", "And there is porn. ", "Lots of porn. ", "InuKai, TezuFuji. ...", "We grammar failed in the title on purpose.", "\n\nAn illness threatens Roy Mustang's life, and the only cure may come at too heavy a price to bear. ", "Especially when the side-effects ripple out to effect those around him as well. ", "Serious genderswtich challenge, focusing on the gravity of the idea.", "\n\nThey loved each other. ", "Then Sasuke met Sai and Naruto turned to Neji. ", "But somewhere along the way, in between the glances and the sneaking around, they realized that they were incomplete without the other.", "\n\nNeji is a fighter pilot for the Aerilen Space Station. ", "He graduated early and is among the best pilots on the ship. ", "Everyone thinks he is perfect and normal, but he has a secret. ", "He is developing odd feelings toward his jet's computer, an AI named Gaara\n\nLove. ", "Unrequited. ", "Unattainable. ", "Broken. ", "Forced. ", "Mad...True.... No matter what form it takes, love always has that one catch: it bites. ", "SasuNaru. ", "Please read warnings and A/N inside they are VERY important.", "\n\nDEARKA x YZAK. ", "Yzak has been screaming in his sleep, and sleep walking into Dearka's room, ever since he left...But now Dearka is back, and Yzak wants answers... A.N: Deleted chapter 1, because it wasn't really needed, and it sucked. ", "So, enjoy the rest!", "\n\nChapter four for The Cereal Killer. ", "Naruto refused to look at his watch as he limped down the snow covered sidewalk, his body shivering from the cold. ", "All he could think of was the look on Sasuke's face when he said \"I won't wait.\"", "\n\n\"And that is why I need ter commandeer this here dinghy, savvy?\" - ", "When Jack needs to make a quick get-away from Port Royal, he tries to convince a gaurd to let him have a spare boat, and naturally, this ends very badly for the poor gaurd… Oneshot\n\nSasuNaru. ", "Sasuke’s the bad kid on the block; he and his gang are always the cause of trouble. ", "Naruto’s the quiet straight A student that is almost invisible. ", "When circumstances push the two together, watch what happens. ", "Inspired by “A Walk to Remember”\n\nIt's not the accuracy of what you believe in, but the strength of your belief in it. ", "Gift for Gwyllion. ", "Sort of sequel to Let Me Hold Your Hand, same verse but VERY different story. ", "SasuNaru. ", "Hints at religious themes.", "\n\nAmerica always thought that he was a hero and a hero should be able to do everything, including proposing the love of his life. ", "Yet Fate seemed not to agree with the notion and America found how his every attempt was thwarted awesomely.", "\n\nAround the time Ritsuka starts to question his relationship with Soubi, Ritsuka’s mother goes too far with the abuse. ", "Soubi forces the sacrifice to move in with him and Kio doesn’t like it one bit. ", "Ritsuka finds out that Soubi's reasons are all in a diary\n\nLittle Naruto has but one goal when his class goes to Church, and you can bet it doesn't have a thing to do with Religion. ", "Gift for Michelerene. ", "SasuNaru chibi WAFF, some mentioning of religious themes but they are not the focus.", "\n\nBackpacking through Southeast Asia with thirteen other strangers wasn't Sasuke's idea of a stress-reliever. ", "Especially after meeting one jaded Westerner who can't seem to accept his own culture. ", "NaruSasuNaru, AU.", "\n\nAn America/England fic. ", "That Christmas, America found just the most perfect gift for England. ", "And of course he would give said 'perfect gift' to England, even if he had to ask his boss to write some letter to Santa Claus to achieve it.", "\n\nI’ve sat on my apartment ceiling into the small hours of darkness for countless nights, staring at the black sky, waiting. ", "How many hours of sleep have I lost to this pastime? ", "I can’t count them anymore. ", "I used to, but now I don’t. ...", "Implied NaruSasu...\n\nHanabi isn't the best candy striper; she doesn't have her sister's bedside manner. ", "When she sees a man sitting outside of one of the operating rooms looking devastated, she finds she can't help but reach out to him. ", "Hanabi, Minato, SasuNaru. ", "AU. ", "Happy.", "\n\nPart of my Alphabet series. ", "S2: Tieria never quite admitted how he felt about Lockon's death, to himself or to anyone else, but it's effects are there, for anyone who wants to look deep enough to see. ", "TieriaXLockon with slight TieriaXLyle Angst le gasp!", "\n\nQuestion: When Hikaru eavesdrops on Kaoru’s phone conversation and is shocked by what he hears how can Kaoru possibly justify his actions? ", "Answer: With... cream. ", "Naughty, M-rated, explicit, lemony Hitachiincest.", "\n\nKumagorou doesn't like Tohma very much today. ", "And Ryuichi is inclined to agree. ", "Rated for language, \"suggestive themes,\" and I feel like a shounen-ai warning is redundant on a Gravitation fic. ", "Ryuichi/Tohma\n\nSasuke here will be your new Jounin Instructor, Naruto\" Tsunade informed the gaping blond boy as he stared up at the equally shell-shocked raven haired Uchiha. ", "The last thing Sasuke wanted was to teach a brat who thinks he's a pervert SasuNaru,\n\nSuddenly, there was a sound of crystal bells ringing clearly through the air. ", "I recognized their tone. ", "They were wedding bells. ", "My mother wrapped me up in a warm hug. \"", "It's time, Yelana.\" ", "A tribute to the Poison Study Series by Maria V. Snyder.", "\n\nSo ever popular Uchiha Sasuke, the Senior class President and leader of his band, falls head over heels for the blonde sex god, Uzumaki Naruto. ", "Will the raven really find love or will his cold nature get the best of him to get in his way?", "\n\nTezukaFuji. ", "Short multi-parter: Fuji is rich, popular, born with a silver spoon in his mouth. ", "Tezuka has heard a lot about him but is not impressed. ", "Fuji, however, turns out to be someone really unexpected.", "\n\nFluffy Little!SasuNaru - - Naruto's never had Hot Chocolate before, but he wants to try it. ", "Can Sasuke help him learn the proper manner of Hot Chocolate drinking? ", "Or is Naruto doomed to be burned by the yummyness?", "\n\nLelouch is given a chance for redemption when, after being shot by Suzaku, he is transported to a new world and a new love. ", "X1999xCodeGeassxHolic CROSSOVER Rewrite of a story I posted in the X1999 section. ", "Yaoi and AU.", "\n\nAfter Sasuke answers a dating ad in the local newspaper, he's inadvertently paired up with the oddest \"Cupid\" he's ever met. ", "Despite being both male, they agree to go out on the one-date requirement in the hopes that Sasuke's own dating ways will improve.", "\n\nNaruto and some of his friends decide to try out the Haunted Mansion, in honor of Halloween. ", "However, they conveniently forgot about Naruto being scared of everything to do with Halloween! ", "Will their vampire escort be enough to settle his nerves? ", "Sasunaru\n\nSasuke gets frustrated when Naruto asks him to read the porn he writes. ", "If only Sasuke can figure out a way to stop Naruto from either a asking him to read porn or b realize gay erotica is better. ", "NaruSasu\n\nA stray spell manages to hit Ritsuka without him or Soubi the wiser. ", "When it renders Ritsuka unable to do anything but want to be intimate with Soubi, will Soubi give in or will he stay strong and resist the persistent boy? ", "Choose your own alternate ending. ", "SoubixRitsuka, slash. ", "Complete.", "\n\nAnd now they are here, both sitting on the floor even though the couch is only a few meters to the right but Athrun doesn’t mind anyway and Kira is happy that they’re sitting on the floor because on the couch there would be more space between them.", "\n\nNaruto, in need of money, reads an ad in the paper looking for a live-in babysitter for seven kids. ", "What he doesn't realize is that five of the seven kids are hormonal teenage boys out for some ass. ", "SASUNARU AU Adopted by Echo Uchiha\n\nUPDATED SasuNaru Masquerade theme Konoha's in charge of the biggest event, the Masquerade ball. ", "Inviting all except Sound. ", "However, there was someone who went that Naruto had NEVER expected to go, Sasuke. ", "So who was this stranger?", "\n\nAs the title implies, a cross-play with Sweet Home Alabama. ", "Sasuke returns to his hometown to sever his ties with his old lover, only to find that he's not as out-of-love as he originally thought. ", "NaruSasuNaru, One shot.", "\n\nSasuNaru. ", "After losing Naruto for the first time when he moved away when they were kids, what would Sasuke do to keep Naruto by his side when the blond turns up at his doorstep in the middle of the night with no memory of who he is. ", "New summary! ", ":D\n\nNaruto has been cheating on Sasuke for nearly a month with none other than Neji Hyuuga, Sasuke’s biggest competitor at everything. ", "It’s obvious that a breakup is going to ensue, but can they stand to be apart from each other? ", "NaruSasuNaru.", "\n\nA series of DarkDaisuke centric sonfics. ", "One sided or mutual, their love for each other would never wane. ", "Chapter Fifty ::Dear Bobbie:: Dark had been alive for a long time, but he had never spoken of any other tamer besides his former.", "\n\nKazuki was bored and decided to play a game with Juubei. ", "However, things did not turn out as expected. ", "It got BETTER than he can bargain for. ", "One-Shot Kazuki X Juubei. ", "Enjoy reading. ", "Please review. ", "Thank you!", "\n\nIts okay, he thinks, because this is punishment and he deserves it. ", "Not because of all the things he has done to betray Konoha, but because he was careless enough to get caught by his village. ", "NaruSasu\n\nSasuke is sent to a mental hospital for treatment for his special condition. ", "If the doctors and tests don't kill him, his fellow patients might. ", "Except for a certain blondehaired boy...SasuNaruSasu eventually with some NejiShika. ", "Rated for languagecontent\n\nSasuke decides that alcohol is the next best thing to ignoring his issues...and most definately NOT just Naruto...but Naruto follows him home anyway. ", "NaruSasu kindaPWP. ", "Hey! ", "Rated RNC17 cuz it's definately not tame.", "\n\nNaruto hated Christmas. ", "There was no tree, no fire, there were no presents, and there was no holiday joy. ", "But there was one thing he remembered about Christmas every year. ", "He was always alone. ", "ONESHOT, Sasunaru luv!", "\n\nHe completely stopped halfway to his radiator when he received a response for his usual greeting and the unexpected warmth of his already on radiator. \"", "Welcome back,\" said the deep, familiar voice. ..", "SasuNaru, Oneshot, Xmas fic..\n\nIt isn’t true that Aoyagi Ritsuka loves the man seven years his senior best when he’s broken down. ", "He loves him——he supposes that what he feels when he sees Agatsuma Soubi on the hardwood floor of his empty apartment. ", "Love, and so much pity.", "\n\nGaara is a down on his luck highschool dropout struggling to make ends meet by working as a waiter in downtown Konoha. ", "What happens when the rich, handsome, and disgustingly arrogant business tycoon Hyuga Neji gets thrown into his life? ", "NejiGaara\n\nThis world is full of strangers. ", "A name with a face, a face with a name. ", "Sometimes with no name or even a face. ", "But when you gain a face and name together, what does that mean? ", "Are you still strangers? ", "Ask them. ", "Maybe they will know. [", "SasuNaruSasu, AU]\n\nHIATUS Yugi and Yami are having a sleepover with the gang. ", "Is the only reason because they're bored or do they want to get their friends together? ", "YYxY, BxR, MxM, HxO, SxJ, Mai x Anzu Slash and FEMslash\n\nWhen Naruto doesn’t confess to what’s affecting his ninja duties, Sasuke demands that Naruto fix his problem. ", "Sasuke even follows Naruto home to make sure that he’s ok only to discover Naruto’s problem is a bit more complicated than he thought. ", "SasuNaru\n\nWe have feelings but we can’t feel. ", "We won’t feel the tips of your fingers gliding across our skin, or your hand in our hair. ", "Mentally, we’ll know that they’re there, we’ll see that they are there, touching us, but our brains won’t register the contact.", "\n\nGaara falls victim to a horrible crime and is found by Neji alone in the woods. ", "What can Neji do to save this broken boy? ", "First fic ever rated M for Yaoi rape and violence. ", "SasuGaa ItaGaa NejGaa Warning: OOCness\n\n[on hiatus] Ask the idiotic, psycho, and huggable cast of Spiral your most pressing questions. ", "Anything goes, so have at it! ", "Rating may be changed, depending on the content of the questions. ", "Yaoi, yuri, het, and plain insane questions welcome!", "\n\nTsunade forces Sasuke to take a two week vacation. ", "Sasuke gets bored and somehow manages to get his hands on a skimpy maid's uniform. ", "Add a Naruto to the mix and what do you get? ", "Utter chaos. ", "SasuNaru. [", "Complete]\n\nShe smiled at the Dark haired boy. '", "The patient you will be working with Uchihakun, is Uzumaki Naruto. ", "He has been paralysed from waist down and i'm sure he'd appreciate your concern' AU Yaoi. ", "SasuNaruSasu\n\nGinji wakes Ban up at three in the morning on Christmas Day, shouting things in excitement about how they've been visited by Santa in the night. ", "Preety fluffy and sweet. ", "Short, but worth the read. ", "R&R! ", "FOR YAOISHOUJO! ", "Merry Xmas.", "\n\nSasuke gets sent out on a mission two days before Christmas, but buys Naruto an extralarge present to make up for it. ", "The problem is, does Naruto care about the present when he's to spend Christmas alone? ", "SasuNaru, oneshot.", "\n\nAU, Yaoi, Naruto lives in a brothel run by his aunt, Tsunade. ", "He is talked into crossdressing as a girl to serve a group of royal nobles one night, and all goes horribly wrong when his identity is found out by none other than Sasuke." ]
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[ "Kiso District\n\nis a district located in Nagano Prefecture, Japan.", "\n\nAs of November 1, 2005, the district has an estimated population of 34,759. ", "The total area is 1,546.26 km².", "\n\nHistorically, the district was once known as Nishichikuma District (西筑摩郡) until May 1, 1968.", "\n\nThere are only 3 Towns and 3 villages within the district.", "\n Agematsu\n Kiso Town\n Nagiso\n Kiso Village\n Ōkuwa\n Ōtaki\n\nHistory \n May 1, 1968 – The district was renamed to Kiso District.", "\n February 13, 2005 – The village of Yamaguchi merged into the city of Nakatsugawa, Gifu. ", "\n April 1, 2005 – The village of Narakawa merged into the city of Shiojiri.", "\n November 1, 2005 – The town of Kisofukushima merged with the villages of Mitake, Hiyoshi and Kaida to form the new town of Kiso.", "\n\nPoints of interest \n Nakasendō, a former trade route between Edo (modern-day Tokyo) and Kyoto.", "\n Tsumago-juku, a restored post town on the Nakasendō.", "\n\nSee also \n Kisobushi\n Kiso Valley\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n\nCategory:Districts in Nagano Prefecture" ]
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[ "Antiotricha furonia\n\nAntiotricha furonia is a moth of the subfamily Arctiinae. ", "It was described by Herbert Druce in 1911. ", "It is found in Ecuador.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Moths described in 1911\nCategory:Arctiini\nCategory:Moths of South America" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAutohotkey: Restart a \"screensaver\" script/part of a script (Starting VLC)\n\nI wanted to create a \"VLC-screensaver\" script:\nWhen the user/system is idle for a certain time VLC should start and play a video from a specified folder. ", "I can start the script and VLC is being executed by it after the set time. ", "Now I exit it with \"Esc\" and VLC closes.", "\nAfter I closed it the AHK-tray is visible but VLC/the script is not starting again after the set time...\nWhere is the mistake? ", "Thank you in advance!", "\n\n#Persistent\r\n\r\nSetTimer, Check, 1000\r\nreturn\r\n\r\nCheck:\r\nIf (A_TimeIdle>=10000)\r\n{\r\n run C:\\Program Files\\VideoLAN\\VLC\\vlc.exe --repeat --fullscreen \"D:\\video\"\r\n SetTimer, Check, Off\r\n}\r\nreturn\r\n\r\n#IfWinActive ahk_exe vlc.exe\r\nEscape::Send !{", "F4}\r\n#IfWinActive\r\nreturn\n\nA:\n\nGot it by myself:\n#IfWinActive ahk_exe vlc.exe\nEscape::\n Send !{", "F4}\n Reload\n#IfWinActive\nReturn\n\nForgot that you can assign more than one action/paramter/value to one\nkey...\n\n" ]
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[ "Teletype Corporation\n\nThe Teletype Corporation, a part of American Telephone and Telegraph Company's Western Electric manufacturing arm since 1930, came into being in 1928 when the Morkrum-Kleinschmidt Company changed its name to the name of its trademark equipment. ", "Teletype Corporation, of Skokie, Illinois, was responsible for the research, development and manufacture of data and record communications equipment, but it is primarily remembered for the manufacture of electromechanical teleprinters.", "\n\nBecause of the nature of its business, as stated in the corporate charter, Teletype Corporation was allowed a unique mode of operation within Western Electric. ", "It was organized as a separate entity, and contained all the elements necessary for a separate corporation. ", "Teletype's charter permitted the sale of equipment to customers outside the AT&T Bell System, which explained their need for a separate sales force. ", "The primary customer outside of the Bell System was the United States Government.", "\n\nThe Teletype Corporation continued in this manner until January 8, 1982, the date of settlement of United States v. AT&T, a 1974 United States Department of Justice antitrust suit against AT&T. At that time, Western Electric was fully absorbed into AT&T as AT&T Technologies, and the Teletype Corporation became AT&T Teletype. ", "The last vestiges of what had been the Teletype Corporation ceased in 1990, bringing to a close the dedicated teleprinter business.", "\nOne of the three Teletype manufacturing buildings in Skokie remains in use as a parking garage for a shopping center. ", "Every other floor of the building has been removed. ", "The other two buildings were demolished.", "\n\nHistory\nThe Teletype Corporation had its roots in the Morkrum Company. ", "In 1902, electrical engineer Frank Pearne approached Joy Morton, head of Morton Salt, seeking a sponsor for Pearne's research into the practicalities of developing a printing telegraph system. ", "Joy Morton needed to determine whether this was worthwhile and so consulted mechanical engineer Charles Krum, who was vice president of the Western Cold Storage Company, which was run by Morton’s brother Mark Morton. ", "Krum was interested in helping Pearne, so space was set up in a laboratory in the attic of Western Cold Storage. ", "Frank Pearne lost interest in the project after a year, and left to become a teacher. ", "Krum was prepared to continue Pearne’s work, and in August 1903 a patent was filed for a \"typebar page printer\".", "\n\nIn 1904, Krum filed a patent for a \"type wheel printing telegraph machine\" which was issued in August 1907.", "\n\nIn 1906, the Morkrum Company was formed, with the company name combining the Morton and Krum names and reflecting the financial assistance provided by Joy Morton. ", "This is the time when Charles Krum's son, Howard Krum, joined his father in this work. ", "It was Howard who developed and patented the start-stop synchronizing method for code telegraph systems, which made possible the practical teleprinter.", "\n\nIn 1908, a working teleprinter was produced, called the Morkrum Printing Telegraph, which was field tested with the Alton Railroad.", "\n\nIn 1910, the Morkrum Company designed and installed the first commercial teletypewriter system on Postal Telegraph Company lines between Boston and New York City using the \"Blue Code Version\" of the Morkrum Printing Telegraph.", "\n\nIn 1925, the Morkrum Company and the Kleinschmidt Electric Company merged to form the Morkrum-Kleinschmidt Company.", "\n\nIn December 1928, the company changed its name to the less cumbersome \"Teletype Corporation\".", "\n\nIn 1930, the Teletype Corporation was purchased by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company for $30,000,000 in stock and became a subsidiary of the Western Electric Company. ", "While other principals in the Teletype Corporation retired, Howard Krum stayed on as a consultant.", "\n\nTeleprinter equipment\n\nMorkrum Company\n Morkrum Printing Telegraph – This was the first mechanically successful teleprinter, initially used to 1908 for the Alton Railroad trials. ", "A \"Blue Code Version\" was used in 1910 as a part of the first commercial teleprinter circuit that ran on Postal Telegraph Company lines between Boston and New York City. ", "In 1914, a \"Green Code Version\" was installed using Western Union Telegraph Company lines for the Associated Press and was used to distribute news to competing newspapers in New York City.", "\n Morkrum Model 11 Tape Printer – The Model 11 Typewheel Tape Printer, at about 45 words-per-minute, was a bit faster the Morkrum Printing Telegraph Blue and Green-Code printers, and was modeled after the European Baudot Telegraph System printer. ", "The Model 11 was a Tape Printer which used gummed paper tape that could be pasted onto a telegram blank. ", "This was the first teleprinter to successfully operate from an airplane.", "\n Morkrum Model GPE Perforator – The Morkrum Company Model GPE \"Green Code\" Perforator was designed about 1913 and a US Patent was filed in 1914. ", "This equipment continued to be produced for the next 50 years.", "\n Morkrum Model 12 Typebar Page Printer – This equipment, also known as the Model 12 Page Printer, based on an Underwood typewriter mechanism, was the first commercially viable machine. ", "This printer was produced from 1922 to 1925 under the Morkrum Company name, from 1925 to 1929 under the Morkrum-Kleinschmidt name, and from 1929 to 1943 under Teletype Corp.\n\nKleinschmidt Electric Company\nIn 1916, Kleinschmidt filed a patent application for a type-bar page printer This printer utilized Baudot code but did not utilize the start-stop synchronization technology that Howard Krum had previously patented. ", "The type-bar printer was intended for use on multiplex circuits, and its printing was controlled from a local segment on a receiving distributor of the sunflower type. ", "In 1919, Kleinschmidt appeared to be concerned chiefly with development of multiplex transmitters for use with this printer.", "\n\nWestern Electric Company\n 10-A Printing Telegraph – The Western Electric Company made a line of printing telegraph equipment prior to acquiring the Teletype Corporation in 1930. ", "The design for this equipment was provided by the Bell Telephone Laboratories and their predecessor, the W. E. Research and Development Department. ", "One Western Electric product which was preserved is the 10-A Printer. ", "It was electrically operated, being controlled by relays and powered by magnets. ", "Its printing element was a small typewheel mounted on a vertical axis.", "\n\nMorkrum-Kleinschmidt Company\n Model 14 (1925) – On December 23, 1924, Howard Krum and Sterling Morton filed an application on the 14-Type type-bar tape printer which matured into Patent No. ", "1,745,633. ", " The Model 14 was a family of devices, printing, reading or punching narrow tapes; Baudot code. ", "About 60,000 were built.", "\n\nTeletype Corporation\n\nTeletype models and their dates:\n\n Model 15 (1930)\nThe Teletype Model 15 is a Baudot code page printer; the mainstay of U.S. military communications in World War II. ", "A reliable, heavy-duty machine with a cast frame. ", "In 1930, Sterling Morton, Howard L. Krum, and Edward E. Kleinschmidt filed an application for a U.S. patent covering the commercial form of the Model 15 page printer. ", "Approximately 200,000 Model 15 teleprinters were built. ", "The Model 15 stands out as one of a few machines that remained in production for many years, remaining in production until 1963, a total of 33 years of continuous production. ", "The production run was stretched somewhat by World War II — the Model 28 was scheduled to replace the Model 15 in the mid-1940s, but Teletype built so many factories to produce the Model 15 during World War II that it was more economical to continue mass production of the Model 15. ", "The Model 15, in its \"receive only\" configuration with no keyboard, was the classic \"news Teletype\" until the 1950s, when the news wire services began to move to TeleTypeSetter feeds. ", "Some radio stations still use a recording of the sound of one of these machines as background during news broadcasts.", "\n\n Model 19 (1940)\nThe Teletype Model 19 is a Model 15 with an integrated paper tape perforator and a Model 14 Transmitter-Distributor.", "\n\n Model 20 (1940)\nThe Teletype Model 20 is an upper/lower case Type Bar Page Printer available as a receive only machine or a send-receive machine with four rows of keys, using a six-bit code for TeleTypeSetter (TTS) use.", "\n\n Model 26 (1939)\nThe Teletype Model 26 is a Baudot code page printer; a lower-cost machine using a typewheel. ", "The platen and paper moved while typing, like a manual typewriter.", "\n\n Model 28 (1951)\n\nThe Teletype Model 28 is a product line of page printers, typing and non-typing tape perforator and tape reperforators, fixed-head single contact and pivoted head multi-contact transmitter-distributors, and receiving selector equipment. ", "Regarded as the most rugged machines that the Teletype Corporation built, this line of teleprinters used an exchangeable type box for printing, and a sequential selector \"Stunt Box\" to mechanically initiate non-printing functions within the typing unit of the page printer, electrically control functions within the page printer and electrically control external equipment. ", "The Teletype Corporation introduced the Model 28 as a commercial product in 1953, after this product had originally been designed for the US Military.", "\n\nStarting with the Model 28, Teletype page printer model numbers were often modified by letters indicating the configuration. ", "The configurations, in increasing order of equipment level and cost, were:\n RO – Receive Only, with a printer and no keyboard or built-in paper tape reader or punch\n KSR – Keyboard Send and Receive, with a keyboard and printer, but no built-in paper tape reader or punch\n ASR – Automatic Send and Receive, with a keyboard, printer, and built-in paper tape reader and punch\n\nNot all models came in all three configurations. ", "Teletype Corporation documents suffixed the configuration to the model number, e.g., \"Model 33 ASR\" (Model 33 Automatic Send and Receive). ", " In contrast, some customers and users tended to place the configuration before the model number, e.g., \"ASR-33\".", "\n\nThe U.S. military had their own system of identifying the various models, often identifying various improvements, included options / features, etc. ", "The TT-47/UG was the first Model 28 KSR, and while Teletype's designation for the basic machine remained the same over the next 20+ years, the TT-47/UG took on suffixes to identify the specific version. ", "The last TT-47/UG was the TT-47L/UG. ", "The U.S. Navy also assigned some \"set\" designations using the standard Army/Navy system, such as the AN/UGC-5, a Teletype Model 28 ASR which has a keyboard, printer, tape punch and reader facilities all in one cabinet.", "\n\n Model 29 (1950s)\nThe Teletype Model 29 is a six-bit machine using an IBM BCD code. ", " It began as a replacement for Model 20, but apparently there was no market for such a machine, so it was repurposed for IDP (Integrated Data Processing) use.", "\n\n Model 31 (1947)\nThe Teletype Model 31 is a compact and light-weight five-level start-stop tape printer designed for mobile operation in the air and on the sea.", "\n\n Dataspeed systems (1962 and later)Dataspeed was the Bell System name for a family of high speed paper tape systems used with DataPhone modems. ", " Type 1\nwas 5-level, 1050 wpm. ", " Type 2 was 5-8 level, 1050 wpm. ", " Type 4 was 8 level with automatic error detection and correction\nby retransmitting blocks of data received in error. ", " Type 5 was 8 level 750 wpm using a modem that was very inexpensive\nas a transmitter; hence the system was popular for data collection applications.", "\n\n Models 32/33 (1963)\n\nThe Teletype Model 32 and Teletype Model 33 are low-cost teleprinters, all-mechanical in design, with many plastic parts; both used a typewheel for printing. ", "They were produced in ASR, KSR and RO versions and introduced as a commercial product in 1963 after being originally designed for the US Navy. ", "The Model 33 is an ASCII teleprinter designed for light-duty office use. ", "The Model 32 is a Baudot variant of the Model 33. ", "Both were less rugged and less expensive than earlier Teletype machines. ", " The Model 33 ASR was ubiquitous as a console device, with its paper tape reader/punch used as an I/O device, in the early minicomputer era. ", "Over 600,000 Model 32 and 33 machines were manufactured.", "\n\n Model 35 (1963)\nThe Teletype Model 35 is a 110 baud terminal that utilizes a serial input / output eight-level 11 unit code signal consisting of a start bit, seven information bits, an even parity bit and two stop bits. ", "The Model 35 was produced in ASR, KSR and RO versions. ", "The Model 35 handles 1963 and USASI X3.4-1968 ASCII Code and prints 63 graphics of this code with letters in upper case on an 8.5 wide inch page using a typebox. ", " The Model 35 interface will accept DC current (20 ma or 60 ma). ", "An optional modem interface provides for operation over voice-grade channels. ", "The modem transmits asynchronously in serial format, compatible with Bell System 101, 103 and 113 data sets or their equivalent.", "\n\nThe Teletype Model 35 ASR is 38.5 inches high, 40 inches wide and 24 inches deep. ", "The Teletype Model 35 KSR and RO are 38.5 inches high, 24 inches wide and 24 inches deep. ", "This machine uses a standard 115 VAC 60 Hz single phase synchronous motor. ", "The recommended operating environment is a temperature of 40 to 110 Fahrenheit, a relative humidity of 2 to 95 percent and an altitude of 0 to 10,000 feet. ", "Lubrication maintenance is recommended every 1500 hours of operation or every six months, whichever occurs first. ", "The printing paper is an 8.44 inch by 4.5 inch diameter roll. ", "Ribbons are 0.5 inch wide by 60 yards long, with plastic spools and eyelets for proper ribbon reverse operation.", "\n\nEach 1ESS switch included a retractable rack-mounted 35-type TTY and a duplicate remote TTY.", "\n\n Inktronic Terminal (1966)\nThe Teletype Inktronic Terminal is an electronic, high-speed teleprinter that uses electrostatic deflection to print characters at 1200 words-per-minute. ", "The Inktronic terminal prints an 80 column page using forty jets to print 63 alphanumeric characters in two columns on an 8.5 inch roll of paper. ", "The Inktronic terminal was produced in KSR and RO versions. ", "The KSR version can generate 128 ASCII code combinations while the RO version was available as a Baudot or ASCII printer. ", "An ASR version was planned but not produced. ", "When the Inktronic terminal proved unreliable and difficult to maintain, it was withdrawn from production.", "\n\n Model 37 (1969)\nThe Teletype Model 37 is a 150 baud terminal that utilizes a serial input / output 10 unit code signal consisting of a start bit, seven information bits, an even parity bit and a stop bit. ", "The Model 37 was produced in ASR, KSR and RO versions. ", "The Model 37 handles USASI X3.4-1968 ASCII Code and prints 94 graphics of this code with letters in both upper and lower case, with the option to print in two colors. ", "The Model 37 uses a six-row removable typebox with provisions for 96 type pallet positions. ", "When the Shift-Out feature is included, the six-row typebox is replaced with a seven-row typebox allowing 112 pallet positions, or it can be replaced with an eight-row typebox allowing 128 type pallet positions. ", "The Model 37 interface meets the requirements of EIA RS-232-B. The Model 37 has a recommended maintenance interval of every six months or every 1500 hours. ", "The Model 37 is 36.25 inches high. ", "The Model 37 ASR and KSR are 27.5 inches deep. ", "The Model 37 RO is 24.25 inches deep. ", "The Model 37 ASR weighs 340 pounds. ", "The Model 37 KSR and RO weighs approximately 185 pounds.", "\n\n 4100 Paper Tape Equipment (1972)\nThe 4100 Paper Tape Equipment consists of the 4110 series of synchronous paper tape readers (CX), 4120 series of synchronous punches (BRPE), 4130 series of asynchronous readers (DX) and the 4140 series of asynchronous punches (DRPE).", "\n\nThe CX readers operate at 107 characters per second, with two fixed-level versions for reading either 6-level or 8-level fully punched or chadless paper tape, and an adjustable-level version for reading 5, 6, 7 or 8-level paper tape. ", "All CX version readers were packaged for table-top use and have a parallel contact interface which is wired directly to the reader tape sensing contacts.", "\n\nThe BRPE tape punches operate at 110 characters per second, with two adjustable-level versions for reading either 5 or 8-level paper tape or 6, 7 or 8-level paper tape. ", "A fixed-level 6-level paper tape punch was also available. ", "All BRPE version paper tape punches were packaged for table-top use and have a parallel contact interface which is wired directly to the punch electromagnetic coils.", "\n\nThe DX paper tape readers operate at any speed up to 360 characters per second via external timing, except EIA. ", "EIA tape readers operate at 120 characters per second if internal timing is used, and up to 314 characters per second if external timing is used. ", "All of the DX paper tape readers are adjustable-level, reading 5, 6, 7 or 8-level fully punched or chadless paper tape. ", "The DX series of paper tape readers were available in table-top and rack mount models, with an optional verifier data output for use by an external verifier logic to guarantee the accuracy of each character read.", "\n\nThe DRPE tape punches operate at any speed up to 240 characters per second with an adjustable-level version for reading 6, 7 or 8-level paper tape and a fixed-level 6-level version. ", "All DRPE version paper tape punches were packaged in table-top and rack-mount models, with an optional verifier logic which read each character immediately after it was punched, compared it to the character received and provided an error output pulse if they did not agree.", "\n\n Model 38 (1972)\nThe Teletype Model 38 is a 110 baud terminal that utilizes a serial input / output 11 unit code signal consisting of a start bit, seven information bits, an even parity bit and two stop bits. ", "The Model 38 was produced in ASR, KSR and RO versions. ", "The Model 38 handles USASI X3.4-1968 ASCII Code and prints 94 graphics of this code with letters in both upper and lower case, with the option to print in two colors on a pin-fed, 14-7/8 inch wide page. ", "The Model 38 interface will accept either DC current (20 ma or 60 ma) or EIA RS-232-C. The Model 38 is a \"stretched\" version of the Model 33 with the additional components needed to print the full ASCII printable character set. ", "As it used the Model 33 design, unchanged except for a wider print line, the design was not as reliable as the 33, due to flexing of the longer codebars and carriage power bail. ", " An optional built-in modem interface provides for operation over voice-grade channels. ", "The modem transmits asynchronously in serial format, compatible with Bell System 101, 103, 108 and 113 data sets or their equivalent.", "\n\n Models 42/43 (1977)\nThe Teletype Model 42 and Teletype Model 43 are electronic teleprinters providing character-at-a-time keyboard-printer send receive operation. ", "The Teletype Model 42 is the Baudot variant of the Model 43, which is an ASCII teleprinter. ", "The Model 43 has two transmission speeds, 100 words-per-minute and 300 words-per-minute, selectable by the operator to match the distant station speed. ", "The Teletype Model 43 printer could print up to 80 characters per line using the friction feed printer option. ", "Model 43 sprocket feed printers print messages with up to 132 characters per line using 12 inch wide sprocket feed paper. ", "The tractor feed printer will print messages with up to 80 characters per line using 12 inch sprocket feed paper.", "\n\n Dataspeed 40 (1979)\nThe Teletype Dataspeed 40 combined electronic CRTs and high speed printer terminals and were networked in many different applications through the use of \"cluster controllers\" and digital data service units. ", "The Dataspeed 40 interfaced a synchronous modem usually running at 2400, 4800 or 9600 baud. ", "The trademarked term \"Dataspeed\" originated with a series of high speed paper tape terminals that sent and received oil-treated punched paper tape at 1050 words per minute. ", "AT&T used the Dataspeed 40 terminals internally for their Switching Control Center System and similar purposes. ", "The Dataspeed 40 was also sold commercially and used for a variety of purposes and displaced some older and slower speed Teletype equipment.", "\n\n Special Products and SystemsAN/FGC-5 electronic four-channel time-division multiplex system, using vacuum tube technology. ", "AN/UGC-1 transistorized four-channel multiplex and AN/UGC-3 sixteen channel multiplex. ", " ADIS automatic data interchange system for the Federal Aviation Agency, handling weather data. ", " BDIS automatic switching system for the F.A.A., handling flight plan data. ", " AIDS''' a similar data switching system for New York Telephone Co.\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\n A Gallery of Teletype Images\n Telegraph Timeline\n Teletype Model 35ASR video\n\nCategory:Typewriters\nCategory:Telegraphy\nCategory:Computer terminals\nCategory:Manufacturing companies based in Illinois" ]
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[ "Introduction {#sec1-1}\n============\n\nStevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) represent different ends of the spectrum of the same clinical entity of severe mucocutaneous reactions, usually to drugs, characterized by intraepidermal cell death leading to blistering and epidermal sloughing. ", "SJS is the milder variant with \\<10% of total body surface area involvement. ", "TEN is the more severe form with \\>30% total body surface area involvement. ", "An intermediate classification is the SJS-TEN overlap in which there is 10--30% involvement.", "\n\nThe incidence of SJS/TEN is low, approximating to about one to seven cases per million per year, the overall mortality rate is 20% to 25%.\\[[@ref1][@ref2]\\] The pathogenesis of SJS/TEN is controversial. ", "The genetic risk factors are drug-specific and vary among different populations. ", "Specific HLA subtypes A\\*0206 and DQB1\\*0601 carry increased risk for ocular complications secondary to SJS.\\[[@ref3][@ref4]\\] Moreover, the molecular pathogenesis of SJS/TEN is also largely unclear. ", "Furthermore, up to 75% of cases are caused by delayed drug hypersensitivity reactions to a medication or its metabolites and appear to involve cell-mediated apoptosis of keratinocyte via the Fas signaling cascade and granulysin release.\\[[@ref5][@ref6]\\] Remaining 25% of cases are believed to have infectious etiology.", "\n\nInitial presentation occurs in the form of a prodromal phase of malaise and fever followed by or may show concurrent development of generalized, tender cutaneous eruptions consisting of macules, papules, atypical target lesions and vesicles, or bullae. ", "Epidermal detachment leaves off large raw weepy areas like that seen in severe burns. ", "Denuded skin predisposes the patient to bacterial superinfection, most common being *Staphylococcus aureus*. ", "Sepsis, therefore, serves as the main cause of death in SJS/TEN patients. ", "At least two mucosal surfaces are affected. ", "Painful oral erosions and crusts, conjunctivitis, and urogenital manifestations (e.g., urinary retention, urethritis, phimosis, and vaginal synechiae) accompany cutaneous manifestations in up to 90% of patients. ", "The respiratory tract may be involved causing cough, dyspnea, respiratory distress, pneumonia, and pulmonary edema. ", "Hepatitis and glomerulonephritis may develop.", "\n\nThe severe cutaneous manifestations of this disease spectrum may often lead to overlooking of the ocular sequelae, which are very common and may lead to loss of visual acuity. ", "Most patients consult dermatologist or physician for skin lesions in the acute phase and consult ophthalmologist after the resolution of lesions. ", "In the acute phase of SJS/TEN, ocular involvement has been reported to occur in 80% of patients. ", "Chronic ocular sequelae secondary to SJS/TEN develop in 21--29% of pediatric cases and 27--59% of adult cases.\\[[@ref7]\\] In this report, we attempt to study the acute and delayed ocular manifestations seen in patients of SJS/TEN.", "\n\nMaterials and Methods {#sec1-2}\n=====================\n\n30 patients of SJS/TEN, attending the outpatient/inpatient Department of Skin and VD, MGM Medical College and Hospital were included in the study. ", "After obtaining informed consent, demographic information, detailed dermatologic, and systemic examination were done for all the patients. ", "The causative drugs, if any, and details of treatment received were recorded. ", "Patients were followed up regularly for a period of 6 months.", "\n\nOphthalmologic examination of all patients was conducted in association with the department of ophthalmology. ", "Based on clinical parameters, observed on ocular slit-lamp examination, the severity of involvement at the time of presentation was determined as mild, moderate, and severe, as per the classification described by Power *et al*.\\[[@ref8]\\] Mild ocular involvement comprised of eyelid skin involvement in the form of desquamation and denudation, eyelid edema, mild corneal involvement, mild conjunctival injection, mucous discharge, or chemosis. ", "Moderate cases were the ones with membranous conjunctivitis, epithelial defects with more than 30% healing with medical treatment, corneal ulceration, or corneal infiltrates. ", "Severe manifestations comprised of acquired eyelid malposition, formation of symblepharon, nonhealing corneal epithelial defects, complete or partial visual loss, or foreshortening of conjunctival fornix.", "\n\nResults {#sec1-3}\n=======\n\nA total of 30 patients were included in the study during the study period, of which 12 were males and 18 females. ", "Out of these, 22 were SJS or SJS/TEN overlap and 8 were TEN patients. ", "Ocular manifestations were observed in 27 patients (90%), with a male to female ratio of 10:17. ", "All cases were drug-induced, except one, in which no history of any drug intake prior to the appearance of lesions could be elicited \\[[Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}\\]. ", "All patients had bilateral ocular findings.", "\n\n###### \n\nCausative agents of SJS/TEN\n\n Drug Frequency Percentage\n --------------------------- ----------- ------------\n Aceclofenac 5 18.5\n Carbamazepine 4 14.8\n Nimesulide 8 29.6\n Ofloxacin 3 11.1\n Phenytoin 6 18.5\n No history of drug intake 1 7.4\n Total 27 100\n\nAll the patients having ocular involvement, presented to us in the acute phase, with symptoms such as redness, burning, watering, discharge, swelling, and sloughing of skin over lids and so on. ", "The acute manifestations were classified as mild, moderate, or severe using the classification system described above. ", "About 25.9% (7 patients) had mild involvement, 62.9% (17 patients) had moderate involvement, and 11.1% (3 patients) had severe involvement \\[[Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}\\].", "\n\n###### \n\nClassification of ocular involvement based on severity\n\n Ocular involvement Frequency Percentage\n -------------------- ----------- ------------\n Mild 7 25.9\n Moderate 17 62.9\n Severe 3 11.1\n Total 27 100\n\nAfter performing a detailed ocular examination, the lid, conjunctival and corneal findings were observed in 20 (74.7%), 22 (81.48%), and 12 (44.44%) patients, respectively \\[[Table 3](#T3){ref-type=\"table\"}\\]. ", "The lid complications included discharge \\[[Figure 1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\], lid margin ulceration and crusting \\[[Figure 2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\], lid edema \\[[Figure 3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\], matting of eyelashes \\[[Figure 4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\], meibomitis, blepharitis, dystrichiasis, and peeling of skin over lids \\[[Figure 5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\]. ", "Conjunctival complications included conjunctivitis \\[Figures [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}, [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\], conjunctival membranes, subconjunctival hemorrhage, and symblepharon. ", "Corneal complications included superficial punctate epithelial keratitis, corneal ulceration, and punctate epithelial erosions.", "\n\n###### \n\nOcular findings in the acute stage based on structures involved: Lids, Conjunctiva, and Cornea\n\n Structure Clinical findings Number of patients\n -------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------\n Lids Discharge 20\n Edema/Thickening 12 \n Meibomitis/Blepharitis 4 \n Trichiasis 0 \n Dystrichiasis 1 \n Lid margin ulceration 7 \n Conjunctiva Conjunctivitis 22\n Conjunctival membranes 1 \n Subconjunctival hemorrhage 2 \n Symblepharon 1 \n Fornix foreshortening 1 \n Cornea Punctate epithelial erosions 1\n Superficial punctate keratitis 6 \n Corneal ulceration 4 \n Corneal opacity 1 \n\n![", "Acute ocular manifestations showing: A. Mucoid discharge B. Matting of eyelashes C. Crusting D. Congestion](IDOJ-11-570-g001){#F1}\n\n![", "Acute ocular manifestations showing: A. Congestion B. Sloughing of skin over lid margin](IDOJ-11-570-g002){#F2}\n\n![", "Acute ocular manifestations showing: A. Lid edema](IDOJ-11-570-g003){#F3}\n\n![", "Acute ocular manifestations showing: A. Congestion B. Matting of eyelashes](IDOJ-11-570-g004){#F4}\n\n![", "Acute ocular manifestations showing peeling of skin over lids](IDOJ-11-570-g005){#F5}\n\nAll patients were treated with topical antibiotics, topical corticosteroids, and tear substitutes in the acute phase.", "\n\nAt the end of the study period, 8 patients (29.6%) developed chronic sequelae of ocular manifestations \\[[Table 4](#T4){ref-type=\"table\"}\\]. ", "Out of these patients, 3 patients developed severe dry eye disease, 2 patients developed trichiasis, 2 patients had a diminution of vision, and 1 patient developed severe photophobia \\[[Figure 6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}\\]. ", "Patients of SJS and SJS-TEN overlap had mild-to-moderate whereas patients of TEN had moderate to severe ocular manifestations. ", "It was observed that delayed complications are more common in patients with initial severe eye involvement. ", "More diffuse cutaneous and oral mucous membrane damage was associated with a greater risk of ocular manifestations.", "\n\n###### \n\nLong-term ocular sequelae after the end of 6 months\n\n Complication Number of patients\n ------------------------ --------------------\n Severe dry eye disease 3\n Diminution of vision 2\n Symblepharon 0\n Trichiasis 2\n Corneal opacification 0\n Photophobia 1\n Entropion 0\n Ectropion 0\n Ankyloblepharon 0\n Lost to follow-up 5\n\n![", "Chronic ocular sequalae showing development of photophobia](IDOJ-11-570-g006){#F6}\n\nDiscussion {#sec1-4}\n==========\n\nSJS and TEN are an important cause of ocular morbidity. ", "The reported incidence of ocular involvement in SJS/TEN is 72--90%. ", "This is consistent with our findings, where 90% of the patients suffering from SJS/TEN had ocular findings. ", "Most of the patients enrolled in our study (96.6%) had a drug-based etiology, with nimesulide being the most commonly implicated drug (26.6%). ", "Another study by Devi *et al*. ", "showed ciprofloxacin to be the most common etiological drug agent (23.1%) followed by paracetamol (17.3%), and sulphamethoxazole (15.4%).\\[[@ref7][@ref9]\\]\n\nBased on severity, the ocular involvement in SJS/TEN can be classified into mild, moderate, or severe.\\[[@ref8][@ref10]\\] Mild ocular involvement is characterized by eyelid skin involvement in the form of desquamation and denudation, eyelid edema, mild corneal involvement, mild conjunctival injection, mucous discharge, or chemosis. ", "Moderate cases present with membranous conjunctivitis, epithelial defects with more than 30% healing with medical treatment, corneal ulceration, or corneal infiltrates. ", "Severe manifestations comprise of acquired eyelid malposition, formation of symblepharon, nonhealing corneal epithelial defects, complete or partial visual loss, or foreshortening of conjunctival fornix. ", "Nearly 25.9% of our patients had mild involvement, 62.9% had moderate, and 11.1% of patients presented with severe ocular involvement. ", "This is in contrast with another study by Yip *et al*., ", "where mild involvement was seen in most patients (40%), followed by moderate involvement in 25%, and severe in 4%.\\[[@ref11]\\]\n\nAnother classification of the ocular features can be done according to the clinical stages, into acute, subacute, and chronic. ", "The acute stage is usually till 2 weeks after the onset of symptoms and comprises of conjunctivitis/conjunctival hemorrhage, conjunctival membrane or pseudomembrane formation, meibomianitis, symblepharon, and epithelial defects. ", "Despite the resolution of skin lesions after the acute phase, persistent inflammation and ulceration of the ocular surface may lead to chronic cicatrizing conjunctivitis, trichiasis, or dystrichiasis and subsequently corneal epithelial defects, infection, and stromal scars. ", "These comprise the subacute stage. ", "The chronic ocular changes are seen in up to 35% of cases of SJS/TEN. ", "The palisades of Vogt within the limbus and the meibomian glands are affected most commonly.\\[[@ref12][@ref13]\\] Other chronic ocular sequelae include permanent symblepharon and ankyloblepharon, cicatricial entropion and trichiasis, punctual occlusion, and keratinization of the eyelid margin, tarsal, and bulbar conjunctival surfaces. ", "In the present study, we observed that all 27 patients (90%) presented to us in the acute phase of the disease, out of which 29.6% developed chronic sequelae at the end of the study period. ", "In a study by Yip *et al*., ", "acute ocular involvement was observed in 81 out of 117 patients (69%). ", "Around 44 patients were followed up for more than 6 months, among which, 50% developed late complications.\\[[@ref11]\\]\n\nEarly ophthalmic assessment and management, along with frequent follow-up are key factors to recovery and prevention of the ocular manifestations. ", "In acute SJS/TEN, a combination of topical corticosteroids, topical cyclosporine, and broad-spectrum topical antibiotics with the concurrent use of preservative-free lubricants are commonly used. ", "Early use of topical steroids may be associated with improved visual outcomes.\\[[@ref12]\\] In cases of more severe involvement, early surgical intervention in the form of amniotic membrane transplantation greatly enhances the epithelialization and reduces the inflammation and scarring in the ocular surface.", "\n\nThe treatment strategy for chronic phase mainly aims at preventing continual ocular surface damage, managing the ocular sequelae, and visual rehabilitation. ", "Structural abnormalities require surgical interventions such as keratoprosthesis and keratolimbal allografting (KLAL) which help in providing visual recovery. ", "In the end-stage cases with corneal blindness and severe dry eye, limbal stem cell transplantation (LSCT) and cultivated oral mucosal epithelial transplantation (COMET) are recommended.", "\n\nConclusion {#sec1-5}\n==========\n\nSJS/TEN is a fatal condition with a high incidence of ocular involvement. ", "As observed in our study, ocular manifestations occurred in 90% of the patients suffering from SJS/TEN. ", "Conjunctivitis was the most common acute ophthalmic manifestation (81.48%) whereas chronic sequelae developed in 29.6% of these patients. ", "Chronic sequelae though severe can be avoided by proper care and early interventions. ", "In conclusion, all patients with SJS/TEN should undergo initial ophthalmologic screening during the acute phase of the disease.", "\n\n {#sec2-1}\n\n### Declaration of patient consent {#sec3-1}\n\nThe authors certify that they have obtained all appropriate patient consent forms. ", "In the form the patient(s) has/have given his/her/their consent for his/her/their images and other clinical information to be reported in the journal. ", "The patients understand that their names and initials will not be published and due efforts will be made to conceal their identity, but anonymity cannot be guaranteed.", "\n\n### Financial support and sponsorship {#sec3-2}\n\nNil.", "\n\n### Conflicts of interest {#sec3-3}\n\nThere are no conflicts of interest.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nEclipse jsp error in editor\n\nI'm getting errors (on X lines) in a jsp file but it all seems to be right.", "\n<%@ page language=\"java\" contentType=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"\n pageEncoding=\"UTF-8\"%>\n<!", "DOCTYPE html\">\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">\n<title>Insert title here</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n\n <form method=\"GET\"\nX action=\"${pageContext.request.contextPath}/docreatetask\">\n <table>\n <tr>\n <td>Task</td>\n <td><input name=\"task\" type=\"text\" /></td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>Description</td>\n <td><input name=\"description\" type=\"textarea\" /></td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>Deadline</td>\n <td><input name=\"description\" type= /></td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td></td>\nX <td><input name=\"Create new task\" type=\"submit\" /></td>\n </tr>\n </table>\n </form>\n\n</body>\n\n \n**Error 1** javax.servlet.", "ServletException can not be resolved\n**Error 2** javax.servlet.http can not be resolved\n\nWhat could it be? ", "Is it using ServletException or javax.servlet.http anywhere?", "\n\nA:\n\nFor your first error (java.servlet.http can not be resolved to a type), You need to put servlet-api.jar file in the `classpath:\nTo do this follow the steps:\n\nRight click on the project.", "\nClick on build path -> Configure build path\nIn libraries tab -> click Add external jars\nSelect servlet-api.jar file\n\nFor your second error:(javax.servlet.", "ServletException can not be resolved):\n\nRight Click on project\nSelect Properties tab\nSelect targeted runtime tab\nCheck the server you are using\n\n" ]
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[ "\"Nowadays it isn't easy to advise the young\": Grandmothers and granddaughters among Abaluyia of Kenya.", "\nAmong Abaluyia of Kenya relative age (seniority) structures relationships hierarchically among co-wives, siblings and females of different generations. ", "Ambiguous equality and affectionate informality in grandmother-granddaughter relationships mute the hierarchical implications of their different age and generation statuses. ", "This facilitates grandmothers' educational roles although, as grandmothers say, \"Nowadays it isn't easy to advise the young\". ", "Increased physical, cognitive and experiential distances between these generations resulted from radical changes in the female lifecourse associated with modernization and delocalization. ", "Nevertheless, reciprocal exchanges continue. ", "Granddaughters are also intermediaries in exchanges between older women and their adult daughters. ", "Some grandmothers are denied the companionship and assistance of granddaughters caught in the middle of mother-in-law/daughter-in-law conflicts. ", "Many grandmothers assume parental responsibilities as they deal with the modern problem of daughters' premarital pregnancies. ", "All in all, these intergenerational relationships reveal both cultural persistence and the effects of social change, and continue to have instrumental and expressive value for both grandmothers and granddaughters." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Chris Welles\n\nChristopher Jewett \"Chris\" Welles (December 11, 1937 – June 19, 2010) was an American business journalist who wrote for Life, BusinessWeek, The Saturday Evening Post and The Los Angeles Times, in addition to a number of books on business topics. ", "Welles headed the Walter Bagehot Fellowship Program in Business and Economics Journalism at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.", "\n\nWelles was born on December 11, 1937, in Boston and adopted by textile salesman Clement Welles and his wife Grace Blauvelt Welles, a pediatrician. ", "He earned his undergraduate degree from Princeton University in 1959 and enlisted in the United States Navy, where he served until 1962.", "\n\nAfter completing his military service, he was hired as a researcher by Life magazine. ", "An article he had written about the neglect of American oil shale reserves by the petroleum industry that Life turned down was expanded into book form and published in 1970 as The Elusive Bonanza: The Story of Oil Shale, America's Richest and Most Neglected Natural Resource. ", "Life fired him after he sold the piece to Harper's Magazine. ", "His 1975 book The Last Days of the Club documented the decline and fall of old Wall Street institutions and the ascendancy of new companies that would come to replace them.", "\n\nWelles joined the faculty of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in 1977, where he headed the Walter Bagehot Fellowship Program in Business and Economics Journalism at Columbia, which would later be renamed the Knight-Bagehot Fellowship Program. ", "The fellowship program was established to provide business journalists with the opportunity to hone their craft. ", "Mobil Corporation, a longtime sponsor of the fellowship, backed out of its financial support in retaliation for Welles' earlier writings about the oil industry, stating that the company \"didn't have confidence in the leadership\" of the program. ", "Welles remained as head of the fellowship until 1985.", "\n\nStephen B. Shepard, a former editor of BusinessWeek and later dean of the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism called Welles \"probably the premier business writer\" of his generation, citing his ability to identify the \"shenanigans, abuses and downfalls\" in the business world.", "\n\nHe received the Gerald Loeb Award for Magazines for the story \"Is More Less? ", "Is Faster Slower? ", "Is Bigger Smaller?\". ", "He was also recognized at the National Magazine Awards.", "\n\nA resident of Brooklyn, Welles died at age 72 on June 19, 2010, due to complications of Alzheimer's disease, while at a nursing home in Salisbury, Connecticut. ", "He was survived by his second wife, the former Nancy Leiserson, as well as by three children from his first marriage and seven grandchildren.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1937 births\nCategory:2010 deaths\nCategory:American adoptees\nCategory:American male journalists\nCategory:Journalists from New York City\nCategory:Deaths from Alzheimer's disease\nCategory:People from Brooklyn\nCategory:Princeton University alumni\nCategory:United States Navy personnel\nCategory:Gerald Loeb Award winners for Magazines" ]
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[ "DNA integration into recipient yeast chromosomes by trans-kingdom conjugation between Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.", "\nIncQ-derived conjugative shuttle vectors, which carried the yeast gene URA3 and/or the yeast autonomously replicating sequence (ARS1), were constructed. ", "Both the ars-plus plasmid pAY205 and the ars-less plasmid pAY201 were successfully transmitted from E. coli to S. cerevisiae by the action of mob and tra. ", "In this trans-kingdom conjugation, plasmid pAY205 could replicate and be retained in transconjugants. ", "Plasmid pAY201 caused the formation of \"micro-colonies\" of abortive transconjugants due to its transient expression and rapid disappearance. ", "Nevertheless, one per about 10(3) colonies caused by transmitted pAY201 plasmids were uncurable by integration into the homologous region of a yeast chromosome. ", "Analyses by restriction enzyme mapping and Southern hybridization indicate that this integration is primarily caused by a double crossover during conjugation and not by a single reciprocal recombination." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.007575757575757576, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "---\nabstract: |\n Energy efficiency (EE) is a major performance metric for fifth generation (5G) and beyond 5G (B5G) wireless communication systems, especially for ultra dense networks. ", "This paper proposes an end-to-end (e2e) power consumption model and studies the energy efficiency for a heterogeneous B5G cellular architecture that separates the indoor and outdoor communication scenarios in ultra dense networks. ", "In this work, massive multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) technologies at conventional sub-6 GHz frequencies are used for long-distance outdoor communications. ", "Light-Fidelity (LiFi) and millimeter wave (mmWave) technologies are deployed to provide a high data rate service to indoor users. ", "Whereas, in the referenced non-separated system, the indoor users communicate with the outdoor massive MIMO macro base station directly. ", "The performance of these two systems are evaluated and compared in terms of the total power consumption and energy efficiency. ", "The results show that the network architecture which separates indoor and outdoor communication can support a higher data rate transmission for less energy consumption, compared to non-separate communication scenario. ", "In addition, the results show that deploying LiFi and mmWave IAPs can enable users to transmit at a higher data rate and further improve the EE.\\\n [***Keywords***]{} –Energy efficiency, B5G, massive MIMO, LiFi, mmWave.", "\nauthor:\n- |\n Yu Fu$^1$, Mohammad Dehghani Soltani$^2$, Hamada Alshaer$^2$,\\\n Cheng-Xiang Wang$^{1, 3, 4,*}$, Majid Safari$^2$, Stephen McLaughlin$^1$, and Harald Haas$^2$\\\n $^1$\\\n $^2$\\\n $^3$\\\n $^4$\\\n $^*$\\\n Emails:{y.fu, cheng-xiang.wang, s.mcLaughlin}$@$hw.ac.uk, {m.dehghani,h.alshaer, majid.safari, h.haas}$@$ed.ac.uk, chxwang@seu.edu.cn\nbibliography:\n- 'Ref.bib'\ntitle: 'End-to-End Energy Efficiency Evaluation for B5G Ultra Dense Networks'\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\n$5$G wireless communication systems are designed to offer a significant improvement in system capacity, spectral efficiency, average cell throughput, and EE when compared with the fourth generation (4G) wireless systems. ", "It is widely accepted that 5G and B5G network architecture will combine macrocells, picocells and small cells to support reliable, resilient and efficient wireless services for ultra dense networks [@Ref:2503E]. ", "In [@Ref:2489E], a B$5$G heterogeneous cellular architecture that can separate the outdoor and indoor communication scenarios is proposed. ", "In this architecture, a macro base station (MBS) is assisted by the massive MIMO technology and antenna arrays (MBSALA) geographically distributed in the cell. ", "Each antenna array serves a certain area and can be installed on an exterior wall or on the top of buildings which is referred to as the building mounted antenna array (BMAA). ", "The BMAA is connected with indoor access points (IAPs) via fibres, as shown in Fig.", " \\[fig\\_system\\]. ", "In this work, we considered two short-range IAP technologies, namely the beamforming based mmWave technology [@MM-WveRef] and LiFi wireless technology [@Ref:E2027], for high dense indoor connections. ", "Since the outdoor and indoor communications operate in different frequency bands, the interference between the indoor and outdoor user equipments (UEs) is avoided. ", "Besides, the high penetration loss of mmWave signals and the small coverage for the visible light signal of LiFi also reduce the interference among the IAPs deployed in the neighboring rooms and buildings, which is helpful for building ultra dense networks. ", "In this work, we assumed a BMAA communicates with a MBSALA using conventional Sub-6 GHz frequency band. ", "A line of sight (LoS) path is ensured between the MBSALA and its serving BMAA. ", "By using beamforming technologies, the LoS path can be further exploited to multiple virtual sub-beams between multiple BMAAs and a single MBSALA.", "\n\n![", "A potentional B5G network architecture.[]{data-label=\"fig_system\"}](5GSystems.pdf){width=\"85\" height=\"65mm\"}\n\nAs UEs can support multiple rate access technologies (RATs) in current communication systems. ", "In this work, we assume indoor users to communicate via their small cell IAPs in the separated condition, and directly with the MBSALA in the non-separated condition. ", "In these 5G communication scenarios, the indoor UEs can transmit at a very high data rate, of the order Gbps, with a minimum power consumption.\\\nLiFi attocell technology modulates the data through existing illumination light emitting diode (LEDs) and reuses the illumination power to support high speed optical wireless communications [@Ref:2498E; @MDS2019Thesis; @MDS2018Orientation]. ", "The support of multiple Gbps rates with low power consumption puts LiFi-enabled wireless communication systems among the best candidate technologies for B5G mobile wireless systems and beyond [@Ref:2489E]. ", "Some existing researches have focused on developing modulation techniques to increase the transmission data-rates [@Ref:2490E] of the order Gbps at typical illumination levels in LiFi [@Ref:2491E].\\\nMost existing research studies to date, on EE, have only focused on some specific technologies rather than a complete network, such as [@HaiderEEConnitive] for cognitive radio networks, [@PiyaSEMIMO] for massive MIMO systems, [@HaiderSEFemotocell] for mobile femtocell systems, and [@KuSE] for relay-sided cellular networks. ", "References these works, this paper develops an e2e energy consumption model for evaluating the EE of a future B5G network architecture that can support ultra dense connections. ", "In this flexible network architecture, B5G networks are established with massive MIMO considering sub-6 GHz RF frequencies, small cell mmWave, and LiFi optical wireless technologies. ", "The developed energy consumption model covers the individual aspects of a MBS, wireless communication links and small cell APs. ", "These are relevant for the power consumption analysis, particularly the transmission bandwidth and the number of RF chains. ", "This study can be used as a reference for the selection of communication technologies for different UEs, as well as the number of antennas in massive MIMO/LiFi communication systems. ", "Compared to other existing works, this new model allows the detailed quantification of energy used by specific components, which enable a more accurate EE study at the network level. ", "Offloading UEs from a small cell’s IAP to the MBS and vice-versa is an important key in the B5G strategy vision to boost the capacity and EE of B5G wireless networks. ", "Thus, whenever alternative connection technologies are available (as often happens in indoor scenarios), cellular traffic can be offloaded. ", "The developed energy consumption model can be used to evaluate the total energy consumption of UEs in terms of their data transmission, which makes it suitable for investigating offloading cases.\\\nThe rest of this paper is organized as follows. ", "In Sections \\[Sec:Outdoor\\], channel models and signal propagation models of the proposed system are introduced. ", "In Section \\[Massive:MIMOModel\\], the power consumption model of the B5G network architecture with mmWave IAP and LiFi attocell are explained. ", "In Section \\[Simulation:Results\\], the results of performance evaluation for both scenarios are discussed. ", "Finally, Section \\[Sec:Conclusion\\] draws conclusions of this paper.", "\n\nChannel model and signal detection {#Sec:Outdoor}\n==================================\n\nAn outdoor massive MIMO channel which is represented by a beamforming channel $\\ell$ at MBSALA $i$ and BMAA $j$, can be mathematically described by $$\\bm{G}_{\\ell ji}= \\sqrt{\\beta_{\\ell ji} M_T M_R}\\bm{a}^*_{M_R}(\\phi_{\\ell ji})\\bm{a}_{M_T}^T(\\theta_{\\ell ji})$$ where $\\jmath = \\sqrt{-1}$, $\\theta_{\\ell ji}$ is the angle of arrival (AoA) at MBSALA $i$, ${M_T}$ and ${M_R}$ are the number of transmission and receiver antenna elements, respectively, $\\phi_{\\ell ji}$ is the angle of arrival (AoA) at BMAA $j$, $\\beta_{\\ell ji}$ is the path loss, and $$\\bm{a}_{M_R/T}(\\theta) \\hspace{-0.1cm}=\\hspace{-0.1cm} \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{M_R/T}}[ 1,\\hspace{-0.1cm} ..., e^{-\\jmath 2\\pi \\Delta (m-1)\\theta}\\hspace{-0.1cm},e^{-\\jmath 2\\pi \\Delta (M_R/T-1)\\theta}]^T$$ is the antenna response of receiver or transmitter side. ", "$\\Delta$ is the normalized antenna separation. ", "Without loss of generality, we assume $\\Delta=1/2$. The transmission beam vector at BMAA $j$ is $\\bm{a}^*_{M_T}(\\theta_{\\ell ji})$, and the received beam vector at BMAA $j$ is $\\bm{a}_{M_R}^T(\\phi_{\\ell ji})$. $\\theta_{\\ell ji}$ and $\\phi_{\\ell ji}$ can be adjusted and optimized when deploying MBSALA and BMAA, and thus the beamforming channel between MBSALA and BMAA can be considered static and known to both sides.\\\nThe downlink signal vector of MBSALA $i$, $\\bm{x}_{i} $, is a linear combination of beamformed signals destined to the $N_{b}$ BMAAs, which can be expressed as $$\\label{out_sig}\n\\bm{x}_{i} = \\sum_{j=1}^{N_b}\\sum_{\\ell=1}^{L} \\bm{b}_{\\ell ji} s_{\\ell ji}$$ where $s_{\\ell ji}$ is an i.i.d. ", "complex Gaussian random variable with zero mean and variance $P_{\\ell ji}$, $\\bm{b}_{\\ell ji} = \\bm{a}^*(\\theta_{\\ell ji})$ denotes the beamforming vector $\\ell$ to BMAA $j$. In this work, the maximum-ratio combining (MRC) precoding is applied. ", "A perfect channel state information (CSI) is known at the MBSALA.\\\nThe received signal at BMAA $j$ over the beamforming channels $\\ell$ is given by $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{rec_bmaa}\nr_{\\ell ji} =\n\\bm{a}^T(\\phi_{\\ell ji})\\left(\\bm{G}_{\\ell ji}\\bm{x}_{i} \n+\\bm{n}\\right)=\\hspace{-0.1cm} \\sqrt{\\beta_{\\ell ji}M_T M_R}s_{\\ell ji} \\hspace{-0.1cm} +{n'}\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\bm{a}^T(\\phi_{\\ell ji})$ is the received beam vector $\\ell$ at BMAA $j$, $\\bm{n}$ is the received Gaussian noise vector with $\\bm{n}\\sim \\mathcal{CN}(\\bm{0}, \\sigma^2_n \\bm{I}_{M_R})$. As the link between the BMAA and MBSALA is relateive stable, the orthogonality of transmitted and received beamforming vectors enables the receivers to avoid any interference from signals sent to other buildings.\\\nFor the indoor mmWave link, the expression of channel model is very similar, but the interference from other indoor users should be considered. ", "The received signal at the $k$-th UE can be given by $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{rec_iue}\n&r_k = \\bm{g}_k^{T} \\bm{b}_{m_{k}}s_k + \\sum_{j=1 j\\neq k}^{N_{\\mathrm{iue}}}\\bm{g}_{k}^{T} \\bm{b}_{m_{j}} s_{j}+ n\\\\\\nonumber\n&=\\hspace{-0.1cm}\\sqrt{\\beta_k}F_{M'_T}(\\theta_{m_k}\\hspace{-0.1cm}\\hspace{-0.1cm}-\\hspace{-0.1cm}\\theta_{k})\n\\hspace{-0.1cm}+\\hspace{-0.1cm} \\sqrt{\\beta_k}\\hspace{-0.1cm}\\sum_{j=1 j\\neq k}^{N_{\\mathrm{iue}}}\nF_{M'_T}(\\theta_{m_{k}}\\hspace{-0.1cm}-\\hspace{-0.1cm}\\theta_{j})s_j + n\\end{aligned}$$ where $F_{M}(x)=\\frac{\\sin{\\pi Mx/2}}{M\\sin(\\pi x/2)}$ is the Sinc function. ", "$\\theta_{m_k}-\\theta_k$ is the difference between the beam vector and the angle of departure(AoD).\\\nFor the indoor LiFi link, a desirable LoS channel gain of LiFi attocell IAP is given by [@Soltani2018Bi] $$\\label{equation1}\n H_{{\\rm{LOS}}} \\!=\\! ", "\\begin{cases} \\! ", "\\dfrac{(m+1)A}{2\\pi d^{2}}\\cos ^{m}\\!\\phi g_{\\rm{f}}g(\\psi)\\cos\\psi, & 0\\le \\psi\\le \\Psi_{c} \\\\\n \\ 0 , & \\psi _{i j}>\\Psi_{\\rm{c}} \\end{cases}$$ where $A$ denotes the physical area of detector, $d$ denotes the distance between the LiFi attocell IAP and receivers (UEs), $\\phi$ and $\\psi$ denote the angle of radiance with respect to the axis normal to the transmitter surface, and the angle of incidence with respect to the axis normal to the receiver surface, respectively. ", "$g_{\\rm{f}}$ denotes the gain of optical filter, and $\\Psi_{\\rm{c}}$ denotes the field-of-view (FoV) of receiver. ", "Note that $g(\\psi) =\\varsigma^2 /\\sin^2\\Psi_{\\rm{c}}$, for $0\\le\\psi_i\\le\\Psi_{\\rm{c}}$, and $0$ for $\\psi_{i}>\\Psi_{\\rm{c}}$, represents the optical concentrator gain, where $\\varsigma$ denotes the refractive index. ", "The Lambertian order is obtained from $m = -1/\\log_2(\\cos\\Phi_{1/2})$, where $\\Phi_{1/2}$ is the half-intensity angle [@ChenCheng].\\\nThe radiance angle, $\\phi$, and the incidence angle, $\\psi$, of the LiFi IAP and the receiver are given based on the analytical geometry rules, such as $\\cos\\phi={\\bf{d}}\\cdot{\\bf{n}}_{\\rm{tx}}/{\\Vert {\\bf{d}}\\Vert }$ , and $\\cos\\psi=-{\\bf{d}}\\cdot{\\bf{n}}_{\\rm{rx}}/{\\Vert {\\bf{d}}\\Vert }$, where ${\\bf{n}}_{\\rm{tx}}=[0, 0, -1]$ and ${\\bf{n}}_{\\rm{rx}}=[0, 0, 1]$ are the normal vectors at the LiFi IAP and the receiver planes, respectively. ", "And ${\\bf{d}}$ denotes the distance vector between the LiFi AP and the receiver, and $\\Vert \\cdot\\Vert$ and $``\\cdot\"$ stand for the Euclidean norm operators and the inner product, respectively [@ChenCheng]. ", "For more information about 5G channel models, please refer to [@5Gchannel; @5GchannelmmWave; @5GchannelmmWave2; @WuTCOM18].", "\n\nEnergy efficiency {#Ener:Model}\n=================\n\nEnergy efficiency, $\\eta$, measures the effectiveness of converting power into data traffic transmission. ", "It is defined as the spectral efficiency divided by the total power consumption, given by $$\\eta = \\frac{\\mathbb{C}}{P}.$$ The spectral efficiency is defined by the Shannon equation as $$\\mathbb{C}= \\gamma\\operatorname{\\mathbb{E}}\\left[\\log_2(1+\\operatorname{\\mathsf{SINR}})\\right]$$ where $\\operatorname{\\mathsf{SINR}}$ is the signal-to-interference-noise-ratio under the given channel, and $\\gamma$ is the channel usage efficiency factor. ", "Based on the approximation derived in [@mMIMOScaling], for a massive MIMO system, we assume $\\operatorname{\\mathbb{E}}[\\log_2(1+\\operatorname{\\mathsf{SINR}})i]\\approx \\log_2(1+\\operatorname{\\mathbb{E}}[\\operatorname{\\mathsf{SINR}}])$, the spectral efficiency analysis can be reduced to the analysis of the expectation of SNR, $\\operatorname{\\mathbb{E}}[\\operatorname{\\mathsf{SNR}}]$.\\\nBased on Eq.(\\[rec\\_bmaa\\]), the expectation of received SNR over a link $\\ell$ between the MBSALA $i$ and BMAA $j$ can be expressed as $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{SINROUT}\n\\operatorname{\\mathbb{E}}\\left[\\operatorname{\\mathsf{SNR}}_{\\ell ji}^{\\mathrm{M} \\rightarrow \\mathrm{B}}\\right] =\\frac{{\\beta_{\\ell ji}}M_T P_{\\ell ji}}\n{\\sigma^2_n/M_R}\\end{aligned}$$ where $P_{\\ell ji}$ denotes the signal variance. ", "Samilar to \\[SINROUT\\] For the indoor mmWave link, its SINR can be expressed as $$\\label{sinr_iue}\n\\operatorname{\\mathbb{E}}\\left[\\operatorname{\\mathsf{SINR}}_k^{\\mathrm{I}\\rightarrow \\mathrm{U}} \\right]\\vspace{-0.1cm}=\\vspace{-0.1cm}\n\\frac{\\beta_k \\operatorname{\\mathbb{E}}\\left[F_M^2(\\theta_k-\\theta_{m_k})\\right]P_k} \n{ \\beta_k \\operatorname{\\mathbb{E}}\\left[\\sum_{j=1, j\\neq k}^{N_{\\mathrm{iue}}}F_M^2(\\theta_k\\vspace{-0.1cm}-\\vspace{-0.1cm}\\theta_{m_j})\\right] P_j \\vspace{-0.1cm}+ \\vspace{-0.1cm}\\sigma_n^2}.$$ For the LiFi link, the SINR is given by: $$\\operatorname{\\mathsf{SINR}}=\\frac{c_{f}^{2} P_{\\rm{t}}^2H_{\\rm{LOS}}^2}{ N_0B + \\sum\\limits_{j=1}^{N_{F}} c_{Ijf}^{2} P_{I\\rm{j}}^2H_{Ij\\rm{LOS}}^2}$$ where $N_{F}$ denotes the number of interfering LiFi attocell IAPs, $I$ denotes the symbol for interfering LiFi attocell IAPs, $c_{f}$ denotes the LED coefficient [@Ref:2703E], $P_{t}$ denotes the optical transmitted power, $N_{0}$ denotes the noise spectral density.", "\n\nSystem power consumption model {#Massive:MIMOModel}\n------------------------------\n\nThe total power consumption of the system is the sum of the power consumed by all the power devices deployed in a wireless communication cell. ", "In the separate outdoor and indoor scenario, the total power consumed by MBS, MBSALA, BMAA and IAP can be expressed as $$P_\\mathrm{cell} = P^{\\mathrm{MBS}}_{\\mathrm{tot}} + \\sum_{i=1}^{N_a}(P^{\\mathrm{BMAA}}_{\\mathrm{tot}}+P^{\\mathrm{IAP}}_{\\mathrm{tot}}).$$ where $N_{a}$ denotes the number of MBSALA. ", "A high level energy efficiency evaluation framework (E^3^F) for mobile communication systems was investigated and developed by the Energy Aware Radio and network technologies (EARTH) project [@Ref:2488E]. ", "Based on the framework, the general energy consumption model of a mobile communication system is given by $$P_{\\mathrm{sys}} = P_{\\mathrm{BB}} + P_{\\mathrm{RF}} + P_{\\mathrm{PA}} + P_{\\mathrm{OH}}$$ where $P_{\\mathrm{BB}}$ represents the power consumed by the digital baseband processing unit, $P_{\\mathrm{RF}}$ and $P_{\\mathrm{RF}}$ represent the power consumption of RF front-end (FE) and power amplifier (PA), and $P_{\\mathrm{OH}}$ represents the power overhead. ", "This is mainly consumed by the system cooling unit and AC-DC converters.\\\nThe digital baseband processing includes digital signal processing, and system control and network processing. ", "For digital signal processing, the operations include digital filtering, up/down sampling, (I)FFT, MIMO channel training and estimation, OFDM modulation/demodulation, symbol mapping and channel encoding/decoding. ", "The operation complexity denoted by $\\mathcal{O}$, is measured by Giga floating-point operations per second (GFO/S), depending on the type of the operation and number of UEs and data streams. ", "The power consumption per Giga floating-point operation is further scaled by a technology-dependent factor $\\rho$. Thus, $P_{\\mathrm{BB}}$ can be obtained by dividing GFO/S by $\\rho$. For systems nowadays, the factor is $\\rho = 160$ GOP/W.\\\nThe key constituent components of RF FE include carrier modulators, frequency synthesis, clock generators, digital to analogue /analogue to digital converters, mixers and so on. ", "The power consumption of these components scale with parameters, namely system bandwidth, number of antennas and traffic load. ", "The power consumption model of PA depends on the type and the maximum output power of the amplifier. ", "It is also related to the actual output power that assures the desired spectral efficiency. ", "This paper considers two types of power amplifiers: Class-B PA and Doherty PA. ", "The class-B PA is equipped in the MBSALA and BMAA, which enables relatively high output power transmission. ", "The Doherty PA is developed for high-frequency band communication systems with high power efficiency. ", "It is deployed in the IAPs. ", "The power models for MBS, MBSALA, BMAA and IAP are developed in the following subsections.", "\n\n### Power consumption model of MBS\n\nThe total power of MBS is given by $$P^{\\mathrm{MBS}}_{\\mathrm{tot}} = \\frac{\nP^{\\mathrm{MBS}}_{\\mathrm{BB}} + {N_a}P^{\\mathrm{MBSALA}}_{\\mathrm{tot}} }\n{(1-\\eta_{\\mathrm{c}})(1 - \\eta_{\\mathrm{ac-dc}})(1 - \\eta_{\\mathrm{dc-dc}})}$$ where $P^{\\mathrm{MBS}}_{\\mathrm{BB}}$ is the power of digital base band processing at MBS, $P^{\\mathrm{MBSALA}}_{\\mathrm{tot}}$ is the total power consumed by a MBSALA, and $\\eta_{\\mathrm{c}}$, $\\eta_{\\mathrm{ac-dc}}$, $\\eta_{\\mathrm{dc-dc}}$ are the power efficiency of the cooling system, AC-DC and DC-DC conversion, respectively.\\\nBased on the outdoor distributed antenna architecture, the digital baseband processing at MBS includes mapping/de-mapping of symbols, channel encoding ($\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{enc}}$), upper layer network ($\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{nw}}$) and control operations ($\\mathcal{O}_\\mathrm{ctrl} $) for the $N_a$ MBSALA, respectively. ", "Thus, $P^{\\mathrm{MBS}}_{\\mathrm{BB}}$ can be further written by $$P^{\\mathrm{MBS}}_{\\mathrm{BB}} = \\sum_{i = 1}^{N_a}(\n\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{ctrl},i} +\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{network},i}+ \\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{enc},i})/\\rho.$$\n\n### Power consumption model of MBSALA\n\nThe power consumption of MBSALA can be decomposed as $$P^{\\mathrm{MBSALA}}_{\\mathrm{tot}} =\nP^{\\mathrm{MBSALA}}_{\\mathrm{BB}} + P^{\\mathrm{MBSALA}}_{\\mathrm{RF}}+\nP^{\\mathrm{MBSALA}}_{\\mathrm{PA}}.$$ For MBSALA, the downlink baseband processes include filtering, up sampling, (I)FFT of OFDM symbols, massive MIMO channel estimation, precoding/beamforming, symbol mapping, and control and network relation operations, which can be expressed as $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{MBSALA_bb}\n&P^{\\mathrm{MBSALA}}_{\\mathrm{BB}} = \\\\ \\nonumber\n&(\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{fltr}} \\hspace{-0.1cm}+ \\hspace{-0.1cm}\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{fft}} \\hspace{-0.1cm} + \\hspace{-0.1cm}\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{est}} \\hspace{-0.1cm}+ \\hspace{-0.1cm} \\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{bf}} \\hspace{-0.1cm}+ \\hspace{-0.1cm}\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{pre}} \\hspace{-0.1cm} + \\hspace{-0.1cm} \\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{map}} \\hspace{-0.1cm}+ \\hspace{-0.1cm} \\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{ctrl}} \\hspace{-0.1cm}+ \\hspace{-0.1cm}\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{nw}})/\\rho.\\end{aligned}$$ Here the complexity of (I)FFT can be scaled by $\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{(i)fft},i} = N_{\\mathrm{s}}N_{\\mathrm{(i)fft}}\\log_2(N_{\\mathrm{(i)fft}})$, where $N_{\\mathrm{(i)fft}}$ is the number of sub-carriers of an OFDM symbol and $N_{\\mathrm{s}}$ is the total number of OFDM symbols. ", "The complexity of channel estimation by correlation of orthogonal pilot sequences can be scaled by $\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{est}}=\\tau M_T N_{\\mathrm{ue}}$, where $N_{\\mathrm{ue}}$ denotes the number of UEs, and we let $\\tau = N_{\\mathrm{ue}}$. The complexity of channel precoding and beamforming operations can be scaled by $\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{bf/pre}} = (N_{\\mathrm{ue}} + N_bL)(1 - \\tau/N_{\\mathrm{c}})$ for uplink channel estimation. ", "The RF FE (front-end) of MBSALA has modulator, mixer, clock generation and D-A converter. ", "The total power consumption of RF FE (front-end) is given by $$\\begin{aligned}\nP^{\\mathrm{MBSALA}}_{\\mathrm{RF}}= M_T(P_{\\mathrm{mod}}^{\\mathrm{MBSALA}} + P_{\\mathrm{mix}}^{\\mathrm{MBSALA}} + \\\\ \\nonumber P_{\\mathrm{dac}}^{\\mathrm{MBSALA}})\n+ \\sqrt{M_T}P_{\\mathrm{clk}}^{\\mathrm{MBSALA}}.\\end{aligned}$$ The power consumption of the modulator, mixer and DAC scales linearly with the number of antennas. ", "The power consumption of clock generator scales by the square root of the number of antennas.", "\n\n### Power consumption model of BMAA\n\nThe power consumption model of BMAA can be expressed as follows: $$P^{\\mathrm{BMAA}} = \\frac{\nP^{\\mathrm{BMAA}}_{\\mathrm{BB},\\ell} + M_RP^{\\mathrm{BMAA}}_{\\mathrm{RF}} }\n{(1-\\eta_{\\mathrm{c}})(1 - \\eta_{\\mathrm{ac-dc}})(1 - \\eta_{\\mathrm{dc-dc}})}.$$ In this work, we assume a BMAA receives the downlink traffic from its serving MBSALA over $L$ beamforming data links and forwards it to an IAP. ", "The baseband data processes consist of filtering, beamforming process, sampling, IFFT process, symbol de-mapping, channel decoding, control and network processes. ", "The GOP/S can be estimated similarly to the case of MBSALA. ", "The power consumption of baseband processing in BMAA can be given as follows: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{bmaa_bb}\n&P^{\\mathrm{BMAA}}_{\\mathrm{BB}} = \\\\ \\nonumber\n&L \\cdot(\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{fltr}} \\hspace{-0.1cm} + \\hspace{-0.1cm} \\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{bf}} \\hspace{-0.1cm}+ \\hspace{-0.1cm}\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{smpl}} \\hspace{-0.1cm}+ \\hspace{-0.1cm}\n\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{ifft}} \\hspace{-0.1cm}+ \\hspace{-0.1cm} \\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{demap}} \\hspace{-0.1cm}+ \\hspace{-0.1cm} \\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{dec}} \\hspace{-0.1cm}+ \\hspace{-0.1cm}\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{ctrl}}\n \\hspace{-0.1cm}+ \\hspace{-0.1cm} \\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{nw}})/\\rho.\\end{aligned}$$ The analogue components of the downlink RF FE include mixer, clock, variable gain amplifiers (VGA), ADC and low-noise amplifier (LNA). ", "The power consumption of RF in BMAA can be given as follows: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{bmaa_rf}\nP^{\\mathrm{BMAA}}_{\\mathrm{RF}} = M_R\\cdot\\hspace{-0.1cm}(\n\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{mix}}\\hspace{-0.1cm}+\\hspace{-0.1cm}\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{vga}} \\hspace{-0.1cm}+\\hspace{-0.1cm}\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{adc}}+\n\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{lna}})\\hspace{-0.1cm}+\\hspace{-0.1cm}\\sqrt{M_R}\\mathcal{O}_{\\mathrm{clc}}.\\end{aligned}$$ Note that the power consumption of LNA and VGA over the receiver RF FE are considered constant, unlike the PA used for signal transmission.", "\n\n### Power consumption Model of mmWave IAP\n\nFor the mmWave IAP, its power consumption model can be expressed as $$P^{\\mathrm{IAP}}_{\\mathrm{tot}} = \\frac{\nP^{\\mathrm{IAP}}_{\\mathrm{BB}} + {M'_T}(P^{\\mathrm{IAP}}_{\\mathrm{RF}} + \nP^{\\mathrm{IAP}}_{\\mathrm{PA}})}\n{(1 - \\eta_{\\mathrm{c}})(1 - \\eta_{\\mathrm{ac-dc}})(1 - \\eta_{\\mathrm{dc-dc}})}$$ where $$P^{\\mathrm{IAP}}_{\\mathrm{RF}}= M'_T(P_{\\mathrm{mix}}^{\\mathrm{IAP}}+P_{\\mathrm{dac}}^{\\mathrm{IAP}}+P_{\\mathrm{bft}}^{\\mathrm{IAP}}\n+P_{\\mathrm{fs}}^{\\mathrm{IAP}})+ \\sqrt{M'_T}P_{\\mathrm{clc}}^{\\mathrm{IAP}}$$ and $$P_{\\mathrm{PA}}^{\\mathrm{IAP}} = \n\\begin{cases}\n\\frac{2}{\\pi}\\sqrt{P_{\\mathrm{o}} P_{\\mathrm{max}}^{\\mathrm{IAP}}}, \\quad 0< P_{o}<0.25P_{\\mathrm{max}}^{\\mathrm{IAP}}\\\\\n\\frac{6}{\\pi}\\sqrt{P_{\\mathrm{o}} P_{\\mathrm{max}}^{\\mathrm{IAP}}}, \\quad 0.25P_{\\mathrm{max}}^{\\mathrm{IAP}}\\leq P_{o}\\leq P_{\\mathrm{max}}^{\\mathrm{IAP}} \n\\end{cases}.$$\n\n### Power consumption Model of LiFi IAP {#LiFi:Models}\n\nA LiFi attocellular network consists of several small attocells. ", "Each IAP covers an area with radius $3-10$ m. The power consumed for lighting the off-the-shelf LEDs in the IAP is used to support visible light communication [@Ref:E2027]. ", "The light photons are modulated at a very high speed to support $3.5$Gbps $@$2m distance as well as $1.11$Gbps $@$10m, with a total optical output power of $5$ $mW$ [@Ref:2485E; @Ref:2486E]. ", "This provides a significant spectrum, which can support hungry bandwidth applications and emerging services with low power consumption.", "\n\n![", "LiFi Downlink throughput distribution Vs. ", "LiFi IAP transmitted power.[]{data-label=\"pow:LiFi\"}](Fig2.pdf){width=\"80mm\" height=\"50mm\"}\n\nThe maximum number of transmitted bits per joule of input energy in a LiFi communication system is known as the energy consumption factor (CF) [@Ref:2494E]. ", "The total power consumption in the LiFi attocellular system comprises two main parts: the circuit (illumination) power consumption and the power consumed for transmitting the wireless data at high data rates [@Ref:2703E]. ", "The illumination power can be expressed as follows [@Ref:2703E]: $$P_{Light} = \\frac{nq V_{T} \\Phi}{p_{f} \\epsilon} \\ln (\\frac{q\\Phi}{p_{f} \\epsilon I_{s}}+1);\n\\label{Eq:Energy}$$ And the extra power consumed for transmission high data rates can be expressed as follows [@Ref:2703E]: $$P_{comm} = \\frac{nq V_{T} H_{LOS}^{2}}{2 p_{f} \\epsilon \\mu_{\\Phi}};\n\\label{Eq:Energy1}$$ where the variables in Eq.", " (\\[Eq:Energy\\]) and Eq.", " (\\[Eq:Energy1\\]) are defined in Eqs.(3,5) in [@Ref:2703E]. ", "Fig.", " \\[pow:LiFi\\] shows the throughput distribution vs. the transmitted power across a LiFi attocell.", "\n\nPerformance Results {#Simulation:Results}\n===================\n\nThe performance of the proposed B5G network architecture is evaluated and compared using MATLAB in terms of total power consumption and energy efficiency for LiFi and mmWave IAPs. ", "The performance evaluation parameters for the mmWave AP are based on the reference [@MM-WveRef]. ", "It is considered that each MBSALA serves $4$ buildings. ", "Each MBSALA is equipped with a number of antennas, which is taken to be $(64,128, 256)$ in the separate and non-separate evaluation scenarios. ", "Foe each BMAA, 64 antennas are equipped. ", "For each MBSALA and BMAA pair, $4$ beamforming links are established. ", "The WINNER II [@Ref:E2031] B5a Rooftop (Eq.(4.23), Page 43)- Rooftop model is adopted as the path loss model for the link between the MBSALA and BMAA, which is given by $$PL_{\\mathrm{MBSALA =}}23.5\\log_{10}(d) + 42.5 + 20\\log_{10}(f_c/5.0).$$ For the non-separate coverage system, the indoor users are served directly by the MBSA and a penetration loss of 20 dB is considered.\\\nSimulation results in Fig.", " \\[pow\\_consumption\\] shows the total end-to-end power consumption of the total data rate transmission in separate and non-separate scenarios. ", "A mmWave IAP is considered with the configuration parameters used in [@MM-WveRef].", "\n\nFrom this figure, it can be observed that the increase in the number of antennas, $M_T$, provides an opportunity to support more users and hence data rate transmission. ", "The total power consumption increases in terms of data rate transmission in both separate and non-separate scenarios. ", "However, at relatively low data rate transmission, the total power consumption in separate and non-separate scenarios remains steady, despite the increase of $M_T$. For example, the total power consumption in the non-separate scenario remains steady until $1$ Gbps, when $M_T$ increases from $64$ to $128$. Similarly, the total power consumption in the separate scenario remains steady until $3$ Gbps, when $M_T$ increases from $64$ to $128$. This can be attributed to that fact that when $M_T$ increases, the antennas and IAPs are more likely to become saturated. ", "For a given $M_T$, it is observed that the power consumption curves of the two scenarios cross at some point. ", "On the right side of the crossing point, the total power consumption in the separate scenario consumes less power than in the non-separate scenario to transmit the same data rate. ", "But on the left side of the crossing point, this trend is in the opposite direction. ", "Fig.", " \\[pow\\_consumption\\] shows that more total power is consumed in the separate scenario than in the non-separate scenario at a low data rate. ", "But, the results show noticeable opposite trends when the data rate is significantly increased. ", "This is attributed to the BMAA and IAPs deployed in the separate scenario, which consume less power to transmit a high data rates. ", "For example, when $M_t$=256, data rate= 5 Gbps, the total power consumption of the non-separate scenarios is 1.6 KW, while for the separated case, its consumed power is only 0.4 KW. ", "In this case, it is recommended that the non-separate scenario is deployed. ", "However, an IAP LiFi attocell that serves indoor users has reduced the total energy consumption at low and high data rates transmission by almost $10\\%$ compared with a mmWave IAP, as shown in Fig.", " \\[EELiFi\\]. ", "The separate scenario supports great data rate transmission with less power consumption, particulary in the case of deploying LiFi IAPs for serving UEs, as shown in Fig.", " \\[pow\\_consumption\\] and Fig.", " \\[EELiFi\\].", "\n\nNevertheless, all the result trends show an increase in the power consumption when the total transmitted data rate exceeds a specific threshold value. ", "This is because the power amplifiers reach their saturation point after the total power consumption exceeds a certain level.\\\nThe EE versus SE trade-off curves of the two scenarios are shown in Fig.", " \\[ee\\_se\\] and Fig.", " \\[pt\\_LiFi\\]. ", "The trends of EE firstly ascend as SE increases and start to descend after a certain point. ", "For EE, it shows that the increase in the number of antennas does not change the energy efficiency at low SE due to the extra power consumed by BMAA and IAP. ", "However, the EE increases sharply at high SE when the number of antennas increases. ", "From these figures, it is clear that by separating the indoor and outdoor communication scenarios, the system can obtain a better trade-off between SE and EE. ", "This demonstrates, in turn, the advantage of the proposed 5G network and communication architecture.", "\n\nConclusions {#Sec:Conclusion}\n===========\n\nThis paper has introduced an e2e power consumption model for a B5G network architecture which integrated massive MIMO, indoor mmWave, and LiFi attocell technologies to fulfill the requirement of ultra dense networks. ", "The obtained results show that by separating the indoor and outdoor communication scenarios, the B5G system can obtain a better trade-off between EE and SE. ", "This indicates the advantage of the proposed B5G network architecture. ", "The obtained results also indicates that the indoor UEs may be need to communicate directly to the outdoor MBS when their transmit data rate is relatively low, to achieve a better EE performance. ", "In contrast, the UEs can communicate via the LiFi and mmWave IAPs, when their data rate is high. ", "The general trends of performance metrics in the obtained results also confirm the performance requirement of B5G to support greater data rates, in the order of multiple Gbps, with low power consumption and higher energy efficiency. ", "This means that the UEs may require some metric indicators to guide them to communicate via different technologies. ", "This can be a design issue for controlling traffic offloading from cellular networks to small cell IAPs and vice-versa. ", "The results also show that deploying LiFi attocell IAPs can reduce the total power consumption by almost $10\\%$ compared to the RF mmWave indoor wireless small cell technology, which shows the potential advance of LiFi.", "\n\nAcknowledgment {#acknowledgment .unnumbered}\n==============\n" ]
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[ "MV Bellubera\n\nBellubera was a ferry operated by the Port Jackson & Manly Steamship Company on the Manly service. ", "Launched in 1910, she was the third of six Binngarra-type vessels. ", "Upon her 1936 conversion from steam power, she became the first diesel-electric vessel in Australia. ", "She was decommissioned in 1973, and scuttled at sea in 1980.", "\n\nDue to many misfortunes in her 63-year service life, she was nicknamed the Hoodoo Ship. ", "Two of her masters died at the wheel, two crew members died when she was gutted by fire in 1936, and the owner of a motor launch was killed when the Bellubera ran it down and sank her.", "\n\nThe name \"bellubera\" is thought to be an Australian Aboriginal word meaning \"pretty lady\" or \"beautiful woman\".", "\n\nService history and configuration changes\nBellubera was built by Mort's Dock and Engineering Co, Woolwich, New South Wales, Australia, for the Port Jackson & Manly Steamship Company. ", "Launched on 6 April 1910 by Mrs J. Fyfe, she was the third of six Binngarra-type vessels. ", "She was a near identical sister to Barrenjoey (later North Head) and Balgowlah (1912), and similar to the slightly smaller Binngarra (1905), Burra Bra (1908) and Baragoola (1922). ", "She was 499 tons and 64.0 m long. ", "As built, she was powered by triple expansion steam engine providing 123 hp and was able to make up to 15 knots.", "\n\nThe exorbitant cost and difficulty in replacing the large expensive steel hulled Binngarra-type vessels saw the Bellubera, along with the Balgowlah, Barrenjoey, and Baragoola retained and significantly modified. ", "In the 1920s, all four had officers' cabins attached to their wheelhouses. ", "Beginning with Barrenjoey in 1930, and then in 1931-32 Balgowlah, Baragoola, and Bellubera over 1931-32, had their open upper passenger decks enclosed.", "\n\nIn 1936 with her boilers nearing the end of their service life, Bellubera's original steam engines were replaced by four five-cylinder Harland & Wolff diesel engines (1,800 bhp) which drove two British Thompson-Houston diesel engineers, which could push her to 16 knots. ", "Her single funnel was replaced by two, the second funnel being a dummy mounted for appearance. ", "She became the first diesel-electric powered vessel in Australia. ", "The new engines increased her service speed to 18 knots, but increased vibrations throughout the vessel making her less popular with passengers.", "\n\nIn 1948, Bellubera, along with Balgowlah, Baragoola, was fitted with the larger wheelhouse/cabin structures that they would sport until the rest of their ferry careers. ", " In 1954, she was taken to the State Dockyard where she was partially replated, repainted, and re-engined with three seven-cylinder British Thompson-Houston diesel engines that drove 2 English Electric electric engines.", "\n\nMisadventures\nDue to many misfortunes, she was nicknamed the Hoodoo Ship. ", "She collided with at least four vessels, sinking two of them, seven people died through direct association with the ferry and at least seven people fell or jumped off the ferry.", "\n\nOn 2 April 1914, she collided with the steam tug Kate off Dobroyd Head, sinking Kate in seconds and capsizing the lighter Kate was towing; Bellubera rescued Kate′s four-man crew. ", "In 1933, Bellubera collided with the smaller ferry, Kai Kai.", "\n\nOn 16 November 1936, fire broke out aboard Bellubera while she was moored at the Kurraba Point depot while workmen were repairing a steel plate on the roof of the upper deck. ", "A welder's oxy-acetylene torch set alight the leather seats in the saloon and within five minutes the entire ship was ablaze. ", "Four men were trapped below decks, with one dying that night in hospital and a second a few days later. ", "Another suffered leg burns and spent 21 months in hospital. ", "The superstructure was gutted and the hull significantly damaged. ", "Bellubera was rebuilt at the Cockatoo Island Dockyard and re-entered service in October 1937.", "\n\nIn 1940, collided with the 30-foot launch, Sydbridge, cutting the boat in half and sinking it with its owner whose body was found nine days later. ", "On 6 February 1946, her master, Captain William Dohrn, collapsed and died at the wheel as the vessel was making its way across the Heads towards Manly. ", "On 5 September of that year, a young women fell overboard. ", "In 1946, a passenger fell overboard and drowned, and in the same year, Bellubera collided with a navl launch killing the helmsman. ", "In October 1960, Bellubera collided with the 7,000-ton Norwegian freighter Taurus but received only minor damage continuing her run to Circular Quay. ", "Her master, Captain Albert Villiers, died at the wheel in February 1961 while berthing her at the Kurraba Point depot. ", " Five years later Bellubera collided with the dredge WD66.", "\n\nOn 28 February 1970, en route from Manly, Bellubera collided with the Australian Navy Ship, HMAS Parramatta as it was backing out of the naval depot near Chowder Bay. ", "She inflicted a 2 m x 3 m hole in the warship, whilst only suffering minor damage herself. ", "Navy personnel covered the Parramatta's damage with a tarpaulin to hide it from press photographers, while Bellubera resumed her journey. ", "On 23 July 1973, heavy seas damamged doors and seats.", "\n\nRetirement and demise\nBellubera was taken out of service on 29 November 1973. ", "Her service life of sixty-three years was a record for a Manly ferry, that would be beaten by the North Head, formerly Barrenjoey (1913-1985). ", "At this time, the Manly services had been taken over by Brambles Limited and the service struggled and ships were in poor condition. ", "She was sold in 1975 to a company named Trouble Shooter, so certain equipment could be stripped and installed into the ex-Royal Australian Navy Ton-class minesweeper . ", "Bellubera′s English Electric diesels were removed and returned to the Public Transport Commission to support the Baragoola and North Head in service. ", "Bellubera was towed to sea by tug Betts Bay and scuttled off Long Reef on 1 August 1980 and today rests on her side in two pieces in 45 metres (148 feet) of water.", "\n\nSee also\n List of Sydney Harbour ferries\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Ferries of New South Wales\nCategory:Ferry transport in Sydney\nCategory:Ships built in New South Wales\nCategory:Maritime incidents in 1914\nCategory:Maritime incidents in 1936\nCategory:Maritime incidents in 1980\nCategory:Ships sunk as dive sites\nCategory:1910 ships" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nOnscroll, make a action\n\nIs it possible to detect when a user is scrolling on a facebook canvas application (In a iframe).", "\nSo i can make an action when the user scrolls down on the page.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can go for the jQuery API and try out their scroll() event to detect the mouse scroll...\nUPDATE\n$(window).load(function(){\n $($('iframe').contents()).scroll(function(){\n alert('frame scrolled in jquery');\n }); \n});\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\n.NET/WinForms: maximize a window on a specific screen\n\ni have a dual monitor setup and i want my c# application to maximize its window on a specific Screen.", "\nhow can i do that?", "\nthanks!", "\n\nA:\n\nThis is a screen management code for a similar scope in one of my projects:\n // screenId in my case is 1(first) or 2(second)\n int screenId = RegistryManager.", "ScreenId;\n // DualScreen management \n if (screenId > 0)\n {\n // Have 2 screens\n if (System.", "Windows.", "Forms.", "Screen.", "AllScreens.", "Length == 2)\n {\n if (screenId == 1) // first\n this.", "Location = new System.", "Drawing.", "Point(System.", "Windows.", "Forms.", "Screen.", "AllScreens[0].Bounds.", "Left, 0);\n else // second\n this.", "Location = new System.", "Drawing.", "Point(System.", "Windows.", "Forms.", "Screen.", "AllScreens[1].Bounds.", "Left, 0);\n }\n }\n\nA:\n\nYou might get this to work by moving the window all the way right or left before maximizing. ", " This should cause the window to maximize to that screen when it does maximize. ", " \n\n" ]
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[ "Which Premier League fans will be left out in the cold this Christmas following their club?", "\n\n\n\nIt’ll be a frosty Christmas for Newcastle, Cardiff and Swansea fans this year as the three clubs face the longest and most expensive away trips during the build-up to this year's festivities.", "\n\n\n\nNewcastle and Swansea supporters face the longest journey times travelling to watch their teams leading up to the Christmas period while fans of Cardiff spend the most money seeing their team on the road.", "\n\nTravelling Geordies will spend a massive 35 hours 54 minutes (ten hours more than any other club!) ", "following Alan Pardew's men over the course of the next month with away days at Swansea, Manchester United and Crystal Palace to look forward to in December.", "\n\n\n\nLong road ahead: Newcastle (above) and Swansea fans (below) face a combined 63 hours of travel next month\n\nExpensive passion: Leading up to christmas, Cardiff supporters will have to part with £170 following their team\n\n\n\nTable: Journey times and costs to Premier League away games from 25th November to 25th December 2013\n\nSwansea fans will also spend a huge amount of time getting to away matches. ", "The south Wales club face Manchester City and Norwich away from the Liberty stadium over the next month, with supporters facing a total journey time of 26 hours 53 minutes getting to and from both fixtures.", "\n\nMeanwhile, followers of Cardiff will have to pay the most to see their team in action. ", "The newly-promoted side, who currently sit 14th in the Premier League table, face trips to Stoke, Crystal Palace and Liverpool in the run up to the festive period. ", "Supporters will have to fork out £170.90 if they want to travel to all three games which equates to spending £1.89 for each minute of football they'll view.", "\n\nWhile Welsh supporters have been given the worst deal this winter, London clubs have come out on top. ", "Crystal Palace fans will pay just £22 on their excursions to Norwich and Chelsea, spending 4 hours 59 minutes travelling to and from the two games.", "\n\nOn the road: Chelsea fans will spend just over 11 hours travelling to watch Jose Mourinho's men in action\n\nTravelling army: Man United will spend £1.12 per minute of football between November 25 and Christmas day\n\nBetter get saving: Manchester City fans face the fifth most expensive festive period of any Premier League club\n\nNext in the list are Fulham fans, who will spend £48.90 following the Cottagers, while West Ham fans will have to part with £74.05 to see Sam Allardyce's men. ", "Despite saving a considerable amount of money compared to other Premier League rivals, Hammers fans won't be keen on the 9 hours they'll spend travelling to games.", "\n\nOut of the northern representatives in the Premier League, Everton and Stoke fans will be happiest next month. ", "It will take just under 6 hours for Toffees supporters to travel to their away fixtures and each minute of action they witness will cost 84p on average. ", "Meanwhile, the £75.20 Potters fans will spend travelling to Hull and the blue half of Merseyside, is one of the lowest totals in the league.", "\n\nUsing journey times and ticket prices for top-flight fixtures between November 25th and Christmas Day, the figures were calculated by travel search website GoEuro." ]
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[ "//*********************************************************\n//\n// Copyright (c) Microsoft. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n// THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF\n// ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY\n// IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n// PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT.", "\n//\n//*********************************************************\n\n#include \"pch.h\"\n" ]
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[ "Kenneth Kitchen\n\nKenneth Anderson Kitchen (born 1932) is a British biblical scholar, Ancient Near Eastern historian, and Personal and Brunner Professor Emeritus of Egyptology and Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, University of Liverpool, England. ", " He is one of the leading experts on the ancient Egyptian Ramesside Period (i.e., Dynasties 19-20), and the Third Intermediate Period of Egypt, as well as ancient Egyptian chronology, having written over 250 books and journal articles on these and other subjects since the mid-1950s. ", "He has been described by The Times as \"the very architect of Egyptian chronology\".", "\n\nThird Intermediate Period\nHis 1972 book The Third Intermediate Period in Egypt (1100–650 BC) is regarded by Egyptologists as the standard and most comprehensive treatment on this era, although current research has called into question some of its specific conclusions. ", "It noted a hitherto unknown period of coregency between Psusennes I with Amenemope and Osorkon III with Takelot III, and established that Shebitku of the 25th Dynasty was already king of Egypt by 702 BC, among other revelations.", "\n\nSome of its points are now regarded as being rather dated. ", "It stated that Takelot II succeeded Osorkon II at Tanis, whereas most Egyptologists today accept it was Shoshenq III. ", "Secondly, the book presented King Shoshenq II as the High Priest of Amun Shoshenq C, a son of Osorkon I who predeceased his father. ", "However, this interpretation is weakened by the fact that no objects from Shoshenq II's intact burial at Tanis bears Osorkon I's name. ", "Finally, contra Kitchen, most Egyptologists today such as Rolf Krauss, Aidan Dodson and Jürgen von Beckerath accept David Aston's argument that the Crown Prince Osorkon B, Takelot II's son, assumed power as Osorkon III, a king of the 'Theban Twenty-Third Dynasty' in Upper Egypt.", "\n\nRamesside Period\nKenneth Kitchen is regarded as one of the foremost scholars on the Ramesside Period of the New Kingdom; he published a well-respected book on Ramesses II in 1982 titled Pharaoh Triumphant: The Life and Times of Ramesses II, King of Egypt. ", "Kitchen is a scholar who advocates a high view of the Old Testament and its inherent historicity. ", "His 2003 book On the Reliability of the Old Testament documents several clear or indirect allusions to King David's status as the founder of Ancient Israel, based on passages in the Tel Dan ('House of David') and Mesha stelas as well as in Shoshenq I's Karnak list.", "\n\nKitchen has strongly criticized the new chronology views of David Rohl, who posits that the Biblical Shishak who invaded the Kingdom of Judah in 925 BC was actually Ramesses II rather than Shoshenq I and argues that the 21st and 22nd Dynasties of Egypt were contemporary with one another due to the absence of Dynasty 21 Apis Bull stele in the Serapeum. ", " Kitchen observes that the word Shishak is closer philologically to Shoshenq I and that this Pharaoh records in his monuments at Thebes that he campaigned actively against Ancient Israel and Judah. ", "Kitchen also notes that there are various contemporary non-Serapeum sources such as the Karnak Priestly Annals, the Nile Quay Texts, and various stelas which mention these Dynasty 21 and Dynasty 22 kings.", "\n\nBiblical scholarship\nKitchen is an evangelical Christian, and has published frequently defending the historicity of the Old Testament. ", " He is an outspoken critic of the documentary hypothesis, publishing various articles and books upholding his viewpoint, arguing that the Bible is historically reliable. ", "Kitchen has also published articles for the Biblical Archaeology Review including, 'Where Did Solomon's Gold Go?' (", "1989), 'Shishak’s Military Campaign in Israel Confirmed' (1989), 'The Patriarchal Age: Myth or History?' (", "1995) and 'How we know when Solomon ruled' (2001).", "\n\nSignificant works\n2012. ", "Treaty, Law and Covenant in the Ancient Near East. ", "3 Volumes. ", "Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz\n2009. ", "Kenneth A. Kitchen, Egyptian Near Kingdom Topographical Lists, in \"Causing His Name to Live: Studies in Egyptian Epigraphy and History in Memory of William J. Murnane,\" Brill \n2003. ", "On the Reliability of the Old Testament. ", "Grand Rapids and Cambridge: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. ", "\n2002. ", " Kenneth A. Kitchen, Ancient Egyptian Chronology for Aegeanists, MAA 2, Dec 2002\n1999. ", "Poetry of Ancient Egypt. ", "Jonsered: P. Aströms förlag.", "\n1994. ", "Documentation for Ancient Arabia. ", "Part 1: Chronological Framework and Historical Sources. ", "The World of Ancient Arabia 1. ", "Liverpool: Liverpool University Press\n1982. ", "Pharaoh Triumphant: The Life and Times of Ramesses II, King of Egypt. ", "Monumenta Hannah Sheen Dedicata 2. ", "Mississauga: Benben Publications.", "\n1977. ", "The Bible In Its World . ", "Exeter: Paternoster. ", "Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press 1978.", "\n1972. ", "The Third Intermediate Period in Egypt (1100–650 BC). ", "1972. ", "2nd ed. ", "1996. ", "3rd ed. ", "Warminster: Aris & Phillips Limited, 1998.", "\n1969–1990. ", "Ramesside Inscriptions: Historical and Biographical. ", "8 Vols. ", "Oxford: B. H. Blackwell Ltd.\n1966. ", "Ancient Orient and Old Testament . ", "London: Tyndale Press. ", "Chicago: InterVarsity Press.", "\n1962. ", "Suppiluliuma and the Amarna Pharaohs; a study in relative chronology, Liverpool University Press\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Review of On the Reliability of the Old Testament by the Professor of Old Testament, Denver Seminary (extensive summary)\n Review of On the Reliability of the Old Testament by the Director of Jewish Studies, Louisiana State University (more critical)\n [Review of On the Reliability of the Old Testament] - K. A. Kitchen's home page at University of Liverpool Some archival snapshots can be found by search engines.", "\n \n\nCategory:1932 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:People from Aberdeen\nCategory:20th-century archaeologists\nCategory:21st-century archaeologists\nCategory:20th-century British historians\nCategory:21st-century British historians\nCategory:20th-century Protestants\nCategory:21st-century Protestants\nCategory:Academics of the University of Liverpool\nCategory:British biblical scholars\nCategory:British evangelicals\nCategory:Historians of antiquity\nCategory:Old Testament scholars\nCategory:Scottish Egyptologists" ]
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[ "Die Öl-Party ist vorbei Wie die Börse kennt auch der Ölpreis derzeit nur eine Richtung – abwärts. ", "Das hat gravierende Folgen für die grossen Förderländer. ", "Die interaktive Übersicht. ", "Luca De Carli , Marc Fehr\n\nDie psychologisch wichtige Marke ist geknackt. ", "Weniger als 40 Dollar kostete am Montagmorgen ein Fass der US-Sorte West Texas Intermediate. ", "Die Nordsee-Sorte Brent lag deutlich unter 45 Dollar. ", "Was im letzten Sommer seinen Anfang nahm – als der Ölpreis noch bei deutlich über 100 Dollar lag – , hat sich inzwischen zu einem Preissturz historischen Ausmasses entwickelt. ", "Und die Analysten rechnen nicht mit einer schnellen Erholung. ", "Im Gegenteil: Auch Preise um 30 Dollar pro Fass werden als realistisch angesehen." ]
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[ 0.030612244897959183, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0.021505376344086023, 0.018518518518518517, 0.022727272727272728, 0.03225806451612903, 0.012345679012345678 ]
[ "Q:\n\nGoing to race a 29er MTB in a 200 mile / 320 km gravel race. ", "Bike preparation?", "\n\nI have a Specialized Camber Comp 29er full suspension MTB. ", "I want to use this bike for the DK200 (a one day 200 mile / 320 kilometre gravel race through the Flint Hills of Kansas, USA) and would like to be reasonably competitive. ", "I know, this guy is nuts.", "\nThat being said, I'm planning on gravel tires, bar end grips, possibly aero bars, bike sizing, and 'locking the suspensions'. ", "\nI understand I will be sacrificing weight and efficiency/torque with the longer chain stay and suspension flex, along with gears that aren't quite tall enough on the downhills and long straights. ", "However, I just do not like the feel of the gravel bikes. ", "They're too stiff and bone jarring, and just don't like the general feel when I'm on them. ", "I'm thinking over the long haul on my full suspension bike, that my suspension soaks up a lot of the potholes, ruts and rough roads will pay off in the long run. ", "\nWhat else would you recommend that I do to my bike to properly prepare it? ", "Any specific brand add-on pieces you'd recommend?", "\nI am in good shape and currently outrun others on carbon gravel bikes on 45 mile / 72 kilometre rides on my stock MTB. ", "I will be in excellent physical condition in 5 months when it comes race time. ", "I do have some issues with my lower back and shoulders/neck area currently at a little over 45 miles / 72 kilometres, so needing to get more comfortable and in better shape. ", "\nI know this was lengthy, but much appreciate some expert advice! ", "Ride on!", "\n\nA:\n\nBetween mass and aerodynamics you would be expending a ton more energy on the MTB if the roads are in decent shape. ", "Rather than roadify the MTB you might consider MTBifying a road bike. ", " Tires are the key, really large, supple ones to soak up the bumps, at an appropriate pressure. ", "Perhaps aiming for tubular cx tires that you can run really low pressures on.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Comparative proteomics analysis on differentiation of human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells into granulocyte and monocyte lineages.", "\nHuman promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL-60 has potential to differentiate into granulocytes and monocytes by different inducers, such as NSC67657 and all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA). ", "However, the mechanism is not clear yet. ", "This study was to induce differentiation of HL-60 cells using ATRA and NSC67657, and compare the protein expression patterns using two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE). ", "HL-60 cells were cultured with ATRA and NSC67657 respectively. ", "Cell proliferation was analyzed by MTT assay. ", "Cellular surface specific antigen CD11b/CD14 was detected using flow cytometry (FCM) to assess cell differentiation. ", "The alterations of cell morphology were observed with cellular chemical staining under electron microscope. ", "Total protein was separated by modified 2-DE. ", "The differentially expressed proteins were identified using PD-Quest software and analyzed by MOLDI-TOF MS. ", "ICAT protein with differential expression was verified by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and western blot. ", "The granulocytic and monocytic differentiation of HL-60 cells was induced by ATRA and NSC67657, respectively. ", "The positive rates of both CD11b and CD14 in HL-60 cells were over 90% after 5-day treatment (2 micromol/L ATRA or 10 micromol/L NSC67657); cell morphology also represented characteristics of differentiation. ", "Proteomic analysis showed that 25 proteins were differentially expressed with the same pattern in both differentiation groups, ten were differentially expressed only in monocytic differentiation group and 15 only in granulocytic differentiation group. ", "Among them, ICAT expression was upregulated during NSC67657-induced differentiation of HL-60 cells. ", "A batch of differentially expressed proteins has be found by 2-DE in HL-60 cells with granulocytic and monocytic differentiation, which would contribute to the following functional research on related proteins." ]
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[ "The present invention generally relates to semiconductor devices and more particularly to a mask having a patterned layer and a transparent layer that acts as an etching stop layer.", "\nThe photolithographic patterning is a fundamental process for fabricating semiconductor devices. ", "In the photolithographic patterning process, a mask that carries thereon transparent and opaque device patterns is used for exposing a device pattern on a substrate. ", "Conventionally, the resolution that can be achieved by the photolithographic patterning process has been limited to about 0.7 .mu.m in correspondence to the wavelength of the optical beam that is used for the exposure.", "\nIn the recent very large scale integrated circuits (VLSIs) having a much higher integration density, on the other hand, the technique of submicron patterning is essential for achieving the desired submicron resolution. ", "Such a high integration density contributes to the increased operational speed of the logic devices. ", "In the memory devices, the increased integration density leads to the increased memory capacity. ", "For example, the current 4M-bit DRAMs require the design rule of 0.8 .mu.m. ", "On the other hand, the so-called 16M-bit DRAMs require the design rule of 0.5-0.6 .mu.m. ", "Further, the future 64M-bit DRAMs require the design rule of 0.3 .mu.m.", "\nCurrently, intensive efforts have been made to achieve the foregoing submicron patterning while using the conventional photolithographic patterning process. ", "For example, the use of optical systems that have a larger numerical aperture is studied. ", "By using the optical system having such an increased numerical aperture, one can increase the degree of resolution while using the conventional visible or ultraviolet optical beam. ", "The use of the optical beam is particularly advantageous in view point of increasing the throughput of the exposure process. ", "On the other hand, the use of optical systems having the increased numerical aperture raises a problem of decreased focal depth and various studies are made to eliminate the problem.", "\nThe use of so-called phase shift mask provides a preferable solution to the foregoing problems. ", "In the phase shift mask, a transparent, phase shift pattern having a thickness determined by the wavelength of the optical beam, is provided to cancel the diffraction caused by the edge of the opaque device pattern formed on the mask. ", "Generally, such a phase shift pattern is provided along the edge of the opaque pattern. ", "When fabricating such a phase shift mask, it is necessary to pattern the transparent layer that forms the phase shift pattern while leaving the device pattern intact.", "\nConventionally, a silicon nitride film has been used as the etching stop layer that prevents further progress of the etching for protecting the device pattern. ", "More specifically, the silicon nitride film is provided to bury the opaque device pattern underneath with a substantially flat upper major surface, and the transparent layer, typically of silicon oxide is provided on the upper major surface of the silicon nitride layer as the layer that forms the phase shift pattern. ", "The phase shift pattern is thereby formed by etching the transparent layer, wherein the etching stops when the upper major surface of the silicon nitride is exposed as a result of the etching.", "\nIn the conventional phase shift mask thus fabricated, there exists a problem in that the silicon nitride layer absorbs the optical beam that is used for the exposure.", "\nFIG. ", "1 shows the transmittance of a silicon nitride layer deposited on a silicon oxide substrate. ", "In the currently used optical exposure system, the radiation with the wavelength of 436 nm in correspondence to the g-line of mercury is generally employed. ", "In this wavelength, the silicon nitride layer can provide the transmittance of more than 60%. ", "On the other hand, in the future optical exposure systems, the radiation having shorter wavelengths is going to be used. ", "For example, the use of the radiation having the wavelength of 365 nm corresponding to the radiation of the i-line of mercury is studied. ", "Further, the use of the radiation having the wavelength of 248 nm from the KrF excimer laser is studied. ", "As can be seen in FIG. ", "1, the transmittance of the silicon nitride layer for these shorter wavelengths is less than 30%. ", "This clearly indicates that the phase shift mask that has the silicon nitride etching stop layer cannot be used in the future optical exposure systems." ]
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[ "[^1]: **Session:** 170. ", "Stewardship: Targets for Intervention\n\n *Friday, October 6, 2017: 12:30 PM*\n" ]
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[ "As a fast serial interface, PCI Express (registered trademark: hereinafter referred to as “PCIe”) is used in various electronic devices, such as a personal computer.", "\nPCIe is used in a system configuration, for example, using a video server as a system host and a memory card as a local device (for example, refer to PTL 1 to PTL 4)." ]
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[ "Over the past few years, driver assistance features such as automatic emergency braking and lane keep assist have become increasingly more common. ", "But how effective are they? ", "According to a recent study conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), these features still aren't substitutes for actual human drivers, and the results varied significantly from brand to brand.", "\n\nSee all 3 photos\n\nOn a controlled test track, the researchers put the cars through four tests to evaluate their adaptive cruise control systems. ", "In the first scenario, each vehicle was driven at 31 mph toward a stationary target to test automatic emergency braking performance with adaptive cruise control off. ", "Only the Teslas failed to stop in time. ", "When the same test was performed with adaptive cruise control on, all cars were able to avoid the target. ", "Researchers noted, however, that the Volvo S90 braked later and more abruptly than the other cars. ", "In the third test, the cars had to follow a vehicle that slowed to a stop, something all five test vehicles were able to do smoothly. ", "When the test vehicles followed a car that changed lanes to reveal a stopped vehicle, the Volvo again slowed down more abruptly than the other four vehicles.", "\n\nOn the road, the safety systems showed more inconsistencies. ", "All cars except the Model 3 failed to respond to stopped vehicles ahead of them, and the Mercedes-Benz E-Class only detected a stopped truck at a traffic light for a short time before losing sight of it. \"", "At IIHS we are coached to intervene without warning, but other drivers might not be as vigilant,\" said Jermakian, in a release. \"", "ACC systems require drivers to pay attention to what the vehicle is doing at all times and be ready to brake manually.\" ", "IIHS researchers noted that the Model 3 had a tendency to brake unnecessarily and counted 12 different times where it did so for oncoming traffic and vehicles changing lanes. ", "Jermakian noted that unnecessary braking could pose a safety risk in heavy traffic especially if it's more forceful. ", "Due to the systems getting confused easily, the IIHS study concluded that adaptive cruise control systems require drivers to stay attentive behind the wheel.", "\n\nThe second active safety feature that IIHS looked at was lane keeping assist. ", "Using real roads, the team put the cars through traffic, hills, and turns to evaluate each system's performance. ", "All five cars offer steering assistance on roads with clear markings and can use the vehicle ahead as a guide at low speeds or when lane markings are blocked. ", "Between the five vehicles, only the Model 3 stayed in its lane during all tests while the Model S overcorrected during one run, which caused it to cross the inside line of the turn. ", "The Mercedes-Benz E-Class stayed in its lane nine out of 17 times but disengaged during one run and crossed the inside line twice. ", "The Volvo S90 crossed the inside lane eight times while the BMW 5 Series only stayed in its lane three of the 16 runs and was the most likely to disengage instead of steer outside the lane.", "\n\nThe Model S, S90, and 5 Series all came up short when hills were added to the equation. ", "The 5 Series had a tendency to steer toward or across the lane line and even disengaged steering assistance in certain conditions. ", "As a result, it failed to stay in its lane in all 14 of the hill trials. ", "Tesla's Model S was only able to stay in its lane in five of the 18 trials and had a tendency to swerve left and right when going uphill until it found the correct place in its lane and rarely warned the driver to take over as it was struggling to center itself. ", "The Volvo S90 stayed in its lane for nine of the 16 trials, with the car crossing the lane line twice and disengaging steering assistance four times when it was cresting hills. ", "The system automatically turned back on once lane markings were detected, however.", "\n\nSee all 3 photos\n\nBut not all test vehicles were as confused by hills. ", "The Mercedes-Benz E-Class stayed in its lane 15 out of 18 times and provided steering assistance without many erratic moves when the car wasn't able to see lane lines. ", "Meanwhile, the Tesla Model 3 only drifted out of its lane once when it hugged the lane line. ", "IIHS researchers noted that some of the vehicles had a tendency to follow slow-moving vehicles into the exit lane. ", "This is due to the lane keeping assist system using the vehicle in front as a guide instead of the lane lines at lower speeds. ", "The IIHS sees a big potential for lane keeping assist systems to save lives but the evidence isn't as pronounced as it is with adaptive cruise control and forward collision avoidance technologies. ", "Lane keeping assist system have the potential to save 8,000 lives per year, according to the IIHS, while lane departure warning systems have been credited with an 11-percent drop in sideswipe and head-on collisions, as well as a 21-percent reduction in injury rates for those accidents." ]
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[ "Sunday, July 8, 2018\n\nTo date, a total of seven former student-athlete wrestlers have made public statements declaring that - while Jim Jordan was an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State University (1987 - 1995) he was aware that a team physician (Dr. Richard Strauss) perpetrated multiple acts of sexual abuse.", "\n\nStrauss, who died in 2005 from suicide, also reportedly rendered care for student-athletes in at least thirteen other sports at Ohio State.", "\n\nOhio State University has so far interviewed over 150 former athletes and witnesses. ", "OSU has urged anyone with information to contact independent investigators from the Law firm of Perkins Coie (Seattle Office).", "\n\nOn Friday 6 July 2018, Representative Jordan spoke on Fox News. ", "This video interview is included above. ", "What follows is a partial nonverbal and verbal analysis of this exchange.", "\n\nBRETT BAIER (continuing at 1:13): Now there are five, at least five. ", "One - Politico - is saying there's six. [", "stuttering/stammering] W, Where are these guys coming from?", "\n\nJIM JORDAN: Conversations in a locker room are a lot different than, ahum, Ω allegations of abuse or reported abuse to us...\n\nDuring 1:23, just after he says \"Conversations in a locker room are a lot different than, ahum,...\", Congressman Jordan displays what is known as a Loose Tongue Jut (This is notated by the Ω symbol in the dialog above).", "\n\nA \"Loose Tongue Jut\" is indicative of the thought-emotions of:\n\n• \"I've been caught\"\n• \"I've been bad\"\n• \"I've done a foolish thing\"\n\nIt's important not to confuse the Loose Tongue Jut with a \"Tight Tongue Jut\" or a \"Wide Open Tongue Jut\" - all of which have entirely different meanings.", "\n\nThis video is 12 min 28 seconds in duration. ", "Of the 10 minute 52 second portion in which Rep. Jordan is on camera, he displays a total of 55 Loose Tongue Juts. ", "That's an average of 5.06 per minute.", "\n\nNow go back to 1:20 when Representative Jordan says, \"Conversations ...\".", "\n\nNote how he directs his finger downward - forcefully hitting the table.", "\n\nHowever it's not the usual finger (his index finger aka forefinger) we would typically see - rather he hits the table with his middle finger. ", "This display is just one example of a what is called as a Partial Emblematic Slip.", "\n\nIn this moment, Jim Jordan is very much flipping-off his accusers.", "\n\nThis is described as an emblem, because the meaning of baring an isolated middle finger is Universally known around the World as \"F*ck You\", \"F*ck off\", \"Go F*ck Yourself\", \"Shove it up your ass\", and/or \"Up Yours\". ", "It's referred to as a slip, due to it being subconsciously driven. ", "And it's termed partial, for it's not displayed in the full-fledged, held-high, in-your-face manner, rather in an atypical, surreptitious, beneath-the-radar fashion.", "\n\nMultiple other deceptive verbal behaviors are displayed by Jordan. ", "For example, his lengthy experience as a wrestler - and his family's and extended family's experience in wrestling/support staff have nothing to do with these allegations raised by the former student-athletes.", "\n\nMoreover, by Jim Jordan fulfilling his other coaching duties - as he, of course, was expected to do (e.g., coming to the aide of wrestler Dunyasha Yetts, which he twice mentions) - does not exempt him from these allegations of non-reporting. ", "He is rationalizing-bargaining - as if doing good acts can give him \"points\"/excuse him from other, bad acts.", "\n\nMany have also noted Jordan's multiple claims that \"Conversations in a locker room\" are somehow \"a lot different\" (e.g., not real, fictitious, made 100% in jest, and/or not to be taken seriously). ", "To anyone with any appreciable life experience, such a claim is both shocking - as well as an admission that Jordan was aware of Dr. Richard Strauss' multiple alleged acts of sexual abuse.", "\n\nSUMMARY: Jim Jordan's nonverbal and verbal behavior displayed in this interview indicates that, with high probability, he was aware of Dr. Richard Strauss' multiple alleged acts of sexual abuse while Jordan was an assistant coach at Ohio State University.", "\n\nSubscribe To Body Language Success\n\nAs a Body Language Expert & Physician, I've benefited dramatically from the Art and Science of Nonverbal Communication for more than 20 years.", "\n\n______________________________\n\nThis website serves as a reference source for the art and science of Body Language/Nonverbal Communication. ", "The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the author. ", "In an effort to be both practical and academic, many examples from/of varied cultures, politicians, professional athletes, legal cases, public figures, etc., ", "are cited in order to teach and illustrate both the interpretation of others’ body language as well as the projection of one’s own nonverbal skills in many different contexts – not to advance any political, religious or other agenda.", "\n\nThis website serves as a reference source for the art and science of Body Language/Nonverbal Communication. ", "The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the author. ", "In an effort to be both practical and academic, many examples from/of varied cultures, politicians, professional athletes, legal cases, public figures, etc., ", "are cited in order to teach and illustrate both the interpretation of others’ body language as well as the projection of one’s own nonverbal skills in many different contexts – not to advance any political, religious or other agenda." ]
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[ "10月2日、スペイン北東部カタルーニャ自治州タラゴナで、「人間の塔」を組むイベントが行われた(2016年 ロイター/Albert Gea)\n\n[タラゴナ(スペイン) 2日 ロイター] - スペイン北東部カタルーニャ自治州タラゴナで2日、「人間の塔」を組むイベントが行われた。", "\n\n会場は大勢の人たちで埋め尽くされ、赤や白、緑、青など異なる色のシャツを着た複数のグループが人間の塔を作った。", "\n\n「カスティ」と呼ばれる人間の塔はカタルーニャ地方の伝統行事。" ]
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[ "I get this a lot... as I am sure everyone does.. I have heard a lot of people, atheist and christen, give different answers. ", "but I am curious to know something...\n\nIf you died today and stood before \"GOD\" is there really any way he could prove to you that \"he\" really is GOD? ", "Sure he can turn himself into a bag of cotton candy or perform some magical trick. ", "But, does a physical act attest to the validity of what someone or something says about itself?", "\n\nI turn red when Christians try to bring up miracles as \"proof\" of what someone says or believes. ", "At best it is a non sequiter... Even if Jesus Christ came down tomorrow he would have a hell of a time convincing me of who he was based on physical acts... I am not sure what it would take in either situation... What would it take for you?", "\n\nMyst\n\n“We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. ", "Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.” ", "Orson Welles\n\nWell if I died and suddenly I was in this cloud city with angels, staring at a god (probably on a throne, eating angel food cake), I would first hope and assume that I'm dreaming. ", "Then as time passed and I realized this was real, I would have to believe (in heaven, angels, and a god... I wouldn't assume that any of the religions were accurate). ", "Though that doesn't mean I would grovel or try and reason with him. ", "I'd call him an asshole and demand to know why he delights in torturing people. ", "Maybe I could get a few words in before I go to hell, make him cry on his pillow that night.", "\n\n\"Ain't got no last words to say, yellow streak right up my spine. ", "The gun in my mouth was real and the taste blew my mind.\"", "\n\n\"We see you cry. ", "We turn your head. ", "Then we slap your face. ", "We see you try. ", "We see you fail. ", "Some things never change.\"", "\n\nI've thought about this many a time before and I always come to the same conclusion. ", "I wouldn't care. ", "I don't believe there is or isn't a god, and seeing one would still leave me with the same set of questions I have now, only maybe he could answer them for me. ", "Doubtful though. ", "I've asked myself if there is any answer I think there is that would satisfy me as to why everything is, and I came up with a resounding no. ", "Whether there is a god or isn't is irrelevant because that question remains unanswered. ", "Still it would freak me out a little bit. ", "Especially when I realized I was going to hell.", "\n\nDoes anyone else think our suffering for eternity will become mundane and boring after a while? ", "I mean I can get bored of anything given enough time. \"", "Oh... the fire and whips again today... can't we try skin peeling, we haven't done that for a while... no... I see why this is hell.\"", "\n\n\"I think of myself as an intelligent, sensitive human being with the soul of a clown which always forces me to blow it at the most important moments.\" ", "-Jim Morrison\n\n(22-06-2011 07:50 PM)lucradis Wrote: Does anyone else think our suffering for eternity will become mundane and boring after a while?", "\n\nPretty sure pleasure and ecstasy would also become tiresome pretty quick. ", "Do I really have to screw all these gorgeous women and gorge myself on all these delectable delights again today? ", "I mean I sure as hell goddam hope everything's temporary, the alternatives feel intolerable.", "\n\nI don't particularly think I'd be wrong as I see death as an adventure in itself. ", "If it really was the pearly gates and St. Peter I'd be upset though, christians have such a boring afterlife idea. ", "I'd much rather be a cat or something. ", "If I was then addressed by \"god\", I would ask him what makes him think he can call himself god =p Would be interesting if I got to talk a while as there's pretty much nothing he could do to make up for earth =p\n\nI'm not a non believer, I believe in the possibility of anything. ", "I just don't let the actuality of something be determined by a 3rd party." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to show every user specific payment for them in django?", "\n\nI have a problem. ", "I have given some random numbers in admin page as a balance for users and connected it to database. ", "Basically I want it to show for different users different payments. ", "But I don't know what to write in views.py and html page so that it shows different payment for different users.", "\nmodels.py\nclass Payment(models.", "Model):\n payment_numbers = models.", "CharField(max_length=100)\n\nviews.py\ndef payment(request):\n receiving1 = Payment.objects.all()\n for field in receiving1:\n field.payment_numbers\n context = {\n 'receiving1': receiving1\n }\n return render(request, 'index.html', context)\n\nHTML PAGE\n{% for numbers1 in receiving1 %}\n <li style=\"float: right;\">Your Balance: Rs. {{", "numbers1.payment_numbers}}</li>\n{% endfor %}\n\nA:\n\nYou need to modify your models so that payments have a relationship with your users.", "\nA simple way to do that is a ForeignKey to your user model.", "\nclass Payment(models.", "Model):\n payment_numbers = models.", "CharField(max_length=100)\n owner = models.", "ForeignKey('yourusermodel')\n\nOnce this is done, you can update your views to pass only the right payments to the context.", "\nreceiving1 = Payment.objects.filter(owner=request.user)\n\nThis will of course require you to create new migrations and to ensure your users are properly logged in. ", "Most of this is explained in the Django Tutorial\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nimplementing runnable interface in thread and use of this keyword\n\nWhat is the purpose of implementing runnable interface in threads?", "\nand what is the purpose of \"this\" keyword? ", "With examples\n\nA:\n\nWhat is the purpose of implementing runnable interface in threads?", "\n\nWe can either extend Thread which will implicitly implement Runnable but then we can't extends any other class, so implementing Runnable is better approch \n\nwhat is the purpose of \"this\" keyword?", "\n\nthis refers to current object on which method is executing\n\n" ]
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[ "Top News\n\nOriginal Lord manga began in 2004 & combined series will end with 23 volumes The Soul Lord 2 manga with story by Buronson and art by Ryoichi Ikegami ended on Friday in 2013's third issue of Shogakukan's Big Comics Superior magazine.", "\n\nNetflix has announced that the media distributor has inked a deal with Time Warner that will allow them to stream past seasons of Cartoon Network‘s Adventure Time, Ben 10, Regular Show and Green Lantern as well as the Adult Swim block's Robot Chic...\n\nNintendo of America have announced further details about their Fire Emblem: Awakening Nintendo 3DS bundle. ", "The bundle, which will be available on February 4th, will cost $200, and will come with a 4GB SD card and the game pre-installed.", "\n\nThe ESRB have published their rating for Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory, and the rating summary shouldn’t really come as a surprise to anyone that’s familiar with this series of games. ", "The game is rated “T” and the rating summary is as follows: ...\n\nIt's been less than a week since Nintendo unveiled October's 3DS game Pokémon X and Y and already Japanese online art community Pixiv is fill with fan posting their impressions of new Grass-type Chespin (aka Harimaron), Fire-type Fennekin (aka Fok...\n\nIntroducing, this season’s bishie party~ Ahhhh, Amnesia. ", "Out of all the winter shows, this one looked like the best out of the bunch (plot-wise), so I was fairly excited to see how it would turn it out.", "\n\nYoko Kanno, the acclaimed musical composer of Cowboy Bebop, Macross Frontier, Escaflowne, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, and other anime, is collaborating on a song for a non-profit cultural promotion, and the producers are holding an au...\n\nIn Japan, Net anime Puchimas! ", "-Petit Idolm@ster- is streamed daily (each episode is only about two minutes long) on Nico Nico Douga and Animate TV – both of which are IP-blocked and accessible only from within Japan.", "\n\nWe've had a peek at them in both video and screenshots, and we've seen the Japanese fan art spin on them, but now The Pokémon Company has provided a more official look at Pokémon X and Pokémon Y's starters and legendaries.", "\n\nAfter releasing Knights in the Nightmare and Gungnir, Sting has been working with Idea Factory. ", "The two companies formed Super Sting, which created Generation of Chaos: Pandora’s Reflection. ", "Sting’s next project appears to be a video game adaptati...\n\nIt’s impressive how the Japanese never ever run out of exotic ideas. ", "I mean, who would have thought that the terrifying EVA Unit-01 could turn into something… so kawaii? ", "Legendary anime franchise Evangelion is collaborating with Sanrio to offer fa...\n\nSo you have played Hitman Absolution over the holidays. ", "Guns ablazing or sneaky and silent? ", "Whichever your choice, these videos will surely amaze and amuse you with their take on what it takes to be Agent 47.", "\n\nOn Tuesday, you can make Mid-Boss feel the wrath of Laharl and raise an army of Prinnies on PlayStation 3. ", "Atlus will re-release the game that started the Disgaea series, Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, as a PlayStation Network download.", "\n\nIn the second Monday of January, Japan celebrates the Coming of Age Day (Seijin no Hi), a ceremony for the young adults reaching the age of 20 during the current school year. ", "20 years is the age of adulthood in Japan, the age of the right to vote ...\n\nFist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage 2 covers the Raoh, Celestial Emperor, and Land of Shura stories from the manga. ", "Tecmo Koei also created brand new scenarios for the game that focus on characters that weren’t as prominently featured in Dream Mode.", "\n\n“Why do I have to study English? ", "I’m never going to use it… there’s no point,” whines at least one Japanese student in any given English class on a daily basis. ", "Now, thanks to one company’s clever new initiative, instead of the usual spiel about t...\n\nEver wanted to see the inside of a luxury aircraft, but don’t have the dough to make your dream a reality? ", "One of our normally frugal writers decided to splurge and take a business class flight on an Emirates Airbus A380.", "\n\nCommentator: Incident could cause Kodansha 3 hundred million+ yen The official website for Kodansha's Young Magazine posted two new notices to further explain the delays on the magazine's next issue and AKB48 idol Tomomi Kasai's photo collection.", "\n\nMarc Pedowitz: Interest in remake predated Colorado & Connecticut mass shootings Marc Pedowitz, the president of The CW television network in the United States, confirmed on Sunday that his network is not planning a remake of Koushun Takami's Batt...\n\nGood morning, readers. ", "This week's list doesn't doesn't offer a lot of new and exciting stuff. ", "The latest volume of Bleach debuted in the middle of the pack, which gives me the impression that the series' popularity is trailing off amongst readers." ]
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[ "The invention relates generally to artificial hearts and left-ventricular assist devices, and more particularly to drive systems for such apparatus.", "\nCertain artificial hearts and left-ventricular assist devices such as the \"Jarvik 7\" heart are driven by fluid pressure, typically provided by an external pump connected to the implanted device by transcutaneous tubing. ", "Such drive systems have various disadvantages, such as risk of infection, which become particularly problematic over the long term.", "\nIt is a general object of the invention to provide a drive system which is suitable for long-term use, without the disadvantages associated with transcutaneous tubing and wiring, and without significant generation of heat within the body.", "\nFurther objects of the invention will become apparent from the following description and the accompanying drawings." ]
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[ "package com.robot.tongbanjie.dialog;\n\nimport android.app.", "Dialog;\nimport android.content.", "Context;\nimport android.text.", "TextUtils;\nimport android.view.", "Gravity;\nimport android.view.", "LayoutInflater;\nimport android.view.", "View;\nimport android.view.", "ViewGroup;\nimport android.view.", "WindowManager;\nimport android.widget.", "Button;\nimport android.widget.", "EditText;\nimport android.widget.", "LinearLayout;\nimport android.widget.", "TextView;\n\nimport com.robot.tongbanjie.", "R;\n\npublic class InputDialog {\n private Context mContext;\n private Dialog mDialog;\n private LinearLayout mLayout;\n private TextView mTitle;\n private EditText mContentInput;\n private View mDividerLine;\n private Button mPositiveBtn;\n private Button mNegativeBtn;\n\n private boolean mIsShowTitle = false;\n private boolean mIsShowContentInput = false;\n private boolean mIsShowPositiveBtn = false;\n private boolean mIsShowNegativeBtn = false;\n\n public InputDialog(Context context) {\n this.mContext = context;\n }\n\n public InputDialog builder() {\n View view = LayoutInflater.from(mContext).inflate(R.layout.dialog_input, null);\n\n mLayout = (LinearLayout) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_input_layout);\n mTitle = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_input_title);\n mContentInput = (EditText) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_input_content_input);\n mDividerLine = view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_input_divider_line);\n mPositiveBtn = (Button) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_input_positive_btn);\n mNegativeBtn = (Button) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_input_negative_btn);\n\n mTitle.setVisibility(View.", "GONE);\n mContentInput.setVisibility(View.", "GONE);\n mDividerLine.setVisibility(View.", "GONE);\n mPositiveBtn.setVisibility(View.", "GONE);\n mNegativeBtn.setVisibility(View.", "GONE);\n\n int screenWidth = ((WindowManager)this.mContext.getSystemService(Context.", "WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay().getWidth();\n mDialog = new Dialog(mContext, R.style.", "TipsDialog);\n mDialog.setContentView(view);\n mDialog.getWindow().setLayout((int)(screenWidth * 0.8f), ViewGroup.", "LayoutParams.", "WRAP_CONTENT);\n mDialog.getWindow().setGravity(Gravity.", "CENTER);\n\n setCancelable(true);\n setCanceledOnTouchOutside(false);\n\n return this;\n }\n\n /**\n * 设置标题\n * @param title\n * @return\n */\n public InputDialog setTitle(String title) {\n mIsShowTitle = true;\n if (TextUtils.isEmpty(title)) {\n mTitle.setText(\"提示\");\n } else {\n mTitle.setText(title);\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n public InputDialog setTitle(int titleResId) {\n mIsShowTitle = true;\n mTitle.setText(titleResId);\n return this;\n }\n\n /**\n * 设置内容\n * @param msg\n * @return\n */\n public InputDialog setContentMsg(String msg) {\n mIsShowContentInput = true;\n mContentInput.setText(msg);\n if (!", "TextUtils.isEmpty(msg)) {\n mContentInput.setSelection(msg.length());\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n public InputDialog setContentMsg(int msgResId) {\n setContentMsg(mContext.getString(msgResId));\n return this;\n }\n\n public InputDialog setCancelable(boolean cancel) {\n mDialog.setCancelable(cancel);\n return this;\n }\n\n public InputDialog setCanceledOnTouchOutside(boolean cancel) {\n mDialog.setCanceledOnTouchOutside(cancel);\n return this;\n }\n\n /**\n * 设置确定按钮\n * @param text\n * @param onPositiveListener\n * @return\n */\n public InputDialog setPositiveBtn(String text, final OnPositiveListener onPositiveListener) {\n mIsShowPositiveBtn = true;\n if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) {\n mPositiveBtn.setText(\"确定\");\n } else {\n mPositiveBtn.setText(text);\n }\n mPositiveBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.", "OnClickListener() {\n @Override\n public void onClick(View v) {\n if (onPositiveListener !", "= null) {\n onPositiveListener.onPositive(v, mContentInput.getText().toString());\n }\n mDialog.dismiss();\n }\n });\n return this;\n }\n\n /**\n * 设置取消按钮\n * @param text\n * @param onNegativeListener\n * @return\n */\n public InputDialog setNegativeBtn(String text, final OnNegativeListener onNegativeListener) {\n mIsShowNegativeBtn = true;\n if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) {\n mNegativeBtn.setText(\"取消\");\n } else {\n mNegativeBtn.setText(text);\n }\n mNegativeBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.", "OnClickListener() {\n @Override\n public void onClick(View v) {\n if (onNegativeListener !", "= null) {\n onNegativeListener.onNegative(v, mContentInput.getText().toString());\n }\n mDialog.dismiss();\n }\n });\n return this;\n }\n\n private void setLayout() {\n // 是否设置了某个子组件\n boolean isSetAnyComponent = false;\n\n /**\n * 显示标题\n */\n if (mIsShowTitle) {\n isSetAnyComponent = true;\n mTitle.setVisibility(View.", "VISIBLE);\n }\n\n /**\n * 显示内容\n */\n if (mIsShowContentInput) {\n isSetAnyComponent = true;\n mContentInput.setVisibility(View.", "VISIBLE);\n }\n\n /**\n * 显示两个按钮\n */\n if (mIsShowPositiveBtn && mIsShowNegativeBtn) {\n isSetAnyComponent = true;\n mPositiveBtn.setVisibility(View.", "VISIBLE);\n mPositiveBtn.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.dialog_tips_positive_btn_sel);\n mDividerLine.setVisibility(View.", "VISIBLE);\n mNegativeBtn.setVisibility(View.", "VISIBLE);\n mNegativeBtn.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.dialog_tips_negative_btn_sel);\n }\n\n /**\n * 显示一个按钮\n */\n if (mIsShowPositiveBtn && !", "mIsShowNegativeBtn) {\n isSetAnyComponent = true;\n mPositiveBtn.setVisibility(View.", "VISIBLE);\n mPositiveBtn.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.dialog_tips_only_one_btn_sel);\n }\n\n /**\n * 显示一个按钮\n */\n if (!", "mIsShowPositiveBtn && mIsShowNegativeBtn) {\n isSetAnyComponent = true;\n mNegativeBtn.setVisibility(View.", "VISIBLE);\n mNegativeBtn.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.dialog_tips_only_one_btn_sel);\n }\n\n /**\n * 未设置任何组件的时候,默认一个标题\n */\n if (!", "isSetAnyComponent) {\n mTitle.setText(\"未设置任何组件!\");", "\n mTitle.setVisibility(View.", "VISIBLE);\n }\n }\n\n public void show() {\n setLayout();\n mDialog.show();\n // 只用下面这一行弹出对话框时需要点击输入框才能弹出软键盘\n mDialog.getWindow().clearFlags(WindowManager.", "LayoutParams.", "FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM);\n // 加上下面这一行弹出对话框时软键盘随之弹出\n mDialog.getWindow().setSoftInputMode(WindowManager.", "LayoutParams.", "SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_VISIBLE);\n }\n\n /** start----------------------------------------- */\n public InputDialog setTitleText(String text) {\n mIsShowTitle = true;\n if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) {\n mTitle.setText(\"提示\");\n } else {\n mTitle.setText(text);\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n public InputDialog setTitleText(int textId) {\n mIsShowTitle = true;\n mTitle.setText(textId);\n return this;\n }\n\n public InputDialog setTitleTextColor(int colorId) {\n mIsShowTitle = true;\n mTitle.setTextColor(colorId);\n return this;\n }\n\n public InputDialog setTitleTextSize(int textSize) {\n mIsShowTitle = true;\n mTitle.setTextSize(textSize);\n return this;\n }\n /** end----------------------------------------- */\n\n /** start----------------------------------------- */\n public InputDialog setContentMsgText(String text) {\n mIsShowContentInput = true;\n if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) {\n mContentInput.setText(\"取消\");\n } else {\n mContentInput.setText(text);\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n public InputDialog setContentMsgText(int textId) {\n mIsShowContentInput = true;\n mContentInput.setText(textId);\n return this;\n }\n\n public InputDialog setContentMsgTextColor(int colorId) {\n mIsShowContentInput = true;\n mContentInput.setTextColor(colorId);\n return this;\n }\n\n public InputDialog setContentMsgTextSize(int textSize) {\n mIsShowContentInput = true;\n mContentInput.setTextSize(textSize);\n return this;\n }\n /** end----------------------------------------- */\n\n /** start----------------------------------------- */\n public InputDialog setNegativeBtnText(String text) {\n mIsShowNegativeBtn = true;\n if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) {\n mNegativeBtn.setText(\"取消\");\n } else {\n mNegativeBtn.setText(text);\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n public InputDialog setNegativeBtnText(int textId) {\n mIsShowNegativeBtn = true;\n mNegativeBtn.setText(textId);\n return this;\n }\n\n public InputDialog setNegativeBtnTextColor(int colorId) {\n mIsShowNegativeBtn = true;\n mNegativeBtn.setTextColor(colorId);\n return this;\n }\n\n public InputDialog setNegativeBtnTextSize(int textSize) {\n mIsShowNegativeBtn = true;\n mNegativeBtn.setTextSize(textSize);\n return this;\n }\n\n public InputDialog setNegativeBtnListener(final OnNegativeListener onNegativeListener) {\n mIsShowPositiveBtn = true;\n mNegativeBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.", "OnClickListener() {\n @Override\n public void onClick(View v) {\n if (onNegativeListener !", "= null) {\n onNegativeListener.onNegative(v, mContentInput.getText().toString());\n }\n mDialog.dismiss();\n }\n });\n return this;\n }\n /** end----------------------------------------- */\n\n /** start----------------------------------------- */\n public InputDialog setPositiveBtnText(String text) {\n mIsShowPositiveBtn = true;\n if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) {\n mPositiveBtn.setText(\"取消\");\n } else {\n mPositiveBtn.setText(text);\n }\n return this;\n }\n\n public InputDialog setPositiveBtnText(int textId) {\n mIsShowPositiveBtn = true;\n mPositiveBtn.setText(textId);\n return this;\n }\n\n public InputDialog setPositiveBtnTextColor(int colorId) {\n mIsShowPositiveBtn = true;\n mPositiveBtn.setTextColor(colorId);\n return this;\n }\n\n public InputDialog setPositiveBtnTextSize(int textSize) {\n mIsShowPositiveBtn = true;\n mPositiveBtn.setTextSize(textSize);\n return this;\n }\n\n public InputDialog setPositiveBtnListener(final OnPositiveListener onPositiveListener) {\n mIsShowPositiveBtn = true;\n mPositiveBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.", "OnClickListener() {\n @Override\n public void onClick(View v) {\n if (onPositiveListener !", "= null) {\n onPositiveListener.onPositive(v, mContentInput.getText().toString());\n }\n mDialog.dismiss();\n }\n });\n return this;\n }\n /** end----------------------------------------- */\n \n public TextView getTitleView() {\n return this.getTitleView();\n }\n\n public EditText getContentView() {\n return this.mContentInput;\n }\n\n public Button getPositiveBtn() {\n return this.mPositiveBtn;\n }\n\n public Button getNegativeBtn() {\n return this.mNegativeBtn;\n }\n\n public interface OnPositiveListener {\n public void onPositive(View view, String inputMsg);\n }\n\n public interface OnNegativeListener {\n public void onNegative(View view, String inputMsg);\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "When it comes to foreign policy, the Trump administration has been engulfed in scandal and intrigue from day one. ", "From the resignation of Michael Flynn, to a botched Yemen raid, to a U.S. bombing campaign in Mosul, Iraq that killed up to 200 civilians, to unrelenting controversy over Russian meddling in our election, it’s difficult to even keep up.", "\n\n\n\nWith all these distractions, it is easy to forget that there are important issues that demand thoughtful attention. ", "High among these is the Iran nuclear deal. ", "Not only must the Iran deal compete for attention with other controversies swirling around the White House, it has to withstand antagonism from hawks who refuse to acknowledge its success.", "\n\n\n\nAt the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference this week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell criticized the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) for “bestow[ing] a windfall of billions for the Iranian regime to distribute to its proxies.” ", "At the same conference, House Speaker Paul Ryan described the deal as “an unmitigated disaster” that is “dangerous for the United States and for the world.”", "\n\n\n\nActually, most of the tangible benefits in sanctions relief have gone to improving the economy for every day Iranians. ", "And far from being a “dangerous” and “unmitigated disaster,” the deal has been successful in rolling back Iran’s nuclear program and in easing regional tensions.", "\n\n\n\nThe rhetorical abuse visited upon the JCPOA doesn’t bode well for the survival of the deal. ", "And even the relative moderates in the Trump administration – people like Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, frequently described as the “grown-ups,” in contrast with the opposing bloc of “ideologues” – seem more hawkish than pragmatic on Iran.", "\n\n\n\nIn other words, the Trump White House exists in an echo chamber of negativity toward the JCPOA. ", "The deal’s survival depends on deliberate administration support and a measured understanding of its benefits.", "\n\n\n\nSanction relief is an important part of this. ", "The Trump administration needs to work hard to ensure that Iran sees the full benefits of sanctions relief in exchange for Iran rolling back its nuclear program, as it has done.", "\n\n\n\nUnfortunately, both the Senate and the House are working to impose additional sanctions on Iran. ", "The legislation would target people involved in Iran's ballistic missile program and foreign entities who do business with them, while also applying terrorism sanctions to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).", "\n\n\n\nBut concerns about Iran’s missile program and support for terrorism are distinct from the JCPOA. ", "The nuclear deal was narrowly conceived as a non-proliferation agreement. ", "Iran’s recent ballistic missile tests, which have drawn so much fire from critics of the deal, did not violate the agreement.", "\n\n\n\nMore to the point, Iran’s missiles aren’t a serious security threat. ", "Iran is militarily weak compared to all of its neighboring rivals and is easily deterred from attacking its adversaries with these missiles.", "\n\n\n\nAs for applying terrorism sanctions to the Revolutionary Guards, this amounts to a pointless redundancy that will not yield positive results, but may make things much worse. ", "The IRGC is “already one of the most sanctioned entities in the world” and these additional measures will have negligible impact on its activities. ", "New sanctions could even undermine anti-ISIS operations, as the IRGC and Iranian Shiite militias are battling ISIS in Iraq and Syria. ", "Indeed, American military and intelligence officials have warned such sanctions “could endanger U.S. troops in Iraq and the overall fight against the Islamic State, and would be an unprecedented use of a law that was not designed to sanction government institutions.”", "\n\n\n\nImposing new sanctions on Iran that are unrelated to the JCPOA and have almost zero chance of producing the desired results is needlessly antagonistic. ", "In fact, Iran’s cheeky response this week to new U.S. sanctions was to impose “its own sanctions regime on U.S. military companies involved in supporting Israeli settlements.” ", "This tit-for-tat dynamic risks eroding trust between Iran, the United States, and the other signatories to the deal (the U.K., France, Russia, China, and Germany), creating a disincentive for Iran to comply with the deal’s restrictions.", "\n\n\n\nMost worryingly, this may even be the intention of those who oppose the deal. ", "They recognize that pulling out of the JCPOA unilaterally would be too costly for America diplomatically, but if they can provoke violations on Iran’s part, they can destroy the deal and avoid blame.", "\n\n\n\nBoth the White House and Congress need to understand that the future of the Iran nuclear deal is a matter of choice. ", "The United States can choose to uphold the deal and ensure promised sanctions relief for Iran. ", "Or it can choose to undermine the agreement by inflating the threat from Iran and provoking tension over peripheral issues. ", "The first choice holds back nuclear proliferation in the Middle East. ", "The second risks disastrous conflict between the United States and Iran." ]
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[ "Cars Autos Resources\n\nBranded companies cars – What is at the spirit of cool cars? ", "Is it the speed they can travel at? ", "Is it the thought of the wind brushing your hair? ", "If it’s the latter, then you have a soft top, or someone’s pinched your roof!" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "\n599 F.Supp.2d 592 (2009)\nUNITED STATES,\nv.\nGene G. PARSON, Defendant.", "\nCriminal No. ", "3:2007-10.", "\nUnited States District Court, W.D. Pennsylvania.", "\nFebruary 25, 2009.", "\n*594 Marketa Sims, Federal Public Defender's Office, Pittsburgh, PA, for Defendant.", "\nStephanie L. Haines, United States Attorney's Office, Johnstown, PA, for United States.", "\n\nOpinion and Order\nGIBSON, District Judge.", "\nThis matter comes before the Court on Defendant Gene Parson's Motion to Suppress (Doc. ", "No. ", "42). ", "On June 18, 2008, the Court heard testimony and admitted evidence during a hearing on Defendant's Motion (\"Hearing\" or \"Hr'g\"). ", "The foremost issue is whether Parson's consent to search was involuntary due to law enforcement's misrepresentations to Parson that he was a victim of identity theft. ", "The Court makes the following Findings of Fact, based upon the evidence and testimony presented at the Hearing. ", "Analyzing these facts in light of Fourth Amendment jurisprudence regarding the effect of law enforcement ruses upon voluntariness of consent, the Court concludes that Defendant's Motion shall be granted.", "\n\nFINDINGS OF FACT\n1. ", "In November, 2004, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children provided information to the Immigration and Customs and Enforcement Center (\"ICE\") Cyber Crimes Center regarding several websites that were suspected of hosting and offering child pornography. ", "See Collateral Request, Doc. ", "No. ", "42, Ex. ", "1.[1]\n2. ", "ICE Special Agent Michele Dowling, with assistance from forensic computer experts, determined that the suspect websites hosted and offered child pornography. ", "Collateral Request, Doc. ", "No. ", "42, Ex. ", "1. ", "6 Agent Dowling, posing as an interested subscriber to the suspect website, was charged $79.00 or $80.00 for access to the illegal site. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 14.", "\n3. ", "Agent Dowling and computer forensic experts determined Verio, Inc. hosted some of the websites. ", "Collateral Request, Doc. ", "No. ", "42, Ex. ", "1. ", "Search warrants were executed at Verio, Inc., and other locations. ", "Investigators discovered identifying information for users of the child pornography websites, including IP addresses and home addresses. ", "Collateral Request, Doc. ", "No. ", "42, Ex. ", "1.", "\n4. ", "ICE issued a Collateral Request to various ICE authorities in districts where the suspects lived, including the Pittsburgh district. ", "The Request stated: \"ICE/CE requests that the above listed offices review the information contained in this Report of Investigation and CD-R and attempt to use the information as the foundation for obtaining a search warrant for the computers and associated removable media *595 located at the suspect addresses.\" ", "This investigation was named \"Project Watchdog.\" ", "Collateral Request, Doc. ", "No. ", "42, Ex. ", "1, at 11; Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 5.", "\n5. ", "On or about June 24, 2005, Pittsburgh ICE Special Agent James Stitzel received the Collateral Request. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 5. ", "Agent Stitzel consulted Assistant United States Attorney Tina Miller on matters relating to this investigation. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 9; September 13, 2005 ICE Report, Doc. ", "No. ", "42, Ex. ", "5.", "\n6. ", "The Collateral Request identified targets, and provided a database for purposes of generating specific reports on each identified subscriber.[2] Collateral Request, Doc. ", "No. ", "42, Ex. ", "1.", "\n7. ", "Agent Stitzel received a CD-R along with the Collateral Request, which contained a database with information about the targets. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "6-7. ", "This database, Government Exhibit 1, contains the name of the website visited, the date of the transaction, the name of the subscriber in the website, the subscriber's address and telephone number, the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer that accessed the site, and the credit card type, number, security code, and expiration date. ", "Database, Doc. ", "No. ", "42, ex. ", "3.", "\n8. ", "Government Exhibit 2 contains a summary sheet of all 43 database entries dealing with Parson. ", "Each entry represents a visit by Parson's computer and e-mail address, \"ehtweety@mail. ", "com,\" to a child pornography website, using a credit card with Parson's name. ", "Summary of database, Doc. ", "No. ", "42, Ex. ", "2. ", "This summary sheet contains Parson's email address, name, credit card number, and address. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "10-11.", "\n9. ", "After reviewing Government Exhibit 1, Agent Stitzel performed further investigation, utilizing public sources to discover Parson's birth date, driver's license record, address, and photograph. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 8.", "\n10. ", "Agent Stitzel also performed a query for Gene Parson's IP address. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 8.", "\n11. ", "Agent Stitzel then sought grand jury subpoenas of Verizon to see if Parson still had Internet access through Verizon. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 51. ", "Agent Stitzel received information from Verizon that Parson or someone living at the residence in Tyrone, PA had current internet access. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 14.", "\n12. ", "Two credit cards (the '517 card and the '545 card), bearing the name of Gene Parson, were used to access the websites. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "12-13.", "\n13. ", "Having obtained information from the U.S. Postal Service task force that the '517 credit card was a Capital One card, Agent Stitzel sent a subpoena to Capital One to obtain further information on the use of the '517 card. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "9-10.", "\n14. ", "The government only sought a subpoena for the records of the '517 *596 credit card. ", "Twenty-nine of the 43 visits to suspect websites were made with the .'545 credit card. ", "Doc. ", "No. ", "42, ex. ", "2. ", "Agent Stitzel testified that the failure to seek a subpoena on the '545 card was an \"oversight.\" ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 13.", "\n15. ", "Having received the '517 credit card records from Capital One, Agent Stitzel failed to find $79 or $80 purchases as anticipated. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "15-16. ", "However, while Agent Stitzel was concerned as to why there was not a charge of $79.00 or $80.00 on Mr. Parson's '517 card, he was also aware, based on his experience, that individuals who display an interest in child pornography usually download it, collect it, share it, and store it quite frequently. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "17-18.", "\n16. ", "The records from Capital One regarding the '517 credit card revealed frequent and consistent monthly online purchases of $40-50. ", "Doc. ", "No. ", "42, ex. ", "7.", "\n17. ", "The credit card was paid on-line and on time; charges were modest and consistent. ", "Doc. ", "No. ", "42, ex. ", "7. ", "As acknowledged by Agent Stitzel, the bills contained no evidence of identity theft. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 57.", "\n18. ", "When asked whether he had any other concerns about the use of the '517 card, Agent Stitzel responded: \"Sure. ", "There is always a chance that someone had accessed that without Parson's knowledge.\" ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 19. ", "However, he acknowledged that this scenario was a \"remote possibility.\" ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 62.", "\n19. ", "Agent Stitzel acknowledged that the Collateral Request did not suggest any of the suspects were victims of identity theft. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 31.", "\n20. ", "The Court concludes that Agent Stitzel himself did not believe that Parson was a victim of identity theft. ", "The Court also concludes that no objective evidence exists that suggests the possibility of identity theft.", "\n21. ", "During Agent Stitzel's ten years in law enforcement, he has prepared one or two search warrants relating to child pornography violations, while participating in seven to ten \"knock-and-talks.\" ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "31-32. ", "During Agent Stitzel's five years as an ICE agent, he has conducted or been involved with fifteen to twenty child exploitation investigations. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 7. ", "In each knock-and-talk conducted, Agent Stitzel brought up the possibility of identity theft. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 32.", "\n22. ", "Based on the evidence gathered, and his suspicion that Parson possessed electronically stored child pornography, Agent Stitzel planned to conduct an interview of Parson at his residence to investigate the \"possibility that [a] credit card belonging to Parson had accessed an international website that allowed child pornography for a fee.\" ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 19. ", "It appears that Agent Stitzel was hesitant to seek a warrant because the information obtained relative to Mr. Parson in the \"Project Watchdog\" report showed access to the suspect website in January of 2005, and the investigation was now into the early months of 2006. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 19.", "\n23. ", "Agent Stitzel contacted Pennsylvania State Police Trooper Charles Schaefer to verify Parson's address and ask \"if he had any information [regarding Parson].\" ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "19. ", "Agent Stitzel told Pennsylvania State Police Trooper Chuck Schaefer that he was investigating a child pornography case. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "102-03.", "\n*597 24. ", "On March 2, 2006, Agent Stitzel, ICE Special Agent Michael O'Neill and Trooper Schaefer arrived at Parson's home in Tyrone, PA. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "19-20\n25. ", "At this time, Parson was 65 years old. ", "He collected Social Security benefits of $725 per month. ", "While living in a small trailer on his brother's land, Parson worked part time as a repairman at his brother's used car lot. ", "Parson is hard of hearing. ", "He does not see well due to cataracts, and has a history of taking medication for depression. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "126-27.", "\n26. ", "Parson did not have wireless Internet access. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 134.", "\n27. ", "The time of arrival was likely in the afternoon. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 20. ", "Parson had just laid down to take a nap prior to the agents' knock. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 131.", "\n28. ", "The ICE agents and Trooper Schaefer were all in plain clothes; they introduced themselves and showed their badges to Parson. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "20, 131, 133, 148.", "\n29. ", "Agent Stitzel advised Mr. Parson that \"there was a chance he could be a victim of identify theft.\" ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "20, 93:\n30. ", "It appears unlikely[3] that the agents specifically informed Parson on the doorstep that they were investigating child pornography. ", "Agent Stitzel testified that he advised Parson that he was \"investigating this international website that's allowing access to child pornography for a fee.\" ", "However, Trooper Schaefer testified that \"They [the ICE agents] talked to him about a credit card that was his and they mentioned that there was a possibility of some identity theft regarding an international website.\" ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 93 (emphasis added). ", "Also, Agent O'Neill testified that Agent Stitzel advised Parson \"that we were there concerning a possible identity theft involving his credit card accessing I believe it was an international website.\" ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "113. ", "The Court finds that the weight of the evidence indicates that the agents emphasized identity theft, while only briefly and casually mentioning the context of an international website.[4]\n31. ", "Agent Stitzel asked if Parson had the '517 credit card. ", "Parson responded affirmatively, and took the credit card out of his wallet to show it to Agent Stitzel. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 22. ", "Agent Stitzel told Parson that \"Capital One was being hit very hard for identity theft.\" ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 132.", "\n*598 32. ", "Agent Stitzel asked if they could come in to discuss the identity theft situation. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "21, 94, 113, 120.", "\n33. ", "Parson allowed the men entry into his home, because he was in \"shock\" and \"thought they were there to help [him]\" with the identity theft problem. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "133. ", "After receiving this notification of potential identity theft problems, Parson was \"shook up\", and wondered \"what am I going to do?\" ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "132.", "\n34. ", "Agent Stitzel asked Parson if had any problems with that card. ", "Parson responded no, but offered that he previously had problems with another card. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 22. ", "Agent Stitzel asked Parson if he ever used his credit card to make on-line purchases. ", "Parson responded yes. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 134.", "\n35. ", "The parties disagree as to what happened subsequent to this question. ", "The agents claimed that the conversation shifted directly to child pornography; Parson testified that he could not recall any discussion about child pornography at this point. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 23. ", "The Court finds that the evidence is ambivalent regarding the subject of conversation at this point. ", "While this conversation, and the possible discussion of images of children, especially if raised by Parson, is relevant to the issue of consent, it is not dispositive and thus does not require firm resolution. ", "Importantly, when considering such divided factual accounts, the Court notes that the burden of proving voluntariness of consent rests with the government.", "\n36. ", "The agents asked to look at his computer following a discussion that was \"basically about identity theft problems.\" ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "34, 134. ", "Parson thought that the men were there to help him with his identity theft problems, so he turned on the computer. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 134. ", "Parson began to feel that something was not right, and that these men possibly were actually criminals posing as law enforcement. ", "Parson was afraid to refuse the three men's request to allow them on his computer. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 134. ", "Agent Stitzel characterized Parson as \"very cooperative\" throughout this process. ", "Hr'g Tr, p. 25.", "\n37. ", "Agent Stitzel directed Parson to open a \"folder lock\" icon on his computer. ", "Parson appeared to be \"very versed and very knowledgeable on computers and how [they] operate[].\" ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 25. ", "Parson typed the password \"bologna\" to open the folder lock. ", "Agent Stitzel asked Parson for the password and Parson provided it to him. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 142. ", "This password was written down on the top of the consent to search form. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 142.", "\n38. ", "The men began looking at a list of files. ", "Agent Stitzel directed Parson to open a file labeled \"stick out,\" which opened to a picture of a nude girl, nine to twelve years old, with her genitals exposed. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "24-25, 97-98, 115, 136-137.", "\n39. ", "Agent Stitzel asked where this picture came from. ", "Parson told him that the picture came from a website called Lolita portal.net. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 139.", "\n40. ", "Parson asked whether the picture of the young girl was child pornography, and whether he could be arrested for having that type of picture. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "25, 116, 139. ", "Agent Stitzel replied that they were \"not the ones who determined that.\" ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 139. ", "Agent Stitzel also told Parson: *599 \"that's not why [we are here], that's not what [we are] looking for.\" ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 138. ", "Parson did not believe that there was anything wrong with the pictures he had. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 164.", "\n41. ", "Parson testified that these exchanges caused him to question whether the men were law enforcement at all. ", "Parson thought the men themselves may be criminals trying to obtain his identity. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 138\n42. ", "The agents subsequently prepared to take the computer for forensic examination. ", "Parson testified that Agent Stitzel announced \"we're going to take this stuff\" while beginning to unhook the computers. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 140. ", "Agent Stitzel testified that he advised Parson that he did not have to sign the form; however, Parson claims he was never told that he did not have to consent. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "142-43. ", "This factual issue regarding knowledge of ability to refuse consent, while relevant, is not dispositive. ", "Parson felt as if he were instructed to sign the form along with two other forms. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "142-43.", "\n43. ", "Parson did not read the form because he has difficulty reading due to cataracts. ", "Also, he was afraid and just wanted the men out of his home. ", "At this point, he was convinced that the men were simply trying to steal his computer and identity. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 142. ", "He was \"still thinking about the identity theft and what I have to do to take care of it.\" ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 144. ", "Parson asked no questions about the consent form or the seizure of his computer. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 28.", "\n44. ", "Parson signed a blanket consent form permitting the agents to conduct a complete search of his computer and \"to take any letters, papers, materials, or other items/property which they may desire.\" ", "Consent Form, Doc. ", "No. ", "42, ex. ", "8; Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "26-27, 88, 99, 117.", "\n45. ", "The Consent Form did not include any of the following: the purpose for such a search, any specific items for which the agents were searching, or that Parson could refuse to consent to the search and seizure of his computer. ", "Consent Form, Doc. ", "No. ", "42, Ex. ", "8.", "\n46. ", "The Consent Form identified the agents as \"Officers of the Department of Treasury, United States Customs Service.\" ", "Consent Form, Doc. ", "No. ", "42, Ex. ", "8.", "\n47. ", "The agents seized one computer, one hard drive, CDs and videotapes, and other materials. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 28. ", "Parson assisted the agents in preparing the computer equipment for transport. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 28.", "\n48. ", "The total time the agents spent within the trailer was less than one hour. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 29. ", "The interactions were never confrontational. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 29.", "\n49. ", "The government conducted a forensic examination of two computers, one hard drive, and 33 CD-ROMs. ", "The government found approximately 13,-000 images and 128 videos of suspected child pornography. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 29.", "\n50. ", "After the agents left, Parson went \"straight down to [his] bank\" to attempt to protect his assets. ", "He spoke with a bank employee about his situation. ", "That bank employee called Agent Stitzel's phone number. ", "The bank employee changed Parson's account numbers. ", "Parson stopped his credit card, and contacted Social Security to place a fraud warning and *600 change his direct deposit information. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "144, 155\n51. ", "Agent Stitzel acknowledged receiving a call from someone at Parson's bank, although he remembered little about the conversation. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "85-86.", "\n52. ", "Agent Stitzel called Parson later that same day to tell him that he found out that Parson had been to the bank. ", "Agent Stitzel advised Parson that Parson would hear from them soon. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 146. ", "Agent Stitzel also explained to Parson that he did not believe that Parson was a victim of identity theft. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 86.", "\n53. ", "During the in-home visit, the agents never informed Parson that he was being investigated for possession of child pornography. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "146-47.", "\n54. ", "On June 17, 2007, Agent Stitzel telephoned Parson and told him to be at home at a certain time to accept a package. ", "The agents then arrested Parson at his home at the appointed time. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "87, 146.", "\n\nCONCLUSIONS OF LAW\n\nI. Introduction\nDefendant Parson moves this Court to suppress evidence and'statements obtained as a result of law enforcement's entry of his home, and search and seizure of his computer. ", "Parson argues that this search and seizure was conducted without a search warrant as required by the Fourth Amendment. ", "The government argues that Parson voluntarily consented to the search, thus removing the need for a warrant. ", "Parson responds that any such consent was invalid in that it was not voluntary, but rather the product of a deliberate and manipulative ruse. ", "Thus, the parties dispute the validity and scope of this consent.", "\n\nII. ", "Whether the Images Obtained from the Computer Equipment Should be Suppressed\n\nA. Fourth Amendment Protects Vital Personal Liberties\nThe Fourth Amendment is perhaps a citizen's most substantial defense against oppressive and unjust government intrusions. ", "It provides:\nThe right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.", "\nU.S. Const. ", "amend IV.", "\nThe Fourth Amendment has been interpreted to broadly prohibit police from entering a home to conduct a search or make an arrest without a warrant. ", "Steagald v. United States, 451 U.S. 204, 211, 101 S.Ct. ", "1642, 1647, 68 L.Ed.2d 38, 45 (1981) (\"Except in such special situations, we have consistently held that the entry into a home to conduct a search or make an arrest is unreasonable under the Fourth Amendment unless done pursuant to a warrant.\") (", "citing cases). ", "Searches and seizures inside the home without a warrant are presumptively unreasonable absent exigent circumstances; the Supreme Court's Fourth Amendment jurisprudence emphasizes the sanctity of the home. ", "Payton v. New York, 445 U.S. 573, 585, 100 S.Ct. ", "1371, 1379, 63 L.Ed.2d 639, 650 (1980) (\"the `physical entry of the home is the chief evil against which the wording of the Fourth Amendment is directed.'\") (", "quoting United States v. United States Dist. ", "Court, 407 U.S. 297, 313, 92 S.Ct. ", "2125, 2134, 32 L.Ed.2d 752, 764 (1972)).", "\n*601 The Supreme Court explained: \"`At the very core' of the Fourth Amendment `stands the right of a man to retreat into his own home and there be free from unreasonable government intrusion.' ", "With few exceptions, the question of whether a warrantless search of a home is reasonable and hence constitutional must be answered no.\" ", "Kyllo v. United States, 533 U.S. 27, 30, 121 S.Ct. ", "2038, 2041-42 150 L.Ed.2d 94, 100 (2001) (citing cases).", "\nIn short, within an individual's residence, privacy interests reach their apex. ", "The mechanism of warrants serves to balance those weighty privacy interests against society's interest in the proper enforcement of laws. ", "Where, as here, law enforcement inexplicably chooses to forgo the warrant process, while nonetheless executing a plot to encroach upon the sanctity of a citizen's privacy, such actions will be subjected to careful judicial scrutiny.", "\nThe government bears the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that exigent circumstances existed for its warrantless actions. ", "See Sharrar v. Felsing, 128 F.3d 810, 820 (3d Cir.1997) (\"The government bears the burden of proving that exigent circumstances existed: `Before agents of the government may invade the sanctity of the home, the burden is on the government to demonstrate exigent circumstances that overcome the presumption of unreasonableness that attaches to all warrantless home entries.'\" (", "quoting Welsh v. Wisconsin, 466 U.S. 740, 750, 104 S.Ct. ", "2091, 80 L.Ed.2d 732 (1984))).", "\n\nB. Voluntariness of Consent to Entry and Search\nTo meet this burden, the government asserts that a search warrant was not required because Mr. Parson consented to the entry of his home and the search of his computer equipment. ", "A validly obtained and voluntary consent renders a search or seizure reasonable, thus eliminating the need for a warrant. ", "Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347, 358 n. 22, 88 S.Ct. ", "507, 515, 19 L.Ed.2d 576, 586 (1967); Schneckloth v. Bustamonte, 412 U.S. 218, 219, 93 S.Ct. ", "2041, 2045, 36 L.Ed.2d 854, 860 (1973). ", "In United States v. Drayton, the Court explained:\nIn a society based on law, the concept of agreement and consent should be given a weight and dignity of its own. ", "Police officers act in full accord with the law when they ask citizens for consent. ", "It reinforces the rule of law for the citizen to advise the police of his or her wishes and for the police to act in reliance on that understanding. ", "When this exchange takes place, it dispels inferences of coercion.", "\n536 U.S. 194, 207, 122 S.Ct. ", "2105, 2114, 153 L.Ed.2d 242, 255 (2002).", "\nCourts carefully consider the circumstances under which consent is obtained; in particular, such consent must be given voluntarily, rather than being the result of duress. ", "Consent is voluntary if it is \"the product of an essentially free and unconstrained choice by its maker.\" ", "See Schneckloth, 412 U.S. at 225, 93 S.Ct. ", "at 2047, 36 L.Ed.2d at 862.", "\nThe Supreme Court characterized consent as a \"jealously and carefully drawn exception\" to \"the Fourth Amendment rule ordinarily prohibiting the warrantless entry of a person's house as unreasonable per se.\" ", "Georgia v. Randolph, 547 U.S. 103, 109, 126 S.Ct. ", "1515, 1520, 164 L.Ed.2d 208, 218-19 (2006) (citations removed); see also United States v. Dichiarinte, 445 F.2d 126, 129 n. 1 (7th Cir.1971) (explaining that \"consents to search are carefully examined for evidence of coercion or duress.\").", "\nThe government has the burden of proving, by a preponderance of evidence, *602 that the consent was, in fact, freely and voluntarily given. ", "Schneckloth, 412 U.S. at 222, 93 S.Ct. ", "at 2045, 36 L.Ed.2d at 860 (\"`[W]hen a prosecutor seeks to rely upon consent to justify the lawfulness of a search, he has the burden of proving that the consent was, in fact, freely and voluntarily given.'\") (", "quoting Bumper v. North Carolina, 391 U.S. 543, 548, 88 S.Ct. ", "1788, 20 L.Ed.2d 797).", "\nVoluntariness \"is a question of fact to be determined from the totality of all the circumstances.\" ", "Id. at 227, 93 S.Ct. ", "at 2048, 36 L.Ed.2d at 863. ", "The Supreme Court found it useful to refer to the definition of \"voluntariness\" developed in cases that assess voluntariness of a defendant's confession. ", "Id. at 223-26, 93 S.Ct. ", "at 2045-47, 36 L.Ed.2d at 860-62. (\"", "The significant fact about all of these decisions is that none of them turned on the presence or absence of a single controlling criterion; each reflected a careful scrutiny of all the surrounding circumstances.\").", "\nThus, this Court examines the effect of the totality of the circumstances upon the will of the defendant. ", "See Miller v. Fenton, 796 F.2d 598, 604 (3d Cir.1986). ", "This assessment of the circumstances includes analyzing \"both the characteristics of the accused and the details of the interrogation.\" ", "Schneckloth, 412 U.S. at 226, 93 S.Ct. ", "at 2047, 36 L.Ed.2d at 862. ", "Certain Circuits have delineated lists of factors to be assessed that instruct the Court in the types of matters that may be relevant.[5] The Third Circuit recently explained: \"`[T]he critical factors comprising a totality of the circumstances inquiry include the setting in which the [search] consent was obtained, the parties' verbal and non-verbal actions, and the age, intelligence, and educational background of the consenting [party].'\" ", "United States v. Crandell, 554 F.3d 79, 88 (2009) (quoting United States v. Wilson, 413 F.3d 382, 388 (2005)). ", "In this matter, this Court finds that the following factors are particularly relevant: age of the accused; extent of intimidation by law enforcement; the accused's physical and mental condition at the time; and the nature of any misrepresentations by the government. ", "However, any such enumerated factors are never applied mechanically, and no single factor is dispositive or controlling. ", "United States v. Ponce, 8 F.3d 989, 997 (5th Cir.1993); United States v. Bradley, 234 F.3d 363, 366 (8th Cir.2000). ", "In short, this Court may examine any and all factors that are relevant to the question in issue: whether Parson voluntarily consented to the entry into his home, and the search and seizure of his computer and related items.", "\n\n1. ", "Analysis of the Agents' Misrepresentation Regarding an Identity Theft Investigation\nThis Court finds that the most significant factor in the voluntariness analysis is the extent to which the agents' emphasis on identity theft influenced Parson's supposed consent.", "\n\na. Substantial Misrepresentation is Analogous to Physical Coercion\nIn numerous contexts, such as guilty pleas and confessions, voluntariness requires *603 absence of coercion. ", "To be valid, consent to a search and seizure cannot be coerced. ", "Schneckloth, 412 U.S. at 228, 93 S.Ct. ", "at 2048, 36 L.Ed.2d at 863 (\"[T]he Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments require that a consent not be coerced, by explicit or implicit means, by implied threat or covert force. ", "For, no matter how subtly the coercion were applied, the resulting `consent' would be no more than a pretext for the unjustified police intrusion against which the Fourth Amendment is directed.\"). ", "While the definition of misrepresentation may be distinguishable from that of direct physical coercion, the judicial reasoning behind requiring noncoercive consents is equally applicable to misrepresentation. ", "Specifically, where material misrepresentations play a direct role in obtaining the consent, such consent may be as involuntary as a coerced confession.", "\nFor instance, in Bumper v. North Carolina, police falsely claimed they had a warrant. ", "391 U.S. 543, 549, 88 S.Ct. ", "1788, 20 L.Ed.2d 797 (1968). ", "The Court found that consent was involuntary, because the police's material misrepresentation served to overcome the Defendant's will to withhold consent. ", "Id.\nThe agents' in the case sub judice may not have utilized direct coercion in terms of the application of physical force; however, as shown in Bumper, misrepresentations can essentially accomplish the same malevolent purpose as coercion, and thus the consent obtained thereby should be similarly invalidated. ", "See Blackburn v. Alabama, 361 U.S. 199, 206, 80 S.Ct. ", "274, 4 L.Ed.2d 242 (1960) (\"A number of cases have demonstrated, if demonstration were needed, that the efficiency of the rack and the thumbscrew can be matched, given the proper subject, by more sophisticated modes of `persuasion'.\"). ", "Where government tactics involve less substantial misrepresentations than present in Bumper, a court should analyze the extent to which the deceit directly served to overcome a citizen's reticence or resistance to the search. ", "Cf. ", "Miller v. Fenton, 796 F.2d 598, 603 (3d Cir.1986) (explaining that a confession is involuntary if defendant's will was overborne).", "\n\nb. The Agents' Misrepresentations Contributed to Overcoming Parson's Will\nIn this matter, the agents informed Parson that he may be a victim of identity theft, thus presenting themselves as being focused upon an identity theft problem. ", "The government defends the agents' statements and actions by downplaying the significance or falsity of their statements. ", "Doc. ", "No. ", "151, p. 10. ", "However, the facts of the encounter show that the agents' statements about identity theft were constantly on the mind of Parson, and this fear played an integral role in obtaining his consent. ", "The evidence conclusively shows that the agents did not suspect any identity theft in Parson's situation. ", "Additionally, no objective evidence suggests any possibility of identity theft.[6]\nAt the outset of the encounter, immediately following introductions, the agents informed Parson that he \"may be a victim of identity theft.\" ", "This identity theft warning functioned to facilitate Parson's trust, and enable entry into his home. ", "Importantly, identity theft was the first matter communicated by Agent Stitzel. ", "Comments subsidiary to the Agents' initial identity theft warning likely sounded like filler to someone worried about the initial headline of identity theft. ", "Additionally, Agent Stitzel did not warn Parson that he *604 was a target, or that the agents were investigating the illegal possession of child pornography. ", "Agent Stitzel likely mentioned an international website; however, any such statement could easily have been interpreted as a simple adjunct to the stated theme of identity theft. ", "The topic of a news story is typically best summarized by its title and first line. ", "An essay presents an early thesis statement that presages later analysis. ", "In like manner, Agent Stitzel's first sentence announced that this visit to Parson's home was about identity theft; it was this statement that defined, in Parson's mind, the purpose of the agents' visit.", "\nThe government claims that the identity theft introduction is defensible in that it was literally truthful and accurate. ", "The Court disagrees, and disapproves of this \"literal truth\" defense. ", "Given the function and purpose of verbally expressed language, a communicative phrase such as that uttered by Agent Stitzel simply cannot be defined absent its context. ", "In this matter, the phrase was uttered by an ICE agent on the doorstep of a poor and intimidated senior citizen. ", "Yet the government somehow claims that the phrase was not misleading because it is literally true. ", "In essence, the government argues \"who knows, after all, whether Parson was a victim of identity theft—we all might be?\" ", "This venture into abstraction is inappropriate.", "\nRather, the Court finds that this language must be assessed in its context, including its speaker, the setting, and the listener. ", "Agent Stitzel spoke the phrase for one purpose: to convey to Parson that he was a victim of identity theft. ", "Agent Stitzel did not convey to Parson that it was only a remote possibility that he was a victim of identity theft. ", "Imagine a conversation in front of a soda machine, wherein Officer A asks Officer B: \"Hey, do you have an extra quarter?\" ", "Under the government's reasoning, Officer B would interpret the phrase literally, respond \"yes\", and walk off. ", "However, the remainder of society, and this Court, if responding for Officer B, would intuit from shared norms and the circumstances of the situation that Officer A, despite the literal meaning of the words within his query, is in fact asking to borrow a quarter.", "\nIn short, this Court concludes that the language used by the agents on the doorstep was deceptive and deliberately misleading. ", "Hence, the visit became problematic from a Fourth Amendment perspective the moment that the agents misled Parson into believing that he was a victim of identity theft. ", "Parson invited the officers into his home as a direct consequence of the representation that he was a victim of a crime. ", "This invitation to entry, then, was certainly not the voluntary act of someone knowingly agreeing to concede privacy interests.", "\nFurthermore, the agents prolonged their deception regarding identity theft in order to facilitate first access to, and then seizure of, Parson's computer. ", "Parson claims that under the guise of assisting him to resolve his identity theft problems, the agents instructed him to turn on his computer, insisted that he open a file marked \"folder lock\", and provide them with the password to this file. ", "The agents claim that Parson initiated the inquiry and offered to show the supposedly legal pictures to the officers. ", "While a complete and accurate knowledge of this particular sequence of events would obviously be helpful to the Court's determination, resolving this factual issue one way or another would not materially change the Court's conclusion.", "\nUpon the joint viewing of the image, Parson indicated where he obtained the picture, and his belief that it was not illegal. *", "605 He asked the agents if he could get in trouble for having this type of picture. ", "The agents responded that they were not the ones who decided that, and that was not what they were there to look for. ", "This particular deceit cannot be argued as true even if removed from context or pondered in the abstract. ", "Stating that they were not looking for child pornography, nor responsible for determining the legality of pictures, was a direct misrepresentation about the purposes of the agents' visit. ", "Professor LaFave writes:\n[W]hen the police misrepresentation of purpose is so extreme that it deprives the individual of the ability to make a fair assessment of the need to surrender his privacy, as in People v. Jefferson, where police gained entry to defendant's apartment on the false claim they were investigating a gas leak, the consent should not be considered valid. ", "Also, it is one thing for the police to conceal the true purpose underlying the seeking of consent, but quite another to state (even truthfully) the purpose of the contemplated search and then add to it a strong indication that evidence of some other type, if found, would be ignored. ", "Concealment of the true purpose is also likely to be deemed unfair where, absent any consent, the search could be lawfully made for the purported purpose but not for the concealed purpose.", "\n2 W. LaFave, J. Israel, N. King, & O. Kerr, Criminal Procedure § 3.10(c) (3d ed. ", "2007) (footnotes omitted).", "\nIn pretending to be investigating identity theft, the agents in this matter are easily analogized to Jefferson's policemen, who posed as utility workers and claimed to offer assistance with a possible gas leak. ", "People v. Jefferson, 43 A.D.2d 112, 350 N.Y.S.2d 3, 3-5 (1973).", "\nFollowing their disavowment of interest or expertise in child pornography, the agents informed Parson that they would be taking his computer. ", "Having been expressly told that the men were not looking for child pornography, Parson could only assume that the men meant to aid him with his newly realized identity theft problem. ", "He signed the forms they handed him without reading them.", "\nThe most compelling evidence in this matter is Parson's behavior following the agents' exit. ", "Parson immediately rushed to his bank, changed account numbers, and changed his social security direct deposit information. ", "Throwing aside competing stories of precisely what was said, and in what order, this action objectively illustrates that as a result of the agents' visit, Parson believed he was a victim of identity theft. ", "His state of mind was rushed and panicked. ", "His immediate move to protect his identity illustrates that the agents' words and actions inculcated Parson with an honest fear of a stolen identity. ", "Such fear interferes with any supposed intelligent or voluntary agreement with the police to search his computer. ", "Rather, Parson was intimidated into submission by the specter of financial ruin; such a context, created and calculated by the agents, strongly indicates that voluntarily consent was not possible.", "\n\nc. The Agents' Misrepresentations Violated Widely Shared Social Expectations\nThe agents' lies and trickery in this matter violated widely shared social expectations. ", "The Supreme Court instructed that in assessing consent for Fourth Amendment purposes, great significance should be given to \"widely shared social expectations.\" ", "Georgia v. Randolph, 547 U.S. 103, 111, 126 S.Ct. ", "1515, 1521, 164 L.Ed.2d 208, 220 (2006). ", "Numerous cases establish that government misrepresentation as to the purpose of the visit, or the *606 scope of the investigation violates widely shared social expectations.[7]\nIn this situation, the agents lied about their purpose and claimed to be on alternative government business. ", "Lies such as this, if condoned, would obliterate citizens' widely shared social expectations that they may place some modicum of trust in the words of government officials acting as such. ", "Society expects that law enforcement officers who present themselves and show badges will be honest and forthright with the community that they serve.[8] The catastrophic consequences for a society which loses trust in its constables may be conjured without even the exercise of any creative effort.", "\nIn the context of assessing an agency's failure to obtain proper administrative subpoenas, and consequently lying to obtain consent, the Fifth Circuit explained:\nWe believe that a private person has the right to expect that the government, when acting in its own name, will behave honorably. ", "When a government agent presents himself to a private individual, and seeks that individual's cooperation based on his status as a government agent, the individual should be able to rely on the agent's representations. ", "We think it clearly improper for a government agent to gain access to records which would otherwise be unavailable to him by invoking the private individual's trust in his government, only to betray that trust.", "\nSec. ", "and Exch. ", "Comm'n v. ESM Gov't Sec., ", "Inc., 645 F.2d 310, 316 (5th Cir.1981).", "\nWhile troubled by the agents' deception regarding the theft of Parson's identity, the Court acknowledges that one single factor is not dispositive in this matter; rather, the Court considers all additional aspects of the interaction. ", "See United States v. Andrews, 746 F.2d 247, 250 (5th Cir.1984).", "\n\n2. ", "Agents' Ruse Tactics Succeeded in their Design to Intimidate Parson\nThe Court further finds that the agents' misrepresentations were particularly designed to intimidate Parson; this intimidation factor further weighs against voluntary consent. ", "See Alexander v. United States, 390 F.2d 101, 110 (5th Cir.1968) *607 (\"Intimidation and deceit are not the norms of volunteerism. ", "In order for the response to be free, the stimulus must be devoid of mendacity. ", "We do not hesitate to undo fraudulently induced contracts. ", "Are the disabilities here less maleficent?\"). ", "Alexander strongly stated that allowing such law enforcement \"chicanery\" would \"`obliterate one of the most fundamental distinctions between our form of government, where officers are under the law, and a police-state where they are the law.'\" ", "Id. (quoting Johnson v. United States, 333 U.S. 10, 17, 68 S.Ct. ", "367, 92 L.Ed. ", "436 (1948)).", "\nIn this matter, three agents entered the small trailer of a 65-year-old man. ", "Speaking from the likely perspective of a public citizen, two agents seem to constitute a necessary and proper investigatory team; however, three agents seem an intimidating force. ", "Parson testified: \"I was afraid to refuse doing anything they asked because there's three men there....\" Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 143. ", "In a particularly apt description of the coercion inherent in this situation, Parson explained why he allowed the men to walk away with his computer equipment: \"And what am I going to do? ", "I'm an old man against three men. ", "What am I going to do?\" ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 155.", "\nMore importantly, the specter of identity theft added additional coercion and intimidation to the situation. ", "Identity theft is a threat for everyone in our society, from senior citizens to small children. ", "Such attacks occur from around the world and are quickly increasing in number; while most victims likely recover much of the stolen money, or are not held responsible for it, it still takes substantial time and resources to resolve the concerns. ", "See Chris Jay Hoofnagle, Identity Theft: Making the Known Unknowns Known, 21 Harv. ", "J.L. & Tech 97, 97 (2007). ", "Frankly, anyone approached by a federal officer and told that she may be a victim of identity theft would find such information both believable and concerning.", "\nThe government's argument as to intimidation correctly points out there was no \"physical punishment\" or \"deprivation of food or sleep.\" ", "Doc. ", "No. ", "51, p. 10. ", "The agents did not display weapons, touch Parson, or make threats or promises. ", "While torture is a subject for another day, this Court affirms that absence of direct physical torture is not strong evidence supporting voluntariness of consent.", "\n\n3. ", "Parson's Personal Characteristics Reveal Particular Vulnerability to Agents' Ruse\nMr. Parson's personal characteristics are highly relevant to the totality of the circumstances analysis as to whether his consent was voluntary. ", "Schneckloth, 412 U.S. at 229, 93 S.Ct. ", "at 2049, 36 L.Ed.2d at 864 (explaining that in considering voluntariness of consent the Court should consider \"the possibly vulnerable subjective state of the person who consents\" in order to filter out \"searches that are the product of police coercion.\").", "\nAt the time of the knock-and-talk, Parson was sixty-five years old. ", "His medical history includes frequent bouts with depressive mood disorders, for which he has been medicated. ", "He lived alone, subsiding primarily on a low fixed income provided by the Social Security Administration. ", "His cataracts interfered greatly with his ability to see.", "\nIn short, Parson was a particularly vulnerable target for a ploy regarding identity theft. ", "The government rightly raises the issue that Parson has previous experience with the criminal justice system. ", "This Court does not imagine that Parson at no point in the encounter suspected he may be getting into trouble for what he possessed on his computer. ", "Furthermore, *608 Parson also likely understood, given his previous experience in the criminal justice system, that a visit from law enforcement officers does not typically bode well for those visited. ", "Nonetheless, the Court remains convinced that whatever Parson's awareness of himself as a target, such was overborne by the \"successful\" identity theft ruse. ", "At his age, Parson had limited work opportunities and limited options. ", "Furthermore, senior citizens possess diminished capacity for navigating the channels necessary to fix any such identity theft. ", "In short, Parson was an ideal candidate to be placed in a state of fear and submission via the targeting of his financial vulnerability; this calculus was likely considered by the agents, and becomes yet another factor that weighs against voluntariness.", "\n\n4. ", "Vague Consent Form Does Not Establish Voluntariness\nThe United States suggests that the consent form ought to be dispositive of this matter; however, as discussed above, the Court finds numerous problems with the situation under which the form was signed.[9] Additionally, the form itself is generic and vague.[10] In Ferguson, the Court held that women who signed consent to treatment forms had not voluntarily consented to searches because the women had not been informed the results would be provided to law enforcement. ", "Ferguson v. City of Charleston, 532 U.S. 67, 121 S.Ct. ", "1281, 149 L.Ed.2d 205 (2001). ", "Similarly, this Court finds that a bare and generic consent form is not strong evidence in favor of voluntary consent.", "\n\n5. ", "Conclusion: Government Has Not Met its Burden in Demonstrating that Parson Voluntarily Gave Consent to Agents' Entry, Search and Seizure\nIn conclusion, the government has not met its burden to show that Parson voluntarily consented to the entry of his home, and the search and seizure of his computer and other personal items. ", "In particular, the Court finds that the agents' tactics violated any fair understanding of the privileges of privacy established by the Constitution of the United States. ", "Such tactics, in this instance, served to confuse and frighten Parson, leaving him in a state incapable of consenting to anything, much less the surrender of his Constitutional rights.", "\nDespite this firm conclusion regarding a violation, the question of remedy remains. ", "Where appropriate, the exclusionary rule prevents the use of improperly obtained evidence. ", "See, e.g., Weeks v. United States, 232 U.S. 383, 398, 34 S.Ct. ", "341, 58 L.Ed. ", "652 (1914). ", "In a recent opinion deciding whether to apply the exclusionary rule to errors in police recordkeeping, the Supreme Court reiterated its jurisprudence \"that suppression is not an automatic consequence of a Fourth Amendment violation.\" ", "Herring v. United States, ___ U.S. ___, ___, 129 S.Ct. ", "695, 698, 172 L.Ed.2d 496, 502 (2009). ", "The Court explained that before applying the exclusionary rule, courts should examine whether the benefits of deterrence outweigh the *609 costs. ", "Id. Courts should consider the efficacy of exclusion in deterring future Fourth Amendment violations. ", "Id. at ___, 129 S.Ct. ", "at 700, 172 L.Ed.2d at 504. ", "The issue also \"turns on the culpability of the police and the potential of exclusion to deter wrongful conduct.\" ", "Id. at ___, 129 S.Ct. ", "at 698, 172 L.Ed.2d at 502. ", "In Herring, the Supreme Court found that the conduct at issue was \"the result of isolated negligence attenuated from the arrest.\" ", "Id.\nIn this matter, the law enforcement officers' actions were culpable and flagrant violations that directly resulted in obtaining the evidence at issue. ", "Furthermore, this Court believes that suppression of this evidence will deter future use of this oppressive and misleading identity theft ruse. ", "Therefore, the Court concludes that the evidence obtained from violations of Parson's Fourth Amendment rights should be suppressed in order to deter law enforcement from future brazen misrepresentations, and abuses of the consent exception. ", "See Wong Sun v. United States, 371 U.S. 471, 488, 83 S.Ct. ", "407, 418, 9 L.Ed.2d 441, 457 (1963);\n\nC. Even if Parson Voluntarily Consented to a Search, the Scope of this Consent Was Limited to Information that Facilitated an Identity Theft Investigation.", "\nWhile the Court finds Parson's consent involuntary, an alternative method of looking at this scenario, and one that ends with the same result, is that Parson consented only to a search and seizure of his property so as to facilitate an investigation into identity theft.", "\nHaving obtained a voluntary consent from a private citizen, law enforcement is obligated not to exceed the scope of that consent. ", "In Florida v. Jimeno, the Court held that in determining the scope of a valid search based upon consent, the Court should inquire as to what would a reasonable person have interpreted the scope to include. ", "500 U.S. 248, 251, 111 S.Ct. ", "1801, 1803-04, 114 L.Ed.2d 297, 303 (1991) (\"The standard for measuring the scope of a suspect's consent under the Fourth Amendment is that of `objective' reasonableness—what would the typical reasonable person have understood by the exchange between the officer and the suspect.\"). ", "In Jimeno, the police officer received permission to search for drugs, and subsequently found a folded up paper bag; the Court concluded that a reasonable person in officer's situation would have determined that the defendant's consent included the right to open the paper bag. ", "Id.\nUpon analysis of the situation in the case sub judice, the Court finds that a reasonable person would have understood that the conversation established only that Parson consented to allowing investigation into alleged identity theft. ", "In particular, the Court finds the agents' disclaimer regarding their interest or expertise in child pornography sets boundaries upon any obtained consent. ", "The agents gained admission to Mr. Parson's home by falsely representing that Mr. Parson was the victim of identity thief, and later obtained consent to take Parson's computer by indicating they were only investigating identity theft crime. ", "As discussed supra, such deceptions accrue a particular musk in that the agents had no reasonable basis to suspect any identity theft.", "\nIn United States v. Dichiarinte, the Seventh Circuit held that where a defendant gave narcotics officers consent to search only for narcotics, search and seizure of documents was beyond scope of consent. ", "445 F.2d 126, 129 (7th Cir.1971) (\"Government agents may not obtain consent to search on the representation that they intend to look only for certain specified *610 items and subsequently use that consent as a license to conduct a general exploratory search.\"). ", "Likewise, in this matter, Parson, even if he gave consent at all, gave consent only as to searching for evidence of identity theft, which would have been the extent of consent as understood by a reasonable person watching the exchange between the agents and Parson. ", "When officers examined the seized computer for illegal child pornography images, they violated the scope of any such consent, and thereby violated Parson's Fourth Amendment rights.", "\nIn conclusion, whether because the consent was involuntary, or because the search exceeded the scope of consent, the resolution is the same: the evidence was taken in violation of Parson's Fourth Amendment rights, and should be suppressed in accordance with the Court's weighing of the costs and benefits. ", "See Herring v. United States, ___ U.S. ___, ___, 129 S.Ct. ", "695, 700, 172 L.Ed.2d 496, 504 (2009) (explaining that the Supreme Court has \"repeatedly rejected the argument that exclusion is a necessary consequence of a Fourth Amendment violation\" and that the \"benefits of deterrence must outweigh the costs.\").", "\n\nIII. ", "Whether Statements Should be Suppressed.", "\nDefendant argues that any incriminating statements made during the unlawful entry should be suppressed. ", "The Court agrees for the following reasons.", "\n\nA. Law Enforcement's Ruse Taints Parson's Statements\nDefendant alleges that Parson's statements should be suppressed because they were tainted by close connection to an illegal search and seizure. ", "The exclusionary rule extends to indirect products of an unlawful search. ", "Wong Sun, 371 U.S. at 484-85, 83 S.Ct. ", "at 415-16, 9 L.Ed.2d at 453-54. ", "Wong Sun explained: \"[V]erbal evidence which derives so immediately from an unlawful entry and an unauthorized arrest as the officers' action in the present case is no less the `fruit' of official illegality than the more common tangible fruits of the unwarranted intrusion.\" ", "Id. at 485-86, 83 S.Ct. ", "at 416, 9 L.Ed.2d at 454. ", "Whether the confession was the fruit of the earlier Fourth Amendment violation \"must be answered on the facts of each case.\" ", "Brown v. Illinois, 422 U.S. 590, 603-05, 95 S.Ct. ", "2254, 2262, 45 L.Ed.2d 416, 427 (1975). ", "The government has the burden of showing admissibility in that the primary taint was purged. ", "Id.\nProfessor Lafave helpfully comments:\nAlthough the Supreme Court has never confronted, except obliquely, a situation in which it was seriously contended that a confession was the fruit of a prior illegal search, in most such cases there is little doubt as to what the result should be. ", "In the typical case in which the defendant was present when incriminating evidence was found in an illegal search or in which the defendant was confronted by the police with evidence they had illegally seized, it is apparent that there has been an \"exploitation of that illegality\" when the police subsequently question the defendant about that evidence or the crime to which it relates. ", "Because \"the realization that the `cat is out of the bag' plays a significant role in encouraging the suspect to speak,\" the more fine-tuned assessment used in Brown for determining when a confession is the fruit of an illegal arrest is ordinarily unnecessary when the \"poisonous tree\" is instead an illegal search.", "\n3 W. LaFave, J. Israel, N. King, & O. Kerr, Criminal Procedure § 9.4(a) (3d ed. ", "2007) (footnotes omitted).", "\n*611 The Court first finds that the incriminating statements would not have been obtained but for the violation of the Fourth Amendment. ", "See Hudson v. Michigan, 547 U.S. 586, 592, 126 S.Ct. ", "2159, 2164, 165 L.Ed.2d 56, 64-65 (2006) (\"Our cases show that but-for causality is only a necessary, not a sufficient, condition for suppression.\"). ", "Next, the Court considers whether the statements are sufficiently attenuated from the illegal search to be purged of any taint. ", "See id. at 592-93, 126 S.Ct. ", "at 2164-65, 165 L.Ed.2d at 64-65. ", "Factors to be assessed in analyzing this question are the following: temporal proximity of violation and confession; presence of intervening circumstances, and the purpose and flagrancy of the official misconduct. ", "Brown v. Illinois, 422 U.S. 590, 603-04, 95 S.Ct. ", "2254, 2262, 45 L.Ed.2d 416, 427 (1975).", "\nIn this matter, any attenuation between Parson's statements and the Fourth Amendment violation is limited. ", "First, Parson likely made any incriminating statements only because he allowed the agents into his home under the pretense that they would help him with an identity theft problem. ", "In other words, the agents utilized a ruse and misrepresentations to gain Parson's trust. ", "The Court finds that this misconduct is particularly flagrant. ", "This is not a matter of excusable neglect, simple mistakes, or mere negligent conduct. ", "See Herring v. United States, ___ U.S. ___, 129 S.Ct. ", "695, 172 L.Ed.2d 496 (2009) (\"As laid out in our cases, the exclusionary rule serves to deter deliberate, reckless, or grossly negligent conduct, or in some circumstances recurring or systemic negligence.)\" ", "First, in this case, law enforcement seemed to entirely ignore this country's warrant regime, for no apparent reason other than perhaps lack of interest in paperwork or unwillingness to continue investigations to update untimely information. ", "Second, law enforcement deliberately misled a vulnerable target as to the purpose of their visit, for the sole purpose of obtaining consent. ", "The limited consent exception to the Fourth Amendment warrant requirement is not blanket permission for law enforcement agents to visit homes, deceive and browbeat a citizen, and hope to cure any problems by obtaining an essentially meaningless consent.", "\nIn short, exclusion of the obtained images without exclusion of Parson's related statements would frustrate the purposes of the Fourth Amendment. ", "Suppression of these statements serves the purposes of the Fourth Amendment by protecting the privacy interests of Parson in his home, and judicially refusing to condone this specific unethical ruse program in order to, hopefully, cultivate a law enforcement system in which citizens may rely upon and trust.", "\nBecause the Court finds that Parson's statements should be suppressed due to close connection to a Fourth Amendment violation, the Court finds it unnecessary to analyze whether the statements were obtained in violation of Parson's Miranda rights.", "\n\nIV. ", "Conclusion\nThis Court echoes Cardozo's reticence in allowing potentially criminal behavior to go unadjudicated simply \"because the constable has blundered.\" ", "People v. Defore, 242 N.Y. 13, 150 N.E. 585, 587 (1926). ", "However, \"[n]othing can destroy a government more quickly than its failure to observe its own laws, or worse, its disregard of the charter of its own existence.\" ", "Mapp v. Ohio, 367 U.S. 643, 659, 81 S.Ct. ", "1684, 1694, 6 L.Ed.2d 1081, 1092 (1961). ", "In this matter, regardless of the precise words spoken in the trailer, it is beyond question that during and after the visits from the agents, Parson felt that his identity had *612 been stolen. ", "Given the increasing prevalence of identity theft, and the uniform concern among citizens, this Court cannot allow law enforcement to take advantage of a fearful subject in order to advance an unrelated criminal investigation.", "\nParson possesses a Fourth Amendment right to be free of an unreasonable search and seizure. ", "Our culture is based upon the good faith of citizens, and citizens should be able to expect the same from the government in its law enforcement activities. ", "Allowing government agents to ignore laws while purporting to enforce them would steadily lead to the dissolution of the rule of law. ", "The facts of this fall well within the Supreme Court's theory of exclusion as recently reiterated in Herring. ", "See Herring, at ___, 129 S.Ct. ", "at 698-700, 172 L.Ed.2d at 502-04. ", "The purposes of the exclusionary rule as applied here establish a remedy for an egregious violation of constitutional rights, and serve to discipline and deter extraconstitutional law enforcement behavior. ", "In this matter, the agents' conduct fell far afield the realm of reasonable, and thus the computer files and related evidence, including Parson's statements, obtained from this illegal entry, search and seizure must be suppressed. ", "An appropriate Order follows.", "\nAND NOW, this 25th Day of February, 2009, in consideration of Defendant's Motion to Suppress (Doc. ", "No. ", "42) and after a related hearing, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Motion is granted, and such evidence as referenced therein shall be excluded at the time of trial.", "\nNOTES\n[1] This exhibit, like others discussed in this opinion, was introduced at the Hearing. ", "Where Hearing exhibits are also attached to motions on this Case's Docket, they will be referenced to by their location on the Docket so as to facilitate ease of reference. ", "See Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 6\n[2] The Collateral Request stated: \"The instant investigation is a joint project between C3, SAC/DC, SAC/Baltimore, and DOJ/CEOS. ", "To date, several thousand subscribers have been identified. ", "This collateral request documents 127 subscriber leads. ", "A package will be forwarded to the affected field offices. ", "The package will contain a spreadsheet identifying the 127 subscribers, copies of the teaser and payment sites the identified subscribers visited, a database containing all relevant subscriber information, a go-by search warrant drafted in conjunction with DOC/CEOS, and a Power Point presentation detailing the investigation. ", "Each office will be able to query the database provided and generate specific reports on each identified subscriber, including site access pages.\" ", "Collateral Request, Doc. ", "No. ", "42, Ex. ", "1, at 11.", "\n[3] As is perhaps inevitable given the substantial time gap between the date of the visit and the date of the Hearing, Agent Stitzel presented uncertain recollections of the precise progression of conversation on the doorstep. ", "For instance, at the Hearing, Agent Stitzel explained that he did not mention a credit card on the doorstep. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "22. ", "However, in grand jury testimony, he stated: \"we asked if we could come in and speak to him with reference to his credit card that was used. ", "Parson pulled out the credit card and showed us the credit card and verified the number, which was same as that had accessed child pornography sites.\" ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 83. ", "Furthermore, when asked by a prosecutor in June, 2007 to prepare a supplemental report, Agent Stitzel refused to do so because he could not recall the words spoken at the doorstep sufficient to create a report. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "pp. ", "18, 73.", "\n[4] Given the equivocal testimony from the three law enforcement officers regarding statements made on the doorway, the Court cannot find that law enforcement notified Parson at the outset that they were conducting an investigation of an international child pornography website.", "\n[5] See, e.g., United States v. Chaidez, 906 F.2d 377, 381 (8th Cir.1990) (listing factors, relating to both persons and environments, as follows: (1) age; (2) general intelligence and education; (3) influence of substances (4) whether they were informed of right to withhold consent, of Miranda rights, and (5) whether, because they had been previously arrested, they were aware of the protections afforded to suspected criminals by the legal system; (6) the length of detainment and questioning; (7) threats, intimidations or punishments; (8) reliance upon police promises or misrepresentations; (9) whether in custody or under arrest; (10) public or secluded nature of locale; (11) objections raised to the search.).", "\n[6] The government did not present any legitimate evidence that identity theft had occurred, or was a concern; it was simply not a plausible scenario.", "\n[7] See United States v. Bosse, 898 F.2d 113, 115 (9th Cir.1990) (failing to disclose purpose of visit violated Fourth Amendment; \"A ruse entry when the suspect is informed that the person seeking entry is a government agent but is misinformed as the purpose for which the agent seeks entry cannot be justified by consent.\"); ", "Graves v. Beto, 424 F.2d 524, 525 (5th Cir.1970) (explaining that police violated defendant's Fourth Amendment rights when they obtained his consent to obtaining a blood sample by representing that it would be tested for alcoholic content in connection with an arrest for public drunkenness, and failed to disclose that it would be tested for blood type in connection with a murder investigation; police may not \"secure by stratagem what the Fourth Amendment requires a warrant to produce\"). ", "United States v. Tweel, 550 F.2d 297, 300 (5th Cir.1977) (lying to target of investigation regarding whether investigation was civil or criminal vitiated consent). ", "Tweel explained: \"Since the consent given by appellant was obtained by deception, the microfilming of the documents constituted an unreasonable search in violation of the Fourth Amendment.\" ", "Id. Tweel further characterized the governmental conduct at issue as \"a sneaky deliberate deception by the agent\" and \"a flagrant disregard for appellant's rights.\" ", "Id. at 299.", "\n[8] Notably, this matter differs substantially from instances where law enforcement acts in an undercover capacity. ", "Analysis of undercover operations requires a different balancing of privacy expectations, and society's interests. ", "See Hoffa v. United States, 385 U.S. 293, 87 S.Ct. ", "408, 17 L.Ed.2d 374 (1966) (holding no reasonable expectation of privacy where person seeking admission is invited in to commit a crime, without the suspect knowing that the person admitted is a police officer).", "\n[9] In this matter, the agents simply announced they were taking the computer and that Mr. Parson needed to sign the form. ", "Mr. Parson could not read the form due to his cataracts. ", "Hr'g Tr., ", "p. 159. ", "The government claims that Parson was told he did not have to consent; however, this option, while important to the issue of voluntariness, is not dispositive.", "\n[10] The form is disturbingly bare, failing to even state such essentials as the purpose of the search. ", "Furthermore, the form could be classified as misleading, due to its indication that the agents are officers of the Department of the Treasury. ", "Doc. ", "No. ", "42, ex. ", "8.", "\n" ]
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0.019230769230769232, 0.014814814814814815, 0, 0, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0.018691588785046728, 0, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008620689655172414, 0.014925373134328358, 0, 0, 0, 0.004784688995215311, 0.008403361344537815, 0.009174311926605505, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004878048780487805, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005154639175257732, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03508771929824561, 0, 0.004366812227074236, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0.006134969325153374, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0.004807692307692308, 0, 0.0041841004184100415, 0, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0.009345794392523364, 0.03636363636363636, 0, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0.004514672686230248, 0.009009009009009009, 0.003745318352059925, 0, 0.008620689655172414, 0.008968609865470852, 0, 0.0038022813688212928, 0, 0, 0, 0.005780346820809248, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0064516129032258064, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0.004424778761061947, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0.004201680672268907, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0051813471502590676, 0.009433962264150943, 0.004464285714285714, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0.006329113924050633, 0.006329113924050633, 0, 0, 0, 0.009852216748768473, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0.007633587786259542, 0.009259259259259259, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0, 0.0038022813688212928, 0.0078125, 0.005952380952380952, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0.00641025641025641, 0.00411522633744856, 0.00847457627118644, 0.008547008547008548, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0053475935828877, 0, 0, 0.04878048780487805, 0, 0.0047169811320754715, 0.015873015873015872, 0.006993006993006993, 0.00546448087431694, 0, 0.010638297872340425, 0, 0.0048543689320388345, 0, 0.006666666666666667, 0, 0.00510204081632653, 0, 0.006211180124223602, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0033444816053511705, 0.0034129692832764505, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0.01276595744680851, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004098360655737705, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0.005319148936170213, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.024096385542168676, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0, 0.00881057268722467, 0, 0.00390625, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0.00909090909090909, 0.013422818791946308, 0.0049504950495049506, 0.012658227848101266, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0.003952569169960474, 0, 0.003816793893129771, 0, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0.0061162079510703364, 0.005847953216374269, 0.005434782608695652, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004273504273504274, 0, 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0.007692307692307693, 0.0064516129032258064, 0.006944444444444444, 0.008298755186721992, 0.01694915254237288, 0.015544041450777202, 0.01107011070110701, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0, 0.0035971223021582736, 0.008403361344537815, 0.00641025641025641, 0.012448132780082987, 0, 0.00975609756097561, 0, 0.007518796992481203, 0.005555555555555556, 0.006514657980456026, 0, 0.004, 0, 0, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0.010050251256281407, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0.03125, 0.0036231884057971015, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0.02, 0, 0, 0.0034602076124567475, 0, 0.0031746031746031746, 0.04938271604938271, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0.0078125, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0.02, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0.005555555555555556, 0.011111111111111112, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006802721088435374, 0.003246753246753247, 0.016194331983805668, 0, 0.012738853503184714, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0, 0.005128205128205128, 0.004424778761061947, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0, 0.004329004329004329, 0.034482758620689655, 0.02, 0, 0.006211180124223602, 0, 0.011560693641618497, 0, 0.022058823529411766, 0, 0, 0, 0.0030581039755351682, 0, 0.08, 0, 0.125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006622516556291391, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0, 0.003048780487804878, 0.0020325203252032522, 0.006097560975609756, 0.005263157894736842, 0.006060606060606061, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nMongodb c# driver - copy Id to another field on insert\n\nI'm using .Net - mongodb c# driver for monngodb. ", "When inserting the document I want to copy generated [BsonId] ObjectId Id field to another field in the document (duplicating the value)\nI can run Insert, which will produce the key and then run update to copy the key to another field but this will leave the db in the \"soft\" state for a (brief) period of time.", "\nIs it possible to do this \"atomically\" or am I using mongodb wrong?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can't really do that if you want the update to be atomic.", "\nWhat I suggest you do is instead of having the driver set the Id, just create and set it yourself with ObjectId.", "GenerateNewId and then copy it before inserting the document into MongoDB:\nentity.", "Id = ObjectId.", "GenerateNewId();\nentity.", "IdCopy = entity.", "Id;\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.009174311926605505, 0.003215434083601286, 0, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0.012195121951219513, 0.07142857142857142, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0 ]
[ "All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.", "\n\n1. ", "Introduction {#sec001}\n===============\n\nThe Southern Resident killer whales (SRKW; *Orcinus orca*) represent the southern population of the fish-eating ecotype inhabiting the northeast Pacific Ocean \\[[@pone.0179824.ref001]\\]. ", "From late May through October, the three SRKW pods, termed J, K and L, frequent the inshore waters of Washington State and British Columbia, commonly known as the Salish Sea. ", "Following a near 20% decline in their population during the late '90's, the population was listed as endangered under the Canadian Species at Risk Act in 2001 \\[[@pone.0179824.ref002]\\] and the U.S. Endangered Species Act in 2005 \\[[@pone.0179824.ref001]\\]. ", "Only 78 individuals (J pod = 24 individuals; K pod = 19 individuals; L pod = 35 individuals) remain in the current population as of December, 2016 \\[[@pone.0179824.ref003]\\]. ", "Reduced availability of their preferred prey, threatened and endangered Chinook salmon, appears to be at the core of the SRKW decline \\[[@pone.0179824.ref004]--[@pone.0179824.ref007]\\], although exposure to toxicants \\[[@pone.0179824.ref008]\\], and pressure from vessel disturbance may also contribute to these cumulative effects \\[[@pone.0179824.ref009]\\].", "\n\nReduced fecundity appears to be a particularly important contributor to the SRKWs failure to recover \\[[@pone.0179824.ref004]\\]. ", "The rate of successful pregnancy in the wild population is unknown since, to date, pregnancy is only confirmed by observation of a newborn calf. ", "SRKW typically give birth every 5.3 years \\[[@pone.0179824.ref010]\\]. ", "However, holding age structure and survivorship constant, fecundity rates of SRKW (0.21) are significantly lower than those of Northern Resident (0.26;) \\[[@pone.0179824.ref011]\\] or Southeast Alaskan Resident killer whales (0.27) \\[[@pone.0179824.ref012]\\], neither of which are listed as at risk. ", "Assuming a median peak fecundity rate of 0.21, the 31 potentially reproductive females in the SRKW population should have had 48 births between 2008--2015. ", "Yet, only 28 births were recorded during that period. ", "The 7 adult females in K pod have not had a birth since 2011, and just two births since 2007. ", "The 24 females in the remaining two pods (J and L) have averaged \\< 1 birth per pod since 2011, with no births in 2013, but had 7 births in 2015. ", "One of the two offspring born in 2014 died \\[[@pone.0179824.ref003]\\]. ", "This study addresses causes of the low reproductive rate in SRKWs in an effort to recommend management decisions that can enhance population growth and long-term sustainability of this endangered population.", "\n\nWe examine determinants of pregnancy success and failure in the SRKWs from 2008 through 2014 based on hormone measures of pregnancy occurrence and health as well as physiological stress from genotyped feces. ", "SRKW fecal samples are located with high efficiency by specially trained detection dogs, with detection rates over five times that by trained human observers \\[[@pone.0179824.ref005],[@pone.0179824.ref013],[@pone.0179824.ref014]\\]. ", "Progesterone and testosterone collectively provide reliable indices of pregnancy occurrence, timing and health in killer whales. ", "Concentrations of both P4 and T increase several-fold during gestation, although the increase is more gradual for T. Both hormones sharply decline to pre-conception levels around parturition \\[[@pone.0179824.ref015],[@pone.0179824.ref016]\\]. ", "We develop and validate a noninvasive endocrine measure of pregnancy occurrence and loss in the killer whales using metabolites of progesterone (P4) and testosterone (T) excreted in their feces.", "\n\nFecal glucocorticoid (GC) and thyroid (T3) hormone metabolite measures are used to monitor nutritional and disturbance stress within and between years. ", "These two endocrine systems work closely together to regulate energy availability and utilization to meet nutritional, growth and thermoregulatory demands \\[[@pone.0179824.ref017]\\]. ", "GCs rapidly rise in response to poor nutrition, cold temperature and disturbance stressors, mobilizing glucose to provide energy to deal with the immediate emergency \\[[@pone.0179824.ref018],[@pone.0179824.ref019]\\]. ", "GC concentrations over time are particularly informative for distinguishing nutritional from boat stress since abundances of both Chinook and whale-watching boats have very similar temporal patterns. ", "Chinook and boat abundance are both relatively low in spring, peak in mid- to late August and then decline. ", "Yet, the GC signal from nutritional stress should be lowest when fish abundance is at its peak while highest when boat density is at its peak \\[[@pone.0179824.ref005]\\].", "\n\nThyroid hormone (triiodothyronine, T3), on the other hand, produces a more conservative response to nutritional and thermal stress, functioning by adjusting metabolism. ", "It is also important to promote fetal brain growth during gestation \\[[@pone.0179824.ref020]\\]. ", "While T4 is the most abundant thyroid hormone, it is directly converted to T3, which has many times the biological activity of T4 \\[[@pone.0179824.ref020],[@pone.0179824.ref021]\\]. ", "T3 levels are relatively slow to change when food shortages are first encountered, allowing the body to use all available fuel to search for food. ", "If poor food conditions persist, T3 abruptly declines, lowering metabolism to prevent the body from exhausting its remaining fuel stores \\[[@pone.0179824.ref021]--[@pone.0179824.ref024]\\]. ", "T3 may also be blunted under good food conditions when a low metabolism is needed to increase growth (e.g., to accumulate blubber stores in fall, in preparation for the relatively lean winter; \\[[@pone.0179824.ref020]\\]). ", "In dolphins, T3 is lower in failed versus successful pregnancies at all stages of gestation \\[[@pone.0179824.ref025]\\]. ", "T3 is relatively unresponsive to disturbance stress.", "\n\nThis study uses temporal patterns in P4 and T to predict pregnancy outcomes among the SRKWs and T3, GC and the T3/GC ratio to index the importance of nutritional and other stressors in their reproductive decline.", "\n\n1.1 SRKW natural history {#sec002}\n------------------------\n\nMean reproductive maturity (age at first conception) in female SRKWs occurs at 9.8 years of age in captivity 12.1 years in the wild \\[[@pone.0179824.ref010],[@pone.0179824.ref026]\\]. ", "Maximum fecundity (probability of becoming pregnant in a single estrous cycle) of SRKW occurs between ages 20--22, increasing quickly during the first four years after sexual maturity, slowly declining from age 22 to 39, and then precipitously declining thereafter \\[[@pone.0179824.ref004],[@pone.0179824.ref010]\\]. ", "Gestation is approximately 18 months, making the prior year's salmon availability particularly important to fecundity \\[[@pone.0179824.ref011],[@pone.0179824.ref027]\\].", "\n\nDuring our late May through October study period, the SRKWs primarily feed on Chinook salmon, increasingly dominated by Fraser River Chinook (FRC) returning to spawn in nearby rivers \\[[@pone.0179824.ref028],[@pone.0179824.ref029]\\]. ", "SRKWs generally spend the remainder of the year outside the Salish Sea, moving up and down the Pacific Coast, from CA to Southeast AK \\[[@pone.0179824.ref006]\\]. ", "K and L pods tend to spend more time further south than does J pod in winter, while J pod frequents the Salish Sea more than does K and L pods in summer and winter. ", "Nutritional demands on SRKW are presumed to be greatest in winter when their salmonid prey are more widely dispersed, smaller in size and other non-salmonid prey appear to be a larger fraction of the diet \\[[@pone.0179824.ref006],[@pone.0179824.ref029],[@pone.0179824.ref030]\\]. ", "Thermoregulatory demands may also influence nutritional demands during winter. ", "SRKW then transition to spring, eventually subsisting on a diminishing number of spring/summer run adult Chinook salmon approaching river mouths inside and outside the Salish Sea until the Fraser River Chinook (FRC) runs peak in mid- to late-August.", "\n\nTemporal patterns in fecal GC and T3 concentrations \\[[@pone.0179824.ref005]\\], combined with radio-tagging data \\[[@pone.0179824.ref028]\\], suggest that early spring interior race Columbia River Chinook (CRC) runs are also important to SRKW nutrition. ", "The CRC run increases from mid-March to the end of May based on estimates at the Bonneville dam \\[[@pone.0179824.ref031]\\] and have some of the highest fat content of any adult salmon to support their extremely long freshwater spawning migration \\[[@pone.0179824.ref032],[@pone.0179824.ref033]\\]. ", "Foraging on the fat rich Columbia River Chinook in early spring was hypothesized to replenish the killer whales after the long winter and sustain them until the temporally and quantitatively variable mid to late August peak in Fraser River Chinook (FRC) occurs ([S1 Fig](#pone.0179824.s001){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "T3 concentrations in fecal samples collected between 2007 and 2009 were consistently at their highest when the SRKW first arrived in the Salish Sea in late spring \\[[@pone.0179824.ref005]\\]. ", "Presumably, this occurred because the whales arrived after feeding on the fat rich Columbia River Chinook. ", "SRKW were detected twice as frequently at the Columbia River in early spring than expected by chance \\[[@pone.0179824.ref028]\\]. ", "This argument is further supported by increases in serum thyroid stimulating hormone, T4 and T3 in fasting humans and rats in response to leptin injections \\[[@pone.0179824.ref020]\\]. ", "With FRC runs still quite low, T3 levels then fell precipitously. ", "GC concentrations when the SRKWs first arrive in the Salish Sea in late spring were also relatively high, further reflecting the comparatively low FRC abundance at that time, and consistent with the precipitous decline in T3 shortly following SRKW arrival \\[[@pone.0179824.ref005]\\].", "\n\n2. ", "Methods {#sec003}\n==========\n\n2.1 Ethics statement {#sec004}\n--------------------\n\nFecal samples were collected in United States waters under National Marine Fisheries Service permits 532-1822-00, 532--1822, 10045 and 17344. ", "Samples were collected in Canadian waters under Marine Mammal License numbers 2008--16, 2009--08, 2010--09 and 2012--08, as well as Species at Risk Act permits numbered 91, 102, 109 and 155. ", "Sample collection methods were approved by the University of Washington's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) under protocol 2850--08.", "\n\n2.2 Scat (fecal) sampling using detection dogs {#sec005}\n----------------------------------------------\n\nScat sampling occurred in the Salish Sea between late May and October, from 2008--2014, coinciding with the time the SRKWs frequent the study area. ", "Whenever possible, we aimed to evenly sample each pod by starting at the front of the pod's direction of travel, continuing to sample until the pod passes and then returning again to the front of the pod.", "\n\nScat samples are located by detection dogs trained to locate SRKW scat floating on the water's surface \\[[@pone.0179824.ref005],[@pone.0179824.ref013],[@pone.0179824.ref014]\\]. ", "The use of detection dogs greatly increases sample size due to their remarkable ability to smell SRKW scats at distances up to one nautical mile away, even in fast moving currents. ", "The detection dog rides on the bow of the boat, driven perpendicular to the wind, beginning at least 200 yards downwind from an area where the whales have just traveled. ", "As the boat approaches the edge of the scent cone emanating from the sample, the dog's behavior suddenly changes from resting to actively perched far over the bow of the boat, anticipating its reward for sample detection. ", "As the boat passes through the center of the scent cone, where the odor is strongest, the dog leans heavily over the windward side of the boat, following the strongest scent, informing the handler to direct the boat driver to turn into the wind. ", "Subtle cues by the dog, relative to wind direction, allow the driver to stay on the scent line until the sample is reached. ", "The dog typically becomes restless, often whining at that point because the scent surrounds the boat and thus no longer has a clear direction. ", "If at any time the boat travels out of the scent cone, the dog changes position and looks back to where the scent was strongest. ", "The handler then directs the driver to circle back into the scent cone until the dog's change in behavior once again alerts the handler it has redetected the scent.", "\n\nAs soon as the sample is visually located, a 1-liter polypropylene beaker fastened to a 3--6 foot pole is used to scoop the sample by skimming the surface just under the sample. ", "The first sample out of the water is presented to the dog, which is followed immediately by the toy reward and a few minutes of play. ", "Meanwhile, the crew continues to scoop all remaining sample pieces from the water's surface. ", "The majority of water is carefully poured off the sample, and the sample pieces are collected into a 50 mL polypropylene tube, centrifuged, and the remaining seawater is decanted. ", "The sample is placed on dry ice until stored frozen at -20°C that evening and remains at that temperature until processed in the lab. ", "Fecal samples range in size from 0.5 to 300 mls, but a typical sample collection volume is 2 mls. ", "Fortunately, the consistency of SRKW scat makes the hormones fairly evenly distributed even in small samples (Ayres and Wasser, unpublished data).", "\n\n2.3 Fecal DNA and hormone measures {#sec006}\n----------------------------------\n\nOnce thawed for hormone extraction, the homogenized sample is swabbed for DNA using a synthetic tip. ", "The swab is then kept frozen at -20°C until being genotyped for species, sex, pod, and individual identification by NOAA NW Fisheries Science Center \\[[@pone.0179824.ref034]\\]. ", "76% of all individuals are currently genotyped to the individual, and 88% of all adult females. ", "Fecal hormone metabolites of glucocorticoid (GC), thyroid (triiodothyronine, T3), testosterone (T) and progesterone (P4) are extracted using methods described in \\[[@pone.0179824.ref021]\\] and measured using assays in Wasser et al. ", "\\[[@pone.0179824.ref035]\\] (P4), \\[[@pone.0179824.ref036]\\] (GC), \\[[@pone.0179824.ref021]\\] (T3)\\] and Vellosa et al. ", "\\[[@pone.0179824.ref037]\\] (T). ", "Briefly, each sample is thawed once and centrifuged (2,200 rpm for 20 minutes), allowing any excess salt-water to be decanted. ", "Samples are lyophilized (48 hours in a Labconco FreeZone Freeze Dry System), thoroughly mixed and up to 0.1g weighed, transferred to a 50 ml polypropylene screw-top tube and extracted once in 15ml of 70% ethanol using a Multi-Tube Pulse Vortexer (Terre Haute, IN). ", "Extracts are then stored at -20^0^ C until assayed for hormone concentrations. ", "Hormone concentrations are expressed per gram dry weight to control for inter-sample variation due to diet and variable moisture \\[[@pone.0179824.ref038]\\]. ", "Wasser et al. ", "\\[[@pone.0179824.ref038]\\] showed that expressing fecal hormones per gm dry weight controls for diet related changes in fecal bulk. ", "Because fecal hormones are hydrophobic, removing all water from the sample removes the majority of variation in fecal bulk, significantly improving the blood-fecal hormone correspondence (see also \\[[@pone.0179824.ref005]\\] for killer whales). ", "Samples smaller than 0.02 g dried weight were excluded from analysis to avoid inflation effects of low sample mass on hormone concentrations \\[[@pone.0179824.ref039]\\].", "\n\nRadioimmunoassay was performed to measure fecal hormone metabolites using ^125^I corticosterone RIA kits (\\#07--120103; MP Biomedicals, Costa Mesa, CA) and MP Biomedicals\\' Total T3 coated tube RIA kits (\\#06-B254216) for GC metabolites and T3, respectively. ", "The T3 assay was previously validated for killer whales \\[[@pone.0179824.ref021]\\]. ", "The GC assay \\[[@pone.0179824.ref036]\\] was validated for killer whales in Ayres et al \\[[@pone.0179824.ref005]\\]. ", "Fecal pools as well as commercial controls from each assay kit were used to assess inter-assay coefficients of variation. ", "Commercial T3 controls were prepared as previously described \\[[@pone.0179824.ref021]\\]. ", "P4 and T were measured using an in house 3H progesterone RIA assay using antibody CL425 \\[[@pone.0179824.ref035],[@pone.0179824.ref040]\\], and an in-house 3^H^ testosterone RIA assay using antibody \\#250 \\[[@pone.0179824.ref037],[@pone.0179824.ref040]\\]. ", "All other hormone assays were validated in the present study.", "\n\nAll five hormone assays exhibited parallelism; slopes of serially diluted SRKW fecal extracts were not significantly different from the slopes of the standard curves (GC: F~1,7~ *=* 0.41, p = 0.54; T3: F~1,9~ = 2.89, p = 0.12; P4: F~1,10~ *=* 0.80, p = 0.3925; T: F~1,9~ = 3.65, p = 0.09). ", "Fifty percent binding of the radioactively labeled hormone occurred at target dilutions of 1:60 for GC, 1:30 for T3,1:60 for P4 and 1:10 for T metabolites. ", "All five hormones also exhibited good accuracy at their target dilutions (GC: slope = 1.2, r^2^ = 0.98; T3: 1.09, 1.00; P4: 1.07, 0.98; T: 0.68, 0.99), indicating that substances in SRKW fecal extract do not interfere with hormone binding. ", "Inter-assay coefficients of variation were 7.8% for T3, 7.6% for GC; 17% for P4, and 19% for T. Intra-assay coefficients of variation (calculated as the percent of the mean divided by the standard deviation) were 1.9% for T3, 3% for GC, 3.1% for P4; and 3.2% for T. Antibody cross-reactivities are published in Wasser et al (\\[[@pone.0179824.ref035]\\], P4; \\[[@pone.0179824.ref036]\\], GC; \\[[@pone.0179824.ref021]\\], T3) and Velloso et al (\\[[@pone.0179824.ref037]\\], T).", "\n\n2.4 Pregnancy assignment {#sec007}\n------------------------\n\nAll whales are photo-identified each day they are observed in the study area, making it unlikely that a newborn would be missed if present when the population is being observed \\[[@pone.0179824.ref003]\\]. ", "This enabled us to establish temporal pregnancy profiles using fecal P4 and T concentrations for all pregnant females that subsequently gave birth, approximating gestational age at the time of sample collection based on the estimated birth date of the female's calf. ", "All birth dates in our study ([Table 1](#pone.0179824.t001){ref-type=\"table\"}) were estimated by two independent observers from the Center for Whale Research, respectively with 40 and 30 years experience, using close range photographs taken of each calf at the time of first observation. ", "Features used to assess calf age included: shape of cranial crest (lumpy at birth), flopped over dorsal fin (apparent in first 1--2 days), fetal folds, fattening after first month, jaundice coloration, skin molting at 3--5 months, date of previous observed photo of pregnant females without a calf. ", "The Center for Whale Research (unpublished data) developed these criteria by compiling a time-stamped folder of known-age calf photos that illustrate these age-dependent morphological differences.", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0179824.t001\n\n###### Sex, date of first observation, estimated age, birthdate and survival status for each calf whose mother was sampled during her pregnancy or lactation of that calf.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0179824.t001){#pone.0179824.t001g}\n\n Calf Data Mother of Calf data \n ---------- ----------- --------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------------------------- ----------- ------ ------------------ ----\n **2007** J42 F 5/2/2007 5/2/2007 Alive J16 1972 35\n **2008** K42 M 6/3/2008 4/3/08 1--3 mo Alive K14 1977 31\n **2008** L111 F 8/12/2008 7/30/2008 2 wk \\<1 month L47 1974 34\n **2009** L112 F 2/6/2009 1/24/2009 2 wk 3 years L86 1991 18\n **2009** J44 M 2/6/2009 1/1/2009 1 mo + Alive J17 1977 32\n **2009** J45 M 3/3/2009 2/15/2009 2 wk Alive J14 1974 (died 2016) 35\n **2009** L113 F 10/10/2009 10/1/2009 1--2 wk Alive L94 1995 14\n **2009** J46 F 11/11/2009 10/28/2009 2 wk Alive J28 1993 (died 2016) 16\n **2010** J47 M 1/3/2010 12/9/2009 \\< 1 mo (12/5 no calf) Alive J35 1998 12\n **2010** K43 F 2/21/2010 1/31/2010 3 wk Alive K12 1972 38\n **2010** L115 M 8/6/2010 7/31/2010 1 wk Alive L47 1974 36\n **2010** L116 M 10/13/2010 10/3/2010 1--2 wk Alive L82 1990 20\n **2010** L117 M 12/6/2010 11/30/2010 1 wk Alive L54 1977 33\n **2010** L114 U 2/21/2010 2/16/2010 \\< 1 wk 4 months L77 1987 23\n **2011** K44 M 7/6/2011 7/3/2011 3 days (No calf 3 days prior) Alive K27 1994 17\n **2011** L118 F 2/10/2011 1/20/2011 3 wk? ", " Alive L55 1977 34\n **2011** J48 U 2/17/2011 1/29/2011 ≤ 3 wk \\<1 month J16 1972\\~ 39\n **2012** J49 M 8/6/2012 8/6/2012 1 day, saw 1^st^ day Alive J37 2001 11\n **2012** L119 F 5/29/2012 5/15/2012 2 wk Alive L77 1987 25\n **2013** unk U 1/7/2013 1/7/2013 1 day \\<1 month J28 1993 20\n **2014** J50 F 12/23/2014 12/15/2014 2 wk? (", "12/12 no calf) Alive J16 1972\\~ 42\n **2015** L123 M 11/7/2015 10/15/2015 \\< 1 Mo (10/11 no calf) Alive L103 2003 12\n **2015** J53 F 10/24/2015 10/14/2015 1--2 wk (10/03 no calf) Alive J17 1977 38\n **2015** L122 M 9/7/2015 8/24/2015 2 wk Alive L91 1995 20\n **2015** J52 M 3/30/2015 3/16/2015 2 wk (no calf 02/18) Alive J36 1999 16\n **2015** L121 M 2/25/2015 2/18/2015 \\~ 1 wk Alive L94 1995 20\n **2015** J51 M 2/12/2015 2/5/2015 1 wk Alive J41 2005 10\n\nMaternal age at time of sampling is also included.", "\n\n? ", "= best guess.", "\n\nA fecal P4 concentration threshold was then established to indicate pregnancy by comparing P4 concentrations across all known sex and reproductive classes, and demonstrating that all gestating SRKW females, subsequently confirmed to have been pregnant by a live birth, surpassed this threshold and sustained it until the end of their 18 month gestation period (see also \\[[@pone.0179824.ref015]\\]). ", "No samples from genotyped males, or from lactating, non-cycling, immature or post-reproductive females approached this P4 threshold. ", "Comparisons of T concentrations were similarly used to separate pregnancies into early and late stages of gestation. ", "T rises during pregnancy, albeit more slowly than P4. ", "By mid-gestation, T concentrations in pregnant females are comparable to, if not higher than those observed only in adult males (but without a comparable rise in P4) \\[[@pone.0179824.ref016]\\] (see also [results](#sec009){ref-type=\"sec\"}). ", "Thus, high P4, low T samples were classified as from females in early gestation and high P4, high T samples were classified as from females in mid- to late-gestation. ", "All samples from genotyped adult females at or above these P4 and T concentrations were classified as pregnant. ", "Pregnancies were classified as successful if the female was subsequently observed with a live birth before 18 months from the time of sample collection. ", "Otherwise, the pregnancies were classified as unsuccessful, representing a spontaneous abortion or an unobserved perinatal mortality.", "\n\n2.5 Statistical analyses {#sec008}\n------------------------\n\nAll statistical analyses were performed using the software, JMP (SAS Institute, 2010). ", "Log-transformed values were used for all hormone analyses. ", "A general linear model (GLM) was used to distinguish reproductive and non-reproductive groups of each sex based on P4, T, T3, GC and T3/GC concentrations. ", "Differences between groups were then tested using a chi-square contrast test.", "\n\nThe abundance and timing of Fraser River Chinook (FRC) was determined from 2008--2014 by Albion Test Fishery CPUE data (Catch Per Unit Effort, \\[[@pone.0179824.ref041]\\]), collected on a daily basis by an independent observer during spring, summer, and fall months. ", "All correlations between hormone concentrations and fish abundance used Albion Test Fishery CPUE data lagged by 12 days from the time a sample was collected; the 12 day lag was derived from estimates of Chinook swim time from the study area to the test fishery, which was also in agreement with the lag time that resulted in the best fit model between prey abundance and nutritional hormones \\[[@pone.0179824.ref005],[@pone.0179824.ref008]\\]. ", "The CPUE data were log~10~ transformed to achieve normality. ", "Early spring Columbia River Chinook abundance was also estimated from daily counts at the Bonneville dam \\[[@pone.0179824.ref031]\\] by calculating the area under the curve from Julian Day 100 to 140.", "\n\nVessel counts were taken every half hour (within 5 minutes of the half hour). ", "Any vessels outside the 5 minute grace period were not counted. ", "All boats within 0.5 mile of the killer whales were recorded by type (commercial whale watch, recreational, cargo, ferry, commercial fishing, enforcement, research, monitoring, and kayak or paddleboard) and activity (e.g., transiting, whale watching, fishing (lines in the water), acoustic, enforcing). ", "A second (B) count was taken when a second nearby whale group was present (1--2 miles away) but outside of our initial count area, providing that the vessels and their activity could be clearly identified.", "\n\nThe correspondence between fish abundance and Julian date (i.e., the consecutive day of the year, ranging from 1 to 365) and vessel abundance and Julian date, across years, was established with a GLM, which allowed us to then use Julian date as proxies for fish and boat abundance in subsequent analyses. ", "A GLM was used to separately predict T3 and GC by Julian date for all sampled individuals. ", "The relation between early spring Columbia River salmon abundance and subsequent T3 and GC concentrations during that same year was also tested in those regressions. ", "Finally, GLM was used to separately predict T3, GC and the T3/GC ratio, using Julian date as a polynomial and pregnancy type as independent variables. ", "GC was included as a covariate whenever predicting T3, and vice versa, since both hormones respond to other in the regulation of energy balance. ", "For T3, this was done by fitting T3 by GC, saving the residuals, and then using the residuals of that analysis in the final regression. ", "For GC, the residuals for GC fit by T3 were used. ", "In all cases, forward stepwise model selection was used to identify the best model in our GLM analyses, based on Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC).", "\n\nRaw Data are provided in [S1 Appendix](#pone.0179824.s002){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}.", "\n\n3. ", "Results {#sec009}\n==========\n\nIn total, there were 348 samples from known (genotyped) individuals, in the final analytic dataset representing 79 unique whales (Supplemental Information-raw data), including 11 successful and 24 unsuccessful pregnancies ([Table 2](#pone.0179824.t002){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Each year included a representative sampling by pod, sex and reproductive class.", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0179824.t002\n\n###### Pod composition and samples per unique successful and unsuccessful pregnancy from genotyped females per year.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0179824.t002){#pone.0179824.t002g}\n\n   SRKW Pod Reproductive Age Class Unsuccessful Pregnancy[^+^](#t002fn004){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}: unique whales/ total samples Confirmed pregnancies[^+^](#t002fn004){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}[\\*](#t002fn002){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}: unique whales/ total samples \n ---------- ---------- ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---- ---- -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ----- -----\n **2008** 13 5 7 7 6 7 5 0/0 0/0 1/1 1/1\n **2009** 24 10 14 9 18 13 8 1/2 2/2 0/0 1/2\n **2010** 14 6 12 3 6 13 10 1/1 0/0 1/2 1/1\n **2011** 25 17 23 15 16 24 10 0/0 3/4 2/2 1/1\n **2012** 32 11 8 6 13 24 8 5[^\\#^](#t002fn005){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}/9 1[^\\#^](#t002fn005){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}/2 0/0 0/0\n **2013** 17 7 21 6 12 23 4 4[^†^](#t002fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}/4 1[^†^](#t002fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}/1 0/0 0/0\n **2014** 36 18 6 19 10 27 4 5/6 1/1 1/4 2/2\n\nRM = reproductive male, RF = reproductive female, PRF = Post-reproductive female.", "\n\n\\*Not all samples between years are unique pregnancies\n\n^†^ Includes 2 samples from one pregnancy, one with Low T and one with High T\n\n^+^ Includes only samples from females with P4 concentrations ≥ 2000 ng/g\n\n^\\#^ Observed birth, reclassified at unsuccessful due to early perinatal mortality\n\n3.1 Changes in fish abundance, vessel density, T3 and GC concentrations over time {#sec010}\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nBased on delta AIC, the Albion Test Fishery Abundance of FRC, measured in CPUE, was best predicted by a 4th order polynomial using Julian date (i.e., consecutive day of the year, P\\< 0.0001) across years ([Fig 1A](#pone.0179824.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}), with a peak in CPUE at day 228 (Aug 16). ", "CPUE significantly declined across years, when examined as a continuous variable (P \\< 0.0001). ", "The lowest FRC CPUE occurred in 2013, followed by 2012 (for both, p \\< 0.0001 compared to all prior years, and p \\<0.004 compared to 2014) and then 2014 (p \\< 0.04 compared to 2008--2011) (see also [S1 Fig](#pone.0179824.s001){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Vessel density was similarly predicted by a 4th order polynomial using Julian date (p \\< 0.0001) with a peak at day 222 ([Fig 1B](#pone.0179824.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Vessel density significantly increased across years, when examined as a continuous variable (P \\< 0.0001).", "\n\n![**", "A) Fraser River Chinook (FRC) Salmon Run abundance (CPUE: catch per unit effort), B) mean vessel count (all boats observed with 0.5 m of the whales) plotted by Julian date across years, C) Change in SRKW fecal thyroid hormone (triidothyronine, T3 ng/g dry feces) by Julian date (left panel) and early spring Columbia River Chinook abundance (right panel), and D) Change in SRKW fecal glucocorticoid (GC ng/g dry feces) hormone concentration by Julian date.** ", "Dashed blue lines represent the standard error surrounding each curve. ", "Vertical red line in left panel, Fig C indicates the mean peak in FRC abundance and the mean peak in boat abundance in Fig B and D.](pone.0179824.g001){#pone.0179824.g001}\n\nWe next separately predicted T3 and GC concentrations based on Julian date ([Fig 1C and 1D](#pone.0179824.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}, respectively), given the close association of Julian date with both fish and vessel abundance. ", "Spring Columbia River Chinook (CRC) abundance was also included as a covariate in these analyses since the relatively slow responding T3 was hypothesized to still be influenced by spring CRC abundance at the time of SRKW early summer arrival in the Salish Sea. ", "T3 concentration was best predicted by a 5^th^ order polynomial of Julian date (p \\< 0.0001) and was also positively correlated with CRC (p \\< 0.0001). ", "For all years of study, T3 was at its peak when the SRKWs arrived in early summer, presumably after feeding on the early spring CRC. ", "T3 sharply declined shortly thereafter, presumably because FRC abundance was still low, plateauing around the time that FRC CPUE begins to rise. ", "T3 concentrations then slightly declined again in September, just after the FRC peak.", "\n\nGC concentration was best predicted by the quadratic of Julian date (p = 0.004), showing the U-shaped pattern indicative of nutritional stress, with the trough at day 220, near the FRC peak. ", "GC was not correlated with CRC, supporting the hypothesis that the GC response reflects more immediate conditions compared to T3.", "\n\n3.2 Pregnancy occurrence and loss indices {#sec011}\n-----------------------------------------\n\nTwelve females sampled during pregnancy were subsequently confirmed to give birth (37% of detected pregnancies) by photo-identification between 2008 and 2015. ", "However, one of those females (J28) was subsequently reclassified as a High T unsuccessful pregnancy because her calf died immediately post-partum.) ", "In all samples, P4 was well above the 2000 ng/g pregnancy threshold by 2.5 months gestation, and remained so for the next 15.5 months until parturition. ", "One sample collected on a confirmed pregnant female during her first month of gestation had P4 levels below the 2000 ng/g threshold ([Fig 2A](#pone.0179824.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "By contrast, no male, or immature, non-cycling, lactating or post-reproductive female whale ever approached that P4 threshold ([Table 3](#pone.0179824.t003){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The majority of samples from confirmed pregnant females were well above 18,000 ng by 10 months gestation. ", "All samples from confirmed pregnant females exhibited a precipitous decline below 2000 ng/g P4 immediately following parturition ([Fig 2A](#pone.0179824.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![**", "A) Progesterone (P4) and B) testosterone (T) concentrations across gestation and lactation, for all successful pregnancies (Pg), subsequently confirmed by observed births.** ", "Each unique pregnancy is indicated by its own symbol, along with the associated female's ID. ", "The vertical dashed black line in Fig A and B indicate estimated day of parturition. ", "The 2000 ng pregnancy threshold is indicated by the horizontal dashed red line in Fig A, as is the 50 ng/g T cut-off for High and Low T samples in Fig B. The left vertical line in red indicates the Julian day where both P4 and T show sharp elevations.](pone.0179824.g002){#pone.0179824.g002}\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0179824.t003\n\n###### Mean hormone concentration (ng/g dry feces) and (standard error) by sex and reproductive class for each hormone measured during the study.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0179824.t003){#pone.0179824.t003g}\n\n Reproductive Hormones \n ------------------- --------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- --------------------\n **Juv F** 248.40 (40.06) 610.73 (200.17) 794.40 (268.84)*b*,*k*,*u*,*C*,*J* 3.38 (1.14)*a*,*j*,*v*,*F* 0.69 (.24)*a*,*f*\n **Juv M** 229.98 (26.98)*a*,*f* 501.03 (158.82) 800.96 (73.99)*a*,*j*,*t*,*B*,*K*,*O* 30.11 (7.84)*a-i* 0.44 (.05)*b*,*f*\n **Pub F** 264.19 (47.49)*d*,*i* 955.08 (286.02) 305.90 (95.0)*g*,*q*,*y*,*F*,*H*,*J-N* 3.80 (1.90)*h*,*p*,*y*,*D*,*H* 0.70 (.31)*d*\n **Pub M** 230.99 (29.34)*e* 1244.21 (310.87) 258.11 (42.15)*h*,*r*,*z*,*G*,*I*,*O-R* 19.32 (6.08)*q*,*A-E* 0.71 (.35)\n **Ad M** 167.07 (10.63)*a-e* 1073.14 (114.92) 579.57 (38.14)*I*,*s*,*H-I* 126.67 (17.73)*I*,*r*,*u*,*w*,*z*,*E-H* 0.32 (.044)*e*,*f*\n **Ad F no-calf** 169.97 (14.13) 1004.21 (135.15) 651.83 (68.28)*d*,*m*,*w*,*A*,*D*,*M*,*Q* 5.12 (1.60)*c*,*l*,*x*,*B* 0.35 (.057)\n **LoT Conf** 250.78 (35.63)*c*,*h* 1127.81 (233.66) 6205.89 (2564.93)*g*,*o*,*B-G* 21.28 (5.78)*n*,*x-z* 0.37 (.14)\n **LoT Upg** 252.56 (27.06)*b*,*g*,*i* 1288.23 (228.05) 6618.20 (2014.13)*e*,*n*,*t-z*,A 11.32 (3.2)*e*,*m*,*s-u* 0.82 (0.46)\n **HiT Conf** 218.05 (45.6) 1057.31 (477.75)*a* 25587.17 (5116.49)*a-i* 215.34 (42.87)*f*,*t*,*v*,*w* 1.11 (.42)*c*,*e*\n **HiT Upg** 177.1 (26.98) 1787.20 (467.83)*a* 37425.73 (12819.62)*j-s* 197.95 (39.7)*d*,*j-r* 0.16 (.035)*a-d*\n **Lactating** 165.02 (24.70)*f-i* 1094.36 (270.03) 650.12 (84.68)*c*,*l*,*v*,*C*,*L*,*P* 22.71 (13.33)*b*,*k*,*s*,*A*,*G* 2.05 (1.59)\n **Post-Reprod F** 199.01 (19.82)*j* 1039.2 (133.11) 662.30 (66.62)*f*,*p*,*x*,*y*,*E*,*N*,*R* 7.88 (1.89)*c*,*o*,*C* 0.36 (.068)\n\nSignificant differences between means in any two cells within the same column are indicated by the same italicized letter in both cells.", "\n\nF = female, M = male, Juv = juvenile; Pub = pubescent, Ad = adult, T = testosterone, Conf = confirmed pregnant female by subsequent observation of a live calf; UPg = unsuccessful pregnancy.", "\n\nT concentrations of all samples from confirmed pregnant females clearly remained below 50 ng/g until mid-gestation ([Fig 2B](#pone.0179824.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Thus, pregnancy samples (i.e., samples above the 2000 ng/g P4 threshold) were divided into low (≤ 50 ng/g) and high (\\> 50 ng/g) T groups, respectively, corresponding to early, and mid-to-late stages of gestation ([Fig 2A and 2B](#pone.0179824.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The only other age-sex class that showed significantly elevated T concentrations, above the 50 ng/g threshold, was adult males, but their P4 concentrations never approached 2000 ng/g (see [Table 3](#pone.0179824.t003){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "T was above the 20 ng/g by 2.5 months gestation in all confirmed pregnant females, with the majority above 100 ng/g by 10 months gestation ([Fig 2B](#pone.0179824.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Low T confirmed pregnant females had a mean fecal P4 of 6206 ng/g ± 2565) and a mean T concentration of 21 ng/g ± 5.8, whereas High T confirmed pregnant females had a mean fecal P4 \\> 25587 ng/g ± 5116) and a mean T concentration of 215 ng/g ± 43 ([Table 3](#pone.0179824.t003){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "With the exception of one early lactation sample, testosterone concentrations declined well below the 50 ng/g threshold after parturition ([Fig 2B](#pone.0179824.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Multiple scat samples were obtained from the same pregnancy event in 4 of the 11 pregnancies and three lactation events; all multiple samples exhibited these same P4 and T patterns over time.", "\n\nNone of the post-reproductive females were ever recorded to be pregnant nor did they show any sign of ovarian activity ([Table 3](#pone.0179824.t003){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "These results support the assertion that the \"post-reproductive\" adult females (\\>40 years of age) in this population have undergone reproductive senescence \\[[@pone.0179824.ref042]\\].", "\n\nSamples from genotyped reproductive age adult females with P4 concentrations above the 2000 ng/g pregnancy threshold that were not followed by a live calf within the 18-month gestation period were assumed to be from females that experienced a spontaneous abortion (in utero mortality), or early perinatal death prior to calf's first observation, collectively termed an unsuccessful pregnancy (UPg). ", "Among the females classified as reproductive adults, we characterized 24 unique unsuccessful pregnancy (UPg) events from 12 different females with genotyped samples collected between 2008--2014---up to 69% of all confirmed pregnancies ([Table 2](#pone.0179824.t002){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "All samples from the 22 apparent UPg's had significantly elevated progesterone concentrations well above 2000 ng/g. Yet, no observations of those females over the next 18 months included a new calf. ", "As with confirmed pregnancies, the presumed UPg samples were separated into two distinct groups: one with T concentrations above 50 ng/g feces (mean T = 198.6±40; P4 = 37,425±12,820), hereafter termed \"high T UPg\" samples (7 unique females, 7 presumed late spontaneous abortions and one early perinatal loss), and the other with T concentrations below 50 ng/g feces (mean T = 11.3±3.2; P4 = 6618±2014), termed \"low T UPg\" samples (4 females, 16 presumed early spontaneous abortions; [Table 2](#pone.0179824.t002){ref-type=\"table\"}; [Fig 3A](#pone.0179824.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Multiple samples from 6 of the 24 unsuccessful pregnancy samples (4 low T, 2 high T, plus 1 low T that transitioned to high T) were all within the pregnancy range (i.e., P4 \\< 2000 ng/g). ", "Thirty three percent of the UPg samples (8 out of 24) identified here were high T UPg (up to 23% of all recorded pregnancies). ", "The high T UPg samples were likely from the second half of gestation, based on their high P4 and T concentrations relative to temporal profiles for those hormones in whales with a confirmed pregnancy (see [Fig 2](#pone.0179824.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![**", "A) Mean P4 and T concentrations and B) mean tri-iodothyronine (T3) and glucocorticoid (GC) concentrations, along with the T3/GC ratio, for Low and High T successful (SPg) and unsuccessful pregnancies (UPg).** ", "Corresponding values for all sex and reproductive classes of SRKWs, including significant differences between classes, are presented in [Table 3](#pone.0179824.t003){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Note: T3 Concentrations are multiplied by 4 in Fig B to scale its concentrations to those of GC in order to present a double Y graph for 3 related metrics, each with different value ranges. ", "Bars with the same letter are significantly different from each other.](pone.0179824.g003){#pone.0179824.g003}\n\nT3 and GC concentrations also varied across all sex, age and reproductive classes ([Table 3](#pone.0179824.t003){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "T3 was highest in juvenile and pubescent individuals compared to adults, with the exception of Low and High T successful pregnant and low T UPg females. ", "All of those individuals also had a relatively high T3/GC ratio (\\> 0.3), indicative of relatively good nutrition ([Table 3](#pone.0179824.t003){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "By contrast, T3 in the High T UPg samples was comparable to that of non-pregnant adults ([Table 3](#pone.0179824.t003){ref-type=\"table\"}), and notably lower than the concentrations from successful pregnant and low T UPg females ([Fig 3B](#pone.0179824.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "These High T UPg samples also had the highest GC concentrations of any reproductive class, was significantly higher than the GC concentrations in High T successful pregnancies. ", "The T3/GC ratio in High T UPg females was lower than that of another other reproductive class ([Table 3](#pone.0179824.t003){ref-type=\"table\"}), indicative of nutritional stress ([Table 3](#pone.0179824.t003){ref-type=\"table\"}), and nearly 7 times lower than that among High T successful pregnancies. ", "Indeed, the T3/GC ratio in High T successful pregnancies was higher than that for any other reproductive class, with the exception of lactating females ([Table 3](#pone.0179824.t003){ref-type=\"table\"}, [Fig 3B](#pone.0179824.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n3.3 Changes in T3 and GC concentrations relative to fish abundance over time across pregnancy groups {#sec012}\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nT3 and GC concentrations, along with the T3/GC ratios were separately compared among High T successful pregnant and UPg samples, across Julian date. (", "Low T samples were not included in these comparisons because their T3 and GC concentrations were not significantly different from those of confirmed pregnant females.) ", "All three dependent variables were best predicted by a 3^rd^ order polynomial of Julian date (p \\< 0.01). ", "Similar to the overall population trend, T3 concentrations were highest in early summer, followed by a precipitous decline. ", "However, the initial T3 decline was longer in duration than that observed for the overall population, lasting until day 190. ", "T3 concentrations in the pregnant females then increased until day 250 ([Fig 4A](#pone.0179824.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}), which was near the time when the FRC run reached it back ([Fig 1A](#pone.0179824.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "While the pattern was the same in High T successful and unsuccessful pregnancies, T3 in High T UPg samples remained significantly lower than that in High T successful pregnant females (p = 0.004), consistent with relatively higher nutritional stress in the High T UPg females ([Fig 4A](#pone.0179824.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Change in GC concentrations among pregnancy females were the exact opposite of T3, showing a steep rise until day 190 followed by a decline until day 250, and significantly higher in High T UPg compared to High T successfully pregnant females (p \\< 0.002) throughout this period ([Fig 4B](#pone.0179824.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Change in the T3/GC ratio followed the same pattern as T3, also remaining significantly higher in HighT successful pregnancies (p\\< 0.003) ([Fig 4C](#pone.0179824.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "A) T3 and B) GC concentrations, along with (C) the T3/GC ratio, by Julian day for High T successful pregnancies (SPg) versus High T unsuccessful pregnancies (UPg).](pone.0179824.g004){#pone.0179824.g004}\n\n4. ", "Discussion {#sec013}\n=============\n\nReproductive failure in response to conditions that jeopardize offspring survival has been described as an adaptive response if conditions are likely to improve in the foreseeable future. ", "This environmentally-mediated loss most commonly occurs early in reproduction (conception and early pregnancy) when the cost of suppression (e.g., lost time and energy; impacts on maternal health) is relatively low \\[[@pone.0179824.ref043],[@pone.0179824.ref044]\\]. ", "However, failure at later stages of reproduction is expected when cues indicating poor fetal or neonatal conditions present themselves late in the reproductive event. ", "The longer the span between conception and birth the more likely later suppression is to occur. ", "Premature birth is a relatively low risk way to suppress reproduction because the reproductive failure occurs post-partum with reduced chance of infection. ", "However, its occurrence should still depend on when harsh conditions present themselves. ", "If fetal demise occurs or environmental conditions become especially harsh (e.g., risk of sepsis from starvation induced ketoacidosis during pregnancy; \\[[@pone.0179824.ref045]\\]), spontaneous abortion is expected. ", "Thus, spontaneous abortion, premature birth, still birth, and perinatal and neonatal mortality are all part of a continuum of reproductive suppression that present with harsh conditions, on balance with risk of reproductive loss at that stage of reproduction \\[[@pone.0179824.ref044],[@pone.0179824.ref046]\\].", "\n\nSRKWs have an 18 month gestation period and their nutritional health depends on the relative timing of multiple, seasonal fish runs (e.g., spring CRC and summer FRC), as well as food availability in between those periods, each of which vary markedly between years ([S1 Fig](#pone.0179824.s001){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "The increasingly common occurrence of SRKW births outside the typical winter calving period may well be an indication of the increased unpredictability of diminishing fish runs along with the corresponding high rate of late reproductive loss in SRKWs, including more costly late spontaneous abortions. ", "The SRKWs had a 69% pregnancy failure rate during our study and an unprecedented half of those occurred at later stages of reproduction when the energetic cost of failure and physiological risk to the mother was relatively high. ", "Temporal patterns in T3 and GC hormone profiles suggest that the SRKWs are experiencing periodic nutritional stress, partly caused by variation in the relative timing and strength of seasonal FRC and CRC runs ([Fig 1](#pone.0179824.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This nutritional stress is significantly associated with unsuccessful pregnancies in SRKWs (Figs [3](#pone.0179824.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [4](#pone.0179824.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}), impairing the potential for population recovery through low recruitment as well as risk to the health and survival of the limited number of reproductive-age females.", "\n\nHigh T (mid-to-late gestation) females with successful pregnancies in our study had significantly higher T3 and lower GC concentrations, as well as a substantially higher T3/GC ratio over time, compared to High T unsuccessful pregnancies (Figs [3](#pone.0179824.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [4](#pone.0179824.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This indicates that successfully pregnant females arrived in the Salish Sea in significantly better nutritional condition, and remained so compared to UPg females that experienced pregnancy loss some time after mid-pregnancy. ", "West et al \\[[@pone.0179824.ref025]\\] similarly found significantly higher total T3 concentrations among adult females in successful compared to unsuccessful pregnancies at all stages of gestation among captive dolphins.", "\n\nOnly 4 detected pregnancies between 2011--2013 resulted in live births when Fraser River Chinook and early spring Columbia River Chinook runs were both exceedingly low. ", "Just one of those births occurred in 2013, when both FRC and CRC abundances were at their lowest, and that animal died almost immediately post-partum. ", "By contrast, there were up to 9 early gestation (Low T) and 5 mid to late gestation (High T) unsuccessful pregnancies detected during that same 3 year period, with almost half of these early-term and one of the mid to late term unsuccessful pregnancies occurring in 2013. ", "That trend reversed in 2014, with relatively high CRC returns and early onset of FRC returns in 2014 and 2015 ([S1 Fig](#pone.0179824.s001){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}, Appendix) that was followed by 8 new births between December of 2014 and October 2015; however, up to 6 unsuccessful pregnancies still occurred that year, five of which occurred early in gestation (Low T Upg).", "\n\nHigh T UPg samples were either from late spontaneous abortions (also known as intrauterine fetal demise), or undocumented perinatal or neonatal deaths where the infant disappeared prior to first observation. ", "The lack of observed perinatal or neonatal deaths when most successful births during our study were observed within 2 weeks of parturition ([Table 1](#pone.0179824.t001){ref-type=\"table\"}), led us to estimate that a substantial portion of the High T UPg samples represented late spontaneous abortions. ", "Although the negative effect of these later reproductive losses on SRKW population growth is roughly the same, infection from a failed or incomplete abortion likely poses a greater risk of removing a reproductive female from the breeding population. ", "At least one SRKW stranding was confirmed to be a pregnant female with infection from a retained fetus listed as the cause of maternal death (J32, December 2014).", "\n\nReproductive loss among women during the well-documented 1945 Dutch Famine may exemplify the kinds of impacts expected in response to severe nutritional stress among SRKWs, since: both humans and SRKWs have relatively long interbirth intervals (gestation length and extended lactation amenorrhea), starvation was acute and the Dutch Famine outcomes were not biased by interventions from modern health care \\[[@pone.0179824.ref044],[@pone.0179824.ref047],[@pone.0179824.ref048]\\]. ", "The Nazis closed off the borders of Holland between October 1944 and May 1945, causing massive starvation over a 5--8 month period, with good food conditions before and after. ", "There was a one-third decline in the expected number of births among confirmed pregnant woman during the under-nutrition period. ", "Conceptions during the hunger period were very low. ", "However, women who conceived during the hunger period had higher rates of abortion, premature and stillbirths, neonatal mortality and malformation. ", "Nutrition had its greatest impact on birth weight and length for mothers experiencing hunger during their second half of gestation, when the fetus is growing most rapidly \\[[@pone.0179824.ref047]\\].", "\n\nMany of the unsuccessful pregnancies in our study were based on single genotyped samples, and it is possible that pregnancy failure rates could be somewhat overestimated. ", "For example, we cannot rule out that some portion of the singleton Low T samples were actually from post-ovulatory luteal phase females that did not produce a detectable conception. ", "Some low T samples could also be from pseudo-pregnancies, although those are rare, have only been reported in captivity \\[[@pone.0179824.ref049]\\], and could be an artifact of captive husbandry where males and females are housed separately. ", "It is unlikely that any post-ovulatory luteal phase samples were misclassified as High T UPg samples because both P4 and T concentrations in the High T samples were all well above those expected for luteal phase samples ([Table 3](#pone.0179824.t003){ref-type=\"table\"}, [Fig 2](#pone.0179824.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Moreover, Robeck et al \\[[@pone.0179824.ref015],[@pone.0179824.ref016]\\] clearly distinguished luteal phase samples from pregnant samples by 4 weeks of gestation. ", "This is consistent with our findings from [Fig 2](#pone.0179824.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}, indicating pregnancy detection among females by 100 days of gestation. ", "Given the above, we consider only a small portion of the 8 singleton, low T UPg samples with P4 above the 2000 ng/g pregnancy threshold to be possibly misclassified as early abortions. ", "However, the consistency of these patterns on multiple endocrine and temporal measures, across years, strengthens the assertion that pregnancy failure is a major constraint on killer whale population growth, triggered by insufficient prey.", "\n\nThe rise in fecal P4 concentrations that we observed among successful pregnancies was somewhat delayed compared to that observed in serum from captive killer whales \\[[@pone.0179824.ref015]\\]. ", "This could suggest that our estimated birth dates, and hence our projected conception dates, actually occurred earlier than expected, increasing the likelihood that some perinatal mortalities were misclassified as late spontaneous abortions. ", "However, the delayed P4 peak in feces of pregnant SRKWs compared to Robeck et al \\[[@pone.0179824.ref015]\\] most likely resulted from differences in the P4 metabolites measured in feces versus serum. ", "The predominant P4 metabolite measured by our antibody is 5α-DHP \\[[@pone.0179824.ref035]\\]. ", "Using an EIA version of the P4 antibody we used in our study, Robeck et al \\[[@pone.0179824.ref015]\\] found that 5α -DHP did not become the predominant progesterone metabolite in captive killer whale serum until 161--360 days of gestation, and remained secondarily so from 361 days gestation to term. ", "Fecal progesterone metabolites spiked around mid-pregnancy in our study, consistent with the time when 5α -DHP predominated in serum \\[[@pone.0179824.ref015]\\]. ", "It is also noteworthy that our testosterone antibody \\[[@pone.0179824.ref037],[@pone.0179824.ref040]\\] followed a similar temporal pattern in SRKW to that described for captive whales by \\[[@pone.0179824.ref016]\\]. ", "That also supports the reliability of our projected conception dates and occurrences of spontaneous abortion.", "\n\nExposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs)---lipophilic compounds with established adverse health effects---in response to food stress add yet another cumulative risk of fetal demise and/or perinatal and neonatal mortality. ", "Lundin et al. ", "\\[[@pone.0179824.ref008],[@pone.0179824.ref050]\\] showed that POPs, namely PCBs, DDTs, and PBDEs, increase in circulation in SRKWs when Fraser River Chinook abundance is lowest, presumably due to increased fat metabolism in response to nutritional stress. ", "Mobilization of contaminants into circulation also occurs during the energetic demands of lactation, with an estimated 70--90% lactation transfer of maternal toxicant burden in primiparous females \\[[@pone.0179824.ref051]\\]. ", "High POP burden has specifically been associated with disruption of reproduction success and reduced calf survival in marine mammals \\[[@pone.0179824.ref052]--[@pone.0179824.ref055]\\]. ", "Most notably, Lundin et al. ", "\\[[@pone.0179824.ref008]\\] found increased Persistent PCBs, the group of PCBs considered more persistent and more toxic \\[[@pone.0179824.ref056]\\], in the female whales classified with UPg's (73%; 95% CI, 61--85) compared to all other female reproductive groups (range 43--56%). ", "Further evidence in support of the occurrence of UPg in this population is the unexpected inverse in bioaccumulation of POPs with age in \"nulliparous\" mature females (3 of 4 nulliparous whales had an unsuccessful pregnancy defined by fecal hormone measures). ", "This occurrence is likely explained by toxicant offloading from an undocumented pregnancy or neonate loss.", "\n\nBoth poor nutrition and increased POP loads have each been demonstrated to suppress T3, which negatively impacts fetal brain growth \\[[@pone.0179824.ref022],[@pone.0179824.ref057],[@pone.0179824.ref058]\\]; immunosuppression may also occur, increasing risk of infection \\[[@pone.0179824.ref053],[@pone.0179824.ref059]--[@pone.0179824.ref061]\\]. ", "Salmon are the Southern Resident killer whales predominant prey and main source of toxic exposures \\[[@pone.0179824.ref062],[@pone.0179824.ref063]\\]. ", "This relation of reduced food supply and increased exposure to lipophilic POPs could be similarly impacting coastal Native American communities that depend on this same seasonal salmon resource and also appear to be experiencing high rates of reproductive loss \\[[@pone.0179824.ref064],[@pone.0179824.ref065]\\].", "\n\nResults of the SRKW study strongly suggest that recovering Fraser River (FRC) and Columbia River Chinook (CRC) runs should be among the highest priorities for managers aiming to recover this endangered population of killer whales. ", "SRKW are suffering significant reproductive loss due to lack of Chinook prey and associated effects (e.g., release of lipophilic toxins into circulation). ", "The FRC run is a major prey source for the SRKW population during summer and early fall, and appears to be key to providing the needed reserves to carry the whales through the subsequent winter \\[[@pone.0179824.ref006]\\]. ", "The early spring CRC runs likely serve to replenish energetic reserves expended during the previous winter as well as help sustain the whales until the occurrence of the subsequent late summer peak in the FRC runs. ", "The relative importance of the early spring Columbia River Chinook run likely became all the more critical to the SRKWs as historic FRC runs that peaked earlier in summer became depleted from overfishing and habitat destruction \\[[@pone.0179824.ref006]\\]. ", "Other species, including people, also appear to be impacted by these conditions.", "\n\nWithout steps taken to remedy the situation, we risk losing the endangered SRKW, an extraordinarily important and iconic species to the Pacific Northwest. ", "Since strengthening relevant Chinook runs should significantly decrease physiological stress and increase pregnancy success rates in SRKW during the same year that fish runs increase, the physiological indices used in this study could also provide rapid assessment tools for guiding adaptive management of SRKW populations. ", "Historical and modern dependence on fish as an essential food source for coastal communities with limited resources, in conjunction with growing food shortages and increased risk of toxicant exposure, has international implications.", "\n\nSupporting information {#sec014}\n======================\n\n###### Timing and abundance of Columbia River (orange) and Fraser River (blue) Chinook runs based on DART (2015) and Albion Test fisheries (Catch Per Unit Effort, Albion 2015), respectively (see also Lundin 2015).", "\n\n(TIFF)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### Raw data.", "\n\n(XLSX)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\nThe research was made possible thanks to collaborations at NOAA NWFSC. ", "Special thanks to E Ward, M Ford, B Hanson and L Park, K Koski, T Wilson, K Balcomb-Bartok, D Ellifrit, C Emmons, R Baird, F Felleman, Conservation Canines, Center for Whale Research, and The Whale Museum's Soundwatch Boater Education Program.", "\n\n[^1]: **Competing Interests:**The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.", "\n\n[^2]: **Conceptualization:** SKW JIL.**Data curation:** SKW JIL ES RB KB KP JH.**Formal analysis:** SKW JIL.**Funding acquisition:** SKW JIL.**Investigation:** SKW ES DG RB.**Methodology:** SKW JIL KA ES DG RB.**Project administration:** SKW JIL ES RB.**Resources:** SKW RB JIL.**Supervision:** SKW JIL ES.**Validation:** SKW JIL RB.**Visualization:** SKW ES JIL RB.**Writing -- original draft:** SKW JIL.**Writing -- review & editing:** SKW ES DG KB JIL.", "\n" ]
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[ "Suppression of sorbitol dependence in a strain bearing a mutation in the SRB1/PSA1/VIG9 gene encoding GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase by PDE2 overexpression suggests a role for the Ras/cAMP signal-transduction pathway in the control of yeast cell-wall biogenesis.", "\nComplementation studies and allele replacement in Saccharomyces cerevisiae revealed that PSA1/VIG9, an essential gene that encodes GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase, is the wild-type SRB1 gene. ", "Cloning and sequencing of the srb1-1 allele showed that it determines a single amino acid change from glycine to aspartic acid at residue 276 (srb1(D276)). ", "Genetic evidence is presented showing that at least one further mutation is required for the sorbitol dependence of srb1(D276). ", "A previously reported complementing gene, which this study has now identified as PDE2, is a multi-copy suppressor of sorbitol dependence and is not, as was previously suggested, the SRB1 gene. ", "srb and pde2 mutants share a number of phenotypes, including lysis upon hypotonic shock and enhanced transformability. ", "These data are consistent with the idea that the Ras/cAMP pathway might modulate cell-wall construction." ]
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[ "During a recent Skype meeting with our KinderPals in Canada, the two classes agreed to collaborate to write a fictional story. ", "KinderPals tweeted some ideas to KC, and we discussed them and added our ideas. ", "The KC children wondered how we could share our ideas with KinderPals as, “there are too many letters and they will go red and then we can’t send it” on Twitter, their usual communication tool. ", "I introduced the children to Google docs. ", "We created a document and I explained to the children how we could share the document with others and choose who could edit the document. ", "As we recorded our ideas in the document, some children wondered how we would know which ideas were KC’s and which were KinderPals’. ", "Trenton suggested using different colours. ", "The KC children chose red. ", "Nia suggested offering to swap colours if KinderPals wanted to be red.", "\n\nThe classes are taking turns to give feed-back on the ideas so far and to add their own ideas. ", "They tweet each other when they have added some more ideas to the Google doc so that the other class can have a look at the updated version.", "\n\nToday the KC children added some ideas to the introduction. ", "They added some details to describe the castle so that KinderPals could imagine what the castle looked like. ", "Then they drew pictures of the castle to share with KinderPals via the class blog so that they can get some feedback from their co-collaborators.", "\n\nCastles on PhotoPeach\n\nSome of the children in KC have been asking if we can Skype with KinderPals again, “because it will be easier to decide when we can see them and ask them, otherwise we have to wait for ever, till the next day, to wait for a twitter.” ", "Other children explain that it is difficult to Skype because KinderPals and KC are in different time zones, and when we are at school, KinderPals are at home. ", "Someone wondered if we could Skype KinderPals during our sleepover. ", "Hal suggested checking on the worldtime buddy app that we use to keep track of different time zones of our friends around the world. ", "We found that skyping won’t work during our sleepover. ", "We will have to find another way of communicating.", "\n\nAs the project unfolds, both groups of children are expanding their knowledge of 21st century communication tools and are learning that their learning environment expands far beyond their classroom." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to display numbers in pairs using for loops in R\n\nI am trying to use for loop for my R shiny app which is more complex than just displaying the numbers and characters. ", "Hence, I have written a much simpler version here. ", "Does anyone know how to display the following output using for loop?", "\n\"1,a\"\n\"2,b\"\n\"3,c\"\n\nSo I have tried using the codes below:\nfor(i in 1:3) {\n for(j in c(\"a\",\"b\",\"c\")) {\n \n print(paste(i,j,sep = \",\"))\n }}\n\nHowever, it produces this output:\n[1] \"1,a\"\n[1] \"1,b\"\n[1] \"1,c\"\n[1] \"2,a\"\n[1] \"2,b\"\n[1] \"2,c\"\n[1] \"3,a\"\n[1] \"3,b\"\n[1] \"3,c\"\n\nCan anyone help me with this? ", "Thanks!", "\n\nA:\n\nYou probably only need one index i.\nfor(i in 1:3) {\n print(paste(i, c(\"a\",\"b\",\"c\")[i], sep = \",\"))\n}\n# [1] \"1,a\"\n# [1] \"2,b\"\n# [1] \"3,c\"\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006896551724137931 ]
[ "Lean Product Development with DFM Forum on 29th Jan at Eindhoven, Netherlands\n\nIf this is your first visit, be sure to\ncheck out the FAQ by clicking the\nlink above. ", "You may have to register\nbefore you can post: click the register link above to proceed. ", "To start viewing messages,\nselect the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.", "\n\nLean Product Development with DFM Forum on 29th Jan at Eindhoven, Netherlands\n\nAt the 2015 DFM Forum, design and manufacturing experts from leading organizations and academia will get together to discuss best practices and strategies for successful product development, foster a deeper understanding of DFM principles and discuss best practices for Design for Manufacturing.", "\n\nIn addition to key-note presentations, a 60-mins interactive round table session provides an ideal opportunity to benchmark, learn and debate with peers, facilitators and experts in DFM community. ", "Attendees are sure to get valuable ideas and suggestions that can be put to use immediately.", "\nThe presentations\n\nHelp understand the DFM principles and gain valuable insights on multidisciplinary design challenges.", "\nProvide an update on the industry challenges, latest developments and issues within the manufacturing industry\nProvide an opportunity to engage with key industry leaders, and design experts and to network among peer" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.012121212121212121, 0, 0, 0.005319148936170213, 0.005025125628140704, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0 ]
[ "How Doing Exercise Makes You Younger\n\nHow Doing Exercise Makes You Younger\n\nCan doing exercise regularly make you younger? ", "The answer from all the health experts seems to be a resounding yes. ", "We will look at why this is true, but for the moment, reflect on the advantages of staving off old age. ", "Just think, you could have a firmer, fitter body, healthy glowing skin, stronger bones, and a lower risk of depression. ", "But more than half of all adults in the USA are not getting enough exercise, according to a CDC report.", "\n\nSome experts are now saying that those who exercise with regularity could live for 10 years longer than couch potatoes. ", "So, a longer life is a great bonus, but even better is the fact that you are less likely to get diabetes, cancer, or have a heart attack. ", "Talk about a fountain of youth!", "\n\nExercise helps your circulation\n\nWhat happens when you go jogging or do your aerobic workout at the gym? ", "The blood vessels in your muscles respond to the increased pressure by getting larger and they can take on more oxygenated blood. ", "The process helps to divert the blood supply to less essential organs such as the stomach and kidneys. ", "The working muscles are now getting the maximum benefit. ", "The heart muscle which is doing most of the donkey work will become more efficient and help to optimize blood circulation.", "\n\nThe benefits of an improved circulation system will help to keep blood pressure levels normal, tone the muscles and also the lungs. ", "Any type of exercise such as walking, cycling, dancing, yoga or swimming will do the trick.", "\n\nHow exercise promotes cell growth\n\nAs we age, our cell renewal process inevitably slows down. ", "Telomeres (from the Greek telos ‘end’ and meros ‘part’) are an essential part of the repetitive DNA which protects the end of the chromosomes from deterioration. ", "Someone has said it is rather like having a plastic end to the shoelace which prevents it from unravelling. ", "The longer the telomeres, the more efficient is cell creation.", "\n\nResearchers found that couch potatoes had shorter telomeres than those who regularly exercised. ", "The study involved over 2,000 sets of twins and confirmed that those who exercised were likely to remain more youthful and live longer.", "\n\nExercise keeps the brain in great condition\n\nAn essential aspect of staying young is to have a healthy, active brain. ", "Once you start exercising, the brain begins to feel the benefit of the increased blood flow which helps to keep the cells healthy. ", "Most people after exercise feel more focused and children have done better on tests.", "\n\nOne test, conducted by the University of Minnesota followed 2,700 men and women for over 25 years. ", "Those who had done sport in their teens were scoring better on mental tests when they reached their fifties.", "\n\nHelping your brain cell production is a great way to ward off Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.", "\n\nExercise gives you glowing skin\n\nMost people associate glowing, radiant skin with facelifts and miraculous creams. ", "They do not realize that when you exercise, the revved up circulation is getting essential oxygen and other nutrients to the skin. ", "The muscles are toned so that the skin is less likely to sag. ", "In addition, your own collagen which keeps the skin compact and firm is also regenerated. ", "Some studies have shown that it may also help to reduce acne.", "\n\nDo not forget to use an effective sunblock if you like to exercise in the sun. ", "Experts agree that in order to get your essential daily dose of Vitamin D, you just need to stay in sunlight for fifteen minutes. ", "Do not worry about the sunblock interfering with this process. ", "Dermatologists at the King’s College, London, Institute of Dermatology have reassured us on this.", "\n\nExercise helps your bone density\n\n“It takes skill to fall on flat surfaces” – Anon\n\nWho wants old bones which are brittle and break when you fall? ", "Preserving strong bones is the best way to avoid fractures. ", "The best type of exercise to help bones stay strong are those that involve some weight resistance, such as:\n\n* Walking\n\n* Hiking\n\n* Weight lifting\n\n* Jogging\n\n* Walking up the stairs\n\n* Dancing\n\n* Tennis.", "\n\nExercise helps to prevent depression\n\nWhen you do any exercise, the good mood endorphins such as serotonin and dopamine are released. ", "They help to put you in a good mood. ", "It is no accident that you always feel more cheerful and upbeat after doing exercise.", "\n\nExercise can make you feel better and lessen depression symptoms. ", "Scientists are not exactly sure why this is the case but there are countless examples of its efficacy.", "\n\nNow, you know why everybody is talking about exercise. ", "It really can help you stay younger and enjoy a longer life. ", "You have no excuse now!", "\n\nRobert Locke MBE is a health enthusiast specializing in relationships, life improvement, ADHD, parenting, mental health, fitness and weight loss. ", "For parenting advice and a free book on ADHD visit Problem Kids Blog" ]
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[ "// Copyright (c) 2012, Suryandaru Triandana <syndtr@gmail.com>\n// All rights reserved.", "\n//\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\n// found in the LICENSE file.", "\n\npackage leveldb\n\nimport (\n\t\"fmt\"\n\t\"sort\"\n\t\"sync/atomic\"\n\n\t\"github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb/cache\"\n\t\"github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb/iterator\"\n\t\"github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb/opt\"\n\t\"github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb/storage\"\n\t\"github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb/table\"\n\t\"github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb/util\"\n)\n\n// tFile holds basic information about a table.", "\ntype tFile struct {\n\tfd storage.", "FileDesc\n\tseekLeft int32\n\tsize int64\n\timin, imax internalKey\n}\n\n// Returns true if given key is after largest key of this table.", "\nfunc (t *tFile) after(icmp *iComparer, ukey []byte) bool {\n\treturn ukey !", "= nil && icmp.uCompare(ukey, t.imax.ukey()) > 0\n}\n\n// Returns true if given key is before smallest key of this table.", "\nfunc (t *tFile) before(icmp *iComparer, ukey []byte) bool {\n\treturn ukey !", "= nil && icmp.uCompare(ukey, t.imin.ukey()) < 0\n}\n\n// Returns true if given key range overlaps with this table key range.", "\nfunc (t *tFile) overlaps(icmp *iComparer, umin, umax []byte) bool {\n\treturn !", "t.after(icmp, umin) && !", "t.before(icmp, umax)\n}\n\n// Cosumes one seek and return current seeks left.", "\nfunc (t *tFile) consumeSeek() int32 {\n\treturn atomic.", "AddInt32(&t.seekLeft, -1)\n}\n\n// Creates new tFile.", "\nfunc newTableFile(fd storage.", "FileDesc, size int64, imin, imax internalKey) *tFile {\n\tf := &tFile{\n\t\tfd: fd,\n\t\tsize: size,\n\t\timin: imin,\n\t\timax: imax,\n\t}\n\n\t// We arrange to automatically compact this file after\n\t// a certain number of seeks. ", " Let's assume:\n\t// (1) One seek costs 10ms\n\t// (2) Writing or reading 1MB costs 10ms (100MB/s)\n\t// (3) A compaction of 1MB does 25MB of IO:\n\t// 1MB read from this level\n\t// 10-12MB read from next level (boundaries may be misaligned)\n\t// 10-12MB written to next level\n\t// This implies that 25 seeks cost the same as the compaction\n\t// of 1MB of data. ", " I.e., one seek costs approximately the\n\t// same as the compaction of 40KB of data. ", " We are a little\n\t// conservative and allow approximately one seek for every 16KB\n\t// of data before triggering a compaction.", "\n\tf.seekLeft = int32(size / 16384)\n\tif f.seekLeft < 100 {\n\t\tf.seekLeft = 100\n\t}\n\n\treturn f\n}\n\nfunc tableFileFromRecord(r atRecord) *tFile {\n\treturn newTableFile(storage.", "FileDesc{storage.", "TypeTable, r.num}, r.size, r.imin, r.imax)\n}\n\n// tFiles hold multiple tFile.", "\ntype tFiles []*tFile\n\nfunc (tf tFiles) Len() int { return len(tf) }\nfunc (tf tFiles) Swap(i, j int) { tf[i], tf[j] = tf[j], tf[i] }\n\nfunc (tf tFiles) nums() string {\n\tx := \"[ \"\n\tfor i, f := range tf {\n\t\tif i !", "= 0 {\n\t\t\tx += \", \"\n\t\t}\n\t\tx += fmt.", "Sprint(f.fd.", "Num)\n\t}\n\tx += \" ]\"\n\treturn x\n}\n\n// Returns true if i smallest key is less than j.\n// This used for sort by key in ascending order.", "\nfunc (tf tFiles) lessByKey(icmp *iComparer, i, j int) bool {\n\ta, b := tf[i], tf[j]\n\tn := icmp.", "Compare(a.imin, b.imin)\n\tif n == 0 {\n\t\treturn a.fd.", "Num < b.fd.", "Num\n\t}\n\treturn n < 0\n}\n\n// Returns true if i file number is greater than j.\n// This used for sort by file number in descending order.", "\nfunc (tf tFiles) lessByNum(i, j int) bool {\n\treturn tf[i].fd.", "Num > tf[j].fd.", "Num\n}\n\n// Sorts tables by key in ascending order.", "\nfunc (tf tFiles) sortByKey(icmp *iComparer) {\n\tsort.", "Sort(&tFilesSortByKey{tFiles: tf, icmp: icmp})\n}\n\n// Sorts tables by file number in descending order.", "\nfunc (tf tFiles) sortByNum() {\n\tsort.", "Sort(&tFilesSortByNum{tFiles: tf})\n}\n\n// Returns sum of all tables size.", "\nfunc (tf tFiles) size() (sum int64) {\n\tfor _, t := range tf {\n\t\tsum += t.size\n\t}\n\treturn sum\n}\n\n// Searches smallest index of tables whose its smallest\n// key is after or equal with given key.", "\nfunc (tf tFiles) searchMin(icmp *iComparer, ikey internalKey) int {\n\treturn sort.", "Search(len(tf), func(i int) bool {\n\t\treturn icmp.", "Compare(tf[i].imin, ikey) >= 0\n\t})\n}\n\n// Searches smallest index of tables whose its largest\n// key is after or equal with given key.", "\nfunc (tf tFiles) searchMax(icmp *iComparer, ikey internalKey) int {\n\treturn sort.", "Search(len(tf), func(i int) bool {\n\t\treturn icmp.", "Compare(tf[i].imax, ikey) >= 0\n\t})\n}\n\n// Returns true if given key range overlaps with one or more\n// tables key range. ", "If unsorted is true then binary search will not be used.", "\nfunc (tf tFiles) overlaps(icmp *iComparer, umin, umax []byte, unsorted bool) bool {\n\tif unsorted {\n\t\t// Check against all files.", "\n\t\tfor _, t := range tf {\n\t\t\tif t.overlaps(icmp, umin, umax) {\n\t\t\t\treturn true\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn false\n\t}\n\n\ti := 0\n\tif len(umin) > 0 {\n\t\t// Find the earliest possible internal key for min.", "\n\t\ti = tf.searchMax(icmp, makeInternalKey(nil, umin, keyMaxSeq, keyTypeSeek))\n\t}\n\tif i >= len(tf) {\n\t\t// Beginning of range is after all files, so no overlap.", "\n\t\treturn false\n\t}\n\treturn !", "tf[i].before(icmp, umax)\n}\n\n// Returns tables whose its key range overlaps with given key range.", "\n// Range will be expanded if ukey found hop across tables.", "\n// If overlapped is true then the search will be restarted if umax\n// expanded.", "\n// The dst content will be overwritten.", "\nfunc (tf tFiles) getOverlaps(dst tFiles, icmp *iComparer, umin, umax []byte, overlapped bool) tFiles {\n\tdst = dst[:0]\n\tfor i := 0; i < len(tf); {\n\t\tt := tf[i]\n\t\tif t.overlaps(icmp, umin, umax) {\n\t\t\tif umin !", "= nil && icmp.uCompare(t.imin.ukey(), umin) < 0 {\n\t\t\t\tumin = t.imin.ukey()\n\t\t\t\tdst = dst[:0]\n\t\t\t\ti = 0\n\t\t\t\tcontinue\n\t\t\t} else if umax !", "= nil && icmp.uCompare(t.imax.ukey(), umax) > 0 {\n\t\t\t\tumax = t.imax.ukey()\n\t\t\t\t// Restart search if it is overlapped.", "\n\t\t\t\tif overlapped {\n\t\t\t\t\tdst = dst[:0]\n\t\t\t\t\ti = 0\n\t\t\t\t\tcontinue\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tdst = append(dst, t)\n\t\t}\n\t\ti++\n\t}\n\n\treturn dst\n}\n\n// Returns tables key range.", "\nfunc (tf tFiles) getRange(icmp *iComparer) (imin, imax internalKey) {\n\tfor i, t := range tf {\n\t\tif i == 0 {\n\t\t\timin, imax = t.imin, t.imax\n\t\t\tcontinue\n\t\t}\n\t\tif icmp.", "Compare(t.imin, imin) < 0 {\n\t\t\timin = t.imin\n\t\t}\n\t\tif icmp.", "Compare(t.imax, imax) > 0 {\n\t\t\timax = t.imax\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn\n}\n\n// Creates iterator index from tables.", "\nfunc (tf tFiles) newIndexIterator(tops *tOps, icmp *iComparer, slice *util.", "Range, ro *opt.", "ReadOptions) iterator.", "IteratorIndexer {\n\tif slice !", "= nil {\n\t\tvar start, limit int\n\t\tif slice.", "Start !", "= nil {\n\t\t\tstart = tf.searchMax(icmp, internalKey(slice.", "Start))\n\t\t}\n\t\tif slice.", "Limit !", "= nil {\n\t\t\tlimit = tf.searchMin(icmp, internalKey(slice.", "Limit))\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tlimit = tf.", "Len()\n\t\t}\n\t\ttf = tf[start:limit]\n\t}\n\treturn iterator.", "NewArrayIndexer(&tFilesArrayIndexer{\n\t\ttFiles: tf,\n\t\ttops: tops,\n\t\ticmp: icmp,\n\t\tslice: slice,\n\t\tro: ro,\n\t})\n}\n\n// Tables iterator index.", "\ntype tFilesArrayIndexer struct {\n\ttFiles\n\ttops *tOps\n\ticmp *iComparer\n\tslice *util.", "Range\n\tro *opt.", "ReadOptions\n}\n\nfunc (a *tFilesArrayIndexer) Search(key []byte) int {\n\treturn a.searchMax(a.icmp, internalKey(key))\n}\n\nfunc (a *tFilesArrayIndexer) Get(i int) iterator.", "Iterator {\n\tif i == 0 || i == a.Len()-1 {\n\t\treturn a.tops.newIterator(a.tFiles[i], a.slice, a.ro)\n\t}\n\treturn a.tops.newIterator(a.tFiles[i], nil, a.ro)\n}\n\n// Helper type for sortByKey.", "\ntype tFilesSortByKey struct {\n\ttFiles\n\ticmp *iComparer\n}\n\nfunc (x *tFilesSortByKey) Less(i, j int) bool {\n\treturn x.lessByKey(x.icmp, i, j)\n}\n\n// Helper type for sortByNum.", "\ntype tFilesSortByNum struct {\n\ttFiles\n}\n\nfunc (x *tFilesSortByNum) Less(i, j int) bool {\n\treturn x.lessByNum(i, j)\n}\n\n// Table operations.", "\ntype tOps struct {\n\ts *session\n\tnoSync bool\n\tcache *cache.", "Cache\n\tbcache *cache.", "Cache\n\tbpool *util.", "BufferPool\n}\n\n// Creates an empty table and returns table writer.", "\nfunc (t *tOps) create() (*tWriter, error) {\n\tfd := storage.", "FileDesc{storage.", "TypeTable, t.s.allocFileNum()}\n\tfw, err := t.s.stor.", "Create(fd)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn nil, err\n\t}\n\treturn &tWriter{\n\t\tt: t,\n\t\tfd: fd,\n\t\tw: fw,\n\t\ttw: table.", "NewWriter(fw, t.s.o.", "Options),\n\t}, nil\n}\n\n// Builds table from src iterator.", "\nfunc (t *tOps) createFrom(src iterator.", "Iterator) (f *tFile, n int, err error) {\n\tw, err := t.create()\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\n\tdefer func() {\n\t\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\t\tw.drop()\n\t\t}\n\t}()\n\n\tfor src.", "Next() {\n\t\terr = w.append(src.", "Key(), src.", "Value())\n\t\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\t\treturn\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\terr = src.", "Error()\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\n\tn = w.tw.", "EntriesLen()\n\tf, err = w.finish()\n\treturn\n}\n\n// Opens table. ", "It returns a cache handle, which should\n// be released after use.", "\nfunc (t *tOps) open(f *tFile) (ch *cache.", "Handle, err error) {\n\tch = t.cache.", "Get(0, uint64(f.fd.", "Num), func() (size int, value cache.", "Value) {\n\t\tvar r storage.", "Reader\n\t\tr, err = t.s.stor.", "Open(f.fd)\n\t\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\t\treturn 0, nil\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tvar bcache *cache.", "NamespaceGetter\n\t\tif t.bcache !", "= nil {\n\t\t\tbcache = &cache.", "NamespaceGetter{Cache: t.bcache, NS: uint64(f.fd.", "Num)}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tvar tr *table.", "Reader\n\t\ttr, err = table.", "NewReader(r, f.size, f.fd, bcache, t.bpool, t.s.o.", "Options)\n\t\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\t\tr.Close()\n\t\t\treturn 0, nil\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn 1, tr\n\n\t})\n\tif ch == nil && err == nil {\n\t\terr = ErrClosed\n\t}\n\treturn\n}\n\n// Finds key/value pair whose key is greater than or equal to the\n// given key.", "\nfunc (t *tOps) find(f *tFile, key []byte, ro *opt.", "ReadOptions) (rkey, rvalue []byte, err error) {\n\tch, err := t.open(f)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn nil, nil, err\n\t}\n\tdefer ch.", "Release()\n\treturn ch.", "Value().(*table.", "Reader).Find(key, true, ro)\n}\n\n// Finds key that is greater than or equal to the given key.", "\nfunc (t *tOps) findKey(f *tFile, key []byte, ro *opt.", "ReadOptions) (rkey []byte, err error) {\n\tch, err := t.open(f)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn nil, err\n\t}\n\tdefer ch.", "Release()\n\treturn ch.", "Value().(*table.", "Reader).FindKey(key, true, ro)\n}\n\n// Returns approximate offset of the given key.", "\nfunc (t *tOps) offsetOf(f *tFile, key []byte) (offset int64, err error) {\n\tch, err := t.open(f)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tdefer ch.", "Release()\n\treturn ch.", "Value().(*table.", "Reader).OffsetOf(key)\n}\n\n// Creates an iterator from the given table.", "\nfunc (t *tOps) newIterator(f *tFile, slice *util.", "Range, ro *opt.", "ReadOptions) iterator.", "Iterator {\n\tch, err := t.open(f)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn iterator.", "NewEmptyIterator(err)\n\t}\n\titer := ch.", "Value().(*table.", "Reader).NewIterator(slice, ro)\n\titer.", "SetReleaser(ch)\n\treturn iter\n}\n\n// Removes table from persistent storage. ", "It waits until\n// no one use the the table.", "\nfunc (t *tOps) remove(f *tFile) {\n\tt.cache.", "Delete(0, uint64(f.fd.", "Num), func() {\n\t\tif err := t.s.stor.", "Remove(f.fd); err !", "= nil {\n\t\t\tt.s.logf(\"table@remove removing @%d %q\", f.fd.", "Num, err)\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tt.s.logf(\"table@remove removed @%d\", f.fd.", "Num)\n\t\t}\n\t\tif t.bcache !", "= nil {\n\t\t\tt.bcache.", "EvictNS(uint64(f.fd.", "Num))\n\t\t}\n\t})\n}\n\n// Closes the table ops instance. ", "It will close all tables,\n// regadless still used or not.", "\nfunc (t *tOps) close() {\n\tt.bpool.", "Close()\n\tt.cache.", "Close()\n\tif t.bcache !", "= nil {\n\t\tt.bcache.", "CloseWeak()\n\t}\n}\n\n// Creates new initialized table ops instance.", "\nfunc newTableOps(s *session) *tOps {\n\tvar (\n\t\tcacher cache.", "Cacher\n\t\tbcache *cache.", "Cache\n\t\tbpool *util.", "BufferPool\n\t)\n\tif s.o.", "GetOpenFilesCacheCapacity() > 0 {\n\t\tcacher = cache.", "NewLRU(s.o.", "GetOpenFilesCacheCapacity())\n\t}\n\tif !", "s.o.", "GetDisableBlockCache() {\n\t\tvar bcacher cache.", "Cacher\n\t\tif s.o.", "GetBlockCacheCapacity() > 0 {\n\t\t\tbcacher = cache.", "NewLRU(s.o.", "GetBlockCacheCapacity())\n\t\t}\n\t\tbcache = cache.", "NewCache(bcacher)\n\t}\n\tif !", "s.o.", "GetDisableBufferPool() {\n\t\tbpool = util.", "NewBufferPool(s.o.", "GetBlockSize() + 5)\n\t}\n\treturn &tOps{\n\t\ts: s,\n\t\tnoSync: s.o.", "GetNoSync(),\n\t\tcache: cache.", "NewCache(cacher),\n\t\tbcache: bcache,\n\t\tbpool: bpool,\n\t}\n}\n\n// tWriter wraps the table writer. ", "It keep track of file descriptor\n// and added key range.", "\ntype tWriter struct {\n\tt *tOps\n\n\tfd storage.", "FileDesc\n\tw storage.", "Writer\n\ttw *table.", "Writer\n\n\tfirst, last []byte\n}\n\n// Append key/value pair to the table.", "\nfunc (w *tWriter) append(key, value []byte) error {\n\tif w.first == nil {\n\t\tw.first = append([]byte{}, key...)\n\t}\n\tw.last = append(w.last[:0], key...)\n\treturn w.tw.", "Append(key, value)\n}\n\n// Returns true if the table is empty.", "\nfunc (w *tWriter) empty() bool {\n\treturn w.first == nil\n}\n\n// Closes the storage.", "Writer.", "\nfunc (w *tWriter) close() {\n\tif w.w !", "= nil {\n\t\tw.w.", "Close()\n\t\tw.w = nil\n\t}\n}\n\n// Finalizes the table and returns table file.", "\nfunc (w *tWriter) finish() (f *tFile, err error) {\n\tdefer w.close()\n\terr = w.tw.", "Close()\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\tif !", "w.t.noSync {\n\t\terr = w.w.", "Sync()\n\t\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\t\treturn\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tf = newTableFile(w.fd, int64(w.tw.", "BytesLen()), internalKey(w.first), internalKey(w.last))\n\treturn\n}\n\n// Drops the table.", "\nfunc (w *tWriter) drop() {\n\tw.close()\n\tw.t.s.stor.", "Remove(w.fd)\n\tw.t.s.reuseFileNum(w.fd.", "Num)\n\tw.tw = nil\n\tw.first = nil\n\tw.last = nil\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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[ "Q:\n\nStill stuck on treacherous ODE\n\nIt has been a while since I posted the question Treacherous Euler-Lagrange equation. ", "I have read the suggested text. ", "But I was told that I shouldn't need Jacobi amplitude function and other beasties of the sort to solve the problem due to the non-arbitrary limits/boundary conditions. ", "So I would really appreciate some help in finding the way! ", "Here is a restatement of the problem:\n$$y^{\\prime\\prime}(x) = \\sin y(x)$$\nsubjected to boundary conditions \n$$\\lim_{x\\to-\\infty} y(x) =0$$\n$$\\lim_{x\\to+\\infty} y(x) = 2\\pi$$\nThanks in advance!", "\n$${}$$\n\nA:\n\nOh, well. ", "$$ y(x) = \\pi + 2 \\, \\mbox{gd}(x - x_0), $$ where gd refers to the Gudermannian function, and $x_0$ is the value of $x$ where $y=\\pi.$ \nSo $$ y(x) = \\pi + 2 \\, \\arctan \\sinh(x - x_0)$$ for real values of $x.$\nNote that, in your original equation \n$$ (y')^2 = 2 ( 1 - \\cos y) $$\nthere are constant solutions $y = 0, \\; y = \\pm 2 \\pi,$ or any even multiple of $\\pi.$\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0.005952380952380952, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0.008152173913043478 ]
[ "\nYouTube Blocks Blender Videos Worldwide - scroogly\nhttps://www.blender.org/media-exposure/youtube-blocks-blender-videos-worldwide/\n======\nscroogly\nSo, is google going to start dropping some pages from searches if they don't\ncarry advertising? ", "And are they already?", "\n\n~~~\nmkempe\nGreat question. ", "If they haven't already been doing it, why not? ", "after all,\nserving ads is their core business.", "\n\n------\nx2f10\nIt stands to reason that if YouTube is now forcing channels to advertise,\nthose channels would no longer have the option to 'turn off' advertising.", "\n\nThe fact that YouTube doesn't have an answer to Blender's ticket tells you all\nyou need to know: This is /another/ Google snafu.", "\n\n~~~\nfinnthehuman\nGoogle’s monthly Storm Of The Century, right on schedule.", "\n\n------\ntaylodl\nCan vimeo provide what they need?", "\n\n~~~\nDigital-Citizen\nThe real lesson here isn't forum shopping -- moving one's digital work to\nanother singular place is repeating the error of the past: any singular forum\ninvites censorship or an outcome that is indistinguishable from censorship.", "\n\nThe answer is to distribute one's digital work widely across multiple means\nincluding those that don't need JS. ", "Don't push people to run needless JS via\nPeerTube (Blender's PeerTube page is useless with JS turned off which is\nactually a step down from what YouTube allowed for some videos).", "\n\nInstead host copies of the work in many other places such as places that don't\nrequire JS like archive.org (no JS needed, easy downloading and embedding\nanywhere). ", "And encourage people to distribute copies in ad-hoc informal\nnetworks without tracking or JS.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
[ 0.004098360655737705, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0.023076923076923078, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0.006024096385542169, 0.010752688172043012, 0 ]
[ "The home crowd swelled to a roar as Lewis marched out with the Ravens' offense for the final kneeldown. ", "As the clock melted away, the linebacker delighted the masses with one last rendition of his patented \"squirrel dance.\"", "\n\nAfter the game, Lewis shared the origin story behind the moves he has made so famous during his 17 seasons in the NFL.", "\n\n\"It started one time, they got ready to introduce the defense and they were going to introduce us together,\" Lewis said. \"", "This guy in my hometown, Kirby Lee, would always do this dance, and the dance was called the 'squirrel,' and I told him I was gonna do that dance one day, and he was like, 'You're not gonna do it,' and I was like, 'I'm gonna do it.'", "\n\n\"So one day they were introducing the defense, and I came out and did it, and of course the crowd went crazy. ", "After that, they were like, 'We need to see the dance again.' ", "So after that, it just kept going. ", "Then I started adding music to it and movie clips to it. ", "It was a good time\"\n\nA good time and a great player, who will be dearly missed by the city of Baltimore." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0.004310344827586207, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Cytokine BAFF gene variation is associated with survival of patients with T-cell lymphomas.", "\nCytokine BAFF is a potent molecule for the activation and survival of B cells, and it also plays an important role in T-cell function. ", "Genetic polymorphism (rs9514828C>T) in BAFF has been associated with elevated BAFF transcription. ", "We sought to determine whether rs9514828 is associated with T-cell lymphoma (TCL) survival. ", "BAFF rs9514828 genotypes and survival of TCL were analyzed in the discovery group including 150 patients, and the results were replicated in an independent validation group of 120 patients. ", "Kaplan-Meier analysis was conducted to compare survival among different genotypes. ", "Cox proportional hazard models were used to identify independent significant variables. ", "Luciferase reporter gene assays were conducted to examine the function of rs9514828 variant. ", "We found that BAFF rs9514828 polymorphism was significantly associated with TCL survival. ", "In pooled analysis of two independent groups, the favorable rs9514828 TC and TT genotypes had significantly better five-year survival rates compared with the CC genotype (47% and 53% vs. 22%, P = 2.27 × 10(-5) for log-rank test). ", "Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that rs9514828 was an independent prognostic factor, with HRs for patient death being 0.48 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.32-0.71] for the CT and 0.47 (95% CI, 0.23-0.93) for the TT genotypes. ", "Reporter gene assays indicated that the rs9514828T allele had significantly higher promoter activity than the rs9514828C counterpart. ", "These findings suggest that functional polymorphism in BAFF might be a genetic determinant for the survival of patients with TCL." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0.005263157894736842, 0, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0.013043478260869565, 0.012552301255230125, 0, 0.015503875968992248 ]
[ "High-density lipoproteins and myocardial necrosis in patients with acute myocardial infarction and ST segment elevation.", "\nLow plasma levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) is a prognostic factor in patients with acute coronary syndrome. ", "The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between HDLC and myocardial necrosis estimated by cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) in patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and reperfusion strategy. ", "Retrospective analysis of 139 patients (mean age 59.8 years; 79% men) admitted with STEMI who underwent a CMR in the first week. ", "With a comparable reperfusion strategy used and time of ischemia, patients with HDLC ≤40 mg/dl (69% of total) had more extensive areas of myocardial necrosis after STEMI, in number of segments with late gadolinium enhancement (RTG) with transmural necrosis pattern (4.7 vs. 2.1%, p < .001) and in percentage of RTG with respect to total mass myocardial (18.2 vs. 11.3%, p < .01), and worst left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) (49.7 vs. 57.2%, p < .001). ", "We conclude that low HDLC are very common in patients with STEMI and associated with increased necrosis and a worse LVEF in the CRM study." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0.007751937984496124, 0.004347826086956522, 0 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a cosmetic container of a stick type, which is suitable for portable use and constructed of: a lid element which holds therein a cosmetic such as a solid one, a powdered one such as a cheek rouge, a presto powder, a face powder and like cosmetics; and, a main body element engaged with the lid element, wherein a cosmetic brush is extensibly mounted in the main body element and extended upward from the main body element by means of a telescopic mechanism of the main body element when the cosmetic stored in the lid element is picked up by the cosmetic brush in use.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nOne of conventional cosmetic containers of a stick type is disclosed in Japanese Utility Model Publication No. ", "Hei 6-30106, for example. ", "This conventional one comprises an applicator container and a cosmetic container. ", "The applicator container (herein after referred to as “main body element”) stores therein an applicator (hereinafter referred to as “cosmetic brush”), wherein the cosmetic brush is extensibly mounted in the main body element and extended downward from the main body element by means of a telescopic mechanism of the main body element when a cosmetic stored in the lid element is picked up by the cosmetic brush.", "\nIn use, the cosmetic brush is extended downward from the main body element by operating the telescopic mechanism of the main body element to have a lower end portion of the cosmetic brush brought into press-contact with the cosmetic of the lid element, so that the cosmetic in the lid element is partially transferred to the lower end portion of the cosmetic brush through frictional contact between the cosmetic and the cosmetic brush. ", "The operation the telescopic mechanism of the main body element described above is effected by rotating the main body element relative to the lid element held stationary. ", "Under such circumstances, the cosmetic brush is further extended downward from the main body element.", "\nDue to this, the main body element is pushed upward relative to the lid element as a result of the reaction to the cosmetic brush's downward push on the cosmetic of the lid element held stationary by the user, so that the main body element has an engaging portion of its sleeve component disengaged from the lid element. ", "At this time, since the cosmetic brush has already picked up the cosmetic of the lid element through friction contact between the cosmetic brush and the cosmetic stored in the lid element, it is possible for the user to apply the thus picked up cosmetic to his or her face using the cosmetic brush.", "\nHowever, the conventional cosmetic container suffers from serious damage to the cosmetic brush resulted from failure in disengagement of the main body element from the lid element. ", "More specifically, in use, the main body element is rotated relative to the lid element to move its cosmetic brush downward and brought into press-contact with the cosmetic stored in the lid element. ", "At this time, when the user does not pull up the main body relative to the lid element held stationary by the user, further rotation of the main body element relative to the lid element leads to the cosmetic brush's excessive pressure onto the cosmetic in the lid element, which causes seriously damage to the cosmetic brush. ", "One of examples of such serious damage to the cosmetic brush is a mushroom-like deformation of the lower portion of the cosmetic brush.", "\nIn addition to the above problem, the above-mentioned further rotation of the main body element relative to the lid element also leads to transfer of an excessive amount of the cosmetic to the cosmetic brush in use. ", "Such excessive transfer of the cosmetic to the cosmetic brush is further enhanced by the mushroom-like deformation of the lower portion of the cosmetic brush.", "\nFurther, after use of the conventional cosmetic container, when the main body element is engaged again with the lid element, there is a fear that a considerable amount of the cosmetic is emitted from the lid element due to a so-called “piston effect” of the main body element inserted into the lid element. ", "This is further another problem inherent in the conventional cosmetic container." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "The Transportation Security Administration announced Tuesday that U.S. airline passengers will soon be allowed to carry small knives in their carry-on bags, a move that prompted swift condemnation from a flight attendants union.", "\n\nThe union for Southwest Airlines flight attendants called the decision \"dangerous\" and \"designed to make the lives of TSA staff easier, but not make flights safer.\"", "\n\nThe changes were made public by TSA Administrator John Pistole during an aviation conference in New York.", "\n\nStarting April 25, passengers going through U.S. airports can bring on board Swiss Army-type knives -- specifically, ones with blades no longer than 2.36 inches.", "\n\nThis marks the first time such knives have been allowed on board since security was heavily increased in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.", "\n\nPistole told the audience that TSA screeners at the Los Angeles International Airport alone seized roughly 47 such knives a day over the last three months of 2012, according to Air Transportation World.", "\n\n\"Frankly, I don't want TSA agents to be delayed by these,\" he said.", "\n\nThe agency said the changes were made as part of its \"overall risk-based security approach\" and to align with the international standards and those of European countries.", "\n\nAmong the other items also allowed on board are lacrosse sticks, ski poles and small, souvenir baseball bats.", "\n\nBut Stacy K. Martin, president of Southwest Airlines' Flight Attendants Union, TWU Local 556, said in a statement that the decision should be \"immediately rescinded.\"", "\n\n\"While we agree that a passenger wielding a small knife or swinging a golf club or hockey stick poses less of a threat to the pilot locked in the cockpit, these are real threats to passengers and flight attendants in the passenger cabin,\" she said.", "\n\nThe union represents 10,000 flight attendants for Southwest.", "\n\nUnder the TSA decision, however, box-cutter type knives used by the 9/11 hijackers are still prohibited. ", "Razors as well as knives with molded grips also are still banned." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0043859649122807015, 0.012048192771084338, 0.018691588785046728, 0.006134969325153374, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0, 0.009345794392523364, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nMove Windows Server 2003 volume to external drive without losing network mapping\n\nOur main server (Windows Server 2003: Active Directory, domain controller, file server, software repository) has two hard drives installed (maximum). ", "Disk 0 has a primary partition (C:) and an extended partition with two empty, unused logical drives (D: and F:). ", "Disk 1 has a primary partition (E:). ", "The DVD drive is G:.", "\nWhat I'd like to do is move the contents of E: to an external USB drive connected to the server, delete the extended partition, and make Disk 1 a mirror of Disk 0.", "\nWhat I want to avoid is anyone who has a map to a folder on the file server from having to remap their shortcuts. ", "I don't think there are a lot of people but I'd like to avoid it if possible.", "\nIs this less of a problem than I think it is?", "\n\nA:\n\nMake sure the external drive is formatted NTFS. ", " If you map the drives using share names, for example, \\servername\\software, then it is pretty easy.", "\nStop sharing, move the files, and reshare using the same share name. ", " The clients won't know the difference. ", " Make sure NTFS and Share permissions are set correctly.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.00423728813559322, 0, 0, 0, 0.006097560975609756, 0, 0, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0.01, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0 ]
[ "Randy L. Swing, Co-Director, Policy Center on the First Year of College & Bradley E. Cox, Coordinator of Research and Public Information, National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 2005\n\nThis typology of Instruments for Assessment in the First College Year begins with a description of six different types of assessment instruments. ", "The typology concludes with a list of instruments currently available in each of the six categories.", "\n\nPre-Enrollment/Baseline DataThese surveys are administered in high school, during the admissions process, or during new student orientation. ", "Survey participants report their expectations, impressions, goals, and/or hopes for the college experience or they report their pre-enrollment behaviors and experiences. ", "These surveys:\n\nProvide baseline data - Who are our students at the point of entry?", "\n\nForm gain scores when matched with posttests.", "\n\nProvide covariates & controls for advanced statistical evaluations.", "\n\nEnd of First-Year SurveysThree assessment instruments, the NSSE, YFCY and CCSSE, were developed as part of The Pew Charitable Trusts accountability agenda for higher education. ", "The NSSE and YFCY are designed primarily for 4-year institutions. ", "Both survey students near the end of their first year in college. ", "The CCSSE is designed for 2-year institutions and surveys a random sample of courses (so it is not limited to first-year students.) ", "The NSSE is also intended for use with seniors. ", "The YFCY survey can be used alone or linked with the CIRP Freshman Survey to form a pretest/posttest.", "\n\nGeneral Surveys of Student Behavior, Attitudes, Study Skills, Satisfaction, & ExperiencesThese surveys take a holistic approach by collecting information on a variety of college experiences and environments. ", "Examples of topics:\n\nSurveys of Specific Services/Units/ProgramsThese surveys deeply investigate a particular slice of the college experience with a series of narrowly drawn and specific questions about the full range of a given service, unit or program. ", "Instruments may include demographic and self-report questions so that opinions can be disaggregated. ", "Examples of available Instruments include those focused on:\n\nacademic advising\n\nresidence life\n\ncampus student unions\n\nfirst-year seminars\n\nSurveys of Specific PopulationsThis survey group also has a narrow focus, but these instruments primarily provide information to evaluate the experiences, satisfaction, etc. ", "of a specific group of students across a range of services, behaviors, etc. ", "Examples of sub-population instruments include:\n\nadult learners\n\nfraternity or sorority members\n\nnon-returning students\n\ntransfer students\n\nPlacement and Academic Knowledge Surveys/TestsThese instruments are designed to test academic knowledge and skills. ", "Unlike opinion and satisfaction surveys, these instruments usually have a right answer and the student is judged on his/her ability to select the best (right) answer. ", "Some instruments contain a mix of discipline topics, but it is more common for tests to be designed to measure one specific knowledge domain. ", "The use of these instruments may vary depending on the timing of the test. ", "For example:\n\nSurveys given during new-student orientations are often designed to place students in the appropriate level of college courses based on knowledge at the point of admissions.", "\n\nSurveys given in the sophomore/junior year may serve as formative evaluation of progress or be “gateways” to a major.", "\n\nSurveys given in the senior year may serve as summative evaluation or as a posttest of institutional effectiveness.", "\n\nIn addition to knowledge testing, students may also be asked to self-report their gain in academic skills." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.010723860589812333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00558659217877095, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nFetch data from quick blox custom objects\n\ni am using quick-blox for the first time and able to submit data to it's server. ", "i have created custom object fields by using bellow code :-\nQBCustomObject qbCustomObject = QBCustomObjectsUtils.createCustomObject(licenseNumber, carModel, carColor, stateName, stateCodeLast[0], \"NO\");\n Performer<QBCustomObject> performer = QBCustomObjects.createObject(qbCustomObject);\n rx.", "Observable<QBCustomObject> observable =\n performer.convertTo(RxJavaPerformProcessor.", "INSTANCE);\n\n observable.subscribeOn(Schedulers.io())\n .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()).subscribe(new Observer<QBCustomObject>() {\n @Override\n public void onCompleted() {\n AppUtils.dismissProgressDialog();\n Toaster.shortToast(\"Done\");\n ((Activity) mContext).finish();\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onError(Throwable e) {\n if (QBCustomObjectsUtils.checkQBException(e)) {\n AppUtils.dismissProgressDialog();\n Toast.makeText(mContext, \"Something went wrong !!!\", ", "Toast.", "LENGTH_SHORT).show();\n } else {\n }\n }\n\nNow i want to retrieve data from Quick blox custom object class but i am not finding any way to achieve that , i do have found one link :-\nHow to retrieve related records on Quickblox custom objects?", "\nBut QBCustomObjectRequestBuilder is not working in my code do i need to add any additional dependency for this ?", "\nDependecies i am using :-\ncompile \"com.quickblox:quickblox-android-sdk-extensions:3.3.1\"\n compile \"com.quickblox:quickblox-android-sdk-customobjects:3.3.1\"\n compile 'com.quickblox:quickblox-android-sdk-chat:3.3.1'\n compile 'com.quickblox:quickblox-android-sdk-content:3.3.1'\n\nPlease suggest me some way to fetch data from Custom objects \nThanks\n\nA:\n\nThat answer is very old, for getting custom data for current user just use next code:\nQBRequestGetBuilder requestGetBuilder = new QBRequestGetBuilder();\nrequestGetBuilder.setLimit(50);\n//set other parameters if need\n\nPerformer<ArrayList<QBCustomObject>> performer = QBCustomObjects.getObjects(Consts.", "CLASS_NAME, requestGetBuilder);\nObservable<ArrayList<QBCustomObject>> observable = performer.convertTo(RxJavaPerformProcessor.", "INSTANCE);\n\nobservable.subscribeOn(Schedulers.io())\n .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread())\n .subscribe(new Observer<ArrayList<QBCustomObject>>() {\n @Override\n public void onCompleted() {\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onError(Throwable e) {\n Log.e(TAG, \"onError \" + e.getMessage());\n }\n\n @Override\n public void onNext(ArrayList<QBCustomObject> qbCustomObjects) {\n //qbCustomObjects - objects, loaded from server\n Log.i(TAG, \"data loaded success, got \" + qbCustomObjects.size() + \" items\");\n }\n });\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0.0046801872074883, 0, 0.007168458781362007, 0, 0.0015220700152207, 0, 0.006006006006006006 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWhere is SIGUNUSED exactly defined in header files?", "\n\nI have some code that has to compile for multiple platforms. ", " The following will make the code compile but I want to know where the SIGUNUSED symbol is actually defined:\nWorking Code\n#ifdef LINUX\n#define SIGEMT SIGUNUSED\n#endif\n\n...\nvoid set_sig_trap()\n{\n signal( SIGHUP, Signal ); /* floating point exception */\n signal( SIGINT , Signal ); /* Interrupt */\n signal( SIGQUIT, Signal ); /* quit */\n signal( SIGILL, Signal ); /* Illegal instruction */\n signal( SIGTRAP, Signal ); /* trace trap */\n signal( SIGABRT, Signal ); /* Process abort signal */\n signal( SIGEMT, Signal ); /* EMT instruction */\n signal( SIGFPE, Signal ); /* Floating point exception */\n signal( SIGBUS, Signal ); /* bus error */\n signal( SIGSEGV, Signal ); /* Segmentation violation */\n signal( SIGSYS, Signal ); /* bad argument to system call */\n signal( SIGPIPE, Signal ); /* write on a pipe - no one to read it */\n signal( SIGTERM, Signal ); /* Software termination sig. ", "from kill */\n signal( SIGALRM, Signal ); /* alarm clock */\n return;\n}\n\n...\nI have looked for SIGUNUSED in /usr/include with no hits. ", " It is not in signal.h. ", " Where is it coming from?", "\nUpdate:\nI did not think the signal definition would be outside of signal.h as the response indicated a recursive search did find the definition:\nme@mymachine.:/usr/include $ grep -d recurse SIGUNUSED *\nasm/signal.h:#define SIGUNUSED 31\nasm-arm/signal.h:#define SIGUNUSED 31\nasm-ia64/signal.h:/* signal 31 is no longer \"unused\", but the SIGUNUSED macro remains for backwards compatibility */\nasm-ia64/signal.h:#define SIGUNUSED 31\nasm-parisc/signal.h:#define SIGUNUSED 31\nasm-parisc/signal.h:#define SIGRESERVE SIGUNUSED\nasm-powerpc/signal.h:#define SIGUNUSED 31\nasm-s390/signal.h:#define SIGUNUSED 31\nasm-x86/signal.h:#define SIGUNUSED 31\nbits/signum.h:#define SIGUNUSED 31\n\nThanks!", "\n\nA:\n\nI see it defined in bits/signum.h, which is included from signal.h:\n#define SIGUNUSED 31\n\nMaybe you forgot to grep recursively?", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Q:\n\nOpenAL playback captured audio data c++\n\nI am trying to create a voice chat program using OpenAL. ", "The networking side of things seems to be ok but I'll take advice on that =]\nThe problem I am having at the moment is trying to playback captured audio data from the mic.", "\nI followed the code found here to get mic input and echo it to the speakers.", "\nThis works OK but I can't seem to playback the fully captured audio after the capturing has finished.", "\nWhen some sound has been captured I store it on a list like so...\nfor (int i = 0; i < CAP_SIZE; i++)\n{\n playbackBuffer.push_back( buffer[i] );\n}\n\nand then after the capturing has finished I have tried (and failed) to use the following code to play that audio back\nALuint playbackSource;\nalGenSources(1, &playbackSource);\nerrorCode = alGetError();\n\nALuint tempPlayback;\nalBufferData(tempPlayback, AL_FORMAT_MONO16, &playbackBuffer.front(), playbackBuffer.size()*sizeof(ALuint), FREQ);\n\n// Attach the playback buffer to the new playback source\nalSourcei(playbackSource, AL_BUFFER, tempPlayback);\nalSourcePlay(playbackSource);\n\nALint sState = 0;\ndo\n{\n alGetSourcei(playbackSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &sState);\n}\nwhile ((sState == AL_PLAYING));\n\nWhen debugging I can see that playbackBuffer has a lot of data in it and there is a split second of noise played at this point but nowhere near that which was captured.", "\nEDIT: I have added the line\nalGenBuffers(1, &tempPlayback);\n\nafter creating the tempPlayback and before the call to alBufferData(...) and this now plays for the correct amount of time but all I hear is a high-pitched noise the whole way through.", "\n\nA:\n\nHere's a really simple program that captures audio for 5 seconds, \npauses, then captures 5 more seconds of audio, and finally plays it all \nback (I used it to debug a problem with capture one time).", "\nIt worked on mint 13 linux laptop. ", "Mint is like ubuntu 12.04\n#include <stdio.h> \n#include <stdlib.h> \n#include <string.h> \n#include <unistd.h>\n#include <AL/al.h> \n#include <AL/alc.h> \n#include <sys/time.h>\n#include <ctime> \n\nint main(void) \n{ \nconst ALCchar * devices; \nconst ALCchar * ptr; \nALCdevice * mainDev; \nALCcontext * mainContext; \nALCdevice * captureDev; \nALubyte captureBuffer[1048576]; \nALubyte *captureBufPtr; \nALint samplesAvailable; \nALint samplesCaptured; \ntime_t currentTime; \ntime_t lastTime; \nALuint buffer; \nALuint source; \nALint playState; \nint i; \n\n// Print the list of capture devices \nprintf(\"Available playback devices:\\n\");\n\ndevices = alcGetString(NULL, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER); \nptr = devices; \n//while (ptr[0] !", "= NULL)\nwhile (*ptr)\n{ \n printf(\" %s\\n\", ptr); \n ptr += strlen(ptr) + 1; \n} \n\n// Open a playback device and create a context first \nprintf(\"Opening playback device:\\n\"); \nmainDev = alcOpenDevice(NULL); \nif (mainDev == NULL) \n{ \n printf(\"Unable to open playback device!\\n\"); \n exit(1); \n} \ndevices = alcGetString(mainDev, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER); \nprintf(\" opened device '%s'\\n\", devices); \nmainContext = alcCreateContext(mainDev, NULL); \nif (mainContext == NULL) \n{ \n printf(\"Unable to create playback context!\\n\"); \n exit(1); \n} \nprintf(\" created playback context\\n\"); \n\n// Make the playback context current \nalcMakeContextCurrent(mainContext); \nalcProcessContext(mainContext); \n\n// Print the list of capture devices \n\nprintf(\"Available capture devices:\\n\"); \ndevices = alcGetString(NULL, ALC_CAPTURE_DEVICE_SPECIFIER); \nptr = devices; \n\n//while (ptr[0] !", "= NULL)\nwhile (*ptr)\n{ \n printf(\" %s\\n\", ptr); \n ptr += strlen(ptr) + 1; \n}\n\n// Open the default device \nprintf(\"Opening capture device:\\n\"); \ncaptureDev = alcCaptureOpenDevice(NULL, 8000, AL_FORMAT_MONO16, 800); \nif (captureDev == NULL) \n{ \n printf(\" Unable to open device!\\n\"); \n exit(1); \n} \ndevices = alcGetString(captureDev, ALC_CAPTURE_DEVICE_SPECIFIER); \nprintf(\" opened device %s\\n\", devices); \n\n// Wait for three seconds to prompt the user \nfor (i = 3; i > 0; i--) \n{ \n printf(\"Starting capture in %d...\\r\", i); \n fflush(stdout); \n lastTime = time(NULL); \n currentTime = lastTime; \n while (currentTime == lastTime) \n { \n currentTime = time(NULL); \n usleep(100000); \n } \n} \n\nprintf(\"Starting capture NOW!\\n\"); \nfflush(stdout); \nlastTime = currentTime; \n\n// Capture (roughly) five seconds of audio \nalcCaptureStart(captureDev); \nsamplesCaptured = 0; \ncaptureBufPtr = captureBuffer; \nwhile (currentTime < (lastTime + 5)) \n{ \n // Get the number of samples available \n alcGetIntegerv(captureDev, ALC_CAPTURE_SAMPLES, 1, &samplesAvailable); \n\n // Copy the samples to our capture buffer \n if (samplesAvailable > 0) \n { \n alcCaptureSamples(captureDev, captureBufPtr, samplesAvailable); \n samplesCaptured += samplesAvailable; \n printf(\"Captured %d samples (adding %d)\\r\", samplesCaptured, \n samplesAvailable); \n fflush(stdout); \n\n // Advance the buffer (two bytes per sample * number of samples) \n captureBufPtr += samplesAvailable * 2; \n } \n\n // Wait for a bit \n usleep(10000); \n\n // Update the clock \n currentTime = time(NULL); \n} \nprintf(\"\\nPausing capture.\\n\"); \nalcCaptureStop(captureDev); \n\n// Wait for three seconds to prompt the user \nfor (i = 3; i > 0; i--) \n{ \n printf(\"Resuming capture in %d...\\r\", i); \n fflush(stdout); \n lastTime = time(NULL); \n currentTime = lastTime; \n while (currentTime == lastTime) \n { \n currentTime = time(NULL); \n usleep(100000); \n } \n} \n\nprintf(\"Resuming capture NOW!\\n\"); \nfflush(stdout); \nlastTime = currentTime; \n\n// Capture (roughly) five seconds of audio \nalcCaptureStart(captureDev); \nwhile (currentTime < (lastTime + 5)) \n{ \n // Get the number of samples available \n alcGetIntegerv(captureDev, ALC_CAPTURE_SAMPLES, 1, &samplesAvailable); \n\n // Copy the samples to our capture buffer \n if (samplesAvailable > 0) \n { \n alcCaptureSamples(captureDev, captureBufPtr, samplesAvailable); \n samplesCaptured += samplesAvailable; \n printf(\"Captured %d samples (adding %d)\\r\", samplesCaptured, \n samplesAvailable); \n fflush(stdout); \n\n // Advance the buffer (two bytes per sample * number of samples) \n captureBufPtr += samplesAvailable * 2; \n } \n\n // Wait for a bit \n usleep(10000); \n\n // Update the clock \n currentTime = time(NULL); \n} \n\nprintf(\"\\nDone capturing.\\n\"); \nalcCaptureStop(captureDev); \n\n// Play back the captured data \nprintf(\"Starting playback...\\n\"); \nfflush(stdout); \n\n// Generate an OpenAL buffer for the captured data \nalGenBuffers(1, &buffer); \nalGenSources(1, &source); \nalBufferData(buffer, AL_FORMAT_MONO16, captureBuffer,samplesCaptured*2, 8000); \nalSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, buffer); \nalSourcePlay(source); \n\n// Wait for the source to stop playing \nplayState = AL_PLAYING; \nwhile (playState == AL_PLAYING) \n{ \n printf(\" source %d is playing...\\r\", source); \n fflush(stdout); \n alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &playState); \n usleep(100000); \n} \nprintf(\"\\nDone with playback.\\n\"); \nfflush(stdout); \n\n// Shut down OpenAL \nalDeleteSources(1, &source); \nalDeleteBuffers(1, &buffer); \nalcMakeContextCurrent(NULL); \nalcCloseDevice(mainDev); \nalcCaptureCloseDevice(captureDev); \n}\n\nCompile with this:\ng++ p.cpp -lalut -lopenal -o p\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0054585152838427945, 0.0040650406504065045, 0, 0, 0.0035587188612099642, 0.00576036866359447, 0.0053734551316496505 ]
[ "Vincent,\n\nI have forwarded the resume to our Analysts / Associate pool with\na recommendation to accept David as a summer intern.", "\n\nI expressed interest in taking him into my group. ", "He may, of course,\nwork for a different unit of Enron. ", "It's up to him and I shall not be offended\nif he would like to go into trading or deal origination.", "\n\nVince" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Enron Emails" }
[ 0.0078125, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0 ]
[ "The GABAA receptor family in the mammalian brain.", "\nThe GABAA-benzodiazepine receptor protein from bovine brain was purified by affinity chromatography and the subunit composition examined by gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate. ", "Protein staining revealed a doublet at 51-53 kDa, a band at 55 kDa, and a broad band at 57-59 kDa. ", "The 51 and 53 kDa bands co-migrated with the alpha 1 and alpha 2 gene products identified by Western blotting with subtype-specific antibodies. ", "These two bands were also photoaffinity labeled by [3H]flunitrazepam, as was a breakdown product at 44 kDa. ", "Partial sequencing of proteolytic fragments of these polypeptides yielded sequences found in all alpha clones, and identified the benzodiazepine binding site within residues 8-297 and probably between 106-297 of alpha 1; the 44 kDa and 31 kDa bands yielded fragments containing alpha 3 sequence. ", "The native alpha 3 polypeptide was identified with subtype-specific antibody at 57 kDa overlapping with the two major bands photolabeled with [3H]muscimol at 55 and 58 kDa. ", "Antisera to a beta-selective peptide recognized four bands at 60, 58, 57 and 55 kDa. ", "Thus, one can identify 6-8 distinct polypeptides with the possibility of another 4-6 in purified GABAA receptor proteins, depending on brain region, consistent with the family of gene products suggested by molecular cloning." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.02040816326530612, 0.005319148936170213, 0, 0, 0, 0.0033783783783783786, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0.004464285714285714 ]
[ "Q:\n\nIs it possible to common reserved words/functions in clojure\n\nDisclaimer: I have very little experience with clojure and I'm want to know whether it is possible before I invest time into learning the language\nI'm looking for a language that allows the programmer to redefine common reserved words/symbols such as \"if\", \"and\", \"class\", \"=\" etc so that I can create a DSL for generating code in other languages\nFor example:\n(class \"SomeClassName\"\n (private (static (\"someProperty\" (= (array\n '(\"SomeKey\" \"SomeValue\")))))\n\nwould return some data structure that could be translated to the following php\nclass SomeClassName {\n private static $someProperty = array(\"SomeKey\" => \"SomeValue\");\n}\n\nA:\n\nThere are very few real reserved words/functions in clojure, almost all of them are simply functions or macros (such as and, = and let). ", "\nThe special functions/words that are truly reserved are called \"special forms\" and you can read about them here (like if, do, etc..)\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0011792452830188679, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nfor-each and for loops\n\nSeveral times I have come across cases where the for-each loop would cause problems, including exceptions and crashes, while the for(it=list.iterator;it.hasNext();) would work without any issues. ", "This includes modifying the collection (which I know shouldn't happen on for-each, but don't know why) as well as other cases where I clone stuff. ", "Cant recall any specific example atm I just got thinking about it.", "\nIsn't the for-each just a shortcut for the second loop type I pointed? ", "Could someone explain exactly whats the difference there? ", "\n\nA:\n\nThe problem is when in foreach loop you remove an element. ", "When using an iterator you have a remove method. ", "When using foreach you don't have a direct access to the underlying iterator and you can't call its remove method. ", "\nOtherwise it is the same. ", "Foreach doesn't cause more problems or crashes. ", "You just can't remove an element.", "\n\nA:\n\nfor-each is just a syntactic sugar introduced in java 1.5. ", "It uses iterator obtained from Iterable behind the scene. ", "\nThe only one reasonable difference you mentioned is collection modification during iteration. ", "Yes, it is impossible. ", "Collections cannot be modified during iteration using Iterator. ", "The attempt causes ConcurrentModificationException. ", "This is relevant for both cases (explicit and implicit usage of iterator). ", "\nThe only one exception is using Iterator.remove() (when it is supported). ", "In this case iterator does not throw the exception. ", "\nThe reason is clear. ", "Iterator cannot iterate collection that is being changed during iteration unless it knows about the change and can re-arrange itself. ", "This is what happens when you are using Iterator.remove().", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Mechanisms of hypertension during the acute and intermediate phases of the one-clip, two-kidney model in the dog.", "\nThe acute and intermediate onset phases of one-clip, two-kidney hypertension were studied in six conscious dogs. ", "Mean arterial pressure (MAP), cardiac output (CO), total peripheral resistance (TPR), serum renin concentration (SRC), plasma aldosterone (PA) and cumulative sodium and water balance were studied prior to unilateral renal artery constriction, at 2, 10, and 24 hours postconstriction, and daily thereafter for 5 days. ", "At 2 hours postconstriction, MAP, CO, TPR, and SRC were elevated, with unchanged fluid balance. ", "At 10 and 24 hours there was a further rise in CO accompanied by positive fluid-sodium balance, with a slight decrease in MAP, TRP, and SRC. ", "During days 2 and 3, MAP, CO, TPR, and SRC remained elevated and stable in the presence of decreasing fluid-sodium balance to preconstriction levels. ", "During days 4 and 5, MAP, SRC, and fluid-sodium balance remained unchanged, TPR demonstrated a secondary increase, whereas CO decreased to preconstriction values. ", "Sequential changes in PA parallel those of SRC, but were significant only at 2 hours postconstriction. ", "These changes suggest that the increased CO is not totally dependent on fluid-sodium balance, and that CO is not the sole determinant of elevated MAP. ", "The temporal relationship between MAP and SRC throughout the study is consistent with renin-mediated hypertension. ", "The secondary rise of TPR may be due to total body autoregulation and/or increased vascular reactivity to high levels of circulating angiotensin. ", "A unitary renin-angiotensin mechanism, therefore, may be responsible for the induction and maintenance of hypertension in this experimental model." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.006309148264984227, 0.041666666666666664, 0.028368794326241134, 0.02666666666666667, 0.018404907975460124, 0.009708737864077669, 0.019867549668874173, 0.017391304347826087, 0.00684931506849315, 0 ]
[ "Despite the fact that Eric Benet has been in the music industry for over two decades now, it’s arguable that he’s now at the height of his career. ", "Going independent and starting his own label was the best thing he could have done for his artistry and it’s showing in the success he’s been having with “The One”. ", "This success has led to the expansion of his label and allowed him to sign unheralded artists like Calvin Richardson and Goapele who he can now help win. ", "He’ll also be taking his search for talent to the subways with his newly launched Sub Stars TV show to find artists who many take for granted on a daily basis. ", "All of that, and he’s also finding time to do a European tour and also work on a new album. ", "Exciting times are ahead for Eric Benet and his fans! ", "YouKnowIGotSoul sat down with him recently in NY and he gave us the scoop on his new signings, Sub Stars TV, his new music, the tour and, more.", "\n\nYouKnowIGotSoul: Your latest album “The One” has been out for more than a year now and it’s still going strong. ", "What’s been the key to the longevity of the album?", "\n\nEric Benet: Really, it’s just for the first time being in control of my career and having that kind of autonomy where had I still been at a major label, you’re lucky if you get one single with a decent release. ", "It’s just now being in a position where I have a great family behind me, so that if I want to do something crazy like have three or four singles on a project, it can happen. ", "I look at the whole thing like I’ve spent twenty years of my career in the system of major labels. ", "It’s almost like my college and graduate school so that I can evolve and get to the point where as long I am able to make sure that my creative statement is strong and I know exactly who I want to be as an artist, then I just had to pick up a little bit more knowledge of the actual promoting and marketing of art. ", "Being able to do it now is just an incredible feeling. ", "And yeah, “The One” was a very successful first release for Jordan House and it’s really put us in a position where we felt like we could sign a couple of other artists like me who have a very clear vision of who they are creatively and they just need a strong family behind them to get that statement out there.", "\n\nYouKnowIGotSoul: You announced that you signed Calvin Richardson and Goapele to your label. ", "Talk about those signings and what it means to you.", "\n\nEric Benet: Both artists are artists who I really respect and I love their creative statement. ", "I remember when Calvin first came out, he just has one of those voices where for me, it’s the perfect combination of vintage soul meets artists that have those vocal acrobatics and certain little ear candy things that today’s audience are going to listen in to and make them relevant for today, but also he has very bit of soulful and musical authenticity in his voice. ", "Honestly he was one of those artists where it was like “If I ever have my own label or situation, he’s that kind of artist that I would want.” ", "You hear a voice like Calvin’s and as a songwriter and producer, it’s like an artist like Michelangelo painting and going “These particular paints look amazing.” ", "When I heard Calvin’s voice, I was like “Damn, I would love to get this cat in the studio.” ", "The songs I hear with his voice are going to be amazing. ", "Goapele is this dope combination of a eclectic soulful and artsy vibe. ", "It’s the same kind of excitement that I had for Calvin, but in a different way. ", "She’s so sure of who she is creatively and what she does and doesn’t want to do. ", "I really respect who she is as an artist and what’s done with her career. ", "People just love her and how left of center she is. ", "It’s just really exciting to be working with her as well. ", "I think with Jordan House, that’s what it’s going to excite everyone because it’s artists who have a clear definition of who they are and they’re just looking for a little help to get that creative message out there. ", "I love the fact that with each artist, they’re going to be a little different and it’s going to give me a chance to, I think creatively in my arsenal I’ve done a lot of things from country, to rock to obviously R&B and soul. ", "I get off on knowing that with each artist, I’m going to be able to pull a little from my arsenal to help to make sure each artist makes their statement come to fruition. ", "That’s really exciting.", "\n\nYouKnowIGotSoul: Another thing you have going on is the “Sub Stars” TV project. ", "Tell us about that.", "\n\nEric Benet: “Sub Stars” is just a dope idea. ", "I can’t take credit for the idea. ", "A friend of mine, Phil Viardo, who is actually part of a very successful television production company called Natural 9. ", "They’ve actually won a few Emmys for some other reality based shows that they’ve done over the years. ", "He had a concept for a show and basically came up with the idea by walking through subways and we all know that people who perform at subways are usually incredible. “", "Sub Stars” is an opportunity for these artists to have a platform and to have a competition show like no other. ", "When I think of music competition shows today, I think they’re very glamorous and shiny, but it starts to feel like glorified karaoke shows where people are like “Hey let me audition for the karaoke show.” ", "Our show is very much not that. ", "We’re going to what these people call their stage and these are people who didn’t decide “Hey let me audition for a competition show.” ", "These are people who wake up every day and this is their life. ", "This is how they survive or maybe it’s not how they survive. ", "Maybe they are healthy, but this is their passion and I think that’s what’s going to make it so interesting. ", "For whatever reason you’ve chosen, this is your life. ", "Just staying on a street corner or staying in the subway and just giving it your all. ", "I think that’s fascinating and that’s what I came from as an artist. ", "I cut the ties from a day job and college years ago and I was just doing that. ", "I was performing in some of the shittiest places you ever want to imagine, but music was my passion. ", "I really respect that and I think these people just need to be seen, so it’s a really exciting concept. ", "We have a kick-starter campaign because not only do we want the fans to be a part of finding the talent, we’re going to have a “Sub Stars” app for smartphones where people can just film ten minutes and send it back to us. ", "Also we love the idea that the fans can be part of making the show actually happen. ", "Everyone on some level is going to be a producer of the show via the kick-starter. ", "http://www.substarstv.com is a way for people to find out more.", "\n\nYouKnowIGotSoul: Do you have any new music planned for yourself?", "\n\nEric Benet: Yeah, it’s going to be a busy year for Jordan House. ", "We pretty much finished the Calvin Richardson record. ", "I’m just getting into the Goapele record now. ", "I’m starting the next Eric Benet record by the end of this month and hopefully I’ll be finished with it before the end of the first quarter. ", "It’s going to be crazy busy.", "\n\nYouKnowIGotSoul: You’re also going on tour with Brian McKnight tour in Europe soon. ", "Talk about that.", "\n\nEric Benet: We’ve never done a full-fledged promotional campaign of the new album “The One” in Europe until now. ", "I can think of no doper, sexier and prolific artist than Brian McKnight to do this with. ", "The man has written some of the most beautiful songs in R&B over the years and it’s just going to be a crazy show. ", "Go to my website http://www.ericbenet.net to find out more information. ", "This will be the first time that Brian and I have toured in years. ", "Right after my first album came out, Brian and I did a tour way back in the day. ", "This is the first time since then, so that’ll be exciting.", "\n\nYouKnowIGotSoul: Anything you’d like to add?", "\n\nEric Benet: Thanks to everyone for the support over the years. ", "Follow me on Twitter @EBenet." ]
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[ "The Brooklyn Furniture Company's designs would look right at home on a Geocities page or designed within Broderbund’s The Print Shop software, because they all stem from the same need: to be more expressive than technology otherwise allows. ", "In the early days of computers, those first graphics were text inside terminals or printed by daisywheel printers. ", "However, unlike other ASCII art, the designs in these newspapers were definitely not created on typewriters—but painstakingly composed one letter at a time with blocks of type by professional typesetters. ", "Nor are they actually art per se, but stylistic tactics employed to exploit scarcity as an advantage.", "\n\nFor most of the 19th century, newspapers were slim things. ", "Every page had to be typeset by hand, meaning that the largest daily newspapers stretched to only 8 or 12 pages—and many were even shorter. ", "Advertisers soon figured out how to exploit this scarcity of space by buying more ads than they needed, perhaps to deny their competitors any room. ", "But once they had all that real estate, what do they do with it? ", "The first and simplest approach was just repeating the same 3-line advertisement over and over again. ", "Next, advertisers soon learned to add large amounts of blank space to make their ads pop more on the page, but that still didn’t make them any more visible from a distance. ", "Bigger text was the next logical step, but it’s not clear whether that was technologically possible—or, if it was, economically viable. ", "An ingenious solution emerged: What if, instead of giant letters, you could build large letters out of smaller blocks of text? ", "I haven't yet figured out the exact point when and where this practice started, but I did learn that it predated even the 1870s. ", "I found an 1860 ad for hoop skirts in the shape of a skirt. ", "And in 1862, Smith & Brothers brewery in New York placed ads with ASCII text in several papers nationwide.", "\n\nIn many newspapers, these early examples of text art vanished not long after they arrived. ", "Only months after the 1878 ad of “the president” in the Sun, such designs had seemingly disappeared from that newspaper, and apart from the two advertisements I had found, the style apparently never caught on in the Times. ", "But why not? ", "To answer that, I looked more at the Eagle where I found the earliest ads—and where they survived for several decades longer than everywhere else. ", "They are there in 1881, when one bold advertiser filled an entire page with ASCII text. ", "There are there in 1888, when the Eagle advertised its election night almanac in the familiar large letters. ", "They are there all the way up to July 3, 1892, a day the same Brooklyn Furniture Company again ran a half-page ad with their address in large ASCII letters. ", "And, then, on July 5th, they were completely gone, replaced by modern layouts and fancy typography. ", "Those upgrades likely explain, at least in part, what happened. ", "ASCII art flourishes most when technology is limited; you don’t need Print Shop anymore when you can do digital layout on your computer and have an inkjet printer.", "\n\nThe late 19th century was an era of rapid technological innovation for newspapers, as new technologies like hot metal typesetting made it easier and faster to compose each page. ", "This in turn allowed newspapers to expand in size—reducing the advantage of scarcity for advertisers, but also offering more options for them. ", "This likely happened at various points in the 1880s for various newspapers, but I was able to trace the Eagle’s transition to an exact date. ", "Along with the half-page Brooklyn Furniture Company ad that appeared on July 3, the Eagle ran its own ASCII ad that day to announce that their new offices would open in two days. ", "Then, on July 5, the Eagle ran a short item proclaiming its new building as having the “finest composing room in the country.” ", "In other words, the Eagle had finally upgraded its old technology, and with that, the first era of ASCII ads was suddenly over." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.012448132780082987, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0.008968609865470852, 0, 0.006802721088435374, 0.011363636363636364, 0.009174311926605505, 0.012738853503184714, 0, 0, 0.012269938650306749, 0, 0, 0.0070921985815602835, 0.0111731843575419, 0.007874015748031496, 0.015748031496062992 ]
[ "IL-2 and IL-5 gene expression in response to alloantigen in liver allograft recipients and in vitro.", "\nIL-2 and IL-5 gene expression in response to alloantigen was studied in liver allograft recipients and in an in vitro system. ", "Seventy-seven sequential liver allograft biopsies from 22 patients were analyzed for IL-2 and IL-5 mRNA by polymerase chain reaction and Southern blot hybridization. ", "Message for IL-5 was present in 74% of allografts with rejection, 46% of allografts with resolving rejection, and 33% of allografts with no evidence of rejection. ", "The frequency of IL-5 transcripts in rejecting allografts was significantly different than the frequency of IL-5 transcripts in grafts without evidence of rejection (P = 0.003). ", "Message for IL-2 was detected in 29% of rejecting allografts, 18% of allografts without evidence of rejection, and 43% of allografts with resolving rejection. ", "There was no significant association between IL-2 gene expression and the histopathological status of the allograft. ", "Interestingly, 9 of 15 biopsies that contained IL-2 message in the no rejection and resolving rejection categories went on to display rejection shortly thereafter. ", "IL-2 and IL-5 gene expression rarely occurred simultaneously within allografts. ", "An in vitro system consisting of irradiated, allogeneic stimulator cells and normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells as responders was established to further investigate alloantigen-driven IL-2 and IL-5 production. ", "Both IL-2 and IL-5 were produced in response to alloantigen as determined by specific bioassays. ", "Maximal levels of IL-5 activity in culture supernatants generally followed maximal IL-2 levels by 24 hr, but both IL-2 and IL-5 production were dramatically inhibited by CsA. Analysis of cytokine gene expression revealed that IL-2 transcription peaked within the initial 24 hr of culture, whereas IL-5 transcription was maximal at 120 hr of culture. ", "The expression of a CTL-specific serine esterase gene was similar to IL-5 in that it was maximal during the latter phases of the culture period. ", "Thus, both human IL-2 and IL-5 are produced in response to alloantigen and are inhibitable by CsA. These data suggest that IL-2 and IL-5 may participate in cellular pathways of tissue damage within the rejecting allograft." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0 ]
[ "Amphisbaena townsendi\n\nAmphisbaena townsendi is a species of worm lizard in the family Amphisbaenidae. ", "The species is endemic to Peru.", "\n\nEtymology\nThe specific name, townsendi, is in honor of American zoologist Charles Haskins Townsend.", "\n\nDescription\nThe holotype of A. townsendi has a snout-to-vent length (SVL) of , a tail length of , and a body diameter of .", "\n\nReproduction\nA. townsendi is oviparous.", "\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\nGans C (2005). \"", "Checklist and Bibliography of the Amphisbaenia of the World\". ", "Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History (289): 1-130. (", "Amphisbaena townsendi, p. 20).", "\nStejneger L (1911). \"", "Description of a new Amphisbænoid lizard from Peru\". ", "Proceedings of the United States National Museum 41: 283-284. (", "Amphisbæna townsendi, new species).", "\n\ntownsendi\nCategory:Reptiles described in 1911\nCategory:Taxa named by Leonhard Stejneger\nCategory:Endemic fauna of Peru\nCategory:Reptiles of Peru" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.019417475728155338, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0.02054794520547945 ]
[ "Ogden names new police chief\n\nOGDEN — Ogden Police Lt. ", "Mike Ashment has been selected to be the department's new police chief.", "\n\nAshment, who was head of the department's major crimes unit, replaces long time chief Jon Greiner, who was reluctantly fired by city officials in December after a federal panel determined he was in violation of the Hatch Act when he launched a candidacy for the state Senate in 2006.", "\n\nThe termination was necessary, city leaders said, in order for Ogden to continue receiving certain federal grants and loans.", "\n\nWayne Tarwater had been serving as the interim chief for the past three months." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0.007017543859649123, 0.007936507936507936, 0.012345679012345678 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to access Azure Storage Logs via http?", "\n\nI have seen literature that indicates you should be able to access log files in an Azure storage container (somectr) with a url like:\nhttp://somectr.blob.core.windows.net/$logs?restype=container&comp=list&prefix=blob/2015/08/28/0900/000000.log\n\nAnd get a directory of log files from that date with:\nhttp://somectr.blob.core.windows.net/$logs?restype=container&comp=list&prefix=blob/2015/08/\n\nBut I get a 404 error when I do this. ", "I think this is indicating that there are no access rights on the object. ", "\nI can see the log file in Azure Storage Explorer, and even view it, but Storage Explorer will not let me edit access rights on this container (although I can on other (non-system) containers). ", "The actual log file is listed, and is there (and I can even view it with the explorer, but I want http access to it.", "\nI also can't even see the $log container in the Azure Portal or the Azure Preveiw Portal, where I might be able to grant public access or something.", "\nIs the reference that I found wrong? ", "Is http-browser access to logs not possible, or am I overlooking something?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe reason you're getting this error is because the ACL of $logs container is set as Private thus unauthenticated requests are failing with 404 (Not Found) error. ", "Please change the ACL of this container from Private to Blob (or Container) and then you should be able to access the logs directly.", "\nUPDATE\nSince $logs is a system generated container, you can't change it's ACL (and this is why you're getting this 403 error when you're trying to perform this operation). ", "What you would need to do instead is create a Shared Access Signature on this container with Read and List permissions. ", "You can use Azure Storage Explorer for that only (see screenshot below).", "\n\nTo list blobs in the that container, simply add comp=list&restype=container to the SAS URL. ", "When you put that URL in your browser's address bar, you should be able to see the list of the blobs.", "\n <?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?", ">\n <EnumerationResults ServiceEndpoint=\"http://account.blob.core.windows.net/\" ContainerName=\"$logs\">\n <Blobs>\n <Blob>\n <Name>blob/2015/01/16/1300/000000.log</Name>\n <Properties>\n <Last-Modified>Fri, 16 Jan 2015 13:50:16 GMT</Last-Modified><Etag>0x8D1FFAA7E1ECE77</Etag>\n <Content-Length>1819</Content-Length>\n <Content-Type>application/octet-stream</Content-Type>\n <Content-Encoding />\n <Content-Language />\n <Content-MD5 />\n <Cache-Control />\n <Content-Disposition />\n <BlobType>BlockBlob</BlobType>\n <LeaseStatus>unlocked</LeaseStatus>\n <LeaseState>available</LeaseState>\n </Properties>\n </Blob>\n </Blobs>\n </EnumartionResults>\n...\n\nTo view blob, just insert the blob name in the SAS URL just after container name and before ? ", "as shown below:\n\nhttp://accountname.blob.core.windows.net/$logs/blob/2015/01/16/1300/000000.log?sv=2014-02-14&sr=c&sig=sAmaOtRqXqyedQEfmDGsoCPxGXUUcMO43GhimoPjbxA%3D&st=2015-09-01T18%3A30%3A00Z&se=2015-09-09T18%3A30%3A00Z&sp=rl\n\nOnce you paste this URL in the browser's address bar, you should be able to see the logs.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.021739130434782608, 0.004629629629629629, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0, 0, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0.005780346820809248, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0.010638297872340425, 0, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0.001949317738791423, 0.0031446540880503146, 0 ]
[ "// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0\n/*\n * PCI Peer 2 Peer DMA support.", "\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2016-2018, Logan Gunthorpe\n * Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Microsemi Corporation\n * Copyright (c) 2017, Christoph Hellwig\n * Copyright (c) 2018, Eideticom Inc.\n */\n\n#define pr_fmt(fmt) \"pci-p2pdma: \" fmt\n#include <linux/ctype.h>\n#include <linux/pci-p2pdma.h>\n#include <linux/module.h>\n#include <linux/slab.h>\n#include <linux/genalloc.h>\n#include <linux/memremap.h>\n#include <linux/percpu-refcount.h>\n#include <linux/random.h>\n#include <linux/seq_buf.h>\n\nstruct pci_p2pdma {\n\tstruct gen_pool *pool;\n\tbool p2pmem_published;\n};\n\nstruct p2pdma_pagemap {\n\tstruct dev_pagemap pgmap;\n\tstruct percpu_ref ref;\n\tstruct completion ref_done;\n};\n\nstatic ssize_t size_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,\n\t\t\t char *buf)\n{\n\tstruct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(dev);\n\tsize_t size = 0;\n\n\tif (pdev->p2pdma->pool)\n\t\tsize = gen_pool_size(pdev->p2pdma->pool);\n\n\treturn snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, \"%zd\\n\", size);\n}\nstatic DEVICE_ATTR_RO(size);\n\nstatic ssize_t available_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,\n\t\t\t char *buf)\n{\n\tstruct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(dev);\n\tsize_t avail = 0;\n\n\tif (pdev->p2pdma->pool)\n\t\tavail = gen_pool_avail(pdev->p2pdma->pool);\n\n\treturn snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, \"%zd\\n\", avail);\n}\nstatic DEVICE_ATTR_RO(available);\n\nstatic ssize_t published_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,\n\t\t\t char *buf)\n{\n\tstruct pci_dev *pdev = to_pci_dev(dev);\n\n\treturn snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, \"%d\\n\",\n\t\t\tpdev->p2pdma->p2pmem_published);\n}\nstatic DEVICE_ATTR_RO(published);\n\nstatic struct attribute *p2pmem_attrs[] = {\n\t&dev_attr_size.attr,\n\t&dev_attr_available.attr,\n\t&dev_attr_published.attr,\n\tNULL,\n};\n\nstatic const struct attribute_group p2pmem_group = {\n\t.attrs = p2pmem_attrs,\n\t.name = \"p2pmem\",\n};\n\nstatic struct p2pdma_pagemap *to_p2p_pgmap(struct percpu_ref *ref)\n{\n\treturn container_of(ref, struct p2pdma_pagemap, ref);\n}\n\nstatic void pci_p2pdma_percpu_release(struct percpu_ref *ref)\n{\n\tstruct p2pdma_pagemap *p2p_pgmap = to_p2p_pgmap(ref);\n\n\tcomplete(&p2p_pgmap->ref_done);\n}\n\nstatic void pci_p2pdma_percpu_kill(struct percpu_ref *ref)\n{\n\tpercpu_ref_kill(ref);\n}\n\nstatic void pci_p2pdma_percpu_cleanup(struct percpu_ref *ref)\n{\n\tstruct p2pdma_pagemap *p2p_pgmap = to_p2p_pgmap(ref);\n\n\twait_for_completion(&p2p_pgmap->ref_done);\n\tpercpu_ref_exit(&p2p_pgmap->ref);\n}\n\nstatic void pci_p2pdma_release(void *data)\n{\n\tstruct pci_dev *pdev = data;\n\tstruct pci_p2pdma *p2pdma = pdev->p2pdma;\n\n\tif (!", "p2pdma)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\t/* Flush and disable pci_alloc_p2p_mem() */\n\tpdev->p2pdma = NULL;\n\tsynchronize_rcu();\n\n\tgen_pool_destroy(p2pdma->pool);\n\tsysfs_remove_group(&pdev->dev.kobj, &p2pmem_group);\n}\n\nstatic int pci_p2pdma_setup(struct pci_dev *pdev)\n{\n\tint error = -ENOMEM;\n\tstruct pci_p2pdma *p2p;\n\n\tp2p = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(*p2p), GFP_KERNEL);\n\tif (!", "p2p)\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\n\tp2p->pool = gen_pool_create(PAGE_SHIFT, dev_to_node(&pdev->dev));\n\tif (!", "p2p->pool)\n\t\tgoto out;\n\n\terror = devm_add_action_or_reset(&pdev->dev, pci_p2pdma_release, pdev);\n\tif (error)\n\t\tgoto out_pool_destroy;\n\n\tpdev->p2pdma = p2p;\n\n\terror = sysfs_create_group(&pdev->dev.kobj, &p2pmem_group);\n\tif (error)\n\t\tgoto out_pool_destroy;\n\n\treturn 0;\n\nout_pool_destroy:\n\tpdev->p2pdma = NULL;\n\tgen_pool_destroy(p2p->pool);\nout:\n\tdevm_kfree(&pdev->dev, p2p);\n\treturn error;\n}\n\n/**\n * pci_p2pdma_add_resource - add memory for use as p2p memory\n * @pdev: the device to add the memory to\n * @bar: PCI BAR to add\n * @size: size of the memory to add, may be zero to use the whole BAR\n * @offset: offset into the PCI BAR\n *\n * The memory will be given ZONE_DEVICE struct pages so that it may\n * be used with any DMA request.", "\n */\nint pci_p2pdma_add_resource(struct pci_dev *pdev, int bar, size_t size,\n\t\t\t u64 offset)\n{\n\tstruct p2pdma_pagemap *p2p_pgmap;\n\tstruct dev_pagemap *pgmap;\n\tvoid *addr;\n\tint error;\n\n\tif (!(", "pci_resource_flags(pdev, bar) & IORESOURCE_MEM))\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\n\tif (offset >= pci_resource_len(pdev, bar))\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\n\tif (!", "size)\n\t\tsize = pci_resource_len(pdev, bar) - offset;\n\n\tif (size + offset > pci_resource_len(pdev, bar))\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\n\tif (!", "pdev->p2pdma) {\n\t\terror = pci_p2pdma_setup(pdev);\n\t\tif (error)\n\t\t\treturn error;\n\t}\n\n\tp2p_pgmap = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(*p2p_pgmap), GFP_KERNEL);\n\tif (!", "p2p_pgmap)\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\n\tinit_completion(&p2p_pgmap->ref_done);\n\terror = percpu_ref_init(&p2p_pgmap->ref,\n\t\t\tpci_p2pdma_percpu_release, 0, GFP_KERNEL);\n\tif (error)\n\t\tgoto pgmap_free;\n\n\tpgmap = &p2p_pgmap->pgmap;\n\n\tpgmap->res.start = pci_resource_start(pdev, bar) + offset;\n\tpgmap->res.end = pgmap->res.start + size - 1;\n\tpgmap->res.flags = pci_resource_flags(pdev, bar);\n\tpgmap->ref = &p2p_pgmap->ref;\n\tpgmap->type = MEMORY_DEVICE_PCI_P2PDMA;\n\tpgmap->pci_p2pdma_bus_offset = pci_bus_address(pdev, bar) -\n\t\tpci_resource_start(pdev, bar);\n\tpgmap->kill = pci_p2pdma_percpu_kill;\n\tpgmap->cleanup = pci_p2pdma_percpu_cleanup;\n\n\taddr = devm_memremap_pages(&pdev->dev, pgmap);\n\tif (IS_ERR(addr)) {\n\t\terror = PTR_ERR(addr);\n\t\tgoto pgmap_free;\n\t}\n\n\terror = gen_pool_add_owner(pdev->p2pdma->pool, (unsigned long)addr,\n\t\t\tpci_bus_address(pdev, bar) + offset,\n\t\t\tresource_size(&pgmap->res), dev_to_node(&pdev->dev),\n\t\t\t&p2p_pgmap->ref);\n\tif (error)\n\t\tgoto pages_free;\n\n\tpci_info(pdev, \"added peer-to-peer DMA memory %pR\\n\",\n\t\t &pgmap->res);\n\n\treturn 0;\n\npages_free:\n\tdevm_memunmap_pages(&pdev->dev, pgmap);\npgmap_free:\n\tdevm_kfree(&pdev->dev, p2p_pgmap);\n\treturn error;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(pci_p2pdma_add_resource);\n\n/*\n * Note this function returns the parent PCI device with a\n * reference taken. ", "It is the caller's responsibily to drop\n * the reference.", "\n */\nstatic struct pci_dev *find_parent_pci_dev(struct device *dev)\n{\n\tstruct device *parent;\n\n\tdev = get_device(dev);\n\n\twhile (dev) {\n\t\tif (dev_is_pci(dev))\n\t\t\treturn to_pci_dev(dev);\n\n\t\tparent = get_device(dev->parent);\n\t\tput_device(dev);\n\t\tdev = parent;\n\t}\n\n\treturn NULL;\n}\n\n/*\n * Check if a PCI bridge has its ACS redirection bits set to redirect P2P\n * TLPs upstream via ACS. ", "Returns 1 if the packets will be redirected\n * upstream, 0 otherwise.", "\n */\nstatic int pci_bridge_has_acs_redir(struct pci_dev *pdev)\n{\n\tint pos;\n\tu16 ctrl;\n\n\tpos = pci_find_ext_capability(pdev, PCI_EXT_CAP_ID_ACS);\n\tif (!", "pos)\n\t\treturn 0;\n\n\tpci_read_config_word(pdev, pos + PCI_ACS_CTRL, &ctrl);\n\n\tif (ctrl & (PCI_ACS_RR | PCI_ACS_CR | PCI_ACS_EC))\n\t\treturn 1;\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic void seq_buf_print_bus_devfn(struct seq_buf *buf, struct pci_dev *pdev)\n{\n\tif (!", "buf)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tseq_buf_printf(buf, \"%s;\", pci_name(pdev));\n}\n\n/*\n * If we can't find a common upstream bridge take a look at the root\n * complex and compare it to a whitelist of known good hardware.", "\n */\nstatic bool root_complex_whitelist(struct pci_dev *dev)\n{\n\tstruct pci_host_bridge *host = pci_find_host_bridge(dev->bus);\n\tstruct pci_dev *root = pci_get_slot(host->bus, PCI_DEVFN(0, 0));\n\tunsigned short vendor, device;\n\n\tif (!", "root)\n\t\treturn false;\n\n\tvendor = root->vendor;\n\tdevice = root->device;\n\tpci_dev_put(root);\n\n\t/* AMD ZEN host bridges can do peer to peer */\n\tif (vendor == PCI_VENDOR_ID_AMD && device == 0x1450)\n\t\treturn true;\n\n\treturn false;\n}\n\n/*\n * Find the distance through the nearest common upstream bridge between\n * two PCI devices.", "\n *\n * If the two devices are the same device then 0 will be returned.", "\n *\n * If there are two virtual functions of the same device behind the same\n * bridge port then 2 will be returned (one step down to the PCIe switch,\n * then one step back to the same device).", "\n *\n * In the case where two devices are connected to the same PCIe switch, the\n * value 4 will be returned. ", "This corresponds to the following PCI tree:\n *\n * -+ Root Port\n * \\+ Switch Upstream Port\n * +-+ Switch Downstream Port\n * + \\- Device A\n * \\-+ Switch Downstream Port\n * \\- Device B\n *\n * The distance is 4 because we traverse from Device A through the downstream\n * port of the switch, to the common upstream port, back up to the second\n * downstream port and then to Device B.\n *\n * Any two devices that don't have a common upstream bridge will return -1.", "\n * In this way devices on separate PCIe root ports will be rejected, which\n * is what we want for peer-to-peer seeing each PCIe root port defines a\n * separate hierarchy domain and there's no way to determine whether the root\n * complex supports forwarding between them.", "\n *\n * In the case where two devices are connected to different PCIe switches,\n * this function will still return a positive distance as long as both\n * switches eventually have a common upstream bridge. ", "Note this covers\n * the case of using multiple PCIe switches to achieve a desired level of\n * fan-out from a root port. ", "The exact distance will be a function of the\n * number of switches between Device A and Device B.\n *\n * If a bridge which has any ACS redirection bits set is in the path\n * then this functions will return -2. ", "This is so we reject any\n * cases where the TLPs are forwarded up into the root complex.", "\n * In this case, a list of all infringing bridge addresses will be\n * populated in acs_list (assuming it's non-null) for printk purposes.", "\n */\nstatic int upstream_bridge_distance(struct pci_dev *provider,\n\t\t\t\t struct pci_dev *client,\n\t\t\t\t struct seq_buf *acs_list)\n{\n\tstruct pci_dev *a = provider, *b = client, *bb;\n\tint dist_a = 0;\n\tint dist_b = 0;\n\tint acs_cnt = 0;\n\n\t/*\n\t * Note, we don't need to take references to devices returned by\n\t * pci_upstream_bridge() seeing we hold a reference to a child\n\t * device which will already hold a reference to the upstream bridge.", "\n\t */\n\n\twhile (a) {\n\t\tdist_b = 0;\n\n\t\tif (pci_bridge_has_acs_redir(a)) {\n\t\t\tseq_buf_print_bus_devfn(acs_list, a);\n\t\t\tacs_cnt++;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tbb = b;\n\n\t\twhile (bb) {\n\t\t\tif (a == bb)\n\t\t\t\tgoto check_b_path_acs;\n\n\t\t\tbb = pci_upstream_bridge(bb);\n\t\t\tdist_b++;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\ta = pci_upstream_bridge(a);\n\t\tdist_a++;\n\t}\n\n\t/*\n\t * Allow the connection if both devices are on a whitelisted root\n\t * complex, but add an arbitary large value to the distance.", "\n\t */\n\tif (root_complex_whitelist(provider) &&\n\t root_complex_whitelist(client))\n\t\treturn 0x1000 + dist_a + dist_b;\n\n\treturn -1;\n\ncheck_b_path_acs:\n\tbb = b;\n\n\twhile (bb) {\n\t\tif (a == bb)\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tif (pci_bridge_has_acs_redir(bb)) {\n\t\t\tseq_buf_print_bus_devfn(acs_list, bb);\n\t\t\tacs_cnt++;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tbb = pci_upstream_bridge(bb);\n\t}\n\n\tif (acs_cnt)\n\t\treturn -2;\n\n\treturn dist_a + dist_b;\n}\n\nstatic int upstream_bridge_distance_warn(struct pci_dev *provider,\n\t\t\t\t\t struct pci_dev *client)\n{\n\tstruct seq_buf acs_list;\n\tint ret;\n\n\tseq_buf_init(&acs_list, kmalloc(PAGE_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL), PAGE_SIZE);\n\tif (!", "acs_list.buffer)\n\t\treturn -ENOMEM;\n\n\tret = upstream_bridge_distance(provider, client, &acs_list);\n\tif (ret == -2) {\n\t\tpci_warn(client, \"cannot be used for peer-to-peer DMA as ACS redirect is set between the client and provider (%s)\\n\",\n\t\t\t pci_name(provider));\n\t\t/* Drop final semicolon */\n\t\tacs_list.buffer[acs_list.len-1] = 0;\n\t\tpci_warn(client, \"to disable ACS redirect for this path, add the kernel parameter: pci=disable_acs_redir=%s\\n\",\n\t\t\t acs_list.buffer);\n\n\t} else if (ret < 0) {\n\t\tpci_warn(client, \"cannot be used for peer-to-peer DMA as the client and provider (%s) do not share an upstream bridge\\n\",\n\t\t\t pci_name(provider));\n\t}\n\n\tkfree(acs_list.buffer);\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n/**\n * pci_p2pdma_distance_many - Determive the cumulative distance between\n *\ta p2pdma provider and the clients in use.", "\n * @provider: p2pdma provider to check against the client list\n * @clients: array of devices to check (NULL-terminated)\n * @num_clients: number of clients in the array\n * @verbose: if true, print warnings for devices when we return -1\n *\n * Returns -1 if any of the clients are not compatible (behind the same\n * root port as the provider), otherwise returns a positive number where\n * a lower number is the preferable choice. (", "If there's one client\n * that's the same as the provider it will return 0, which is best choice).", "\n *\n * For now, \"compatible\" means the provider and the clients are all behind\n * the same PCI root port. ", "This cuts out cases that may work but is safest\n * for the user. ", "Future work can expand this to white-list root complexes that\n * can safely forward between each ports.", "\n */\nint pci_p2pdma_distance_many(struct pci_dev *provider, struct device **clients,\n\t\t\t int num_clients, bool verbose)\n{\n\tbool not_supported = false;\n\tstruct pci_dev *pci_client;\n\tint distance = 0;\n\tint i, ret;\n\n\tif (num_clients == 0)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < num_clients; i++) {\n\t\tpci_client = find_parent_pci_dev(clients[i]);\n\t\tif (!", "pci_client) {\n\t\t\tif (verbose)\n\t\t\t\tdev_warn(clients[i],\n\t\t\t\t\t \"cannot be used for peer-to-peer DMA as it is not a PCI device\\n\");\n\t\t\treturn -1;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (verbose)\n\t\t\tret = upstream_bridge_distance_warn(provider,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t pci_client);\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tret = upstream_bridge_distance(provider, pci_client,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t NULL);\n\n\t\tpci_dev_put(pci_client);\n\n\t\tif (ret < 0)\n\t\t\tnot_supported = true;\n\n\t\tif (not_supported && !", "verbose)\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tdistance += ret;\n\t}\n\n\tif (not_supported)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\treturn distance;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(pci_p2pdma_distance_many);\n\n/**\n * pci_has_p2pmem - check if a given PCI device has published any p2pmem\n * @pdev: PCI device to check\n */\nbool pci_has_p2pmem(struct pci_dev *pdev)\n{\n\treturn pdev->p2pdma && pdev->p2pdma->p2pmem_published;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(pci_has_p2pmem);\n\n/**\n * pci_p2pmem_find - find a peer-to-peer DMA memory device compatible with\n *\tthe specified list of clients and shortest distance (as determined\n *\tby pci_p2pmem_dma())\n * @clients: array of devices to check (NULL-terminated)\n * @num_clients: number of client devices in the list\n *\n * If multiple devices are behind the same switch, the one \"closest\" to the\n * client devices in use will be chosen first. (", "So if one of the providers is\n * the same as one of the clients, that provider will be used ahead of any\n * other providers that are unrelated). ", "If multiple providers are an equal\n * distance away, one will be chosen at random.", "\n *\n * Returns a pointer to the PCI device with a reference taken (use pci_dev_put\n * to return the reference) or NULL if no compatible device is found. ", "The\n * found provider will also be assigned to the client list.", "\n */\nstruct pci_dev *pci_p2pmem_find_many(struct device **clients, int num_clients)\n{\n\tstruct pci_dev *pdev = NULL;\n\tint distance;\n\tint closest_distance = INT_MAX;\n\tstruct pci_dev **closest_pdevs;\n\tint dev_cnt = 0;\n\tconst int max_devs = PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(*closest_pdevs);\n\tint i;\n\n\tclosest_pdevs = kmalloc(PAGE_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);\n\tif (!", "closest_pdevs)\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\n\twhile ((pdev = pci_get_device(PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, pdev))) {\n\t\tif (!", "pci_has_p2pmem(pdev))\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\n\t\tdistance = pci_p2pdma_distance_many(pdev, clients,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t num_clients, false);\n\t\tif (distance < 0 || distance > closest_distance)\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\n\t\tif (distance == closest_distance && dev_cnt >= max_devs)\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\n\t\tif (distance < closest_distance) {\n\t\t\tfor (i = 0; i < dev_cnt; i++)\n\t\t\t\tpci_dev_put(closest_pdevs[i]);\n\n\t\t\tdev_cnt = 0;\n\t\t\tclosest_distance = distance;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tclosest_pdevs[dev_cnt++] = pci_dev_get(pdev);\n\t}\n\n\tif (dev_cnt)\n\t\tpdev = pci_dev_get(closest_pdevs[prandom_u32_max(dev_cnt)]);\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < dev_cnt; i++)\n\t\tpci_dev_put(closest_pdevs[i]);\n\n\tkfree(closest_pdevs);\n\treturn pdev;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(pci_p2pmem_find_many);\n\n/**\n * pci_alloc_p2p_mem - allocate peer-to-peer DMA memory\n * @pdev: the device to allocate memory from\n * @size: number of bytes to allocate\n *\n * Returns the allocated memory or NULL on error.", "\n */\nvoid *pci_alloc_p2pmem(struct pci_dev *pdev, size_t size)\n{\n\tvoid *ret = NULL;\n\tstruct percpu_ref *ref;\n\n\t/*\n\t * Pairs with synchronize_rcu() in pci_p2pdma_release() to\n\t * ensure pdev->p2pdma is non-NULL for the duration of the\n\t * read-lock.", "\n\t */\n\trcu_read_lock();\n\tif (unlikely(!pdev->p2pdma))\n\t\tgoto out;\n\n\tret = (void *)gen_pool_alloc_owner(pdev->p2pdma->pool, size,\n\t\t\t(void **) &ref);\n\tif (!", "ret)\n\t\tgoto out;\n\n\tif (unlikely(!percpu_ref_tryget_live(ref))) {\n\t\tgen_pool_free(pdev->p2pdma->pool, (unsigned long) ret, size);\n\t\tret = NULL;\n\t\tgoto out;\n\t}\nout:\n\trcu_read_unlock();\n\treturn ret;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(pci_alloc_p2pmem);\n\n/**\n * pci_free_p2pmem - free peer-to-peer DMA memory\n * @pdev: the device the memory was allocated from\n * @addr: address of the memory that was allocated\n * @size: number of bytes that were allocated\n */\nvoid pci_free_p2pmem(struct pci_dev *pdev, void *addr, size_t size)\n{\n\tstruct percpu_ref *ref;\n\n\tgen_pool_free_owner(pdev->p2pdma->pool, (uintptr_t)addr, size,\n\t\t\t(void **) &ref);\n\tpercpu_ref_put(ref);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(pci_free_p2pmem);\n\n/**\n * pci_virt_to_bus - return the PCI bus address for a given virtual\n *\taddress obtained with pci_alloc_p2pmem()\n * @pdev: the device the memory was allocated from\n * @addr: address of the memory that was allocated\n */\npci_bus_addr_t pci_p2pmem_virt_to_bus(struct pci_dev *pdev, void *addr)\n{\n\tif (!", "addr)\n\t\treturn 0;\n\tif (!", "pdev->p2pdma)\n\t\treturn 0;\n\n\t/*\n\t * Note: when we added the memory to the pool we used the PCI\n\t * bus address as the physical address. ", "So gen_pool_virt_to_phys()\n\t * actually returns the bus address despite the misleading name.", "\n\t */\n\treturn gen_pool_virt_to_phys(pdev->p2pdma->pool, (unsigned long)addr);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(pci_p2pmem_virt_to_bus);\n\n/**\n * pci_p2pmem_alloc_sgl - allocate peer-to-peer DMA memory in a scatterlist\n * @pdev: the device to allocate memory from\n * @nents: the number of SG entries in the list\n * @length: number of bytes to allocate\n *\n * Return: %NULL on error or &struct scatterlist pointer and @nents on success\n */\nstruct scatterlist *pci_p2pmem_alloc_sgl(struct pci_dev *pdev,\n\t\t\t\t\t unsigned int *nents, u32 length)\n{\n\tstruct scatterlist *sg;\n\tvoid *addr;\n\n\tsg = kzalloc(sizeof(*sg), GFP_KERNEL);\n\tif (!", "sg)\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\n\tsg_init_table(sg, 1);\n\n\taddr = pci_alloc_p2pmem(pdev, length);\n\tif (!", "addr)\n\t\tgoto out_free_sg;\n\n\tsg_set_buf(sg, addr, length);\n\t*nents = 1;\n\treturn sg;\n\nout_free_sg:\n\tkfree(sg);\n\treturn NULL;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(pci_p2pmem_alloc_sgl);\n\n/**\n * pci_p2pmem_free_sgl - free a scatterlist allocated by pci_p2pmem_alloc_sgl()\n * @pdev: the device to allocate memory from\n * @sgl: the allocated scatterlist\n */\nvoid pci_p2pmem_free_sgl(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct scatterlist *sgl)\n{\n\tstruct scatterlist *sg;\n\tint count;\n\n\tfor_each_sg(sgl, sg, INT_MAX, count) {\n\t\tif (!", "sg)\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tpci_free_p2pmem(pdev, sg_virt(sg), sg->length);\n\t}\n\tkfree(sgl);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(pci_p2pmem_free_sgl);\n\n/**\n * pci_p2pmem_publish - publish the peer-to-peer DMA memory for use by\n *\tother devices with pci_p2pmem_find()\n * @pdev: the device with peer-to-peer DMA memory to publish\n * @publish: set to true to publish the memory, false to unpublish it\n *\n * Published memory can be used by other PCI device drivers for\n * peer-2-peer DMA operations. ", "Non-published memory is reserved for\n * exclusive use of the device driver that registers the peer-to-peer\n * memory.", "\n */\nvoid pci_p2pmem_publish(struct pci_dev *pdev, bool publish)\n{\n\tif (pdev->p2pdma)\n\t\tpdev->p2pdma->p2pmem_published = publish;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(pci_p2pmem_publish);\n\n/**\n * pci_p2pdma_map_sg - map a PCI peer-to-peer scatterlist for DMA\n * @dev: device doing the DMA request\n * @sg: scatter list to map\n * @nents: elements in the scatterlist\n * @dir: DMA direction\n *\n * Scatterlists mapped with this function should not be unmapped in any way.", "\n *\n * Returns the number of SG entries mapped or 0 on error.", "\n */\nint pci_p2pdma_map_sg(struct device *dev, struct scatterlist *sg, int nents,\n\t\t enum dma_data_direction dir)\n{\n\tstruct dev_pagemap *pgmap;\n\tstruct scatterlist *s;\n\tphys_addr_t paddr;\n\tint i;\n\n\t/*\n\t * p2pdma mappings are not compatible with devices that use\n\t * dma_virt_ops. ", "If the upper layers do the right thing\n\t * this should never happen because it will be prevented\n\t * by the check in pci_p2pdma_add_client()\n\t */\n\tif (WARN_ON_ONCE(IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_DMA_VIRT_OPS) &&\n\t\t\t dev->dma_ops == &dma_virt_ops))\n\t\treturn 0;\n\n\tfor_each_sg(sg, s, nents, i) {\n\t\tpgmap = sg_page(s)->pgmap;\n\t\tpaddr = sg_phys(s);\n\n\t\ts->dma_address = paddr - pgmap->pci_p2pdma_bus_offset;\n\t\tsg_dma_len(s) = s->length;\n\t}\n\n\treturn nents;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(pci_p2pdma_map_sg);\n\n/**\n * pci_p2pdma_enable_store - parse a configfs/sysfs attribute store\n *\t\tto enable p2pdma\n * @page: contents of the value to be stored\n * @p2p_dev: returns the PCI device that was selected to be used\n *\t\t(if one was specified in the stored value)\n * @use_p2pdma: returns whether to enable p2pdma or not\n *\n * Parses an attribute value to decide whether to enable p2pdma.", "\n * The value can select a PCI device (using its full BDF device\n * name) or a boolean (in any format strtobool() accepts). ", "A false\n * value disables p2pdma, a true value expects the caller\n * to automatically find a compatible device and specifying a PCI device\n * expects the caller to use the specific provider.", "\n *\n * pci_p2pdma_enable_show() should be used as the show operation for\n * the attribute.", "\n *\n * Returns 0 on success\n */\nint pci_p2pdma_enable_store(const char *page, struct pci_dev **p2p_dev,\n\t\t\t bool *use_p2pdma)\n{\n\tstruct device *dev;\n\n\tdev = bus_find_device_by_name(&pci_bus_type, NULL, page);\n\tif (dev) {\n\t\t*use_p2pdma = true;\n\t\t*p2p_dev = to_pci_dev(dev);\n\n\t\tif (!", "pci_has_p2pmem(*p2p_dev)) {\n\t\t\tpci_err(*p2p_dev,\n\t\t\t\t\"PCI device has no peer-to-peer memory: %s\\n\",\n\t\t\t\tpage);\n\t\t\tpci_dev_put(*p2p_dev);\n\t\t\treturn -ENODEV;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t} else if ((page[0] == '0' || page[0] == '1') && !", "iscntrl(page[1])) {\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * If the user enters a PCI device that doesn't exist\n\t\t * like \"0000:01:00.1\", we don't want strtobool to think\n\t\t * it's a '0' when it's clearly not what the user wanted.", "\n\t\t * So we require 0's and 1's to be exactly one character.", "\n\t\t */\n\t} else if (!", "strtobool(page, use_p2pdma)) {\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\n\tpr_err(\"No such PCI device: %.*s\\n\", (int)strcspn(page, \"\\n\"), page);\n\treturn -ENODEV;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(pci_p2pdma_enable_store);\n\n/**\n * pci_p2pdma_enable_show - show a configfs/sysfs attribute indicating\n *\t\twhether p2pdma is enabled\n * @page: contents of the stored value\n * @p2p_dev: the selected p2p device (NULL if no device is selected)\n * @use_p2pdma: whether p2pdma has been enabled\n *\n * Attributes that use pci_p2pdma_enable_store() should use this function\n * to show the value of the attribute.", "\n *\n * Returns 0 on success\n */\nssize_t pci_p2pdma_enable_show(char *page, struct pci_dev *p2p_dev,\n\t\t\t bool use_p2pdma)\n{\n\tif (!", "use_p2pdma)\n\t\treturn sprintf(page, \"0\\n\");\n\n\tif (!", "p2p_dev)\n\t\treturn sprintf(page, \"1\\n\");\n\n\treturn sprintf(page, \"%s\\n\", pci_name(p2p_dev));\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(pci_p2pdma_enable_show);\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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[ " Opinions of the United\n2006 Decisions States Court of Appeals\n for the Third Circuit\n\n\n9-25-2006\n\nNatl Util Ser Inc v. Cambridge-Lee Ind\nPrecedential or Non-Precedential: Non-Precedential\n\nDocket No. ", "04-2952\n\n\n\n\nFollow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.law.villanova.edu/thirdcircuit_2006\n\nRecommended Citation\n\"Natl Util Ser Inc v. Cambridge-Lee Ind\" (2006). ", "2006 Decisions. ", "Paper 425.", "\nhttp://digitalcommons.law.villanova.edu/thirdcircuit_2006/425\n\n\nThis decision is brought to you for free and open access by the Opinions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit at Villanova\nUniversity School of Law Digital Repository. ", "It has been accepted for inclusion in 2006 Decisions by an authorized administrator of Villanova\nUniversity School of Law Digital Repository. ", "For more information, please contact Benjamin.Carlson@law.villanova.edu.", "\n\f NOT PRECEDENTIAL\n\n UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS\n FOR THE THIRD CIRCUIT\n\n\n No. ", "04-2952\n\n\n NATIONAL UTILITY SERVICE, INC.", "\n\n v.\n\n CAMBRIDGE-LEE INDUSTRIES, INC.,", "\n Appellant\n\n\n On Appeal from the United States District Court\n for the District of New Jersey\n D.C. Civil Action No. ", "02-cv-3294\n (Honorable Faith S. Hochberg)\n\n\n Submitted Pursuant to Third Circuit LAR 34.1(a)\n September 11, 2006\n\n Before: SCIRICA, Chief Judge, SLOVITER and BARRY, Circuit Judges\n\n (Filed: September 25, 2006 )\n\n\n OPINION OF THE COURT\n\n\nSCIRICA, Chief Judge.", "\n\n Cambridge-Lee Industries, Inc., appeals the District Court’s judgment in favor of\n\nNational Utility Service, Inc., in a breach of contract action. ", "We will affirm.", "\n\f I.\n\n On May 25, 1994, National Utility contracted with Cambridge-Lee to review\n\nCambridge-Lee’s monthly utility bills and recommend cost-saving changes to its services,\n\nwith National Utility entitled to 50% of savings realized by Cambridge-Lee for 60 months\n\nthrough approval and implementation of any of those suggestions (after recapture of an\n\ninitial service fee). ", "The contract was for a three-year term, automatically renewable\n\nabsent notice by Cambridge-Lee. ", "It also entitled National Utility to 50% of savings\n\nattributable to recommendations implemented after the contract’s expiration, and required\n\nCambridge-Lee to continue sending National Utility information and invoices covering\n\noutstanding recommendations at expiration.", "\n\n In May 1995, Cambridge-Lee stopped sending its monthly utility bills to National\n\nUtility. ", "On June 9, 1995, National Utility made an initial report to Cambridge-Lee, which\n\nincluded a recommendation that Cambridge-Lee could save on telecommunications costs\n\nby implementing AT&T’s UniPLAN consolidated billing format. ", "Thereafter, National\n\nUtility made nearly thirty requests between 1995 and 2001 that Cambridge-Lee resume\n\nsending its billing records and provide information relating to the status of\n\nrecommendations already made by National Utility. ", "On October 10, 1996, Cambridge-\n\nLee’s chief financial officer wrote to National Utility that Cambridge-Lee would no\n\nlonger be able to send utility bills to National Utility, and that Cambridge-Lee considered\n\nthe contract terminated. ", "After the expiration of the contract’s term on May 24, 1997,\n\n\n\n 2\n\fCambridge-Lee entered into an agreement with AT&T no later than August 25, 1998 to\n\nimplement the UniPLAN service.", "\n\n National Utility sued Cambridge-Lee for breach of contract on July 10, 2002.", "\n\nNational Utility contended Cambridge-Lee breached by failing to submit monthly\n\ninvoices for National Utility’s review and analysis after National Utility made its initial\n\nrecommendations. ", "National Utility also contended it was entitled to 50% of savings\n\nCambridge-Lee realized through implementation of the UniPLAN service for intra- and\n\ninterstate telephone service. ", "Finally, although National Utility had not made a\n\nrecommendation that Cambridge-Lee implement AT&T’s UniPLAN service for\n\nintraLATA (local) telephone service, it contended it would have done so before the end of\n\nthe contract term, had Cambridge-Lee not breached, and that it was also entitled to 50%\n\nof savings from implementation of the UniPLAN service for local calls.", "\n\n A bench trial followed. ", "At the end of National Utility’s case-in-chief, Cambridge-\n\nLee moved to dismiss National Utility’s claims as time barred. ", "The District Court denied\n\nthe motion without prejudice (reserving judgment) and invited counsel for Cambridge-\n\nLee to re-argue the issue at the conclusion of the case. ", "Cambridge-Lee contended it had\n\nnot breached, and, alternatively, contended the statute of limitations barred National\n\nUtility’s claims.", "\n\n After the bench trial, the District Court again rejected Cambridge-Lee’s statute of\n\nlimitations argument. ", "On three separate and independent grounds—all of which\n\n\n\n 3\n\fCambridge-Lee now contends were raised sua sponte—the District Court declared\n\nNational Utility’s claims were not time barred. ", "First, the District Court found Cambridge-\n\nLee attempted to terminate the contract prematurely through its October 10, 1996 letter.", "\n\nSecond, it found Cambridge-Lee’s failure to submit billing records to National Utility was\n\na “continuing breach” until August 25, 2003. ", "Third, it found Cambridge-Lee’s failure to\n\nremit National Utility’s 50% share of savings resulting from implementation of AT&T’s\n\nUniPLAN service a “continuing breach” until August 2003. ", "All three breaches, the court\n\nfound, occurred within the six-year statute of limitations.", "\n\n The District Court attributed Cambridge-Lee’s implementation of AT&T’s\n\nUniPLAN service to National Utility’s recommendation. ", "It inferred that, had Cambridge-\n\nLee complied with its obligations to provide data, National Utility would have continued\n\nto recommend the UniPLAN service for long-distance calls until the expiration of the\n\ncontract in May 1997. ", "The court concluded the contract unambiguously provided for a\n\n50% split of cost savings resulting from an implementation of a recommendation, for\n\nsixty months, whether or not the implementation occurred during the contract term or\n\nwithin a reasonable period of time thereafter. ", "It found the (at most) one-year-and-three-\n\nmonth period between the contract’s expiration and UniPLAN implementation to be\n\nreasonable, and refused to infer UniPLAN implementation was “unrelated” to National\n\nUtility’s recommendation. ", "The District Court awarded damages to National Utility of\n\n\n\n\n 4\n\f$182,514.18, or one-half the proved savings (less the recaptured $12,000 service fee) plus\n\npre-judgment interest and costs from August 25, 1998.1 Cambridge-Lee appeals.", "\n\n The District Court had diversity jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1332, and we have\n\njurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1291. ", "In an appeal of a final judgment following a bench\n\ntrial, we exercise plenary review over the District Court’s conclusions of law. ", "Findings of\n\nfact shall not be set aside unless clearly erroneous. ", "Colliers Lanard & Axilbund v. Lloyds\n\nof London, 458 F.3d 231, 236 (3d Cir. ", "2006) (citing Kosiba v. Merck & Co., 384 F.3d 58,\n\n64 (3d Cir. ", "2004); Fed. ", "R. Civ. ", "P. 52(a)).", "\n\n II.", "\n\n Cambridge-Lee presents two issues on appeal. ", "First, error in failing to find the\n\nstatute of limitations barred National Utility’s claims, and, second, error in finding\n\nCambridge-Lee’s contract with AT&T was an unlawful implementation of National\n\nUtility’s recommendations.", "\n\n As for the statute of limitations, the District Court found National Utility’s claims\n\nwere not barred under a continuing breach of contract theory. ", "In New Jersey, the statute\n\nof limitations on breach of contract claims is six years from the date of accrual. ", "N.J. Stat.", "\n\nAnn. § ", "2A:14–1 (West 2000). ", "New Jersey courts “have generally stated that a claim\n\naccrues, for statute of limitations purposes, on ‘the date on which the right to institute and\n\n\n\n\n 1\n The District Court found National Utility had failed to sustain its burden of proof as\nto damages from potential recommendation of UniPLAN service for local calls.", "\n\n 5\n\fmaintain a suit’ first arose.” ", "County of Morris v. Fauver, 153 N.J. 80, 107, 707 A.2d 958,\n\n971 (1998) (quoting Rosenau v. City of New Brunswick, 51 N.J. 130, 137, 238 A.2d 169,\n\n172 (1968)). ", "But in the case of installment or continuous contracts, a cause of action\n\narises for each periodic breach that occurs, absent total repudiation. ", "See Sons of Thunder,\n\nInc. v. Borden, Inc., 148 N.J. 396, 424, 690 A.2d 575, 589 (1997) (finding purchaser that\n\nfailed most weeks to purchase the minimum amount of clams specified in a renewable\n\none-year contract with supplier “continuously breached that contract”); Metromedia Co.\n\nv. Hartz Mountain Assocs., ", "139 N.J. 532, 535, 655 A.2d 1379, 1381 (1995) (“In an\n\ninstallment contract a new cause of action arises from the date each payment is missed.”);", "\n\n9 Arthur L. Corbin, Corbin on Contracts § 956 (rev. ", "ed. ", "2002) (“[C]ontracts . . . ", "that have\n\nbeen said to require continuing (or continuous) performance for some specified period of\n\ntime . . . ", "are capable of a series of ‘partial’ breaches.”).", "\n\n New Jersey courts have applied the “continuing breach” standard to allow claims\n\nwhen the initial breach of a contract occurred outside the statutory period, but successive\n\nbreaches occurred within it. ", "See Fauver, 153 N.J. at 108–09, 707 A.2d at 971–72 (citing\n\ncases). ", "The standard is typically applied in installment contracts, so that “a new cause of\n\naction arises from the date each payment is missed.” ", "Id. at 971. ", "But it has also been\n\napplied where a party has continuously breached a non-payment performance obligation.", "\n\nSee Ballantyne House Assocs. ", "v. City of Newark, 269 N.J. Super. ", "322, 331–32, 635 A.2d\n\n551, 555–56 (App. ", "Div. ", "1993) (finding, when city of Newark failed to collect garbage\n\n\n\n 6\n\funder tax abatement agreement with limited dividend housing corporation, that its failure\n\n“could be considered a series of continuing breaches for which plaintiffs could maintain\n\nan action for any breach occurring within six years of the filing of the complaint, even if\n\nmore than six years had elapsed since Newark's initial breach”). ", "Here, the contract\n\nunambiguously obligated Cambridge-Lee to submit its utility bills to National Utility\n\nevery month during the contract term, as well as to send information and invoices on as\n\nyet unimplemented recommendations after the expiration of the contract term.", "\n\nCambridge-Lee failed to submit monthly information to National Utility from May 1995\n\nthrough August 25, 2003 (sixty months from implementation of the UniPLAN service).", "\n\nAccordingly, Cambridge-Lee was in continuing breach of contract within the six-year\n\nstatute of limitations period.", "\n\n Cambridge-Lee also contends its initial failure to submit monthly invoices, in May\n\n1995, constituted a repudiation of the contract. ", "If true, National Utility’s claims might be\n\ntime barred, because repudiation could operate as a “single total breach.” ", "Corbin, supra,\n\n§ 956; see also Metromedia, 139 N.J. at 535, 655 A.2d at 1381 (noting that, in the case of\n\ncontinuing breach of an installment contract, “absent a repudiation, a plaintiff may sue for\n\neach breach only as it occurs, and the statute of limitations begins to run at that time”).", "\n\nBut the District Court did not err in rejecting Cambridge-Lee’s contention that a total\n\nbreach occurred in May 1995, because Cambridge-Lee failed to establish that its actions\n\nconstituted a repudiation at that time. ", "Repudiation “entails a statement or ‘voluntary\n\n\n\n 7\n\faffirmative act’ indicating that the promisor ‘will commit a breach’ when performance\n\nbecomes due.” ", "Franconia Assocs. ", "v. United States, 536 U.S. 129, 143 (2002) (quoting\n\nRestatement (Second) of Contracts § 250 (1981)). ", "In a continuous or installment\n\ncontract, the first instance of a continuing breach alone is not a “total breach” unless\n\naccompanied by an anticipatory repudiation of performance due in the future. ", "Corbin,\n\nsupra, § 954. ", "Accordingly, while Cambridge-Lee’s continuing breach as to its obligation\n\nto submit information to National Utility might have begun in May 1995, there was no\n\nrepudiation or total breach at that point, because there was no indication then that\n\nCambridge-Lee would not fulfill its future obligations under the contract. ", "In fact, after\n\nNational Utility submitted its initial recommendations in June 1995, Cambridge-Lee told\n\nNational Utility that same month that it would designate an employee to submit\n\ninformation to National Utility. ", "National Utility continually requested the information\n\nthereafter.2\n\n Cambridge-Lee also contends the District Court improperly raised the theory of\n\ncontinuing breach sua sponte in its ruling “without giving [Cambridge-Lee] the\n\nopportunity to offer a legal or factual defense,” violating Cambridge-Lee’s right to\n\nprocedural due process. ", "The record belies this argument. ", "Cambridge-Lee raised the\n\naffirmative statute of limitations defense in its answer and later moved to have National\n\n\n 2\n Cambridge-Lee’s October 10, 1996 letter may have constituted a repudiation and\ntotal breach, but we need not address the District Court’s separate and independent\nholding that Cambridge-Lee breached the contract through that letter.", "\n\n 8\n\fUtility’s claims dismissed as time-barred. ", "Once during National Utility’s case-in-chief\n\nand again at its conclusion, the District Court informed counsel continuing breach would\n\nbe an issue in any statute of limitations defense. ", "Due process requires that parties be\n\ngiven a full and fair opportunity to litigate issues critical to their case. ", "Luxliner P.L.\n\nExport Co. v. RDI/Luxliner, Inc., 13 F.3d 69, 72, 75 (3d Cir. ", "1993). ", "Cambridge-Lee had\n\nsuch an opportunity on the issue of continuing breach.", "\n\n As for finding Cambridge-Lee’s contract with AT&T was an unlawful\n\nimplementation of National Utility’s recommendations, the District Court did not err.", "\n\nThe finding that National Utility would have continued to recommend UniPLAN until\n\nMay 1997 if Cambridge-Lee had fulfilled its obligations was not clearly erroneous. ", "As\n\nthe District Court stated, the contract unambiguously provided that cost savings would be\n\nsplit between the parties, whether or not recommendations were implemented during or\n\nafter the contract term. ", "We need not decide whether there was a temporal limitation on\n\nthis provision.3 A contract whose obligations are of indefinite duration should be\n\ninterpreted to require performance for a reasonable period of time. ", "Aboczky v. Stier, 126\n\n\n 3\n Cambridge-Lee’s reliance on National Utility Service v. Whirlpool Corp., 325 F.2d\n779 (2d Cir. ", "1963), is misplaced. ", "The Court of Appeals there did conclude National\nUtility was not entitled to a percentage of savings from implementation of its\nrecommendations by defendant at two manufacturing plants after expiration of the\ncontract term. ", "But as to the first plant, the holding was based on a contractual provision\nexplicitly excluding savings resulting from an increased power factor, whether or not it\nhad been recommended. ", "As to the second plant, the holding was based on defendant’s\nexplicit rejection of the recommendation and the absence of any indication that it had\nbeen implemented.", "\n\n 9\n\fN.J.L. 109, 111, 18 A.2d 262, 263 (N.J. 1941). ", "The District Court did not err in finding\n\nthe period between May 1997 and August 1998 reasonable.", "\n\n III.", "\n\n We will affirm the District Court’s judgment.", "\n\n\n\n\n 10\n\f" ]
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