[ "#!", "/usr/bin/env bash\n\necho \"---> DETECT: Printenv buildpack\"\n\nset -o errexit\nset -o pipefail\n\nplatform_dir=$1\n\nif [[ ! ", "-f $platform_dir/env/DETECT_ENV_BUILDPACK ]]; then\n exit 1\nfi" ]
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[ "Smart City Pad + Car Park in Thorndon\n\nProperty IDBDN20425\n\nBEO $320,000Recently renovated 1 bedroom + Car Park. ", "Currently tenanted until 4 August 2017 it comes fully furnished. ", "Rental Valuation range of $450 - $480pw. ", "Enjoy the open plan living & kitchen area, tidy bathroom/laundry. ", "South west facing Parliament. ", "Well run Body Corporate! ", "A perfect haven for the winter months with its radiator heating included in the BC levy. ", "So close to the CBD + Parliament. ", "This is a special apartment situated in a top location." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "\"We need to deprioritize short-term growth and revenue and to explain to Wall Street why that is ok,\" the memo continues. \"", "We need to be willing to pick sides when there are clear moral or humanitarian issues. ", "And we need to be open, honest and transparent about our challenges and what we are doing to fix them.\"", "\n\nHe also says that he deserves \"as much blame (or more) as any other exec at the company,\" and that while \"it would be really simple to believe the outcomes of arguments between a handful of people got us to this point...the truth is that we need to all own this.\" ", "He also urged the company to focus on \"the hard things we have to do to win back the world's trust.\"", "\n\nStamos wrote the memo six days after the New York Times and The Observer revealed how political consultancy Cambridge Analytica had exploited the data of Facebook users for advertising purposes, culminating in the company's largest privacy scandal in its 14-year history. ", "Stamos, who had reportedly clashed with other executives over privacy concerns regarding election interference, also touched on his planned August departure in the memo, which had apparently been in the pipeline for some time due to internal structuring, and was not directly related to the Cambridge Analytica issue." ]
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[ "PlayStation Nation,\n\nTwo years ago we introduced you to our resident Vice President of just about everything, Kevin Butler, in the inaugural “Dear PlayStation” ad which was timed with the introduction of our “It Only Does Everything” campaign. ", "Since then, the campaign has helped make the PS3 a household name in 50 million homes worldwide. ", "Today, I’m excited to introduce you to a new brand campaign “Long Live Play” – designed to celebrate gamers from all walks of life and recognize you for making us who we are today.", "\n\nPlayStation has always been about the gamer and the PS3 is the ultimate portal to a land of infinite experiences and accomplishments. ", "PlayStation is reaffirming our commitment to gamers like yourselves with “Long Live Play” – mixing humor and a little good, clean fun with the kind of entertainment content you crave.", "\n\nWhat better way to transition than with a visit from Kevin Butler, back from his four-day retirement with a special message.", "\n\nBeginning today you’ll find “Long Live Play” rolling out on some of your favorite websites, TV networks and retailers as well as across numerous social networking outlets. ", "It’s our way of inviting all gamers to come and join the PlayStation Nation. ", "When we say there’s never been a better time to join, we mean it. ", "With games like Resistance 3, UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception, The ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection and more on the horizon, PlayStation is committed to creating a AAA software line-up that real gamers can get excited about.", "\n\nThe new PS3 price of $249, coupled with incredible gaming and sports content including DIRECTV’s NFL SUNDAY TICKET, MLB.TV and NHL GameCenter, PlayStation is ready to welcome gamers from all over with open arms and hours upon hours of unbelievable entertainment.", "\n\nWe are committed to the continued expansion of the types of services and content that have made the PlayStation name synonymous with interactive entertainment and hope that through the “Long Live Play” campaign our dedication to you, the PlayStation fans, truly shines through. ", "For those of you who have friends that might be on the fence, I encourage you to invite them to come on over. ", "In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled because in the weeks to come we’ll be turning the spotlight back on you, and you won’t want to miss it!", "\n\nHappy gaming!" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nzsh /home/kaffe/.aliases:13: parse error near `|'\n\nI wrote a massive one-liner as a tool to check some logs at work which I wanted to break up and comment, so I could understand it at a later date. ", "When I was done breaking it all up, I bumped into this error: \n\n/home/kaffe/.aliases:13: parse error near `|'\n\n11 mlog () {\n12 cat /home/kaffe/progs/muse/nxaa* \\ # Look in all muse logs\n13 | grep \"$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')\\|$(date --date '-1 days' +'%Y-%m-%d')\" \\ # Dynamic search for date - today and yesterday\n14 | sed -e 's/ com.*(): / /; \\ ", " # Start sed, remove irrelevant information\n15 s/;/ /;s/;/ /; \\ # Remove first two instances of semi-colon in every line\n16 s/, severity../ /; \\ # Globally remove mention of severity level\n17 s/.*New alarm:/ New: &/g; \\ # If \"New alarm:\" exists, add \"New:\" to beginning of line\n18 s/ New alarm: / /g1; \\ # Globally remove \"New alarm:\" from line\n19 s/.*Alarm cleared:/Cleared: &/g; \\ # If \"Alarm cleared:\" exists, add \"Cleared:\" to beginning\n20 s/ Alarm cleared: / /g1; \\ # Globally remove \"Alarm cleared:\" from line\n21 s/.*Alarm changed:/Changed: &/g; \\ # If \"Alarm changed:\" exists, add \"Changed:\" to beginning\n22 s/ Alarm changed: / /g1' \\ # Globally remove \"Alarm changed:\" from line\n23 -e ''/ New:/s//$(printf \"\\033[31mNew:\\033[0m\")/g'' \\ # Color \"New:\" red\n24 -e ''/Cleared:/s//$(printf \"\\033[32mCleared:\\033[0m\")/g'' \\ # Color \"Cleared:\" green\n25 -e ''/Changed:/s//$(printf \"\\033[33mChanged:\\033[0m\")/g'' \\ # Color \"Changed:\" yellow\n26 | sort -k1.24 \\ # Sort from 14th character (date)\n27 | egrep -i $1 # Insert custom search pattern, allow regexp, case insensitive\n28 }\n\nThe function seems to work as intended, though. ", "I just wish to understand why there is an error and my abysmal zsh-fu restricts me from figuring it out. ", "Knowing what causes this would probably help me in future zsh endeavors.", "\nThanks in advance for any contribution.", "\nOS and zsh versions:\n$ uname -a\nLinux kaffe-noc 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.68-1+deb7u3 x86_64 GNU/Linux\n$ zsh --version\nzsh 4.3.17 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)\n\nA:\n\nDo you have those comments in real code ?", "\nYou can not have anything after \\ but a newline for line continuation.", "\nman bash\n\nA non-quoted backslash () is the escape character. ", " It preserves\n the literal value of the next character that follows, with the\n exception of . ", " If a \\ pair appears, and the\n backslash is not itself quoted, the \\ is treated as a line\n continuation (that is, it is removed from the input stream and\n effectively ignored).", "\n\n" ]
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[ "//\n// impl/io_context.hpp\n// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n//\n// Copyright (c) 2003-2019 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)\n//\n// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (", "See accompanying\n// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)\n//\n\n#ifndef BOOST_ASIO_IMPL_IO_CONTEXT_HPP\n#define BOOST_ASIO_IMPL_IO_CONTEXT_HPP\n\n#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)\n# pragma once\n#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)\n\n#include <boost/asio/detail/completion_handler.hpp>\n#include <boost/asio/detail/executor_op.hpp>\n#include <boost/asio/detail/fenced_block.hpp>\n#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_type_requirements.hpp>\n#include <boost/asio/detail/non_const_lvalue.hpp>\n#include <boost/asio/detail/recycling_allocator.hpp>\n#include <boost/asio/detail/service_registry.hpp>\n#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>\n#include <boost/asio/detail/type_traits.hpp>\n\n#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>\n\n#if !", "defined(GENERATING_DOCUMENTATION)\n\nnamespace boost {\nnamespace asio {\n\ntemplate <typename Service>\ninline Service& use_service(io_context& ioc)\n{\n // Check that Service meets the necessary type requirements.", "\n (void)static_cast<execution_context::service*>(static_cast<Service*>(0));\n (void)static_cast<const execution_context::id*>(&Service::id);\n\n return ioc.service_registry_->template use_service<Service>(ioc);\n}\n\ntemplate <>\ninline detail::io_context_impl& use_service<detail::io_context_impl>(\n io_context& ioc)\n{\n return ioc.impl_;\n}\n\n} // namespace asio\n} // namespace boost\n\n#endif // !", "defined(GENERATING_DOCUMENTATION)\n\n#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>\n\n#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP)\n# include <boost/asio/detail/win_iocp_io_context.hpp>\n#else\n# include <boost/asio/detail/scheduler.hpp>\n#endif\n\n#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>\n\nnamespace boost {\nnamespace asio {\n\ninline io_context::executor_type\nio_context::get_executor() BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT\n{\n return executor_type(*this);\n}\n\n#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_CHRONO)\n\ntemplate <typename Rep, typename Period>\nstd::size_t io_context::run_for(\n const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time)\n{\n return this->run_until(chrono::steady_clock::now() + rel_time);\n}\n\ntemplate <typename Clock, typename Duration>\nstd::size_t io_context::run_until(\n const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& abs_time)\n{\n std::size_t n = 0;\n while (this->run_one_until(abs_time))\n if (n !", "= (std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max)())\n ++n;\n return n;\n}\n\ntemplate <typename Rep, typename Period>\nstd::size_t io_context::run_one_for(\n const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time)\n{\n return this->run_one_until(chrono::steady_clock::now() + rel_time);\n}\n\ntemplate <typename Clock, typename Duration>\nstd::size_t io_context::run_one_until(\n const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& abs_time)\n{\n typename Clock::time_point now = Clock::now();\n while (now < abs_time)\n {\n typename Clock::duration rel_time = abs_time - now;\n if (rel_time > chrono::seconds(1))\n rel_time = chrono::seconds(1);\n\n boost::system::error_code ec;\n std::size_t s = impl_.wait_one(\n static_cast<long>(chrono::duration_cast<\n chrono::microseconds>(rel_time).count()), ec);\n boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec);\n\n if (s || impl_.stopped())\n return s;\n\n now = Clock::now();\n }\n\n return 0;\n}\n\n#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_CHRONO)\n\n#if !", "defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)\n\ninline void io_context::reset()\n{\n restart();\n}\n\nstruct io_context::initiate_dispatch\n{\n template <typename LegacyCompletionHandler>\n void operator()(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(LegacyCompletionHandler) handler,\n io_context* self) const\n {\n // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does\n // not meet the documented type requirements for a LegacyCompletionHandler.", "\n BOOST_ASIO_LEGACY_COMPLETION_HANDLER_CHECK(\n LegacyCompletionHandler, handler) type_check;\n\n detail::non_const_lvalue<LegacyCompletionHandler> handler2(handler);\n if (self->impl_.can_dispatch())\n {\n detail::fenced_block b(detail::fenced_block::full);\n boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke(\n handler2.value, handler2.value);\n }\n else\n {\n // Allocate and construct an operation to wrap the handler.", "\n typedef detail::completion_handler<\n typename decay<LegacyCompletionHandler>::type> op;\n typename op::ptr p = { detail::addressof(handler2.value),\n op::ptr::allocate(handler2.value), 0 };\n p.p = new (p.v) op(handler2.value);\n\n BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_CREATION((*self, *p.p,\n \"io_context\", self, 0, \"dispatch\"));\n\n self->impl_.do_dispatch(p.p);\n p.v = p.p = 0;\n }\n }\n};\n\ntemplate <typename LegacyCompletionHandler>\nBOOST_ASIO_INITFN_RESULT_TYPE(LegacyCompletionHandler, void ())\nio_context::dispatch(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(LegacyCompletionHandler) handler)\n{\n return async_initiate<LegacyCompletionHandler, void ()>(\n initiate_dispatch(), handler, this);\n}\n\nstruct io_context::initiate_post\n{\n template <typename LegacyCompletionHandler>\n void operator()(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(LegacyCompletionHandler) handler,\n io_context* self) const\n {\n // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does\n // not meet the documented type requirements for a LegacyCompletionHandler.", "\n BOOST_ASIO_LEGACY_COMPLETION_HANDLER_CHECK(\n LegacyCompletionHandler, handler) type_check;\n\n detail::non_const_lvalue<LegacyCompletionHandler> handler2(handler);\n\n bool is_continuation =\n boost_asio_handler_cont_helpers::is_continuation(handler2.value);\n\n // Allocate and construct an operation to wrap the handler.", "\n typedef detail::completion_handler<\n typename decay<LegacyCompletionHandler>::type> op;\n typename op::ptr p = { detail::addressof(handler2.value),\n op::ptr::allocate(handler2.value), 0 };\n p.p = new (p.v) op(handler2.value);\n\n BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_CREATION((*self, *p.p,\n \"io_context\", self, 0, \"post\"));\n\n self->impl_.post_immediate_completion(p.p, is_continuation);\n p.v = p.p = 0;\n }\n};\n\ntemplate <typename LegacyCompletionHandler>\nBOOST_ASIO_INITFN_RESULT_TYPE(LegacyCompletionHandler, void ())\nio_context::post(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(LegacyCompletionHandler) handler)\n{\n return async_initiate<LegacyCompletionHandler, void ()>(\n initiate_post(), handler, this);\n}\n\ntemplate <typename Handler>\n#if defined(GENERATING_DOCUMENTATION)\nunspecified\n#else\ninline detail::wrapped_handler<io_context&, Handler>\n#endif\nio_context::wrap(Handler handler)\n{\n return detail::wrapped_handler<io_context&, Handler>(*this, handler);\n}\n\n#endif // !", "defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)\n\ninline io_context&\nio_context::executor_type::context() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT\n{\n return io_context_;\n}\n\ninline void\nio_context::executor_type::on_work_started() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT\n{\n io_context_.impl_.work_started();\n}\n\ninline void\nio_context::executor_type::on_work_finished() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT\n{\n io_context_.impl_.work_finished();\n}\n\ntemplate <typename Function, typename Allocator>\nvoid io_context::executor_type::dispatch(\n BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Function) f, const Allocator& a) const\n{\n typedef typename decay<Function>::type function_type;\n\n // Invoke immediately if we are already inside the thread pool.", "\n if (io_context_.impl_.can_dispatch())\n {\n // Make a local, non-const copy of the function.", "\n function_type tmp(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Function)(f));\n\n detail::fenced_block b(detail::fenced_block::full);\n boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke(tmp, tmp);\n return;\n }\n\n // Allocate and construct an operation to wrap the function.", "\n typedef detail::executor_op<function_type, Allocator, detail::operation> op;\n typename op::ptr p = { detail::addressof(a), op::ptr::allocate(a), 0 };\n p.p = new (p.v) op(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Function)(f), a);\n\n BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_CREATION((this->context(), *p.p,\n \"io_context\", &this->context(), 0, \"dispatch\"));\n\n io_context_.impl_.post_immediate_completion(p.p, false);\n p.v = p.p = 0;\n}\n\ntemplate <typename Function, typename Allocator>\nvoid io_context::executor_type::post(\n BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Function) f, const Allocator& a) const\n{\n typedef typename decay<Function>::type function_type;\n\n // Allocate and construct an operation to wrap the function.", "\n typedef detail::executor_op<function_type, Allocator, detail::operation> op;\n typename op::ptr p = { detail::addressof(a), op::ptr::allocate(a), 0 };\n p.p = new (p.v) op(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Function)(f), a);\n\n BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_CREATION((this->context(), *p.p,\n \"io_context\", &this->context(), 0, \"post\"));\n\n io_context_.impl_.post_immediate_completion(p.p, false);\n p.v = p.p = 0;\n}\n\ntemplate <typename Function, typename Allocator>\nvoid io_context::executor_type::defer(\n BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Function) f, const Allocator& a) const\n{\n typedef typename decay<Function>::type function_type;\n\n // Allocate and construct an operation to wrap the function.", "\n typedef detail::executor_op<function_type, Allocator, detail::operation> op;\n typename op::ptr p = { detail::addressof(a), op::ptr::allocate(a), 0 };\n p.p = new (p.v) op(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Function)(f), a);\n\n BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_CREATION((this->context(), *p.p,\n \"io_context\", &this->context(), 0, \"defer\"));\n\n io_context_.impl_.post_immediate_completion(p.p, true);\n p.v = p.p = 0;\n}\n\ninline bool\nio_context::executor_type::running_in_this_thread() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT\n{\n return io_context_.impl_.can_dispatch();\n}\n\n#if !", "defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)\ninline io_context::work::work(boost::asio::io_context& io_context)\n : io_context_impl_(io_context.impl_)\n{\n io_context_impl_.work_started();\n}\n\ninline io_context::work::work(const work& other)\n : io_context_impl_(other.io_context_impl_)\n{\n io_context_impl_.work_started();\n}\n\ninline io_context::work::~work()\n{\n io_context_impl_.work_finished();\n}\n\ninline boost::asio::io_context& io_context::work::get_io_context()\n{\n return static_cast<boost::asio::io_context&>(io_context_impl_.context());\n}\n#endif // !", "defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)\n\ninline boost::asio::io_context& io_context::service::get_io_context()\n{\n return static_cast<boost::asio::io_context&>(context());\n}\n\n} // namespace asio\n} // namespace boost\n\n#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>\n\n#endif // BOOST_ASIO_IMPL_IO_CONTEXT_HPP\n" ]
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[ "As much as a baseball diamond cut into a cornfield in Iowa, its presence here seems out of place. ", "Yet if that place is known as the Field of Dreams, then surely this park in Brooklyn, at the corner of Atlantic Ave and Fountain Ave., ", "is the Field of Broken Dreams.", "\n\nAlthough no one will mistake it for a professional field, the surface is almost immaculate. ", "The infield dirt is well groomed and the foul lines are painted in perfect symmetry. ", "In stark contrast to the dull grays of the surrounding streets and concrete sidewalks, the grass is a lush, rich green.", "\n\nIn East Brooklyn, carved out among an urban dystopia of car washes, donut shops and fast-food joints sits an unlikely baseball field, the main field at City Line Park.", "\n\nBaseball may be the ultimate game of failure, but nothing hurts more when you've even lost the chance to fail.", "\n\nSo what do you do next? ", "The game stays right in your gut, gnawing away.", "\n\nBut it never really goes away. ", "You hear a game on the radio or watch on television and it stings. ", "You see men you played with and you see yourself out on the field. ", "You tell yourself it could have been you, it should have been you. ", "But it isn't.", "\n\nSo you end up back home, whether that's in Delaware or the Dominican Republic, join the real world and go back to the everyday grind. ", "You try to find a job and take care of your family. ", "You try to forget about baseball.", "\n\nThe rest? ", "That's for you to figure out on your own. ", "So you tell yourself you had your chance but you simply weren't good enough, or maybe you were just unfortunate. ", "The luckiest may have post-career options in the game, perhaps a coaching position, a role in the front office, or an offer to become a scout. ", "But those jobs are for the lucky ones. ", "For the rest, uncertainty awaits.", "\n\nThis is how it happens: One day you receive a phone call. ", "Someone thanks you for your time and effort, tells you it is a matter of numbers, and then hangs up, the click of the phone marking the end of your career. ", "It ends as simple and quickly as that. ", "Nobody tells you what comes next.", "\n\nEvery ballplayer at every level learns that playing baseball is all about how you learn to handle disappointment. ", "But by the time a ballplayer is lucky enough and talented enough to become a professional, they never tell you about the greatest failure of all. ", "No one ever talks about that.", "\n\nFrom the first time you ever take the field, even as ground balls bounce off your chest and you swing and miss at pitch after pitch, the coaches always tell you that baseball is a game of failure. ", "Even the best hitters in the major leagues, they say, succeed only three out of 10 times.", "\n\nAn overhead view of City Line Park in East Brooklyn (via Google).", "\n\nthis park in Brooklyn, at the corner of Atlantic Ave and Fountain Ave., ", "is the Field of Broken Dreams. ", "On a recent Saturday morning, one by one the players show up, drop their gear to the ground near the benches, then walk around the chain link fence and out onto the field. ", "Like major leaguers, they are young and old, ranging from their late teens to early 40s. ", "And, for the most part, they are in shape. ", "In their crisp, clean uniforms, some of which bear the logos of major league teams like the Cubs and the Cardinals, or those of famous Dominican League teams, they look like ballplayers. ", "Only a few show a belly protruding over their belts, the vicious sign of aging. ", "Hearing their banter back and forth across the field, their laughs and insults, and the sound of the ball smacking into the glove as they play catch, it is almost possible to imagine they are professionals, warming up before some early-season exhibition game. ", "A car honks, an ambulance sounds in the distance, and the fantasy evaporates. ", "On the small aluminum bleachers, only a few friends and family members - wives, girlfriends and little kids - sit impatiently, waiting for the game to begin. ", "On the left-hand side of field, near the restrooms, a group of older former players sit and watch closely, already dissecting the action, pointing out who can still throw hard and who has been hot at the plate. ", "While this may not be professional baseball, these games are taken seriously. ", "Street vendors selling Dominican dishes set up their fryers on the street and start cooking tostones, crisp, deep-fried plantains. ", "Behind home plate, a group of older men put together a simple public address system. ", "A tall chain link fence surrounds the field, protecting it from the city. ", "A few advertising banners hang limply in the sodden, summer air. ", "The outfield scoreboard is empty. ", "Despite the setting, many of the players now warming up on the field are professionals. ", "Or, rather, they once were professionals, once upon a time. ", "Now, at least for a few hours, they are still ballplayers. ", "Every weekend, the Pedrin Zorrilla Baseball League reminds them of that. ", "Here is where baseball dreams have either died, are on life support or never got started in the first place. ", "an outlet for those who still need the game to complete a life, who still would rather play and fail than not play at all. ", "For more than 62 seasons the Zorrilla League - named for Pedrin Zorrilla, a scout for the Giants, business executive, politician and owner of the Santurce Crabbers of the Puerto Rican Professional League - has provided an outlet for those who still need the game to complete a life, who still would rather play and fail than not play at all. ", "In the 1980s there were nearly 30 primarily Latino amateur adult baseball leagues in New York, many with corporate sponsors. ", "Now, there are only the nine teams in what the locals simple refer to as the Zorrilla. ", "Most of the players - probably 80 percent - are Dominican. ", "It makes sense. ", "Each year, major league teams sign several hundred amateur players from the Dominican Republic, far more than from anywhere else in Latin American. ", "Only a few make it to the major leagues. ", "The others are often quickly cast aside, most released after only a few seasons. ", "Many return to the Dominican Republic, where they tell stories of their time as a professional ballplayer and try to find work, but others linger behind, marry an American girl or simply overstay their work visas and decide to remain in the United States. ", "Some of them end up here, in Brooklyn.", "\n\n*** One of the men who takes the field most weekends in the Zorrilla League this summer is Emilio King, a powerful looking 23 -year-old. ", "He has the build of a major league player - thick arms, muscular legs - but he is soft spoken and pensive. ", "He is plain faced, dark skinned and clean-shaven. ", "He does not have the appearance of someone whose career has hit a crossroads. ", "Yet for King, the call came not even a year ago, in November of 2012. ", "He had just finished practice with the Aguilas del Cibao, the storied Dominican Winter League team, and returned home when the phone rang. ", "The message was quick and direct. ", "The man simply explained to King that he was released. ", "It was someone from the Houston Astros, the organization that first signed him six years before. ", "The message was quick and direct. ", "The man simply explained to King that he was released. ", "He did not give a reason, and King did not ask. ", "It really didn't really matter. ", "King thanked the team for the opportunity and then hung up the phone. ", "He was no longer a ballplayer. ", "King first became a baseball player almost by mistake. ", "A native of Samana in the Dominican Republic, he grew up adjacent to the local field and when neighborhood boys gathered to play, King, both a neighbor and a natural leader, organized the chaos. \"", "The ball field was like my backyard,\" King said. \"", "It was my world. ", "It was like if it was my field.\" ", "He chose sides, mandated positions for everyone and then helped set up lineups. ", "Inevitably, most of the kids wanted to play the marquee positions, the positions that were the most fun and what young players everywhere think most often get the attention of the professional scouts - shortstop, pitcher, centerfielder - where it is easy to show off speed or a strong arm. ", "No one wanted to catch - it was too hard. ", "But if someone didn't catch, there would be no game, so King, who was the best player on the field, usually played catcher himself. ", "It was the best decision he ever made - at least until the phone call. *** ", "For an amateur organization, the Zorrilla is surprisingly well organized. ", "A board of directors runs the league, the umpires are paid, and the baseballs, at least at the start of each game, are usually brand new. ", "The league plays at City Line Park on both Saturday and Sunday, baseball from 10 a.m. until the early evening. ", "Some players show up early and stay all day, lingering before or after their own game, sitting in the stands or in lounge chairs under the few trees that grow at the edge of the park, talking baseball, telling stories, and watching their friends. ", "While the games go on, old men provide commentary over the P.A. system as if they are professional broadcasters calling a major league game, but the sound system is so poor, few can hear them. ", "No matter. ", "Here in the Zorrilla, fantasy is as important as reality, sometimes, even more important. ", "The quality of play varies widely. ", "Ground balls are bobbled, errant throws clatter off the chain link fence or occasionally sail into the street, and sometimes even catchable pop-ups fall to the ground untouched. ", "After all, even professional players make mistakes, and many players in the Zorrilla, even the former professionals, have not played or practiced regularly for years, and it shows. ", "Wrists that once lashed out line drives from 90-mile per hour fastballs now swing through pitches that come to the plate some 10 mph slower. ", "Then there is a sharp sound and instinct takes over from age. ", "A shortstop ranges far into the hole, his glove reaching expertly for a hard hit ground ball, and then he pivots and suddenly the ball is a white blur streaking across the diamond, the catch and throw as accurate and powerful as any in the major leagues. ", "A few moments later, a hitter turns on a pitch and rockets a line drive off the distant fence, an extra base hit in any ballpark. ", "These are the kind of plays that once drew the attention of major league scouts, and the kind of plays that still make it possible to put up with the failure. *** ", "This is the dream that leads so many Dominicans to baseball. ", "When King was 15 years old a relative told him that a Houston scout would be at a local tournament in Samana. ", "King played well and at the end of the tournament the scout asked him to stop by the Astros baseball academy. ", "He spent several weeks there, playing baseball almost all day long, before the team offered him a modest contract that included a $30,000 bonus. ", "Even for Dominican free agents, the bonus was small, and represented little risk to the Astros, but to King, it was life changing. ", "His father ran a tourist gift shop while his mother worked as a housecleaner, but with six siblings, there was no money for any extras. ", "The bonus allowed King to help with day-to-day expenses and to dream. ", "Someday, perhaps, he would make millions, like Dominican players such as David Ortiz and other major leaguers, who return to the Dominican as heroes. ", "This is the dream that leads so many Dominicans to baseball.", "\n\n\n\nDominican hero David Ortiz playing for his country in the World Baseball Classic (via Getty Images).", "\n\nFor King, however, baseball was not just a dream anymore; it was his duty. ", "Almost from the moment he signed, King felt uncomfortable as a professional. ", "It was not the fun, pressure-free environment of his youth. ", "Now every at bat mattered. \"", "The most difficult thing for me was having to wake up each day, and not feel like you were playing baseball, but to feel like you had a job,\" King said. \"", "It was disheartening. ", "It affected me mentally, not so much on the field. ", "Sometimes it would just get so monotonous, every day we would do the same thing, it was repetitive. ", "The feeling that it was a game quickly subsided.\" ", "King spent his first two seasons learning to be a professional at the Astros Dominican academy and playing in the Dominican Summer League, a grueling schedule of nearly non-stop baseball almost every day from sunrise to sunset. ", "Then, in 2010, King was sent to play in United States, first for the Astros' Single-A team in Greenville, Tenn., and then in Lexington, Ky., Troy, N.Y., and Lancaster, Calif., places on a map in a country he barely knew. ", "King had a difficult time focusing on his defensive duties as a catcher while trying to learn how to hit professional pitchers, and after his first season in the U.S., the Astros transferred him to the outfield. ", "It was a relief, and for a while, he flourished. ", "His strong right arm was suited to the outfield and in 2011, one throw to home plate, a perfect strike from right field to home plate, earned a nomination as Minor League Play of the Year. ", "He started to hit and his manager in Lexington told a reporter King was \"probably my best player, my team MVP.\" ", "For a brief moment, he was a prospect. ", "In 2012, however, he slumped, hitting under .200. ", "The Astros lost patience and that is when he got the phone call.", "\n\n*** It is easy to look at the men playing baseball in the Zorrilla and dismiss it as unimportant, to deride the level of play, but the participants are dedicated. ", "No one is paying them to play - most have to pay for the privilege and take the field after working long hours during the week. ", "The league is self-sustaining and depends on the commitment of the players themselves and their willingness to volunteer to help and make it work. ", "No newspaper reports on the results or publishes league statistics. ", "The standings and scores are posted on a Facebook page that has just over 200 followers, about as many players as there are in the league. ", "The local minor league team, the short-season Brooklyn Cyclones, has more than 25,000 followers. ", "The players still play hard, and to win. ", "They celebrate big hits and home runs, talk about each game for hours afterwards, and argue calls with umpires just as intensely as any major leaguer. ", "There is a video on YouTube of a particularly entertaining argument from last year, a dispute over a home run, in which one member of the league gave a performance worth of Earl Weaver or Billy Martin, eventually being ejected from the game and throwing a trash can on the field. ", "It has received more than 2,000 views. *** ", "For Danilo Reynoso, the call came in November 2004. ", "Reynoso, now 31 with a mustached face that makes him seem even older, had spent part of that year trying to rehabilitate an injured shoulder. ", "Then, in the fall, the Mets tried to convince him that he should leave catching behind and become a pitcher. ", "Like King, he had struggled to hit in professional baseball. ", "Such a deficiency is the undoing of many players. \"", "I had a great arm, could catch really well,\" Reynoso said. \"", "The only thing I couldn't do was hit.\" ", "Reynoso wasn't anxious to start over again by becoming a pitcher. ", "He wasn't sure he would like it and he wasn't certain his injured arm would even allow him to do it. ", "He knew such a request meant the team had soured on him, anyway. ", "Pitching would do nothing but delay the inevitable. ", "Reynoso had first signed with the Mets in 1998 out of San Cristobal in the Dominican Republic. ", "That he had even played baseball was somewhat of a surprise, and it reveals something about his character, and his commitment to his family. ", "As a boy, one of Reynoso's older brothers was supposed to be the baseball player. ", "Although Reynoso's farming family often had little money, they used what little they had to buy his brother baseball equipment. ", "It was an investment. ", "If the boy could sign a professional contract one day then perhaps the whole family's fortunes would change. ", "But the boy became distracted with the outside world. ", "He wanted to go out late and chase girls. ", "He soon lost interest in the game. ", "The baseball equipment went unused. ", "Danilo never had much interest in baseball. ", "He was more interested in raising roosters, but he could not bear to see his family's sacrifice go to waste. ", "One day the teenaged boy told his mother that he was going to become a baseball player. \"", "You don't have to do that son,\" his mother said. \"", "I know you don't like baseball.\" \"", "Yeah, but I'm going to play and I'm going to get rich so that you guys can have a better life.\" ", "Reynoso responded, \"I'm going to play and I'm going to get rich so that you guys can have a better life.\" ", "Every morning after he had made that promise to his mother, Reynoso got up at 6 a.m. to practice. ", "After sipping on a large cup of oatmeal and cherry juice that his mother made for him, Reynoso would go out into the field and train. ", "He would not finish until 11 a.m., and he did not stray from this routine. ", "Soon, his 5' 10 frame became muscular and chiseled. \"", "I became a great physical specimen,\" he said. ", "Yet that did not mean he knew how to play. ", "He may have looked like a ballplayer, but he did not have the advanced skills of someone who had seriously played the game all his life. ", "The first time he went to the field was so humiliating that he almost didn't return. ", "When he showed up for that first day of practice at a local league, the 14-year-old Reynoso wore boots, a collared shirt and his grandfather's farming hat. ", "The other players couldn't stop laughing and nicknamed him \"Rooster Boy.\" ", "Yet despite his shortcomings, he eventually earned his teammates' respect. ", "They soon called him \"Burro\" because he worked so hard. ", "In little more than a year, he signed to work with a well-known trainer, a man known as a buscon, who trains young players, alerts major league scouts to promising talent and then serves as their agent, earning a living by taking a portion of their signing bonus and salary. ", "After training with a buscon for almost a year, New York Mets scout Eddy Toledo, a respected man on the island who had signed such players as Nelson Cruz and Jose Reyes, signed Reynoso to a contract. ", "Reynoso then spent three years honing his skills in the Dominican Summer League while waiting for the Mets to provide a visa to play in the United States. ", "At the time, professional teams had only a limited number of visas to hand out and these were reserved for only the best players, and the best prospects. ", "Reynoso was not yet in that category. ", "Finally, in 2001, the Mets sent Reynoso to Kingsport, Tenn., to play in the Single-A Appalachian League. ", "He was overwhelmed, both socially and professionally. ", "For all the efforts major league teams put into teaching baseball, not until recently have they begun to recognize the responsibility they have in preparing Dominicans for life in the United States. ", "At the time Reynoso played, few teams provided instruction in English or how to live in America. ", "Reynoso struggled at the plate and didn't speak English well enough to develop much of a social life. ", "For a long time, Reynoso couldn't even find a way to eat. ", "He was scared to go and order food at a restaurant. ", "Instead, he ate only at the ballpark, often not eating at all from the time he left the park at night until he returned the next afternoon. ", "Reynoso spent four mostly uninspiring years in the Mets minor league system. ", "His English improved, but his hitting skills did not. ", "Although Reynoso had a good arm, the rest of his catching skills weren't quite good enough to make him a defensive specialist, and create a career as a backup catcher. ", "When Reynoso turned down the Mets offer to become a pitcher at age 23, he became a minor league free agent. ", "While he waited for another team to sign him, Reynoso, married and with two children, moved to Brooklyn to be close to his wife's family. ", "It was a difficult transition. ", "Reynoso still wanted to play professionally, but his options were dwindling. ", "It was also winter in New York, and the cold became his enemy. ", "He had never lived in such frigid conditions. ", "Still, Reynoso would wake up every morning and train in the snow. ", "When he returned home after a long practice outdoors, his fingers felt like they would fall off. ", "He would dip his hands in warm water, and the pain would make him scream like a child. ", "In comparison, those early morning practices in the Dominican with oatmeal and cherry juice in his belly were a welcome memory. ", "That first year in Brooklyn, Reynoso spent seven months out of work. ", "The few dollars he still had from playing baseball barely paid the rent. ", "His wife went to work at a clothing store. ", "He knew no one and had no reason to leave the house, so often he would stay at the apartment the entire day, the entire week. ", "Reynoso was a miserable and lonely. ", "As a proud Latin American man, was ashamed that he couldn't provide much for his family. ", "One day he spoke to his father in anguish and told him that he felt like giving up. ", "His father responded, \"A man doesn't give up so easily. ", "You have to survive. ", "And I've taught you well. ", "You find work and make it.\" ", "Soon after, Reynoso found a job at a liquor store. ", "Then his agent contacted him and he signed a contract with the Worcester Tornadoes of the independent Canadian-American Association. ", "Reynoso spent the 2005 and 2006 seasons playing for Worcester, but then the league folded. ", "He eventually signed a contract to play the following season in Texas for the Rio Grande Valley White Wings of the United Baseball League. ", "He dreaded the decision because it would move him so far away from his family. ", "Nevertheless, he still was dreaming of the majors. ", "It was time to accept that he had failed and move on. ", "When he returned to Brooklyn after that season, Reynoso was despondent. ", "He shuttled his family between several apartments before finally finding a place near where the Van Wyck Expressway crosses Atlantic Avenue. ", "One weekend day, Reynoso walked by City Line Park and saw a group of men playing baseball. ", "They wore uniforms and he was surprised by the quality of play. ", "Reynoso knew no one at the park, so he sat in the stands and simply watched, intrigued. ", "He started to think that perhaps he could play in the park, too. ", "He soon learned that he was watching the Zorrilla and eventually became friends with some of the players and coaches.", "\n\nAfter one disappointing season in Texas, Reynoso made a difficult decision. ", "He could no longer spend his time toiling in independent leagues so far away from his family. ", "It was time to accept that he had failed and move on. \"", "It was difficult for me to let go of that major league dream,\" Reynoso said. \"", "My father would tell me, ‘Son, in baseball there are two things: You either make it, or you don't make it. ", "You're going to experience one of those. ", "You have to prepare mentally for both. ", "Do everything possible to get there, but if you don't make it, don't get down on yourself. ", "I never played ball, and I raised all seven of you. ", "You can have a life without baseball.' ", "After that passed, you get hurt, but I had no choice but to find a job, just like my father told me.\" ***", "\n\nThe view of City Line Park's field from behind homeplate (via Facebook).", "\n\nFor many moments after the phone call from the Astros, Emilio King considered his options. ", "He knew he could try to latch on with another team, but that wasn't very appealing. ", "He knew that now that the Astros, one of the worst teams in baseball, had released him he was tagged as a failure. ", "Signing another contract would simply delay the inevitable. ", "He hadn't ever regretted becoming a baseball player, but now he started wondering whether he had made the right life choices. ", "King had given almost his entire life to baseball, and had nothing left to show for it except the countless questions about what he would do with the rest of his life, questions that he had ignored while playing baseball. \"", "Imagine, since you were 16 years old you've been playing, there wasn't any time to study, and all you know is baseball,\" King said. \"", "You aren't prepared mentally, you make bad decisions, you feel frustrated, because when you sit and think about it, ‘What am I going to do now?' ", "Since I was 16 years old, that's all I know. ", "All those lost years, seven lost years. ", "Maybe I could have been a working professional, maybe a doctor or a lawyer. ", "But life does not stop. ", "I felt support from my family.\" ", "He was determined to make something of himself despite the end of his baseball career. ", "King decided he couldn't spend any more time wondering what might have happened with his life. ", "He was determined to make something of himself despite the end of his baseball career. ", "Baseball had been his career, his passion, but it didn't have to define the rest of his life. ", "The fear of an empty future scared him. ", "He didn't want to end up like so many other failed Dominican baseball players wasting their lives away at home doing menial tasks for little money. ", "He wanted a better life for himself and for his family, a life with possibilities. ", "He didn't see that in the Dominican. ", "With only a few weeks remaining on his work visa, King decided to take the biggest chance of his young life. ", "He bought a plane ticket to Puerto Rico to visit a friend. ", "He spent a week there and then headed to Florida to visit a relative in Orlando. ", "Then he took a long bus ride to New York City, where a childhood friend offered him a place to stay and told him he could find work. ", "It was admittedly a risky plan, and also illegal. ", "Once his visa expired, King would not have legal status in the United States. ", "Still, for the first time in his life, King was taking control of his destiny. ", "He wouldn't have to worry about what scouts or coaches and front office executives thought of him. ", "He would be free from scrutiny and pressure. ", "Success and failure would not depend on his ability to hit a curve ball. ", "He got a job making furniture. ", "It wasn't glamorous, but it was rewarding, like playing catcher. ", "King was able to work with his hands and build objects that would be meaningful for people. ", "In all his years in baseball, his base hits, and RBIs and walks never amounted to anything for anyone else. ", "In one week at his new job, he knew he had built furniture that would be used by people for years. ", "He had also found comfort in religion. ", "King's family had always relied on faith, and King needed it now more than ever. ", "Fortunately, he found a church near his friend's apartment. ", "Every Sunday, King sat on the pew and prayed to God for his new life to work out. ", "Through the church, he met many caring people who offered him friendship and kindness. ", "But there was still something missing: He wasn't happy. ", "A friend suggested to him that perhaps what he missed was baseball, and if he played again he might find happiness. ", "While he might not ever make it to the majors, there was no reason why he could not play the game he still loved. ", "He told King about the Zorrilla. ", "There, he was told, were many others just like him. *** ", "Reynoso played in the Zorrilla League for the first time in 2008. ", "Today, he remembers that when he first sat in the stands and watched, he knew no one. ", "Now, he rarely goes a minute at the park without someone calling out, \"Burro!\" ", "A member of the Cubs, he is one of the best and most recognized players at the park. ", "The one constant in his life for the past six years has been the league. ", "His life has changed dramatically: He divorced his first wife and remarried and he's shuffled through numerous jobs and apartments. ", "The one constant in his life for the past six years has been the league. ", "Through Zorrilla, he has made friends and put down roots in a new place. ", "Every spring and summer weekend, it is his salvation, a place that reminds him who he is - \"Burro\" - how far hard work can take a person and how important it is to have friends. ", "The boy who did not care for baseball, who failed at the game, now cannot live without it. ", "He is not alone. ", "The league is full of men who share his story. ", "There are even those who still have the dream.", "\n\n\"It's a good league for those kids who still have that major league dream,\" Reynoso said. \"", "Here they find a league where they can keep practicing, where they can stay in shape and keep that dream alive. ", "Sometimes, scouts will come here secretly. ", "They will check these players and sometimes they sign. ", "They get another opportunity. ", "This is a good league for the young guys.\" ", "The league champions each year receive a paid trip to the Dominican Republic to play against teams of prospects, players who have yet to fail and to face the uncertainty those in the Zorrilla have learned to overcome. ", "Reynoso isn't one of those young kids anymore. ", "He lives an adult life with adult responsibilities. ", "It has been years since he even imagined what it would have been like to play in the majors. ", "Yes, his father told him that he could have a life without baseball. ", "But the Zorrilla taught Reynoso that he could have a regular life and a baseball life, too. ", "He doesn't catch anymore. ", "Now, he plays outfield. ", "Even though the Cubs are struggling, for a few hours every weekend, he is carefree and young, playing for fun. *** ", "When Emilio King joined the Zorilla this year to play for the Falcons, he too soon realized his love of baseball had not totally gone away. ", "But since he had little time for practice, he had a hard time adapting to playing again. ", "Even in Zorrilla, despite years of professional baseball, King still sometimes struggles at the plate. \"", "Sometimes I expect so much of myself because I was a professional player,\" King said. \"", "But nobody on the team [here] puts that pressure on me. ", "The manager always encourages me. ", "I was thinking about quitting once, but he encouraged me to stay.\" ", "So he shows up every weekend at City Line Park. ", "Unlike Reynoso, though, he has not completely given up his dream of playing in the majors - but he knows that it is unlikely he will even play professionally again. ", "Yet by playing in the Zorrilla, at least he has reconciled his relationship with the game. ", "He no longer blames baseball for what he never became. ", "He can finally just enjoy the game. ", "It's no longer a job. ", "Perhaps he, too, can find salvation in this league like so many others. *** ", "There are literally thousands of boys playing baseball at any point in the day, on any given day, in the Dominican Republic, and it's an absolute certainty that none of them are dreaming of one day playing in the Pedrin Zorrilla Baseball League. ", "After all, this is the Field of Broken Dreams, a place you end up there when you don't make it, when you have no other choices, a place where each player must decide for himself why he plays.", "\n\nYoung players hone their skills at one of the many Dominican baseball camps (via Getty Images)." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field\nEmbodiments of the inventive concept relate to a method of forming a semiconductor device, and more particularly, to a method of forming a resistive memory device having a data storage plug self-aligned with a bottom electrode and a related device thereof.", "\n2. ", "Description of Related Art\nIn high-integration density non-volatile memory devices, such as a phase-change random access memory (PRAM), research into improving electrical properties of a unit cell while the size thereof is reduced is underway in various ways." ]
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[ "Cadel Evans gets behind Rider Reminder\n\nCadel Evans is behind TAC's new Rider Reminder aimed at prompting people to watch out for cyclists when getting out of their cars.", "\n\nThe Rider Reminder is a small blue rubber sticker, designed to feel like a bicycle handlebar grip, that people can stick inside their car door handle. ", "It acts as another prompt for drivers and car passengers to check for cyclists before opening their doors.", "\n\n\"From personal experience, I find doorings one of the most scary things because it can happen at any time and the costs for a bike rider are very high,\" the Tour de France winner says. \"", "I think any small thing we can do in our lives that can prevent an accident is worthwhile. ", "I definitely recommend The Rider Reminder.\"", "\n\nTAC senior road safety manager Samantha Cockfield says that while it \"is not intended to be any kind of silver bullet\" it will hopefully give people \"a bit of a nudge at that crucial point before they step out of their vehicles.\"", "\n\nDooring incidents have resulted in hundreds of injuries and two deaths in recent years across Victoria.", "\n\nThe ridged sticker will hopefully help drivers think more about cyclists and curb car-dooring accidents. ", "On the major thoroughfares along St Kilda Road and Sydney Road in Melbourne there were almost 200 injury crashes in the five years to December 2014, according to VicRoads statistics. ", "VicRoads figures also show there were 183 car-dooring incidents in Victoria in 2014, including 177 in the Melbourne metro area.", "\n\nCyclists also need to look out for their own safety when moving past parked cars. ", "Bright and light clothing and flashing lights during both the day and night will help cyclists be seen.", "\n\nThe Rider Reminder can be found in bike shops and cafes across Melbourne. ", "Find your nearest location here." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nUnity on a non-widescreen monitor\n\nSince the launchpad in Unity (or what the bar on the left is called) can't be moved into another position, I wanted to ask you guys how use-able Unity is on a monitor with a maximum screen resolution of 1280x1024. ", "Due to the fact that it's designed for widescreen monitors.", "\nThanks!", "\n\nA:\n\nIt isn't affected by that since the launcher is hidden. ", "However, on a narrow screen (screen is tilted, so it becomes 1080x1920) it becomes needlessly long, just as it would be if it were flat in a wide screen setup. ", "\nBut there are many other reasons to use Unity in any case. ", "The keyboard support is awesome, for instance. ", "So the answer to your question is that Unity is very useful on any screen that is at least 800x800. ", "Smaller than that would be more difficult, I think, but that has more to do with Gnome than Unity. ", "\nYou can add other panels and stuff if you like to, by the way. ", "For instance, if you want a taskbar like Gnome 2 and Windows XP, then you can install http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/xfce4-panel. ", "Afterwards, press alt+f2 and run xfce4-panel to start it. ", "Obviously, if you wanted to use it, then you'd add it to startup applications. ", "The point is that you can combine Unity with other things, like awn or ... \n\n" ]
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[ "summing\n\n1815, John Dougall, The Young Man's Best Companion and Guide to Useful Knowledge\n\nIn this manner each page [of accounts] is summed up, and […] the amount of the last page of all, as comprehending all the particular summings of the preceding pages, is to be considered as the total amount of the whole account." ]
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[ "Food industry of Russia\n\nThe food industry of Russia is a branch of industry in Russia.", "\n\nThe volume of production in the manufacture of food products and tobacco - 3.12 trillion rubles (in 2010), including:\n Food production - 2.952 trillion rubles;\n Manufacture of tobacco products - 164 billion rubles.", "\n\nIn 2008, Russia produced 2.9 million tons of meat, 2.5 million tons of sausages, 3.7 million tonnes of food fish production, 2.5 million tons of vegetable oil, 120 tons of tea, 413 million dal of mineral water.", "\n\nThe average monthly wage in the food and tobacco - 16982 rubles / month (March 2010).", "\n\nHistory \nIn 2003 the volume of production in the food industry was 987 billion rubles (over $32 billion).", "\n\nThe volume of production in the manufacture of food products and tobacco in 2009 amounted to 2.77 trillion rubles, including:\n Food production - 2.626 trillion rubles;\n Manufacture of tobacco products - 148 billion rubles.", "\n\nBeverages\n\nAlcoholic beverage industry and winemaking \nIn 2008, Russia produced 50 million dal of wine grape.", "\n\nNovorossiysk region (Krasnodar Krai) is one of the main wine centers of Russia. ", "Local agro produce and tablespoons Sparkling wine.", "\n\nIn the municipality of Novorossiysk work wineries Abrau-Dyurso and \"Myskhako.\"", "\n\nIn 2009, Russia exported vodka in the amount of 121 million dollars.", "\n\nEnterprises:\n Of \"Novokuznetsk Distillery\"\n Barnaul Distillery\n\nBrewing \nIn 2008, Russia produced 1.14 billion decaliters.", "\n\nEnterprises:\n Company Baltika Breweries - Russia's largest beer producer, exporting its products to 46 countries.", "\nPlant in Saint Petersburg\nPlant in Voronezh\nPlant in Novosibirsk\nPlant in Krasnoyarsk\nPlant in Samara\nPlant in Tula\nPlant in Khabarovsk\nPlant in Chelyabinsk\nPlant in Yaroslavl\n Ltd. \"United Breweries Heineken\"\nPlant in Irkutsk\nPlant in Sterlitamak\nPlant in Kaliningrad\nPlant in Khabarovsk\nPlant in Saint Petersburg\nPlant in Nizhny Novgorod\nPlant in Ekaterinburg\nPlant in Novosibirsk\n \"SUN InBev\", a branch in the city of Ivanovo (Ivanovo Brewery)\n Angarsk brewery\n Barnaul Brewery\n Zhiguli Brewery\n\nManufacture of soft drinks \nPlant Coca-Cola (\"Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia\") - the first and only factory in the Urals «The Coca-Cola Company», production lines which in 1998 provided all the products Ural region. ", "It produces 130,000 bottles of the drink per hour.", "\nPlant Coca-Cola in St. Petersburg.", "\nPlant Coca-Cola in Samara\nPlant Coca-Cola in Volzhsky\nPlant Coca-Cola in Ekaterinburg\nPlant Coca-Cola in Novosibirsk\nPlant Coca-Cola in Krasnoyarsk\nPlant Coca-Cola in Vladivostok\nPlant Coca-Cola in Nizhny Novgorod\nPepsiCo Russia\nPlant in Samara\nPlant in Saint Petersburg\nPlant in Ekaterinburg\nPlant in Domodedovo\nPlant \"Best-Bottling\" - the manufacturer of soft drinks.", "\nJSC \"Water Company\" old source \" - the manufacturer of soft drinks.", "\n\nPlant Pepsi (OOO \"Pepsi International Bottlers Yekaterinburg\") - the largest in the Russian plant of PepsiCo, provides consumer products from Perm to Beijing a. In 2008 at the opening of the first factory in Russia and in the world production line beverage radically new technologies - hot filling. ", "The estimated production capacity of the plant after a new line of 25 million units per year.", "\n\nSverdlovsk bottler \"Tonus\" - a major manufacturer of various juice, mineral and carbonated beverages.", "\n\nFoods\n\nDairy industry \n\nEnterprises:\n OAO \"Miassky dairy factory\", from 1936 - the production of dairy products\n Kiprinsky dairy plant\n Wimm-Bill-Dann - a company engaged in the production of dairy products and non-alcoholic beverages (juice, water).", "\n Unimilk - Russian Food Company, one of the leaders of the country's dairy market.", "\n\nEnterprises \n\n Russky Produkt OAO - largest domestic producer of grocery products producing dehydrated soups, potato chips, cereal, noodles, coffee, tea, instant chicory, coffee beverages, dehydrated jelly, spices and seasonings, semi-finished products for the preparation of pastries.", "\n hlebomakaronny Sverdlovsk Plant - the first in Sverdlovsk Region industrial baking company, founded in 1927, is now part of the holding \"McFee\" .", "\n Yekaterinburg fat factory - a company, a member of the top five producers of fatty foods in Russia. ", "The product range - different names for sunflower oil, margarine, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, spreads (trade mark \"Avedov\", \"Generous Summer\"). ", "Also running line for soap (more than 10 items).", "\n OAO \"Miassky meat\" from 1893 (based FA Fokerodtom) - production of natural oils and fats, meat, seafood\n OAO \"Bread\" (Miassky bakery), from 1962 - production of bakery products* Company \"Miassky elevator.\"", "\n Chernovskoy Hleb - the largest in Miass industrial baking company, founded in 1995.", "\n JSC \"Kuzbass Food Works\"\n Of \"Novokuznetsk khladokombinat\"\n Altaikholod\n Barnaul gormolkombinat\n Barnaul mill\n Barnaul yeast plant\n Altai pasta\n Barnaul Bakery number 4\n Frito-Lay\n Plant in Azov\n Plant in Kashira\n\nMeat industry\n SHP \"Vdohnovenie\" - produces of hand-made dumplings and one of the largest distributors of turkey meat.", "\n Bryukhovetsky Krolik - largest producer of duck meat and rabbit in Russia.", "\n Food Factory \"Good taste\" - produces a variety of sausages and meat finished products.", "\n Miratorg is one of the largest producers and distributors of meat products in Russia.", "\n Poultry \"Sverdlovsk\" - a major producer of poultry meat and eggs.", "\n Yekaterinburg Meat - the oldest company in its industry, based in 1939 y, produces all kinds of items of meat products.", "\n\nTobacco industry \nIn Russia there are about 80 tobacco companies. ", "Leading companies tobacco industry: ABC Russia (Moscow), Inc. Liggett-Ducat (Moscow), Inc. Petro (St. Petersburg) Ltd Tobacco Factory Reemtsma-Volga (Volgograd).", "\n\nSee also\n Agriculture in Russia\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\n section of the food industry on the website of the journal \"Expert\"\n Section of the tobacco industry on the website of the journal \"Expert\"\n\nCategory:Industry in Russia\nCategory:Economy of Russia\n \nCategory:Food industry" ]
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[ "Einbrecher freut sich auf Gefängnis\n\nErleichtert über seine Festnahme zeigte sich ein 50-jähriger Linzer nach einem Einbruch im Bezirk Wels-Land. ", "Den verblüfften Polizisten sagte der Täter, er sei froh, dass er wieder zurück ins Gefängnis darf.", "\n\nDer Linzer war vor gut einer Woche in ein Büro in Buchkirchen eingedrungen. ", "Dort zerschlug er das gesamte Mobiliar und versuchte vergeblich, den Tresor zu öffnen. ", "Aus zwei Handkassen stahl er schließlich 200 Euro und machte sich aus dem Staub.", "\n\n200 Euro Beute in neue Flex investiert\n\nDie Polizei brauchte gerade einmal zwei Tage, um den Täter auszuforschen. ", "Bei der Einvernahme legte der einschlägig vorbestrafte Linzer sofort ein Geständnis ab. ", "Als Motiv gab er an, dass er sich durch den Einbruch seine Alkoholsucht finanzieren wollte. ", "Um die 200 Euro habe er sich jedoch eine Flex gekauft, um zukünftig besser ausgerüstet zu sein.", "\n\nErleichtert über Festnahme\n\nDoch dann verblüffte der Mann die Polizisten. ", "Er sei froh und erleichtert, dass er wieder zurück ins Gefängnis dürfe. ", "Hätte man ihn nicht gefasst, so der 50-Jährige, dann hätte er wohl weitere Einbrüche verübt." ]
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[ "Every Android phone with ARCore right now\n\nYou don't need to own a Pixel from Google to take advantage of ARCore anymore! ", "Google is working with partners like Samsung, Motorola, Huawei, Xiaomi and others to bring augmented reality to all types of phones at all price ranges." ]
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[ "Tumor-promoting role of signal transducer and activator of transcription (Stat)1 in late-stage melanoma growth.", "\nA large-scale gene expression study of melanoma metastases was performed to identify genes involved in late-stage tumor progression. ", "Overall 248 genes, out of more than 47,000 tested, are differentially expressed when comparing peripheral areas (invasion front) with central tumor areas of melanoma metastases. ", "As determined by gene ontology analysis, members of the STAT signaling pathway show significant enrichment. ", "In particular, Stat1 is highly expressed in peripheral compared with central tumor areas. ", "In line with this, stable knockdown of STAT1 in metastatic melanoma cells significantly impairs their migratory and invasive capacity in wounding and matrigel assays. ", "Moreover, STAT1 knockdown affects the metastatic behavior of melanoma cells in a mouse model of melanoma metastasis. ", "Taken together, these data suggest that Stat1 might play a role in late-stage melanoma progression. ", "Interference with the Stat1 pathway could have therapeutic implications for late-stage melanoma patients." ]
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[ "This is the matter before the Supreme Court involving prayer before board meetings in the town of Greece, N.Y., a suburb of Rochester. ", "The First Amendment's free exercise and establishment clauses provide guidance. ", "They act like bumpers on a bowling alley.", "\n\nOn one side, free exercise means everyone should be free to believe what they want about God. ", "On the other, the establishment clause means that government should not establish a state religion or show religious preference. ", "The town leadership has maintained this balance in allowing prayer.", "\n\nDiscontinuing prayer in response to legal threats is an attempt to create an America free from religion. ", "This is not a provision in any of our founding documents or laws. ", "To prohibit prayer undermines the freedom of religion that our laws were designed to protect.", "\n\nThe overwhelming majority of the town's residents believe in God. ", "Shouldn't they have the freedom to have that expressed? ", "Prayers led by people of faith occur nationally in both houses of Congress as well as in inaugural ceremonies.", "\n\nWhy? ", "Our nation was profoundly influenced by Judeo-Christian beliefs, though not all Founders were Christians. ", "They shaped our country while holding different views on God, yet prayed regularly at meetings, acknowledging the creator who grants us \"inalienable rights\" in the Declaration of Independence. ", "This has continued, explaining why we still see prayer in these venues today.", "\n\nReligion has also been expressed in the fabric of our country — in symbols and slogans displayed in government and public environments referencing The Ten Commandments, God, Moses and the like. ", "Even our money says, \"In God we trust.\"", "\n\nBut this has been under assault recently because some people really demand freedom from religion. ", "The endgame appears to be the removal of God from the public arena altogether. ", "But that's not what America has ever promised, nor is it consistent with our history. ", "Freedom of religion allows for prayers to take place before town meetings, and it should represent the fabric of that particular religious community.", "\n\nThe town board doesn't agree with all my beliefs or those of others who've prayed. ", "The same could be said among the clergy who've prayed. ", "But that's the beauty of plurality without the establishment of religion; it can handle it all. ", "And so should \"we the people.\"", "\n\nVince DiPaola is the senior pastor at Lakeshore Community Church in Rochester, N.Y." ]
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[ "RNase Z(S1) processes UbL40 mRNAs and controls thermosensitive genic male sterility in rice.", "\nThermosensitive genic male-sterile (TGMS) lines, which are male-sterile at restrictive (high) temperatures but male-fertile at permissive (low) temperatures, have been widely used in breeding two-line hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.). ", "Here we find that mutation of thermosensitive genic male sterile 5 (tms5) in rice causes the TGMS trait through a loss of RNase Z(S1) function. ", "We show that RNase Z(S1) processes the mRNAs of three ubiquitin fusion ribosomal protein L40 (UbL40) genes into multiple fragments in vitro and in vivo. ", "In tms5 mutants, high temperature results in increased levels of UbL40 mRNAs. ", "Overaccumulation of UbL40 mRNAs causes defective pollen production and male sterility. ", "Our results uncover a novel mechanism of RNase Z(S1)-mediated UbL40 mRNA regulation and shows that loss of this regulation produces TGMS in rice, a finding with potential applications in hybrid crop breeding." ]
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[ "The option to return to the rainbow nation with a bigger pot of gold has never seemed more appealing. ", "Add to that, the fact that the weather has never been sunnier (a drought might sound better than a grey wet London), and the property market has dream houses going as cheap as one bed sits (shared between four) in Swindon.", "\n\nWith parents (armed with balloons and placards reading: “we want grandchildren!”) ", "and corporate employers (offering to pay transfer costs and sign big contracts) all waiting at the international arrivals at OR Tambo, it’s hard not to feel the sound of TKZee calling.", "\n\nBut making the big move is not always that easy, and South Africans migrating home are wise to consider the practical and emotional implications of making the great trek. ", "South Africa is a dynamic economy and society, which means that things continue to change (sometimes for the better, and sometimes for the worse).", "\n\nThis is sometimes a shock for South Africans moving home, and the adjustment can feel a lot like the home sick feeling you felt every time you thought of Boerewors rolls in London. ", "As much South Africa continues to change, so do our families. ", "The realization that life went on without you can come as shock to many South Africans coming home.", "\n\nPeople will have their own memories and jokes, most of which you won’t be a part of.", "\n\nSome things to consider:" ]
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[ "Cantina Le Rive Aronne – 6 Bottles\n\nThe passion that guides us like a star in the sky, donated his best fruit, Aronne, last born in our big family, obtained from a careful selection of grapes , vinified according to tradition, with the same care that a father has for his son. ", "Only this, has resulted in Aronne, a wine that tasted sooner or later always whisper their origins. ", "The complex and enveloping aroma, hints of ripe fruit and rich flavour, united by a good structure and personality, make it a great accompaniment to cold meats, meat dishes and cheeses. ", "It is recommended a large glass at 16-18 °C.", "\n\nGet in touch with us for the best quality Italian Wines & Spirits\n\nYour local wine supplier based in Halifax, West Yorkshire. ", "We not only provide the best Italian wines to our in-store or online customers, we also provide wine for various events, large or small. ", "Please get in touch if you would like to ask about your next event." ]
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[ "\nShow HN: Look ma, no ethernet! ", "8-core Cluster Over USB/OTG with Raspberry Pis - alexellisuk\nhttps://twitter.com/alexellisuk/status/764518552154042369\n======\nalexellisuk\nIt's an 8-core Raspberry Pi Swarm running Docker with a single power plug and\nethernet connection to the internet. ", "Four additional Raspberry Pi Zeros join\nas workers with a Pi2 or Pi3 over a USB cable which acts like an umbilical\ncord for power and data.", "\n\nThere's already a great image showing the setup and a fair amount of momentum\nbehind this on Twitter so I'm linking to it.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nUnity2D 5 - Flickering sprites on Android\n\nSo the game had been working fine for a few days on Android phone without any issues. ", "Today, after adding some scripts and tweaking the game a little bit (tweaks which have nothing to do with the sprites and the issue itself), the game assets/sprites started on flicker. ", "On PC, they looked fine, but once ported to Android as a developer build, they started to flicker constantly, even after restart. ", "\nI decided to go in Player Settings and played with some check marks but nothing seemed to help. ", "\nFollowing are my current Player Settings : \n\nAny help would be appreciated. ", "\nOh also, I have GUI in my game, can it be the problem?", "\n\nA:\n\nMost of the time \"Generate Mip Map\" is the core reason behind such problems. ", "Please switch off this option for all sprite import setting. ", "This option is only needed for 3D objects where the engine can scale down the texture according to the z distance for performance optimization.", "\nYou can read more about Mip Maps in this link - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mipmap\n\n" ]
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[ "King Henry VIII\n\nWhat: English King\nWhen: 1500's\nWhere: England\nSignificance: King who was cut off from the Roman Church because he impregnated his future wife (who gave birth to Queen Elizabeth). ", "Started the Anglican Church which he was the head of in order to play part in the church.", "\n\nElizabeth I\n\nruled from 1558-1603; followed a policy that was a middle course between Catholic and Protestant extremes. ", "She sets up a national Church, is declared head of the Anglican Church, establishes a state Church that moderates Catholics and Protestants, allowed priests to marry, allowed sermons to be delivered in English, and made the Book of Common Prayer more acceptable to Catholics.", "\n\nPeace of Westphalia\n\nWhat: treaties that officially ended the 30 years' war in Germany\nWhen: 1648\nWhere: Germany\nSignificance: Said that every German state was free to choose its own religion, pretty much end of HRE, splits in religion made permanent\n\nEnlightenment\n\nWhat: the movement that seeks to explain all of reality using reason and science\nWhen: 17th c - 18th c\nWhere: Starts in W Europe\nSig: Ushers in the modern age; transforms the way that people think about science, philosophy, art, politics, economics and religion\n\nImmanuel Kant\n\nwho: Pilosopher\nWhen:1724-1804\nwhere: germany\nSig: think for yourself. ", "Maturity. ", "courage to use your own understanding. ", "Enlightenment is the act of personal courage. ", "Steping away from the church because the catholic church spoon fed the people info. ", "he encourages you to discover on your own.", "\n\nLaws of Nature\n\ncouncil of trent\n\nWhat: Group who met to determine differences between Protestants and Catholics\nWhen: 1545 - 1563\nWhere: Trent (border between Germany and Italy)\nSignificance: scripture and tradition were affirmed as equal authorities (only the church could interpret scripture). ", "Both faith and Good works were necessary for salvation. ", "The 7 sacraments, transubstantiation and clerical celibacy were all upheld, purgatory was strengthened but the indulgences were no longer sold.", "\n\nBook of common prayer\n\nWhat: revised Protestant liturgy - service manual for the Church of England\nWhen: 1550\nWhere: England\nSignificance: Elaborate new prayer book that gave the clergy the right of marriage, the elimination of images, and moved the Church of England in a more Protestant direction\n\nMary I\n\npuritans\n\nWhat: English Protestants inspired by Calvinist theology\nWhen: 1600's\nWhere: England\nSignificance: wished to remove all traces of Catholicism from the Church of England, further helped to sculpt the English Reformation - took over Parliament and forced King to make changes, King refused, caused civil war\nsome stayed to attempt to reform the Anglican church while others fled to the American colonies.", "\n\nFrancis Xavier\n\nJesuits\n\nWhat: \"society of Jesus\" founded by Ignatius of Loyola\nWhen: 1500s\nWhere: Spain\nSignificance: The Jesuits became a group that was formed on absolute obedience to the papacy, the use of education to achieve goals, and dedication to engage in \"conflict for God.\" ", "They became a structured military group and were important in the papal policy. ", "Big missionary group\n\nGalileo\n\nWho: Scientist, astronomer\nWhere: Italy\nWhen: 1600\nSignificance: First European to make systematic observations by means of a telescope. ", "Discovered imperfections in heavenly realms, He was condemned by the Catholic Church and this hindered further scientific work in Italy.", "\n\nIsaac Newton\n\nWho: Mathematician, Philosopher\nWhere: 1700\nWhen: England\nSignificance: Pieced together a coherent synthesis for a new cosmology and used mathematical proofs to demonstrate his universal law of gravitation. ", "Combined the theories of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo. ", "He invented calculus!", "\n\nThomas Hobbes\n\nWho: philosopher, a political thinker\nWhere: England\nWhen: 1600s\nSignificance: believed that we were born with animalistic instincts seeking peace to follow (natural state is war) so therefore rights are laid down and a sovereign (Leviathan) leader is followed (God) → Social Contract Theory (motive for this is security).", "\n\nScientific Revolution\n\nWhat: period of time marked by a revolution in science and intellectual life\nWhere: Europe\nWhen: 17th century\nSignificance new view/knowledge of the universe (How things work) based on increasingly secular sources of authority for knowledge, formed basis for modern science, (look to intellectuals and science as authority on knowledge rather than God and the Bible, something still evident today)\n\nDescartes\n\n1596-1650 (french)\nMathematical contributions\nGeneralizations is the bases\nFather of modern philosophy\nWhen: early 17th c\nWhere: France\nSig: Tries to elevate christianity to the same level of science. ", "Throws out everything he is capable of doubting. ", "becomes a blank slate. ", "Then adds things back. ", "comes up with an argument for God that is reasonable to someone who doesnt believe it.", "\n\nJohn Locke\n\nWho: Social Contract Theorist, philosopher\nWhere: England\nWhen: late 1600s\nSig: argued that all men were born with natural rights and that a government's purpose was to protect these rights\n\"christianity must pass the test of reason\"\nDemocratic method. ", "We elect the government\n\nRationalists\n\nEmpiricists\n\nDeism\n\nWhat: A school of thought in which a deity is acknowledged, but is not involved anymore\nWhere: Western Europe, US\nWhen: 18th century\nSignificance: Belief in God as the creator of the universe, but that once he created it he had no direct involvement in it and that it runs on Natural Law. ", "Founding fathers were deists → affected how our country was structured\nOur society is going away from the involved God. ", "A willingness to break tradition and authority. ", "Dont treasure scripture as much ex Jefferson bible. ", "makes a bible more of a rule book then a guide\n\nPietism\n\nJohn Wesley\n\nWho: founder of the methodists\nwhen: mid to late 18th c\nWhere: England\nSig: All could be saved through experience. ", "tried to revive english protestants through this, created methodists. ", "quadrilateral scripture tradition reason experience. ", "saw christians as ppl who transformed culture. ", "they should be evangelizing and causing social reform.", "\n\npascal\n\nWho: French philosopher and mathametician\nWhen: 1623-1662\nWhere: france\nSig: sought to reconcile faith and scientific findings. ", "Believing with the Heart is a big thing. ", "wants science and reason to be reconciled. ", "Less about strict doctrine and more about the experience of christianity. ", "Pietist.", "\n\nEpistemology\n\nMary Wollstonecraft\n\nWho: Philosopher, writer, feminist\nWhere: England\nWhen: 18th century\nSignificance: Wrote a Vindication for the Rights of Women, believed both men and women were at fault for the maltreatment of women. ", "Argued for a social order based on reason\n\ncolumbian exchange\n\nCopernicus\n\nwrote to the pope. ", "scared that he would be rejected. ", "Polish scientist whose book, on the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres, put forth an initial argument for the idea that the earth revolved around the sun.", "\nfrom poland\n1473-1543\n\npredestination and election\n\nWhat: theory regarding salvation put forth by Calvin\nWhen: 1500s\nWhere: Switzerland\nSignificance: The belief associated with Calvinism, that God, as a consequence of his foreknowledge at all events, has predetermined those who will be saved (the elect) and those who will be damned.", "\n\nCopernicus\n\nWho: Mathematician and astronomer\nWhere: Poland\nWhen: 1500\nSignificance: believed in a heliocentric theory universe with 8 planets. ", "He also said that the earth rotated to cause things to seem to revolve around it. ", "Most people weren't ready to accept this idea.", "\n\nJean Jacques Rousseau\n\nWho: Philosopher\nWhere: Paris\nWhen: 1700s\nSignificance: Social Contract Theory, tried to harmonize individual liberty with governmental authority. ", "What was best for all was best for each individual, wanted participatory democracy. ", "Important in development of romanticism\n\nSocial Contract Theory\n\nWhat: a political theory: you give up some of your freedoms in order for protection\nWhere: Western Europe\nWhen: 17th c.\nSignificance: Our founding fathers relied a lot on John Lockes writtings who took this theory to heart. ", "It was the foundatoin of American government. ", "God isn't as previlent as much as he was thought to be earlier. ", "He isn't putting in place a king as he used to.", "\n\nLaissez faire\n\nWhat: \"Let it alone\" (French) Economic policy\nWhere: western world\nWhen: late 18th century\nSignificance: The state should not interrupt the free play of natural economic forces by government regulation of the economy, but should instead leave it alone. ", "Free trade. ", "Adam smith was the thinker behind this term. ", "economic growth for western powers. ", "from staterun to individual run organizations. ", "self interest becomes more vertuous.", "\n\ncolumbian exchange\n\nMiddle Passage\n\nWhat: slave trade travels\nWhen: 1451 to 1860\nwhere: between africa and america\nSig: transfer of 11 million african people from their country. ", "awful conditions. ", "begins a long tradition of american conflict between races. ", "it was injustic at the hands of professing christians." ]
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[ "The All Blacks are leading rugby's positive revolution where attack is king.", "\n\nThat's the view of astute British commentator Stuart Barnes who marvelled at the win by a second-string New Zealand team over Argentina where \"rugby's rules of engagement were turned upside down\".", "\n\n\"More than a hundred years of test match rugby ideology is coming to an end. ", "As far as the All Blacks are concerned anyway,\" Barnes wrote for The Times.", "\n\n\"The tyranny of the number on the back of the (black) shirt is over … yes, there have been props who can pass and centres who excel in the contact but the comfort with which this latest New Zealand team play the game in the loose indicates that the old ways are nearing an end, replaced by a new attitude to international rugby.\"", "\n\nREAD MORE:\n\n* How the ABs rated v Pumas\n\n* Frizell frightens a few Pumas\n\n* Hansen supports SBW boxing\n\n* Dream for 'Alby' and Richie\n\nGETTY IMAGES All Black Anton Lienert-Brown rips through the defence of the Pumas in Nelson.", "\n\nBarnes conceded this latest win in Nelson was a far from perfect performance and errors continued \"because the speed of the Kiwis is quickening with every game\".", "\n\n\"The ambition is at a level that no team has ever approached.", "\n\n\"Overwhelming pace is not a traditional part of the fabric of the game. ", "Nor the willingness to run it from anywhere, to keep the opposition guessing for the entire 80 minutes. ", "When it clicks, we witness a brand of rugby the like of which we have never seen.\"", "\n\nBarnes praised the Pumas for \"going along for the ride on rugby's fastest rollercoaster\" and noted there was high praise for Argentina around the rugby world despite leaking nearly half a century of points in their 46-24 loss.", "\n\n\"Seventy points, nine tries and defence was barely criticised. ", "This is rugby's positive revolution. ", "Attack is king. ", "Fear, so long the driving force of the sport, has been replaced. ", "All those 'defence win titles' scrawls written on changing-room walls are going to become little more than dated graffiti against New Zealand. ", "The mindset has been altered.\"", "\n\nGETTY IMAGES The All Blacks demand a running game and passing skills from their props like Owen Franks.", "\n\nBarnes, a former England and British & Irish Lions first-five and a long-time admirer of the All Blacks, wants New Zealand to crown their growing game with another World Cup victory in Japan next year.", "\n\n\"If Steve Hansen's team make it a hat-trick of World Cups, it may be irrevocably so for us all. ", "Watching the All Blacks and Argentina followed by the 'so what' of Australia against South Africa an hour later makes me hope that New Zealand seal their extraordinary era of domination with an exclamation mark in Yokohama.", "\n\n\n\n\"There are, of course, many ways to play the game but New Zealand's record suggests that constant speed against the clout of those who cherish collision is the ideal for the modern game. ", "The 2015 All Blacks were far and away the best team in that competition but this side are changing the rules. ", "They are ripping them up. ", "It looks like anarchy,\" he wrote in The Times.", "\n\nBarnes noted that doubters would look at the ability of the British & Irish Lions to nullify the All Blacks in last year's drawn series in New Zealand.", "\n\n\"But that was a year ago. ", "New Zealand have moved on. ", "Errors abound but the game is quicker than ever, the passing ability of the front five on another level, the devastation of their counterattack crippling.\"" ]
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[ "21st Century Fox has been holding talks to sell most of the company to Disney- CNBC has sources who say 21st Century Fox has been holding talks with Disney over a potential sale of everything but news and sports. ", "The idea would be to sell international assets and movie and TV production to Disney. ", "In other words , X-Men and Deadpool would come back to Marvel. ", "Fox's leaderhsip supposedly fears it will not be able to compete on its own with Netflix and Amazon.", "\n\nHow to Watch\n\nApple TV 4K top get finer tuned controls in update- The Apple TV tvOS 11.2 update (in beta as of last Monday) will let users set the Apple TV to automatically switch display settings to native frame rate and dynamic range. ", "Two separate options.- Apps must be adapted to respect the new settings.- Currently Apple TV picks the highest settings a TV can do and shows everything at that rate by upscaling if necessary. ", "Manual tweaks are necessary for each video.- The simpler setting will remain the default. ", "Apple is concerned the new setting will upset some users as it causes flickers when adjusting the display.", "\n\nNetflix developing a House of Cards spinoff- Friday in statement Netflix said “Netflix will not be involved with any further production of House of Cards that includes Kevin Spacey. ", "We will continue to work with MRC during this hiatus time to evaluate our path forward as it relates to the show. ", "We have also decided we will not be moving forward with the release of the film Gore, which was in post-production, starring and produced by Kevin Spacey.\"- ", "Media Rights Capital says that Spacey has been suspended from House of Cards, effective immediately.- Season 6 production had begun with Spacey. ", "Production suspended Oct. 31.- The Verge mentions the producers may consider killing off Frank Underwood.- Variety reports Netflix in \"very early stages\" a spinoff, centering on Doug Stamper, with EP of seasons 1-4 Eric Roth attached. ", "Two other spinoff ideas are being explored.", "\n\nNetflix film 'Tau' will feature an evil smart house- Netflix has acquired rights to Tau, from Marvel animatics director Federico D'Alessandro. ", "a former street grifter named Julia (played by Maika Monroe) who is kidnapped by sadistic Alex (Ed Skrein) and held captive by an advanced artificial intelligence named Tau. ", "Also stars Gary Oldman.", "\n\n‘Lord Of The Rings’ TV Series Shopped With Huge Rights Payment Attached- Variety reports Amazon is in \"very early\" talks with Warner Bros. and the Tolkien estate on a series based on Lord of the Rings. ", "The Tolkien Estate has also approached Netflix and HBO, although HBO has reportedly passed. ", "CEO Jeff Bezos is supposedly personally involved. ", "Deadline says the rights alone would cost $200-$250 million. ", "Rights may not encompass all characters either.", "\n\nStreaming Services Help Fuel Growth at CBS as Political Ads Decline- CBS reported earnings and cited a 3% revenue climb on affiliate and subscription fee growth of 52% led by boxing on Showtime, higher retrans fees for local TV stations and digital growth including CBS All Access. ", "A new sports OTT venture called CBS Sports HQ is set to launch in the coming months. ", "Content licensing and distribution fell 22% and ad revenue dropped 5% with no election to juice ad sales.", "\n\nGuys,Your discussion about the possibility that interface is king hit home. ", "While my family subscribes to various streaming services we have not gone beyond shaving the cord. ", "We have DirecTV with DVR. ", "We put 100% of all the TV shows that we watch on the list. ", "The only time we care about what time and channel a show comes on is during the setup process. ", "When it’s time to watch TV we go directly to the DVR list. ", "Once the DVR list is clear we switch to finding a show to binge on Netflix, Amazon or Hulu. ", "I have been looking at alternatives such as the Plex Live TV with DVR but nothing works at cleanly as the setup we have now. ", "If DirecTV really wanted to lock me in (so I’d quit looking) is to set up their DVR so that it would pull shows from streaming services into the list. ", "Why can’t Star Trek Discovery show up ready to watch right next to The Walking Dead?", "\n\nOn a completely different subject. ", "The Orville is proving to be a classic Star Trek type series (albeit less stiff) giving us the traditional story of the week while Discovery has gone the modern route of serialized drama. ", "I find I like both series and it got me thinking. ", "Is there still room for traditional story of the week shows or are they old fashioned?", "\n\nI just wanted to point out something cool I noticed after activating Movies Anywhere. ", "A couple years ago, I used VUDU's Disc to Digital service to convert some of my DVDs to digital copies for a few bucks a piece. ", "I had forgotten about them until they popped up in my iTunes library after I activated Movies Anywhere. ", "Back then, you had to put the DVD in your computer's old-fasioned \"disc drive\" to confirm you had the physical copy. ", "Now, you can just scan the barcode on the DVD case with your phone using the VUDU app. ", "I tried this with a couple Harry Potter DVDs we recently got from Goodwill, and it worked flawlessly. ", "I had Prisoner of Azkaban playing on the Apple TV faster than it would have taken to find the DVD remote.", "\n\nQuick note: if you only pay the $2 for a standard definition copy, it seems that you will only get the standard def in iTunes. ", "I was hoping it wouldn't notice and do the HD version, but alas, I know own Goblet of Fire in 480.", "\n\nHope some of you find this useful!", "\n\n- Andrew\n\nRegarding spoilers and getting a better experience of the show knowing upcoming plots:I am binge watching \"insert show here\", one of the characters is hinted that she will be dead by the end of the season, I look it up and yes, her character is not returning next season.", "Me knowing that a character that has been on the show since day one will not return makes it more enjoyable for me to enjoy the show as I can process the upcoming death scene.- Sina\n\nHaving worked as a software engineer for a very large financial entity , I have a pretty solid understanding of how statistical experiments work.", "\n\nThe thing is, every experiment basically boils down to establishing causality between two variables. ", "If I change X, does it affect Y and if so how much?", "\n\nMost \"Bad\" studies fail because they either:1) fail to properly define their variables2) fail to properly establish causality(i'm simplifying majorly here but it's the gist)\n\nThe problem nelson faces is how to properly define the variables. ", "However I don't think this is a impossible task. ", "Taking the netflix example , you can pretty easily run an experiment to establish \"if movies of this genre appear on their home screen then they're more likely to like this procedural drama\" etc\n\nso I think Nielsen still has a pretty good future.", "\n\n- Sean\n\nI loved the discussion about Movies Anywhere in Episode 191. ", "I was so excited, I signed up at my first available opportunity. ", "Connecting all the services went VERY smoothly on my cell phone EXCEPT for iTunes (I'm an Android), but I even got that connected once I got to a desktop. ", "Libraries on the various services either updated immediately or with a refresh.", "\n\nExample: I own Glory in HD on Vudu (Disc upgrade). ", "It is available on all of the other services, but there is a 4K version on Amazon. ", "I do not have access to that one, even after registering with Movies Anywhere.", "\n\nI hope other studios get on board with the 4K upgrades. ", "It also irks me that the 4K versions of some movies are only available on one service (two I know about: Star Trek Beyond is only 4K on Vudu, Glory is only 4K on Amazon). ", "This obstacle will slow the adoption of 4K - convenience trumps fidelity!", "\n\nYour Boss :)- Chris\n\nHello,I love the show, I've been listening for a little over a year now as well as heeding your advice.", "\n\nMy wife and I are just starting to watch Game of Thrones and I'd love to listen to your guys' past perspectives in Spoilerin' Time from season 1 forward.", "\n\nWhat was the number of Patrons that you needed to be able to catalog Spoilerin' Time by show?" ]
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[ "E-mail this article\n\nTo:\n\nInvalid E-mail address\n\nAdd a personal message:(80\ncharacter limit)Your E-mail:\n\nInvalid E-mail address\n\nSending your article\n\nBy Gary Dzen, Boston.com Staff\n\nAfter splitting overtime thrillers in the first two games, the Bruins sent their fans to bed without worry Monday night with a tidy 2-0 win over the Chicago Blackhawks in Game 3 of the Stanley Cup Final. ", "Deflections and dented posts were the story of the two games in Chicago, but in the series' TD Garden debut, the Bruins took a two-goal lead into the third period and never relinquished it. ", "Boston now leads the best-of-seven series, 2-1.", "\n\n\"We're playing our best hockey of the season right now,\" Bruins coach Claude Julien said afterward. \"", "And that's what you've got to do to win the Stanley Cup.\"", "\n\nThere were dueling rainbows over the arena just before faceoff, but the home team didn't lean on any kind of luck against their opponents Monday. ", "The Bruins had the edge in just about every statistical category, topping Chicago in shots (35 to 28), power play conversions (1 of 4 vs. 0 of5), hits (31 to 25) and faceoffs (40 to 16). ", "Many of Chicago's shots came from just inside the blue line. ", "Bruins goalie Tuukka Rask credited his defense for not allowing the Blackhawks to establish position in front of the net.", "\n\n\"They had shots but most of them came from the outside,\" said Rask. \"", "We eliminated a lot of their rebound opportunities.\"", "\n\nRask faced 28 shots and recorded his third shutout of the playoffs.", "\n\n\"He's been focused since day one of the playoffs,\" said Julien. \" ", "You watch him on off days, you watch him, he's quiet, focused, calm. ", "Right now all his energy is put towards his game.", "\n\n\"I've never seen a guy so calm, obviously confident with the way he's played. ", "Probably quietest I've seen him so far, but in a good way. \"", "\n\nIt looked like the Bruins might be in trouble in the first period when the fourth line picked up two early penalties. ", "Kaspars Daugavins went high on Andrew Shaw and earned a roughing penalty at the 9:57 mark, and Shawn Thornton got called for roughing a few minutes later for scuffling with Shaw after a play. ", "But Chicago failed to record a shot on the first power play and failed to convert on either.", "\n\n\"Our power play tonight was definitely not good,\" said Blackhawks coach Joel Quenville, whose team is 0 for 11 on the power play in the series.", "\n\nBruins penalty killer Chris Kelly, who has struggled all postseason but had a goal in Game 2 as part of a revamped third line, helped put the Bruins on the board first. ", "Kelly's strong forecheck freed the puck up for Danielle Paille's goal at the 17:47 mark in the first period. ", "The goal followed Paille's game-winner Saturday night and made it three straight goals for the Paille-Kelly-Tyler Seguin line. ", "That line is responsible for seven points (3 goals, 4 assists) in the past two games.", "\n\n\"They skated hard, kept the game simple,\" said Bruins defenseman Dennis Seidenberg. \"", "That's what you want from guys that haven't played with each other. ", "It's about playing basic hockey, getting pucks deep, forechecking, getting pucks to the net. ", "They've done a good job working as a unit and communicating out there.\"", "\n\nFor their second goal, the Bruins capitalized on a 5-on-3 power player after penalties to Chicago's Dave Bolland and Niklas Hjalmarsson in the second period. ", "Zdeno Chara cycled the puck to Jaromir Jagr on the left side of the net, who shuffled it over to Patrice Bergeron on the other side for a wrister and a 2-0 lead at the 14:05 mark. ", "The goal was Bergeron's seventh of the playoffs, the most he's scored in a single postseason, surpassing the six goals he scored in 2011.", "\n\n\"He's one of the most consistent players I've ever played with,\" said Seguin.", "\n\nIt was Jagr's 8th assist and Chara's 10th. ", "Chara received stitches before the game after colliding with teammate Milan Lucic. ", "Chara skated to the locker room to get stitched up but returned in time for the start of the game.", "\n\n\"He slipped and he had a little gash over his eye I guess,\" said Julien. \"", "It's nothing serious.\"", "\n\nSeidenberg, who was awarded the Army Ranger jacket after the game, blamed Chara's injury on poor ice conditions. \"", "He just lost an edge and fell,\" he said.", "\n\nThe Blackhawks were without Marian Hossa, who was seen on the ice during warm-ups but was a late scratch for Game 3. ", "Quenville said afterward that Hossa has an upper-body injury that was not sustained during warmups. ", "His status for Game 4 is unknown.", "\n\n\"We'll say day-to-day,\" said Quenville. \"", "It was a game-time decision after the warmup there, and that's why we made the call.\"", "\n\nWithout Hossa's stellar two-way play, Chicago didn't present much of a challenge. ", "Bruins fans might have liked the lack of drama, but Rask said it didn't matter either way.", "\n\n\"It's better I guess,\" said Rask. \"", "A win is a win. ", "We'll take a win any day.\"" ]
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[ "By ThinkPol Staff\n\nHome sales slumped 30 percent last month in Metro Vancouver as BC budget measures aimed at making housing affordable began to cool down the region’s once red hot real estate market.", "\n\nResidential home sales in the region totalled 2,517 in March 2018, a 30 percent decrease from the 3,579 sales recorded in March 2017 and 23 per cent below the 10-year March sales average, the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV) reports .", "\n\n“We saw less demand from buyers and fewer homes listed for sale in our region in the first quarter of the year,” Phil Moore, the newly-minted REBGV president said. “", "High prices, new tax announcements, rising interest rates, and stricter mortgage requirements are among the factors affecting home buyer and seller activity today.”", "\n\nThe housing slump was not limited to one segment of the market.", "\n\nSales of detached properties in March 2018 decreased by 37 percent year-over-year to 722, while the sales of apartment properties declined by 27 percent to 1,349.", "\n\nAttached property sales in March 2018 totalled 446, a decrease of 24.1 per cent compared to March 2017.", "\n\nThe realtors board reports that the MLS® Home Price Index composite benchmark price for all residential properties in Metro Vancouver rose 16.1 percent year over year to $1,084,000.", "\n\n“Even with lower demand, upward pressure on prices will continue as long as the supply of homes for sale remains low,” Moore said. “", "Last month was the quietest March for new home listings since 2009 and the total inventory, particularly in the condo and townhome segments, of homes for sale remains well below historical norms.”", "\n\nBut prices in the most expensive segment in the region’s most expensive neighbourhood is already heading south.", "\n\nThe benchmark price for single family homes in Vancouver Westside showed a 0.4 percent drop compared to March 2017." ]
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[ "Pompeo says he doesn’t expect Kim Jong Un to “tell us the truth” in North Korea talks\n\nPublished: May 5, 2019 11:56 AM EDT\n\nSecretary of State Mike Pompeo said the Trump administration is not counting on North Korean leader Kim Jong Un being completely candid in the stalled negotiations to denuclearize the Korean peninsula — a long-sought and elusive foreign policy goal of American administrations since the 1950s.", "\n\n“We don’t expect chairman Kim to tell us the truth. ", "That’s why we’re going to verify any denuclearization that takes place, that’s why we will ensure that we see actual on-the-ground outcomes,” Pompeo said “Face the Nation” Sunday. “", "We’re not going to take anyone’s word for it.”", "\n\nAmerica’s chief diplomat was responding to comments made by Cindy Warmbier, the mother of Otto Warmbier, the American college student who died after being imprisoned by the North Korean government for more than a year. ", "She recently called the Trump administration’s diplomatic efforts with North Korea a “charade,” saying Kim’s authoritarian regime represents “evil.”", "\n\nPressed if he was still the administration’s lead negotiator in talks with North Korean officials, Pompeo replied, “So far as I know.”", "\n\nIn late February, President Trump and Kim held their second summit in Vietnam to try broker a deal to eventually dismantle North Korea’s nuclear stockpile — but the high-profile meeting produced no fruitful results.", "\n\nIn a bold move on Friday, North Korea launched several short-range missiles which landed in the Sea of Japan, according to the South Korean government. ", "The White House said it was monitoring the situation “as necessary.”", "\n\nDespite the recent launches, Pompeo said Sunday “real progress” has been made on the North Korean front during Mr. Trump’s tenure. ", "He noted that U.S. sanctions have been “putting some of the pressure” he said is prompting Kim to want to negotiate.", "\n\n“We still believe there is a path forward where Chairman Kim can denuclearize without resort to anything beyond diplomacy,” Pompeo added." ]
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[ "On Wednesday, Pakistan-backed PoK and Khalistani elements burnt the Indian flag in Central London while the London Metropolitan Police quietly watched the flag burning taking place right before its eyes.", "\n\nThe incident took place at Parliament Square as Prime Minister Narendra Modi was addressing the Indian community at Westminster on Wednesday.", "\n\nIndian activists are outraged over the London Metropolitan Police turning a blind eye to the Indian flag being pulled down from a pole and replaced by a flag representing PoK and Khalistan.", "\n\nReacting to the incident, the Indian government strongly protested with the UK government about the flag being removed and burnt by Khalistani elements in London.", "\n\nA top Indian government source said that the UK government has apologised for the act, replaced the flag and is taking action against the perpetrators.", "\n\nThe Indian tricolour was allegedly pulled down and ripped apart by a pro-Khalistani activist.", "\n\nSome of the protesters at Parliament Square yesterday turned aggressive after the Indian tricolour was torn down from the flagpole.", "\n\nAlso read We will answer terror in its own language: Narendra Modi in UK\n\nA senior broadcast journalist from one of the leading Indian media channels covering the protests was caught in a violent scrum with some of the more aggressive pro-Khalistani protesters and Scotland Yard officers on duty had to step in to the rescue. ", "The group is planning to file a complaint with the Metropolitan Police on the incident.", "\n\n\"We have expressed our concerns with the British authorities and they have apologised for the incident. ", "We have been warning against some of these elements out to make trouble and they have assured us of action. ", "The Indian flag has now been replaced,\" a senior Indian official associated with the PM's visit said.", "\n\nThe pro-Khalistani demonstrators from Sikh Federation UK and demonstrators from the so-called \"Minorities Against Modi\" group, led by Pakistani-origin peer Lord Ahmed, were among nearly 500 protesters who descended upon Parliament Square. ", "These included groups led by some Kashmiri separatist groups and at one point, some of them had surrounded the Mahatma Gandhi statue at the square with their banners and flags.", "\n\nOfficials involved with the prime ministerial visit to the UK had said that protests and demonstrations are \"part and parcel of any democratic society\" as long as they remain peaceful. ", "There are now concerns that some of the more aggressive elements hijacked the tone of the protests.", "\n\nEarlier on Wednesday, flash mob of sari-clad women with dhols set the tone for the pro-Modi crowds opposite 10 Downing Street as the Indian PM arrived for his breakfast meeting with British Prime Minister Theresa May. They were joined by the Friends of India Society International (FISI) group, which spearheaded a crowd of Indian diaspora from across the UK waving banners such as ?", "Chak De India? ", "and ?", "Jai Hind? ", "outside Downing Street and nearby Parliament Square.", "\n\n\"We want to welcome the Indian PM to the UK and show him the diaspora support he enjoys,\" said one of the members of the gathering.", "\n\nOn the other side, the anti-Modi protesters from Caste Watch UK and South Asia Solidarity group waved banners such as 'Modi, you have blood on your hands' and 'Modi Not Welcome'.", "\n\n\"Hindu nationalism must be curtailed to avert India sliding towards wholesale dictatorship threatening democratic fabric, rule of law and the unity of India,\" a Caste Watch UK spokesperson said.", "\n\nThey were joined by other protestors carrying images the eight-year-old rape victim from Kathua in Jammu and Kashmir, and Gauri Lankesh, the Indian journalist who was shot at her doorstep last year.", "\n\nThe group also included representatives of several Indian women's groups in the UK, wearing white as part of their silent protest against 'atrocities that are taking place in India'.", "\n\n\"I am Hindustan, I am ashamed,\" read their placards alongside banners such as 'Beti Bachao' and 'Politics minus rape'.", "\n\nWith inputs from PTI" ]
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[ "Hirasea major\n\nHirasea major is a species of small air-breathing land snail, a terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusk in the family Endodontidae.", "\n\nThis is an endangered species.", "\n\nDistribution\nThis species (and indeed the whole genus) is endemic to Japan.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Molluscs of Japan\nCategory:Gastropods described in 1902\nCategory:Endodontidae\nCategory:Taxonomy articles created by Polbot" ]
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[ "You have APIs, but are they working?", "\n\n\"We compared API monitoring services and API Science came out on top. ", "They gave us the right combination of advanced tools and ease-of-use to ensure our APIs are up and performing at all times. ", "API Science has become an essential part of our stack.\"", "\n\nSimon GuestVP of Platform R&D, Concur / SAP\n\n\"API Science monitoring lets us know when something is wrong before our customers start calling. ", "The monitors are very easy to setup and we're able to create multiple-step monitors within minutes.\"", "\n\nJeff PhillipsApplication Development Manager, Getty Images\n\n\"We've moved our production API monitoring to API Science and have never looked back. ", "API Science makes sure our public, partner, and private systems are all working as they should, and provides a framework that makes tons of sense for the modern API.\"", "\n\nWhy API Science?", "\n\nDon't get caught off guardEnsure your APIs & apps work\n\nAPIs aren't just plumbing. ", "They're critical to your business, your apps, and your reputation. ", "That means you need to make sure they're always up, working and performing as they should. ", "Don't let customers call you to tell you your API is down. ", "Don't suffer bad app reviews because of slow or unreliable APIs.", "\n\nAPI-first monitoringBuilt for APIs from the start\n\nTraditional monitoring services were designed long before APIs became core to modern applications. ", "API Science is designed specifically for monitoring APIs. ", "Sure, we understand REST, JSON, OAuth, XML. ", "No problem.", "\n\nGet a global perspectiveSee your APIs like never before\n\nOur worldwide API monitoring network lets you see how developers and apps really experience your APIs. ", "You setup API monitors with your own tests. ", "We then call your APIs (up to every minute) from around the world. ", "If anything goes wrong we'll immediately let you know. ", "Quickly identify performance issues, outages, errors. ", "Troubleshoot faster and easier.", "\n\nSuper fast setupBe monitoring in minutes\n\nWe believe software is most useful when it gets out of your way. ", "Our intuitive modern interface gets you up and running fast. ", "Setup monitors quickly and easily. ", "Get the most critical data right up front, when you need it.", "\n\nAdvanced API monitoringMulti-step & JavaScript-powered\n\nAPIs can be complex. ", "We can handle it. ", "Do you have APIs that require authentication? ", "Do you want to test real CRUD sequences in production? ", "Simple GET calls not enough? ", "We can handle any APIs you want to test.", "\n\nMonitor external APIsManage your API supply chain\n\nDo you rely on any third-party APIs? ", "Are they up? ", "Are they meeting their SLA? ", "Are they down just for you? ", "We can help you easily keep track of any services in your \"API supply chain\". ", "Setup your own custom monitors or use our sample monitors to get started.", "\n\nPowerful reportingSpot trends proactively\n\nUse our powerful reporting engine to get insights into historical trends, past issues, and to spot potential future problems before they bring down your apps.", "\n\nAlerts and IntegrationsGet notified on your terms\n\nYou decide how you want to be notified: Email, Slack, PagerDuty, HipChat, Campfire, and more. ", "Use webhooks to build your own integrations, use threshold to minimize false alarms, and get notified when your issue has been resolved.", "\n\nAnd many more\n\nAPI DashboardYour API command center\n\nThe API dashboard gives you a command center to check on the health of your API calls. ", "Quickly filter onto API having issues, group monitors together with tags, and sort on attributes like response time.", "\n\nFull Featured APIMonitor your API with our API\n\nThe API Science gives you a full featured REST API to do just about anything with your monitors via code. ", "Automate the creation and updating of monitors, extract data, build your own API performance and uptime dashboard, and integrate with your own tools and consoles.", "\n\nRight tools for the right people\n\nDeveloper\n\nEasily test and monitor your own APIs and the third-party APIs you rely on. ", "API Science tools can help save dev time and reduce frustration. ", "Quickly see if internal APIs pass automated continous tests, see if external APIs are really down or down for just you.", "\n\nTester\n\nTesting modern applications also means testing APIs. ", "Often the root cause of bugs and issues are internal and external API dependencies. ", "Run one-time and continous tests to monitor them and find issues fast.", "\n\nOps\n\nAPIs are often the weak link in the chain of today's mobile and web applications. ", "Quickly identifying and addressing production API issues is critical. ", "Our tools gives Ops teams the tools they need in the new API-driven world.", "\n\nWhy API Monitoring Matters To Every Business\n\nOne of the stealthy trends in business computing is the gradual rise in reliance on APIs. ", "Almost every digital interaction involves an API being called to gather data or invoke some key action. ", "You can’t play Words with Friends without APIs and WalMart cannot run its vendor-managed inventory without them either." ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1-micromachines-11-00587}\n===============\n\nThere is an ongoing effort to fabricate miniature, low cost, sensitive, and selective gas sensors for domestic and industrial uses \\[[@B1-micromachines-11-00587],[@B2-micromachines-11-00587],[@B3-micromachines-11-00587],[@B4-micromachines-11-00587],[@B5-micromachines-11-00587],[@B6-micromachines-11-00587],[@B7-micromachines-11-00587],[@B8-micromachines-11-00587],[@B9-micromachines-11-00587],[@B10-micromachines-11-00587],[@B11-micromachines-11-00587]\\]. ", "The miniaturization and reduced power consumption of gas sensors allow for a wide range of application in wearable and portable devices, such as mobile and smart phones. ", "Recently we reported a miniature, combustion type gas sensor (dubbed GMOS) based on a thermal sensor, where a micro-machined CMOS-SOI transistor acts as a sensing element and is integrated with catalytic reaction plate and embedded heater \\[[@B12-micromachines-11-00587],[@B13-micromachines-11-00587],[@B14-micromachines-11-00587],[@B15-micromachines-11-00587],[@B16-micromachines-11-00587]\\]. ", "The suspended transistor-dubbed TMOS exhibits extremely high sensitivity to the change of the temperature \\[[@B17-micromachines-11-00587],[@B18-micromachines-11-00587],[@B19-micromachines-11-00587],[@B20-micromachines-11-00587],[@B21-micromachines-11-00587],[@B22-micromachines-11-00587]\\]. ", "Ref. ", "\\[[@B16-micromachines-11-00587]\\] presents Part 1 of the present paper, which emphasizes the GMOS chemical performance modeling, as well as the two deposition techniques of Pt catalytic layer suitable for wafer level processing, magnetron sputtering, and nanoparticle inkjet printing.", "\n\nThe present paper, Part 2, focuses on the physical modeling of the hot catalytic plate of the GMOS sensor. ", "The three main challenges in designing the hot plate are addressed: (i) How to design a hot plate operating in air, with a low thermal conductivity ([Section 2](#sec2-micromachines-11-00587){ref-type=\"sec\"}); (ii) how to measure the temperature of the hot plate during operation ([Section 3](#sec3-micromachines-11-00587){ref-type=\"sec\"}); (iii) how to reduce the total consumed power during the sensing ([Section 4](#sec4-micromachines-11-00587){ref-type=\"sec\"}).", "\n\nIn order to understand the nature of the above challenges let us bear in mind the following:\n\n\\(i\\) The catalytic layer requires heating to the operation ignition temperature as well as periodic thermal refreshment at \\~400 °C in order to avoid its degradation. ", "At the same time, a large area reaction plate is preferred since the measured signal scales with the area and a larger area facilitates the deposition of the catalytic layer. ", "It is shown in [Section 2](#sec2-micromachines-11-00587){ref-type=\"sec\"} that there is a trade-off between these two requirements.", "\n\n\\(ii\\) The selectivity of the GMOS is achieved by monitoring the ignition temperature of the sensed gas, denoted by T\\* and discussed in Part 1. ", "The temperature control as well as its monitoring is therefore of paramount importance.", "\n\n\\(iii\\) IoT applications and mobile applications require battery operation. ", "Hence, reducing the overall power during operation is essential.", "\n\nThe main simulation tool of the present study is ANSYS FLUENT \\[[@B23-micromachines-11-00587]\\]. ", "The simulations are corroborated by analytical modeling, which also gives a better physical insight. ", "The results are confirmed by measurements. ", "The device under study (DUT) is shown in [Figure 1](#micromachines-11-00587-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"} and more details can be found in Part 1 \\[[@B16-micromachines-11-00587]\\]. ", "It should be noted that the design is a compromise between a small die, with overall dimensions of less than 4 mm^2^ and a pixel area that facilitates the deposition and increases the signal, thus enabling high sensitivity even at low concentrations of the detected gases.", "\n\n2. ", "Hot Plate Operating in Air, with a Low Thermal Conductivity {#sec2-micromachines-11-00587}\n==============================================================\n\n2.1. ", "Modeling Supported by Simulations {#sec2dot1-micromachines-11-00587}\n--------------------------------------\n\nAs shown in [Figure 1](#micromachines-11-00587-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}, the device includes several layers. ", "Small features and layer thickness require denser mesh and more elements, which obligate large computations resources and running simulation time. ", "Two modeling methods were used to reduce the number of elements: (i) layers with small thickness were neglected by the assumption that the materials have similar thermal properties. (", "ii) Calculating the solid equivalent thermal conductivity, $k_{eq}$, which is direction dependent $\\left( {k_{eq_{x}},k_{eq_{y}},k_{eq_{z}}} \\right)$, with Equation (1a,b) of parallel and serial materials and substituting the solids with one equivalent solid in the 3D model as can be shown in [Figure 2](#micromachines-11-00587-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "$${\\left( a \\right)\\ k_{eq_{serial}} = L\\cdot\\left( {\\sum\\limits_{i = 1}^{n}\\left( \\frac{l_{i}}{k_{i}} \\right)} \\right)^{- 1}}{\\left( b \\right)\\ k_{eq_{parallel}} = \\frac{1}{A}\\cdot\\sum\\limits_{i = 1}^{n}k_{i}A_{i}}$$ where *n* is the number of solids connected. *", "A* and $A_{i}$ are the areas of the solid that the heat flux go through. *", "L* and $l_{i}$ are the distances the heat flux go through (note: $A = \\sum_{i = 1}^{n}A_{i}$ and $L = \\sum_{i = 1}^{n}l_{i}$) and $k,\\frac{\\mu W}{K}$ is the thermal conductivity.", "\n\nAs can be seen in [Figure 3](#micromachines-11-00587-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}, the sensor is thermally insulated from the frame by holding arms. ", "The thermal conductance, $G_{th}$, is determined by the thermal conductance of the sensor solid parts and by the air conduction around the plate. ", "A 3D Finite Elements Analysis software is required for modeling and simulation the thermal conductance of the sensor.", "\n\nBoundary and operating conditions to the 3D model were set. ", "The bottom of the device was set to a constant temperature. ", "A power heat source was set to the tungsten heater in the stage. ", "The actual device had a meandered heater, however in the simulation we used a single metal plate. ", "We assume that the volume of the film produces a power $P_{Joule} = \\frac{V_{Heater}^{2}}{R_{Heater}\\left( T \\right)}$, in that way we enforce the film to produce the same heating power as a meander shape heater with resistance of $R_{Heater}\\left( T \\right)$ and applying voltage $V_{Heater}$. Since the meander shape is uniform across the plate, the results are very similar. ", "The air density is determined by the ideal gas law. ", "The air flow is caused by natural convection. ", "The air flow direction is in the y direction on the ANSYS Fluent software. ", "The solid material thermal properties were provided by the FAB ([Table 1](#micromachines-11-00587-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nThe thermal conductance of a solid can be calculated by:$$G_{th} = \\frac{kA}{L}$$ where *A* is the area of the solid that the heat flow, which caused by a temperature difference, go through and *L* is the solid length. ", "For example, in our DUT (device under study) a temperature difference develops on the arm and L is the length of the arm from the frame to the plate as shown in [Figure 3](#micromachines-11-00587-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "The thermal conductivity of the arm can be calculated using Equation (1).", "\n\nA Joule heating was applied to the heater resistor on top of the plate $P_{joule} = \\frac{V_{applied}^{2}}{R_{heater}\\left( T \\right)}$. The tungsten heater resistance dependency is the following:$$R_{heater}\\left( T \\right) = R_{0}(1 + TCR_{1}\\left( {T - T_{0}} \\right) + TCR_{2}\\left( {T - T_{0}} \\right)^{2}$$ where $R_{0}$ is the initial resistance at the room temperature, and $TCR_{1} = 2.05 \\times 10^{- 3}\\ K^{- 1}$ and $TCR_{2} = 0.2 \\times 10^{- 6}\\ K^{- 2}$ are temperature coefficients of resistance parameters, which define the change of the resistance due to the change of the temperature. ", "The *TCR* values were provided by FAB (XFAB, Erfurt). ", "In this work, three values of resistors were studied. [", "Figure 4](#micromachines-11-00587-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the resistance and the Joule heating power dependencies for $R = 1000\\ {ohm}$. [Figure 5](#micromachines-11-00587-f005){ref-type=\"fig\"} exhibits the uniformity of the temperature across the plate. ", "The simulation was done for a bare stage as well as with silicon nitride layer of 0.75 µm and platinum catalytic layer of 0.5 µm on top of the stage. ", "Furthermore, this simulation took into consideration the temperature dependency of the thermal conductivity of the air which increases approximately linearly with the temperature. ", "As can be seen, the temperature variation on the stage occurs mostly at the corners, especially at the holding arms contacts. ", "The presence of silicon nitride and platinum catalytic layers on top of the stage significantly improves the temperature uniformity. ", "In addition, to compensate the temperature variations a non-uniform resistor should be designed with local variations of the resistance at the corners. ", "At the corners, a narrower meander which provides locally a higher resistor value and hence higher local Joule heating, may further increase the temperature uniformity.", "\n\nNote: The Joule power, which develops is $P_{Joule} = \\frac{V_{Heater}^{2}}{R\\left( T \\right)}$. Since the *TCR* (temperature coefficient of resistance) is positive for tungsten resistor, applying voltage rather than current is mandatory to avoid thermal run away. ", "In contrast, since, $P_{Joule} = I^{2}R\\left( T \\right)$, if the current is applied, a positive feedback develops, and the Joule power may increase too much thus causing burning of the heater.", "\n\nThe temperature increase of the hot plate due to the Joule heating is given by:$$\\Delta T_{J} = \\frac{P_{Joule - heating}}{G_{th}}$$\n\nFor refreshment of the catalytic plate, a temperature difference of \\~350--400 °C is required \\[[@B16-micromachines-11-00587],[@B24-micromachines-11-00587]\\]. ", "Accordingly, the required Joule heating power is $P_{Joule - heating} = 400 \\cdot G_{th}$ and for *G~th~* of 50 µWatt/K it is *P~Joule-heating~* = 400 × 50 ×10^−6^ = 20 mWatt. ", "For battery operation, this sets a practical limit to the plate area, as shown below (see [Figure 6](#micromachines-11-00587-f006){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n2.2. ", "Simulations Supported by Modeling {#sec2dot2-micromachines-11-00587}\n--------------------------------------\n\nIn this section, the thermal simulations have been performed to determine thermal conductance, and optimal plate area for a fixed pixel size. ", "In the simulations, the heating power was applied to the reaction plate, and the temperature increase Δ*T* of the plate was obtained. ", "Then, to determine the *G~th~*, the applied power was divided by the average Δ*T* (according to the Formula (4)). ", "In Part 1 of the present paper \\[[@B16-micromachines-11-00587]\\], it was shown that the sensor response $v_{sig}\\left( V \\right)$ is proportional to the reaction plate area and inversely proportional to the *G~th~*. ", "$$v_{sig} = \\left( \\frac{dV_{DS}}{dT} \\right)\\cdot C_{g}\\cdot\\left( {\\frac{1}{k_{s}} + \\frac{\\delta}{D}} \\right)\\cdot A_{plate}\\cdot\\left( \\frac{\\Delta H_{C}}{G_{th}\\cdot N_{A}} \\right)$$ where *V~DS~*---drain-source voltage of the transistor, V; *T*---transistor temperature, K; $k_{s}$---reaction rate, m/s; *C~g~*---gas concentration in air, molecules/m^3^; *D*---gas diffusion constant, m^2^/s; *δ*---stagnant film thickness, m; ∆*H~C~*---combustion enthalpy, Joule/mole; *N~A~*---Avogadro number, 1/mole.", "\n\nIn order to achieve a higher signal from the chemical reaction a larger hot-plate area is required \\[[@B16-micromachines-11-00587]\\], but on the other hand the enlargement of the hot-plate area increases the thermal conductance, as shown in [Figure 6](#micromachines-11-00587-f006){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "It shows that as A---the plate area increases, *G~th~* also increases almost linearly, and thus the required Joule power needed for heating the plate for operation and refreshment also increases. ", "Therefore, we have defined *A~hot-plate~*/*G~th~* as the figure of merit (FOM) of the hotplate since it expresses the tradeoff between the reaction efficiency and the needed power for operation and refreshment. [", "Figure 6](#micromachines-11-00587-f006){ref-type=\"fig\"}a shows that *A*/*G~th~* starts to saturate at the plate area of about 45 × 10^3^ µm^2^. This value was taken for the actual design of the device. ", "However, if we print catalytic nano particles on the hot plate, then the actual surface area is larger than the physical area of the hot plate, and the latter can be further scaled down.", "\n\nAn ideal model with no arms with fixed pixel area of 384 × 384 µm^2^, while the reaction area of the plate varied, was simulated and the results can be seen in [Figure 6](#micromachines-11-00587-f006){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "As the plate area increases the gap between the frame and the plate decreases. ", "The FOM saturates for a hot plate of \\~$250 \\times 250{\\ \\mathsf{\\mu}m}^{2}$, and a total gap (no arms) to the pixel's frame is 67 µm.", "\n\nAs can be seen in [Figure 6](#micromachines-11-00587-f006){ref-type=\"fig\"}b the average temperature difference is 146.52 K and for the same model but without the solids arms, the average temperature difference is 155.9 K. The thermal conductance of the device with holding arms is $G_{th} = 47.36\\frac{\\mu W}{K}$, and for the ideal model, without solids arms is $G_{th} = 43.8\\ \\frac{\\mu W}{K}$. By comparing the *G~th~* of [Figure 6](#micromachines-11-00587-f006){ref-type=\"fig\"}b with that of [Figure 6](#micromachines-11-00587-f006){ref-type=\"fig\"}c it can be seen that for the large hot plate the effect of the thermal conductivity of the arms is quite small.", "\n\nThe simulated *G~th~* may be supported by modeling, assuming that the main heat convection is upwards since hot air has lower density. ", "Moreover, we may assume a stagnant film of air, through which the sensed gas diffuses. ", "The temperature on the upper part of the stagnant air is the ambient temperature whereas the temperature on the lower part is determined by the hot plate. ", "The stagnant film model is briefly considered in \\[[@B25-micromachines-11-00587]\\]. ", "By assuming a stagnant film of several tens of microns denoted by *L*, the modeled *G~th~* corresponds to the simulated one since: $G_{th} = 0.026\\cdot\\frac{A_{plate}}{L}$ *W/K*, where the air thermal conductivity is assumed. ", "The stagnant film thickness assumed here is determined from experiments where *T*\\* is determined \\[[@B16-micromachines-11-00587]\\].", "\n\nIn addition, we have compared our sensor design with traditional full membrane sensor-without a gap between the stage and the frame ([Figure 7](#micromachines-11-00587-f007){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The simulations show that the thermal conductance of the traditional full membrane design is more than an order of magnitude higher than that of DUT.", "\n\nAssuming that in the full membrane case, the heat transfer via contact with the bulk frame dominates over that through the air, the *G~th~* (for the membrane size $213 \\times 213{\\ \\mathsf{\\mu}m}^{2}$ and thickness of $4.6{\\ \\mathsf{\\mu}m}$) can be analytically calculated as: $G_{th} \\approx 4\\cdot 1.4\\cdot\\frac{4.6\\cdot 10^{- 6}\\cdot 213.2\\cdot 10^{- 6}}{10^{- 6}} = 550\\frac{\\mu W}{K}$. By adding the thermal conductance component caused by air heat transfer $G_{th} = 50\\ \\frac{\\mu W}{K}$, the total $G_{th}$ becomes about 600 $\\frac{\\mu W}{K}$ which is in good correspondance with the simulation results.", "\n\nThese results show the advantage of suspended hot plate over the traditional one in reduction of power consumption due to the decrease of thermal conductance. ", "The specific holding arm structure of DUT provided an optimal fill factor for the given pixel size. ", "Furthermore, the arm meandering helped for the relaxation of stresses. ", "Although it is more difficult to fabricate, the wafer level fabrication of the devices showed almost 100% mechanical yield.", "\n\n3. ", "Measuring the Hot Plate Temperature during Operation {#sec3-micromachines-11-00587}\n=======================================================\n\n3.1. ", "Background {#sec3dot1-micromachines-11-00587}\n---------------\n\nThere are several options to determine the dependence of the plate temperature as a function of the voltage applied to the embedded heating resistor; for example, by measuring on-line the resistance of the heater \\[[@B26-micromachines-11-00587],[@B27-micromachines-11-00587],[@B28-micromachines-11-00587],[@B29-micromachines-11-00587]\\]. ", "In this study, the integrated CMOS transistor, dubbed TMOS, was applied for monitoring the plate temperature as a function of the voltage applied to the heating resistors, as described below. ", "The off-line *I*(*T*)-*V* characteristics of the TMOS were measured using a semiconductor parameter analyzer (SPA), while heating the plate by applying voltage to the heating resistor. ", "The hot plate temperature was evaluated from the slope and the swing of the TMOS characteristics at subthreshold.", "\n\n[Figure 8](#micromachines-11-00587-f008){ref-type=\"fig\"} exhibits a typical set of characteristics at subthreshold, as a function of the voltage applied to the heating resistor. ", "The well-established exponential behavior of the current upon gate voltage at subthreshold is observed. ", "The *I*~0~ and *V~T~*~0~ are extracted from the experimental log *I~DS~*-*Vgs* curve of the TMOS sensor operating at subthreshold. *", "I*~0~ and *V~T~*~0~ are obtained directly from the measured characteristic exhibited at [Figure 8](#micromachines-11-00587-f008){ref-type=\"fig\"} when no voltage is applied to the heating resistor. ", "The threshold voltage at subthreshold region is defined by the uppermost point where the log *I* is linear. *", "V~T~*~0~ = *Vgs* = 1.33 V in this case. *", "I*~0~ is the lowest current which is not a leakage current while maintaining the subthreshold region operation also at higher temperatures. ", "Accordingly, we apply *Vgs* = 0.97 V in this case. ", "The theory may be found in many textbooks, see for example the book by Sze \\[[@B30-micromachines-11-00587]\\]. [", "Figure 8](#micromachines-11-00587-f008){ref-type=\"fig\"} also exhibits the increased leakage current as the temperature increases as well as the decreasing slope at subthreshold.", "\n\nBy measuring the slope and evaluating the swing (the inverse of the slope), the temperature of the hot plate is evaluated.", "\n\n3.2. ", "Analytical Modeling of the Measurements {#sec3dot2-micromachines-11-00587}\n--------------------------------------------\n\nThe TMOS is operated at subthreshold. ", "The well-known expression for the transistor current is used by taking into consideration the dependence of the mobility upon temperature, which follows a simple expression for *n*-mos transistors.", "\n\n*T*~0~ is the reference temperature where no voltage is applied to the heater and is determined by the lab ambient temperature. ", "In this study the temperature is assumed to be 300 K.\n\nThe transistor in the hot-plate is operating at subthreshold condition. ", "The subthreshold current for $V_{DS} > \\frac{3kT}{q}$ is:$$I_{DS} = \\mu\\left( T \\right)C_{OX}\\left( \\frac{W}{L} \\right)\\left( \\frac{kT}{q} \\right)^{2}\\left( {n - 1} \\right)e^{\\frac{q}{nkT}{({V_{GS} - V_{T}})}}$$ $$\\mu\\left( T \\right) = \\mu_{0}\\left( \\frac{T}{T_{0}} \\right)^{- 2}$$\n\nCombining Equations (6) and (7):$${I_{DS}\\left( T \\right) = I_{0}e^{\\frac{q}{nkT}{({V_{GS} - V_{T}})}}}{{where}\\ I_{0} = \\mu_{0}C_{OX}\\left( \\frac{W}{L} \\right)\\left( \\frac{kT}{q} \\right)^{2}\\left( {n - 1} \\right).}$$\n\n*n* is determined by the relation in Equation (9) and typically has a value of 1.4--2:$$n = 1 + \\frac{C_{s} + C_{ss}}{C_{OX}}$$ where $C_{ss}$ is the capacitance of the fast surface states, $C_{s}$ is the semiconductor capacitance and $C_{OX}$ is the oxide capacitance.", "\n\nThe threshold voltage dependency on the temperature:$$V_{T}\\left( T \\right) = V_{T}\\left( T_{0} \\right) + \\frac{dV_{T}}{dT}\\left( {T - T_{0}} \\right)$$\n\nFor *n*-mos $\\frac{dV_{T}}{dT}$ is a negative constant and is several $\\frac{mV}{K}$.\n\n*W*/*L* is based on our design ([Table 2](#micromachines-11-00587-t002){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "However, $I_{0}$ is obtained directly from the measured characteristic.", "\n\nThe swing *S* of the I-V at subthreshold is the inverse of the slope of the logarithmic current vs $V_{GS}$ and is given by \\[[@B30-micromachines-11-00587]\\]:$$S = \\frac{dV_{gs}}{d\\left( {\\log_{10}I_{ds}} \\right)} \\approx 2.3\\cdot\\frac{kT}{q}\\cdot n$$\n\nThe value of n is determined by the swing of the measured plot where no heating is applied, namely no voltage is applied to the heating resistor. ", "We assume that this plot describes the behavior at the lab temperature---our reference temperature $T_{0}$. Furthermore, we assume that the dependence of *n* upon temperature is negligible. ", "Hence, the temperature can be extracted from the swing, for various applied heater voltages. ", "To illustrate this approach, please refer to [Figure 8](#micromachines-11-00587-f008){ref-type=\"fig\"}, assuming that the device is operated at *Vgs* = 1 V. The evaluated temperatures for the applied heater voltages are shown in the [Table 3](#micromachines-11-00587-t003){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\n3.3. ", "Simulations {#sec3dot3-micromachines-11-00587}\n----------------\n\nIn this study, the 3D hot plate temperature including the holding arms, was modeled and simulated in ANSYS fluent software \\[[@B23-micromachines-11-00587]\\] as a function of the heater voltage for several values of heating resistors ([Figure 9](#micromachines-11-00587-f009){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nMechanical simulations with modal analysis and harmonic response have been made on the DUT design of [Figure 1](#micromachines-11-00587-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}c. ", "In order to evaluate the resonance frequencies, we assumed vacuum operation, and the results are shown in [Figure 10](#micromachines-11-00587-f010){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "As can be seen in [Figure 10](#micromachines-11-00587-f010){ref-type=\"fig\"}b, the first resonance occurs at \\~6.3 KHz.", "\n\nThe profilometer measurements of the hot-plate shape showed that the stage is concaved with the center being lower than the corners by 5 µm. ", "The measurement does not agree with [Figure 10](#micromachines-11-00587-f010){ref-type=\"fig\"}b. ", "However, it makes sense since the BOX introduces compressive stresses, which are released by increasing the surface area on the bottom. ", "The tensile stresses which develop compensate the compressive stresses. ", "It is evident that the mechanical simulation requires a model which takes into consideration the vertical gradients of the internal stresses.", "\n\n3.4. ", "Measurement and Discussion {#sec3dot4-micromachines-11-00587}\n-------------------------------\n\nThe drawbacks in the measurements modeling are the facts that some values such as *I*~0~ and *V~T~*~0~ are extracted from the experimental log *I~DS~*-*Vgs* curve and can cause inaccuracies as well as the inability to extract the temperature when high heater power is applied because the subthreshold formulas are no longer valid (see [Figure 8](#micromachines-11-00587-f008){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Even with those drawbacks, [Figure 11](#micromachines-11-00587-f011){ref-type=\"fig\"} exhibits the simulations and measurements results. ", "There is a good correlation between the results.", "\n\n4. ", "Reducing the Total Consumed Power during Operation by Applying Duty Cycle Operation {#sec4-micromachines-11-00587}\n======================================================================================\n\nThe total consumed power consists of the power consumed by the thermal sensor namely the TMOS transistor and the power consumed by the heater for operation and refreshment cycles. ", "The thermal sensor of the GMOS gas sensor of Parts 1 and 2 is a micro-machined CMOS transistor operating at subthreshold (dubbed TMOS). ", "The operation point is typically with *Vgs*\\~1 V and current up to 10 µA, hence they require very low power. ", "The main required power is for the heating resistor and consists in turn of the power needed for the ignition temperature and the power needed for the periodic refreshment procedures. ", "For ignition, a heating to about 200 °C is needed, so the heating power is about 10 mWatt (as can be estimated using simulation data of $G_{th}$:$P_{Joule - heating} = 175 \\cdot G_{th}$ or calculating $P_{Joule - heating}$ = *V*^2^*/R*(*T*)). ", "For the refreshment, the Joule heating power is of the order of 20 mWatt because a heating to 400 °C is required. ", "To achieve 400 °C, we preferred to use devices with heaters having resistance of 300 ohm and 600 ohm and applied voltage of 3.3 V and 4.5 V, respectively. ", "Since overall $P_{Joule - heating} = I \\cdot V \\sim 30\\ {mWatt}$, the average current can be estimated as 10 mA. Such high currents are unaccepted for battery operation. ", "Hence, the GMOS should be operated by reduced duty cycle.", "\n\nTo prove this opportunity, the thermal time constant *τ* of GMOS was simulated ([Figure 12](#micromachines-11-00587-f012){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and measured ([Figure 13](#micromachines-11-00587-f013){ref-type=\"fig\"}) to estimate the time needed to reach the desired temperature of the device.", "\n\nThe temperature of GMOS is changing exponentially with time in case of a constant Joule heat:$$\\Delta T\\left( t \\right) = \\frac{P_{Joule}}{G_{th}}\\left( {1 - exp\\left( {- \\frac{t}{\\tau}} \\right)} \\right)$$\n\nSo, the sensor voltage response is changing accordingly:$$\\Delta V\\left( t \\right) = \\frac{dV}{dT}\\Delta T\\left( t \\right) = \\frac{dV}{dT}\\cdot\\frac{P_{Joule}}{G_{th}}\\left( {1 - exp\\left( {- \\frac{t}{\\tau}} \\right)} \\right)$$\n\nThe thermal time constant *τ* is determined from the measurement as exponential fit parameter. ", "Time dependencies were measured by means of semiconductor device analyzer (SDA) B1500A. Two types of experiments have been done:Current was supplied to the transistor in 2T mode (drain and gate were shorted); heater did not operate ([Figure 13](#micromachines-11-00587-f013){ref-type=\"fig\"}a).Current was supplied to the heater; transistor did not operate ([Figure 13](#micromachines-11-00587-f013){ref-type=\"fig\"}b).", "\n\nThe pulse operation is indeed feasible since the thermal time constant τ of the GMOS is of the order of few milliseconds, as shown by simulation ([Figure 12](#micromachines-11-00587-f012){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and confirmed by measurements ([Figure 13](#micromachines-11-00587-f013){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "By operating at reduced duty cycle and applying the refreshment heating pulse with a duty cycle of 1%, namely every 100 sec for 1 sec, the power is reduced to 300 µWatt. ", "The sensing duty cycle can also be optimized. ", "In the Part 1 \\[[@B16-micromachines-11-00587]\\], a 50% duty cycle of 500 ms was used resulting in the average power of 5 mWatt. ", "It can be further reduced by taking into account the small time constant exhibited in [Figure 12](#micromachines-11-00587-f012){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Figure 13](#micromachines-11-00587-f013){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "However, the time needed for the data readout as well as for the stabilization of the gas combustion reaction should be also considered. ", "In fact, a 10% duty cycle of 100 ms is quite reasonable leading to further reducing of the average power to 1 mWatt. ", "By taking a reading every 10 s, the power may be further reduced. ", "Thus, the total average power for the sensing and the refreshment can be less than 1 mWatt. ", "Then, the corresponding average battery current is about 100 µA, which is acceptable for a battery operation. ", "However, although the sensor, heater and readout circuitry require low power, the MCU (microcontroller) on the board of the sensing system consumes relatively high power. ", "Therefore, battery and wireless operation require careful programming of the sensing system, applying \"sleeping mode\" operation to the MCU. ", "Thus, the entire sensing board may be battery operated although the battery life time is shortened by the MCU.", "\n\n5. ", "Conclusions {#sec5-micromachines-11-00587}\n==============\n\nThe advantages of the innovative GMOS gas sensor are outlined in Part 1 and in Ref. ", "\\[[@B12-micromachines-11-00587]\\]. ", "These advantages of GMOS allow fabricating low-cost gas sensor that requires low power, and make it a promising technology for future smartphones, wearables, and IoT applications. ", "The present paper emphasizes on the role of a careful design based on MEMS advanced simulations. ", "Moreover, it exhibits the need to take into consideration the designing of the overall physical aspects, including thermal, electrical, mechanical, and power requirements.", "\n\nThe heart of the sensing system is the sensor. ", "However, the users require high performance achieved by the entire system, rather than that of just the sensor. ", "Therefore, battery and wireless operation require careful programming of the entire sensing system residing on a board. ", "The design of the entire sensing system based on the GMOS will be reported elsewhere.", "\n\nConceptualization Y.N.; methodology, M.A., S.S., and T.B.; software, M.A.; validation, S.S. and S.B.-L.; formal analysis, G.G.; investigation, Y.N., S.S., M.A., and T.B.; resources, Y.N.; data curation, S.S.; writing---original draft preparation, Y.N., M.A., S.S., T.B.; writing---review and editing, G.G.; visualization, S.B.-L.; supervision, Y.N. and G.G.; project administration, Y.N.; funding acquisition, Y.N. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.", "\n\nThe generous funding of TODOS TECHNOLOGIES Ltd. (<https://www.todos-technologies.com>) is gratefully acknowledged. ", "TODOS TECHNOLOGIES holds exclusively the IP related to this work.", "\n\nThe authors declare no conflict of interest.", "\n\n![(**", "a**) Microscopic overview of the GMOS sensor die; (**b**) schematic overview of a GMOS pixel with typical dimensions. (**", "c**) Schematic cross section of the GMOS single pixel (DUT-device under study).](micromachines-11-00587-g001){#micromachines-11-00587-f001}\n\n![(**", "a**) Paralleled n materials. (**", "b**) Serialed n materials. (**", "c**) The equivalent solid. (**", "d**) 3D model demonstration of the parallel equivalent thermal conductivity, assuming $T_{1} > T_{2}$. (**e**) 3D model demonstration of the serial equivalent thermal conductivity, assuming $T_{1} > T_{2}$.](micromachines-11-00587-g002){#micromachines-11-00587-f002}\n\n![", "The 3D ANSYS model.](micromachines-11-00587-g003){#micromachines-11-00587-f003}\n\n![", "Joule power on tungsten heating resistor vs. temperature for *R*~0~ = 1000 ohm.](micromachines-11-00587-g004){#micromachines-11-00587-f004}\n\n![", "Steady-state thermal simulation results of the DUT design for $V_{heater} = 3\\ V$, and $R_{heater} = 1000\\ {ohm}$: (**a**) Distribution of the temperature over the bare plate. (**", "b**) The temperature of the plate among the line between point x and y in [Figure 5](#micromachines-11-00587-f005){ref-type=\"fig\"}a. (**", "c**) 2-D temperature distribution over plate with platinum catalytic layer and silicon nitride. (**", "d**) 3-D temperature distribution over the plate with platinum and silicon nitride layers.](micromachines-11-00587-g005){#micromachines-11-00587-f005}\n\n![(**", "a**) Ideal hot plate thermal conductance and the FOM Area/*G~th~*. ", "Vs. ", "stage area for $V_{heater} = 3\\ V$, and $R_{heater} = 1000\\ {ohm}$. The hot plate is ideal since the effect of the holding arms is neglected. (**", "b**) Steady state simulation temperature result of the DUT with holding arms, with the overall following dimensions: Plate area: $45.45 \\times 10^{3}$ µm^2^; Holding arms width 6.4 µm: Gap 18 µm; for applied heater voltage of 3 V. (**c**) Steady state simulation temperature result of the DUT without holding arms.](micromachines-11-00587-g006){#micromachines-11-00587-f006}\n\n![(**", "a**) Steady state simulation temperature results and *G~th~* for: (**a**) full membrane having a pixel size area ($298 \\times 298{\\ \\mathsf{\\mu}m}^{2})$. (**b**) Full membrane having a stage size area ($213 \\times 213{\\ \\mathsf{\\mu}m}^{2})$. (**c**) Suspended plate of DUT (pixel size $298 \\times 298{\\ \\mathsf{\\mu}m}^{2};$ stage size $213 \\times 213{\\ \\mathsf{\\mu}m}^{2}$, holding arms width 6.4 µm, gap 18 µm). ", "$V_{heater} = 3\\ V$, and $R_{heater} = 1000{\\ {ohm}}$.](micromachines-11-00587-g007){#micromachines-11-00587-f007}\n\n![", "Current-voltage characteristics of the integrated TMOS (see [Figure 1](#micromachines-11-00587-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}c) as a function of the voltage applied to the heating resistor. ", "The current is plotted on a logarithmic scale. ", "The relatively flat region before the exponential increase of the current is the leakage current, which increases with temperature.](micromachines-11-00587-g008){#micromachines-11-00587-f008}\n\n![", "The hot-plate simulation results: applied heater voltage vs. the steady-state average hot plate temperature for different *R~heater~* values.](micromachines-11-00587-g009){#micromachines-11-00587-f009}\n\n![(**", "a**) The mechanical model, assuming vacuum and fixed support on the arm edges. (**", "b**,**c**) Average deformation of the plate versus frequency for applied force of F = (0,−0.1 µN,0) on the stage in Y (**b**) and X (**b**) directions.](micromachines-11-00587-g010){#micromachines-11-00587-f010}\n\n![", "Simulation (solid lines) and measurements (dashed lines) results. ", "Applied heater voltage vs. the average hot-plate temperature for different heater resistor. ", "Note: Measured temperatures for high heater voltages (4--5 V) were ignored in this figure because the sub-threshold assumption is not valid at such *Vgs* values and for resistor of 300 ohms.](micromachines-11-00587-g011){#micromachines-11-00587-f011}\n\n![", "Transient simulation of the DUT (plate area 213.2 µm × 213.2 µm, arm width 6.4 µm and a gap of 18 µm), applied heater voltage of $V_{heater} = 5{\\ V}$, and $R_{heater} = 1000{\\ {ohm}}$. The thermal time constant is 5.25 msec.](micromachines-11-00587-g012){#micromachines-11-00587-f012}\n\n![", "Transient measurements of the DUT voltage response to heating: (**a**) Current 4.2 mA is supplied to transistor; the thermal time constant is 7.3 msec. (**", "b**) Current 2.5 mA is supplied to heater; the thermal time constant is 8.2 msec. (", "Plate area 213.2 µm × 213.2 µm, arm width 6.4 µm and a gap of 18 µm, $R_{heater} = 1000{\\ {ohm}}$).](micromachines-11-00587-g013){#micromachines-11-00587-f013}\n\nmicromachines-11-00587-t001_Table 1\n\n###### \n\nMaterials thermal and mechanical properties used in this article simulations. ", "The thin film silicon device layer is assumed to have the thermal conductivity of polysilicon rather than bulk crystalline silicon.", "\n\n Property Description SiO~2~ Poly Si Si(c) Tungsten Platinum Silicon Nitride\n -------------------- ------------------------------------ -------- --------- ------- ---------- ---------- -----------------\n *k* \\[W/(mK)\\] Thermal conductivity 1.4 40 40 173 21,450 31\n *C~P~* \\[J/(kgK)\\] Heat capacity at constant pressure 730 700 700 134 126 1100\n $\\rho$ \\[kg/m^3^\\] Density 2200 2320 2329 19,300 71.6 3250\n *E* \\[GPa\\] Young's modulus 70 160 \\- 411 \\- \\-\n $\\nu$ Poisson's ratio 0.17 0.22 \\- 0.28 \\- \\-\n\nmicromachines-11-00587-t002_Table 2\n\n###### \n\nTypical values for the CMOS-SOI process of the fabricated DUT.", "\n\n Study Parameters Value Units\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------\n $\\mu C_{ox}$ $2.8 \\times 10^{- 5}$ $\\frac{A}{V^{2}}$\n *N* 2 \\-\n *dV~t~*/*dT* $- 2.5 \\times 10^{- 3}$ $\\frac{V}{K}$\n $V_{T}\\left( T_{0} \\right)$ (from the graph when $V_{heater} = 0$) 1.3 V\n $T_{0}$ 300 K\n *W*/*L* 1425 \\-\n $R_{heater}$ 1000 $\\mathsf{\\Omega}$\n *I*~0~ (extracted from [Figure 7](#micromachines-11-00587-f007){ref-type=\"fig\"}) $1.187 \\times 10^{- 5}$ A\n\nmicromachines-11-00587-t003_Table 3\n\n###### \n\nThe plate temperature as a function of heater voltage evaluated from the measurements of [Figure 8](#micromachines-11-00587-f008){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\n ----------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------\n *V~heater~* (V) 0 1 2 3 4 5\n Temperature (K) 301.44 318.90 368.34 449.01 570.29 774.44\n ----------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------\n" ]
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[ " 8 divided by -154?", "\n-4/77\nWhat is 1252 divided by 2?", "\n626\nWhat is 0 divided by -33?", "\n0\nCalculate 3 divided by -84.", "\n-1/28\n24 divided by -43\n-24/43\nCalculate 0 divided by -264.", "\n0\nDivide -3666 by -1833.", "\n2\nCalculate 270 divided by 54.", "\n5\nDivide -6097 by 1.", "\n-6097\nDivide 216 by 54.", "\n4\nWhat is -3 divided by -489?", "\n1/163\nCalculate -2850 divided by -1.", "\n2850\n10395 divided by -15\n-693\nCalculate 109 divided by 1.", "\n109\nCalculate -44 divided by -16.", "\n11/4\nWhat is 14 divided by -9?", "\n-14/9\n361 divided by -2\n-361/2\nWhat is 3 divided by 37?", "\n3/37\n542 divided by -271\n-2\nDivide 9432 by 6.", "\n1572\nDivide 1 by -85.", "\n-1/85\nDivide -5 by 2649.", "\n-5/2649\nDivide 13 by 2136.", "\n13/2136\nWhat is -2 divided by -1305?", "\n2/1305\nCalculate -6 divided by 59.", "\n-6/59\nDivide -68 by 68.", "\n-1\nCalculate -8040 divided by -8.", "\n1005\nWhat is -72 divided by 1?", "\n-72\n878 divided by 3\n878/3\nCalculate 2394 divided by 14.", "\n171\n1022 divided by 2\n511\nDivide -567 by -6.", "\n189/2\n-755 divided by -1\n755\n-256 divided by -32\n8\n53 divided by -53\n-1\n-7839 divided by -3\n2613\n24 divided by 7\n24/7\nWhat is 48 divided by 1?", "\n48\nCalculate 572 divided by 4.", "\n143\nWhat is -5255 divided by 1?", "\n-5255\nWhat is -18 divided by -3?", "\n6\nCalculate -3 divided by -277.", "\n3/277\nWhat is 180 divided by -36?", "\n-5\nWhat is 151 divided by 1?", "\n151\nWhat is -11 divided by -427?", "\n11/427\nDivide -7 by 33.", "\n-7/33\nCalculate 6061 divided by 319.", "\n19\n9560 divided by 2\n4780\nWhat is 2104 divided by 10?", "\n1052/5\nDivide 1560 by 390.", "\n4\nWhat is 393 divided by 131?", "\n3\n2005 divided by -23\n-2005/23\nWhat is 527 divided by 31?", "\n17\nDivide 5 by -2299.", "\n-5/2299\nCalculate 1111 divided by -1111.", "\n-1\nWhat is -38 divided by 3?", "\n-38/3\nWhat is 140 divided by 20?", "\n7\nCalculate 224 divided by 28.", "\n8\nWhat is 2 divided by -14?", "\n-1/7\nCalculate -26 divided by -8.", "\n13/4\nCalculate 5040 divided by 72.", "\n70\nCalculate -12 divided by 3.", "\n-4\nDivide 4792 by 4.", "\n1198\n-70 divided by 3\n-70/3\nWhat is 30 divided by -15?", "\n-2\nDivide -13986 by 518.", "\n-27\n832 divided by -5\n-832/5\nCalculate -2 divided by -9.", "\n2/9\nCalculate 41 divided by 51.", "\n41/51\nDivide -765 by 153.", "\n-5\nDivide 0 by 19.", "\n0\nCalculate 5 divided by -877.", "\n-5/877\nCalculate -3377 divided by 1.", "\n-3377\nCalculate -1 divided by 26.", "\n-1/26\nWhat is -5 divided by -3280?", "\n1/656\nCalculate 656 divided by 4.", "\n164\nWhat is 0 divided by -2?", "\n0\n80 divided by -5\n-16\nCalculate 719 divided by -2.", "\n-719/2\nCalculate -2016 divided by 21.", "\n-96\nCalculate 368 divided by -4.", "\n-92\nDivide -1973 by 16.", "\n-1973/16\nDivide -3 by -229.", "\n3/229\nWhat is -352 divided by 4?", "\n-88\nWhat is -210 divided by -2?", "\n105\n6 divided by 3414\n1/569\nWhat is -6274 divided by -2?", "\n3137\nDivide 3 by 288.", "\n1/96\nCalculate 0 divided by -1840.", "\n0\nWhat is 98 divided by -11?", "\n-98/11\nDivide 1 by -35.", "\n-1/35\nDivide 162 by -6.", "\n-27\nCalculate -7332 divided by -13.", "\n564\nDivide -5 by 13.", "\n-5/13\nDivide -11169 by 1.", "\n-11169\n-1266 divided by 6\n-211\nWhat is -1 divided by 3893?", "\n-1/3893\nWhat is 1416 divided by 6?", "\n236\nDivide 30 by -51.", "\n-10/17\nDivide -7038 by -3.", "\n2346\nCalculate 4 divided by 566.", "\n2/283\nDivide 0 by -305.", "\n0\nDivide 24 by -12.", "\n-2\n93 divided by 31\n3\nDivide -50 by -14.", "\n25/7\nDivide -1 by 10.", "\n-1/10\nCalculate 1599 divided by 6.", "\n533/2\n114 divided by -5\n-114/5\nWhat is 1 divided by 1652?", "\n1/1652\nWhat is -3 divided by 182?", "\n-3/182\nDivide 5940 by -4.", "\n-1485\nDivide -4 by -383.", "\n4/383\nCalculate -2 divided by 207.", "\n-2/207\n0 divided by 162\n0\nCalculate 12 divided by 48.", "\n1/4\n949 divided by 17\n949/17\n7 divided by -85\n-7/85\nCalculate -7506 divided by -6.", "\n1251\nDivide -204 by 1.", "\n-204\nWhat is 9 divided by -18?", "\n-1/2\nDivide -501 by -2.", "\n501/2\nCalculate -25 divided by 98.", "\n-25/98\nWhat is 3 divided by -720?", "\n-1/240\n-16 divided by 2\n-8\nWhat is -250 divided by -2?", "\n125\n-17 divided by 144\n-17/144\nDivide 0 by -332.", "\n0\n84 divided by -12\n-7\nDivide 340 by -4.", "\n-85\nCalculate 705 divided by -5.", "\n-141\nWhat is 5 divided by 60?", "\n1/12\nWhat is -158 divided by -8?", "\n79/4\n2 divided by -1313\n-2/1313\nDivide -95 by 4.", "\n-95/4\nWhat is 2 divided by -203?", "\n-2/203\n2 divided by 28\n1/14\nWhat is 186 divided by -186?", "\n-1\nCalculate -84 divided by -42.", "\n2\nCalculate -130 divided by -5.", "\n26\n739 divided by 1\n739\nDivide -13 by 2.", "\n-13/2\nWhat is -331 divided by 3?", "\n-331/3\n-7 divided by -1245\n7/1245\nWhat is 0 divided by -47?", "\n0\nWhat is 5355 divided by -15?", "\n-357\nCalculate 10125 divided by -1.", "\n-10125\n1940 divided by -2\n-970\nCalculate 10 divided by -9.", "\n-10/9\nCalculate 8 divided by -1251.", "\n-8/1251\nWhat is -16616 divided by -4154?", "\n4\nDivide -5576 by 41.", "\n-136\nCalculate -3 divided by -3.", "\n1\nDivide 2494 by -2.", "\n-1247\nCalculate 177500 divided by 5.", "\n35500\nWhat is 1008 divided by -4?", "\n-252\nWhat is -92 divided by -28?", "\n23/7\n-1 divided by 84\n-1/84\n-646 divided by -323\n2\nWhat is -2 divided by 122?", "\n-1/61\nCalculate 108 divided by 6.", "\n18\nWhat is -145 divided by -14?", "\n145/14\nWhat is 3458 divided by 2?", "\n1729\nWhat is 11 divided by -11?", "\n-1\nWhat is -1445 divided by -289?", "\n5\n-5838 divided by -834\n7\nWhat is -1290 divided by 6?", "\n-215\n2 divided by -61\n-2/61\nWhat is -4434 divided by -6?", "\n739\nCalculate -441 divided by 6.", "\n-147/2\n2 divided by 1683\n2/1683\nCalculate -15 divided by 3.", "\n-5\nDivide 1444 by 1444.", "\n1\nCalculate -5 divided by -35.", "\n1/7\n-43 divided by 140\n-43/140\nWhat is 210 divided by -2?", "\n-105\nWhat is -3 divided by 33?", "\n-1/11\nDivide 3337 by 71.", "\n47\n-7 divided by 61\n-7/61\nDivide 1812 by -6.", "\n-302\nCalculate -84 divided by -2.", "\n42\nCalculate 24 divided by 4.", "\n6\nWhat is 29 divided by -33?", "\n-29/33\nDivide 40 by 26.", "\n20/13\nCalculate -5 divided by 628.", "\n-5/628\n-1115 divided by 5\n-223\nWhat is 12 divided by 30?", "\n2/5\nDivide -117 by -92.", "\n117/92\nWhat is -168 divided by 28?", "\n-6\nDivide 265 by 2.", "\n265/2\nCalculate -6 divided by -20.", "\n3/10\nCalculate 3036 divided by -1518.", "\n-2\nWhat is -108 divided by 108?", "\n-1\nCalculate -99 divided by 120.", "\n-33/40\nCalculate -11654 divided by -2.", "\n5827\nDivide -4404 by 1468.", "\n-3\nDivide 98 by -2.", "\n-49\nWhat is -5 divided by -29?", "\n5/29\nCalculate -5 divided by -70.", "\n1/14\nDivide 3314 by 2.", "\n1657\n250 divided by 2\n125\nCalculate 3 divided by 40.", "\n3/40\n1001 divided by 11\n91\nWhat is -2070 divided by 90?", "\n-23\nCalculate 355 divided by 71.", "\n5\nDivide 124 by -2.", "\n-62\nCalculate 484 divided by -11.", "\n-44\n-5 divided by 363\n-5/363\nDivide -46 by -4.", "\n23/2\nDivide -87 by 29.", "\n-3\nDivide -94145 by 5.", "\n-18829\nWhat is -28359 divided by -3?", "\n9453\n20 divided by -115\n-4/23\nWhat is 0 divided by -41?", "\n0\n-34 divided by -2\n17\nWhat is 174 divided by 2?", "\n87\nWhat is -4734 divided by -3?", "\n1578\nDivide 229 by -47.", "\n-229/47\nWhat is 3 divided by 4710?", "\n1/1570\nDivide 76 by -5.", "\n-76/5\nWhat is 448 divided by 64?", "\n7\nCalculate -5 divided by 54.", "\n-5/54\n-101 divided by 7\n-101/7\nDivide -210 by 7.", "\n-30\nDivide 36 by -8.", "\n-9/2\nDivide -34 by -729.", "\n34/729\n1835 divided by -5\n-367\nDivide -10 by -152.", "\n5/76\nDivide 68 by -6.", "\n-34/3\n-430 divided by -86\n5\nDivide 10 by -60.", "\n-1/6\nWhat is 300 divided by 13?", "\n300/13\nWhat is -24515 divided by 5?", "\n-4903\n-8095 divided by -1619\n5\nWhat is 2 divided by -541?", "\n-2/541\nCalculate -29 divided by 10.", "\n-29/10\nDivide -2 by 157.", "\n-2/157\nWhat is -110646 divided by 6?", "\n-18441\n149 divided by -15\n-149/15\nDivide -5 by 75.", "\n-1/15\nWhat is -448 divided by -32?", "\n14\n2868 divided by 3\n956\nDivide -4 by 45.", "\n-4/45\nCalculate 6 divided by 6.", "\n1\nDivide 11 by -2.", "\n-11/2\nDivide -285 by -95.", "\n3\nDivide 1608 by -1.", "\n-1608\nDivide 13615 by -2723.", "\n-5\nCalculate -3518 divided by 2.", "\n-1759\nWhat is -74 divided by 7?", "\n-74/7\nDivide -4844 by -173.", "\n28\nCalculate 2563 divided by -1.", "\n-2563\nCalculate 4840 divided by 1210.", "\n4\nCalculate -3452 divided by 863.", "\n-4\nDivide -4030 by -5.", "\n806\nWhat is -6 divided by -2?", "\n3\nWhat is 1812 divided by -5?", "\n-1812/5\n-13 divided by 86\n-13/86\nDivide 3 by 86.", "\n3/86\nCalculate 5 divided by -103.", "\n-5/103\nCalculate -186 divided by -4.", "\n93/2\n354 divided by -6\n-59\n-48 divided by -48\n1\nDivide 141 by -47.", "\n-3\n2168 divided by -2\n-1084\nWhat is 14 divided by -747?", "\n-14/747\nWhat is 7220 divided by -1444?", "\n-5\n294 divided by -98\n-3\n4422 divided by 3\n1474\n55 divided by -25\n-11/5\nCalculate -23451 divided by 6.", "\n-7817/2\nWhat is 55 divided by -55?", "\n-1\nWhat is 36450 divided by 1458?", "\n25\nCalculate -930 divided by 186.", "\n-5\n1 divided by -198\n-1/198\nWhat is 16 divided by -201?", "\n-16/201\nCalculate 705 divided by 6.", "\n235/2\nWhat is -3 divided by 21?", "\n-1/7\nDivide -1 by -8352.", "\n1/8352\nWhat is 3267 divided by -4?", "\n-3267/4\n-4 divided by -751\n4/751\n112 divided by -14\n-8\n-364 divided by -1\n364\nCalculate -26950 divided by -350.", "\n77\n55 divided by 4\n55/4\nDivide -2 by 1545.", "\n-2/1545\nCalculate -276 divided by -4.", "\n69\nCalcu" ]
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[ "This invention relates generally to the field of portable computers, and more specifically to a design for laptop and notebook computers wherein the CPU and motherboard is contained in a substantially planar module that mechanically separates away from a display module when the computer is being used." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nYour answer is in another castle Part 2: can we stop the confusion about NAA flags and posts that tackle a different question from the one posted?", "\n\nDISCLAIMER: This is not yet another post trying to discuss what NAA posts are and / or answers to different questions are NAA. ", "What this post is trying to do is to find a way to stop people for having to discuss that in the first place.", "\n\nThis post is meant to be a follow up on Shog9 original \"Your answer is in another castle: when is an answer not an answer?\" ", "post. ", "\nWith that question, Shog attempted to shed some light on the very widespread confusion about what actually a Not An Answer (NAA) post is. ", "He makes some pretty valid arguments and also explains the subtle difference between Not An Answer and Link Only Answer.", "\nHis original post ends with an apparently very clear image:\n\n... Seems clear, right? ", "If someone asked for an apple:\n\ngiving them an apple is the right answer.", "\ngiving them an orange is not an answer.", "\ngiving them an apple core is a partial answer\npointing them to a place where they can buy an apple is probably a Link Only Answer (borderline NAA)\nand finally a moldy apple is a Low Quality Answer.", "\n\nSeems pretty basic, right?", "\nLet's then concentrate on the Orange picture. ", "This seems to hint that giving an orange to someone asking for an apple is not to be considered an answer.", "\nWith that in mind, have a look at some questions about declined NAA flags / NAA post handling:\n\nWhen an answer answers the wrong question, is it Not An Answer?", "\nEither I need clarification on the 'Not an answer' flags or it needs a new description\nMaking sure the \"Not an answer\" flag is used for non-answers\nIs this a real answer?", "\nCan we have an unambiguous, official ruling on what the \"not an answer\" flag is for?", "\nNAA, or just bad answer?", "\nAn answer to a wrong question: flag was declined (BAD: one mod declined the flag, another deleted the post for the same reason afterward?!!)", "\n\nEven without reading all the referenced posts, it should be clear that there is a lot of confusion regarding the NAA flag: some users argue that an unrelated answer (answering another question) is NAA, while others state that an answer to the wrong question is wrong but still an answer. ", "This is somehow aggravated by the fact that many time opposing arguments are also made to justify flags handling in both directions, sometimes by referencing the orange picture, sometimes by stating that mods can't evaluate if an answer is really answering the question and so on.", "\nThe wording used to describe \"NAA\" flags doesn't help either:\n\nAgain, \"does not attempt to answer the question\" has been interpreted in both ways, either to prove that giving an orange to someone who specifically asked for an apple is NAA or to say that only post that aren't semantically answers are NAA (for example a comment or a \"me too\" message).", "\nThis is not even a problem just Stack Overflow has. ", "Out of curiosity, I visited some random network sites chatrooms and asked the users there what their view of the issue was. ", "Once again, I got mixed answers going in both directions.", "\nTherefore, I am asking for suggestion about how we can put an end to all this confusion once and for all.", "\nMy original idea was to change the original FAQS post and /or the flag description to use some wording that is less open to interpretation. ", "That, obviously, would need the staff to first clarify what the official interpretation is in the first place (I think that they just consider NAA post that aren't answers at all, even to a different questions but since we had to come this far, I fear an extra confirmation is needed). ", "That said, I am also open to other suggestions that would help to reduce the amount of \"why my flag was declined\" posts we are getting.", "\n\nEDIT: Since some of the replies/comments have referenced the X/Y problem, I want to clarify that my argument wasn't specifically aimed at those kind of posts. ", "Instead, I was thinking about answers that answer a different and unrelated question than the one that was asked, sometime offering an unasked for alternative in the process. ", "Here are some samples to help clarify what I mean (all sample have been made up):\n\nQuestion ask how Superman can fly, Answer explains why Batman can't instead\nQuestion asks why Pluto is sometime not considered a planet, Answer explains why the moon isn't.", "\nQuestion ask how to translate a sentence into French, Answer explains how to translate it into Italian\nQuestion asks why a snippet of code copied from an online sample doesn't produce the same results as in the demo, Answer suggest moving to a different tool / framework instead.", "\nQuestion asks who was the first Roman king, Answer explains how to build a steam engine.", "\n\nA:\n\nI wrote that post - and threw together that collage - to try to establish a shared baseline understanding for answer flagging, a set of things that hopefully we could all agree on.", "\nBecause... Of course there are a great many things that we won't all agree on. ", "Some sites have extremely strict standards for answers; others allow questions that are almost exclusively X-Y problems; still others are very tolerant of short hints vs. lengthy explanations. ", "Heck... The sorts of answers that are useful to askers and readers can vary immensely even between tags on a single site. ", "Trying to shoehorn every possible problem with possible answer to every possible question on every possible topic into a single short set of guidelines is impossible.", "\nAnd that's fine. ", "I'd rather be a part of a community that's able and willing to disagree on things, discuss them, and come to a consensus based on individual judgement than one which feels compelled to have a hard rule for every possible circumstance. ", "\nYou lament the occasional instance where a dissatisfied flagger brings a case to meta. ", "I rejoice in the ability of our people to evaluate posts on their merit and overturn moderator decisions when the need arises. ", "\nEvery day, thousands upon thousands of answers are created, and thousands of flags are raised; it should surprise no one that there are occasional differences of opinion. ", "We must have shared goals that inform our evaluations in these situations, but should never give up our ability to hold distinct and potentially contradictory opinions so long as we are all still working toward those goals.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nImporting images dynamically from JSON file in reactJS\n\nMy json file: (items.json)\n[\n {\n \"title\": \"Nike shoes\",\n \"description\": \"New nike shoes\",\n \"price\": \"40$\",\n \"image\": \"../../../../assets/items/nike.jpg\",\n \"rank\": \"2\"\n }\n]\n\nThe file I'm trying to import the image in:\nimport React from \"react\";\nimport \"./style.css\";\nimport Items from \"../../../../items.json\";\n\nexport default function ListedItems() {\n return (\n <div>\n <div class=\"container\">\n {Items.map(item => (\n <div class=\"col-sm-4\">\n <div class=\"panel panel-primary\">\n <div class=\"panel-heading\">{item.title}</div>\n <div class=\"panel-body\">\n <img\n src={require(item.image)}\n alt=\"Nike image\"\n />\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n ))}\n </div>\n </div>\n );\n}\n\nI get this error \"Error: Cannot find module '../../../../assets/items/nike.jpg'\" \n, if I use src={require('../../../../assets/items/nike.jpg')} it works.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe problem is that you try to import your images in a runtime. ", "\nYou wrote, that you used src={require('../../../../assets/items/nike.jpg')} and it worked. ", "But this code doesn't work.", "\nYes, you won't have an error in a browser console, but the image also won't load. ", "Because require() function returns a Promise. ", "And in this case, you will have in your browser:\n<img src=\"[object Promise]\" alt=\"Nike image\">\n\nYou can resolve this issue by changing your items.json file from json to js and import images there.", "\n\nimport NikeImage from \"../../../../assets/items/nike.jpg\";\nexport const items = [\n {\n \"title\": \"Nike shoes\",\n \"description\": \"New nike shoes\",\n \"price\": \"40$\",\n \"image\": NikeImage,\n \"rank\": \"2\"\n }\n]\n\nand make some changes in your component:\n<img src={item.image} alt=\"Nike image\" />\n\nBut this code will only work if you are using file-loader in your webpack configuration.", "\n\nIn case when you have to use only json files or you get this information from the server. ", "You should use CopyWebpackPlugin. ", "If you use create-react-app (as you wrote in a comment), it already contains CopyWebpackPlugin and it copies your public folder. ", "In this case just move your assets folder to public and change your items.json file\n\n...\n\"price\": \"40$\",\n\"image\": \"/assets/items/nike.jpg\",\n...\n\nand your component:\n<img src={item.image} alt=\"Nike image\" />\n\n" ]
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[ "Michaels brought Nash to the WWF as his heelbodyguard Diesel during early 1993. ", "He helped Michaels win the Intercontinental Championship from Jannetty on June 6, 1993 at a House show. ", "He helped Michaels defend it for 4 months until figurehead WWF President Jack Tunney \"suspended him\" and stripped him of the title. ", "In reality, Michaels tested positive for steroids and suspended by Vince McMahon for six weeks.", "\n\nRazor Ramon won the title after being one of the two survivors of the RAW Battle Royal and defeating the other survivor of the Battle Royal, Rick Martel, the following week. ", "When Shawn returned, he went after Razor Ramon and tried to steal it, and then created his own Intercontinental Title since Shawn felt that he was still champion because he never lost the title. ", "This led the two to facing each other in a Ladder match at WrestleMania X to determine who was the undisputed Intercontinental champion. ", "Despite help from Diesel, Razor Ramon beat Shawn and retained his Intercontinental Belt. ", "Soon after Shawn's failure to recapture the IC belt, Diesel went after Ramon's title. ", "On April 13, 1994 edition of Superstars, Diesel captured the WWF Intercontinental Championship from Ramon when HBK interfered.", "\n\nA day before Diesel's match with Razor Ramon at SummerSlam 1994, HBK and Diesel teamed up to take on The Headshrinkers (Samu and Fatu) for the WWF Tag Team Championship, which they won, making Diesel a double champion. ", "At SummerSlam, Diesel lost the Intercontinental Title to Razor Ramon when Shawn accidentally hit him with Sweet Chin Music. ", "However this turned out to be a betrayal when Michaels said in a storyline interview that Diesel was nothing without him. ", "Michaels and Diesel would vacate the WWF Tag Team Championship in November 1994 due to dissention between them.", "\n\n1995\n\nAfter Shawn won the 1995 Royal Rumble, he brought in Sycho Sid to his new bodyguard as he faced Diesel at WrestleMania XI. ", "Diesel won the match despite Sid's interference and the next night on RAW, when Shawn told Sid that when he faced Diesel again, he would not let Sid be at ringside again since Shawn felt that he might have won the match without Sid. ", "This led to Sid attacking HBK until Diesel came to the rescue.", "\n\nA couple of months later, Shawn went on to recapture the WWF Intercontinental Championship this time from Jeff Jarrett. ", "A month or two later, the two reteamed and called themselves, Two Dudes with Attitude. ", "At In Your House 3, Michaels and Nash faced the tag team champions, Owen Hart and Yokozuna in a Triple Crown Match. ", "The rules were that if HBK or Diesel beat Yokozuna or Owen, they would win the tag titles, but if Yokozuna or Owen beat either HBK or Diesel, then that person who pinned or submitted that champion would gain their title (either HBK's Intercontinental Belt or Diesel's World Title). ", "However, The British Bulldog substituted for Owen Hart, who hadn't arrived at the building. ", "During the match, Owen Hart appeared out of nowhere during the match and was pinned, which should have meant that the Two Dudes with Attitude were new WWF Tag Team Champions, but this created controversy since Owen was not \"officially\" part of the match, therefore Owen and Yokozuna kept the titles.", "\n\nReunion\n\nMichaels and Nash did not reunite until June 3, 2002 when Kevin Nash named HBK the newest member of the nWo. ", "On the June 10 edition of Raw, Michaels explained his best friend, Kevin Nash was always there for him, which was why he returned to WWE to become a member of the nWo. ", "He then shocked the audience by SuperkickingBooker T out of the nWo.", "\n\nAftermath\n\nIn the aftermath of the dissolving of their tag team, Michaels went on to compete on RAW and feud with Evolution while Kevin Nash left WWE. ", "A year later, he debuted in Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA) at their first-three hour pay-per-view event Victory Road 2004." ]
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[ 0.025, 0.009615384615384616, 0.007575757575757576, 0.010526315789473684, 0.005681818181818182, 0.020512820512820513, 0.014598540145985401, 0.033707865168539325, 0.03488372093023256, 0.007936507936507936, 0.02262443438914027, 0.04838709677419355, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0.030534351145038167, 0.017167381974248927, 0.03225806451612903, 0.01639344262295082, 0.011494252873563218, 0.034482758620689655, 0.028368794326241134, 0.021739130434782608, 0.013377926421404682, 0.016666666666666666, 0.023809523809523808, 0.029411764705882353, 0.0196078431372549, 0.015625 ]
[ "For the past couple of years, new mobile apps have been coming out more quickly than most of us are able to keep up with. ", "In the end, different people prefer different apps, for different purposes. ", "But if you’re looking for help sifting through the tens of thousands of available apps, here are a few words on 10 of the best and most popular Android apps this year.", "\n\n1. ", "Pocket\n\n“Reader” apps are becoming popular, and Pocket is as good as any of them. ", "Basically, the app helps you to save and store articles you want to read from the Internet. ", "Once saved in Pocket, an app is accessible with or without Internet connection, and also appears in a format that’s easy to read.", "\n\n2. ", "Dropbox\n\nDropbox is basically the original public cloud service. ", "With a free account, you can use the app to store up to 2 GB of data in your Dropbox folder, meaning you can then access that data from any device.", "\n\n3. ", "History Eraser Pro\n\nOver time, heavy smart phone use results in a lot of history and backed up data on different apps. ", "The History Eraser Pro app allows you to delete all this clutter with a single touch – search history, call history, etc. ", "can all be wiped clean with ease.", "\n\n4. ", "Vine\n\nVine is a social app designed to help users share self-made video content. ", "Video limit is 6 seconds, so your clips have to be pretty short, but people are finding fun and inventive ways to record and share videos, making Vine a must-have social tool.", "\n\n5. ", "Umano\n\nThis is a pretty cool app that combines reader and radio functions to make an e-book file out of an Internet article. ", "Basically, it reads you your news! ", "The app also functions with news articles you’ve downloaded, if you don’t have the time or ability to listen when you first find something that interests you.", "\n\n6. ", "Poker In Play\n\nThis unique and enjoyable app from http://www.betfaircasino puts a new twist on the poker arcade app. ", "Most notably, the point isn’t to win the hand! ", "Rather, it’s to pick the winning hand. ", "Players get to see everyone’s cards, and then make real money bets as to which hand will win the pot. ", "Odds change with each new community card that is dealt.", "\n\n7. ", "ooVoo Video Calls\n\nIt’s one of many video chatting apps and devices, but it has a few capabilities that others are lacking. ", "To begin with, ooVoo supports group video chats with up to 12 other players. ", "Additionally, it allows you to video chat with users on all kinds of rival devices, including those operating with iOS and Windows.", "\n\n8. ", "Flipboard\n\nThis app brings you all the news you need by combining your personal preferences with your social connections. ", "From your favorite magazines, to stories your friends are talking about on Twitter, Fliboard puts it all in one place for you to sort through with ease.", "\n\n9. ", "Minecraft\n\nIn a brief description, Minecraft is incredibly simple – you use blocks of material to build structures and manipulate landscapes. ", "It might not sound like it’s worth the $6.99, but once you start, this is an incredibly addictive, creative game.", "\n\n10. ", "Any.do\n\nThis is a phenomenal, enhanced to-do list for your Android. ", "Really, it’s as simple as writing down anything you need to do, or intend to do! ", "Within the app, you can organize these priorities however you please to set up an easy way to track your productivity." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0.005988023952095809, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0.006802721088435374, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0.005714285714285714, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0 ]
[ "One-year severity of depressive symptoms: results from the NESDA study.", "\nThe aim of this study was to simultaneously examine a wide range of risk factors and clinical characteristics in their predictive value for the 1-year severity of depressive symptoms. ", "Data from 789 participants in the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA), a large psychiatric cohort study, with a major depressive disorder (MDD) at baseline were used. ", "Depression severity at 1-year follow-up was studied using linear and multinomial logistic regression models. ", "Results of the analyses showed that high neuroticism, no partner and older age were found predictive of a poorer outcome independent of baseline clinical characteristics. ", "Further, comorbid anxiety disorder, first episode, having a moderate subtype (vs. melancholic), and higher baseline depression severity predicted poorer outcome. ", "To conclude, both risk factors and clinical characteristics independently predicted 1-year severity of depressive symptoms. ", "The findings indicate that the prediction of prognosis and identification of persons at risk of a poor outcome should not only be based on clinical characteristics, but on risk factors as well." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Frente al complicado panorama que enfrentan las terminales automotrices, con caídas de ventas en el mercado local y un Brasil que no levanta, directivos de Renault y representantes del Sindicato de Mecánicos y Afines del Transporte Automotor (SMATA) de la seccional Córdoba firmaron un acuerdo con el objetivo de \"proteger la fuente laboral y minimizar las pérdidas económicas\". ", "A cambio de que no haya despidos, los trabajadores aceptan bajar sus salarios.", "\n\nEl acuerdo contempla una reducción de la jornada laboral y de sus sueldos, que quedarán al 70% del nivel actual.", "\n\nEl convenio se hizo ante el Ministerio de Trabajo provincial y el texto regirá hasta el 31 de marzo de 2020. ", "Prevé una reducción de la jornada a seis horas y dos turnos de trabajo para los operarios comprendidos en el convenio colectivo de trabajo 15/89 \"E\".", "\n\nEl primer turno es de 6 a 12 y el otro, de 12 a 18 horas. ", "Por el tiempo de reducción de jornada diaria, la terminal pagará el 70% del salario neto.", "\n\nEl convenio prevé, además, suspensiones temporales (se mantendrá el pago del 70% del sueldo neto) de las actividades productivas en la planta de vehículos particulares y pickups, la posibilidad de que el personal adelante vacaciones y la prórroga de 480 contratos a plazo fijo.", "\n\nLa terminal asume el compromiso de mantener los 1.500 puestos de trabajo vigentes, \"no produciendo despidos por razones económicas o falta de trabajo\". ", "Del acto de la firma participaron el ministro de Trabajo, Omar Sereno, y los asesores de esa cartera, Mario Flores Fernández y María Victoria Monte Mazalay.", "\n\nEn representación de Renault, firmó el gerente de Relaciones Laborales, Lucas Pelassa, y por Smata, el secretario Administrativo, Antonio Quintana, junto a delegados del personal involucrado.", "\n\nSereno reveló que \"a diario\" están cerrando acuerdos similares con empresas metalmecánicas también fuertemente impactadas por la caída de la actividad.", "\n\nEn el gremio, indicaron al matutino que el acuerdo puede convertirse en un \"antecedente\" válido para repetir con otras automotrices, ya que no esperan que haya un repunte de la producción en el corto plazo.", "\n\nEl acuerdo llega a días de que empezaran las negociaciones de Renault con el grupo FCA para una alianza global (Córdoba es la única ciudad del mundo donde las dos compañías tienen terminales) y a un mes de que Mercedes Benz oficializara que no fabricará en la Argentina su pickup Clase X; modelo que iba a ser producido en la planta de Santa Isabel de Córdoba en el marco de la alianza Nissan- Renault .", "\n\nFuente: Iprofesional" ]
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[ "Danaparoid cross-reactivity with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia antibodies: report of 12 cases.", "\nDanaparoid is a safe and effective drug for the treatment of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT). ", "We describe an uncommon complication: danaparoid cross-reactivity with HIT antibodies. ", "A retrospective observational multicenter study on HIT was conducted in France. ", "In this study concerning HIT patients treated with lepirudin, 12 patients were treated with lepirudin because danaparoid cross-reacted with the heparin-dependent antibodies. ", "Three groups of situations can be separated. ", "In a first group, four patients received a short course of danaparoid until their initial functional HIT assay showed a cross-reactivity between danaparoid and HIT antibodies. ", "One patient presented a fatal thrombotic complication but the relationship between this thrombotic complication and danaparoid cross-reactivity cannot be certain. ", "In a second group, four patients received for 4 days at least a danaparoid treatment while the initial functional test did not show any danaparoid cross-reactivity. ", "During danaparoid treatment, no significant increase of platelet count was observed and two patients presented a fatal thrombotic complication. ", "In a third group, cross-reactivity between danaparoid and HIT antibodies was not checked before danaparoid therapy. ", "During danaparoid treatment, no significant increase of platelet count was observed and the four patients developed a venous thromboembolic complication. ", "Absence of any increase in platelet count after 3 to 5 days of danaparoid therapy and/or the occurrence of a new thrombotic event should lead to danaparoid cross-reactivity suspicion. ", "However, before attributing thrombotic complications to danaparoid cross-reactivity, it is crucial to verify that the patients received the recommended danaparoid dosage regimen." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.010309278350515464, 0.00980392156862745, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005434782608695652, 0.0056179775280898875 ]
[ "# Preface\n\nLast updated:\n\\today\n\nCover art by [Erick Zelaya](http://erickzelaya.me/) sponsored by\n[Ardan Studios](http://www.ardanstudios.com/)\n\nThe Gopher character on the cover is based on the Go mascot designed by [Renée French](http://reneefrench.blogspot.com/) and copyrighted under the [Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/).", "\n\n\nThis book is a companion book to the Go Bootcamp event organized for the\nfirst time in Santa Monica CA in March 2014.", "\n\nYou don't need to install Go to read this book and follow along. ", "This book was designed\nto delay the setup process and let you evaluate Go without having to go through the\ninstallation process. ", "All examples and solutions are available online in an environment\nallowing you to execute code right in the browser.", "\n" ]
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[ 0.015665796344647518, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nShould I resist deleting my own answer because I don't think the asker is \"understanding\" my answer?", "\n\nEdit: In response to the vote to close as \"too localized\", I am trying to make this a bit more general.", "\nIf I post an answer to a question, and a comment thread between myself and the asker suggests that we are not understanding each other, is it bad to delete my answer as a result? (", "I am leaning toward 'yes', it's bad)\nIn response to this question, I posted this answer (10k+ only). ", "The ensuing comments lead me to \"give up\", and simply delete my answer. ", "I came to think that the asker and I simply were not coming to a common ground to discuss the issue, and blame that as much on myself as him. (", "if I thought it was only his problem, I wouldn't have deleted, on the assumption that forthcoming up votes would 'vindicate' my position).", "\nBut now I'm wondering if that was not a bad idea, actually.", "\nI'm not so much looking for commentary on the technical aspects of my answer and my comments. ", "I think we were both missing each others' point at the edges. ", "But did I do 'harm' by removing some potentially useful content from the site in general? (", "the answer to which I suppose will have some small implication of technical usefulness)\nIt's not an issue of the 'comment thread' at this point. ", "I just want an opinion: Did I selfishly 'rage-delete' and, therefore, should undelete?", "\n\nA:\n\nMore important than your answer was the commentary between you and the OP. ", " Others who come across this question may suffer the same issues that you did in attempting to help this person.", "\nFurther, google searches down the road may throw people onto this page, and your answer may help them, even though it might not address the OPs precise needs.", "\nWere I in your shoes I'd leave the answer up.", "\n\nA:\n\nIMO, you didn't do anything wrong.", "\nThe comments on the answer indicate a disconnect between yourself and what the asker of the question is trying to determine.", "\nOverall, it's the content of the entire topic that's important.", "\nIf it's a valid question, and as someone posting an answer you can't contribute in a constructive way (and this is not an indication that you were acting out of line, just that there is a disconnect, and that's ok), it's better to not answer at all. ", " It takes away from the overall content of the post and that's really what's best for the site.", "\nRemember, it takes two (or in SO's case, sometimes one if self-answered, or more than one, with multiple answers, you get the point). ", " If you aren't compatible in one question, there's many more that I'm sure you're compatible for.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "### 川普:贸易协议进展顺利 中方不得不达成协议\n------------------------\n\n#### [首页](https://github.com/gfw-breaker/banned-news/blob/master/README.md) &nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp; [手把手翻墙教程](https://github.com/gfw-breaker/guides/wiki) &nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp; [禁闻聚合安卓版](https://github.com/gfw-breaker/bn-android) &nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp; [网门安卓版](https://github.com/oGate2/oGate) &nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp; [神州正道安卓版](https://github.com/SzzdOgate/update) \n\n\n\n<div class=\"zhidingtu\">\n <div class=\"ar-wrap-3x2\">\n <img alt=\"美国总统川普(AP)\" class=\"ar-wrap-inside-fill\" src=\"http://img.soundofhope.org/2019/10/chuanpu8-600x400-600x400.jpg\"/>\n </div>\n <div class=\"caption\">\n 美国总统川普(AP)\n </div>\n</div>\n<hr/>\n\n\n#### [翻墙必看视频(文昭、江峰、法轮功、八九六四、香港反送中...)](https://github.com/gfw-breaker/banned-news/blob/master/pages/links.md)\n\n<div class=\"content\">\n <p>\n <span class=\"content-info-date\">\n 【希望之声2019年10月22日】\n </span>\n <span class=\"content-info-type\">\n (本台记者宋月综合报导)\n </span>\n 针对美中第13轮贸易谈判达成第一阶段协议共识,本周一(10月21日),总统川普(特朗普)再次表示,对该协议能够签署感到乐观,因中国供应链正在崩溃,不得不达成协议。", "\n </p>\n <div class=\"widget ad-300x250 ad-ecf\">\n <!-- ", "ZW30 Post Embed 300x250 1 -->\n <ins class=\"adsbygoogle\" data-ad-client=\"ca-pub-1519518652909441\" data-ad-slot=\"9768754376\" style=\"display:inline-block;width:300px;height:250px\">\n </ins>\n </div>\n <p>\n 川普总统周一在白宫向记者表示:「与中国的协议进展非常顺利,他们想要达成协议。」", "\n </p>\n <p>\n 川普说,贸易战正在使中国失去不少的在华外企,对中国经济带来严重影响,「某种程度上,中国不得不达成协议……因为他们的供应链正在崩溃。」", "\n </p>\n <p>\n 川普总统还表示,从很多方面来看,中美双方在第二阶段谈判中所要解决的问题,比第一阶段要“更加容易”。", "\n </p>\n <p>\n 根据第一阶段协议内容,美国暂缓10月15日对中2500亿美元商品提升关税,而中方承诺大量采购美国农产品。美国财政部长史蒂芬·姆努钦(Steven Mnuchin)指出,美中第一阶段已在几个关键议题上达成共识,包括知识产权,货币与外汇在内的金融服务,以及有关农业的「非常重大的结构性议题」。接下来将进入第二阶段,处理非金融服务等议题。", "\n </p>\n <p>\n 美国贸易代表莱特希泽(Robert Lighthizer)也再度强调,川普政府仍希望在下月16日至17日的APEC智利峰会上,达成第一阶段的美中贸易协议。但目前还有一些问题要解决,本周五(10月25日)他将同财政部长姆努钦(Steven Mnuchin)与中方代表进行电话会谈协商。", "\n </p>\n <div class=\"content-info-btm\">\n <p class=\"content-info-zerenbianji\">\n <span class=\"content-info-title\">\n 责任编辑:\n </span>\n <span class=\"content-info-content\">\n 蔡紅\n </span>\n </p>\n </div>\n</div>\n\n<hr/>\n手机上长按并复制下列链接或二维码分享本文章:<br/>\nhttps://github.com/gfw-breaker/banned-news/blob/master/pages/soh_rdzz/n3274860.md <br/>\n<a href='https://github.com/gfw-breaker/banned-news/blob/master/pages/soh_rdzz/n3274860.md'><img src='https://github.com/gfw-breaker/banned-news/blob/master/pages/soh_rdzz/n3274860.md.png'/></a> <br/>\n原文地址(需翻墙访问):http://www.soundofhope.org/gb/2019/10/22/n3274860.html\n\n\n------------------------\n#### [首页](https://github.com/gfw-breaker/banned-news/blob/master/README.md) &nbsp;|&nbsp; [一键翻墙软件](https://github.com/gfw-breaker/nogfw/blob/master/README.md) &nbsp;| [《九评共产党》](https://github.com/gfw-breaker/9ping.md/blob/master/README.md#九评之一评共产党是什么) | [《解体党文化》](https://github.com/gfw-breaker/jtdwh.md/blob/master/README.md) | [《共产主义的终极目的》](https://github.com/gfw-breaker/gczydzjmd.md/blob/master/README.md)\n\n\n<img src='http://gfw-breaker.win/banned-news/pages/soh_rdzz/n3274860.md' width='0px' height='0px'/>" ]
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[ "Download Screencast O Matic Video Recorder For Android\n\ndownload screencast o matic\n\nScreencast o matic for android: Screencast o matic is an android screen recording app that helps you record your phone screen at display and record videos.", "\n\nThe free version, which has limited features compared to the Pro allows your to record up-to 15 mins of action on your phone screen. ", "It has a gallery to save up our recordings for Play, Edit and Delete. ", "Also, Screen shots can be shared and Videos uploaded to YouTube HD." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0.02857142857142857, 0.029850746268656716 ]
[ "the prime factors of f(x).", "\n7, 73\nLet s(i) = 80*i**2 - 2864*i + 17177. ", "What are the prime factors of s(6)?", "\n13, 17\nLet j(d) = -7*d**2 - 19*d - 23. ", "Let l(a) = 20*a**2 + 56*a + 68. ", "Let z = -38 + 32. ", "Let s(q) = z*l(q) - 17*j(q). ", "What are the prime factors of s(-8)?", "\n23\nLet k = 46783 + -25969. ", "List the prime factors of k.\n2, 3, 3469\nLet j(a) = -a**3 - 2*a**2 - a - 1. ", "Let f(m) = -3*m**3 - 10*m**2 - m + 197. ", "Let r(z) = f(z) - 4*j(z). ", "What are the prime factors of r(0)?", "\n3, 67\nLet z be ((-3)/(15/116))/((-64)/160). ", "Let q = 64 - z. What are the prime factors of (q/(-9))/(-2)*99?", "\n3, 11\nLet o be 1 + 0*4/28. ", "Let p(j) = 590*j**2 - 5*j + 5. ", "What are the prime factors of p(o)?", "\n2, 5, 59\nLet u = 414 + -411. ", "Suppose -r = u - 931. ", "What are the prime factors of r?", "\n2, 29\nSuppose 2*i + 20 = -m + 5*m, 4*m - 5*i - 26 = 0. ", "Suppose m*a - 1458 = 10*a. ", "Let u = a + 403. ", "What are the prime factors of u?", "\n2, 5\nLet m be 4*((-28)/14 + 3/2). ", "List the prime factors of (84/(-15))/(m/155).", "\n2, 7, 31\nSuppose -155*b - 150647 = -157*b - 3*w, 0 = -5*b - 5*w + 376640. ", "What are the prime factors of b?", "\n75337\nLet f be 90/126 - 2/(-7). ", "Suppose 3*s - f = -4*g + 19, 0 = 3*g + 2*s - 14. ", "Suppose 4*z - 28 = -5*y, 0 = -z - z - g*y + 16. ", "List the prime factors of z.\n2, 3\nLet j = 664 + -665. ", "List the prime factors of (10/40)/(j/(-2))*3002.", "\n19, 79\nLet x = -385 + 121. ", "Let f = -133 - x. List the prime factors of f.\n131\nLet d = 3326 - -847. ", "List the prime factors of d.\n3, 13, 107\nList the prime factors of (5/(-15))/(14/(-94542)).", "\n2251\nSuppose -10470 = a - 32287. ", "List the prime factors of a.\n21817\nLet k(c) = -c**3 + 34*c**2 + 68*c - 994. ", "What are the prime factors of k(29)?", "\n71, 73\nList the prime factors of (10 - 82)/8 - -6134.", "\n5, 7\nLet v be 2 - 157*3/(-3 + 0). ", "Let q = v + -50. ", "List the prime factors of q.\n109\nLet t = -6 - -16. ", "Let i be 1*t*18 + 5. ", "Suppose 235 = 3*v - i. List the prime factors of v.\n2, 5, 7\nLet n(j) = -j**3 - 10*j**2 - 10*j - 3. ", "Let g be n(-9). ", "Let u(h) = -5*h + 21. ", "Let f be u(g). ", "List the prime factors of -4*41*f/12*1.", "\n3, 41\nList the prime factors of 3 - -1496 - (-418)/(-22).", "\n2, 5, 37\nLet i(n) = -n**3 - 19*n**2 - 59*n + 332. ", "What are the prime factors of i(-29)?", "\n10453\nSuppose 104224 = 5*n + f, 2*n - 63*f - 41695 = -64*f. ", "List the prime factors of n.\n19, 1097\nList the prime factors of 4447 + -144 - (4/(-1) - -13)*-1.", "\n2, 7, 11\nLet z(f) = -5692*f + 773. ", "What are the prime factors of z(-8)?", "\n46309\nWhat are the prime factors of (-1)/(180/(-40)) + 1404453/27?", "\n3, 7, 2477\nSuppose -p - 3839 = 463. ", "List the prime factors of 2/14 + (0 - p/21).", "\n5, 41\nSuppose -26 = 5*k - 36, 0 = 4*d + 2*k - 32. ", "Let u(f) = 28*f**2 - 3*f + 37. ", "List the prime factors of u(d).", "\n2, 347\nSuppose 4 = 2*f - 4*u, 0 = 2*f - 5*u - 0 - 1. ", "Let o be f/(-4) - (2 - 34). ", "Suppose o*v = 33*v - 261. ", "List the prime factors of v.\n3, 29\nSuppose 0 = -q + 4*x + 2, 3*x - x = q - 2. ", "Let f(i) = -2 - 3*i**3 + 2 - 10*i - 7 - q*i**2 - 4*i**2. ", "List the prime factors of f(-4).", "\n3, 43\nSuppose 5*t = 5*i, -5*t = -14*i + 15*i - 30. ", "Suppose 0 = 4*a - 8, -o + i*o + a - 3734 = 0. ", "List the prime factors of o.\n3, 311\nSuppose 0 = 2*u - 5*s + 65, 4*s = 2*s + 2. ", "Let x = u + 47. ", "Suppose -o = 4*h - 84, 5*h + 3 = -x. ", "List the prime factors of o.\n2, 5\nLet c(y) = y**3 - 11*y**2 - 11*y + 24. ", "Let b(s) = 2*s**3 + 6*s**2 - 7*s - 3. ", "Let n be b(3). ", "Suppose -5*m = -12*m + n. List the prime factors of c(m).", "\n2, 3\nSuppose 5*y + 2*q = -887 - 261, -12 = 3*q. ", "Let z = y - -389. ", "List the prime factors of z.\n7, 23\nSuppose 2 = -q + 4*m - 0, 3*m - 18 = -2*q. ", "Let x(g) = -17*g**3 - q*g + 7 + 18*g**3 + 5 + 7*g**2. ", "What are the prime factors of x(-5)?", "\n2, 23\nLet g(i) = -2671*i - 2456. ", "What are the prime factors of g(-11)?", "\n3, 5, 359\nLet z = 1289 - 899. ", "Suppose -311 = 4*y - 335. ", "Suppose 0*q - y*q = -z. ", "What are the prime factors of q?", "\n5, 13\nLet t(s) = s**2 + 35*s + 54. ", "Let l be (6 + 260/(-15))*3. ", "List the prime factors of t(l).", "\n2, 5\nLet u(q) = -q**3 - 15*q**2 - 10*q + 58. ", "Let o be u(-14). ", "Suppose -2*c + 3*h - 8*h + 524 = 0, o*c - 5*h = 524. ", "What are the prime factors of c?", "\n2, 131\nList the prime factors of 4562/(-16)*-8 + -9.", "\n2, 71\nSuppose 5*f - 3*a = 83, 3*f - 7*f + 84 = 2*a. ", "Let j = 24 - f. Suppose 0 = j*r + 19 - 194. ", "What are the prime factors of r?", "\n5, 7\nSuppose 0 = -9*b + 11*b - 660. ", "Suppose 5*q = -5*u - b, -3*u - 7*q - 201 = -3*q. ", "Let r = -21 - u. What are the prime factors of r?", "\n2, 3, 7\nLet o(w) = 215*w**3 + 2*w**2 - 9*w + 8. ", "Let z be 1/(-3 + (-66)/(-21)) - 6. ", "What are the prime factors of o(z)?", "\n2, 3\nSuppose 2*v - 7 = z, 10 = 2*v + 2*z - 4*z. ", "Suppose 4*d - 252 = -v*d. ", "Suppose -4*b - 194 = -2*k, 5*k + b = 388 + d. What are the prime factors of k?", "\n3, 29\nSuppose 0*q + 5 = 2*f - 5*q, 2*f - 15 = -5*q. ", "Let i be (f/(10/(-3)))/((-4)/8). ", "Suppose -i*v + 320 = 119. ", "List the prime factors of v.\n67\nSuppose 3*u - 2*k - 12 = 3, 2*k = -2*u + 10. ", "Suppose -3*l + 1096 = -u*a, -4*a = -4*l - 2*a + 1452. ", "List the prime factors of l.\n2, 181\nSuppose -14*s + 48400 = 11*s. ", "Suppose 824 = 4*o - 2*x - 726, 5*o = 3*x + s. What are the prime factors of o?", "\n389\nLet j(w) = 17*w**2 + 21*w - 12. ", "Let v be j(-9). ", "Suppose -9*o = -15*o + v. What are the prime factors of o?", "\n2, 7\nSuppose 12*c + 184*c = -54*c + 4300750. ", "List the prime factors of c.\n17203\nLet x(t) = 65*t - 5475. ", "What are the prime factors of x(89)?", "\n2, 5, 31\nLet o(x) = -x**3 - 17*x**2 + 10*x + 44. ", "Let d be 2/((-12)/(-18)) + -21. ", "What are the prime factors of o(d)?", "\n2, 47\nLet n(h) = 7*h**3 - 2*h**2 - h + 2. ", "Let s(v) = -14*v + 239. ", "Let y be s(17). ", "What are the prime factors of n(y)?", "\n2, 3\nLet v(k) = -k**3 - 16*k**2 - 18*k - 35. ", "Let h be v(-15). ", "Suppose 0 = -5*q + h*q - 20. ", "Suppose -q*g - 3 = -11. ", "List the prime factors of g.\n2\nSuppose 0 = -4*q + 3*x + 14, -5*q + 9 = 2*x + 3. ", "Suppose -q*s + 21 = -7. ", "Suppose 270 = -s*i + 17*i. ", "List the prime factors of i.\n2, 3, 5\nLet i(w) = 89*w**2 + 10*w - 8. ", "What are the prime factors of i(3)?", "\n823\nLet b(u) = 10*u**2 + 28*u + 85. ", "What are the prime factors of b(-10)?", "\n5, 7, 23\nLet a(i) = 6*i**2 + 9*i + 18. ", "Let x(b) = -18*b**2 - 26*b - 55. ", "Let l(g) = -8*a(g) - 3*x(g). ", "Let s be l(-6). ", "Let o = -44 + s. What are the prime factors of o?", "\n157\nLet c(s) = s - 5. ", "Let x be c(11). ", "Suppose 0 = 15*u + 85 + 35. ", "What are the prime factors of 174/(2 + u/x)?", "\n3, 29\nLet b = 619 - -1183. ", "Let o = 2538 - b. List the prime factors of o.\n2, 23\nLet s(u) = 25*u - 34. ", "Suppose 15*d - 41 - 19 = 0. ", "What are the prime factors of s(d)?", "\n2, 3, 11\nLet s = -43 + 77. ", "Let p = 57 - s. Let l = 18 + p. List the prime factors of l.\n41\nLet n = -139 + 1547. ", "Suppose 0*a - l - n = -2*a, -5*a - 4*l + 3520 = 0. ", "List the prime factors of a.\n2, 11\nLet p(m) be the first derivative of -61*m**2/2 + 1488*m - 21. ", "What are the prime factors of p(0)?", "\n2, 3, 31\nLet b(a) = a**2 - 6*a + 7. ", "Let w be b(5). ", "List the prime factors of (-385)/(-10)*w*(-60)/(-14).", "\n2, 3, 5, 11\nSuppose -6*u + 2718 + 1110 = 0. ", "Let h = -450 + u. Let t = h + -128. ", "List the prime factors of t.\n2, 3, 5\nSuppose 6*k - 11*k = 1380. ", "Suppose m = -r + 464, 4*r + m - 1860 = -4*m. ", "Let x = k + r. List the prime factors of x.\n2, 23\nSuppose 111*m - 3*t = 113*m - 23082, 0 = 3*m + t - 34602. ", "List the prime factors of m.\n2, 3, 31\nSuppose 0 = -v + 32 + 16. ", "Let z = -44 + v. Suppose -z*s - 4*l = -0*s - 364, -4*l = 2*s - 174. ", "What are the prime factors of s?", "\n5, 19\nLet i = 17214 - 9484. ", "Suppose p = 11*p - i. List the prime factors of p.\n773\nLet v(k) = -5*k**3 + 54*k**2 - 10*k + 53. ", "Let i(g) = -9*g**3 + 109*g**2 - 22*g + 107. ", "Let u(p) = 3*i(p) - 5*v(p). ", "List the prime factors of u(28).", "\n2, 7\nSuppose 2*t - 5755 = -8*n + 5*n, 0 = -3*t - n + 8622. ", "Suppose 2*c + g - 1151 = -0*g, 0 = -5*c - 4*g + t. List the prime factors of c.\n577\nSuppose 23*u - 5*y = 24*u - 8040, 2*u - 16098 = -4*y. ", "List the prime factors of u.\n3, 5, 179\nSuppose -119 = -2*v - 117. ", "Suppose -2*x + 7 = 1. ", "Let q = x - v. What are the prime factors of q?", "\n2\nSuppose 290875 - 977011 = -24*q. ", "What are the prime factors of q?", "\n11, 23, 113\nSuppose 398*h - 412*h + 211834 = 0. ", "What are the prime factors of h?", "\n15131\nLet s be (-2)/(5/((-5)/(-4)))*18. ", "Let k be 2/(-4)*36/s. Suppose -3*n = -10 - k. List the prime factors of n.\n2\nSuppose 12*o = 78464 + 129532. ", "What are the prime factors of o?", "\n17333\nLet l = -3597 + 7320. ", "List the prime factors of l.\n3, 17, 73\nSuppose 20*h - 12 = 16*h. ", "Suppose 2*v - h*f = -" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
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[ " + 18*y + 1. ", "Let m(f) = -20*f**2 - 54*f - 3. ", "Let t(s) = -m(s) - 3*o(s). ", "Give t(n(u)).", "\n31433*u**4 + 4386*u**2 + 153\nLet i(d) = 52*d - 29*d + 6*d - 28*d. ", "Let h(c) = -2290*c. ", "Calculate i(h(f)).", "\n-2290*f\nLet t(h) = -39*h - 2. ", "Let n(u) = -37*u**2 - 95*u. ", "Determine n(t(b)).", "\n-56277*b**2 - 2067*b + 42\nLet b(h) be the second derivative of -h**3/2 + 2*h + 3217. ", "Let r(a) = 89*a - 1. ", "Give b(r(c)).", "\n-267*c + 3\nLet y(h) = 31*h + 2. ", "Let x(p) = 22*p + 3*p + 6*p + 3*p - 10*p. ", "Determine x(y(t)).", "\n744*t + 48\nLet l(r) = 2*r + 9. ", "Let j(g) = g + 2. ", "Let z(u) = 35*u - 2*u**2 - 12 - 76*u + 35*u. ", "Let s(a) = 6*j(a) + z(a). ", "Calculate s(l(v)).", "\n-8*v**2 - 72*v - 162\nLet c(q) be the second derivative of -7*q**3/6 + 4*q**2 - 142*q. ", "Let l(f) = -13*f + 14. ", "Let r(m) = 7*c(m) - 4*l(m). ", "Let w(z) = -75*z. ", "Give w(r(i)).", "\n-225*i\nLet z(g) be the second derivative of -107*g**3 + 407*g. ", "Let q(p) = 3*p**2. ", "Determine z(q(o)).", "\n-1926*o**2\nLet h(k) = -22*k - 6. ", "Let a(g) be the first derivative of 10*g**2 + 5*g - 13. ", "Let f(x) = 4*a(x) + 3*h(x). ", "Let r(z) = 2*z. ", "Calculate r(f(j)).", "\n28*j + 4\nLet t(q) = -q**2 - 2. ", "Let w(u) = 6*u + 5. ", "Let g(z) be the third derivative of 7*z**4/24 + z**3 + 2*z**2 - 31. ", "Let i(v) = -5*g(v) + 6*w(v). ", "Determine t(i(r)).", "\n-r**2 - 2\nLet n(p) = -11*p**2 + 1. ", "Let i = -48 + 53. ", "Let l = -2 + i. Let a(o) = -2*o**2 + 5*o - 8*o + l*o. ", "Give n(a(y)).", "\n-44*y**4 + 1\nSuppose -2*l + 27 = -3*g, 723*g = 3*l + 728*g - 50. ", "Let p(u) be the second derivative of 0*u**2 + l*u + 1/6*u**3 + 0. ", "Let v(s) = -16*s**2. ", "Determine p(v(a)).", "\n-16*a**2\nLet v(i) = i**2. ", "Suppose 31 = 2*o + 5*a, -3*a - 2*a + 25 = 0. ", "Let f(q) = -2*q - 1. ", "Let s(d) = -5*d - 7. ", "Let y(z) = o*f(z) - s(z). ", "Calculate y(v(l)).", "\n-l**2 + 4\nLet f(k) = -114*k - 324. ", "Let d(o) = -112*o - 216. ", "Let u(p) = -3*d(p) + 2*f(p). ", "Let q(j) = 30*j - 1. ", "What is u(q(z))?", "\n3240*z - 108\nLet q(o) = -79 + 40 + 39 - o. Let s(v) be the first derivative of -5*v**3/3 - v - 328. ", "What is q(s(w))?", "\n5*w**2 + 1\nLet u(m) = 3*m**2 + 7*m**2 - 2*m**2 + 2*m**2 - 14*m**2. ", "Let p(f) = 3 - 9*f**2 + 8*f**2 - 3. ", "Give u(p(q)).", "\n-4*q**4\nLet j(p) be the second derivative of p**4/6 + 40*p - 6. ", "Let w(a) = 2170*a. ", "Calculate w(j(t)).", "\n4340*t**2\nLet y(l) = -2*l. ", "Let s = 16 + 7. ", "Suppose -19*o = -s*o - 16. ", "Let n(v) = -225*v. ", "Let q(h) = -9*h. ", "Let i(d) = o*n(d) + 99*q(d). ", "What is y(i(w))?", "\n-18*w\nLet f(w) = 17*w + 6. ", "Let o(a) = 220*a - 59*a - 166*a. ", "Calculate o(f(z)).", "\n-85*z - 30\nLet s(v) = -5*v**2 - 258*v + 8*v**2 - 40 + 40 - v**2. ", "Let u(z) = -3*z. ", "Give u(s(d)).", "\n-6*d**2 + 774*d\nLet q(f) = f. Let c(v) be the second derivative of -v**6/36 - 65*v**3/6 + v + 2. ", "Let b(d) be the second derivative of c(d). ", "Calculate b(q(w)).", "\n-10*w**2\nLet t = 575 + -571. ", "Let h(i) = 5*i - i - t*i + 3*i. ", "Let b(u) = 35*u**2. ", "Determine h(b(c)).", "\n105*c**2\nLet x(w) = 9084645*w**2. ", "Let z(f) = f. Give x(z(l)).", "\n9084645*l**2\nLet i(o) = -101*o. ", "Let n be i(1). ", "Let s = n - -255. ", "Let v(z) = -80 - 74 - 23*z**2 + s. Let h(d) = 2*d. ", "Give v(h(f)).", "\n-92*f**2\nLet f be (3/2)/(60/5240). ", "Let a(v) = 2 + f*v - 2 + 5*v**2 - 131*v. ", "Let k(z) = -36*z**2 + 2. ", "Give k(a(i)).", "\n-900*i**4 + 2\nLet a(f) be the first derivative of -2*f**3/3 + 1. ", "Let c(d) be the first derivative of 130 + 0*d**2 + 0*d + 14/3*d**3. ", "What is a(c(z))?", "\n-392*z**4\nLet n(q) = -4*q - 8. ", "Let i(k) = -1. ", "Let r(p) = -8*i(p) + n(p). ", "Let t(w) = -w**2 + w - 1. ", "Let v(d) = -10*d**2 + 6*d - 6. ", "Let x(o) = -6*t(o) + v(o). ", "Give r(x(f)).", "\n16*f**2\nLet s(t) = 9*t**2 - 38*t. ", "Let x(g) = g**2 - 4*g. ", "Let r(q) = -4*s(q) + 38*x(q). ", "Let w(a) = -18*a**2 - 219*a + 2. ", "Determine w(r(n)).", "\n-72*n**4 - 438*n**2 + 2\nLet m(g) = -g. ", "Let b(i) = 646*i + 8 + 14 - 22 - 6205*i. ", "What is m(b(a))?", "\n5559*a\nLet m(u) = 19*u - 269. ", "Let c(f) = -14*f + 1. ", "Let q(g) = 254*g - 18. ", "Let l(z) = 18*c(z) + q(z). ", "Give m(l(y)).", "\n38*y - 269\nLet s(y) = -4*y - 1. ", "Suppose 0*f - 3*f + 50 = -5*g, 0 = 5*f - 3*g - 78. ", "Let a(z) = f*z**2 + 26*z**2 - 40*z**2. ", "What is a(s(l))?", "\n16*l**2 + 8*l + 1\nLet b(o) be the first derivative of 5*o**2/2 - 1293. ", "Let w(g) = 3*g**2 - 48*g. ", "Determine b(w(r)).", "\n15*r**2 - 240*r\nLet c(a) = 4*a. ", "Let y(n) be the first derivative of -49 - 15/2*n**2 + 0*n. ", "Give c(y(i)).", "\n-60*i\nLet a(h) = -2*h**2. ", "Let f(v) be the second derivative of v**5/60 + v**4/6 - 25*v**3/3 + 96*v + 2. ", "Let m(b) be the second derivative of f(b). ", "Calculate m(a(u)).", "\n-4*u**2 + 4\nSuppose 4*l = 80 - 20. ", "Let d(x) = -22*x**2 + 20 - 5 - l + 18*x**2. ", "Let y(q) be the first derivative of 11*q**3/3 - 1. ", "What is d(y(v))?", "\n-484*v**4\nLet t(n) = 2*n**2 + 24*n - 8. ", "Let a(f) = -2*f**2 - 18*f + 6. ", "Let u(m) = -4*a(m) - 3*t(m). ", "Let g(k) = 19*k**2. ", "Determine g(u(q)).", "\n76*q**4\nLet y(z) = 3*z + 7. ", "Let n(f) = -28215*f. ", "What is y(n(g))?", "\n-84645*g + 7\nLet c(f) = -3654*f**2 - 42*f + 504. ", "Let v(y) = 434*y**2 + 5*y - 60. ", "Let z(n) = -5*c(n) - 42*v(n). ", "Let p(i) = -2*i**2 - 6*i**2 - 2*i**2. ", "Give p(z(w)).", "\n-17640*w**4\nSuppose 310*h - 567 = 307*h. ", "Let n(d) = h*d - 374*d + 188*d. ", "Let q(r) = -2*r + 49. ", "Determine n(q(a)).", "\n-6*a + 147\nLet j(u) = -u**2. ", "Let n(o) = 1933*o - 12. ", "Let t(a) = -616630*a + 3830. ", "Let p(k) = 1915*n(k) + 6*t(k). ", "What is j(p(g))?", "\n-3667225*g**2\nLet w(n) be the third derivative of 17*n**5/12 - 805*n**2. ", "Let o(k) = -k**2. ", "What is w(o(q))?", "\n85*q**4\nLet n(a) = -5*a**2. ", "Let r(u) = u**2 + 11*u + 2. ", "Let v be r(-11). ", "Let g(d) = 2*d**2 - 5*d**v + 2*d**2. ", "Determine g(n(q)).", "\n-25*q**4\nLet u(j) be the first derivative of 0*j - 102 - 33/2*j**2. ", "Let l(b) = -2*b. ", "What is l(u(i))?", "\n66*i\nLet t(p) = -1364926*p**2. ", "Let g(u) = 41*u. ", "Give t(g(c)).", "\n-2294440606*c**2\nLet j(o) = 130*o**2. ", "Let q(y) = 77*y**2 + 30*y - 30. ", "Let w(c) = 437*c**2 + 171*c - 171. ", "Let h(s) = -57*q(s) + 10*w(s). ", "Determine h(j(n)).", "\n-321100*n**4\nLet b(k) = k. Let x(t) = -t**2 - 1017 + 0*t**2 - 1615*t - t**2 + 1615*t. ", "Determine b(x(g)).", "\n-2*g**2 - 1017\nLet b(k) = -29*k**2 + 2*k + 44. ", "Let i(d) = 2*d - 1662. ", "What is i(b(h))?", "\n-58*h**2 + 4*h - 1574\nLet o(s) = 7*s**2. ", "Let w(z) = -694*z - 13453 + 13453. ", "Give w(o(q)).", "\n-4858*q**2\nLet d(j) = j**2. ", "Let x(s) = -2169*s**2 + 272*s**2 - 3100*s**2 - 1854*s**2 + 694*s**2. ", "Determine d(x(o)).", "\n37908649*o**4\nLet z(o) = 66*o**2. ", "Let t(h) be the first derivative of 282 + 265 + h**2 - 590. ", "Give t(z(b)).", "\n132*b**2\nLet d(b) = 4*b**2. ", "Let k(i) be the first derivative of -416*i**3/3 + 1358. ", "Give d(k(h)).", "\n692224*h**4\nLet w(m) = 4*m**2 + 4 - 4. ", "Let g(i) = -66*i + 182. ", "Let t(v) = -33*v + 84. ", "Let k(n) = -6*g(n) + 13*t(n). ", "Calculate k(w(s)).", "\n-132*s**2\nLet t(x) = -46*x**2. ", "Let b(m) be the second derivative of -397*m**3/6 - 4383*m. ", "Determine t(b(j)).", "\n-7250014*j**2\nLet o(j) = 3*j - 54725. ", "Let u(y) = 850*y - 2. ", "What is o(u(z))?", "\n2550*z - 54731\nLet s(d) be the first derivative of -3*d**2/2 - 433. ", "Let p(z) = 419*z. ", "What is p(s(x))?", "\n-1257*x\nLet x(w) = -24*w**2. ", "Let h(i) be the first derivative of -i + 215. ", "Let j(g) = g + 2. ", "Let l(m) = -2*h(m) - j(m). ", "Calculate l(x(s)).", "\n24*s**2\nLet i(j) = 23*j**2. ", "Let p(b) = 75*b**2 + 1. ", "Let r(l) = 19*l**2. ", "Let t(u) = -p(u) + 3*r(u). ", "Determine t(i(g)).", "\n-9522*g**4 - 1\nLet a be -13 + 7 - 4/((-16)/780). ", "Let g(m) = -98*m - 102*m + a*m. ", "Let t(f) = -3*f**2 - f**2 + 3*f**2. ", "Calculate t(g(u)).", "\n-121*u**2\nLet p(s) = -s - 1. ", "Let o(g) = 28*g**2 - 112*g - 112. ", "Let k(m) = -o(m) + 112*p(m). ", "Let y(d) be the third derivative of -d**4/12 + 51376*d**2. ", "Give k(y(a)).", "\n-112*a**2\nLet n(t) = 4796084*t - 20. ", "Let o(i) = -5*i**2. ", "Calculate n(o(q)).", "\n-23980420*q**2 - 20\nLet c be 24/6*((-20)/(-8))/5. ", "Let b(l) = 226 + 0*l**c - 226 - 2*l**2. ", "Let m(y) be the second derivative of 5*y**3/3 + y. Calculate b(m(k)).", "\n-200*k**2\nLet z(r) = 18*r**2 + 28. ", "Let p(b) = -6*b**2 - 10. ", "Let k(x) = 14*p(x) + 5*z(x). ", "Let g(u) = 31*u**2 - 2. ", "Give k(g(a)).", "\n5766*a**4 - 744*a**2 + 24\nLet u(m) = -5*m**2 - 68. ", "Let x(s) = -7*s**2 + 672*s + 6. ", "Let d(t) = 114*t**2 - 10640*t - 95. ", "Let w(l) = -6*d(l) - 95*x(l). ", "Give w(u(k)).", "\n-475*k**4 - 12920*k**2 - 87856\nLet k(u) be the first derivative of 3/2*u**2 + 0*u + 63. ", "Let b(p) = -2*p**2 - 7*p**2 - 6*p**2. ", "What is k(b(d))?", "\n-45*d**2\nLet y(i) = i + 1. ", "Let n(x) = -16*x - 26. ", "Let j(z) = 6*n(z) + 156*y(z). ", "Let a(v) be the third derivative of -v**5/30 + 339*v**2. ", "What is j(a(o))?", "\n-120*o**2\nLet m(o) = 148 + 153 + 63*o**2 - 62*o**2 - 301. ", "Let a(w) = 2*w + 1088. ", "Give m(a(g)).", "\n4*g**2 + 4352*g + 1183744\nLet d(t) be the third derivative of -2*t**4/3 - t**3/3 + 55*t**2 + t. Let z(p) = 4*p + 22. ", "Determine z(d(m)).", "\n-64*m + 14\nLet k(r) = -28" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
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[ "ffffff?", "\n1\nFour letters picked without replacement from ivktikkvtjmkk. ", "Give prob of sequence kkik.", "\n1/143\nThree letters picked without replacement from aaaa. ", "Give prob of sequence aaa.", "\n1\nFour letters picked without replacement from {j: 3, g: 4, x: 3, o: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence oxjj?", "\n1/440\nFour letters picked without replacement from {q: 7, a: 4}. ", "Give prob of sequence qaaa.", "\n7/330\nFour letters picked without replacement from lmecuyeccuyl. ", "What is prob of sequence yymc?", "\n1/1980\nFour letters picked without replacement from {t: 2, y: 2, n: 2, x: 1, o: 3, v: 4}. ", "Give prob of sequence xovn.", "\n1/1001\nFour letters picked without replacement from jwithtjbjhiwhwwt. ", "Give prob of sequence tjbw.", "\n3/3640\nWhat is prob of sequence mm when two letters picked without replacement from mmtmmtm?", "\n10/21\nTwo letters picked without replacement from mtvtvvtvmdtytdvtvvt. ", "What is prob of sequence tv?", "\n49/342\nThree letters picked without replacement from aeaeeeeeueuluel. ", "Give prob of sequence uuu.", "\n1/455\nTwo letters picked without replacement from jjowzjvjzvvyvy. ", "Give prob of sequence wz.", "\n1/91\nTwo letters picked without replacement from ysycpsdpppgd. ", "What is prob of sequence pc?", "\n1/33\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {f: 2, u: 3, a: 2, p: 2, i: 2, e: 4}. ", "Give prob of sequence fa.", "\n2/105\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {f: 3, q: 3, a: 3, u: 2, n: 3, b: 1}. ", "Give prob of sequence ff.", "\n1/35\nThree letters picked without replacement from rmmomruhrup. ", "Give prob of sequence rrr.", "\n1/165\nWhat is prob of sequence qfl when three letters picked without replacement from {l: 3, z: 2, f: 3, h: 3, q: 2}?", "\n3/286\nCalculate prob of sequence yw when two letters picked without replacement from {y: 2, v: 1, w: 1, m: 5}.", "\n1/36\nThree letters picked without replacement from rrrrrrprrpnnrnnn. ", "Give prob of sequence prn.", "\n3/112\nThree letters picked without replacement from ckcgckcgckckcck. ", "Give prob of sequence ggc.", "\n8/1365\nTwo letters picked without replacement from zzzxxzzzzzxxxgxzzz. ", "Give prob of sequence zx.", "\n11/51\nFour letters picked without replacement from jbibnbiaiiibabnb. ", "What is prob of sequence jaib?", "\n1/728\nCalculate prob of sequence jbb when three letters picked without replacement from {j: 6, b: 2}.", "\n1/28\nTwo letters picked without replacement from xgmumg. ", "Give prob of sequence mx.", "\n1/15\nWhat is prob of sequence yb when two letters picked without replacement from yyyybbbyybyyyyyyyy?", "\n28/153\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {e: 2, q: 4, w: 6}. ", "What is prob of sequence ee?", "\n1/66\nCalculate prob of sequence pp when two letters picked without replacement from {w: 4, f: 1, p: 5, q: 3}.", "\n5/39\nWhat is prob of sequence vl when two letters picked without replacement from fvfil?", "\n1/20\nTwo letters picked without replacement from qqnncnqqqnqqnnqqnqq. ", "Give prob of sequence nn.", "\n7/57\nCalculate prob of sequence lnl when three letters picked without replacement from {n: 3, l: 6, t: 6}.", "\n3/91\nThree letters picked without replacement from {d: 4, x: 2, k: 3, w: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence dwx?", "\n1/90\nCalculate prob of sequence jxjl when four letters picked without replacement from xxxxxxjjxlljl.", "\n21/2860\nCalculate prob of sequence br when two letters picked without replacement from {b: 5, r: 2}.", "\n5/21\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {w: 4, e: 2, l: 6}. ", "Give prob of sequence ww.", "\n1/11\nFour letters picked without replacement from {i: 3, e: 1, g: 2, l: 4}. ", "What is prob of sequence iilg?", "\n1/105\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {r: 2, u: 1, w: 3, a: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence ur?", "\n1/21\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {s: 7, v: 3, b: 8}. ", "Give prob of sequence sb.", "\n28/153\nWhat is prob of sequence osp when three letters picked without replacement from {p: 1, o: 1, s: 1, f: 1, l: 1}?", "\n1/60\nThree letters picked without replacement from zqdedqu. ", "Give prob of sequence dqe.", "\n2/105\nCalculate prob of sequence iip when three letters picked without replacement from {i: 5, p: 1, y: 5, b: 1}.", "\n1/66\nTwo letters picked without replacement from sfssff. ", "Give prob of sequence ss.", "\n1/5\nWhat is prob of sequence tljt when four letters picked without replacement from jooooojjlpjttjjjj?", "\n1/3570\nThree letters picked without replacement from {o: 3, z: 4, n: 3, y: 4, p: 3}. ", "What is prob of sequence pon?", "\n9/1360\nFour letters picked without replacement from {y: 2, e: 2, m: 1, q: 2, a: 1, h: 1}. ", "Give prob of sequence mhqa.", "\n1/1512\nTwo letters picked without replacement from wrx. ", "What is prob of sequence wx?", "\n1/6\nCalculate prob of sequence gkkg when four letters picked without replacement from {k: 3, g: 2}.", "\n1/10\nThree letters picked without replacement from iivgpvgivg. ", "What is prob of sequence pii?", "\n1/120\nCalculate prob of sequence aap when three letters picked without replacement from {a: 3, n: 4, j: 1, p: 1, t: 2}.", "\n1/165\nCalculate prob of sequence aaad when four letters picked without replacement from akkdkdddadddkaka.", "\n1/260\nThree letters picked without replacement from {m: 4, v: 1, p: 1, a: 1, x: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence pmx?", "\n1/84\nWhat is prob of sequence ete when three letters picked without replacement from eteo?", "\n1/12\nCalculate prob of sequence yyy when three letters picked without replacement from {y: 3, t: 1, f: 13}.", "\n1/680\nTwo letters picked without replacement from nknkkdiinnnqe. ", "What is prob of sequence qk?", "\n1/52\nThree letters picked without replacement from {p: 6, t: 3, g: 4, u: 1, q: 3, j: 1}. ", "Give prob of sequence tpt.", "\n1/136\nFour letters picked without replacement from {v: 1, x: 1, m: 1, y: 1, q: 2, w: 1}. ", "Give prob of sequence vxqw.", "\n1/420\nWhat is prob of sequence yyll when four letters picked without replacement from {b: 2, y: 2, l: 2}?", "\n1/90\nThree letters picked without replacement from sssqxnxsxq. ", "Give prob of sequence qns.", "\n1/90\nCalculate prob of sequence uwwm when four letters picked without replacement from gmcmwuwu.", "\n1/210\nWhat is prob of sequence elle when four letters picked without replacement from llelleeeel?", "\n5/63\nFour letters picked without replacement from kbwbkkbkwkgoq. ", "Give prob of sequence gbbb.", "\n1/2860\nThree letters picked without replacement from {v: 2, r: 7}. ", "What is prob of sequence rrv?", "\n1/6\nCalculate prob of sequence yqqq when four letters picked without replacement from {y: 1, q: 3}.", "\n1/4\nCalculate prob of sequence cq when two letters picked without replacement from cqqqc.", "\n3/10\nWhat is prob of sequence gmr when three letters picked without replacement from rrrgrrmrrrrgm?", "\n3/143\nThree letters picked without replacement from {s: 4, d: 5, g: 2, r: 4, l: 1}. ", "Give prob of sequence ldg.", "\n1/336\nThree letters picked without replacement from {z: 3, v: 4}. ", "Give prob of sequence vvv.", "\n4/35\nThree letters picked without replacement from ssbdddzzdbzabdzzjjzs. ", "Give prob of sequence jaj.", "\n1/3420\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {w: 2, r: 18}. ", "What is prob of sequence ww?", "\n1/190\nTwo letters picked without replacement from xcpppczppsppbpsspzp. ", "Give prob of sequence cz.", "\n2/171\nCalculate prob of sequence xwz when three letters picked without replacement from dmmxyzxdwzzymxmmmdx.", "\n2/969\nWhat is prob of sequence gygg when four letters picked without replacement from {y: 3, g: 5, p: 8}?", "\n3/728\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {f: 5, t: 2}. ", "What is prob of sequence ff?", "\n10/21\nCalculate prob of sequence ukwd when four letters picked without replacement from {u: 1, k: 3, w: 1, d: 1, q: 1}.", "\n1/280\nCalculate prob of sequence cv when two letters picked without replacement from vvvvcvvccc.", "\n4/15\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {x: 1, l: 2, u: 1, q: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence ux?", "\n1/20\nWhat is prob of sequence wcww when four letters picked without replacement from {c: 5, w: 3}?", "\n1/56\nThree letters picked without replacement from naaaaaaaan. ", "What is prob of sequence nna?", "\n1/45\nThree letters picked without replacement from {o: 5}. ", "Give prob of sequence ooo.", "\n1\nTwo letters picked without replacement from lwwwpwwwcwlctwwrcwcw. ", "What is prob of sequence cw?", "\n11/95\nCalculate prob of sequence ecce when four letters picked without replacement from ececeececeeeee.", "\n45/1001\nWhat is prob of sequence dlex when four letters picked without replacement from {l: 2, e: 1, d: 2, x: 1, f: 1}?", "\n1/210\nFour letters picked without replacement from hhhhhhhhh. ", "What is prob of sequence hhhh?", "\n1\nWhat is prob of se" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
[ 0.14285714285714285, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "New Testosterone Booster Hits the Shelves\n\n(Boston) – If you haven’t heard the whispers, there’s a new supplement at GNC that’s got executives interested. ", "Out of the tens of thousands of products sold by the nutrition giant, this particular supplement, a free testosterone booster known as Test X180 Ignite, is already well on its way to becoming one of GNC’s top 10 grossing products in a matter of months. ", "The success is borderline inexplicable so we decided to ask the company’s Chief Marketing Officer his secret.", "\n\n“It’s not complicated,” said the CMO. ", "We sell a great product at a lower price than many of our competitors. ", "Customers are smart – if you create a product that can benefit millions of Americans and it works, it’s going to sell. ", "That’s what we’ve done here.”", "\n\nDespite early success, Test X180 Ignite hasn’t been perfect. ", "Because the product’s key ingredient is a very rare fenugreek seed extract known as Testofen, being able to keep up with the demand has been a challenge. “", "It’s a good problem to have, but one we struggle with everyday,” said the CMO. “", "Reality is, the supply is limited and keeping up with our customers isn’t easy. ", "As we continue to work out the kinks in our supply chain, the best advice I can offer at the moment is if you see it, buy it, before you miss your opportunity. ", "I think you’ll be impressed by the results.”", "\n\nAs it turns out, unlike many other free testosterone boosters, with the help of a regular strength training routine, within a short amount of time, men who had taken Test X180 Ignite reported feeling:\n\nThe makers of Test X180 Ignite are so confident in their new product they are offering every man in the country a risk-free sample. ", "If you’re interested in giving it a shot, claim a sample here. ", "If you are not able to claim a bottle online, you may be able to find Test X180 Ignite at your local GNC.", "\n\nNote from the Author:\n\nI have to warn you before you start your search, the information you find may be overwhelming and has the potential of changing your view of the search subject forever. ", "Keep this in mind when completing your search.– ", "Heidi R.\n\n“Worlds Brightest” Military Grade Flashlight Now Available To Public Every Family Should Have This" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.012903225806451613, 0.003952569169960474, 0, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0.0125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005154639175257732, 0, 0.009259259259259259 ]
[ "**Core tip**: Advances in diagnostic imaging modalities have increased the frequency of incidental findings of pancreatic cysts, including of the intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) - a major risk factor of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). ", "Proper retainment of patients with IPMN and regular follow-up by routine imaging examination will likely improve early detection and better prognosis of PDAC. ", "Unfortunately, current guidelines only address management of PDAC derived from IPMN and overlook PDAC concomitant with IPMN. ", "Screening of patients with IPMN, by endoscopic ultrasonography (currently the most reliable modality for detecting small PDAC), may facilitate early detection of both IPMN-derived and -concomitant PDAC.", "\n\nINTRODUCTION\n============\n\nPancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) persists worldwide as a remarkably lethal malignancy with extremely poor prognosis. ", "The National Cancer Center Japan estimated that 39800 Japanese individuals developed PDAC in 2017, with 34100 among them having died; likewise, the 5-year survival rate for Japanese PDAC patients was only 7.8%. ", "One of major causes of poor prognosis for PDAC is the generally delayed diagnosis, which results in over 90% of diagnoses being made at stages III or IV\\[[@B1]\\]. ", "Egawa et al\\[[@B2]\\] reported the 5-year survival rates of PDAC according to the UICC International Union Against Cancer stages (6^th^ edition) as 68.7% for stage IA, 59.7% for IB, 30.2% for IIA, 13.3% for IIB, 4.7% for III, and 2.7% for IV. ", "This pattern of steady decline in survival suggests that even if patients with PDAC were to be diagnosed in the earliest stage (I), the prognostic outcomes would still be remarkably poor.", "\n\nOn the contrary, it was reported that the 5-year survival rate for early PDAC of size 10 mm or less was relatively good, at 80.4%; although the detection of such a small size PDAC could be made in up to only 0.8% of the total patient population. ", "The range of challenges to small PDAC detection encompass patient-related features (*e.g*., ", "asymptomatic presentation) and clinic-related limitations (*e.g*., ", "lack of established screening guidelines and the limits of visualization in ultrasonography (US), commonly used to observe the whole pancreas in screening). ", "Therefore, periodic screening is recommended for patients with PDAC, especially those identified as high-risk - such as patients with PDAC family history, diabetes mellitus, or chronic pancreatitis\\[[@B3]-[@B6]\\].", "\n\nPancreatic cysts, including the intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs), are another risk factor for PDAC\\[[@B7]-[@B9]\\]. ", "Hence, proper identification of affected patients and steady follow-up with routine imaging examinations will likely improve early detection rates and, consequently, prognosis of PDAC. ", "Unfortunately, there remains a lack of coalesced knowledge on IPMN case management for PDAC. ", "This review aimed to provide an informational foundation for a proper screening strategy for follow-up of IPMN cases, for IPMN-concomitant PDAC.", "\n\nPREVALENCE OF PANCREATIC CYSTS\n==============================\n\nWith the recent advancements in diagnostic imaging technologies involving magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the frequency of incidental detection of pancreatic cystic lesions has increased\\[[@B10]\\]. ", "Moreover, the minimum size for detection of a pancreatic cyst has decreased, with solitary cysts of only a few millimeters in size being identifiable\\[[@B10]\\].", "\n\nThe previous studies on the prevalence of incidental pancreatic cyst are summarized in Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Pancreatic cysts belong to a heterogeneous group of tumors, ranging from benign to malignant\\[[@B11]\\]. ", "The latter includes the precursor lesions of PDAC, such as the IPMNs and mucinous cystic neoplasms\\[[@B12]\\]. ", "The IPMNs are further subdivided according to location in the ducts. ", "The 2017 revised international guidelines\\[[@B13]\\] distinguished IPMNs in the main duct from those in the branch ducts. ", "Specifically, the branch-duct (BD)-IPMN was defined as located in the branch duct with dilation, having \\> 5 mm cyst size, and interacting with the main pancreatic duct.", "\n\n###### \n\nPrevious studies on prevalence of incidental pancreatic cysts\n\n **Article** **Country** **Design** **Method of detection** **Population** **Prevalence, %**\n --------------------------------- --------------- --------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------\n Kimura et al\\[[@B14]\\], 1995 Japan Retrospective Autopsy 300 consecutive autopsies in an elderly population 24.3\n Zhang et al\\[[@B20]\\], 2002 United States Retrospective 1.5 T MRI 1444 patients who underwent a MRI, including 323 patients performed for pancreatic or biliary indication 19.6\n Laffan et al\\[[@B17]\\], 2008 United States Retrospective 16-MDCT 2832 16-MDCT performed for nonpancreatic indication 2.6\n Lee et al\\[[@B21]\\], 2010 United States Retrospective 1.5 T MRI 616 MRI performed for nonpancreatic indication 13.5\n Girometti et al\\[[@B16]\\], 2011 Italy Retrospective 1.5 T MRI 152 MRI performed for nonpancreatic indication 44.7\n Ip et al\\[[@B18]\\], 2011 United States Retrospective CT or MRI\\* 17443 patients who underwent a CT and 2700 patients who underwent a MRI CT 2.2, MRI 15.9\n Matsubara et al\\[[@B22]\\], 2012 Japan Retrospective 1.5 T MRI 1226 MRI performed for nonpancreatic indication 10\n Sey et al\\[[@B23]\\], 2015 United States Prospective EUS 341 EUS performed for nonpancreatic indication 9.4\n Soroida et al\\[[@B19]\\], 2016 Japan Retrospective US 5198 US performed as part of a general health examination 3.5\n Moris et al\\[[@B10]\\], 2016 United States Retrospective 1.5 T or 3 T MRI 500 MRI performed for nonpancreatic indication 41.6\n Martínez et al\\[[@B24]\\], 2018 Spain Prospective EUS 298 EUS performed for nonpancreatic indication 21.5\n\n\\*There is no description of the MRI instrument model. ", "CT: Computed tomography; EUS: Endoscopic ultrasonography; MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging; PDAC: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma; US: Ultrasonography.", "\n\nAn investigation by Kimura et al\\[[@B14]\\] of the epithelial growth of small cystic lesions in 300 consecutive autopsy cases found cystic lesions in 24.3% (*n* = 73). ", "Histological analysis identified 47.5% as normal epithelium, 32.8% as papillary hyperplasia without atypia, 16.4% as atypical hyperplasia, and 3.4% as carcinoma *in situ*. ", "Apparently, the cystic lesions without normal epithelium were equivalent to IPMN. ", "In addition, Fernández-del Castillo et al\\[[@B15]\\] reported that most pancreatic cysts are mucinous cystic tumors (including IPMNs), and Girometti et al\\[[@B16]\\] found that 70.6% of the detected pancreatic cysts presented IPMN-like patterns (*i.e.*, polycystic, main pancreatic duct interaction, and \\> 5 mm) or an indeterminate pattern. ", "Considering these collective data, it seems that the majority of pancreatic cysts are actually representatives of IPMNs.", "\n\nThe reported prevalence rates for pancreatic cysts have varied depending on the imaging method used for detection. ", "Namely, the reported detection rates have been for 2.2%-2.6%\\[[@B17],[@B18]\\] for computed tomography (CT), 3.5%\\[[@B19]\\] for US, 10%-44.7%\\[[@B10],[@B16],[@B18],[@B20]-[@B22]\\] for MRI, and 9.4%-21.5%\\[[@B23],[@B24]\\] for endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS). ", "A similar amount of reports\\[[@B10],[@B14],[@B16],[@B17],[@B19]-[@B21],[@B23],[@B24]\\] have demonstrated aging as a significant risk factor for pancreatic cysts; in general, the frequency of pancreatic cysts among the elderly is over 20%.", "\n\nPDAC CONCOMITANT WITH IPMN\n==========================\n\nDefinitions of PDAC concomitant with IPMN and PDAC derived from IPMN\n--------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nUnlike the PDAC derived from IPMN, PDAC occurring concomitantly with IPMN features PDAC and IPMN that developed from different parts of the pancreatic parenchyma. ", "It has been suggested that these two forms of PDAC - that derived from IPMN and that concomitant with IPMN - should be considered as different diseases\\[[@B25]\\]. ", "However, in the case of PDAC having developed from tissue adjacent to the IPMN, the distinction between PDAC derived from IPMN and PDAC concomitant with IPMN will be difficult. ", "Molecular biomarkers, including the expression profile of MUC and the mutational status of GNAS and KRAS, may help to distinguish these two types of PDAC more clearly\\[[@B26],[@B27]\\].", "\n\nAssessment of concomitant PDAC in surgically resected IPMN\n----------------------------------------------------------\n\nThere have been several studies for PDAC concomitant with IPMN since the first report in 2002 by Yamaguchi et al\\[[@B28]\\]. ", "The reported incidence rates of PDAC concomitant with IPMN are 9%\\[[@B28]\\] and 4%\\[[@B29]\\], determined in two studies of surgically resected IPMN case series. ", "Ingkakul et al\\[[@B30]\\] found that 9.3% (*n* = 22) of patients with IPMN (*n* = 236) had concomitant PDAC, either synchronously or metachronously. ", "In addition, Yamaguchi et al\\[[@B25]\\] found 31 cases of PDAC concomitant with IPMN among 765 IPMN resections. ", "However, it seems that these results might represent under-estimations of the actual number of cases of PDAC concomitant with IPMN because of the study design used (*i.e*., ", "retrospective evaluation of surgically resected specimens).", "\n\nConversely, Matsubara et al\\[[@B22]\\] reported that, among a total of 116 PDAC patients, 65 (56%) presented with both PDAC and pancreatic cysts. ", "Moreover, 5 presented with cystic lesions (identified at least 2 year before the PDAC diagnosis) located upstream of the PDAC and 28 with lesions downstream of the PDAC. ", "These 33 cases with pancreatic cystic lesions were classified as \"preexisting\" PDAC, and accounted for 28% of the total 116 patients evaluated. ", "Accordingly, the actual frequency of PDAC concomitant with IPMN might be higher than the rates reported to date.", "\n\nFrequency of PDAC concomitant with IPMN among patients with BD-IPMNs\n--------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe previous studies that have examined the duration of concomitant PDAC development during the follow-up period for IPMNs are summarized in Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}\\[[@B7]-[@B9],[@B31]-[@B37]\\]. ", "Interestingly, the incidence of PDAC concomitant with IPMN tends to be higher in Japan (about 1% per year\\[[@B7],[@B8]\\]), as compared to the reports from the United States and Italy. ", "One of the Japanese studies, by Tanno et al\\[[@B8]\\], investigated 89 BD-IPMN patients without any mural nodule and followed each up for at least 2 year (median: 64 mo; range: 25-158 mo), and identified 4 cases of PDACs located distant from the BD-IPMN in 552 patient-years of follow-up (7.2 per 1000 patient-years).", "\n\n###### \n\nFrequency of concomitant pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in patients with branch-duct - intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm during follow-up\n\n **Article** **Country** **Design** ***n*** **Diameter of IPMN in mm\\*** **Follow-up in** **mo\\*** **Surveillance** **interval** **Imaging** **(optional imaging)** **Incidence of concomitant PDAC,** ***n* (%)**\n --------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------- ------------------------------ --------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------\n Kobayashi et al\\[[@B31]\\], 2005 Japan Retrospective 47 28.2 41.0 No description EUS 3 (6.4)\n Tada et al\\[[@B32]\\], 2006 Japan Prospective 80 22.0 48.0 q6 mo US, CT, MRI, EUS 2 (2.5)\n Uehara et al\\[[@B7]\\], 2008 Japan Retrospective 60 No description 87.0 q3-6 mo US (CT, MRI, EUS) 5 (8.3)\n Sawai et al\\[[@B33]\\], 2010 Japan Retrospective 103 18.0 59.0 At least yearly EUS 2 (1.9)\n Tanno et al\\[[@B8]\\], 2010 Japan Prospective 89 20.0 64.0 q6-12 mo CT, MRI, EUS 4 (4.5)\n Maguchi et al\\[[@B9]\\], 2011 Japan Retrospective 349 19.0 44.0 No description US, CT, MRI, EUS, ERCP 7 (2.0)\n Ohno et al\\[[@B34]\\], 2012 Japan Retrospective 142 22.3 42.5 q6 mo CE-EUS, CT 5 (3.5)\n Sahora et al\\[[@B35]\\], 2013 United States Retrospective 411 16.0 60.0 q3-24 mo CT, MRI 3 (0.7)\n Kamata et al\\[[@B36]\\], 2014 Japan Retrospective 102 No description 42.0 q3 mo US, CT, MRI, EUS 7 (6.9)\n Malleo et al\\[[@B37]\\], 2015 Italy Prospective 569 18.0 56.0 At least yearly MRI (EUS) 3 (0.5)\n\n\\*Mean, or, if not available, median or midpoint of range. ", "CT: Computed tomography; EUS: Endoscopic ultrasonography; MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging; PDAC: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma; IPMN: Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm; US: Ultrasonography.", "\n\nAnother Japanese study, by Maguchi et al\\[[@B9]\\], analyzed 349 follow-up BD-IPMN patients who had no mural nodules on EUS exam at initial diagnosis, and identified 7(2.0%) concomitant PDAC cases within the follow-up period (median: 3.7 year; range: 1-16.3 year). ", "Likewise, Kamata et al\\[[@B36]\\] showed a 6.9% incidence of concomitant PDAC development in 102 BD-IPMN patients without mural nodule during the follow-up period (median: 42 mo). ", "Finally, Uehara et al\\[[@B7]\\] found a 1.1% per year incidence of PDAC among patients with BD-IPMN, whereas the expected incidence of PDAC in the age- and gender-matched control group was calculated to be 0.045% per year.", "\n\nTaken together, the frequency of concomitant PDAC in Japanese patients with BD-IPMNs is not low, suggesting that these patients should be considered for a screening strategy, particularly examining the whole pancreas.", "\n\nCharacteristics of PDAC concomitant with IPMN\n---------------------------------------------\n\nAs described above, screenings for patients with IPMN should be conducted not only to monitor the primary IPMN lesions but also to track the possible development of concomitant PDAC. ", "However, due to the large number of IPMN patients, it will be important to limit the surveillance target population and to decide on the appropriate screening interval for the imaging examinations. ", "Understanding the distinctive characteristics of PDAC concomitant with IPMN may be helpful for determining the optimal detection parameters of PDAC.", "\n\nTanno et al\\[[@B8]\\] reported that the incidence of PDACs located distant from the BD-IPMNs was significantly higher for older patients (\\> 70 year) and for women. ", "Ideno et al\\[[@B26],[@B28]\\] showed that distinct PDACs frequently develop in the pancreas presenting benign gastric-type IPMN without GNAS mutations. ", "In addition, it had been reported that IPMN patients with a family history of PDAC are at higher risk of developing PDAC concomitant with IPMN. ", "A study by Nehra et al\\[[@B39]\\] of 324 patients with resected IPMNs revealed that patients with a family history of PDAC developed concomitant PDAC more frequently than did those without (11.1% *vs* 2.9%, *P* = 0.002). ", "Likewise, a study of 300 patients with IPMN by Mandai et al\\[[@B40]\\] revealed that concomitant PDAC occurred more frequently in patients with affected first-degree relatives than in those without (17.6% *vs* 2.1%, *P* = 0.01). ", "Thus, individuals with the above characteristics have a higher risk of PDAC and should be checked more attentively for early detection of concomitant PDAC.", "\n\nCollective studies have shown that malignancy of primary IPMNs does not correlate with incidence of concomitant PDAC. ", "Tada et al\\[[@B32]\\] reported that IPMNs with concomitant PDAC found in cases with small cyst diameter are probably indicative of benign IPMNs. ", "Also, Ingkakul et al\\[[@B30]\\] reported that, in their study population, all of the detected concomitant PDAC cases involved patients with BD-IPMN or BD-IPM adenoma. ", "The current IPMN guidelines\\[[@B13],[@B41]\\] describe surveillance strategies for PDAC derived from IPMN and state that the smaller the size of the IPMN, the longer the interval between screening examinations. ", "In addition, the American Gastroenterological Association guidelines\\[[@B41]\\] recommend canceling the follow-up if there are no changes within 5 year; although, Mandai et al\\[[@B40]\\] reported that 6 of 9 concomitant PDAC cases were detected at 6 year or later after the detection of IPMN. ", "Thus, a more cautious screening strategy may be essential for early detection of concomitant PDAC in the patients with BD-IPMN.", "\n\nImaging modalities for early detection of PDAC concomitant with BD-IPMN\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn recent years, several imaging modalities have been applied in surveillance of BD-IPMN; these include US, CT, MRI and EUS. ", "However, it is still unclear which of these imaging modalities should be selected for screening and what the optimal length of interval is for each in follow-up, to best achieve early detection of both IPMN-derived and -concomitant PDAC. ", "As described above, while current guidelines\\[[@B13],[@B41]\\] mention surveillance strategies for PDAC derived from IPMN, these remarks are, unfortunately, irrelevant for the early detection of IPMN-concomitant PDAC.", "\n\nKanno et al\\[[@B42]\\] retrospectively analyzed 200 PDAC cases of stage 0 and stage I, and identified the dilated main pancreatic duct as an indirect imaging feature of early PDAC - detectable to a similar degree in all imaging modalities: 74.8% in US, 79.6% in CT, 82.7% in MRI, and 88.4% in EUS. ", "In contrast, direct imaging features of early PDAC could be seen most clearly in EUS (76.3%) compared with the others (52.6% in US, 51.5% in CT, and 45.1% in MRI). ", "Kamata et al\\[[@B36]\\] reported that among the 102 BD-IPMN patients without mural nodule, who were followed-up with image diagnosis every 3 mo (by EUS semiannually and by US/CT and MRI annually, performed respectively between the two EUS examinations), 7(6.9%) developed concomitant PDAC, with an average diameter of 16 mm (range: 7-30 mm) during the follow-up period (median: 42 mo; range, 12-74 mo). ", "The study also determined that EUS was the only imaging modality capable of detecting concomitant PDAC at a curable stage; the detection rates of PDAC concomitant with IPMN during the follow-up period were 100% by EUS, 0% by US, 43% by CT and 43% by MRI.", "\n\nAlthough EUS was demonstrated to be superior in detecting PDAC concomitant with IPMN, another previous study demonstrated that EUS does not have marginal use in surveillance of BD-IPMNs\\[[@B43]\\]. ", "In particular, the statistical associations of EUS with different rates of morphologic progression, surgery, malignancy and death all fell below the threshold of significance. ", "However, the meta-analysis had some limitations in the study design that may have impacted the results - namely, that most included articles reported on retrospective studies and that several of the studies included data from patients who were followed up with EUS at long intervals.", "\n\nHopefully, future prospective studies will be conducted to confirm the usefulness of EUS in surveillance of patients with IPMNs for potential development of concomitant PDAC. ", "Furthermore, these studies are necessary to determine the optimal surveillance strategy (intervals and imaging modalities) for BD-IPMN patients in particular. ", "As this is an ongoing unresolved health issue, impacting populations across the globe, there is urgency to performing such studies.", "\n\nCONCLUSION\n==========\n\nAppropriate retainment of patients with IPMNs, especially those with BD-IPMNs, for periodic screening with routine imaging examinations, particularly EUS, will help to promote early detection and better prognosis of both IPMN-derived and -concomitant PDAC. ", "To this end, further evaluations are needed to confirm the most efficient surveillance strategies for presumed BD-IPMN.", "\n\nConflict-of-interest statement: The authors each declare no financial relationships to disclose.", "\n\nManuscript source: Invited manuscript\n\nPeer-review started: October 15, 2018\n\nFirst decision: November 28, 2018\n\nArticle in press: January 10, 2019\n\nSpecialty type: Oncology\n\nCountry of origin: Japan\n\nPeer-review report classification\n\nGrade A (Excellent): 0\n\nGrade B (Very good): B\n\nGrade C (Good): C, C, C\n\nGrade D (Fair): D, D\n\nGrade E (Poor): 0\n\nP- Reviewer: Cidon EU, Coskun A, Dumitraşcu T, Kupeli S, Tchilikidi KY, Tang Y S- Editor: Dou Y L- Editor: A E- Editor: Wu YXJ\n\n[^1]: Author contributions: Torisu Y and Takakura K wrote the manuscript; Kinoshita Y, Tomita Y and Nakano M critically appraised the manuscript; Saruta M formatted and edited the final manuscript.", "\n\n Corresponding author: Yuichi Torisu, MD, PhD, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, The Jikei University School of Medicine, 3-25-8 Nishishinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8461, Japan. ", "<torisu@yb4.so-net.ne.jp>\n\n Telephone: +81-3-34331111 Fax: +81-3-34350569\n" ]
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[ "Diane Ravitch shares her thoughts on inequality – thoughts that apply as much to NZ as they do to the USA:\n\n“In a terrific opinion piece that was prominently featured in the Sunday New York Times, Sean Reardon of Stanford University wrote that the gap between the children of the rich and the children of the poor has grown by 40% in the past 30 years.", "\n\nReardon writes : “We are still talking about this despite decades of clucking about the crisis in American education and wave after wave of school reform.", "Whatever we’ve been doing in our schools, it hasn’t reduced educational inequality between children from upper- and lower-income families.”", "\n\nWhat have we been doing for the past 30 years? ", "Relying on standards and testing to close the gaps. ", "It hasn’t worked.", "\n\nAre schools to blame for the growing gap? ", "Reardon says no: “It may seem counterintuitive, but schools don’t seem to produce much of the disparity in test scores between high- and low-income students. ", "We know this because children from rich and poor families score very differently on school readiness tests when they enter kindergarten, and this gap grows by less than 10 percent between kindergarten and high school.”", "\n\nIf the schools are not to blame, what is: Reardon says that growing income inequality is an important cause of the growing education gap.", "\n\nBut that’s not all. ", "Rich families invest heir income in cognitively enriching activities: “It’s not clear what we should do about all this. ", "Partly that’s because much of our public conversation about education is focused on the wrong culprits: we blame failing schools and the behavior of the poor for trends that are really the result of deepening income inequality and the behavior of the rich.”", "\n\nWhat can we do? ", "Reardon says, parent education, early intervention, support for children before the GPS grow wide: “The more we do to ensure that all children have similar cognitively stimulating early childhood experiences, the less we will have to worry about failing schools. ", "This in turn will enable us to let our schools focus on teaching the skills — how to solve complex problems, how to think critically and how to collaborate — essential to a growing economy and a lively democracy.”" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0038022813688212928, 0 ]
[ "His antics were captured on video and the 1min29sec film, titled At the TOP of Toronto, Canada, was shared to YouTube this week, attracting more than 170,000 views.", "\n\nDuring the video, Cricket - who has been doing stunts, gymnastics, acrobats and martial arts since the age of 16 – can be seen sliding and spinning along the edges of a tower, while also jumping across large gaps and doing somersaults on beams.", "\n\nThe stunts, and others like them, have been shared on social media, as the craze gains momentum.", "\n\nThe man was charged with break and enter as well as mischief under $5000, globalnews.ca reports." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.006097560975609756, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Low temperature blocks exit of pro-opiomelanocortin from the endoplasmic reticulum but not subsequent delivery to the site of prohormone processing.", "\nThe effect of reduced temperature on the delivery of the prohormone pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) to the site of prohormone processing was investigated in the mouse anterior pituitary cell line AtT20. ", "At 20 degrees C processing was substantially inhibited and was almost completely arrested at 18 degrees C. Earlier studies with membrane glycoproteins indicated that at these temperatures protein movement was blocked at the level of exit from the Golgi apparatus. ", "In contrast it was found here that the inhibition of processing at reduced temperature was due to the retention of POMC in the endoplasmic reticulum. ", "When POMC was allowed to progress to the Golgi before temperature was reduced, subsequent processing was only slightly retarded by incubation at 18 degrees C. This indicates either that Golgi exit is not inhibited at this temperature, or that the processing apparatus exists in the Golgi. ", "A surprising incidental result was that when held in the endoplasmic reticulum at low temperature POMC is apparently subject to post-translational N-linked glycosylation." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.005, 0.003787878787878788, 0.006666666666666667, 0.006920415224913495, 0.0058823529411764705 ]
[ "# /etc/ipsec.conf - strongSwan IPsec configuration file\n\nconfig setup\n\nconn %default\n\tikelifetime=60m\n\tkeylife=20m\n\trekeymargin=3m\n\tkeyingtries=1\n\tkeyexchange=ikev2\n\nconn home\n\tleft=PH_IP_DAVE\n\tleftsourceip=%config\n\tleftid=dave@strongswan.org\n\tleftauth=psk\n\tleftfirewall=yes\n\tright=PH_IP_MOON\n\trightid=@moon.strongswan.org\n\trightauth=pubkey\n\trightsubnet=\n\tauto=add\n" ]
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[ 0.018617021276595744 ]
[ "Charged microcapsules for controlled release of hydrophobic actives Part II: surface modification by LbL adsorption and lipid bilayer formation on properly anchored dispersant layers.", "\nCharge microcapsules with a dodecane core and a poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) shell have been prepared via the internal phase separation method using ionic dispersants. ", "The microcapsules have subsequently been surface modified with polyelectrolyte multilayers and lipid bilayers. ", "Two types of ionic dispersant systems have been investigated: a small set of ionic amphiphilic block copolymers of poly(methyl methacrylate)-block-poly(sodium (meth)acrylate) type and an oil-soluble anionic surfactant, sodium 1,5-dioxo-1,5-bis(3,5,5-trimethylhexyloxy)-3-((3,5,5trimethylhexyloxy)carbonyl)pentane-2-sulfonate, in combination with a water-soluble polycation, poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride). ", "The Layer-by-Layer adsorption of the polyelectrolyte pair poly(diallydimethylammonium chloride) (350,000 g/mol) and poly(sodium methacrylate) (15,000 g/mol) was successfully made on both microcapsule systems with the formation of very thin multilayers as indicated with quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) measurements on model surfaces. ", "Formation of a lipid bilayer on the surface of the microcapsules from liposomes with a charge opposite that of the capsule surface was also proven to be successful as indicated by the ζ-potential of the microcapsules, the characteristic frequency shift as measured with QCM-D and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) on model systems. ", "However, the proper anchorage of the dispersants in the underlying PMMA surface was key for the successful surface modification." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.005780346820809248, 0, 0, 0.00546448087431694, 0.005747126436781609, 0.0078125 ]
[ "Pilot study on light dosimetry variables for photodynamic therapy of Barrett's esophagus with high-grade dysplasia.", "\nPhotodynamic therapy (PDT) is used to treat Barrett's esophagus with high-grade dysplasia and mucosal carcinoma. ", "Outcomes are variable with some patients having persistent disease, whereas others develop strictures. ", "The aims of this study were (a) to compare porfimer sodium tissue uptake, light dose, and esophageal thickness with clinical outcomes and (b) to determine the selectivity of porfimer sodium uptake in diseased and normal epithelium. ", "Forty-eight hours after porfimer sodium infusion, patients underwent mucosal biopsy for quantification of the porfimer sodium. ", "Laser light was delivered at 48 hours and again 24 or 48 hours later. ", "Porfimer sodium was extracted from the biopsy samples and quantified using fluorescence spectroscopy. ", "The enhanced photodynamic dose was determined as [porfimer sodium content * light dose/esophageal thickness]. ", "PDT efficacy was determined 6 to 8 weeks later based on persistence or complete ablation of dysplasia or carcinoma. ", "Mean porfimer sodium content of 6.2 mg/kg (range, 2.6-11.2 mg/kg) and mean total light dose of 278 J/cm (range, 225-360 J/cm) resulted in a complete treatment. ", "Mean porfimer sodium tissue content of 3.9 mg/kg (range, 2.1-8.1 mg/kg) and mean total light dose of 268 J/cm (range, 250-350 J/cm) resulted in an incomplete treatment. ", "The total esophageal thickness (range, 1.7-6.0 mm) and enhanced photodynamic dose were correlated with treatment outcome. ", "Esophageal thickness is the strongest predictor of treatment outcome. ", "The porfimer sodium content of Barrett's and normal tissue is not significantly different. \"", "Photodynamic dose\" for esophageal PDT should incorporate the esophageal thickness." ]
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[ "We represent You Refrigerated counter DROP IN TANGO PIANO RF 2000 NATURALE, made by ENOFRIGO. ", "This represented counter, which main specification is – short-time storage of dishes at definite temperature and demonstration, the best way goes for organizing food service counters line. ", "Refrigerated counter satisfies all standards of quality. ", "Furthermore, surface temperature has the following range : surface maximum temperature - 4 °C, and surface minimum temperature - 0 °C. ", "In this described model of Refrigerated counter there is remore aggregate." ]
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[ "Optimizing Existing Resources to Improve Population Health\n==========================================================\n\nProposals to improve the health of Americans typically rely on substantive changes in public policy, additional dedicated resources, or both. ", "For example, some public health leaders have proposed dedicated funding for a \\\"wellness trust.\\\" Accomplishing large-scale changes in law, regulation, and funding usually requires mobilization and negotiation among powerful interests and competing priorities, often with uncertain outcomes. ", "Moreover, economic downturn makes resources scarce, and political partisanship makes consensus remote.", "\n\nPopulation health policy reformers could also assess whether government agencies have made full and intended use of the policies already in effect and the resources already available. ", "While the chronic underfunding of population health in the United States calls for new policies and programs funded with new resources, better implementation of existing policy may not require new resources. ", "Officials, interest and advocacy groups, and the media need to understand the extent to which public agencies have executed current policies, optimized the use of available resources, and learned from rigorous evaluation using the best available methods. ", "Government also needs to make the most of the authority it already has, better direct the private resources at hand, and get more performance out of current policy assets.", "\n\nSuch assessment, rigorously conducted, is likely to find some work that, done better, would free up resources; activities that should be stopped; and programs that require more investment. ", "Moreover, a proper assessment would suggest how additional resources could be used in ways that multiply benefits. ", "A tobacco tax, for example, deters consumption and can simultaneously fund prevention. ", "Obesity prevention advocates now support similar taxes on sweetened beverages to reduce use and fund nutrition programs ([@B1],[@B2]).", "\n\nProven, funded measures exist that can enhance the health of Americans without new laws or with carefully targeted new funding. ", "Enforcing and publicizing these measures is likely to make a difference. ", "This is the thinking, for instance, behind states\\' \\\"click it or ticket\\\" campaigns to enforce long-standing seatbelt laws and social marketing around enforcement of drunk-driving laws. ", "Similarly, parents are beginning to organize to ensure that schools provide their children the physical education that states already require.", "\n\nOpportunities also exist to apply existing policies and funding streams in ways that could be more effective. ", "For instance, administrative changes in the US Department of Agriculture food stamp education program would allow states to use these dollars to support community environmental changes (now explicitly proscribed) ([@B3]), and administrative simplification could greatly facilitate the enrollment of children in the Children\\'s Health Insurance Program ([@B4]).", "\n\nGovernment and private organizations that have converging interests in improving health could undertake assessments that range more widely than those suggested in this article. ", "Such assessments are needed to identify political and financing strategies that could reduce impediments to making better use of existing authority and funds. ", "Many of these impediments are deeply rooted in the politics of interest groups and inter- and intra-governmental relationships. ", "However, identifying these impediments systematically and devising ways to address them are outside the scope of this article. ", "Moreover, some apparent opportunities to improve health that emerge from systematic assessment may not, on analysis, generate benefits that justify the political effort to achieve them. ", "The purpose of what follows is to clarify the potential to improve population health by using existing policy and resources.", "\n\nEnforcing Existing Health-Promoting Laws and Regulations\n========================================================\n\nImplementing policy that has already been enacted offers an opportunity to improve population health. ", "For example, physical education and nutritional content of food in schools are covered in school wellness policies required by the Child Nutrition Act and by many state laws ([@B5],[@B6]). ", "Without local school champions and active parental involvement, good intentions often have been undercut by failed execution or compromised by competition for space in the school day for other subjects ([@B7]). ", "Similarly, Medicaid requirements to provide preventive services for children are commonly ignored. ", "The same is true for many environmental laws and regulations that affect air quality ([@B8]), smoking in public places ([@B9]), consumer protection with regard to toys and household items, and pedestrian and cyclist safety ([@B10]).", "\n\nClarifying Expectations for \\\"Community Benefit\\\" From Nonprofit Hospitals\n==========================================================================\n\nAn opportunity to improve population health lies in how the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and state attorneys general construe the \\\"community benefit\\\" provided by nonprofit hospitals and health plans as a condition of their tax-exempt status. ", "Historically, these community benefits (estimated at \\$30 billion annually nationwide) have been poorly defined and inconsistently reported and quantified ([@B11]). ", "Three schools of thought have dominated. ", "A traditional regulatory view equates community benefit narrowly with \\\"charity care\\\" (free or discounted episodic care, usually in hospital emergency departments) for low-income patients who cannot pay some or all of the cost. ", "A mainstream perspective in provider organizations counts charity care plus research, health professionals\\' education, and losses on underreimbursed public programs such as Medicaid. ", "A population health perspective, in contrast, views community benefit as a wide array of community health improvement activities, determined by assessing local health needs ([@B12]).", "\n\nRecently, IRS described 2 categories of activities that may be reported on IRS Form 990 for tax-exempt organizations: \\\"community benefit,\\\" comprising the regulatory and provider perspectives described above, and \\\"community building,\\\" which includes many of the programs considered community benefit from the population health perspective. ", "IRS intends to analyze 2 years of reporting results before finalizing its requirements. ", "Some population health advocates worry that IRS may determine that community health improvement activities do not count toward community benefit expenditure expectations. ", "In that event, a traditional health fair (where uninsured people are screened free of charge for disease but not followed for treatment) might count, but a large-scale, multiyear, multisector community health initiative to reduce obesity might not qualify. ", "In that case, nonprofit health organizations would have no incentive, other than a mission commitment, to pursue population health improvement initiatives. ", "If IRS makes clear that comprehensive, community-based primary prevention activities and communitywide clinical improvement activities are included as community benefit --- and if health care reform at the national or state level gradually reduces the need for traditional charity care --- hundreds of millions, even billions, of dollars could become available for population health.", "\n\nUsing the Purchasing and Investment Power of Government and the Private Sector\n==============================================================================\n\nAnother largely untapped resource is the considerable power that public entities have to improve health through their purchasing and investment practices. ", "Many of these actions can be carried out by executive order or by management discretion.", "\n\nPublic agencies wield enormous purchasing power. ", "Two opportunities involve healthy nutrition and environmentally responsible materials procurement. ", "Government agencies can model and reward the purchase of healthy foods through the way they administer federal and state nutrition programs (the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children; the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, school meals) ([@B13]). ", "Public organizations can directly promote health by selecting healthier foods for their vending machines and cafeterias; purchasing fresh, sustainably (and locally) farmed pesticide- and antibiotic-free foods; and labeling nutritional content ([@B13]). ", "Public agencies can vigorously control the public purchase of supplies containing toxic materials with adverse health consequences, such as mercury, lead, bisphenol A, and polyvinyl chloride.", "\n\nSimilar health-promoting strategies could be incorporated into the investment policies of public pension and investment bodies. ", "Investment standards can be disincentives to socially negative activities (production, sales, and marketing of tobacco and firearms, for example) or promote socially positive activities (economic development and green jobs) ([@B14]).", "\n\nBy promoting health through purchasing and investment strategies, government could reinforce and encourage the adoption of similar standards in the private sector. ", "Private organizations, both for-profit and nonprofit, wield considerable purchasing and investment power, though it is not as concentrated as that of government. ", "On the other hand, the private sector operates with fewer constraints than government. ", "Many large companies, particularly those with global reach, already have adopted corporate social responsibility policies governing their environmental, employment, economic, and human rights impacts. ", "They have formed trade associations and initiated partnerships with universities and nongovernmental organizations (such as Health Care Without Harm) to advance these policies and change purchasing practices. ", "The changes adopted by such private companies, and in turn by their supply chains, extend all the way to original producers and to their employees and communities.", "\n\nMoreover, investment practices of private and nonprofit organizations can also promote health. ", "Nonprofits are a particular opportunity because many of them are funded in part by government and are sensitive to its goals, and others receive substantial funding from endowed foundations, many of which are making socially responsible investments. ", "Although not as powerful as large public employee investment funds, their practices could still influence the prevailing sense of acceptable and appropriate investment policies. ", "Evidence is mounting that socially responsible investment funds --- those that screen out tobacco and firearms and sometimes alcohol and pornography --- perform equivalently to general equity funds ([@B15],[@B16]). ", "More nonprofits are moving to invest proactively in community redevelopment and other activities that involve social determinants of health.", "\n\nEnrolling the \\\"Eligible but Not Enrolled\\\" Populations in Public Programs\n==========================================================================\n\n\\\"Eligible but not enrolled\\\" identifies the millions of low-income people who are qualified for but not enrolled in public benefits, including health insurance, food and heating assistance, and social services. ", "An estimated 25% of people who are eligible for Medicaid and the Children\\'s Health Insurance Program ([@B17]) and 34% of those eligible for food stamps ([@B18]) are not enrolled in these programs.", "\n\nMany federal and state dollars are unspent because of inadequate public management rather than political conflict or efforts to control spending or reduce fraud and abuse. ", "Reasons include poor communications, stigma, and administrative barriers to enrollment. ", "Public organizations and the private contractors they hire to administer programs erect such barriers as frequent requalification periods, lengthy application forms, complex documentation requirements, multiple in-person interviews, inaccessible venues for application, linguistic and cultural barriers, or lack of public information ([@B19]). ", "Whatever their causes, these barriers often waste time and money in ways that can be calculated.", "\n\nFood stamps, for example, are 100% federally funded (not counting a small state administrative cost) and generate \\$1.80 in economic activity for every dollar expended, yet only recently have states acted to facilitate enrollment ([@B19]). ", "Similarly, electronic eligibility determination and application filing have expanded coverage for eligible people and lowered administrative costs ([@B4],[@B20]).", "\n\nIncreasing the Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Yield of Government Programs\n==========================================================================\n\nResources and authority are wasted when ineffective tactics are employed, interventions are poorly designed or targeted, agencies and policies work at cross-purposes, and evaluation of what works is not timely or well integrated into practice. ", "Many public policies, moreover, undermine population health (for example, abstinence-only education, subsidizing commodity crops that contribute to obesity, and preventing disparagement of \\\"bad food\\\" as a condition for receiving US Department of Agriculture funds).", "\n\nInteragency coordination to achieve mutual health goals is frequently recommended but infrequently practiced. ", "A notable example of coordination is the California Strategic Growth Council, in which the state\\'s agencies for health and human services, environmental protection, business and transportation, and natural resources coordinate their efforts related to sustainability and health-promoting changes to the built environment.", "\n\nBroad-based general community planning offers additional opportunities to improve population health. ", "Concepts such as health impact assessments of government policies and actions represent the European tradition of health in all policies. ", "These concepts inform the new Healthy People 2020 goals for the nation. ", "The public health planning groups established to help California implement its greenhouse gas emission standards also employ these concepts ([@B21],[@B22]). ", "Provisions in a small but increasing number of general plans and redevelopment district plans across the country promote health by increasing the walkability and bikeability of communities, improving air quality, and supporting more grocery stores and parks ([@B23]). ", "Some communities have established joint-use agreements that link assets of different organizations, such as school athletic fields and county parks, that contribute to health.", "\n\nUsing the Evidence to Design and Target Policies Effectively\n============================================================\n\nAssessment of potential for making better use of existing policy and resources would benefit from more rigorous evidentiary standards for health interventions that affect populations. ", "Large-scale community health interventions often have been criticized for lack of a scientific evidence base. ", "Moreover, arguments among experts about appropriate methods for evaluating population health interventions have impeded use of the most persuasive contemporary tools of evaluation, especially systematic reviews that make careful use of both experimental and observational research designs. ", "For example, systematic reviews conducted for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention\\'s *Guide to Community Preventive Services* have demonstrated the effectiveness (as well as the absence of evidence of effectiveness) of numerous public health measures ([@B2],[@B24],[@B25]). ", "Another example is a systematic review by the Campbell Collaboration that found that the widely used Drug Abuse Resistance Education program is not effective, thus establishing an argument for reallocating funds. ", "Similarly, the Institute of Medicine\\'s Committee on an Evidence Framework for Obesity Prevention Decision-Making is developing recommendations that take account of the best evidence in an area in which advocacy sometimes has been ahead of science.", "\n\nIncentive programs could be assessed for their contribution to population health. ", "For instance, payment-for-performance schemes could reward improved performance in targeting clinical preventive services to reduce disparities that result from race and socioeconomic status.", "\n\nPracticing What You Preach: Government as Example\n=================================================\n\nPublic agencies\\' practices could be assessed to measure the extent to which they embrace risk reduction and harm reduction (such as eating healthy food, using clean needles, and encouraging condom use), openly acknowledge and address health issues (such as domestic violence and workplace safety), and reward behavior that contributes to health (such as economic development, public transit as a substitute for automobile use, environmental justice). ", "By assessing its role in promoting health, government could set an example for private-sector organizations and nonprofits.", "\n\nIndeed, private and nongovernmental organizations may more easily make health-promoting organizational changes that reflect the aims of public policy. ", "Nongovernmental organizations have some latitude in deciding how to implement public policy --- for example, prohibiting indoor smoking, sorting recyclables, providing ergonomic assessments for workers, subsidizing mass transit, or ensuring regular breaks and family leave. ", "Moreover, nongovernmental organizations could also lead through voluntary practices --- for instance, offering lactation spaces for breastfeeding mothers, stocking healthy food in vending machines, opening stairwells for regular use, providing bike stalls and showers, subsidizing gym memberships, or encouraging people to stay home when they are infectious. ", "Such voluntary action could prompt public organizations to adopt similar measures.", "\n\nConclusion: Get More out of What We\\'ve Got\n===========================================\n\nThe United States faces enormous population health challenges. ", "Policy change and reallocation of public resources are essential to improve population health. ", "Assessment is the first step in making existing policy and resource allocation more effective. ", "Assessment, at every level of government, in nongovernmental organizations, and in communities, is necessary to select opportunities to improve population health and then devise political and reallocation strategies to attain them.", "\n\nAn honorarium was provided to the author by the Mobilizing Action Toward Community Health (MATCH) initiative based at the University of Wisconsin. ", "This manuscript was developed as part of the MATCH project funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. ", "The support of Loel Solomon, Dan Fox, David Kindig, Elisa Wong, Michelle Ashe, and Virginia Irwin in preparing this manuscript is gratefully acknowledged.", "\n\nThe opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the US Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors\\' affiliated institutions. ", "Use of trade names is for identification only and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above. ", "URLs for nonfederal organizations are provided solely as a service to our users. ", "URLs do not constitute an endorsement of any organization by CDC or the federal government, and none should be inferred. ", "CDC is not responsible for the content of Web pages found at these URLs.", "\n\n*Suggested citation for this article:* Baxter RJ. ", "Making better use of the policies and funding we already have. ", "Prev Chronic Dis 2010;7(5) <http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2010/sep/10_0055.htm>. ", "Accessed \\[*date*\\].", "\n" ]
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[ "Liz Jones\n\nLiz Jones has been a coach with WriteAtHome since 2006. ", "She lives in the southwestern PA mountains, where she spends a lot of time hiking with her husband and three kids—Zeke,20, an engineering student at the University of Pittsburgh, Gwen, 18, who loves horses and is headed to Penn State this fall,and Eli, 16, a junior in high school who loves paleontology, electronics and snowboarding.", "\n\nIn addition to her love of writing and coaching, Liz teaches children's literature at the University of Pittsburgh and teaches art to all ages at her studio in Connellsville, PA . ", "She's recently taken an interest in community building through the arts, and this spring, brought together a group of local residents to paint a colorful design on a steep outdoor staircase for all to enjoy. ", "She's also an avid gardener and is organizing a fresh produce drive in which local gardeners will share their produce at food bank distribution points monthly throughout the growing season.", "\n\nLiz's approach to coaching is best described in the words of her favorite gardening adage--”The best fertilizer is the gardener's shadow.” ", "She encourages young writers to seed their work with plenty of vivid ideas, prune out unneeded structure and let the sunshine in so their writing flourishes!" ]
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[ "Lots of people think they want to start a coffeeshop. ", "They likely don’t. ", "That’s like buying a minimum wage job for two hundred grand. ", "What they want is to be a customer and sit in a cafe, drink coffee, be nice to people, and possibly curate an art gallery.", "\n\nWe’re good at recognising when we receive pleasure from consuming a certain good or service. ", "But then we extrapolate incorrectly to the conclusion that owning said business will deliver even more pleasure.", "\n\nMax Levchin (paypal, slide) said something to the effect of:\n\nYou you can’t be in love with a particular idea or business. ", "You have to be in love with the idea of running a business.", "\n\nIt’s one of those quotes that has haunted me, in no small part because Max has been so successful in such a wide range of pursuits and because I both understand his reasoning and [somewhat] disagree with his conclusion. ", "I still think that matching your business model to your values is a competitive advantage and that doing otherwise is, for most people, a shortcut to disasterville.", "\n\nHere’s a working definition of the coffeeshop fallacy:\n\nThe coffeeshop fallacy is a mismatch between the work one imagines to be involved in a pursuit and the actual day-to-day labour. ", "It is most common in industries with a strong survival bias which create a fun or desirable product.", "\n\nIt preys on actors, artists, founders, and more\n\nFor example, the founders of a game company are more likely to fall victim to the coffeeshop fallacy than the founders of a new CRM. ", "The former are liable to believe that since what they are building is fun, the construction process will share that virtue.", "\n\nBeautiful young people covet the observed lifestyle of successful actors or models without recognising that their own career path will mostly involve schlepping coffee and talking to jerks. ", "The founders of a film studio will spend most of their time managing a pipeline. ", "The founder of a cafe becomes a mopper and accountant.", "\n\nA stoic solution\n\nI think I can see where Max is coming from. ", "I would unpack through his train of thought like this:\n\nBuilding a fun product still involves lots of painful and boring work. ", "Enjoying the product is the luxury of the customer, not the producer. ", "If I’m not going to enjoy building it either way, then choosing what I build based on what I would enjoy consuming is a fool’s errand. ", "Therefore, I can chase the very best opportunity, whether it be fraud detection or glitter widgets, since in either case I’m still spending my time running a company.", "\n\nHis framing basically solves the coffeeshop fallacy. ", "Instead of saying “I want to start a cafe” you say “I want to spend my days mopping while risking $200k on a low margin retail/service business with a 10% success rate.” ", "And then you go: “Hmmmmmm…”\n\nConstraints and wiggle room\n\nHowever, not everyone is quite so mercenary as Max. ", "I don’t know him, but based on what I’ve read and watched, I get the impression that he follows the market, full stop. ", "If he saw a big opening he could exploit, he’d be there regardless of whether it was drilling for oil or starting a babysitting empire.", "\n\nMost founders have some additional constraints on the type of business they want to run and it’s important to recognise that. ", "Not because you’re required to follow your passions, but rather because it’s helpful to avoid your workday nightmares.", "\n\nSome founders care about the market or the customer or the value proposition or the impact or the scale.", "\n\nCaring about the product seems to be the most dangerous. ", "It’s how the coffeeshop fallacy pops up and it’s how people end up spending years building stuff nobody wants to buy.", "\n\nCaring about a certain customer group still gives you a lot of wiggle room. ", "Caring only about the market (like Max) provides infinite wiggle room, but I don’t think many people can honestly claim that value set.", "\n\nI’ve made this mistake\n\nThe first time, we ended up converting our creativity tools for kids into a straight-up brand advertising play. ", "Although building the former was no more fun than building the latter (it’s code and metrics either way), I valued enabling creativity for kids in a way that I did not care about reinventing advertising. ", "Advertising was the better market, undoubtedly, but our team was less able and willing to deliver something remarkable.", "\n\nThe situation arose again at Nvana when we were building tools to teach entrepreneurship. ", "We couldn’t scale the business by focusing only on universities, and we had some decent leads in re-applying the product to corporate use cases. ", "Instead, we shut it down.", "\n\nRelated Posts" ]
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[ "Professional Fee is separate from Income Tax\n\nGeorgetown, Monday, October 29, 2018: The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) wishes to respond to the Headline of the Sunday October 28, 2018 edition of the Kaieteur Newspaper titled “Lawyers, doctors and other professionals collectively pay less than $6m to GRA in 2017”, and the first paragraph of the said page 3 article which stated that “the hundreds of lawyers, doctors, and other professionals with private practices across Guyana have collectively contributed only $5.6M to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) in 2017.", "\n\nAgain, in its sensational manner, and without seeking any explanations from the Revenue Authority, Kaieteur News have attempted to mislead the general public and its readers, by implying that these professionals have only contributed $5.6M in taxes. ", "The Guyana Revenue Authority would like it to be public record that these groups of professionals, despite the fact that many of them may not have complied with their tax obligations, have paid hundreds of millions in taxes, with a few of them making tax payments in excess of the $5.6M so stated. ", "The $5.6M represents professional fees for Tax Practice certificates applicable under Section 39 of the Tax Act, Chapter 80:01, and does not in any way reflect the total revenue paid by the compliant professionals as taxes on their income.", "\n\nThere is no doubt that the amount of fees collected would have been higher had the conservatory order not been in place. ", "However, it should be noted that there is a steady increase in the number of compliant professionals and collections from this sector have steadily increased.", "\n\nNonetheless, it is clear that the person tasked with covering the Auditor General’s report is either not familiar with taxation principles, may be too focused on sensationalising its content which have so far only resulted in erroneous publications, or may be deliberately dis-reputing the Auditor General’s report." ]
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[ "Added Jun 13, 2012\n\n1. ", "The Cypher\n\n2. ", "The Warning\n\n3. ", "I'm On Fire\n\n4. ", "When I Rhyme\n\n5. ", "I'm A Souljah\n\n6. ", "Riders\n\n7. ", "Drop The Bomb\n\n8. ", "It's Over\n\n9. ", "Session One\n\n10. ", "White Michael Jordan\n\n11. ", "Guess Whose Back\n\n12. ", "Where I'm At\n\n13. ", "Celebrity\n\n14. ", "Once Again\n\n15. ", "Music Box\n\n16. ", "Difficult\n\n17. ", "25 To Life" ]
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[ "\n414720*sqrt(5) + 664871499/64\nSimplify (2*(-2 + sqrt(125) + sqrt(125))*6 - (-4 + sqrt(5) + 3*(sqrt(5) - sqrt(10)/sqrt(2)) + -1))**2.", "\n-4522*sqrt(5) + 71166\nSimplify sqrt(1300) + (-1 + sqrt(1300))*2 + (-5 + (sqrt(1300) - sqrt(1300)*1) + sqrt(1300))**2 + ((sqrt(104) + 1*sqrt(104))/sqrt(4))/((sqrt(20)*1)/sqrt(10)).", "\n-68*sqrt(13) + 1323\nSimplify (3 + (3*sqrt(5) + 2)*6 - (3 + (-2 + -2*sqrt(125) - sqrt(125) - sqrt(125)) + sqrt(125) + sqrt(125)))**2.", "\n784*sqrt(5) + 4116\nSimplify (sqrt(891) - (-1 + sqrt(891) + 1) - sqrt(891))**2 + 0 - 5*(sqrt(891) + sqrt(891) + -4)*-3.", "\n831 + 270*sqrt(11)\nSimplify (-6*(sqrt(32) + sqrt(32) + 1 + (sqrt(32) - (1 + sqrt(32))))**2 - (1 + (-3*(sqrt(60)/sqrt(3))/sqrt(10))**2)) + 0.", "\n-787\nSimplify 0 + (-4 + (sqrt(448) + 1)*5)**2 + (sqrt(448)*3 + -2 - (sqrt(448) - (1 + ((sqrt(448)*-1)**2 - sqrt(448))))).", "\n88*sqrt(7) + 11648\nSimplify ((sqrt(153) - (-4*(0 + sqrt(153)) + sqrt(153) + sqrt(153)) - sqrt(153) - (sqrt(153) + 0)*4) + -5 + 1 + -2*sqrt(153)*-2*4)**2 + 2.", "\n-336*sqrt(17) + 30006\nSimplify 3 + (sqrt(85) - (sqrt(85) - -1*sqrt(85))*2 - -1*(2*sqrt(85) - sqrt(85)))/(sqrt(180) + sqrt(15)/sqrt(12)).", "\n-4*sqrt(17)/13 + 3\nSimplify (sqrt(1700)*2 - (sqrt(425)*3 - sqrt(425))**2) + (((1*sqrt(204) + sqrt(204))*-6 + sqrt(204) - sqrt(204)) + sqrt(204))/(sqrt(84)/(-2*sqrt(7))).", "\n-1700 + 42*sqrt(17)\nSimplify 4 + -5*((sqrt(180) + sqrt(180) + sqrt(180) + (sqrt(180) - sqrt(180)*-2*-6) + sqrt(180) - (sqrt(180)*1*1 + sqrt(180)))*2)**2*-4.", "\n1166404\nSimplify (sqrt(810)*-3)/(sqrt(245) + 1*sqrt(245)) + (-3 + (-4*sqrt(2)*-1 - sqrt(2)) + -4*sqrt(96)/sqrt(3))**2.", "\n1065*sqrt(2)/14 + 347\nSimplify -5*(2 + (sqrt(539) + 2 + sqrt(539))**2 + 3 - 3*(-2 + sqrt(539))*2).", "\n-10885 - 70*sqrt(11)\nSimplify ((sqrt(147) + -3*1*sqrt(147) + sqrt(147) - (-3 + sqrt(147) + 2)) + -5 + (sqrt(147) - (sqrt(147) + 1 + 2*sqrt(147) + sqrt(147)))*-2)**2.", "\n-112*sqrt(3) + 2356\nSimplify -2*((((sqrt(18) + sqrt(18)*2)*4)/sqrt(9) - 5*3*sqrt(98)) + -1).", "\n2 + 186*sqrt(2)\nSimplify 1 + (((sqrt(170) - sqrt(170)*2)*-6)/(sqrt(10) + (sqrt(1440) - -2*sqrt(1440))) - (-1*sqrt(612)*6 + 1*(0 + sqrt(612) - sqrt(612)) + sqrt(612)))**2.", "\n21174121/1369\nSimplify (-4*(-2 + sqrt(112) + (sqrt(112) + sqrt(112) + 1)*6 + 2) + 4)**2*-2.", "\n-606496 - 16640*sqrt(7)\nSimplify (-2*1*(sqrt(77) + sqrt(77)*-1*2 + sqrt(77)))/((-3*2*sqrt(28))/(sqrt(4) + sqrt(16)*2 + sqrt(4) - sqrt(4) - sqrt(4))).", "\n0\nSimplify (5*3*sqrt(78)*-3*-5)/(2*sqrt(384)*1 + -6*-1*sqrt(384)).", "\n225*sqrt(13)/64\nSimplify ((sqrt(1377) + -5*(2 + sqrt(1377)) - (0 + sqrt(1377) + sqrt(1377) + -5)) + (-5 + 1 + sqrt(1377) - sqrt(1377) - sqrt(1377)*-2*5)*5)**2.", "\n-19800*sqrt(17) + 2666497\nSimplify -2*(2*sqrt(45)*6 - sqrt(45))*5 + -3 + (-1*sqrt(315)*-1)/sqrt(7).", "\n-327*sqrt(5) - 3\nSimplify 2 + (-5*5*(-5 + -1*sqrt(153) + sqrt(153) + -4 + sqrt(153) + ((-1 + sqrt(153))*-1 - sqrt(153)) + -4))**2.", "\n45000*sqrt(17) + 185627\nSimplify ((-1*sqrt(84)*-4 + (sqrt(84) + (sqrt(84)*-2 - sqrt(84)))*-3)*-4)/((3*sqrt(972) + sqrt(972) - sqrt(972)) + sqrt(84)/(sqrt(49)/sqrt(7))).", "\n-10*sqrt(7)/7\nSimplify -3*-4*(5 + (5*(-1*sqrt(2299) - sqrt(2299)) - (3 + 1*sqrt(171)))**2).", "\n8136*sqrt(19) + 2911500\nSimplify -5 + 4 + sqrt(108) - ((-3 + sqrt(108))*6 + sqrt(108) + sqrt(108)) - (-3*sqrt(108)*4 + sqrt(108) - 6*(sqrt(108) + 1 + sqrt(108))).", "\n23 + 96*sqrt(3)\nSimplify (6*-1*sqrt(7344)*4)/(-6*1*sqrt(3) - (sqrt(147)*1 + sqrt(147)))*5.", "\n72*sqrt(17)\nSimplify ((5 + ((sqrt(1377)*1 - sqrt(1377)) + sqrt(1377))*6 + 4 - (3*sqrt(1377)*1 + 4 + 2))*3)**2.", "\n1458*sqrt(17) + 111618\nSimplify (5*(sqrt(180) - (1 + sqrt(180) + -3 - sqrt(180)) - (-2 + sqrt(180) + -1)) - ((sqrt(10)/sqrt(2)*-3 - ((sqrt(5) - 2*sqrt(5)) + -5 + sqrt(5))) + -3))**2.", "\n138*sqrt(5) + 574\nSimplify 4*(0 + (sqrt(768) + (sqrt(768) + -1 + sqrt(768) + 5 - sqrt(768))**2 - (5 + (sqrt(300) - (2*sqrt(300) - sqrt(300))) + -2))).", "\n576*sqrt(3) + 3124\nSimplify ((1*sqrt(104)*2 + (sqrt(104) - sqrt(104)*1*-4))*1)/((sqrt(3872)*2 - sqrt(3872))/(sqrt(4) + sqrt(28)/(sqrt(7) + 1*sqrt(7) + sqrt(7)))).", "\n28*sqrt(13)/33\nSimplify 2*((sqrt(1900) - ((4 + sqrt(1900))*5 + sqrt(1900)))**2 - (sqrt(114)/(-6*-6*sqrt(6) + sqrt(6)))**2).", "\n4000*sqrt(19) + 131150162/1369\nSimplify ((sqrt(180)*3)/sqrt(4) + sqrt(720)*-1)/((sqrt(144) + sqrt(144)*2 - 2*sqrt(576))*-5).", "\n-sqrt(5)/20\nSimplify -3*(-5*(sqrt(2)*1*3 - (5 + sqrt(32))) + (sqrt(1458) - 1*sqrt(50))**2).", "\n-2979 - 15*sqrt(2)\nSimplify ((((sqrt(152)*-2 - sqrt(152))*1)/(sqrt(28)/(sqrt(7) + sqrt(28)/sqrt(4))))/((2*sqrt(288))/(sqrt(256)*-2)))**2.", "\n1216\nSimplify ((1*sqrt(121)*2 - sqrt(121)) + (sqrt(121)*2 + sqrt(121) + sqrt(121))*1)/(sqrt(275)*2*-1)*3.", "\n-3*sqrt(11)/2\nSimplify ((-5 + 2*(5 + -4 + sqrt(1900) + -1 + sqrt(1900)) + -5 + -4)*2)**2.", "\n-4480*sqrt(19) + 122384\nSimplify ((sqrt(119)/(sqrt(7)*2) + 3*sqrt(68)/sqrt(4))*-2 + (sqrt(425) - (1*sqrt(425) - sqrt(425)))*-3 + 1 + 3*sqrt(425))**2.", "\n-14*sqrt(17) + 834\nSimplify (-3 + -4 + (2*sqrt(15)*-2 - (sqrt(180)*1)/sqrt(12))/(sqrt(36)/(sqrt(12) + (-3*sqrt(192) - sqrt(192) - sqrt(12)))))**2.", "\n-1120*sqrt(5) + 32049\nSimplify (sqrt(832) + -1 + 2*(-4 + sqrt(13)) - (sqrt(143)*2*4)/(-6*sqrt(99)))*1.", "\n-9 + 94*sqrt(13)/9\nSimplify (5*((sqrt(78) + -2*(sqrt(78) + sqrt(78) + -2*sqrt(78) + sqrt(78)))/sqrt(6) - sqrt(91)/(-2*sqrt(28) + sqrt(28))))**2*-4 + 4.", "\n-321\nSimplify ((3 + -5 + -6*-3*(sqrt(75) + -1))*1*-6)**2.", "\n-129600*sqrt(3) + 889200\nSimplify sqrt(832) + -1 + 2 - (sqrt(832) - 2*(sqrt(832) + 1)**2) - ((-1*sqrt(832)*5 - sqrt(832) - (sqrt(832) + 4 + sqrt(832) + -1)) + -5)**2.", "\n-51645 - 992*sqrt(13)\nSimplify -1*sqrt(243)*4 + sqrt(243) + (sqrt(243) - ((sqrt(243) - (sqrt(243) + -1 + sqrt(243))) + 3 - sqrt(243)))**2 + 5 + 3 + 3*sqrt(108).", "\n-225*sqrt(3) + 2211\nSimplify (1*(-2*sqrt(228)*2 + sqrt(228))*2)/((sqrt(12) + (sqrt(12) - sqrt(60)/sqrt(45)) + ((sqrt(432) - 1*sqrt(432)) + sqrt(432) - sqrt(432)))*2).", "\n-9*sqrt(19)/5\nSimplify 1*(-1 + sqrt(153) + -3)*-5 + -2 + -5 + sqrt(272) + sqrt(833) + (sqrt(833) + sqrt(833) + 0 + -1)**2.", "\n-32*sqrt(17) + 3346\nSimplify (-6*(sqrt(1377) + -2 + sqrt(1377) + -2 + sqrt(612) - (-1 + (sqrt(51)*1 - sqrt(51))/sqrt(3)*-5)))**2.", "\n-5184*sqrt(17) + 352836\nSimplify (sqrt(3072) + (sqrt(3072) - (sqrt(3072) + -5)) + 4 + -1)**2 - ((sqrt(3072) - (-5 + sqrt(3072) + -1)**2) + ((sqrt(3072) + -1)*6)**2).", "\n-104384 + 2400*sqrt(3)\nSimplify (-2*(sqrt(180) + -3)*4)**2 - (2*(sqrt(245) + (sqrt(245) - 1*sqrt(245)) + sqrt(245) + sqrt(245)) + -1)**2.", "\n-2220*sqrt(5) + 3275\nSimplify ((1 + (sqrt(175)/sqrt(5) - sqrt(35))/sqrt(5)*-6 + -6*(sqrt(7) + -2*sqrt(700))*-5)*6)**2.", "\n-41040*sqrt(7) + 81874836\nSimplify -5 + (2*3*sqrt(68)*2*2)/((sqrt(4800) - sqrt(4800)*2)/(sqrt(144)/sqrt(192))).", "\n-5 - 3*sqrt(17)/5\nSimplify 4*(-4 + (sqrt(810)*2 - sqrt(810) - sqrt(810) - sqrt(810) - sqrt(10))/((sqrt(45) - (sqrt(45) + 1*sqrt(45)))/sqrt(9)))*1*1.", "\n-16 + 40*sqrt(2)\nSimplify -3*(-1*(4 + sqrt(75)*2))**2 + -5 + ((-1*sqrt(75) - sqrt(75)) + 1)**2 + 1.", "\n-651 - 260*sqrt(3)\nSimplify 5 + (sqrt(136) + -1*sqrt(136))/sqrt(8) + ((sqrt(187) - sqrt(187)*-3) + sqrt(187))/sqrt(11) + sqrt(187)/((sqrt(11) + (sqrt(11)*-3 - sqrt(11)))*-3).", "\n5 + 46*sqrt(17)/9\nSimplify (sqrt(55)/(-1*sqrt(320)) + 5 + 3)*1*-3*1.", "\n-24 + 3*sqrt(11)/8\nSimplify 4*(sqrt(5103)*-2)**2 + (sqrt(448)*2 - (2 + sqrt(567))).", "\n7*sqrt(7) + 81646\nSimplify -4 + ((-5*(sqrt(363)*3 + -2))**2 - (0 + (sqrt(363) + -2 + 5)**2)).", "\n-3366*sqrt(3) + 81399\nSimplify 5*((sqrt(28) + -3*sqrt(448) - (sqrt(84)/sqrt(3) + -2 - sqrt(28)))**2 - (6*(-2*sqrt(2800))**2 - (2 + (sqrt(2800)*-1)**2))).", "\n-305030 - 440*sqrt(7)\nSimplify -3*((sqrt(1300) + -3 + -2*sqrt(1300))*-2 - (-2 + sqrt(52) - (sqrt(13) + sqrt(468) + 2)**2)).", "\n-1947 - 138*sqrt(13)\nSimplify -4 + ((sqrt(252) + -1 + -5 + sqrt(252))**2 + (sqrt(252)*-2 - sqrt(252))*-6 + (1*sqrt(252)*-1*3)**2 + 0)*-6.", "\n-19876 + 216*sqrt(7)\nSimplify (4*sqrt(8)*4)/sqrt(4)*-6 - 2*((sqrt(72) + 3)**2 + 2).", "\n-168*sqrt(2) - 166\nSimplify ((-1*sqrt(272) + -5 + sqrt(272) - -2*sqrt(272)*3 - (2 + (sqrt(272) + sqrt(272)*2 + 0 - sqrt(272))*1))*-5)**2.", "\n-5600*sqrt(17) + 110025\nSimplify (-3*(1 + sqrt(125) + -3*sqrt(125) + sqrt(125))*2*2*-3)**2*5.", "\n-64800*sqrt(5) + 816480\nSimplify ((-3*sqrt(78)*2 - 2*(sqrt(78) + sqrt(78)*-1))*4)/((-5*(sqrt(486) - (2*sqrt(486) + sqrt(486))) + sqrt(486))*5)*-3.", "\n8*sqrt(13)/55\nSimplify 3 + (1*sqrt(24)*1*4)/(sqrt(48) - (sqrt(768) + -2*sqrt(768))).", "\n2*sqrt(2)/5 + 3\nSimplify (2 + sqrt(891))**2*-6 + 2*(-1 + sqrt(891))**" ]
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[ "Background {#s1}\n==========\n\nExpressed sequence tags (ESTs) represents short, unedited and randomly selected single-pass reads derived from cDNA libraries provides an alternative to whole genome sequencing of organisms. ", "The analysis of EST data enable gene discovery, complete genome annotation, gene structure identification, establish the viability of alternative transcripts, guide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) characterization and facilitate in proteomic exploration \\[[@R01]\\].", "\n\nThe ubiquity of microsatellite or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in eukaryotic genomes and their usefulness as genetic markers has been well established over the last decade. ", "SSRs are short (1-6 bp) repeat DNA motifs that are usually single locus markers with characteristics of hypervariability, abundance, reproducibility and ease of detection by polymerase chain reaction with unique primer pairs that flank the repeat motif \\[[@R02]\\]. ", "The availability of ESTs greatly accelerates the systematic identification of SSRs and corresponding marker development based on computer analytical approaches \\[[@R03]\\]. ", "EST-SSR and genomic SSR markers are considered as complementary to plant genome mapping, with EST-SSR being less polymorphic but concentrated in the gene-rich regions \\[[@R04]\\].", "\n\nSeveral EST assembly and annotation pipelines viz. ", "EST analysis pipelines (ESTAP) \\[[@R05]\\], EST pipeline system \\[[@R06]\\], ParPEST \\[[@R07]\\] etc. ", "are available with their own objectives, provides cleansing EST sequences and annotating them using public databases. ", "The mining of SSRs from ESTs requires different high-throughput computational tools that need to be executed individually which are computationally intensive and time consuming. ", "To reduce the time lag and to streamline the cumbersome process of SSR mining from ESTs, we have developed **EST-SSR Marker Pipeline:** ESMP for mining of putative SSRs from EST sequences. ", "ESMP accomplish EST pre-processing, clustering, assembly and subsequently mining of SSRs from assembled EST sequences. ", "Cross_match \\[[@R08]\\], Trimest \\[[@R09]\\], CAP3 \\[[@R10]\\] and MISA \\[[@R11]\\] analytical tools has been integrated into ESMP for their respective applications to perform the process of ESTs assembly and mining of putative SSRs.", "\n\nESMP has a three-tier architecture system. ", "Presentation tier helps the user interact with ESMP through a web browser, whereas the business tier performs different analytical services associated with user specific options. ", "The data generated in the business tier is then deposited into the data tier. ", "For the use of this pipeline it does not require any database or any application installation on user machine. ", "Instead the user simply uploads the fasta formatted EST sequence data into the server to run the pipeline with default parameters. ", "It also has the options to choose the user defined parameters which makes the pipeline more interactive, user friendly and flexible.", "\n\nImplementation {#s2}\n==============\n\nESMP interface has been developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. ", "MySQL has been used to store input EST data, intermediate data of the pipeline and mined SSRs statistics. ", "The database schema is available at ESMP website. ", "The backend system is a Linux machine with Intel ® Core(TM) 2Duo\\@3.33GHz CPU and 3GB RAM. ", "Architecture and workflow of the pipeline is depicted in [Figure 1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\nSoftware input {#s3}\n==============\n\nThe ESMP web interface allows the user to submit EST sequences in the fasta format with \"reads\" extension. ", "It also asks the user to upload vector sequences in a plain text format which can be obtained from FTP site UniVec database (<ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/UniVec/>) of NCBI. ", "Although most EST projects produces a large number of chromatogram files, ESMP cannot accept chromatogram files due to file-size limitations of web-based uploading. ", "Accordingly, chromatogram files have to be converted into DNA sequence files using a base-calling program such as phred \\[[@R08]\\].", "\n\nSoftware output {#s4}\n===============\n\nThe ESMP output is stored in a MySQL database. ", "All the output files are stored in \"rar\" extension which can be downloaded by the user as well as can be viewed in the current web page. ", "The statistics files contains the statistics of putative SSRs i.e., total number of sequence examined, total size of examined sequences (bp), total number of identified SSRs, number of SSRs containing sequences and number of sequence containing more than one sequences, number of SSR present in compound formation about the putative SSRs mined in the run. ", "The statistics file can be transferred into an excel file for better visualisation of putative SSRs.", "\n\nConclusion {#s5}\n==========\n\nESMP pipeline is the integration of multiple tools which are individually used for their respective applications to accomplish the mining of putative SSRs from ESTs.", "\n\nCaveat and future development {#s6}\n=============================\n\nESMP currently supports pre-processing, assembly and putative SSR detection from EST datasets. ", "This web-based ESTSSR pipeline reduces time lag and streamline the cumbersome process of SSR mining from ESTs, which is user-friendly. ", "Our goal is not just to limit this pipeline for EST-SSR mining but to extend further for annotation and detection of suitable primer pairs which will flank the repeat motif. ", "The mining of SSRs from ESTs provides valuable information on the abundance of SSRs in ESTs and will facilitate the development of markers for genetic analysis and related applications.", "\n\nThe authors thankfully acknowledge the financial support for Agri-Bioinformatics Promotion Program by Bioinformatics Initiative Division, Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Government of India, New Delhi as well as to BTIS Net, DBT, and Government of India. ", "Also the authors are grateful to Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam for providing the necessary facilities, constant support and encouragement throughout the study.", "\n\n**Citation:**Sarmah *et al*, Bioinformation 8(4): 206-208 (2012)\n\n![", "Architecture and workflow of ESMP pipeline.](97320630008206F1){#F1}\n" ]
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[ "Mission and Objectives\n\nBehind our products is the understanding that our customers' needs are our primary concern. ", "Our resources and people are organized to satisfy those needs. ", "It is this market-driven thought process that makes Jet-Lube, Inc. a leading-edge manufacturer and supplier of innovative products that our customers have come to depend on for quality and consistency.", "\n\nInnovation through research and development is a Jet-Lube hallmark. ", "We respond to our customers with new technology, innovation and improved products. ", "This dedication to continually improve our products and service has been the driving force for the company since 1949, and we look forward to working with our customers to prevent problems and to solve any problems they encounter.", "\n\nMISSION\n\nA global market leader achieving steady growth through innovative management to maintain our reputation for developing, improving, and delivering quality products along with our commitment to achieve total customer satisfaction.", "\n\nOBJECTIVES\n\nManufacture all of our products right the first time.", "\n\nDeliver all product orders complete and on time.", "\n\nAcheive total customer satisfaction.", "\n\nStrive to continually decrease any non-conformance in products, performance, or systems through use of nonconforming reports as monitored at each Management Review." ]
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[ "Maldives Ports Limited\n\nMaldives Ports Limited is a state corporation of the Maldives, created to be the sole port authority of the ports of the Maldives. ", " It is 100% owned by the government of Maldives and is located in Malé, the principal port, major city and capital of the archipelago nation in the Indian Ocean.", "\n\nThe Port of Malé comprises an Inner Harbour, used by pleasure craft, the fishing industry and coastal trade; and an Outer Harbor where larger ships may port.", "\n\nMPL is planning to relocate the port to either the island of Thilafushi or Gulhifalhu. ", "The completion of the new port will take about 2 to 3 years, including all the land reclamation process. ", "The new port will have a capacity of around 220 thousand containers, enabling turning vessels around in one to two days. ", "The estimated cost for a port like this amounts to US$250 million.", "\n\nHistory\nPrior to 2012, port activity at Malé consisted of portage of goods from anchored ships and manual unloading and warehousing. ", " The Maldivian National Trading Corporation (MNTC), which was formed in the 1950s, and Orchid Company, which was formed a few years later, began using mechanized equipment at the port, including barges, tugboats and cranes. ", " Port operations were assumed by the government after the two companies were dissolved, and in 1983, Maldives Transport and Contracting Company was formed as a state corporation owned by the state and the public. ", " 1985 saw the Male' Commercial Harbour Project, which rebuilt and modernized the port, dredging and reshaping the harbor and constructing new jetties, office buildings and container terminals. ", " The current port operator and authority, Maldives Ports Limited, was formed shortly after in 1986.", "\n\nPort Facilities\n\nBerths\n·\tMagathufaalan: length 101.3m, Water Depth of DL-10.8m, Vessels with 6000 GT\n\n·\tEastern Lighterage Berth: Length 85.0 m, Water Depth DL-3.5m\n\n·\tWestern Lighterage Berth: Length 150.0m, Water Depth DL-3.5m\n\nStorage Area\n\n·\tOpen Storage of 21,700 m ²\n\n·\tCovered Warehouse of 2400 m²\n\nReefer Points\n\n·\t84 plug Points for reefer containers\n\nPilotage\nPilotage is compulsory for all vessels above 100 GT engaged in foreign trade. ", "The position of the pilot boarding is defined as follows latitude of 04 °10.9N and longitude of 073 °30.4E.\n\nServices\n\nMPL is engaged in the administration and management of Male' Commercial\nHarbour and providing the following services.", "\n\nMarine Services\n\n1. ", "Pilotage - Providing of Pilot service\n\n2. ", "Dockage - Providing of Berths\n\n3. ", "Towage - Providing of Tug Services\n\n4. ", "Salvage - Rescue operation\n\n'''Cargo Services\n\n1. ", "Stevedoring - Handling of cargo from ship to jetty or vice versa\n\n2. ", "Handling - Handling of cargo from jetty to storage place\n\n3. ", "Wharfage - Providing of Wharves and equipments\n\n4. ", "Storage - Providing of warehouses\n\n5. ", "Shifting - Shifting of cargo within the ship, jetty and re-load\n\n6. ", "Sorting - Sorting of mixed marks\n\n7. ", "Measuring - Measurement of cargo\n\n8. ", "Stuffing - Stuffing goods into container\n\n9. ", "Stripping - Removing goods out of container\n\n10. ", "Lashing - Lashing the container\n\n11. ", "Unlashing - Unlashing the containerOther Services'''\n\n1. ", "Rental -Renting Tugs, Barges, Cranes, Forklifts and Equipment\n\n2. ", "Water -Providing Water to Ships\n\n3. ", "Electricity -Providing Power to reefer container\n\nSee also\nAtolls of the Maldives\nHarbor\nGovernment of the Maldives\nPort authority\nPort operator\nTransport in the Maldives\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nMaldives Ports Limited, official site\n\nCategory:Government of the Maldives\nCategory:Water transport in the Maldives\nCategory:Port authorities\nCategory:1986 establishments in the Maldives\nCategory:Malé" ]
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[ "\nAsk HN: What music do you listen to while programming? - ", "reinier_s4g\nMaybe throw some spotify playlists here?", "\n======\nhabith\nWhen I'm churning out code I sometimes listen to WritheM Radio on Grooveshark,\nmostly techno/electronic:\n[http://grooveshark.com/#!/writhem/broadcast](http://grooveshark.com/#!/writhem/broadcast)\n\nOtherwise, it depends on my mood and if I need white-noise to concentrate on\nsomething. ", "Or loop a song I like non-stop until it fades in the background :)\n\n~~~\nreinier_s4g\nyeah, techno/electronic is a common choice, right now i'm listening to\nChillout, but it not always work, thanks for your input!", "\n\n------\nallanmacgregor\nThere you go, a bunch of my favorite tracks to get me in the right state of\nmind:\n\n[http://grooveshark.com/playlist/Programming001/95161345](http://grooveshark.com/playlist/Programming001/95161345)\n\n------\nDanBC\nThis is a surprisingly common question. ", "You might find some interesting\nsuggestions:\n\n[https://hn.algolia.com/?q=music#!/story/forever/prefix/0/mus...](https://hn.algolia.com/?q=music#!/story/forever/prefix/0/music%20coding)\n\n[https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1525445](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1525445)\n\n[https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6149361](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6149361)\n\n[https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3907881](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3907881)\n\netc.", "\n\n~~~\nreinier_s4g\nyeah, i figure haha, thanks! ", "will check it out\n\n------\nnotduncansmith\nI'll probably stick out like a sore thumb in this crowd, but... I have a\nSpotify playlist called \"Tasteless Rap\". ", "A lot of catchy rap songs that are of\nvery little depth, but pleasant to listen to. ", "I know all the words to pretty\nmuch all of them by now, and it's a fairly high-energy playlist that helps me\nget in the zone quickly and keep momentum.", "\n\n~~~\nMalcolmDiggs\nI do exactly the same thing. ", "As long as the lyrics are completely\nmundane/meaningless they don't screw up my internal monologue.", "\n\n------\nKhalPanda\nI don't have any Spotify playlists for you, but personally, I always listen to\nmetal. ", "It puts me in a productive mood and allows me to block out all other\ndistractions.", "\n\nSometimes I listen to Bandit Rock\n([http://www.bandit.se](http://www.bandit.se)).", "\n\nDisclaimer: I also listen to metal most the time when I'm not programming. :-)", "\n\n------\nvijucat\nBvdub - A Moment's Peace :\n[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exr3IAMaLPM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exr3IAMaLPM)\n\nis a favourite track of mine. ", "However, it's just for initiating the session\nand writing down the TODOs or Goal before starting. ", "I need silence to really\nthink the rest of the time.", "\n\n------\nlogn\n\n Ace Of Base, Air France, Alanis Morissette, Alors Danse, Alors On Danse, Alphaville, Aphex Twin, Apparat, Araabmuzik, Band of Horses, Baths, Battles, Baxter, Bear In Heaven, Beastie Boys, Benny Benassi, Better Than Ezra, Black Devil Disco Club, Black Moth Super Rainbow, Blind Melon, Boards Of Canada, Bob Marley & The Wailers, Booka Shade, Bush, Candlebox, Caribou, Celly Cel, Chamillionaire, Chromeo, Client, Clubfeet, Cobblestone Jazz, Com Truise, Copy, Counting Crows, Crystal Castles, Cut Copy, Daft Punk, Darkstar, Dave Matthews Band, David Bowie, David Guetta, Deadmau5, Deep Blue Something, Delorean, Depeche Mode, Dev, Dieselboy, Digitalism, DJ Khaled, DJ Screw, Drake, Dr_ Dre, Eat Static, Echotek, Electric Universe, Eliot Lipp, Ellen Allien & Apparat, Ellie Goulding, Eminem, Fatali, Felix Da Housecat, Felix Laband, Ferry Corsten, Fischerspooner, Four Tet, Fractal Glider, Fuck Buttons, Gardens & Villa, Gary Numan, Gemini, Genghis Tron, Gin Blossoms, Glass Candy, Gnarls Barkley, God Is an Astronaut, Gold Panda, Gotye, Grand National, Grateful Dead, Grimes, Guns N' Roses, Health, HEALTH, Hella, Holy Ghost!, ", "Hydra, Imogen Heap, Infected Mushroom, Jack Johnson, Jay-Z, J_Cole, Jeff Samuel, Jewel, John Mayer, Junior Boys, Justice, Kanye West, Katy Perry, Ke$ha, Keith Fullerton Whitman, Keller Williams, Kennedy, Kid Cudi, Kiln, Kraftwerk, Ladytron, Lali Puna, Lana Del Rey, La Roux, LCD Soundsystem, Lightning Bolt, Lil' Wayne, Lily Allen, Lindstrom, Lindstrom & Prins Thomas, Live, Lorn, Luna, Lusine, Lykke Li, M83, Marvin Gaye, Medeski_ Martin & Wood, Memory Tapes, Metric, Metro Area, MGMT, M_I_A_, Michael Jackson, Midwest Product, Mike Watt, Miles Davis, Moby, Modest Mouse, moe_, Moving Units, Mylo, Natalie Merchant, Neon Indian, New Order, Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, Oasis, Parts and Labor, Passion Pit, Peaking Lights, Pearl Jam, Phantogram, Phil Collins, Phish, Phoenix, Prince, Prometheus, Radiohead, Ratatat, Real Estate, Red Hot Chili Peppers, R_E_M_, Rick Ross, Rihanna, Röyksopp, Rusted Root, Salem, Santigold, Scarface, Shooting Spires, Silver Swans, Skrillex, Sleigh Bells, Small Black, Snoop Doggy Dogg, Solar Fields, Son Of The Electric Ghost, Soundgarden, Steven Wright, Stone Temple Pilots, Sublime, Submarines, Superpitcher, System 7, Teebs, Teengirl Fantasy, Telepathe, Tennis, The Asteroids Galaxy Tour, The Avalanches, The Chromatics, The Cranberries, The Cure, The Dandy Warhols, The Dude Of Life, The Field, The Fitness, The Glitch Mob, The Killers, The Knife, The LK, The Notorious B_I_G_, The Notwist, The Polish Ambassador, The Rapture, The Samples, The Smashing Pumpkins, The Sounds, Ticon, Tiesto, Timbaland, Tim Hecker, TOBACCO, Toro Y Moi, Tycho, Tyga, Ulrich Schnauss, Underworld, Van She, vibrasphere, Vitalic, Washed Out, Weezer, We Love, YACHT, Yelle, Youth Lagoon, Zero 7, Zoot Woman\n\n------\nBorisMelnik\nI find music to be very distracting, I prefer silence while I work but if I\nmust have something on in the background it would be television news. ", "For some\nreason that is easy for me to drown out and almost hypnotizing.", "\n\n------\nZergy\nI like to listen to this YouTube playlist I created\n[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1AEDED4BDDADFDD1](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1AEDED4BDDADFDD1).", "\n\n------\nksherlock\nNot exactly music, but sometimes I listen to SleepResearch_Facility which is\nambient/environmental noise (but more interesting than the environmental noise\nI get naturally)\n\n------\nredmaverick\nSamurai Champloo by Nujabes. ", "Pretty sweet.", "\n\n[http://grooveshark.com/#!/search?q=Samurai+Champloo](http://grooveshark.com/#!/search?q=Samurai+Champloo)\n\n------\nanishkothari\nSomaFM has some great stations [http://somafm.com/](http://somafm.com/)\n\n------\nbnejad\nDigitally Imported\n\nwww.di.fm\n\nFree stations of curated electronic music. ", "Stations are by genre. ", "Soul house\nand Liquid dnb are some of my favorites\n\n~~~\nreinier_s4g\nnice, will check it out!", "\n\n------\nMaysonL\nBach: Goldberg Variations on loop.", "\n\n~~~\ndllthomas\nThe Uncle Meat Variations\n\nOr, y'know, whatever comes on Pandora.", "\n\n------\nsunseb\nSomaFM : [http://somafm.com/](http://somafm.com/)\n\n------\nartsandsci\nBrian Eno's Music for Airports always helps me focus and get stuff done.", "\n\n------\nefferifick\nNPR all songs considered 24/7 audio stream.", "\n\n------\nRUG3Y\nDead Kennedys, the Melvins, Black Flag, hmm...\n\n------\nnastygibbon\nEmily Howell.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "CARACAS, Venezuela — Gentilina Radaelli is sweeping away shards of glass from an advertising billboard that rioters have ripped from its base and flung into a major avenue. ", "A fallen tree and a metal bar are tangled with it to complete the barricade.", "\n\n“This is anarchy,” says Radaelli, a 54-year-old auditor who works in the square. “", "This isn’t protest; It’s vandalism.”", "\n\nAround 150 yards south, a public transport information kiosk sits in the middle of the road, burned out the previous night by protesters and left to form another barricade.", "\n\nBurning kiosk in Caracas' Plaza Altamira pic.twitter.com/dIt2tNQDBz — Girish Gupta (@jammastergirish) March 9, 2014\n\nPutrid remnants of the nightly bouts between rioters and government security forces have turned this once posh plaza into a wasteland. ", "Smoke from protesters’ smoldering barricades and gas bombs as well as the police’s tear gas seep into neighboring apartments and upscale bars serving $30 cocktails.", "\n\nFor an entire month, demonstrators have come out by the tens of thousands across Venezuela to rail against economic and social problems, including shortages of basic goods and some of the world’s highest inflation and violent crime rates. ", "On Wednesday, they prompted mobs of counter-protesters to take to the streets as they had done before, in a show of support for the leftist government. ", "The crisis is the biggest test yet for President Nicolas Maduro, but it could well cement his presidency if the opposition continues to falter.", "\n\nProtest-related deaths are mounting on both sides of the political divide, and both sides appear to seek to inflate figures. ", "As many as three people were reported killed in Wednesday's protests, including a National Guard captain who died from gunshot in the northern state of Carabobo, according to the state's governor, who called the assailants \"terrorist delinquents.\"", "\n\nThat raised the death toll to at least 25, according to collated government and opposition numbers. ", "Previous victims include a motorcyclist who was decapitated by wire strung across a road and numerous people attempting to clear barricades from the streets. ", "One barricade-buster was a Chilean middle-aged woman who became the first known foreigner killed in Venezuela’s grinding crisis.", "\n\nMore from GlobalPost: A night in the life of a Venezuelan rioter\n\nHere in the Chacao district of Caracas, half a dozen barricades immediately surround Plaza Altamira. ", "Cars make U-turns as they approach the roadblocks, opting to drive the wrong way down surrounding one-way streets.", "\n\nMany locals in this traditional pro-opposition outpost are getting fed up. ", "Clashes appear to be cleaving the opposition both at ground level and in its upper political echelons.", "\n\n“I’m an opposition supporter but these protests are stupid,” said 47-year-old lawyer Jose Luis, who refused to give his last name.", "\n\nStanding next to a roadblock, he said, “They seem to think that because the government is bad, this is good. ", "It’s not. ", "It’s just as stupid as the currency controls, the shortages and everything else that’s going wrong here.”", "\n\nThe turnout for the evening riots here has been dwindling, leaving primarily the hard-core government haters on the streets. ", "Only some are from the lower classes. ", "The majority are wealthier teenage or young-adult residents of Altamira, many of whom tote iPhones and BlackBerrys. ", "As the sun begins to go down, they fill their Molotov cocktails, gear up their makeshift shields and gas masks, and march toward the waiting National Guard.", "\n\n“This is the only way we can make our voice heard,” said Kayley Piñango, a 21-year-old student standing near the burning kiosk. “", "We have no opportunities so we have to do things like this.”", "\n\nThe protesters’ demands are vague and diffuse. ", "They all want change and many are seeking an end to the Maduro government — but few can see any realistic means of achieving any of it.", "\n\nAs well as arguments among the demonstrators, rifts are emerging in opposition political circles.", "\n\nIndeed, many in the opposition see the violent protests as counterproductive, playing into government hands by allowing the Maduro administration to accuse the opposition he often calls \"fascist\" of inciting violence. ", "It was under that pretext that the authorities imprisoned Leopoldo Lopez, a prominent opposition leader who called on his followers to join in peaceful marches.", "\n\n“People seem to think that if somebody rejects violence, including the barricades, it means they are supporting Maduro,” said Luis Vicente Leon, a Venezuelan pollster. “", "That’s crazy.”", "\n\nHe doesn’t believe the opposition has a plan. “", "They have no clear leadership,” he said, despite strong attempts to take the reins by politicians like Lopez, and another popular leader, former presidential candidate Henrique Capriles.", "\n\nMore from GlobalPost: A who's who in the Venezuelan crisis\n\nAfter the destruction of the kiosk in Altamira, the authorities suspended local buses. ", "That will hit hardest those who cannot afford to drive in Caracas — the government’s traditional support base whom Capriles is working carefully to attract. ", "Backed by a disparate opposition bloc, Capriles lost by a hair in last April’s presidential election to Maduro, who had been Hugo Chavez’s preferred successor but has proved to be less popular than the late “Comandante.”", "\n\n“The protest movement has set in motion a real political crisis,” wrote blogger Francisco Toro. “", "A toxic wedge now separates factions that had managed a grudging cooperation for the last six years.”", "\n\nTourism Minister Andres Izarra, as well as others prominent in government including Maduro, tweeted pictures of the burning kiosk in the square, which is in the wealthy district Chacao.", "\n\nIt took more than a decade of rule by Chavez for the opposition to unite behind Capriles. ", "More hardline opposition politician Lopez remains in jail and continues to call for more protests.", "\n\nMaduro has called for dialogue between his government and the opposition. ", "Some talks have already taken place, though the primary opposition leaders have not participated after Capriles said that he was not up for a government “photo opportunity.” ", "An umbrella opposition group has agreed to talks in principle, though with caveats such as wanting them broadcast live.", "\n\nThe United States, the United Nations and the Catholic Church have also urged Venezuela peacefully negotiate an end to the crisis.", "\n\nBrazilian President Dilma Rousseff called a conference Wednesday of neighboring nations in South America’s UNASUR group to address the violence in Venezuela, the region’s biggest oil exporter.", "\n\nMeanwhile, Maduro told CNN in a recent interview that he was “sleeping like a baby,” unconcerned about the protests.", "\n\nCapriles admitted that the opposition has lessons to learn. “", "We’ve got to take a look at ourselves,” he said. “", "I’ll be first to make sure I don’t make the same mistakes again.”", "\n\nFew in the streets are interested in the political party heads.", "\n\n“I’m disappointed in the politicians right now,” said Silvana Lezama, a 20-year-old student who manned barricades in Caracas’ El Cafetal district.", "\n\n“They say they support us but keep saying we shouldn't build the barricades. ", "I understand they’re an inconvenience but they’re the only way of making people realize that they can’t keep going on with life like nothing is wrong.”", "\n\n“I’ve realized this isn’t about politics. ", "It’s about Venezuela,” she said.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Shape and size distribution of molecular beam epitaxy grown self-assembled Ge islands on Si (001) substrates.", "\nWe have performed a series of annealing experiments with Ge islands on Si (001) grown by molecular beam epitaxy, in order to clarify issues related to island stability and coarsening. ", "The shape and size distribution of nanoislands as a function of annealing time at a temperature of 650 degrees C have been studied. ", "Optical phonons from Raman spectra have been used as efficient probes to study the evolution of Si(1-x)Ge(x) islands. ", "Both the alloy composition and residual strain in the islands have been determined from the phonon frequencies and Raman intensities. ", "The experimental results are in good agreement with the strain relaxation estimated using X-ray rocking curves. ", "The results indicate that the shape and size distribution of Ge islands are controlled via structural and compositional changes through strain relaxation by the periodic creation and extinction of tiny nanocrystals." ]
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[ "Prevention of delirium in hospitalized older patients: risk factors and targeted intervention strategies.", "\nDelirium is a common, costly, and potentially devastating condition for hospitalized older patients. ", "Delirium is a multifactorial syndrome, involving the inter-relationship between patient vulnerability, or predisposing factors at admission, and noxious insults or precipitating factors during hospitalization. ", "Through a series of studies, we first identified significant predisposing factors for delirium, including vision impairment, severe illness, cognitive impairment, and dehydration. ", "Subsequently, significant precipitating factors were identified, including physical restraint use, malnutrition, adding more than three drugs, bladder catheter use, and any iatrogenic event. ", "Through targeting preventive strategies towards six identified risk factors in a controlled clinical trial, we were successful in the primary prevention of delirium. ", "In 852 subjects, the incidence of delirium was significantly reduced in the intervention group compared with usual care (9.9% vs 15.0%, matched odds ratio: 0.60; 95% confidence interval: 0.39-0.92). ", "The total number of days and episodes of delirium were also significantly reduced in the intervention group. ", "Based on this work, evidence-based recommendations for delirium prevention are proposed. ", "While not all cases of delirium will be preventable with this approach, unifying medical and epidemiological approaches to delirium represents a key advance essential to reducing the high morbidity and mortality associated with delirium in the older population." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nFitting a poisson HMM JAGS model with RSTAN\n\nWalter Zucchini in his book Hidden Markov Models for Time Series An Introduction Using R, in chapter 8 page 129, adjusts a Poisson HMM using R2OpenBUGS, then I show the code. ", "I am interested in adjusting this same model but with rstan, but since I am new using this package, I am not clear about the syntax any suggestion.", "\ndata\ndat <- read.table(\"http://www.hmms-for-time-series.de/second/data/earthquakes.txt\")\n\nRJAGS\nlibrary(R2jags)\nlibrary(rjags)\n\nHMM <- function(){\n for(i in 1:m){\n delta[i] <- 1/m\n v[i] <- 1}\n s[1] ~ dcat(delta[])\n for(i in 2:100){\n s[i] ~ dcat(Gamma[s[i-1],])}\n states[1] ~ dcat(Gamma[s[100],])\n x[1]~dpois(lambda[states[1]])\n for(i in 2:n){\n states[i]~dcat(Gamma[states[i-1],])\n x[i]~dpois(lambda[states[i]])}\n for(i in 1:m){\n tau[i]~dgamma(1,0.08)\n Gamma[i,1:m]~ddirch(v[])}\n lambda[1]<-tau[1]\n for(i in 2:m){\n lambda[i]<-lambda[i-1]+tau[i]}}\n\nx = dat[,2]\nn = dim(dat)[1]\nm = 2\n\nmod = jags(data = list(\"x\", \"n\", \"m\" ), inits = NULL, parameters.to.save = c(\"lambda\",\"Gamma\"), \n model.file = HMM, n.iter = 10000, n.chains = 1)\n\noutput\nmod\nInference for Bugs model at \"C:/Users/USER/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpOkrM6m/model36c8429c5442.txt\", fit using jags,\n 1 chains, each with 10000 iterations (first 5000 discarded), n.thin = 5\n n.sims = 1000 iterations saved\n mu.vect sd.vect 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%\nGamma[1,1] 0.908 0.044 0.805 0.884 0.915 0.940 0.971\nGamma[2,1] 0.155 0.071 0.045 0.105 0.144 0.195 0.325\nGamma[1,2] 0.092 0.044 0.029 0.060 0.085 0.116 0.195\nGamma[2,2] 0.845 0.071 0.675 0.805 0.856 0.895 0.955\nlambda[1] 15.367 0.763 13.766 14.877 15.400 15.894 16.752\nlambda[2] 26.001 1.321 23.418 25.171 25.956 26.843 28.717\ndeviance 645.351 8.697 630.338 639.359 644.512 650.598 665.405\n\nDIC info (using the rule, pD = var(deviance)/2)\npD = 37.8 and DIC = 683.2\nDIC is an estimate of expected predictive error (lower deviance is better).", "\n\nRSTAN\nlibrary(\"rstan\")\nrstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)\noptions(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())\n\nHMM <- '\ndata{\n int<lower=0> n; // number of observations (length)\n int<lower=0> x[n]; // observations \n int<lower=1> m; // number of hidden states\n }\n\nparameters{\n simplex[m] Gamma[n]; // t.p.m \n vector[m] lambda; // mean of poisson ordered\n }\n\nmodel{\n vector[m] delta[m];\n vector[m] v[m];\n vector[100] s[100];\n vector[n] states[n];\n vector[m] tau;\n\n for(i in 1:m){\n delta[i] = 1/m;\n v[i] = 1;}\n s[1] ~ categorical(delta[]);\n\n for(i in 2:100){\n s[i] ~ categorical(Gamma[s[i-1],]);}\n states[1] ~ categorical(Gamma[s[100],]);\n x[1] ~ poisson(lambda[states[1]]);\n\n for(i in 2:n){\n states[i] ~ categorical(Gamma[states[i-1],]);\n x[i] ~ poisson(lambda[states[i]])};\n\n for(i in 1:m){\n tau[i] ~ gamma(1,0.08);\n Gamma[i,1:m] ~ dirichlet(v[]);}\n lambda[1] = tau[1];\n\n for(i in 2:m){\n lambda[i] = lambda[i-1] + tau[i]};}'\n\ndata <- list(n = dim(dat)[1], x = dat[,2], m = 2)\nsystem.time(mod2 <- stan(model_code = HMM, data = data, chains = 1, iter = 1000, thin = 4))\nmod2\n\nhowever, an error occurs when running the stan model.", "\n\nA:\n\nUsing the forward algorithm, and as priors the gamma distribution, for the means vector of the dependent states, and imposing the restriction on the simplex[m] object, for the probability transition matrix, in which the sum by rows equals 1 The following estimates are obtained.", "\ndat <- read.table(\"http://www.hmms-for-time-series.de/second/data/earthquakes.txt\")\nstan.data <- list(n=dim(dat)[1], m=2, x=dat$V2)\n\nPHMM <- '\ndata {\n int<lower=0> n; // length of the time series\n int<lower=0> x[n]; // data\n int<lower=1> m; // number of states \n}\n\nparameters{\n simplex[m] Gamma[m]; // tpm\n positive_ordered[m] lambda; // mean of poisson - ordered\n} \n\nmodel{\n vector[m] log_Gamma_tr[m]; // log, transposed tpm \n vector[m] lp; // for forward variables\n vector[m] lp_p1; // for forward variables\n\n lambda ~ gamma(0.1, 0.01); // assigning exchangeable priors \n //(lambdas´s are ordered for sampling purposes)\n\n // transposing tpm and taking the log of each entry\n for(i in 1:m)\n for(j in 1:m)\n log_Gamma_tr[j, i] = log(Gamma[i, j]);\n\n lp = rep_vector(-log(m), m); // \n\n for(i in 1:n) {\n for(j in 1:m)\n lp_p1[j] = log_sum_exp(log_Gamma_tr[j] + lp) + poisson_lpmf(x[i] | lambda[j]); \n\n lp = lp_p1;\n }\n\n target += log_sum_exp(lp);\n}'\n\nmodel <- stan(model_code = PHMM, data = stan.data, iter = 1000, chains = 1)\nprint(model,digits_summary = 3)\n\noutput\nInference for Stan model: 11fa5b74e5bea2ca840fe5068cb01b7b.", "\n1 chains, each with iter=1000; warmup=500; thin=1; \npost-warmup draws per chain=500, total post-warmup draws=500.", "\n\n mean se_mean sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat\nGamma[1,1] 0.907 0.002 0.047 0.797 0.882 0.913 0.941 0.972 387 0.998\nGamma[1,2] 0.093 0.002 0.047 0.028 0.059 0.087 0.118 0.203 387 0.998\nGamma[2,1] 0.147 0.004 0.077 0.041 0.090 0.128 0.190 0.338 447 0.999\nGamma[2,2] 0.853 0.004 0.077 0.662 0.810 0.872 0.910 0.959 447 0.999\nlambda[1] 15.159 0.044 0.894 13.208 14.570 15.248 15.791 16.768 407 1.005\nlambda[2] 25.770 0.083 1.604 22.900 24.581 25.768 26.838 28.940 371 0.998\nlp__ -350.267 0.097 1.463 -353.856 -351.091 -349.948 -349.155 -348.235 230 1.001\n\nSamples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Wed Jan 16 00:35:06 2019.", "\nFor each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,\nand Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at \nconvergence, Rhat=1).", "\n\n" ]
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[ "I \"slept in\" this morning. ", "I told you I LOVE my sleep. ", "I didn't have anywhere to be this morning so I took advantage of it. ", "I had a lot of energy and woke up off and on after 8am so I just laid there, occasionally reading until I fell off to sleep. ", "That was nice:). ", "Drank my lemon water, checked emails, made my first juice then a couple hours later did an enema. ", "I feel great!", "\n\nDay 52 grapefruits\n\n1/2 cucumber5 celery stalks5 sprigs parsley3 small green apples\n\n2 grapefruits\n\nLOTS of peppermint and dandelion tea\n\nBroke my fast at 11pm with a really ripe pear. ", "I made sure I chewed well.", "\n\n1 Enema\n\nQuite time\n\nPilates and Kinect\n\n8hrs+ of sleep with vivid dreams\n\nDay 6Upon rising I had 16oz of water with lemon (water throughout the day-64oz minimum)\n\n2 really ripe pears\n\nAt noon I had peppermint and dandelion tea\n\nEnjoyed 2 more ripe pears up until 4pm\n\nEnjoyed 3 apples the rest of the evening.", "\n\nToday was a busy day. ", "I had a few clients, errands and rehearsal so I didn't really have time to do anything other than dry brushing before my shower. ", "When I first looked at my calendar the timing seemed to be perfect to facilitate a 7 or 8 day fast however, closer to the weekend I realized that my schedule filled up and I wouldn't be able to have fresh juice as needed. ", "I know, I could take it with me after making it in advance but I also knew the chances of me actually drinking it before I passed out wouldn't occur. ", "I did the master cleanse once for 7 days while working full-time 5 of those days in a row. ", "It was an OK experience but I felt like my body was more stressed than rest and on top of that I got to \"busy\" to even drink it at times. ", "You know how we get at work. ", "We start to abuse ourselves! ", "For me I like to have the bulk of my fasting/cleansing/detoxing time to be done while I can relax and not stress myself out. ", "I've learned that me and stress don't mix well so I like to honor that. ", "I stopped at whole foods and got an intensive probiotic powder that conveniently mixes in soft foods like applesauce. ", "It's Nature's Way Primadophilus Intensive with 100billion CFU. ", "I can't wait to see the benefits from it. ", "I also picked up some berries, avocados and just a few bananas for my mono-meals over the next day or so. ", "My goal is to develop a healthier habit and lifestyle so I'm going for 21 days of 100% raw. ", "They say it takes 21 days in order to develop a new habit. ", "I can't wait!!", "\n\nLeave a Reply.", "\n\nAuthor\n\nHi there! ", "I'm FeliceSkye and I'm passionate about living my best life and helping others. ", "Here's a little more about me:\n\nIn 2013, I was finally diagnosed with both Rheumatoid Arthritis and Scleroderma after becoming ill in 2007 with no conclusive reason why despite numerous tests and trips to the ER. ", "I've always enjoyed eating healthy, being fit and active and growing spiritually, but somehow my body managed to act out causing deformity, severe pain, chronic fatigue, and limitation. ", "I thought I would have to give up on life because the things that I loved to do so much such as acting, creating music, art, pampering others, being playful and seeking fun adventures became so difficult for me to do.", "\n\nIt is my utmost goal to regain vibrant health entering into a new season of my life. ", "This is a rebirth of my 1st Raw Felicity blog. ", "Now back with a testimony of power and resilience, I hope to be of service to all that visit.", "\n\nJoin me on this journey through life as we evolve together and be love, spread love and never stop loving♥\n\nArchives\n\nCategories\n\nPop-Up Shop @ UrbArts Every 1st Friday & 2nd Saturday\n\nLet's Connect!", "\n\nGet all the latest and greatest in your inbox or newsfeed. ", "Be sure to follow @feliceskye on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook and subscribe by providing you email to the right for product and service deals and special updates." ]
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[ "From Jeff Brantley, founder of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program at Duke Integrative Medicine and author of Calming Your Anxious Mind comes Calming Your Angry Mind. ", "Inside, readers with anger management issues can find step-by-step mindfulness and compassion practices to help soothe anger, fear, and hostile emotions that can wreak havoc at home, work, and in relationships. ", "Using mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) techniques, reader will also learn important awareness skills so that they can stop overreacting, improve communication with others, and live a more fulfilling life.", "\n\nCalming Your Angry Mind : How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Anger and Bring Peace to Your Life\n\ntitle_full\n\nCalming Your Angry Mind : How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Anger and Bring Peace to Your Life Brantley, Jeffrey, Calming Your Angry Mind How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Anger and Bring Peace to Your Life\n\ntitle_short\n\nCalming Your Angry Mind :\n\ntitle_sub\n\nHow Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Anger and Bring Peace to Your Life" ]
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[ 0.016853932584269662, 0, 0, 0.002012072434607646 ]
[ "I cant help myself, the need to be inside her body and her mouth have my cock in between her hands, feeling her body, sucking her breast, be apart of her again connected like one… Its so strong the feeling is driving me insane… The urge to fuck her grope her body in her silk nightie, making her want me in such a way she can help but want me more than she wants my father, me her own and flesh. ", "The need is so strong I dont think I can control myself tonight any longer…Im sorry mom but I need to have you now with your consent or without it." ]
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[ "Introduction {#s1}\n============\n\nIncreasing impact of human land-use changes the structure and composition of ecosystems across the globe [@pone.0054956-Foley1], [@pone.0054956-Tylianakis1]. ", "Forests ecosystems are threatened worldwide with less than 50% still intact [@pone.0054956-FAO1]. ", "Large-scale destruction of natural forests leads to forest fragmentation. ", "Small-scale changes within remaining forest fragments may alter the environmental conditions, e.g. the availability of fruit resources or vegetation structure [@pone.0054956-Saunders1], [@pone.0054956-Fischer1]. ", "These changes may influence species diversity, and the overall functioning of forest ecosystems [@pone.0054956-Foley1], [@pone.0054956-Myers1].", "\n\nThe interaction among fruiting plants and frugivorous birds can be both antagonistic and mutualistic. ", "The fruit handling behavior of the animals determines if these act as predators or as legitimate seed dispersers [@pone.0054956-Dennis1], [@pone.0054956-Schupp1]. ", "Fruit or seed-eating animals profit from this interaction in the form of nutrition. ", "Given that the seed passes handling by frugivores intact, plants profit from the interaction through dispersal of their seeds. ", "Seed dispersal allows for an escape from the high density of competing siblings and from natural enemies in the vicinity of the parent trees [@pone.0054956-Howe1]. ", "Moreover, seed dispersal enables the colonization of vacant recruitment sites and directed dispersal to non-random habitats suitable for establishment [@pone.0054956-Howe1]. ", "Plant-frugivore interactions are particularly important in tropical and sub-tropical ecosystems as up to 90% of fleshy-fruiting plant species rely upon animal vectors to transport their propagules [@pone.0054956-Howe1].", "\n\nA number of studies have shown that forest fragmentation and degradation lead to changes in community composition of birds and in plant-frugivore interactions [@pone.0054956-Cordeiro1]--[@pone.0054956-Newbold1]. ", "Thereby, the impact of fragmentation may depend on habitat characteristics of remaining forest fragments. ", "Besides vegetation structure in general, a well-developed canopy stratum can be important for maintaining plant-frugivore interactions [@pone.0054956-Schleuning1]. ", "Further, the abundance and diversity of resources plays an essential role in sustaining bird communities within forest fragments. ", "Both small- and large-bodied frugivores are attracted to forest fragments with high fruit abundance even across large distances [@pone.0054956-Graham1]--[@pone.0054956-Garcia1]. ", "Thus, a high availability of fruit resources and a well-developed canopy stratum may facilitate the persistence of diverse bird communities even within small forest fragments (e.g. [@pone.0054956-AnzuresDadda1], [@pone.0054956-Garcia2]).", "\n\nMost of the studies investigating the impact of human activities on plant-frugivore relations studied interactions with single model plant species and yielded contrasting results [@pone.0054956-Cordeiro1], [@pone.0054956-Farwig1]. ", "For instance, [@pone.0054956-Cordeiro1] showed reduced frugivore numbers and seed dispersal of a tropical tree as a consequence of anthropogenic fragmentation of a rainforest in Tanzania. ", "In contrast, interactions of frugivores with the tree species *Prunus africana* were positively affected by human disturbance in a Kenyan forest [@pone.0054956-Farwig1]. ", "The high variability in the results reveals the difficulty of using single species studies for predicting consequences of human impact on ecological processes. ", "Thus, community-wide studies can contribute to a better understanding of plant-animal interactions in the face of land-use changes.", "\n\nRecently, the analyses of complex interaction networks have gained in importance [@pone.0054956-Stouffer1], [@pone.0054956-Bascompte1]. ", "These community-wide studies consider both occurrence and frequency of interactions between all species pairs within a community [@pone.0054956-Tylianakis1], [@pone.0054956-Bascompte1]. ", "The structure of interaction networks can be used to analyze the response of species relationships to land-use change. ", "Low levels of specialisation of frugivores on plants, which can often be found in plant-frugivore interactions [@pone.0054956-Blthgen1], may contribute to the persistence of networks, even if some interactions disappear [@pone.0054956-Jordano2], [@pone.0054956-Bascompte2]. ", "Moreover, a high diversity of interactions may lead to increase the robustness of the networks towards land-use changes. ", "However, until now, the impact of land-use changes on entire plant-frugivore networks has rarely been studied (but see [@pone.0054956-Schleuning1], [@pone.0054956-Menke1]). ", "Further, to our knowledge, no study has so far investigated the effects of habitat characteristics on the stability and robustness of plant-frugivore networks in a fragmented landscape.", "\n\nHere, we present a study on the effects of fruit resource availability and canopy cover within forest fragments on plant-frugivore interaction networks in a fragmented sub-tropical forest landscape of South Africa. ", "We assessed (1) overall levels of specialisation within networks in different forest fragments (2) the influence of resource availability, i.e. fruit availability and the diversity of fruiting tree species, as well as of canopy cover on the specialisation, interaction diversity and robustness of these networks. ", "We expected to find (1) overall low levels of specialisation especially of frugivore species and (2) that high resource availability and a dense canopy cover of forest fragments lead to a higher interaction diversity and robustness of plant-frugivore networks.", "\n\nMaterials and Methods {#s2}\n=====================\n\nStudy Site and Design {#s2a}\n---------------------\n\nWe conducted this study over two successive years, 2009/10 and 2010/11 in a heterogeneous scarp forest landscape in and around Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve (VCNR) situated on the south coast of South Africa's KwaZulu-Natal Province (150--610 m a.s.l., ", "30°16′ S, 30°35′ E). ", "The necessary research permits for VCNR were obtained from Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife. ", "All study sites outside VCNR were on private property owned by G. Archibald, who granted us access to his land.", "\n\nMonthly rainfall in the area ranges from 1--148 mm and annual temperature from 6--31°C [@pone.0054956-vonMaltitz1]. ", "Covering an area of about 2,189 ha, VCNR is mainly a combination of hilly grasslands with wooded valleys. ", "It is surrounded by a matrix of commercial sugarcane monocultures and timber plantations, within which a series of remnant natural scarp forest fragments exist. ", "Fruiting by fleshy-fruiting plants occurs almost all year round, although the main fruiting season ranges from November to April, during the main rainfall season [@pone.0054956-Boon1].", "\n\nWe worked in forest fragments that are representative for the area, i.e. large natural forest, forest fragments occurring naturally and being completely surrounded by natural grassland as well as remnant forest fragments embedded in a matrix of sugar cane fields at the border of VCNR. ", "All forest fragments harbour similar communities of plants and birds and occur within the same natural geographic range of scarp forests [@pone.0054956-Mucina1], [@pone.0054956-Neuschulz1].", "\n\nWe established nine (200 m×200 m) study sites within forest fragments. ", "The distance between study sites ranged from 0.53 to 1.06 km (mean = 0.80±0.3 km SD). ", "Given the likelihood of strong edge effects in smaller forest fragments compared to the large fragments [@pone.0054956-Harrison1], we situated all sites near forest gaps or edges.", "\n\nMeasuring Local Forest Fragment Characteristics {#s2b}\n-----------------------------------------------\n\nWe measured habitat characteristics of local forest fragments by assessing, fruit abundance and fruiting plant species richness as well as canopy cover in each study site. ", "We calculated fruit abundance (at the onset of fruit ripening) by estimating the number of fruits for each plant monitored and any other fleshy-fruiting plants within a radius of 50 m. We then calculated the mean fruit abundance for each study site, which ranged from 10,759 to 66,198 fruits (mean = 44,788±17,017 SD) over the two years. ", "To determine fruiting plant species richness, we identified all fleshy fruiting woody plants in each site to species level. ", "Fruiting plant species richness ranged from 9 to 15 (mean = 12±3 SD) across study sites. ", "We visually estimated canopy cover standing in the center of four (50×50 m) quadrates in each site and calculated the mean per site. ", "Canopy cover ranged from 64 to 92% (mean = 84±14% SD) across study sites.", "\n\nAssessment of Plant-frugivore Interactions {#s2c}\n------------------------------------------\n\nWe observed all fleshy fruiting plant species in each study site to assess interactions with frugivorous birds. ", "Observations were undertaken during the main fruiting seasons in 2009/10 and 2010/11. ", "Within this timeframe, plant species were observed at their peak of fruit ripening. ", "Due to the low abundance of plant species as well as the low abundance of fruiting individuals, only one individual of each plant species was monitored in each site. ", "We observed each plant in each study site for a total of 18 h, ideally split into 9 h per year. ", "In cases where we could not achieve 9 h in the first fruiting year, we increased the number of observation hours in the second fruiting year to attain the standard total of 18 h per plant. ", "We split the observations into three monitoring sessions, namely early morning (06∶00 am --09∶00 am), mid-morning (09∶00 am to 12∶00 am) and afternoon (2∶00 pm --5∶00 pm), conducted at three different days during the main fruiting period of each plant species in each year. ", "Observations of species were evenly spread across the three sessions. ", "Using binoculars (Luger DA 10X42, Köln, Germany) observations were carried out from a camouflaged hide at ca. ", "20 m distance to the plant individual. ", "All plant visiting birds and their fruit handling behaviour on the plant were recorded. ", "If more than one feeding bird was present on the plant (\\<0.5% of observations), one randomly chosen individual was selected for which fruit consumption was observed.", "\n\nNetwork Analysis {#s2d}\n----------------\n\nWe compiled interaction frequencies of each plant species (*p*) with each frugivore species (*f*) in a quantitative interaction matrix, whereby interaction frequency was defined as the number of fruit-eating visitors per plant species [@pone.0054956-Vzquez1]. ", "Thus, only species that fed on fruits (i.e., pecked on fruits or swallowed fruits, i.e. potential dispersers) were included in the analyses. ", "Using the number of feeding visits to calculate the interaction frequencies between plants and frugivores allowed for comparison with other studies [@pone.0054956-Schleuning1], [@pone.0054956-Vzquez1]. ", "We constructed interaction networks for each study site and calculated different network parameters at both the species and network level, which we used as response variables in our analyses. ", "We quantified complementary specialisation in the sense of niche partitioning [@pone.0054956-Blthgen2] as a measure of redundancy in our networks. ", "At the species level, we calculated specialisation as the standardized Kullback-Leibler distance (*d\\'*) of each plant (*d\\'~p~*) and each frugivore (*d\\'~f~*) species as the deviation of the actual interaction frequencies from a null model assuming that all partners are used in proportion to their availability. ", "We calculated a weighted mean of the index per site for both plants and frugivores [@pone.0054956-Blthgen3]. ", "In a similar way, we calculated *H~2~\\',* as the standardized two-dimensional Shannon entropy at the network level [@pone.0054956-Blthgen3]. ", "Both *d\\'* and *H~2~\\'* range between 0 and 1, for complete generalisation and complete specialisation, respectively [@pone.0054956-Blthgen3]. ", "We further calculated the diversity of all interactions in a network. ", "Interaction diversity was computed with the help of the Shannon-diversity index. ", "Finally, we calculated network robustness towards frugivore extinctions [@pone.0054956-Memmott1], [@pone.0054956-Burgos1]. ", "In 1,000 iterations, frugivore species were randomly removed from each network and the number of non-dispersed plant species following this extinction was determined. ", "The index of robustness then measures the area below this extinction curve and ranges from 0 to 1, with values close to 1 indicating high robustness of the network towards frugivore extinctions. ", "The applied measure of network robustness does not take into account any changes in the realized niches of frugivores following the extinction of competitors. ", "Thus, this index may underestimate robustness towards frugivore loss, as it represents a \"worst-case\"-scenario without plasticity of the remaining species. ", "Further, different extinction scenarios, or different shapes of the extinction curve, are ignored by the robustness parameter used here. ", "Yet, this simple measure can be seen as an approach to assess the impact of frugivore loss from the communities on plant-frugivore interactions. ", "All network analyses were conducted with the bipartite package (version 1.13; [@pone.0054956-Dormann1]) in R (version 2.12.0; R Development Core Team). ", "To test if annual variations affected the structure of our plant-frugivore interaction networks, we constructed separate interaction networks per study site for each of the two years. ", "As observation hours were unevenly distributed between the two years on some plant species, we used a subset of species for which we had at least 6 h of observation per year. ", "For species where more than 6 h of observations were available for each year, we equally sampled a 6 h-subset of the dataset from the three observation sessions. ", "With the help of this sub-dataset, we analysed the differences in the above-mentioned network parameters between the two years. ", "As year did not have an effect in any of the analyses ([Table S1](#pone.0054956.s002){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}), we pooled the data set across the two years and used 18 h of frugivore observation for each plant species in each forest fragments. ", "Henceforth, all analyses were based on this pooled data set.", "\n\nStatistical Analysis {#s2e}\n--------------------\n\nAll habitat characteristics, i.e. fruit abundance, fruiting plant species richness and canopy cover were uncorrelated (all p-values \\>0.423). ", "We used a linear mixed effects model to test the effect of the above-mentioned characteristics as well as of trophic level (plants *vs.* frugivores) on species specialization (*d\\'*). ", "Trophic level was nested within plot for this analysis. ", "Moreover, we used fruit abundance, fruiting plant species richness and canopy cover as explanatory variables to examine their effect on complementary specialisation (*H~2~\\'*), interaction diversity and network robustness in separate linear models. ", "All statistical analyses were performed in R using packages base and nlme. ", "We further tested for a correlation of interaction diversity and network robustness.", "\n\nResults {#s3}\n=======\n\nAcross the nine study sites, we monitored a total of 31 fruiting plant species ([Table S2](#pone.0054956.s003){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "During 1,854 observation hours we recorded a total of 53 frugivorous bird species and 8,284 frugivore visitors involved in fruit removal activities on the focal plants ([Table S3](#pone.0054956.s004){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Plants that had most interactions with frugivores included the Common Wild Fig (*Ficus burkei*), Forest Knobwood (*Zanthoxylum davyi*) and Red-beech (*Protorhus longifolia*). ", "Frugivores with most interactions on plants included the Dark-capped Bulbul (*Pycnonotus tricolor*), Cape White-eye (*Zosterops virens*) and Knysna Turaco (*Tauraco corythaix*) ([Figure S1](#pone.0054956.s001){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}).", "\n\nSpecialisation of Plants and Frugivores {#s3a}\n---------------------------------------\n\nThe mean weighted species specialisation (*d\\'*) of the trophic levels within our networks was significantly higher for plants (0.39±0.02 SE) than for frugivores (0.34±0.01, [Table 1](#pone-0054956-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}; [Fig. ", "1](#pone-0054956-g001){ref-type=\"fig\"}; [Table S4](#pone.0054956.s005){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Species specialisation further increased with increasing fruit abundance, but decreased with increasing fruiting plant species richness and canopy cover ([Table 1](#pone-0054956-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}; [Table S4](#pone.0054956.s005){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}).", "\n\n![", "Mean ± SE specialisation of frugivores and plants within plant-fugivore networks. (", "n = 9).](pone.0054956.g001){#pone-0054956-g001}\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0054956.t001\n\n###### Effects of habitat characteristics and trophic level on the structure of plant-frugivore networks.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0054956.t001){#pone-0054956-t001-1}\n\n species specialization (*d\\'*) network specialization (*H~2~\\'*) interaction diversity network robustness \n --------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------- -------------------- ------ ----------- ------- -------\n fruit abundance 3.26 **0.022** 4.20 **0.008** 1.08 0.329 −0.19 0.854\n fruiting plant species richness −3.13 **0.026** −9.42 **\\<0.001** 2.21 **0.078** 1.88 0.119\n canopy cover −3.20 **0.024** −3.72 **0.014** 1.34 0.238 −0.44 0.676\n trophic level 3.74 **0.006** -- -- -- -- -- --\n R^2^ -- 0.96 0.65 0.42 \n\nSpecies specialisation (*d\\'*), network specialisation (*H~2~\\'*), interaction diversity and robustness of plant-frugivore networks (n = 9) in relation to fruit abundance, fruiting plant species richness, canopy cover (%) and trophic level (plant *vs.* frugivore). ", "To investigate effects on species specialization, trophic level was nested within plot in a linear mixed effect model; effects on all other dependent variables were analysed using linear models. ", "Given are *R^2^*, *t* and *P* values, if applicable. ", "Note: all significant or marginally significant *P values* are highlighted in bold.", "\n\nNetwork Specialisation (H~2~\\'), Interaction Diversity and Robustness {#s3b}\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nOverall, the mean network complementary specialisation (*H~2~\\'*) was 0.44±0.02 ([Table S4](#pone.0054956.s005){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Network specialisation increased with increasing fruit abundance ([Table 1](#pone-0054956-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}; [Fig. ", "2a](#pone-0054956-g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}), and decreased with increasing fruiting plant species richness ([Table 1](#pone-0054956-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}; [Fig. ", "2b](#pone-0054956-g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and canopy cover ([Table 1](#pone-0054956-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}; [Fig. ", "2c](#pone-0054956-g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}; [Table S4](#pone.0054956.s005){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "The mean diversity of interactions in the networks was 3.54±0.07 and was unaffected by fruit abundance and canopy cover ([Table 1](#pone-0054956-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}, [Fig. ", "2d, f](#pone-0054956-g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}; [Table S4](#pone.0054956.s005){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "However, interaction diversity tended to increase with increasing fruiting plant species richness ([Table 1](#pone-0054956-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}; [Fig. ", "2e](#pone-0054956-g002){ref-type=\"fig\"}; [Figure S1](#pone.0054956.s001){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "The mean robustness of networks towards frugivore extinction was 0.48±0.01. ", "Network robustness was unaffected by any of the habitat characteristics ([Table 1](#pone-0054956-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}; [Table S4](#pone.0054956.s005){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Interaction diversity and network robustness were positively correlated (Pearson correlation, r = 0.78, p = 0.014).", "\n\n![", "Effect of different habitat characteristics on network specialisation and interaction diversity.\\\nNetwork specialisation (*H~2~\\'*; A, B, C) and interaction diversity (D, E, F) in relation to fruit abundance, fruiting plant species richness and canopy cover (%), for plant-frugivore networks (n = 9; for calculation of network parameters, see [methods](#s2){ref-type=\"sec\"}). ", "Shown are residuals of both x and y variables controlling for all other variables in the model (see [Table 1](#pone-0054956-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}).](pone.0054956.g002){#pone-0054956-g002}\n\nDiscussion {#s4}\n==========\n\nOur study shows that specialisation of plants was higher than that of frugivores. ", "Generally, the different habitat characteristics affected network structure but not its robustness to species extinctions. ", "High fruit abundance led to higher specialisation, while increasing fruiting plant species richness and canopy cover reduced specialisation both at the species and network level. ", "Interaction diversity slightly increased with fruiting plant species richness and was unaffected by fruit abundance and canopy cover.", "\n\nNetwork and Species Specialisation {#s4a}\n----------------------------------\n\nOverall, network specialisation was comparable to other plant-frugivore networks (*H~2~\\'* = 0.18--0.51 [@pone.0054956-Mello1]; *H~2~\\'* = 0.30 [@pone.0054956-Schleuning1]). ", "In comparison to e.g. pollination networks (median specialisation of 0.55 across 21 networks, [@pone.0054956-Blthgen1]), rather low specialisation in plant-frugivore networks is generally expected in subtropical and tropical ecosystems [@pone.0054956-Schleuning1], [@pone.0054956-Schleuning2]. ", "Especially in the tropics, year-round fruit availability and diversity and dependence of frugivores on these fruits are both high [@pone.0054956-Jordano3]. ", "Thus frugivores forage in a generalist way, leading to low network specialisation in tropical ecosystems. ", "This implies redundancy among the interactions within the networks, and therefore potentially a stability towards disturbances [@pone.0054956-Naeem1], [@pone.0054956-Yachi1].", "\n\nWithin our networks, plant species were on average more specialised than frugivores, and thus have a higher dependence on frugivores than vice versa. ", "This asymmetry in mutual dependence is a common pattern in plant-frugivore networks [@pone.0054956-Bascompte2], [@pone.0054956-Bascompte3]. ", "It may be caused by the fact that frugivores are the only mobile nodes within the networks, and are able to track and explore plant resources [@pone.0054956-Graham1], [@pone.0054956-Lenz1]. ", "Plants, in contrast, are sessile and depend on the frugivores' choice and visitation. ", "From the plantś perspective, the high specialisation on frugivores, and thus on potential seed dispersers, might make them vulnerable to the loss of bird species from the community. ", "This could ultimately challenge their regeneration potential. ", "In contrast, the lower specialisation of birds seems reasonable as the year-round dependence of tropical and subtropical frugivores on fruit resources leads to the consumption of a great variety of fruit species [@pone.0054956-Jordano3], [@pone.0054956-Kissling1], [@pone.0054956-Herrera1]. ", "Further, several studies have shown that frugivore species are able to track new fruit resources across vast spatial and temporal scales [@pone.0054956-Graham1], [@pone.0054956-Lenz1], [@pone.0054956-Saracco1]. ", "Consequently, frugivores may be less prone to fluctuations in resource availability across the plant community.", "\n\nFruit Abundance, Fruiting Plant Species Richness and Network Structure {#s4b}\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAn increase in fruit abundance resulted in an increase in specialisation at both network and species level. ", "This implies that a higher availability of fruits within a forest fragment leads to higher specialisation of frugivores on plants and vice versa. ", "The increase in specialisation has contrasting effects on the two trophic levels within the network. ", "From the plants' perspective, high specialisation may limit interactions with a broad spectrum of frugivores, thereby increasing their dependency on single or few frugivores that may either be effective or non-effective, e.g. based on their foraging capacity, efficiency (e.g. fruit handling behavior) and dispersal distances [@pone.0054956-Kankam1]. ", "From the frugivore perspective, high resource availability reduces both the average foraging time as well as the distance that they have to cover between fruiting plants [@pone.0054956-Khamcha1]. ", "Moreover, this may also reduce competition for resources [@pone.0054956-Blthgen1], allowing frugivores to access specific fruit types with less handling and search effort or energy loss [@pone.0054956-Blthgen1], thereby increasing specialisation. ", "In contrast, lower availability of specific resources increases generalisation due to high search effort, as confirmed by the negative effect of fruiting plant species richness on specialisation (see also [@pone.0054956-MacArthur1]). ", "Further, the increasing variety of available fruit resources allows for efficient balancing of nutrient diet, which again increases frugivore generalisation [@pone.0054956-Jordano3].", "\n\nThe increase in interaction diversity particularly with increasing fruiting plant species richness denotes that high diversity of food resources may promote network stability. ", "In fact, we found a positive relationship between interaction diversity and robustness of our networks. ", "Under such conditions, plants would profit from a broad spectrum of seed dispersing frugivores as this may reduce the clumping of seeds in the landscape. ", "This may potentially aid the recruitment of their offspring in diverse communities. ", "Nonetheless, neither fruit abundance nor fruiting plant species richness affected robustness at the network level. ", "Changes of specialisation and interaction diversity along gradients of habitat characteristics are not reflected in varying robustness of the networks. ", "This could be caused by the comparably high overall generalisation and redundancy within our networks, which makes the networks insensitive towards the loss of single frugivore species.", "\n\nCanopy Cover and Network Structure {#s4c}\n----------------------------------\n\nSpecialisation at both species and network level decreased slightly with increasing canopy cover, while interaction diversity and network robustness where unaffected. ", "Decreasing specialisation with increasing canopy cover is congruent with results from a study in a Kenyan rainforest [@pone.0054956-Schleuning1], which found that obligate frugivores, the frugivore guild which is potentially least specialised, are foraging mostly in the canopy stratum. ", "Further, fleshy-fruiting plants are often aggregated under the canopy of tall trees, potentially due to a higher seed rain under these trees [@pone.0054956-Jordano3]. ", "Canopy cover might actually represent the long-term level of resource availability within a fragment, while fruit availability may only be a snapshot of the resources available in a limited time span.", "Thus, the direct negative effect of canopy cover on specialisation might be caused by an indirect effect of a higher fruit crop and a higher attractiveness to frugivores with increasing canopy cover. ", "High resource availability will, in turn, maintain a broad spectrum of generalist frugivores within the community. ", "Yet, despite its effects on network specialisation, canopy cover neither influenced interaction diversity nor the robustness of plant-frugivore networks. ", "Other habitat characteristics, e.g. vegetation structure and complexity, may thus be more important in promoting the maintenance of complex frugivore communities in the long-term.", "\n\nConclusions {#s4d}\n-----------\n\nOur study shows that networks across local forest fragments were all characterized by redundancy in the associations between plants and frugivores, suggesting a stable coexistence of species in the plant-frugivore communities. ", "Thus, secondary extinctions of mutualists, due to resource losses are unlikely in these networks [@pone.0054956-Estrada1], [@pone.0054956-Blthgen4], as species have numerous reassembly pathways [@pone.0054956-Law1]. ", "Especially the abundance and diversity of fruit resources seem to be a key factor driving specialisation of plant-frugivore networks. ", "However, besides the habitat characteristics measured here, i.e. resource availability and canopy cover, other factors might be more important in determining the ultimate robustness of these networks. ", "We particularly encourage conservation efforts to promote management strategies that will maintain habitat quality in remaining forest fragments. ", "Moreover, future studies should also endeavour to establish how such complex interactions between plants and frugivores translate into effective seed dispersal and forest regeneration.", "\n\nSupporting Information {#s5}\n======================\n\n###### \n\n**Plant-frugivore interaction networks in nine scarp forest fragments in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa.** ", "Grey shades represent the frequency of interactions among frugivores and plants within a network, with black representing most frequent interactions.", "\n\n(EPS)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### \n\n**Effects of habitat characteristics and season (year 2009/10, year 2010/11) on the structure of plant-frugivore networks.** ", "Species specialisation (*d\\'*), network specialisation (*H~2~\\'*), interaction diversity and robustness of plant-frugivore networks (n = 9) in relation to fruit abundance, fruiting plant species richness, canopy cover (%) and season (2009/10 and 2010/11). ", "A subset of the complete data set was used for these analyses. ", "For each species where more than 6 h of observation in each year were available, we equally sampled a 6 h-subset of the dataset from the three observation sessions (see main text for details). ", "Effects on all dependent variables were analysed using linear mixed effect models, with year nested within plot. ", "To investigate effects on species specialization, trophic level was nested within year and plot. ", "Given are *t* and *P* values. ", "Note: all significant or marginally significant *P* values are highlighted in bold.", "\n\n(DOCX)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### \n\n**Common and scientific names of fleshy-fruiting plants in nine plant-frugivore networks.**", "\n\n(DOCX)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### \n\n**Species codes, common and scientific names of frugivores (birds) in nine plant-frugivore networks.**", "\n\n(DOCX)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### \n\n**Measures of plant-frugivore networks and habitat characteristics of nine scarp forest fragments in South Africa.**", "\n\n(DOCX)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\nWe thank the Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife for the permission to undertake this study in Vernon Crooks Nature Reserve and G. Archibald for granting us access to the forest fragments at his farm. ", "Our utmost gratitude goes to T. Ngidi for assisting with field observations as well as to F. Voigt and P. Pillay for their joint administrative support. ", "The identification and selection of study sites was facilitated by E. Neuschulz and I. Grass at the onset of the study. ", "We thank J. Albrecht and D. Hodgson for their valuable input and the Conservation Ecology Group (Marburg University) and two anonymous reviewers for useful comments on an earlier version of this manuscript.", "\n\n[^1]: **Competing Interests:**Co-author Nina Farwig is a PLOS ONE Editorial Board member. ", "This does not alter the authors\\' adherence to all the PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.", "\n\n[^2]: Conceived and designed the experiments: NF CD. ", "Performed the experiments: LC. ", "Analyzed the data: LC DGB. ", "Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: NF CD. ", "Wrote the paper: LC DGB CD NF.", "\n" ]
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[ "This proposed project seeks three years of support to systematically examine the prevalence and mental health consequences of exposure to politically motivated trauma and violence in South Africa. ", "It will consider the psychological sequelae of violent acts for both perpetrators and survivors. ", "In addition, in one of the countries of the world hardest hit by the AIDS epidemic, this study will explore the psychological impact of the perceived threat of HIV/AIDS. ", "This work has the following specific aims: 1) To learn about the prevalence and distribution of exposure to politically motivated trauma during apartheid; 2) To assess the relationship between exposure to trauma and mental health by carefully and cautiously studying the observed associations with appropriate use of targeted comparisons and statistical controls; 3) To assess the association between perceived vulnerability to HIV/AIDS and the risk of psychiatric disorders; 4) To study the effects of a series of hypothesized stress-diathesis variables in modifying the associations between stress exposure and mental health; 5) To estimate the current prevalence and sociodemographic correlates of commonly occurring mental disorders in South Africa and the role impairments associated with these disorders; 6) To investigate the impact of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) on the mental health of South Africans; and 7) To study predictors of informal and professional help-seeking among South Africans who currently have mental disorders. ", "No nationally representative data exists on these issues in South Africa and the proposed study provides an unprecedented opportunity to enhance our understanding of the mental health consequences of exposure to racial-political violence in the country of origin only a short time after transition to majority rule." ]
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[ "A new Netflix documentary called “The Great Hack” is looking at how your online data is used to influence public opinion and elections. ", "The director, Jehane Noujam, and producer, Karim Amer, join Stephanie Ruhle to discuss online data and privacy amid Facebook’s record-breaking fine from the FTC. ", "NYU Stern School of Business professor Scott Galloway joins with his take." ]
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[ "About TNW\n\nTNW Sites\n\nGmail Offering Sponsored Themes?", "\n\nAccording to TNW’s Matt Brian, the answer is yes. ", "Matt noticed an Assassin’s Creed theme available in his Gmail, and dug a bit deeper to find out what the story was behind it.", "\n\nThe Google Themes help section explains that “users in Brazil, the UK, and France may see the option to choose a Sponsored theme”. ", "Sponsored themes are only available on an experimental basis at the moment. ", "However, if you choose to show one, it will remain available to you even after the testing phase has ended.", "\n\nIt appears that Google is testing the waters on how it can monetize some functions that already exist within its product lines. ", "Suddenly, I find myself jealous of those living in Brazil, the UK and France.", "\n\nWhere do you live? ", "Can you see the Sponsored Themes? ", "Regardless, would you use one?", "\n\nThis post is part of our contributor series. ", "The views expressed are the author's own and not necessarily shared by TNW." ]
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[ 0, 0.017391304347826087, 0.005235602094240838, 0.0048543689320388345, 0 ]
[ "Studies and Research on Autism Spectrum Disorders\n\nThe health risks of using human fetal cell lines for vaccine manufacture have been debated by scientists for over 50 years.", "\n\nThe active component of a vaccine is a virus. ", "Viruses are too large to manufacture in test tubes. ", "Therefore, vaccine manufacturers exploit the natural method of producing virus– they inoculate cells and the cells produce the virus for them. ", "Each vial of vaccine contains contaminants from the cells used to make the virus. ", "When we use animal cells to make viruses, the residual material is not human and so we mount an immune response to it and eliminate it. ", "However, in the case of vaccines produced using human fetal cell lines, we have the health risk of triggering an autoimmune response and insertion of the contaminating DNA to disrupt the child’s own genes.", "\n\nIn the US, autism has spiked up in 3 distinct years, called changepoints. ", "The first changepoint occurred in 1981, the second in 19881, and the third in 1996. ", "These spikes coincide with the introduction of vaccines that are produced in human fetal cells. ", "In 1979, human fetal cell produced MMR II was approved in the US. ", "Compliance campaigns brought MMR II use up from as low as 49% for children born before 1987 to over 82% for children born in 1989 and later. ", "A second dose of MMR II was also introduced to the vaccination schedule for children born in 1988 and later. ", "The third changepoint corresponds to the approval of human fetal cell produced Varivax (chickenpox) in 1995 (See figure below).", "\n\nThe scientific community has well documented the biological processes that make human fetal contaminants in our vaccines so potentially dangerous. ", "Sound Choice is doing the studies to demonstrate the actual health risks with each vaccine.", "\n\n1Also published by the EPA in March 2010.", "\n\nFurther Information:\n\nResearch and Publication" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhat do these different execution environments in Eclipse mean?", "\n\nWhat are the differences between these different Execution environments I'm seeing in Eclipse? ", "It seems they're all under the same JDK version. ", "I'm particularly interested in:\n\nWhat do they represent exactly?", "\nWhen will I choose one over the other? ", "The J2SE ones are straightforward, but what are those CDC and OSGi for?", "\n\nA:\n\nThis link should answer your question:\n\nExecution environments (EEs) are symbolic representations of JREs. ", "For\n example, rather than talking about a specific JRE, with a specific\n name at a specific location on your disk, you can talk about the\n J2SE-1.4 execution environment. ", "The system can then be configured to\n use a specific JRE to implement that execution environment.", "\n Execution environments are relevant both to development (compile) time and runtime.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "II. ", "Prospective MA Students\n\nThe Master of Arts program is a regionally-focused humanities program designed for students who wish to broaden their knowledge of East Asian studies and languages. ", "The program equips students with the language skills necessary to prepare them to undertake advanced research at the PhD level in their region of choice. ", "Alongside a regional or transregional comparative focus, students choose a discipline and take seminars as well methodological courses to prepare for conducting thesis research. ", "For more information about the MA program, please refer to the EALAC MA Degree Requirements.", "\n\nThe MA program in Columbia’s Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures (EALAC) has a very strong record of placing its graduates in first-rate PhD programs around the country. ", "Many of MA graduates also hold significant East Asia-related positions in law, foreign relations, business, journalism, museum or library work, and other fields. ", "This program offers MA students exactly the same courses that are open to PhD students, assuming appropriate language capacities, and our students are free to take courses across the humanities and social sciences, tailoring their programs to their own needs.", "\n\nProgression to Doctoral Study\n\nApproximately half of our MA students proceed to doctoral study after the completion of their degrees, both at Columbia and other top universities. ", "MA students wishing to matriculate as doctoral students at Columbia must reapply as such through the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.", "\n\nEALAC MA and MARSEA\n\nThe EALAC MA program differs the MARSEA (Master of Arts in Regional Studies-East Asia) program in the Weatherhead East Asian Institute at Columbia University in that it focuses predominantly on history, humanities, and languages. ", "This approach is manifested in EALAC’s many courses on history, literature, philosophy, religion, popular culture, film, visual culture, material culture and archaeology, and it does so in both the pre-modern and modern/contemporary periods. ", "Applicants who are primarily interested in contemporary issues such as international politics, economy, and social sciences should apply to the MARSEA program.", "\n\nFunding & Cost of Attendance\n\nWhile partial funding is available to select MA students in each incoming class, the majority of EALAC master’s students are self-funded, and we recommend that all potential students review their funding options as outlined by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.", "\n\nAKS-CKR Fellowship for Korean StudiesThe Academy of Korean Studies-Center for Korean Research Fellowship provides partial funding to MA students in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures (and other programs) with a Korea-related focus. ", "For information, see our funding page.", "\n\nDuration of Study\n\nTypically, students complete their program of study in 3-4 semesters. ", "While it is possible to complete the program in a single year and summer, most students choose to take advantage of an extended period of study, especially because the tuition drops significantly in the second year of enrollment. ", "Please see potential models of study under MA requirements.", "\n\nAdvising\n\nThe MA Director serve as general advisors for all MA students, and are available to advise students in addition to their advisors and the Director of Graduate Studies. ", "However, students are expected to work closely with their faculty advisor—assigned during the admission process— in shaping their course of study and formulation of their thesis. ", "Students are encouraged to take courses outside of their field, regional focus, and also outside of the EALAC department. ", "Our department’s graduate level seminars and colloquium allow MA student enrollment.", "\n\nCourses\n\nStudents are encouraged to take courses outside of their field, regional focus, and also outside of the EALAC department. ", "Our department’s graduate-level seminars and colloquia allow MA student enrollment.", "\n\nPotential Career Options\n\nWhile many graduates of the MA program choose to pursue a PhD, other students continue on into careers in the Foreign Service, museums and foundations, as well as higher education or business.", "\n\nIII. ", "Prospective PhD Students\n\nEALAC has long been known for its distinguished faculty and for its many PhD alumni, who teach in numerous universities and colleges around the United States, Europe, and Asia. ", "EALAC is one of the only programs in the world to have deep strength in China, Korea, Japan, and Tibet in both modern and premodern periods, across a wide spread of disciplines, ranging from history, religion, and literature to visual culture and film. ", "The PhD program in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures is also closely affiliated with the Department of History, under a joint degree program called History-East Asia. ", "For more specific details, please see specific “Fields” under “Graduate Programs.”", "\n\nApplication Process\n\nIn order to guarantee that your application is read, you must submit your complete set of materials by December 15. ", "All students matriculate in the Fall term of the year for which they apply.", "\n\nApplicants are strongly encouraged to contact faculty members in the department whom they are interested in studying with so as to discuss their potential research plans, and to gauge their fit with the aims of the program. ", "Applicants are advised to read information on the “Fields” page and the “Faculty Profiles.”", "\n\nGRE scores are required for all students, and the TOEFL or IELTS are required for students who receive their undergraduate degree from an institution at which the primary language of instruction is not English. ", "For more information, see the GSAS standardized testing page.", "\n\nWriting samples should be approximately 15 pages in length and composed in English.", "\n\nDuration of Study\n\nPhD students are expected to complete their study in the program within seven years. ", "Students who do not enter the program with an MA, or hold an MA in a field other than that in which they are pursuing the PhD are required to complete a MA, generally within the first one or two years of study. ", "Most candidates take their oral examination and defend their dissertation proposal, earning an MPhil in the third year of study. ", "For more detailed information, please see the EALAC PhD Degree Requirements.", "\n\nFunding\n\nStudents who are offered admissions into the PhD program receive five years of full funding (covering tuition, stipend, and fees) from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. ", "Additional support is provided depending on the circumstances. ", "For more information, please see the GSAS external funding policies.", "\n\nIn 2014-2015, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences will offer students summer fellowships in the amount of $3,250 for five years. ", "Students can also apply for additional funding from EALAC and Weatherhead East Asian Institute." ]
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[ "Reader Specials\n\niTunes Music Review - The Life Pursuit\n\nThe Life Pursuit is a sort of Reeses Peanut Butter Cup. ", "You get Belle & Sebastian's peanut butter (its wistful, often irresistible pop) dipped in a 'Have A Nice Day!' ", "and glam 70s chocolate. ", "Although I'm guessing that most Belle & Sebastian fans might not say it's the band's best record, it is certainly its most irrepressible and to my mind, its most fun.", "\n\nT. Rex's recent ascendancy is evident here, particularly in \"White Collar Boy\" and \"The Blues Are Still Blue,\" the latter of which incorporates a cowbell in the chorus (and who doesn't enjoy a well-placed cowbell?). ", "Songs like \"Sukie in the Graveyard\" sound like they could have been sung by the Partridge Family, although its lyrics (Sample: \"She had a slut slave and his name was Dave/She said 'Be my photo bitch and I'll make you rich'\") probably wouldn't have made it past the TV censors, methinks.", "\n\n\"Another Sunny Day\" and \"Dress Up In You\" have a more traditional Belle & Sebastian sound to them, although the former also sounds like early REM with its jangly guitar and a beat reminiscent of \"Radio Free Europe\" - which, of course, is not a 70s song, but I can't imagine anyone complaining about it.", "\n\nPerhaps the best song on The Life Pursuit is \"Mornington Crescent,\" a Stonesy-sounding meditation (complete with Sticky Fingers country guitar and blues piano) with lyrics that would have fit in well on The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society. ", "This is a fitting end because like Ray Davies, Stuart Murdoch is a gifted observer, not only of the world around him but of the wealth of musical styles that fall under the umbrella of pop music. ", "Perhaps, that's why this album can incorporate so many styles without sounding derivative." ]
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[ "It's well established that quarterback is the most important position in football, and that's becoming even more apparent as teams continue to install offenses which are so heavily dependent upon the pass. ", "That's why Heisman Trophy voters are so hesitant to hand over the award to someone who plays another position and are justified in doing so.", "\n\nOver the past few seasons, we've had some incredible quarterbacks pass through the college ranks, from Johnny Manziel to Jameis Winston to Marcus Mariota. ", "But even as those players move on to the next level, the overall depth of the position on a national scale only continues to grow, and that trend doesn't seem likely to change in 2015.", "\n\nWe recently released our ranking of the Top 247 players in college football for the upcoming season and 22 quarterbacks made the list.", "\n\nAs with any ranking involving more than one person, we all had differing opinions on where the respective players should be ranked. ", "Here’s my personal ranking of top five signal-callers in the country for the 2015 season.", "\n\n5. ", "Jared Goff | Jr. | 6-4 | 215 | California\n\nHigh School (2013): Greenbrae (Calif.) Marin Catholic\n\n247Sports Composite: Four-Star (0.9127), No. ", "15 Pro-Style QB\n\nSummary: Jared Goff hasn’t gotten much recognition for his stellar play last season, and Cal’s 5-7 record is largely to blame for that. ", "But thanks to Goff, the Bears were able to give several good teams – UCLA, USC and Arizona among them – a run for their money, despite fielding a defense that ranked among the nation’s worst. ", "In 12 games last year as a true sophomore, Goff was 316-of-509 passing (62.1 percent) for 3,973 yards with 35 touchdowns and just 7 interceptions to his credit. ", "Perhaps the nation’s best pure passer, Goff possesses a very good arm with even better accuracy and, while not a major running threat, is mobile enough to maneuver around the pocket to buy time as he goes through his progressions. ", "With a strong junior campaign and continued improvement, it’s a very real possibility that Goff could be the first quarterback off the board come next year’s NFL Draft.", "\n\n4. ", "J.T. Barrett | RS-Soph. ", "| 6-2 | 225 | Ohio State\n\nHigh School (2013): Wichita Falls (Texas) Rider\n\n247Sports Composite: Four-Star (0.9348), No. ", "3 Dual-Threat QB\n\nSummary: Ohio State’s end-of-season run with Cardale Jones at the helm has made some forget just how good J.T. Barrett was prior to his season-ending injury. ", "When Braxton Miller went down before the season, many thought the Buckeyes’ national title hopes were doomed, only to have Barrett step in and lead the team to an 11-1 record, placing the Buckeyes right in the thick of the playoff race. ", "The redshirt freshman finished the year with 2,834 passing yards, 938 rushing yards, and a Big Ten record 45 total touchdowns (34 passing, 11 rushing), and his 169.8 passing efficiency mark ranked 2nd in the country. ", "As a result of his outstanding season, Barrett was named the Big Ten Quarterback of the Year and finished fifth in Heisman Trophy voting. ", "With an outstanding offensive line, one of the best running backs in the country, and a loaded wide receiver corps at his disposal, the pieces are all in place for Barrett to have another big year. ", "But first, he’ll need to beat out Jones to win the starting job.", "\n\n3. ", "Cody Kessler | Sr. ", "| 6-1 | 215 | USC\n\nHigh School (2011): Bakersfield (Calif.) Centennial\n\n247Sports Composite: Four-Star (0.9311), No. ", "4 Pro-Style QB\n\nSummary: Though it seems unfathomable that a USC quarterback could fly under the radar, Cody Kessler somehow managed to do just that last season. ", "Despite posting incredibly efficient numbers, the Trojans’ signal-caller didn’t factor into the Heisman conversation. ", "He finishing the year having thrown for 3,826 yards with 39 touchdowns and a mere five interceptions, ranking third nationally in completion percentage (69.7%) and fourth in passing efficiency (167.1). ", "As Kessler enters his senior season, he'll have to find a new favorite target due to the departure of Nelson Agholor, but the Trojans’ depth at the skill positions should make for an easy transition. ", "There will be no flying under the radar for Kessler this season, however, as the Trojans are ranked No. ", "8 in the preseason AP Poll and are expected to contend for the national title.", "\n\n2. ", "Trevone Boykin | Sr. ", "| 6-2 | 205 | TCU\n\nHigh School (2011): Mesquite (Texas) West Mesquite\n\n247Sports Composite: Three-Star (0.8491), No. ", "53 ATH\n\nSummary: TCU experienced an offensive resurgence last season and Trevone Boykin’s emergence had a lot to do with that. ", "Boykin thrived in his first season at the helm of offensive coordinator Doug Meacham’s spread system, completing 61.2 percent of his passes for 3,901 yards with 33 touchdowns and 10 interceptions, while also picking up 707 yards and 8 scores on the ground. ", "The former wide receiver even added a 55-yard TD reception for good measure. ", "This season, his top three targets are back and so is most of his offensive line, so Boykin’s second year in the system should be even better. ", "And with TCU having to replace several key defensive players, Boykin may need to be even better as the Horned Frogs look to make it to the College Football Playoff after being left out a season ago.", "\n\n1. ", "Deshaun Watson | Soph. ", "| 6-2 | 210 | Clemson\n\nHigh School (2014): Gainesville (Ga.)\n\n247Sports Composite: Four-Star (0.9791), No. ", "1 Dual-Threat QB\n\nSummary: Sure, Deshaun Watson has only played in a handful of games at the college level and he’s coming off a major knee injury. ", "But what little we have seen from him was really good and all reports indicate he’s back to full health. ", "Last year as a true freshman, Watson completed 67.9 percent of his passes for 1,466 yards with 14 touchdowns and just two picks. ", "He averaged 10.7 yards per attempt while posting a 188.7 passing efficiency rating, both marks that would have led the nation if he had enough pass attempts to qualify. ", "His finest performance may have come in the regular season finale against South Carolina, when he threw for a pair of scores and rushed for two more to help Clemson snap a 5-game losing streak against its bitter rivals, despite playing with a torn ACL that would require surgery. ", "We’ve only seen a fraction of what Watson is capable of as a quarterback and he should only continue to get better going forward. ", "If he can stay healthy, look out.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Social media can be an alluring land where newcomers expect engagement figures to skyrocket in no time.", "\nBut the social-savvy know they have to be cautious with the vain promises and focus on getting organic\n\nAre you ready for a voice-activated world? ", "Is the world ready for such a thing?", "\nRegular users are slowly getting into voice search. ", "One of the aspects leading up to this point may have to do with Google’s\n\nWhen faced with the ever-changing marketing environment, business owners may ask themselves:\nWhat ROI do I get from choosing one marketing option over another?", "\nHow sustainable is online marketing as opposed\n\nI bet you are exquisite at something and that there are plenty of people out there who look up to you. ", "Your expertise is your most valuable resource and you should take advantage of it to make more money.", "\nHave" ]
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[ "#trending\n\nA combo of new faces and long-time favorites comprise this list of gifted sisters taking hold of both the big and small screens. ", "Listed in alphabetical order, a few CLUTCH favorites most definitely got shine. ", "We wanna know whom you’d add to this list — please add them below!" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Maliki Says Iraqi Forces 'Regaining The Initiative'\n\nA screen grab taken from a video uploaded to YouTube on June 17 allegedly shows militants ISIL parading with their weapons in the northern Iraqi city of Baiji.", "\n\nShare\n\nMaliki Says Iraqi Forces 'Regaining The Initiative'\n\nshare\n\nIraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki says government forces are \"regaining the initiative and striking back\" after militants from an Al-Qaeda splinter group seized large swaths of territory in the north of the country.", "\n\nIn a televised address on June 18, Maliki, a Shi'ite, said the \"shock\" of the militants' advance in the mainly Sunni north has helped restore Iraq's national unity.", "\n\nMaliki admitted the army had suffered a setback, but said that \"not every setback is a defeat.\"", "\n\nMilitants spearheaded by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) have seized the key cities of Mosul and Tikrit after launching their offensive earlier this month and pushing toward Baghdad.", "\n\nOn June 18, Government forces said they had regained parts of the strategic Shi'ite-majority town of Tal Afar near the Syrian border and repelled an attack on the oil refinery in Baiji, north of Baghdad.", "\n\nThe army said 40 militants were killed in fighting at Baiji, but the claim could not be independently confirmed.", "\n\nSaudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal on June 18 said the deteriorating security situation in Iraq shows signs of a \"civil war.\"", "\n\nIraq's government has accused Sunni Saudi Arabia of financing the militants.", "\n\nOn June 18, Iranian President Hassan Rohani said his country, Saudi Arabia's regional rival, would do whatever it takes to protect Shi'ite holy sites in Iraq against the Sunni militants.", "\n\nIndia's Foreign Ministry, meanwhile, said 40 Indian construction workers have been abducted near the northern city of Mosul.", "\n\nTurkish media reports said 60 foreign construction workers, including some 15 Turks, were reported abducted by ISIL militants near the northern oil city of Kirkuk.", "\n\nLast week, 80 Turkish nationals were seized near Mosul, 49 of them from the Turkish consulate in the city.", "\n\nU.S. President Barack Obama is considering military options to push back the ISIL. ", "But in return Washington wants Maliki to address concerns of the minority Sunnis, which ISIL has exploited to win support." ]
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[ "Noel Hood\n\nMargaret Noel Hood (25 December 1909 – 15 October 1979) was a British actress. ", "She was married to the Irish-born actor Charles Oliver.", "\n\nSelected filmography\n Crook's Tour (1941) as Edith Charters \n The Belles of St Trinian's (1954) as Bilston School Mistress \n The Constant Husband (1955)\n The Surgeon's Knife (1957) as Sister Slater \n The Curse of Frankenstein (1957) as Aunt Sophia \n The Duke Wore Jeans (1958) as Lady Marguerite \n The Inn of the Sixth Happiness (1958) as Miss Thompson \n The Son of Robin Hood (1958) as Prioress \n Bobbikins (1959) as Nurse \n Devil's Bait as Mrs. Evans\n No Kidding (1960) as Vicar's wife \n Satan Never Sleeps (1962) as Sister Justine\n\nSelected television\n Emergency – Ward 10 as Mrs. Anderson (1957–67)\n Adventure story (1961)\n From a Bird's Eye View as Ms. Fosdyke (1970–71)\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n\nCategory:1909 births\nCategory:1979 deaths\nCategory:British film actresses\nCategory:British television actresses\nCategory:20th-century British actresses\nCategory:People from Bristol" ]
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[ "Nonisotopic human papillomavirus DNA typing of cervical smears obtained at the initial colposcopic examination.", "\nTo determine the prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in 401 patients attending colposcopy for the first time, scraped cervical cells were investigated using dot blot hybridization and biotinylated DNA probes to HPV 6 and 11 (low-risk types) and 16, 18, and 33 (high-risk types). ", "The HPV DNA was isolated from 52% of patients (low-risk types = 4%, high-risk types = 48%). ", "Seventy-five percent had a cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)-condyloma. ", "Low-risk types were infrequent (7%) and high-risk types (41%) predominant in condyloma/CIN I lesions when converse rates were expected. ", "As CIN I lesions harboring high-risk types are at some risk of progressing to a higher grade dysplasia, colposcopic examination and treatment of this subgroup would seem justified. ", "As expected, high-risk types were statistically associated with increasing grades of dysplasia. ", "This hybridization method identified typeable HPV DNA in 60% of patients with a CIN-condyloma, and highlighted a unique HPV profile for this patient cohort." ]
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[ "---\nauthor:\n- |\n \\\n Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Bo[č]{}ní II 1401, CZ-14100 Prague, Czech Republic\\\n E-mail:\ntitle: 'X-ray Polarimetry - a Tool for the Galactic center diagnosis'\n---\n\nThe Galactic center region\n==========================\n\nAt a distance of 8.33 $\\pm$ 0.35 kpc [@Gillessen2009] from our Solar system is an astrophysical environment that presents an extremely rich collection of gaseous, stellar and gravitational components: the Galactic center (GC). ", "Due to the GC proximity, the angular size of its central supermassive black hole (9.65 $\\mu$as) may become resolvable in the near future thanks to very-long-baseline interferometry in the radio domain, making the Milky Way an excellent laboratory to locally investigate the processes happening in more distant galaxies. ", "Until then, observations are studying Galactic regions up to a few hundred parsecs from the GC.", "\n\nWithin this Galactic volume, the stellar population is rich in young and massive stars, which is characteristic of a recent and/or ongoing star formation. ", "The stars are essentially concentrated in a disk-like structure called the nuclear stellar disk, extending up to 230 pc in width and 45 pc in height; with stellar clusters being more frequent in the center of the nuclear bulge [@Launhardt2002]. ", "At similar distance scales, the maximum concentration of interstellar gas is gathered in an inclined molecular and atomic disk that extends up to 1.5 kpc from the center, carrying about 10$^7$ M$_\\odot$ of H I [@Burton1978]. ", "This disk reaches the inner 2 pc of the GC, where it forms a non axisymmetric reservoir of gas with total mass of 2 – 5 $\\times$ 10$^5$ M$_\\odot$ [@Oka2011]. ", "This dense, warm, molecular and atomic region is seen nearly edge-on ($\\le$ 20$^\\circ$), extends up to 3 pc along the North-East direction and up to 7 pc along the South-West [@Genzel1985], and is usually denoted as the circumnuclear disk (CND). ", "More generally, the first hundred parsecs around the CND is rich in molecular gas, so that this region is named the central molecular zone (CMZ). ", "The central two parsecs of the GC are occupied by the Sgr A West region which appears to be dominated by ionized gas emission. ", "Finally, at the very center is a radio-intense, sub-arcsecond, structure that has been discovered in 1974 [@Balick1974] and later associated with a strong gravitational field that governs the orbit of nearby stars [@Eckart2002]. ", "This is considered as the first reliable identification of a supermassive black hole.", "\n\nThe GC is thus a vast concentration of molecular and atomic gaseous regions, bright star clusters, dynamical structures and, more importantly, a central supermassive black hole (Sgr A$^*$). ", "Its proximity allows us to probe the direct environment of a $>$ 10$^5$ M$_\\odot$ compact region and better constrain the growth mechanism of black holes, the physical condition of the early Universe and the formation of galaxies.", "\n\nX-ray polarimetry as a new observational window\n===============================================\n\nDespite its proximity and the numerous radio to $\\gamma$-ray observations of the GC, the history of the central parsecs of the Milky Way remains questioned. ", "The quiescence of Sgr A$^*$, which accretes at a fairly slow rate (10$^{-8}$ M$_{\\odot}$.y$^{-1}$ near the event horizon [@Baganoff2003]), is in contradiction with past observations of nearby nebulae [@Sunyaev1993; @Murakami2000]. ", "Situated at projected distances $<$ 150 pc, a collection of molecular gas clouds has shown to have “strong” ($L_X~\\sim$ 10$^{35}$ ergs s$^{-1}$ [@Murakami2000]) absorption-corrected X-ray luminosities in comparison with Sgr A$^*$ ($\\sim$ 2.4 $\\times$ 10$^{33}$ ergs s$^{-1}$ [@Baganoff2003]). ", "Their spectra can be described by a power-law continuum and a prominent 6.4 keV iron emission line, both being attributed to Compton scattering and fluorescence processes. ", "The hypothesis of an irradiating X-ray source located inside the nebulae has been ruled out by the absence of significant long-term variability of the iron K$\\alpha$ line [@Revnivtsev2004]. ", "In addition, the observed disagreement between the molecular mass distribution of the Sgr B2 cloud and the location of the peak of the extended 6.4 keV emission suggests an external source that would be located in the vicinity of Sgr A$^*$ [@Murakami2000]. ", "One possible conclusion is that the 6.4 keV bright, giant molecular clouds are reprocessing a past X-ray activity of Sgr A$^*$, of which the duration and intensity are debated.", "\n\nTo evaluate the intensity of the activity period (not to be mistaken with short-lived X-ray flares nowadays observed in the GC, e.g. [@Porquet2003]), one can relate the intrinsic luminosity of the source to the iron K$\\alpha$ line flux and to the inverse of the distance to Sgr A$^*$. If the former is known (with typical uncertainties lower than 15 %), the latter is restricted to the observed projected distance between the supermassive black hole and the reflection nebula. ", "X-ray spectroscopy [@Ryu2009] and radio observations [@Sawada2004] were used to infer the position of the scattering nebulae but their results suffer from large uncertainties that does not allow to precisely constraint the solid angle of the cloud from the location of the primary source. ", "This is a crucial piece of information (together with the cloud optical depth) to properly constrain the history and morphology of the GC.", "\n\nInformation about the spatial location of the last scattering event are encoded in photons by a phenomenon called polarization. ", "In white light, most sources of light are incoherent and randomly polarized (over time the polarization is constantly changing in an unpredictable manner), but scattering can force the electric field vector to oscillate in a given plane, resulting in measurable polarization. ", "Reflection nebulae are thus potential targets for X-ray polarimetry. ", "Moreover, the degree of scatter-induced polarization is strongly correlated with the angle between the source, the mirror and the observer. ", "Based on these properties, it has been proved that the molecular cloud Sgr B2 should produce large ($>$ 30 %) degrees of linear polarization in the 2 – 8 keV [@Churazov2002] and 8 – 35 keV [@Marin2014a; @Marin2014b] regimes, if the primary source of emission is Sgr A$^*$. Using more advanced simulations, a 4 – 8 keV polarization map of the 100 $\\times$ 30 pc around Sgr A$^*$ has been produced (see Fig.", " \\[Fig:XIPE\\] and [@Marin2015]). ", "The resulting polarization of the eleven most observed/constrained reflection nebulae (Sgr B1, Sgr B2, G0.11-0.11, Bridge E, Bridge D, Bridge B2, MC2, MC1, Sgr C3, Sgr C2, and Sgr C1) presents a variety of signatures, ranging from nearly unpolarized (The Bridge) to highly polarized ($\\sim$ 77% for the Sgr B complex) fluxes, with their polarization position angle normal to the scattering plane. ", "Despite strong dilution due to a diffuse plasma emission[^1] angularly superimposed to the X-ray emission of the reflection nebulae, the Sgr B and Sgr C complexes, and the G0.11-0.11 cloud, have proven to be in the detectability range of a modern X-ray polarimeter. ", "The X-ray Imaging Polarimetry Explorer ([*XIPE*]{} [@Soffitta2013]), a mission concept selected as a candidate for the ESA’s next medium-class science mission, is a prototypical satellite that could detect the polarization of these reflection nebulae. ", "With a 3 Ms long observation of the Sgr B and C complexes, both the degree of polarization (related to the three-dimensional position of the cloud) and the polarization position angles (pinpointing the angular position of the illuminating source) would be detectable [@Marin2015].", "\n\nA multi-wavelength complementarity\n==================================\n\nThanks to X-ray polarimetry, the spatial location of the reflection nebulae with respect to the primary source can be deduced. ", "Additionally, measuring the polarization position angle would unambiguously point towards the primary source (see Fig.", " \\[Fig:XIPE\\]), giving proof or rejecting the hypothesis that the GC was active in the past (with an activity similar to a low-luminosity AGN).", "\n\nTraces of this past activity are difficult to assess at other wavebands. ", "One of the most promising hints is a continuous chain of irregular clumps around the Galactic core that has been revealed by the far-infrared cameras on-board of [*Herschel*]{} [@Molinari2011]. ", "This elliptical twisted ring of molecular material is part of the CMZ, and extends up to $\\sim$ 100 pc in longitude and $\\sim$ 25 pc in latitude. ", "The coherence of the ring’s morphology indicates stability over time and it is reminiscent of the dusty tori surrounding the central regions of AGN. ", "A LMT/AzTEC 1.1 mm survey of the CMZ (D. Wang, private communication) confirms the existence of this peculiar structure. ", "Completely optically thin to dust emission, the conjugation of this radio map with maps at shorter wavelengths will allow to put strong dust-based constraints on the mass of dense clouds. ", "Together with multi-band near-infrared images, it might be possible to determine the line-of-sight locations of the clouds based on extinction measurements. ", "Until then, the geometrical size of the CMZ, its column density in excess of 10$^{24}$ cm$^{-2}$, and its orbital speed ($\\sim$100 km s$^{-1}$), are all compatible with AGN tori [@Shi2006].", "\n\nAs an illustration of the power of X-ray polarimetry in combination with other wavelengths, results from 8 – 35 keV polarimetric simulations of the GC [@Marin2014a], including the Sgr B and C complexes, the CND, and the $\\infty$-shaped CMZ, have been superimposed on the temperature map from [@Molinari2011] in Fig.", " \\[Fig:complementarity\\]. ", "The CMZ polarization follows the morphology of the twisted structure, with partial disappearance of the polarization vectors due to low polarization degrees induced by unfavorable scattering geometries and dilution from the unpolarized primary flux. ", "Maximum polarization is expected at the Eastern and Western quadratures, where the CMZ mixes with the giant molecular clouds.", "\n\n[I would like to acknowledge my collaborators Fabio Muleri, Paollo Soffitta, Vladimír Karas and Devaky Kunneriath for the work accomplished together in the topic of X-ray polarimetry. ", "I am also grateful to Sergio Molinari who kindly accepted to share his 2011’s temperature map of the Galactic center region, Michal [Š]{}vanda who helped me to create the IR/X-ray map, and to Daniel Wang for his insights on the radio domain.]{}", "\n\n[99]{} Baganoff, F. K., Maeda, Y., Morris, M., et al., *", "Chandra X-Ray Spectroscopic Imaging of Sagittarius A\\* and the Central Parsec of the Galaxy*, *ApJ* [**591**]{} (891) \\[[arXiv:astro-ph/0102151]{}\\].", "\n\nBalick, B., & Brown, R. L., *Intense sub-arcsecond structure in the galactic center*, *ApJ* [**194**]{} (265).", "\n\nBender, R., Kormendy, J., Bower, G., et al., *", "HST STIS Spectroscopy of the Triple Nucleus of M31: Two Nested Disks in Keplerian Rotation around a Supermassive Black Hole*, *ApJ* [**631**]{} (280) \\[[arXiv:astro-ph/0509839]{}\\].", "\n\nBettoni, D., Falomo, R., Fasano, G., & Govoni, F., *The black hole mass of low redshift radiogalaxies*, *A&A* [**399**]{} (869) \\[[arXiv:astro-ph/0212162]{}\\].", "\n\nBurton, W. B., & Liszt, H. S., *The gas distribution in the central region of the Galaxy. ", "I - Atomic hydrogen*, *ApJ* [**225**]{} (815).", "\n\nChurazov, E., Sunyaev, R., & Sazonov, S., *Polarization of X-ray emission from the Sgr B2 cloud*, *MNRAS* [**330**]{} (817) \\[[arXiv:astro-ph/0111065]{}\\].", "\n\nEckart, A., Genzel, R., Ott, T., & Sch[ö]{}del, R., *Stellar orbits near Sagittarius A$^*$*, *MNRAS* [**331**]{} (917) \\[[arXiv:astro-ph/0201031]{}\\].", "\n\nGenzel, R., Crawford, M. K., Townes, C. H., & Watson, D. M., *The neutral-gas disk around the galactic center*, *ApJ* [**297**]{} (766).", "\n\nGillessen, S., Eisenhauer, F., Trippe, S., et al., *", "Monitoring Stellar Orbits Around the Massive Black Hole in the Galactic Center*, *ApJ* [**692**]{} (1075) \\[[arXiv:0810.4674]{}\\].", "\n\nLaunhardt, R., Zylka, R., & Mezger, P. G., *The nuclear bulge of the Galaxy. ", "III. ", "Large-scale physical characteristics of stars and interstellar matter*, *A&A* [**384**]{} (112) \\[[arXiv:astro-ph/0201294]{}\\].", "\n\nMarin, F., Karas, V., Kunneriath, D., & Muleri, F., *Prospects of 3D mapping of the Galactic Centre clouds with X-ray polarimetry*, *MNRAS* [**441**]{} (3170) \\[[arXiv:1405.0898]{}\\].", "\n\nMarin, F., Karas, V., Kunneriath, D., Muleri, F., & Soffitta, P., *Probing the Galactic center with X-ray polarimetry*, *Proc. 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[ " 2*w**3/3 + w**2 + w - 1. ", "Let a(d) = d + 4. ", "Let g be a(-6). ", "Let z = -4 - g. What is b(z)?", "\n5\nSuppose -4*r = -5*d + 44, -3*d + 6*d - 26 = 2*r. ", "Let q(y) = -d - 8*y + 12*y - 3*y. ", "Let f = 14 - 8. ", "Give q(f).", "\n-2\nLet n(r) = -r**3 - 4*r**2 - r + 3. ", "Suppose 5*a = 10 - 0. ", "Suppose a*h = -2*u + 4, 3*h - 2*u = 6*h - 1. ", "What is n(h)?", "\n-3\nLet y = -39 + 39. ", "Let g(r) = -r - 7. ", "What is g(y)?", "\n-7\nLet d(w) be the first derivative of -1/12*w**4 - 1/20*w**5 - 1/6*w**3 - 3/2*w**2 - 1 - 3*w. ", "Let m(n) be the first derivative of d(n). ", "What is m(0)?", "\n-3\nLet n be (5/(-5))/((-9)/12). ", "Let u(i) be the first derivative of 0*i - n*i**3 + 3 - 3/2*i**2 - 1/4*i**4. ", "Determine u(-3).", "\n0\nLet c(s) be the second derivative of -s**5/20 - s**4/3 + 5*s**3/6 + 7*s**2/2 + 6*s. ", "What is c(-5)?", "\n7\nLet q(i) = 4*i**3 + 8*i**2 - 6. ", "Let k(p) = 3*p**3 + 7*p**2 + p - 5. ", "Let s(m) = -3*k(m) + 2*q(m). ", "Determine s(-3).", "\n-6\nLet c be (-2 + 3)/((-3)/(-12)). ", "Let s(t) = t**2 + 8*t. ", "Let b(m) = -m - 1. ", "Let w(z) = c*b(z) + s(z). ", "Give w(-6).", "\n8\nLet c(s) = s**2 + 5*s + 8. ", "Let r(z) = 1. ", "Let b(w) = c(w) - 4*r(w). ", "Suppose 3*p - 8 = 5*y + 6, -4*y + 32 = 3*p. ", "Let o = p - 11. ", "Calculate b(o).", "\n-2\nLet p(z) be the second derivative of -z + 0*z**2 - 1/40*z**5 + 0 - 1/8*z**4 - 1/2*z**3. ", "Let t(f) be the second derivative of p(f). ", "Calculate t(-3).", "\n6\nLet t(q) be the second derivative of -q**3/6 - q**2/2 - 19*q. ", "What is t(-5)?", "\n4\nSuppose 0 = -0*d + 5*d - 20. ", "Let s(h) be the third derivative of -2*h**2 - 1/24*h**d - 4/3*h**3 + 0*h + 0. ", "Give s(-4).", "\n-4\nLet q be (-1 - -6) + (-5 - -4). ", "Let t(b) = q*b - 3*b - 7*b + 0 + 1. ", "Determine t(2).", "\n-11\nLet o(c) be the second derivative of -c**4/12 + c**3/3 - c**2 + 3*c. ", "Calculate o(2).", "\n-2\nLet q(m) = m**3 - 17*m**2 - 19*m + 15. ", "Let o be q(18). ", "Let b(t) = t**3 + 3*t**2 + 4*t + 3. ", "Determine b(o).", "\n-9\nLet i(o) = -2*o**3 + 3*o - 2*o + o**3 + o - 4*o**2 - 4. ", "Let n be ((-56)/35)/((-2)/(-5)). ", "Calculate i(n).", "\n-12\nLet k(f) be the first derivative of -9*f**2/2 - 14*f + 2. ", "Let i(a) = -2 - 5*a + 2 + 2*a - 5. ", "Let c(w) = 8*i(w) - 3*k(w). ", "Give c(-2).", "\n-4\nLet h(s) = -s**2 - 5*s - 2. ", "Let k(y) = y**3 - 5*y**2 + 4*y - 6. ", "Let t be k(4). ", "Let d = t - -3. ", "Calculate h(d).", "\n4\nLet l = 145/24 + -6. ", "Let u(h) be the third derivative of 1/3*h**3 + l*h**4 + 0 - h**2 + 0*h. ", "Determine u(-5).", "\n-3\nLet s(r) = r**2 - r. Let j(x) = x**3 - 5*x**2 + 6*x - 4. ", "Let k be j(4). ", "Let d = k + -1. ", "Give s(d).", "\n6\nLet p(t) = -5*t - 1. ", "Let m(v) = 3*v + 3. ", "Let j = -9 - -7. ", "Let a be m(j). ", "Let q = 2 + a. What is p(q)?", "\n4\nLet t(c) = -11*c + 5. ", "Let k(u) = 5*u - 3. ", "Let q(n) = -5*k(n) - 2*t(n). ", "Determine q(-6).", "\n23\nLet o(v) = v**2 - v + 2. ", "Let t be o(0). ", "Suppose 6*f = 3*f + 9. ", "Let d(k) = -1 + t*k**2 + 3 - 3 + k**f. ", "What is d(1)?", "\n2\nLet r(w) = w**2 + 3*w - 5. ", "Let f(q) = -q**2 + 6*q + 18. ", "Let v be f(8). ", "Suppose 3*k + v*k + 20 = -4*x, -x + 4 = -k. ", "Give r(k).", "\n-1\nLet r(a) = a**3 + 3*a**2 + 3*a. ", "Let p = -28 + 25. ", "What is r(p)?", "\n-9\nLet q be 6/(-9) - (-5)/3. ", "Let f(d) = -1 - d**2 + 8*d**3 + d - 9*d**3 + 0. ", "Determine f(q).", "\n-2\nSuppose 0 = 5*y + 5*k - 25, 4*y - 2*k - 20 = -k. ", "Suppose 0*h = 4*z + h + 4, -z - y*h = 20. ", "Let p(d) = -4*d**2 - 1 + z - d**2. ", "Calculate p(1).", "\n-6\nLet p(n) be the third derivative of -n**4/12 - n**2. ", "Let x be p(1). ", "Let y(t) = t**3 + t**2 - 3*t - 1. ", "Determine y(x).", "\n1\nLet h(z) = -76*z**2 - 2 + 75*z**2 - 2 - 8*z. ", "Calculate h(-6).", "\n8\nLet i be 15/2 + 1/2. ", "Let p = i - 6. ", "Let o(s) be the first derivative of s**2 - 15. ", "Determine o(p).", "\n4\nLet m be (-3)/2*2/3. ", "Let p(i) = -3*i**3 + 4*i**2 + 3*i. ", "Let o(c) = 4*c**3 - 5*c**2 - 4*c. ", "Let f(u) = 4*o(u) + 5*p(u). ", "Give f(m).", "\n0\nLet b(z) be the first derivative of 2*z**3/3 + 2*z**2 + 74. ", "Let y = 1 + -4. ", "What is b(y)?", "\n6\nLet h(j) = j**2 - 4*j - 1. ", "Suppose 2*t + 0*t + 10 = 0. ", "Let s = -1 - t. Let r be h(s). ", "Let m(u) = -6*u**3. ", "What is m(r)?", "\n6\nLet w = -2 + 1. ", "Let c(b) = -b + 1. ", "Let k(v) = -v + 1. ", "Let a(m) = -4*c(m) + 5*k(m). ", "Calculate a(w).", "\n2\nLet r(f) = 5*f - 10. ", "Let j(u) = -4*u + 8. ", "Let p(b) = -4*j(b) - 3*r(b). ", "Give p(4).", "\n2\nLet c(m) be the third derivative of -m**5/30 - m**4/12 - m**3/2 + 8*m**2. ", "What is c(-2)?", "\n-7\nLet s be -1*1 + (-21)/(-7 - -4). ", "Let t(a) = -a**3 + 7*a**2 - 7*a - 4. ", "Determine t(s).", "\n-10\nLet h(t) = t**2 + t + 6. ", "Let m = 2 - 5. ", "Let p = -3 - m. Give h(p).", "\n6\nSuppose 0 = 3*q + 3. ", "Let j(d) be the third derivative of 0*d**3 + 0 + 0*d + 10*d**2 - 11/24*d**4. ", "Determine j(q).", "\n11\nLet p(t) = 2*t**3 - 7*t**2 + 7*t - 13. ", "Let k(l) = l**3 - 4*l**2 + 4*l - 6. ", "Let d(o) = -5*k(o) + 3*p(o). ", "Suppose 0 = -n - n + 14. ", "Let v = n + -7. ", "Calculate d(v).", "\n-9\nLet s(d) = -d**2 - 7*d + 6. ", "Suppose 0 = -w - 0 - 8. ", "Let i be s(w). ", "Let y(h) = -h**2 + h. Calculate y(i).", "\n-6\nLet f(i) = -i**2 - 9*i - 2. ", "Let z be f(-4). ", "Suppose 3*d = -3*l - 2*d + z, 5*l + 3*d = 30. ", "Let w(s) = 2*s - 9. ", "Calculate w(l).", "\n3\nSuppose -2*n - 4*o = 0, -3*n + 4*o + 60 = n. Let a = -7 + n. Let u(m) = -2*m**2 - 4*m - 3. ", "Let z(w) = -w**2 - w - 1. ", "Let s(j) = a*z(j) - u(j). ", "Determine s(0).", "\n0\nLet a(d) be the third derivative of -d**5/60 - d**4/24 + d**3/3 + 11*d**2. ", "Determine a(2).", "\n-4\nLet f(o) = -12*o - 12. ", "Let n(t) = t + 1. ", "Let h(w) = 2*f(w) + 27*n(w). ", "Determine h(-3).", "\n-6\nSuppose -5*j = g + 19, 3*j - 8 = -2*g - 25. ", "Let q(l) = -3*l + 1. ", "Give q(j).", "\n10\nLet a(k) = -7*k**3 - 2*k**2 + k + 17. ", "Let b(c) = c**3 - c**2 - 1. ", "Let j(u) = a(u) + 6*b(u). ", "Calculate j(-8).", "\n3\nLet s(r) = 3*r**2 - 17*r + 18. ", "Let p(f) = 2*f**2 - 11*f + 12. ", "Let d(u) = 7*p(u) - 5*s(u). ", "Determine d(7).", "\n1\nLet j(z) be the third derivative of z**4/24 + z**3/6 - 21*z**2. ", "Determine j(-5).", "\n-4\nLet a be ((15/(-9))/(-5))/1. ", "Let c(u) be the first derivative of -1/2*u**2 + 1 + 11/4*u**4 - u + a*u**3. ", "Determine c(-1).", "\n-10\nLet z(b) = b**3 + 5*b**2 + 3*b + 1. ", "Suppose 4 = m - 2. ", "Suppose 4*i + m = -c, -i = 2*c - c + 3. ", "Let h be (4/(-3))/(c/(-6)). ", "Calculate z(h).", "\n5\nLet h(y) = 0 - 2*y - 3 - 3 + 0*y. ", "Let s = -26 + 21. ", "Give h(s).", "\n4\nLet m(n) = n**3 + 4*n**2 - 12. ", "Let x(c) = -c**2. ", "Let h(b) = -m(b) - 5*x(b). ", "Give h(0).", "\n12\nLet j = 10 + -5. ", "Suppose 0 + 20 = -j*s. ", "Let g be (-6)/(-8) + (-1)/s. ", "Let m(a) = -a**3 - a + 1. ", "What is m(g)?", "\n-1\nLet n(s) be the first derivative of 1/8*s**4 + 0*s + 1/6*s**3 - 1/60*s**5 + 4 - 1/2*s**2. ", "Let l(k) be the second derivative of n(k). ", "Calculate l(4).", "\n-3\nLet m(o) = 50493*o + 0 - 50491*o - 3. ", "Let t be (1/2)/((-1)/(-10)). ", "Calculate m(t).", "\n7\nLet n(p) = -7*p. ", "Let k(b) = b**3 + 10*b**2 - 10*b + 10. ", "Let v be k(-11). ", "What is n(v)?", "\n7\nLet f(q) = 14 - 6*q + 2*q**3 - 5*q**2 - 6 - q**3. ", "Suppose 3*j - l - 12 = j, -5*j + 30 = 2*l. ", "What is f(j)?", "\n8\nLet s(x) = -2 - 3*x**2 + 3*x - x**3 + 0*x**3 + x + 3*x**3. ", "Calculate s(2).", "\n10\nLet z be (2/(-6))/(2/(-18)). ", "Suppose 0*b = -z*b + 3. ", "Let f(a) be the second derivative of a**5/4 - a. Calculate f(b).", "\n5\nLet p(u) = u + 3. ", "Suppose 0*k + 5 = k. Suppose 2*i - i = -k*d + 64, 2*i = 8. ", "Suppose d + 0 = -4*l. ", "Give p(l).", "\n0\nLet t = 35 + -26. ", "Let o(d) = -d + 9. ", "What is o(t)?", "\n0\nSuppose -h - 2*h = 27. ", "Let i(w) = w + 10. ", "Let k be i(h). ", "Let x(p) = -2*p**2 - p + 1. ", "Calculate x(k).", "\n-2\nLet p(o) = -3 + 2 - 1 + 3 + 2*o. ", "What is p(5)?", "\n11\nLet b(a) = -9*a**2 + 6*a. ", "Let v(s) = -8*s**2 + 5*s. ", "Let x(q) = 4*b(q) - 5*v(q). ", "Determine x(1).", "\n3\nSuppose 5*o + 14 + 61 = 0. ", "Let v be 0*(o/(-6))/(-5). ", "Let h(d) = d**3 + d**2 - d + 5. ", "Calculate h(v).", "\n5\nLet i = 3 + -5. ", "Let h(r) be the first derivative of 2*r**3/3 + 3*r**2/2 + 49. ", "What is h(i)?", "\n2\nSuppose -2*a - 6 = -2. ", "Let p(d) = d**2 - 1. ", "Let g(i) = -2*i - 1 - 3*i**2 - 1 + 1. ", "Let q(k) = g(k) + 2*p(k). ", "What is q(a)?", "\n-3\nLet q(g) = -g**3 - 7*g**2 + 8*g - 6. ", "Suppose 3*v + 5*b = -4, 3*b = -3*v - 9 - 3. ", "Calculate q(v).", "\n-6\nSuppose -4*n = -5*f + 16, n - 2 = -1. ", "Let c(s) = -s**3 + 5*s**2 - 2*s - 5. ", "What is c(f)?", "\n3\nLet k(s) = 6*s + 1. ", "Let j(m) = 7*m. ", "Let o(w) = 5*j(w) - 6*k(w). ", "Let r be 32/15 + 12/(-90). ", "Let i = r + -6. ", "What is o(i)?", "\n-2\nLet t(s) = -s**3 - 8*s**2 - 6. ", "Let q = -150 - -142. ", "Calculate t(q).", "\n-6\nLet k(y) be the third derivative of 0 + 4/3*y**3 + 1/8*y**4 + 0*y - 1/60*y**5 - 2*y**2. ", "What is k(6)?", "\n-10\nSuppose -5*x + 4*x + 5 = 0. ", "Suppose 2*n - 14 = -3*t, 2*t - t - x*n = -1. ", "Let g(u) = 7*u + t - 4*u - 3. ", "Calculate g(-1).", "\n-2\nLet q(a) be the second derivative of -a**3/6 + 3*a**2 + a. Suppose 0 = 4*o - 5*f + 12, -8 = -o - 2*f + 2. ", "Let j be o/7 + 4/(-14). ", "Calculate q(j).", "\n6\nLet d(v) be the second derivative of v**4/12 - v**3 + 3*v**2/2 - 7*v. ", "Calculate d(6).", "\n3\nLet w(d) = d**3 - d**2 - d + 4. ", "Suppose " ]
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[ "For the purposes of A-level sociology, ‘conservative’ usually has two meanings:\n\nPreventing social change\n\nSupporting traditional values.", "\n\nWe might also add a third: modest, reserved, austere, not showy.", "\n\nOn important analytical point is that some Fundamentalist groups want to reverse some social changes that have undermined the role of religion in society, taking society back to a more ‘traditional era’.", "\n\nA second analytical point is to distinguish between the extent to which different religions promote conservative views and how successful they are in actually translating those views into actions.", "\n\nArguments and evidence for the view that religion acts as a conservative force\n\nVarious functionalist thinkers have argued that religion prevents rapid, radical social change and that it supports traditional values\n\nMarx certainly argued that religion was a conservative force – through acting as the ‘opium of the masses’\n\nSimone deBeauvoir argued that religion propped up Patriarchy by compensating women for their second class status.", "\n\nChurches tend to have traditional values and be supported by more conservative elements in society. ", "They also tend to support existing power structures (e.g. links to royalty and the House of Lords in the U.K.)\n\nIslamic Fundamentalist movements, such as the Islamic State, aim to take society back to a more religious era\n\nThe New Christian Right in America support conservative values: traditional family structures, for example.", "\n\nArguments and evidence against the view that religion acts as a conservative force\n\nLiberation Theology – a movement for the oppressed in Latin America stood against the powerful elites. ", "However, it didn’t seem to have much success in changing anything.", "\n\nThe Baptist Church and the Civil Rights movement in the USA, much more successful.", "\n\nThe Nation of Islam promoted radical social change in the USA in the 1960s.", "\n\nThe New Age Movement promotes acceptance and diversity, so is not ‘conservative’ – in the sense that the New Right tend to support family values, for example.", "\n\nFeminist forms of spirituality are not conservative.", "\n\nMore ambiguous arguments and evidence and analytical points\n\nMax Weber’s ‘Protestant Ethic’ – Calvinism was a religion which was very ‘conservative’ and yet it unintentionally brought about Capitalism which ultimately undermined the role of religion in society.", "\n\nAs a general rule, churches and denominations tend to be more conservative." ]
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[ "Tag Archives: Historic Rosemont Manor\n\nGet whisked away on a carriage ride, indulge in freshly made gelato, and unwind with a relaxing massage, all while visiting with more than 40 wedding vendors. ", "You will find all this and more at “Just Say I Do” Historic Rosemont Manor’s premier bridal show in Berryville, Virginia. ", "Schedule one-on-one appointments with vendors and enter to win exciting prizes, including a FREE venue for a Sunday wedding. ", "To find out more, visit Rosemont’s Facebook page or call 703-TRY-LOVE." ]
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[ "'\\\"\n'\\\" Generated from file 'symdiff\\&.man' by tcllib/doctools with format 'nroff'\n'\\\" Copyright (c) 2010 by Kevin B\\&. ", "Kenny <kennykb@acm\\&.org>\n'\\\" Redistribution permitted under the terms of the Open Publication License <http://www\\&.opencontent\\&.org/openpub/>\n'\\\"\n.TH \"math::calculus::symdiff\" n 1\\&.0\\&.1 tcllib \"Symbolic differentiation for Tcl\"\n.\\\" The -*- nroff -*- definitions below are for supplemental macros used\n.\\\" in Tcl/Tk manual entries.", "\n.\\\"\n.\\\" .AP type name in/out ?", "indent?", "\n.\\\"\tStart paragraph describing an argument to a library procedure.", "\n.\\\"\ttype is type of argument (int, etc.), ", "in/out is either \"in\", \"out\",\n.\\\"\tor \"in/out\" to describe whether procedure reads or modifies arg,\n.\\\"\tand indent is equivalent to second arg of .IP (shouldn't ever be\n.\\\"\tneeded; use .AS below instead)\n.\\\"\n.\\\" .AS ?", "type? ?", "name?", "\n.\\\"\tGive maximum sizes of arguments for setting tab stops. ", " Type and\n.\\\"\tname are examples of largest possible arguments that will be passed\n.\\\"\tto .AP later. ", " If args are omitted, default tab stops are used.", "\n.\\\"\n.\\\" .BS\n.\\\"\tStart box enclosure. ", " From here until next .BE, everything will be\n.\\\"\tenclosed in one large box.", "\n.\\\"\n.\\\" .BE\n.\\\"\tEnd of box enclosure.", "\n.\\\"\n.\\\" .CS\n.\\\"\tBegin code excerpt.", "\n.\\\"\n.\\\" .CE\n.\\\"\tEnd code excerpt.", "\n.\\\"\n.\\\" .VS ?", "version? ?", "br?", "\n.\\\"\tBegin vertical sidebar, for use in marking newly-changed parts\n.\\\"\tof man pages. ", " The first argument is ignored and used for recording\n.\\\"\tthe version when the .VS was added, so that the sidebars can be\n.\\\"\tfound and removed when they reach a certain age. ", " If another argument\n.\\\"\tis present, then a line break is forced before starting the sidebar.", "\n.\\\"\n.\\\" .VE\n.\\\"\tEnd of vertical sidebar.", "\n.\\\"\n.\\\" .DS\n.\\\"\tBegin an indented unfilled display.", "\n.\\\"\n.\\\" .DE\n.\\\"\tEnd of indented unfilled display.", "\n.\\\"\n.\\\" .SO ?", "manpage?", "\n.\\\"\tStart of list of standard options for a Tk widget. ", "The manpage\n.\\\"\targument defines where to look up the standard options; if\n.\\\"\tomitted, defaults to \"options\". ", "The options follow on successive\n.\\\"\tlines, in three columns separated by tabs.", "\n.\\\"\n.\\\" .SE\n.\\\"\tEnd of list of standard options for a Tk widget.", "\n.\\\"\n.\\\" .OP cmdName dbName dbClass\n.\\\"\tStart of description of a specific option. ", " cmdName gives the\n.\\\"\toption's name as specified in the class command, dbName gives\n.\\\"\tthe option's name in the option database, and dbClass gives\n.\\\"\tthe option's class in the option database.", "\n.\\\"\n.\\\" .UL arg1 arg2\n.\\\"\tPrint arg1 underlined, then print arg2 normally.", "\n.\\\"\n.\\\" .QW arg1 ?", "arg2?", "\n.\\\"\tPrint arg1 in quotes, then arg2 normally (for trailing punctuation).", "\n.\\\"\n.\\\" .PQ arg1 ?", "arg2?", "\n.\\\"\tPrint an open parenthesis, arg1 in quotes, then arg2 normally\n.\\\"\t(for trailing punctuation) and then a closing parenthesis.", "\n.\\\"\n.\\\"\t# Set up traps and other miscellaneous stuff for Tcl/Tk man pages.", "\n.if t .wh -1.3i ^B\n.nr ^l \\n(.l\n.ad b\n.\\\"\t# Start an argument description\n.de AP\n.ie !\"", "\\\\$4\"\" .TP \\\\$4\n.el \\{\\\n. ", " ie !\"", "\\\\$2\"\" .TP \\\\n()Cu\n. ", " el .TP 15\n.\\}\n.ta \\\\n()Au \\\\n()Bu\n.ie !\"", "\\\\$3\"\" \\{\\\n\\&\\\\$1 \\\\fI\\\\$2\\\\fP (\\\\$3)\n.\\\".b\n.\\}\n.el \\{\\\n.br\n.ie !\"", "\\\\$2\"\" \\{\\\n\\&\\\\$1\t\\\\fI\\\\$2\\\\fP\n.\\}\n.el \\{\\\n\\&\\\\fI\\\\$1\\\\fP\n.\\}\n.\\}\n..\n.\\\"\t# define tabbing values for .AP\n.de AS\n.nr )A 10n\n.if !\"", "\\\\$1\"\" .nr )A \\\\w'\\\\$1'u+3n\n.nr )B \\\\n()Au+15n\n.\\\"\n.if !\"", "\\\\$2\"\" .nr )B \\\\w'\\\\$2'u+\\\\n()Au+3n\n.nr )C \\\\n()Bu+\\\\w'(in/out)'u+2n\n..\n.AS Tcl_Interp Tcl_CreateInterp in/out\n.\\\"\t# BS - start boxed text\n.\\\"\t# ^y = starting y location\n.\\\"\t# ^b = 1\n.de BS\n.br\n.mk ^y\n.nr ^b 1u\n.if n .nf\n.if n .ti 0\n.if n \\l'\\\\n(.lu\\(ul'\n.if n .fi\n..\n.\\\"\t# BE - end boxed text (draw box now)\n.de BE\n.nf\n.ti 0\n.mk ^t\n.ie n \\l'\\\\n(^lu\\(ul'\n.el \\{\\\n.\\\"\tDraw four-sided box normally, but don't draw top of\n.\\\"\tbox if the box started on an earlier page.", "\n.ie !", "\\\\n(^b-1 \\{\\\n\\h'-1.5n'\\L'|\\\\n(^yu-1v'\\l'\\\\n(^lu+3n\\(ul'\\L'\\\\n(^tu+1v-\\\\n(^yu'\\l'|0u-1.5n\\(ul'\n.\\}\n.el \\}\\\n\\h'-1.5n'\\L'|\\\\n(^yu-1v'\\h'\\\\n(^lu+3n'\\L'\\\\n(^tu+1v-\\\\n(^yu'\\l'|0u-1.5n\\(ul'\n.\\}\n.\\}\n.fi\n.br\n.nr ^b 0\n..\n.\\\"\t# VS - start vertical sidebar\n.\\\"\t# ^Y = starting y location\n.\\\"\t# ^v = 1 (for troff; for nroff this doesn't matter)\n.de VS\n.if !\"", "\\\\$2\"\" .br\n.mk ^Y\n.ie n 'mc \\s12\\(br\\s0\n.el .nr ^v 1u\n..\n.\\\"\t# VE - end of vertical sidebar\n.de VE\n.ie n 'mc\n.el \\{\\\n.ev 2\n.nf\n.ti 0\n.mk ^t\n\\h'|\\\\n(^lu+3n'\\L'|\\\\n(^Yu-1v\\(bv'\\v'\\\\n(^tu+1v-\\\\n(^Yu'\\h'-|\\\\n(^lu+3n'\n.sp -1\n.fi\n.ev\n.\\}\n.nr ^v 0\n..\n.\\\"\t# Special macro to handle page bottom: finish off current\n.\\\"\t# box/sidebar if in box/sidebar mode, then invoked standard\n.\\\"\t# page bottom macro.", "\n.de ^B\n.ev 2\n'ti 0\n'nf\n.mk ^t\n.if \\\\n(^b \\{\\\n.\\\"\tDraw three-sided box if this is the box's first page,\n.\\\"\tdraw two sides but no top otherwise.", "\n.ie !", "\\\\n(^b-1 \\h'-1.5n'\\L'|\\\\n(^yu-1v'\\l'\\\\n(^lu+3n\\(ul'\\L'\\\\n(^tu+1v-\\\\n(^yu'\\h'|0u'\\c\n.el \\h'-1.5n'\\L'|\\\\n(^yu-1v'\\h'\\\\n(^lu+3n'\\L'\\\\n(^tu+1v-\\\\n(^yu'\\h'|0u'\\c\n.\\}\n.if \\\\n(^v \\{\\\n.nr ^x \\\\n(^tu+1v-\\\\n(^Yu\n\\kx\\h'-\\\\nxu'\\h'|\\\\n(^lu+3n'\\ky\\L'-\\\\n(^xu'\\v'\\\\n(^xu'\\h'|0u'\\c\n.\\}\n.bp\n'fi\n.ev\n.if \\\\n(^b \\{\\\n.mk ^y\n.nr ^b 2\n.\\}\n.if \\\\n(^v \\{\\\n.mk ^Y\n.\\}\n..\n.\\\"\t# DS - begin display\n.de DS\n.RS\n.nf\n.sp\n..\n.\\\"\t# DE - end display\n.de DE\n.fi\n.RE\n.sp\n..\n.\\\"\t# SO - start of list of standard options\n.de SO\n'ie '\\\\$1'' .ds So \\\\fBoptions\\\\fR\n'el .ds So \\\\fB\\\\$1\\\\fR\n.SH \"STANDARD OPTIONS\"\n.LP\n.nf\n.ta 5.5c 11c\n.ft B\n..\n.\\\"\t# SE - end of list of standard options\n.de SE\n.fi\n.ft R\n.LP\nSee the \\\\*(So manual entry for details on the standard options.", "\n..\n.\\\"\t# OP - start of full description for a single option\n.de OP\n.LP\n.nf\n.ta 4c\nCommand-Line Name:\t\\\\fB\\\\$1\\\\fR\nDatabase Name:\t\\\\fB\\\\$2\\\\fR\nDatabase Class:\t\\\\fB\\\\$3\\\\fR\n.fi\n.IP\n..\n.\\\"\t# CS - begin code excerpt\n.de CS\n.RS\n.nf\n.ta .25i .5i .75i 1i\n..\n.\\\"\t# CE - end code excerpt\n.de CE\n.fi\n.RE\n..\n.\\\"\t# UL - underline word\n.de UL\n\\\\$1\\l'|0\\(ul'\\\\$2\n..\n.\\\"\t# QW - apply quotation marks to word\n.de QW\n.ie '\\\\*(lq'\"' ``\\\\$1''\\\\$2\n.\\\"\" fix emacs highlighting\n.el \\\\*(lq\\\\$1\\\\*(rq\\\\$2\n..\n.\\\"\t# PQ - apply parens and quotation marks to word\n.de PQ\n.ie '\\\\*(lq'\"' (``\\\\$1''\\\\$2)\\\\$3\n.\\\"\" fix emacs highlighting\n.el (\\\\*(lq\\\\$1\\\\*(rq\\\\$2)\\\\$3\n..\n.\\\"\t# QR - quoted range\n.de QR\n.ie '\\\\*(lq'\"' ``\\\\$1''\\\\-``\\\\$2''\\\\$3\n.\\\"\" fix emacs highlighting\n.el \\\\*(lq\\\\$1\\\\*(rq\\\\-\\\\*(lq\\\\$2\\\\*(rq\\\\$3\n..\n.\\\"\t# MT - \"empty\" string\n.de MT\n.QW \"\"\n..\n.BS\n.SH NAME\nmath::calculus::symdiff \\- Symbolic differentiation for Tcl\n.SH SYNOPSIS\npackage require \\fBTcl 8\\&.5\\fR\n.sp\npackage require \\fBgrammar::aycock 1\\&.0\\fR\n.sp\npackage require \\fBmath::calculus::symdiff 1\\&.0\\&.1\\fR\n.sp\n\\fBmath::calculus::symdiff::symdiff\\fR \\fIexpression\\fR \\fIvariable\\fR\n.sp\n\\fBmath::calculus::jacobian\\fR \\fIvariableDict\\fR\n.sp\n.BE\n.SH DESCRIPTION\n.PP\nThe \\fBmath::calculus::symdiff\\fR package provides a symbolic differentiation\nfacility for Tcl math expressions\\&. ", "It is useful for providing derivatives\nto packages that either require the Jacobian of a set of functions or else\nare more efficient or stable when the Jacobian is provided\\&.", "\n.SH PROCEDURES\nThe \\fBmath::calculus::symdiff\\fR package exports the two procedures:\n.TP\n\\fBmath::calculus::symdiff::symdiff\\fR \\fIexpression\\fR \\fIvariable\\fR\nDifferentiates the given \\fIexpression\\fR with respect to the specified\n\\fIvariable\\fR\\&. (", "See \\fBExpressions\\fR below for a discussion of the\nsubset of Tcl math expressions that are acceptable to\n\\fBmath::calculus::symdiff\\fR\\&.)", "\nThe result is a Tcl expression that evaluates the derivative\\&. ", "Returns an\nerror if \\fIexpression\\fR is not a well-formed expression or is not\ndifferentiable\\&.", "\n.TP\n\\fBmath::calculus::jacobian\\fR \\fIvariableDict\\fR\nComputes the Jacobian of a system of equations\\&.", "\nThe system is given by the dictionary \\fIvariableDict\\fR, whose keys\nare the names of variables in the system, and whose values are Tcl expressions\ngiving the values of those variables\\&. (", "See \\fBExpressions\\fR below\nfor a discussion of the subset of Tcl math expressions that are acceptable\nto \\fBmath::calculus::symdiff\\fR\\&. ", "The result is a list of lists:\nthe i'th element of the j'th sublist is the partial derivative of\nthe i'th variable with respect to the j'th variable\\&. ", "Returns an error if\nany of the expressions cannot be differentiated, or if \\fIvariableDict\\fR\nis not a well-formed dictionary\\&.", "\n.PP\n.SH EXPRESSIONS\nThe \\fBmath::calculus::symdiff\\fR package accepts only a small subset of the expressions\nthat are acceptable to Tcl commands such as \\fBexpr\\fR or \\fBif\\fR\\&.", "\nSpecifically, the only constructs accepted are:\n.IP \\(bu\nFloating-point constants such as \\fB5\\fR or \\fB3\\&.14159e+00\\fR\\&.", "\n.IP \\(bu\nReferences to Tcl variable using $-substitution\\&. ", "The variable names\nmust consist of alphanumerics and underscores: the \\fB${\\&.\\&.\\&.}\\fR notation\nis not accepted\\&.", "\n.IP \\(bu\nParentheses\\&.", "\n.IP \\(bu\nThe \\fB+\\fR, \\fB-\\fR, \\fB*\\fR, \\fB/\\fR\\&. ", "and \\fB**\\fR\noperators\\&.", "\n.IP \\(bu\nCalls to the functions \\fBacos\\fR, \\fBasin\\fR, \\fBatan\\fR,\n\\fBatan2\\fR, \\fBcos\\fR, \\fBcosh\\fR, \\fBexp\\fR, \\fBhypot\\fR, \\fBlog\\fR,\n\\fBlog10\\fR, \\fBpow\\fR, \\fBsin\\fR, \\fBsinh\\fR\\&. ", "\\fBsqrt\\fR, \\fBtan\\fR,\nand \\fBtanh\\fR\\&.", "\n.PP\nCommand substitution, backslash substitution, and argument expansion are\nnot accepted\\&.", "\n.SH EXAMPLES\n.CS\n\n\nmath::calculus::symdiff::symdiff {($a*$x+$b)*($c*$x+$d)} x\n==> (($c * (($a * $x) + $b)) + ($a * (($c * $x) + $d)))\nmath::calculus::symdiff::jacobian {x {$a * $x + $b * $y}\n y {$c * $x + $d * $y}}\n==> {{$a} {$b}} {{$c} {$d}}\n\n.CE\n.SH \"BUGS, IDEAS, FEEDBACK\"\nThis document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain\nbugs and other problems\\&.", "\nPlease report such in the category \\fImath :: calculus\\fR of the\n\\fITcllib Trackers\\fR [http://core\\&.tcl\\&.tk/tcllib/reportlist]\\&.", "\nPlease also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either\npackage and/or documentation\\&.", "\n.SH \"SEE ALSO\"\nmath::calculus, math::interpolate\n.SH COPYRIGHT\n.nf\nCopyright (c) 2010 by Kevin B\\&. ", "Kenny <kennykb@acm\\&.org>\nRedistribution permitted under the terms of the Open Publication License <http://www\\&.opencontent\\&.org/openpub/>\n\n.fi" ]
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[ "In vitro MC3T3 osteoblast adhesion with respect to surface roughness of Ti6Al4V substrates.", "\nThis work investigates the role of the surface roughness of Ti6Al4V on the cell morphology, proliferation and adhesion, and in particular on the variation of the expression of cell adhesion proteins. ", "Standardised test samples with five different surface preparations are used: sandblasted, 80, 1200, and 4000 grade polished, mirror polished. ", "Surface roughness is analysed by Scanning Electron Microscopy and LASER Confocal Microscopy. ", "Cell culture experiments are performed with MC3T3-E1 mouse osteoblasts after 3 days culture: proliferation rate, morphology and adhesion are assessed. ", "The variations of expression of cell adhesion proteins are evidenced by indirect immune fluorescence method: actin from the cytoskeleton, vinculin from the focal adhesion complex, fibronectin and collagen I from the extracellular matrix. ", "The results reveal a clear influence of surface roughness of Ti6Al4V on cell proliferation, morphology and adhesion. ", "A significant correlation is established between surface roughness and cell growth. ", "More the surface is smooth more the osteoblasts proliferate and appear spread out on the test samples. ", "In addition, the expression of adhesion proteins varies with respect to the surface roughness. ", "These results indicate a direct relationship between the decrease of cell adhesion and the increase of cell proliferation on mirror polished materials." ]
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[ "PlanarLost\n\nPlanarLost is a non-ERP roleplay (RP) server which also includes a space for casual chat about a variety of subjects (e.g., games, music, movies, politics, and more). ", "Check out our site for further information: http://planarlost.wordpress.com/" ]
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[ 0.0111731843575419, 0.013157894736842105 ]
[ "Press Releases\n\nChennai, August 28 2017 – On the club’s third birthday, Chennaiyin FC is proud to announce that they have launched teams in three age groups – Under13, Under15 and Under18. ", "Chennaiyin will be competing in the three national youth leagues (U-13, U15 & U-18) conducted by the AIFF from this year besides taking part in various other tournaments in those three age groups.", "\n\n“It is a very exciting moment for the club as we launch our three age group teams and fittingly it is happening on the club’s third anniversary. ", "This is another step forward in matching the best practices of the sport of creating a pyramid beneath the senior team to not only create a continuous supply of talent from within the club but also give some of the best talent of Tamil Nadu and other parts of the country a platform to launch their football careers,” the Chennaiyin FC co-owners said in a joint statement.", "\n\nSabir Pasha, technical director of Chennaiyin FC’s youth development, said, “Since its inception the club has done a great job in grassroots by reaching out to thousands of budding footballers in Tamil Nadu. ", "However the time had come to go to the next level by starting fully functional teams in three age groups which will not only start the process of having a proper structure for the talent to flourish within the club but also give everybody involved with grassroots further incentive as boys would get to play competitive matches from a very young age. ", "I would like to thank the owners for their vision and support in this regard and look forward to making this initiative grow further in the near future.”", "\n\nTo start with the Chennaiyin FC U-13 and U-15 teams will only comprise boys from Tamil Nadu. ", "The majority of the U-18 team will also be from Tamil Nadu but there will be a few players from other regions also.", "\n\nAbout Chennaiyin FC\n\nChennaiyin FC is an Indian Super League franchise based in Chennai and co-owned by Mrs Vita Dani, Mr Abhishek Bachchan and Mr MS Dhoni. ", "Chennaiyin FC won the ISL in 2015." ]
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[ "Simmons, 23, hit .289 with 3 home runs and 19 RBI in 166 at bats last season, which was his first taste of the big leagues. ", "He was the Braves' fourth-best prospect according to Baseball America entering the 2012 season, and was the National League's Rookie of the Month in June." ]
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[ "Всі номінаціі Вільно! ", "Життя військових Люди Разом У фокусі Глядацькі симпатії" ]
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