[ "Retroreflective materials are characterized by the ability to redirect light incident on the material back toward the originating light source. ", "This property has led to the widespread use of retroreflective sheeting for a variety of traffic and personal safety uses. ", "Retroreflective sheeting is commonly employed in a variety of articles, for example, road signs, barricades, license plates, pavement markers and marking tape, as well as retroreflective tapes for vehicles and clothing.", "\nTwo known types of retroreflective sheeting are optical element sheeting (e.g., cube corner sheeting) and microsphere-based sheeting. ", "Microsphere-based sheeting, sometimes referred to as “beaded” sheeting, employs a multitude of microspheres typically at least partially embedded in a binder layer and having associated specular or diffuse reflecting materials (e.g., pigment particles, metal flakes or vapor coats, etc.) ", "to retroreflect incident light. ", "Cube corner retroreflective sheeting, sometimes referred to as “prismatic” sheeting, typically comprises a thin transparent layer having a substantially planar first surface and a second structured surface comprising a plurality of geometric structures, some or all of which include three reflective faces configured as a cube corner element.", "\nTypically, a cube corner element includes three mutually perpendicular optical faces that intersect at a single apex. ", "Generally, light that is incident on a corner cube element from a light source is totally internally reflected from each of the three perpendicular cube corner optical faces and is redirected back toward the light source. ", "Presence of, for example, dirt, water, and adhesive on the optical faces can prevent total internal reflection (TIR) and lead to a reduction in the retroreflected light intensity. ", "As such, the air interface is typically protected by a sealing film. ", "However, sealing films may reduce the total active area, which is the area over which retroreflection can occur. ", "Further, sealing films increase the manufacturing cost. ", "Additionally, the sealing process can create a visible pattern in the retroreflective sheeting that is undesirable for many applications, such as, for example, use in a license plate and/or in commercial graphics applications where a more uniform appearance is generally preferred. ", "Metalized cube corners do not rely on TIR for retroreflective light, but they are typically not white enough for daytime viewing of, for example, signing applications. ", "Furthermore, the durability of the metal coatings may be inadequate." ]
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[ "After a decade on the advance, the left in South America is in retreat.", "\n\nJust in the past month, voters in Argentina elected a conservative businessman president over the chosen successor of Cristina Fernandez and Brazil's congress launched an impeachment probe against President Dilma Rousseff, whose approval ratings have been languishing in single digits.", "\n\nIn perhaps the biggest turnabout, voters in Venezuela, where the region's leftward shift began, handed the opposition a landslide victory in congressional elections — its first nationwide legislative win since the U.S.-bashing Hugo Chavez won the presidency in 1998.", "\n\nThe backlash comes amid an economic storm of the likes the region hasn't seen in decades. ", "While all political dynasties are paying the price for broken economies and unchecked corruption, most of South America's governments are run by leftists who came to power as China's economy was taking off over the past 15 years, fueling demand for the region's raw materials.", "\n\nNow that the Asian giant is struggling, prices for the region's copper, soy beans and oil have plummeted along with its currencies, taking with them the aspirations of millions of families that rose into the middle class on the back of the economic boom. ", "At the same time, U.S. interest rates are rising again for the first time in seven years, adding pressure on borrowers already struggling to pay back dollar loans.", "\n\n\"What we're seeing now is a reminder that the political pendulum shifts in South America,\" says Colombian Senator Antonio Navarro Wolff, a former leader of the country's M-19 leftist guerrilla movement. \"", "In the past decade it appeared to have stopped moving because the economic conditions were so favorable.\"", "\n\nIn Argentina, the pro-business mayor of Buenos Aires, Mauricio Macri, came from behind in the polls to win the presidency on a promise to unwind many of Fernandez's leftist policies, especially on the economy. ", "In his first week on the job, he dismantled taxes on farm exports as well as currency controls blamed for a flourishing black market.", "\n\nIn Brazil, President Dilma Rousseff is fighting for her political life. ", "Impeachment proceedings were introduced this month in Congress over accusations she broke fiscal rules to cover up budget gaps for social spending. ", "The probe comes against the backdrop of a shrinking economy and a widening corruption scandal at state-run Petrobras, including revelations of millions in payouts from the oil giant to close allies. ", "Polls indicate she's the least popular Brazilian president since the nation's return to democracy in 1985 following a long military regime.", "\n\nBut by far, the biggest risk of unrest is in Venezuela.", "\n\nFollowing its victory in congressional elections, the opposition looks poised to challenge President Nicolas Maduro's increasingly fragile grip on power. ", "Instead of letting his enemies share the political cost of painful reforms to fix triple-digit inflation and widespread shortages, Maduro so far is promising to double down on statist policies that got Venezuela into its mess and to disregard what he calls the \"bourgeois parliament.\"", "\n\nStill, it would be a mistake to say the left has lost all of its oomph.", "\n\nThe Peronist movement that produced Fernandez still holds a majority in Argentina's Senate, Rousseff's Workers Party remains Brazil's best-organized political faction and Maduro's allies garnered 33 percent of the vote in spite of an economy forecast to shrink as much as 10 percent this year.", "\n\nOther leftist stalwarts in South America remain on solid footing, including Ecuador's Rafael Correa, who enjoys a 52 percent approval rating even as his oil-dependent economy struggles to fight off recession.", "\n\nInstead of a rightist revival, leadership may be splintering between pragmatists and ideologues, says Christopher Sabatini, an expert on the region who teaches at Columbia University. ", "Even communist Cuba, long a touchstone of Latin America's left, has been looking northward in its attempt to overcome a half century of mistrust and conflict with the U.S.\n\nEarly evidence of that shift came at Macri's swearing-in ceremony. ", "While an embittered Fernandez and Maduro were notable no-shows, Correa and Bolivia's Evo Morales were both in attendance. ", "Morales even played soccer with Macri, a former president of the popular Boca Juniors team, just hours after attending a farewell rally with Fernandez and her supporters.", "\n\nConservative pols who traditionally trumpeted free-market policies have also embraced the left's legacy of social programs that tackle widespread poverty.", "\n\nMacri went to great lengths during his campaign to make clear he would keep a safety net for the poor. ", "Venezuela's opposition coalition, countering government allegations that it would auction the nation's wealth to the likes of the International Monetary Fund, said that one of its first legislative priorities will be granting property titles to the millions of families given free housing by Chavez.", "\n\nGoing forward, the center-right is promising to ease hostility toward Washington and use less of the global grandstanding that saw Chavez and Argentina expand ties with Iran. ", "Instead they say they want to focus more on fixing their economies by bolstering fiscal and monetary controls, fighting corruption and restoring independence to courts and other institutions.", "\n\n\"The right has clearly learned its lessons,\" said Sabatini, who is also the director of Global Americans, a group promoting free trade. \"", "While many people still believe the left, the economic crisis is so severe that more are more are willing to gamble on change.\"" ]
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[ " IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TENNESSEE\n AT NASHVILLE\n Assigned on Briefs March 9, 2005\n\n STATE OF TENNESSEE v. DERRICK LE'MON GOODE\n\n Direct Appeal from the Circuit Court for Bedford County\n No. ", "15014 Lee Russell, Judge\n\n\n\n No. ", "M2004-01368-CCA-R3-CD - Filed May 3, 2005\n\n\nOn appeal, the defendant challenges the revocation of his probation; specifically, he contends that\nthe trial court erred in revoking his probation based on the new charge of possession of prohibited\nweapons (sawed-off shotguns) when the weapons were not entered into evidence and their length\nwas only estimated but never measured. ", "Upon our review, we conclude that the deputy’s estimation\nof the length of the weapons is sufficient to support revocation. ", "Moreover, it is uncontroverted that\nthe defendant had an outstanding payments owed to the court, which constitutes an additional ground\nfor revocation. ", "We affirm the judgment of the trial court.", "\n\n Tenn. R. App. ", "P. 3 Appeal as of Right; Judgment of the Circuit Court Affirmed\n\nJOHN EVERETT WILLIAMS, J., delivered the opinion of the court, in which NORMA MCGEE OGLE,\nJ., joined. ", "JOSEPH M. TIPTON , J., concurs in results only.", "\n\nDonna L. Hargrove, District Public Defender, and Andrew Jackson Dearing, III, Assistant Public\nDefender, for the appellant, Derrick Le’Mon Goode.", "\n\nPaul G. Summers, Attorney General and Reporter; Jennifer L. Bledsoe, Assistant Attorney General;\nWilliam Michael McCown, District Attorney General; and Michael D. Randles and Ann L. Filer,\nAssistant District Attorneys General, for the appellee, State of Tennessee.", "\n\n OPINION\n\n Facts and Procedural History\n\n Following a jury trial, the defendant Derrick Le’mon Goode, was convicted of forgery and\ntheft under $500. ", "He received consecutive sentences of two years on the forgery charge and eleven\nmonths and twenty-nine days on the charge of theft under $500. ", "On October 29, 2002, the defendant\nwas granted determinate release on the forgery charge but was required to remain and serve 75% of\nhis eleven month and twenty-nine day sentence before being released to probation in July 2003. ", "On\nApril 16, 2004, a probation violation warrant was issued, alleging:\n\f 1) New law violations (possession of a prohibited weapon and felon in\n possession of a firearm);\n 2) A violation of rule three of his rules of probation (possession of a firearm,\n ammunition, or illegal weapon in violation of his probation); and\n 3) Failure to pay court costs and fines, amounting to $230 a month, since\n February 2004.", "\n\n Following a hearing on the probation violation, the court issued an order revoking the\ndefendant’s probation and ordering him to serve the balance of his sentence. ", "The defendant’s sole\ncontention on appeal is that the trial court erred in basing his revocation, in part, on possession of\na prohibited weapon when the subject weapons were not placed in evidence at the hearing and when\ntheir lengths were estimated but never measured.", "\n\n At the revocation hearing, Deputy George Marsh (“Deputy Marsh”) testified that he was\nemployed with the Bedford County Sheriff’s Department and that he patrolled Fire Field Pike on the\nnight of the defendant’s arrest. ", "While on patrol, Deputy Marsh observed an unoccupied vehicle\nparked in a sharp curve near two residences. ", "Aware that the area had been the subject of recent\nburglaries, Deputy Marsh approached the vehicle and ran the license tag number. ", "From that, he\nlearned that the tag was registered to the defendant, but that it did not match the vehicle. ", "Upon\nfurther investigation, Deputy Marsh discovered two sawed-off shotguns in the back seat of the\nvehicle, partially covered with a black trash bag and a blanket. ", "He then called for backup and\nremained with the vehicle. ", "At the hearing, Deputy Marsh estimated that both weapons were eighteen\ninches in length.", "\n\n While waiting for other officers to arrive, a second vehicle, in which the defendant was a\npassenger, pulled up. ", "The defendant inquired as to why Deputy Marsh was near his vehicle, to which\nDeputy Marsh responded, “What are you doing with sawed-off shotguns in the back seat of your\nvehicle?” ", "The defendant then began yelling, cursing, and alleging that he was being “set up to be\nsent to Federal prison.” ", "He further denied that there were shotguns in the vehicle. ", "Based upon what\nhe had seen, Deputy Marsh arrested the defendant and charged him with possession of prohibited\nweapons. ", "Later in the evening, the defendant’s previous convictions were discovered, and he was\nalso charged with being a felon in possession of weapons.", "\n\n On cross-examination, Deputy Marsh acknowledged that the shotguns were not measured\nat any time and that he “guessed” about the exact length of the weapon. ", "He stated that he neither had\naccess to the weapons nor the time to measure them before coming to court. ", "Deputy Marsh said that\nthere was no statement in the report showing that the defendant admitted having no passengers in\nthe vehicle; however, he testified that a witness did state that the defendant had no passengers.", "\nFinally, he acknowledged that the shotguns could have been longer than eighteen inches. ", "On redirect\nexamination, Deputy Marsh testified that he had previously fired shotguns both in the professional\nand recreational context. ", "He further stated that he would not have shot the weapons because their\nlength rendered them unsafe.", "\n\n\n\n -2-\n\f Michelle Phillips (“Phillips”) then testified that she was employed as a probation officer and\nthat she was charged with supervising the defendant. ", "She stated that the defendant’s unpaid fines\ntotaled $1902. ", "She testified that the defendant was scheduled to complete probation on February 9,\nbut requested an extension of probation on January 16, in order to pay the balance owed to the court.", "\nAt that time, the trial court granted a six month extension, and the defendant agreed to pay $230 a\nmonth beginning February 1. ", "Phillips testified that the defendant paid $200 in February but did not\npay or report thereafter.", "\n\n On cross-examination, Phillips stated that the defendant missed his scheduled appointment\nin February but came in later that month to report and pay. ", "The defendant’s next appointment was\nscheduled for March 24, but he phoned that day to say that he could not make the appointment. ", "On\nMarch 29, the defendant again phoned Phillips to inform her of his arrest. ", "At that time, the\ndefendant’s appointment was re-scheduled for the following day. ", "However, the defendant again\nmissed his appointment on March 30. ", "Phillips stated that the defendant “should not have been in\njail” on the day of his appointment, as his release sheet indicated that he made bond on either March\n26 or 27. ", "Phillips also testified that she had previously sent three “warning letters” for missed\nappointments and that the defendant reported after receiving those letters.", "\n\n Karen Goode, the defendant’s wife, testified as the final witness. ", "She stated that she was\naware of the fees owed by the defendant and that she had been helping him make payments. ", "She\nfurther testified that she was prepared to pay $230 that day towards the defendant’s unpaid fees and\ncosts.", "\n\n Analysis\n\n A trial court may revoke probation and order the imposition of the original sentence upon a\nfinding by a preponderance of the evidence that the person has violated a condition of probation.", "\nTenn. Code Ann. §§ ", "40-35-310, -311 (2003). ", "The decision to revoke probation rests within the\nsound discretion of the trial court. ", "State v. Mitchell, 810 S.W.2d 733, 735 (Tenn. Crim. ", "App. ", "1991).", "\nRevocation of probation and a community corrections sentence is subject to an abuse of discretion\nstandard of review, rather than a de novo standard. ", "State v. Harkins, 811 S.W.2d 79, 82 (Tenn.\n1991). ", "Discretion is abused only if the record contains no substantial evidence to support the\nconclusion of the trial court that a violation of probation or community correction sentence has\noccurred. ", "Id.; State v. Gregory, 946 S.W.2d 829, 832 (Tenn. Crim. ", "App. ", "1997). ", "Proof of a violation\nneed not be established beyond a reasonable doubt, and the evidence need only show that the trial\njudge exercised a conscientious and intelligent judgment, rather than acting arbitrarily. ", "Gregory, 946\nS.W.2d at 832; State v. Leach, 914 S.W.2d 104, 106 (Tenn. Crim. ", "App. ", "1995).", "\n\n On appeal, the defendant alleges that the trial court erred in basing his violation, in part, on\nthe charge of possession of prohibited weapons, when the weapons were not placed in evidence and\nwhen their length was only estimated, but never measured. ", "The pertinent statute is codified at\nTennessee Code Annotated section 39-17-1302, and states:\n\n\n\n -3-\n\f Prohibited Weapons\n (a A person commits an offense who intentionally or knowingly possesses,\n manufactures, transports, repairs or sells:\n ...\n (4) A short-barrel rifle or shotgun\nFurther, a “short barrel” is defined as “a barrel length of less than sixteen inches (16”) for a rifle and\neighteen inches (18”) for a shotgun, or an overall firearm length of less than twenty-six inches\n(26”)[.]” ", "Tenn. Code Ann. § ", "39-17-1301(12) (2003).", "\n\n At the revocation hearing, Deputy Marsh estimated that both shotguns were eighteen inches\nin length. ", "On cross-examination he testified, “Ma’am, I looked at the weapon. ", "The weapon had\nbeen altered, and it was shorter than a weapon that was legal to be carried.” ", "On redirect\nexamination, he stated that he had fired shotguns in both a professional and recreational context and\nindicated that the weapons were unsafe to fire because of their length. ", "Although the weapons were\nnever measured, the trial court accredited the testimony of Deputy Marsh and found:\n [T]hat [the defendant] was in possession of an illegal weapon. ", "Ideally, I suppose we\n would have the weapon up here. ", "It could have been accomplished, frankly, by either\n side. ", "It wasn’t. ", "But the officer estimated it at 18 inches. ", "That’s a long way from the\n 26 [inches]. ", "I think the officer’s testimony was convincing on the relative length,\n the estimated length of this weapon. ", "I think it was illegal.", "\n\n Upon review, we conclude that the trial court was well within its discretion in accepting\nDeputy Marsh’s estimation and in finding, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the defendant\npossessed illegal weapons. ", "The State must only prove that a violation occurred by a preponderance\nof the evidence, and the trial court’s revocation may only be overturned in the absence of any\n“substantial evidence” supporting revocation. ", "Gregory, 946 S.W.2d at 832; Harkins, 811 S.W.2d\nat 82. ", "In this case, the deputy’s estimation constituted substantial evidence and is sufficient to\nsupport the trial court’s conclusion.", "\n\n We also conclude that revocation was proper because the trial court based its conclusion on\nan additional ground: the defendant’s failure to pay court costs and fines. ", "The defendant’s probation\nofficer testified that he paid $200 in February, $30 short of his required payment, and had not made\na payment since. ", "Moreover, defense counsel conceded that the defendant had not made all scheduled\npayments:\n And in the last two months, February, March – March and April, he has not [paid],\n so we do concede that he has not made those two payments. ", "But, Judge, what we’re\n asking for is not put him in prison, to put him to pay court costs and fines, but to put\n him back on probation, extend his probation to some reasonably [sic] extent to allow\n him to pay the $1,177 on this old sentence, and that would, I believe, would be a\n reasonable disposition of this matter.", "\nUltimately, the trial court found that:\n [The defendant] has agreed that he was – or it’s been agreed on his behalf and it’s\n\n\n -4-\n\f uncontroverted in this record that he did get behind on his payments, so he is out of\n compliance with the terms of his probation. ", "His probation will be revoked and he’ll\n be asked to serve the balance of his sentence.", "\nWe conclude that either violation, standing alone, would have been sufficient to revoke the\ndefendant’s probation; however, taken together they provide compelling reason for doing so.", "\n\n Conclusion\n\n We affirm the trial court’s revocation of probation.", "\n\n\n\n\n __________________________________________\n JOHN EVERETT WILLIAMS, JUDGE\n\n\n\n\n -5-\n\f" ]
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[ "Ashanti Lodge Gardens Reviews\n\nReviews & Ratings Explained\n\n89%\n\nRating\n\n492 Total Reviews\n\n90%Value For Money\n\n88%Security\n\n88%Location\n\n93%Staff\n\n92%Atmosphere\n\n83%Cleanliness\n\n89%Facilities\n\nThe rating percentage is calculated from customers who booked within the last 12 months.", "\n\nAll ratings and reviews are based on the feedback and opinions of the customers who submitted them and do not express the opinions of Hostelworld.com. ", "This way, you get an up-to-the-minute opinion of just how good a hostel really is. ", "Read our review guidelines »\n\nShow:\n\nEnglish Reviews\n\nAll Reviews translated into English\n\nSort By:\n\n69%\n\nThere was a weird smell in my room and the staff did not assist me in terms of taking me through the facilities. ", "Alos, information regarding check-in was not available on Hostelworld.", "\n\nHello Janita\nThank you for your review - I am not sure what you mean by \"weird smell\". ", "All our rooms are serviced daily and if there was something wrong we would definitely have dealt with it!", "\nRegards,Lisa\n\n91%\n\nStaff were amazingly helpful & the place has an amazing atmosphere. ", "Pretty disappointing though when a guest gets mugged at knife point when he was dropped off directly at the front gate.", "\n\nHI Derek\nThanks for your response. ", "I must admit we were all pretty shocked but the incident outside but to walk back alone from Long Street at 3am in the morning was probably not the best idea - he was followed from there!", "\nNevertheless, I trust you enjoyed your stay in our beautiful city!", "\nRegards,\nLisa\n\n86%\n\nI stayed in a private ensuite that was wonderful. ", "The dorms seemed even better, though. ", "Beautiful renovated house with high ceilings and grand rooms. ", "Lovely hostel in a great location - just adjacent to the best parts of Kloof. ", "Great grounds and there's a pool! ", "There's also a cafe/bar upstairs when you. ", "Kitchen could use an update, especially the pots and pans, but I would definitely recommend staying here.", "\n\nHI Meghan\nThanks for your review. ", "I will go and have a look at the pots and pans - constructive criticism is always valuable.", "\nThanks\nLisa\n\n100%\n\nAmazing hostel. ", "Great vibe from Liz at the travel desk the moment we walked in. ", "She also gave us some great recommendations! ", "Great food and cheap drinks upstairs. ", "I came here last minute after bad experiences at another hostel, only had 1 night available, I booked my shark dive, and they went out of their way to call the shark dive place and leave a message for me saying they could extend my stay as something opened up. ", "Great customer service! ", "Will definitely stay here again!" ]
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[ "The Sydney Swans are pleased to announce John Longmire has extended his contract for a further three years, which will see him remain Sydney’s senior coach until at least the end of 2023.", "\n\nLongmire joined the Swans as an assistant coach in 2002 and was part of the team that welcomed Sydney’s drought-breaking 2005 premiership win.", "\n\nHe took the reigns as senior coach ahead of the 2011 season, through a succession plan upon the departure of Paul Roos.", "\n\nIn his time in charge, Longmire has led Sydney to nine straight finals series, achieving premiership success in 2012 and making two other Grand Finals in 2014 and 2016.", "\n\nIn Round 7 this year, he became the Club’s longest-serving coach.", "\n\nLongmire said he’s thrilled to have put pen to paper and is looking forward to continuing the journey in Sydney.", "\n\n“Sydney’s my home – my kids have grown up here and I love the club,” Longmire said.", "\n\n“The job of the senior coach is a huge commitment from both sides, so it was important to take the time to ensure that I could continue to give the role the energy it needs. ", "I’m really pleased that the club has the faith in me to continue and that I have the support of my family to continue.", "\n\n\n\n“Our team at the Swans has evolved quite considerably, particularly this year, but what we do have is a young list with plenty of energy and enthusiasm. ", "They are a highly committed group that’s capable of achieving great things together.", "\n\n“I’m really excited about the challenge the future presents and am looking forward to continuing to work with our young list, our coaches, staff and our wonderfully supportive Board.”", "\n\nSydney CEO Tom Harley says it’s exciting to have Longmire secured for the long term.", "\n\n“John has been an unbelievable leader of our Club for a long time now and we’re just rapt that he’s going to be continuing as senior coach,” Harley said.", "\n\n“While John’s coaching record speaks for itself, what has been particularly impressive is his ability to evolve the team over the years.", "\n\n“John has unbelievably strong relationships with our players and I know how much he’s enjoying coaching this current group.", "\n\n\n\n“The future is certainly bright with John locked in, an exciting young playing group and work to soon begin on our new state-of-the-art facility at the Royal Hall of Industries.”" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nElixir Plug gzip not working for pngs\n\nI have\nplug Plug.", "Static,\n at: \"/pros\",\n from: :zipbooks,\n gzip: true,\n cache_control_for_etags: \"public, max-age=604800\",\n only: ~w(css assets fonts images js favicon.ico robots.txt)\n\nand my js css and svg files are being served with content-encoding:gzip but my png files, served the same way, are not.", "\nHere's an example of an svg and how its gzipped:\n\nand heres a png\n\nA:\n\nYou need to add .png to gzippable_exts config as mentioned in the docs here.", "\n\nWe can optionally determine which files should be gzipped by using the\n :gzippable_exts option in the config file:\nconfig :phoenix, :gzippable_exts, ~w(.js .css)\n\nIt doesn't make sense to compress png files though since they're already compressed which is why the default gzippable_exts doesn't include it.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "A Glimpse into a BRING Educational Tour\n\nEducating community members about where our waste goes and why it’s so important to generate less of it has always been an important part of BRING’s work. ", "That’s why we offer a range of educational programs and tours to schools, community groups and civic organizations. ", "Have you ever wondered if one is right for the kids in your life? ", "Here’s a glimpse at what happens on one of our most “popular” tours.", "\n\nEvery year BRING takes hundreds of local students to Lane County’s Glenwood transfer station and Short Mountain Landfill. ", "Although each trip generates plenty of complaints about bad smells and dirty surfaces, teachers and parents realize that it’s important for kids to know that when they throw something away, it doesn’t go away – it just goes somewhere else. ", "Where it goes and how it’s handled can have a huge impact on the health of our community and our planet.", "\n\nOne a recent tour, education and events coordinator Emily Shelton led a group of Creswell Middle School students up the concrete walkway that leads to the transfer station’s trash and recycling areas. “", "This facility does exactly what the name implies – it transfers all the garbage we generate at various places in our community to its final resting place,” she told the group of youngsters wearing bright orange and yellow vests. “", "Where do you think it goes from here?” ", "The landfill, students confirmed.", "\n\n“Does anyone know how long trash lives in the landfill?” ", "Shelton asks. ", "There are guesses of 20 years and 30 years before someone guesses hundreds of years. “", "Forever,” Shelton confirms. ", "Once waste goes into a landfill, it’s compacted tightly against the layer below it. ", "The bottom of the landfill is capped by a sophisticated composite liner system so nothing can escape, and at some point another system of liner layers will go over the top, locking in everything in perpetuity.", "\n\nAlthough some methane escapes from the anaerobic environment that results, most materials don’t break down. ", "If you dug up a copy of the Eugene Register-Guard from 50 years ago, you’d still be able to read every story.", "\n\nShelton points to the nearby guard stations and tells the students that people come to Lane County’s transfer stations to throw away their unwanted items, but they also come to recycle. ", "The scales ensure they’re only charged for what they throw away and not what they recycle. “", "When you drop off all the recycling, that’s weight you’re taking off,” she explains. “", "That’s weight you’re not paying for. ", "So by recycling materials you’re saving money, in addition to saving resources and reducing pollution.”", "\n\nBefore she takes the group to the containers holding electronics, wood and other materials for recycling, Shelton leads them to the trash pit. ", "It’s a warm day, which makes the smell worse, something the students don’t hesitate to point out. ", "A few noses are quickly tucked inside of shirts, and there are lots of exclamations of “Ewww!” ", "and “Gross!”", "\n\nBut once they’re on the catwalk that runs over the top of the cavernous space, the focus changes. ", "The young people quickly begin pointing out familiar bits of detritus: a stuffed animal. ", "A pizza box. ", "A deflated and discolored basketball. ", "A group of boys is particularly excited about a bulldozer flattening pieces of furniture.", "\n\nWhen they’re standing back in the sunshine, Shelton asks, “Did you see anything that could be reused? ", "Or did you see anything that could be recycled?” ", "Shelton asked. ", "There’s a chorus of suggestions: Furniture. ", "Cardboard. ", "Plastic soda bottles. ", "Paper.", "\n\n“We can’t control what goes in here because we don’t pull things out of the trash,” Shelton says. “", "It’s really up to us as community members to know what can and can’t go into our landfill.”", "\n\nShelton reviewed the things that legally aren’t allowed because they’re too dangerous or bulky. ", "Items on the list include motor oil, car batteries, fluorescent bulbs containing mercury, car tires, electronics, mattresses and appliances. ", "She points these items out as the tour goes on to emphasize that some things that can’t be recycled curbside can find a home at the transfer station.", "\n\nThe tour provides a good opportunity to educate the students on how to be better curbside recyclers. ", "Glass needs to be separated from other materials because broken shards can injure workers or get into other recycling streams. ", "The only type of plastic containers that should go in are bottles, tubs and jugs.", "\n\nShelton also uses the tour as a chance to discuss the importance of the other “R.” Reducing the amount of waste we generate is the best thing for the planet because it extends the life of the landfill and cuts down on the amount of raw resources that must be harvested from the earth. ", "Reusing materials does the same thing but to a lesser extent because goods still have to be transported to a reuse facility and find a new home with a buyer. ", "If they can’t, they may end up in the trash as well.", "\n\n“We say ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ in that order for a reason,” she says to emphasize the waste management hierarchy. “", "Reducing your consumption is the best way to lessen your personal impact on the planet.”", "\n\nParents: if you care about teaching children about waste prevention, resource conservation and where our waste goes, please check with your child’s school and encourage them to contact us. ", "All of our programming is available year-round." ]
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[ 0.00510204081632653, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nDoes it look like a vine borer caused this damage to my zucchini?", "\n\nAfter reading the accepted answer on the question \"Is something wrong with my zucchini plant?\", ", "I've come to the conclusion that it is in fact a vine borer which has invaded my zucchini. ", "Based on the following pictures, does this seem like the correct conclusion?", "\nIs it too late to save this plant?", "\nClick photo for full size\n\nA:\n\nIt looks quite bad and I would say it will continue to spread and eventually kill your plant.", "\nThere are sprays which you can buy, but it looks like it may be too far gone.", "\nRather than nothing, I would suggest as a last resort, try cutting as much of the affected plant back as possible and place soil around any new roots shooting off from the unaffected areas.", "\nIt's a long shot, but worth a try.", "\nGood Luck!", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "~ Investment Strategy\n\nMorning Note: More on JPY\n\nFirst, will asset purchases and an inflation target in Japan cause JPY to weaken whatever happens to the two-year interest-rate spread — i.e. to break its past correlation. ", "I do not think so.", "\n\n1. ", "The inflation target is not very credible. ", "It looks very much like a sop to the politicians to keep them off the BoJ’s back. ", "The BoJ doesn’t think it can do anything about deflation (which I think is probably wrong, but that is another story). ", "This means that there has not been a sea-change in monetary policy that would cause a reversal in the long-term trend in JPY. ", "The upward pressure on Japan’s exchange rate as a result of deflation is unlikely to abate.", "\n\n2.1. ", "If we leave aside the weak de jure change and focus on the de facto change, the situation is a little more complicated. ", "A chink has clearly appeared in the BoJ’s armour and politicians are clearly keeping the inflation/deflation issue at the top of the agenda. ", "This raises the probability that Japan will eventually cure its deflationary problem. ", "This way of looking at things is supported by breakeven inflation, which remains subdued at the 4-year point but has recently turned positive (continuing an upward trend of several months’ duration) from the 5-year point. ", "I do not know the reason for the uptrend — presumably the BoJ’s actions after the earthquake and tsunami are an important part of it — but let us assume that the recent sharp move above 0% from the 5-year point onwards was caused by the BoJ’s announcement.", "\n\n2.2. ", "In order to understand what the effect of this will be, we need to know a bit about economics in a liquidity trap. ", "One way of thinking about a liquidity trap is that the economy has been so damaged that the rate of interest that would restore full employment is presently negative. ", "Because central banks are unable (or possibly just unwilling) to cut nominal rates below zero, the economy remains depressed. ", "One way out of this problem is to cut the real interest rate by raising inflation expectations while keeping nominal rates anchored. ", "This policy has been effective in the US: as various monetary-policy actions have raised inflation expectations, real interest rates have fallen and economic prospects have improved (hence, I think that the most effective monetary-policy action has been the most recent, because it has taken real rates below zero in spite of a general improvement in the economy). ", "This is the reason for the strong correlation between the S&P 500 and 10-year breakeven inflation since 2009.", "\n\n2.3. ", "In Japan, the uptrend in breakeven inflation has cut the real interest rate at the 7-year point (the longest inflation-linked maturity available) from around 1% a year ago to around 0.15% today. ", "That should have a stimulative effect on the economy. ", "But will it cause JPY to fall, as effective monetary policy action in the US has caused USD to fall? ", "I think that this is far from obvious. ", "There is a certain money-flows aspect to central-bank asset purchases that means that it provides some upward pressure on asset prices; but I think that the main transmission mechanism is, again, via expectations. ", "In the US, the risk of a central-bank response to any future inflation means that an asset-price rally that is kicked off by an improvement in economic data should be self-limiting in a weak recovery because markets’ anticipation of future inflation causes market interest-rates to rise with asset prices. ", "Asset purchases are a signal to financial players that a central bank is committed to fighting deflation and that interest rates are unlikely to rise for some time, and hence, asset-price rallies are able to be sustained. ", "In other words, it is the interaction of improving economic prospects and expectations that interest rates will remain low that causes a QE-driven boom. ", "The boom encourages leveraged players to carry trade, using USD and JPY as funding currencies.", "\n\n2.4. ", "Will asset purchases in Japan have the same effect as QE in the US? ", "I think not. ", "Improving US economic prospects have an effect because the US is the world’s most important economy and because, since it was the driver of the 2008 crisis, it is used by many players as a proxy for the global economy. ", "An improvement in the Japanese economy, other things being equal, ought not to have the same invigorating effect on global financial players. ", "Further, the assurance that Japanese interest rates are unlikely to rise is hardly a change in the situation, and Japanese long-term rates do not tend to move very far even when the equity market rallies. ", "So the signalling element of asset purchases, to the extent that it applies directly to the decision-making process of leveraged players, ought also not to have the same effect in Japan as it has in the US.", "\n\nAll of this has been an argument that there has not been an important-enough break in Japanese monetary policy to cause JPY to fall irrespective of what happens in the US. ", "That does not mean that there will not be a global asset-price rally caused by other factors, or that JPY will not fall. ", "But it does mean that the behaviour of USD/JPY will continue to depend on the two currencies’ relative attractiveness as funding currencies, and hence on the 2-year interest-rate spread.", "\n\nSecond, given the conclusion just reached, we need to think about US 2-year rates. ", "Will they increase, and hence cause USD/JPY to rise? ", "I am rather running out of time for today, so this will have to be a subject for tomorrow." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Sarah Lynn 1863\n\nIn the early 1980s, the pop group Duran Duran was up and coming in the music world. ", "A very young band - it had only been formed three years before, by school chums Nick Rhodes and John Taylor - it was getting a lot of attention thanks to its catchy...\n\nIn the early 1980s, the pop group Duran Duran was up and coming in the music world. ", "A very young band - it had only been formed three years before, by school chums Nick Rhodes and John Taylor - it was getting a lot of...\n\nAh, yes, Duran Duran. ", "Those five impossibly beautiful boys from Birmingham, England, who conquered the world with their music in the early 80s and helped define an era. ", "Formed by friends Nicholas James Bates (who...\n\nIn 1992, right after Ken Burns had a huge hit with his documentary, \"The Civil War\", ABC greenlighted a movie that, it hoped, would take advantage of the Civil War mania sweeping the country. ", "The movie - and...\n\nI've always been something of a Civil War geek, and I'd seen Civil War reenactors in movies such as Glory and North and South, but I always thought that was something you had to go to school for, or at least have some..." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.019801980198019802, 0.011857707509881422, 0.01875, 0, 0.0125, 0.004166666666666667 ]
[ "KALIBAPI\n\n{{Infobox political party\n|name = Kapisanan ng Paglilingkod sa Bagong Pilipinas (KALIBAPI)\n|logo = Kalibapi Seal.png\n|colorcode = \n|leader = Directors-General:\n\nThe Kapisanan ng Paglilingkod sa Bagong Pilipinas (Association for Service to the New Philippines), or KALIBAPI (Baybayin: ), was a Fascist Filipino political party that served as the sole party of state during the Japanese occupation. ", "It was intended to be a Filipino version of Japan's governing Imperial Rule Assistance Association.", "\n\nHistory \nFormed by the Philippine Executive Commission (Komisyong Tagapagpaganap ng Pilipinas) under the leadership of Jorge Vargas, the party was created by Proclamation No. ", "109 of the PEC, a piece of legislation passed on December 8, 1942 banning all existing political parties and creating the new governing alliance. ", "The Japanese had already dissolved all political parties on the islands, including even the pro-Japanese Ganap Party, and established KALIBAPI as a mass movement designed to support the occupation whilst taking advantage of Filipino nationalism in the region. ", "Inaugurated in December 30, 1942, the death anniversary of Filipino writer and national hero José Rizal, \"to emphasize the patriotic basis of the organization\", the party was headed by its Director-General Benigno S. Aquino with Pio Duran as Secretary-General and effective second in command and Ganap leader Benigno Ramos as a member of the executive committee. ", "The three toured the Philippines, setting up local party organisations and promoting the \"new order in East Asia\" at mass meetings.", "\n\nFor the Japanese, KALIBAPI served as a labour recruitment service in its initial stages before taking on an expanded role in mid 1943. ", "It was left to KALIBAPI to write the new constitution and establish the new National Assembly, resulting in Aquino's appointment as Speaker (as his replacement as Director-General by Camilo Osías). ", "All 54 members of the Assembly were KALIBAPI members, although 33 of them had held elected office before the invasion as well. ", "KALIBAPI soon claimed a membership that ran into the hundreds of thousands. ", "The islands were declared officially independent as the Second Philippine Republic on 14 October 1943 under the Presidency of José P. Laurel and his KALIBAPI government. ", "This had been accomplished through the Preparatory Committee for Philippine Independence, which KALIBAPI had established in mid-1943 under Japanese direction.", "\n\nTaking a highly nationalistic standpoint, KALIBAPI was active in initiatives to promote the Tagalog language as a central feature of Filipino identity. ", "To this end a pared-down, 1000 word version of the language was promoted to be learned rapidly by those not yet versed in the language. ", "The general nationalism of Laurel's government strained relations with Japan, particularly as Laurel had refused to declare war on the United States and United Kingdom. ", "As such the Japanese instructed Ramos to form a new group, Makapili, in November 1944 to give more tangible military support to the Japanese.", "\n\nKALIBAPI disappeared after the Japanese surrender with some of its leaders arrested for collaboration and treason. ", "No former KALIBAPI candidates ran for office in the 1946 general election, and some of those not arrested went into hiding in Philippines, exile in Japan, or were executed by vengeful Filipinos or the Communist-aligned Hukbalahap members.", "\n\nSources\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Defunct political parties in the Philippines\nCategory:Filipino collaborators with Imperial Japan\nCategory:National liberation movements\nCategory:Parties of one-party systems\nCategory:Political parties established in 1942\nCategory:Political parties disestablished in 1945\nCategory:Fascist parties" ]
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[ "A rolling shootout on Cermak Road in the Heart of Chicago neighborhood left two pedestrians injured Monday afternoon, according to police.", "\n\nThe rifle shooting happened about 1:30 p.m. in the 2100 block of West Cermak Road. ", "A 67-year-old man and a 49-year-old woman were walking when young men in cars chasing and exchanging gunfire with each other down Cermak missed and hit the pedestrians.", "\n\nThe man was shot in the left shoulder and was taken to Stroger Hospital; the woman was grazed in her abdomen and was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital, according to police. ", "The man is in serious condition and the woman in good condition, police said.", "\n\nPolice found rifle casings for almost a block down Cermak Road, a busy commercial stretch west of Pilsen normally teeming with foot traffic.", "\n\nNeither of the two people shot was an intended target, police said. ", "As well as the two wounded people, the shootout also caused two car crashes and left a lot of property damaged, including car windows being shot out.", "\n\n\"I saw cars flying, heard the crash, then another (crash),\" said Ivan Delgado, a 24-year-old lifelong neighborhood resident and employee at a shoe store on Cermak near the crime scene. \"", "I came out and seen the van right away.\"", "\n\nJust east of where he stood, there was damage to a white van in the middle of Cermak Road. ", "Closer to Hoyne Avenue, four more vehicles were damaged.", "\n\nInside a grocery store parking lot near the intersection, a window was shot out on a small green car. ", "An American Legion post sustained damage from the gunfire.", "\n\nA woman, who asked not to be identified, said she was parking when she saw someone chamber a round and fire out the passenger side of a white SUV before someone in a red car returned fire. ", "The white SUV continued east on Cermak from the grocery store, she said.", "\n\nAt least two gunmen took off on foot after the shootout, leaving behind a 2016 Jeep Cherokee that crashed in the street.", "\n\nIn other shootings:" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPHP Assign a specific Value from reference list to every occurence of a string\n\nI have two lists.", "\nThe first list is a list of Book Authors where every name has his own ID\nExample:\n\nid - name \n1 Mr Miagi \n2 Mr Smith\n3 Susan Sun \n4 Mr Commodore\n\nThe Second list is a list of books with one or more writers per book\nExample:\n\nbook - writer\nKing Solomons Mines - Mr Miagi\nShe - Mr Miagi\nPaperboy - Mr Commodore and Susan Sun\n\nSo what I need in the resulting list is the ID of the writer (from the first list) at every occurrence\nExample:\n\nbook - writer - id \nKing Solomons Mines - Mr Miagi - 1\nShe - Mr Miagi - 1\nPaperboy - Mr Commodore and Susan Sun - 4 , 3 \n\nWhat is the best Approach in PHP to get this result?", "\n\nA:\n\nI hope i did understand you correctly from reading your question and the comments.", "\nWhat i think you want still is three database tables:\nauthors:\n id int(11) NOT NULL,\n name varchar(200) NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n\nbooks: \n id int(11) NOT NULL,\n title varchar(200) NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n\nauthor2books: \n id int(11) NOT NULL,\n author_id int(11) NOT NULL,\n book_id int(11) NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n UNIQUE (`author_id`, `book_id`)\n\nNow iterate over your first list (author - id) and simply insert the results into the first authors table.", "\nThen iterate over the second result (book, authors as string).", "\nIn this iteration, check for each authors string. ", "\nIf it has more than one authors, use php_explode to seperate them.", "\nI hope this helped.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.009900990099009901, 0.011437908496732025, 0, 0.016597510373443983, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow do i create the array with the values being fetched from database in php\n\nSay i am having set of rows in a table and each row is having a column called city with some values assigned to it \n iam iterating through the result set and i need to assign the list of city values of each row in to an array only unique\n foreach($res as $row){\n $cities =array();\n $cities[] = $row['city'];\n //when i say \n var_dump($cities);\n //Iam not able to get array .how do i do that \n $maincities = array('A','B',C)\n }\n\nA:\n\nYou're resetting $cities to a new array for each row you loop through. ", "Better would be:\n$cities = array();\nforeach ($res as $row)\n{\n if ( ! ", "in_array($row['city'], $cities)) {\n $cities[] = $row['city'];\n }\n}\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Visual inspection devices (e.g., borescopes, endoscopes, or the like) provide tradespeople, such as plumbers, electricians, mechanics, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) professionals, welders, carpenters, MRO (maintenance, repair, and operations) professionals, or the like, with means to view locations that are inaccessible without dismantling or removing surrounding structures. ", "For example, visual inspection devices are used to inspect inside pipes, walls, floors, aircraft or automobile engines, or other equipment that include narrow, small, and/or dark passageways." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0.007537688442211055, 0 ]
[ "Clinical, respiratory, haemodynamic, and metabolic determinants of lactate in heart failure.", "\nLactate is an end-product of anaerobic cell metabolism. ", "Although it is believed to have prognostic significance in heart failure (HF), data on the pathomechanisms that lead to lactate accumulation are scarce. ", "We aimed to determine the clinical, respiratory, biochemical, and haemodynamic correlates of lactate in HF. ", "Patients diagnosed with HF hospitalised in a single cardiac centre, who underwent haemodynamic monitoring, were included in this retrospective analysis. ", "The population consisted of 93 patients (44 acute HF [AHF] and 49 chronic HF [CHF] cases). ", "The mean age, left ventricular ejection fraction, and lactate level were 60 ± 13 years, 33% ± 17%, 1.4 ± 0.9 mmol/L, respectively. ", "The mean cardiac index (CI), right atrial pressure (RAP) and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) were 2.2 ± 0.5 L/min/m², 8.7 ± 6 mmHg, and 18 ± 6 mmHg, respectively. ", "AHF patients had significantly higher RAP, heart rate (HR), and levels of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide and creatinine, compared to the CHF group. ", "Both HR and natriuretic peptide level were correlated with lactate. ", "Among haemodynamic indices, lactate correlated with CI (r = -0.25, p = 0.01). ", "We found no correlation between lactate and RAP (p > 0.05) or PCWP (p > 0.05). ", "There was no relationship between lactate and peripheral blood gases. ", "Lactate was strongly correlated with mixed venous oxygen saturation (svO2) (r = -0.61, p < 0.05). ", "HR, svO2, and systemic vascular resistance (SVR) were found to be independent determinants of lactate. ", "Lactate accumulation in HF is not a result of respiratory disturbances or hypoxaemia. ", "Among haemodynamic indices, CI is correlated with lactate. ", "The strongest determinants of lactate included svO2, SVR, and HR." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0.007633587786259542, 0.011560693641618497, 0.012578616352201259, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0.019417475728155338, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0.015384615384615385 ]
[ "Charlee Adams\n\nCharlee Shaun Adams (born 16 February 1995) is an English professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for National League club Barnet.", "\n\nAdams began his football career in West Ham United's youth system, and moved in to Birmingham City in 2011. ", "He made his first-team debut for Birmingham in the FA Cup in January 2014, appeared 28 times in the Conference Premier in two spells on loan at Lincoln City, and spent the first half of the 2016–17 campaign on loan at Scottish Premiership club Kilmarnock, before being released at the end of that season.", "\n\nLife and career\nAdams was born in Redbridge, London, and attended Cumberland School in nearby Newham. ", "As a youngster he was on the books of his local club, West Ham United, but after a trial at the end of the 2010–11 season, he and fellow West Ham trainee Kortney Hause joined Birmingham City's academy. ", "He maintained a blog on the League Football Education website about the progress of his two-year scholarship.", "\n\nIn May 2013, he signed a one-year professional contract with an option for a further year. ", "With Tom Adeyemi injured and Hayden Mullins needed in defence, Adams was given squad number 34 ahead of the Championship visit to Brighton & Hove Albion on 11 January 2014. ", "He travelled as a reserve, but was not part of the matchday squad. ", "Adams was included among the substitutes for Birmingham's FA Cup third-round match against Bristol Rovers three days later, and made his first-team debut as an 89th-minute replacement for Olly Lee with Birmingham 3–0 ahead.", "\n\nOn 31 January, he joined Conference Premier club Lincoln City on loan until the end of the season. ", "He went straight into the starting eleven for the following day's match and played the full 90 minutes as Lincoln beat FC Halifax Town 3–1. ", "According to the Lincolnshire Echo, he \"excelled playing in a defensive midfield role. ", "He ratted about and read the game brilliantly to give the City back four the best protection they have had in a long time.\" ", "He played regularly until the end of the season, and after failing to break into Birmingham's first team in the early part of the new season, returned to Lincoln on loan until 1 January 2015.", "\n\nHe again played regularly. ", "By Christmas, the Echo described him as having \"been different class since he arrived for his second loan spell\", highlighting \"the maturity and intelligence he shows on and off the ball\" and \"his ability to win the ball and get play going\". ", "In the local derby away to Grimsby Town, he scored his first senior goal, a powerful volleyed shot from distance that tied the scores and, according to the Grimsby Telegraph, \"changed the complexion\" of the match, which Lincoln went on to win 3–1. ", "The goal was shortlisted for the Non-League Paper National Game Awards Goal of the Season. ", "His loan was initially extended to the end of February, and then to the end of the season. ", "On 3 March 2015, after Adams had played 15 times for Lincoln, he was recalled to Birmingham. ", "Manager Gary Rowett felt his development would be better served by playing regularly in under-21 matches and training with the first team at his parent club, and his progress was rewarded with a new one-year contract with the option of a further year.", "\n\nAdams made his first Football League appearance on 23 January 2016, as a stoppage-time substitute with Birmingham 3–0 up at home to Ipswich Town in the Championship. ", "Within seconds of coming on, he produced a shot on target from outside the penalty area. ", "In March, the club took up the year's option on Adams' contract. ", "Adams made his first start for Birmingham in the last match of the 2015–16 season, partnering Maikel Kieftenbeld in central midfield away to Cardiff City.", "\n\nIn the face of competition from clubs in England, Adams was reunited with manager Lee Clark on 19 August 2016 when he signed for Scottish Premiership club Kilmarnock on loan until January 2017. ", "He made his debut the following day in the starting eleven for a 2–0 away defeat against Ross County. ", "In his third match, Adams had only been on the field for ten minutes when he was the victim of a late challenge by Dundee defender Kévin Gomis that left a wound through which his tibia was visible. ", "He finished his spell on loan with nine appearances, all in the league. ", "In his first training session after returning to Birmingham, Adams damaged his medial collateral ligament and was out for nearly three months. ", "He was released when his contract expired at the end of the season.", "\n\nAdams signed a two-year contract with National League club Dagenham & Redbridge ahead of the 2017–18 season.", "\n\nOn 20 March 2018, Adams made his debut for England C, the team that represents the country at non-league level, as a second-half substitute in a 3–2 win against their Welsh counterparts.", "\n\nOn 28 June 2018, Adams joined Barnet for an undisclosed fee.", "\n\nCareer statistics\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n Adams's blog at the League Football Education website\n\nCategory:1995 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Footballers from the London Borough of Redbridge\nCategory:English footballers\nCategory:England semi-pro international footballers\nCategory:Association football midfielders\nCategory:West Ham United F.C. players\nCategory:Birmingham City F.C. players\nCategory:Lincoln City F.C. players\nCategory:Kilmarnock F.C. players\nCategory:Dagenham & Redbridge F.C. players\nCategory:Barnet F.C. players\nCategory:National League (English football) players\nCategory:English Football League players\nCategory:Scottish Professional Football League players" ]
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[ "Cipro\n\n{{url}} @Waytostay\n\nA Roman road trip\n\nThere’s a little bit of everything in this laid-back area: supermarkets, bars and a cinema as well as some great places to eat.", "\n\nAnd if you’re driving, you’re in luck because Cipro is just outside of Rome's restricted ZTL zone. ", "So if you fancy a trip to the historical centre, just hop on the metro from here and you’ll be there in no time." ]
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[ "Metal nanocrystal superlattice nucleation and growth.", "\nThin films of dodecanethiol-passivated Au and Ag nanocrystals drop cast from different solvents were examined by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM). ", "C12-coated Au and Ag nanocrystals, 5-7 nm in diameter, form face-centered cubic (fcc) superlattices oriented with the (111)s planes (subscript s denoting superlattice) parallel to the substrate when deposited from good solvents, such as hexane, chloroform, and toluene. ", "The gross morphology of the films depended on the solvent: hexane produced rough superlattice films whereas chloroform deposited smooth films. ", "The difference in interparticle attraction, which is approximately 20% higher in hexane, appears to give rise to the difference in film morphology. ", "Addition of a poor solvent to the dispersion prior to drop casting led to superlattices with decreased order. ", "Although the superlattices always orient with (111)s as the basal plane on the substrate, superlattices deposited from chloroform grow preferentially in the [110]s direction, whereas hexane deposits superlattices that grow primarily in the [111]s direction." ]
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[ "/*\n * $HeadURL: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpcomponents/httpclient/trunk/module-client/src/main/java/org/apache/http/auth/Credentials.java $\n * $Revision: 658430 $\n * $Date: 2008-05-20 14:04:27 -0700 (Tue, 20 May 2008) $\n *\n * ====================================================================\n *\n * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more\n * contributor license agreements. ", " See the NOTICE file distributed with\n * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.", "\n * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0\n * (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with\n * the License. ", " You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.", "\n * ====================================================================\n *\n * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many\n * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. ", " For more\n * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see\n * <http://www.apache.org/>.", "\n *\n */\n\npackage org.apache.http.auth;\n\nimport java.security.", "Principal;\n\n/**\n * User name and password based authentication credentials.", "\n * \n * @author Unascribed\n * @author <a href=\"mailto:mbowler@GargoyleSoftware.com\">Mike Bowler</a>\n * \n * @version $Revision: 658430 $ $Date: 2008-05-20 14:04:27 -0700 (Tue, 20 May 2008) $\n */\npublic interface Credentials {\n\n Principal getUserPrincipal();\n\n String getPassword();\n \n}\n" ]
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[ "\"UNLOCKED IPHONE 6 Plus 64GB ONE WEEK ONLY!\" ", "is under review. ", "It is not accepting contributions." ]
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[ "As computers become increasingly powerful and ubiquitous, users increasingly employ their computers for a broad variety of tasks. ", "For example, in addition to traditional activities such as running word processing and database applications, users increasingly rely on their computers as an integral part of their daily lives. ", "Programs to schedule activities, generate reminders, and provide rapid communication capabilities are becoming increasingly popular. ", "Moreover, computers are increasingly present during virtually all of a person's daily activities. ", "For example, hand-held computer organizers (e.g., PDAs) are more common, and communication devices such as portable phones are increasingly incorporating computer capabilities. ", "Thus, users may be presented with output information from one or more computers at any time.", "\nAccompanying the increasing use and portability of computers is an increasing desire on the part of users to obtain information through wireless and other communication media. ", "When a consumer becomes aware of a situation in which they perceive a need that might be able to be fulfilled with goods or services that may or may not be available, they are currently limited in how they can gain product information. ", "Often, when the need arrives, the consumer is not in a convenient circumstance to review printed materials, ask others, or wait for uncontrolled media like radio or television to present an advertisement or review. ", "This inconvenience may result in the user choice that if significant effort or time is required to learn about potential product claims, availability, or cost is required to learn about the offered goods and services, then it is not worth it.", "\nThe advent of computers, especially when coupled to the data-rich environment of the Internet, expands consumer's ability to gain product information without regard for geographic proximity or time of day. ", "However, current product search techniques rely on either what the user has directly specified (e.g., in a search text box), or past behavior (e.g., Internet merchants tracking past purchases). ", "And, even though many product providers collect and sell individual and aggregate consumer profiles, and so do sometimes provide assistance to consumers as they consider offered products, there is currently no general mechanism such that detailed user characterizations can facilitate the location of a specific desired product or information.", "\nSome Internet-related products, such as the Microsoft® Internet Explorer web browser, can record the information that a user enters in form fields. ", "When the user begins filling out a new form, those values can automatically be entered or suggested, easing the form completion. ", "Despite this easing, problems still exist with such products. ", "One problem is that the user is limited to data already entered in other forms. ", "Another problem is that such products require presentation to the user of form fields that are already filled out, which can be inconvenient for the user and degrade from the user-friendliness of the solution (e.g., it can be inconvenient for the user to see his or her name for every form).", "\nAccordingly, there is a need for improved techniques for soliciting information." ]
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[ "Dwane Casey was on TSN radio (pre-Scola signing) and gave a hint to how he sees James Johnson and Patrick Patterson next season:\n\n“We still have Patrick Patterson who I feel is better coming off the bench, he gives us that firepower off the bench, the three-point shooting off the bench, the energy. ", "Also, we’re going to move James Johnson over to the four more this year. ", "That’ll help us pad that position a little bit more because he can guard those fours. ", "James, right now, can probably guard some of the fives in the league. [", "It’s] probably a better position for [Johnson] offensively and defensively which will give him an advantage. ", "Especially, the way the league is going, James is a better matchup for guys who switch over to the four [sometimes like LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony, Paul George].”", "\n\nHe also spoke about how the team has improved:\n\n“We’re a better defensive team just by personnel…skill-wise, athletically, quickness, defensive mentality, and also defensive IQ we’re much better. ", "We’ve added DeMarre Carroll…he’s a guy that allows us to guard guys like James, Anthony, Paul George…guys who can play the three and the four…it takes away from us having to play DeMar at the three, who gets out-manned at the position by 25-30 lbs, and he gives us more rebounding.”", "\n\nOn whether his team is better suited for the playoffs:\n\nThe team we’re putting together now is more suited for [the playoffs], size-wise, physicality, defensive mentality. ", "We were third or fourth in the league in scoring 100+ in the regular season, but it’s a totally different game [in the playoffs]. ", "Size at certain position matters, physical matters, physical mentality matters in playoff basketball, and you got to have those types of guys on your roster to do that. ", "And we added that. ", "Cory’s been battle-tested at San Antonio, he’s been there, he knows the pressure and the physicality of playoff basketball, and so does DeMarre. ", "So those two additions alone will help us with playoff mentality. ", "Now, will we score 103, 104 as we did this year every night? ", "Probably not. ", "We did have an offensive-minded roster. ", "Lou Williams was a huge part of our offense last year, and it gave us more of an offensive personality and as we saw it doesn’t really translate [to the playoffs] as much as you try. ", "Guys we brought in will really be more conducive to a playoff style of game, than a regular season style of game.", "\n\nHe also commented on Terrence Ross taking over Lou Williams’ scorer role off the bench:\n\nTerrence Ross will be kind of taking that Lou Williams role off the bench as the scorer. ", "We got to get him back healthy. ", "He had surgery about a month ago and won’t be able to get back on the court till the first of August. ", "He had [bone spurs removed], which stunted his game a little last year. ", "Look forward to getting him healthy.", "\n\nTerrence Ross taking the Lou Williams role just sounds like a bad idea. ", "One can actually create his own shot and get fouled, and the other likes to dribble it off his feet. ", "Though I’m sure Casey didn’t mean exactly in that role, and more that the shots Williams would get might go to Ross as a spot-up shooter, etc. ", "I certainly am not looking forward to Ross dribbling 22 seconds off the clock and launching a fadeaway three every quarter." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nUsing :nth from a specific class in list\n\nWhat I would like to do is add a class to the center list item and then from there eventually add a different background colour to each item from there. ", "At the moment I add a class .is-middle to the list and for now I want to add the background:red to each list item from there on, I'm using &.is-middle:nth-of-type(1n) but I'm not sure that's the correct thing to be doing?", "\nSCSS\n.ctn {\n\n li {\n width: 100%;\n height: 50px;\n background: lightgrey;\n border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;\n\n &.is-middle:nth-of-type(1n) {\n background: red;\n }\n }\n}\n\nPen: http://codepen.io/styler/pen/mgfxJ \n\nA:\n\nThis will color evey li element which comes after the .is-middle classed element:\n.ctn {\n li {\n width: 100%;\n height: 50px;\n background: lightgrey;\n border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;\n\n &.is-middle ~ li{ background:red; }\n }\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "A method with combined prosthetic treatment of mandible with lateral resection and exarticulation.", "\nA part of the people who need prosthetic treatment in the maxillofacial area are in the stage of after-surgical operation of tumors. ", "One of the most commonly discovered defects in the mandible is the lateral resection with exarticulation. ", "Our goal is to examine the possibilities of achieving optimal prosthetic restoration of the patients with lateral resection and exarticulation of the mandible through clinical application and combination of the modern technology and supportive-retentioned elements." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "Natural Killer (NK) immune cells are essential to human health, performing key roles in surveillance and killing of cancerous and infected cells. ", "Activated NK cells harness and deliver lytic granule-contained, cytotoxic proteins through a specialized area of cell-cell contact (immunological synapse) onto the offending cell. ", "Over the past decade, our laboratory has greatly advanced the understanding of how NK cells use the precisely regulated steps constituting directed secretion to achieve cytotoxic function and control. ", "In this program renewal, we build on our past discoveries to ask critical questions at the root of NK cell biology. ", "In Aim 1, we ask why multiple pathways to degranulation exist and whether these can be exploited to match specific clinical scenarios. ", "In the previous program, we reported that lytic granules converge to the microtubule organizing center (MTOC) prior to secretion. ", "We hypothesize that convergence focuses an NK cell's killing effect on a single diseased cell (minimizing collateral damage to healthy cells), whereas dispersion promotes wider destruction in environments full of targets. ", "Here, we test these hypotheses using cutting-edge, high- and super- resolution microscopy in conjunction with the only immunologically-dedicated ultrasound guided acoustic trap microscopy (UGATm) cell manipulation system available in the U.S. We will determine whether receptor blocking and/or inhibitors can be used to fine tune convergence to match specific disease contexts like extracellular pathogen infection or advanced cancer. ", "In Aim 2, we define a new cooperative motility mechanism for degranulation. ", "In the previous program, we discovered that granules are dynamic even after delivery to the synapse, and that degranulation occurs through a nanoscale mesh of actin pores. ", "Here, we define the dynamics and movement mechanisms of both synaptic granules and the actin meshwork using advanced super-resolution microscopy. ", "We hypothesize that these two independent systems utilize dynamics to promote pore finding, efficient degranulation, and ultimately cytotoxicity. ", "This dual-dynamic paradigm would be new to cell biology and would set the stage for therapeutic strategies to enhance NK cell killing by promoting granule access to the synapse. ", "Finally, in Aim 3, we investigate a new role for Vimentin and the intermediate filament (IF) cytoskeleton in the establishment of synapse polarity. ", "Vimentin IF, like synaptic actin, granules, and the MTOC, are dynamic, but intriguingly, they show reverse polarity, localizing to the opposite side of the NK cell. ", "Here, using high-throughput imaging flow cytometry, super-resolution microscopy, inhibitors, and gene targeting, we will test the hypotheses that IF respond to activating signals, establish the distal NK cell pole, and are critical for synapse polarity. ", "This will be the first demonstration of IF as a means to cell polariy. ", "Based on our success in the previous program, we expect the proposed experiments to lead to key insights into directed secretion for NK cell cytotoxicity. ", "We further expect the paradigms that emerge to have broad biological significance and direct applicability to immunological and cell-based therapies." ]
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[ "A storage system is a computer that provides storage service relating to the organization of information on writable persistent storage devices, such as memories, tapes or disks. ", "The storage system is commonly deployed within a storage area network (SAN) or a network attached storage (NAS) environment. ", "When used within a NAS environment, the storage system may be embodied as a file server including an operating system that implements a file system to logically organize the information as a hierarchical structure of data containers, such as directories and files on, e.g., the disks. ", "When used within a SAN environment, the storage system may organize the information in the form of databases or files. ", "Where the information is organized as files, the client requesting the information typically maintains file mappings and manages file semantics, while its requests (and system responses) address the information in terms of block addressing on disk using, e.g., a logical unit number.", "\nEach “on-disk” file may be implemented as set of data structures, i.e., disk blocks, configured to store information, such as the actual data for the file. ", "These data blocks are typically organized within a volume block number (vbn) space that is maintained by the file system. ", "The file system may also assign each data block in the file a corresponding “file offset” or file block number (fbn) position in the file. ", "The file system typically assigns sequences of fbns on a per-file basis, whereas vbns are assigned over a larger volume address space. ", "That is, the file system organizes the data blocks within the vbn space as a volume; each volume may be, although is not necessarily, associated with its own file system. ", "The file system typically consists of a contiguous range of vbns from zero to n, for a file system of size n−1 blocks.", "\nThe storage system may be further configured to operate according to a client/server model of information delivery to thereby allow many clients to access files stored on the system. ", "In this model, the client may comprise an application, such as a database application, executing on a computer that “connects” to the storage system over a computer network, such as a point-to-point link, shared local area network, wide area network or virtual private network implemented over a public network, such as the Internet. ", "The client typically communicates with the storage system by exchanging discrete frames or packets of data according to pre-defined protocols, such as the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). ", "In addition, the client may request the services of the system by issuing file system protocol messages over the network to the storage system.", "\nA file system may have the capability to generate a snapshot of its active file system. ", "An “active file system” is a file system to which data can be both written and read, or, more generally, an active store that responds to both read and write operations. ", "The snapshot is another form of a data container that refers to a copy of file system data that diverges from the active file system over time as the active file system is modified. ", "Snapshots are well-known and described in U.S. patent application Ser. ", "No. ", "09/932,578 entitled Instant Snapshot by Blake Lewis et al., ", "now issued as U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "7,494,445 on Nov. 11, 2008, TR3002 File System Design for a NFS File Server Appliance by David Hitz et al., ", "published by Network Appliance, Inc. and in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,819,292 entitled Method for Maintaining Consistent States of a File System and For Creating User-Accessible Read-Only Copies of a File System, by David Hitz et al., ", "each of which is hereby incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein.", "\nA common type of file system is a “write in-place” file system, where the locations of the data structures on disk are typically fixed. ", "That is, the disk is “viewed” as a large sequential array of blocks and changes (updates) to the data of a file stored in the blocks are made in-place, i.e., data is overwritten at the same disk locations. ", "The write in-place file system may assume a layout such that the data is substantially contiguously arranged on disks. ", "This disk layout results in efficient access operations, particularly for sequential read operations, directed to the disks. ", "Updating of data in-place thus maintains efficient read access to the data, but often at the expense of write performance.", "\nAnother type of file system is a journal or log-structured file system that generally does not overwrite data on disks. ", "If a data block on disk is retrieved (read) from disk into memory of the storage system and “dirtied” or changed (updated) with new data provided by, e.g., an application, the data block is stored (written) to a new location on disk to optimize write performance. ", "Updates to the data of a file may thus result in random, relocation of the blocks on disks. ", "Over time and after many updates, the blocks of the file may become randomly scattered over the disks such that the file can become fragmented. ", "This, in turn, causes sequential access operations, such as sequential read operations, of the file to randomly access the disks. ", "Random access operations to a fragmented file are generally much slower than sequential access operations, thereby adversely impacting the overall performance of those operations.", "\nThe on-disk format representation of the log-structured file system may be block-based using fixed-sized file system blocks. ", "As a result, fragmentation may be finegrained relative to disk drive and application performance. ", "For example, the size of the blocks used by an application executing on a client may be larger than the fixed-sized blocks of the file system and, thus, must be fragmented internally on the file system. ", "These fragmented blocks may thereafter be stored over various portions of disks such that, over time, sequential read performance is adversely impacted. ", "The adverse performance caused by fragmentation typically manifests in block-type workloads, such as Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI), Fibre Channel (FC), iSCSI, database over Network File System (NFS), and other enterprise applications involving SAN offerings. ", "In such offerings, the application expects to access large, contiguous regions of disk space such that, when the client writes data into those regions, the data (i.e., the active data) remains contiguous.", "\nOften, the fragmentation resulting from operation of the log-structured file system is exasperated by the large amount of metadata that is represented in the file system. ", "As used herein, the term metadata denotes information used to describe, e.g., data containers, such as files, and, thus, may include indirect blocks. ", "For example, a typical database workload involves many write operations to a large file that appear random from a file system perspective. ", "Depending upon the frequency at which updates are “flushed” to disk, only a few data blocks may be written to the file during an update interval and those blocks are typically scattered. ", "However, the file system may need to write (modify) indirect blocks associated with those data blocks. ", "At least one indirect block is typically written for every modified data block, thereby causing potentially substantial metadata processing, i.e., change." ]
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[ "Introduction\n============\n\nThe prevalence of obesity and associated metabolic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), is increasing worldwide [@B1]. ", "Given that T2DM is a complex multi-organ disease, prevention should be more efficacious in reducing the prevalence of diabetes than treatment of established disease. ", "Insulin resistance, a prerequisite for the development of T2DM, is detected earlier in skeletal muscle than in other tissues [@B2]. ", "Retrospective and prospective studies have shown that lean mass or strength is inversely associated with all-cause mortality, the metabolic syndrome (a group of risk factors that includes central obesity, elevated fasting glucose, hypertension, and dyslipidemia [@B3]), or insulin resistance [@B4]-[@B8]. ", "In support of these associations, manipulating muscle mass using genetically altered mice clearly demonstrates that higher lean mass prevents obesity and insulin resistance [@B9]-[@B14].", "\n\nOne explanation for the resistance to fat gain in individuals with increased lean mass is elevated energy expenditure (EE). ", "EE is typically measured by indirect calorimetry, a technique that measures the volumes of O~2~ and CO~2~ by gas analysis as a function of time. ", "The calculations used to convert the volume of O~2~ to calories burned assume that all O~2~ consumed by the subject is used to oxidize nutrients. ", "Simultaneous activity monitoring allows for calculating resting versus total O~2~ consumption or EE. ", "The largest component of individual\\'s total EE is the basal metabolic rate, the minimal rate calories are burned per hour. ", "Lean tissues (or fat-free mass (FFM)) consume more energy and thus have higher EE than adipose tissue. ", "Skeletal muscle, the single largest component of lean mass, comprises \\~40% of human body mass and accounts for \\~20% of the total basal EE [@B15]. ", "In fact, the amount of lean mass explains 70-85% of the variation in resting EE between individuals [@B16]-[@B18]. ", "For these reasons, differences in body composition between skeletal muscle and adipose tissue greatly affect EE.", "\n\nEE measurements show that individuals with greater body weight have higher EE than smaller individuals, regardless of whether the weight comes from elevated adipose or lean tissue [@B19]. ", "EE alone is therefore uninformative in laboratory experiments when comparing animals of different body weight and composition. ", "Some correction of the O~2~ consumption data is required due to different rates of EE between tissues. ", "The exact method to use, however, is controversial. ", "Simply dividing O~2~ consumption by body weight or even lean mass is misleading because of differences in metabolic rate between different tissues and disproportionate changes in size during weight loss [@B19]-[@B24]. ", "One example of this difficulty is in determining EE in WT mice and mice null for the gene that encodes myostatin (MSTN), a transforming growth factor beta family member that negatively regulates muscle mass [@B25]. ", "O~2~ consumption (and therefore EE) is higher in MSTN KO mice than WT mice using uncorrected data but lower than WT mice when these same data are normalized to body weight or lean mass [@B10]. ", "In humans, EE is adjusted to FFM by regression which shows a linear relationship among individuals with varying body composition [@B16],[@B18],[@B22]. ", "In WT inbred mice, however, due to the lack of adequate variation between animals and relatively small sample sizes, it is difficult to draw an accurate slope because of clustering of individual data points. ", "Other computational adjustments using regression analysis or the respiratory quotient (RQ) have been proposed, although the validity of these approaches is also disputed [@B26]-[@B28].", "\n\nIn addition to normalization issues, the methodology of indirect calorimetry for measuring rodent energy expenditure has been called into question [@B20]. ", "The feeding behavior and physical activity of animals in the indirect calorimetry apparatus may not reflect their behavior in home cages particularly when fed high-fat (HF) diets or when under stress. ", "This method may also not be sensitive enough to detect minimal differences between genotypes or treatment groups that may result in measurable differences in weight gain when sustained over long time periods. ", "In addition, conclusions are typically drawn from indirect calorimetry and energy intake data obtained at short time intervals, often just days, rather than over the lifespan. ", "Dynamic changes over the lifecycle can therefore be missed. ", "For these reasons, energy expenditure and intake measurements in rodents often fail to adequately account for observed changes in body composition over time [@B28],[@B29].", "\n\nMathematical modeling approaches have been developed to avoid these problems. ", "Previously, two of us, Guo and Hall, developed a computational model in mice that can account for changes in body composition in WT mice fed different diets [@B30],[@B31]. ", "Using carefully measured changes in food intake and repeated body composition measurements, the model estimates energy output, fat oxidation and the RQ over a period of months. ", "Here, we use this modeling approach to estimate these parameters in mice that differ dramatically in body composition and in response to different diets. ", "We show that muscular mice are able to adjust their energy output and fat oxidation to match their intake better than WT mice. ", "Consequently, their energy balance is closer to zero, and they resist adipose tissue accumulation.", "\n\nMaterials\n=========\n\nDiets\n-----\n\nDiets were as follows: standard chow diet (NIH-31 Open Formula, Zeigler, East Berlin, PA); high-fat diet (HF) with 59% of calories from fat (catalog \\#F3282, Bio-Serv, Frenchtown, NJ); Ensure®, vanilla flavored Ensure® liquid diet (Ross Products Division, Abbott Laboratories, Columbus, OH); and HF diet with 45% calories from fat (catalog \\#D12451, Research Diets, New Brunswick, NJ). ", "Energy density and diet composition are listed in Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Chow or HF diet was given in enclosed Rodent CAFÉ chambers (OYC Americas, Andover, MA) that contain spillage, weighed every one to two days and refilled as needed and washed weekly. ", "Ensure® was given in two 20 ml bottles in the hopper and weighed and changed daily.", "\n\nChemicals\n---------\n\nOleoylethanolamide (OEA or oleylethanolamide) was obtained from Tocris Biosciences (Bristol, United Kingdom) and Tween 80 was obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO).", "\n\nMethods\n=======\n\nAnimals\n-------\n\nAll animal experiments were approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of the NIH, NIDDK. ", "Muscle-DN mice and MSTN KO mice have been described elsewhere [@B25],[@B32], bred at NIH and genotyped as in Guo *et al* [@B10] and McPherron *et al* [@B33]. ", "Mice were on a C57BL/6Ncr genetic background and control mice were non-transgenic littermates. ", "Mice were individually housed, given food ad libitum and maintained on a 12-hr light/dark cycle with free access to water bottles at all times.", "\n\nFeeding regimens\n----------------\n\nFor computational analysis in Muscle-DN mice and WT littermates, male mice were placed on standard chow, 59% HF diet, or 59% HF diet plus Ensure® in chambers for 15 weeks starting at \\~9 weeks of age (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}A, *n* = 5-8 per group). ", "Because mice came of age at different times, start and end times were staggered so that data was collected over more than 15 weeks to complete groups. ", "One Muscle-DN mouse fed HF diet stopped eating in week 14 due to malocclusion and was euthanized. ", "For MSTN KO mice and WT littermates, food intake in chambers was measured daily for 7 weeks in female mice age 17-26 weeks (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}B, *n* = 8-9 per group). ", "The feeding schedule was standard chow for 21 days, then 59% HF diet alone for 14 days, and then standard chow for 14 days.", "\n\nFor diet switch experiments of chow to HF or chow to Ensure®, male Muscle-DN mice and WT littermates age 12-14 weeks were acclimated to Rodent CAFÉ™ chambers containing standard chow for \\~2 weeks before data collection. ", "Mice were fed standard chow, the HF diet of 45% calories from fat, the HF diet with 59% of calories from fat or Ensure® at indicated times. ", "When Ensure® was given alone, the CAFÉ™ was removed and two bottles containing Ensure® were used in addition to a water bottle. ", "When two solid diets were given simultaneously, two clean containers with one containing chow and one containing the HF diet were provided. ", "For the experiment shown in Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}B, after 40 days of measurements of different diets in the CAFÉ™ chambers, mice were given chow in the hopper between days 40-95 and then reacclimated to the CAFÉ™ chambers with chow until measurements resumed again on day 111.", "\n\nFor 4-week cumulative food intake, standard chow was measured every two days in the hopper using male Muscle-DN mice starting at 20 weeks of age. ", "For fasting-refeeding measurements, daily intake was measured for 3-4 days in male mice 30 weeks of age. ", "Then mice were fasted for 24 hr starting at 8 am, and food intake was measured for the next 24 hr.", "\n\nBody composition measurements for computational analysis\n--------------------------------------------------------\n\nAt time 0, body composition of awake mice was determined by NMR in an EchoMRI 3-in-1™ (Echo Medical Systems, Houston, TX). ", "Body composition measurements were repeated weekly for 15 weeks (16 measurements) for Muscle-DN mice or for 7 weeks (8 measurements) for MSTN KO mice while fed different diets. ", "For some animals, 1-2 weeks of body composition (but not food intake) measurements were lost due to down time on the instrument. ", "Additional animals were added for 3-5 weeks spanning the lost time points so that all time points had body composition and food intake measurements from at least 5 animals with the exception of weeks 14 and 15 when one Muscle-DN mouse developed malocclusion on HF diet.", "\n\nComputational analysis\n----------------------\n\nThe input for computational analysis was body composition, food intake and food composition. ", "Because there was one additional time point for body composition compared to energy intake, the intake data were smoothed to obtain values for time 0 and the final week. ", "These data were used to calculate energy output, fat intake and oxidation, food quotient (FQ), and respiratory quotient (RQ) as described [@B30],[@B31].", "\n\nFood intake inhibition\n----------------------\n\nOEA was dissolved in Tween 80 and sterile saline added to 90% (10 mg/ml), sonicated for 1 minute, heated to 55**°**C, and sonicated again just prior to injection. ", "Male mice age 30 weeks were injected i.p. ", "daily just prior to the start of the dark period with vehicle for 3 days to acclimate to the injection protocol. ", "Food intake was measured at 8 am, 9am, 12pm, 4pm and 8pm. ", "Mice were fasted for 24 hrs on day 3. ", "On day 4, mice were injected i.p. ", "with OEA (50 mg/kg body weight) at 8 am and given food. ", "Food intake was measured at 8 am 9am, 12pm, 4pm and 8pm for the next 24 hrs.", "\n\nStatistical analysis\n--------------------\n\nBody composition and food intake measurements taken over 7 or 15 weeks were compared by repeated measures ANOVA as indicated (SPSS version 19). ", "For diet switching experiments, the average daily intake during a diet interval was calculated and compared between genotypes by student\\'s *t* test (Excel). ", "Intake during fasting/refeeding experiments and cumulative intake were compared by student\\'s *t*test. *", "P* \\< 0.05 was considered significant.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nBody composition changes\n------------------------\n\nMice expressing a dominant negative activin receptor type IIB specifically in skeletal muscle (Muscle-DN mice) were previously shown to have increased muscle mass, reduced fat mass, resistance to diet-induced obesity and improved insulin sensitivity compared to WT littermates [@B10],[@B32],[@B34]. ", "To measure changes in energy intake and body composition over time in WT and Muscle-DN mice, animals were individually housed and fed either chow, HF diet with 59% of calories from fat or the same HF diet plus Ensure® starting at \\~9 weeks of age (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "Body weight, lean mass and fat mass are shown in Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "On standard chow diet, Muscle-DN mice weighed more than WT mice throughout the time course (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "This difference was largely due to higher lean mass with Muscle-DN mice having \\~8.3 g more lean mass compared to WT mice (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "Both WT and Muscle-DN mice had low fat mass at the youngest age studied, although even then Muscle-DN mice already had significantly less fat mass (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}C; WT, 1.86 g ± 0.42; Muscle-DN, 1.15 g ± 0.36, *P* \\< 0.01). ", "However, WT mice gained \\~6.4 g of fat during the course of the experiment while Muscle-DN mice gained only \\~0.8 g of fat giving Muscle-DN mice \\~75% less total fat mass by the end of the 15-week time period.", "\n\nIn contrast, when fed a HF diet, WT mice gained much more weight than Muscle-DN mice so that they weighed more than Muscle-DN mice by week 11 (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "This weight difference was due to higher fat deposition in WT mice. ", "WT mice gained \\~16 g of fat while Muscle-DN mice gained only 1.4 g of fat over 15 weeks of HF feeding (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}C).", "\n\nSimilarly, with HF plus Ensure® diets, WT mice put on fat mass quickly and weighed more than Muscle-DN mice within 5 weeks (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}A and 2C). ", "The amount of fat gained by WT mice, however, leveled off midway through the feeding regimen to a level similar to that of WT mice fed HF diet alone. ", "Muscle-DN mice gained \\~7 g of fat mass on the HF plus Ensure® diet, more than on any other diet (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}C). ", "Compared to chow or HF diet, WT mice gained more lean mass on HF plus Ensure® diet (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}B; \\~6.9 g compared to 3.7 g on chow and 3.6 g on HF diet). ", "There was relatively little difference in lean mass gain between diets in Muscle-DN mice (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}B; \\~7.6 g on chow, 8.9 g on HF diet and 7.5 g on HF plus Ensure® diet). ", "These data confirm previously published results showing that muscular mice have reduced fat mass and are resistant to diet-induced obesity in addition to describing the dynamic changes in body composition on different diets.", "\n\nEnergy intake and output\n------------------------\n\nAn increased body weight indicates a positive energy balance that could be explained by differences in either energy intake or output. ", "Food intake was measured directly and calculated to average daily intake by week over the 15 weeks. ", "The body composition and energy intake measurements were used to model energy output. ", "During the 15 weeks, daily average intake was usually slightly higher for Muscle-DN animals on chow (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "This difference corresponded to an extra 1.2 kcal/d or 8% (*P* = 0.013). ", "Intake was also higher in Muscle-DN mice fed HF diet except for the first 3 weeks of HF feeding when both genotypes ate similar amounts (*P* = 0.024; Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "HF diet intake tended to decrease over time, particularly in WT mice. ", "On HF plus Ensure® diets, both genotypes showed an initial jump in caloric intake compared to chow or HF diet alone. ", "However, WT mice had a greater boost in caloric intake than Muscle-DN mice, consuming 2.5-3 kcal/d more than Muscle-DN mice in the first 2 weeks (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "Overall, there was no significant difference in caloric intake between genotypes when fed HF plus Ensure® diets over the 15 weeks.", "\n\nAs expected, Muscle-DN mice fed standard chow had higher energy output on average than their WT counterparts most weeks (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "This was also true for mice fed a HF diet (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "On HF plus Ensure® diets there were more dynamic weekly changes over time, but WT mice slowly increased energy output, unlike Muscle-DN mice (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}B).", "\n\nThe lower weight gain found in Muscle-DN mice compared to WT mice suggests that the muscular mice are in closer energy balance. ", "Energy balance was calculated by subtracting energy output from intake (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}C). ", "Plotted in this way, the WT mice clearly had a more positive energy balance (intake exceeded output) across the time course than the Muscle-DN mice on each diet. ", "On chow, WT mice gained \\~6.4 g of fat by consuming \\~0.62 kcal/d more than they expended over 15 weeks. ", "Muscle-DN mice, in contrast, had a positive energy balance of \\~0.17 kcal/d and thus gained only \\~0.8 g fat on average. ", "WT mice fed HF or HF plus Ensure® diets had a strongly positive energy balance in the first few weeks of consuming these palatable diets. ", "This positive energy balance started to decrease immediately in part due to their adaptation to the dietary change by decreasing intake over time (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "Additionally, energy balance was also restored to near zero in WT mice fed the HF plus Ensure® diet in part due to increased energy output over time (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}B and 3C), slowing weight gain (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "The Muscle-DN mice, however, never got as far out of balance as the WT mice and thus gained less weight, although they were in a more positive energy balance on the HF plus Ensure® diet than when fed chow or HF diet (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}C).", "\n\nFat intake and oxidation\n------------------------\n\nAn increase in fat accumulation in an individual would suggest that the rate of fat oxidation is lower than the rate of fat intake. ", "Using the body composition and food intake data, we modeled fat oxidation (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "The estimated rates of fat oxidation varied greatly between diets as fat intake changed by diet. ", "WT mice had lower rates of fat oxidation than fat intake on chow. ", "On HF and, especially, on HF plus Ensure® diet, WT mice initially had large gaps between the rates of fat intake and oxidation in the first week (\\~3.3 and 5.3 kcal/d, HF and HF plus Ensure®, respectively). ", "WT mice gradually adapted to the each high calorie diet by raising fat oxidation. ", "This was especially noticeable on HF plus Ensure® diet where the rate of fat oxidation was equal to the rate of fat intake by 10 weeks. ", "At that point, WT mice actually had a higher rate of fat oxidation than Muscle-DN mice on HF plus Ensure® diet. ", "In contrast, Muscle-DN mice do not seem to have an adaptation period and immediately match fat intake and oxidation consistent with their relative lack of fat mass gain on each diet.", "\n\nDifferences in fat oxidation are also reflected in RQ values. ", "The RQ is defined as the ratio of the volume of CO~2~ eliminated divided by the volume of O~2~ consumed by the subject. ", "Because the utilization of O~2~ and production of CO~2~ is different for carbohydrate oxidation versus lipid oxidation, the RQ reveals which substrate is preferentially utilized. ", "An RQ of 0.7 means the individual is utilizing lipid but not carbohydrate, for instance. ", "RQ was slightly higher in WT mice compared to Muscle-DN mice on the HF diet (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "On HF plus Ensure® diet, RQ was also initially higher in WT mice than in Muscle-DN mice, but it gradually decreased to below that of Muscle-DN mice (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "The lower RQ in WT mice after week 5 indicates that they are oxidizing more lipid than Muscle-DN mice consistent with the increase in estimated rate of fat oxidation.", "\n\nThe food quotient (FQ) is defined as the ratio of CO~2~ eliminated divided by O~2~ consumed when a given meal is completely oxidized. ", "When RQ = FQ, all carbohydrate and lipid consumed is oxidized and no change in weight would be expected. ", "In contrast, an RQ \\> FQ indicates that not all the energy is utilized. ", "Mathematical modeling showed that RQ was generally slightly higher than FQ for WT mice fed chow or HF diet but approximately equal for Muscle-DN mice fed the same diets (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "On HF plus Ensure® diet, RQ was greater than FQ in WT mice for the first 7 weeks of feeding until declining to match FQ. ", "This is consistent with the adaptation of fat intake and oxidation rates (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}A) and the plateau in weight gain (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}A) seen in WT mice.", "\n\nFood choice\n-----------\n\nWe noticed an unexpected difference in food intake between genotypes on the HF plus Ensure® diet which affected the calculated FQ shown in Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}B. Both WT and Muscle-DN mice initially consumed more Ensure® compared to the HF diet based on caloric intake from each source (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "However, Muscle-DN drank more of the Ensure® diet and ate less of the HF diet than did WT mice. ", "Eventually, WT mice consumed an equal number of calories from Ensure® as from the HF diet, while Muscle-DN mice maintained a large gap between intake of each dietary source. ", "Although the overall caloric intake was similar between genotypes, this disparity resulted in a significantly higher carbohydrate intake and lower fat intake in Muscle-DN mice compared to WT mice due to the differences in macronutrient composition between the HF and the Ensure® diets (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}B and 4A). ", "This disparity also meant that the FQ for WT mice was different than the FQ for Muscle-DN mice for the HF plus Ensure® diet (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "Protein intake was similar because the 60% HF and the Ensure® diets have the same amount of metabolizable energy from protein (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}B).", "\n\nThe large difference in HF versus Ensure® intake suggests that Muscle-DN mice either have a greater preference for Ensure® than do WT mice, a dislike of the HF diet, or both. ", "To determine Muscle-DN animal food preference, we performed food switching experiments. ", "Mice were given chow diet, then switched to Ensure® and then back to chow (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "Daily intake measurements showed that both WT and Muscle-DN mice increased caloric intake when given Ensure® alone, but Muscle-DN mice drank significantly less Ensure® than WT mice \\[25.9 ± 0.5 vs. 22.9 ± 1.3 kcal/d, WT and Muscle-DN, respectively, *P* = 0.04\\]. ", "When mice were switched back to chow, all mice dramatically reduced their overall caloric intake. ", "Following this drop in intake, Muscle-DN mice more rapidly returned to normal intake levels of chow consumption compared to WT mice. ", "These data suggest that Muscle-DN mice fed HF plus Ensure® diets did not consume more Ensure® because they had a stronger preference for it than WT mice.", "\n\nWe also tried switching between HF diets as well as giving mice a choice between chow plus HF or chow plus Ensure® diets. ", "Initially we tried a 45% HF diet for 10 days (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "WT mice consumed more HF diet than did Muscle-DN mice over the 10-day period \\[15.5 ± 0.6 vs. 12.6 ± 0.5 kcal/d, WT and Muscle-DN, respectively, *P* = 0.004\\]. ", "When then given both the HF and chow diets at the same time, both genotypes ate very little of the chow, although WT mice ate more than Muscle-DN mice, and consumed most of their calories from the HF diet (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}B and 6C; Chow, 0.77 ± 0.16 vs. 0.17 ± 0.03 kcal/d, *P* = 0.002; HF diet, 11.2 ± 0.6 vs. 11.2 ± 0.4 kcal/d, *P* = 0.97, WT and Muscle-DN, respectively). ", "Upon returning to chow only diet, they rapidly dropped their total intake (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}B, day 31). ", "Muscle-DN mice returned to normal levels of chow consumption more quickly than did WT mice, similar to Ensure® and chow switching. ", "After another nearly 3 months of chow feeding to return to normal intake, the mice were given Ensure® plus chow for 2 days (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "Again, both preferred Ensure® to chow \\[Chow, 2.8 ± 1.0 vs. 3.3 ± 1.6 kcal/d, *P* = 0.8; Ensure, 15.6 ± 2.3 vs. 17.7 ± 1.8 kcal/d, WT and Muscle-DN, respectively,*P* = 0.5\\] and dropped their intake upon switching back to chow again (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}B and 6D). ", "After an additional 20 days on chow alone, they were given a HF diet with 59% of metabolizable energy from fat. ", "Both genotypes dramatically increased overall caloric intake the first day of HF feeding (day 148) followed by a gradual decrease in intake in the subsequent days. ", "However, Muscle-DN mice more rapidly dropped HF intake compared to WT mice so that they ate less per day on average (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}B; 17.2 ± 0.5 and 14.3 ± 0.8 kcal/d, WT and Muscle-DN, respectively, *P* = 0.017). ", "Again, both genotypes ate very little the day after switching back to chow, but Muscle-DN mice more rapidly returned to normal intake compared to WT mice (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "These data demonstrate that Muscle-DN mice did not dislike either the 45% or 59% HF diet, although they may not prefer them to the extent that WT mice did. ", "The data also show that WT mice did not dislike Ensure®. ", "Rather, Muscle-DN mice seemed to adjust their caloric intake to normal levels more rapidly on HF or chow diets than did WT mice.", "\n\nEnergy balance and metabolic modeling in MSTN KO mice\n-----------------------------------------------------\n\nTo determine whether the differences in energy balance and diet preference were generalizable to other mice with MSTN inhibition, we also tested MSTN KO mice. ", "Female MSTN KO mice and WT littermates were fed chow for 3 weeks, switched to a 60% HF diet for 2 weeks and then back to chow (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "The cumulative chow intake of female MSTN KO mice over the first 3 weeks of the diet switch experiment (Figure [7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}A) was 6.5% more than WT littermates which was not significant, although the average daily intake was barely significant \\[12.6 ± 0.4 vs. 13.7 ± 0.3 kcal/d, WT and MSTN KO, respectively, *P* = 0.049\\]. ", "Food intake increased with HF diet feeding for each genotype although not until the second day, but the average daily HF intake was not significantly different between genotypes (Figure [7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}A; 15.6 ± 0.6 vs. 14.6 ± 0.5 kcal/d, WT and MSTN KO, respectively, *P* = 0.2). ", "Like Muscle-DN mice, MSTN KO mice more rapidly restored food intake to normal levels after a sharp decline upon being returned to chow feeding (Figure [7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}A).", "\n\nAs expected, body composition measurements showed a difference between genotypes in total lean mass as well as fat mass gained (Figure [7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "WT mice increased body weight and fat mass during the 2 weeks of HF diet feeding, but MSTN KO mice showed only small changes in body weight or fat mass. ", "Computational modeling showed that MSTN KO mice had better energy balance than WT mice both during HF feeding and during chow refeeding mainly due to compensating for the changes in intake with greater changes in energy output compared to WT mice (Figure [7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}C). ", "Fat oxidation also increased more in MSTN KO mice compared to WT mice during the HF feeding and returned to previous levels more quickly when switched back to chow (Figure [7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}C). ", "Consequently, RQ adjusted more rapidly in MSTN KO mice than in WT mice (Figure [7](#F7){ref-type=\"fig\"}C). ", "Thus, computational analysis showed that different MSTN-deficient muscular mouse models have similar metabolic responses to HF diet.", "\n\nCumulative food intake\n----------------------\n\nBy measuring long-term food intake using chambers, we found a persistent increase in intake in Muscle-DN mice compared to WT mice averaged over 15 weeks (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "This suggests that there is a small but real increase in intake in Muscle-DN mice that may not be statistically significant over a one- or two-week period, particularly when food intake is measured in hoppers. ", "To reveal subtle differences in food intake that can be more easily measured than in chambers and in a more typical animal caging environment, we measured total cumulative intake in hoppers using mice that were not used in previous experiments. ", "We found that Muscle-DN mice ate 36 kcal or 8.7% more than WT mice over 4 weeks (Figure [8](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "This difference comes out to an extra 1.3 kcal/d above WT intake, consistent with that of our 15-week time course. ", "These cumulative intake measurements confirm that there is a small elevation in food intake in Muscle-DN mice.", "\n\nSensitivity to food intake signals\n----------------------------------\n\nWe also tried a 24-hr fasting/refeeding experiment to see if hunger signals were different in mutants compared to WT animals. ", "However, there was no difference in 24-hr intake after a fast between Muscle-DN and WT mice relative to prior intake (Figure [8](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"}B).", "\n\nThe more rapid normalization of caloric intake found in Muscle-DN mice after the onset of HF feeding or restoration of chow feeding suggests that these mice might be more sensitive to lipid satiety signals than WT mice. ", "A lipid-derived signaling mediator, oleoylethanolamide (OEA) is produced in the intestine following meal absorption [@B35],[@B36] and functions to inhibit food intake by binding to PPARα [@B37]. ", "To see if Muscle-DN mice were more sensitive to OEA, we injected OEA i.p. ", "and measured subsequent food intake after a 24-hr fast. ", "Both genotypes treated with OEA increased food intake in the 24 hr post-fasting compared to the 24 hr period before the fast but to a lesser extent than mice without OEA treatment. ", "However, there was no statistically significant difference in the percent of normal food intake between WT animals and Muscle-DN animals (Figure [8](#F8){ref-type=\"fig\"}C).", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nThe lack of weight gain found in numerous studies of MSTN KO mice has been attributed to increased energy expenditure or fatty acid oxidation compared to WT mice despite similar food intake [@B38],[@B39]. ", "The modeling presented here confirms an expected increase in energy expenditure in muscular mice compared to WT mice but not the previous reports of identical energy intake [@B9],[@B10],[@B34],[@B39]. ", "Furthermore, our data show that muscular mice are not lean simply because of higher energy expenditure. ", "It is more accurate to say that Muscle-DN or MSTN KO mice match their energy output to their energy intake better than WT mice to maintain energy balance closer to zero. ", "In fact, even though Muscle-DN mice did not gain weight on the HF diet, energy output did not increase compared to when they were on the chow diet although on both diets, it is greater than that of WT mice (see Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "Instead, Muscle-DN mice adjust their food intake and output more quickly and have a greater increase in fat oxidation than WT mice when fed a HF diet as compared to a chow diet (see Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "Thus, they do not gain as much weight.", "\n\nThese data in muscular mice also confirm that a small positive energy balance (\\~1 kcal/day) leads eventually to noticeable weight gain as modeled previously in WT mice [@B30]. ", "The modeling also shows that RQ matches FQ well in Muscle-DN mice fed chow or HF diet as expected for animals with stable weight and body composition [@B40]. ", "The RQ and the FQ were slightly mismatched on Muscle-DN mice fed HFD plus Ensure®, however, and it was on this diet that the mutants gained the most fat mass. ", "Fat oxidation was much higher in both genotypes fed the HF diet compared to chow diet (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "Upon moving from standard chow to HF diet, carbohydrate intake decreased dramatically due to the differences in diet composition (27% compared to 64% kcal/g energy from carbohydrate, chow vs. HF diet, respectively). ", "Consequently, a large portion of the energy expenditure in mice fed the HF diet must be provided from fat oxidation. ", "On the other hand, when the mice were given the HF plus Ensure® diet, most of their calories in the first few weeks for WT and the entire 15 weeks for Muscle-DN mice came from the Ensure® (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "The contribution of carbohydrate oxidation from food intake to energy expenditure remained relatively unchanged compared to the chow diet because chow and Ensure® each have 64% energy from carbohydrate. ", "This caused the increased energy from fat intake to be stored in the body. ", "Consequently, in the HF plus Ensure® mice, we observed a gradual increase in fat oxidation, particularly in WT mice, and a rapid increase in body weight compared to the HF-fed mice. ", "Coincidentally, the difference between the rates of fat intake and oxidation and the degree of positive energy balance in Muscle-DN mice fed HF plus Ensure® are similar to that of WT mice fed chow (compare Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}C, WT on Chow with Muscle-DN on HF + Ensure® and compare Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}A, WT on Chow with Muscle-DN on HF + Ensure® panels). ", "In both cases, the mice gained similar amounts of fat mass (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}C), which is evidence for the validity of the computational model.", "\n\nThere are several advantages of the computational modeling approach. ", "It does not require indirect calorimetry apparatus, although it does require body composition equipment. ", "Modeling also can be done for an extended period of time rather than over days as is typical for indirect calorimetry experiments. ", "The indirect calorimetry protocol commonly used in mouse metabolic studies, while being a very convenient mode to measure energy intake and expenditure, has additional caveats. ", "Normally, daily intake often does not match daily energy expenditure. ", "Instead energy balance is achieved by adjusting input and expenditure over many days (reviewed in [@B20],[@B21]). ", "In other words, it is possible for the animal to be in energy balance over weeks but not in balance in any given shorter time period. ", "Moreover, mice often gain less weight or even lose weight when placed in the indirect calorimeter apparatus most likely due to the stress of the change in environment. ", "Thus, animals housed in indirect calorimetry chambers often have a skewed energy balance, thereby confounding results. ", "By taking measurements over a period of weeks to months, natural perturbations are less likely to lead to false conclusions, but small persistent differences in energy intake and output may be revealed. ", "Another advantage of our computational methodology is that although energy expenditure is determined by numerous interplayed factors, our model takes account of those factors in a simple implicit way. ", "Measured energy intake is used as one model input which precludes the consideration of many factors like energy density, texture, taste, and smell of the food that may affect intake. ", "Similarly, at a given level of energy intake, palatable high protein food may have a higher thermogenic effect and result in less energy deposited in the body (less weight gain). ", "Such an effect is accounted for by the other inputs in the model, which are the measured changes in body composition and body weight. ", "The main disadvantages are the need for frequent food weight measurements, long-term cage space requirements, and the lack of data concerning differences in intake and output by circadian rhythm.", "\n\nOne implication from our data is that metabolic measurements may be influenced by the age of mice used for comparisons between WT and mice with MSTN inhibition or other muscular mutants. ", "For instance, the fat mass at \\~9 weeks of age averaged 1.86 g for WT mice and 1.15 g for Muscle-DN mice. ", "By the end of the experiment, when mice were \\~24 weeks of age, fat mass averaged 8.25 g for WT mice and 1.94 g for Muscle-DN mice. ", "These dynamic changes in body composition with aging prompt caution in data interpretation with muscular mouse models because metabolic differences detected in older animals may be effects of the differences in fat mass rather than of increased muscle mass or changes in muscle signaling pathways.", "\n\nThe most unexpected finding was the difference in diet preference revealed by the feeding of HF plus Ensure® diet. ", "Although Muscle-DN mice drank relatively more Ensure® than did WT mice when given both diets simultaneously, they did not seem to have a stronger preference when given Ensure® alone in the diet switch experiment. ", "There are many differences between the diets, such as energy density, texture, taste, smell, and behavior required to access the diet that could affect intake [@B41],[@B42]. ", "No conclusion can be drawn about why these differences in intake occurred. ", "However, it is tempting to speculate that the Muscle-DN mice preferred the 64% carbohydrate Ensure® over the 60% fat diet because of different metabolic needs due to the increase in glycolytic muscle. ", "Macronutrients themselves can affect dietary preference. ", "For instance, mice prefer solutions containing glucose even if they cannot distinguish alternatives by taste, an effect that is mediated by glucose oxidation and dopamine release [@B43],[@B44]. ", "Lipid ingestion has the opposite effect in that HF feeding produces lipid metabolites in the gut that inhibit further intake [@B35],[@B45]-[@B47]. ", "Along these lines, our daily intake data revealed that Muscle-DN mice became satiated with either 45% or 60% HF diet more quickly than WT mice and returned to normal caloric intake faster when switched back to chow. ", "We have not established a mechanism for this effect. ", "Although they are not more sensitive to exogenous administration of the fat intake inhibitor OEA, this does not rule out increased endogenous OEA production in response to HF diet or an effect by other lipid mediators of satiety. ", "We have previously shown that hyperphagic mice with lipodystrophy have normal food intake when crossed to Muscle-DN or MSTN KO mice [@B34]. ", "Taken together, these data suggest that the MSTN pathway in muscle or muscularity itself may regulate food intake and possibly even macronutrient selection, although perhaps indirectly. ", "A direct hormonal or paracrine effect of MSTN signaling on these functions is unlikely. ", "The dominant negative activin receptor type IIB that is overexpressed in muscle in the Muscle-DN mice contains the transmembrane domain, and these mice still secrete MSTN. ", "The similarity between MSTN KO and Muscle-DN mice compared with WT mice in energy balance and normalization of intake after diet switching therefore suggests that the circulating MSTN is not directly causing these differences in phenotypes.", "\n\nIn summary, we have shown that computational modeling predicts that muscular mice are in energy balance regardless of diet due to better adjustment of energy intake, fat oxidation and energy output compared to WT mice. ", "We hypothesize that this will also be true of other muscular mice such as those overexpressing insulin-like growth factor 1 [@B48],[@B49]. ", "It will be interesting to use this computational method to compare the energy dynamics of muscular mice with highly glycolytic muscle to mice that have more oxidative muscle, high running endurance and resistance to diet-induced obesity such as the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-δ overexpressors [@B50]. ", "Our data also raise the possibility that different metabolic needs of muscle might regulate macronutrient preference. ", "This hypothesis needs to be tested by a comparison of consumption of lipids, carbohydrates or amino acids given in the comparable matrices such as dissolved in drinking water.", "\n\nWe thank Jennifer Portas for genotyping mice. ", "This work is supported by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, NIDDK.", "\n\nFunding by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, NIDDK.", "\n\nEE\n\n: energy expenditure\n\nDN\n\n: dominant negative\n\nFFM\n\n: fat-free mass\n\nFQ\n\n: food quotient\n\nHF\n\n: high-fat\n\nMSTN\n\n: myostatin\n\nOEA\n\n: oleoylethanolamide\n\nRQ\n\n: respiratory quotient\n\nT2DM\n\n: type 2 diabetes mellitus\n\n![", "Feeding regimens. (", "A) Muscle-DN mice were fed chow, HF diet or HF diet plus Ensure® for 15 weeks. (", "B) MSTN KO mice were fed chow for 21 days, HF diet for 14 days, then returned to chow for 14 days. ", "Body composition was determined weekly starting at time 0 for all mice. ", "Chow, NIH-31 diet; HF, 59% kcal from fat, Bio-Serv.](ijbsv12p0617g001){#F1}\n\n![", "Body composition of Muscle-DN mice fed chow, HF (59% fat) diet or HF (59% fat) diet plus Ensure®. (", "A) Body weight (BW), (B) lean mass and (C) fat mass were measured weekly for 15 weeks beginning at \\~9 weeks of age. ", "Chow, *n* = 6-7; HF, *n* = 5-8 per group; HF + Ensure®, *n* = 5-6 per group. ", "\\**P* \\< 0.01; \\*\\**P* \\< 0.001 between genotypes on the same diet by repeated measures ANOVA.](ijbsv12p0617g002){#F2}\n\n![", "Dynamic changes in calculated energy balance of Muscle-DN mice. (", "A) Energy input and (B) energy output in Muscle-DN mice fed chow, HF (59% fat) diet or HF (59% fat) diet plus Ensure®. ", "Note that energy output is lower than input for WT mice, particularly on HF diets. (", "C) Energy balance (output subtracted from input). ", "Note that Muscle-DN mice have close to zero energy balance on chow and HF diets, while WT mice have a more positive energy balance than Muscle-DN mice on all diets especially in the first 7 weeks. ", "Average weekly energy intake (from direct measurements) was analyzed by repeated measures ANOVA which showed that Muscle-DN mice consumed greater calories than WT mice on chow (*P* = 0.013) or HF diet (*P* = 0.024) but not HF plus Ensure® diets (*P* = 0.65).](ijbsv12p0617g003){#F3}\n\n![", "Dynamic changes in calculated fat energy utilization of Muscle-DN mice. (", "A) Fat intake was calculated from the percent energy from fat for each diet and fat oxidation was calculated by the computational model. ", "Note that fat oxidation matches intake more closely for Muscle-DN mice than WT mice. (", "B) RQ compared to FQ. ", "The FQ shown is the average over the 15-week time course. ", "The FQ for the HF plus Ensure® groups are different between genotypes because of the differences in HF versus Ensure® intake (see Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "RQ \\> FQ indicates glucose utilization and weight gain.](ijbsv12p0617g004){#F4}\n\n![", "Nutrient intake of HF plus Ensure® diet in Muscle-DN mice. (", "A) Raw caloric intake by dietary source, 59% HF diet or Ensure®, from data used for computational modeling of intake shown in Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}A. (B) Total, carbohydrate, fat or protein caloric intake from combined HF plus Ensure® diets. ", "Note that although total intake is similar, mutant mice consume relatively more calories from Ensure® and less from HF diet than do WT mice. ", "This causes a difference in carbohydrate and fat intake between genotypes. *", "n* = 5-6 per group. ", "Statistical significance by repeated measures ANOVA between genotypes for total HF or Ensure® intake (A) as indicated or for macronutrient intake (B) where \\**P* \\< 0.05 and \\*\\**P* \\< 0.01.](ijbsv12p0617g005){#F5}\n\n![", "Rapid adapta**t**ion to dietary change by Muscle-DN mice. (", "A) Daily caloric intake in Muscle-DN or WT mice before, during and after switching to Ensure® diet alone for 11 days (days 15-25). (", "B) Daily caloric intake in a separate group of mice switched to 45% HF diet for 10 days followed by HF diet plus chow for 4 days (days 17-30), chow (days 31-125), Ensure® plus chow for 2 days (days 126-127), 59% HF diet for 7 days (days 148-154) and switched back to chow. (", "C) Intake by diet the day before, during and after simultaneous feeding of 45% HF diet and chow diet as indicated by day (days 26-31) in panel B. (D) Intake by diet the day before, during and after simultaneous feeding of Ensure® and chow diet as indicated by day (days 125-128) in panel B. Gray highlight designates the time period when two diets were supplied simultaneously. ", "Dashed lines demarcate single Ensure® or HF diet. ", "H+C: 45% HF plus chow; E+C: Ensure® plus chow; HF 59%: 59% HF diet.*n* = 5-7 per group. ", "Statistical significance between genotypes by student\\'s *t* test of the daily average intake during an indicated diet interval; \\**P* \\< 0.05, \\*\\**P* \\< 0.01.](ijbsv12p0617g006){#F6}\n\n![", "MSTN KO energy intake and computational analysis. (", "A) Daily caloric intake in KO or WT mice before, during and after switching to 59% HF diet for 14 days (days 22-35). (", "B) Body weight, lean and fat mass during diet changes. (", "C) Calculated energy intake, output and balance, and fat intake, oxidation and RQ in WT and MSTN KO mice during diet changes. *", "n* = 8-9 per group. ", "Statistical significance between genotypes by student\\'s *t*test of the daily average intake during an indicated diet interval (A) or by repeated measures ANOVA for body composition measured over time (B); \\**P* \\< 0.05, \\*\\**P* \\< 0.01 and \\*\\**P* \\< 0.001.](ijbsv12p0617g007){#F7}\n\n![", "Energy intake differences in Muscle-DN mice fed chow. (", "A) Cumulative caloric intake over 4 weeks. (", "B) 24-hr caloric refeeding intake after a 24-hr fast as a percent of normal 24-intake. (", "C) 24-hr caloric intake as a percent of normal intake after a 24-hr fast and OEA injection. ", "A and B, *n* = 10-11 per group; C,*n* = 6 per group. ", "Statistical significance by student\\'s *t* test is indicated.](ijbsv12p0617g008){#F8}\n\n###### \n\nDiet composition.", "\n\n NIH-31 Bio-Serv F3282 Ensure® Research Diets D12451\n ------------------------- -------- ---------------- --------- -----------------------\n Total (kcal/g) 3.79 5.45 1.06 4.73\n Protein (% Energy) 24 14 14 20\n Carbohydrate (% Energy) 64 27 64 35\n Fat (% Energy) 12 59 22 45\n\n[^1]: \\#Current addresses: MyoTherapeutics, Silver Spring, MD. ", "amcpherron\\@myotherapeutics.com\n\n[^2]: Competing Interests: Under a licensing agreement between Pfizer and the Johns Hopkins University, A.C.M. is entitled to a share of royalty received by the University on sales of the factor described in this paper. ", "The terms of these arrangements are being managed by the University in accordance with its conflict of interest policies. ", "All other authors have no competing interests.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "\nWhy attend predatory colleges in the US? - ", "azhenley\nhttps://academia.stackexchange.com/q/64834/746\n======\nwesturner\n> _Why would people attend predatory colleges?_", "\n\nWhy would people make an investment with insufficient ROI (Return on\nInvestment)?", "\n\nInsufficient information.", "\n\nCollege Scorecard [1] is a database with a web interface for finding and\ncomparing schools according to a number of objective criteria.", "\nCollegeScorecard launched in 2015. ", "It lists \"Average Annual Cost\", \"Graduation\nRate\", and \"Salary After Attending\" on the search results pages. ", "When you\nreview a detail page for an institution, there are many additional statistics;\nthings like: \"Typical Total Debt After Graduation\" and \"Typical Monthly Loan\nPayment\".", "\n\nThe raw data behind CollegeScorecard can be downloaded from [2]. ", "The\n\"data_dictionary\" tab of the \"Data Dictionary\" spreadsheet describes the data\nschema.", "\n\n[1] [https://collegescorecard.ed.gov](https://collegescorecard.ed.gov)\n\n[2]\n[https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/data/](https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/data/)\n\nKhan Academy > \"College, careers, and more\" [3] may be a helpful supplement\nfor funding a full-time college admissions counselor in a secondary education\ninstitution\n\n[3] [https://www.khanacademy.org/college-careers-\nmore](https://www.khanacademy.org/college-careers-more)\n\n(I haven't the time to earn 10 _academia.stackexchange_ points in order to\nearn the prestigious opportunity to contribute this answer to such a forum\nwith threaded comments. ", "In the academic journal system, journals sell\nacademics' work (i.e. schema.org/ScholarlyArticle PDFs, mobile-compatible\nresponsive HTML 5, RDFa, JSON-LD structured data) and keep all of the\nrevenue).", "\n\n\"Because I need money for school! ", "Next question. ", "CPU: College Textbook costs\nand CPI: All over time _t_?!\"", "\n\n" ]
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[ "// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library\n// for linear algebra.", "\n//\n// Copyright (C) 2009 Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@gmail.com>\n//\n// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla\n// Public License v. 2.0. ", "If a copy of the MPL was not distributed\n// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.\n\n#ifndef EIGEN_MISC_SOLVE_H\n#define EIGEN_MISC_SOLVE_H\n\nnamespace Eigen { \n\nnamespace internal {\n\n/** \\class solve_retval_base\n *\n */\ntemplate<typename DecompositionType, typename Rhs>\nstruct traits<solve_retval_base<DecompositionType, Rhs> >\n{\n typedef typename DecompositionType::MatrixType MatrixType;\n typedef Matrix<typename Rhs::Scalar,\n MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime,\n Rhs::ColsAtCompileTime,\n Rhs::PlainObject::Options,\n MatrixType::MaxColsAtCompileTime,\n Rhs::MaxColsAtCompileTime> ReturnType;\n};\n\ntemplate<typename _DecompositionType, typename Rhs> struct solve_retval_base\n : public ReturnByValue<solve_retval_base<_DecompositionType, Rhs> >\n{\n typedef typename remove_all<typename Rhs::Nested>::type RhsNestedCleaned;\n typedef _DecompositionType DecompositionType;\n typedef ReturnByValue<solve_retval_base> Base;\n typedef typename Base::Index Index;\n\n solve_retval_base(const DecompositionType& dec, const Rhs& rhs)\n : m_dec(dec), m_rhs(rhs)\n {}\n\n inline Index rows() const { return m_dec.cols(); }\n inline Index cols() const { return m_rhs.cols(); }\n inline const DecompositionType& dec() const { return m_dec; }\n inline const RhsNestedCleaned& rhs() const { return m_rhs; }\n\n template<typename Dest> inline void evalTo(Dest& dst) const\n {\n static_cast<const solve_retval<DecompositionType,Rhs>*>(this)->evalTo(dst);\n }\n\n protected:\n const DecompositionType& m_dec;\n typename Rhs::Nested m_rhs;\n};\n\n} // end namespace internal\n\n#define EIGEN_MAKE_SOLVE_HELPERS(DecompositionType,Rhs) \\\n typedef typename DecompositionType::MatrixType MatrixType; \\\n typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar; \\\n typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar; \\\n typedef typename MatrixType::Index Index; \\\n typedef Eigen::internal::solve_retval_base<DecompositionType,Rhs> Base; \\\n using Base::dec; \\\n using Base::rhs; \\\n using Base::rows; \\\n using Base::cols; \\\n solve_retval(const DecompositionType& dec, const Rhs& rhs) \\\n : Base(dec, rhs) {}\n\n} // end namespace Eigen\n\n#endif // EIGEN_MISC_SOLVE_H\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow works getChild() method in Magento 1.9\n\nCan anyone explain how works getChild() method because I have some lines of code that use this method and I don't know exactly what it does. ", "This is the code:\nif ($this->getChild('name.after')) {\n $_nameAfterChildren = $this->getChild('name.after')->getSortedChildren();\n foreach ($_nameAfterChildren as $_nameAfterChildName) {\n $_nameAfterChild = $this->getChild('name.after')->getChild($_nameAfterChildName);\n $_nameAfterChild->setProduct($_product);\n $_products[$_product->getId()]['name_after'] .= $_nameAfterChild->toHtml();\n }\n}\n\nI have this code in two different parts, one is on product listing page and one on a block that I want to display on homepage. ", "The problem is that on the product listing page works perfectly and the code is executed ($this->getChild('name.after') this returns true) but on the other part returns false and it doesn't execute the code inside the if statement. ", "\nCan anyone can tell me how should my xml files looks like?", "\n\nA:\n\nMagento's MVC paradigm is implemented a bit differently than the classical one.", "\nThe V(iew) is actually a set of blocks that are classes with logic rendered by a template.", "\nEach block has a name.", "\nThe blocks support child blocks with their own logic.", "\nThe method getChild supported by each block retrieves one of the child blocks from the current block with the name you specify as parameter. ", " \nFor example if you have this in your layout files. ", " \n<block type=\"some/class_here\" name=\"parent.block\" ...>\n <block type=\"other/class_name\" name=\"child.block.one\" ..>\n <block type=\"more/block_here\" name=\"child.block.one.one\" ..>\n </block>\n <block type=\"something/class_name\" name=\"child.block.two\" ..>\n</block>\n\nInside the block with the name parent.block if you call $this->getChild('child.block.one') will get you the instance of the child block with the name child.block.one.", "\nCalling $this->getChild('child.block.two') will get you the instance of the child block with the name child.block.two.", "\nCalling $this->getChild('something.that.does.not.exist') will get you null. ", " \nCalling $this->getChild('child.block.one.one') inside the block child.block.one will get you the instance of the child block with the name child.block.one.one. ", " \nCalling $this->getChild('child.block.one.one') inside the block parent.block will get you null since child.block.one.one is not a child of the parent.block but a \"grand-child\" of it. ", " \n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.005291005291005291, 0.0018115942028985507, 0, 0, 0.023529411764705882, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Wie es aussieht, wenn Hetze aus dem Internet auf die Straße tritt, ließ sich am Wochenende in der sächsischen Kleinstadt Wurzen betrachten: Rund 60 Menschen versammelten sich dort am Freitag, den 09.06.2017, auf dem Marktplatz, nachdem im Internet dazu aufgerufen wurde, Geflüchteten zu zeige, wem „die Straßen der Stadt“ und „die ganze Stadt“ gehören. ", "Ihr Ziel: Ein Wohnhaus, in dem Geflüchtete wohnen. ", "Die Polizei war vor Ort und verhinderte Schlimmeres, sprach aber von „pogromartigen Szenen“.", "\n\n\"Gute Laune und Bier\" sollten die Wurzener Wutbürger mitbringen - letzteres gelang teilweise im Übermaß, ersteres nicht: Die versammelten Menschen waren größtenteils betrunken und aggressiv - und für die Geflüchteten in Wurzen sehr beängstigend.", "\n\nEine Demonstration hatten die „besorgten Bürger_innen“ nicht angemeldet. ", "Es gab allerdings einen Aufruf über Facebook-Messenger-Gruppen, zur „Protestaktion“ zu kommen und „gute Laune und Bier“ mitzubringen. ", "Weil die Zivilgesellschaft, die Stadt und die Polizei dies mitbekommen hatten, waren sie zumindest darauf vorbereitet, dass am Freitagabend eine rassistische Aktion gegen Geflüchtete in Wurzen geplant war. ", "So waren auch rund 60 Polizist_innen vor Ort, um die vielfältig aggressiven und alkoholisierten Männer und wenige Frauen daran zu hindern, Übergriffe auf das Wohnhaus in der Wenceslaigasse und dessen Bewohner_innen zu begehen. ", "Im Haus leben syrische und afghanische Familien mit Kindern, die verängstigt in ihren mit heruntergelassenen Rollläden verrammelten Wohnungen saßen, betreut von ehrenamtlichen Helfer_innen, wie Ingo Stange vom Netzwerk Demokratische Kultur Wurzen (NDK) berichtet. ", "Bei den Rassist_innen handelte es sich größtenteils nicht um – in Wurzen ebenfalls ansässige – bekannte Rechtsextreme, sondern eher um Menschen aus dem Umfeld der flüchtlingsfeindlichen Facebook-Seite „Wurzen wehrt sich gegen Asylmissbrauch“ (inzwischen offline).", "\n\nAuf der Straße filmten sich die „Demonstrierenden“ selbst und stellten den Film ins Internet – empört darüber, dass die Polizei sie nicht in Reichweite derjenigen ließ, denen ihr Rassismus galt. ", "Im Video ist gut zu sehen, wie aggressiv die Männer bereits die Polizisten angehen und beschimpfen (auch die Kommentare auf Facebook dazu sind bezeichnend – beispielhaft schreibt etwas „Sabrina“: „Ne diese Polizisten sind die Verbrecher deute Staatsbürger anzugreifen nur weil sie sich berechtigt gegen die Asylanten aussprechen ist assozial. ", "Soviel zu: Polizei dein Freund und Helfer.“ – ", "Rechtschreibung wie im Original-Post).", "\n\nDie Polizei berichtet auch von „Deutschland den Deutschen“- und „Ausländer raus“-Sprechchören, als eine größere Gruppe gegen 21:30 Uhr versuchte, die rund 300 Meter vom Marktplatz zum Wohnhaus zurückzulegen. ", "Augenzeugen sprachen laut „Leipziger Volkszeitung“ im Nachgang von einer beängstigenden Lage, die jederzeit hätte eskalieren können. ", "Die Polizei richtete eine Platzverweiszone in der Altstadt von Wurzen ein. ", "Um diese durchzusetzen, kam es zu zwei Gewahrsamnahmen, mehreren Identitätsfeststellungen und Anzeigen wegen Widerstand gegen Vollstreckungsbeamte, Beleidigung und Verwenden von Kennzeichen verfassungswidriger Organisationen (vgl. ", "LVZ, Polizei Sachsen).", "\n\nHintergrund der Aktion ist ein Vorfall in der Nacht zum Pfingstmontag, als zwei Männer mit fünf Geflüchteten in Streit gerieten, weil diese Musik hörend durch die nächtliche Straßen liefen. ", "Während es im Polizeibericht so klingt, als hätten die jungen Geflüchteten aus Eritrea aggressiv auf eine „sachliche“ Bitte nach Ruhe reagiert (vgl. ", "LVZ), berichtet Ingo Stange, dass die Geflüchteten, die gerade ausgeliehene Stühle zurückbringen wollten, nach einer aggressiven Ansprache von den zwei Männern durch die Stadt gejagt worden wären und in ihrer Angst versucht hätten, sich zu wehren – wobei die Männer verletzt wurden. ", "Die Polizei habe allerdings nur die deutschen Männer nach einer Schilderung des Vorfalls befragt, die Eritreer dagegen nicht. ", "Denen sei nur gesagt worden, dass sie jetzt eine Vorladung bekämen. ", "Die einseitig formulierte Pressemitteilung der Polizei heizte das Klima in Wurzen an.", "\n\nEs war nicht die erste Erfahrung der Geflüchteten mit rassistischer Bedrohung. ", "Erst im Januar hatte es einen Übergriff auf eine Wohnung gegeben, in der junge Eritreer untergebracht wurden. ", "Als dort ein Verkehrsschild und Knaller durch das Fenster der Erdgeschosswohnung geworfen wurden, war dies das Ende einer langen, zermürbenden Hass-Aktion. „", "Immer wieder wurde nachts ans Fenster geklopft oder nachts geklingelt“, berichtet Stange von der Zermürbungstaktik. ", "Als die Fensterscheibe zu Bruch ging und es im Zimmer brannte, riefen die Geflüchteten die Polizei – die allerdings erst kam, als deutsche Unterstützer_innen sie erneut anriefen. ", "Diese Folge von Rassismus und Bedrohung hinterlässt bei den Geflüchteten in Wurzen tiefe Spuren, berichtet Stange: „Die letzten Nächte war es ruhig, aber die Angst bleibt da. ", "Alle wissen, dass jederzeit wieder etwas passieren kann.“", "\n\nHier das Video der Demonstration über die Facebook-Seite „Wurzen wehrt sich gegen Dummheit“, die sich als Reaktion auf die flüchtlingsfeindliche Facebook-Seite „Wurzen wehrt sich gegen Asylmissbrauch“ (derzeit offline) gegründet hatte. ", "Ursprünglich wurde das Video von den Demonstrierenden und Sympathisanten veröffentlicht." ]
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[ "CHD is defined in the Framingham study as encompassing angina, MI, coronary insufficiency (which is manifested as ischemia, that is, impaired oxygen flow to the heart muscle), stenosis and coronary heart disease death (Wilson et al., ", "Circulation 97:1837-1847 (1998)). ", "It is sometimes recorded through clinical records that indicate the following interventions: coronary artery bypass graft, angioplasty and stent placement in addition to clinical records of MI, angina, or coronary death. ", "This latter definition is used in many population based studies and clinical trials, but it probably misses silent MI events and some unreported angina.", "\nMI (or heart attack) is the most common cause of mortality in developed countries. ", "The incidence of MI is still high despite currently available preventive measures and therapeutic intervention. ", "More than 1,500,000 people in the US suffer acute MI each year (many without seeking help due to unrecognized MI), and one third of these people die. ", "The lifetime risk of coronary artery disease events at age 40 years is 42.4% for men (one in two) and 24.9% for women (one in four) (Lloyd-Jones D M; Lancet, 1999 353: 89-92).", "\nMI is a multifactorial disease that involves atherogenesis, thrombus formation and propagation. ", "Thrombosis can result in complete or partial occlusion of coronary arteries. ", "The luminal narrowing or blockage of coronary arteries reduces oxygen and nutrient supply to the cardiac muscle (cardiac ischemia), leading to myocardial necrosis and/or stunning. ", "MI, unstable angina, and sudden ischemic death are clinical manifestations of cardiac muscle damage. ", "All three endpoints are part of the Acute Coronary Syndrome since the underlying mechanisms of acute complications of atherosclerosis are considered to be the same.", "\nAtherogenesis, the first step of pathogenesis of MI, is a complex interaction between blood elements, mechanical forces, disturbed blood flow, and vessel wall abnormality that results in plaque accumulation. ", "An unstable (vulnerable) plaque was recognized as an underlying cause of arterial thrombotic events and MI. ", "A vulnerable plaque is a plaque, often not stenotic, that has a high likelihood of becoming disrupted or eroded, thus forming a thrombogenic focus. ", "MI due to a vulnerable plaque is a complex phenomenon that includes: plaque vulnerability, blood vulnerability (hypercoagulation, hypothrombolysis), and heart vulnerability (sensitivity of the heart to ischemia or propensity for arrhythmia). ", "Recurrent myocardial infarction (RMI) can generally be viewed as a severe form of MI progression caused by multiple vulnerable plaques that are able to undergo pre-rupture or a pre-erosive state, coupled with extreme blood coagulability.", "\nThe current diagnosis of MI is based on the levels of troponin I or T that indicate the cardiac muscle progressive necrosis, impaired electrocardiogram (ECG), and detection of abnormal ventricular wall motion or angiographic data (the presence of acute thrombi). ", "However, due to the asymptomatic nature of 25% of acute MIs (absence of atypical chest pain, low ECG sensitivity), a significant portion of MIs are not diagnosed and therefore not treated appropriately (e.g., prevention of recurrent MIs).", "\nMI risk assessment and prognosis is currently done using classic risk factors or the recently introduced Framingham Risk Index. ", "Both of these assessments put a significant weight on LDL levels to justify preventive treatment. ", "However, it is well established that half of all MIs occur in individuals without overt hyperlipidemia.", "\nOther emerging risk factors of MI are inflammatory biomarkers such as C-reactive protein (CRP), ICAM-1, SAA, TNF α, homocysteine, impaired fasting glucose, new lipid markers (ox LDL, Lp-a, MAD-LDL, etc.) ", "and pro-thrombotic factors (fibrinogen, PAI-1). ", "These markers have significant limitations such as low specificity and low positive predictive value, and the need for multiple reference intervals to be used for different groups of people (e.g., males-females, smokers-non smokers, hormone replacement therapy users, different age groups). ", "These limitations diminish the utility of such markers as independent prognostic markers for MI screening.", "\nGenetics plays an important role in MI risk. ", "Families with a positive family history of MI account for 14% of the general population, 72% of premature MIs, and 48% of all MIs (Williams R R, Am J Cardiology, 2001; 87:129). ", "In addition, replicated linkage studies have revealed evidence of multiple regions of the genome that are associated with MI and relevant to MI genetic traits, including regions on chromosomes 14, 2, 3 and 7 (Broeckel U, Nature Genetics, 2002; 30: 210; Harrap S, Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 2002; 22: 874-878, Shearman A, Human Molecular Genetics, 2000, 9; 9, 1315-1320), implying that genetic risk factors influence the onset, manifestation, and progression of MI. ", "Recent association studies have identified allelic variants that are associated with acute complications of CHD, including allelic variants of the ApoE, ApoA5, Lpa, APOCIII, and Klotho genes.", "\nGenetic markers such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are preferable to other types of biomarkers. ", "Genetic markers that are prognostic for MI can be genotyped early in life and could predict individual response to various risk factors. ", "The combination of serum protein levels and genetic predisposition revealed by genetic analysis of susceptibility genes can provide an integrated assessment of the interaction between genotypes and environmental factors, resulting in synergistically increased prognostic value of diagnostic tests.", "\nThus, there is an urgent need for novel genetic markers that are predictive of predisposition to CHD such as MI, particularly for individuals who are unrecognized as having a predisposition to MI. ", "Such genetic markers may enable prognosis of MI in much larger populations compared with the populations that can currently be evaluated by using existing risk factors and biomarkers. ", "The availability of a genetic test may allow, for example, appropriate preventive treatments for acute coronary events to be provided for susceptible individuals (such preventive treatments may include, for example, statin treatments and statin dose escalation, as well as changes to modifiable risk factors), lowering of the thresholds for ECG and angiography testing, and allow adequate monitoring of informative biomarkers. ", "Moreover, the discovery of genetic markers associated with MI will provide novel targets for therapeutic intervention or preventive treatments of MI, and enable the development of new therapeutic agents for treating MI and other cardiovascular disorders.", "\nCoronary stenosis is the narrowing of coronary arteries by obstructive atherosclerotic plaques. ", "The coronary arteries supply oxygenated blood flow to the myocardium. ", "Although mild and moderate coronary stenosis do not impede resting coronary flow, stenosis>30-45% starts to restrict maximal coronary flow. ", "Severe coronary stenosis (>70% reduction in luminal diameter) causes stable angina (ischemic chest pain upon exertion). ", "Significant stenosis contributes, along with plaque rupture and thrombus formation, coronary spasm, or inflammation/infection, to unstable angina as well as myocardial infarction. ", "Together with arrhythmia, coronary stenosis is a major factor of sudden cardiac deaths, as evidenced by its presence in two or more major coronary arteries in 90% of adult sudden cardiac death victims.", "\nCoronary stenosis is a prevalent disease. ", "Each year in the United States, 440,000 new cases of stable angina and 150,000 new cases of unstable angina occur. ", "This year, an estimated 1.1 million Americans will have a new or recurrent heart attack. ", "These incidences result in over six million individuals in the U.S. living with stable or unstable angina pectoris, a debilitating condition, and over seven million individuals in the U.S. living with a history of myocardial infarction. ", "Coronary stenosis is frequently a deadly disease. ", "It is a major underlying cause of CHD, which is the single largest cause of death in the U.S. Over half a million coronary deaths, including 250,000 sudden cardiac deaths, occur each year in U.S.\nThere is, therefore, an unmet need in early diagnosis and prognosis of asymptomatic coronary stenosis. ", "This need is particularly significant given that early diagnosis or prognosis results can significantly influence the course of disease by influencing treatment choices (for example, those with genetic risks can be treated to modify risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, inactivity, dyslipidemia, etc.), ", "thresholds (e.g., lipid levels used to trigger the use of lipid-lowering drugs), and goals (e.g., target blood pressure or lipid levels), and possibly enhance compliance.", "\nDiagnosis of coronary stenosis currently starts by assessing if the risk profiles (e.g., hypertension, dyslipidemia, family history, diabetes, etc.) ", "and symptoms (e.g., angina) of patients are consistent with coronary heart disease, followed most commonly by resting and exercise EKGs. ", "However, risk assessments and EKGs are imperfect diagnostic tests for stenosis since they can be both insensitive (giving false negatives) and non-specific (giving false positives). ", "Coronary arteriography is the definitive test for assessing the severity of coronary stenosis, however, it is not very sensitive in early detection of mild stenosis. ", "It is also an invasive procedure with a small risk of death due to the catheterization procedure and the contrast dye. ", "Because of this risk, it is typically only used at a time when coronary stenosis is considered likely from symptoms or other tests, which is hardly an ideal time to start intervention.", "\nCoronary stenosis risk is presumed to have a strong genetic component. ", "It is well known that several major risk factors of coronary disease are heritable, e.g. serum lipid levels (Perusse L. et. ", "al., ", "Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol (1997): 17(11) 3263-9) and obesity (Rice T. et. ", "al., ", "Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord (1997):21(11) 1024-31). ", "Indeed, several known genetic defects are individually sufficient to cause elevated serum LDL-cholesterol (e.g., familial hypercholesterolemia) leading to premature coronary disease (Goldstein and Brown, Science 292 (2001): 1310-12). ", "In addition, linkage studies in humans have replicated the findings of the link of several chromosomal regions (quantitative trait loci) to coronary heart disease and related diseases and risk factors (Pajukanta P. et. ", "al., ", "Am J Hum Genet 67 (2000):1481-93, Francke S. et. ", "al., ", "Human Molecular Genetics (2001): 10 (24) 2751-65). ", "Finally, a family history of premature coronary disease is a significant factor in the risk assessment and diagnosis of coronary disease (Braunwald E., Zipes D. and Libby P., Heart Disease, 6th ed. ", "W. B. Saunders Company, 2001, 28).", "\nAlthough many risk factors for coronary stenosis have been identified, including age, diabetes, hypertension, high serum cholesterol, smoking, etc., ", "and genetic factors play significant roles in several of these risk factors, significant genetic risk factors are likely to exist which have not been identified to date. ", "In addition to the anecdotal coronary disease patients that exhibit few traditional risk factors, a study of multiple existing risk factors showed that only half of the “population-attributable risk” was attributable to known risk factors (Change M. et. ", "al., ", "J Clin Epidemiol (2001) 54 (6) 634-44). ", "Therefore, the presently known risk factors are inadequate for predicting coronary stenosis risk in individuals. ", "Given the magnitude of the disease, there is an urgent need for genetic markers that are predictive of coronary stenosis risk. ", "Such genetic markers could increase the prognostic ability of existing risk assessment methods and complement current diagnostic methods such as exercise EKG, especially in early detection of disease when intervention is most effective and should ideally start.", "\nReduction of coronary and cerebrovascular events and total mortality by treatment with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) has been demonstrated in a number of randomized, double blinded, placebo controlled prospective trials (Waters, D. D., Clin Cardiol, 2001. ", "24(8 Suppl): p. III3-7, Singh, B. K. and J. L. Mehta, Curr. ", "Opin. ", "Cardiol., ", "2002. ", "17(5): p. 503-11). ", "These drugs have their primary effect through the inhibition of hepatic cholesterol synthesis, thereby upregulating LDL receptor in the liver. ", "The resultant increase in LDL catabolism results in decreased circulating LDL, a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease.", "\nStatins can be divided into two types according to their physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties. ", "Statins such as lovastatin, simvastatin, atorvastatin, and cerevastatin are hydrophobic in nature and, as such, diffuse across membranes and thus are highly cell permeable. ", "Hydrophilic statins such as pravastatin are more polar, such that they require specific cell surface transporters for cellular uptake (Ziegler, K. and W. Stunkel, Biochim Biophys Acta, 1992. ", "1139(3): p. 203-9, Yamazaki, M., et al., ", "Am J Physiol, 1993. ", "264(1 Pt 1): p. G36-44, Komai, T., et al., ", "Biochem Pharmacol, 1992. ", "43(4): p. 667-70). ", "The latter statin utilizes a transporter, OATP2, whose tissue distribution is confined to the liver and, therefore, they are relatively hepato-specific inhibitors (Hsiang, B., et al., ", "J Biol Chem, 1999. ", "274(52): p. 37161-8). ", "The former statins, not requiring specific transport mechanisms, are available to all cells and they can directly impact a much broader spectrum of cells and tissues. ", "These differences in properties may influence the spectrum of activities that each statin possesses. ", "Pravastatin, for instance, has a low myopathic potential in animal models and myocyte cultures compared to other hydrophobic statins (Masters, B. A., et al., ", "Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 1995. ", "131 (1): p. 163-74. ", "Nakahara, K., et al., ", "Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 1998. ", "152(1): p. 99-106, Reijneveld, J. C., et al., ", "Pediatr Res, 1996. ", "39(6): p. 1028-35).", "\nEvidence from gene association studies is accumulating to indicate that responses to drugs are, indeed, at least partly under genetic control. ", "As such, pharmacogenetics—the study of variability in drug responses attributed to hereditary factors in different populations—may significantly assist in providing answers toward meeting this challenge (Roses, A. D., Nature, 2000. ", "405(6788): p. 857-65, Mooser, V., et al., ", "J Thromb Haemost, 2003. ", "1(7): p. 1398-1402, Humma, L. M. and S. G. Terra, Am. ", "J. Health Syst Pharm, 2002. ", "59(13): p. 1241-52). ", "Numerous associations have been reported between selected genotypes, as defined by SNPs and other sequence variations and specific responses to cardiovascular drugs. ", "Polymorphisms in several genes have been suggested to influence responses to statins including CETP (Kuivenhoven, J. A., et al., ", "N Engl J Med, 1998. ", "338(2): p. 86-93), beta-fibrinogen (de Maat, M. P., et al., ", "Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 1998. ", "18(2): p. 265-71), hepatic lipase (Zambon, A., et al., ", "Circulation, 2001. ", "103(6): p. 792-8, lipoprotein lipase (Jukema, J. W., et al., ", "Circulation, 1996. ", "94(8): p. 1913-8), glycoprotein IIIa (Bray, P. F., et al., ", "Am J Cardiol, 2001. ", "88(4): p. 347-52), stromelysin-1 (de Maat, M. P., et al., ", "Am J Cardiol, 1999. ", "83(6): p. 852-6), and apolipoprotein E (Gerdes, L. U., et al., ", "Circulation, 2000. ", "101(12): p. 1366-71, Pedro-Botet, J., et al., ", "Atherosclerosis, 2001. ", "158(1): p. 183-93). ", "Some of these variants were shown to effect clinical events while others were associated with changes in surrogate endpoints. ", "Thus there is the need for markers and individuals responsiveness to statins.", "\nSNPs\nThe genomes of all organisms undergo spontaneous mutation in the course of their continuing evolution, generating variant forms of progenitor genetic sequences (Gusella, Ann. ", "Rev. Biochem. ", "55, 831-854 (1986)). ", "A variant form may confer an evolutionary advantage or disadvantage relative to a progenitor form or may be neutral. ", "In some instances, a variant form confers an evolutionary advantage to the species and is eventually incorporated into the DNA of many or most members of the species and effectively becomes the progenitor form. ", "Additionally, the effects of a variant form may be both beneficial and detrimental, depending on the circumstances. ", "For example, a heterozygous sickle cell mutation confers resistance to malaria, but a homozygous sickle cell mutation is usually lethal. ", "In many cases, both progenitor and variant forms survive and co-exist in a species population. ", "The coexistence of multiple forms of a genetic sequence gives rise to genetic polymorphisms, including SNPs.", "\nApproximately 90% of all genetic polymorphisms in the human genome are SNPs. ", "SNPs are single base positions in DNA at which different alleles, or alternative nucleotides, exist in a population. ", "The SNP position (interchangeably referred to herein as SNP, SNP site, SNP locus, SNP marker, or marker) is usually preceded by and followed by highly conserved sequences of the allele (e.g., sequences that vary in less than 1/100 or 1/1000 members of the populations). ", "An individual may be homozygous or heterozygous for an allele at each SNP position. ", "A SNP can, in some instances, be referred to as a “cSNP” to denote that the nucleotide sequence containing the SNP is an amino acid coding sequence.", "\nA SNP may arise from a substitution of one nucleotide for another at the polymorphic site. ", "Substitutions can be transitions or transversions. ", "A transition is the replacement of one purine nucleotide by another purine nucleotide, or one pyrimidine by another pyrimidine. ", "A transversion is the replacement of a purine by a pyrimidine, or vice versa. ", "A SNP may also be a single base insertion or deletion variant referred to as an “indel” (Weber et al., “", "Human diallelic insertion/deletion polymorphisms,” Am J Hum Genet 2002 October; 71(4):854-62).", "\nA synonymous codon change, or silent mutation/SNP (terms such as “SNP,” “polymorphism,” “mutation,” “mutant,” “variation,” and “variant” are used herein interchangeably), is one that does not result in a change of amino acid due to the degeneracy of the genetic code. ", "A substitution that changes a codon coding for one amino acid to a codon coding for a different amino acid (i.e., a non-synonymous codon change) is referred to as a missense mutation. ", "A nonsense mutation results in a type of non-synonymous codon change in which a stop codon is formed, thereby leading to premature termination of a polypeptide chain and a truncated protein. ", "A read-through mutation is another type of non-synonymous. ", "codon change that causes the destruction of a stop codon, thereby resulting in an extended polypeptide product. ", "While SNPs can be bi-, tri-, or tetra-allelic, the vast majority of the SNPs are bi-allelic, and are thus often referred to as “bi-allelic markers,” or “di-allelic markers.”", "\nAs used herein, references to SNPs and SNP genotypes include individual SNPs and/or haplotypes, which are groups of SNPs that are generally inherited together. ", "Haplotypes can have stronger correlations with diseases or other phenotypic effects compared with individual SNPs, and therefore may provide increased diagnostic accuracy in some cases (Stephens et al. ", "Science 293, 489-493, 20 Jul. 2001).", "\nCausative SNPs are those SNPs that produce alterations in gene expression or in the expression, structure, and/or function of a gene product, and therefore are most predictive of a possible clinical phenotype. ", "One such class includes SNPs falling within regions of genes encoding a polypeptide product, i.e. cSNPs. ", "These SNPs may result in an alteration of the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide product (i.e., non-synonymous codon changes) and give rise to the expression of a defective or other variant protein. ", "Furthermore, in the case of nonsense mutations, a SNP may lead to premature termination of a polypeptide product. ", "Such variant products can result in a pathological condition, e.g., genetic disease. ", "Examples of genes in which a SNP within a coding sequence causes a genetic disease include sickle cell anemia and cystic fibrosis.", "\nCausative SNPs do not necessarily have to occur in coding regions; causative SNPs can occur in, for example, any genetic region that can ultimately affect the expression, structure, and/or activity of the protein encoded by a nucleic acid. ", "Such genetic regions include, for example, those involved in transcription, such as SNPs in transcription factor binding domains, SNPs in promoter regions, in areas involved in transcript processing, such as SNPs at intron-exon boundaries that may cause defective splicing, or SNPs in mRNA processing signal sequences such as polyadenylation signal regions. ", "Some SNPs that are not causative SNPs nevertheless are in close association with, and therefore segregate with, a disease-causing sequence. ", "In this situation, the presence of a SNP correlates with the presence of, or predisposition to, or an increased risk in developing the disease. ", "These SNPs, although not causative, are nonetheless also useful for diagnostics, disease predisposition screening, and other uses.", "\nAn association study of a SNP and a specific disorder involves determining the presence or frequency of the SNP allele in biological samples from individuals with the disorder of interest, such as stenosis or MI, and comparing the information to that of controls (i.e., individuals who do not have the disorder; controls may be also referred to as “healthy” or “normal” individuals) who are preferably of similar age and race. ", "The appropriate selection of patients and controls is important to the success of SNP association studies. ", "Therefore, a pool of individuals with well-characterized phenotypes is extremely desirable.", "\nA SNP may be screened in diseased tissue samples or any biological sample obtained from a diseased individual, and compared to control samples, and selected for its increased (or decreased) occurrence in a specific pathological condition, such as pathologies related to CHD and in particular, stenosis and MI. ", "Once a statistically significant association is established between one or more SNP(s) and a pathological condition (or other phenotype) of interest, then the region around the SNP can optionally be thoroughly screened to identify the causative genetic locus/sequence(s) (e.g., causative SNP/mutation, gene, regulatory region, etc.) ", "that influences the pathological condition or phenotype. ", "Association studies may be conducted within the general population and are not limited to studies performed on related individuals in affected families (linkage studies).", "\nClinical trials have shown that patient response to treatment with pharmaceuticals is often heterogeneous. ", "There is a continuing need to improve pharmaceutical agent design and therapy. ", "In that regard, SNPs can be used to identify patients most suited to therapy with particular pharmaceutical agents (this is often termed “pharmacogenomics”). ", "Similarly, SNPs can be used to exclude patients from certain treatment due to the patient's increased likelihood of developing toxic side effects or their likelihood of not responding to the treatment. ", "Pharmacogenomics can also be used in pharmaceutical research to assist the drug development and selection process. (", "Linder et al. (", "1997), Clinical Chemistry, 43, 254; Marshall (1997), Nature Biotechnology, 15, 1249; International Patent Application WO 97/40462, Spectra Biomedical; and Schafer et al. (", "1998), Nature Biotechnology, 16: 3)." ]
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[ " 0, 3*z + 2*p - 125 = -22. ", "What is the derivative of -37*w + 7 + z*w + 7*w**3 wrt w?", "\n21*w**2\nLet f(y) = -5*y**2 - 12*y + 83. ", "Let h(p) = 3*p**2 + 13*p - 82. ", "Let c(x) = -3*f(x) - 4*h(x). ", "What is the derivative of c(l) wrt l?", "\n6*l - 16\nDifferentiate -2161*r + 540*r + 539*r + 419 + 118*r**3 + 539*r + 540*r with respect to r.\n354*r**2 - 3\nFind the second derivative of 30 + 20*d**3 + 2*d + 20*d**3 - 50*d**3 wrt d.\n-60*d\nSuppose 8*b - 4*b - 36 = 0. ", "Find the third derivative of 2*s**4 - b*s**2 - 5*s**4 + s**2 wrt s.\n-72*s\nLet f(w) = 52*w + 87. ", "Let m(x) = -52*x - 88. ", "Let y(q) = -4*f(q) - 3*m(q). ", "What is the derivative of y(j) wrt j?", "\n-52\nFind the second derivative of 24*m + 49*m**5 + 197*m**5 + 1 - 77*m**5 wrt m.\n3380*m**3\nSuppose 0*g = g + 6. ", "Let b(p) = p**2 - 1. ", "Let z(q) = 11*q - 6. ", "Let v(r) = g*b(r) + z(r). ", "What is the second derivative of v(y) wrt y?", "\n-12\nLet c(d) be the second derivative of 0*d**4 - 7*d**2 + 4*d + 0*d**5 + 1/3*d**6 + 0 + 0*d**3. ", "Find the first derivative of c(u) wrt u.\n40*u**3\nLet l(t) be the first derivative of 2*t**5 + 13*t**4/2 - 17*t**3/3 - 22*t + 676. ", "Find the third derivative of l(s) wrt s.\n240*s + 156\nSuppose 20 - 5 = 3*u. ", "Let v be (-36)/(-15)*90/36. ", "Find the third derivative of -4*m**2 + u*m**2 + 0*m**2 + 9*m**v wrt m.\n1080*m**3\nLet k(m) be the first derivative of 40 + 25*m + 0*m**2 - 20/3*m**3. ", "What is the derivative of k(x) wrt x?", "\n-40*x\nSuppose 28 = 4*m - 140. ", "Let l = m - 28. ", "Find the third derivative of 94*d**4 - 1 - l*d**2 + 1 - 81*d**4 wrt d.\n312*d\nLet x(b) = 40*b + 38. ", "Let q be 42/18 + 1/(-3). ", "Let o(u) = 13*u + 13. ", "Let n(l) = q*x(l) - 7*o(l). ", "What is the first derivative of n(w) wrt w?", "\n-11\nLet s(q) = q**2 + q + 1. ", "Let z(a) = 50*a**2 - 49*a + 2. ", "Let l(u) = 6*s(u) - 3*z(u). ", "What is the second derivative of l(k) wrt k?", "\n-288\nLet f(c) = 17*c**3 + 8*c + 2. ", "Let m(x) = 16*x**3 + x**2 + 9*x + 3. ", "Let i(n) = 4*f(n) - 3*m(n). ", "What is the second derivative of i(w) wrt w?", "\n120*w - 6\nLet m(c) = -c**3 + 5*c**2 + 4. ", "Let v be m(5). ", "Suppose -4*x + 21 = l, v*l = 2*x + 3*l - 3. ", "Differentiate 4 - x + 5 + 1 - 2*d with respect to d.\n-2\nLet v(z) be the second derivative of 0*z**2 - 14/3*z**3 + 0*z**5 - z + 0 + 1/21*z**7 + 0*z**4 + 0*z**6. ", "What is the second derivative of v(l) wrt l?", "\n40*l**3\nLet v(k) be the third derivative of 65*k**8/56 - 3*k**4/4 - 474*k**2. ", "What is the second derivative of v(j) wrt j?", "\n7800*j**3\nLet f be (3 + -1)/((-2)/(-4)). ", "Suppose 4*w + 6 = v + v, 0 = -5*v + w + 15. ", "What is the second derivative of -2*q + 0*q + 2*q - f*q**3 + v*q wrt q?", "\n-24*q\nWhat is the second derivative of -46*u**2 + 172*u + 10*u - 156*u**2 - 90*u**2 wrt u?", "\n-584\nFind the second derivative of -6*v - 21374 - 3*v + 21375 - 119*v**2 wrt v.\n-238\nSuppose 15*y = 10*y + 15. ", "Let a be (-4)/(-6) - (-13)/y. ", "Find the second derivative of -6*c**3 + a*c - c**4 + 6*c**3 + 6*c**4 wrt c.\n60*c**2\nLet r(m) be the first derivative of -77*m**6/3 - m**2 - 2*m + 4. ", "Find the second derivative of r(v) wrt v.\n-3080*v**3\nWhat is the third derivative of -518*s**2 - 179*s**4 - 12546*s + 12546*s - 7*s**4 wrt s?", "\n-4464*s\nLet m(c) be the first derivative of -141*c**5/5 + 5*c**3 + c**2 + 20. ", "Find the third derivative of m(k) wrt k.\n-3384*k\nWhat is the second derivative of 9*b**3 + 8*b**3 - 59*b**2 - b + 28*b**2 + 33*b**2 - 17 wrt b?", "\n102*b + 4\nWhat is the second derivative of -30*p**5 + 111 - 8*p + 37*p**5 - 216*p**5 - 237*p**5 + 9*p wrt p?", "\n-8920*p**3\nLet v(m) be the second derivative of -41*m**6/15 + m**5/20 + 229*m**3/3 - 438*m + 2. ", "What is the second derivative of v(a) wrt a?", "\n-984*a**2 + 6*a\nLet d(m) = 2*m - 7. ", "Let k(o) = -o. ", "Let j(i) = d(i) + 5*k(i). ", "Let t(n) = n - 1. ", "Let l(u) = -j(u) - 2*t(u). ", "Differentiate l(s) wrt s.\n1\nLet h(s) = -s**4 + s**3 + 7*s**2 + 6*s + 1. ", "Let y(u) = -u**3 + 3*u**2 + u + 1. ", "Let k(r) = h(r) - 6*y(r). ", "What is the third derivative of k(z) wrt z?", "\n-24*z + 42\nLet f(o) = -23*o**4 + 33*o**3 - 17*o - 174. ", "Let d(r) = -8*r**4 + 11*r**3 - 6*r - 58. ", "Let w(s) = 17*d(s) - 6*f(s). ", "What is the first derivative of w(j) wrt j?", "\n8*j**3 - 33*j**2\nLet f = -421 - -301. ", "Let h = 180 + f. What is the second derivative of -65*n**2 + 0*n + 2*n + h*n**2 + 2*n wrt n?", "\n-10\nLet i(y) = -27*y + 34*y - 54*y - 43*y + 25*y**2 - 11. ", "Let a(v) = -5*v**2 + 18*v + 2. ", "Let z(m) = -11*a(m) - 2*i(m). ", "Find the second derivative of z(t) wrt t.\n10\nSuppose -5*k - 3*v + 31 = 0, 12 = 3*k + 5*v - v. Find the third derivative of -17*f**2 - 4*f**3 - k*f**3 - 2*f**3 wrt f.\n-84\nLet q(x) be the second derivative of 1/6*x**3 - 8*x - 1/2*x**4 + 0 + 0*x**2. ", "What is the second derivative of q(d) wrt d?", "\n-12\nLet w(q) = -11*q**2 + 4*q + 55. ", "Let s(f) = -2*f + 2. ", "Let t(z) = -2*s(z) - w(z). ", "Differentiate t(b) wrt b.\n22*b\nLet o(r) = 5*r**3 + 4*r**2 - 66. ", "Let z(h) = 15*h**3 + 13*h**2 - 199. ", "Let u(j) = 7*o(j) - 2*z(j). ", "Differentiate u(f) with respect to f.\n15*f**2 + 4*f\nLet v(o) be the first derivative of -178*o**2 - 76*o + 331. ", "What is the derivative of v(f) wrt f?", "\n-356\nLet d = -26 + 30. ", "Find the first derivative of -2 + 6*r**d + 3 + 4 + 5*r**4 wrt r.\n44*r**3\nLet s(a) be the first derivative of 7/2*a**2 + 1/6*a**4 + 0*a + a**3 - 3. ", "Let g(w) be the second derivative of s(w). ", "Find the first derivative of g(t) wrt t.\n4\nLet j(z) be the second derivative of 0*z**2 - 17/6*z**3 + 6*z - 5/4*z**4 + 0. ", "What is the second derivative of j(s) wrt s?", "\n-30\nLet w(s) = 255*s**3 + 5*s**2 - 143. ", "Let d(q) = -q**3 - q**2 - 1. ", "Let i(o) = -5*d(o) - w(o). ", "Differentiate i(v) wrt v.\n-750*v**2\nLet q(g) = 6*g**3 + 8*g**2 - 18*g - 398. ", "Let l(i) = 3*i**3 + 4*i**2 - 8*i - 199. ", "Let b(p) = 9*l(p) - 4*q(p). ", "Find the first derivative of b(z) wrt z.\n9*z**2 + 8*z\nLet j(v) be the first derivative of -v**9/72 + v**5/20 - 11*v**2/2 + 1. ", "Let a(o) be the second derivative of j(o). ", "What is the third derivative of a(r) wrt r?", "\n-840*r**3\nLet t(h) be the third derivative of -13*h**5/30 - 2*h**4 - h**3/6 + 48*h**2. ", "Find the second derivative of t(i) wrt i.\n-52\nWhat is the derivative of 1466 + 1802 + 267*u**4 - 2885 wrt u?", "\n1068*u**3\nSuppose 8*u = 84 + 148. ", "What is the second derivative of c**4 + 301*c**3 - 22*c - u*c**4 - 301*c**3 wrt c?", "\n-336*c**2\nLet c(b) be the third derivative of -b**6/60 + 17*b**5/20 - 7*b**3/6 + 64*b**2. ", "What is the first derivative of c(v) wrt v?", "\n-6*v**2 + 102*v\nLet q = 19 - 12. ", "Suppose 5*s - 11 = -2*a, -6*s + 12 = 5*a - 9*s. ", "Find the third derivative of -8*c**4 - 6*c**2 - 7*c + q*c + a*c**4 wrt c.\n-120*c\nLet m(i) = -913*i**4 + 7*i**3 - 172*i + 12. ", "Let c(f) = -f**4 - f**3 + f - 2. ", "Let p(d) = 7*c(d) + m(d). ", "Find the second derivative of p(q) wrt q.\n-11040*q**2\nSuppose 2*i = -5*j + 82 + 4, j + 5*i = 8. ", "Let q = j - 14. ", "What is the second derivative of 6*p**2 - 7 + 5*p + 3 + q wrt p?", "\n12\nLet s = -6 - 24. ", "Let v be s/(-15) + 2*2. ", "Find the third derivative of 6*h**2 + 3*h**v - 4*h**6 - 4*h**2 wrt h.\n-120*h**3\nLet y(q) be the first derivative of -142*q**2 - 293*q - 4. ", "Differentiate y(o) with respect to o.\n-284\nWhat is the first derivative of 151*r**2 - 141*r**2 - 86 + 281 - 107*r**2 wrt r?", "\n-194*r\nLet j be (14 + -17)*(-4)/6. ", "What is the third derivative of 10*d**j + 46*d**5 - d**3 - 40*d**5 + d**3 wrt d?", "\n360*d**2\nFind the third derivative of 2 - 84*b**2 + 26*b**3 - 16*b**2 + 13*b**2 - 11*b**3 wrt b.\n90\nLet d(g) be the third derivative of -61*g**6/60 - 8*g**4 + 4*g**2. ", "Find the second derivative of d(b) wrt b.\n-732*b\nLet v(i) be the first derivative of -i**6/40 + 11*i**4/12 + 2*i**2 - 8. ", "Let t(j) be the second derivative of v(j). ", "Find the second derivative of t(x) wrt x.\n-18*x\nSuppose -9*b + 32 = -b. ", "Find the first derivative of 2*u**2 - 3 - b*u**2 - 11 wrt u.\n-4*u\nLet d(w) be the first derivative of -w**7/42 - 7*w**3/6 - 2*w**2 + 2. ", "Let j(g) be the second derivative of d(g). ", "Find the first derivative of j(n) wrt n.\n-20*n**3\nLet d(g) be the second derivative of -11*g**5/20 - g**4/6 - 5*g**3/2 + 3*g**2/2 - 10*g. ", "What is the second derivative of d(w) wrt w?", "\n-66*w - 4\nFind the first derivative of -15*b**3 - 149 - 71*b**3 + 258 wrt b.\n-258*b**2\nLet z(i) = -239*i**2 - 3*i + 55. ", "Let k(r) = -359*r**2 - 5*r + 82. ", "Let m(y) = 5*k(y) - 8*z(y). ", "Find the second derivative of m(p) wrt p.\n234\nLet b be 8*1 + (-10)/(30/9). ", "Differentiate -1 - z - 2 - z + b*z with respect to z.\n3\nFind the second derivative of -283*h + 119*h - 298*h + 629*h**2 wrt h.\n1258\nLet k(o) = -o**2 - 2*o - 2. ", "L" ]
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[ "Tenho gostado muito de ler logo antes de pegar no sono. ", "A cabeceira anda ocupada por meu Kindle e uns poucos e corajosos livros de papel, a \"resistência analógica\". ", "Um deles é o \"Is there anything good about men?\".", "\n\nEsses dias estava folheando algumas de suas páginas enquanto fazia uso de meu marca texto para destacar a estatística de que 92% das mortes no trabalho ocorridas nos EUA são de homens.", "\n\nIsso não só por assumirem empregos mais arriscados, mas por doenças ligadas à maneira como trabalham – que, por sua vez, se conecta a estereótipos de gênero que reforçam a pressão para serem provedores de sucesso.", "\n\nCheguei a dobrar a página do livro para não me esquecer de adicionar o dado à lista que mantenho em meu Google Docs, com outras informações ligadas a problemas dos homens.", "\n\nTrailer do documentário \"The Mask You Live In\"\n\nSegundo a Associação Americana de Psicologia, 80% dos mancebos sofrem em algum grau de Alexitimia – condição definida pela inabilidade de colocar emoções e sentimentos em palavras.", "\n\nDe acordo com essa pesquisa feita pela Universidade de Georgia, analisando mais de 77.000 sentenças proferidas por juízes entre 1991 e 1994, as penas recebidas por homens foram 278.4% mais longas do que as das mulheres, comparando crimes de mesma natureza.", "\n\nO livro \"Guerra de Esperma\", de Robin Baker, proclama que 10% das crianças são criadas por homens que acreditam serem seus pais biológicos, mas na verdade não são. ", "A fraude de paternidade é um dos maiores dramas pelos quais um homem pode passar, como elucidado por esse artigo do The New York Times.", "\n\nUm em cada nove meninos entre 3 e 17 anos, nos EUA, tem DDA (Distúrbio de Déficit de Atenção) – o dobro da ocorrência nas meninas. ", "Eles têm ainda 70% das notas D e F (as piores no sistema educacional norte-americano). ", "Por fim, a presença dos homens nas faculdades vem caindo e a projeção é de que em 2020 apenas 41.4% dos universitários nos EUA sejam homens.", "\n\nJá o livro \"The Myth of the Male Power\", publicado por Warren Farrell em 1993, nos apresenta um estudo conduzido pelo U.S. Bureau of Health and Human Services, que revela que a taxa de suicídio entre meninos e meninas de até 9 anos é praticamente idêntica.", "\n\nEntretanto, dos 10 aos 14 a probabilidade de suicídio dos homens dobra em relação ao índice das mulheres. ", "Dos 15 aos 19 a incidência se dá em números 4 vezes superior. ", "Dos 20 aos 24 anos, é 6 vezes maior. ", "Até a velhice a taxa de suicídios entre os homens segue crescendo ainda mais, em relação a das mulheres.", "\n\nIsso se conecta à construção feita pelo autor, de que quanto mais contato com a experiência delegada ao papel masculino, mais próximo do suicídio está o homem. ", "E claro, o suicídio é um extremo. ", "Vários outros vão estar em pontos anteriores, acusando intenso sofrimento por meio de quadros de depressão, ansiedade, burn out e várias outras doenças.", "\n\nÉ interessante ressaltar também que o Dr. Warren Farrell, autor do livro, é favorável ao movimento feminista e luta pela igualdade de gênero desde a década de 60.", "\n\nEm 2012, foram registrados 9.918 mortes de homens e 2.623 de mulheres, por suicídio. ", "Isso no Brasil. ", "A proporção esmagadoramente maior de homens se repete em outros países, como na Inglaterra.", "\n\nMeninos com menos de 17 anos bebem mais do que qualquer outro grupo populacional nos EUA. (", "fonte: documentário \"The Mask You Live In\")\n\nHá décadas que temos livros e estudos sérios sendo publicados sobre a dor dos homens e sobre como é importante compreendê-la.", "\n\nMas talvez não seja necessário depender de estudos para enxergar essa realidade. ", "Basta olhar pro lado.", "\n\nPequenas histórias reais...\n\nEntro numa reunião importante. ", "Lá pelas tantas, conversando sobre situações que escutamos na comunidade do PapodeHomem, o sócio diretor da empresa revela que trabalhava como um cavalo até um dia em que sentiu o braço esquerdo ficar dormente no meio de uma negociação com um cliente. ", "Estava tendo um infarto, que mais tarde se mostrou ter causa em sua rotina workaholic. ", "Quase morreu. ", "Só então aceitou trabalhar menos.", "\n\nEm outro contexto, surge mais um papo a la confessionário. ", "O cara admite que só tem um amigo com o qual se sente realmente confortável pra abrir todas suas fraquezas e medos, seja quando e como for. ", "Eles se chamam de \"amigas\", uma brincadeira com a noção de que só mulheres seriam tão íntimas e dispostas a se expor desse modo.", "\n\nPróxima cena. ", "Escuto um cinquentão com voz de barítono, trajes elegantes e aperto de mão forte, empresário, me contar que está tentando se comunicar de modo menos impositivo e controlador, pra melhorar o relacionamento com a esposa e filhos. ", "Sempre se comunicou assim com os funcionários, passou a maior parte da vida na empresa, tem enorme dificuldade para agir diferente fora dela.", "\n\nMais uma. ", "Outro homenzarrão bem sucedido, narra sua surpresa ao ver seu pai cobrindo o neto de carinho e declarações de amor. ", "Ele se ressente de nunca ter recebido esse tipo de carinho do pai quando criança ou adolescente ou jovem adulto. ", "Até hoje tem travas ao dar e receber afeto.", "\n\nA saideira, pra encerrar. ", "O sujeito de quarenta anos, recém separado, admite estar sem eixo na vida. ", "Dedicou os últimos anos à carreira e à família, basicamente. ", "Perdeu a esposa, a guarda dos filhos, parte significativa de seus bens. ", "Está sem amigos, os quais foi deixando de lado pra se focar em ser provedor e marido. ", "Depressivo, não sabe o que fazer.", "\n\nNenhuma dessas histórias é única, já escutei todas mais de uma vez com mudanças de nomes e cenários aqui e ali.", "\n\nE você, quais cenas viveu ou presenciou que contam dessa realidade que não precisa de pesquisas para ser vista?", "\n\nNota: o ponto não é comparar a dor dos homens com a das mulheres, elas não são excludentes. ", "Podemos acolher ambas. ", "A intenção aqui é apoiar a busca por gêneros mais lúcidos, com relações mais construtivas e amorosas entre todos.", "\n\nHomens possíveis é uma coluna quinzenal, sai sempre aos domingos." ]
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[ "Samuel L. Jackson has one NSFW message for moviegoers\n\nSamuel L. Jackson has one message for moviegoers. ", "And being that it comes from Jackson, it involves some language you might not want Grandma to hear (it's bleeped, but you can figure it out).", "\n\nIn a 30-second promo shown before movies at the Alamo Drafthouse theater chain and posted to YouTube on Friday, Jackson tells audiences exactly what to do with those addictive smartphones during the movie.", "\n\nFans of Jackson -- and of enjoying movies in peace -- will no doubt applaud. ", "Alamo Drafthouse has been famous for years for its zero-tolerance policy when it comes to talking or texting during films. ", "But honestly, it wouldn't hurt to have Jackson deliver this message in all movie theaters." ]
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[ 0.02857142857142857, 0.0070921985815602835, 0.00966183574879227, 0, 0.008130081300813009, 0.011111111111111112 ]
[ "Q:\n\nASP.NET: Dealing with object types as parameters when updating in ObjectDataSource\n\nHow do you guys update let's say for example a FormView with an ObjectDataSource source. ", "The DataObjectTypeName is a class which I have already marked with a DataObject attribute. ", "Now, I want to customize the update process and add some custom data to the parameter. ", "What do we need to do so?", "\nExample:\nI have a BLL class which let's call it \"ProductsBLL\" and a data class \"Product\".", "\nI declare the following ObjectDataSource control:\n<asp:ObjectDataSource ID=\"ObjectDataSource1\" runat=\"server\" \nDataObjectTypeName=\"Product\" OldValuesParameterFormatString=\"original_{0}\"\nSelectMethod=\"GetProduct\" TypeName=\"Assembly.", "ProductsBLL\" \nUpdateMethod=\"UpdateProduct\">\n <UpdateParameters>\n <asp:Parameter Name=\"product\" Type=\"Object\" />\n </UpdateParameters>\n <SelectParameters>\n <asp:QueryStringParameter Name=\"productID\" QueryStringField=\"ProdID\" Type=\"Int32\" />\n </SelectParameters>\n</asp:ObjectDataSource>\n\nGiven that the Update method in the ProductsBLL class accepts a Product object as a parameter. ", "Now, before the update takes place, I want to add a custom data to the Product parameter. ", "How can I do that?", "\n\nA:\n\nI'm not sure exactly what your question is (you need to be more specific), but the general flow is as follows:\n\nYour GridView is linked to an ObjectDataSource.", "\nYour ObjectDataSource is linked to a Biz Logic layer via the TypeName property - This is the class that will be instantiated for performing data operations. (", "call it ProductsBLL for example).", "\nIt also uses an DataObjectTypeName property which is the type of object being retrieved/updated/deleted by the BLL. (", "say, Product)\nAlso, it specifies the methods in the BLL to call whenever an action is invoked (UpdateMethod, SelectMethod, etc.) (", "say, ProductsBLL.UpdateProducts, ProductsBLL.DeleteProducts)\nYour BLL object then performs custom operations such as validation logic on the data received from the ObjectDataSource and calls your Datalayer to perform the actual updation/deletion from the database. (", "say, ProductsDataLayer.", "UpdateProduct())\n\nIf you need more information, please edit your question to be more specific.", "\nEdit (after edit to original question):\n\nModifying the Product parameter before update would be as simple as:\n// In Biz Logic Layer.", "\npublic int UpdateProduct(Product p)\n{\n // Modify the ProductName and the Price properties of this Product.", "\n p.ProductName = \"Product \" + p.ProductName;\n p.Price = 0.95 * p.Price;\n\n // Call DataLayer.", "\n return ProductDL.UpdateProduct(p.", "ID, p.ProductName, p.Quantity, p.Price);\n}\n\nwhere the ProductDL.UpdateProduct might look like:\npublic int UpdateProduct\n (\n string productID,\n string productName,\n int productQty,\n float productPrice\n )\n\nAnd, so on.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Financial Disclosure\n\nThe Ethics Law, Article 7, §7-6-101 et. ", "seq., ", "requires all elected officials, candidates for county elective office, managerial level employees, and volunteer members of county boards and commissions to file annual disclosure statements.", "\n\nFinancial disclosure statements are public documents that may be examined or copied upon request. ", "The Ethics Commission must notify every filer whenever that filer’s statement is examined, and provide the name and address of the person who requested the document.", "\n\nDisclosure statements provide one way to guard against conflicts of interest.", "\n\nThere are two types of disclosure statements:\n\nFinancial disclosure statements require the filer to list all interests in real property and business entities, debts to entities doing business with the county, gifts received from “controlled donors”, sources of income, and compensated employment with any entity that does business with the county. ", "All elected officials, candidates for elective office, managerial-level employees, and some volunteers file financial disclosure statements.", "\n\nConflict of interest statements require the filer to list only those interests that may conflict with the filer’s service on a particular board or commission.", "\n\nThe Ethics Commission sends the necessary forms to each filer at the end of March. ", "Upon request, the Commission staff will provide assistance in filling out the statements.", "\n\nDisclosure statements must be submitted to the Ethics Commission by April 30 of each year. ", "The statement covers financial information for the previous calendar year. ", "For example, a statement that is filed on April 30, 2014 covers information for the period January 1 - December 31, 2013. ", "Upon receipt, the Ethics Commission reviews each statement for completion and for apparent conflicts of interest.", "\n\nFilers are also required to update all financial information upon their termination of employment or service with the county. ", "A termination disclosure statement is also a public document." ]
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[ "Hot Topics:\n\nThrown in jail for being poor: the booming for-profit probation industry\n\nBy Lauren Gambino, The Guardian\n\nUpdated:\n03/03/2014 10:30:07 AM EST\n\nThomas Barrett, destitute and living primarily off food stamps, was arrested in 2012 for stealing a can of beer valued at $2 and was sentenced to probation with Sentinel Offender Services, a for-profit firm. ", "Despite selling his own blood plasma twice a week to raise money, Barrett fell more than $1,000 behind in his payments and was jailed for failure to pay.", "\n(Jason Blalock/Human Rights Watch)\n\nIn January 2013, Clifford Hayes, a homeless man suffering from lupus and looking for a night off the streets, walked into the sheriff's office in Augusta, Georgia. ", "It was a standard visit: he needed police clearance, a requirement of many homeless shelters, to stay overnight at the Salvation Army.", "\n\nHayes expected to go straight to the shelter. ", "Instead, he was handcuffed and later thrown in jail. ", "Hayes hadn't committed a crime – or at least, he hadn't in many years since 2007, when he committed several driving-related misdemeanor offenses, for which he pled guilty and was put on probation. ", "That probation left him $2,000 in debt for court fines – and fees he was supposed to pay to a private company the state hired to monitor him until his probation ended. ", "Hayes needed to pay $854 to the court to avoid a jail sentence; because he had no money except a $730-a-month disability check, he was thrown in Richmond County lockup.", "\n\nThe cost to taxpayers of Hayes' eight-month jail sentence: $11,500, according to Georgia court documents.", "\n\nDespite the fact that the US supreme court ruled in 1983 that offenders cannot be jailed when they can't afford to pay their fines, an increasing number of poor, low-level offenders are doing time because they can't keep up with fees they owe to courts and private probation companies. ", "To some it resembles a variation on the old Victorian workhouses and debtors' prisons, moved from Dickensian England to the modern United States.", "\n\n“The Mr Hayes of the world may not be the greatest citizens in the country ... but they do not deserve to be locked up,” said Georgia attorney Jack Long, who filed a habeas corpus petition on Hayes' behalf. ", "Long won Hayes' early release from jail by arguing that Hayes was unlawfully incarcerated for being poor.", "\n\nAdvertisement\n\nMore than 1,000 low-level courts across the US rely on the so-called “offender-funded” probation model, signing contracts with for-profit companies that oversee probation requirements like monitoring, drug tests and fine collection. ", "The decades-old, for-profit probation industry is deeply rooted in the south, and especially in Georgia, but courts in states as far-flung as Michigan, Montana and Washington have also embraced aspects of privatized probation.", "\n\n$1,000 in probation fees for stealing a $2 can of beer\n\nStates sign up with private probation companies in the hopes of saving money. ", "Misdemeanor offenders are rarely hardened criminals; they crowd county courts with nuisance cases like driving without a license and public drunkenness.", "\n\nThrowing those nonviolent criminals in jail – especially when there are so many of them – gets expensive for cash-strapped states. ", "Misdemeanor cases fill up jail cells with minor offenders who present no threat to society, but a great cost to the government: at a price to states and counties of around $50 per day per prisoner. ", "In comparison, putting a nonviolent offender on probation costs, according to one estimate, only about $1.25 a day.", "\n\nIt costs even less when the states and counties hire private companies to monitor those on probation. ", "Sentinel Offender Services and Judicial Corrections Services are the two big players in the industry, although there are a smattering of smaller companies.", "\n\nThose companies make offenders pay for their own probation by charging them fees. ", "It saves the states and counties a lot of money. ", "It also makes the companies a lot of money: Human Rights Watch estimated that private probation companies in Georgia alone rake in nearly $40m in fees a year.", "\n\nWhile states save and companies profit, the offenders pay a lot. ", "There is no cap on the amount of fees a private company can charge minor offenders, and the longer the probation period, the higher the fees.", "\n\nIn some cases, the probation fees can add up to twice as much – or more – than the court-ordered fines.", "\n\nMonthly rates for basic supervision range from an average of $35 per month in Georgia to $100 per month in Montana, according to Human Rights Watch. ", "Costs for additional services such as electronic monitoring or drug testing can be staggering: GPS monitoring can cost upwards of $180 to $360 per month; drug tests cost an average of $25 a pop.", "\n\nThere's the rub: many of the poor who commit those misdemeanors get put on probation only because they can't pay their court fines in the first place. ", "Then they become increasingly unable to afford the probation fees that are piled on by private companies paid to oversee them, including fees for everything from basic supervision to drug tests.", "\n\nThe way the fees metastasize would put even payday lenders to shame. ", "Thomas Barrett, a former Georgia probationer, stole a $2 beer, was fined $200 by the court – and ended up owing more than $1,000 to Sentinel Offender Services, the company supervising his probation. ", "He resorted to selling his own blood plasma twice a week to pay Sentinel, according to an account he gave to Human Rights Watch.", "\n\n“Muscular debt collectors” and an “extortion racket”\n\nSome probation companies even offer their employees financial bonuses based on the amount of fees they collect, according to a deposition by a Sentinel official. ", "This encourages probation officers and supervisors to use aggressive tactics to squeeze probationers, and in some cases their family members, for money, Human Rights Watch said in a recent report.", "\n\nAnd when probationers like Hayes fail to pay their fines and company fees, the companies can, and do, push law enforcement to arrest them. ", "That leaves probationers with a stark choice: pay up or be locked up.", "\n\nCompany employees behave more like “aggressive, muscular debt collectors” than probation officers responsible for administering justice, Albin-Lackey says. ", "Others have noted that the courts are to blame for looking the other way.", "\n\nLong, who represented Hayes, said local courts are equally as responsible for the abusive industry practices that persist. ", "Echoing findings in the Human Rights Watch report, Long said local courts happily accept their cut of the payments companies collect and turn a blind eye to their collection practices.", "\n\nIn 2012, Alabama judge Hub Harrington criticized Judicial Correction Services' work for the Harpersville municipal court: “One might ascertain that a more apt description of the Harpersville Municipal Court practices is that of a judicially sanctioned extortion racket.”", "\n\nHarrington adds, “Most distressing is that these abuses have been perpetrated by what is supposed to be a court of law. ", "Disgraceful.”", "\n\nProne to abuse\n\nThe courts are meant to make a financial assessment before jailing someone for not paying off his debts. ", "Lately, that responsibility has been handed off to the private companies, which have an economic stake in determining if a person has the money to pay the fines. ", "Companies rarely spend the time or effort to determine if an offender can pay off his debt to the court system.", "\n\n“Anyone who claims they can't pay is assumed to be lying,” said Albin-Lackey.", "\n\nThis leaves Long seething. “", "It is unconstitutional for any person to have an economic interest in the criminal justice system,” Long said. “", "We don't pay judges based on the percent of fines they impose, or police officers based on the number of tickets they issue. ", "This shouldn't be any different.”", "\n\nAlbin-Lackey said a lack of oversight by courts and an insufficient – or in some states non-existent – regulatory framework have left the system “prone to abuse”.", "\n\nThat has landed the companies, ironically, in the courts to defend themselves. ", "Sentinel has been the target of several Georgia lawsuits alleging abusive practices linked to fine collection, according to Georgia court documents. ", "Judicial Correction Services also has been named in several lawsuits.", "\n\nHuman Rights Watch said the employees of those two companies “were responsible for some of the most serious allegations” in its investigation of for-profit probation abuses. ", "Both companies told Human Rights Watch they have “zero tolerance” for abuses like strong-arming the poor into paying.", "\n\nLong alone has filed more than a dozen civil lawsuits against Sentinel, which works with several courts in the state. ", "Each time, he has argued that it is unconstitutional to jail someone for being poor. ", "In each case, company officials argue that they have not broken the law because only courts have the authority to issue arrest warrants.", "\n\nGood folks and bad folks\n\nSentinel spokeswoman Ann Marie Dryden said that the company is committed to helping the offenders it supervises fulfill the terms of their probation and leave the criminal justice system. “", "We believe some of the circumstances highlighted focused solely on the financial aspect of probation and failed to recognize other non-financial conditions that were present.”", "\n\nSentinel says it helps offenders meet the court-ordered terms of their probation, which they might otherwise miss. ", "It also offers guidance, after-hours assistance and English-as-a-second-language classes, according to its website. ", "Judicial Corrections Services, which counts $13m in revenues, brags that it helps probationers meet the terms of their court agreements 70% of the times, compared to around 30% without monitoring.", "\n\nThe probation companies do have defenders as well as enemies. ", "Dale Allen, chief probation officer for Athens-Clarke county in Georgia, has worked for both the private and public probation sector. ", "Allen said that it's unfair to judge for-profit probation companies as inherently bad.", "\n\n“I've seen it from the inside,” he said. “", "There are good folks and there are bad folks.”", "\n\nHow to fix it\n\nYet there's no question the for-profit probation industry could use a cleanup.", "\n\nThe issue is gaining such steam that the Georgia supreme court is expected to weigh in on the constitutionality of courts contracting with private probation companies later this year.", "\n\nDryden, the Sentinel spokeswoman, said Sentinel is not opposed to certain industry reforms. “", "We believe some of the recommended changes outlined in this report could be beneficial to the industry and supported by Sentinel,” she said.", "\n\nAllen, too, agrees with the Human Rights Watch report that the industry would benefit from greater transparency and clearer laws. ", "Among the recommendations, Human Rights Watch said states should require the probation companies to publish the amount of fees they collect from offenders.", "\n\nThe Human Rights Watch report also recommends, among other things, courts take the responsibility for determining if an offender can afford to to pay his fines – and to consider other punishments besides fines for low-income offenders who were too poor to pay the initial fine. ", "It also suggest companies establish internal policies that aim to prevent employees from exercising abusive tactics to collect fees.", "\n\nAllen prefers that some private probation companies continue to exist. ", "Without these companies, he said, probation might not be an option for some cash-strapped towns and municipalities that don't have the money or resources to supervise low-level offenders.", "\n\n“If you wipe [private probation companies] out with the stroke of a pen ... then you're forcing every town and jurisdiction to make a decision whether they're going to oversee probation or just throw people in jail,” Allen says.", "\n\nBut without structural reform to privatized probation, courts will continue to throw low-income, nonviolent offenders in jail – because those who are poor and commit misdemeanors simply can't afford the high costs of going free.", "\n\nODESSA, Texas (AP) — A West Texas man has been charged with impersonating an officer by using sirens and flashing lights to skip to the head of the drive-thru line at a fast-food restaurant. ", "Full Story\n\nSufjan Stevens, \"Carrie & Lowell\" (Asthmatic Kitty) Plucked strings and pulsing keyboards dominate the distinctive arrangements on Sufjan Stevens' latest album, and in the absence of a rhythm section, they serve to keep time. ", "Full Story" ]
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[ "[The expression pattern of adhesion molecules in PUVA treated lichen planus patients].", "\nBiopsy specimens of involved and uninvolved skin were studied in four patients suffering from generalized lichen planus (LP) before and after successful oral PUVA treatment with murine monoclonal antibodies against several cellular adhesion molecules. ", "In contrast to untreated LP lesions, in biopsies obtained after PUVA therapy from healed involved skin we found markedly diminished to completely absent expression of CD54(ICAM-1), HLA-DR, CD11a/18(LFA-1) and CD49f(VLA-6) on keratinocytes and an effective loss of CD49a(VLA-1)-, CD49c(VLA-3)-, CD49d(VLA-4)-, CD49f(VLA-6)-, CD3- and CD8-positive infiltrating cells. ", "Our data demonstrate the influence of PUVA on cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion in patients with LP." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nmonitoring a text site (json) using python\n\nIM working on a program to grab variant ID from this website \nhttps://www.deadstock.ca/collections/new-arrivals/products/nike-air-max-1-cool-grey.json\nIm using the code\nimport json\nimport requests\nimport time\n\nendpoint = \"https://www.deadstock.ca/collections/new-arrivals/products/nike-air-max-1-cool-grey.json\"\nreq = requests.get(endpoint)\nreqJson = json.loads(req.text)\n\nfor id in reqJson['product']:\n name = (id['title'])\n print (name)\n\nI dont know what to do here in order to grab the Name of the items. ", "If you visit the link you will see that the name is under 'title'. ", "If you could help me with this that would be awesome.", "\nI get the error message \"TypeError: string indices must be integers\" so im not too sure what to do. ", "\n\nA:\n\nYour biggest problem right now is that you are adding items to the list before you're checking if they're in it, so everything is coming back as in the list.", "\nLooking at your code right now, I think what you want to do is combine things into a single for loop.", "\nAlso as a heads up you shouldn't use a variable name like list as it is shadowing the built-in Python function list().", "\nlist = [] # You really should change this to something else\n\ndef check_endpoint():\n endpoint = \"\"\n req = requests.get(endpoint)\n reqJson = json.loads(req.text)\n for id in reqJson['threads']: # For each id in threads list\n PID = id['product']['globalPid'] # Get current PID\n if PID in list:\n print('checking for new products')\n else:\n title = (id['product']['title']) \n Image = (id['product']['imageUrl'])\n ReleaseType = (id['product']['selectionEngine'])\n Time = (id['product']['effectiveInStockStartSellDate'])\n send(title, PID, Image, ReleaseType, Time)\n print ('added to database'.format(PID))\n list.append(PID) # Add PID to the list\n return\n\ndef main():\n while(True):\n check_endpoint()\n time.sleep(20)\n return\n\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n main()\n\n" ]
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[ "Matt Hardigree\n\nSomeone walking around what appears to be the Renaissance Center in Detroit captured photos of these interesting looking GM muscle cars that could different versions of the 2016 Chevy Camaro or something else altogether. ", "UPDATE: For RealityTV.", "\n\nBunched around a platform in what we're guessing is GM's headquarers are three Camaro-type vehicles all wearing different badges. ", "The red one appears to be a normal SS-style, while the blue looks like it has some sort of \"ZXX\" badging. ", "The orange one seems a more Bumbleebee-style design.", "\n\nAre these the new Camaro? ", "Not exactly. ", "The mirrors, as well as the fact that they all look different, point to non-production models.", "\n\nAdvertisement\n\nWe'd heard GM was bringing a few interesting vehicles to the upcoming New York Auto Show, so could these be design studies for the new Camaro? ", "Transformers? ", "Weird custom vehicles made for some other program? ", "Your guess is as good as mine, though I've reached out to GM for an explanation." ]
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[ "おびただしいオートバイが信号のない大通りを埋め尽くす。夜になっても気温は下がらず、半袖一枚で出歩くことができた。", "\n\nベトナム、ホーチミン・シティ。午後7時。", "\n\n約束の場所は、観光客にも人気のレストランだった。店の外壁や、店内に活けられた花など、いたるところに黄色が使われている。この国では吉兆を示す色だ。", "\n\n「仕事を作ることを仕事にしています」と彼は言った。「ホーチミンの事務所は、私と現地採用のスタッフの2人で運営しています。初めての部下がベトナム人になるとは思っていませんでした」\n\n郷土料理の数々を私に勧めながら、川村泰裕(かわむら やすひろ)さんは爽やかに笑った。1984年生まれの29歳。現在は人材育成系コンサルティング会社の駐在員を務めている。しかし4年前にベトナムの地を踏んだとき、彼は「カネ無し・コネ無し・経験無し」の状態だった。", "\n\n「昔からベトナムに興味があったんですか?」", "\n\n私が訊くと、川村さんは首を横に振った。", "\n\n「学生時代は『ベトナム? ", "どこそれ?』状態でした。当時は中国に興味があったんです」\n\n彼が就職活動をしていたのはゼロ年代の半ば、リーマンショックの前だ。当時はBRICsの台頭が叫ばれており、北京オリンピックをひかえた中国は飛ぶ鳥を落とす勢いで経済成長していた。", "\n\n日本では就職氷河期がようやく雪解けのきざしを見せていた。団塊世代の退職にともない人材の需要が高まり、2010年ごろには雇用情勢が回復するだろうと囁かれていた。", "\n\n当時の川村さんは「技術があって営業が少ない中小メーカー」を中心に就職活動を行っていたという。もとから大企業指向ではなかったようだ。高い技術を持っているメーカーは、営業担当者が少なくても仕事が取れる。そういう企業のなかでも、とくに海外展開を視野に入れているところを選んで採用面接を受けていた。", "\n\n2008年4月、川村さんは社員数200人規模の産業用機械メーカーに就職した。", "\n\nところが同年の秋にリーマンショックが起きる。", "\n\nニューヨークを震源地とした金融危機は、世界を不況のどん底に突き落とした。テレビには連日のように職を求めて列を作る人々の姿が映し出された。日本でもリストラの嵐が吹き荒れた。", "\n\n「200人いた社員が、50人ぐらいまで減りました」\n\nそして川村さんも、嵐から逃れられなかった。", "\n\n失業した直後、川村さんは「世間からの疎外感を覚えた」という。", "\n\n失業は、ただ収入の手段を失うだけではない。世の中とつながる方法を失うことだ。自分は世の中に必要ない人間なのではないか──。そんな気持ちになっても無理はないだろう。", "\n\nそんな時、ベトナム行きの話があった。", "\n\n日本語学習者の多いフエで、2ヶ月間だけボランティアで働かないか。現地の大学生に日本語を教えてほしい。そう誘われた川村さんは2010年4月にベトナム入りする。", "\n\n「何もできない自分に愕然としました」\n\n言葉も分からなければ、気候も食べ物も違う。ベトナムの大学生たちは勉強熱心で、意思疎通には困らないほど日本語が上手かったという。しかしそれでも、フエで暮らしはじめた当初は一気に体重が落ちたそうだ。", "\n\n「フォーの1つも作れない自分に、ほんとうに愕然としたんです。いい野菜の選び方も、いいエビの見分け方も分からない。今までの自分を見つめ直す機会になりました」\n\n地元の同級生には、中卒や高卒で就職を選んだ人も多いという。失業と渡越を経験してようやく、そういう人を「すごい」と思えるようになった。普通に大学を出て、普通に就職した自分は、リスク回避的だっただけではないか。そう考えるようになったそうだ。", "\n\n2ヶ月のボランティア期間が終わり、川村さんは公立フエ外国語大学で職を得る。最初に受け取った給与はいわば寸志で、金額は10万ベトナムドン──日本円でわずか400円ほどだった。", "\n\n「こっちで働き始めたばかりのころは、年収30万円ぐらいでした」\n\n実家で自分の現状を報告したとき、父親と殴り合いのケンカになったという。", "\n\n川村さんと食事をしながら、私は「同世代としての視点」を強く感じた。", "\n\nもともと理系だった私が経済学に興味を持ったのは、リーマンショックがきっかけだ。連日の悲惨なニュースを見て、自分たちがどうしてこんな目に遭わなければいけないのか経済学に答えを求めた。そして川村さんがベトナムに行くことになったきっかけもリーマンショックだ。私たちの世代の人間は、みんな多かれ少なかれ世界金融危機の影響を受けている。", "\n\nリーマンショックと失業を通じて、川村さんは「雇用」の大切さを思い知ったという。すでにある雇用の椅子を奪い合うのではなく、椅子を作り出したいと考えるようになった。また、ベトナムに渡り「自己決定」の大事さを学んだという。親や教師に決めてもらうのではなく、上司に決めてもらうのでもなく、自分で決めたことで誰かの役に立つこと。自分の作った仕事で人を喜ばせることを考えるようになった。", "\n\nそして川村さんはベトナムで「仕事を作る」ことを始めた。", "\n\nまず手始めに、日本人学生向けにベトナムの大学生と過ごすツアーを企画。これが川村さんの作った最初の仕事になったそうだ。この企画は今でも続いており、年に数回、両国の学生に交流の場を提供している。", "\n\n現在の川村さんは人材コンサル系企業のベトナム駐在員をしており、日本企業の進出支援や現地採用の支援等を行っている。たしかに働き方は変わったかもしれないが、「仕事を作る」という軸はブレていない。", "\n\n仕事は作れるし、増やせる。", "\n\n私見だが、この感覚を持っている人は意外と少ない。", "\n\n社会人類学者ジョージ・フォスターによれば、閉鎖的な農村を背景とする社会では「限定された富のイメージ」が蔓延するという。社会の富の総量は増やせないし、豊かになるためには他者から奪うしかない。金持ちは誰かから富を奪っているに違いない。そういう錯覚のことを「限定された富のイメージ」という。", "\n\n実際には、現代の日本人はわずか数日分の労働でルイ14世よりも豪華な食事を楽しむことができる。17世紀の一般庶民は一生働いても口にできなかった食事だ。疫病の脅威も少なくなった。私たちの社会は豊かになり続けている。私たちは他者から奪わなくても豊かになれる。", "\n\nまた、しばしば技術革新は「仕事を奪う」と言われる。", "\n\nこれは「労働塊の誤謬(ろうどうかい・の・ごびゅう)」と呼ばれる錯覚だ。", "\n\n自動織機は織物職人の仕事を奪い、貨物コンテナの発明は波止場人足の仕事を奪い、電卓は計算手の仕事を奪った。現在はコンピューターの発展により、恐ろしい早さで仕事がなくなっている。「だから技術革新は忌むべきだ」と考える人がいるらしい。", "\n\nしかし、これも仕事は増やせないという発想に縛られている。", "\n\n技術革新は一時的に失業者を出すかもしれないが、同時に新しい産業を作り出す。新しい産業が失業者を吸収するため、社会全体で見た場合、技術革新が仕事を奪うわけではない。", "\n\nたとえば日本の農業人口は1960年代には総人口の約30%を占めていたが、現在は約2%まで減った。一方、食料自給率は生産額ベースで68%、カロリーベースでも39%を維持している。これはトラクターや田植え機などの普及によって生産効率が高まり、機械が農業従事者の仕事を奪ったことを意味している。", "\n\nしかし、農業機械のせいで大量の失業者が溢れたりはしなかった。農村を離れた労働者たちが、都市部で仕事を得たからだ。", "\n\n技術革新は失業をもたらさない。", "\n\nそれどころか、新しい雇用をもたらす。", "\n\nつまり、技術革新がありながら失業が増えるのならば、それは技術革新が悪いのではなく、新たな産業を作り出せない社会構造の側に問題がある。", "\n\n限定された富のイメージは錯覚にすぎないし、技術革新は新しい産業をもたらす。", "\n\n仕事は作れるし、増やせるのだ。", "\n\n「いい時代に生まれたと思います」\n\n追加で春巻きを注文しながら、川村さんは言った。", "\n\n「私はブログやTwitterを通じて、ベトナムでの活動を発信してきました。それが新しい仕事につながっていきました。ネットがない時代にどうやって仕事をしていたのか、想像するのも難しい」\n\nブログの記事を公開しておくだけで、地球の裏側から連絡がある。国際電話料金を気にせず、いつでもビデオ会議ができる。人類史上、今ほど仕事をしやすい時代はないはずだ。", "\n\n「川村さんから、日本にいる同世代や若者に向けて何かメッセージはありますか?」", "\n\n彼は少し考えると、言葉を選びながら答えた。", "\n\n「自分たちの持っているモノに気づいてほしい、ですね」\n\nベトナムで暮らし始めてから、たくさんの人が川村さんを訪ねたという。旅行代理店の人や、学生、バックパッカー……。最終的に100人以上の日本人とベトナムで会ってきた。", "\n\n「そして、日本に対してネガティブな印象を持っている人が多いと分かりました」\n\n沈みゆく経済大国、少子高齢化の進む将来の暗い国──。たしかに私たちは、否定的な文脈で日本を語りがちだ。", "\n\n「けれど日本人が持っているモノって、とても大きいと思うんです。ベトナムに来て実感しました」\n\nこの国で日本人として働くとき、よほどのことがない限りイヤな顔はされないという。それは日本が、この国にたくさんの面で貢献してきたからではないかと川村さんは言う。", "\n\nたとえばホンダやヤマハのオートバイが街を埋め尽くし、ドラえもんなどのアニメが親しまれている。メコン川には日本のODAでかけられた橋がある。ベトナムには日本語学習者が2万人いて、いつか日本人と一緒に働く夢を追いかけている。", "\n\n「そんな『日本の資産』のおかげで、私はこの国で仕事をさせてもらっています」\n\n自分の持っているモノに気づけば可能性は広がる。新しい仕事を作ることも不可能ではなくなる。大切なのは、誰かに決めてもらうのではなく、自分の決めたことで人の役に立つことだ。", "\n\nしみじみと川村さんは言った。", "\n\n「ベトナムで最初に稼いだ400円は、初任給の20万円よりも嬉しかったです」\n\n※参考リンク\n\n■ベトナム・フエで仕事をつくる!(川村泰裕さんのブログ)\n\n■Nha Hang Ngon(食事をしたお店)" ]
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[ "/**\n * The problem is that less.js runs in develoment mode and sets a timer (via\n * window.setInterval()). ", "The env.rhino.js implementation of window.setInterval\n * spawns a backround thread (java.lang.", "Thread(Runnable)) to fire the timer\n * events, and the \"window\" object is never closed.", "\n */\nwindow.less = {}; \nwindow.less.env = 'production';\nvar exports = {};\n\n\nvar lessIt = function(css) {\n var result;\n var parser = new less.", "Parser({ optimization: 2 });\n\n parser.parse(css, function (e, root) {\n if (e) {\n throw e; \n }\n result = css;\n result = root.toCSS();\n });\n return result;\n};\n" ]
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[ "\n\nAsk HN: Anyone used oDesk to build their MVP? - ", "dcpdx\n\nI'm a non-technical \"founder\" considering using oDesk to hire a Rails dev to finish work on my MVP so I can get something out there and testing for relatively cheap. ", "Has anybody gone this route before and if so, how was the experience? ", "Do you have anybody you can recommend?<p>And for the technical people, can you offer advice on any pitfalls to be aware of when using this option?<p>Thanks for the help.", "\n======\njrsmith1279\nI've worked as a developer through oDesk and I also hired developer to do a\nlittle bit of work for me through oDesk. ", "When working as a developer on oDesk\nthere was more than one occasion where I was hired to either finish something\nthat another oDesk contractor didn't finish, or fix something that wasn't\nwritten quite right. ", "The code that I had to work with from the previous\ndevelopers was always pretty sloppy and never commented and it looked thrown\ntogether.", "\n\nWhen I hired a developer I got good results. ", "The developer came in way under\nthe amount of time that he quoted, and the code was very clean & commented.", "\n\nI believe that the difference was that I hired someone based on their skills\nand the interview where the people who I did work for had initially hired\nbased on lowest price and they got what they paid for. ", "You'll find that the\nlower priced devs are usually a group of people or a company who is pumping\nout code as quickly and are more worried about quantity than quality.", "\n\n~~~\ndcpdx\nI'm not about hiring at the lowest hourly rate; I'd rather pay more for\nquality, usable code that can be iterated on than pay less for garbage.", "\n\nDo you have anybody you'd feel comfortable recommending? ", "I'm looking for\nproficiency in Rails, Javascript, jQuery, AJAX, and at least the basics of\nHTML/CSS. ", "I'm not completely clueless about the development process either as\nI've been working alongside my current freelance dev to write the front-end as\nhe codes the backend (we use git for VCS). ", "I can speak the language (at least\nat a basic level) and can provide a full spec and HTML mocks if needed.", "\n\nIf you have anybody in mind, feel free to email me at claydani [at] gmail\n[dot] com\n\n~~~\njrsmith1279\nUnfortunately I've only ever hired PHP devs and it looks like they focus\nmainly on PHP.", "\n\n------\ntilt\nI'd start from here, HN, (or usethesource.com) first...\n\n~~~\ndcpdx\nAny advice on how to word it? ", "I've tried the \"seeking technical cofounder\"\nthing which didn't go anywhere but I have cash and am looking to build out a\ncore feature set. ", "Some of the work is already done so they would be taking the\nreigns with the code.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Trisomy 20pter = to q11 in a malformed boy from a t(13;20)(p11;q11) translocation-carrier mother.", "\nA 3 1/2-year-old boy revealed moderate motor and mental retardation, normal growth, a congenital heart defect and multiple minor dysmorphic signs and anomalies including brachycephaly, orbital hypotelorism, upward slanting palpebral fissures, short and beaked nose, full cheeks, malformed auricles, hypoplastic external genitalia, rocker-bottom feet with prominent heels, and various minor radiologic anomalies of bones. ", "An extra chromosome in his karyotype appeared to represent trisomy of the short arm of chromosome 20 due to a maternally inhherited balanced t(13;20)(p11;q11) translocation." ]
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[ ".filebox .textbox-value {\n vertical-align: top;\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: -5000px;\n}\n" ]
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[ "Here are the two newest 240hz monitors announced in 2019 that are pushing the boundaries of technology. ", "The first is special because it’s the first 240hz monitor to run an QHD resolution and the second is special because it’s curved!", "\n\nLenovo Legion Y27gq\n\nThe new 27″ monitor (Legion Y27GQ) from Lenovo features:\n\n27″ Diameter\n\nResolution of 2560 x 1440\n\nA 240hz refresh rate\n\n0.5ms response time\n\nG-Sync technology\n\nHarman Kardon speaker (detachable)\n\n2 x USB 3.1 ports (charging)\n\nBorderless QHD panel\n\nAnd… that’s all we know so far.", "\n\nI’m fairly excited about the higher resolution AND the new 0.5ms response panels being used. ", "My main question still remains, will you be able to run ULMB at 240hz or will it require you to lower the refresh rate? ", "At the time of writing, I believe that only the LG 27gk750f and the Zowie 2740 supports ultra-low-motion blur reduction at 240hz.", "\n\nSamsung CRG5\n\nSamsung just announced it’s newest monitor, the Samsung CRG5.", "\n\nWe haven’t heard much about it however we know that it has:\n\nA curved 27″ display (World’s first 240hz curved display)\n\n240hz Refresh rate\n\nFreesync technology\n\nAnd… because they didn’t mention it, I’m going to assume it’s probably 1920 x 1080 resolution and possibly 1ms-4ms response time. ", "Don’t quote me on that last part!", "\n\nWhat are you looking forward to this year? ", "Have we missed any new announcements?", "\n\n0\n\nShares" ]
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[ "France's bond market is too afraid of Le Pen win in the French elections\n\nFrance's far-right National Front political party leader Marine Le Pen arrives to attend a meeting at the Elysee palace in Paris, on Jan. 9, 2015.", "\nPhilippe Wojazer/Reuters\nFrench government bonds sold off to yield about 85 bps more than equivalent 10 year German government bonds as political uncertainties hit a peak last week. ", "Given that the Presidential election is not due until 23rd April (with a likely second round due to take place on 7th May), opinion poll jitters are likely to continue to drive market flows over the next couple of months.", "\n\nTo an extent, it is perfectly rational for the market, after having been surprised by the Brexit and Trump votes last year, to try not to be caught out by a surprise Le Pen win in France later this year. ", "Should she be elected President of France, amongst her agenda items, Marine Le Pen wants to take France out of the Eurozone and the EU. ", "The market has therefore been worried about French debt redenomination from Euros into potentially weaker French Francs. ", "As long term investors, we have to respect market themes (which have recently been to sell French risk as Le Pen rises in the polls), but we also have to remain grounded on the still low probabilities of such wing scenarios actually occurring, plus the longer term positives such as the entrenchment of the economic recovery across Europe. ", "Our investment decisions therefore have to weigh up the short term risks of fear of political turbulence against the longer term odds that still favour the status quo (France staying in the Eurozone and in the EU). ", "How do we get from here to there?", "\n\nWe recognise that each time Le Pen gains in the opinion polls, French government bonds are likely to underperform. ", "Le Pen has consistently led in the polls when it comes to voting intentions in the first round of the elections. ", "On that basis, she is likely to reach the second and final round a fortnight later to face a centrist candidate, currently likely to be one of Emmanuel Macron or Francois Fillon. ", "Neither of these centrist candidates has yet to establish a solid support base and it is this, plus the controversies that surround Fillon's previous use of public funds, that have fed fears that the Le Pen may actually win. ", "Fillon recently made a statement that he would not step out of the race and has continued to deny any wrongdoing.", "\n\nNevertheless, we have to recognise that notwithstanding a potential first round win, Le Pen continues to trail either of the centrist candidates by a substantial margin in second round opinion polls. ", "Whilst this gap has recently closed, it is still a tough hurdle for Le Pen to overcome. ", "Secondly, we have to recognise that in addition to winning the Presidential election, Le Pen's National Front also has to win the parliamentary election in mid-June, where 577 seats are up for grabs and Le Pen's party currently has only two. ", "In the event that the Socialists and Republicans hold on to a majority of seats (and neither would go into a coalition with the National Front), it is more likely that \"cohabitation\" occurs, with the President driving foreign policy and Parliament driving domestic policy. ", "Parliament of such a make-up is unlikely to vote for a referendum on whether France should leave the EU/Eurozone. ", "Finally, as if the prior hurdles are not tough enough, support for the euro amongst the French electorate remains extremely high.", "\n\nIn spite of all the above, if the consensus is to panic over France, the consensus will continue to panic over France! ", "French spreads have widened since the start of this year and the elections are still two months away. ", "Two months is a long time to be overweight French risk if the market wants to take French spreads wider. ", "Hence the value of our \"Fundamental, Quantitative and Technical\" approach to investing. ", "Market technicals have been poor and have driven French spreads wider - we have respected that by not (yet) fading French spread widening. ", "Yet Fundamentals and Valuations are improving. ", "The Eurozone recovery is now well established and looks sustainable. ", "France's Q4 GDP grew by 0.4%, QoQ, not annualised, a strong outcome. ", "In addition, the PMI composite index hit a multi- year high of 56.3 in February, again supporting the notion that the recovery is likely to continue, making France attractive once political uncertainty is out of the way. ", "The ECB meanwhile will continue to mop up €60bn of Eurozone bonds every month until December.", "\n\nWe have been close to neutral on French government bond risk since early this year and have kept our powder dry, recognising that volatility in the polls will lead to spread widening or spread contraction. ", "We plan to look to re-build French exposures when we believe that consensus is about to turn back towards viewing France in a more favourable light. ", "Meanwhile, we watch and we wait, but we are ready when our overall F, Q, & T signal tells us to re-engage." ]
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[ "Obama outlined the next phase of his administration’s counterterrorism efforts, detailing tighter standards for the use of unmanned drone strikes and making the case for closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay in a speech Thursday. ", "Here is the transcript of the speech as delivered, including comments from a protester who interrupted the speech toward the end.", "\n\nHere is the text of his speech, as prepared for delivery." ]
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[ "Gucci City Series Collection – London\n\nPassport Chic – Inspired by the Olympic Movement, Gucci is pleased to introduce the City Collection London, a sport-inspired line of accessories designed by Creative Director Frida Giannini. ", "The collection includes a colorful series of bags with a matching iPad case, a high-top sneaker for men, women and children. ", "The collection also comes with the new G-Timeless Sport watch and white sunglasses with blue-red-blue shaded lenses all featuring the unmistakable London skyline. ", "The City Collection will be available from May at select Gucci boutiques and online." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Pharmaceutical Market Research\n\nAs global leaders in market research, we have extensive experience working in the pharmaceutical industry\n\nOur 30 years of healthcare research experience has seen some extensive changes to the ethical marketplace over that time-frame. ", "Not only has the pharmaceutical industry itself changed, but the landscape in which pharma companies now find themselves operating within has witnessed widespread transformation. ", "Accessing the right influential audiences is now paramount to understanding how drugs and devices will succeed.", "\n\nTurquoise has conducted research projects for a large number of pharmaceutical and ethical healthcare companies over the 30 years, across over 20 therapeutic areas and numerous target audiences within primary and secondary care.", "\n\nWho we have worked for in the pharmaceutical industry…\n\nOne of the things that makes Turquoise different from other healthcare research agencies is our ability to bring our consumer experience to the table, not only in the more innovative research methodologies and approaches we use, but also on what other external influences may be at play. ", "We look at people holistically whether that be a GP, consultant physician or patient, and not just within the environment we are researching them in. ", "This approach is perhaps even more important as the industry debates patient centricity and its impact.", "\n\nOur market research within the pharmaceutical industry spans both qualitative and quantitative projects and extends across the UK and internationally.", "\n\nWe help those that we work with to flourish and achieve notable growth potential, and we are confident that you will find our extensive knowledge of great benefit to your business or brand.", "\n\nOur prolific experience within healthcare will give you a unique insight and understanding of your sector. ", "Turquoise will keep you excited and interested, offering you a unique outlook.", "\n\nA great agency providing robust and actionable results. ", "We have used Turquoise many times for research with healthcare professionals and customers and have always been pleased with the results. ", "We trust Turquoise to deliver the results we need and like the fact that they offer innovative solutions.", "\n\nMelanie DumelowMarket Research Executive\n\nDo you need a bit of turquoise in your business?", "\n\nWhether it be NPD work, detail aid testing, advertising development, customer perceptions and satisfaction research, patient loyalty and influencers or a more bespoke project, we are sure we can help you stay ahead. ", "We look forward to hearing from you to see how we can help.", "\n\nPublic Sector\n\nVoluntary Sector\n\nA name you can trust\n\nWe have been industry leaders for 30 years, perfecting unique market research techniques through years of hard work and investment, thus ensuring the Turquoise name is one our clients can always trust." ]
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[ "<!", "DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<!--", "\nCopyright The Closure Library Authors. ", "All Rights Reserved.", "\n\nUse of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0.", "\nSee the COPYING file for details.", "\n-->\n<head>\n <title>Popup Emoji Picker</title>\n <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\" />\n <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"../base.js\"></script>\n <script type=\"text/javascript\">\n goog.require('goog.dom.classlist');\n goog.require('goog.ui.emoji.", "PopupEmojiPicker');\n goog.require('goog.ui.emoji.", "EmojiPicker');\n goog.require('goog.ui.emoji.", "SpriteInfo');\n </script>\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"css/demo.css\">\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"css/emojipicker.css\">\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"css/emojisprite.css\">\n <style type=\"text/css\">\n /* TabPane styles */\n .goog-tabpane {\n background: threedface;\n padding-left: 1px;\n }\n\n .goog-tabpane-tabs {\n list-style: none;\n margin: 0px;\n padding: 0px;\n }\n\n .goog-tabpane-cont {\n overflow: auto;\n clear: both;\n background: threedface;\n border: 1px solid;\n border-color: threedhighlight threedshadow threedshadow threedhighlight;\n padding: 2px;\n }\n\n .goog-tabpane-tab, .goog-tabpane-tab-selected {\n display: block;\n float: left;\n padding: 0px 3ex;\n background: threedface;\n border: 1px solid;\n border-color: threedhighlight threedshadow threedface threedhighlight;\n margin: 0px;\n }\n\n .goog-tabpane-tab {\n margin-top: 0px;\n }\n\n .goog-tabpane-tab-selected {\n padding-bottom: 2px;\n padding-top: 2px;\n position: relative;\n top: 1px;\n font-weight: bold;\n }\n\n /* Emojipicker styles */\n .singlePagePicker .goog-palette {\n border: 1px solid black;\n }\n\n .popupButton {\n display: block;\n width: 100px;\n text-align: center;\n padding: 10px;\n font: normal 0.8em verdana,sans-serif;\n border: 1px solid #000;\n }\n </style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<h3>Popup Emoji Picker Demo</h3>\nThis is a demo of popupemojipickers and docked emoji pickers. ", "Selecting an\nemoji inserts a pseudo image tag into the text area with the id of that emoji.", "\n\n<h4>Sprited Emojipicker (contains a mix of sprites and non-sprites):</h4>\n<div id=\"spriteDock1\" class=\"singlePagePicker\"></div>\n\n<h4>Sprited Progressively-rendered Emojipicker (contains a mix of sprites and\n non-sprites):</h4>\n<div id=\"spriteDock2\" class=\"singlePagePicker\"></div>\n<h4>Popup Emoji:</h4>\n<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" class=\"popupButton\" id=\"button1\">Gimme some emoji</a>\n<hr>\n\n<h4>Fast-load Progressive Sprited Emojipicker</h4>\n<div id=\"fastLoad1\" class=\"singlePagePicker\"></div>\n\n<h4>Fast-load Non-progressive Sprited Emojipicker</h4>\n<div id=\"fastLoad2\" class=\"singlePagePicker\"></div>\n\n<div id=\"spriteDock3\" class=\"singlePagePicker\"></div>\n\n<h4>Docked emoji:</h4>\n<div id=\"emojiDock\"></div>\n\n<h4>Single Page of Emoji</h4>\n<div id=\"singlePageEmojiPicker\" class=\"singlePagePicker\"></div>\n\n<h4>Delayed load popup picker:</h4>\n<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" class=\"popupButton\" id=\"button2\">More emoji</a>\n\n<h4>Delayed load docked picker:</h4>\n<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" id=\"delayedLoadDockDiv\" class=\"popupButton\"\n onclick=\"loadPicker()\">\n Click to load\n</a>\n<div id=\"delayedLoadDock\" class=\"singlePagePicker\"></div>\n\n<textarea rows=\"20\" cols=\"200\" id=\"text\">\n\n</textarea>\n\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n var emojiGroup1 = [\n 'Emoji 1',\n [\n ['emoji/200.gif', 'std.200'],\n ['emoji/201.gif', 'std.201'],\n ['emoji/202.gif', 'std.202'],\n ['emoji/203.gif', 'std.203'],\n ['emoji/204.gif', 'std.204'],\n ['emoji/205.gif', 'std.205'],\n ['emoji/206.gif', 'std.206'],\n ['emoji/2BC.gif', 'std.2BC'],\n ['emoji/2BD.gif', 'std.2BD'],\n ['emoji/2BE.gif', 'std.2BE'],\n ['emoji/2BF.gif', 'std.2BF'],\n ['emoji/2C0.gif', 'std.2C0'],\n ['emoji/2C1.gif', 'std.2C1'],\n ['emoji/2C2.gif', 'std.2C2'],\n ['emoji/2C3.gif', 'std.2C3'],\n ['emoji/2C4.gif', 'std.2C4'],\n ['emoji/2C5.gif', 'std.2C5'],\n ['emoji/2C6.gif', 'std.2C6'],\n ['emoji/2C7.gif', 'std.2C7'],\n ['emoji/2C8.gif', 'std.2C8'],\n ['emoji/2C9.gif', 'std.2C9'],\n ['emoji/2CA.gif', 'std.2CA'],\n ['emoji/2CB.gif', 'std.2CB'],\n ['emoji/2CC.gif', 'std.2CC'],\n ['emoji/2CD.gif', 'std.2CD'],\n ['emoji/2CE.gif', 'std.2CE']\n ]];\n\n var emojiGroup2 = [\n 'Emoji 2',\n [\n ['emoji/2D0.gif', 'std.2D0'],\n ['emoji/2D1.gif', 'std.2D1'],\n ['emoji/2D2.gif', 'std.2D2'],\n ['emoji/2D3.gif', 'std.2D3'],\n ['emoji/2D4.gif', 'std.2D4'],\n ['emoji/2D5.gif', 'std.2D5'],\n ['emoji/2D6.gif', 'std.2D6'],\n ['emoji/2D7.gif', 'std.2D7'],\n ['emoji/2D8.gif', 'std.2D8'],\n ['emoji/2D9.gif', 'std.2D9'],\n ['emoji/2DA.gif', 'std.2DA'],\n ['emoji/2DB.gif', 'std.2DB'],\n ['emoji/2DC.gif', 'std.2DC'],\n ['emoji/2DD.gif', 'std.2DD'],\n ['emoji/2DE.gif', 'std.2DE'],\n ['emoji/2DF.gif', 'std.2DF'],\n ['emoji/2E0.gif', 'std.2E0'],\n ['emoji/2E1.gif', 'std.2E1'],\n ['emoji/2E2.gif', 'std.2E2'],\n ['emoji/2E3.gif', 'std.2E3']\n ]];\n\n var emojiGroup3 = [\n 'Emoji 3',\n [\n ['emoji/2E4.gif', 'std.2E4'],\n ['emoji/2E5.gif', 'std.2E5'],\n ['emoji/2E6.gif', 'std.2E6'],\n ['emoji/2E7.gif', 'std.2E7'],\n ['emoji/2E8.gif', 'std.2E8'],\n ['emoji/2E9.gif', 'std.2E9'],\n ['emoji/2EA.gif', 'std.2EA'],\n ['emoji/2EB.gif', 'std.2EB'],\n ['emoji/2EC.gif', 'std.2EC'],\n ['emoji/2ED.gif', 'std.2ED'],\n ['emoji/2EE.gif', 'std.2EE'],\n ['emoji/2EF.gif', 'std.2EF'],\n ['emoji/2F0.gif', 'std.2F0'],\n ['emoji/2F1.gif', 'std.2F1'],\n ['emoji/2F2.gif', 'std.2F2'],\n ['emoji/2F3.gif', 'std.2F3'],\n ['emoji/2F4.gif', 'std.2F4'],\n ['emoji/2F5.gif', 'std.2F5'],\n ['emoji/2F6.gif', 'std.2F6'],\n ['emoji/2F7.gif', 'std.2F7']\n ]\n ];\n\n var sprite = 'emoji/sprite.png';\n var sprite2 = 'emoji/sprite2.png';\n\n/**\n * Creates a SpriteInfo object with the specified properties. ", "If the image is\n * sprited via CSS, then only the first parameter needs a value. ", "If the image\n * is sprited via metadata, then the first parameter should be left null.", "\n *\n * @param {?", "string} cssClass CSS class to properly display the sprited image.", "\n * @param {string=} opt_url Url of the sprite image.", "\n * @param {number=} opt_width Width of the image being sprited.", "\n * @param {number=} opt_height Height of the image being sprited.", "\n * @param {number=} opt_xOffset Positive x offset of the image being sprited\n * within the sprite.", "\n * @param {number=} opt_yOffset Positive y offset of the image being sprited\n * within the sprite.", "\n * @param {boolean=} opt_animated Whether the sprite info is for an animated\n * emoji.", "\n */\n function si(cssClass, opt_url, opt_width, opt_height, opt_xOffset,\n opt_yOffset, opt_animated) {\n return new goog.ui.emoji.", "SpriteInfo(cssClass, opt_url, opt_width,\n opt_height, opt_xOffset, opt_yOffset, opt_animated);\n }\n\n // This group contains a mix of sprited emoji via css, sprited emoji via\n // metadata, and non-sprited emoji.", "\n var spritedEmoji1 = [\n 'Emoji 1',\n [\n ['emoji/200.gif', 'std.200', si('SPRITE_200')],\n ['emoji/201.gif', 'std.201', si('SPRITE_201')],\n ['emoji/202.gif', 'std.202', si('SPRITE_202')],\n ['emoji/203.gif', 'std.203', si('SPRITE_203')],\n ['emoji/204.gif', 'std.204', si('SPRITE_204')],\n ['emoji/205.gif', 'std.205', si('SPRITE_205')],\n ['emoji/206.gif', 'std.206', si('SPRITE_206')],\n ['emoji/2BC.gif', 'std.2BC', si('SPRITE_2BC')],\n ['emoji/2BD.gif', 'std.2BD', si('SPRITE_2BD')],\n ['emoji/2BE.gif', 'std.2BE', si(null, sprite, 18, 18, 36, 54)],\n ['emoji/2BF.gif', 'std.2BF', si(null, sprite, 18, 18, 0, 126)],\n ['emoji/2C0.gif', 'std.2C0', si(null, sprite, 18, 18, 18, 305)],\n ['emoji/2C1.gif', 'std.2C1', si(null, sprite, 18, 18, 0, 287)],\n ['emoji/2C2.gif', 'std.2C2', si(null, sprite, 18, 18, 18, 126)],\n ['emoji/2C3.gif', 'std.2C3', si(null, sprite, 18, 18, 36, 234)],\n ['emoji/2C4.gif', 'std.2C4', si(null, sprite, 18, 18, 36, 72)],\n ['emoji/2C5.gif', 'std.2C5', si(null, sprite, 18, 18, 54, 54)],\n ['emoji/2C6.gif', 'std.2C6'],\n ['emoji/2C7.gif', 'std.2C7'],\n ['emoji/2C8.gif', 'std.2C8'],\n ['emoji/2C9.gif', 'std.2C9'],\n ['emoji/2CA.gif', 'std.2CA'],\n ['emoji/2CB.gif', 'std.2CB'],\n ['emoji/2CC.gif', 'std.2CC'],\n ['emoji/2CD.gif', 'std.2CD'],\n ['emoji/2CE.gif', 'std.2CE']\n ]];\n\n // This group contains a mix of sprited emoji via css, sprited emoji via\n // metadata, and non-sprited emoji.", "\n var spritedEmoji2 = [\n 'Emoji 1',\n [\n ['emoji/200.gif', 'std.200', si('SPRITE_200')],\n ['emoji/201.gif', 'std.201', si('SPRITE_201')],\n ['emoji/202.gif', 'std.202', si('SPRITE_202')],\n ['emoji/203.gif', 'std.203', si('SPRITE_203')],\n ['emoji/204.gif', 'std.204', si('SPRITE_204')],\n ['emoji/205.gif', 'std.205', si('SPRITE_205')],\n ['emoji/206.gif', 'std.206', si('SPRITE_206')],\n ['emoji/2BC.gif', 'std.2BC', si('SPRITE_2BC')],\n ['emoji/2BD.gif', 'std.2BD', si('SPRITE_2BD')],\n ['emoji/2BE.gif', 'std.2BE', si(null, sprite, 18, 18, 36, 54)],\n ['emoji/2BF.gif', 'std.2BF', si(null, sprite, 18, 18, 0, 126)],\n ['emoji/2C0.gif', 'std.2C0', si(null, sprite, 18, 18, 18, 305)],\n ['emoji/2C1.gif', 'std.2C1', si(null, sprite, 18, 18, 0, 287)],\n ['emoji/2C2.gif', 'std.2C2', si(null, sprite, 18, 18, 18, 126)],\n ['emoji/2C3.gif', 'std.2C3', si(null, sprite, 18, 18, 36, 234)],\n ['emoji/2C4.gif', 'std.2C4', si(null, sprite, 18, 18, 36, 72)],\n ['emoji/2C5.gif', 'std.2C5', si(null, sprite, 18, 18, 54, 54)],\n ['emoji/2C6.gif', 'std.2C6'],\n ['emoji/2C7.gif', 'std.2C7'],\n ['emoji/2C8.gif', 'std.2C8'],\n ['emoji/2C9.gif', 'std.2C9'],\n ['emoji/2CA.gif', 'std.2CA', si(null, sprite2, 18, 20, 36, 72, 1)],\n ['emoji/2E3.gif', 'std.2E3', si(null, sprite2, 18, 18, 0, 0, 1)],\n ['emoji/2EF.gif', 'std.2EF', si(null, sprite2, 18, 20, 0, 300, 1)],\n ['emoji/2F1.gif', 'std.2F1', si(null, sprite2, 18, 18, 0, 320, 1)]\n ]];\n\n var emojiGroups = [emojiGroup1, emojiGroup2, emojiGroup3]\n var defaultImgUrl = 'emoji/none.gif';\n\n // Handles clicking on an emoji.", "\n function onEmojiSelected(e) {\n var text = goog.dom.getElement('text');\n var emoji = this.getSelectedEmoji();\n text.value = text.value + '<img src=\"' + emoji.getUrl() + '\" goomoji=\"' +\n emoji.getId() + '\">\\n';\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a new emoji picker according to the desired specifications.", "\n *\n * @param {boolean} popup Whether the emojipicker should be a popup.", "\n * @param {Array.<Object>} emojiGroups Emoji groups to add to the picker.", "\n * @param {string} defaultImgUrl URL of the default image for the picker.", "\n * @param {string} elementId Id of the element to attach the popup picker to,\n * or to append the docked picker to.", "\n * @param {boolean=} opt_delayedLoad Whether the emojipicker should use\n * delayed image loading.", "\n * @param {number=} opt_numRows Optional number of rows to specify for the\n * emojipicker's palette.", "\n * @param {number=} opt_numCols Optional number of columns to specify for the\n * emojipicker's palette.", "\n * @param {boolean=} opt_progressiveRender Whether to render the sprited\n * emojipicker progressively.", "\n * @return {goog.ui.emoji.", "EmojiPicker|goog.ui.emoji.", "PopupEmojiPicker} The\n * constructed and rendered emojipicker.", "\n */\n function createEmojiPicker(popup, emojiGroups, defaultImgUrl, elementId,\n opt_delayedLoad, opt_numRows, opt_numCols,\n opt_progressiveRender) {\n var picker = popup ? ", "new goog.ui.emoji.", "PopupEmojiPicker(defaultImgUrl) :\n new goog.ui.emoji.", "EmojiPicker(defaultImgUrl);\n for (var i = 0; i < emojiGroups.length; i++) {\n picker.addEmojiGroup(emojiGroups[i][0], emojiGroups[i][1]);\n }\n if (!", "popup) {\n picker.setTabLocation(goog.ui.", "TabPane.", "TabLocation.", "BOTTOM);\n }\n if (opt_delayedLoad) {\n picker.setDelayedLoad(opt_delayedLoad);\n }\n if (opt_numRows) {\n picker.setNumRows(opt_numRows);\n }\n if (opt_numCols) {\n picker.setNumColumns(opt_numCols);\n }\n if (opt_progressiveRender) {\n picker.setProgressiveRender(true);\n }\n picker.render();\n var elem = document.getElementById(elementId);\n if (popup) {\n picker.attach(elem);\n } else {\n elem.appendChild(picker.getElement());\n }\n goog.events.listen(\n picker, goog.ui.", "Component.", "EventType.", "ACTION, onEmojiSelected);\n return picker;\n }\n\n // Normal popup non-delayed load emojipicker.", "\n createEmojiPicker(true, emojiGroups, defaultImgUrl, 'button1');\n\n // Docked non-delayed load emojipicker.", "\n createEmojiPicker(false, emojiGroups, defaultImgUrl, 'emojiDock', false,\n 3, 20);\n\n // Single page non-delayed load emojipicker.", "\n createEmojiPicker(false, [emojiGroup1], defaultImgUrl,\n 'singlePageEmojiPicker');\n\n // Delayed load popup emojipicker.", "\n var delayedPopupPicker = createEmojiPicker(true, emojiGroups, defaultImgUrl,\n 'button2', true);\n delayedPopupPicker.loadImages();\n\n // Delayed load single page docked picker. ", "Loaded by clicking on a button.", "\n var delayedSinglePagePicker = createEmojiPicker(false, [emojiGroup1],\n defaultImgUrl, 'delayedLoadDock', true);\n\n // Non-delayed load sprited docked picker.", "\n var spritedDockedPicker = createEmojiPicker(false, [spritedEmoji1],\n defaultImgUrl, 'spriteDock1', false, 3, 6);\n\n // Non-delayed load sprited docked picker.", "\n var spritedDockedPicker2 = createEmojiPicker(false, [spritedEmoji1],\n defaultImgUrl, 'spriteDock2', false, 2, 10, true);\n\n // Fast-loading progressive sprited docked picker.", "\n var fastLoadPicker1 = createEmojiPicker(false, [spritedEmoji2],\n defaultImgUrl, 'fastLoad1', false, 2, 10, true);\n\n // Fast-loading non-progressive sprited docked picker.", "\n var fastLoadPicker2 = createEmojiPicker(false, [spritedEmoji2],\n defaultImgUrl, 'fastLoad2', false, 2, 10, false);\n\n function loadPicker() {\n goog.style.setStyle(document.getElementById('delayedLoadDockDiv'),\n 'display',\n 'none');\n delayedSinglePagePicker.loadImages();\n goog.dom.classlist.add(delayedSinglePagePicker.getElement(),\n 'goog-ui-emojipicker');\n }\n</script>\n</body>\n</html>\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0.038461538461538464, 0.0425531914893617, 0.003257328990228013, 0, 0.0014299332697807435, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0.0625, 0.015384615384615385, 0.018867924528301886, 0.015625, 0.015151515151515152, 0.009708737864077669, 0.009708737864077669, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0.0045662100456621, 0.0024198427102238356, 0.002799552071668533, 0.003215434083601286, 0.013157894736842105, 0.02631578947368421, 0.013157894736842105, 0.008064516129032258, 0.009433962264150943, 0.009174311926605505, 0.017857142857142856, 0.009009009009009009, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0, 0.008583690987124463, 0.05555555555555555, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0, 0.125, 0.08333333333333333, 0.0018552875695732839, 0, 0.1, 0, 0.01834862385321101, 0.014598540145985401, 0.007874015748031496, 0.005405405405405406, 0, 0.006060606060606061, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Google Guns for Facebook with Google+ Social NetworkGoogle is trying its hand again at social networking, introducing on Tuesday a service called Google+. ", "Currently available only to a small group of testers, its aim is to enable sharing between small groups of people.", "\n\n\"By attaching a + immediately before a word (remember, don't add a space after the +), you are telling Google to match that word precisely as you typed it. ", "Putting double quotes around a single word will do the same thing." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nconverting a file to list or string in scheme\n\nI'm having a bit of an issue taking a text file and converting it into a list or string.", "\nSay I have \"blah.txt\" which holds:\n3 + 4\n\nNow I want to call that file which I know can be done by\n(define in (open-input-file \"blah.txt\"))\n\nWhere do I take it from here? ", "\n\nA:\n\nTake a look at the file->list function or file->lines, which should do what you want in Racket. ", "That is, something like (file->lines \"blah.txt\") will give you a list of lines from the file. ", "More generally, look at the guide entry on I/O.\n\nA:\n\nGiven a file name, file->string loads the file and returns the content as a string.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "San Francisco-based crypto lender Dharma has decided to pause new deposits and loans on its platform.", "\n\nDharma announced their decision in a series of official Twitter posts on Aug. 7. ", "Their second tweet in the series reads:\n\n“For now, we're pausing new deposits and loans in Dharma. ", "If you have an existing deposit or loan with Dharma, you'll still be able to access your account and will have the option to withdraw any funds that are not currently locked up.”", "\n\nWhile not appearing to offer any further details, Dharma assured the public in the rest of their posts that they were “hard at work” and that the “next chapter of this story is going to be exciting.”", "\n\nThe launch of Dharma\n\nDharma is a relatively young company. ", "In February, the firm raised $7 million from investors such as Coinbase Ventures. ", "The Block Crypto additionally specified that the funds would go toward Lever, it’s platform designed to support instant margin loans for crypto traders and high-volume investors.", "\n\nThe head of the Dharma Labs’ marketing team, Max Bronstein, reportedly the claimed advantages of Lever as follows:\n\n“Investors can take out loans against a number of different assets in sheer minutes, counter-party risk can be eliminated by smart contracts, borrowers can freely move their principal anywhere they’d like, and most importantly, all of this can be done at almost half of the cost offered by traditional lenders.”", "\n\nAs previously reported by Cointelegraph, Dharma launched its public-facing lending service in April. ", "In the announcement, Dharma said that its service was compatible with any wallet, but that only Ether (ETH) and the stablecoin DAI were currently available. ", "At the end of May, Dharma announced that it added support for the dollar-backed stablecoin USDC." ]
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[ "\"I don't see anything at all, Sheldon.\" \"", "Ugh.\" \"", "You're the doctor, but I'm constantly hearing this annoying sound.\" \"", "Me too.\" \"", "Is it a high-frequency whistle?\" \"", "No, it's more of a relentless, narcissistic drone.\" \"", "Yeah, there's no inflammation at all, Sheldon.\" \"", "Then it must be a tumor.\" \"", "I seriously doubt it.\" \"", "Maybe it's a lingering bacterial infection from all those childhood toilet swirlies.\" \"", "Is that possible?\" \"", "I used to get those all the time.\" \"", "Even in church.\" \"", "Well, you know, if it is from a swirly, there's something I can do, okay.\" \"", "Ahem.\" \"", "Circle, circle, dot, dot, now you have a cootie shot.\" \"", "I'm going to bed.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "I'll be right in.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "It's not enough she mocks me but that isn't even the correct procedure for a cootie shot.\" \"", "Do you understand that Stephanie's not here to treat your imaginary ailments?\" \"", "How is it imaginary that I keep hearing an octave above middle C?\" \"", "Is that imaginary?\" \"", "I don't think so.\" \"", "Good night.\" \"", "Leonard, there's one more thing.\" \"", "Article One, Section Three of our roommate agreement.\" \"", "I'm calling an emergency meeting.\" \"", "No, you're not.\" \"", "Leonard moves the meeting not occur.\" \"", "Second?\" \"", "None heard, the motion fails.\" \"", "I'd like to begin the meeting by congratulating you on the progress in your relationship with Dr. Stephanie.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "And that being said we have to discuss the implementation of the cohabitation rider which has been activated now that you're living together.\" \"", "We're not living together.\" \"", "I beg to disagree.\" \"", "Ahem.\" \"\"", "A girlfriend shall be deemed, quote, living with, unquote, Leonard when she has stayed over, A, 10 consecutive nights or B, more than nine nights in a three-week period, or C all the weekends of a given month plus three weeknights.\"\" \"", "That's absurd.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "You initialed it.\" \"", "See? \"", "L.H., L.H., L.H.\"\" \"Okay, wait.\" \"", "I only initialed it because I never thought it would happen.\" \"", "I initialed another clause naming you my sidekick in case I get superpowers.\" \"", "Hm.\" \"", "Yes, you did.\" \"", "Now to review, the following provisions are hereby activated.\" \"", "In the refrigerator, as opposed to two separate shelves and one communal shelf the three of us now get individual shelves and the door becomes communal.\" \"", "Next, apartment vacuuming shall be increased from two to three times a week to accommodate the increased accumulation of dead skin cells.\" \"", "The bathroom schedule.\" \"", "I'm given to understand women have different needs, so we'll have to discuss that.\" \"", "I'm going to bed.\" \"", "But, yeah, but\" \"At least take this with you.\" \"", "Look, and have Stephanie initial here, here, here, here and here.\" \"", "This states that she does not now nor does she intend to play a percussive or brass instrument.\" \"", "Sure sounds like a tumor pressing on the auditory nerve.\" \"", "No, absolutely not.\" \"", "It's not a big deal.\" \"", "We have latex gloves.\" \"", "I don't care what the symptoms are.\" \"", "My girlfriend is not gonna give you a prostate exam.\" \"", "Hi, Sheldon.\" \"", "Good morning, Dr. Stephanie.\" \"", "I trust Leonard satisfied you sexually last night?\" \"", "Oh, good God.\" \"", "Sheldon, we don't ask questions like that.\" \"", "I heard you ask it over and over.\" \"", "How is it inappropriate for me to ask it once?\" \"", "He did very nicely.\" \"", "But see?\" \"", "She's not offended.\" \"", "And now you finally have an answer.\" \"", "Out of coffee.\" \"", "Need coffee.\" \"", "Uh\" \"Hello.\" \"", "Hi.\" \"", "Stephanie, right?\" \"", "Mm-hm.\" \"", "And--?\" \"", "And you are?\" \"", "I'm Penny.\" \"", "I live across the hall.\" \"", "Heard a lot about you.\" \"", "Really?\" \"", "Mm-hm.\" \"", "Ha, ha.\" \"", "I haven't heard a thing about you.\" \"", "Leonard?\" \"", "Why haven't I heard a thing about this woman who lives across the hall and comes into your apartment in the morning in her underwear?\" \"", "Um.\" \"", "Uh\" \"She's heard about you because we're, you know, involved and you haven't heard about her because....\" \"I never slept with her, I swear.\" \"", "In Leonard's defense, it wasn't for lack of trying.\" \"", "Thank you, Sheldon.\" \"", "You're welcome, Leonard.\" \"", "Look, I'm just saying, um Penny is one of our many neighbors, you know.\" \"", "And in our building, neighbors come and go.\" \"", "Well, it's very casual.\" \"", "No dress code or....\" \"Some mornings, I'll mosey down to the third floor in my pajamas and have cereal with Mrs. Vartabedian.\" \"", "Really?\" \"", "I've never once been invited to have cereal with Mrs. Vartabedian.\" \"", "She doesn't like you.\" \"", "Well, you have a gall bladder to remove.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "And I have to get in the shower and Penny has clothes to put on, so....\" \"Well, it was very nice meeting you.\" \"", "Nice to finally meet you too.\" \"", "I'll see you tonight?\" \"", "Bye.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Bye-bye.\" \"", "What could I possibly have done to offend Mrs. Vartabedian?\" \"", "So that's Stephanie, huh?\" \"", "Why do I feel like I'm the one that just got the prostate exam?\" \"", "You know, she seems very nice.\" \"", "Oh, she is.\" \"", "She's terrific.\" \"", "And she's proving to be a valuable roommate.\" \"", "Roommate?\" \"", "You guys are living together?\" \"", "Like hippies.\" \"", "We're not living together.\" \"", "Do I have to pull out the paperwork again?\" \"", "We're not living together.\" \"", "Are you sure?\" \"", "How could I not be sure?\" \"", "Well, let's find out.\" \"", "Don't you think if a woman was living with me, I'd be the first one to know?\" \"", "Oh, sweetie, you'd be the last one to know about it.\" \"", "Hmm.\" \"", "Cute dresses.\" \"", "I bet this looks great on you.\" \"", "We're not living together.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "Hmm.\" \"", "Scented candles, fuzzy slippers.\" \"", "Ooh.\" \"", "Floral bed sheets.\" \"", "We're not living together.\" \"", "Okay, moving on.\" \"", "Uh, who are these guys at Disney World?\" \"", "Uh....\" \"The big dog is Goofy.\" \"", "And the older couple with the mouse ears, I have no idea.\" \"", "We're not living together.\" \"", "You're gonna go down swinging, huh?\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "Well, we got your body lotion, your In Style magazine, your jewelry box.\" \"", "We're not\" \" Where's my Bat-Signal?\" \"", "You have a Bat-Signal?\" \"", "I did.\" \"", "It was right here.\" \"", "She must have\" \"Oh, my God, we're living together.\" \"", "Really?\" \"", "What was your first clue?\" \"", "New pants?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Stephanie got them for me.\" \"", "Nice.\" \"", "Cotton?\" \"", "Actually, I think it's more of a wool-fire ant blend.\" \"", "The girlfriend's buying clothes for you, huh?\" \"", "Sounds serious.\" \"", "It is, actually.\" \"", "In fact, I gave it a lot of thought and I decided it was time for us to live together.\" \"", "Oh, Leonard, huge mistake.\" \"", "There's a whole buffet of women out there and you're just standing in the corner eating the same deviled egg, over and over again.\" \"", "At least I have an egg.\" \"", "What do you have?\" \"", "A veritable smorgasbord of potential sexual partners.\" \"", "See the blond over there?\" \"", "I can hit on her and you can't.\" \"", "So go hit on her.\" \"", "She's not my type.\" \"", "Too bad.\" \"", "She was checking you out before.\" \"", "She was?\" \"", "Of course not.\" \"", "Look at her.\" \"", "You know, I don't care what you guys think.\" \"", "Stephanie and I are very happy living together.\" \"", "I will give either of you $20 right now to trade pants with me.\" \"", "Sheldon?\" \"", "What are you doing here?\" \"", "Hang on.\" \"", "130/80.\" \"", "That's a little high.\" \"", "We can attribute that to the stress of sneaking past the security desk.\" \"", "Where did you get the stethoscope and pressure cuff?\" \"", "My Aunt Marion gave them to me for my 12th birthday.\" \"", "She thought if I failed at theoretical physics that I should have a trade to fall back on.\" \"", "And by the way, the blood pressure cuff is called a sphygmomanometer.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "Didn't teach you that in medical school?\" \"", "I'm kind of busy here.\" \"", "I understand.\" \"", "All I need is for you to authorize these tests.\" \"", "Ha.\" \"", "A cardiac stress test, a full-body MRI, an electromyogram a CBC, baseline glucose, upper GI?\" \"", "Oh, and exploratory laparoscopy.\" \"", "The last time I had hiccups it felt like my diaphragm was just going through the motions.\" \"", "Go home, Sheldon.\" \"", "Can I at least have the upper GI?\" \"", "I already drank the barium.\" \"", "Oh, hey.\" \"", "Oh, good.\" \"", "Do you have any fabric softener?\" \"", "Yeah, sure.\" \"", "What, are you washing a crocodile?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "The pants that Stephanie got me.\" \"", "Oh, sweetie, you can't machine wash these.\" \"", "They'll be ruined.\" \"", "You sure?\" \"", "Absolutely.\" \"", "Oh, no.\" \"", "I wish you'd told me that sooner.\" \"", "Are you guys having problems?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Everything's fine.\" \"", "Really?\" \"", "Yeah, it's wonderful.\" \"", "Okay, maybe this whole living together happened kind of suddenly, but it's fine, it's great.\" \"", "Okay, Leonard, if you're uncomfortable with the way things are going you're allowed to say something.\" \"", "Are you sure?\" \"", "That doesn't sound right.\" \"", "Believe me, your feelings are just as important as hers.\" \"", "No, that doesn't sound right either.\" \"", "Tell her you need the relationship to move at a pace you both are comfortable with.\" \"", "Yeah, I could say something like that to her.\" \"", "I'll go do that.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "Sure.\" \"", "You have a really good grasp on this.\" \"", "Maybe you could talk to her?\" \"", "You're kidding, right?\" \"", "No, but that's okay.\" \"", "I'll go talk to her.\" \"", "Wanna come with?\" \"", "Go.\" \"", "Wow.\" \"", "Oh, no.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "You were right.\" \"", "Your larynx is terribly inflamed.\" \"", "I mean, I've never seen anything like it.\" \"", "I knew it.\" \"", "What do I do?\" \"", "You're gonna need to stop talking, immediately.\" \"", "For how long should--?\" \"", "Eh, eh, eh!\" \"", "Immediately.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Oh, hi, honey.\" \"", "Sheldon.\" \"", "What's going on?\" \"", "I just performed a Sheldon-ectomy.\" \"", "Careful.\" \"", "If you don't get it all, it'll only come back worse.\" \"", "Gotcha.\" \"", "Listen, we need to talk.\" \"", "Uh-oh.\" \"", "Do we need to talk, or do we need to talk.\" \"", "I don't know what that means.\" \"", "Okay, why don't you just tell me what it is you have to tell me?\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "Um....\" \"Well, look, it's just that things between you and me have been going pretty quick.\" \"", "And?\" \"", "It's just a little scary.\" \"", "Well, yeah, but scary good, right?\" \"", "Sure.\" \"", "When is scary not good?\" \"", "But-- Okay.\" \"", "Um, I have feelings, right?\" \"", "Uh-huh.\" \"", "Okay, and it's perfectly okay to express those feelings, right?\" \"", "Of course.\" \"", "Why don't you tell me what you're feeling?\" \"", "Okay, well, I ju\" \" I think it's important to remember that we move at a pace that is our speed and....\" \"Oh, shoot, I had it.\" \"", "Okay, how about this?\" \"", "How about I tell you what I'm feeling?\" \"", "What's that?\" \"", "Really?\" \"", "Right now?\" \"", "Why not?\" \"", "I just ate.\" \"", "Aren't you supposed to wait an hour?\" \"", "I think that's for swimming.\" \"", "Ah.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "Hope I don't get cramps.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Oh, I put your clothes in the dryer.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "Your pants are ruined.\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "So how did the talk with Stephanie go?\" \"", "Well, um, on one level, really, really well.\" \"", "So you told her you wanted to slow things down?\" \"", "Not specifically.\" \"", "But, um, I did tell her that I had feelings.\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "And then what?\" \"", "And then the subject got changed somehow.\" \"", "You had sex, didn't you?\" \"", "Um....\" \"Little bit.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "Nothing.\" \"", "Okay, well, it sounds like things are gonna work out.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Yeah, it's all good.\" \"", "Everything's gonna work out, one way or another.\" \"", "God, come on, Leonard.\" \"", "You are entitled to try and make things go the way you want them to.\" \"", "Really?\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "You don't always have to go along with what the woman wants.\" \"", "Huh.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "Nothing.\" \"", "Just rethinking my whole life.\" \"", "Okay, here's the thing.\" \"", "I'm afraid that if I ask her to move out, she'll just dump me.\" \"", "Well, that's a chance you have to take.\" \"", "I mean, look, if it's meant to be, it'll be.\" \"", "Very comforting.\" \"", "Okay, so, what do I say to her?\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "What have women said to you when they wanted to slow a relationship down?\" \"", "I really like you, but I wanna see how things go with Mark?\" \"", "Yeah, that'll slow it down.\" \"", "I'm sorry, I totally interrupted you.\" \"", "What were you saying?\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "Right, yeah.\" \"", "Um....\" \"So, Stephanie, here's the thing.\" \"", "I really like you\" \"Oh, God, here comes the speech.\" \"", "What speech?\" \"", "I really like you but maybe we should spend a little less time together because I need my space, but I'll call you on Tuesday.\" \"", "And then you never call me, so I call you, but you don't call me back.\" \"", "And then when I run into you at the coffee shop you pretend you have problems with voice mail and I know that you're lying but I pretend like I don't care even though I'm dying inside.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "No, no.\" \"", "Uh, I wasn't gonna say any of that.\" \"", "I was just gonna say...\" \"...\" \"I really like you.\" \"", "Oh!\" \"", "Oh, good, because I really like you too.\" \"", "Terrific.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Nice sweater.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Stephanie got it for me.\" \"", "It's kind of fun.\" \"", "It's got a big bird on it, dude.\" \"", "Yeah, yeah.\" \"", "That's the fun part.\" \"", "We're also getting new curtains for my bedroom and a dust ruffle and a duvet.\" \"", "And I don't even know what a duvet is, but I'm sure if I did I wouldn't want one.\" \"", "But every time I talk to her about moving out, she cries and we have sex.\" \"", "You're lucky.\" \"", "With me, it's usually the other way around.\" \"", "You know, if you can't talk to her, why don't you just text her?\" \"", "Isn't that kind of cowardly?\" \"", "Oh, yeah.\" \"", "It's beyond contemptible.\" \"", "That's true.\" \"", "But, on the other hand, you are wearing a bird sweater.\" \"", "Sold.\" \"\"", "I think it would be better for our relationship if you moved back to your place.\"\" \"", "There.\" \"", "It's done.\" \"", "Good for you.\" \"", "Yeah, good for me.\" \"", "I'll never have sex again.\" \"", "Oh, I was wrong.\" \"", "See you.\" \"", "Penny.\" \"", "Penny.\" \"", "Penny.\" \"", "Sheldon?\" \"", "I have an inflamed larynx.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "We are out of herbal tea.\" \"", "Do you have any?\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "Let me check.\" \"", "Some heinie would be nice too.\" \"", "Heinie?\" \"", "Honey.\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAre there numbers normal to one base but not to another?", "\n\nRecall the definition of a normal number: a number $a$ is called normal to base $b$ if in its expansion in base $b$, the number of appearances of every single single string of $k$ base-$b$ digits in its first $n$ digits divided by $n$ tends to $\\frac1{b^k}$ as $n$ tends to infinity. ", "A number is called absolutely normal or just normal if it is normal to every base $b \\geq 2$.\nGiven a fixed base $b$, there is a wealth of explicit examples of numbers normal to base $b$, such as a base $b$ Champernowne or Copeland-Erdős constant. ", "There are some more elusive examples of absolutely normal numbers: any Chaitin's constant is normal, but such numbers are always uncomputable; apparently, a computable normal number is constructed in this article, although it does not actually calculate any of its digits.", "\nNow, my question: are there numbers which are normal to one base, but not another? ", "If so, can we explicitly give an example of such a number?", "\n\nA:\n\nThere are infinitely many such numbers. ", "One family of such numbers are the Stoneham constants, defined as \n$$\n\\alpha_{b,c} = \\sum_{n \\ge 1}\\frac{1}{c^n b^{c^n}}\n$$\nwhere $\\gcd(b,c) = 1$. Stoneham constants are known to be normal in base $b$ but not in base $B = b^p c^q r$ where $p,q,r \\ge 1$ and neither $b$ nor $c$ divide $r$.\nFor an more details explicit construction of such numbers, you can refer to the paper by David H. Bailey and Jonathan M. Borwein.", "\nhttp://www.davidhbailey.com/dhbpapers/nonnormality.pdf\n\n" ]
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[ "\n\nAdd a Readability button to your website - ronnoch\nhttp://keyboardy.com/web-design/readability-button/\n\n======\nkyleslattery\nThis doesn't make sense at all. ", "If your site isn't readable, or it's too\ndistracting, maybe you should spend some time figuring out why, rather than\njust slapping another button on there.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "You might think: why does this matter? ", "We have for decades suspected Fifa of being the least transparent body in the sporting world. ", "We watched as it claimed that the 2010 World Cup would transform South Africa, before wheeling out of the country with barrow-loads of booty, leaving behind a legacy of debt and white elephant stadia. ", "We sat back as it awarded the 2018 tournament to that bastion of openness and incorruptibility, Vladimir Putin. ", "So, now we have confirmation what they were up to, why are we now complaining? ", "As long as they don’t interfere with our game, as long as our children can boot a ball around the park this weekend, why do we need to worry about what Jack and Sepp get up to?" ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright 2010-2020 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. ", "All Rights Reserved.", "\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\").", "\n * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n * A copy of the License is located at\n *\n * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0\n *\n * or in the \"license\" file accompanying this file. ", "This file is distributed\n * on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either\n * express or implied. ", "See the License for the specific language governing\n * permissions and limitations under the License.", "\n */\n\npackage com.amazonaws.services.iot.model.transform;\n\nimport static com.amazonaws.util.", "StringUtils.", "UTF8;\nimport java.io.", "ByteArrayInputStream;\nimport java.io.", "ByteArrayOutputStream;\nimport java.io.", "OutputStreamWriter;\nimport java.io.", "StringWriter;\nimport java.io.", "Writer;\n\nimport com.amazonaws.", "AmazonClientException;\nimport com.amazonaws.", "Request;\nimport com.amazonaws.", "DefaultRequest;\nimport com.amazonaws.http.", "HttpMethodName;\nimport com.amazonaws.services.iot.model.*;", "\nimport com.amazonaws.transform.", "Marshaller;\nimport com.amazonaws.util.", "BinaryUtils;\nimport com.amazonaws.util.", "StringUtils;\nimport com.amazonaws.util.", "StringInputStream;\nimport com.amazonaws.util.json.", "AwsJsonWriter;\nimport com.amazonaws.util.json.", "JsonUtils;\n\n/**\n * JSON request marshaller for DescribeAuditMitigationActionsTaskRequest\n */\npublic class DescribeAuditMitigationActionsTaskRequestMarshaller\n implements\n Marshaller<Request<DescribeAuditMitigationActionsTaskRequest>, DescribeAuditMitigationActionsTaskRequest> {\n\n public Request<DescribeAuditMitigationActionsTaskRequest> marshall(\n DescribeAuditMitigationActionsTaskRequest describeAuditMitigationActionsTaskRequest) {\n if (describeAuditMitigationActionsTaskRequest == null) {\n throw new AmazonClientException(\n \"Invalid argument passed to marshall(DescribeAuditMitigationActionsTaskRequest)\");\n }\n\n Request<DescribeAuditMitigationActionsTaskRequest> request = new DefaultRequest<DescribeAuditMitigationActionsTaskRequest>(\n describeAuditMitigationActionsTaskRequest, \"AWSIot\");\n request.setHttpMethod(HttpMethodName.", "GET);\n\n String uriResourcePath = \"/audit/mitigationactions/tasks/{taskId}\";\n uriResourcePath = uriResourcePath.replace(\n \"{taskId}\",\n (describeAuditMitigationActionsTaskRequest.getTaskId() == null) ? \"\" : ", "StringUtils\n .fromString(describeAuditMitigationActionsTaskRequest.getTaskId()));\n request.setResourcePath(uriResourcePath);\n if (!", "request.getHeaders().containsKey(\"Content-Type\")) {\n request.addHeader(\"Content-Type\", \"application/x-amz-json-1.0\");\n }\n\n return request;\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nInserir uma Div de uma outra página\n\nEu estou tentando pegar uma DIV desta página .", "\nA DIV tem o nome de .similar-artists. ", "Quero jogar na DIV chamada #rock, porém não funciona nada. ", "Abaixo o código:\n\n<!", "DOCTYPE html>\r\n<html>\r\n<head>\r\n<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\r\n<script src=\"https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js\"></script>\r\n<script>\r\n$(document).ready(function(){\r\n \r\n $(\"#rock\").load(\"http://pipocaplayfm.com/artist/5216/Calvin+Harris .similar-artists \");\r\n \r\n });\r\n \r\n</script>\r\n\r\n</head>\r\n<body>\r\n \r\n<div id=\"rock\">\r\n \r\n</div>\r\n \r\n </body>\r\n</html>\n\nA:\n\nTenta dessa maneira..\n\n$.ajax({\r\n url: 'http://pipocaplayfm.com/artist/5216/Calvin+Harris',\r\n success: function(res){\r\n $(res.responseText).find('.similar-artists')each(function(){\r\n $('#app').append($(this).html())\r\n \r\n });\r\n }\r\n})\n<!", "DOCTYPE html>\r\n<html>\r\n<head>\r\n <meta charset=\"utf-8\">\r\n <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\">\r\n <title>JS Bin</title>\r\n</head>\r\n<body>\r\n <div id=\"app\"></div>\r\n<script src=\"https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.0.js\"></script>\r\n \r\n</body>\r\n</html>\n\n" ]
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[ "Hot Topics:\n\nRachel Fuchs: SWAP a potential answer to CU diversity issues\n\nPosted:\n02/02/2016 07:10:10 PM MST\n\nIn response to CU's recent \"sobering\" realization that the campus's diverse communities feel undervalued and unsupported, I'd like to offer one solution already in progress though CU Engage: the Student Worker Alliance Program, or SWAP.", "\n\nUnder the direction of student leaders using the model of the local nonprofit Intercambio Uniting Communities, SWAP has been bringing diverse communities together on campus for nearly a decade. ", "In an effort to build cross-cultural respect, mutual understanding and education, more than 400 CU students have been paired with close to 500 adult immigrants — who are campus employees — for English classes.", "\n\nProviding opportunities for our campus community to learn in tandem goes a long way in creating an environment in which all members feel valued and supported by the university. ", "And, based on stories I've heard, it works. ", "Relationships are established that facilitate a mutual respect which reverberates campus-wide. ", "By creating systems where programs like SWAP can thrive, CU can aspire to model a world where skin color, country of origin, or side of town don't determine the treatment people receive or the inherent value they feel.", "\n\nClubs keeping eye on RPI rankingsIn the age of RPI (Ratings Percentage Index) determining playoff seeding in Colorado prep sports, playing a championship schedule has become more important than ever for any team expecting to compete for a state title. ", "Full Story\n\nThe Boulder alt-country band gives its EPs names such as Death and Resurrection, and its songs bear the mark of hard truths and sin. ", "But the punk energy behind the playing, and the sense that it's all in good fun, make it OK to dance to a song like \"Death.\" ", "Full Story" ]
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[ "Taylor Swift and Eminem have been lined up as musical guests\n\nSNL: Tiffany Haddish, Chance the Rapper to host in November\n\nSaturday Night Live type TV Show network NBC genre Comedy Where to watch Close Streaming Options\n\nSaturday Night Live has tapped a pair of first-time hosts for November: Chance the Rapper and Girls Trip star Tiffany Haddish.", "\n\nThe show announced via Twitter that Haddish will host the Nov. 11 episode with musical guest Taylor Swift, the day after Swift’s Reputation album drops. ", "Chance, who has already served as musical guest multiple times, will host the next week’s episode; Eminem takes on music duties. (", "His Revival album will be released on Nov. 17.) ", "The announcement also confirmed that Larry David will host the next SNL on Nov. 4, with Miley Cyrus.", "\n\nHaddish had a breakout 2017 after earning rave reviews for her performance in Girls Trip opposite Queen Latifah and Regina Hall. ", "She was also a series regular on NBC’s The Carmichael Show for all three seasons; the sitcom was canceled earlier this year. ", "Her SNL hosting gig on Nov. 11 will mark her first appearance on the sketch series.", "\n\nChance, whose last album Coloring Book won Best Rap Album at the Grammy Awards, is no stranger to SNL. ", "In addition to his musical performances over the last few years, he netted a 2017 Emmy nomination for Music and Lyrics for the song “Last Christmas,” a digital short which paid tribute to the final Christmas celebrated under President Barack Obama.", "\n\nBoth Swift and Eminem have made several musical guest appearances on SNL." ]
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[ "DMSO Chemically Alters Cell Membranes to Slow Exocytosis and Increase the Fraction of Partial Transmitter Released.", "\nDimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is frequently used as a solvent in biological studies and as a vehicle for drug therapy; but the side effects of DMSO, especially on the cell environment, are not well understood, and controls with DMSO are not neutral at higher concentrations. ", "Herein, electrochemical measurement techniques are applied to show that DMSO increases exocytotic neurotransmitter release, while leaving vesicular contents unchanged. ", "In addition, the kinetics of release from DMSO-treated cells are faster than that of untreated ones. ", "The results suggest that DMSO has a significant influence on the chemistry of the cell membrane, leading to alteration of exocytosis. ", "A speculative chemical mechanism of the effect on the fusion pore during exocytosis is presented." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "I am a Christian, single Mom with 2 kids. ", "My husband and I separated 5 years ago, and are now in the final stages of a divorce. ", "I work from home selling Discovery Toys, and I teach acting part-time for the City of Visalia after school programs. ", "But my most important job is raising my 2 children, Edmund and Meghan.", "\n\nGibby's Page\n\nPicture Gallery\n\nMichael's Page\n\nMy Discovery Toys Page\n\nHobbies and Interests\n\nQuote of the Week:\n\nAs a single mom, I don't have much time of my own. ", "When I do find some, I usually read a new book or catch up on tv shows I've videotaped during the week while at work. ", "I love country line dancing, going to the movies, and working backstage in the theatre. ", "I collect Barbies, hallmark, and cast member pins. ", "I love animals, and consider my cats to be part of my family.", "\n\nfrom \"Buffy the Vampire Slayer\", season 6 finale:\n\nAndrew (to Xander and Anya): \"And then what? ", "Think your little witch buddy's going to stop with us? ", "You saw her! ", "She's a truck driving Magic Mama! ", "And we've got maybe seconds before Darth Rosenberg grinds everybody into jawa-burgers and not one of you bunch has the midi-clorians to stop her!\"", "\n\nXander: \"You've never had any tiny bit of sex, have you?\"", "\n\nAnya (to Xander): \" The annoying virgin has a point.\"", "\n\nFAST FACTS:Favorite TV Shows: \"Buffy the Vampire Slayer\" and \"Angel\"\n\nFavorite Movies: \"Star Wars-The Empire Strikes Back\", \"Ladyhawke\"\n\nFavorite Song: \"There Will Come a Day\" by Faith Hill\n\nFavorite female vocalist: Bette Midler\n\nFavorite Male Singer: Gary Allan\n\nFavorite Country Group: SHeDaisy\n\nFavorite Color: Cobalt Blue\n\nFavoite flower: Stargazer Lily\n\nFavorite Car: My blue 2000 Dodge Neon!", "\n\nFavorite Disney character: Belle and the Genie\n\nMore Fast Facts:\n\nBooks that changed my life: The Bible (DUH!), ", "Hinds Feet on High Places, by Hannah Hurnard, and This Present Darkness, by Frank Peretti.", "\n\nFave authors: Peretti, Jo Beverly, Patricia Veryan, John Grisham\n\nI have two children, Edmund and Meghan. ", "Being their mommy is the most wonderful thing in my life.", "\n\nMost of my friends are the people I work with at the hotel. ", "I have several close friends that play a very important part in my life, many far-away friends from church, and a couple of old, dear friends from school. ", "Friendship is the most valuable thing in my life, next to my family!", "\n\nFriends and Family\n\nMe and my two children on Easter 2003.", "\n\nSome friends from work and myself at a concierge event in August of 2004" ]
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[ "Optimization of a genomic breeding program for a moderately sized dairy cattle population.", "\nAlthough it now standard practice to genotype thousands of female calves, genotyping of bull calves is generally limited to progeny of elite cows. ", "In addition to genotyping costs, increasing the pool of candidate sires requires purchase, isolation, and identification of calves until selection decisions are made. ", "We economically optimized via simulation a genomic breeding program for a population of approximately 120,000 milk-recorded cows, corresponding to the Israeli Holstein population. ", "All 30,000 heifers and 60,000 older cows of parities 1 to 3 were potential bull dams. ", "Animals were assumed to have genetic evaluations for a trait with heritability of 0.25 derived by an animal model evaluation of the population. ", "Only bull calves were assumed to be genotyped. ", "A pseudo-phenotype corresponding to each animal's genetic evaluation was generated, consisting of the animal's genetic value plus a residual with variance set to obtain the assumed reliability for each group of animals. ", "Between 4 and 15 bulls and between 200 and 27,000 cows with the highest pseudo-phenotypes were selected as candidate bull parents. ", "For all progeny of the founder animals, genetic values were simulated as the mean of the parental values plus a Mendelian sampling effect with variance of 0.5. ", "A probability of 0.3 for a healthy bull calf per mating, and a genomic reliability of 0.43 were assumed. ", "The 40 bull calves with the highest genomic evaluations were selected for general service for 1 yr. ", "Costs included genotyping of candidate bulls and their dams, purchase of the calves from the farmers, and identification. ", "Costs of raising culled calves were partially recovered by resale for beef. ", "Annual costs were estimated as $10,922 + $305 × candidate bulls. ", "Nominal profit per cow per genetic standard deviation was $106. ", "Economic optimum with a discount rate of 5%, first returns after 4 yr, and a profit horizon of 15 yr were obtained with genotyping 1,620 to 1,750 calves for all numbers of bull sires. ", "However, 95% of the optimal profit can be achieved with only 240 to 300 calves. ", "The higher reliabilities achieved through addition of genomic information to the selection process contribute not only in obtaining higher genetic gain, but also in obtaining higher absolute profits. ", "In addition, the optimal profits are obtained for a lower number of calves born in each generation. ", "Inbreeding, as allowed within genomic selection for the Israeli herd, had virtually no effect on genetic gain or on profits, when compared with the case of exclusion of all matings that generate inbreeding. ", "Annual response to selection ranged from 0.35 to 0.4 genetic standard deviation for 4 to 15 bull sires, as compared with 0.25 to 0.3 for a comparable half-sib design without genomic selection." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "The Kickbee tweets when your unborn baby kicks\n\nIf our pets can now send tweets, then it only makes sense that our unborn children should be able to as well. ", "The Kickbee is a prototype device that lets them do just that, even if they’re not aware that they’re doing it. ", "It takes the form of an electronics-filled stretchable spandex band, which the pregnant mother wears over her bulging belly. ", "When it detects movement underneath itself, the result is a Twitter update along the lines of “I kicked Mommy!”", "\n\nThe Kickbee was created by New York interaction designer and applications developer Corey Menscher, when his own wife was expecting. ", "It contains piezioelectric vibration sensors, which emit small but detectable voltages when triggered by in-belly activity. ", "An onboard microcontroller analyzes those electrical signals, then transmits the data to a computer via Bluetooth. ", "A Java app on that computer analyzes the sensor values, and selects an appropriate Twitter text message based on what Junior is apparently up to. ", "The resultant tweets can be sent to mobile phones anywhere in the world, or saved as an archive for monitoring the health of the fetus... that, or perhaps for later “Look what you put me through!” ", "usage.", "\n\nPresumably, the system is able to tell the difference between kicks and intestinal gas.", "\n\nAccording to Menscher, “Whether separated by hundreds of miles, or by a simple daily commute, the separation can be heart wrenching for the upcoming parents as they struggle to support one another for this major change in their lives. ", "The Kickbee is intended to help bridge the physical gap between spouses by enabling pregnant mothers to share the experience of a baby kicking in the womb with the fathers... an event that is normally only experienced in close proximity through the touch of the father's hand to her belly.”", "\n\nAt this point, the product is still in the development stage - you might even say it’s neonatal. ", "If you’re interested in buying one, you’ll just have to periodically check in on the Kickbee website.", "\n\nAn experienced freelance writer, videographer and television producer, Ben's interest in all forms of innovation is particularly fanatical when it comes to human-powered transportation, film-making gear, environmentally-friendly technologies and anything that's designed to go underwater. ", "He lives in Edmonton, Alberta, where he spends a lot of time going over the handlebars of his mountain bike, hanging out in off-leash parks, and wishing the Pacific Ocean wasn't so far away." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nRails 3 complex query with sort\n\nI have a User model and an Event model. ", " User has_many events. ", " What I want to be able to do is find the User that has the most events created in the last 24 hours.", "\nIdeally, the output format would have be an array of hashes [{User => [Event, Event, ...]}], which would be sorted by User's with the highest events.count\nThanks\n\nA:\n\nThis works for me, but might require tweaking depending on your database.", "\nclass User\n scope :by_most_events, -> { \n joins(:events)\n .select(\"users.*, ", "count(events.id) as event_count\")\n .where(events: { created_at: 24.hours.ago..Time.now })\n .group(\"users.id, events.id\") # this is for postgres (required group for aggregate)\n .order(\"event_count desc\")\n }\nend\n\n### usage\n\nUser.by_most_events.limit(1).first.event_count\n# => 123\n\nAs Sixty4Bit mentioned, you should use counter_cache, but it will not suffice in this situation because you need to query for events created in the last 24 hours.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Work to build a new place of worship for Jehovah’s Witnesses is nearly complete.", "\n\nThe new Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses will be situated on the corner of the road linking the A596 to Station Hill, Wigton.", "\n\nA mammoth effort from Jehovah’s Witnesses both locally and from further afield has meant it has been constructed in just under six months.", "\n\nTarrant Harbour, site manager, is a full-time volunteer and has worked on many projects like this. ", "He said: It’s really satisfying and it’s an expression of their faith for the Jehovah’s Witnesses to come and help.", "\n\n“We have a database where all Jehovah’s Witnesses can sign up to volunteer, they add in their skills and rate themselves. ", "At the moment there are about 20,000 on that database.”", "\n\nAll worshippers have a different skill set that they have been able to apply to the construction work meaning the site incurred no labour costs.", "\n\nDavid Tyson is a Jehovah’s Witness and has been helping on site since work started in September.", "\n\nHe said: “We’ve had a few hundred people on site helping out, all are Jehovah’s Witnesses and all are volunteers. ", "They’re from all round with different skill sets.", "\n\n“The only things we’ve had to pay for is the materials, the laying of the tarmac for the car park and the field itself.”", "\n\nThe new site will replace the current place of workship in Reed’s Lane that has been used for more than 30 years.", "\n\nLocally, there are roughly 60 Jehovah’s Witnesses in the area and the new hall has been designed by their own architects according to the amount of worshippers it will need to accommodate.", "\n\nInside the new hall will be a main room which will be used for public meetings and worshipping, attached to this is an overflow room for the larger meetings. ", "The hall will hold over 100 people once finished.", "\n\nMr Tyson has been helping to fit the sound systems and TVs that will play videos. ", "He said: “It’s modern, comfortable and a nice listening environment.”", "\n\nThe community has rallied together to get the hall finished in a short space of time. ", "Jehovah’s Witnesses from outside the area have been staying with locals. ", "Mr Tyson currently has three volunteers staying with him.", "\n\nThe first planned meeting in the new Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses is March 3." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nFile to Zip Exists C#\n\nI have numerous large files that I have to transfer. ", " My TX program keeps hanging when I zip everything into one large file. ", " So I want to zip the individual files.", "\n namespace WindowsFormsApplication1\n {\n public partial class UncompressFolder : Form\n {\n public UncompressFolder()\n {\n InitializeComponent();\n }\n\n void ProcessFiles(string path, string choice=\"U\")\n {\n string[] files;\n\n files = Directory.", "GetFiles(path);\n foreach (string file in files)\n {\n // Process each file\n if (!", "file.", "ToUpper().Contains(\"zip\"))\n {\n FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(file);\n string startPath = fi.", "DirectoryName;\n string zipPath = fi.", "DirectoryName + @\"\\zipped\\\";\n string zipFile = zipPath + fi.", "Name+\".zip\";\n\n string extractPath = startPath + @\"\\unzipped\";\n if (!", "Directory.", "Exists(extractPath))\n {\n Directory.", "CreateDirectory(extractPath);\n }\n\n if (choice == \"Z\")\n {\n // zip it --> always give me the \"File's In Use Error\"\n // option I had tried but did not work --> Directory.", "CreateDirectory(zipPath);\n System.", "IO.Compression.", "ZipFile.", "CreateFromDirectory(startPath, zipFile);\n\n }\n else\n {// unzip -- works fine\n\n System.", "IO.Compression.", "ZipFile.", "ExtractToDirectory(file, extractPath);\n }\n\n }\n\n }\n\n }\n\n private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\n {\n this.folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog();\n ProcessFiles(folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath, \"U\");\n }\n\n private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)\n {\n this.folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog();\n ProcessFiles(folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath,\"Z\");\n }\n }\n }\n\nI saw the posts about people zipping into their existing files and I don't think that's what I'm doing. ", " I would be so happy and appreciative if someone could help me figure this out. ", "\n\nA:\n\nZipping a file into the same folder that you are zipping is what probably causes this exception to be thrown. ", "Try to change your code logics so that the zipped file is created outside the target folder:\n// Exception\nZipFile.", "CreateFromDirectory(@\"C:\\MyPath\", @\"C:\\MyPath\\MyArchive.zip\");\n\n// No Exception\nZipFile.", "CreateFromDirectory(@\"C:\\MyPath\", @\"C:\\MyOtherPath\\MyArchive.zip\");\n\nAvoid doing bizarre tricks like copying the target folder into another location and passing that one to the CreateFromDirectory method. ", "This will slow things down a lot and will occupy unnecessary space on your drive, especially if your folder contains big files.", "\nOn a side note, never change your directory paths manually by concatenating strings. ", "This can, sometimes, produce weird results. ", "Use Path.", "Combine instead, which can internally handle everything much better:\nString zipPath = Path.", "Combine(fi.", "DirectoryName, @\"\\zipped\\\");\n\nAlso, refactor your code so that the necessary paths are computed only when a specific action is required. ", "This will slightly increase the process performance:\nFileInfo fi = new FileInfo(file);\nstring startPath = fi.", "DirectoryName;\n\nif (choice == \"Z\")\n{\n string zipPath = fi.", "DirectoryName + @\"\\zipped\\\";\n string zipFile = zipPath + fi.", "Name+\".zip\";\n\n Directory.", "CreateDirectory(zipPath);\n ZipFile.", "CreateFromDirectory(startPath, zipFile);\n}\nelse\n{\n string extractPath = startPath + @\"\\unzipped\";\n\n if (!", "Directory.", "Exists(extractPath))\n Directory.", "CreateDirectory(extractPath);\n\n ZipFile.", "ExtractToDirectory(file, extractPath);\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to Set/Get \"Last Saved on\" Information for a baseline using Aspose.", "Tasks\n\nI want to export data and create MsProject File using Aspose.", "Tasks. ", "I am able to export data from my local db to project file successfully but while exporting Baseline information I am not able to find how to set \"Last Saved on\" information for the baseline. ", "I am using below code to create and set baseline. ", "\n project.", "SetBaseline(BaselineType.", "Baseline, new Task[] { task });\n var baselineType=BaselineType.", "Baseline;\n TaskBaseline baseline = task.", "Baselines.", "FirstOrDefault(x => \n x.BaselineNumber.", "Equals(baselineType));\n\n if (baseline !", "= null)\n {\n if (!", "String.", "IsNullOrEmpty(baselineDto.", "Cost))\n baseline.", "Cost = Convert.", "ToDecimal(baselineDto.", "Cost);\n\n }\n\nIf Anyone has any idea how to Get/Set \"Last Saved on\" Information for a baseline, please share.", "\nThanks.", "\nBhupesh\n\nA:\n\n@Bhupesh Bhatt,\nI have observed your requirements and like to inform that we can only get Last Saved information using Aspose.", "Tasks. ", "I have shared following sample code. ", "This will help you to achieve your requirements.", "\nvar s = @\"c:\\test\\baseline msp 2016.mpp\"; Project p = new Project(s); \nConsole.", "WriteLine(p.", "GetBaselineSaveTime(BaselineType.", "Baseline));\nConsole.", "WriteLine(p.", "GetBaselineSaveTime(BaselineType.", "Baseline1));\nConsole.", "WriteLine(p.", "GetBaselineSaveTime(BaselineType.", "Baseline2));\n\nI am working as Support developer/ Evangelist at Aspose.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "イラッシャイ! ", "ぼくは クッパから なかまをたすける たびにでます。 ", "ごようのかたは ざんねんでした。 ", "スーパードラゴン ヨッシー\n\nヨッシーとは、マリオシリーズに登場するキャラクターである。", "\n\n曖昧さ回避\n\n概要\n\n\n\n\n\n「スーパーマリオワールド」(SFC、1990年11月)でマリオの乗り物として初登場。スーパードラゴンである。", "\n\n「ヨッシーのたまご」(GB、1991年12月)で主役デビュー。その後「ヨッシーのクッキー」(FC・GB、1992年11月)「ヨッシーのパネポン」(GB、1996年10月)を経て、「スーパーマリオ ヨッシーアイランド」(SFC、1995年8月)で本流アクションゲームでの主役を務めた。", "\n\n「ヨッシーストーリー」(N64、1997年)から戸高一生氏が声を担当。この作品から少々体が縮んだ。", "\n\n「スーパーマリオワールド」の頃のヨッシーのつづりは「YOSSY」だったが、1996年12月発売の「マリオカート64」あたりから「YOSHI」になっている。なお、海外では一貫して「YOSHI」のつづりが採用されている。", "\n\nよく、マリオに乗り捨てされる。スーパーマリオ4コマ劇場でも乗り捨てることをギャグにした4コマネタが多い。", "\n\n,-、 .,-、\n\n|/| |/|\n\n|/(二|/| ~oノ\n\n|/| |/| ノ ヘ\n\n|/| |/|\n\n_|/|_|/|____\n\n(XXXXXXXXXXXXX\n\n ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\n\n___ |\n\nXXXX) | 0、\n\n ̄| ̄ | ,、_ノ _)\n\n| | ヽU /、\n\n| | `ν\n\n主役を務めた作品\n\n能力\n\n後述の通り色の違いによって能力差がある作品もあるが、この項目ではヨッシーという種族に共通した能力を紹介する。", "\n\n最大の特徴は長いベロでザコを食べる点。「ヨッシーアイランド」からは食べた敵をタマゴにして生み、そのタマゴを投げる技が加わった。ほか滞空時間が伸びるふんばりジャンプや、垂直落下攻撃のヒップドロップなどの技もある。「ヨッシーアイランド」ではヘリコプターや潜水艦などに変身する「モーフィング」の能力もある。", "\n\n「スーパーマリオワールド」ではマリオだとダメージを受ける一部の敵(ブラックパックンなど)の上を無傷で歩ける。足腰が強いというイメージがあるのか、スポーツゲームだとスピード系の能力に優れている事が多い。一方重さについては軽量級だったり中量級だったりと作品によってバラツキがある。", "\n\n色の違い\n\n今までに11色(赤・ピンク・オレンジ・黄・緑・水色・青・紫・茶・白・黒)のヨッシーが確認されている。(あみぐるみヨッシーを除く)\n\n緑・赤・黄・青は「スーパーマリオワールド」から、ピンク・水色・紫・茶色は「ヨッシーアイランド」から、白・黒は「ヨッシーストーリー」から、オレンジは「スーパーマリオサンシャイン」から各々登場している。", "\n\n「スーパーマリオワールド」における緑(通常)・赤・黄・青の4種はそれぞれ性能が異なっている。", "\n\n敵キャラを食べたり、スピンジャンプ相当の踏みつけが行えたり、乗り捨てる事が出来たり、口に含んだ甲羅の色によって特殊能力を発揮できる点は4色とも共通である。", "\n\n赤ヨッシーはヨッシーの基本能力に加えて、「甲羅を吐き出す場合、何色の甲羅であっても赤甲羅を吐き出す時のように炎を吐く」能力を持つ。炎は強力な攻撃手段でもあるが、緑の甲羅を吐き出してブロックにぶつける等のアクションが行えなくなる。なおカメの甲羅以外のものは普通に吐き出す。", "\n\n黄ヨッシーはヨッシーの基本能力に加えて、「甲羅を口に含んでいる間は、何色の甲羅であっても黄甲羅を口に含んでいる時のように着地のたびに地響きを起こす」能力を持つ。", "\n\n青ヨッシーはヨッシーの基本能力に加えて、「甲羅を口に含んでいる間は、何色の甲羅であっても青甲羅を口に含んでいる時のように羽が生えて空が飛べる」能力を持つ。", "\n\n緑の通常ヨッシーは世界のいたるところで発見出来るが、残りの3色は「伝説のヨッシー」であり、スターロードに存在するコースの中でしか発見できない。また発見した時点ではチビヨッシーであるため、いくつか物を食べさせて成長させないとヨッシーとして使えない。", "\n\nなお、「ヨッシーの羽」を入手してボーナスステージへ行くと、それまで乗っていたヨッシーが青ヨッシーに変化するため、青ヨッシーに限ってはこの方法でも入手可能。赤と黄はスターロードまで行ってチビのお守りをするしかない。", "\n\n「ヨッシーストーリー」の白黒ヨッシーは好き嫌いが無く、他の色のヨッシーが苦手なものも食べられるほか、卵を投げた時の花火や声などにも違いがある。", "\n\n「ヨッシーアイランド」以降では「ヨッシーストーリー」を除いてこのような差別化は無くなり、色の違いは単なる個体差程度のものとなった。", "\n\n鳴き声\n\n登場初期のヨッシーの鳴き声が「でっていう」と聞こえることから、ネット上ではこの鳴き声やヨッシー自身を「でっていう」と呼ぶ事が多い。ただし「ウィッキー」と言う鳴き声で有名なマリオ漫画「スーパーマリオワールド」(本山一城氏作)によれば、任天堂曰く「あの鳴き声(でっていう)はヨッシーと言っている」とのこと。", "\n\n特にニコニコ動画では「ヨッシー」より「でっていう」の名称の方がよく使われるため、動画を探す際もそちらの方が多くヒットする。詳しくは「でっていう」の項目も参照。", "\n\n現在は任天堂の音楽スタッフの一人である戸高一生氏[1]のボイスが加工されたものが使用されており、「ヨッシー」「ガルルル…」「オアッオー」「アワワワワ…」などいろいろ種類が増えた。", "\n\n人の声で「ヨッシー」と当てられたゲームは、「ヨッシーのクッキー」(SFC、1993年)が最初。キャストは不明。対戦モードで確認できる。", "\n\n性別について\n\nよくオスかメスかで議論になることがあるが、「64ドリーム(現:ニンテンドードリーム)」の質問コーナーで、当時の任天堂広報担当である本郷好尾氏[2]が「卵を産むからメスです」と回答している。その回答に読者が「ヨッシーはスーパードラゴンだから性別はないのではないか」と指摘し、本郷氏は「メスという回答に、社内では反対意見はありませんでしたよ」と回答している。", "\n\n一方で、宮本茂氏と手塚卓志氏がMTVのインタビュー において「ヨッシー(とキノピオ)は中性である」と答えている。", "\n\nトリビア\n\n1993年の任天堂キャラクターガイドによれば、ヨッシーのフルネームは「T. ", "Yoshisaur Munchakoopas」(T.ヨシザウルス・ムンチャクッパス)とされている。現在もこの設定が生きているかは定かではない。", "\n\n2005年の大塚製薬「オロナミンC 元気ハツラツぅ? ", "キャンペーン」のイマドキ輝いてる20人の中の1人(匹)に選ばれたことがある。", "\n\n見た目や能力から「恐竜」と思われているが、実は亀の設定。「ニンテンドークラシックミニ スーパーファミコン」発売記念インタビュー 第5回 では「ヨッシーはカメの仲間。背中の鞍も実はコウラ」と記載されている。ただし、 ニンテンドーキッズスペース で「カメなのか恐竜なのかわかっていない」と記載されていたり、ほかの媒体でもさんざんスーパードラゴンや恐竜と記載がある為、カメの要素があるドラゴンと見るべきかもしれない。", "\n\n大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズシリーズにおけるヨッシー\n\nスマブラでは64時代からの皆勤賞。ドンキーコングやワリオと同様、マリオシリーズからではなく自身のタイトル作品からの参戦という形になっており、シンボルマークや勝利BGMも専用のものを持っている。", "\n\n声優は一貫して戸高一生氏が担当。", "\n\n最大の長所は、なんといっても「ふんばりジャンプ」による空中機動力の高さ。また、他のキャラと違ってシールドが卵の殻になりダメージを受けても小さくならない、舌を伸ばして相手を捕らえるためつかみのリーチが長いなどの特徴がある。", "\n\n必殺技も相手を卵の殻の中に閉じ込める「たまご産み」、地上を高速で移動しながら攻撃する「ごろごろたまご」など個性豊かなものが揃い、「ヒップドロップ」により決定力も十分。上必殺技の「たまご投げ」は当初上昇能力が全くなかったが、『X』からは空中で使うと技発生時に若干浮くようになった。", "\n\n最後の切りふだは『X』『for』では「スーパードラゴン」。一定時間自在に飛び回れるようになり、火炎や火球で攻撃する。", "\n\n『Special』では大量のヨッシーが押し寄せる「あつまれヨッシー」に変更された。これは『DX』のオープニングの1シーンが元ネタ。", "\n\nちなみに前述の性別についてはスネークやピットのスマッシュアピールでもネタにされている。", "\n\n関連動画\n\n関連静画\n\n関連商品\n\namiibo\n\n関連項目\n\n脚注\n\n*『どうぶつの森』シリーズに登場するギター弾きのとたけけのモデルとしても有名であり、そちらでも氏のボイスが加工されたものがとたけけのボイスとして使われている。 *", "ちなみにドンキーコングの名付け親でもある。なお現在はゲーム業界を離れポッカコーポレーションのマネージャーを務めている。", "\n\n【スポンサーリンク】\n\nほめる 11\n\n0pt" ]
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[ "New York Giants defensive tackle Jay Bromley is facing possible assault charges after a woman accused him of raping her during a date that went horribly awry in a Midtown hotel.", "\n\nThe accuser suffered minor injuries when she confronted the lineman afterward outside the hotel, and he allegedly struck her with the front of his car as he drove away, law enforcement sources told The Post.", "\n\nThose injuries could earn him a misdemeanor assault rap.", "\n\nLess clear are the woman’s rape allegations, which multiple police sources say could wind up in a he-said, she-said stalemate.", "\n\nBromley and the woman have both spoken with investigators, with detectives from the NYPD Special Victims Unit interviewing Bromley Saturday, sources said.", "\n\nThe woman and Bromley — a 6-foot-3, 306-pound, third-round selection in the 2014 NFL draft — met via Instagram, ­according to sources.", "\n\nBromley, 23, picked up the 26-year-old woman at her Brooklyn home Friday, and the two hit a hookah bar in Manhattan.", "\n\nThey ended up in a room at the Hyatt Herald Square hotel in Midtown early Saturday.", "\n\n“She said she willfully performed oral sex on him,” a source said. ", "But then “something took place where she didn’t want it to take place.”", "\n\nThe woman started vomiting, and the sexual contact stopped, explained another source with knowledge of the woman’s statements to police.", "\n\nAn infuriated Bromley then forcibly grabbed the woman, turned her around and began having sex with her against her will, the woman alleged to police investigators.", "\n\n“The victim told Mr. Bromley to stop, but he kept going,” the source said.", "\n\nThe Queens-born player then fled the hotel, she told cops. ", "She followed him to his car, confronted him and — according to at least one of their accounts — demanded that he give her a ride home, sources said.", "\n\nBromley refused, driving away. ", "At least one of their accounts describes the furious ­accuser leaping onto the hood of his vehicle to stop him.", "\n\nShe soon fell from the car and injured her knees when she hit the pavement, sources told The Post.", "\n\nThe woman was treated at Roosevelt Hospital. ", "Saturday afternoon, detectives escorted a woman, her head and face covered by the hood of her jacket, in and out of the hotel.", "\n\nA credit card in Bromley’s name was used to pay for the room, a police source confirmed.", "\n\nBromley, who grew up in ­Jamaica, Queens, played in 16 games for the Giants last season and notched 36 tackles.", "\n\nThe Syracuse University star signed a four-year, $3 million contract and is set to make $605,000 for the 2016 season.", "\n\n“We are aware of the situation and will continue to monitor it,” a Giants spokesman said. “", "We have notified the league office per the league’s protocol. ", "We will have no further comment, as we understand this is an ongoing investigation.”", "\n\nBromley was a crack baby born to a drug-addicted mom. ", "His pimp father was sentenced in 1994 to 8¹/₃ to 25 years in prison for manslaughter after beating a prostitute and tying her to a basement radiator.", "\n\nWhen Bromley was 3 months old, he was abandoned on a stranger’s doorstep in Jamaica. ", "His father’s sister took in the boy with her family and raised him as her own.", "\n\nHe played football at Flushing HS and earned a scholarship to Syracuse University.", "\n\n“They’re not going to give away money for sob stories, I don’t care how bad someone’s story is,” Bromley told The Post for a 2014 profile. “", "They ain’t just drafting people just because they got good stories.”", "\n\n“You don’t forget where you come from or the things you see growing up.”", "\n\nBromley and his agent didn’t return calls Saturday.", "\n\nHe’s well-liked by his neighbors at a Secaucus, NJ, apartment complex. ", "One neighbor, Secaucus HS Principal Bob Berckes, invited Bromley to speak to students last year.", "\n\n“He spoke about his upbringing — how he turned a negative into a positive,” Berckes said.", "\n\n“He is nothing but a gentleman. ", "He’s a very humble individual. ", "Compassionate. ", "Willing to share his past so other kids can realize they can turn things around,” Berckes said. “", "He’s nothing but a classy human being.”", "\n\nAdditional reporting by Kevin Fasick, Jennifer Bain, Natalie Musumeci and Abbie Gepner" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a semiconductor integrated circuit and a method and apparatus for designing a wiring pattern of the semiconductor integrated circuit, and more particularly to a semiconductor integrated circuit apparatus which is effective for designing a semiconductor integrated circuit using a multilayer wiring layer, a wiring pattern designing method and a wiring pattern designing apparatus.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nIn a semiconductor integrated circuit apparatus, conventionally, a multilayer wiring technique has been used to enhance a degree of integration.", "\nIf a wiring layer has the variation of wiring pattern density, there are the following two drawbacks.", "\nAs a first drawback, finishing precision in a wiring is deteriorated by a loading effect. ", "The loading effect implies a phenomenon in which a finishing dimension of the pattern fluctuates depending on the density of the pattern. ", "The loading effect is caused by an optical proximity effect in a photolithographic step and the excessive or insufficient amount of an etching gas in an etching step.", "\nA second drawback relates to a controllability of an interlayer insulating film on a wiring layer.", "\nFIG. ", "30 is a view showing a sectional structure of a wiring. ", "As shown in FIG. ", "30, an interlayer insulating film 90 is flat in a region A in which first layer wiring patterns 10A, 10B and 10C are arranged regularly at an interval which is equal to or smaller than a predetermined interval, and a dent region is formed on the interlayer insulating film 90 so that a concavo-convex portion is generated in a region B in which the interval has a predetermined value or more as in the first layer wiring patterns 10C and 10D. A second layer wiring is formed on the concavo-convex portion. ", "For this reason, there is a problem in that a thickness of a film is reduced in a step portion or precision in the pattern is deteriorated to cause a disconnection, and a manufacturing defective rate is increased.", "\nMoreover, a chemical mechanical polishing method (CMP) has widely been used as a technique for flattening an interlayer insulating film. ", "In the case in which a wiring pattern has a variation of density, however, it is hard to completely carry out the flattening. ", "A wiring in a microfabricating process has a problem to be considered in addition to the above drawbacks.", "\nAs a third drawback, a capacitance of the wiring is changed depending on the presence of an adjacent wiring.", "\nA wiring spacing is extremely reduced due to an increase in integration, and a parasitic capacitance between adjacent or intersecting wirings is greater than a parasitic capacitance between a signal wiring and a silicon substrate. ", "As a result, the cross talk which causes noise and signal delay by coupling signal lines.", "\nAs a fourth drawback, a wiring resistance is increased. ", "A thickness of a wiring is increasingly reduced due to a decrease in a wiring dimension with a process scaling and a length of the wiring is increased more and more due to a high degree of integration, and the wiring resistance is increased. ", "For this reason, an RC delay of the wiring (a delay generated by a resistance component and a capacity component of the wiring) is greater than a transistor delay.", "\nAs the conventional art for the first and second drawbacks caused by a nonuniformity of the wiring, there has been invented an automatic wiring method for generating a flattened pattern (a wiring dummy pattern) in an empty region. ", "For example, Patent Document 1 has disclosed an automatic wiring method for a semiconductor apparatus which serves to search for an empty region in which a wiring path is not present and to generate a redundant wiring which does not come in contact with an element and a wiring in the empty region (claim 1) in order to form a flat wiring layer without a variation in the wiring (the abstract and object of the Patent Document 1).", "\nThe automatic wiring method is executed in the following manner in accordance with a flowchart showing a flow of steps in FIG. ", "23.", "\nFirst of all, at S100, data representing a wiring path in each layer are held in a wiring path storing apparatus.", "\nAt S200, next, an empty region in which a wiring path is not present is searched. ", "At subsequent S300, a redundant wiring which does not come in contact with an element and a wiring is generated in the empty region.", "\nThis method will be specifically described with reference to FIG. ", "24. ", "FIG. ", "24 shows a wiring pattern. ", "In a semiconductor integrated circuit apparatus 700, first layer wiring patterns 10A and 10B which are vertically adjacent to each other and second layer wiring patterns 20A and 20B are shown. ", "Moreover, description will be given on the assumption that a horizontal direction is preferentially used in the first layer wiring pattern 10 and a perpendicular direction is preferentially used in the second layer wiring pattern 20.", "\nThe first layer wiring 10 is provided on a first layer wiring grid line 11 and the second layer wiring 20 is provided on a second layer wiring grid line 21. ", "The first layer wirings 10A and 10B and the second layer wirings 20A and 20B are connected to each other through vias 30A and 30B, 50A and 50B denote a net to be wired at an equal electric potential. ", "FIG. ", "24 shows two nets 50A and 50B.\nAt the S100, data indicative of a wiring path in each layer based on the wiring pattern in FIG. ", "24 are held in a wiring path storing apparatus.", "\nIn FIG. ", "25, a portion related to the first layer wiring is extracted from the wiring pattern in FIG. ", "24. ", "At the step S200 in which the empty region is searched, a region which is not occupied by the first layer wiring patterns 10A and 10B in the first layer wiring grid line 11 in FIG. ", "25 is searched as a first layer empty region 12.", "\nAt the subsequent S300, as shown in FIG. ", "26, redundant flattened patterns 101A, 101B and 101C which do not come in contact with the first layer wirings 10A and 10B are generated in the first layer empty region 12. ", "In FIG. ", "27, the via 30 and the second layer wiring pattern 20 are added to FIG. ", "26.", "\nFor a conventional flattened pattern generating method, a method using a wiring pattern area ratio (a rate of an area occupied by a wiring with respect to a whole area in each wiring layer) as an index of a uniformity of the wiring has often been utilized. ", "For example, as shown in Patent Document 2, there has been disclosed “a pattern generating method wherein a flattened pattern capable of achieving a target value of a pattern area ratio is actually disposed in an empty region of a semiconductor integrated circuit apparatus based on a result of an area ratio verifying method”. ", "In the case in which the pattern area ratio is used, it is sufficient that the area ratio in a region to be aimed is satisfied. ", "Therefore, a wiring may have a density locally.", "\nIn addition to the first and second drawbacks, for the drawback that the capacitance value of the wiring is changed depending on the presence of the third adjacent wiring, Patent Document 3 has disclosed a technique for disposing either an actual wiring or a dummy wiring on all grids of a semiconductor integrated circuit in order to cause a wiring capacity to be uniform, and furthermore, fixing the dummy wiring to a certain electric potential, thereby eliminating a density of the wiring and causing a capacity between the wirings to be uniform (Paragraph [0009] in the Patent Document 3).", "\nFor a fourth drawback that a wiring resistance is increased, Patent Document 4 has disclosed a semiconductor integrated circuit optimizing method for increasing a wiring width after the wiring.", "\nFIG. ", "28 is a flowchart showing the conventional technique described in the Patent Document 4. ", "An element is disposed at S50, a wiring is carded out at S60, a wiring causing a violation of a design restriction such as a delay or a cross talk is extracted at S70, a width of only a horizontal segment which is parallel with a cell row of the extracted wiring is increased at S80, and a horizontal interval is increased when a perpendicular interval between the horizontal segment and a circuit component which is close to the horizontal segment is smaller than a predetermined threshold at S90.", "\nThe method will be specifically described with reference to the drawings. ", "It is assumed that a result of the wiring in the S60 is set into a state shown in FIG. ", "20. ", "In FIG. ", "24, the cell row is not shown for simplicity. ", "FIG. ", "24 is the same as the drawings used for the explanation of the Patent Document 1 and the reference numerals have been described above. ", "It is assumed that the net 50B is extracted as the wiring causing the violation of the design restriction in the S70. ", "At the subsequent 580, as shown in FIG. ", "29, a width of the horizontal segment 50B is increased. ", "At the S90, if a wiring spacing 42 between the first wiring layers does not satisfy a minimum interval rule specified by a design rule due to an increase in the wiring width at the S80, the wiring spacing 42 between the first layer wirings is increased so as to satisfy the design rule by a compaction in a perpendicular direction. ", " Patent Document 1: JP-A-5-63085 Publication Patent Document 2: JP-A-2005-222214 Publication Patent Document 3: Japanese Patent No. ", "3137072 Publication Patent Document 4: JP-A-2001-34646 Publication\nThe methods (the Patent Documents 1 to 3) of generating a flattened pattern (or a flattened dummy) according to the prior art in the Patent Documents 1 to 3 do not take the wiring resistance to be the fourth drawback into consideration. ", "Moreover, all of the flattened pattern generating methods according to the prior art serve to generate a redundant wiring which does not come in contact with a wiring in an empty region and only use the empty region for mainly generating a flattened pattern, and do not consider that a wiring resistance is reduced by using the empty region and there is a problem in that the wiring resistance is increased.", "\nAs in the semiconductor integrated circuit optimizing method described in the Patent Document 4, moreover, when the wiring width is simply increased after the wiring, a wiring spacing rule 42 depending on the wiring width (a design rule in which a wiring spacing is to be increased with an increase in a wiring width) is applied to a deep sub-micron process. ", "For this reason, a design becomes complicated.", "\nIn a designing method based on a minimum wiring width and wiring spacing as in a wiring grid used in an automatic place and route tool in an ASIC designing technique, particularly, there is a problem in that a design is complicated if a wide wiring is partially handled." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nC# compilation error of a console program - no 'Main' method suitable\n\nI have the following C# code:\nusing System;\nusing System.", "Collections.", "Generic;\nusing System.", "Linq;\nusing System.", "Text;\nusing System.", "IO;\nusing System.", "Security.", "Cryptography;\n\nnamespace command\n{\n class Program\n {\n\n public string DecryptStr(string _source, string _key)\n {\n string str;\n try\n {\n byte[] bytes1 = Encoding.", "ASCII.GetBytes(_key.", "Substring(0, 8));\n byte[] bytes2 = Encoding.", "ASCII.GetBytes(_key.", "Substring(8, 8));\n DES des = (DES)new DESCryptoServiceProvider();\n des.", "Key = bytes1;\n des.", "IV = bytes2;\n byte[] buffer = new byte[_source.", "Length / 2];\n for (int index = 0; index < _source.", "Length / 2; ++index)\n {\n int int32 = Convert.", "ToInt32(_source.", "Substring(index * 2, 2), 16);\n buffer[index] = (byte)int32;\n }\n MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();\n CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream((Stream)memoryStream, des.", "CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.", "Write);\n cryptoStream.", "Write(buffer, 0, buffer.", "Length);\n cryptoStream.", "FlushFinalBlock();\n str = Encoding.", "Default.", "GetString(memoryStream.", "ToArray());\n memoryStream.", "Close();\n }\n catch\n {\n str = \"Key Error...\";\n }\n return str;\n }\n\n public void Main(string[] args)\n {\n string decrypted = this.", "DecryptStr(args[0], \"0BDFC73BC56346AA\");\n Console.", "WriteLine(decrypted);\n }\n }\n}\n\nI don't know any C# but seems syntax OK from the point of view of a Ruby/Python programmer. ", "Unfortunately I'm not right, when I try to compile it I get the following error:\n------ Build started: Project: Decrypt, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------\nCSC : error CS5001: Program 'c:\\Users\\John\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2012\\Projects\\Decrypt\\Decrypt\\obj\\Debug\\Decrypt.exe' does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point\n========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========\n\nA:\n\nMain method should be static. ", "In your code it is not.", "\nSee for example default generated when creating a console application:\nnamespace ConsoleApplication1\n{\n public class Program\n {\n static void Main(string[] args)\n {\n }\n }\n}\n\nFurthermore, you can't then use this.", "DecryptStr as it is a static class. ", "You have two options:\n\nCreate an instance of Program and then call its method.", "\nChange method to be static too (and still not to use this)\n\n" ]
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[ "Turnout of Contrary Flexure\n\nA turnout of contrary flexure (Fig. ", "15.2) is one that takes off towards the direction opposite to that of the main line curve. ", "In this case, the degree and radius of the turnout curve are given by the following formulae:\n\nHere Dm is the degree of the rail of the main track on which the crossing lies," ]
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[ "I can’t believe you’re human – Wylona Hayashi\n\nShe’s the chameleon of a model from Japan that can transform herself into anyone from a dangerous femme fatale to an innocent Lolita. ", "The crazy thing is that her different characters look so dissimilar you really can’t even tell it’s the same person. ", "I love how she has fun with who she is.", "\n\nHere’s what she says about herself: “My philosophy is: It’s none of my business what people say about me and think of me. ", "I am what I am, and I do what I do. ", "I expect nothing, and accept everything. ", "And it makes life feel so much better.”" ]
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[ "मिथुन\n\nRegular Glass: The cheapest and most common form of frame glazing, regular glass protects your art piece from dust and scratches only. ", "This glazing is susceptible to breakage and does not protect your artwork from harmful UV rays or contain any anti-glare properties. ", "This glazing option is only available for Mini and Small prints.(more)\n\nAcrylic Glazing: Resistant to breakage, acrylic glazing is popular for its light weight and easy maintenance. ", "This type of glazing provides superior clarity, along with physical protection from dust and scratches.(more)\n\nAnti-glare Acrylic: Anti-glare glazing enhances the beauty of the artwork with a matte-like finish that scatters light to prevent any unwanted glare or reflection. ", "It is the best glazing option available in the market. ", "Along with its nearly invisible finish, it also protects the artwork from harmful UV rays so your framed pieces do not fade or deteriorate over time.(more)\n\nमिथुन (Mithuna) is a Sanskrit term used in Tantra most often translated as sexual union in a ritual context. ", "It is the most important of the five makara and constitutes the main part of the Grand Ritual of Tantra variously known as Panchamakara, Panchatattva, and Tattva Chakra.", "\nDraw after a statue that depicts the \"Loving Couple, Mithuna\" in the Eastern Ganga dynasty, 13th century Orissa, India.", "\nIt was a pleasure to complete the missing parts of the statue, enchanted me while drawing because this masterpiece really carries the message, sensitivity and tenderness of centuries.", "\nPrice of original artwork: bid\nShipping cost: free" ]
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[ "Subperiosteal osteoid osteoma: a case report.", "\nA 32-year-old woman with persistent knee pain, similar to that caused by a meniscus tear, was found to have a subperiosteal osteoid osteoma of the medial condyle of the knee. ", "Osteoid osteoma with this presentation and location does not seem to have been reported previously." ]
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[ "In creating a fluid filter, an attempt is made to maximize the loading capacity while simultaneously minimizing the volume of the filter itself and its face velocity. ", "Simultaneously, it is desirable to simplify or eliminate the housing structure necessary to support the filter. ", "All of these factors must be considered with an eye to keeping the overall cost to a minimum.", "\nPleated paper filters with rigid housings have long been the industry standard for most filtering application. ", "These filters, however, require relatively expensive housing structures and have relatively low filter densities and loading capacities.", "\nAttempts have been made to increase the filter density and loading capacity of filter elements. ", "One such filter is described in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "2,322,548 issued to Sigmund wherein an impervious board matrix separates a flat filtering sheet which is rolled into a cylindrical shape. ", "Filtering occurs when the fluid entering the intake side must cross through the inner walls at a right angle to exit by the outlet side. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "2,210,397 issued to Dreiss uses a similar to orthogonal flow filtering scheme by carefully aligning two sheets of substantially flat filter paper with a specially designed top and bottom plates to direct airflow. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,020,977 issued to Huppke et al introduces the additional feature of corrugated material between flat sheets, although the corrugated material performs no filtering function, merely acts as a spacer. ", "Likewise, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "2,397,759 issued to Sigmund employs a corrugated member as a spacer. ", "None of these devices is able to achieve the high filtering density desired because of the use of materials which are merely structure rather than both structural and performing a filtering function.", "\nThe present invention recognizes the value of orthogonal filtering flow while insuring that every element of the filter performs both a structural and a filtering function, rather than merely one or the other. ", "Thus, the desired result of maximizing strength and filter density while reducing face velocity and cost are achieved by the present invention." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAnimate and Finish Animate using jQuery\n\nstart button and Finish button does not work as i have given ids to both of them. ", "i want to start animate and when i click Finish it should finish animate\n<script src=\"jquery-2.2.1.min.js\"></script>\n<script>\n\n$(document).ready(function()\n{\n $(\"#start_Animate\").click(function()\n {\n $(\"div\").animate(2000);\n });\n $(\"#finish_Animate\").click(function()\n {\n $(\"div\").finish();\n });\n});\n\n</script>\n</head>\n\n<body>\n<button id=\"start_Animate\">Start Animate</button>\n<button id=\"finish_Animate\">Stop Animate</button>\n<div style=\"background-color:#900; width:400px; display:none; height:300px\"></div>\n</body>\n</html>\n\nA:\n\nWhen you call animate, you should tell it what to do also, in this case you can use the simple show(2000) to display the element\n\n$(document).ready(function() {\r\n $(\"#start_Animate\").click(function() {\r\n //$(\"div\").show(2000)\r\n $(\"div\").animate({\r\n width: [\"toggle\", \"swing\"],\r\n height: [\"toggle\", \"swing\"]\r\n }, 2000, \"linear\");\r\n });\r\n $(\"#finish_Animate\").click(function() {\r\n $(\"div\").finish();\r\n });\r\n});\n<script src=\"https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js\"></script>\r\n<button id=\"start_Animate\">Start Animate</button>\r\n<button id=\"finish_Animate\">Stop Animate</button>\r\n<div style=\"background-color:#900; width:400px; display:none; height:300px\"></div>\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs there a way to only expose a certain web method in a .Net Web Service to a particular user/group?", "\n\nI have a web service that has multiple web methods. ", "Is there a way to expose only one of these web methods to a certain group or person?", "\nAs of right now, I use Windows authentication and user groups for authorization. ", "This just allows complete access to the web service. ", "\n<authentication mode=\"Windows\"/>\n<authorization>\n <allow users=\"*\" roles=\"domain\\groupName\"/>\n <deny users=\"*\"/>\n</authorization>\n\nIs there a way to add another group in the roles attribute that would allow access to only \"MyMethod\" and not the other web methods that exist in the web service?", "\nAny help is greatly appreciated!", "\n\nA:\n\nHave a look at the Role-based Authorization Options in WCF section in the article Authentication, Authorization, and Identities in WCF. ", " The Declarative Authorization section seems to be what you are looking for.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0033333333333333335, 0, 0.02112676056338028, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nDisable YouTube autoplay permanently (no cookies) in Firefox?", "\n\nI am trying to disable the obnoxious AutoPlay anti-feature in YouTube running in Firefox. ", "I do not sign into Firefox, nor do I allow YouTube to use cookies on my machine, so the Autoplay slider button is not a working option for me.", "\nI notice that it seems to be JavaScript controlled, so I tried adding the following filters to AdBlock Plus:\n*innertube_watchnext*\n*www\\watch_autoplayrenderer.js*\n\nHowever, neither of these filters seems to disable it. ", "Does anyone have any further suggestions?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe autoplay feature is located in a JavaScript file called watch_autoplayrenderer.js that is loaded from https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/www-en_US-vflSyOHa7/watch_autoplayrenderer.js. ", "Filtering for\n||ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/*/watch_autoplayrenderer.js$important\n\ntherefore works. ", "Note that the $important is important because EasyList explicitly whitelists scripts from that server:\n@@||ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/$script\n\n" ]
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[ "New Delhi, July 2: A Central Industrial Security Force constable, posted at South Delhi’s CGO complex that houses several government buildings, committed suicide early this morning, reports our special correspondent.", "\n\nA resident of Hooghly district in Bengal, Lokesh Biswas pulled the trigger of his own rifle around 5.30 am. ", "The bullet pierced through his chin and Biswas died on the spot, police said.", "\n\nThough the police have not come across any letter that could throw light on why Biswas gave up his life, officials said prima facie it appeared to be a case of suicide." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.004629629629629629, 0.00909090909090909, 0.012987012987012988, 0.0058823529411764705 ]
[ "I wrote my story, Conjuring Tricks, in response to a strange picture. ", "We were asked to discard our first and second ideas and go with the third. ", "I really liked this approach. ", "My third idea was for a story about two characters waiting to audition for places in a painting by Hieronymus Bosch.", "\n\nThe anthology is all set to go, but first there’s a crowdfunding campaign underway. ", "Your chance to support weird stories!", "\n\nJonathan Gibbs, author of the novel Randall, a wonderful re-imagining of the world of the Young British Artists in the 1990s, has set up a weekly newsletter which generously offers an opportunity to any of us to draw up a personal anthology of 12 short stories. ", "I jumped straight in and my personal anthology was sent out by Jonathan last week.", "\n\nI relished the chance to revisit stories which have stuck in my mind since I first read them, some many years ago, others more recently. ", "My chosen stories are:\n\nAt Sea, Guy de Maupassant\n\nRikki-Tikki-Tavi, Rudyard Kipling\n\nThe Luncheon, W. Somerset Maugham\n\nA Child”s Christmas in Wales, Dylan Thomas\n\nCurl up and Dye, Fran Landsman\n\nErnesto, Juana Adcock\n\nWires, Jon McGregor\n\nThe Semplica Girl Diaries, George Saunders\n\nTiger Palace, Kirsty Logan\n\nSound Waves, Lane Ashfeldt\n\nThe Cruellne, James Clammer\n\nTwo, Joanna Walsh\n\nRead more about my choices here – I also give links to where you can read and/or buy them.", "\n\nStory snippets\n\n“The phone ringing will wake you in the night. ", "You’ll answer it but there’ll be no-one there. ", "Just a cat miaouing.” ", "From Baby\n\n“I blink and he’s standing there, just for a minute. ", "Glitter lands on my shoes. ", "I blink. ", "He’s gone.” ", "From Clown" ]
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[ "Got Questions?", "\n\nRequest Info Today\n\nFull Name:\n\nEmail:\n\nPhone:\n\nBy submitting this form, you consent to Regency Beauty Institute contacting you regarding our educational programs and services by telephone, text, prerecorded message and email including our use of automated technology to the numbers you provide. ", "This consent is not required to make a purchase; you can always call us at 800-787-6456.", "\n\nAbout the School\n\nCreate in a community driven by color, texture and art. ", "Learn the skills you need to show off your style point-of-view Regency’s Springfield, Missouri cosmetology school.", "\n\nPlus, only Regency offers the Studio Luma™ program. ", "It’s learning without lectures and a new way of teaching cosmetology that is as creative as you are.", "\n\nEnroll and experience the Studio Luma™ program at no risk with our Simply Start™ option. ", "Find out more.", "\n\nBeauty School Reinvented\n\nThe Studio Luma™ program is designed to teach in the way you learn best. ", "Engaging video. ", "Interactive study guides. ", "Self-paced tutorials. ", "Interactive questions instead of final exams. ", "And skilled teachers who don’t lecture, but are free to focus on you. ", "Working together, hands-in-hair, guiding you on your path to a successful career in cosmetology.", "\n\nYour Life. ", "Balanced.", "\n\nLife is better in balance. ", "That’s why we designed a class schedule to fit your life. ", "You’ll also have time off around major holidays and four weeks of vacation throughout the year. ", "So you’ll return refreshed, recharged and ready to stay on track to graduation.", "\n\nSTAR Power\n\nLearn more than beauty skills through Regency’s exclusive STAR program® (Student Training and Rewards). ", "Learn to develop a business by building client relationships, recommending retail and maintaining a busy schedule. ", "Business skills are important to turn your creativity into a rewarding career. ", "When you meet goals throughout the program, you can earn recognition like a STAR diploma.", "\n\nCampus Details\n\nRegency’s beauty school in Springfield is located in the Morris Corners Shopping Center on East Battlefield Road just east of the South Freemont Avenue. ", "It is accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences (NACCAS) and able to offer federal financial aid to those who qualify.", "\n\nClasses start monthly. ", "Full and part-time programs are available. ", "Contact us today to get started!", "\n\nGot Questions?", "\n\nRequest Info Today\n\nFull Name:\n\nEmail:\n\nPhone:\n\nBy submitting this form, you consent to Regency Beauty Institute contacting you regarding our educational programs and services by telephone, text, prerecorded message and email including our use of automated technology to the numbers you provide. ", "This consent is not required to make a purchase; you can always call us at 800-787-6456." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Thursday, January 14, 2010\n\nI've healed, and I've tanked. ", "I tank less often than I heal these days, but that's just a factor of what role my guild needed me in when entering the expansion. ", "I love my tanks. ", "I know a good tank when I see one in a pug. ", "I also try my best to work with them to make their jobs easier, because there's more to healing than casting spells at health bars.", "\n\n1. ", "Stay behind the tank.", "If you are unfamiliar with the instance and might aggro something, stay behind the tank rather than running ahead. ", "I think Ram wanted to kill me after I bounced ahead up the road in my first PoS run and was suddenly in combat with mobs that I thought would've had a longer aggro range; don't run ahead of the tank unless you're absolutely sure of what you're doing. ", "If you do aggro a new pack of mobs, that's your own fault. ", "As a note for pugs, be wary of DPS that look like your party's tank as they might run ahead, aggro a pack, and then dump aggro on you as you start healing.", "\n\n2. ", "If you have aggro on a melee mob, run to the tank.", "Don't run away from the tank. ", "They are, for the most part, melee characters with a limited range on their taunts, and they're working at the same time to maintain aggro on the dps targets. ", "Do your best to avoid cleaves or breath attacks from other mobs when doing so.", "\n\n3. ", "If you have aggro on a caster mob, try to LoS it to the tank.", "LoS (Line of Sight) is your friend; use it to hide from caster mobs that are trying to shove fire balls up your robe. ", "Preferably have the LoS bring the caster past or near the tank, so that they can more easily pick it up as it runs.", "\n\n4. ", "If the tank is using LoS to pull, you need to LoS, too.", "Stand with or slightly behind the tank. ", "Any heals (hots) that occur while the mobs are running over will establish aggro on yourself before the tank has had a chance to hit most or all of the mobs, so you need to be proactive in helping to bring those mobs to the tank via LoS.\n\n5. ", "Don't stand in cleaves or fire novas or breaths or similar tank-only effects.", "That's not aggro. ", "That's standing in bad stuff. ", "Don't do it. ", "Reposition yourself so that you are not in the cleave/breath/whatever. ", "If your tank is going crazy and dragging stuff all over the place having it cleave or breath on the dps, then smack them upside the head. ", "If you are moving yourself and jumping into the cleaves, that's your own fault.", "\n\n6. ", "Remind them to hold up if you really need to drink before a pull.", "Something as simple as \"OoM\" or \"Mana\" in party chat should be enough to halt a tank in their tracks. ", "If there is lots of party-chat discussion, you may need to add emphasis to make sure it's not lost in the scroll of chatter.", "\n\n7. ", "You will have aggro on anything the tank hasn't been able to touch.", "Healing aggro is not a problem on mobs that a tank is able to work on (melee range), but during an initial pull of mobs, you will very likely get aggro on something. ", "The \"initial aggro\" generated by the player who initiates combat with mobs is not very much, and healing will overtake that threat quickly. ", "This includes situations as, listed above, need to be LoS-pulled. ", "This also includes mobs that some dps happened to get too close to, and the tank may not be aware that they've been aggroed. ", "Run any aggro to your tank, or position yourself so that they will cross the tank as they are running to you; if your tank is at all attentive, they will rescue you.", "\n\n8. (", "Druids:) Innervate your Prot Pally.", "If they're OoM (or near to it) and your mana is fine, innervating a prot pally tank is a great way to reduce downtime during chain-pulls or, if extra stuff is pulled before they can drink, to make sure they can hold aggro against everything. ", "An OoM pally-tank can't keep aggro against high dps, and your innervate will overflow their mana pool!", "\n\n9. ", "If you had a great tank, thank them.", "Sometimes I get thanked as a healer for what I thought was a light job. ", "I smile and say, \"My job was easy... x was a good tank\" (or something to that effect). ", "Sometimes I have an insane job, and I get thanked, and I know that the tank should be thanked, too: such as when I ran a heroic HoL with a prot pally who had 25k health, and we accidentally pulled the first boss (while charged) and an entire pack of trash at the same time. ", "The tank was very low in gear level, but he picked it all up before it could kill me and used his cooldowns to stay alive while I poured heals on him and the group. ", "I knew it wasn't all me: that tank was a great tank in spite of his gear, and our dps was wise enough to let him build aggro. ", "It was the best pug group I've ever been in, and we had no deaths through the whole run. ", "I made sure that tank knew I appreciated it, too. ", "Tanks don't get thanked enough.", "\n\n10. ", "Communicate with your Tank.", "Tielyn commented with this great addition.", "\"Communicate with your tank. ", "Warn them if your gear is a little light. ", "Or tell them they can go all out. ", "There is nothing worse than landing in a random PuG with a tank that says, \"I'm a gonna chainpull, kk?\" ", "That is your one chance to speak up and tell 'em 'No, I don't think I can handle it.' ", "If you don't, it really IS your fault.", "\n\nIf they insist on pulling when there's no LOS to you, however, it's probably their fault.", "\n\nConversely, when I tank, I look at my healer. ", "And I ask him or her, 'I see you've got 22K mana and what looks like mostly T9 gear. ", "We good to speedrun this puppy?'\"", "\n\n10 comments:\n\n#9 is especially true. ", "I've gotten thanked as a healer in random PuGs, but my pally (who is an amazing, amazing tank) has never gotten random praise. ", "Give your tank a big hug the next time you have a good one!", "\n\n\"8. (", "Druids:) Innervate your Prot Pally.", "If they're OoM (or near to it) and your mana is fine, innervating a prot pally tank is a great way to reduce downtime during chain-pulls or, if extra stuff is pulled before they can drink, to make sure they can hold aggro against everything. ", "An OoM pally-tank can't keep aggro against high dps, and your innervate will overflow their mana pool!\"", "\n\nBless you Kae. ", "Bless you for thinking of us pallies who may be over geared for the instance and often OOM\n\n@ Alyae: If you're overgeared, take off your pants and give the healer a heart attack! ", "It's fun that way.", "\n\nBut yes, If you can tell you won't need it for the next couple minutes, Innervate that Paladin!", "\n\n@anonymous: In HoR I stay hidden because of #7. ", "You will have aggro on anything the tank hasn't touched. ", "If you're out in the open, those casters will destroy you and the tank may never see them. ", "If you hide, they run in and the tank can grab them before they are able to hit you.", "\n\n@Maerdred -> Yes yes! ", "Us tanks have the pants-less tanking society. ", "I have considered it many times, but then... in straight pugs I'm usually top or second on DPS and without my pants on i do less damage, and then we're in there for longer!", "\n\nI've run both sides of the house, being what I jokingly term a 'restoferian druid'. ", "Most of the time, I'm a tree, but this weekend, I'll probably be tanking our ICC/25 with the plated folk.", "\n\nI've done a lot of tanking and a lot of healing, and there's nothing like watching a tank who knows their stuff dance, and there's something pretty danged heroic about a healer that balances a mana pool, five to twenty-five health bars, and stays alive despite fire raining down from every direction -- it is the healer that proves you wrong when you've got a dozen plus mobs on you and you think, 'I'm so dead.'", "\n\nOne of the things that the DPS don't always get is that we are the alpha and omega that keep them going. ", "Since my third 80 is a hunter, I'm amazed when I see tanks that actually leave my frost traps up, especially when I'm using them to keep mobs off of a healer. ", "Those are the tanks I award major in-party style points.", "\n\nThe tank that left all the adds on me, the healer, while he was on the boss (and just the boss) at the end of HoS? ", "Not so much. ", "His response for leaving them on me: 'Oh, I figured you would heal through it. ", "I can do it on my paladin, or at worst, bubble out of it.'", "\n\nYeeeeah.", "\n\nAnyway. ", "I digressed into Kansas somewhere. ", "A few things I'd like to add to your list, if I may be so bold:\n\n* Communicate with your tank. ", "Warn them if your gear is a little light. ", "Or tell them they can go all out. ", "There is nothing worse than landing in a random PuG with a tank that says, \"I'm a gonna chainpull, kk?\" ", "That is your one chance to speak up and tell 'em 'No, I don't think I can handle it.' ", "If you don't, it really IS your fault.", "\n\nIf they insist on pulling when there's no LOS to you, however, it's probably their fault.", "\n\nConversely, when I tank, I look at my healer. ", "And I ask him or her, 'I see you've got 22K mana and what looks like mostly T9 gear. ", "We good to speedrun this puppy?'", "\n\nAnd I always stop pulling if I see the healer is below 50% mana. ", "I tell the group this. \"", "Holding up for mana.\"", "\n\n* Keep a regen set around. ", "You may think that +Spellpower is the end all, but until you can reliably stay in the blue for an entire boss fight, consider trying to gem/enchant/gear for enough mana regen to stay constantly healing (for druids, enough to get to your next Innervate) and slowly swap out pieces to upgrade +spellpower while keeping that mana regen level constant.", "\n\nAn OOM healer does zero healing. ", "The 'best' geared healers I know who do 25-man raids have a contest in daily five mans where the tank tries to dent their mana pool by pulling as much as the instance as possible.", "\n\n* Don't overheal.", "A lot of raid guilds 'rely' on the healing meters, thinking they're as good as the damage/DPS meters for establishing raider quality. ", "While it's an -indication-, it is by no means the sole way to determine healer skillsets.", "\n\nI'm our heal lead-- I look for the following things, in order:1) Effectiveness. ", "2) Efficiency. ", "3) Only then do I look at how much they healed for.", "\n\n* Raid healing is not the doghouse. ", "It doesn't mean you're not worthy of healing a tank. ", "It just means that you're entrusted with keeping the 22 other people up.", "\n\nTo add to the Overhealing discussion, I did want to clarify for others that with druid HoTs, overhealing is a given. ", "Don't hurt your actual healing in an effort to avoid overheals with HoTs. ", "Overhealing awareness is more of a concern with direct-heal spells like HT, Swiftmend, Regrowth, and Nourish: use the right-size spell for the job (around considerations of mana/HoT for regrowth). ", "A NS+HT is overkill and a waste of mana if you only need to heal about 7k!" ]
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[ "No-touch isolation technique reduces intraoperative shedding of tumor cells into the portal vein during resection of colorectal cancer.", "\nThe mutant-allele-specific amplification (MASA) method is capable of detecting 1 genetically altered tumor cell among thousands of normal cells. ", "The MASA enabled us to detect occult tumor cells undetectable by histopathologic examination of lymph nodes and blood samples. ", "To investigate whether tumor manipulation during operation enhances cancer cell dissemination into the portal vein with use of MASA and to assess the effect of the no-touch isolation technique in the treatment of colorectal cancers, 27 colorectal cancers (17 were operated on conventionally and 10 were operated on according to the no-touch isolation technique) were screened for mutations in K-ras or p53. ", "We next examined blood samples of the portal vein collected before, during, and after manipulation of tumors, using MASA to look for the specific mutation found in the primary tumors. ", "Somatic mutations were identified in 18 of these primary tumors (11 were in the conventional resection technique group and 7 were in the no-touch isolation technique group). ", "In 8 of 11 (73%) conventional resection technique cases, we identified the same genetic alteration of the primary tumor in the portal blood during operation, whereas only 1 patient (14%) in the no-touch isolation technique group had a positive result. ", "The no-touch isolation technique may be useful to prevent cancer cells from being shed into the portal vein during surgical manipulation." ]
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[ 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0.007874015748031496, 0.002457002457002457, 0.005434782608695652, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Snubnosed revolver\n\nA snubnosed revolver (colloquially known as a snubbie, belly gun or bulldog revolver) is any small, medium or large frame revolver with a short barrel, generally 3 inches or less in length. ", "Smaller revolvers are often made with \"bobbed\" or \"shrouded\" hammers, and there are even \"hammerless\" models, all allowing the gun to be drawn quickly with little risk of it snagging on clothing. ", "The shrouded and hammerless models may even be fired through a coat or jacket pocket. ", "The design of these revolvers sacrifices power and range for maneuverability and concealment.", "\n\nSnubnosed revolvers were extremely popular in the United States until the 1950s and 60s, when most states passed laws limiting or prohibiting the carry of concealed weapons. ", "However, the passage of \"shall issue\" firearms license laws in the mid-1990s, creating new markets for small, simple, reliable, concealed carry firearms, and resulted in a resurgence in the popularity of snubnosed revolvers in the United States,\n\nThe increased demand for snubnosed revolvers has been met with the introduction of numerous new models from Smith & Wesson, Colt, Ruger, Taurus, and other manufactures. ", "While most were made of traditional carbon steel, stainless steel, and lightweight aluminum alloys that had been in use for decades, some of the newer models used high-strength, lightweight metal alloys such as titanium and scandium. ", "More recently even polymer frames have been used.", "\n\nMost manufactures now produce snubnosed revolvers larger calibers than before, such as .357 Magnum and .44 Magnum. ", "Some companies even make .454 Casull, .480 Ruger, .460 S&W Magnum, .500 S&W Magnum and .410 gauge snubnosed revolvers. ", "There are also snubnosed revolvers chambered for semi-auto pistol cartridges such as 9×19mm Parabellum, .40 S&W and .45 ACP, and loaded via moon-clips.", "\n\nHistory\n\nThe first snubnosed revolvers were the 6 shot, 3\" barreled Colt Single Action Army revolvers made without ejector rods, officially called the \"Sheriff's Model,\" and the \"Storekeeper's Model\", also unofficially known as the \"Banker's Special.\" ", "The 4¾\" barrel models were known as the \"Gunfighter\" model. ", "The 5½\" barrel models were called the \"Artillery,\" and the \"Cattleman\" or \"Cowboy\" models. ", "And, 7½\" barrel models were called the \"Army\", the \"Cavalry\" and the \"Standard\" models.", "\n\nThe British Bull Dog was a popular type of 5-shot, solid-frame, double action, pocket revolver introduced by Philip Webley & Son of Birmingham, England, in 1872, and subsequently copied by gunmakers in continental Europe and the United States. ", "It featured a 2.5\" barrel and was chambered for .442 Webley or .450 Adams cartridges. ", "Webley produced smaller scaled .320 Revolver and .380 calibre versions later, but did not mark them with the British Bull Dog name. ", "The term \"bulldog revolver\" would go on to become synonymous with large caliber \"snubnosed revolvers.\"", "\n\nThe Colt M1877 Double Action Revolver is a 6-shot, double-action revolver manufactured by Colt from January 1877 to 1909 for a total of 166,849 revolvers. ", " The Model 1877 was offered in three calibers, which lent them three unofficial names: the .38 Long Colt \"Lightning\", the .41 Colt \"Thunderer\", and the .32 Colt \"Rainmaker\". ", "The M1877 was the first successful US-made double-action cartridge revolver. ", "The M1877 was offered from the factory in two basic finishes: nickel-plated or a case-hardened frame with a blue barrel and cylinder. ", "The revolver was available in 2.5\" and 3.5\" barrel length and was available with or without the ejector rod and housing. ", "The shorter barreled versions without the ejector rod were marketed as \"Shopkeeper's Special\".", "\n\nThe Smith & Wesson Safety Hammerless models were produced from 1887 to just before World War II. ", "It is a small, concealable, 5-shot, double-action revolver chambered in either .32 S&W or .38 S&W. They were most often produced with 2\", 3\" and 3.5\" barrels. ", "These top-break revolvers were designed for fast reloading and concealed carry as the hammer was internal and would not snag on drawing the revolver from a pocket. ", "They also had a grip safety. ", "They were known as \"The New Departure\" to reflect the company's new approach to designing revolvers. ", "The design of these revolvers sacrifices power and range for maneuverability and concealment. ", "Similar \"hammerless\" designs were manufacturers such as Iver Johnson and Harrington & Richardson and proved popular for concealed carry.", "\n\nThe FitzGerald Special, \"Fitz Special\", or \"Fitz Colt\" is a snubnosed revolver concept that was pioneered by John Henry Fitzgerald (AKA: \"Fitz\"), an employee of Colt Firearms from 1918 to 1944. ", "Fitz Special revolvers are made by shortening the barrel to two inches, shortening the ejector rod, bobbing the hammer spur, removing the front half of the trigger guard, and rounding the butt. ", "Reshaping the hammer and the butt allows the gun to be drawn quickly with little risk of the weapon snagging on clothing. ", "The halved trigger guard facilitates quick trigger acquisition, even for shooters with large fingers or gloves.", "\n Fitzgerald first came up with his concept sometime around the mid 1920s when he modified a .38 Special Colt Police Positive Special revolver, whose shortest available barrel length at the time was four inches. ", "He later modified two .45 caliber Colt New Service revolvers in the same manner. ", "and was known to carry the pair in his front pockets. ", "The FitzGerald Special was the precursor to the modern snubnosed revolver and specifically the prototype for the Colt Detective Special.", "\n\nThe Colt Detective Special is a carbon steel framed double-action, snubnosed, six-shot revolver. ", "As the name \"Detective Special\" suggests, this model revolver was used as a concealed weapon by plainclothes police detectives. ", "It was made with either a 2\" or 3\" barrels. ", "Introduced in 1927, the Detective Special was the first snubnosed revolvers produced with a modern swing-out frame. ", "It was designed from the outset to be chambered for higher-powered cartridges such as the .38 Special, considered to be a powerful caliber for a concealable pocket revolver of the day.", "\n\nThe Smith & Wesson Model 10 or Military & Police, is a revolver of worldwide popularity. ", "In production since 1899, it is a medium-sized, 6-shot, .38 Special, double-action revolver with fixed sights. ", "Over its long production run it has been available with barrel lengths of 4\", 5\" and 6\". ", "With the first snubnosed models with barrel lengths of 2\", 2.5\" and 3\" being made in 1936. ", "Over 6,000,000 Model 10s have been produced over the years, making it the most popular handgun of the 20th century.", "\n\nThe Smith & Wesson Model 36 was designed in the era just after World War II, when Smith & Wesson stopped producing war materials and resumed normal production. ", "For the Model 36, they designed a small concealable, 5-shot, double-action revolver with a 2\" barrel, that could fire the more powerful .38 Special cartridge. ", "Since the older \"Safety Hammerless\" (I-frame) was not able to handle this load, a new frame was designed, which became the J-frame.", "\n\nThe new design was introduced at the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) convention in 1950, and was favorably received. ", "A vote was held to name the new revolver, and the name \"Chiefs Special\" won. ", "A 3\" barreled version design went into production immediately, due to high demand. ", "It was available in either a blued or nickel-plated finish. ", "It was produced as the \"Chiefs Special\" until 1957, when it then became the Model 36. ", "In 1951, Smith & Wesson introduced the Airweight Model 37, which was basically the Model 36 design with an aluminum frame and cylinder. ", "The aluminum cylinders proved to be problematic and were abandoned in favor of a steel cylinder. ", "Smith & Wesson would also introduce the J-frame Smith & Wesson Centennial (hammerless) models and Smith & Wesson Bodyguard (shrouded hammer) models. ", "In the 1990s, S&W introduced 9mm Parabellum and .357 Magnum models. ", "They would also introduce new models using high-strength, lightweight metal alloys such as titanium and scandium.", "\n\nThe Colt Cobra is a lightweight, 21 oz aluminum-framed, 6-shot, double-action revolver most commonly produced with a 2\" barrel, not to be confused with the Colt King Cobra. ", "The Cobra is chambered for .38 Special, .38 S&W, .32 S&W Long, and .22 LR. ", "It was sold by Colt from 1950 until 1981. ", "In December 2016, it was announced that Colt would be producing a new run of the Colt Cobra with a steel frame and a fiber optic front sight. ", "This model was released in early 2017.", "\n\nThe Smith & Wesson Model 12 is an aluminium alloy-frame version of the Model 10. ", "It weighs 19 oz (524 g) unloaded. ", "A 6-shot, .38 Special revolver it was made from 1953 to 1986 in both 2\" and 4\" barrel configurations. ", "The Model 12 was Smith & Wessons answer to the Colt Cobra. ", "Early models used an aluminum cylinder as well as frame. [", "The Colt version was the Colt M13 Aircrewman 1951-1957.] ", " \n\nIntroduced in the early 1970s, the Model 15-2 became the best known and the best selling Dan Wesson Firearms revolver model to go into production. ", "This 6-shot, .357 Magnum revolver uses a unique interchangeable barrel system, including a 2.5\" snubnose barrel along with 4\", 6\", 8\", 10\", 12\", and 15\", partial or fully lugged shrouds with choices of solid or ventilated ribs, plus removable and interchangeable front sights. ", "The Model 15-2 could be ordered as \"Pistol Pacs\" with 4 (or more) barrel/shroud sets shipped inside a fiberglass briefcase with barrel changing tool and clearance gauges; however, most pistols were sold with only one barrel, with the buyers able to purchase other barrels later. ", "All barrels and shrouds within a model series are compatible, thus a Model 15-2 frame from the 1970s may be equipped with a barrel from the 1990s and shroud made in 2016. ", "The 15-2 increased sales markedly over the earlier models, and were often seen in use with both target shooters and hunters. ", "The Model 44 are large frame models in .44 Magnum with interchangeable barrels, including a 2.5\" snubnose barrel.", "\n\nIntroduced in 1973, the Charter Arms Bulldog is a relatively inexpensive yet serviceable, no-frills, 5-shot, .44 Special or .45 Colt snubnosed revolver. ", "It was a top-selling gun during the 1980s and it's considered the companys' trademark weapon. ", "The Bulldog comes in multiple barrel lengths including 2.2\", 2.5\" and 3\". ", "It has no sharp edges to contend with when carrying the weapon in a holster or a pocket. ", "The Bulldog is a solid-framed traditional double-action revolver, the cylinder is opened by pushing a release slide on the left of the gun, or in the original model by pulling the ejector rod. ", "It features a concave sight. ", "Its trigger pull, in both single and double-action modes, is quite light. ", "The Police Undercover model comes in .357 Magnum, while the Pittbull models come in .45 ACP, .40 S&W, and 9×19mm Luger. ", "Charter Arms also makes a variety of smaller frame .38 Special snubnosed models known as the Undercover made in standard, bobbed, shrouded and hammerless models. ", "Charter also produces the Mag Pug in .357 Magnum and .41 Remington Magnum.", "\n\nThe Taurus Model 85 is a small-frame, 5-shot, double-action revolver manufactured by the Brazilian firearm company Taurus International. ", "Introduce in the 1980s, in the United States the guns are marketed for concealed carry and personal protection. ", " The Model 85 is available with either 2\" or 3\" barrels, is capable of firing +P rated .38 Special rounds. ", "The Model 85 is available in several configurations. ", "These include blued steel, stainless steel, polymer frame, and \"Ultra-Lite\" variants constructed of aluminum and titanium, with steel lock-work components.", "\n\nMuch like Smith & Wesson revolvers, Model 85s can come equipped with exposed, bobbed, shrouded and hammerless models. ", "However, there are a number of significant internal differences between the Taurus 85 and similar Smith & Wesson revolvers. ", "Because of these differences, Taurus has been able to keep costs relatively low. ", "However, those same differences can make customization of the Model 85 more expensive. ", "Taurus also makes a more powerful versions such as the Model 605 in .357 Magnum and the 9mm Parabellum Model 905.", "\n\nIn 1989, Smith & Wesson began to make a series of snubnosed models of the S&W Model 29, a large frame, six-shot, double-action revolver chambered for the .44 Magnum cartridge. ", "The Backpacker with a 2.5\" barrel, and the Mountain Gun and the Trail Boss had 3\" barrels. ", "These guns were designed to be \"carried often and shot little\".", "\n\nThe Ruger SP101 is a series of small-frame, double-action revolvers introduced in 1989 by the American company Sturm, Ruger as the smaller-frame counterpart to the GP100.. The SP101 is an all-steel-construction revolver with a spurred or spurless (double-action only) hammer. ", "The SP-101 has barrel lengths of 2\" and 3\". ", "The .38 Special, .357 Magnum, and 9×19mm Parabellum models hold 5-shots, while the .327 Federal Magnum and .32 H&R Magnum models hold 6-shots, and .22 LR model holds 8-shots.", "\n\nThe Smith & Wesson Model 500 Emergency Survival is a large frame, 5-shot, 2.75\" barrel, .500 S&W Magnum, double action revolver with blaze orange Hogue grips. ", "The Model 500 was built on the entirely new X-Frame, which was developed exclusively to handle the immense muzzle velocity and pressures generated by firing of the .500 Magnum cartridge. ", "It is among the most powerful revolvers in the world since its original release in 2003, and is marketed as \"the world's most powerful handgun\" by the manufacturer. ", "The Smith & Wesson Model 460 Emergency Survival is essentially the same gun in .460 S&W Magnum. ", "It can also shoot .454 Casull and .45 Colt, and is easily identified by its neon yellow Hogue grips.", "\n\nIntroduced in 2005, the Ruger Alaskan is Ruger's first short-barreled, big-bore, six-shot, double-action revolver, intended for defense against large, dangerous animals. ", "The 2.5\" barrel on the Alaskan ends at the end of the frame, and the scope bases are omitted. ", " The interchangeable front sight is replaced with a pinned-in ramp sight, but the adjustable rear sight is retained. ", "The Alaskan is available in .44 Magnum, .454 Casull/.45 Colt, and .480 Ruger, with the .480 model originally a 6-shot, replaced in 2008 with a 5-shot model to aid in spent cartridge extraction. ", " All Alaskans feature a brushed stainless finish and a Hogue Tamer rubber finger groove grip, rather than the standard GP100 style. ", " The .454 and .480 versions have an unfluted cylinder while the .44 Magnum features a fluted cylinder.", "\n\nThe Ruger LCR is a small, 5-shot, double-action revolver with a 1.875\" barrel, built by Ruger and announced in January 2009. ", "LCR stands for 'Lightweight Compact Revolver'. ", "It incorporates several novel features such as a polymer grip and trigger housing, monolithic receiver, and constant force trigger. ", "At , the LCR is nearly 50% lighter than the stainless steel SP101 and only the barrel and fluted cylinder are made of stainless steel. ", "The frame is aluminum alloy and synthetic glass-filled polymer finished in matte black with Synergistic Hard Coat. ", "The LCR operates in double-action only (DAO) as the hammer is concealed within the frame handle's fire control housing and cannot be cocked prior to firing. ", "In order to create a lighter trigger pull, it features a friction reducing cam. ", "The LCR-357 chambered for .357 Magnum. ", "The Ruger LCR 22 an 8-shot .22 LR version. ", "There are also a 6-shot .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire and a .327 Federal Magnum version, as well as 5-shot a clip-fed 9mm Luger version.", "\n\nThe Taurus Judge is a 5-shot, snubnosed (3 inch barrel), revolver introduced in 2006, by Taurus International, chambered for .410 bore shot shells and the .45 Colt cartridge. ", "Taurus promotes the Judge as a self-defense tool against carjacking and for home protection.", "\n\nThe Smith & Wesson Governor is 6-shot, snubnosed (2.75 inch barrel), double-action revolver built on the Z-frame (a stretched N-frame) and utilizes a K-frame grip with a lightweight scandium alloy or stainless steel frame. ", "Introduced in 2011, and similar to the Taurus Judge, the Governor can also fire -inch .410 shotgun shells, .45 Colt, and .45 ACP (with the use of supplied moon clips due to the lack of a rim on the auto pistol cartridges).", "\n\nTrail guns\n\nAll of the traits that make snubnosed revolvers ideal for concealed carry also make them excellent trail guns. ", "So much so, that the .44 Magnum \"Smith and Wesson Trail Boss\" and \"Ruger Alaskan\" were specifically made for that purpose. ", "They are also capable of using a wide range .44 Special and .44 Magnum ammunition, including snake shot. ", "As a result, these large caliber snubnosed revolvers can provide effective defense from snakes, to wolves, to mountain lions, even large brown bears.", "\n\nSmall frame lightweight .38 Special and .357 Magnum revolvers are also ideally suited for hikers and backpackers. ", "Easily carried in a pocket, small holster or fanny-pack, snubnosed revolvers like the Smith & Wesson Model 340PD are ultra-light, 5 shot, .357 Magnums. ", "Constructed of lightweight, corrosion resistant alloys, its cylinder is made of titanium, its frame and its barrel are made of scandium (an enhanced aluminum alloy), and its barrel has a stainless steel barrel liner. ", "Unloaded it weighs only and when loaded it remains under . ", "While not as powerful as .44 Magnum, a .357 Magnum can easily kill coyotes and large feral dogs.", "\n\nThe Taurus Judge and the Smith & Wesson Governor are also high touted trail guns capable of firing .410 gauge shotgun shells and .45 Colt and for the Governor .45ACP ammo as well. ", "When loaded with Winchester Supreme Elite .410 shells packed with three 71 grain disks and twelve BB pellets, these trail guns can kill anything from snakes to wolves.", "\n\nLike most big caliber handguns the S&W Model 500 Emergency Survival revolver is suitable for sport, hunting and survival applications. ", "These high energy .500 S&W Magnum rounds can kill extremely large Brown bear, Polar bear and even the African Big Five. ", "The Model 500 can fire a bullet weighing 350 gr (22.7 g; 0.8 oz) at 1,975 feet per second (602 m/s) generating a muzzle energy of over . ", "Commercial loadings are available in bullet weights ranging from 275 gr to 700 gr. ", "The Model 500 can produce massive amounts of recoil and supreme stopping power, this cartridge is unrivaled in power in the handgun world. ", "The Model 500 is also capable of firing the shorter .500 S&W Special cartridge. ", "The Smith & Wesson Model 460 Emergency Survival is essentially the same gun in .460 S&W Magnum. ", "It can also shoot .454 Casull and .45 Colt.", "\n\nAccessories\n\n \nThere are a surprising range of aftermarket accessories available for the snubnosed revolvers, including grips, speedloaders and holsters. ", " There are also hammer shrouds and hammer shroud grips (Bianchi Lightning Grip) that convert standard exposed hammer revolvers to \"bodyguard\" models. ", "The Pocket-Safe Hammer Shroud is a pop-on plastic device that covers the hammer, keeping it from snagging on clothing, and pops-off when the trigger is pulled. ", "There are a wide range of lasers available with the Crimson Trace laser grips standing out among them. ", "The Barami Hip-Grip is a \"set of grips for revolvers with a paddle or wing added on the right-hand side. ", "The wing hooks onto your belt and keeps the snubbie where you put it.\"", "\n\nSee also\n Handgun\n Mini-revolver\n Pocket pistol\n Revolver\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n The Snubnose Files\n\nCategory:Police weapons\nCategory:Revolvers" ]
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[ "Zero Halliburton S1\n\nAt Phoronix we have posted a new article. ", "A link to this from your\nsite's news section would be greatly appreciated.", "\n\nTitle: Zero Halliburton S1 ( -at -) Phoronix\nDirect Link: http://www.phoronix.....php?view=17743Summary: \"If you are looking for a secure and nearly indestructible way\nto transport your laptop and other items, Zero Halliburton has a very\nviable option with their S1-SI Premium Slimline Attache.\"" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to classify an empirical distribution into a group\n\nHow can I check that an empirical distribution function belongs to a group of empirical distribution functions?", "\nImagine I have some customers who have been classified into some groups. ", "Each person has an empirical distribution for price of his previous purchases. ", "Each group therefore has a collection of empirical distributions. ", "If I have a new customer with a new empirical distribution of price of his purchases, how could I say how likely it is that this distribution is similar to each group?", "\n\nA:\n\nI made a new distribution for each group instead of collection of distribution for each group. ", "Then I normalized distribution in the way integral of distribution be 1. ", "so at the end I just calculate similarity of two distribution.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nDeleted Items not appearing in Trash folder. ", "Stuck in .TRASH-1000\n\nI have a three 3TB discs in a BTRFS RAID 1 configuration mounted at /mnt/btrfs on my machine.", "\nThere is a symlink at /btrfs.", "\nThere are a number of subvols within this,\n/archive\n/backups\n/games\n/home\n/music\n/photos\n/temp\n/videos\n/virtualmachines\n\n/home is mounted at /mnt/btrfs/home/\nWhen I delete an item from any folder in 'home' the items goes to the Recycle Bin correctly. ", "I can recover and empty easily.", "\nWhen I delete an item from any other subvol the object(s) go to .Trash-1000 within that subvol and this does not appear in my bin but has to be removed manually.", "\nI suspect this is a permissions problem but cannot see what that could be.", "\nCan anyone help with some suggestions for me? ", "\n\nA:\n\nIt is not a permissions problem. ", " This is a known bug which has been reported at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/1442649 (it affects more than just Nautilus).", "\nExcept for the home filesystem which is a special case (see here for full details), any trashed files are stored in a directory within the root directory of the filesystem they were deleted from, to avoid copying between filesystems.", "\nThe Trash folder is a virtual folder that should be a combination of those directories from every filesystem.", "\nA subvolume is a separate filesystem. ", "However, only mount points (e.g. those in /etc/mtab) are actually checked for trash directories. ", " A subvolume which is not mounted separately isn't searched.", "\nAs for workarounds, for a given subvolume SUBVOL, trying:\nln -s /mnt/btrfs/.Trash /mnt/btrfs/SUBVOL/.Trash\nln -s /mnt/btrfs/.Trash-1000 /mnt/btrfs/SUBVOL/.Trash-1000\n\nto store the trash on the parent volume does not work.", "\nBut the existence of both symlinks (or just empty files of the same name) prevents the creation of the trash directories, so preventing trashing on that subvolume.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0.003968253968253968, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009009009009009009, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nJquery z-index or focus/active bug\n\ni want input element to be Hidden be it's default, and work as same as it's working now.i want input element to be Hidden be it's default, and work as same as it's working now.i want input element to be Hidden be it's default, and work as same as it's working now.i want input element to be Hidden be it's default, and work as same as it's working now.i want input element to be Hidden be it's default, and work as same as it's working now.i want input element to be Hidden be it's default, and work as same as it's working now.i want input element to be Hidden be it's default, and work as same as it's working now.i want input element to be Hidden be it's default, and work as same as it's working now.i want input element to be Hidden be it's default, and work as same as it's working now.", "\n\n$(\"#Get\").click(function( e ) {\r\n e.stopPropagation();\r\n $(\".search-control\").toggle();\r\n});\r\n$(\".search-control\").on('click',function( e ){\r\n e.stopPropagation();\r\n});\r\n$(document).on('click', function( e ) {\r\n if( e.target.class !", "= 'search-control' ){\r\n $(\".search-control\").hide();\r\n } \r\n});\n#Get {\r\n position: absolute;\r\n background: #333333;\r\n width: 304px;\r\n height: 10%;\r\n left: 48px;\r\n color: lime;\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n}\r\n#Get:hover {\r\n background: #4c4c4c;\r\n}\r\n.search-control {\r\n position: absolute;\r\n background: #333333;\r\n width: 344px;\r\n height: 10%;\r\n left: 48px;\r\n bottom: 0px;\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n}\r\ninput#searchbar {\r\n position: absolute;\r\n background: #f3f3f3;\r\n width: 344px;\r\n height: 100%;\r\n border: none;\r\n font-size: 15px;\r\n bottom: 0px;\r\n padding: 10px;\r\n text-indent: 30px;\r\n font-family: \"Segoe UI\", sans-serif;\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n}\n<script src=\"https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js\"></script>\r\n<span id=\"Get\">\r\n <span class=\"c-icon\"></span>\r\n <p class=\"t-search\">Click here to search, i want to go in Front.</p>\r\n </span>\r\n <div class=\"search-control\">\r\n <span class=\"s-icon\"></span>\r\n <input type=\"search\" id=\"searchbar\" name=\"q\" placeholder=\"Type here to search\" value=\"I want to hided by default\">\r\n <span id=\"c-mic\"></span>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n<!-- ", "begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->\n\nA:\n\n#searchbar{\r\n display: none;\r\n }\n <div class=\"search-control\">\r\n <span class=\"s-icon\"></span>\r\n <input type=\"search\" id=\"searchbar\" name=\"q\" placeholder=\"Type here to search\" value=\"I want to hided by default\">\r\n <span id=\"c-mic\"></span>\r\n </div>\n\n" ]
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[ "The effects of halothane and isoflurane on the phosphoenergetic state of the liver during hemorrhagic shock in rats: an in vivo 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic study.", "\nWe studied the effects of halothane versus isoflurane on the phosphoenergetic state and intracellular pH (pHi) of the rat liver using in vivo 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy during and after hemorrhagic shock. ", "Seventeen rats were anesthetized with 1 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration of halothane or isoflurane. ", "The mean arterial blood pressure was reduced to 40 mm Hg and maintained at this level for 45 min by withdrawing blood from the common carotid artery. ", "The shed blood was then returned slowly. ", "In vivo 31P NMR spectra were consecutively collected throughout the study. ", "The phosphoenergetic state of the liver was evaluated from the changes in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and inorganic phosphate (P(i)) levels. ", "pHi was calculated from the chemical shifts of P(i) and alpha-ATP peaks. ", "During hemorrhagic shock, beta-ATP decreased to 35% and 45%, and P(i) increased to 300% and 230% of their initial values in the halothane and isoflurane groups, respectively. ", "Intracellular acidosis was more severe in the halothane group. ", "The recoveries of beta-ATP and P(i) were better in the isoflurane group. ", "Halothane showed a more detrimental effect than isoflurane on the hepatic phosphoenergetic level during and after hemorrhagic shock." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "Buy the EP, 12 inch, 2 track download and Exclusive Peter Saville signed artwork print at a special price.", "\n\nSkinny Dog Records are proud to announce the release of ‘St Anthony: An ode to Anthony H. Wilson’, a touching tribute to Factory Records legend Tony Wilson. ", "The single is released on the 14th of August 2015 and features artwork by the great Peter Saville and a remix by Andrew Weatherall.", "\n\nThe poem was written by Mancunian poet and lifelong Wilson fan Mike Garry who took it to music composer Joe Duddell (New Order, Elbow). ", "On the first read, Duddell immediately heard elements of New Order’s ‘Your Silent Face’, completely unrealised by Garry, and decided to base the music on that song. ‘", "St. Anthony: An Ode To Anthony H Wilson’ was born." ]
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[ 0.018867924528301886, 0.018867924528301886, 0.015267175572519083, 0.028985507246376812, 0.018072289156626505, 0.02 ]
[ "Halifax Regional Police have arrested a man in connection with an incident that occurred during the CTV News at Six last month.", "\n\nCTV Atlantic was on location at a Halifax pub to report about the World Junior Hockey Championship on Dec. 29.", "\n\nA female reporter was reporting live from the pub when a man walked into the shot and allegedly uttered a statement many people found offensive.", "\n\nPolice have charged 25-year-old Nash John Gracie with one count each of public mischief and causing a disturbance.", "\n\n“We applaud Halifax Regional Police for pursuing this matter,” said Bell Media spokesperson Matthew Garrow in a statement. “", "The harassment experienced by Heather Butts and other reporters is completely unacceptable.”", "\n\nGracie is due to appear in court on March 1.", "\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "The North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, will visit Russia in late April for his first meeting with Vladimir Putin, Moscow has said.", "\n\n“Following an invitation from Vladimir Putin ... Kim Jong-un will visit Russia in the second half of April,” said the Kremlin in a statement on its website on Thursday.", "\n\nThe announcement comes after North Korea said it had tested a new tactical weapon with a “powerful warhead”, as denuclearisation talks with Washington appear to have stalled.", "\n\nThe Kremlin did not provide details of the exact date or location of the meeting but Russian, South Korean and Japanese media said it would be in Russia’s far east.", "\n\nPutin has long expressed his readiness to meet the North Korean leader.", "\n\nPutin’s press spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said that Fiona Hill, an adviser to Donald Trump, had been in Moscow for talks with her Russian counterpart, Yuri Ushakov.", "\n\nTrump’s North Korea envoy, Stephen Biegun, was also in Moscow, the state department said.", "\n\nA Pyongyang official, meanwhile, was seen inspecting a train station in the far eastern city of Vladivostok, near Russia’s border with North Korea, Russian state media reported.", "\n\nRussia has relatively warm ties with the reclusive regime and provides some food aid.", "\n\nThe last summit between a Russian and North Korean head of state came in 2011 when Kim’s father, Kim Jong-il, travelled to Siberia to meet Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s then president.", "\n\nKim Jong-il, who died shortly after the visit, told Medvedev his state was prepared to renounce nuclear testing." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nService undefine Cannot read property 'saveFormJson' of undefined in Angular 7\n\nHere buttons are dynamic and i have inject service in constructor and also bind as provider then also when i debug it service got undefined and show error like cannot read property \"saveFormJson\".", "\nHere i mention code so in this component file i have one action button and when click event trigger i want to use that service which is i got null.", "\ncomponent.ts \nimport { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { config, defaultOptions, defaultI18n } from './config';\nimport { FormBuilderCreateor } from './form-builder';\nimport I18N from './mi18n';\nimport { routerTransition } from '../../router.animations';\nimport {DataService} from '../formsList/services/data.service';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-formBuilder',\n templateUrl: './formBuilder.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./formBuilder.component.scss' ],\n animations: [routerTransition()],\n providers: [DataService]\n\n})\n\nexport class FormBuilderComponent implements OnInit {\n public myService: any;\n constructor(private dataService: DataService){}\n\n formBuilder: any;\n ngOnInit(): void {\n initJq();\n var actionButtons = [\n {\n id: \"smile\",\n className: \"btn btn-success\",\n label: \"\",\n type: \"button\",\n events: {\n click: function () {\n this.dataService.saveFormJson(\"[{}]\");\n }\n }\n }\n ];\n this.formBuilder = (<any>jQuery('.build-wrap')).formBuilder({ actionButtons: actionButtons});\n console.log(this.formBuilder);\n }\n}\n\nHere i mention service\nimport { Injectable } from '@angular/core';\nimport { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';\nimport { FormTemplate } from '../models/formTemplate';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { ToastrService } from 'ngx-toastr';\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class DataService {\n private readonly API_URL = 'http://localhost:61831/api/FormTemplates/';\n\n constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient,\n private toasterService: ToastrService) { }\n\nsaveFormJson(formJson: JSON): void {\n this.httpClient.post(this.", "API_URL +\"/SaveFormJson \",formJson).subscribe(data => {\n this.toasterService.success('Form Builder Successfully created', \"Form Builder\");\n },\n (err: HttpErrorResponse) => {\n this.toasterService.error('Error occurred. ", "Details: ' + err.name + ' ' + err.message);\n });\n }\n}\n\nHere i mention module.ts file\nimport { NgModule } from '@angular/core';\nimport { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';\nimport { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { FormBuilderRoutingModule } from './formBuilder-routing.module';\nimport { FormBuilderComponent } from './formBuilder.component';\nimport { PageHeaderModule } from '../../shared';\nimport { DataService } from '../formsList/services/data.service';\n\n@NgModule({\n imports: [CommonModule, FormBuilderRoutingModule, PageHeaderModule, HttpClientModule ],\n declarations: [FormBuilderComponent],\n providers: [DataService]\n})\nexport class FormBuilderModule {}\n\nSo please guide me to proper way to use service in component file .", "\nThank you\n\nA:\n\nProblem lies here. ", "Please use => because this arrow functions don't have its own this and its points to the class this.", "\nIf you use function then it have its own this and it can't access class this\nevents: {\n click: () => { // change to arrow function\n this.dataService.saveFormJson(\"[{}]\");\n }\n}\n\n" ]
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